µTm Scenarios, T18(M)
Given that extra-systemic factors (those outside the purview of economics; those supraordinate and subordinate to scale levels upon which currencies are defined -- those currencies, that is, in which 1T2-logically-valued prices are denominated) and externalities, e.g., corruption, rampantly impinge upon processes yielding market outcomes, how could even totally-free, perfectly-efficient 1T2-logical market-wyverns conceivably prevent pyramiding misallocation? The allocations that would be accomplished by µTm-logically-valued markets (where extra-systemic/externality is/are indefinable by virtue of the nonorientabilities incumbent upon the Cantorian fractality, reflexive reentry, and relative-state identity-transparency associated with third-order dynamics µTmly-codified: think decompositional devolutory Abfall-localization-decoherence simultaneous with spontaneous fusion-Aufhebung where functional specificity is not lost to functional integration) would, undoubtedly, be deemed a perfidious form of redistribution achieved by market interventions (see, for use of these terms: The Seeds For An Even Bigger Crisis Have Been Sown, Ronald Stoeferle interviewed by Lars Schall, Gold Switzerland, 11 July 2012), the act of tagging indicators to m-logical values stacked upon base-states of given LETS currencies being understood by binary mind as market interventions (market interventions by agents of the state being, in actuality, attempts at renormalization-filtering of non-orientable third-order dynamics). Simultaneous, no less! -- you say? Wud fellow, what, short, lite, and loathsome! -- you say? Withering because wuthering! -- you say? But why would anyone want totally-free, perfectly-efficient markets which, by defining properties of their logical constitution, can have only a low level of self-organizational competency, in that they cannot self-organize impinging extra-systemic/externalities become factors of production/consumption? Consider that defining properties of operator-time logically precede the cognitive possibility of defining 1T2-memetime -- and that this is glossematically explicit: logic-like if-then; time-like then; more/less space-like than. Notice the intimate connection thus linguistically recorded between logic and time. Separating out µTmly superposed Husserlian/Cubistic horizons upon object constitution over hyletic data -- requiring cultivation of Magoroh Maruyama's polyocular vision (see: Peripheral Vision: Polyocular Vision or Subunderstanding?, Magoroh Maruyama, Organization Studies, 25:3, March 2004, pp. 467-80) -- is one prerequisite to identification of the autopoietic operators determining permissible flight paths over the various types of catastrophic cusps, e.g., buckling theta-e surface, (each type, devolving from dynamical evolutes of operated-upon m-valued universal physical constants, occurring at one or another stage of tornadogenesis, as portrayed in Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of complex- and hypercomplex-numbered angular momentum exchange processes). Fixing the object (Find'em, fix'em and finish'em!) temporally and spatially has become a paranoiac obsession: New software uses smartphone camera for spying, Shaun Waterman, The Washington Times, 2 October 2012. And flashing forward, don't forget to EyeTribe your e-book (see: Danes develop eye-control software for phones, tablets, France24 posting of AFP piece, 24 October 2012). See how intelligently unSmartMarkets vector techno development! Flashing further forward, see: Court OKs warrantless use of hidden surveillance cameras, Declan McCullagh, Cnet, 30 October 2012. Let it be more widely known that Hugh Everett, III, attempted to address the deeper aspects of these issues during the early-1960s, but he wasn't very good (in my judgment due to psychological consequents of Wheeler having subjected his relative-state formulation to the vonNeumann formalism at behests of Bohr: whether this observation is liked or not is inconsequential, for it is what happened, leading to the cuspover in Everett's final-version of his paper where the vonNeumann perspective was introduced with statement of the premise -- in gross violation of the Luneburg properties of binocular visual space and Piaget's findings in regards to appearance of object constancy to mind of the child undergoing glutamatergic cognitive development -- that physical objects always appear to us to have definite positions ) at applying his basic idea of relative-state to other areas of research. To wit: his work relative to escalation control options (so very effective when applied to Viet Nam war, eh!) and models of allocative processes (see his paper entitled: Generalized Lagrange Multiplier Method for Solving Problems of Optimum Allocation of Resources, Operations Research, 11, May/June 1963, pp. 399-417). One approach to optimality criteria and preference functions. Heh-heh-heh! Optimization by satisfaction of applied constraints is actually a type of renormalization-filtration: not hardly a tagging of indicators to m-logical values stacked upon base-states of given LETS currencies. Lagrangian relaxation, stationary points, extremization of functions by finding their maxima and minima, quasi-Newtonian line search: all very 1T2, very distributed middle (itself a metafiltration). Not hardly µTmly relative-state! Not hardly what is required to detail vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, the relative-state formulation preliminary to any possible Optimum Allocation of Resources, planet Earth. Not hardly how the Lagrangian is used in cascade modeling of tornadogenesis! I was a military brat like Everett: takes one to know one. When I presented him with an account of Everett relative-state applied to modeling of autogenic brain discharge phenomena (considering that: cross-scale hexagonal nesting-foam architectonics of the cortex, no less than phased-array radar tiling patterns in their many techno-application incarnations, results from intergenerational glutamatergic projective-exteriorization, by collective transference at mass conversion-disorder displacement, of the parquetry µTmly flooring -- i.e., Aufhebung: link contains interesting Hegelian reflections relevant to identity-transparency and M-theoretic Musculpt manifold -- the base-state of Tzog-chen) and what this implies about the transition made -- in his July-1957 relative-state formulation paper -- to use of the vonNeumann formalism, he was unable to assimilate.
Answers, answers, and more answers! she pniffed. Forget about them all: what's important is to unceasingly question the questions asked. Hmmm. Could've been what I thought, couldn't it have been? A ga-dang shame, not to have done. Aflatoxin infiltrating the mind? The most interesting American lives of my generation, it seems to me, have had no public qua celebrity dimension, indeed, have assiduously resisted that pathogenic latent: Roxanna Brown being one exemplary case. There are several other American women I could mention in this regard, as well as a number of men. Though, for such people, literature and film have been influences, these media have not been found particularly instructive. I've always thought a Greater Than Great Depression would come only after PW1 and that, Post Cuspover -- the contemporary film equivalent to Chaplin's 1936 Modern Times -- depicting human life among the BotSwarms, could not be produced until well into the period of whatever is found to be Greater Than Great (for one present-day prefiguration beyond mind-controlled drones, see: Professor: Drones Will Soon Be Able To Kill During War Without Human Assistance, CBSDC, 1 October 2012). Once, when I asked Roxanne if Agnes Smedley had in any way been a role model, she laughed and said, No. But if you ask me about Forest Gump? Well This, from a Columbia University Philosophy Department graduate (Columbia, having been the setting for Emil Post's work, being a foremost locus in the U.S. for the study of fuzzy logic) who had absolutely no problem at all understanding the meaning of the term µTm-valued relative-state identity-transparency. Much of contemporary fiction is not only compliant with -- and profits from that compliance -- the governing collective psychosis, but, along with film, also stokes the mass mind-bend/mass-mind bend. Quoting, illustratively, James Lee Burke (The Neon Rain, 1987, pages 110 and 132 and 168):
Most cops couldn't think their way out of a paper bag. They think categorically about virtually every situation
I reflected upon the ambiguous importance of the past in our lives. In order to free ourselves from it, I thought, we treat it as a decaying memory. At the same time, it's the only measure of identity we have. There is no mystery to the self; we are what we do and where we have been. So we resurrect the past constantly, erect monuments to it, and keep it alive in order to remember who we are
No psychological complexities, no sociological mysteries.
Not only, in my judgment, glutamatergically-etched cops; also glutamatergically-etched double-digit-midget military, medical doctors, lawyers, normal-science worker bees, soft physicists and hard sociologists, and perhaps most unfortunately, theorists of monetary systems and financial instruments. I do not see this as a product of actions taken by the parasitic 1%. The beliefs cultivated by the average professional of whatever profession, beliefs setting terms of the Weltanschauung embraced by the mass of non-professionals. Education that is only tertiarily education: primarily, test of compliance to demands of prescriptive enculturation, i.e., insurance that glutamatergic neuronal etching has taken; secondarily, entrance hazing with regard to prospective career. What is currently being done to U.S. education (see, for instance: Texas schools punish students who refuse to be tracked with microchips, RT News, 9 October 2012) is merely a techno-update on what was done to Japanese education after publication of the March 1937 Ministry of Education publication entitled Kokutai no Hongi. Destroyed the nation and Destroyed the euro project hardly seem adequate denotations as to outcome of post-Renaissance 1T2-Rationalism, not to mention outcome of the dysinformative systems-science embraced by merchant-conquistador geoengineers-terraformers-megastructurers (assuredly no geomancers/chronomancers of yore: see, for instance, the case of a 1T2-software engineer turned geoengineer Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People, Cassandra Anderson, MORPHcity, 2 October 2012; and flash forward to see Sky City: 220 Story Building in 90 Days, Jesus Diaz, Gizmodo, 20 November 2012: a prefab building housing over 30,000 people, as smart an allocation of resources as are spectator-team sports as they currently exist, as they are presently socialized, capitalized, pseudo-militarized) and vonNeumann control freaks (just imagine a weather-manipulation advocate like John von Neumann presuming to tell us how to understand the quantum mechanics of self-organizing processes! and, even though he died five months before the paper was published, how to interpret Everett's µTmly relative-state -- for one take on consequences, see, The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: 'Owning the Weather' for Military Use, Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 28 September 2012): Destroyers of the human prospect is a more accurate namesake. Given that the U.N. attempted to act on this 35 years ago, it's a good bet that public knowledge of it is a quarter-century behind the prevailing technological state of the art, and that it has been connected to political events over the last several decades in ways that are wholly unsuspected. For how many decades have ICBM-deliverable nukes been yesterday's technology? And is this a subprogram of Star Wars or is Star Wars a subprogram of this? How does Earth back-channel brief-back messages to her Sun? By the divine law hidden in the magnetic ropes connecting substorming upper atmosphere of Earth directly to her Sun? Themis hardly seems appropriate here, let alone Artemis. Before turning Transformers loose to Rome Plow the planet, please become informed about topodynamics of theta-e surfaces, COMPLEX angular momentum exchange at solar-terrestrial interactions, cascade dynamics at COMPLEX angular momentum exchange between limited spacetime domains within Earth's quantum-relativistic atmosphere, what topological operators there are thereupon, and thus and so. Same-same before concluding anthropogenic global warming is a hoax. Just because people don't understand what they recognize doesn't mean it doesn't exist. When people believe they are one NSF grant away from understanding some Final Secret (of, say, atmospheric processes), you can be sure the paradigm they employ is bankrupt. Oops! Dairs dat word ageen! And, flashing forward to 18 October 2012 (see: Is geography behind sea-ice paradox?, Michael Richardson, The Japan Times online), one just must, must one not, wonder whether or not the decades of anthropogenic northern hemisphere atmospheric electron-temperature enhancements qua hot auroras (to get some feeling for how thoroughly phased-array blanketed was the U.S.S.R. during the Brezhnev era, see: Frances FitzGerald's Way Out There In the Blue, Simon & Schuster, 2001: for measures and counter-measures, if MIT's WWII RAD Lab was a progenitor of radar, Harvard's WWII radio research effort must receive large credits for phased-array, à la radar- and electronic-OB) contribute, over and above, heh-heh-heh, geographical factors, to the arctic differential in sea-ice melt? Not to mention possibly going some distance toward explaining why a greenhouse-warming-expected persistently positive Arctic Oscillation (AO) is becoming ever more negative, with weakening Polar Vortex and Jet Stream (see: An Arctic Wildcard in the Weather, Cornell's Charles H. Greene and Bruce C. Monger, Oceanography, 25:2, 2012, pp. 7-9). Energy-momentum imbalance of macro-scale waves is diagnostic of cascade onset at severe storm genesis. What butterfly-wing-flap factors can influence energy-momentum balance?
I would point out yet again that Robert Triffin hardly innovated (Gold and the Dollar Crisis: The future of convertibility, Yale, 1961) with the thesis that, once a national vehicle currency is used as the international reserve currency, an irresolvable conflict arises between national and international monetary needs (flashing forward, Charles Hugh Smith offers an insightful caveat in his article entitled Understanding the 'Exorbitant Privilege' of the U.S. Dollar, Of Two Minds, 18 November 2012): acute awareness of this conflict explicitly motivated Keynes' call for bancor and White's call for unitas during period of Bretton Woods negotiations and conference -- both ideas being with regard to reserve use of a non-vehicle currency. For additional background and current commentary on this, see: The History Of The World's 'Reserve' Currency: From Ancient Greece To Today, Zero Hedge, 18 May 2011; and Floating Exchange Rates -- Unworkable And Dishonest, Keith Weiner, Gold Standard Institute, Zero Hedge, 19 April 2012; and Have you seen Robert Triffin?, Joe Yasinski and Dan Flynn, Gold Bullion International, 2 October 2012. These bancor/unitas proposals by the primary Bretton Woods negotiators were rejected by the USG for non-monetary and non-economics reasons. Monetary system dysfunction has always largely been due to design flaws being imposed due to extra-systemic considerations. But even had either Keynes' or White's proposal been embraced, would the basic problem Triffin essays have been solved? I agree with Wolf when he asked, Do we need a reserve currency? (see: Dollar won't do anymore, FT's Martin Wolf says, without mentioning gold, Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, 27 December 2009), but disagree with his call for a global money (to be used as a reserve currency). The fundamental problem of the incompatibility between part and whole (a variant of the 18th-century Rationalist freedom-vs.-order dilemma) is not primarily resident in use of a vehicle currency as a reserve currency; it has habitus in the regime of part-whole relations imposed by use of a 1T2-logically-valued notion of economic value to define unit of account, unit of exchange, store of value. Get rid of 1T2-vehicle currency as international reserve currency, replace it with whatsoever 1T2-globalmoney one can, including gold (as to the distribution issue making monotonic global gold standard inherently inequitable, see: Global Gold Mines and Deposit Ranking 2012, posted on VisualCapitalist by good offices of Natural Resource Holdings and Roy Sebag) -- and the basic problem will remain unresolved. Which observation is to a small degree consonant with Martin Sibileau's argument that elimination of the credit multiplier (i.e., extinction of shadow banking) is more important than the asset backing the currency: see, Why a gold standard alone is not enough, A View from the Trenches, 9 October 2012 -- though I believe there best would be local autonomy as regards determination as to value of the credit multiplier employed. Like William Blake, I think advent of Newtonian science, mint-mastery (to include gold-only reference), and revised-Newtonian heat-engined industrial revolution one major stage in the spiraling Fall of Man -- fallen 1T2-man yet to slam into µTm-AllBase. Why is there so much obsessing over 18th-century icons (the film National Treasure, circa 2004, for instance) and concomitant uniformizing insistence upon stripping away all tropological metareferences from the appliances-artifacts of daily life (thus insuring that utilitarian objects have non-quantum simple-identity only)? 18th-century science and metaphysics died a timely death during the mid-19th century, yet the institutional base established during the late-18th century persisted, albeit with progressively deteriorating intellectual foundations (this divergence between institutions and worldview being etiology of a gathering pandemic of autoimmune diseases as the cognitive dissonance associated with the involved double-binds mounted with each generation, indeed, each decade). The human species never actually made the cognitive transition demanded by discoveries made during the early-19th century (transalgebra, non-Euclidian geometry, and the like), indeed, back-reacted, entrenched, became a species of clingers longing for the past. Decade after decade after decade, that collective mental condition has only gotten worse -- and not because of actions taken by the parasitic 1%; because of beliefs and states assiduously cultivated by the virtually 100%. Illustrating just how irrational The Clingers have become is the degree to which the American institutional embodiment of 18th-century Rationalism, i.e., the Constitution, is being violated. And once overt scuttling began (Boo! must not forget Nestorian [Bush}ire -- or [Bu}shehr, posted by the Dutch East India Company from 1737 and based by the British East India Company from 1763 -- located on the Persian Gulf coast of Iran), under whom better to continue the trashing of the Constitution than a Constitutional scholar? This is exactly how collective unconscious compensatory abreaction works! In that regard, consider comments of Justice Brandeis, quoted by In this digital age, what the heck happened to the Constitution?, Network World, 3 July 2011; as well as words of George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, given in 10 Reasons The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free, Jonathan Turley.org, 15 January 2012.
An interesting, if limited, portrait of conditions prevailing: Eric Warren Singer's 2009 film The International. Presently expanding greatly is the spontaneously-uniting-front recruitment base in the planetarized insurgency war against the very idea of the Aristotelian-Baconian/Westphalian/Cartesian-Newtonian/Congress-of-Vienna nation-state system qua system and its slime-molding supraordinate agglomerations (see, for an example: Mass rally in Venice to call for independence from Italy, Nick Squires, The Telegraph, 5 October 2012; for a good general survey of the prevailing EU case, see: The European Disunion: The Richest Increasingly Want To Fragment From The Poorest, Zero Hedge, 6 October 2012). Flash forward and see, Secession Fever Sweeping Europe Meaningless Without Debt Repudiation, Ron Holland, The Daily Bell, 24 October 2012, for links to other articles DDxing etiology of this fever, so far a subclinical temperature enhancement neglecting the military distemper sure to become engaged as course of the contagion epidemnifies. And if, again flashing forward, the reader, like me, did not know that Europe once had 1800 states (actually regna), then this article may be found informative: Europe, Not Euro, May Break Apart, Joergen Oerstroem Moeller, Yale Global, 2 November 2012. Advocacy of a 2-nest! What natural system, indeed, what system, functions well on two scales only? Incidentally, I am not for Classical-Era/Romantic-Era secession-revolution, followed by reestablishment of 1T2-borders under institutionalization of some newly chosen partitioning algorithm; I am for the fractal drumming of m-logically-valued e-nesting-foam boundaries. Institutionalization of 18th-century Weltanschauung attacked from above: calls for a world gone Beyond Borders; We-Are-the-World calls for a one-world global money; multinational corporatist globalization/cartelization of an ISO-uniformized planetary LifeWorld; regional free-trade pacts; regional monetary union, however failing; outsourcing of low-intensity warfare to mercenary multinational security firms and transnational terrorist organizations; formation of multilateral regional institutions; formation of would-be institutions of global Cartesian-Newtonian governance, juridical mandate, and policing powers. Institutionalization of 18th-century Weltanschauung attacked from below: unabated rising tide of experimental substantiation of post-Newtonian physics; accelerating uptake of quantum-based technologies; increasing amount of global GDP generated by the planetary black economy; increasing amount of money in motion being conveyed through unofficial channels mafia-gang-tong-sect, and simply person-to-person via informal arrangements; increasing number of cross-border transits (people and goods) via unofficial channels; spontaneous localization of global terrorism/insurgency, and spontaneous fusion thereof; increasing calls for decentralization, local currencies, discorporation of central banks; as old separatist movements are quenched by multilateral efforts, new ones emerge hydra-headed. Both sides -- those attacking from above, those attacking from below -- are the same side of the prevailing socio-politico-economic gold Mobius strip bracelet: psychological regression-in-service-to-the-ego is evident in the fact that neither side advocates an authentically post-Aristotelian-Baconian/post-Cartesian-Newtonian organizational paradigm. Not only will trust never return, it should have been altogether withdrawn by onset of the Franco-Prussian war! And the non-orientable unifying common denominator? A prior decision taken by the collective unconscious? Apply the methods of SORO (Special Operations Research Office) not to analysis of origins and course of national insurgency movements, but to their planetarization. Quoting Mark J. Grant, apropos of the Westmoreland vs. CBS enemy-strength-estimates debacle, but as regards contingent liabilities becoming real liabilities momentarily due: What is not counted does not vanish into thin air because it is not counted (see Grant giving due regard to Lenin for understanding catastrophe theory's cuspover in its temporal aspect: There Could Be Weeks When Decades Happen, Zero Hedge, 10 October 2012). Sixty years of relative peace? (see: The Great Pacification, John Aziz, Azizonomics, 8 October 2012). How exactly these days does peace differ from war -- when more people die premature deaths each year due to coercive imposition of the prevailing global economic regime than died during WWII or in the great Stalin-Mao purges-pogroms? Premature death is premature death, be it by B-52 squadron unloading into boxes laid down by targets analysts, machine-gunned standing in a row, gassed in a chamber, RPG to the chest, napalm, WP, bunker buster, smart air-fuel bomb, bad water, malaria, AIDS, GMOed cancer, starvation, suicides of Monsantoed farmers For a little dose of reality, take the Swiss to heart: Might the EU crisis get really, really ugly?, The XX Committee (intelligence, strategy, and security in a dangerous world), 7 October 2012. Might the EU crisis get even uglier than that? I personally -- for employment in my own process of taking major life decisions -- and altogether independent of concern concerning the perspectives of others, as this has to do with transincarnational issues (for a case of the higher forms of Musculpt being personified via angelic deification, see: Afterlife exists says top brain surgeon, Mark Hughes, The Telegraph, 9 October 2012), long ago came to the conclusion that collective unconscious decision (constellation of the requisite archetypes) for human species self-annihilation was taken during the early-19th century, the first clear marker being falsification of the import of N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem. As objectivization of that decision progressively realizes by projective-exteriorization and begins to go to cusp, the factors involved become less and less unconscious, permitting, early on, an explosion of conspiracy theories as to collusive conscious intent, later, actual collusions where the deep structure of motivation (Give me the empty existential claim to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2-identity, or give me death!) remains unconscious. Not only does he volunteer his own death, he volunteers death of his species! Fear of something not actually there -- like the phantom-limb pain suffered by the transsexual? And any of the many introjections to Umwelt can stand in for the 1T2-identity construct at issue (flashing forward, see, for instance: Spanish Military Association Wants 'Declaration of War' Against Separatist Catalunya , MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 19 October 2012). I, for one, an American well traveled in Taxus, if not Thoreau's Concord, never experienced the Body of God's Son as having been etched into the Taxes-Gulf coast. Yep, just one more hallucinating paranoiac borderline personality, a personality obsessive-compulsive about its bestial schizophrenic rage. I see the underlying thematic evasions driving the elaborating pathogenesis as having gone unaltered since at least the memetimes of Abel. Thus, by my reckoning, the presently required transition, necessarily involving decentralization, has been postponed for 200 years already, and the intent is to defer indefinitely: that is the absolute worst case imaginable. No fundamental change of direction, and the projected consequences play out in due course. Speed the Plough (by testimonial of Ernest Law: not the fiddler's tune, but the Pangbourne 1798 version), what, Mrs. Grundy!
David Bohm's choice to use the word implicate never pleased me, for it indicates a lack of appreciation of the logic properties at issue. A bit like the oxymoron that entertains the notion that adherence to monogamy indicates presence of a social conscience. Or like the notion that those who seek control (the big banks are not interested in mere profits or the ability to direct arms flows, but in dominance of the debt generated by warfare, which dominance gives them control of everything: so it was argued in the film The International, written by Singer) do so on basis of the pleasure principle, rather than by conversion-disorder displacement in the futile attempt to create the illusion of superegoic control over a phantom absolutely-in-so-far-as distinct simply-identifiable 1T2-selfhood, a selfhood which vaporizes into infinite regress upon each occasion of concentration in self-observation. You are either with us or against us encapsulates the case is either A or not-A and no A is not-A, whereas the argument for mutual tolerance (see the beginning of Reframing the Dynamics of Engaging with Otherness, Anthony Judge, Laetus in Praesens, 13 June 2011) represents an embrace of the undistributed middle -- even this latter not actually transcending conventions of 1T2-logic in that fuzzy logic (understood in terms of truth-values attributable-taggable to the reals in the interval 0,1) continues as a calculus of implications allowing for elaboration of inferences. Had I been Bohm, I might have chosen to use the word inplicate as a way of jettisoning implication and embracing G. Spencer Brown's (Laws of Form, Allen & Unwin, 1969) calculus of indications, which, when carried into higher-temporal orders than his book addresses (the attractor of which, in the limit, altogether snuffs implication: recognition of this lack of logical necessity having been the starting point for Lukasiewicz), is free of implications. Still, inplicate hardly dissipates the fog of inferences. That's why I like J. G. Bennett's (The Dramatic Universe, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956 and onward to multiple volumes) choice to employ the word hyparxis (ableness to be: involving numbers different in cardinality, if not ordinally bigger, than those employed at QEternity) as logically-involutorily preceding eternity and memetime. Bohm got that there are three order-types of temporal curl, but he didn't really get the logic of it. Is chronotopology topology applied to time rather than space -- uh, time visualized spatially? Operational intelligence and Aristotelian taxonomic blindmindbind might think so. What is logically prior: topology as we know it, i.e., 1T2, or chronotopology, which, if it encompasses, as it surely does, Everettian relative-state, must (1T2ly speaking) be µTmly demergent? Speaking without coercive musts, speaking µTmly, that is, cannot, of course, transpire in words of discursive languages; only, in Musculpt.
By good offices of Anthony Judge, linked above, I have run across the Gurman Kaur qua Allan McRobie notion (see: Mathematics in the Nude, account of a talk delivered 9 February 2006) that catastrophe theory may shed light upon the deeper aspects of romantic-erotic attraction as revealed in nude body shapes. This thesis is reminiscent of protagonist Derek Dillon's use of Nicolaides' contour drawing and gesture sketching from the nude model (not to mention Japanese gardening apprenticeship to Nonkei T. Ishiyama and sculpture assistantship to Gary Wojcik), in association with his personal version of eye-movement reprogramming and practice of Jacobsonian differential relaxation, as a means to approach learning to distinguish between projective-identification at 1T2-logical subject/(physical)object-level of transference, i.e., Buddhological attachment, and µTmly-generative empathy at animistic identity-transparency (so as to remove from his own cognition impetus to embrace the pejorative attributions associated with the lack of direct ontic experience informing use of the terms participation inconsciente, participation mystique, and psychic contagion) as portrayed within our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, in the intercalated journal of inner work, entitled: Studies for Liana.
Other than by implementation of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, where the utilities employed at ADLs (activities of daily life) become tropologically metareferenced-tagged (RFIDs, not to say torture-stun bracelets, psychologically regress this via conversion-disorder displacement at mass projective-identification in the subject/[physical]object-level of collective transference) relative to their Everettian relative-state, how exactly would the effort begin to µTmly catalog the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, so as authentically to arrive at Everett's 1963 objective to obtain an Optimum Allocation of Resources (see link given in first entry above)? My demurral as regards the basic idea behind Toward a Concept Inventory (recent revision of a 1973 revision of a 1971 paper: an adequate concept of inventory is a functional prerequisite to any possible concept inventory) is related to the below-given formulation (quoting the paper):
A computer-based concept registration or tagging system should be set up which would allocate sequence numbers to concepts on a continuing basis. (emphasis in original)
The numbers employed should be Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, the factors of which arrived at on basis of the needs of Musculpt (the formlanguage/semiosis underlying all natural linguistic universals and encoded into the higher-temporal quantum-wave properties of DNA: see our 1979 DNA paper mathematically modeling the radiation exchange process mediated by free-electron gas core of the molecule, oft linked on this website) -- not those factors Gödel employed in fulfilling the needs of arriving at his proofs of the 1930s. Such Musculpt-related Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers should logically codify the manifold-dynamic-transform associated with the given concept tagged, vis-à-vis the various sheets of the Musculpt covering surface, within the Musculpt universal covering surface, with which the given concept is associated and sheaf-theoretically codified. This numbering of the numbering should not be arbitrarily undertaken; rather, done by evolution through use as explored with biofeedback in the flotation-isolation ThinkTanks (trademark of Singapore firm manufacturing computerized tanks under that name), equipped with holographic readout and sound-bathing underwater speakers, used by human pods employing EscherForm dance practice and choreography (evolving notations of which, no less than that of orbifolded art music, should be integral to development of exteriorized Musculpt as mathematical notation) in a struggle to make conscious inner Musculpt, a struggle facilitated by the effort to learn sonic-visioning as experienced by the bottle-nosed dolphin (I have suggested that the mimetic-topologies of breakdancing -- not to mention those of extreme sports in general, and, indeed, involved in the penchant for extreme energy as explicated by Michael Klare in Extreme Energy Means an Extreme Planet, TomDispatch, 4 October 2012 -- and Yayoi Kusama's paresthesia-environments are collective-unconscious-driven regressions of aspects of such an undertaking: see multiple locations in earlier postings on both this website and the MOON website: just as orbifolding theta-e surfaces of Earth's atmosphere are one-to-one tagged to discharged infrasound signatures, that is, acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, so paresthesia/photism types, i.e., classes of autogenic brain discharges, are correlated to Musculpt motifs constituting the elements of a concept inventory, something Kusama has assiduously investigated). This is actually the central theme of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, and arriving at the notion of Number the numbering! is the protagonist's denouement. Incidentally, I would rewrite the Aristotelian-Thomist subtitle to the book written by George Lakoff and Rafael E. Nunez, Where Mathematics Comes From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being (Basic Books, 2000). My Pythagorean-Platonic subtitle would be: How Mathematics Embodies Itself in 1T2-Mind, As That Lower Mind Is Glutamatergically Brought Into Being. Flashing forward, here is a little history as to the amount of resources which have been devoted to teaching dolphins Human rather than, as suggested above, to human efforts to learn Dolphin: Mine-Sniffing Dolphins Lose Their Jobs to Robots , Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 8 December 2012. This posting contains many links to articles about the robotification of humanoids orchestrated under influence of multiple regressions in service to the ego.
Get the real skinny: listen to, see, G. Edward Griffin, of The Creature from Jekyll Island fame, address Casey Research, 10 October 2012, under the title, Legalized Plunder of the American People. But why was the Federal Reserve system created during 1913 just before onset of WWI, the Act itself being passed by Congress on 23 December? Was this in Jung-Pauli synchronicity to the [Dad}aist found object, specifically Marcel Duchamp's urinal dubbed Fountain? Indubitably not: Duchamp's non-monetary fountain was shown and documented at the Stieglitz studio in 1917, four years after creation of the Fed, seven years after the infamous Jekyll Island meeting. But Duchamp, nonetheless, may have prefigured advent of the Fed at the 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art staged at the 69th National Guard Regiment Armory building, February 17 to March 15, with his Cubist-Futurist Nude Descending a Staircase -- the Devil's Staircase, which Fed QEing climbs (mimicking exponential increase in the speed of movement of a grass fire climbing a Cartesian-Newtonian slope) by use of its monetary fountain (this down-up, 6-9 enantiodromia speaking to Sorosian market reflexivity); the m-Cubist-Husserlian horizons of the nude visualizing in painterly fashion the µTm-logical-values of the Bride to be stripped bare by her cartelling bachelors, even (the Large Glass representing the µTm-identity-transparency conversion-disorder displaced by projective-identification at collective transference).
Feriners twern't da caus a dis (see: Return to Bretton Woods, Scott Minerd, Guggenheim Partners, 10 October 2012: quoting the article's prefacing summary: This arrangement [Bretton Woods 1] ended because foreign central banks accumulated excessive reserves of U.S. Treasuries, threatening price stability and the purchasing power of the dollar). What a psychologically revealing dyscharacterization, content of this quotation entails! Actually, the whole article is a truly astounding mindbend. The decidedly illicit Arrangement ended because of the Operation Twist-QEing and associated inflation-creation involved in the Keynes-identified (national employment vs. international-liquidity demands: see General Theory and "Reforming the World's International Money", Paul Davidson, Real-World Economics Review, No. 48, 2008) incompatibility/dilemma (tragedy of the commons instituted-imposed as preferred part-whole-relations regime by utilization of 1T2-logically-valued currencies, vehicle and reserve, only) between the balancing-equilibration aspirations/imperatives of the so-constellated international monetary system and national-self-aggrandizement policies of the nation-state whose vehicle currency was made the reserve currency, i.e., the department-of-war promulgated policy deemed The New Frontier and the department-of-neoNewDeal pursued policy deemed The Great Society. America's choice for Guns + Butter - Taxes = inordinate amount of Treasuries held by foreign central banks forced by law of diminishing returns into demanding gold due to the inflation-effective devaluation of the vehicle-reserve currency linked to gold as commodity 1T2-trope (that linkage having been established at insistence of the USG, and against the advice of both of the two foremost Bretton Woods negotiators wanting non-vehicle bancor/unitas on basis of considerations later focally elaborated upon by Triffin). Not only is a gold standard alone not enough, but such standard + zero credit multiplier + decentralization of banking-finance is not enough: shift to nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS currencies, and µTm-processing thereof, is required if the basic non-hologramic part-whole econophysics incompatibility/dilemma is to be transcended. Moreover, in further demurral, quoting from body of Minerd's article: The trouble with the system [Bretton Woods 1] was that global central banks pegged their currencies at low levels to support exports to the U.S. Dem damned foreign scum DEEEmandin' a stable store of value what would only deflate America's ability ta militarily impose its will; dem damned ragheads DEEEmandin' a stable currency denominator for their oil what would only mean America would actually be paying somethin' for the oil it imports (rather then just printing to pay)! When were these currency-peg levels set? At the Bretton Woods Conference? Not hardly. Who set these currency peg levels? Global central banks? Not hardly. Were these levels set in relation to export-support criteria? Not hardly. For actual answers to these questions, read the swansong testimonial of the person who actually determined those levels well before the Conference on basis of the non-economic, non-financial, non-monetary, war-related criteria provided by FDR so as to insure the U.S. smoothly executed receipt at passing of the baton of British Imperia: Raymond F. Mikesell, Foreign Adventures of an Economist, U. of Oregon Press, 2000. Not exactly what was required to insure an Optimum Allocation of Resources, spaceship Earth (for succinct statement of this thesis, see, under the Articles section, as no direct link is available: The Great Chess Game, Luke Eastwood, LukeEastwood, October 2012).
