µTm Scenarios, T13(M)
This Financial Times comment/analysis, by direct implication, is an un-self-aware, and devastating, indictment of the professional competency of corporate strategic planners (see: Industry left high and dry, Peter Marsh, 12 April 2011). Description is provided as to how Icelandic volcanism and the earthquake-tsunami/driven Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns have caused distributed-manufacturing supply-chain disruptions, which, in turn, are forcing a nascent, soon to become explicit, global re-think/shift-back of/to local sourcing of the factors of production. If a true bill, the real skinny, and likely so, this development is of massive, if generally unrecognized, significance and prefigurative import. Implementation of the prior shift from local to globally-distributed sourcing involved a humongous project in planetarized social engineering under the policy rubric of a synoptically-efficient, comparative-advantage, free-trade globalization orchestrated by oligopolistic corporate monoliths, and power-elite-suborned nation-states, informed by strategic planners of megacorporations clearly incompetent at MULTIPLE-SCENARIOS strategic planning (even with regard to ONLY the vested interests of the megacorps they serve). As a corollary, one may consider China's $3 Trillion Reserves Show G-20 Task as Wen Resists Yuan Pressure, Zheng Lifei, Bloomberg, 14 April 2011, and what that implies regarding sophistication of the corporate strategic planning involved in the once-upon-a-time vectoring of globalized distributed manufacturing. Large-scale switchback-seesaw planning-plus-implementation is not what disjointed incrementalism should be all about. Moreover, does an intelligent civilization permit the structures of its global economy and monetary system to allow corporate strategists to become largely autonomous social engineers? Or are those structures in such civilizations so designed as to prevent such autonomy?
There is a world of difference between the uninformed and the ill-informed, a difference playing across full spectrum of flailed mind -- personal, group, collective. One of the properties of flailed mind is inability to self-assess/self-access, which reflects upon the Umwelt suborned to, and, hence, the Weltanschauung fundamentals carried, such that those fundamentals are assessed not at all, accessed only tacitly. I am no fan of the assessments proffered by Thomas L. Friedman, who, by virtue of the access granted his assumed role attributions, is well informed, yet, in my opinion, also ill-informed. In early stages of the Arab Spring, he was able to talk on the phone with a young, educated, female reservations department clerk in a Cairo hotel (see: Pray. Hope. Prepare., The New York Times, 12 April 2011). I truly would love to have such access, but have long been unwilling to pay the personal costs exacted by the assumed role-attributions/identifications imposed relative to the Umwelt introjected and the Weltanschauung fundamentals tacitly embraced. The simple question put to him by this educated female, Are we going to be O.K.? becomes, for Friedman, an existential confirmation and is converted in his mind to support for his Umwelt and his Weltanschauung. Friedman's gradual transitions, democratic hopes, more self-government, 17th- and 18th-century European precepts never actually realized, even vicariously, in European and New World experience, only apocryphally so: clearly, Friedman's conversation with the young, educated female was too brief. IMHO. Which is not even to mention the extremely brief conversations with history undertaken by those who believe themselves to have been, to be, protecting the, in prevailing parlance, tree huggers and the fruit bats of San Francisco and Key West. I personally can't see a difference in kind between an army killing people in an oil/currency war and people being killed in an armed robbery -- though, assuredly, there is a vast difference in the scales involved.
Why do I exhibit so little interest in green technologies? Because such interest would be premature. What we are faced with is requirement for the most massive retooling in human history, and we have not yet the required hardware to orchestrate that retooling, nor the requisite software to program the non-existent hardware. And why this absence? Because the persistence of self-metaprogramming prevents their development. My interest is focused upon the self-metaprogramming; hence, the address given to unresolved issues in higher mathematics and theoretical physics. By way of example, emergence of so-called quantum computing is suborned to the needs of military applications -- not global retooling -- and its properties are determined by the self-metaprogramming conducted by physicists, such that they choose to use quantum processes to make faster binary computers, not full-blown Lukasiewiczian computers. For similar reasons, I am not actually focused upon design of the global economy and its international monetary system; rather, upon design of the design system employed; hence, for instance, my interest in Musculpt as mathematical notation and computer-gaming of appropriate-scale multiple-scenarios strategic planning as foundation of electronic commons. This focus is not upon an element of a power-to-the-people or participatory/direct-democracy agenda; it is an attending to one prerequisite to the required planetary retooling: that of increasing the efficiency with which global resources are employed, by ascertaining their F. A. von Hayek time-shapes and tagging those chronotopologies to e-currency nesting-foams mapped over a quantum-composite reserve currency reference domain, rebalancing transpiring automatically by means of an updated e-version of Keynes' Clearing Union (by contrast, consider state-of-the-art commentary: China 'Attacks The Dollar' -- Moves To Further Cement Renminbi Reserve Currency Status, Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, 2 March 2011; whereas Mike Shedlock is correct in observing that any nation-state already can employ a basket of currencies as reserves, SDRs are not required for that, and that if baskets [not generalized to a quantum-composite reserve-currency chronotopological domain] do not resemble actual trading patterns, they would exacerbate the problems, as quoted from Zhou Pledges More Tightening; Moody's Downgrades China Properties; Clouds Over Global Economy; Yuan Reserve Currency Hype, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 17 April 2011; consider also the likelihood that China would not, in the event, actually embrace SDRs as reserve currency basket whilst the dollar remains a high percentage of that basket, that high percentage being an overhang from the arbitrary nature of imposed relative currency valuations made at advent of BW1). I do not entertain any substantial possibility that a large portion of the present built environment will survive the coming planetary cuspover, whatever technologies are brought to bear upon retooling, howsoever mega-urban regions are redesigned in the attempt to transform them into Green Giants. In all likelihood, they will become White Dwarfs, and probably by means of quick-time implosions -- if for no other reason than the fact that the Earth sciences remain suborned to the mistaken notion of a classical limit so as to cognitively permit, by self-metaprogramming, the employment of quantum-relativity-based technologies for manipulation of planet Earth: the classical domain is understood as remaining essentially unscathed, as is the institutionalization. The Aristotelian-Confucian, taxonomic, genealogical, list-based, 1T2-logically-valued (recursive and/or rotational), moving-parts-identified mindset saving faith by applying its simple-truth/whole-truth operational algorithms to human systems management of nature. Is not this deserving of a most hardy cosmic guffaw? Nor is there any great optimism to be gathered from the fact there were no nuclear exchanges during the Cold War. Foundational matters of substance were not at issue during the Cold War, where both soft-utopian capitalist materialism and hard-utopian communist materialism derived their basics from post-Renaissance, Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung principles. That substantial eye-to-eye congeniality is not the case today where, evermore explicitly, 2000 years of anti-pagan/animism confronts 12,000 years of pagan-animism newly embodied in quantum relative-state identity-transparency (self-metaprogrammed out of the world-picture by recourse to probability amplitudes). There are, of course, dissipative sideshow distractions like global terrorism (see: FBI Counterterror Official: Al Qaeda 'Thrives' After Dictators Fall, Lee Ferran, ABC News, 15 April 2011) and the New Cold War (see: The New Cold War, Bill Spindle and Margaret Coker, The Wall Street Journal, 16 April 2011) -- neither of which seriously threatens ability of the planet to support life, as does continued institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm. And in regard to redesign of the design system, even Bloomberg recognizes that nationalism of those who voted for the Finns Love Finland party is not directed against the PIIGS per se, but against DISRUPTION OF market fundamentals and their reflexivities which, otherwise, would insure risk-taking investors bear the burden of their risk taking, no less than they retain its profits (see: Finland's Euro-Skeptics Set for Government After Election Upset, Kati Pohjanpalo, 18 April 2011). Quoting the article:
Soini’s campaign to protect taxpayers from rules made in Brussels has won support from voters who endured their most recent recession without blowing the budget. The Social Democrats have argued Europe’s rescue measures don’t push enough of the cost onto investors.
Who designed the design system designing the EU and euro such that such DISRUPTIONS are structurally possible?
Not only is Delhi water endemic with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but also nearly 50-percent of U.S. meat products sold are S. aureus infected (see: US Meat and Poultry Is Widely Contaminated With Drug-Resistant Staph Bacteria, Study Finds, Science Daily, 15 April 2011). 1966: worry about this amongst SF medics as one probable consequent of MEDCAPs. Traffic analysis. Look at tornado history of the U.S., for instance. It seems quite likely that 2003 was a big year for upper atmospheric research. Three Days in April, 2011. Now we have yet another Super Outbreak: Fujita F-numbers galore, families and prides of families. I met Douglas A. Paine a few months after the 24-hour Super Outbreak of April 1974 -- when USAF-NASA running of the Paine-Kaplan cascade computer model of tornadogenesis was already on the wane Your guess is as good as mine -- probably. Comes easy: normalization of the unthinkable, like ease with which knowingly eating radioactive lettuce and S. aureus meat transpires, how easy is easily embracing electron-temperature enhancements of Earth's upper atmosphere, et cetera and et cetera and et cetera (see, for instance: Normalizing the Unthinkable, Lisa Peattie, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March 1984). This is a reference to Hannah Arendt's study of Eichmann and her report on the banality of evil, wherein it is argued that ordinary people are most responsible, compliant people who have been subtly normalized to the unthinkable -- not crazies, sociopaths, fanatics, the amoral (who cannot easily be disciplined into organized evil). What is not noted in this thesis is that the normotic is -- indubitably is -- crazy. Normosis is a variety of psychosis in my book of neuropsychiatric definitions: the normalizing and normotic psychiatric establishment is, by definition, not in a position to make an informed judgment on this issue. The evil made banal by normalization to collective normosis involves not only The Mismeasure of Man (Stephen Jay Gould, Norton, 1981, as reviewed in New Scientist, 13 May 1982), but, in my opinion, The Mismeasure of Nature, e.g., by probability amplituding (1926) Schrödinger's wave-function (1925) such that Heisenberg indeterminacy (1927) determines that a classical limit exists (profoundly affecting theories of tornadogenesis, for instance), when Lukasiewiczian (1921) interpretation of Schrödinger would nullify such limit by virtue of the fact that Planck's constant, the arbiter in the Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities, would thus be understood m-valued under m-valued logics. Ask why Lukasiewicz was made subject to the Pauli exclusion principle (1927: itself an example of transference-driven projective-identification wherein identical particles of the first kind are excluded from the identity-transparency permitted to identical particles of the second kind, the spin component of operator-time -- a notion Pauli originated, then rejected when he realized -- defining hypertemperature being at issue: find, in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, recounting of the dream by which Derek Dillon came to understand this), and some understanding likely will be reached as to why Paine-Kaplan were made subject to the exclusion principle. All I wanted was for my family to be safe: thus sprach the prescriptively-enculturated collective-archetypal Aristotelian-Confucian metaprogram -- mistaken for one unique Umwelt self-identity definer -- existentially compelling, as recursive etiological factor, mass warfare. Is there -- experientially speaking -- an authentic distinction drawable between physical valor and psychological suicide? Compensatory abreaction? Manpower: 1941; world war as interregnum; Unfaithful: 1947 :: pure portrait of a generation-in-psychopathy. That war had its psychogenesis in dissimulation of all and everything potentially subversive to the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. Self-metaprogrammed master narratives (like that developed, in part, by Mac Bundy over Secretary of War Stimson's apocrypha concerning why the U.S. A-bombed Japan: see, for extensions of Gar Aperovitz, Sean Mallory's Atomic Tragedy, Cornell U. Press, 2009) viewed in deforming mirrors framed by untruth-values (cf: Nathan I. Huggins). The self-aware compromiser does not become a rebel with or without a cause. Rely upon it; corporations and nation-states do. Testing aptitude for the requisite compliance/compromise-ability is the raison d'etre of institutions of higher enculturation. How else are originators and implementers of, say, post-peak-oil policies, to be found (see, for partial elucidation: Secret memos expose link between oil firms and invasion of Iraq, Paul Bignell, The Independent, 19 April 2011, and Donald Trump's Solution on Gas Prices: Get Tough With Saudi Arabia; Seize Oil Fields in Libya and Iraq?, ABC News, interview conducted by George Stephanopoulos, 18 April 2001)? Who designed the design system designing the ? We probably know the answer to that, don't we.
A Japanese study has recently come to my attention regarding microwave radiation and vestibular schwannoma, aka acoustic neuroma (see: A case-case study of mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan, Yasuto Sato, et al., BioElectroMagnetics, 32:2, February 2011, pp. 85-93). Such statistical studies in the past have been disparaged in part due to there being no known causal mechanism identified (see, for example: Re: 'Cellular Telephone Use and Risk of Acoustic Neuroma', Michael Kundi, American Journal of Epidemiology, 160:9, 2004, pp. 923-4). As regards the question of possible causal mechanisms, it may be useful to consider the happenstance that the canonical equation for our model of radiation exchange by free-electron gas core of DNA is that of a harmonic oscillator (see: A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XV, 1979, pp. 333-341). It may further be instructive to consider that vestibular schwannoma arises from the Schwann cells, i.e., the perineural tissue (peripherally) to which Robert Becker attributed the somatic basis for an analog data system. Back during the late-1970s and early-'80s, in communications with Becker, I argued that the hypothesized acoustically-modified (coherent) waves generated by superconductant DNA free-electron gas core may play an important role in such an analog data system. He said he found the suggestion interesting, but was in possession of no information bearing upon the idea. The discussion between Becker in Syracuse, me in Ithaca, transpired very intermittently over a decade, because of relevance to issues involved in theory of acupuncture points (and meridians): are the operational amplifiers (Becker) on the submolecular level quantum physical-region singularities (Pensinger) of the coherent QED field projected at DNA helix-coil transition? No real progress was made because research funding was pulled from Becker no less than from Paine. It may be interesting to note that telephone conversations with Becker on this subject transpired in the same memetime-frame as telephone conversations with Jane Roberts in Elmira (she called me first: several hundred reprint requests came for our paper Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge when summarized by Brain/Mind Bulletin; strangely enough, Heinz von Foerster wrote to personally thank me for this contribution, while subsequent publication of the mathematical model, from which this general discussion was derived, went widely unnoticed, and where noticed was disparaged) concerning classes of coordination points and operator-timed, over geological-memetime, migration of geophysical intersections of ley-line meridians as tornado-touchdown points for injection of solar-terrestrial complex angular momentum exchange -- i.e., current conveyed into crustal and liquid core dynamics. Subsequently, an acquaintance of Jane Roberts, the medical doctor, Beverly Oliphant, and her quantum physicist husband, Frank, further developed with me content of such discussions -- particularly as regards the role given acoustic waves in neurophysiology by the medical technologist author of Stalking the Wild Pendulum, Itzhak Bentov, a close friend of Beverly. Something of a community of practice, one might say.
Ideas associated with our model of radiation exchange by free-electron gas core of DNA may be found relevant to prospective ultra-low-level-radiation laboratory studies of the mechanisms of action underlying radiobiological hormesis (Wiki summary) and the Petkau effect (Wiki summary). This possible relevance is particularly suggested by experiments documenting the thesis that the proposed mechanisms of action generate variant effects dependent upon, quoting Wiki, target tissue, radiation dose, dose rate, and individual sensitivity. Details of the ideas associated with our superconductant pi-electron gas core model of DNA, formulated during the mid-1970s while conferring with staff members of Cornell's Neurobiological Behavior Laboratory, concerning, primarily, bird navigation and geomobile mapping (I was the one selected to sit in on Bill Keeton's lectures, Paine having insufficient time -- questions of atmospheric pressure, atmospheric infrasound, clock-shifts, for a few examples, being at issue), are described in several papers and a terminology glossary written during the late-1970s and early-'80s (see abstracts and links). People, generally, have been incredulous I did this for years pro bono, but think of the non-monetary recompense. Most relevant may be the following ideas emerging from the mathematical model: DNA associated with each histological type has a unique frequency-response window; nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA uniquely respond to differing waveforms, wave-trace velocities, and intensities; the bottom line for immunological signification is the frequency-response window; the bottom line for intracellular Zeitgeber is the electron-temperature harmonic-oscillation rate of the pi-electron parcels associated with the gas core of the molecule, this rate and its acceleration and time rate of change of acceleration being modulated by fluctuations in ambient radiation; antihomeostatic shifts in these quantum-wave properties of DNA are how chronic stress is registered at the submolecular level; the coherent waves generated by DNA free-electron gas core via stimulation by ambient radiation -- quadripolar waves which carry field-effect markers of the nucleotide pairs -- exercise a direct bias control over the cell membrane potential, and, hence, play an indirect timing role in ionic diffusion processes by rate-limiting the flow of free electrons in the membrane's active transport system via a stabilization (as in Bose condensation by providing energy exceeding a critical value) of some vibratory mode of dipole oscillation of electric waves in the cell, which, in turn, controls variations of membrane potential. In relation to the last stated idea, studies of the time-varying-surface effects of the acoustic-radiation force of sonic waves may be relevant.
Yes -- if only by the manner in which the technical details of these DNA ideas were arrived at -- one is, according to my lights, obliged to consider the proposition that atmospheric cyclo-genetic processes are self-similar scale-analogues of biological helix-coil transitional processes, to include the generation of mirrorable coherent pulse-code bursts (possibly outmoding ICBM-deliverable nukes) in response to, primarily, the cross-scale and inter-LSTD/CD (limited spacetime domain/coherence domain) free-energy of complex angular momentum exchange conveyed by the solar wind and modulated by many metabolic processes, e.g., ozone metabolism, transpiring within the spectrum of wave motions which largely is Earth's atmosphere: biometeorology of the first order. At least, this is how our thought proceeded from the mid-1970s (days of Soylent Green -- 1973 -- which mentions greenhouse warming as a premise). Radioatmospheric hormesis? Atmospheric Petkau effect? As regards Fukushima Daiichi, the worst collection of assessments I've seen is Radiation Spreads Worldwide. The Poisoning of Mother Earth., a piece I am in no position to evaluate, except to vaguely filter its content through the lens of our model of radiation exchange by DNA and the cascade modeling of tornadogenesis. Build up of the master narrative prefiguring events like Fukushima Daiichi began early, a decade before Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace speech. The 1947 MGM film The Beginning or the End drew the outlines with statements like: The gigantic battle to conquer the atom and Lighten the burdens of peace and Everything before the discovery of atomic energy was the Dark Ages. And now that we have post-peak-oil/currency conflict in midst of climate shift and global human population overgrowth
A Twittering MoSoSoed flash mob, Facebooked and full-face transplanted/recognized, pell-melled by the conaille polyglot gaggle hording the pavement: flash crash in smartening up of the Arab Street with an Arab Spring and humanitarian interventions. The databasing of geomobile data is complementary to remote viewing of DNA fingerprints and computer-profiling-driven drone targeting thereof. Automated selectivity and execution as final solution to candidiasis-like human global population overgrowth thrush: smart humanitarian intervention of the third kind, cognate of its earlier versions, managed by Supreme Exchange: Make Room! Make Room!. What canescent corporation camora and what government Camera is not complicit in this partially-conscious long-term planetary agenda license-plating life for differential deautomatization by covert camisado? When it comes to a question of governance or the governed, of a sudden, persistence of governance is chosen every time over persistence of the governed: treatment accorded as if looking them out in a dictionary google stored as a hidden phoenix file ordered by linkage status, exactly as was the case on the MACV IDHS. One of the purposes of the fragmentation-specialization of knowledge and responsibility, sponsored by state-man{dated] compulsory education, is facilitation of the normalization of the unthinkable by the resultant enhancement of glutamatergic neuronal etching. 1984 was upon us well before 1984, and by now we have left Brave New World far behind in the dust of nodal points thrown up by mobile networks as they increasingly cook Earth, culturally and neuronally and otherwise, with microwave radiation. The raw or the cooked, that has become the only real question. Belief on several levels of consideration -- nature of operator-time, for instance -- that there will be a significant human posterity is no factor of my motivation, there clearly being no campestral framework to overlook, not standing amongst this dysgenic species cankered deep by the MacLeishian doubt engendering outlines cast by projective-identification through camera lucinda of the collective psyche. ([No]{w)hither} is The Way, to paraphrase a character of a onememetime intelligence officer, named Maugham, ruminating upon a distinction between the doing of due diligence and the love of doing due diligence.
I can only partially agree with the standard Austrian School notion of money as commodity (see Mike Shedlock's Gold -- a Flight to Quality, MISH'S Global Economic Trend Analysis, 20 April 2011, for an excellent brief account of the basic precepts involved). Money: information units of account; medium of the values in exchange; store of relative values. The commodity itself is not that which fluctuates according to the Law of Supply and Demand, but the price of the commodity, and price is a unit of information -- in a state of movement through markets -- functioning as medium of the values in exchange. The restriction of money to commodity-only unduly proscribes the types of information which currency units may represent. For instance, proscription removed, nesting foams of commodity-backed LETS e-currencies could represent many classes of information -- e.g., 5T7, 3T4, 16T16 logically-valued -- fine-grain tagging many classes of externalities, such that market action directives would incentive/sanction behaviors across a spectrum of values, not only that in accord with self-interest. And the relative-state quantum-composite of all the classes of information which commodity-backed LETS e-currencies thus represent would be the store of relative values which the global economy has thus far found the wherewithal to trade in -- this wherewithal having to do with the discovered ways and means of representing F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock. But I do not see how this statement could be understood by those who see Schrödinger's wave-function as an expression of probability amplitudes, Lukasiewicz logics as interpreted to shades of gray, Everett relative-state as representing thermodynamically-dissociated many-worlds and not the interfused chronotopologies of one-world.
What pendency of the appeal executed as logical march in syllogistic pas de bourée? Memetime? Sequence or set? Falsus in uno; falsus in omnibus? One being false, all false? One rationality is false; all rationalities are false? False under 1T2-valued logic; false under µTm-valued logics? I have never assessed the rationality of ideas rationally; rather, by dragging them into my Umwelt, living as if they were so, seeing if they get spit out. All the more so as regards rationality of rationality-itself: I could not possibly have pinned my lifeworld-embrace upon the methods employed by Gödel to assess rationality. The rationalities of rationality are in transfinite Lukasiewiczian regress, which is to say there is no Final Arbiter and no First Premise and no Ultimate Satanic Fallacy to the rationality of rationality-itself; there is only uses to which the various rationalities are put, and uses are best assessed in experiential terms by the enteric nervous system, preferably at low-level glutamate titers. Law based in partipris, in prescriptive enculturation, in false logical fundaments like truth-value and logical necessity, is one primary factor as to why the human species cannot autopoietically adapt, why it must -- necessarily, heh-heh-heh! -- destroy its context. When the conventions are repugnant -- all the conventions -- because they analogically embody pathological worldviews, the only palatable option is appropriately scripted nonparticipation and well-studied indifference. Let the Finger of God do the lifting.
Microwave irradiation heats by freeing electrons from their orbits, twisting atomic groups within side chains, and side chains within molecules, and molecules within histological types. Quantum spin, spinors -- in self-similar upward cascade across scale levels. COMPLEX and HYPERCOMPLEX angular momentum exchange. Hypertemperature as scalar, as the spin component of operator-time. Employment of the notion temporal curl, in elaboration of our model of radiation exchange by superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA, explicitly hypothesizes that electron-temperature enhancement by ambient-radiation impingement involves induction of temporal curl, which is a blackbody-mediated modification of the local time structure within which the molecule has its habitus. The molecule at helix-coil transition is in the form of first-order operator-time. Since this notion had its origin in studies of tornadogenesis, it was first applied there in relation to acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode generation (one case of an acoustic analogue to a black hole computer). Within such a context, the ideas of radioatmospheric hormesis and atmospheric Petkau effect -- involving atmospheric LSTDs/CDs (limited spacetime domains/coherence domains), physical-region singularities, current injections, clock functions, and so on -- are not outlandish, and possibly are of importance to understanding climate-shift dynamics and associated geomorphological responses, which surely are not linear.
Quite frankly, I never spoke with such people, people wedded to the classical limit, and people I did speak with stopped speaking with them 30 years ago, so I am really in no position to comment on that: Tornadoes whipped up by wind, not climate: officials, AFP, 28 April 2011.
