µTm Scenarios, T16(M)
And now, with the indentured-servanting/servicing of/by Greece (see, for some information concerning the 38 ethologic chest-thumping display-behavior demands on top of the ten pages of primatological agonistic demands made by Merkozy + cohort: Athens told to change spending and taxes, Peter Spiegel and Gerrit Wiesmann and Kerin Hope, The Financial Times of London, 23 February 2012) -- who received shotgun loans: what would have been done to her had she refused those loans? -- we have, in hedonic person of a dispatched-to-the-scene Eurozone Budget Commissioner, reverse representation (an application in democratic centralism) applied over the transnational-to-national scale-level gap. Is the information conveyance invoked by reverse representation positive or negative feedback? I say: positive (i.e., reinforcing instability). Despite the ad hoc parallelism established in chain-of-command and the superimposition upon normative information-flow channels, the univariate nature of the information conveyed (the euro is a logically-univariate currency, and all information relative thereto inherently, therefore, cannot escape that defining property) precludes crisis management by reverse representation from actually managing crises, because multivariate processes are essential to the negative feedback capable of establishing and maintaining setpoint eigenstates (with a univariate currency, for instance, how could a GDP/deficit ratio setpoint be maintained, when the very property of univariance dictates the positive feedback essential to unbridled growth of the variable setpointed?: same principle applies to the other Maastricht convergence criteria). Only a multivariate currency nesting foam, like, say, the proposed Lukasiewiczian LETS defined over fractal e-boundaries, could effectively establish and maintain the negative feedback required to establish and maintain the pointset topologies of multiscale setpoint eigenstates required for self-organization absent unbridled growth (which would be a much more abstract and psychologically mature application of pop-up fabrication topological operations than is the regressed conversion-disordered projection-at-transference to Mobee qua Robobee mass production of microdrones à la good offices of the Harvard Microrobotics Laboratory). In due course, of course, multivariate optical computing with Lukasiewiczian processors would be required to fully pop-up such LETS currencies. More elaborately, the temporal curl components of the spacetime del operator (upon vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock) separated from the spatial del operator, engineering-wise the negative del-output mixed into the input, meteorology-wise the realm of internal-external/source-sink terms, require Lukasiewiczian LETS (application of Schrödinger's wave-function not interpreted to probability amplitudes) if the higher-orders of self-organizational competency available to quantum economies are to be accessed by humanity and applied to its interfaces with nature. Ben Davies, CEO of Hinde Capital, is looking at one neglected critical dynamical variable, Davies being one amongst very, very few: that variable being time rate of change of acceleration. Quoting Davies: the exponential growth in the [ECB's] balance sheet is actually going through a rate of exponential of the exponential, and that sounds like a mouthful, but that gets very ? because it becomes unsustainable (listen to the podcast entitled, Greece is Just a Preview of What's Coming For the Rest of Us, ChrisMartenson, 24 February 2012, the quote begins 2:58 into the mp3). What Davies does not articulate is the role of time rate of change of acceleration with respect to market reflexivities and their µTm-valued properties. Fundamental issues here: missing the fact that there is a distinction to be drawn between 1T2-causality and µTm-causalities. Much less fundamental is the possibility of additional gold confiscations. Quoting Zero Hedge: further constitutional amendments will likely make the confiscation of private gold the next big step (see: Projected PIIGS Pillage , 23 February 2012). Some people in Germany -- as with many elsewhere -- have partially gotten part of the right idea for part of the right reasons: see Local currencies the German way: the chiemgauer, Jon Palmer and Patrick Collinson, The Guardian of London, 23 September 2011. But, speaking of point-sets, if, at various critical locations around the planet, the citizens are being taxed by various forms of fiat univariate-money creation so as to save banks and other malinvestors qua malspeculators, and those banks/investor-speculators are, essentially, being indirectly nationalized, and the funds directed to these semi-nationalized entities are not being reintroduced into the real global economy, what are these nationalizations for, what are these created funds for, what are these massive new taxes for? Ostensibly (consciously) to save the systemic status quo; actually (subliminally) to egress upon (backing into, eyes wide shut) PW1. Discussing this whole thing as if the leadership elite were sane is a great error: normotic within their circle is psychotic elsewhere. Catherine Austin Fitts, onetime U.S. Assistant Secretary of Housing, onetime investment banker, asks (see the VDO entitled Real Wealth vs. The Debt Bubble, interviewed by James Corbett, Global Research, 21 February 2012): Who, really, is in charge? I say: regressed, archetypal, collective-unconscious event-gradients -- and the quants who formalized the bundling of bundles of CDO bundles, naturally enough, appear to have not the slightest suspicion as to the role played by conversion-disorder displacement in determining worldline of their work (see, for instance, the interesting documentary VDO entitled Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street).
I have always been much more interested in ascertaining what I think -- I mean what I actually think, not what I think I think -- than in influencing what others think they think: that is the primary reason I chose to write in the fashion I have, do, and will. Does axiomatics underlie and inform axiology -- or vice versa -- and how are discoveries made as regards the accepted as self-evident and the tacit dimensions of value judgments? There was a memetime, I suppose, when I thought it was important to do things. That assessment altogether fell away at some point during the period spanning my last year of high school and the beginning of my junior year of college. By the memetime I left Washington, D.C., in 1965, I was already well on top the awareness of just how unmodifiable substantive features of human behavioral patterns are (for instance, how many student papers were produced at AU/SIS during 1963 arguing substance of the theme explicated in this next-linked piece I cannot begin to remember -- and nothing significant about it has yet changed: see, World Bank Wants Control of the High Seas, Brandon Smith, Alt-Market, 26 February 2012). Later, during the mid-'70s, I came to understand this immalleability as a self-similarity property in institutional nesting-scales from level of the individual to that of the collective totality (though I kept underestimating energy density of the involved tensile strength, maugre the fact I then came to understand Planck's constant as being an m-valued proportionality relating frequency of impingement to quanta of energy imparted in gram centimeters squared per second -- and higher time-differentiated exponentiations at variation over m, and under µTm order-types). Ingressing upon the parenthetical with eisegesis in an attempt at eirenicon: at nesting-foam Inception (remake of Finnegan's-Vico's unaWake) qua conception qua Maya deception, eight (play the VDO) is required in order to get six: 8-tupled octonions-not-quaternions-doubled are used to define 3-fold operator-time with respect to twistorizable 3-space, allowing, for instance, DNA/RNA fingerprinting of embedding viral/microbial communities with read upon coherent radiation signatures generated by pi-electron gas core dynamics. As early as Debussy -- Let's leave. They're starting to develop. -- sustainable development was recognized an oxymoron. The fact that they are still featuring 18th- and 19th-century art music, as well as 19th-century dance, indicates a failure to assimilate. Maudlin Magda, one sort of Black Swan -- an omega point, however fuddled. This judgment as to the intractable difficulty of shape shifting was not an effect of the Viet Nam war upon me; as I did not go to Viet Nam until 1967, warborne effects came later. One of my best friends in Viet Nam had gotten a Master's in PPE at LSE before being drafted. By the time he departed Viet Nam, he was convinced the condition of the human species is so bad that the only possible way to have any effect at all is by intervention into early childhood stages of cognitive development. So, he completely changed his career plans and went back to school for a Ph.D. in Piaget and teacher training at the elementary education level and PET (parent effectiveness training). I, on the other hand, felt that immediate postpartum was already too late (it was much later that I learned glutamatergic neuronal etching -- and, ultimately, consequent severance from awareness of m-logically-valued processing -- begins in the womb. But my growing conviction, even then, that axiomatics follows from axiology prepared me for assimilation of the import of neural network wipeouts by glutamate floods: prescriptive axiological commitments inform the enculturation-socialization process of 1T2-cognitive development carried out largely by synaptic prunings, begun prepartum and pretty well ended prepubertally, establishing automatization of the accepted as self-evident. Quoting Derek's Journals, circa 1975, as reproduced in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 523:
He [Piaget] arrived at the notion of displacement groups based on the algebraic group of displacements in a Euclidian space. Each were considered a priori of physical reality. The displacement groups forming the idea of space were seen to follow one another successively from the sensory-motor level to the most abstract conceptions. [To quote David Rapaport summarizing Piaget] In other words, the psychological representation of 'displacement groups' is made up of 'operations' [think temporal curl; think vergence] of sensory-motor intelligence which predicate the invariants by which the infant organism maintains the identity and continuity of objects even when their form of experience varies [a reference to the role of Husserlian horizons at formation of object constancy, and so on] these 'displacement groups' (particularly their invariants) are the fundament of the space concept, and they carry over into all developmental levels of intelligence subsequent to sensory-motor intelligence (note to: Principle Factors Determining Intellectual Evolution From Childhood to Adult Life, Jean Piaget, in Organization and Pathology of Thought, David Rapaport [ed.], N.Y., Columbia, 1951).
Luneburg's non-Euclidian metric [re: Luneburg's experimental demonstrations that visual space is a non-Euclidian metrical space subject to Lorentz contraction, which I note is now deemed an illusion produced by time dilation, an illusion, mind you! heh-heh-heh] proves that Piaget's Euclidian invariants are simply the constant factors underlying learned behavior, i.e., artifacts of socialization. In fact, as Piaget's genetic epistemology is based not only on observations of childhood behavior, but also upon an [using Piaget's words] historico-critical analysis of scientific thought, we can only conclude from his findings that the history of science well into the 19th century was the working out of the implications of the socialization-of-cognition.
Journal entries as given in our novel are not in strict chronological order, partially because they were often not dated as written, but also because of the novelistic need that they be somewhat thematically organized. I read Rapaport's mega-volume of gathered papers during 1972, but only after -- during January of 1975 -- running across Rudolf K. Luneburg (see: The Metric of Binocular Visual Space, Journal of the Optical Society of America , 40:10, October 1950) and recognizing his significance to Hugh Everett's initial idea having been subjected to the von Neumann formalism (see: Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, Reviews of Modern Physics, 29:3, July 1957) did I realize the import of Luneburg for Piaget. A long entry in Derek's Journals (Moon, Vol. 2, pp. 281-4) is devoted to how Luneburg blows away the modulation paragraph employed in Everett's paper to transit into the von Neumann formalism used to renormalize Everett to substantive agreement with the standard interpretation (all the greater in significance due to the fact that Luneburg wrote seven years before Everett). The tipping point in Everett's argument came with his statement that physical objects always appear to us to have definite positions Luneburg's blow-you-away statement was: there is no absolute localization even in binocular vision. Luneburg went on to elaborate the conclusions which must be drawn from his experimental findings:
A given physical configuration provides no immediate visual clues which could determine localization and absolute phenomenal size of the sensed configuration. Localization and size are determined by other non-visual psychological factors, in particular, by the intellectual experience of the observer.
In other words, by the effects of prescriptive enculturation-socialization anchored to the brain by glutamatergic neuronal etching. Interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function was jury-rigged (Luneburg and Lukasiewicz both rejected by lawyer for indignant plaintiff) such that physical objects stay where socialization puts them, so as to sustain the notion of selfsame simple-identity as being accepted as self-evident: axiology as tacit dimension of axiomatics. Mommy! Mommy! Smell my nose! My, my -- such fustigation! Though no Manasseh trying to resurrect polytheism, when I argue that human collective unconscious has decided for something approaching species self-extinction (I think Wyoming needs an aircraft carrier, one refitted for gnat-slapping in the Straits, to defend itself against Ohio high-school shooters, don't you?), it is upon this specific issue I believe that decision was taken: faced with a choice between loss of selfsameness and death, death was chosen -- and in that choice was transit to the modern era made. But this collective occasion of experience is only the latest (lastest? in that case, a true futilitarianism) fulmination. Avaunt! Avaunt! Don't pity the poor indigent indigenous plaintful, the suffering melancholic contagion of diallel participation mystique. Nowadays, it is argued (see the VDO: America Before Columbus) that the human cost of dibbling European domesticated animals, food crops, and disease vectors into soil of the Americas was, regrettably, 90 million in holocaust. Whenever there is local population thrush and resource depletion, debouch the destriers amongst them of the near and not-so-near abroad! So long as the thrush-depletion has not become global. Whatever evidence-experience contravening the technical denials of the Malthusian boundary condition upon closed minds operating in closed systems, such progress at reigning in non-simple identity will continue. Psycho-leverage of selfsameness obsession-compulsion precludes adequate collective response to Malthus. Malgré (mal=evil; gré=pleasure) matriarchate being designated a stage in the inevitability which was/is the avuncular nation-state -- heh-heh-heh! -- take a preprandial cocktail and cull upon the lytic enzymes for catabolic facilitation. Sequestration in autophagosomes! Autophagy to the rescue! Worry not so much about prosecution for the crime of thought, much more as regards prosecution for having genetic predisposition to commit the crime of thought. In clutches of immalleability are found few flares of awareness drizzling nimbi into night dark and damp.
The Vacuum's In-qua-Implicate Side, à la Concordia Quasimodogeniti
Merry Poppins! O, how very pop-upish, is Flatland, flat only to 1T2-mind. Sherman's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: scales enfolded, sheets yielded, layers succumbed, levels merged, branes bridged: the m-logically-valued reference space, i.e., Tzog-chen AllBase, as E8 closest-packing collapsed to Sphereland's plane (vis: primitive-Shinto's Plain of High Heaven, the Mother-of-all-Superstrings ma, that sacred hyperspace supratending time-bridged multi-sheeted ponderable space through which ki is conveyed by trance mediation at recurrent bowl-pounding and bottom-beating festivals) -- rightly said, such collapse is reverse cascade recomposition; involutory decomposition, the demergence to 1T2-ponderable, isotropic, homogeneous space-plus-memetime. On principle of the 1T2-random dot autostereogram: Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind; primitive Shinto's nesting foams of kami dusti; Yayoi Kusama's polka-dot omniverse; Novikov dust suffusing Sakharov's multi-sheet universe tensoring the strains of its metric elasticities; Cantor dust Tinkerbelled upon Riemann-surface stack. Vergence: convergence/divergence rotations under temporal curl. Genuflecting cosmic pranayama of M Theory: this Schrödinger memetime-independent oscillation-saccade on that Mandala. Sin & Redemption for omniverse and imbedded p-branes found in leitmotivs-propositions of Lukasiewiczian Musculpt symformphonie numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Imaginary/hypercomplex Plain(s) of High Heaven -- to the Greeks, dreadful of Kisthene, for there{up}on dwelled 3-fold operator-time in the persons of the Gorgon sisters. Hard to credit a skinhead neonazi Perseus, what. Which came first: chicken or egg, 1 or 0, terror or Gorgon? Clearly, 3-valued Gorgon troilism was made out of the terror of µTm-valued strings, not the terror out of snake-haired Gorgon. As pre-Greek archaic man knew, degrees of freedom need not be only spatial; they can also appertain to 3-fold temporal curl by order-types in quantum action of operator-time. Dilation to scalar-norm-carrier. Writing the archaic perennial much more than the post-quantum relative, spinor multiplication over l-cap, m-cap, n-cap as to square root of plus-one not equal to one. Tornado does it; DNA does it: the coherent Twistor Shout.
Hardly prosaic. Stultifying! Dolorous. Pernickety, persnickety. Cognitive muggers, druggers -- no huggers, not these days.
Sartorial Mr. Bleeds Hearting
No member of the Washington wallahs
Collectively a sarcenet bitchery
Scathing sayers of sooth
Resident in blancmange blogsphere.Yep. Sterile seed. Putting an out-crossing terminator gene on framework determining conditions of 1T2-valued singular-money (singular to the left side of the T-for-Triffin) soon to be singularity-money. The Triffin dilemma is, y'know, a lemma only under 1T2-valued logic, and currencies conforming thereto. Proprietary-chemical induced-germination of sterile-seed currencies: QEing, a root-tone for seeds. M-bank credit expansion absent m-valued currencies! Ho, ho, ho. Might as well try air-layering with SDRs incorporating gold trope. We are double pure in our nazified identity, in our binaries, you and me, so let me hide myself in thee, O thy Rock of Ages, you Big Rock Candy Mountain, you. Humph! No scannable RFID biometric AllBase in that, that's fo'sure. Non-simple quantal identity-transparency is not to be found in person-to-person, MoSoSo p2p, part-to-part (no twone by direct 1T2-accommodation, only by µTm-Inverness); it is hologramic: the part contains all the [in}formation of the whole -- if a bit 1T2-fuzzy, absent employment of µTm-fuzzy logic for optical processing -- not in the [inform}ation of another part independent of the [in}formation of the whole. [Inform}ation [trans}mission p2p in memetime [a}cross ponderable space is 1T2-doublespeak (the 3-fold T-cross -- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost -- standing in, as the breakaway 3-case, for the infinitudes-of-infinitudes m-case) for µTm-identity on AllBase (no mission about it). µTm-transparency = 1T2-motions stacked brane upon brane: fundament of the nonlinear-perspective vanishing-point at Musculpt symformphonie twist-over into non-orientability. Quantum-gravity loops, particle-string bands, closed or open, twisted or not, Musculpted or no, don't geeeon, don't vibraaate, in memetimespace; they are part-and-parcel, pea-brains, of demergence thereto. They are ontologically before, and that ontological is logically after 1T2-logically before, which is logically after µTm-valued absence of logical necessity, which absence is before precedence relations -- logical, ontological, and temporal -- are. The notions of ponderable space and incremental time are deleterious upon no-mind ma qua Buddhological sacred space, which is imponderable to glutamate-etched 1T2-mind. When did memetimespace become conscious to emergent discrete mind? When the bicameral mind broke-backed? When pagan-quantum relative-state participation mystique qua psychic contagion no longer was normative? When neuron-pruned normotic IBE (in the body experience) prefigured Hellenistic, mesomorph, muscle-sculpture identification-state? Was that become conscious a gain or a loss in respect to animistic µTm-order-types? Is what happens µTmly 1T2-acausal as regards changes -- say, climate changes; say, genetic mutations-modifications -- to (not in) glutamate-consensuated memetimespace? The human species is betting its existence against its self-extinction upon this 1T2-acausal being the case of the case. Dubious unto dolorous.
In what the editors of Small Wars Journal call Special Forces porn, Chuck Pfarrer's Seal Target Geronimo: The Inside Story of the Mission to Kill Osama Bin Laden (St. Martin's, 2011), we find an extremely interesting account of the dimensions of what the character Toussaint, in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, calls high combat (quoting Pfarrer, pp. 191-2):
When a room is entered, SEALs go into a state like satori -- a wide-awake Zen consciousness that allows them to perceive and react with minimal space between for thoughts. It puts them instantly in the here and now -- connected not only to the situation, but tapping into the thoughts and intentions of the enemies. Time dilates. All of the SEALs' senses are magnified, the smallest sound, the slightest smells, the textures of the floor and walls, all are burned into his consciousness. Movements made by the enemy seem to take minutes instead of seconds -- while the movements made by the shooters seem to glide on a plane removed from exertion. To move a SEAL needs only to thin. To place a bullet he needs only to concentrate.
. . .There are SEALs that report that in a firefight they seem to remember the entire event as though it were filmed by a camera placed above and behind them. Something like slow motion that zooms into every move of the enemy, and allows the operators to even see themselves as though they, too, were objects moving about a stage. First person meets third person.
Spatial contraction. Identity transparency. Time dilation. Memory compaction/dump. OBE. All symptoms of endogenous ketamine flood, not adrenergic hormone rush (a flood currently associated in neuropharmacology with the practice of Zazen: see, Zen and the Brain by neurologist James H. Austin, MIT Press, 1998, for an excellent account of glutamatergic neuronal etching and the neurotransmitter ketamine as antidote to the excitotoxic neurotransmitter glutamate; and neurologist Allan N. Schore's Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, Psychology Press, 1999, for a more technical account of glutamatergic synaptic pruning's and neural-network wipeouts' roles in anchoring to the brain socialization of 1T2-identity). Is endogenous ketamine flood, on top of adrenaline rush, what distinguishes Special Forces porn from the porn of your average combatant? Does this above-described symptomology prove that SEALs, in their mad minute Mike-mikes, experience authentic Satori-Nirvana? Or is there something more subtle and more important happening with all of this? Is SEAL satori a regressed distortion of Zen Satori -- a distortion somewhat similar to how exogenously introduced ketamine distorts, yet simulates, the effects of Zazen-facilitated endogenous ketamine flood? Could the ergotropic suppression of trophotropic endogenous ketamine floods in midst of everyday life somehow have contributed to origins of modern mass warfare? If so, how? I personally got onto the edge, only the edge, of this during 1966 whilst going through SF Medics training at Special Forces Training Group by talking with old hands then at the ends of their careers and functioning as Medics instructors -- later, in discussions which transpired in Viet Nam. It was much later, by good offices of psychologist Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, and Viet Nam war veteran David Spillane, that I found out about the roles of the glutamate and ketamine neurotransmitters. During 2006, Oxford historian and Harvard University professor, Niall Ferguson, came out with the book War of the World (London: Allen Lane), and accompanying TV documentary film, a central theme of which is that the wars of the 20th century were actually one war, an institutionalized genocidal war motivated by multiple race-ethnic hatreds. A war deeply involved with the issue of identity. His explanations as to why, when, and how focus upon economic turmoil, authoritarian personalities, empires in decline, formation of nation-states. My question is: Does SEAL satori shed light on some deeper identity-related dimension as to why, when, and how? Scattered throughout our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, and over this website, are reasons as to why a yes should be given to that question. I believe the one war of Ferguson's thesis began, not with WWI, but with the Franco-Prussian war, and that the key precipitating events were N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem of 1826 and Cantor's demonstrations concerning non-denumerable infinity of 1874 -- both of which drew into profound doubt the traditional Western notion of simple identity and paved the way for advent of quantum non-simple identity. This was the root trauma -- remaining largely resident in the collective unconscious -- which set in motion the collective hysteria manifesting, by conversion-displacement constellation, an insistence upon purified identity and the race-against-race, ethnicity-against-ethnicity one war. This new notion, codified by Abel-Cantor and Associates, as to the nature of identity qua identity was not assimilated, psychologically integrated to conscious awareness, rather, was rejected, suppressed, obstructed, dissimulated -- and, thus, continues a potent facilitator of mass warfare. Because of the suppression, as a normative aspect of everyday experience, of inherent-to-nature -- discovered in higher mathematics and experimentally verified by 20th-century physics -- non-simple identity, the easiest access humanity has to this internal necessity is via warfare, albeit an access only to a regressed distortion thereof. Two articles on the website devoted to our novel discuss aspects of this thesis: Echo of the Mockingbird and Who Caused the Cambodian Holocaust, Anyway?.
The type-A assurance of selfsame selfhood: high indifference or Depraved Indifference? Campaign Relentless: doomed, ultimately. Media most foul. Murder it wrote in unfounded optimism and knee-jerked support for any normotic convention preventing accurate assessment and effective adaptation. New clear de-sass-her. Causality a casualty of his story? Only 1T2-causality. Fukushima earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster: a NatGeo story of how science saved lives in this CNN world beyond 1T2-type-A borders. Heh-heh-heh. [Retri}bution or [re}tribution? [Ref}use or [re}fuse? I-am-me-and-only-me or animistic participation mystique? A Refuseniks' Seminar: Mazurka, the better account of falldown by top-down decision -- except for missing the breakthroughs and techno-follow-on. The values of a superposition do not occur sequentially in an objective linear-time; they are simultaneous always, or they are not a superposition -- the simultaneous-all-ways being in glutamatergic cognitive throwdown to memetime passing. Quantum relative-state as generative empathy: Meher Baba, in witness to the whipping of a cow, welted a gadroon on his embodied analogue to the World Pot (in commemoration of my departed friend, Roxanne Brown, by good offices of Jack and Cathy Waldron). This is the kernel of conflict between quantum and relative, a conflict overcome only under order-types of operator-time. Shall we be absolutely reductionistic about Cubism and say that nobody-but-nobody experienced a Cubistic percept, that it was all mere stylistic play -- despite the art-physics synchronicity involved? Or, à la David Z. Albert (Quantum Mechanics and Experience, Harvard U. Press, 1992), shall 1/square-root-of-2 (!believes e white-on-black-black-on-white>h !black-on-white-white-on-black>m !black-on-white-white-on-black>e) be seen as an entry to Alfred Jarry's world of percepts (as he was in all likelihood the one most responsible)? And then there is Kazimir Malevich's 1915 Black Square-on-white-background and 1918 phase-rotated White-on-White superposition to consider. Lag-time to avant-garde comprehension was posted on a hairline! Pure feeling stripped (no mere neuron pruning trope) of sullying affect-charge? Forbye, what did Suprematism supersede? More concatenated than a world made of Henry James sentences. Is Finnegan's Wake a driftnet of loops or a feeder-band of strings, Muster Mark, you quarker, you? 1132: M Theory wrapping loop quantum gravity, à la Christo. Or the funeral for type-A selfsameness? Gadzooks! Here Comes Everybody. Synchromy in chromodynamics of the instant. Temporal operations upon memetime are like that, as seen in codon [poli}tics at first-order temporal curl over DNA helix-coil transition: no single-level cipher under m-order chronotopology of environmental fit. From µTm-aperspectives on operator-time, there is no objective referential passing linear-time, and, hence, no actual evolution, the stages of cognitive development encompassing the process by which 1T2-consensuated reality is anchored to molecular-cellular brains not containing THE µTmly-quantum brain, a consensus reality altogether unnecessary, as the human organism is well-equipped from at least Inception to live in the µTm-omniverse -- except that it is prevented from doing so by effects of prescriptive enculturation-socialization, beginning in the womb.
What is the biggest difference between the Great Depression of the 1930s and the prevailing global economic crisis of the early-21st century? The extraordinary QEing presently engaged in by some twenty nation-states, currently to the tune of many trillions of dollars (see: Central banks' $9 trillion in global economic lifeline, Martin Crutsinger, AP as reposted to USA Today, 2 March 2012)? My answer to that answer to the initial question is: No. My question, in response to the initial question answered no to the first answer posed as a question, is: Is this biggest difference by any chance THE major factor in determination of the chances defining probability of outcome at the wager mentioned in conclusion of Crutsinger's article? Quoting:
Central banks around the world are making a bet that they will be able to handle inflation down the road, said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Mesirow Financial. It's a major gamble and the ramifications, if they turn out to be wrong, would be staggering. If they're right, they'll be revered as economic heroes for all time.
Or are we actually speaking here -- in speaking of the biggest difference which is THE major factor -- of a specific case in the class of all negative and positive certainty factors -- which may be considered as arrayed in the real interval 0,1 and thus construed yet another fuzzyish gray-scale interpretation of Lukasiewicz, where certainty-factor is neither probability-amplitude nor truth-value? According to the webmaster of Rattlesnake.com, certainty factors are expressions of unknowing (in NeoPlatonic, pseudo-Dionysian, Middle English The Cloude of Unknowyng or the naked-blind pure feeling Suprematism of Cloude's sequel, The Book of Privy Counseling? -- both of which embrace an interpretation of the self-referential dart-of-the-heart similar to that made by George Soros in arriving at his notion of market reflexivity). We should note that measurement on that curve ubiquitous in nature, on, that is, a Koch curve, i.e., over Cantor dust of fractal domains, is not conflatable to one of the Guttman scales, for, the more closely one measures, the more holes there are in the object of measurement, until, in the limit, there is nothing to measure but holes, absences of the measureable, i.e., no selfsameness left to glutamatergically-socially confer. Lukasiewiczian µTm-order-types may be 1T2-syntactially assimilatable one to the next, but they are not 1T2-semantically conflatable -- and that is one argument as to why syntax demerges from semantics, not vice versa by generative recursion. In my cloud of unknowing, the biggest difference and THE major factor, referred to above, is: the time rate of change of acceleration in quantum-based-technology uptake post-WWII. This is the positive certainty factor maximizing the likelihood of a negative outcome to the bet identified and articulated by Swonk, as given above, and made by Helicopter Ben and Associates. Not only does this rate of the rate of the rate in uptake of quantum non-simple-identity (such as, in regressed form: internet-mediated telepresence) increasingly increasingly increase the collective hysteria at loss in certainty as to validity of the claim to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsameness (such loss being integral to SEAL satori, for instance, and an impetus to mass warfare), but ease in taking farther steps up the Devil's Staircase in risk concentration and transfer, by contrast to difficulty in stepping off the Staircase, is strongly suggestive evidence in support of the proposition that the next step up will be taken when proximality of contagion of central bank failures, itself, becomes a certainty factor in The Cloude of Unknowyng which envelops archetypal event gradients of the collective unconscious. This next step up would involve self-referential multilateral transfers to central banks funding the multilaterals, and unsterilized creation of some transnational reserve currency, e.g., SDRs in some way redefined, possibly to include gold trope (return to whatsoever a gold standard or basket trope considered by some, myself included, as unlikely to be beneficial: see, for instance, Gold and the International Monetary System: A Report of the Chatham House Gold Taskforce, Andre Astrow, Royal Institute of International Affairs, February 2012). Of course, none of this involves taking a quantum jump beyond truth-value and probability-amplitude and gray-scale into Lukasiewiczian LETS indexing over order-types of relative-state identity-transparency in vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock as reserve currency domain. Another, related, take on the Devil's Staircase is the fiat Exter inverted-pyramid (linked to The Fed's Nemesis: Exter's $2 Quadrillion in 'Liquidity', Zero Hedge, 9 December 2009), currently to the tune of more than $2 quadrillion (more such commentary is provided in: The Exter Pyramid and the Renminbi, Matt Dale, Mao Money, Mao Problems, 4 March 2012; now, fast forward to 21 April 2012 and Warren Buffet and the New Calculus of Gold, Lew Spellman, The Spellman Report : could it be that the increasing acceptance of gold as good collateral is, consciously and/or unconsciously, part of the preliminaries to, at onset of PW1, confiscations of privately held gold?). The Exter inverted-pyramid is one pseudo-representation of part of one vonHayek time-shape tied to one techno-regime analogically modeled to design of one 1T2-type global monetary regime. There are Cantorian infinitudes of vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth -- and only in the µTm-entropy (requiring use of Lukasiewicz to interpret Schrödinger's wave-function) therein involved lies salvation (lie as in lay, not as regards categorical Guttman scale). But, even so, in the best case, still, it would seem, would population reduction by natural attrition have to transpire, no less than growth-free heterostatic self-organization. Reading most current economic commentary: I laugh. Maintaining growth is not the problem. How to not-grow; how to non-do; how to cease being a self-inflated Gulliver and shrink to appropriate-scale in this Sumi-e surround, monk dwarfed as THE center [Samkhyakarika dust-mote intersection of Purusha & Prakriti which is everywhere] in midst of the conditions: that is the problem. The Lukasiewiczian Way off the Staircase/inverted-Pyramid requires creation of a quantum-composite time-shapes-chronotopological map over the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) as reserve domain indexed to µTm-valued and variously-backed LETS-currencies nesting-foam, defined over band-pass fractal-drum e-boundaries, as component processes of market determining conditions, such that all elements of the Staircase/inverted-Pyramid marking total capital stock are brought into Everettian relative-state -- otherwise there is no strongly suggestive evidence available upon which to base Unknowyng of the way to the Way.