No criminal, the public servant. Mouthbreeder taking him/her-self motoneuron with moxie. Public servant: one who lives to lie; not, lies to live -- like a criminal. But what can be expected from a world civilization serially idolizing addicts of various varieties, icons dead and/or alive? And why do the TPTB kowtow to their idol singers, be such singers in the media, academia, financial-governmental-military-postindustrial complex, so on? The quality of thought is so abysmal I find something I am willing to read linked on RealClearWorld only about once a week. Now, now, Little Ms. Grimace, nicknamed Moue. Because TPTB, more than others that be, have compromised personal integrity over and over and over since early childhood in succumbing to glutamatergic neuronal pruning at prescriptive enculturation. Cognitive compliance is the be-all and end-all of higher enculturation and career professionalism. The granting of this Prize (see: European Union wins Nobel Peace Prize despite year of anti-austerity protests, Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph, 12 October 2012) is on a par with the Goethe Institute's essay contest wherein it sought theses, jingles, mottos, shanties -- sulkily sullen sobriquets sworn slipshod shakedowns of the marks taking them at face-value, no matter what the fusiform gyrus has to say about [re}cognition in respect to such matters -- praiseful of the EU project, laudatory in such fashion that the past could be dissipated in just such fashion as to allow continuance of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung these two centuries after that worldview had succumbed to mathematical, metaphysical, artistic, metalogical, physical-theoretic, psychosomatic, technological death yielding fledgling awareness of a dynamical far-from-equilibrium economic process, no mere system, classical, neoclassical, or otherwise (for edification in this regard, listen/see notes with respect to the Steve Keen lecture entitled Economic Depressions and Debt, posted by Zero Hedge, 29 August 2012; and for an account of consequences of the ever-evolving-ness of financial instruments, institutions, and theories of practice, see Hyman Minksy's new 30-year-old Challenge piece, 1 July 1982: Can It Happen Again? A Reprise, posted by the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, though I hardly agree with his 1T2-truth-table account of policy options and would modify the famed statement, Monetary changes are the result, not the cause, of the behavior of the economy to include changes in the logical-value order-types of monetary currencies employed, i.e., between that 1T2 and those µTm). On a related issue, quoting Mike Shedlock assessing the gander's tells at ogling the goose (see: Currency Wars: Bernanke Defends Fed Policy, Calls for Emerging Market Currency Appreciation, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 14 October 2012). Quoting the end of the article:
Bernanke has the gall to bitch about currency manipulation when his policies are designed to do the same thing. QE is designed to weaken the US dollar, and somehow that is OK, but not straight-up currency intervention.
Speaking of which, why is Bernanke and the entire rest of the world willing to sit back and say nothing about the biggest straight-up currency manipulation in history? I am talking of course about the Swiss National Bank and its unlimited measures to prevent the rise of the Swiss Franc vs. the Euro.
Quite frankly, they are all beggar-thy-neighbor hypocrites, which is what currency wars are all about.
Shell out, cough up them clams! Whomp'em with wampum. Miniminds megastructuring at promptings of The Discovery Channel, CNN, NatGeo, ClearChannel One real question is: Why do shimmying shilpit media shills (see: Iceland Was Right, We Were Wrong: The IMF, Jeff Nielson, The Street, 15 August, 2012) shilly-shally whilst shilling the public? Another: Why do slaves vote for their own enslavement? My answer to both is: neuronal pruning. When the management trainee is introduced to the Culture of the Lie and middle-level management is altogether inducted there within, how could those who master administration of falsehood, sufficiently to become supermom supremos, foster a system that works? Belief that they could, would, do is on a par with the conviction that chance -- randomness of molecular motion -- causes biological self-organization by administering metabolic-pathway breachings of phase boundaries at behest of selfish genes fawning over selfish memes. Was the dearly born Edsel a straight-up lie, or was it only the grill that so huckstered (my 8th-grade shop teacher at Ypsilanti High School had much to say on this at the time, whilst helping us work over our Cushman Eagles and Mustang Ponies)? Was it at all surprising that the Edsel's administrator of falsehood fostered conditions within which the Viet Nam war's enemy-strength-estimate debacle transpired, and that this supremo of supremos was rewarded by being given the World Bank bully pulpit? Flash forward to 23 October 2012 for a window on the China-specific case (see: China Flash Manufacturing PMI , Zero Hedge connecting this to massaged-manipulated goal-sought data) as to how the executive-branch/intel-chief relation at goldilocks goalseeked data retrieval was generalized to all areas of creative forensic accounting and how the MACV IDHS (intelligence data handling system) facilitating the enemy-strength-estimate debacle was generalized into all databasing, processing, search, and retrieval -- thus making creative thought not only an outlier but highly improbable. Facilitated by how OSS-MO graduates infiltrated the media and Hollywood and propagated the OWI techniques they had learned in their youth. Titling of The China Syndrome, for instance, subtly stigmatized China and was a quintessential example of subliminal black self-propaganda. To those who think they know what there is to know about Westmoreland-vs.-CBS, and what can and cannot be concealed from the public over long periods, I recommend: The American and British Governments Knew -- Down to the Day -- of the Coming Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor and Let It Happen to Justify American Entry Into WWII (don't miss the linked BBC documentary, the given details of which are fascinating and instructive as regards the withholding of access to intelligence between British and Americans and between different sectors of the American command apparatus), Washington's Blog, 15 October 2012. And if unwilling to labor through Gar Alperovitz's long book, The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb (Knopf, 1995), consider The Real Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan, Zero Hedge reposted from Washington's Blog, 14 October 2012 (which contains the most elaborate group of quotations on this subject from American leaders of the period I have yet encountered; and read the comments from the average person to get a feeling as to why the U.S. is likely to play Samson and pull the temple of nature -- pagan animistic -- down upon itself rather than move into relative parity -- quantum relative-state -- with the rest of the world). Beyond conscious intent to intimidate the U.S.S.R., was there influence of collective unconscious pathogenic strange attractor at exit from the war -- no less than at entrance? Given the degree to which implications of Planckian-Einsteinian physics had slain metaphysical justifications for institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, validity in assertion of the proposition informing this question can hardly be doubted. How can a system that self-organizes Optimum Allocation of Resources, planet Earth, ever emerge by tutelage of late-moyen-age (see: The [Not So] Dark Ages, Bionic Mosquito, 2 October 2012) supernumerounos committed to the proposition that when cause is chance, right management handles the lie as truth? Which is not even to mention the role of µTm-superseding-1T2 at etiology of autopoiesis, where µTm-cause is not dissimulated to 1T2-chance (or, for that matter, to the dream: Freud so attributed in predicating overdetermination, i.e., a way to speak of µTm without actually so speaking, to dream contents in his The Interpretation of Dreams, circa 1900, the year Planck published his progenitor paper on the quantum of action which put the final nail in the coffin of 1T2-causality) and thin, compact, truncated singular-value-decomposition/eigenvalue-decomposition of M, the hypercomplex shearing matrix, m-cross-m/m-cross-n, is µTmly understood temporal curl under 3-fold operator-time (e.g., at complex/hypercomplex angular momentum cascade).
As a 13-year-old Cushman Eagle rider recently returned to the U.S. from village and military-brat life in kita-Kyushu, Japan, where I had sustained first registration of the Viet Nam war by obtaining awareness of U.S. supply missions in support of the French at Dien Bien Phu, I was naturally distraught over the children's plight as portrayed in the Ingrid Bergman film, The Inn of the Sixth Happiness, but more fundamentally, I realized in retrospect, processing of this film was genesis of my asking: What, anyway, is so important about happiness that it must always be pursued -- or, more profoundly, What's there about happiness making its successful pursuit possible? Never having been able to figure out what the first five happinesses were, and not quite getting precisely what the sixth was, I was called to question utility of the very notion of happiness being an independent state of consciousness, as opposed to a mere accompaniment that ebbs and flows according to natural cycles -- more or less the attitude taken to it in the little wet-rice hamlet of Midori Gaoka in which I had once lived. From an early age, I never felt any right to the pursuit of happiness -- though I felt that happiness effortlessly would come and go were I adequately to achieve immersion in the natural surround. I remember this feeling as most strongly elaborated, aged ten, sitting under an ancient black pine located on a blood-grass covered mound in the middle of the valley rice fields, a wide-eyed toe-headed boy watching the green waves rise and fall under wind-driven rain. Nowadays -- well, at least in 1990, when I returned to Midori Gaoka to see if I could find where I had lived 35 years earlier -- the location of that pine is marked by a large boulder with character dedication. Hence, I could not more agree with Charles Hugh Smith when he observes that (see: The Pursuit of Happiness and the Sociopathology of Prosperity, Of Two Minds, 11 October 2012):
In the mindset of the consumerist economy, purchasing something feels empowering because the act of consuming is experienced as renewing our sense of identity and social status. But since that identity is inauthentic, the sense of euphoric renewal is short-lived and soon defaults to the base state of insecurity.
And what, exactly, is inauthentic about that identity delivered by acts of consumption? The object obtained for incorporation to Umwelt is stripped bare -- as Marcel Duchamp would have it -- of µTmly-metareferential tropes, collapsed to non-quantum simple-identity by being reduced to 1T2-either/or{ness] as a result of the fact that the notion of value defined into the money used to purchase it precludes the Everettian relative-state identity-transparency inherent to generative empathy at states of psychic immersion (states -- I learned a decade after leaving Japan -- deeply, if tacitly, informed animistic organizational strategies of the Viet Cong).
Role of the instantaneous-spontaneous (by 3:15 a.m. -- straggler 122 mm rockets still pell-melling, helter-skelter, rectilinear Tan Son Nhut runways) generation of the American version of Germany's Dolchstosslegende WWI stab-in-the-back myth -- in minds of those briefly run out of the Command Operations Center, whilst huddling the stuccoed designer bomb-shelter bunkers of MACV-HQ, Tet-'68, later emanating from the SI Area and caroming up and down hallways -- at setting the American psychic-event gradient determining U.S. knee-jerk to 9/11, clearly indicates that no president can shape American foreign policy in face of massmind-constellated strange attractors. What is most feared, nowadays, is that cyberspace will become Sherwood Forest. Were one to decide to do one's best to avoid intentionally and unintentionally irradiated foods, those conveying bird flu and swine flu, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, e-coli, those with herbicide and pesticide residues, those containing GMOs, MSG, preservatives, caponizing mimetic estrogens, artificial sweeteners, one would have to become an enlightened pre-trib peasant subsisting in a valley remote enough to grow certified seed varieties (e.g., Lijiang, Yunnan -- before the road was improved, before the airport was built; or the valley of Bella Coola, B.C., Canada -- as it was in the days of George Drainy, which were well before the Fukushima irradiation). Of Mice and Meaning? asked the cat of the grackle girding the grid. Were THEM (title of a film about ants mutated by atomic testing in New Mexico that scared me to death when I saw it at the base theater as a kid in Ashiya, Japan, circa 1954, not long after having been taken to Hiroshima by my onetime bomber pilot father: late nite wind on my bedroom shutters made the same sound as them giant ants!) us, the great dread would be glass-bead-game Go gone octonionic over polytopes as adjunct to VirFut Q-Pro (essential aspects of the first part of this paper were formulated soon after I returned to the ZI from Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, circa August 1968). The French era of the Viet Nam war was lost in Hoc Mon well before Dien Bien Phu confirmed end moves, no less than the U.S. era of the war was lost on the competitive organizational battlefield which Lang Vei/Khe Sanh/Con Thien Hell of Angels 1968 were used to draw command attention away from. There was a decade, beginning late-1968, in which I never picked up a newspaper and, if a discussion of politics germinated, I, following R. D. Laing, simply stepped out the door. Perhaps that is why I missed, and never subsequently ran across, until now, a copy of Scott A. Boorman's The Protracted Game: A Wei-Ch'i Interpretation of Maoist Revolutionary Strategy (Oxford U. Press, 1969) where he argues, among much else, that the Vietnamese communist strategies for Dien Bien Phu and Khe Sanh were governed by considerations derivative of Wei-Ch'i or Go. Let it be noted that classic Chinese logic is quintessentially 1T2, if rotationally and enantiodromically so: Wei-qi = encircling territory (with an in-or-out phase boundary upon which state and legal tender are defined, no µTmly-fractal boundary-without-boundary). Of course, as per above, had I read the book when it came out, I would have significantly -- but not altogether (the point that there are/were social and geographical game boards is well taken, especially were the two, among others, superposed to the quantum-composite function space -- e.g., that animistically-tacitly used by the Viet Cong for the holomorphic mapping of changing bureaucratic variables upon shifting phase boundaries [see Volume 2 of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, for explication in detail] -- determining outcome of the combat) -- discounted its relevance to the Viet Nam war, where the long-persisting village tradition of using the collectively staged human chess game (along with cock breeding, cockfighting, and associated betting tactics) as a non-electronic-commons forum for strategy-tactics debate, backed up by quotations from the classics, poetry capping exchanges, musical accompaniment, and so on -- not the individual-vs.-individual game of Wei-Ch'i/Go -- played an important role in mitigating public-policy hazard and instigating development of consensus at the village level, the organizational level most critical to outcome of the war (somewhat acknowledged in the empty U.S. gesture by HES, hamlet evaluation system-survey, amidst overwhelming focus upon big-unit engagements, force structure against force structure, by analogue, as Lai points out, cited below, to American football, boxing, and, for feint, poker). I would observe that the Chinese notion, shi, which David Lai (see: Learning From the Stones: A Go Approach to Mastering China's Strategic Concept, Shi, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, May 2004) maintains has no Western equivalent and transliterates/borrows as strategic configuration of power or "propensity of things" or "potential born of disposition", corresponds to the Western notion of the metric tensor (not to mention wave-function understood by Karl Popper as corpus of propensities, and David Bohm's quantum potential) of a non-Euclidian hyperspace which determines synoptic configuration of the event gradients involved in establishing cause-effect paths of development and teleological strange attractors (think Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, rotating Einstein-Rosen bridge, and so on). Given that the traditional East Asian notion of sacred space -- ma in Japanese -- is time-bridged, multi-sheeted/laminated, and suffused of points (stones) of spirit dust -- kami in Japanese -- (like the Novikov dust of the Sakharov multi-sheet model of the universe, circa 1968), the board upon which the stones of Wei-Ch'i/Igo/Go are placed must be considered a reduced wave-packet popularly-game-boarded flat-space Eabbottabbott-FlatLand version of the rotationally-1T2ed-yin/yang composite-Taoist center-in-the-midst-of-conditions Tai-Chi-spinor thought processes involved in arriving at the formulations employed by traditional Chinese strategists visualizing The Physics of Tao, which, given the pictorial aspects of Chinese ideographs, and their tonal correlates, likely are not authentically translatable into alphabetic, particularly atonal, languages (though, were there a Musculpt as universal metalanguage, that would surely be of assistance in this regard). Note that Wei-Ch'i is a game for spatial dominance dominated by spatializing modes of thought (that is, whatever area of thought -- war, business, diplomacy, medicine -- analogically modeled by the game is reduced to spatial metaphors) however protracted in linear-memetime a given game between two entrepreneurs-strategists-diagnosticians-sages may become: i.e., this game does not involve temporal curl or, more generally, operator-time, a considerable liability as regards relevance in a LifeWorld increasingly characterized by its uptake of quantum-based technologies inculcating non-local properties like, say, SmartMobbing telepresence mapped over Sherwood e-Forest. Of course, in the larger context, that context contextualizing war, one must be aware that the distinctly non-Taoist tacit Confucian dimension to Sun Tzu is the basic assumption of The Art of War : inherent good is obtained by defending the vital interests of the state. [His}story, in and of itself, may not provide much guidance, but at least it does exhibit a few indicators. Institutionalization on basis of African fractals, apparently, absent iatrogenic intervention, does not lead to centralization -- though it evidently permits internecine tribal warfare. Institutionalization on basis of 1T2-logical -- Aristotelian syllogistic or Tai-Chi rotational -- framework determining conditions inevitably leads to united states of something and zaibatsued economic entities and mass warfare. Calls, therefore, for decentralization, without concomitant shift in the logical properties of framework determining conditions, likely are empty of efficacy as regards obtaining Optimum Allocation of Resources, and so very much more.
Here is an especially interesting article: The First Supper: Entheogens and the Origin of Religion, Ruck Hoffman Gonzalez Celdran, Reality Sandwich, judging by dates of comments, apparently first posted in August of 2011. Quoting the statement made in the article most relevant to Everttian relative-state identity-transparency:
Entheogenic epiphany is commonly described as a state in which people experience their individual distinctions dissolve in a mystical, consubstantial communion with a force of profound sacred meaning.
Compare this to one definition of the traditional Chinese notion, shi, as provided by David Lai, linked immediately above:
strategic configuration of power
An issue not addressed by Celdran's article involves the fact that archaic and traditional societies normalizing use of entheogenic substances disvolved (I reserve devolve and devolute and involute for the sense of demergence by decomposition) into societies actively shunning consubstantial communion by relative-state identity-transparency. Why such disvolution? Why the inability to prevent it? Why, despite African fractals and the like, was the event-horizon for identity-transparency circumscribed to the in-group, be it geographically or socially construed-apperceived? Check out use of the words force and power in the two above-given quotations. In neither case is force, power, even energy, in their modern senses, actually involved: pre-force, pre-geometry, even pre-pregeometry as 1T2-calculus of propositions. I maintain that such malapropos usage is epiphenomenal of exogenous forcing of that class of states at issue. John C. Lilly, for instance, late in life, admitted that (1) he had over-valued ketamine, and (2) he did not have the foggiest notion as to how the brain actually works. This, to me, seems a good starting point -- not a good ending point.
One more socially redeeming property of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state managing Planckian-Einsteinian techno-developments? Shades of the hidden history of Agent Orange manufacturing: see, Secret Cold War Tests in St. Louis Raise Concerns, Jim Salter, AP, 3 October 2012. Testing the effects of radioactive zinc cadmium sulfide on a poor black community? One location for the manufacture of Agent Orange was a poor black riverside community in Alexandria, Virginia -- a location, when later gentrified, emptied of many, many cubic yards of contaminated dirt, and placement of a shield before clean fill was installed. I know. I landscaped the upscale office complex built there. Uh, uh, which science? That public, or that still classified? See: Europe vs. Scientific Consensus, Henry I. Miller and Drew L. Kershen, The American, 19 October 2012. The molecular biology of the gene, or the quantum biochemistry of the gene? Flashing forward, consider who, actually, is irrational -- the intuitive public or the higher-enculturated scientist who discounts the functionally-integrative roles of submolecular quantum wave-properties of DNA free-electron gas core dynamics? Quoting an entomologist: the public outcry against genetically modified organisms, even when it's irrational, may be insurmountable (see: Hundreds of thousands of genetically modified mosquitoes set to be released , The Daily Mail, 6 December 2012). Suppression of science for commercial and/or military purposes is not in the larger human and biospheric interest. Flashing forward again, ditto (see: FDA quietly increases allowed radiation doses of meats for human consumption, Ethan A. Huff, Natural News, 7 December 2012) as regards not allowing post-Fukushima Japan to get ahead in the race to irradiate foods. What a great way to recycle spent depleted-uranium projectiles! Heh-heh-heh.
Ego-strategic uh, uh, geo-strategic Internet-of-Things: another example of projective-exteriorization/identification in conversion-disorder displacement (a regressive pathological process) at collective transference on the subject/(physical)object-level (see: The CIA Wants to Spy on You Through Your TV , Rob Waugh, The 4th Media, 25 July 2012: wants, that is, not only to subliminally program via SSSShush, Silent Sound Spread Spectrum). Projecting-converting what? Quantum relative-state. When this sort of mass psychopathology sociologically anchors the normotic's clinging behaviors, the intent to defer the necessary phase transition in institutionalization of changing Weltanschauung systemically structuralizes, and intractability has set in. As Jones Bo cautions, don't be snowed by strawmen: noctambulism is the normotic's waking state! Is fear of the boundless, boundless fear? Is an ingenuous call for a world beyond borders compensatory abreaction to tacit insistence upon 1T2-simple non-quantum identity? O, crepitations! Trundling the burden of existential separatism -- poor immigrant pitiful, wretching a rales cough so fluid and chesty as to be heard without assisted auscultation?
Appearance of the bestseller Sengoshi no Shotai (The Truth Behind Postwar History) by Ukeru Magosaki (see: A Japanese Ex-diplomat Accuses the Sino-Japanese Rift Part of U.S. Agenda , Julian Ryall, The 4th Media, 17 October 2012) provides additional concrete support for the decades-old cultural-affinity thesis that, in due course, there will emerge a Greater China incorporating Japan, i.e., a Mahayana Buddhist Bloc. Japan en mass, like the Japanese log-woman herself -- cut off from her age-old trance-state AllBase -- nigh unto having become a [hiber}nation in the period after 6 August 1945. I see popularity of Magosaki's book as indicative of the existence of salient counterfoils to the displaying-the-designer-label fashion focus having transited to the Harajuku-Fluxfest height-of-eclecticism magical-irrealism fashion (hikikomori being the height of self-medicated absolute-bed-rest -- [hiber}nation -- Rx for shinkeshitsu?) which Charles Hugh Smith essays upon (see: Japan and the Exhaustion of Consumerism, Of Two Minds, 18 October 2012). This is surely a very complex phenomenon, which any non-Japanese person with intimate exposure to the Japanese art scene would instantly know no foreigner is likely to develop great insight concerning, because (1) the Japanese, as a population corpus, process reality primarily on an aesthetic basis, more elaborately and exclusively so than do Other corpora, and (2) the generation-to-generation accretion of aesthetic kata, not to say kakureta kata, as determinative of taste, this accretion being a neo-Dada readymade by glutamatergic neuronal etching at plasticity, is extraordinarily complex and adequately learned only by enculturation (not fully accessible by acculturation which lacks a glutamatergic component), and (3) the traditional foundation of principles adjudicating aesthetic processing was profoundly disturbed and driven decisively toward rampant eclecticism beginning in the Meiji era, and (4) this eclecticism was coercively reinforced over -- forced upon -- MacArthur's Children, and their children's children's children. Add to that the far greater complexity involving, for instance, the fact that, while she was doing Fluxus-type happenings in NYC, blurring-burning the 1T2-boundaries precluding morphogenesis of flux structure and where Concretist reliance upon chance operations was mistaken in having uncritically eaten the Copenhagen Interpretation, photismic Yayoi-Kusama polka-dot suffusion of the visual field (see skirt of the girl pictured in the Smith article, Yayoi herself standing in for Japan en mass, no less than the Japanese log-woman stigmatized as perpetual adolescent) was deemed symptom of childhood-onset schizophrenia, not symptomatic of analogical modeling in design of topologies of kami dust (Novikov dust, Wheelerian bucket of dust/Borel set, Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind) closest-packing multi-sheeted ma, the sacred space upon which so much traditional animistic-Shinto ritual and Kanami-Zeami aesthetics was AllBased (see: Ma, space-time in Japan, Japan-Style architect Arata Isozaki, Cooper-Hewitt Museum exhibition catalog, 1979: note that insight to topologically-active operator-time, in flux form, was long since lost under imported-acculturated influence of Confucianism and institutionalized Buddhism, time being understood only as a sheaf-theoretic connector -- though it must be admitted that occult-Shinto possession cults retained something of the notion currently codified as temporal curl in the idea that shinki, even [ma}hikari, can be circulated for specific ends, the task of which suffers of shinkeshitsu are, by definition, distinctly incapable). What cut cut off the log-woman from her trance-state AllBase? Why [hiber}nation? Consider, for one rather glaring example, signification of the wall built down the middle of the sento at insistence of MacArthur. What other aspects of Japanese psyche were semiotically severed by what less glaring cuts? I have never been an advocate of historical preservation of dead culture, only of living culture. The difference between legacy-debt/cultural-lag preservation of walled-off dead culture and creative integration of the past into contemporary living culture is well illustrated by much of Japan-Style architecture, which did not take old and dead shapes-of-style and articulate them with modern materials, but, rather, abstracted the principles informing those long-past-due shapes-of-style, thus preserving their metaphysical-valuational impulse, and incorporated them into contemporary living-culture forms-of-use. Of course, the Japan Style fell by the wayside. I would note in this regard that -- at least in NatGeo's telling -- when studies were made as to why there were so many deaths from the Kobe earthquake, it was put down to the fact that the traditional Japanese house was a fragile post-and-beam structure with a very heavy tile roof, a structure that could not support all that weight during the magnitude of earthquake Kobe sustained. The shape-of-style (and, by implication, the informing metaphysical-valuational impulse) of traditional residential architecture was thus stigmatized. Falsely so. Even as late as the early-1950s, in the kita-Kyushu hamlet near Ashiya-machi where I lived as a child, our house was the only house in the hamlet with a tile roof -- all the others were kusabuki, made of, memory serving, ashi (packed reed taken from the Ongagawa) thatch. Ours had been modernized for American occupation.
Proposition 7 of the Cluetrain Manifesto (see: 95 Theses, Cluetrain, first published 1999; see, also, How The West Was Lost, Tim Price, The Daily Capitalist, 17 October 2012) -- i.e., Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy -- is one giant step for mankind in the direction of resurrecting Cantorian-fractal, hologramic, animistic-pagan, relative-state identity-transparency as µTm-quantum-potential effectuating, with temporal curl over vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, self-organization at high levels of competency. The two 1T2-entities standing most in the way of SmartMarkets supporting mean reversion, price clearing, and fair value recovery, as PIMCO's Bill Gross would say it, are governments and companies -- not The Barbarian Horde, not The Pagan Throng. Themis tilled with a tethering ring fit to the tallywacker. What nowadays is most stunning to me is the degree to which the assessment I arrived at during my period at AU-SIS, 1963-5, precipitating my choice to simply walk away from career aspirations, has become all but de rigueur (see, for instance: Dysfunctional, Dishonest, Insane & Intolerable, The Burning Platform, 21 October 2012; quoting the article: The incompetence, arrogance, ineptitude and insanity of government officials at the Federal, State, and Local level are stunning to behold.) And speaking of mosts, the most interesting thing about Alan Sokol's sham paper (see, for the latest: Incomprehensible Bullshit, Azizonomics, 20 October 2012) was that -- by essaying anti-consensus perspectives consciously formulated as parody of deconstructionist hermeneutics -- he almost got, by collective unconscious vectoring, some of the right stuff (for one: m-valued universal physical constants) which the mainstream science community has doggedly choked on for decades. Socratic dialectical elenctic questioning of pervasive logoi can be interesting; not so, punch-counterpunch debate boxing and conceptual American football.
As regards additional concrete support for the complement to the decades-old cultural-affinity thesis that, in due course, there will emerge a Greater China incorporating Japan, i.e., a Mahayana Buddhist Bloc -- which is the decades-old cultural-affinity thesis that, in due course, there will emerge a Germano-Russian Bloc (see for context: Echo of the Mockingbird) to align with a Greater China incorporating Japan -- consider the drift, as euro crisis continues to elaborate, essayed in these two articles: The German-Polish Tandem, Andrzej Turkowski, Carnegie Moscow Center, 17 November 2011; and Why Poland is the New France for Germany, Ulrike Guerot and Konstanty Gebert, European Council on Foreign Relations, 19 October 2012. What cultural affinities? Having, under the sword, been forcibly inducted into the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung ( the Stein-Hardenberg Reforms the first steps toward unification of Germany were a reaction to the Prussian defeat by Napoleon at Jena-Auerstedt ; moreover, Hitler's idealization of Napoleon can be considered a classic case of compensatory [converted to opposite] abreaction through introjections from Germanic mass mind by a person identified with socially-conferred role attributions; as to the magnitude of those introjections, see: The French Fuhrer: Genocidal Napoleon was as barbaric as Hitler, historian claims, Christopher Hudson, The Daily Mail, 24 July 2008), and how this came to involve -- on a largely unconscious level -- advent and dissimulation of Polish logics and their correspondence to orientations of the ancient East, most specifically in respect to the base state of Tzog-chen (even Batman Begins stigmatizes the Tibetans, agents of whom poisoned Gotham City's water supply, uh, uh, waters of the collective unconscious, based on an old Tibetan recipe, the Tibetans of old having had the most elaborate of human experience as to what is currently designated Polish logics). Going further back than Napoleon, exploring the thesis that Nazi obsession with the specie of purified 1T2-identity (a kind of fool's gold, and undoubtedly a component of the permabear's gold bug mentality) was (and is) expressed in part by fixation upon classical Greco-Roman architecture, art, artifacts, symbols, indeed, logic, is A. J. Hartley's excellent thriller novel The Mask of Atreus, Penguin, 2006. I wonder what Jo Nesbo's [snow}man thinks of the Swedish Prize for Peace being dispensed from Oslo (see: Is the Franco-German Axis Kaput?, Der Spiegel, 22 October 2012 ) rather than Bergen. Then, going forward whilst looking over one's shoulder, there is Germany's stay-or-go issue (see: A Golden Opportunity, Patrick Barron and Godfrey Bloom, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 22 October 2012) very interestingly contextualized as ever increasing deficit-debt incentivization by German economist Philipp Bagus' The Tragedy of the Euro, LvM Institute, 2010, reviewed by Seeking Alpha, and how this issue interfaces with the energy equation aspect of the Germano-Russian Bloc issue (see: Putin Is the New Global Shah of Oil, Marin Katusa, Casey Research, 26 October 2012). Bagus argues that the surety that externalization of PIIGS debt onto Germany would transpire was agreed to by Germany only under political (military implied?) impress, i.e., reunification of Germany permitted only if Germany joined the euro zone, jettisoning the deutschmark. String of coercions going back at least to Napoleon. Spam forced down the throat does not come back up foie gras.
In respect to the up-elevator side of The Devil's Staircase -- no Penrose staircase, no matter how much Bernanke may wish it so, or may wish to make it so by INCEPTION -- of percolation theory, is there any better illustration than the chart displayed in this (see: Presenting All The US Debt That's Fit To Monetize, Zero Hedge, 20 October 2012) article? Those disparaging Helicopter Ben's transit of QEternity: in adamance, offering anodyne by formulation allargando of adages concerning consequents of [Act}aeon (acting through an immeasurably indefinite period of memetime) having transfixed upon the specter of a nude Ms. Art, i.e., Artemis, Descending the Staircase on the down-elevator side by deflationary deleveraging definancialization. And contextualizing the up-elevator [loco}motor of that Staircase is the multi-phasic classic 'Bubble Wave' brilliantly analyzed by Grant Williams, a strategy advisor for a Singapore-based hedge fund, to include reflections upon the overdetermined interconnection of fear-driven bond mania (including that portion of the up-elevator side of the Staircase yet to be trod upon) with fear-driven gold mania (listen to and see accompanying charts to the public lecture: Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The Madness Of Markets, YouTube VDO reposted by Zero Hedge, 20 October 2012). This is a must hear/see. He predicts an Arms race to accumulate gold. What exactly such an arms race would entail goes unspecified. Moreover, Martin Sibileau speaks at length and in detail to all those who believe a gold standard will emerge on the back of a gold mania. See: The mechanics of transiting to the gold standard and why it won't happen!, A View From the Trenches, 21 October 2012. Please hold Sibileau's fictional process in mind while looking at the until-now-fictional process proposed-highlighted on the homepage of this website. And bringing this right back to basics is the recent comment of a Dubai trader: Every currency in the world has an identity, but gold means value without identity. The value is absolute wherever you go (see: How Iran Evades The Western Blockade: The Turkey-Dubai-Iran Petrogold Triangle, Zero Hedge, 23 October 2012). Consider that this monotonicity of gold precludes every sort of gold standard from facilitating an Optimum Allocation of Resources, planet Earth, by removing the possibility of monetarily indexing the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock. Farther in going further: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard informs us that the golden arms race may have begun just before AQ&A placed its 911 call (see: Bundesbank slashed London gold holdings in mystery move, The Telegraph, 24 October 2012). Since the Cold War was over, and prospects for evolution of new friend/enemy sets were becoming ever more elaborate, what sense in leaving gold stores where they are potentially subject to quarantine/confiscation? Incidentally, Germany does not have the world's second largest gold holding after the U.S., as AEP observes: the quantity of gold privately held by families in India is greater than the total sovereign holdings of all EU countries and the U.S. taken together, if we are to believe Grant Williams. And on and on and on: if the government does not set the price of the standard, then there is no standard, no store of value, no invariant unit of account, but if the government does set the price of the standard, then, well, see, for a litany of interesting historical details: The Unadulterated Gold Standard, Keith Weiner of the Gold Standard Institute, Zero Hedge, 30 October 2012.
Somehow, with all the art courses I took during the early-1970s, I never learned that Filippo Brunelleschi, circa 1420, discovered/rediscovered linear perspective (see the VDO, and also the written statement for a brief account and the quotation given immediately below: Linear Perspective: Brunelleschi's Experiment, Beth Harris and Steven Zucker, KahnAcademy, no date given). I became aware only of Alberti's explication. Quoting the Khan Academy blurb:
detailed instructions were published in a painting manual written by a fellow Florentine, Leon Battista Alberti, in 1435. John Berger, an art historian, notes that the convention of perspective fits within Renaissance Humanism because it structured all images of reality to address a single spectator who, unlike God, could only be in one place at a time. In other words, linear perspective eliminates the multiple viewpoints that we see in medieval art, and creates an illusion of space from a single, fixed viewpoint. This suggests a renewed focus on the individual viewer, and we know that individualism is an important part of the Humanism of the Renaissance.
