µTm Scenarios, T12(M)
The BIS making thirty-year projections of this nature (see: The Future of Public Debt is Terrifying, John Mauldin, Business Insider, 16 February 2011) is to engage in a degree of the ludicrous which is beyond all extra-psychosis comprehension: as if warfare, ecological, atmospheric, magnetospheric, petro/resource, population growth/migrations, water, et cetera and et cetera variables will be held constant throughout that period. As if these factors will not hugely impact government revenues and expenditures over the next thirty years! As Planck essayed so thoroughly during the 1890s, holding all variables constant while changing one, no matter how many times repeated, is a philosophy-of-science experimental principle apropos of the world picture, not the world. So, what is the actual purpose of the BIS projection (besides knee-jerk engagement in psychological projective-identification)? The purpose is audience mind-bending, such that the governing paradigm can sustain itself in face of the massive challenges being meted out in larger and larger portions by the raw to the cooked. Such a behavior in face of present circumstances is full-blown psychotic. Get this, Mauldin quoting the BIS report:
Drastic measures are necessary to check the rapid growth of current and future liabilities of governments and reduce their adverse consequences for long-term growth and monetary stability.
Why is the BIS fixated upon long-term growth and monetary stability as the only possible solution? Not only the BIS, but also the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (see: Global Rebalancing: The Dangerous Obsession, Uri Dadush, Policy Brief 90, February 2011). Quoting:
The focus of the G20 and the IMF, and of the finance ministries that set their agendas, should shift away from global rebalancing, which sounds and plays like a zero-sum game. Instead, the focus across economies should be on growth of domestic demand in individual countries, with an eye toward maintaining that growth at the fastest sustainable rate.
Granted, an obsession with rebalancing is not good, particularly if the multilateral clearing problem be not understood as an n-body problem. But here again we have the notion that unending growth at the fastest sustainable rate is the only possible solution (what does this statement indicate as regards understanding as to the roles of velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration as autopoietic operators upon multi-scale dynamical systems?). What, indeed, is the most dangerous obsession? As if 400 years of this fixation on growth were not enough to convince that the only possible solution is no solution. Never has been, never could be, never will be (unless all variables but one be held constant). The BIS and the CEIP are thus fixated because they are identified, psychologically identified, with the Cartesian-Newtonian assumptions informing the economic principles they understand inalienable. Even were the BIS and the CEIP to update their assumption set to the late-19th and early-20th centuries, still would they be thus fixated -- for statistical thermodynamics and probability-amplitude interpreted quantum mechanics are merely modified and modified-modified Cartesian-Newtonian (anything and everything to avoid loss of straight-line memetime to topologically-active operator-time and loss of equilibrium/stability to unqualified embrace of the far-from-equilibrium identity-transparency at correlation-length equals infinity). That to which the BIS and the CEIP should be devoting their energies is figuring out how approach to superconductant levels of economic efficiency can self-organize without unending long-term growth and monetary stability. If nature can do it, then human systems embedded in nature can do it. Absent growth, absent stability, maglev political-economy!
Well, look at munis (see, for example, One Big Chart That Explains Why Munis Won't Cause A Crisis, Joe Weisenthal, Business Insider, 11 February 2011), for instance, and think nesting foams thereof relative to diverse-commodity/backed, vehicle, m-logically-valued LETS e-currencies defined over fractal e-boundaries embedded in MVRS (Lukasiewicz-Hilbert m-logically-valued reference space qua frequency domain, Gödel numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers) as quantum-composite reserve-currency domain. Can one be certain that, absent growth, absent stability, magleving of political-economy is impossible? And in this light can we be sure that Japan's Debt Trap Has No Escape (MISH, 18 February 2011)? Is the transcendent function with regard to overcoming ills associated with the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system to be found in external dimensions at supra-ordinate scale levels, or in internal dimensions at those scale levels sub-ordinate?
One can hardly doubt accuracy of the perspective argued by Graham Summers in his article Derivatives: The Real Reason Bernanke Funnels Trillions into Wall Street Banks (Seeking Alpha, 8 February 2011). The article's title summarizes well its content. What is missing requires a little history (see: A Brief History of Derivatives, Don Chance, summarizing his 1995 article published in Derivatives Quarterly). Quoting Professor Chance (happily named in respect to the present subject):
In 1972 the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, responding to the now-freely floating international currencies, created the International Monetary Market, which allowed trading in currency futures. These were the first futures contracts that were not on physical commodities 1973 marked the creation of both the Chicago Board Options Exchange and the publication of perhaps the most famous formula in finance, the option pricing model of Fischer Black and Myron Scholes. These events revolutionized the investment world in ways no one could imagine at that time. The Black-Scholes model, as it came to be known, set up a mathematical framework that formed the basis for an explosive revolution in the use of derivatives As the problems became more complex, Wall Street turned increasingly to the talents of mathematicians and physicists, offering them new and quite different career paths and unheard-of money.
The JFK-initiated, October of 1962, New Frontier monetary inflation, culminating in the Tet-'68-provoked termination of BW1, and associated Friedman-justified freely-floating currency regime, created the circumstance within which derivatives exploded. And the pulling onto Wall Street of mathematicians and physicists carried along with them into the world of finance all the dissimulations they had been engaging in since the 1820s when N. H. Abel's existence proof for maths transcendental to algebra was deemed an Impossibility Theorem.
In January of 1990, I returned to Midori Gaoka (Verdant Hills), Ashiya, kita-Kyushu, Japan and found the 19th-century house I had lived in there during 1953-5. I also found the building which had once been the house of the old grandmother who had exposed me to animistic-Shinto (not state-Shinto) modes of cognition. The several days I spent foot-dragging at walking meditation, re-wandering/wondering the landscape of Midori Gaoka, observing the tendency to hyperventilate, and viewing the courtyard naka niwa garden, with its ancient pine, of the house I had lived in was in every sense a drug-free Maslowian peak experience without which I could not have finished the writing of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh -- whatever its demerits and merits. This experience did not bring my life full circle; it brought my life to a Klein-bottle reentry, a kire tsuzuki (ikebana's/haiku's Dedekind cut-continuity), and a flowering of meaning (ki clearly not meaning the modern notion of energy), the likes of which never before or since approached by my me. For the first time, and likely only time, I felt I had authentically emotively internalized Zeami's November Steps over the nest of time-like gaps of the ancient Shinto notion of multi-sheeted, internally-higher-dimensioned hyperspace (Shinto ma = the Abelian-quintic Calabi-Yau three-fold of M Theory, the M consciously signifying manifold, subliminally ma? No-mind is not absence of mind, but presence of the multivalue? Levels of Samadhi parsing out according to order-type of m-fold spontaneously appearing to conscious awareness at endogenous ketamine flood of the Lukasiewiczian-quantum brain not contained by the Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean molecular-cellular brain?). Despite having become a gardener, I had not remembered the naka niwa of the house in which I had lived as a child. And it was only after having become a gardener that I had learned that Baum is a German and Jewish surname meaning tree (as in Cabalistic Tree of Life: a concept I had had lavish exposure to, aged 19, under the good offices of a Marjorie Morningstar from Westchester County?). This unknowing, even though my mother's name was née Baumgardner (she, born and raised Evangelical Grace Reformed in Greencastle, and with whom I sat in on first ikebana lessons). Later, while still in Japan on that 1990 visit, and as a result of periodic interactions with Japanese scientists and logicians since a 1977 medical conference held in Kyoto, at good offices of Autogenic Training's Wolfgang Luthe, I was invited to deliver at Tsukuba University the only lecture of my life, a lecture on the Paine-Pensinger model of DNA superconductance (which is derivative of Paine's model of double-helical air parcel trajectories at cascade dynamics in tornadogenesis). There was only one question after the lecture: Why do we need such a theory? That night, I sat up until four in the morning with a Japanese logician, specialized in fuzzy logic, trying to explain why I believe truth-value cannot be the fundament of logic, why Lukasiewicz logics (in spite of the probability-amplitude dissimulation of quantum mechanics) cannot be interpreted ONLY to the real interval 0,1, and what I believe cross-correlation values (i.e., k-values) of time-shifted (think: Zeami time-like gaps) Tadao Kasami nucleotide-pair uh, uh, I mean binary-code sequences (non-periodic) of (non-maximum) length 2N imply with respect to the genetic-code-derived nk fitness landscape, actually 2nk, of complexity theory (Kasami weight distributions not being altogether unrelated to the weighting problem that would be associated with fine-grained tagging of indicators to LETS e-currencies before they were made m-logically-valued and thus reliant upon the Mnk articulation landscape -- not discussed then, of course, but this being another way to approach the derivatives' correlation problem which David X. Li, in special-case terms, approached by means of the Gaussian cupola: Your monodromy or my holonomy? Heh-heh-heh! Not incidentally, while spending the year of 1996 perusing Santa Fe intellectual environs, I was rejected -- despite discussion of my SRA/MACV-J2 experience and of the superconductant DNA model -- for a low-level job at an SFI spin-off with military-service start-up contracts to apply complexity theory to CT applications [the T in µTm meaning tree to some, terror to others, spooking the spooks], because it was judged that my presence would be disruptive.). Though amiable, this Jan-'90 late-night Tsukuba 1T2-dialogue was not a particularly fruitful logical discussion, certainly not µTm-valued. Making complete disclosure, however, I must reveal that a nascent late-'90 Bobby-Batman/Sneak-a-Whole-Salami/Iranian-Masumi-mediated initiative, relative not to the university, but to an element of the Tsukuba development community, failed at point of origin because Paine balked, due largely to the prior bad experience of his close meteorologist associates with Wall Street venture capitalists. But perhaps Paine's assessment was prescient. At a certain point, things stopped being written down, let alone written up, which is not to say nothing was being learned; in my experience, the same thing had earlier happened at SRA/MACV-J2, for much the same reasons. This all transpired 20 years and more before death of Paine, a death which took with it technical understanding not likely ever to be recovered. Whatever! would not the 78-billion dollars have been better spent on studies of the quantum chemistry of the genome and of atmospheric cascade dynamics (see: Trillions for biomass projects fruitless, The Japan Times, 15 February 2011; and Japan Just Wasted $78 Billion On 'Fruitless' Projects To Solve Global Warming, Gus Lubin, Business Insider, 15 February 2011)?
Unbalancing global balances never balanced -- indeed, never balanceable -- is what makes detailed solar <--> terrestrial messaging possible, makes DNA capable of pulse-scanning/questioning and receiving answer-back (autobiotelemetricity) from its RFIDed nesting environments (Oops! dere's another-a-dem artifacts to subject/[physical]object-level of mass projective-identification at collective transference). Figure skaters and ballet dancers surely have at least some inkling. Bee dancers and Gurdieff movements adepts and Mevlevi dervish semazens clearly understand the principles involved in communication between Higher and Lower Orders. Why would the G-20 want to mess with this, corrupt messages? Higher-order quantum-composite reserve currency domain; lower-order vehicle currencies. The multilateral clearing problem is a full-blown n-body problem absolutely unsolvable without help from N. H. Abel, absent quantum-composites in reserve/reference, m-valued variables/functions, m-logically-valued quantum processors (i.e., markets of quantum economies employing m-logically-valued LETS vehicle currencies). And why would anyone wish to destroy message-carrying capacity? Were a way found to induce global balances by identifying authentic indicators as to roots of the n-body problem, absent employment of Lukasiewicz logics, the universe would fall off its own edge. Thankfully, the G-20 has only pretended to have achieved such, in that the indicators they speak of they have no intent to Kasami-weight tag to LLs, Lukasiewiczian LETS (see: 53 Word G-20 Sentence Takes 3 Days To Produce; No One Knows What the Sentence Means; Deft Diplomacy or Deft Idiocy?, MISH, 19 February 2011). G-20, just one more Lie group? Hmmm. Certainly not E8, a 57-variety soup -- not that spun 53 ways. Because E8 is Spin(8) is C1(8), the Clifford Algebra of octonionic fiber bundles, which non-physical-commodity financial derivatives are a psychologically-regressed projection of. Whereas, it takes supersymmetry E8 to get six, i.e., Calabi-Yau three-fold under three-fold operator-time. But their octonions may not be my octonions, for they are constructing a theory such that the probability-amplitude interpretation can be found within it, so a notion of identity can be retained which I know from direct, immediate, ontic experience spread over decades to be only one among many. Yes, Dervish spinors rotating through charge dimensions such that Riemann's epiphany as to charge creation is realized over entrapped topological transforms, making possible physical-commodity-backed LETS e-currencies holomorphically mapped upon fractal-nesting-foams of e-boundaries embedded in quantum-composite Lukasiewicz-Hilbert reserve-currency reference space. Certainly not G(20) global balance indicators. Heh-heh-heh!
And speaking of correlations, correlations leading to coupling and coherence, Scientists find neurons communicate at a distance with electric fields, (Caltech, European Commission CORDIS, 7 February 2011). Quoting:
Every time an electrical impulse races down the branch of a neuron, a tiny electric field surrounds that cell While it has long been recognised that the brain generates weak electrical fields in addition to the electrical activity of firing nerve cells, these fields were considered epiphenomenon -- superfluous side effects What they found was surprising. 'We observed that fields as weak as one millivolt per millimetre robustly alter the firing of individual neurons, and increase the so-called "spike-field coherence" -- the synchronicity with which neurons fire with relationship to the field,' he [Dr. Anastassiou] says.
The resultant ephaptic coupling (see: Ephaptic coupling of cortical neurons, Costas A. Anastassiou, et al., Nature, 16 January 2011) is thought the result of electric field generated by neuronal impules, not due to coherent waves generated by intraneuronal and intra-perineural DNA. Quoting Dr. Anastassiou, et al.:
We found that extracellular fields induced ephaptically mediated changes in the somatic membrane potential that were less than 0.5 mV under subthreshold conditions.
But this is precisely what we attributed to DNA-generated coherent waves. Quoting our paper entitled, Autogenic Discharge: Quantum Biological Considerations, (6th Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Montreal, Canada, August 1981):
These correlated time factors may be instrumental in insuring intracellular functional integration through the action of the DNA-generated coherent waves. We may speculate that the coherent waves exercise a direct bias control over the cell membrane potential and hence, play an indirect timing role in ionic diffusion processes by rate-limiting the flow of free electrons in the membrane's active transport system (20). In the context of the quantum biological principles discussed by H. Fröhlich (17, 18), F. W. Cope (15, 16), and B. Chance (21) it is possible that the coherent waves could stabilize (as in Bose condensation by providing energy exceeding a critical value) some vibratory mode of dipole oscillation of electric waves in the cell which, in turn, would control the variations of membrane potential.
Once, and until recently, the neuronal field was thought superfluous, now it is thought responsible for ephaptic coupling. Further refinements beyond DNA-generated coherent waves may involve answers to the following questions. Which comes first (not which was discovered first)? The cell or the molecules composing it? Which comes first (not which was discovered first)? Molecules or quantum fields? Which encompasses the other? Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean 1T2-valued logic or µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics? Is Schrödinger's wave-function more fully understood with Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean 1T2-valued logic or with µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics?
Has Bernanke made registration that AAA-rated sub-prime came about by bundling bundles of bundles? Certainly he has. Has he understood WHY of the why bundles of bundles were bundled? He certainly has not (see: Bernanke says foreign investors fuelled crisis, Robin Harding, Financial Times, 18 February 2011). Quoting:
Foreign investors' hunger for safe US assets helped to cause the 2007-2009 crisis by encouraging banks to turn risky mortgages into AAA rated bonds, Ben Bernanke, US Federal Reserve chairman, argued in Paris on Friday.
Paris? What was the why of the why? Positive results to the Bell test experiments (spanning the period 1972 until today: the period of Bretton Woods 2) demonstrating that local realism is not real, demonstrating, that is, that quantum correlations are real -- the very correlations David X. Li, for instance, skirted by means of margination and uniformization on his road to reality as a Gaussian cupola. Theater Beneath the Skirt? What could produce a greater shock to the Western psyche than outcome of these experiments, which thoroughly scuttle the foundational assumptions of Western civilization? I personally cannot imagine what that might be. Individual/individualist mathematicians/physicists unable to ignore or grapple with animistic/pagan identity-transparency at heart of Schrödinger wave-function gravitated to WALL Street where a wonderous transgression was engineered: the fiber-bundle arithmetics of Clifford (skew) parallels underlying identity-transparency in (collective and cooperative) material systems were, in compensatory abreaction, regressed -- by the psychological processes of projective-identification at collective transference -- to financial bundling of bundled bundles -- psychologically regressed because this financial bundling was purposefully done in such a fashion as to explicitly preclude incorporation of quantum correlations. Then, the collective-unconscious-mediated compensatory abreaction literally exploded as global contagion set it -- that contagion illustrating the Trickster aspect of archetypal processes, for it is an illustration within the socius of the Bose-Einstein condensation involved in the quantum correlations the financial collective regression specifically skirted (and lifting the skirt on the double-slit experiment would, of course, be an unspeakable breach of social propriety, voyeurism at pandemic of such public breaches being in compensatory abreaction to voyeurism of the Peeping Tom physicists fixated still upon that experiment and their quantum measurements thereof). Can't use quantum-based technologies in a Newtonian macroeconomy without invoking such infantile processes of regression in service to the ego. Returning to a question I posed above in respect to munis: Is the transcendent function with regard to overcoming ills associated with the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system to be found in external dimensions at supra-ordinate scale levels, or in internal dimensions at those scale levels sub-ordinate? Clifford algebras are with respect to internal dimensions, not those external. What sort of legitimacy can be obtained by applying principles of internality to the external? None whatsoever. Consider that we have an illustration of this in what the EU did to the banking system of Germany (see: For Germany's Banks, a Grim Future, Jack Ewing, The New York Times, 16 February 2011). Quoting:
The German banking market is notoriously difficult because commercial banks must compete with the landesbanks, banks typically owned by state governments and local savings banks, and sparkassen, quasi-public thrift institutions that dominate consumer banking.
The landesbanks lost their only clear competitive advantage in 2005 after European regulators banned the government guarantees that had allowed them to raise money cheaply.
Externally-prescriptive explicate hierarchical imposition in midst of an internalization process mediated by implicate infusions of quantum correlations undertaken by increasing recourse to quantum-based technologies. One theme of an updated Doomsday Survey? Centralized German bureaucracy, unlike Lady Godgifu -- god gift -- road in on the back of what? Classy Napoleonic code/bureaucracy: apotheosis of The Black and the White of Voltaire's European Confucianism, Voltaire having been an assiduous student of The Analects (learned about that in Viet Nam trying to understand effects of American ad hoc paste-ons to the French-mandarin GVN bureaucracy). Is endogenous ecstasy -- not the exogenous, synthetic kind -- unconnected to mathematical creativity? Ask the Austrian goddess, Hedy Lamarr.
I'm sorry, but I must offer an improvement upon that lead (see: Cell Phones Increase Brain Activity, Stir Fears, Courtney Hutchison, ABC Good Morning America, 22 February 2011). Quoting:
Fears concerning the possible dangers of prolonged cell use won't go away, despite numerous studies showing [in my opinion, actually, but surely subliminally, designed to show] no conclusive link between cell phones and brain tumors or cancer.
