µTm Scenarios, T11(M)
Here is another example of what I understand as the subject/(physical)object-level of {mass}mind -- both meanings of mass being intended -- projective-identification at collective psychological transference (the foundational pathogenic principle in psychosis of the population corpus): device fingerprinting (see, for example: Race Is On to Fingerprint Phones, PCs, Julia Angwin and Jennifer Valentino-Devries, The Wall Street Journal, 1 December 2010). Judeo-Christian/Freudian superegoic inner Panopticon in psychological projection as total information control, one case of collective conversion-disorder displacement of hologramic/relative-state identity-transparency. Amplification of Foucault's modern society as prison. Just as during the Viet Nam war, Dennis-the-Menace collective hysteria over psychosomatic implications of quantum non-locality was transferred, on the ground, to animistic/pagan Injun Cuntry as find'em, fix'em, and finish'em -- a conversion-disorder displacement of the post-adolescent find'em, feel'em, f***'em, and forget'em -- forced-draft-urbanization free-fire zones, Agent Orange defoliation, Rome plows, et cetera, and, from the air, due to the inherent non-bombability of, say, COSVN, carpet bombing of triple canopy, massive cluster-bomb-unit seedings, snoopy Puff the Magic Dragon football-fields of spooky fire, daisy-cutter clearings, spiteful temper-tantrum napalmings/WPings of forced-draft unserviced squatter slums, and so on, present-day device fingerprinting is hysterical conversion-disorder displacement -- parading itself under the cover of being prerequisite to effective online advertizing -- of the fear and loathing elicited by the soliton/tsunami, goose-stepping, coherent, m-logically-valued, quantum-wave, non-simple-identity, immunological signifiers -- electromagnetic railgun-propagated DNA fingerprints, the railgun itself being a case of subject/(physical)object-level conversion-disorder transference -- produced by superconductant free-electron gas core of the genetic molecule. If, during the 1930s and '40s, goose-stepping Nazi marchers were conversion-disordered mass projective-identification of/with import of quantum coherency, just try to imagine magnitude of the ultimate consequences of the incommensurately greater degree of the subject/(physical)object-level of transference today in command of human affairs!
To my mind, gold hoarding by the sovereigns likely to be included in the small currency basket defining a potential SDR international reserve unit (see, for instance: China's gold imports surge fivefold, Leslie Hook and Robert Cookson, The Financial Times, 2 December 2010) is not an indication that a functional gold standard is nascent/imminent, nor is it actually a marker of inflation hedging, rather it is indicative of the fate sovereigns entertain as likely to befall the current international monetary system. Moreover, sovereigns and trans-sovereigns are not arguing with fate; quite the contrary, they are lending it massive support (see: discussion of the fractional-reserve absence of 1-1 physical gold in OTC markets, and manipulations of such, in A London Trader Walks the 'CFTC' Through a Silver Manipulation in Advance, Andrew McGuire, KingWorld News, 30 March 2010). Those doubting the gold component to definition of an SDR currency-basket as international reserve unit would be subject to leveraged fractionation bundled as bundled derivatives, doubt no more; it's already constellating in run up to announcement of phase-shift fait accompli. Not to mention adoption of drug-cartel cutting as metals-trader gold dosing and covering. And this, while a return to one or another sort of gold-standard simulacra would likely facilitate a political quenching similar to that which transpired in late-1920s Germany.
Abreactions, autogenic and pathogenic -- individual or collective, sub-epileptiform or epileptiform, petit mal or gran mal -- are compensatory to suppression, and hence regression, the amplitude of over-compensation (analyticity upon discharge histogram: with brainwave-transmitting headbands, this can now be done with collectivities, the waveforms superposed into a quantum-composite Everettian relative-state signature potentially postable [ flash forward to 27 December 2010: Apple patent reveals plan for holographic display, Richard Gray, The Telegraph] as exteriorized hologramic Musculpt, the individual cases worn as holographic smart dress/dancewear) being one measure of the degree of suppression and regression. Should all Congressmen and Senators, Parlimentarians, be required to wear such headbands while their decision-science institutions are in session? To my estimation, the recent WikiLeaks saga -- media castigation by rubbing the puppy's nose in the piss puddle, arrest warrants (for sex crimes, that discreditation-ops choice being a collective/projective Freudian slip), chest-thumping assassination proto-calls, massed serial cyber-assaults by paralleled/distributed denial-of-service ops -- bespeaks great over-compensation which prefigures one dominant characteristic of the rapidly congealing global governance regime: forced-draft imposition of 17th-century social contract by epileptic-seizure spread across over-correlated planetary-elite corpuscles/carbuncles (glutamatergically poxed in childhood, what, fulminating cognitive zona virus at maturity). With the exception of the NK material, which harks back to the 48-49 CI-overreach constellating June-50, I've seen no reference to any WikiLeak remotely justifying the over-compensation. Just as Daniel Ellsberg didn't know enough to identify what to leak, so leakers to WikiLeaks obviously don't know enough to know what to leak. So, why the hysteria/seizure? Military-industrial-academic complex milnet was progenitor of internet. What was progenitor of milnet? Quantum-relativity-based IP/commo tech. What was progenitor of such tech? Quantum and relativity theory. What was progenitor of Q&R theory? N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem. What did that existence proof subvert? The 17th- and 18th-century worldview construct upon which the whole governance structure/function infrastructure of 21st-century civilization continues doggedly/clingingly to be based, and with which the planetarized elites are utterly identified. Since the Umwelts of members of those elites are so identified -- i.e., members have no self-being separate from that identification -- with a Weltanschauung 200-years dead, any challenge personally embarrassing is existential-denial/neurogenic-shock ontically equivalent to the assassin's near-miss. In immediacy, their subjective experiences of these two occasions are indistinguishable -- yet, were they to separately experience the two, they would not make a connection, the baud-rate of consciousness being so slow due to the pox imposed in childhood by glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quenching of intraneuronal electron-transport processes. Indeed, one such existential slap in the face was the very notion of Umwelt (introjective own world), which, if elite identifications were to persist absent self-doubt, itself had to be systematically subverted to semiotic environment or surrounding world, the non-quantum (i.e., anti-Everett, anti-quantum-composite, anti-relative-state, hence anti-animism/paganism) umwelten interaction (think: action-based sociologies preclude quantum non-simple identity and the non-locality which internet telepresence is a subject/[physical]object-level of the transference projective-identification of/with) between two of which is deemed a semiosphere. Heh-heh-heh! Indeed, postmodernist blackpsyche re-definition of Umwelt was itself an extrojection of the introjects which classical understanding of the term codified. The Virtuality dissimulation of Lukasiewiczian Edges of Ever. Though many readers -- were there such -- undoubtedly would have trouble with this explication, it is certain Maria-Louise von Franz would have had no difficulties at all (communion with the dead is, in many respects, far superior to discourse with the living). While more than one highly regarded Jungian analyst has face-to-face admitted to me an inability to comprehend Maria-Louise's Number and Time (in that this book almost invokes topologically-active operator-time, a notion incomprehensible to the glutamatergically etched never ketaminergically redressed there from), her texts on the actual meaning of Umwelt are much easier (but just try to find them on Google searches: you won't; they've been expurgated from the web). So much for this and that deva's intertextuality! Could a dead species walking function any way other than by serial seizures? As early as Western omelets, first floor snack bar, MACV-HQ, March-April 1968, I was arguing that the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system would reach its pinnacle of omnipresent power at the very instant of its incendiary collapse. Archetypal occasions, these were, what, following upon that briefing for a descent into, hello.
It seems to me that The Economist has identified a number of reasons why breakup of the euro and onset of generalized warfare likely would not be far removed from each other (see: Breaking up the euro area: How to resign from the club, 2 December 2010). But the real question is: how could an EMU authentically fulfill the differential needs of its members and thereby avoid breaking up? My answer is: m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams. It has long been my bet, however, that given the choice, for all the same (real) reasons why both WWI and WWII were fought, Europeans would again choose war over the embrace of unvarnished m-logically-valued Pollack logics in application to sociology, politics, and economics. Flash forward three days: sucking on a fantasicle. E-bonds (see: E-bonds would end the crisis, Jean-Claude Juncker and Giulio Tremonti, The Financial Times, 5 December 2010; flash forward another nine days, Germany must lead fightback, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Peer Steinbruck, The Financial Times, 14 December 2010), by bundling bank-bundles of debt of semi-sovereigns, i.e., members of EMU, would be a Juncky-bond, regressed, counter-productive, slight-of-hand way to simulate, at one scale level only, some features of m-logically-valued LETS: motivation for E-bonds is fulfillment of unfulfilled differential needs, but this response could not actually overcome the motivating problem, only make it worse in due course in the same manner bundled derivatives have made the larger, global case of unfulfilled differential needs more convoluted. One more way to suborn/assimilate the nation-state scale level to that supranational, an expression of obsessive compulsion for pandemic monism and the purified identity that monism signifies: one world, one monoculture, one currency, one scale level, one Germany immediately rejects the E-bond (see: Germany Rejects Pleas to Increase European Aid Fund, Introduce Joint Bonds, James G. Neuger and Tony Czuczka, Bloomberg, 7 December 2010); then does France (see: Bonds Rise as 3% Yield for First Time in Seven Months Attracts Investors, Paul Dobson, Bloomberg, 9 December 2010). Over-correlation by forced assimilation of single-valued processes to a single macro-scale level is not the same thing as long-range phase correlation of m-valued processes across a multiplicity of nested scale levels obtained by involutory decomposition of an m-logically-valued reference domain; indeed, the effects are incommensurate: night and fog as opposed to sun and surf.
Global War will come (see: War is the Health of the State, The Automatic Earth, 9 December 2010) yet again over all the very same deep-structure issues forcing onsets of Franco-Prussian war, WWI, and WWII: this has been my thesis ever since spending memetime spread over the 1960s at AU's Special Operations Research Office, the JFK Center for Special Warfare, and Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2. There is little I would demur about in this brief AutomaticEarth essay, except to note that, once upon a time, thirty-five years ago, when the idea for m-logically-valued LETS first presented itself, there would have been an alternative, had imports of 19th-century higher maths and 20th-century fundamental physics not been dissimulated by conversion-disorder displacements upon mass projective-identification at collective transference, such that their authentic analogical generalizations to the soft sciences were prevented. Gunna git Burked?
Wha' conjuncture it is, what?
For how come youins ain't done nothin' yet, you?
Ax dey what done dey, them.
Tell dey bes' nohow that do, no.
Govment/bidness nowdays no different warfare, no;
Laws done made after dey be broked
Like war rules be after war be done, war.Today, in this era of quantum-relativity-based technologies, any possible act of a patriot is inherently inhumane and anti-planet, as the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state, being a cultural lag, has no redeeming psycho-socio-econo-eco-bio-atmo-magnetospheric value so long as it remains undecomposed. Dynamiting the dam of yesteryear, today, is the functional equivalent of building something tomorrow.
GNP/CPI-sector price inflation follows -- after somewhat distended memetime lag -- upon asset-class monetary inflation and velocity inflation of the capital-markets/financial-property(speculation) sector, insofar as the productive and non-productive sectors cannot be effectively segregated by, say, massive debt deleveraging liquidity traps, or, quite another matter, nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS. Though the command-economy attributes of China's political economy allow it to force bank lending, does China's ability to command, coupled with its 50% savings rate (demanded by its present stage of growth), provide it with a means to effectively segregate productive and non-productive sectors such that GNP-sector price inflation can be significantly dampened on the back of massive stimulus? Apparently not (see: China's credit bubble on borrowed time as inflation bites, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Daily Telegraph, 10 December 2010; and China Overbuilding to 'Hit a Wall': Chanos, Michelle Lodge, CNBC, 10 December 2010). And since GNP price inflation is among the biggest bellows fanning embers of social discord and domestic violence, this is no small issue: impetus to external war as internal deflection (just as the US/EU/Japan equations for similar impetus are currently hugely inflating: see, e.g., Japan to shift military toward China threat, Mure Dickie, The Financial Times, 13 December 2010 for quotation attributed to Japan's senior vice-minister of defense, Jun Azumi: Before you can fight China, you have to go to war with the finance ministry.). What can the Chinese government command? Certainly its SOEs. With capital controls and prices/wages/rents/interest fixings, certainly much of the less-fettered relatively-unfixed market economy responsible for growth over the past several decades. But China has not found a fundamental means by which to reconcile its SOE sector to its market sector; it has only muddled through in hopes that New Confucianism can sweep the problem under a rug. Socialism with Confucian Characteristics. Within a continuing context of existing Chinese political economy, simply retiring the SOE sector, if it could be done simply, which it can't, is no solution: absent an SOE sector, useful command is voided. There is no means for either of these sectors, SOE/market, to respond to action directives apropos of the other -- the two sets of directives being incommensurate, of utterly different character, without actual interface: they are irreconcilable within a framework of Cartesian-Newtonian econometric behaviors/modelings/injunctions/mechanisms. As more and more of the Chinese economy (per capita GNP still under USD4,000/year, and a population equivalent to more than one-third of that of the U.S. living on less than USD1/day) enters the 21st century, with its exponential growth curve/curse of infusion of quantum-relativity-based technologies, this irreconcilability will become ever more acute, crippling. For those coming along long After Tamerlane as carriers of The Beijing Consensus, a conflict between interests and values will play out over attempts to reduce this irreconcilability to Confucian harmony. China can look to its Shanghai middle/secondary-schoolers for a solution, but only if those schoolers were to throw aside their addiction to excelling at conformist education, for otherwise they will not discover that consensus maths and consensus hard sciences are the primary sources of the absence of a solution to the irreconcilabilities in question. Socialism with Taoist Characteristics? I don't think so, as that would, at the very least, involve implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units.
Well the inflation tax is hugely regressive and thus a redistribution from the poor and middle to the rich and superrich -- especially during the early stages of an inflationary cycle when GNP-sector price inflation has only begun to follow upon massive-monetary/velocity inflation of the non-productive capital-markets/financial-property(speculation) sector, thus making inflated capital gains non-nominal real gains redistributed from the poor and middle (all taxes -- including the inflation tax, and the money creation responsible for it -- are redistributions) to the rich and superrich. Last I heard, QE2 was a luxury-liner facility, not a financial facility -- though, come to think of it, not surprising the two are mistaken for each other. Every 1T2-logical currency unit created -- especially if fiat, and especially by fractional-reserve multiple-bank credit expansion especially at artificially low interest rates and artificially high rates of return on borrowed+leveraged-asset speculation -- is planetarized robbery of Earth's poor and middle: set beside this, all possible-world anti-poverty programs and conceivable philanthropies are simply blackpsyche spoilers of the impetus to substantive reform. In opting for massive stimulus to maintain its excessive growth rate, thus squelching a primary impetus to widespread internal dissent, China chose the inflation-tax redistribution which will enflame that impetus to widespread internal dissent it chose to squelch. These kinds of Bateson-of-OSS double-binds are incumbent upon what schizoid property of economics? Capitalist schizophrenia with a Chinese face? Not specifically because there is no authentic/effective interface between SOE action directives and market action directives, but because, relying upon Jens Parsson's The Dying of Money (p. 212) for a statement of conventional wisdom, If free markets are working correctly the size of an individual's [or corporate person's] income is exactly proportional to his contribution to the rest of society , except that there has never actually been free markets, and, had there been, such markets, insofar as they employ 1T2-logical currencies, inherently could not have worked correctly, not least because equilibria points of economic cycles never actually equilibrate not least because environmental-resource/negentropy-budget externalities not internalized to market dynamics (which cannot be done absent Lukasiewiczian µTm-logically-valued currencies) thermodynamically/reflexively prevent equilibration by discounting F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock. Redistributive feedbacks, market-based or regulatory, howsoever they may be used in attempt to redress absence of equilibration, inherently must fail in principle: a supposedly-objective 1T2-logical linear-time, actually mere memetime, simply is an inadequate context, as von Hayek realized, for real synergies authentically to transpire. Moreover, contribution to the rest of society, even the corpus of all societies, is an inadequate criterion; negentropy budget of the WholeEarth, possibly even of our solar system (given solar-winded complex angular-momentum exchange between Sun and Earth), must be considered. So long as 1T2-logical currencies are employed, I am for massive capital taxes and a confiscatory net-worth tax, as suprahyperover incentives are dysincentives (not disincentives; dysincentives are incentives to pathologies) altogether without socioeconomic redeeming characteristics, and the net-worth-resultant/cost-benefit to planet Earth of all philanthropy ever proffered is hugely in the red, this giving largely being in the realms of combat arms, in service to inculcation of global monoculture, spoiling-operation band-aid helping to prevent substantive reform, et cetera. Just as The Americanization of Emily was actually an unAmericanization: call the thing by the name of its opposite.
The four scenarios Alfred McCoy develops relative to a fall of the American empire (see: Decline and Fall of the American Empire: Four Scenarios for the End of the American Century by 2025, TomDispatch, 5 December 2010), I find implausible in and of themselves, and only a bit less implausible were they superposed into a composite: these scenarios are way over-optimistic as regards non-violence across transitions of the magnitudes projected and just too much based in military-industrial/academic-institutional government-media manufactured-consensus notions as to what has transpired over the past several decades, and why this what has occurred. More sucking on a fantasicle. In the dumping of a Marcos, the collapse of a Soviet Union, there was a cognitive whatnot ostensibly available to fall back upon as a model: normotic liberal-democratic capitalism. What cognitive whatnot is ostensibly available to fall back upon as a model, as the punishment-governed society -- which is socially-embodied normotic liberal-democratic capitalism -- systemically deconstructs? Events of memetime recent past have been misread/diswritten and the global conjuncture rapidly being approached is much worse than consensus views hold, not only because the foremost tools of assessment, contemporary sciences, have been fundamentally dissimulated since the mid-1920s, but also because, one can be certain, for more than half a century, highly-classified science has increasingly transcended, in principles, publically available consensus science. This, within a context where -- since an ever-increasing global growth rate, growth in planetary trade, energy consumption, MDGs (Millennium Development Goals), et cetera, has, with globalization, become the dominant axiom of economics without fulfillment of which economic organization cannot be sustained, sustainable national development/growth, rise of/to affluence is increasingly being explicitly stated and restated as a foremost non-negotiable national security interest, thus insuring that the planet itself, i.e., the rapidly evolving pathofunctional state of its magnetospheric, atmospheric, ecospheric, geospheric, core processes, is increasingly being tacitly identified by a hybrid-war-fomenting, widget-addicted/obsessed, pigeon-perch wight/wiht/vesti wigan-humanity, shitting in its own nest, as the greatest national security threat to each and every nation-state -- an umwelten/introject-identified We are the world! Planet-Hollywood/DoD mentality encourages all-out war upon Planet Earth by prefiguratively propagandizing on behalf of the notion that nuclear detonation is the only real solution to virtually every specific case of planetary dyspepsia (magnetospheric anomaly, pole shift, core shutdown, asteroid pelting, cometary collision, on and on). The anthropogenic-self-in-denial -- conversion-disorder displaced to anti-paganism, anti-animism, anti-Taoism -- raised to nth-degree self-in-self-annihilation.
No, no. If there ever is any significant interest in these ideas, such interest will only come after it is too late. That issue was exhaustively discussed, round and round, at Cornell during early-1977. Nonetheless, one continues doing what is indicated, as circumstances permit -- which, done right, I suppose, could be construed a nondoing instance of not-quitting. But that does not change the fact that it is already too late in one respect: Professor Douglas A. Paine recently died, making much of technical treatment/detail in regards to these ideas altogether unrecoverable. No small thing, as the human response to climate shift is based upon the mistaken assumption that Earth's atmosphere is overwhelmingly a Newtonian domain, and, as genetic engineering is based upon the mistaken assumption that submolecular chemistry is unimportant in regards to genomic processes.
Conventional wisdom. Consensus notions. Relying yet again upon Jens Parsson's The Dying of Money (this occasion, p. 225) for a statement drawn from contemporary convention, from constellated consensus:
Employment has two distinct aspects, the work done and the wages earned. The economic system wants the work done, and the worker wants the wages. Economics' obsession with full employment on behalf of the workers acts as if the main object of employment, even to workers, was the work. It is not; it is the wages. To a worker, the main object of employment is to gain access to the means of consumption, which is wages. Work as having something to do may have a value of its own separate from its wages, but to a worker that is secondary and he can quite ably fill that need for himself.
When I quit working as an electrician in order to become a landscape laborer at a fraction of the electrician's wage, that enduring major-life decision was not taken because I sought to gain access to the means of consumption. Free will? Maybe. But certainly no support for the only-1T2-logically-valued-rational expectations model of economic behavior. I was acting contrary to 1T2-logic systemically-imposed/obligatory extrinsic/giri motivations, and in confluence with µTm-logic internal-necessity intrinsic/ninjo motivations. Having returned from the Viet Nam war, and having therapeutically acquired some facility at working with my hands, I sought a type of work that lent itself to a form of meditative embedding in habitus of the physical surround -- like the medieval Japanese swordmaker; this could not be done while helping to build megaurban engines of destruction on a Planet of Slums. Having been inadequately enculturated, hence, not fully glutamatergically neuronally etched to 1T2-logical cognition alone, I was also not working merely as a means of having something to do -- a problem I would never encounter throughout my life. The antidote to glutamatergic not-having something to do is meditative, ketaminergic, m-logically-valued, interneuronal long-range phase correlation (aka no mind). Emperor Meiji requested that Tom Cruise tell him how The Last Samurai died, and Tom Cruise said he would tell the Emperor how the Samurai lived. Midori Gaoka, the hamlet near Ashiya, kita Kyushu, in which I lived during much of 1953-6 (aged 8-11) was located in one of the most conservative areas of Japan, a place where old rice ritual and much else very old was still intact; with exception of Bushido and associated practice, this hamlet was quite similar to that portrayed in The Last Samurai. I quit Special Forces training during the last week of Dog Lab in significant measure because I was very, very interested in how samurai lived day to day, and not at all interested in how they died. More generally, the same relative interest spectrum has governed my choices as to how to participate in life cycle of the human species -- although my life is best understood as a series of discoveries of quittings.
Here we have an accurate and good account of the rudiments of the Bretton Woods monetary system (see: The Debt-Dollar Discipline, in three parts, by Ashvin Pandurangi, The Automatic Earth, 4-13 December 2010) based upon application of notions developed in Michel Foucault's book Discipline and Punish and Gilles Deleuze's plus Felix Guattari's book Capitalism and Schizophrenia (required readings for admittance to Cornell's Ithaca Cocktail Circuit, circa mid-to-late-1970s, and something of statements that normotic liberal-democratic capitalism has always been normative authoritarian capitalism). Imemyself, having forever been non-participant in the debt-accumulation/wealth-representation psychogame, thus deemed most delinquent for having engaged in Taoist nondoing, cannot be taken seriously. Nonetheless, Imemyself would, however, take partial exception with the following statement drawn from Pandurangi's Part One:
It is key to understand that every U.S. dollar currently in circulation is backed by debt, meaning that it was generated by issuance of a loan and this loan created a corresponding liability.
Is content of this quote from Pandurangi meant to say that all, absolutely all, dollars created have been backed by Treasury bonds and/or the various forms of debt derivative of fractional-reserve multiple-bank credit expansion at home and abroad, or that the loaner in possession of a dollar (receipt for the loan given to the Fed/USG), were she/he to place a call on the loan by serving that receipt/dollar on the Fed/USG loanee, would receive something in return for the receipt/dollar other than another receipt/dollar, or bond-loan certificate, or the equivalent prevailing value in another fiat currency? For non-sovereigns, the latter was never the case under the Bretton Woods system, and not the case for sovereigns after 1971; and I sincerely doubt the former, particularly as regards those dollars created for classified uses and altogether off-the-books uses. The U.S. does not sell Treasuries, then create dollars; it creates dollars, then sells Treasuries. Who keeps the books? Who records what does and does not get booked? Who checks on the keepers and recorders? More fundamentally, what was loaned when the created U.S. dollar entered circulation, other than a loan -- or the loan of a loan of a loan of a loan? The loaning of loans? Currency as the loaning of loaned, loaned, loaned loans? Each dollar itself is a derivative of that which is derivative -- the "that" of "that which" simply being empty spacetime, not even so substantial as zero-point energy or quantum potential? If so, why have currencies not been constructed as Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic involutes of the monetary-reserve/reference equivalents to zero-point energy and/or quantum potential, i.e., monetarily speaking, F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock? Derivativeness is not only the case for the quintillion in global derivatives and their bundlings exchange-traded and OTC-traded and UTC(under-the-counter)-traded? Does the derivative ontological status of the dollar mean that every singly-logically-valued/univocal dollar is clandestinely m-logically-valued/multivocal -- and that the existing market is not equipped to handle this clandestine quantum/non-Deleuze superposition in valuation of each and every dollar? Does this existential status of the market have anything to do with the market's inability to actually reach actual equilibrium such that an actual price could actually be set?