TINA certainly is cute! Though, obviously disbelieving There Is No Alternative, hardly could I embrace an MMT (modern monetary theory) which -- forward from the passed into the even more past -- rejects a Ptolemaic economic system in preference function for a Euclidian MMT logic (as described by Michael Hudson in There is an Alternative to Neoliberal Monetary Austerity, Global Research, 4 March 2012), still, I do concur that governments should be the ones issuing the money (not, for instance, paying interest to a private consortium of banks to do so in their stead) -- if and only if: (1) the governments doing so are arrayed across full spectrum of the organizational nesting foam, beginning at the local scale; and (2) such issued vehicular-only monies are variously backed; and (3) such issued monies are geared to evolve into µTm-logically-valued LETS currencies; and (4) the algorithms of issuing employed, and the fractional-reserve requirements modulated, are m-scenario strategically computer-gamed on the e-commons relative to locally-chosen indicators. Without (2) and (3), there is no real possibility of dealing with the myriad problems associated with chronic unending growth (including growth of economic health). Without (1) and (4), politicians more venal and self-impressed and fickle than are bankers would be controlling nozzles on liquidity hoses -- not a pleasant prospect, given how badly bankers have done. The deficits issue, in this context, doesn't interest me, as it would be O-so fractalized and fractally-entrapped. Same attitude to setters/settings of interest rates -- and for the same reason. Under µTm-valued processing, is there an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2-distinction drawable between deficits and surpluses, indeed, between local and global? And how would an m-logically-valued interest rate reckon the band-pass on boundary of a fractal drum, which is exactly what a µTm-logically-valued LETS vehicle currency would be? Heh-heh-heh! For a list of MMT blognexions, see Modern Monetary Theory, an unconventional take on economic strategy, Dylan Matthews, Washington Post, 19 February 2012. For several critiques of points made in Matthews' article, see: Yes Virginia, there really is Modern Monetary Theory, Izabella Kaminska, FT Alphaville, 22 February 2012.
Clearly, John Perkins' coming out (in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 2005) was not a prerequisite to understanding. For instance, I remember (but cannot now find a reference on the internet) reading a Penthouse article by Gary Null, circa 1975, or then 'bouts, describing emergence of the petrodollar recycling system (considering the probabilities gushered by environmental decoherence -- note the absence of Lukasiewicz and complementary insistence upon objectivity and necessity of decoherent 1T2-consensuated reality -- a kind of counter-Wheelerian, M-Theory, Kerr-solution black hole with hair) and its connection to the growing Third World debt problem (i.e., as under M Theory, no loss of information, for no actual singularity). These February 2012 articles by Jerry Robinson (Preparing for the Collapse of the Petrodollar System and The Rise of the Petrodollar System: 'Dollars for Oil', Follow the Money Daily, website associated with the monthly newsletter, and Financial Sense, posted by PFS Group, strategic wealth builders) are excellent, recommended, easy to follow, if over-schematized, rehashes of what was well-understood during the mid-'70s by those paying attention -- me being one such attention payer, largely because of my 1967 experience as a Middle East analyst at JFK SWCS qua Psyops Group and continued interest, as a onetime SRA/MACV-J2 analyst, in following play-out of the consequences of the VC's Tet-'68 offensive.
The prevailing notion of conspiracy is dependent upon the consensuated understanding as to what qualifies as legitimating process. Nowadays, more and more people understand banking and loaning and financing and printing and inflating as conspiracy by the 1% (some members of which have more socially-demeaning value than others, as can be seen by 203,948 bar bill was [that of] 23-year-old City whizkid, Simon Boyle, MIRROR of the UK, 6 March 2012); and, to a lesser extent, also governing, legislating, and enforcing. Post-Fukushima (surely, this here must be the most comprehensive list of Fukushima-related links available; and Japan Is Now Another Spinning Plate in the Global Economy Circus, Chris Martenson, ChrisMartenson, 5 March 2012, is the best current summary of Japan's gathering economic woes), more and more people have a similar understanding of the nuclear power industry; and the same can increasingly be said of popular attitudes-toward/assessments-of the indubitably lumpen-capitalist chemo-pharma/industrial-agriculture and food processing conglomerates. Nonetheless, NIMBY (not in my backyard) -- even when it comes to free-basing renewables blowin' in the wind. Food seems to be a bottom-line interconnecting all the rest (for an especially interesting analysis of aspects of this thesis, see: An Environmental Origin of Antinuclear Activism in Japan, 1954-1963: The Government, the Grassroots Movement, and the Politics of Risk, Toshihiro Higuchi, Peace & Change, 33:3, July 2008, pp. 333-367) -- and informed evaluation varies from The Future of Food to full-blown conspiracy in Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed (the ultimate Japan-bashing genetically-selective human-population-eradication text being, perhaps, The Lazarus Vendetta, a conversion-disorder-displacement anti-green-movement nanotechnology thriller in the Robert Ludlum Series written by Patrick Larkin, St. Martins, 2004). Given my analytical psychology (i.e., Jungian) orientation, I tend to think most conspiracies, even those purportedly conscious, are thematically organized primarily by the collective unconscious in cahoots with the CSDM (centrencephalic safety discharge mechanism associated with the CIS, centrencephalic integrating system, the highest level of integration in molecular-cellular brains glutamatergically cut off from conscious registration of processing by THE quantum brain): there are just too many factors involved for it to be otherwise. Who is most responsible, the 99% or the 1%? Consider that 77% of Americans are so concerned about the small percent of their monthly expenditures devoted to gasoline (compared to the rest of the world: flash forward to 26 March 2012 and EU Gas Now Over $10 , Zero Hedge reposting/reflecting-upon an Economist article), gasoline which the U.S.A. gets largely for free (by simply printing the fiat vehicle-reserve currency oil transactions are denominated in; not completely free, for continuous warfare has come to be required to sustain this monetary system), that they are placing this factor high amongst voting criteria (see: Gas Prices Now A Big Factor In Presidential Election, CBS, 7 March 2012). Is this budgetary concern, qua obsessive-compulsive Love Affair With The Auto, the real reason for this behavioral profile? I won't get into how [auto}motive relates to personal space relates to selfsameness and so on. Those explicate change agents theorizing and implementing transitional strategies (e.g., Occupy Everything! including one's [auto}motive vehicle) seem inevitably not to take implicate ordering into account. Selling tat? Pumpf! Mighta, shoulda Couldn't've. Capisce? Is the Occupy Wall Street movement's response to the kleptocracy's QEing a collective form of chrematistophilia? Protesting isn't actually organizational behavior -- however much the protestor may think so, howsoever revolution-in-the-revolution may be imagined. Swell, just swell. Impatient breakfast -- waiting, turning sickly sweet-and-sour, soggy, squidgy in frustration, not yet in bitter ferment Ah, shucks! Just go powder your nose, why don't ya, freeze your gums. Fergeddaboutit!
Here (see: A new role for the 1%, Douglas RushKoff, 8 March 2012) is a rather strange observation for CNN to be circulating. Quoting the article:
See, for pretty much the entire first millennium -- what we call the Middle Ages -- the 00.01%, the feudal lords, enjoyed total control over the land and its people. The 99.99% worked the land and served the lords, who created no value at all. But by around 1100, the Crusades moved a whole lot of people and stuff around Europe. Peasants were exposed to sugar, cotton and all sorts of new weaving and milling technologies for the first time. Former peasant farmers started to get smarter and more productive. They established market days and traded what they grew and made with one another. They invented local currencies to store and exchange value instead of bartering.
Local currency then worked very differently from the money we use today. Someone would simply bring grain they harvested to the grain store, and come out with a foil receipt. The receipt could be broken into smaller pieces, which served as money. Since some grain was lost to spoilage, the currency's value went down over time. This meant it had to be spent instead of saved. So the money circulated very rapidly.
People got wealthy, invested in upkeep on their windmills, paid one another good wages, and got taller. Little towns got so rich that they built cathedrals. That's how a peer-to-peer economy works.
But the aristocrats weren't participating in any of this wealth. Without a dependent peasant class, they had no way to survive. They didn't know how to do anything themselves. They needed a way to make money simply by having money. So they came up with some ways to force new kinds of dependence.
Their first trick was to outlaw local currency.
And their second trick was one more Deist-Clockmaker English-induced/Newton-as-Warden-of-the-Mint casualty of credit by warrant of Chancellor of the Exchequer? i.e., to execute an illegitimate, William-Blake-opposed, 90-degree twist from the imaginary to the real: infinite regress of trades, rather than of the value-overlay order-types musicologically troped in medieval polyphony (see: How Alchemists Invented Modern Finance, Carl Wennerlind, Bloomberg, 8 March 2012). Rise of the satanic by adoption of the tritone as basis of chordal harmony, a retrograde inversion of Form in Gothic (form-in-diatonic being by lateral motion, not in verticality of the chords themselves). This secularization-of-alchemy megatrend by now has gone so far that Musculpt is converted/displaced to an obsession with acoustic radiation force: heavy-metal martial white noise rapped out to abreacting skinheads, projectively-identifying with animism by punkishly introjecting tattoo and piercing, dancing the petite mal military jerks whilst dreaming of riding the Valkyries into battle so as to choose, by fingering the butterfly trigger, who will be slain in xstacy; noise-blasting sensory-deprivation at torture; boom-boxed psyops and crowd control; 1T2-two-note sound-canon-assisted CA by invasive intervention into functional integrity of corpus amygdaloideum (this last, a major conversion-disorder CBUing displacement of the Kusama-dot, Novikov-dust, Cantor-kami-bindu-dusti formation and Calabi-Yau topotransform implicate-explicate shape-shifter roles played by acoustically-modified gravity wave modes, i.e., infrasound, in cascade dynamics of severe storm genesis). One just has to wonder. But wondering too much is not required. As I have said all along the path -- since Vet Num war days, when fraggings were epidemic and rampant spoiling operations were little acknowledged and never reported -- the main reason for the shift from the draft to all-professional to out-sourcing to private security firms to robotics and drones has been fear of the military splitting against itself, or, worse yet, against the civil oligarchs, the 99% set against the 1% (see, for instance, Soldiers asked to disarm during Leon Panetta speech, Raf Sanchez, The Telegraph, 15 March 2012). And the Homeland TV series opens with the story of a U.S. Government Issue (during 1967, I was given an Article 15 for having sustained a mild sunburn, under the charge destroying government property) PW come home to the ZI to a life in clandestine assistance of terrorism. Let it be widely known that we are all massively beholden to those who, at great personal risk and in profound public service, mount counter-terror attacks on baggy pants, skateboarding, dangerous walking, bicycling on campus, sidewalk bicycling, ice cream stands, ice cream cones on the bus, lemonade stands, yard sales, bake sales, flea markets, for-sale signs in back windows of cars, public no-trespassing parks, and so on and so forth. Disjointed incrementalism: mass conversion-disorder displacement rising through orders of magnitude not seen even in late-Weimar. What collective-psychosis thematic is addressed with these authoritative behaviors? The thematic which is nomenclatured as thematic evasion? Humph! evasion of what? Well, sir, uh, uh for instance: if victims of domestic terrorism deserve a Purple Heart, how then could there be innocent civilian noncombatants? It has recently been reported that PD swat teams are now receiving specialized training in how to deal with heavily armed and highly combat experienced vets. When I entered Training Group, the total time-sliced SF contingent had risen under JFK to approximately 2,500; now the on-active-duty number is well over ten times that at any given point in memetime (well over twenty times if civilian subcontractors are counted as part of special ops forces: for a milquetoast account of the consequences, flash forward and see Bacevich's article entitled, Tomogram: Andrew Bacevich, The Golden Age of Special Operations, TomDispatch, 29 May 2012). Adopting, in response to the 9/11 sting, an indefinite globalization of the Phoenix Program coupled to a planetarization of counter-insurgency -- a sure-to-fail strategy, given the ever-increasing demands made upon national metabolism achieved by ceding control over the space and time variables to the insurgent -- cannot help but yield such an outcome, in due course. The more such battles won, the more thoroughly is the war lost (battles and war here used as scalars). If the Viet Nam war broke the back of the Bretton Woods monetary system, what, today, is being broke-backed? Better watch out Heartland Robotics, the swarmanoids be upon you (see: Foxconn Looking to Deploy 1 Million Robots [in China] Over Next 3 Years, Travis Deyle, Hizook, 31 July 2011). Not only has robotics in significant measure ended Good Work (which, by mindfulness, meta-referentially, i.e., tropologically, connects body-knowing to being-of-cosmos), nowadays it is the foremost emerging threat to persistence of the very existence of human body. But who can deny the entertainment value in the dynamics by which a global civilization self-immolates upon a Last and First Men chief feature?
And speaking of broke-backed, look again at Japan through Chris Martenson's eyes (see the The Big Story -- Energy section of his article Japan Is Now Another Spinning Plate in the Global Economic Circus, ChrisMartenson, 5 March 2012). Quoting the article:
Japan is like the world’s largest petri dish, and the experiment at hand is about what happens to an advanced, industrialized economy when its electricity production is cut. As always, our view is that energy is the master resource. Our observation is that complex systems behave in unpredictable ways when starved for energy, but directionally, they tend to shrink and simplify.
This observation relates to one of the foremost principles by which organic systems function: self-organization by resource exchange across nested phase boundaries. And this principle makes the nature of boundaries-borders chosen and implemented of the utmost importance (not to mention that a globalized CNN world without borders could not self-organize and ultimately would have to resort to centralized planometrics). Are organic cellular phase boundaries cell walls or are they actually cellular plasmahaut? Molecular biology sees walls, quantum biology sees fractal-drum band-pass plasmahaut (the bands qua branes passed being hologramic, µTm-valued, identity-transparent, Everettian relative-states, i.e., each part contains all the information of the whole, thus making self-organization not only possible but actually understandable -- the state of the relative-state being the quantum potential responsible for the order of self-organizational competency achieved). And if the nature of boundaries is so important to the big story, energy, then the nature of the monetary exchange units defined upon them is equally important: are these units of currencies single-valued or multivalued -- and are they processed by 1T2-logical processors or/and µTm-logical processors? Is there any real possibility Japan will survive its current travail independent of Lukasiewiczian currencies defined over a nesting foam of fractal e-boundaries? Flash forward to 26 March 2012 and see Four Years of Japan Central Planning Failure Charted, Zero Hedge, where it is suggested that a massive 40% devaluation of the Yen is imminent and inevitable (without observing that this would be an attempt to invert the effects of the Plaza Accord sting). Also provided in this Zero Hedge piece, in reference to a prospective collapse of the Japanese bond market, is an allusion to sub-nanosecond high frequency trading: those who don't chase dead end momentum trends and heatmapped assets in simplistic hopes of finding a greater fool 1 millisecond into the future. WTH Consultancy insightfully essayed this subject on 6 March 2012 in Skynet Is Here Sub Nano-Second HFT Algo Trading, weldonhoeppner, where the observation is made that:
1 nanosecond is the time it takes light to travel 30 centimeters. Light. Via fiber-optic cable HFT algos became collocated at the exchanges so that in response to any one headline, an algo could generate a kneejerk reaction to (whether buy or sell) long before the rest of the trading world was aware what is going on, in the time light moved 300 meters it [HFT] is being implemented precisely to allow the quote stuffing packets which already occur thousands of times every second (just ask Nanex -- a quote packet churn storm is what caused the May 2010 flash crash) to propagate exponentially, to not millions or even billions times per second, but to be virtually unlimited thus activating an even more aggressive momentum waterfall, used solely to generate a burst of directed trades, first revealed in June 2010.
WTH Consultancy notes that the speed of light has been reached, but does not acknowledge this as a limiting velocity. With use of the term momentum waterfall, explicit reference to momentum cascade dynamics is made, without, however, recognition of the roles played by absolute limits to values of dynamical variables relative to the operative limited spacetime domain (which includes a distance element -- after the fashion that the Alfvén timescale is directly related to minor toroidal radius of Sakharov tokamak -- as part of the definition of the metric on the given topological manifold). This WTH undersight is especially interesting, better, revealing, in that, clearly, the impetus to HFT is psychologically-regressed conversion-disorder displacement of the cascade dynamics at work on the Devil's Staircase to an illth form of use, rather than as monitorings of time rates of change of accelerations/decelerations (i.e., measures as to status of market reflexivities) such that indicators could be effectively, eventually more effectively, µTm-logically stacked upon monetary unit base-states. Along with James Grant (watch the VDO interview: James Grant Says Bond Market Is 'Desert of Value', Bloomberg, 13 March 2012, I say: The King (1T2-valued price mechanism) is dead; long live the King (µTm-valued price mechanism). The issues thus raised are ever more pressing with Sweden moving towards cashless economy (AP as posted to CBS News, 18 March 2012) and drawing others in her wake (this website does not advocate a cashless economy, for 1T2-valued cash would likely remain part of every µTm-valued LETS currency, the wage-pay and purchasing power of 1T2-cash being rather restricted, however, given that it would be indexed to only one of the value-classes operative in the given quantum economy). Are potential uses of an e-economy to be suborned to further undue servicing of the selfish appetites of an obese banking-financials sector? The human peril involved in dressing new discoveries in old clothes greatly increases as overpopulated overeating of resources pushes well beyond planetary carrying capacity under the prevailing techno-regime. And surely this collective dietetic disorder expresses as a normotic sexuality, along with its asexual variant, so sick, particularly as it dictates institutional behaviors and their tacit subtending-informing 1T2-logic dictatus, that one simply has to engage in distancing behaviors -- the induced nausea being so intense. Hmmm. Yet more detritus of type-A macho prosecutorio, based upon 1T2-inferences from his story's 302s -- as ST would have it; from µTm-aperspectives -- as my Whitmanian other-I-am would have it -- glutamate-etched virtual, mere-meme conjecture in support of Cartesian civilisatrice.
Not thing is, but one thing is: people who have control of the technology don't know what to do with it -- nor, truth told, does anyone, nor could anyone -- given prevailing theoretical orientations governing entre to applications space. Rather than going directly to techno-forecasting, look at cascade thereto. Start with Herman Daly (see: Uneconomic Growth Deepens Depression, Center for the Advancement of Steady State Economy, no date given). Quoting at length from Daly's article:
Growth has filled the world with us and our products. I was born in 1938, and in my lifetime world population has tripled. That is unprecedented. But even more unprecedented is the growth in populations of artifacts -- our stuff -- cars, houses, livestock, refrigerators, TVs, cell phones, ships, airplanes, etc. These populations of things have vastly more than tripled. The matter-energy embodied in these living and nonliving populations was extracted from the ecosystem. The matter-energy required to maintain and replace these stocks also comes from the ecosystem. The populations or stocks of all these things have in common that they are what physicists call dissipative structures -- i.e., their natural tendency, thanks to the entropy law, is to fall apart, to die, to dissipate. The dissipated matter-energy returns to the ecosystem as waste, to be reabsorbed by natural cycles or accumulated as pollution. All these dissipative structures exist in the midst of an entropic throughput of matter-energy that both depletes and pollutes the finite ecosphere of which the economy is a wholly contained subsystem. When the subsystem outgrows the regenerative capacity of the parent system then further growth becomes biophysically impossible.
But long before growth becomes impossible it becomes uneconomic -- it begins to cost more than it is worth at the margin. We refer to growth in the economy as economic growth, -- even after such growth has become uneconomic in the more basic sense of increasing illth faster than wealth. That is where we are now, but we are unable to recognize it.
Why this inability? Partly because our national accounting system [is mapped upon movement of 1T2-logically-valued monetary units inherently incapable of carrying information about illth]
This is an absolutely pedestrian observation, which, in context of the prevailing collective cognitive norm, is utterly brilliant. How long ago did Prigogine receive his Nobel prize, and how long before that did he do his important work? A further absolutely pedestrian observation: add in soft products, the abysmal waste psychopathologically invested in much of what passes for entertainment, games, cellular MoSoSoing of roof-brain chatter, film, TV not yet left the breast, popular music and fiction, fine and performing arts, education (see, for instance: Let's Pretend Student Loans Are About Education, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 7 March 2012), style, design, keeping-up-with conspicuous consumption, all and everything under the rubric warfare-related posturing, technologies of undue life extension Who can calculate the dissipation as a percentage of total capital stock, planet Earth, available under the prevailing techno-regime? Even were this accurately calculated, the projected consequences would remain incalculable. Which is not to say that there inherently cannot be negentropic (i.e., not neuropsychopathically-leveraged) education, entertainment, games, and so on, within subsystems -- which was/is the real import of Progogine's work, the Second Law of Thermodynamics having been discovered earlier, circa 1850. An obsession with magical irreality -- nowadays massively stoked by Hollywood -- is S 'n S of imminent demise: people with operational intelligence, who have had their capacity for authentic abstract thought etched away and sweetened so thoroughly they cannot ever psychologically enter it via empathic Musculpt, fashion systems only on the lowest levels of self-organizational competency. As regards what has been designated logical entropy (supposedly distinct from a physical entropy stated solely in physical heat-capacity physical units relative to Boltzmann's constant, which, according to my lights, is a constant not single-valued under a single-valued logic, and should be so understood under M Theory), Richard Feynman had the following to say (quote taken from: What's New as regards The Second Law of Thermodynamics, PanSpermia, undated):
So we now have to talk about what we mean by disorder and what we mean by order Suppose we divide the space into little volume elements. If we have black and white molecules, how many ways could we distribute them among the volume elements so that white is on one side and black is on the other? On the other hand, how many ways could we distribute them with no restriction on which goes where? Clearly, there are many more ways to arrange them in the latter case. We measure disorder by the number of ways that the insides can be arranged, so that from the outside it looks the same. The logarithm of that number of ways is the entropy. The number of ways in the separated case is less, so the entropy is less, or the disorder is less.
Here (in verbal restatement of, essentially, Gibbs' entropy formula), Feynman, like David Z. Albert's black-on-white-white-on-black noted above, chooses to tie his argument to the 1T2-logically-valued case alone, -- i.e., like complexity theory's 2nk fitness landscape (the 2 generally going unstated, in the same fashion that the Newtonian in nonlinear Newtonian dynamics generally goes unstated). This black-white circumscription, restriction, description, reduction means that Feynman's little volume elements, while having to do with 1T2-valued logical-accommodation (like a tube hotel in Tokyo, if not a tubule of a neuron), have nothing to do with logical-value order-types, the issue at issue in regards to interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, which is the issue at issue in interpretation of Everettian relative-state identity-transparency, unless 2nk is understood as to the power of M with respect to µTm (i.e., M to the mth to the 2 to the nk: which was not Feynman's understanding, and is why Gödel numbering of Gödel numbers is required to achieve, per Daly, an improved national accounting system). Moreover, if Planck's minimum distance and Planck's minimum time each are single-valued constants, then Feynman's logarithmic definition of logical entropy does not hold water: because of spacetime foam, there can be no one-to-one mapping between Feynman's little volume elements and logarithmic values (this foam being a fractal nesting foam, not merely a macroscopic matter of distribution on microstates [e.g., closest packing of bubbles over bubble-wrap state-function], as Gibbs' formula specifies). No need to state here that an open system is not a self-reentrant system (which is no closed system). Feynman's idea holds only were these constants of Planck m-valued under µTm-valued logics. Furthermore, under whatsoever interpretation of Everettian relative-state, the idea that the universe is a closed system is a cognitive bubble that has burst: daugther universes, multiverse, omniverse, and so on. Once Planck's minimum time is understood m-valued, µTm-valued logics, understood independent of the notion of truth-value, are required to comprehend import of this constant. What becomes of the definitions of entropy (physical and logical) when simply-connected, 1T2-logically-accommodative, referential, passive, passing linear-time is understood to be mere memetime? As regards the stipulation made by Eugene P. Wigner and others relative to thermodynamic-physical entropy, not only Gibbs-Boltzmann-Feynman logical entropy, i.e., to the effect that entropy qua entropy is an anthropomorphism, one can observe that beyond Against Interpretation of Thomas Kuhn is awareness -- the hyperprosexia repeatedly registered for thousands of years by ketaminergic practitioners of Oriental positivism -- that (1T2-logical) fundamental laws of physics are unconscious psychosocial conventions, consensuation of which is not easily abrogated-circumvented by individuals, because these conventions-consensuations are collective occasions of experience (glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular brains as Kantian categories of our understanding, given techno-regimes being projections thereof). So, even were 1T2-entropy (physical and logical) the only entropy there is, on what trajectory does the aforementioned cognitive mega-dissipation place the human species? Call on old-paradigms protection units like metabunk.org, Science News' Off The Beat, Sagan's science court? Economic and political corruption doesn't worry me much; it's the pandemic of mental corruption that's worrying. The debunkers have been especially devoted to remediation of politically incorrect comprehensions of the semantic import of Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation, comprehensions which challenge objectivity of the classical limit protected by Heisenberg (who tacitly and mistakenly assumed single-valued universal physical constants) and his inequalities. The biggest scientific discovery of the past century has been repeated demonstration as to how wrong science can be. One personal example: during the mid-'60s, Special Forces medic trainees received lectures at Brooke Army Medical Center, Ft. Sam, on chemo-bio warfare. The old-timers giving the lectures were very knowledgeable. I asked so many questions, they tried to recruit me. I asked about malathion and learned a bit about Army research over the previous decade. Then, a decade later, in 1974, when I was managing a small orchard, one of the world's leading pomologists (specialists in the study of apples) told me that malathion is so safe you could eat it for breakfast. The mal in the name, even had I asked no SF questions at Ft. Sam, would have made me skeptical enough of the experimental work supposedly backing up this world-class expert-scientific opinion. I did everything I could to avoid eating malathion for breakfast (see, for a good account: Malathion Has Been Subject To Much Study and Debate, Bill Duryea, Lakeland Ledger, 22 June 1997). To my knowledge, unto this day in 2012, no one has published a report of studies done on dose-related impacts of malathion upon the time rates of change of acceleration/deceleration of nucleotide sequencing under helix-coil transition at replication of DNA molecules, let alone impacts upon mitochondrial neuronal DNA in specific (or how such chemically-induced impacts, no less than those due to non-ionizing radiation exposure in the given cell-type's critical response window, i.e., frequency, intensity, waveform could constitute a chronic stressor deleterious to normative function of biological clocks and factors involved in immune signification: this absence of research being largely due to the mistaken notion that quantum processes play no significant biological role, and this mistaken notion being largely due to the mistaken interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, as per the discussion given immediately above). Over the years, I've learned to regard as least reliable those opinions (stated as fact) offered by the most expert, particularly if the given expert represents the most reputable and revered of institutions.
From the other side of the traditional political spectrum, i.e., libertarianism, Doug Casey makes basically the same argument Left-oriented Noam Chomsky has made for decades -- and offers essentially the same 18th-century-hagiographic approach to remediation: moral suasion + the expectation of systemic collapse as stimulant to resurrection/reform/restoration; he also recommends international mobility as self-protection (see: The Ascendence of Sociopaths in US Governance, Casey Research, 21 March 2012). Quoting the article:
You may be thinking that what happened in places like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia and scores of other countries in recent history could not, for some reason, happen in the US. Actually, there's no reason it won't at this point. All the institutions that made America exceptional -- including a belief in capitalism, individualism, self-reliance and the restraints of the Constitution -- are now only historical artifacts.
