This site is devoted to all and everything associated with the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units and their applications to LETS, local exchange trading systems or local electronic trading systems or local employment and trading systems. Definitions of scope are broad and shall include: m-valued logic (e.g., fuzzy logic, Lukasiewicz logic); theory of monetary instruments; related quantum theoretical issues; applications technologies (hardware and software); research and development; the involved strategic planning issues; real politik of insinuating m-logically-valued exchange systems into the prevailing Newtonian institutionalization; quantum accounts of self-organization as they apply to questions of monetary theory; autopoiesis and its graphical representation systems; metaphors in theoretical biology, biometeorology, oceanography, and related sciences of multiscale dynamical systems; applicability of complexity theory to monetary systematics; history of any and all related subjects. Definitions of exclusion are narrow and shall be determined only by the propensity of any given contribution to elicit ennui.
Content of the site is largely generated by e-mail exchanges. The site editor responds to all website, paper, and book referrals -- in due course, as time permits -- and incorporates content of messages and commentary thereupon into postings. Names of e-mail correspondents are not employed unless explicitly requested. Say what you want without risk! This is a conceptual clearinghouse filtered through the editor's literary imagination. Any e-mail correspondent dissatisfied by content of this website is free to create hisher own site. Absent e-mail during a given period, the editor will post his own musings in such manner as to suggest an e-mail exchange. Perhaps the whole site is accomplished in this manner!
Hypertext markup language is one very small step for mankind in the direction of employing m-valued logics. Free associations once were pristine logical accommodation schemata by virtue of animistic identity transparency. We are inspired by this fact and will embody that inspiration as complete disregard for conventions of binary logical thought -- though we will make no active effort in crass display of such unrespect.
of the
Most Likely Scenario
Implementing a
Post-Bretton Woods
Global Monetary System
Utilizing m-Logically-Valued Exchange Units
based on Quantum Principles of
(circa Spring 1998, Saigon)The above-given graphically-portrayed scheme for implementing m-logically-valued monetary exchange units takes on added significance and topicality in view of the recent decision taken by the City of Buenos Aires to issue its own local currency for use in partial payment of its employees' salaries (Buenos Aires Invents Currency to Pay Bills, BUENOS AIRES, 07/27/01, Bloomberg News).
Foundation Autopoy receives the initial seed grant and endowment. No monolithic funding source is sought. Constant effort is made for multiple funding sources at every level of activity in the non-profit sphere because: (1) This will facilitate formation of the required structures; (2) The primary prerequisite to facilitation of self-organization and for carrying the process to higher levels of self-organizational competency involves enticing participation of more and more people and organizations (an additional funder is a new participator in the transformational dynamic). Start with familiar activities relative to easily understood objectives, then slowly change those activities and objectives into the less familiar. The large pattern is deeply fractured and distributed, except for those engaged with grand strategy of the phase transition; otherwise, the process will founder at the start over inability to reach monolithic consensus. Increasing levels of consensus emerge through shared experience and improvisational modulation of objectives and methods. Predicating action on initial consensus is, therefore, self-defeating.
Functions, Inception Stage:
- Grand strategy formulation.
- Recruitment and recruitment studies.
- Initiation and coordination.
- Provision of initial operating funds.
- Fund raising research and contact facilitation.
Functions, Gestation Stage:
- Synoptic information data-basing and distribution.
- Crisis funding provision.
- Strategic brainstorming and innovation.
- Self-self-organization studies (concretely studying the self-organizing process being facilitated by Foundation Autopoy in relation to paradigmatic cases).
- Operational algorithm development studies (e.g., identifying and researching, by analogy to, say, non-equilibrium thermodynamic models of critical phase transitions in physical systems, possible algorithms for identifying critical application sites for initial implementation of m-valued local exchange units).
Functions, Maturation Stage:
- Progressively dismantle as the functions of Foundation Autopoy are successfully distributed. The self-canceling nature of Foundation Autopoy is written into the corporate charter (corporate persons need a life cycle, just like human persons).
(Metaculture Resource Institute)Metaculture is the opposite of monoculture. Multicultural correlates with monoculture; cultural diversity correlates with metaculture. A global metaculture would be the unifying corpus of learned behaviors relating to the functional prerequisites of worldview propoundment, cultural diversity, and their representations.
Receives seed money and operating expenses from Foundation Autopoy.