Permit me to weave a little personal history into theoretical explication as to why I believe N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem (actually an existence proof for maths transcendental to algebra) is intimately involved in the prevailing global economic crisis. Soon after I took up residence in Midori Gaoka during 1953, I expressed to my parents a desire to enroll in the Japanese school the other kids in the hamlet attended. This was an impossible proposition for an American military brat at that time, so it wasn't even considered. But had it been possible, that experience likely would greatly have facilitated what became a lifelong exploration. My exposure to primitive Shinto animism/spiritualism was largely conducted by an old grandmother of the hamlet and by my teenaged ama. Were I to have gone to a Japanese school, my childhood Japanese would have been greatly improved, thus helping me process what I was being exposed to. Almost 40 years later, I returned to Midori Gaoka and found the house that grandmother had lived in. She was gone, of course, but re-experiencing the hamlet was prerequisite to my resolving a spectrum of issues which prevented me from finishing our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh. My ama was also a conduit in that she related to me, in a manner of speaking, Shinto practices not publicly viewable related to teenage girls of the hamlet. The animistic identity-transparency apperceived as resident in habitus of the hamlet -- directly felt as a thickness in the air, as a satin flow essence which I breathe -- was, to be sure, not something I could formulate to myself, let alone understand, as a child -- particularly having no real access to the Japanese terminology of spirit-possessed Shinto (the grandmother was a go-between who resolved ancestral spirit conflicts in arranging marriages). Let it be noted that at a certain point, long after leaving Midori Gaoka, I came to realize that, all along the path of exploration, concepts that attracted my interest, at the time the interest was attracted, I had no conscious reason to be attracted to -- only later would I be able to work out why the given concept had attracted me.
Decades after leaving post-Korean-war-era Japan, as I was in process of deciding to write what eventually became the novel of my wife Nha Trang and I, The Moon of Hoa Binh, I wrote Oriana Fallaci. There was an initial reply and then no further communication from her side. I, nonetheless, continued writing her for 13 years, the act of writing these letters helping me work out a certain category of notions explicated in the novel. I chose to write her because of discussions of GVN national police commander General Nguyen Ngoc Loan in her book, Nothing, And So Be It, and because I believed her childhood experience as a commo-liaison agent for the Italian resistance predisposed a transference-mediated relation to anarchism and its leading (transference) figures, a belief later confirmed in my mind by content of her book, A Man -- perhaps the best fair witness reportorial account of the man/woman-level of the transference available in all of literature. While Oriana had been going in and out of Gen. Loan's office, I had periodically been in the back offices of the national police headquarters and privy to information about the Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure, VCI, she had never became aware of -- in particular, the VCI use of boundaries, a use I saw at the time to be an expression of animistic identity-transparency, and later understood as a feature of the psychological transference as explicated by C. G. Jung relative to medieval alchemy, and understood later yet in relation to holomorphic functions.
In my understanding, the Eight-fold Way (considering both introverted and extroverted components of the basic psychological types operating by projective-identification over bi-polar contrasexual attributes of the psyche, not-incidentally greatly influencing, by virtue of the anthropic principle, formulations regarding the quantum-physics particle zoo voyeuristically developed on back of the slit experiment) of the transference is an intra/inter-subjective expression of the maths (particularly hypernumber arithmetics, which Maria-Louise von Franz almost got into in her Number and Time) transcendental to algebra N. H. Abel provided an existence proof for, and which are embedded in submolecular properties of intraneuronal DNA and neurotransmitters -- like endogenous ketamine, the antidote to endogenous glutamate -- and expressed as characteristics of The Unconscious as Infinite Sets (Ignacio Matte Blanco).
Soon after arriving at Cornell as the unofficial, pro bono research assistant to tornadogenesis specialist, Douglas A. Paine, I ran across Emil Post's 1921 paper on m-valued logics in the maths library, and grooked it as one of the eventual outcomes dictated by Abel's existence proof for maths transcendental to algebra. Not only was content of this paper recognized as essential to understanding the roles of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes in cascade processes transpiring through wave dynamics of Earth's atmosphere and complex angular momentum exchange at solar-terrestrial interactions involved in climate-change phase shifts, but I immediately recognized these logics as essential to understanding of the quantum-wave properties of intraneuronal DNA and the neurotransmitters involved in mediation of the experience of animistic identity-transparency. Much later, after Nha Trang and I had completed The Moon of Hoa Binh, and as I set to work upon the notion of m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian monetary units, I ran across George Soros' account of how, while a student of Karl Popper, exposure to self-referential propositions (the foundation of m-valued logics) influenced development of his personal approach to investment. Thereupon, I set about writing letters to the Office of George Soros, as an aid to lending verisimilitude to this effort of no real interest to anyone I knew, in a manner similar to what I had earlier undertaken with respect to Oriana Fallaci. I wrote to the Office of George Soros for approximately a dozen years, developing my ideas, until I received a definitive statement of no interest. Now, consider yet another quotation from Jens Parsson's The Dying of Money (pp. 226-7):
The trade-off which is alleged to be necessary between inflation and unemployment (the so-called Phillips curve) is completely uninevitable. There is no necessary connection whatever. If there were a completely free market for labor, there could well be no involuntary unemployment whatever even while there was also no inflation As the nation grows richer, one by one the most useful and worthwhile -- but not lucrative -- activities can no longer be carried on in the nation. The nation cannot let its wages fall, lest many of its people not share in the richness. But it cannot get work done, because the wages are too high. A paralysis of affluence sets in. The nation finds itself so rich that it cannot allow itself to work. The nation reposes on its collective posterior in order to keep its affluence up. It is preposterous. And it is all because the wages of work are relied on exclusively to distribute the surplus prosperity as well as to pay for the work.
Monetary/velocity inflation of the capital-markets sector, and trickle down (absent liquidity traps) of that inflation to the GNP/CPI sector, is used to beat down unemployment: that, at least, is how I understand Parsson's exposition. Most everything the Fed/USG has done economically since onset of Vietnam-war-produced stagflation can thus be understood. But the Phillips-curve relation, if no authentic function, is not only not valid only because of absence of a free market for labor -- something that never has and never will actually exist; it is also invalid because of Abel's maths transcendental to algebra. The markets which econometric behavior equations describe are conceivably free, but only heuristically conceivably free in the same manner that a mechanical system is described as frictionless for heuristic purposes only. The birth of quantum mechanics at end of the 19th-century was occasioned by a brilliant essay written by Max Planck on the difference between the world-picture (incorporating the collection of umwelten introjects) and the world. The world of econometric behavior equations is a world that does not exist: it is a Wilde-WILLful-Self picture of Dorian Gray painted according to the anthropic principle, i.e., projective-identification at collective transference. Max and Oscar writing on the same idea at about the same time! George Soros has correctly understood that markets, even heuristically conceivably free markets, do not and cannot actually equilibrate because of market reflexivities, which are self-referential propositions of behavior current econometric behavior equations cannot adequately describe. That's the real reason why-for all the modifications of the modified Phillips curve! Study details of the Harvard Ph.D. dissertation on the Phillips curve written by Don Nakornthab, currently Head, Macroeconomic Policy Team, Bank of Thailand. Reflexivities, being self-referential propositions, are m-logically valued self-entries/twists/reentries: twisted handles formed upon market chronotopologies (vis von Franz's Number and Time and Charles Muses) brought about by third-order operator-time generating, by Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition, an order-type/class of von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock which require transcendental hypernumbers (vis Charles Muses) only Abelian trans-algebras can describe properties of. Since the Bretton Woods monetary agreement established the USD as the foremost international vehicle/reserve currency, all the American dilemmas incumbent upon the Phillips curve being uninevitable were writ large upon the planet as responses to those dilemmas played themselves out upon the U.S. economy, leading to formation of the prevailing globalization regime. Look to m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian monetary units, if you hope for an authentic alternative.
Consider that there is a much larger meaning to Gresham's Law -- bad money drives out good when legal tender laws mandate both must be exchanged at the same price, even as a money-creation premium be received from currency debasement and a discounted return is placed upon the minting of full-valued coin -- than merely that bad accounting drives out good, bad investment drives out good, bad growth drives out good, bad CEOs drive out good, for 1T2-logical currencies, which are all bad for being debased/reduced to the lowest logical-value order-type, keep out µTm-logical currencies, which are relatively good for being fuller-logically-valued coin. With strong pushes toward bad accounting, bad investment, bad growth, bad management -- bad quality with respect to every economic variable, especially, perhaps, quality of available work -- the seeking of full employment becomes a blackpsyche propaganda mantra concealing the actual motivation: differential monetary/velocity inflation of the capital-markets sector (segregated as much as possible from the GNP/CPI sector, hence from the employment domain ostensibly targeted) such that interest rates can be driven sufficiently down that borrowing/barrowing artificially low and investing/speculating the borrowed money at inflated returns becomes the primary MO governing regulatory, investment, growth, management, and accounting strategies. Ostensibly producing in order to work, while in actuality: spurious work/production in order drive a large wedge between interest rates and rates of return on bad investment. Interest rates over 1T2-logical currencies are single-valued as well as singly-logically-valued, thus insuring that investment and resultant growth will necessarily be relatively bad by comparison to investment/growth governed by the m-valued and m-logically-valued interest rates associated with nesting foams of µTm-logical currencies, particularly if the logical-values stacked on base-states of such currencies were fine-grain tagged to indicators defined in terms of entropic and negentropic environmental externalities and metareferential tropes intrinsic thereto. Given that prevailing legal-tender laws/conventions/habits largely drive out very awareness of even the bare existence of good coin ( µTm-logically-valued), existing investment and existing growth must in-principle be overwhelmingly entropy generating, for the only route to negentropy-friendly investment/growth is higher and higher levels of efficiency -- a movement toward economic superconductance, which is a movement toward higher and higher levels of phase coherency, a movement which cannot be approached/accounted without µTm-logical tagging of that which is to be brought into greater phase-coherency. Just as over-correlation by forced assimilation of single-valued processes to a single macro-scale level is not the same thing as long-range phase correlation of m-valued processes across a multiplicity of nested scale levels obtained by involutory decomposition of an m-logically-valued reference domain, what appears random noise to a 1T2-logical mind, may be recognized perfect coherency by the µTm-valued cognition: Turangalila. I would suggest that predation-inspired, cross-scale, Holling Panarchy of adaptive cycles cascading up and down through nested sets of spacetime grids/domains/sheaves is an ontological uni/vocity-valency, 1T2-logic, passive-reference linear-(meme)time-bound, 2nk, complexity/chaos-theory take on the ontological multi/vocity-valency, relative-state, quantum-composite/coherent holomorphy of superposed/identity-transparent stability regimes/states econometrically expressing, at self-organized criticality, as multiscale, M-Theory braned, Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued, Mnk, F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock. If, indeed -- by continued phobic conversions/displacements related to anti-paganism, anti-animism, anti-Taoism: multiculturalism is a tossed-salad-culture strategy for nazification/technoforcing to the purified identity aspired to by a univocal/univalent, trope-stripping, We are the world! global monism, no less than is Fertile-Crescent-Religion fundamentalisms, Hindic, Buddhological, Confucian fundamentalisms -- current financial/monetary-system architectonics/processes phase-shift to radically-simplified/purified forms of uses, that will be the functional equivalent to the death knell currently being tolled/toled/told by acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode cascade dynamics of Earth's atmosphere.
No matter this material is not posted to the social structure of attention cathexes in a timely fashion, as: (1) by virtue of the effects/affects of glutamatergic neuronal etching attendant upon prescriptive enculturation, it cannot and will not affect collective behaviors; and (2) the address given to current events is done solely as a manner of referring to fundamentals. For instance, trying to force the decoherent linear-reference-time-bound take to account for the coherent time-shape properties of multiscale systems (this trying to force being a conversion-disorder displacement by projective-identification at collective transference of inner -- i.e., attributes of normotic state of consciousness induced by glutamatergic neuronal etching -- to as-if-actual outer) motivates the compulsive collective obsession with imposition of purified identity by insistence upon the various forms of renormalization: e.g., selective-scaling renormalization, truncation renormalization, averaging/mean renormalization, equivalent-value renormalization. Why, mathematically speaking, is this the case? Because the term time rates of change of acceleration is a Cartesian-Newtonian way to talk about the self-referential, reflexive, spatial entries/twists/reentries associated with topologically-active third-order operator-time (memetime being a renormalization of operator-time) -- and these entries/twists/reentries must be eliminated/renormalized, or the prescriptively enculturated intrasubjective effects/affects of normotic glumatatergic neuronal etching/renormalization/socialization and associated quenching of intraneuronal electron-transport processes (how automatization electrochemically memes a renormalization) will otherwise become just too, too personal, even degenerative-disease inducing. Is inflation/deflation a fixed/steady/stable condition/state or a condition/state-of-change, i.e., is it a velocity or is it an acceleration/deceleration? Is inflation/deflation a rate or the rates of a rate? Velocity is a rate; acceleration/deceleration is rates of a rate. Systems-theoretically truly meaningful measurement/denotation of inflation/deflation requires a reference manifold of the time rates of change of the rates of a rate, and meaningful measurement/denotation of this requires its own supraordinate reference manifold (think: Musculpt as mathematical notation over Lukasiewicz-Hilbert reference space), and so on, into Cantorian infinite regress, which can only actually be assimilated by unqualified embrace of Abelian trans-algebras and associated hypernumbers, fractality being one expression of that inherently m-valued, identity-transparent, quantum-composite case without which the well-demonstrated super-states of matter would be impossible. During this age when smart bombs have been set against non-simple identity and resultant non-bombability, when low-intensity hybrid warfare has become normative, has inflation targeting been not only largely black propaganda (the GNP-sector price inflation ostensibly targeted is so frequently accompanied by policies promulgating capital-markets-sector money/velocity inflation) but also double entendre in that averaging/mean renormalization of inflation has become fully automatized over the last several decades -- particularly since run up to 9/11 when, in early-2000, constant-dollar rebasing of CPI factors involved in personal cost-of-living index was further renormalized to chained-dollar averaging of PCE (personal consumption price index) factors whereover changing the sample basket of goods and services year-to-year -- averaging basket contents over consecutive years -- as map of changing purchase preference-function is carried out absent simultaneous recording of a purchase-discharge histogram reference-manifold main-curve/basket under which memetime series incremental curves are subposed in composite articulation. Selective-scaling renormalization of old-style CPI goes back to the 1920s when calculations were first restricted to urban areas only, thus veiling differences in money velocities between rural, urban, and money-center geographical scales/nests, a veiling which thoroughly subverts price-level calculations since money velocity is one of the three factors determining price level (were there, in face of reflexive entries/twists/reentries, such a thing as an equilibrium velocity as distinct from collections of actual velocities). Truncation renormalization of the CPI to a core price inflation measure was invoked at the end of the Viet Nam war (1975) by removing food and energy costs from the basket of goods and services employed for the calculation, ostensibly to eliminate temporary price shocks. Equivalent-value renormalization of core CPI was, in 1983, made an aid to mastery of stagflation by helping to reshift the shifted Phillips curve: housing-price fluctuation was renormalized to the more stable rent equivalents, thus, by concealment, helping to facilitate evolution of a subprime crisis. One doesn't hear much of indices of latent (unrealized) price inflation/deflation, indices of latent (unrealized) depreciation/appreciation of the foremost vehicle/reserve currency, i.e., the U.S. dollar. Why? Because, for example, each of these forms of renormalization removes from view dynamical information (e.g., that involving temporary shocks) critical to development of a wave theory of economic cycles which takes account of the topological non-orientability which reflexive entries/twists/reentries invoke: by re{normotic}ization, focus of economic analysis is directed to linear carriers and away from nonlinear-Schrödinger soliton envelopes, which, by superpositioning/supersolidity, enter and reenter self-reflexively, changing only phase relation, thus nullifying simple-identity via refractive dispersion over Lukasiewicz-Hilbert reference space as manifestation of the m-logically-valued (phase-state regimes being order-of-logical-value tagged with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, not a mere matter of probability amplitudes). Thus does normotic renormalization help prevent the fashioning of economic-monetary structures/functions/processes capable of taking advantage of soliton properties of systems dynamics: we need a stomatology of logical-value vocity. Let it be noted that in consensus atmospheric science acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes have been removed from mathematical view by selective-scaling renormalization. Nonetheless, within full-blown multiscale quantum-relativistic subsystems/systems/supersystems like Earth's atmosphere, adaptive-cycle downward and upward cascade dynamics are intrasystemically governed by linear carrier functions; intersystemically, by first-order nonlinear variables (formation of multiply-connecting internal/external source-sink handles); reflexively self-reentrant, by second-order nonlinear variables (topologically entered/twisted/reentered into the I am that I am-violating, non-simple-identity order-classes of non-orientabilities describable only with m-valued Lukasiewicz logics and Karpenko functors). The canonical equation for such cascade dynamics is descriptive of a harmonic oscillator, the basic autopoietic Planck operator nature employs to Musculpt its acoustic-analogue-black-hole-computed, fiber-bundled, and well-braned incarnate notations: in Earth's atmosphere with topological transforms of theta-e hypertemperature surfaces long-range phase-correlated with autogenic-discharged acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (giving due credit to Douglas A. Paine's presentation, entitled "The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena", to the last major Velikovsky conference: 1974, was it?), speedy stratospheric blue jets, Plucky mesospheric red sprites, pulsing thermospheric elves, spirit-dancing magnetospheric auroras borealas, and so on.
Hmmm I can definitely tell you that this understanding of the import of CONTENTS of conversion-disorder displacement by projective-identification at collective transference -- which I seriously began to acquire upon contemplation of what I had witnessed at night in the Mekong delta and in broad daylight at CICV-Targets, each in their own small and large ways prefiguring Cambodian holocaust -- has assuredly alienated me from mainstream values, which are largely umwelten introjects of the very same projected contents. For instance, infliction of T-shirt-advertized death from above is clearly a far greater crime against humanity than is mutilation of a dead body on the ground -- howsoever removed be the sense abilities in the former case; ontically present, the sensibilities in the latter. Watch them cast blood upon the moon; lie deep behind the scarlet tide; breathe free the dewy morn; run before the hot wind; throw red poppies down in scorn.
My response to that is: the thing that is most scary about quantum measurement is the culpability conversion-disorder displaced to the anthropic principle -- scary because, were there no such conversion, technology could not be considered a marker of an objective nature (vis Penrose objective reduction): human culpability would be absolute. The conversion is accomplished by suppression of m-valued universal physical constants (processed under µTm-valued logics) by means of a projective-identification which postulates a cosmological selection mechanism -- the anthropic principle -- which chooses just those particular values of single-valued universal physical constants required to have permitted emergence of human life and the 1T2-logic technological regime the human species has chosen. Absence of Lukasiewicz logics from Penrose's book, The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe (note use of the word complete), coupled to his current focus upon publishing in respect to cosmology, seems to me a meaningful coincidence -- no less of a meaningful coincidence than was appearance of Hawking's notion of passive-linear imaginary time a decade after his exposure to Douglas A. Paine's notion of active-nonlinear imaginary-hyperimaginary three-fold operator-time, a concept elaborated in explication of what is now referred to as acoustic analogues to black hole computing by Earth's atmosphere in acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode cascade dynamics at tornadogenesis (meaningful coincidence in the Hawking case because, in Paine's judgment, Hawking's exposure to the Paine material was likely indirect, filtered through the mind's of graduate students/postdocs handling Hawking's correspondence during the late-1970s, indeed, he may never even have been aware of the material; Wheeler had earlier and greater exposure and he, too, did not take Paine's research and ideas seriously; Everett's later exposure was relative to quantum measurement as spontaneous localization at autogenic brain discharge, i.e., according to this conception, collapse/decomposition of linear-time independent µTm-logic Schrödinger wave-function to the memetime-dependent 1T2-logic version, a notion Everett could not then assimilate, in my judgment, because he had long since left concern with fundamental physics behind and focused into 1T2-logical computing). To actually know the mind of God would, of course, be the ultimate in conversion-disorder displacement by projective-identification at collective transference. Let it also be noted that Penrose twistOr theory substantially emerged out of his treatment of of spinors and complex, i.e., imaginary numbered, angular momentum exchange processes, these processes being treated in Paine's cascade theory of twistEr genesis as spatial effects of the topological transforms induced by complex/hypercomplex operator-time: Twistor as quantization of temporal curl! as I have been wont to say.
Looking at developing economic circumstances around the planet, the impetus to global war is becoming ever greater, as the biggest debt incinerator is a war which permits the winners to thoroughly revamp the monetary system in their favor -- this principle has been known for a very long time. What is different today are all the other non-economic dimensions of the accelerating global crisis, which make the usual sorts of monetary revampings inadequate to the circumstances for winners as well as losers of that prospective war. Were there no other reasons to consider m-logically-valued monetary units, this one alone would be sufficient.
The collective unconscious is a Trickster, as C. G. Jung so well documented! Were the doppel in Doppelmark (see: New D-mark could be twice as strong, TotalInvestor, 18 December 2010) repressed/regressed double entendre with respect to doppelganger, then one of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's suggestions for saving the EMU, quoted below, could be considered a very, very small subliminal nod to the notion of nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS (see: Self-righteous Germany must accept a euro-debt union or leave EMU, The Daily Telegraph, 19 December 2010):
If the Teutonic bloc cannot accept such a political revolution, it should withdraw from monetary union before inflicting any more damage to the social fabric of southern Europe, or at least allow a 30pc appreciation within EMU by creating a Doppelmark.
Moreover -- given ambiguity of this statement -- Doppelmark Freudian-slipped within, ghosting/shadowing the euro, were that the beginning of implementation of nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS, might just stave off formation of a Germano-Russian bloc aligned to a Greater China -- a proposition I have prognosticated since the late-1960s.
Consensus meteorology (1) views severe local storms as, essentially, being determined by random heat processes at the microscale, and (2) with the infusion of chaos- and complexity-theory perspectives into the discipline, most dynamical meteorologists came to believe that details of these storms are inherently unpredictable because, again essentially, (3) details of the spatial field inherently cannot be sufficiently mapped to be adequately predictive for accuracy of the details of a forecast not to fall off precipitously with extension of the forecast timeframe. According to my understanding, while cascade theory of tornadogenesis agrees with (3), it soundly rejects (1) and (2). Cascade theory views severe local storms on Earth as, essentially, being forced by, not events transpiring at the center of our Sun, but by changes of rates, rates of rates, and rates of rates of rates of events transpiring at the center of our Sun, markers of those changes being carried to Earth primarily as fluctuations in the complex (i.e., imaginary- and hyperimaginary-numbered) angular momentum conveyed by the solar wind, the Earth-effects of those fluctuations being modulated by (naturally occurring and/or anthropogenic) changes of rates, rates of rates, and rates of rates of rates of many processes occurring in Earth's atmosphere, higher and lower, as those angular momentum changes cascade through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions (this is where the traditional primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics comes into the cascade model), causing autogenic shifts like, for instance, shifts in positioning of the jet stream. Since this concept of atmospheric cascade is primarily one of temporal ordering (time-itself actively changes space: i.e., a rough definition of temporal curl), rather than one primarily of spatial ordering, accurate long-term forecasts are not considered dependent upon detailing of the spatial field; what is most required is the monitoring of a fundamental oscillator: this notion being Max Planck's, and the foundation of quantum mechanics, which, according to David Bohm, is essentially a theory of clocks within clocks within clocks. Hence, the notion of topologically-active operator-time, which is simply another way of saying complex/hypercomplex angular momentum (complex-imaginary being indicative of numerically-designated topological twistings -- serial, parallel, superposed -- associated with cyclotomic Abelian-Bellian involutory decomposition, i.e., cascade: basis of acoustic analogues to black hole computing in Earth's atmosphere by topological transforms of acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e hypertemperature surface topologies). This general idea may have wider meteorological application than merely informing numerical forecast models of tornadogenesis; it may, for instance, be of importance to climate-shift modeling, where anthropogenic factors like human enhancement of naturally occurring greenhouse warming would be viewed as altering Earth's atmospheric modulation of the Earth-effects of solar-wind conveyed changes of complex angular momentum infusions Sun-to-Earth. It is also likely the case that this complex angular momentum cascade process does not cease at Earth's crust, but continues to Earth's core -- Sun core to Earth core -- sustaining deep synergistic connections between climate dynamics, weather events, plate tectonics, volcanism, geomagnetic field fluctuations. Were this the case, there would be some justification for the following statement from an insurance company executive (see: 2010's world gone wild: Quakes, floods, blizzards, Julie Reed Bell and Seth Borenstein, MSNBC, 19 December 2010):
Disasters from the Earth, such as earthquakes and volcanoes are pretty much constant, said Andreas Schraft, vice president of catastrophic perils for the Geneva-based insurance giant Swiss Re. All the change that's made is man-made.