See the originating JAMA article (Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism, Nora D. Volkow, et al., 305:8, 23 February 2011, pp. 743-4) and the Volkow-assisted depotentiating NY Times piece on it (Cellphone Use Tied to Changes in Brain Activity, Tara Parker-Pope, 22 February 2011). It can be noted that the above linked Caltech article and Nature paper describing the experimental study demonstrating ephaptic coupling and that the superfluous neuronal field alters the firing of individual neurons does not provide a micro-biophysics theoretical model of how the neuronal field could regulate cellular membrane potential (and by so doing rate limit, for instance, glucose uptake) absent the extra energy provided by intraneuronal DNA-generated coherent waves. Intraneuronal DNA is not only in the cell nucleus, but also in the mitochondrion, site of the cell's ATP energy factories. Frequency-response windows (immune signifiers) and free-electron-parcel temperature oscillation rates (biological clocks, likely involved in rate-limiting, say, glucose metabolism, as well as very much more) of pi-electron gas core of nuclear neuronal DNA and mitochondrial neuronal DNA may not be the same -- meaning that DNA at the two locations, both very likely involved in neuronal electric field generation and somatic function, may respond differently to non-bond-breaking electron-temperature enhancements induced by NONIONIZING ambient-field fluctuations provided by, say, cell phones (see the 1984 Illustrated Terminology Glossary for 'Autogenic Discharge: Quantum Biological Considerations' for details concerning submolecular immune signifiers and biological clocks). This can be (and could long have been) assessed by studies of helix-coil transition temperatures of DNA (see concluding sections to our paper, A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XV, 1979, pp. 333-341, for the equations describing relation of the relevant variables) at the two locations -- and possibly also by helium-neon gas-discharge laser modulations (see comments made on this website, T11[M], concerning the research of both Peter Gariaev and Luc Montagnier). The study conducted by Volkow, et al., and reported by Courtney Hutchison, of, quoting Hutchison, brain activity in 47 participants when they had cell phones held to their ears in both off and on but muted positions finding that exposure to an in-use cell phone for more than 50 minutes increased brain activity by about 7 percent in the regions closes [sic] to the antenna may most specifically relate to mitochondrial DNA electron temperature enhancements, because, again quoting Hutchison:
Whereas past studies have looked at cerebral blood flow to measure changes in brain activity, this study measured the brain's consumption of glucose -- the fuel of the brain -- in order to measure localized activity near the antenna.
Let it be noted that studies of cerebral blood flow and glucose consumption involve fMRT and PET manipulation (could be magnetic field strength of more than 9 tesla) of the brain's electromagnetic properties (separation of this manipulation from that of the cell phone from that of other components of ambient field fluctuations would be required for full assessment of the import of the study conducted by Volkow, et al.). Neuronal electric field of the brain has long been known, and there have been, in my opinion, many extra-scientific reasons why, with equally long histories, this electric field has been considered superfluous. It should also be noted that two-time Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi's spurned submolecular, electronic theory of cancer is possibly a relevant consideration here (see: Electronic Biology and Cancer: A new theory of cancer, Marcel Dekker, 1976). Very popularity of the ronin/ninja/yippie term free radical as a linguistic displacement promoted (subliminally, of course) to subvert Szent-Györgyi's submolecular perspective, which thoroughly assimilates so-called free radicals, may itself contribute psychosomatically to etiology and pathogenesis (by promoting subclinical neutralization-antagonizing forms of resistance which quench interneuronal Fröhlich coherence; for further details on this, see Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, 1980: while you may think you have a stream of consciousness heh-heh-heh). One must also consider the likelihood that electronic devices could be redesigned to stay out of biologically-active frequency-response windows, which, were our model correct, would be found very thin, indeed, given the superconductant properties of DNA pi-electron gas core. Were that core found not to be superconductant, well Fast forward to 11 March 2011, day of the 9.1 Sendai, Japan earthquake: TSA to retest airport body scanners for radiation, Alison Young and Blake Morrison, USA Today. Quoting:
The Transportation Security Administration announced Friday that it would retest every full-body X-ray scanner that emits ionizing radiation -- 247 machines at 38 airports -- after maintenance records on some of the devices showed radiation levels 10 times higher than expected.
The TSA says that the records reflect math mistakes and that all the machines are safe. Indeed, even the highest readings listed on some of the records -- the numbers that the TSA says were mistakes -- appear to be many times less than what the agency says a person absorbs through one day of natural background radiation.
John A. Wheeler's festschrift was entitled Magic Without Magic. What was the title of Herbert Fröhlich's festschrift? Cooperative Phenomena (H. Haken and M. Wagner, eds., Springer, 1973), with a captivating piece interfacing archetypal subject-(physical)object/level transference dynamics with QED by Fanchon Fröhlich née Aungst -- whereas, on a less fundamental level, Hedy Lamarr had co-composed Frequency-Hopping Torpedo for Player Pianos, a Ballet Méanique presaging Death of Machines orchestrated from above, if not The End of Violence by absolute threat (surreptitious acquisition of DNA fingerprints, vis War and Anti-War, by intelsat; complement to absolute information control achieved through total digitalization and massive internetworking) and Ry Cooder accompaniment. Having studied this book, particularly Fanchon's reflections (tragically, Oriana couldn't be made interested in this, however great the effort), at Cornell soon after it came out, one thing we realized in relation to double-helical feeder bands at energy-momentum cascade in tornadogenesis -- and, by extension, radiation exchange at DNA helix-coil transition, double-helical cometary feeder bands, space-time double-helix, et cetera -- is that when first-order hypertemperature (as read over, for instance, equivalent-potential temperature constant-entropy-surface topological transforms) is understood the spin component of 3-fold (i.e., imaginary, hypercomplex, superhypercomplex: chronotopological transforms on Lukasiewicz-Hilbert reference space occurring at m-valued absolute limiting values of dynamical-variables/universal-constants, that is, requiring µTm-valued logics for wave-effect processing) operator-time, Fröhlich coherence (long-range phase correlation) becomes especially significant to autopoietic and self-organizing processes (those processes not being understood as forced by noise/randomness). Considering the superconductant exchange of hydrothermodynamic properties associated with a limited domain of the atmosphere is it widely understood just how perfect perfect storms are? Why, most fundamentally, did some mathematicians and physicists gravitate to Wall Street when faced with this? Fanchon surely would know answer to that! Check out publication date of Fröhlich festschrift relative to BW monetary-system history and far-from-equilibrium phase-transition over the derivatives markets (i.e., special cases of dedicated 1T2-logical processors). Why, then? Well, uh, uh, in the first instance, scary Bose-Einstein condensation at transference dynamics over the Ph.D. candidate-preceptor relationship -- dynamics which are, by definition, unconscious (even if mediated by glutamatergic back-reaction upon the metric of neuronal fields long-range phase-correlated by good offices of intraneuronal DNA-generated coherent waves quintessentially exemplifying Fröhlich coherence). When Planck's limiting distance -- e.g., re: obtained by psychological projection of minimum permissible distance in {inter}personal space, an application of the Anthropic Principle under self-referential Lukasiewicz calculi of propositions as Magic-Without-Magic pregeometry -- is m-valued under m-valued logics Heh-heh-heh! how deep is the nesting foam, how lengthy the correlation length? Not altogether vegan/pagan, y'see, my good sir, but engaging in a range of phytophagous behaviors well, at least psychologically speaking. Humph! Cooperative phenomena, indeed. Just because it is someone else holding cell phone to ear ten hours per day in Tokyo does not mean immune competency of the person without a cell in Timbuktu is not diminished. At obtainment of the critical Curie state, virulence-versus-competency is, in significant measure, a collective and cooperative phenomenon. Outlawing passive smoking is song-and-dance vaudeville/circus shtick not only because the planet is four-billion-or-so overpopulated by humans. Blowback comes in the many wild automorphisms of principally-polarized (i.e., anima/animus) complex Abelian varieties associated with Klein surfaces of the collective psyche (for context, see: Maria-Louise von Franz, Number and Time: Reflections Leading Toward a Unification of Depth Psychology and Physics, Northwestern U., 1974, keeping in mind that Pauli misdirected Jung/Malus on synchronicity by rejecting his own concept, operator-time, as incompatible with the standard interpretation, rejecting by projective-identification, no doubt, and reflected in the fact that his wife threw away Malus' letters; and The Unconscious as Infinite Sets, I. Matte-Blanco, Duckworth, 1975, keeping in mind that Matte-Blanco's bi-logic was due to his being uninformed about Lukasiewicz, discounting neuronal field, having never heard of intraneuronal DNA-generated coherent waves). If Stone Junction is a work of fiction, FICTION, then it shouldn't be so: at cascade dynamics, twisting isn't good enough, not just twisting but the twisting of imaginary axes of spin and the twisting of the twisting of imaginary axes of spin and the twisting of the twisting of the twisting of imaginary axes of spin: magleving identity-transparent supersolid Diamond Sutra over Tzog-chen AllBase. What form-in-process is not symbolic? Blowback: the incidental, that is, of incidents (e.g., Lockerbie for Vincennes); the policy subset (e.g., termination of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state across the Islamic Crescent by back-reaction upon the metric of U.S. post-WWII oil policy); the Weltanschauung-institutionalization genus, level of verisimilitude varying as to how picturesque the world-picture chosen (e.g., blackpsyche self-propaganda as to how the world-picture perseveres, when maths/science discovery has quenched it, hauntingly returns as self-parody up through the institutionalization, pathologically regressing the corpus of human behaviors that institutionalization is based upon, insuring ); the Weltanschauung-itself order-type (e.g., blackpsyche self-propaganda as to how fundamental maths and scientific principles of a given Weltanschauung persevere with modifications, when, actually, they are simply wrong, insuring, as regards civilization embedded within nature-thus-falsified, that ). Will the globalony gabopoly submit to the twittering commentariat? Can't hardly have a conversation for lack of shared assumptions.
So-so, but what do the Plains of High Heaven signify? Or is it Planes of High Heaven? And what of Amaterasu's cave? No Platonic cave, we are to understand? Does self-birthing (autopoiesis) by three-fold operator-time -- that is, by Ameno-mi-naka-nushi, Kami-musuhi-no-kami, and Takami-musuhi-no-kami -- transpire on the Plains of High Heaven or within Amaterasu's cave? And of what realm are the fiber-bundle arithmetics of the Shinto rope apropos? How was Amaterasu enticed out of Her cave? Ame-no-Uzume's public -- enacted before the thousand gods -- skirt-hiking, licentious dance, wasn't it? Where did this dancer come from? And was it not the infantile trickster, Ebisu, who had the mojo, uh, uh, mujo (impermanence)? Wasn't his very existence a cosmic mistake? Whom, in the modern world, does Ebisu signify, this whom with his fixation upon debt traps and soiled ? O, Oni no Pantsu! Lah-lah-lah. And if mono-no-aware (pathos of things) is with regard to the world of things, what is with respect to the no-thing realm, uh, the no-pan kissa world? Is it iji o haru (unswerving perseverance) coupled to makoto (internal purity)? What does the concealment, so prized in Zeami's Fushi-Kaden (style-flower teachings, particularly as applied to Noh form and practicum), signify, uh, uh, what skirt, what covering space? And is that space composed of the ribbing Planes of High Heaven? What was Ame-no-Uzume exposing by lifting her skirt? What con-no-tations, by second-order metareferential trope, has the exposure proffered by the errant girl riding the Mujo Express with her piercings dangling tiny Gion shoja (bells)? Writing Degree Zero in an Empire of Signs, indeed! Is there not functional transference, as well as that dysfunctional? Life lived as Art/Forming<<->>InForming.
Metaculture as form-in-process is cultures degree zero -- and the reason for demystifying them. So, were a general theory of process to be produced, it would be an account of key implicate m-logically-valued functional prerequisites (universal constants), framework determining conditions (structures of quantum action), and memetimed worldlines (narratives) -- in that order of importance. Derrida/Barthes mistakenly assumed that lexias of transcendental signifiers (universal constants) and/as authors must be single-valued, self-identical -- or did he/he so insist in order to covertly (unconsciously) protect 1T2-logical, materialistic logocentrism? Hedonic intentionality being both writerly and paradoxa, with artificial dialogue and identity-transparent painterly character(s), the original (from mid-1970s, at Cornell) intended explicate form of what became The Moon of Hoa Binh -- not realized at printing for lack of funds -- was both-ends-to-the-middle, with paginated text in nesting foams, thus analogically scripting the reversible (downward/upward) wormholed cascade process. Could an ICU Japanese language and literature major + UC-Berkeley-trained folklore/literature scholar of the day somehow not also have been a semiotician? What do you think happened when she joined the project?
One would think one would not have to state the obvious, e.g., there never is truly functional new ideas found in the mainstream financial world because the making of inordinately disproportionate surplus -- primary objective/attractor governing individual-collective behaviors in that world -- is inherently dysfunctional, intersystemically and synoptically speaking. The degree to which selfish genes and suicide genes and gene assassins biologically service the common interests of the composite genome, and collections thereof, is a function of the memetime window and boundary conditions chosen for reference of evaluation parameters. Restrict either/both enough, and the common interest, howsoever defined, indubitably is served. As regards sociobiology of an economy, the degree to which selfish memes and suicide memes and meme assassins sociobiologically service the common interests of the composite {eco}nomy, and collections thereof, is a function of the memetime window and boundary conditions chosen for reference of evaluation parameters. Restrict either/both enough, and the common interest, howsoever defined, indubitably is served. How common the common interest has become! Expectation that the mainstream financial world could conceivably produce a truly functional new idea has shifted sights to the communitarian, open-source, MoSoSoed, Twittering, full-face-transplanting, telepresent blogsphere -- but even there, in midst of communitas, a commentariat fixated upon current-situation-room pin-board map, immediate changes to OB and POLOB, PI of intelsat-generated images, elint, Radio WallStreet/SquareMile rumor-mill humint, tactical intel, actionable intel, all such efforts being directed toward the making of inordinately disproportionate surplus off the present global crisis, and thus precluding generation of truly functional new ideas. Where is the evidence to contravene this assessment? Certainly not to be found in sexual aspersions of these financial times, aspersions like the Big Japan Short relative to the mound of unpayable debt. Seamy homonymic/non-homonymic, non-synecdochic, quasi-metonymic polysemy by associative contiguity: not a functional expression of transference dynamics, IMHO. Which proposition I submit despite Kripke naming-and-necessity qua possible-world naming of the necessity Lukasiewicz explicitly D&Ded, denied and demonstrated, by formalizing the corpus of corpi of counter-examples (at a 1975, memory serving, Kripke Cornell public lecture misentitled for campus advert as Time and Eternity for Time and Necessity, a hand-wringing K was asked about post-paradigmatic semantic Weltbild -- as later was the The Tao of Physics physicist -- and K's answer was: Uh, uh, I mean, uh ). Well put, I thought. And this, all this, still, approaching 150 years of memetime after Cantor's first proof of the uncountability of the identity-transparent, hologramic reals -- pars pro toto <<->> totum pro parte -- and that proof's derivatives, e.g., Russell's antinomy concerning Cantor's naive set theory, an antinomy only under 1T2-valued logic (Russell wanted mereology to be restricted to hyponymic meronymy, Cantorian holonymy excluded); Gödel incompleteness; Church-Turing Theorem (not generally possible always to find a 1T2-valued answer to a statement crossed into its formalized-language form, despite the finding of which, an astonied Turing, though surely no sufferer of ectomorphic neurasthenia, was subsequently suborned-by-war into physical realization [but not with real reals] of his thought-experiment finite-iteration, 1T2-valued UTM, which thought experiment came 16 years after Lukasiewicz/Post published formalizations of the µTm-valued logics insistently discounted as regards interpretation of Schrödinger wave-function and concrete implementation of Turing's far-from-universal, self-titled, eponymous UTM). UTM was metalepsis of Post's µTm, and, by conversion-disorder displacement, a case of nonostensive/nonequative deferred reference, in this particular case, The maths sandwich <<->> is at table µTm. Dah-lah-Dee! Which is to utter an astigmatism: DlD in factorial. Why all the angel counting? Hang out with The Time-Traveler's Wife? Why not? Travel back and fore in memetime? Sure. And Hollywood is certainly the best vehicle, in no small measure, heh-heh-heh, because a real-numbered objective linear-time is mathematically impossible due to the fact that the real numbers are uncountably nondenumerable, and, by the resultant hologramic part-whole <<->> identity-transparency/non-selfsameness, the supposed objective arrow of time cannot be set-theoretically Dedekind-cut/decomposed (DlD) to instants uniquely markable and, hence, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, only to the collections of holes which are Cantor dust motes of the totally-disconnected Cantor set, selfsameness of any chosen real being an approximation artifact of the 1T2-valued logic order-type alone (DlD functions calculable iff recursive and halting under Boolean, not Lukasiewiczian, logical operations) having been applied to number theory, an artifact which Cantor's proofs (memetime: 1874 and 1891) fractured far more thoroughly than was, by a nice knock-down argument, the Humpty-Dumpty world-egg (in Jung-Pauli synchronicity, HD to Alice, Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass, 1872). Memetime 1874 also produced Cantor's existence proof for transcendental numbers -- numbers related to the trans-algebras firmly established by Abel's Impossibility Theorem of memetime's 1820s -- which include the reals almost everywhere, with finitely many not being where is the Cantor set of objective linear-time fame. Why the enormous hysteria over the Cubist diagonal in run up to WWI? Cantor's diagonal slash argument published in memetime 1891. Last of the truly functional new ideas embraced by the human species without being dissimulated were produced well before onset of WWI, in spite of the fact that Nobel dynamited science in 1895 -- including ideas about reserve currency units, e.g., unembraced F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock (see, for an excellent assessment of the latest nonthoughts on reserve currency, MISH, US Dollar About to Lose Reserve Currency Status -- Fact or Fantasy, 28 February 2011). When I had a letter exchange with him in 1999, Milton Friedman gave the clear impression of not having heard of Lukasiewicz logics or von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock: not my idea of well educated. The avant-garde removal of the signifying terms (for accounts of a special case, that in respect to the plastic and performing arts, see Jack Burnham's The Structure of Art and Calvin Tomkins' The Bride and the Bachelors) imposed by 1T2-valued logic in applications to the full array of human engagements reached critical mass pre-WWI, but, in all the memetime since, all that has been done with The Replacement Killers, i.e., the µTm-valued logics, has been to ponder them by employment of 1T2-valued logic. What am I to do? What am I to do? Quite frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
What did Gödel prove really incomplete, without demonstrable consistency, arithmetic or the logic used to formalize it? A prime number can't even be defined unless logical-value order-types are restricted to that 1T2-only: absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame identity-opaqueness requires Law of Distributed Middle and Law of Non-Contradiction. Yet, in proving arithmetic incompleteness, the primality of the primes employed as empowered factors of the Gödel numbers used to make the demonstration was subverted by that very empowerment, which denies the totally-disconnected state which is the very nature of primeness. Numbering primes by raising to powers discorporates primality by encorporating properties of a higher logical-value order-type than that under which primes are definable; numbering numbered primes, i.e., Gödel numbers, repeats this operation at the next higher logical-value order-type, and, when taken to the nth power and the mth case, not only altogether smudges out primality of primes, but the selfsameness of each, and distinction between them. This is the Cabalistic sense by which each number is infinite. No number can stand alone, not even a prime -- except under 1T2-valued logic alone -- for each number is another number at some logical-value order-type, and each number is every number at logical-value order-type CTC. Gödel never found L's lost manuscript. Why? Because Lukasiewicz got conversion-disorder displaced to Leibniz (sufficient etiology for terminal bulimia?). But G was correct in thinking his proofs had something to do with E-flextime -- although he didn't adequately attend to the clue provided by Pauli operator time. IMHO. Quantum-composite, relative-state, identity-transparency by Fröhlich coherence (Karpenko-functor correlations) over the nesting-foamed logics of number systems (particularly the primes). Animistic-pagan numinosity. Stone Junction offering no dodge (p. 334): that wild carnal edge you would have to cross if you want to get so close together you can't tell each other apart. Numerical supersolidity. Cusping over that Dedekind edge is the endogenous ketamine-flood antidote to the glutamatergic neuronal etching which imprints conscious access to 1T2-logically-valued processing only. But even endogenous ketamine floods have their habituations, such that easiest access, by this route, to the animistic-pagan numinous, falls shortly after onset of puberty (hence, the temporal situ of puberty rites -- and the modernist/post-modernist anti-quantum suppression of teens). Whynever in EverEverLand, photismic eternalism tessellated with {obi}folds of Cantorian-Novikov {kami}pixie dusti? Art imitating falsified science; falsified science imitating dissimulated maths; higher mathematics introjecting pathological Weltanschauung embodied in destructive group meaning-making as evolving Liebenswelt. Impossibility of an objective, real-numbered linear-time does not equate to an eternalism where all the time-steps of evolution, of a given lifeline (phylogeny, ontogeny), co-occur in thermodynamically-dissociated schizophrenic multiverse: that cosmological Grundgestalt is a 1T2-logically-valued-only take upon µTm-valued whatnot.