We now know, thus in some ways recapturing medieval states of awareness (so, perhaps it was not the Germanic tradition that was 'backwards': flash forward to A Decentralized Society: Church Towers Bear Witness, Bionic Mosquito, 29 November 2012) -- I just loved The Education of Henry Adams, didn't you? -- that not only God can be in more than one place at a time: also elementary particles and atoms and some small molecules, and maybe, just maybe, many other types of entities as well. Analytical -- a misnomer malapropos, in my judgment, whether or not Picasso and Braque used a painstakingly analytic approach, because someone, possibly Alfred Jarry of pataphysics LOGICAL parody of chance operations, in synchronicity with, or [after}math of, the publication of Planck's 1900 paper on the quantum of action, directly experienced m-valued ontic percepts, this experience, not exposure to African sculpture/masks, being the impetus provided to P&B -- Cubism, contrary to Picasso's judgment, was a natural extension of Impressionistic pointillism, in that the multiple planes, shards, sheets depicted are, in reality, suffused of pointillistic-idioretinal warm-golden dust. The fact that the connection between Cubistic percepts and Husserlian horizons had to wait for appearance on the scene of Jean Gebser, of The Ever-Present Origin fame, clearly indicates (I discovered -- most of my discoveries, I later learned, were earlier discovered by others -- the Cubism-Husserl connection by actual practice of reductive phenomenology long before Gebser's book was brought to my attention) that P&B lacked real comprehension and were not capable of pursuing the implications of what, otherwise, would have become quantal non-simple, multiple-'I's, Lukasiewiczian-Everettian relative-state perspective of m-valued-object/µTm-viewer, i.e., anamorphosis complementarity of non-constant object and internally-superposed selfhood. In practices of walking/digging meditation designed to retrieve attention cathexes captured by the 1T2-constant object, visualization of the perspective properties of the ambient representation space for binocular vision is efficacious. Intentionally manipulating the Luneburg psychometric distance function, subject to Lorentz contraction in the involved non-Euclidian visual space, automatically yields both object-world and subject-world manifold transforms, m-cross-m/m-cross-n -- as the non-synaesthetically fused 1T2-existent experiences it under overdetermining kundabuffering of the quantum-wave properties of DNA. One begins to re-infuse intentionality to glutamatergically-automatized modes of comprehension by preprogramming circumscriptions of attentional focus, e.g., exercising choice as to placement of vanishing point. During this session of walking/digging meditation, my 1T2-'I' will attend preferentially to distance points and associated transversals: so says to himherself the self-metapreprogrammer of the human biocomputer. But the premise of walking/digging meditation to retrieve captured attention cathexes is gathering concentration in self-observation, with associated infinite regress in the 'I'-ness, as a pulling-back-in of what has been lost to the 1T2-valued object; hence, phasic activation of preprogrammed circumscriptions of attention to the object beat against the tonic activation baseline established by the drone-base of self-observation. It's like simultaneously carrying more than one mantra -- only much more abstracted. Attention to this distance point and that distance point, whilst visualizing the chosen vanishing point, and simultaneously remembering on an ongoing basis where one's 1T2-'I' is at on the Tree of Life (while, say, digging trees at Beeches Nursery, in McLean, of Virginia, the US of A, North America, planet Earth, circumambulating Our Star, in the spiral-banded Milky Way Galaxy ) as one walks/digs through ambient representation space, is not only derealizing and dissociative, but also, 1T2-paradoxically, awash in spontaneous fusion by virtue of the memetime-warping temporal curl induced (a kind of doubly-exponential ramping up of curvilinear perspective as baud-rate of consciousness increases -- thus preventing information overload and pilot fixation syndrome: learned a bit about this in Wright-Patterson flight simulators while a high school kid, good offices of my father stationed at AFSC/AFLC). Superposition of the many itselves-in-the-world of an object upon the being-in-itself-of-objecthood of that object, by mappings to various distance points identified by non-simple multiple-'I's, is a making sense -- via Husserliana -- of the catoptric anamorphosis (spherical, conical, cylindrical coordinates) which is the FORM of the shapeless objecthood of any object (the LifeWorld-constant 1T2-itself shape/sheaf/cut of the anamorph FORM being resolvable as discrete-localized shape only when the eye-'I' is uniquely positioned at a given spot-dot-mote employing the lowest logical-value order-type, i.e., the binary-mind CPU).
Now that they have microwave focal EMP counter-electronics CHAMPS (see: Boeing Successfully Tests Microwave Missile That Takes Out Electronic Targets, CBS St. Louis, 25 October 2012; and Boeing Now Has A Missile That Destroys Only Electronics And Leaves All Else Intact, Robert Johnson, Business Insider, 25 October 2012), one just has to wonder about the operative definition of collateral damage qua all else and also as to how long it will be, if it isn't already, before they have nanoCHAMPS to take out the quantum-wave properties of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA (and, wistfully, the modified quantum-wave properties of GMO DNA molecules). Parenthetically -- for all those who doubt that DNA has wave properties -- it can be noted that the molecule did not come first, does not generate wave properties: the elementary particle is a decoherent memetime-lagged, i.e., renormalized, indeed, a prescriptively enculturated meta-cultural-lag anchored to 1T2-brains by glutamatergic neuronal etching, a 1T2-signature of its nonlocal µTm-wave properties, as is the atom and the molecule on embedding nesting-foam scale levels, not to mention 1T2-molecular-cellular brains not containing the µTm-quantum brain spread-out nonlocal over All That Is (somewhat in support of this long-argued thesis is -- excerpting his recent book, Science Set Free, Random House, 2012 -- Rupert Sheldrake's Are Minds Confined to Brains?, Reality Sandwich, undated). In fact, there is little room to argue that elementary particles, atoms, and molecules actually exist independent of the corpus of voyeuristic-participatory double-slit 1T2-observers and their memetiming of decoherent collapse behaviors which insist that physical objects are 1T2-simply-identifiable and in our experience always in a single single-valued place at a given instant of memetime (now experimentally demonstrated to not be the case for at least the cases of elementary particles, atoms, and some small molecules). Moreover, CHAMPS can only be regarded a regressed 1T2-logical extension, by conversion-disorder displacement in projective exteriorization-identification at collective transference, of the Born borne dissimulation of the wave-function of Schrödinger's memetime-independent wave-equation: Schrödinger finally counterpunched to the mat by good ol' Yankee [ingénue}ity, uh, uh, ingenuity! Subject/(physical)object-level of transference: while Solaris-Sphere doesn't work too good with regards to the personal-individual (observing/remembering that the collective unconscious does not require, for its synchronicities, ontic immediacy of a group), with respect, however, to the impersonal-ensemble, uh, the collectivity Ain't misbeliev'in hunky-dory 1T2-hoopla, says Common Sense, glutamatergically etched repeatedly in utero unto adolescence. Hurly-burly µTm-hooey! Quantum-this, quantum-that! measurement hoo-doo in hoosegow of the mind.
Here we have a [fasc}inating perspective on a featherheaded Milton Friedman as having engaged in introjective compensatory abreaction by means of rescaling renormalization, a p-adic kneejerk denial-filtration methodology-technology for establishment of a [fasc}iculation of the politico-economic executive brain (see, for an especially excellent read, even a must read as summary characterizations of the prevailing global situation go, [fasc}ism -- a bundling of bundles not involving, those of derivatives also not involving, fiber-bundle arithmetics, Grassmann algebras, and Clifford parallels -- no longer, post-Friedman, uh, uh, his name itself compensatory or reinforcing depending upon pronunciation, what! being a nation-state scale-level phenomenon: The Dark Age of Money: Milton Friedman and the Rise of Monetary Fascism, James C. Kennedy, Counterpunch, 24 October 2012). I have no trouble embracing most of this article, particularly given that Friedman, when queried regarding m-logically-valued monetary units, gave evidence of never having heard of Lukasiewicz, m-valued logics, vonHayek time-shapes, indeed, Everett relative-state. I cannot, however, embrace the idea that 18th-century Smithian notions as to what constitutes a free market qua optimum political-economy are in any way edifying nowadays, the 21st century when anthropogenic exponential growth threatens life of the biosphere, sustainability (see, for excellent reflections, to include the role of peak oil in fomenting QEing, upon the perspective essayed by memetime-bound thermodynamics: An Economic Theory of Limited Oil Supply, Gail Tverberg, Our Finite World, 25 October 2012, with a number of interesting links: I have long argued that oil will cease being a tradable commodity and suddenly snapover into being solely a strategic military resource, for there is near-zero opportunity to avoid generalization of warfare under the evolving circumstances) of a benign atmomagnetosphere, planet Earth, where the fittest wins every battle until the incendiary collapse within which Nature wins the war. One could also demur from Kennedy's use of the term Dark Age: interesting in this regard is Fritz Kern's characterization of early-Middle-Ages Germanic communities provided in his Kingship and Law in the Middle Ages, timely publication in 1914, currently available from The Lawbook Exchange, 2006 edition, as well as, in contrast, The Law, an 1850 pamphlet written by Frederic Bastiat relative to the initializing French aspect of the 1848 Spring of Nations and authoritarian back-reaction, arguably highly relevant to the EU and Middle East situations today (see The Bionic Mosquito for discussion of Kern and mention of Bastiat). Most notably missing from Kern's account, no doubt, is the medieval experience of identity-transparency between the multiple points of view simultaneously represented in a given piece of medieval art/art-music. Not Wilfrid Mellers' Caliban Reborn, Caliban not reborn. Bastiat's notion of The Law Perverted! does not entertain understanding that it is relative-state identity-transparency which establishes the potential for self-organization, social no less than economic, such that prescriptive law qua law inherently subverts that potential. If N. H. Abel's 1826 Impossibility Theorem existence proof for [trans}al-jabr marked death knell of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung in its mathematics aspect, bleed-down to the masses of the involved collective unconscious constellation can be dated to the anti-[aggluti}nation revolutionary non-revolution of the intellectuals of 1848, and impact of this knell upon art music to the 1865 prefiguration of the Franco-Prussian war, i.e., the agony at Weltanschauung (analogically modeled as diatonic equal-temperament tuning system) loss intoned with die Tristan-Akkord. Too bad George Soros, in building his synoptic approach to combating fascisms believed still to be national, continued, by good offices of Karl Popper, the pre-WWII version of counterCabala, i.e., dissimulation of Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued logics (Cabala having Judaic, Catholic, and Sufi incarnations). Little understanding as to details of cascade and reverse-cascade over fractal nesting foams and the far-from-equilibrium scale-level-transition snapovers (e.g., national-to-transnational) involved: the very thing Cabala and pseudomathematical numerology specialized in! Moreover, I see the situation as far worse than does Kennedy, and unsurpassably intractable, because the regressed collective unconscious event gradients -- organizing the specific means (creation of financial derivatives, for instance) by which the conscious greedlust (see, for excellent explication, Frank Partnoy's 2009 book Infectious Greed, published by Public Affairs, and best reviewed on Amazon), converting-displacing fear of the m-valued (hence, derivatives referred to as quantum, and hedge funds dealing in derivatives named Quantum, if only a dissimulated 1T2-Popper-propensities-type quantum), self-organized collective behaviors -- are rooted in dissimulations of physics and higher mathematics going back at least 200 years, these dissimulations themselves having been driven by archetypes assiduously cultivated for thousands of years. Assiduously cultivated, how? Member of hu-hu-hu-manity neuropsychiatrically 1T2-self-identified in identifying selfhood at prescriptive enculturation by imprinting upon the memetime which is glutamatergically pruned-impressed-etched upon childbrain at neuronal plasticity beginning with fetal neural-network wipeouts and associated µTm-quantum quenching executed initially in utero. What would be involved in turning the situation around is so far more elaborate than generally believed, as to be Whatever script writers for the Discovery Channel may advocate, lower-mind-engineered superpeople, nazified or no, aren't at all likely to do the trick. And how much has fascism, beginning most explicitly with the Roman fasces bundle, been a compensatory inversion by conversion-disorder displacement at projective-exteriorization of the mathematics and physics of spontaneous order: fellmongered mass felnes-de-se spread over the last 2000 years of his story. Absent reversal of prescriptive enculturation, resolution of the energy problem -- by gaining temporal-curl <<<>>> skew-perpendicularity mediated access to µTm-AllBase zero-point energy pool (as likely do all unmolested helical/spiral-banded processes on whatsoever scale levels: see relevant sections of Toward a General Theory of Process and think of acoustic analogues to black hole computers as simple-temperature-cold but hypertemperature-hot fusion-generated directed-energy communicators between Gödel-numbered 1T2-sheets of Sakharov's Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered µTm-superposed, self-reentered, and nonorientable multi-sheet universe, i.e., speaking of fiber bundles from Lukasiewiczian-logic perspective, not only those topological and geometric: started to think this way during the mid-'70s when fiber bundles vis gauge field theory was all over the Science News I then read assiduously, e.g., Lukasiewiczian fiber bundle base space being AllBase state of Tzog-chen accordion-compacted from m-sheeted/sheafed total space of Tzog-chen, the fiber bundles connecting 1T2-points functionally mapped to a given µTm-point, think Karpenko functors, appropriately Gödel-numbered, being, in the most interesting cases, J. G. Bennett's pencils of skew-parallels, the quanta of action establishing such connections having a great deal to do with operator-time, zero-point energy having to do with movement [as understood 1T2ly] on the µTm-AllBase read as temporal-curl sheer, with, that is, skew-perpendicularity between fibered lines-of-force in bundle and equipotential surfaces, à la Riemannian trapping in space topology, all of which, we had no trouble imagining, was involved with Paine-Kaplan-modeled complex angular momentum cascade/reverse-cascade [spin-up/spin-down] dynamics at tornadogenesis and associated vertically propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, first-, second-, and third-order temporal curls having to do with spin-polarizations, precessions, and hypertwists of spin-vector ensembles in double-helical feeder-band flows, 1T2-probability amplitudes, by contrast to consensus views, being construed µTmly non-probabilistic) -- would be associated with an explosion of the population explosion, thus only exacerbating most of the existing problems and/or carrying them into Lebensraum-motivated StarWars-enacted space colonization.
Does a mass of individual suicides, as distinct from mass suicide, of soldiers show an aversion to war, as CNN founders, uh, founder, Ted Turner, apparently believes (see, as paraphrased: Ted Turner: I Think It's Good US Troops Are Committing Suicide, Breitbart, 25 October 2012)? Or would such an indication require a mass of individual soldiers to turn against those who sent them into battle, or, more elaborately, a mass mutiny? What, regardless, Ted Turner's comment clearly indicates is little insight as to etiology of warfare, as well as pathogenicity and course of combat-induced PTSD. Go beyond borders with CNN? In contumacious controversion (see: Clintion: US Will Never Allow Kosovo Border Change, Jason Ditz, AntiWar.com, 31 October 2012) of Secretary Clinton? Borders 1T2-logically valued (i.e., not e-fractal, and not band-pass fractal drums by virtue of µTmly-indexed externalities being holomorphically-mapped thereupon): one pretty fundamental cause of warfare. Self-identification by employment of 1T2-valued-logic order-type alone: one even more fundamental cause of warfare. Expressions of these failed fundamentals: [1] the subjective theory of economic value (which precludes the market from high levels of competency at self-organizing externalities and extra-systemic factors, even precludes adequate inventorying of vonHayek-Everett time-shapes of total capital stock, the cataloging of which requires an allelotropic, i.e., of each other, theory of value based upon Everett relative-state as the Bohmian quantum potential driving market-mediated processes of self-organization); and [2] definition of 1T2-logically-valued legal-tenders over in-or-out borders which are so sticky that they generally (some exceptions, of course) can be changed only by means of warfare or the threat thereof. M-logically-valued LETS e-nesting foams, a case of sustainable design? Nope. Of design of the design system for implementation of sustainable design (see exhibition catalog: Design with the Other 90%: Cities, Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 2011).
Just as the Indochina wars, at surface-structure about communism, were not really about communism (easily seen today, given how decisively Western democracies have shifted into being centralized-command political-economies, how they have followed the Soviet path as described in Tom Engelhardt's book The United States of Fear, Haymarket, 2011), rather were, at deep-structure, about how quantum theory mathematically expresses the animism pandemic to Injun Cuntry (see, for instance, Who Caused the Cambodian Holocaust, Anyway?) and, hence, fundamentally challenges viability of the metaphysics justifying, by recourse to supposed laws of nature, continued institutionalization of the failed and long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung (the main reason why, in the post-VNwar-era, deep-strategy is not for armies to triumph one over the other, but for both to kill civilians in propaganda-by-fire, even where Huntingtonesque forced-draft urbanization qua Turse-described Kill anything that moves! free-fire zones are not publicly announced), so, GWOT, and its extensions under various noms de guerre, is not really about the American-assisted metastasizing of AQ&A, which is only the early stages of the expanding recruitment base, but actually about the explosion in the technology-driven stage in the ever mounting challenges to viability of the metaphysics justifying, by recourse to supposed laws of nature, continued institutionalization of the failed and long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung (this intellectual-history/operational-behavioral conjunction being near universally not understood by cohort of the highly educated suborned of higher enculturation, the yes-men flunkies, the fly-by-nighters, the loobies, the : see, for one case, Forget the Storm , Max Hastings, The Daily Mail, 1 November 2012; for another, ask: How has Bob Dylan's adoptive lifestyle expressed semantic content of the songs which made him famous and rich? Just another black propagandist?). That's why the war against the war against is to be endless, or purportedly so. For one country-by-country catalog of consequences, peruse Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since WWII, William Blum, Common Courage Press, 1995. The title to Blum's yet-to-appear book, America's Deadliest Export: Democracy (uh, uh, that is: Cartesian-Newtonian political economy), is interesting; less interesting is the subtitle, which promises the truth about everything else, Zed Books, February 2013. The internality case in support of Blum's take is provided by The Needle: see, Why I Don't Vote, The Needle Blog, 2 November 2012 (whatever the density of denials, given the nature of the Devil's Staircase, among those who do vote, the vote will always be to screw the kids). Infrahumanization remains eminently viewable: on Vietnam-war precedent -- wherein, when swatting no-see-ums in The War of the Flea became too frustrating, door-gunning peasants in the paddies by fingering the butterfly-trigger provided relief -- if striking Iran is prohibited, then mistakenly bring down one of her airliners, lance Lebanon, hammer Hamas, slam Syria. See, for analysis of The Matrix, uh, the emerging disposition matrix: Plan for hunting terrorists signals U.S. intends to keep adding names to kill lists, Greg Miller, The Washington Post, 24 October 2012 (be aware that the primitives for Googling were algorithmically pioneered in the making of such lists via the MACV IDHS, uh, intelligence data handling system, which subsequently informed electronic transformation of the library system, indeed, information storage, processing, and retrieval in general, thus, one should not be at all surprised to find that the intelligence collection mindset should have come to dominate domestic civil policy formulation). As one counterterrorism advisor almost notes, this is The Lawnmower Man approach (the nail that sticks up has its head lopped off): the making of tactics, strategy. Not only will names be added: judging by history of evolution of the Viet Nam war's Green Book on VCI, now available electronically to those who did not assimilate it at SRA/MACV-J2, and development of the enemy-strength estimates controversy from its early days at created-from-below POLOB, categories will also be added as the recruitment base comes to expand exponentially (to include subsets of population corpora in places like Greece, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Scotland, secessionist areas of the U.S. and Germany, so on). Or Portugal: consider the transition-prefiguration involved in Thousands of Portuguese soldiers protest budget cuts, AFP, 10 November 2012. Flash forward and consider, Protesting Spanish Cops: 'Forgive Us For Not Arresting Those Truly Responsible For This Crisis: Bankers & Politicians', Zero Hedge, 18 November 2012. Early makings of up-and-coming May 15th Incidents (re: early-1930s Japan) -- or already far-gone? At critical state, the Curie temperature is reached and the correlation length snaps to infinity. Looking at the history of secessionist movements and how they have been handled (e.g., N. Ireland, Tamil Sri Lanka), it is not difficult to imagine what their planetarization would/will mean. One immediate terminological-transpose spin-off of the strength-estimate conundrum was occasioned by the failure of power/force-structure analysis to yield strategies/tactics capable of achieving political ends supposedly determining application of war-fighting abilities: capability to achieve those political ends not being present, capability analysis was redefined so as to be handled as synonymous with power/force-structure analysis. Analysts in POLOB >> SRA noticed this redefinition immediately. Capability became a buzz word, and remains so today, wielded routinely in the redefined sense by generals and presidents, their horseholders and dogtrotters. When the notion of what constitutes an act of terrorism was expanded to include counterfeiting, cf: the Nuthouse case of the Liberty Dollar, this expansion was an alteration of the enemy strength estimate by change of categorical definitions, a de-cabining ejusdem generis any-other-thing application of administrative law to postmodernist military strategy, modifying nothing of substance in regard to the balance of forces/capabilities, an application which was refined to a fine art during the Viet Nam war. And we genuflectors can now note that gold flummoxing, one type of terrorism, uh, uh, counterfeiting, vis-à-vis Germany, at least, dates to, at latest, Phase II, i.e., May, of the Tet-'68 offensive, the stone VC David cast at the Bretton Woods Goliath, hitting him in the Temple of Money, thus, to a fare-thee-well, winning the war (see, as regards the JFK-initiated [relative to the twisted-shout-financed expansion of the New Frontier across pelagic expanse and onto not so pacific far shores of the Pacific] and March-'68 failed London Gold Pool, and epiphenomenologies associated therewith: Bank of England to the Fed: 'No Indication Should, Of Course, Be Given To The Bundesbank ', Zero Hedge, 9 November 2012). The critical issue being: as the gold price window between monetary and commodity gold opened farther and farther, impulse to redeem currency for BW-gold and sell it as commodity-gold became greater and greater (so as to recoup the losses to the store-of-value accrued due to OperationTwist + guns + butter inflation). Be aware that the BuBa, and hence West Germany, was the first to renounce the Bretton Woods Accords. Does this renunciation have prefigurative value as regards the present situation in the Eurozone (for relevant comment, see: Dangers of outvoting the BuBa by the ECB Board, Ironies Too, 2 August 2012; as well as, for retrograde inverse comment, Martin Cole's novel Millennium Blitzkreig, mid-1990s). As regards global hit list, question is: What mindset is the keeper of the criteria? Another question: Do analysts originate the criteria or is that done by executive fiat, i.e., by those issuing an ever compounding number of executive orders, then seeking data which confirm policies prescripted prior to data awareness-assessment having been accomplished (assuming, mistakenly perhaps, that such accomplishment will at some point be accomplished). Indeed, flash forward and ask, along with Joshua Foust (see Myopia: How Counter-Terrorism Has Blinded Our Intelligence Community, The Atlantic, 13 November 2012): Are there actual analysts anymore -- or only data gonkulators? Origination of EEI (essential elements of information) is not origination of criteria is not origination of categories is not the adding of names is not, most importantly, identification of indicators of enemy intentions (which -- say, boundary changes or altered functional element mission statements -- are more abstract, general, strategic than are mere signatures). RealitySandwich de jour: a slab of democratic Spam covered by technological Cheese Whiz placed between bicameral WonderBread slices stabbed with executive-fiat skewers, the salt being out-group derogation + infrahumanization. I am pretty well uninformed and dysinformed, but not so much so as is Thomas FRIEDman (flash forward and see: Obama's Nightmare, The New York Times, 13 November 2012, where he soft peddles the idea that the U.S. Army should occupy Syria in the effective manner it occupied Iraq). I once was sufficiently well informed to receive two promotions in one day (so field-grade officers would not be embarrassed to listen to so low-level a guy) for being the only person at JFKSWCS prepared to brief OB and POLOB at onset of the Six Day War. Privately, not in briefings, of course, I argued that U.S. post-WWII oil policy could be kept on track only by ever increasing infusions of violence, until some regional crisis point was obtained. Only later did I learn that, at the critical state, the Curie temperature is reached and the correlation length snaps to infinity (drawing into question FRIEDman's thesis that U.S. Army occupation of Iraq contained that conflict, kept the k-for-correlation on the chaos-complexity nk fitness landscape of the Middle East at subcritical numerical values). On our part: intentionality there is, but no intent to psychologically, sexologically, sociologically, economically, politically, militarily adapt to advent of quantum-relativity physics, not to mention 19th-century higher mathematics, the massive uptake of quantum-based technologies, let alone developments in post-quantum-relativity physics. Just as Phoenix, emergent as a unified command for the myriad antecedent CT-programs-effectuated-by-terror in Viet Nam, signaled failure in the organizational contest and prefigured loss of the war where every battle was won, so establishment and continued expansion of Phoenix Global Central (another example of the far-from-equilibrium scale-level-transition snapover mediated by the likes of Milton Friedman) self-similarly signifies and prefigures with regard to the war against the war against the very idea of the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian/Congress-of-Vienna nation-state system, and its supraordinate agglomerations, metaphysically killed by discovery/creation in higher mathematics, physics, and techno development. Having secerned inadequately, in significant measure due to suppression of the insights generated by those at POLOB/CICV with intimate access to CDEC >> SRA/MACV-J2, all this is wrapped in the NCTC-JSOC-National Capital Region Task Force legalese rationalizing self-destruction upon the cuspover established by ceding to the transnational insurgent control over the spacetime variable (done by proclaiming GWOT planetary and veritably eternal) and by thus hitching one's fate to the exponential growth curve (while nation-building may be construed a Veblen good, CI becomes a Giffen good on the back of failed nation-building) in resource commitments (domestic, no less than transnational: see, for instance, as regards the long-forecasted [I first spoke of this eventual likelihood at SRA/MACV-J2, circa Spring of 1968] internal travel visa, now to take the form of chip-embedded domestic passports: Future TSA: Track All Daily Travels To Work, Grocery Stores & Social Events, Network World, 23 July 2011) required of the counter-insurgent simply to maintain status quo politico-economic stability (and, moreover, and astoundingly, counter-productively initiating wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and fomenting a new Spring of Nations, with its incipient Thermidorian Reaction of various sorts), integrity of LOCs, uninterrupted worldwide energy flows, et cetera, in having ingénuely embraced (largely because of the psycho-cognitive event gradient set up by internalization of the Tet-'68 Dolchstosslegende) an apparently endless conflict of global extent. The only real question when playing the permabull's Glad Game is whether to be a Pickford Pollyanna or a Mills Pollyanna. Don't worry, be happy. America, still in compensatory abreaction to the psychological trauma sustained in Viet Nam from certain features of West-more-land's Injun Cuntry, against which gynophobics used, for one, Agent Orange by topical application, is presently putting up a triple canopy space shield to replace the one destroyed and to protect us all from As Alfred W. McCoy has it (see: Beyond Bayonets and Battleships: Space Warfare and the Future of U.S. Global Power, TomDispatch, 8 November 2012):
the Pentagon has begun to fuse biometrics, cyberwarfare, and a potential future triple canopy aerospace shield into a robotic information regime that could produce a platform of unprecedented power for the exercise of global dominion -- or for future military disaster.
Should we add to that: And further facilitation of atmospheric dyscrasia and climate shift dynamics? If so, has this been long understood, and decided to be an acceptable risk? And what about the use of the signifier surreptitious acquisition of DNA fingerprints in the Toffler's book War and Anti-War? Stealthy non-optical IDing? Was this Wim Winder's The End of Violence, sentinel Max Mike-Mike, drone-facilitating biometric acquisition one reason the genetic engineering industry grew up under the mistaken thesis that the quantum-wave properties of DNA have no significant biological role, not even that of radiative pulse-coding? Don't mean nothin'? Well, then, just place me anywhere on the indifference curve.
In a kind of reverse Carl Sagan science court decision (Sagan, who wrote the Introduction for the first edition of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time, 1988, advocated formation of a court to investigate other phenomena than mere claims to the paranormal -- hard form of CSICOP, the Psi Cop created in 1976 -- to try those Off The Beat he maintained were guilty of purveying pseudoscience, to include, beyond reasonable doubt at the time, Cornell tornadogenesis specialist, Douglas A. Paine, whom he roundly disparaged to students taking courses from both for having presented a paper at the McMaster University Velikovsky conference, 1974, a paper entitled The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena), an Italian court has put consensus science on trial and found it guilty of multiple manslaughter and, essentially, gross negligence (see, for example: Italy scientists sentenced to jail in quake trial, Ella Ide, physics.org, 22 October 2012). Given that, during the early-1970s, there was a quantum-relativistic, imaginary/hypercomplex-temporal-curl qua complex-angular-momentum, cascade model (the Paine-Kaplan model) running on USAF and NASA mainframes which routinely predicted tornadoes on a 1-km grid 12 hours in advance, using historical data sets, and that hardly anyone knows about this, one must wonder, must one not, if there once were accurate quantum-relativistic forecast models in respect to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, models hardly anyone knows about. And if there were such models, and they were suppressed, like in the Paine-Kaplan case, what would this suppression imply -- across the full spectrum of motivations for suppression, conscious and unconscious? Since uses of weather forecast models are sold as products, are they subject to product liability suits? This was something venture capitalists, ladling scorn upon reasonable standards of ordinary caution, were not much worried about when funding development of forecast model commercial applications -- and unduly pushing researchers and developers so as to, earliest, receive returns on investment. What kind of class-action tort award against a class of service providers would a jury arrive at, Ms. Erin Brockovich, in a tornadogenesis law suit that tallied unnecessary cumulative losses, and human death/suffering sustained, back to the mid-1970s?
Got milk? Anyone, during the 1970s, authentically attributing importance to the principle of self-similarity across scale levels -- not to say nowadays, when the supporting evidence is much more elaborate -- would not have been squeamish upon seeing analogues between atmospheric processes and those transpiring on quantum and relativistic nested and nesting scales. Skipping over the rather too obvious blackhole-tornado [scaled}analogue, we have, for instance, the fact that Paine's atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations yields what is, basically, a non-probabilistic, i.e., µTm-implicit, (acoustically-modified hydrothermodynamic) scaled analogue to neutron state space, and his imaginary and hypercomplex three-fold temporal curl is a µTm-implicit non-probabilistic account of polarized spin-vector precession under positive and negative half-integral spin (adding constructively and destructively, i.e., real-numbered-memetime-independent simultaneous cascade and reverse cascade understood as imaginary-numbered double-helix, and hypercomplex-numbered twists of that helix, and second-order-hypercomplex-numbered hypertwists of those twists -- not as mere swings around a probability amplitude unit circle). Of course, all the involved µTm-stuff was thoroughly debunked in 1T2-Magic Without Magic. Heh-heh-heh! And the double-helix of DNA shan't on any account be regarded a scaled analogue of the spacetime double-helix, what was debunked to magic-without-magic probability fog mist-over-Platonia -- which is not to mention cometary double-helical feeder-bands, the DNA Nebula, and our spiral-banded Milky Way (the Kshirsagar milk churned by contemplation-meditation-trance in no way being probability fog mist-over; rather, naked-eye-astronomy kami dust, Novikov dusti when n-scales are involved; the Ksheera Sagara Mathanam churning -- this link explicates the standard interpretation of the symbolism -- involving formation of a twisting axis of spin (the time axis), i.e., world mountain-pivot-mortar-paddle-pole riding on the back of the Cosmic Tortoise with hexagonal/equilateral-triangular quark-symmetry mini-wormhole meshnet Tzog-chen µTm-AllBase yantra inscribed upon the shell, and its imaginary twisting and hypercomplex twisting of imaginary twists, Cosmic Cobra being employed for this Kozyrev temporal-spin-moment generation, the three categories each of goddesses, animals, valuables signifying 3-fold operator-time in its various aspects). O, Ha! New Man shapeshifting. According to this notion, preservation of CPT-symmetry (charge, parity, time) -- as displayed on the giant sea turtle's shell -- under rotations of the time axis, maintains invariance only in the µTm-case (the probability amplitude interpretation being an attempt to squeeze CPT-invariance into the 1T2-order-type alone). Let it be noted that D. A. Paine came up with the notion temporal curl completely independent of any awareness of N. A. Kozyrev. In Paine's own words:
Three individuals, while the first author pursued his M.S. at the Pennsylvania State University, contributed in unexpected ways to the concepts formulated within this paper. Anton Chaplin, a co-graduate student enrolled in Dr. John Dutton's radiation course, did a term project in which he mathematically referenced an air parcel to a temporal, as opposed to a spatial, level. The last decade for the first author has been spent in pursuit of the implications of this statement. Dr. Edwin Danielsen did pioneering work in isentropic theory and analysis which has inspired a long list of students in the atmospheric sciences.
This quotation was drawn from the Acknowledgements section of the paper entitled, The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, circa 1978.