Not acts of God. Strange position for an insurance company to take. Why, then, take it? Excepting the stated notion of constancy, perhaps for existence of an intuitive appreciation of the basic principles informing atmospheric cascade theory. And here is a man who appears to have reached a technical appreciation of some aspects of atmospheric cascade theory (see: Wiki on Piers Corbyn and There's a mini ice age coming, says man who beats weather experts, Sydney Morning Herald reprint of the London Telegraph article, 22 December 2010):
Piers Corbyn works in an undistinguished office in Borough High Street. He has no telescope or supercomputer. Armed only with a laptop, huge quantities of publicly available data and a first-class degree in astrophysics, he gets it right again and again How on earth does he do it? He studies the Sun He looks at the flow of particles from the Sun, and how they interact with the upper atmosphere, especially air currents such as the jet stream, and he looks at how the Moon and other factors influence those streaming particles He takes a snapshot of what the Sun is doing at any given moment, and then he looks back at the record to see when it last did something similar. Then he checks what the weather was like on Earth at the time -- and he makes a prophecy.
This is very interesting, even though cascade theory would not support his global warming skepticism -- quite the contrary, there being myriad ways (including, for instance, artificial amplification of natural greenhouse warming) to anthropogenically intervene into Earth-"modulations" of fluctuations of solar-wind-conveyed complex angular momentum (e.g., electron-temperature enhancements, artificial hot auroras, magnetic mirrors, phased-array radar blankets, electrical gridding of the WholeEarth, microwave-ovening of Earth's atmosphere, and so on). For an especially elaborate display of the ignorance of the uninformed, see the Investor's Business Daily editorial entitled, The Abiding Faith of Warm-ongers, 22 December 2010: that far-from-equilibrium phase shifts in every domain of nature (indeed, including in systems so simple as desktop chemical solutions) involve extreme nonlinear oscillations -- hot/cold, wet/dry among them -- is elaborately experimentally demonstrated, very well meeting Karl Popper's falsifiability criterion (absence of such oscillations would be a marker of absence of such a phase shift). I would observe, as regards Piers Corbyn's global warming skepticism, that successfully predicting a cold winter six months in advance is several orders of magnitude less impressive than accurately predicting tornado outbreaks twelve hours in advance on a 1-km grid, as the Paine-Kaplan cascade computer model regularly did during the 1970s using historical data sets processed on NASA's then-largest mainframe (technical accounts of the actual physics underlying this computer model never found publication, and teaching of the more unusual aspects of that material in the classroom, even, was seriously interdicted on a regular basis). Inability of this computer model to achieve accuracy at grid-lengths less than 1-km likely was due, in no small part, to not -- for obvious reasons -- factoring in the vorticity-generating effects of electron-temperature enhancements, artificial hot auroras, magnetic mirrors, phased-array radar blankets, electrical gridding of the WholeEarth, microwave-ovening of Earth's atmosphere, and so on.
I do not doubt validity of Claire Berlinski's thesis that Istanbul today is comparable to the Weimar Berlin of yesteryear (see: Weimar Istanbul, The City Journal, Autumn 2010), but I do regret her sense as to why the Berlin of the Weimar era was as it was. Were the currently prevailing consensus interpretation of quantum-relativity theory, and the interpretations of the higher 19th-century mathematics prefiguring that interpretation, to undergo radical revision, as I believe they will under influence of the evolution of µTm-logically-valued quantum computing, it is very likely that our understanding as to the whys and wherefores of Weimar Berlin's polymorphous-perverse extravagance will undergo a similar magnitude of radical revisioning.
In the present Umsturzsituation, further Weimarization of 21st-century America? Having lifted Hollywood's targeting of the population subset/package/box manifesting a 1T2-logic computer-generated cognitively-challenged pre-pubertal mind to the neue Sachlichkeit of Hoover Institute monetarism, will post-9/11 restructuring further lift prevailing monetary magical realism to Friedmanian fantasy realism? Will this collective projection simply add a new dimension to transference of the Wandervogelmystik of the unified telepresent/VRed battlefield to HS's identity-transparent Schicksal simulacra of the snitching MoSoSoed SmartMob? We'll have to wait and see if Congressman Kucinich's HR delete the Fed bill (see: Fatally Flawed 'End the Fed' Proposal from Rep. Kucinich would Allow Congress to Print Money into Existence for Essentially Anything, Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 22 December 2010) to transfer the FED's hyper{personality}inflation money-creation mandate to the U.S. Congress passes into law of the land.
Thank you very much for drawing that September 1968 LBJ quotation (see below) to my attention, about which I have heretofore been uninformed. Although LBJ certainly can only be admired for his personal life-saving assistance to hundreds of Jews immediately before WWII, I would be the last to endorse the Rabbinical anti-Cabalistic incompetence at history of mathematics his observation concerning post-Six-Day-war borders conveys. This is the level of cognitive sophistication habitually brought, especially at the highest level, to the policy formulation process. Did LBJ ever cognitively enter the 20th century -- or avail himself of the ideational opportunity which three generations of Johnson family exposure to Judaism offered? Speaking in terms of mathematical properties, what kind of borders does the Cabalistic Tree-of-Life bespeak? Given his unquestioned tacit assumptions about the inherent nature of borders -- as this quotation clearly illustrates -- could LBJ have understood the holomorphic maps which the Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure, VCI, made of their whole underground bureaucracy in functionally mapping changes of that bureaucracy's critical variables upon fluctuating borders -- let alone come up with a Cabalistic, Cantorian-fractal, Abelian-transcendental, Whirling Dervish (changing rates of spin -- spinors -- do have something fundamental to do with Cantorian fractality, y'know) approach to resolving Middle East conflicts? Could such lack of even the possibility of understanding have anything but insured LBJ's imposition of the enemy-strength-estimates falsification of 1966-7, which Sam Adams doggedly pursued and over which CBS/60-Minutes resolutely reduced ultimate culpability -- against Sam's and others' all-but-certain knowledge, particularly by those at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, where I was assigned at the instant of the Tet-'68 offensive -- to Westmoreland alone? Can't deal with the subtleties involved here, then can't comprehend what actually happened -- or its larger mega-implications relative to the prevailing multi-dimensional global crisis. Lah-dee-dah! Have your karmic self-retribution, if you insist, and the involved inflictions upon your progeny. Care? Lift a neuron, let alone a little finger? Don't mean nothin'! So frequently, the apparent embarrassing moment imputed to a speaker is actually an embarrassment of the spoken-to, who/whom has little cognizance of the various dimensions of psychological transference. Yo, bro': in yo' face. Quoting Lenny Ben-David quoting LBJ, in after{math} of the second-phase of Tet-'68 in Viet Nam, on the situation in the Middle East (see: Lyndon B. Johnson -- A Righteous Gentile, Lenny Ben-David, LBJ and Israel Blogspot re-posting of a 10 September 2008 Jerusalem Post article):
The American and British drafters of the resolution [UN Resolution 242, which LBJ personally midwifed] opposed Israel returning all the territories captured in the war. In September 1968, Johnson explained, We are not the ones to say where other nations should draw lines between them that will assure each the greatest security. It is clear, however, that a return to the situation of 4 June 1967 will not bring peace. There must be secure and there must be recognized borders. Some such lines must be agreed to by the neighbors involved.
Learning of this LBJ statement, 43 years after-the-fact, is representative, and a strong reminder, of the bathos, the maudlin shoulder-weight, the collective unconscious imposes with its synchronicities. My I/i was/were given back-to-back promotions (check out my overt personnel file, and, if you can find it, my other-I-am soft-file) at JFK Special Warfare Center, at outbreak of the Six Day war, for being the only OB analyst therein-prepared to brief on the history, and, then-accelerating, consequences, of post-WWII Anglo-American oil policy -- though that's far from how contents of those daily briefings were cast as permutations-of-a-phrase. By intermediation of an AU-student, stunningly beautiful Westchester County Marjorie Morningstar Jewish Princess, and simultaneously a surpassing talent as regards full-measure of Cabalistic cognition, already, by 1965, aged 20, was my Whitmanesque other-I-am, not only enraptured, but well-appraised concerning Tree-of-Life nesting-foam boundary conditions and their metareferential, mathematical-function mapping-tropes. Speaking in terms of maths, what sort of spatial partitioning does the infinite regress, analogically portrayed in the Cabalistic Tree-of-Life nesting maze, bespeak as Divine means of conflict management over/between states of consciousness, states of nature? Certainly not the LBJ-border notion! When I subsequently argued, at JFK Special Warfare Center, immediately after termination of the Six-Day war, that retention of the conquered territories would do more than any other single factor to undermine Israeli security, I was not doing this by a misunderstanding of the actual meaning of the word Jerusalem. Next year in Jerusalem! is a promise to attain to a very high state of consciousness! Jerusalem, the city, is a conversion-disorder displacement, a displacement by projective-identification at subject-(physical)object/level of collective transference. Just imagine the arguments then had, summer of 1967, with one of my better friends, Larry Friedman, with whom I went through SF Training Group, and who, later, participated in cross-border missions out of Nui Ba Den, sank to the sand at Desert One, was a progenitor and NCOIC of Delta Force, floundered on Grenada, and died in Somalia of acute IED. And all these years after LBJ, still, the secular Rabbinate -- of whatsoever religious affiliation -- has no real insight as to the Cabalistic quantum-potential of Tree-of-Life fractal e-boundaries! However briefly -- following in footsteps of Walt Rostow and R. McNamara -- I was a targets analyst (CICV-Targets). But while Walt and Robert were sitting in their stateside offices picking targets, and trying to impose their picks, my father was acquiring the preconditions to collapsed lungs (not to mention being shot-down, broken ankle, lost, presumed dead, but never captured, behind enemy lines for months, et cetera) while B17-bombing the infant German female who later would become one of my closest adult friends. Many ways to learn object lessons in regards to efficacy of carpet bombings and their strategic surveys -- not only by people-sniffer and/or SF BDAs. But that is the least of it: following the assassination of JFK, I was a live-in in the Georgetown/Dumbarton-Oaks household of the Director for Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State, ex-OSS, ex-JFK-Harvard-undergrad intimate, Gerald Heard, living directly across the street from Teddy and Joan -- whose kids I put on the bus to St. Albans each weekday morning -- close student of Elspeth, WWW's, much more brilliant than him, wife, Sunday-brunching at Mac Bundy's Spring Valley split-level, pooling occasionally at Douglas Dillon's Foxhall Road home, and reading -- as a test case by an average American -- rough drafts of LBJ's speeches written by his then-foremost ex-OSS speechwriter. Having written a long SORO-human-factors-approach negative assessment of WWW's beloved Briggs-Plan/WRA(War Relocation Authority)-modeled Strategic Hamlets Program for SORO's and AU/SIS's Professor George Harris, team leader in the writing of the U.S. Army Handbook for Vietnam, and having altercated intensively with Radcliff over The Feminine Mystique, I decided to bailout altogether, see the thing-in-itself face-to-face. Having repetitively gone unrecognized by Mac Bundy during the early-'60s, a decade-or-so later I again went unrecognized, by the ex-OSS speechwriter. All food for the cognitive mill evaluating the level of self-organizational competency available in the postmodern world -- and, thus, facilitative to evolution of ideas concerning nesting-foams of m-logically-valued LETS mapped over non-LBJed fractal e-boundaries.
How many glam you know, you, to be high on the margin, get their devoir at Chemical Bank Odd Johnning the bionic Ubermensch of Hollywood phastasmongrelia? Outbacking to demob ain't no option, you universal observer Sue-Zee Q, you! Demisemiquavering PPPs (purchasing power parities) according to the inverse of De Moivre's Theorem on complex(imaginary) numbers: constitutional value and argument, the nth power of the absolute value of the involved complexity, disaggregated n times. Heh-heh-heh! But, you inverted Cosmic Exile of W.V.O. Quine, the FFFs (Federalist Founding Fathers) were not advoCAYtors of decentralization; they were the creators of the AU and the AMU (the American Union and the American Monetary Union) and simultaneously several other forms of the centralization which everywhere and all times subverts functional specificity -- and these 18th-century minds did this by employment of 17th-century ideas about the nature of Nature, ideas long since no longer seriously entertainable, however entertaining opere buffe they may remain. The mathematical properties of borders over which legal tenders are defined, for instance: lines, as LBJ still believed even so late as well past mid-20th century. The FFFs defined a constitutional dollar upon a line used to wipe out a nesting foam of differential needs subsequently unmeetable because, for instance, the drawing of that line destroyed the possibility of actual existence of an equilibrium velocity-of-money which their Cartesian-Newtonian philosophy established as being necessary if actual prices -- including the price of the constitutional auro-dollar relative to currencies defined as legal tenders over other lines drawn in Newtonian absolute space -- were actually to exist such that a market supply-demand dynamic could perform its sorting/daemein-damien-damian functions. The currency line obscures existence of a nesting foam of subtending differential money velocities, not tagged/able by very virtue of that kind of borderline having been drawn. If one can't believe in Koch Curve lines -- holes within holes within holes -- then one simply is, for instance, in denial as to actual prevailing mathematical properties of the US-Mexico border. And if absence of fractal e-nesting-foam boundaries played a major role in permitting the Weimar hyperinflation, the same observation can be made as regards hyperinflation of the FFF's day, the post-1789 French case (see: Fiat Money Inflation in France, Andrew Dixon White [co-founder of Cornell, where the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units independently began maturation], USAgold, a posting of the 1914 paper, a prewar paper which pre-figured [in the prepostmodernist sense] the postwar Weimar case). White, in midst of the extended period researching this paper, not incidentally, sat on the Venezuela Boundary Commission (1895-6), part of the process whereby 1T2-logical in-or-out boundaries were imposed globally. The French assignats fiat currency did not begin fiat, but commodity-backed, by real property, land (partitioned with 1T2-logical in-or-out boundaries) -- and became mere asset-backed, then fiat, in my judgment, because the commodity originally used for backing was financially leveraged out of its physical habitus (i.e., delocalized without any compensatory quantal m-logically-valued tagging functions being superposed; bundled mortgaged-backed securities/derivatives do not accomplish such monetary quantization of gravitating upon a price), such that it could not be prevented from succumbing to a devaluation of values. Today, fractal e-nesting-foam boundaries (and associated commodity-backed currencies defined thereupon) would be one architectonic factor strongly militating against such a devaluation of values. To the degree this French story becomes the story of globalized/transnational hyperinflation during the present era, to the same degree is the human mind trapped in its institutionalization of the 200-year dead, Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, with its hypothesis of the (1T2-valued-logic ONLY) rationality of hu-hu-hu-mankind.
Recent revelations forced upon the FED disclose that during the period, Spring 2008 to Spring 2009, under the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (established mid-March 2008) alone, i.e., not including distributions received from other FED facilities, $6 trillion were transferred (via collateralized-repo-loans, the collateral likely involving bundles of subprime mortgages) from the FED to Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch (see: The Tax-Payer's Tab: A Cool $9 Trillion and Then Some, Pam Martens, CounterPunch, 20 December 2010) and, yet, still, more than two years later, no significant superhyperoverbank systemic restructuring is seriously being considered, let alone, phase-shift in the very nature of money, money manipulated by such Jobian behemoths as Citigroup and their sovereign protectors. Just as Japan helped create its low-interest yen carry trade by printing yen used to purchase USD Treasuries, thus helping along globalized inflation while helping to maintain domestic deflation, so the FED printed USDs to purchase dubiously-collateralized repos from superhyperoverbanks, thus artificially undeflating/rereflating asset markets involved in establishing price of the Treasuries (used to recycle Chinese-accumulated USDs) involved in yen carry-trade inflation of global asset markets. But, and I would agree, but agree only with the too interwoven part, quoting the article quoting Citi Chairman, Richard Parsons (see: Citigroup Too Interwoven to Fail, Chairman Says, YahooFinance, 26 December 2010):
It's not a question of too big to fail, Parsons said in a live interview. It's a question of too interwoven in the fabric of the global financial life to fail.
Which generation of humans is responsible for creation of this state of too interwoven-ness -- a fiber-bundling of global economic architecture, absent actual employment of the actual fiber-bundle arithmetics required to quantum-theoretically quantize the price-gravitations necessarily involved in such too interwoven-ness? Which generation? And maybe it is the Chinese who are most culpable, eh. Heh-heh-heh! If so, this could not be attributed, as did HUAC, to a White-organized collapse of the Gear-Wheel currency during the hyperinflation prefiguring the 1949 collapse of republican China on the mainland. HUAC, I imagine, imagined that Harry Dexter White before and at Bretton Woods, July 1-22, 1944, acting on Roosevelt/Morgenthau instructions, somehow organized the future Kuomintang hyperinflation, while simultaneously arguing privately against Roosevelt's agenda at BW by supporting Keynes' notion of a non-vehicle bancor reserve currency with his own notion, the unitas non-vehicle reserve currency (notice, however, that people present and later deeply involved with the IMF slough over the bancor-unitas issue and don't even distinguish between vehicle/reserve aspects of a vehicle currency employed as a reserve currency: see, the Bretton Woods: Preconference Negotiations chapter of Foreign Adventures of an Economist, Ray Mikesell, U of Oregon, 2000). But who now truly can imagine what HUAC then imagined? No, if Chinese have been responsible for inculcating the current over-interwoven state of the global economy -- heh-heh-heh! -- Tai Li has to be regarded as having been most culpable, though not directly a perpetrator. Tai Li was Chiang Kai-Shek's Chief of BIS (Bureau of Investigation and Statistics), upon which, a decade or so later, the GVN Central Intelligence Organization (CIO) would be modeled, and something like what, in the communist context, would be an MAPC (military affairs party committee) at the national level, a J2/Gear-Wheel fusion. This was the bureau that effectively oversaw Tai Li's and Milton Miles' SACO (Sino-American Cooperative Organization) from which Paul Helliwell and Nicholas L. Deak learned much of what was applied in money, banking, and precious metals circles around the postwar world. The responsible generation was THAT GENERATION. The best thing I've seen on the web in this regard, posted relative to Yamashita gold, is an excerpt from The Marcos Dynasty (Sterling Seagrave, Harper and Row, 1988) -- though I would note, parenthetically, that the supplies flown from Ha Noi to Dien Bien Phu by Civil Air Transport pilots did not come primarily from the PI, and the planes used were not primarily those of CAT; rather, those supplies came from Ashiya AFB, Japan, on USAF aircraft which underwent insignia changes in Ha Noi and were thereupon turned over to CAT pilots for the flight to Dien Bien Phu (or at least that is how I have been able to reconstruct from what I remember as a child from the pilots so engaged, and bringing Tonk gifts back to me in Ashiya from Ha Noi). A more approved version is Richard Harris Smith's OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency (UC-Berkeley, 1972). And today, 70 years later, the U.S. is still pursuing maladroit Treasury Secretary Morgenthau's 1941 dream (literally) malapropism of a single world currency serving both vehicle and reserve functions (the first draft of the proposal for what ultimately became the IMF having been written six months before Pearl Harbor). So, which generation will rectify the resultant over-interwoven-ness bled into the whole international monetary/banking system by generalization of the Helliwell-Deak precedents in a manner similar to how OSS-MO set terms of reference for postwar press/Madison-Avenue MO and mega{media}ization? I do not know, but Apple's development of a holographic display (see: Apple patent reveals plan for holographic display, Richard Gray, The Telegraph, 27 December 2010) is a big step forward (Dmitri Tymoczko's orbifold ChordGeometries and generalized chord-space maps being important in this regard?), because any user-friendly interface to the fiber-bundle arithmetics used for quantum-theoretical quantization of m-logically-valued vehicle currencies cyclotomically decomposed from a Lukasiewicz-Hilbert monetary reserve/reference must be able to optico-acoustically represent color-coded, m-facet (i.e., m-valued), nesting-foam, dynamic-polymorph objects as Musculpted 3-space notational tropes of the involved higher-dimensional/higher-logically-valued autopoietic operators (in a manner analogous to how Renaissance linear-perspective simulated 3-space on a 2-D surface, thus prefiguring Cartesian-Newtonian science by facilitating mathematically-codified space and time).