Such observations these days find a place in financial advise blogs. But can sociopaths floating to the top of the politico-economic toilet bowl explain such dire straits? Casey says, It's very simple, really. Is that actually so? What permitted, indeed encouraged, this buoyancy of sociopaths? The argument made in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, and on this website is that constellated archetypal collective unconscious event gradients so permitted and so encouraged -- the factors inducing the constellation being discoveries in higher mathematics and later physics and later yet their experimental verification, which altogether trashed the traditional Western notion of identity qua identity over which the global institutional base has progressively been coercively elaborated since the Renaissance. These discoveries and verifications were gorgonizing, induced a series of fulminations of collective hysteria with intercalated mass obnubilations. It was in such circumstances of Weltanschauung dyscrasia that the ascendance of sociopaths transpired -- was permitted, encouraged. Or so I have long thought and argued. Were this non-simple explanation the correct one, then of what use moral suasion (Confucian no less than Judeo-Christian-Islamic), and how would systemic collapse facilitate a phase transition to a higher state of functional integration?
Haptic remote-visiting, titillating teletouch, the newest new wave in telepresence as compensatory abreaction to what? What conversion-displacement-projection is the operative impetus to this technology? Don't forget that your basic, standard-issue compensatory abreaction is pathological -- never mind its amplifications. Better believe that politicians, public figures, authoritarian personalities, celebrities in general (once they have identified with constellated archetypal gradients) have no discrete, selfsame, psychological existence (howsoever much they may self-attribute) -- other than in a metaphorical-virtual sense, a sense hard to touch. The horror of it: glutamate-etched molecular-cellular brains actually like the myriad forms of prescriptive-programming/black-propaganda they are subjected to, and aggressively disparage any contrary cognitive movement by happenstance encountered. Though there be deep-structure dimensions, so too are there those relatively on the surface. The more the civil sphere is turned into a collection of low-intensity conflict zones (anisotropic: swarming with swarms of swarms like something out of the W. W. Johnstone, non-Jeans-like Asses to Ashes, Cantor Dust to Novikov Dust kinematic, {p=0 case} series, change of perturbation growing as to vz growth, gravitation upon a price no longer being of importance) managed by remote-sensing, real-[meme]time information processing, and delivery of stand-off threats, the greater the impetus for subject peoples to objectively stand down from statehood as their initial move in the development of effective low-tech countermeasures to such subjugation, i.e., an initial move toward deployment of weapons of the weak: the war of myriad fleas does not provide a target-rich environment upon which postmodern high-tech combat capabilities can focus packages, such a war becoming intractable and ultimately about sustainability of the ever-growing resource-commitments sink thus created in the civil-sphere source charged with funding the high-tech warfare machine. Source/sink terms of the Opscon become Oopscon! Gold standard transits to gold-exchange mechanism transits to fiat floating-craps standard qua petrodollar system requiring massive risk consolidation and transference up the Devil's Staircase to the tune of a quadrillion in derivatives plus enormous QEing (sanitized and filthy). According to the principle, Maximize your alternatives/options: out-at-in the money (OTM-ATM-ITM): yenitis, eurosis, dollarama. In lieu of monetary e-nesting foams, and by conversion-displacement-projection: Rx via the tactical-munitions dispensing of sub-sub-sub-munitions unto seeker-scanner skeet-cloud dispersal of nano-drone/robotic dust pother of auto-foragers. After climbing to Mach 2.0, the market is readying a 20-g turn, YEP. Of course, this managed market is no UAV capable of flying on fuzzy logic (there existing no µTm-valued monetary units to employ at carrying plurisignation). Debunking ENCOM OS12, C&C is the ethos of those obsessed with recovery of what has been irrevocably lost: certainty of belief that simple-selfsameness is no illusion strung over a swarm of swarms. This obsession: an interesting collective simple-self-portrait painted by a single-valued brush: psychological drones placing themselves in projection as UAV drones subject to MASS of the BM (i.e., the MesoscaleAtmosphericSimulationSystem component -- think aerosols, dust pother, et cetera -- of BattlefieldManagement systems). Well, y'know, sold the public the bill that climate change must be exclusively greenhouse-warming driven, so policy initiatives -- e.g., carbon trading -- have been focused thereupon; whereas, the electron-temperature enhancement of the upper atmosphere and the microwave saturation of the lower atmosphere -- both of which have been made essential military components of national security -- would require altogether different sorts of policy initiatives. After all, skin-heating RF and core-heating microwaves, even when directed-focused, increase overall global btu's (not to mention other aspects of atmospheric cascade phenomena). Will GRACE (GravityRecoveryAndClimateExperiment) ever incorporate studies of acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode conveyance of complex-angular-momentum-cascade-generated signals affecting atmospheric cyclogenesis, current injections to crustal-core dynamics, plate tectonics, volcanism? One must wonder, mustn't one, whether sonoluminescence and photoacoustic emanation are opposites, retrogrades, retrograde inversions -- given that cascade theory of tornadogenesis (where the counterforce to the pressure gradient term is the gravitational acceleration) and the pi-electron gas-core-dynamics analogue thereto at DNA helix-coil transition involve both phenomena, be they opposites, retrogrades, retrograde inversions? Infrasound signatures written upon theta-e surfaces, manifold gravitational anomalies Alfvén-waved (fieldline geometry changed), songline intersections divergent to physical-region singularities, multivalent (re: variable) multivariate (re: logic) acousticooptic/blackhole computing: dadah-dadah-dadah, yadda-yadda-yadda. In Alfvén-time, by strain-tensored metric elasticity, Sakharov tokamaks stacked sheet upon multi-sheet universe-of-discourse; by time rate of change of acceleration, Klein-bottled. Tornado touchdown !
Right. Right as a bank, right as a ninepence, right as a gun, right as a line. Right as rain! Look at, in the critical period, what has been considered right. Even unconscious conspiracy can't explain it. Not only unconscious conspiracy, for -- according to my lights, concluded after decades of pondering upon it -- absolutely everything is falsified, and each thing falsified is meaningfully articulated to every other such falsification, a condition of existence, an Existentialist absurdity, even the collective unconscious is unlikely to have orchestrated. So, how could it have happened? Falsify, for whatever reason, a truly base-state attribute of All That Is -- say, the nature of identity qua identity -- and, if collective consciousness operates according to only the nesting of 1T2-logical accommodation schemata, then that falsification demands, by logical necessity, the next falsification -- say, reduction of All And Everything to conditions of fortuitism, the doctrine that chance rules -- and then that subordinate falsification demands the next falsification, and et cetera and et cetera, as Yul Brynner was wont to say, even if the actual King of Siam was never thus wonted. How can anyone, today, of sound mind look at the life histories of the major players in this storyline -- Abel, Cantor, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Gödel, Turing, et cetera and et cetera -- and not see such leverage at work?
In a recent Scientific American Observations piece (see: Effective World Government Will Be Needed to Stave Off Climate Catastrophe, 17 March 2012), Gary Stix, with the following statement, advocates extending the Cartesian-Newtonian model of the chain-of-command to the next larger scale level -- i.e., from that of the multilaterals to that of a planetary state employing command economics, command legislation, and command social policy formulation:
I'd approach the [Scientific American] issue planning differently, my fellow editors permitting. I would scale back on the nuclear fusion and clean coal, instead devoting at least half of the available space for feature articles on psychology, sociology, economics and political science. Since doing that issue [a single-topic issue on energy], I’ve come to the conclusion that the technical details are the easy part. It's the social engineering that's the killer.
To be effective, a new set of institutions would have to be imbued with heavy-handed, transnational enforcement powers.
One cannot mistake the military implications of heavy-handed, transnational enforcement powers: humanitarian intervention extended to planet-wide iatrogenic intervention to redress anthropogenic intervention -- under the mistaken thesis that there is a classical limit and that, therefore, Earth's atmosphere is a Newtonian domain amendable to rectification by extension of the powers granted to 18th-century institutions and decision algorithms. I agree that a thorough transformation of the global institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm is required if the challenges presented by anthropogenic climate change are to be adequately met, but I believe this transformation should be in the form of the natural processes which anthropogenic intervention has disturbed. Working with, rather than further against, nature is likely to be more effective. And, by personal testament, I submit that the idea of anthropogenic/solar-cycle-modulated climate shift (not restricted to only global simple-temperature changes: look, for instance, at signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface shape-shifting) was lodged on the technical atmospheric science scene well before Margaret Mead's 1975 The Atmosphere: Endangered and Endangering conference (see the LaRoucheite article: Where the Global Warming Hoax was Born, Marjorie Mazel Hecht, 21st Century Science and Technology, Fall of 2007), and not rooted in population-bomb considerations but meteorological analysis: when I met him in 1974, Cornell tornadogenesis specialist Douglas A. Paine (one of the corpus of dynamical meteorologists, that cohort of the atmospheric science community generally much more familiar with theoretical meteorology than are climatologists) had well-developed views on likelihood of simultaneous global warming and new primarily-European mini-IceAge (by then, Paine was tacitly past sole reliance upon either/or 1T2-valued logic, atmospheric processes clearly involving m-valued dynamics; for one description of a recent, hopefully one-off, anthropogenic oil-thermo contribution to the longer-term anthropogenic green-housed haline-dilution process, see, though I am in no position to have an informed opinion on details of this account: Life on this Earth just changed and not for the better, Savwafair2012, Disclose.tv, 7 September 2010; for further information, see, by the same author: Atlantic currents have seen 'drastic' changes ['since the early 1970s']: study, Disclose.tv, 4 January 2011). Indeed, by the late-'70s, Paine had altogether shifted his focus of research interest (though not his teaching) from tornadogenesis to solar-terrestrial interactions, employing his relativistic-quantum perspectives on atmospheric processes to seek a better understanding of the likely consequences of anthropogenic interventions into those interactions. Per example, Paine knew normative ozone metabolism is disturbed by drawdown through holes punched in tropopause by vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, such that CFCs and oil-field gas venting/flaring (see, for instance, the timely paper: The reaction of sulfur dioxide with ozone in water and its possible atmospheric significance, Ronald E. Erickson, et al., Atmospheric Environment, 11:9, 1977, pp. 813-17) were likely not the only causes of ozone depletion. He also knew that anthropogenic electron temperature enhancements, both in lower and upper atmospheres, likely disturb complex angular momentum cascade dynamics instrumental at storm genesis, storms being producers of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. Memory serving, during fall of 1976, possibly early-1977, having ice cream sandwiches at the Cornell dairy, walking to and from there, Bradfield, and Parking Lot C, Paine expressed his personal conviction that climate shift had likely been irreversible by the 1950s, almost certainly by the beginning of the 1970s. Nothing can be done, you know. One could already sense (in the classroom, when ideas at variance with the assumption of a classical limit were presented concerning atmospheric processes) the collective hysteria rising like vapory scud blowing over vertical limit of mass mind. The question of how severe the consequences will be is another matter. Ensuing discussions had a major impact upon my personal major life-decisions/choices.
Group selection of fit social algorithms may yield eusociality, but clearly has not produced EUsociality. Why? Here we have a very interesting proposal from Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Defense Minister (see: A 'Global Hope Plan' to End the Worldwide Financial Crisis, Global Research, 20 March 2012). I will address only my reservations, beginning with his proposed 1-to-2 fractional-reserve bank-lending ratio. Universally applied, as he wishes, this fixed ratio would impose an arbitrarily-chosen constraint, poorly justified, upon all optimum currency areas, each of which has unique requirements determined by diverse and changing variables. Furthermore, he assumes, without making an argument there concerning, that the nation-state and supra-agglomerations thereof, e.g., the Eurozone, are the only actual optimum currency areas -- whereas, in point of fact, such areas span the spectrum from the watershed to the whole planet. Were currency-area length scales not optimum across the full planetary spectrum, there could be no real accounting system for total capital stock, planet Earth, let alone the time-shapes thereof -- for adequate such accounting requires the proper sort of price mechanism which requires the proper sort of currency units. Without such a real accounting system, there is little possibility to adequately meet the full corpus of challenges presented by the ongoing and amplifying collection of global crises. He proposes an algorithm of issuing (about which I have nothing to say) only at the national and supranational levels, whereas, by virtue of the above consideration, I would argue this can only be a preliminary to algorithms of issuing across the full spectrum of optimum currency areas. I would further argue that the interest-free monies created by governments should be variously backed, for only via such locally-appropriate backings could real accounting of total capital stock, planet Earth, be authentically brought up from below (the only way it could actually be brought up). And I disagree with his stipulation that a transformation of the existing global economic system can only be accomplished by governments (as to why I disagree, see the corpus of postings on this website), which is to say that I agree with him that his proposal is merely a hope. While government permission would surely be required, governments almost surely will not organize such a transformation, if only because, almost by definition, they can't. Prior consensus amongst governments with diverse needs cannot be reached, and historically has always been imposed, generally in aftermath of war, and the resulting system has always been inadequate, even to the demands of immediate circumstances. Consensus -- absolutely required for a monetary system to be functionally adequate -- can only be achieved through use, and, today, such consensus building is best to be achieved polycentrically, bottom-up as to hierarchy in authority, small-scale to large-scale, many little mistakes minimizing likelihood of big mistakes as to implementation on a trial-and-error basis, all via employment of the e-commons -- as regards a µTm-valued monetary framework, in manner suggested on this website.
Well, we all know, don't we, that hinky business geeks, gilt-ribbed gringrippers groping their grovels to 18th-century Enlightenment Rationalism, who know little about theoretic dynamical meteorology -- and practically nothing of the recent paradigm confrontation therein -- are the real experts, those truly in the know, when it comes to climate change under the dysassumption of a classical limit. If you are that altogether skeptical of the existence of what I have designated subject/[physical]object-level transference (the manner by which destructive technologies, amongst much else illth, cometh into existence), all I can do is suggest consideration of an interesting synchronicity by comparative reading of four papers: (1) Field Resonance Propulsion Concept, Alan C. Holt, LBJ Space Center, NASA, NTIS, August 1979; and (2) A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-341; and (3) The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, September of 1978; and (4) Toward a General Theory of Process, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, May of 1977 (don't browse these papers with Firefox, which can't read standard html coding of symbol font). Back during the mid-'70s, when one of Paine's graduate students was in process of deciding not to pursue an atmospheric science Ph.D., and to take a Wall Street job instead, there was a period of discussions as to the relevance of atmospheric cascade theory to monetary-financial systems theory of economic vertical weather on the Devil's Staircase, but, given the funding-source dry-up, no opportunity to pursue such implications presented itself. I -- nothing more than an amanuensis mapping out possible implications of the work, as I've been able to understand it, of Paine and Kaplan: mistaken impressions on my part, not their fault -- would caution not to dismiss these last three papers as amateurish, for Paine's Severe Local Storms Conferences preprints -- never granted publication; hopefully copies of these will somewhere survive -- were where the full-fledged mathematical complexities of his and Michael L. Kaplan's nested-grid multiscale numerical model (run, with historical data sets, on USAF's and NASA's then-fastest mainframes) of tornadogenesis were addressed. Douglas A. Paine, then a professor of atmospheric science at Cornell University specialized in study of tornadogenesis, who had conducted research under USAF and NSF and NASA grants, and I, then his ex officio and pro bono research assistant (the office empowering me being my wild-card capacity for rogue-idea production: he had recruited me, to conduct library research/brainstorming, which I did eight hours a day five days a week for five years, that his over-and-above-teaching academic demands left no time for, when we met at the June 1974 Pensee/McMaster-University Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System conference, where Paine delivered a paper on theory of the Eye of Jupiter, entitled The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena, by way of suggesting a possible mechanism of mass ejection, and discovered that we each had independently arrived -- before becoming aware of Wolfgang Pauli operator-time, Nikolai Kozyrev time-density, Arthur M. Young's treatment of time rate of change of acceleration, Charles Musés' notions as to chronotopology, handling of hypernumber arithmetics, and theories as to DNA superconductivity, and Andrei Sakharov's multi-sheet model of the universe, to list the works of only a few relevant persons -- at the same notion of active time as full-blown topological operator, Paine by studies of atmospheric cyclotornadogenesis, me by following a theorization path squirreling through what later became known as psychoneuroimmunology, radiation-triggered pathogenesis of SLE unto anti-DNA antibodies and onward to the diagnostic LE cell, autogenic brain-discharge phenomena at PTSD, mechanisms of DNA superconductivity and coherent-wave generation), went round and round and round on this issue during the second half of the 1970s: Is it possible they have reached in classified research circles concepts essential to the perspectives we have arrived at? Paine said, Absolutely not. I said, Yes, by conversion-disorder displacement in projective identification at collective transference -- hence, without proper insight. That interpersonal debate, begun almost 40 years ago, was never resolved -- up until our last discussion some months prior to Paine's death by heart attack during 2010. Neither Paine nor I were aware of the above-linked NASA paper (which I have just now for the first time encountered by good offices of the Subrealism website; also of interest is Holt et al.'s paper entitled Space Testing of Electromagnetically Sensitive Materials for Breakthrough Propulsion Physics, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999, I now first read with the understanding that DNA is an electromagnetically sensitive material), but, beginning in 1974, we repeatedly discussed similar notions as to a space engine, an engine to drive a comet (these discussions were independent of the work of W. W. Thornhill, whom we almost certainly met at the 1974 Velikovsky conference: see WWT's paper The Electrical Nature of Comets, Proceedings of IEEE 34th International Conference on Plasma Science, 2007), as we then said on basis of Paine's belief (this is made part of the storyline explicated in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, 1994) -- a belief arrived at by comparison of what was then known about cometary behaviors to the theoretical perspectives issuing from his research findings vis-à-vis cyclotornadogenesis -- that the double-helical tails of several comets by then caught on film are not passive wake vortices, but feeder bands related to what the above-linked NASA paper calls field resonance propulsion. The two areas of experimental work we most relied upon in conducting these personal discussions were atmospheric cyclotornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition. In comparative reading (employing sound-mind + light-mind) of the four above-linked and numbered papers, I would suggest particular attention be paid to the following issues. (1) Note that what, in the NASA Propulsion paper, is called anti-parallel, also is part-and-parcel (pi-electron parcels of free-electron-gas core being involved: no reference here to weak pi-bonding via limited overlap of parallel-oriented p-obitals) of DNA helix-coil transition, explained on the molecular level alone as follows (see: Why is DNA anti-parallel?, Anurag, Wikianswers, no date given):
The two strands of DNA have opposite chemical polarity which means that their sugar-phosphate backbones run in opposite directions. The direction is specified by referring to the carbons of the ribose ring in the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA. 5' specifies the 5th carbon in the ribose ring, counting clockwise from the oxygen molecule, and 3' specifies the 3rd carbon in the ring. Direction of, and in reference to, DNA molecules is then specified relative to these carbons. For example, transcription, the act of transcribing DNA to RNA for eventual expression, always occurs in the 5' to 3' direction. Nucleic acid polymerization cannot occur in the opposite direction, 3' to 5', because of the difference in chemical properties between the 5' methyl group and the 3' ring-carbon with an attached hydroxyl group.
Our 1979 DNA paper, linked above, provides a submolecular explanation related to the bioacoustic radiative properties of DNA (which doesn't mean I necessarily buy into Len Horowitz's ethereal generalizations regarding this subject: see the VDO entitled DNA is a Torsion Field Antenna, posted on the Forbidden Knowledge TV website). The antenna aspect of DNA function is discussed at length in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, 1994. As regards mechanisms of action in conversion-disorder displacement, place these submolecular properties of DNA in neurons and perineural tissue of human brain (where conscious access to their processing outputs can be blocked by glutamatergic etching and disturbance of electron-transport processes). Further note that, in our three above-linked papers, we deconstruct anti-parallel to skew-parallel Riemannian charge creation by lines of force trapped in the topology of [multi-sheeted, laminated] space under m-valued universal physical constants, e.g., absolute limiting velocity (1T2-speed of light in vacuo being only one µTm-limits case of this velocity) processed with µTm-valued Lukasiewiczian logics (the logic part not explicitly written into these papers, publication having been hoped for). So-called time travel, so-called black-white/hole multiply-connected transport, is/are, according to this understanding, actually µTm-logically-valued pregeometry order-type transposes in projection, by subject/[physical]object-level transference, as 1T2-logically-valued geometrodynamics (obviating some of the criteria used to demand presence of higher spatial dimensions). (2) Note that our mathematical model of DNA free-pi-electron gas-core dynamics is directly analogous to the mechanism of action in a photoacoustic spectrograph (of likely relevance to mechanics of the involved sac are, and note the dates of publication, and be aware that a copy of the second of these was provided to me by University of Maryland radiation biologist Suzi Daniels -- who, via good offices of Michele Fernan, critiqued early pre-publication versions of our DNA paper -- amongst a tall stack of other papers then deemed by SD my required readings, The association of chloroplast DNA with photosynthetic membrane vesicles from spinach chloroplasts, R. J. Rose, Journal of Cell Science, April 1979, 36, pp. 169-83; and Changes in DNA synthesis during cell growth and chloroplast replication in greening spinach leaf disks, R. J. Rose, et al., Journal of Cell Science, January 1975, 17:1, pp. 27-41; think time rates of change in acceleration/deceleration of nucleotide-pair replication at helix-coil transition (for an interesting take, number-pair number nucleotide pairs relative to twisting fiber-bundle arithmetics): import for artificial photosynthesis? and also be aware that I was not fully-consciously aware of the existence of photosynthetic membrane vesicles in 1978 when our DNA paper was submitted for publication), and that acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode radiation at double-helical-banded-air-parcel-fed tornadogenesis anti-parallels or retrograde-inverts these dynamics to sonoluminescence and a form of acoustic levitation by virtue of the fact that the counterforce to the pressure gradient term is the gravitational acceleration, and, more importantly, the time rate of change of the gravitational acceleration (for it is with accelerations/decelerations of acceleration that nonorientability demerges from pregeometry-as-µTm-valued-calculi-of-propositions). What is cascaded according to cascade theory of tornadogenesis? Changes of complex angular momentum delivered to Earth's upper atmosphere primarily by the solar wind (obviously no part of real climate expostulated on the RealClimate website), changes which disturb energy-momentum balances throughout the hydrothermodynamic spectrum of atmospheric wave motions. As regards reverse cascade (and here we will not StarWarrior-elaborate upon laser-like high-energy particle bursts pulse-coding out of tornado top in back-channel brief-back commo to the Sun speaking in solar wind and CMEs, let alone antimatter placed in gas storage within internal dimensions of counterspace -- that dark crusader -- by inverse Brownian/temporal operators), think of the tropopause as the reflector, the undulating tornadic wall as the transducer generating vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (think: acoustic analogues to black hole computers -- finally, ah! palm sweeping sweat off the brow, quasi-admitted by Hawking). The nodes/antinodes are wherewhens/herethens, under third-order dynamics, how-as-wherewhen cascade-twists into/out-of imaginary and hyperimaginary domains (the hereafters of Hereafter) transpire, these nodes/antinodes being divergent-relative-to-the-operative-absolute-limiting-value minima/maxima of the limited spacetime domain under consideration (think: Penrose twistor as quantization of temporal curl at demergence-projection -- not Penrose OR -- of geometrodynamic ponderable space+memetime, i.e., the only quaternionic+[real}numerable VR). All permitted by existence of m-valued universal physical constants processed by µTm-valued logics, i.e., despite Heisenberg inequalities, there is no classical limit. Were that the case, as I obviously believe to be the case, then spacetime double-helix would not dissipate into a probability fog, thus contradicting Magic Without Magic, and casting DNA nebula in a different light. Even after (circa mid-1970s) particle creation by rotating black holes and quantum fields near black holes, the Cabalistic idea that these scaled physical-region singularities are operational amplifiers strung along decomposition-involute cosmic acupuncture meridians (Regge bones hypostatized) was unacceptable to TPTA (the powers that are), political transpose of TATP (triacetone triperoxide, as any Training Group attendee, memory serving, would know) -- these great leaders being secular-Rabbinically identified with the recursive generative grammars of big bangs (Einstein's mistaken notion of a single-valued cosmological constant, processed under the 1T2-logic order-type alone, was his way of trying to escape psychological consequences of a compelling logical extension of his work, the making of time no less active than is space, something Gödel, by projective-identification, later looked for in a supposed manuscript of Leibnitz, a manuscript thought lost). Not to mention reifying Regge lattices to Lukasiewiczian µTm-logical lattices numbered by Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, the decomposed pregeometry branes of which being spaceframes under 3-fold imaginary and hypercomplex operator-time. Especially if all this were experimentally explorable in Earth's atmosphere and with due respect being given to quantum-wave dynamics of DNA radiation exchange processes! Right[now}here mult{i-j-k/l-m-n}denity, Bohm-implicately temporal-curled in omniverse: not thermodynamically-opaque multiple explicate 1T2-universes, but µTm-valued (Musculpt this by considering T the origin, with µ skew-parallel ordinates and m skew-parallel abscissas, value qua value increasing toward the origin: a logic-analogue to an m-valued theta-e tephigram take on entropy, disorder, instability negentropy, order, stability) logics over Cantorian-fractal spaceframe nesting foams identity-transparent by relative-state and transformable under 3-fold operator-time. Under certain conditions (spaceframe dragging), however, tornado-generated vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes can punch holes, wormhole analogues, through the tropopause (this does not come from the implausible 2009 and 2011 disaster films Ice Twisters and Storm War, but passive research on tornadogenesis conducted during the early-1970s; Gordon R. Dickson, with his 1977 book, Time Storm, consciously registered the cognitive phase shift from real passive-reference-frame time to imaginary/hypercomplex active-topological-operator time, but, when I pointed this out to him soon after his book came out, I was not taken seriously), making laminated atmospheric Sakharov-[multi}sheeted spacetime something like Swiss cheese, and once that occurs well, no use in my rewriting the papers written more than 30 years ago. As regards how I've spent the last 30 years of my life, I have been fully aware that beating a dead horse will not make him get up and run, even were he a Secretariat; but when the best horse is a dead horse, the least one can do is memorialize him. Conventional classical-limit-type physics says the cascade model could not have done what it in fact did with historical data sets: regularly predict tornadogenesis 12 hours in advance on a 1-km grid. The nested-grid forecast model did have problems: e.g., it could not localize the predicted tornado inside the identified 1-km grid-square. I argued that this was not a scaled analogue of Heisenberg uncertainty, that it just simply had to be due to hydro-electro-magneto-genesis aspects (e.g., hydromagnetic = fieldline oscillations) of vorticity formation having not been factored in. This was a rough area between Paine and I, for he had taken courses at SUNY-Albany from Bernard Vonnegut and had rejected V's Electrical Theory of Tornadoes (Journal of Geophysical Research, 65:1, pp. 203-12, 1960) approach. What, throw aside generations of work on isentropic theory and all we have learned there from? See, for context of this Paineful protest: Isentropic relative-flow analysis and the parcel theory, J. S. A. Green, F. H. Ludlam, and J. F. R. Mcllveen, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 92:392, 1966, pp. 210-19. For context of reversible, isentropic, adiabatic, constant entropy processes, see: Theoretical Meteorology, J. B. Calvert, July 2003. So, any electrogenesis mention -- even merely as but one factor of final localization relative to memetime (actually, in my belief, in identification-search for touchdown-point physical-region-singularity attractor for current injection to Earth crustal/core dynamics; consider lightning bolts as traversing scaled Koch-curved cosmic-string analogues, i.e., geometrodynamic quantum-relativistic ley lines qua songlines qua geomantic meridians qua tanmatras [strands] which are demergent Regge-bones incarnates of Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered µTm-valued pregeometry logical lattices) -- tended to be subsumed to the clearly-mistaken Vonnegut electro-only theory of genesis, or, at least, so it seemed to me standing there in the bee-drenched waving buckwheat under-planting the apple orchard on Doug Paine's Trumansburg farmstead.
Which is most wrong? The materialistic reductionism of, The essence of freedom is property rights (see/hear the VDO: Do We Really Own Our Homes?, Robert Hale of Empower the Taxpayer, YouTube, 27 February 2012)? Or the anarchosyndicalist credo, Property is theft! (that is: La propriété, c'est le vol!, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon writing in What Is Property?, 1840)? I am inclined to argue that the first-given statement is the more wrong, for the second given is a more circumscribed assertion and, hence, more easily rectified: 1T2-logically-valued property is theft! (a proposition concerning fundaments of economic self-organization and spontaneous social order which I have argued for several decades, beginning before the most recent case in rise of the Wall Street Masters of the Universe -- absent insight to which, 19th-century anarchism never developed a viable model as to how what it advocated could conceivably transpire, and thus many a-hierarchy types became mere bomb-tossers for lack of a better idea). One possible rectification of the first-given statement: the essence of freedom is endogenous-ketaminergic neuronal permission to process µTm-logically-valued propositions, such that property plurisignation could be marked to market, fine-grained tagged for polyvalent taxation according to no mere tax code but continuously real-[meme]time fluctuating criteria incorporating the m-variables of, say, the constantly changing housing market spanning low-cost housing to luxury abodes, rentals of n-classes, condos of and so on and so on. And how is such to be accomplished? By implementation of m-logically-valued LETS-currency e-nesting-foams defined on fractal e-boundaries, fine-grained tagging of locally-determined indicators and polyvalent taxes by logical-value stack upon local currency base-state, all to be computer-gamed with multiple-scenarios strategic planning carried out in participatory fashion on the electronic commons by employment of Musculpt as the user-friendly interface with all the flash-bangs, bells and whistles (a more intelligent use for Watson, or, better yet, one use-governed route by which to upgrade Watson, who doesn't, à la John Searle, know he won Jeopardy!, to post-cognitive-computing's VirFut Q-Pro; as regards current uses of Watson: just what we need, a diagnostician even more thoroughly identified with 1T2-valued logic). But I can guarantee accuracy of the vaticination that a glutamatergically-etched population base will not like this monetary-system idea. Neurogenically-induced bathophobia! Long since has collective-unconscious decision been taken for stampede into another direction (one reason why I long have cared little to communirate and have alternatively focused my Concentrate! upon emptying out enough to Registrate!).