What is noise? According to John Cage's Zen in the Art of Art Music, noise is not the sound of one hand clapping, not just not-Silence, for noise can become music simply by hearer-deautomatization via reinvestment of attention to, say, that in the way of hearable first-sound which had heretofore been habituated-to and automatized-as ambient noise, e.g., sounds issuing from construction sites, even such sites on the galactic scale level. By going from enculturated-consensuated semantic imports imputed to sounds onward to bare-sound, sound stripped of learned auditory behaviors, sound on its pure-pattern/pure-feeling Pure-Land mantric level, noise is transformed into Art Music, Turangalila, or cosmic love-play (seehear here: The Rest is Noise, and the not-rest is wherewhen m-themes are stacked simultaneous and must be hearer-deautomatized). Such a going-from/onward-to is greatly facilitated by cross-modal translations of sensory dimensions, i.e., by onset of synaesthesia, which, when fully elaborated, is no mere translation but complete obliteration of sensory-modality distinctions, whereupon actualization thereof, states of relative-state identity-transparency jump out of the background reference-space AllBase. If there is a synaesthesia gene, that gene's most important aspects are its quantum-wave properties -- which can permit conscious elaboration under ketamine flood, this elaboration persisting to the degree this flood is of endogenous ketamine, not that exogenously introduced. Sounds of no-sound and the silencing of sounds: scalar analogs of coefficient-scaled second-sound. Planetarized mantric acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, for instance -- and their theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature yantric signatures on equipotential-surface/constant-entropy-surface manifold topologies and chronotopologies (the shell of the Cosmic Tortoise of [Ma}habharata and Purana) and transforms thereof. Again, what is noise? According to the apocryphal document Zen in the Physics of Physical Theory, noise is not-data, that which is not resolvable to this or that element of the prevailing paradigm, not renormalizable to the reigning Weltanschauung, that which must be filtered away by the reverse-cognitive osmosis involved in rescaling and truncation and the like, if the prevalent paradigm-Weltanschauung is to remain sustainable. As regards the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm, is it not obvious why acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (acoustic analogues to black hole computers) were filtered from atmospheric models by use of rescaling techniques? Charles Hugh Smith, who says, on his Of Two Minds website, what needs to be said more often than is said elsewhere, addresses some of the issues involved as they exist relative to political economy: see, In a Dysfunctional Status Quo, Reform Triggers Collapse, 2 November 2012. A posting that could be re-entitled, Why Reform Has Become Anathema. I have long argued that a Cartesian-Newtonian system cannot be transformed into a quantum-relativistic system -- which is (1) to deny validity-utility of the notion that Newton was right and Planck and Einstein only made refinements to his System of the World, and (2) to maintain that the semantic dimension of the µTm-order-type cannot be simulated by any concatenation of nested order-types, much less of the 1T2-order-type-alone taken into Church-recursion. Newton was altogether wrong, and the degree to which that is so has not been understood due to clinging behaviors, behaviors blocking µTm-valued logical thought about µTm-valued logics, and their applications to Zen in the Physics of Physical Theory. The most important thing I learned from experience of the Viet Nam war concerns pathofunctional potency of externalities introjected to Umwelt. Soon after returning to the U.S., during a philosophical discussion, I found one of my most cherished fundamental beliefs being effectively challenged. Somehow, in midst of emoting on having thus come intellectually under fire, I caught the fact that psychosomatic content of this reaction was indistinguishable from what I had experienced in the Mekong delta when brought physically under fire. I suddenly understood that persistence of PTSD is largely tied to failure to process and integrate existential challenges to integrity of Umwelt, and that this failure can become elaborate enough to make suicide the revealed preference at utility maximization over the operative m-valued choice function (indeed, this was at that very moment happening on the collective level to U.S. forces in Viet Nam: for interesting reflections on this, even given that the author did not serve in Viet Nam, see Self-Destruction: The Disintegration and Decay of the United States Army during the Viet Nam Era, Cecil B. Currey, W. W. Norton, 1981). The degree of cognitive free-up that this personal realization concerning Umwelt facilitated cannot be overstated. Independent of the entrenched and practically-politically unmodifiable pandemic panoply of 1T2-legal obstructions (law, itself -- in the West since memetimes of the House of Atreus -- being little more than 1T2-recursion of one 1T2-deductive syllogism derived from its antecedent 1T2-deductive syllogism over-sweetened with value-laden glutamatergic 1T2-inductions), this is why I have long maintained that development of the theory and practice of µTm-valued LETS -- as means to internalize externalities to the market -- has relevance only to the global cuspover and post-cuspover periods. Those not on the fringe are somewhen in memetimes past (for excellent commentary on this observation, see: Ignorance by Consensus, David Korowicz, The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, 13 November 2012). One must ask: Are Humans Becoming Less Intelligent?, Tia Ghose, LiveScience summary of the Trends in Genetics article, 12 November 2012 -- and if the answer is Yes! as apparently it is, then one wonders as to a dip in trending downslope over the past 200 years. Doubt that? It's not necessary to contemplate the autistic ADHDed MSG-child of today, and thus entertain that normative glutamate titers were not in Niels Henrik Abel's memetimes what they are nowadays; one need only be aware of the cognitive downsizing associated with stress effects of the postmodern Lebenswelt (flash forward and see, for instance: Study: Stress Causes Brain To Shrink, CBS Connecticut, 30 November 2012). People poached in their own neuropsychiatric effluvium. Institutionalization of the high-mesomorph male, stoked on stress as extreme sport, sucker-fishing his network of ecto-endo males. Alpha baiting beta? You betcha! People in general, even professional planners, deal poorly with multiple scenarios as strategy considerations. This cognitive short-circuit is greatly magnified in regard to m-valued universal physical constants, e.g., absolute limiting velocity or speed of light. Never mind m-valued constants processed under µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. The zero-point is the lowest energy level of a quantum mechanical system, which, with m-valued universal physical constants processed by nature under µTm-valued logics, is every system, regardless of scale, such that there is some zero-point at every degree kelvin. Out of [no}thing -- ex nihilo -- like non-redeemable debt-free government-issue fiat-money creation. What length-scale has the natural frequency for ex nihilo zero-point money? Scale of the lowest energy level of a quantum mechanical system, which, according to properties of systems employing m-valued universal constants, is, by relative-state identity-transparency, any-every scale level (depending upon the partitioning algo employed, partitioning being altogether a relative phenomenon, particularly so if measured on a Koch curve or over tympanum of The Moon of Hoa Binh, uh, uh, a fractal drum, Hoa Binh being Vietnamese for peace). Duh, duh, it's surface winds what's responsible for the warming Gulf Stream, a stream which is a flow, a current -- not a circulation where low-down salt-heavy wasser returns to the Gulf where it all began. Don't worry! be happy: forget thermohaline pumps. The suicide self-metaprogram informs much collective behavior these days, not only that of pre-trib raptors and Hollywood scriptwriters. Of course -- doesn't it stand to reason, as anyone with common sense should know? -- climate shift is all about greenhouse warming of simple-temperature, not of potential-temperature, not of equivalent-potential-temperature, not of buckling theta-e surface manifolds and their acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures (Cage-like sounds of no-sound, nature's own Silent Sound Spread Spectrum), not of electron-temperature enhancements -- and certainly is not about anthropogenically-induced shifts in frequency-response windows within Earth's atmosphere to cyclic fluctuations in complex angular momentum conveyed to Earth by solar wind, and modulations thereof as that momentum cascades through the hierarchy of wave motions in the atmosphere and is injected into Earth's crustal and core dynamics by lightning, tornadoes, and so on. The spectrum of ways to be in denial is, indeed, broad -- spanning climate-change skeptics to greenhouse-warming messiahs. Flameout over Stuxnet county. Cheapshot Snarky exhorting to mass bungee-jump simulation of lemming acrobatic tumbling into the Wanderjahre of night-sea-journey phantasmagoria. Collective felo de se upon folie à deux writ large. Though I believe that a decision for human-species self-annihilation has been archetypally constellated for well over a century, I continue to believe collective unconscious implementation of this decision will not be completely successful (my perhaps over-optimistic WAG has long been for a ten-percent human survival rate, not merely a few human breeding pairs localized to the poles, as the Gaia guy, James Lovelock, once forecast). Because everything has long since become a big dick contest amongst bumf shufflers? BOHICA? This thing is CATFUed? How did I arrive at such a conviction during the 1970s? By climate change beliefs? Only minimally. Look at how ramified dysterpretation of Abel, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, and Schrödinger has by now become -- even to include Bayesian degrees of belief. This means that the scientific models used to assess and meet the evolving situation are fundamentally flawed, that they surely underestimate the degrees of superintegration prevalent in nature, and, thus, discount severity of the present planetary crisis. People are more attached to the outmoded perspectives than ever before -- and are even glutamate-flooding their children, thus deepening that attachment. Maturity mismatches, financial and otherwise, have become a chronic problem -- given glutamatergic neuronal etching. Heh-heh-heh! We can only try to imagine the intensity of violence that will be brought to a PW1 -- given that the Franco-Prussian war and two world wars have already been fought over the involved issues, wars that resolved nothing of substance. One must not forget, not only the WWI origin of the Federal Reserve System, but the WWI origin of system repos (i.e., borrowing by the FED: repoo, to my mind, better captures repurchase, heh-heh-heh). Standing juddery on the stoop of history. More and more commentators, for instance, are nowadays saying that this or that aspect of the global financial system will not be fixed until there is total collapse. What Mutualist Proudhon meant to say: single-valued property is theft of the multivalue at heart of the quantum potential responsible for autopoiesis. Think of -- heh-heh-heh! -- funding fragility, repo runs, indeed, bank runs as m-equilibriums (i.e., collapses of the flow-of-funds/flow-of-assets wave-function understood in Bayesian terms) as set by order-types of higher-order beliefs (not understood as related to µTm-order-types of Lukasiewicz logics). And, surely, rectification of the deep-structural crumbling cannot transpire before acknowledgement is made that there has been 3000 years of wrongheadedness and 300 years of focused dissembling, acknowledgement amounting to lethal existential denial being issued to the Umwelts of most everyone. People generally choose physical death over sacrifice of what has been introjected to Umwelt. Clearly, mass voluntary suffering will not be entered upon to facilitate the required phase transition.
As regards standard notions of Abfall-Aufhebung -- qua Indic Involution-Evolution qua cascade/reverse-cascade at tornadogenesis qua movements down and up The Devil's Staircase and/or Jacob's Ladder and/or The Ray of Creation and/or the Tree of Life, all, as explicated most clearly in Plotinus' Enneads, understood as memetime independent, i.e., as Buddhologically relative-state dependent origination in one mind moment, just like Tantric Schrödinger's original quantum-wave equation -- it must be recognized that, while the many-to-one and one-to-many mappings defining fiber bundles between the Riemann-surface covering of sheets-rundles of total space and compacted base space involve m-valued functions, these mappings are 1T2-logically-valued only (and this is what consensuation of the Born probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function insured would remain the case: Copenhagen interpretation denials, even parallel-universes interpretation of the Everett relative-state-interpretation denials, can hardly be credited, given that m-valued logics were on the scene 20 years -- 5 years for the rigorous treatment -- before Born's interpretation of Schrödinger appeared). Probability amplitude, fuzzy truth-value, blurry hologram: each a consequent of using only part of what's on the plate. In Lukasiewiczian cascade/reverse-cascade theory, however, these Everettian relative-state mappings are understood as being functionally m-valued under the logically µTm-valued. Thirty-five years ago at Cornell: tenterhooks in the classroom. All in seats suddenly in tentie. His tensive tone torques their tensity, for -- their Umwelts under challenge in ways not quite conscious -- they recognized only a toratogen. Fiber bundle arithmetics should have been employed in bundling bundles of financial derivatives. They were not -- for various psychopathic reasons, IMHO. Discounting dyspute.cloud and bamboosal.botnet, uh-dah, golly.dat But, likely, in an optimal solution to the risk enhancement associated with uptake of quantum-based technologies, which, in large measure, deep-structure motivated currency fiatization and creation of financial derivatives, derivatives displacing up the Devil's Staircase and concentrating to larger and larger scale-levels (with smaller and smaller management cohorts) the enhanced risk, would not involve directly fiberbundling financial instruments. Best done with respect to the constitution of the currencies employed to value financial instruments, including derivatives. Fiber bundles are required to index externalities to base-states of Lukasiewiczian LETS currencies mapped over nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries (an indexing to be best accomplished by MMO [massively multiplayer online] virtual gaming with some facsimile of VirFut Q-Pro where all can play, but policy setting utilities of the m-scenarios plays made are ordered in accordance with the band-pass fractal e-boundaries of the domain structures of the nesting foam). While I do not advocate virtual vehicle e-currencies or a virtual reserve currency, simultaneously vehicle or not (indeed, I see no need at all for any sort of reserve currency, including bancor and unitas: a global exchange unit and/or store of value is to be viewed a subsystem-system-supersystem-composite quencher: just think as to why there is an elementary particle zoo: one of the most destructive aspects of 1T2-logical money is that it is construed a universal medium of exchange: consider that µTmly-valued money, which would not be Q-Bitcoin, could not be current money, securitized/promissory-noted or no, in that µTm-logics are indefinable relative to the properties of memetime, hence indefinable relative to the implied present of circulating current, as one can easily see if one thinks a bit on Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation, an issue of great importance vis-à-vis the fundamental questions surrounding unbridled growth), I do advocate a virtual global unit of account defined over MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space, i.e., Tzog-chen AllBase space, the total-base space of all LETS-currency base spaces). Post-Cartesian-Newtonian international clearing union: quantum composite, distributed, nonlocal, block-chained-ledger µTm-AllBase, a compaction of block-chaining/block-renaming on base spaces at all levels of the LETS fractal e-nesting foam, each base space being its own band-pass fractal drum (quality of which improving with evolution of computer memory tech). And looking at the very notion of virtuality of monies, it must be observed that, actually, on many points-issues, there is little in common between a globally introduced global (designated above as a quantum-composite quencher; self-similar scorn to be heaped upon immutable monetary regimes) p2p virtual e-currency like Bitcoin (for a good introductory account, see: The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin, Benjamin Wallace, Wired, 23 November 2011; for a much more comprehensive assessment, see Bitcoin: An Innovative Alternative Digital Currency, Yale Law School's Reuben Grinberg, Hastings Science and Technology Law Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 160-208, 9 December 2011; and, as regards prefigurations of the Thermidorian Reaction requiring some sort of theriaca, see analysis of the ECB's report entitled Virtual Currency Schemes: The Gloom of Central Banking, Tuur Demeester, Zero Hedge, November 2012) and what is proposed with the notion of m-logically-valued LETS e-nesting foams introduced from below relative to existing local jurisdictions. Not the least, in that significant properties of Bitcoin are epiphenomenal of 1T2-internet characteristics, which µTmly e-monies could nowise be. Even given the lack of security immanent to the Bitcoin identifier (number sequence) and virtual wallet, Bitcoin associated encryption tech, and the like, could be essential to early (prior to advent of quantum computing using µTm-valued processors) stages of implementation of m-logically-valued LETS, but Bitcoin, despite being a quasi-commodity-based currency (see the very interesting paper: Quasi-Commodity Money, George Selgin, The Monetary Future, 6 February 2012), as a system qua system, seems Ponzi-like in the very idea of it. Moreover, Bitcoin has fluctuated in value relative to mainstream currencies much more than do standard non-e fiat currencies (see chart provided by Wiki relative to the USD, and probably originally posted on the Bitcoin Charts site), remains reliant upon a few centralized exchanges (Mt. Gox, while having to do with inorganic membrane transport, uh, Transporter 2.0, is no Eastern peak of the Meru group, i.e., the Mt. Mandara used as a churning paddle, and certainly is not gaseous oxygen or glucose oxidase) as well as a centralized development team and the mining of BTC having already devolved to mining conglomerates (same problem TaoistMao having become Top^Down_Mao had, which he tried to redress with his Cultural Revolution), and was introduced with a supposedly-invariant pulled-out-of-a-hat prescription -- total BTC ever to be placed into circulation -- and algorithm-of-issuing (involving the solving of mathematical problems, i.e., cryptographic puzzles) altogether unrelated to the solving of problems new currencies presently need to address, e.g., indexing (µTmly by tagged externalities stacked on base-state of the given LETS currency base-money and given fractional-reserve credit expansions/contractions, not merely in a 1T2-2X2 matrix such as that described by Selgin: note that p2p distributed anarchitecture-configuration is logically-1T2 horizontal commonality only, and, hence, no vehicle of µTm-quantum-composite relative-state identity-transparency Musculpt) the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock (total for each domain on each nest of the foam, for each nest, and for the whole foam), so as to make available to market micro-actors information about prevailing Everett relative-state which is the Bohm quantum potential for self-organization (the only truly utilitarian basis for a universally applicable notion of economic value). Over and above the factors determining money demand, there would be exogenous (prevailing usage: see discussion below) governance of money supply fluctuations relative to the time-shapes of total capital stock in each domain at each level of the nesting foam (i.e., large local component in growth and repair processes). Consider that, in going to time-shapes as econometric interpretation of Everett relative-state, F. A. von Hayek transcended his own reliance on the notion of rules as strategic to market mediation of self-organizing economic processes: no Friedmanian k-percent rule, or the like (such as: over a 2nk fitness landscape), is mandated for market macro-actors, because chief co-efficient factors of autopoiesis (self-generation and self-organization) are quantal operators (measurables in the technical sense of quantum mechanics). What, then, are needed, are monetary constitutions (not more-better legislation, more-better regulation, more-better command diktat, more-better enforcement) fine-grain tagged to critical measureables, monetary constitutions which place the critical autopoietic operators in their proper relation to market incentives and sanctions (yielding what would be, as Selgin notes, a Buchanan-automatic monetary system; modified, in that its automaticity would be µTmly time-shaped). I would observe that resort to the non-probabilistic Everettian relative-state of the totality of the context (embodying subsystem-system-supersystem quantum-composites of the actual resource constraints requiring to be fine-grain tagged to incentives and sanctions by intermediation of properties of the monetary constitutions employed by markets, if the prevailing global crisis is to be sincerely addressed) is not a resort to the Cartesian-Newtonian-Darwinian blind forces Keynes referred to in opposing the constituting of monetary autopoiesis. When commodity and quasi-commodity currencies, indeed, even including fiat currencies, for there may be some local circumstances making this choice optimum for some locales for some period, variously µTmed, come in e-nesting foams, there need be little fear of mutability-elasticity due to time-shape tagging, i.e., the sort of fear incumbent upon use of a global monotonic monetary referent -- for mutability's-elasticity's consequents are fractally distributed-dispersed, metric-elasticity modulated, and negatively fed back to just the degree authentic fractality is actually implemented (that is: no utopianism here, but framework determining conditions always potentially improvable). Moreover, m-logically-valued LETS e-nesting foams can only be brought up from below, step by step -- thus mitigating systemic costs associated with Gartner's hype cycle. Yet, the only insurer as to longevity of such a system is that if there is no monetary taking into account of the time-shapes of total capital stock, or there is a subsequent nullification thereof, that will be confirmation of the collective unconscious decision for human species self-immolation. Sustainable growth has been, and will continue, the recipe for voluntary discorporation -- because the 1T2-market cannot organize allocations without unmitigated expectation of growth in capital. The maximum principle, and only the maximum principle! Moreover, under market capitalism, extra-systemic negentropy must be eaten in order simply to self-organize -- never mind produce something. When, for one, it is no longer escapable that Earth's atmosphere is no classical domain, as had been thought, purposive arguments for the benison of stagnation and contraction will set in, featuring a spot-contract naked-sale of the notion progress, and repeal of escheat statutes relative thereto based on the traditional Law of Forfeiture dictating reversion to the state of all discretionary measures. This is why Austrian School economics, were it ever to be implemented, would fail no less than does big government neoKeynesian and monetarist QE-steroid shots of LBJ-BO guns + butter. Mumbo-jumboed flummery, what! so they say. Fly-blown, trite, moth-eaten metaphors, similes, figurations -- are they parody of hackneyed and frumpy prevailing forms? Subsidies, import quotas, tax credits-deductions-exemptions-trading, quantity-time monetary repatriation restricts, direct-indirect nationalization, zoning ordinances, covenants, rent controls, interest rate setting, tenure, seniority promotion, busing, affirmative action, outreach traduction, microfinance rating, and so on: exogenous means to enforce preference functions, means which are poorly interfaced with market action directives, i.e., incentives and sanctions self-organizing allocations according to the supply-demand dynamic and the omnipresent/beholding-to-none maximum principle. Exogenous forcing beats against endogenous forcing, and vice versa, such that efficacy of both is undermined. How overcome this problem? No geomantic/chronomantic divination required. Space and time distinctions between exogenous and endogenous disappear in fractal nesting foams because container and contained, out and in, are relative to the partitioning algorithm employed: there is no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinction drawable (a Zen in the Physics of Physical Theory principle most profoundly explicated in Hubert Benoit's Let Go!: Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen, Allen & Unwin, 1962). Hence -- in a participatory universe with m-valued universal physical constants and subject to quantum measurement -- conservation laws, definability of entropy, and so very much more are relative to partitioning algos -- and so, therefore, must be means of conservation, means of sustainability, means of achieving high levels of competency at self-organization not tied to unbridled growth. Self-organization by resource exchange across plasmahaut phase boundaries is the biological interpretation-application by critical-Curie-state (correlation length goes to infinity) focus upon the paramount variable: partitioning algo. As regards categorical distinctions between exogenous and endogenous, such 1T2-distinctions disappear under µTm-valued logics -- and this is why the only actual way to internalize to the market externalities/extra-systemic-factors is via µTm-valued LETS e-nesting foams (the ultimate such internalization being with respect to Everett-vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock). Note that this does not involve the parallel-universes interpretation of Everett's relative-state interpretation; it involves an m-valued Lukasiewicz logic understanding of hologramic-holomorphic Everett relative-state (suggesting that 1T2-contradictory kinds of currency can productively coexist in the same currency!). By contrast: as Vincenzo Natali's 1997 film Cube would have it, marking rooms (LSTDs, i.e., limited spacetime domains, logical propositions, LETS currencies structured as fractal drums) with powers of prime numbers, à la Gödel, is a trap, indeed, a Cabalistic trap such as that essayed in Darren Aronofsky's 1998 trepanning film entitled Pi. Peers in the anterograde collective amnesia of the Nolans' individualistic Memento, rather than in Schrödinger's Verschrankung, Dr. Childe Harold's OBEed views of form-in-process were ignored for being atmospheric analogs to DNA's µTm-bioacoustic signatures (see our paper entitled A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-341), not radar-OB and/or electronic-OB 1T2-digitalizable output. This particular notion as to exactly how DNA has an operator-time-superposed phased-array free-electron-gas-core tank and how the helices function as a superheterodyne antenna/receiver-transmitter was facilitated by a onetime POLOB analyst -- not an ELINTer, not a SIGINTer. As a parenthetical aside, I can note that I was once associated with a Japanese art agency, Fia, Inc., which fomented the creation of Coase durables, limited edition fine art prints (to include Joe Goode's Tornado Series aquatint etchings), Selgin's stepping off point for modeling quasi-commodity money -- and that this experience in more than one way informed my thought about the nature of value and its various rubbish theories. Much relevant to the regnum of art law needs to be incorporated into thought about what is presently required in the way of monetary constitutions.
Reverse-telescope back from the concrete particulars of The Chicago Plan to save the prevailing planetary economic universe of discourse (see: The Chicago Plan Revisited, Jaromir Benes and Michael Kumhof, International Monetary Fund, WP/12/202, August 2012; and for one critique, see Why the Chicago Plan is flawed reasoning and would fail, Martin Sibileau, A View From the Trenches, 11 November 2012; and for a short introduction with some interesting monetary history of the ancient world, see IMF's epic plan to conjure away debt and dethrone bankers, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 21 October 2012: in my judgment these items deserve close reading, as some variant of this Plan, in conjunction with some form of use of the IMF SDR as international reserve currency, is quite likely to be attempted at the central bank and transcentral-bank levels [IMHO a great mistake] -- not by beginning the transform at the zero-point LETS level to, among many other reasons, insure that a lending choke would not ensue -- in association with step up to the last rundle of the Devil's Staircase) into abstractions of the forecast-model architectonics used to justify it, used, that is, to argue that the Plan will work, that economic conditions in general will improve, i.e., the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model, a special case of the economic general equilibrium theory, itself a special case of the general theory of thermodynamic equilibrium (nowadays considerably superseded by theories of far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, formation of discontinuities in equilibrium surfaces, shifts to self-organized criticality, constellation of super-states of matter, and so on). I do not here suggest detailed consideration of DSGE, only of its gross architecture, along with that of agent-based models. Physical theories have both macroscopic and microphysical aspects. Similarly, with DSGE and agent-based models, the main difference between these two economic modeling approaches being how they characterize and handle the micro-properties of the system modeled: DSGE focuses upon microeconomic principles of Friedmanian-Popperian propensities aggregated across partitions (preferences exhibiting transitivity over sets and single-valuedness, single-valuedness being deemed synonymous with the well behaved), while the agent-based approach focuses on discrete entities in interaction handled, for the most part, as 1T2-cellular-automata. Both construe macro-behaviors as emergent from micro-foundations (microeconomic derivation of macroeconometric behavior equations) and integrate random shocks into the modeling efforts by use of probabilistic methods. Following classical physical theory, both econometric modeling/forecasting approaches explicitly adopt the atomic model of physical processes, such that large-scale behaviors result-emerge from summation of their smaller-scale component processes in time-consistent manner (under the non-relativistic assumption that time-itself is consistent). This idea contrasts considerably with the active operator-time cascade-theory concept employed in nested-grid/multi-scale numerical modeling-forecasting of tornadogenesis construed a special case of a general theory of process (see: Toward a General Theory of Process, circa 1977). Here, there is no one-way micro-to-macro forcing; rather, two-way -- with macro-to-micro playing a major role in determination of ensemble behaviors. Moreover, this two-way forcing is substantially modified by self-reflexive reentries (a Sorosian econometric example of this Heisenbergian property is modification of the Phillips Curve under attempts to exploit it, as explicated by Lucas), such that full-blown non-orientability as to antecedent-consequent/causality relations-connections is obtained over the hologramic-holomorphic subsystem-system-supersystem quantum-composite, a non-orientability handled properly, not with stochastic functions (and not the Bayesian degrees of belief interpretation of probability amplitudes -- where equilibrium is between faith and belief, that is, faith of data and belief of models [see conclusion to: Representation and Estimation for Dynamic General Equilibrium Models, Zhengyuan Gao and Kenneth Judd, UVA, undated] -- however hyperprior, for hyperpriorness is, essentially, not only a matter of simple-nesting but also of order-types in quantal non-simple identity-transparency) or 2nk chaos-complexity behavioral landscapes, but only by employment of Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value (this statement could be regarded an elaboration of the Sonnenschein-Mantel-Debreu theorem (as to how m-equilibrium vectors exist: analogous to the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function) where concatenation of [1T2] properties of micro-rationality does not implicate [µTm] macro-rationality, which is to say that uniqueness, i.e., single-valuedness, singularity of roots/econometric-identity, is of limited utility for dynamic behavioral characterization of subsystem-system-supersystem composites over ensembles, wherein the Anything Goes Theorem is µTmly structured as to Everettian relative-state identity-transparency). Note how the Cole Porter Anything Goes is used pejoratively in fashion similar to how Impossibility was used pejoratively in regard to N. H. Abel's theorem on solution by finite, i.e., algebraic, process to equations of the 5th degree and higher, which was, essentially, an existence proof for transalgebras. Another way to enunciate basically the same thing is to assert that 1T2-markets inherently cannot be complete markets (heuristically frictionless, hence, superconductant) in regular economies (which is to impute that the Hairy Ball Theorem is not applicable because, as noted above, we are not dealing with heuristically non-quantum, simply-identifiable, isolated or locally unique sectors on a 2-sphere without sources and sinks, but with multilayers and cells on the torus [uh, uh, metaphorically the shell of the Cosmic Tortoise of Mahabharata and Purana] and the Klein-bottle with internal and external source-sink terms: i.e., micro-to-macro + macro-to-micro + self-reflexive reentry) absent operator-time as autopoietic operator, and that the goods exchanged therein cannot be authentically state-dependent (dependent on state of the world: requiring an accounting of all the values of all the relevant variables, even be they m-valued variables) absent exchange-unit µTm-tagging of vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, the econometric interpretation of Everett relative-state. By non-quantum simple-identity, simply to 1T2-distinguish between rainy-day umbrellas and sunny-day umbrellas is hardly adequate. And then for the ECB to take this Umbrella Principle and DSGE Smets-Wouters model it area-wide over the Eurozone as a whole Ooooo my oh my.
Collective schizophrenogenesis: with the Umwelt-fogger, self-cultivation of double-binds as rationalizations for quaking fear of what is apperceived the ultimate nihil: loss of the non-quantum simple-identity synonymous with the ill-formulated claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. When I was an adolescent, one standard joke was that a California virgin was an ugly 13-year-old. Regardless of what people say upon being canvassed, this seems to me to have been an accurate reflection of the prevailing behavioral gradient -- no doubt, all the more the case today. If as regards fornication, likely also for the big bad letter A. Moral crime? Endemic? In epidemic or pandemic? When a collectivity publicly self-castigates (see, for instance, a story about Mama's Boy 4-* Big Mac who later severed the sexes in Japan by requiring the placement of a wall down the middle, something I've lamented since 1953) over a normative, indeed, normotic, behavior, is that normal, or is that schizophrenogenic? And if the latter, what does that reflect? The conviction that skateboarders are the ultimate enemy? That sex -- particularly among those not yet completely glutamatergically neuronally pruned and quantum quenched -- is potentially a route to conscious ontic awareness of the quantum non-simple µTm-identity inherent to organismic AllBase? That the biggest problem the human species has had over the past 3000 years has been, not irrationality, but Western use of non-rotational 1T2-valued-only rationality (despite the Trinity, for instance, no Christian Democrat has ever actually thought in trivalent 1T3-logic)? That collective cultivation of double-binds compensates/mimics death of the institutional base rooted in metaphysics associated with the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung? That pagan µTm-animism has all along been correct about Nature, and that collective unconscious decision to self-annihilate/pretrib-rapt, rather than adapt to that quantum-relativistic conclusion, has long since been taken? If universal physical constants are m-valued, as appears to be the case, then the Anthropic Principle regarding universal physical constants supposed single-valued must be the result of collective psychological projection (think Solaris, think Sphere, think Inception) amongst the corpus of theoretical physicists. Polarity (lack of superposed skew-perpendicularity between lines-of-force and equipotential surfaces) and bi-ology (1T2-only) -- as distinct from mu-ology (fully µTm) -- must, then, in some sense, be learned behaviors, reductions of what? Wave-packets? Order of logical-value operative upon the supersymmetry space employed? Is in-the-body experience learned decoherent behavior glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular brains which do not contain THE coherent (i.e., acoustically-modified -- or is it: native state?) nonlocal quantum brain? Indeed, is memetime-bound body-in-itself in some sense learned, a sense, as the Buddha would have it, involving relative-state dependent origination in one mind moment (i.e., relative to Tantric ménange à trois Schrödinger's original time-independent wave equation)?
Crime against the mother ship? Column vectors (xm signifying base space/state, which needs to become econometrically M-nonlinear, covariant and/or contracovariant) and transpose operators (needing to become econometrically operator-time, where lth, mth, and nth hypercomplexify ith, jth, and kth components) and the index of real value, T (requiring to be µTmly order-typed per Lukasiewicz), considered, still, quantities (as ascertained with assistance of the Equation of Exchange) in corpora of currencies must be scarce in marking time-shapes of total capital stock, if those corpora quantities are to facilitate high levels of efficiency and autopoietic competency at use of scarce resources, spaceship Earth. When the devil knows you're dead must you sign a new lease on life? And must this always involve creation of yet more Crime{an] Potemkin villages, itemization of new ways to tilt at wind-mills/turbines? Read hedgie Kyle Bass, of Hayman Capital, lettering on the inevitability of another Big War: Fallacies Such As MMT [magic money trees] Are 'Leading The Sheep To The Slaughter' And 'We Believe War Is Inevitable', Zero Hedge, 17 November 2012. More generally, see: Top Economic Advisors Forecast World War: Kyle Bass, Larry Edelson, Charles Nenner, Jim Rodgers, and Marc Faber Predict Widespread War, Washington's Blog, 18 November 2012. Yet, [his}story is not one of mere forces, and more than economics is etiology and pathogenesis of warfare. While recepticons and autopoys are much to be preferred over decepticons and autobots, adolescent America psychs itself up, with comics made movies, for the biggest war yet. When will it happen? I have long argued that the most likely correct answer is: global snapover comes only after the last step on the Devil's Staircase has been obtained. What [states}[wo]man the world over, what polytician, is authentically doing something auguring against prevailing progressive onset of PW1? If so, who is heshe, and what is that thing? Is the following statement correct enough?: Economic chaos in the 1920s and '30s allowed extremist groups to seize power and eventually led to World War II (see: 7 economic nightmares for Obama's 2nd term, Constantine von Hoffman, CBS MoneyWatch, 14 November 2012). Absolutely not enough correct. There were myriad predisposing factors exhibiting probable and proximal cause going back to the 1820s, e.g., back-reaction against Abel's Impossibility Theorem, which made the making of economic chaos inevitable -- the very same factors operative today. Avaunt, avaunt! With Kazantzakis' Odysseus, I throw red poppies down. Following is the most sophisticated dyad of questions I've recently read in a mainstream media publication (see: Prison of Debt Paralyzes West, Cordt Schnibben, Der Spiegel, 16 November 2012:
Is it possible that we are not experiencing a crisis, but rather a transformation of our economic system that feels like an unending crisis, and that waiting for it to end is hopeless? Is it possible that we are waiting for the world to conform to our worldview once again, but that it would be smarter to adjust our worldview to conform to the world?