There is a huge difference between that becoming emergent by recursive generation and that being [de{im}]mergent by cyclotomic/anticyclotomic [in{de}]volutory-[de{re}]composition [in{ex}]tension: the difference between residual neuromuscular tension of the extraocular and laryngeal groups and flat-lined zero action-potential on the mind-gym's electromyograph, roof-brain chatter and its absence, lack of observer-state nesting and its presence, Aristotle and Plato, Confucius and Lao Tzu, Aquinas and Augustine, Galois and Abel, algebra and transalgebra, prime reals and prime ideals, the Cartesian-Newtonian and the unexpurgated relativistic quantum, the rabbinical and the cabalistic, the glutamatergic and the ketaminergic, quenched and unquenched intermolecular electron transport -- to put the thing/case in terms which the 1T2-valued cognition can [re}solve (see for a 1T2-take on the cylotomic/anticylotomic: Prime decomposition in the anti-cyclotomic extension, David Brink, Mathematics of Computation, 76:260, pp. 2127-39, 2007). The whole of neuroscience is based upon the former, to exclusion of the latter: whatever is discovered is interpreted through the lens of the former. Fire together, wire together: that level of conception -- not long-range phase correlations and their transfinitely dense Lukasiewiczian nesting foams. Immune from the latter for having designed their method explicitly to exclude the latter. Why? Because of the degree of weeding out achieved (see, for example: Excess of Neurons in the Human Newborn Mediodorsal Thalamus Compared with That of the Adult, Maja Abitz, et al., Cerebral Cortex, 2007) by the highest of higher enculturation, by the involved synaptic pruning, neuronal etching, behavioral maturation, prescriptive cognitive metaprogramming, network reassembling, cortical plasticity, remappings which the neuroscientist has been subjected to and complicit with. Spoken-language acquisition (with simultaneous quenching of inner Musculpt) being deeply involved therewith. Goog and Magoog ogled whilst googling in Chicken-Licken Henny-Penny fear! Syllogistic Daddabha Jataka tracking being foregone, who's to say -- Radiohead, Idiot Flesh? -- that The Sibyl is mistaken, in mere hysterical fear mongering? Buddhological insistence on deductive reasoning mayhaps, but such reasoning over what logical-value order types (see comment by Mumbles linking tornado outbreak assessment, Daddabha Jataka, and Henny Penny, which, believe it or not, I discovered after writing the immediately above-given)? No-Luddite doesn't necessarily mean support for Dud Lite continuing in Total Control of planet Earth by application of overwhelming force at each recursive iteration, uh, uh, of challenge. Whatever! -- what ever the profession, I could never have participated in it; that's one of the main reasons I chose pick-'n-shovel work. Hard to identify a class of successful professionals not highly culpable as regards keeping the species on its self-metaprogrammed path to collective suicide, thriller writers and film stars being short-listed from the long list (instructive to ruminate upon the specific nature of the implausibilities narrated-screened, relative to the complex-matrix which association experiments reveal as structuring collective-unconscious processes, and what is thus prefigured): deflagration transiting to detonation, as the shockwave escapes constraints imposed by properties of its wave packets. Ten-percent survival rate, I used to think. Haven't even managed to grasp the fundamental causes of two world wars, yet confidence is high for successful transit of the strange attractor presently locked onto. What a hoot! The double-binding of double binds double-binded being organizational MO of the prevailing world-construct, howsoever could transpire substantive modification, except by self-organized self-annihilation? HOO-AH! Take a little hit of adrenergic levorotatory epinephrine. For those identified with 1T2, it's a logical necessity. Heh-heh-heh! Don't look to me! What, me worry over leverage over me? What leverage -- I having recurrently lived close to the wretched, if not fully within the wretched of the Earth? The adrenaline rush is the acute, ergotropic, heightened-perception, schussboomer, clonic-phasic, fight/fright, fermentation regime; lofted endogenous ketamine-titer baseline is the trophotropic chronic tonic-activation shift distilling persistent interior distancing, time slowdown, identity-transparency, OBE observer state, death indifference by no-self awareness (rasa of no-self awareness and rasa of no self-awareness being utterly incommensurate). Not a Wanttabe, but a Platonic learner, I'm in indifference -- due to the degree people are making their own beds -- which I consciously know not to be High Indifference. Humph! Freedom ain't just another word for Consider The Language of Bad Physics (Beauty and the Brain) and Neuroanthropology: Understanding the enculturated brain and body. (Patho)genetic chimera as conflation of concatenation by generative grammars, calculable iff recursive, with demergence of semantics by quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. Semiotics of The Reductionist, as distinguished from omniotics of The Holist: no mention need be made of the Either/Or of The Seducer. What, today, cognitive neuropsychology regards learning, Plato understood to be forgetting, amnesis. Platonic anamnesis, as learning, is construed by linear(referential)time-bound anti-Platonists as chimerical remembering of past incarnations -- the only way (chiasmatic decussation into thermodynamically-dissociated virtual multi-worlds) the 1T2-valued cognition can [re}solve transfinitely dense Lukasiewiczian nesting foams. The illusion of in-the-body experience (over nesting-foam swarms mapped into and onto multi-sheeted Riemann-Sakharov universal covering surface of Novikov-kami dust) is largely due to glutamate-etched lack of m-logically-valued conscious registration of embedded local chronotopologies and their string-borne/looped transitions -- the baud-rate of consciousness of the prevailing normal state being too slow: as John C. Lilly's tank logs clearly document, ketamine being antidote to glutamate, there is an easy way to verify verisimilitude of this assertion. Heh-heh-heh! Long-practiced concentration in self-observation/ZaZen -- as inducer of ketamine flood -- is not required simply for mere verification. This is the root of the present global crisis, across all its dimensions: why the human species must necessarily destroy its context. The reason complete catastrophe is a virtual certainty is not the politico-economic/military conundrum, nor even resource depletions coupled to population thrush, though these are important, but the dissembling -- both consciously and subliminally -- of scientific models of natural systems, such that mass clinging to institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung can be indefinitely prolonged by manipulations of the psychodynamics of collective mind. Classical limit being foremost in this respect, consequences of the dissimulations long carried out in the Earth sciences and genetics may -- unto themselves alone -- be adequate to insure complete catastrophe. Nature has a habit of not conforming to engineering specifications, so I think the Clockmaker needs to return to the drawing board, don't you. The easiest way to get the distinction between anti-Platonic and Platonic learning is to draw a sheet of equilateral triangular quark symmetry network. How does one cyclotomically find the larger and larger scale-level nesting foams there within? Think of Jasper Johns' 0 Through 9. Answer: by dropping interior points out of view, such that larger and larger triangles are [re}solved. This dropping out of view is glutamatergic neuronal etching/pruning, which neuroscience treats as basis of plasticity at learning. Learning as Platonic forgetting. Platonic anamnesis is anticylotomic returning to view of the points dropped out: re{membering} such that 0 Through 9 is held simultaneously in awareness. Points dropped out or in are always already there/here. Nature doesn't 0 to 1 to 2 to 9; nature is 0 Through 9ing always -- all ways, everytime.
Perseverance furthers, as the I-Ching says. The removal of Bin Laden will certainly be a major test case -- if not one definitive -- as to the question of how effective successful leadership elimination programs are at staunching the self-organizing processes operating within insurgency movements (see: Bin Laden's Death is a Historic Triumph, But What Does it Really Mean for al-Qaida?, Michael Hirsh, National Journal, 2 May 2011) -- especially with regard to the class of such movements which cultivates the mindset of suicide bombers. The taking out of a leader who is no longer really functioning as a leader, only as the major figure in the insurgent narrative -- while certainly a morale builder for the counterinsurgent -- comes with considerable risk of an anomalous response from the insurgent's recruitment base. Probably take several years to reach real judgment on that. But, then again, maybe not. Since the early days of U.S. boots on the ground in Afghanistan, AQ&A have had no compelling need to create the circumstances and implement the operations required to facilitate another synoptic self-organizational phase transition; the war in Iraq largely obviated that need. Will elimination of Bin Laden create such a compelling need? And will they again be capable of fulfilling it? If so, how long will it take?
To that vote of confidence in man's hope, I can offer only the following: All art is revolt against the fate men have consigned to themselves, that fate being, to their estimation, the royal way. The corollary is: Yeah, right, WMD. Weapons of mass discussion where truth [re}lies on the know{ledge]. Only trouble is, there was no Matt Damon, and only loosely a Monty Python, snaking around The Green Room -- the Iraq war being no mere Noh drama enacted by DEVGRU laying out the full-face cards. One cusp catastrophe comes when the all-professional army turns on its privatized counterpart -- the Arab Spring being facilitated as yet another cognitive dissonance of resource acquisition by humanitarian political warfare similar to the West's attempt to embezzle Russian resources by fomenting crash-capitalist privatization as prelude to leveraged buy-out. Who talked of an afro replacing the euro? If yousguys can have a euro, why can't usins have an afro? And nowadays, if no revolt against man's fate, Turner Classic Movies is thoroughly subversive: in the day, no one (except the Hollywood elite) could watch so many films back-to-back in short periods, so the degree to which propaganda was the be-all-and-end-all of that filmmaking was not nearly so readily apparent as is now easily seen. And, gosh, just look at thematic content of that black psyche relative to actual post-Cartesian-Newtonian intellectual history of the period. Was the simple-self sensitizing, autoimmune-inducing, self-psywar OWI response also a cause? How long before onset of the European outbreak, before nazification of Germany, even, did the response begin? 1932: Johnny Weissmuller beating off the pigmies? Yes, I once lived in Tarzana. Earlier? Before the Great Crash? maybe the real horror is not what happened at Dachau but what didn't happen after Dachau. Certainly we know now once and for all that humanity can never be brought to its senses. (Jonathan Hull, Losing Julia, Random House, 2000, p. 166). What was it that didn't happen by virtue of self-psywar? No insight as to the real whys -- psychoneuropathologies amongst higher mathematicians, logicians, physicists -- ever emerged. And oh-so-how dependent is crash-capitalist privatization, as prelude to leveraged buy-out, upon Cartesian coordinates! Look, for instance, at how parabolic spike correction curve graphs the blowback. Newtonian-derivatives and junk-bond adepts would have to master a HYPERCOMPLEX representation space were m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams implemented, and they could only do that in user-friendly fashion by employment of quantum-brained VirFut Q-Pro and Musculpt (all art being revolt) as mathematical notation. Consider coherent Maxwellian atmospheric dynamics: acoustico-optical (thunder-lightning in human sensory dimensions) Musculpt processing of COMPLEX angular momentum exchanged (missing link between solar variability and a spectrum of geo-responses, including input to earthquake and volcanic-eruption triggers?) between nested LSTDs/CDs (limited spacetime domains/coherence domains) by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (the underwater dolphin's synaesthetic, sonic-visioning Musculpt being far more cosmically attuned than are our in-atmosphere, 1T2-logic processed, five separated senses). And we would teach dolphins to speak Human! Yep, how hurrycanes and tornaaatoes form, what, is thought known; yet the why, yes the why. In apercu: Maxwell's demon being temporal curl (Penrose twistor as quantization thereof), no mere memed hour-angled apparent time and pholes (see, for several discussions: Rocks That Crackle and Sparkle and Glow: Strange Pre-Quake Phenomena, Friedemann Freund, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 17:1, 2003, and Cracking the Code of Pre-Earthquake signals, Friedemann Freund, SETI Institute, 20 October 2005, and Earthquake Alarm, Tom Bleier and Friedemann Freund, IEEE Spectrum, December 2005) tunneling no less than moles An embellishing appoggiatura, the twisted imaginary aposiopesis which is appositional deposition of complex angular momentum upon successive layers already present to the demon operator-time: aposematic temporal chromodynamics of the instant.
Up Jacob's Ladder; down Jacob's Ladder. Note that David Brink -- and by extension Heh-heh-heh! higher mathematicians in general -- has the cyclotomic going up J's Ladder and the anti-cyclotomic going down J's Ladder as decomposition (see Brink -- appropriate name -- linked just above). This choice as to significance of up as opposed to down is Aristotelian/atomistic as opposed to Platonic/holistic. According to Aristotle, taxonomy of members has to be cyclotomically assembled before being anti-cyclotomically decomposed. According to Plato, prime ideals cyclotomically decompose as shadows glutamatergically etched on walls of the cosmic cave before being anti-cyclotomically recovered to their universal covering surface. Membering and {re}mem(e)bering, à la Aristotle and à la Plato. Back in memetime early-'60s (with a frosh paper, for AU-SIS Dean Griffith, via Prof. Abdul Aziz Said and his insistence I read Plato's Republic not for what he thought but for how he thought, entitled The Predicament of Existentialism), I challenged necessity (much later learning Lukasiewicz had long since written a book about it) of the notion precedence relations -- logical, ontological, temporal -- explicit in the before of up as opposed to down J's Ladder. My contention has long been that no mathematician and no physicist will rigorously explicate in details upon unnecessities of precedence relations, i.e., corpi of non-doings (not consequents of the absence of PRs, which, as a subtending, would involve naming of unnameables, denoting the non-denoteable, i.e., the scripted Emperor [à la Patricia Masters' -- another military brat running wild in 1950s Japan -- U of Hawaii Ph.D. dissertation] standing in for this functional prerequisite) without access to exteriorized Musculpt as mathematical notation -- m-logically-valued ratiocination upon the m-logically-valued (as opposed to using 1T2-valued logic there to do) transpiring altogether 0 Through 9. Imagine the weapons of mass discussion brought to bear upon this in argumentation at Cornell over upward and downward cascade dynamics at tornadogenesis! Register how alive and well these issues are at Fukushima Daiichi's No. 3 reactor (see: May 2 2011: Fukushima: Fallacies, Fallout, Fundamentals and Fear, The Automatic Earth)? Aside from the high likelihood, given all the precedents, heh-heh-heh, that the Fukushima data publicly released is thoroughly falsified, I find Helen Caldicott's arguments more convincing than Stoneleigh's points of reservation. Indeed, Caldicott does not factor in non-mutagenic radiation exchange by DNA and, particularly per our (Paine-Pensinger) peer-reviewed mathematical model, published in 1979, of free-electron gas core dynamics at helix-coil transition, how low-level and non-ionizing radiation likely induces soliton-shifts (i.e., by submolecular tsunami) in DNA's quantum-wave properties, such shifts -- were they to occur -- being capable, in turn, by altering normative frequency-response windows, of inducing formation of autoantibodies, ultimately histologically-specific anti-DNA antibodies, and the roles these would play in pathogenesis of many autoimmune diseases, and degenerative disease in general. Alexey Yablokov notes that prolonged exposure to low-level radiation is more dangerous than short-term exposure to substantially non-lethal high-level radiation -- AND states that the mechanisms involved in this are not well understood, and should receive much more study. Repair processes in significant measure are inverse to growth processes -- as so brilliantly essayed by, say, Albert Szent-Györgyi in Introduction to a Submolecular Biology -- involving primarily autogenic discharges on submolecular, molecular, and cellular levels; the more chronic the stressor the more deeply into the organizational nesting foam the induced shifts of normative values of governing variables, and the less restorative capacity of autogenic discharge processes -- in the case of low-level radiation stressors, directly engaging the quantum-wave properties of DNA. The corpus of standard technical terms Arnie Gundersen has chosen to use relative to Fukashima Daiichi, itself, is thought provoking. Prompt criticality. Exponential increase in fission events. Runaway nuclear chain reaction. Upward vector. Consider this relativity-theory-wise to vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes at cascade dynamics in tornadogenesis. Correlation length goes to infinity at approach to the critical Curie state of self-organized criticality -- just like in onset of DNA helix-coil transition at the Curie temperature. Coupling across scale levels -- and physics subdisciplines! -- of J's Ladder? Resonance effects mediated by self-similarity across scale levels? Submolecular and molecular scales, up to atmospheric scales? Is, by virtue of Lukasiewiczian interpretation, the time-independent Schrödinger equation, itself, a scalar signifying the involved resonance effects? Both our DNA model and the cascade model of tornadogenesis incorporate this take on Schrödinger. Does not this cross-scale resonance need to be more generally considered relative to the unnecessities of precedence relations? Water off a duck's back, right? Dynamical meteorologist, Douglas A. Paine, came out of his participation in efforts to model global fallout dispersal from the atmospheric Mururoa Atoll nuclear tests contemplating just such issues -- and promptly moved on (along with Mike Kaplan) to cascade-theory numerical-computer modeling of tornadogenesis, thence to climate-shift modeling vis-à-vis solar-terrestrial interactions via complex angular momentum exchange modulated by metabolic processes transpiring within Earth's atmosphere. And, by 1980, he had been squashed by the academic-atom smasher.
Here-here. Job well done. There-there. When has democracy been democratic? And maybe even neither here-here nor there-there. When has war not been a means by which the government regains control over its own people? All along I have been writing to the master narratives -- the collection thereof across the various fields addressed -- in full awareness that only critically placed insiders (such placement being at points of maximum raw data flows) could possibly discover what has actually transpired, could authentically distinguish facts from false flags. Having access to no Deep Throat, I will continue writing/speaking to the master narratives, while attempting to analyze their import. Thinking, ah well, that's a different matter altogether, isn't it: hension, [pre}hension, {com}[pre}hension. Without meditative facilitation of endogenous ketamine flood, there can be no direct conscious access to µTm-valued quantum-brain processing, and, hence, no com; with 1T2-valued molecular-cellular processing only, there is precious little prehension and a [pre}(ponder)ance (i.e., 1T2-logically and temporally before pondering; the befores of Jacob's Ladder being imaginary/hypercomplex-transverse to this syllogistic arrow-of-time before) of simple hension. Here, we have one difference between operational intelligence and actual capability for authentic abstract thought. There, quite obviously, we could, but don't, see that operator mind has too long been in charge of human destiny. As cognitive psychologist Joseph Chilton Pearce once observed, most Ph.D. degrees granted these days require exercise of operational intelligence only. ducked and dodged the slings and arrows of outrageous bullshit, (Hull, Losing Julia, p. 12, Julia-in-herself standing in for the corpus of identifications projected): that's operational intelligence for you! Julia by compensatory abreaction. Having lost Julia-in-herself numerous times, I speak from experience.
This is one reason why m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams could only be brought up from below: the information required is not available (see: The Destruction of Economic Facts, Hernando de Soto, Business Week, 28 April 2011, and, as regards one quintessential precipitator of market reflexivity, i.e., the self-referential liar's paradox, see Market jitters bring difficult choice between truth and lies for politicians, spokespeople, Gabriele Steinhauser, AP in Winnipeg Free Press, 4 May 2011, and Jean-Claude Junker, Luxembourg PM and Head Euro-Zone Finance Minister says 'When it becomes serious, you have to lie', MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 7 May 2011: and when it isn't serious, you lie anyway, because that's just how it is done, professionally speaking, in whatsoever profession: expert or well, certainly not Red anymore). The last thing I'd ever do is lie to you: The Truman Show -- and the Eisenhower show featuring Gary Powers and shows all the way through the Obama show and beyond. With regard to the Arab Spring, quoting Hollywood: I set you free; now, I will make you mine. The man in the Moon we now know to be a clone, not a clown. Chrimeny. Chit-chat, chit-chat. Prattle, prattle, prattle. Julia, jus' takin' care a busyness! But it is not only economic facts, information about market internalities, that is missing; also absent is adequate, accurate, and appropriate-scale information about negative externalities, to include environmental externalities generally, and those both negative and positive specific to the damage-to/needs-of agroecology. Yes, I know about the reductive third-party technical definition of externality! To me, an authentically adscititious externality -- not only negative or positive, but across the full µTm-valued spectrum -- is any input-impetus/outgrowth-consequence which the existing market properties-mechanisms are inherently incapable of self-organizing. Tagging of LETS currencies to indicators by multiple-scenarios computer gaming via electronic commons could only transpire throughout currency nesting foams if such information were generated locally-to-globally in the process of creating fractal e-boundaries over which the LETS currencies were to be defined. Multiple-scenarios computer gaming via electronic commons ain't no John Doe Clubbing of Frank Capra, ain't no Volunteers in Service to Whatever, ain't no Pass It On, ain't no MoSoSoed Peer-ta-Peer, however admirable these may be, yet ultimately subverted because not actually fulfilling structural and functional prerequisites to autopoiesis, in part due to the vehicles employed not being fully distributed, exhibiting a centralizing tendency, seeking to become a movement fronted by father/mother representatives-figures-gurus, such that, say, If only ten-percent were to become TMers checked by checkers Grandfather, on my father's side, lost his status as a tenant farmer in south central Pennsylvania during the Great Depression; on my mother's side, the name being Baumgardner, I came from generations of tree gardeners. In fifteen years of working as a pick-and-shovel nurseryman, and as a garden designer, I turned away from half-a-dozen opportunities to create my own niche business because the drift of that industry was decisively veering from anything I wished to participate in. My contention for a long time has been that the life-world availing itself of the world will not properly feed ten-billion people without implementing m-logically-valued LETS (see for implicit support of that thesis: Can the World Feed 10 Billion People?, Raj Patel, Foreign Policy, 6 May 2011). Green revolution eugenics plus fossil-fueled synthetic fertilizers (see, Eating Fossil Fuels, Dale Allen Pfeiffer, From the Wilderness, 2004, and Peak Phosphorus, Jim Lane, Biofuels Digest, 4 March 2011) plus agri-antibiotic/steroid dosing plus herbicide-pesticide sensitizing transmogrified to GMOed selective monocropping plus atoms-for-peace irradiation plus global microwaving as means of people pruning complementary to synaptic-pruning/neuronal-etching and facilitation of prescriptive enculturation by mimetic-estrogen flooding -- consciously elaborated, or subliminally so -- has never been a drift I've wished to participate in, particularly as the industrial/post-industrial freedom village ever more locks on to the strange attractor, the slave labor camp. The necessity for access to education in lieu of programming, equitable distribution, birth control without duress, and natural downsizing of population thrush cannot be escaped except by one or another type of holocaust. Believe it, do. Yoicks! Not yester, yond the y-intercept, and all of that yonks.
As regards the issue of justified torture (see, for instance: Kidnapping, Torture, and Reflections on Alleged 'American Values', Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 6 May 2011), I can, and did, have something to say (actually often spoken during the 1970s and, in facsimile, incorporated into our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, published 1994, as follows, quoting Volume One, pp. 319-21):
True, he acknowledged. Whenever I go to a get-together, I often try to make it into a learning experience. When they start visiting with one another, y'know, you hear much of complaining; complaining about policy, about the politicians, about a lot of things -- but it only goes so far. There are very definite limits to what people are willing to entertain. When the complaining begins, I usually push the conversation along a step at a time by interjecting a comment here and there, then watch the collective evasion patterns develop. It's very instructive The liberals disgust me the most; they are soOooOoo proud of their concern and commitment, yet NOTHING is allowed to stand in the way of their careers in academia, the media, the church, the NGOs, the helping professions. As if these institutions were any less servants of the state than is the military-industrial complex!
The people who engage most intensely in avoidance behaviors are those with a liberal ecological orientation; the conservatives, for the most part, do not need blocking because they are quite comfortable with the idea of doing whatever is required to get whatever is wanted, no matter what the human or environmental costs involved -- just so the costs are for others.
He stopped for a sip of beer. The liberals have adapted themselves to the awareness that the U.S. does ill abroad because policy makers are identified with 'manifest destiny', feel it is the American responsibility to police the world, et cetera. We have good intentions, you see, but often screw things up through ignorance, mistakes, overzealousness, et cetera. Of course, one has to assume considerable incompetence to account for so many supposed mistakes over three decades. But such assumptions are apparently quite easy to make. When the conversation moves into this area, some people fall away, go to the bathroom, go to get another drink, whatever; others pooh pooh the whole universe of discourse, but most of the participants hold on.
If you take it one more step, however, and suggest the possibility of ill intent for monetary gain, power glorification, or that contemporary manifestations of the sense of manifest destiny are just a psychological cover for the sentiment that the U.S. inherited, as the spoils of World War II, the mantle of the British Empire and therefore has the right to whatever it wants, and that an elite group of oligarchs has been determining national policy on this premise for decades then interesting things happen. The commonest reaction is simply the end of the conversation. An immediate social chill; glassy-eyed zombie facial expressions. Some people simply turn away and begin talking about how cute the cat is. Others make efforts to conceal the spontaneous arising of mild hostility, disdain, the upsurging need for repudiation rising in the gullet. A few decide they need some exercise after such a good meal.
Sometimes the conversation doesn't immediately end here. But there will be no rational consideration of issues or specific cases. Most often there will be a restatement of the position: mistakes, overzealousness, ignorance. If a rejoinder is offered itemizing cases suggestive of willful ill intent and selfish manipulation, there will be a moment of confusion and then the initial position will again be restated, as if the rejoinder had not been made, before the person suddenly notices how cute the cat is.
If you skip the step just described and suggest that the content of American films, the level of urban crime, the incidence of mass murder, the need for drugs, illicit and socially encouraged, et cetera, indicate that American society has become sufficiently unhinged as to produce significant numbers of individuals in leadership positions who emotionally need to engage in violence, in one or another of its many forms -- from the most immediate physical brutality, through the various psychological assaults, to the most elegant and refined of the intellectual varieties. And that this is a fundamental factor determining national policy. Well generally, there is a collective pulling in of air that marks the group as being jointly put out. The hostility, this time, is not easily contained. It pervades the atmosphere as a stony silence and is signified by abrupt departures from the immediate area. You are identified as an unpleasant person, a solecism. Someone who, obviously, always destroys the evening or Sunday brunch.
And if in the midst of this pulling in of air you state that you have personally witnessed Americans groovin' on the torture of a thirteen-year-old girl -- after electrical shocks to the genitals no longer did the trick, the wrists were tied behind her back with a rope attached to a pulley on the ceiling and she was lifted until her shoulders popped out of joint -- well, there is a collective move toward hyperventilation marking the state of aghast, and in the eyes of those pulling in the air, this last statement proves what they had already suspected: you are a jaded Viet Nam veteran and nothing you say is to be given any credence. Least of all, when you up the ante one more time and predict that America will eventually manage to create another war in which this sort of activity will be much more widespread than it was in Viet Nam -- the national need for it having become even more elaborated. Why why why obviously he's not one of those Nam-nesiacs. He's got some kind of pestilence in the historical part of his memory function.
I haven't engaged in the provision of such stimulants to social inflammations since the 1970s, so I can only try to imagine what the group dynamics would be nowadays. And why a national need, a need circulating rather freely amongst nation-states and their precursors over historical memetime? That's one question the rest of our novel attempts to address -- and the vehicles of which m-logically-valued LETS would attempt to redress.
Despite all that has been said/done, is being said/done, and will be said/done, whatever the immediate specific outcome in the present circumstances, the euro drift, thus far and near term, is clear (see: Greece Considers Exit from Euro Zone, Christian Reiermann, Der Spiegel, 6 May 2011). Bondholders should not share the burden; they should bear the burden (of their investment in badly managed banks and poorly run governments ill-conceived vis-à-vis the quantum-relativistic universe). 1T2-logical nation-state borders (upon which vehicle currencies are defined) : egoic Riemann sphere :: superegoic hypertensor boundary-without-boundary : go-beyond-borders superstate. Phobic loathing at very thought of zigzagging the diminuendo, of being hushed off into eternality, that absolute nihil misconstrued as indefinite linear extension: agony, just [a}gon(e)y. What? Like in, The sugar is all -- meaning the sugar is (all) gone? Choice of cosmic anomie over animistic immanence as psycho-socio-politico-economic analogical embodiment. Bonding by coupon rather than quantal non-simple identity-transparency, thus paying a premium price for a low-yield ontology. And not merely lateral bonding between private quanta of the given-market ensemble, bonding up the scale-level hierarchy of econometric corpi: discrete coupon exchange [pre}furred over quantal superposition. Centralization of regulation, control, lever pulling, i.e., localization of function to the executive brain. Why? Simple ignorance of general systems? Nope. Maintenance of the illusion of sovereignty, sovereignty of the ego-sphere, i.e., introjection of Godhead projected in projective-identification at transference -- without which illusion, prerogatives usurped to executive-brain functional-localization homunculus would be quantally distributed But what if Greece were to stay with the euro, while simultaneously implementing LETS currencies from the bottom-up, only mulling default/departure plans and a new national currency once the LETS currencies were well established? Not at all likely; interesting to contemplate, however. Particularly so, given that converting bondholders to shareholders is, when carried out on an EU scale, to hand over PIIGS banks to core-EU, British, and American banks, then, ultimately, a bank nationalization, then supernationalization, scheme: more unitrophic centralization by stepping farther up The Devil's Staircase (when it was myriad local-atomic microdecisions about mortgages, derivatives, et cetera, taken within a post-BW1 monetary regime, which were responsible for the meltdown) -- whereas implementation of nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS would ultimately involve an EU-scale vehicle currency with its nested covariant currencies in states of internal superposition such that centralization is contained within the decentralization constituting the quantum composite of the involved nesting foams. This vehicle currency (and an associated non-vehicle-reserve currency) notion does not predicate a monetary application of quantum decoherence because probability amplitudes are not employed; rather, Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued logics are used to interpret Schrödinger. Understand that this is understood as a seed idea only, an idea needing much expertise to be brought to bear upon it. Markets -- described by Anders Borg, Sweden's Finance Minister, as 'wolf packs' -- returned to their lairs (see: Inevitability of Default in Greece, Floyd Norris, The New York Times, 5 May 2011). Ach, Gott am Mir! Bitte, mein Leider. Bitte hilf, Leiber. Ego-ideals sedation leveraged upon a fulcrum of scorched sensibilities. Mono-scaled, univalent, Cartesian-Newtonian command economics, be it of the Marxist modality or the capitalist variety, hard or soft utopianism, has so thoroughly besmirched itself before nature as to virtually insure incendiary collapse, not only of the nation-state system, but of nation-states, the best hopes of which are to become self-cancelling necktie relics, i.e., cultural lags -- and, yet, the only engines of autopoiesis, primitive as they are, being Turing machines, not bootstrapping Lukasiewiczian-Everettian automorphs, markets, that is, are denigrated by simile of animality proffered in animosity as conversion-disorder displacement of the animism explicit to the Lukasiewiczian-Everettian relative-state/identity-transparency needed to internalize the externalities certain to snuff that which ministers love to command. Talk about self-referential reflexivity! Delays in restructurings are costly and the limits of buying time with liquidity provision become increasingly tighter, also sprach Alessandro Leipold (see: Thinking the Unthinkable: Lessons from past Sovereign Debt Restructurings, The Lisbon Council, Issue 11, 2011) -- costly as regards nation-state-system restructuring, no less than debt restructuring. Stallings, deemed successful by short-sightedness, simply make the next crisis more elaborate than it otherwise would have been and the next and the next until But what minister cares by deed, not word, about serialization of calamity? That not-caring is structuralized into the nation-state systematic requiring restructuring by Lukasiewiczian new thinking (Leipold quotes Einstein as to how same thinking can't solve the problems it created: what thinking about formal restructuring mechanism can one find which is not, in actual fact, same thinking?).
