Is the current situation in physics stranger than we think? This was the title of a brief essay written in 1975 -- scoffed at by every authority who received a copy -- which advocated a whole hierarchy of Russellian (set theory) types in the closed-to-openness spectrum of systems established during the partitioning observation-operations performed by a participatory observer engaged in acts of quantum measurement. As the action which partitions modular spacetime is quantized, we should expect to find a different kind of particle for each kind of partitioning observation-operation. But the single-valued, localized event (particle) can only be an as-if-occasion (a basic unit of a virtual material reality: Maya) of purely wave-interactive, fundamental, unpartitioned, nonlocalized, objective, multivalued, holographic action. What indication do we have of the virtual nature of the non-holographic “objective world” of everyday Positivism and the scientific institutional pragmatist? What evidence do we have of the omni-interaction of each subsystem-system-supersystem and each (set theory) type in the closed-to-openness spectrum? Divergent series! Each time we renormalize an equation, each time we adopt a truncation procedure in order to “solve” an equation set, we conceal from ourselves the collapse of a measure, which is the indication of information transfer through the closed-to-openness spectrum. The collapse of a measure is the sign of a new partitioning imposed by the observation-operations of action in quantum measurement, the means by which Maya is consensually simulated by subclinical autogenic brain discharges. In order to truly comprehend the act of quantum measurement, it is necessary to understand that spontaneous localization takes place in the electrochemistry of the cerebral cortex as spontaneous autogenic discharge decomposing the multi-valued frequency domain into single-valued information arrayed on the multiple cortical sheets first mapped by Szentagothai. What we consensuate as single-valued reality is simulacra! The information cascading from one subsystem-system-supersystem partitioning type to another is the as-if decomposed complement of nonlocal exchange-forces. As the given measure collapses and the singularities are formed, the exchange occurs as an information discharge. Collapse is essential to efficient information transfer through the infinite closed-to-openness hierarchy of superposed types composing this one and only universe. The notion of multiple universes on the other side of this universe is an attempt to keep the “scary thing” as far away as possible. Out, out, damn spot! By virtue of multivaluedness, every system is simultaneously closed, open, and self-reentrant, such that information exchange (be it through radiational processes or by whatever means) is merely another way of representing to ourselves non-simple identity in the closed-to-openness spectrum. Since we have insisted on beginning by defining any system under consideration as being an absolutely distinct self-identical entity, we can only represent to ourselves the multiple identity states of this system as information exchanges -- when, actually, those information exchanges are already fully mapped by the multiple values of the quantum wave-function. The notion of information propagation through a spacetime continuum is simply a Newtonian way (Maya) of understanding instantaneous identity transparency.

One of the primary distinctions between Newtonian and post-Newtonian physics is that the variables in Newton’s laws of motion are single-valued, whereas the quantum wave-function (connected to the Hamiltonian operator of the quantum wave equation, which replaced Newton’s laws of motion) is multivalued. In a single-valued function, for every given value of x there is a unique single value for y . Multivalued functions, however, specify many values of y for every given value of x . To simplify for clarity, in the quantum wave-function, if x is a temporal variable and y a spatial variable, at any given time, x , the entity being represented will appear to be located in many different positions, y . The entity being represented has multiple identity (in the superposed virtual partitionings of this one and only universe), which a Newtonian-habituated observer, accustomed to representing to himself multiple identity as information propagation through a spacetime continuum, sees as many different positions, y . From the common sense, everyday point of view of the Newtonian-habituated observer, the very idea that any clearly self-identical entity (which is to this type of observer the only sort of entities there are) can simultaneously be in many different positions, y , is nonsensical. How can one be in New York, Paris, London, and Saigon at the same time? In order to avoid this apparent violation of common sense, which the multiple values for y suggested, in 1926, Max Born proposed that these values be understood as probability amplitudes: that is, as indications of the likelihood, only, that the entity could be found in the designated locations. This probability interpretation became the standard approach to dealing with the question of quantum nonlocality, and, henceforth, data was institutionally selected and experiments institutionally designed to verify it, despite a small stream of expostulating Dopplegänger detractors, including Schrödinger himself.