Interesting, what, how voluntary austerity is everywhere rejected just as global-resource-depletion dynamics are about to impose an involuntary austerity not too likely to be a prequel to a Callenbach Ecotopia (Banyan Tree, 1975). Though I have found Tom Murphy's reflections upon the energy crisis most edifying (see: Tom Murphy Interview: Resource Depletion is a Bigger Threat than Climate Change, James Strafford interviewing, OilPrice, 22 March 2012; and Do The Math), I do not agree with his reservedly positive orientation to next-generation nuclear. Why? Because, all apparent evidence to the contrary, I do not believe nature employs Einstein's E=mc2 -- for reasons nature well understands. Nature has never used a contained energy source. Nearly recounting Cornell conversations of the late-1970s, this was almost, but not quite, addressed in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 608-9. Speaking in the most most-general of terms, Einstein is more interestingly stated as: c equals plusminus the square root of E over m. Is the plusminus plus-or-minus or plus-and-minus? If plus-and-minus, what does Lukasiewicz have to say about that? What does plusminus signify? Cascade theory's answer is two-fold: cascade/reverse-cascade and internal source/sink terms + external source/sink terms. Internal source/sink terms directly relate to the accelerational field, whilst external source/sink terms relate directly to the time rate of change of acceleration. What does that tell us about c, E, and m? Einstein treats them as single-valued variables and handles mass-energy conversion only relative to a single-valued absolute-limiting velocity processed under a 1T2-valued logic with respect given only to a supposed objective real-numbered linear-time -- whereas nature always mass-energy converts altogether-now relative to m-valued absolute-limiting velocity, absolute-limiting acceleration, and absolute-limiting time rate of change of acceleration processed under µTm-valued logics with respect given to 3-fold operator-time. Plusminus bifurcation speaks to properties of temporal curl -- quantized as Penrose twistor? -- as regards first-, second-, and third-order topological operators upon massenergy, connective massenergy, and configurational massenergy, each with its own unique units of measure. Any altogether-now conversion is omnitransforming: by third-order operator, our Sun is not itself-and-only-itself; it is also the DNA molecule, the tornado, the DNA nebula, the center of our spiral-banded galaxy, and All That Is. Because -- by chronotopologically demergent pregeometry-to-geometry internal-external Calabi-Yau nonorientability, belying zeroness of zero-points -- the macroscale reenters itself on the microscale, and vice versa, there is no closure and no dirty waste.
My reaction to theses of Daniel Everett's book, Language, The Cultural Tool, Pantheon, 2012 (for a review, see: Daniel Everett: 'There is no such thing as a universal grammar', Robert McCrum, The Guardian, 25 March 2012)? I have often lamented the fact that dolphins are being taught Human (mostly for Navy purposes), rather than humans learning Dolphin. From my Musculpt-as-universal-semiosis carried by the higher-order time-shape quantum-wave properties-of-DNA perspective, I agree that there is not much to support the notion of a gene-carried (though, surely, they will elaborately document language genes) generative universal grammar of 1T2-logically-speakable languages, which, I agree, likely were tools created, and culturally transmitted, once a critical threshold in prescriptively enculturated/socialized glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching was reached, blocking-buffering conscious awareness of µTm-logically-valued unspeakable, but nonlocal, Musculpt of THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains. PTSDed Mankind in Amnesia of more than one class of traumatic events. Bushman-sound and Hottentots' click-language (not to mention African Fractals projections) are closer to the melon-brain's Musculpting sonic-visioning capabilities than are 1T3-logically-valued Aymara, spoken Piraha with its spurning of 1T2-logic-categories, Trobriand with its similar spurning. I disagree, however, with the proposition that Noam Chomsky is a Platonist. As our DNA paper was coming together, during 1976, memory serving, I queried Chomsky after a public lecture (possibly related to his recent book: The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory) he gave at Cornell, questioned him as to what he thought was the relationship between Jung's archetypes of the collective unconscious and Chomskyan elements of a universal grammar. He said he was incapable of reading Jung, but guessed there may be an intimate connection. I doubted accuracy of his guess. A universal can be Platonic, depending upon the nature of its ideality, but recursively generative is indubitably Aristotelian. So I view both Everett and Chomsky (no less than Alonzo Church's hypothesis regarding 1T2-logically-selfsame numbers: computable iff recursive) as Aristotelian anti-Cabalists (the patrimonial emphasis being upon representations of socially-consensuated rules; whereas true Platonists, which cohort does not include Plato -- grounded, 760-torr, AllBase Platonists being Vedic idealists, à la Sri Aurobindo's dissertation: printed as Plato and Vedic Idealism, Anmol Publications, 1905 -- do not believe in rule of law, for they do not believe in rule, because they know so-called natural laws, i.e., an enduring set of principles upon which a nation-state can base itself, the more closely looked at, ever more evaporate into Cantorian-fractal dust pother of µTm-logically-valued order-types, the kami dusti of cosmic permissivity-permittivity belying re[son}ing, i.e., logical-accommodation necessity, expressing as genealogical patriarch-patriot gatha-poem naming algorithm: does humanity have the psychological wherewithal to be at home in an automorphic, Cantorian-set-theoretic omniverse?). 1T2-falsified science, the most dangerous Ponzi of them all! And if 1T2-logically-speakable languages were created as tools, then various generative recursions very likely played major transformational roles in such creations -- probably beginning with onomatopoeic root homonyms, e.g., ma, originally (even if mimed from The Bird of Paradise), by compensatory abreaction, universally signifying the µTm-logically-valued sacred space AllBase glutamatergically severed and quenched.
Ever notice how histories of U.S. involvement in Af-Pak war always begin after the Soviet invasion? Heh-heh-heh! While I find contents of this piece (see: Will Afghanistan's war end in the same way as Vietnam's, Scott Van Wynsberghe, Canada's National Post, 30 March 2012) most hilarious, I would find them less so were it re-entitled: Will the Vietnam war finally end in Afghanistan?. And whose war(s) was/were this/these, anyhows? Were one to assume that the Viet Nam war was/is a war, not merely a battle composed of sub-battles, then, even then, book after book on who lost it (both meanings) completely misses the point, that point being who won it and how, something (tagging of bureaucratic variables, variables employed for, among much else, movement of manpower and materiel across internal administrative borders, to frequently changing phase boundaries -- elaborately documented by POLOB-CICV/SRA-MACVJ2, circa 1966-'71, the enormous general import of this, in my judgment, being the real, i.e., collective unconscious archetypal-qua-attractor, reason for the diversionary enemy-strength-estimates brouhaha -- a low-tech animistic human chess meta-referential analogue to LETS-currency manifold-mappings of vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock) into which there still is near-zero American insight, however much the Clintonian fascination with Nonzero (Vintage, printed some months before one of the inevitable consequents, 9/11, Robert Wright's Panglossian Rx of probabilistic evolutionary progress of the indubitably immoral animal being based upon a denial of biological significance to quantum-wave properties of DNA) and its corollary, the danger in zero deeemandin' renormalization. This hysterical demand for renormalization -- again by compensatory-abreactive collective unconscious archetypal-qua-attractor acausal-teleological cause -- being related to the Cantorian impress upon Riemann's zeta function hypothesis as to set of zeros which deeemands that function's hypercomplexification, in just the same manner that the general import of Cantor's diagonal proof of set-subset cardinality hologramic identity-transparency elicited from the public hysteria over the diagonals of analytic/synthetic Cubism and their word-logic analogues in, say, Malraux's Cubistic poetry. Who is responsible? Look for The Shadow of the image seen in the mirror.
This from Jeremy Warner (see: Why a Brics-built bank to rival the IMF is doomed to fail, The Telegraph, 29 March 2012):
Asia and the Soviet Union didn’t count, as these were largely closed economies of limited or marginal significance for world trade. It was only right and proper that governance of the global monetary system should be directed by its two dominant economic blocs [U.S., Europe].
Is this accurate? Is this correct? Absolutely not, as regards both. Who got to run the World Bank and the IMF was not a matter of economic blocs or a postwar evolution; it was determined by Roosevelt's (1) intentional misassessments of wartime contributions, and (2) demanded figure-fudgings to substantiate/extend these misassessments, as communicated to Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau, as communicated to Harry Dexter White, as communicated to Ray Mikesell, who was given the task of figure-fudging (for an eye-witness account, see: the Bretton Woods: Preconference Negotiations chapter of Foreign Adventures of an Economist, Ray Mikesell, U of Oregon, 2000; in looking through the chapter, don't miss the fact that Mikesell fully acknowledges that the word negotiations in his chapter title is a misnomer). The horse-holder is always the most knowledgeable guy, and the guy inevitably made to wallow in the shit! All very familiar to anyone who worked in POLOB-CICV (renamed, relocated as SRA/MACV-J2). Was this right and proper? If not, why not? Indubitably not, because, once figure-fudged, once a monetary system was created on basis of misassessments of factors unrelated to economics, there was no possibility to accurately account total capital stock, planet Earth, or interface such missing accounting with the price mechanism, such that humanity, in the postwar period, could have ameliorated the global crisis now rapidly approaching cuspover, a cuspover, even yet, to be greatly magnified by a uniscale global economy globally governed by Cartesian-Newtonian global institutions. Even given Asia and the Soviet Union were economically closed, they were not financially so (cf: intra-bloc trade, Armand Hammer, third-party-cut-out trade with Red China, et cetera), and, thus, economically-based relative currency values, on a level playing field, would have greatly facilitated effective human interface to the big issues. The enormous negative planetary consequences of Roosevelt's malapropos manner of taking over mandate of the British Empire cannot be overstated. Reading Mikesell's chapter over and over, I cannot escape concluding that full spectrum of postwar relative currency values were predominantly set arbitrarily and independent of significant economic consideration. Meaning: the system by which humanity organizes its resources acquisitions and utilizations has been nothing more than a rabbit pulled out of a madhatter's stovepipe. Think of all the subsequent misdirections, bad speeds, false starts, wrong stops, spurious instruments necessarily involved! FDR's malapropos frameshift surely induced, at the very least, wave-trains of inadvertent starts/stops forcing a march up the Devil's Staircase: to me, acute stress is as conventionally understood; while chronic stress is any agent -- e.g., non-ionizing radiation -- that shifts normative values of the quantum properties of DNA. One such could be shifts outside normative values in velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of nucleotide pairing at helix-coil transition -- not only disturbing, by reverse cascade, the hierarchy of internal biological clocks, but, eventually, at sufficient cumulative effects upon shift magnitude, causing frameshifts inducing inadvertent starts/stops, and so on. In other words, biologically and economically speaking, one-time large-magnitude knock-out-of-place events/black-swans are not the only ways by which mutations occur. Back at origins of the prevailing human chief feature, normotic obsessive-compulsive I love you came on the Love in the Western World scene after identity-transparency ceased being a normative state. Much more recently, generative empathy was designated a psychiatric condition about the same time quantum non-simple identity became a term of designation employed by theoretical physicists. And more recently yet, one must suppose, the current in[car}nation of the War Activities Committee, Food Processing Industry has deemed chemicals with notable socializing effects as high priority ingredients. Severity of the problems humanity has with itself, which will continue to prevent it from adequately meeting challenges of the planetary crisis it has precipitated, like so much else these days, cannot be overstated. Indeed, by now, it is hard to credibly contest the assertion that the vast bulk of human enterprise has been for illth -- and that British values, beliefs, worldview construct, science, technology, political theories/institutions, banking schemes, imperialism (and let's not forget likely ramified consequences of BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster) -- all insistent upon maintenance of a classical limit -- assumed as a mandate by whomever and taken as a whole, have, since 1600 or thereabouts, been the agency most responsible. In another now that, now that institutionalization of Newton's System of the World is in its final death throes, should we wonder as to the magnitude of collective hysteria floating upon the English Channel, and through which so few are willing risk a night sea journey? And in a yet further now that, now that human-created problems have reached a magnitude and complexity humans cannot solve, the species as a whole has contracted a new variant of a disease once induced by British Emporium, uh, Sir Imperious, uh, uh, Mr. Imperium, i.e., Boxers' syndrome (the Boxers believed bullets couldn't kill them): utter identification with the Darkside, The Dark Fields, the left-hand path into the transhuman paranormal and its techno-hard projections as to nazified superman, Nietzschen and/or American, the route beginning-pre-9/11 DOD-Hollywood comicbook filmmaking VR-incest has used to mainstream, visualize, prefigure, make acceptable every conceived unconscionable conjured by CBUing Inframind. The real Left Behind series: as many as 30-million UXO bomblets dispensationalized in Laos alone. Picture Ten Clouds per second of tribulation. Not a good omen as to outcomes at passover, uh, uh, that is: cuspover. For good analytics on some properly prefigurative films of the 1970s, see Noreena Hertz's pre-9/11 The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy (Heinemann, 2001).
Whatever it is we get is always delivered by subject/[physical]object-level transference. Thumb-sucker science: Robojelly and insect cyborgs. Here is another case as regards projective-identification elaborated over the 19th-century take on Des Sociétés animales (Alfred Espinas, Paris: Baillière, 1878; one response to outcome of the French-initiated Franco-Prussian war, a war to save the French face and the prestige of French culture then being irrevocably lost as Rene Descartes -- I 1T2-think, therefore I am a simple-identity -- was ever more thoroughly slain by creation/discovery/rediscovery in Germanic higher maths) and the role (consider the boomerang in back-reactions upon the metric built into the 8-fold way of the transference as explicated by C. G. Jung) that that take played in psychologically setting up nazification and state-shintofication (see: Scientists build robot 'jellyfish' fueled by seawater, Shaun Waterman, The Washington Times, 4 April 2012; given the name of the author, the piece would more provocatively have been printed on 1 April). Sure to become a box jellyfish analogue, stingers and all? Another agent to clog filters at nuke-power plants? Over the decades, how many areas of potentially useful technology has ARPA eaten or prevented from leaving the breast? Which, flashing forward, is not to mention publicly known boondoggles (see, for instance: 'Flying Piano' Costs Pentagon $1.5 Trillion, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 29 April 2012). What is the differential of elaboration between the relatively benign dimensions of pathogenicity once resident as evil in Staliniferous nazification/state-shintofication and those dyscrasic in the present process as it has progressively planetarized? The differential is one of incommensurability. Instead of RFIDing cash currency units -- along with the e-varieties, including credit created at multiple bank credit expansion -- so as to direct-measure velocities, accelerations, and time rates of change of accelerations of LETS-nesting-foam monies, transference of the enchipment of Army ants to civil realms: Pavlovian-Watsonian-Skinnerian delivery of electroshocks to enhance operant conditioning at training and schooling and day-caring, delivery of physioactive drugs, e.g., epinephrine and Benadryl, delivery of psychoactive drugs, both smartening-up and dumbing-down, and so on and so on (see, for details: Spychips by Katherine Albright and Liz McIntyre; and Supersoldiers Fight Disease With Bionic Implants, Kate Knibbs, Mobiledia, 21 March 2012). Vietnam-war-era people sniffers deployed along the HCM Trail have now been developed for differential sniffing, e.g., drug sniffing, not to mention the perfection of remote-hearing devises/devices (flash forward to 3 May 2012 and read the digressions in: Powerful surveillance cameras read text, Shabnam Dastgheib, Stuff, a singular digital-genitive Lebenswelten site). And yet there are people who actually believe the human species will make it through the coming cuspover. Mincing Milquetoast minds, milk-livered. Yep, frittering lividly, under in terrorem, like Harlie Rice, that hibred chary of a viable theme, a whatnot he cannot reprise by performance or force. Directed-energy weapons, e-bombs, tectonic weapons, nano-component metallic oxide pothers irradiated with elf, and on and on: reality or fantasy as yet, what matter? Confreres in malice who can't even provide a flush toilet to two-thirds of their own kind. Now then, in respect to the sort of flushing guns are capable of Think about it. As regards pathofunctional potency, which has the greatest dynamic potential: 19th-century Chinese humiliations or 19th-century humiliations of Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung at the hands of higher mathematics and new physics? Make me laugh. So long as the species has no insight as to the actual causes of, and who, really, was responsible for, what Niall Ferguson calls the War of the World (beginning, in my judgment -- judging from history of The Modern Aspect of Mathematics -- with the Franco-Prussian war). Right. Make it through the coming cuspover. Heh-heh-heh!
And speaking of water, why-would/how-could so consummate an atmospheric physicist as Victor P. Starr (Douglas A. Paine not on this list) have come up with such an absurdity (Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction as it relates to gravity waves within a fluid medium) as The Hydrodynamic Analogy to E=mc2, Tellus, 9:1, 1959? Temperature, equivalent temperature, equivalent potential temperature, temporal curl. Why-would/how-could any well-trained scientist be so absurd as to follow a sequence like that? Rather an absurdity that last leap, what. If temperature is as it was in the 19th century, in thermodynamics of the Second Law, i.e., random molecular motion, what is the meaning of electron temperature enhancement? Speaking only of free-electrons here? If not, what about the royal random? Higher temperature = faster motion. Per second. What about per second2? What about per second3? See where Starr comes in? See why the leap to temporal curl is so easily made?
Some things never register no matter how often repeated, belying the adage bears repeating: learned this lesson at MACV-HQ. Some of those things relate to rates, as again edifyingly illustrated in concrete terms at ChrisMartenson (see: The Race for BTUs, Gregor Macdonald, 3 April 2012). Unfortunately not factored into Macdonald's discussion is the fact that this race is to be conducted mostly by military means. Quoting the article:
if there is a single concept that trips up experts and laymen alike, it is the changing rate at which many natural resources have started to come to market in the past decade.
Changes in rates, rates of rates, and rates of rates of rates -- and, in the most general terms, what such changes, changes of changes, and changes of changing changes imply as regards systemic states, e.g., states of functional specificity, functional integration intrasystemically, intersystemically, nonorientably by self-reflexivity/hypertwisted-reentry. And the efficacy-necessity in/to provision of adequate markers there in respect to (geonomy of vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock). Fugal Zero Hedge has not forborne repetition on this issue, oft iterating, it is flow not stock that matters (see, for example: In Its Latest Nonfarm Payroll Mea Culpa, Goldman Stumbles On THE Answer , 6 April 2012). It can, moreover, be observed that the foremost structural problem, built into framework determining conditions, is chronic pathofunctional shifting of rates, rates of rates, rates of rates of rates normatively clocking cyclities (no doubt at least one of those AT practitioners from Budapest studying, on discharge histogram, biological clock entrainment of autogenic brain discharges in Rx of idiopathic epilepsy, who failed to appear at the 1977 Kyoto AT symposium, attended this conference) essential to self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries. And let it not be forgotten that, according to David Bohm, quantum mechanics is a theory of an infinity of clocks within clocks (Wholeness and the Implicate Order, p. 104).
Fascinating! I didn't know that the removal of United States notes from circulation spanned the critical period in the Viet Nam war whereupon Bretton Woods One was broke-backed, 1966-'71, by, quoting myself from an earlier entry, tagging of bureaucratic variables, variables employed for, among much else, movement of manpower and materiel across internal administrative borders, to frequently changing phase boundaries. Nor did I know that final death knell of United States notes was written -- no doubt by reverse psychology and compensatory abreaction -- into a Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act. How very revealing. Have monetary systems ever had anything to do with economics? See, for an image of an 1862 United States note $2 bill, significance of 1966-'71, and some history of how American currencies were first nationalized by impulse to warfare, then privatized at the nation-state scale-level alone: The Birth of U.S. Fiat Currency, Franklin Noll, Bloomberg, 2 April 2012. Quoting the article:
In 1966, Congress allowed the Treasury to start removing United States notes from circulation. The last delivery of the notes by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to the Treasury was made in 1971. In 1994, the Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act eliminated the issuance of the notes altogether.
Which is not to mention the warborne Wilsonian origins of FOMC operations: see, When Uncle Sam Bought Back His Bonds, Julia Ott, Bloomberg, 13 March 2012. And how much was cartelization of U.S. central banking an instrumental expression in deep-structure origins of WWI (the current tortuosity analogue being the twisted derivative bundling torsades of the shadow banking system) -- that war, like so many others, being a turnery of the international banking trust?
Insofar as Edge conceives the edge as binary (see: A Universe of Self-replicating Code, George Dyson, Edge, 26 March 2012), Edge is not on the edge, but suppressing the edge by denying biological significance to µTm-logically-valued quantum properties of DNA, RNA, proteins, phase boundaries, and so on. Obsessed with transactional recursion at the expense of valuational demergence. Cognitively conscripted by the impress of war, Turing made wrong choices -- under which we continue to be suborned. Mental Danegeld made of daff upon daff unto recursion.
It is the Malthusian boundary condition upon ratiocination of minds identified (see, for example: Two Kinds of Black Swans, John Aziz, Azizonomics, 9 April 2012) with 18th-century Enlightenment -- heh-heh-heh! Voltaire studying the Analects, perhaps? -- prescriptions that is of importance, not Malthus' sophomoric Newtonian in the limit contrast between geometry and arithmetic. Only with top-down scuttling of the U.S.S.R. (it would be a mistake to assume validity of the consensus interpretation of this event -- like with so many other consensus interpretations) has institutionalization of Newton's System of the World begun what surely will become incendiary collapse -- for the corpus of problems Malthus intuitively understood, but so imperfectly pointed to, ever more increasingly demands recourse to quantum-relativistic and post-quantum-relativistic technologies ever more thoroughly slaying institutionalization of Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung (without overpopulation, would there have been, for instance, recourse to dirty nuclear? see, for the latest speculation on Fukushima: The Top Short-Term Threat to Humanity: The Fuel Pools of Fukushima, Washingtonsblog, 7 April 2012; and for the most recent discussion of the thesis that Japan has used its nuclear power industry as cover for a clandestine nuclear weapons program, see: United States Circumvented Laws To Help Japan Accumulate Tons of Plutonium, Joseph Trento, DC Bureau, 9 April 2012; now flash forward to 18 April 2012, and a possible ghost-cities development that could affect nascent formation of a Greater China incorporating Japan and aligned to a Germano-Russian Bloc, an old cultural-predisposition/affinity-formulated thesis initially voiced over breakfasts while I was assigned to SRA/MACV-J2, for, though there was an earthquake and soliton, uh, uh, tsunami, the Fukushima nuclear disaster was not a natural event, it was due to human errors accumulated over decades, most, if not all such, in the general case, being organized by the collective unconscious: Russia Stunned After Japanese Plan to Evacuate 40 Million Revealed, The European Union Times, as posted to Reader Supported News, a service evolved from Truthout; and for an assessment of the impact on the U.S., Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Disaster Fallout, PRnewswire, 19 December 2011). I figure that the 40-million-evacuation report/rumor likely reflects a component of contingency planning, in case, say, the fuel pools in the #4 reactor collapse, by another quake or for some other reason. Representatives of the Japanese government itself have stated that, early on, they considered the possibility the government might have to evacuate Tokyo -- something they concluded did not become necessary. But, that said, given implications of our superconductant model of DNA radiation exchange processes and speculation concerning effects of prolonged low-level radiation exposure, as distinct from short-term high-level exposure, the wildest negative speculation printed in the alternative press may be grossly underestimating the long-term consequences, even if the Japanese somehow finally stabilize the situation at Fukushima without another event -- gross underestimation, as many degenerative and autoimmune diseases, IMHO, e.g., SLE, that are radiation triggered and might otherwise remain latent, the clingers to molecular biology and old medical model have produced apocryphal accounts of or handle as explicitly idiopathic and attempt to Rx largely by symptom suppression. Could it have been the soliton-tsunami aspect of our quantum-DNA model that elicited the question Why do we need such a theory? when this model was presented in public lecture at Tsukuba University? Thematic evasion at suppression of autogenic brain discharges is a potent aspect of compensatory abreaction. Sorry, but like John C. Lilly, M.D., (Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, 1968, and The Center of the Cyclone, 1972), I see much to indicate that largely unconscious suicidal self-metaprogams (written in compensatory abreaction to the µTm-quenching effects -- including schizotypic aberrant salience over reduced negative priming -- of glutamatergic neuronal etching/pruning) make major contributions to determination/teleology of the large patterns of human behavior. A conspiracy theorist, by contrast, must construct an all-explaining conscious-conspiracy scenario to the degree shehe identifies with selfhood as a 1T2-only absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct whatnot existing in a decoherent universe with a classical limit. Unconscious conspiracy is a much more intractable problem than conscious conspiracy. But I am sobered by awareness that I have found that it, whatever it was, has always been worse than I would believe or could even imagine. Since there has been no exit strategy from institutionalization of Newton's System of the World, is it at all surprising that there is no Eurozone exit strategy (see, for discussion of such absence: The prize for European political illiteracy, Wolfgang Munchau, The Financial Times, 8 April 2011: the only viable way out, and the answer Wolfson seeks, is to stay in and create internally nested m-logically-valued LETS mapped upon fractal e-boundaries -- thus dumping long-dead 1T2-logic/in-or-out boundary values -- but this answer would be the final institutional death rattle of both Descartes and Newton, so, what is the most likely scenario to be followed by those imprinted upon Enlightenment-long-since-passing? the same one followed twice-thrice before)? Now, flash forward to 18 April 2012 and the Browne interview of Steve Keen (see/listen: Tonight with Vincent Browne, Steve Keen's Debtwatch, providing an astute diagnosis and forecast), who suggests an internal currency for Ireland whilst Ireland remains in the EMU. Existing political processes (1T2-anchored to the glutamatergically-etched brain as institutionalization of the single-valued punishment model: see, for instance, Crime and punishment: the neurobiological roots of modern justice, David Salisbury, news@Vanderbilt, 18 April 2012) wherever located on the political spectrum (currently being studied in the UNL Political Physiology Lab with fMRI and EEG), are mockumentaries on mind of mankind yoked in syzygy with core beliefs two-hundred-years dead, such that, for instance, ecosanity is apperceived greenextreme. Gulping gucky guff is in compensatory abreaction to cognitive gummosis with its exudation of mental gumbo. Witdim Wisenheimers, self-identifying by recourse to well-populated umWelts (displayed in free-associative anorexic walk ugly as the persona overcoats being modeled in strutting show of 5-star world monoculture vapidity), who dissipate their incarnations in ergotropic trivia and normotic compliance, thus facilitating ecodyscrasia, deserve all the contempt they do not receive. The only change agency in authenticity is disinvestment of misbelieve. What, no participant ever, really, for lacking enough shared beliefs?