Stephen Leahy reviews recent evidence of the link between global warming and heavy storms (see: Why Our Weather is Weird 'n Wild and Why it is Getting Worse, 16 February 2011, as reprinted in Viet Nam News, 27 February 2011) in comments upon a just-published Nature paper (see: Human contribution to more-intense precipitation extremes, Seung-Ki Min, et al., to include Francis Zwiers, 16 February 2011, Vol. 470, pp. 378-81). Quoting Leahy:
Extreme precipitation and flooding over the entire northern hemisphere increased between 1951 and 1999 as a result of anthropogenic global warming. That represents a substantial change, Zwiers said, and more than twice the increase projected by climate modeling
This [increase, detailed in intervening paragraphs] suggests that the Earth's climatic system may be more sensitive to small temperature increases than previously believed.
The equivalent black-box statement, drawn from the Nature paper, is:
Changes in extreme precipitation projected by models, and thus the impacts of future changes in extreme precipitation, may be underestimated because models seem to underestimate the observed increase in heavy precipitation with warming
So, may be more sensitive and seem to underestimate: What is inside these black boxes, yet to be unpacked by climate modelers? My suggestion is: the whole of the Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of severe storm genesis (paper concerning which Nature summarily rejected in 1977). What of, for instance, the many forms of electron-temperature enhancement anthropogenically induced since the palindrome rDr (radar) escaped from the RAD Lab, such enhancement altering angular-momentum-cascade processes? Out, out, you demon-transferring-semen! Twice the projected increase? Holy jumpin' Jehosaphat! Does the Lord judge in jumps, in nested cascades of critical-state far-from-equilibrium phase transitions? OMG, but that's The Devil's Staircase! O, oh, if only I could be rid of this infernal saddleback fever! This cursed chronic fatigue syndrome! Palliate, oh, please, palliate. Of course, the real solution -- sure to induce saddle block anesthesia, heh-heh-heh! -- was provided by Dr. Strangelove (see: Small Nuclear War Could Reduce Global Warming for Years, Charles Q. Choi, National Geographic, 22 February 2011): as we all learned long ago, but most especially onetime targets analysts like me, If it gets too complicated, just drop a bomb on it. Not to mention ozone depletion and reduction of population overgrowth (renormalized-out of the models since 1948, cascade-generated, vertically-propagating, acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes punching holes in the tropopause boundary -- and so very much more? -- by way of modulating 03 metabolism). Thing is, Sagan's take on the nuclear winter hypothesis very explicitly never factored in the Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of severe storm genesis, given that Sagan, very far from a dynamical meteorologist, regarded Paine's ideas as, well, not only Off the Beat, but tending to pseudoscience, whereas, for one point among many, it was Paine, not Sagan, who was deeply involved during the late-'60s and early-'70s in one effort at modeling global transport of fallout from the Mururoa Atoll tests. No believer in one-to-one onto/into The Jupiter Effect, I am similarly no believer in the extreme SuperMoon chaos effect -- though chaos there may be. But there are butterfly wing-flap inputs to energy-momentum cascade processes to consider. 2001. What did we get? A space odyssey? Not hardly.
This is the best thing I've read on the currently evolving situation across the Islamic Crescent and beyond (see: MISH, Oil Prices are Double-Edged Sword; Peak Everything?, 1 March 2011): population overgrowth, decreasing per capita oil production, decreasing per capita net energy, spiraling energy prices = spiraling food prices, smart-mobbed regime changes, no effective new ideas with regards to governance or economics or monetary systematics or poverty/population reduction, accelerating continuance of all the aforementioned as well as much not-aforementioned. Another thought-provoking piece on the same subject: Kiss Egypt's Revolution Good-Bye, Richard Eastman, 21st Century Wire, 25 February 2011. I would hasten to point out the utterly obvious, that, as regards the Middle East, this accelerating circumstance was greatly exacerbated by Anglo-American oil policy insistently pursued from the pre-WWI era, with the necessity of ever increasing infusions of violence to keep the policy on track, there being, and having been from get-go, only one possible outcome of that policy. The only one possible outcome assessment was well conceived and frequently voiced (including by me, at JFK Special Warfare Center, in run up to the Six Day War). Anyone subscribing to The Futurist and reading World Watch Institute studies back during the 1970s would have been well informed as to this trend line. Nothing really important was not in the public domain. But, as regards the real fundamentals, IMHO, nothing ever changes: there are no in-principle or basic technical preclusions to solutions of these problems or solution of the whole global problem; but there will be no real solutions/solution, because human-factors are absolute obstructions. What is important is not what people think they think, but what they think they don't think. People will continue to obsess over what they are conscious of: that which is secondary and merely symptomatic; all the while, as what unconsciously governs their behaviors determines outcomes (mostly by teleologies of strange attractors). The main product manufactured under guidance of The Dismal Science has been people/context impoverishment. There is nothing in the nature of Nature which has made this necessary, only in the nature of world-pictures of Nature as being self-identical, selfsame, the same as it/her/his-self.
STING writing: Every breath you take, and every move you make, every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you. Sung by THE POLICE on their album Synchronicity. 1983. What role did 9/11 have in regards to this? GPS tracking of more and more subclasses; omniscient VDO-camcording, thermal imaging; frequent, soon to become continuous, invasive/pathogenic EMF scanning; ever more omnipresent and inescapable glutamatergic neuronal etching, mimetic estrogenation; remote viewing of DNA bond-breaking/making helix-coil transition signature/fingerprint coupled to satellite-assisted drone.nanoswarm targeting; periodic pat-downs/feel-ups; infrequent strip-searches and orifice-probes; every purchase you make; every word you read; every thought you think; every thought you might conceivably think by genetic predisposition; every memory you've got, and may not be allowed to retain. My, how accomplished has been the ACLU. And if 9/11 was no more than an accelerator, what, then, the actual motivator of the [in}forming synchronicity? Some sleuthing Flora Finch? Certainly not by no sheheing Vitagraph at American Mutoscope. Schizogenic, smartmobbing, other-I-am Iambe, V-caming cellphone reflexively sounding out picturing itself to itself unto recursion: fallacy of infinite regress at concentration in self-observation. Resolution of the halting problem at UTM advent meant [meme]Time Must Have a Stop. O, the insane profane! Market reflexivity reifying transfans, you ticklish T-girl, you, you µTmer. Double self-welt n-Times over: autogynephilia qua gynandromorphophilia. Application of Money gender-transposition theory. O, that Surrogate night-watcher, that doppelganger-stalker, that demonic witch-brewer, daisy-chainer, bang-ganger, lap-dancer, pole-performer! That Linux/Lunix binary. That Lambda Calculus Interpreter/Tranny: the 1T2-consistent simply-typed (1940) yielding to the 1T2-inconsistent untyped (1936) with Lisp. Earliest profiling model. 1940 submitting to 1936: well, that's The Time-Traveller's Wife for you! Yes, The [shemale] Scarlet Letter[s], 1934: A for automorph, R for regressive, T for transsexual. The fact there are Americans in America still, speaks volumes -- volumes best not purchased from Amazon. Thas cool, bro' -- ah shucks, swell wi' me, m'mon. Las Vegan, city of sorrow set in Shoots County at the very heart of sprouts country. Ain't no cotton-pickin' God's Little Acre jus' dow'thar nai Tobacco Road, Ol' Man River driftin' by like riffs played out soft'n'easy on a slide t-bone. Get down! whilst Penny's Satchmo Blows Up the World with monophonic melody lines. Flash forward and learn that Boston's thermography division is using aerial and street-level uncooled IR cameras to image homes, whereas it used to be only building inspectors and police search-and-rescue (see: Thermal Cameras Show Too Much?, CBS Boston, 11 April 2011).
I could (no sic) agree more thoroughly with these comments made by MISH on Caroline Baum's Bloomberg article dissing Goldman Sachs and Keynesianism (see: Goldman's Blood-Sucking Leeches Model, Money Multipliers, Macroeconomic Dark Ages, the Taylor Rule, and Nonsense from Trichet, Global Economic Trend Analysis, 3 March 2011). Quoting Baum quoted by MISH:
There are no control studies in economics, no way to hold everything else constant to determine the impact of one variable, no way to falsify conclusions that models spit out
As I said before, we entered the 21st century with macroeconomics still looking for an Age of Enlightenment.
I would suggest that macroeconomics has been in the condition it has been, and is, precisely because it has been trying to find the Age of Enlightenment. One stage by which classical physics transited to New Physics involved Planck's realization during the 1890s that the pretense to hold everything else constant to determine the impact of one variable had been a philosophy-of-science and experimental-methodology conceit apropos of the world picture, not The World. Just as Kandinsky wrote Concerning the Spiritual in Art before painting what was likely the first purely non-objective painting, so Planck wrote a brilliant essay on distinctions between the world picture of physics and The World before coming up with the notion quantum of action -- the foundational principle of quantum mechanics, which is, essentially, a theory of cooperative behaviors. Planck realized it is not necessary to detail the spatial field, or rely on the notion of equilibrium, to make accurate forecasts; rather, what is actually required is description of an elemental oscillator. Bohm called quantum mechanics a theory of clocks within clocks within clocks. In economics, the closest thing to this, but far from fully realized, is Elliot wave theory. Looking Backward: 2000-1887, with Edward Bellamy, and looking further backwards to the Age of Enlightenment, is not the way forward for macroeconomics. I agree with MISH's observation that, The solution of course is to not only get rid of the Taylor rule, but to get rid of the Fed, the ECB, and central bankers around the globe, but believe that the best way to accomplish that is by means of the quantum economies that would be created were nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS implemented.
So, where do you think he actually got the name SuperJew, of which he was most proud? Those arguments on Smoke Bomb Hill -- when I was administratively assigned to Psyops Group detached as an OB intelligence analyst on the Middle East at JFK Special Warfare Center and he had just moved over to Group from Training Group -- in days of run up to the Six Day War. It was a private joke between us that I always misspelled/misspoke his name as {Fried}man, not Freedman. In spite of the political arguments, actually arguments about strategy, we had always been, and remained, the closest of close, since having been members of the same Medics class. In those days, at least, he was an avid geopolitical debater -- as such debate had been a constant refrain across bunks in that old WWII-era hospital in which we all lived while at Dog Lab. Moreover, Friedman was not a poor student, not at Training Group, where Medic training collapsed Med School medicine to the most demanding intellectual challenge experienced in my life. There is no public understanding of this. Friedman was well away from bottom of the class.
Back in the early-'70s, I was classified as a weirded-out Vietnam vet for offhand predictions I sometimes made in private discussions. One such outlandish forecast made then was: A time will come when international travel will be possible only for government officials and the superrich; moreover, there will be internal travel visas in effect for travel within the U.S. That is a forecast that even today seems outlandish, though less so now (see: Dead Nation Walking, Richard Russell, Dow Theory Letters, 1 March 2011). Quoting:
Frankly, it [vagrants all over La Jolla] reminds me of the Great Depression days when, if you were sight-seeing around Southern California, the cops would stop you and ask if you were looking for work. If the answer was yes, they would put you in the back of the squad car, and drive you to the nearest bus station. California did not want out-of-staters looking for work in SoCal territory. I know this because I was here, and I was stopped and interrogated many times.
When I made my forecast during the early-'70s, I did not know of this Depression-era history. My prediction was based on the maths-physics-metaphysics- and technological-forecasting-related conviction that days were numbered on functionality of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm, and on my experience as a political-intelligence analyst in Viet Nam. I knew that the lower echelons of the administrative hierarchy are those least protected as the institutional framework begins to lose functionality, and that emergence of this condition would eventually lead to various phenomena, including emergent patterns of travel restriction.
Okay, how I think about such matters -- think in full awareness I have no access whatsoever to special information, the kind of information required to really know what is to be thought One component in pathogenesis of the next very great war will be warfare against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system: I have been thinking, and, less frequently, saying, this for a long, long memetime. I personally have seen, and continue to see, no valid parallels between the Viet Nam war and the most recent war in Iraq. One place where I have seen what I consider one useful parallel is with regard to that one component in planetarized pathogenesis. The giving of validity/utility to such a parallel requires embrace of generalization of the mathematical notion self-similarity across scale levels -- a generalization by analogical modeling from maths to geopolitical/economic analysis (made with constantly renewed efforts at remembrance of the limitations upon actual utility such generalizations always entail). So, were I asked with sufficient insistence to comment -- within such a belief-system context -- upon the currently evolving situation in the Middle East, I would point to the mass demonstrations leading to the fall of the Diem regime in Viet Nam -- not as a valid parallel, but merely as a useful analogue possibly edifying as regards the highly problematic task of reaching determination as to the stage of evolution of that one component in planetarized pathogenesis.
Whereas, I was once lonely in my outlandish assessments, no longer (see, for example, Scientists try to determine whether life on Earth is quickly heading for extinction, Nadia Drake, San Jose Mercury News, 3 March 2011). These scientists are present-day UC-Berkeley academics, some of the precursors of which knee-jerked the outlandish assessment of my voiced assessments. Live long enough for the Old Guard to die off and well, with China putting half a million surveillance cams in a single city, Chongqing -- or is it Chunkqueuing, given a current forced-draft-urbanization population of 30 million -- indications of rapidly approaching human species die off multiply daily, hourly, by the minute, the second, if not yet by the nanosecond. Democracy -- if it ever existed on planet Earth, which I sincerely doubt, and not being understood by the Financial Times, which, given condition of London, is unconcerned about 500,000 surveillance cams in one city (see: "China: A democracy is built", Geoff Dyer, 7 March 2011; Chongqing being the city most often referred to by Dyer, and no mention ever being made of how many Chinese students were recruited as agents of influence while studying abroad in the days before Tiananmen, and how that recruitment set back possible democratization by decades) -- clearly is not a possible-world logic of the human memetime-future. Putting the onus on local government when the Mutt-and-Jeff routine run between central and peripheral party committees is largely the result of the need to cope with, to use the Japanese term, heh-heh-heh, gaiatsu, foreign pressure. Call the thing by the name of its opposite: who perfected that blackpsyche technique, Mr. Dyer? Munzenberg/Lenin, wasn't it? Hypermegacities -- pop. 30-60 million -- likely are one authentic functional prerequisite to human species self-annihilation -- nature herself (and resource depletion) taking on the role of the Khmer Rouge in the forced-draft deurbanization process. Ah, progress! Leaving the City of Destruction, bogging down in the Slough of Despond, hoping for the help of Help. With -- already! -- 2.4 percent of the human population being bi-polar/manic-depressive, and, in my judgment, that total population incidence rate being very disproportionately concentrated in the extremely small subset constituting the Type-A global leadership elite, with very early onset Alzheimer's having affinity for the same group Well, y'know, I mean, went dat ol' glutamatergically-etched collective brain impairment and da normotic mass psychosis are normative, it's really, really hard ta recognize, uh, uh, well, da right associations what. Laws are codifications/maps of the ways in which culture psychoneuroimmunologically fails to permit spontaneous social order; laws are part of the process by which criminality is. Humanity has imposed upon itself the systems under which it has chosen to live; the Great Mother appears to be in process of exacting a natural price from humanity for having done so throughout His Story. And I once thought likely a ten-percent human survival rate!