Functions, Inception Stage:
- Identify, facilitate, and interface individuals, businesses, and institutions already engaged in applying the various nascent aspects of VirFut Q-Pro to meta-reference in industrial design, product development, smart fabrics and fashion design, analogical models in architecture, applications in visual abduction, the fine and performing arts, and so on.
- Identify individuals who are trying to create holistic centers and facilitate their venture capital searches, while at the same time vectoring them toward the critical town sites chosen for m-valued exchange unit LETS implementation. Facilitate expansion of the notion of a holistic center to include locations for techno-developer symposia, for in-residence programs to interface techno-developers, artists, practitioners in working/development/performing/studio environments.
- Facilitate creation of a VirFut Q-Pro production company to develop and manufacture the spectrum of commercial software products required to implement m-valued exchange units at the local level.
- Facilitate creation of a multi-media tank company to develop and manufacture the hardware products required to implement m-valued exchange units at the local level.
(Society for Quantum Economies)Receives seed money and operating expenses from Foundation Autopoy.
Functions, Inception Stage:
- Locate and commit public donors and sponsoring agencies for specific aspects of research and development regarding VirFut Q-Pro and m-valued exchange units: computer modeling primarily.
- Locate and commit private companies for specific aspects of research and development regarding VirFut Q-Pro and m-valued exchange units: software, graphical interfaces, CD-ROMs, and display systems.
- Seed funding for founding of Town Development Stock Funds at the chosen application sites, and also to fund multiple scenarios strategic planning activities at those sites. Town planning is generally regarded too small a consideration to receive the attention of multilateral institutions. The World Bank�s current global monoculture and ISO agenda precludes it and its subordinate regional development banks as potential funding sources.
(Spontaneous Order in Society Alliance)Receive seed money and operating expenses from Foundation Autopoy.
Functions, Inception Stage:
- Identifying and data-basing critical application sites globally, according to the identification algorithms which emerge from research (e.g., World Heritage sites; amenity migration sites, for example Bagio, Bangalore, Chiang Mai, Yogyakarta, Cesky Krumlov, Penang, Banff, Santa Fe, Cuzco, Cartegena, Udaipur; conurbations located in critical bioregional niches straddling growing zones, for example Lijiang; conurbations sitting in cultural conflict boundary zones, for example, Medan).
- Identifying small action-oriented non-profits to facilitate, e.g., The World Care Society and The Mountain Institute: these are already engaged in the data-basing task required preliminary to weighting the value-stack eventually to be placed on given local exchange units vis-à-vis local sustainable development indicators.
- Data-basing existing voluntary associations in the expansion zones around critical application sites, e.g., The Northern Thai Organic Produce Association essential for successful implementation of any LETS (Local Exchange Trading System).
- Researching and networking with issue-oriented action groups and capable grass-roots organizations.
- Fund raising and facilitation of fund raising for those identified in (2) above.
Yes, it is true that I am not predicating my behaviors on the assumption there necessarily will be big cities on this planet 25 years from now.
- For further commentary see:
- Tranche 1
- Tranche 2
- Tranche 3
- Tranche 4
- Tranche 5
- Tranche 6
- Tranche 7
- Tranche 8
- Tranche 9
- Tranche 10
- Tranche 11
- Tranche 12
- Tranche 13
- Tranche 14
- Tranche 15
- Tranche 16
- Tranche 17
- Tranche 18
- Tranche 19
- Check out the Local Sustainable Development Facilitator discussions:
- Minutes, Part 1
Scenarios on Musculpt Manifold:
- Consider relevant papers:
- Lukasiewicz-Gödel Encoding by Schrödinger-Samaropa
(superposition) over Kun Gzhi (quantal allbase) at
Homeopathic PotentizationµTm Scenarios, T1(M)
µTm Scenarios, T2(M)
µTm Scenarios, T3(M)
µTm Scenarios, T4(M)
µTm Scenarios, T5(M)
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- Have a look at the novel wherein these ideas were first explored:
I find, increasingly, given my present understanding of the nature of operator-time, I have little interest in the finished scientific paper, the finished artwork, the finished poem, the final version of the art music composition. As others may have reached a similar perspective, there may be some value in displaying for a slice of linear-time something of some of the thought processes involved in these strategic planning reflections -- the search for autopoietic operators being analogous to the search for similar operators in domains other than that of cellular biology.
Contact the page editor at wlpensinger@yahoo.com
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