Time-Logics of Identity Transparency:
some systematics aspects©

Format: peripatetic elenchus or walking multilogue.

Cognitive meta-preprogramming topics include: nature of multi-termed systems; Analytical Cubism; diversely identical skew-cubes; Duchamp’s Readymade and “Large Glass”; Mallarmé’s “Anterior Sky” and “windowpane”; the “Windows” of Delaunay; Rice Pereira’s Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite and “layered transparent”; skew-parallelism; skew-perpendicularity; Whitman’s “other I-am”; fiber bundles; Post’s m-valued logics; Plato’s metechein; degrees of identity transparency; Nicoll’s metanoia; Worringer’s “abstraction and empathy”; transfinite point sets and archetypes; Cabalistic involutory maze, quantum well wires, astrology, and nested regular Platonic polyhedra made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes in the Fermi sea of an infinite 3-D electron gas; orders of nonlinear-time; dust, points, mappings, quantum dots, and representation spaces under non-binary logics; Gebser’s “concretion of time”, temporal curl, Maxwell’s “demon”, and Vedic “one-wheeled cars”; James J’s “Oxen of the Sun”; Delaunay’s “Sun No. 1”; Brownian operators and operator-time; Dirac spin; multivalued functions, m-valued logic, and Schrödinger’s wave equation; identity and propositional calculi; multivalued reference space, Hyle, and the base-state of Dzogchen.

A cautionary note: Complex abstract ideas such as those we may circumambulate here, in my experience and belief, never are CREATED through intellectual activity; they are arrived at through intensified percepts and sensations, the cognitive spin-off of heightened emotions and the visceral adrenergic cuing that inevitably accompanies a psychologically split-off, exteriorized, projected, or dissociated “out-there” all-around body-knowing. Being tiger on-point in cognitive jungles. The so-called creator person “falls into” the idea, often without being conscious of its presence “after the fall”, until registration of repeated visceral cues; or the idea implodes as an AHA! answer recognized (a brief instant prior to mental engagement) as important by its associated sensory habitus, affect-charge, proprioceptive “electrical” surge, but for which years of searching may be required to discover the precise question to which it refers. These “Grail”dynamics of the creative act inform us not only as regards the relation of personal and collective, but clearly suggest the notion that reification or misplaced concreteness is a fallacy is itself a fallacy -- in that the Real Concrete we regard as abstract, while the Real Abstract enculturated-consensual object we experience as concrete. Some women appear to have a grip on this more than most men. Maria-Louise von Franz, in NUMBER AND TIME, makes Jung and Pauli’s notion of synchronisity appear mere child’s play. She verily skirts the edge of postulating authentic operator-time, all but putting big-bangs and the like back in the tacit-assumption basket of enculturated linear-time where they belong. Her web is strung so tight, she all but sees: [1] the I-Ching’s binomial pa qua as chronomantic tai chi spinors, i.e., states of temporal curl; [2] the hexagrams and their Upper and Lower Heaven mappings as ordering the elementary particle zoo from a temporal-spin moment perspective (logically prior to quark symmetries, chromodynamics, charm, all spatial ordering); [3] the binary trigrammatic “generators” of the 64 archetypal states, not as recursion operators, but as end-terms of mathematical involutes decomposed under orders of non-linear operator-time. This is wealth of detail, where “probability”, “synchronisity”, “acausal connection” are mere black-box terms…and is almost like Mileva Maric coming up with the basic intuition for Special Relativity, wet-nursing her husband through its mathematical development, then watching as he foundered rudderless and sank under assault by a quantum reality his Einfühlung-lacking male ego refused to comprehend.

Actual topics are to emerge interactively in course of the ambulatory multilogue.

	My lord, what H.L. Mencken
	  did to the Wasteland!
	Like removing James J's
	  chapter headings
	Like maligning Mallarmé's
	  anterior sky
	Like denuding Rice Pereira's
	  layered transparent
	Like teaching Whitman's Other
	  I-am as a gay liaison
	Like reducing Duchamp's flight
	  with the Gods to father
	  fleeing and sister savoring.
	Boyaboy hoopsa! no wombfruit
	Reality lutulent, yes
	Downwardtrending to
	Death to Oxen of the Sun!

(Document Currently Under Construction)

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