Logics of tensor strain in co-Tangent bundles over a general Manifold
for Musculpt by VirFut Q-Pro

µTm Scenarios, T10(M)

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

People always looked at me strangely when I began in the early-1970's to say, and have continued to say, that the Vietnam-war-forced (i.e., a military defeat: the enemy having achieved a politico-economic goal by military means) unilateral renunciation of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism by the Nixon administration was and is a default on the value of post-WWII global inflation. But nowadays, now that the chickens have begun to come home to roost and there is political haymaking to be had, even the likes of a David Stockman use the word “default” (see: “Four Deformations of the Apocalypse”, The New York Times, 31 July 2010):

The first of these [deformations] started when the Nixon administration defaulted on American obligations under the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement to balance our accounts with the world. Now, since we have lived beyond our means as a nation for nearly 40 years, our cumulative current-account deficit -- the combined shortfall on our trade in goods, services and income -- has reached nearly $8 trillion. That’s borrowed prosperity on an epic scale.

It is also an outcome that Milton Friedman said could never happen when, in 1971, he persuaded President Nixon to unleash on the world paper dollars no longer redeemable in gold or other fixed monetary reserves. Just let the free market set currency exchange rates, he said, and trade deficits will self-correct.

It may be true that governments, because they intervene in foreign exchange markets, have never completely allowed their currencies to float freely. But that does not absolve Friedman’s $8 trillion error. Once relieved of the discipline of defending a fixed value for their currencies, politicians the world over were free to cheapen their money and disregard their neighbors.

Inflation is a regressive tax; hyperinflation, a confiscation of the wealth of the poor and not-so-poor Mittelbourgeoisie by the superrich with assistance from a government reducing its debt load by inflationary depreciation of its currency. Deflation is a progressive tax; hyperdeflation, Robin Hood systemically incarnate relative to all those who manage to remain employed throughout the process of deleveraging the rich and superrich. War is a suprafiduciary econotopological operator twisting curvature of taxation space from progressive to regressive. Speaking of the post-WWI reparations imposed upon Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, Jens Parsson says (Dying of Money, p. 33, see reference and link provided immediately below):

The allies' first firm bill for reparations in May of 1921 amounted to the fantastic sum of 132 billion gold marks. This was about four times Germany's maximum annual national product and greater than Germany's entire national wealth; it was like asking the United States in 1973 to pay more than four trillion dollars [emphasis in original] in gold over a period of years.

Four-trillion dollars in gold is a small figure compared to the constant-1945-dollar value of post-WWII global inflation (as distinct from the constant-1945-dollar value of domestic American inflation over the same period) cumulatively sustained by the set of all holders of dollars as reserves which the U.S., in 1971, defaulted-upon/regressively-taxed-the-planet by unilaterally renouncing the gold-exchange (at a fixed value of monetary gold, i.e., USD35/oz.) mechanism (not wanted by Keynes and White) it had forced upon the world (by rejecting substance of what Keynes and White wanted: a completely-non-vehicle-currency bancor/unitas reserve unit referenced to commodities; an International Clearing Union with mandatory clearing and rebalancing authority) at Bretton Woods at the end of WWII: renouncing, defaulting, taxing the world while simultaneously and magisterially, by military might tolerating no protest, invoking unfettered unique “right” to creation of Freigeld (free money) with which to obtain preferential extraction rights to total capital stock of the WholeEarth and to engage wholesale in the noneconomic behavior of dispensing large sums in pursuit of politico-military/global-monoculture goals (thus pumping inordinate quantities of disinformation into the global marketplace). This (far, far greater than the present 8-trillion-dollar U.S. cumulative current-account deficit not cleared by a Keynesian International Clearing Union) default/tax levy exacted by the U.S. was/is a planetarized functional equivalent to the Versailles reparations (and, hence, a psychological cause stacked on top of economic causes of global monetary/price inflation in the post-1971 period, post-1973 if figured from date of onset of actual floating currency regime) which once again, like its forebear, predisposes to hyperinflation and total war (this time on the supraordinate scale level: globalized hyperinflation and space-based planetary total war). The Marshall Plan re-liquidification pump, which, by allowing diversion of French funds, underwrote costs of the French period of the Indochina wars, was required if post-WWII reparations were to be paid. Monetary authorities of whatever nation, today, 2010, who, in proposing monetary reform to overcome international imbalances, mention Keynes' bancor and not simultaneously Keynes' International Clearing Union, demonstrate their ill intent, for anyone who has read into monetary history enough to know of bancor certainly also knows of the associated proposal for an International Clearing Union. Current mainstream proposals for reformation of the international monetary system do not even approximate to what Keynes-White were forced to settle for in aftermath of The Great Depression and WWII, let alone what they knew was required almost seven decades ago. And what they wanted then is wholly inadequate to requirements nowadays -- once again with the “let alone”, what will be required following a Greater Depression and/or a space-based Planetary War One. The necessity for repayment to the planet of the dollar-creation-enhanced ever-growing value of this default is preconditional to substantive transformation-from-above of the global monetary system. A level playing field -- and especially one ecologically-climatologically adaptive -- could not be created absent repayment (in whatever form). Will the U.S. make restitution and thus permit a transformation-from-above? Clearly: no. Would selling to China 8 tons of gold hoard during August of 2010 for $35/oz constitute a restitution? Clearly: no. And those are two reasons why nested m-logically-valued LETS can only be brought up from below (before or after the econotopological operation named war again transpires on a planetary scale). I also said back there in the day that walking the halls of MACV Headquarters in aftermath of the Tet-'68 offensive one could feel the emergence of an American reincarnation of the Weimar Dolchstoss (stab in the back) myth, which in due course would lead to major errors of strategic decision. When, later, renunciation of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism transpired, little imagination was required to see another Weimar analogy emerging (for commentary comparing Weimar inflation to that, according to my lights, associated with the way the Viet Nam war was financed, see Dying of Money: Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations, Jens O. Parsson, Wellspring, 1974). Presently, 2010, even though we may be in midst of a deflationary period, it is not hard to envision an eventual globalization of something tantamount to Weimar hyperinflation (for a great account see: When Money Dies: The Nightmare of the Weimar Collapse by Adam Fergusson, Kilmer, 1975, currently being read in financial circles and noted by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, “The Death of Paper Money”, The Telegraph, 25 July 2010) as a prelude to wider war of one sort or another. For the larger context, most recommended is the collection of essays entitled The Collapse of Ancient States and Civilizations, Norman Yoffee and George Cowgill, eds., U of Arizona Press, 1991, especially Robert Adams' article “Contexts of Civilizational Collapse” (for an online summary, see Yaffee's article by the same name as this book title). Jared Diamond analyzes environmental factors in Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, Viking, 2005; while Joseph A. Tainter's The Collapse of Complex Societies, Cambridge U. Press, 1993, provides a perspective developed over ecological economics and the interface between negentropic energy inputs and social complexity (for an online summary, see Tainter's 1996 article “Complexity, Problem Solving, and Sustainable Societies”). It should be noted that Parsson advocated a variant of the Friedmanian position. Quoting Dying of Money, page 142:

A properly managed fiat currency, frankly having no inherent value even imaginary, is infinitely superior as money to gold or any other commodity having a conflicting real value.

This may well be so, but the fact David Stockman points to is that there never has been and never will be a “properly managed fiat currency” -- not the least reason being because, as Soros has underscored, market reflexivities prevent actual equilibrium conditions from ever truly manifesting. I would add that I do not believe people are buying gold today to hedge fear of inflation, but out of fear of global economic collapse and total war.

Thanks for referral to this article on lack of 1T2-logic paradox in quantum time machine (“Quantum time machine 'allows paradox-free time travel'”, Tom Chivers, The Daily Telegraph, 22 July 2010; see abstract to the scientific paper in question [“The quantum mechanics of time travel through post-selected teleportation”, Seth Lloyd, et al., ArXiv, 19 July 2010] for a discussion of “chronology respecting system” dynamics relative to closed time-like curves and path-integrals; this paper also discusses enhancement of computational power by [chronotopological] manipulation of real-numbered linear-time [i.e., time dilation], an effect upon computable versus non-computable versus non-definable relative to computation which I have addressed variously in quite a few contexts). I note that the term “chronology respecting system” implies existence of systems which do not “respect” the properties of passive passing linear-time. Loss of The Arrow of Gold. If past is prologue, then in the end nothing matters -- were there in actuality beginnings and endings. Right, then. That's about it, isn't it. Ah, Man's Fate and Man's Hope; not merely The Red and the Black, but Face to Face with Nostromo's The Secret Sharer. Breaks me fookin' balls it do, don't it. In regards to the query as to what I think about this, my suspicion is that once quantum physicists begin understanding quantum equations by employment of m-valued logics not interpreted in relation to truth-value (rather than via probability amplitudes), they will realize that the quantum capability for “running all possible variations simultaneously” is a non-suppressible aspect of quantum measurement which signifies that the “earlier self ” is one 1T2-logical whatnot among the µTm-logical whatnots constituting the identity transparency of the nonlocal/nontemporal whatnot separated out of the zero-point energy sea by the act of measurement which constellates localizing temporal and spatial reference frames. I further suspect that human brain has the inherent capability to do this simultaneous multivisioning, but that the involved quantum brain capability (not contained by the molecular/cellular brain) is suppressed by enculturation/socialization-induced glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated “quenching” of electron-transport/phase-coherency processes. Yielding projective-identification at collective transference: guttering Morongo Lanes (flash forward to the tip of the iceberg: “Nearly 1 in 5 Americans had mental illness in 2009”, CNBC, 18 November 2010). Participants in collective psychosis -- 4 out of 5? -- do not question their sanity because their sanity is not questioned.

Thank you very much for bringing this internet posting about the Google-CIA project for a temporal analytic engine to my attention (“Recorded Future: A White Paper on Temporal Analytics”). Can't say I am happy about this coming in relation to the CIA, but it is so strongly a formalization of some of the mental processes involved in intelligence analysis that that event and its linkage are hardly unexpected. Recorded Future apparently realizes some of what I tried to imagine with a brief account of what I have called VirFut Q-Pro (Virtual Futures Q-bitic Projection) -- except that VirFut Q-Pro would involve use of m-valued logics and thus could not be restricted to chronology-respecting-systems dynamics. Fifteen years ago, I envisioned VirFut Q-Pro to be employed by multiple scenarios strategic planners in relation to developing indicators and their real-time monitoring for the stacking of m-logical-values upon the base state of LETS e-currencies defined over nested spatial and temporal grid (mapping) systems. Of course, I don't have the programming skills, but I do see many parallels to analytic tasks I have been involved with in the past and will try to study more into Recorded Future so as to gain further insight. Serial, parallel, stacked, composite. Perhaps not so incidentally, the fundamental notion behind VirFut Q-Pro -- i.e., transcendental Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic involutory de{re}composition -- is not parlayed into an application of serial assessment, parallel assessment, or stacked quantum-decoherent assessment, but that of coherent quantum-composite relative-state assessment. Analogically speaking, stacked quantum-decoherent assessment studies statistical correlations/contrasts between perspectives upon interactional conditions/threats/contingencies {} risks-opportunities-net/judgments, each such perspective notated/mapped/symbolized upon its own translucent (probability fog) acetate sheet within the stacked collection thereof; whereas, in coherent quantum-composite relative-state assessment, the acetate sheets employed are transparent (animistic non-simple identity) and the assessment is made, not by studying correlations/contrasts, but by Goode “looking through” identity-transparency of the whole stack, all taken together as an omnitonic altogether-to-altogether Abelian-transcendental-function complex+hypercomplex holomorphism (no mere monotonic one-to-one onto/into/unto homeomorphism). In serial and parallel assessment, the perspectives are plotted on opaque sheets laid out in parquetry of appropriate character and dimension and studied one after another or in pairs, triplets, quadruplets… I was personally pushed onto this march -- serial, parallel, stacked, composite -- in accommodating schemata of strategic thinking during 1968 while at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, when the fact became utterly apparent that line-and-block charts crossed into 2D-map gazetteers could not possibly aid comprehension of the self-organizational dynamics exhibited by the Viet Cong Political Infrastructure.

I find the argument made by Mish (6 August 2010) to be cogent (see: “Will Quantitative Easing Spur Inflation? Job Creation? Credit Expansion? Do Anything?”). According to my lights, under the Nixon-Friedman floating currency regime, the U.S. balance of payments deficit (1) has been a stimulus to creation of fiat dollars, (2) has kept those fiat dollars out of domestic U.S. circulation, (3) has dampened domestic inflation, while stoking global inflation relative to the fiat dollar as foremost international reserve currency with declining store of value, (4) has, because of the declining store of value, kept the market value of the fiat dollar lower than it otherwise would have been, augmenting magnitude of foreign holdings of fiat dollars, which further minimizes return of the devalued fiat dollars to U.S. circulation, such that (5) those products the U.S. has exported have in significant measure been giveaways, full measure of their intrinsic value never coming back to the U.S. economy except as foreign acquisition of U.S. treasuries debt, which acquisition (6) has, itself, been a stimulus-by-availability to acceleration in formation of the cumulative U.S. national debt, the growing magnitude of which also (7) has kept the market value of the fiat dollar lower than it otherwise would have been, thus (8) further augmenting the giveaway status of U.S. exports. If U.S. exports are in significant measure giveaways (because of Nixon-Friedman float), why not produce/technology-transfer them off-shore as near as possible to the location of ultimate foreign retail sale and/or wholesale purchase for import of U.S. “exports” to the U.S. -- be American investors/entrepreneurs in/of the involved American “flying geese” regarded treasonous profiteers or smart capitalists? Using the designator devised by Jens Parsson (Dying of Money, p. 46): “unrealized and unsuspected depreciation” of the ever-increasingly created -- Newtonian nudging to the flash-point limit -- non-domestically-circulated fiat dollars (latent depreciation relative to total intrinsic value of the USA), once suspicion emerges, turns to certainty that the dollar can't be stood behind, then comes cuspover, and thus does latent depreciation become fully actualized/realized, as payments deficit becomes payments surplus. At the tipping point, the fiat dollars held abroad will return to domestic U.S. circulation seeking to purchase some remnant residual of concrete value not obtainable abroad in a dollar-rejecting environment. The real inflation risk begins at the point of exit from the QE policy orientation which began, globally, in Japan a decade after its (U.S.-instigated sting-stang-stung fiat dollar devaluation versus the yen) Plaza-Accord-created bubble burst. The governing risk factors are a planetary fiat currency regime, attendant risk magnification/concentration, and a quadrillion and growing in leveraged derivatives. John P. Hussman makes a seemingly relevant observation (see: “The Recognition Window”, Hussman Funds, 6 September 2010):

Quantitative easing does not pressure the dollar by fueling inflation. It has a much more subtle effect (but one that can be expected to be amplified if fiscal policy is long-run inflationary as it is at present). Normally, equilibrium in capital flows between countries is achieved through changes in interest rates. As a result, countries with greater capital needs or higher long-run inflation tendencies also have higher interest rates. If interest rates can adjust, exchange rates don't have to. But notice what quantitative easing does: by sitting on long-term bond yields (and creating a negative real interest rate differential versus other countries), quantitative easing prevents bond prices from acting as an adjustment factor, and forces the burden of adjustment on the exchange rate.

True enough, but how relevant, if the monetary, eventually the price, inflation/hyperinflation at issue is global-systemic, not national, in character? Will QE-created monies, globally, indefinitely remain sequestered from their GNP-related currency pools? And is it correct that all dollar creation is on the books and covered by treasuries? As the global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization continues demanding exponential-going-to-hyperbolic resource commitments by planetary counterinsurgents, how will that affect on-and-off-the-books deficits of the involved nation-states, creative accounting having become a norm? This global QE-exit circumstance (for instructive commentary see: “Cautionary tale about exit strategies from 1930s Japan”, Gillian Tett, The Financial Times, 2 September 2010) would be one of the factors determining when the real “recognition window” appears. How to ascertain the global exit point? QE places us on a higher step of percolation theory's Devil's Staircase, where local risk is transferred increasingly from microscale to macroscale one scale-level step at a time by financial innovations such as derivatives. Monetary and governmental authorities are now concentrating risk to the central-bank/sovereign level. The last landing of the Minsky melt-up Devil's Staircase from which there is no place for the Keynesian/Friedmanian helicopter to go is the meta-level of defining properties of the monetary system employed. The monetary and governmental authorities, by further centralizing authority, will have us step up to that last landing when they do something like using IMF Special Drawing Rights as the international reserve currency. When they get us into real trouble on this meta-level, that will be the actual tipping point. Getting a fix on the real-time of this cuspover would require, I believe, employment of an analytic engine even more sophisticated than the Google-CIA “Recorded Future” tool -- and even then there would still be myriad “unpredictables” to factor in as black boxes limiting accuracy of the temporal window one would arrive at. But, in terms of policy -- if not maximization of personal/corporate profit -- knowing exactly “when” would not be all that efficacious. Relative to the collective need, better to focus upon the changes of system fundamentals required. What sort of indicators should a Recorded Future tool monitor? Many, surely -- however surly. For instance: as systemic reciprocity, integration, coherency progressively deteriorate and the drift towards larger war accelerates, media proffered moral suasion increasingly loses its efficacy, requiring greater and greater doses to get similar effects. So, if a George Soros finds it necessary to gift 100-million USDs to Human Rights Watch… Though right up until ridgepeak of riotous rageage flashmob cuspover it will be possible to make contrary arguments, the general drift of developments has long been clear, especially, perhaps, to the authorities, such as the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, U.S. Army War College (see, for instance, “Known Unknowns: Unconventional 'Strategic Shocks' in Defense Strategy Development”, Nathan Freier, November 2008); and the UK's MoD's Development, Concepts & Doctrine Centre (see, for instance, an account provided by The Guardian, “Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future”, Richard Norton-Taylor, 9 April 2007). To the tumbrils! Pillory the perpetrators! Canoodling commies, the middle classes, they are, aren't they, those opposers, anarchists, that lot, believers in self-organization. Right as rain, what, the Watch Maker keeps at his watches: that's public stewardship! Flash forward to the surveillance-society civil-military fusion of mid-October : “Pentagon Will Help Homeland Security Department Fight Domestic Cyberattacks”, Thom Shanker, The New York Times, 20 October 2010).

As the recent article by Tyler Durden suggests (see: “Gold Swap Signals the Roadmap Ahead”, Zero Hedge, 23 July 2010) it may be that a stealth shift to SDRs as international reserve currency is already transpiring, and that publicly aired decision for this systemic transpose will occur only after it has become a fait accompli. Setting down this black currency ops helicopter on the last landing of the Minsky melt-up Keynesian-Friedmanian Devil's Staircase by means of closely held gold swaps with the BIS, harbinger of a one “We are the World” centrally-dictated “optimum” currency area, may also forecast the manner in which “the helicopter will have nowhere to go from there”. French-led initiatives to model/create/enforce a global one-world-currency government/SiMMA (single manager market authority, “market authority” being an oxymoron guttering Morongo Lanes) by analogy to the EU's postmodernist semiological “general theory of practice” will only magnify importance of the “nowhere to go” factor in the global equation undoubtedly codified by Dr. Bourbaki, but certainly not incorporating a Bourbaki “torrent”, I can tell you that (for one account of French initiatives, flash forward to: “EU markets chief Barnier warns the City casino days are over”, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 9 September 2010: No longer a shady place for sunny people, darling Briefcase. Downside, yeah? Doofy gone static? All's off in the Square Mile, innit? Time for Pub Crawl of Clerkenwell to join raucous City Bloat for a pint of bitters?). By a further analogy, that is, to the current crisis of EMU where a single currency has failed to adequately fulfill local needs, the inelasticities of gold, were this shift to SDRs as international reserve currency made with gold-backing as a significant component in definition of SDRs, may play a major role in constellating the system-fundamentals crisis at cuspover. Physical gold is not distributed homogenously over the planet, i.e., the “optimum” currency area in question, and monotonic-reserve-currency-unit denomination relative to gold and a small basket of vehicle currencies is therefore not only highly inequitable, but would prevent achievement of high levels of functional integration in a system globalizing under forcing functions like quantum-based technologies. Gold hording by the small-basket sovereigns appears even now to be well in play, the stealth shift likely already being in motion. And, as Durden points out, one can expect fractional reserve lending and derivative structures to be developed over a BIS-mediated shift to gold-backed SDRs as international reserve currency -- with all that implies, hyper-regulation or not, given the hyper-elasticities of credit, relative to system-fundamentals crisis at cuspover (and highly probable long-term success of the global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian/Congress-of-Vienna nation-state system and supraordinate agglomerations thereof [not surprising Afghanistan should be in an avant-garde role in this respect: see Anatol Lieven's review of Antonio Giustozzi's book Empires of Mud: The Neo-Taliban Insurgency in Afghanistan, 2002-2007, Columbia U. Press, 2009, entitled “Insights from the Afghan Field”, 6 September 2010], for to facilitate this system-fundamentals crisis of modern Weberian statehood is the insurgents' foremost strategy imperative as they exploit the growing set of recruitment-base categories increasingly made available to them by continued planetary ecocide [one-quarter of all plant and animal species currently endangered], gathering climate-shift dynamics, increasing underclass consequences of forced-draft squatter-urbanization, resource depletion and food crisis and global water shortage, and so on and so on, an evolving manpower-availability circumstance of major significance since declaration of GWOT in the first instance granted the insurgents control over the synoptic space and time variables controlling the exponential-becoming-hyperbolic curve in resource commitments required of global counterinsurgents simply to maintain the status quo in a world where principles of the governing institutional paradigm are over 100 years behind those of the worldview construct initiated by onset of quantum-relativity perspectives). Vehicle currencies need to be backed, not the non-vehicle international reserve currency, which needs to be a quantum “system composite” of all of its component backed currencies. Be aware that soon after Nixon nixed BW1 by closing the gold window, the French called for creation of a “composite” international reserve currency unit, by which, in employing that term of designation, they did not mean a hologramic “quantum composite” but a 1T2-logical, non-Cantorian, Cartesian-Bourbaki subset of the set of all then-existing vehicle currencies. More properly designated a Venn-diagrammed “eclectette” currency basket, than an actual currency “composite integrette”. Typical of postmodernist-deconstructive semiotic word use: call the thing by the name of its opposite. Fast forward to mid-October. The 1T2-logic psychological hyperovermegaidentification behind the French Cartesian-Napoleonic centralizing mindset has, since the Renaissance, always been the leading edge of “back-reaction upon the metric” of strange-attractor tendencies to spontaneous animistic autopoiesis in social-political-economic systems, and, thus, has led the cognitive “bayonet charges” instrumental to constellation of the deep-structure archetypal factors responsible for Franco-Prussian war, WWI, WWII, and likely also a PWI. The deep-structural role of Voltaire's Bastards -- despite the efforts of John Ralston Saul (Penguin, 1992) -- in fomenting mass violence of the last two centuries needs to be further investigated (see 1993 review of Saul by Pat Duffy Hutcheon). The “reason” Saul refers to is the 1T2-logic order-type (tai-chi rotational, or not) of the µTm-logic order-types available. Voltaire, in my judgment, is rightly attacked, as he, a deep student of Lun Yu, i.e., The Analects, was the primary progenitor of European Confucianism. Hutcheon obviously has a thumb in the wrong place. Order-type-1T2 is what is denoted/connoted for most people by the word “rational”, and no one subjected to glutamatergic neuronal etching significantly engages, with their formalized thought processes, order-types supraordinate to that 1T2-logical (even when thinking about Lukasiewiczian µTm-logics by employment of the 1T2-logic order-type alone). Quoting Christian Vits quoting ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet (see: “ECB's Trichet Rejects Weber's Call to End Bond Purchase Program”, Bloomberg, 18 October 2010):

Sole Spokesman

Trichet also said that as ECB president he is the only one who speaks on behalf of the Governing Council. Weber, who opposed the bond purchases since their inception in May, is regarded by economists as a frontrunner to succeed Trichet when his non-renewable eight-year term expires in just over a year.

“There is only one single currency, there is one Governing Council, only one monetary policy decision, and one president, who is also the porte-parole of the Governing Council,” he told La Stampa.

Brumbled broadband at 'er, eyes big as binos, 'e did, didn't 'e. Putting 'er right, putting the world right. In the bum with the wellies for you lot! During the post-Napoleonic-bureaucracy (major residue of which was left in the GVN's inherited administrative algorithms) American period of the Viet Nam war, formation of CORDS (“Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support”: a term in prefiguration/mimesis to/of French semiotics) was touted as having established a “single-manager system” -- when, in actuality, CORDS was apotheosis of the JFKed CT-team approach which birthed the Phoenix Elimination Program and, thus, put the cap upon failure to understand the animistic self-organizing system dynamics of the VCI (Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure). Trichet's single-manager mentality signifies a similar failure to understand basic quantum properties of autopoiesis imposed upon monetary system dynamics by decades of ever-increasing employment of quantum-based communication and computing technologies (however thoroughly those technologies be dressed in copyrighted Cartesian-Newtonian pret à porter apparel).

No doubt about it, Darryl Robert Schoon's strategic assessment (see: “Hedging Chaos with Gold”, 321gold, 5 August 2010) is one of the best presently available, reliant as it is upon Niall Ferguson's non-quantum-based understanding of the science of “complex adaptive systems”. Ferguson thinks the chaos will come within two years. However, as far as I have been able to determine, neither Schoon nor Ferguson give detailed arguments as to why we should conclude that two years is the active temporal window. Nor do they have any real suggestions as to how best to exit the chaos. Is this because they have developed no new insights into quantum mechanics and its multiscale applications?

There is no vertical dimension to currency, backed or fiat, as presently conceived. Legal tender is defined over Cartesian-Newtonian, 1T2-logical, either/or boundaries drawn on flat 2D colored maps. This prevailing circumstance has little actually to do with the real economic LifeWorld as it authentically transpires on planet Earth, because present-day currencies cannot, inherently, due to the absence of a vertical dimension, fully represent a price, any price. Each price is affected by every price, the corpus of which is continuously in Everettian relative-state. Prices, in actuality, are always and all ways in a constant state of relative flux. The market, as presently construed, in determining a price, performs the quantum-measurement operation of collapsing the wave-function (what Elliot Wave Theory unsuccessfully attempts to encapsulate) of the m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian price-relative-state to the single-valued Baconian-Boolean price which presently-conceived currencies can represent. What is needed is a market capable of processing the spontaneously-fused price, not only its collapsed single-valued reductive signifier. The market, as presently construed, veils the actual price by not handling classes upon classes of externalities having, mostly, to do with markers of entropic dissipation (economic, political, social, the natural environment) induced by economic activities. Were these entropic markers to be marked to market, however, each given currency would have to take on a vertical dimension with a rising array of marker-tagged values simultaneously stacked upon the flat base-state of that currency. This (m-valued fused-price) value stack as legally tendered would be defined over an e-nesting-foam of fractal boundaries, the corpus of which forming a “fractal drum” with the automorphic-function band-pass capabilities to synergistically modulate global economy relative to fluctuations of economic/political/social/natural environment (note that Elliot Wave Theory is based upon a single nonspatial temporal nesting only, thus ruling out any treatment in respect to quantal operator-time, Everettian relative-state, and F. A. von Hayek's “time-shapes of total capital stock” ). The growing-through-use of hologramic Muscultpt as mathematical notation processed by genuine Lukasiewiczian quantum computers would be required to make such a monetary system user friendly. But then CNN speaks: “No borders, nor should there be.” Asinine monism black psyche. Is life even possible without phase boundaries?

Ho-ho-ho! The very idea that markets employing singly-logically-valued currencies and 1T2-logical action directives/rules/regulations insure efficient utilization of resources is at this point, not only laughable, but ludicrous. The percentage of Earth's negentropy budget the human species by market mediation dissipates on mindless trivial pursuits, including present and future and imaginary wars, clearly dwarfs that which the species employs for productive life-sustaining activities, and does so to such an extent that enduring viability of the resource base, the biosphere, atmosphere, magnetosphere has come into serious question. The energy consumption of dot.com-driven cellular networks and the internet has only magnified this dissipative market behavior. Silly, even: how much negentropy is wasted by market motivated manufacturers of old-tech throwaway ballpoint pens who fill their ink tubes only half full? Endless Summer: a list of market mediated dissipative violations of efficiency virtually non-denumerable. For what good reason is this species marching life on Earth over the edge of a cliff?