Of course! the present form of collateral daisy chains (see, for a good account: Money and Collateral, Manmohan Singh and Peter Stella, IMF, Working Paper WP/12/95, April 2012) is an example of anti-Cabala at work in financial circles: the conversion-disorder displacement of Platonic valuational demergence (µTm-logically-valued order-types in cascade/reverse-cascade) to Aristotelian transactional generation (calculable iff recursive: 1T2-logically-valued order-type only). By definition, such carnal (secularization of Rabbinical-Jesuitical-Imamical ecclesiogenic syndrome) transference conversions/displacements are unconscious. Whatever the prevailing surface reasons (collapse of Exter pyramid as the highly leveraged base-state collateral disappeared, ensuing central bank puts as march up the Devil's Staircase, and resulting divergences [which, in atmospheric cascade modeling, are not renormalized, but are employed as initializers of subroutines modeling twists into/out-of imaginary and hypercomplex domains]: see, for a good account: Are We Heading for Another 2008?, Charles Hugh Smith, ChrisMartenson, 11 April 2012: Smith uses divergences in a sense directly analogous to that of cascade modeling), quantitative inadequacy of what Singh and Stella call good collateral in all states of nature is most fundamentally due to absence of m-valuation, as regards vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, stacked upon base-states of LETS nesting foams defined over fractal e-boundaries. For all those, the vast majority, who still believe in a classical limit, we may quote Zero Hedge: However, as virtually always happens, most would be wrong (see: Was The SEC 'Explanation' Of The Flash Crash Maliciously Fabricated Or Completely Flawed Out Of Plain Incompetence?, ZeroHedge, 12 April 2012: ask the same question as regards those embracing Born's interpretation of the meaning of Schrödinger's wave-function). As infusions (dating from less than a decade after Abel's Impossibility Theorem [vertical], with advent of Morse-Vail-Gale telegraph [lateral] conceived in 1832) of quantum-based technologies transpired and reached critical mass -- not only complexifying, but delocalizing, exchange processes -- efforts to [Aristotle}ize (categorize, classify) the technologically embodied quantum-of-action doubled and redoubled, culminating in the bundling of collateralized debt obligations, treated as single-valued transactional bundles, not multi-valued parcels/packets carrying nested m-scaled information (formation of m-valued prices by rates3 across fractal e-boundaries, whether or not those boundaries are marked), transported through 1T2-markets-understood-parallel-processors (µTm-CPU being Musculpting nonlocalizable hologramic totality of the quantal nesting foams, collected non-algebraic identities, multizetas, fractal drums). Derivative-bundling blackboxed collateral into rehypothecation chains across scales, and did so absent an MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space subbase/allbase as reserve domain, not currency) superposition, the bundlers complying with the Umwelt-generated insistence upon a single-valued denomination scheme (derivative of the manner in which single-valued vehicle currency, or a basket thereof, is misconstrued [see, in 'Sic Transit Gloria Pecuni' , ZeroHedge, 16 April 2012, the graph depicting how short-lived as reserve currency have been various vehicle currencies, thus illustrating how bad the vehicle-as-reserve idea has been] a reserve store of value and hedge against the subsystem hazards imposed by nesting systemic superintegrations and overdeterminations under regressive structuralization of facebooked identity-opacity, a compulsion of sociopathic introspective inepts). Given intractability of the Last and First Men chief feature at work, I have long been, and remain, a severe discounter of the possibility of prevention (considering ongoing Merkozy refoundering of Europe and the U.S. falloff over the high-rising GWOT-exacerbated fiscal cliff, yielding, to concatenate words of PIMCO's El-Erian, bi-modal morphing in the probability curve for outcomes, i.e., dislocations from the bell curve governing expectation distributions with respect to global depression or PW1 -- heh-heh-heh! -- a real reflection of skittish mincing mind trying unsuccessfully to reject sugar-coated Milquetoast for breakfast, no Limitless Hollywood smart drug solution to be found here: see, El-Erian Breaches The Final Frontier: What Happens If Central Banks Fail?, ZeroHedge, 12 April 2012: would that not depend on what central banks actually are? see, for edification, Talk: Central Bank, Wiki, compiled from entries dated 2004 to 2011; my suspicion is that no one knows what central banks and transcentral banks are, or are for, including the boards of governors of such banks, except, of course, steps on the Devil's Staircase, this staircase being the Devil's because the currencies employed are single-valued under 1T2-valued-logic processing only), but it must be observed that the increasingly explicit structuralization, of the deep acausal causes of the rising-to-cusp planetary crises, is no less a strategic opportunity than a strategic threat. Residuals of the age-old collective projective-identifications have become so elaborate, they are no longer remains non-viewable. A Daly planetary µTm-valuing accounting system to facilitate self-organized non-growth-based economies is -- by reversal of the conversion-disorder displacement which suppressed, at genesis of derivative bundling, the triple-covered (for an account of double-covering, which is to be distinguished from double-stacking, see: Fiber Bundles and Quantum Theory, Herbert J. Bernstein and Anthony V. Phillips, Scientific American, July of 1981) total space of the fiber-bundle set/subsets of rotations (real, imaginary, hypercomplex) which are the generators of Clifford-Bennett skew-parallels logically-µTm-valued -- opportunistically implicit in the quadrillion of derivatives currently the greatest threat to the 1T2-valuing unending-growth global economy. How avail of the stratopp? As I've been advocating since the late-'70s, by implementation of m-logically-valued LETS backed by good collateral in all states of nature (not merely gold: Liaquat Ahamed's Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World, Penguin, 2009, is useful here). This in-quotes group of words is a pregnant signifier, but, unfortunately, S&S appear to have used it more by intuitive leap than on basis of having explored depth of its import -- one understanding of all states being in respect to Everettian relative-state which devolves to vonHayek time-shapes understood as to Schrödinger wave-function time-differenced to two degrees of nonlinearity under Lukasiewiczian µTm-logically-valued processing (i.e., 3-fold order-types as regards an infinity of clocks within clocks, more fully understood relative to operator-time). Musculpt as mathematical notation is absolutely required to implement such a monetary system, without which non-growth governed self-organization of depleting resources-uses cannot be undertaken -- a fundamental prerequisite to survival of the human species through the coming cuspover. And such Musculpt applications cannot be developed if the 1T2-logically-valued-processing internet is dumbed down (see: Web freedom faces greatest threat ever, warns Google's Sergey Brin, Ian Katz, The Guardian of London, 15 April 2012; though it must be realized that Google is worried about its continued ability to filch personal data-info on behalf of Madison Avenue and the CI agencies: a German government fine of 25,000 -- instead of 25 billion -- is a nod to the CI agencies) such that an authentic µTm-logically-valued-processing internet is precluded by p2ping/facebooking MoSoSoers and other regressed clingers banishing animistic-quantum m-logically-valued identity-transparency by interpretation of the one to many absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct individualist doppelganger/m-ganger selfhoods, each thermodynamically assigned to its own non-implicate and non-Calabi-Yau and non-skew-parallel and linear-time-bound and 1T2-logical-only universe -- heh-heh-heh! -- so as to preserve in cognitive formaldehyde during this era of post-Newtonian Weltanschauung, at whatever cost to vitality of planet Earth, the semantic sense and subjective inner taste of what 18th-century 1T2-only Rationalism -- by good offices of Voltaire, European Confucianism -- misconstrued as Enlightenment.
There is no difficulty these days making arguments to the effect that the national interest, any such and all such (i.e., the interest of only a single scale-level), is an anathema not in the human interest, much less in the core-crustal bio-atmo-magnetospheric interest. George Soros makes one such argument in his article Reversing Europe's Renationalization, Project Syndicate, 11 April 2012 (reposted the next day to Social Europe Journal ). But where is the data and cogent reasoning demonstrating that derenationalization is best accomplished by yet again 1T2-going solely trans (doing once more what has already failed) rather than now [trans}ing by µTm-going sub? There is none provided by INET or any other netEgospheric (split personality, with accompanying loss of time, has dissociated Merkozy: see, The Big Riff Between Germany and France, Wolf Richter, Testosterone Pit, 16 April 2012; see, for an early prognostication as to dissociative personality disorder nullifying I 1T2-think, therefore I am a simple-identity, my article rewritten for the Goethe Institute's Ballyhooing-the-EU essay contest: Echo of the Mockingbird). The transnational seignorage (bad bank) holding company SPV, proposed by Soros, is simply a selenological dodge (Gurdieff: Make Moon in yourselves!) of the rule framework precluding unsterilized QEed transfers, a dodge justified by an imagined but unexplicated political necessity, which is hardly new economic thinking. If, indeed, this is actually a way to buy time, by all means buy time, but buy time to some real purpose. The political necessity at issue, in Soros' account (watch-hear the VDO, The Future of Europe, YouTube, 13 April 2012), is that the present EU-euro process, if continued-ing along the current track, would-will end in acrimonious recriminations with worse conflicts between European states than before (before referring to the Franco-Prussian and two world wars -- i.e., Ferguson's War of the World?). But where is the coherent argument that a solely-trans fiscally-politically unified Europe (in his VDOed discussion, Soros notes -- contradicting his own advocacy, and contrary to the opinion of the Nobel Prize Committee which awarded Robert A. Mundell -- that the EU is not an optimum currency area) would-will not help the many extra-European global forcing-factors/teleological-attractors at work to yield a far worse PW1 than would-will a Europe at squabble or, far better, a fractally e-nesting-foamed Europe? For edification on the latter, see: Volos Turns to Local Currency as Economy Struggles, A. Papapostolou, Greek Reporter, 14 April 2012 (also check out The Rebirth Of Barter, Michael Krieger, A Lightning War for Liberty, 26 April 2012: µTm-valued LETS is a much better system than barter). And as regards time not lost (by not submitting Everett to the von Neumann formalism so as to yield thermodynamically-dictated opaque splitting), memetime, that is, the time we are, direct-measureable raw-data-wise, really interested in, is to be found in real-time (see, for instance: Ignorance is Bliss Regarding Economic Data, Charles Biderman, TrimTabs Money Blog, 16 April 2012: given the huge masses of people already killed by the reinforcement/diversion engaged in by economists, bigbankers, financierspeculators, pseudo-venture capitalists, band-aid philanthropists, and the even larger masses yet to be killed ), not in lag-time, but in ever closer approach, that is, to real-time such that the decision need, the need for policy and policymakers, the need, that is, for decision science, is, in due course over memetime, ever more reduced due to the world picture -- analogically modeled-designed into the MVRS reserve domain accounting system as to the time-shapes of total capital stock, re: good collateral in all states of nature -- ever more closely approximating the world, insofar as that somewhat/whatnot is knowable, such that the multiscaled planetary economy ever transits to improved levels of self-organizational competency. Moreover, velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of money -- which do have something to do with time -- need to be directly measured, be the money creation by electronic printing or by fractional-reserve credit/debt recursion (see, for additional discussion of this subject, the initial entry to Tranche 19, circa 2008, on this website), not merely inferred by divisioning, divisioning divisioning, and divisioning divisioning divisioning an econometric-behavior-equation relation (re: equation of exchange): were framework determining conditions established such that that was done, then exponential growth in MZM (i.e., money of zero maturity, see: The Trouble With Money, Chris Martenson, ChrisMartenson, 17 April 2012) could not prevail because the monies marking time-shapes of total capital stock could not be single-valued under singly-logically-valued-only difference-engine market processor. Whereas what is actually happening, and will continue to happen, under a wide array of dissimulative names, is the worse-case opposite: wholesale bulk hypertransnationalization of good collateral in all states of nature, data mining capabilities having, under aegis of collective hysteria, been turned to less savory purposes.
More old predictions step-by-step coming to pass (see: IRS Travel Ban: Revoking Citizenship By Stealth, Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones, Infowars, 16 April 2012): during immediate post-Tet-'68 breakfasts of Western omelets in the ground-floor snack bar at MACV-HQ, knowing what I then knew as to likely behavioral imports of the stab-in-the-back myth (Dolchstosslegende) rapidly emendating from the ghostly SI (sensitive intelligence) area surrounding the COC (command operations center) and out along the hallways, I predicted, by analogy to what I saw around me in Saigon, and to dismay and the ridicule of my fellow counter-terror POLOB/SRA analysts, that a time would come when only government officials and the superrich can travel internationally, and, moreover, that there would be internal travel visas required for movement within most countries. Flash forward a month and a half (see: 'Human barcode' could make society more organized, but invades privacy, civil liberties, Meghan Neal, New York Daily News, 1 June 2012) for discussion of internal passport and check-point society, high-tech expressions of the internal travel visa.
My assessment of Singapore/Bangkok-based Blackhorse's The Dollar Crisis, Wiley, 2003, author Richard Duncan's latest thesis, elaborated in his recent book The New Depression: The Breakdown of the Paper Money Economy, Wiley, 2012, (for an interesting, especially perhaps as regards debunking the "global savings glut theory", interview, see: Richard Duncan, The New Depression, Jim Puplava interviewer, Financial Sense, 4 April 2012), is similar to my long-held assessment of Marx and Engels: I agree in significant measure with the differential diagnosis, but altogether reject the symptom-suppressing allopathic drug therapy prescribed as Rx for the chronic degenerative brain disease identified by tissue studies undertaken in the pathologist's lab (for The Wall Street Journal take, see: Capitalism is dead, credit new king, says Duncan, Chris Oliver, The WSJ's Market Watch, 18 April 2012). I would point out to Duncan that it was the Tet-'68 stone cast by the VC David, striking the capitalist Goliath in the FED Temple, that was the proximal cause of the re-death of gold-backing (no mere psychological victory in the Viet Nam war understood as a circumscribed 30-year-long post-colonial/neo-capitalist promulgation), and that the jacklegged, hackle-raising Banking Trust's Jekyll Island creation of the FED was in more than mere Jung-Pauli synchronicity to onset of WWI, whereupon the classical gold-standard was finally broke-backed. On the surface, war was involved in both cases. More deeply, the U.S.-American stepson committed cognitive suicide in 1968; the European father, in 1914. Miasmatic etiology of the involved brain-impairment/nascent-fulminating-disease first clinically revealed itself with consensus designation of Niels Henrik Abel's existence proof for transalgebras as an Impossibility Theorem, this designation preventing an efficient transition from single-valuedness (uniformity) to multivaluedness (multiformity) across full spectrum (consider Gauss' take on valuation of a complex variable) of Western cultural enterprises, prevention of a transition from gold-backing to an MVRS reserve domain being one such case. This deep-structure dimension not having been identified by Duncan, he frames the fundamental problem such that he comes to an anomalous notion as to treatment precluding cure: more government fiscal plus money-credit/debt creation for command-economy government investment in, says Duncan, new technology like iatrogenically-invasive smart-grid tech, or nanotechnology (Don't ha' ta stop pumping carbon, 'cause we'll git nanotech dusters what vacuums da sky -- and deeesturbs complex angular momentum cascades ev'n more!), or biotech based on the mistaken (stucco-pretending-adobe complexity-theory-ratified) assumption that the quantum-wave properties of DNA have no biological role, or, maybe, CMOS-terahertz viewers to further intervene into those quantum-wave properties, as described in Chip lets smartphone see through walls, clothes, AFP, 20 April 2010, or electrically-stimulated (which is experimental support for our quantum-wave model of DNA helix-coil transition) in vitro meat (which will never have the oncogenically clear-channel quantum properties of pesticide- and herbicide- and hormone- and antibiotic- and GMO-free in vivo meat), as described in "How do you like your meat?", William Little, The Financial Times, 21 April 2012 (one of Duncan's mistaken assumptions is that govment officials, and the 1% otherwise running things, has/have the cognitive capacity to make good investment choices 1T2-top-down conceived on a planetary scale, cf: World Economic Forum, for instance: films like Avatar, whatever the plausible denial, pro-animism, moralistic subtext, prefigure and facilitate the violence they depict, as can be seen from A Quixotic Quest to Mine Asteroids, Amir Efrati, The Wall Street Journal, 20 April 2012: why not found a silver-standard-referenced international reserve currency upon the Sky High Silver Mine's take from atmospheric silver nitrate subcolloidal nucleations -- heh-heh-heh! -- by employment of artificial spinach/algae photosynthesis sheets mounted on solar-powered drones, prefigured as early as 1938 in Factors Affecting the Reduction of Silver Nitrate By Chloroplasts, Eliot Weier, American Journal of Botany, Botanical Society of America), is the only action that can keep the credit/debt-creation-driven global economy from collapsing, because any attempt to reverse history and return to the gold-backing constraint encouraging balanced budgets will cause the economic engine, as presently engineered, to throw a rod. While the first part of this proposition is dubious (as Duncan himself points out, but later ignores, money/credit creation = inflation -- except that exploitation of a cheap labor pool dampened the inflationary impulse, such that this exploitation was the more fundamental driver, not actually credit creation, which is not to mention the one-off long-accelerating acceleration in exploitation of cheap oil), the rod-throwing aspect may well be the case (and is a perspective on gold which I have myself long been arguing). One trouble with Duncan's inflatable life raft analogy, is that each time the government pumps more credit/money-creation air into it, the holes get bigger. Moreover, this whole proposition is, regardless, far off the mark, for the real underlying problem is not the symptomatic 1T2-valued [simple}credit/debt-driven attribute of prevailing global economy (i.e., regarding the 1T2 qualifier made use of here, in equation of exchange the price level reference scale, with regard to both money and credit, is not memetime-dilating and m-valued with quantum jumps; rather, that reference frame is single-valued continuous-linear, due primarily to the logical-value order-type of the currencies employed, however created), but the generalized cognitive incapacity/refusal to make the transition (in framework determining conditions) from single (uniform) to multiple (multiform), both as regards valuation of variables/relative-[universal}constants and logical-value order-types of propositions employed at market processing (this incapacity/refusal is simply an economic-monetary-financial reincarnation of Born's misinterpretation of Schrödinger, the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to etiology of WWII, the event that conveyed the neurological disease of the father to the stepson). As the myriad limits to global economic growth are ever more closely approached, survival is increasingly dependent upon elevating the level of self-organizational competency, something which cannot be achieved without making the transition from single-valued to multivalued, since µTm-valued relative-state identity-transparency is the quantum potential (magic hand, or operator when detailed as topologically-active 3-fold operator-time) actually responsible for autopoiesis. But the cognitive knee-jerks are so deeply glutamaterically etched (and at each meal reinforced with exogenously introduced MSG), what opportunity, really, is there for authentic rectification?
Growing up a military brat, and being exposed (by good offices of my mother and her flower arranging instructor) as a pre-adolescent to, for instance, how, in Ikebana, unit lengths and prefabricated modular elements can yield, with purified, that is emptied, execution, composite objects of unique apparently-spontaneous natural beauty, I early on learned a fundamental principle, even though most of the adult males around me were careerists and therefore did not apply the principle: you don't take a leadership position in a bad war. Well, the human species as a whole, for at the very least as long as I've been here on planet Earth, has been engaged in a bad war against nature. So, except for one occasion in high school, I've never sought any leadership position, and always rejected those offered. Indeed, not long after I finished high school did I come to believe that the last thing we need is another hero or another leader. I became a relative non-participant: participate to the minimum degree consistent with making the maximum personal contribution to overcoming the fundamentals responsible for the bad war. I believe that the most sophisticated systems we know of are those of nature, and that, therefore, human systems should be analogically modeled as closely as possible upon natural systems -- natural systems to our prevailing highest level of understanding as to their nature. Instead of heroes and leaders, empty centers whose Umwelts, functioning as promptbook prolepses, incorporate tropological metareferences to synergistic relative-state identity-transparency (aka cameral sympathos: see, a separative lesion in consciousness , Subrealism, 24 April 2012: in comments, CNu's direction to Lancelot Law Whyte's The Next Development in Man is extremely well made, except that Whyte's take is quite distinct from that of Julian Jaynes, who, like modern and postmodern neuropsychiatrists, makes consciousness identical to the separative lesion induced by glutamatergic neuronal etching), the quantum potential demerging operational drivers and teleological attractors wave-guiding autopoiesis -- which, in the prevailing human case over the last several thousand years, involves processes primarily resident in the collective unconscious and associated substrates. One such substrate may be designated a time-frequency domain -- inner stop ontically (as purification, cleansing, emptying: essence of sacrifice) revealing an instantaneous-frequency signifying number-paired/collected fiber-bundle operators (think: operator-time) which constitute (à la Ikebana analogue) transforms undergoing functional demergence to Cantorian-fractal sets/spectrums/ensembles of apparently discrete objects (these mathematical-physics terms are here used non-metaphorically). Though there never developed a circumstance where it became possible to work with those in positions to experimentally investigate it, I've believed ever since the mid-1970s, as the ideas associated with our DNA paper were brought together, that the DNA frequency response window is highly complex, not merely a frequency funnel through which the incoming transient-ambient radiation is beat down (meaning: degrees of response to many frequencies) to the mass-associated fundamental natural frequency of the histological type to which the given DNA molecule belongs, i.e., the specific time/place space it occupies, but that it responds to acousticooptical radiation (including acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes: sounded time-domain waveforms geonically/solitonically self-converted to frequency-domain spectra) as well as electromagnetic radiation -- and that stereochemical responses of the DNA molecule to other molecules cannot be altogether separated from these radiation-induced responses. It was upon subjects such as these that discussions in Colombo at Anton Jayasuriya's Medicina Alternativa with Siegwort-Horst Gunther of Yellow Cross International were focused in regard to Gunther's disease, which later, by psyops-induced proscription of the Iraqi expression, became known as Gulf war syndrome. Hard to distinguish between chemically-induced effects and radiation-induced effects -- considering the degree to which these effects likely are undifferent. I've for some memetime suspected (and others have investigated: see, for instance, Mobile phone-induced honeybee worker piping, Daniel Favre, Apidologie, 42:3, 2011, pp. 270-79: I'd like to know what the effect of cellular MoSoSo use is upon proletcult-bee-dance agitprop-theater commo) that this principle is possibly of importance to understanding full spectrum of etiology in CCD, bee Colony Collapse Disorder -- which is in no way to suggest exoneration of neonicotinoid pesticides, GMOed insecticide-corn and other soon to be hand-pollinated insecticide-food crops, for instances (see: for an account of a recent development, Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm, Anthony Gucciardi, Nation of Change, 19 April 2012; for an account of one vector of Gunther's disease, Radioactive Danger: It's Not Just Coming from Japan, Daisy Luther, et al., Inalienably Yours, 4 April 2012; as regards DU and post-1945 incidence of diabetes, and much else, Radiation Poisoning Causes Mental Illness, Diabetes, Hermaphroditism & Cancers, Alfred Lembremont Webre, Seattle Exopolitics Examiner, 17 July 2011).
What a hoot! Any HES-type (Hamlet Evaluation System-Survey) program that relies upon 770 social and political indicators (see: What makes heroic strife: Computer models that can predict the outbreak and spread of civil conflict are being developed, The Economist, 21 April 2012) incorporates absolutely no theoretical insight into the function-relations between indicators and intentions (a matter of much ignored discussion at POLOB-CICV/SRA-MACVJ2, circa 1966-'71) -- not to mention implied latent instabilities, real and pseudo, inculcated by the surveilled adiabats. No wonder they need yet another new intelserv: see, Pentagon sets up new spy agency to eavesdrop on a changing world, Julian Borger, The Guardian, 24 April 2012.
I regard Gunter Leitold's (or is it Lietold's) argument for government-forced loans a better argument for implementation of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams defined on fractal e-boundaries (see: Will Bond Investors and Savers Have To Hold Forced Government Loans At Some Point In The Future?, Zero Hedge, 25 April 2012) internal to government mandated 1T2-logical geographic borders defining permissible legal tenders of most vehicle-not-reserve currencies. Quoting the article:
The chance of not being able to de-leverage is dangerously high when the free market requires a nation to pay interest rates significantly above its nominal growth rate
Nominal interest rates set around 1% - 2% below nominal growth rates for a significant period of time would be needed to help these countries to leave the debt build-up course behind
I assume if central planners decide to circumvent the already manipulated bond market and enforce much lower interest rates by implementing forced loans, there would be a big uproar for some time in the market. However, the negative wealth effect on the private sector would be more foreseeable and stretched out over a longer period of time. This definitely would decrease uncertainty. In my opinion, this measure would actually help to break through the downward spiral and avoid the much more devastating course towards a restructuring event with its negative side effects
It seems that the free market does not provide this option without harsh government intervention. The free market tends towards capital flight, wider risk spreads and thereby makes a restructuring event at the end of the road more likely.
Bottom-up step-by-step implementation of LETS nesting foams could achieve the same metric-elasticity, stretching-out effect (for one, by virtue of the involved viscosity dampening impetus to capital flight) upon the deleveraging process, particularly as the m-logically-valued aspects of the Lukasiewiczian monetary system progressively reverse the derivatives-mediated transfer of multiplier effects from local-to-money-center and the concentration of risk from micro-to-macro scales with accompanying increases in risk spreads. I have been saying that the incredibly complex mathematical models, used to create the financial instruments by which to reduce-deflect-nullify risk, were, long before being introduced to the economics world, based upon semantically falsified mathematics, that is, the meaning of the involved mathematics was dissembled so as to unjustifiably over-perpetuate a long-dead Weltanschauung -- hence, the resultant financial instruments could not have been otherwise than detrimental. System complexity (which is not the peak complexity of dysfunctional systems using capital markets and currencies as combat arms in Currency Wars, James Rickards, Portfolio, 2011) is not the real issue, as liabilities of such can be overcome with appropriate user-friendly interfaces (as anyone who used to use DOS should know). I have had little to say about interest rates because, in the context of a growth{not-inflation]-free global economy self-organizing by means of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, m-valued interest over pos + neg growth-sectors of the global economy would sum to sets of Riemannian zeros mapped over critical Mnk articulation landscapes on the Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered MVRS reserve domain. Now flash forward to 30 April 2012 and consider Ludicrous Proposal by Harvard Economics Professor to Force Taxpayers to Buy Spanish Bonds , MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis.
On Japan, I don't agree with Jared Diamond (see: Three Reasons Japan's Economic Pain Is Getting Worse, Bloomberg, 26 April 2012). Note, in the concluding section, Diamond's recounting of Japan's history: he provides an antecedent-consequent account beginning with Commodore Perry, moving on to the Meiji Restoration and early-Westernization. He then leapfrogs the Great Pacific war as if it were not the next antecedent-consequent event. I did not forecast in 1968 a Greater China incorporating Japan on basis of what I saw in Tokyo during 1967 while recovering there from wounds received in the Mekong delta; I made that prognostication by extension of what I experienced in Japan, primarily in Midori Gaoka, kita Kyushu, as a preadolescent during the early-to-mid-1950s. Baka Ameko! Crazy American child! That was the stone-throwing Japanese preadolescent speaking the suppressed emotion of his parents. American-written characterizations of the Occupation/Korean-war periods very little resemble my experience of Japan at that time. The subterranean racism on both sides differed from the racism during the pacific war only by degree of suppression and manner of expression. On the Japan side, to my childhood sensitivities, the submerged rage appeared volcanic. Shinkeishitsu (not limited to the Morita variety), a peculiarly Japanese psychosomatic condition much more severe than the normotic American sort, I believe, is related to this mimetic-estrogen/MSG-facilitated suppression, to, that is, conscious denial that, when ergotropic demands of the social surround momentarily ebb, one's habitus (space-as-place no longer localizable by two-point discrimination to village space or even that of urban-neighborhood village; rather, location in a subclinical variety of paroxysmal, idiopathic, nonspecific, non-localized vertigo) is in the subterranean submerged -- and that, further, this state transcends periods (for the contrary view, see the English-language abstract: Era-related changes in the Japanese cultural and social structure and conformist personality pathology -- with particular emphasis on borderline personality disorder, K. Tamai, Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi, 88:4, April of 1997, pp. 84-9; written, I note, while the author was in residence at Geneva University, Institutions of Psychiatry, Switzerland) in post-Commodore-Perry/dreadnaught Japan. The MacArthur-dictated severance of the sento/onsen neighborhood-public-bath/country-hot-springs (and associated proscription of mixed/public peeing, with consequent assimilation of Western underwear, garments Japanese women outside the big cities did not wear well into the mid-1950s, as I saw daily in the rice fields) utterly discombobulated Japanese male-female relations by forcibly removing (the public tropes reinforcing states of identity-transparency inducing) the trance-seizure component traditionally characteristic of normative Japanese (particularly female, pejoratively log-woman) orgasmic experience (a trend furthered by importations of Western architectural-space articulation and the explosive expansion of minimum permissible distance imposed upon traditional personal space by assimilation of electronic communications and IT). Doubt it? Study the persistent thematic contents of Japanese pornography, 1950s through the present day, and ask what these contents signify (much more than a mere Theater Beneath the Skirt) in terms of compensatory abreaction. The Eisenhower-instigated Atoms for Peace adoption of atomic power in the Land of Earthquakes is presently having similar magnitude discombobulation impacts upon Japan Lebenswelt, over and above the death and sickness impacts. The Plaza-Accord-forced and non-market-determined revaluation of the yen (one American imposed rectification of the post-WWII American imposed -- anti-communist justified resurrection of the zaibatsu unto keiretsu -- export-led economy, another such rectification involving the Structural Impediments Initiative extension to dreadnaught policy) was the foremost precondition (insuring that there would be a bubble to burst) for two-decades of Japanese stagnation, recently capped by the Fukushima disaster. Assimilation to a Greater China, as a way to solve the resource-access problem, likely will be unconsciously facilitated by the cumulative subterranean rage (which the Japanese, so far as I know, still, for the most part, cannot forthrightly speak about, even between themselves, the associated affect-charge being so great).
There are Fundamentals and then there are fundamentals. So, if When Fundamentals No Longer Apply, Review the Fundamentals (Eric Sprott and David Baker, Sprott Asset Management, 27 April 2012), one would be well advised to distinguish between Fundamentals and fundamentals. The BRICS and others ought to realize that in subverting the existing dollar system with gold hoarding and by other means -- without formulating, let alone acting upon, Fundamental ideas as to what is viably to replace that system -- is only to hasten onset of PW1. Then there is -- onetime Merrill Lynch vice-chairman, director of a number of media and internet companies, Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry and, later, Chairman of Britain's Financial Services Authority, presently Visiting Professor at LSE and Cass -- Lord Adair Turner's rethink of objectives and means in his Economics After the Crisis (MIT, 2012) and, earlier, Just Capital (Pan, 2002). Did we, so far, avoid another Great Depression only by exacerbating the preconditions to onset of a PW1? How otherwise, when there exists the following universal: a professional = a compromiser of personal integrity, and such a compromiser automatically quenches his/her capacity for authentic creative thought (as distinct from mere innovation)? Can anyone reasonably doubt that the institutional leadership elite (which AU's SIS dean told us in 1963 we could become members of, if only we studied hard enough) will resolve the larger planetary crises on a creative-thought par with how that elite has been handling the global financial and EU crises? What educational institutions around the planet properly prepare prospective members of the global leadership elite? Is war -- from the backroom variety all the way to that of the cocktail circuit and high tea parlors -- one of them, mayhaps? Or could it be that the last thing we need is another great communicator, strong leader -- and second to last, yet another improvement of existing institutions?