Normal Drawing Rights (NDRs) from the IMF were established relative to expectations of systemic balance-of-payments difficulties, i.e., the multilateral clearing problem, whereby other (drawn) currencies are purchased from the Fund in the problem country's own currency -- the Fund's holdings of that country's currency being one measure of that country's difficulties and resultant debt to the IMF (see Mikesell's account for details, linked immediately above). Bi/tri/n-lateral agreements to denominate current accounts in each other's currencies, or a dominant-member currency, create currency areas -- like was the 1939-to-late-'70s sterling area -- which are restrictive and thus reduce a range of global efficiencies at resource employment. In practice, the multilateral clearing problem became no problem in large measure because the USD became the key currency the U.S. banking community wanted it to be -- but, as we see about us now, this Freigeld key currency dollar has associated with it a range of massive problems, particularly as the clearing problem was relieved post-1971 by advent of the fiat currency regime. The initial gold-and-vehicle-currencies/NDRs quotas taken/distributed by the IMF were determined by very-less-than-sophisticated/less-than-objective algorithms. Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) -- as Keynesian credits -- extended NDRs relative to the initial quotas calculated and agreed/imposed (BW1 was one-step-removed from a gold standard, while Keynes' International Clearing Union proposal would have required ever-growing credit creation, or coercive confiscations/redistributions, because a given country's totals in balance-of-payments deficits and surpluses relative to the totality of other countries it trades with only rarely would balance out: none of which actually had anything significant to do with reserve store of value, only reserve standard of value). Once the IMF-defined, fixed-price monetary gold (in which IMF quotas were calculated) was no longer separated from market-priced gold (1971), there was no longer a fixed relation (intermediated by fixed-by-leveraged-agreement as to the stabilized prices [par values] of vehicle currencies relative to the vehicle/reserve gold USD) between gold taken and NDRs/SDRs distributed by the IMF. What conceivable utility, therefore, could the SDR fulfill nowadays in the role of a reserve currency unit defined over a small basket of vehicle currencies (the gold-values of which vary with market-determined fluctuating prices of gold)? Certainly no role whatsoever in respect to a store of value -- unless new algorithms were negotiated/imposed fixing the values of vehicle currencies to a fixed value of gold, which itself would have to be algorithmically determined by an algorithm negotiated/imposed. How are such negotiations/impositions to be achieved absent coercion, when the involved vested interest of each nation differs from those of the others, and these fixings would in significant measure undermine the role of future work in achieving future economic benisons? Just one more reason gold is not the answer, and, more generally, why top-down transformation of the prevailing global non-system monetary system is not the answer. The only actual store of value (some property of which should set the standard of value) is F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock from which vehicle currencies should devolve in nesting foams by Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition. Such a system could only be brought up from below, because there is no other way actual calculations (not negotiations/impositions) of the time-shapes of total capital stock could progressively more and more accurately be ascertained (self-organizational competency of the system improving as greater and greater accuracy is obtained). Hayekian time-shapes being m-valued non-probablistic Everettian relative-states under m-valued Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics, dissimulations of maths/physics, therefore, are major issues of concern relative to the multilateral clearing problem, a synoptic problem in currency relative-states, and also the question of whether or not humanity has the cognitive capacity to achieve something like an actually functional monetary system capable of organizing human activities in a fashion adequate to meeting full spectrum of the crises involved in the presently accelerating global conundrum. Insofar as a monetary system econometrically analogically codifies, subliminally, the principles of a Weltanschauung, and the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function psychologically displaced a Lukasiewician m-logically-valued interpretation, thereby becoming the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to pathogenesis of WWII, as has been my thesis, then BW1 institutionalized one of the foremost deep-structural causes of WWII. Were that actually the case, as I maintain, dissipation of the accelerating impetus to some repeat performance of world war necessarily would involve resolution of these issues; and, absent such resolution, we will continue to see current reactions to long-projected power always projected by the megamedia as power projection, those engaged in the various forms of projection being wholly unaware that they are projecting (see, for instance: China preparing for armed conflict 'in every direction', Peter Foster, The Telegraph, 29 December 2010), all the while as the most time-honored preparation for war, sexual suppression (this being the case due to the fact that the sexual occasion provides the opportunity for easiest access to states of identity-transparency) as aggressive chi-building for violent collective action, becomes rampant (see, for instance, a move possibly soon to be matched by the UK: China shuts down 60,000 porn sites and arrests 5,000 people in massive censorship crackdown, Daily Mail, 30 December 2010) and, possibly provoked by missile-shield technology, a preemption policy is internally enunciated and leaked (see: China Military eyes preemptive nuclear attack in event of crisis, Kyodo, 5 January 2011) regarding circumstances where conventional strategic bombing of China has already commenced and this is impossible to defend against. Point/counter-point, move/counter-move. Late-Weimarization of the planet. When general understanding of the meaning of the word love has essentially been reduced to that of abuse, identity-transparency nowhere entering the picture, volunteers, anyone, for what is virtually certain to be a major component in the planetary overpopulation reduction program of choice (all involved parties to the Great [existential] Game having tacitly concluded that the subjective costs -- to habituated transference -- of not-killing outweigh those of being killed)? And all these years later, the large personal sacrifice Horst Gunther made in publicly documenting/enunciating his thesis about depleted uranium has become routine publication in environmental science journals (see: War contamination could be causing deformities in Iraq, Richard Spencer, The Daily Telegraph, 31 December 2010). Who cares? Not very many. Has to do with someone else, it is widely regarded. Really? Non-instantaneous mutation by cumulative effects of low-intensity radiation clearly indicates that something is amiss with consensus molecular notions as to the biology of the gene (falsification, dissimulation, dissembling of science/maths has persistently been in one-or-another national interest since the 1820s and Abel's Impossibility Theorem: as Mao almost said, Science comes out of the barrel of a gun). Maybe, just maybe, the free-electron gas core of DNA has blackbody properties, just as we proposed in the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry : A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-41. If so, that would affect EVERYBODY, every plant and animal, every fish and insect, most microorganisms. Birds, too! Not unrelated to disruption of landform{infrasound-signature}informed local navigation by birds (proposed by Cornell atmospheric science professor, Douglas A. Paine, to the Cornell Neurobiology Labs, one of the world's leading ornithology study centers, relative to the blackbody DNA model, as specifically regards intraneuronal DNA, and subsequently experimentally demonstrated with microbarograph arrays mounted on birds, this result being well-publicized [Keeton, William, and Marilyn Yodlowski and Mel Kreithen, Detection of atmospheric infrasound by the homing pigeon, Nature, 1977, 265:5596, pp. 725-6] but no published mention ever having been made as to how this bird-brained demonstration lends experimental support to the Paine-Pensinger model of submolecular properties of DNA) -- and, indeed, may be involved in bird mass killings, DNA existing in each bird cell and frequency-response-window characteristics having not only species, but also organ, specificities -- (see, for an account of a recent incident: Update: Thousands of birds fall from the sky in Beebe, Ashley Blackstone and Katherina-Marie Yancy, Today's THV, 1 January 2011), killings possibly accomplished by local acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode flash-anomalies cascaded from the macroscale down through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions and induced by invasive anthropogenic interventions into upper atmospheric processes: e.g., electron-temperature enhancements, artificial hot auroras, magnetic mirrors, phased-array radar blankets, microwave-ovening of Earth's atmosphere. Not even an inkling as to full measure of what has already been done to this cosmological neighborhood? Mind your songlines! If not your LRADing crowd-control sound cannons. Tweeter, tweeter, tweeter! Ka, ka, ka! Wave-number cascaded upon wave-number cascaded upon wave-number. Flash forward to 4 January 2010 (see: Falling birds likely died of massive trauma, CNN wire), and note that acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (the heart of Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of severe storm genesis) have been renormalized out of the consensus model of atmospheric dynamics since 1948 (rescaling the primitive equation set such that these wave modes are filtered from solutions, thus keeping macroscopic-quantum properties of the troposphere veiled, existence of such properties being precluded by Heisenberg inequalities iff universal physical constants are single-valued and processed under the 1T2-logically-valued order-type alone; for the consensus [atmosphere as Newtonian domain] account, see, as I remember from Cornell days: The problem of diffusion in the lower atmosphere, O. G. Sutton, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 73:257, 1947, and, O. G. Sutton, Atmospheric Turbulence, Methuen, 1949). A severe storm occurred in the vicinity at the time of bird fall, a severe storm which, by cascade dynamics, produced acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (filtered out of the solution set or not) -- perhaps, nowadays, in anomalous intensities capable of producing massive trauma to those caught within the localized anomaly (check out the recently-developing field of the physics of acoustic analogues to black hole computers and note that, in the very early 1970s, in a National Science Foundation report on results of his research on severe-local-storm genesis, Doug Paine referred to analogues to black holes existing in the earth's atmosphere -- for which he was, essentially, deemed persona non grata and later threatened with prosecution by some Saganic Science Court for teaching pseudoscience in the classroom; check out the math deployed in the field of acoustic analogues, even the exact words used: nearly identical to those employed by Paine during the 1970s, indicating an independent rediscovery; the mathematical description Paine provided, involving Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic/involutory cascade/decomposition by imaginary/hyper-imaginary topologically-active operator-time, is actually most directly analogous to what are now called black strings, i.e., black holes in higher dimensions: Paine pointed this out in his last e-mail to me just prior to his death by heart attack). And what has been done to Earth's atmosphere since the very early 1970s? Flash forward to 7 January 2011 (see: Mystery of mass animal death epidemic deepens after 8,000 turtle doves fall dead in Italy with strange blue stain on their beaks, Wil Longbottom, The Daily Mail ). Let it be noted that the inverse square law does not insulate migration of magnetic poles from long-range influence if complex angular momentum is transduced to electromagnetism by atmospheric cascade processes, particularly so, if, as has been modeled/tested, there is superconductant transduction between gravity waves and EM waves and Paine's discovery of the 1970s was an actual discovery: see, The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere. And if more than three decades later that still sounds outlandish, consider What's in a thunderstorm? Antimatter, for one, Thomas H. Maugh, II, Los Angeles Times, 11 January 2011. Now, what, by reverse cascade, coherently pulse-codes out the top of a tornado by way of answer back to our Sun? Consider that, under three-fold operator-time, Einstein's most famous equation has two forms higher than the one presently considered. During the mid-1970s, this was another thing for which this body of thought was severely castigated.
Ashvin Pandurangi has some interesting perspectives, for instance, quoting from his recent piece posted on The Automatic Earth website, entitled A Spectre Haunts Europe. . . and America (27 December 2010):
A Spectre Haunts Europe and America But this time it's not necessarily Communism, or any other label used by humans to conveniently understand their complex forms of socioeconomic organization. It's the spectre of an unrelenting reality, emerging from the depths of history, with no plans to follow but its own.
He then quotes Marx characterizing, in Capital, the basic Hegelian notion:
'the Idea,' is the demiurgos of the real world, and the real world is only the external, phenomenal form of 'the Idea.'
This is a capsulated version of the Vedic/Platonic Idealism from which Hegel derived his thesis-antithesis-synthesis Tai-Chi-rotating historical dialectic, the Idealism which Marx inverted as the basis of his dialectical materialism. All three -- Vedic/Platonic, Hegelian, and Marxist -- are dependent upon, and expressions of, 1T2-valued logic alone (non-rotational, rotational), as was this fundamental (version + inversion) contention in its 20th-century philosophical incarnation: Existentialism is based upon the notion that existence precedes essence in contrast to the Vedic/Platonist/Hegelian essence precedes existence. In the Existentialist case, precedes is meant in a temporal sense, while in the Vedic/Platonist/Hegelian case, precedes is meant in an ontological and logical sense. While a student at AU/SIS, I wrote, circa 1963, a long essay, entitled The Predicament of Existentialism, which relied upon Heisenberg, Gödel, and Filmer Stuart Cuckow Northrop's The Meeting of East and West (Macmillan, 1946) to challenge validity of the notion precedes in all three senses: temporal, ontological, logical. This was a major cognitive transition for me on the road to my discovery of the existence of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics and Pauli operator time (which, for me, eventually became topologically-active operator-time). So, though I agree with Pandurangi that there is an unrelenting reality, emerging from the depths of history, I believe these depths need to be more deeply understood in light of Lukasiewicz and Pauli (not merely attempting to keep Pauli at bay by popularization of a passive imaginary time). Were that actually to be accomplished on a technical level, which I in no way whatsoever pretend to, it seems likely a far better comprehension of the theme popularly essayed in the film The Day the Earth Stood Still would be attained: i.e., that fundamental changes in states of consciousness, particularly median collective states of consciousness, and their behavioral expressions, come only at crises. And speaking of specters haunting Europe and America, these perspectives I have evolved have made it impossible for me to adequately assess the interpretation Lyndon Larousse puts upon the interesting factual material he and his turn up: i.e., that there has existed and continues to exist an aristocratic-royalist Anglo-American conspiracy to maintain and/or re-create the British imperium raised to the grieving gun-bull nth-degree hyperrealism of shot-pelt rain torrents -- for, it seems to me, that to whatever extent this has been and/or is the case, it has been and/or is secondary to clinging behaviors regarding institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung (recognition, however, is beginning to emerge [hear: Liberal Star Blogger Ezra Klein: Constitution 'Has No Binding Power on Anything'; Confusing Because Over One-Hundred Years Old, Breitart, 30 December 2010], elicited by ever more late-Weimarization of the planet, as what little redeeming social value Cartesian-Newtonian governance once had is progressively removed by, for instance, crash taxes which charge citizens for what they have already been taxed, this being yet another trickled-down regressive bailout of the banking/financial system responsible for the cash-strapping [see: 'Crash taxes' are growing in popularity among cash-strapped California cities, Marc Lifsher, Los Angeles Times, 30 December 2010]). Clearly, addressing other Larousse themes, 10 billion people cannot live on Earth in ecologically-adapted fashion employing the techno-regime issuing out of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm -- but may be able to do so under another techno-regime, one not encouraging obsession with artificial life-extension and which facilitates population reduction by natural-death retirement.
In my considered judgment: no. Just as phenomenology of war and suppression-to-normotic-infrasex cannot be ontically distinguished (as any special service operator should know by direct experience, hence no need to read Oh-So-Social Eros and Civilization and Love's Body on suppression-deemed-sublimation of identity-transparency), so is intractable the word, intractable due to human factors crossed into a subset of principles in principle (see, for example: Napolitano Visit Aimed at Beefing Up Afghan Border Security, Customs, Mike Levine, Fox News, 31 December 2010). No institutional memory whatsoever as to what was learned in the Viet Nam war as to how insurgent infrastructures employ borders: self-organization by resource exchange across identity-transparent nesting-foam boundaries. Does coercive insistence that a border can't be nesting foams actually interdict this insurgent-infrastructure utility? Yes? Quite the contrary! More generally, the multilateral clearing problem is intractable once 1T2-logically-valued monetary units have been defined into logical-atomism-type existence over traditional (but not archaic) 1T2-logical order-type, whole-dimensioned, in-or-out borders, and particularly so if such bordering is restricted to one scale level only, howsoever optimum currency areas may be rationalized in order to achieve that unaryTbinary-logical reduction in status of monetary dynamics. Whatever Master of the Mint Sir Isaac Newton and credit innovator John Law (see: John Law: Swank, Bozo Sapiens: Why We Do What We Can't Help Doing, 21 March 2010) might have believed about the law-abiding behaviors of Deism's retired Clockmaker, the involved existential Kierkegaardian Either/Or insures intractability at multi-clearing. Insist on either/or and you get a certain array of consequences: optimum utility of the differential and integral calculus at the 2-body aggregation in collective behaviors; ever decreasing utility over the aggregation array 3 n-body, intractability being ever more closely approached as n increases. Out of what sort of dilemma does one imagine Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function arose? On 2nk fitness landscapes, probability of self-organized criticality diminishes as k (correlations between elements, or, in this case, currencies) increases beyond the low-ordinal critical value for the given case. Not so on Mnk articulation landscapes, thus permitting the high-k-value long-range phase-correlation characteristic of the super-states of matter, e.g., superconductivity, superfluidity, supersolidity, and so on (full-blown quantal identity-transparency involving k equals infinity, which, k not being M, and existence of the super-states of matter being experimentally supported, is one of several arguments as to why µTm-valued logics are not to be understood simply as indicating truth-value fuzzy-logic shades of gray in the real interval 0,1 -- and also why Musculpt as mathematical notation is prerequisite to thinking in µTm-valued logics, not merely about such logics by employment of 1T2-valued logic alone). Of course, one could trade in monetary probability amplitudes rather than currency units, and that is subliminally exactly for which derivatives were created in an attempt to do (units being inherently incapable of mediating achievement of both functional integration and functional specificity in complex systems such as what the planetary economy has increasingly become, and which are simultaneously demanded for human species survival of the emergent larger global crisis). But, if bundled bundlings of those derivatives are not (due to psychological conversion-disorder displacement on part of their creators) actually based upon actual fiber-bundle arithmetics, hence no actual synoptic function being actually fulfilled by such bundlings, then the system so employing might find itself in a state of hyper-indebtedness over a quintillion vehicle/reserve-currency dollars worth of them. If one wants to restrict one's mathematical tools to Newton's calculus, so as to retain the illusion of purified simple identity, i.e., such that property is single-valued only and thus patently wholly-ownable, then define optimum currency areas in the singular ordinality alone, which was Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau's nocturnal dream (America has ill-advisedly tried to bring into light of day): one currency only and there is an appearance that the clearing problem altogether disappears. But capability of the resultant monetary system to mark and mediate the functional specificities required at the high levels of efficiency and self-organizational competence presently essential to human species survival (not to mention EMU survival) are largely removed: a rather paradoxical outcome, given that the subliminal reason for moving toward currency idempotence was maintenance of the simple identity permitting the illusion of the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identity individuals must have simply in order to be (simple). Paradoxical, iff one ignores conversion-disorder displacements by projective-identification at collective transference.
It must be admitted that Hugo Chavez's m-valued bolivar-dollar exchange-rate regime has certain features in common with the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units -- though only most superficially (see: Venezuelans fret over prices after devaluation, Daniel Wallis and Deisy Buitrago, Reuters, 31 December 2010). Quoting from the article:
The move [devaluation] scrapped the lowest rate of a complex, multitiered forex system that few Venezuelans or outsiders properly understood and even taxed the brains of Wall Street experts.
Judging from content of the article, different exchange rates are applied depending upon the classes of products purchased (those classes being established largely on basis of whether or not the involved products are produced domestically): one way of insulating against the negative local effects (diminishing functional specificity) of globalization under a vehicle/reserve Freigeld USD. I sincerely doubt -- given the hyper{sham}complexities of Wall-Street-created derivatives -- that the brains of Wall Street experts are taxed by this sophomoric level of complexity; rather, what is taxed is the vested interests of Wall Street megaplayers. And it is the principle involved that they are concerned to debunk/deride. Since I have argued for some memetime now that the 3-logically-valued properties of pre-Inca Andean languages, coupled to the Musculpt capabilities of the traditional Andean priesthood, and what these imply about brain functions of the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain, predispose to a Lukasiewiczian mindset, it is not surprising that a tentative step in the direction of m-logically-valued monetary units should be taken in Latin America. Of course, I have no sympathy for many of the non-nativistic aspects of the prevailing Chavezian orientation. OPA-OPS-Nixonian price controls not at the product-price level, but at the currency-price level, not even actual currency-price controls, and far less invasive than the spectrum of actual currency controls (currently being implemented by many countries in reaction to the global-inflationary effects of QE2) -- right to implement currency controls free of IMF approval being one issue of the BW1 negotiations most countries (and Keynes) parties to those negotiations insisted upon. But negotiations are not with regard to terms of endearment, rather terms of coercion. M-valued exchange rates: like Wheelian magic without magic, currency controls without currency controls as a means of gravitating upon a price: a far better move relative to the 1T2-logic either/or imposed upon financial functional-specificity versus functional-integration than anything contemplated at advent of BW1. And on a planet suffering resource depletions/scarcities (e.g., rare earths), is access to resources best governed by top-down command-economy rationing at the product-price-control level, or by differential m-valued exchange rates spread over e-nesting foams upon which m-logically-valued LETS are defined? The quantal/fuzzy spread over + the m-valued currency-price (relative to product classes) would permit a currency-market self-organization of synoptic conservation needs, balancing the macroscopic requirement for simultaneous functional-specificity/functional-integration prerequisite to high levels of efficiency at resource utilization by maintenance of competitive advantage. What is more socialistic: market-mediated Chavezian multitiered forex system or the FED/Wall-Street Minsky melt-up over the Devil's Staircase in percolation of derivative-intermediated debt-concentration/risk-aversion, too-big-to-fail, centralized/commanded rescue dynamic effecting latent currency depreciation by promulgating global commodity-price inflation? Of course, to be really effective at self-organization of resource-conservation/reduction-of-waste, the e-nesting foams of commodity-backed m-logically-valued LETS vehicle currencies would have to authentically become Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition products (in both the Austrian-School money-theoretic and mathematical senses) of a non-vehicle reserve-currency domain defined over the Lukasiewicz-Hilbert referent established by F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock. And, given the authentic complexity this would involve -- somehow, heh-heh-heh, there exists, heh-heh-heh, the erroneous belief, amongst residents of this Strange Land, that complexity is authentically manageable with simplistic algorithms: Rise up, O ye species of hu-hu-hu-mankind! well, at least you young'ins, iffin' ya kin: what you-you-and-you may yet do in realms of inner work and passive new{idea}ed INsistence, rather than passive agenda-less REsistance -- a user-friendly hologramic-Musculpt interface would have to be implemented by stages in phase with attained user competency levels. But this would be no onerous limitation, for the framework, and its determining conditions, could only be invoked bottom-up in stages from local scale to synoptic scale (otherwise, the required calculations would be uncalculable [not incalculable] -- and effects of the inevitable mistakes at innovation would not remain localized until rectified/debugged). Is depotentiating this the actual full measure of the intent behind the Hollywood-Pentagon VR/omni-high-tech buggery? Look at this cinemamongrelography! Can anything short of space-based hypertotalized warfare dissipate its effects on hu-hu-hu-mankind's collective psyche? No techno-stuff, n'even Musculpted, ain't enuf, tho'. Carelessly could care less about gillnet depletion of the Cetacean Nation and/or early phases of mass bird-droppings-from-the-sky and etiologically-related bee mass suicides? Ah, well since dolphins and homing birds undoubtedly are two of the most fully-synaesthetic acoustic-visioning Musculpt-accomplished species on planet Earth, and bees are the Kelly-Astaire/CydCharisse absolute superstar-idols at EscherFormDance to Musculpt-symorphonie -- and humans should be learning Dolphin, rather than teaching dolphins spoken-Human It's long been my thesis that it was more his OSS background, than his anthropological prejudices, that predisposed Gregory Bateson to design a program for teaching dolphins spoken-Human, whereas John C. Lilly, M.D., would much have preferred to have been learning Dolphin Musculpt. When it comes to Musculpt as mathematical notation -- absent which, humans simply cannot make the required transition in median collective state of consciousness -- can the human species make it over the hump without subbing out the tough stuff to the real experts?
I can understand the consternation over my parallels between aspects of the Viet Nam war and the global monetary system, as well as my contention that real top-down reformation of that system is impossible absent another world war, but I have to state my belief that the consternation is altogether unwarranted. Indeed, it's utterly amazing that the Bretton Woods agreement could have been reached before the atomic bombs were dropped. Member countries were required to give gold and currency to the IMF in return for the right to request/purchase up to 75-percent of their currency-value back from the Fund in a foreign currency for use only in clearing current account in that foreign currency, iff they met IMF imposed conditions and approval by 75-percent vote among the other members, under circumstances of U.S.-designed franchise where the U.S. had enough votes to insure its own veto power. Moreover, the U.S. not only determined the quotas of each country, but set the par values of their currencies and set the fixed price of monetary gold with regard to both of which the quotas were (supposedly) determined. And how actually were the quotas determined? Just as with the Viet-Nam-war-era enemy strength estimates controversy, no real answer could come from anyone not directly given the job of making the determination (none of whom were questioned at the Westmoreland-versus-CBS trial), it is exactly the same with how the IMF quotas were actually determined: the facts of the matter come only out of the horse's mouth, in the BW1 case, Ray Mikesell, to whom Harry Dexter White gave the job. Quoting Mikesell's bombshell (see: Bretton Woods: Preconference Negotiations chapter of Foreign Adventures of an Economist, Ray Mikesell, U of Oregon, 2000) quietly slipped into his text (pp. 32-3):
White did not want to discuss with any individual country the actual size of its quota, but he needed a formula that would provide the relative distribution of the total quotas he had in mind. He wanted the U.S. quota to be about $2.2 billion -- roughly the amount available in the U.S. Exchange Stabilization Fund, which could be used without congressional appropriation. He wanted the United Kingdom quota to be about half the U.S. quota and the Soviet Union's quota somewhat less than the U.K. quota. China's quota was to be slightly less than the U.S.S.R. quota. These were all political decisions and had nothing, in my opinion, to do with economic reality. They reflected Roosevelt's assessment of the importance of the Allied governments in the war.
In July of 1943 White asked me to devise a formula that would yield his desired distribution of the quotas among these four countries. He also wanted me to use the formula to calculate the quotas for all the countries that might be expected to join the fund, assuming total assets (quotas) of about $10 billion. This was a difficult assignment, especially since he wanted the results in two days. I quickly determined that none of the variables that might be used in the formula -- such as gold and foreign exchange reserves, national income, foreign trade, or population -- bore any relation to White's desired relative distribution of the quotas among the four countries. Also, any formula that satisfied White's desired distribution for the four countries would have yielded quotas completely out of line with the economic importance of a number of other countries. For example, France, which was a major economic power and much more important in international trade and finance than the U.S.S.R. and China combined, should not have a quota less than China. When I raised this question with White, he stated he did not care what the French quota turned out to be.
After experimenting with a number of variables for the formula, I used the following variables and the percentage of each variable used for calculating a country's quota
The actual manner in which the official MACV enemy strength estimate figures were arrived at was exactly parallel to this BW1 precedent, with LBJ (almost certainly) in the role of Roosevelt and Westmoreland in the role of White and persons at CICV-OB/POLOB in the role of Mikesell. Here is the conclusion; find the rationale to justify it -- but, of course, I never said that. Not only was control over the framework determining conditions of the global economy taken in such a fashion, but, due primarily to the way in which the Viet Nam war was financed, the U.S. felt sufficiently over-constrained by the gold-exchange constraint upon its ability to create liquidity, that Nixon unilaterally removed that constraint -- unilaterally in such a context being mere redundancy. Mikesell's out-of-a-hat formula was later used to calculate World Bank quotas and United Nations contributions. It looks to me virtually certain that the human species will win every battle in its war against climate-shift and the myriad other crises embroiling the planet but who will be allowed on the last helicopter to lift off roof of the world?
