µTm Scenarios, T1(M)
Vectors are not what we are after; don't believe in vectors. No history as force. We are talking here psychological projection, not societal driving forces with no deeper dimensions. So we remove the origin, an essential feature of Cartesian coordinates. A Zen master's blow which negates everything: dropping off of body and mind. Absent origins, the vector space is a fiber bundle over the space of projections orchestrating the collective psychological transference dynamic. Coordinate-free projective geometry: scalar fields over Musculpt Manifold, M. Remove the origin and linear-time cannot be established by any arbitrary cut from origin to positive and/or negative infinity. Magnitude and direction are immeasureable on M; only on decomposed submanifolds do vectors demerge. Compactions of submanifolds merge vectors, which produce no emergent property, no categories by no-mind. The problem de-rises from within the living tathata. Over there become right here, right here become over there: no EPR paradox; ah, so-so, suchness thus That, that Thus, eh? On M, every intersection is that of a transfinite set of skew-parallels. What magnitude! What direction! Frequency stack without the splits. Put your eyes-in-history (eye-to-I over [I/i]) not at the origin but on points at negative and positive infinity; call these points W, double-you (Great Double, doubter and doubted, Buddhological sanzen: permission to enter). What we look for is a constancy of strain in the bundle, which marks prevailing relative-state. Apokrisis: the ability of a structure to maintain its own identity under the influence of [µTm] multiplicity (J. G. Bennett). The apokritical interval is index of strain-tensor constancy marked eye-to-I by double-you.
Stop automatically creating borderlines (an MS Word AutoCorrect interdiction instruction Bill Gates needs to be re-minded of the existence of). Boundaries without boundary on compaction: no 1T2 line. As anyone into complex mappings and calculus on manifolds should know. Gauge connections over fibers of the sacred Riemann surface, ulos ni tondi, cloth of the soul, a ragi hidup conveyance to weave together transparent animistic identities, W. If it can be done with agave A type of selimut. Warp ikat plus supplementary weft. Ask the Toba Batak before the next anthropogenic tsunami. Ship of no-death by no-life, µTm, not ship of the dead or ship of fools in cross-1T2-border reprisals. And no broad band-aid philanthropy, please, and no prophylactic historically-trivial pursuits by hedge-fund gurus, Gees! which only exacerbate the pathology. What is Berlusconi doing with his 12 billion, anyway; more than Thaksin with his 2 billion? Bill Gates clandestinely gifts millions for high-tech (had ta be high tech!) GREENHOUSES to Gaza as peace initiative in the Middle East, a peace initiative looted by those hired as guards. What kind of salary does he pay his advisors? How could anyone responsible for the over-programming of AutoCorrect hope to correct the Middle East? W is not a Wi-Fi mockup. Mock on, mock on. Double-you needs to go with Mahikari (light of sacred space, ma): digital optical wireless broadband. Wi-Fi is in the frequency response window of DNA. Give me a frequency stack without induced biodigi anomalies. Laser light Mahikari! Coherency without the splits. Get that cell phone away from me until you get it between biologically-active windows! Why AutoCorrect to one or more degenerative diseases for the medical arm of the Gates Foundation to AutoCorrect in a vicious unit circle spewing out more and more band-aids? Hamamatsu has the ultra fast photon to take care of your beam alignment. Beam-time in DreamTime over fiber bundle arithmetics posted on coherent songlines riding invisible free-space laser code-pulses numbering Musculpt manifold. That's what I call a Commons. No Wi-Fi for W! DNA doesn't need any more frequency splitting than it already gets. Study a little heart tea, will ya, huh? Heartmath ain't Eeee-nuf! The functional and structural requisites of the human-nature interface what done got us into this mess ain't graphical Eeee-nuf and can't AutoCorrect with band-aids or shotgun prophylaxis. Cheney and his daughter-for-ISOP may not know that, but don't you? Musculpt matters.
Bill Gates could really do some AutoCorrect in the Middle East with µTm monetary units complexly mapped on Hamamatsu fast photon: e-currency in p-money. Calculus on the resultant manifold might even be a good MS business strategy, one his underpaid advisors ain't come up to. Logics of tensor strain in co-Tangent bundles over a general Manifold for Musculpt by VirFut Q-Pro put up by Hamamatsu fast photon quantum-tunneling the Sharon Wall to make gauge connections over the over the Integration over the fiber technique! Warp and weft. Skyspace! The dome of skyspace Musculpt over the Dome of the Rock. Money the Palestinians don't have defined over boundaries without boundary, not on Staatsnation 1T2-line borders built by Sharon Wall deferral of Nationenstaat. Talk e-money as p-currency. All these guys and dolls, our esteemed leaders, are speaking to us from the 17th and 18th centuries, no matter how techie they might appear. What they say and do is related to what they think, what century their heads are in. Who in their right mind this century wants another Staatsnation or supraStaatsnation as the whole Westphalian system is going down? When µTm e-currencies in p-money are employed to establish boundary without boundary by Mahikari over Kulturnation, the density of computing power required for each transaction is an enormous business opportunity, not only the necessary viscosity to damp far-from-equilibrium dissipative fluctuations without monetary controls over markets of optimum-currency-area submanifolds rolled out in Musculpt on fractal drums.
