µTm Scenarios, T19(M)
De facto or not, sui generis or not, a new partial gold standard as the golden leg of a reserve currency tripod (see: A new Gold Standard is being born, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 17 January 2013) is not likely to be the best of all worlds, if the world involved is one engaged in massive uptake of quantum-based technologies greatly increasing magnitude of the k-factor -- indicating correlations -- over economies behaving as 2nk fitness landscapes. At the very least, 1T3-valued market processors would be required for a modicum of efficacy at handling effects of such technologies. It should again be pointed out that the Triffin Dilemma, to which AEP refers, is captive of the 1T2-Law of Non-Contradiction, a dilemma which, 1T2-paradoxically, would be no-dilemma under µTm-valued LETS e-nesting foams and associated quantum non-simple identity permitted laterally and vertically throughout the subsystem-system-supersystem composite constitutive of an autopoionomic Mnk articulation manifold. If ordinality of the k-factor is pushed upward, so must be cardinality of M -- otherwise, the increase in correlations becomes participation inconsiente. A Cartesian-Newtonian system cannot be homeomorphically or bicontinuously transformed into an authentic quantum system: a new system has to be built from the bottom up, and for that actually to transpire an adequate theory of autopoietic transition is required. I long ago stopped listening to politicians talk because the embarrassment I felt for them was too mortifying to be sat through. A John Grisham character, a lawyer, sums it up rather well (the confession, Belfry Holdings, 2010, p. 124):
He [the governor] has his eye on a Senate seat, and he counts votes before he chooses what to eat for breakfast. He's a two-faced, cutthroat, dirt-dumb, chickenshit, slimy little bastard with a bright future in politics.
Consider Big Brother in Action: EU Wants Power to Sack Journalists , Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 31 January 2013. O, the reigning satrapy. As we make closer and closer approach to the day Rome is sacked by the Vandals When one looks at what the Cartesian-Newtonian Lebenswelt has done to life-on-Earth over the past 200 years, it's not only the 1000 wealthiest gamers of the system, but all those who assume leadership positions there within -- within the bad war that human civilization presently is -- who take the Summum Egregium Prize on the Global Gong Show. In that respect, it is helpful to tap historical memory, at least to the extent of establishing awareness that, even in Europe, sovereignty was largely defined locally until rise of the post-Renaissance nation-state. Yet, we have those who believe the Roman Empire at its height is the model of decentralization, yes decentralization, needed today. But sovereignty -- local, national, transnational -- is a psychological projection of the glutamate-etched 1T2-ego sphere, a projection without foundation in the µTm-quantum world of relative-state identity-transparency. And as regards the post-Renaissance project to defame and delegitimate attempted resurrections of the pagan-animistic relative-state identity-transparency socially embodied in the Gnostic-Manichean-Bogomilsian-Catharean heresies, consider the UK-Oxford project to validate the 1T2-Whitehouse categorization of all human ritual into either imagistic or doctrinal modalities (see: Social evolution: The ritual animal, Dan Jones, Nature, 493:7433, 23 January 2013) -- the imagistic having to do with the primitive, the small scale, the highly affect-charged and violent, whilst the doctrinal is associated with the evolved, the large scale and hierarchical, with, essentially, incarnation of the logical necessity of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state and its supraordinate agglomerations. What about the traditional Japanese ritual greeting at the door? This must be an imagistic cultural lag, for it hardly can be construed doctrinal. Or is it µTmly logically-valued? Threshold. Middle stage. Dissolution of hierarchy. Liminality at deautomatization. Having been cast off, as has animism, objectively speaking of abjection: absence of alterity, no distinction drawn between selfhood and otherness, pejoratively treated as participation mystique, contagion. I have long voted for this latter no-cultural-lag interpretation of greeting ritual -- because the significations are myriad, just as is the case with the rituals involved in tea ceremony and flower arranging, for instance. Alack, lacking alacrity mayhaps, but I've always thought it synchronistic and 1T2-paradoxical that subjection of traditional Chinese logic to Western analysis should have come in the same period Lukasiewicz logics were rigorously developed, all the while imports of these logics were excluded from such analysis. Perusing the Cornell library system during the mid-1970s, I ran across Hu Shih's (published 1922) Columbia University dissertation The Development of the Logical Method in Ancient China (Tai-Chi rotational 1T2-logic as distinct from syllogistic 1T2-logic) during the same period I encountered Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics. Post, who received his Ph.D. from Columbia, wrote his 1921 paper while at Princeton, immediately thereafter teaching at Cornell. Hu Shih (who got a BA from Cornell) did not avail himself (no fault, as he wrote his dissertation in 1917) of Post's treatment of Lukasiewicz logics (see, for a wonderful treatment of Hu Shih: Rya Butterfield's China's 20th Century Sophist: Analysis of Hu Shi's Ethics, Logic, and Pragmatism, Ph.D. diss., Louisiana State University, 30 March 2012). Had Hu Shih done so, the standard Western assessment of traditional Chinese logic could not have maintained credibility. To get a sense of that assessment, we quote Mapping Meanings: The Field of New Learning in Late Qing China (Michael Lackner and Natascha Vittinghoff, Brill, 2004, p. 482):
this was the opinion of Western scholars who set out to look for relevant passages in the classical Chinese canons. Matteo Ricci [early Jesuit China missionary] himself stated repeatedly that Chinese scholarship, despite all its sophistication, had produced no conception of the rules of logic and knew nothing of dialectic. Echoes of this blunt but influential judgment reverberated into the twentieth century.
What happens to rules of logic and dialectic -- indeed, the very notion of logical necessity qua precedence relations -- under Lukasiewicz-Post? The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. Mu mu. As the µ and m of Post's µTm go to infinity, rules and dialectic and necessity and precedence progressively evaporate into animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency. You have no vanity! You don't even know the meaning of the word jealousy! I never know what to say when people ask me what you do! Standing right beside you, somehow you never seem to be quite here! B. Russell thought this a transit to meaninglessness; G. Soros thinks this a transit into unknowability. Not this, not that: Thou art That. No Probability Fog and no Mists of Platonia, no wishy-washy mysticism: Cantorian infinitudes in rigorously elaborated logical-value order-types (and associated states of consciousness: Taoist Secret of the Golden Flower, the centre in the midst of the conditions). And no devolutional interpreting of those order-type infinitudes back into 1T2-only generative semantics. Direct ontic experience of identity-transparency inculcates spontaneous unthinking willingness to self-sacrifice for the common µTm-good; The Shadow (Jungian archetype) of this inculcates spontaneous unthinking willingness to self-sacrifice for the 1T2-good of we-as-opposed-to-them. Exchange value, as in identity exchange -- e.g., ritual greeting; gifting of sacred soul cloths, ulos ni tondi, depicting identity-transparency's innerweave -- can have use value, the use of minimizing the need for massed coercion to sustain social coherence at use of the means of production. Multi-utilities is the term I have used to designate objects and behaviors with tropological metareferential reach, this reach sociologically incarnating k-factor long-range phase-correlations across hyperspace of Mnk Lebenswelt. The greater the density of such long-range phase-correlations in systems capable of the µTm-processing of identity-transparent relation-structures, the thinner the thin-blue-line required to maintain heterostasis (for some relevant commentary, see: Origins of multistability in economic systems , The World Complex, 13 June 2012: the Everettian take being that the multiple equilibria are µTmly [be aware, as mentioned above, that Soros interprets µTm-self-reference as equivalent to unknowability, i.e., participation inconsiente, whereas, actually, knowledge of the at any moment in time myriads of feedback loops at work requires employment of µTm-valued logics and their mappings/nestings into framework determining conditions of markets] simultaneous, not periodically 1T2ly visited) in the absence of unrelenting growth.
Yes, it is true that Emil Leon Post's period at Cornell is often left out of his biography. I ran across Post's 1921 paper on m-valued logics (Introduction to a General Theory of Elementary Propositions, American Journal of Mathematics, 43: also frequently not mentioned in his biography) in the small Mathamatics Library on the central quad at Cornell during 1975. I knew nothing of Lukasiewicz at that time, and Post's paper was confirmatory of my childhood psychological experience in rural Japan whilst being simultaneously mind-bending. Quoting the American Philosophical Society's brief Background Note (Emil Leon Post Papers):
In 1921 Post suffered his first attack of manic-depressive illness, a condition which was to reoccur throughout his life, often at the peak of creative periods. He recovered from this first occurrence well enough to begin teaching at Cornell, but after another collapse he found himself unemployed and unwanted in academia. For years he survived by teaching high school in New York.
In my judgment, Post's manic-depressive disorder very likely was primarily due to his inability to accept his own conclusions: the end of Post's 1921 paper includes a disclaimer which, effectively, nullifies all that he had in the body of the paper just rigorously demonstrated. Possibly this paper would not have been accepted for publication without that disclaimer. It appears that Post never overcame the import of his disclaimer. Tragically, he died of a heart attack soon after being subjected to electro-shock treatment for his disorder. Effect of crowd-sourced fear of µTmly virtual avatars and identity surro{gates] -- no relation to 1T2-Gates, Brownian or no, arguably the hacktivist of Jobsian graphical interface (which, despite advent of orbifold chord geometries, never followed its natural course: evolution into µTm-Musculpt as notation of higher mathematics, a prerequisite to full, user friendly, implementation of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped upon fractal e-boundaries: Toru Takemitsu, like many others, struggled with the notational issue -- cross-culturally more, perhaps -- in realms of graphic score [nowadays, so easy to see -- by comparison to what lengths I had to go to at the Library of Congress during 1972 to see copies of some of Takemitsu's graphic scores] and the notation of the heard sound, the sound seen and the notation for the theory, the theory itself: the eye needs to aid the ear if there is to be widespread comprehension of the complexity of art music which adequately analogically models post-quantum-relativity Weltanschauung) and health philanthropist and would-be geoengineer, uh, uh, flashing forward, THE Bill Gates [who, it should be noted] Dodges Questions on Why He Owns 500,000 Shares of Monsanto, Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society, 12 February 2013 (as to why, flashing farther forward, see European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with the government, Mike Adams, Natural News, 6 May 2013: UberMusic to the ears of Androids, one must suppose). As I have argued ever since the late-1970s that the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to origins of WWII (accompanied by the discovery of electro-shock therapy and its widespread use during the nazification process in Germany, when Autogenic Training with its non-invasive facilitation of spontaneous autogenic brain discharges was a Weimar original and best Rx for post-WWI PTSD) was consensuation of Born's probability amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, such that that m-valued wave-function was not interpreted by use of Lukasiewicz m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, and that that condition of quantum theory has yet to be rectified, I would say that the circumstances of Post's death prefigure origins of PW1.
As I remember -- and accurately, I hope (one reason for keeping a personal journal [I've kept such a journal ever since the 7th grade, and it was in studying my own record that I discovered the utilities of traffic analysis]: see Cognitive Dissonance for an interesting piece related to this and also on the subject of collapse/crumbling, which I note is only metaphorically addressed and does not include a discussion of the dynamics of critical-state far-from-equilibrium phase transitions wherein correlation length snaps to infinity, though one commenter raises the issue of parallel-processing mind, a 1T2-way of understanding µTm) -- a decade ago I was saying that franchising is not an adequate model of post-9/11 AQ&A globalization (flash forward and read of al Qaeda franchises in an article which is, nonetheless, fascinating: The Coming War in the Middle East, Lieutenant Colonel Joel Rayburn, Defining Ideas, 6 February 2013, an article which almost considers the roles of boundary changes and of resource exchanges across borders in onset of autopoiesis), that the more adequate take is identity-incorporated derivatives (for a similar Dx if not recommended Rx, see: John Robb's book Brave New War, Wiley, 2007, reviewed by David Brooks in The Insurgent Advantage, The New York Times, 18 May 2007, and essayed on Robb's website Global Guerrillas), and that the really prefigurative events surely are transpiring completely outside the purview of public awareness. To get some idea as to how little understood are the autopoiesis (which no amount face-carding by Phoenix Global Central and no amount of droning, autonomous or no, can effectively countervail) roles of insurgent-infrastructure-boundary changes and tacit employment of different sorts of boundaries, to include fractal boundaries, African Fractals or no, consider the following statement drawn from Although splintered, al-Qaeda finds new life in unstable areas, Greg Miller and Joby Warrick, The Washington Post, 3 February 2013. Quoting:
The blurring organizational boundaries fit into a broader breakdown of the hierarchical structure that enabled al-Qaeda
The myopia revealed by this unwarranted assessment is similar to that during the Viet Nam war era which stigmatized parallelism in the VCI and the GVN (no understanding that skew-parallelism is a tacit given in animistic-pagan ontic experience of relative-state identity-transparency, and, hence, in certain population corpora, is an archetypally-guided organizational principle). Will ARGUS-IS make up for this myopia? Only memetime will tell. If it is difficult to imagine 2500 French troops -- with fighter-bomber/drone support -- successfully pacifying a gun-confiscation-free Texas, what justifies F. O-land in hypothecating twenty-five-hundred times over that such could more than temporarily rectify blowback (see, for a good characterization: The Mali Blowback, Patrick J. Buchanan, The American Conservative, 18 January 2013; and flash forward to, Ban: UN Needs Tens of Thousands of Troops for Mali War, Jason Ditz, AntiWar, 26 March 2013) spread over a similar territorial expanse of African-fractals country? While Texas is no Srebrenica, shock-and-awe bombing does have a Cambodia-precedent risk (aha! flash forward and see: What the U.S. Bombing of Cambodia Tells Us About Obama's Drone Campaign, Henry Grabar, The Atlantic, 14 February 2013: it may be that the 1965-9 bombing of Cambodia was not made mainstream-media public until 2000, but this onetime CICV-Targets analyst made it public in our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, and later in a piece explaining the real reason for the U.S. bombing campaign). But then, were it to go down that way in Mali, there is always, close at hand, primitive tribalism to blame. War is itself atrocity. The demand that an atrocity not have sub-atrocities is not only unrealistic in wake of history, it is support for continued utility of the atrocity which is war. What movement purpose is more illicit than war? Money laundering for drug cartels? And nowadays warmongers want The War of the CyberFlea to be rule abiding. Heh-heh-heh! Once human settlements reached pop. 300 or so, the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state was the inevitable emergent property -- and no sane 1T2-person would challenge its logical necessity. This -- the Algerian blowback from the Mali blowback from the Libya blowback -- will require years, if not decades of international response. Rather than taking traditional African fractals as an enabling predisposing cultural factor auguring for implementation of the fractal e-boundaries needed to WiFi/mesh-network/cellularize m-logically-valued LETS (a project people positioned like Gates-Son-Soros should long-since have undertaken -- if for no other reason as a likely enormously high-return investment, not requiring a 300-year plan or the Softbanking of DNA's quantum-wave properties), TPTB too dumb to succeed fall back upon their traditional resource-filching colonial Mission Civilisatrice in exercise of the White Man's Burden, and in so doing likely induce politico-economic septicemia of a wide swath of AFRICOMed central Africa (see, for instance: France Launches War in Mali in Bid to Secure Resources, Stamp Out National Rights Struggles, Roger Annis, Global Research, 19 January 2013). Note that China in pursuing its resource war in Africa has used economic means, whilst NATO and friends have primarily used military means. Resource war and Michael Rivera offers a gold-related thesis as concerns what is presently transpiring in Mali (see: Robbing Peter Mali To Pay Paul Germany, What Really Happened, undated) -- just as there was a Gaddafi gold-dinar-related thesis as regards what transpired in Libya, and an oil-sales-denomination-related thesis as regards what transpired in Iraq. As concerns why Germany and half-a-dozen others are repatriating gold (see: The Real Reason that Germany Is Demanding that the U.S. Return Its Gold, WashingtonsBlog, 21 January 2013), beyond possible resurrection of some sort of gold standard, there is also the realization that, if a PW1 is in the offing following upon currency and other crises, leaving the bulk of one's gold in foreign hands/lands doesn't make a lot of sense (flash forward and see for similar thoughts, Is Germany preparing for future capital controls?, Jeff Clark, Casey Research, 31 January 2013). And, of course, these days, the distance between fundamentals of physics and war is not so great. As long as that connection remains NewAge and DeepakChopracetic, no significant threat is assessed by TPTB, but were the connection to intrude upon basic science or monetary theory or political authority
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard recaps the Japan story from 1911 through 1936, then jumps to the last 20 years whereupon, today, Japan appears to be preparing itself to lead the world into jumping/falling off The Devil's Staircase before the last, transnational, step is taken (see: Revolutionary Japan is suddenly the centre of world affairs, The Telegraph, 20 January 2013). Fukushima clearly had a great stress-impact, and not only upon the national psyche's tolerance for Atoms For Peace. My take on the intervening history goes something like this: after the Great Pacific War, Japan Zaibatsued was reinstituted as Japan Incorporated by the Occupation Authorities (chief functions of the state: hard- and soft-utopian oligarchization, cartelization, expropriation) and, with AMPO, given incorporation-of-Southeast-Asia security responsibilities to be carried out by economic means (Flying Geese-Cranes, not the military means employed during the war). In the period following upon economic benefits having accrued to Japan, particularly its auto industry, from the Korean and Viet Nam wars, Japan Incorporated, from the Japan-bashing perspective, outgrew itself and had to be puppy-dog potty-trained once again, this time primarily by the bubble-facilitating Plaza Accord (flash forward and see the REEP, real effective exchange rates, portrait offered in, The Japanese Yen Is Still 80% Over-Valued, Zero Hedge, 18 February 2013) yen revaluation (which also facilitated formation of the platform for blowing up of the U.S. bubble economy, the credit supercycle being largely epiphenomenal of the use of 1T2-monetary/fiscal policy, to include aid, as a centrally planned and implemented foreign and domestic political tool coupled to great expansion of k-factor correlations due to massive infusions of µTm-quantum-based technologies and compensatory derivative bundles not founded upon fiber-bundle arithmetics: for details see, This Time Is Different, Tim Morgan and Tullet Prebon, Zero Hedge, 27 January 2013), part of the Japanese bubble being exported by Flying Storks to the rest of East and Southeast Asia. The bubble burst first in Japan, then in Southeast Asia, then other parts of East Asia. Post-bubble, Japan began its New Keynesian climb up The Devil's Staircase -- and is now well upon the November Step of that spiral, Asterism's auditory hallucinations disturbing judgment. Too bad it is not understood what was lost when primitive Shinto relative-state identity-transparency was Confucianated, Buddhafied, and Westernized. Rather than taking traditional multi-sheeted sacred space (the primitive Shinto ma from days of yore) as an enabling predisposing cultural factor auguring for implementation of the fractal e-boundaries needed to WiFi/mesh-network/cellularize m-logically-valued LETS (a project people positioned like Gates-Son-Soros should long-since have undertaken -- if for no other reason as a likely enormously high-return investment, not requiring a 300-year plan or the Softbanking of DNA's quantum-wave properties), TPTB too dumb to succeed fall back upon Readying oneself to jump/fall off the Staircase is readying oneself for war (see, for one suggestive adumbration: Japan talk of warning shots heats up China dispute, The Asahi Shimbun, 20 January 2013; and Japan Threatens To Fire On , Robert Johnson, Business Insider, 21 January 2013). And the U.S., for its part, is going to kill the dollar to export its way out of its debt crisis (see: 'We Are Going To Kill The Dollar', Says Obama Senior Official; When, How, asks Mish, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 29 January 2013). And what will the U.S. export? What it has exported over the last several decades: war and dollars and inflation. For a geopolitical analysis, see: China, Japan, And The US -- Tying It All Together, Zero Hedge extracts reposted from Stratfor, 21 January 2013. This, in my view, is an Amerocentric (i.e., disinformation) take: tune-in to your chosen 24/7 propaganda channel, folks! Having paid a monthly fee to be propagandized, might as well avail oneself of the purchased product. Fascinating planometric parallels between postwar Japan and recent China, with an interesting caveat on self-reentry qua reflexivity qua relative-state, can be found in China's Broken Shock Absorber, Daniel Cloud reviewing hedge manager Mark DeWeaver (author of Animal Spirits with Chinese Characteristics , Palgrave Macmillan, released 24 December 2012), Zero Hedge, 1 February 2013. This shock-absorber piece leads into a discussion of how the U.S. FED determines China's monetary policy (for an account of how FED underwriting complements ECB monetary policy, flash forward and see: How The Fed's Latest QE Is Just Another European Bailout, Zero Hedge, 2 February 2013) and how that dependency is related to the oil-price butterfly trigger. In this context, China Accounts For Nearly Half of World's New Money Supply, Zero Hedge, 8 February 2013. For a resource-related analysis by Michael Klare, author of The Race for What's Left, see: Powder Keg in the Pacific , TomDispatch, 22 January 2013. My bet is that the greater short-term risk is of U.S. misassessment of how far North Korea can be pushed (flash forward and see: North Korea May Actually Think a War Is Coming, CNBC, 22 February 2013; and flash further forward to see, Practice Run: U.S. bombers fly practice nuclear strikes in Korea, Bill Gertz, The Washington Free Beacon, 18 March 2013), given that the CI overreach (flash forward and contemplate: North Korea's Kim Jong-un 'was target of assassination attempt', Julian Ryall, The Telegraph, 14 March 2013), repeated today by airdropping U.S.-SouthKorean operatives to run intelligence gathering missions in the North, provoking the North's 1950 invasion of the South has been discounted/covered-over in U.S. accounts of origins of that war (Koreans never agreed to the unilaterally imposed partitioning and the conflict actually began in the south soon after V-J Day). And particularly so, flashing forward, if one considers that there are Few Korea hands on Obama Administration's Asia leadership team, Josh Rogin, Foreign Policy, 12 February 2013. North Korea: Can it really be a serious military threat?, Nah Liang Tuang, The Nation, 15 December 2012: yep, jus' like dey was sayin' in 19 and 48 all up through 24 June 19 and 50, jus' like dey was sayin' after da 15 September end run all up through 24 October before dem damn Chinese done come in. What I wonder about is not whether Chinese surrogate North Korea is co-testing (flash forward and see: Why Iran Already Has the Bomb, Lee Smith, Tablet Magazine, 14 February 2013; now flash further forward and see, DPRK Test Nuclear Weapon Destined for Iran, Gregory R. Copley, OilPrice, 18 February 2013) for Iran, but also for Burma. Heh-heh-heh! Moreover, argument by force is convincing with regard to the proposition that those who already possess ICBMs and A-bombs are the only ones who have the right to such, while right/wrong-type arguments carry weight only with those already in possession -- regional stability being a buzzzzzz term for the top dogs remaining the top dogs. People very likely will discover in due course that even My planet right or wrong! is not good enough, for more than merely this planet is being destabilized. Both sides -- China, the U.S. -- presently use the Korea situation as one way to het up their feints (and Russia joins in: flash forward and see, Bear Bombers Over Guam, Bill Gertz, The Washington Free Beacon, 15 February 2013). Japan can be understood as having acted and presently acting, per AMPO, as -- not a CAS -- but a CAA, controlled American agent in facilitating the feint of a Pivot to Asia/Pacific (veiling the strategic defensive: it was one thing to include South Korea and Japan within the defensive perimeter in a cold war hot fought via surrogates with the European-focused U.S.S.R., quite another in a hot war directly fought with China). There is a policy continuity going back to Get Some Back From The Bear for Vet-Num: setting up the pre-Soviet-invasion Afghan sting of the U.S.S.R., rubbing one's hands together in anticipation of something like 9/11 (though I give, juggling no mere pocket full of Loose Change, the largest roles to collective unconscious gradients, synchronicities, and strange attractors [Maurice Gomberg's 1942 Post-War New World Map can be thought of as one individual's conscious registration of those subliminal behavioral/event gradients] -- which do not conform to Kierkegaardian either/or's, either to the 1T2-Law of Non-Contradiction or to Distributed Middle, despite the fact this ain't a proper either/or), such that policy implementation of Central Asia, oil, and Middle East strategies (corpus of which is the strategic offensive) could/can be convincingly false flagged when their foremost long-term objective/attractor is proper positioning at China's backdoor, a door long since walled up but clogged with ethnic minorities. Given how the post-Tet-'68 Get Some Back from the Bear pre-Soviet-invasion actions like those involving BCCI were going in Afpac at the time, the orchestration of the Shah's replacement, the concurrent Delta-rumor of sabotage on Desert One, I think I will have a lot of trouble sitting through a USIS film like Argo. And, though I rarely find economic analysis independent of politico-military analysis interesting or prescient, check out an account as to how Goldman's positive 'take' is a useful counter-point to Bass' somewhat more realistic apocalyptic endgame thesis (see: Japan: Catharsis Or Crisis?, Zero Hedge, 21 January 2013; additional support for the Bass thesis on the global march toward PW1 can be found at, At Fed, Nascent Debate on When to Slow Asset Buying, Binyamin Applebaum, The New York Times, 27 January 2013). As regards Japanese demographics, consider Japan's Demographic Disaster, John W. Traphagan, The Diplomat, 1 February 2013; and, flashing forward, How Demography is Changing Japan, Traphagan, Ibid., 26 February 2013 -- a disaster that may help save Earth's atmobiosphere and show the way to natural attrition as means of overpopulation reduction (especially so, were the Japanese somehow to find their way to m-logically-valued LETS, a far better THE WAY to modulate velocity and acceleration and time rate of change of acceleration of money than the way they have chosen). Tragically, though, in wake of Fukushima, given that low levels of ionizing radiation exhibit a preference for the young, Japan's demographic problem may actually get worse. Moreover, who, having a choice, would want to immigrate there for a diet of irradiated foodstuffs? Not bangers and mash, bangers get mashed!
Thank you for drawing this paper to my attention: Microwaves and Behavior, Don R. Justesen, American Psychologist, March 1975. I may have read it at the time of its publication while I was in Ithaca, but have no specific memory -- though I was definitely familiar with the work of many of those listed in the References section. The paper by Cornell's A. H. Frey, listed in the References, entitled Auditory System Response to Radio Frequency Energy, Aerospace Medicine, 32, 1961, pp. 1140-2, particularly catches my attention: while at Cornell, I found this paper by use of Science Citation Index, having earlier studied some other papers by Frey, notably one on EM emissions from nerves. I was especially fascinated by this 1961 paper, having inadvertently run across it, because the canonical equation in our DNA model is that of a harmonic oscillator (though stated in the terms of three-fold operator-time: i.e., quantal action inducing temporal curl as changing rates of change, their accelerations/decelerations, their accelerations/decelerations of their accelerations/decelerations, i.e., first, second, and third derivatives, each affecting the waveform envelope, and in turn biological clocks and associated rhythmic entrainment-synchronization). High levels of entrainment-synchronization qua long-range phase-correlation -- over large numbers of neurons of 1T2-molecular-cellular-brains glutamatergically etched and quantum quenched (for recent information on artificial exogenous plastic enhancement thereof, see: Bisphenol A Inhibits Voltage-Activated Ca2+ Channels , Andre Deutschmann, et al., Molecular Pharmacology, 29 November 2012; and Most Plastic Products Release Estrogenic Chemicals , Chun Z. Yang, et al., Environmental Health Perspectives, 119:7, 1 July 2011) such that there is no conscious access to the µTm-valued processing of THE quantum brain not contained by its 1T2-molecular-cellular-brains -- can lead to epileptiform discharges, even status epilepticus of 1T2-only-brains, there being inadequate cognitive/processing capacity to handle µTming long-range phase correlation, as described in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994. Default mode (see: Idle minds, Kerri Smith, Nature, 19 September 2012) used to be called trophotropic (by contrast to the actively-innervated ergotropic): when its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains are not stress-inducing, THE default quantum µTm-brain trophotropically (moving toward or away from nourishment) detoxes cognition. Be aware that, contrary to contents of this Nature article, no 1T2-brain actually enters its authentic full-blown resting state, which fMRI alone is inadequate to identify, there being no closed circuits in the brain, so long as there is any roof-brain chatter whatsoever -- total absence of which never happens, as co-inventor of the EEG, Edmund Jacobson (note that at the very instant Lukasiewicz was slaying truth-value as THE fundamental notion of logic, Jacobson independently reached a similar understanding in his first published article), decades ago electro-physiologically demonstrated, unless the subject is long practiced with methods of autosensory observation (as described in the first entry to Derek's Journal of inner work, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, pp. 270-1, I first learned of these techniques, which I spent a great deal of time with during the early-1970s, in early-1964 when, in back-grounding Gurdjieff's instructions concerning self-observation, I sought out, found, and read at the Library of Congress Jacobson's paper entitled On Meaning and Understanding, American Journal of Psychology, XXII, pp. 553-577, 1911: note the outside-the-Cornell-box connection) sufficiently effective as to facilitate the zero action-potential indicative of consciousness-without-an-object and associated long-range phase-correlative non-simple µTm-quantum identity-transparent Everettian relative-state (which exogenously impressed fMRI iatrogenically intervenes upon and quenches). I read a fair distance into the area of RF and microwaves whilst in communication with Robert O. Becker in Syracuse and Jane Roberts in Elmira concerning various possible implications of our model of DNA's pi-electron gas core, including whether or not acupuncture points might be physical region singularities. Notably, whether or not frequency-response windows of DNA histological types fall within the RF-microwave spectrum (be aware that, still, all these years later, as with the cellular phone revolution, the internet-of-things M2M revolution is not contemplated to involve redesigns such that the involved technologies stay out of the biologically active windows; indeed, brain-computer interfaces are merely preliminaries to the real objective: behavior-mod-inspired invasive computer-brain interfaces; flash forward and see, for the latest PR, Disruptions: Brain Computer Interfaces Inch Closer to Mainstream, Nick Bilton, The New York Times, 28 April 2013), and (given that gravitational acceleration, the counterforce to the pressure-gradient term, plays an important role in the canonical bioacoustic equation, as well as definition of the fundamental frequency and minimum time for spontaneous localization) whether or not the coherent waves our model describes DNA as generating are electromagnetic in character (DNA, according to our model, in response to impinging ambient radiation environing the molecule at helix-coil transition, thermally encodes, by tetralemma into quadripolar waves, the information content carried by the nucleotide pairs, in readying its coherent-wave transmission [signal-hopping pulse-code burst train? somehow employing microtubules of cytoskeleton?] to cellular phase boundaries, e.g., cell membrane, by silent sound spread spectrum qua channeled-telepathic Musculpt, so to speak [[flash forward with crowd-sourced EARS on the world to discover yet other examples of conversion-disorder displacement by projective-identification at collective transference: DARPA Wants You to Transcribe, and Instantly Recall, All Your Conversations, Robert Beckhusen, Wired, 3 March 2013; and Temporary tattoos could make electronic telepathy and telekinesis possible, Charles Q. Choi, Txchnologist, 19 February 2013; and Implant Makes Mind Reading Possible in Rats, Jason Koebler, U.S. News & World Report, 28 February 2013, the implied DARPA-funded mindmeld, as revealed in "'Mind melds' move from science fiction to science in rats", Reuters, 28 February 2013, superbrain being conversion-disorder displacement of denied-to-exist THE quantum µTm-brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains, the clear intent being, of course, that linked human brains and superbrains will be mind-read and manipulated by a mothering mega{superhuman}brain-net acting as the governance executed by the Overstate projected from the subliminal identification deemed an oversoul; and Your Brain Scans Show Who You're Thinking About, Charles Choi, Business Insider, 13 March 2013]]: this is distinctly different from present techniques used to store data in DNA, as described in Storing Digital Data in DNA, Gautam Naik, The Wall Street Journal, 24 January 2013). Possible means of detection -- vis-à-vis the parallels that exist between microphysics of the model and the physical structures of a photoacoustic cell-spectrometer, as well as relative to the pressure chambers used to detect atmospheric acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes and the microbarographs used to experimentally demonstrate local pigeon homing by infrasound signatures of landforms, lake fetches, et cetera, microbarographs built by Cornell's Mel Kreithen -- were discussed. Neuroethologist William Keeton, of pigeon-homing fame and Cornell's Neurobiological Behavior Labs, died, and both Paine and Becker lost funding, all three occurrences transpiring in the same general timeframe (Jane Roberts died soon after), so these issues and much else besides were never, so far as I know, further pursued. As described in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, part of the origins of my thought on this came during discussions in Special Forces Training Group (circa 1967) with a close friend then going through communications specialty training. If communication engineers choose the valley of minimum sky noise, why should not have nature? Quoting Radio Wave Detection Techniques from a UREI-Radio Astronomy Tutorial:
With advent of superb Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs), the antenna noise is also a very important performance parameter along with the gain or equivalent effective aperture. Antenna noise originates from the sky background, ohmic losses, and ground pickup or spillover from sidelobes. While the sky noise is fundamental, the losses and sidelobes can be made small by a good design. Sky noise is frequency dependent but never gets any lower than the cosmic 3-K background. The minimum is near 1.4 GHz, where Galactic noise has declined and atmospheric attenuation, due primarily to the water line at 22 GHz, is still low.