I am not for Japan assimilating to a Greater China any more than I am for a breakup of the EU or for formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc (ask what happens to the EU were Germany to leave the EMU despite the possibility of losing hundreds of billions of euros in the process, and what happens after that: see Phoenix Capital Research for relevant reflections, Merkel's Back is Against the Wall Time for Germany's 'Plan B'?, and The Bundesbank's in Hot Water Will It Take the Heat or Throw the ECB Under the Bus?, Graham Summers, Gains Pains & Capital, 23 and 24 April 2012: note the observation that European banks are leveraged 26-1, the ECB at 36-to-1, French banks at 100-to-1, and U.S. banks at 13-to-1). Now, flash forward to 9 May 2012 to see Europe's Most Parabolic Chart Goes Parabolic-er, Zero Hedge, and ask to what degree Occupation Authority imposed re-education facilitated German willingness to fund a Union largely designed to keep Germany under control, how many Germans understand this role of the Occupation, and how that understanding prefigures German strategic choices should the EMU fail. Ask similar questions about Japan. And I am certainly not for a top-down decision to dissolve the EMU, which I think would have unanticipated consequences analogous to, but more severe, than those following upon loss of control of the process following the top-down Soviet decision to jettison Eastern Europe. What I am for is cessation of the glutamate-etched and intermolecular-electron-transport-quenched bipolarity of borderline personalities snapping between Newtonian integral sums and derivative differentials in advise and consent at public policy formulation, such as flipovers between 1T2-in-or-out difference-equation borders and CNNed borderless worlds like the EU Schengen Area (for an excellent treatment of flipper -- I would not so stigmatize Flipper: note the projective-identification involved in human glee at viewing such SeaWorld displays -- in motion through glutamate-etched cognitive loops, see: Europe's Other 'Union' Is Ending, Zero Hedge, 28 April 2012, and be aware of how Venn diagrams exteriorize-concretize by conversion-disorder displacement the decoherent functional-localization molecular/cellular world-picture of human brains sans their hologramic quantum attributes). Look at film coverage of the dolorous visiting with each other in attendance at governmental policy gettogathers and just try to convince me these elite representatives are not borderline! Can such personalities comprehend, let alone implement, autopoietic governance functions holomorphically mapped upon changing fractal e-boundaries? Rather than assimilate to a Greater China, much better that Japan should break up (by implementing interior µTm-valued LETS nesting foams Karpenko-functor mapped upon the fractal e-boundaries nascent by good offices of, say, Masayoshi Son's SoftBank [like the identity-transparency between interior social -- easy removal of fusuma/shoji -- and exterior physical -- terrace + garden -- space-as-place analogically modeled-troped in traditional residential architecture] -- after all, did not the Japanese pioneer fuzzy logic applications to, uh, uh well, refrigerators, sorrowfully not to nuke-power plants, or, much better, before having decided to build them). Back during the '90s and early-2000s, SoftBank was not interested in this idea -- nor, I might add, was Pioneer a pioneer in this area when a related proposal was tendered through good offices of Studio Garage of Minamiasagaya, and Dentsu. No such refrigerator-precedent exists for Western Europe, which, if it is ever to accomplish cessation of borderline bipolarity, must seek Polish-logic advisors. Actually, y'know, there is this Italian ladylogician specialized in Lukasiewicz logics, who Now here is someone bringing creativity to thought about boundaries: Samuel Arbesman, The Invisible Borders That Define American Culture, The Atlantic Cities, Place Matters, 26 April 2012.
The extraordinarily prolonged persistence of basically false ideas -- like the deeming of Abel's existence proof for transalgebras as an Impossibility Theorem, and the imputation of Russell's derivative-of-the-dissimulation-of-Abel Logical Atomism that the greater the number of logical values to a given proposition the less semantic import it can carry, and Born's derivative-of-Russell probability-amplitude misinterpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function -- has long fascinated me. Why is this persistence the case? What is the deep-structural explanation of the perseverance in dissimulacra? And, yes, I have considered at length the possibility that my orientation to this issue may itself be a projection; one must, however, seriously doubt that I am, in this case, projecting, for those in projection can't, by definition, consciously entertain, in specific, i.e., regarding details, the notion that they are unconsciously projecting, for the reinvestment of attention quenches the projection. Persistence of Dolchstosslengende is another such: in the case of the Viet Nam war, the mistaken idea that the Tet-'68 offensive was a psychological (stab-in-the-back) victory and a military failure of the anti-war-movement-assisted VC (like all formulaic well-formed falsehoods, there is a grain of truth in this, only a grain). But even by terms set down by Clausewitz in On War, this is a predominantly false notion, even, lessunder, by surface analysis alone. When, however, and moreover, one takes into account that the main purpose of the offensive -- to facilitate a country-wide synoptic organizational phase transition (still, most commentators and many historians of the war have no awareness whatsoever of this, let alone comprehension of its significance): for a long, detailed, well-documented account of this mapping of bureaucratic variables upon invisible borders process, written at SRA/MACV-J2 in the spring of 1968, see Volume 2 of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh -- was successfully achieved, thus fundamentally altering the balance of capabilities (as distinct from the continuum of [opposing] forces) relative to totality of the environment of the combat (not combat-in-itself: rather, Mao's ocean + Clausewitz's the whole litany of subsistence and administration: for detailed exposition, see our paper entitled, VirFut Q-Pro, Public Policy Implications of Quantum Computing, circa 1998, with the Clausewitz part formulated during spring of 1968 at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2), BEFORE the offensive was launched, one can see how minimally significant, militarily speaking, outcomes of medium-to-big-unit engagements actually were (facts, of strategy import, yet to make it into FM 3-24, by good offices of Col. You-Know-Who, once a leading figure at U.S. Army Military History Institute, Carlisle Barracks). All these years later, the psychological-victory/military-defeat dissembling is applied to Afghanistan (see, for instance, Tet '68, Kabul '12: We still don't get it, Nick Turse, The Los Angeles Times, 24 April 2012). What we don't get is the issue. And why. Lack of raw intelligence? Double entendre, and pun intended. Coining of the term "Doublethink", one must understand, was a black propaganda coup on a par with Heydrick's planting of black documents in the Soviet CI paper mill, thus facilitating the Stalin purges: an Orwellian coup debouching application of Lukasiewicz logics to interpretation of Schrödinger's cat -- a feline panleucopenia/hebephrenia hobgoblin predicating precocious madness -- thus reinforcing Born's probability-amplitude misinterpretation of the m-values of the quantum wave-function, and helping to force a parallel/multiple-universes interpretation of Everett's relative-state interpretation. Or a what -- memory-hole thoughtcrime -- which is highly fraught, laden with a lavish leverage of collective psychological regression? What we simply won't get, refuse to acknowledge, is the Lukasiewiczian logics of age-old animistic, right-hemispheric, relative-state identity-transparency, and how these logics inform self-organizing processes operative in human systems like, for instance, the Viet Cong political infrastructure. Indeed, we ad hoc committeemen disparage the involved bureaucratic properties with the schizotypic, compensatory-abreactive pejorative: parallelism. Persistence of Dolchstosslengende made the U.S. response to WTC 9/11 (exquisitely timed and symbolically germane relative to subsequent onset of global financial crisis) an inevitability: no one in the Bush administration (including Secretary Powell, who took away from his Viet Nam experience a squad-leader-type lesson made into a strategic doctrine; which is not to mention the Bush Doctrine, which, following Hitler and Tojo, disastrously applies a largely UW tactic -- as has always been taught in introductory lectures at SFTG -- at the strategic level: pre-emption) saw that a U.S. invasion of Afghanistan was what Al Qaeda needed/wanted/enticed to facilitate synoptic organizational phase transition to AQ&A, and that the second Bush U.S. invasion of Iraq facilitated a global organizational phase transition of AQ&A which greatly expanded (think: the spectrum of modulations necessarily associated with a shift to the united front-strategy stage) its corpus of allies, recruitment base, and ordinal scale of radislamsymps such that an Obama-administration-encouraged Arab Spring would facilitate a further synoptic organizational phase transition (see, for useful commentary: How Osama Bin Laden is winning, even in death, David Ignatius, The Washington Post, 28 April 2012; and Bin Laden supported Arab spring, Johanna Kassel, The Financial Times, 3 May 2012). Brilliant tactical improvisations at application of the contingency theory of organizational adaptation. Phase transition made: from thinking locally and acting globally to thinking globally and acting locally (flash forward to 22 May 2012 and see: Are Jihadist Groups Shifting Their Focus from the Far Enemy?, Phillip Mudd, the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point: Yes, General, war against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system qua system does have stages). And what are those stages? The stages identified in TC 18-01? Uh, uh, hardly: that is, to anyone with significant exposure to far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics, self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries, contingency theory of organizational adaptation, Mnk articulation landscapes as distinct from 2nk fitness landscapes, correlation length spontaneously going toward infinity in close approach to self-organized criticality, and so on. I've been saying all along this path that, given the supportive U.S. actions (was materiel guru, UBL, out-sourced as a U.S. national-security-strategy advisor?), AlQaeda-become-AQ&A-become-KiteSurfer upon the myriad structural failures of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system, regardless of what UBL or anyone else may have thought or now thinks about tactics, has, as yet, had no compelling strategic need to mount another major terrorist attack upon U.S. soil, only feints thereto so as to maintain enough pressure to fan U.S. hysteria and resultant continued climb up the exponential resource-commitments curve, that curve representing the U.S.'s greatest strategic vulnerability and against which the strategic defensive should have been most resolutely marshaled (see, for relevant op/ed: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I., David K. Shipler, The New York Times, 28 April 2012). Interesting that, after a year, a summary of seventeen UBL letters captured by SEALs during the assault on his Paki compound should be posted online by the U.S. Army within days of these Ignatius and Shipler pieces (see, with link to full text of the Army posting: Bin Laden told followers: Kill Obama so 'utterly unprepared' Joe Biden becomes US president, MSNBC, 3 May 2012). Countermessaging so ham-handedly obvious as to be source of psyops blowback: hardly a Mind'sEye ThinkCam medallion worthy of the Psychological Operations Group rampant. What minimal reliability rating should one give any CAS (controlled American source) these days, particularly if a USG agency or spokesperson there for? And, of course, there is more and will be more about foiled major attacks: see a piece, CIA derails plot with al-Qaida underwear bomb, AP, 8 May 2012, reflecting the inter-service rivalry teleologically engrailed of human-hivemind strange-attractor archetypal gradients. No anti-establishmentarian argument is here made by me against foiling, only against the established idea that foiling + [phoenixing}facecards (Insight over high-value targets) is the best counterstrategy (when, in fact, it is so exceedingly poor -- on a par with SF MEDCAPS shotgun prophylactic dispensing of broad-spectrum antibiotics, with the inevitable side-effect: ever more resistant strains -- one must wonder as to its real purpose and etiology; not to mention the use of immunization campaigns as cover for intelops). Snatch 'n snuff stuff of the Vietnam-war era has become cuff 'n snuff as compensatory legalistic legitimation compulsions have gained sway in proportion to expansion of the AO following declaration of GWOT: a collective-behavior type of erotophonophilia (Janet McClellan presents a unifying theory of typologies as to this crime in her book Erotophonophilia, Cambria, 2010) lust murder? For interesting reflections on this general subject from the Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada, see: The Yemen Underwear Bomb and Other Hobgoblins, James E. Miller, 8 May 2012. All of this: rather an interesting form of mass suicide, wouldn't you say -- a form, by conversion-displacement in projective identification at collective transference, which introjects to strategy an enemy tactic, i.e., the suicide bombing. What AlQaeda-become-AQ&A-become-KiteSurfer does on the individual level, their opposition, for deep psychopathological reasons, has chosen to do on a societal basis. And, to the degree that the official narratives on 9/11 and death of UBL are flawed, if at all flawed, to the same degree is the above-described psychopathology even more psychopathological.
A veteran-written Viet Nam war novel of the late-1970s said: when Saigon was bombed during WWII by the Japanese. Who bombed Saigon during WWII? Certainly not the Japanese. With a similar level of accuracy, Keith Weiner says (see: In Defense of the Corporation, Zero Hedge, 30 April 2012): For the first 100 years (with a few exceptions) the government of the USA existed to set man free from men. Given that the American holocaust-and-slavery were still in motion at that time, this statement must be modified to read set the white man free from other white men. I, too, read Ayn Rand's For the New Intellectual, 1961 (prefiguring an objectivist epistemology of the virtue of selfishness found in genes by projective-identification at design of molecular genetics experiments), which, having already read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, classic cases in recent-immigrant literature of a Hollywood scriptwriter, I had, essentially, already read, from which, as Weiner notes, the set man free from men quotation -- as applied to civilization as a process, not civilization as a condition, and certainly not to any nation-state: for an interesting debunk of civilization by explication of species wide neural retardation (my long-held thesis on this kundabuffer upon how DNA is read, including order of logical-value employed, relates to the quenching of quantum properties of intraneuronal DNA secondary to, primarily, glutamatergic neuronal etching: relatively speaking, all but brain dead and consequently just one NSF grant away from supercolliding The God Particle), see Plant/Human Symbiosis and the Fall of Humanity, Trevor Smith interview of Left in the Dark coauthor Tony Wright, Reality Sandwich, 20 April 2012 -- was drawn: I read it in the fall of 1962, during my senior year of high school, when I was taking honors econ and PSSC physics, a period to which I date origins of the analogia quanti notion of m-logically-valued monetary units (actually a qualia theory of money, each order of logical-value denoting a distinct qualia) emerging out of a personal struggle to comprehend the topology (i.e., numbered point-set topology) of multiple bank credit expansion (units of credit being denominated as to monetary units possessing properties, defined and tacit). I did not go on from there to become a Goldwaterite, though I did read Buckley's 1959 Up From Liberalism and allow myself to be recruited into AIESEC while a first-semester frosh at AU-SIS. In partial support of Weiner, it can be noted that when I arrived at AU in August of 1963, cool jazz and toreador pants riding upon spike heels still dominated the night life of Georgetown; one could walk onto any floor of the State Department except the Seventh and, as an SIS student, speak with officials at any country desk, use the library of most any Embassy and think tank, pretty easily crash embassy parties and meet interesting people: Washington, D.C. was an open city. By the time I left in 1965, after the Sheraton-Park national teach-in, the city had already begun to shut its doors: they never reopened. When I returned to the ZI in 1968, to study photography at Long Beach State College, new-centurion LAPD had definitely become a four-letter word well outside of Watts. What Weiner describes is not a recent abrupt shift -- and proposed solutions that mistakenly assume it is will be of little value. In considering the nature of the corporation-become-corponation, Weiner, for instance, does not mention the notion of appropriate scale, let alone appropriate technology.
Wildly out of context quoting David Baldacci characters (nauseatingly True Blue, Hachette, 2009, p. 461):
In application of Kandinsky's internal necessity (which, 1T2-paradoxically, is established by collective unconscious event gradients). Ever since I began keeping a personal journal in junior high school, the primary purpose of my writing has been as an engine for learning, for self-edification. Indeed, it was at this time -- seventh grade, 1958, Ypsilanti High, grades 7-12, in Mr. Higgins' English class -- that I stopped publicly revealing what, and more particularly, how, I actually think -- for I had found the experience of doing so highly unrewarding. At an uncertain point in the history of POLOB-SRA, many intelligence analysts studying the Viet Cong political infrastructure began writing up only what was expected, not what they had actually learned. A decade before eye-movement reprogramming entered the literature on PTSD Rx modalities, I sent a paper to a psychology journal describing a self-treatment modality I had arrived at, involving what later became known as eye-movement reprogramming, a paper providing a theoretical model and accounts of much supportive material drawn from a wide range of medical literature, which I had researched at the National Library of Medicine and Georgetown University Medical School library. The paper was rejected for not conforming to the style guidelines of the APA, guidelines I was familiar with but chose not to follow because the style I had arrived at was in the form of the Rx modality being essayed upon. I wrote back to the journal editor and told him publication was a matter of indifference to me, as I already understood content of the paper. Even yet, so far as I know, there still is no real theoretical insight published as to the mechanisms of action of eye-movement reprogramming at Rx of PTSD. A similar juncture was reached by those involved in doing cascade-theory-oriented research on tornadogenesis. Many other personal examples could be mentioned. Nowadays, with the ever increasing surveillance and all the rest, I find that the gathering tendency to self-censor has reached a threshold where the intent to place material on the internet undermines fulfillment of my primary purpose at writing. Near as I can tell, with a mere handful of exceptions, only people with negative interest are interested in such ideas as I deal in well, not to mention computers searching for words and phrases data-based upon an ever-growing negative-interest listing (flash forward and see, for instance: REVEALED: hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying on you , Daniel Miller, The Daily Mail, 26 May 2012).You can't live your life trying to make people understand something they don't want to understand.
I'm not doing it for them. I'm doing it for me.
Canadian Robert Mundell's catholic criteria (see, for instance, the Wellesley lecture notes to Optimum Currency Areas, Akila Weerapana, 2004) -- mobility, openness, sharing, symmetry, self-similarity, dissipative dispersal -- for optimum currency areas (OCAs) are no such, and actually criteria only for 1T2-fiat currency unions under the unjustified, and mistaken, prior Texican assumption that the bigger the area the better, with the unstated vague psychosociopathic hope that, eventually, criteria for a left-brain, anti-empathetic, purified-identity, ego-analogue/virtue-of-selfishness, one-world, singly-logically-valued, vehicle/reserve currency can be found and met. For an insightful account of the gearing (100-to-1 in the case of French banks, it has elsewhere been reported) over the off-balance-sheet euro-fudge to meet fixed monotonic convergence criteria, see: The Europe Crisis from a European Perspective, Alasdair Macleod, Chris Martenson, 1 May 2012 (this article provides an excellent account of -- surprising to me, and very clarifying: the missing piece, so to speak -- hidden voluminous peripheral QEing facilitated by TARGET, which Macleod transcribes for the reader as: Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross-Settlement Express Transfer System, a kind of miniature Keynesian International Clearing Union [ICU], the euro being a mini-vehicular-bancor of sorts). As distinct from the fantasy sort, actual OCAs (i.e., monetary application of Painean limited spacetime domains) for diversely-backed µTm-valued vehicle currencies (i.e., application of Bohmian domain structures) are much smaller than geographies of nation-states and agglomerations thereof, however small or large. I am for e-commons-computer-gamed, m-scenarios, Lowean instrumental inference, Kiel School, planned currencies and economies at the hamlet, village, town, and small-city scale-levels only (i.e., application of a hypothesized maximum permissible distance for formation of coherently vibrating psycho-sexo-socio-politco-economic parcel ensembles by long-range phase-correlation, whatever the commo-and-IT regime employed, including remote-visiting teletouch, because BCS-virtuality/virtual-exchange is only one factor in the self-organized-criticality onset of coherence and involved super-states which, despite Heisenberg-permission and binary-logical complexity theory, cannot exist absent µTm-valuation); larger nesting-foam scale-levels, including those of mega-urban regions, will be found, I assert, inappropriately scaled for such multiple-scenarios planning of the stacking of indicator-tagged µTm-values upon LETS currencies base-states defined over fractal e-boundaries (the critical issue here -- and also with regard to the Lie derivatives of the boost group of Killing vectors [Coppock-curve killer-waves in bereavement-momentum space being a special case?] which assassinated Bretton Woods and likely the EMU, progenitors of both of these monetary systems having misassumed isometry -- is primarily with regard to the unit-of-account aspect, not the exchange-unit function of monies: see the astute analysis provided by scholars of the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at University of Munich, Target Loans, Current Account Balances and Capital Flows: The ECB's Rescue Facility, Hans-Werner Sinn and Timo Wallmershaeuser, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 17626, November of 2011, like Singh's and Stella's Money and Collateral paper on rehypothecation, linked above, this is a must-read brilliantly illustrating that Keynes' idea of 1T2-bancor + singly-logically-valued-clearing union would not then have worked, and will not now work; unfortunately, Sinn-Wallmershaeuser do not go into the actual/operative-but-unmarked µTm-valuation differences between inside and outside monies and functions of the unmarked): fine-grain tagging at these larger scale-levels will automatically constellate, given implementation of the requisite framework determining conditions, as quantum composites (Everett-vonHayek time-shape wave-functions) over the think globally, act locally planned smaller scales, the appropriate scales for human intervention with appropriate technologies. And the locally-gamed indicators to be currency-tagged at these scales? Gross LETS-OCA Product, with spending on institutionalized fraud, speculative gambling, redundant morbidly-obese conspicuous consumption, et cetera, stripped out of it; Real Personal Income Index; Composite Quality of Life Index; Nutritional Value of Food Index; Soil Quality Index, Ground Water Quality Index; Air Quality Index; Radiation Density Index; Population Density Index Not, alas, the Consumer Comfort Index. The super-states I speak of above are not those political or psychological, nor are they superdrugs or time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration superlooped plasmidic New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 superbacteria or other superbugs (see the especially enlightening article: Drug-Defying Germs From India Speed Post-Antibiotic Era, Jason Gale and Adi Narayan, Bloomberg, 8 May 2012). Integration by convergent divergences; identity-incorporation by skew-parallel distinctions; unity which demands diversities for its fulfillment; Cantorian-hologramic identity-transparency by part-to-whole/whole-to-part diagonalization µTm-time-shapes over. While I agree with Martin Wolf that the EMU was fashioned as an updated version (I would qualify this to a simulacra thereto) of the 19th-century gold standard, which failed, as apparently has the EMU, I, of course, disagree with Wolf's binary-logic reaction to Sinn-Wallmershaeuser's analysis as given in a Sinn talk to the Munich economic summit (see: Intolerable choices for the eurozone, The Financial Times, 31 May 2011), i.e., either further integration or dissolution. The fundamental reasons why euro-TARGET (and by implication Keynesian bancor-ICU) do/would not work? When making an economic-monetary analogue to the atmospheric cascade process by which imbalances are processed, or in analogue to the process by which frequencies -- nested cyclicities, e.g., Kondratieff waves unto Elliott waves (for insightful discussion of Kondratieff, see: Kondratieff wave theory: is it any use, Simon Wilson, Money Week, 8 June 2006) -- in the DNA frequency-response window are beaten down through a funnel to a natural fundamental, don't construct a mechanism, particularly a mechanism (which is, quoting Sinn-Wallmershaeuser, an accounting system hidden in remote corners of the balance sheets ) restricted to a single scale-level phase boundary, which employs 1T2-valued-only information-exchange units, disallows imaginary and hypercomplex phase transitions, and does not explicitly mark self-reflexive internal-system-state third-order-dynamic variables for µTm-valued processing. Which is to say that the market as currently conceived, forget about as currently exists, could not possibly self-organize at high levels of autopoietic competency. Consider the implied revisions to Gann analysis: m-valued prices under µTm-valued logics; operator-time autopoietically sets the m-values to a given price by Everett-vonHayek time-shape wave-function; skew-parallel, multiphasic Gann angles; not only Gann speed lines, but also acceleration lines and time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration lines arrayed in Tree-of-Life Lukasiewicz-logical Regge-lattices of Karpenko functors numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. It may be observed that, per Sinn-Wallmershaeuser's description, the m-laterality of the U.S. Fedwire Interdistrict Settlement Account payments system, payments once upon a time, but no longer, made in gold certificates -- as differing from the monotonic EMU-TARGET payments system -- to a small degree fulfills the m-valued property I prescribe -- but it must be noted that, while the U.S. system has yet to fail, it remains to be seen whether that condition continues the case as the prevailing global crisis further unfolds, driven, as it is in significant measure, by ever increasing infusions of quantum-based technology. As a personal note, I perhaps should state that I can read papers like those of Singh-Stella and Sinn-Wallmershaeuser only because I was at First Global Community College, Nong Khai, Thailand, pro bono for five years, the library of which then had thirty-seven volumes (beginning with the first such published) of IMF Working Papers (given to FGCC amongst a large gifting of discontinued holdings from the UC-Berkeley Library system) which I systematically struggled my way through, closely reading papers of interest, during my extended stay in that lovely Mekong riverside town. Again, I remind, I write in the form of the nesting-foam ideas discoursed upon.
John Aziz says, they take data, and use data to construct formal mathematical models of economic processes (see: The Pseudoscience of Economics, Azizonomics, 2 May 2012). It is my belief that never in the history of the world has any model ever been constructed by first acquiring data. A nearly new, preowned (read Timothy Watts' Grand Theft, Penguin, 2003) theory, conveyed using various means -- dreams, sudden bright-light states, distracted diffuse awareness of right-hemispheric-outputted lateral mind, msDD (memory stick dead drop: heh-heh-heh!), and so on -- largely mediated by the collective unconscious, is employed to design experiments, in one way or another involving object-system/observer-state apparatuses, to select data allowing reverse-engineering of a model in support of the collectively-preowned theory -- or the same process is put into motion to falsify a theory regarded anathema (O, for a SOW, sniper overwatch: heh-heh-heh!). Scientific papers are then written in cool, elegant, 1T2-only logically-accommodating schemata, as if the process were begun by an unleveraged taking of data. But the actual process, never written up, is the case because it is in the case: there always, at whatsoever scale-level partition chosen, being object-system/observer-state interaction at measurement in this self-referential, self-reentrant, reflexive, one-and-only, relative-state, participatory, time-shaped universe operating under µTm-valued logics such that selfsameness cannot exist as regards diagonalizable wholes/parts, by identity-transparency the only wholes/parts there is at being-in-the-world and/not-or and not-nor being-in-itself.
This I-am was physically sick and disoriented for several weeks after learning about what happened to Roxanna Brown. Only now, have I been able to tolerate the reading of material written about her death. She called on the phone Nha Trang and I in Cambodia several hours before leaving Bangkok for Seattle. She was in good spirits, no health complaints, no worries stated. Our discussion involved her research, the museum, people, some of whom I knew, in the Bang Na slum community she lived in, and in part supported out of her salary (she had maintained for twenty-five years, even while predominantly based in Chiang Mai, a house in this beside-the-tracks, unserviced, squatter settlement, a settlement eventually semi-serviced: one had to follow a long circuitous course of many turns, its own sort of Tin Pan Alley, back into the slum to find her house, Akha Jim and Teak Pete being the only other foreigners I know to have spent time there, these two dating back to the 1980s). I don't know what happened to her manuscript entitled The Looting of Tak, written during the early-1990s, which, while living in her household in Chiang Mai, I was asked to edit (she put me up for quite awhile, coming to my aid after a drug, rob, poison-to-kill, and 3-day-coma episode). This book was the result of years of patient work investigating the stealing of art/archeological artifacts and various associated frauds. To even suspect Roxanna of art fraud is well beyond the incongruous and into the utterly ludicrous (as noted by Mort Rosenblum in Roxanna Brown: How Can This Happen in America?, Huffington Post, 18 July 2008). Anyone really interested should be aware that Roxanna's career was moving into prominence once AGAIN. Yes, again. Then ask why, during the late-'70s, negotiations of the terms of reference for an important job at the Freer Gallery fell apart such that she was, essentially, blackballed for the next twenty years. Could that have been because she refused to authenticate pieces she knew to be fakes held by several major venues? Ask who was it, really, who transformed Arts in Asia into an academically significant publication. The story behind the story -- and the personal conflicts involved. Roxanna never complained -- and rarely talked about herself. One had to spend a great deal of time with her to hear details of her personal history, which came out only by dribs and drabs following many laugh-offs to repeated questions. So many she knew were killed, talking in details of the war was very painful. Who was this woman? Surely not an Anna Louise Strong or Agnes Smedley of her generation, but perhaps She was portrayed in Soldier of Fortune by Capt. War as an utterly fearless gun-toting freelancer. I was with her at the lunch in L.A. when she berated a retired Capt. War for having misrepresented her as carrying a sidearm in Viet Nam, something she said she would never have done, it being a major breach of ethics (her degree from Columbia was in philosophy, not from the Journalism School) for a journalist-noncombatant to do so. She shared a shophouse with Sean Flynn and Dana Stone in Saigon on Huynh Thuc Khang a block off Nguyen Hue (across the road from which being where Nha Trang and I located the terrorist attack described in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, factoring in Roxanna's tales of the local street scene). And, in just like Flynn, she choppered into remote combat areas with Special Forces -- only, in the case of Roxanna, SF was often flying her in to make pottery digs. It really is quite a distortion to say that Roxanna received a Master's degree from the University of Singapore. This was the British educational system, wherein, like in some other systems, one cannot be granted a degree higher than that of one's preceptor. She was studying under an old man (analogical enneagram for Thoroux-Bogdanovich Saint Jack of the Flowers), the world's leading authority, who had received his degree long before, a degree roughly equivalent to an American Master's. She was -- in the midst of war, periodically under fire being the way she supported her research -- doing groundbreaking work on 16th- and 17th-century Vietnamese trade ceramics. But she could not be given a degree higher than a Master's. If her 1977, Oxford U. Press book is merely a Master's thesis, I'll be confounded (it was once argued to me by a political historian that she had to be put through the mill at UCLA because she hadn't earlier done enough course work in history to justify a Ph.D. -- there being no Ph.D. in Ceramics, only in Art History). Like Flynn, she did the circuit: Vientiane, Beirut, Phnom Penh. In 1970, she was the Phnom Penh office manager, for Newsweek, was it? , when Stone and Flynn took off on motorbikes along Route 1. She was also close to the Fuji TV photographers, Yujiro Tagaki and Akira Kusaka, who were detained at the same checkpoint as were Stone and Flynn. She once recounted the discussions which transpired as to whether or not to take such a hazardous trip. Sean, y'know, Son of Captain Blood. While others made abrupt departures and left many behind, Roxanna stayed in Saigon for a fair period after the 30-April-'75 fall. A family was there she had become deeply attached to, some of the members of which were sick, others in distress -- and with whom she maintained contact over the subsequent decades. She never told me that's why she had stayed on, of course. I figured it out for myself. That sort of thing was just her way.