Prigogine says that anything causal can be treated as probabilistic. No doubt, and I have nothing against this so long as it is not turned into a Hammer of Witches -- as it has been under auspices of the Copenhagen Interpretation. The Minkowski precursor to Prigogine's Principle is that anything higher dimensional can be treated as temporal. A more accurate statement would be: anything of dimension higher than a given dimension can be treated as temporal or hypertemporal. Still, this is a Hammer of Witches, a hammer to beat the witch into the Gnome of Solaris. In order to hand the hammer to the witch, a retrograde inversion is required (no mere tritone: height of diabolical witchery to 1T2 minds sitting in Inquisition who can't think past parallels in organum; why do you think trivalent logic went nowhere in quantum theory?): anything not hypertemporal is temporal as the dimension lower than the dimension given as being treated. Involutory decomposition, not recursive generation; birthing from within, not progressive extension toward unattainable hard-utopia. Treated as is a very powerful tool; even more powerful than Euler's notion of function as correspondence. In order to understand dispositions of Riemann's Riemann-Hypothesis band under orders of hypercomplexity beyond Euler's real zeta and Riemann's complex zeta, it is necessary to see-hear numbered Gödel numbers as songlines weaving Musculpt manifold ulos ni tondi treated as the cross-modal, synaesthetic, neural patching to morphologies of geobody accomplished in hypercomplex imaginary DreamTime relative-state identity transparency of-and-by the animist in seasons of the witch: this is not to say that written mathematical notation is useless, only that it is almost useless. Not functional localization by Penfield homunculus and not gradiental emergence of function by dynamical Goldberg topology; geomorphological homunculus by treating correspondence as dislocation of functions neurologically patched body to geobody, geobody to body. Structures demerge from functions; functions do not emerge from structures: the problem of adaptation in deautomatization by Hartmann. No future to plan for, no self to form, and no knowing that the futureless-selfless is without future or self: anosognosia, as (minimally) distinct from Satori. Repetition of the name of the Buddha become a tourettic automatic greeting -- A DI DA PHAT -- cannot be resurrected jingle-jangle song into the obitofrontal syndrome of a Balinese dance over no-mind. Lal Didi! Mai Lal Didi! Lalla, Lalla, Lal! Lal Ded! Lalleshwari: light upon light, dot over dot, ice inside ice, no-sound subtending no-sound. Darling, O Darling, just take Lalla's Word! When a portion of the brain is excised (µTm in lacuna on the brain) there is a phantom (1T2 selfhood), just like the phantom limb with amputation: haptification of identity in putting a touch on personal space, by The Ever-Present Origin which must be removed. At some point, neuroscientists will learn that the missing part can be regenerated from its phantom. Later yet, they will learn that quantal phantom generates the body, not in the first place, but by continuous demergence. Body is learned behavior, a patch from the geobody. This is a concrete illustration of one of the major differences between Buddhism and Buddha-ism: Buddhism speaks of the formless self while Buddha-ism speaks of the selfless form. Hand the hammer to the witch: mrof sselfles. Form forming; form informing: okay. Not formless form, selfless self: never seen none, never been one. Scornful scorn. Formless form and selfless self are not doublespeak; they're 1T2-speak, neural patching from binary-digit sequences toward q-bitic phase-digit superposition, which is highly unnatural, perverted, even. If Laws of Form are logically before ontology, then Laws of Selfless Form are logically before Laws of Form. The neural patching we speak of is not from binary biobody to geobody (dislocation of a localization), but from µTm-quantum biobody to geobody automorph (localization of a dislocation). DRAS, not ARAS (that's descending and ascending reticular activating system). Why try to devolve with kata (mental templates) that are specific? Nature doesn't. Decompose from the generic kakureta kata like just any good involute. As if songbirds need to be taught grammar by humans! By secular Rabbi anti-Cabalistic Chomskyan human academics fixating their ego sphere on generative recursion -- that extension of the member, uh, corpus of phonemic members! -- as opposed to decomposition by mathematical involutes, µTm semantics to 1T2 grammars. Semantics logically and ontologically and superconductant DNA wave properties before grammar -- not grammar generating semantics by recursive iteration, for Cabalist sake. Involute to Montague's grammar: topological invariants over Musculpt manifold, M. No-meaning iterated is meaning. Ha! That must be like no-mind Satori is actually absence of mind, eh? Ha! Recursive human-speak grammar for birdsong. Ha! What holocaust of William Blake's ecstasy on the wing! It was Bateson, you know, not Lilly, who designed the program to teach dolphins human (English, of course), not humans dolphin. Click-speak on melon-dome sonic-visioning synaesthetic µTm Musculpt is what humans must learn if they want their species to persist on this planet through what that species has brought down on itself by iterative pumping of the generative recursion extension, with appropriate moral upbraiding, of course. I would counsel improvement upon John Lilly's cogitate, cogitate, cogitate, cogitate, cogitate Make it: cognize, cognize, cognize, cognize, cognize into the white-noise deautomatization of no-mind, which is not absence of mind but presence of the multivalue -- the snow nude Lalla dances in, upon, and over (nude signifying without persona).
Wrong, very, very wrong, I'd say -- obviously. This stuff is not way out there in the blue, impractical, irrelevant, beside the point, utopian. It's the only way any members of the species will find a path to survival of what is coming down with a sledge hammer's might far bigger then the petty ping of the medieval Hammer of Witches. There are many reasons why people don't understand the current global circumstance, the pre-cusp-event conjuncture we presently transit. Still the calm before the storm. While dialectical materialism (hard-utopian cyclical theory of history) is dead, progressive materialism (soft-utopian linear theory of history: progress) is still explicitly or tacitly clutched to the breast by most contemporary human inhabitants of planet Earth. And the more they doubt their hope for the historical reality of progress, of sustainable development, the more intensely they clutch. Clingers! But this has not always been the case. And the denial that this has not always been the case is one big reason why the current conjuncture is not understood. This stuff is necessary to overcome the denial -- which is very, very far from being a small thing.
Black hole computers didn't exist before the human species put a name on them, right? Unobserved, inexistent. That's the Copenhagen interpretation, right? Superposition collapses at observation, and only at observation. A black hole, particularly a mini-blackhole, can't be spread out over the whole multiverse; it has to be somewhere. And the only way it can get to be somewhere is if it is observed. And there isn't any collective occasion of experience, either. And there isn't any Universal Observer Q. And self-observation is mere retroflexion, which ain't any observation at all because the retro to flex in is no longer there to be observed at the instant of observation. Time passes faster than the baud rate of the observer's consciousness. And quantum phase-digit processing will not have existed until we finally bring it into operation. Isn't that right? Because it had better be right! Or else we are in a world of hurt. The clear implication would be that we aren't right after all. But that can't be right, can it? Of course we're right. We've always been right. And we always will be right. People everywhere are just like us -- and always have been. And they always will be just like us until we engineer them differently. Everybody wants pretty much the same things, right? That's why we're right. That's why we've always been right. That's why we have all the answers, always will have all the answers, and why we -- yes, we -- should decide. The only ones who aren't like us are those aberrant, the aberrants of all time, of every time: them scumbags.
The whole science religion is fashioned in just such a way as to demonstrate how inevitable rise of the nation-state was, how inevitable global monoculture is, how inevitable supranational institutions are, how inevitable it will seem that a global space shield should concretize and materialize what the lunatic fringe call a noosphere, how the inoculators have always been right, whether the inoculation is proffered by pin prick or smallpox infested blanket. Paraphrasing and quoting Jared Diamond (Collapse, Viking, 2005, p. 9): animists of the past were not ecologically wise stewards of their environments, [who] intimately knew and respected Nature, innocently lived in a virtual Garden of Eden while modern First World inhabitants are ignorant of Nature, don't respect the environment, and destroy it for both extreme sides of this controversy are committing the error of viewing past indigenous peoples as fundamentally different from (whether inferior to or superior to) modern First World peoples. People everywhere and in all times are, were, and will be just like us! And different has to be binary: superior-inferior, which subtly implies that the differences, to the small extent that there are any -- no reputable scientist wants to be extreme, of course -- are mere matters of degree, not of kind. They, whosoever they, certainly couldn't have been so different as to actually have been different. And because that is so, (again quoting Collapse, p. 304) The usual answers advanced for Middle and Late Tokugawa Japan's success [at establishing plantation forestry in face of deforestation] -- a supposed love for Nature, Buddhist respect for life, or a Confucian outlook -- can be quickly dismissed. Real understanding, you see, has to do with material culture and interface of that culture with the material resources of material Nature in principle and in any particular instance. If this were not the case, materialism (progressive and cyclical) would come under challenge. But this mistaken judgment, this materialistic clinging behavior, I believe, this virtually exclusive focus on forth and fifth tier determinants as if they were the only determinants, is not really so much a result of the fact that consensus science -- funded science, that it -- reduces in a reductionistic way the mind to the brain; no, not that reduction, not nearly as much as it is of the fact that science reduces the brain to the brain. The brain contained by the brain, and only that brain as the brain! If that were not the case, then the paleo-sciences, particularly paleoneurology, would not give us reliable, let alone definitive, knowledge of the objective past. Functions emerge from structures, you see, and since the brain is contained and only contained by the brain, by reconstructing brain structures by deconstructing the information provided by skulls in particular, it is demonstrable that people back then, whatsoever then, well, homo sapiens sapiens, at least, were, well, fundamentally, just like us. See, we were right, and we are right! And we don't have to worry about there being any human percepts and propriocepts so different from those we experience as to actually be different. My percepts and propriocepts are just like your percepts and propriocepts, always have been and always will be. Humph! Just imagine a world where green isn't green, where sweet isn't sweet, where coffee is tea and orange is apple, where my me isn't the same for me as your me is for you. Hey no, that's not really a problem. I don't think so, because if it were a problem, if this were the case, such a world, there would be no I to think so. So I don't think so. Humph!