The more important issue kicked around in private conversation at Cornell was: if pi-electron gas core/sheath/cloud of DNA is, indeed, superconductant, as our model describes, then the frequency-response windows of DNA histological types must be hairline thin (if uncertainty inequalities are derivative of Planck's constant being m-valued -- think skew-perpendicularity and the virtuality involved in BCS superconductivity -- then Bohmian wave-guide partitioning as to phase-boundaries will be fine-structured), suggesting that electronic and communication devices could be redesigned to stay out of biologically-active windows, thus preventing, say, for example, inadvertent EMP-triggering of the onset of SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus: by analogy to SLE, are autoantibodies to NMDA-binding glutamate receptors precursors to anti-intraneuronal-DNA antibodies in, say, anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis?) in genetically predisposed individuals -- something not then, or now, envisioned by the involved industries/militaries (see, for instance: Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons, a DoD report appendix declassified in 2006 under FOI Act request and linked by Wiki in its posting entitled Microwave auditory effect -- or consider an alternative revisionist JulianJaynesian swarm-of-swarms explanation offered by Organelle, a brief essay I highly recommend). Then again, if prescriptive enculturation by glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching cuts off direct conscious access to µTm-valued processing of THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains, could not the suppressed logical-value order-types be given to express themselves in auditory hallucination as admonitory inner voices (all mediated by superconductant pi-electron gas core dynamics of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA, the canonical behavior equation for which is that of a harmonic oscillator)? Did Musculpt as universal metalanguage come before -- speaking in the terms of memetime -- advent of the bicameral mind? But, you know, I've forgotten so many of the details -- you have to be working with such stuff on a daily basis. This has me reaching back almost 40 years: my first contact -- 1971 or '72, memory serving -- with Wolfgang Luthe, of Autogenic Therapy fame, was in regard to related ideas concerning pathogenesis of SLE. Even Doug Paine forgot a lot: once during the '90s I asked him to review some equations he had written, and my interpretation, to see if I had gotten it right, and he said he could no longer do it, that he had forgotten too much. So it goes with sidetracking: the kerfuffle factor.
This is an interesting synoptic-view essay: The End Of An Era, Tim Morgan and Tullet Prebon, Zero Hedge, 26 January 2013 (flash forward and read a piece from Charles Hugh Smith with complementary content: Is This the Terminal Phase of Global Capitalism 1.0?, Of Two Minds, 7 February 2013). I sincerely doubt that the global revolts of 1968 were the turning point, as Immanuel Wallerstein apparently believes (see Amazon-posted review of: World Systems Analysis, Duke U., 2004); more likely, the Tristan Chord marked histrionic response to collective unconscious registration of the turning point latent in N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem. Quoting the concluding section to Morgan and Prebon:
The magic bullet, of course, would be the discovery of a new source of energy which can reverse the winding-down of the critical energy returns equation expecting a technological solution to occur [however] would be extremely unwise, because technology uses energy -- it does not create it.
Consider a plausible parallel beyond, How can I think my way out of the problem when the problem is the way I think? (see BBC link, below). That which most distinguishes between art fiction and popular fiction is: form in authentic art fiction, above all else, analogically models changes of Weltanschauung -- whereas, form in popular fiction generally does not. The same can be said of art music and the plastic arts -- even art dance, particularly so were it biofeedback-assisted EscherFormDance, with smart dancewear feeding hologramic Musculpt analog of The Movements over-through choreography matrix, the danceform of MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space). For instance, in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, an essential element of the story is that the exterior story is not the story, that that story is in its very nature non-resolvable to a tonic. Some readers were distraught that denouement involved no resolution. This distress was because it was not recognized that the spiralform of the internal story was necessarily nonorientable by virtue of being self-reentrant -- and that this sets the terms of the external story. Similarly, a magic bullet which is no magic bullet is no magic bullet by virtue of self-reference. This is one means by which nature engages in reciprocal maintenance. The only way to get over in face of this framework determining condition (words of J. G. Bennett) is by incorporation of self-reference, something that does not transpire in the exterior story -- but, then, that interior-story incorporation involves embrace of µTm-valued logics not reduced to 1T2-truth-value matrices. Autopoietic, or extra-sytemically-imposed, institutionalization of a 1T2-Weltanschauung cannot organize advent of a magic bullet which is actually a magic bullet. Daniel Hannan says:
how do you harness that instinct [greed] in a socially productive way? And for all its imperfections, the market, up until now, has been the best way
And up until now the market has been a 1T2-only-market. Despite points well taken by the Law and Capital Movement, correct may be what Billy Strobe (John Martel, Penguin, 2001, p. 68) says regarding, the difference between laws and systems that enforce laws , but, then, both those laws and those systems are subordinate to 1T2-only-logic. Moreover, neither propia persona nor having counsel can be regarded as order-type of identity higher than that 1T2. What exactly all this implies about energy, markets, the law, I don't rightly know -- it's never been studied -- but I do know that it implies a great deal, and that successful transit of the coming global cuspover may depend upon finding out exactly what is implied. Circumstances be damned; crime is crime; the law is the law: no variance. So says The Man. It has been by reaction to this sort of rigid commitment to 1T2-legalism that I've always demurred with regard to Occam's Razor and Hamlet's Mill, i.e., invariance: is that which is held to be topologically invariant under circumstantial transform a 1T2-law of nature or the cosmic crime of violating µTm-relative state? It very well could be that glutamatergic prescriptive enculturation created a psychological need for laws, and presence of laws created a social need for the law, and existence of jurisprudence created a metaphysical need for Kantian categories or the like -- and that, speaking in the terms of memetime, this process began well before the events Robert Ardrey wrote of in African Genesis. If, at the present juncture, human life on spaceship Earth is coming under serious challenge, it may be efficacious to look closely at the very beginning of this process in hopes of gaining some inspiration as to how best to meet that challenge. Whilst coming of age, I assimilated Nassim Nicholas Taleb's main message, which can be summarized as Maximize your options! (see: Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, Random House, 2012; for memetime-bound 1T2-technical support, see the latest recursive on entropic cellular automata from Alexander D. Wissner-Gross), from Abdul Aziz Said's (AU-SIS, Introduction to World Politics, first-semester freshman, 1963) foremost maxim Maximize your alternatives! But it wasn't long before I began to doubt validity-utility and systems-verisimilitude of this strategic notion. Though I agree with much of what Taleb has to say -- particularly about decentralization -- there is also much I do not agree with -- particularly about the roles of probability and right use of inherent ignorance in establishment of antifragile systems. More suds than substance. And it could be argued that Taleb's conservatism, with regard to the role of stochastics, only reinforces the condition he so sophisticatedly decries. Doubt crept in that same fall-of-1963 semester in process of writing a long paper for Said entitled The Predicament of Existentialism, wherein, using Gödel, Heisenberg, and F. S. C. Northrop's undifferentiated aesthetic continuum (see his book: The Meeting of East and West), I argued (undoubtedly as a result of my childhood experience in rural Japan) against both Platonism's essence precedes existence and Existentialism's existence precedes essence by doubting validity of the notion precedence relations -- logical, ontological, temporal (this was when operator-time as a concept first put its touch upon me, thus assisting in the fathoming of my childhood experience in rural Japan). Practically speaking in terms of inner work, and phatically so relative to the second line of work, it is more important to understand As below, so above than As above, so below. Soon after that, I ran across the Volume-One appendix to J. G. Bennett's magnum opus, The Dramatic Universe, wherein he and two coauthors provided a highly technical account of skew-parallelism. I understood the mathematics only a wee bit, but enough to recognize that simple selfsame identity had been brought under profound challenge (and I knew I resonated with that because of the states of consciousness I had experienced in Japan as a child), and that this somehow paralleled my challenge of the notion precedence relations. Immediately, I began looking critically at the probability amplitude interpretation of quantum mechanics and the Heisenberg uncertainty that went right along with it. With that, Maximize your alternatives! became Maximize your identity order-types! Much later, having discovered Emil Post's 1921 paper on m-valued logics, and having also read of John A. Wheeler's pregeometry as a bucket of dust (in his coauthored 3-inch thick book entitled Gravitation), I came to the realization that Heisenberg uncertainty is not the First Cause, nor is it self-generated. Heisenberg uncertainty is derivative of pregeometry being µTm-calculi of propositions, not Wheelerian 1T2-calculus of propositions. And if that is so, as I believe it to be, then, for all those who fail to grasp the distinction between merely the real and the nominal, horror of horrors, The Case is far more complex than we, taking ourselves as discrete entities, could possibly imagine: no objective passing time; no objective birth and no objective death; Cantorian infinities upon Cantorian infinities of identity-transparent multiverses of multiverses invisibility cloaked, yes, but separated only by logical-value order-types and coexisting as nonorientable hyperspace of The Universe, insideless and outsideless (see, for relevant inverse discourse and an example of always regrettable personification, inverse because the Planck length, like other universal physical constants, is, according to the present thesis, m-valued: Physicists create world's first multiverse of universes in the lab, Sebastian Anthony, ExtremeTech, 30 January 2013 [provides description of a vivid in vitro example of LSTDs -- limited spacetime domains -- in cascade]; and Probing The Matrix: Is our universe simulated, and if so by who?, John Hewitt, ibid., 19 December 2012). This is no reference to mere state space independent of cascade/reverse-cascade dynamics self-produced once decomposition and recomposition are initialized by glutamatergic etching of logical-value access, i.e., concretion being equal to nescience, that is, logical-value order-types dropping out of view on Sakharov's decomposed multi-sheet model. Flash forward and be aware that the Domain Awareness System and its dashboards (see: NYPD and Microsoft build high-tech crime fighting 'dashboard', The Telegraph, 20 February 2013) are collectively a conversion-disorder displacement of the suppression of LSTDs in Weltanschauung propoundment (analogically concretized as, say, e-nesting foams upon which µTm-valued LETS are to be mapped). Conversion-disorder displacements are persistent aspects of collective behaviors, rarely recognized, even though most everyone claims to understand projective-identification. For example: Jerusalem = mystical state of consciousness; Next year in Jerusalem! = lag-time hysteresis at attainment of state of grace; Zionism = a haptification of space as described in Jean Gebser's The Ever-Present Origin. The tragedy and mortification of the human condition is that we do not begin what we take to be our lives with this understanding as the given cognitive bedrock provided as cultural endowment. I still ponder over how it was that Wheeler, who was so into self-reference as a principle of cosmogony, could have not featured Lukasiewicz logics. The Anima locking the cat in the cabinet and throwing away the key? Indeed, and moreover: it was Newtonian Dynamics 2.0 -- statistical mechanics -- and Quantum Theory 1.0 -- probability amplitude interpretation -- which allowed protraction of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung long enough for properties of fragility to become sufficiently established as to be veritably irreversible absent a PW1. If the Copenhagen Interpretation of the conversion-disorder double-slit experiment was the anti-pagan Witch Bull of the 20th century, then separation of Lukasiewicz logics from Schrödinger's wave-function, as regards Everett-Wheeler-Graham relative-state, analogically corresponds to metempsychosis qua reincarnation vis-à-vis Buddhological dependent origination in one mind moment: both quench the existential threat which is pagan µTm-non-simple animistic-quantum identity-transparency. And in that regression-in-service-to-the-ego conversion-disorder displacement lies origins of Needs, Needs, Needs ta KILL! so as to quench the ever-mounting threat to ego-ideal which experimental demonstrations of non-locality and long-range phase-correlation very definitely are. The vacuous Ego and It's Own poor immigrant progeny. Woe are my me's! O Clockmaker, thank you Lord for the Probability Wave, because absent the involved Witch Bull precluding application of Lukasiewicz logics to Schrödinger's wave-function there would be quantum biology, and were quantum biology permitted then we would face the horror, the horror: quantum psychology, sexology, sociology, political and economic and monetary theory. Thus Sprach BBC.
Considering that, Cabalistically speaking, Jerusalem and Israel signify high spiritual states of being-consciousness, Shlomo Sand's Invention Of trilogy (see: Shlomo Sand: an enemy of the Jewish people?, Rafael Behr, The Guardian, 17 January 2010; and, flashing forward, The Invention of the Land of Israel by Shlomo Sand -- Review, Donald Sassoon, Ibid., 18 April 2013) appears to document a particularly long-running case of collective conversion-disorder displacement. If personification of godhead (even to include Philip K. Dick's VALIS -- Vast Active Living Intelligence System -- and John C. Lilly's ECCO -- Earth Co-incidence Control Office) is an early stage in codification of the state as conversion-disorder displacement at projective-transference of 1T2-ego sphere, as I have long held to be the case, then we shouldn't be the least surprised to see faith-based phantasmagoria in accompaniment to the nation-state system's approach to terminal cuspover. Harvard's Huntington, of clash of civilizations fame, wrote an article in 1968 in which the term forced-draft urbanization was used: I've always thought that the 1968 formulation in significant measure contributed to fomenting the clash that later made Huntington world famous. The Viet Nam war's free-fire zone was planetarized market capitalism's forced-draft urbanization writ small, a writ which ultimately yielded, by compensatory abreaction, the Cambodia holocaust's forced-draft de-urbanization. Concretely speaking -- not broaching the topic of the metapsychological etiology -- contemporary humanitarian disasters are, in general terms, due to the structure of the global economy imposed at ending of WWII, and frequently instigated and fanned by specific actions, e.g., MoSoSo, relative to colonial legacies, to include the stoking of illicit drug production-trafficking with the left hand whilst militarily engaging to suppress with the right, R2P being a recently found way to create free-fire zones. I have argued for over forty years that managed global capitalism's belief in equivalency between economic growth-progress and forced-draft urbanization would eventually lead to a Cambodian holocaust of the WholeEarth, which would be a whole lot worse than a fiat-inflation-driven MoSoSoed planetarization of a French-revolution-like pandemic of collective hysteria. I came to this conviction in many ways, not the least by writing, in 1964, a 60-page socio-anthropologic assessment of the Strategic Hamlets Program, and comparison to the Briggs' Plan implemented during The Emergency in Malaya, using materials available at SORO, Special Operations Research Office. Both of these cases involved forced population relocations, prefiguring the later Cambodian forced-draft deurbanization in much the same way as the 1830's Trail of Tears prefigured the Bataan Death March. This WholeEarth thesis is much more plausible today than it was during the late-1970s, as those posting the Subrealism website (31 January 2013) seem to recognize by juxtaposing summaries-links to three articles: one about SWAT patrolling of streets in small town U.S.A. (see: Arkansas town's martial law plan, Natasha Lennard, Salon, 30 January 2013), and two about a recent version of They Were Expendable, the killables (see: Death to Undesirables, Evan Williams, The Independent, 15 May 2009, an article no longer available except via fee-charging research services: another failure of the 1T2-market, just one more form of censorship, and an additional way to kill utility of the internet, for who will write in links sure to be taken down?) of increasingly squatted upon big city Brazil (please see -- and I recommend, knowin' a bit about police field force units as I do, heh-heh-heh! -- Wiki on Police Pacification Units). Then there are pao chia (pinyin: boajia), tonarigumi, bao-giap, White House Homeland Security Partnership Council Hammerhead propaganda, such as that Hollywood & Guvie Associates specialize in, may appear in the near-term to be effective at achieving its ostensible purpose, but people in general are not as stupid as are those in the PIO subset named propagandists, and thus magnitude of the long-term back-reaction upon the media metric will correspond to how ham-handedly heads were hammered -- thus helping to necessitate reincarnation of pao chia and descendents. One could even make this argument about some of the thematic content of WWII and WWI film propaganda. Weight of personal culpability for collective consequences is commensurate with the importance of the role played in the process.
Yes, I realize, and have realized since the mid-1970s, though then stated in different terms, that µTm-valued LETS-currencies fine-grain tagging of vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, implies something like RFID unique identifiers for all objects worldwide (see: Smart Cards in a Surveillance Society: The Implanted Radio-Frequency Identification Chip, Tom Burghardt, Global Research, 2 February 2013, original 6 September 2008). But this apparent implication highlights a prominent aspect of the present global double-bind, which does not auger well for successful transit of the coming planetary cuspover. All objects of the world already have unique active identifiers, but not 1T2ly unique. For example, our quantum-DNA model (circa 1979) describes/imputes that molecule as actively radiating not only its identity signature, but also its 1T2-codon sequence, and the higher levels of the genetic cipher language -- which incorporate environmental information -- as higher-order, nonlinear, time-shapes, shapes mimicked by changing topological lay of the molecule's spatial structure. There is a deep deep-identity nest involved here, incorporating, ultimately, hologramically, the whole of all-that-is. Non-simple µTm-identity: relative-state identity-transparent Bose-Einstein condensate (once Musculped; then, bicameral-minded under glutamatergic neuronal etching; lastly, altogether suppressed by quenching of the quantum properties of the perineural analog data system -- à la Robert O. Becker -- most facilitated by intramitochondrial perineural DNA?). If China lost its shock absorber because it became too big relative to the global economy (see: China's Broken Shock Absorber), then humanity has lost its shock absorber because it has become too big relative to Earth's planetary magnetoatmobiosphere. The only way anthropogenic resource depletion and other degenerative iatrogenic debilitations can be effectively transcended is by bottom-up nested assessment of the time-shapes of total capital stock and incorporation of those time-shapes -- by µTm-valued tagging of externalities and indicators and extra-systemic factors, i.e., all-together-now as a simulation of the internal necessities of the natural surround -- into defining properties of the LETS exchange units employed at price discovery by markets. Judging by the quantum properties of DNA, this is precisely what nature does. But the identifiers nature uses are m-valued, not single-valued. Because quantum biology has been cognitively quenched by suppression of Lukasiewicz in application to Schrödinger, collective unconscious compensatory abreaction has insured projective-identification -- via conversion-disorder displacement -- in subject-to-object collective transference of psychologically-regressed quantum biology to surveillance-state perversions, such as the 1T2-RFID tag and Stingrays (see: Stingrays: The Biggest Technological Threat to Cell Phone Privacy You Don't Know About, Hanni Fakhoury and Trevor Timm, Electronic Frontier Foundation's Deeplinks Blog, 22 October 2012; and Judge Questions Tools That Grab Cellphone Data on Innocent People, Jennifer Valentino-DeVries, The Wall Street Journal, 22 October 2012). Nazification of the Weimar polymorphous perverse involved a self-similar regression in service to the collective ego, then too in back-reaction upon the cultural metric set up by Lukasiewicz's explication of Polish logics, a regression which became mass murder/holocaust/genocide, facilitated, as Burghardt points out, by IBM (see: IBM and the Holocaust, Edwin Black, Crown, 2001). [Ray}thee>>>on's Riot (see: 'Google for spies' draws ire from rights groups, Ryan Gallagher, Sydney Morning Herald, 11 February 2013) is aptly named, don't you think? Naming alone reveals the amount of collective unconscious libido under affect drive, thus how little actual conscious cathexis is etiologically instumental, although one must wonder as to how much disinformation is involved (the Brad Thor surrogate being the satellite tracking of a terrorist dosed with radioisotope: see the particularly egregious agitprop piece Takedown, Simon & Schuster, 2006, p. 401), given that (if we are to credit the Toffler's quoting of a high-ranking Pentagon official in their book War and Anti-War, 1993: surreptitious acquisition of DNA fingerprints) proof of concept for satellite tracking via radiating DNA coherent wave signature was, in all likelihood, made during the mid-1980s (flash forward and consider, Explosive Report: 98% of Newborn Babies are Genetically Screened, Jon Rappoport, Infowars, 27 February 2013). Stingrays, like cellphones themselves, it should be mentioned, work by radiating RF rays on thee, through the frequency-response windows of DNA histological types. But, as I have long argued, the intellectual-history origins of all this, in its modern incarnation, goes back to the deeming of Abel's 1826 theorem on the quintic as being an Impossibility Theorem, rather than an existence proof for trans-al-jabr. Given that T[psychiatric}PTB hain't done no good, now, at treatin' individual psychoses, we can hardly expect much help A-tall with the 200-year-runnin' collective psychosis what be a'plaguing usins. Unless, of course, the industrial agriculture, food processing, Big Pharma, genetic engineering, and chemical industries are transcended (flash forward and see: Sequencing ancient calcified dental plaque shows changes in oral microbiota with dietary shifts of the Neolithic and industrial revolutions, Christina J. Adler, et al., Nature Genetics, February 2013; and Mind-Altering Microbes: Probiotic Bacteria May Lessen Anxiety and Depression, ScienceDaily, 30 August 2011; and for edifying commentary upon both of these, Prehistoric Man Had Much Healthier Teeth and Gums than Modern Humans, Washington's Blog, 28 February 2013). Neglect of quantum biology is intellectually in intimate correspondence to neglect of the microbiome (90% of the cells in our bodies): swarms of the swarm spurned in the refusal to attend to fractal nesting-foams -- and associated lack of nested m-logically-valued LETS mapped upon fractal e-boundaries on vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. As we cling to the post-WWI PTSD-interpretation of quantum mechanics, we conversion-disorder displace mini-wormhole-foam in counterspace to dark matter and counter-temporal-operators to hoverflying robobees equipped with compound-bugeyed Google glasses and tasked as pollinators within this-'n-that ChemLawned and electromagnosmogged TAOR. When behind-the-lines nanobot insurgents become carriers of H5N1 X H1N1 well, my smartphone M.D. be tellin' me: What I been sayin'! I jus' be tryin' ta hep yoar ass, y'understan'?
I did read of that, yes. Home state of Jeffersonian democracy seriously considering the printing of its own money (see: Virginia moves closer to creating state's own currency, Vince Coglianese, The Daily Caller, 6 February 2013). Also, Jefferson's hometown rejecting the droning of its skyways (see: Charlottesville, Va., passes anti-drone measure, UPI, 6 February 2013). Back-reactions, really. Think of it as analogous to quantum biology. Quantum mechanics is all about collective and cooperative behaviors -- which are not necessarily probabilities and statistics, though these two, along with collapse of the wave-function, help minimize the threat to Western individualism which advent of the quantum of action facilitated, that threat having been constellated in its modern guise by Abel's Impossibility Theorem and its progeny in higher mathematics. Certainly individuals have their own states of immune competency. There are, however, also collective states of immune competency. There is, after all, the field of epidemiology. States of groups and sub-groups. But immune competency is not a stand-alone; it is a function, a state-function. Immune state of the group or sub-group vs. virulence of the disease vector, be it discrete (e.g., bacteria) or continuous (e.g., EM waves). A state-function which is a relative-state. But not only me-group and them-group, also swarms of the swarm, nests of the nesting foam. Both individual and collective immune competencies are extra-systemically and intra-systemically relative states: immune competency/deficiency is not localizable to only two scale levels, those molecular and cellular -- because relative-states are foremost quantal in character, which is to say m-valued, like is Schrödinger's wave-function. Now, to the it which I maintain is analogous. The individual bankster, groups and sub-groups of banksters -- and the like in other areas of the world of high finance -- can hardly be considered more than mere discrete parasitic vectors, and collections thereof, of economic disease, pathogenicity of that illness being the state-function of the relative-state of subsystem-system-supersystem homeostasis and corpora of extra-systemic and intra-systemic challenges to stability. Since vested belief in system conventions -- and tacit acceptance of their subtending framework determining conditions -- is a foremost functional prerequisite to homeostasis, factors challenging belief and acceptance loom large as to onset and course of the illness in question. Since belief in Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian liberalism (market capitalism and constitutional democracy) is thoroughly dependent upon unquestioned acceptance of the actual existence and necessity of individuals as foremost in the involved action-based sociologies, the fact that quantum mechanics is all about collective and cooperative behaviors -- which are not necessarily probabilities and statistics, though these two, along with collapse of the wave-function, help minimize the threat to Western individualism which advent of the quantum of action facilitated, that threat having been constellated in its modern guise by Abel's Impossibility Theorem and its progeny in higher mathematics -- must have, early in the 20th century, greatly altered the relative-state prevailing between econometric immune state and vector virulence.
A fascinating complement to Kyle Bass' analysis: Zero Hedge drawing analytic imports from the Bank of Japan's December 2012 Flow of Funds statement (see: Why 'This Time Won't Be Different' For Japan In Two Charts, 6 February 2013). The energy cost pincher may be decisive as regards the fate of AMPO. Moreover, one can observe that war, being a pastime of youth preference, is unlikely to [re}resolve Japan's demographic problem.
As Jo Nesbo almost points out (The Devil's Star, Vintage, 2005, p. 240), formation of analogical models in system design necessarily involves analogical thought processes, i.e., subliminal-intuitive modalities consciously caught in photism flashes, electrical surges, paresthesia rushes, sounded aromas, colored-taste polymorphisms, stacked images with feeling-toned attributes, and so on -- not merely nonlinear sequencing of the imagination's contents. Quoting Nesbo (Ibid., p. 269): Harry's revelations used to be small, ice-cold drips that hit him on the head by looking up and following the fall of the drops he could establish the causal relations. Just so. Inkognitogata to collective society: the hierarchy of needs and metamotivations of the nesting foam of analog selves heterostatically peak-experiencing. Read Sri Aurobindo's Letters on Yoga. Read accounts of sequences of autogenic discharges in autogenic abreactions in Autogenic Training clinical histories. Note the frequently involved synchronicities (see Nesbo, Ibid., p. 289). Consider with Charles Hugh Smith (see: What Happens When All the Money Vanishes Into Thin Air?, Of Two Minds, 24 April 2012) that paper money is [should be, actually] an abstract representation of the real world. An analogical model of the real world -- like once was the diatonic music composition system, like once was the corpus of painterly conventions of post-Renaissance naturalism. Or so we once believed, if only tacitly registered. Think of a µTm-logically-valued currency unit, backed by a locally-defined commodity basket, as a local oscillator (re: pi-electron parcel as explicated in glossary entry #32). Think of Exter's pyramid -- within which the local oscillator exists -- as a frequency funnel/cone (re: Figure 7 of glossary entry #32) feeding qua beating-down qua differencing µTm <<<>>> 1T2. Think of the band-pass fractal-e-boundary nesting foam constitutive of the overall LETS monetary system as a superheterodyne tank receiver (state of the art 1944, which could have been brought on scene rather than the gold-exchange mechanism of Bretton Woods). Think of the tank as the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) well-potential repository of the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock priced in µTm-valued reserve unit of account. Instead of novation serviced by imbalancing currency warfare interfaced with central bank monetization, shadow banking collateral transformation, and traditional banking maturity transformation, balancing by this superhet International Clearing Union would be by beat frequencies as the natural frequency carrier waves of the local oscillators are fed to RF detectors servicing the MVRS tank. The notion of m-logically-valued LETS, so far as I know, is still at the seed-idea level of development, no expertise having been brought to it.
In the beginning, Daniel Boone (our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, is dedicated to a onetime DB trooper) couldn't even get off the ground, nor did it have heliborne resupply or STABO extraction. This starkly contrasts with OPTIMUS nowadays having opcon over KMAX. So, there can be no doubt as to where the emphasis is placed, where to the resources flow, in regards to [techno}logical innovation. Pertaining to pedestrian, non-technoinnov logic, and given that -- in fact as distinguished from fictoid -- there is no non-zero-sum game in a 1T2-world abiding by the Laws of Distributed Middle and Non-Contradiction, how can there be any sincere doubting of the proposition that economics is war by other means? Do we need to ask, Does the American Government [or that of any other Cartesian-Newtonian-Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean nation-state] Consider Economic Rivalry to Be A Justification For War?, Washington's Blog, 13 September 2011? All the way back to the Carthaginian Punic wars. How could it have been, how could it be, otherwise, when the global monetary system has always employed 1T2-logically-valued currency units (fiat and/or commodity-backed)? While many authorities recognize that, Currency Wars Often Lead To Trade Wars Which In Turn Can Devolve Into Hot Wars, Zero Hedge, 8 February 2013, do they understand why there is logic involved?
Whilst reviewing Europe à l'Hollandaise, The Economist, 9 February 2013, along with the materials physicist specialized in interface science, ask: Does nature practice macroscopic solidarity or microscopic solidarity. Is the supersolid a quantum phenomenon or a celestial phenomenon? The non-analytic answer is not likely to appeal to the dialectical materialist, however anti-celestial and scale-invariant heshe might consider himherself to be. Clouds of nothings -- uh, fiat currency units -- (insofar as 1T2-registrations go) coherently waving through one another, whilst all the somethings head in the opposite direction. Why is it presently not possible to create a Hollandaise sauce of helium-4? Because the sauce pan employed is a toroid, not a Klein bottle (boundary without boundary; continuous change of phase without phase transition; magic without magic; infinite-order actually third-order vortex-antivortex pairings unbound to convergence: more fundamentally than symmetryTsymmetry-breaking, order parameters and critical exponents need to be processed µTmly, not 1T2ly, i.e., entropy without entropy). Because, sans µTm, the third-order phase transition is not actually taken into account (for a long discussion of this relative to Prigogine, see our Peerless Reviewings and Lesser Diatribes, Part 2). Because third-order operator-time is not viewed relative to zero-point energy, and thus the total energy operator (regarding enthalpy: consider that open systems engaged in energy-momentum exchanges are not equivalent to self-reentered systems engaged in charge creation and zero-point energy draw up) associated with the memetime evolution group is viewed as bounded from below (while actually open from below to counterspace and anti-time, i.e., counter-temporal operations). Because critical-state self-referential reentry is logically disbarred by assumption of the probability amplitude (or Prigogine's the probabilities themselves) interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function such that the Lukasiewicz m-valued logics of the skew-parallelism underlying virtualities of the superstate/universality-class are suppressed-renormalized (cf: Cornell's Kenneth G. Wilson). Because theta-e (equivalent potential temperature) surfaces are not, according to consensus atmospheric science, envisioned as reentering themselves due to the fact that time rates of change of acceleration are not factored into understanding of hypertemperature, and binary mixtures only are considered. Because acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes are treated as being only, at best, of marginal relevance and to be, thus, renormalized, these observables being mistakenly viewed as occurring near the second-order phase transition. Because universal physical constants are not seen to be m-valued, which is also the case in regards to scaling constants with critical exponents, ck, in power laws. Because Lukasiewiczian reflexivity (by third-order operator-time) is treated as a "dangerously irrelevant operator", the vacuum expectation value being mistaken as being single-valued. For all the above-given reasons, quantum properties of DNA are consensually considered biologically non-substantive. The contrary view presupposes no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinction drawable between organism and environment, nature and nurture: animistic-pagan (i.e., a red-haired Homo sapiens neanderthalensis bicameral-minded) quantum relative-state identity-transparent violation of binary-logic's distributed middle and non-contradiction. If Francois Hollande wants to make the Eurozone into a supersolid, he will have to engage in postmodernist decentering and down-scaling and neighbor-joining memetime-unbound phenetics (i.e., relaxed molecular qua gene clock), not in bonapartean dirigiste napoleonically encoded-bureaucratized.