Yep, see, just like I been sayin' ever since, well, really, AIESEC in 1963: either chastity-belt protective nationalization or the compensatory abreaction of lurid openness (see: EU trade chief warns of imminent action against Argentina, AFP, 8 May 2012) are the only two choices allowed by Kierkegaardian Either/Or as essayed by Climacus in Diary of THE Seducer. And this is only the last section of Part One! When Augustinian-right-brained high quality sex is made illegal by Thomistic-left-brained DSM proscriptions, e.g., defining generative empathy (the forensic psychiatry term for µTm-valued quantum relative-state identity-transparency) as psychopathological symptom, and, moreover, designating, by clear implication, fully-potent orgasm as necessarily involving blackout in a psychological-vortex analogue to rippling-walled tornado, which is to impose the tacit notion that fullness of love is sick, can there be any surprise that recourse is taken to greater quantity of psychologically-unengaged infrasex, fetish, pornography, so on? Wall Street and Madison Avenue coupled to the military-industrial-academic complex have destroyed quality wherever it may have existed. Jung-Pauli synchronicity mediated by the collective unconscious: a vote of 55-0 (see: Argentina OKs transgender rights: ID changes, sex-change operations, and hormone therapy, AP as reprinted by The Washington Post, 10 May 2012) and the EU warning? Of course, with µTm-valued LETS nesting foams defined (remember that Argentineans, as the Greeks are doing now, tried local currencies until IMF impositions quenched them) over band-pass fractal-drum (female symbolic connotations) e-boundaries, there would be an authentic middle path, a real third way, however extremely less traveled that route has heretofore been. To what deep-structure degree is transgendering (along with other forms of bodymod) itself a collective compensatory abreaction to forced-draft deanimisticization by suppression of Everettian relative-state identity-transparency in normative Lebenswelt of nation-states institutionalizing Baconian-Cartesian-Newtonian principles, in part involving 1T2-type-only national vehicle currencies? Surface-structure-wise, we must ask: What war in the post-CrimeanWar-period (i.e., post-Holy Alliance phobia-over/obsession-with the Eastern Question) has not significantly involved conflict concerning depleting resources (see, for instance: Oil Grab in Falkland Islands Seen Tripling U.K. Reserves, Brian Swint, Bloomberg, 20 January 2012)?
If growth-impelled human economy is carcinogenic, then humans are cancer cells and human systems are tumors encroaching upon healthy tissues of nature by introjections to Umwelts of the unwarranted existential claim to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identity and derivative notions that relative-state of nature permits existence of genuinely-private properties wholly ownable by deployment of 1T2-logically-valued monies. The relative-state qua identity-transparency qua entanglement Alain Aspect calcium-cascade experiments (1982, with related experiments spanning the period 1972 until today) in respect to Bell's Theorem (1964) inequalities regarding quantum-nonlocality/factual-indefiniteness completely invalidated such Umwelt introjections, insofar as a classical limit cannot be sustained in face of mounting evidence to the contrary. My thesis involves the assertion that among those physicists who could not successfully psychologically integrate Bell-Aspect were those who turned their talents toward the world of finance, where, by cognitive osmosis, and, occasionally, more directly, they facilitated creation (late-'60s through mid-'80s) of pass-through, pay-through, and stripped bundles bundled and rebundled in rehypothecation daisy chains of securitization eventually handled in great quantity of derivatives by evergreen-ponzi-arbitraging SIVs. This framework, to me, is psychological expression of converted-displaced/regressed-projected fiber-bundle arithmetics sans the internal dimensions of skew-parallels underlying the factual indefiniteness psychologically unintegrable by the physicists who turned talent to finance. Bundling mortgage loans according to similar interest rates, selling an MBS based upon the involved loan-bundle, slicing the MBS according to risk categories (tranches) and rebundling into risk-tiered (think: internal dimension of the nesting Devil's Staircase) CDO/CDS derivative notionals Rates, risk -- not localized geographies of the real estates involved. Bundles not bundled by spatial proximality criteria, but by classes nonlocal in nature. This quantum nonlocality, not acknowledged or even explicitly recognized as such, was structuralized into another private (think: the FED) quasi-public, robo-signing, standing-in-for entity, in this case a FaceBookless database impersonation for bundle-twisted and fuzzed-over imputed-owners, a database called MERS (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems). This database, to me, is psychological expression of converted-displaced/regressed-projected need (created by ever increasing ingestion of µTm-logically-valued quantum-based technologies, which glutamate-etched people generally find psychologically unintegrable) for nesting-foams of Bohmian domain-structures mapped over fractal e-boundaries, i.e., referencing by spatial proximality criteria and their intercalated fuzzings unto factual indefiniteness (which F. S. C. Northrop, in 1946, designated, without insight to µTm-valued logics, the indeterminate aesthetic continuum: see his book The Meeting of East and West, Macmillan: financial derivatives, in my view, are refusals to allow West to meet East, and, nowadays, Westernized New East to meet traditional East, the psychological states associated with which most educated Easterners have no direct experience of). Implementation of m-logically-valued LETS, IMHO, could go far to straighten out -- using the 180-degrees inappropriate pedestrian figurative -- the MERS-derivatives mess (employment of some Cantorian-fractal analogue to Buddhological sacred space [ma] -- for an exceeding useful account, download free Tongchai Winichakul's Siam Mapped, U. of Hawaii, 1997 -- being a full-fledged functional prerequisite to such straightening out). One can easily imagine as integral to this implementation, Michael Sauvante's local action plan for Stopping Foreclosures (Main Street Matters, National Commonwealth Group), summarized by Ellen Brown in her article entitled Occupy the Neighborhood: How Counties Can Use Land Banks and Eminent Domain, Web of Debt, 12 January 2012. Quoting Brown:
funds could be had by establishing a public bank that serves more functions than just those of a land bank. In a series titled A Solution to the Foreclosure Crisis, Michael Sauvante of the National Commonwealth Group suggests that properties obtained by eminent domain can be used as part of the capital base for a chartered, publicly-owned bank, on the model of the state-owned Bank of North Dakota. The county could deposit its revenues into this bank and use its capital and deposits to generate credit, as all chartered banks are empowered to do. This credit could then be used not just to finance property redevelopment but for other county needs, again on the model of the Bank of North Dakota.
Here, Brown has carried her public banking advocacy to the county scale-level. I believe public banks should have nested mandates, beginning at the hamlet/village and town levels (this was explicit in our attempt, soon after collapse of the U.S.S.R., to move a multiple-scenarios strategic planning process in Cesky Krumlov, C.R., along to creation of a local development stock fund initially financed with publicly-owned properties, into formulation of local indicators, and thence toward implementation of a LETS currency). I, obviously, also believe such banks could/should be issuers of m-logically-valued LETS. I am not, however, inclined to advocate a universal model, the incentive question over public-versus-private being one involved issue. I believe the best case is a multiplicity of forms, each locally determined according to e-commons computer-gamed m-scenarios-strategized Musculpted alternative-futures local needs and preferences (the corollary to this being: given the choice, I personally would choose an amoral system over immoral politicians attempting to legislate morality). Believe, believe, believe likely of absolutely no consequence whatsoever: it's not economics or politics that is the problem, nor is the real clash of civilizations internal to the tripartite Fertile-Crescent Religion; it is still the Western culture klatch unable to socially assimilate and psychologically integrate what its own science has discovered: overwhelming verification of traditional Eastern animistic identity-transparency. This conundrum arose largely in relation to translation of the Great Books of the East into European languages, a project completed by the mid-19th century, and the profound effect exposure to those translations had on the history of Western sciences and Western arts.
Mark-to-model cultivation of econometric kef is merely the financial equivalent to physicists acting/believing as if there were a high correlation between world and world-picture (see, for instance, the VDO entitled New Discovery About the Fabric of Spacetime, NASA, where, by the world-picture-illustrative imagery and verbal analogues chosen [consider the discussion of Feynman and Gibbs, regarding bubble-wrap, provided above], a particle-perspective-type instrument is clearly preferred over a wave-perspective-type instrument, and the tacit assumption is made that state during propagation is isomorphic with state at measurement, and that propagation is in rather than of spacetime, insofar as time is not regarded an authentic topological operator) -- when the measurement problem is actually exceedingly complicated and indubitably involves Koch-curve-mapped m-valued variables processed by µTm-valued logics under a horology of operator-time order-types. With this statement, I do not verbigerate or engage in internal-object-focused cognitive morphophilia, though one corollary is certainly the pathetic fallacy (i.e., pejorative dysdesignation as to the logical properties of animistic relative-state identity-transparency) taken m-decursions over (that is, as regards involutory decomposition, not recursive generation). If you feel It's de telegraaf, stupid! then you would be wrong. Information transmission is merely an Ephesian-Stoic rheological, dialectical-monism dualistic, 1T2-Herclitus doxa-way of speaking about the iatromantic Eleatic what-is, i.e., µTm-Parmenides relative-state identity transparency. E{very}thing 1T2-is [noth}ing but changes = [no}thing µTm-ever changes. Gk 1T2-choros = Gk µTm-states. Eadem mutata resurgo: though changed, I arise the same. As described in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, and as illustrated on the tympanum (moon) of that bronze drum rubbed at Museum Pusat Jakarta, decompose an infinitely dense equilateral-triangular meshwork over an m-sheeted Riemann surface universal covering, numbering branch points with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, and All That Is decomposed into motion by Christmas-tree effect is all ways and always already there on the most-dense sheet, i.e., the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space). Think: transcendental e and logarithmic spiral. Think tornado; think acoustic analogue to blackhole computer; think Milky Way. Think order-types in Laws of Form; think Brownian crosses and counter-crosses. Heee<<<>>>eeere's even pre-Socratic Greeks, such Greeks of whatsoever school, were set against Magna Mater, and thus dissembled animistic µTm-Logos. Karl Stern's The Flight From Woman (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1965) is useful here. And just to illustrate that this Gk flight is still anthropogenically alive and well, we quote the first two sentences from the Abstract to: Identity confusion, bisexuality, and flight from the mother, Clinical Psychology Review, R. C. Lane and W. B. Goeltz, 18:3, April 1998, pp. 259-72):
This paper deals with the effects of an oral-sadistic annihilating mother on her male and female offspring. The all-powerful nature of these mothers, and the corresponding helplessness of the fathers, produce in their offspring a sense of identity confusion, a struggle with their bisexuality, and a need to distance themselves from their mother.
This assessment is shared, I am certain, by juridical thriller-writing evil-punishers utilizing noms de plume as homologare objurgatus homonyms for our -- coercive our -- great nation-state and its 1T2-egoic vehicle-propagator-transmissor, the FED currency.
The locality-specific property of LETS currencies; the fractal-drum band-pass properties of nesting foams of such currencies mapped on fractal e-boundaries; the use-prescriptions and use-proscriptions established by µTm-value stacking upon LETS currencies employed as domain structures; the IDing of LETS currency units as elements of Karpenko functors Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered into an MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) reserve domain: each of these framework determining conditions of Lukasiewiczian e-money would militate against the ease of criminal use to which the Bitcoin payment system currently appears subject (see: FBI Fears Bitcoin's Popularity with Criminals, Kim Zetter, Wired, 9 May 2012).
Though, as regards the regulation of stupidity (see: Can Banking Regulation Prevent Stupidity?, John Aziz, Azizonomics, 13 May 2012), I agree with Aziz as far as he goes (remove the moral hazard), I think that for a full reset to be authentically effective there must be a change in the logical properties of money itself. And this is unlikely to transpire so long as prevails Madison Avenue and the mainstream media's Scopolamine/hyocine in-your-face black-psyche.
Another interesting thing with respect to µTm-gone-missing has to do with the recent USD 2-billion JPMorgan hedging losses relative to leveraged tranche trades over stacked risk profiles: quoting Zero Hedge (see: Irony 101 Or How The Fed Blew Up JPMorgan's 'Hedge' In 22 Tweets, 14 May 2012):
most [VaR -- Value at Risk, a portion/amplitude/percent of a probability distribution -- models] assume correlations to be relatively stable (not a dynamic variable -- which is critical to the pricing of many credit instruments).
VaR: colloquially, the amount of the value put which is construed to be at risk -- which, tacitly, is to conceive value as a single (i.e., single-valued, the 1 of 2 available in 1T2) continuous ordinal, line or surface, superposing an area or a volume on some graph-sculpture (theater beneath this skirt; hemline index; lipstick effect -- public and private), howsoever parameterized, so long as there is a single ordinate and a single abscissa, or the sculpture is molded in x,y,z-space. Santa Fe Institute complexity-theory models of self-organized criticality employ nk fitness landscapes (surfaces) in lieu of simple probability distributions (lines), where the k parameter designates correlations. Probability of the onset of chaos is seen to increase as the value of k increases, so the implicit derivative design criterion vis-à-vis human systems management is: keep low the value of k -- which is to say, design a system such that one can assume correlations to be relatively stable (no doubt this criterion was tacitly employed in the design of financial derivatives, such that the bundling of bundles did not properly incorporate fiber-bundle arithmetics and their geometrodynamic skew-parallel Clifford-Bennett paratactics). Be aware that the quantum-based technologies forcing innovation of a quadrillion-and-more-and-growing (see: Top Derivatives Expert Estimates Size of the Global Derivatives Market at $1,200 Trillion Dollars 20 Times Larger Than The Global Economy, Washington's Blog, 18 May 2012) in psychologically-regressed financial derivatives is beyond doubt the biggest problem the prevailing global economy faces. Generally unstated -- and this echoes the regression and, moreover, its growing size -- is the fact that such SFI fitness landscapes actually are those 2nk, the 2 denoting order of logical-value employed, i.e., the 2 available of the 1T2-order-type only. This means that the value-type at risk of the onset of chaotic system behaviors, and consequent loses, is Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean-binary only (and this is reflected in framework determining conditions of our monetary system, where all currencies and their instrumental surrogates employed are 1T2-logically valued). Whereas, in The actual World case, not the world-picture case, the risk profiles modeled for levered tranche trading, actually -- if invisibly to glutamate-etched/sweetened binary mind -- by Bohm implicate ordering, enfold Mnk articulations on an articulation landscape, the M denoting order-type(s) of logical-value employed, i.e., one or more of the Lukasiewiczian collection, µTm. In the actual case (even if point-in-time or over-an-interval only is employed, not an active operator-time notion), as the value of k increases, systemic Everettian relative-state identity-transparency increases and the time-dimensions slash horizons (velocities going to accelerations going to time rates of change of accelerations of monies and/or their financial-instrument slash derivative surrogates) of the involved k correlations (related to the time factors of risk trance, uh, uh, tranche, profiling-pricing) must be ever more closely monitored if risk assessment is not to fall into a NeverNeverLand sans a TinkerBell dusting of physical-region singularities upon which the map of quantum potential for autopoiesis can congeal and morph, à al Riemann-surface-type manifolds like those employed in M Theory, if only M Theory would embrace Lukasiewicz. It should be noted that the above use of the word horizons is not only accurate with regard to risk tranching, but also with due respect given to Husserliana (there being µTm-logical Husserlian-horizons to any given Piaget-constant physical object, not only those Husserlian-horizons due to the infinite number of spatial positions from which one may view the given object -- Panopticon prison-society being conversion-disorder collective compensatory abreaction to popular rejection of the implicitely-µTm-valued reductive-phenomenological account of object-world object-constitutioning). Approximately 15 years ago, I wrote the Office of George Soros about this and offered to help develop a model. I would have provided this service for a lot less than USD 2-billion (which I would have used to initiate attempts to fulfill prerequisites to implementation of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams). He was not interested, of course, because his interpretation of self-referential propositions to market reflexivity is based upon an unknowability hypothesis (extension of Popperian fallibilism) which precludes and proscribes Lukasiewiczian understandings, after the fashion of the Born probability-amplitude misinterpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function. Looking at the fashion in which good ideas have been falsified, it is easy to speculate that the best ideas have always been lost, never became part of the historical record. In every age, I imagine, there are people the human species really can't find a way to use -- and goes to considerable lengths to conceal that fact. By way of illustration: just by virtue of the fact that the given element is mentioned in the novel makes it a part of the storyline. Is this no-extraneous-material convention an incidental, or is it a principle of the world-picture which the accepted generic form of art fiction analogically models upon the world (models upon instead of being modeled upon indicating presence of stereopticon projective-identification)? Principle, surely -- and related to the single line of syllogistic march dictated by exclusive reliance upon 1T2-valued logic alone, a reliance not embedded in The World, only in the world-picture generated by brain-sweetening, glutamate-etching, and the quenching (at quantum level) of intermolecular electron-transport processes. What would happen to Sorosian market reflexivity if market participants necessarily used µTm-valued logics by virtue of employing nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS currencies defined over fractal e-boundaries? Whadda I 'ave against Hollywood magical irrealism, flatscreen TV, iPod, FaceBooked cloudwalking via MoSoSo? IPOs to privatize funding of public electronic-highway robbery of personal data? Not only such nearly so much. It's the form of the content, stupid! Financiers, it appears, no less than musicians, artists, and literary critics, have a tendency not to get into the physics deeply enough to develop a critical appreciation -- hence, strongly gravitate toward development of analogical models solely on the basis of an embrace of consensus interpretations. Whole lotta perps ta prosecute here, stickin' ta proximal causers, beginnin' with Max Born and proceedin' on to The JPMorgan losses are supporting evidence for the Lukasiewicz interpretation of Schrödinger: no tongue-in-cheek intended. Moreover, those loses strongly impel us toward implementation of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams. Commenter WhiteNight123129 made an astute observation:
those tail risk and modeling hedges are circular, in other words, they are not objectively verifiable, and hence it is the belief that they work that make the tail risk and other hedging seemingly efficient. However this depends on other people view on whether or not it will work and behave. So while they look objective because of the mathematical allure those are almost entirely behavioral. It is the behavior of the central bank which changed the reality. So everyone is thinking he (she) is a price taker of observable reality, while in reality, it is the collective action of people using those models which drives the price, so the cause and the effect are totarily [sic] blurred. Is it the reality of price which is driving the need to hedge, or is it the behavior of hedging which is driving the price, the dog and its tail back and forth Useless waste of time.
This is recognition of what Soros calls market reflexivity based upon self-referential propositions. And WhiteNight's last judgment is to concur with the Sorosian unknowability hypothesis. But µTm-valued Lukasiewicz-logic order-types are those of self-referential propositions, so what is unknowable to 1T2-valued-only ratiocinating mind may not be unknowable to other sorts of minds -- and, therefore, not actually a waste of memetime. In the case of JPMorgan, USD 2-billion might have been saved. More generally, autopoiesis is an m-valued function of other people view under µTm-valued orders of processing, i.e., relative-state identity-transparency, which connotes a high value of the k parameter and no Ebisu-onset of chaos if and only if the framework determining conditions incorporate µTm-orders of valuation. To state this in an inflammatory fashion: a headless keiretsu for the Yamato brain is not the headless horseman with a magic hand keiretsu for the Yank brain. Headless combine, i.e., a quantum-composite relative-state transparent-identity, based upon the age-old primitive/animistic Shinto cosmogenetic notion of an empty center singularity-attractor (acoustic analogue to black hole computer) about which holomorphic autopoietic processes congeal decision-free spontaneous order. The perspective argued here: keiretsu should not be employed as a corporate structure; rather, it should be used as the form of the monetary system.
Along with Kandinsky, I would argue that those general laws of humanity, espoused by Thucydides (see the must be read by everyone today quotation lifted from History of the Peloponnesian War and posted by an unnamed blogger to The Needle, in The Wisdom of Thucydides, 9 May 2012), are not laws legislated, but those spontaneous inclinations decreed by the internal necessities established by relative-state identity-transparency cognitively processed by conscious access to µTm-valued synaesthesia (an animistic access obviously largely lost -- lost as a normative function in the West -- long before memetimes of Thucydides). And let it be registered that Collingwood and Popper decisively directed post-WWII historiography away from Greek substantialism in general and the psychological-history exemplar of that substantialism, Thucydides.
And once again the Great Exemplar demonstrates its tactical organizational genius for strategic failure (see:40 Fed Agencies Man Secret Command Center Outside Chicago, Infowars, 18 May 2012: And you WILL have fun!). How long before Global Phoenix is domesticated? During the general timeframe of the Tet-'68 offensive on Saigon there was almost that number of USGVNFWMAF (U.S., Government of Vietnam, Free World Military Assistance Forces) intelligence agencies alone operating in Saigon (I know, for I personally made a major discovery effort, and kept an ever lengthening list) and working at cross purposes, though there was command coordination (and soon to be a single-manager system) and an ostensible common purpose supposedly overriding diverse hidden agendas. How many unified commands there were around the city, I was never able adequately to catalog. And many major U.S. municipalities had in Saigon ad hoc committees to advise and support the GVN Saigon Metropolitan Area authorities (not to mention the presence, earlier, of a USAID-funded, Athens-based, Greek planning firm, Doxiades, Inc., to formulate the comprehensive urban development plan) -- ad hoc committees being the most lethal disease vectors to efficacy in a Napoleonic bureaucracy, which was the administrative tradition the Annamese and Cochinchinese had been coercively inducted upon and habituated to by the divide-to-rule French colons. Before the French: The Emperor's mandate stops at the village gate! Oh, how many ways the Yanks followed the Frogs: inculcate a centralized system so as to more easily undermine functionality by structuralizing algorithmic disruptions (separation of powers of fratricidal brothers so as to redirect their natural -- homicide genes -- inclination to patricide). Humanity has been acutely aware of the corpus of larger, i.e., strategic, problems associated with the prevailing global crisis since the late-1960s, early-1970s: read, for instance, World Watch Institute publications of the period, articles in The Futurist, and so on -- yet, what of strategic significance has been done over the half-century since then? IMHO, nil. Which, to me, is a clear-channel readout on what will be done during the next half of a century.
Here we have yet one more great illustration of the inability to engage in multiscaled analysis (see: The Face of Genocidal Eco-Fascism, John Aziz, Azizonomics, 18 May 2012). Quoting the article:
he [the genocidal eco-fascist] seems to have no real admiration or even concept of nature as a self-sustaining, self-organising mechanism, or faith that nature will be able to overcome whatever humanity throws at it. Nor does he seem to have any appreciation for the concept that humans are a product of and part of nature; if nature did not want us doing what we do nature would never have produced us.
Nature is here regarded as single-scaled: on what scale-level of nature will nature be able to overcome whatever humanity throws at it? On the continental scale, the planetary scale, the solar-system scale, the galactic scale? As regards there being no observable relation between the short-term growth of world population and the increase of CO2 concentrations (see the paper linked by the first commenter, anandi61), we can put about as much faith in the proper methods of detrending as can be placed in renormalization by rescaling (used, for instance, in atmospheric science, to remove acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes from forecast models). Heh-heh-heh! Decomposition of a time series to trend ensemble nest is based upon the notion that the distortion or obscuration engaged in by some integral feature is incidental to the mechanism of action -- when it is only incidental to the mechanism of meaning (Arakawa + Gins) preprocessed, thus establishing the frequency response window of the brain engaged in regression analysis. This is especially the case if the variables involved are m-valued under µTm-valued logics operating by means of temporal curl (which I believe to be the case in every case, not just the case of all cases including itself). Quoting dmeko notes (GEOS, 585A, Spring 2011): Detrending is often applied to remove a feature thought to distort or obscure the relationships of interest. On an Mnk articulation landscape, there are no such features.
This detrending to remove features which are thought to distort or obscure the relationships of interest is the protoschizotypic kneejerk response; never ever anywhere is an intelligent attempt to resolve the real issues made (see: Italy deploys 20,000 to protect sensitive targets, AP as reprinted to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, 17 May 2012). In 1968, assigned as the Saigon-BienHoa desk at SRA/MACV-J2, responsible to know more than anyone else about the underground VC political infrastructure in that geographical area, I made predictions about Europe, over Western omelets at breakfasts in the ground floor snack bar at Pentagon East, predictions very relevant today: most generally, If the ColdWar balance of power in Europe is dismantled without creation of a viable post-Newtonian political-economic framework, there will again be general war in Europe. How did such a statement appear in discussions between intelligence personnel in Saigon during early-1968 -- discussions concerning assessment of the import of the Tet-'68 offensive? I argued that the most fundamental reason the U.S. would lose in Viet Nam was because it had no concept of politico-economic organization to bring to the table sufficiently relevant to be adapted to the real needs of the average Vietnamese. This statement was, of course, vigorously contested: democracy and capitalism and so on. I argued that those philosophies-systems emerged during the 17th and 18th centuries, largely as political and economic analogues of Newtonian physics, and that, by the 1870s, physical and metaphysical justifications for these Newtonian analogues were severely deteriorated, only to be completely sundered by the early-20th century. How, then, could there possibly be sufficient adaptivity left to wring out some relevance here in Viet Nam? The idea that there is a necessary connection between Newtonian physics and the theoretical bases of democracy and capitalism was vigorously contested. The person I was talking with was a brilliant statistician, indeed, a genius, as his coworkers frequently proclaimed, THE person knowing more about the numbers than ANY other analyst (and the person with whom Sam Adams had failed to adequately contend with regard to the detrending of the enemy strength estimate, a detrending which could involve a lot of complex mathematics) -- which he had proved over and over for several years. I hooted and howled about him being one-a-dem stationarities what's committed ta smoothing spline, probly ee'an ta The Newtonian Nudging Approach (foundation for the positive-feedback theory of escalation control options -- to which a suborned Everett put his skills -- over a continuum of force, 1T2-paradoxically exhibiting leverage points upon which rules of engagement may be changed: let it be noted that the exercise of escalation control options on the Devil's Staircase of percolation theory, in hope of detrending, has informed Helicopter Ben's money printing strategy), and made the prediction about a post-ColdWar-balance-of-power Europe. Right now, today, 20 May 2012, that I which my other-I-am-be calls Cassandra holds by that prediction. And there is currently a trending toward perspectives underlying my prediction (see, for instance: The Seeds of the EU's Crisis Were Sown 60 Years Ago, Clive Crook, Bloomberg, 24 May 2012: the comments are especially interesting, particularly the provision of this link) -- though I argue the deeper seeds were dibbled during the 1820s with Abel's Impossibility Theorem: same issues over and over, generation after generation, never resolved because willfully never understood.
Unknown global trends are problems frequently addressed with detrending algorithms. An excellent example is provided by Kwang Eun Jang, et al., in Wavelet minimum description length detrending for near-infrared spectroscopy, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 14:3, May/June 2009. Quoting the Abstract:
Recently, the general linear model (GLM), which is a standard method for functional MRI (fMRI) analysis, has been employed for quantitative analysis of NIRS [near-infrared spectroscopy] data. However, the GLM often fails in NIRS when there exists an unknown global trend due to breathing, cardiac, vasomotion, or other experimental errors. We propose a wavelet minimum description length (Wavelet-MDL) detrending algorithm to overcome this problem. Specifically, the wavelet transform is applied to decompose NIRS measurements into global trends, hemodynamic signals, and uncorrelated noise components at distinct scales.
Observe that the decomposition involute is to single-valued wavelets processed under 1T2-valued-logic alone, not to m-valued superposed quantum-composites processed under µTm-valued logics. This is a special case (detrending algo involving a scaling function with low-pass/high-pass filtering, a scaling function in principle similar to that employed by Charney, addressed below) of a more general issue identified by Charles Hugh Smith. But concurrence with Smith should go only so far as goes the current consensus bag of tricks (see: Feedback, Unintended Consequences and Global Markets, Of Two Minds, 21 May 2012). Quoting the article:
All models of non-linear complex systems are crude because they attempt to model millions of interactions with a handful of variables [bold in original]. When it comes to global weather or global markets, our ability to predict non-linear complex systems with what amounts to mathematical tricks (algorithms, etc.) is proscribed by the fundamental limits of the tricks.
Be aware that the DOA-contracted, University of Maryland, Laboratory for Computational Cultural Dynamics Temporal-Probabilistic Rule System civil-strife forecast model employs, as mentioned above, 770 spatially-abductive single-valued political and social indicators from which non-monotonic-reasoning but 1T2-valued algos can learn predictive rules so as to recommend policies for a Digital International Government. Why, since 1900, has there been the attempt to model millions of interactions with a handful of variables? By the end of the 19th century Max Planck had demonstrated that prediction does not require a detailing of the spatial field; what is needed is description of an elemental oscillator. That was one of the biggest breaks between the Cartesian-Newtonian world-picture and the quantum-relativity world-picture. Weltanschauungskrieg (the one thing that all worldview constructs I've had awareness of have in common is the mistaken tacit assumption that reality is selfsame, and hence that there can be only one correct Weltanschauung, mine: move on from 1T2 to µTm and enter a post-paradigmatic Weltbild!). But there was inadequate follow through (time continued to be handled as a reference frame; most of the variables employed remained single-valued; the tacitly-held notion of the identity of elements remained simple; the logic employed continued to be 1T2-only), and that is why crude spatial modeling attempts have continued to predominate. Notice that even in the most avant-garde of current economic applications of Planck's insight, things are not gotten quite right (see: Step Aside Business Cycle: Presenting the Business Swirl, Zero Hedge, 17 May 2012). This posting has to do with GS's GLI (global leading indicator: for background and listing of the 14 components of the indicator, view Why the World Economy Needs Another Global Leading Indicator, CEO Confidential, June 2002). Quoting the Zero Hedge article:
This is how Goldman Sachs describes what is a compelling view of the dynamics of macro acceleration-and-deceleration and expansion-and-contraction [bold in original] and how these separate phases of their so-called swirlogram can be mapped into asset class performance.