That's an interesting issue relative to what one may hope would follow collapse of Bretton Woods III, which I believe we've likely already entered upon subliminally by way of a BIS-initiated slide onto SDRs-with-gold-component as tacit international reserve currency. Global economic cusp is not central bank failures, but multilateral failures associated with failed SDRs as international reserve currency: last step OFF the Devil's Staircase of risk deflection via differentiation/integration-by-derivatives and money center concentration-to-the-macroscale. Too big to fail superhyperoverbanks, central banks, transcentral banks, supertranscentral bank. Once one steps onto percolation theory's Devil's Staircase, one elaborates the structure of the staircase as one climbs it: a dysfunctional sort of EscherForm Dance. A single of the many reasons I advocate an MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) quantum-composite reserve currency domain, without a reserve currency per se, i.e., a Lukasiewicz-Schrödinger wave-effect-processing clearing union (currency fungibility permits this), as a framework determining condition is, in part, to preclude the re-arising of a function like that hypostatized and embodied as the BIS. The BIS was created in 1930 to administer what had been one of the precipitators of the great Weimar hyperinflation, i.e., the Versailles-imposed reparations, and also to oversee the Dawes-Young loans financing the reparations (loans loaning loans raised to the nth power: paradigm demonstration for QE raised to the nth power). This BISing of Germany being an important factor inducing nazification of Germany, and, today, we are again being BISed -- memetime presently, by planetarization. I am a believer -- though no true believer, for not subscribing to the notion that truth-value is the fundament of logic -- in private enterprise, not in privatized central/transcentral banks. Banking should be concentrated at the bottom, and the framework determining conditions of the monetary system employed (largely a matter of how money qua money is conceived, what its properties of identity are taken to be) should automorphically establish monetary/credit autopoiesis and self-organization. Vague terminology, I know, but no need to repeat details here. Properties of the nesting foams of commodity-backed (by locally-chosen commodities) vehicle LETS currencies should not be prescriptively determined, but emerge from below through use: the reserve currency domain is, essentially, the quantum-composite, Everettian relative-state, F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of the totality of LETS vehicle currencies representing chronotopologies of total capital stock, planet Earth (not just Hollywood). Remember, by Max Planck, circa 1895-1900, accurate forecasting does not require detailing of the spatial field; it requires description (in fashioning an economic/monetary system: embodiment) of the elemental oscillator. Just as, without structural impediments there could be no living body, human or otherwise, so there can be no truly integrated macroscopic global economy without locally-emergent structural impediments. Algorithms of issuance, m-valued weightings relative to local indicators, and the like, would all best be set locally on the electronic commons by player-discovered outcomes of the computer-gaming of scenarios, alternative memetimes and beamtimes and minimum times, and so on, with all the multimedia bells and whistles, of course. So, consideration of the role the BIS played in hokai (popping) Japan's baburu keiki (bubble economy) is likely to be instructive as regards imagining what best could replace a failed BWIII. Plug-in to plotting of the pleophagous human pleopods! Just as the BIS piggybacked upon the WWI-induced mess, in trying the clean up the Vietnam-war-induced mess, Volcker in 1984 prefigured creation of Basle Accord I (dealing with capital adequacy requirements standardized for global application without regard to national regulatory/structural differences and imposed by the BIS: Basle I and II being a pair of macro-cognitive socks where one size fits none, 1T2-logic socks knitted by the executive brain because that brain is especially subject to scale-level opacity attendant upon the normotic brain impairment induced at glutamatergic neuronal etching, and also because properties of the impairment must be projected onto the physical world in order to deflect the existential threat the world-as-it-is represents to the thus impaired, cognitive inadequacy being conversion-disorder displaced to capital adequacy, Basle III being an attempt to darn these socks so as to reduce procyclicality, this attempt, itself, yet another conversion-displacement, one relative to the necessity to embody the elemental oscillator) instrumental in popping of the bubble, which is to say, even before the 1985 Plaza Accord created the bubble: sting mounted upon Japan, Inc. Conversion-displacement is pathognomonic of the globalizing pandemic mass psychosis. International convergence by sawed-off shotgun -- be that forced over-correlation-from-above (not quantum-composite, relative-state self-correlation-from-below) with regards to regulatory rule, reserve/leverage prudentiality of pawky Ms. Prudence Pickerel, structural aspects of competitive advantage, culture-bound functional requisites as impediments to free trade (i.e., forced convergence as imposition of open-systems far-from-equilibrium conditions within a macroeconomic framework based upon the assumption of actualizing closed-systems equilibrium, an equilibrium integral to very definition of variables in the econometric behavior equations used to ingenuously justify the forcing of convergence) -- is the macroeconomic equivalent to the forced-draft urbanization which free-fire zones of various sorts enforce, and which eventually give rise to compensatory abreactions like the Cambodian holocaust. Look at the evidence. Is the global economy in equilibrium conditions or far-from-equilibrium conditions? What analogical modeling therefore applies? 19th-century thermodynamics or 20th-century Prigoginean thermodynamics (which isn't even to approach what I have been talking about)? The details are interesting (see, for example: The 1988 Basle Accord -- destroyer of Japan's finance system, David Grover, 6 September 2001 with update 9 September 2008) and it is also interesting to note that a wider understanding has grown up as to the intent and consequences of the Plaza Accord (see, for example: China seeks to learn from mistakes of 1985 Plaza Accord, Japan Times, 9 September 2006). Propagandistic treatments of this history, as well as of so very much more, effectively preclude the very possibility of even imagining an adequate new monetary system.
Why were implications of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes contained by re-scaling/renormalizing the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics at the very same instant of memetime the Containment Policy (containing collective, cooperative, coherent convergence) of Mr. X was adopted? These two accomplished exactly the same thing in their respective fields. Zeitgeist synchronicities are not fruit-loops mapped over archetypal event gradients of collective unconscious by magic hand/finger of God, by God! Christ may have risen under 3-valued logic, but the functionally-dead quantum brain -- not contained by the molecular-cellular brain -- betrayed by glutamatergic neuronal etching at prescriptive enculturation/socialization cannot thus be raised. That's one moral of the story, isn't it? I've never thought bottle-nosed dolphins communicate only in the audio band or that their sonar capabilities are used only for range-finding/sonic-visioning: they speak in pods amongst themselves directly in coherent, DNA-generated Musculpt (linguistically reduced in solmization by tritone slurs, e.g., in Iroha-Fuhou usage), cosmic-genetic code, universal semiosis -- the exact same metalanguage spoken between LSTDs/CDs (limited space-time domains/coherence domains) of Earth's atmosphere, and into which solar-terrestrial/terrestrial-solar interactions are translated (transduced/converted) by both Earth and Sun. Given the low-end states of consciousness habitually occupied by humans, what human would agree to wear in public a biofeedback-equipped holographic SmartDress? Just think of the cognitive em-bare-assed-ment! Soloecismus by yet one more deserted Oenone. Objet trouvé: Crawlford's {pain}terly Joan as eponymous, ruefully rufous, Pierced MildRed. Though this SmartDress influence technology would certainly involve synthetic telepathy by conversion of the shape of acoustically-modified waves into microwaves -- as do atmospheric dynamics by theta-e surface-signature transduction in both downward and upward cascade (understood pretty good by the early-'70s) -- such a dress would not be the techno-expression of psycho-regression at mass projective-identification under subject-(physical)object/level of collective transference which ADS (active denial system) weapons in fact are. Inherently-given psychological functions -- such as those apropos of the quantum brain -- not consciously available -- by, say, consequences of glutamatergic neuronal etching -- are automatically placed in projection in regressed/infantile form (to wit, ADS containment). Robbing/degrading nature in order to service regression-in-service-to-the-collective-ego (collective ego not being: Real-IamthatIamthatIamthatIam as God-the-Solipsist-and-only-closed-system-of-open-systems).
Sir Charles Sherrington. Even on the cellular scale level alone, the neocortex is a hexagonal nesting-foam net: an Enchanted Loom turn-keyed by The World, but suborned from trammeled awareness thereof by Brabantius' varlet janitor. Integrative action (synaesthetic elaborations upon somatosensory body-knowing) over exteroception and interoception and proprioception/kinesthesia, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinctions between these three being derivative of 1T2-logical recursive processessessessess ing. So, is it not a strange fruit-loop that conversion-displacement is pathognomonic of the globalizing pandemic mass psychosis? Monism is a very strange attractor, indeed: all and everything, The World, found in the interval 0,1 alone. Scale-level blindness, among blindness of much else. Even the very notion of scale has to be conversion-disorder displaced: a number stripped of scale reference is called a scalar, not an ascalar -- this case being a defense-of-the-egofunction rationalization similar to that whereby the transfinite is called [in}finite, not even {un}finite. And this low-level psychopathic monistic action of the varlet janitor, i.e., his glutamatergic neuronal etching, subverts highest-level ketaminergic synaesthetic superintegration of exteroception and interoception and proprioception such that direct conscious animistic-pagan awareness of m-logically-valued relative-state identity-transparency is precluded by stripping resonance effects (long-range phase correlations) from the Enchanted Loom (quenching super-states of free-electron-gas amplified radiation-exchange processes). Sherrington, by The Assaying of Brabantius, knew all this, after a fashion, by 1925 (one year before Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function was dissimulated by not being interpreted with m-valued logics, and dissembled by being interpreted to probability amplitudes), even though neurotransmitters were then unknown, and credence of the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain had yet to be established. Planetarized Monism, the governing aspiration of Wilhelmine Germany: Barbara Freifrau von Wilmowski née Krupp, speaking in 1910, likely at Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Bruxelles, gave perhaps the best account. I wrote the following into my personal journal during the mid-'70s at Cornell upon reading William Manchester's The Arms of Krupp (Little, Brown, 1964); this passage was later incorporated into the annotated bibliography to our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh. Quoting (Vol. 2, p. 737):
Of course, one could not expect someone with a name like Manchester to see a connection between quantum relative-state and the pagan animism of the Volk, which even Protestant Christianity could not eradicate, much less British physics. And his characterization of late-Wilhelmine Germany now applies to the whole planet. Quoting: Doom lay dead ahead, yet they did not know it; they behaved as if this Indian summer would last forever. Unquote. The driver of the doom then is the driver of the doom to come: the will to use uniformizing technology to destroy cultural diversity and replace it with a well-ordered cloneable world monoculture. Manchester quoting Krupp heiress, Baroness Barbara von Wilmowski, speaking in 1910: America represents in advance what the world must be like in some future time when, with the annihilation of time and distance through the genius of Zeppelins, Wrights, and Marconis, the world will be fused into one great whole, speaking one language and pursuing but one ideal, the good of humanity. Unquote. Truly, this pathology is America's manifest destiny: to globalize the melting pot as a tossed salad and in so doing insure species extinction. We must realize that the scientific priests have fronted cultural imperialism (i.e., driving us to global monoculture) no less than the religious priests were the forerunners of colonialism.
Is the fused into one the Baroness speaks of the same as the integration of Sherrington, or, especially, the quantal superintegration I refer to? Absolutely not. The degree to which this absolutely not is still, all these years later, not generally understood is a measure of the virulence of the pandemic Monism mass psychosis. Superintegration is a logically and ontologically and memetime-independent prior state (cf: time-independent Schrödinger wave-equation) whereby there are no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct separatenesses needing to be fused into one -- condensed as it is said by physicists dissembling with probability amplitudes. The mind, and ever so much more, Jim Dodge, by psychic ballon, stipulates, is neither either nor or (Stone Junction, p. 403). Wilhelmine Monism prefigured the neo-pagan Catharism informing the nazification process described by Jean Michel Angebert (The Occult and the Third Reich, Macmillan, 1974; which I read at the time, acquired from the downtown Ithaca counter-culture bookshop, so excellent on Oriental and occult as to save on visits to Samuel Weiser's on Broadway in NYC). The Cathars catholic{ized} animism; they did not authentically resurrect the superintegrated identity-transparent state of consciousness (no mere participation mystique) characteristic thereof. N. H. Abel's existence proof of the 1820s for maths transcendental to algebra, conversion-disorder displaced to an Impossibility Theorem, re-constellated animistic-pagan identity-transparency for the European collective unconscious, and the resultant generalized neurogenic shock was popularly registered with a bisexual/androgynous Zwitterakkord (prefiguration of the Dirac wave-packet solutions Schrödinger designated Zwitterbewegung, and which relate to the pi-electron-parcel elemental oscillators of DNA functioning as Zeitgebers), i.e., the 1865 Wagnerian Tristan-Akkord which set in motion death of the well-tempered diatonic key-signature system musicologically modeling the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. That which was constellated and registered was most thoroughly embraced by Germanic peoples who set about the task of establishing functional integration. But, alas, such was not to be: the whole of European civilization back-reacted upon the metric of this constellation-registration-integration, thus suppressing it, hence, regressing it: that which is suppressed and regressed is automatically converted, displaced, and projected. The resultant mass projective-identification at subject-(physical)object/level of collective transference is expressed by means of uses infantile and violent. It was discovered, for instance, that the quickest way to resurrect a faltered war machine is to foster chronic widespread unemployment in conjunction with cartelized oligopolies, financial and otherwise. Epizootiologically speaking, and by way of objurgation, the scut work of insider lending performed with assiduity: I saw, I knew, I did, I got, I eclamptic Mr. Slotcan, a stupe bloviating, a biting midge evading True Justice -- whilst the snitches, the mopes, the scumbags, the hugger-mugger piss-bums This has been a project not only-German, but also Anglo-American. The Tragedy and Hope (Macmillan, 1966) theme therein involved was essayed by Bill Clinton's mentor, Carroll Quigley. I am pretty sure I sat in on some of Quigley's lectures the year before Clinton arrived at Georgetown. As an AU-SIS student, I spent a fair amount of time at Georgetown, where I audited courses and could freely attend lectures by virtue of the rights granted under the Washington Colloquium. But since I do not specifically remember Quigley's lectures, I must not have been too impressed. I didn't read Quigley then, as I was at Special Forces Training Group when his theory of financial-conspiracy theories came out. What is most important about this today, is the lack of understanding of the wide systems application of what transpires at the critical Curie state of a far-from-equilibrium phase transition: the correlation length snaps to infinity, such that processes at normative-homeostatic/resting-reference state, which appear to be decoherently separate, suddenly cuspover to a condition of coherent superintegration. That, anyway, is how it appears to the 1T2-logical, memetime-bound mind employing probability amplitudes. The decoherently separate could be, say, upper atmospheric fields, DNA free-electron-gas-core radiation-exchange processes, frequency-response characteristics of tropospheric aerosols, severe-storm genesis, liquid-core dynamics, volcanic eruptions, plate tectonics -- all subject in one way or another to anthropogenic butterfly-wing flaps of various sorts. But, well, 'scuse me, Dr. Largo Glass, Professor of Cosmogony, Lapis Lazuli University, Flori del Keys, don't worry, be happy, set aside The Anatomy of Anxiety, we're the pattern recognition ape prone to overinterpretation, such that Freudian Uberdeterminerung (overdetermination) becomes equivalent to the Uberbestimmt (overdefined), e.g., mathematically speaking, in regards to Penrose twistor as quantization of temporal curl but lacking this notion of twistor function vis-à-vis theory of manifold chronotopodynamics, holonomy groups and global realizability by conformal parallel Killing spinors on Brinkmann spaces, is mere supercathexis, Bezetzung, possession, inhabitation by personifications of the m-valued Lukasiewicz logics order-types exorcised by M Theory, an exorcism of pagan animism insuring that quantum superintegration can be regarded mere psychological Superinfektion -- the mainstreaming of conspiracy theories -- and contained, thus insuring it has no application at the middle scale levels inhabited by the Silent-Moral Majority. Something like abortion clinics having become reproductive rights centers.
Whilst these days it doesn't seem too likely that the meek shall inherit the Earth, more likely 23-year-old grandmothers, I can offer a simple statement to expert doomdoubters: change one thing -- replace single-valued universal physical constants processed by nature under Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean logic with m-valued universal physical constants processed by nature under Lukasiewicz logics understood without reference to the notion of truth-value -- and ascertain what that does to Heisenberg indeterminacy, and, consequently, to which scale levels quantal superintegration applies. In my very inexpert opinion, this replacement has been independently demonstrated in many specific cases over the past half-century -- not the least of which being with regard to light traveling faster than light, and molecules, even, being in more than one spaceplace at a given instant of memetime. No need to mention Paine-Kaplan model of tornadogenesis and Paine-Pensinger model of radiation exchange at DNA helix-coil transition.
Sendai-Fukushima: for one point, if a small one, yet another post-Katrina paradigm demo with regard to how prescriptively-enculturated hu-hu-hu-mans inevitably will respond in the coming planetary cuspover, i.e., how many U.S.-military helios on locus in Japan? Been in the eastside of Snow Country, has one? In these early hours, many towns not being looked at, let alone reported upon. In the first hour, in the second hour, in the third hour the OIC/OD doesn't have the courage to act, and his CO doesn't have the courage, and his CO doesn't have the courage career risk being the determining factor, a person-failure factor dissembled as institutional constraint and nation-state sovereignty issue. And, of course, all the airmobile/airlift/airdrop -- no IMMEDIATE massive Starlifter/Galaxy effort to get portable power plants to the site, a matter of flight-time hours even from the U.S. mainland? an action directive immediately apparent to me, who was AIT-trained during late-1965 in operation of a huge air-droppable rock crusher, Ft. Leonard Wood -- capabilities in South Korea and Okinawa could not be deployed to disaster relief because of defense considerations. But these considerations themselves constitute an institutional constraint -- of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system -- vis-à-vis a planetary cuspover. And the dedication of enormous human/natural resources to military affairs is itself a huge cause/constraint relative to a planetary cuspover. Nah, why waste the money really solving the plasma-bottle leak problem -- by studying into tornadogenesis, for instance -- and all what is to be understood about relatively-clean controlled nuclear fusion, how nature does it, maybe even does it cold -- what 19th-century thermodynamics would regard cold -- like, for instance, in a tornado, before populating the planet with dreadfully dirty concentrated nuclear sources? Ain't cost effective, y'see, uh, uh, to, well, certain parties. But I would not wish to advocate even fusion power, because I have not seen/heard design criteria incorporating protection against depleted-uranium projectiles and EMP warheads, let alone bunker-buster tactical nukes. Having observed up close collective psychodynamics of targeting in creation of prerequisites to the Cambodian holocaust, I personally entertain no doubt whatsoever that during space-based Planetary War One nuclear power plants will be high-value prime targets on strategic bombing surveys, right along with nuclear-powered warships and superdams. After decades of tree-hugger eco-psycho anti-nuclear activism in Japan, yet another putting paid to the myth that very, very safe, dirty, nuclear/atomic fission power is the global solution to a climate-shift/post-carbon-energy future, planet Earth. At least to those possessing some familiarity with the Japanese anti-nuclear movement beating its head against cognitive concrete containment structures better build than those concealing nuclear reactors. Something I've personally been interested in, having been taken -- during early-1954 (late-1953?) as an eight-year-old, 1954 being the year the first nuclear power plant became operational -- by my bomber-pilot father to view remnants of atomic-bombing ruins. Institutionalized neoConfucianism is clearly no more capable of managing quantum-relativistic technologies than is the cognitively poorly-equipped institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. Media coverage gives every impression that it will be criminally negligent, as it has been for decades with respect to the involved issues. Criminality of governance and industry goes without saying. Crimes against humanity being an under-stigmatization -- against the biosphere being more accurate. Tokyo, long since a microwave oven I'd be leaving not only Japan and the near away, but also, exercising reasonable caution, getting the heck out from under the jet stream, one sort of wave conveyance. Tsunami (middle scale level): in the news of this I've thus far seen and listened to, I've not read/heard the word soliton, a self-driven, autopoietic, solitary wave (such as is involved in DNA helix-coil transition and radiation exchange: quantum scale level) -- let alone an explanation as to how it works. Rather interesting, this lacuna, in regards to collective psychodynamics of the evolving global crisis, one must conclude, particularly relative to the 100-percent certainty of experts that they fully understand the individual and collective health-related biophysics of ionizing/non-ionizing radiation exposure across spectrum of life in the biosphere.