It's not regulation an international monetary system requires, but self-regulation. However useful study of complex adaptive quantum/biological systems may be in aiding prediction of details of collapse of the present monetary regime, such study is of greater value to the attempt to arrive at new system fundamentals. As regards systemic self-regulation by means of m-logically-valued LETS, the nested cellular exchange-architecture brought into effect by defining e-currencies over e-nesting-foams would dampen inflationary effects of multiple local currencies, while the associated costs of currency conversions would help staunch hot money flows. Commodity-reference backing of nested local currencies (the commodity[ies] involved in any given case being locally chosen) would encourage conservation of natural resources and contribute on a global scale to maximization of local competitive advantages (effects very different from those associated with existing commodities/derivatives trading: see, for instance, “Shock Capitalism: The Swindlers of 2008 Are Now Betting On World Hunger”, Gilbert Mercier, News Junkie Post, 12 October 2010, something of a review of Robert Scheer's The Great American Stick Up). Moreover, changing velocities of local money (their integrals and path integrals) could be used as an objective measure for self-modulation of scale-autolysis of the employed nesting foams: i.e., automatically setting conversion rates of currency conversions across scale-level leaps, thus adding more self-regulatory capability to constraints upon hot money flows. It is likely that, across the full scale-level hierarchy, similar self-regulatory uses could be made of the acceleration and time rate of change of acceleration of money employed as objective measures (uses employed for homeo-/hetero-static subsystem-system-supersystem quantum-composite purposes not involving income redistributions, but preventing in the first place the arising of income and purchasing-power disparities of degrees higher than those necessary to maintain adequate incentives and which undermine synoptic-/meso-/micro-scale systemic efficiencies: people who need incentives to do something creative aren't doing anything actually creative; the creative process is non-voluntary; those who do it, do it because they have to).

Ask yourself how F. A. von Hayek came up with the notion of the “time-shapes of total capital stock”. Not simply by assimilation of the basic ideas involved in Hugh Everett's “relative-state interpretation of quantum mechanics”, for “time-shapes” are not explicit in that model. He had also to have been considering Einstein's special relativity and his general relativity theory of gravity. Time dilates as the absolute limiting velocity (speed of light) is approached. Time shapes as the absolute limiting acceleration is approached (whereupon a black hole becomes a wormhole). But, until recently, when those studying “acoustic analogues to black hole computers” forced Hawking to recant (which is not to suggest scientists do not take required public positions on issues so as to conceal classified science), black holes, white holes, and wormholes were “the end of physics”. So, consideration of the quantum and relativity theories could not have sufficed von Hayek in arriving at the notion of time-shapes. Something more was required. It is as if von Hayek had sat in on the Paine-Kaplan multiscale, nested-grid computer simulations of tornadogenesis, once run on NASA's biggest mainframe -- simulations involving physics where the fundamental physical constants, such as the absolute limiting velocity, are treated as m-valued. Then and only then is “the end of physics” nullified and do time-shapes play active roles in system dynamics. Moreover, without the fundamental physical constants being m-valued, von Hayek could not have entertained the idea that the quantum and relativity theories apply to the natural scale levels whereupon economists map total capital stock (without this m-valuedness and time-shapes, Heisenberg indeterminacy would preclude such applications). While von Hayek may not have explicitly grasped the idea that fundamental physical constants are m-valued, he had at least to have tacitly entertained implications of that concept (upon which M Theory is gravitating). Our contribution involves the further idea that these m-valued fundamental physical constants are processed in nature by means of Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics. An acoustic analogue (i.e., Musculpt) of the system dynamics of m-logically-valued e-monetary units defined over e-nesting-foams has been intricately computer modeled for over four decades in the Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis -- the fundamental notions of which, if correct, would apply to atmospheric processes in general. Were that the case, then study of this analogue between atmospheric dynamics and economic-system dynamics may reveal principles by which processes of economic self-organization may achieve a level of automorphic competency sufficient to orchestration of human affairs that is adequate to meeting the challenges of the presently unfolding climate-change crisis. As edifying as Donnella Meadows' analysis is of initially nine, later, a dozen, leverage points (see: “Places to Intervene in a System”, developer.*, 23 August 2005; and “Twelve leverage points”, Wikipedia), she neglected to mention the most omni-transforming trigger point of them all: order of logical-value of the information employed ( "structure of information flow" does not take account of this variable). But, of course, that undersight is because she was a systems specialist in 1T2-logical processes/processors only. What does this innovation by von Hayek mean concretely as regards ordinary economics? Say that of the law of supply and demand, of inflation/deflation? Aggregate demand = money/time iff there is but one time-shape. Price level (price being economic information par excellence) = aggregate demand/time divided by total capital stock iff there is but one time-shape. Since aggregate demand/time is velocity of the given money supply, presence of more than one time-shape automatically means multivalent, i.e., m-valued, money is required to authentically denominate total capital stock. And if m-valued money is so employed, then given velocities of a given money supply must denote some aspect (“domain structures”) of given time-shapes of the involved total capital stock. But, geometrodynamically speaking, such a denotation could only be the case if the money velocities in question were m-values of an econometric absolute limiting velocity, for shape-shifting occurs only at such absolute limits. Of what would the m-values of the absolute limiting velocity of a given money supply be apropos? Answer: the levels of nesting foam over which the involved e-LETS are to be defined. So, one may regard deployment of commodity-backed e-LETS over fractal-boundary e-nesting foams as the decomposition, and a making visible, of something always already there but not explicitly informing micro-actors responding to the law of supply and demand in contexts of given price levels: i.e., “domain structures” of the von Hayek “time-shapes of total capital stock”. Absent multiple time-shapes, market reflexivities apply only to subsets of total capital stock, which is to say a single-valued aggregate equilibrium price level is possible; with multiple time-shapes, however, market reflexivities apply even to the set of all subsets of total capital stock, such that no single-valued aggregate equilibrium price level is possible. In the latter case, continuous cyclic overshoots are mathematically inevitable, insofar as system fundamentals are defined and concretely realized as single-valued under 1T2-valued logic only. This “insofar as defined and concretized as single-valued under the binary-logic order-type only” promulgates the illusion that quantity of money is determinable because definite, when, in actuality, there being multiple time-shapes and prices being always and all ways in quantum relative-state, quantity of money is inherently indeterminate because indefinite in single-valued terms as comprehended with 1T2-valued logic alone. Moreover, with presence of multiple von Hayek time-shapes, not only is equilibrium velocity impossible to measure, it is immeasurable because impossible: it simply does not exist. Hawking most fundamentally opposed/opposes the existence of black hole computers because he is “attached” (in the Buddhist sense) to the notion that a given number is selfsame, the same as itself, is itself and only itself and not simultaneously another number (which is not to suggest scientists do not take required public positions on issues so as to conceal classified science). 2 is 2 and only 2, not simultaneously also 3. Whereas the whole of Cabalistic numerology was/is a non-rigorous/underdeveloped (in modern mathematical aspect, there currently still being no Musculpt as mathematical notation) manner of handling the functional equivalent to applications of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics to number theory (the best entry point to that cosmological domain being by employment of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, as Gödel at least subliminally knew in borrowing the basic algorithm of gematria as generative instrument of the grammar of his famous proofs; he also apparently knew that this acculturative borrowing on his part somehow invoked alteration of the classical notion of time -- Hawking “imaginary time” going only part of the distance to von Hayek “time-shapes” ). Make the embedded time-shapes explicit and autopoietic competency of the market supply and demand dynamic cannot help but greatly improve. Time-shapes of total capital stock embedded in what? Answer: the subsystem-system-supersystem composite MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) over which the Lukasiewiczian reserve currency domain is to be defined.

There are certainly more, and perhaps better, but I nonetheless recommend two books as aids to penetrating the concrete economic meaning of F. A. von Hayek's “time-shapes of total capital stock”: Lewis Mumford's Art and Technics (Columbia U. Press, 1952) and Michael Thompson's Rubbish Theory: The Creation and Destruction of Value (Oxford U. Press, 1979). StockMan's supply side: inverse of aggregate price level (FriedMan's quantity of money and it's velocity held constant). Denominator of the money numerator. Supply of what is valued. The set of values money demands. The supply of those values demanded in a given period of time. But what about those values no longer demanded or not yet demanded, i.e., the set of all values -- and what about the system of rules employed for defining the nature of values (i.e., the chosen conventions of the chosen logic)? Mumford describes how the last eclipsed technology becomes idealized in valuation of the users of the currently prevailing technology and Thompson describes the algorithms of valuation involved in idealization/disidealization. This provides some small insight as to time-shapes of total capital stock -- valued, semi-valued, not valued in a given period of memetime. So, not only is GNP not equivalent to total capital stock, neither is GNP + accumulated wealth in paper, plant, property, infrastructure, equipment + intrinsic value of the nation in terms of readily available opportunities/capability for creative capital formation (i.e., the geopolitical and “phylogenetic” and “memetic” components of econometric corpus). Total capital stock also includes what exists but is not valued -- for purely-logical and/or techno-logical reasons. Concrete valuation of a given set of whatnots (“eternalities”, actually, heh-heh-heh!) is most fundamentally bound, parameterized, constrained by the Lukasiewiczian order of logical-value employed to establish the tacitly assumed set of categories collectively taken as determiners of econo-value and by the techno-regime contemporaneously in effect/affect. According to the rules of solar alchemy employed by the Sun Goddess -- i.e., re: convertibility of the elements of periodic table -- all possible-world logics of economic value are always and all ways available everywhere/everywhen depending upon the Lukasiewiczian order of logical-value of the possible-world chosen/employed and the techno-regime selected/achieved. One understanding, thus, of the meaning of von Hayek "time-shapes of total capital stock" is the set of all such possible-world-logic employments always/all-ways being-{t}here.

Probability fog of the well-enculturated/socialized molecular-cellular brain. There are no actual feedback loops, negative or positive, in natural systems; no actual chaos, no actual decoherence, no actual linearization, no actual hypercoherence, no actual near-decomposability: these are artifacts of glutamatergically-etched and quantum-quenched 1T2-logical processing of the non-simple identity-transparencies characteristic of m-logically-valued processes. It has “now” been more than adequately demonstrated that the speed of light is non-selfsame, not self-identical, not the same as itself -- i.e., that it is simultaneously something not itself, that is, is m-valued under m-valued logics, and this non-simple NUMERICAL identity is in conformance with the fundamental principle of Special Relativity that “simultaneously” must be logically and ontologically “before” ponderable spacetime is, because “the time”, even “before or after”, is relative to the reference frame employed. Not only can speeds (like the m-speeds of light in vacuo) not be well-ordered in respect to relativistic time-dilation and orders-of-transfinite collections of reference frames, the second law of thermodynamics cannot be defined without respect to a given reference frame because the ordering of instants of an irreversible linear-reference time cannot be established across frames embedded in spacetime (i.e., defined relative thereto). The Second Law applies only under 1T2-valued logic within the purview of a given reference frame and at substantially subluminal velocities relative to that frame. Moreover, the von Neumann formalism cannot be legitimately applied to Everett's universal wave-function because the second law of thermodynamics cannot be defined relative to the relative-states (and their reference frames) of that wave-function -- only by disallowing Special Relativity can the von Neumann formalism be so applied. It is at the absolute limiting velocity, relative to some given reference frame, that what functions as “light” for that referent mediates the logical and ontological “before or after” of any possible-world “spacetime is”. Across reference frames, the Second Law cannot dictate, it cannot dictate schizophrenic loss-of-time splitting-off of the relative-states of the universal wave-function into infinities of non-communicating universes. The so-called splitting-off is into incommensurate higher and higher orders of logical-value; but, of course, that is stated from the “perspective” of the 1T2-logical-atomism cognitive reference frame only. From the µTm-logics quantum-composite “perspective”, all those logical-value order-types are always and in all ways “being-there” on the well-braned referencing hyperspace AllBase.

So what? If most physicists never engage fundamental questions in physics, how could the artist or composer be expected to? There are millions and millions of dime-a-dozen technical specialists of every sort spread out over the planet like fungi pursuing minutia of their careerist myopias under motivational frameworks that are truly disgusting. How much have thousands and thousands of papers on the quantum measurement problem affected consensus methods of scientific practice? Demonstrated failure of The Great Imagineers! Treason: expressing dislike for forms of organization analogically tied to long-dead physics fundamentals of the 17th and 18th centuries. Normal science worker bees daily resuscitate this definition of subversion. That's why we have horrid with the prevailing techno regime to die under. These vectors and their pure maths prerequisites are the tools compliant white-collar proletarians are using to crucify Earth's biosphere. As one of Jo Walton's characters says it (p. 303, Farthing, Doherty, 2006, Walton's allegory for 21st-century AngloAmerica): “…it wouldn't only be the Jews, any more than it was in the Reich; it was also anybody who disagreed with the way things were organized.”

Not only can we be certain that grave responsibility for the economic-philosophy orientation of the Austrian School lies with the gravity of Austria's experience of hyperinflation during the early-1920s, but we can be sure that the present-day Greek castigation of Nazi oppression relative to recent German reluctance to bail out Greece is misplaced, because that reunified German reluctance assuredly is related to experience of the printing-pressed -- and in significant measure, reparations-induced and Ruhr-occupation driven -- Weimar hyperinflation and the generalized reluctance, until the much belated Dawes Plan, amongst the triumphalist -- particularly French -- Entente powers to bail Germany out at that time, a time prior to advent of the Third Reich. Moreover, by the time the hyperinflation was over and Nazification well prefigured, both the Austrians and the Germans had gained much direct ontic experiential knowledge as to how such bailouts, when and were they to be proffered, cannot possibly work over the long haul, if “work” means somehow to escape the deprivations adjustment inevitably requires.

Even in this current deflationary period of deleveraging, there are strong parallels to hyperinflationary Austria and Weimar Germany (using Adam Fergusson's When Money Dies as a resource). Just as presently, in midst of massive deleveraging, there is a huge pension crisis -- both public and private sector -- so, in Austria, later Germany, during the hyperinflationary period was there such a crisis: e.g., “…the railways [in Austria] have two ex-employee pensioners for every three workers still on their staff ” ( p. 89). Looking at current unemployment compensation outlays in the USA, one cannot discount the parallel to Germany in 1923:

In the first half of September, the Ruhr was responsible for five-eighths of the daily increase in the floating debt -- 50 milliard marks a day spent to maintain the workers there in idleness -- somewhat, but not much, more than the phenomenal costs of subsidising the German railways and postal services (p. 107).

If, in America during 2010, government employees receive for equivalent work twice that paid in mid-levels of the private sector, how different is that from the fact that “In the second half of June [1923] it became necessary again to double the salaries of [Weimar Germany's] government officials…” (p. 84) so as to protect those protecting the status quo nobody any longer wanted protected. If presently we have proposals for a Tobin tax and similar proposals for transactions taxes to recoup costs of bailing out the too-big-to-fail banking conglomerates, in June of 1923 “Dr Hermes [the then Weimar Finance Minister] began to discuss taxes on bills of exchange and on traffic in capital…” (p. 84). Has any present-day government authority, academic economist, leading financier, mainstream media personality put forth an idea not already on the scene by 1924? I doubt it. Today, there are several hundred Local Exchange Trading Systems more or less permanently in place around the planet, established largely to mitigate against negative local effects of globalization under a fiat, 1T2-logical monetary regime “managed” by kleptocratic central-bank/financial-cartel insider manipulators/fraudsters and their button men. And wherever there is a national currency meltdown, local currencies -- regarded by the media-circus servants of the global kleptocrats as “funny money” -- spontaneously appear, e.g., in Argentina, only to be squashed by the multilaterals managing the float of their singly-logically-valued national currencies. Notgeld : authorized federal paper currency as distinct from Reichsbank paper currency, i.e., “emergency notes” issued in Germany during the late-teens and early-1920s by large industrial combines, Landesbanks, and municipalities.

…a law was passed [July of 1922] permitting, under licence and against the deposit of appropriate assets, the issue of emergency money tokens, or Notgeld, by state and local authorities and by industrial concerns when and where the Reichsbank could not satisfy employers' needs for wage-payment. The law's purpose was principally to regularise and regulate a practice which had gone on extensively for some years already… (p. 50).

“Extensively for some years already”: i.e., before onset of hyperinflation; meaning, thus, that the local “funny money” was not a consequent of hyperinflation, but of something else. That something else: not only loss of confidence in the Reichsmark (i.e., latent versus actual depreciation of the mark) but also subliminal insight as regards the systemic prerequisites to functional integration?

As the ability to print money privately in a time of accelerating inflation [i.e., inflation equaling acceleration of money, "accelerating inflation" would equal the time rate of change of the acceleration of money] made possible private profits only limited by people's willingness to accept it, the process merely banked up the inflationary fire to ensure a still bigger blaze later on (p. 50).

Why was that, actually? Because these local “emergency notes” were traded all over Germany, not accepted only in the locales of their issuance. And why was that? Because of the absence of fractal e-boundary nesting-foams upon which to define the local currencies privately and publicly issued -- and because the currencies thus issued were not e-currencies, but those of paper. Separatism: big bogeyman.

Separatism of the financial variety was the least of the government's worries. Territorial separation threatened in Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria and the Rhineland. There was even a Guelph secessionist plot in Hanover… At Dusseldorf on September 30 [1923], twenty thousand separatists had gathered, marched and killed eleven policemen… (p. 114).

Both financial and territorial separatism in Weimar Germany were expressions of subliminal collective recognition that cellular nesting is essential to high levels of functional integration. Formation of plasmahaut phase boundaries. Structured water; structured liquidity. Schwellungswasser. Liquid crystal. Colloidal chemistry. Continued publication of Zeitschrifts fur Kolloid Chemie and Kolloid Beihefts throughout WWII, while the British Journal of Colloidal Chemistry died on the vine in 1940. Such cytological chemistry was a pre-WWII specialty of the Germans. And had the Japanese two decades ago listened to the proposal for m-logically-valued LETS, they would not now still be experiencing deflation.

Large industrial concerns began [July of 1922] to pay their workmen partly in notes and partly in coupons of their own, which were accepted by local tradesmen on the understanding that they would be redeemed within a very short time. Municipalities, too, started to issue their own currencies, aware that any delay in receiving their pay packets would dangerously aggravate workers whose main concern was to spend them before they depreciated (p. 66).

Use it or lose it: why acceleration of money is deemed equivalent to inflation by economists working only with a single scale-level (i.e., the scale of national currencies) monetary system employing only 1T2-logical (i.e., singly-logically-valued) monies. Is this all because we are dealing with fiat printing? Roggenmarks were not a simple paper issue, but a type of bonds:

In Oldenburg, in an attempt to offer a safe investment to the public as an alternative to foreign currency, 'rye bills' (Roggenmarks) were issued by the state bank, due for repayment in 1927. The issue price was the current value of 125 kilograms of rye, and repayment was to be in line with the average price of 150 kilograms of rye in the first quarter of the later year, the extra 25 kilograms representing four years' interest. The bills were bearer bonds, complete with stock exchange quotations and secured by the bank's total funds (p. 67).

But there were simple local currencies issued, backed by goods. Speaking of 1923:

Communities printed their own money, based on goods, on a certain amount of potatoes, or rye, for instance. Shoe factories paid their workers in bonds for shoes which they could exchange at the bakery for bread or the meat market for meat (p. 82).

So, hyperinflation was not a matter of fiat or not-fiat, as Baconian-Boolean logic would dictate. Under a multi-scaled Lukasiewiczian monetary system, there would be many monies with regard to which the question of “fiat or not-fiat” would not be definable and, therefore, would be meaningless. Personally, I cannot believe that such questions, still alive and very topical in Germany and Austria during 1926, played no significant role in stampeding the physics community into cocked-head, herd threat-assessment of Schrödinger, thus yielding and consensuating Max Born's proposal that the m-valued variables in Schrödinger's quantum wave equation be interpreted to probability amplitudes, rather than by employment of Lukasiewicz's m-valued Polish logics understood without respect to the notion of truth-value. Of such matters are world wars made and remade.

During one of my long walks through Leesburg cow pastures with Sam Adams discussing larger implications of the Viet Cong Political Infrastructure's synoptic self-organizational phase transition during the year-plus prior to the Tet-'68 offensive, for some reason he made mention of the rumors that tactical nukes were held in-country. I said I had heard the same rumors and also that Eisenhower had offered the French an atomic bomb for use against the Viet Minh during the period of Dien Bien Phu, but that I had seen no reference to actual documentation proving such rumors. I also told him I doubted the rumor about Eisenhower because Ike had been opposed to the atomic bombings of Japan, as had many other high ranking U.S. military. Sam expressed surprise that I would believe such reticence on part of Ike. I admitted that the purported Eisenhower opposition to the atomic bombings had also to be classified rumor, but rumor picked up by a WWII bomber pilot's Air-Force-brat son who came of age on a SAC base scrimmaging basketball at the base gym with U-2 pilots. Some damning statement made about Eisenhower, after his “the President lies” speech vis-à-vis the Gary Powers incident, receiving a retort from a U-2 pilot which included the information that Ike had been opposed to the atomic bombings of Japan. This information shocked me at the time, having been taken as a child to the Nagasaki bombing site during 1953. I learned to look more closely at stereotypes. For all those who think there will not be long-term humongous global consequences of the internationalization of NixOnian Friedmanism, Reagonomics, Greenspaning, Clintonia, Bushitis, Obamanomica, consider the following extended quotation from Jens Parsson's Dying of Money: Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations, pages 72-3, concerning the “stagnant” Years of Ike by comparison to those of monetary inflation (not even those of the ensuing price inflation):

There were something like 27 million production workers in the United States who were doing all the basic productive work of the nation. These were the production workers in farming, mining, construction, manufacturing, transportation, communications, and utilities. Their total numbers were almost exactly the same in 1968 as they had been in 1960. They were a steadily diminishing 13 percent of the population in 1968, and substantially less than half the total work force, but they still produced most of what the entire nation lived on. As had been true in Germany [during the early Weimar years], the inflationary binge was someone else's party and not the workers'. The gains in real earnings secured by production workers in private industry during the inflationary boom can only be described as paltry. From 1960 to 1968, the average hourly earnings of production workers, discounted for price inflation, increased by only 1.9 percent per year. That was scarcely half of the apparent growth, 3.7 percent per year, of overall personal income per capita, also expressed in constant dollars. In other words, production workers received far less than their proportional share of the inflationary pie, and this was true of every major category of production workers including even those in the construction industry, where wage increases were thought to be notoriously excessive. By contrast, the real earnings of production workers throughout the decade of the 1950's, and even in the difficult Eisenhower years from 1955 to 1960, improved substantially faster than overall national income and faster even than they did in the later inflationary boom. Their real earnings increased an average of 3.1 percent per year from 1950 to 1960 and 2.0 percent per year from 1955 to 1960. The times were not apparently as lush, but their shares were that much better. All of these comparisons worsened still further after 1968. These are surely the most damning of all statistics of the inflationary false prosperity. There is something deeply amiss about any inflationary boom like this one which excludes the nation's most numerous and useful class from any share of the spoils. In this respect most inflationary booms are alike, and the German and American inflations were quite similar.

Strangely enough, while workers did poorly in the inflationary boom, capitalists in the most fundamentally useful industries fared no better. Profit margins were lower in 1968, a boom year, than in 1960, a recession year, in many of the large and most basic industries including agriculture, mining, transportation, communications, utilities, steel and primary metals, automobiles, chemicals, petroleum, paper, and others. Profit margins, like workers' earnings, grew still worse after 1968. [Opening of the “recognition window” with regard to this state of affairs was the real psychological defeat imposed by Tet-'68, just as many Viet Cong strategy documents had forecast during the year-plus period of preparations for the offensive, and was the overwhelming determinant as to why LBJ chose not to run.] The rates of price inflation in these kinds of industries had also been very modest up to 1968 and thereafter, compared with much faster rates of inflation elsewhere in the economy. For example, the weighted average price inflation from 1960 to 1968 was only about 6 percent in the basically productive half of the economy consisting of farming, mining, manufacturing, transportation, communications, and utilities, while it was 27 percent in the other half of the economy. There was obviously a connection between the inability of these industries to share in the price inflation and the inability of their workers and industrialists to share in the spoils of the boom.

If all the production workers fared worse in the inflationary prosperity, and the most important of the industrialists also fared worse, where then did all the rich fruits of the inflation go? It is an obvious question. The answer must be: into the coffers of the speculators, the conglomerators, the fringe activities, and the distributees of the government's largesse. It was all very much the same as it had been in Germany.

Nice analogy, driving forward while looking only into the rearview mirror. But, no, I would argue that there is no overfitting at backtesting involved in the Paine-Kaplan model of tornadogenesis because [1] it never uses synthetic data sets, and [2] that cascade model is a dynamical (causal) model, not one statistical -- though the involved causality is non-Newtonian in that the variables employed are not only nonlinear, but also m-valued, like those of the Schrödinger wave equation (the whole cascade process being understood as analogous to “spontaneous localization” by cyclotomic decomposition, not collapse). The critical macroscopic imbalances triggering initialization of the Paine-Kaplan cascade model are an atmospheric analogue of the econometric Hindenburg omen of a Minsky moment (something along these lines was understood when one of Paine's graduate students moved from Cornell to Wall Street during the mid-1970s). Paine-Kaplan cascade theory numerically models a collection of highly non-linear, imaginary/hyperimaginary-numbered (i.e., employs the notion of complex/hypercomplex “operator-time”) feedback loops (to use prevailing terminology for something Hawking-“imaginary” and Paine-“hyperimaginary”, and thus not subject to passive-reference-frame time as is the case with respect to the normal sense of a “feedback loop”) -- econometrically speaking, what has come to be known as Sorosian reflexivity by non-orientable self-referential reentry, as is the case with forcing functions of the Phillips curves traditional, new classical, price-Phillips, modified, modified-modified, and {modified}modified-modified. Other than the fact that this is the nature of the beast, Paine-Kaplan modeling strategy is the case it is because, for one reason, feedback loops cannot adequately be backtested absent employment of m-valued variables (full adequacy could only be obtained with use of m-valued variables under self-referential, Lukasiewiczian, m-valued logics: absence of this encompassing of m-valuedness being one reason why forecast output of the Google-CIA Recorded Future temporal-analytic engine will be disappointing). The human mind has to overcome its penchant for machine learning as its preferred mechanism of meaning at quantum measurement; overcome, that is, its inductive bias. Hypothecate of the hypothecation, non-Riemannian hypersquare, 'e is, what. Function approximation to a target function, indeed the whole use of statistical methodology in, say, econometrics, is nothing but measurement-induced state collapse of an m-valued wave-function to the single-valued state. The so-called “noise” -- i.e., apparently irrelevant information -- catalytic of overfitting is the m-valued shadow lurking in the pattern of single-valued information.

Because of my thesis that creation of the bundling of bundled derivatives transpired as regressive collective unconscious conversion-disorder displacement of fiber bundle arithmetics and their implications about quantal non-simple identity, I believe the regulatory refashioning of the OTC derivatives market will become a huge conundrum, as the same processes of projective-identification operative in creation will also play themselves out over the up-and-coming exercise at regulatory action (see: “Financial markets: Derivatives dilemmas”, Aline van Duyn, The Financial Times, 11 August 2010, for one account of the involved problematic).

I do not believe that the Weimar far-right did not understand they needed hyperinflation for a whole list of reasons. And nowadays one could validly observe that overt deflationary deleveraging is driven by covert inflation, in so far as fractional-reserve credit expansion is parallelized by derivatives bundling leveraged bundles of bundled-collateral rehypothecating rehypothecation (a present-day analogue of the spun “cotton candy” Reichsmark, a quadrillion and more worth of that analogue, to use Fergusson's sugary analogy; that quadrillion and more in derivatives being a nice start along the way to some functional equivalent of the 6 quintillions in budgetary expenditure logged by Germany's Ministry of Finance during 1923 and the 1,211 quintillions of Reichsmarks circulating in July of 1924: Fergusson, p. 120), for leverage is covert inflation manifest within the parallel shadow economy -- none of which is explicitly marked to the overt economy by means of a vertical dimension to the currencies employed. What is required in terms of derivatives reform (relative to fractional-reserve banking reform: Basel III promising to gather a lot of yawns by radically innovative -- heh-heh-heh! -- single-digit-midget change of fraction deferred the better part of a decade) is not merely regulation of the OTC derivatives market, but, more fundamentally, also integration of the shadow economy with the overt economy by means of m-logically-valued fiber bundling stacked vertically upon the base-state of monetary units deployed in nesting-foam sheaves (want self-modulating viscosities to staunch overzealous hot money and high-frequency trading exuberance?). This fine-grain currency tagging needs to be done not only with regards to the internalities and externalities derivatives index and discount and hedge, but also with respect to the currency references used for backing nested LETS e-monies. A minimal but suggestive precedent for such backing -- in context of a complete lack of the required computing power, power soon to become fully available with advent of quantum computing -- was the Bodenmark (quoting Fergusson's When Money Dies, p. 107):

On September 18 [1923] were published the plans for the new Boden Credit Bank, later to be known as the Rentenbank, a bank of issue backed not by gold (it was too late for that) but by mortgages on both agricultural land and industry… the Bodenmark was by way of a solid form of Kontomark -- the units of account worth ten cents each which the Reichsbank was now using to express the real values of current accounts: at last the old fiction of Mark gleich Mark had been formally abandoned.