While accelerations/decelerations map intersystemic interactions (e.g., partitioned by asset classes), and this is better than looking only at velocity changes, which map intrasystemic flows (e.g., scaled-out by band-pass detrending), time rates of change of accelerations/decelerations are also required, if nonorientable market reflexivities/reentries are to be taken into account (the tilt -- consider graph geometries -- involved in going from velocity to acceleration to time rate of change of acceleration, with advent of third-order dynamics, brings about reentry in Klein-bottle fashion: the swirl swirled!). I might add that the dynamics of something are supraordinate to that something, i.e., the dynamics of macro acceleration-and-deceleration are in time rates of change of accelerations/decelerations. Frequency domains, frequency response windows characteristics of LSTDs (limited spacetime domains): not for filtrations, for subroutine initializations. At least that's what nature does! Moreover, as regards time differentiation (first differencing, higher orders of differencing) and the taking of anti-derivatives: these are not cascade and reverse cascade, because of -- under the third-order operator -- the repeated twists into/out-of imaginary and hypercomplex domains altogether free of linear-time reference. Strip away mere memetime and where does that leave physics-utilities of Newton's fluxions -- and the more complex calculi built thereupon? People just can't read material on this, not because it is difficult, as is self-deceptively asserted, but because it is psychologically threatening. Is it at all surprising that principles of tornadogenesis should apply to a swirlogram (two-dimensional -- acceleration on growth -- Hilbert phase-space broken into 4 quadrants by employment of 1T2-valued positive/negative-logic only, just as is done in Stanford Research Institute's multiple scenarios strategic planning methodology)? Quoting at some length from our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh (Vol. 1, pp. 718-19):
The general solution to a highly non-linear partial differential equation is an infinite set of curves. Imposition of boundary conditions selects out one particular curve which can be identified through methods of approximation. But what is the difference between this process of arriving at one of an infinite number of curves and what the quantum physicists call spontaneous localization? In the quantum case, one of a multiplicity of values associated with the Schrödinger wave equation is isolated due to certain conditions of observation being imposed. The problems ultimately associated with Schrödinger's equation started, not with Planck's paper on the quantum of action, but with Newton's fluxions which codified the absolute distinctness of objects. 20th-century conflict between the British and the Germans was prefigured in the argument between Newton and Leibnitz over the calculus, over monads. The imposition of boundary conditions is the definition of the system under consideration as having simple-identity -- selfsameness -- and simultaneously the drawing of a distinction between the physical world-picture and the physical world. The subsequent history of physics was simply the working out of the implications of this metaphysical point of view -- so well expressed by John Locke. It is to him that we most owe a debt for sensitive dependence on initial conditions [initial is boundary insofar as time is taken to be referential, rather than operational]. Anything that threatened the absolutely separate identity of the object system simply had to be PATHOLOGICAL! But this working out reached a crisis in Schrödinger's equation. Why? Because the limit used in the calculus is relative to the scaling of the domain structure (or set) being studied: the limit is not an absolute concept, but a relative one. Moreover, explosive expansion of the correlation length in critical phase transitions destroys simple-identity. Length, too, is a relative concept: skew spatial relations insure that. Quantum and relativity physics are everywhere! Eventually -- rather than approximating to a definite solution corresponding to imposed boundary conditions or, in quantum physics, collapsing to a single branch of the wave function -- it will be possible to manipulate the whole infinite set of curves and thereby directly map the multiply-connected scale interactions of any complex subsystem-system-supersystem composite. The integrated solutions will be sculptured forms, not simple curves or world-lines.
Musculpt as mathematical notation is a functional prerequisite. Indeed, the atmosphere itself Musculpts in many ways, to include with changing infrasound signatures of topologically transforming theta-e surfaces. Richardson's primitive equation set, and derivative partial differential equation sets, shifted meteorology from graphical to numerical methods lending themselves to computation by 1T2-valued computers. Full-blown Musculpt will employ µTm-valued computers to shift from numerical to synaesthetic-sculptural methods. Charney's renormalization-filtering-rescaling-detrending helped postpone this latter shift by banishing sound waves from forecast models in 1948; gravity waves, in 1955. Continuing with the above quotation from our novel (pp. 719-20):
What did Charney do to get rid of sound waves? He engaged in a little spontaneous localization. Richardson's PE set is not scale specific. Charney focused the set on large scale motions and thereby suppressed the spacetime scales at which acoustic wave frequencies propagate But what was actually filtered out of view? Acoustically modified gravity waves. The mixed state; the superposition; the read on the connection between density and limiting values of controlling variables. Infrasound. The compressible physics. Oh, no. Here we go again. That old problem with compressible and incompressible that Maxwell stumbled over. What is happening here? For the lack of the concept of limited spacetime domains things are not being properly sorted out. We need the assistance of the demon again. It is not the disturbance itself that is propagating at the speed of sound, but that the changing signature of the atmospheric mass dynamic is propagated as infrasound. The incompressible rotational wave gets trapped! A vanishingly small portion of the pressure perturbation disappears from view -- in the ever watchful eyes of standard meteorological instrumentation -- when the incompressible rotational wave begins to break. Kinetic energy and vorticity are concentrated within ever decreasing spatial and temporal dimensions -- and simply run out of flat Newtonian absolute space and time. Turbulence or so it seems to the observer embedded in the system. But the wave space began as incompressible! What happens when limiting values are reached? A PATHOLOGICAL (HEAVENLY?) twist takes place and the continuing dynamic is propagated vertically as an irrotational compressible wave: infrasound. Coherency arises out of turbulence! But this can only be seen in the absence of filtering. It is this process of trapping and twisting (axes of rotation) that the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations maps, not the hydrodynamic motion fields themselves. This is a process intimately involved with tornadogenesis which indicates the presence of changes of spacetime curvature: formation of creases, for instance. The Maxwellian analogue does not describe these curvature changes, of course; that requires twistors!
This is the macroscopic view. What about the microphysics -- the level of air parcel trajectories, et cetera? We know that the air parcels helix their way into the heart of the storm environment. But in either case -- micro- or macroscopic -- is it really necessary to detail the hydrothermodynamic field, spatially, in order to predict what will happen? No it isn't. Max Planck taught us that. His insight allowed him to avoid a finely structured description of electromagnetic phenomena. He arrived at a statement that describes how an elemental harmonic oscillator is excited and damped by changes of the stability of its environment. In the atmosphere, each upward propagating volley of acoustically modified gravity waves, upon reaching the stratosphere, releases a plume of negatively buoyant potential vorticity. This is the formation of a discrete packet of cyclonic angular momentum (another PATHOLOGICAL-HEAVENLY twist [through imaginary and hypercomplex numerical domains] -- this time from compressible to incompressible). The packet, after penetrating the tropopause boundary, is fully capable of influencing tropospheric dynamics as it cascades to smaller and smaller scales of motion. Can we follow Planck's lead in giving a description of this?
Yes we can -- and that description is provided in our paper of 1978, entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere. For clarity, I should mention that temporal curl, the topological action of operator-time, functions in a role analogous to Maxwell's demon, who makes possible the 100% efficiency of the imaginary (and hypercomplex?) twist between electric and magnetic field components. This perfect efficiency is a fact of the matter. Maxwell thought that the responsible agency must be demonic; we think it must be angelic. I can also note that for a decade and more I've been scouring the internet for statements (not the words and phrases used by CI algos) +/- relevant to the theses posted on my websites -- and Of Two Minds is one of the few places where I've found such relevancies.
It's fairly easy to ascertain whether-or-not -- heh-heh-heh! -- a person has cognitive capacity beyond binary-mind. Look at life history. Throughout my life, I've frequently been said to have no discipline, the actual meaning of this exhortatory accusation being: unwillingness to reduce things to the terms of 1T2-logic alone; to follow the line of 1T2-accommodation; to initiate what, by 1T2-initial conditions, requires initiation; to not prematurely terminate at what 1T2-boundary conditions determine to be no boundary. Ah, yes, peregrinations over the µTm-valued -- which the binary-mind must, for preservation of egoic selfhood, regard as pyrrhonism (and which all those Peircean-fallibilist, Impericus Sexus among us disparage as disgustingly [meaning: anal stage] Germanic -- surely, not that of the Cartesian variety -- phenomenological epoché, which, I note, doesn't extend so far as to question memetime as a given, i.e., that non-evident proposition deemed, by consensus, evident; the relation of ataraxia to high indifference and Upekkha, at ketaminergic inner separation from glutamatergic roof-brain chatter in close approach to Nirvana, being neglected). Similar life-history assessments (requiring the non-evident to be handled as if evident) could be made of leadership groups, even national corpi. Say, for instance, the Swiss, who are presently considering the issuing of a gold-backed currency (see: Swiss Parliament Examines 'Gold Franc' Currency Today, GoldCore, 22 May 2012). Combating the amnesiac properties of monetary zombie-dust/methadone in hopes of avoiding cannibalistic spinoff of QEing bath salts? In midst of an omni-transforming, criticality-type, planetary phase-transition, people and peoples apply their cognitive capacities to covering their own, not in the seeking of actual general solutions. I have never seriously entertained the idea that there could be a massive human die-off, but I have often thought there likely will be a massive human kill-off (to include by disease vectors, whether intentionally deployed or by accumulation of human errors and collective misbehaviors). Whereas 40 years ago one could sense a direction of collective human movement from the general cognitive atmosphere (by feeling-into) and identify a few concrete examples (e.g., the mass arrests, incarcerations, and disappearances in Indonesia, Chile, Argentina), today a welter of concrete preparations (for one example, see: Groups Concerned Over Arming of Domestic Drones, CBSDC, 23 May 2012) accompanies the continuing drift of prefigurations manifest in the general cognitive atmosphere. And, clearly, when it comes -- as it will, the current crop of indications having become utterly overwhelming -- it will be, not only orders of magnitude worst than earlier cases (to include the many holocausts of his story), but also different in kind: RFIDing all humans at birth by chip implant (until the reading of coherently radiating DNA fingerprints/wave-signatures at a distance becomes commonplace) such that they can be continuously drone-surveilled and -- 1T2-CodeWriters Transnational being our Impericus Sexus of these latterdays -- behaviorally-parsed/genetically-triaged by computer algos, and, when the algo-determined need arises, automatically drone-targeted by Global Phoenix. Nowadays a frequently voiced sentiment: The country I live in is not the one of my birth (James Lee Burke, Swan Peak, Phoenix, 2008, p. 35). As regards utterly overwhelming indications, see, for a few examples: Pentagon Wants a Social Media Propaganda Machine, Adam Rawnsley, Wired Danger Room, 15 July 2011; and One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: DARPA Plots Manhunt Master Controller, Adam Rawnsley, Ibid, 31 May 2011; and NATO's Newest Bombing Tool: Twitter, Spencer Ackerman, Ibid, 10 June 2011; and "Low-Tech Solutions To High-Tech Tyranny", Brandon Smith, Alt-Market, 24 May 2012. All this just to keep µTm-valued logics, and their monetary units, at bay! Count blessings: in an atmosphere like this, unlike during the Napoleonic era, there certainly will be no tax placed upon windows to fund intentions and extensions of GWOT.
The fractional-backing principle behind the gold cover clause idea is interesting (see: Gold Cover Clause Guidance, Jim Willie, GoldSeek, 9 May 2012): commodity-basket backing for currencies, where the only commodity-backing percentile in the basket is relative to gold, the backing-range suggested by Willie being 5-10 percent. Under m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, each local currency (local here meaning localized somewhere in the nest by currency-defining properties being mapped upon fractal e-boundaries) would be backed by some locally-chosen commodity or a basket thereof -- and, were the choice made to make this the case, would the system work better at 100% backing or at changing percentiles of backing? If changing percentiles, what would the corpus of variables (determined uniquely within each locality) incorporated into the change algo be (these changes being Algo-matically automatic -- not committee mandated -- under the algo consensuated by Musculpted m-scenarios strategic planning, ongoing computer-gamed in flat-participatory fashion on the e-commons)? One variable certainly would be the percentage locally-permitted to banks for fractional-reserve lending: likely an inverse functional relationship between these two percentages. Concerning the contention that using only gold will be found counter-productive, as dynamics of the global crisis continue to unfold, more and more people, IMHO, will discover that the nutritional value they receive from eating gold is limited, and that the energy return upon the burning of gold is not very high (if confiscations of gold do not forestall the reaching of such realizations). Parenthetically, in regards to doubts raised about Musculpt: I have long protested the notion that languages must be speakable in order to be languages, and have, furthermore, protested dolphins and apes being taught Human, rather than humans learning Dolphin and Ape. Indeed, I believe humans will not successfully exteriorize, as µTm-logical mathematical notation, inner Musculpt absent learning Dolphin and Ape in the process of doing so. The more elaborate the material culture, the more puerile the non-material culture in respect to cosmic embeddedness: except outside fuzzy life-death boundary values, comfort is not an objective measureable.
Ah-ha! Uh-oh If people only had a little by way of introspective competency, they would at least be able to trace back into Pandora's Box (the personal unconscious), in seeking the collective unconscious origins of their ideas -- and thus become capable of improving upon those ideas. The Polish-logics basis of the Faustian-Germanic, Goethe-Wedekind Erdgeist is clearly a primal-woman/AlbanBergian real Lulu, a monster tragedy whereupon London's Jack-the-Ripper finally kills the primal form, i.e., woman, the arch-animist (premiered circa 1937: yes, I studied serialist dodecaphonic music composition at George Mason University), AND the origin of Merkel's call for formation of special economic zones (see: Berlin Proposes Special Economic Zones, Der Spiegel, 25 May 2012) in the EMU periphery -- given that such economic boxes would be a 5% step ( a good 5-cent cigar) in the direction of implementing Lukasiewiczian LETS defined over fractal e-boundaries. Remember: Merkel long was a working quantum physicist/chemist -- working in a context where the probability-amplitude interpretation was Born as the Witch Bull of the 20th century (physics prefiguration of decoherent-individuation of profit + debt mutualization: see, for instance, Spain faces 'total emergency' as fear grips markets, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 30 May 2012: if bank chiefs, even, can't get the difference between [neg}positive and [pos}negative feedbacks, which requires doublethink capability, how could they multithink comprehend µTm-market reflexivities requiring the simultaneous holding of m-mutually-contradictory beliefs and the voluntary non-simple identity dissociation that entails?). Why is the German mind (more generally: European mind) unable to significantly introspect with regard to this general area of ratiocination? How many Pollocks does it take to change a light bulb? Three: one to hold the bulb, and two to turn the ladder. Disparagement of Lukasiewiczian 3-valued logic. Where do Polish jokes come from? World War Two. Part of the subliminal reason Hitler and Stalin dealt so extremely with the Polish people was collective revulsion for implications -- heh-heh-heh! -- of µTm-valued logics: their anarchistic Pointillistic, diagonalizing Cubistic, Rite of Spring, Surrealistic Dadaism. Ugh! Makes my stomach turn. The new Weltanschauung (which the avant-garde, from the 1850s, à la The Great Books of the East, prepared the way to functionally integrate) was rejected from the gut by the European mainstream, leading to conversion-disorder displacement by projective-identification at collective transference -- and, since polymorphous perverse Weimar Berlin, and the avant-garde Germanic mind at large, had done more than any other to prepare the way for authentic-conscious integration, when civilization-wide back-reaction upon the metric of the far-from-equilibrium phase transition set in with a vengeance, it was the Germanic mind that most thoroughly engaged in compensatory abreaction, one aspect of that German-created electro-shock-therapy-facilitated psychopathological fulmination being the Nazi-inspired (see, for an account of the surface-structure storyline complementing the deep-structure picture suggested hereabove: The Nazis and Fascists Who Founded the EU , Julia Goren, 3 September 2011: this piece contains useful information, despite whatever else may be said about the writings of Goren) move to forcefully inculcate European economic integration in lieu of (i.e., by conversion-displacement) an all-aspects-of-culture functional integration of the math-science-discovery-forced new Weltanschauung. And this, by now -- by globalization, by internet, by GWOT, by -- panhuman, double-binded, cognitively-dissonant, and, hence, autoimmunologic, functional-disintegration condition is more virulent today than ever before. The only way: larger-scale unification (or disintegration) :: ever more intensely identified with 1T2-valued ratiocination: Damn those Poles! For one of myriad examples in current application of the Kierkegaardian Either/Or, see linked articles in: 'ECB will be Insolvent and Costs May Exceed 1 Trillion Euros' Says IIF Director , Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 25 May 2012. Charles Dallora, the Director of the Institute of International Finance, says: The only way . When the right way is to stay in EMU and internally implement nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS defined over fractal e-boundaries (a move already spontaneously initiated from below, but sure to be squelched -- quenched is the word in quantum biochemistry -- from above). Many of the reverse-cascade Devil's-Staircase-problems of GreXit, for instance, described by TF Market Advisors (linked by Zero Hedge), see Europe Fighting the Wrong Battles Again with Dangerous Consequences, Peter Tchir, 26 May 2012, could be mollified by implementation of Lukasiewiczian LETS. Incidentally, I am not for NATO taking on the role of the Union Army in quelling secessionists so as to insure authentic federation; I am not for Germany leaving the EU; I am not even for dissolution of the EMU. Not so strangely, his advocacy being so strongly in the Newtonian tradition, Niall Ferguson's call for (see the CBC VDO interview: Are The Europeans About To Start The Second Half Of The Great Depression?, Zero Hedge, 26 May 2012) full-fledged federation of Europe neglects the likelihood that such a centralizing/further-blocing-of-the-world would facilitate transit of what he has called The War of the World on into space-based/robotic Planetary War One -- but, as he says, That is not the issue right now If there is a polarization of the population corpus, a large quotient of internal conflict to dissipate, how is depolarization-dissipation generally accomplished? By cultivation of hysterical obsession with threat posed by very existence of The Other -- that Other being the clearest existential confirmation of one's ontologically-false claim to simple selfsameness and absolute distinction? Ask those across the Atlantic, as the U.S. has pretty much become an expert on that question. When you are damned if you do and damned if you don't, the right thing to do is to move onto µTm-valued logics and the systems such logics permit. And why do you think Kurt Gödel didn't realize that during the early-1930s? Because his Anima -- and, hence, animistic identity-transparency, that Shanghai Express -- was so completely in projection upon palindromic mirror-arpeggio (Lulu goes in; out comes uluL: Tang-style poetry read Through the Looking-Glass framed of self-referential Lukasiewiczian propositions!), the basic tone-row of the characteristic argument turning itself back upon, all the whilst it involutes cells and tropes Gödel-numbered? Ah, and is that not the way of Flesh and the Devil? Ask the female Jungians of the period. Ask Marlene Dietrich. Ask Greta Garbo. Ask Gödel's wife. Current Diagnosis and Treatment -- yeah, right. If, as Niall Ferguson has argued, Greece is not the cause, but a symptom, then I say the European currency, banking, and financial crisis is also not the cause, but a symptom -- and no mere symptomatic treatment will lead to a cure.
Superficially, there is much room for optimism: the holocausts of the 20th century were small compared to, say, that promulgated in the post-Columbian Americas. And severity (particularly so, given global-population difference between now and then) of the dispersed processes involved in economic development today pale by comparison to those locally concentrated by which, say, the U.S. got its economic leg up: holocaust; religiously-forced population relocation; colonialism; large-scale slavery-based agriculture; racially-based concentration reservations, rural and urban; wars for Lebensraum; economically-forced immigration; nature rape; industrialization of agriculture; mega-urbanization; inhumane systematization of human industry; spoils of regional and world wars. But the most major no-change leaves little room for optimism: physical size and one-off non-renewable resource base of planet Earth -- along with available grid lengths and time steps -- have not changed in direct proportion to human population growth over the last several millennia. This circumstance, which is not recent though recently become critical, has never been a technological problem requiring technical-innovation solutions; it has always been a human-factors problem, an Everyman problem with secondary spin-offs not primarily due to the bad-guy elite, for the small in number elite-culpable have never had any power independent of their many, many not-too-smart and frequently brutal supportive paladins. Presently, we climb the cusp surface and hallucinate the wave-break in the spume haze, but cannot localize the break temporally or spatially -- nor can we actually, à la Victor P. Starr's timely The Hydrodynamic Analogy to E=mc2 (Tellus, 9:1, 1959), fully imagine that wave-break's properties. The day after writing the above-given portion of this entry, I run across Paul van Winkle's statement -- The over-population problem has no technical solution -- in a comment relative to the technical-solution-oriented interview discussion between Michael Klare, author of The Race for What's Left (Metropolitan, 2012), and Diane Toomey of Yale Environment 360, entitled Global Scarcity: Scramble for Dwindling Natural Resources, 23 May 2012. And one can see that validity of Winkle's statement is all the more the case when one looks at the totally-trivial/utterly-destructive, i.e., hugely dissipating, uses to which much of the new tech is being put. Certainly not to create synaesthetic Musculpt! -- as µTm-maths notation for the myriad-m orders of [no}self-identical 1T2-nonesuch numbers and their null intervals, null angles, skew-polyhedrons, skew-polytopes so essential to full accounting of animistic Everett-relative object-system/observer-state identity-transparency at quantum measurement. Lords-High-Everything-Else have seen to that! Current employments of html + tag-cloud clearly reveal an obsessive preference for trivial pursuits: no attempt to, say, fine-grain tag indicators to µTm-values of currencies HREF-linked to fractal e-boundaries, in lieu of psychologically-regressed derivative bundles (and the back-reaction upon the metric is again Volcker Rule either/or preference-function proscription -- watered-down Glass-Steagall -- when 1T2-rule regulation needs to be altogether superseded by µTm-cloud computed framework determining conditions). Which cognitive century and what fantasy island do our prevailing SystemMakers hail from? Pooh-bahs among us, O Cosmic Mikado! Renewed experiential-theoretical insight to nothing needs to supplant obsession with the GUTs of everything. While I do not in any way wish to scorn technological innovation, it is outright creation in the various human-factors realms which will determine the degree to which the human species survives the multidimensional crisis which is upon us. Channeling youthful enthusiasm into seeking technical solutions to a problem made all the worse the more technical solutions are found, is not an edifying proposition. 1963-5, aged 18 to 20, channeling my youthful enthusiasm, I was much in and out of Senate and HR offices, embassy economic-attaché offices of, primarily, Latin American countries, C-Street cubicles of country desk-officers, Washington offices of NGO foundations, so on and so forth -- as a stringer for Prominent Senator, Mr. Secretary, and AIESEC -- whilst being a live-in baby-sitter/quasi-family-member to Leading Georgetown Family, and part of the nexus of AU-SIS student live-ins at domiciles of the directors of this Department, that Bank, this and that Board and Agency, so-on-and-so-forth Pooh-bahs spanning much of the Upper Reaches. Ask SL and MM! No place like home to find out what's what! SIS was my second (military-brat rumor mill being my first: anything, absolutely anything, reflecting upon moral stature of one's origins was circulated and discussed, ad nauseum -- my personal existential guilt being far greater than that of my peers, just try to imagine the stigma, for having been first-born to a bomber pilot on Flag Day of 1945) experience of underground apparat (no SoundCloud, no dx]\]\sk\\\\log). My higher education qua enculturation, indeed, my utter future was totally assured. If I, to my own assessment, was something of an exceeder at that time (always off studying what I thought important, not what they told me I had to study), who amongst my peers had a pre-college background so elaborate as my own? But, in the end, that end involving The Horsey School and Mrs. Robinson, concrete details always being paramount, I walked -- walked on the road to find out because two years of intimate exposure was enough to convince me that adumbrations of no world I wished to see manifest was to be found here in this ambient. Where was something better to be found?
In making his call for European federation, one issue Niall Ferguson doesn't address -- in the discussions he provides which I've seen-heard-read -- is: what kind of federation? An excellent and entertaining discussion of this issue is drawn by David McWilliams in his VDO entitled Punk Economics 4: Irish Referendum Preview, reposted to Zero Hedge under the title Will The European Union Destroy Itself Just To Save the Euro?, 18 May 2012. McWilliams explains why he thinks Germany wants a German-style Federal Republic of Europe and not an American-style United States of Europe. I, of course, think that both federal-scheme possibilities were DOA as viable organizational concepts with the appearance of Abel's Impossibility Theorem of 1826 -- but that lack of conceptual viability did not prevent a utilitarian-pragmatic American attempt via a civil war, a Marxist-Leninist Russian attempt in immediate [after}math of WWI, the hard-utopian/monism Nazi/state-Shinto attempts of the 1930s and '40s, and may not prevent a soft-utopian/non-monotonic attempt these days, an attempt strongly suggested in one theme of the many variations on epidemic gold machinations become pandemic on The Many Yellow Brick Roads (read the appendix entitled An antimonopolist reading of L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, in Goldbugs and Greenbacks, Gretchen Ritter, Cambridge U. Press, 1997). While hyperinflation a decade earlier set the stage, deflation and loan addiction and the attempt to stay with the gold standard, as David McWilliams points out (see: The fiscal treaty will only make things worse, Irish Independent, 30 May 2012), brought Hitler into power. Why has there been no, repeat no, human progress on this issue in the past 200 years? Stone-cold silent insolence of the ego function standing before Abelian transcendental functions, their Cantorian sets, their Lukasiewiczian logics, and their non-simply-identifiable m-valued Schrödinger wave-functions. Find an excellent discussion and an interesting table at: Germany Has A Generous Proposal To The Broke PIIGS: 'Cash For Gold', Zero Hedge, 29 May 2012 (follow the link path to negative bailout and negative salaries, which do not evoke for me Gesellian negative-interest Freigeld + free land). This proposal of a European Redemption Pact being kind of a quasi-religious reverse Versailles Treaty. Part and parcel of what may become a global gold confiscation scheme? An assessment of the heart clearly embraced by the Wizards of OOz: For what is the heart but a spring?: thus sprach Thomas Hobbes in preface to LVIThN, the matter, the forme, and the power. What was 1T2-Aristotelian(Organon)-Baconian(Novum Organum) reasonable in 1651 (Lord Bacon: The Guiding Spirit In Colonization Scheme: early NewFoundLand stamp) is nowise µTm-quantum-based-technology reasonable today. Along with Zero Hedge, I say, Hooray! to David Santschi of TrimTabs for saying, People need to stop expecting simple solutions (see the VDO interview conducted by Charles Biderman: Santschi Talks Euro's Lies and Delusions, 30 May 2012), but I would say that expecting Santschi's solution -- the loses have to be recognized honestly -- and the investors need to take the loses on that bad debt -- to be an actual solution is still a case of expecting simple solutions. Beyond honest loss-taking, there must be authentic fundamental systemic framework-determining-conditions transforms implemented, such as change of the logical-value order-type properties of money qua money. Nowadays, Leviathan of Night Sea Journey has myriad kilbits to fear, prompting emergence of Surveillance Megastate Digital International Government, and each of us staring into Hellmouth should be looking closely at the properties of Behemoth, and not be debunking-dismissing the appearance of Ziz.
Though I resonate with the spirit of this O2Ms posting (see: 'Big-Idea Solution': Radically Lower the Cost Basis of the Entire Economy, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 30 May 2012), I strongly regurgitate and projectile expectorate the letter. Quoting the article: Nature is complex, but it operates according to a set of relatively simple rules. This has been the most destructive notion embraced by mankind in the post-Renaissance era. The orders of infinity in logical-value order-types, and number types permitted thereby, belie Occam's Razor and a simple-rule-set of natural laws. Moreover, quantum-relativity physics has long been dissembled so as to unduly persist simple-identity in face of massive evidence suggesting µTm-valued non-simpleness of natural subsystem-system-supersystem composites.
Why people believe gold is more than a mid-term hedge, I can't imagine. When there is so much as a 1:358 cash reserve to total asset banking-system ratio, say, in the Canadian system (see: A Privatized Money Supply, Basic Income citing the Bank of Canada Review for figures: the money created at loan and electronically deposited in account at multiple bank credit expansion is counted amongst deposits held by banks in meeting reserve requirement) and on top of that an average per European bank 25x leverage ratio to equity (see: The Real Banking Crisis, Part II, Eric Sprott and David Baker, Sprott Asset Management LP, May 2012) and for the top five U.S. banks a 45x ratio (see: JPMorgan Case puts Volcker Rule and SIFIs back in the spotlight, Patricia Lee, Reuters, 23 May 2012) and on top of that an unlimited collateral rehypothecation percentage-ratio in the UK, most rehypothecation and cross-rehypothecation moving through The City (see: Rehypothecation should be banned -- or at least capped, Peter J. R. Morgan, Mindful Money, 6 February 2012) and on top of that a 1200% total-derivatives to global-GDP relation (see: The End Game: 2012 And 2013 Will Usher In The End , Zero Hedge posting Raoul Pal of Global Macro Investor, 31 May 2012), it is hard to imagine how people can imagine a disintegration of the existing system at the Minsky Moment of debt service not met by productive capacity whereupon private holding of gold is a capital crime would not be instituted in various domains as a defense mechanism enjoined by the system as it goes into incendiary collapse.
Whoa! George Soros has been on this planet almost a century and it appears he has yet to hear of Max Planck, the quantum measurement occasion, Gödel, Lukasiewicz, outcome of Aspect's Bell-inequality test experiment, and so very much more (see: Remarks at the Festival of Economics, Trento Italy, GeorgeSoros, 2 June 2012). Instead of going from analogical models upon Newtonian physics to analogical models upon quantum-relativity physics, posit an unknowability hypothesis on basis of a sophomoric understanding of self-reference such that a classical limit-reliant two-cultures-bifurcation between nature and society can be concretized into framework determining conditions of money, banking, finance and so on and so forth. When this particular 1T2-bifurcation is etiologically fundamental to the pathology Soros proposes to redress by its deployment and elaboration! That's Sorosian reflexivity for you.
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