I conducted many interrogations in Viet Nam. Never used duress, let alone torture. The true bill, the real skinny, was distinguished from the shades of gray primarily by being sneaky in the way deployment of the information already possessed is used to modulate the PW as he develops and revises his storyline. There is a difference here between developing strategic intelligence and tactical intelligence -- and the slippery slope in between. I interrogated only on the most airy-fairy of strategic intelligence issues. There was complete willingness, even enthusiastic urgency, to talk about the airy-fairy -- so few being interested. And, given the circumstances, the methods employed worked pretty well. Effectiveness of the strategic intelligence generated at affecting U.S. policymaking is altogether another question: policy is generally immune to intelligence. The torture session I inadvertently briefly opened the door upon a few weeks after arriving in Viet Nam concerned the most immediate of tactical issues. The girl, a hooch maid, had been involved in making possible the placement of a bomb which killed several Americans asleep in their bunks. Immediately rolling up the remainder of the IED team was the overt-conscious reason for using the torture. It worked. The team was immediately rolled up. No subsequent such bombing took place. As for me, having been a non-participating witness, I was kept in unusual token-American assignments where my death was highly likely -- until a wound took me to Japan for recovery and reassignment. Being a non-participating witness to an atrocity, I can only imagine as being much more dangerous than what I experienced. How many such witnesses survive to leave the immediate area? War is utter brutality -- and there always are many, many sides. Risk of being killed by one's own side can be quite high. The debate over 1T2-logical effectiveness of torture is bogus, not either/or, spread all across the spectrum immediate-tactical to time-independent-strategic. How immediate-tactical was the situation in which General Nguyen Ngoc Loan was snapped in the famous photo? There is no accurate blanket statement available. And as regards whether or not the U.S. used torture during WWII (see: Torture Never Works; Ron Paul on Torture and Secret Prisons; 'Torture is What the Nazis Did', MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 9 May 2011), one would do well to consider the fact that all OSS X2 counterintelligence documents were destroyed immediately after the war (with few exceptions, like those Archimedes L. A. Patti found a way to squirrel away and employ in the writing of his book Why Vietnam: Prelude to America's Albatross : the story of that squirreling away, Patti himself told me). How tortuous is napalm and white phosphorus? Ever been up close to where a fighter jet is laying some down upon a squatter settlement infiltrated by bad guys? Americans didn't do that? What about the famous photo of the nude girl with WP burns running down the road away from such an attack? For all I know, that particular case may have been the VNAF; whereas the case I personally witnessed was definitely the USAF. The only way wars can be made to conform to the principles of peace is to not have wars. Arguing that there can be good moral warfare is to argue for utility of the next war -- most pristinely warmongered by Stealth blackpsyche as, If war is controlled by moral people, it will be moral (thus sprach Jessica Biel playing a pilot come down from some seventh heaven).
When I moved into a riverside stilt house in an area of Cambodia with intact mangrove swamps along the river banks and rice paddies behind, I thought the mosquito problem would be horrendous. But there were far fewer mosquitoes than there had been in the riverside Thai town in which I had previously lived, where mosquitoes emerged in swarms from many sources, particularly roadside trenches and covered sewer lines. There were some mosquitoes in the stilt house, easily driven out with judicious timely use of coils, but these came primarily from fill areas accompanying building, fill areas improperly filled -- not from the intensely used mangroves where water was continuously in motion, or from the well-managed rice fields. So, though I've never had malaria -- likely low-grade dengue -- I found James Pogue's article, General Anopheles (subtitled: Ending malaria in Africa any time soon is nearly hopeless. And in trying, Jeffrey Sachs and Bill Gates may be doing more harm than good.), Guernica, January 2011, to be of particular interest. Why is it that those who have accumulated large quantities of private discretionary resources use those resources attempting to do what governments rightly should be doing, rather than in doing what governments inherently cannot do?
Just what I need: another kind of adrenergic hormone (high-techy update on the Confucian-village speaker). The suspicious amongst us will probably view PLAN (see: Personal Localized Alerting Network, FEMA, 10 May 2011) as the first step toward requiring each of us to accept composed memories via our neural implants (1T2-logical extension of self-psywar). Not exactly what John C. Lilly, M.D., by creation of the implantable electrode, had in mind, I think.
Actually, along with the I-Ching (book of changes, not chances), I do not believe nature needs laws -- or has them. With m-valued universal physical constants wave-effect processed under Cantorian-indexed m-valued logics, where is closure/completeness to be found, what invariance is not superseded, what conservation is not nullified by a more cardinal conservation, what parallel is not simultaneously skew, what perpendicular is not also acute/obtuse, what inconsistency is not consistent in some other logical-value order-type? Laws of nature are epiphenomenal to Kantian human psychoneuro-identification with 1T2-valued logic alone. Yet, all these above-mentioned non-Kantian categories of non-contradictory contradiction are superposed quantum composite, not changes or chances: isness of all-that-is; suchness of such-that; beingthere of the-case. Moreover, per the quantum measurement problem, so long as glutamatergic neuronal etching restricts conscious scientific registration overwhelmingly to 1T2-valued cellular-molecular logical processing alone, and instrumentation is designed to verify this registration, there can be no beyond a reasonable doubt as regards any scientific proposition not incorporating Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types of quantum processing, to include propositions concerning the Wheelerian notion of pregeometry as calculus of propositions. This Cartesian-Husserlian doubt -- not actually fully elaborated by either Descartes or Husserl: see, for instance, how Husserl begins his book, On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time, by assuming a given immanent time; for relevant commentary, see: Derek's Journals in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, and Time and Formal Authenticity: Husserl and Heidegger, Robert Welsh Jordan -- particularly includes doubt regarding materialistic conclusions drawn (see: Einstein's theory of gravity confirmed by NASA probe, William Whitlow, WSW, 13 May 2011), denigrating glutamatergically-etched 1T2-logical Kantian categories, upon basis of the recent GP-B measurements of the geodetic and frame-dragging effects (see: Gravity B Probe, NASA). Quoting Whitlow:
Einstein’s theory is based on the conception that space and time are neither God-given, as Isaac Newton had believed, nor built into the human mind, as the philosopher Immanuel Kant maintained. Einstein based himself on the materialist conception that space and time are fundamental properties of matter. His theory of General Relativity shows that local space-time is determined by the distribution of matter, both locally (as with GP-B and the Earth) and, to a very tiny extent, even by the matter throughout the Universe. That materialist conception of space and time is richly confirmed by the GP-B project and other theories of space and time that are based on more subjectivist conceptions that have been disproved.
However, if matter bends and twists empty spacetime, empty spacetime bending and twisting is matter: a self-referential Lukasiewiczian proposition (in part underlying The Anthropic Principle concerning single-valued universal physical constants processed by nature with 1T2-valued logic alone). In that context, zero-point energy -- by Einstein's most famous equation -- is part of the super-strung/quantum-looped process by which ponderable, tensored Minkowski spacetime is memed. Pseudotensored non-orientable manifolds (example of exterior Musculpt) are apropos the realms of logical, ontological, and operator-timed cyclotomicity.
In my considered opinion, tacit bureaucratic SOPs become officially papered shadows of themselves only after they have been epidemic long enough to risk negative bleed-back at public exposure (see, for example, sneak-'n-peak, echo of snatch-'n-snuff: Warrants Let Agents Enter Homes Without Owner Knowing: Delayed-Notice Search Warrants Increasing, KOAT tv Albuquerque, 17 May 2011); moreover, verbal signifiers like sneak-'n-peak, snatch-'n-snuff stuff , double veteran -- there is quite a list of such -- do not become pedestrian colloquialisms without sufficient behavioral/experiential basis. Anyone these days who authentically believes -- not merely out of careerist necessity -- that there has been a significant current event at some memetime these passed 200 years at least, which was not, in some fashion or another, a conspiracy is surely approaching the status of, well, nicely put, the mentally maladroit (for instance, the conspiracy-theory debunking book/film, Shutter Island (vis The Ambler Warning 's Parrish Island), by its very existence only serves to heighten the likelihood that the Korean war-era Philadelphia Project on forced indoctrination (cf: John C. Lilly) transpired as depicted by conspiracy nuts -- as any graduate of Psychological Operations Group should well understand). At the very least, Type-A authoritarian/authoritative-personality effector organs like Stalin, Mao, Hitler -- even little effectors, the Charles Manson's -- and their good-guy counterparts are epiphenomenal of unconscious conspiracy, i.e., mass projective-identifications at collective transference, with associated conversion-disorder displacements (the Stockholm syndrome as it manifests across whole population corpi in relation to imposed institutional bases and conferred role attributions analogically modeled upon pathological worldview constructs). While once upon a memetime explaining to a German historian my understanding of how the probability-amplitude falsification of Schrödinger's wave-function (rather than straight-forwardly using m-valued logics to interpret that m-valued function) forced collective German onset of an epidemic of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance -- according to neuropsychiatrist Wolfgang Luthe, well documented in the Weimar annuls of the psychoanalytic practice of Oskar Vogt and Cecile Vogt-Mugnier, founders of the field of neuropsychology and progenitors of Autogenic Training -- leading to the collective compensatory regressive abreaction called nazification, I was interrupted by the protest that use of the word collective is wrong, mass being accurate because there was a considerable back-reaction against the Nazis just as they were taking power. My reply was: What people think they think is unimportant; what they think they don't think is what matters. Moreover, the good guys cause the bad guys no less than the bad guys cause the good guys. Why? Because the transference is a collection of bi-logic relations/processes (as Ignacio Matte-Blanco well understood: The Unconscious as Infinite Sets: An Essay in Bi-logic, an account apropos of the molecular-cellular brain -- but not of the quantum brain, that brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain, awareness of the processing by which is suppressed, in part, by neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance). The only way not to participate in collective compensatory regressive abreactions is to simply step out the door (R. D. Laing) onto the m-logically-valued (Lukasiewicz) platform of the free-falling elevator (Einstein's first wife). But present-day neuroscientists are so identified with 1T2-valued bi-logic that
One of my theses has long been, back to the late-1970s, that Harvard Puritan Samuel P. Huntington's Vietnam-war-era forced-draft urbanization (memory serving, his article The Bases of Accommodation, which I read in 1968) -- hard case of the proposition that economic development is synonymous with urbanization -- was subliminally motivated by fear of animistic-pagan quantum nonlocality/identity-transparency and became, by collective compensatory regressive abreaction, the Khmer Rouge's forced-draft de-urbanization, and that this abreaction will, in due course, reappear in globalized form as one aspect of a Cambodian holocaust of the WholeEarth, Huntington's clash of civilizations then becoming a mere footnote to the end of history. Presently, the Greeks seem to be running a fire drill along these lines: Greek crisis forces thousands of Athenians into rural migration, Helena Smith, The Guardian, Friday, 13 May 2011. And as one indicator that this may be larger than merely a matter of Greek city-states, consider: Hedge Farm! The Doomsday Food Price Scenario Turning Hedgies into Survivalists, Foster Kamer, The New York Observer, 17 May 2011.
Having become aware of details of the enemy-strength-estimates controversy in immediate aftermath of the Tet-'68 offensive, I've always subsequently been interested in the origin of numbers. Control the definitions and you control the numbers (a principle discovered in 19th-century higher mathematics): one 1T2-logical extension of Halford Mackinder's pivot-zone/heartland theory. Present-day estimates as to the current price tag on GWOT run as high as 5-trillion dollars, the short estimate being a fifth of that (see: Bin Laden bled the U.S. of a cool trillion, Kevin Rafferty, The Japan Times, 16 May 2011). By controlling the definitions, we can arrive at 5 trillion in surface costs alone to the U.S. alone (riding the exponential-cost-increase curve imposed upon counterinsurgents engaging in geographical-extension/memetime-protraction, and expecting actions subsequent to Desert Storm to be yet more versions of Superman singing The Desert Song). Open the definitional window all the way up in order to estimate total global costs to everybody/everything on the planet, to include the costs of not doing what alternatively could have been done, and, conservatively, very conservatively, that figure could easily be a 100-times bigger than Rafferty's long estimate of 5 trillion. $5 trillion is an interesting figure. Flash forward a moment and consider the following paragraph drawn from an article on Chinese holdings of U.S. debt (see: China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills, Terence P. Jeffrey, CBS, 3 June 2011):
As of the close of business on Thursday, the total U.S. debt was $14.34 trillion, according to the Daily Treasury Statement. Of that, approximately $9.74 trillion was debt held by the public and approximately $4.61 trillion was intragovernmental debt.
$4.61 trillion in intragovernmental bonds, the means, for instance, by which the Social Security Trust Fund was disappeared: approximating to Rafferty's long estimate of what Bin Laden bled the U.S. In a very real sense, it seems, Americans have elected officials who have sold the future of Americans down the drain of war. And if one considers 9/11 to have been a sting operation designed to facilitate planetary self-organizational phase transition by al Qaeda into AQ&A But proclamation of GWOT, itself, was a control-the-definitions number-controller: that's one way battles become understood as wars. Did GWOT begin with Bush-the-Younger, or with Zbigniew Brzezinski (who wrote a book on political power with Huntington in 1963, year I entered AU-SIS, and later, transducing the rather Hamiltonian technetronic power principle, in 1986, a summary of his contribution entitled, Game Plan: A Geostrategic Framework , Atlantic Monthly Press)? Not exactly the rather Jeffersonian StratPlan One of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, as detailed on the homepage of this website. Polish Brzezinski has obviously never assimilated the Polish logics of Lukasiewicz. First sound, second sound; first promise, second promise; first papal bull, second papal bull; first presidential doctrine, second presidential doctrine. Or maybe Gerald Ford? When did Get some back from the Bear! become a pedestrian colloquialism in certain circles? Was it immediately after 1975, or immediately after Tet-'68? Consider, for instance, RAW: India's External Intelligence Agency, Jayshree Bajoria, Council on Foreign Relations, 7 November 2008, and Covert contestation, Praveen Swami, The Hindu, 22:19, 10-23 September 2005. How long prior to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan did clandestine U.S. engagement with disgruntled elements of The Islamic Crescent begin? The Islamic Crescent being, essentially, Mackinder's marginal crescent. Or maybe it went back to the Landsdowne Declaration of 1903 (Brits warning Russia and Germany off the Persian Gulf), a significant contributor to overt origins of both world wars? Was 1903 the real beginning of petrowar, even first inklings of post-peak-oil conflict? If the whole of GWOT is but a single battle, what are actual costs of the whole war likely to be? 1903, hmmm. One year before co-founder of the London School of Economics, Mackinder, delivered his paper, The Geographic Pivot of History, to the Royal Geographic Society -- that lecture coming one year before Einstein published his Special Relativity founder's paper, On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. An interesting synchronicity telling us a lot about where the heads of various groups were at. Ilse Haushofer, a pivotal character in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, denies any relation to Karl Haushofer, Germany's leading advocate of Mackinder. Wehrgeopolitik: war geopolitics. One way to become educated about the juxtaposition of 1903, 1904, and 1905 is to simultaneously read Pascal Venier's paper, The geographical pivot of history and early twentieth century geopolitical culture (The Geographical Journal, 170:4, December 2004), with Peter Galison's book, Einstein's Clocks, Poincare's Maps (Norton, 2003), with Thongchai Winichakul's book, Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-body of a Nation (U of Hawaii, 1994, reviewed by Lauren Lang). Just as Einstein generalized Galileo, Lorentz, Poincare, and other's thoughts on relativity -- yielding relativity of simultaneity, length contraction, and time dilation: notions long since understood in Buddhism relative to inner experience, incorporated into Tzog-chen AllBase of sacred Buddhological space, and analogically mapped upon Lifeworld as boundaries-without-boundary (much later re-discovered under the rubric 'hypertensor' calculus) -- aficionados/officiales of Newtonian notions of space and time were, contrary to nature-in-itself, imposing 1T2-logical, in-or-out, whole-integer-dimensioned boundaries upon the planet (upon which, in turn, legal-tendering of monetary currencies was/is defined), including Siam, and developing lists of political-geography strategic determinants (let's not forget 1900 for Planck's quantum-of-action challenging of simple antecedent-consequent causal determinism) to outcomes at warfare. It was the French, of course, who imposed Boolean boundaries upon the Lao, the Khmer, and the Siamese. Passed tissues on Second Wind, 'e did, what, can't but be best pleased. In a frightful tizzy, tit-tupping tum titty tum tum, as usual. Slanging match done, and now that Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been deposed, how about try of, fumigating up a treat, an IMF chief from some country once suborned to the IMF doctrine (see, for one account: It's not just Dominique Strauss-Kahn. The IMF itself should be on trial., Johann Hari, The Independent, 3 June 2011) -- direct experience of suborning having its knowledge value -- say, for instance, Thailand? To repeat: What are actual costs of the whole war likely to be?
I read Henry Nash Smith's Virgin Land: The American West As Symbol and Myth (Harvard U. Press, 1950) for the first time in 1963 at AU-SIS in conjunction with readings on The Turner Thesis (frontier as transforming Europeanism into American exceptionalism) for Elspeth Rostow's 4-semester, 12-credit-hour American Civilization seminar. This reading came synchronistically as I wrote a paper for Elspeth on the Hamilton-Jefferson debates on the national debt and as I learned of the degree to which Locke relied upon Newton's Laws of Motion in analogically justifying, by appeal to the Laws of Nature, the franchise. I've reread that book several times since, primarily because, from first reading, I sensed some sort of connection to psychogenic origins of the classical limit in physics. This issue of virgin land (actually not-virgin, but Land of Genocide) qua classical limit was revivified for me at CICV-Targets as I came to realize how thoroughly psychodynamics of West-more-land incursions upon Injun cuntry subliminally informed bombing of the inherently unbombable as conversion-disorder displacement of animistic Hetch Hetchy quantum nonlocality, hinchiest of the hien chi (seeking a snicker). My personal emotive investment in this issue was perhaps way overdrawn by virtue of the extreme contrast (a transdition) I had experienced between notions of yama-no-kami/to-no-kami (for interesting contextualization, see: The Concept of Revelation and the Primal Religious Tradition, Arvind Sharma) at Midori Ga-oka, kita-Kyushu, 1953-6, and the wilderness ideal embraced by sourdoughs, Alaska, 1960 thru 1962 (so I understand something of why Marlon Brando would yell Saraaaaaa!). As a seventeen-year-old, assisted by a sourdough of long standing (Paul Connell: a Washington, D.C., landscape architect who, aged 50 or so, pulled a Gauguin after Pearl Harbor and spent twenty winters at home alone on a mining-rights homesite located halfway between Circle and Eagle on the Yukon in what is now the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve), I filed under the Homestead Act, only to be denied for being under age, and without parental co-signer. Then, after my Viet Nam war experience, the Territorial Imperative still being strong, I tried, but failed -- too little personal monies -- to found intended communities in both British Columbia and Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. How could I account for myself, born Flag Day, 1945, to a bomber pilot, if I could not somehow come to terms with this, with the collective psychological programming involved? And, now, that issue is again revivified by chance encounter with William Cronon's article, The Trouble with Wilderness; or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature, Guernica, May 2005 -- particularly so, given how William's family name resonates with the chronotopological transforms orchestrated by operator-time, with which -- in their various expressions of Form-in-Process -- I have been occupied for several decades (see, for instance, Toward a General Theory of Process, Paine-Pensinger, one of the less technical of Paine's many unpublished papers, 1977). One would think that -- given the fact that, say, Japan's 54 nuclear reactors can only produce 30% of the electric power the Japanese currently use (see, for excellent commentary on Fukushima Daiichi: May 10 2011: Welcome to the Atomic Village, The Automatic Earth), and given that nuclear is likely not market viable, (see, for instance, Who Will Take the Radioactive Rods from Fukushima?, Yoichi Shimatsu, Global Research, 1 June 2011: quoting, In a free market without hidden subsidies, nuclear is probably doomed) -- indications there may be no classical limit, and that nature's fundamental connecting principle may not be 1T2-logical necessity (i.e., antecedent-consequent causality and/or probability amplitudes) would garner considerable interest with respect to humanity's post-carbon-energy memetime future, given that, in that case, there may be wind-type energy sources here on Earth yet to be imagined-discovered by physicists -- but it doesn't. Per Cronon's thesis, is the why of that lack of interest a corollary to The Turner Thesis?
Believe it or not, this being an accurate reflection of the expertise brought to bear, in the months preceding the 1967 Six-day war, as an E-3 drop-out from Training Group (one once-sheep-dipped Medics training cadre I was close to during 1966 and early-'67 having been a veteran of Establishment 22: never mentioned this before now, it having recently been placed in the public domain by the CFR) to Psyops Group who had talked a circuitous path into being seconded to JFKSWC (wiles of the military brat having come of age hanging at the barracks, eh) by virtue of student days at Special Operations Research Office, SORO-AU, I was the only person at the JFK Special Warfare Center -- primarily due to intuition and independent personal initiative -- compiling current intelligence on the Arab-Israeli conflict, developing military OB, trying on my own to develop and maintain sitmaps, and doing historical analysis. The unit at JFKSWC I was seconded to was, regardless of its strategic R&A intel-analytic papered/assigned responsibilities, in reality a holding company for, at any given point in memetime, approximately 100 lieutenants never seen and awaiting reassignment to Viet Nam, commanded by a series of lite colonels who played a lot of golf before going to Viet Nam, and administered by a command sergeant major on his last assignment after a distinguished, even illustrious, career, beginning at the end of WWII, as an undercover Nisei CI agent in Asia. When the war broke out, I was the only one equipped to brief the many field-grade officers who descended upon the Center as a potential source of information -- which I did. Suddenly, I found myself an E-5 locked in a bunker on Smoke Bomb Hill, and on abrupt alert for immediate insertion to Tel Aviv. I never went -- because the Israelis won the war so fast. In immediate aftermath, I argued in private to the few who would listen, those sitting on their fald stools holding their falchions, that all indicators suggested the Israelis would keep the occupied territories, and that this was, in my judgment, a strategic error of the first order, over the long haul. Even then, summer and early fall of 1967, having once studied a bit of Cabala under tutelage of a Westchester County Princess, I was convinced that Jerusalem would be a major stumbling block, the dissociated Gorgonic Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion being exceptionally difficult to reintegrate into an authentic Trinity. One might assume, therefore, that nowadays, I would be an advocate of a return to the pre-Six-day-war territorial status quo ante as the basis for any stable/enduring 2-state solution (see, for instance, as regards 1967 1T2-logical borders: Israeli rebuke of Obama exposes divide on Middle East, Jeffrey Heller and Matt Spetalnick, Reuters, 20 May 2011). This assumption would be mistaken. Early on, probably some minor success with that; but as memetime passes into decades, one war into other wars, lost opportunities become thoroughly lost as grievances build, as inertias and momentum pile up, becoming concatenations stacked upon concatenations. Jerusalem, especially, being a central issue of convolution. Next year in Jerusalem. Jerusalem and the WWII holocaust being inseparable (see: Obama: 'A Full and Phased Withdrawal' by Israel to the '1967 Lines', Gavriel Queenann, Arutz Sheva, 23 May 2011, where it is explained how Abba Eban, in 1967, called the 1949 armistice lines [note how sophisticated the still-prevailing notion of boundaries, by contrast to those actually employed by nature] the Auschwitz borders), holocaust hysteria and crusades hysteria, and back and back and back into archetypes of the collective unconscious. Under and beneath, no less than over and above, all other aspects of the Arab-Israeli super-conundrum is the affect-charge constantly fed by holocaust-related PTSD (see, for instance: TA [Tel Aviv] protesters to Obama: Israel won't commit suicide, Tovah Lazaroff, Jerusalem Post, 22 May 2011, protesters signing: No to the Auschwitz lines of 1949 and Israel can't be divided: Auschwitz, suicide, divided self: absence of singly-logically-valued bi-logic, i.e., 1T2, is regarded by most people as absolute nihil and associated catatonic schizophrenia; and also: Netanyahu in Congress: Jerusalem Must Remain Undivided, Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Arutz Sheva, 25 May 2011). There will be no real resolution in the Middle East until much deeper understanding of the origins of the holocaust is arrived at and appropriately acted upon. For instance, Polish-joked m-valued Lukasiewicz logics were undoubtedly apperceived subliminally by the European mind as possibly the greatest existential/identity threat/denial to arise in 3000 years. Cursed eternal Gorgons! This is likely one deep-structure reason (mediated by the collective unconscious and all the transference libido projected by the masses upon both men) why Hitler and Stalin focused so much destructive energy upon Poland. Is it possible that responsibility for existence of m-valued logics was displaced from Lukasiewicz to Polish Jews in particular, Judaism in general? By Cabalistic encounters, I had come to understand that Jerusalem, while denoting a geographic entity, connoted a high spiritual state of consciousness (m-logically-valued, to be sure) -- connotation having been, by the tripled parties involved, conversion-disorder displaced to denotation by mass projective-identification at collective transference. Having read C.G. Jung's analytical psychology prefigurative account of nazification -- Modern Man in Search of a Soul -- while studenting in AU-SIS, 1963-5, at bidding of Prof. Abdul Aziz Said, this reading coming conjointly with the reading of, and absorption of near verbatim lectures drawn from, Said's Concepts of International Politics in Global Perspective -- my pondering upon the dilemmas incumbent upon connotation-converted-to-denotation took on a decidedly psychoanalytic slant. (Said once called me in to 200C, sat me down, told me a story about a friend of his who went off into the desert and stayed there: he thought I was at considerable risk of similar behavior, so invited me, as a diversion from such risk, to sit in upon his graduate theories class and into his MacArthur Boulevard discussion group. As it turned out, I did, in a manner of speaking, choose to go off into the desert, where I stayed. Nonetheless, ideationally speaking, AU in the early-'60s, being Methodist endowed, with a large Jewish student population, a significant Muslim presence, and a mosque nearby was a better incubator than Georgetown University -- though I lived in Georgetown, directly across the street from Ted and Joan Kennedy. Good morning, Joan. Yes, I'll see the kids onto the bus along with my charges.) The pondering of this particular case -- Jerusalem -- played a significant role in evolution of my idiosyncratic take on the notion of metaculture -- an artifactual concretization of the invariant prerequisites to the corpi of learned behaviors of a collection of particular cultures, as semiotic expression of Jung's notion of transcendent function. The problem cannot be authentically solved on the abstraction/empathy-level it is consciously construed -- hence, real solution cannot be arrived at by consensual processes, or by imposition, only by learning. And that collective learning can only transpire by application of the requisite convivial tools. What are those tools? Tools capable of artifactually concretizing the connotation displaced to denotation. In the general case, exteriorized Musculpt as mathematical notation seemed to me one such tool. On a further level of concretization, nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries explicitly connoting the Judaic/Christic/Islamic identity-transparency underlying the Trinitarian character of the Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion, as displayed to the collective unconscious in Dome of Heaven arrayed by inner Musculpt over Jerusalem, that high spiritual state of consciousness. Forms of use, being further concretions yet, would involve electronic-commons, computer-gamed definition of externality-tagged, m-logically-valued, Lukasiewiczian LETS e-currencies upon the fractal-entrapping quantum drum (i.e., the moon of peace or The Moon of Hoa Binh) projected above Jerusalem by light-sound-lasered Musculpt orbifold symformphonie (see, for instance, relative to self-concretization of time, the wonderful paper: Toward a Description of Integral Atonality: Study Project in Phenomenology of the Body, Elizabeth A. Behnke, Integrative Explorations Journal ). These are not alien notions, but already being-there in Judaic Cabala, Christian gematria, and Islamic Sufism. Far more practical than a mushroom cloud.