Actually, what became known as the Rentenmark was something of a “confidence trick” that worked, because it could not be converted into the assets supposedly backing it, only into bonds valued in gold-mark equivalents for which there was very little gold held in reserve for backing (Fergusson, p. 122). Even, according to Fergusson, when (30 August 1924) the floating Reichsmark was fixed in parity to gold and the US dollar, this, too, was a confidence trick which worked, for insufficient gold and USDs were held by the German government to back the fixed parity promulgated: thus, quite likely, often, is backed fiat; while fiat, never, backed. “Worked” how? Beyond staunching hyperinflation, worked short-term to help facilitate formation of a Third Reich by reaffirming authority of the centralized monolithic state; worked long-term to underwrite the myth that local currencies are “funny money” rather than the primary feature -- which they are -- of any possible-world monetary system with a level of self-organizational competency and ecological adaptability equivalent to those systems quantum (a level of competency and adaptability vastly superior to that of those systems Cartesian-Newtonian). Quoting Fergusson, p. 116:

…there were no fewer than eight official kinds of paper in circulation, outside the numberless issues of emergency money made by municipalities, industrial firms and the federal states. The official tokens ranged from the Reichsbank notes and railway Notgeld to gold loan 'coupures' and Reich dollars. It was a period (said Lord D'Abernon) of 'chaos the like of which had not been seen in economic history.'

Chaos. How many different types of information exchange units, tokens of metabolic value, does, say, the human body use in bringing about “self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries”? Is the human body chaos, except when unrealizable unending growth, i.e., cancer, becomes the sole governing criterion? How many things can you find wrong with the world picture treasured by Lord D'Abernon? And, according to the Warburg School/Leningrad School of cytology and Kolloid Chemie (as opposed to those who demand opaque celluloid cell walls, so as to maintain the simple-identity of I-think-therefore-I-am Cartesian-Newtonian systems), unending cancerous growth is the result of fermentative quenching of the Schrödingerian m-valued properties of oxidative intermolecular e-transport in quantum-biological systems. The conundrum of mortgage-backed securities bundled into derivatives bundling leveraged bundles of leveraged bundles cannot authentically be ameliorated by applications of sheaf theory to fiber bundle arithmetics unless the backing principle (not the “confidence trick”) employed in the Bodenmark/Rentenmark is permissively generalized to fractal e-nesting-foams of m-logically-valued e-LETS processed by Lukasiewiczian quantum computers. Situationally-imposed complexity is not overcome by cognitive return to simpler times.

I certainly am not advocating territorial separatism within the USA, nor do I believe a massive program of nation-building for America will achieve its stated goal -- whatever, exactly, that goal might be. Quite the contrary, nation-building within the ZI likely would hasten collective onset of the nauseating, time-dilated, tunnel-vision within which America's “stabbed-in-the-back” officer corps would see initiatory nuclear war as the only means to depotentiate the array of intellectual, scientific, technological, economic, resource-depletion, climatic existential threats poised against continued integrity of the U.S. as a Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian/Congress-of-Vienna nation-state (the system of which, should, long since, have become a “cultural lag”). I do, however, advocate economic- and monetary-structures disaggregation (i.e., what Fergusson refers to as “financial separatism”) as well as implementation of a radically decentralized flat management scheme as measures of transition toward autopoietic-competency levels apropos of quantum economies seen in the natural world humans have long systematically subverted. Such an “autogenic shift” has been theoretically possible but practically implausible since the 1968 origin of the American Dolchstoss stab-in-the-back myth and yet another trigger-pointed fulmination of its associated psychological disease, AMDS, American manifest destiny syndrome. Walking the halls of MACV-HQ and between the desks at the embassy's Norodom Complex in the days and weeks and months immediately after Tet-'68, one sufficiently sensitive to presence of subliminal archetypal gradients could palpably feel the “Get Some Back From the Bear” sting gestating, that sting being the collection of operations which led to: the historically-redacted, false-flag, proprietary-banked financial empowerment of the Paki intelligence service and nascent rent-a-mob Mujahedin (If Charlie Wilson's war was largely behind the scenes, origins were off off-the-books by resurrection of WWII-era Persian morphine base -- giving deserved veracity to the Radio Catinat of the day); the subsequent Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Soviet defeat, and Soviet E&E shuffle; the embrace by the Mujahedin's prodigal son, al-Qaeda, of the economic strategy pursued via military means by the Vietnamese communists, the success of which led to collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary system and onset of a risk-enhanced, floating, fiat-currency regime necessitating derivatives, their bundlings and consequences; the 9/11 sting modeled on the “Get Some Back From the Bear” sting and the synoptic organizational-phase-transition aspects of the Tet-'68 offensive in SVN; the American stab-in-the-back-myth “constellated” (using Jungian terminology), “self-metaprogrammed” (using terminology of John C. Lilly, M.D.), knee-jerked, invasion-of-Afghanistan response; and all the gathering ongoing subsequent consequences/events/behaviors. Those most intensely suffering from the PTSD-induced deficits -- in killer-T-cell-mediated immune competency, of course -- associated with post-Vietnam syndrome were the young officers who stayed in the armed forces to develop ramifications of the Dolchstoss myth. Most others moved on, carrying incivilities of a low-grade version of the illness into civil society. Fight Club fighting in a cage is an allegory (likely created by psychological processes of projective-identification, and an allegory paralleling Deer Hunter 's Russian roulette allegory) of the situation the American officer corps sees itself as occupying: the politico-economic objectives of any given case of war fighting are largely irrelevant; what is of paramount importance is to get out of the cage. A time is likely to come when the economic constraints imposed -- by having jumped onto the exponential/hyperbolic growth curve (see: cost of war tickers) in resource commitments which planetarization of the spatial variable and indefinite extension of the temporal variable dictate upon proclaimers of GWOT -- will seem to a Dolchstossed officer corps as necessitating the nuclear-option/AMDS-convulsion as the logical extension of The Powell Doctrine, a strategic action directive formulated on bases of lessons drawn from having perceived oneself to have been stabbed in the back. Doubt that possibility? I quit Special Forces in significant measure because, by the time I was leaving Training Group, team integrity and mission-specific assignment were nullified. After the Viet Nam war ended, Special Forces was made a combat arm so officers could become actual members of Special Forces. And this is a verboten topic, little discussed: the officer corps condoned shift to an all professional military, no longer looked with dismay upon privatization of Army Engineers and Seabees to construction megacorporations, and conspired with privatization of warfare to mercenary security firms in significant measure because of its cultivation of the Dolchstoss myth. Were the U.S. to resort to the draft in tooling up for a big war, stab-in-the-back considerations would necessitate diversion of major resources so as to insure domestic security. For one discussion of the larger context see: “WWIII ahead: Warfare defining human life by 2020”, Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch, 24 August 2010. Can't stand a clueless coup and unwilling to retreat, then be a retweeter. Heh-heh-heh! And, for yet more recent evidence of concretization of my 1967 (point of origin: JFK Special Warfare Center, analysis of post-WWII oil policy vis-à-vis dynamics of onset of the Six Day War: received two promotions overnight when the war broke out, for being the only person at the Center prepared to brief Order of Battle; put on a Go Team for rapid insertion to Tel Aviv, but the IDF won the war too fast for me to go) formulation regarding nascent cultural-geopolitical-energy predispositions to formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc (aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan and other members of the still-nascent Mahayana Buddhist Bloc), see the account of the Bundeswehr's postulated post-peak-oil contingency seen as impelling closer alliance between Germany and Russia, whatever the costs to German relations with Central European states (“German Military Study Warns of a Potentially Drastic Oil Crisis”, Stefan Schultz, Der Spiegel, 1 September 2010).

Jens Parsson, to my lights, takes too exclusively an economic perspective. So, no, I don't accept Parsson's contention that the U.S. inflation of the very-late-1960s and '70s was essentially unrelated to the Viet Nam war (with the implied corollary that collapse of Bretton Woods was unrelated to the manner of Viet Nam war funding), that this inflation was purely the result of application of the faddish hyperKeynesian “New Economics” embraced by the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Having had a bit of indirect ambient personal contact during the 1963-5 period, I heartily concur with Parsson's characterizations of JFK and LBJ (Quoting Dying of Money):

He [JFK] was a wealthy young heir who had neither compiled wealth of his own nor ever done any productive work, but had spent virtually his entire adult life serving in one or the other house of Congress. His own intellectual credentials were indifferent at best, in spite of a Harvard education, but he had an extraordinary weakness for intellectuals. (p. 64)

President Johnson, who had long been majority leader of the Senate, was a top sergeant type who knew well how to do what was demanded, but apparently not how to decide what to demand… He retained the Kennedy crowd and pursued the Kennedy ideas, for lack of any better ideas of his own. One of the better virtues of President Kennedy's administration had been its inability to accomplish its own objectives; one of President Johnson's more serious flaws, his unfortunate ability to accomplish what was better not accomplished. (p. 67)

But I, however, do not concur when Parsson argues that the 1962 Kennedy kickoff of monetary inflation, which was followed by disturbing-the-public levels of GNP-sector price inflation only after 1969, was not significantly related to the war in Viet Nam. Quoting page 69:

The deepening involvement in this [Viet Nam] war happened to coincide with the time prices began to rise in response to the [monetary] inflationary boom, and for this reason the war was widely blamed, though unjustly, for the [price] inflation. In the presidential election of November 1968, President Johnson did not even dare to run.

Parsson, thus, maintains that Johnsonian not-daring-to-run was due to inevitable emergence of price inflation attendant upon the Kennedy-initiated monetary inflation begun in October of 1962 (and, consequently, the not-running had nothing to do with the Tet-'68 “recognition window”: no Zenish sudden-illumination Satori provoked by the Tet koan). Yet, in his following chapter, Parsson notes (p. 71) that “The United States by 1968 had not yet seen anything but the upslope of the cycle.” And by 2010 people living in Detroit have to drive 100 miles away from the city to find a supermarket. No access to fresh vegetables, for instance. This mal{un}nutrition is in significant measure because of the way LBJ funded and supply-chained the Viet Nam war (and his war on poverty in The Other America : required reading, Econ I, AU-SIS, 1963). Production of military vehicles was outsourced to the Japanese auto industry, just as the AID contract for drawing up the Comprehensive Urban Development Plan, SMA (Saigon Metropolitan Area), was outsourced to Athens, Greece: Doxiades, Ltd. The vehicles provided GVN armed forces during the Viet Nam war were manufactured in Japan, not Detroit. Anyone walking into a parking lot where an ARVN jeep was parked next to a US Army jeep should have been aware of that. Consider that this outsourcing also contributed to the manner of American strategic defeat, even though every tactical encounter was a US triumph (and what that implies concerning strategic realities today): that manner being collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary system. In fact, the Kennedy crowd included Maxwell Taylor, and the electioneering commitment to “get the country going again” was not primarily with regards to state of the economy. Maxwell's silver hammer: Ain't misbehavin', jus' can't be toleratin' the botheration. Kennedy immediately launched an across-the-board general offensive involving generalization of the containment policy into the Third World, that generalization, in the first instance, involving Cuba (even given that contingency planning and tooling up for an invasion of Cuba began under Eisenhower: had Kennedy not been interested, he could have decided against initiating the Bay of Pigs). There is no possibility that the choices for Walter Heller as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors and New Economics and monetary expansion and deficit spending were unconnected to the choice for general offensive (which shortly came to focus upon Viet Nam, that focus being another, separate, Kennedy choice within a context of general offensive). The degree to which ex-OSS persons -- including Walt Rostow, and including even close JFK Harvard friends when he was an undergrad -- with their penchant for creation of guerrilla infrastructures, were involved in this cannot be overstated. And Kennedy's problem with the Federal Reserve was not because of the fundamentals frequently argued of late, but, in the words of Parsson (p. 68), rather “…President Kennedy made menacing omens when Chairman Martin dared to speak as if the Federal Reserve would not underwrite the deficits…” The Viet Nam war, for both economic and psychological reasons, was instrumental in terminating the Bretton Woods monetary regime, the essential defining property of which was the gold-exchange mechanism -- and the money expansion process by which that termination began in earnest is to be attributed to Kennedy, not to Truman (as Parsson points out, on pages 59 and 114, there was no federal deficit during period of the Korean war, though there were manageable psychologically-induced, WWII-bleed-over monetary and price inflations begun as money-velocity inflation) or to Eisenhower. The Kennedy choice to increase the supply of money was made for various reasons, one of which was embrace of New Economics (which “New Journalism” strongly supported); but the larger reason for this embrace of New Economics was the prior intention to launch a general offensive upon the “New Frontier” so as to carry to a far shore (i.e., West-more-land) the manifest destiny codified in the “Turner thesis” -- archetypal dimensions of psychopathologic obsession with “Virgin Land” and its conversion-disorder “displaced” Surrogates requiring for explication excursions in Jungian analysis. But was this JFK's personal illness or a collective illness he personally identified with? I say collective.

Ah, fed up with the ConFed, I see, want to deconstruct Mammon, deurbanize the inflated (coercive [we])-are-the-world Megalo(man/ic)CosmoPolis. Future Cities: kerbcrawlin' ain't indicated. And you see Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued LETS as not only Against Interpretation but also as against conurbation? Hmmm. I wonder. Assuming the unlikely premise that cities will survive the coming cuspover in human affairs and the gathering geophysical convulsion (even Velikovsky likely would have agreed that electromagnetic interlock with a close-approaching comet is not required to initiate a Polar-Storm-driven pole reversal, which is not a reference to Solar Max 2012 {see: “Massive solar storm to hit Earth in 2012 with a 'force of 100m [hydrogen] bombs'”, ANI, 26 August 2010}; is there any conceivable geocrisis, according to Hollywood and its guvment co-conspirators, not resolvable by nuclear detonation?). After all, in aftermath of the sacking of Rome (collapsing birth rates, 33-percent on food stamps), not only was math lost to Dar al-Islam's control, but European cities more or less disappeared. And, later, the city-states of Renaissance Italy (protected by privatized security forces) outsourced themselves to oblivion. Certainly LETS are against autocracy, monopolies, oligopolies, vertical integration, horizontal out-sourcing and the throwing out of “flying geese”, iterative divisionalizing-affiliatizing-franchising in megaligopolization of the swarm, monocropped homogenous mega-urban-suburban regions, jet-setting 5-star global monoculture, the notion that generic progress and economic development and human advancement are synonymous with increasing city-size and/or city-height (and associated inflated type-A egos, be they imperial, classical, colonial, post-whatever). I quit an IBEW apprenticeship to work as a landscape laborer at a fraction of the electrician's wage in significant measure because I could not justify helping to build engines of destruction; speaking in terms of karma, much better to plant trees. And ecologically speaking, Confucian-mandarinate inwardness of the Ming and seclusionary proscriptions of the Tokugawa shogunate, and Maoist anti-Western and anti-city westward-ho! defensive all-suborned-to-military build-up can only be regarded as having been in service to the commonweal of greater biospheric good. Having spent my workadays for years going from one garden spot to the next in Georgetown, Northwest Washington, Middleburg, Potomac, still, I say: City Beautiful, an oxymoron. Suburbs I grew up in worse even than the cities: foundation plantings one's primary claim to distinction, Barbie Doll pruning style. The media-hyped Good Life, to my remembered experience from late-1940s Los Angeles onwards and wherever, has not been worth living at any socio-economic level: hyper-sensitive vapid mind, covet, keep up, hog-trough greed, power hunger, choakemchild education, the thing-in-itself realized in imitation, soap psychology, cartoon expression, up-the-organization oneupsmanship, workplace low-intensity warfare, crime legalized, self-regulation criminalized, battlefield sex a forum of contending existential denials/confirmations for those lacking in being-in-itself, the acted experienced as real while the real regarded as simulacra, other-directed nose-job self-esteem clipped/tucked and silicon breasted and clit-ringed and full-face transplanted. Lah-dee-dah. One big-over living-beyond Loony Tune of negentropy drawdown stolen from Over There, Over There. I am no Aristotle, for I do not believe the state a ship; I am no Solon, for I do not believe humans are masters of the ship of state; I am no Plato, for I do not believe the state of war necessarily is the nature of cities; I am no Socrates, for I do not believe all learning is to be found in cities, none in nature's landspaces. I do believe, however, that it was no mere coincidence that out-of-the-body, archaicizing, quantum relative-state, autarchic, pagan identity-transparency was superseded in a cognitive environment of Hellenistic homo-erotic in-the-body worship of, identification with, musculature -- and that homo-phobic fertile-crescent “great” religions persecuted the flesh while sacralizing urban places and demeaning pagan conceptualizations of the nature of sacred space (turning those hypercomplex notions into a mere matter of fractional proportions, proportions later rediscovered by the likes of L. B. Alberti). The “great” cities of history have always been affluent-larcenous, rich-poor binary, parasitic Periclesian leeches sucking negentropy bounty from the WholeEarth, sinks sinking landscape ecologies, hardly the greatest achievement of {wo}mankind, though likely the measure of her/his decline and fall. But what real effect did William Blake's pen, brush, and bindery have? All-in-all for the city primate, commercial-industrial City of Man a Machiavellian syncopation station spinning la com{media} more corpo{real} than divina. If rise of “great”, modern, industrial cities required abandonment of imponderable (pagan) sacred-space/Buddhological-space, an absolutization of ponderable space, a linearization of time (for an excellent account of ancient cyclic views of historical time -- a deterioration of the primordial notion of operator-time -- see Herbert Muller's The Uses of the Past: Profiles of Former Societies, Oxford U. Press, 1952, required reading for Backgrounds of Western Civilization, AU-SIS, 1963), then advent of the post-industrial, “world”, mega-urban-suburban regions -- global-village, service-economy/culture-economy, informational-city, experience-offering, amusement conurbations based upon the selling of fashion, style, design, savvy, multimedia, commodified sex, synthesized drugs, fast MSGed prolfood, microtrends cool, hip, kink, pink, punk, bodymod, GMO, NanoImplant -- required haptification of space and concretion of time via the good-offices of relativity physics and Cubism. All those who were unrequited in seeking Pynchon's Jacobitoid Bildungsroman in Jim Dodge's Stone Junction and read Bret Easton Ellis' Glamorama as satire rather than the nouveau roman New Realism it actually is. But being stuck nine days in a Beijing traffic jam certainly ought to make one contemplate the idea that quantum-based-technology-mediated “destruction of distance” nonlocality was required to initialize the anticity, i.e., the internetworked and cellularized home-commuting, exurb, teletown decentralization of megaurb/suburb -- a process past nascent, having recently become visible. Strangely -- if not paradoxically, m-valued logics coming to the fore -- just as the Chinese are for the very first time massively undergoing forced-draft deruralization, yet another world historical epoch in metropolitan style may be terminating only to be replaced by a post-postmodern, quantum-technology-based facsimile of the dispersed, agrarian-focused, locally-sufficient traditional Chinese urban model (e.g., once matrisystem Naxi Lijiang, Yunnan, before the earthquake, which took down the modern buildings but left the 500-year-old Ming-era buildings virtually unscathed, Lijiang then being a big town located in an extraordinarily biodiverse setting and with a history of 3,000+ years of organic agriculture). Not analog money, Lukasiewiczian money! One flew over the Infobahn from Bit City to Q-bit Gotham to Mu-itic Metro. Yet and thus, a decentralized, transactional megaurb of identity-transparent teletowns would demand m-logically-valued local vehicle currencies nested in ponderable space if ever that megaurb is to synergistically integrate with its environmental-ecological agricultural-atmospheric surround by internalizing externalities. Where this new metrostyle will first appear is an important strategy issue for those interested in implementation of m-logically-valued LETS. And what is the foremost functional prerequisite to that higher-order state/condition? An assimilation of primordial notions of the nature of sacred space (see, for instance, Paul Wheatley's, The Pivot of the Four Quarters: A Preliminary Inquiry into the Origins and Character of the Ancient Chinese City, Edinburgh U. Press, 1971, reviews of which posted on the internet are denied to those not institutionally affiliated: I, therefore, scorn those links) to fundaments of hyperspaces in their modern mathematical aspect, and a haptification thereof by means of Musculpt as mathematical notation, such that touchable synaesthetic Musculpt becomes a user-friendly interface to the Lukasiewiczian monetary system with its reserve currency domain being understood in quantum-composite Everettian relative-state to the properties of imponderable hyperspace (see: "Japan develops 'touchable' 3D TV technology" [but doesn't know how to use it], AFP, 26 August 2010: any primate species that can whammy bar and RedOctane a billion-dollar industry out of Guitar Hero deserves all the Vicarious Visions and greater grief coming its way). I, therefore, continue to sit on the sidelines. Doen' mean nathin'.

As far as I know, H. G. Wells was the first in modern “times” to come up with the notion that “time is active as a topological operator on space” (an essential notion of Indic Tantra and Tibetan/Bon Tzog-chen). Published five years before Planck's quantum-of-action (a notion required for formalization of “operator-time”) and a decade before Einstein's Special Relativity (with its rigorous codification of “time dilation”). The explicitly stated premise of Wells' The Time Machine is that “time changes space” (and stated in so many words in the 1960 George Pal film adaptation staring Rod Taylor and Yvette Mimieux). Topologically-active “operator-time” is not identical to Pauli's notion of “operator time”, wherein the word “operator” is used in the technical sense of quantum mechanics to mean “a measurable”. Pauli's “operator time” is not topologically active, i.e., it does not twist space, multiply-connect space, and make space non-orientable -- the classes of operations accomplished by “three-fold operator-time” (the terms “reflexivity” and “self-referential” being black boxes concealing an enormous wealth of detail and purveying many misconceptions). The notion of operator-time in and of itself is not an example of Eternalism (wherein each point of a passive-time reference frame is believed to exist immutably and eternally, the corpus of which is understood as a full-fledged degree-of-freedom or dimension, the 1T2-logic of Eternalism paradoxically precluding possibility of free will: Krishna, “There was no time when you nor I nor these kings did not exist.”), but, with the addition of Tzog-chen zero-point AllBase (Wheelerian pregeometry), can be so regarded. Logical operations ontologically precede temporal operations. Logical operations decompose (via a species of “measurement”) zero-point AllBase -- which is an m-logically-valued reference space (MVRS: Hilbert space under Lukasiewicz logics) -- into Wheelerian superspace; “three-fold operator-time” decomposes superspace into 3-space (geometrodynamics). As noted earlier (i.e., above) in the comment on “post-selected teleportation”, the ability of observers to consciously process articulations (immutable and eternal) on pregeometric m-logically-valued zero-point AllBase is suppressed by enculturation/socialization-induced glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated “quenching” of electron-transport/phase-coherency processes of the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. The relative-states of Everett's universal wave-function become multiple universes only for those observers to which m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian processing is not consciously available, such processing having been quenched in process of Piaget's stages of cognitive “development”. Due to the nesting-foam nature of m-valued universal wave-function, and m-valued universal physical constants under m-valued Lukasiewicz logics (an understanding M Theory is converging upon), the center is everywhere everytime, and these principles, hence, can be experimentally verified everywhere/everywhen, e.g., tornadogenesis (cf, Time Storm by Gordon R. Dixon), quantum-wave properties of DNA (cf, Mindspan by Gordon R. Dixon). Of course, those persons topping out clans, castes, clubs, churches, corps, courts, civic institutions have always and all ways had a strong vested interest in brain etching and quenching: witness, for instance, the German creation of electroconvulsive “therapy” in run up to WWII and present-day American “surreptitious acquisition of DNA fingerprints” (see: the Toffler's War and Anti-War quoting an unnamed Pentagon general), Richard Berk's crime prediction software (considers all of two-dozen variables, and later undoubtedly will be coupled to gene analysis and gene therapy: see, for instance, “Crime Predicting Software Helps Police”, Raluca Coman, Metrolic, 22 August 2010), roving full-body backscatter x-ray scanners (this DNA irradiation being yet another clear case of projective-identification at collective psychological transference relative to non-simple quantum identity-transparency [“find 'em, fix 'em, and finish 'em” being something of an upgrade from “find 'em, feel 'em, f*** 'em, and forget 'em”], see, for instance: “Full-body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans [bands]”, Andy Greenberg, Forbes, 24 August 2010), and RFID tracking devices for preschoolers, this DNA irradiation being yet another clear case of… see: “California students get tracking devices”, AP, 18 August 2010. Ears of the herd raised, and being on stag with recognition at bfp/sec (billion faceprints per second), they just had to develop full-face transplants! Heh-heh-heh.

Yes, I know that most readers regard my writing as the production of something like white noise: spindrift of a colossally compromised cognitive capacity for colloquy. Speaking in horizon-scanned, generative, holophrastic declaratives, a gematric pre-Hellenistic predilection to paronomasia. Try to comprehend why they so regard. One factor in America's decline and prospective fall is the fact that the best minds of a generation cognitively -- those honed on unrelenting perseverance in face of continuous moral challenge (the main issue in contention being: What moral precepts governed such perseverance? None, I would suggest, as the then-prevailing ethos was the last gasp of Sartre-Camus existence-precedes-essence “action defines rightness”; I would modify this by means of enlightened reification: “sustained non-action, rightness assimilates to itself ” ) -- turned their backs, withdrew, and never returned, never participated at anything like full-faculty employment for consensus objectives. There and simultaneously not-there: hence, largely invisible. That left whom to run things? All those in secondary school and college one would not have been seen dead associating with, the mortification being so great. This collective behavior did not naively manifest, even if collective unconscious forcing was a significant driver. Social production is a minor measure of the cosmic value of any given incarnation. The cognizance of the average cognizer is so deflationary that…

Well… mind it, won'tya. How much increased baud-rate mindfulness imagination and sustained-attention Mindspan are required nowadays to envision 10-billion people concentrated from hinterland and 1000 Cities into two-dozen or so mega-urban-suburban regions -- many of those people camped in unserviced shanty squatter-slums, Jonhsonvilles, favelas, Bushburgs, bariadas, Obamaboroughs, katchiadabis, kebabbing no-go banlieues: estranged within citified walls, visible and invisible -- devoted to the Anglo-American ideal of unfettered/unending growth (required simply to organize, organize market creations, discoveries, allocations) on a planet with increasingly decreased carrying capacity, a planet never capable of long supporting in ecologically-balanced fashion more than 2-3 billion humans employing Cartesian-Newtonian techno regime (C-Ntr) or modified C-Ntr, i.e., based on 19th-c. statistical mechanics and stochastic thermodynamics, or modified-modified C-Ntr, i.e., based upon quantum-relativity physics interpreted to probability amplitudes and absent m-valued universal physical constants processed by nature under m-valued logics? Quite a few bits worth, probably, given that one has to imagine absence of a space-based/stealth planetary magneto-weather/laser nuclear/nano-bio-chemo-cyber-war, absence of iatro/agri-genic catastrophic infectious pandemics, absence of genomic meltdown due to biotech neglect of DNA's quantum-wave properties, absence of pandemic immune-system-produced drowning-in-mucus mass food poisonings from dioxin residues and pesticide residues and MSG dosings and steroid dosings and GMOed grains and fish and vegetables and red meat, absence of substantial negative differential-effects (mini-IceAge here, heat sink there) of anthropogenic (the forcing functions being primarily electromagnetic) climate-shift dynamics, absence of biological effects of low levels of emfs, absence of a growing-degree-day failed industrial agriculture at once-temperate mid-levels, absence of overwhelming irrigation salinity, absence of the absence of non-living soil, absence of overweening desertification, absence of flash macrofloods, absence of doggedly persistent megadroughts, absence of planetary-scale geophysical “events”, absence of ocean food-stocks depletion, absence of water inadequacy, absence of accuracy in post-peak-oil forecasts, absence of the intentional meganegentropy throwaway built-in obsolescence and disposables represent, absence of et cetera and et cetera. What 1T2-logical market mechanism prevents profit-motivated (singly-logically-valued prices) unnecessary meganegentropy dissipation? And what syndrome of binary-Boolean governmental regulatory actions -- given the complexity involved in the myriad ways there are to unnecessarily dissipate negentropy -- could conceivably so prevent? Just to put into effect one simpleminded act of Congress can require coordinated action by 150+ government agencies! Dead species walking -- because 99-precent direct use of their negentropy budgets according to dictates of suicidal collective self-metaprograms: guttering Morongo Lanes. Reduce-the-target, predatory, Krav-Maga, lumpen-capitalist, shadow-economy bankers/hedgers. Absent absence of all these absences, decentralization of towered-megaurbs/mega-urban-suburban-regions to myriad teletowns surrounded by and interspersed with managed forests and leasehold organic-permacultured communal lands -- a decentralization staged in phase with the various steps involved in bringing up e-nesting-foams of m-logically-valued LETS -- is therapeutically indicated. Having grown up in suburbs, I certainly wouldn't want to see them replicated across the globe, but, for an article written by an urbanist advocating dispersion of megaurb to vibrant “smaller cities, suburbs, and towns”, see: “Urban Legends”, Joel Kotkin, Foreign Policy, 2 September 2010. And, yes, I am aware -- having taught English and postmodernist terminology to Ph.D. candidates in Architectural Criticism at Kansai University -- that the decentralized, autarchic, life-world domains (nurtured by machizukuri [community making] and machi sodate [social networking urban husbandry]; see, for instance: Living Cities in Japan, Andre Sorensen and Carolin Funck, eds., Routledge, 2007) advocated in Japan by Uzo Nishiyama and in Germany by Gottfried Feder have been associated with state Shinto and national socialism -- quite obviously, largely by misnomer, as decentralization and autarchy, indeed, life itself, were wholesale spurned by Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, whatever early relationship Nishiyama may have had with militarists and despite the early role Feder played in formation of the Nazi party and in developing its early anti-banking financial orientation (see, for instance: Nazi Ideology before 1933: A Documentation, Barbara Miller Lane and Leila J. Rupp, eds., U. of Texas Press, 1978) which was ultimately rejected by Hitler as Feder withdrew, and/or was banished, from the party. Feder's notions concerning deurbanizing the megaurb with neighborhood clusters, as explicated in The New City (1939), picked up by Nishiyama, came to fruition-in-writing several years after he left the party and were never of much interest to the Nazis (except for nation-building counterinsurgency in the East against the Soviet partisans, as noted, if memory serves, in partisan- and irregular-warfare studies produced by Special Operations Research Office, American University, Washington, D.C., during the early-1960s; which suggests a potential role in supersession of the vigorously growing slime-mold mafia, gang, tong, syndicate, drug-cartel, extra-legal/black global economy -- as those familiar with pao chia neighborhood-association strategies should be well aware). Troi dat! Heaven and Earth! 17th-century Han pao chia strategy to oppose the Manchu was origin of the triangle-flagged triads: mosaic of 3-member cells in neighborhood associations. Applied to counterinsurgency: beat the man with his own cane, the very thing JFK rejected in getting rid of Ngo Dinh Nhu. Choice for CT teams, instead: origin of the Phoenix Program approach pursued to this very day, and globalized with declaration of GWOT.