Even in the dark days after the Battle of the Kursk Salient when the Nazi army was brokeback by the Russians, when it was clear that things were not going to end well for the Germans, no thousand-year Reich, still, so I was personally told by on-the-scene witnesses while researching MOON, Cutting of Trees Forbidden signs plastered the forests of Germany, and remained there, generally obeyed largely without overt enforcement, even as freezing, hungry, strategically fire-stormed people scavenged railroad beds for the idle fallen piece of coal. Here we have a supreme example of the tragedy of the commons. Oops! Of contravention of such tragedy. My interest in this was and is due to the fact that I spent fifteen years of my life in silviculture, transplanting thousands and thousands of trees, big and small -- and making imitations of the gardens I witnessed in Kyoto during 1953-6 and the walled garden surrounding my childhood kita-Kyushu 19th-century farmhouse during the same three years. The Japanese began to close down certain categories of the commons just about the same time all the enclosure acts were being put into place in Europe. And, according to Diamond, the Germans developed plantation forestry about the same time as did the Japanese. But success of the enclosures was not uniform across Europe; those European societies most deeply bored into animistic modes of relative-state identity transparency -- the Germans and the Russians being exemplary -- were most resistant. Only under Napoleon's sword did the Germanic and Russian tribals grudgingly agree to get with the program and actually begin to form simulated modern nation-states. Same with Japan and China. Only under very serious threat did they do what they did not want to do. And these four grudges later became major players in world war.
We have recently been provided with an analogue, simile, metaphor with which to beat the man -- scientist, of course -- with his own cane. What, in immediacy, is the direct experience of animistic modes of relative-state (term borrowed from quantum theory) identity-transparency (term used in lieu of participation inconsciente or participation mystique, because of the false presumptions social anthropologists imputed in coining, and continue to impute in continuing to use, these terms) like? Here we directly encounter the fact that your green is not necessarily my green and absolutely was not the green of the ancient animist (truly full-blown µTm animism likely existed only before the last Ice Age and has deteriorated in fits and starts, in pockets, ever since). Not to mention hearing or not hearing the different kinds of talk the different kinds of wood engage in, and sensing or not sensing the fact that my I cannot distinguish the body's back from the planks it lies upon. Mommy, Mommy! Smell my nose! What color is that I hear? Play it again, Sam; I can't quite see it. There is nothing wrong with her eyes, nothing wrong with her optic nerves, but the visual cortex, her association areas, the integrated dynamic topology of the gradiential brain contained by the brain is malfeasant such that there is no color recognition, just a mishmash of grayscale gradations for her. I haven't felt it, of course, sensed it with my own skin, but it is my understanding that neuroscience has now found a way around this glitch: a neuro-engineered cross-modal saltation. Plug into the exit port of one of the optic nerves which has good vibrations and all the essential color-recognition information and patch over to a non-visual sensory mode, say, tactile sensation. It is the skin of the left shoulder blade, then, that distinguishes red from blue from green as distinct patterns of tickling sensation. One can imagine, of course, all sorts of, well, pornographic ways a perverted neurologist could play with this. But that's not part of the analogue, simile, metaphor we're after here so as to beat him with his own cane. This patching is a specific form of treating as, which is the synaesthetic content of Eulerian correspondence as definition of mathematical function in the general sense. Only here it is very personal and very concrete -- intimate, even. Now, remembering that this is only an analogue, simile, metaphor, imagine what it would be like in immediate, direct experience to live in a body neurologically patched, not between plexus and skin over shoulder blade, but between the whole tactile body and the nearby mountain range: that's animistic relative-state identity transparency! What happens to the mountain, you feel directly on your skin as your personal corpus of sensations -- and you have anosognosia as regards distinguishing the identity of the mountain from your personal identity. Never has there been such categories in your awareness. The very idea of drawing a distinction has never appeared. There is no 1T2-logic space, and thence back into the mists no binary distinctions were or are drawable; all distinctions in awareness are µTm logical, which, literally, are infinitely more complex than those binary. The breakdown of the bicameral mind at the requisite stress-induced breakdown voltage really was a breakdown, but the mind thus brokebacked wasn't bicameral, it was µTm logically-valued. Now imagine that this synaesthetic cross-modal biobody-to-geobody and geobody-to-biobody patching is done between and across every sense modality and all natural features and processes -- infrasound signatures of geomorphological features playing large. To the degree that you can imagine this, to the same degree can you enter the nature of animism -- not enter animistic apprehension of nature, because there is no hypothetical animist to be distinguished from some hypothetical Nature, or, for that matter, to be distinguished from some other hypothetical animist. To the degree of your imagination, then, are you able to re-experience absence of the tragedy of the commons as that absence existed in human experience for thousands and thousands and thousands of years by virtue of quantum relative-state superposition. The tragedy of the commons assumes existence of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identities (which are definable only under the 1T2 order of logical-value).
There are residuals of this manner of being the world (not in the world) even today. I experienced such residuals living as a child in rural Japan. Ten years later, I experienced more residuals in the Mekong delta. Ten years after that, I again, well, not experienced, but sensed the presence of echoes of residuals in North Thailand, particularly amongst the Shan I encountered there. A thickness of the air, which is sort of like a carrier wave; call it spiritual, psychic, uncanny, grace, whatever. The residuals are fleeting awareness of µTm orders of logical-value being processed by the brain not contained by the brain: wave-effect processing. Stressed-out, sugar-rushed, MSG-dosed, ADHA-syndromed modern humans aren't going to relearn these capacities built into their organism-environment interface-identity without a whole lot of help. And the human species may not make it, unless they do so learn. I imagine, as a result of my fifteen years of servitude to silviculture, this help is available from plants, old trees in particular, where they still exist, and from animals, dolphins in particular, where they still exist. This is the rhyme and reason behind advocacy of training dancers in biofeedback equipped flotation/isolation tanks with Musculpt domes modeled on dolphin melons, dancers to dance out their learning of sonic-visioning dolphin-speak (rather than trying to teach dolphins to learn to speak human). There has to be a focused multi-dimensional project, if there is be re-demergence of synaesthetic cross-modal biobody-to-geobody and geobody-to-biobody patching between and across every sense modality and all natural features and processes, planet Earth.