Any and all attempts to create 1T2-currencies at scale-levels/echelons smaller/lower than those of the nation-state can be regarded efficacious, even if those attempts must be viewed as reactive-defensive and without a larger systemic vision, as exhibited in the quote attributed to Roberto Maroni concerning Lombady, Milan, and the Northern League (see: Berlusconi Ally May Seek Local Currency for Use Alongside Euro, Andrew Frye, Bloomberg, 10 February 2013):
Creating an alternative circuit, not a substitute but an alternative, is useful and can be used in moments of difficulty and economic crisis to give real help to companies
Some temporary local utility likely would be achieved, but only were/when the whole monetary system _/is fractalized and valuated µTmly would/will the potentialities of LETS currencies begin actually to manifest. Whereas one can only laugh at the inept psyops capabilities of The New York Times with regard to G7 lies about its currency behaviors at run up to PW1: Group of 7 Says It Will Let Market Decide Currency Values, James Kanter and Annie Lowry, 12 February 2013. And note what Reuters has to say about the 1980s' yen revaluation platforming the bubble economy (see: Currency wars come to Moscow as G20 meets, Douglas Busvine and Gernot Heller, 14 February 2013):
The maneuvering on currencies is reminiscent of the 1980s, when the Plaza and Louvre accords sought to manage first the excessive strengthening, and then weakening, of the U.S. dollar.
This lying is on a par with the fact that Berlusconi defends need for bribery, Guy Dinmore and Ferdinando Giugliano, The Financial Times, 14 February 2013 -- whereas transaction rent is actually a deleterious/disintegrative 1T2-form of viscosity substituting/converting the functionally integrative µTm-viscosity that would be instituted with implementation of m-logically-valued LETS e-nesting foams. While I see shorting stocks as important to the price discovery mechanism, I reject dramaturgical shorting of currencies as having value for price discovery, the price of currencies being a direct, immediate, explicit relative-state (even if the current 1T2-monetary system does not make real use of this µTm-quantum property of money), and the [drag-on]ish currency speculator can always buy the currencies in relative-state to that currency heshe would wish to short: currency shorting does not serve the system, only gaming flaws of the system (consider, for instance: Soros Said to Make $1 Billion Since November on Yen Bet, Katherine Burton, Bloomberg, 14 February 2013). Moreover, as gold once again, post post-BrettonWoodsOne, becomes ever more invested with monetary significance (see: Central Banks Buy The Most Gold Since 1964, Jon C. Ogg, 24/7WallStreet, 14 February 2013: and what was 1964, the peak of reaction to JFK's Operation Twist, [did you know that Eisenhower deplored the twist: the Hundred Dollar Misunderstanding having, in due course, become the hundred-trillion-dollar mistake? and, it may be noted, even Germany, not to mention England, would not publish The Moon of Hoa Binh, our novel, Misunderstanding being a novel that flipped me out when I read it in 1963 as a high school senior] which the FED strongly resisted, thus eliciting the famous Kennedy threats to dissolve the FED?), in regards to global gold hoarding -- individual, institutional -- it can be observed that such hoarding quenches/decelerates, not only the multiplier effects unwanted, but also those wanted, thus facilitating further pyramiding of resources misallocation in the global dramshop. Actually, I see little that are not dysallocations, the ETDs equivalents to H-pap, chlamydia, herp, hep-B, HIV, syph, gono, trich-m. In my estimation, green became red-not-black because of the echelon instigating it at the scale level it was imposed at (see: Germany, Spain Set To Pull The Plug On Green Energy, Zero Hedge, 14 February 2013): just one more indication that scale invariance is not scale relativity. But I am an aberration. I've rarely bought anything but the basics, have never gone shopping (those few occasions I've been dragged along, I've bolted), for I go to buy only those things I have decided I specifically need/want, and I can't think of any occasion in my life when I have bought something I've seen advertised -- nor do I buy on credit. Nonetheless, I've wanted for nothing.
Op/ed by public or once-public figures is most accurately assessed as self-justifying, self-exonerating global [kiem thao}//{phe binh] -- regardless of the system from which it emanates. Incredible illusionists having replaced credible deceits, governance by Purloina of Perlova riding in her gold cabriolet with folding hood. What worries me much more than known unknowns is unknown knowns -- those knowns rationalized away and/or renormalized. Frankly, conscious, let alone rational, processes have had, have, and will have, little determinative influence over the large patterns of human collective response to the global crisis which has evolved over the past several centuries. So, I altogether discount supposed assessments of the likelihood/unlikelihood of a PW1 based upon analyses of conscious contents and rationally-elaborated factorial arrays -- particularly so because people strongly tend to ignore/be-unconscious-of (see, for instance: reviews of The Great Rebalancing , Michael Pettis, Princeton U., 22 January 2013: be sure to check out the customer review comparing this book to Taleb's AntiFragile) the fact that "inevitable" global rebalancing can only be escaped by planetary war. Though such contents/arrays undoubtedly are symptomatic, they have little to do with etiology, pathogenesis, and course. Medical analogies are eminently appropriate because this global crisis is 100-percent human-factors cause-pushed/attractor-pulled: natural constraints are in no way causal/teleological. How much Rx-help is IBM's Watson (see: IBM makes Watson the size of a pizza box, starts offering cloud access to doctors, Ryan Whitwam, ExtremeTech, 12 February 2013) likely to be in a sickcare system where Rx is determined more by insurance company fiat fought out between lawyers assisted by PIs invading patient privacy than by physician-assisted dDx and holes in OR schedules and the drugs promoted by Big Pharma at in-office catered lunches? Human collective response will become less and less consciously influenced, less and less rational, as the crisis continues to unfold. Why, most fundamentally? The ever growing magnitude of catercorner cognitive dissonance generated as correlation between principles informing institutional base governing collective actions and those of discovery-driven Weltanschauung-evolution diverge more and more. Metaphysics of Cartesian-Newtonian-Confucian-Brahmanic-Caliphatean institutional orientations all are under increasingly terminal threat by march of discovery in higher mathematics and physics; none of these orientations can survive the pagan-animistic-quantum existential denial ever more massively issued by µTm-logically-valued relative-state identity-transparency, particularly in face of accelerating uptake of quantum-based technologies and the elaborating array of human-created environmental/resource challenges sponsored over the centuries by these orientations: here we have etiology and pathogenesis of the collective hysterias which grip, and increasingly will be gripping, human film, planet Earth. This being the case, one can expect ever more in the way of glutamate-flooded, self-justifying, self-exonerating global [kiem thao}//{phe binh] op/ed.
Well one can hardly like, willingly participate in, a civilization which forces one to live in neuro{psycho}logical states one knows are ana[the}ma -- ma denoting the sacred space wherein is found µTm-AllBase. There can be no consciousness-without-an-object which is not simultaneously the UNSUB: that's why µTm-AllBase is AllAbout. Whereas until recently there was, metapsychologically speaking, no difficulty distinguishing the serial killer from the mass murderer, nowadays the natural born truly reprehensible character is the serial mass murderer. Serial killing writ large or serial mass murder writ small: take your pick. Victim/target acquisition without wet thrust -- only carpal tunnel syndrome. Crime incidence with a fat tail. Owlish, a darkness more than light: Renaissance-Reformation-Darwinism decentering of Ptolemaic-world-order FlatLand >>> NewWorld genocides of pagan-animist participation mystique >>> conversion-disorder displacements, in serial formation, of the God-Sons' decentered identities, i.e., displacement of their being displaced from divine dispensation. The unconscious qua sleep-walking pre-trib wrapor/prepor, with rap cut and wearing fat-style designer-cammie duds, or no, don't have ta understand semantic import of what heshe is doing. Of late, the decentering of selfhood is Cartesian-Newtonian >>> quantum-relativity and, more fundamentally, 1T2 >>> µTm. Apparently, by back-reaction, all-elsewhere, excepting, for the memetime being, the ZI, has become a free-fire drone-zone. Is it coming to pass -- by MichaelJacksonish backwardation -- that the global village qua collective ego-sphere must be destroyed in order to save it? When natural law went down the drain (as can be seen on the Kruskal diagram of the Kerr solution to the Einstein-Rosen bridge) by Physics Degree Zero, Rechtsstaatlichkeit and the Rechtsstaat itself went down right along with it. Acknowledgement of what Lukasiewicz logics do to conservation laws, invariance, universal physical constants, equipotential surfaces, constant entropy surfaces, relative spacetime, and so on and so forth is not even required.
Eye-scrolling screens in a robosourcing stalker economy. GoogGuvGlassed downloaded iWatched agitprop prompts cue those running in blue-toothed sneakers from the LS3 Multi-Robot Pursuit System (see: DARPA's robot pack mule takes a stroll, Fox News, 9/11 2012) designed to cheetah-pack (see: Packs of robots will hunt down uncooperative humans, Paul Marks, New Scientist, 22 October 2008) human subjectobjects Ouch! Just caught a GPS dart in the bum (see: U.S. Air Force developing terrifying swarms of unmanned drones that can hover, crawl and even kill targets, Michael Zinnie, The Daily Mail, 20 February 2013). Wim Wenders' The End of Violence? Damn those autonomous drones, reading DNA coherent-wave signatures via the God's-eye located on an intelsat. What else did that darned dart deliver? A gene-altering drug (see: Genetically Modified Humans? New Gene-Altering drug Paves Way for Mass Modification, Mike Barrett, Natural Society, 5 November 2012)? Better pop a pill cam (see, for instance: Freescale's Insanely Tiny ARM Chip Will Put the Internet of Things Inside Your Body, Tim Maly, Wired, 26 February 2013), check out the damage. Rx by nanoswarm microsurgery and/or drug delivery and/or 3-D printed replacement organs and/or lab-built scaffolded organs (flash forward and see: Science Fiction Comes Alive as Researchers Grow Organs in Lab, Gautam Naik, The Wall Street Journal, 22 March 2013). Corporate ownership of human genomes, y'know (see: Patented Gene Sequences Make Up Over 20 Percent of the Human Genome, Mike Barrett, Ibid., 8 December 2011). Just like in the Army where a sunburn can yield an Article 15 for destroying government property. Anything -- O, just anything they want to do with me -- is kosher (for American historical context, see: State Secret: Thousands Secretly Sterilized, ABC News, 15 May 2005). Gene therapy it's called, not nascent nazified cloning (see, for the latest developments: World's first GM babies born, Michael Hanlon, The Daily Mail, 28 June 2012; and Neanderthal Babies All Around: Synthetic Biology is Closer Than You Think, Ashlee Vance, Bloomberg, 1 November 2012; and Synthetic Biologist: Cloned Children, 'Hand-Picked Genes' Right Around the Corner, Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society, 5 November 2012; and China Is Engineering Genius Babies, Aleks Eror, Vice Magazine, 15 March 2013). Not necessary to believe that Evil Never Dies if nanotechnology can enhance DNA's capabilities. Don't worry, be happy about a polluted world, for omnipotent God-empowered resurrective Regenesis will allow us to, not only adapt to the effects of pollutants, but, well -- just like the rebelling Boxers who couldn't be killed by bullets -- we'll become smarter, stronger, better than humans ever were! And don't worry about loss of biodiversity, about all the species lost or currently being taken into extinction: Godlike, the regeneticists will recreate/regenerate them (see: Extinct Ibex is resurrected by cloning, Richard Gray and Robert Dobson, The Telegraph, 31 January 2009; and Japan clones 26 generations and still going, AFP as posted to France 24, 8 March 2013). It will be noted, I am sure, that mine is not a Church-assisted orientation to genomic and neuroscience research (see: Obama Seeking to Boost Study of Human Brain, John Markoff, The New York Times, 17 February 2013). Strangely, however, while remote "surreptitious acquisition of DNA fingerprints" (see the Tofflers' War and Anti-War, circa 1993) may be okay for those Hitlerizing genomes and Stalinizing brains, realization that the involved quantum-wave properties of DNA have profound implications for latent effects of invasive modifications of nucleotide-pair sequences is altogether not okay. Specialized they are, those regeneticists, in high-tech remediation/modification and life extension/extinction, rather than low-tech prevention and natural attrition. Right on ya! Eliminating disease and aging on a planet overpopulated by 5 billion hu-hu-hu-mans (flash forward and see, for instance: New drug being developed 'could help humans live until they are 150', Lucy Crossley, The Daily Mail, 10 March 2013). How many have explicitly registered that, following Einstein's alert, the U.S. did not decide to merely stop Germany from making an A-bomb, it decided to make one first. Nano-wired and graphene-filmed microprocessors are making feasible massively compacted-compressed mega-structured mega-urban regions serving mega-food which only a cybrid/chimera hu{man}imal astromech droid (see, for inspiration: 150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs: Embryos have been produced secretly for the past three years, Daniel Martin and Simon Caldwell, The Daily Mail, 22 July 2011) from a corporate-owned gene pool, or a spider goat, would want to habituate, let alone habitate. Uh, uh, but I will argue that graphenes are to be confused with graphemes of telepathic hologramic Musculpt as universal µTm-metalanguage (normative before the last ice age?). Seer of the psycho-ideograph, a Cubistic superposition image portraying the inner profile of a person's chief feature (one kind of analogue to the Husserl horizon of a physical object). Kandinsky -- in assimilating abstraction and empathy, form in Gothic, the spiritual in art -- argued that shape is color, that a triangle, for instance, must always be yellow, some such. This was part of his attempt to justify his having produced what possibly was the first purely non-objective painting, that is, justify his having left behind the last remnant conventions of post-Renaissance naturalism during the pre-WWI period (when success could have had a deep impact) in which he exchanged places with Schoenberg, K primarily composing whilst S primarily painted. Composing pigments, painting music. Or was it K composing structural-color principles in an attempt to evolve a new set of plastic-art graphemes? The fact that K and S changed places is very suggestive concerning synaesthetic Musculpt as notation for higher maths and Kunstwissenschaft. Tone-row art music graphemes, lines placed in matrices, uh, gratings, through which to hear what Takemitsu regarded the aspirations of the sounds-in-themselves (consider Aboriginal songlines and landscape painting by OBE in dreamtime as distinct from memetime). Unfortunately, with few pieces composed in the way of polyphonic stacks for hearing-through (as distinct from Joe Goode's looking through), however much retrograde-inversion self-reentrant memory-wheel tone-sequence wraps -- think: Wheelerian cosmogonic self-reference -- were involved in the attainment of total control (an unworthy aspiration-in-itself, one Webern surely would not have succumbed to had he not taken that fateful fatal smoke break). Or more profoundly, a la Schenker, Zuckerkandl and Stockhausen, the aspirations of the spaces between the sounds-in-themselves. The changing shapes of those empty spaces. Ground state and figuration. Relief, not resolution. In structural coloration, diffraction-grating materials with parallel lines or films reflecting dephased (skew-parallel) waves of self-interactive light colored differentially depending upon viewing angle (think: Husserl horizon color-coded with structural color and directly given to Musculpting mind's ontic Domain Awareness System) qua cognitive set (corpus of Kantian categories embraced/identified-with). Cinema has never expanded à la Expanded Cinema, let alone made a close approach to exteriorized holographic Musculpt. What an abysmal neuroesthetics -- heh-heh-heh! -- performance, all these decades since! If tree-shaped µTm-valued propositions constituting pregeometric chromodynamics of the instant (Wheelerian pregeometry as a bucket of Sri Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of supermind prefiguring the temporal curl of operator-time's chronotopology) underlie the redoubtable 1T2-geometrodynamics of structural color, what does this tell us about: the cognitive value of Google glasses (flash forward to see the real reason for developing them: Video Cameras To Be Worn By Laurel Police, Monique Griego, CBSBaltimore, 1 March 2013: these enforcement glasses will be upgraded to Google glasses in due course); the value of gold in coloration of the glass of mind; the Schlieren, uh, streaky inhomogeneities inducing color changes germane to inner Musculpt; the glutamatergic qua charge-transfer-complex-quenching smart-glass micro-blinds placed on mental light bulbs by 1T2-prescriptive enculturation radically reducing to single-level encipherment the Kolmogorov complexity of Gödel-enumerable cognitive registrations (see, for instance, Leading Geneticist: Human Intelligence is Slowly Declining, Mike Barrett, Natural Society, 17 February 2013: crowd-sourcing people with compressed, reduced-instruction-set genomes, heh-heh-heh! those cognitive Cooper-pairs locked in syzygy, serial-criminals/serial-punishers, not to mention prescriptive enculturators and guvies, of societies slipstreaming very strange attractors: quoting commenter Dunce: People that seek careers in government are seriously flawed personalities, and few bureaucrats reach the level of mediocrity ; and consider that chimps now have better memories than humans, as per Monkey Ladder, Chimps have been found to beat humans , Cambridge Brain Sciences, Memory Test); the osmotic properties of liquid-crystal membranes in hexagonal-honeycomb photonic crystal structure of cellular cortex and intracellular graphened microtubules of cytoskeleton which coherent waves from intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA irradiate such that Musculpted µTm-graphemes spontaneously localize in THE quantum brain not contained by its warm and wet molecular-cellular 1T2-brains? David Rosenberg Goes In Search Of A Positive Exogenous Shock, Zero Hedge, 22 February 2013 -- and doesn't find one in our future. That's because he did not look at what would be involved in implementation of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped upon fractal e-boundaries, the development and deployment of exteriorized Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface for the LETS currencies needed to optimally allocate creatively innovated efficient clean uses of the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Don't need a greater number of Jacks of Clubs, or their bot surrogates, in the global deck servicing vested interests of the King of Diamonds -- even though continued survival of human species requires the making of a phase-transition cuspover far worse than being plucked out of school prison and dropped into Summerhill. Don't need no NationalRELs, nother (see: CO: Secret energy lab spawns million dollar employee, Tori Richards and Earl Glynn, Watchdog, 24 November 2013). I am hardly naive enough to believe that the EFFECTS of ten-thousand years of glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched psycho-neuro-immuno-bondage parading themselves as cultures can be altogether overcome, only ameliorated. If Cisco Systems owes its long-term success to downsizing of the military, as Gluskin Sheff's Rosenberg claims, then collective inspiration of the extrojected projective-identifications implementing regressed conversion-disorder displacement of suppressed processes of THE µTm-quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains to military-surveillance tech and dissipative infantile 1T2-roof-brain-chatter-facilitating gadgetry-gimmickry will insure long-term success of Musculpted LETS.
One certainly could regard cuspover as a ragged edge (see the quotation attributed to Mark Serreze, Director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center, in: Climate Contradiction: Less Snow, More Blizzards, Seth Borenstein, AP, 18 February 2013, and notice how the 1T2-title of the article does not reflect Serreze's µTmly-ragged-edge assessment), particularly so if the involved cusp surface were to exhibit properties of a fractal drum beat by pulses of complex (i.e., treated in terms of operator-time) angular momentum in cascade. But that catastrophe theory notion -- i.e., foamy, breaking-wave cusp surface -- does not go deep enough, in that m-valuedness/m-logical-valuedness and other properties of criticality-snapping (e.g., correlation length snaps to infinity) are not explicitly incorporated into theory of the basic catastrophe types, i.e., how singularities in equilibrium surfaces occur (see Victor P. Starr's paper, The hydrodynamical analogy to E = mc2, Tellus, 9, pp. 135-8, 1959, which analyzes cusp of the breaking wave, for inspiration as to how to redress this anti-pagan, anti-animistic, flight-from-woman-as-vortex failing, whilst holding in mind that µTm-nonlocality qua relative-state qua identity-transparency is in full actuality neither centralized/decentralized tree-form nor distributed network, both of which are 1T2-only organizational formats: personally, I'm no true believer, Hofferian or no, in 1T2-decentralizaton/distribution or 1T2-anarchism, but in µTm-relative-state autopoiesis). Regardless of the phase involved, the state of matter, transits to far-from-equilibrium phase transition via self-organized criticality inevitably involve highly nonlinear, 1T2-contradictory, behaviors. One can cook these raw transitions, kite them, by renormalization such that they are viewed through 1T2-cognitive lenses only, e.g., on 2nk fitness landscapes, but, of course, that means loss of verisimilitude to the m-logically-valued, Mnk, actual case of nature. But, then, as 1T2-computer modeling more and more dominates thought processes, theory makes smaller and smaller contribution to understanding. Instead of a post-paradigmatic Weltbild (world µTmly non-selfsame: note Cynthia Cavalli's excellent Ph.D.-dissertation-related comment concerning nonlocality not being well understood, which the site sometimes posts), Weltanschauung propoundment as psychological 1T2-self self-justification. Sitting in haecceity, Existenialismizing the Marxian, via the bi-logical polar choice for existence precedes essence, thus altogether rejecting quiddity, hypokeimenon, noumenon in not choosing to doubt validity-utility of precedes -- logical, ontological, temporal. And if nature continues to issue existential denials (back-reaction upon the metric of denial: this anti-µTm, fascist, purified-identity, mass psychology being the character-analytic deep-structure motivation, no authentic motivation being found in intent to mere rectification of a pathoanthropogenicity not actually believed in by TPTB: Wilhelm Reich made a closer approach than did Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari to understanding genesis of fascism, in that the ground state of the involved phase transition is suppression, and consequent regression -- this regression being anchored to the molecular-cellular brain by the glutamateric etching and quantum quenching servicing prescriptive enculturation/socialization -- of relative-state identity-transparency, the quantum-brain qua neurohumorally-mediated consciousness state subtending non-fuguing trans-orgasm, as distinct from mere Reichian fully-potent fuguing orgasm [see, for suggestive evidence, Societies of Brains: A Neuroscience of Love and Hate, Walter J. Freeman, Psychology Press, 1995], given that relative-state identity-transparency is a quantum phenomenon and, therefore, formation of fascism could not be rooted upon the cellular, i.e., Reichian-Foucaultian nuclear family as asylum, or the molecular level of society, i.e., that associated with the statistics of Cartesian-Newtonian vectors of the thermodynamics of fluids, though in the concept of a body-without-organs we find suggestions of pagan-animistic demergence through quantum phase space, if not that Lukasiewiczian, for, given that inertial-conservative conatus is quintessentially 1T2-selfsame, schizoanalysis, having foundered at the start with its foundling concept, univocal Spinozan 1T2-selfsame plane of immanence in contrast to m-vocal base-state of Tzog-chen, i.e., µTm-AllBase, never explicitly embraced µTm-valued logics, wherein deterritorialization qua deautomatization necessarily would involve fractalization of phase boundaries and mappings of µTm-valued tropological tags thereupon, µTm-quantum relative-state in holomorphic lovemaking being no mere becoming as a hundred thousand, neither male rhizome nor female net or their articulations accurately analogically evoking nonlocal quantum relative-state identity-transparency), well then, in face of these nature-given denials, RESORT TO geoengineering megaprojects (as conversion-disorder displacement at projective-identification in collective transference) so as to 1T2-renormalize nature (see, for interesting reflections on this issue, the Global Research VDO entitled: Our Environmental Catastrophe: Geoengineering and Weather Warfare, James Corbett, Michel Chossudovsky, and Peter A. Kirby, 14 February 2013: speaking in terms of a calculus of indications, there is little to distinguish between a war on weather and climate and warfare employing weather and climate variables as weapons). What is missed here by Global Research, no less than by consensus meteorology due to its attachment to the classical limit, but which was pretty well understood during the decade 1965-'75 by Paine and Kaplan, progenitors of the cascade theory of tornadogenesis, employing quantum-relativity principles in application to the macroscopic atmosphere (see, for instance: The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, September of 1978) is that there are many ways that the complex angular momentum carried by the solar wind, beating various fractal drums, cascaded through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions, and injected to Earth's crustal and core dynamics can be modified by numerous classes of butterfly wing-flaps (for a relevant recent finding, see: NASA Discovers New Radiation Belt Around Earth, Charles Q. Choi, Space.com, 28 February 2013; and flash forward to Has Japan Doomed the Planet by Starting to Extract Methane Hydrates?, Joao Peixe, OilPrice, 13 March 2013, whilst considering that alterations of normative atmospheric gas ratios change frequency-response characteristics). Just like with biological clocks, it is not 1T2ly a simple matter of Kierkegaardian either/or, either endogenous or exogenous forcing, either internal or external source/sink terms, either diabatic or adiabatic, either hydrothermodynamic or electromagnetodynamic generation of vorticity/vorticity-decay and viscosity/negative-viscosity, baroclinicity, for instance, being an indicator of the presence of µTm-skew-parallelism. There are, not to be forgotten, Societies Without Brains, whether or not, or to the extents of which, deconstructionist terminologies are to be understood pseudoscientific and/or in parody of scientism. Given origins of so much of the dysallocation of resources, planet Earth, and the role that that dysallocation plays in pathoanthropogenicity, one could easily suppose the human species, as a corporate entity, at great risk of autoerotic asphyxia.
This is the best illustration I've seen of what it's like on the next to last step (before that trans-central) of the Devil's Staircase -- more a dumbwaiter than an escalator: climbing up (as the D-rate, uh, uh, the Devil's rate, cascades) into the condition whereupon one must, simply must, print money simply so one can keep printing money printing printing unto third-order dynamical time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration-facilitated self-reentered non-orientability (see: The Fed's D-Rate: 4.5% At Dec 31, 2013 And Dropping Fast, Zero Hedge, 19 February 2013; and the sequel, When The Fed Has To Print Money Just To Print Money, Ibid., 23 February 2013; and the earlier, A Record $2 Trillion In Deposits Over Loans -- The Fed's Indirect Market Propping Pathway Exposed, Ibid., 26 December 2012). Drawing upon Ray Stone of Stone and McCarthy Research Associates, Chicago Booth, and Citi Bank's Matt King, author of the 5 September 2008 paper entitled, Are the Brokers Broken?. When the period-on-period total amounts of interest paid to foreign banks begins to diverge, that's when actual leap up to the trans-central step of the Devil's Staircase will be made. First November Steps, then December Steps. Prefigurations of SDR-basket incorporating some sort of gold reference as reserve currency: central bank gold hoarding, various restrictions on private gold holdings and storage and movement and trading and use as collateral, agreements facilitating yuan trading? Could even creation of fiat gold be so regarded, for, if gold is to be somehow incorporated into an SDR defined over a currency basket involving a few 1T2-currencies -- incorporated for the purpose of establishing a modicum of drag upon monetization of a We Are The World! currency -- a means of insuring control over the monetary price of gold would be a prerequisite (see, for an explanation of fiat gold: Gold manipulation, Part 2: How they do it , Martin Sibileau, A View from the Trenches, 26 February 2013). For supporting arguments, see: 'Supersizing' the IMF, William F. Jasper, The New American, 8 February 2013; and Are the G20 and IMF in the process of creating a Global Currency and Federal Reserve?, Global Research, 24 February 2013. Hear Asterism buzzzzzzzzing in your ears? Synchronicity synchronicity synchronicity. Understand, as Toru Takemitsu pointed out, that there is a time-concept difference between thus and so? Contextualizing this D-Rate cul-de-sac special case is Charles Hugh Smith's overview, provided in, Why Competition Between Global Players Is Heating Up, Of Two Minds, 19 February 2013, describing the schizophrenogenic, double-bind (e.g., as described in Is 3.80 The Scariest Number For The Bulls?, Zero Hedge, 23 February 2013, a discussion of gas price vs. QE4EVA), loss-of-time ending of export-growth driven and debt-financed expansion of the global 1T2-economy massively up-taking µTm-quantum-based technologies. And you know and I know what happens when they fall off the last step of the Devil's Staircase: in the present case, PW1. Which raises the question: Is it theoretically possible (given the framework and the framework determining conditions independent of human factors auguring the contrary) to get off the last step of the Staircase without falling (see, for instance: Bubble Trouble: Is there an end to endless quantitative easing?, Detlev Schlichter, author of Paper Money Collapse, Wiley, 2011, posted to the website entitled Detlev Schlichter: Navigating the Money Meltdown, 22 February 2013)? Consider the Devil's [percolation] Staircase (of risk conversion/displacement and financialization) to be a spiral about a pole, each step triangular, floating upon its single attachment without a riser, the spiral railing poled down to the outer two vertexes of each step. The pole is the fiat money/credit supply-flow. Each step a source, the empty space below a sink. Be aware that the staircase builds itself, is autopoietic, and, in the present circumstances, is not yet complete. Notice that the steps are irregularly arrayed, setting the phase angles (viewed from above as a superposition) at given points of twist of the railing on variant differential. The railing maps (by analogy to, say, the quantum aspects of DNA helix-coil transition) changes in velocity of the money pumped through the big-pipe central pole. The small poles down from railing to steps convey the effects of the various credit expansion mechanisms. The three vertices of each step may well be representative of the three captivating forces Schlichter identifies in his bubble trouble piece: belief system, magnitude of dislocations, political leverage. Now, in this analogical context, consider the central thesis of Schlichter's book Paper Money Collapse, as stated on the inside flap (and quoted by Amazon):
Drawing upon ground breaking new research, Paper Money Collapse conclusively demonstrates why paper money systems -- those based on an elastic and constantly expanding supply of money, as opposed to a system of commodity money of essentially fixed supply -- are inherently unstable and why they must, by their very nature, lead to economic disorder.
If this is the case, it would indicate that, even theoretically speaking, there is no way off the last step of the Devil's Staircase except by falling. The argument made on the present website, however, is that this is, indeed, the case when the monetary system employed is 1T2-logically-valued, but not necessarily so, independent of human factors auguring the contrary, if the monetary system is µTm-logically-valued (and that financial derivatives were a failed attempt to come up with this notion). Consider that the source/sink steps-plus-spaces on the Devil's Staircase indicate external source/sink terms. Judging by natural processes such as tornadogenesis, there could also be internal source/sink terms linked to those external by m-valued properties of the subsystem-system-supersystem composite involved -- these m-valued properties being cloaked by the black-box term market reflexivities, and the time rates of change of acceleration/deceleration responsible for the self-referential reentries widely regarded bi-logically confounding. True, there is no non-falling 1T2-logical way off the last step of the Staircase, but that does not mean that the Devil's Staircase cannot, theoretically speaking, be transformed into a Penrose staircase upon which EscherFormDance can/could/would be performed. At tornadogenesis, for one specific case, the complex angular momentum conveyed through external source/sink terms reenters itself, with operator-timed hypertwists, via internal source/sink terms, the upward and downward cascades forming, essentially, a Penrose staircase. Schlichter advocates return to a global commodity money of essentially fixed supply, whereas the present website advocates locally-specific commodity money e-nesting foams, each varying in supply according to access technologically gained to the relevant vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock -- such variance and gain being quite viscous, but by no means fixed. If human species is to make it through coming cuspover there is absolutely no way such will be accomplished absent embrace of µTm-cognition.