Automatization and deautomatization; spontaneous fusion and spontaneous localization; coherent and decoherent; functional integration and functional specificity; centered and decentered; viscous/adhesive/sticky and friable/crumbled/pulverized; aggregating and disaggregating; hologramic identity-transparency and hierarchical identity-opacity/encapsulation; singular/divergent and renormalized/truncated; effectuation and near-decomposability. Similarities and subtle differences between these logocentric binary-logic dualities (“logocentric” being identical to the 1T2-logical only, as postmodernism has not actually acknowledged existence of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics understood independent of the notion of truth-value). Quoting Sarasvathy and Simon, as noted immediately below:

Just as effectuation [i.e., the process of focusing, detailing, specifying a seed idea necessarily, due to uncertainty, general, ill-defined, vague, and theoretical by means of discovering and actually following out the action-directives involved in bringing the initial notion into concrete being] creates rapidly evolving artifacts that leverage interdependence to exploit locality and contingency, so near-decomposability [i.e., not modularity, meaning, not architectonic complete decomposability, but components with boundaries -- plasmahaut fractal boundaries, perhaps -- established in such fashion as to allow specificity of function to any given component without establishing high-correlations across components: that is, insofar as quantum mechanics is understood independent of probability amplitudes and logic independent of truth-value, near-decomposability rules out the long-range phase-correlations characteristic of m-logically-valued quantum systems] in the structure of such systems leverages independence to exploit the same locality and contingency.

There needs to be effectuated diverse multiple-scenarios/many-contingencies strategies facilitating “differential relaxation”, if the late-'60s Simonian-anti-cabalistic property (see: Architecture of Complexity, 1969, which I read soon after returning from Saigon studies of the Viet Cong Political Infrastructure which did not, in fact if not fancy, conform to Simonian notions) of near-decomposability (see, for instance, “Effectuation, Near-Decomposability, and the Creation and Growth of Entrepreneurial Firms”, Saras D. Sarasvathy and Herbert A. Simon, no date given, but, by references, 2001 or later) is to aid in disaggregation-decentering mega-urban-suburban region, heightening-centering exurb teletown such that the virtually inevitable collapse at coming cuspover radically reduces overpopulation via natural attrition substantially more than, realistically speaking, by means of the various likely forms of megakill, the apotheosis being population reduction by anti-personnel, neutron-bomb-enacted, ethnic cleansing. Urbs, megaurbs, suburbs, exurbs are human-created systems supraverted such that hypercoherency has been imposed-from-above. Also as regards the financial infrastructure, where within “over-correlation” amongst the big banks is a case of hypercoherency imposed by unified/centralized rule constructs instrumented by the Basel Accords and predisposing to global financial crisis (see an account of this as regards our recent and ongoing crisis: “The Dirty Little Secret of Basel III”, John Carney, CNBC, 13 September 2010). The problem, therefore, is to find “effective” multiple-scenarios strategies to subvert the supraverted hypercoherency. Such m-strategies could only be authentically implemented by m-logically-valued LETS. For example, rule of one child the Chinese have proven doesn't work well: uniform, universally applicable, laws are poor selective response mechanisms to stress -- including population stress -- because they induce hypercoherence (for one particularly interesting statement, see the “Hypercoherence -- Too Interdependent” section of “Equity and Sustainability in Development”, Duncan Earle, Green Self-Reliance) and bring into being “communities of practice” devoted to its subversion. To offer, however, an initial seed idea for fleshing out upon effectuation, including employment of disjointed incrementalism in formation of strategic alliances and the leveraging of contingencies with tactical improvisation, consider that fine-grained tagging, with indicator/measures, of externalities to color-coded logical values stacked upon the base-state of LETS e-currencies could insure that procreative father-mother/right pays appropriately, yet differentially according to circumstance, for its entropy generation: white-collar workers in Teletown A, for instance, might have to put in very considerable pick-and-shovel permaculture time -- which they may be unwilling to do -- in order to earn enough pink value to pay for procreative right to a second child (in traditional village Viet Nam, an unwed mother had to pay a pig, and multiple-scenarios strategic “planning”, i.e., the weaving of a sacred societal cloth, was carried out on the village commons as classical-literature/poetry-derived tropological meta-reference to human chess and cockfighting/breeding), while failure to pay adequate pink value upon childbirth may involve a huge blue-value fine, blue value being required to purchase virtually all m-value-priced luxury goods in Teletown A. Alternatively, the white-collar couple (unknown father not possible with DNA assay) in question could pick up and move -- taking whatever currency-conversion color-value loses incurred: stanch on hot money flows; band-pass viscosity on mobility of labor -- to Teletown B which has a superabundance of permaculture workers and a substantially different value stack on the base-state of its LETS e-currency. A simplistic basic idea, surely, but one that would become very much more sophisticated as simulation/use evolved. Such difference-engined mechanisms internalizing a wide swatch of externalities would constellate no utopian panacea, however, as such a currency regime would have to be continuously e-commons computer-gamed (contemporary analogue of human chess) and brought up slowly from below in phase with gathering of a consensus-through-simulation/use (i.e., means of minimizing uncertainty and an analogue of the formation of strategic alliances amongst stakeholders so as to change rules by achievement of a quorum); otherwise, the enforcement-escape-enforcement cycle and its costs would paralyze functionality of the system. Free-riders, shirkers, criminals can never be altogether eliminated, but their impact can be “kept to a minimum”, the magnitude of that kept minimum being one quasi-measure (inverse function) of the degree of competency at self-organization achieved by the teletown (or other level of fractal-boundary e-nesting foam) in question, and, thus, would be a quasi-measurable indicator/factor of an m-logically-valued {logos}target-function/strange-attractor{telos} pushing-pulling in a world-actually-without-precedence-relations (logical-ontological-temporal).

It is necessary to attend to awareness of the level of discourse to which any given statement relates. “No such thing as actual hypercoherence in natural systems” is a statement relating to what may be regarded as an m-logically-valued post-classical-quantum-relativity Weltanschauung, because it comes from a preliminary cognitive elaboration upon ontic awareness of operator-time and its chronotopological functions at the ontological interface between pregeometric logical operations and geometrodynamics, as well as implications thereof for a general theory of process. Present-day consensus quantum biochemistry and quantum biophysics, I regard as modified-modified Cartesian-Newtonian, in that both continue to be based in 1T2-valued logic, single-valued universal physical constants, statistics-stochastics-probabilities, the Second Law definition of real-numbered inactive reference-frame time -- whereas, at the foundations of those disciplines, these non-convivial principles/tools have fallen apart. See, for instance, the “Change in shape over time” sub-posting to “Russian Discovery Challenges Existence of 'Absolute Time'”, Jonathan Tennenbaum, 21st Century Science and Technology, Summer 2000, describing the work of Moscow State University biophysicists S. E. Shnoll, et al. Lack of the existence of absolute time has not been news since 1905, when Special Relativity was published, so Tennenbaum's title to this article does not really capture significance of the work described, i.e., establishing histogram-represented/analyzed correlation between variations/fluctuations in radioactive decay rates and known astronomical cycles: that is, what was thought to be due to random particle emission, the decay rate for a given element being a probability amplitude handled as a rate, Shnoll, et al., demonstrate to be non-probablistic and connected to what I would suggest are salient chronotopological features of Everett's non-probablistic universal wave-function (i.e., what is consensually regarded coherent as opposed to decoherent state-function). Treating temporal windows, as do Shnoll, et al., as layers under histogram main curve is very suggestive, not only as regards sheaves/branes of MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space, i.e., Hilbert space under Lukasiewicz logics) AllBase, but also as regards the step-functions involved in definition of three-fold operator-time, functions which, in turn, may relate to prime number distribution and m-logically-valued Karpenko functors thereover. Shnoll, et al., chose to use the natural numbers to mark their temporal windows; they just as easily could have used the primes, or, better yet, Gödel numbers and Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (and even better yet, facsimiles of Gödel numbers with the prime-number factor-definitions employed not those of Gödel, but apropos to the case of Shnoll). As given in Tennenbaum's article, Vladimir Voeikov observes: “Shnoll's work shows that time is heterogeneous… Each moment in time is different from another…” In my view, this statement refers to geometrodynamic roles of operator-time, not to passing linear-time or the µTm-logical eternalities resident on quantum-composite pregeometric MVRS AllBase. As with all atomisms -- logical atomism included -- near-decomposability, as presented by Simon and consensually understood, predicates a building-up from simple components; whereas, nature never starts, for there is no natural bang-crunch start/finish, and were nature actually to start, it would be by Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic, involutory, logical-ontological-temporal decomposition of eternalities on pregeometric MVRS AllBase. The 1T2-logic paradox that near-decomposability is the result, not of decomposition, but of linear-reference-time-bound Chomskyan-anti-cabalistic generative composition/renormalization, is typical of the difficulties plaguing 2nk Kauffmanian evolutionary theory (as distinct from that Mnk) and the mechanism of natural selection. Cantor-dust of fractality is produced over reference-frame time by Dedekind cuts of the real-numbered arrow of time, probability being the Divine Cutterist. Heh-heh-heh! The Arrow of Gold. Yah, do your own believin' as ya do your own dyin': Thus Sprach M. Luther, Eg.R. (Evangelicagrace Reformed). Shnoll's histogram analysis is reminiscent, as it should for many reasons be, of the histogram analysis done during the 1970s in Budapest (discussed in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, pp. 746-9) and reported under the conference presentation title of: “New Telemetric Data on the Antiepileptic Effects of AT [autogenic training] in the Psychotherapy of PM [psychomotor] Epilepsy”. Quoting the abstract: “We discuss our hypothesis according to which the differences in the antiepileptic effects of the AT practiced on various discharge levels relates to the circadian biological rhythm”. The circadian biological rhythm relates to an astronomical temporal widow; the levels of epileptic discharge, as mapped on discharge histogram, according to my understanding, relate to temporal windows -- “layers under the main curve” -- of pi-electron parcel oscillations of the superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal DNA -- pathogenesis of idiopathic epilepsy being due, not to neuronal hypercoherence, but to hypertemporal dis{dys}phasia (i.e., nonlinear orders of hypercomplex-numbered operator-time out of phase with the complex-numbered linear-order temporal operator). AT repetitively practiced at specific phases of the circadian cycle, more strongly resynchronizes the nesting foam of temporal windows than otherwise is the case (fMRI does not present a readout over complex-numbered and hypercomplex-numbered operator-time). The notion that there can be transmission delays over vertical information and control and command channels in natural systems, including central nervous systems, mitigating hypercoherence and thought to be involved in cases of passive lineally-referential temporal dis{dys}phasia, is based upon mistaken assumption of actual presence of non-quantum simple-identity and Second Law defined real-numbered inactive reference-frame time. Leverage handles over these apparent delays include time dilation over the fine structure of prevailing heterogeneous minimum times, i.e., character of instants/moments operative, such as minimum holding-time relative to the velocity of money, or, much more generally (and under the mistaken proposition that wave-functions collapse rather than supersymmetry spaces decompose), minimum times for spontaneous localization to occur in given classes of LSTDs (limited spacetime domains/sheets-branes/laminates). The notion that “hypercoherence” -- i.e., a special purpose subsystem assimilates, or, most often, most accurately stated, by some facsimile of “reverse representation” (think: Viet Cong political infrastructure) is assimilated to, the more general purpose of its nesting system and/or supersystems -- threatens functional specificity, selective response to stress, and the variability required for evolutionary natural selection exists only under the false 1T2-logic assumption that absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct simple-identity exists : these two “exists” are inseparable. Subsystem relative autonomy is perceived/thought-to-be a prerequisite to maintenance of porous (think: osmosis) homeostatic boundaries (think: sustainability of non-quantum simple-identity) because of the neglect of heterostasis (think: platforms of non-simple quantal multi-identity) fractally embedded as identity-transparency/self-similarity hologramic underlay (think: MVRS Tzog-chen AllBase) of the hierarchical nesting foam. Degrees of relative autonomy are not structure/function variables; rather, expressions of the order of logical-value operative/imposed. Mistaking higher levels of a 1T2-logical structure/function hierarchy for exercise of system-wide control by low-frequency Boolean-information transmission (over isotropic space and through passive reference-frame time) when critical-state correlation-length at infinity (think: hologramic underlay as m-valued most-dense sheet [thinkthink: m-valued universal physical constants] of the universal covering of the Riemann-surface-mapped nesting foam of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of Karpenko functors of the m-logically-valued coherent Everettian wave-function: the strange attractor M Theory gravitates upon) insures spontaneous order (unless actively supraverted). Actual subsystem relative autonomy: hologramic “part contains all the information of the whole” (fuzzily so, because fuzzy logic is one 1T2-logic take on m-valued Lukasiewicz logics). Even Heinz von Foerster did not get far beyond modified-modified Cartesian-Newtonian -- perhaps largely because fundamental precepts of the theory of autopoiesis are predominately tied to cell-level-biology notions, less so to those of molecular biology, very little to probabilistic quantum theory, not at all to non-probabilistic, m-logically-valued, quantum-relativistic biology (though it is hard to gainsay von Foerster's 1960 hyperbolic population growth vs. carrying capacity of planet Earth “Doomsday Equation” thesis, as quantum-based techno-regime [q-btr] “managed” by Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base has no more increased carrying capacity than did/has C-Ntr increased carrying capacity [indeed, ecologically-balanced sustainable carrying capacity is increasingly decreasing, not even to mention plain old resource depletions and inadequacies, e.g., not enough uranium to support an atomic-powered planetary civilization of population 10-billion plus], largely because the hypercoherence built into human systems supraverts the time delays capable of subverting the decrease in doubling-time -- feedback, linear or nonlinear, being a 1T2-logical reference-time imposition on the actual hologramic-quantum case). Moreover, one must dispute the capability-of-the-city thesis built into the “capa-city” idea of carrying capacity (hold one! neglects F. A. von Hayek's “the time-shapes of total capital stock”). The building-in of hypercoherence to collective-egocentrism-type human systems (those not based upon authentic animistic identity-transparency) is largely the result of the glutamatergically-etched and quantum-brain-(not contained by the cellular-molecular brain)-quenched cognition of higher-enculturated/socialized academics/administrators/systems-designers being passive-linear-reference-time bound and because of their being clingers to non-quantum simple-identity as a result of employing only the 1T2-order of the µTm orders of Lukasiewicz logics understood without respect to the notion of truth-value (truth-value being apropos only of, indeed, only definable over, the 1T2-order). Hey, the system works! Not to worry. Smile. Be happy. No need for in-principle institutional and/or behavioral change; corporate/governmental social-responsibility initiatives will solve/re-solve/resolve the problems the doomsayer conspiracy freaks hysterically obsess over. Besides, they're just smart-mob MoSoSo souls with 20/10 nearsightedness and pointillistic digital deformity. I'm okay; you're okay. OK? Jus' keep on truckin'.

Per my decades-old thesis that appearance and “snapping”-consensuation of Born's 1926 probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function (rather than interpretation by application of already-on-the-scene Lukasiewicz m-valued POLISH logics) was the deep-structure straw that broke the camel's back with regards to pathogenesis of WWII, and the real reason why Poland was dealt with so severely by both Nazi Germany and Stalinist USSR, I forecasted that, at WWIII, Tibet would receive some functional equivalent of the Poland treatment, because the most elaborate human understanding of the implications of m-valued logics is contained in the legacy of Tibetan Buddhist/Bon Tzog-chen. The historiographic connecting principle implied by such forecasts is Jungian and collective unconscious and synchronicity and strange attractor related. Archetypal collective unconscious event gradients teleologically PULL economic and political and sociological and military and even concrete physical-world (thinkthink m-valued universal physical constants processed in nature by m-valued Polish logics) events by autogenic brain discharge as quantum measurement from Hegelian/Platonia/pregeometry Being into Prigoginean/geometrodynamic Becoming into Sartrean/Newtonian Existence by means (three-fold operator-time) of projective-identification at collective transference and associated dissociative conversion-disorder displacement. Upaya, Vajrayana, Bonpo exteriorization of Evans-Wentz thought-form/Musculpt Tul-pa displaced by projective-identification to, say, Surrogates. Collective hysteria at encounter with implications of m-logically-valued quantum/pagan/animistic non-simple multi-identity. Indeed, the either-or/in-or-out 1T2-logic-boundary-constellated nation-state system, itself, is exemplary of mass dissociative conversion-disorder displacement of ego-sphere to socio-geo-sphere. Circle-the-wagons psycho-defense mechanism. That concrete events of the Tibet forecast, a forecast first made during the mid-1970s, are presently in process of “constellating” -- to use the Jungian term -- is increasingly apparent (see, for two suggestive analyses/reports: “Return of the Dragon”, Gen. J. F. R. Jacob, Sify News, 31 August 2010; and “China's young officers and the 1930s syndrome”, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Daily LondonTelegraph, 7 September 2010). Now flash forward to mid-October discussions of Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (see and hear: the Wall Street Journal book review by Matthew Kaminski entitled “Savagery in the East”, 18 October 2010; and The Economist sound file of Yale historian Snyder discussing his book, 14 October 2010). Even nowadays, so many decades later, still not much mention of Reinhard Heydrich's placement of false documents in the Soviet paper mill, a hugely successful Nazi black-psyche ops which, according to OSS-R&A documents of the period, played a major catalytic role in the inducement of Stalin's Soviet Army purges (recently claimed to have been a double-double-cross, where Stalin fed false information to the Sicherheitsdienst which tricked Heydrich into creating and planting false documents with the NKVD to deceive Stalin). Great account by Snyder, however, of how, quoting Kaminski, “…the hardest hit at the time [late 1930s] were the 600,000 or so Poles living in the Soviet Union.” As to the why of it all, Prof. Snyder says, “…their motives for mass killing, however revolting to us, made sense to them.” Typical of modernist and postmodernist anti-substantialism in historiography. My answer is: mass conversion-disorder displacement by projective-identification at collective transference of the fear and loathing subliminally evoked by appearance of the Polish m-valued Lukasiewicz logics (a once in a Great Age occurrence, as these logics utterly transcend the whole recorded history of formalized human thought) parodied in Polack jokes. How many Polacks does it take to change a light bulb? The answer is three, one to hold the bulb and two to twist the ladder, which is a parody of the tri-valent lattice logic Lukasiewicz first rigorously explicated (not to mention a subliminal prefiguration of the discovery of the lowest cipher level of DNA's m-leveled genetic code). Now fast forward to the admissions of late November (see: “Russia Admits Stalin Ordered 1940 Massacre of Poles”, Richard Bourdreaux, The Wall Street Journal, 27 November 2010). Why would the Katyn massacre have been so focused upon the Polish intelligentia (see, for instance: Class Cleansing: The Katyn Massacre, Victor Zaslavsky, Telos, 2008)? Communist class warfare is sufficient to explain this aspect/event of the WWII holocaust? Why was there so much loathing cast upon Polish logic, even by many Poles? Though by now, late-2010, Moscow State University has made breakthrough contributions to Lukasiewicz logics, no attempt has been made to apply those logics to the monetary system dilemmas Russia decries.

Silvio Gesell again, eh. This occasion in a Wall Street Journal article by Chief Economist, Citigroup, Willem Buiter (“Is it time for the Fed to go negative?”, 10 September 2010). That's right, the megabank agglomeration asking this question. Quite a coup for Gesell: WSJ, Citi. Cherry picking Gesell's maximum holding-time tax on his Freigeld (a misnomer, as taxed money not received from gifting is obviously not “free money”), they are, the WSJ, Citigroup, aren't they. And not doing too good a job of cherry pickin' at that. Put this in its real context. Soon after Gesell challenged the zero lower bound (zlb) on interest rates with his max-holding-time tax (use it or lose it: don't spend it in the specified period and you are subject to a currency-sitting tax, i.e., you pay the piper for the right you give him to use your money, that is, a negative interest rate on cash and checking account deposits has been invoked), Wolfgang Pauli rejected his own original idea, i.e., “operator time”, as being incompatible with the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, a rejection Prigogine decades later concurred with because “the total-energy operator is bounded from below” and operator time would allow violation of this zlb. But both Pauli and Prigogine mistakenly assumed that operator time is a mere measurable over real irreversible, straight-line, arrow-head, reference-frame time -- no authentic topological operator with complex linear and hypercomplex non-linear properties. In the econometric context, Sorosian self-referential market reflexivities, for instance, modify normative equilibrium/clearing assumptions about time-related variables such as holding-time, velocity and acceleration of money, the initial and boundary conditions these assumptions impose, as well as modifications of the modified modified-Phillips curve. The m-valued variables in Schrödinger's quantum wave equation, of which the total-energy operator is one expression, taken as a quantum composite -- as clearly they must be taken -- are the self-referential reflexivities responsible for “non-simple identity” (the issue of subliminal hysteria actually motivating collective psychological projection of fiber-bundle arithmetics as regressed financial instruments: i.e., bundling bundles of bundled derivatives) as engine of autopoiesis (self-generation and self-organization) in natural systems. This is one reason to concur with Mish's negative (below zlb) assessment of Buiter's advocacy of Gesell (see: “Instant Insanity”, Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 10 September 2010). Market reflexivities alone would make forecast -- upon top-down universal implementation of Gesell's max-holding-time tax -- of eventual onset of hyperinflation vs. hyperdeflation a hard call, as Mish notes. Moreover, it is interesting to further note that Gesell, as a Commissioner of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, in 1919 attempted to legally invoke a max-holding-time-taxed Freigeld. The original idea for this apparently came to him as a solution to deflationary depression (which he had experienced in Argentina), but here in Weimar Germany, possessed of a panacea, he is attempting to apply it during a period of run up to hyperinflation (non-viewable latent vs. viewable actualized depreciation of the mark). Didn't make a lot of sense: increasing the velocity of money on the back of monetary inflation (i.e., an increasing supply of money) with total capital stock remaining essentially unchanged only increases aggregate money demand and thus hastens actualization of the unrealized depreciation of the currency, when what is needed (other than reduction of the excess supply of money) is additional structural viscosity (e.g., the increased conversion costs intrinsic to fractal e-nesting-foam boundaries between e-LETS currency areas) so as to staunch acceleration becoming time rate of change of acceleration of the change in velocity of money. Success of Gesell's move would only have quickened arrival of the worst case. Time rate of change of acceleration -- a 1T2-logic Platonic moon shadow of µTm-logic third-order operator-time -- being a measure of the operative index of reflexivity by virtue of its mediation of subsystem-system-supersystem source/sink topological reentries, i.e., passings about and right on through “gravitating” upon the 1T2-logic, collapsed-state-function, equilibrium price vs. the full-fledged, actual, far-from-equilibrium, µTm-logic, coherent-state price. Consider the partial differential contributions respectively made in gravitating upon a price level (unrealized depreciation, how and when it will be realized, being something present-day economic theory has no handle upon, no way to measure) by velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration of money. Quantum-relativistic economies monetarily defined over limited domains of legal tender (in-or-out-type boundaries of nation-states): minimum holding times, maximum velocities of money (at hyperinflation money velocity 1T2-logically thought to be infinite; whereas µTm-logically, a nested set of m-values to the absolute limiting velocity). The collapse of state-function and time dilation at the root of market reflexivities. Archetypal structures in the mass psychology of price determination (think: Elliott waves, among much else) as a case of self-referential quantum measurement. Don't consider these econometric realities and thus Just Keep Right on Modifyin' that Phillips curve! Inflation/deflation does have something to do with price gravitation. Phillips curve better seen: one sort of quantum-relativistic “domain structure”. Buiter's present-day advocacy of Gesell makes little more macroeconomic sense than did Gesell's very-early-Weimar advocacy: if Buiter wishes to make the Fed funds rate negative, as he states he does, the banks alone should be subject to a max-holding-time tax -- not the general population of currency users. I said some memetime ago that this could be done. But deflation is already a tax -- one progressive, however; so Buiter -- in attempting to service the wants of his bank-agglomeration -- would have this tax removed and replaced with a regressive universally applicable max-holding-time tax. And Buiter's idea of altogether getting rid of paper and coin (what I call the 1T2-logic base-state of an m-logically-valued currency) is a notion I do not concur with, even as regards implementation of nested m-logically-valued e-LETS. Find me a system that works well without wiggle! RFID tag paper money (using frequencies/waveforms not in the frequency-response windows of DNA histological types) such that actual velocity of paper money can be directly measured. People think I am crazy when I say local money is not global money. Money is money, they think. But, in fact, local money is not global money, if only because the velocity of rural money is habitually less than that of urban money in general which is habitually less than that of money-center money -- meaning that, other factors than velocity held constant, money-center money is worth less than urban money in general which is worth less than rural money, money-center money being the primary driver of velocity-inflation. Systematics of m-logically-valued LETS would make these differences explicit in formation of the action-directives and sanctions impinging upon market micro-actors, thus ameliorating some of the fully-justified grievances propelling the global rural/urban split and consequent associated violence. How, for example? Hot high-velocity money-uses could be color coded the violet value stacked upon the base-state of a LETS e-currency defined as legal tender within a nesting foam of fractal e-boundaries with band-pass capabilities. Conversion costs between color-coded values stacked on a given LETS base-state could be especially high if violet conversion were involved -- thus placing viscosity between the GNP sector and the capital-markets sector, thereby partially sequestering capital-market-driven money demand and resultant inflation from unduly contaminating money demand and price level associated with GNP. With value stacks on base-states of LETS e-currencies, choices as regards volumes of money supplies would be greatly expanded, such that the “levers” available for “fine tuning” -- by measurables/indicators fine-grain tagged (via e-commons, multiple scenarios, simulation/computer-gaming) to the stacked values -- could be multiplied in lockstep with increasing sophistication of the user interface and growing user familiarity with system dynamics. Similar autopoietic tagging-functions could progressively be instituted with regard to conversion viscosities between color-coded stacked values relative to a given LETS e-currency and between LETS e-currencies -- as made practicable by sophistication of the user interface and growing user familiarity with system dynamics. In due course, the user interface would become virtually indistinguishable from touchable colored hologramic Musculpt as mathematical notation. We'll use Mozart's method.