The quantum measurement problem is inextricably wrapped into the anthropic principle issue, which cannot be separated from the self-referential/self-reentrant reflexivities of the m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, which advent of quantum computing is forcing down throats of unwilling physicists committed to probability amplitudes as the only means by which the so-called Laws of Nature can remain understood descriptive of the world, not of the world-picture obtained by prescriptive enculturation neurologically anchored via the glutamatergic etching of the cellular-molecular brain which prevents normative-normotic direct conscious access to m-logically-valued funambulist quantum-brain processing of the world, the world expressing m-valued universal physical constants, from which applications of the anthropic principle -- itself an expression of the subject-(physical)object/level of collective psychological transference -- select single-values, such that world-pictures can be prescriptively enculturated. Scientists who are one National Science Foundation grant away from explicating The Final Theory are particularly well disposed toward ignoring the Cantorian universe of Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types, with their uncountably uncountable number of number-types, each such number-type reflecting upon Laws of Nature, selective attention to which is required for explication of the final theories of given world-pictures. Meanwhile, nature ignores world-pictures and doles out deserved consequences to those, for whatever reasons, overly reliant upon them. A mass of mass clinging behaviors, a collection of collective neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance, all rooted in conversion-disorder displacements in projective-identification at transference, e.g., cosmological-psychological Tikkun ha-Olam of Lurianic Kabbalah (unification of the polar masculine-feminine, contrasexual anima-animus, aspects of godhead: see, for instance, Tikkun ha-Olam: The Restoration of the World) pathognomonically converted to legalistic cant by the ha-Olaming cheap of tablet-carrying moral-agonizers harping over the rejected fuzzy-Kabalistic logic-middle, a middle rejected in being distributed to anarchy-or-tyranny -- Kabalistic undistributed middle being converted to bureaucracies of the nation-state, particularly those of General Attorney, Security Internal, Clandestine National Service, et cetera. Probable cause, or at least probability-as-cause, is plausibly affirmable under the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, whilst the kosher meat of syllogistic implication, if not all possible-worlds of logical necessity, are altogether minced under interpretation by µTm-valued Lukasiewicz-logic order-types. By such conversion-disorder means as this is enculturation/socialization projected to world-picture mistaken for world -- and mistaken-world principles used to develop techno-regimes which anthropogenically subvert the unmistaken world. Anticrime or antimatter as whatmatters? Go look at the human mind! Now you know. Just fergidupoudit? Hmmm. How did cop-out get its name, anyhows? Snockers stuck in scuttlebutt of the UUsual suspects, always listenin' ta squeal. Scram now, you smutz. Incompetent, non-vouchsafing, prevaricating phumpherators!
Japanese disciplined compliance at standing quietly in line awaiting what could possibly, if not easily, become a Pee-you salts-of-the-Earth holocaust -- worst case, in my very-inexpert opinion, being core meltdowns which simultaneously are explosions sending tons and tons of radioactive material, cascaded fission products, up into the jet stream, leaching to groundwater, soil, ocean all around -- while admirable to some, must also be credited with major responsibility for creation of the circumstances within which the Fukushima power plant disaster was made possible: embrace during the 1950s of America's proffered second helping -- Eisenhower Atoms for Peace: I was at Ashiya, AFB, and soon to be taken to view an atomic bombing site -- of nuclear technology (Tokai nuclear power plant construction, with Brit design, begun 1961). Great luck, the Japanese, with location of the Sendai quake -- given wide array of much worse locations available to nature. Take a hint, Flinthead sinsay! Frigid-freaky, collected-clammy, calm-Chaplinesque pantomiming understatement: expert false persona, an academic universal covering surface, hiding the habituation to professional lying endemic to every profession and at etiologic foundation of the gathering collective self-immolation. What did you do at work today, Daddy? Government-industry-media conspiracy to dysinform the public -- and compliance of individuals employed by those institutions with that conspiracy -- can only at very least be construed a crime against humanity. Voiced or not, few will miss reaching, in due course, such a judgment -- whatever the level of preventive ineffectiveness there is to be credited to war crimes tribunals, world courts, and so on, in face of the inducements provided by archetypal collective-unconscious event-gradients. Obverse of the compliance complex is explosive expression of the suppressed-regressed affect-charge: this may well completely transform the Japanese political landscape, as has occurred on several occasions in memetimes past. If there are enough healthy survivors consuming carrots, cucumbers, and kohlrabi, [sue}she, [saw}she/me, [Bee}wah/blood-mussels, all with [irradiated}glitched genes -- they, by ignoring quantum biochemistry, assuring us that glitched genes are broken down in the gut, those they being the same they paying little attention to the enteric nervous system and its various functionalities.
What do I really believe? Well, I almost never say or write such. I will, however, say I think the apparent decision to reserve the quantum properties of DNA for military applications was likely not a good one, and that treatment of Earth's upper atmosphere as an experimental laboratory for space-related-warfare weapons testing may have had unforeseen consequences like the butterfly wing-flapping of normative energy-momentum cascade processes associated with solar-terrestrial interactions, energy-momentum cascades feeding into stress-release phenomena like severe storm genesis, plate tectonics, volcanism, liquid-core dynamics. Recognition of the consequences of such may not early on be possible by statistical analysis of event patterns -- particularly if important variables, like acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, are renormalized out of the models employed, such that the patterns chosen for analysis are the wrong patterns.
I wholly agree with Mike Shedlock's statement Global Crisis in Leadership Nearly Everywhere You Look (MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 16 March 2011), but I would argue that we need another leader/virtuoso/idol/star about as much as we need another hero: zilch. What we need is non-doing sufficient to fulfillment of the prerequisites to systemic autopoiesis. No leadership, no governance, no administration, no management, no regulation is conceivably adequate. And I find the NY Times piece linked by MISH so disgusting as literally to be nausea inducing, given all the U.S. has done to Japan, beginning in the mid-19th century with dreadnaught Susquehanna, some years after Old Ironsides had cannonaded the port of Danang, killing several hundred who refused to trade, i.e., resisted globalization-from-above by sawed-off Ithaca.
But the stress release phenomena -- clearly an anthropomorphism -- are not only with respect to the scale levels of the macroscopic Earth: stress release (think Sakharov strain tensors over a Riemann-surface multi-sheet model of the worldsheet looping the loop by Lukasiewiczian order-types in reflexive propositions of self-referential reentry at quantum measurement) across solar-terrestrial interlock, energy-momentum exchange throughout the solar system, between our sun and center of the Milky Way Galaxy, on and on, à la StarMaker remembering hisheritself at meditative circumambulation-spinor, and to smaller and smaller scales affecting LSTDs/CDs within Earth's atmosphere and particle flux dynamics of magnetic liquid-core. Is there actually, at any given point of memetime a fixed length to the day -- product of 1T2-recursively replicating the notion of temporal point? Absolutely an essential question to ask for anyone interested in tornadogenesis: complex angular momentum inputs to Earth's upper atmosphere fluctuating continuously, where's threshold of the day? Milli, micro, nano, pico, femto, atto, zepto, yocto, uh, uh remains of the day? Planck time: quantization of memetime-itself into-and-onto? Levi chronon (1927, one year after collective decision not to use Lukasiewicz to interpret Schrödinger was taken, and about the memetime Pauli was in process of rejecting his own notion, operator-time, as being incompatible with the standard probability-amplitude interpretation): quantization of systemic time-evolution (within quantized memetime-itself into-and-onto) -- duration of the given chronon varying with boundary conditions of the involved system? Planck time: global thresholding :: Levi chronon: adaptive thresholding. Topologically-active operator-time: hypertwisting, Dedekind cutting, edge detecting, multiply-connecting, color clustering, Musculpting At the Planck scale (Planck time and Planck length), what remains of the distinction -- drawn by employment of Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean-only ratiocination -- between duration and length? Is this distinction real? Is it imaginary? Is it hypercomplex? And if the speed of light in vacuum is m-valued, as it appears to be, and if particles and molecules can be in more than one spaceplace at a given memetime, as they appear to be capable what of the single-valuedness of gravitational constant, gravitational coupling constant, Planck's constant, Compton wavelength, and so on and so on? Indeed, are orders of magnitude simply-identifiable? Are they simply-denotable? Are all 1T2-logically identifiable numbers in some Karpenko-functor-like sense reductive residues of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of Lukasiewicz propositions?
Fukushima Daiichi, whatever ultimate severity level of the meltdown. How optimistic can one be about the human prospect in face of the coming global cuspover? Five or six days later, the U.S. sends two fire trucks, no Starlifters, no Galaxies, no airborne deliverable pumping stations, power plants, field hospitals, tons and tons of MREs. Though there was apparently a small provincial airfield there from French times, when my father arrived in Phan Rang, late 1965, as a USAF supply and materiel trouble-shooter, there were only several miles of conex containers strung out on the beach guarded by a passel of Marines; when he left a year later, 10,000 airman were housed and air cargo exceeding O'hare International was being offloaded. I was recruited to SF by the man most responsible for perfecting HALO onto Okinawa. I know people with 12,000 jumps and understand there are those with five times that number. So I was astounded at how difficult it was to get people into Afghan with briefcases full of 100-dollar bills. Though I only jumped a C-141 once, in 1966, at SF Training Group, we were required -- much laughter accompanying -- to assemble an air-droppable field hospital, even though as SF medics we knew we'd never be called upon to actually do so; no laughter, however, about learning to use airborne deliverable medical laboratories which we knew we would need. Hand offloading boxes of blankets from helicopters, when B-52s can plant a tree in every square foot of square miles. Eventually drones and Eisenhower U-2s, when satellite imaging can resolve a dime lying on the sidewalk, count 03 molecules in the upper atmosphere, monitor anthropogenic hot auroras, human-engineered magnetic mirrors and expanses of electron-temperature enhancements, when airborne ammonia-sensor people-sniffing red haze could count monkeys in trees along the HCM Trail in 1968, when the soldier in the field, the local police officer can heat-signature at quite a distance who is in what room in whatsoever house -- maybe even surreptitiously read their DNA fingerprints from the same distance. Digressing: with the required software, remotely powering up, remotely accessing, remotely using the subject cellphone's microphone as a listening device: now-old technology, an inverse of Hedy Lamarr frequency-hopping-torpedo used from the early-1960s to identify the transmission frequency of a clandestine radio by blasting its superheterodyne tank until it chirps. One of my best friends at Training Group -- his name was not Hot Mike -- was a radio whizz, and his chow-time monologues played a role in evolution of my thought concerning radiation-exchange processes of free-electron-gas-core tank of DNA: transduction of microwaveshapes to coherent soundwaves. Either the U.S. has done these things and it simply isn't being reported by the media, or AMPO rights, responsibilities, reciprocities? No problem violating terms of AMPO early on. From whence the supplies Civil Air Transport pilots flew from Hanoi to Dien Bien Phu? The PI? Not many, if any. That supply effort was mounted on Japanese soil, organized from Ashiya, AFB, kita Kyushu, flown to Hanoi on USAF aircraft -- my father was instrumental in this, I knew some of the pilots, received Tonk presents from them -- yet, an equivalent appropriate effort at disaster relief in the present circumstances cannot, apparently, similarly be mounted. Where will the social structure of attention be focused when actual global cuspover comes? Institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung in collapse mode: the U.S./us and the I/i in the blue zone playing with cobras, seeking total control, trying to saddle the wind. Acting no longer required, only running and jumping. Fighting the cage, not in the cage; contrasexual correspondent to being mastered by the pole, not mastering the pole. Woebegone codswallop, mayhaps, but because thereof, please, please jump not into unwarranted conclusions. An affiant, I am not a notzi! No patrinazi; no feminazi; no bionazi. No antiSemite -- though against legalist tablet-carrying-Moses, secular-and-nonsecular, rabbinical, knee-jerk counterCabala, howsoever conversion-disorder displaced, and of whichever tripartite-fertile-crescent-religion-of-origin, all three clearly having entered upon pre-trib-rapper mode.
With federal government, indeed, any kind of Cartesian-Newtonian governance, increasingly regarded around the globe as a unique form of domestic terrorism -- laugh, if one will, at BurnHe MadOff calling the USG a Ponzi -- and coalitions of governments, even, fomenting, backing, committing military force to this or that side of the rise of this sentiment, thus facilitating the trending to clearance of whole swatches of Earth of even the pretense to governance, incompetent to more incompetent, fulfilling more and more of the prerequisites to Cambodian holocaust of the WholeEarth cinereous to cinereous and Cantor dusti to Cantor dusti I'm not exactly certain under what circumstance anyone else was born, but I found myself postpartum under a social contract hanging there like the blade of a guillotine, a contract the terms of which I had no opportunity to consider, let alone not sign onto, and under weight of tradition twice impressed upon my brain by intrauterine glutamatergic neural network wipeouts, followed by several more such neuronal etchings by puberty, and, being a military brat born on Flag Day, 1945, it did not take me long to realize that human life on Earth is one degree or another of incarceration and intensity at warfare. Umphmen, sporting galligaskins of houndstooth, those military hariana (look it up in American studbooks). My choice, under these circumstances, was to pound on a tin drum, which I have more or less done for the past sixty years. Dweebishness of the plauditing plead. Chivvying pesterer, internally untouchable as a harrying harijan. Ninjo weighs far larger than giri for the cognitive ninja riding hoy on night transport missions along Mekong canals, hotting up for a comeback at forensic pathology and pediatrics of the collective psyche's pollution of public opinion's jury pool, pollution pushing toward instances of mass felo-de-se. Even hors de combat, fellow feeling (felly feeling, one would suppose the feminine counterpart, but no such is denoted, even connoted) is no adequate replacement for contract as social fundament, the empathy involved being exclusionary: females, animals, plants, and so on. My bonsai master ceased cultivating bonsai because high art of bonsai exists only on the induced interface between life and death -- and agent of this inducement, was his judgment, is not the proper role for humanity to assume. Ninjo can be understood a Jungian individuation of elemental, inclusionary, interlaced, plaiting pleach, i.e., the relative-state identity-transparency at foundation of quantum autopoiesis.
If Milton Friedman knew nothing of F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock and m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, then one can bet one's livelihood, indeed, one's life, that the Department of Justice is similarly ill informed. That said, and despite what is to be said below, there is a huge difference between all classes of privately issued currencies, including that of the Federal Reserve, and currencies issued by local governments, howsoever construed, and their nesting foams -- recognition of this difference leading to cognizance of possible actual solutions to the current global financial crisis. In publicly gloating on the jury decision in the case of Bernard von NotHaus, a spokeswoman for the Department stigmatized North Carolinian Liberty dollars as being terroristic (implicitly imputing that the various pro re nata QEs back to that which JFK began in late-1962, and used to militarily generalize the Containment Policy to the Third World, were not and are not and will not be so). Quoting the spokeswoman: Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism (see: Liberty Dollar creator convicted in federal court, Clarke Morrison, Asheville Citizen-Times, 19 March 2011). Call the thing (the thing here being the word legitimate) by the name of its opposite: blackpsyche technique perfected by Munzenberg and Lenin. Of course, Asheville -- like Sedona, Boulder, Santa Fe, Santa Cruz, to name a few -- being what it is, had nothing to do with choice to prosecute. Ithaca, for instance, is seat of a SuperComputing Center -- and so very much more. Ithaca dollars -- one case among many -- in existence for the past couple decades, have not, apparently, been a unique form of terrorism. This have not is very good, for LETS, were they issued by local governments and their nesting foams, are necessary if not sufficient prerequisites to functional integration of the quantum-based IT and communications technologies destroying Cartesian-Newtonian macroeconomics and its monetary systems. Quantum mutates ab illo. But this Ithaca dollars LETS and other LETS were brought up long before explicitly named, if dissembled, QEs of terror-inducing magnitudes -- peu a peu no longer being sufficient -- were used as attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country, that is, supposing one were to suppose this country has had a legitimate currency at any time over the past century. Issuer, de facto, of the currency employed long since not having been the representative government, question of legitimacy/no-legitimacy is and has been [de jure}legitimately up for grabs. The FED Bureau, along with the SS (Secret Service, with dualist/bifurcation protective agency job description: private/public, i.e., privatized FED Reserve currency/public POTUS), got its legs just as the FED Reserve came of age during an era of crime largely created by Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Where did Prohibition come from, anyhows, and what was its actual raison d'état? Since the U.S. Government owns not a stake in the FED Reserve Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omibus? These days, if I am not mistaken, the issues here are addressed serially -- and pollice verso -- on TV sit{drama}com with regards to Atlantic City in His Story (currently most extolled by wo-wo-wo-men aspiring to equally access the privileges and powers accorded by the patrimony). In the macroeconomic world created by accelerated and accelerating infusions of quantum-based technologies, how long is always, how wide is everywhere? Adaptive chronon being most relevant here, not Planck time and/or Planck distance, most relevant, that is, to F. A. von Hayek time-shapes -- without which, and with continuing infusion of quantum-based IT and communications technologies, there will be no livelihoods, then no lives. Legitimacy, like consensus science, apparently comes out of the barrel of a gun. Quand meme? Is that something like memetime? People simply don't understand what they are dealing with -- those least so being present-day quantum physicists, post-consequents of dem what done chose the only interpretation of Schrödinger which changed everything yet allowed them to proceed as if nothing psychologically, socially, politically, economically, and at mid-scales, e.g., Earth's atmosphere, had changed -- a life-threatening choice for you and me, and your children's children's children. Reculer pour mieux sauter and then post obitum being actual facts of the matter. Fine with me if they wish to jump; trouble is, they are pushing everyone else off the cliff before them. But, truth be told -- bite my tongue -- Cambodian holocaust of the WholeEarth is not a memetime future prospect/inevitability; it has for decades been proceeding forthwith, if parlando, with ever increasing efficiency. And now, now beginning before the last U.S. presidential elections, that liberalist power-elites/quackademics and Islamic fundamentalists have reached common cause -- pursue pervasiveness with respect to petropogrom by sawed-off Ithaca and democratization of the intensive exploitation of labor and natural resources, such that Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system dissolves across the Islamic Crescent -- we can expect Edna Ferber writ gigantic, by no means Palin{genesis}: looking to post a new Tripoli Monument, this time on grounds of the USAF Academy. The Americanization of not Emily: metempsychosis. What's happening in the Middle East today may be to space-based Planetary War One what imposition of Manchukuo was to WWII. Instead of Who lost China?, soon it will be asked, Who lost Western Europe?. Déjà vu over and over and over again being one regressed interpretation of Lukasiewicz logical-value order-types. Heh-heh-heh! But be utterly assured that the more battles they win the more thoroughly they insure -- bringing inadequate resources to PREVENTING tragedies like that which is occurring at Fukushima -- universal devastation, to include Zones of Alienation, at their ultimate defeat: back to Abel's Impossibility Theorem (1820s), each war fought has in fact been merely one battle in the inevitable demise of the institutionalization of the post-Renaissance Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung killed by a very small superstring of creative mathematicians and physicists.
Though adumbrations go back to 1953 at FLW's Imperial Hotel, and earlier to my Aunt Jo, significant contributors, 1963-5, were Abdul Aziz Said ruminating on Plato's mode of thought, Elspeth, WW's wife, Rostow explicating the political-franchise analogue Locke developed to Newton's Laws of Motion and core of the Hamilton-Jefferson debates on the national debt, onetime intelligence officer James R. Newman on essence of Gödel's proofs and the nature of number, Newman's wife's reflections upon Jung's association experiments relative to the very idea of number, Dr. Mott speaking on transference between Abelard and Heloise, George Harris providing access to old Asia hands at SORO and to Bernard Fall and his personal library -- though none of them likely would have seen things in the way I have long argued, or have condoned that argument, for I brought my particular childhood history, e.g., induction to animistic identity-transparency by an old Japanese grandmother, to the involved discussions, leading to, for instance, my idiosyncratic understanding of quantum relative-state or, reduced to the terms of utilitarian pragmatism, fonction maintenance réciproque booked as compte de contrepartie. Keeping a personal clear-channel journal, and periodically conducting traffic analysis upon it, I have found, is essential to identifying one's actual antecedents and the features of one's chief impetus.
Expiring minds want suddenly to know. The sort of lavish exposure noted, one has to figure the mo/MO stupid, venal, spineless, narcissistic, obsessed with commodities/objects/things, an existential gamer, myopic One sees only what one is capable of being. While it is so obviously infantile, even imbecilic, to projectively transfer properties of family onto cosmos and, thus, by cultivation of identification, make great religions, it is no less so to carry out analogous transference/projective-identification as foundation-making in scientific paradigm-building. Indeed, over-obvious, just as escapist popular fiction pellucidly metaprograms human biocomputers by capturing the social structure of attention cathexes in eliciting reader-identifying-with-character. Truly staggering, the pathofunctional potency of the self-portrait which is one-hundred years of Hollywood films. Collective self-immolation -- abstract to concrete -- made and remade.