I'm sorry. I can't answer that. Though I studied the book closely, I have no idea whether or not his argument is coherent. I can't read discursive prose beginning to end because I abhor the states of consciousness that produce it -- whatever the style of writing employed. I study such books in circular fashion, which relieves me from being inducted into discursion and simultaneously prevents me from assessing argument-coherency. Style issues are incidental and I can get into this or that style momentarily for appreciation of the gimmick value, or figurations, the production of which simply involves habituation of attention in the fashion required to pour forth the particular type of figuration at issue: maybe the gimmick involved here is decontextualization. Whole careers are built on repetitive employment of just one or two such gimmicks. Arguments made according to 1T2 syllogistic rules don't much interest me, really, let alone whether or not they are made coherently, without violation of Aristotle's rules. Quite frankly, and even truthfully, my mid-life crisis came at age 19 and was specifically focused, in one aspect, on just this issue. Once I penetrated the issue, reached a decision, I made a fundamental change of life, quit college and never looked back. Protecting my head space was and is my priority. I white noise out a whole lot of stuff.
No, I don't think squelching animistic relative-state identity transparency with prescriptive enculturation such that individualized egoic consciousness could emerge was a necessary step in evolution toward the Omega Point. Mankind on the road to find out, steppin' out there seeking individuation in a linear-time-bound process elaboration. No. I don't think so. Beginning and end are coupled phenomena; the only way to avoid having an end is to avoid having a beginning. 1T2 logic -- the only order of logical-value under which the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct self-other distinction is definable -- is contained by 9T25 logic, and every other order of logical-value supraordinate to the 1T2 order. µTm-logic animism formally and ontically subsumes individualized egoic consciousness as an always-there option; that's the very essence of quantum superposition. It's just that why the heck would any beingness with direct immediate access to animistic identity transparency voluntarily choose to limit awareness to such a degree as to establish habitus in 1T2 modes of consciousness? No such choice would voluntarily be made, of course. Such unconscionable limitation! And why did such prescriptive enculturation arise such that such a choice was collectively made and imposed? Likely because of the collective psychological dyscrasia occasioning a planetary Velikovsky-type catastrophe, and if that is too way out, then occasioning the massive stress absorbed by the species in surviving a major climate-shift dynamic such as that associated with onset and course of the last Ice Age. Something like that is the likely explanation. Mankind in Amnesia, as Velikovsky's last testament essays. And how is the amnesia maintained? By myriad devices. For example, quoting Flaubert's Parrot by novelist Julian Barnes (as quoted in A Matter of English Justice, a review of Barnes' novel Arthur & George by John Lanchester, The NY Review of Books, 6 April 2006, p. 12):
I don't much care for coincidences. There's something spooky about them: you sense momentarily what it must be like to live in an ordered, God-run universe, with Himself looking over your shoulder and helpfully dropping coarse hints about a cosmic plan. I prefer to feel that things are chaotic, free-wheeling, permanently as well as temporarily crazy
Hard to escape the uncanny sensation that this is a perfect example of projective identification calling into direct experience the very thing preferred. Lanchester introduces this quote in the following fashion (p. 12):
From the novelist's point of view, reality all too often suffers from bad taste Coincidence, for example, is rife in life but ruinous in fiction
This is reminiscent of Christopher Benfey's observation that One advantage of writing nonfiction is that it doesn't have to be plausible; it just has to be true (The Making of a Poet, The NY Review of Books, 23 February 2006, p. 39). This convention -- referred to in both Lanchester's and Benfey's statements -- of good taste and good fiction is an expression of a deep psychopathic fear of what Jung and Pauli called synchronicity, meaningful coincidence. Protect the ego sphere at whatever cost to species survival! Such fears become normative by prescriptive enculturation and normotic by over-enculturation. The species didn't survive the last Ice Age by developing such conventions; the psychological dyscrasia induced by that inordinate trauma brought forth expressions like such conventions (initially, of course, their prefigurative concomitants in orally transmitted folk idioms).
Who are the real bad guys, huh? The Anglos and their European cohort employed smallpox biological warfare in the New World, gas warfare in The War to End All Wars, are the sole perpetrators ever to drop atomic bombs on population centers, massively used chemical warfare with Agent Orange, are the only ones who have yet employed depleted uranium projectiles and used satellite controlled drones to carry out assassinations-- and what can we expect next from these guys? Some new form of Death From Above and Below, no doubt: space warfare and nano-warfare. Soon they will deploy antipersonnel EMP weapons to implement Death From Within. And now the ethnohistory academics in their search for accessible synthesis are carrying forward a program to assimilate pre- and post-Columbian native Americans to the agent of their own holocaust! It was dead AmerIndians, you see, who were responsible for the democracy in 17th and 18th century democracy! Forget Leviathan; forget tabula rasa; forget countervailing Newtonian forces. Democracy without democracy. But don't get confused; read Shepard Krech's The Ecological Indian: Myth and History to learn, in the words of Gordon S. Wood (Apologies to the Iroquois a review of Alan Taylor's The Divided Ground: Indians, Settlers, and the Northern Borderland of the American Revolution, in The NY Review of Books, 6 April 2006, p. 52) that the Indians were no better at conservation and ecology than whites. And to reinforce your lack of confusion read Jared Diamond's chapter (in his book Collapse) on the Anasazi to learn the same lesson. Hmmmmm. The lesson I take away from the Anasazi and the Maya is that the Indians only got into trouble when they tried to do a white thing. What condition were the North and South American continents in when the whites arrived, anyhow? What condition are they in now? Who were the over-populators fleeing the home continent and settling virgin New Worlds? Don't tell me who were and who were not ecologically adapted. How many years was it AmerIndians lived in the Americas before the whites arrived? And how many years has it taken the whites to do what they have done to those very same Americas? And how ecological can a scientific ecology based on molecular biology be? A molecular biology that neglects the submolecular quantum biochemical processes mediating systemic superintegration so as to unobstructedly carry forward a commercial program of genetic engineering. Magic without magic. Go on, just go on. And who caused this anthropogenic greenhouse-warming-driven climate-shift dynamic, anyhow? Uh, uh, must be me, myself, and mine! So, what ecologists shall we turn to? Which are likely to be our saviors? Biosphere 3, anyone?