I personally have considerable difficulty seeing the relevance of generalizations made from 1T2-logical non-quantum molecular-cellular brain models, such as the “executive brain” model -- not to mention notions like patience and impatience genes, excluding consideration of the quantum-wave properties of intraneuronal DNA -- to attempts to find solutions to the problems arising due to the effects of quantum-based technologies upon behaviors of/within markets employing 1T2-logical currencies only: e.g., flash crashes, high-frequency trading, programmed trading, the accelerating decrease in securities holding time, growing generalized short-termism, the increasing volatility attendant upon the ever more rapid cycling of capital market reflexivities due to increasing volume and distribution frequency of information (for one collection of such generalizations, see text of a paper delivered by Andrew G. Haldane, Executive Director, Financial Stability, Bank of England, to the Oxford China Business Forum, Beijing, 2 September 2010, entitled “Patience and Finance”). In an article reviewing and expanding upon Haldane's paper and speech (see: “What can be done to slow high-frequency trading?”, Gillian Tett, The Financial Times, 9 September 2010), suggestions of several possible solutions to aspects of the speeding-up problem are noted, including that of Lord Turner and that of Executive Director Haldane. Quoting Tett:

Lord Turner, head of the UK’s Financial Services Authority, is one of those who has floated the idea of introducing a “tobin tax”, or a tax on trading, to curb frenetic churn. Mr Haldane, for his part, suggests policymakers might introduce incentives to promote long-term investments, such as giving more voting power to shareholders who retain equity stakes for a long period.

These two suggestions have a high correlation with import of the models of brain function Haldane relies upon -- given the categorical correspondence between amount of tax, number of shares held, magnitude of voting power, and volume of blood flow as measured with fMRI. Very sophisticated, this grasp of mensurability! Consider also that a Tobin tax is advocated by Sarkozy, not so much to curb churn, rather, supposedly to alleviate world poverty, but actually simply to divert criticism of the principles informing the existing order, Cartesian-Bourbaki and anti-Roma/anti-Lukasiewiczian principles he is psychopathologically in defense of (be aware, moreover, that by black propaganda they will call this Tobin tax a flat tax, but the “flat” will be in fact regressive because the percentage of the transaction paid in tax will not increase with the amount of the involved transaction, e.g., 1-percent to 2-percent to 10-percent to 20-percent, and the costs of this tax will be passed on in regressive fashion to consumers of banking services, i.e., regressiveregressive: the rich and the corporations will not bear the brunt. To whom will you and I pass on the costs? And oh how greatly this tax will facilitate the extralegal black global economy! What a growth field forensic accounting will be.) Much more relevant to questions related to market impacts of quantum-based technologies would be generalizations from models of the m-logically-valued quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. The suggestion -- among those noted by Tett -- most quantum-like was made by Mary Schapiro, Chairwoman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, relative to the role played by high-frequency trading in the 6 May flash crash. Quoting Tett:

…in a speech [this week] in New York, she indicated that the SEC is considering introducing a minimum “time in force” for orders, to stop high-frequency traders from frenetically canceling deals.

I wonder if this SEC minimum time will be a multiple of Planck's cosmological minimum time or Bohm's “minimum time for spontaneous localization” to occur -- the latter two of which are intimately involved in determining behaviors of the binary-logic computers employed for high-frequency trading, trading, that is, programmed or no. Indeed, it is Planck's minimum time and Bohm's derivative minimum time (consensually understood as related to “flash crash” of Schrödinger's wave-function -- not in respect to decomposition of the supersymmetry space) which have insured that the computers employed for high-frequency trading process two-logical-values only, not Lukasiewiczian m-logical-values understood independent of the notion of truth-value. This is so because both Planck's and Bohm's minimum times (universal physical constants) are mistakenly considered to be single-valued, not m-valued (the Earth's atmosphere, for instance, has its value for Bohm's minimum time, which is not the value calculated by Bohm; superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal DNA, too, has its value for Bohm's minimum time, which is not the value calculated by Bohm). The issue of the distribution of these minimum-time values is where questions of prime number distribution (e.g., Riemann Hypothesis) come in, and issues of Karpenko functors of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics over the primes come in. These are not incidental observations, but of considerable importance relative to greater or lesser degrees of competency at self-organization -- be such competency that of atmospheres, genomes, or markets. In both the atmospheric and DNA cases, the minimum time plays a central role in the canonical equation descriptive of the involved self-organizing dynamics. The choice of the value of any such minimum time (as regards human systems design, hopefully -- for biosphere's and atmosphere's sakes -- by analogical models drawn from nature: see “The Limits to Complexity” posting on Ashvin Pandurangi's blog Simple Planet for interesting reflections on the relationship between complex natural systems and complex economic systems, and the limits associated with Cartesian-Newtonian conceptions thereof ) is vitally important because of its self-regulatory role. Indeed, by analogy to natural processes, properly self-regulating high-frequency trading may be essential to close approaches to self-organized criticality of the quantum economies induced by introduction of quantum-based technologies into an ever more complexifying global economy -- and ten-billion people may not be able to survive on planet Earth at far-from-self-organized criticality (indeed, my ten-percent human survival rate expectation increasingly seems excessively over-optimistic). Were that to become the case, then, certainly, such an outcome will have been well-deserved.

Shush! Don't be foolin' nobody, bein' fancy. The top-down implemented, techno-investment heavy, integrated and automated cash box, bill counting, registering the serial number and time and agent of transaction, and optical-security-environment system currently being adopted by central banks and banks and businesses (rather than simply RFIDing paper currency with frequencies outside frequency-response windows of DNA histological types) will inevitably be another factor auguring for disappearance of small businesses, i.e., collapse in the number of truly independent businesses, and, thus, for continuing mega-oligopolization/oligarchization to one one-world superovermegahyperstate. The very, very strange attractor: one one-world planetary optimum currency area; one one-world bank agglomeration; one one-world currency; one one-world mind, i.e., global monoculture mimetic-estrogenated, infrasexed, {w}rapped, microwaved, and Noosphered; one one-world superovermegahypercorporation; several one-world “company town” mega-urban-suburban regions hyper-correlated by hyper-regulation via universally applied (but not actually applicable) laws demanding an omniscient monism processed by the single-valued-logic order-type alone. Intemperate intendance. Law-enforced infrasex-by-MiniMind: welcome to Planet Prison. OMG, the most spuriously valuing society in all of his story, with the most supraordinately superhyperoverstructured papering of national-wealth real-assets ever. Parousia of the designer-labeled and i/I-tuned paronymous modan garu with her {an}emotive Parnassian metrical focus:

Nippon nopan-bar
Amerigo topan-ga
Holly's woodhill can-yon
La-U-rel, no bargayon.

INductive bias: materialistic Earth-destroying mindkind of mankind. The collective ego's New Solipsism! Yea-yah. There ya go: normotic homeopsychosis. Takes more than wackibacci! Massively-displaced, conversion-disordered FEAR of the quantal multi-identity embodied (if disguised by the Emperor's Old -- copyright, timesharing… -- Clothes) in the nonlocalizable, non-simply identifiable quantum-based technologies forcing globalization since the 19th century. What has been forgotten: fear informs courage; courage, fear. Tag'em at tagged.com (not the same as fine-grained tagging of Lukasiewiczian m-logical-values to currency base-state by means of spontaneously-localized, computer-gamed indicators; and not the same as psychologically regressing fiber-bundle arithmetics to bundled financial derivatives). MoSoSo and its various derivatives, Surrogates to what? Sane/unsane: being neuronally etched, which binary existential claim does one's “one” make? Rap-rap-rap! Bull-neck elephantiasis of diencephalon, {schizo}somiasis of forebrain: your standard human lemming. Wars, murders, kidnappings, organ vampings, holocausts by the best species in the solar system. Heh-heh-heh! The national interest of whatsoever nation-state clearly no longer has redeeming social value, let alone biospheric value, atmospheric value, magnetospheric value. Hear those solar-wind whistles? Mass echolalia of the popular love song become the collective perseveration of Rap. Personally, I strongly advocate copyright reform, as I do not believe the 95-percent absolute merde output of the film, music, TV, and publishing industries in any way justifies assault upon the unrealized potentialities a cellularized internet represents but likely will never actualize. I, personally, strongly oppose GMOs by yesterday's technology today, because, under influence of a prospective bourgeoning biotech industry, molecular biologists froze into stereochemistry of genes by the “intensionality” connoted by their intentional neglect of the quantum-wave properties of DNA and how these wave properties are involved with immune competency, stress reactions, biological clocks, degenerative disease pathogenesis. It is abundantly clear, even to the complete idiot, that whole of the biosphere in due course will be GMOed -- under the mistaken money-motivated assumption that the quantum properties of DNA have no significant biological functions. Tee-hee HEE-yah! If this is the 21st century, they can just keep it. Should've never, shouldn't we 'ave, they decry. Their mantra: Out, out, damned quantum dot!

The mainstream media ain't too darned smart at making connexions. One must just wander about, wondering why. While they dee-cry a supposedly undervalued yuan, they neglect to mention that one of the U.S. strategic responses to 9/11 has been a 25-percent devaluation of the world's foremost international reserve currency -- a category the yuan does not fall into, the benefits of the creation of that reserve currency accruing to the U.S. and not to China (fast forward to 10 November 2010: Minyanville's Todd Harrison says the dollar index is down 36-percent since 2002, “Global tensions are on the rise, An unfortunate needle points to war”, MarketWatch). Add to that devaluation the slip into a U.S. negative savings rate, and the ecological/resource-depletion disaster the involved overconsumption indicates, and what do we have? A nation demanding that China facilitate a further devaluation of the dollar by appreciating the yuan; a nation demanding a radical reduction in the positive 50-percent Chinese savings rate (my personal savings rate over my personal adult working life) -- thus demanding a reduction of the ecological benison that savings rate bestows in terms of a lack of overconsumption (see, for instance: “Yuan Revaluation for China's Own Sake”, Peter Stein, Wall Street Journal, 2 October 2010). And if USG war-department spending plus output of the U.S. war and aerospace industries -- which are dissipative as regards human quality of life index, bio-atmo-magnetospheric well being, sustainability of Earth's negentropy budget -- are taken into account, then value of China's yuan, by any convivial notion of value, clearly is highly overvalued, even factoring in comparative carbon footprints, relative to the U.S. dollar, which, in non-convivial terms, should be strongly handicapped to compensate for the aforementioned dissipative aspects of the U.S. economy. NIXonian Fried{man}ism: fiat currency float as latent currency war as latent war.

Bull markets are not inflationary, they are monetary inflation inducing velocity and price inflations in the non-productive financial-sector/capital-markets of the economy; and, since inflation is a regressive tax because the velocity and price inflations in the financial-sector/capital-markets do not stay sequestered and eventually bleed into the GNP sector, any production-sector worker who can keep his/her job and who engages in rational economic behavior must strongly prefer deflation/deleveraging. Moreover, anyone concerned about biospheric viability, atmospheric coherency, maintenance of magnetospheric integrity must also entertain a strong preference function in support of deflation (circumstances only like those of the present, of course -- just as, according to Parsson, Keynes in General Theory was arguing only with regard to circumstances like those of the Great Depression). As Parsson says (Dying of Money, p. 115: “Quantity leads, and velocity follows”. Lag-time in memetime, time dilation at temporal operations over von Hayek “time-shapes of total capital stock”. Income velocity. Transaction velocity. Rate of change of these velocities = acceleration/deceleration in incomes and transactions. Gotta have both directions if intra-inter-systemic and systemic/extra-systemic synergies are to constellate. Autopoietic bias controls. With proper fine-grained e-tagging of currencies, these accelerations/decelerations would be explicit carrier functions with regard to intra-inter-systemic synergies, while time rate of change of accelerations/decelerations would explicitly mark self-reentrant reflexivities of systemic/extra-systemic quantum-economy-composite domain-structures. Not incidentally to present circumstances, Parsson offers a provocative account (see: Dying of Money, chapter entitled “Government Debt”) of how government debt -- deficit spending -- could be deflationary by increasing the supply of financial paper (no mention of the similar effect of derivatives) and drawing purchasing power away from other borrowers -- so long as the paper retains credibility, confidence, trust. When that is lost, comes cuspover.

Try looking at this Lukasiewiczian monetary conception from the perspective of DNA as it actually is, not from DNA as it is for the biotech industry. There is both stereochemistry and quantum chemistry with some overlapping functional redundancy. Stereochemical replication can be viewed as functionally analogous to fractional-reserve lending and the molecule's pi-stacks, along with the quantum-wave correlates of the nucleotide pairs, play important roles in receiving, processing, and communicating environmental information. The e-nesting foams over which m-logically-valued monetary units are to be defined would be the replacement for fractional-reserve lending; while the logical-values e-stacked upon base-state of the nested currencies would internalize externalities after the fashion of DNA's pi-stacks, i.e., the function derivatives attempt to accomplish but fail at because they are not a mature application of fiber bundle arithmetics.

As usual, the point in contention is largely beside the point (see: “Declining solar activity linked to recent warming”, Quirin Schiermeier, Nature News, 6 October 2010). Whether spectral characteristics and radiation density at this or that sector of the sunspot cycle heats or cools Earth is an issue of minor concern set beside effects of variations in the angular momentum communicated to the spectrum of hydrothermodynamic atmospheric wave motions by solar wind in differing sectors of the sunspot cycle -- which is not even to mention communication of complex-numbered angular momentum (i.e., aka twistorized “operator-time”, something not at all removed from everyday human experience -- recognized/acknowledged or not). When Paine argued during the early-1970s, relative to acoustically-modified gravity wave modes, that there are analogues to black holes in the Earth's atmosphere, what was computer modeled in the Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis (other than what are now called “acoustic analogues to black hole computers”) is more comparable to what are now called “black string cascades” (see: “Black Strings: Black Holes With Extra Dimensions”, Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience, 23 September 2010) than to black holes per se. The parallels are uncannily strong. Not so surprising considering the principles of self-similarity across scale levels and m-valued universal physical constants under Lukasiewicz logics. Such processes cannot exist in the atmosphere without being involved in climate shift dynamics. And very likely such processes are affected by anthropogenic electron-temperature enhancements, creation of magnetic mirrors, hot auroras… Great work by The Perimeter Institute, finding its way back into strings. They should reload the Paine-Kaplan computer model of tornadogenesis as a near-scale acoustic analogue of black hole computing with black string cascades, naturally occurring cold fusion in leak-proof plasma bottles, and hologramic projection by acoustically-modified geons, then look at the self-similarities of this over the scale level of superconductant processes associated with free-electron-gas core of DNA. Such studies would generate insight as regards Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation in application to nesting foams of Lukasiewiczian e-monetary units defined over fractal e-boundaries such that externalities are internalized to the internal dimensions of processes of market-mediated autopoiesis. If Blackberry's Perimeter Institute doesn't do it, who will? Certainly no confabulation of plutocrats and multilateral plods will find the way.

And now Nobeled professor Stiglitz supports my 4-decades-old Jungian-archetypal-synchronicity-based forecast as to formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc by stating that “…one way to save the euro would be for Germany to leave the eurozone…” (see: “Joseph Stiglitz: the euro may not survive”, Kamal Ahmed, The Daily London Telegraph, 2 October 2010). And when that GRrrr Bloc is aligned to a Greater-China Mahayana-Buddhist Bloc (incorporating Japan), Planetary War I will be fought for control of Earth's magnetosphere. In the day, not too likely the Earth will stand still.

Look at what Gates and Buffett hold up to China: they have chosen to philanthropically do poorly what governments could and should do well; thus, they help perpetuate bad government, run spoiling operations as regards the sentiment for adequate reform, don't use their nearly unique repositories of discretionary funds to undertake initiatives governments -- by definition -- simply could not undertake. Their specialty: Band-Aids with poor adhesive. Governance: once hallowed, now hollowed.

Do a little research. Read into the technical scientific literature on the subject. You will discover the neuropsychiatric establishment thinks that glutamatergic neuronal etching as effecter of socialization is a public good, failures of which should be met with psychotropic drugs, electrically- and/or chemically-induced convulsions. Do a little traffic analysis on the articles you come across. You will discover that agribusiness agglomerates and food-processor megacorperates began glutamate flood of their products after understanding of glutamatergic neuronal etching's role in socialization/domestication/compliance was recorded in the literature (similar role, not so incidentally, for many of the couple-hundred mimetic estrogens, of which MSG is one example). Before that traffic-analysis-identified memetime, in America MSG was put primarily only in Asian food products. Now it is in everything, and it is more difficult to remain clear of MSG in America than in Southeast Asia. Glutamate: colicin of the mind. The FDA approved spraying of all field food crops with free glutamic acid not long after glutamate flood began to be widely employed to treat underemployed and unemployed Other America. Candied soma of the Brave New World order inducing “doublethink”, which, while certainly not-NoMind, definitely is not thinkthink. What does this neuropsychiatric imprinting upon binary-logic doublethink do to the human cognitive capacity to meet the self-reentered challenges of the present anthropogenic planetary crisis? eKindle a little, can'tya. Sit awhile, won'tya. The K-hole antidote to glutamate flood which is ketaminergic ZaZen dissociating percept from propriocept. Through the roof without a roofie. Heh-heh-heh! Ever expertly introspect as so to separate out motivations/I-nesses/feeling-toned complexes (MIFs) prescriptively enculturated by glutamatergic neuronal etching from those MIFs accomplished/achieved by “bare” comprehension? My I-ness-identification is a phosphorous, which surely means something homeopathic if not heteropathic. Probly coulda oughta mighta, but hain't. Map out what that “hain't” implies relative to, in terms of, regarding which, such that, by the order of, if you will and as you were… the memetime-future of Planet Earth (identical to Hollywood only by “mass projective-identification”, one form of which came to grip Germany during the 1930s). Opposed to 5-star global monoculture on moral grounds? Nope. It's just that the direct, face-to-face, ontic experience thereof makes the skin crawl: what, in actuality, are “these”, these 5-star JC-SuperStars claiming who-status? Answer: what-who-Surrogates projectively-identifying with who-what-transference-figures as prospective source/sink terms for contents of collective regression. Can a “term” be a person? No. Well, then. One is responsible -- simply put. What has one done, what will one do, to free oneself of this responsibility? What has the LifeWorld lifeform one has chosen to live accrued to one vis-à-vis actual comprehension of the cosmic context of one's mistakenly claimed absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct self-existence? Humph! Only were one one-and-only-one could consequences of such cosmic malfeasance be benign. My I-ness-identification has always been solely owned by my me: never has my I been a debtor, thus my I has not fractionated and farmed out ownership of its potential productive output. Those whose personhood is most subdivided by credit card obligations, loans, mortgages, life/health insurance deductions, pension payments, alimony/child-support, those most bought and sold as bundled paper assets held by others, are those most insistent that 1T2-logic is the only logic there is, that one is one-and-only-one, that there can be no such as quantal non-simple multi-identity, and that, thus, m-logically-valued currencies are not needed to price the subdivision they have made in their personhoods. As one of one's other-I-am(s) could will, tap in, for instance, to the tapas Aurobindo repetitively reiterated so as to view where/when/what/how one's real “one” all ways is always being. Getting “clear” -- cleansing cellular bonding sites from being used as toxic waste dumps of the symbiotic nanoswarm constellating appearance to binary mind of a “one” one-and-only-one -- is one prerequisite to the required full-blown m-logically-valued identity-transparency associated with the “bare” comprehension which is interior neurohologramic/photismic Musculpt (at low levels of elaboration mistakenly deemed epileptic aura by a neuropsychiatric establishment identified with the 1T2-logically-valued order-type alone). This is the biological equivalent to the bloated toxic-“mud” reservoirs where stratified-pooled/fractionated-bundled derivative paper concealing latent inflation is cached until fasting/deleveraging induces detoxification by deflationary unloading (assuming the reservoirs' levies do not burst, thus allowing the toxins into the nearby river of currency), faith in the adsorptive value of government debt having flagged as the involved currency is flogged by actualization of unrealized depreciation. One must speculate that the economic process is a collective psychological projection of the biological process, not vice versa.

One reason people beg off discussions of money dynamics, have difficulty thinking about those dynamics, is because dynamics of monies presently tendered involve 1T3-valued logic, whereas people habitually employ 1T2-valued logic alone. Barter is 1T2-logically-valued; current monetary medium-of-exchange in motion is 1T3-logically-valued. Barter: one concrete real value as artifact of exchange, two parties to the transaction (you and the trader; articulation being face-to-face). Existing currencies: one real value signified by money, three parties to the transaction (you, the trader, the employer; money being the medium articulating these three such that face-to-face is not required to exchange what is variously earned for what is variously spent, wants varying from party to party, moment to moment). The values signified by money for you, for the trader, for the employer are not exactly the same, but sufficiently correlated as to allow “poetic license” to economic conventions such that a transaction can be articulated and consummated as an economic proposition. In trying to penetrate monetary dynamics, people think with binary (bi-valent) propositions about the meaning of ternary (tri-valent) propositions not generally understood to be ternary. Were the operative notion of economic value adscititiously expanded to include the nesting foam of source/sink terms of the negentropy expended in given classes of transactions, the logical-value order-types involved in the ensuing monetary dynamics would tend toward the µTm-logically-valued, thus requiring for signification Lukasiewiczian monetary units. One can regard this fact as requiring certain substantive modifications of non-cooperative game theory and the notion of Nash equilibrium.

Money is dead. Well, at least 1T2-logical money. Is it any wonder, then, that the IMF head should urge (see: “IMF chief warns on exchange rate wars”, Alan Beattie, Financial Times, 5 October 2010) the IMF to control controllers of the free float in a non-system currency “system” controlled only by equilibria points which never equilibrate? Real exemplars of human intellect sitting in drivers' seats there are, aren't there. And great systematizeers, too, eh what. What's wrong with the euro is absence of political concatenation and a consequent transnational treasury, plus single-sided rules of coin, not those binary (see tweet: “The Sovereign Debt Problem”, George Soros, XL Tweet, 5 October 2010). This, from George Soros, who has a Gesellian negative interest in Lukasiewicz logics, and who believes origin of reflexivity is the uncertainty attendant upon existence of self-referential propositions (Lukasiewicz logics being order-types thereof) and because a quintessentially Planckian distinction (Planck wrote the first truly expert opinion on this subject) can be drawn between the world and the world-picture (both of these quantum notions being understood by Soros through a Cartesian-Newtonian Looking Glass and by employment of non-self-referential 1T2-valued logic alone; no apparent attention to the literature on the quantum measurement problem). Jens Parsson's Dying of Money offers the best explication of the still-prevailing malconceptions (see his chapter entitled: “Money”). Money, according to Parsson, has no inherent value; it is simply a token of real value, a semiological signifier employed to facilitate exchange according to the rule corpus explicated by the prevailing General Theory of Practice. {Trans}Nation of Signs currently yielding 1T2-logical currencies only. Indeed, according to Parsson, were monetary exchange units to function with perfect efficiency, money would not exist; the degree to which money exists is a measure of its inefficiency. Money, then, is “anti-value” (to use Parsson's term): Glaremout laser dazzler of monetary domains, Xtreme Alternative photonic disruptor of e-money defined over fractal-e-boundary nesting foams. Monetary equivalent to manmade hot aurora by phased-array-induced electron-temperature enhancements: the imperative being, Assault the magnetosphere! One form of self-referential proposition is the “suicidal self-metaprogram” Xteriorized by mass projective-identification at collective transference in the infrared, semiconductor, DPSS segments of the spectrum. And the best anti-value, according to Parsson, is holy fiat, i.e., established by executive fiat and not backed by any value detracting from the wholly vacuity perfect money should/would be. Anti-value, one must then conclude, destroys value, like anti-personnel directed-energy weapons destroy, or like antimatter destroys matter. Rules of resultant monetary virtuality are not explicated, however. And note that Parsson's ideas concerning “perfect efficiency” in no way rely upon the physics of perfect efficiency, which is that of far-from-equilibrium, critical-state correlation length at infinity, collective and cooperative coherent quantum-relativistic phenomena such as superconductivity and superfluidity and lasered hologramics (3D Realism being a throwback, a yearning for the past, for the 17th and 18th centuries: Hollywood populism facilitating mass projective-identification at collective transference -- “the medium is the message!”). Quoting Parsson, page 141:

The entire economy is the backing of the currency; more properly it is the “fronting” of the currency, because money and all things of value confront one another, they do not stand behind one another confronting something else.

This “the entire economy is the backing of the currency”, coupled to the Newtonian fronting/confronting, is a 17th- and 18th-century take on Hugh Everett's “relative-state interpretation of quantum mechanics” and F. A. von Hayek's “the time-shapes of total capital stock”. Only in a quantum world of “system composites” could entirety of the economy be the backer, and this would require a currency semiosis defined over a universal monetary wave-function as reserve currency referent (the “something else” Parsson believes cannot exist).

Rutting over and over in the small circle of the binary mind's rondel/rondeau. When there are tens of thousands of significant events daily transpiring on this planet, how often is it necessary to do a CTR (close target reconnaissance) on one of them? Okay, OK, recce is recon; but there has to be a DOP (drop off point) at some point, so one can make the next RV (rendezvous). Even in context of utter dominance of diversionary OWI-(Office of War Information)-style newspsyops -- and given that everyone cares about disaster vics, or should -- still, CNN's obsessive overcoverage of the trappist cisterncian Chilean miners, their POE/X (points of entry/exit), has been so Xtreme as to bespeak definite mental-institutional aberration. CTR on psychology of the SSO (special service operator) sitting in his OP (out-observation/post-point) sitrepping his CP (command post) so as to call in the drones to missile monsters global Phoenix has targeted? What is CNN's covert subliminal message? Delivered by droned (cognitive basso ostinato) compensatory abreaction, by retrograde inversion, by calling the thing by the name of its opposite. Don't expropriate the plutocrats; don't excavate (tax) the rich; forget they exist. Concentrate instead on disaster, horror, the muj, al-Q, and other team sports. Hawalla-hawalla-hawalla! And the deeper, darker message resident in the mass-mined{mind} conversion-disorder displacement which traverse of the wormhole tunneling to collective unconscious reveals? Rape of Mother Earth, of Anima Mundi, is the way of all human creativity, yielding the precious stone; but woe unto those without sublimation, for they shall remain buried in the object of their obsession. Antianimism: Eros and Civilization; Love in the Western World; Love's Body. OSS-MO (morale operations) and its derivatives. Civilization and its Discontents. When did antiCabalistic Freud start this particular line of disinformation? Just as animistic, m-logically-valued, quantum, non-simple identity-transparency came on the scene. This black propaganda was one capper (think: shilling the well-potential) of what had begun during the 1820s with falsification of the import of N. H. Abel's “Impossibility” Theorem (mathematical “deep structure” of quantum tunneling). War transformed into mass warfare, into world war, into total war, into space-based planetary war. Not by sublimation of the sexual instinct; not by suppression of post-pubertal sexuality; not by segregation according to age in the patterns of sexual consummation: these regressions in service to the collective ego (nation-state) by way of insuring that conscious ontic access to states of animistic identity-transparency (i.e., the involved existential proposition directly involving Anima Mundi; hence, minimally involving the tri-valent logic em{bed}ded in the languages of ancient Andean civilization, and ultimately involving µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics) cannot be mined{mind} in normative social intercourse. For such access, at the very least, quantum tunneling should be required; otherwise, the plutocrats (and their bi-valent take on tri-valent money) will be under{mined} and no longer under mind. Mass projective-identification at collective-transference/conversion-disorder displacement. Harbinger of… Well, at the very least, a “new age of rage” (see, e.g., for a francophone take in English garb: “The world teeters on the brink of a new age of rage”, Simon Schama, The Financial Times, 22 May 2010).