I find fascinating the World Economic Forum's view on the interconnectedness of global risks (see: The Global Risk Landscape For 2013, Zero Hedge, 21 February 2013), in that the central feature about which everything else is seen to be linked is global governance, a centralized notion of organization seen nowhere in nature. All the identified risk factors are portrayed as radiating from or converging upon failure of global governance -- when none of them actually do so. Are, for instance, unforeseen consequences of new life science technologies likely due to, or likely to cause, failure of governance -- when all such consequences are rooted in the failure to acknowledge the substantive roles of quantum biology, more specifically the quantum-wave properties of DNA? And what of climate shift -- which feeds into the looming-gathering, population-increase-driven, global water/dustification crisis (see, for an excellent recent article: The Coming Water Wars, Doug Hornig and Alex Daley, Casey Research, 25 February 2013)? Due to failed global governance? Unbridled overpopulation? Ain't misbehavin', not on basis of misbelief in the classical limit. Humph! Is there causality here, teleology of strange attractors, Jung-Pauli synchronicities? And when the main reason for these failures is the failure to apply m-valued Lukasiewicz logics to understanding of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function? Moreover, the primary reason that global governance is the type of governance which organization of human activities is gravitating upon -- and the reason why failure thereof is seen causally tied to all identified risk factors -- is also the failure to apply m-valued Lukasiewicz logics to understanding of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, whilst simultaneously engaging in massive uptake of quantum-based technologies (and co-mingling, as David Rosenberg says, them with the factors of production, including labor) the governing principles of which intensely countervail centralized global governance. Attempt to use quantum-based technologies to achieve Cartesian-Newtonian purposes and those technologies themselves become the foremost global insurgents (this relatively unconscious fact being conversion-disorder displaced by projective-identification in collective transference -- involving both counterinsurgent and insurgent -- to a GWOT concretized as actual warfare, the present-day conversion-transference being a repeat of the deep structure whys and wherefores of the holocaust-causing U.S. bombing campaign against Cambodia, exemplifying Cynthia Cavalli's excellent Ph.D.-dissertation-related comment concerning nonlocality not being well understood, as seen in the above-given link). And why should this failure to apply Lukasiewicz to Schrödinger have been so chaotically inductive as to have constellated origins of the collective hysterias popularly known as World Wars One and Two -- and likely constellating a third? Even were 1T2-truth-value accepted as somehow having absolute value, there is no possible-world-logic by which such value could be established by adversarial process, and no way to demonstrate under which logical-value order-type presence/absence of such a possible-world could be unassailably proven -- and, hence, de facto legitimated by metareferentially troping natural law. Considerations such as these -- handled emotionally, on a sub-clinical level of affect-charge -- tacitly, subliminally, pre-consciously informed the collective default-decision to disallow application of L to S, for, clearly, assumptive foundations of the very idea as to whys and wherefores of the necessity for rule of law, Rechtsstaatlichkeit within Rechtsstaat, would otherwise have come under serious challenge. A wide spectrum of compulsive collective clinging behaviors has been catalyzed and facilitated by such not-quite-conscious factors-decisions and their precursors explicitly going back to N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem of 1826.
Westward, ho! Ever since learning about all those nearly empty superhighways in West China, I've long wondered whether the Turner Thesis could have anything to do with the Chinese economic miracle, and now I know: the miracle goes further back, back to the Hamilton-Jefferson debates over the national debt determining the direction the new American nation was to follow, industrial monolith raping a Virgin Land (I deeply sympathize with Ann Fabian, for I, too, deeply empathized with myth and symbol as explicated by Henry Nash Smith) or ecologically-adaptive society (see, for edification: A Brief History of the Chinese Growth Model, Michael Pettis' China Financial Markets, 21 February 2013, a truly fascinating piece making many little-know historical corollaries, and compare it with the History Channel's account of the Great Rapists). Hmmmmm. The most fundamental mistake JFK made in initiating the New Frontier was in not regarding it a fractal drum with fractal boundaries (their µTm-band-pass being an altogether different take on protectionism and domestic competition that LETS nesting foams would foster, and which all the various American currencies once fostered: see Charles Hugh Smith writing on the necessity of many unit sizes and types, What If ObamaCare, Too Big To Fail Banks and the State Are All The Wrong Sized Unit?, Of Two Minds, 25 February 2013). Have the Chinese made the same mistake in turning their backs upon the rotational logic of Taoism?
Monty Pelerin's World: Founded By Geniuses And Run By Idiots? Monty Himself, 27 February 2013. If H. L. Mencken was correct in saying, as quoted by Monty, that Government is actually the worse failure of civilized man, then only an idiot could believe any government to have been founded by geniuses. As will be noticed, I read quite a bit but find little of inspirational value. Searching, always searching. Even: not much of real interest. Those glutamatergically inde[his}cent, identified with and unindemnified against the Indian-hating, slave-owning, nature-raping, empire-building 18th-century 1T2-rationalism still quenching µTm-consciousness of THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains have done the greatest damage and remain those most to be feared. Any good they have done has been far outweighed by the negative consequences of that good. For a great illustration of one way in which µTm-valued self-referential Lukasiewiczian Polish-logic propositions (not to mention framework determining conditions of markets exhibiting Sorosian market reflexivities) are kept away from cognizance of the 18th-century mind in its 21st-century guise, see: Circ. Be aware that bi-logic, logically speaking, is 1T2, and sexually speaking is 2T2; whereas, the Weimar polymorphous perverse adumbrated the logically µTm. Just think about how profound and wide-reaching this issue is -- and how much warfare and genocide and slavery and holocaust it has germinated. Abel's transcendental. The non-Euclidian. Part-whole identity-transparency displayed with Cantor's diagonal. The Axiom of Choice. Lukasiewicz logics. Gödel's demonstrations as to limitations of bi-logic by use of self-reference. Dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function with probability amplitudes. Part-whole identity-transparency displayed by properties of the hologram and its creation-projection. The insistence upon regarding nonlocality as a propagation-transmission-information issue, not a pagan-animistic identity-transparency pregeometry issue. And on and on. At least Taoism had/has a rotational 1T2-logic, not one syllogistic, as iconically illustrated in the Tai Chi symbol. But that is hardly µTm. What does the collective unconscious do when introspectively-competent self-reference is suppressed and hence regressed? Just as the polar bear with increasingly mercury-poisoned brain detoxes by shedding kilos of fur each year, THE quantum brain, not contained by its molecular-cellular brains, detoxes: by engaging in myriad conversion-disorder displacements at subject-[physical]object-level projective-identification in collective transference. This is a regressed 1T2-circ process mirroring in its form the µTm-self-reference suppressed. The regressed-quantum technologies spawned by subject-[physical]object-level projective-identification deleteriously affect 1T2-molecular-cellular brain processing capabilities/capacities, not the least by further facilitating glutamatergic etchings and quantum quenchings at prescriptive enculturation-socialization. This is a self-driven wheel, a self-fulfilling prophesy, a loop of 1T2-self-reinforcing feedbacks, a self-referential 1T2-proposition strongly militating and militarizing the likelihood that the human species will fail to adequately meet the coming global cuspover. A 1T2-economy inherently cannot properly assimilate the µTm-quantum-based technologies -- most of which, moreover, are regressed -- being massively uptaken, and the above-described autocatalytic enhancement of neurologically-impaired lacuna-on-the-brain cognitive deficit -- mirroring the fiscal deficit -- greatly increases the likelihood of this failure.
Americans have not borrowed themselves into staring an approaching catastrophe in the face (see: All Of This Whining And Crying About The Sequester Shows Why America Is Doomed, Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse, 27 February 2013) by borrowing to buy what they have needed, only what they have not needed -- most especially, the military misadventure as most-chief feature of behavioral profile post-WWII. Americans traded social security and optimum health in exchange for military misadventure, gluttony, conspicuous consumption, welfare and disability fraud, drug-alcohol abuse-dependency, the like (for edification, see: "55 Facts About The Debt And U.S. Government Finances That Every American Voter Should Know", Snyder, Ibid., 18 October 2012). Social Security and Medicare (independent of Obamacare/Medicaid) have not bankrupted the country -- nor could they. In my case, I would have to live into my nineties to begin taking more out of Social Security than I was forced to pay in: highly unlikely -- so I can hardly give credence to an overwealthy (stealing from young people of memetime present) hedgie telling me I am stealing from old people of memetime future (see: Druckenmiller: 'I See A Storm Coming', Zero Hedge, 1 March 2013). Had I input to design of the system, I would not have Medicare fund high-tech life-extension procedures, but lavishly underwrite preventive medicine practices. The funds for Social Security and old-age Medicare have been filched in service primarily to military misadventure driven by serial obsessive-compulsive collective hysterias -- hysterias with deep-structures found revealed deep in intellectual history -- beginning at the end of WWII, moving through McCarthyism unto the present day.
Speaking in Marxian pseudo-scientific terms, and neglecting quantum-relativity theory, which has a certain appropriateness to the case, conserved, Newtonian, linear-translational momentum, p = mv, has built up over the last 200 years, the weight (mass) of the error involved, in deeming N. H. Abel's 1826 theorem on the quintic an Impossibility Theorem rather than the existence proof for trans-al-jabr which it was/is, having greatly increased over memetime as velocity of related events built until onset of WWI, velocity then becoming acceleration until onset of WWII, and time rate of change of acceleration as greater and greater quantities of quantum-based technologies were, have been, and will continue to be taken up by the postwar global economy. The Concert of Europe, following the 1815 Congress of Vienna, did not end in 1914 as widely believed (see, for instance: The cacophony of the world, Dominique Moisi, European Voice, 1 March 2013); it ended in 1826 with Abel's nail hammered into the coffin of 18th-century rationalism. Intriguing in this context is: The Two Eras Of Financial Globalization: A Flashing Red Warning, Zero Hedge, 3 March 2013. Reedy or not, as Ten Days that Shook the World documents, phase transitions can be snapovers. But then there is always Leni's Triumph of the Will ta look to. Add to all that the several millennia of self-induced, self-referential trauma which the tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion has inflicted upon humanity in attempting to conversion-disorder, displace, and acculturate pagan-animistic identity-transparency by cognitive mechanisms like the Trinity (namesake appropriately given to the first atomic bomb's test site) designed to discombo[m]bulate the identity implications of the 1T3-order-type in logical-value. Converting the indigenous tribals-barbarians-infidels (Andean Aymara having recently been demonstrated a 1T3-logically-valued language) not killed off in one or another genocide became conversion-disorder displacement of the quantum properties of technologies spun off from the work spawned by, most notably, Planck and Einstein. The paranoia over nature's omnium-gatherum swarms-of-the-swarm µTm-identity, and the obsession with maintenance of glutamatergic enculturated 1T2-purified-nazified-identity, has presently become so great that drones in the zone very likely soon will be selectively irradiating subjects as if they were going through airport or cattle-car check-in (see, for instance: DHS built domestic surveillance tech into Predator drones, Declan McCullagh, CNET, 2 March 2013). And in due course, drones will be dart-delivering, to those not cattle-carred, gene-therapy soma designed to reinforce cognitive cut-off from µTm-modes of ratiocination. Seeing the enormous violence involved in all that, the associated staggering investments made to research, development, and manufacturing, the Umwelt commitments and psychological identifications clung to, the expectation value entertainable as to human species assimilating µTm-valuedness and implementing it variously, to include in framework determining conditions of global monetary system, is near nugatory. Humanity is not preparing for the worst; it is resolutely preparing the worst. No other conclusion can reasonably be reached. WWII was the junior varsity encounter before the main event. Sanitized histories of the last war, and pretension that wars can be fought morally-legally, make prospect of the next war all the more savored. When incendiary centralized-computerized high-tech just-on-time failure-shutdown becomes panicked forced-draft de-urbanization become Cambodian holocaust of the WholeEarth, 42,500 ghettoes-Ccamps (see: The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking, Eric Lichtblau, The New York Times, 1 March 2013) will seem like child's play at Childhood's End (flash forward and consider: U.S. to let spy agencies scour Americans' finances, Reuters, 13 March 2013: also placing the myriads with JWICS access at moral hazard). All the same fundamental unresolved issues: Franco-Prussian war, WWI, WWII, space-based PW1 -- with the enormity and intensity of sequel squabble iterations increasing by orders of magnitude at each phase transition.
Is time found in passing, or life merely? Is the nature of history in dependent functional correspondence to properties of time. Do neuropsychological concomitants of history determine the perceived properties of time, thereby making Maurice Nicoll's lived living time memetime? Does history have anything to do with characteristics of collective memory? Is collective memory in anyway involved with the collective unconscious and its archetypes -- as charted by, say, C. G. Jung's association experiments? Do archetypes qua attractors qua cognitive mass centers predispose to certain memories and preclude others? What is the relation between personal and collective memory? Can induced modifications of personal memory change collective memory, hence history? If so, are there summative thresholds involved, i.e., is this an additive process -- or is the relation far more complex? Is official history real history or allohistory? Is consensus history real history or allohistory? Is there any history not allohistory? Is really real history metahistory? Is metahistory the quantum-composite of all-possible uchronie-stacked allohistories? Is looking through such a stack of allohistorical transparencies qua archetypally-leaded-glass windows conceivably possible to black-or-white 1T2-awareness, or does such looking inherently require polychromatic µTm-awareness? Are virtual histories necessarily counterfactual? Is really real metahistory necessarily factual? Does historical awareness require semantic predication -- or is it ahistorical in the sense of being goal-cognizant only? Are all memory functions -- episodic, semantic, declarative explicit, procedural, primed implicit -- involved in history consolidation and activation processing, or only that/those episodic? Do the eight-fold Jungian psychological types -- as studied with association experiments -- differently activation-process archetypal gradients upon permissible memories? Is activation processing of [his}story necessarily episodic? Is episodic to be understood only in the Turing-machine sense? How much does recollection have to do with collective and cooperative properties of THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains? Is onset of collective amnesia -- retrograde and anterograde --dependent upon the reaching of some critical threshold percentage as to incidence of individual amnesias -- or is it the other way around, or is the relation much more complex? Is loss of conscious access to µTm-valued processing essentially equivalent to subclinical anterograde amnesia, collective and individual? Does deep dreaming by the subclinical anterograde amnesiac give temporary access to µTm-valued processing? Is there some collective-cooperative quantum effect relative to after-death persistence in me{me}time of short-term memory (see: the ripply Ben Ripley written film entitled Source Code, circa 2011) whereby counterfactual changes of residual personal-individual memories can virtually change collective memories and, hence, history? Or is this just more fictive paratemporal fantion-writer qua Hollywood underwriting of the suppression of µTm-valued logics and nonlinear operator-time? Recursive, sideways, upstream, cross-time time voyagers require violation of the multable worlds interpretation of Everett's relative-state interpretation of quantum mechanics: the second half of his 1957 paper, that part employing the vonNeumann formalism, thermodynamically forbids cross-worlds mutual awareness by precluding the requisite information flows. Moreover, by special relativity, length in the direction of motion gets much smaller than nanoscale as the limiting velocity is approached; indeed, length is altogether snuffed out along with 1T2-geometrodynamics and 1T2-memetime at the singularity of the Einstein-Rosen bridge -- and there is nothing in general relativity which says that time-backwardation length-resurrection by white-hole spewing reconsolidates once-forwardated length, life, awareness, memory as their annihilative anti- -- or, more complexly, counter- -- complements. The probability amplitude of this probability is pretty improbable. More likely, the lost-length Wheelerian bucket of dust, which the white hole operates upon with 3-fold operator-time, is pregeometry as Lukasiewiczian calculi of µTm-valued propositions. Which means that the multiple worlds in relative-state are actually logical-value order-types -- not many parallel virtual 1T2-realities populated with surrogate 1T2-egospheres -- of non-simple identity-transparency stacked in implicate quantum-composite enfold. Glutamatergically-etched memetime is the simplest thing, an anachronism even, in that the cultural lag, memetime, is set against the temporal curl induced by operator-time. Insofar as there is a valid 1T2-distinction in kind rather than a fuzzy-logic distinction in degree, statistical correlation and/or probability amplitude is a psychological cause, not a material cause.
It's amusing how thoroughly wrong was Carl Sagan -- the celeb scientist who did so little basic science -- about the general properties of Immanuel Velikovsky's challenge to uniformitarianism (see, for instance: Newly Discovered Comet May Hit Mars , Catherine Griffin, ScienceWorld Report, 4 March 2013) and how correct was Douglas A. Paine, not only about Velikovsky's thesis, as explicated in reflections delivered in Paine's presentation to the McMaster University Velikovsky conference, reflections entitled The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena, but many other basics as well. Similarly amusing is the confusion still reigning with respect to Heisenberg (see: Full characterization of polarization states of light via direct measurement, Jeff Z. Salvail, et al., Nature Photonics, 3 March 2013; and Exploiting Subtleties in the Uncertainty Principle, University of Rochester, 3 March 2013; and New Discovery Challenges Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, Advancing Quantum Mechanics, Catherine Griffin, ScienceWorld Report, 4 March 2013). The counter-relativistic notion that there is such a thing as simultaneous is simply taken for granted. And just consider the involved hypostatization! Salvail, et al., not only unquestioningly assume validity of the probability amplitude interpretation, they directly state, in so many words, that they have directly measured this uh, uh, fallacy -- hypostatization being consensually recognized by 1T2-logicians as an invalidating categorical humanimal conflation. Kind of an experimental Freudian slip: having implicitly denied non-simple identity by embracing probability amplitudes, they design an experiment which GMOs categories, in that the experimenters purport to make probability a direct observable-measurable, thus, not only imputing simultaneity to the compression of a time-frequency analysis, but, in doing so, implicitly imputing present direct measurability of memetime future, thus, imputing memetime-independent existence of memetime future without invocation of Pauli operator-time. Am-scraying! Running scared from the µTmly non-simple. Payin' my me no mind, I'se been dis, an' I'se been dat, but I done never been THAT! No thought at all that polarization states are m-logically-valued by virtue of Planck's constant being m-valued, or that qubits are actually mubits. Making direct 1T2-measurement of Schrodinger's µTm-valued Lukasiewiczian wave-function. Heh-heh-heh! Check out the comments to the last above-linked to access the confusion.
Globaloney on wry. Yanqui hornswoggle. Glutamatergic phlegmaticism -- a train of scrub growth infecting enfilades of the 1T2-mind. He was the kind of American who believed not in law and order but that order was law: quoth Stephen Hunter (Black Light, Dell, 1996, p. 186). It takes a creatively surpassing imagination to envision ways and means that the human species could select and empower a more egregious leadership cohort than it already has, a subset more deserving of gross disrespect for establishing and supporting the international norms currently prevalent. I am an expert at nothing, and I have done nothing but doggedly pursue personally satisfying answers to questions which arose in my cogitation as a child experiencing states of awareness available in rural kita-Kyushu, circa 1953-6, a physical location from whence my supply-and-materiel troubleshooting father had recently organized air-sea rescue operations. That question-anwering pursuit led me roundandroundandround and through many areas, but I never stopped long enough to become a pro at anything. Nonetheless, even I can see that, whether they know it or not, the Pivot to Asia is a feint that, if clung to, would yield TILT! on the global pinball machine. Were there actually outright war to emerge between China and the U.S.A., the Western Pacific would quickly become a Chinese lake. Despite evolving drone tech (see, for instance, China's Drone Swarms Rise to Challenge US Power, Jeremy Hsu, Tech News Daily, 13 March 2013), this has little to do with navies or strategic bombers or rocketry or satellites. What does Japan and/or South Korea and/or Taiwan have that the U.S. would need under such circumstances, need sufficiently to justify the long supply lines? What, Japan and/or South Korea and/or Taiwan would be the England from which an amphibious assault upon mainland China would be mounted -- and these three would persevere until D-Day by Pacific-spanning liberty ships and lend-lease? What, resource wise, America would need most for sustained war fighting is primarily to be found in the Middle East. What, domestically, the U.S. would most need would be resolution of its prevailing financial dilemma (here is one idea as to how that might be done: QBAMCO On The Fed's Exit, Zero Hedge, 13 March 2013: ask how this would affect Germany's alliance structure!) in a resurrection of industrial economy, which, in turn, would involve very considerable in the way of population control. The U.S. manufacturing base then to be resurrected is primarily found in New England -- which is closer to Middle Eastern oil than are either the American heartland or Pacific Coast defense contractors and aerospace firms. Moreover, China's access to Middle East oil is better cut off at entrance to the Indian Ocean -- making North West Africa of considerable importance -- than by interdiction of the Strait of Malacca -- and Australia's access demands that that ocean, not the Western Pacific, become an American lake. Shortest American supply lines from the Middle East for an assault on China -- backdoor assault -- pass through Central Asia, not over pelagic expanse of the Pacific, making India the base area and marshalling yard, not Japan and/or South Korea and/or Taiwan. The South Atlantic is critical to the Indian Ocean becoming an America lake. That makes South Africa and the Falklands and West Africa of considerable importance. It takes little imagination to Rorschach up this pattern in reviewing all that has transpired since the sting was mounted upon the U.S.S.R. in Afghanistan. Flash forward and see, Are Syria and Pakistan Pieces of the Puzzle for Assembling a Mega Gas Pipeline to China?, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research, 14 April 2013, for a discussion which is consonant with these observations on strategy.
Why do I say: glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching? That is a very focused question giving rise to other questions, relevant information about which I would intensely like to have -- but don't. Ketamine is known to be an antidote to glutamate. This thesis is strongly supported by research on long-term Zazen meditators where it has been shown that endogenous ketamine titers are elevated. There has been quite a bit of neurotransmitter molecular biology research on this subject about which I do not pretend to have more than passing familiarity. However, by phenomenology of the content of conscious states associated with the practice of Zazen, one could speculate that elevated ketamine titers restore a modicum of conscious access to information processing by THE quantum µTm-brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains. Were this actually so, it would suggest that the means by which ketamine functions as an antidote to glutamate involves, not only stereochemistry, but, minimally, facilitation of charge transfer complexes, and possibly even effects upon the quantum-wave properties of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA. That's why I say: and associated quantum quenching. Exogenously introduced ketamine, such as described in John C. Lilly's tank logs, gives rise to short-term ontic experience easily construed as episodic conscious engagement with outputs of µTm-logically-valued processing of some collection of order-types. How are logical-value order-types interfaced with brain? How is it that glutamate anchors the 1T2-order-type only? Is logical-value order-type a phase-related variable spontaneously localized by subclinical autogenic discharge phenomena? Are intranuclear intraneuronal DNA quantum-wave properties involved? Are intramitochondrial perineural DNA quantum-wave properties involved? Is wave-trace velocity tagging of phase-related variables involved in communicating logical-value order-type shifts to mechanisms underlying cell membrane potentials? Is the gene-swap market regulated by the DNA quantum-wave properties in identity-transparent relative-state with changing environmental variables? Does ketamine facilitate a reversal of evolutionary specialization, a going from 1T2 back to µTm? Experimental evidence that Dollo's Law, i.e., evolution is not reversible, may not hold has recently become available (see: House Dust Mite Study Shows Reverse Evolution Possible, Nature World News, 9 March 2013). What factors not associated with ketaminergic transitions are likely involved in such reversals?
Well, I think that each child can learn any language because THE protoprotolanguage is hologramic telepathic Musculpt encoded in the quantum-wave properties of DNA providing the largely uniform biological basis, i.e., µTm-valued AllBase, from which linguistic diversity demerged (note that this word indicates involutory decomposition, not recursive evolutory generation) in process of human migrations (for a discussion of the in-quotes designators, see: The Biological Basis of Linguistic Diversity, Andrea Baronchelli, et al., PLoS ONE, 30 October 2012; the Subrealism posting of the same title contains a useful graphic). I, however, do not see the various aspects of language as being related as graphed on the Subrealism posting (whether the graph is read as march center-outward or periphery-inward), that graph, according to my conception, representing the case only in regards to 1T2-logically-valued speakable languages (and not being altogether representative of even a speakably 1T3-language like Aymara -- or so I speculate on general principles). Contextual meaning and literal meaning are not, I would argue, on the bottom-line of meaning qua meaning. There are likely also, among others, chronotopological metameaning and structural-color protomeaning (which I would, more or less, place in the white circle at center of the Subrealism graphic, were I to use such a graphic) -- insofar as semantic contents of the various µTm-order-types of propositions cannot be transliterated to lesser-valued order-types and certainly not to the speakably 1T2-order-type-alone. Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics: J. S. Bell, Cambridge U. Press, 1988. As biological effects of glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching accumulated over generations upon generations, the set of all topological operators, i.e., universal consciousness, upon µTm-AllBase, decomposed hologramic telepathic Musculpt into the protolanguage employed by the bicameral mind, which, under conditions of human migrations, devolved (not evolved) diversity of lesser-order-type languages (one sort of specialization), ultimately those speakably 1T2-logically-valued (one sort of overspecialization).
I beg to differ. Those hallowed are hollow. Huxley or Orwell?: that was one of the questions (see:. 2011: A Brave New Dystopia, Chris Hedges, truthdig, 27 December 2010. Thrusting in upon the mind as if driven by cartridge propellant, muzzle flash not suppressed. My assessment is exactly what it was forty years ago: the human species will do nothing significant until cuspover to resolve the situation it has created for itself, and if adequate preparations (see, for instance: A Community-Based Alternative to the Welfare State, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 14 March 2013) are not executed before then things will transpire worse than anyone is capable of imagining in detail. I've never independently advocated doing anything directly concrete with these monetary system ideas. Look at the scenario outlined on the homepage of this website. To make a direct concrete attempt prior to cuspover, I have long believed, would be altogether fruitless, maybe even counterproductive, as, clearly, there has never been any indication whatsoever over the last forty years -- a period when uptake of quantum-based technologies has been massive -- that the human species is ready, willing, or psychologically able to sufficiently assimilate unadulterated µTm-valued logics. Moreover, there is no general understanding of deep-structure in origins of the present global crisis. Though I am no advocate of a planetary We-Are-the-World (a hugely mistaken pathogenic collective introjection) currency -- be it a goldilocks reserve, one SDRed, a fiat e-currency, any combination of these -- consider that even a 1T2-currency like BitCoin is being suppressed (see: US Begins Regulating BitCoin, Will Apply 'Money Laundering' Rules To Virtual Transactions, Zero Hedge, 21 March 2013). One-World currencies, 1T2 or no, e-currency or no, require One-World regulation without clear-cut rules: that's one reason why I am for nesting foams over fractal e-boundaries such that Musculpted e-notations of the rules are the rules themselves (form is function!), rules concisely fractionated and brought up from below, automatically invoked as catalysts of growth and repair processes on the scale-level at which the violation transpires. Fractal e-boundaries in and of themselves would prevent many forms of illicit use: Swedenborg's Doctrine of Uses as derived from the forms of Angelic Speech. Per exemplar, and speaking to applause in testimonial to what is increasingly The Other America, that America not quantum eye-scrolled, Senator Marco Rubio says, We don't need a new idea. The idea's America, and it still works. (see: Rubio skips immigration in favor of conservative standbys at CPAC, Michael O'Brien, First Read on NBCNews, undated but likely 14 March 2013). Quoting Michael Grant, The Fall of the Roman Empire, Barnes & Nobel, 2005: blind adherence to the ideas of the past ranks high among the principle causes of the downfall of Rome (for intelligent use of this quote, flash forward and see: How Empires Fall, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 17 April 2013). Be aware that Grant gives an account of German involvement in the failure at attempted federation -- which, by translatio imperii, eventually yielded the Heiliges Romisches Reich, i.e., the Holy Roman Empire. And, today, even little things cannot be adequately done (as witness the story told in Adam Kassen's film Puncture, 2011). But maybe the myriad little things can't be properly done until critical big things are done. What could productively be done prior to sufficient assimilation, and prior to cuspover, is preparation, as outlined on the homepage of this website. Conversion-disorder displacement of µTm-valued logics has a stranglehold upon the human psyche. And has so had for a century (see, Echo of the Mockingbird, and compare it to, Could Germany Spark another War, Dominic Sandbrook, The Daily Mail, 12 March 2013, keeping in mind that neoNazis more prominently march in Athens these days, where consequences of the absence of µTm-valued LETS are most seen, than in Berlin). Hitler never said it so well: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country! And ask where opposition to the various early-20th-century avant-garde Isms originated. Polymorphous perverse Weimar Berlin or Newtonian London? Why, earlier, did Marx find it necessary to leave Germany and conduct his library research in London? This crisis in cornerstones of Western civilization has been explicit, if subliminally forced by collective unconscious archetypal gradients, from onset of the Franco-Prussian war. Which British critic of German prudence and/or the euro is yet ready to embrace Polish logics as the correct interpreters of Schrödinger's wave-function? Not over my Bletchley Park! Nonetheless, flashing forward, prudence hardly seems the word to characterize German conduct relative to Cyprus (see: Cyprus bailout a major game changer, Lars Seier Christensen, TradingFloor, 16 March 2013) involving a prospective government raid on the bank deposits of even small depositors. Whatever it takes (that we can get away with) to stay on the Devil's Staircase. While the Germans' Cyprus policy, which includes confiscations from tax-sheltering Russians, supports Putin's attempts to redress the unfair advantage Russian oligarchs took during the Western-pushed flash-capitalism period following collapse of the Soviet Union, still this Schaeuble upon Cyprus draws into question the notion that current German practice of democracy in the EU owes something other than fear to early-Weimar -- even if other EU panjandrums stand shoulder to shoulder in support of this imposition. Regardless of how Cyprus plays out, do we now clearly see the real surface-structure reason for build up of the security state in Western democracies? In what recent times have we seen the functional prerequisites for insurgency more authoritatively and intentionally put into their etiological place? Remission before fulmination? Lull before the storm? How long before cries of treason mutate to Sri-Lanka-style interdiction of local government? As regards preparations for something similar in Spain, see: Is Spain Preparing For Its Own Deposit 'Levy'?, Zero Hedge, 19 March 2013. And consider the case of Italy: German Economist Proposes 'One Time' Cyprus-Like 15% Wealth Tax on Italians , Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 22 March 2013. If it is altogether doubted that the Cyprus case forecasts synoptic intent of TPTB, one need only consider a far-abroad case: see, National planning Cyprus-style solution for New Zealand, New Zealand Independent News, 19 March 2013. Quoting the article:
Open Bank Resolution (OBR) is Finance Minister Bill English's favoured option dealing with a major bank failure. If a bank fails under OBR, all depositors will have their savings reduced overnight to fund the bank’s bail out.
For more on this, flash forward and see: Canada Discusses Forced Depositor Bail-In Procedures for 'Too Big To Fail' Banks in 2013 Budget, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 28 March 2013; and for an account of, and thoughts on, the BIS's Financial Stability Board and FDIC-BOE involvement in formulating this new approach, see It Can Happen Here: The Bank Confiscation Scheme for US and UK depositors, Ellen Brown, The Web of Debt Blog, 28 March 2013. This Ellen Brown article is very informative, if, as I read it, demonstrating only gathering intent. No one ever said that awareness of the potential for panic could stay the instinct to remain on the Devil's Staircase whatever the costs to socioeconomic coherency. As one climbs farther and farther up the Devil's Staircase, The [cascade theory] Waterfall Of Reality becomes more and more robust. And what has been QE if not a slow-motion Cyprus? For an excellent account of this sort of observation, see: The End Of Systemic Trust: The Canary Just Died, Lucas Jackson, Zero Hedge, 18 March 2013. If even Nigel Farage (see: Nigel Farage Message To Europeans: 'Get Your Money Out While You Can', Zero Hedge, 19 March 2013) could not imagine savings account confiscations, who have we among us who cannot imagine effectuation of Wim Wenders' The End of Violence by NATO droning and NATO civil affairs units enforcing upon NATO members compliance with ECB edicts on capital controls, confiscations of physical gold and other classes of personal property, institutionalization of marshal law, internal travel visas (note in the above-linked Spain Preparing piece the following sentence that could be understood or misunderstood as a nascent Freudian-slipped indicator of the possibility of a new type of internal travel visa: the Central Government is preparing a proposal on the amounts to be paid to travel to the affected communities ), and so on? The myriad types of taxes upon various sorts of movements over various classes of local phase boundaries is something I once upon a time focused considerable study, circa 1968. In this context consider, Customers to fill out form if paying with $100 bill, Brian Crandall, NBC10, 20 March 2013. By conversion-disorder displacement, these sorts of local travel-visa borders, instead of nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries upon which µTm-valued LETS-derived measurables are mapped? Nobody is thinking of such visas? Consider that conversion-disorder displacements are, by definition, unconsciously mediated. What people think they think doesn't matter; what is of real consequence is what they think they don't think. Open Europe offers a flash m-scenarios analysis (see: What does the 'No' vote mean for Cyprus and the eurozone?, as posted to Zero Hedge, 19 March 2013) of what people think they think. In 2011, Boston Consulting Group offered its assessment (see: The Muddle Through Has Failed: BCG Says There May Be Only Painful Ways Out Of The Crisis, Zero Hedge, 29 September 2011) of the likelihood of a wealth tax spread over the whole planet, but neglected to observe that the solution found during the 1930s involved onset of WWII. Consider the differences between dictatorship of the proletariat and dictatorship by the proletariat. While we know that all previous dictatorships of the proletariat have failed, we have still to learn whether or not the capitalist-democratic dictatorship of the proletariat will succeed or fail.