I’ve been saying very forcefully and very resolutely since Christmas of 1968 (when I had my first exposure to the notion of non-photographic, non-reference-beam holographic laser projection) that this civilization, indeed the species, is dead in the night-sea waters of the collective unconscious so long as it does not altogether throw aside written mathematical and art-music notation, as well as the material object of the plastic arts. M Theory will be not only a planetary catastrophe, but a solar system catastrophe. Let me quote myself from above:
This [neural] patching [from optic nerve to block of skin: colors transposed to patters of tingles] is a specific form of treating as, which is the synaesthetic content of Eulerian correspondence as definition of mathematical function in the general sense [systems of correspondence being the foundational notion of Chinese medicine]. Only here it is very personal and very concrete -- intimate, even. Now, remembering that this is only an analogue, simile, metaphor, imagine what it would be like in immediate, direct experience to live in a body neurologically patched, not between plexus and skin over shoulder blade, but between the whole tactile body and the nearby mountain range: that's animistic relative-state identity transparency! What happens to the mountain, you feel directly on your skin as your personal corpus of sensations -- and you have anosognosia as regards distinguishing the identity of the mountain from your personal identity. Never has there been such categories in your awareness. The very idea of drawing a distinction has never appeared. There is no 1T2-logic space, and thence back into the mists no binary distinctions were or are drawable; all distinctions in awareness are µTm logical, which, literally, are infinitely more complex than those binary. The breakdown of the bicameral mind at the requisite stress-induced breakdown voltage really was a breakdown, but the mind thus brokebacked wasn't bicameral, it was µTm logically-valued. Now imagine that this synaesthetic cross-modal biobody-to-geobody and geobody-to-biobody patching is done between and across every sense modality and all natural features and processes -- infrasound signatures of geomorphological features playing large.
Snow Mountain is such a mountain near Lijiang, Yunnan, and a Naxi tribal woman named Snow once told me, standing there staring at the mountain, that she feels movements of the mountain on her skin. This was just before the recent great Lijiang earthquake. Numbered Gödel numbers of the hypercomplex Riemann Hypothesis band have to be patched via biofeedback to Musculpt manifold, M, ulos ni tondi, as the superintegrated synaesthetic collective body (not merely the whole tactile biobody) of humanity biobody-to-geobody and geobody-to-biobody if the human species is to resurrect cognition under µTm logics. Synaesthetic patch as notational medium. Musculpt as universal metalanguage: the medium is the message and the message is its own notation. Absent such resurrection, science will remain the Nature-destroying agency it has been. Since, whether we like it or not, the biobody is a neural patch from geobody, and vice versa by gestalt bubble projective identification in Husserlian facets, profiles, horizons, and event-horizons, there can be no cognize, cognize, cognize, cognize in µTm logics demerged as built down orders of self-reference unless reflexivity is built up self-referentially as the fundament of all cognitive reference frames. Special Relativity and the wave-function of Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation opened a window on the required resurrection, but we removed the transparent glass and replaced it with a smoked pane: John A. Wheeler's Great Smoky Dragon. Mirror that Smokes! Blow the smoke away from the dragon: pregeometry as a bucket of dust is not a 1T2 calculus of propositions but actual world (not possible world) logics in µTm orders of logical-value over atemporal horizons and event-horizons. There is no truth in truth-value; truth is stacked-immediacy as the set of zeros, integral over integral, differential under differential, from infinity, C. Nothing ever changes equals everything is nothing but changes. Lalla, Lalla, Lal!
The First Sound
My task is to translate
the movement of the leaves, hanging
on tired branches. Secrets
need words, spoken
in silence. When a leaf
falls, there is no blood. But
in a dark room, someone
feels grief and cries out
in pain.(Subagio Sastrowardoyo's poem Nada Awal, as translated by Harry Aveling and reproduced in Aveling's book Secrets Need Words, Ohio University Center for International Studies, 2001)
When sometime ago you read MOON, you probably pressed right on through the discussion (Vol. 2, pp. 333-45) between Yoshio and Derek (a discussion that actually transpired during 1976 at Cornell and was written up from doodle notes) -- which incorporated various observations about Jung's interpretations relative to medieval alchemy -- of the Brownian form (a wave statement, as no equality is involved, which decomposes into sets of nested wave equations, written not in Schrödinger form, but Maxwellian form over polar coordinates) of the time-independent Schrödinger wave equation (which employs the right-angle-cross notation that G. Spencer Brown developed to prove consistency and completeness of Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras and which he incorporated into his book Laws of Form, wherein a calculus of distinctions is elaborated as underlying all truth-value calculi). The fact that the notion distinction is more fundamental than the notion truth-value -- demonstrated in course of proving Sheffer's postulates (and very much more important than proving postulates) -- is not forthrightly stated by Brown, and has been ignored by mainstream mathematicians who continue to flounder around in attempts to develop truth-value-related interpretations of m-valued logics. In MOON, Jung's perspectives are rarely recapped, but elaborations there from are frequently made; for instance, the as if axiomitization of Musculpt and elaborations concerning numbered Gödel numbers in the last scene extend from Jungian perspectives on animistic participation mystique into the notion that a calculus of identity transparency (µTm-quantum non-simple identity) over Musculpt manifold underlies, and incorporates as a special case, Brown's calculus of 1T2-distinctions. Laws of Form was a hot item for the counter-culture set in the mid-'70s because of its being cast in relation to Taoism (which put it Off The Beat as far as the academic establishment and Science News were concerned), and in the late-'70s Brown was invited to Esalen Institute to conduct a seminar for the luminaries (John Lilly, Gregory Bateson, and about a dozen others of similar stellar status). This seminar was recorded and transcribed, but never published. I ran across the typescript almost 20 years later (after the final version of MOON was already with the printers) while surveying John Lilly's personal scientific archive preliminary to its acquisition by Stanford U. Library. Brown, in this seminar, did not summarize his book or provide an introduction thereto; he launched right into one of its problem areas and started developing some new thoughts. By the questions and answers afterwards, clearly, none of the luminaries understood what he was talking about. Bateson, in particular, asked a number of silly questions. Lilly asked none. Brown, in Laws of Form, introduced the notion of time by the calculus of distinctions only late into the book, and doing so was sufficiently problematic that a modification of the cross notation was involved -- which could not have been satisfying (Derek mentions this in the MOON discussion, which goes well beyond Brown). Though Brown did not comment on the problems that exist with Laws of Form, it was upon this issue that he focused his presentation in the Esalen seminar. Quoting his summary statement as best I can from memory, he said, In order to have time, something must be taken back into itself several times. Brown undertook a discussion of the imaginary numbers and the 90-degree spatial twist they impart (and which the right-angle-cross notation can be used to represent, as did Yoshio and Derek in the Brownian form of the time-independent Schrödinger wave equation: all of this being a long memetime before Hawking published A Brief History of Time), Hamilton's quaterions, and so on. This, I imagine, was only partially captured by the seminar transcript, as I believe Brown must have been writing on a blackboard and employing his cross-notation, and the transcriber likely did not understand what was being said better than the others in the audience. Anyway, Brown clearly did not get into Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation or anything else Yoshio and Derek discussed. I should note that the time-independence of Schrödinger's equation is an independence of passive, passing linear-time, what I deem a purely enculturated memetime (first-order operator-time has nothing to do with this). Nonetheless, the idea Brown focused upon -- i.e., that time necessarily involves self-referential re-entry (the basis of orders of logical-value in m-valued logics) -- was more or less the premise of the discussion between Yoshio and Derek. This relates to my earlier comment on your last communication, to wit that third-order operator-time is your 3, and I will elaborate below on that operator-time interpretation of the numerological notion of 3.