I personally have had no experience where authority was truth, right prevailed, the good did not die young. Throughout my life, over and over and over, with each higher level of incredulity upon face-to-face with the largely hidden facts, I've been forced to admit to myself that I have been utterly incapable of imagining how bad the reality actually is. Quoting James Lee Burke, A Morning for Flamingos (Avon, 1990, p. 256):
We're the cluster fuck. The human race is.
Cynics and nihilists are two bits a bagful, I said. Don't let them sell you that same old tired shuck.
Don't buy the old tired shuck as objectively-real base-state assessment, then the human species has no possibility to make it through its self-made coming cuspover, carrying a good percentage of the biosphere along with it: assessments made by Peter Pan's Tinkerbell are spurious spoilers, no starcatchers, pure pixie dust. The incredulity is sometimes related to scale. That something could be done in relation to the gods of small things is not shocking, but when the scale involved in consequences of that same something engages fate of the whole planet, the incredulity becomes a form of neurogenic shock. But other times the scale is the same, while a category shift yields near-anaphylaxis. Forget the pedestrian fact that most-revered people are perpetrators. I never doubted for a moment that the U.S. designed the postwar international system such that it maximized its own self-interest; but I was incapable of imagining that the framework determining conditions thus laid down -- through which utilization of the resources of the entire planet are governed -- were arrived at in such an inane fashion, and having no relation whatsoever to any of the actual principles that should have been involved. When the definitions of crime and banking are in fact indistinguishable, play the only game in town, a game which was created as essentially meaningless? A way of life, the death of us all? And years ago, when I began to see the probability of incendiary collapse of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system, I was incapable of imagining national policy choices striking at the heart of systemic stability, choices like pension confiscations (see: Europe starts confiscating private pension funds, Mike Hemingway, The Washington Examiner, 3 January 2011; and regarding the threat to social security in Japan, Japan's Fiscal Situation 'Approaching the Edge of a Cliff,' Sengoku says, Takashi Hirokawa and Aki Ito, Bloomberg, 6 January 2011): the whole array of major life decisions taken by people who have opted for conventional lifestyles and all manner of compliance to norms in support of the status quo order of things spin about their perceived sense of personal security, to which their pensions are central. Remove this, and, suddenly, their lives as they have chosen to live them, become in large measure meaningless. For many, unwarranted violation of Umwelt, to which atavistic abreaction is the only proper response. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard understands such factors (see: Overheating East to falter before the bankrupt West recovers, The Telegraph, 6 January 2011):
The cruelty of Europe's internal devaluations will become clearer. Wage cuts are tectonic events. They set off the protests that forced Britain and then France off the Gold Standard in the 1930s
More accurately, it should be noted, than the term the Gold Standard which ended in 1931 is the phrase the interwar ~late-'20s pound-sterling gold-convertibility framework. If systemic collapse becomes inevitable on the large issues, incendiary systemic collapse becomes inevitable on small issues like pension confiscations, wage cuts, and other such backstabbing. As criticality for systemic collapse is approached, the correlation length begins to spread out; small factors like these will facilitate correlation-length snapping to infinity, thus making the phase transition virtually instantaneous.
Bretton Woods: there were no negotiations, no confer{ence}, no agreement. Winner take all to a degree well beyond my cognitive capacity to have imagined (a precedent virtually insuring another world war as debt default of trans-sovereigns finally looms large and re-starting of the global economy by war-suspension and postwar-redefinition becomes the only option, major contenders hoping to be the winner who takes all once again). The U.S. did not impose the framework design and the choice of algorithms by which values of the critical framework-determining-conditions variables were arrived at. By no reason or rhyme, nor even, actually, in sophisticated evaluation of its own real self-interest, did it simply pick values of variables out of the air (according to Roosevelt's subjective sense, actually objectively wrong, as to strategic value at world war -- and then arrive at sham algorithms of justification, and the framework design itself was arrived at in significant measure derivative of a Treasury secretary's dream at REM sleep (which was an economist's nightmare he mistook for a fundamentalist's revelation). The U.S. arbitrarily set the value of gold relative to the USD. The U.S. arbitrarily set the value of each of the world's currencies relative to gold thus valued. Quoting Mikesell (p. 32):
White's initial draft gave the ISF [later renamed the IMF] power to set the par value of each member's currency in terms of gold at the time operations began, and a member could change its par value only with the approval of three-fourths of the member votes (International Monetary Fund, 1969, p. 60). Members were obliged to keep their exchange rates within a narrow range of their par values. Since each currency's par value was to be fixed in terms of gold, this determined the parity between each currency. As the U.S. was expected to have more than 25 percent of the total vote in the ISF, foreign representatives [uselessly] objected to allowing the U.S. a veto on alteration in par values.
There was no mutiny as regards the arbitrarily chosen USD-value of gold, or the initial par values of other currencies arbitrarily determined and assigned by diktat. Quoting myself from the Tranche2 posting on this website (note that this explication, which was derived from my readings over the years, lends too much credibility to what actually transpired):
White and Keynes basically just took over the gold-exchange standard as worked out at the 1922 Genoa Conference and implemented from 1925 to 1931 (the period of interwar pound sterling gold convertibility). Gold-exchange standard (exchanging the few gold-convertible currencies) rather than gold standard (all currencies convertible) was instituted post-WWI because (mainly) inflation had reduced the value of gold relative to commodities such that there was not enough monetary gold in the world to function as the sole category of reserves for balance-of-payments adjustments. White, under pressure from above (Keynes finally agreeing), put this gold-exchange standard together with dollar dependency of all other currencies, mediated by a mystical cabalistic number: the dollar’s value was set at 0.888671 grams of gold. Even though Keynes was against and White was for re-creating the gold standard with its fixed exchange rates, both were adamantly opposed to the chaos of free-floating currency exchange rates as had prevailed in the 1930s. So they embraced the notion of each currency having a par value relative to 0.888671 grams of gold, with a 2 percent fluctuation band and strict restrictive rules governing alteration of par value. This was the beginning of pegging currencies to the dollar. The central bank of each country had to use its reserves to buy and sell in the currency markets to maintain the peg of its currency within the 2 percent band.
What actually governed all this no reason or rhyme arbitrary diktat-ing was, not a collective unconscious will to power -- that was relatively conscious -- but a wholly subliminal compulsion to reduce the multilateral clearing problem to Newtonian terms (hence, resurrection of the principle involved in interwar pound sterling gold convertibility). Both world wars had -- on the deep-structure level -- been (unconsciously) fought over the fact that quantum non-simple identity had raised its ugly head by scientific discovery to challenge the Lockean-Anglosaxon individualism of Cartesian{cogito}/Newtonian{vector-sum resultant} simple-identity which The Leviathan's social-contract franchise synchronistically prefigured/is-based-upon. The currency quantal relative-state (schizophrenogenic to the 1T2-logic-alone Newtonian mindset) at issue in the 3 n-body multilateral clearing problem was an econometric model (in the full mathematical sense of the word) of the fundamental (subliminal) issue at world war, and, therefore, it had to be reductionistically suppressed in framework of the institutions issuing out of WWII. This was accomplished in an infantile fashion because suppression cannot be coercively imposed without eliciting regression of the terms of imposition (the infantile regression-in-service-to-the-ego expressing as a Nazification to purified identity: i.e., 0.888671 grams of pure gold mysteriously transliterated to $35/oz a couple of years later on the day BW1 was activated; I've seen both dollar-gold grams-ounces/value figures used but the transliteration never explained -- no direct equivalency is possible, given the troy/apothecaries' ounce being 31.103 grams and the avoirdupois ounce being 28.349 grams -- relative to any gold price, circa 1943-'45; this transliteration likely having somehow been calculated relative to silver-value of a silver certificate or silver content of a dollar coin in pennyweight relative to the pound sterling gold convertibility the system-design for BW1 was modeled upon; though, frankly, it doesn't matter, as there is no top-down-obtainable objective measure, Anglo-American or otherwise, upon which to base a fixed price of gold, which, therefore, had to be pulled out of some Mad Hatter's stove pipe) -- hence, largely insuring a WWIII, just as Versailles had largely insured a WWII. 888 is a fundamentalist's perfect number (by gematria, the name of Jesus: see Properties of the number 888, Riding the Beast ); while 671, by Cabalistic reductive regression, is equivalent to 5 (i.e., 6+7+1 = 14 and 1+4 = 5), 5 denoting the harmony within: thus 888671 = Jesus within (a gematric statement about the proper nature of identity). And the zero in 0.888671? This is the receptive quiet space (0) within the individual coming into harmony with the unity (1) of the universe (see: Numerology does not end at nine, AsiAct, a website devoted to the Archangel Jeremiel). Wonder no further as to the collective unconscious why of why the Turing Machine which cracked the Nazi Enigma was based on interplay of 0 and 1 when m-valued Lukasiewicz logics had existed for several decades by then, and why the creators of fuzzy logic reductively interpreted Lukasiewicz logics as shades of gray in the real interval 0,1. One (world currency) being the subject of Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau's famous 1941 dream (1941 Cabalistically factoring to 10+5 = the harmony explicit in one)! In my view, this warfare-mediated numerological renormalization of the global economy was replicated immediately after the war in renormalization of the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics, such that quantum properties of the troposphere were veiled -- Earth's atmosphere being a matter of such (subliminal) compulsive concern because that is the domain where macroscopic-quantum effects are most elaborately manifest (i.e., those effects, per the Revelation of Saint John the Divine, being the Beast most needing to be ridden, as in getting rid of ) -- and the primary (unconscious) reason the atmosphere (especially the upper atmosphere) has been so intensively attacked by humans in the postwar era.
Japan's prime minister, as well as many others, speak of Japan's fiscal crisis relative to an increasingly aged population coupled to a low birth rate. Why does Japan have a low birth rate? I have argued since my late-teens that the decades-ongoing discombobulation in Japan's particular case of the war between the sexes was greatly prefigured by the psychological consequences of Douglas McArthur imposing upon the Japanese a separation wall between the sexes in the then near-universally-used neighborhood sento[s] (public baths) -- even though, like with the Chinese occupiers forcing Vietnamese women to wear pants, for brief periods oppressive Japanese regimes had separated the sexes, just as, briefly, during oppressive periods subsequent to Chinese occupation, Vietnamese women were forced into pants. Taxing the retired with regressive taxes so oldsters can continue to receive their increasingly devalued pensions will teach young salarymen valuable lessons about the negative consequences of meeting giri obligations in the postmodern world. The Japanese need to look at the real basis of archaic, stateless, animistic-Shinto, possession-cult, relative-state, hologramic, identity-transparency (i.e., no 1T2-logical walls): the m-valued logics of quantal non-simple identity. The Japanese harnessed the fuzzy-logic interpretation of Lukasiewicz logics to the self-regulatory needs of refrigerators; they need now to harness naked Lukasiewicz logics to monetary theory and the self-regulatory needs of their own economy.
This I not only never signed a social contract, it never agreed to the deception of its me, let alone to its physical conception and inception -- so, where is the free will off-spring are so easily spoken to of, as if thus ought then? What kind of who does your you think you are? I actually posed this to my parents when they attempted to discipline me with the so-usual As long as you live in our house and so on. Lesson learned the hard way: reasonable to assume that everything conceivably an adversary is an adversary: life against death against death against life. Knowing has its consequences. If, like Job, you tacitly assume objectivity of linear-time, and you have properly self-trained, you give up only soon after you are dead, because death takes awhile to register. But, if you understand linear-time is mere memetime, you know giving up after death can't help -- and you take that fact into account being-here now. Priorities in tectonic shift.
The very fact that this debate is even taking place foretells the absolute absence of China, the absolute absence of the U.S. (see: Economists foretell of U.S. decline, China's ascension, Mark Felsenthal, Reuters, 9 January 2011). Vast expertise brought to bear upon details of the present case and likely developments, accompanied by lack of insight, even attention, regarding fundamentals, so staggering as to be laugh inducing. Terms of the debate still exist, while principles debated, if actually debated, died during the 1820s. What century do these people cognitively live in?
Look, mon. I've long been a true believer in cosmic no-shit therapy, relentless karma, total absence of permissible transincarnational moral hazard, nature's omnium-gatherum as collective retribution for collective transgression -- so I just don't look to contravene any of that. One thing such means is: no, I've never been a writer, entertain only passing periodic amusements with the craft of writing and its conceits, rather a reader, not of writing, a reader of landscapes inner, upper, over -- and what they might accord; insofar as a craft might thus be facilitating, I've been willing to try it on. Childhood Sunday school: hiding a light under a basket means not divulging the nature of the light: my grandmother, my mother, my aunt: Evangelical Grace Reformed.
The driver of VR databasing has been military applications and programming of humans thereby -- the worldline of computer games being one form of that programming. I'm not interested in virtual reality; I'm interested in real abstraction, where the heard image and the seen sound are notation synaesthetically fused -- not as information processor -- as chronotopological operator: math its own notation, notation its own math. Whatsoever reality: empathic decomposition product; information, mere product mapping. Representation is identity in projection: looking at, not through. Against re-presentations: the less representatives the better, especially re-pre-hensions/sentations. Keep classical music in its place: the classical Newtonian domain. Don't orbifold chordspace maps; orbifold operator-time-in-itself. Abstraction empathetically involuted; empathy abstractly devolved. This Musculpt identity-transparency is the only route to real quantum computing, i.e., Lukasiewicz µTm-machine, not merely parallel-phases faster Turing 1T2-machine: empathy/abstraction, virtuality/reality are bang-crunch 1T2-logic artifacts glutamatergically enculturated, neurologically cooked in memetime. Hardware is software; software, hardware: nature's self-referential Way of measurement on well-strung, well-braned, m-logically-valued reference manifold. Anything ever represented is all ready there/here: no re- or pre- about it, no play button on nature.
And when more than fear spreads (see: Debt default fears will spread to US and Japan, warns Citigroup's Willem Buiter, Emma Rowley, The Telegraph, 11 January 2010) the likely move will be an attempt to employ in some fashion the IMF SDR as an international reserve currency -- thus stepping up the Devil's Staircase from the sovereign to the trans-sovereign level.
Not just a matter of not enough fingers to plug holes in the dikes. Once on the Devil's Staircase, there is no getting off. Maybe one can walk away from Gyorgy Ligeti's L'escalier du diable Devil's Staircase (great accompaniment to worldline of prevailing planetary economy), but not the Devil's Staircase the global monetary system is ascending. At each step, there appears to be an out, and the consequences of not taking that out are too great to contemplate: the only acceptable choice is to take the next step viewed as an out -- until there are no more steps. Log(f) and fffffffff. Why does one imagine it is called the Devil's Staircase? Why does one think few economists ever explicitly refer to percolation theory and the relation of that theory to fractal geometries and chaos theory and number theory and forest fires? Why would I advocate implementation of fractal e-boundaries in nesting foams upon which m-logically-valued currencies are to be holomorphically mapped? In part, because fractal drums nested inside fractal drums are the only way to systemically nullify existence of the Devil's Staircase. Unlock mode-locking. Multivalent transcendentals to monotonicity. What happens to map winding on a fractal drum circle map? Does each winding number of the evoluting map remain independent of the conditions of initialization? Even over Sierpinski point-set stepping stones? Multivalued michiyuki ? Michiyuki to those few Japanese who have not said no: layered translation of kami-dusted dot-matrix 3-space Plains{planes} of High Heaven by the chronotopological trance-possession operators Ameno-mi-naka-nushi, Kami-musuhi-no-kami, Takami-musuhi-no-kami. This is how I was taught Japanese garden design Musculpt-overlaying by a horticulturalist trained in late-Meiji: triangles, (viewing}point clouds, brickmaps. Totally embedded in the design articulation space; no bird's-eye view possible. Uncompromised animistic identity-transparency. What happens to continuous maps [0, 1] onto [0, 1] when the rules of logical accommodation governing march of the maps do not include the logic Law of Distributed Middle? They are fuzzy-logic{ized} into shades of gray in the real interval 0,1. What happens to continuous maps [0, 1] onto [0, 1] when the rules of logical accommodation governing march of the maps do not include the logic Law of Distributed Middle and the logic Law of Non-Contradiction? They are Lukasiewicz{ized} into a Cantorian map of logical-value order-types Abelian-transcendental to truth-value and arrayed as Karpenko functors over the universal covering of the involved collection of Riemann surfaces of the hypercomplex (three-fold chronotopological) version of the Euler-Riemann zeta functions. But if there is a Devil's Staircase, and it is stepped upon, then there is no getting off it until the resultant conflagration has burned itself out -- in the present case, on a planetary scale. My real interest is the ten-percent of humans surviving the cuspover decade. That's been my primary interest for over 40 years. If there is ten-percent -- given that hu-hu-hu-mans long ago took collective unconscious decision for species suicide. Can't expect a species to survive which wraps itself in a cognitive cummerbund fashioned of glutamatergic neuronal etching. During summer of 1963, I read and re-read and re-read, under mentorship of a lifelong woman friend of my mother, Heinz Hartmann's short book Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation. Even then, I recognized this psychology as the signal problem of terminal man; after all, I had just finished high enculturation and was soon to enter higher enculturation -- and, surely, my apterous Plexiglas wall state of high glutamate titers reflected the socially-imposed noisome tinnitus only subject to expulsion by trophotropic meditative emmenagogue: concentration in self-observation to selectively stimulate the brain, coupled to heightened attention to the astral sounds accompanying the ketaminergic spontaneous fusion reestablishing the long-range phase correlations prerequisite to conscious registration of m-logically-valued identity transparency (as practitioners of zazen, say, have always known, and it would take me a long, long memetime to learn). My mother's friend was a clinical psychologist specialized in the art output of schizophrenic children. Quoting my personal journal from 1970 (as quoted in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, p. 42, 1994):
Deautomatization is an unstable transition state between two stable states of automatization. The fundamental question remains: what determines whether a given state of deautomatization will lead to a higher or lower level of functional integration?
As regards the collective case, what are the autopoietic operators determining the LOGICAL properties of the holomorphic map winding number march through the unstable deautomatized transition state? Concerning the presently accelerating global deterioration, this was an important question perhaps as late as 20 years ago. Certainly, no more.
What a honk. Goose it, why don't ya. For all his excellent salient realizations, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard nonetheless makes some revealing gaffs. For his latest, see Deepening crisis traps America's have-nots, The Telegraph, 12 January 2011. Quoting:
Would Franklin Roosevelt have tolerated such a lamentable state of affairs, or would he have ripped up and reshaped the global system until it answered the needs of his citizens?
A total crock. Roosevelt created the international monetary system which has inevitably lead to, not only the present lamentable state of affairs, but, ultimately, the incendiary global collapse within which the Devil's Staircase will conflagrate. And he did so by requiring his subordinates to pull rabbits out of the hat he fashioned. How does Secretary Geithner (see: List of US concerns with China grows, Alan Beattie, Financial Times, 12 January 2010) propose to create, quoting Beattie quoting Geithner, a more level playing field, when Roosevelt imposed a completely unlevel framework upon the global economy in the thoroughly disingenuous/non-objective, non-principled, and politicized manner Mikesell -- personally present at the creation -- describes? Not possible, Mr. Secretary! Governance by illusion, planetarized and protracted. Moreover, actual depth of the problem is not at all comprehended, nor are the constraints thus imposed upon range of possible economic/monetary systematics: prevailing mainstream conventional values -- enculturated/socialized by glutamatergic neuronal etching, a process which inherently precludes conscious registration of whole classes of categories logical, ontological, existential -- wherever they may be found are the greatest crimes against humanity and Earth ever perpetrated.
But VR is just another data interface! Who cares about data? Those locked-on -- i.e., psychologically identified with -- scientific-method black self-propaganda. And who are they? People who have not yet cognitively entered the 20th century, the non-virtual world of quantum measurement as spontaneous decomposition/recomposition at autogenic brain discharge, the FlexWorld (1) of relativistic time dilations over the m-valued set of all absolute limiting velocities, (2) of order-classes of multiply-connected handles over the m-valued set of all absolute limiting accelerations, (3) of logical-value order-types of non-orientable identity-transparencies over the m-valued set of all absolute limiting time rates of change of accelerations. When the Planck-Schrödinger-Everett elemental oscillator governing Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition/recomposition of Lukasiewicz-Hilbert reference space is codifiable solely in terms of three-fold imaginary-hypercomplex operator-time, not only is it no longer necessary to detail the spatial field, database per se loses its paramount utility such that interfaces to it become largely idle distracters: Musculpt the autopoietic operators! VR is collective psychological transference in a techno-guise. Internally-dimensioned m-logically-valued identity-transparency is extrojected/projected as other worlds/universes such that simple-identity glutamatergically etched upon brain discharge processes can remain unchallenged in face of all slapping that face. Out, out damned quantum dot!
Ah, well, you know. I haven't had a forthright conversation with an American in America in probably nearly thirty years. I never say what I actually think, not in America -- and have rarely written exactly what I actually think, ever, back to junior high school. Nor will that change. Heavily self-censored. Initiate? Very foolish. Stay as close as I can to the expected response consistent with my background. Try always to double the minimum permissible distance in personal space. Won't be sued thus. What conceivably could be accomplished with forthrightness? Given the array of prevalent psychological states, absolutely nothing. Why make trouble when there is zilch to be achieved by doing so? No reason at all. General properties of outcomes inevitable have long since been viewable. Just 'One poor harvest away from chaos', (Geoffrey Lean, The Telegraph, 12 January 2011), what.
There is no possibility that GM chicken could be a source of, say, stress reactions, like, for instance, phlegm production -- as comes to some from eating GM grain products. That's what they say at Cambridge and Edinburgh, anyway (see: Scientists create GM 'superchicken' that doesn't spread bird flu, David Derbyshire, The Daily Mail, 14 January 2010). Quoting:
The British team behind the GM chicken say it is 'inconceivable' that its meat or eggs could be harmful The chickens carry an extra gene that stops the flu virus replicating in their bodies. The gene -- which was added to embryo chicks while they were in the egg -- produces 'decoy' loops of RNA The decoy RNA interferes with the machinery that viruses use to make copies of themselves Dr Tiley said there was 'no observable difference' between the GM birds and their non-GM relatives he said [sic]. The nature of the decoy molecule means it is pretty well inconceivable that [sic] could have any detrimental effect on somebody that ate it because RNA is an unstable molecule that is easily broken down by the gut,' he said. 'There is no reason to suggest that these chickens would be unsafe in any way.'
Inconceivable to my mind, iff the quantum properties of DNA/RNA have no significant biological roles, as consensus molecular genetics maintains. Roles like: the variable temperature oscillation rate of pi-electron parcels (electrons from pi orbitals, parcels of which being blackbodies) associated with the free-electron-gas core of DNA functioning as the intracellular Zeitgeber; and the DNA frequency-response windows varying by organism/tissue type functioning as immunological signifiers. GMed changes to either of these would minimally be stress inducers. It is not necessary to embrace our 1979 model of DNA superconductivity to entertain such notions. Consider DNA Waves and Water, L. Montagnier, et al., World Foundation for AIDS Research and Prevention, UNESCO, 23 Dec 2010, a paper describing demonstration that DNA produces ULF, ultra low frequency, EM waves which carry genetic information, i.e., markers of nucleotide-pair sequences, through, and retained by, water-diluted filtrates. Or review the material on Professor Peter Gariaev's Wavegenetic website, particularly his reflections on DNA solitons, an area of considerable interest to me in view of some details of the mathematics involved in our 1979 model of superconductant properties of the free-electron gas core of DNA.