Investigations into the potential long-term consequences of Fukushima may benefit from challenges to the consensus thesis that there is no such thing as a quantum biology, because insights relative to submolecular processes (particularly those involving the quantum-wave properties of DNA) may be involved in authentically addressing the issue raised by University of South Carolina biologist, Timothy Mousseau. Quoting him being quoted in the article entitled, U.S. University: Low-level radiation appears to have had immediate effects on bird populations in Fukushima Pref. -- Areas surveyed are mostly still open to human occupation -- Worse than expected -- More pronounced than Chernobyl, ENENEWS, 8 February 2012:
Our results point to the need for more research to determine the underlying reasons for differences among species in sensitivity, both initially and following many generations of exposure, said Mousseau.
The earlier article is also informative: Study finds Fukushima worse than Chernobyl on bird population -- 'Dramatically' elevated DNA mutation rates and extinctions -- Insect life significantly reduced -- Shows immediate consequence of radiation, ibid., 2 February 2012. The following articles are useful for an attempt to get some impression as to the current actual situation. From the Asahi Shimbun, Almost 1,000,000 times more radioactive fallout in Ibaraki soil than in 2009 -- Low estimate?, ENENEWS, 27 November 2011; and again from the Asahi Shimbun, Japan Professor: 25 times more Fukushima fallout detected in Tokyo Bay mud than maximum level found in nearby lake after nuclear bomb explosions -- Cesium flow in rivers won't peak for another 1-2 years, ENENEWS, 8 February 2012; and from The Japan Times, Time bomb in Tokyo metropolitan area -- Experts warn of accumulating Fukushima contamination -- Potential disaster at Japan’s 2nd largest lake, ENENEWS, 18 November 2012; and Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima, Washington's Blog, 27 December 2012, an article containing many informative links; and from Al Jazeera, Japan radiation expert says drastic measures are needed -- Radioactive contamination now permanently in ecosystem -- Fukushima forests must be cut down asap, ENENEWS, 10 March 2013; and 2 Year Anniversary of Fukushima: The Accident Is NOT Contained, Zero Hedge, 3 March 2013.
<>quote<>And how many other accidents are not contained? Overly skeptical? Too nihilistic? [Man}dating memetime? Your phoneme-morpheme-grapheme or my phoneme-morpheme-grapheme? Which 'I' has the authority to decide upon phonemic-morphemic-graphemic partitioning patterns? I've never tried to take responsibility for what people know and don't know. What could be the percentage in that? I have not been particularly successful at this, but I've long tried not to take myself personally, consider internally, which is not to say I've embraced a new notion of personhood -- one corporate, one droid, one bot, the like. Is the equilateral-triangular meshwork of quark-symmetry pattern the smallest nest of the foam? Is it the AllBase? Platonic anamnesis in lieu of Aristotelian taxonomy? Augustinian God City in lieu of Thomist Church logic? As we have been [re}minded by Mikael Hafstrom's film The Rite, 2011, any paranormal collective unconscious manifestation not in accord with 1T2-Thomas is far from saintly and deemed demonic. The inner Musculpt of Swedenborgian Angelic Speech? That's no ego i/Ideal! <>unquote<> This word salad was an actual sequence of associations -- and representative of my daily roof-brain chatter. For years, I worked against this inner talking, then I asked my [Whit}manian other I am: are free associations actually free; is aleatory really chance? In assuming so, did John Cage and cohort let the sounds of silence pass on by? Is there value-pack in the empty spaces between? Attend to the interfaces, to the invariants amongst phonemic-morphemic-graphemic partitioning enfoaments? What's inside the quark-symmetry triangle? Which other Iambe (Anima) is responsible for closest-packing of 1T2-mind, for establishing its tiling patterns? If I were to intentionally reassociate 'free' association! would I find a way to unpack the value pack located nonlocally inside emptiness of the quark-symmetry triangle? It -- whatever it is -- can't be found merely in decoding n-gram encipherment, for such 1T2-ciphers, multilevel or no, are found in the tiling pattern, not in the subtending spaces between. But what is zero=infinity content of empty subtending spaces between? Non-localizable relative-state. Quoting our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 582:
N-GRAMS! N-dimensional polyalphabeticity, itself, is not a model of m-valuedness, nor are monalphabetic n-grams; but polygraphic polyalphabeticity is a model of m-valuedness. Each n-valued sheet provides the tableau of an order of polygraphic value, an order of relative-stateness: 2-, 3-, 4-, m-digit. And the composite projects to the reference space as the universal covering surface.
How do I know that? Gurdjieff said: Don't say 'I' to it. Aurobindo said: If you see (Beethoven's symformphonie intellectual apprehension of music seen as moving, flowing, colored forms, à la J. W. N. Sullivan's Beethoven, His Spiritual Development, Knopf, 1927, which I found through a search service in 1972?) your thoughts coming in on you from Elsewhere, not from you, they will pass on by without forming a Buddhological attachment. John C. Lilly's center of the cyclone of roof-brain chatter is found in the intentionality of endogenous ketaminergic Cogitate, Cogitate, Cogitate n! mantric physiologically-adapted autogenic-training-formula voluntary dissociation where landing upon value-pack is being-there. This, this is the actual unenculturated/unglutamated purely personal Pure Land found in Kandinsky pure feeling unsullied by concrete self-attributed affect-charge? This, the real-'I' ego i/Ideal? But is that good enough? For neither Gurdjieff, nor Aurobindo, nor Lilly made a point of µTm-logics, without which the value packs on Tzog-chen AllBase cannot be semantically decoded via unspeakable (think as to import of the fact that this word has negative, even out[rage]ous, i.e., out of 1T2-personhood by rage, connotations) Musculpt as mathematical notation.
The perspective offered on this m-valued LETS website concerning endogenous ketamine (the real k-for-correlation factor on the complexity-theoretic nk-fitness landscape enfolded to self-organized criticality?) as antidote to glutamatergic neuronal etching as facilitator of enculturation-socialization by association with quantum quenching, I now discover, is strongly supported by the evidence gathered, and perspectives outlined in, anthropologist E. Richard Sorenson's studies of Child Behavior and Human Development in Cultural Isolates as characterized in his paper entitled Some Types of Society Foster Liminal Consciousness, Others Shatter it, Learning Methods, part 1, 24 June 2006. Quoting the introductory summary:
In a variety of isolated human enclaves high levels of liminal awareness and response were the outstanding means by which people related to one another and their natural surroundings. When these enclaves were absorbed by the aggressively competitive social systems common in the world today, that type of awareness deteriorated along with the human concord it fostered. A three decade diachronic study of such populations reveals that emphasis during childhood on verbalized conceptualization and abstract rules of conduct obstructs ontogenesis of high levels of liminal consciousness. There are evolutionary implications.
What is apparently not supported by Sorenson's research is the thesis that degrees of direct ontic liminal (considering interior hologramic Musculpt, one might even say: luminal) awareness of relative-state identity-transparency is mediated by conscious access to various order-types of µTm-logically-valued processing by THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains. Quoting Sorenson's paper entitled Preconquest Consciousness, Anthropik Network, no date given, but judging from the references, sometime after 1998):
Where consciousness is focused within a flux of ongoing sentient awareness, experience cannot be clearly subdivided into separable components. With no clear elements to which logic can be applied, experience remains immune to syntax and formal logic within a kaleidoscopic sanctuary of non-discreteness. Nonetheless, preconquest life was reckoned sensibly -- though seemingly intuitively.
What this perspective neglects is the fact that fuzzy-logic characterizations of no clear elements, non-discreteness, and absence of separable components can be formalized. Moreover, it does not take into account an interpretation of Lukasiewicz logics which does not assume truth-value to be the foundational notion of logic. Sorenson assumes that "abstract rules of [cognitive] conduct" must be based in the Laws of Distributed Middle and Non-Contradiction, rules-laws applicable only to the 1T2-order-type of logical-value. The probability amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function facilitates Sorenson's perspective by precluding a Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued understanding of Schrödinger's m-values. The thesis that non-cultural-isolates did, in fact, develop coherent Weltanschauung codifying direct ontic liminal awareness of relative-state identity-transparency is suggested by the following characterization of traditional Vietnamese rice-ritual culture (drawn from our paper entitled Multivalue, Nanoimmunity, and the Genesis of Metaculture, circa 1997):
What is the nature of this common identity? The French ethnologist, Giran, writing before World War One, offers us a provocative portrait:
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese. (Quoted in Nguyen Khac Kham, 1970.)
Here we have a characterization of animism, of contagion, of, if you will, identity transparency. But is this notion of non-singular, non-selfsame identity non-scientific? It is non-Newtonian, certainly, but with equal certainty is it consistent with quantum physics in general and the biophysics of the quantum wave properties of the DNA molecule in particular. Even the vocabulary of this ethnographic portrait produced in 1912 evokes the discourse of contemporary physics with its peculiar terminology: spontaneous fusion, relative-state, chaotic dynamics, collective and cooperative behaviors, entangled states, reciprocal maintenance, instabilities, non-simple identity, multiply-connected, and so on.
As the quotation from Giran suggests, how Schrödinger's wave-function is interpreted has wide implications for sociology and anthropology -- not to mention brain science and economics. For interesting thoughts on the implications of Sorenson's research for developing insight to origins of mass warfare, see: Cognitive Archeology of the West, Paula Hay, ribbonfarm, 17 March 2013.
When the Google glass (see, for a good account: Google's sinister glasses will turn the whole world into search giant's spies, Tom Leonard, The Daily Mail, 18 March 2013) is a laser-eye-surgery-implanted lens, augmented reality will have become the then-most-elaborate case of conversion-disorder displacement of nascent µTm-valued worldview construct by projective-identification at subject/[physical]object-level of collective transference. And, given the role played by such conversion-disorder in elaboration of mass warfare, one need hardly speculate upon what to expect. Moreover, how does one distinguish between Google Glass and Guv Glass? For reflections related to this subject, see: Google Glass: Orwellian surveillance with fluffier branding, Nick Pickles, The Telegraph, 19 March 2013. And, further, is the ultimate in conversion-disorder displacement of nascent µTm-valued worldview construct by projective-identification at subject/[physical]object-level of collective transference (see: Wearable Computer with Superimposed Controls and Instructions for External Device, U.S. Patent Office, 21 March 2013) the physical-object-controlling Google glass? If abstraction is sublimation of object-fear (see Wilhelm Worringer's Abstraction and Empathy, circa 1907, and C. G. Jung's commentary thereupon published in his Collected Works, Princeton U. Press) -- the object, both internal and external, by its very existence alone, being an existential denial issued to 1T2-egosphere -- what level of psychopathic behavior does conversion-disorder displacement of object-fear signify and anchor to molecular-cellular 1T2-brains not containing THE quantum µTm-brain?
As regards manifestations of mass conversion-disorder displacement, see: Denial is Everywhere (About Increasingly Important Things!), Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 21 March 2013. And be aware that denial is only one kind of the thematic evasion type of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance -- of which there are over two dozen classes identified -- to therapeutic autogenic brain discharges. Despite the impression given here, I am no neo-Luddite, not against technology per se -- only against technology as expression of conversion-disorder displacement. The most curious thing about the prevailing techno-orientation is the use of dissimulated quantum principles to achieve Cartesian-Newtonian purposes: this is reflected, for instance, in the fact that both Austrian and Keynesian approaches to resolution of economic problems arising largely from uptake of quantum-based technologies cloaked in Newtonian clothes by, per example, patent law, are quintessentially Cartesian-Newtonian. Nowhere, mainstream or fringe, are ideas of authentic quantum economy to be found as proposals for transformation of, say, the failed global monetary system.
For nonbelievers in the assertion that Get some back from the Bear! was a mantra emanating from the restricted TS/SI area of MACV-HQ and reverberating along its hallways beginning soon after Tet-'68, the following is recommended (quoted from, America's Nation-Destroying Mission in Afghanistan, James Lucas, ANTIWAR, 6 March 2010):
The U.S. involvement in Afghanistan began in the 1950s and 1960s. The CIA used impressive bribes and threats to support this growing opposition to the progressive changes, and it also recruited Afghan students in the U.S. to act as agents for them when they returned home. During this period at least one president of the Afghanistan Students Association (ASA), Zia H. Noorzay, was working with the CIA in the U.S. and later became president of the Afghanistan state treasury. One of the Afghan students whom Noorzay and the CIA tried in vain to recruit, Abdul Latif Hotaki, declared in 1967 that a good number of the key officials in the Afghanistan government who studied in the U.S. are either CIA-trained or indoctrinated. [[One of the student recruitment vehicles I personally encountered during 1963 was AIESEC.]]
According to Roger Morris, National Security Council staff member, the CIA started to offer covert backing to Islamic radicals as early as 1973-1974.
When was BCCI founded? 1972, wasn't it. Not only did Tet-'68 spawn collapse of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism, it set up, by inducing a stab-in-the-back mindset, the inevitability of one or another sort of GWOT. And this transpired within a much longer-running context. For a short account of British incursions upon Afghanistan, including those earliest, see, Afghanistan: The Legacy of the British Empire. A Brief History, Dana Visalli, Global Research, 22 March 2013.
Mish notes (see: The Axe is in Position, Only the Timing of the Swing is in Question, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 26 March 2013) that the Cypriot crisis was precipitated by the haircuts on Greek bonds. Mish then observes: Economists hailed Draghi a genius. Yet, LTRO further concentrated bond risk. Having never studied percolation theory, (paper written in September of 1995; see also a subsequent paper treating concentration of risk, circa 1998) most economists don't see the Devil's Staircase for what it is: a universal process found wherever nature is renormalized. Apparently, economists think they are exempt from laws of nature, even though they are themselves quintessentially 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian. Economists have, after all, defined nature as extra-systemic, if not an externality properly speaking. In a 1T2-valued system up-taking correlation-magnifying quantum-based technologies with their µTm-valued properties veiled by dissimulation, risk/assets are converted, derivatively disordered, displaced (conversion-disorder displacement in its econometric guise) and concentrated micro to macro, periphery to money center, local to global, private to public, personal to corporate, the increasingly impoverished to the increasingly enriched. Conversion-disorder displacement = Logical Atomism's incantatory Cognomen, the Real Steal. As this climb up the Devil's Staircase transpires, local multiplier effects are progressively quenched and subordination of consequents cascades evermore massively down upon the micro-participant (this monetary transmission mechanism more broken quenching of multiplier effects being in pristine analogue to Albert Szent-Györgyi's quenching of charge transfer complexes and electron transport chains as etiology of degenerative disease: see his Introduction to a Submolecular Biology, Academic Press, 1960). The panjandrumate has created this situation by collective regression-in-service-to-the-(corporate)ego -- and that obese ate is now entering the panic room. A perfect example of this climb-induced cascade is found in answer to why bondholders and bank stockholders escaped and depositors were targeted at initialization of the 2013 Cyprus crisis (even if, in what appears may be the final deal, small savers are only put on an elementary-schooler's daily allowance -- hard to miss the counter-transference component to the etiology, which is, essentially, a retrograde inversion of the traumatic bonding Stockholm-syndromed upon the sheeple -- an allowance effectively an ankle monitor on movement and a new form of exit-visa denial establishing another type of 1T2-border: forty years ago I said that a time will come when only guvment officials, the super-rich, and those with Have Gun Will Travel will be able to travel). Howsoever this resolves, once savers get out of their bank accounts all they can get out, how many will be greater fools enough to make further voluntary deposits? Will capital controls eventually mandate direct deposit of all wages? For an answer to the why of savers instead of bond/stockholders, in general-systems-theory-free specifics, see: Why Cyprus Matters (And The ECB Knows It), Mark J. Grant, Out of the Box as posted to Zero Hedge, 23 March 2013. For interesting thoughts on the larger historical context of Grant's specific answer, see: Why Cyprus 2013 is worse than the KreditAnstalt (1931) and Argentina 2001 crises, Martin Sibileau, A View from the Trenches, 24 March 2013. In this article, Sibileau observes: Politicians worry about the sustainability of their power. It's a fact and we must learn to live with it. Not specifically seeking to be overtly contumelious, I would, however, submit that the human species is in the fix it is precisely because it has long since learned to live with it. And I sincerely doubt hu-hu-hu[man}ity will deschool itself before passing through PW1. Moreover, in contradistinction to Sibileau, I hold that, in the final stages of run up to PW1, holders of physical gold will increasingly discover a premium has been placed on their heads. More of interest concerning KreditAnstalt and the political impositions associated with government instituted economic-financial bailouts -- impositions always subject to mission creep as climb up the Devil's Staircase perseveres -- can be found in Sibileau's earlier article entitled, On gold, stocks, financial repression and KreditAnstalt of 1931, ibid., 18 March 2012. Sibileau therein quotes F. A. von Hayek writing in 1945. I would modify the beginning of that quotation as follows, and suggest that my [ ]s-imputed meaning, though not understood by von Hayek in 1945, was tacitly understood by him three decades later, as strongly suggested in his Everettian (be aware that Zero Hedge's use of the term Schrödinger deposits relies upon S's cat interpretation which prefigured Everett's relative-state interpretation) formulation, to wit, the time-shapes of total capital stock, the pricing of which can only be accomplished µTmly:
The [1T2] price system is just one of those formations which man has learned to use (though he is still very far from having learned to make the best [i.e., µTm uses that conjoin] of it) after he had stumbled upon it without understanding it.
What was the case concerning understanding of price qua price in 1945 is even more strongly so today (a period when the previous largely unconscious collective suicide self-metaprogram has become explicit as anthropogenic climate shift, genetically-engineered 1T2-identity dyscrasia in lieu of µTm-identity-transparency, race to PW1, radioactive omnicide, and so on): out of the corpse on the bed crawls the snake to eat the rat in the corner, the frog on the wall, the moth circling the candle. No escape from the snake will be found -- not so long as The Physicist and, more fundamentally, The Mathematician and, most fundamentally, The Logician prevent it. The final solution, circa 25 March 2013, to the threat posed by Cyprus' business haven, uh, uh, model, looks a bit like M. Gandhi took over management of NATO's Libya and Syria surrogate incursions (a British legacy occasion in Asia being Myanmar: see, for instance, Aung San Suu Kyi's 'Safroon Monks' Stalk Streets With Machetes -- Mass Slaughtering Refugees, Land Destroyer Report, 22 March 2013: it was Benazir Bhutto's uncritical embrace of, indeed, identification with, proxy status for long dead 17th- and 18th-century Cartesian-Newtonian political economy that got her into trouble). And for all those who still doubt this is a global intent issuing out of a failed forced-draft policy of Cartesian-Newtonian globalization, there is to consider: Cyprus bail-out: savers will be raided to save the euro in future crises, says eurozone chief, Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph, 25 March 2013. No intelligent person will be mislead by the face-saving dissembling caveat offered on bond/stockholders, for prevailing and future patterns of collateral rehypothecations will prevent such holders from being unduly hit upon: the greater the hit they take, the greater the hit made upon the ECB in this self-reentered round-robin (unaccounted with µTm-valued Lukasiewiczian self-referential propositions). Bond/stockholders is a much larger issue in regard to Spain and Italy than to Cyprus, hence, the egg-on-your-face turnaround with respect to Cyprus (see: The Good, the Bad, and the Extremely Ugly , Yanis Varoufakis, 25 March 2013). For confirmation of this not-unduly speculation vis-à-vis bond/stockholders, flash forward and see, with regard to property tax targeting: Wealth tax to pay for EU bail-outs, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 14 April 2013. I am not for soaking the lower-upper classes in order to save the existing system, because I am not for saving the existing system. Consonant with the popular obsession with extreme sports (conversion-disorder displacement of obsession with the accumulation of bogus existential confirmations of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2-existence), this new macro-economic adjustment program (i.e., forced renormalization by use of the mathematical method called truncation, even if not explicitly p-adic) can be regarded as a slow-motion bugee jump off the Devil's Staircase, the bungee cord being the emergent property popularly known as surveillance society. One thing about this chord, though, the more high-tech the counterinsurgent goes the less able is he to successfully interdict the insurgent wise enough to go low-tech and access identity-transparent social forms of autopoiesis (such as those employed by the VCI, Viet Cong political Infrastructure). Dijsselbloem's statements are tantamount to announcement of the onset of GWOGH -- global war on good householder, to employ Gurdjieff's admirable terminology. The greatest difficulty posed for the analyst of this public notification issued by the Dutch chairman of the eurozone is the implied attempt to imagine a greater inducer of insurgency (Simon Black, drawing on Diocletian's Edict on Prices and the 'Law of Maximum' as applied in post-revolutionary France, makes an attempt; see: Expect these eight steps from the government's playbook, SovereignMan, 26 March 2013). A concentration of executive actions, in lieu of legislation, is hugely catalytic -- as are flags in due course revealed as having been false, and propaganda in due course revealed as having been black. Terrorists can become authentic insurgents only with a little help from their friend, the panjandrumate -- and even the Archdiocese of the Cypriote Church seems to recognize that (see: Cyprus Church Loses EUR100 Million, Curses Those Responsible, Zero Hedge, 25 March 2013). 1955, RVN? 1986, Sri Lanka? Nope, The Great State of Texas: see, Dallas Adds Security For County Officials, CBS/DFW, 2 April 2013. And, flashing forward to register the drift of TIDE, Florida, too: see, Palm Beach County sheriff gets $1 million for violence prevention , Dara Kam and Stacey Singer, The Palm Beach Post, 29 April 2013. O, so how very successful were uses the MACV IDHS were put to, eh! As regards formation of CT-squads, dagger-teams, hatchet forces, and so on, this places The Beach under Lord of the Flies at about 1957 in terms of evolution of local violence in RVN. Check out the latest Fairleigh Dickinson University's Public Mind poll results in, 29% of Registered Voters Believe Armed Revolution Might Be Necessary In Next Few Years, Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr., cnsnews, 2 May 2013. And what level of low-intensity warfare does the panjandrumate facilitate by inducing 72,005,482 gun-purchase background checks since President Obama was elected? A close inspection of the historical record reveals that spontaneous phylogenesis of counterinsurgents comes ontologically before ontogenesis of the terrorist -- and this conforms to the general Haeckelian principle that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
At the time of their implementation, I was critical, in principle, of Paul Krugman's support for Malaysia's capital controls. I am similarly critical still. Not because I am for unfettered globalization, but because I believe nearly-real-time autopoietic fractal entrapment is a much more elegant and effective mechanism to generate finely-tuned viscosity than are lag-time controls subject to hysteresis effects, controls implemented by laborious Pelosist We have to pass the bill to see what's in it legislative process and/or inherently ill-informed executive fiat. Just as rent controls fail to adequately regulate the housing market, capital controls fail to adequately regulate monetary flows, and for many of the same reasons -- even if they are somewhat successful in limited cases. Prohibitions on flows, on flows of currency, of alcohol, of weed, of privately held gold, of labor, of guns -- especially if effected by EOs -- don't rightly work so good, systemically speaking. At the time he was recommending capital controls to Malaysia, Krugman did not address the general issue as clearly as he has recently (see: Hot Money Blues, The New York Times, 24 March 2013). Quoting Krugman:
It's hard to imagine now, but for more than three decades after World War II financial crises of the kind we've lately become so familiar with hardly ever happened. Since 1980, however, the roster has been impressive: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Chile in 1982. Sweden and Finland in 1991. Mexico again in 1995. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Korea in 1998. Argentina again in 2002. And, of course, the more recent run of disasters: Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Cyprus.
What's the common theme in these episodes? Conventional wisdom blames fiscal profligacy -- but in this whole list, that story fits only one country, Greece. Runaway bankers are a better story; they played a role in a number of these crises, from Chile to Sweden to Cyprus. But the best predictor of crisis is large inflows of foreign money: in all but a couple of the cases I just mentioned, the foundation for crisis was laid by a rush of foreign investors into a country, followed by a sudden rush out.
Be that as it may (and, for a useful portrait in chart form of the success of 1T2-logically-valued monetary schemes back to 1821, see the Zero Hedge posting, 30 March 2013), still, the common synoptic feature, underlying the common localized features identified by Krugman, is systemic critical thresholds having been reached in the uptake of quantum-based technologies (the first electromagnet was invented in 1825 by William Sturgeon; and N. H. Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr, deemed an Impossibility Theorem, was provided in 1826) increasing the numerical value of k over the nk fitness landscape of the global economy. The signifier k indicates correlations. As the increasing value of k passes thresholds, classes of chaotic behavior ensue, so long as the landscape is a 2nk articulation space. The signifier n indicates the number of elements articulating in the space or on the landscape. The signifier 2 indicates the order of logical-value employed by the transactions processors involved. If the articulation space is Mnk, then increases in the value of k do not necessarily initialize chaotic behaviors. Why? Because m-valued logical processors can adequately handle the various order-types of identity invoked by growing assimilation of quantum-based technologies. When the fractions of fractional-reserve banking are 1T2-only logically-construed as selfsame numbers, there is no way the prevailing conventions of multiple bank credit expansion can long survive the incrementing up in the uptake of quantum-based technologies: especially will an egoic iPhone not keep the door to this one-wheeled car open. As regards e-money, this formulation, quite obviously, does not automatically make me a 1T2-BitCoiner (see, for instance: What Every Libertarian Should Know About Bitcoin, Michael Krieger, Zero Hedge, 1 April 2013); I have long advocated no bi-logical vehicle currency, nor even q-bit coin, but non-vehicle reserve mu-bit coin as unit of account, ledger entry, on MVRS (noospheric m-logically-valued reference space) for nesting foams of variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS vehicle currencies, the reserve algorithm of issuing being a quantum-composite of the algorithms of issuing of all nesting LETS value-stack-tagged to indicators analogically signifying vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. This would mean that non-vehicle WholeEarthCoin would e-ledger the changing relative-state of Earth-bound resources analogically mapped upon Tzog-chen AllBase: how I understand the essence of Buddhist economics. Were subsystem-system-supersystem nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS implemented, each LETS currency, with its fine-grain tagged value-stack, would constellate as a fractal drum with band-pass properties autopoietically adjusting to a changing environment -- the more elaborately linked is the value-stack to near-real-time measured indicators, the more autopoietic is modulation of the fractal entrapment (as any good supply-and-materiel troubleshooter, like was my father, should know). Nature does this: it does it with the quantum-wave properties of DNA (see our paper entitled, A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, pp. 333-41, 1979: the canonical equation -- descriptive of pi-electron gas core dynamics -- of which mitigates utility of the notion stochastic gene expression); it does it with nutrient flows across biological phase boundaries (see: species arise from relatively sudden changes in the supply of nutrients, Subrealism, 26 March 2013: autopoiesis and self-organization by resource exchange across near-constantly-changing boundaries upon which bureaucratic variables are tagged/mapped/stacked at binding sites, the primary means employed by the animism-informed Viet Cong Political Infrastructure to counter the disparity of forces -- as elaborately documented by POLOB-CICV qua SRA/MACV-J2; and add to this the contextualizing notion that autopoiesis may demerge de novo by organizers accessing quantal AllBase, as possibly implied by Phylogenetic patterns of emergence of new genes support a model of frequent de novo evolution, Rafik Neme and Diethard Tautz, BMC Genomics, 14:117, 21 February 2013); it does it with complex angular momentum cascades in processes of Earth's atmosphere (see our paper entitled, The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, circa 1978). And it does so not only with pace and rate, as Krugman indicates, but also with rates of change of rates, and rates of change of rates of change of rates, i.e., velocities (indicator as to internal system state), accelerations (indicator as to intersystemic articulations), and time rates of change of accelerations (indicator as to manifest self-referential self-reentered reflexivities). For details on the basic notions involved here, see our paper entitled, Toward a General Theory of Process, circa 1977.
Whilst a highschooler, I believed in team sports, even those sanctified by flags. I stopped believing in national interests while still a teenager taking Backgrounds of Western Civilization and Introduction to World Politics, i.e., world war by other means. After that, I tried to believe in the human interest, but never had much success. When I contemplate my personal intellectual history and even life pragmatics, the self-image that most comes to mind is that of a steel ball being slapped around by paddles, squeezed through traps, bounced off rubber pads, and waiting for TILT in the prevailing cultural pinball machine. It's not as if the larger social context has in any way been nurturing. TILT might even be a welcome realization -- given the index of coercion inherent to the nature of the machine as it has existed throughout my lifetime. My earliest childhood memories are of storm, surrogate death, identity-transparency, and sex. A severe thunderstorm in San Antonio, 1948. Moving away as equivalent to death of the cherished other. Death of that other as somehow death of self-authenticity by induced interior-distancing: Dark Tunnel and Plexiglas Wall. Existential separatism engaged on the emotional level -- years before glutamate etching had prepared me for 1T2-only processing. Being caught whilst she showed me hers, I mine -- and the punishment being forced-draft removal from her, in perpetuity. My response was several years of sleepwalking -- and contemplation of the import of the fact that I always knew where I was, even while asleep when I couldn't possibly consciously see. After that period, unconscious seeing without looking was subtly known always to be there in the background, even as I looked consciously without seeing. Somehow, that subtle knowing prepared me for the Shinto animism I encountered in rural Kyushu, circa 1953, aged eight -- where I learned that identity-transparency is natural to nature.
I find it rather humorous that deterministic models of atmospheric processes were largely superseded by the early-1960s under the butterfly-effect hypothesis and, even so, it is clear -- by responses to the recently consensuated divergence between climate models and carbon emissions crossed into global surface temperatures (see, for instance: Twenty-year hiatus in rising temperatures has climate scientists puzzled, Graham Lloyd, The Australian, 30 March 2013; and, flashing forward, Climate scientists struggle to explain warming slowdown, Alister Doyle, Reuters, 16 April 2013) -- that atmospheric scientists have yet to fully assimilate chaos theory or even the probabilistic take on far-from-equilibrium phase transitions. Fluctuations across the range of involved variables are characteristic of chaotic states and such transitions. While the complexity of climate models is not consonant with a monotonic correspondence between carbon emissions and surface temperatures, public discourse is conducted as if that sort of function were involved. This shows that even employment of nonlinear Newtonian dynamics has not mitigated instinctive use of traditional deterministic modes of thought -- as revealed by the dumbed-down but Freudian-slipped nature of the public discourse engaged in. Why is that, most fundamentally? Because validity of the notion classical limit has continued to be assumed. And why is that? Because theoretical physics in general is insistent upon retention of that limit. And why is that? Because breech of the classical limit would involve employment of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics interpreted independent of the notion truth value and understood relative to relative-state and non-simple identity. Moreover, universal physical constants would be found to be m-valued and processed under µTm-valued logics. Even a Roger Penrose, who does not believe in a classical limit, nonetheless argues for its retention -- whilst not finding Lukasiewicz logics on The Road to Reality, as viewed via employment of a complete guide to the laws of the universe. And why is that? Because of the psychological, social, political, and economic implications of allowing quantum-relativity theory into the middle scale levels where human systems, for the time being, still abide. Can state-controlled institutional science rectify itself? The film The Core makes an unbelievable case that it can, whilst simultaneously dissembling etiology of anthropogenic climate change -- the various manipulations (to include by alteration of normative gas ratios) of solar-wind-conveyed complex angular momentum as it cascades through space weather and the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions in process of being injected to Earth's crustal and core dynamics -- by presenting a case so extreme as to discredit the basic principles involved. A classic technique of MO, morale operations: the psychological self-portrait painted by prevailing American popular fiction and film is so staggeringly pathologic, one can only gasp for breath in response to recognition of what is sure to transpire on this planet as a result of the implied strange attractors -- allegorical narrative diegesis, e.g., say, the film Priest, being not significantly different from stealth mimetic 1T2-imitatio, i.e., mere thematically-memed biegesis.