As I see it, Wittgenstein was to late-Russell as Brown was to late-Wittgenstein (the Wittgenstein after onset of philosophical disease). Brown took his unpublished manuscript to an elderly post-late-Russell and asked for comments. Post-late-Russell felt he couldn't deal with the new notation, but agreed to try. In due course, he gave Brown an endorsement, but there is no record I am aware of he contributed anything more. The details that Brown and Russell surely discussed -- proof of Sheffer's postulates -- were never of much interest to me, all of this being post-Gödel. It was appropriate, however, that Brown should have taken his manuscript to post-late-Russell, as Brown, following early-Wittgenstein, assumes the logical atomism late-Russell essayed against the paradoxical mereology of Cantor's denumerable transfinite set (the part-whole identity transparency demonstrated by the diagonal proof: any set that can be put into one-to-one correspondence with one of its proper subsets). The casting of Laws of Form in relation to Taoism, I see as placing Brown in relation to late-Wittgenstein. Because of the logical atomism assumption, it seems to me, neither Russell nor Brown focused on Brown's demonstration that the notion distinction is more fundamental than the notion truth-value. But the problem with time pushed Brown toward recognizing the importance of this demonstration, for had he carried his considerations further, he would certainly have realized that something taken back into itself is formally equivalent to the liar's paradox, an example of the self-referential propositions at foundation of m-valued logics. Numerologically and logically speaking, it is the 3 that takes something back into itself, alchemically and in terms of Jungian psychology, the snake eating its own tail, Ouroboros. This is the form of both Cantor's diagonal proof and Gödel's proof -- and Brown asserted at Esalen that this liar is the basis of time. What could he possibly have been thinking (but never actually said)?
The Einstein of Special Relativity never passed Go and went directly from absolute limiting velocity to absolute limiting acceleration. The Gödel of Gödel's Proof never passed Go and went directly from the form of the liar's paradox to forms of that form, which are m-valued logics: forms informing (black hole computers). The notion of operator-time essayed in MOON is based upon the idea that Einstein's no Go and Gödel's no Go are, not only functional equivalents, but indicative of equivalent functions.
How could form possibly follow function? And can there be more than one structure inside a form following a function? Is form to structure as quality to quantity? Can such binary issues be posed in the m-logically-valued general case, or only in the special 1T2-logic case? At the absolute limiting velocity, distance in the direction of motion ceases to exist and time altogether stops. What happens to distance and time in the infinite collection of vectorial directions not in the direction of motion? They are diagonalized, warped around to an event horizon the missing vectorial direction is circled into. The inertial object contained, when moving through, ceases to be contained and becomes container, and when it moves through fast enough, it starts to contain the container: a transformation in identity transpires, a mereological transform between part and whole in the form of Cantor's and Gödel's proofs. Sculptural transformations, not of form, but of the identity of form. Einstein generalized to acceleration as gravity, but never went to absolute limiting acceleration, except as the implied end of physics in the Einstein-Rosen Bridge to a black hole's elsewhere. Infinite acceleration as absolute limiting acceleration as eternal elsewhere: the Hawking black hole which is not a black hole computer. What happens to physics in the infinite collection of elsewhere's not eternally swept into the black hole? This is a question about the forms of form informing (à la black hole computers and Gödel). Absolute limiting velocity plus finite absolute limiting acceleration yield a change in connectivity of ponderable space, spatial structures (geometry) of form following function. Acceleration bends the direction velocity sets, while the limiting acceleration bends that direction back upon itself. In order to incorporate and integrate the forms of this self-referential form informing (in the Earth's atmosphere, informing by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes over a tornadic cold fusion beaker), however, finite absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration is required, whereupon twisted re-entry establishes non-orientability: full-blown part-whole identity transparency. Hawking's notion of imaginary time -- not that of Brown or MOON -- is that passive, passing time is in a direction imaginary to the three dimensions of ponderable space; he would replace the minus sign attached to time of Minkowski spacetime with the dimension of imaginary numbers. Brown and MOON, however, make time the topological operator by which form informs. Time, not treated as a passive dimension, real or imaginary, but as active set of topological operators requiring real numbers, imaginary numbers, and hypernumbers to define. Operator-time operates only in the absolute limits of velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration. Three-fold operator-time; the third fold, your 3, the 3 of numerology, alchemy, and Jungian psychology.
In and around Ithaca during the mid-to-late-'70s there were the Cornell crowd, the Ithaca College crowd, and the hippie commune crowd which included some ex-Cornellians and maybe a few who had once been art students at Ithaca College. There was also a Thai-Chinese master of Taoist sexual yoga near enough by whom many couples practiced under, trying their darnest to get a little endogenous pharmahuasca to jump out of their pineals (one rhyme and reason of autogenic-training-assisted TankTantra: sensory isolation: see, hear, speak, smell, taste no evil). During the period I studied John A. Wheeler's, et al., three-inch-thick folio textbook, Gravitation, I briefly worked in a place called White's Nursery, which at the time did not have anyone who knew how to dig trees -- except me. So, I started teaching several laborers at this nursery the old Japanese ways of root pruning and transplanting trees I had been taught by an 85-year-old horticulturalist and bonsai master who had learned the methods in late-Meiji, early-Taisho Japan (before being banished for anarchist political activities). Occasionally included in my lessons were a few brief digressions on self-observation during the act of such digging, but I shied away from elaborations. Independently undertaking this brief stint of teaching not only got me fired, but subjected me to a Taoist overture related to Spencer Brown's Laws of Form: such was the cross-cultural nature of Ithaca environs in those days. One Sunday, those learning to be Diggers stopped by my room and noticed Wheeler's book lying on the futon. As if I had pulled a Wittgenstein upon discovery of philosophical disease! But I had never actually been in so how could I drop out to Zen gardening? It wasn't Zen aesthetics, however, that was the matter of interest; it was Taoist geomancy. News of my bit of teaching of Japanese methods in silviculture spread around several of the local communes and I then became a potential recruit. The recruitment overture came in the form of presentation of a self-published, hand-bound, and lavishly freehand-illustrated book which mapped Brown's Laws of Form onto a wide range of esoteric and occult subject matter. This was a test. I was asked what I thought of the book. It was beautifully done, and I said so; but I also observed that it seemed to me an incidental matter of re-personification to map Brown's integrative abstractions back on diversity of the concrete contents from which they had been synthesized. Having made this latter observation, I had failed the test. The reaction was as if I had slapped a face identified with a persona. This experience, I recognized as a parallel of an earlier one.