Are we living in the 16th century when mathematically-codified space and time made their Western appearance, or in the 21st century? In what century of intellectual history has your mind and his mind and her mind established habitus? Western history or other histories? The Viet Cong did not overcome the enormous disparity of available force thrown against them by taking recourse to Cartesian-Newtonian modes of thought, and applying what they learned from assimilation of those modes. They triumphed primarily by employment of fractal boundaries. Not fractal boundaries-on-the-ground; fractal boundaries in administrative hyperspace. I am using words and concepts they did not use, which were not even consciously explicit to them -- but which, nonetheless, they profoundly understood (thanks here is due the late venerable professor of East Asian cultures, Nguyen Khac Kham, for several focused discussions) in their own terms: chi bang, or domain (ever since 1368, everybody has talked about Van Hien; nobody has talked about chi Bang : see, for instance, Pham Cao Duong; I don't know, can't find out, but was, long before 1368, chi somehow related to the Chinese notion of chi [which I don't believe had anything to do with the modern physics notion of energy], and bang somehow related to fixed points over an exponential map of the power series of a pseudotensored boundary-without-boundary?). Why did the Ming Chinese Emperor, Hongwu, (an empty-center or singularity about which quantal self-organizing processes congeal: see Kawai Hayao, The Hidden Gods in Japanese Mythology, Eranos Yearbooks 1985, Vol. 54, 1986, by contrast to, say, George Sansom, A History of Japan to 1334, Stanford U. Press, 1958) choose the characters he chose, Vietnamized to chi Bang, to denote domain -- like in LSTD/CD (Limited Space Time Domain/Coherence Domain) and the Bohmian domain structure -- an old, old Asian notion deeply wrapped into theories of sacred Buddhological space, esoteric acausal understanding of relative-state dependent origination, and the identity-transparency (not unrelated to Gebserian diaphaneity) mischaracterized by Western social psychologists and anthropologists as contagion and/or participation-inconsciente and participation-mystique? For discussion of dependent origination as deeply related to Everett relative-state, I quote myself from the T4M posting on this website:
Real Buddhist economics in a Buddhological monetary space, contrary to George Wehrfritz's understanding (Buddhist Economics, Newsweek, 22 January 2007, pp. 22-4), has nothing to do with the Four-S's: subsistence, simplicity, sufficiency, subservience. No fuzzy, undistributed middle-morals, gray-scale about it: Mu to that koan! The whole of dependent origination is in equilateral-triangular [quark-symmetry] Tantric-Schrödinger's time-independent one mind moment -- and that being the case, Everett's relative-state is the best-yet account of it: the superposed-simultaneous time-shapes of total capital stock. See on this issue P. A. Payutto's Dependent Origination: The Buddhist Law of Conditionality, Bruce Evans, trans. (Bangkok: Buddhadhamma Foundation, 1994). Quoting the appendix (p. 98): It has been mentioned that in the commentary to the Abhidhamma Pitaka (Sammohavinodani) the principle of Dependent Origination is shown occurring entirely within the space of one mind moment. Whether or not, or to what degree, the space of one mind moment (emphasis added) is dependent upon the baud rate of consciousness, and whether or not, or to what degree, this baud rate is dependent upon Planck's minimum time, and whether or not, or to what degree, Planck's universal physical constant minimum time is single-valued, single-valued but changing over an objectively-real real-numbered linear-time line, a field, functionally m-valued, functionally m-valued under m-valued logics are very interesting questions, which to a large degree depend upon what you cut with your Dedekind cuts. And these questions can be addressed very succinctly by consideration of the temporal operators notated in the canonical equation descriptive of radiation exchange by superconductant p-electron gas core of intranuclear-neuronal and intramitochondrial-perineural DNA.
The space of one mind moment may be considered a domain, one domain within a nesting foam thereof -- in number-theoretic terms: that you cut with your Dedekind cuts so as to demerge to, by cyclotomic involutory decomposition, an algebraic field. For much discourse on this general realm of cognition in Thai Buddhist terminology, see Thongchai Winichakul's book, Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-body of a Nation, and relative to Tibetan Bon/Buddhist Tzog-chen, see Anne Carolyn Klein's and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Unbounded Wholeness: Dzogchen, Bon, and the Logic of the Nonconceptual (Oxford U. Press, 2006), and for some of the transalgebraic Abelian higher mathematics thereof, see Eric Temple Bell's 1912 Columbia University Ph.D. dissertation, The Cylotomic Quinary Quintic. Viet Cong on-the-ground boundaries were changed frequently according to fluctuations in the environment of the combat and resultant imposed tactical and strategic necessities: this did not make those boundaries fractal. What made them fractal was the fact that all the myriad bureaucratic variables covering the administration space defined by those boundaries (in U.S. terms: AO, TAOR) automatically/algorithmically changed with the boundary changes dictated by flux and flow of combat (and this was accomplished without computers, indeed, without enough typewriters, and with very poor quality paper). Which is to say that those myriad variables were functionally (holomorphically) mapped upon the boundaries containing them. Indeed, considering the relations between the variables themselves, their double-stacking, their lateral unfolding, their vertical and horizontal nesting foams, their repetition of forms across the echelon/scale-level hierarchy from military region to village, and so on, once mapped upon boundaries, that mapping made those boundaries fractal-band-pass, and the administrative space thus constellated a fractal-entrapping quantum drum (an administrative hyperspatial analogue to the traditional bronze drum, which frequently exhibited etchings of triangular nesting foams, and many other related motifs). I have been arguing this with various terminologies ever since pre-Tet-1968, while organizing and studying the map gazetteers at CICV-Targets. A few years ago, African Fractals were brought to my attention, and I was not in the least surprised (watch and listen to author Ron Eglash speak on the subject). Regarding many of Eglash's tacit assumptions and general conclusions, I would from them distance myself. So, hold all that in mind whilst considering Obama subtly endorses contiguity relative to a Palestinian state (see evidence of a presupposition as to which contiguities necessarily would be involved: Obama Advocates Cutting Israel Into Two Halves, Polipundit, 19 May 2011). This is far and away not a new issue (see, for instance, Rand Corporation recommending its version of territorial contiguity: Building A Successful Palestinian State, Rand, 2005). For a PLO Negotiations Affairs Department account of the contiguity issue, see: Official Palestinian Response to the Clinton Parameters (1 January 2001). But this is old, old stuff: for a look at the pre-Israel partition plan, see: UN Partition Plan for Palestine, 1947. How decisively thoughts on these matters have changed over the decades, eh! But not only is macroscopic contiguity at issue, also that micro-scaled: e.g., inside Jerusalem -- Jerusalem the city, not Jerusalem the state of consciousness (the Cabalistic tree-of-life -- these days debunked in film -- is about nothing if not about fractality). Look at a map of the territories occupied during the Six Day war: the sidebar explicates how much this war was a war over water, and ocean-borne shipping access -- and also notes the fact that it was a preemptive war. Study location of the Golan Heights relative to the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee. Now look at the long DMZ enveloping the Jordan River immediately north of the Sea of Galilee, as negotiated by Ralph Bunche in 1949. Contiguity is far from the main territorial issue! Despite the latest lost opportunity for proclamation of a magnanimous vision of a magic-without-magic democracy-without-democracy (see: Why Palestinians Have Time on Their Side, Jeffrey Goldberg, Bloomberg, 25 May 2011), there is no possible-world 1T2-logical-boundaries solution to the territorial squabbles manifest in this conflict zone -- and this condition is a microcosm of the whole global Go Beyond Borders! humanity-as-a-corpus problem. There is no life possible without the domain phase boundary. But what type of boundary -- opaque cell wall or identity-transparent band-pass plasmahaut? Integral dimensioned or fractal? On the ground or in one or another type of hyperspace? And, if in hyperspaces, user friendly -- or no? Artifactual concretization of the (administrative, materiel metabolic, monetary currencies, indicators ) fractal mappings upon boundaries of the hyperspaces employed is the way of user-friendliness, the way of Musculpt as mathematical notation exteriorized-by-concretion for all to hear/see. As this is learned, tactile insistence upon ponderable contiguity (Jean Gebser's haptification of space, collectively constellating as a highly-charged, libidinous, archetypal gradient, even, for instance, as Lebensraum strange attractor, just as Lukasiewicz's tri-valent Gorgon logics rose their ugly heads covered with m-valent snaky hair!) will diminish in proportional lockstep. On-the-ground territorial borders will become cultural lags, as fractal e-boundaries, upon which m-logically-valued, Lukasiewiczian LETS e-currencies are defined, self-organize the LifeWorld relative to the natural and human resource-base. No impression whatsoever is made upon me by pointing out that these ideas do not constitute an immediate solution to an ever more dangerous situation -- given the fact that I have been aware of and articulating these basic notions, in one fashion or another, since early-1968. A very, very small, but perhaps meaningful coincidence, was the fact that -- ideas such as these playing in my awareness -- I was locked into the Egyptian Embassy, Washington, D.C., in aftermath of the 6 October 1981 Anwar Sadat assassination. Being an expert tree-of-life pruner and garden restorer, I had been personally requested to work on the needing-some-help Embassy garden in anticipation of a visit by Madame Sadat -- as I understood it, by referral of Julia Helms, whose Japanese garden I periodically nurtured, my Japanese gardening guru having earlier made that garden. Being-there after the assassination transpired, when decision was taken to lock the Embassy down, I could not leave. Hunting good will, as I may have been, unfortunately, this experience did not teach me how to walk on water.
Stuart Hameroff still believes in a classical limit. I wonder about the survivors in Joplin, Missouri.
Here may be the best codification I have yet to encounter of the non-vehicle, reserve-currency domain (re: Keynes' bancor and White's unitas) as m-logically-valued reference space qua quantum-composite multi-phasic frequency domain for global balancing via Keynes' notion of a clearing union: (Quoting Elizabeth A. Behnke, Toward a Description of Integral Atonality, p. 16, see link above, drawing on Webern):
But there is another way to understand silence: as a tacit or taken-for-granted background, or even as the latency of a background context that cannot be exhausted by any single event or inscription. Silence in this sense names a network of mutually implicatory tacit structures, an open field with its own logic.
Sound of no-sound, as essayed in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh. Coherent infrasounding of Everttian mutually-implicatory relative-state with its own Lukasiewiczian logic! Musculpt as mathematical notation, and VirFut Q-Pro, would, of course, be required to implement it vis-à-vis monetary systematics. The Existentially ABSURD Camus-STRANGER-like death of Webern, shot while stepping out for a smoke, September of 1945, by an American cook-sentry, seemed to me -- studying dodecaphonic music composition (invited to do so on the basis of a school paper I wrote on the Shinto multi-leveled/sheeted concept of time concretized by Toru Takemitsu's November Steps ; though, being into Consciousness-Without-an-Object as irreducible to object-oriented consciousness, and operator-time, and 0 Through 9ing as Johnsian pregeometry-posing later cyclotomically decomposed to superposeability, I certainly cannot agree with much of this, please consider: consciousness come [sic] after language!, Subrealism, 22 May 2011) under an accomplished woman pianist, especially capable of Sprechstimme, and specialized in Schoenberg/Berg/Webern vocal works, George Mason University, circa very early-1970s -- a quintessential expression of the 20th-century human condition: how could a man with Webern's insight, relative to the deep-structure of what WWII was actually fought over, have been allowed to live beyond that war, given nature of the collective-unconscious archetypal behavioral gradients constellated and in control of man's fate? I would like to take this opportunity to credit another George Mason University professor for facilitating development of these ideas -- of whatever value they may, or may not, be -- the man from whom I took many studio art and comparative art courses, who introduced me, on a practical level, to many notions I had thentofore never even begun to imagine -- who is/was not only a superlative instructor, but was/is also the National Gallery's foremost restorer of Old Masters' paintings. During this period, I made my living as a Digger, piece-work root-pruning (nemawashi : going around the roots in stages to create a groundwork, or, by analogical extension, an m-logically-valued reference space, such that a major far-from-equilibrium phase transition, in this case transplantation, can be accomplished with very little leaf drop : thanks be to Toshi Kajiwara and Ishiyama-san of Beeches Nursery, Georgetown Pike, McClean, Virginia, and Sasaki-san, Head Gardener, Japanese Embassy) and balling trees, which I took as a kinaesthetic, Gurdjieffian inner-separation over moving-centers, autogenic-training occasion (Wolfgang Luthe, with whom I was in communication at that memetime, then of Montreal, later became associated with the School of Kinesiology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.) for practice of reductive phenomenology, my peculiar Midori-Ga-oka-derived form of Husserliana (walking meditation as root-pruning, facilitated by the taking of modern dance classes at George Mason U.) coming under the influence of an octogenarian Italian stone mason -- due to one particular six-months-long piece of assigned work, assigned by Jerry Hill, Hill's Nursery, Arlington/McClean, Virginia -- with decades of experience working on the National Cathedral. His daily discourses on materials and their tactilities, I must also credit as very significantly contributing to evolution of my presently-embraced ideational construct. I continued in this vein until my GI Bill educational assistance ran out: during this period, I refused tests, but offered to write papers in lieu of, and took no interest in the grades given for any course taken, as I was not seeking a degree because no job I was ever likely to want required one. Strangely enough, my future wife, Nha Trang, was to briefly direct Friends World College, Kyoto, which implemented an educational practicum very like the one earlier self-organized for my me. No Summerhill, perhaps, but something like a close approach. I regret that my name-recall has so badly fallen off over the decades. Well, yes, what can one expect -- my 'I' having already shown signs of predeceasing my 'me'?
It is correct, a true-bill supernote not offset but intaglioed on a Swiss press, that the atmospheric science community, and the larger physics community, rejected a numerical forecast model -- the Paine-Kaplan cascade model of tornadogenesis -- running on USAF and NASA computers during the early-1970s which was regularly predicting tornadoes 12 hours in advance on a 1-km grid using historical data sets, that is, using data then available -- data gathering having improved since that time. Because of this rejection, the model was never interfaced with real-time data. To have done so would have been a big, expensive project. Why was this model rejected? No one ever gave me what I considered a truly plausible answer. The issue was fraught, highly emoted, and covered in bitterness: lives of participants were roiled and twisted. Each and everyone I ever met who directly worked on the model continued to strongly believe in it; no such person I became aware of, ever, to my knowledge, stopped believing in it. Aside from reports of vertical academic-transference psychodynamics and horizontal scholarly fratricidal exhibitions, the usual surface explanation offered was that meteorologists had by then, assisted by chaos theory, come to believe that severe local storms, especially including tornadoes, are inherently unpredictable. To some, apparently, the very idea of energy-momentum cascade stunk of as above, so below New Age pseudoscience, and was rejected on that basis. Random heat forcing at micro-meso scales, on the other hand, ah, no hippy-dippy-do in that! The deeper explanation given was that cascade theory of severe storm genesis employed scaled application of relativity and quantum physics principles, principles meteorologists are not trained in the application of -- thus there was knee-jerk rejection. Affective inscriptions scrawled across sections of papers indicated that the math behind the cascade model was intimidating. Further explanation involved the statistical-mechanics/probability-approach versus nonlinear Newtonian causality issue. Reviewers rejected submitted papers out of hand because, to their minds, in this day and age, causal approaches simply are not credible. What this class of reviewers didn't understand is that the causality involved in the cascade model was a modified and scaled version of Everett's relative-state account of quantum mechanics, which is not based upon a probability-amplitude interpretation, and that, thus, the causality involved in the cascade model was not the causality of Newton, linear or nonlinear. This, of course, involved rejection of the classical limit, rejection of the notion that Earth's macroscopic atmosphere is a Newtonian domain -- and this, in turn, involved description of universal physical constants appearing in the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics as being m-valued. This was also cited as a reason for meteorologists not trained in quantum-relativity theory to engage in knee-jerk rejection. Responses to papers sent to the authorities-that-were in the quantum-relativity field indicated their lack of interest resolved to an insistence upon maintenance of the classical limit. But the more I heard of this, the less I believed any of it. Just a few years before, I had had a very similar experience with the enemy strength-estimates controversy which eventually would lead to the Westmoreland-versus-CBS trial. In that case, too, I had arrived on the scene immediately after the thing had effectively ended. And I knew from experience of the earlier occasion that the conscious reasons given are not the real reasons: What people think they think is unimportant; what they think they don't think is what matters. One way the Earth's macroscopic atmosphere is kept classical is by renormalization, in the case of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, by rescaling the primitive equation set such that these modes drop out of view. These modes are generated at critical Curie states of atmospheric processes and play important roles in the Paine-Kaplan model. Reviewers often cited this aspect of the model as reason for rejection: No atmospheric waves travel at the speed of sound! What was not understood by those making that observation is that, at the Curie state, there is a twist out of the real-numbered atmosphere into the imaginary-numbered and hypercomplex-numbered atmospheres. The curiousier and curiousier thing about these waves is their m-valued properties, like the m-valued properties of Schrödinger's wave function. I thought the real subliminal reason for rejection of the Paine-Kaplan model was the personal and collective psychodynamics consequent upon the possibility that Lukasiewicz logics would have to be introduced -- and that this would reverberate back upon fundamental issues in quantum mechanics itself. Here, it seemed to me, was actual origins of all the affect-charge marshaled against the model. I also suspected that unstated reasons involved the likelihood that embrace of the model's underlying principles would strongly militate against weather modification strategies, militarization of weather, and much transpiring in upper atmospheric research as readiness for space-based defense. Flash forward to consider in this context James Petras' discussion of the Geography of Tornadoes, in his piece "Empire or Republic: From Joplin, Missouri to Kabul, Afghanistan", Dissident Voice, 6 June 2011.
Oranged-out on coming down from travels with Cornellians, one might actually be thinking -- So(,) what about statistical studies and temporal maps drawn from ice cores and so on!(?) What do they tell us about discrete events and all the evidence there is that discrete interferences with atmospheric modulations of complex angular momentum cascades are directly involved in shifts of the factors of genesis of discrete atmospheric events, be they weather or climate related, and modification of correlation lengths over variables conjointly involved in discrete storms, discrete earthquakes, and discrete volcanic eruptions? -- but how little is profited by attempts to syllogistically pilot one's own thoughts, let alone those of others Ever made a Japanese garden? You, in Idaho, who winter over your pet carp under ice in a tiny fish pool, believe this is due to temperature-change/oxygen-depletion at onset of the rainy season (see: 800 tons of fish die, rot on Philippine fish farms, AP, 31 May 2011)? Or is it a matter of variables conjointly involved in discrete storms, discrete earthquakes, and discrete volcanic eruptions? Like bird-kill, bee-kill, frog-kill? Swimming in circles, indeed; like V-form geese up-and-down-riding long-wavelength infrasound songlines. Sensitive Chaos was no precursor of chaos theory. Here's an interesting development (see: Italian Seismologists Charged With Manslaughter for Not Predicting 2009 Quake, Fox News, 27 May 2011). What about physicists, meteorologists, volcanologists who identify their selves by means of psychological identification with the classical limit?
This, again drawing from Elizabeth Behnke's paper (linked above; unfortunately, Behnke's other papers are limited-access postings only, so I am unlikely ever to study them; the author has no control over this; one of the drawbacks of peer-reviewed publication: loss-of-conventional-self; I, for instance, cannot post our DNA paper, nor even read it online, and one opportunity for re-publication was blocked), perhaps helps to better explicate what (hidden-discourse representation theory) I have attempted to signify by the term Musculpt (coined by Douglas A. Paine in 1975, from my use of music-sculpture, as a software instruction designator relative to acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes at operator-timed theta-e surface equivalent-potential-temperature topological transforms upon tornadogenesis: nature's own Scriabin color organ):
As Pousseur points out [Behnke here drawing on Pousseur's essay entitled Outline of Method], the perceptual type to which this [atonal] music appeals is no longer the understanding of an abstract form, heard 'through' the material and standing in transcendent relationship to its actual incarnation And yet the absence of an abstract form does not automatically lead to some sort of total chaos, which would stand in opposition to form in the same way that the irrational opposes the rational. The music does have a logic within its own strangeness, a perceptible coherence.
Seen by the mind's eye, no less then heard -- in quotes, for it is not heard as sound, but as no-sound (which, in my experience, contrary to Cage, has many of the parameters of sound, just different) -- by the mind's ear: hence, Musculpt. I would say that an abstract sounded-form is seen-heard in both the tonal and atonal cases (in the atonal case, the result of topological operations of temporal curl), but the mind habituated to 1T2-valued logic regards only the tonal case as constellative of an abstract form because form in the atonal case relies upon µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics -- those logics which were being envisioned at the very time Schoenberg tentatively shifted to atonality, and were being rigorously elaborated at the very time Webern fully made such a shift. Zeitgeist of the period, what! What Behnke calls diaphoneity is characteristic of the diaphaneity of phonons at superconductance, which, in higher-temperature cases, particularly the biological case, I believe cannot be fully explicated without employment of Lukasiewicz logics. Moreover, in my judgment, atonal form also relies upon irruption of three-fold operator-time (a notion first tentatively put forward by Wolfgang Pauli, during the 1920s, and notated -- relative to temporal curl -- in the canonical equation to our superconductant DNA model, and more complexly in the cascade model of tornadogenesis) -- not memetime, lineally-spatialized or not. Reliance upon these two -- aperspectival m-valued logics, operator-time -- I believe, is, in a certain sense, even greater for the case of dodecaphonic form; that atonal being more open, it requires much higher logical-value order-types: think four-fold basic shape of the row relative to the nucleotide-pair-encoding coherent (acoustic) wave output from the superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition. Concretions of the higher-temporal (imaginary and hypercomplex numbered) levels of the genetic language are written out in Lukasiewicz logics, I believe (Gebser didn't really get his head around Lukasiewicz logics, as his characterization thereof in The Ever-Present Origin is not insightful) -- DNA on the molecular level (to include intranuclear neuronal DNA) being in the chronotopological form (Husserl's temporal form) of first-order temporal curl. I would further note that creative mathematicians synaesthetically see-hear through to the form of the mathematics they create/discover (this is hinted at in Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field, Jacques Hadamard, Princeton U. Press, 1945). Hence, Musculpt as mathematical notation. Notate what the creative mathematician ACTUALLY sees-hears! It can also be observed that looking through is a hallmark of Joe Goode's painting -- if not of his Tornado Series of aquatint etchings (quoting Goode: to me, this idea of looking through something was more important than the image itself. -- Acquisition: Joe Goode at the Menil, Tyler Green, ARTINFO, 31 January 2008).
I am willing to talk with about whatsoever, whatever the involved predication -- on an ad hoc basis. But that is not authentic talk. I've never experienced an authentic talk with -- not at any memetime. Such would require the preface, for instance, that I attribute absolutely no authenticity (formal and informal) to contemporary mathematics, as consensuated/notated, because all such maths have been developed solely by deployment of the lowest logical-value order-type alone. Modern technological achievements in no way suggest authenticity due to the fact that destructive technologies are eminently derivable from partial understandings. Nor does experimental verification verify anything but transference of brain states into projective-identification by virtue of the Anthropic Principle and its reflection, quantum measurement. Insofar as there is a truth of the matter at discourse, there can be no authenticity involved. People, in my experience, are as psychologically brittle as a thin pane of mirrored glass. This brittleness is well elaborated by puberty. Any psychoflex achievable is accomplished only by voluntary reheating, at enormous cost in suffering relative to the small flex-resultant thus brought about. People can and do live whole lifetimes without ever once experiencing significant endogenous ketamine flood -- whatever prescriptive/proscriptive enculturation they have been subjected to. What authenticity, therefore, have they ever been exposed to? How thence marvel at the range of normotic desperation behaviors become normative?