Yes, I have said, prescriptive law is criminal -- and not, for instance, because of what judges rule on banks' liboring (see: Banks Win Again As Judge Tosses Antitrust Claims In Libor Lawsuit, Zero Hedge, 30 March 2013); because such laws preclude spontaneous social order, high levels of competency at political and economic autopoiesis and self-organization. This is not a tenet of anarcho-capitalism or anarcho-syndicalism, but of the autopoiarchism of autopoys demergent over nesting foams established by fractal boundaries. Why use of the word prescriptive, for isn't law inherently prescriptive? Laws 1T2-logically-valued are inherently prescriptive for being memetime bound, but not those µTm, for passing time, passive or active, can be unambiguously defined only under the 1T2-order-type. Quantal operator-time is required under µTm, as are vonHayekian time-shapes. Laws-1T2 inherently cannot regulate subsystem-system-supersystem-composite states-µTm-valued, states invoked by massive uptake of quantum-based technologies. Quantum physics is about collective and cooperative behaviors like liboring. Liboring is one-of-many regressed, hence corrupt, attempts to 1T2-regulate an increasingly µTm-quantum monetary system, a system wherein 1T2-laws and 1T2-financial instruments have been used to suppress supraordinal logical properties, thus generating the regression responsible for the corruption.
The UN -- like the Bretton Woods monetary system, the IMF and World Bank -- was explicitly created as a Cartesian-Newtonian adjunctive combat arm to what has become surveillance society (WBC count going well over 1000 due to cognitive septicemia) -- and what could lend more credibility to the thesis that Childhood's End will arrive as SIDS than the fact that there are no UN sanctions against manifest destiny put into concrete displays of the omnipresent threat to again use weaponization of Einstein's E = mc2? Such threat being part of the counter-provocation plan, you see. Heh-heh-heh! And who is the real provocator? Well, nature, no doubt. But when has nature weaponized Einstein's principle of mass-energy conversion? Where in nature has atomic power been removed from subsystem-system-supersystem composites? To include fusion, where, Any disturbance from ideal conditions and the reaction will stop, according to Carlos Alejaldre, Iter's Deputy Director for Safety. Nowhen, nowhere -- which tells us that Einstein's principle is wrong, in that it does not incorporate subsystem and supersystem contextualization. What are the hidden variables as regards E = mc2? Universal physical constants are m-valued, e.g., there is now experimental evidence suggesting that c is not single-valued. In all likelihood, the m-values of c are subsystem-system-supersystem related. Moreover, the notion single-valued c tacitly assumes memetime is equivalent to an objective linear-time, even if dilatable, when, more likely, c subscribes to the three-fold quantal operator-time responsible for forming nesting foams of subsystems, systems, and supersystems into identity-transparent quantum-composite relative-states. These observations make me (no maker-distributor of mini-nukes in general and RNEPs in particular) an advocate of nuclear proliferation no more than my espousal of m-logically-valued LETS makes me an advocate of proliferation of the sorts of 1T2-valued currencies envisioned by advocates of The Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011 -- i.e., HR 1098 -- (see Larry White's discussion posted to Free Banking, 13 September 2011) and a withdrawal of fiat gold with accompanying resurrection of the failed 19th-century gold standard (see: The Systemic Risk of Gold Manipulation, Martin Sibileau, A View from the Trenches, 16 March 2013). THE deep-structure link between bombs and money is 1T2-logic: units of each are discrete, localizable, and simply-identifiable; the surface-structure link is found in the fact that sustained value of the fiat dollar as foremost international reserve currency is significantly dependent upon recurrent military demonstrations that the U.S. continues to set the global agenda. Nor am I altogether against atomic power. Being no post-human bot, and, indeed, having not become humanoidal by being in imitatio to bot, i.e., introjecting the collective projection, like Cornell's Douglas A. Paine, from the mid-1970s I've believed that tornadoes (atmospheric domain structures, in a scaled version of just the sense intended by David Bohm) employ a species of mass-energy conversion (transliteration of cascading complex angular momentum -- nicely plasma-bottled in expectation of pulse-code expectoration -- to acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, the ultimate when it comes to Wave Gliders, by means of the superconductant exchange of hydrothermodynamic properties) wherein decontextualization/recontextualization (a favored technique of appropriation art, and O so much more: see, for edification, the most excellent, Embracing the Telematic: A Techno-Utopian Vision of Art and Pedagogy for the Post-Human Age of Control, Karen Ferneding, JAAACS, June of 2005: the enfolded deep-structure why of the antihuman obsession with total control, dodecaphonic or no, is the paranoiac compulsion in the quaking fear of the multi-valued variable, the Abelian function, and µTm-valued logics, a fear nothing that could be done would not be eaten thereby, a fear responsible for the WWII-inducing falsification of the meaning of Schrödinger's [mu}bit-wave-function and for existence of uninspired bit-streamed artists uncritical of the consensus probability-amplitude [q}bit-interpretation and resultant bi-logics which are Heisenberg's inequalities, a fear compensated by a sick SICTed total immersion in, and identification with, 1T2-only technics, a technics ever more derivative of present, future, and imagined War and Technics as E. Kris-type Art of the insane collective: conversion-disorder displacement via compensatory autogenic abreaction of suppressed, and hence regressed in service to the collective ego, faculties-functions, by means of projective-identification at subject/[physical]object-level of collective transference, THE FrancoAngloAmerican self-metaprogram since well before -- say, by memetime of Abel's Impossiblity-Theoremed 1826 -- onset of the Franco-Prussian war) by the shattering of subsystem-system-supersystem composites does not transpire -- and that this, fully understood, could engender a new eco-embedded approach, one transcending fission/fusion as currently 1T2-construed. Amory Lovins' arguments against nuclear (see: Rocky Mountain Institute links) are interesting in this context, as is the Washington's Blog piece reposted by Zero Hedge entitled, Nuclear Is NOT a Low-Carbon Source of Energy, 14 April 2013 -- particularly were one to embrace the thesis that greenhouse-gas-driven warming is the essence of climate shift. But, given present state of human mind, and considering that the Navy, not Musculpt, has prioritized access to use of coherent radiation (see: Navy Deploying Laser Weapon Prototype Near Iran, Thom Shanker, The New York Times, 8 April 2013) and the bottle-nosed dolphin's Musculpted sonic-visioning capabilities, any move in this direction would likely be conversion-disorder displaced to SDI for a contemporary version of Nazi space-mirroring (see: How Germany Planned to Fry the World, Ron Miller, io9, April's Fool Day, 2013) -- not nowadays of solar radiation, but of the terrestrial>>>solar-[commo}ing of tornadogenetic pulse-code bursts.
Declining human species adaptivity, vis-à-vis needs of the natural environment, has surely in no small measure been due to the testosterone territoriality incumbent upon the dominance of the dominating male -- something one learns of early as a military brat subjected to mentality of Macman.mil -- in unnatural selection, that male generally being a high mesomorph specialized in operational intelligence, and, hence, lacking in capacity for the abstract thought informing oxytocin empathetic-animistic participation mystique, the sociologic incarnation of quantum relative-state identity-transparency (as Wilhelm Worringer well understood, abstraction is a functional prerequisite to empathy; for evidence of this in early art history, see Pupul Jayakar's The Earthen Drum, National Museum of Delhi, 1980, which features the first models of fractal drums -- excepting, perhaps, African fractals). This testosterone tendency to dominance relations has grown since initialization by domestication of the horse and codification by the advent of agriculture, because haptification of space has been ever more thoroughly effectuated by increasingly complete imposition upon landspace of 1T2-borders, an imposition that has analogically fed overspecialization by the establishment of rigid disciplinary boundaries permitting, by now, the preferential granting of Ph.D. degrees to those exclusively preoccupied with the requirements of operational intelligence. But, of course, this whole development could just be the result of glutamate following the stochastic expressions of suicide genes -- in the absence of adequate episodic antidotal endogenous ketamine floods. Interesting to speculate as to the various reasons -- subliminal to fully-conscious -- why governments run the range of sting operations -- drug-related to terrorist-related -- which they are well documented as engaging in. And, since fashion prefigures, we can hardly ignore the 1T2-implications of holocaust-style fashion models (see: Former Vogue Editor Reveals Models Are Eating Tissues To Stay Thin , Georgia Graham, who has a degree in Property and Sustainable Development from Bond University, International Business Times, 2 April 2013). Heh-heh-heh! I've long wondered as to the relation between oxytocin metabolism and ketamine metabolism, but have found little written on that specific subject. Somewhat related is the doctoral dissertation of S. L. Evans, entitled Social decision-making: the effects of schizophrenia, ketamine and oxytocin, University College London, 2011, which suggests that ketamine models of schizophrenia may not be applicable to [1T2] decision making. The finding that the reduced form of oxytocin may act as a free-radical scavenger is of interest to me, in that this action supports maintenance of electron-transport chains and charge-transfer complexes (I've long subscribed to Albert Szent-Györgyi's thesis that antioxidants need free-radicals because, otherwise, the electrons they have to donor would find no acceptors needing reduction). Loss of time, memetime, that is, -- and surely vonHayekian time-shapes -- in hysterical personality dissociation may relate to the agonistic µTm-quantum quenching I believe associated with 1T2-glutamatergic neuronal etching, the antidote to which is ZaZenned endogenous ketamine. Further understanding of this may be of considerable importance to any serious attempt to implement µTm-valued LETS currencies, as the work of Paul J. Zak strongly suggests (see publications listed on his Neuroeconomics website, as well as his books Moral Markets, Princeton U. Press, 2008, and The Moral Molecule, Dutton, 2012). The foremost alternative to this is kowtowing to the suzerain, being a responsible member of the world community by taking on insurmountable debt: Galbraith's debt-induced Affluent Society which now criminalizes debt-induced poverty (see: As economy flails, debtors' prisons thrive, Alain Sherter, CBS News, 4 April 2013) -- though it has yet to find its Australia. Fear not, for increasingly responsible members of the world community are at hand by good offices of Harvard and MIT: see, Easy-Grading Software Offers Professors a Break, John Markoff, The New York Times, 4 April 2013. And if dream monitoring is not usurped by surveillance society (see: Computers can 'see' people's dreams, Tia Ghose, The Body Odd, 4 April 2013), then some insight may develop as to how 1T2-brains access and transliterate Musculpted µTm-processing of THE quantum brain handled via structural color placed in nonlinear perspective and structural tone-color heard in function-space.
Does the social psychologist's term identity fusion (see, for instance: When Group Membership Gets Personal: A Theory of Identity Fusion, William B. Swann, Jr., et al., Psychological Review, 119:3, 2012, pp. 441-56: which could be re-entitled, How to Make Quantal 'Spontaneous Fusion' Compatible with Quantal 'Spontaneous Localization' as Understood From a Newtonian Perspective such that the Resultant State is Made Acceptable to an Individualistic Society Engaged in a GWOT) designate the same thing, state, condition signified in my use of the term identity-transparency? No. Flash forward and see yet another example of conversion-disorder displacement: since prevailing neuroscience does not baleeve in THE in vivo µTm-quantum brain mediating identity-transparency, it has found a way, by collective compensatory abreaction, to make in vitro 1T2-brains transparent (see: Brain Made Transparent May Lead to Clearer Understanding, Elizabeth Lopatto, Bloomberg, 11 April 2013). Ketaminergic-oxytocinic identity-transparency, to my understanding, is not people, uh, uh, interpersonally, focused, never Euler-functionally one-to-one one-to-many many-to-one, even when, one-on-one one-into-one, I literally cannot sensorially-ontically distinguish my foot from your foot, and is more akin to what the social anthropologist pejoratively calls participation mystique and more scathingly participation inconsciente and even more disparagingly contagion. I regard personification to Godhead, even enpersonation to personality, as soft idolatry -- with all the disadvantages of misplaced concreteness. Personification can be useful, because -- as Aurobindo maintained -- it can facilitate voluntary dissociation and inner separation from thought self-attributed. If long employed, however, personification becomes an obstacle to breaking the chains which are the multi-level transference sustained by the various forms of projective-identification. Moreover, identity fusion/fission is memetime-bound and tacitly assumes objectivity of fusible-fissionable absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct individuals -- not objectivity of the Cantor-dusted hyletic/psychetic foams of the foam. Cantorian-set-theoretic, hologramic, fractal, logically-µTm-valued animistic-quantum relative-state whole-part identity-transparency involves voluntary dissociation, qua Gurdjieffian inner separation, without the loss of memetime accompanying involuntary dissociation, and not mere depersonalization, such that animistic generative-empathic quantum-relative-state interlock-syzygy with the natural surround facilitates social correlates of the dissociation state as µTm-order-type derivatives, i.e., the processing of propriocepts and percepts trends (generally thought of by psychologists as autohypnotic deautomatization: see, Hypnosis and Related States: Psychoanalytic Studies in Regression, Merton Max Gill and Margaret Brenman, International Universities Press, 1959) to the Cubistic, the relativistic, the skew-parallel, the m-logically-valued well, minimally, logical triproducts (not byproducts or tryproducts). For edification, see Paul M. Laporte's very interesting update to a 1945 article entitled, Cubism and Relativity, with a letter of Albert Einstein, Art Journal, 25:3, Spring, 1966: the Einstein letter making especially clear to me why Einstein had so much difficulty with quantum nonlocality and non-simple identity and why the probability amplitude was preferred over Lukasiewicz µTm-logics in interpretation of the meaning of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function; to quote Einstein, In science, the principle of order which creates units is achieved through [1T2] logical connection : this, this, in 1946, when Lukasiewicz, well before World War One, had demonstrated logical necessity logically unnecessary! Ontic onset of what I regard authentic identity-transparency involves proprioceptive and perceptual transforms most modern people, West and East, would regard ingress upon the non-normal, which is not to say the paranormal (for some accounts of these transforms, insight to which was facilitated by my folklorist wife, Nha Trang, see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994). By contrast, surely there is a tonic-activation/phasic-arousal continuum spanning the fuzzy-logic spectrum from Umwelt introjections to collective projective-identifications, incorporating both the 1T2-social (us-them, in-group/out-group, bi-logical-bordered) psychologist's social identification and identity fusion (which, though I do not doubt the social psychologist's account, I have long maintained to be regressed in service to the collective ego, conversion-disorder displaced -- e.g., postmodernist body-mod fetish-fascish animism so-called; for a pragmatist's edification on how to put egosphere in charge of social glue, i.e., how that mind-merge glue can be used, uh, uh, Cartesian-Newtonian uses for what, unmolested, is µTm-quantum non-simple identity, see: Harvey Whitehouse. Three Wishes for the World, Social Evolution Forum, 12 March 2013). And by all means take note of the explicit Whitehouse counterinsurgency therein briefly mentioned and clearly advocated, which, not withstanding my demurrals, is more like was POLOB than was Phoenix. As Henning Mankell has a character observe (The Return of the Dancing Master, Harvill, 2003, p. 302): Nowadays people drop dead while gaping at all those trivial and degrading television series that go on forever. And why is that? A postmodernist version of The Decay of Lying? How Wilde is that! Well, due to anti-mimetic propagandistic psycho-prep for the next total war having usurped ego-ideals by command of Hollywood Freudianism, the salient premise being that life imitates art because -- and this never became quite conscious amongst Hollywooders -- psychoanalytically speaking as regards ego psychology and the problem of adaptation, art is, as Ernest Kris argued, regression-in-service-to-the-ego. The structural theory generally, and ego psychology in particular, became academically passé because they were just too, too threatening to agendas of the ([state}{psychiatric establishment]) confabulation. Nascently embedded in my Midori Gaoka childhood experience of primitive-Shinto identity-transparency, and explicit from my SF and Mekong-delta exposure, has been awareness that authentic identity-transparency suppressed and, hence, regressed, is the Goat-Labbed, small-unit, OBEed Special Forces porn, SF-satori which is nowise Satori, identity fusion of high-combat (Tom Cruise bushido) on battlefields of the world. Those open to evidence supporting this regression thesis would do well to read ex-SFer Jonathan Rubin's animism-imprinting novel, The Barking Deer, Braziller, 1974. As to how such regression is systematically induced, in extreme cases, the best thing I've read is ex-SFer Kent Anderson's Sympathy for the Devil, Doubleday, 1987. In my view (and apparently also that of the first commenter to Whitehouse's article), the so-called glue should be the user, not the used. That doesn't mean I -- being no subscriber to the regressed collective projection which is cyberfunk spiritualism -- am against client-oriented software and for user-abusing mesh network and cloud-computing. Authentic identity-transparent mind-meld is µTm-logically-valued, whereas the projected cloud is 1T2-only, and even when presently-conceived quantum computing is implemented, still, the cloud will be only 1T2-logically-valued, because the developers' intent, and heavily affect-charged sociopsychopathic need, is to use quantum phase-superposition as The Road to Reality of yet faster 1T2-processors, the only way available to credibly cling to egoic subjectivity whilst convincing oneself that one is becoming a little Buddha. While a sham facade of the distributed can be projected 1T2ly, authentic nonlocality is achievable, as nature knows, only via µTmly-non-simple identity-transparency. But we probably won't have to worry about the psychobabble all that much longer, as the autonomous drones will soon be taking over: see, DARPA Building Robots With 'Real' [1T2] Brains, Sandra I. Erwin, National Defense Magazine, 9 April 2013. One has only to ask oneself: Would societies which have grave difficulties with financial transparency embrace quantum relative-state identity-transparency?
Yep, you've got it: the m-logically-valued LETS notion of quantum-composite algorithm of issuing written into the vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock is the [eco}nomic functional equivalent to BitCoin's production process as mining of an algorithmic randomized mathematical puzzle. Nikolay Gertchev has interesting thoughts on this and other aspects of BitCoin (see: The Money-ness of Bitcoins, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 4 April 2013; and for reflections on BitCoin as cryptographic gold, i.e., yet one more 1T2-logical vehicle-reserve currency, flash forward to Could Bitcoin be the money of the future, Detlev Schlichter, 23 April 2013). In respect to Gertchev's caveats on utility of BitCoin, and possible implications for nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS, I would hasten to point out that there always will be a 1T2-order-type to each LETS currency, and this order-type surely always will be paper, or metallic coin, or bullion or This is a point of considerable importance to development of a theory of transition to employment of m-logically-valued LETS. As to exactly how an m-logically-valued LETS notion of quantum-composite algorithm of issuing could be written into the vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, I don't rightly know, but, surely, this cannot be arrived at until quantum physicists embrace Lukasiewicz logics and Lukasiewiczian logicians embrace the idea that truth-value is not the foundational notion of logic. As distinct from that of BitCoin, the LETS puzzle is a real puzzle, one concerning how the econometric world-picture relates to the real world economists attempt to study, i.e., the measurement problem puzzle, a puzzle likely to become more and more complex the closer solutions are approximated, hence yielding subsystem-system-supersystem composites more and more autopoietic and self-organizationally competent. The notion, m-logically-valued LETS, is no utopian construct.
You don't? Well, I, once upon a memetime assigned as a targets analyst to CICV-Targets, do -- do find it revealing that the Everett algorithms for escalation control options used to lose the Viet Nam war remain the basis of currently employed playbooks (consider, for instance: U.S. amassing B-1 strategic bombers near North Korea, David Cenciotti, The Aviationist, 5 April 2013). Could the Korea playbook be separate from the Iran playbook? Seems altogether unlikely! But nope. Never, never would I ever say in concrete specifics what I think about a situation like this, what the contingency trees look like to me, how they appear likely to behave as they map into strategic expressions. And for all the obvious reasons! Nonetheless, I will observe that were the evoked potential of the situation to go down badly, the negative consequences for the U.S. global posture would be enormous. Revealing, how? As an ongoing example of compensatory abreaction: since Everett's (implicitly µTm-valued) relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics has been depotentiated by being interpreted to a dissociative schizophrenic multi-(1T2)worlds hypothesis, the collective unconscious has compensated this dissimulation by embracing the Everett algorithms he subsequently developed at the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, the Pentagon. And if the current playbook were to generate a new Korean war, and, further, were China and Russia to support North Korea, would the resultant hiatus be an occasion wherein an instance of the tactical offensive reverted to the strategic defensive?
Hooray! This is exactly the sort of work we require, if nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS ever are to get off the ground: The Structure of Borders in a Small World, Christian Thiemann, et al., PLoS ONE, 18 November 2010, with a fascinating set of references (note that the sponsor of this work is Spain's Cajal Institute), as referred to by Zero Hedge in The 8 United States Of A New Monetary America, 4 April 2013, with other useful links incorporated. And I would hasten to point out that the borders of any such 8 United States -- particularly because they would have primarily to do with monetary system fundamentals -- need not be 1T2-lines drawn on land; such 8 United States in a constant state of change could be constellated as monetary fractal drums fashioned over Koch-curve fractal e-boundaries cloud computed upon noosphere. And I have never he{sit](ate)d to draw attention to the fact that the VCI, Viet Cong political Infrastructure, used a low-tech version of this to overcome the imbalance of forces it faced (for details as to this assertion, see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994), nor that Earth's atmosphere accomplishes something similar with its wave-effect processing -- which is not to mention how DNA's quantum-wave properties use their available stereochemistry. Whilst considering imports of the superposition of the set of maps, as employed in Thiemann, et al., as well as their use of the entire ensemble of partitions to alleviate the resolution limit, I would recommend perusal of our paper, VirFut Q-Pro: Public Policy Implications of Quantum Computing, Ho Chi Minh City, circa 1998. I -- given my quantum-relativistic perspective, lack of preference for binary variables, and being most interested in the functions of morphogenesis -- see no compelling reason to insist upon structural stability of borders, and would add that there are, of course, also minimum "resolution times", as depicted in, for instance, the canonical equation to our model of DNA's free-electron-gas core dynamics -- minimum times that would be important to quantum economies and their monetary systems (see here, for details of this speculation). Indeed, monetary system borders should constellate superposed relativistically-dilating -- by changing velocities, accelerations, and time rates of change of accelerations of money vis-à-vis scaled econometric absolute limits to those m-valued dynamic variables -- time zones (more precisely, à la F. A. von Hayek, time-shape zones) which µTmly map the archive of total capital stock, planet Earth.
Here we have, for the first time so far as I know, someone other than myself independently advocating use of m-logically-valued LETS. Who? Paul Glover, the 1991 founder of Ithaca Hours (see: When People are Money, Global Research, 7 April 2013). Speaking of time dollars like Ithaca Hours, TimeRepublic, and E-Flux, Glover says:
Sector currencies like ArtCash could boost the creative economy; MediCash could grow our clinics; and NegaWatts fund weatherization.
America’s green economy also deserves its own money, dedicated to ecology and social justice. Such credits can stimulate the less instantly profitable green markets that biggest investors have too long avoided: energy-efficiency and retrofit, urban agriculture, co-op health care, earthship housing and transit.
From this, only a small step is required to realize that such credits can be fine-grain tagged to any existing 1T2-valued local time currency -- and that doing so would make the involved local economy a quantum economy based upon the Lukasiewiczian interpretation of the Eigen functions associated with Schrödinger's wave-function. It needs to be understood that THE factor distinguishing between Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian economies and quantum economies is the order-type of information unit, exchange unit, unit of account employed: 1T2-logically-valued or µTm-logically-valued.
Another Strong Leader, one more Dictator of Democracy, a Great Communicator who thinks long-wave human collective behaviors are significantly influenced by conscious 1T2-decision processes. I always read Helmut Kohl as something of a potato; now, I know the something part was wrong (see: Helmut Kohl: I acted like a dictator to bring in the euro, Jeevan Vasagar, The Telegraph, 9 April 2013). No-culling of cognitive lockdown called progress: still cockereling over 13th-century Magna Carta Libertatum, yet to defeather The Federalists and the Hamiltonians. In realms of the cooked, of surface structure, nothing has given greater global impetus to yet another world war than has the European project -- except, perhaps, coercive imposition of the euro within monetary circumstances created by Nixon's unilateral renunciation of Bretton Woods. This opinion hardly makes me an advocate of Thatchering together a Reaganomics, for the U.S. government clearly now fears advent of another war on its continent, and this fear cannot be separated from the long-term effects of Reagan's policies, domestic and otherwise (Reaganomics was exported to emerging markets more than implemented within the U.S., whatever David Stockman likes to believe). Globalization of 1T2-logical markets as the foremost response to infusions of µTm-quantum-based technologies can hardly be considered inspired, and most certainly greatly contributed to formation of the prevailing economic-financial-monetary conundrum. They, the Dictators of Democracy, created a weird, weird wired world, for having discounted Switzerland's Wir and its Scandinavian precursors. Having embraced Deconstructionism by conversion-disorder displacement of the involutory decomposition that should have preceded any supraordinate agglomeration -- they can still believe in the efficacy of conscious decision science! Heh-heh-heh.
While one must question the Colonel's reification, his employment of the fallacy of misplaced concreteness (see: The American Flu: Chinese colonel says bird flu virus is U.S. biological weapon, Bill Gertz, The Washington Free Beacon, 9 April 2013), and recognize the compensatory abreaction involved in facilitating use of the fallacy -- all those decades where American flues inevitably had their origins in Hong Kong or some other filthy Asian hot spot -- still, if one believes bird flu epiphenomenal to industrial agriculture (particularly in locales where industrial agriculture has yet to dominate), one must ask where ultimate responsibility lies. The first large-scale processing plant having been located not far from MACV-HQ, I remember when American-style chicken farming was more or less forcibly introduced to South Viet Nam, which so recently had had its structural impediments handily removed, and that the Vietnamese hated the resultant mushy, flavorless chickens -- never choosing them when they could still get grass-rice-insect-worm-fed Vietnamese-style free-range chickens.
Here, tacitly, is a great argument from Chris Martenson for implementation of nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS [see: Japan vs. Newton (and Certain to Lose), PeakProsperity, 8 April 2013]. Pointing out that inflation -- if successfully induced by expansion of 1T2-base-money, by process of 2-2-2 -- can have many effects, some of which are mutually canceling, he observes:
That's just the way these things work -- it is not possible to engineer a gain where everybody benefits because one sector's deficit automatically becomes another sector's gain. It is simply Newtonian physics. For every force, there is an equal and opposing force -- only the forces are economic and involve gains and losses.
Were, however, Japan to expand its monetary base µTmly, by SoftBanked deployment of Lukasiewiczian LETS (based upon substitution of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function for Newton's single-valued laws of motion), could we then expect the outcomes to be governed by simply Newtonian physics? In February of 1990, after a public lecture I delivered at Tsukuba University on our model of DNA's free-electron-gas core dynamics, I sat up all night discussing implications of contents of the lecture, a discussion that came to focus on the m-valued logics of identity-transparency in natural systems, and what this implied for human systems like monetary systems. By the end of the discussion, it was clear that there was little interest in the m-valued logics of identity-transparency, and, moreover, no apparent comprehension of the meaning of the term identity-transparency -- a fact that mystified me, given that my interest in that area had had its origins in my early-1950s childhood exposure in Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, to the identity-transparency inherent to the Weltanschauung of primitive-Shinto rice-ritual animism.
Believe it or not, Huntingtonesque forced-draft urbanization (by mass compensatory abreaction, Cambodia-holocaust forced-draft-deurbanization inducing) qua Russellian density cult does have its few detractors (e.g., see: Megacities and the Density Delusion , Joel Kotkin, NewGeography, 16 April 2013). For considering synoptic imports of collections of points of indifference and points of difference, there are GIS-computerized trading-area analysis analog models, regression models, and gravity models -- each of which are quintessentially 1T2, and assume Newtonian absolute space and time. And, yes, there are salient reasons why it is not surprising that Thiemann, et al. -- their Structure of Borders paper being linked above -- found gravity models of interaction strength not particularly useful -- especially given Thiemann's multi-scale modeling approach, the involved superposition of the set of maps, and the use of the entire ensemble of partitions. I personally first became aware of gravity models of spatial disease, specifically diseases of, not in, urban spaces, whilst perusing a copy of Shlomo Angel's, 1972, City and Regional Planning, UC-Berkeley Ph.D. dissertation on traffic flows, reflected in: Urban Velocity Fields, (with Geoffrey Hyman), Environment and Planning, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1970; and Urban Spatial Interaction, (with Geoffrey Hyman), Environment and Planning, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1972; and the book, Urban Fields: A geometry of movement for regional science, Shlomo Angel and Geoffrey M. Hyman, Pion, 1976. And why should gravity models -- even those relativistic, like is Angel's -- be of limited use (as Shlomo Angel, himself, ultimately concluded: spoken to me in 1986, School of Human Settlements, Asia Institute of Technology, Bangkok)? Einstein, himself, offers the best explanation. Again quoting Einstein's letter to Paul Laporte (given in Cubism and Relativity, linked above):
the essence of the Theory of Relativity has been incorrectly understood in it [Laporte's paper], granted that this error is suggested by the attempts at popularization of the theory. For the description of a given state of facts (Sachverhalt) one uses almost always only one system of coordinates. The theory says only that the general laws (Gesetzmaessigkeiten) are such that their form does not depend upon the choice of the system of coordinates. This logical demand, however, has nothing to do with how the single, specific case is represented. A multiplicity of systems of coordinates is not needed for its representation. It is completely sufficient to describe the whole mathematically in relation to one system of coordinates.
Note that, with respect to the main point Einstein makes, he says it is the result of a logical demand. The logic he speaks of surely must be only traditional Western 1T2-valued logic -- not all the other logical-value order-types of Lukasiewicz logics (which were rigorously codified in rough memetime lockstep with Einstein's formulation of his Special and General Theories). But even setting aside the issue of m-valued logics and their interpretation, their applicability or non-applicability to Schrödinger's wave-function, and what implications that applicability/non-applicability may or may not have for the Theory of Relativity, we must contest Einstein's understanding of the essence of Relativity -- easily viewed as no less a subliminally-forced dissembling of imports of Abel's Impossibility Theorem than later was the finite-iteration Turing machine -- because, if the 1T2-logical demands of the theory were to be followed out cleanly, then there would clearly be stated, not only an absolute limiting velocity, but also an absolute limiting acceleration, an absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, and so on, and that each of these must, logically speaking, co-exist for any given state of facts (Sachverhalt). And, if that is the case, then, indubitably, there cannot be general laws (Gesetzmaessigkeiten) such that their form does not depend upon the choice of the system of coordinates. Why can there be no Gesetzmaessigkeiten? If it took tacit realization as to only an absolute limiting acceleration to come up with Physics Degree-Zero! at the bottom of a black hole, just imagine the cognitive consequences of the tacit realization as to existence of an absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration. If absolute limiting acceleration is enough to quench geometrodynamics (and the coordinate frameworks involved) of spacetime, what is quenched by absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration? Clearly, the answer is: Gesetzmaessigkeiten. And what if each of these universal physical constants were m-valued, not single-valued? OMG! We now have experimental evidence of that with respect to the speed of light. But all this would be understood differently, and thoroughly differently, were Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function not dissimulated as speaking in probability amplitudes, rather than in m-valued Lukasiewicz logics -- for, then, a complete description of any given Sachverhalt would require, so as to fulfill the explicit logical demand, employment of the full collection of Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types and associated order-type-specific notions as to what constitutes systems of coordinates. This was understood quite well by Douglas A. Paine at Cornell by the mid-1970s (well enough to be deemed persona non grata by the NSF) in respect to cascade of complex angular momentum at solar-wind-butterflies-induced energy-momentum-imbalances triggering of tornadogenesis and resultant vertically propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (i.e., acoustic analogue to black-hole computer, which Hawking, et al., at the time mistakenly maintained cannot exist). As regards misnomered analytical Cubism, I have often asserted that it is what you see, not think, when you process reality -- via a perceptually-practiced Husserliana, a lived-in reductive phenomenology, made possible by endogenously-precipitated ketamine floods -- with m-valued logics; but I have never believed Picasso and/or Braque so saw -- maybe Alfred Jarry. The collection of Musculpted color-field symformphonies associated with different levels of Samadhi, qua autogenic abreaction, may be considered Cinerama/surround-sound elaborations of Cubistic modes of proprioception and perception -- best purceived-appurceived when cultivated via walking, rather than sitting, meditation.