Myriad ways, myriad ways in which infusions of quantum-based technologies force organizational transforms. For instance, with regard to what the CT/CI experts have deemed AQ&A franchising, one forcing function, almost certainly, was that talkin' chatchucker ta chatchucker was no real solution to their problem. One approach to the overcoming of commo-liaison IT vulnerabilities is to cultivate prerequisites to autopoiesis and spin off true independents. Successful accomplishment of this would give processes of self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries a life of their own. Moreover, cellular-networked MoSoSoed smart-mobbing, playing no small role in the Middle East these days, in no way subverts the collective psychological transference dynamics governing mass action in critical-state phase transitions, such as the one we have globally entered upon -- indeed, Mobile Social Software may actually reinforce collective psychological transference dynamics, given that telepresence is one techno-regression of authentic quantum relative-state identity-transparency (these quantum-based technologies being conceived and employed within a Cartesian-Newtonian institutional framework). There are Reaganic conservatives and Clintonite liberals who think the wars in Central America and the Balkans were successful and are over -- and many of each variety seem to have similar optimism regarding the Obamanic Third Barbary War in context of the Arab Spring. Roughneck-gotup Hitler clearly regarded himself a preemptive Humanitarian Interventionist, for he believed himself acting in the human interest. Your Humanitarian loft, or mine? Your energy-security compartment, or mine? Particularly so, as today's Humanitarian Interventionists once were, for the most part, yesterday's manifest-destined, white-man's-burdened, supremacist colonizers creating the framework determining conditions yielding the circumstances bringing forth the crises of today enjoining to Humanitarian Intervention. Biblical economics versus Buddhist economics? Usurious economics versus interest-free economics? God's money? GoDoNoMic$? Fukushima Supreme (colloquially). All of these, and so very much more, simple incidentals of incendiary collapse of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung? This is what has been CHOSEN over, say, progressive implementation of nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS mapped upon fractal e-boundaries.
Are there any new economic concepts to be found in the publicly stated ideas associated with the Soros/INET position (see: prospectus for the upcoming INET new Bretton Woods Conference, Crisis and Renewal: International Political Economy at the Crossroads, April 8-11, 2011 and No alternative to a new world architecture, George Soros, The Japan Times, 8 November 2009) on reformation of the existing global financial architecture and currency system? Yes, IMHO: the idea that markets never mediate actual achievement of equilibrium conditions, that, because of market reflexivities, behaviors of markets always lead to overshooting. How, most fundamentally, by his own account, did Soros arrive at this revision of classical economic theory? While a student of Karl Popper's thought, Soros considered the liars paradox (e.g., This statement is false) and similar self-referential propositions. Based upon this consideration, Soros arrived at the conclusion that there are fundamental unknowables, of a self-referential nature (not incidentally, Popper was later to become a president of the Aristotelian Society), which market mechanisms inherently cannot adequately process, mechanisms responsible for overshooting (prices, for instance, require the notion of equilibrium for statement of their econometric relationships to other economic variables -- relationships which cannot actually be well-established due to the influence of reflexivities upon the market-making of prices; indeed, econometrically speaking, the very idea of price-itself cannot even be well-defined absent the notion of equilibrium). Soros' subsequent experience as a market actor reinforced to him veracity of this theoretical judgment. Since markets, therefore, are inherently incapable of achieving the self-organization attributed to them by market fundamentalists, economic processes, Soros concludes, need much more regulation than has heretofore been accorded them within/by the prevailing financial architecture and currency system. Hence, the Soros/INET agenda to beef up the transnational financial regulatory framework so as to countervail market reflexivities, and to reconstitute IMF Special Drawing Rights to some facsimile of an international reserve currency so as to minimize global imbalances. The fundamental impetus to reformation, in my judgment, involves a new idea, but the reformations proposed, as I understand them, do not involve any new ideas -- merely elaboration of the old (to wit, quoting Soros: How a new twist on an old idea [see: The People's Sovereignty: How a new twist on an old idea can protect the world's most vulnerable populations, George Soros, Foreign Policy, 1 January 2004]). Even before Soros' new Bretton Woods Conference has transpired, opposition has arisen, largely on the basis of considerations related to national self-interest, which, itself, it could be argued, exhibits properties of self-reference underlying reflexive behaviors (see: Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy, Dan Gainor, Business and Media Institute Advancing the Culture of Free Enterprise in America, 23 March 2011: notice that the notion, America, is here inflated to planetary collective ego-sphere). But I do not wish to address the involved issues on that level of concern, for authentic new ideas about reformation will not come out of that level of consideration. Back to the level upon which the new idea impelling Soros was originally arrived at. The classical notion of market equilibrium arose by analogical modes of thought with respect to Newton's Laws of Motion, i.e., most basically, the summation of forces and its resultant, and the Ideal Gas Law of statistical dynamics (see, for instance: Equilibrium Compositions in an Ideal Reacting Gas Mixture, MIT lecture, W. Craig Carter, 25 October 2002). A specific price is analogous to a specific numerical value of a Newtonian force associated with dynamics of a material entity in a system of such entities. During the 19th century, it became well understood that the prices of individual gas molecules could not be well-determined. Then, early in the 20th century, at the atomic and subatomic scale levels, the world-picture became even more complex, leading to Schrödinger's wave equation incorporating his wave-function. Whereas the variables in Newton's Laws of Motion and the Ideal Gas Law were understood single-valued (and where found not so, renormalized), those associated with Schrödinger's wave-function were explicitly m-valued. How to interpret the meaning of this fundamental change in the world-picture became a conundrum. One approach to that was formulated by Karl Popper, i.e., the propensity theory of probability, where within the Law of Large Numbers (something of a generalization of Newton's notion of a limit in the differential/integral -- downward-upward cascade -- calculus; contradicting Hawking, acoustic analogues to blackhole computing, within Earth's atmosphere, lurked in the Newton-Leibniz debate, even if Leibniz's lost manuscript, sought by Gödel, has never been found) appeared to allow the m-valued variables associated with Schrödinger's wave-function to be viewed as being actually single-valued, thus, in a certain sense, restoring utility of the notion of equilibrium at the atomic and subatomic scales. So, when Soros, while studying Popper's writings, reached the inherent-unknowability conclusion upon his consideration of self-referential propositions, he was in fact, knowingly or unknowingly, rebelling against the perspective Popper advocated. This was all the more the case because another approach to the conundrum Popper addressed with his theory of propensities involved attempts to apply non-classical 3-valued logic to interpretation of the meaning of the m-valued variables associated with Schrödinger's wave-function. But these issues are not quite so clean as that statement implies. Soros did not comply with only one aspect of Popper's thought. Not so incidentally, 3-valued logic very explicitly has nothing to do with the 3-world theory of mind-brain advocated by Popper and neurophysiologist Sir John Eccles in their book The Self and Its Brain, Springer-Verlag, 1977 (see, for interesting commentary: Popper's Three World Theory of Mind-Brain Relationship, Kenneth Augustyn, Machine Vision and Applications, 1989, 2:249-50). Indeed, in my very inexpert judgment, this Leib-Seele theory, in conjunction with the propensity theory of probabilities, was purpose-built precisely to discount the quantum level of brain function, and the involved self-referential Lukasiewicz logics. This aspect of Popper's thought, Soros complied with. Having thus reached an inherent-unknowability conclusion, Soros barred himself from seeking a deeper understanding of the m-valued prices associated with Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. It has long been my contention that consideration of unmitigated m-valued prices is the real route to authentic New Economic Thinking. This abstruse is not way out there, it's the only way out -- but the use by date is hard to read.
Scat singing? Cellphony uberthinky? Self-reference is a trick-mirror topic all ways, always -- particularly so for geezer/geezerette mind in the Usakistan region of The Automatic Earth through which the trustafarian normosis has long since pandemically swept. Endemic systemic insider trading is white self-interest blackly acted out: an exponentiated retrograde inversion not at issue as regards propalogical topologies. White psyche versus black psyche is obviously a black-or-white issue, but this does not mean that the basic shape of black self-propaganda is topologically equivalent to straight-forward white propaganda. White agitprop is consciously conscious; black, consciously unconscious; black self-psyche, unconsciously unconscious. Talking their book is white; the spreading of disinformation, black. Fanning identification with 1T2-valued implicative logical necessities of inappropriate framework determining axioms, postulates, and tacit assumptions is black self-propaganda (what John C. Lilly, M.D., called self-metaprogramming and Heinz von Foerster understood the magical aspect of second-order cybernetics, i.e., the cybernetics of cybernetic understanding of understanding in self-observing systems). In thinking of pregeometry as calculus of propositions and of the self-reentrant self-referential anthropic principle, John A. Wheeler regarded this magical aspect as being Magic Without Magic. The involved unconsciously-unconscious status of black self-psyche might appear to lend credence to the Soros thesis that self-reference connotes inherent unknowables, but this is the case only insofar as the set of classes of logic-gates employed is restricted to the 1T2-valued order-type alone. Transfinite -- not [in}finite -- regress of reflexivities at quantum measurement (a form of self-observation, insofar as All-That-Is is holographic, the part, by Everettian relative-state identity-transparency, containing all the information of the whole, if a bit fuzzy so long as the Lukasiewicz logics of pregeometry are interpreted solely to the real interval 0,1): fact of the matter, no imputation of fallacy involved under those µTm-valued order-types nesting that 1T2-valued (because the logic-laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction -- BOTH -- inhere/adhere only to 1T2ness). Why the word Holocene chosen to designate the present geological epoch? Was this choosing yet another example of compensatory abreactive extrojection, holo being largely absent from consciousness of the foremost biomass exemplars of the epoch so named?
Fear of nukes, we are told by Forbes op/ed piece, is due to illiteracy [see: Nuclear Fears Due to Math, Science Illiteracy, RealClearScience reposting, 25 March 2011, of the original article: In Japan, Let's Stop Sweating The Small (Nuclear) Stuff, Patrick Michaels, 24 March]. An exemplary RealClearCase, it seems to me, illustrating media culpability as earlier mentioned.
Quite apart from threats mounted by nature and terrorists. Was there any existential threat to the U.S. at the time it used the atomic bombs on Japan? Was there any longer a serious existential threat to the U.K. at the time Bomber Command initiated area/incendiary bombing against German cities? No, in both cases. What does that tell us about the collective psychological behaviors involved in conceiving and implementing targeting strategies? How will those collective psychological behaviors play out under conditions of actual existential threat? How safe, therefore, should existence of nuclear power plants of any sort be considered? The deeper humanity taps into nature, the greater the price to be paid for misuse. Nonlocal -- relative to both representation space and memetime -- consequences of blowing up fossil-fueled power plants are significant, but minimal. This is not the case with nuclear power plants. And were zero-point energy ever to be tapped, this would be even much more not the case. So, while nuclear power industry public relations clean up, post-Fukushima Supreme, involves attacks upon Japanese scientific/engineering/governmental competency by explicit/implicit comparison to those Western (see: Nuclear Rules in Japan Relied on Old Science, Norimitsu Onishi and James Glanz, NY Times, 26 March 2011), we should be asking how much are state-of-the-art Earth sciences at America's and Europe's universities supreme -- given the near-universal commitment at such universities to the notion of a classical limit, with all the largely-tacit assumptions, axioms, and postulates that notion involves -- reliant upon Old Science? Classical limit: dead wrong, deader than dead -- because of the consignment made to their progeny, by those so hypothesizing. If real angels always wear red, then Faust dresses himself in puffs of black smoke. Per the earlier discussion of self-reference, it should be observed that nature -- post-advent of far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics -- is now consensually (multiverse, Everettian or not, not yet consensus) understood the set of all collections of open systems of the one-and-only closed system (not including itself, because such inclusion invokes Lukasiewicz order-types of self-referential propositions, the avoidance of consequences of which was a prime motivator of the anti-nuclear activist, Bertrand Russell, who must, therefore, according to Forbes, be considered to have been a victim of Math, Science Illiteracy -- Atoms for Peace and Atoms for War, according to rules of quantum mechanics, e.g., Bose condensation, principles demonstrated by the Aspect experiments, et cetera, not being altogether separable, simply-identifiable). As if this closed-as-collection-of-the-open were not bad enough relative to nuclear-power-safety/containment issues, very existence of even one closed system as nature is currently under likely-fatal challenge, for very Not-Old Science from at least the 1960s has involved awareness of the high likelihood that open systems are not the same as self-reentrant systems, and very-very Not-Old Science has involved awareness of the high likelihood that self-reentrant systems are not the same as hypertwisted, non-orientable, self-reentrant systems -- these latter two classes of collections of sets of the set of all sets of systems constituting nature, nature very likely including itself, necessarily involving m-valued universal physical constants processed by nature under m-valued Lukasiewicz order-types of self-referential propositions (not understood by interpretive restriction to the real interval 0,1 and the notion that truth-value is the fundamental fundament of logic). And -- and this is a very big and -- one of my posted theses, ever since the late-1960s (at Targets Branch, Combined Intelligence Center, Viet Nam), has been that conversion-disorder displaced normal-consensus Maths-Science F&L (fear and loathing) of the very Not-Old and the very-very Not-Old is, and long has been, a potent prime factor of the collective psychological behaviors involved in conceiving and implementing targeting strategies. Not just strange attractor, strange fatal attractor beloved by you know whom.
Madonna's is yet another, in principle if not scale, RealClearCase (see: Madonna's Malawi school scrapped after directors squander millions, Tristan Stewart-Robinson, The Scotsman, 26 March 2011) as to how, among those-most-prized oligarch servants of the prevailing normative (i.e., see the classic: Clan, Caste, and Club by F. L. K. Hsu, which I read in 1963 at AU-SIS) kinshipped and flying-geesed, legalized-criminal pathology, thems what be havin' enormously disproportionate discretionary resources, and also so inclined, being, basically, Gemutlichkeit -- a very, very small subset of a very small set, primos of a 1000 families owning 50% of global wealth, and likely controlling 90+%, as implied by the UN and Forbes (see, for an interesting assessment: Billionaires Flourish, Inequities Deepen as Economies 'Recover', James Petras, Rebel News, 24 March 2011) -- haven't the foggiest notion how, strategically, to deploy them resources: i.e., ta doin' what only private discretionary resources could possibly do. Not even them what be havin' huge foundation staffs. Promoting bad guvment, that's their thing. Doin' what guvment should do, but don't, only reinforces the not-be-doin' and underwrites the prevailing pathology from which the discretionary resources are derived -- but, mebbe, consciously or no, that's the whole point. Admittedly, though, this Madonna case, even in principle, is not hardly on a par with Japan having more or less admitted to having wasted $78 billion on 'fruitless' projects to solve global warming just before onset of the Fukushima Supreme radiation-release-to-the-atmosphere/ocean/soil tragedy. Governance must to be concentrated to the national/transnational scale levels, just as the monies generated by local economic multipliers must be percolated through money centers to be concentrated at the macroscale -- if efficient pillaging by poorly-structured and centralized multiple-bank credit expansion, currency privatization, fiatization, QEing, SOE privatization, usury, extreme leverage, superprofit, tax fraud, guvment-as-Ponzi, and so on, is to be sustainable, even as a 10% expectation value for human survival rate at cuspover becomes less and less sustainable, falls off. The greater the success of efforts -- military and otherwise -- to protect a system/Weltanschauung conceptually dead since the 1820s, the lower that expectation value becomes.
Again, I CAN agree more with Mike Shedlock (see: Misguided Views of Libertarian Economics and the Alternative 'Regulation' Model, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 28 March 2011), when he says:
The Libertarian model does not end all regulation. Indeed the basis of the Libertarian economic model is that we need to protect private property, prevent fraud, protect human rights, and give everyone an equal chance under the law.
Well-informed anarcho-capitalism would implement MISH's Libertarian regulation by analogically modeling, in market structure and very notion of currency, current understanding of self-organizing processes in nature, i.e., unfettered quantum-relativity model of autopoiesis, such that the loci of such regulation is shifted to appropriate scales, and commodity-backed LETS-vehicle currencies incorporate m-valued information (prices) fine-grain tagged to externalities, in large measure responsible for economic cycles, by means of Musculpted, locally-computer-gamed, multiple-scenarios strategic projections mapped over fractally-decomposable MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) as reserve-currency domain.
Seems to me rather strange, my me being highly inexpert, that accurate readings of the composition of remote galaxies can be made, all the whilst distinction between 10 million and 100,000 cannot be accurately made relative to Fukushima Suuuuuupreme. To what uses are remote sensings being put? And why so?
The IDEA that wars always have politico-economic objectives may not survive much longer. Long since has that proposition been modified to good wars, and now to humanitarian wars. And in that ideational context, popular answer to the question, How, in a good-humanitarian war, can all the battles be won and yet the war be lost? has been: deployment of inadequate force on a timely basis, and failure of collective will. The real answer, however, as to how all battles can be won and still the war be lost, is that organizational phase transitions were lost as all battles were won -- those phase transitions having been promulgated by reflexive processes (reductively pigeon-holed as blowback) of self-organization across phase boundaries both space-like and time-like. These reflexive processes are those Soros has deemed indicative of inherent unknowables. Realists focused upon concrete variables like contending force-structure pyramids, economic metabolisms of the contending population corpi, air power and sea power and cybernetic power, kill ratios and leadership eliminations, hearts and minds, geopolitical concepts like heartland and end-runs, the arming of resistance forces, the disarming of insurgent forces -- in wars where the balance of capabilities is not restricted to the balance of forces -- do not think abstractly enough to become aware of the role played by inherent unknowables like reflexive processes of self-organization. These processes are not promulgated by leaderships or conscious awareness of collectivities -- hearts and minds -- but by, largely unconscious, collective and cooperative behaviors of the systems employed. These behaviors are not properties of simply-identifiable individuals or their interactional dynamics. Even were membership of AQ&A completely eliminated, the self-organizational dynamics set in motion would continue of their own accord. In the period since the U.S. fell for the 9/11 sting by invading Afghanistan, AQ&A has not needed to create circumstances within which processes of reflexive self-organization could again promulgate systemic phase transition; the U.S. and coalitions of the willing have done that for them: invasion of Iraq, the Arab Spring. Were I of AQ&A, I'd be keeping my mouth shut, too. Fast forward a few days, and, of course, AQ&A speaks out in support of the common cause: Arab revolts a boost for al-Qaeda says terrorist leader, The Telegraph, 31 March 2011. Fast forward again, and we have Niall Ferguson telling us (see: The Mash of Civilizations: Social networks might promote democracy, but they also empower the enemies of freedom, Newsweek, 10 April 2011):
The clash of civilizations would have been easy for the West to win if it had simply pitted the ideas and institutions of the 21st century against those of the seventh. No such luck.