Though I have periodically read into him, beginning in 1963, I am far and away from being well-informed on Husserliana. I once did, however, over prolonged periods, engage in meditation-like practices recognizably relevant to reductive phenomenology, though by no means reductive phenomenology as written about by Husserl (during this period, early-1970's, I assiduously studied the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, 1938, as a result of running across Lancelot Law Whyte's wonderful book The Next Development in Man, 1950). My highly-inexpert knee-jerk reaction whenever reading Husserl has always been to come away regarding Husserl, not only as debunking Cantor, but as being in high back-reaction upon the metric and matrices of relativity and quantum theory, as well as set against developments in the field of logic leading to codification of Lukasiewicz logics. Husserl's lectures on time were given in 1905, the year Einstein's Special Relativity appeared -- and, as far as I have been able to see, subsequent revisions did little to incorporate implications of relativistic perspectives. A rather strange event transpired at the Autogenic Therapy Symposium of the 4th World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kyoto, 1977: after presenting a paper, by request of Wolfgang Luthe, written by biochemist and then-editor of The Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, Roland Fisher (who had to be absent to be present at the World Congress of Psychiatry), a paper relating phenomenology of the autogenic state to phenomenology of states associated with Vipassana meditation, I took and answered a question from the floor concerning the subjective experience of time dilation and spatial contraction. Then I sat back and listened as a rather incredible discussion transpired. Present was not only Yuji Sasaki, Japan's leading authority on the electrophysiology of Zazen, but also a number of renowned Zen masters from various temples around Kyoto. Expert translators were on hand providing ear-phone translations, where required. For the next 45 minutes, there transpired a highly elaborate discussion of time dilation and spatial contraction as integral aspects of states experienced at ketaminergic (see, for instance, Zen and the Brain, James H. Austin, MIT Press, 1999, which reviews the literature on endogenous ketamine flood at meditation) Zazen, and how elaborations of these often precede sudden onset of no-mind Satori (suggesting, at least, that categorical form does not require 1T2-valued-logic ratiocination, à la the notion that no-mind is not absence of mind, but presence of the multivalue [i.e., no-mind works with semantics and lets the lesser gods sort out the syntactics]: does categorical form come down, or is it built up -- or is it the Isness/Suchness of giveness [Gegebensein]?). The 1T2-valued-only mind, according to my aperspectives, has no wherewithal -- due primarily to glutamatergic neuronal pruning/etching -- to distinguish the given (i.e., neuronally-etched Kantian categories) from giveness-itself. The normotically lexical, according to this notion, is prescriptive -- however much it may change. The Husserlian polythetic is not logically polyvalent. Passive, linear, referential time, i.e., memetime, for instance, while it may be constituted polythetically, is logically monovalent -- were there such as time constitution according to the principle of compositionality, whereby the meaning of the whole is syntactically constellated from the meaning of its parts (algebraic homomorphism), rather than vice versa by involutory cyclotomic decomposition (what might be called Abelian-Bellian transalgebraic holomorphism). Input grammatical transformations and the output is not semantically monotonic -- why? -- because the realms of semantics are largely µTm-valued, whilst those of natural language transformational grammars are largely 1T2-valued -- or so my propositional attitude believes, particularly if Post's T is indicative of involutory tree-of-life as map of non-derivative file-change potential (not deletion under identity, but inclusion over identity-transparency). Most of the people in the room were Japanese medical doctors and psychiatrists, so I am sure they had much less difficulty following the discussion than I did. Nonetheless, my formalized indexical-morphemic 'I' did come away with the distinct impression that the principles of relativity theory were not irrelevant. As regards the several Husserlian back-reactions my bound-variable pronoun always cognitively knee-jerks at (entailments of my lexical items: such knee-jerking being not surprising, given Existentialist Husserliana explicating existence precedes essence, Platonism embracing essence precedes existence, and my 'me' challenging fundamentality of all precedence relations), the following terms and statements -- drawn from Time and Formal Authenticity: Husserl and Heidegger, Robert Welsh Jordan -- seem to me to well illustrate: Nothing excludes the possibility that perceiving and perceived be related by simultaneity and immanent time as entirely continuous and the 'pure ego' to be a simple unity and time constitution and avoidance of a vicious regress of temporalities and the act interprets the object as being self-same and monothetic intending explicates the object as it truly is. For me, much was simplified, many cognitive epicycles removed, by the notion, explicated in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, that consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on space; consciousness in its passive aspect is the space acted upon -- the topological operators at issue being collectively operator-time and the space involved being the m-logically-valued reference space AllBase. Without the 1T2-logically-valued order-type, there still could be Platonic-cyclotomic counter-reduction (cf: anamnesia being by inner counter-work countering the counter, as accounted by Hubert Benoit in Let Go: Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen), but nonesuch over this Suchness such that the doxic is experienced as ontically lived.
Back and back and back. Back to identity relations, elements, and functions. Back to 0 and 1: additive identity and multiplicative identity -- and their roles in Peano's axioms for the natural numbers. Peano used 1T2-valued logic only in arriving at the notions additive identity and multiplicative identity -- and the logic employed is resolvable to the Boolean concatenations of 0 and 1. So, one way to understand import of µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics -- the fuzzy way -- is as the set of all Peano epsilons (members) of the identity-transparencies existing over 0,1. But is that the only way? I like coincidences because they may be meaningful coincidences, i.e., Jung-Pauli synchronicities indicative of collective unconscious knowings -- particularly as regards number and time in a possible GUTS over depth psychology and physics. Peano chose epsilon to signify members. Cantor chose epsilon to indicate order-class of transfinite ordinal numbers, epsilon-nought being the limit of a transfinite recursion of such transfinite ordinals: exponent stacked upon exponent stacked upon exponent unto ellipsis (the ellipsis indicating the arbitrary termination of a sequence). Epsilon-nought was also chosen by some physicist (likely Coulomb) to represent a physical constant, vacuum permittivity, which appears in Coulomb's law for the force between separated electric charges in vacuo. Physicists like to talk about charge conservation and invariance under charge conjugation transforms, but not charge creation (see, for instance: this discussion on Physics Forum, 13 March 2011) which smacks of Riemann's notion of charge as lines of forces trapped in the topology of space (one such topology being Sakharov's multi-sheet model of the universe). But if we take Riemann crossed into non-monostratal Sakharov, perhaps these epsilon-synchronicities make some sense. Not only does quantization of elementary charge resolve to quark symmetries, under this crossing (in the Spencer Brown sense of Laws of Form, which proved Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras by demonstrating that distinction is more fundamental than truth-value) it may be seen, by incorporating Sakharov's metric elasticity of space, that identity is more fundamental than distinction, and identity-transparency is more fundamental than identity. While there may be referential opacity on the level of the truth-valued 1T2-order-type, there is a spectrum of metareferential transparencies over higher µTm-valued order-types. A totally-ordered set can be represented as an order topology. One order topology of the Cantor ordinals, up through the first exponentiation, is a spiral (of considerable interest relative to topological transforms leading to tornadogenesis), the collection of turns signifying a power series. If each turn is taken as indicative of the presence of a lamination, then Cantor's epsilon-nought may be taken as numerically signifying the order topology of Sakharov's multi-sheet model. And, per Riemann, Cantor's epsilon-nought may be related to Coulomb's epsilon-nought by topological operations of temporal curl generating skew-perpendiculars (see our 1977 paper Toward a General Theory of Process for further discussion) between lines of force and equipotential surfaces (laminates/sheets). The corpus of such skew-perpendicularities (an instantiation of metareferential transparency involving physical synonymy) may be the hypercomplex fiber-bundle subbase to what is presently regarded Heisenberg uncertainty. Since the subbase generates the topological space of which it is the subbasis, the involved self-trapping may be one way to imagine Riemannian trapping as charge creation. But, going further back to the set of all Peano epsilons (members) of the identity-transparencies existing over 0,1 (i.e., the event-number as plural entity, requiring fiber-bundle arithmetic, even as to natural number as non-selfsame), skew-perpendicularity qua Heisenberg uncertainty (important to the virtuality involved in BCS theory of superconductivity) would be, according to this argument, one reason to apply m-valued Lukasiewicz logics to interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function (as is implied by the cascade model of tornadogenesis and our model of free-electron gas core of DNA).
Here is a summary of a significant finding relative to our model of radiation exchange by free-electron gas core of DNA (see: WHO: Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk, Danielle Dellorto, CNN, 31 May 2011):
In February, a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, revealed radiation emitted after just 50 minutes on a mobile phone increases the activity in brain cells. The effects of brain activity being artificially stimulated are still unknown.
The canonical equation of the model describes modulation of the rate of helix-coil transition by fluctuations in ambient radiation. Presumably this would apply to the case of intraneuronal DNA.
Desmond Lachmann states some of the reasons why I believe "whatever it takes" -- even action by an Avatar of True Lies -- will be done to save the euro periphery/center-banks until the ECB itself gets into trouble and the next step up the Devil's Staircase is taken: alteration of IMF special drawing rights such that the IMF can bail out transnationals (see: Partial debt restructuring will not work, Financial Times, 30 May 2011). Once on, getting off the Devil's Staircase is not easy -- the choice to stay on is easy (see, for instance: Trichet Calls for Euro Finance Ministry as Crisis Deepens, Christian Vits and Gabi Thesing, Businessweek, 2 June 2011).
IMHO, if speed kills, hyperspeed kills collectively. There is very little in the way of mereologically cumulative, endless, atelic cause-push, and very much of mereologically quantized, omega-pointed, telic goal-pulled, in the connecting-principle ensemble responsible for current patterns of human collective behavior. By intensional logic, pragmatically fixated via recursive syntax-to-semantics typologies on possible-worlds strange attractors: e.g., exponentiation of information density (see, for VDO illustration: The Daily Pulse of Global Innovation, Innovation Daily, posted 4 January 2010) pulled by the singularity beyond the AI event horizon where artificial neural networks go grand mal for lack of trans-truth-valued µTm-logically-ketaminergic antidote (immanent as multi-phasic quantum wave properties of intraneuronal DNA) to the indexically-1T2-only, glutamatergic-truth-conditional Montague universal grammar employed -- there being only a few trajectories whereby being squashed at the singularity-attractor is escapable (and these few cannot be identified without a holomorphic map of the relative-state of the autopoietic operators, re: operator-time, constellating character of the particular telos at play).
The joint World Bank and IMF Development Committee plan for reforming the international financial system (see for a synopsis: Reforming the international financial system, voltairenet, posted 8 July 2010) -- by some, strongly associated with Dominique Strauss-Kahn -- is a recipe for transit to a transnational totalitarian state. Doubt that assessment? Consider these quotations from the itemized synopsis of the document released by the UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs: improved international financial regulation; strengthened international tax coordination; fundamental revision of compensatory financing designed to cope with external shocks; multilateral surveillance will need to be revised; establishment of enforcement mechanisms; a new global reserve system; a new multilateral would need to be created in order to enforce the rules; strengthen the global coordination of economic decisionmaking. These are all morale-operations rubric for recipe-transits to monism, the philosophic orientation embraced by National Socialism, and to centralized sociopoliticoeconomic command, the operational pragmatics embraced by National Communism. I think the Group of Experts which formulated this program has not the ghost of a chance of achieving its -- perhaps to some degree subliminal -- teleologically-pulled objective of total-control qua complete-security blanketing in purified simple-identity. There are no externally-prescriptive, top-down, regulatory-command means by which to adequately cope with external shocks; the only way such could be accomplished is by internalization of externalities (particularly including environmental externalities). IMF SDRs as reserve currency will function globally in fashion analogous to how the euro has functioned relative to the EU. The disaster which has been use of a vehicle currency as foremost international reserve currency will be amplified by use of a small basket of vehicle currencies (re: definition of SDRs) as international reserve currency -- especially if referenced to the poorly distributed, inadequate quantities of gold. Non-vehicle bancor/unitas would not in a significant way be approached by employment of SDRs as international reserve currency. But then, there needs to be no reserve currency; required is a currency reference domain constituted as the relative-state quantum-composite of all the variously-backed vehicle currencies employed within a prospective LETS nesting-foamed global monetary system, currencies deployed locally to globally. In providing a rationale for recommending off-shore investment in emerging-market currencies likely to hold their value, e.g., that of Singapore, Russell Napier makes, by implication, a well-considered argument for the notion of currency reference domain. But, of course, people cannot psychologically handle this notion if they are terrified by the mere thought of directly experiencing quantal non-simple identity (e.g., Bose-Einstein condensation) at inner separation to lambda-abstraction of 'I'-anaphora -- that terror being the cause-push assisting the telos exerted by transnational totalitarianism and associated collective-death wish constellated in the collective unconscious by population-overgrowth thrush. Such is the nature of projective-identification at collective transference, which structurally and functionally employs both goal-pull and cause-push, all the while inducing compensatory abreactions. Khmer Rouge forced de-urbanization compensating free-fire-zoned forced-draft urbanization being a pellucid case. For a more complex case, look to Pascal Venier's paper, The geographical pivot of history and early twentieth century geopolitical culture. Quoting:
Mackinder makes a case for regarding 'Canada, Australasia, and South Africa as set like a crescent on the Turkish flag, with India in the place of the star'. This way of symbolically visualizing the imagined imperial community of the British White colonies, forming a crescent centred on India, is indeed noteworthy. It is symptomatic of the way in which racialist views were central to imperial thinking in the age of social Darwinism and Anglo-Saxonism. It is interesting to resituate the use of such a visual metaphor, undoubtedly part of an effort to foster a process of nation identity building, that of Greater Britain, with Mackinder’s organicism, which is already very well documented (O Tuathail 1992; Deudney 2001). An organic concept of history can be found in the meta-narrative developed by Mackinder in 'The geographical pivot of history'.
It is all too easy to regard Nazi racialist views and organic concept of history -- indeed, National Socialism's 19th-century-organic concept of the nation-state -- as having been in compensatory abreaction to the British case -- even if this was only a recent fulmination of a chronic disease. And, today, we see many indications, already, that the strange-attractor, war, will be chosen instead of substantive transformation as the preferred method of creative destruction. Clearly, cause-push for mass murder at war -- see, for instance: Two teens arrested for sexting, WTSP tv news, 3 June 2011: sickocensors protect teens from sex, but wantonly expose them to every sort of sexually-motivated violence -- is more complicated than merely suppression of the Freudian factor identified by the OSS-R&A-graduate authors of Eros and Civilization and Love's Body. Here he lies where he longed to be Home is the hunter -- to conflate Stevenson with Housman, and transmutate their meanings to the terms of chaos theory of blackhole computing.
Apparently, when the Old Testament God realized that a sacred wall had been pissed upon, He destroyed a whole village in retribution -- surely in an attempt to save it. Mark Twain observed, in Letters From the Earth, that this could not have been the act of a compassionate and moral god, for any damn fool knows that only half the population could have pissed on the wall. Even so, there is a difference between moral hubris and existential guilt. Given nature of archetypal behavioral gradients of the collective unconscious, responsibility is always collective, even if perpetration be carried out by individuals. Registration of existential guilt involves conscious acknowledgement of responsibility; moral hubris does not. There is also a precedence-relations directional difference: existential guilt comes from above; moral hubris, from below. Platonism versus Existentialism. Essence precedes existence versus existence precedes essence. Cyclotomic involutory decomposition versus recursive generation. Generative linguistics, syntax-to-semantics, being bottom-up and anti-Cabalistic, is aligned with the moral hubris of the secular rabbinate and its humanitarian interventions. Moreover, the soft form, moral suasion, comes from hubris, whereas acknowledgement of guilt does not.
Aside from what has pretty much become standard observations amongst those paying attention, Bob Chapman's latest Divine-Intervention-Hunting piece (see: Hoping For A Miracle While The World Lives In Financial Crisis, The International Forecaster, 4 June 2011) includes two interesting observations (not so standard, and forthrightly stated) deserving of comment. Quoting:
Today's worldwide crisis centered in the US, UK and Europe did not have to happen. It was not caused by incompetence and greed. It was designed to destroy the economic and financial system to a point where the inhabitants of these countries would beg for world government. It began, as we know it on August 15, 1971, when the US went off the gold standard.
Change gold standard to gold-exchange regime -- there being significant differences (periodically addressed on this website). The interesting word here is designed, and that is what I would like to address. Accidents don't happen, uh, uh, such that they cause Fantastic Damage? If designed, who or what was the designer? The First Cause, the FED, the pro-Nazi/anglophile international bankers'/oilmen's cabal, the anti-Nazi Jewish international bankers' cabal, the CFR, the Trilaterals, the Bilderbergers, the Free Mason's Masonic Lodge, the Illuminati, the Perfectibilists, those in the bloodline of the Holy Grail, the Knights Templar, the Bavarian Deists, descendents of Manes' Manichee and of the Cathars and Albigenes and Gnostics, Cabalists and practitioners of gematria, neoPlatonist numerologists? For an excellent summary of this thesis, as regards freemasonry in particular, see Dean Henderson writing in two parts The Federal Reserve Cartel, Left Hook, 1 & 8 June 2011). What about the progeny of Adam Weishaupt? What about Cerebus the Aardvark? Weishaupt was a true son of 1T2-logically-valued rationalist, European, Enlightenment Confucianism (Voltaire being an assiduous student of big C), a Gottingen University professor of canon law (how then committed to Empiricism?) who hated -- as did Marx after him -- German idealism (Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schopenhauer, Schelling) and particularly Kantian categories (the glutamatergic neuronal etching of which begins in the womb). What do I believe? I agree that the present global conundrum was designed, and that all of the above were likely in one way or another involved -- but not as designers, themselves as designed by the collective unconscious designer. As regards the current fulmination, the Westphalian/Cartesian/Newtonian/Congress-of-Vienna Weltanschauung having cognitively break-backed during the 1820s (Abel's Impossibility theorem), it is not surprising that group-oriented activities to maintain/sustain/clinging-behavior institutionalization of the dead worldview should have arisen. The conspiracy has been one of human collective-unconscious design manipulating the metric elasticity of archetypal event/behavior gradients -- according to the principles of conversion-disorder displacement via projective-identification at collective transference -- by means of the thematic orchestrations engaged in by the CSDM (centrencephalic safety discharge mechanism) of the CIS (centrencephalic integrating system) in the molecular-cellular brains of myriad members of the human corpus subject to the endogenous glutamatergic neuronal etching which denies conscious access to processing by the quantum brain (note the singular) not contained by its molecular-cellular brains (note the plural). Identity-transparency by quantum brain, Hollywood, of course, transformed into a heart-failed/epileptogenic Brainstorm death tape not easily dissociated from public memory of Natalie Wood (her Hollywooded image always evoking for me memory of the actual non-Natalie personhood of my childhood first love and the only person I was ever actually engaged to: pastel affective shades of Ashiya, Japan, first inklings of the man/woman-level of the transference coming during 1953 as an old grandmother Shinto go-between introduced me to the m-simulacra surfacing deep animistic identity-transparency). Thetic -- of a proposition beginning a poetic thesis -- establishment of thisness/thatness by generalization of the contrasexual anima/animus (his/her theriaca honey meds) as foundation of on denoting/connoting/referring: constituting an advectum/trope in{demi}fied from psycho-ideograph (one kind of mirror account). In my particular case, Hedy Lamarr -- more by temperament than appearances, so much my mother that encounters with her image were always gut-wrenching -- quintessential em{bodi}ment (bodhi and body metapsychologically clashing in teen dreamtime) of all my 'I' had so readily transferred, no thought given to, and no understanding of, the enormous losses incurred. For the male, proffered by most-egregious Hollywood: Garbo-Harlow theriacanima. And here is a wonderful example of the glutamatergically-pruned normotic brain at work (see: How the 'ecosystem' myth has been used for sinister means, Adam Curtis, The Guardian, 29 May 2011: apparently no knowledge that specific ecological concepts go back to the late-1600s [food chains] or of the history of how a Russian geochemist, Vladimir Vernadsky, mainstreamed the term biosphere [his book, The Biosphere, 1926] coined by a geologist [Suess] during the 1870s -- Don't know much about HisStory, don't know much Bi-Ology -- well before Smuts [holism: 1926] and Tansley [ecosystem: 1935] entered the fray, or that Schrödinger's wave-function was [consciously and unconsciously] dissimulated [not interpreting an m-valued wave-function with already-on-the-scene m-valued Polish logics] specifically to maintain a classical limit such that the metaphysical foundations of 17th- and 18th-century Lockean-Anglosaxon political economy could be sustained in face of The New Physics [straw that broke the camel's back in regards to deep-structure origins of WWII?] and in order to veil the fact that quantum mechanics is a theory of self-organizing systems such as those prevailing in Earth's biosphere, this dissembling preventing discovery of the autopoietic operators and general-systems-theory systemic prerequisites required to facilitate onset of spontaneous social order, nor, clearly, did he speak with anyone directly involved in the Biosphere II project). Real skinny ain't the same as really iggy. But is the teleological goal-pull, associated with the design/plan cause-push, pulled-pushed toward achievement of a world government (totalitarian or benign) -- or is that goal simply a chimera? Consider the following. Again quoting Chapman's article, his second interesting observation:
Even if there is debt approval on August 2nd, the damage caused by the impasse will continue far into the future because printing of money and credit by the Fed is certainly not the answer and financial people worldwide are well aware of that. If legislation is not passed, real interest rates will rise from today's ridiculously low levels very quickly. That means bonds would plunge along with the stock market, which in turn means all Treasury fiscal needs would have to be filled in a vacuum by the Fed. Hyperinflation and a dollar collapse would be the final outcome.
To me, this is unconscionably over-optimistic, indeed, myopic -- given the fact that, since August 15, 1971, the only property of the prevailing international system allowing the U.S. to monetize (freely print-money/generate-credit and pump it into global markets) more than (all can, and some others have) any other nation is military might and the willingness to use it to set the global agenda. Forecasts based upon overvaluation of economic-financial information/analysis are unlikely to capture many features of the actual case. What Chapman describes is hardly the final outcome: there are certainly other final solutions. And this Chapmanesque outcome may well be avoided altogether by declaration of Time out! for the global economy: i.e., onset of a stealthy, hot, space-based/nanorobotic, total PWI (Planetary War I) -- which would certainly be something altogether different from Noah's endogenous-ketamine flood-in-psychoprojection, Ark/arc/arch of the quantum brain carrying every species of logic. If world government is a chimera -- very likely, when the principles of governance contemplated for such supergovernment don't work for any given national government that is to be supergoverned and correspond to nothing in nature as understood post-1900 -- what is the final outcome, the real Telos? What does the collective unconscious have in mind? Maybe -- by nature's principle of Omnium Gatherum, and exemplified in the New World Shadows album put out by the death metal band taking as its name nature's principle -- nothing beyond collective-death wish by compensatory abreaction to population-overgrowth thrush. How very much Rock-n'-Roll and Heavy Metal had their origins in the butterfly trigger, eh. Indeed, this planet is over, over full -- not simply full, but 1 1/2 times full since 2007, and, by linear projection, in 15 years, 2 times full (see: The Earth Is Full, Thomas L. Friedman, NY Times, 7 June 2011). The sort of optimism put out by the Global Footprint Network (see their Living Planet Report 2010 : where is a couple's biggest carbon footprint, their children, herein noted?) and by Paul Gilding in his book, The Great Disruption, is significantly counterproductive because it promotes the idea that we know what this crisis is and how to deal with it -- already possess the scientific knowledge, institutional algorithms, and technical resources -- such that, when the well-understood crisis cusps and we are forced to decide to act decisively, we will be capable of acting adequately. This is simply not the case. Why, most fundamentally? Gilding's own field of ecology -- developed from the late-1600s: van Leeuwenhoek -- exemplifies that why. Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean logic (that employed by Descartes and Newton) is not nature's logic -- and the whole of contemporary ecology, due to dissimulation/dissembling in fundamental physics, is based upon application of that non-nature logic. Moreover, the current consensus understanding of the meanings imputed to Lukasiewicz logics is based upon the mistaken notion that the foundation of logic is truth-value. Changing this in a significant way will involve a basic shift in the electrochemistry of human brain -- overcoming the endogenous glutamatergic neuronal pruning/etching of the brain brought about by prescriptive enculturation/socialization. Will this shift be accomplished -- at crisis -- by some collective endogenous-ketminergic sudden-illumination Satori, or by neural implant? But the whole of neuroscience, being an extension of the nation-state, is doing everything it can to reinforce socialization's effects upon the brain -- and it is highly unlikely that neural implants or an exogenous Brave New World soma could achieve the requisite transition, let alone that such transition could be accomplished by development of a specialized Nietzsche-superman Avatar fiberoptic tube (current faddish obsession with body-mod/piercing/tattooing yields no significations of direct ontic experience/access of/to animistic relative-state identity-transparency, an inherently-given faculty of the quantum brain -- talk with their youthful practitioners -- but significations of its forced absence and a subliminal yearning thereto, just like with Hitler Youth, collective-death wish being the compensatory corollary played out, initially, in school shootings: shame on you probability-amplitude physicists!). Women's fashion having always been O-so prefigurative -- as a repository, via capture by projective-identification-with, of the corpus of male-anima fixations -- to collective martial intentionality, consider the humongous psychocapture of current tattoo exemplars. O, Angelina, exemplar of exemplars! The CFR is today into branding? Genetic morpheme conversion-disorder reduced to signifying body-mod grapheme? Is state/corporation-directed engineering of the molecular properties of the human genome -- by engineers in denial of the quantum properties of that genome -- likely to produce, in crisis, the requisite shift? Not at all likely. What are the convivial tools required to do this? Is Musculpt as mathematical notation one such tool?
And speaking of omnium gatherum, and big-time conspiracy theories, consider the proposition that the EU was, from the very beginning, conceived (consciously and unconsciously?) as a vehicle for accomplishing (see: The big fat Greek sell-off, Helia Ebrahimi, The Telegraph, 5 June 2011) the following (quoting the article):
Already advisers have been appointed to around 15 privatisation programmes, with the OTE telecoms stake earmarked as first to be sold. The advisers and sell-offs being set up include:
- Deutsche Bank and National Bank of Greece on the sale of OPAP, the state gambling monopoly
- Credit Suisse on state lotteries
- Rothschild and Barclays appointed for road concessions
- PriceWaterhouse selected for railway firm OSE
- France's BNP Paribas and Greece's National Bank on the extension of an operating lease on Athens International Airport
- Lazard on exploiting the commercial activities of the Greek trusts and loans funds.
Greek doyenne aren't denizens of Icelandic droll: no Not one ickle bit!; no Naff off, neocolonial yobs! And not to forget the role played by Goldman Sachs with their CDS's, the links to other institutions and other types of derivatives: risk-deflection/debt-expansion up the Devil's Staircase (as covert/partially-subliminal global nazification). Who can say that similar financial annexations will not transpire all across the EU periphery, economic living space being the strong strange attractor it is, crisis capitalism being what it is? Who can be certain that the Arab Spring democruptcy movement was not conceived, NGOed, proselytized, Twittered, and Facebooked (consciously and unconsciously?) with similar junk'em leveraged-buyout/M&A purposes in mind? Having oligarched post-USSR via crash-capitalist instant-oatmeal/hamburger-helper, why not apply self-similar MOs elsewhere? After all, has not Sun Tzu become an icon of the megaCEOs and the superGovernors, if not actually so much revered by the prevailing military paladins? The obsession with control, control, control and associated centralization -- in face of everything humans came to know last century about natural processes -- has to have had psychogenetic and ontogenetic and phylogenetic origins of some sort. Who can say that the euro was not, from the beginning, conceived (consciously and unconsciously?) as a Super Deutsche Mark with a French Accent (see: Euro Endgame, Janet Tavakoli [beauty with brains], Travakoli Structured Finance, 1 June 2011)? Socialization of risk by storm trooping Sturm und Drang shock und awe up the Devil's Staircase -- be it within an aspiring united states of Europe or in United States of America -- is one route to national socialism (by whatever name, in whatever form, howsoever the zaibatsu are collectively designated): nationalization of collective-death wish, conjunctured Nacht und Nebel at Heideggerian 1T2-logically-valued Umsturzsituation, where Austrian School creative destruction is understood as having its middle distributed to creation or destruction. And to which of these two are the odds once again (i.e., 2T1: not a possible-world-logic proposition) heavily weighted -- considering that those at the bottom frequently are over-givers, whilst those at the top generally are undertakers? Naomi Klein's Disaster Capitalism: The new economy of catastrophe (Harper's Magazine, October 2007, plus book: The Shock Doctrine ) in its present fulmination is yet again a function of the suppression of Lukasiewicz logics. Klein quotes Milton Friedman making a statement tantamount to Heidegger's Umsturzsituation notion. Friedman said: Only a crisis -- actual or perceived -- produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. This is a homeopathic notion with deep, archetypal Germanic-Christian roots -- i.e., healing crisis qua crucifixion qua cruxifiction: means by which a Jew became THE Christian -- a medically useful notion, but here elaborated without the logics required actually to phenomenologically understand the phenomenon denoted. When I sent Friedman material on m-logically-valued monetary units, he responded by saying that he could make no sense of what I had written -- thus clearly indicating that he had never heard of Lukasiewicz logics (nearly a century after they had been rigorously codified). And why does Naomi Klein have no creative ideas concerning how to countervail (logo of the main Marxian application of Newton's 1T2-logical laws of motion within a materialistic reduction of the Hegelian dialectic) the disaster capitalism she describes? Because she too, likely, has never heard of -- or does not credit -- Lukasiewicz logics; courting catastrophe, the secular rabbinate, of whatever political stripe, always is anti-Cabalistic.