This Inchoate Rage, The Privateer's William Buckler, Zero Hedge, 14 April 2013, is sophomoric malevolent hogwash, to use Buckler's term: entitlements are not the ROOT of the problem, or of that problem's inchoate character. The problem and its inchoateness derive from the fact that N. H. Abel's 1826 existence proof was deemed an Impossibility Theorem -- thus setting in motion prevention of the collective cognitive transition ever more required by evolving circumstances for near-on to two centuries.
Well contextualizing in regards to decontextualization/recontextualization as the foremost technique of Appropriation Art, consider Lend-Lease an extension of FDR's EO6102 gold seizure executive order of 5 April 1933. The Lend-Lease bill was signed by FDR on 11 March 1941. Quoting USS Vincennes (C. Peter Chen, World War II Database, undated posting): On 17 Mar 1941, she [the heavy cruiser USS Vincennes] sailed for South Africa to bring back a shipment of gold bullion given by the United Kingdom as a lend-lease payment. Earlier, the Vincennes had carried French and Belgian gold reserves to the U.S. for safety and storage. The U.S.S.R, like others involved in reverse lend-lease, paid in kind on an ongoing basis -- minerals, machine tools, platinum, other precious metals. Basically, by the end of WWII, the U.S. ended up with most of the world's gold -- which Bretton Woods made monetary gold directly tagged only to the U.S. dollar. Gold decontextualization/recontextualization today, 15 April 2013, likely is a functional prerequisite to any recentralization of the global monetary system, just as it was in run up to Bretton Woods. Which were the only two periods -- from the 1791 founding of the First Bank of the United States until today -- when ten-year U.S.-treasury yields persisted below 2%? For the graphic answer, see: The long history of long (10-year US treasuries) yields. The verbal answer is: during WWII and since initiation of QE3. For a somewhat alternative take on the present situation, as well as some interesting history, see: Physical gold vs paper gold: waiting for the dam to break, Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney, 25 April 2013. I would note that during the early-1980s I landscaped a number of newly remodeled Georgetown townhouses wherein portfolios of master bathroom fixtures were made of gold -- so jewelry and coin are not the only holders of non-monetary gold.
Actually, the autogenic state, obtained by practice of Autogenic Training, is not an auto-hypnotic state -- there are many electro-physiologic and other features distinguishing the two. This fact is important to understand in the context discussed by Tom Engelhardt in his article entitled, The Enemy-Industrial Complex, RealClearWorld, 15 April 2013, where he argues that a process of collective auto-hypnotism was responsible for the wildly disproportionate evoked-response to 9/11. He says that he was convinced of this years ago. I was convinced in immediate aftermath of the Tet-'68 offensive in SVN -- wandering hallways of MACV-HQ, listening to the affect-charged idle conversation enunciate the American version of the German stab-in-the-back myth -- that there would be wildly disproportionate evoked-response to any brain-probed existential denial issued to the US of A, 9/11 being such a case. I suspected during my years at AU/SIS, 1963-5 -- having been born on Flag Day of 1945 to a B-17 pilot, and having had 18 years of exposure growing up a military brat -- that Americans were showing their true colors in what they were then doing to Viet Nam. I was an American, and a military brat subjected to what all military brats are subjected to: so, I knew, that, if I was to understand myself, really understand myself, I had to deeply understand those true colors. To seek that understanding -- as I wrote into my journal at the time -- is why I quit college to go to Viet Nam, enlisted Airborne unassigned, volunteered for Special Forces training. My brain has never been for sale: first my butt, then my back. One thing I learned in Special Forces Training Group was how to engage in a process of collective auto-hypnotism, the simplest example of the resultant being the state induced on before-breakfast 10-mile in-formation geared-up runs by rhythm-entraining -- so as to get second, third, and fourth winds -- to boot-stamps and other motion-patterns established by the group. Many more-elaborate forms of auto-hypnosis are taught and learned in schools for special service operatives. Later, having returned from the Viet Nam war, I developed meditative methods to auto-de-self-metaprogram, and these, I subsequently became aware, had much in common with practices employed in Autogenic Training. But none of this actually explains the wildly disproportionate aspect achieved by collective conversion-disorder displacements. Compensatory abreactions are wildly disproportionate if and only if there is an enormous pool of affect-charge-driven regressed libido at their disposal -- often manifest as inchoate rage. Build up of regression requires prior suppression/repression. What, in the present case, was suppressed and hence repressed, such that regression resulted? My answer has long been: everything constellated by rigorous codification of Lukasiewicz logics. Commodore Perry (a decade before sailing into Edo Bay): We have met the enemy and they are ours! Pogo: We have met the enemy and he is us. How many authentically understand Pogo? When the false existential claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct is contravened by fundaments of ALL THAT IS, and this is denied, suppressed, repressed, regressed, the claimed me-in-here is conversion-disorder displaced to enemy-out-there via projective-identification at transference. The involved psychophysical parallelism goes skew-parallel superposed, critical state, correlation length infinity=zero when self-made enemies out-there overrun the falsely-claimed super-I in-here and HE has to be called in upon position 0,0 -- origin One's Own. This (cf: Laurie Layton Schapira) can happen to the corpus of a collection, and can be transgendered (cf: Jean Shinoda Bolen). The Cassandra complex on the WholeCulture level, where the Apollo archetype embodies 1T2-logic and the (anarchic, dissociative) hysteria attributed to Cassandra stands in for what is subliminally imputed by binary-mind to µTm-valued logics: whole of the officiating establishment worldwide throughout the 20th-century (since Lukasiewicz first demonstrated the unnecessity of the logically necessary) and unto the present day is culpable, having been, given nature of the involved institutions, unassailably caught up in this psychopathic complex. While many have by now -- nearly 200 years into this thing, dating its early adumbrations to falsification of the import of N. H. Abel's work in 1826 -- come to understand gravity and magnitude of the growing global crisis, few comprehend its depth. Consider, for instance, this from Stratfor's Robert D. Kaplan (see, for the following quotation: The World is Marching Toward Anarchy, RealClearWorld, 18 April 2013):
The fact is that domination of one sort or another, tyrannical or not, has a better chance of preventing the outbreak of war than a system in which no one is really in charge; where no one is the top dog, so to speak. That is why Columbia University's Kenneth Waltz, arguably America's pre-eminent realist, says that the opposite of anarchy is not stability, but hierarchy. Government is the most common form of hierarchy. It is a government that monopolizes the use of violence in a given geographical space, thereby preventing anarchy. To quote Thomas Hobbes, the 17th century English philosopher, only where it is possible to punish the wicked can right and wrong have any practical meaning, and that requires some coercive power.
One could not envision a more pristine admission of psychological identification with 1T2-logic, the bedrock of 18th-century rationalism, and concurrent admission to alienation from all that has been learned, even whilst having been dissimulated, since Abel's theorem on the quintic of 1826 (for a realist's picture of where Kaplan stands, see his article: In Defense of Henry Kissinger, The Atlantic, May 2013; and if you don't think Kissinger is as psychopathically identified with 1T2-logic as was Milton Friedman, read any, just any, Kissinger memo). The transition from 1T2-logics (Western syllogistic, Eastern rotational) to µTm-logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, overthrows just about everything that has existed culturally on this planet for the last 5000 years -- with the possible exception of Tibetan Bon-and-Buddhist Tzog-chen. Tradition? Heritage? Poof! However much denied, this has been the human condition for nigh unto a century. Not only is wildly disproportionate evoked-response tied into the deautomatization state necessarily involved in regression (unnecessary, but induced by denial, suppression, repression, dissimulation, dissembling, outright falsification, et cetera) of this transition between logic-types, but so is the sheer stupidity of the strategy and tactics employed under psychological governance of the governors by processes of conversion-disorder displacement: one example being how everything learned at POLOB/SRA (and denied, suppressed, repressed, regressed in real-time, circa 1966-'73) about what not to do in counterinsurgency has become foremost in how GWOT has been promulgated. Hysterically bombing/droning the inherently unbombable (link addresses the question: What caused the bombing that caused the Cambodian holocaust?) out-there, in lieu of coming to terms with what has bombed in-here. Got 'imself MAO-A gened, 'e did, didn't 'e, Love!
Whoa! This (see: All Terror Attacks are Psyops, Jon Rappoport, Infowars, 16 April 2013) is the closest I've seen anything written, or heard spoken, to the thesis I (who, as a result of time spent at AU's Special Operations Research Office, 1963-5, was able to weasel my way into a job in early-1967 helping to teach principles of propaganda production at Psychological Operations Group, JFK Special Warfare Center) first wrote down in March of 1968 at SRA/MACV-J2 and, later, incorporated to our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994, then our paper, VirFut Q-Pro: Public Policy Implications of Quantum Computing, Ho Chi Minh City, circa 1998. Quoting Rappoport's article:
Later in the conversation, I went back to the subject of the space-time wave.
Medavoy said: The psychology on this is clear. An overwhelming percentage of people deal with space-time in a passive way. They receive it, so to speak. They are presented with that fundament of reality and they blindly accept it. Therefore, when you take it away, they're lost. A tiny percentage of the population, those who are intensely creative, react differently. That's because they are, in a real sense, projecting their own space and time.
Psyops planners who stage events are aware of these factors. They want to create a world, a picture of a world, that is in dangerous flux and absolutely requires our leaders to stop that flux.
This is not quite Clausewitz's time by a dynamic analogy as a factor of forces, or Wolfgang Pauli's operator time, or Cornell-of-the-1970s Douglas A. Paine's temporal curl at complex angular-momentum-cascade-induced tornadogenesis, or Charles Musès' hypernumbered chronotopology, or Marie-Louise von Franz's edging up to topologically-active time, or Stephen Hawking's imaginary time, or the time-shapes of total capital stock formulation of Everettian relative-state spoken of by F. A. von Hayek -- but Therefore, when you take it away, they're lost. Exactly. Or, as Robert Kaplan says as the concluding sentence to his anarchy-on-the-march piece, linked above, For without order -- without hierarchy -- there is nothing. And that surpassing dread, fear, and loathing of absolute nihility, uh, uh, i.e., of a quenching of ego autonomy, is precisely why m-valued Lukasiewicz logics were not used to interpret Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function; and why, today, there is no interest in nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS currencies mapped upon fractal e-boundaries as a means to adequately assimilate the increasingly massive uptake of the quantum-based technologies exponentially magnifying k-factor correlations quenching absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct simple-identity across virtually every subset of identifiable concrete variables by metahypertwisting coupling constants -- the [WhOpPeR}ing of cloudy cyberspace being the [psycho}genic stand-in for Musculpted acoustico-optical µTm-LETS, and a clear-channel indicator (see: Regulating Large Financial Institutions, Federal Reserve Governor Jeremy C. Stein, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 17 April 2013, with link to Governor Jerome H. Powell's speech to the Institute of International Bankers entitled, Ending 'Too Big to Fail', circa 4 March 2013, which discusses Dodd-Frank OLA, Orderly Liquidation Authority and FDIC single-point-of-entry bail-in contextualization of the Cypress template, i.e., FDIC shape-shifted to bail-in administrator) as to Where we stand with respect to fixing 'too big to fail' . Not only well, uh, most-insurgency-inducing [s]Cy[the]{press}ing GOOD HAUSHOFER (see, for edification: As Forewarned, The Irish Savers Have Just Been 'Cyprus'd', And Much More 'Cyprusing' To Come, Reggie Middleton, BoomBustBlog, 22 April 2013: and this is taking place in a legacy situation once Sinn Féined and IRAed!), but also [cyber}pressing µTm-telepresence nonlocality: da no-place-for-amateurs dah-dah-dumb-dumber-dumbest deployment-employment of 1T2-scale/scope/prices renormalization-truncation regulatory tools, p-adic injun-cuntry scalping or no (Hollywood-porno-style renormalization being the quantum physicists' foremost 1970s Cornellian-Wilsonian way of suppressing-repressing-regressing Lukasiweiczian Schrödinger and associated mu-bitcoined virtual-exchange cloud: be aware, if you can, that Cornellian-Wilsonian wick rotation, heh-heh-heh! -- multiplying t by i -- of coupling constants was independently formulated by Cornellian D. A. Paine as the three-fold temporal curl induced by complex and hypercomplex operator-time at tornadogenesis, thus requiring no frequency cutoff, and, hence, no suppression of the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes involved in acoustic analogues to black-hole computing, or, in other words, viewed through a memetime-bound mindset, onset of divergence indicates initialization of critical-state transition 1T2 >>> µTm, which is to say that the very idea of a limit in the calculus is an anti-pagan µTm-escape valve qua Witch Bull: why physicists need truncation, most fundamentally, is that bare value is µTm and glutamate-etching of neurons qua quantum quenching demands physical value be 1T2: the tragedy and frustration being resident in the fact that this was well understood before advent of the GMO industry, financial derivatives, misunderstanding of climate change as exclusively due to greenhouse warming), in an environment ever increasingly dominated by µTm-quantum-based technologies more and more subverting the selfsameness of the fractions of fractional-reserve banking (the fractions employed should be non-self-identical Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers), being a great way to insure SIFIs (systemically important financial institutions) will continue to exist and that -- given existence of µTm-logical market reflexivities which no single-valued action at any 1T2-single-point-of-entry, be it a point-of-indifference or a point-of-difference, could conceivably contain -- when one fails, all will fail. Ashes! Ashes!/ We all fall down. The BCBS (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision) by no means relies upon the BCS (Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer) account -- dependent as BCS is upon virtual exchange -- of self-organization in [man}dating rent-seeking progressive surcharges based upon a variety of indicator-measurables, rather than tagging indicators to logical-value order-types stacked upon an algebraic variety of LETS virtual currencies' base-states and mapping them over nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries. Binary-mind has no topological handle upon µTm-systematics sufficient to effectuate regulatory control -- being adequate, in back-reaction upon existence of µTm, only to the programming of the collective suicide self-metaprogram, à la the account provided by John C. Lilly, M.D., in Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer (Julian Press, 1968), still the best read on the subject. A person clings to patently pathological 1T2-logically-accommodating beliefs -- indeed, may choose degenerative disease or to die rather than relinquish them -- largely because heshe cannot acknowledge to himherself a life lived in lies: Prescott Lecky's theory of self-consistency (published posthumously, Island Press, 1945) is involved here, and particularly potent when 1T2-logic itself, and/or its rule framework, is at issue. Self-consistency theory is compensatory to Lukasiewicz-Post logics and was developed at Columbia University soon after m-valued logics came on the scene at Columbia, 1921, by good offices of Emil Post -- the master-motive need, qua self-consistent-in-ideas-narrative need, which the theory hypothesizes, having since been highly cultivated in the popular fiction back-reacting upon kaleidoscopic joysprick of Ulysses (serialized 1918-'20) & Finnegans Wake (published just as Lukasiewiczian Poland was being invaded by the Nazis & the Stalinistas) and by the film industry consistently attributing realism to itself ever since the early-1920s, well, uh, at least until recently when Hollywood was taken over by DOD and the purveyors of VR and other exogenously introduced ketamine dreems. Not exactly parenthetically, but definitely as an afterthought, I note that John Baez @ removethis.andthis.edu, the author of the above-linked piece on renormalization, appends, as an afterthought, a quotation from Donald Knuth: The author feels that this technique of deliberately lying will actually make it easier for you to learn the ideas.
By direct analogy to our relativistic-Everettian cascade-theory formulation in respect to form in general process, self-referential Sorosian market reflexivities, geometrodynamically speaking, would relate to econometrically-scaled absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, the approach to which shifts multiply-connected, yet still hierarchical, 1T2-subsystem-system-supersystem nonlinear Newtonian dynamics over-onto-into the all-around topologically non-orientable quantum-composite -- and, pregeometrically-logically speaking, would handle multiply-connected topological handles with self-referential µTm-valued Lukasiewiczian operators (i.e., concretely expressing as: orders of temporal curl induced by complex- and hypercomplex-numbered operator-time). Self-referential µTm-valued Lukasiewiczian operators are always and all ways here-there even in Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian-Keynesian economies, if only subliminally so, for having no explicit price-tags to market action directives by un-virtue of there being no m-logically-valued LETS-currency nesting-foams. Abenomics seems soon to be probing, behind the veil, such quantum-economy realities: a regressed expression of yugen, perhaps (search hidden in this superlative essay by Antanas Andrijauskas on comparative aesthetics: Japanese, Chinese, Indian; as an aside, I reveal my personal investment of belief as consonant with the Japanese notion of beauty, bi, taken as eternal primordial essence, but with the caveat that my belief, early on, came to regard this bi-notion as limiting, in that, on basis of Shinto identity-transparency, I, in immediacy, ontically challenged validity-utility of both essence precedes existence and existence precedes essence by rejecting 1T2-precedes in preference for µTm-hyparxis qua Tzog-chen AllBase where no distinction is drawable between being and becoming; to me, no-mind emptiness is not absence of mind, but presence of the multivalue). The antimonetarist counter-k-percent-rule-allusory honkadori, which is Abenomics, is unlikely on Honcho Dori, thus never to become honkey-dory. The deflationary balance-sheet recession is not only a bubble-burst consequent so far impervious to QEing because of a critical shortage of private sector borrowers (see, for an excellent analysis: Japan's Inflation Propaganda And Why The BoJ Better Hope It's Not Successful, Nomura's Richard Koo, Zero Hedge, 20 April 2013), but also due to more subtle multi-level self-referential reflexivities acting upon debt-PTSDed, yet still potential, replacement borrowers: increases in event velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration, and hence, mounting densities and associated strange attractors, have induced sufficient incredulity (not to mention significant percentages of the population base in massive stress, mental illness, NEET drug addiction, ADHD, chronic stress facilitation of degenerative diseases, suicide) that people increasingly no longer believe, that is, don't trust leaders-authorities, the system, the worldview construct, objectives, goals, interests as nationally defined by whatsoever nation-state, each and all of which are neglectful of the WholeEarth functional prerequisites to wellbeing ever more thrust upon awareness of everyone by pile up of events. PTSD -- and exemplars thereof, some cultivating their disorder for decades -- runs our world! LOL wit dat. Whilst, from perspective of Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian-Keynesian econometrics, these factors may all be extra-systemic externalities, still, µTmly speaking, they remain potent drivers of market reflexivities not at all manageable by monetary-fiscal interventions and/or 1T2-regulatory actions. Supporting the contention that The Sun Also Falls due to QEing also beating against extra-systemic externalities, with their reflexive self-referential orders of µTm-valued logics, are recent stats, as revealed in Abenomics Leads To Worst Core Deflation In Three Years, Zero Hedge, 25 April 2013. Consider invasive QEing as analogical correspondent to iatrogenic fMRIing, which disrupts on the quantum-level so as to get a tissue-level readout: blood-flow pattern.
Okay. Econometrically-scaled absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration? What could I possibly mean by that? If universal physical constants are m-valued and processed by nature under m-valued logics, then to what are the m-values associated? Spacetime laminates, LSTDs (limited spacetime domains), fractal drums, domain structures, nesting foams, LETS, spacetime modules, Sakharov-Novikov sheets, branes, so on. For simplicity's sake -- the principles involved being similar, if not self-similar -- let us do this discussion in relation to speed, rather than acceleration or time rate of change of acceleration. Thanks to Einstein, we are all familiar with the speed of light being the absolute limiting velocity. This is one universal physical constant, about which we now have experimental evidence suggesting m-valuedness, rather then single-valuedness. In the case that the speed of light is, indeed, m-valued, it is not understandable as a simple quantity, but must be understood a function (going the further step of insight to non-self-identical number we need not take for purposes of this discussion). Einstein's light is light as structure; m-valued light is light as function. What functions as light for Earth's atmosphere? An absolute limiting speed, the quantitative value of which is scaled to the LSTD which is Earth's atmosphere. WhoWhat does the scaling? Scientist? Nature understood as black box? Nope. Quoting our paper, The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, circa September of 1978: In this manner, an active temporal parameter partitions the spatial reference frame, or, in other words, the fundamental frequency of the oscillating parcel functions as an ordering principle by establishing limits of the involved spatial domain. Operator-time, an active topological operator, does the spatial scaling. Moreover: In this manner, the wave phase velocity mediates the transition between maximized field strengths by imposing a limiting velocity constraint upon individual air parcels, thus subscribing to principles of the Special Theory of Relativity. For a detailed mathematical treatment relative to actual atmospheric data, see the linked paper and its references. What functions as light for a given national economy? An absolute limit to the velocity of money, the quantitative value of which is scaled to the LSTD over the boundaries of which is defined its legal-tender unit of exchange. In scaled form, all the rules of Special Relativity apply as each of the m-values of the speed of nested/nesting light are approached -- relative to the LSTDs involved. Synoptically speaking, the m-lights of cosmologically-functional light are handled by nature µTmly as Lukasiewiczian-Wheelerian pregeometry. This would be mimicked econometrically, under nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS, by a quantum-composite reserve unit of account on MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space: Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space) using accountancy based in non-self-identical Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (i.e., Gödel numbers taken simultaneously -- that is, Number the numbering! -- by Axiom of Choice, over collections of µTm-logically-valued order-types). Does this have relevance to determination of optimum currency areas? What about appropriate scale? What about sheer size? Consider the following assertion (see: QBAMCO On Unreserved Credit Growth and Imperial Constraint, QB Asset Management Company's Lee Quaintance and Paul Brodsy, Zero Hedge, 21 April 2013): The nominal sizes of advanced economies have grown far larger than the rational scope of production that would be needed to sustain them. After an analysis of how this has led to a contrived meta-economy (see, for an account of what is perhaps the quintessential example: An Unprecedented $660 Billion In Excess Debt Demand, And What It Means For Bond Yields, Zero Hedge channeling J. P. Morgan, 21 April 2013) inculcating social cognitive dissonance (i.e., most fundamentally, principles of evolving Weltanschauung increasingly divergent from assumptions informing institutional base, which I maintain feeds into µTm-valued market reflexivities), they, Q&B, quasi-forecast a monetary system reset (for more on this reset forecast, flash forward and see: QBAMCO On Precious Metals And The Coming 'Great Reset', same authors, Ibid., 29 April 2013). And when the last-step-on-the-Devil's-Staircase monetary reset fix is in, and that has failed to fix the global economy? The question of real importance is with regard to what kind of monetary system the reset will yield: yet another one 1T2-logically-valued, such as -- BitCoin, heh-heh-heh! -- gold-plated SDRs, or some form of the µTm-logically-valued capable of facilitating assimilation and conscious integration of the massive uptake in quantum-based technologies? People may think of µTm as spooky terra incognita-ignota, as unknown unknown, but, really, given fuzzy logic as 0,1-grayscale, µTm is actually unknown known. BitCoin (see, with regard to venture capital interest: BitCoin, or BetaCoin? What The Venture Capitalists Are Thinking, Nick Colas, Zero Hedge, 22 April 2013) may, technologically speaking, be a facilitator of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams (which will be needed to subdue the meddling muddling-befuddling impacts of super1T2computers, some of which are described in Supercomputers could generate warnings for [HFTed flash] stock crashes [heh-heh-heh!], Lisa M. Krieger, San Jose Mercury News as posted to DenverPost, 22 April 2013), but, more fundamentally, it's a spoiler. Ever since Douglas A. Paine bowed out from the VC disaster involving NYC venture capitalists interested in the atmospheric cascade theory computer model, and from what he believed a potential VC disaster involving Tokyo venture capitalists interested in the quantum-wave model of DNA free-electron gas core, I've been asking myself: What Have The Venture Capitalists Been Thinking? Moreover, What Have The Egregious Culpables Engaged in Compensatory Self-Justifying Gratuitous Good Works Been Thinking? Uh, uh, well just ask Demi and Mila (see: Demi Moore Says She's Been Buying Stocks, Too, MarketSqueeze, 17 March 2013); they just must know a Little something Moore about it than does my I/i. What, for instance, is the derivatives-loss-allowance to a commercial bank counterparty with $72.8 trillion in derivatives exposure? Which is not even to mention the unspeakable doomsday machine crime of subverting autopoiesis by engaging in HFTing in absence of real-time SEC-FTC monitoring-posting of the induced micro-nano fluctuations in time rates of change of acceleration of various dynamical variables (the myriad stand-ins for econometric-spacetime-warping money-in-movement). But just imagine what µTm-valued LETS nesting foams would do to both of these TBTF behaviors!
During the spring of 1968, at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, I was predicting -- on basis of Einstein-relativistic dilation considerations -- that any US-inspired expansion of the apparent boundaries of the war would be disastrous (words then employed were not so sophisticated as those used now, but, nonetheless, basic understanding was there). At that time, the most likely expansion was across the HCM Trail into Laos. On general principles, I knew there would be a disaster. I did not imagine -- indeed, was incapable of the required visualization process -- a Cambodia holocaust type of event. In order to keep an insurgency war at the state of equilibrium, prevent it from shifting into the insurgent's general counter-offensive stage, the counterinsurgent must service security needs of the population by maintaining LOCs, other basic infrastructure, the minimum in public safety required to permit ADLs, and so on. Allowing the conflict to become protracted shifts the counterinsurgent's minimum-required-resources-commitments curve from a horizontal to a rising diagonal straight line; expanding the geographical extent of such a protracted conflict shifts the linear diagonal to an exponential curve -- the greater the territorial expansion, the more curved the curve. This is most accurately mapped, not with the sand on a sand table, but in an abstract function/phase space depicting the dilations of force-structure variants induced by flux and flow of the extra-combat free-energy introduced from the environment of the conflict. I first got onto this in 1964, at AU's Special Operations Research Office, writing -- for the 12-credit-hour, AU-SIS, team-taught, problem-based, interdisciplinary seminar, Human Behavior, Prof. George L. Harris (cf: chairman of the group which wrote the U.S. Army Handbook for Vietnam, SORO-FASD, 1962) -- a long socio-anthropological analysis of the Strategic Hamlets Program in comparison to the Briggs Plan employed during The Emergency in Malaya (to which Sam Adams gave his approval when he read it during the period of the Westmoreland-vs-CBS trial). Forced-internal migration is a manipulation of the synoptic spatial variable in an attempt to mitigate the increasing slope of the counterinsurgent's resource-commitments curve. Institution of free-fire zones as amplification of the applied force driving internal migration patterns fundamentally transforms the internal-system-state. The counterinsurgent intent is mitigation by migration, but the outcome -- readable on the abstract function/phase space -- is tantamount to a geographical expansion of the boundaries of the war, topologically expressed as increased spacetime curvature (of the table upon which the sand sits: relativistic gravitational model of interaction strengths at play in balance of contending forces modulated by their capabilities relative to the spectrum of critical-state variables constellated at any given time). Boy, has this principle become well understood over the intervening years! Heh-heh-heh (see, for relevant illustrations: 'Walls of Shame': The World of Walls, Security Zones and Electrified Fences, Arthur Kalmeyer, Global Research English reposting of the original Russian LiveJournal article, 24 April 2013). And not only because of the the liminality in the socio-anthropologic and politico-economic deautomatization (I had read Heinz Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation the summer after graduating from high school -- and viewed it through the lens of the PSSC physics I had taken my senior year at Fairborn H.S., my father then being stationed at Wright-Patterson, Air Force Systems/Logistics Command) brought about by the forced-draft migration. As more and more artificial internal boundaries are created, the opportunity-cost to the counterinsurgent magnifies without bound. Why? Because insurgent political self-generation and self-organization is orchestrated by resource exchange across phase boundaries (just like with the biological cell: the organizing cadre, face card or no, being a mere functional element employed by the gradients established within the abstract function/phase space) -- and the more such boundaries (up to some critical value) in determination of internal-system-state, the greater the opportunity for autopoiesis/self-organized-criticality presented to the insurgency (this, implicitly Mnk, understanding was later generalized to theory of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, a notion having origins for me in my struggle, whilst taking honors economics along with PSSC physics, to visualize the topologies implied by multiple-bank credit expansion, impetus to such a visualization attempt having come from the independent study courses in Symbolic Logic, Topology, and Foundations of Mathematics given by Dr. Moore at Eielson AFB high school, Alaska, during my sophomore and junior years, courses taken along with David LeBlanc and Ben Ray Smith). I couldn't imagine anything like a Cambodia holocaust because -- though I had multiple readings of C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul under my belt before going to Viet Nam -- I had yet to arrive at significant understanding of the dynamics of compensatory abreaction, on the individual and collective levels. I did not see that Huntington's forced-draft urbanization (peruse his July of 1968 Foreign Affairs article entitled The Bases of Accommodation) would abreact as precipitous Khmer Rouge forced-draft de-urbanization. And I did not then see that the sort of mobility of labor demanded by globalization of 1T2-financializing economies of scale had been instituting slow-ingress forced-draft urbanization understood by the density cult as equivalent to economic development -- and that this planetarization greatly risks a slow-ingress compensatory abreaction of its own. For pieces thought provoking in this regard, along these lines by now being warped, see: Detroit is Dying Quickly, Freakonomics, 23 March 2011; and America the Fallen: 24 Signs That Our Once Proud Cities Are Turning Into Poverty-Stricken Hellholes, Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse, 23 April 2013.
I, as with others there, did both small and large at SRA/MACV-J2. RVN was partitioned into areas and each analyst given a AoR, area of responsibility. Mine was the Saigon-Cholon-BinhHoa area: I was supposed to know more about the underground political infrastructure in that area than anyone else. So I was pretty familiar with the gruesome stats and how the city continued to function despite the incidents giving rise to those stats. In light of that, I was a gawker in reading of the Bostonian response to that city's recent experience with terrorism, by contrast to what transpired on the same day in Iraq, as briefly described in, 'Boston on the Tigris' , Dirk Adriaensens, Global Research, 23 April 2013. Quoting the article:
While on 15 April the whole world was focused on the Boston marathon blasts, at least 79 people were killed, and over three hundred others injured -- mostly civilians -- in a series of bombings and armed attacks across Iraq. Twenty-six car bombs were involved, as well as sixteen IED's and four other armed attacks, all in separate incidents. Eight car bombs exploded in different areas across Baghdad.
My making reference to this is in no way to downplay the horror involved in any terrorist attack, only to draw attention to the fact that much, in principle, is not understood even by the [ex}perts -- not the least of which being that what initializes at the periphery, by archetypally-constellated spontaneous localization, gravitates upon mass centers.