For having written an essay on the concept of time in Takemitsu's orchestral work, November Steps, during a course at George Mason University on appreciation of 20th century art music, I was invited to take Music Composition IV, for which I had none of the prerequisites, a course for seniors graduating as Music Comp majors. Toward the end of this course, the instructor, who was an accomplished pianist and a surpassing vocalist who specialized in atonal and dodecaphonic works, performing all over Europe, urged me to commit to a career in 12-tone composition. I was very flattered, and lavishly said so; but I also observed that it seemed to me that instrumental composition of whatever school had moved into the realm of craft, for the worldview construct issues composers presently need to consider in musical form -- time-reversal symmetry, anisotropy, non-simple identity, non-locality, and the like -- cannot be authentically and non-reductively worked with independent of a fully-integrated synaesthetic medium -- call it music-sculpture -- which had not yet been brought into being for lack of seeing its necessity. The reaction to this latter observation was as if I had slapped a face. This experience, I recognized as a parallel of an earlier one.
George Mason's painting and drawing instructor at that time possessed a superlative mastery of Old Master technique and had, for years, at the National Gallery, restored paintings, including those of Ingres. I immersed myself in all the studio art courses he offered, in which, by deign of spending far more time than anyone else, I excelled, as well as in his one lecture course, Comparative Art, for which there was to be a notorious take-home mid-term exam and paper in lieu of a final. The essay question for the mid-term was: Is Art Eternal? My answer was: That remains to be seen. I elaborated on this reply by essaying on the skew-parallel figures of medieval plainsong, how leaded-glass-window ideal Platonic forms were projection grids through which the divine light pours to illumine the sacred-geometry floor planes of the mason's incarnate world, and so on. I very much more elaborated on these themes, relating them to issues in higher mathematics, in my paper in lieu of a final. Knowing full well that the sought-after answer was a simple Yes! with supporting paraphrases from the Great Ones of Yore, I was not surprised to not receive a good grade on either the mid-term or the final. Once, late in the course, while passing my desk, he inadvertently bumped one of my notebooks off to the floor. Picking it up, leafing through it, and handing it back to me, he asked what was the purpose of all that? The book contained page after page of semi-figurative, automatic, doodly gesture sketches which I idly produced in great profusion. I said, uh, uh, they are well, studies; studies for, uh, thematic Stockhausen sound-gestalts to be holographically projected as standing-wave music-sculptures. He spun away without reply.
When it is said that form follows function what is really being designated is the psychological transference by which structure and function are conflated, the structure-function conflation in turn being confounded to form, which is neither; nor is form a conflation or a confounding of any quantity-quality concatenation. Form qua form has no existence in ponderable spacetime; it is Husserliana (made visible as fractal-image formation -- at autogenic-brain-discharge abreaction -- and personification of such fractal formations by shamanic ingestion of the products of Liana and her cohort, for those not well and long practiced at actual reductive phenomenology which is no mere musing on what reductive phenomenology must be). According to the structural theory a structure is a function automatized, and a function is a structure deautomatized. This is old stuff: 1930s Hartmann. Automatization and deautomatization are what the psychological transference does with projective identification: there are organ, cellular, molecular, and submolecular correlates. See Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge. On the submolecular quantum level of brain function-structure conflation (particularly superconductant p-electron gas core of intraneuronal DNA), critical, cooperative, and collective behaviors are involved in taking correlation lengths from infinity into the last finite and return. See Autogenic Discharge: Quantum Biological considerations. Long-range phase correlation. Spontaneous fusion: the brain self-entangled by the brain not contained by the brain. Spontaneous localization: the uncontained brain meme-icized by glutamate-etching flood to self-containing container. If the baud rate of consciousness is ramped up to near the limiting baud rate, thus slowing down in awareness the far-from-equilibrium phase transition, there are sounded-form correlates -- munari by munari -- that can be heard-seen over Musculpt manifold (and imputed as poltergeist or asterism by projective identification). Esotericizing Brown's Laws of Form is to take those cross-notation-written laws in the wrong direction, no less than taking visual and/or auditory abduction schemata to symbolic written notation in abductive logic is to be cognitively taken in the wrong direction. In researching the paper on Takemitsu's November Steps, I ran across a copy of his score to Munari by Munari (quantum vacuum by quantum vacuum) held in the Library of Congress. For this percussion piece, the composer dispensed with the standard note-notation and adopted graphic ikons (analogous to what Brown did in arriving at his cross-notation) which he placed on the page in gestalt bubbles after the fashion I was taught to set stones is a Japanese garden. Relative to µTm-logic cognition, written mathematical notation is to DOS as Brown's crosses and Takemitsu's ikons are to the graphical interface. But these are only small steps for mankind on the road to exteriorized Musculpt, whereupon the notation is the medium which is the message.