One thing I learned while in Viet Nam from predicting, during mid-'68, a big catastrophe if geographic extent of the war was expanded -- which ultimately was the Cambodian holocaust -- but predicting without ascertaining exactly what I was predicting, and by identifying only one of the fundamental factors involved, is that such Cassandraesque foresight is, synoptically speaking, essentially of little pragmatic interest. If the level of insight involved in the prognostication is not sufficiently deep as to generate breakaway rectification ideas, of what real value is it? Most of the economancy we see today is motivated/justified primarily by the desire to save/make money off dynamics of crisis -- not by a will to find new, more adequate, fundamentals. So, even though reading the finaneconoBLOGS is not exactly boring, it is a memetime commitment with diminishing edification value.
The greatest recent threat to the prevailing institutionalization (and its psychological and metaphysical underpinnings) has been the experimental supports found for the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox and associated demonstrations that even small molecules can be in more than one place at a given memetime -- which force new epicycles upon the random-harvest probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, or otherwise would force revision of the notion of memetime and/or Hilbert space (by employment of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics to interpret the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, in both the time-independent and time-dependent Schrödinger wave equations). The biggest spin-off has been the field of quantum computing, which, as with so much else, is focused toward military applications such that conversion-disorder displacements by projective identification at collective transference are integral and immediate. I see nothing on the horizon suggesting near-term fundamental change in regard to this circumstance, and one clear indicator of that is the extraordinary number of films there are out there elaborating highly regressed psychological projection of relative-state identity-transparency and frothing in fantasy material whereby the paranormal is employed for purposes of mass murder at warfare, the film, Avatar, being a recent quintessential example. There is really no metapsychological difference-in-kind -- only as regards level of regressed elaboration -- between this and the thematic orchestration occasioning the 1930s nazification process, the EPR thought experiment having come onto the scene during 1935.
Many of the current crop of economancers -- knowledgeable about international finance -- misuse the term gold standard in reference to the gold-exchange regime of Bretton Woods One. I will not again review the significant differences between the 19th-century gold standard and the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement, whereupon only the U.S. dollar was directly linked to gold -- the gold-exchange window being the most important, even defining feature, of that Agreement. Then there are the gold bugs who believe that a return to the gold standard -- details of which are never given -- is an essential component of any thorough solution to our present international economic problems, even though, quite obviously, every kind of gold standard implemented in the past has failed for this-or-that corpus of reasons. Present-day innovators I've identified each advocate one-or-another sort of going back to a this-or-that which has already failed. A good example of the gold-bug perspective was provided on 15 June 2009 by Jake Towne, the Champion of the Constitution (see: R.I.P. -- The London Gold Pool, 1961-1968, GoldSeek). Quoting the article:
on Sunday, March 17, 1968, the London Gold Pool collapsed and the global gold markets were closed for several weeks. The central bankers then decreed a two-tier gold price for monetary gold at $35/oz. and non-monetary gold. This system remains in place to this day, although it is clearly just an accounting sham. (see note 3)
No note 3 is provided. The collapse of the London Gold Pool on this date, 17 March (actually 15-18 March), was greatly facilitated (the fundamental reason being insufficient quantity of gold available: it is not simply a matter of price, for the reasons discussed below; to consider one argument as to the contrary view, see: Bernanke Doesn't Understand a Gold Standard, The Paper Empire, 2 March 2011) by the Tet-'68 offensive, 31 January, in Viet Nam (because of how that event had affected, and would continue to affect, the value of the dollar relative to gold on the London gold market) -- and this is the primary reason why LBJ decided (announced 31 March) not to run for re-election to the Presidency (I remember where I was when this announcement came better than I remember where I was when JFK was assassinated: sitting at my desk, Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ, Saigon, RVN, pouring over captured documents, including assessments of U.S. economic vulnerabilities, related to VC/NVNese planning of the Tet offensive over the previous year or so). The distinction between monetary gold and market-tradable non-monetary gold was not decreed by central bankers at any point, and certainly not after collapse of the London Gold Pool; that distinction was established in 1944 by the Bretton Woods Agreement, established in order to create a reserve store of value (a price-fluctuating commodity is no store of value, and if gold moved only upward it would be no store but an insured variable-rate investment, what gold bugs want for themselves, which would not be in service to the needs of systemic functionality because the market, as 1T2-logically constellated since at least the time of Adam Smith, does not permit to the finger of God, the magic hand, that level of self-organizational competency). Indeed, ability to sustain viability of the distinction, by effectively modulating the price of non-monetary gold, progressively broke down prior to and after collapse of the London Gold Pool (that modulation being the Pool's primary purpose, the U.S. alone having failed to do so as it had agreed to do at Bretton Woods, failure in significant measure because of the initial poorly-chosen dollar value for monetary gold), essentially the inverse of what is claimed by Towne and others (the term two-tier, in their usage, being a poorly chosen codeword for cessation of coordinated central bank interventions in the London gold market to keep the price gap between monetary and non-monetary gold narrow -- without maintenance of narrowness, the gold-exchange regime of Bretton Woods One simply could not persist). And without a fixed price for monetary gold, the Bretton Woods system could not have functioned at all, not for a single day. I've earlier recounted how the figure of $35/oz for monetary gold was arrived at prior to the Bretton Woods conference by an assistant to White, based upon prescriptive parameters provided by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury -- using that assistant's first-hand description. This value of $35/oz was not chosen simply as a return to the value conferred by the 1934 Gold Reserve Act, which had arbitrarily increased the value of the dollar relative to gold so as to encourage gold inflows to the USG, the means by which the U.S. cornered the global gold markets, sweeping much of it into its own coffers (later, Lend-Lease and much else would be denominated in gold, at U.S. insistence: constituting a further sweep). The 1944 starting-off-the-new-system value -- poorly chosen at $35/oz -- should have been based upon comprehensive analysis of many synoptic features of the global economy, to include total quantity of gold in the world and its prevailing distribution properties, but this valuation was largely pulled out of a hat filled with self-interest criteria as opposed to systemic functional prerequisites, that alone dooming the system even before it was started. Whatever one may think of this agreement, once Congress ratified it, the transfer of U.S. monetary gold overseas was not only legal, but essential to continued functioning of Bretton Woods One. This system does not remain in place to this day; it ended on 15 August 1971 when Nixon closed the Bretton Woods gold window (or, if one prefers, late-1973, by which time free-floating fiat currencies had become well established). The term gold window is confusing, for it is used (appropriately or inappropriately) in two senses: [1] to denote the fact that, under this system, the U.S. agreed to redeem/exchange dollars (only those held by central banks) for gold (the only party to the agreement required to do so, indeed, allowed to do so if rules of the system were abided by, with its national currency, this being the then-basis for the US dollar being the international reserve currency, nowadays that status being a cultural lag of Bretton Woods One), and [2] to denote the separation/gap between the fixed price of monetary gold and the variable market price of non-monetary gold. Had all gold been declared fixed-price reserve monetary gold in 1944, that declaration would have created an enormous global black market in gold, so official two-tier gold was necessitated by the U.S. insistence (for obvious reasons) upon a return to reserve gold after WWII (simultaneously dumping White's notion of a non-vehicle reserve unitas and Keynes' notions of a non-vehicle reserve bancor and a Clearing Union). Had all gold been left to market fluctuate in value, there could have been no gold reserve store of value, only most currencies decreasing in value against scarce, ill-distributed gold, more scarce relative to systemic requirements, and likely more ill-distributed, than during the 19th century. Generalizing the individual's experience of gold to the systemic function of gold is simply not a useful algorithm: speculator-investor faith, be it in gold or peanuts or this-or-that currency, is governed by criteria largely inimical to maintenance of systemic functional prerequisites (I advocate the removal of prerequisites altogether from faith: separation of ). After collapse of the London Gold Pool, the first sense of window remained intact, while the second sense changed, i.e., opened, the two prices diverging. Nixon closed the window in both senses. Why did Nixon close the gold window? Because the U.S. had run out of monetary gold due to the way it had financed The New Frontier, the Viet Nam war, and The Great Society. If something had not been done, the American exceptionalism conferred by the Old Frontier would have waned, that frontier having closed; so JFK and his Best and Brightest decided that post-WWII exceptionalism required a New Frontier and new injun wars -- which had to be financed, either by taxes or by debt. America chose debt as the vehicle of its new exceptionalism -- but there was constraint upon how much debt, and, hence, how much exceptionalism, the U.S. could sustain: the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism. Once the gold window was closed, American exceptionalism and debt formation were unchained -- like Samson breaking loose. It would be surprising to discover that America re-accumulated much gold after 1971. Why would it have chosen to do so -- unless it entertained a return to some sort of gold standard? All U.S. gold gone? If so, so what? Ron Paul is concerned about this because he is a gold bug placing unwarranted faith in some new gold standard. Putin is concerned about this because he thinks that SDRs tied to gold as a new vehicle-reserve currency would benefit Russia (maybe it would -- for a little while, until that system broke down, as it would). In this context is how I understand the China Forum posting entitled All US Gold Gone? Russia says IMF Chief Jailed for Discovery, China Daily, 31 May 2011. Breakdown of the 19th-century gold standard was integral to origins of WWI: every type of gold standard has failed. If there was insufficient quantity of gold on the planet to sustain Bretton Woods during 1968, at the then fixed price, how could there be enough to sustain some future gold-based system, for, whatever the price fixed so as to establish a reserve store of value, that price fixing eventually, sooner or later depending upon how well chosen the fixed price and the controls to sustain it, would fail for the same fundamental reason it failed in 1968, as well as many more, just as in 1968. 1968 wasn't really about the hippie-yippies, more like the yuppie-guppies. Not to mention the fact that a gold standard is extraordinarily inequitable because gold in-the-ground and in possession of the many nations at start of any new gold-based system is not uniformly distributed -- which means that gold as a reserve is highly inefficient as a factor of market-mediated self-organization. Choosing to make gold happenstance -- quantity and distribution -- a synoptic regulator/governor of the planetary economy is, at the present global conjuncture, possibly just one more way for the human species to commit mass suicide. Regardless, again, in some form, We will walk up the aVV-anew, that avenue Indeed, attachment-to/identification-with precious metals (the Midas touch: haptification of cognition) may be regarded as one of the foremost cause-push factors responsible for the present planetary crisis -- by preventing evolution of more adequate fundamental notions in monetary theory. And the degree to which the distinctions between the 19th-century gold standard and the Bretton Woods gold-exchange regime are not understood by those into big conspiracies is astounding: for a compendium of the ill-informed, see About Fort Knox Gold, American Patriots Friends Network, no date given. I advocate diversely-backed and indicator-tagged (i.e., internalizing externalities to the market, including environmental externalities) m-logically-valued LETS vehicle currencies in e-nesting foams, no reserve currency (i.e., separation of prerequisites from faith), but a reserve-currency domain which is a holomorphic mapping of the quantum-composite relative-state of ALL such backed/tagged LETS currencies, an updated e-version of Keynes' Clearing Union, and Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation as the user-friendly interface. This system, as it evolves, would make the reserve store of value a closer and closer approach to the F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth -- thus explicitly portraying, concretizing, the stake stakeholders have staked their lives, and the lives of their children's children's children, upon. Physics is the music of the spheres; mathematics, the music of something far more sublime. Eco-nomics -- having become essential to human species survival -- can demerge only if the global monetary system is well-tempered such that symformphonies can be played upon its financial instruments and evaluated with the full-spectrum of aesthetic sensibilities brought to art music, the fine and performing arts.
Is this a statement of fact or a piece of diversionary propaganda (see: Has economic power replaced military might?, Joseph S. Nye, Al Jazeera, 7 June 2011)? Quoting the article: Military power, which some call the ultimate form of power in world politics, requires a thriving economy. My understanding is that many, if not most, wars in history have been debt financed, and Germany went from hyperinflation to blitzkrieg in a rather short period.
People are beginning to see, but still not (yet) very far back, or very deeply. See needs to become seek. This article (see/seek: Politicians 'Are Lying Through Their Teeth' on Greek Aid, Der Spiegel, 10 June 2011) could be rewritten, appropriately changing words and phrases, with regards to the dissembling of Schrödinger in 1925-6 and Cantor during the 1870s-'80s and Abel during the 1820s. Recognition/groking of the degree to which cling-to/save the surface-structure old/failed has influenced the last two centuries of human current events isn't contemplated by any proportion remotely approaching a quorum of the species in question. But an eventual such quorum is possible, and, if it does, in fact, materialize (a lying-through-its-teeth-type term, in so far as the deep-structure old/unfailed is concerned), hopefully there will be some adequate notions around to fill the resultant intellectual void.
Protection racket plus loan-sharking plus extortion: you are invited to join the club with a gun held to your head; the same gun insures that you pay dues; loans are forced down your throat; when you can't pay the exorbitant interest, pure igg, you get slashed; when you can't pay the principle, your assets are absorbed by the club; when you have no more assets, you get aced, snatched-n'-snuffed. Whataya think, the perps are responsible for losing all those guys? A post-political further sidelining of democracy (as if it weren't already homeopathically diluted and succussed). That's the answer to your question, Mr. Juncker (see: Junker: Greece Needs Soft Debt Restructuring, Bernd Radowitz, Wall Street Journal, 11 June 2011). Quoting the article:
The debt level of the USA is disastrous, Mr. Juncker said. The real problem is that no one can explain well why the euro zone is in the epicenter of a global financial challenge at a moment, at which the fundamental indicators of the euro zone are substantially better than those of the U.S. or Japanese economy.
And further attributions to Junker are revealing (see: [Comment] The junta of experts tells us: 'Vote how you like, but policies cannot change', Leigh Phillips, EUobserver, 17 June 2011). Quoting the op/ed piece:
These are the experts who, in the words in May of the president of the Eurogroup of states and Luxembourgish Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, believe that fiscal policy (that is to say almost all government endeavours involved in spending money that touch most citizens apart from home affairs and foreign policy) is too important for voters to have a say over, that would be better be agreed, again, in his words, in dark, secret debates.
French-German financial squabbles, also US-IMF manhandling of Angela Merkel (see: Hardline IMF forced Germany to guarantee Greek bailout, Ian Traynor, The Guardian, 17 June 2011, and US used Strauss-Kahn ouster to dictate terms of Greek bailout, Stefan Steinberg, WSWS, 18 June 2011) constitute, in my opinion, means by which formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc is being facilitated, a bloc I have long believed will be aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan (if not in name). Japan, having flying-geesed much of its manufacturing sector to China (a kind of retrograde inversion of ManChuKuoing) is now in early stages of exporting its financial instruments (debt) to China. And with Arnie Gundersen's latest on Fukushima Daiichi (see: Fukushima: It's much worse than you think, Dahr Jamail, Al Jezeera, 16 June 2011) --
her payoff chart: Tokiko's Tokyo-hot, short-butterfly spread position on the options market re{lies] on higher volatility, her put-call parity being inverted from her long positions, the wings of her body being in two middle positions dis{playing] an iron condor strike
To chi ko
Hoo chi ku
Hooch i ku
Hooch i ku chi
Hoochie coochie
Hooch i toochi
Touch her hooch
Hooch = moonshine = hut, Madam Hooch, Gook = prostitute = Korean for cuntry, Gooch and goochie and gootchie = cunt, Goo-goo on that hoochie-coochie belly dancer, Hoo chiku katakana(ed) to houraichiku = Bambusa multiplex 'Floribunda', Kanji(ed) hoochiku = bannissement and expulsion and ejection-- we see two possible enhancements of Japan's drift into a Greater China: [1] exacerbating Japan's energy problem, 75% of Japanese favor a phase-out of nuclear power in Japan, and [2] given U.S. influence upon the Japanese government during the 1950s, blame for Japanese adoption of nuclear power likely will increasingly fall upon Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program; quoting the article quoting nuclear physicist and Professor Emeritus, Nagoya University, Shoji Sawada:
Most of the Japanese scientists at that time, the mid-1950s, considered that the technology of nuclear energy was under development or not established enough, and that it was too early to be put to practical use, he explained. The Japan Scientists Council recommended the Japanese government not use this technology yet, but the government accepted to use enriched uranium to fuel nuclear power stations, and was thus subjected to US government policy.
Well into constellation on the other 1T2-logical side is the AmericoAngloSaxon upgrade on the British Empire, including Canada, ANZ, India, South Africa. Consider a future possible conflict with a Greater China: the strategic defense moves back to ANZ and Hawaii and Alaska, whilst the South Atlantic, South Africa, and the Indian Ocean take on supreme importance because India is the most secure staging area. Already see the adumbrations of this decades-old thesis (flash forward and see, for instance, plus interesting reader comments: A Sino-Persian Grab for the Indian Ocean?, Jamsheed K. Choksy, Small Wars Journal, 7 July 2001). Let's not forget to factor in the fact that Tibetan Bon/Buddhist Tzog-chen is the seat of most comprehensive human understanding of the import of Lukasiewicz logics (blitzkrieged Poland being another, historical, instance). Geopoliticoeconomic factors are only the tip of the iceberg: deep structure in genesis of space-based Planetary War I is to be found primarily in the fields of logic, higher mathematics, and physics. No collection of geopoliticoeconomic manipulations -- unarticulated to the critical issues in logic, higher mathematics, and physics -- will be sufficient to derail the deep structure collective-unconscious cause-attractor archetypes warping anthropogenic event-gradient manifolds. That's why the powers-that-be actually are utterly irrelevant -- just as they were during the 1920/30s. The spark is flying across oil fields of the Islamic Crescent. And now the Japanese, along with peoples in habitus at a number of other places, are writing the self-help book entitled, How to Live with Radiation Poisoning (and, given that sashimi of Japanese origins is suspect, war over, in part, fish stocks? [see: Vietnam seeks US support in China dispute, Ben Bland, Financial Times, 12 June 2011]). Power preys on and panders fear. Fear falls on the specter of death of 1T2-egoic self and the elements of its Umwelt. Flatliners go to the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), if, indeed, it could accurately be said that they ever truly left that hyperspace (leaving being largely a function of glutamatergic neuronal etching, begun in the womb; birthing/rebirthing being a suborning of whatnot/suchness, in essence, unbornable). Stabilization of power is dependent upon continuous cultivation of unrelenting fear of Umwelt loss; this is why science has always suppressed echoes of the m-logically-valued (deemed superstitions, and concomitants of Supertramp's The Logical Song: Breakfast In America) floating across awarenesses of those cognitories constrained to registrations 1T2-logically-valued only. Since we all never actually left, and ultimately return to, the MVRS, wouldn't it make more sense to non-do 1T2-blocing of the LifeWorld -- such blocing turning it into a DeathWorld? One way to facilitate such non-doing would be to create a reserve currency domain in the form of the MVRS.
In respect to the thesis that insufficient quantity of gold in the world (assuming that Georgetown bathroom faucets, handles, knobs are not to be melted down) is one of the many reasons why a return to any sort of gold standard would be unwise, I cite John Melloy's article reporting that Standard Chartered expects gold to more than triple from its present price because of lack of supply (see: Gold to Reach $5,000 Due to Supply Shortage: Report, CNBC, 14 June 2011) -- this expectation being independent of the myriad of global currencies suddenly becoming gold-backed. And in my opinion directly related (follow the connectivities back and back and back) is the observation that the required-expenditures exponential-growth curve -- which counterinsurgents sustain for handing strategic control of the space and time variables over to insurgents, e.g., Bush-the-Younger's declaration of a GWOT instantly achieved this handover -- has suddenly gone hyperbolic now that Obama has set the precedent of guaranteeing sovereign debt of a nation at risk to the global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system (see: Egypt Debt Buoyed by Obama Guarantee for $1 Billion Eurobonds: Arab Credit, Alaa Shahine and Ahmed A Namatalla, Bloomberg, 14 June 2011). This guarantee-precedent may well be on a breakaway par with the declaration of GWOT. Having fomented an Arab Spring, is bleedover containable -- bleedover to the EU (see: Greek riots, political chaos hammer markets, Elena Becatoros and Derek Gatopoulos, AP, 15 June 2011)? And, if not, would such a bleedover be in self-similarity to collapse of the Soviet Union -- where top-down decision to jettison Eastern Europe set in motion a process that could not be controlled? If bleedover gathers steam across the EU periphery will they attempt to QE (by whatever name) out of it, or will they Budapest it, a la 1956? We are looking at QEing the continuing GWOT (by whatever name), QEing the global derivatives crisis, QEing the Arab Spring, QEing bleedover to the EU, QEing dynamics of climate shift, QEing dynamics of global resource stress, QEing on a planetary scale clinging behaviors with regard to the Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base. Nouriel Roubini has recently made -- by implication -- a good argument (see: The Eurozone Heads for Break Up, EconoMonitor, 13 June 2011) for the EU to transit to nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS -- something that will not happen, of course, for it would invert all the dominant clinging behaviors. Quoting the article:
So given these three options [devaluation of the euro, macroeconomic restructuring, deflation] are unlikely, there is really only one other way to restore competitiveness and growth on the periphery: leave the euro, go back to national currencies and achieve a massive nominal and real depreciation. After all, in all those emerging market financial crises that restored growth a move to flexible exchange rates was necessary and unavoidable on top of official liquidity, austerity and reform and, in some cases, debt restructuring and reduction.
A transpose to nesting-foam LETS would involve a cognitive phase transition to quantum-relativity perspectives Europe, indeed, the whole planetary civilization, has yet to make.
The Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base has been ever more increasingly uncorrelated with the evolving, discovery-driven, worldview construct for approximately two centuries. What happens when such a fundamental disconnect constellates -- other than amplification of schizophenogenic double-binds? One of the most important happenings is that the clung-to institutions circle their wagons for self-protection and self-preservation; this transpires on the level of the institutional person almost independent of mirroring behaviors from the individuals at any instant of memetime constituting the institutions in question. Consensus science is a product of institutional science, and discovery-driven transposes of the worldview construct are eminently manipulable for institutional ends like self-protection and self-preservation. Under such circumstances, what are the odds consensus institutional science has an adequate topological handle on the currently accelerating conjuncture dynamics, planet Earth? Non-zero, certainly; but, also, nearly none? Do Manichee attempting to modulate Manitou, so as to corner the nine lemmas of manna grass, understand they have transformed manna into mannitol? Late into this transformative process we see parallels drawn to the fall of Rome (see, for instance: The global order fractures as American power declines, Alan Beattie, Financial Times, 14 June 2011). The mainstreaming of what fringies have been enunciating for decades is a substantial marker. Quoting the article:
The Visigoths and the Vandals who sacked Rome and undermined its empire, though far more cultured and sophisticated than their popular reputation [clearly intercalated for political correctness], were unable to replicate the Pax Romana order it had established. European territories previously under Roman rule fractured into an unstable array of weak kingdoms and embattled city-states. Similarly, the vacuum created today by the erosion of US hegemony and the turmoil in the eurozone is resulting in stasis rather than a new direction The age of Pax Americana is gradually passing but as yet there is no organised power rising to supplant it.
Beattie envisions no alternative to a replacement organised power, which is sort of like calling for a rerun of The Replacement Killers. No consideration given to the prospect of discovering the autopoietic operators and functional prerequisites to quantal self-organization of weak kingdoms -- such discovering likely requiring a non-doing of probability-amplitude interpretations of quantum mechanics, and an undoing of the classical limit. Descartes: 1596-1650. Newton: 1643-1727. The Maunder Minimum: 1645-1715. The Maunder sunspot minimum (as Wiki notes, around 50 sunspots in one 30-year period, when the norm has been 40-50 thousand during such a memetimespan) was a mini-IceAge occasioning codification of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung (a synchronicity meteorologist Douglas A. Paine liked to refer to, as he forecasted, back during the mid-1970s, eventual foreclosure on the Gulf Stream's thermohaline pumps). A new mini-IceAge (possibly locally amplified by greenhouse-warming variables) may occasion incendiary collapse of the institutionalization of that Descartes-Newton constructed-worldview (see, for an account of recently presented studies: Sun's Fading Spots Signal Big Drop in Solar Activity, Denise Chow, Space.Com, 14 June 2011). Quoting the article:
recent findings indicate that the activity in the next 11-year solar cycle, Cycle 25, could be greatly reduced. In fact, some scientists are questioning whether this drop in activity could lead to a second Maunder Minimum, which was a 70-year period from 1645 to 1715 when the sun showed virtually no sunspots.
Though it is mentioned that such a minimum could affect climate, no attention is drawn to the fact that the Maunder Minimum was a little Ice Age for Western Europe and eastern North America. Ice sheets/bergs fracture as Sun's mass ejections decline (no connecting-principled connexion identifiable whilst the classical limit remains intact). Yet, you could walk on ice of the Gulf of Mexico. Check it out: true enuf. The global nation-state system fractures as QE injections decline
Husserl evolved an egoic-intentionality approach to Platonism by way of dissembling the logic-drift leading directly to Lukasiewicz logics, which, at best, is a dissimulation of Plato, and, more likely, no Platonism at all. Husserl's 1T2-logical mereology of parts and wholes was high ontological back-reaction upon the metric of the abstract-object holism/identity-transparency invoked by Cantor's diagonal proof that, in respect to transfinite cardinal numbers, part-factors are absolutely-in-so-far-as-indistinguishable from whole wholes. Husserl carried out a self-similar dissembling of linguistics with his bottom-up, existence-precedes-essence, 1T2-logical mereology of the structural syntactics of meaning: counter-Plato named Platonism, the transcendentalism involved being bogus insofar as it relies upon syntactic structures to penetrate semantics, the phenomenology involved being bogus insofar as it relies upon eidetic reduction as a substitute for natural induction. Husserl's reliance upon truth-value as informing intuition, no less than egoic cognition, was set against the logic-drift leading to Lukasiewicz (and prefigured the probability-amplitude dissimulation of Schrödinger's wave-function, i.e., not using m-valued logics to interpret an m-valued abstract object, that wave-function). Ten years after Planck's paper on the quantum of action and five years after Einstein's initiation of Special Relativity, Husserl attacked naturalism, eighteen years subsequently essaying upon internal time consciousness in a manner altogether neglecting the findings of quantum-relativity physics and import of Lukasiewicz logics (this subsequently essaying being the 1928 publication of the 1905 time lectures -- lectures not updated in respect to Planck and Einstein and Lukasiewicz over the intervening period). So, from that, I am somehow to conclude that Husserl anticipated operator-time -- maybe by passive synthesis? The probability-amplitude interpretation views the concrete object-world as being possible only by decoherent reduction of the wave packet, whereas Husserliana -- absent employment of m-valued logics -- views the concrete object-world as cognitively constellating only by eidetic reduction -- these two reductions being of opposite meaning, being, that is, retrograde inversions of each other, in that Husserlian horizon intentionality involves superposition of object-facets, à la Gebser's account of Analytical Cubism. Rectification of the semantics of reduction necessarily involves Lukasiewicz logics ontologically deployed as topologically-active temporal operators. Moreover, superposition of object-facets requires the Sakharov/primitive-Shinto multi-sheet model (Novikov-dust/kami-dust quantization being concretion of hyletic data) of The universe, and a non-multiple-universes interpretation of Everett's relative-state interpretation. The quantum brain needs to be well-braned. Now, consider a monetary exchange unit to be an abstract object in need of m-logically-valued eidetic reduction to horizon intentionality under the software instruction/operation denoted as Musculpt (otherwise, how could egoic cognition make use of m-logically-valued LETS?). And how could we presently know what a monetary system constituted thereby would be capable of, in the realms of market self-organizational competency (relative to, say, the prevailing multifaceted global crisis), given that there is, as yet, no Musculpt as mathematical notation?