Germans, Japanese, Russians, and Chinese were among the most animistic peoples on the planet, and they each submitted late to modern nation-statehood, and only under the sword, and against their wills, while largely escaping the genocides and holocausts and slaveries other animistic peoples had -- and were to -- succumbed to. Though their conscious mindsets kowtowed to imposed modernist necessity, donned The Emperor's New Clothes, their collective unconscious archetypal predispositions remained deeply committed to thematic essentials of animistic comprehension and worldview construct. Suppression during the 1820s of the import of N. H. Abel's existence proof for maths transcendental to al-jabr, by designating that proof a mere “Impossibility Theorem”, greatly exacerbated the collective unconscious archetypal dynamics constellated by violent suppression of animism. Despite the immediate back-reaction against import of Abel's existence proof, its implications continued to be worked out in higher mathematics and theoretical physics, eliciting deep “neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance” (term employed by practitioners of the neuropsychiatric therapy named Autogenic Training) while simultaneously spinning off notions greatly influencing the fine and performing arts, where, again, neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance were elicited -- this elicitation being primarily due to the fact that each category of implications of Abel's existence proof which was demonstrated strongly supported validity of thematic essentials of animistic comprehension and worldview construct. 19th-century-Romanticism histrionics well captured the agony of discovery, when what one discovered denied existence of what one held most dear. Various paroxysms acausally/synchronicitically occasioned the high points: Franco-Prussian war occasioned Cantor's 1-to-1 correspondence qua diagonal proof of the animistic identity-transparency of subset and set as regards denumerable transfinite sets; WWI occasioned codification of the Axiom of Choice and emergence of the m-valued Lukasiewicz logics of non-simple multi-identity; WWII occasioned falsification of Schrödinger's quantum wave-function to probability amplitudes, rather than developing authentic insight to Schrödinger by straightforward interpretation of his m-valued wave-function with the m-valued Lukasiewicz logics of Cantorian animistic identity-transparency and quantum non-locality and what, following the Second World War, came to be known as Everettian relative-state (itself falsified, under duress, by employment of the von Neumann formalism). During each occasioning occasion, falsification/suppression triumphed by force of arms: FrancoAngloAmerican 17th- and 18th-century notions, demonstrated wrong by discovery/creation in mathematics and physics, thus continued to inform fundaments of the governing institutional base, while worldview construct evermore moved on, and the Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base persevered in accelerating damage to the planet. Principles underlying this outmoded institutional base were, of course, embodied in the postwar monetary system codified at Bretton Woods, thus making certain that human response to the gathering multidimensional crisis would be inadequate. When Nixon nixed the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism on the back of the Viet Nam war, the inadequate became inadequateinadequate, doubly-exponentiated/compounded by devaluation of the foremost international reserve currency increasingly denominating oil transactions in a depleting fossil-fuel-driven and globalizing planetary economy. Following upon Cold War termination of BW1, an oil crisis, petrodollar recycling, Third World debt crisis, banking system failures… we all know the story well as to how we preoccupied ourselves while Earth continued to devolve under our stewardship. And now How to facilitate formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan. Quoting “The New Rules: Defusing the Global Currency War”, Thomas P. M. Barnett, World Politics Review, 11 October 2010:

Calmer voices, primarily from the business community, are calling for some new global pact on currencies, in the manner of the mid-1980s “Plaza Accord” to bring the dollar's value down or the mid-1990s “reverse Plaza Accord” to lift it back up. That sort of collusion among the world's biggest economies -- via their central banks -- has worked in the past and it could work again, according to the Institute of International Finance and its 420 member banks and finance houses.

Collusion in a supposedly free-floating fiat monetary system cyclically regulated by equilibria points which never equilibrate? Worked how? Worked to create Japan's bubble economy, the East Asian economic crisis, the 20-year-long Japanese economic sitzkrieg. As noted by Rosenberg in a recent “Lunch With Dave” (see: “Emerging Market Economies Turn to Capital Controls; Forex Market in State of Disarray; Gold's Message; Life Imitates Art”, Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 13 October 2010):

The last thing China wants to do is buckle to U.S. pressure like Japan did following the 1985 Plaza Accord, which strengthened the yen and sent the country into a 25-year deflationary stagnation period.

This is a rare statement of the truth, but still does not fully capture the actual case: devaluation of the dollar by revaluation of the yen was the method chosen by the Japan bashers to slay Japan, Inc. I didn't even hear Japanese make this assessment of the Plaza Accords while I was living in Japan during the early-'90s, nor did the Japanese I spoke with respond well when I then made a similar assessment. Such is the power of newspsyops. And if one doesn't believe in that power, consider that “Currency wars are necessary if all else fails”, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 10 October 2010. Quoting:

The atomic bomb, of course, is quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve. America has in effect issued an ultimatum to China and G20: either you stop this predatory behaviour and agree to some formula for global rebalancing, or we will deploy QE2 à l'outrance' to flood your economies with excess liquidity. We will cause you to overheat and drive up your wage costs. We will impose a de facto currency revaluation by more brutal and disruptive means, and there is little you can do to stop it. Pick your poison…

And while the French deny that they are in talks with China over the creation of a new currency regime, I heard French finance minister Christine Lagarde say in person at a meeting in Italy that France would use its G20 presidency to push for an alternative to the dollar. She specifically cited the “Bancor”, the idea floated by Keynes in the 1940s for a commodity currency priced off a basket of metals. The US risks gambling away the “exorbitant privilege” it has enjoyed for two thirds of a century as currency hegemon.

Bancor, of course, could not have worked well without the other idea Keynes floated, an “International Clearing Union” with the power to confiscate and redistribute -- both ideas being outmoded in 1945, not to speak of The World Economy 2010 with its compounded complexities and very antagonized environmental externalities. And if one still does not believe in the power of newspsyops, consider another British take on the present circumstance: “Why America is going to win the global currency battle”, Martin Wolf, The Financial Times, 12 October 2010. Quoting:

To put it crudely, the US wants to inflate the rest of the world, while the latter is trying to deflate the US. The US must win, since it has infinite ammunition: there is no limit to the dollars the Federal Reserve can create. What needs to be discussed is the terms of the world’s surrender: the needed changes in nominal exchange rates and domestic policies around the world…

In short, US policymakers will do whatever is required to avoid deflation. Indeed, the Fed will keep going until the US is satisfactorily reflated. What that effort does to the rest of the world is not its concern…

Instead of co-operation on adjustment of exchange rates and the external account, the US is seeking to impose its will, via the printing press. The US is going to win this war, one way or the other: it will either inflate the rest of the world or force their nominal exchange rates up against the dollar.

One hasn't heard expert opinion speaking about “infinite ammunition” vis-à-vis money creation since 1919-21 in Weimar Germany. This time, however, it's not about a given nation-state, but “the rest of the world”. A rather non-Cantorian take, shouldn't it be observed; a take neglecting the animistic identity-transparency of set and subset as regards denumerable infinity. A take certainly not Non-Zero. And it would be very interesting to learn exactly how this would work, given the presently prevailing “liquidity trap” which fractional-reserve lending has permitted: though the FED has created the reserves, persons personal and corporate aren't borrowing and banks aren't lending, thus trapping the money created by the FED. As Parsson again (see his chapter entitled “Creation of Money” in Dying of Money) has so clearly explicated, the spending of a paper dollar by withdrawing it from a checking account deflates the money supply by many times the dollar spent, by a factor the inverse of the fraction regulated as determining the multiple permitted in multiple bank credit expansion -- unless, of course, forensic accounting standards are subjected to fuzzification. Meaning that, such fuzzification excepted, in a debt-averse environment, the FED could have to create money at something approaching a rate equivalent to the fractional-reserve multiple permitted in multiple bank credit expansion simply in order to tread the waters of liquidity (think Great Depression, if not greater depression, and see Friedman's and Schwartz's A Monetary History…). The multiples of this required to unilaterally inflate “the rest of the world” are truly staggering (start thinking, minimally, the quintillions seen in 1921 Weimar: still far from denumerably infinite) -- particularly given how many potential liquidity traps there are out there in “the rest of the world”. Not just capital controls for emerging market economies, but, say, local modulation of the required fraction vis-à-vis fractional-reserve lending, so as to sustain liquidity traps in a changing global monetary environment. Such a QE2: great stimulus to further driving out small banks after the manner traditional diners were driven out by the fast prolfood chains. Of course, if liquidity traps could be removed, bankers would truly love such a QE2, for their profits would grow by similar multiples: just one of those things about fractional-reserve lending across a small corpus of private megahypersuperoverbanks (and one reason for replacing fractional-reserve lending with nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS locally issued with a requirement for 100-percent reserves for checking accounts and/or their e-equivalents). But, since getting rid of all those potential liquidity traps may be difficult given that “the rest of the world” under such a QE2 would have a vested interest in maintaining them, one simply must wonder as to how much of such a QE2 would be carried out on-the-books, and how much not so. Black currency ops on such a scale would certainly be unprecedented -- but, apparently, not something the German government finds implausible (see:“Germany Says U.S. Federal Reserve Heading 'Wrong Way' With Money Easing”, Rainer Buergin and Rebecca Christie, Bloomberg, 23 October 2010; quoting German Federal Minister for Economy and Technology Rainer Bruederle: “Excessive, permanent money creation in my opinion is an indirect manipulation of an exchange rate.”).

Just as the savvy medical transcriptionist has no difficulty prefiguring findings on physical examination depending upon which lawyer commissioned the exam, it is not hard to guess the general region of value this or that party thinks should be the value of China's yuan relative to this or that other currency, but what the yuan's actual relative value is no one can know, for the actual relative value of no currency is knowable in a floating fiat regime -- and not only because nation-states frequently, if not continuously, manipulate the floating apparent prices of currencies. Actual price level divided by equilibrium price level equals the unrealized depreciation-appreciation of a currency. But, because of the corpus of market reflexivities, equilibria points of economic cycles never actually equilibrate, so there is never an authentic equilibrium price to compare to an actual realized price at some freeze-framed memetime moment. Before the recent great recession, by cost-saving massive direct-investment transfer of more and more domestic U.S. GNP to China, while retaining price/velocity inflation largely sequestered to the financial-sector/capital-markets and debt-ridden housing market, the U.S. cost-pushed and demand-pulled apparent unrealized appreciation of the yuan; since advent of the great recession, onset of U.S. deleveraging, initiation of massive quantitative easing and resultant rising global commodity prices, the U.S. has continued to cost-push China while simultaneously reducing its demand-pull upon China. What is the resultant unrealized depreciation-appreciation of the yuan relative to the dollar? Actual price level? Hmmm. Like with DNA, where no one knows which is the statistical/probability-amplitude artifact, the nucleotide pairs or their quantum-wave correlates? Uh, uh… Since, under all possible-world 1T2-logical currency regimes, there is no monetary equivalent to ulexite (transmission of light with nearly undiminished intensity by a hydrous sodium-calcium borate), quantity of money times its velocity, i.e., aggregate money demand, divided by that portion of the supply of total capital stock which is saleable equals inflationary-deflationary level of prices. And not to be forgotten is the fact that if there can be velocity inflation, just as easily can there be {un}velocity deflation (see for great commentary: “Bernanke Leaps into a Liquidity Trap”, John P. Hussman, Hussman Funds, 25 October 2010). Though {quick-carry (velox)[vehere] = velo//cities = [coere](civitas) stir-citizen} of money differ between productive GNP sector and non-productive money-market sector, from hinterland to city to money center, Newton-Leibniz integrally-summed (and thus filtered, renormalized, truncated, p-adic/ized but not Gödel-numbered/RFIDed) national-money velocity doesn't change much (even when Newton-Leibniz partially-differentiated into indebted-bundled derivatives). So, there is Keynes-Friedman demand-“side” numerator above and Stockman supply-“side” denominator below -- all three approaches to price stability and full employment neglecting the negentropy draw-downs integral to their special theories of practice proclaimed general. Yet, no synthesis of the three could authentically attain generality, because: (1) the 1T2-logical currency-regime order-type, alone, precludes general-systems synergies which are dependent upon the non-equilibrium, µTm-logically-valued, quantum-composites of Everettian relative-state, monetary existence of which is prerequisite to authentic actual relative values of currencies; (2) very small temporal changes, e.g., in velocities of money, function as omni-transforming butterfly wing-flaps, e.g., altered tempo of goose-step cadence upon a rope-bridge and/or “nucleotide staircase” and/or percolation-theory “devil's staircase” for risk transfer and concentration, in complex, far-from-equilibrium systems self-organizing near criticality where correlation lengths, not money-creation “ammunition” as Martin Wolf would have it, go to Cantorian, identity-transparent, animistic, relative-state, hologramic, laser-coherent, denumerable infinity; (3) whereas small changes in money velocities, i.e., small changes in inflation/deflation, if not extra-systemically induced by executive action and left undisturbed, could function as autopoietic operators facilitating transit toward self-organized criticality, i.e., price stability and full employment, but don't because of iatrogenic interventions, small changes of changes, i.e., time rates of change of acceleration, of velocities of money could function as autopoietic operators modulating the self-referential extrasystemic/systemic source-sink reentries which market reflexivities actually are, but don't because altogether neglected and completely untagged as indictors to currency base-states; (4) F. A. von Hayek's supply-side reformulation of Everettian quantum relative-state as “the time-shapes of total capital stock” is not accorded consideration in calculation of price level and how the price level is involved in establishing the unrealized depreciation-appreciation of a currency's relative-state.

Real wealth, real value, real money -- in that order of importance; apparent wealth, apparent value, apparent money: absent actual cyclical equilibria points which actually equilibrate, these cannot be distinguished from one another in econometric behavior equations. In non-equilibrium and far-from-equilibrium systems -- as Prigogine would have it -- each of these must be statistical probabilities, not determined properties of property wholly-ownable by absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct economic actors, actors one-and-only-one. In quantum economies where non-simple identity is understood with Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics and deterministic Everettian relative-state: no labor theory of value; no use theory of value. Valuta: exchange value. Valere: relative worth upon exchange, worth indicating utility marked by money moving through {mark}ettes. Relative-state identity transparency. Allelouia! {Other}[allelon] = allelo//tropic = [tropos]{turning}: of a turning to each other. Allelotropic theory of value (see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, for an account of the origins of this notion). Value as measure of {syn}optic {eco}logic synergy (of interest in this regard are perspectives aired at SHAREABLE:CIVICSYSTEM, e.g., “Social Media Isn't Changing the World, It's Creating a New One”, Neal Gorenflo, Shareable, 12 October 2010). The acoustico-optic/logic of valuation prerequisite to fiber-optic internetworking, by ANNs (artificial neural networks) tubules, of a mature fiber-bundling of financial derivatives. Value, the signified; money, the signifier. But what of real wealth, the “proper” domain and range of F. A. von Hayek “the time-shapes of total capital stock”? The MVRS, i.e., the m-logically-valued reference space -- Hilbert space under Lukasiewicz logics -- over which proper-subset LETS e-currencies quantum-composite (verb/operator), i.e., Musculpt (verb/operator), to reserves marking/mapping the relative-states of real wealth defining the set of all non-proper, i.e., non-self-identical, subset time-shapes (chronotopology) of the global economy. Quantal measurement of the supply-side denominator Stock{man} never got into his cognitive inventory: the only real replacement for BW2.

A mindset worse than that which reached the 1938 Munich Agreement with Hitler. In response to the question posed by The Economist, “What should replace Bretton Woods 2?”, a most ludicrous characterization of why BW1 was terminated (“Time for freely floating exchange rates”, John Makin, 15 October 2010):

BRETTON WOODS 1 broke down when the dollar became overvalued relative to gold -- at the fixed price of $35/oz -- and the deutsche mark bloc in Europe. The US abandoned the gold link and ended up, in December 1971, with an -- inadequate -- 8% trade-weighted dollar devaluation against repegged currencies. The Smithsonian Agreement collapsed after 14 months and an ad hoc quasi-floating currency emerged. Bretton Woods 2 was born.

The dollar did not become overvalued relative to monetary gold. Monetary gold was not market-tradable gold. The “price”-value of (non-tradable, therefore actually unpriced) monetary gold was fixed and set by international agreement at Bretton Woods. BW1 was not a gold standard in the 19th-century sense, for currencies were not referenced to gold as an international reserve standard. Currencies were pegged (for all intents and purposes by rates largely negotiated under duress at Bretton Woods) to the U.S. dollar as the sole international reserve currency, which, in turn, was tied to monetary gold at the “price”-value fixed by agreement at Bretton Woods, i.e., US$35/oz (actually, this figure is a transpose of the long-string decimal fraction arrived at by means of Cabalistic numerologic symbology; for no one knew or could have known what this unprice-value should have been). This is the best example, perhaps, of the arbitrary type of things which inevitably must ensue when a monetary system is imposed from the top down, rather than created from the bottom up (whereby a real price could, in due course, have been put, rather than the unprice actually employed as a price). Unlike in an actual gold standard, under BW1, only central banks, not holders of market-tradable gold, could exchange dollars for monetary gold, which those central banks did ever increasingly from 1963 onwards, by 1971 all but depleting U.S. gold-reserve holdings. Under an actual gold standard (were fractional-reserve lending absent, of course), all holders of currencies (gold Reichmarks, deutsche marks , franc, lire, piasters, dollars, yen, pesos, whatever, excepting, say, MPC) can reasonably expect to exchange currency for gold. Under BW1, however, only the U.S. dollar, no other currency, was tied directly to monetary gold, which was not tradable in the metals markets. Whatever the price fluctuations of tradable gold, the value of monetary gold was fixed by agreement (such that the dollar could never become over/under valued, except latently, by fantastically assuming validity of the notion of an “equilibrium price”, and that that price-phantasm was operative in tacitly violating the agreed fixed “price”, despite the distinction drawn by international agreement between monetary and market-tradable gold: this confusion being the result of making a vehicle currency simultaneously the reserve currency). To, again, repeat, the Bretton Woods Agreement gave the dollar an utterly unique position: a vehicle currency was made the sole international reserve currency, itself and only itself referenced to a fixed standard. Such a global monetary fantasia had never existed before -- and likely never will again. Well, hopefully (and it needs be acknowledged that making a small basket of vehicle currencies a reserve-currency unit will entail the same fundamental difficulties). Nations other than the U.S. agreed to this extraordinary arrangement only under duress, against the personal unofficial wishes of both Keynes and White, the UK's and USA's Bretton Woods negotiators, and with the explicit understanding that the U.S. agreed to maintain fiscal responsibility and balance of trade/accounts/payments due to the exceptional international consequences of not doing so, given the unique privileged role accorded the dollar at Bretton Woods (and the exceptional benefits accruing to America thereby). John F. Kennedy's administration, by initiation of monetary inflation, broke that agreement in October of 1962 in order to fund the mounting of a general offensive upon The New Frontier. LBJ's “guns and butter” moved right along the finger in the air to other signatories to the Bretton Woods Agreement, the slow-motion unilateral renunciation culminating on August 15, 1971 with Nixon's announcement of the separation of the dollar from monetary gold. That meant: (1) the distinction drawn at Bretton Woods between monetary and market-tradable gold fuzzed over, broke down; and (2) holders of every currency on Earth pegged to the dollar, and holders of dollars for reserves, as a corpus, instantly lost the cumulative value of global inflation during the period 1945-'71. U.S. default on an enormous scale. By March of 1973, it was clear that the +/- 2% band for currencies pegged to the dollar, agreed to in the December of 1971 Smithsonian Agreement, could not be maintained, and currencies began to float against one another. Among other factors, inevitable long-term consequence of an unprice being used as a price! Thus was virtually all constraint upon promiscuous “printing” of U.S.-dollar Freigeld removed (only the myriad, predominantly psychological, factors, e.g., consequents of not making recurrent demonstrations of military might, behind “dollar confidence” remained as constraints). This “printing” being partially hidden by classified military expenditures abroad. The U.S. was then utterly free to pursue global monism on someone else's nickel (a multi-level circumstance the Wilhelmina/Nazi pursuit of global monism never attained, there being such a religio-philosophico-politico-econo-sociologic pursuit because of the mistaken 1T2-logic assumption that Nature is selfsame, the same as itself, is one-and-only-one, and, therefore, contrary to the Lukasiewiczian Polish logics of Schrödinger wave-function, animistic Everttian relative-state, and F. A. von Hayek “time-shapes of total capital stock”, only one Weltanschauung -- ours! -- can possibly accurately describe Her/It/Him; while, furthermore, much needing to be considered in midst of any particular instance is the fact that the essential issues involved in this pursuit being age-old leaves no room for optimism, quite the contrary: the Trinity, a failed attempt at archaic resurrection/revival of the m-valued by calling upon the logically trivalent; the Shahada, a throwback to monovalent “I am that I am” selfsameness) -- indeed, had to make recurrent demonstrations of success at such pursuit in order to maintain dollar confidence so as to retain the exceptional benefits of having the only vehicle currency which was, even after 1973, simultaneously the foremost international reserve currency (this status being the foremost “cultural lag” from BW1 making legitimate the use of the term “Bretton Woods 2” for designating the non-system monetary system prevailing after March of 1973). By contrast to Abelian-transcendental quantum economies, Bretton Woods was/is economic monotheism incarnate. Beginning in the mid-'60s, foremost in publicly advocating non-system monetary system float, were U.S. oil company CEOs, not only Milton Friedman. Beginning largely post-WWII, oil transactions were increasingly monetized from, basically, cartel barter, and denominated in U.S. dollars. Depreciation of the dollar meant cheaper acquisition of oil in the ground, until OPEC, during the 1970s, took control over the pricing of crude oil. And in spite of all the disfunctionalities and inequities of the Friedmanian/Nixonian non-system float (in actuality managed-float by failed attempt to minimize the dysfunctions that utterly-free, standard-less, float would entail, by virtue of there never having been and never will be a “properly managed fiat currency”, speaking in regards to latent depreciation by monetary inflation), John Makin says:

Bretton Woods 3 should be a system of freely floating exchange rates to avoid the tension, uncertainty, and distortion associated with highly diverse economic conditions and policy regimes existing in today's economy.

While the stated concern for subsystem adaptability is laudable, the manner suggested to obtain it is a fantasy set within the corpus of global policy errors being committed today which dwarfs by orders of magnitude that made during the late-1930s. My response to the question as to what should replace Bretton Woods 2 is provided by contents of this website, and was summarily proffered to editors of both The Economist and The Far Eastern Economic Review during early-1998, only to be poo-pooed, as they were then preoccupied with Asian crony-capitalism as sole cause of the 1997 Thai-baht-initiated Southeast and East Asian economic crisis. Heh-heh-heh!

The notion of “strategic surprise” (see, for several examples: “A Theory of Surprises”, R. H. Atkin, Environment and Planning B, 8, 1981; Strategic Military Surprise, Klaus Knorr and Patrick Morgan [eds.], Transaction, 1983; Intelligence and Strategic Surprises, Ariel Levite, Columbia U. Press, 1987) used by staff of the U.S. Army War College to dissimulate the Tet-'68 offensive in SVN as a stab-in-the-back occasion was expanded and generalized (see: Out of the Blue: Wildcards and Other Big Future Surprises…, John L. Peterson, Arlington Institute, 1997), then, post-9/11 (see: Inevitable Surprises: Thinking Ahead in a Time of Turbulence, Peter Schwartz, Gotham, 2003) and post-Iraqi-insurgency, was further conflated/dissembled to the notions of “blindsiding” (see: Blindside: How to Anticipate Forcing Events and Wild Cards…, Francis Fukuyama [ed.], Brookings, 2007), the “black swan” (see: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, Nicholas Taleb, Random House, 2007), and the “strategic shock” (see: “Known Unknowns: Unconventional 'Strategic Shocks' in Defense Strategy Development”, Nathan Freier, November 2008). To my mind, these self-commiseration texts are applications of the typical postmodernist technique of deconstructionist intent, whereupon something old is proclaimed new and given a new name, while all participants in the universe of discourse write and read as if the old never existed. Literary criticism/analysis always involved deconstructing the text; what was authentically new with post-structuralism was use of the term “deconstruction” and the degree of associated dogmatism imposed upon analytic practice. Since at least Sun Tzu, military tacticians/strategists have made it their business to induce both tactical and strategic surprise; while it has always been part of the business of IPO (intelligence, plans, operations) to identify enemy intentions (see: our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, to contrast the two dozen or so indicators identified at SRA/MACV-J2 [see, “The Role of the Viet Cong Infrastructure in Enemy Offensive Preparations”, 7 December 1968, for an online example of the declassified SRA Newsletters] with currently prevailing state of the art exemplified by “The Identification of Enemy Intentions Through Observation of Long Lead-Time Preparations”, Jonathan Lipow and Yakir Plessner, EconPapers of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, 2001), anticipate, warn, develop the relevant/requisite contingency plans and operational expressions facilitating effectiveness of real-time strategic improvisation (for an extensive and excellent bibliography on strategic improvising, see the readings page of the Mayer Creativity Associates, Inc., website, which, unfortunately, cites by Perry only a paper, not also his Real-Time Strategy, Lee Tom Perry, Randall Stott, and Norman Smallwood, Wily, 1993). Also relevant here is Hugh Courtney's 20/20 Foresight: Crafting Strategy in an Uncertain World, Harvard Business School, 2001. Neologism, figuration, stylistic effusion, techno fixation have long since replaced formal creativity and content innovation as qualitative indicators because worldview-construct analogical modeling progressively fell into disrepair as the Weltanschauung implications of 19th- and 20th-century creation/discovery in higher mathematics and physics were found to contravene the sacred cows of mass-psyche security blankets. This fact, and this fact alone, was sufficient to necessitate Global Phoenix into existence: conversion-disorder analogues to all the fundamental themes were there to be viewed at Targets Branch of CICV, the Norodom Complex, and CORDS PICCs and DICCs. That which cannot be cognitively assimilated and integrated must be killed in the persons of transference-figure embodiments established by conversion-displacement at mass projective-identification. The Hollywood-pandered purple people-eater burrowed inside the fear, the loathing, the dread and drear: ketaminergic JeLo in The Cell watching Pandorum on the tellie. And now that the political gene for liberalism has been identified for use in gene therapy, neuroscientists of the molecular-cellular brain have found experimental support for the Autogenic Training thesis that “neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance” -- popularly known as “being in denial” -- are associated with the anti-homeostatic effects, e.g., conversion-disorder displacements, of disturbing memory traces induced by trauma and carried by those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (see: for instance, in regards to mapping the molecular landscape of memory and removing selected proteins from the amygdala: “Eternal sunshine? Scientists create technique to delete traumatic memories”, Daily Mail, 2 November 2010; reference to the film entitled, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet). Do these effects have collective manifestations across population corpora? I think so -- as did, by implication of his theories of archetypes, C. G. Jung. Archetypes having to do with collective memory traces, traumatic and otherwise -- i.e., mappings of the quantum-wave landscape of memory (molecular manipulations of which being likely to create cognitive dyscrasias). For that, I'll be swallowed, like was Procne. Had there been no “Get some back from the bear!” Afghan sting mounted upon the Soviets and subsequent chain of events, collective unconscious archetypal event gradients would have found another way (by “thematic orchestration” over long-range phase correlation between “centrencephalic safety-discharge systems”) to concretize some functional equivalent to Global Phoenix (multi-level GGF -- godawful gang fook -- our side screwing our side as much or more than all the other sides; forget the larger picture and concentrate forces so as to win every tiny encounter such that “the war” is lost; as regards negentropy dissipation, just like with the Cold War, in respect to the larger prevailing planetary crisis, our species screwing our species as much or more than all the other species). With generalization of the notion of “strategic shock” to include “non-military defense-relevant security challenges” such as anthropogenic climate shift dynamics, the ecocide and resource-depletions incumbent upon population explosion, collapse of the prevailing monetary system, notions of national interest involving “ideological security”, the belief-system blowback of ever-increasing utilization of quantum-based communications and computing technologies within a Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization, and the myriad like, stab-in-the-back psychodynamics are drawn along, such that action directives and organizational transformations authentically capable of addressing these challenges have largely been conversion-disorder displaced to the many population-control salients manifest and latent, covered by black psyche false claims that these are counterterror related. 17-5-3-7-19-31: enemy strength pony show once again, another Glamorama at Stone Junction it will be -- ain't that right, BJ? -- no, uh, yes, yes -- that's what I mean, see, I mean you do know what I mean, don't you, BJ, for as we all know, you always know, and that's why you, BJ -- you, you, you -- the most reliable, is relied upon the most, always, only you to always get it done, whatever it may be I mean, and as you know, I don't want to know what I mean, only that you, BJ, get it done -- now, good golly and gosh, ain't that pellucid enough?