When I met Cornell professor Douglas A. Paine at the Velikovsky conference in Hamilton, Ontario, I already had the notion that DNA is superconductant (this idea -- certainly not an original one -- came in upon me at an evac hospital in Cu Chi, Viet Nam during 1967 while thinking about psychosomatic aspects of a wound I had received in the Mekong delta). Paine had by the time of the conference mathematically modeled the double-helical flow pattern of air parcels moving in feeder bands upon onset of tornadogenesis -- and the thought of relevance of this model to DNA had crossed his mind (though he had not yet pursued the idea). Also, during the late-1960s, he had taken to projective drawing by hand of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface topologies at severe storm genesis, and had noted an uncanny similarity to brain scans. So he was thinking in biometeorological analogues from well before I met him. Paine's paper delivery to the Velikovsky conference was entitled The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena, and I fixed on that delivery because I had already been thinking about (psychosomatic, Leib-Seele problem) issues of the quantum measurement problem relative to properties of autogenic brain discharges (as clinically documented from the WWI era onward by Autogenic Training practitioners). When we started to talk soon after his paper delivery, discharge phenomena and tornadogenesis and DNA and neurology and quantum-relativity theory were seamlessly interwoven into the conversation, as if these were all just one discipline. Thence onwards, it continued like that, however off the beat such transdisciplinary thought/talk may have been. By the end of 1975, we were already speculating that detection of the coherent waves we thought to be radiated by DNA likely would involve some analogue to the structure of the photoacoustic spectroscope, with its vibrating plastic bag: photon reception within the bag is occasioned by temperature oscillations causing the bag to vibrate and thus generate acoustic waves which are received, read, scoped. The reason we arrived at this idea about detection was that we understood -- by direct scaled/self-similarity analogy to the physics of the double-helical air-parcel feeder bands at tornadogenesis (and the leak-proof plasma bottle of the tornado itself, with its walls rhythmically rippled by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes) -- the blackbody physics of the free-electron gas core of DNA to have properties similar to that of the bag employed in photoacoustic spectroscopy. Because of certain salient aspects of the mathematics of our model, we did not specify what sort of radiation DNA receives and what sort of coherent waves it radiates, only a means by which the waves could encode nucleotide-pair sequences, and also how imaginary/hypercomplex nonlinear temporal properties of the same waves could carry higher-order-differentiation massenergy aspects of the genetic language involved with intermediation of subsystem-system-supersystem nesting-foam environmental forcing/fit dynamics (i.e., Everettian quantum relative-state, essentially). This understanding was arrived at by direct analogy to how markers of theta-e topologies radiate as infrasound signatures within Earth's atmosphere at complex angular momentum cascade. We envisioned the equivalent of theta-e topological dynamics transpiring within the free-electron gas core of DNA and the equivalent of infrasound signature radiation from that core as answer back to variations in the ambient radiational field of the enveloping organism and its environment. But we understood the infrasound in the DNA case to mean coherent, to mean, that is, acoustically-modified -- as in acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. In fact, mathematics of the model demanded this understanding because of the way gravitational acceleration acted as the counter-force to the pressure-gradient term. We thought only EM waves are involved in DNA dynamics, no more than we thought only EM waves are involved in tornado dynamics. Reading now of the discoveries made by Luc Montagnier, et al., as described in their paper, DNA Waves and Water, I would be inclined to speculate that were the plastic tube used in their experiments sufficiently elastic, even absent use of a coil, DNA waves with soliton properties would still be detected: phonons, coherent geons. L. Montagnier, et al., describe how waves were detected in water-diluted filtrates and note that the Same results are obtained from their [bacteria, viruses] extracted DNA. Exactly how these same results were obtained is not described, but I imagine the extracted DNA was placed in the same sort of tubes in the same experimental arrangement -- though, if there were 100-percent shielding of the molecule from ambient fields, this would contravene our model's blackbody foundation, as would, independent of experimental anomalies, failure of any unshielded replicating in vivo DNA/RNA to produce waves. I note that ambient ELF, extremely low frequency, EM fields were artificially provided during experiments upon water-diluted filtrates, and essential to positive results.
I've had no awareness of this North Dakota case, and it is fascinating (see: The Fed has Spoken: No Bailout for Main Street, Ellen Brown, The Huffington Post, 13 January 2011). Quoting the article:
In North Dakota, the publicly owned Bank of North Dakota (BND) acts as a mini-Fed for the state. Like the Federal Reserve of the 1930s and 1940s, the BND makes loans to local businesses and participates in loans made by local banks.
The BND has helped North Dakota escape the credit crisis. In 2009, when other states were teetering on bankruptcy, North Dakota sported the largest surplus it had ever had. Other states, prompted by their own budget crises to explore alternatives, are now looking to North Dakota for inspiration.
There is no such thing as a single-scaled natural system. The existing FED orientation is happily consistent with a system in autoimmune self-annihilation: the transfer of all risk, all debt, all resources to a single scale-level too big to fail is a suicidal series of acts; those who do it know not what they do to themselves and their progeny, to what they hold most dear. Creating their very own Little Big Horn. I've been arguing all along, since the 1970s, that simply getting rid of the FED is no actual solution; rather, what is required is myriad FEDs spread upon the planet in nesting foams over fluctuating fractal e-boundaries defining MAORs (monetary areas of responsibility). Employment of nested m-logically-valued LETS currencies necessarily would involve myriad banks of issue. Of course, the FED is not really publicly owned, as apparently is the BND, and my preference falls resoundingly on the BND side of that issue. And the BND is not really a bank of issue, as it, or an equivalent, would need to be, were m-logically-valued commodity-backed LETS currencies to be deployed relative to local indicators and locally-appropriate commodities. I'm for currencies at all appropriate scales, right down to small towns, but not for their privatization. Currencies inherently are public multi-utilities (and with m-logically-valued fine-grained tagging, their metareferential tropes can be marked to market).
More in the way of hoots called for (see: Euro looks set to win the race to the bottom, Kenneth Rogoff, Financial Times, 12 January 2011). Quoting from the article:
one has to wonder whether exchange rates have any anchor in long-term macroeconomic fundamentals Look for a resurgence of the kind of parallel exchange markets that ruled the globe in the 1950s and early 1960s. In my work with Carmen Reinhart on the history of exchange rate arrangements, we found that in a great many cases, parallel markets allowed many countries a degree of floating even when the official exchange rate was fixed. This is the mirror image of the modern phenomenon whereby many countries that officially have floating rates in fact are better thought of as having pegs.
Hoot, hoot, hoot! when one considers that the postwar Bretton Woods kickoff relative currency values imposed by Roosevelt, White, Mikesell had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with macroeconomic fundamentals -- long or short term. Regarding this unprincipled impose (no economic principles involved in actual setting of the currency values, the justifying algorithms being developed after the relative values were established on basis of non-economic considerations) as the establishment of exchange rate arrangements is rather a very, very long stretch. Not surprising there should have arisen parallel markets. How else was any economic reality to have entered the international economy? Parallel markets constitute one type of the various feeble attempts -- under the prevailing condition that 1T2-logically-valued-only currencies are the only currencies in existence -- to get the required m-valued relative-state properties into the economic system supposedly capable of solving the multilateral clearing problem.
The exact same processes occur in the hydrothermodynamic field of Earth's atmosphere, of course. What L. Montagnier, et al., describe in the theoretical section of their paper, DNA Waves and Water, linked above, as a CD (coherence domain), Paine-Pensinger described relative to Earth's atmosphere as an LSTD (limited spacetime domain) within and between which coherent processes transpire (see, for instance, our 1978 paper linked above entitled, The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere) -- frontal dynamics, tropopause-boundary dynamics, tornadic-wall dynamics, and other phase-boundary-forming plasmahaut processes establishing spatial loci/parameters for formation of LSTDs (i.e., their 1T2-logical spontaneous localization by decomposition of the µTm-logical synoptic field). A cognitive transition is required to see the essential difference spoken of here, a transition involving recognition that quantum principles apply at all scale levels because universal physical constants are m-valued under m-valued logics. L. Montagnier's, et al., description of CD dynamics in water, to include properties of vortices and their succussed formation, is very similar to Paine's account of the physics of the cascade theory of tornadogenesis (built into the Paine-Kaplan nested-grid computer model run on NASA computers during the 1970s). One difference, however, is that the CD is tacitly primarily a spatial conception, whereas the LSTD is explicitly a spacetime conception. L. Montagnier, et al., state that the DNA-generated EM waves are retained by water [spatial] nanostructures -- the not-stated spatial being a tacit assumption. Whereas, in atmospheric cascade theory, the hydrothermodynamic field memory is regarded as retained by imaginary/hypercomplex chronotopologies and their higher-order massenergies, theta-e surface topologies being signatures thereof (one reason why there is the heat sensitivity noted by L. Montagnier, et al.). Theta-e equivalent potential temperature is two steps in abstraction removed from a direct measurable (ignoring quantum measurement issues). Moreover, the CDs of water are regarded as being on the same scale level (nano), whereas the LSTDs of atmospheric cascade theory are regarded not only laterally, but also vertically in smaller and smaller nesting foams (until spacetime literally runs out: i.e., atmospheric acoustic analogue to black hole singularity, acoustic analogues to black hole computing being integral to tornadogenesis). L. Montagnier, et al., treat the nesting-property/energy-momentum-cascade aspect of vortex formation primarily via the repetitive dilution of the filtrate. They also note in relation to vorticity:
Such an extraction of ions from their cyclotron orbits produces in turn, because of conservation of angular momentum, a counter-rotation of the plasma of quasi-free electrons in the CDs, whose frequency depends, of course, on the number of involved ions, namely on their concentration, which therefore is the only relevant variable. The phenomenon occurs in the same way on all the CDs of the system As a result, the so induced rotation of the plasma of the quasi-free electrons in the CDs produces the observed EMS signal.
The Paine-Kaplan computer model of the cascade process detailed this much more finely, as it occurs repetitively in the atmosphere on smaller and smaller scale levels, involving, not only counter-rotations, but topological twists into and out of imaginary-hypercomplex frames of reference (it is this in-and-out hypertwisting which explains exactly how nucleotide-pair sequences are encoded by waves, and how wave-trace velocities and accelerations and time rates of change of accelerations are hydrothermodynamically sorted in Earth's atmosphere). The angular momentum exchanged at critical states of energy-momentum imbalance (divergence to zero or infinity, generally renormalized out, but in this model employed as triggers to initialization of subroutines) is not only real, but imaginary and hypercomplex: this is handled by Paine-Pensinger as topologically-active operator-time, or, more simply, as temporal curl (temporal curl being a notion Paine came up with during the mid-1960s while taking a radiation course as a Master's candidate at Pennsylvania State University). L. Montagnier, et al., recognize this, by implication, in using the notion of imaginary mass. Place imaginary mass into Einstein's most famous equation and see what it does to the speed of light: imaginary time is hard to escape. Cascade at vortex tube formation cannot transpire absent an overcoming of the topological self-trapping involved in constellation of a given LSTD; a critical time rate of change of acceleration is the trigger to the involved hypertwist which, in turn, constellates a nested LSTD. Wheelerian spacetime foam: whorls within whorls within whorls: leading to Victor P. Starr's Hydrodynamical Analogy to E = mc2 (Tellus, 9:1, 1959). There are quite a few other differences, e.g., Paine-Pensinger's aforementioned use of m-valued universal physical constants, like the speed of light, but the important point to be made here, is that, as far as I understand, everything L. Montagnier, et al., attribute to water-diluted filtrates suffused of DNA waves, Paine-Pensinger have attributed to the atmospheric hydrothermodynamic field undergoing complex angular momentum cascade dynamics modulated by processes at the center of our Sun, effects of which are conveyed by the complex angular momentum carried by the solar wind. Not incidentally in this context, when, during 1970-1, I began writing to Wolfgang Luthe, M.D., one of the two main progenitors of Autogenic Training, about my ideas concerning DNA superconductivity, I did so by reference to the anti-DNA antibodies associated with SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) and Russian studies identifying a high correlation between SLE outbreaks and the sunspot cycle. My reflections on a general theory of degenerative disease, communicated to Dr. Luthe, related to induced shifts in frequency-response window as immunological signifier, and pi-electron parcel temperature oscillation as Zeitgeber. In 1977, at the Autogenic Training symposium in Kyoto, I argued to Dr. Luthe that such induced shifts could subvert anti-viral immunity. I later learned of AIDS and HIV. And I have long believed that such induced shifts are how HIV originally got through human anti-viral immune competency. Note that L. Montagnier, et al., recognize that DNA structure is important to exchange of coherence between the involved CDs (cf: our 1979 treatment of the pi-electron gas core tube/bottle of DNA as superconductant, the core about which helix-coil transition transpires) and that superconductant Josephson junctions are required to explain the experimental findings, i.e., transfer of coherently encoded (1-to-1 correspondence between type of wave mode and type of nucleotide pair, as given in our 1977 and 1979 papers and associated writings) information from one tube to another. Also note by perusal of Peter Gariaev's Wavegenetic website, linked above, that the way Gariaev, et al., are modulating helium-neon gas-discharge laser beam by passing it through healthy tissue samples (i.e., modulated by the DNA coherent wave output from the samples), then prophylactically/remedially irradiating healthy/diseased tissue with the recorded-modulated beam, and finding health-enhancing effects, makes good sense in view of our proposed model of the free-electron gas core of DNA and its coherent wave output (actually, sub-clinical autogenic discharges may be doing something analogous to this on a normative ongoing basis within the body, as was proposed to the 1977 AT symposium of the International Society for Psychosomatic Medicine Conference in Kyoto, as documented in the conference preprint volume). Also, Gariaev's, et al., whole linguistic theory of the fractal dimensions of holographic DNA-wave interactions is in many respects parallel to what I have been using the term Musculpt to denote, and may provide insight as to how m-logically-valued processing (i.e., authentic quantum computing) transpires by means of interactions between LSTD/CD sheaves/branes over those fractal dimensions. A decade or so ago, it was demonstrated that Aymara, a pre-Inca language of the Andes, is based on 3-valued logic. This suggests the possibility that the fractal nesting foams of what Gariaev refers to as supergenes -- and what I regard as the nonlinear, imaginary-hypercomplex, higher-temporal waveforms of DNA quantum-waves -- may involve order-types of Lukasiewicz m-valued logics. Karpenko functors across the prime numbers and Lukasiewicz logics may shed some light on fractal dimensions of DNA quantum-wave output as related to semantic aspects of natural languages. I have long used the term Musculpt to denote these normally subliminal semantic properties of spoken languages currently in use (and likely related to the sonic-visioning capabilities of the bottle-nosed dolphins to whom Gregory Bateson and John C. Lilly tried to teach Human). Some species of birds may directly cognize terrestrial Musculpt. Douglas A. Paine recognized this during the 1970s (see discussion above, and check out preprint collections from severe local storms conferences of the 1970s where fistfights broke out over these issues) while studying, with barograph arrays, atmospheric infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface topological transforms. Landforms, lake fetches, waterfalls, bays with tidal bores, et cetera, all have their characteristic acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures which some species of birds use for local homing. The acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes radiated by severe local storms likely facilitate stealth formation of LSTDs/CDs near Earth's surface features possessing the requisite characteristics (once directly perceived by Aboriginals and other archaic animistic peoples designating certain landforms as sacred?). Anthropogenic disruption of terrestrial stealth LSTDs/CDs may be one aspect of climate-shift dynamics; indeed, one can accurately say that this was pretty well understood within certain circles at Cornell by 1975. In the period subsequent to this date, contrary to indications of the above mentioned perspectives, there has been increasing manipulation of Earth's upper atmosphere and the biotech industry has increasingly manipulated the corpus of biospheric genomes without regard to the quantum properties of those genomes. Both of these facts long ago convinced me that further insight as to the involved sciences very likely will not significantly alter trajectory of the ongoing planetary crisis.
Just try to imagine how many ways there are to anthropogenically modify these coherent processes transpiring in Earth's atmosphere and biological organisms! Changing the gas ratio content of the atmosphere changes its imaginary-mass field self-trapping properties, thus changing spatial extent/localization and frequency-response characteristics of LSTDs/CDs. Changing those gas ratios is something like genetic engineering of Earth's atmosphere. Change normative values of Earth's electromagnetic field parameters and, again, all these characteristics of LSTDs/CDs are changed, both in the atmosphere and in biological organisms.
I would observe that Satyajit Das (author of Traders, Guns and Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives, Pearson Education, 2006) left out the ending of his concluding statement in the End Game last section of his article European Death Spiral -- End Games, Naked Capitalism, 12 January 2011. Quoting the article:
In 11 May 1931, the failure of a European bank -- Austria’s Credit-Anstalt -- was a pivotal event in the ensuing global financial crisis and the Great Depression. The failure set off a chain reaction and crisis in the European banking system. Some 80 years later, European sovereigns may be about to set off a similar sequence of events with unknown consequences.
To wit, the 1931 melt down was subsequently carried on by Latin American defaults mediated by Spanish banks.
This revelation (see: Central bank steps up its cash support to Irish banks financed by institution printing own money, Donal O'Donovan, The Independent, 15 January 2011) goes some distance in giving some credence to my periodically-voiced, many-year-long suspicion -- only a suspicion -- that significant quantities of the money creation worldwide must truly be actual Freigeld wholly unrelated to bond/treasury issuance -- my latest observation in this regard coming during September of 2010. Quoting the T10M posting on this website:
And is it correct that all dollar creation is on the books and covered by treasuries?
Are we to believe that the Central Bank of Ireland innovated this procedure? Flash forward to 21 January 2011 for some suggestion as to a possible answer (see: Accounting Tweak Could Save Fed From Losses, CNBC posting from Reuters).
The only problem this I/i has with use of the term quantum teleportation is that nothing moves from point A to point B at quantum measurement. That which is imputed to instantaneously teleport is all ready, all ways there/here, i.e., [(t){he]r}e. The only thing teleported is a no-thing: animistic/pagan relative-state identity-transparency. No mission is involved, no trans, no it. O, how many no-it classes there are in this scandalous school! The notions of spatial separation, temporal separation, spacetime separation -- as well as atomistic, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, selfsame, separate identity -- are artifacts of the rules of Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean logical-accommodation/syllogistic-march epigenetic upon the logical-precedence/separation artifact of the 1T2-logically-valued order-type only; whereas, there exist Cantorian infinities of such order-types operating all-to-gather (i.e., Axiom of Choice vis-à-vis logical-value order-types) independent of the notion of truth-value (definable only under the 1T2-valued order-type). Teleportation is between such order-types. The in-which-is-between Teleported through at quantum measurement is the spacetime inTer-val(U) in-Terred, µTm. M-more U2 no-things exist in the world, Horatio Potential disorder, fixed disorder, weak-strong/localization-fusion (fusion is not-fusion when n no-it (out}bodies fuse now{[t]here)/then{t[here]) !-factorial, i.e., delocalization not-is ever, there-being no absolutely-in-so-far-as-atomisms to fuse/unfuse), decoherence/coherence, Cartesian-coordinate correlation-length vs. Koch-curve coordinate correlation-length, when scale-nesting is written-in/read-out as entropy generation (because that is the only way to get Newton back into the world from the world-picture), the scaling-renormaliztion conceals/dissimulates/filters/veils spacetime(Maya) in-turn(ment) interment, µTm. {Holo(wholes)} are not associative/dissociative, there being no in-here(ing) a[soci}ates since before real memetime is. Scales are all ready in logical-value nesting foam; don't take no objective imaginary-linear operator-time, let alone entropic real memetime. And what is in Lukasiewicz-Hilbert space (i.e., Cantorian-fractal MVRS, m-logically-valued referencing phase space) is in memetime-independent Schrödinger wave-function, which never collapses, even at spontaneous localization: localization, weak or strong, is all ready, all ways and always, on the Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic decomposability involute being-there-in-itself logically-ontologically before chronotopological twistings of three-fold imaginary/hypercomplex operator-time are being-there over superspace: all ready all ways always, means -- on Tzog-chen AllBase, in actuality, trans-algebraically -- absolutely no precedence relations whatsoever. Nothing ever changes and Everything is nothing but changes are (equi}valent statements over MVRS and Abelian-Bellian decomposition involute, because, holomorphically, the supposed two (universal covering and that which is so covered, as well as their characterizing propositions) are indistinguishable by absolute identity-transparency, µTm. Still hiding from Lukasiewicz all these decades later! Still interpreting Schrödinger wave-function to probability amplitudes, not Lukasiewicz order-types. Every thing/no-thing being-there BEing-in-itself/condensate on m-logically-valued reference space, doesn't have to de-condense, decohere from Bose-Einstein identity-transparency, doesn't have to light(ly) localize, is all ready always strung-there upon whatsoever nesting-foam, scale-grid, sheave/laminate collection, braned cognitively collectable, at axiomitization of choice universally covering Cantorian continuum of logical-value order-type. Without regard to frequency, wavelength, waveform, and so on, there are as many order-classes of light as there are m-values to its absolute limiting velocity, its absolute limiting acceleration, its absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration. And endogenous ketaminergic de-glutamatization is necessary-sufficient/iff there is to be conscious registration of (holo)movement-over/identity-transparency-with Lukasiewicz order-type Musculpt nesting-foam: relief from d(t) definitely involves the DTs.
The problem -- as if there were only one problem -- is not credit 'hotspots' (see: World needs $100 trillion more credit, says World Economic Forum, Emma Rowley, The Telegraph, 20 January 2011), but top-down derivative transfer of the involved risk from micro-meso/scales to the synoptic scale and its macroscopic spacetime compression/bundling at that scale level, thus removing local-multiplier facilitation of appropriate-scale self-repair (local risk bundled and sent away; money loaned locally associated with that risk, leached away by money-centered investments one or two steps removed from the initial debtor). Then, in crisis, repair is applied top-down, at first sham homeopathically (small doses), then allopathically (large doses), later sham naturopathically (toxic waste dump via an internal-devaluation econo-analogue to fasting/high-colonics). None of which actually works, of course. The Spanish to top-down further centralize their scattered cajas box banks (see: Spain to Ramp Up Bailout of Banks, Sara Shaefer Munoz and Jonathan House, The Wall Street Journal, 20 January 2011); the Japanese to top-down impose further consumption taxation (one of the most regressive of revenue sources) upon the dregs of a deflated society with increasing numbers living on fixed incomes (see: Japan hits 'critical point' on state debt, Mure Dickie, Financial Times, 20 January 2011). No macro-micro/micro-macro source-sink/sink-source nonorientabilities explicitly marked to market (such marking possible only with m-logically-valued monetary units) -- though there be 1T2-logical feedback loops in inadequate imitation of the nonorientable. Ain't no fixin' this darned thing top-down, 'specially so 'cause the unendin' growth sought as if healthy is actually a pandemic terminal illness: follow the leader until all fall down. If percolation-theory-related epidemiological terminology, like the word hotspots, is to be imported into economic discourse, then it is legitimate to subject that usage to scrutiny under appropriate terms of the prevailing model of systemic disease.