Wittgensteinian tending to meaning-as-use-value is as useless an auscultation rhonchus to me as Quined tending to the word-objectivating of ontic-commitment-as-denotation so as to connote Plato a cosmic exile for indicating pre-categorical bare percepts as multi-faceted ideal forms of m-valued doxa (measurements by quantum brain being multiply-connected and non-orientable by EPR para-doxa -- with the clear implication, heh-heh-heh, that meaning cannot have its Latinate habitus in Aristotle-Mauss-Bourdieu in-the-body Grecian-muscled hexis/disambiguation to 1T2-logically-valued truth-values only, whatever the involved class consciousness or fractionation thereof may be, the endoxon being a reductionistic Rx of relative-state identity-transparency). Doxa (learned unconscious beliefs): what people think they think is unimportant; what they think they don't think is what matters. The subjective habitus-system of disposition-schematisms (Rorschaching/chief-featuring propriocept, percept, thought, and action) employed by agent/action-based sociologies to recursively generate an objective social field as interactional dynamic of atomized actors subject to inculcation of pre-reflexive habitus of cognitive objects: one self-referential proposition which may be predicated a basis of Lukasiewicz logical-value order-types (being-there pre-glutamatergic neuronal etching -- making the subjective objective and the objective subjective -- of the Kantian categories prescribing precedence relations logical, ontological, temporal). Following upon long-worked-to endogenous ketamine flood, there is living for awhile in a world of Analytical Cubist after-image flashes (further elaborations of Jordan-Belsonesque [e.g., Mandala and Allures ] polymorphic color-field photisms at abreactive/trophotropic autogenic brain discharges), which I once denoted visual music psycho-ideographs for how they capsulate/motif pre-categorical form of person, place, thing. Maybe Picasso didn't actually see these memetime-freeze-frame flashed-superpositions -- and that's why this sort of Cubism was misnomered Analytical -- but someone in The Banquet Years milieu surely did: perhaps Alfred Jarry, given his sexually-oriented, pataphysical, cyborg parodies of transcendental symbolism (by conversion-disorder displacement, a present-day Hollywood comic-book/anime magical-realism obsession) and the fact that psycho-ideographs, no mere symbols, are exceptions to 1T2-logically-ratiocinated science.
Of course Husserl would have thought abstract objects present/(re)present, Vorstellung, no m-profiles, m-facets, m-aspects, m-Abschattlungen: that's one marker of his back-turning upon Lukasiewicz. Allow such seeing as and mathematical objects -- natural numbers, ultimately -- require an ear for Musculpt (Ms) of their multifaceted constituting in set up of each quantum measurement occasion (i.e., each subclinical autogenic discharge over quantum brain). Does each natural number have its identity manifold, its abstract-object-constancy gestalt, its non-intended horizon? Some Cabalistic takes on Genesis as an account of Hebrew as universal semiotic take such a topological approach to number and letter -- as do similar accounts of Sanskrit as universal semiotic. What else is bracketing or epoche if not an intentional methodological renormalization constraint, a p-adic truncation removing the inessential from a general theory of practice such that relative-state identity-transparency of natural-number-identity manifolds (e.g., universal physical constants) is suppressed by collapse of µTm-valued logics to the 1T2-valued order-type alone? Object-singularity (selfsameness) given by the indexical intentionality imposed by the instantiated Will to Naming notions as reified Euroanthropomorphic individuals (Eigenbegriffe: no Eigen functions involved). The bracket employed needs to be inductively quantized and placed upon nature's Koch curve such that its identity is construed over a fractal nesting foam: eidetic self-remembering, where the self remembered is arrayed over the Ray of Creation understood a Cantorian whole whole. If Husserl was caught in transcendental suspension, that anti-animism inanimation was of the 1T2-valued algebraic variety only.
To advert to in my lexicon is to initiate an object-trope by thetic imprinting, and this is apropos only of ego psychology because the mechanism of such tropological constellation is projective-identification at the subject/object level of the transference -- which occurs automatically as a function of imbalance between the psychological functions -- intuition, feeling, thinking, sensation -- and resultant suppression of transcendental eidetic insight, as 1T2-epistemic constituting replicates the gathering of a spance of object-constancy plenum at Piaget cognitive development. Functional imbalance is transmitted from generation to generation by genes and memes. If we use pre in the upward-going (particular to general) sense, pre-egoic is pre-categorical, category used in the sense of glutamatergically-etched Kantian category. If we use pre in the downward-going (general to particular) sense, there is a pre that is pre-precedence relations, logical, ontological, temporal, and that pre is pre-EPR-para-doxa and pre-hyletic/psychetic-data of the quantum measurement occasion. This pre-pre is a non-orientability numinosity. Doxa are inherently egoic, in that they are subject-thetic concrete-object referential and abstract-object meta-referential. EPR para-doxa are trans-egoic, in that noematic singularity cannot be predicated thereto. The downward-going-pre pre-EPR-para-doxa are adoxic-numinous across the Lukasiewiczian Tzog-chen Allbase. I agree with Husserl that referential linear-time is a doxic chronotopological form: memetime (which is not genetime). But I also hold that there are numerous well-braned chronological forms µTm-logically demerged as para-doxa: these will begin to be operator-time explicated by a GUTS which writes a time-space-level temporal-curl statement cyclotomically decomposable to Einstein's famous energy-mass equation. Numinous is not surreal in the numerical or artistic sense (see, for instance, the largely epistemic music VDO: Numinous elements and the largely noematic music VDO Abstracts and Music Visualizer).
Der Spiegel has got it right -- well, sort of (see: Time for Plan B: How the Euro Became Europe's Greatest Threat, 20 June 2011). Quoting the article:
The old euro no longer exists in its intended form, and the European Monetary Union isn't working. We need a Plan B
But if it wasn't for the euro, Greece's debt crisis would be an isolated problem -- one that was tough for the country, but easy for Europe to bear. It is only because Greece is part of the euro zone that Athens' debts are a problem for all of its partners -- and pose a threat to the common currency.
As regards after[math} of July 1997: since Bretton Woods no longer existed in its intended form, the international monetary system wasn't working. We needed a Plan B. But if it wasn't for normalization of the global economy -- scaling of the vehicle currency domain to nation-state boundaries alone, and defining reserve currencies in vehicle-currency terms -- Thailand's debt crisis would have been an isolated problem, one tough for the country, but easy for the international system to bear. It was only because Thailand was part of the normalized vehicle-currency domain that Bangkok's debts were a problem for its partners -- and posed a threat to the international monetary system. The same would be the case under Plan B -- e-nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS -- except that the isolated problem would be much more isolated -- locally repairable, as is the case within organisms not induced into systemic/degenerative disease. But this Plan B is not the Plan B George Soros would like -- given the lavish exposure the Office of George Soros had to it (see: Soros Says a Euro Exit Mechanism Is 'Probably Inevitable' Amid Debt Crisis, Zoe Schneeweiss, Bloomberg, 27 June 2011). Quoting the article:
You need a Plan B and there's no Plan B at the moment, Soros said. Instead, authorities are sticking to the status quo and not recognizing that there are fundamental flaws that need to be corrected, he said.
The real reason the euro was created as a compounding of the normotic normalization of the global economy was to after[math} Abel, Cantor, Planck, Einstein, Lukasiewicz, and Schrödinger: this conversion-disorder displacement was well-illustrated by the Goethe Institute's fishing expedition to seek uplifting (not downsizing) visions for a New Europe, a quest which rejected historical perspectives like those outlined in the article I submitted to that essay contest (ideas, for which, evolving over a 30-year period, explicitly beginning in 1968, Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ). Plan B was on the table from Schrödinger, 1925, and nascent from Planck, 1900, and implicit from Abel, 1823 (radicals in transalgebraic cyclotomic nesting foams, as Eric Temple Bell so well explicated in his pre-WWI Ph.D. dissertation, The Cyclotomic Quinary Quintic, Columbia University, 1912). I originally became aware of this work by Bell in 1973, reading his book The Development of Mathematics, McGraw-Hill, 1945, and only recently have gained access to his dissertation (Bell's books were long out of print, as well as other extremely important texts, so I came to love the search services -- mainly those located in London). As Roger Penrose has described (The Road to Reality), theory of identity at division of the unit circle is central to the understanding of time in consensus quantum mechanics -- especially so, I believe, to David Bohm's notion of quantum mechanics as clocks within clocks within clocks (for a rendition of our take on this, see the appendix to Some Preliminary Considerations Toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, a paper requested by Roland Fisher and Wolfgang Luthe, 1980). This type of identity has a binary quadradic form involving primes. Taking his cue from Abel and Eisenstein, Bell explicates the complex-prime-factored, quinary quintic correspondence to this quantal identity in theory of cyclotomy (this is as far back as I have been able to trace origins of the notion, imaginary time -- more fully conceptualized as imaginary/hypercomplex operator-time), thus providing, in my judgment, a number-theoretic basis for eidetically-transcendental, topologically-active operator-time, a notion proposed and prematurely rejected by Pauli during the late-1920s as incompatible with the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, an interpretation made without employment of Lukasiewicz logics. Absent conscious apprehension of the non-intentional Husserlian identity-horizons of the dividing unit circle and its higher-order correspondences, the prevailing global civilization is psychocognitively locked onto WR104, seeking a sociosexual/politicoeconomic gamma-ray-burster hypernova event as the omega point of planetary development mapped over Ravel's memetime-bound Bolero. Lost dimension of the multi-faceted global crisis: its Great Problems are so numerous, resolution of any of them is not believable, unless a large proportion of the human species undertakes the serious inner work required to ketaminergically sustain engagement with dislexic (which ain't necessarily dyslexic) eidetic polymorphism (the multi-faceted Abelian-Bellian 120-fold/m-surfaced value of quantal identity being only one particular specific case thereof) -- sensing the insensate (the seeing of Greens For Orchestra being actually hearable only after Geisha lessons on how to smell incense, taste the twenty kinds of slimy, touch the myriads in the satin-flow essence which I breathe) having elaborate induction as a prerequisite.
O, Plane Cant The Vacuity, Westerns say Hindus lay lust upon -- God's Lone Rock to hitch up on With Samson's mooring hausers. The zero-point Linklage, physicists Bay at, saying to prey Upon can't -- projective-identification or not -- be to pray Up on, polymorphism's sets of zeros No conversion-disorder displacing Relative-state identity-transparency Sinklage to Omnium-Gatherum's zero-point.And speaking in pounds: the only way such mass inner work could be accomplished is to make it so people cannot handle their money without engaging in some facsimile to such practice, the user-friendly interface being Musculpt as mathematical notation. How else could F. A. von Hayek's the time-shapes of total capital stock be pragmatically employed in definition of a reserve currency domain?
It is hard not to agree with much said by Dr. Vieira in this interview, containing interesting commentary on constitutional issues with respect to U.S. monetary history (see: The U.S. Monetary System and Descent into Fascism: An Interview with Dr. Edwin Vieira, David Galland, The Casey Report, 23 June 2011). Restricting my observations to the reformation program briefly discussed, I wholly agree that substantive positive change can only be expected to come from the bottom up, indeed, relative to what I envision is required, could only come in that fashion -- otherwise, the information required could not be generated. I do not believe, however, that in terms of the full spectrum of problems faced, that an adequate bottom is the U.S. state-governments echelon or that the commodities gold and silver are sufficient as vehicle-currency redeemers or as sound anchors for reserve-currency dynamics (even if done by electronic gold/silver debit cards). There is, to my way of thinking, no adequate analogical model other than nature, but I do not suggest exchanging 1T2-logical nation-state borders for 1T2-logically-construed watershed boundaries as parameters over which to define legal tender. For this purpose, I suggest boundaries-without-boundary in e-nesting foams -- just as, long, long ago, it once was, analogically speaking, when exchange processes were held sacred and signified relative-state identity-transparency of traders trading over the plenum of nature's bounty (consider Mauss' general theory of the gift, significations of sacred cloths, Stone Age economics, land-use ecology governed by propitiation behaviors, pre-Westernized borderless borders sounded-out by waterfalls playing upon stone xylophones and, later, bronze drums, infrasound songlines only conceptually linear by virtue of propagation, African fractals, and so on: all suggestive of collective introjections of nature's quantum mechanics, rather than the inverse, i.e., mass projection of properties of collective egos). I see no explanation anywhere provided as to how precious metals, alone, can adequately govern -- in the sense of a governor placed upon an economic engine -- a global economy composed of 10-billion actors extracting negentropy from a resource-depleting planet. The spectrum of LETS vehicle currencies employed, and their nesting foams, need to reference the full array of capital stocks, and a reserve currency domain needs to meta-reference the time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth.
As noted above: Descartes: 1596-1650. Newton: 1643-1727. The Maunder Minimum: 1645-1715. Add to that: peace of Westphalia, 1648. I am not astounded that people -- apparently educated people -- are unaware that things have happened to the informing Weltanschauung since the 1600s, that those things which have happened are no part of their Umwelts and projections thereof as constituted LifeWorld. Why such inconscience? Glutamatergic neuronal etching of lateral mental cleavage -- ever increasingly pandemic since waning of the Middle Ages. Philip Stephens, for instance, does not contemplate the fact that there are well-understood non-Cartesian/Newtonian ways to functional integration of discrete structures, hologramic ways that do not involve pyramiding, and that these are no part of Euro-American politico-economic awareness (see: Europe's return to Westphalia, Financial Times, 23 June 2011). Most people are cognitively stuck in the 17th and 18th centuries, few have entered the 19th century, virtually none the 20th, none the 21st. Many Americans with higher enculturation do not even realize that late-18th-century federalism was not about states' rights, but, rather, about Cartesian-Newtonian/Hamiltonian pyramiding-- just as was ladderday optimum currency area EUism (see, for instance: The End of Europe: A Civilization Built On Sand, Jerry Bower, Forbes, 22 June 2011). Has federalistic pyramiding also failed in the United States, as claimed by Dr. Edwin Vieira in his interview entitled The U.S. Monetary System and Descent into Fascism (linked above), a monetary system set upon its way by late-18th-century Hamiltonians and their First Bank of the United States? If so, why would a cusp of incendiary collapse be rapidly approaching at this particular memetime? Because the things that happened to the Westphalian institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung -- and the dissembling/conversion-disorder-displacement thereof -- transpired by stages. First in higher mathematics, then in logic, then in physics, then in technological applications of the New Physics, and, finally, due to constraints imposed by nature. Given the higher-enculturation mindset of humans, the matter is now largely out of human hands; the hand of nature is taking over where the magic hand left off. Bye, Bye Birdy!
Thanks for drawing this article (see: The uncertainty surrounding sustainable agriculture, Laura H. Kahn, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 20 June 2011) to my attention; I hadn't been aware of the latest UN population growth estimates. Quoting the article:
So, though all of our planet's problems may have started with the domestication of livestock and crops, some form of agriculture is clearly needed to feed the growing global human population. Indeed, the United Nations has recently revised its estimates for the global population: increasing from 10.6 billion in 2050 to a whopping 15.8 billion in 2100 if the high-end estimates prove true. This unprecedented growth poses significant sustainability challenges -- not least of which is: How do we feed all of these people without destroying our arable land and usable water?
At a projected population of 16 billion in less than a century, the term significant sustainability challenges seems rather over-judicious, given that, at present, we are apparently using one-and-a-half times the renewable resources of the planet: this growing global negentropy-depletion bubble dwarfs the growing global financial bubble -- which is not even to explicitly mention the growing greenhouse gas bubble (despite sulfur cooling, see: Asian pollution blamed for halt in warming: study, Gerard Wynn, Reuters, 4 July 2011). One sort of living beyond means generates another such sort. Bubbles inside of bubbles inside of bubbles. The population bubble. David Bohm's clocks inside clocks inside clocks: Dali clocks, because of Einstein flextime. Big whorls breeding/feeding smaller whorls breeding/feeding smaller whorls and so on to the event horizon (update, sans a classical limit, on Richardson's poem, Louis Fry Richardson being the man who wrote the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics) -- that non-intentional horizon where whorls in turbulent fractal nesting foams run out of whole-integer real-numbered spacetime, where imaginary and hypercomplex twists transpire, where temporal curl generates coherent-energy pulse-code bursts (in the atmospheric case: as acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes) communicating quantum-identity (vis: Abelian-Bellian polymorphism) signals to other LSTDs/CDs (limited spacetime domains/coherence domains), i.e., those nesting thus depleted. Adequately meeting such challenges can be effectively organized top-down by a world government employing a one-world reserve currency or small basket of reserve currencies -- tied to gold as a governor, or not? Doesn't seem at all likely -- even less likely than adoption of a post-Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base structurally and functionally modeled upon cascade dynamics of the natural systems the glutamatergically-neuronally-etched normotic human population corpus needs to adapt itself to. The magnitude of the forces involved here is more than merely significant, incommensurately more. Increasingly, projection of a ten-percent human survival rate appears fanciful; perhaps Lovelock's forecast of a few breeding pairs localized to the poles is, indeed, more realistic.
The predominant collection of upbuilding intentional indicators -- profiles, Abschattungen -- employed by the American nation-state for strategic planning in Viet Nam -- the HES, Hamlet Evaluation Survey/System -- was decidedly not a derivative of Husserliana, and that survey's/system's main policy implementation devices became population control initiatives: free-fire zones facilitating Huntington's forced-draft urbanization and the Phoenix elimination program. The same can be said of the present-day Failed States Index, informing upbuilding policy implementation primarily by effectuating economic free-fire zones driving rural-to-urban forced-draft migration into unserviced squatter slums, and by globalization of the Phoenix program à la GWOT. During the Sixties, hamlets failed; half a century later, nation-states. Clearly, there was, and is, a fundamental disconnect -- a glutamatergic lateral mental cleavage -- between the information gathering/processing plus land-use planning techniques employed and the policy implementation devices derived, a disconnect precluding the reaching of any policy-horizon intentionality formulated from the profiles identified using profiling techniques. By early-1968, at SRA/MACV-J2, I had concluded that one of the fundaments of this disconnect between Abschattungen and horizon involves the tacitly accepted notion as to the necessary nature of boundaries. Strategic planning (public or private) cannot effectively interface to processes of self-organization (market-mediated, or not) by means of 1T2-logical, opaque, either-in-or-out boundaries (upon which legal tender and economic/sustainable-development indicators are defined, or not). Kierkegaard's upbuilding Existentialist Either/Or precludes realization of adequate levels of self-organizational competency.
The whole of Husser{liana] -- and particularly the explications of horizon intentionality -- may be regarded an account of the 1T2-metapsychological effects of the glutamatergic neuronal etching of pathofunctional worldview constructs at prescriptive enculturation/socialization. And now that all but politically correct learned-unconscious-belief doxa (SHE-who-must-be-obeyed: H. Rider Haggard) -- as regards whatever field -- are being universally criminalized, physiological endogenous glutamate titers are rising from those heretofore considered normative to those normotic (An attractive woman doesn't go to Paris, she gets Paris to come to her: Anthony Adverse). Had Husserl, at some point in his career, contextualized his 1T2-logic intentionality by availing himself of µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics, his 1T2-explication of the eidetic transcendental -- absent an account of Abelian-ideal primes -- could be considered to have been a positively-motivated making conscious, rather than yet one more threat diversion/conversion/dissimulation. Doxic 1T2-doodly-shit don't make µTm-habitus diddly-squat -- not by a long shot: cook this Learner Potato Head for me! The ever increasing cut-off of access to technical literature -- as regards whatever field -- from those who have not long demonstrated politically correct normotic compliance behaviors at higher enculturation is an institution-level correspondence to the glutamatergic neuronal etching insuring dominance of the dumbest. This corpus of structural impediments to resolution of the gathering storm of global crises, which politically correct metapsychological behaviors created, does not auger well for human species survival at cuspover Well, yes, I guess I could stop living so as to live longer, but, hey, my 'I' is utterly indifferent to man's fate (if not so in regards to that of the few with whom my 'I am' is directly engaged: only an avatar with cosmic status beyond that of world-historical religious figures could, free of projective-identification, establish authentic identity-transparency with a whole species possessed by egregious intentionality, beyond for even Christ apparently entertained the fiction that they know not what they do); it's just playing out the last karmic trump cards dealt, and which it bid purely from the internal necessity dictated by the aesthetic value imputed to inner higher-order-type consistency -- not to mention the personal pleasure due diligence confers. Besides, there is less and less on this planet it is willing and able to eat -- herbicide residues inducing acute stress reactions, daily intake of poisons insuring a chronic phlegm ball in the throat.
The relationship between the spheres is between the spheres, not in the spheres-themselves. The same for Music of the Spheres: not in movements of spheres, but in chronotopological changes of the spaces between. The same for monetary units. Eco}nomics] is not interested in price movements, but in the relationships between such movements, relationships which map as manifold changes of vehicle-currency relation-spaces superposed to a reserve-currency domain -- not to a reserve currency-in-itself. Not music as movement of tones notated as notes, but music as chronotopological transforms of the empty timespace between, between the tones notated as notes. Why, therefore, notate notes? Notate actual music: the chronotopological transforms of the empty timespace between. No{thing] given shape is mass/matter; no{sound] given shape is sound. First sound, second sound. Mathematics is not in discrete numbers-in-themselves, but in continuous relations between numbers, and changes of those continuous relations between. Why, therefore, notate with discretes, rather than with continua? Music-Sculpture does not sculpt discretes, but the continua between discretes. This is not to dis discrete music, discrete economics, discrete mathematics, only to hypostasize/reify metamusic, metaeco}nomics], metamathematics, so as to eidetically constitute metacultural tropologic signification such that the functional requisites of diverse possible-world concrete cultures -- common requisites being unitary relations between diversities -- can be brought out for all to hearsee. Let the ear aid the eye, let the eye aid the ear! Quantum non-simple identity, i.e., Everettian relative-state identity-transparency, is not in selfsame discretes, but in the relations between. Why, therefore, make a physics based upon equations notated in discretes, rather than notated in the continua between? Discretes can't well-re}present] continua: one thing -- heh-heh-heh! -- Abel's Impossibility theorem demonstrated. Are Lukasiewicz logics about selfsame discretes, about the self-references of self-identification states, or about the relative-state identity-transparencies between? Is so-called self-reference really about the selfsame, or is it about the betweens? If about betweens, why notate Lukasiewiczian propositions with discretes, rather than continua of Musculpt? And since, to paraphrase Heraclitus, unapparent betweens are more important than those apparent
I really haven't looked into this since the early-1970s when I started into the series of harmony classes and decided that the practice of harmony would destroy my ear for ambient Musculpt -- as it had for John Cage; otherwise, he could not have uncritically embraced probability amplitudes and gone aleatory. Why compose, if one can pay attention to chronotopologies of no{sound] between ambient sounds? At that memetime, it seemed to me that Viktor Zuckerkandl and Karlheinz Stockhausen were those who had most internalized to ontic experience the New Physics. Toru Takemitsu -- for his November Steps, Asterism, and Munari by Munari -- was also up there, as far as my judgment was concerned. Perhaps also Olivier Messiaen, for the formal superposition of his Turangalila Symphonie, and George Crumb for the between-tones-focus -- not atonality -- of his Ancient Voices of Children. Nowadays, that honorific might go to Dmitri Tymoczko, for his orbifold chord-space maps, because linear chronotopological memetime in harmonic music is transverse to verticality of the chords themselves (an observation explicit in the time difference between Tokyo and New York, as essayed by Takemitsu with his November Steps ). Where, however, compositionally speaking, is imaginary/hypercomplex operator-time oversound of no{sound]? The only reason to compose art music, if one can pay attention to chronotopologies of no{sound] between ambient sounds, would be to tropologically reify to eidetic metaculture.
Form in Gothic : art is in cyclotomicity -- not process or product. Eversuchness of no-sound, hyparxis, sound of no-sound, oversounds of no-sound, sound pointillism, idioretinal photism, sound plenum, color field, continua, eidolon, holoform, transparency, taste, state, aftertaste, transform, topomotion, toponation, topomotif, meaning, relative-state, correspondence, topomation, rasa, abstraktion, toponator, identity, shape, logos, inconstant subject, point, ichor, breath, odor, temporos, point toposet, nest, order, simile, einfuhlung, analogy, image, afterimage, déjà vu, dreamtime, memory, ontos, place, spacos, inconstant discrete object, object motion, memetime, texture, plane, line, 3-space, 1T2-type boundary, constant subject, life, birth, word, return, syntax, death, metaphor, language, constant object, ideograph, code, alphabet, zonestats, system: of inner Musculpt, ketaminergically-speaking of phenomenology upon repeated retroflexion by a 1T2-logically-valued cognition. No need for superegoic extrinsically-imposed prescriptive morality-ethos, if the cognate system works -- only if it doesn't. Intrinsic morality-ethos is perceptual and spontaneous upon ontic recognition of identity-transparency at generative empathy. Seeing good. Abstraction in empathy, empathy in abstraction: Goode looking through the between of the lead in leaded-glass windows analogically modeling archetypes-in-themselves through which the divine light cyclotomically cascades to project from m-logically-valued AllBase incarnate floor plans, modules, unit lengths, the monophonic melody-line memetime which polyphony stacks itself upon Blackhole computing at tornadogenesis, eh what (see Joe Goode's Tornado Series of aquatint etchings).
There being only regressed proto-calls in a proto-language -- a semi-alphabetic language yet to automorphically constitute -- reliance is placed upon syllabic/mora [cunei}forms, simultaneously genitive singular and nominative plural: CDO, CBO, CMO (and their distributed fiber-bundled disaggregations -- i.e., arrows and boxes without the associated skew-parallel Clifford arithemetics) financial vehicles with three-letter acronyms, just like genomic codons (see: The Greek rollover pact is like a toxic CDO, Wolfgang Munchau, The Financial Times, 3 July 2011). Toxic because regressed, regressed by 1T2-logically-valued extenuation of the probability-amplitude dissimulation of Schrödinger's wave-function: big errors breeding/feeding smaller errors breeding/feeding smaller errors and so on to the event horizon -- and, by retrograde inversion, the climb up the risk deflection/concentration Devil's Staircase of percolation theory. Not to mention that, according to Munchau, If this was any other field of human activity, you would go to jail if you accepted, let alone made such an indecent offer All there is, is this dirty little con-trick. Shades of the protection racket plus loan-sharking plus extortion judgmental stated in a mid-June comment, posted above. This is certainly human error, but not only in surface behavior, also deep structure. Cybernetic info -- by finite definition alone -- must be [in}formation: iterate, iterate, iterate whereas Lukasiewiczian info simultaneously converges upon the wave-parcel processor -- consider, say, the pi-electron parcels of superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal DNA -- from all most-densely-packed points on the enveloping hypersphere, this convergence generating coherent graphemes ungraphable for reasons polytopic -- µTm-logically-valued polytopes being by no means equivalent to regular polytopes of the 1T2-variety (regardless of the heuristic value historically given the regular Platonic polyhedra -- and, of late, such polyhedra made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes in the Fermi sea of an infinite 3D electron gas). Lukasiewiczian orthography is fully non-phonemic -- hence, J. S. Bellian unspeakable, yet still Musculptable -- by virtue of the fact that Cantorian-indexical m-graphemes may represent a single phoneme. No technical corrections of multifaceted anthropogenic global crises are possible without rectification of the endogenous human error which is the glutamatergically-etched molecular-cellular brain -- an endogenous not exogenously repairable, even if no original sin.
