If God speaks coherently in cosmogenesis, in decomposition to ponderable spacetime from the multivalued reference space, that is, then the first sentence spoken in cosmogenesis must elucidate the topological operations of the temporal curl. Stan Tenen has done more than anyone else to decipher the topology of the first sentence of Genesis, as given in Hebrew (described in the videotape Geometric Metaphors of Life available from the Meru Foundation (see: www.meetingtent.com ). During the period of World War One, Sir John Woodroffe made a similar attempt at deciphering first sentences of cosmogenesis, as given in Sanskrit (See THE GARLAND OF LETTERS, Ganesh & Company, 1969, first published in 1922 as a series of lectures given over the previous five years). Tenen’s account is, of course, far more provocative, in that he actually derives specific topological forms representing the spatial effects of transformation under operator-time. Naom Chomsky hypothesized that a universal grammar is encoded by DNA. The perspective on this issue which emerges from the Paine-Pensinger model of the coherent quantum wave properties of the DNA molecule is that if such encoding is, indeed, the case, this universal grammar -- more likely universal semiosis -- is most probably to be found in the second- and third-order encipherment associated with the holographic quantum properties of these waves. The involved ciphers would be invariants of topological transformations under 3-fold operator-time (as described by the DNA wave equations themselves), which Tenen appears to be making considerable headway at decrypting. Ever since the early 1970s, Musculpt has been discussed as universal semiosis, as form-language underlying all natural verbal languages. That human beings once spoke this form-language, perhaps intra- and interpsychically, is strongly suggested by initiation rites associated with Andean priesthood, as conveyed by Juan Nunez del Prado, anthropologist, Andean priest, and collaborator of William Sullivan
(see: www.barbaraperrins.com/assoc.htm ).