One point of all this is to argue that, wherever one looks the world over, it can be seen that the baton will be passed on and on amongst the same team, that there will be no midstream Pony-Express changing of horses without dismounting -- and that this near-certain prospect has profound strategic implications for any breakaway initiative entertained with regards to whatsoever aspect of the accelerating multidimensional global crisis. The term “same team” hereupon refers to all, everything, and everybody associated with institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm/Weltanschauung. Fundaments underlying/justifying that institutional automatization were irrevocably shattered during the 1820s, almost two centuries ago, and, yet, mass clinging behaviors have sustained themselves through numerous deautomatization states leading from Cartesian-Newtonian format to Cartesian-Newtonian format: e.g., shift from the colonial to the postcolonial; from mercantilism to global oligopoly via depressions small and great; from local wars to continental wars to global total war; from utopian socialism to national socialism and national communism to post-communist eclecticism; from liberty-targeting liberalism to plutocratic security-state liberalism. Mere matter of political suasion genes, what, their frequency-response windows already subject to a variety of population-control irradiations. The biggest threat to “state security” as regards the national interest, goals, and objectives, in the realm of “ideological security”, has been creation/discovery in higher mathematics and physics. Institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm has survived only through dissimulation, falsification, and dissembling of maths and physics, and this ideological impose has double-binded and maltracked both domains of exploration to such an extent that adequate new notions of economy and governance and techno-innovation and application have been systematically subverted/blocked from emergence, such that, not only is “strategic state collapse” in the offing, so is strategic nation-state system collapse. An institutionalization 200-years out of phase with evolving comprehension of the principles of Nature's form-in-process -- given the malentendu the prevailing Weltanschauung has become -- cannot possibly inculcate a leadership elite psychologically/cognitively capable of midstream far-from-equilibrium institutional phase shift. Indeed, if the strategic environment itself, as distinct from the corpus of identified and unidentified actual and possible hostile-purpose threats, has become the greatest threat, then the component of the strategic environment which is the only potent overmatch for all possible configurations of force-structure deployments is the collective unconscious from whence creativity/discovery issues. That being the case, removal of the capability of the personal and collective unconscious to play a role in creation/discovery is a foremost national security priority. And given that “shock and awe” inherently cannot be the best response to any defense-relevant non-military shock mounted by the collective unconscious, some other way to undermine the collective unconscious capability for creation/discovery must be found. Brain-chipped 'e was, wasn't 'e, love? The next logical step, therefore, is to 1T2-logically simulate the mathematician/scientist himself (see: “Eureka, the robot scientist”: Waalaa, the “automated scientist”!) such that all human cases thereof are eventually altogether replaced. And, if in that effort venture is made upon the domain of QFA (quantum finite automata), all possible precautions must be taken against incorporating the Cantorian, Lukasiewiczian, and Everettian properties so much a part of collective unconscious archetypal dynamics (see, for instance, Ignacio Matte-Blanco's classic The Unconscious as Infinite Sets). This replacement process already having been well launched, and “hybrid war” having been defined as “politics, economics, and social action”, one can be reasonably certain the prevailing institutionalization will resolutely play out its cards in whatever suit/aspect, running through its behavioral repertoire without substantive in-principle change, no matter what. That being the case, any breakaway initiative entertained can maximize its potential effectiveness only by factoring into its contingencies/improvisation prospectus a picture of the relevant crack-up aspect sure to be induced by the prevailing institutionalization and its agents. Had to destroy your own village in order to save it? When strategic dislocation within the state collapsed in strategic state collapse is your own… Prequels only, so far, backwards running memetime is -- down-counting retroreaders, we are, aren't we, love.

A Tobin tax and a carbon tax and “a levy on shipping and aviation” and “a 'wire charge' on electricity generation” (see: “Soros Panel Draft To Recommend Bank Tax, Carbon Auctions to Aid Climate”, Alex Morales and Jim Efstathiou, Jr., Bloomberg, 5 November 2010). What national currency are these hugely regressive transnational taxes to be figured in? A QE2/3/4-hugely-devalued US dollar as international reserve currency and denominator of oil transactions? Who will benefit most? Who will lose most? How much transnational inflation will thus be generated as the additional costs “trickle down” by being passed on? How much of the Tobin tax proceeds delivered to nations of the developing world will actually reach those most needing it? Taxation, with or without representation, where's the significant difference? Coerced (quantified, then monetized with 1T2-logical coin) tribute to the governance (taxes) created the land barons (owners of singly-logically-valued property) by forcing the small freeholds out: thus were the massive disparities born which continue to be borne. New taxes to rectify what old taxes created? Hence, what of the Tea Party movement is the binary mind to make: heads or tails? And when the inevitable back-reactions reach critical magnitude will occasions be generated fostering the need for demonstrations of military might and, in due course, vastly increased population control measures (see, for instance, in regards to mapping the molecular landscape of memory and removing selected proteins from the amygdala: “Eternal sunshine? Scientists create technique to delete traumatic memories”, Daily Mail, 2 November 2010; and as regards the technology of behavioral modification couched in a positive cast “Electric brain stimulation can improve math skills”, Kate Kelland, Reuters, 4 November 2010; and as regards miniaturized drones, “Celebs beware! New Pandora's box of 'personal' drones that could stalk anyone…”, The Daily Mail, 8 November 2010)? What alternative is there? My answer is m-logically-valued LETS. The technology is becoming available. Moving 3D holograms (see: “Scientists unveil moving 3D holograms”, Clive Cookson, The Financial Times, 3 November 2010). But the dynamic polymorph holograms required for Musculpt as mathematical notation and a user-friendly interface to full-blown computer-gamed m-logically-valued LETS would have to be generated without resort to photographic imagery -- no HollyPentaWoodGon Realism required. They would have to be 100-percent freely-created and computer-generated, touchable (see: “Japan develops 'touchable' 3D TV technology”, AFP, 26 August 2010) moving acoustico-optic/audiovisual gestalts. But adolescent employment of this technology likely will continue to prevail -- that is, if the sort of pathological uses the films Gamer and Eagle Eye prefigure are to be regarded merely adolescent, as were early computer games. That tech-use trajectory being the case, sudden loss of the US dollar's status as denominator of oil transactions and foremost international reserve currency unit would constitute appearance of a singularity in defense “strategic planning territory”, i.e., the “fitness landscape” employed by the “strategy and policy community”? Collapse of the wave-function of a “Level 3 uncertainty” (hypercorrelation/coherency of forcing functions precludes point forecast) to a decoherent, discrete, strategic-shock event, analogues to Heisenberg's uncertainty inequalities setting parameters of such collapses? And what if the quantum theory of strategic shocks were to be reformulated by employment of the m-valued Lukasiewicz logics of state-function? Would “Level 4 uncertainty” (ultracorrelation of forcing functions) become parameterized by consideration of non-linear, “imaginary” operator-time? Extension of fitness landscapes to the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) of Everettian VirFut Q-Pro? Who's decision space, yours or mine? Posture the polity? And if so, would implementation of m-logically-valued LETS become identified as the best strategic-response option available to solve/re-solve/resolve the presenting corpus of involved “non-military defense-relevant security challenges”? Perhaps. But that “best strategic response” would, nonetheless, likely be rejected on bases of policy determinations made independent of the strategic analysis/formulation process. For those who do not believe that a quantum theory of strategic surprise began to emerge at SRA/MACV-J2 during the spring of 1968, I counsel a reading of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh.

To get a feeling for how far out into a world of fantasy and historical malperception the prevailing global mandarins are, take a look at president of the World Bank Group Robert Zoellick's recent The Financial Times op/ed piece entitled, “The G20 must look beyond Bretton Woods”, 7 November 2010. Quoting Zoellick:

The scope of the changes since 1971 certainly matches those between 1945 and 1971 that prompted the shift from Bretton Woods I to II. (emphasis added)

If Zoellick actually believes this statement, he is sufficiently disoriented to actualities of monetary history as to disqualify him from a role in determining what shall replace Bretton Woods II. Moreover, this op/ed piece clearly demonstrates he (and, by imputation, his staff) has no new ideas about how to deal with the new situation (no more than those who know nothing of the CI-overreach of 1948-9 as precipitator of KW1 can today accurately read the C-NK nexus). His statement favoring/condoning gold as a reserve currency reference is indicative. Because market actors retreat to gold, is that a sufficient rationale to make gold an international reserve standard? Hardly, perhaps even quite the contrary. And at what fixed “price” (i.e., unprice value) relative to whatsoever international reserve unit chosen shall monetary gold this time be set as a standard? And by what method shall that unprice value this time be determined? And since gold in the ground is not homogenously distributed across the planet, how is a level playing field to be monetarily established by employment of gold as a standard? And if, contrary to the Bretton Woods I precedent, monetary gold this time is again not to be distinguished from market-tradable gold, how, on a resource-depleting planet, shall the fluctuating price of gold be used as a reserve currency standard of reference? What means will be employed to stabilize the price of market-tradable gold as a standard of reference, and by whom will those means be employed? Historically, how many times thus far has gold (and other precious metals) failed as a standard of reference for the prevailing international reserve unit? One more time, shall we all? Here we go again. Ring around the rosy. While condition of the planet continues to deteriorate at an accelerating rate. Every idea thus far put forward by the governing elite is hundreds of years old, however pitched in postmodern guise.

Today, late-2010, reading Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's defense of the Hamiltonian American model (“America will survive the errors of Ben Bernanke's trigger-happy Federal Reserve”, The Daily Telegraph, 7 November 2010), which certainly has not been the only American model, one cannot help but observe that the absolute last thing the planet needs is a new global monetary system which facilitates sustained growth. What is needed is a mature system capable of effectively organizing economic activity absent synoptic growth, even in synoptic contraction as global population is reduced by natural attrition -- while at the same time orchestrating microscale growth and repair where it is needed. Continued synoptic growth is the end of life as the human species has known it.

Both Jens Parsson in The Dying of Money and Adam Fergusson in When Money Dies argued that Weimar Germany's financial establishment did not intentionally, with understanding aforethought, attempt to print/inflate Germany's way out of debt and war reparations; rather, according to their accounts, Weimar hyperinflation came on the back of WWI inflation and mistaken policy due to lack of comprehension of the economics of inflation. Parsson's and Fergusson's analyses, however, were based upon contents of public policy statements and documentary evidence alone -- hardly adequate source materials for the ascertainment of motive -- not also by having somehow gained access to proprietary policy-formulation discourse. One can, therefore, entertain some doubt as to the accuracy of Parsson's and Fergusson's assessments. This issue is relevant today relative to what is generally considered a highly improbable scenario: in a fiat currency regime, the U.S. debasing its currency and attempting to inflate the rest of the world so as to radically reduce its foreign debt. Whether or not it is possible, in principle, to inflate one's way out of debt in a deflationary environment, and, if possible, whether or not it can be done without suffering dire long-term consequences are issues not necessarily germane to the question of whether or not a given nation-state will make the attempt. Rationality in national policy is frequently little more than rationalization. Militate/mitigate? Hmmm. While I consider this U.S.-policy-scenario possibility improbable, I do not think it all that improbable. For one, on the unconscious level, Parsson and Fergusson may have been predisposed to their assessment of Weimar policy motivation by subliminal recognition of a trend line suggesting the possibility of a similar future policy on part of the U.S. Secondly, the human species as a whole has long been engaged in similar promiscuity relative to the planetary negentropy budget, thus, by conflation, establishing precedent for a policy of emulation wherein planetary hyperinflation is actively sought. Thirdly, there is much room to believe that the U.S. will not go gently into that good night of second-fiddleness, that, on the contrary, archetypal mass behavioral gradients strongly predispose America to pull a Samson, i.e., draw the temple down upon itself rather than abandon its sense of manifest destiny. Long before 9/11 -- e.g., Old Ironsides cannonading the Port of Da Nang killing 300 people in 1849, four years before dreadnaught Susquehanna knifed its way into Edo Bay: an early version of the Structural Impediments Initiative -- the global policeman constantly “pushing”, “giving feet” to the world on behalf of a compulsion to inculcate global monism. And, lastly, having responded in the anticipated way to the 9/11 sting by unabashedly stepping onto the exponential/hyperbolic growth curve/curse of resource commitments inescapably associated with a declaration of GWOT and the undertaking of COIN/Security, Stabilization, and Reconstruction Operations (SSTRO) campaigns, there is little likelihood the U.S. will voluntarily abandon its foremost means of payment for such, the means JFK initiated in October of 1962 to finance his general offensive upon the New Frontier: monetary inflation. This, in spite of the fact that, boutique or not and/or white noise or not, David's stone and the Chaos Butterfly's wing flap -- not war-fighting threats of consequence -- are those “threats of context” made “threats of purpose” (think: Sun Tzu) at plausible way points along trend lines strung through the prevailing threat cloud in the overall universe of threats are the ones most likely to bring down dire consequences of trying to pay down debt by currency debasement and monetary inflation. “Night of the Living Fed” may just be the occasion Samson-with-exoskeleton chooses to pull the temple down upon himself: intratrib rapt, not the pretrib rapt of Knowing.

The Journey to the East, not the West. Laws of the Marsh are out: one more peach orchard; one more pledge of fidelity amongst The Mussel, the Snail, the Oyster, and the Clam. And in all the years since 1944, when Keynes' proposed International Clearing Union was rejected, generation after generation of Earth's financial authorities never even bothered to develop a set of indicators diagnostic as to when global imbalances threaten sustained global growth, also known as “economic stability” (see: “G20 closes ranks but skims over toughest tasks”, Alex Richardson and David Ljunggren, Reuters, 12 November 2010). Let alone question whether or not global growth has redeeming social value, biospheric value, atmospheric value, magnetospheric value! This cull, hardly the lot to lead the bio-atmo-magnetosphere out of the prevailing maze of cul-de-sacs. If in 66 years the authorities can't produce a single set of global indicators (quantitative + qualitative) with respect to a single issue, don't even attempt to imagine them developing myriad sets of local indicators relative to the many issues requiring fine-grained tagging to m-logically-valued LETS monetary units and, derivatively, their quantum-composite reserve reference. Likely the case as regards human survival rates at planetary cuspover: by early-1950s, ~50%; by mid-1970s, 30-40%; by early-2000s, ~10%.

One hears fairly regular reports about money supply because the FED employs some fairly regular guys as bean counters; one hears very little about velocity of money because, as regards dynamical factors of every sort, the FED has precious little more than mere inferences to go on. The authorities don't know much at all about differentials in velocity of money across the various sectors of the economy -- community A, community B, rural, urban, money center -- or relative money use (relative-state) across the same sectors, as well as across the productive GNP sector versus the unproductive capital markets sector. The above-mentioned being factors of the demand-side numerator of the equation for aggregate price level. Nor do the authorities know much about factors of the supply-side denominator to the equation for aggregate price level: time-shapes, volumes, distribution of total capital stock across the various sectors of the economy. Knowledge of these component processes/variables being advised for FED arrogation/meddling with respect to flattening unwarranted exuberances, retrograding recessions, inculcating employments, guaranteeing growth, funding state/local/national governments, propping up capital markets, manipulating interest rates, saving megacorps and big banks and sovereigns from default, protecting investors who make poor bets… One major reason why all the lack of knowledge informs bird's-eye-view FED policymaking is the lack of m-logically-valued LETS e-monetary units tagged to local indicators and defined over nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries. Another reason is the fact that the cash base-states of such currencies (paper and coin) are not RFID tagged with frequencies outside biologically-active windows. Let it be noted that, because free-electron gas core of DNA is superconductant, biologically-active frequency-response windows are nano-thin (i.e., the electromagnetic spectrum being what it is, life could not exist without DNA being superconductant, for the organism could not sufficiently isolate itself from environmental influences), leaving, so to speak, much frequency space in between the nano-thin windows. This means that non-biologically-invasive barcoding of a given element of the corpus of saleable elements of total capital stock (i.e., denominator in the equation for aggregate price level) could be the actual “in between” spacing of the RFID frequency signature (plus overtone series) of that element vis-à-vis the frequency component of the function-space Musculpt used to define the reserve currency domain (monetary frequency-domain incarnation of the MVRS, i.e., the m-logically-valued reference space, Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space notated in hologramic music-sculpture).

Absolutely not a strange idea! A currency unit (in the form of paper or coin or other token, the base-state of money), as a general claim within an economy against all participants not holding it, is a negotiable receipt for work performed by some person -- personal, corporate, notional -- and in that capacity as receipt is an element of notation. If, therefore, hologramic Musculpt were to be exteriorized as explicit mathematical notation (creation in the mathematical field always involving the movement of acoustically-modified neural holograms into conscious awareness), even worn as hologramic SmartDress/dancewear interactive (in lieu of the pathological current warfare focus of smart apparel), no great leap would be involved to employ that acoustico-optic polymorphic notation in accounting monetary transactions, for, after all, numeric graphic notation has long been utilized for that purpose. Forms of uses engender forms of uses. Moreover, the interior/exterior transparency thus holomorphically mapped upon money would facilitate its quantal role as vacuum fluctuation (the corpus of all general claims mutually cancel, leaving a void) and marker of the fractionality (papered divisioning, layering, and bundling of debt obligations relative to future productivity of any economic “selfhood”) and relative-state identity-transparency (topological transformability and universal exchangeability of such debt paperings) of economic actors. The object exchanged in the ritual gift exchange of Stone Age economics was not the object exchanged, but the identity-transparency (hau : see Marcel Mauss' general theory of the gift) signified by the exchange-object as token of animistic-quantum relative-state. The self-regulatory propitiation aspects -- relative to the negentropy budget of Earth, which involves the von Hayek “time-shapes of total capital stock” -- of the implied allelotropic theory of value was wholesale abandoned by post-Renaissance monetary theory, Cartesian-Newtonian econometrics, and modern/postmodern corporate/catholic/normotic economic behaviors. In this respect, Stone Age economics was vastly more sophisticated than is its present-day derivative.

A credit expansion process clearly is required if utilization of resources is to approach optimality. There are, however, several different ideas in that regard which emerge naturally from my take on LETS currencies: (1) bank reserves should be in quantum-composite reserve currency units, not those of decomposed vehicle currencies; (2) the money multiplier should not function primarily over multiple banks, but over nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS e-currencies; (3) banks of issue for LETS currencies should be wholly owned by governmental entities associated with the given foam nest; (4) governmental entities owning banks of issue and holding reserves can loan reserves to other such entities; (5) private commercial banks should have 100-percent reserve requirements for checking accounts and very stiff prorated fractional-reserve requirements on interest-bearing time deposits, and exclusive rights to credit card issuance; (6) banks of issue should be proscribed from offering checking accounts and issuing credit cards, and should have rather less stiff prorated fractional-reserve requirements on interest-bearing time deposits; (7) right to intermediate derivative contracts, which must be denominated in some commodity-backed m-logically-valued LETS currency, should be exclusively granted to private investment banks; (8) investment banks should have none of the functions of commercial banks or banks of issue, commercial banks and banks of issue none of those of investment banks; (9) all debt instruments -- excepting those contracted in reserves between governmental entities owning banks of issue (i.e., governmental right to taxation by inflation remains a viable instrument, but the power to use it is dispersed over the nesting foam) -- should be indexed in relation to the m-logical-values stacked on the base-state of the LETS currency of debt denomination. Not only will GDP-credit versus non-GDP-credit likely become well-ordered under the m-logical-values stacked on LETS monetary units, but other types of credit-use issuance likely will stratify by appropriate scale over the LETS nesting foam.

In speaking of what he calls The Law of Exponential Inflation, Jens Parsson (The Dying of Money, p. 174) says:

If it be asked how a few percentage points per year of increased money supply can make so much difference, consider this: every one percentage point of increase may amount to only $2.6 billion more of money quantity in, say, 1973, (when the money supply was $260 billion), but if every dollar is used 50 times a year that comes to more than $130 billion of new purchasing power poured into the system for each percentage point. At the 6.5 percent annual rate of money expansion which was actually prevailing in 1973 [Bretton Woods One nixed; no longer the gold-exchange constraint upon U.S. dollar creation], purchasing power was being increased each year by no less than $845 billion, which was two-thirds of the gross national product. Let no one seriously question the tremendous leverage exerted by mere percentage points of money inflation.

Be that money inflation with regards to the capital markets sector (e.g., equities price-level inflation), the GNP sector (e.g., CPI inflation), or both -- unless, for some period, there prevails a carrying away of that money inflation by foreign export to, say, emerging markets, or proportional liquidity trap (e.g., due to debt deleveraging). And if there be a law of exponential inflation, then some similar process/law must prevail with regards to deflation: The Law of Geometrical Deflation. Inflation is a covert tax on creditors, i.e., savers; deflation, a covert tax on debtors, i.e., those who have leveraged themselves into paper wealth. As Parsson explains it (p. 194):

Even monetary policy is a branch of tax policy. An inflationary policy represents a decision to include the inflation tax on capital [savings] in the tax structure. A deflationary monetary policy would represent a decision to include the deflation tax on debtors in the tax structure. Fiscal policy too, meaning deficit or surplus in the government's budget, is a part of the monetary branch of tax policy. Since it is not possible for the government to run either a deficit or surplus in real terms, but only to secrete the monetary inflation or deflation tax in their guise, fiscal policy represents merely an indirect choice to include either the inflation tax or the deflation tax in the tax structure. A monetary and fiscal policy which was perfectly non-inflationary and non-deflationary would represent a decision not to use monetary manipulation as part of the tax structure at all, but to rely instead on overt rather than covert taxes to accomplish the purposes of economic management. The government has no power not to tax to the full extent of its expenditure, but only the power to select one kind of tax rather than another.

All econogovernance, hence, is one or another form of taxation. But representation cannot solve the problem of good governance because there can be no actual representation, for once a representative is made a representative he/she is no longer representative, rather set apart. “Setting apart”, however, is simulacra, mere pretense -- the declaration of a limit to politico-economic calculus (this Newtonian limit on derivative decomposition permitting the definition/prehension of fictive absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct closed systems named “individuals” as if factive). Abel's 1820's existence proof for maths transcendental to algebra challenged this limit; Cantor's 1870's 1-to-1 correspondence qua diagonal proof of the cardinal identity-transparency of set and subset over denumerable infinity (as many even natural numbers as there are natural numbers) demonstrated the limitation of limits; Lukasiewicz's 1910's rigorous elaboration of m-valued logics showed that the value of any limit as imputed universal (constant) is dependent upon the order of logical-value used to compute it (also: Cantor's 1890's diagonally-proved infinity of non-denumerable infinities requires logical-value order-types if reductionistic interpretation is not to prevail); Einstein's 1910's experimentally demonstrated substitution of a continuum property (spacetime curvature) for a property of discreteness (vector-conflict of forces, even of fields of non-omni-transforming, hence localizable, action) provided a material illustration of the hologramic identity-transparency belying authenticity of any “setting apart”; Schrödinger's 1920's m-valued quantum wave-function, understood with m-valued Lukasiewicz Polish logics, should have altogether quenched the Newtonian notion of a limit, but didn't, due to the efforts, notably, of Born, Gödel, Turing, and so on. Cabalistically speaking: “each number is infinite”. My contention, therefore, is that good (perhaps better is the better word) econogovernance, as a special case of governance per se, must incorporate political-economy analogues of what Abel, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, Einstein, and Schrödinger discovered -- and that this can only be done by Musculpting and computer gaming the e-commons, not by turning the internet into a referendum forum (counting raised hands displayed over networks serial or parallel or hyper-cubed being a vector-summation decision algorithm inextricably tied to the notion of inherent conflict of forces, not natural synoptic harmony).

Reading Bernanke's 19-November-2010 speech, “Rebalancing the Global Recovery”, before the Sixth European Central Bank Central Banking Conference, with its ramping up of the attack upon China's currency policy (see: “Bernanke turns up the heat on China currency policy”, Greg Robb, MarketWatch, 18 November 2010) relative to export-led growth, one cannot help wondering how he accounts for workability of America's policy of import-led growth. Perhaps he can't and that's why he is demanding access to Chinese foreign aid. Heh-heh-heh!

Okay. I'll take that on. What Bernanke is saying, basically, is that without Chinese aid America cannot consume the world into global recovery, and it cannot continue to consume China and the rest of the developing world through Rostow's stages of growth and into economic maturity. That is probably a true bill, the real skinny, but only if-and-only-if U.S. war-related economic dissipation were not to cease and all sales taxes, value-added taxes, liquor taxes, gas taxes, use taxes -- taxes constraining consumption -- were not removed and replaced by big increases in the graduation of personal income taxes and even bigger increases in taxes upon capital formation and capital movement -- property taxes, inheritance taxes, taxes on interest income, corporate income taxes, personal capital gains taxes, net-worth-threshold confiscatory taxes -- and the proceeds of these capital taxes dumped upon American consumers in the form of personal debt relief, entitlements, tax rebates, increased personal income tax deductions and exemptions, healthcare supplements, and so on. The patriot who wished to see the U.S., indeed, Americans, long persist, should have strongly supported populism, to include regulated labor-import. For decades and decades, the U.S. has chosen to generate adequate purchasing power (including the purchasing of its wars) not by capital taxes but by debt formation and by evermore convoluted derivative papering of the debt formed. As productivity goes up by infrastructure development, labor demand and hence purchasing power goes down. Capital formation is not the problem of a post-post-industrial affluent society infrastructured to the gills; inadequate redistribution from capital to debt-free consumption is the problem: liquidity-trap sequestration of money/credit within capital markets (think: a quintillion dollars worth of derivative contracts) is a structural problem of post-post-industrial societies, a tax-structure problem. If covert taxation is to be used, as mass psychodynamics surely would require, it could be of the deflationary variety. If fiscal policy is to be used, it could be of the surplus variety -- which, contrary to popular “understanding”, is deflationary in real terms. Tariffs on exports could supplement the effects of “flying geese” and direct investment overseas; while huge penalties could be levied upon off-shore out-sourcing of labor. The U.S. has only to maintain and upgrade the infrastructure which four centuries of genocide, slavery, mass warfare, and Hamiltonian nature rape put into place, not install it de novo, like the emerging-market economies still must, also undoubtedly by rape, exploitation, and war. What, besides geographic scale, is the difference between Imperial Japan's co-prosperity sphere and present-day globalization? Nothing substantive, insofar as Bernanke's 19-November-2010 speech can be taken as a full-face transplant of the still-prevailing 17th- and 18th-century axioms, postulates, premises, assumptions, hypotheses of the dismal science: pretense to one thing, pursuit of another. The wars and economic malformations of Bretton Woods I & II certainly have already killed as many as were killed in The Great Pacific War. Retro of Wacko :: Wacko in retro :: Retro Metro gone wacko, jitterbugging Zigzag just so -- and just so's he don't miss nothin'. Is this planet presently “beyond borders”? Beyond 1T2-logical, Cartesian-Newtonian, inside-or-outside, orientable-type, whole-integer-dimension borders? Is it a “one world” world or a “we are the world” world? Want something different from globalization of co-prosperity? Then embrace the full psycho-sociosexual-politico-economic implications of Abel, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, Einstein, Schrödinger, and so on -- that is, if the bill increasingly being paid for centuries of Cartesian-Newtonian nature rape (and associated genocide, slavery, warfare) does not preclude human-species survival into, through, and beyond the rapidly approaching planetary cuspover. A very big “if ”, given that nature's omnivorous omnium-gatherum is against international law, being collective punishment for collective transgression.