What institutions of the 21st century? Where is institutionalization of post-quantum-relativity Weltanschauung? We got none! Only bankrupt and long metaphysically dead institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. Moreover, Ferguson's account of the effects of MoSoSo is all surface structure: the real-important effect being facilitation of regression-in-service-to-the-collective-ego by conversion-disorder displacements at mass projective-identification upon subject-(physical)object/level of collective transference (as regards MoSoSo, for one, quantum relative-state identity-transparency conversion-displaced to regressive techno-whizz telepresence).
It's nice that Der Spiegel in context of Fukushima has published an article on Hanford which mentions the December 1949 intentional release, in some ways worse than Chernobyl (see: Hanford Nuclear Waste Still Poses Serious Risks, Marc Pitzke, 24 March 2011). One can still find Hanford nuclear engineers who will tell you that nuclear power is very, very safe. Ask such engineers about the intentional release, and one can hear, Well, that was the beginning of the McCarthy era, you know. I've always thought that how easily the American populace assimilated public revelation of the intentional Hanford release as providing one of the best reads on mentality of that populace -- and likely something of a prefiguration.
No. What needs to be fully assimilated relative to coming cuspover, planet Earth, cuspover affecting the spectrum of what is studied in the Earth sciences, is that, in far-from-equilibrium phase-shifts, the correlation-length does not progressively expand in linear fashion: transit to infinity is a snapover. Look at the many classes of onset-of-coherency cases -- very much not like the temperature continuously rising to the turbulent boiling point where steam is produced -- in which this has been demonstrated. Generation of solitons, uh, uh, tsunami, is an example, where, at the critical Curie state, a self-driving, localized FORM, say an envelope soliton in water waves involving the m-valued non-linear Schrödinger equation properly interpreted with m-valued Lukasiewicz logics as well as involving Victor P. Star's generally but mistakenly poo-pooed hydrodynamical 'analogy' to E = mc2 -- discounting for purposes of this discussion: rogue waves, freak waves, Q-balls, bions, Ebions, peakons, compactons -- with identity-transparency snaps into existence, identity-transparency in the sense that solitons pass through solitons without energy loss and unchanged except by phase-relation, phase having both spatial and temporal properties. So, in far more than merely a metaphorical sense, at Fukushima Daiichi, a technology unstably coupling 20th-century atomic/sub-atomic quantum-relativistic self-organized criticality to turbulent-steamy 19th-century molecular thermodynamics was overwhelmed (thus releasing fission product affecting solitons in DNA and proteins: collective motions at the molecular and submolecular levels) by a reflexive, self-driven, self-reinforcing FORM -- product of what Soros regards inherent unknowables -- snapped into existence by seismic seizure of tectonic plates in a very real sense electromagnetically levitating upon fluctuating fluxes of Earth's liquid core, a core which is affected by injections of complex angular momentum carried by the solar wind and cascaded from Earth's upper atmosphere into Earth's crustal dynamics by processes requiring imaginary- and hyperimaginary-time (no renormalization of divergent loop integrals of unconstrained momenta of quartic self-interactions, not to mention those quintic, thus permitting collective states like the LSTD/CD domain walls established at tornadogenesis: think cold, think zero-point) to describe, cascade processes -- releasing acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes renormalized out of the consensus models -- which have been subject to an array of anthropogenic modulations. Eibisu -- having forgot that what became known as a soliton took on international usage of the Japanese-named tsunami for a reason -- built half-a-hundred nuclear power plants in zones alienated by quakes and tsunami. Under such circumstances, just as they were getting used to the idea that there is, indeed, life after economic growth, that the shibui object, concrete and abstract, can be found alive and well even in the city, as can gei, if one only practices shibushi and looks for them, would the Japanese be wise to submit to yet another sting (see: Japan Urged to 'Seize This Moment' or Face Another Lost Decade, Christopher Anstey and Mayumi Otsuma, Bloomberg, 31 March 2011): continue using their savings to underwrite (by ownership of U.S. Treasuries) American borrowing by not returning their money to quake/tsunami/fission-product damaged Japan, a not-returning to be made possible by accepting American advice to greatly magnify the degree to which Japan has, under gaiatsu, heretofore bought into Keynesian-monetarist modes of behavior?
Insistence upon the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct (see: Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen, Hubert Benoit, Weiser, 1973). Any proposition, principle, altered state contrary to this insistence is personified as evil incarnate, as the Devil. Rejected, banished, cast away, scapegoated: Azazeal, for absolute removal. Why? Because of the absence of {absolute}truth-value, and the resultant inability to absolutely distinguish between God and His Creation, subject and object, self and other, man and nature, leader and follower, good and evil. Unknower-skirting-heresy in The Cloude of Unknowyng : knower of bare reality: deemed a cosmic exile (when actually having self-removed only from prescriptively enculturated/socialized, glutamatergic neuronal etching and neural DNA/polypeptide-soliton quenching). Baal Davar. Grigori, the Watcher who was removed from Heaven. How? At concentration in self-observation, the Watcher inevitably is caught upon the [in}finite regress of I-nesses incumbent upon animistic-pagan-quantum relative-state identity-transparency: my body, myself, the self observing myself, the self observing the self observing myself. . . unto Cantor dust of the no-self/no-mind-Satori. Part-whole/whole-part hologramic identity-transparency (especially as regards the Musculpting neural holograms ontically accessed at self-observation). Reviled ha-Satanic reflexive self-referential reentry: the supposed Sorosian inherently unknowable. Asmodaic reflexive self-observation, by post-structuralists deemed nothing but retroflexion (this deeming neglecting variance in baud-rates of consciousness and the chronotopological effects thereof upon Einstein's flextime). The projective-identification at collective transference yielding I am that I am going up in smoke. It is with the third term of the regress that all the demonic trouble begins: the self observing myself. Three times mentioned Azazeal carries a three-pronged pitchfork. It is with the 3-valued-logic order-type that the absolute value of truth-value evaporates, that absolute primality of the primes dissolves, because the 1T2-valued-logic laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction are violated even at that low-order logic. How many pagan goddesses were the Satanic Verses addressed to? Three. What signified Satan for the medieval mind entrained to monotonic-melody-lined parallel organum in plainsong chant? The Tritone, signifier of utmost evil. Kind of a strange loop that the Fertile Crescent Religion should have been tripartite: that's archetypally-mediated collective unconscious compensatory abreaction for you! What chance was there that Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function would be correctly interpreted by use of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics? Using 1T2-valued-logic alone to inappropriately build its built-environment (see, for example: Ancient stone markers warned of tsunamis, Associated Press, 6 April 2011: Mankind in Amnesia, little persistence of collective memory, not even to speak of institutional memory), to establish its energy taps upon nature (the new Apple illicitly eaten being nuclear power), is it any wonder that the human binary-mind should regard with hysteria µTm-valued Tornadoes and Tsunamis? And what is the chance that the binary-mind will organize survival through cuspover of what it has humanistically-anthropogenically engineered?
Sendai quaketime: 2:46 JST the afternoon of 11 March. Only now, on April Fools Day, do we hear of impending use of mega-transport planes, an Antonov 225 (see: SRS pump will head to Japan, Rob Pavey, The Augusta Chronicle). One might do well to remember that when the cooling apparatus (liquid helium, liquid nitrogen) of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) machines are quaked, even they can explode (see, for instance: MRI explosion in Atlanta, Reference Scan: Magnetic Resonance Imaging news , 15 February 2007). Rather astounding the array of primitive technologies being used in the attempt to regain control of Fukushima Daiichi's quantum-relativistic techno-core: an archetypal-quintessential portrait of the prevailing larger human condition.
I believe that the last really big opportunity the human species has had was cast aside, designated for absolute removal, when the public rioted on 29 May 1913 at the first performance of Stravinsky's Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring). A year and a month later, Europe committed suicide in initiating the sort of rite it prefers. By the end of the war, with Historie du soldat (A Soldier's Tale), Stravinsky was making a deal with the Devil -- exchanging his violin for a book of economics -- and preparing his shift to Neoclassicism, thus, three years before Lukasiewicz and Post published their breakaway papers in logic, Stravinsky signified the end to the Avant-garde's attempt to functionally integrate (psychologically, socially, and politically) all that had been discovered in the period following Abel's Impossibility theorem of the 1820s. The synaesthetic Musculpt, needed to notate m-logically-valued propositions, that, most notably, Kandinsky, but also Mondrian, Klee, the Orphic Cubists, and others, had tried to develop, died on the vine even before Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function was interpreted to probability amplitudes, not by employment of m-valued logics. The recent discovery that Aymara, an ancient language of the Andes, is based upon 3-valued logic (see: The Trivalent Logic of Aymara, Guzman de Rojas, 1985) is extremely important in this regard, I believe. Even though Lukasiewicz logics are therein understood in Sorosian fashion as denoting inherent unknowables, or degrees of uncertainty, I still regard this linguistic analysis to involve a breakaway realization, because the degrees-of-uncertainty interpretation is based largely upon analysis of time-structure as represented by the language relative to a discrete ego-sphere (see for a brief statement: Unique features of the language as discussed by Wiki ), an analysis made absent the notions of quantal operator-time and animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency. There are reports, perhaps apocryphal, of members of the Aymara-speaking Andean priesthood still employing something like internal Musculpt (think orbifold chord-geometries to be Musculpt primitives) as a means of intersubjective communication, wherein sounded-colors/forms -- much as was implied by Worringer's Abstraktion und Einfuhlung (Abstraction and Empathy), and postulated by Thought Forms-influenced Kandinsky, in Uber das Geistige in der Kunst (Concerning the Spiritual in Art), as he sought to justify his breakaway into purely non-objective painting -- are used to denote signifiers in a manner similar to uses natural-language linguistic signifiers are put. If such reports are found to have veracity, I would not regard Musculpt as mere appurtenance to the language. Given the role played by prescriptively-enculturated glutamatergic neuronal etching in detaching non-egoic quantum-brain processing from egoic-molecular-cellular brain processing, it would be reasonable to hypothesize that the neuro-cognitive capacity to consciously process 3-valued logic has a ketaminergic basis and a subjective counterpart, that counterpart involving internal Musculpt (White on White to the binary mind) as ontic awareness of the neural holograms involved in quantum-brain processing. If there have been, and are, 3-logically-valued languages, it is a good bet that there exists a brain-related capacity to process them. Moreover, the m-valued non-linear Schrödinger equation, properly interpreted with m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, may be essential to modeling the neuronal-DNA-generated envelope solitons of internal Musculpt's higher order-type orbifold chord-geometries. In context of Karpenko functors (over the primes) of Lukasiewicz logical-value order-types, and presence of 3-valued-logic languages, one may reasonably hypothesize that higher order-type non-natural languages may once have existed when magnitude of glutamate floods and normative titers of endogenous glutamate were lower than they are today (civilized = glutamatized; primitive = ketaminive). Studies of the bottle-nosed dolphin's sonic-visioning system -- humans learning, or relearning, as the case may be, to speak Dolphin, not dolphin's learning to speak Human -- may be one way in which to gain some insight as regards such languages. Without this language learning, it seems likely, humans will never be able to authentically notate propositions of higher order-type Lukasiewicz logics -- or fully appreciate the semantic attributes of their involved µTm-logical values. Indeed, the last 12,000 years of memetime may have occasioned a progressive deterioration -- by increasing magnitudes of endogenous glutamate flood resulting from increasing intensity of prescriptive enculturation/socialization -- in the human brain's/cognition's capacity to consciously process higher order-type languages until, today, the 1T2-variety predominates, and only remnant reminders, like Aymara, of what once was normative are still extant. This deterioration may be the real foundation of our present global crisis -- and reversing it may be the only viable route to survival through cuspover.
Where did so many human languages come from? Why? Recursive generation over root homonyms derivative of onomatopoeias taken from Umwelt and sensory-overload sorted according to requirements of single-level-code duality? Involutory decomposition of a Peirce-Saussure logic-linguistic universal semiosis? Remember that Peirce-Saussure developed their generative accounts at the very memetime Lukasiewicz rigorously codified µTm-valued logics, and that Peirce-Saussure ignored this foundational transform, such that theories of semiosphere, biosemiotics, endosymbiosis, autopoiesis, et cetera, were elaborated independent of the import of Lukasiewicz logics (especially in respect to Schrödinger's wave-function vis-à-vis quantum computing by human brain). Charles Fox Parham's notion of a secondary 'baptism', evidentiated by speaking in tongues, also emerged at the very memetime Lukasiewicz challenged the self-evident axiom, logical necessity, and in so doing began the process of rigorously codifying m-valued logics. Take all the languages there are in the world, all the languages there have ever been and ever will be, regard that Babel, those Pentacostal tongues of fire, that Charismatic{manic]{maniac] xenoglossy, glossolalia, disambiguation, plus all the angelic tongues, a quantum composite over the imaginary-hypercomplex/operator-timed wave properties of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA (quadripolar waves of nucleotide-pair roots of triadic-triodic codons: consider the notion of Latter{ladder] Rain, see, for an interesting negative take, Hebrew Roots, The Four Waves & Their Roots [[think conversion-disorder displacement]]: Pentacostal Tongues & 'The Inner Ecstasy'), and ask how many logical-values has spoken Human, what numbers are to be put in place of the lettered subscripts to µTm-logically-valued 'Human'? And what is this µTm-logically-valued 'Human' if not synaesthetic Musculpt? The language(s) Angelic, being spoken on Earth, at least according to the Angelic Liturgy of Second Temple Judaism, as well as Emanuel Swedenborg. Quantal reduction -- of logic{temporal}linguistic wave-function of human quantum brain by the (beginning in the womb) glutamatergic neuronal etchings (and associated electron-transport quenchings) which neuropsychologically anchor enculturation/socialization -- is responsible for cognitive homonymous hemianopsia. Heh-heh-heh!
The referent, the reference, the referee: memetime involves all three. Operand, operation, operator: operator-time, being autopoietic, distinguishes not between these three. All of memetime is contained by a quantum of chronotopological {operand}{operation}{operator}. There is no traveling memetime-past or memetime-future by means of operator-time: the two temporal classes (referential vs. operational) are categorically incommensurate.
Actually, I am unaware of more than half-a-dozen scientists who have actually read our paper, A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XV, 1979, pp. 333-341, let alone seriously considered origins of the ideas therein discoursed upon, or implications of those origins. It appears that there has generally been an immediate negative reaction to the basic idea, and thus little further consideration given. For instance, it is clear that most people who come across reference to the paper assume that it is about superconductivity in DNA's sugar-phosphate backbone. This is incorrect. The superconductivity referred to is mathematically modeled as transpiring in association with the free-electron gas core about which helix-coil transition of the sugar-phosphate backbone transpires (and through which the base pairs move, one function of which, perhaps, is analogous to the modulatory function of the helical screen grid in a beam power tube, the triadic genetic codon being triode-like). The paper's canonical equation relates ambient-radiation-imposed modulations of free-electron-parcel temperature oscillations, cumulatively establishing the Curie temperature at which onset of transcription occurs, and, hence, the minimum time for spontaneous localization in the free-electron gas core of DNA, to rates, time rates of change of rates, and time rates of change of time rates of change of rates of nucleotide-pair replications at helix-coil transition. The bottom-line for biological clocks is thus proposed to be the minimum time for spontaneous localization, modulated by variations in ambient radiation. The bottom-line for immunological signification is proposed to be the histologically-specific frequency-response window of the free-electron gas core of the molecule (which can be pathofunctionally modified by induced changes in normative properties of ambient non-ionizing/ionizing radiation, likely as well as by natural and anthropogenic chemical exposures). Analogous submolecular principles may apply to proteins and their folding processes. None of this negates any of the principles discovered on the molecular level. Merely on the temporal-level of rates, rates of numerical substitution (not rates of rates or rates of rates of rates), it is now generally recognized that nucleotide substitutions (neutral and non-neutral) are highly complex (see, for example: Impact of replication timing on non-CpG and CpG substitution rates in mammalian genomes, Chun-Long Chen, et al., Genome Research, Cold Spring Harbor Lab, 26 January 2010). But the temporal rates (and their rates and rates of rates) of these numerical rates set many, many internal clocks. And the resetting of these clocks, which can be induced by chemical exposures, naturally occurring and anthropogenic, as well as radiative modulations, naturally occurring and anthropogenic, is mathematically coupled -- were our model found to be correct -- to shifts in the bottom-line of immunological signification. What the impact of such shifts on the submolecular level might be relative to molecular-level immunology is a question to be explored, if and when our model is experimentally tested (for relevant current research, see, for example: NIH investigators find link [i.e., 'first evidence'] between DNA damage and immune response, Robin Arnette, EurekAlert, 31 March 2011). It may also be considered that, just as, by analogy, in pathogenesis of SLE, epidemiology of which has exhibited correlation to the sunspot cycle, anti-DNA antibodies appear before the pathognomonic LE cell, it is likely a shift in the DNA frequency-response window precedes appearance of the NDM 1 gene in antibiotic-resistant NDM 1-positive bacteria -- a present-day problem, monitored by The SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program which does not assess radiation impacts upon the collective bacterial behaviors responsible for the changing patterns of antibiotic resistance, a problem likely to become a very, very big problem as global cuspover is more and more approached (see: Scientists find superbugs in Delhi drinking water, Kate Kelland, Reuters, 7 April 2011; and Warning over threat posed by new superbugs resistant to 'last resort' antibiotics, Daily Mail, 7 April 2011). In a non-direct fashion, certain aspects of our model have all along been tested by implications of research impinging upon principles implied by the model. One class of such research involves the issue of rates (accelerations and time rates of change of accelerations are not much looked at, even though, according to our model, changes on these temporal-levels are far more likely to be pathogenic than are changes of simple rates). For instance, quoting biophysicist, chemist, and geneticist Mae-Wan Ho and Professor Joe Cummins (see: Glyphosate Toxic and Roundup Worse, Institute of Science in Society, 7 March 2005):
The enzyme aromatase is responsible for making the female hormones estrogens from androgens (the male hormones). Glyphosate interacts with the active site of the enzyme but its effect on enzyme activity was minimal unless Roundup was present.
Interestingly, Roundup increased enzyme activity after 1 h of incubation, possibly because of its surfactant effect in making the androgen substrate more available to the enzyme. But at 18h incubation, Roundup invariably inhibited enzyme activity; the inhibition being associated with a decrease in mRNA synthesis, suggesting that Roundup decreased the rate of gene transcription. Seralini and colleagues suggest that other ingredients in the Roundup formulation enhance the availability or accumulation of glyphosate in cells.
There is, indeed, direct evidence that glyphosate inhibits RNA transcription in animals at a concentration well below the level that is recommended for commercial spray application. Transcription was inhibited and embryonic development delayed in sea urchins following exposure to low levels of the herbicide and/or the surfactant polyoxyethyleneamine.
