While in our late-20s when the ideas for this paper gestated, we had many intimations regarding a metamathematical theory of form in process based solely on consideration of p, i, , and e -- with p relating to 3-dimensions of ponderable space, and with the latter three -- being hyper and transcendental numbers -- relating to 3-fold operator-time. These intimations were most stimulated by the by-now classical works on form in natural process, notably those of Lancelot Law Whyte, and on the mathematics of spiral phenomena, particularly those of Herman Weyl. Unfortunately, circumstances prevented us from pursuing these intimations. At issue, most fundamentally, is not the multiple twistings of the axis of spin, but rotation of the
x,y,z-coordinate system itself. This is in the realm of General Relativity, which we avoided in the current paper, except for passing reference to Wheeler’s superspace, Sakharov’s multi-sheet model, and to raise the issue of the relation between Penrose’s twistor and temporal curl. Of course, because of the equivalence of acceleration and gravitation, if one speaks of limiting accelerations and limiting time rates of change of acceleration, one is, indeed, speaking of General Relativity and speaking beyond General Relativity. Self-reentry at a limiting time rate of change of acceleration is infinite curvature of spacetime, yielding a non-orientable Klein-bottle-type reentry. When a multiplicity of such reentries are considered relative to a transfinite set of limited spacetime domains, how are the Klein bottles constituting this spacetime foam related to one another? This is a problem cast in transcendental number spaces. Since, in complex angular momentum cascade, as, for instance, that seen in tornado genesis, the macroscale reenters itself via the microscale, and vice versa --via, that is, external and internal sources and sinks -- we have intimation concerning a connecting principle relating the macroscopic explicate order of ponderable spacetime curvature to the microscopic implicate order which enfolds quantum action-potential as higher order imaginary time-logic configurations. e is the number centrally involved in this connecting principle and e is the paramount number relative to spiral phenomena. It is this level of conception which Dan Winter appears to have focused his attention upon (see: http://www.danwinter.com/superDNA/superDNA.html ).