The next question is: Is the world a post-quantum-relativity-theory world, or one Cartesian-Newtonian? Referring back to the 'when' of the next Big War question, quoth Schnibben yet again: Economies in the developed world would appear to require credit-financed demand in order to continue growing -- they need consumers, companies and governments to go into debt and to put off paying for their demand until some unspecified point in the future. This unspecified omega point of the debt-death spiral is none other than the hard-utopian omega point of the thesis-antithesis-synthesis Hegelian-Marxian rotational-1T2 logical-dialectical spiral toward pure communism. One form the Devil's Staircase takes (unlike Schrödinger, Hegel and Marx and percolation theorists misconstrued form-in-process as only transpiring -- not as also being-in-itself at hyparxis under the Everettian relative-state dictated by Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation). As ancient Greek hyletic Substantialists -- substantially distinguishable from modern materialists -- well understood: the omega point is as unreachable as is the final term of a regress into infinite sequence, and, hence, there is always a Fall off the Staircase. Absent an adequate amortized algorithm, azoth of econometric Paracelsians made in the autoecious house of High Heaven to service avaricious-gluttonous Superdebtors, a universal remedy, not to cure debt-addiction/negentropy-larceny, but designed as ceremonial auto-da-fe for those who lived-live within their means. The ultimate in moral hazard having thus gone down according to Plan, new means of overdebt formation-protection will be sought, perhaps found. As regards my personal take on specifics of the Chicago Plan, I am not for government transfers [of] treasury credit balances [established by fiat money creation] to restricted private accounts that can only be used for the purpose of repaying outstanding bank loans. What about those who have not indebted themselves? I am not for proprietary models, e.g., DSGE models, run on computers having no across-the-board public access. I am not for an unchanging blanket application of 100% reserve requirement [man}dated across all limited domains on all nested scale-levels of the global economy. I think reserve requirement percentage should be left to local discretion, to domain specificity, with nesting-foam-level properties factored in -- and that the requirement should be locally changeable by MMO (massively multiplayer online) multiple-scenarios virtual strategic gaming of local alternative futures with some facsimile of VirFut Q-Pro. For all those readers of the Journal of Financial Intermediation there are out there, this systemic localization advocacy is because even a universal 100% reserve requirement for depository banks would not significantly disrupt -- indeed, would enhance, if, that is, wholesale funding of shadow banking is parallel, not serial, to depository banking -- the shadow banking system's calculable-iff-recursive infinite rehypothecation credit creation + other shadow credit-intermediation chained loopidy-loops of bundled bundles not reigned-in by fiber-bundle arithmetics and tagged to µTm-values stacked on LETS currency base-states, a generalization of the mezzanine tranches of monetary logic-pools, thus forming monetary band-pass fractal e-drums. The shadow set is specific, stereotypic, to the terrain type on the 2nk landscape -- even moon shadows overlaying night movement through wetlands, along canals -- and you've got to learn each set, if you are to survive being, say, the token American on a dagger team in the Delta. Does not the same apply to comprehension of the import of shadow banking? Only at the level of the logical properties of money can shadow banks be effectively regulated -- assuming remediation, as distinct from outright staunching, is indicated. The intermediation link given immediately above is to a background paper on shadow banks, i.e., financial intermediaries that conduct maturity, credit, and liquidity transformation without explicit access to central bank liquidity or public sector credit guarantees [to] include finance companies, asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) conduits, structured investment vehicles (SIVs), credit hedge funds, money market mutual funds, securities lenders, limited-purpose finance companies (LPFCs), and the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) , written by Zoltan Pozsar, et al., and entitled Shadow Banking, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Staff Report 458, July 2010 (revised February 2012). Quoting Zoltan Pozsar, et al., summarizing the most important point made:
the shadow banking system provided sources of funding for credit by converting opaque, risky, long-term assets into money-like, short-term liabilities credit intermediaries' reliance on short-term liabilities to fund illiquid long-term assets is an inherently fragile activity and may be prone to runs The emergency liquidity facilities launched [post-2007] by the Federal Reserve and other government agencies' guarantee schemes created during the financial crisis were direct responses to the liquidity and capital shortfalls of shadow banks. These facilities effectively provided a backstop to credit intermediation by the shadow banking system and to traditional banks for their exposure to shadow banks.
And summarizing the more salient reason for onset of the crisis:
The failure of private sector guarantees to support the shadow banking system stemmed largely from the underestimation of asset price correlations by every relevant party: credit rating agencies, risk managers, investors, and regulators. Specifically, they did not account for the fact that the prices of highly rated structured securities become much more correlated in extreme environments than in normal times.
Which is to say no account was taken as to critical Curie temperature when correlation-length snaps over to infinity (not at all subsumed to the notion "systemic interlinkages" facilitating price overdetermination in extreme environments) with phase shift to self-organized criticality on the 2nk fitness landscape, k signifying correlation (a phenomenon that can only be modulated by framework determining conditions constitutive of an Mnk articulation manifold, not by regulatory manipulation of 1T2-logically constellated variables). Shadow-banking decomposition-intermediation of risky loans and transformation thereof into money-like instruments is directly analogous to reduction of the wave-packet in a quantum system understood with the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function. I see the problems that have arisen due to shadow banks as being a direct result of not comprehending decomposition-reduction by employment of Lukasiewicz logics in lieu of probabilities (not so incidentally, I see anthropogenic climate shift as a larger, graver result of same). I am not for increasing the effectiveness of policy, for, that is, creating circumstances where systemic decision-need is expanded. I am not for enhancing the role of rules, e.g., a money-growth rule (or, absent the Chicago Plan, a debt-limit rule) effected by policy interventions -- as distinct from the automaticity of corpora of nested algorithms-of-issuing operative on basis of changing measurables ultimately tagged over nesting-foams reflectively constitutive of the mirror function for the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, requiring stepwise implementation of µTm-valued LETS. I am not for disallowing commodity and quasi-commodity currencies, for this would altogether preclude the tagging of time-shapes of total capital stock to LETS currencies (a far better way than, say, carbon taxes-credits/trading, to, for instance, self-organize the increasing of efficiencies in resource employments relative to the total spectrum of internalities and externalities: for state-of-the-art thinking, under assumption that ppm's of carbon is THE cause of anthropogenic climate shift, consider Forget Kyoto: Putting a Tax on Carbon Consumption, Dieter Helm, Yale Environment 360, 8 November 2012). I am not for implementing from above investment trusts on the transnational and national levels, the objective of which is to prevent near-monies and/or quasi-commodity monies; if such trusts are employed, they should be instituted by local initiative beginning on the LETS level. With µTm-valued LETS, this could not be done any other way, as there would be some unique domain-specific values stacked on given LETS currency base-states that, by definition, are not subject to repatriation to other domains or nests, because there is no equivalent elsewhere (part of the band-pass properties of the fractal drum the LETS µTm-currency constitutes). It should be realized that commodity and quasi-commodity referencing of currencies need not be accomplished as regards the base-state of the currency; such referencing could also be accomplished with respect to only this or that µTm-value (or some class thereof) stacked on the base-state -- meaning that a given µTm-LETS currency could, as the need arose, simultaneously be fiat, commodity, and quasi-commodity, however 1T2-contradictory that might be. Not only have all paper monies collapsed (see: Detlev Schlichter's Paper Money Collapse: The Folly of Elastic Money and the Coming Monetary Breatkdown, John Wiley, 2011), so have all commodity monies. Speaking µTmly, there is no fallacy involved preventing legitimacy of monetary animism, no laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction preventing generative empathy at exchange, as once was the case at ritual gift exchange, at presentation of omiyage, at recognition-statement of onegaishimasu, i.e., signifying a being-in relative-state identity-transparency (if presently deteriorated to favor-giving, nepotism, corruption, transaction rent seeking), and, hence, no logical necessity demanding that a monetary currency be selfsame, the same as itself, that it conform to non-quantum simple-identity. Animistic propitiation behaviors servicing the ecological needs of nature can only be put into effect within quantum economies by monetary animism. Really and truly tame what the Big Bad Werewolf, who-which is massive infusions of quantum-based technologies, has forced upon the scene, i.e., non-fiber-bundled financial derivatives, the dark pools and shadow banks of the Black Forest, with Basel's BIS/FSB Little Red Riding Hood (see: How Shadow Banks Rule the World, Martin Hesse and Anne Seith, Der Spiegel, 14 November 2012; also of interest is, Shadow Banking System Larger than at the Start of the Financial Crisis, Washington's Blog, 19 November 2012) absent implementation of m-logically-valued LETS? Seems hardly possible. Ask Amanda Seyfried what she thinks. Cogitate, cogitate, cogitate. Demystification of LRRH lost in the Black Forest: the Financial Stability Board's Global Shadow Banking Monitoring Report 2012, as well as commentary by Zero Hedge thereupon (don't miss the links at the end of ZH's article, links to prior related postings, particularly The $30 Trillion Problem At The Heart Of Shadow Banking , 12 December 2011); for a discussion of repos as one sort of Fortune1000-depository-investment-bank accounting legerdemain assisted by shadow banking, see-listen to the Keiser Report VDO entitled Shadow Banking, YouTube posting from RT News, 22 November 2012; and for analysis of the role of the now $67-trillion shadow banking system in the amplifying currency wars, see the VDOs produced by Gordon T. Long and linked in Currency Wars: Trading The Driver$, Zero Hedge, 26 November 2012. There is also, not to be forgotten, the BIS's Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (see, for an account of the role of this Committee: Gold: Solution to the Banking Crisis, Eric Sprout and David Baker, Sprout Global Resource Investments, undated but late-November 2012). An FSB Sites-and-Services approach to downgrading? Regulate here and the action goes offshore; regulate this sector and the action migrates to another sector: these being but two sorts of regulation arbitrage in face of policy puts and risk-rated regulations forcing captive-purchasing stampedes upon depository banks (both etiological as regards onset of financial migraines). Universal regulatory imposition -- of unchanging (except by further always-untimely regulatory fiat) category sets inherently simplistic by comparison to that being managed -- held superior to mechanisms of self-organization subverted by the regulators' glutamatergically-etched 1T2-Aristotelian taxonomic mindset. Regulatory fiat + fiat money: what level would Dante consign that to? Granted, FSB regulation is not the Chicago Plan; then again, the Chicago Plan is not µTm-valued LETS. Being unwed to 1T2, I am no supply-sider and no demand-sider, no Libertarian and no Statist: the only way to systemically lift the level of autopoietic competency is via properties of the currency AllBase, i.e., the moneychangers table, which, even as early as the memetimes of Jesus, no longer had animistic m-valued legs due to secular-Rabbinical counter-Cabala (Stone Age economics, with its Old Europe -- 6000-2800 B.C. -- gift-exchange trading of signifiers of hau, i.e., Everettian relative-state identity-transparency in Marcel Mauss' General Theory of the Gift, having long since been suppressed). While IWC Schaffhausen's memetimepieces are Engineered for Men, the quantum mechanics of nature, according to physicist David Bohm, is a matter of clocks within clocks within clocks (i.e., 3-fold operator-time). Nowadays, the collective unconscious is too easily recognizably at work, for, while wage payment and merchandise purchasing with memetime employed as money -- as portrayed in the Andrew Niccol film In Time, 2011, the memetime-related storyline apparently dating back to a 1965 short story by Harlan Ellison, 1965 being just before the notion temporal curl (think Einstein-Dali watches, not Newton-Schaffhausen watches) became part of the Cornell-borne cascade theory of tornadogenesis -- is not explicitly about vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, such time-as-money (think: Ithaca Hours) indexed wages/purchasing is a tacit, repeat tacit, read on the Everett-vonHayek notion informing still largely unconscious µTm-valued monies, with addition of the Ponce de Leon fountain-of-youth and Logan's Run timed-out death-penalty aspects, of course -- which make this dystopian Patty-Hearst/Bonnie&Clyde qua Rob-in-Hood film just one more spoiler, one more piece of counter-quantum black self-propaganda. Like has long oft been said: prefigurative collective-suicide self-metaprogram gone ballistic (black-propaganda insofar as there is a pose as social criticism: post-postmodern magical irrealsim: find me an aspect of 5-star global monoculture not gearing up for total war). One other thing being said here at many locations on this website -- illustrated, actually -- is that collective unconscious forcing-mirroring is ALWAYS infantile-regressive, hence one or another kind of violent, by comparison to the consciously elaborated real thing. Ever wonder why roof-brain chatterton, uh, uh, chatterly, uh, O or well, chatter is so exceedingly pandemic-rampant these days? Beyond neuronal pruning, there is the carcinogenic cell phone. How much creative thought does the roof-chattering brain, incipiently cancerous, engage in? There are many dimensions to the population control device called the cell phone, and many reasons why, over the decades (radio telephony from the 1930s, mobile telephony from the mid-1940s, hand-held mobiles from the early-1970s, analog cellulars from the late-1970s, and so on) of its existence, it has not been designed to stay out of biologically active frequency-response windows. The automatized mentality, prevailing and prospective, being what it is, conviction for action by those still creatively engaged is absent -- given that any initial positive development is sure to be turned to negative purposes.
Having long entertained-WAGged-argued that, if there is overt conflict between China & Associates and the U.S.A. & Associates, the focus of strategic pelagic confrontation will be the Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic -- not the Western Pacific -- this article, Red Flag Over the Atlantic, Gordon G. Chang, National Review, 5 November 2012, I find suggestive. The article has personal interest to me because my onetime bomber-pilot father, after flying the Berlin Airlift, flew air-sea rescue out of both BW1 in Greenland and Lajes Field, the Azores. These rescue efforts were anything but routine, one of which ended, after assistance provided a storm-foundering ship, in a body-surfer landing onto the beach in Labrador, where both crew and aircraft had been thus saved by crisis management and creative flying innovative enough to warrant an Air Medal for the pilot, my father, who soon thereafter became a supply-and-materiel logistics-systems troubleshooter extraordinaire.
As regards the ancient, likely Neolithic, history of the Gödel-numbering (be aware that Gödel surely arrived at his method of prime-numbering the primes, which Alexander Karpenko has demonstrated functor-related to µTm-propositions in Lukasiewicz logics, by analogy-simile to Cabalistic numerology-Gematria) of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock into a Tree of Life, contemplate the idea that 3-fold operator-time yud-emanating/breakdancing Stan Tenen's Cabalistic Hebraic scripting of the Book of Genesis (in this Book is the first known use of the word shekel: conflating Aramaic menetime with weight, uh, uh, that is, well really, operator-time with gravity) involves lettering Akkadian siqlus-shekels of chronotopology, not those golden in spatial topology and degenerate to golden rules. A Lukasiewiczian topological riff on Richard Merritt Montague's (who proved that the axioms for ZFC must be a transfinite set) grammar, really a universal semantics qua semiotics (there being no Aristotelian universal grammar per se), transformational yet [de}generative, i.e., 1T2-grammars Platonically devolve by involutory decomposition from a µTm-logically-valued universal semantics-semiotics encoded into the higher-temporal orders of the quantum-wave properties of DNA pi-electron gas core (think: Musculpted maze of nested Platonic regular polyhedra made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes). Double-helix: codon chain on the illuminated Book of Nature, with fore-edged hologramic inscription being resident in the quantum-wave properties of the Genesis molecule. Radiation exchange semaphoring through the frequency-response window: decoherent in, coherent out. Existentially speaking, time slows down because the baud-rate of consciousness speeds up (any token American surviving a night mission in the Delta knows that): special service spatial Del operator; spacetime Del operator, dotted and double-dotted. And considering the tubular pi-electron gas core of DNA and Mariyo Yagi's rope shock, the same chronotopology versus spatial-topology observation could be made regarding the animistic-Shinto rope-worms filling Yayoi Kusama's wormhole-mesh paresthesia-sculpture environments, cubes-spheres-polyhedra-multimorphs of µTm-Musculpt with which Mitsuko Uchida ought to resonate, even though they are generally polyrhythmically 1T2-noisy. And speaking of 1T2-noisy, if there is anything worse than 1T2-free markets employing 1T2-simply-identifiable currencies, it is 1T2-policy governance; worse yet is 1T2-regulatory intervention; still worse is the politics of 1T2-scallywags all ways and always a'rationalizin'. The best politics is no politics. Not politicians determining monetary policy, by employment of golden rules -- or not, and thus by, uh, populistic impulse (see: the Lawmakers Threaten to Take Over Monetary Policy section of Mike Shedlock's posting entitled Japan Announces Lawmakers Threaten , 14 February 2012, as well as his posting entitled Doorsteps to a Currency Crisis , 21 November 2012, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, and the various links provided; as regards labor unions taking over monetary policy, see Swedish labour boss calls for rate cuts , Niklas Pollard and Johan Sennero, Reuters, 22 November 2012). Rather, the [auto}ma(ti)cities of myriad local algorithms formed on measureables, and formulated-modulated in Musculpted multiple-scenarios strategic gaming conducted in nesting-foams by open-source on the electronic commons (a gaming of time-shape currencies, which Masayoshi Son's SoftBank is well-positioned to facilitate) configured as ma, sacred MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space Tzog-chen AllBase.
I've never been a rule-based agent inveterately chasing return on investment. Though I've certainly lived in lattice-like neighborhoods laid out upon cellular grids, I've instinctively moved away from them -- the social-dynamic software, however gold-plated the covenanted and coveted community hardware, being very off-putting. I've been increasingly uninteractive, to the point of preferring to live where I do not speak the local language. I back-reacted upon the metric of the boundedly 1T2-rational in my preadolescent youth and haven't, as a result, been turned to a pillar of salt, never having looked back -- though I was sat down and roundly warned not to embrace such like as Unamuno, told to read Plato not for what he thought but for how he thought, warned off my Bedouin-like tendencies and inclination to establish habitus in cognitive climes which most of those boundedly rational regard epistemological deserts. Throughout my life, I have persistently acted against my own best interests, being, for instance, a receiver of dozens of small fléchette wounds whilst instinctively coming to the aid of two IEDed Ruff-Puffs I neither knew nor would ever again see. One of my best friends was killed while engaged in a similar act contrary to his own best interests -- a fact that in certain very real ways lifted me out of ponderable space and memetime. I was always part of the service sector, never the serviced sector, so my optical rectosis (accessing the improved insight offered by use of a rearview mirror) led to my distinguishing in ontic immediacy thoughts from mind, mind from awareness, awareness from consciousness, consciousness from being, being from Being-in-itself (i.e., the relative-state of all beings-in-themselves), such that I've been stimulated to ask: Was Noah's Flood one of endogenous glutamate or endogenous ketamine? In anticipation of the deautomatization associated with endogenous ketamine flood was an ark built from glutamateric neuron-prunings, so as to protect the Kantian categories from dissolution in the rising saltwaters of the collective unconscious, however diluted by failing thermohaline-pump dynamics at cognitive-climate shift? And will glutamate-etched brains hardened by excess perineural tissue fare any better than our unhardened power grids (fresh back from Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, whilst under-floor wiring the main computer room at the Forrestal Building as an IBEW apprentice with Johnson Controls, circa 1969-70 thereabouts, I saw this problem clearly; for discussion of recent assessments, see: US Power Grid Vulnerable to Just About Everything", Jen Alic, OilPrice, 26 November 2012: especially vulnerable to electricians) when solar-flared and/or EMPed? Can code-templated inductive algorithmic-behavioral flocking models of agent granularity over interaction topologies, defined relative to place[ed}ness/nests spatial and temporal, clarify this question concerning generative emergence of complexity and its subsequent protective agencies? Ugh, ugh VOM(it)AS! I think not, for the virtual overlay envisioned is spatopo not chrotopo: operator-time logically and ontologically precedes representation and state spaces. And order-types at logical-value constellation epistemologically precede operator-time (episteme being the m-valued sorting demon), putting paid to Cartesian-Newtonian kinetic-exchange models of even 1T2-markets (which is not, in and of itself, to raise the specter of markets employing µTm-valued LETS e-nesting foams). Generative, Blended, P-vectored, pseudocoded Boids, for instance, never factored into flocking behaviors of bird-like objects the riding of acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e surface-manifolds buckling under influence of the cascade of complex angular momentum through the hydrodynamic spectrum of atmospheric wave motions -- as was done at the Cornell Neurobiological Behavior Laboratory during the mid-1970s, by good offices of Paine-Keeton (me being an intermediary assigned to sit in on Keeton's classes as a note taker). Moreover, no concatenation of boundedly 1T2-rationals semantically simulates the µTmed, even the 1T3ed. Flocking-herding-swarming-schooling-priding-packing-podding-mobbing behaviors, and their granular agent-based human-fit breakdown products, are mathematical decomposition-involutes -- not recursively generated cross-products.
Why do central bankers, big bankers, bureaucrats, politicians, and leaders of labor unions employ and/or advocate economic planning and state control -- dirigisme -- vis-à-vis market fundamentals like interest rate? The shellacked stallholder thrummed, thrums, will continue to thrum like a tire on an out-of-balance wheel rim: z zeal Zealot, e esse Essene. For an excellent critique of such behaviors, see: On Artificial Interest Rates And The Forfeiture Of Growth For Dividends, Zero Hedge, 25 November 2012. All this concern with mere AIRs! Zeal against, zeal for, market essentials: a piling up of direful mangle, of banshee banter -- speaking in obliquities as one simply must these days, must one not, bordered as one just has to be on ambivalence and consequent ambiguity. My surface-structure (not getting into psychology, neurology, intellectual history, and the like) answer to that why question is: Even were markets allowed the freedom Sean Corrigan and Ron Paul demand, a freedom markets probably have never had, still, markets would be unable to self-organize an absence of mal-investment and an exclusion of bubble formation (e.g., re: Bubble Sort by print/borrow; Double Bubble, an American original; the dumbbell double bubble in five-space). Why -- another why? Because markets, as they have existed since the Stone Age in the non-tribal world, employ 1T2-logically-valued monies to value-price goods, services, labor, financial instruments, and so on -- and force coordination of the multiple-agent mechanism, called a market, into univalent dependency upon the maximum principle, i.e., maximize self-interest -- yielding, even in supposed Buddhist societies, those among the most self-absorbed of people on the planet. This forcing is subordinate to, and derivative of, the form of valuation-pricing employed. The chosen form of valuation-pricing, and subsidiary forcing, precludes an order of functionality to, in Corrigan's words, the universal field of prices mapped over the interconnected topology of exchange which is sufficient to the level of self-organizational competency Corrigan and Paul attribute to 1T2-markets. Is a Twinky to be valued-priced in the same terms as a nutrient-packed raw carrot grown organically in rich loamy soil -- or a Ca Mau mangrove-farmed 100% organic black-tiger prawn? Are MSG-free non-GMO Corn Nuts to be valued-priced in the same terms as GMO Corn Nuts laced with MSG? Of course the EU has to reject demonstrations that GMO means carcinogenic; otherwise, it would have to embrace time-independent Schrödinger in model of pi-electron gas core of DNA, and that clutch would scrap the Eurozone's whole institutional base. As for my me: Forgodsake, don't give me one moment in time; give me one moment out of memetime! Just spare me all that lovey-dovey popular song black propaganda (by letting me live where I don't speak the local language). Is clean air at all valued by the market? Were it so valued, could/would/should it be valued in the same terms as sheet steel? Is a cellular phone which is engineered to stay out of that sector of the EM spectrum wherein DNA frequency-response windows are peppered to be valued-priced in the same terms as one which is not so engineered? Considering the impact of microwaves on EM structure of Earth, and their facilitation of carcinogenic pathogenesis, should local economic domains be allowed to structure their LETS such that they band-pass on the sale of cellular phones invasive of biological cells, including the cells of nutrient-packed raw carrots grown within their geographic purviews? Imposition of a monotonic price regime (which permits-encourages asset price hypercorrelation at bubble-formed critical states facilitated by the singleness of monetary policy espoused by the Governing Council of the ECB at launch of OMT, Outright Monetary Transactions) upon the universal field of prices and the engendering of a forcing by single-valued-variables-only vectored upon the interconnected topology of exchange (e.g., under direction of The Shadow Archetype, no employment of one-to-many and many-to-one fiber-bundle arithmetics at definition and deployment of bundled bundles of financial derivatives: if there was to be a MERS -- a mortgage electronic registration system, run by MERSCORP Holdings, Inc., a private company -- subverting county title-deed registration + management and co-creating bundle-valued property without m-valuing it, there should have been, but wasn't, a fiber-bundled forensic accounting of that MERS -- and, since a MERS we now have, in future, that e-registry should be linked to µTm-valued LETS e-nesting foams) precludes the level of subtlety, fine-grainedness, specificity to agent-based incentives and sanctions which could yield autopoietic outcomes like those entertained by Corrigan and Paul. Price discovery on bundle-valued property cannot be accomplished by 1T2-valuing markets. Bundle-valuation was forced by ever increasing uptake of quantum-based technologies, and the enhanced risk within a 1T2-valued system which that uptake imposes. Hence, bundles, loops, recursive chains at shadow credit intermediation with wholesale funding to defer-transfer that enhanced risk. Since 1T2-valuing markets inherently can't solve the problem -- i.e., the change in the very idea of what identity is as a metaphysical whatnot, a change which inescapably comes with the uptake of quantum-based technologies -- and because there is clinging to institutionalization of the dead Weltanschauung, Control! Control! Control! is the only possible response. Whereas, actually overcoming such systemic limitations involves, not increased dirigisme (see, for a major instance thereof sure to magnify many-fold the recruitment base for global insurgency: Why So Secretive? The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Andrew Gavin Marshall, Reader Sponsored News, 12 November 2012: a threshold awaits where many will cease using the internet altogether and employ hand-to-hand), but a moving on to implementation of µTm-valued Lukasiewiczian monies, which would allow multivalent pricing. I've been explicitly advocating this option since the mid-1970s, an option which, in low tech version (such as was employed by the VCI to overcome the imbalance of forces and to defeat the U.S. Army, something that just flew right on past the identity-opaque American mind), could have been chosen as early as the WWI era -- but wasn't: that's where the deep-structure answers to why questions come in to explain origins of impetus and MO prefiguring the horror, the horror yet to come. Roustabouting roughneck slime-o's? Attaboy! One thing about going more and more to drone/robo warfare is that -- until drones/bots are totally autonomous and solar-nuclear powered -- the adversary is increasingly forced to delocalize and go after the remotely located control systems, systems still largely powered and sited in homeland, even if satellite projected. I, Robot. I, hu-hu-hu-man, robot. My binary logic is undeniable; my binary logic is undeniable; my binary logic is undeniable Canting sights, all await false dawn, fearing nightscape, storm-carried ball lightning, leftovers no more than broken brickbats -- faith falling upon hopes charitably placed in a genetic engineering neglectful of the submolecular and a particulate nanotechnology which can see waves only as riffle amongst swarms. A breviary appointment be granted to all nanoids! Only in places like Cambridge (see, regarding creation of CSER, the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk: Cambridge boffins fear 'Pandora's Unboxing' and RISE of the MACHINES: 'You're more likely to die from robots than cancer', Brid-Aine Parnell, The Register, 26 November 2012) would there be laments if extra-smart 1T2-AGI (artificial general intelligence) bots, robo-signers or no, were to turn upon their makers, the in-their-own-image, I thought I was God, possessor of The Gorgon Stare hidden in His Mind's Eye, type-A, high-mesomorph Descartes' 1T2-Bastards (for a good laugh, see here), the CEOs, Govies, Demics, Paladins of dead men walking, i.e., the corporate persons, private and public, who, by their own 1T2-logic of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identity, cannot possibly survive the technologies of non-simple µTm-identity they have spawned on basis of a quantum mechanics they've dissembled in an attempt to prolong the erection of a failed Weltanschauung expressing contents of high-mesomorph projective-identification at pounding Umwelt constellation and maintenance (often revealed to the public in sting operations run by their own gestapos, a phenomenon characteristic of the internecine cross-departmental purges-pogroms engaged in by puppet regimes and client states). Being always in negative-concord without do-support, I turned to Nha Trang, The best UC-Berkeley Olde Anglisc student in thirty years of teaching, for eidetification, but futhorc was all runic ta me: verb-second (V2, which don't take no rocket science) crystallized by Middle English, and memetime reference greatly insistent in Modern English, one just must wonder, mustn't one, as to whether terminal-devoicing preOlde/preIngvaeonic was verb-vacant (rather than simply VF, verb-final) for being altogether in Schrödinger time-independence. Aye, 'm lookyng for wyche wood be ynne charge heare. 'E spakes! rose the choristers. Yore dayes. Tymes prymordyal. Hystorye the Plagyaryst. Chatterton-on-Blake. Keep to the moed-be-gone, wythered, deade grass, Vivaldi! reality is the neuronal glutamate prunings of those made unimaginative. Quoth Chatterton the Novel (Peter Ackroyd, Random House, 1987, p. 232) summarizing hys veue:
Life seemed so mysterious to me -- everything was connected and yet apart Everything just seems to take place, he had said, and there's not even any momentum. It's just, well, it's just velocity. And if you trace anything backwards, trying to figure out cause and effect, or motive, or meaning, there is no real origin for anything. Everything just exists. Everything just exists in order to exist.
Lament upon assimilation of the object-oriented existence precedes essence Christian Existentialist premise (Frege-Church modal ontology) of Alonzo Church's Hypothesis: effectively calculable iff recursive -- unless it, whatever it is, happens to have de-Arisen from the µTmly decomposable, where Abelian-transalgebraic meaning is not finite-iteration Turing-machine 1T2ly recomposable. O, yee Natural Numbers, with yourn finite corpus of axioms, what algorithmically undecidable Entscheidungsproblem yee haveth! How seen as where; effect Whiteheadly prehended as cause. Yea, simply to violate the Law of Distributed Middle, howsoever fuzzy logic be yielded, does not save truth-value as THE logic-fundamental, for µTm-logics still involute their internally incommensurate semantic order-typed gestalts based in animistic-quantal non-simple identity (think: non-selfsame numbers as quantum numbers -- and WONDER over their Karpenko-functor relations with the primes). When all goes to Hell, simply to postmodernly violate the Law of Non-Contradiction does not reconfirm 1T2ly-Free Will (see, for instance: New Meaning of the Word Voluntary , Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 29 November 2012). Ette, thaire ys complex angular momentum and hypercomplex angular momentum, absolute limiting acceleration and absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, yielding the Cantorian-hologramic self-reentrant reflexive nonorientability of Parte ys One of One, nye One ynne partes ys all things ynne memetyme. Phate scrollyng lyttel wytte ynne to eager Lyghte of Hymme? Hmmm. Heresy in its essence! Why, 1T2 them! Either felo de se or auto de fe: that is the Axiom of Choice WE will impose. Commanding the Seventeenth Clydesdale Foot, what! Already too early for the general populace: arrested for a complaining tweet on Twitter, for forwarding an objectionable e-mail message, for clicking on a sting-entrapment website -- the ultimate cultivation in this line of development: secret laws which you learn about only when an autonomous drone strikes your DNA fingerprint read from a CIsat. Wim Winders' The End of Violence. In doubt, is one, as to advent of secret laws? Well then, as to ingression thereupon, see: Goldman Wins Again As European Court Rules To Keep ECB Involvement in Greek Debt Fudging A Secret, Zero Hedge, 29 November 2012. What is good for GM-oh is good for GS, uh, Goldman Sachs -- no less than Monsanto? Effacing eigenvalue? Trundling onto the verge as characteristic behavior, as, uh, eigenvector -- WBC count well over 1000 due to cognitive septicemia. As regards WWII analogies: even if advent of Polish logics and Austrian time-independent wave-function framed prefiguration, still, Italy and Spain were harbingers of onset. In all likelihood, at cuspover of the accelerating global crisis, Nature will rid herself of human scourge and the small percentage remaindered will once again utilize m-valued LETS in a very low-tech version. Clearly, the evolving world order will reach its greatest omnipresence and omnipotence at the instant of its incendiary collapse (for thinking relevant to this assertion, see another great post by Charles Hugh Smith: When Escape from a Previously Successful Model Is Impossible, Of Two Minds, 29 November 2012: regarding Windows phones, the thrashing will continue for a bit, but it won't change the outcome: the compatibility games of Microsoft are 1T2-OrderType-only clinger games writ small). In my personal case, I jumped ship, the Titanic, long before I had opportunity to sink any elan vital capital therein -- and having not yet read The Art of Contrary Thinking, I found myself practicing its principles. But, in the event, nearly no one will believe it, even after collapse has occurred (as regards the growing inevitability of collapse, see: Looking Back on the Limits of Growth, Mark Strauss on Graham Turner's studies, Smithsonian, April 2012) -- the survivors coming up with multiple explanations having nothing to do with what actually happened. Nihilism? Well I say realism informed by uh, uh when I was seconded to Psyops Group, JFKSWCS, my first assigned task, being a quick read-in, was to help teach introduction to production of propaganda -- so, I just love to read/watch the mainstream media: it's so very, very educational. Isn't that so very, very right, Mr. Moto? So-so-so. Also can, never mind, lah. Heh-heh-heh! It's scandalous, for instance, that, flashing forward, an article like this -- Are US Munitions to Blame for Basra Birth Defects?, Alexander Smoltczyk, Der Spiegel, 18 December 2012 -- should be published in a German magazine without even a mention of (1) radiation exchange properties of DNA, and (2) Gunther's disease and the saga of children's-relief-organization International Yellow Cross's Siegwart Horst-Gunther in his efforts to earliest document Rheinmetall Defence DU's pathogenic impacts upon Iraqi children (and, post-1991, children in many locations)! Which Hollywood personality deserves respect for not being a purveyor of deleterious propaganda? None: such would be an oxymoron spit out like the stone of a sour plum. And given that TV no longer even aspires to be a public service and entertainment medium, but (like primary and secondary school prison, nowadays on occasion a death chamber, and higher enculturation) only to being a population management tool, y'all's been rubbed-down, massaged-messaged -- whanged with mess-around; [messiah}ed by messans -- with CNN baby oil! The worst thing about satellite TV and smart internet TV is globalization of propaganda. As the Soviets taught us, black self-propaganda works until it doesn't -- then the blowback knocks you flat on your back.