Transcription rate decreased with use of Roundup. Who knows what is actually in the various herbicides used around the planet? Given proprietary-ingredients labeling and the sophistication of lab facilities required for complete assay, possibly transcription-rate decreases have to do with dioxin or dioxin-like-compounds effects upon biological clocks via induced changes in the submolecular bottom-line of biological clocks. But, hey, isn't that a bit strange -- given that research on dioxin, soon after its discovery during the 1930s (see: The Political History of Dioxin, Barry Commoner, Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, Synthesis/Regeneration, Summer 1995), focused on its effects upon growth-factor hormones and possible use as a fertilizer (which makes some sense relative to the thousands of years of slash-and-burn agriculture, dioxins appearing in wood ash)? Speeds things up, or speeds the speed of things up, or speeds the speed of speeded-up things up -- so fast, it kills them? Yet, in the study Mae-Wan Ho cites, the transcription rate is decreased. Maybe it's not the rate so much as the rate of the rate or the rate of the rate of the rate. Or maybe the nesting-foam of these tiny, tiny time-increment-levels is very complex, especially if only studied on the temporal-level of rates, such that higher-order temporal topologies are registered only as cascaded down to the level of rates. For a possible example of such, consider the following quotation (see: 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxicity in the Zebrafish Embryo: Altered Regional Blood Flow and Impaired Lower Jaw Development, Hiroki Teraoka, Toxicological Sciences, 65:2, 2002). Nom de guerre of the dioxin noted in the title is the acronym TCDD:
To examine effects of TCDD on RBC perfusion rate, time-lapse recording was performed using a digital video camera attached to a light microscope. TCDD did not show marked effects on RBC perfusion rate until 72 hpf, when vessel-specific effects emerged. TCDD severely inhibited RBC perfusion rate in intersegmental arteries of the trunk, but only modestly and slightly inhibited RBC perfusion rate in certain vessels of the head such as the central arteries and optic vein. Conversely, at both 72 and 84 hpf, TCDD significantly increased RBC perfusion rate in the hypobranchial artery branching to the lower jaw primordia, and then reduced it at 96 hpf. RBC perfusion rate in all vessels examined in TCDD-exposed embryos was inhibited at 96 hpf.
Maybe this rate-complexity indicates much greater complexity up the nesting-foam ladder of temporal cascades. Then there is the fact that while some things (generally prohomeostatic) are slowed down, others (generally antihomeostatic) are speeded up, which suggests targeting, possibly by way of frequency-response windows. Replication of some types of viruses appears to be speeded up by dioxin exposure (see, for example: 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin increases bovine herpesvirus type-1 (BHV-1) replication in madin-darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells in vitro, F. Fiorito, et al., Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 103:1, 1 January 2008). This paper also notes that dioxin often causes immunosuppression -- which, according to our model, would necessarily involve a shift in frequency-response windows. These examples from the literature can be multiplied many times over. For those who are inclined to ask, with regard to our model of DNA superconductivity, Why do we need such a theory?, one reason may involve considerations as to exactly how, say, differing glyphosate herbicide dose regimes have at least antithetic, and possibly far more complex, effects. See, for example: Growth Regulation and Other Secondary Effects of Herbicides, Edivaldo D. Velini, et al., Weed Science, 58:3, 2010). Quoting the Abstract:
As all herbicides act on pathways or processes crucial to plants, in an inhibitory or stimulatory way, low doses of any herbicide might be used to beneficially modulate plant growth, development, or composition. Glyphosate, the most used herbicide in the world, is widely applied at low rates to ripen sugarcane. Low rates of glyphosate also can stimulate plant growth (this effect is called hormesis). When applied at recommended rates for weed control, glyphosate can inhibit rust diseases in glyphosate-resistant wheat and soybean Currently, auxin agonists are still used in tissue cultures to induce somatic embryogenesis and to control fruit ripening, to reduce drop of fruits, to enlarge fruit size, or to extend the harvest period in citrus orchards.
I personally do not believe this is simply a matter of pathway behaviors and blocking or unblocking of bonding sites -- thermodynamically regulated by randomness, as these are. It can also be noted that growth regulation of peanuts and blackberries is effected in similar fashion. Whereas, Zen monks and bonsai masters used to reduce 5-needle pine clumps to three by finger-pulling, and gardeners once selectively removed buds and blossoms and fronds and candles by hand. One of the many reasons I stopped being a gardener was the ever-growing use of chemicals by the nursery industry. Having subsequently been almost killed as a drug-poison-rob victim, late in life I have developed strong stress reactions to a wide array of low-dose chemical exposures: peanuts upon which herbicidal growth regulators have been applied, being one of them (no reaction to peanuts without: in N.E. Thailand the market-women sellers of locally-grown peanuts know which peanuts have been so regulated and which have not). I also stress-react to GMO grains, but do not know whether the reaction is to the Roundup Ready crops themselves or to the active-ingredient/proprietary-ingredients of Roundup or to the surfactant combined with glyphosate. Once upon a time as a gardener, I pulled a lot of weeds. Living in rural coastal Cambodia for several years, I noticed that still a lot of weeds are pulled there from rice fields -- just like was the case where I lived as a kid in rural Japan. In conjunction with forced-draft urbanization of an exploding population, GMOing the planet in order to escape weeding is typical of the governing sentiment today. There is an adage: When an old scientist tells you that something is impossible, best to ignore him; when an old scientist tells you something is possible, best sit up and pay attention. This saying probably should be applied to professor emeritus Don Huber and his claims about GMOs (see: Scientists question claims in biotech letter, Michael J. Crumb, Associated Press, April Fools' Day, 2011).
The apparent softening of position on the Federal Reserve by Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, by introducing a bill (HR 1098) to repeal Legal Tender laws, makes a lot of sense, in terms of a strategy of transition (see: Ron Paul to probe US Mint coin shortage, Daniela Cambone, CommodityOnline, 2 April 2011). Quoting the article:
A staunch critic of the Federal Reserve, Paul said that instead of arguing his case for the Fed to close down tomorrow, he's arguing the fact it should not hold a monopoly. They have a monopoly on a type of money that isn't even constitutional, he said.
Beginning to deconstruct a currency system at the nation-state scale level precludes the sort of reconstruction which needs to be undertaken. Begin the deconstruction by constructing what has yet to be constructed. I agree with Paul's insistence that vehicle currencies need to be commodity-backed (Paul specifically prefers precious metals), but I do not believe this principle should be applied to the reserve currency domain (by, say, reinstating the traditional gold standard or BW gold-exchange standard, with regard to a given vehicle currency or a basket thereof or a basket thereof defined relative to IMF SDRs or SDRs-plus-gold, as the planetary reserve currency: i.e., vehicle currency/basket as reserve currency). The reserve currency domain needs to be defined as the quantum-composite relative-state of the set of all sets of commodity-backed vehicle currencies, that set of all sets being heuristically mapped over F. A. von Hayek's the time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. As such a system was more and more fully implemented, clearing would transpire more and more automatically via the associated e-clearing union (à la, adaptation of Keynes' notion of a Clearing Union). Establishing precious-metal-backed currencies at the state level within the U.S.A., as Ron Paul supports, would begin to establish a nesting foam of currencies, but from the top down -- the wrong direction. The process of implementing a nesting foam of exchange e-units must begin at the local scale level (be that of the town or the watershed or some other), if the information to be tagged by indicators to the involved e-currencies is to have a real inductive/factual basis, such that economic information-exchange processes -- supply-and-demand forcing of price movements -- and resultant allocations are authentically to become significantly more rooted than heretofore in resource actualities, planet Earth.
And if it turns out that it was the German voter who dun it, train-wrecked the EU (see: Murder on the EU Express, Niall Ferguson, Newsweek, 3 April 2011), how is it to be justified that, functioning within a post-quantum-relativistic Weltanschauung, integration to the next larger Cartesian-Newtonian scale level, was, is, or will be the preferred route to better governance, better finance, better sociality -- when validity/utility of the 18th-century notion of federation has been irreversibly sundered by the hologramic principle in higher mathematics, physics, and the quantum-based technologies remaking global political economy? Me thinks one can just begin to glimmer there through the gloaming a mirage borne upon the hope to transform strict into vicarious liability -- a retrograde inversion of how Abelard-Heloise self-flagellation conversion-disorder displaces pagan-reflexive self-reference.
Those who do not believe in Wolfgang Pauli's and C. G. Jung's notion of synchronicity -- and I am one of them for embracing a modified version of Pauli's quantal operator time -- must take pause at the fact that Bernard von NotHaus (Without a House) is being tried in Statesville (see: Feds seek $7M in privately made 'Liberty Dollars', Tom Breen, Associated Press, 4 April 2011). It is hard to imagine a more pristine example of regressed collective unconscious mediation of meaningful coincidence. Moreover, the fact that this is transpiring at the very instant of memetime when approximately 800,000 fuel rods (see: Jim in MN analyzes radioactive emissions at Fukushima, CWSX World Oil G&G, 2 April 2011), almost 500 tons worth, stored at Fukushima (somewhat more than 2000 spent fuel rods held in pools located above the reactors outside the hardened reactor containment areas where several explosions have already occurred) are in process of finding themselves Without a House only magnifies the meaningfulness of the coincidence -- particularly so, as the long-term magnitude of this tragedy may leave Japan functionally stateless (in considering only one thing -- the enormous quantity of radioactive water that will be dumped into the ocean -- think, not average radiation exposure, but the concentration of radionuclides in the food chain, and effects of their similar concentration within specific structures of bodies exposed, in conjunction with the biological functions, whatever they may be, likely fulfilled by the submolecular processes mediating radiation exchange by the DNA molecule, likely by other nucleic acids and by proteins: ask, for instance, how internal conversion of electrons coming from the K shell affect pi-electrons of the free-electron gas core of DNA and intermolecular electron-transport chains, the exchange of m-valued electrons being the biological equivalent of the economic exchange of monetary units which the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system has restricted to the 2-valued order-type alone). Quenching of the exchange of m-valued information units, i.e., electrons carrying markers of hologramic/relative-state quantum-composite holism, according to two-time Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi, being the fundamental cause of cancer, that is of un-self-regulated and unending growth. I am no advocate of private currencies -- though the large body of theoretical literature on such currencies needs to be fully assimilated -- or the sort of thing NotHaus did. And I am not an advocate of 1T2-logically-valued LETS currencies as a potential answer to the global monetary crisis. I believe that LETS currencies need to be permitted/encouraged from above and implemented from below by local governments in a manner allowing their evolutionary transit to nesting foams (one such nest being on the nation-state scale level) of fully-elaborated m-logically-valued LETS defined over fractal e-boundaries. There is no place in this for the sort of coinage NotHaus undertook. Yet, it is instructive to consider the fact that the authorities are employing 3-valued logic to paint the Liberty Dollar as a private voluntary barter currency. By what 1T2-valued logic implication can one comprehend the nature of a barter currency -- voluntary or otherwise, private or otherwise? The binary-logic Law of Non-Contradiction is violated by this forensic accounting proposition: one of the myriad collective Freudian slips prevalent today. Moreover, as stated in Breen's article, Numerous cities and regions around the country have experimented with local currency, but laws restrict them from resembling U.S. bills or from being passed off as money printed by the federal government. By focusing the social structure of attention cathexes upon currency structures over currency functions -- not to mention functional prerequisites and the yet more deep framework determining conditions -- the authorities functionally preclude informed assessment/debate of the causes of the prevailing global financial crisis, not least by themselves, a crisis that may yet lead to a monetary criticality excursion: The Beginning or the End, as you like it.
Recent findings regarding the spintronic filtering capabilities of macromolecules, DNA specifically, are fascinating (see: Spin Selectivity in Electron Transmission Through Self-Assembled Monolayers of Double-Stranded DNA, Gohler, et al., Science, 18 February 2011, summarized in Biological Molecules Select Their Spin, Weizmann Institute of Science, 2 April 2011) -- and this is particularly so with respect to radiation-induced variations in the Curie temperature (where correlation length snaps to infinity) at which onset of helix-coil transition commences, if one considers hypertemperature (a scalar) to be the spin component of operator-time, as is directly implied by our model of the superconductant properties of the free-electron gas core of DNA (e.g., the helical chronotopology of first-order temporal curl, thus, in this case, Maxwellian form preferred over Schrödinger form). Ask oneself: What exactly is the consensus submolecular definition of temperature (Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of electron velocities?) by which radiation-induced electron-temperature enhancement in a plasma is understood to transpire, given that 19th-century thermodynamics was written over only the molecular scale level, and the notion of electron velocity requires electron localization (such that there is a distinctpoint-to-distinctpoint calculation possible, even in face of a Curie temperature where the correlation length snaps to infinity, wave-packets packed into parcels or not) at the very least spread out all along the cusp of a breaking wave (this cusp a quintessentially relativistic and very foamy spaceplace, where length, no less than memetime, contracts)? How localizable, actually, are free electrons? Free electrons, really free electrons, truly liberated electrons (i.e., the Elect)? Known orbit of origin, uncertain orbit of origin, unknowable orbit of origin? Corresponding classes of logical-value order-types? Or is it, really, non-simple m-logically-valued identity? How many spaceplaces is a given free-electron with m-valued wave-function located in at a given point of memetime? These days, how many spaceplaces is a given molecule located in at a given point of memetime? How does this reflect upon randomness determining binding-site behaviors and metabolic pathway coherencies? Consider the spin component of operator-time to be quantization of temporal curl, or, alternatively, Penrose twistor as quantization of temporal curl. Along with the sorting of, for instance, wave-trace velocities, is spintronic filtering one employment Maxwell's demon (i.e., operator-time) all along has actually been engaged in?
Those m-values are potentially worth a lot! Biofuels contribution to rising food prices, political turmoil, for instance (see: Rush to Use Crops as Fuel Raises Food Prices and Hunger Fears, Elisabeth Rosenthal, NY Times, 6 April 2011). Quoting the article:
While no one is suggesting that countries abandon biofuels, Mr. Dubois and other food experts suggest that they should revise their policies so that rigid fuel mandates can be suspended when food stocks get low or prices become too high.
The policy really has to be food first, said Hans Timmer, director of the Development Prospects Group of the World Bank. The problems occur when you set targets for biofuels irrespective of the prices of other commodities.
Rigid. Mandates. Suspended. Set. Targets. Irrespective. Hmmm. Self-regulation of matters such as this is precisely what tagging m-values (of commodity-backed Lukasiewiczian vehicle currencies) to indicators is all about. Another such matter has to do with WTO regulation of free trade, where within the competitive-advantage goodwill of those Bad Samaritans with relatively-absolute advantage across full spectrum of relative efficiencies is used to advocate the global advantage of comparative advantage: a monotonic anthropogenic behavior conceptually codified just as N. H. Abel brought together the notions involved in his Impossibility theorem, upon the back of which holo{poly}valency transformed higher mathematics and physics, thus leading to a much more sophisticated understanding of the dynamics of self-regulatory systems than that revealed by singular notions like magic hand and finger of God.
Assessment unchanged: mishegoss, the absolute worst, senseless, crazy case, just as I have argued for decades. Nth-degree concatenation; there is no level of convolution/extenuation undiscoverable, once searched: Homeric naming (son of brother of mother of grandfather of grandaunt of greatgreatgrandniece of ) as elaboration of legal truth-value. EVERYTHING imaginable -- e.g., al-CIA-duh, B4E free trade, The Rise of the Cobra as techno[strange}attractor -- will be tried to save institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, as the irreversible drift of events continues at sufficiently low-grade intensity as not to provoke substantive radical departures, until, suddenly, it dawns on a quorum of the well-placed that NOTHING, but nothing, will save the prevailing institutionalization. Then ANYTHING, absolutely anything, regardless, will be undertaken as expression of breakaway dysphoric hysteria. Increasingly, over the last decade, similar assessments can be found. See, for instance, that offered by a onetime Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury and associate editor of The Wall Street Journal (Libya -- the DC/NATO Agenda and the Next Great War, Paul Craig Roberts, Trends Research Institute, 6 April 2011). This article begins with an amazing statement, given the author's background. Quoting:
In the 1930s the US, Great Britain, and the Netherlands set a course for World War II in the Pacific by conspiring against Japan. The three governments seized Japan’s bank accounts in their countries that Japan used to pay for imports and cut Japan off from oil, rubber, tin, iron and other vital materials. Was Pearl Harbor, Japan's response?
Now Washington and its NATO puppets are employing the same strategy against China.
For a considerably reduced version of my personal assessment, see Christopher Booker writing on hidden patterns shaping human affairs and what he calls the fantasy cycle: What happens when the great fantasies, like wind power or European Union, collide with reality?, The Telegraph, 9 April 2011. As regards specifics of his argument, one may ask how it is people fall for the notion that climate shift is equivalent to global warming -- greenhoused or otherwise, anthropogenic or otherwise? Answer: they are people (including many, maybe most, working atmospheric physicists) unengaged with fundamental issues in atmospheric physics, e.g., applicability/non-applicability of the notion classical limit. But it must be admitted that atmospheric physicists have long since abdicated responsibility to the fundamental-physics powers-that-be regarding applicability/non-applicability to atmospheric physics of notions like the classical limit. But were an atmospheric physicist to send a preprint to a member of the fundamental-physics powers-that-be essaying/documenting challenge to applicability to atmospheric physics of notions like the classical limit, this member would beg off, saying he is not familiar with the equations of atmospheric physics, while modestly and subtly suggesting that the author of the preprint would do well to leave fundamentals to the experts at fundamentals. Thirty-five years ago. And speaking of hidden patterns, nowadays metamaterial invisibility cloak said to be not naturally synthesizable. What about temporally and spatially nested, multi-chronotopologies, multi-scaled, cylindrical, acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode/node analogues to blackhole/wormhole computers naturally existing invisibly in Earth's atmosphere? Reference to such can be found in a forty-year-old NSF report touching upon the relativity physics of tornadogenesis. Analogue of an analogue? Indubitably. Unquestionably unpublishable, otherwise -- just as was Victor P. Starr's hydrodynamical analogy to E = mc2. Analogy only insofar as universal physical constants are not m-valued, and no-analogy to degrees of exponentiation were m-valued universal physical constants found quantum-computing processed by nature under m-valued Lukasiewicz logics pregeometry interpreted without respect to truth-value as fundament of logics other than that 1T2-valued. And what basis for the not naturally synthesizable proscription -- other than ghostly demon-fear of the m-logically-valued, pagan-animistic, Everettian relative-state, identity-transparency which Duke conversion-disorder displaced by means of metamaterialism? Witch Bull of the hard kind. Are we to be returned to the coven, to stories of the invisible night visitor, demons transferring semen, to the insane profane?
One month after the event, for the first time, I see a report of a drone taking pictures of the Fukushima power plant (see: Flying drone peers into Japan's damaged reactors, Matt Smith, CNN, 10 April 2011). According to the report, the drone is IR equipped. This is the first news-article mention I've encountered making reference to FLIR -- cheap, uncooled IR cameras being an imaging capability deployed by building inspectors and local police search-and-rescue since the early-1980s, and, more recently, used in home security systems. I now see a report stating that, not 500 tons, but 4,400 tons of fuel rods are stored at Fukushima, a report on research conducted by scientists from Kyoto and Hokkaido Universities (see: Extremely High Radiation Levels in Japan: University Researchers Challenge Official Data, Global Research, 11 April 2011). Even though I am not in Japan, have to know about this stuff in order to intelligently decide what to eat and what not to eat, as I am about to travel off to the city where I will have access to a sushi bar. Another fascinating piece on this subject has been written by a Japanese journalist and onetime editor of The Japan Times weekly magazine, Yoichi Shimatsu: Secret Weapons Program Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plants?, Global Research, 12 April 2011. Were this the case, would it be something like locating military units in schools and hospitals to minimize likelihood of being smart-bombed?
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