Here is an especially interesting post by Mike Shedlock (see: China Secretly Buying US Treasuries Via UK Accounts? Trade Deficit Math; 'Hot Money' Math, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 21 January 2011), as it goes some distance toward pointing out how the multilateral clearing problem is not merely a concatenated 3-body problem, but an apparently intractable authentic n-body problem in a free-trade/fiat-money regime, n increasing as free becomes freer and as fiat float becomes less managed by band/peg-maintenance interventions and money-quantity modulations. It's not merely that what goes around comes around; it is vastly more complicated than that: no math currently employed by econometric theoreticians even begins to match the complexity involved. Feedback loops, temporal windows, Cartesian-coordinate curves illustrating Newtonian slopes and changes-of-slopes, pro/counter-cyclical wave-overlaying, vectorial flow diagrams and their partial-differencing integrated-summing calculi: none of this even makes a tentative entry upon the truly Cantorian-fractal realms of n-body interactions, relative-states, reflexivities, hologramic part-whole identity-transparencies, nonorientabilities. Each foreign purchase, each foreign sale literally unleashes a transfinite collection of subsystem/system/supersystem reverberations interfering with the transfinite collection of subsystem/system/supersystem reverberations unleashed by the next foreign purchase/sale. And with market reflexivities, time asymmetries literally evaporate into nonorientability. Yet, they are still trying to detail the spatial field! They have yet to register the import of Planck's elemental oscillator! Let alone transduce that oscillator into a fundament of monetary pragmatics. In dynamics of the multilateral clearing problem no economic variable remains untouched, intra- or inter-systemically. Where are the adequate management tools? Econometric theoreticians have approached this with, basically, the physics of 19th-century gases: classical probability and statistics. There has only been, and only recently, the most tentative attempts made to apply early-20th-century quantum probability-amplitude/matrices, et cetera, to econometric modeling of the way the existing economic system works -- and these probability-theory attempts cannot lead to substantive improvements in self-organizational competency of market sorting demons (J. C. Maxwell had to idealize his hydrodynamically-derived sorting demon in order to explain the absolutely perfect efficiency with which imaginary 90-degree twists -- think: market reflexivities -- between the electric and magnetic components of the EM field transpire; and it would be almost a century before V. P. Starr would write his Hydrodynamical Analogy to E = mc2, which, actually, is no mere analogy; and a further decade before Douglas A. Paine would write his atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations, which, actually, is no mere analogue). The inventor of the rotor for the Bell Helicopter -- Arthur M. Young -- could not provide a way to control the helicopter by pilot modulations of only velocity and acceleration of imaginary twists; he had to give the pilot the capability to modulate time rates of change of acceleration of such twists (conceptually accomplished, circa 1940). Has Helicopter Ben, by 2011, assimilated the imaginary/hypercomplex (beyond quaternion calculus, and into operator-time with the assistance of J. W. Dunne, circa 1927, one year after Born's probability amplitude madness) physics of the 1946 Bell rotor? The Last Men in London Burnt Norton in Tom's Midnight Garden before their Journey Into Space, Timeslipping and Sidetripping. Le temps crée tout. Now, flash forward a week to yet one more Cartesian-Newtonian fantasy among Cartesian-Newtonian fantasies: Sarkozy says IMF should supervise global imbalances, Reuters, 27 January 2011. Flash forward another several days and we have the IMF chief Dominic Strauss-Kahn uttering phantasm: The most important question is to deal with the recurrent problem of some countries' large external surpluses (see: IMF raises spectre of civil wars as global inequalities worsen, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 1 February 2011). Large external surpluses are part of the multilateral clearing problem which the prevailing economic system cannot, virtually by definition, clear. The Sarkozy's and Strauss-Kahn's of this world are no closer to resolving this problem now than their counterparts were during the era of European mercantilism. What caused communism? Answer: Lockean-Anglosaxon Cartesian-Newtonian capitalism. When will the MULTIlateral clearing problem be solved? Answer: when such capitalism goes the way communism went, and what remains subscribes to the MULTIvalue.
A state bankruptcy law (see: Path is Sought for States to Escape Debt Burdens, Mary Williams Walsh, CNBC posting of the NY Times article, 21 January 2011) could conceivably become two ways to reduce the small quotient of decentralization still in residual: (1) putting states actually or potentially into receivership of their nesting domain; (2) requiring more centralized control to manage increasing disgruntlement amongst haircut pensioners, bondholders, state employees, to minimize the resultant wielding of weapons of the weak by communities of practice within/across institutions, and to determine which lessons learned the young folks watching what is going on ultimately internalize. Ten hours a day camped upon a cellular hotspot. MoSoSo Tinkerbells, Jeremiahs, Pollyannas huddling The Shallows of Cyburbia in Cyberia -- Theater Beneath the Skirt while Alone Together in a Life on the Screen.
And how deeply have you lived into those squatter settlements? I've briefly lived fairly deeply into several of them at times spread over the period 1968-to-present -- and my friend Roxanna Brown personally and very quietly supported a sector of one for the better part of three decades, and died in jail accused of being an undertaker -- others, the actual takers -- rather than the over-giver she in reality was While negative-interest-rate monetary/velocity-inflation-driven developed-country booming equity markets are heavily into emerging market investments at exorbitant interest rates (e.g., financing BOT megaprojects at 20-percent interest, with equally exorbitant user fees functioning as equivalents to heavily regressive local taxes paid to the wealthiest of the money-center superhyperoverrich), emerging markets have been legislatively prevented (i.e., a form of structural impediment sponsored by the U.S. Congress) from reciprocating: disallowed have been buy-ins to strategic industries like oil companies, toll roads, port facilities, some classes of real estate, and so on. What goes around cannot come around, let alone relative-state, in this multilateral clearing problem conundrum. Essentially, Freigeld monies -- debt-leverage/fractional-reserve ballooned with inert gas, and Weimarized by repetitively redundant derivative folded-origami paperings thereof, passed through 1T2-logical equities markets velocity-inflated by µTm-logically-based quantum technologies used to conceal latent currency depreciations covered by mainlining-media diversionary-blackpsyche attacks upon emerging-market currencies -- are restructuring emerging-economy societies (e.g., forced-draft urbanization of hundreds and hundreds of millions of people to unserviced squatter slums, all the while coercing deforestation, desertification, water depletion, et cetera) by means of the biggest wealth transfer from poor to rich in history, dwarfing even that of the colonial era. And this is only the beginning, we are told (see, for instance, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard quoting Mr. so, so sorry Moto uh, uh, that is, Mr. Moe, Goldman Sachs' chief Asia-Pacific strategist, Goldman Sachs shuns the BRICs for Wall Street, The Telegraph, 18 January 2011):
Pension funds and insurers in the rich countries have invested just 6.5pc of their $60 trillion (£38 trillion) of combined wealth in new markets, leaving them vastly misaligned against the geography of world growth. We are only in the first innings of an undeniable structural story over the next two decades, said Mr Moe.
Well, all I can say is: lots of luck to the privatized military paladins.
Superconductant DNA in 1967? Yeah. Psychosomatic aspects of a wound? Yep. This is detailed in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, but briefly: a surpassing state of rage, at officer gross incompetence leading to a testicle wound, was associated with an off-the-chart WBC count and a fever requiring me to be packed in ice for several days. DTs: delirium tremens (leading directly to relief from d(t) and its derivatives, heh-heh-heh). Then, an incidental event put the rage state into abeyance, and within a couple of hours both the white cell count and body temperature were normal. No post-surgical shock or systemic infection had been present. My epiphany: superconductant intraneuronal DNA somehow involving the fundamental tone for immune signification and the foundational operator for modulation of intracellular temperature. I later learned that the immune signifier is the frequency-response window and the temperature modulator is quantum clock, within clock, within clock (free-electron parcel temperature oscillation rate, rate of rate, and rate of rate of rate). Since 1967, ax what I done done, me. I been doin' nothin', what?
Just as Satori's no-mind is not absence of mind, but presence of the multivalue; so, Kandinsky's pure feeling is not absence of ergotropic drive-activation, i.e., emotion, but presence of stacked trophotropic feeling-toned complexes (aesthetic registrations/judgments, such as the Japanese gei ) absent concrete reference; so, F. S. C. Northrop's indeterminate aesthetic continuum is not indeterminate in µTm-logical terms, only those 1T2; so, Franklin Merrell-Wolff's substantiality is not inversely proportional to ponderability under µTm-logics, only that 1T2. The fewer and fewer who -- by virtue of having been inadequately enculturated, and, hence, not sufficiently neuronally etched by endogenous glutamate floods -- retain into adulthood synaesthetic Musculpted eidetic imagination, and who, thus, sustain the cognitive capacity to think in connected sequences of feeling-tones (primarily women), have the best opportunity to bring pure feeling, devoid of concrete emotive reference, into direct ontic awareness of the m-logically-valued aesthetic continuum as consciousness without a simple-subject.
So, what will they (the powers that-be-orchestrating manipulation of upper atmospheric dynamics and wholesale trashing of myriad genomes) do when it becomes understood that this was pretty well understood by 1975? Absolutely nothing is my guess. Superconductivity of pi-electron gas, not sugar-phosphate backbone; solitons of pi-electron gas, not sugar-phosphate backbone (pi-electron gas an adumbration of the Fermi sea of an infinite 3D electron gas). Platonic regular polyhedra made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes. Twist and shout! Short-range biogravitational geons. All of the above associated with the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. Cold fusion in leak-proof tornadic plasma bottles. Tornado-generated back-channel backtalk to our Sun. Particle creation near T-storms. Acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode analogue to black hole computing at tornadogenesis. Particle creation, by imaginary/hypercomplex/superhypercomplex skew-perpendicularity (bend those quantum well wires: twist and shout!) in nesting foams between equipotential surfaces (e.g., theta-e surfaces) and lines of force, referenced to Cantorian-fractal Lukasiewicz-Hilbert phase space, a result of the topological activities of 3-fold operator-time: to paraphrase Riemann, lines of force trapped in the [chrono]topology of [Riemann-surface-laminated m-logically-valued hyper]space. See our paper of 1977, entitled Toward a General Theory of Process. My supposition from the late-'70s has been that the atmospheric and biospheric catastrophes will cuspover together synchronistically during the same decade, whichever decade that might be.
Reading a Brit international business editor excoriate Chinese zero-sum Walpolism (softcore Colbertism), and castigate Chinese Navigation Acts (see: Appeasement is the proper policy towards Confucian China, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 24 January 2011) truly is like reading the libretto to a comic opera, particularly when the most superficial of public school history lessons are proffered in justification. What killed European mercantilism? On deep-structure, N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem; on subliminal-structure, Wagner's writing of the Tristan chord; on surface-structure, French assassination of the Age of Metternich. These three were one, three levels of one Hellenistic hyletic/psychetic substance -- one archaicizing historiographic substantiality (see Cartmel Fell's Robin George Collingwood, having famously read Greats, posthumously writing definitive anti-substantialism in The Idea of History, 1946, as non-psychologic -- though he proclaimed identity-transparency of historian and historical personage, but, obviously, never experienced this quantum state of condensation, for such experience would have substantiated the Greek substantialism he denigrated -- and as having nothing substantive to do with the properties of time), for, by virtue of quantum measurement, m-valued universal physical constants under m-valued-logic pregeometry, are no less laws of history than archetypes-in-themselves of the collective unconscious. Abel ended the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung during the 1820s, but it took almost half a century of trickledown to fully register in 1865 with Tristan's histrionic-chromatic leitmotiv. Then, three years later, in back-reaction upon the metric of collective unconscious event gradients, France declared war on the Kingdom of Prussia, thus slaying the balance of power system -- called a Concert, aptly giving due credit to the harmonic principles embodied in the well-tempered diatonic system -- based upon Newtonian notions of vector sums and counter-valence (full termination would have to wait for a rematch: the WWI attempt to Kill the 19th century dead!). Paradoxically, it took the Franco-Prussian war, which slue politico-economic embodiment of Newton's theory of forces, to force unification of Germans into a Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state. When Germany won the war, Wilhelm I was proclaimed Kaiser, during January of 1871, in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles -- the Hall of Mirrors being absolutely the most apropos of possible venues, for what else was involved but origin of Wilhelmine monism (insistence on purified simple-identity) in panic at first glances in clear light of day upon mass projective-identification by conversion-disorder displacement at collective transference: overt subject, by OR, objective reduction, of Richard Wagner's Tristan und Esolde, and covert object of debate in controversy over what, much later, would become known as the quantum measurement problem. None of this has been resolved; nor will it ever be so, short of hu-hu-hu-man self-annihilation. Reality-in-itself repealed by appearance, chiseled by Magwitch, underwritten by the Anglo-Bengalee Assurance Company, refracted at the Circumlocution Office, inbred by Dombey and Son -- opportunities for arbitrage being fatal flaws Pecksniffed into system fundamentals, criminal conversations available c/o BleacHouse Nightseas Ltd, 010 Eros Apartments, 69 aMa(n)e(h)ru Place, Yarmouth, Middlesex, DelHe, 101010, Innjer. O, how am I to be ridded o' this Bounderby, true believer in 1T2-logical boundaries? Certainly can't be utilitarian-optimistic-pragmatic about Labouring Men anywhere in The Workshop of the World, for the best of times that were the worst of times were immediately followed by Hard Times.
The main trouble with Malthusian critiques of the catastrophe which has been the political-economy institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian worldview construct was shortsightedness of Malthus: resources of spaceship Earth do not grow by linear-arithmetic progression; they, eventually, degrade/deplete (with waning of a Great Age, defined in part by techno-regime employed, such as reliance upon carbon-based energy sources). The human population in general (in actual geometric-exponential growth, or not) has very limited cognizance as to how little choice remains regarding alternative political-economy: won't be long before everyone remaining embraces anarcho-naturalism/primitivism. As regards transference phenomena, the premiere play of my youth -- high school -- was O'Neill's trilogy Mourning Becomes Electra; and lifting me onto the subject-object level of transference, the foremost essay was Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation; the preeminent poet, Poe. If Lavinia (vis: Colombo's Mt. Lavinia) be regarded Earth Mother, then the Electra complex (derivative, by time-independent involutory decomposition at autogenic brain discharge as quantum measurement, of an archetype, which is itself derivative of an archetype-in-itself, i.e., a mathematical relation-function/structure, which, in turn, is derivative of an m-valued universal physical constant under m-valued-logic pregeometry and Karpenko functors over the primes) is the fundamental projective-identification behind generative grammar of nature under civilization -- and, then again, Mourning Becomes Electra leads directly back to O'Neill's earlier The Hairy Ape, foremost play of my youth in respect to political orientation, and a quintessential statement of anarcho-primitivism. Or as Jim Dodge has it (Stone Junction, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990, p. 150):
all [1T2-logical] technologies did: They killed feeling. By assassinating time and space under the guise of saving them, they keep people out of touch when the better state of being is in touch [Cartesian-Newtonian] industrialization was a Christian plot to destroy the pagan reflex between sensation and emotion.
Which strongly supports Junichiro Tanizaki's rumination, in his 1933 essay on Japanese aesthetics, In Praise of Shadows, upon what the lifeworld would be now, had modern technology developed upon Oriental presuppositions, rather than those Western (he neglected to parse out either the Oriental or the Western). Memory serving, I watched these O'Neill plays in the amphitheater at Antioch College, 1962-3, where they were debated by cast and audience late into the wee hours. As regards political economy, Thoreau's Walden was the best essay of my youth, and Leaves of Grass -- where I learned of Whitman's other I am -- the most inspired of poesy. Later, I became aware that such youthful choices likely were greatly influenced by my exposure to animistic states of consciousness while sojourning in my personal Walden, Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, ages 8 to 11. My two high-school years in Alaska -- involvement with sourdoughs resident in the wilderness from immediate post-WWII, attempt to gain permission to homestead -- reinforced the naturalist-primitivist orientation. One might call the autopoiarchism I advocate conceptual anarcho-naturalism/primitivism -- but that would be a mistake. Ever since an explosive emotional encounter with Kierkegaard's Diary of the Seducer (re: transference) and Either/Or (re: logic), first-semester freshman, AU-SIS, I've understood that neither the transference nor political-economy is either subject or object, civilization or nature. Either/or accommodation-schemata are epiphenomenal of glutamatergically-etched memetime (imposed upon orgasmic experience as Bolero, generally a soft form of The Devil's Staircase); once adequately subjected to endogenous antidote, their subsidence presents with non-doings which are not undoings or not-doings. Malcontent terms of malice transduced: naked is not something done; it's no-thing to non-do: distempering, untensioning so naked as to be OBEing identity-transparency. These non-doings are autopoietic operators upon Cantorian-fractal Lukasiewicz-Hilbert phase space (Tzog-chen's AllBase). Appropriate-scale/appropriate-tech institutionalization by means of these autopoietic operators is what autopoiarchism is all about.
Vijay Boyapati has written an excellent essay, The Politics of Deflation, The Market Oracle, 19 January 2011, though I would argue that surely since Wilson, probably since Lincoln, the simple distinction Boyapati makes between a political class and a banking class has been a matter of progressively diminishing degree, degree of distinction-diminishment inversely proportional to how much members of a political class are out of the pockets of members of a banking class -- neither such class being homogenously membershipped. For instance, did the conclusion regarding IMF quotas, which significantly contributed to the setting of par values of postwar currencies, FDR handed White, who tasked Mikesell to find a way to justify, actually come from FDR alone, or from the FED and/or Morgenthau and friends? I mean, uh, uh, this is no small thing as regards planetary distribution of economic welfare throughout the whole postwar era! Very, very earliest effects of monetary inflation may benefit, as Boyapati says, interest groups with the strongest political connections to the state and, in particular, the state institutions that control monetary policy (those in control of superhyperoverbanks, presumably, iff there is valid univalence [-->} not bivalence {<-->} to be found here; otherwise, there may be no actual distinction drawable), but, just immediately later, those benefits go to any institution and anyone participating intelligently in the financial-markets sector, as distinct from the GNP sector, and this percolation/chaos-theoretic sectorial bifurcation will be all the greater, and persist all the longer, the more, and the more elaborate, are liquidity traps in place and kept in place (thus exclusively reserving longer and longer the benefits monetary inflation bestows upon participants in the non-productive sector). Support for this point can be found at: FCIC: What Caused the Financial Crisis, Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture, 25 January 2011, a summation of and commentary upon the NY Times article by Sewell Chan, Financial Crisis Was Avoidable, 25 January 2011, Wiki providing a good overall summary, Subprime mortgage crisis. Moreover, how early the very, very earliest and how late the immediately later depends upon the part of the macro-cycle within which the given tranche-and-manner of monetary inflation is commenced: for example, at initiation of a new phase in debt expansion (say, October of 1962) or onset of deflationary deleveraging (say, immediate-post housing-bubble collapse). But there are many, many extrasystemic (e.g., behaviors of other countries, oil shocks), extra-economic (e.g., military), even physical externalities (e.g., natural disasters, climate shift spin-drift) factors involved which may preclude rational-economic behavior on part of those responsible for monetary policy. Then there is a cool quintillion in derivative overhang acting the functional equivalent, for the global economy, to Weimar reparations. Indeed, one could reasonably suppose that some corpus of extras is inevitably the case -- though rarely admitted. So, while the FED may try, as Boyapati proposes, to carry onward a policy of controlled deflation, it may not, likely could not, be particularly successful at such an attempt. Moreover, the inflation/hyperinflation at issue is not that manifest solely within any given Bounderby boundary, but that transnational, made synoptic by processes of planetarization involved in climbing The Devil's Staircase.
Talk about Cartesian-Newtonian summation of forces taken to the limit of forced-draft urbanization (as Great Age of carbon-based techno-regime wanes): China to create largest mega city in the world with 42 million people, Malcolm Moore and Peter Foster, The Telegraph, 28 January 2011. The purported upside to superhyperovermegaconurbation, but there is the downunderside also: Underground world hints at China's coming crisis, Peter Foster and Zhang Wei, The Telegraph, 2 February 2011. Quite interesting how a public agency, Beijing's Civil Defence Bureau, becomes tantamount to an SOE subbing out rent-seeking behaviors relative to subterranean bomb shelters for girls working in the wholesale market. Yes, and we can just about guess which market that is.
Mindsets made on glutamate-etched catchphrases and tenses-aspects/declensions -- once DNA quantum-wave encoded, universal, m-logically-valued, ketaminergic-synaesthetic, Musculpt semiosis decomposes to singly-logically-valued generative grammars of natural languages: Sapir-Whorf transcendentalism. Regge calculus over Cantorian point-set topologies on Regge lattices in fractal nesting foams; form-in-process over Platonic-forms/archetypes-in-themselves (Platonic regular polyhedra made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes: intraneuronal DNA doin' the twist and shout!) on Lukasiewicz-Hilbert phase space by chronotopological operations: static is dynamic, discrete is continuous, fractal is integral, finite is infinite, determinate is indeterminate, definite is indefinite. Wayang kulit shadow-play. No cusp-magnitude events, yet; nonetheless, relative to A Matter of Identity, it can be seen that the human species has experienced a collective concussion qua deficiency, substance abuse, eating disorder, neuronal etching, gliosis: all the mass confabulatory substitute-memory fabrication, the antero/retrograde institutional amnesia, the pathetic, non-insightful, pedestrian, public discourse accompanied by tics and tells of Korsakoff's syndrome. Wrapping the dollar in the Constitution like a criminal: functional equivalent to steaming dim sum bonds in ren min bi smog. Products of Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition over logical-value order-types: mirativity, ergativity, clusivity, modality, transivity, animacy, evidentiality
It's not that analysts can't figure out deflation, or that their Keynesian-monetarist blinders don't allow vision to tunnel into the obvious (see: Japan Learns to Live with Deflation [If Only Analysts Could Figure Out How], Mike Shedlock, Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 31 January 2011); rather, it very much is that such analysts work in, or have vested interests in, the capital-markets/financial-property(speculation) sector, and, thus, in one way or another, personally benefit far more from monetary and velocity inflation of that non-productive sector than they do from price deflation within the productive GNP sector. Few analysts essay against their own short-term interests. People are not for the most part good people; they vote a thousand times a day with their mundane acts for what they full-well understand is not to the larger good. Moreover, the price deflation seen, in the few places it has been seen in the post-WWII era, has purely been a deflation of unrecorded price inflation: recorded global price inflation under Bretton Woods 1 & 2 has not recorded the actual inflation associated with, for instance, ever increasing dis{quality}fication, possibly four or five times recorded inflation: from decreased nutritional value of raw vegetables (juice five present-day carrots to get the value of one 1945 carrot; few born after 1955 have ever tasted a real tomato) across the full spectrum of food products currently available to most everything presently manufactured, from frying pans to shoes and socks, all with one or another sort of designed-in obsolescence. In the contemporary world, virtually all business is one or another type of fraud -- and all in business know the particular type they daily indulge. Dead species walking.
I could not more thoroughly demur from such crap analysis (consequent of abnormal gut microbiota, underdeveloped enteric nervous system, immediate postpartum):
Hmmmever since FDR/White/Mikesell disinformed IMF quotas/gold price fix/relative par values of currencies (illevel playing field placed upon a wild cantilevered incline by the S&H [snatch-n-hold] FDR/White/Mikesell executed by force of arms [Mikesell's importance of the Allied governments in the war]: Japan's 113 prime structural impediments hardly amounted to a fractionation of this meta-impediment), the IMF has been THE problem, no part of any actual solution to any of the various travesties (see, for a good example of crap, recent words of IMF chief, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF, warning of war, says ready to help Egypt, AFP, 1 February 2011); it is disingenuous/dysinfoming to suggest that QE2 is no cause of food-price riots, only a trigger, for Freigeld money creation globally -- but primarily by the U.S. -- from the first days of BW1 right up until the present has been a foremost cause of postwar price inflation and income disparities within given societies and across societies globally (see, for another good example of crap, Egypt and Tunisia usher in the new era of global food revolutions, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 2 February 2011). Claims that QE2 is, not only a global asset-price inflator, but also a currency relative-par-value manipulator are not a slippery slope, because a structural balance-of-trade deficit is overcome only by producing enough of what the rest of the world needs-more-than-wants, over and above weapons systems, that is, rather than specializing in spurious production, spurious employment: Glamorama at Stone Junction by pop-cult psyops, entertainment blackpsyche, labeling-branding want/style-creation subliminal opconning (i.e., operant conditioning), service-sector proletcult, financial-sector bungling/bundling. Moreover, more generally, one major motivation for the Freigeld money creation has been facilitation of the Cartesian-Newtonian obsession with Christian linear view of history as a progression to soft-utopian omega point by a techno-controlling-of-nature economic development understood as synonymous with forced-draft urbanization such that the economic-free-fire-zone hinterlands can be agro-industrially mined once stripped of population and small-parcel free-hold (and the bad harvest of 1788, dismissed by AEP as a cause of the French Revolution, was integral to this whole line of development). Not only has this elective path been a 400-year-long agenda for human self-annihilation, but march up the cusp surface to snapover begins at the periphery by low-intensity conflicts, moves toward the center with ever-gathering intensity, maximal mega-death transpiring in the most-technologized of the mega-urban regions coerced into existence under the black-psyche rubric of progress and development. And, looking to near-future history, using, as the IMF wants (for the latest, see: IMF calls for dollar alternative, Ben Rooney, CNNMoney, 10 February 2011), SDRs to supersede the USD as foremost international reserve currency would carry overhang/residue of the original FDR/White/Mikesell IMF quota attributions and vehicle-currency par values into the new system -- thus perpetuating tilt of the level playing field away from embodiment of actual economic fundamentals, which observation is not even to speak of adaptive implementation of marketable principles of a multiscale [eco}nomics.