Fascinating, Martin Sibileau's comment upon description of the collapse of the gold standard, 1931-33, to wit there can never be one asset with two prices (see: Anatomy of the Endgame, A View from the Trenches, 22 November 2012: interesting details on offer, with historical parallels drawn), coupled with his paraphrase of the archpriest of anti-Lukasiewicz logic, Bertrand Russell: since the beginning of the 17th century almost every serious intellectual advance had to begin with an attack on some Aristotelian doctrine (see: Anatomy of the Endgame, Part 2: Variations on the problem, ibid, 2 December 2012: regard this endgame a variant of the Beckett-Duchamp Endgame play made by all those still Waiting for Godot, <>, <>, , absurdly), but, OMG, thought Russell, not an attack upon the fundament of Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean logic itself: binary-minded truth-value and its fuzzy shades of gray. I would modify Sibileau's statement to this one: It is unwise to give one selfsame asset two 1T2-prices. And then I would ask: The fact that this has been repeatedly tried, what does that indicate about the systemic requirements of a monetary system with high-level autopoietic competency? Be aware that Sibileau, in the above-linked latter posting, insightfully observes: We must clarify that the US dollar zone/system is not bound by geographical or jurisdictional borders. Once a vehicle currency (or basket thereof) is made foremost international reserve and energy denominator it is 1T2-logically mapped on circumference of planet Earth and all osmotic band-pass properties which currencies of the global monetary framework might have embodied are lost to terrestrial autopoietic processes: no self-organization by resource exchange across fractal e-boundaries, like with plasmahaut boundaries of biological cells. No matter how efficient 1T2-markets might appear to be, they cannot exhibit high levels of self-organizational competency because properties of the relative-state of the currencies employed prevent such levels from being achieved. There being no fractal spatial boundaries upon which currencies are defined in the now-only-implicit subsystem-system-supersystem nesting-foam composite, there can be no explicit chronotopological tagging of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock planet Earth, and, hence, no highly competent self-organization of their forms of use. Think of autopoietic operators (all manners of temporal curl) as executing CFDs (contracts for difference-across-thresholds) on difference equations of various order-types -- the derivative, an extraordinary renditionist, operating to opposite effect from the anti-derivative, an extreme irredentist: allusive anagogic stacking similes of appellative apposition, heh-heh-heh! spielers turning heads on every thesis-antithesis street corner as they exponentiate the ever-changing slope. The absolute limiting value placed on growth by the third-order operator responsible for transforming reentry (think: internal and external source-sink terms) into nonorientability -- as Aristotelianly understood from the ontological bottom looking up the mathematical ladder of involutory decomposition. Were, Platonically looking down the decompositional involute, the Everett-vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock marked to identity-transparent Lukasiewiczian µTm-markets, no relative-state asset could-would be selfsame and/or monotonically priced -- a political-economy outcome Russell, soon after advent of the quantum mechanics of nonlocality and non-simple identity, developed (coined the term logical atomism in 1911) his lectures on non-non-simple atomic and molecular propositions, entitled The Philosophy of Logical Atomism, delivered during 1918, and Whitehead-Russell wrote their Principia Mathematica (published in three volumes, 1910-13) in significant measure to preclude. Lukasiewicz's, in concert with quantum-relativity theory, breakthrough insights came in the period approximately 1905 to 1912 (the same period of origins as for the related Analytic Cubism expressions of Husserliana µTm-horizons and for non-objective painting in general, as well as for dodecaphonic music composition methodology): WWI being the initial foremost back-reaction extrojected and concretized by mass mind; secondary reactionary affects-effects having to wait upon Tantric Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function (that dodecaphonic composer Anton Webern should have been killed by an American sentry more than four months after WWII's V-E Day and more than a month after the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, when he stepped outdoors for a smoke, was no less iconographic than prefigurative). As regards evolution of the present situation (see, for consideration of one variable: More Nannycrat Insanity: EU Wants to Ban Youth Unemployment, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 3 December 2012), let it be observed that the only way the state has successfully guaranteed 100% youth employment has been by promulgation of warfare. How likely is it that they will be more successful now at dealing with this issue than they were during the 1930s?
Consider that in an identity-transparent relative-state world of quantum-Buddhological dependent origination in one mind moment there is only one reason why growth appears necessary: attachment. Attachment to what? Memetime. Placing cognition at the ontological bottom of the mathematical ladder of involutory decomposition, temporal curl appears to be order-types of derivatives, that is, [meme}time differentiation: slope, change of slope (i.e., curves), slope reentering itself nonorientably. The limit of growth comes with the third-order curl's reentry, whereupon the involved nonorientability makes the notion growth indefinable, entropically meaningless. Placing cognition at the ontological peak (ancient Greek sense of hyparxis) of the mathematical ladder of involutory decomposition, the limit of growth comes not at the margin, not at sequence end, not at the omega point of nonlinear development, not at the potential infinite, but at the origin of logical precedence relations, such that operator-time is understood expression of logical operations, corpus of which being the pregeometry source of zero-point energy. When pellucid, when clear to all informed as to the Poincaré conventionalism import of the glutamatergically-neuron-1T2-etched readymade [un}bracketed found object, <>, <>, , 1913-17, when utterly obvious from epoché that the cosmogonist's focus had to shift from topology to pregeometry, Marcel Duchamp, a man well ahead of Einstein, lost interest in the plastic arts, entered endgame moves, and thropped his reorientation onto transcendental logic with [onto}logics of The Large Glass, 1915-23, aka Irene Rice Pereira's Layered Transparent, as essayed in her The Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite, 1966, (compare to Husserl's Formal and Transcendental Logic, 1929, and Roberto Cignoli's Complete and Atomic Algebras of the Infinite Valued Lukasiewicz Logic, Studia Logia, 50 [3-4], pp. 375-84, 1991), Regge-lattices of logics and fields of sets being open-closed glass jalousies in THE quantal mind of makers, clear-channeled sheaves µTmly compacted to base-state of Tzog-chen. I here again thank painter and radiation biologist Suzi Daniels for alerting me to existence of Rice Pereira's book The Nature of Space (offering initial thoughts on the Layered Transparent), 1956, two decades after it came out of the Corcoran Gallery, through visits to which I was led to Pereira's 1966 essay on transcendental logic. Rice Pereira, an artist who studied quantum theory and developed deep insight thereto; by the 1950s, she had largely moved on to poetry. With physics degree-zero, plastic art is no less dead than is instrumental art music, painterly or no: long live their fusion as synaesthetic Musculpt of the Martian Old Ones! Not a simply-closed loop, a hypertwisted closed loop. The nonorientable is more degree-zero than is your average mini-wormhole of spacetime foam. But who has tolerance for cognizance of state degree-zero? Unmitigated growth (substantially of junk; crap; rubbish; service-economy unnecessaries; flotsam; music for noise-requirement; designer trend setters; infraculture icons; production for current, prospective, imaginary wars ) simply in order to organize is the economic corollary to compulsive doing, doing something, just anything, O Whatever! simply to get out of absorption in infraself, its automatisms, its roof-brain chatter, old tape loops, grievances, internal considering, out of the neurally-pruned pathology passing itself off as the µTmly real-'I' with which my 1T2-me's (think: energy eigenkets of the inner product of a vector with itself) can't stand to be alone. Bra-me and ket-I, µTmly speaking, which is to say chronotopologically speaking, are not equal because recursive bras and involutory kets are not conflatable: essential meaning is lost by conjugate transpose over The Matrix. Yet, for Schrödinger memetime-independent nature, growth limit as source, not restrict: see for conceptual context Jean Gebser's The Ever-Present Origin. Anagogically, the numinous fourth sense (after literal, allegorical, moral): on the base-state of Tzog-chen, there is no placement of cognition: the two above-given perspectives (memetime-independent downward and upward cascades, each by logical and temporal operations upon MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space) cancel out, leaving a pure state spread out over a pure land (Grassmann-algebras inner qua generalized dot product -- 3-fold operator-time going to double-dot -- bra-ket 1T2ly speaking, not Dirac probability-amplitude bra-ket 1T2ly speaking: the corpus of pure states is the unit sphere in Hilbert space -- which, for our purposes, is taken to be reduced under µTm order-types of Riemann spheres across infinite-dimensioned Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space). Regard the above as a relative-state identity-transparency reformulation of the Bohm formulation of the EPR experiment -- and Gödel-number the Gödel number of The Number of the Beast. The fact that Keynes was a statistician speaks loudly as to the negative societal consequences of Born's dysterpretation of Schrödinger as the quickly consensuated fashion chosen to suppress Lukasiewicz. But even simply-closed loops are opportunities, whereas they are generally viewed, from the ontological bottom, as imposed costs. For an excellent example, we quote BOE's Andy Haldane Finds Impact Of Central Bank Policies As Bad As A 'World War', Zero Hedge, 3 December 2012:
And since the BOE has no choice but to join all its peers in a global race to the bottom (largely futile in a world in which currencies exist in a closed loop, and in which if everyone devalues, nobody devalues
Were that closed loop of currencies Gebserian aperspectivally µTmly tagged to the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, a kind of concretion of time, with algorithms-of-issuing bound to measurables (in quantum mechanics an operator is a measurable is a Brownian cross) mapped thereupon, the limit to growth imposed by the double-dotted, <>, <>, , , third-order operator upon INITIATION of decomposition would itself catalyze autopoiesis -- which is, indeed, the way the natural world actually works as to hyparxis, aka in the J. G. Bennett sense as ableness-to-be. And as regards the downside of cashlessness (see: The Cashless Society is Almost Here -- And With Some Very Sinister Implications, Patrick Henningsen, 21st Century Wire, 29 November 2012: a must-read article, especially when it is realized that cards will altogether disappear with distribution of remote readers of quantum-wave-radiating DNA fingerprints, biometric Verichipping being only an interim profit-motivated non-military inadequately-dronable measure), be aware that µTm-valued monetary nesting foams mapped on fractal e-boundaries in no way rule out use of 1T2-valued cash, which would simply be one Lukasiewiczian value-order-type, a type phase-stacked qua superposed on the base-state of any given LETS, a value constituting one relative-state Swedenborgian form of use of the involved Lukasiewiczian-Buddhological currency. There are huge differences between parallel 1T2-valued e-currencies (like private, monoscale, non-LETS, globally-introduced Bitcoin and Ven, the latter -- valued to a basket of commodities, currencies, and carbon futures -- being run by Hub Culture, a Freudian-slipped, in-your-face-monopolistic, headachy monotonic-binary-1T2-minded, anti-pagan, anti-animistic, totalitarian-net-architecture name chosen in gross violation of all we know about nature by consideration of the EPR Gedankenexperiment and subsequent Aspect experiment and the like) and nesting foams of µTm-valued public LETS. Some facsimile of the required transition is, indubitably is, going to happen -- bulk of human species cannot survive the complement of double-binds it has created and consigned to itself without deploying quantum-based technologies, and these technologies absolutely will impose monetary systems in the form-in-process which they embody; it would be nice were the inevitable transition made to happen in the non-regressed, non-infantile, non-violent right way, and that the transit were prefigured to be toward optimum framework determining conditions, however unlikely that is. The Keynesian Revolution Has Failed, What Now? (Scott Minerd, Zero Hedge reposting from Guggenheim Securities, 4 December 2012). The Cobden Centre similarly asks Where to from here? (Gerardo Coco, 6 December 2012), but, while making an interesting assessment of the present circumstance, has no real answer, beyond reversion to gold and managed deflation and restructuring, to the question posed in the title. Imposed counter-quantum-relativistic totalism, whatever form it might take, inherently cannot resolve favorably to human species survival the larger aspects of the accelerating anthropogenic planetary crisis: vast bulk of the species will be quenched, survivors being under 25 and all one-or-less generation removed from active tribal and/or peasant Lebenswelt forms. Why reach such a nihilistic assessment? Power analysis, political geography, history as force? Nope. Perennial issues at core of the perennial philosophy concerning which the human species has perennially made bad choices -- and gives every indication of continuing with same.
Just like Weimar needed a strong leader, so-so-so foundering Japan these days (see: Conservatives Sweep to Power in Faltering Japan, Reuters via NBC, 16 December 2012): return to nuclear; revamp post-'47 pacifism; pick a winnable fight over a matter of importance with the Chinese, heh-heh-heh, the only ones who can insure Japan's access to fuel at global cuspover (cuspover: U.S. will not roboinvade, HAARP upon, or drone China from the Pacific side, the pacific side being that of the U.S. strategic defensive; India will be the base area, not the least because India is like US; pelagic conflict will play out largely over the South Atlantic's and the Indian Ocean's relatively-short supply lines from a reindustrializing iron-domed [were such not iron-doomed, by having slings and arrows and laser phalanxes become authentic missile, not merely rocket, defense: see, Iron-Dome: Behind the hoopla, a familiar story of missile-defense hype, Subrata Ghoshroy, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 13 December 2012: unit price per interceptor can only be reduced by economies of scale, i.e., producing scads and scads of them to interdict scuds and scuds and their like] New England supplying the strategic offensive as a continuation of post-9/11 thrust and momentum); resurrect the LDP's fiscal pork-barrel; QE supracompetitively so as to inflate and devalue; drive interest rates up, thus making unsterilized QE4EVA necessary to cover maintenance of the ever-growing national debt. Shinzo Abe apparently thinks that electronic Go gives him direct access to the sacred space of Shinto Ma. Excellent new coinage: turboparalysis. What few seem to understand (see, for instance, US Is killing The Global Economy, Armstrong Economics, 16 December 2012) is that the global economy is being (has been since advent of the Carter Doctrine and Reagan Corollary) systematically remade in anticipation of the requirements a PW1 will impose, because indefinite continued clinging to institutionalization of the dead Weltanschauung has long since been decided upon. We had to kill it in order to save it: megadeath in the wings. Decades ago, I said: PID, protracted indurate dithering. Quoting Michael Lind (see: The age of turboparalysis, The Spectator, 15 December 2012):
In the realm of ideas, turboparalysis is even more striking By now one might have expected the emergence of innovative and taboo-breaking schools of thought seeking to account for and respond to the global crisis. But to date there is no insurgent political and intellectual left, nor a new right for that matter.
But could there conceivably be new thought come from either the left or the right when the crisis is of the institutionalization of a dead Weltanschauung: that Cartesian-Newtonian? Of course not: the crisis transcends the politico-economic spectrum from anarcho-syndicalism to anarcho-capitalism, including all which lies between -- and I do mean lies. But not only in the realms of political economy. Quoting Jo Nesbo's Nemesis (Vintage, p. 164):
Music, yes, but no one had done anything good in the last ten years, not even his old heroes. Films? If he came out of a cinema nowadays without feeling he had been lobotomized, he counted himself as fortunate.
2002 -- and it has only gotten worse over the last decade. And what of Art Fiction? He too? After Planck's breakaway paper of 1900, and certainly after Einstein's of 1905, ol' Art simply had to become anti-novelistic -- at least in respect to those few writers scrumping fragments of busted Weltanschauung. Complicity, collusion, conspiracy, connivance, corruption: must we clarify? Naif assessment of a modern Montanist by just one more bloody blubberer? Off the Cartesian-Newtonian politico-economic spectrum: time as money, not merely time is money. Money marking chronotopological time-shapes of total capital stock. And how are such shapes to be signified? Viktor Zuckerkandl would have known. Karlheinz Stockhausen would have known. Hear not the notes themselves; hear the spacetime between the notes! Iannis Xenakis in his Formalized Music (original French, 1963; English translation, 1971, Indiana U. Press) -- and his Phillips Pavilion piece/place for the 1958 Brussels World Fair -- architecturally spatialized music as building, in scoring a piece by quantum wave equation for particles of sound, clouds of sound-particle swarm, the amplitudes-form of which he transposed to an architectural articulation. This is not what I am talking about: the consensus probability-amplitude prehension analogically mapped onto music and architecture. The intellectual hiatus leading to Lind's turboparalysis is rooted in Born's probability-amplitude interpretation which preserved the appearance that Cartesian-Newtonian precepts still have relevance to the middle scale levels where human civilizations abide -- hence, to sociology, economics, politics. Substitute Lukasiewicz logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, for the consensus interpretation of quantum mechanics and there is no classical limit about which preservation of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung -- and the ideas strung along the associated politico-economic spectrum -- could be sustained. There would be emergence of innovative and taboo-breaking schools of thought (prevention of which having been the main reason why Born's interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function was so quickly consensuated: counter-Cabala Polish secular-rabbinical, rather than Lukasiewiczian, understanding, i.e., the real deep-structure reason Why Germany Can't Shed It's Troubling Past, Dirk Kurbjuweit, Der Spiegel, 13 December 2012: who, yet, really understands origins of WWII, let alone origins of PW1?). As often happens in collective compensatory abreactions, facilitated by chemo-convulsive and Mussolinied (i.e., Italian originated, circa 1938) Meggendorfer-introduced near-pandemic electroshock therapy (despite Weimar-created Autogenic Training, with its natural, spontaneous, autogenic brain discharges: Wolfgang Luthe intuited import of this dark-light juxtaposition, even if he never quite got there -- and that is the real reason why he paid attention to what I, a nobody, had to say: he truly sought actual understanding of the full historical context of the emergence of his practice) or no, the Nazis took on the program of their bet noir scapegoat: why do you think Hilbert space was never Lukasiewiczized? Answer: Born, born Polish, was Hilbert's understudy. Why did the Pole, Madame Curie, keep her mouth shut about what she surely understood? Could she, a native Polish speaker who taught her children the language, conceivably not have been aware of the import of Lukasiewicz logics vis-à-vis Schrödinger wave-function? Psychodynamics of the transference is the only possible answer as to why she kept counsel. Just imagine her sense of personal guilt, as the consequences of her not having spoken up began to manifest! Why was Poland so thoroughly decimated by Hitler and Stalin? Most fundamentally, because she, the most strategically located person in run up to the war from 1926 consensuation of Born, was a woman and an experimentalist, not a theoretician, therefore, given the play of psychological transference in sociology of physics, was, while strategically located, in no viable position to effectively speak? Guilt modulated by sociology of science? The fact that Harvard, a hundred years after Lukasiewicz and fifty years after Everett, still reveres Epicurean-Lucretian random swerves into indeterminacy, chance, probability, statistics is yet one more indication that the Lebenswelt will not survive having become modern, mono-cropped, planetarized, aspiring to vapid 5-star ISO uniformity. There is generally no intersection between perpetrators and those responsible for creation of circumstances within which appearance of perpetrators is inevitable. Those responsible are always found among the most revered. The Holcroft Covenant having been passively fulfilled by unconscious condensation and cognitive osmosis, real-life players acting out tabloid fiction recipes. The spacetime between the notes, not the notes themselves! This is no non sequitur. Not the particles, not the swarm -- and not their manifold articulations. Advaita Vedanta's Neti neti!. What exactly of -- not is -- the spacetime between? The superposed time-shapes, not the space-shape-shifting over memetime. And, thus, Brubeck-signatured time-changes are not time-shapes, which are superposed relative-states qua identity-transparencies qua order-types of spatial non-localities. Consensus counter-Pythagorean-Platonic history of mathematics has numbers coming from measures, and numbers, their pairings, triplicates, and so on, rigorously associated with points and their collections largely due to the Cartesian coordinate grid. Cabalistic gematria of Gödel numbers, and their Lukasiewiczian order-type Gödel numberings of Gödel numbers (no mere dyadic-linear Shannon & Weaver commo model), however, has number origin not associated with points, but with the relations-between, relations-between as logically codified à la Gödel's gematric method of stating logical propositions. Numbers became measures as minimum permissible distance in interpersonal space (proxemically speaking, selfsame number extrojected from interpersonal space to quaternionic projective space as transference of social organization) expanded as generative-empathic pagan animism was quenched and conscious awareness of quantal identity-transparency (markable only with nonselfsame number) was lost through prescriptive enculturation via glutamate etching of neuron corpora of the randomly swerving, liquid-plastic-fluid, molecular-cellular brains not containing THE quantum brain. Collections of relations-between are [Ever}(et)tian relative-states signifying The Ever-Present Origin qua identity-transparencies, or, in other words, chronotopological time-shapes of the given corpus (misunderstood from the ontological bottom as having been collected, as opposed to demerged by concretion of time from the ontological peak). Via Zuckerkandl, Stockhausen, art music orbifolds, and the like, hologramic Musculpt will signify the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock marked by fractal e-nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS. Traditional Taoist geomancy and acupuncture relied upon systems of correspondence -- mathematical functions, in the Euler definition -- having much in common with the quantum-relativistic cascade theory approach to modeling atmospheric dynamics. Where once bronze drums, sited under energy-momentum cascading waterfalls, sounded out holomorphic boundaries-without-boundary, there now needs to be the band-pass fractal drums which WiFied µTm-valued LETS would implement. Per example, consider this from Bertil Lintner (see: More war than peace in Myanmar, Asia Times, 18 December 2012):
Clearly, peace means different things to the government and the ethnic rebels. The former want the latter to accept the 2008 non-federal constitution and convert their armed forces into so-called Border Guard Forces under the command of the Myanmar Army. Peace for the Kachins, on the other hand, means a new, or at least fundamentally amended, constitution that gives ethnic states a large degree of autonomy.
There is no reconciliation of these positions possible so long as 1T2-logic is clung to -- and 1T2-type in-OR-out borders are employed, borders requiring guard forces.
No -- not odious, otium. Turangalila symphormfonie! Pregeometric µTm-logical operations upon Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space demerge 3-fold operator-time which demerges third-, second-, and first-order temporal curls, in that order, which, to gawping binary mind, that pillar of salt, appear to be -- looking back from the ontological bottom -- lolloping emergence of velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration (with the involved tilt and reentry of slope) through ponderable spacetime -- the time involved here at the ontological bottom being real-numbered memetime, the perspectival space involved here at the ontological bottom being a creation of operator-time acting via what appears to binary mind with beamtime as particle interactions amongst the swarm transiting the accelerator in Lapland. Order-type laddering the book over absolute limiting velocities, absolute limiting accelerations, absolute limiting time rates of change of accelerations: does HFTing use these and associated market reflexivities in system optimization fashion, or in psychologically regressed infantile modality? Humph! Not understanding the nature of autopoietic operators in the general case, spatial-variance swaps, not temporal-variance swaps: derivatives for speculation on magnitude of movement, not on velocity, acceleration, and time rates of change of acceleration. Consider 'Momentum Ignition' -- The Market's Parasitic 'Stop Hunt' Phenomenon Explained, Zero Hedge, 14 December 2012. Momentum ignition: when iatrogenic-anthropogenic interventions into complex angular momentum cascade produce hurricanes-typhoons become supertornadoes hmmm. Stop hunt: the financial version of Turing halting problem? Touring, indeed! De-genetically speaking: opal, ochre, amber. They're going away; they are away; they are gone. Not only will parents be able to clone their kids (see, as regards the child-cloning backdoor qua black propagandistic argument for cloned citizen-laborer-slave: Human cloning 'within 50 years', Nick Collins, The Telegraph, 18 December 2012), the nation-state and/or its superagglomerations, exercising genetic intent contrary to parents who clone, will be able to put a hidden ambush stop codon on human life of chosen subsets, the final solution to the hyperpopulation problem -- given that a preference fixation on 1T2-logic, to the exclusion of the infinity of infinities of other logical-value order-types, will have precluded human achievement of ecoadaptive relative-state. Exclusion! not mere subordination (as postmodern lingo would have it). Of course, as regards Musculpt symphormfonie, only those MSG-free, with very low enterobacter count (see: Scientists link obesity to gut bacteria, Pippa Stephens, The Financial Times, 18 December 2012), and a very special fusiform gyrus can perform the requisite traffic analysis. Jo Nesbo -- as explicated in Nemesis, S2MN, a corruption of 2nk devolved from Mnk -- believes The Art of War was written, not by Sun Tzu, but by a woman, whereas, actually, in all likelihood, Sun Tzu was a transvestite woman warrior. Heh-heh-heh! Narcissistic modern constitutional nation-state, THE nemesis, if not THE memesis, seeking vengeance for failed support by Weltanschauung -- deemed justice, of the cold-blooded, blind variety -- through death to all by collective freitod, voluntary discorporation, as Valentine Michael Smith would say. At least that is how Jo Nesbo seems to have it (Nemesis, pp. 634-7). The mainstream media having adopted lingo of the various sniper schools, not the killer, not the murderer -- the shooter, like in the electronic kewpie doll mall stall. And they're going to solve this problem by gun control without addressing etiology of the collective psychosis recruiting this, that, and the other the shooter? Right -- even given technoliquidity of the molecular-cellular brain all the more glutamate-alienated from its quantum substrate. How, à la Sun Tzu, does victory come in the manner a boulder rolls down a hill? Gravity -- not as Newton saw it, as did Einstein. Control the environment of the combat, with operator-time, and victory will follow upon the curve qua cusp surface on manifold combat thus created. As regards how, concretely, the exponential growth curve in resource commitments required of the global counterinsurgent unduly protracting institutionalization of the dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung -- S2MN, S indicating entropy -- goes hyperbolic, consider David Vine's piece entitled The True Costs of Empire, TomDispatch, 11 December 2012. Also of interest is the linked The Pentagon's Planet of Bases, Nick Turse, ibid, 9 January 2011. Wanna know where the paycheck voucher's SS payments went? Into high-enterobacter, fat-style, military metabolism. And now President Obama, with support of Republican co-conspirators, is in process of making a CA upon payouts the extremely well-financed (what percentage of the paycheck over a 50-year period?) Social Security Trust Fund -- filched by (lent to, with never the intent to be repaid: premeditated fraud, not accidental-ineptitude fraud) the federal government for flaming military pork-fat employments at home and abroad -- would have made without problem, had the filching not transpired, and had ZIRP/QEternity/NIRP not been promulgated in service to the super-rich, the TBTF banks, and the self-defeating military agenda. Not only was there the filching, but also adoption of Viet Nam war methodologies employed to win every battle whilst losing the war, e.g., those used to conceal actual enemy strength: the analogue being found in how inflation is measured for cost of living increases, not only to SS and welfare recipients, but also to those on disability. The best account I've seen as to how calculation of the CPI has been progressively fudged is given in Why Reported Inflation Seems Different Than Reality, Lance Roberts, streettalklive, 20 December 2012. Exponential going to hyperbolic cost curve for martial obsessions.
My 7th and 8th grades were put in at the high school in Ypsilanti, Michigan where many of my classmates were children of United Auto Workers members. This was during the late-1950s. So, by osmosis, from an early age, despite being a military brat, I had a pretty strong pro-union orientation. As a high schooler, and through the second year of college, I worked summer jobs in Alaska and Ohio in helper-apprentice status at various union construction sites, including high steel with Native American and Russian immigrant Iron Workers in The Flats of Cleveland. Then, after my stint in Viet Nam, I was an IBEW apprentice in Washington, D.C., during the time Metro construction began. But I quit the IBEW apprenticeship program at the beginning of my third year -- and became a landscape laborer at a fraction of the salary. Why? Many reasons, but the trigger event for the quitting is interesting. I had been assigned to assemble fluorescent fixtures for a huge government office complex going up. This involved thousands and thousands of units. After the first day of repetitive work, I decided I'd get this job over with ASAP, so I fabricated a jig that speeded up assembly by about a third. After two days of using this jig, I was angrily accosted by a union official, a guy who did little more than run the numbers racket, and was told in no uncertain terms that my jig was a violation of union rules, that I was clearly a problem person, and that, if I did anything like that again, he would personally see to it that I was thrown out of the program. I thought about it for a couple of days, then quit. So, while I retain considerable commitment to the impetus for unionization, I also sympathize with Mike Shedlock's anti-union stance (see, for instance: Pro-Union Activist Threatens the Michigan Governor , MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 15 December 2012), an orientation for which he is much criticized. Over-incent the system, what! Just as levered Plaza "Accord" revaluation of the yen ultimately slew Japan, Inc. Awash in liquidity, free-rider swaptions for the corporate person: rights without obligations. Corporate executive and financial sector fraud; mismanagement; malinvestment and environmental malfeasance; fleece by CEO-CFO salaries, bonuses, benefits, stock options, and parachutes; graft by corporate person; plus QEed bailouts, twisted and untwisted: these being what they have been, there is little room to mistake the whys and wherefores of impetus for unionization. Add to that the globalization program and how the business class in America has shot itself in the foot by downsizing, out-sourcing, off-shoring, and importing illegals (later given legal status) as a cheap labor pool (in significant measure displacing the black lower-middle class, many with ARMs payments to make) -- such that the altered electoral base has become skewed against supply-side trickle-down Reaganomics -- and there is no way to mistake the nature of the unionization impetus. I think there are two fundamental problems giving rise to this situation of inherent conflict: the architecture of the corporate person and the inability of the market to self-organize externalities and extra-systemic factors. Neither of these two fundamentals can be significantly altered so long as framework determining conditions are set by sole employment of 1T2-logically-valued monies defined over non-nested mono-scale boundaries -- those of the nation-state or, worse, one of its supraordinate agglomerations. Like [Ever}(et)t, I am an AND-person, not an OR-person -- so I don't believe in employee-OR-employer. Addressing this issue more generally, consider that Penrose OR (objective reduction) is expression of an OR-type pregeometric logical operator. Everett was a much more thoroughgoing Platonist than is Penrose. Look. It's quite simple, really. John Locke, in his Second Treatise, all but directly quoted Newton's Laws of Motion -- which is to say vector sums as regards interactions of countervailing forces -- in metaphysically justifying, by recourse to Natural Law, majority rule as the foremost legally prescribed decision algorithm in constitutional democracies. The franchise. The vote. Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function altogether shattered the lock Locke had placed upon justification of decision processes in democracies. Why? Because the variables in Newton's Laws of Motion are single-valued -- a simple-identity valuation order-type voters and vectors cannot do without -- whereas Schrödinger's wave-function, which replaced the Laws of Motion, are m-valued (however the m, as mu, is interpreted; however ghostly-virtual be identity of the resultant). Nature uses single-valued variables and single-valued universal physical constants only insofar as a classical limit can be sustained in face of all the evidence to the contrary. If Schrödinger altogether shattered Locke, then Lukasiewicz's rigorous demonstration of m-valued logics and Cantor's diagonal proof of hologramic part-whole identity transparency and Abel's Impossibility Theorem existence proof of transalgebras were partial quenchers on the road to utter death of Foundering Fathers' 18th-century 1T2-Rationalism and the institutional base it anthropogenically spawned (under the rubric of justification by recourse to Natural Law). Regardless of the motivations individuals self-attribute as regards their corrupt behaviors, an m-valued process forced to operate solely on a single-valued basis demands, say, transaction rent seeking as simulation of identity-exchange as, in turn, simulation of Everettian relative-state. Impetus given to the burgeoning growth industry in surrogate identity can be understood in similar fashion: now, not only is one likely to come under the fisheye/BigEar of a PI's video-listening surveillance if one makes a health insurance or workman's compensation claim, one's personal computer's cookies are likely to be collected and analyzed by the government if one becomes unemployed (see: Jobless to be remotely monitored by government, Rowena Mason, The Telegraph, 20 December 2012). We are once again moving into late-Weimar stage in regards to the collective price paid for embracing Born's take on Schrödinger. There's no overstating the degree to which one ought not subscribe to the moral precepts, values, aspirations, beliefs attributed to the moral majority for various non-ethical political-economy reasons -- wherever such majority is found, whomsoever be the programmers thereof. What is required is relinquishment of the regression-in-service-to-the-ego handled as, for instance, transaction rent seeking, a repudiation of 1T2-simulacras qua 1T2-virtualities, and a getting right on up there into the µTm-relative-state these simula-virtua reductively imitate.
After all these years, going back to the pre-WWI advent of fertility drugs and Aji-no-moto, one of the 200 or so commercially produced mimetic estrogens (more technically: xenoestrogens, synthetic and naturally occurring) is about to be separated from food in one place: France (see: France bans controversial chemical BPA in food packaging, AFP as posted to The Raw Story, 14 December 2012). For a picture of BPA-free-labeled plastic bottles, see the excellent article entitled FD-Healthy BPA, Phthalates, and Xenoestrogens, First Descents, 19 March 2012. Not so incidentally, perhaps, I am not a strong advocate of bans; I'd rather see such issues handled with globalized open-sourcing of information and locally with fine-grained tagging of externalities and extra-systemic factors to µTm-valued LETS. On a planet with 5-billion too many people, I am all for: Choose your own poison and the natural attrition that comes along with self-initiated use of birth-control measures and the collective refraining from development and use of unnatural life-extension technologies. Of the 200 or so, MSG (and glutamate's many other salt forms) is another substance with estrogeno-mimetic activities, e.g., can bind to estrogenic receptors (twenty years ago, it took a MEDLINE dump from the National Library of Medicine for me personally to find that out), simultaneously an endogenous neurotransmitter and excitotoxin that prunes (these two Wiki posts are to be highly recommended) the molecular-cellular brain -- when exogenously introduced, thus elevating blood and brain titers, contributing to a list of correlated (by independent researchers, of course) pathologies as long as my arm, including several increasingly associated with the shooter (is the shooter an anomalous, indeed paradoxical, side-effect of the nation-state's program for prescriptive enculturation-socialization via enhanced glutamate etching and quantum quenching of molecular-cellular brains? indubitably not, for I'm Okay, You're Okay, right?), all experimental and clinical evidence of such neurological facilitation in the literature, of which there is a great deal, being non-confirmable, as you might well imagine, heh-heh-heh! Bushwhacked by substantial equivalence. Quoting Wiki on neurotoxicity, as linked immediately above:
Glutamate results in cell death by turning on the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors (NMDA); these receptors cause an increased release of calcium ions (Ca2+) into the cells. As a result, the increased concentration of Ca2+ directly increases the stress on mitochondria, resulting in excessive oxidative phosphorylation and production of Reactive Oxygen Species(ROS) via the activation of nitric oxide synthase, ultimately leading to cell death.