Thanks for this referral: Do Visionary Shamans Dream of VALIS?, Simon G. Powell, Reality Sandwich, 10 December 2011. Quoting the article concerning Philip K. Dick:
But what does it mean to be outside the system, outside the Universal Computation process? Can there really be an outside? If we do entertain the notion of a dimension outside of our world, we run up against the old infinite regress pit of despair, for surely the outsides could be continued indefinitely. In other words, if the intelligent Other exists outside our (simulated) reality, then what lies outside the Other's dimension?
Surely Dick and Powell construe the Universal Computation process in memetime-bound, finite-iteration, Turing-machine, 1T2-logically-valued terms only, such that outside that lowest-order process would be vastness of µTm-VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System: the active aspect having to do with the temporal curl induced by topologically active operator-time). But the infinite involved is not a despair-pit, for it is a set demergent, not a recursive sequence regressed -- all the more so, as discussed in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, because the demonstration can be made in (G. Spencer) Brownian-cross terms that curls under operator-time employment of m-collections of logical-value order-types self-cancel by self-reentered non-orientability under leak-proof Klein-bottling of third-order plasma dynamics (such as those constellated at tornadogenesis -- requiring no tokamak electromagnet or reactor blanket). Poof goes the weasel! The despair is not out-there; it's in-here, here in the insubstantial claim one makes to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct -- to employ Let Go! terminology (Allen & Unwin, 1962) used by Hubert Benoit in respect to the theory and practice of detachment according to Zen. The collective unconscious as infinite sets (see Ignacio Matte-Blanco's The Unconscious as Infinite Sets, Duckworth, 1975, whilst being aware the author did not understand import of logical-value order-types supraordinate to that of bi-logic) is unconscious, not to the unimpersonated collective, but to the personated individual, for consciousness of processing via logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2 is a non-simple, nonlocal collective-occasion-of-experience -- as dolphins, sardines, bees, ants, bacteria, et cetera, well know, it must be supposed -- a consciousness-state conversion-disorder displaced by Dick and real-world technodevelopers to scarifying technodystopia projections. WWW-dot of The Matix is regression doubly exponentiated in that authentic quantum nonlocality/identity-transparency is made mere quenched-ANNs and glutamate-etched-P2P telepresence which is made omnipresence of the opticonning security state, a conversion-disorder displacement of cosmic-consciousness-state which is a collective-occasion-of-experience, that bete noire of the Copenhagen interpreters of the 20th-century's Witch Bull precluding the black beast of µTming Lukasiewicz. You mean there's another world on top of this one?: split-off consequent to action of 3-fold operator-time arrogated-personified to ego-sphere ('I'-CAPped, you might say -- immoderately doubly exponentiated, no less: one reason why µTm-LETS nesting foams are most needed) and regressed to Simulacron-3 in a dark bi-logical universe, Daniel F. Galouye's The Thirteenth Floor of an unlevel counterfeit fiat world. That's right. And we watched the film in our thirteenth-floor apartment overlooking the vast µTm-VALIS sea beyond.
What is killing Europe? I say: the works of all those who bought into Prigogine's probability-theory account of negentropy transfers in far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, rather than Paine's operator-time theory of such transitions. Out-of-the-Box Mark Grant offers evidence in support of this assertion: see, What Is Killing Europe, Zero Hedge, 27 April 2013; Zero Hedge, I note, illustrates this posting on its homepage with a vortex, the feature most featured in Paine's cascade theory of tornadogenesis. Grant also offers us a couple of great quotes from Victor Hugo (see: Les Miserables, Zero Hedge, 26 April 2013). I've long argued that prosecution of crimes against humanity committed by perpetrators is ineffective so long as those responsible go free. Quoting Grant quoting Hugo:
If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.
And as regards the surpassing terror, T, induced by µTm-valued logics and associated stacked m-scenarios impressed upon acetate-transparency sheaves God's-eye viewed -- that surpassing terror conversion-disorder displaced to compensatory abreaction in terrorist acts -- if 1T2-branch-function situations are productive of quaking ambivalence, then just imagine Again, quoting Grant quoting Hugo:
Before him he saw two roads, both equally straight; but he did see two; and that terrified him -- he who had never in his life known anything but one straight line [a cognitive bordering taught, uh, glutamatergically etched, in elementary school -- be it in Warisan, Beslan or Newtown -- with a ruler, at behest of the rulers]. And, bitter anguish, these two roads were contradictory. (My interjection to the quote.)
It Takes Two -- at the very least (to break apart three). The 2, of 1T2, being the number of logical-values available; the 1 being the number allowed to any given proposition which must, by imposed definition, be either true or false. Note in the Indonesian gobak sodor elementary school game (click link, above: consider the Eight Squares as denoting C. G. Jung's eight psychological types, the four functions -- thinking, feeling, intuition, sensation -- 1T2ed under introversion and extroversion at projective-identification in transference) that:
one square may only be occupied by one player, it cannot be occupied by two players, let alone more. When this happens, it is called gosong (burnt) or dead.And thus, in this Warisan elementary school game simulating warfare, are the 1T2-fallacies of contradiction and undistributed middle inculcated, whilst µTm is precluded and stigmatized as absolute nihility. Identical triplets is the threshold order-type. Trinity, after which they named test of the first of the Devil's bombs -- productive of ghosts, holy or no. Diabolus in Musica: the tritone paradox, topological transform by mere change of coherent-wave signature. No unambiguous gravitating upon the tonic, and therefore no definite form in diatonic composition: chamber music for Offal Court. Spaced-out and gravity free: can't distinguish up from down. µTm CONVERTED (personified) to those (fylgjur, disir, valkyries, norns, vaettir, voror, wraiths, fetches, hamingja, vardogr) who people Constantine's the world behind the world -- so great is the hellblazing vertiginous fear associated with bad habits of thought, or so goes the imputation. One could easily regard the pre-and-postpartum preadolescent glutamatergic neural-network wipeouts anchoring 1T2-valued-logic-only to cognitive development of molecular-cellular brains, howsoever exemplary of plasticity, as etiological to the very, very early-onset Alzheimer's which is functionally prerequisite to massed warfare, and in so doing stigmatize Piaget's & Rostow's Stages of Development-Growth as being retrograde inversions (which dodecaphonic total control -- origins contemporaneous with advent of Lukasiewicz logics -- helps conversion-disorder displace to compensatory abreaction in attacks targeting children: conscious individual 1T2-decisions make little if any contribution to constellation of event gradients in collective behaviors). And thus, for instance, are self-referential self-reentering market reflexivities stigmatized as subversive to the proper order of things (invocation, that is, of 1T2ly impossible objects and the multidimensional pitch-circle solutions worked out by Diana Deutsch, which may be regarded musical eidola of µTmly [process}able non-self-identical Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers [think: prime-numbered harmonics] which bi,tri n-locate, pre-image, déjà vu over universal covering surface of Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space) -- topological transforms under signature-changing time rates of change of acceleration going unacknowledged and unmarked to µTm-valued LETS nesting foams, where reciprocal maintenance abides in explicit enantiodromic transparency between the downward and upward cascades orchestrated by imaginary twists helix-coiled by 3-fold quantal operator-time (cf: DNA transcription and tornadogenesis and comets with double-helical feeder-band tails and DNA nebula and spiral-banded galaxies), and analogically metaphored in the shelving helical model of pitch, which is an acoustically-modified gravity-wave-modes correspondent to the Riemann surface map of generic m-valued functions.
Despite the rush to demographic oblivion (see: Will The 21st Century Be A Horror Show Of Epic Proportions?, Tim Reuter, Forbes, 29 April 2013: I would point out that death of the post-Renaissance Weltanschauung metaphysically underwriting clung-to Cartesian-Newtonian institutions at hands of quantum-relativity physics, howsoever dissimulated, has induced the rush to total global mass warfare which we have experienced over the last century and a half), as the hedgy Jeremy Grantham points out (see: Jeremy Grantham On The Fall Of Civilizations [And Our Last Best Hope], Zero Hedge, 27 April 2013), the present global sitzkrieg as regards doing anything significantly different, not to mention something positive (every effort is being made, for instance, to reverse decline of population growth rates, whatever the increased risk to collective immune competency), is not exactly the worst possible case, only nearly so, given that perseverance at sitzkrieg by purveyance of globaloney furthers magnification of consequents (see, Immoderate Greatness: the narrative of collapse, Ugo Bardi, Cassandra's Legacy, 13 February 2013). Grantham roundup (185-million pounds/yr in the U.S. alone) growing infertility rates and progress on alternative energy sourcing as potential saving graces; he forgot to mention near inevitability of Planetary War One, pandemics (when, say, an HO41-type gonosuperbac goes to aerosol transmission due to perseverance in industrial agribiz antibio dump-trucking, displaced to the relatively minor effects of TRIclosan), unforeseen consequences of genetic engineering and construing climate shift as being equivalent to global warming, by neglecting, say, electrophysical effects upon air pollutants and associated gas-ratios-established frequency-response windows to cascading complex energy-momentum butterfly signals delivered by solar wind (possibly the bottom line on abrupt climate changes, and likely subject to anthropogenic modulation). There are, for instance, contaminants of krypton in air (see, for relevant discussion, Oral History Transcript -- Dr. Wallace Broecker, Neils Bohr Library and Archives, 14 November 1997, and note the FBI's role in creating unknown knowns, the cumulative effects of which, one may speculate, have had considerable impact over the years upon fundamental science; parenthetically, Broecker's 1975 Science article on global warming I remember as having been much discussed with Dr. Douglas Paine when it appeared; Dr. Henry Stommel's early-'60s deep abyssal circulation model, thermohaline pumps and conveyor belt, possible shutdowns thereof, being repeatedly broached from the late-ish-'70s, I think, and on into the '80s as Paine's focus of interest shifted from tornadogenesis to solar-terrestrial interactions; given that the cascade computer model of tornadogenesis initializes by diagnosis of synoptic-scale energy-momentum imbalance, influenced by solar-wind-carried complex angular momentum input, this shift of interest was not so great, as may be deduced from Tornado spike in 2011 attributed to , Eric Berger, Chron, 5 May 2013). But, frankly, I don't see any significant possibility of the human species coming out of this in any way, shape, or form I would like to witness, let alone participate in. The change in direction that would be required for that to happen -- given that neurally-etched and quantum-quenched dysautonomia is the chronic condition induced by modern/postmodern Lebenswelten -- is so great as to be beyond serious consideration. Muse, for instance, forces minds into prescribed patterns of concentration, i.e., 1T2-computerization of inherently µTm-capable, but glutamated-out, human cognition. Are NDA acts converted regressions-displacements of attempts to suppress-sublimate/rearrange the quantum properties of intra-neuronal/perineural DNA? Is brain-gated Brain Activity Map for brain-computer interfaces, or is it really for µTm-suppressing computer-brain interfaces? WhoWhat is going to be foxfiring WhatWhom? I've found that the internet has made it very much easier for me to learn things -- e.g., about bond jamming, commodity markets, financial derivatives, so on -- I would never have wanted to know had there been no PC revolution specifically, and quantum-based-technology infusions generally. The real scarification, however, is realization as to how few alive today have yet to cognitively enter the 20th century, let alone the 21st. UnDarkNetting zero-knowledge proof ought not be hard to come by (see, for confirmation: Can code and competition build a better bitcoin?, New Bitcoin World, 23 April 2013). Consider the century's worth of lacuna-on-the-brain this question from Hugo Salinas Price reflects (see: Mish Interview With 'Bitcoin Jesus', Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 29 April 2013): What is the future that awaits a humanity so confused that it can no longer distinguish between an abstract concept and what is real and material? This, this, when, ever since the 1915 publication of the first paper on General Relativity, we've known -- or, rather, should have known -- that matter is nothing but nothing given shape, i.e., geometrodynamics informed by Lukasiewicz-logics pregeometry, and ever since Trinity, 16 July 1945, we've seen lurid evidence of that principle with regard to, but no respect due to, the decontextualized shape-shifting of massenergy, be it by fission or fusion latent-heat release. Being little more than a Fair-Witness amanuensis to Cornell Days, all I can say is: Actually, contextualized superconductant exchange of hydrothermodynamic properties is the only real EarthEnergy solution. Cold and contextualized is THE way to go: latent-heat release to WholeEarth is latent-heat release, regardless of the heat-engined means employed. Besides, both memetime and the Second Law are indefensible in face of µTming complex/hypercomplex operator-time. But, then again, who since advent of WWII has said/written what heshe actually thinks? Produce evidence and/or theory explicitly or tacitly contesting the command position on the master narrative and one is warned off; if one persists, discreditation ops are run; if one persists in persistence, well perseverance furthers -- as the I-Ching says -- does not hold. Ask any beautiful mind. Computer-brain interfaces, perfected by mind-reading rats, will take care of that problem -- by conversion-disorder displacement at projective-identification in collective transference, of course, that having become the foremost cognitive stance adopted during our present era (an observation echoed in Wishes, Fantasies, Delusions & Dumbasses, James Kunstler, re-titled by The Burning Platform, 29 April 2013, which neglects to mention returning the latent-heat content of methane hydrates to Earth's atmosphere -- the ICECAPping and trading of Ice-9). Had I been stupid enuf to have made a bunch of money (see the all too expected Brookings' brooking of the satiation thesis which any drug-dose monitor of habituation knows to be the case), I certainly would not now be dumb enuf to be seeking ways to keep it -- thus making my self and its progeny into post-cuspover targets, had I, in such circumstances as we've had, chosen to have progeny. Whatsoever the case, imagine the worst scenario one can imagine, then know that what one imagines doesn't even begin to enter the realms of the actual case, which one is simply incapable of imagining. Open-source telepathic-Musculpt of clear-channeled identity-transparency of THE µTm-quantum-brain relative-state denied, suppressed, repressed, and regressed to omnipotent-ubiquitous patented-iniquitous 1T2-computer>>>brain mindreading plus metaprogramming by the gathering-all-unto-itself supermegaoverState embraced by the Wicked Witch of the West: this disparaging judgment does not make me a Luddite, as witness my advocacy of hologramic smart dancewear as input utility to the Musculpting symformphonie that would be the participatory human chess interface to the VirFut Q-Proing of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, were they actually ever implemented. The salient S-SS-S(silent-soundspread-spectrum) -- i.e., infrasonic acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes -- thing about phased-array is that there is effectively no limit to how fractionated, Koch-curved, fractally-entrapped the cascade-theoretic chain-of-command can become once governance is µTm-monetized in being MoSoSoed to wave-effects on the electronic superhighway-commons (presently conversion-disorder displaced to massive central-bank QEing and, no less, to Zerocoined 1T2-logical single-scaled Ripple). How very nesting-foamed is the cell-tower hot-spot wave-effect! Instead of voyeuristically monitoring cellular-networked MoSoSoing jimmerjammer to securitize jingoistic jabberwocky of the surveillance megastate, µTmly monetize the phased-array heretofore used to HAARP upon our home planet's frequency-response characteristics -- and do so in such manner as to stay out of biologically-active windows, a doing made possible by the superconductant properties of DNA's free-electron-gas core.
All those with side-looking/backward-looking interferogramic synthetic apertures, uh, uh, with, that is, lateral thinking capabilities, will be turned into pillars of salt as they traverse parched global monoculture ramparts of clay. Where has evidence been found that the collective obsessions constellated by inordinate fear of µTm-processing (a self-capability glutamatergically-suppressed qua quantum-quenched and, hence, automatically projected out-there as boogeymanned commingling countered by Demnok shadow-word incantations convokating powerful, relativistic time-warp slowing-currents) will be satisfied by GPSing your DNA coherent-wave signature? Clearly, there is no such evidence. For first attempts at developing countermeasures, see: Tiny Device Will Detect Domestic Drones, Jason Koebler, U.S.News, 1 May 2013. Domestic drones: male-chauvinist-pig inertia investors who believe in memetime-bound cybernetic 1T2-recursion of digital-analog automata as evolution of species, rather than in wave-effected µTm-involutory decomposition of species. Heh-heh-heh! But then there will always be counter-countermeasures and evolution of counter-counter-countermeasures. Constant knowledge of where you are -- geospatially speaking -- is not enough to control the controllers' paranoia at the hysterical attribution of Logical Atomism which is the conversion-displacement of superposed pagan-animistic non-simple Lukasiewiczian-Everettian relative-state identity-transparency nonlocality, i.e., quantal base-state of nature, otherwise known as Tzog-chen AllBase. Have to kill, kill, kill! simple-self[un}hood in order to save it. O, and how so long has the SideWays-tracking shifty-eye profiler been a CI index incorporated to EEI indices! CounterDada diagonal-dread stigmatizing the Surreal Cubist conversion-displacement qua extrojection of superpositioned psycho-ideographic Husserliana horizons. Ha! Nor is EdX grading qua word-search profiling of essay test submissions sufficient to subdue the paranoiac compulsions: the professor and the insecurity services must have their 1T2-computers traffic-analyze the text passages you are told you must selectively CourseSmart-highlight as you read your mind-controlling assignments.
Yes, and my point has long been that the only way -- in a k-correlations enhancing, quantum-based-technology-dominated financial environment -- to reinstate money-good assets (see, for a discussion of DarkNetted dark-pooled shadow liabilities: Desparately Seeking $11.2 Trillion In Collateral , Zero Hedge, May Day 2013) is by implementation of variously-backed µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting-foams marking vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock to fluctuating fractal e-boundaries. Otherwise put, quoting the article:
What all of the above means, is that when considering quality collateral, one has to consider the amount of all liabilities in existence -- both conventional and shadow!
Or, it would better be said: the time-shapes of the amount of all What the QEers periodically meeting in Basel won't acknowledge is that QEing is the only answer only in a 1T2-logical economy; change the economy to one µTm-logical and there would be other answers. I would argue, for instance, that the rehypothecation reuse velocity is actually an acceleration of use velocity, and that the velocity at which reuses are reused is actually a time rate of change of acceleration of use velocity, and so on, which, relativistically speaking (tilting slope under time-warp), when absolute limits are considered, immediately invokes time-shapes. What the central bankers bring to the clinician's table, however, is IVed 1T2-allopathic remedial drug therapy: linearly increasing QE doses beating against exponential growth in consumption of correlation-magnifying µTm-quantal gadgetry. An impossible therapeutic equation derivative of a poorly formulated differential diagnosis made without benefit of insight to actual etiology. So, where is this actual etiology hidden? Deep in the belly of economics? No. The real problem here is: uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies by a 1T2-logical system has necessitated Schrödinger collateral into rehypothecation existence, but prior dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function to probability amplitudes precluded advent of the µTm-logically-valued monetary units required to properly index the non-simple identity of such quantum collateral and, furthermore, prevented use of the Lukasiewiczian processing capable of adequately handing the quantal-non-simple identity necessitated into financial existence by the technologies taken up. 1926: probability amplitude interpretation, the straw that broke the camel's back in run up to WW!!. Let Go! Release the self-metaprogramming entailed by the existential guilt which the etiological deep-structuring of world war has entailed! Water over the dam! The remit herein being that the only viable (Cabalistic) theory of transition out of the central bankers' (Rabbinical) gigantic experimental policy is dependent upon a secular deBorning of Schrödinger, such that Lukasiewiczian currencies can be implemented on a timely basis. What stands most stolidly blocking the way? Largely tacitly held fundamental exoteric expressions of the 1T2-[frag}mating tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion: the Cabalists vs. the Rabbinate; the Catholics vs. the Protestants; the Sunni vs. the Shia. Moreover, how, conceivably, could the job of cleaning up Jubbik be successfully undertaken so long as the quantum wave-function remains dissimulated? Can rules established by majority rule plausibly be adequate? I never voted because -- before I was old enough to vote -- I learned in high school honors PSSC physics that the calculus of Newtonian vector summation, upon which the franchise is explicitly based, is a decision algorithm and organizational principle grossly inadequate in a quantum world -- and that that's why Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function replaced Newton's single-valued Laws of Motion, and why I now argue why e-commons computer-gaming of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams should replace Locke[d]-down, gerrymandered, electoral-college 1T2-franchise.
Quite frankly, I don't believe that Obaasan -- that one-among-the-many stand-ins for The Blossom-Princess, and not to be confused with Oba[ma]-san, who, having once-upon-a-time in her youth became pregnant in just one night, in 1953, during her last years, explained to me why the whole Midori Gaoka valley (i.e., total capital stock) had to be planted (i.e., time-shaped) in a single day to propitiate the yama-no-kami, uh, topological invariants, such that they agree to shape-shift to ta-no-kami, uh, functional prerequisites (a notion I've struggled with ever since) -- would agree that Japan ever had a group-oriented tradition (see: Japan PM's 'stealth' constitution plan raises civil rights fears, Linda Sieg, Reuters, 1 May 2013). SHE-who-must-be-BELIEVED. Insofar as there has been such an orientation, she would have said, it was imported from a counterTao Confucianized China -- and then militated as response to external threat. Indeed, discrete non-Abelian groups never, never were integral to [Ya(ma)}to. What Japan had traditionally, uh, primordially, was a multi-sheeted sacred space, ma -- with time homonymically connecting (exactly how, long since lost to corruption of words at oral transmission, the notion operator-time being shrouded in the Platonia mists suffusing Amaterasu's empty-center cave) the laminates of the sheet-stack (not, by conversion-disorder displacement, surgically reduced to a presently ever more popular perfect vagina) -- over which relative-state identity-transparency with the natural surround was introjected as impetus to formation of social norms and their metareferential reinforcement by tropes elaborated as a system of aesthetic signs linked to artifacts of daily life ritualistically employed. Nowadays, wished-for social norms are extrojected and subsequently imputed to be identified as laws of nature -- this opposite in the course of [meme]time enantiodromia being the anchor root of massed warfare.
If I could, I would -- but not being a policy company, I haven't got the requisite traffic-analysis capability. Traffic analysis upon, that is, the conversion-disorder displacements made on a daily basis by major mainstream media personalities -- an analysis which could give us, à la Jung's association experiments, considerable insight as to how the prevailing complex matrix is incorporated to presently-active constellation of archetypal event gradients. But not to worry, those with deep understanding, nonetheless, have tacit awareness -- if not to the actual drivers of the social structure of attention cathexes. Consider the following statement (lifted from: The 'Price' Of Record High Markets: $10 Trillion In Seven Years, Zero Hedge, 2 May 2013):
This will represent the addition of $10 trillion in liquidity, or alternatively the conversion [my emphasis] of the "planetary nebula" of central bank balance sheet expansion, in the past seven years.
Here we have a metaphor comprehended as a conversion -- by direct implication, a conversion-disorder displacement -- which is exactly how the collective unconscious works its compensatory reflexive magic-without-magic. Speaking here of the Everettian-Schrödingerian meaningful µTm-co-occurrence relative-state which is Pauli-Jung synchronicity, not the 1T2-syllogistic antecedent-consequent which is Cartesian-Newtonian causality. In order to address the actual drivers revealing relevance of the metaphor tacitly received, it would be necessary to discuss how the Regge calculus represents nebulous spacetime curvature configurations as Platonia's cloud-chambered point-set lattices (i.e., Jungian complexes or the tanmantras which Tantric Schrodinger studied in his cabin in the Austrian alps as he wrote the canonical m-valued equation for quantum mechanics), one of the involved points being the dot in the top right. My, what GUTs Schrödinger had way back when, had only he been Lukasiewiczed.
I submit that we will soon be overwhelmed by awareness that WWII and the holocaust of the Jews perpetrated by the Nazis and those in sympathy with them were not the darkness in Victor Hugo's sense, but the sin. Those who cause the darkness are far, far more dangerous and violent than those who commit the sin -- for those responsible for the darkness have been, and continue to be, willing, however tacitly, not only to throw a continent into total war and to night-and-fog, by conversion-disorder displacement, a whole ethnicity, but to pursue a final solution to the whole human species, many other species besides, as well as grievously damage bioatmomagnetosphere of a whole planet, Earth. And they are willing to do this simply to protect the self-induced brain impairment projected as pathological Weltanschauung long since demonstrated profoundly mistaken, yet still informing the institutions they grasp in their grip with all the tenacity an abandoned thumb-sucking child clings to the blanket pulled over hisher head.
Well, fit-lifting and showrooming, it seems to me, must be regarded rather smallish consequents of e-commerce assimilation of quantum-based technologies. What do you get, for instance, to speak of large issues, when you insist on being able to absolutely distinguish up from down, i.e., deem the tritone The Devil's Music? Europe's Most Dangerous Man: Oskar Lafontaine (see the last paragraph of German euro founder calls for 'catastrophic' currency to be broken up, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 5 May 2013), who once called for an end to the nation state -- and did so by looking only up, not simultaneously down. And why this lack of simultaneity? Because Hitler and Stalin -- in service to the collective-unconscious, er, well, subliminal, will of the people, conversion-disorder displaced, of course -- did their best [War}saw to eradicate m-valued Polish logics, the only logics permitting such simultaneity. And Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine followed Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton in adopting this one-upped federalistic gimping of the polity -- nowadays, wherever found, a limping regimen more-and-more thoroughly succumbing to paraplegic paralysis (the upper extremities having been consigned to warfighting) in face of the consequents to massive uptake of quantum-based technologies.
Gee-whiz! At the moment, there is so much happening worldwide of a negative character that ten-hours a day reading about it is simply inadequate to get me reasonably well informed, so I think I must just have to block-paint that whole category of events as terra-incognito and get on with Keep on Truckin'!
I would argue that the Hegelian dialectic -- despite being based upon three involutory-convolutory logical operators, popularly denoted as thesis, antithesis, synthesis -- is no codification of a 1T3-valued logic, rather of a rotational 1T2-valued logic. Hegel's dialectic explicates a chain of loop-syllogisms modifying the macrostructure of logical accommodation, not the rule framework defined upon any given proposition employed, e.g., Law of Distributed Middle, Law of Non-Contradiction. Marx challenged the world-line of Hegel's chain of syllogistic loops, in that Abfall-Aufhebung of Hegelian transcendentalism places the 1T2-loops into a superposed stack of cyclical recurrences, whereas Marx recursively arrays the 1T2-loops lineally as convergent upon hard-utopian omega point, in the manner of spiral-vortex constriction through linear-time (the utopianism being resident in the notion that time must have a stop: why and how goes unaddressed; and, thus, no possible-world logic was provided permitting a phase transition from dictatorship-of-the-proletariat to pure-communism). Marx removed the transcendental geist from the Paracelsean-Goethean-Hegelian Erdgeist so as to get dialectical materialism -- and in order to elaborate thereupon he had to leave Germany and spend years at the library in London. This British move placed Marx in concert with those who deemed N. H. Abel's geist-existence proof an Impossibility Theorem. Marx also thereby tacitly placed his seal of approval upon the Riemann surface which treats m-valued functions of complex variables as if they were semantically single-valued: in face of the multivalue, Riemann found a way to sustain the illusory ego-sphere, and in so doing gave us a quintessential example of conversion-disorder displacement. Cover the ego-sphere (projected to personified godhead) with a stack of stacked Riemann surfaces, call this a Riemann sphere, and the only way to get quantum mechanics (as Roger Penrose explained in his The Road To Reality, a complete guide ) is to make an arbitrary cut in the sphere. In Riemann's allopathic Rx of Abel's complex-hypercomplex transcendental, the multivalue is branched into sheets bridged at branch-points, and then the march of the function is followed sequentially, without break, over all the bridged sheets, thus making existentially orientable that which at being-in-itself is ontologically nonorientable. Separation of the function into distinct, yet bridged, sheets saves the illusion of the ego-sphere -- and all that goes along with it. In due course, the Riemann bridges became Einstein-Rosen bridges between separate, decoherent, unsuperposed 1T2-universes. Yet, even with Riemann's bridges, which animistic Shinto long ago understood as time-related, when quantum mechanics came upon the scene, the ego-function had to be saved once again (most importantly so it could continue to be projected as personified godhead). The only way to interpret Schrödinger's m-valued state-function such that the ego-function's single-valued perspectives were sustained was with the probability amplitudes Max Born proposed (thus simultaneously suppressing-repressing-regressing m-valued Lukasiewicz logics). One of the foremost ways in which the human species has long been committing collective suicide: falsifying the math-science with which it assesses its state and what it is doing to its context. And as regards one consequent of regressing µTm-valued logics to fuzzy logic, so as to remove their relevance to Schrödinger, consider Human takeover by [1T2-logically-valued] machines may be closer than we think, Tia Ghose, NBC News, 7 May 2013. Post-WWII and post-Manhattan-project, along came Everett's non-probabilistic notion of relative-state, which, in order to retain the Copenhagen interpretation, had to be subjected firstly to the vonNeumann formalism, and secondly to the multi-sheeted Riemann surface such that a multi-world's interpretation of the relative-state formulation could emerge, the many thermodynamically-separated 1T2-worlds being peopled by ego-functions possessing simple identity. And this anal-stage retention of ego-function in face of quantum non-simple identity was jumped upon by black-propagandist science fiction writers and Hollywood filmmakers. Since Born moved to England just like Marx, and both were Jews, this thesis is liable to be interpreted as anti-Semitic, when actually it is intra-Semitic -- given that the basic issues are those fought over between advocates of Cabalistic numerology and Rabbinical rejectionists of this doctrine, a doctrine where integers are tropologically non-self-identical qua non-selfsame -- and, also, intra Fertile Crescent Religion, for note that Riemann was Lutheran, and that, on the other side of the involved issues, the Mevlevi Order of Dervish Sufis practices a rather Paracelsean multi-dimensional pitch-circle-solutions take on the shelving helix-coil transitions between nested sheets, understood as states of consciousness, of Riemann-surface stack. Quoting from the Erdgeist link, above:
Goethe depicts Erdgeist as a timeless being who endlessly weaves at the Time-Loom -- both in life and in death. In this conception, Erdgeist is the means by which the immaterial becomes manifest.
In view of that, is the In Time treatment of time as monetary currency pro-Rabbinate or pro-Cabala? The Timberlake-Seyfried time currency is not Cabalistically mapped over the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, but upon lifespans of simply-identifiable illusory ego-functions -- and the film, thus, is subtle pro-Rabbinical proselytizing against the non-simple interpretation which numerological tropology inculcates, and against the m-valued logics which lie behind the trope's gematria-like metareferences (which Gödel took up and made into the Gödel numbers he used, by conversion-disorder displacement, to divert attention away from the import of µTm-valued logics). To be sure, uh, admittedly, Timberlake-Seyfried fought against the 1T2-time-currency, but the overarching message was an essay against virtual e-currency per se. The present website attempts to address what Cabalistic non-Timberlake-Seyfried time currencies could be. Were, for instance, SDRs (IMF special drawing rights) transformed into µTm-valued non-vehicle reserve bancor-unitas unit of quantum-composite account (instead of using them to moronically retrograde to some new facsimile of the globally-highly-inequitable 1T2-logically-valued gold standard which helped induce mass warfare and repeatedly failed even at much lower levels of µTm-logically-valued quantum-based-technology uptake than is presently the case), what would such SDRs draw upon? Bohmian quantum-potential understood relative to the well-potential resident in vonHayekian-Everettian time-shapes of total capital stock: it not being, in this conception, the probabilistic character of the quantum of action which allows tunneling out of the potential-energy well, but the pilot-wave actions of 3-fold operator-time. There would be no time-currency 1T2-logical mapping upon linear lifespans of simply-identifiable illusory ego-functions. Be certain, however, that nesting foams of Lukasiewiczian muBitCoin time currencies, ecologically marking the time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, are not about to arrive on the scene, as even relatively simple-minded 1T2-BitCoin is found mentally deranging: see, for instance, US regulators eye Bitcoin supervision, Tracy Alloway and Gregory Meyer and Stephen Foley, The Financial Times, 6 May 2013.
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