A stepping off the Devil's Staircase (kicking the can down the road is horizontal black self-propaganda dissimulation of vertical movement up the Devil's Staircase) has never been likely -- the less so the higher up the flight, for the greater the fall. A fall of the EU is most likely after the ECB, following a route analogous to that taken by the FED, goes the way of the Greek banks -- possibly over Italy, and all that came before -- (see, for instance: ECB will continue to accept Greek debt, Richard Milne and Gerrit Wiesmann, The Financial Times, 4 July 2011); a fall of the existing global non-system monetary system is most likely after the IMF goes the way the ECB is most likely to go (SDRs -- in some way partially tied to gold but not to such an extent as to prevent the IMF from following a route analogous to that taken by the FED -- having become the international reserve currency: SDRs as reserve not commodity-referenced would simply be Ben's Helicopter on a planetary scale). For a similar view, see: The Sovereign Debt Crisis Is Never Going To End Until There Is A Major Global Financial Collapse, Stephanie, FedUpUSA, 7 July 2011. I would add: unless the global economy is called into intermission by advent of a total space-based Planetary War One, which the headline photo illustrating Stephanie's article suggests. Another reason why, once on, getting off the Devil's Staircase is unlikely, is that, with each step up, the more direct becomes awareness as to how all-and-everything is superintegrated (the greatest of all hysteria-generating threats to psychosocial viability of individualistic 1T2-logical sham identity: the kind of existential threat collective suicide is predicated upon, expressing as, for instance, superintegration conversion-disorder displaced to no one left behind even if strategically snuffing the mission, like in Black Hawk Down). Population overgrowth (driven in significant measure by modern medicine, poverty, a notion of identity responsible for obsession with life extension and myriad forms of body-mod/bio-mod), for instance, not only stresses/depletes the natural resource base, ecological balances, climate stability, institutional competency, but also demographic balances essential to financial wherewithal (see, for instance, with regard to the demographics of entitlements: Europe's bigger crisis waiting to happen, Kathleen Brooks, Reuters, 4 July 2011). Quoting the article:
In Germany and Italy the demographic damage is done. Research from Eurostat predicts that by 2040 there will be less than two people of working age for every retired person in Germany and Italy that compares with just over three today. In France things are slightly better as there will be just about two workers for every retired person. These statistics tell a bleak story, with this type of demographic shift it is inevitable that living standards will deteriorate in the next decade or so.
Not to mention Japan -- which, all things considered, may be in the most dangerous situation of all nations on the planet (given my personal history, a situation I greatly lament). Unacknowledged superintegration (quantum relative-state identity-transparency of component processes) is the real bigger crisis waiting to happen, a crisis impossible even to approach without employment of Lukasiewicz logics.
Close -- where attraction is misconstrued indicative of love; sex misconstrued possession; possession, property ownership -- has nothing to do with transparency, which is very much closer than close can be: projective-identification is compulsive attraction to self-attributes suppressed/undeveloped; sex, on those terms, an attempt to take possession of, to own, the self denied, non-accessible, 1T2-logically walled off; no expression of µTm-valued identity transparency, which is non-exclusionary by virtue of the relative-state of THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains. Authentic animistic relative-state identity-transparency is µTm -- not P2P person-to-person 1T2 cross 1T2. Orders of logical-value are semantically/semiotically incommensurate: no concatenation of 1T2 cross 1T2 cross 1T2 yields µTm -- except under a dissimulating truth-valued fuzzy shades-of-gray dysterpretation, or some equivalent. Just as there is no such thing as an anatomically knowledgeable unarmed man, there being numerous lethal weapons in most every room, so, to the cognizance noematically m-connected and numinously nonorientable, there is no such thing as Figure it out -- as if it were an it that was figureable in some were/was other than those-such virtually memed. Provocative, I shouldn't wonder, is uninteresting unless it has verisimilitude sufficient to catalyze insight -- prescriptively socialized, world dominant-culture, some-way/how/where, storyLINE thematics, having sensitive dependence upon 1T2-logical bifurcation behaviors, which hardly are matters of universal interest, given that 1T2 out of µTm is, by definition, severely brain-impaired, if not nearly brain-dead. Unforgettable molecular memories are, by logical-value order-type, no memories of the quantum brain which has the prescience of pre-science. Metapsychologically speaking, of course (for illustrative examples, see: Auden at Home, James Fenton, The New York Review of Books, 27 April 2000). And sexually speaking, one can be certain that the quantum brain -- by virtue of Lukasiewicz-Schrödinger wave-function -- has no 1T2-pleasure/pain centers. What it has is surely µTmly-transcendental to memetime-bound orgasmic Bolero (indeed, Cantorian collections of transorgasmic order-types: which says a lot about the Naugahyde quality of supersuborned modern life). Current style: Thinking of her was like jamming an ice pick into his heart. Now, really! Not really like an ice pick in the heart; exchanging his heart for an icepack -- maybe. You're mine!; Then, I'm yours!: cosmic joke eliciting galactic guffaws. Woman by man never seen; man, never by woman; not man by man nor woman by woman: there is no more a physiologic basis for split-off, schizophrenogenic, multiple, parallel, 1T2-logical identities than there is a physical basis for Everettian, multiple, parallel, 1T2-logical universes. The multiplicity is not in 1T2-boxes horizontally articulated by prob[dys}abilities, but in vertical cyclotomology of Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types. Man never sees man because the socially-and-glutamatergically created ego-sphere boundary is a 1T2-logical buffer shielding direct awareness from µTm-valued quantum-brain processing. Physical body is bête noire only insofar as it has been constellated by thousands of years of prescriptive enculturation over the nesting foam of swarms constituting body qua body. Somememetime will the hoipoiloi discover what the oligarchs have hoicked from them -- and from theirowndamnselves as well?
In arguing against a return to gold, Michael Pettis -- of China Financial Markets website and author of The Volatility Machine -- makes an interesting observation (see: Michael Pettis Warns of 'Virulent Political Turn Against the Euro', Adds Clarification to 'Gold's Honest Discipline', Mike Shedlock, MISH'S Global Economic Trend Analysis, 8 July 2011): after all it is very hard to guarantee depositors under the gold standard. This is an additional point in the argument, according to my lights, for no reserve standard/currency whatsoever (rather, an Everettian relative-state, quantum-composite, reserve/µTm-reference frequency domain + e-clearing union). However, I would have to modify Pettis' following statement, also quoted by Mish, which expresses a widespread misconception handed down, baton-pass to baton-pass, by generations shouldering the heavy burden of a classical limit. Quoting Pettis: The capital and current accounts for any country, and for the world as a whole, must balance to zero. This Newtonian vector-summed, Second-Lawed thermo{eco}dynamic is the case only for memetime-bound, closed systems (not open systems or higher-order-type self-reentrant/reflexive systems) -- which F. A. von Hayek, by using the Everettized phrase time-shapes of total capital stock, clearly realized neither the world economy nor any sub-economy is a case thereof. To illustratively quote W. H. Auden (dedicated to Christopher Isherwood, Poems, Faber and Faber, 1930: Vertical Man):
Let us honor if we can
The vertical man
Though we value none
But the horizontal one.Metapsychologically speaking, no less than sexually so. Fenton, it is well worth noting (see Auden at Home, linked above), 70-years later, does not understand the non-sexual, supposedly gnomic meaning: theosophical cosmogonic Greater Maze of Platonic regular polyhedra, Cabalistic nesting foams, Cantorian cardinals, logical-value order-types, Jacob's Ladder, and so on. Is the 90-degree twist between horizontal and vertical, spoken of here, in 3-space or of 3-space? If the latter, as surely it is, then from real to imaginary, simple to complex. Linear pencil used to draw purified identity of the discrete, horizontal 1T2-man (both Isherwood and Auden, having lived in Berlin, were well aware of the notion of purified identity by 1930). But what of all the fractal phase-angles between, i.e., the µTm-logically-valued 'pencil of skew-parallels' used to draw quantum non-simple identity of the vertical man, describable only with fiber-bundle arithmetics and recognizable only by those having undergone ketaminergic logical-value metanoia? Time-shapes are not chronotopologically impressed by 3-fold operator-time horizontal-to-vertical, real-to-imaginary, simple-to-complex; quite the contrary: nonorientable-to-orientable, multiplyconnected-to-simplyconnected, open-to-closed, m-valuedfunction-to-singlevaluedfunction, hypercomplex-to-imaginary-to-real, reservecurrencydomain-to-vehiclecurrencies. What is the standard here? Is there a standard? Fixed standards demerge in autopoietic processes very late, cyclotomically speaking, and, regarding monetary systems, are apropos only of vehicle-currency references.
Here is a great postmodernist example of asserting control over redefinitions as the royal road to Arc de Triomphe de la place de l'étoile (face-card rendition/removal standing-in-for stars -- and being an OER performance prerequisite to the award thereof ) in a battle dysclassified as a war: recategorizing enemy strength to de-estimate, being a case in point (see: Panetta says U.S. is 'within reach' of defeating Al Qaeda, David S. Cloud, Los Angeles Times, 9 July 2011). Quoting the article:
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta declared Saturday that the United States is within reach of strategically defeating Al Qaeda as a terrorist threat, but that doing so would require killing or capturing the group's 10 to 20 remaining leaders If we can be successful at going after them, I think we can really undermine their ability to do any kind of planning to be able to conduct any kinds of attack on this country, Panetta told reporters
Al Qaeda was strategically defeated long ago when it successfully used the intentionally-provoked, sting-induced, post-9/11 invasion of Afghanistan as a not-without-which facilitator of global self-organizational phase transition to AQ&A, Al Qaeda and Associates. Are personnel elimination programs -- local or globalized -- effective in the staunching of self-organizing processes? After almost 50 years of intermittent study, I am unaware of AUTHENTIC historical precedents suggesting such, which have not simultaneously been Thermidorian Reaction, Ancien Régime, White Terror nazification-by-whatever-name. And what of dysconstructing enemy intentions, and indicators thereof, by semantic conversions/inversions? Are terrorist attacks on this country, at home or abroad -- those not designed to provoke a self-organizational phase-transition-facilitating response -- the real terrorist threat to this country? Or is such threat to be found in the trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars associated with the geometric-going-to-hyperbolic cost curve/curse framework determining conditions circumstantially imposed upon counterinsurgents who cede control over the space and time variables to insurgents by, for instance, a declaration of GWOT? Strategically speaking, what are terrorist attacks actually designed for -- the creation of media-mediated terror? No logistics-informed competent terrorist/insurgent ever seriously entertained such a thought -- only club-cammy types trying to foment a revolution in the revolution.
George Soros' Plan B (see: True Europeans now need a 'plan B', Financial Times, 11 July 2011) is not my Plan B primarily because his understanding of the import of self-referential propositions is not my understanding of such propositions. What -- what does that have to do with the EU and EMU and their present crises? It was not, as Soros says, the memory of the second world war which informed the choice for European integration, but the consensus interpretation as to the origins of that war: the failure of Old World balance-of-power mechanisms, and so on. A higher authority than errant nation-states was thought to be needed if another pan-European war qua world war was to be avoided. So the Popperian piecemeal social engineering project was begun, which eventually became human systems engineering by disjointed [incre}mentalism. The big problem being that prescriptive engineering of balance-of-power mechanisms and of the scale-level leap to a higher authority both relied upon principles analogically modeled upon the Cartesian-Newtonian world construct. The Sorosian understanding of the import of self-referential propositions -- i.e., essentially reflexivity -- preceded him in the 1926 CHOICE not to use self-referential, m-valued Lukasiewicz propositions to interpret the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, and was a major deep-structure push-pull factor in origins of the second world war. The New Europe was not to be analogically based upon straight-up New Physics, nor even a dissimulation thereof -- i.e., probability amplitudes -- but on another aspect of the Old Physics, which dissimulation of self-referential propositions helped sustain by helping to promulgate the false notion of a classical limit permitting a wealth of clinging behaviors committed to failed institutional constructs/algorithms. Only shallow men and women would even consider holding such a stage -- and shallower still, as the curtain falls.
If the bulk or all of the FED's QE2 monies went to EMU banks in the form of Eurodollars (see: Exclusive: The Fed's $600 Billion Stealth Bailout Of Foreign Banks Continues At The Expense Of The Domestic Economy, Or Explaining Where All The QE2 Money Went, aka Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, 12 June 2011; and Federal Reserve Money Continues to go Off-Shore, John Mason, Mase Portfolio, 27 June 2011; and Why QE2 Failed: The Money All Went Offshore, Ellen Brown, Global Research, 9 July 2011), as those banks turned to EMU central banks for liquidity, and now there are some EMU sovereign banks in crisis and others moving toward crisis, what does that say about actual magnitude of the critical Curie-state/condition facing the ECB? Will the ECB shift to directly (rather than continuing with off-shoring to the FED) monetizing its debts? The degree to which this is response-to-9/11 related -- i.e., full measure of the geometric-going-to-hyperbolic cost curve -- probably will never be assessed.
Steen Jakobsen (see: Time is running out for Europe, Steen's Chronicle, TradingFloor, 3 days ago) steps up to the plate -- to use baseball, rather than soccer as metaphor:
In fact, a crisis 2.0 [two outs, two strikes, last inning, bases loaded, win/lose the World Series] could be what is needed to create both the economic and political platform that will solve Europe's problems: namely a fiscal union.
True enough? A homiletic home run? Maybe so, or maybe not. When climbing the Devil's Staircase using a 1T2-valued logic-crutch, the either/or alternative eventually becomes voluntary dissociation (by concentration in self-observation) or voluntary nazification (for voluntary crisis-driven spontaneous fusion likely won't long persist without induced political union, which likely won't long cohere in the present global environment without a civil war as issue-resolver -- like the U.S. had to have -- or hard enforcement). Speaking in terms of the deep-structure of push/pull causation in origins of WWII -- e.g., Maximum Born's 1926 probability-amplitude dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, dissimulation by not using m-valued Lukasiewicz logics to interpret that wave-function -- return to the critical-state Curie temperature of the mid-1920s is again well constellated, and choice for homiLETSic Lukasiewiczian, m-logically-valued, LETS, monetary-unit nesting foams is not in the least likely to be taken. Analogous choice, likely similar outcome: meaning that the Hitler within each of us may yet win, with or without having to fight another war (à la Sun Tzu).
One reason a new Gold Rush is intractably anchored to the ever-increasingly glutamate-etched American IronMan (hard shell, infantile transference psychology) brain is the inbred knee-jerk penchant for baiting the political hook: as regards Harry Dexter White, America's Keynes-counterpart to Bretton Woods, for instance, consider Conservapedia's quoting of Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (James Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr, and Alexander Vassiliev, Yale U. Press, 2009): the most highly-placed asset the Soviets possessed in the American government. This is likely the most highly-ingenuous statement in the book, as most Up-From-Liberals who believe(d) this, actually believe/believed that FDR was the most highly-placed Soviet asset in the USG (shades of CBS stigmatizing Westmoreland, whilst actually believing -- via Sam Adams -- responsibility actually lied with LBJ, but couldn't demonstrate it) -- and that the cut-off of access to gold was among FDR's greatest of treasons. In the Conservapedia's list of White treasons, notice that the one of most concern to the then Congressional investigation goes unlisted, except as veiled (in order for White to have done what conservatives wished, he would have had to have taken recourse to Ben's Helicopter): responsibility for collapse of the GearWheel's currency (a completely ludicrous assignation, given the horrendous monetization of debt engaged in by Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang President of the Executive Yuan, T. V. Soong, one precursor of Bernanke). OSSers, who moved into positions of power postwar (one of whom, in whose Georgetown household I once lived, being very high in the JFK/LBJ administrations), learned much from China during WWII: our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, has some things to say about how Tai Li, Chiang's intelligence guru, influenced U.S.-mediated synoptic-scale tradecraft, particularly as implemented by U.S.-influenced/but-not-U.S.-generated GVN intelligence organizations (CIO especially) during the American period of the Viet Nam war, and also relative to black currency operations. No Conservapedia noting of how, to the very great enduring global advantage of the U.S., Roosevelt-Morgenthau, via White's assistant, Ray Mikesell, gerrymandered postwar relative currency values, the gold price fix, and what became IMF SDR allocations many months before the Bretton Woods Conference (see, the Bretton Woods: Preconference Negotiations chapter of Foreign Adventures of an Economist, Ray Mikesell, U of Oregon, 2000; in looking through the chapter, don't miss the fact that Mikesell fully acknowledges that the word negotiations in his chapter title is a misnomer). And we should also not miss the fact that Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has consistently White-on-Whited the Keynesian non-vehicle/reserve-currency bancor proposal and its current reincarnations. From the most recent example, I quote AEP (Return to the Gold Standard as world order unravels, The Telegraph, 14 July 2011):
A new Gold Standard would probably be based on a variant of the 'Bancor' proposed by Keynes in the late 1940s. This was a basket of 30 commodities intended to be less deflationary than pure gold, which had compounded in the Great Depression. The idea was revived by China's central bank chief Zhou Xiaochuan two years ago as a way of curbing the credit-based excess.
I quote AEP more extensively from an earlier such article (Russia backs return to Gold Standard to solve financial crisis, The Telegraph, 29 March 2009):
The Gold Standard was the anchor of world finance in the 19th Century but began breaking down during the First World War as governments engaged in unprecedented spending. It collapsed in the 1930s when the British Empire, the US, and France all abandoned their parities.
It was revived as part of fixed dollar system until US inflation caused by the Vietnam War and Great Society social spending forced President Richard Nixon to close the gold window in 1971.
The world's fiat paper currencies have lacked any external anchor ever since. It is widely argued that the financial excesses and extreme debt leverage of the last quarter century would have been impossible -- or less likely -- under the discipline of gold.
Russia is a major gold producer with large untapped reserves of ore so it has a clear interest in promoting the idea. The Kremlin has already instructed the central bank of gradually raise the gold share of foreign reserves to 10pc.
China's government has floated a variant of this idea, suggesting a currency based on 30 commodities along the lines of the Bancor proposed by John Maynard Keynes in 1944.
Note that, historically speaking -- and contrary to AEP's third paragraph, which contradicts the evidence marshaled in the first two -- the gold standard broke down under excess spending, not that the gold standard prevented excess spending -- as is, today, frequently maintained it would. Keynes was not only against a return to gold, but also against a return to the use of a vehicle currency(ies) as a reserve; that's why he proposed a non-vehicle reserve-currency: bancor. An SDR currency basket used as the reserve currency is still a vehicle-currency (i.e., basket thereof ) used as a reserve currency -- with all the attendant downsides of conflating vehicle-and-reserve still activated. Moreover, Keynes knew that use of bancor alone would be inadequate to the case: that's why he simultaneously proposed an International Clearing Union. But Keynes' bancor/Clearing-Union proposal was, even then, actually inadequate to the case -- Keynes didn't see it then, but we can easily see it now, post-Bretton-Woods-One -- for a gold standard or a gold-exchange standard requires an intervention-modulated gold tight-price band or a fixed monetary-gold price (separated from market-tradable gold), otherwise there is no standard. In the current setting, if 30 commodities are interfaced to 6 vehicle currencies (SDR-basket defining reserve currency), price-values of the members of both classes (commodities + currencies) must be co-modulated by coordinated interventions (undertaken by authority of what highly cooperative entities?) -- otherwise, there is no reserve standard. Coordinating-from-above the coordination of these 36 continuously ongoing coordinated interventions would be a nightmare leading to a huge disaster. The self-organization of that kind of coordination of coordinating coordinations is precisely what quantum relative-state composite wave-function is all about (consider the time-evolution group within the Schrödinger wave equation, which is where imaginay/hypercomplex operator-time enters the world-picture as autopoietic operator -- speaking in terms of market dynamics: modulating F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock -- and not only with respect to tornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition): such a wave-function being altogether missing from the current international system (because of the continuing dissimulation of Schrödinger's wave-function). I sincerely doubt the powers-that-be will manage to get even a dysfunctional gold-based international system, because it is unlikely the requisite consensus will be reached -- given the fact that they haven't managed to arrive at such consensus for even a quasi-functional euro. No consensus whatsoever was required regarding the 19th-century gold standard, for it road upon the back of the British Empire; sans consensus, the Bretton Woods gold-exchange standard could be initiated because of the immediate post-WWII world dominance of the U.S.A. Nothing like either of these conditions currently exists, particularly given increasing proliferation of nuclear weapons capabilities. As regards the possibility of actual coordination of coordinating coordinations: m-valued tagging of indicators (economic, sustainable development, quality of life, whatever) to m-logically-valued LETS vehicle-currency nesting foams achieved by trial-and-error from below -- mistakes made and rectified on small scales as the system is slowly built up. Flash forward to 18 July 2011 (listen to: U.S. Debt Crisis is Contrived, James Grant Says, Bloomberg): note that, while making the proclamation, James Grant, of Interest Rate Observer, does not explain how the cooperative nature of the digital age would facilitate functionality of a gold standard, rather than be diminished by a gold standard.
SHE-who-will-be-obeyed: the real economy is the quantum economy, all ways is, always has been and will be; there is no escaping relative-state over F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock -- only awareness thereof: individually, institutionally, systemically. Glutamatergically man}dating] a classical limit so as to laterally cleave awareness, so as, that is, to make normative the normotic, does not alter the fundamental µTm-valued nature of clock-skew-detected [in}formation; the mandate only limits awareness to 1T2-valued memeformation -- which is to rely solely upon extrinsically-imposed [out}formation of framework determining conditions (to use the term employed by J. G. Bennett in his magnum opus on systematics, The Dramatic Universe). I use an admittedly not well-formed suggestion of quantum mechanics S-matrix notation -- [ ( ] ) { < } > -- in memetime-bound discursive writing to minimally entice a bit of the nesting-foamed cognition required to Grok the identity in diversity (my terminology: identity-transparency) which skew-parallelism brings to Lukasiewiczian systems (M Theory develops this over the fiber-bundle arithmetics of Clifford-parallel skew-generators).
MU, base-state of THE beingless
KARAPPO, virtue of emptiness found in moon and moss, µTm
SHINKU, AllBased shadows of no-sound
SUIGETSU, point-sets of zeros moonlighting water
HONNE, sacrifice of 'I'-claims to release pure feeling
GOHEI, tree, T, of burnt offerings in plane sheets of High Heaven
UCHUUJIN, swarm of swarms compounded of Sakharovian hidden leaves
SHINTAI, enshrined body of warm-golden Cantor-kami dusti
SHOJI, anechoic idioretinal Ganzfeld boundary-without-boundary
SHURIKEN, Dedekind cuts, µTm-moonshadowed by sidereal-clock swords
TENDO, snow falling on the forest of dead claims of an empty centerThe first part of this is a common observation; the second, not so, and it relates to a fundamental issue of very considerable current importance. (1) Inter-echelon rivalry: multilateral, federal, state/province, county/comté, municipality, ward, town. Executive branch versus legislative branch. Rivalries interdepartmental, inter-service, interagency, inter-section, inter-unit, interpersonal. This interactional conflict is symbolic, functional, structural, and non-disposable -- even considered essential, the cultivation of which being often viewed as good management practice -- because countervailing forces are understood part of what is required if constitutional democracy is to work well. (2) Joseph Wambaugh and Michael Connelly detail consequences in their area of expertise. As a Connelly character sums it up (Trunk Music, St. Martins, 1997, p. 196): It's weird, isn't it, when sometimes you can't tell the good guys from the bad. Just like that is low-intensity warfare, low-intensity warfare in/on whatever area/stage of human experience. Maintaining confidence in a failed system (see, for instance: Larry Summers on How to Save the Rich: 'No Big Financial Institution in Any Country Should be Allowed to Fail'; Pure Idiocy at its Finest, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 19 July 2011) of low self-organizational competency eventually turns out to be delayed mass murder at total war. And why is that the case? The prevailing notion of identity, as it ramifies across the Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base. Quoting Milan Kundera, Identity, Faber & Faber, 1998, p. 38: We can reproach ourselves for some action, for a remark, but not for a feeling, quite simply because we have no control at all over it. Kundera writes this in midst of offering reflections upon memory, reminiscence, nostalgia, anticipation, dread, how dreams dissolve omnipotence of the present moment and tacitly assumed 1T2-logically-valued identity. Feeling is thought to be beyond control, it is assumed that the 'I' is at the mercy of emotion, because the baud-rate of thought is much slower than the baud-rate of feelings and emotions: we can catch thought in the act, but not feeling, not affect-charge. Our 'I'-identity is suborned to the 1T2-logic properties of its foremost vehicle: thought (and these properties are transferred by projective-identification to the institutional base). A chandlery, a cloaca: as if all identity terminals were in simple nameability, molecular-cellular immune-self markings. Umwelt solely in nameables, and panic at potential loss thereof. LifeWorld clinging to one's 'I' or one's 'I' clinging to LifeWorld: that is the 1T2-logical question. But isn't there something wrong with this picture of identity? One of the primary objectives at The Heart of Buddhist Meditation (and, for that matter, any school of meditation) is to increase the baud-rate of consciousness by cognitively tapping into Einstein flextime. Timewarp (memetime slows down as the baud-rate of consciousness speeds up: Kung Fu films always show this) onset/elaboration varies directly as to depth of concentration in self-observation/inner-separation, such that, at the limiting velocity, 1T2-order-type identity dissolves as memetime poofs out. The inner roof-brain-chattering voice Chantal-ing/channeling the 1T2-logical egosphere border, now floating before the forehead, out being-there beyond 'I'-ness identifications, screaming, screaming in voluble transferred orgy-crave to yet be heard, heard as it fades, fades evermore away into the distancing probability fog glutamatergically etched upon the memetime-bound molecular-cellular brain (orgy-craving subliminal inner voice of the collective ego, forced to evermore fade under influence of discovery/experimental-demonstration in quantum physics, conversion-disorder displaced to actual orgy daisy-chaining: aiding AIDS). After a bit of no-mind deautomatization, a new tonic baseline in consciousness baud-rate constellates, and direct ontic awareness of µTm-order-type identities eidetically constitutes, in a Cloud of Unknowing, whereby feeling can be caught in the act -- or, even better, before the act in imaginary time. But sustaining the ability to do this on a regular basis in everyday life would surely require collective conscious elaboration of µTm-logical-identity properties across the institutional base -- in part, perhaps, by implementation of Musculpted m-logically-valued monetary units, such that inherent conflict becomes disposable. Buddhist economics as it should be.
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