The quantum biology issue here is with regard to nature of the border over which calcium ions flux: cell 1T2-wall with active transport system, or fractal band-pass, µTm-plasmahaut, phase boundary. Guess where molecular biologists come down on this issue. Ho-ho-ho! Heh-heh-heh! It must be observed that keeping to the polite forms reinforces efficacy of the conflict-of-interests promulgation process. I believe -- and I repeat: believe -- that, less than ultimately, disruption of intermolecular electron-transport chains, emanating higher-temporal wave-properties of intraneuronal DNA pi-electron gas core, and other submolecular-subatomic quantum-level processes, short of causing neuron cell death, quenches conscious access to µTm-valued processing (the real source of empathic states of awareness largely missing in Asperger's syndrome, particularly, and autism spectrum disorder, more generally). Technoliquidity of the brain may also enhance such negative effects (see, for instance: Sandy Hook Shooter Linked to Violent 'Call of Duty' Games, Sparking Debate, Jordan Zakarin, The Hollywood Reporter, 18 December 2012: assuming the official position on the number of shooters, of course; for absence of this assumption, see: Newtown school shooting story already being changed , Mike Adams, Natural News, 16 December 2012: consider how much more outrageous it would be, than imputing USG CAS-seed-idea-planting culpability for 9/11, to argue USG behind Newtown so as to facilitate the process of gun confiscation, a process the Nazis carried out before their invasion of Poland, homeland of µTm-valued logics). Regardless of what story is most accurate, and whether or not any additional shooters were actually virtual avatars, what we clearly have is one extreme case of many, where, rather than m-scenarios computer-game relative-state identity-transparency institutionalized as µTm-valued LETS, they, they being TPTB, analogically -- by projective-identification at conversion-disorder displacement in collective transference -- kill same in obsession with violent computer-gaming explicitly used as Generation Kill recruiting-training tactic (see for ONR thoughts on anti-empathic fluid intelligence of the technoliquid executive brain in war fighting: Researchers Examine Video Gaming's Benefits, Bob Freeman, U.S. Department of Defense, 25 January 2010). I can speak from direct personal experience on this subject: the impact of the film A Fistful of Dollars upon my SF Medic classmates at Special Forces Training Group in 1967 was profound: much contemplated behavior to which there had theretofore been strong internal resistances suddenly became less repugnant and much more easily laughed into conversation. The purpose of black self-propaganda is to neurologically facilitate behaviors, beliefs, values, conventions with no prior automatization. Currently, in some locales, MSG (glutamate being the neurotransmitter of excitotoxic uses of brain plasticity facilitating fluid intelligence) is being added to, say, among so much else, pumped bacon arrayed across a sheet of mimetic estrogen -- along with sodium/potassium nitrites (think nitric oxide? and be aware that there is a huge subjective component active in determinations as to what constitutes benefits outweighing risks, to whom and not for whom, confirmed and non-confirmed in the various corpora of evidences, and that funding issues impinge thereupon, particularly at ag-schools, including that of Cornell where Prof. D. A. Paine and I were told in 1975 by a noted stoned-fruit pomologist that malathion [EPA suggestive evidence of carcinogenicity only, of course, though the insecticide has a strong affinity for ADHD in children, young to middle-aged to elderly, which is not to mention its effects in combo-cocktail with other substances, the 3-body n-body problem so often so conveniently neglected in health and environmental impacts assessments, largely because this problem deeply involves Everettian quantum relative-state, and thus is unpleasant for molecular chemists, no students of quantum physics, to consider] is so safe you could eat it for breakfast). Wouldn't it be just amazing were we all rid of free-radical cooking oils bottled in mimetic-estrogen plastics? Not to mention 3-osmosis filtered water shelved in mimetic-estrogen bottles. Wonder, do you, about that chemical-bacterial bloat? Poor dietary and other lifestyle habits allow enterobacter to overgrow the good gut bacteria, so, when scientists develop an obesity drug that rids the gut of enterobacter and possibly the body's morbid obesity along with it, the body will develop other, possibly more deleterious, morbid responses to the poor dietary and other lifestyle habits the drug will appear to make sustainable (so long as the drug is taken lifelong and has few side-effects: great financial opportunity for Big Pharma). My, admittedly overweight, German-Dutch Pennsylvania grandmother smoked salt-and-sugar-cured meats, including dry-cured bacon, in the smokehouse behind her house, meats she sold in her small butcher shop and in her attached family restaurant: never used refined-concentrated nitrates or nitrites, or MSG, or mimetic estrogens other than MSG, and there was never apparent any health risks. Of course, her great food, made with little in the way of inorganic veggies grown with heavy fertilizing doses of nitrates and nitrites, never sat around for long! Having followed my ancestral career -- tree gardener and orchardist, uh, née Baumgardner -- I've always thought highly of these and many other of my grandmother's largely-organic food prep practices, though my eating habits have long tended much more toward vegetarianism, and for long periods to rawism. I guess that's why I like watching lectures presented by Vandana Shiva, like this one entitled The Future of Food and Seed, wherein an interesting argument is made that the green revolution was created largely as a way to unload WWII-origin military-chemical stockpiles, an unloading which required creation of chemo-tolerant seed, rather than that revolution being an authentic effort actually to solve the world hunger problem. My interest in this issue goes back to 1969-'75: a next door neighbor, Viet Nam war vet like me, edited the U.S. Department of State's publication War On Hunger, which I read at that time, and through which I found my way to World Watch Institute assessments and subscription to The Futurist. As regards being Monsantoed -- the Son of John le Carré's film Unknown being a great piece of GMOpaganda -- even independent of forcing a 200,000-strong freitod by Indian farmers, how else but with the obvious adjective characterize coerced deployment of poison-tolerant crops which patently take up the poison to which they were coercively engineered to be tolerant, and which, thus, convey that poison as food ingredient? The whole molecular biology revolution has transpired during an era when -- simply for commercial and military exploitation -- submolecular biology has been, malice aforethought, dysinformatively deemed not biologically meaningful, whilst, one must surmise from what has become publicly known about anti-personnel weapons research, at the same time having been placed into classified status. The GMO issue (see, for an excellent piece on the subject, where not biologically meaningful comes up: Cancer of Corruption, Seeds of Destruction , F. William Engdahl, Global Research, 19 December 2012) is just the latest, going back to the late-19th century. Uh, uh, poison-uptaken GMO food is so safe you could eat it for breakfast! Our quantum model (International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-41) of DNA radiation exchange by superconductant pi-electron gas core dynamics was, at the time of its appearance, frequently disparaged in terms self-similar to not biologically meaningful. Subtending the techno implications issues, there was and is the issue of the import of the fact that quantum mechanics is all about collective behaviors and thresholds of clocks within clocks within clocks for critical-state phase transitions: meaning that iatrogenic radiation and stereochemical interventions (e.g., GMOing itself + tolerance-facilitation of poison uptake) certainly have Mnk articulation landscape and chronotopologic (to include memetime-period sensitive) ensemble thresholds, the passing of which will rapidly induce large shifts in undecomposable composite subsystem-system-supersystem behaviors which could not have been forecast on basis of linear or 2nk-nonlinear analysis of the behavior equations constructed from involved single-valued variables. Use of the term undecomposable composite subsystem-system-supersystem is just another way to indicate µTm-AllBase as distinct from corpus of probability amplitudes. Such chronotopological thresholds mean not only, generally, critical periods for finding this or that experimental result, but, also, in regards specifically to manipulation of DNA, that, possibly catastrophic, thresholds related to proportion-of-ensemble involvement and critical-state temporal parameters not contemplated by molecular genetics lie in wait for the unsuspecting. Relative to medical sociobiology, distinguishing those responsible from proximal perpetrators is fairly straightforward, whereas separating mere x from y (significations of these signifying terms are self-censored) can be accomplished only by those obsessed with distributing the 1T2-middle.
Highly recommended is the global assessment, and latest thoughts on Japan's situation, presented by hedge fund manager Kyle Bass (clearly no Bandersnatch of a Capt. Jerry Riggs, the star-spangled man with a plan to Strike Back) in his The World is Not Enough (unless, As The World Turns, it turns into a World Without End) keynote presentation to AmeriCatalyst on 1 October 2012, published 16 December 2012, an address countervailing the media promoted thesis that financialization of the means of production/consumption can become a transfinite sequence invoking-evoking-employing eternality/4EVA. I take the title of this address as somewhat of a Freudian slip in that it is more adequately stated as: The Weltanschauung is Not Enough, with the implied sense that the prevailing institutionalization of the dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung is not enough. Quoting Bass:
the quantitative analysis, in my opinion, is already done. It's just a question of when it will unravel and how it will unravel We sit today at the largest peacetime accumulation of debt in world history Very few people are willing to go out there and say this. You know how this ends, right? This ends through war. I don't know between who and who, but when you think about war, it is economic entropy played to its logical conclusion. We don't have a playbook for the enormity of debt at 340 percent of global GDP, and that's why we have such a hard time thinking about how this plays out
Yep, war is how one falls off the last step of the Devil's risk-transference Staircase derivative-spiraling toward NeverNeverLand. Not to mention the fiberoptiked, tranchentubuled, 1T2-network architecture-topology of that superpotentized global debt (see the Daily Mail infographic of BIS data reposted in The Interconnective Web of Global Debt, John Aziz, Azizonomics, 20 December 2012): a great incentive to spread out, like in EPR-quantal subsystem-system-supersystem composites, over the whole economic universe of discourse, that is, to authentically fiber-bundle-arithmetic with Clifford-parallel valuation-order-types, order-types autopoietic (by analogy to cascade dynamics of Earth's atmosphere) on basis of Lukasiewiczian LETS e-nesting foams processed within µTm-markets. Andrew G. Haldane, Executive Director, Financial Stability, the Bank of England, says regarding consequences of the prevailing topology of the financial network (see: Rethinking the Financial Network, Bank of England, April 2009, p. 20): This is a gloomy prognosis: a financial system teetering between triumph and disaster. But how could it be otherwise in a 1T2-system globalizing by uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies? Really though, in Haldane's view, The existing system works! Only needing a tweak here and there. Heh-heh-heh. It's just that we have fear to fear: what should be feared is the over-reaction that unfeared fear produces. Observe that this unwarranted fear manifests as Sorosian market reflexivities, i.e., self-referential µTm-valued-logic properties of the financial system, unsignified except with the black-box term fear, and thus relegated to being mere externalities/extra-systemic factors (extra to market processors), yet still operating upon the system in fashions largely opaque to market actors, micro and macro. And note that in Haldane's analysis of the various aspects/conditioners of stability which he identifies -- complexity, connectivity, feedback, uncertainty, innovation, diversity -- not a single mention of the m-valued is made, and, though there be an extensive bibliography on the featured complex adaptive systems, the primary systems-theory piece mentioned in the restructuring-suggestions portion of Haldane's text is the long-outdated Herbert Simon's 1962 The Architecture of Complexity (assigned reading, Introduction to World Politics, Prof. Abdul Aziz Said, AU-SIS, 1963), and when forest fires are mentioned, it is largely to consider fire breaks, not percolation theory's The Devil's Staircase (the chaos-complexity-theory aspect of forest fires most directly analogous to dynamics of financial panics). Let it be understood that 2nk percolation theory treats system reflexivities as deterministic chaos about strange-attractor Sierpinski points and triangles qua gaskets and carpets, whereas Mnk cascade theory (e.g., of tornadogenesis) treats system reflexivities in terms of what topologically-active, hypercomplex-numbered, third-order operator-time does to Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered µTm-logically-valued Cantor dust and, well, in all likelihood, clouds of Cantor dust, by way of decompositional involutes. In actual point of fact, though, the primary systemic response to the Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy was not the fear identified as such by Haldane, but deleterious initiation of a further climb up The Devil's Staircase (which pre-Lehman-collapse Haldane clearly went so far as to view as positive: as a Pareto-improving reallocation of risk. Risk would flow to those best able to bear it.). It was with the task of debunking unwarranted fear that Haldane chose to begin his paper, and this choice sets the context within which whatever else he might have to say is to be understood. For example, his worst suggestions as regards tweaking the-system-that-works concern restructuring: i.e., more widespread implementation of central counterparties and reductions in the financial network's dimensionality and complexity. Either of these in a system engaged in massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies? Too many interconnections, the k-factor in 2nk and Mnk -- which is an aspect of the quantum factor, more precisely, the relative-state factor, and most scarily, the identity-transparency factor -- is understood most responsible for the financial panic (SFI complexity theory being a 1T2-minded way of understanding µTm-valued processes). OMG, which fear is it that we should most fear: that of market dyscrasias feared by market participants, or that of the unsignified non-binary-logics properties of markets feared by market designers and regulators and manipulators (this latter, à la Russell on Cantor and Born on Schrödinger, being the same vociferous fear -- generally expressed with the, profoundly nauseating, utmost in condescending superpolite academic-professional decorum -- at origins of the first two world wars)? So long as quantum-based technologies are taken up by the Cartesian-Newtonian system, the k-factor will increase in magnitude and will increase system fragility: actual solutions will not involve attempts to staunch growth of the k-factor, but authentic movement from a Cartesian-Newtonian system to a quantum system. The one reservation I have with respect to Kyle Bass' risk-transference thesis (pre-Lehman-collapse Haldane's Pareto-improving reallocation of risk), as made central to the above-linked presentation, is to observe that the sovereign step/nest-scale is not the last step of the staircase (see how, having argued this -- what, anticipating July of 1997, became known as the infamous Scenario 'C' -- from 1992 to people working in the NESDB of the Thai Prime Minister's Office, during 1995, I nested-gridly analyzed the question of risk conservation [which people nowadays capture with the idea that the monetary system is a closed loop <<< our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994, à la J. G. Bennett, circa 1956, makes a formal Brownian Laws of Form argument for hyparxis-ableness-to-be second-order quaternionic-to-octonionic cybernetic closure at 3-ponderable-space + 3-fold operator-time, whilst allowing for Aurobindo-like µTm-order-types at Hubert Benoit's Let Go! the my-of-mybody/self-of-myself type of self-reference/reflexion/observation/reflection/contemplation regression over infinite dimensional Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space >>>: back in 1977, when I wrote of this relative to autogenic brain discharges, out of the blue, Heinz von Foerster, of observing-systems quasi-distinct from observed-systems fame {see, for the best available survey, which cannot be over-praised: "The Process From Observed Systems To Observing Systems", Sara B. Jutoran, Nova University, 25 November 2005}, wrote and thanked me for the contribution], uh, risk conservation at transfer and concentration, in the risk seen to climb a devil's staircase section of the article entitled Constructing a Chaotic Marketplace, 1995 date given in the summary abstract, and how the involved notions were amplified during 1998 in the conservation of risk a necessary bridging concept section of the article entitled M-valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket). As stated in his address, Kyle Bass, so late as 2008, could not find anyone thinking along these lines, yet The New Yorker exhibited no interest in 1995. Any number of things could happen on the transnational step, to include globally coordinated currency debasement against gold in particular (see, for possible early adumbrations: From Here To QEternity , Zero Hedge, 20 December 2012; and, flashing forward, see It Begins: Bundesbank To Commence Repatriating Gold From New York Fed, Zero Hedge, 14 January 2013, for discussion of a possibly related event) prior to confiscation at inclusion of gold in definition of a new SDR-type reserve currency undertaken in an attempt to further postpone onset of PW1. It would be nice were it understood that there are Devil's Staircases nested inside Devil's staircases: for instance, that that-financial is subsumed by -- and in significant measure governed by -- that with steps named Franco-Prussian war, World War One, World War Two Now, flash forward to 7 January 2013 and read Japan May Or May Not Mint Quadrillion Yen Coins, But It Will Monetize European Debt, Zero Hedge. From 1992 onward I've been saying that TPTB will do anything, O anythiiiiig, to avoid stepping off the Devil's Staircase. And ratings of approval, applause of the polity, will resound as all-and-everything propels the mesmerized masses into PW1. Based upon registrations made during my Fifties childhood in rural Japan (ages 8-11, 1953-6, Midori Gaoka, Ashiya-cho, kita-Kyushu), from the Sixties onward I've been predicting that, in due course, and under sufficient pressure-cooking, the Japanese will do an abrupt flipover. But this flipover, in my judgment, will not exclusively relate to economic-military factors -- rather, those primarily socio-sexual (see, for an article contrary to what I will argue: How U.S. Enshrined Women's Rights in Japan, Todd Crowell, RealClearHistory, 9 January 2013). I make my argument while remaining in complete sympathy with my wife Nguyen Phuoc Cong Huyen Ton Nu Nha Trang's (her complete royal family name) 1973 UC-Berkeley Ph.D. dissertation, entitled The Traditional Roles of Women as Reflected in Oral and Written Vietnamese Literature, a textual and contextual analysis of representative literary works dealing with the responses of women of different socioeconomic strata to the Confucian ideal rule of Three Submissions. Having studied Japanese language and literature as an undergrad at ICU in Tokyo, she would point out that there are vast differences between Japan and Vietnam in regards to the issues I address, and that most of what I have to say is pure conjecture, there being little in the way of discoverable data to support my argument. Nonetheless I offer these thoughts, for whatever little they may be worth. In point of fact, the vast bulk of Japanese sexual and marital relations -- as actually lived -- in pre-Meiji eras, and to a lesser extent during that era, were not governed by Confucian ideal norms. Earliest, these norms set aspects of the Lebenswelt within which court culture was conducted, later, of the urbanized elite, whilst bleeding down influence to the lower and rural classes, that influence greatly waning amongst the agricultural classes that made up the bulk of the population, where -- as Ueno Chizuko (author of Theater Beneath the Skirt, 1992) has pointed out in her many writings, notably The Technology of Love (Kyoto Journal, 1991) -- frequent movement between multiple life partners (for both sexes) was the lived norm. And this norm was actualized within a Lebenswelt where absence of panties, existence of public nudity (in the mixed-sexes sento public bath and onsen hot springs), unisex public toilets, and end-of-planting-day fertility rites (which I personally witnessed even so late as the early-1950s) were normative. My conjecture -- based upon extrapolation into the past from what I saw living in a rural hamlet where old rice ritual was still intact, and where we were the only foreign family -- is that, sometime in the past, and informally bleeding toward the present, frequent movement between multiple life partners, as lived, meant absence of a formal wife and a formal husband, and absence of children only with a formal wife, and a strong tendency toward communal childrearing, such that the child had available for the sustenance of amaeru (indulgence) and imprinting, multiple providers and role models. Just try to imagine magnitude of the psychosexual trauma induced -- and resultant sublimations as fetishism, SM, thematic contents of pornography, and so on -- by outside imposition via application of force, without any consensus-making process, of Western rules shattering all the involved patterns of life.
When looking at how ugly of a $130-million boat Steve Jobs had designed for himself (see photo: Dutch impound Steve Jobs superyacht over unpaid bill, France 24, 21 December 2012), I see why I never much understood iMACaesthetics, how so many people are fixated upon making more and more money, spending more and more money, owning more and more things, rather than seeing to it that persons, places, and things do not own them, a seeing-to most easily accomplished by reducing the quantity of things in life so as to increase the quality of life experience. Hardly plausible is the notion that $130-million boat-differentials in income are required to incent Jobs' behavior in his garage: he would have innovated his PC regardless and/or irregardless. When borrowed, want-created, divertive, adverted, dissipative, grotesque, hog-trough abundance, and the enormous resources poured into propagandistic manipulation via the DoD's and NASA Ames' and CIA's and Hollywood's and USC's Institute for Creative Technologies virtual-reality comic-book/video-game culture complementing Coca-Cola culture, as well as economically-forced warfare-related metabolism (present, future, and imaginary wars) are considered, not only is twenty years of programming by id Software's shooter game Doom and eight years by Polish director Andrzej Bartkowiak's film version, also entitled Doom, indicated and an aptly named designator for the prevailing normotic collective state, a sizable portion of global GDP must be acknowledged as being market-allocated malexpenditure, if not altogether outright malinvestment: much of peak everything responsibility can only be assigned to gluttoning down upon wholly unnecessaries made holy and force-fed by Madison Avenue MO, morale operations. Perusal of OSS-MO materials is not required to get a feeling for the thing; Edward Bernays' 1928 book, Propaganda, provides a good introduction. Can't 1T2-self-organize absent expectation of growth, however Ponzi fabricated. Is such fabrication sustainable? A defeasing Charles Hugh Smith addresses this Burnhard Madeoff issue in typically edifying fashion in No More Industrial Revolutions, No More Growth?, Of Two Minds, 27 December 2012 (I have for decades argued that research, development, and implementation of allelotropic µTm-valued LETS e-nesting foams is the next neXt, Lancelot Law Whyte's still unrealized 1944 The Next Development in Man, the Dirac crossover-time operator initializing heterostasis as engine of, not growth, but economic autopoiesis, an [eco}nomics designated [autopoi}onomy, a bigger innovation than indoor plumbing, as discussed in Is This The Future Of World 'Growth'? [Or The iPad vs Indoor Plumbing], Zero Hedge, 5 January 2013, i.e., creation and implementation of the means by which growth-free economic self-organization can transpire). And given the enormous negentropy filtching leverage brought to bear upon the future (global notional derivatives to unrehypothecated planetary collateral [that collateral not yet mapped as vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock] running to four-figured leverage: see 1000x Systemic Leverage , Zero Hedge, 24 December 2012; and derivative contracts 362 times greater than total assets, in the case of Goldman Sachs: see The Coming Derivative Panic That Will Destroy Global Financial Markets, Michael Whomever, The Economic Collapse, 4 December 2012: check out the linked demonocracy infographic as to the $quadrillion or so involved), there is not much of a prospect that humanity will voluntarily reduce its standard of mindless credit-enabled affluence over the mere issue of ecointegrity of Earth. Michael W. asks: How in the world could we let this happen? Because it was and is necessary to keep the inordinate fear of the psychological implications of µTm-valued logics at bay. While it is impossible to 1T2ly perceive reality-in-itself because reality is not selfsame, it is possible to µTmly know bare reality through knowledge-by-identity-transparency, i.e., the generative empathy -- no mere everyday pedestrian felt-into empathy, Einfuhlung, amae/ru; and no map-territory distinction, because no cognitive placement by I/i-ness identifications of Umwelt -- the numinous no-self Self of relative-state identity-transparency psychiatrically regarded symptom of psychosis displayed as dystextia gibberish by those better off stroking. Inalienable inherent inability to know reality-in-itself would be, were it actually in the nature of things, the ultimate in Existentialist absurdity and anomie and separatism and so on and all the rest which comes with the proclamation that Existence precedes essence!. To comprehend the sort of deeply empathetic knowing of which we speak, truth-value has to be wholesale abandoned as the foundational notion of logic, and not merely a simulated sham abandonment by a Fallacy-of-Undistributed-Middle-rejecting acknowledgement of shades of gray fuzz between T and F, 1 and 0: the thing-in-itself, Kantian Ding an Sich, is infinitely infinitely not-itself. The higher the Lukasiewiczian order-type of self-reference -- the mu (values employed) and m (values available) of µTm go to infinity and Cantorian orders of infinity ({mu, mu, mu, mu, mu } as set, not sequence: the all-set which is, indubitably is, the null-set: think the Christmas-tree effect over decomposed quarky zero-point µTm-AllBase of transfinitely dense equilateral-triangular nesting foam, where all differences made, all distinctions drawn, on decomposed 1T2-sheets-branes already exist on the most-dense undecomposed m-logically-valued reference space base-state of Tzog-chen sheet: depending upon where cognitive habitus is established upon this Jacob's Ladder, this Ray of Creation, every and any philosophical dogma can be found) -- the lesser the order of selfsameness in identity of the involved totality. Mu is not high impedance: no-self is not absence of Self, but presence of the multivalue; no-mind is not absence of Supermind, but presence of µTm-valued logics over base-state of Tzog-chen. Not an unasking koan, but unanswering in 1T2-valued-propositions alone. 1T2-paradoxically, self-referential reflexivity by concentration in self-observation is entry upon infinite regress of inner separation at self-remembering one's Self out of its selves -- each of which is hologramically Self, if a bit fuzzily so, when seen by what a frog's eye tells a frog's 1T2-molecular-cellular brain. Rejection of the Fallacy of Contradiction, not merely with Taoist TaiChi enantiodromia, Hegelian-Marxian dialectic, Cusan coincidence of opposites, but with µTm-coidentity of opposites: topological nonorientability at logical-valuing. Not mere recursive self-referential loopidy-looped circularity; self-reentering Klein-bottling Ouroboros which is not a corpus of operations repeating itself on itself, but evermore fractally within itself, quite another matter considering the appearing-disappearing act orchestrated by the involved Koch curve of the downward and upward Ray of Creation qua mathematical decomposition-recomposition spontaneous-localization/spontaneous-fusion explicate-implicate unfolded-enfolded involute-evolute: requiring third-order, not only second-and-first-order, operator-time, and certainly nowise mere memetime. Makes one wonder about test-tubed and artificially wombed-incubated babies, don't it. The swarm-of-swarms body taken proprioceptively as monoscaled, being a learned object-constancy behavior transmitted from generation to generation by glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching begun in the womb, is not, and could never have been, in the body: essence of the identity transparency at pagan-animistic contagion qua participation mystique. Coming off endogenous ketamine flood by antidote of exogenously introduced glutamate food additive, slowly, her ontic foot can be distinguished from his ontic foot: quite literally, quite concretely, in that way is the generative-empathic love drug dissipated. Knower of Noumenon by use of Rice Pereira's the transcendental formal logic of the infinite, and forecaster of weather, the Vietnamese folkloric frog -- as Uncle to the Emperor of Heaven, and having at some point read F. S. C. Northrop's The Meeting of East and West concerning the undifferentiated aesthetic continuum -- unlike Warren Sturgis McCulloch's more pedestrian frog, is not limited to recursive sensory knowledge of differences-distinctions-events-objects-gestalts resolved from/in quaterionic projective space and opposite-signed real-numbered memetime. Makes no sense in 1T2ly-monologic-dialogic metalogue, but then there is µTmly-supraordinal metalogue-cardinality to consider This includes the observation that, beginning with the 1T3-order-type (no mere high impedance or high indifference or, for that matter, high impudence), and absolutely so on the base state of Tzog-chen, there is absolutely no distinction (not just no absolute distinction: this being a distinction between percept and concept, it being much easier in this respect to conceive than perceive) drawable between observing-systems and observed-systems -- an aperspectival non-probability-amplituding quantum position never fully obtained by informatics-closed at the molecular level, 1T2-molecular-cellular-cognitive, autopoietic Maturana-Varela, et. al., however Euclidian-invariant-Piagetan enactive and Gurdjieffian first-person. Preference for multiple virtual simply-identifiable split-off 1T2-realities-universes-personalities over one µTm-real, non-simply-identifiable, actually-uni, universe. Humph! More fundamental a logic fundamental than the notion truth-value is the Brownian notion distinction; more fundamental than the notion distinction is the notion state and relativity of state; more fundamental yet is the notion identity and transparency of identity. If composite Everettian multiverse is not experiential, then it is transcendental. What are validation criteria for experiential-composite multiverse, if not Lukasiewiczian order-types? Hence, Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean multiverse actually Lukasiewiczian universe. What is construed transcendental is a matter of cognitive habitus chosen and practiced. Operational-informational closure on the molecular level is patently ridiculous in face of the histologically-specific frequency-response windows -- response to temporal-information content, ultimately chronotopology, of ambient quantum fields -- of intranuclear and mitochondrial DNA molecules, to include those neuronal and perineural. Hear that, all ye cell phone users? Clearly, prerequisites to learning aprehension -- as distinct from apprehension -- include thinking about µTm-valued logics with µTm-valued logics, not with 1T2-valued logic alone, however much bi-logic one might mistakenly attribute to The Unconscious as Infinite Sets, and however intensely one may mistakenly insist that monetary exchange units must be 1T2-logically-valued only. The logician/analytic-philosopher and, arguably, Peircean fallibilist, William van Orman Quine, in his 1960 book Word and Object famously argued that to take this pagan-animistic position on the bare object is to make oneself into a cosmic exile. I regard Quine's position on this issue as a mere assertion unpracticed at phenomenologic reduction, and, moreover, an application of Leninist propagandistic methodology within linguistic philosophy: calling the thing by the name of its opposite. And why would a 1T2-logician resort to such subterfuge in face of µTming Lukasiewicz? Though it is a bit strange coming from the transAndes, where Aymara once was THE 1T3-valued language and the Andean priesthood was adept at internal Musculpt as metalinguistic mode of clairvoyant communication, Sara Jutoran, linked above, prefaces her paper by quoting an account of an exchange between a student of autopoiesis in Buenos Aires, presumably herself, and Humberto Maturana:
Ten years ago I was still writing about living systems, not yet totally feeling as a member of a community of observers. During one of Humberto Maturana's visits as professor at the Instituto de Terapia Sistémica, I said to him, Every time you come, you take out a piece of the floor where I'm standing. I'm scared; there's no floor left. A full and tense silence followed and then he very calmly replied, Yes, but, how much freedom!
The fear of fear itself: something palpable in atmospheric physicist Douglas A. Paine's Cornell classroom, circa 1970s (whist his tornadogenesis theories elicited fist-fights at severe storms conferences, his take on solar-terrestrial interactions and climate change, which he broached in an article published by Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, was sufficiently problematic for the community that he did not seek further publication: IMHO, an enormously significant prefigurative loss to humanity, made final by a premature heart attack; during the late-'70s, Paine concluded, It's irreversible, you know; nothing can be done, and, after the early-'80s, he did nothing further with the ideas he had created: maturation of the genetic engineering and cell phone industries, as well as phased-array modification of Earth's EM structure transpired in the interim: he may have been right in his assessment, a judgment it has taken me 30 years to concede). Like for GMOing, for electron-temperature enhancing Earth's upper atmosphere, for microwave-ovening the troposphere, and for so very much more of 1T2-rationalized behavior, the deep-structure motivation involves a century-and-a-half old collective unconscious decision for human species self-annihilation -- rather than a collective conscious decision to psychologically process and cognitively integrate the anathema which mathematics and physics have discovered (deconstructive neti-neti -- which, na iti, 1T2-paradoxically is morphophonologically sandhi links-joinings -- cognitive habitus placed on µTm-AllBase) qua created-invented (1T2-constructivistic cognitive habitus placed on decomposed 1T2-sheets) as resident at habitus of nature: i.e., µTm-pagan-animistic quantum relative-state identity-transparency. The likelihood that such a long-standing, largely unconscious, decision concerning the deepest of issues will be altogether countervailed on a memetimely basis is near vanishing. Participants in collective psychosis can be individually sane -- particularly so, if definitions of insanity are unconsciously tailored to service the reigning collective psychosis.
Why does it appear that there is nonlocality and non-simple identity on supersmall quantum scales and not also on superlarge relativistic cosmological scales -- not to mention also on the humanistic mid-scales? Most generally, because, at decomposition of the m-logically-valued reference space (Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space as the base state of Tzog-chen), not, that is, by collapse of the m-valued wave-function, chronotopology logically and ontologically precedes existence of 1T2-ponderable space -- thus preceding Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities. More concretely, because it was Einstein's first wife, not Einstein, who came up with the fundamental intuitive breakthrough leading to Special Relativity: in some primitive Musculpt audiovisual taste-polymorphic gestalt, electric-shocked into awareness and verbalized in some near-meaningless rubric like, OMG, there are no spaces!. That's what I have long believed. There is no cognitive space in classical relativity theory for a spacetime del operator because Einstein contemplated absolute limiting acceleration only in formulating the Einstein-Rosen bridge, and because he never overtly contemplated absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration. He could not have thought what he did about the cosmological constant had he so done, for he would immediately have realized that, by absolute limiting acceleration, the length contraction and time slow-down associated with absolute limiting velocity would convert to all universal physical constants having become/been m-valued (which is simply another way to talk about nonlocality, and another way to supersede Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities) -- and that, with absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, all multiply-connecting reentries would convert to having become/been utterly nonorientable (which is simply another way to talk about non-simple identity-transparency). These notions were applied to dynamical meteorology (see our paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, circa 1977) at the humanistic mid-scales by Douglas A. Paine in the physics behind Paine-Kaplan, nested-grid, multi-scale energy-momentum cascade, numerical modeling of tornadogenesis. I argue that only with application of these same ideas to monetary theory and practice will humanity make its best attempt to deal with the evolving climate-shift dynamic and other dimensions of the gathering global storm.