I continue to believe that leakers to WikiLeaks couldn't possibly know enough to know what to leak -- otherwise they wouldn't, like D. Ellsberg, have gone for container-ship bulk delivery. How important, for instance, the serial numbers of UK Trident missiles (see: WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets, Matthew Moore, Gordon Rayner and Christopher Hope, The Telegraph, 4 February 2011), when ICBM-deliverable nukes have been obsolete for more than a quarter century, that fact having made possible the USSR's top-down decision to jettison Eastern Europe -- the extremely difficult process of jettisoning being of what control was lost (this unfounded assertion involves an obviously different guesstimental emphasis than that deployed by Dmitry Orlov: see, Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Example and American Prospects)? Doubt my take? Reading with imagination/insight unclassified science, of the period early-'60s until today, is enough to become strongly suspicious, if not totally convinced. I have, for instance, never assumed that prevailing severe-storm/climate-shift/plate-tectonics/volcanism dynamics have had nothing to do with collapse of the Soviet Union. NATO quantum-gravity (e.g., accelerations/decelerations of complex angular momentum) advanced seminars held in Brezhnevian Moscow? Check it out! Look, by way of example, at atmospheric LSTDs/CDs relative to phased-array radar blankets of the Reagan-Brezhnev era -- information concerning which is available in the public domain of Reagan biographies, for one -- if the possibility of such a connection seems totally opaque. The astute one could have been aware of this and its imports from the late-'60s! Were there such astutes? If so, what would have been thought of them? William Gibson's Republic of Desire, if not that Hao-Hao{ed} into a people's republic of the dragon tattoo. But if Planck's constant is m-valued, how much is the hyperellipsoid of human freedom dependent one-to-one onto/into Jack Reacher just keep moving? And when this is down-and-dirty O-so purely personal ? Hmmm. Gotta live live ? Otaku Billy Johnboat dancin' the nautch with idoru Naughtyhyde Booth: dancer for two. Saganic M=magic realism is not by any means the m-valued, let alone m-logically-valued New Logic pregeometry -- even though M Theory, wherever that name came from, is one extension of magic without magic. How many times did empirical Dr. Jason, back there in the day, come to visit the other side of The Lake on the way to locus of Mr. Moog? Ah, Wiseacring feeder-band pairing energy of the liquid drop and the idealized reverse sprinkler at tornadogenesis, DNA helix-coil transition, spacetime double-helix. As polymath John von Neumann at Princeton touted weather mod, meteorologist Jule Charney at MIT renormalized: one form of complementarity. Dat linear ol'time Greek wisdam: too late, understood all. What does one imagine to have been the precedent to core CPI/PCE trimming-at-both-ends renormalization, if not Charney rescaling? P-adic truncation? Well, mebbe. Yass siree, yup, 'round 'bout, don't y'think. And how long would it take for sub-clinical to become clinical -- as regards atmo-bio-geo/spheric consequents of anthropogenic/iatrogenic invasive shifts of critical-state frequency-response-window/elemental-[temperature]oscillator dynamics of downward-upward cascade Stone Junction processes forced by accelerative-decelerative/electron-temperature-enhancement (see, e.g., relative to streamers at: Electron Temperature Gradient Turbulence, W. Dorland, et al., Physical Review Letters, 85:26, 25 December 2000) changes in solar-wind-carried complex angular momentum? No 5-SB; no virtual light. Boy, what a boggle. Those were the days!
Here is a truly brilliant account of an analogue to the starting point of the multiscale Paine-Kaplan nested-grid cascade computer model of tornadogenesis and the problem of forecasting outbreak/touchdown locations (see: Failure is the Complement of Success, Solving the slippery nature of the bathtub curve, MOBJECTIVIST re: facts on the inevitable world-wide energy transition, 8 October 2009). Quoting, with regard to oil exploration and the problem of forecasting success rates, and then in respect to failure/breakdown generally:
The basic premise involves adding a level of uncertainty to search rates and then accelerating the mean through a volume of search space. This becomes the Dispersive Discovery model
After a certain elapsed time we want to speed up the pace, either due to an accelerating breakdown due to temperature or some cascading internal effect due to wear-and-tear. The simplest approximation generates a linear term overcome by an exponential growth [the divergence so often renormalized].
Mobjectivist is here describing the failure of an equilibrium/equipotential (search) surface subject to skew-perpendicularity of (entropic/negentropic) lines of force under accelerative conditions -- assuming rigid component processes. Search -- assuming non-rigid component processes -- for confluence in divergence of breakdown parameters is the essence of the initialization discovery problem cyclotomically recurrent in cascade dynamics at tornadogenesis. This confluence takes place at the interface between the adiabatic nonaccelerative and the diabatic accelerative atmospheres. Accelerations over absolute limiting velocities (i.e., divergence: in quantum theory, having to do with the time-independent Schrödinger equation, involutory Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic decomposition being beyond Born-Oppenheimer approximation) generate skew-perpendiculars (imaginary/hypercomplex/superhypercomplex components of fiber-bundled lines of force) to negentropic inputs (in Earth's atmosphere responsible for superconductance of hydrothermodynamic properties within and between LSTDs/CDs). Where does this notion come from? Douglas A. Paine's studies (see, for instance, Paine and Pensinger, 1978, The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere and Paine and Pensinger, 1979, A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, pp. 333-41) of cyclogenesis, tornadogenesis, DNA helix-coil transition, double-helical cometary feeder bands (re: Paine's paper, The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena, concerning, in part, acoustic analogue to black-hole computing in Earth's atmosphere, delivered to the last major Velikovsky conference [1974, memory serving], a paper which Sagan regarded, not only Off the Beat, but a case of pseudoscience), spiral-banded galaxies (consider recent sighting of DNA nebula), non-probabilistic spacetime double-helix, and various other (mostly waterborne) forms of Sensitive Chaos (understood quite differently from how so in chaos-theory/complexity-theory faddism). Helping development of this notion was my last new idea (as with most of my epiphanies, new to me -- I later discovered), which came 40 years ago at age 27: hypertemperature as the spin component of operator-time. It is also interesting to consider in this context the relatively recently formulated Glatzmaier-Roberts helical flows in their geodynamo model (see: Glatzmaier's posting, The Geodynamo; quoting: These buoyancy forces cause fluid to rise and the Coriolis forces, due to the Earth's rotation, cause the fluid flows to be helical.). Can small changes in the complex angular momentum carried by the solar wind, changes affecting Coriolis forces, not only -- per Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis -- induce butterfly effects in Earth's hydrothermodynamic field, but also -- by current injections -- induce butterfly effects in the magnetohydrothermodynamic field of Earth's liquid core? Paine thought this a possibility, as was periodically mentioned during the late-1970s. Mobjectivist provides an account of dampened-exponential failure rate, the bathtub curve, and hyperbolic envelope with time -- assuming homogeneity of a real-numbered, passive-referential, linear time, i.e., assuming memetime. Mobjectivist suggests adjusting the velocity frame as a means to modulation of the breakdown time/quantum mechanically minimum time (which nature does over and over in cascade at severe storm genesis, a process which can be anthropogenically invaded in various ways) -- essence of the initialization discovery problem in cascade dynamics at tornadogenesis. D. A. Paine at Cornell during the early-'70s actually did this with films of turbulence by alteration of the baud rate, rate of rate, and rate of rate of rate of image projection (and later tried to do something self-similar/analogous [absent availability of Musculpt tech] with barograph output recording acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes). But what about hyperbolic envelope (i.e., schematic of the black-box/blackbody/black-hole) of, repeat of, time leading to at absolute limiting values of dynamical variables topological transforms effected by operator-time upon available open-inter/source-sink self-reentrant/non-orientable negentropy budgets (real-numbered-memetime systems being closed)? Consider: t, tau, tau-dot, tau-doubledot. Mobjectivist talks of strain: We scale the integrity of the component as a physical dimension; it could be a formally defined measure such as strain . More elaborately, strain tensors, with high respect given to Sakharov and the metric elasticity of imaginary/hypercomplex/superhypercomplex, multi-sheeted _____ space (e.g., phase, sample, risk, correlation, search, resilience, articulation, selection, viscosity, process-component, fitness, momentum, integrity, identity, role-attribution, functional-prerequisite, norm, fanaticism, holocaust as regards our 1977 paper, Toward a General Theory of Process). Imaginary-time rates of change = velocities (at absolute limiting values, domain of first-order operator-time); hypercomplex rates of change of the imaginary-time rates of change = accelerations (at absolute limiting values, domain of second-order operator-time); superhypercomplex rates of change of the hypercomplex rates of change of the imaginary-time rates of change = time rates of change of accelerations (at absolute limiting values, domain of third-order operator-time). Integrals of the vel/accel/trc-of-accel over time. But what kind of time? But what kind of strain -- real, imaginary, hypercomplex, superhypercomplex? But what order-class of entropy relative to what kind of time? Probability density/amplitude under what order-type of logics? Modulating the vel/accel/trc-of-accel frames by altering projector baud rate, rate of rate, rate of rate of rate -- i.e., closely approaching far-from-equilibrium, critical-state, negentropic, shape-shifting breakdown at absolute limiting values (e.g., re: the given type of Virtual Light -- think the given universal physical constant m-valued) defining the given Bohmian domain-structure. Spacetime-foam/bubble memory precluding Markov-process solutions under single-valued universal physical constants and 1T2-valued logic to sets of partial-differential equations (think m-valued logics retarded to VRs; 3-fold operator-time in projective identification at collective transference as regressed financial bundlings of bundled bundled bundles, as shits reading shit reading shit reading shit, as shits filming shit filming shit filming shit: Nine as 3-cross-3, 3-fold operator-time crossed into 3-space), but not so under Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition (solve for divergence solve for divergence solve for divergence unto nesting foam; à la Planck's elemental oscillator, no need to DETAIL the spatial field) -- as to Sakharov multi-sheets, nested LSTDs/CDs, Riemann-surface coverings, laminates, branes, each Lukasiewiczian-valued sheet, laminate, brane having its own complement of associated absolute limiting dynamical values (vel/accel/trc-of-accel) and a given value of each m-valued universal physical constant -- mapped across the corpus of Karpenko functors over Lukasiewicz logics crossed into the Musculpted hypercomplex/superhypercomplex zeta functions Gödel numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers [:-) Gönads, not monads!].
Dozens and dozens of articles these days, daily, on failing town, municipal, local, state, provincial, federal, national, transnational governments. Can hardly Watergate the difference between Mitchelled moral obligation Moonies and monoline munies and monocline mortgages. I'm not in high indifference over this evolving circumstance, but I certainly am in strong indifference. Post-WWII, government by constitutional democracy has progressively gotten out of the business of governance, and more and more into the confidence franchise game, systemic transaction-rent extraction, regulatory fraud, conspiracy by institutionalization, predatory legalization of nonrecourse white-collar guaranty crime, funding-subversion of science/maths by imposition of paradigmatic constraint, conversion of science/tech to fabrication of warfare, threat amplification to service/maintenance sustainment of flagging collective compliance, AAA production (anomie, alienation, anxiety) as social structure of attention debasement, state-insisted enculturation by glutamatergic neuronal etching as lower-to-higher education, generalized harassment of citizen-as-prisoner, suppression by advertizing/blackpsyche, reconnaissance by entrapment, plea copping as prudence of the jurist-as-jussive, copped coercion as normotic-state monocropping and altered-state forbiddance, soft-Gestapo SURveillance, hard-SAVAK COUNTERveillance (e.g., one agency facilitates druggers/drugging as an off-shore combat arm and domestic diversion/spoiler-of-subversion, while another attempts to amputate that arm; same basic principle in CT-by- and CI-by-QEing suitcase inflations) I believe that this accelerating postwar uh-uh, post-WWII, but certainly not postwarfare process of down-falling by up-sizing is not unrelated to our last world war, or, rather, the deep-structural roots of that war -- which have persisted these post-VE/VJ days/weeks/months/years/decades and have become ever more anchored to bedrock of mass psyche regression-in-service to collective egos: pandemic personal moral failure and epidemic institutional breakdown epiphenomenal to in-principle falsehood. The Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm metaphysically-algorithmically informing the still-prevailing institutionalization was not just superseded, it was simply wrong.
If I could write in more nested sets of parentheses, I would. If I could write in more retrograde inversions of semantics, I would. If I could write more metareferentially, more tropologically, I would. If I could write with pencils of skew-parallels, I would. If I could write with fiber bundles of skew-perpendiculars, I would. Write what? Write hieroglyphic/ideogramic/alphabetic cursive of some natural language. Write scriptive-symbolic mathematical notation So, that said, why are there foreclosures? Because all the monies there are in this world are 1T2-logically-valued only. When calls -- payment, margin, tranche whatsoever credit event in reverse cascade uh, uh, that is in reverse trading -- come, the money is either there or not-there; whereas, in between calls, it is nonlocal -- simultaneously in Bangkok, Beirut, Brussels, Biloxi It is not in any one of these places, but simultaneously in all of them. The notion that it must be (Cartesian-Newtonian material necessity become 1T2-valued logical necessity) in one or another place/state is a logical fictive, not a material factive. Were monies not 1T2-logically-valued only, foreclosures would still be possible, but extraordinarily rare -- per the title to this series of postings on this website. These days, the foreclosures mess is, in significant measure, blamed upon David X. Li and his employment of the Gaussian (Gauss not only discovered the normal distribution but, among very much else, created metric geometry) copula function (see, for an especially accessible account: Recipe for Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street, Felix Salmon, Wired, 23 February 2009; see an interesting earlier account, Gaussian copula and credit derivatives, Wallstyouth, QuantNetwork, 19 September 2007, linking a 12 September 2005 Wall Street Journal article entitled How a Formula Ignited Market That Burned Some Big Investors, by Mark Whitehouse). Essentially, the argument is that Li rejected the real world of documentable data on default histories for a slice of the derivative world (the credit default swap slice) as priced by the market, i.e., risk as priced, and did so: (1) with respect to an acute problem, i.e., what to do with all the hot (i.e., nonlocal) money globalization had made available for investment, and (2) with mathematical sophistication and elegant simplicity sufficient to catalyze appearance of a bandwagon drawn from Bangkok, Beirut, Brussels, Biloxi Down with quants, the McNamara's of the war which is Wall Street! The spurious simplification made by Li, the story goes, created a disaster, the subprime disaster. But, reality revealed -- even if there be no truth-value here to be told/tolled -- the disastrous simplification, of which Li's was a mere special case, was made by all those who deemed Abel's 1820s existence proof for maths transcendental to algebra an Impossibility Theorem, and their derivative personages in disrespect to transfinite set theory, nonlinear dynamics not renormalized to statistical thermodynamics, Axiom of Choice, Hilbert Program applied to logic itself, and, especially, interpretation not bandwagoning Born's probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function (involved disasters larger than that subprime being Franco-Prussian war, WWI, WWII ). Consider memetime's world-line on this back to neuronally-etched etiology of the humanistic pandemic, from the harnessing of fire to the first full-time shaman through and beyond the harnessing of atomic fire: an unrelenting and accelerating reductionistic climb by glutamatergic prescriptive enculturation/socialization into ever greater virulent reliance upon decoherent egoic point of reference, institutional structuralization, whereas nature's naked way is ever coherent, transitions made always and all ways by way of identity-transparency at correlation-length equals infinity. All along, I've been saying that chaos/complexity theory treats m-valued processes as if they were single-valued: Li's disastrous formula is a special case of this two-century-persistent mental habituation, that habituation being a crystallization/culmination of thousands of years of loss in conscious registration of logical-value order-types, most quintessentially exemplified, perhaps, in attributions made to the Riemann surface, a way of treating m-valued functions as if they were single-valued (more correctly, Eulerian well-definition of function requires single-valuedness, so the m-valued is regarded, repeat regarded, left-total [this regarding synchronistically implying totally left-brained: collective Capgras delusion positing an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct object world] and, hence, non-inversible under 1T2-valued logic). Li's enabling paper (see: On Default Correlation: A Copula Function Approach, RiskMetrics Group, April 2000: the missing parenthesis, oft nitpicked, is not in Salmon's Wired article, but in Equation 12 of Li's paper) is fraught with all the signifying learned mentations (virtually a definition of culture-of-the-relevant information under this philosophy, noise under that) demanding renormalizations, but details are distractions as regards the point I wish to make. And why should I be interested in the fluff and fricative fibrillations when the fundamentals are wrong? A functive (copula) of functors (distribution functions) made seemingly possible by a universe-of-discourse constant (what Li in discussion of Eqs. 11 and 12 designates a correlation coefficient when a specified period is given, then a correlation parameter when survival times are at issue) understood single-valued under single-valued logic (this constant being, essentially, the Gaussian metric of the plot). Density distribution plot of the Gaussian copula, much more generally, is complexity theory's nk fitness landscape. The n is with respect to distribution and the k is with respect to correlation, copula-landscape being plot of the functive. Each point of the plot is localized and single-valued (i.e., the given point is absolutely distinguishable from others and either activated or not, either on or off). Gauss created metric geometry so seamen can calculate where they are without the need of a satellite (point activated/on where they are, they being no Schrödinger's cats). The metric is a single single-valued number, a number selfsame, a number identical to itself, which takes the correlations (in the generalized Gaussian case: distance functions) between each point with every point of a space into itself as signifying-characteristic designating holistic curvature configuration of the given space. With metric as satellite, seamen can find their place. Place in risk space = price (of risk). Li took the special case of risk space illustrated in credit swaps (later applied to mortgage pools, CDOs, CMOs, et cetera), and the correlation constant was his metric-satellite. While the correlation constant for curvature configuration of a given risk space may, indeed, remain constant, the ratings-tranched (think primitive of multi-sheeted; think primitive of Riemann-surface mapped; think primitive of multi-braned bundles) mortgage-pool market exists nested within larger markets and nesting smaller markets subject to fluctuations in internalities and externalities capable of modifying mortgage-pool correlations and curvature configurations: in any multiscale subsystem-system-supersystem composite, the correlation length goes to infinity at the critical Curie temperature (think hot money). If one wishes to know how long the human species has been aware of this, ask oneself when it was Madame Curie died. Moreover, what Gauss forgot, and what Minkowski forgot, and what Einstein literally forgot, Li also forgot: the margination (renormalization to highest and lowest values only) and uniformization of the multivalued to a single-valued function, and transduction of that function to numerical constant signifying the topological configuration of the involved correlation space, is a set of transforms carried out under 1T2-valued logic only. The points on fitness landscape are either on or off; in order to get the Gaussian copula, the support of the probability distribution is renormalized to its mini/max values only. Which is to say that the nk fitness landscape is actually a 2nk fitness landscape (the 2 signifying logical-value order-type understood independent of the notion truth-value). As regards Li's specialization, risk metrics, the tranche-categories (T) evaluated by ratings agencies constitute a primitive attempt to get at the T in the µTm-valued logics apropos of Mnk articulation landscapes-copulas that would characterize the topologically-transforming-at-self-organized-criticality quantum economies nested within the global economy established by holomorphic implementation of m-logically-valued LETS (holomorphic signifying definition/mapping of currencies upon fractal/Koch-curve e-boundaries). Approach toward global economic superconductance, the high level of efficiency required to adequately meet the presently evolving planetary crisis, cannot manifest absent subsystem-system-supersystem topological transforms involving self-reentrant reflexivities and twisted non-orientabilities. Absence in mentation of logical-value nesting foams insures presence of this absence as well as persistence of 1T2-logically-valued monies only, a condition without which credit wave-functions cannot collapse (i.e., engage in foreclosures). It is well to note that spontaneous localization or collapse of the wave-function is not the same as decomposition of the supersymmetry space under 3-fold operator-time. In mid-1998 (approximately two years before Li's enabling paper), I sent a piece to the New Yorker concerning these perspectives (see: M-Valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket: Transcending Fitness Landscapes in Quantum Economies by Replacing the Wave-Function with Operator-Time; see also the related earlier [1995] paper, Constructing a Chaotic Marketplace: Can Global Integration, Driven by Quantum-Based Technologies, Sustain Itself in a Newtonian Macroeconomy?). When I did not hear back, I sent the editor a note predicting that, if such perspectives are not attended to, a big pile of broken bricks will be the result. I doubt if anyone besides myself thought of that comment on the morning of 9/11; indeed, surely no one read the note; likely, no one read the submission. Why would I, a onetime CI operative/strategic-analyst, have sent from Saigon such a piece to the New Yorker, a piece I began writing immediately after reading a translation of an article written by Tran Bach Dang for the 30th anniversary of Tet-'68?
Self-organization by resource exchange across boundaries: the involved transformational dynamics apply to all autopoietic processes, including even those operative in terrorist organizations, establishing prerequisites which must be met if phase transitions are to be accomplished by pushing the correlation length to criticality: the movement toward something like 9/11 had been clear for several years. In human systems, circumstances frequently must be created within which the prerequisites can be met. Read the acknowledgement at the end of the 1998 paper linked immediately above. Variables operative in a correlation space can all be holomorphically mapped onto its boundaries. This is precisely what -- by age-old animistic mentation -- Tran Bach Dang's organization tacitly accomplished. The basic principles discussed immediately above were instrumental, if covertly operative, in determining outcome of the Viet Nam war. Is any of this well understood? Is its relevance to present-day events understood? Consider the following statement made by Jeremy Kahn in his article entitled Crude Reality (The Boston Globe, 13 February 2011):
1973, when Arab states, upset with Western support for Israel during the Yom Kippur War, drastically cut production and halted exports to the United States. The result was a sudden quadrupling in crude prices and a deep global recession.
Is this correct? Certainly not. Only the halting of exports to the U.S. was related to the war. This statement is an example of what? Redintegration (not reintegration). Quoting Webster as to the correct meaning: arousal of any response by a part of the complex of stimuli that originally aroused that response. That war or not, OPEC would have cut production and raised prices. Why? Nixon devaluations of the dollar in association with unilateral U.S. nixing of the BW1 gold-exchange mechanism. See the chronology section of Bob Powell's The Oil Shocks of the 70s posting for an excellent account. And why did Nixon do this? Because the economic consequences of the Viet Nam war -- cuspover, Tet-'68: LBJ desperately trying to terminate gold outflows; France struggling to restrict personal movement of currency into/out-of France -- gave him the opportunity to do what he had wanted to do since HUAC days of castigating Harry Dexter White (U.S. counterpart to Keynes at Bretton Woods). Like most others today, doubt this critical role in death of BW1 which I attribute to Tet-'68? Check out the speech LBJ delivered on 31 March 1968 wherein he summarized his response to the Tet offensive. Quoting:
tonight we face the sharpest financial threat in the postwar era -- a threat to the dollar's role as the keystone of international trade and finance in the world.
Last week, at the monetary conference in Stockholm, the major industrial countries decided to take a big step toward creating a new international monetary asset [IMF Special Drawing Rights] that will strengthen the international monetary system.
As of mid-March, decision had been taken to suspend operation of the London gold pool and a meeting a few days hence of participating central bank governors had been set (see: Memorandum of Discussion, Federal Open Market Committee, 14 March 1968). Is AQ&A right or wrong in associating 9/11 with the waning of BW2? The stones David casts are butterfly wing-flaps inducing small changes in synoptic energy-momentum balances, which cascade through the supersystem-system-subsystem organizational hierarchy, altering framework determining conditions? Acknowledgment is here made of my debt to J. G. Bennett's magnum opus, The Dramatic Universe, which I read before entering the U. S. Army in 1965, before going through SF Training Group, before becoming an intelligence analyst on the Middle East at JFK Special Warfare Center, before being assigned to Technical Intelligence Detachment, 525th MIG, before becoming a targets analyst at CICV, before being made responsible for the Saigon-Bienhoa area at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, before writing at SRA/MACV-J2 a strategic analysis of the import of the Tet Offensive deemed NODIS, but later reproduced in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh. And China and Russia and France (for the latest, see: France wants new global finance system, RTE News, 14 February 2011) now want to use SDRs -- the distractions the U.S. used to cover its dissolution of the only real constraint on its ability to Freigeld the planet, with their carryover of inherent non-economic par-value dyscrasia/dyspraxia -- as the basis of a new global monetary system. How hilarious is that? In such a context, one must conclude that the oil shock boogieman/Trickster is used as self-targeting blackpsyche to cover global jockeying as the human lifeworld runs itself up archetypal event gradients to space-based Planetary War One whilst traversing all the same deep-structure issues fought about by means of mass projective-identification at collective transference in WWII.
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