Au contraire! I had post-Vietnam syndrome long before I went to Viet Nam, contracted as an eight-year-old in village Japan at the end of the Korean war. But I did learn something of fundamental importance in Viet Nam during 1968, and I have never forgotten it: nothing is to be gained by arguing with crazy people. So, in my view, I have long since discharged whatever social-conscience responsibilities I might have had in respect to these ideas, whatever their actual worth. I am happy when the very few right people run across them; I will be even happier if I get through this incarnation without being drawn into useless argumentation with the wrong people. Speaking in terms of reincarnational operator-time, why timewaste even memetime? The smallest trace of Allbase registration requires the greatest efficiency of cognitive translation. Another thing of fundamental importance I learned in Viet Nam during 1968, even before the Tet offensive, had to do with what I eventually understood to be holomorphic maps. My first day as a targets analyst at CICV was spent with a gazetteer of maps of Viet Cong geographic boundaries -- which were very frequently changed and in many places different from those employed by the GVN. Studying these maps, I got an undifferentiated intuition -- later differentiated -- as to why the boundaries were kept in a near constant state of change. Subsequently, Strategic Research and Analysis/MACV-J2 lavishly documented high correlations between VC boundary changes and changes of many bureaucratic variables of the VC political infrastructure. I understood these correlations to be indicative of, not only the presence of a mathematical relation, but of an authentic mathematical function whereby the bureaucratic variables were mapped upon the boundaries. Change the boundaries and -- SNAP! -- structure of the bureaucracy automatically changes. Simple as that. But this was a very complex idea. Most Americans with whom this idea was broached could not understand how a whole bureaucracy could be stacked upon a mere line drawn in the sand. And if educated Americans couldn't understand it, who would believe that “ignorant” Vietnamese peasants could have come up with the idea, let alone found myriad ways to implement it? Nonetheless, I knew it was the case, and that it had emerged naturally, even subliminally, from age-old village practices. I knew this in the immediacy of ontic recognition, almost by direct perception, as a result of my childhood exposure to village Japan -- traditional rice ritual, village festivals, animistic Shinto spiritualism, ikebana, and their kata conventions or “forms of uses”. The boundary (range) is the conformal “image” of the bureaucracy (domain). But how could the level of abstract thought required so to schematize concrete human behaviors have been present in village Viet Nam? Consider the following account of certain aspects of cheo, people's theater, 2000-years-old in village Viet Nam (James Edward Goodman, Uniquely Vietnamese, The Gioi, Hanoi, 2005, pp. 219 and 220):

Festivals provided the usual venues and occasions for staging cheo plays. A sedge mat laid out in the courtyard of the dinh [village communal/spirit house] served as a stage, with a painted cloth backdrop hung on the wall behind it for the scenery… The performers of these plays were simple farmers… Without the money required to create stage sets and fancy furnishings, the village cheo artists developed a set of conventional gestures, signals, songs, and speech to convey a sense of space and time, weather and surroundings… On the barren stage then, the performers themselves are responsible for creating the illusions of different kinds of scenery, settings and backgrounds, the crossing of spaces and the passage of time [concrete application of the quantum-relativity physics notion named “the anthropic principle”: central theme of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh and illustrated with the art works of Nguyen Quynh]. They achieve this through the power of suggestion evoked by the way they talk, sing and move the different parts of their bodies. To do this properly and effectively they must master a range of specific gestures and movements and particular styles of walking and talking, singing and sighing. These are all standardized to convey specific meanings that the audience can instantly recognize. These conventions fill the stage with an imaginary topography, tick away the time and reveal the emotion and personality traits of the characters.

So, 2000 years of experience with precisely how “conventions [in this case, correspondences between signifiers and meanings signified, i.e., Euler's definition of a mathematical function] fill the stage with an imaginary topography”. Moreover, a theory of correspondences is the basis of the traditional medicine practiced for far longer than merely 2000 years. And what is an “imaginary topography” if not a special case of Buddhological space, the space within which Southeast Asian geographical boundaries-without-boundary were traditionally (even before arrival of Buddhism, with all that implies) “sounded” as standing-wave patterns beat out by falling water upon bronze-drum tympana and stone xylophones. The traditional, pre-Westernization, boundary/border was “imaginary”, not a 1T2-logical “real” line drawn in the sand. Holomorphic maps involve those functions which are differentiable over complex and hypercomplex -- i.e., imaginary-numbered and hyper-numbered -- variables, and the conformalities thus established frequently involve formation of boundaries-without-boundary because the function is infinitely differentiable (the very definition of “identity-transparency”, the property most characteristic of animism, spirit worship being derivative of the direct perceptual/proprioceptual experience thereof). No category of authentic animistic sensory experience, for instance -- hue, tone, texture -- is what the non-animist experiences as being the same category -- that of the animist being far more “imaginary”, well beyond a binary distinction between empathy and abstraction by virtue of the identity-transparencies involved. Boundaries-without-boundary are boundaries made of holes, or, alternatively, boundaries made of stacks. The empty holes or stack-frames can be filled in with meaningfulnesses, correspondences established by conventional uses, say -- like in cheo, for instance, or like in the VC boundaries over which political infrastructure variables were mapped/stacked as “imaginary topography”. The real line when decomposed is seen to be stacks of collections of holes opening upon the imaginary and the hyperimaginary -- and, that being so, boundaries can be treated thus and so, as clearly was the case in traditional Southeast Asia. And if boundaries are so treated, those meanings most valued, most attended, most revered will be those seen when “looking through” the holes (portals), and sheets of holes, into realms of the imaginary. But when every boundary, that which distinguishes between self and not-self, is porous, indeed, nothing but holes, and a stack of layers of collections of holes, not only can what is self and not-self not be clearly distinguished in immediate ontic experience, but the self/not-self, i.e., non-selfsame identity, being layered, wears many hats, is inherently multiple -- i.e., “m-valued” in modern parlance, and even m-valued under m-valued logics. Once upon a memetime, all being authentic animists, there was no difficulty “communicating with” -- in non-animist parlance -- the non-selfsame multiples of identity (not “of a given identity”). But, with the imposition of unwarranted hierarchy, all members of the village corpus no longer being authentic animists, mediums were required for communicating with the non-selfsame multiples of a given identity. Quoting Goodman once more (pp. 66, 70, 71, and 73):

Quite apart from the cult of village guardian spirits Vietnamese folk religion recognized local deities whose potential benevolence was available to all and not confined to those of a particular locality. The most important cult was that of the Holy Mothers… The usual ritual performance is called hau bong (service of the spirits). Devotees also know it as bac ghe (installing a chair), for they believe the medium acts as a “seat” for the spirits as they take turns descending to the mortal world. The mediums are usually female (ba dong)… For the medium the purpose of the hau bong is to temporarily incarnate, in succession, individual members of the pantheon… Vietnamese call the medium's performance len dong, which means “falling into a trance.”

In periods primordial, if not times traditional, the foremost decision algorithm was the taking of a trance reading on the collective need. This responsibility fell to those most capable of entering trance states, those who could establish a “seat” (the neighborhood disk of a point) upon the imaginary/hyperimaginary Allbase out of which reals decompose/recompose (for “differentiation is equivalent to integration”). To establish this seat, the medium has to “empty”, become a hole, a singularity/attractor of/for the function to be incarnated. And woman -- by virtue of her biological endowment and facility at orgasmic trance seizure -- was/is most adept at this. “A holomorphic function defined on a disk is completely determined by its values on the boundary of the disk”: statement of the import of the Cauchy Integral Theorem. What is the boundary of a disk if not a hole? And what is a nesting foam if not holes inside of holes inside of holes? Direct experience with internalization of this principle over some thousands of years -- even if never codified in modern mathematical terms -- insured that the mapping of bureaucratic variables upon changing boundaries occurred naturally, without much conscious thought. Though one should not altogether rule out early mathematical codification (see, for instance: discussion of pre-Newton/Leibnitz analysis -- holomorphic functions being “analytic functions” -- in Kerala, India, with precursors back to the 5th century). Those mathematicians/physicists who disparage Schrödinger's lifelong cultivation of Indic/Tibetean thought do not ontically experience their maths/physics. Let it be noted that it is common mathematical practice to use a finite number of terms to approximate a holomorphic function. And let it be further noted that 3D hologramic representations of curves in the complex (imaginary) “plane”, and m-order Taylor series approximations thereto, likely, when properly Musculpted (e.g., audiovisual gestalts available in eidetic immediacy during “autogenic abreactions”; think: Cantor's “seizures” -- Cantor, the least binary mathematician of the 19th century, being now falsely characterized as having suffered bi-polar disorder; is that a collective psychological projection or not? Heh-heh-heh!), are one collection of representations of “seats” upon Allbase, i.e., the base-state of Tzog-chen -- direct perception of this or that such collection traditionally differentiating one level of trance-seizured Samadhi from the next. So-called “natural” languages devolved by glutamatergic loss of conscious access to the internal Musculpt which is m-logically-valued dynamics of neural holograms; only natural, therefore, that evolution of the hologramic technology of exteriorized Musculpt should be occasioned by ketaminergic loss of language skills. The cat comes in; the dog goes out -- as the Tang were wont to poesy.

One sure way for Thailand to substantially slow down the inflow of U.S. dollars (see: “Abhisit calls on Asia to use yuan in trade”, Bangkok Post, 13 November 2010) is to cease selling to the U.S. Work out bilateral trade agreements to use each other's currencies, then sell, what Thai companies currently sell to the U.S., instead to China -- or Cambodia or Burma or Indonesia or Brunei. What, me worry? Mai peng rai. Worry tomorrow about the imbalances which develop today with each of the bilateral trade partners. But Thai bureaucrats, by means of various policies in run up to July of 1997, having broken their peg of the baht to the dollar, hail the Thai Prime Minister (is it NESDB or the State Bank of Thailand?) for now wanting to denominate all regional trade in a currency pegged to the dollar, a currency devaluing (relative to non-dollar-pegged currencies like the baht) in lock-step with the devaluing QE2ed dollar. Pretty interesting, what! Would using the yuan be in China's interest or Thailand's? Over what categories of sales, purchases, reserve holdings? Relative to PPP units calculated on basis of what universal store of value, at what fixed price, arrived at by what manufactured consensus? The yuan is undervalued relative to the dollar by almost 50-percent on the basis of what PPPed god's-eye view? Once Keynes' and White's ideas for a commodity-backed, non-vehicle, bancor/unitas reserve currency and an International Clearing Union with the authority to confiscate imbalances and redistribute them (at gunpoint, by clear implication; conviction regarding Newtonian equilibrium of forces by vector sums, conceived as feedback or not, having been dissipated by [what has been regarded since 1926] Planck's probability fog a generation before onset of WWI: when sums don't work, turn to the gun) was rejected at Bretton Woods -- rather more accurately, rejected behind the scenes of the BW conference -- there was then only one possibility for a vehicle-reserve currency: the U.S. dollar. (White was rewarded for his advocacy of what he saw as a functional monetary system by having his life destroyed by HUAC -- and Nixon -- under the ludicrous charge of being personally responsible for collapsing Chiang Kai-shek's Gear-Wheel currency, a currency stripped of teeth by monetary inflation.) No vehicle currency other than the U.S. dollar had an economy behind it capable of providing liquidity adequate to resurrect the global economy in aftermath of WWII. The productive capacity and purchasing power existed nowhere else. It took Japan, for instance, several years to gear up to manufacturing imitation Zippos out of empty Budweiser cans. As I remember, the Japanese were still doing that as late as 1956, after all the help the Korean war had provided them: inside the cap, you could read Bud. Countries hold a lot of U. S. dollar reserves today primarily because the U.S. buys a lot of what they produce, and because of imbalances in dollar-denominated bilateral trade with countries other than the U.S.: simpler to hold one currency in reserve than to hold a hundred of them (excepting that, nowadays, computers could do virtually all the work). Hot money and tourist money and expat living expenses are relatively small change. Foreign-denominated debt for infrastructure BOT megaprojects, or the purchase of low-income box houses, now that's another issue. Foreign direct investment. Hmmm. Capital flight: as a country's currency devalues in run down to collapse, highly-leveraged loans in the domestic currency to the local superrich are converted into appreciating-currency assets (this was pioneered in Weimar Germany, circa 1919 to 1920); after the local currency collapses, some of the loans are repaid in local currency worth a fraction of what it was when the loans were granted. The IMF steps in, saves the banks which granted the highly-leveraged loans, imposes austerity on the country's poor. Later -- the country's poor having paid the price -- as the country's currency revalues, begins transit to over-valuation, the local superrich who received the leveraged loans during the devaluation phase, return their capital -- hot money inflows -- to take advantage of the revaluation going to over-valuation (this was pioneered in Weimar Germany, circa 1925). Blame the hot money inflows on foreign speculators, just as the earlier capital flight was blamed on foreign speculators (this was pioneered in Germany, circa 1914 to 1924). And just contemplate the role blame games played in helping to catalyze the WWII holocaust. Policymakers! Shift the vehicle-reserve currency of choice, if you can! But in order to do so, the country issuing that vehicle currency chosen to be the new reserve currency must be purchasing an adequate quantity of the goods your countries produce. China as a whole, being at a stage of economic development roughly on a par with 19th-century America, has a 50-percent savings rate and an investment strategy overwhelmingly tilted toward fixed-asset investment, a norm when the capital formation stage of growth is at the utmost. Even with the great Chinese overpopulation, it will be quite awhile before they, as consumers of unnecessaries, disposables, the built-in obsolescent, successfully take on the corpus of affluent over-consuming societies. The five-car, one mobile-home camper, three-house, two-boat, one-small-plane, middle-class nuclear family of four. Nor is Japanese direct investment likely to be much help, as Japan may flip over into hyperinflation before the U.S. does (see: “The Only Question About The China Crash Is When”, John Mauldin reprinting The Casey Report's David Galland interview of Vitally Katsenelson, Business Insider, 24 November 2010; also insightfully analyzed by Mish). And would Thailand be better off were the IMF SDR to be made the new international reserve currency? Since SDRs are defined in terms of a small basket of vehicle currencies, the baht not being one of them, how would that reserve-currency shift improve the monetary situation of Thailand? The SDR then would not be a non-vehicle reserve currency; it would be a vehicle-reserve currency made hot by redefining its spectrum of utilities, to include a wealth of derivative structures, leveraged bundlings, and so on. Risk is risk and it will not be removed by a change of vehicle-reserve currency, or the bundling of a few currencies into a reserve basket. Circumstances undoubtedly would arise where Thailand would be fighting against hot SDR inflows, and instead of railing against the printing of one vehicle currency would have to rail against the printing of half a dozen of them. Talk about cartels, talk about keiretsu, talk about the oligarchs (present-day EU Governing Council “coordination” once upon a time was called Gleichschaltung; EU authorities are now dictating when Ireland can and cannot hold elections!). What percentage of the global economy does the U.S. control? What percentage would the six largest economies control if bound together by a currency basket, be it made of bamboo or sea weed or pasta or wheat grass or fiber optics or cytoskeletal microtubules? Which of these two global monetary situations would be better for the non-basket economies of planet Earth? Can't get worse than it is right now? Hmmm. Make the SDR-basket referenced to gold in the same way the U.S. dollar was so referenced under Bretton Woods One? If the idea didn't work well the first time, try again, maybe it will work on second try, or a third. Go back to the 19th-century gold standard? Didn't work well either, ended in a world war; brought the world to a new level of mass warfare. But maybe it will work in a vastly more complex 21st-century economy. Has gold in the ground been increasing at a pace equal to the population explosion since the 19th-century? Has alchemy turned enough lead into gold to cover the differential? Sufficient gold reserves today to insure adequate global liquidity? At what fixed value of gold? And how long will that fixed value be the “correct fixed” value -- “correct” being the value which insures prevention of global imbalances without unduly dampening world trade? Don't know for sure unless you try, you little engines that could? Determine this “correct fixed value” (which couldn't possibly remain fixed and correct in a changing economic environment) without a set of indicators as to what constitutes global imbalances? Heh-heh-heh! Is the role of insurer of absence of global imbalances compatible with the roles of store of value and unit of account? The same structure can simultaneously fulfill these three functions? I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. Keep on beatin' that ol' dog! Disentangle quantum entanglement? Financial sector Minsky melt-up “entangling” sovereigns? Greece, Ireland… The potato famine? Oh, that was small potatoes! Don't forget the certain expertise the Irish developed over recent decades. Just watch the recruitment base exponentiate. Sovereign debt default? Once you step policymakers onto percolation theory's The Devil's Staircase of risk transfer and concentration, there ain't no gettin' them off the melt-up escalator. Portugal (see: “Analysis: Irish EU bailout may not stop Portugal follow-up”, Jan Strupczewski, Reuters, 22 November 2010), Spain (see: “Spain Banks Face Debt Challenge as ECB Cuts Cash, Moody's Says”, Esteban Duarte, Bloomberg, 22 November 2010; and “Spain, Portugal Bank Debt Risk Soars as Traders Look South”, Bryan Keogh, Bloomberg, 23 November 2010; and “Serial Bailouts Mean Diminished Euro”, Randall W. Forsyth, Barron's, 24 November 2010), Belgium (see: “Belgium joins financial markets' hit list”, Phillip Inman, The Guardian, 24 November 2010; and “Desperate fight to save the euro”, Sean O'Grady, The Independent, 25 November 2010), Italy and Germany (see: “EU rescue costs start to threaten Germany itself ”, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 28 November 2010)? Mere economics will not be allowed to hold the euro hostage, and bondholder haircuts will be deferred until after Solar Max 2012! Trans-sovereign debt default? Trans-sovereigns are looking forward to this; that's one reason they are trying to make usurious profits on the debt-restructuring loans they offer to failing sovereigns which tried to save failing banks and bondholders who tried to make unconscionable profits off the artificial asset inflation central bankers created with their 1T2-logical currencies (see: “EU/IMF interest rate likely to be 6.7%” [when my savings account is paying substantially less than 1%], RTE News, 26 November 2010). What collection of insolvent sovereigns and insolvent trans-sovereigns will bailout the IMF when the SDR-basket as vehicle-reserve currency has been debased by monetary inflation? The Simple Truth, as David Baldacci might say: no monetary system implementable from above can possibly serve the common interest -- never has, never will. Elementary arithmetic; doesn't even require The Master of the Mint's integral calculus. That's why monetary-system consensus making always involves hot war -- and, the bigger the shape-shifting required, the more total the mass warfare. Far better to implement a new global monetary system from below, but that “from below” would be the biggest shape-shift of all. I say that the reserve store of value is the system-composite, relative-state, quantum potential of the Tzog-chen Allbase, von Hayek “time-shapes of total capital stock”, the unit of account being recorded in user-friendly Musculpted Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, and the insurer of absence of global synoptic imbalances being the local-indicator-tagged Lukasiewiczian m-logical-values stacked upon the base-state of commodity-backed vehicle LETS e-currencies defined over fractal e-nesting foams. What are the two most fundamental reasons for global imbalances? For (1), existence of 1T2-logical, Cartesian-Newtonian, inside-or-outside, orientable-type, whole-integer-dimension borders, not their absence and presence of self-regulating, band-pass, Koch-curve, Moon of Hoa Binh, African-fractal/fractal-drum-type e-boundaries and/or Cauchy-Integral-Theorem-type boundaries with bureaucratic variables mapped/stacked upon them; and for (2), absence of a nesting foam of boundaries and presence of a convergence of effective borders to only one scale-level order-type -- that of the nation-state -- and the legal-tender definition of 1T2-logical currencies upon only that single scale level of borders. As long as these two initial conditions prevail, there is no possibility to overcome global imbalances. I'm not against a euro, only against the euro not founded upon nesting foams of LETS. Beginning in the early-to-mid-1970s, as I sought out and first read Emil Post's 1921 paper on m-valued logics, I argued that if the postwar balance of power in Europe is deconstructed without reconstructing a post-Cartesian-Newtonian framework, there will once again, in due course, be general warfare in Europe (a consequent of, among other factors, the post-Tet-'68 American “get some back from The Bear!” Afghan sting upon the Soviets?). A euro not founded upon Lukasiewiczian LETS nesting foams is quintessentially Newtonian. The Goethe Institute's envisioning for a New Europe wasn't even Goethean! Again in full fulmination/hysteria/stampede -- running from the “splitting-field”, the “tower of radicals” -- over the events of 1825 (Abel), 1874 (Cantor), 1900 (Planck), 1905 (Einstein), 1906-12 (Lukasiewicz), 1925 (Schrödinger): all of which have been dissimulated, dissembled, falsified, and/or interpreted in the most reductive of terms. By what details again enter general warfare in Europe? Extend massive bailouts to banks/bondholders through half a dozen surrogate sovereigns, who, after receiving bulk of the bailouts, find themselves in default anyway, leave the euro zone, hugely devalue in their re-creations of new old-1T2-logical national currencies (see, for instance: “European Banks 'Nearly Bust' If Euro Collapses, Evolution Says”, Charles Penty, Bloomberg, 25 November 2010; and “'Insolvent' Portugal Needs Loans Soon, Buiter Says”, Krystof Chamonikolas, Bloomberg, 30 November 2010; and “Spain Banks Face Funding Hurdle Amid Bailout Threat”, Charles Penty, Bloomberg, 1 December 2010). The Brady bond, yep, that'll be the saving grace note! (see: “Europe Examines Ways to Quell It's Debt Crisis”, Landon Thomas, Jr., NYT, 1 December 2010). And if Brady bond issuance were to successfully protract the crisis? And/or if the same were accomplished by monies created by the U.S. FED and fed through the IMF to the EU (see: “US Ready to Back Bigger EU Stability Fund: Official”, Reuters, 1 December 2010)? Does Ambrose Evans-Pritchard have the answer to that question? (see: “Germany faces its awful choice as Spain wobbles”, The Telegraph, 1 December 2010). Created the EU in the first place as hysterical back-reaction against socio-politico-economic implications of 19th-century higher maths and 20th-century quantum-relativity physics, prolonged this mistake to the bitter end by clinging behaviors of elites, thereby preventing formation of an intelligent exit strategy and phase transition to something other than mass warfare. Is it correct, therefore, to assert, as does Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (see: “Ireland's Debt Servitude”, The Telegraph, 1 December 2010), that “The truth is that the EMU venture is one of shared culpability… But almost nobody understood the implications of monetary union…”? Creating an AU during the 1770s over eastern seaboard America at mid-paradigm was far different from making a similar attempt post-paradigm. It was/is well understood that the EU/EMU was/is a last-ditch stand in defense of the institutionalization of the long-dead and desiccating Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm. As has been customary, falling off the edge of a cliff will once again end the stampede.

Whatever arguments can be made for what ought to transpire, the existing global monetary framework is undergoing disaggregation: China and Russia have taken a major step (see: “China, Russia quit dollar”, Su Qiang and Li Xiaokun, China Daily, 24 November 2010).

While taking honors economics as a senior in high school, I read Atlas Shrugged and Proudhon at the same time. I thought Proudhon's “property is theft” was brilliant -- for about two weeks. Towards the end of that period, I realized that Proudhon's contradictive identity was too simplistic. Much later, I realized that it was the contra{dictive} identity that was intriguing about the statement, not its content -- and that realization was part of the process by which I began looking for what I eventually discovered is Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics. This process was helped along by a reading of Robert Ardrey's The Territorial Imperative. It is a formalization of the will to ownership which underlies capitalism's success at mobilizing growth as the engine of economic organization; absent an expectation of growth in ownership, allocation of resources does not transpire efficiently. But this efficiency at resource allocation is simultaneously theft from the negentropy budget of Earth and, hence, source of the anthropogenic dissipation of Earth's eco{logical} integrity. Proudhon was compelled to contra{dictive} interdiction (and not intradiction) of the fundamental principle of capitalism by structure of the logic he employed: Law of Distributed Middle, no in-betweens, either this or that. For Proudhon, there was no possibility of non-simple ownership because there was no non-simple property. Property taxes do not alter the identity properties of property: a house remains a house whether its ownership is taxed or not; a house remains a house, continues selfsame, abides by arithmetic identity, whether taxed or not taxed. And since property taxes are paid out of income stream and/or savings, not by offering fragments of the house in payment, selfsameness of property is not challenged by the government. Moreover, since the house itself is not split into segments by the mortgage upon it, fractionalization of ownership by a layering of the credit employed to purchase it does not change identity properties of the house. Proudhon had to jump from pole to pole of the property-identity proposition, because, though he challenged content of the proposition by violating the logic Law of Non-Contradiction, he did not doubt validity of the logic Law of Distributed Middle. Hiatus, for me, in taking honors economics, was class treatment of fractional-reserve multiple-bank credit expansion. Though I understood it, could give a creditable account of if, I never really felt I had mastered it, nothing “clicked” so I could put it behind me as fully assimilated. Credit expansion in relation to property fuzzed my mind. Why there was no “click” really bothered me, as I could not find a way to productively think about this “why”. I pondered the “click absence” over and over. No electrical surge of sudden insight. Some years later, in reaching understanding of Proudhon's contra{dictive} identity, “why” suddenly dawned on me. As a military brat, most of my high school was spent at a SAC base in Alaska where I received independent study courses in symbolic logic, topology, and foundations of mathematics. Then, later, while at Wright-Patterson AFB as a high school senior taking honors economics, I simultaneously took experimental PSSC physics where quantum theory was introduced at the high school level. While the term “non-simple identity” was never used in this class taught in 1963 -- indeed, that term may not have been employed by quantum physicists at that time, or was just beginning to be used -- somehow, by cognitive osmosis, perhaps, I had subliminally assimilated its meaning, and a resonance had set itself up with difficulties I had earlier experienced with symbolic logic. Deconstructing/reconstructing this was long and arduous because, in order to understand my “difficulties” with symbolic logic, I had to reach even further back and see that these difficulties related to my childhood exposure to animistic Shinto identity-transparency in the little hamlet where I had lived near Ashiya AFB, Japan during 1953-6. And this insight required a great deal of introspection on the import of the states of consciousness I had experienced there. In the relevant classes I took, I was always competent, but did not excel. I never got through any university level math or physics class, for I was always more or less thrown out for doggedly questioning fundamentals, and thus upsetting flow of presentation. Fundamentals were not to be questioned, and my only real interest was in the fundamentals, so what was I to do? Only by figuratively returning to childhood Ashiya animisim could I gather the notions required to garner ontic awareness sufficient to questioning the probability and statistics taught in PSSC physics such that I could make sense out of the undistributed middle Proudhon never entertained in regards to his contra{dictive} identity statement with respect to What is Property? Consider that Proudhon was writing in 1840, long before Lukasiewicz came along. Consider that Marx a decade and a half later disparaged Proudhon's contra{dictive} identity as being nonsensical for being -- in post-Marxian, postmodern “dialectical” parlance -- self-referential. Consider that Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics are order-types of self-referentiality (i.e., reflexivity). Though Proudhon was critical of utopian socialist communal property, he never found a viable middle between simple-ownability and no-ownability of property -- hence, he sought no topological handle with which to twist the territorial imperative and its hold over growth and organization. The probability amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function (which replaced Newton's laws of motion upon which capitalist theory was in great measure analogically based) makes it very difficult to see any middle to the property-identity proposition. But if animistic ontic awareness suggests that Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function is an identity-property statement, not a force-articulation or information-transmission statement, then a middle suddenly appears in the form of Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued order-types understood as regards relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-value. Non-simple property and non-simple ownability then fill the middle of the property-identity proposition. While creation of the bundling of debt-related derivatives can be viewed as a subliminal attempt to fill this middle, to my knowledge fiber-bundle arithmetics and Lukasiewicz logics have not been applied to derivative fundamentals, thus regressing the attempt, turning it into formation of a container placed upon percolation theory's The Devil's Staircase of risk transfer and concentration. Moreover, such a middle must be priceable and that can only be achieved by tagging currency units with Lukasiewicz order-types. The singly-logically-valued simple-identity of property -- no undistributed middle -- is not only the largest obstruction to improved economic self-regulation/autopoiesis, but also precludes the human species from adapting its territorial imperative to the eco{logical} imperatives of Earth.

I arrived at American University's School of International Service, Washington, D.C., during late August of 1963 fully intending to eventually take the Foreign Service examination for entrance into the American diplomatic corps. Early the first morning of classes, the entering group of 80 new students was welcomed by the Dean of SIS. In flowery language, with all the politically correct “i's” dotted, he told us that if we worked very hard we could become part of the elite of the most powerful nation on Earth, the elite which made the decisions determining most everything of consequence for humanity. Hearing that, I knew, even before attending my first class, that I would never finish up at AU-SIS, never take the Foreign Service exam, never become involved in a policy formulation process I could never believe in. Later, at Special Forces Training Group, and while subsequently assigned to Psychological Operations Group, the JFK Special Warfare Center, I personally concluded, while pouring over the Center's library holdings, that actions hidden from the public, though frequently obtaining objectives and less often achieving short-term goals, are largely counterproductive, even to the policies they attempt to support. Later yet, as an intelligence advisor in the Mekong delta and as an intelligence analyst at SRA/MACV-J2, I personally concluded that production of truly useful intelligence is greatly obstructed by about 90-percent of the classifications placed upon information. One thing WikiLeaks has proven beyond all shadow of a doubt is that, globally speaking, with regard to the leadership elites of virtually every nation-state, the still-prevailing Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian/Congress-of-Vienna notion of governance assumes that good government is rooted in secrecy, that those governed by their elites must be denied access to the information the “decision science” employs in its decidin'. And that any assault upon this “assumes” elicits extraordinarily disproportionate collective hysteria in knee-jerk response. How does this panhuman state of affairs augur with respect to the necessity to integrate quantum-relativity principles of self-organization into natural resources management and the human systems management of cultural, social, political, and economic structures/functions massively impacted for over a century by ever increasing utilization of communications and IP technologies based upon quantum-relativistic principles of self-organization? Abysmally. The human species en masse has long since decided it absolutely will not carry out this required integration. Just look at where vast bulk of the social structure of attention cathexes are focused! And the general characteristics of the long-term consequences of that collective decision are all but certain. More power to ya!

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

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