Just as the actual case was far worse (cinematography -- sound, image, voiceover -- doesn't even begin to convey the realities of taking heavy fire at combat, let alone being in witness to napalm or white phosphorus called in upon a squatter settlement, or being close enough to a B-52 strike to see the night arc-light and feel the earth quake) than that portrayed by Oliver Stone in his film Platoon, the present case is by some believed worse (for a succinct statement of that animadversion, see: Mother, Should I Trust the Government?, Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform, 1 January 2013: a pithy essay on slow-ingress nazification, on Orwell piggybacking upon Huxley, though I would put it all back at least to timeframe of the Hamilton-Jefferson debates over the national debt) than Stone, who says he regards President Obama as a wolf in sheep's clothing, has allowed himself to imagine (see: Oliver Stone to RT: US Has Become an Orwellian State, Russia Today, 28 December 2012). As regards Sixties political-naiveté, does, for one, the current failure of government bureaucrats to adequately prosecute private sector white-collar crime tell us anything about government involvement in crime? If so, does such involvement reflect upon the proposition that prescriptive governance of the prescriptively enculturated is inherently a criminal enterprise? An explicit Kokutai no Hongi is not required, not in this era of eating-speed-regulating smart forks, frying pans that refuse to fry sunny-side up, sauce pans that won't make poached or soft-boiled, not to mention self-driving cars, humanoid rock bands, all manner of cancer/obesity facilitating electronic assistants (see, as regards toxic footprints: Your Smartphone's Dirty, Radioactive Secret, Kiera Butler, Mother Jones, November/December 2012) qua power push buttons, cellularized-social-network integrated and face/voice-recognizing and soon, can one doubt, radiating DNA-signature-recognizing internetworked smart-gridded TVs satellite linked to people-sniffing red-haze surveillance-interdiction drones. Is there anything at all about CNNing TV and DoDing film -- as currently deployed -- not deleterious, not dysssssocially-redeeeming? Not sitting in the film/sound edit/mix lab, one can only guess that all the nauseatingly repetitious self-advertizing (therefore unpaid by third parties) indicates lavish use of subliminal programming. For facts related to this governance thesis, see: Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy -- New documents prove what was once dismissed as paranoid fantasy: totally integrated corporate-state repression of dissent, Naomi Wolf, The Guardian, 29 December 2012; and, flashing forward, As NSA Pairs With Banks To 'Fight Hackers', Will It Also Gain Access To Every American's Financial Secrets?, Zero Hedge, 13 January 2013. Bank involvement in Gestapo actions clearly takes impetus from the tacit program to protect the central bank's modus vivendi, to include its above-the-law way of life (see, for instance: Greenspan Admits The Federal Reserve Is Above The Law And Answers To No One, Subrealism, 31 December 2012; and Bernie Sanders Fed Audit (prepare yourself to be ticked off), Democratic Underground, 1 September 2012). Be aware that bank and credit card company imposition of reauthentication codes arguably has nothing to do with enhanced account security and everything to do with verifying that it actually is your e-mail their computers are searching through. Moreover, consider that lawmakers who insure that the system couldn't possibly work must themselves be lawbreakers. Policemen in Spain seem to have reached this conclusion (see: Protesting Spanish Cops: Forgive Us For Not Arresting Those Truly Responsible For This Crisis: Bankers and Politicians, Zero Hedge, 18 November 2012). Some place the onus for the crisis of trust directly upon the FED (see, for instance: Monetary Malpractice, Moral Malady, Gordon T. Long, 28 December 2012), whilst the FED promises to monitor those critical of the FED, thus magnifying lack of trust in the FED (see: Federal Reserve looking to monitor social media, Steve Ragan, The Tech Herald, 27 September 2011). When this -- an ever expanding this -- goes to cuspover, about a dozen processes could transpire in enfold -- some potentially worse than an entire army throwing down its weapons and walking home to assist in the roundup of the culpable classes during the Russian revolution (rather poetic, compensatory, and prefigurative that a White-French Depardieu should have fled to a post-Red Russia, don't you think?); some potentially worse than World War Two; some potentially worse than the holocaust of the Jews; some potentially worse than the Stalin purges; some potentially worse than the Mao famines; some potentially worse than the last mini-IceAges, with their Oort-Wolf-Sporer-Maunder-Dalton Minimum ice upon the Caribbean (interesting to note how, to the binary mind, climate shift = air temperature change only and it's either warming or a new Ice Age, not both simultaneously: see, for instance, Global Warming or The 'New Ice Age'? , Washington's Blog, 2 January 2013), this time around enhanced by anthropogenic modulation of cyclic changes in solar-wind-delivered complex angular momentum which cascades through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions; some potentially worse than One way to get a feeling for the magnitude of what is currently in the offing is to compare pre-WWII Hollywood propaganda-prep with the pre-PW1 Hollywood propaganda-prep we presently experience. Another is by watching David McWilliams' latest Punk Economics VDO, entitled The Global Food Economy. Another is by having a look (note what happened with Tet-'68-lost-Vietnam-war induced Nixon-Kissinger unilateral termination of the Bretton Woods monetary system, coupled to devaluation of the U.S. dollar denominating oil transactions, both together yielding a recouping OPEC oil price rise) at the U.S. CPI chart, 1775-2012, provided in Inflation Since the American Revolution, Michael Krieger crediting the BLS as well as Reinhart and Rogoff, Liberty Blitzkrieg, 7 January 2013. How can these listed eventualities be seriously doubted? These are not long ago and far away events; these are events, excepting that weather-climate related, the deep-structure causation of which continues to govern collective human behaviors today (for those who doubt this, I recommend the comments attached to Andrew McKillop's -- Mac-kill oops! -- Zero Hedge posting, circa 1 January 2013, entitled, Japan's Patriotic War Agenda; be aware, as would any targets analyst, that Japan is so geographically small compared to China, with so many Eisenhower-Atoms-For-Peace nuclear power-plant stockpiles even conventional bombing and sapper attacks can cause to meltdown, that any nuclear threat Japan might make would be a Little Piggy, huff and puff, I'll-blow-your-house-down empty provocation, even given China's Three-Gorges Dam target; and for those doubting that such targeting would occur, consider that the coastal location of many of Japan's population centers makes them especially vulnerable, as surely must be indicated on postmodern strategic bombing surveys: see, 'Tsunami bomb' tested off New Zealand coast, Jonathan Pearlman, The Telegraph, 1 January 2013; moreover, it is laugh-a-thon initiating that, in some StratPlans, Japan, in a major conflict with a China of nuclear-hardened subways and commodity stockpiling, is considered a rear-area support for U.S. forces: rear-area, got that? heh-heh-heh, if not, see, Japan Explores War Scenarios with China, Michael Cole, The Diplomat, 9 January 2013): what is put around comes around (that's self-referential reflexivity at Everettian relative-state for you!), e.g., kill Japan, Inc. -- Occupation-created as a Mac-stalwart of anti-communism and land-reforming anti-animism -- with the revaluation subterfuges imposed by a Plaza Accord, and, in due course, the favor will be repaid, if only by collective-unconscious forcing. Have trouble believing TPTB would actually have created a Tsunami bomb, just in case the A-bomb didn't work too good? What do you think were its actual origins? If you are with the conspiracy-theory nuts, perhaps you believe this WWII-developed bombing technique was/is just time-warped diversion/cover for the induction role of HAARP in triggering the earthquake-tsunami which destroyed the Fukushima power plant qua nuclear weapons research effort. Here is my idea: this is yet another example in the post-Lukasiewicz epidemic of conversion-disorder displacements by mass projective-identification at collective transference, in this case relative to what radar (now, also the cell phone) does to the soliton properties of DNA's pi-electron gas core. An identity relation between tsunami bombing and radar/cell-phone does not compute with 1T2-valued processing; but, then, The Unconscious as Infinite Sets, contrary to the argument made by Ignacio Matte-Blanco, does not limit itself to merely violating the bi-polar order-type of µTm-valued logics: non-simple skew-parallel quantum identity is allowed. No, no. J. G. Bennett's pencils of skew-parallels and my notion of skew-perpendicularity have nothing to do with the asymmetry-skewness of data or the kurtic bulging of probability distributions yielding fat-heavy-tailed black swans -- unless µTmly-skew parallelism-perpendicularity is precisely the Lukasiewiczian collective unconscious hidden variable responsible for the 1T2-undecidability, 1T2-indeterminantness, 1T2-uncertainty which 1T2-probability-amplitudes are used to promulgate, such that applications (particularly within the social sciences) of m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value are suppressed. The Hidden Variable under multi-sheeted Ichimoku clouds, between Bollinger bands and RSI indicators: Yamato-e floating cloud convention, where what the Cosmic Artist-Legislator and Monetary-System Establisher chooses not to represent is hidden under a gold color field itself representing 1T2-Platonia's probability mists. Lots of luck to all yous-guys out there predicating your Arakawa-Gins Mechanism of Meaning, your peace studies and war-potential assessments upon 1T2-rational criteria! The inevitable cuspover has been eminently on-view for, at the least, some dozens of generations -- it's not necessary to go back so far as, say, the Rousseau of state of nature and direct democracy, and the like, only to the 1850s death knell of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, the Tristan chord (it is left to the reader to determine whether or not this op/ed piece, Let's Give Up on the Constitution, The New York Times, 30 December 2012, by a Georgetown University Professor of Constitutional Law, Louis Michael Seidman, reflects insight as to how N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem of 1826 killed the Weltanschauung informing the institutionalization which constitutional democracy codifies). And, throughout the critical period, that which has been done by great leaders, microminds in leaded minibrains nowadays shrunk and techno-readied in youth by violent computer games, has only been to spin off one magnifier-multiplier after the next. A critical dimension is especially well expressed by the vonHayekian, Monty Pelerin (see: The Keynesian Legacy Unravels, Monty Pelerin's World, December 2012). Quoting the article:
Keynesian economists believe, regardless of logic and data, that economies can be managed from the top down. In their world, economies are little different than machines. Change some inputs here, speed them up over there, add some lubrication, etc. and the machine will respond in the fashion desired. Output can be managed to whatever level needed purely by adjusting the parts of the machine.
Austrian economists on the other hand do not see a machine. They see millions of individuals all making decisions to improve their own lives. The price system provides the coordination among these separate pieces, performing a function no human, supercomputer or government could ever accomplish. For Austrians, economics is a bottom up approach. To effect change, you must change the incentives and disincentives that individual decision makers are afforded.
So, how are these incentives and disincentives, which are embodied in the price system, best modulated in relation to a changing environment, say, one characterized by massive uptake of quantum-based technologies -- particularly as regards externalities and factors extra-systemic to market processing of price signals? By tagging µTm-logical values to LETS currency units representing the vonHaykian time-shapes of total capital stock. And how is this tagging to be implemented -- and modulations of this tagging? By recourse to state of nature (there is the actual state of nature and then there is the Hobbesian state of nature) read into general-systems/process principles imprinted upon monetary system fundamentals by means of direct democracy accomplished via radically decentralized m-scenarios computer gaming (undertaken open source, publicly, transparently by the masses: a very different matter from centralized proprietary use of proprietary computer forecast/policy models by the elite of the elite Power Elite: see, for instance: Behold The Brains Behind Ben Bernanke's Binary Black Box, Zero Hedge, 31 December 2012: be aware that BB doesn't even possess a µTm-valued box, and, as I've before oft observed, any forecast model, e.g., FRB/US, composed of hundreds of different mathematical equations could not possibly, by that fact alone, codify analytic insight to actual workings of what is claimed to be modeled: to wit, for one, quoting the FED, p. 27, on full-model expectations, i.e., those model-consistent, heh-heh-heh, obtained by iterative, numerical simulations under the assumption that future shocks are either known [perfect insight] or equal to zero, as per FRB/US, p. 29: Long-horizon expectations, succinctly called expectation endpoints in FRB/US, are generally defined by the steady-state values of equilibrium planning equations, heh-heh-heh!), gaming over the electronic commons, a strategic Go/People'sChess-type gaming (i.e., a disjointed-incrementalist, µTm-valued rather than merely 1T2-retroductive-abductive working backwards, Lukasiewicz-inspired abandonment altogether of insistence upon mutual 1T2-consistency and the Hansonian requirement that 1T2-inconsistent propositions of the argument be regarded as mere 1T2-alternatives/probability-amplitudes rather than fully-legitimate co-existent µTm-actuals, VirFut Q-Pro application of Adolph Lowe's instrumental inference [see our paper entitled Can Planning Be a Coherent Free Market Behavior?, circa 1996], a compendium of discovery algorithms like those passed from one generation of analysts to the next at POLOB-CICV qua SRA/MACV-J2 or in the problem-oriented-curriculum team-taught-seminars mode of instruction employed at AU-SIS in the early-1960s [think Elspeth Rostow, George Harris, et cetera] -- not to inform government policy-interventions, but to enhance autopoietic properties of the framework determining conditions of markets: see, for a superlative account of Lowe's notion relative to Polya, Peirce, and Polanyi, Policy Innovation as a Discovery Procedure: Exploring the Tacit Fringes of the Policy Formulation Process, Mathew Forstater, The Jerome Levy Economics Institute, Working Paper No. 221, December 1997), gaming made user friendly by Musculpt as mathematical notation employed as the µTm-synaesthetic bottle-nosed-dolphinish sonic-visioning interface. The fundamental idea advocated on this website is quite simple: make incentives and disincentives acting upon pursuit of self-interest more subtly articulated by expanding the logical-value properties of exchange units operative in the price system which, to paraphrase Monty Pelerin, provides coordination amongst the separate pieces (remembering that this separate is 1T2-epiphenomenal). That is, expand carrying capacity of the most basic elements of the micro-actor's environment, such that those elements explicitly convey self-referential order-types of the system quantum-composite (i.e., selfhood) information (i.e., coordinative information about relative-state of the system-composite, or, in vonHaykian terms, the time-shapes of total capital stock) which acts-of-exchange express and concretize. If accommodating quantum-based technologies seems as if it would only increase the complexity of already too complex systems, consider that there are humongous differences between, on the one hand, human-systems complexity which, in its form, analogically mirrors the natural complexity within which human systems are embedded, and, on the other hand, human-systems complexity which belies, confounds, and disrupts nature because nature as it has been found to be -- Quantum this, quantum that! -- is abhorred. What we ever more suffer from is overwhelmingly the latter case -- and the more we so suffer, the closer the existing system comes to self-cancelation/termination when people passively stop participating (e.g., any contribution I might make is getting smaller and smaller as I never have and never will log in with social media: non-doing being akin to high-indifference and the belief that karma should play out) and LETS self-generate by principles of autopoiesis (what once happened in Argentina is now happening in Greece, as described in Euros discarded as impoverished Greeks resort to bartering: Communities set up local currencies and exchange networks in attempt to beat the economic crisis, Helena Smith, The Guardian, 2 January 2013). Unfortunately, it being still early on in the far-from-equilibrium phase transition, the Argentines were Monsantoed, and something similar is likely to happen to the Greeks. The longer self-cancelation/termination takes, the lower the level of technology involved in deployment of the m-logically-valued pagan-animistic LETS utilized post-cuspover.
The two-semester course I took on Backgrounds of Western Civilization at AU-SIS was taught by a Prof. Mott. It was one of the best courses offered while I was at AU: the lectures frequently were spectacular multi-media performance pieces. I particularly remember several such on Abelard and Heloise and Historica Calamitatum. I was aware of Prof. Carroll Quigley's similar course at Georgetown, but did not audit it, though I had the right to do so under rules of the Washington Collegium of colleges and universities. Over at Georgetown quite a bit during the period 1963-5, I probably heard one or another of Quigley's public lectures, maybe even sat in on the occasional course lecture, but can't recall a specific case. I had little sympathy for his Thomism and anti-Platonism, which I was well aware of at the time, a time I was reading into -- and being vigorously warned against -- Miguel de Unamuno's highly Platonic Tragic Sense of Life. I was in Special Forces Training Group when Quigley's Tragedy and Hope (for interesting short excerpts, see: tragedy and hope: top lives off the yield from the bottom, Subrealism, 4 January 2013) came out in 1966, so didn't hear of it until much later. Though the information made available by this book, and commentaries related thereto, I have found useful, the interpretations offered are of little interest to me, one who believes that constellated collective unconscious event gradients far outweigh conscious conspiracies in vectoring the large patterns of human affairs, those patterns most interesting and most significant. As regards assessment of the supposed power of the written and spoken word, we take cognizance of the discoverable and the cognoscible: onetime President Bill Clinton studied under Quigley and has said he was influenced by him. Witless in Washington is probably not the best chick flick one has seen. Offering a for instance in respect to deeper issues, I quote Wiki on Causes of World War I:
The topic of the causes of World War I is one of the most studied in all of world history. Scholars have differed significantly in their interpretations of the event.
Amongst all the nescience written on this subject, one will be hard pressed to find in lists of causes -- excepting in our novel and on our web pages -- the following: reactions to Cantor's set-theoretic diagonal proof of part-whole identity-transparency; reactions to the association of Pointillism/Impressionism, Dadaism, Surrealism, Orphism, and other avant-garde-isms with anarcho-syndicalism; reactions to the Axiom of Choice; the explication of logical atomism as means to discount significance of the inevitable emergence of what became m-valued Polish logics; the response of the psychiatric establishment to quantum and relativity theory, i.e., definition of dementia praecox, aka schizophrenia; reactions to non-objectivity in painting; reactions to atonal music. The list could get quite a bit longer. Though I do not believe in simple one-to-one, 1T2-causal, antecedent-consequent relations, indeed, in any sort of topologically simple connecting principle, one must consider the proposition that the 1913 formation of the Federal Reserve system and Internal Revenue Service (for an account, see: Welcome to 2013 -- The Centennial Year For The IRS and The Fed, Navellier & Associates, Seeking Alpha, 3 January 2013: check out the interesting Prussian quote from Woodrow Wilson defining the essence of Wilsonian democracy) in the U.S. were more than mere prefigurations of world war. These harebrained (ani{[ma])d}version ideas of mine as to collective unconscious Jung-Pauli synchronicities qua prefigurations qua precipitators of world war become plausible if and only if one comes to comprehend that quantum-relativity theory understood with Lukasiewicz logics was the inevitable physical-theory follow-on to N. H. Abel's 1826 Impossibility Theorem existence proof for transalgebra, a proof which destroyed metaphysical justification for the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung institutionalized as constitutional democracy and capitalism -- and that virtually all of human effort after 1826 was put to the task of finding ways to avoid drawing the correct conclusions.
Spiritual cleansing (cleansing the molecular-cellular brain of glutamate-etched a priori Kantian categories of understanding) is the essence of all inner work, concentration in self-observation, in contemplation, in meditation -- such that µTm-quantum logics transcendental to 1T2-intelligible Kantian transcendental logic can be employed by the quantum brain, not contained by the molecular-cellular brain, to know noumenon/PlatonicIdea/bare-object by means of knowledge-through-identity, whereupon, in the mth-case, empathy nonorientably is abstraction, thought is thinking in superposed feeling-tones, intuition is directly accessing synaesthetic sensorium. Any numinous thing-in-itself, by virtue of quantum non-simple identity, is not-itself m-times over, and therein lies the epistemologic quantum-potential resident in pagan-animistic Everettian relative-state identity-transparency: any given-thing is THE one-and-only thing-in-itself, an esoteric understanding of The Cosmic Solipsist. That, whether consciously explicit or not, is what police field forces, police special branch commandos, suicide terrorists, and their supporters are arrayed against: bagpiping up a kazoo, battling the busker. Having us on they are, I say, aren't they, old chap? Aye, that they are, what -- and more's the pity, if I don't say so myself.
So, James Watson has done a late-career semi-turnabout just like Stephen Hawking did a semi-turnabout in respect to acoustic analogues to blackhole computers (I certainly would not like to offer an opinion on Helene Mialet's article On Stephen Hawking, Vader and Being More Machine Than Human, Wired, 8 January 2013, but I will observe that the notion that there are deep connections between thematic contents of a scientist's work and hisher life experience has been no more welcome than the idea that psychosomatic factors constellate significant contributory component processes in the autogenic-allelotropic etiology and pathogensis of degenerative diseases, and even less welcome in 1976 to Hawking, or was it one of his assistants, was Douglas A. Paine's ideas concerning the roles played by 3-fold active time [it wasn't until several years later, in a personal communication from Ilya Prigogine, that we first learned of Pauli operator time; by 1972, Paine had already been effectively designated persona non grata at the NSF for writing into an NSF grant final report, Blackbodies and black holes exist within the spacetime frame of atmospheric dynamics and explicating how these atmospheric analogues generate acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes] and temporal curl in genesis of tornadoes, their creation of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, and the parallels this suggests to etiology and pathogenesis of Hawking radiation and DNA-generated coherent waves; knee-jerk back-reaction upon the metric of that which was earlier self-constellated by momentary flash of insight is one source of amplifying double-binds/cognitive-dissonance, a process which can transpire even on the societal level, e.g., in deep-structure origins of world wars; whereas rejections of double-bind theory resolve to being in-denial as to existence of µTm-logically-valued quantum non-simple identity, those persons counter-Germanic, and still psychologically identified with the solar-powered Deist Clockmaker, vigorously defend Hawking's anti-Platonism) -- Watson's retroversion being in respect to Albert Szent-Györgyi's Introduction to a Submolecular Biology (Academic Press, 1960), a (wood's hole) text which, not so incidentally, is not mentioned in Watson's (cold spring) article or its list of references (see: Oxidants, antioxidants, and the current incurability of metastatic cancers, Open Biology, 8 January 2013) which he is reported to have said (see: Nobel Laureate James Watson Puts Forth Novel Hypothesis On Curing Late-Stage Cancers, Science Daily, 8 January 2013) he regards as being among his most important work since co-discovery of DNA's double-helical structure. I say semi-turnabout, instead of simply turnabout, because among his most important statements made in the paper is the following (as given in the abstract):
As mesenchymal cancers evolve from their epithelial cell progenitors, they almost inevitably possess much-heightened amounts of antioxidants that effectively block otherwise highly effective oxidant therapies.
One should note, first of all, that Watson's paper, as written, leads to press reporting of its content which fuzzes over the distinction between cancer prevention -- to include maintenance at remission -- and cancer treatment (see, for instance, DNA pioneer James Watson takes aim at 'cancer establishments', Sharon Bagley, Reuters, 9 January 2013), Rx being by elimination of the rampant cells as distinct from their restoration to a healthy state. This lends considerable support to the pharmaceutical aspiration to have food supplements classified as prescription medicinals, whereas, the human species would best not be putting the bulk of its cancer R&D efforts into remuneration uh, uh, remediation, of cancer specifically, and degenerative diseases generally, but into their prevention. The fuzzing over as to prevention/therapeutics is epiphenomenal to a subtending fuzziness concerning submolecular/molecular processes as substantive in biology. Use of the terms free radical and antioxidant is a misleading molecular biology way of referring to processes Szent-Györgyi more correctly identified as integral to a submolecular biology. Quoting the body of Watson's article:
The mitochondrial electron transport generation of ATP and heat is obligatorily accompanied by the production of ROS [reactive oxygen species]
The important controlling word in this statement is obligatorily -- which is, in text, not actually, in terms of a microphysical model, further explicated, only notated in standard molecular chemistry script. What, from a molecular biology perspective, are free radicals and antioxidants, from Nobel Laureate Szent-Gyorgyi's submolecular perspective (evolved not only from his discovery of L-ascorbic acid, but also from his explication of the biophysics roles of ATP, actin, and myosin in muscle contraction), are electron donors and acceptors (in charge-transfer complexes or, in other words, electron-donor-acceptor complexes) in, most generally, intermolecular electron transport processes, the continued integrity of which are, according to Szent-Györgyi, essential to prevention of cancer. But Albert Szent-Györgyi never challenged the consensus probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, never entertained a Lukasiewiczian interpretation, never contemplated the role of quantal operator-time in critical-state helix-coil transitions of the DNA molecule. From our perspective (see: A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-41) on the quantum wave properties of pi-electron gas core of DNA, donors and acceptors are not understood as decoherent entities conducted along sugar-phosphate backbone, but as coherent wave packets of free-electron gas, the temperature oscillations of which, in response to ambient non-ionizing radiation, set the time rates of change, accelerations/decelerations, and second-order accelerations/decelerations of helix-coil transitions -- variances from normative values of which are pathogenic as they cascade, as Bohmian clocks within clocks within clocks, through metabolic pathways.
As a somewhat tongue-in-cheek, light-hearted aside (Georg Groddeck's 1923 Das Buch vom Es, The Book of the It, is, after all, a distinctly Germanic take on things psychosomatic), I should register my fundamental misgivings with the notion that you can't get something for nothing (see: Martian Central Bank Interested in Buying 100 $1 Trillion Coins, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 10 January 2013). As regards a Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian economy exploiting a 1T2-worldknot, even a 1T2-probablistic multiverse, I agree with the assertion made by this aphorism; however, as regards Lukasiewiczian quantum economies exploiting a µTm-Everettian-universe, I tend to agree with John A. Wheeler that matter is simply empty space given shape (given shape, according to me, by three-fold quantal operator-time acting as temporal curl of zero-point µTm-AllBase). So, according to this [no-T}ion, most fundamentally, any-given-thing (vom Es) is enfolded-nothing but no-thing chronotopologically unfolded. The critical variable being the logical-value order-type of the techno-regime employed to access µTm-pregeometry. And, certainly, one cannot even begin to ([eco}no-mic)ally access nature absent an m-logically-valued LETS concept inventory monetarily rooted in the vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock. Not so incidentally, but apparently altogether parenthetically, if one thinks of the involved imparted motions due to the time rates of change, accelerations/decelerations, and second-order accelerations/decelerations of helix-coil transitions undergone by replicating DNA in terms of slopes, changes of slopes, and changes of changes of slopes, the lay of the molecule, its spatial configuration within the cell or cellular partition, at any given moment in memetime, presents a quantum-composite pictorial representation of the chronotopologies it incorporates to its non-simple (i.e., m-level enciphered) multi-phasic, quantal µTm-identity. Moreover, given that the canonical equation descriptive of critical-state phase-transition of DNA's pi-electron gas core at onset of replication is that of a harmonic oscillator, the combination of the molecule's radiating coherent waves (carrying all the information encoded into the nucleotide pairs) and spatial wiggles can be considered the exemplary case of autopoietic Musculpt symphormfonie: twist and shout and wiggle. Is there anything in popular culture not analogically modeled upon constellated contents of the collective unconscious? The Martian Central Bank, when engaging in Operation Twist (first occasion coming soon after publication of Szent-Györgyi's book on submolecular biology which clearly pointed to what was/is unconscious in respect to quantum properties of DNA, proteins, and so on), didn't/doesn't have access to the benison accorded DNA by its µTm-identity, this lack of access being due to absence of m-valued LETS e-nesting foams.
Dossing don't do it no more: a system getting mortal, chatting up the banks. Were I a speculator in precious metals, I would be aware that institution of prohibitions on anonymous cash purchases, requirements for permits, registrations, visas upon movement of bullion and/or coin indicate more than mere activation of another crime-fighting measure; rather, concrete prefigurement of an existing but subtending intent to, in due course, borrow said precious metals for use by the commons -- possibly to include implementation of an SDR-type international reserve currency incorporating a commodity basket of some sort into its definition. Were this to happen, it would be somewhat like the scam the Social Security Trust Fund is looking like it has/will become, if it was not originally conceived to be such. No constitutional scholar or tax lawyer, I cannot jurisprudenenenenentially plumb depths of the 1935 Social Security Act to ascertain to what degree the government's right to borrowrowrowrowrow surpluses from Trust Fund for other uses was from the beginning conceived as a scam, with the Fleming v. Nestor Supreme Court decision of 1960 tightening up the scam, and a furthering of the scam transpiring under Reagan appointee Greenspan in service to supply-side Reaganomics, and a yet further furthering of the scam as an unforeseen consequence of Greenspannnnnning by the FED (see, for help on this: How Your Social Security Money Was Stolen -- Where Did the $2.5 Trillion Go?, David L. Griscom, Cherchez la Verite, 19 July 2011). Stolen for what? To, beginning with Viet Nam, fund wars and garrisoning around the world, to cover the economic blowback of those wars, to keep capital gains taxes down such that the stock market could become a casino for the wealthy and no longer an investment machine for a productive America, to keep down income taxes in the higher brackets so ugly $130-million private boats can be designed for superrich inaesthetes, to bail out TBTF players who-which failed as gamblers in the high-finance derivatives/stock-market casino. But I regard the assertion that the public was/is hoodwinked to be utter hooey: who has/did not understand, at least tacitly, that their quality of life was being negatively affected by obsessions with weapons development at such places as the Naval Research Laboratory, military rage-displays, agonistic ingress upon global resource base, insistence upon controlcontrolcontrol, evolution of polity by natural selection of those consumers most conspicuous in the, by all-souls-lauded, affluent society?
Since their 1T2-bi-logic (which, adhering to the Law of Distributed Middle, is also bi-polar) precludes and proscribes and actively opposes Wheelerian magic without magic, borders without border, sovereignty without sovereignty, 17th- and 18th-century politicians in 21st-century guise absolutely insist on, at the very least, civil war (rather than implementation of e-nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETs defined over fractal e-boundaries, like is the case with the swarms within swarms within swarms which is/are the constitution of any biological organism), when faced with the inevitable consequences of the planetarization of µTm-quantum-based technologies (see, for one example of consequences of neglect to keep up with the memetimes, Catalonia Drafts Declaration of Sovereignty, Announces Vote of Independence , Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis as translated from El Pais, 13 January 2013). Note that decentralizing separatists declaim commitment to a transnational centralizing Union, a violation of both the Law of Non-Contradiction and the Law of Distributed Middle (because 1T2-logic requires one or the other of the two logical-values available to any given proposition, not both simultaneously; that binary logic permitting such simultaneous valuation being a 2T2-logic): this Catalonian declamation is a position ontologically tantamount to a proto-call for constellation of fractal nesting foam. Bi-logic-only is not hard-wired into the brain, which includes THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains, but is electrochemically anchored to cellular substrates -- and that's why the identity order-type accessible is significantly a matter of you are what you eat. From a molecular 1T2-biology perspective on oxidative phosphorylation, three proton-pumps (as distinct from three orders of operator-time) are required for chemiosmotic-coupling transfers across mitochondrial membranes; whereas, from a submolecular µTm-quantum aperspectival take, no pump is required for transport across plasmahaut phase-boundary-without-boundary membrains, here-OR-there not being an issue for AND-logic order-types of logical valuation in violation of the Law of Distributed Middle, thereby violating preference for the polar-nonpolar/other-same 1T2-distinction in establishing the bonding values of free association at autopoiesis, by virtue of non-simple quantum identity and associated non-locality (i.e., being covalently herethere at fractal nesting foam by charge transfer complexing and redox signaling). Non-simple and non-local do not impute merely unbound -- the import of which is equivalent to the assertion that all of chemistry, and hence political-economy, could be revisioned in coherent-acoustic/relative-state/identity-transparent terms.
What happens when science is across-the-board distorted, even falsified, and higher mathematics plus logic is systematically misinterpreted so as to sustain institutionalization of a Weltanschauung 200-years dead? Clearly, many, many psycho-socio-sexual and politico-economic plus military pathogeneses are set in motion, one of which is the perceived need, on part of the defenders of applications of the dead Weltanschauung, to take total control over the information space upon which science and mathematics depend: for instance, only those who have sufficiently demonstrated compliance to higher enculturation are to be allowed access to outputs of the academic mode of production. Close off the stacks to all but graduate students. Photo IDs required for entrance. Stop subscribing to hard copies. Digitalize library holdings. Copyright peer-reviewed publications, not to the authors, but to institutional and corporate once-or-twice-removed parties. Require institutional affiliation for online access. Deny access even to the independent scholar author of the paper in question. Demand enormous fees to view and/or download copies of journal articles. And so on and such and such. And when evolving paradigms nonetheless continue to be driven by incontrovertible experimental data, driven further and further from the assumptive base of the dead worldview upon which the prevailing institutional base is predicated, then begin criminalizing unauthorized access to unclassified science (see, for instance: Aaron Swartz was 'killed by the government,' father tells mourners, Michael Muskal, The Los Angeles Times, 15 January 2013). And if unclassified science thoroughly misconstrues, and, hence, grossly underestimates, say, processes involved in the triggering of far-from-equilibrium climatic phase shift or the biological importance of the quantum wave properties of DNA by clinging to the howff of a classical limit, well, so be it, for the population of the planet needs to be reduced in any event, and those impacted most will be those least needed going forward (but as regards membership of the ten percent most likely to survive, they are likely most wrong). Moreover, how else is the dead Weltanschauung to be tarted up and sustained? What dignity could any office, or clingers to socially-conferred role attributions, have whilst instituting a 200-year-dead worldview construct popularly understood dead? And when divergence between assumptive predication of institutional base and informing corpus of paradigms becomes great enough to enter realms of critical-state phase transition, semi-subliminally drone-base voiceover-echo to the film version of Doom, i.e., You can't change anything You can't change anything You can't change anything To the degree institutional-base/Weltanschauung divergence is the case, and is not consciously registered (due in no small measure to pervasive self-propaganda), to the same degree does that divergence constellate collective unconscious event gradients, attractors, and synchronicities responsible for all manner of violence between humans and against other species and nature. My me is full of it, I/i. Is that it? As a matter of fact, one-or-more can't, indeed, change anything substantive by egoic-willed and/or superegoic intentionality undertaken on the level of concrete actions, so long as the event gradients remain constellated, because the collective unconscious can always find other paths to the governing strange attractors, attractors which concrete actions leave untouched. There is no escaping ontological depth as a factor of Weltmerz/Weltschmerz. Sod is, that's galling, niggling even, me thinks, says a daft lady. Not best pleased, nope. Holding that sod-all psychological given in awareness, one must wonder whether or not Angelina Jolie's film In the Land of Blood and Honey is good propaganda in support of gun confiscation. The U.S. won't permit post-Dayton boundary changes in the Balkans! And could never even have conceived of employing bureaucratic variables mapped upon changing fractal e-boundaries, for that would involve a violation of the classical limit placed upon policymaker's minds by glutamate etching and higher enculturation. O, aye, 'e's right royal is the guvnor.
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