I continue to employ Post's T-notation only because exteriorized Musculpt is not yet available. The tautological truth-tree signifier, T, designates truth constancy, while its inversion indicates constant falsity (which is not inconstancy). By form alone -- conformance to the laws of form, that is -- does one arrive at the needless repetition which is truth by virtue of form and only form: tautology. Whether or not a repetition is needless or needed to reveal a constant truth depends on how inconstant the reader-listener-viewer is. And then there are constants that are not necessarily constantly single-valued over memetime, which are not nearly so problematic as constants that are constantly m-valued. Once 1T2 order-type by canonically-embedded nesting is supernumerated, µTm, tautological truth-tree signifier, T, needs its inversion to constantly signify the case (but this is Big 'I' which is exactly contrary to semantics of the case, and thus cannot be employed), for no order class of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics more complex than the 1T2 order is a Gödel-normal logic wherein a constant true formula can be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly distinguished from a constant false formula. Lukasiewicz's main act in logic was to challenge the Law of Necessitation (i.e., logical determinism). And the main act of the back-reactors was origination of renormalization by truncation-filtering (choose the highest value, choose the lowest value, ignore all the rest -- which, when adopted by meteorologists for treatment of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, concealed onset of climate-shift dynamics for half a century). Ah, yes. The characteristic matrix. The bleep-bleep algebra of the logic. The bleep-bleep evaluation of the bleep-bleep algebra that fails to satisfy the bleep-bleep formula. Ah, yes. Transition from the monadic to the p-adic, which is not necessarily to invoke the polymodal -- let alone the polyalphabetic. Not possibly not in memetime, which eventually we realize could not henceforth not be the case only in memetime -- ordinal memetime which, by isomorphic copies, is subject to uniform substitution into cardinal dreamtime which, by detachment, is isomorphic embeddable into randomtime (as viewed from a 1T2-logic-perspective only, John A. Wheeler's pregeometry as a calculus of on-or-off propositions over a bucket of dust, a Borel set). You get to such finite-models interpretation by means of the elementarity of closure conditions, which are the rules of inference, necessitation of which Lukasiewicz challenged in contesting logical determination. Aristotle: from conditional infer universal; Plato: from universal infer conditional. Existence precedes essence; essence precedes existence. Brouwerian or Gödelian axiomitization? Lukasiewicz's challenge yields: niether/nor. Material implication is not in strict recursive detachment and variation is not in uniform substitution of strict equivalents. Why? Because grammar, syntax, and semantics for standard modal logics begin with a denumerably transfinite set, p0, p1, p2, of propositional variables, the mereology of this set being diagonally-Cantorian, the form of the implied argument being self-referentially-Gödelian, the implied holographic part-whole (and thus part-part) identity transparency being axiomatically neglected. Repair of this neglect requires not that each closed element be deemed open (monadically speaking), or that each closed-open element engage in pairwise commutation (polyadically speaking), for in canonicity of the case, no matter how dense-in-itself space or subspace may be, identity transparency cannot be represented under the 1T2 order-type. Self-referential proposition nested inside of self-referential proposition nested inside of self-referential proposition Indeed, Lukasiewicz sub-Aleph-null order-type is inadequate. As Gödel demonstrated, consistency and completeness in a given order-type cannot be demonstrated in that order-type; one must go to the next order-type, in this case to Lukasiewicz sub-Aleph-one. My argument here is that exteriorized Musculpt as mathematical notation is required to work with this in a non-abjectly-reductive fashion.
Quite frankly, I don't have the slightest idea, and not much interest, in what The American Interest teaches executives about forecasting in its seminars on forcing events and wild cards in the politics of a globalizing planet. But anyone who gets famous by prematurely proclaiming an end to history (whilst passive, passing linear-time is envisioned to continue on its merry way) yet still believes in forcing events has to have more than one screw loose. Evolution in memetime, one may suppose. But I can tell you that any seminar featuring Francis Fukuyama, Brzezinski, Applebaum, Ferguson, Posner, et al., will not be teaching anything remotely related to VirFut Q-Pro, as the perspectives these people argue are unalterably old paradigm. That's old paradigm relative to quantum-relativity theory, which is old paradigm relative to even more bizarre post-quantum-relativity theory. Hopelessly lost subliminally hard-wiring on a demographic disaster with over-active amygdalas. And that is why they are in The American Interest, which is not in the interest of Americans or the human interest, and certainly not in Earth interest. If organized Fertile Crescent religion has been the greatest disaster to befall humanity, and post-Renaissance institutional science the worst thing to happen to planet Earth, then legacies of 17th century Hobbesian social outcomes boring down on the present conundrum prefigure conflagration of larger spheres. Blowback on the solar system and the galaxy. Entanglement works every which way but loose. Were VirFut Q-Pro and Musculpt actually to be created, say by diversion of Hamamatsu's RDOT (reflective diffuse optical tomography) into non-invasive employments, the focus would not be upon robust networks, for such networks assume existence of individual nodes where nonesuch exist. If protons from deep space damage DNA, what of those protons from the deep space of an MRI machine? The near infrared light Hamamatsu injects through the skull may not be in the frequency response window of superconductant intraneuronal DNA, but as far as I can discover in the non-classified literature available to me, we do not know this is the case. Those windows are thin as thin can be, by the superconductant property, so sophisticated instrumental design could insure they are avoided, but as far as I know, we don't know. Where all so-called distances are measured on Koch curves, there can be no distinguishing correlation ranges, and local clusters cannot be the basis of collective, cooperative, and critical QUANTUM behaviors. Under correlation lengths gone to infinity at the Curie temperature, which is m-valued, how construe clusters as local? Bottlenecks selective, iteration multiples, known identities: all assume simple-identity, which can only be regarded a ritual in pseudokinship or a commodity exchange technology, when what is actually exchanged in such cases are signifiers of non-simple identity transparency, soul cloths and the like. Game theory assumes simple-identity and that is why there is a prisoner's dilemma, a tragedy of the commons, and Arrow's impossibility with respect to the arrow of time. In such a context, wild cards might be interesting, but certainly not forcing events. No history as force!
And now we have a popular article on an even more exact replication by quantum-gravity theorists of the work done in the early-'70s on tornado genesis than merely black hole computers (Black Hole Computers, by Seth Lloyd and Y. Jack Ng, Scientific American, November 2004): acoustic black hole analogues (An Echo of Black Holes, by Theodore Jacobson and Renaud Parentani, Scientific American, December 2005). And, again, not only are many of the words the same words, but the implied basic math is interchangeable. The article on acoustic counterparts of black holes and the reflections it contains on the behavior of light directly parallel content of a long report submitted to the National Science Foundation at completion of NSF-funded research in 1973 entitled Atmospheric Comets and the Nature of Light. Sound-light interaction device: Earth's own Musculpt processor. The authors of this report, for its content, became, essentially, persona non grata with the NSF. Careers were derailed -- with all the usual induced catastrophes. Comets -- because, quoting one of the many unpublished papers of the period written on these matters (as two decades later reproduced in the novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 324-5):
The Role of Energy Feeder Bands Attached to the Convective Nucleus These trajectories take on the appearance of spiral helices adjoining the forward portion of the rotating storm [gas cloud model] and are comprised of undulating laminar flow [surface ripple model] along the axis of a roll cloud [wave-pipe model, which, after a 90-degree rotation, becomes a Laval nozzle model] Several comets such as Mrkos in 1957 have been photographed with distinct twisting filaments resembling the spiral helices described above [not unlike the recently observed double-helical nebula] Planck's Blackbody and the Atmospheric Analogue to a Comet Blackbodies and black holes exist within the spacetime frame of atmospheric dynamics nonlinear dynamics leading to a mathematical singularity in theta-space (horizontal rotation disappears within an isentropic framework) would remain an unsolved mystery if our only point of view was the Newtonian The progressive gravity wave is a manifestation of the transition from rotational to irrotational energy a cluster of intense squalls radiating irrotational waves from its perimeter [its horizon], a process whereby energy from the rotational wave is perfectly absorbed and then re-radiated in the form of irrotational waves [atmospheric Hawking radiation].
The multiscale computer modeling and data analysis, conducted on the USAF's and NASA's then-largest mainframes, were presented in discussions of mesoscale cyclogenesis (modeled in course of developing a numerical forecast model of microscale tornadogenesis, which cascade model, not incidentally, repetitively predicted from historical data sets, to accuracy of the 1-km grid cell, tornado outbreaks twelve-hours in advance) in terms virtually indistinguishable from those employed by Jacobson and Parentani (but in quite complex technical language cutting across several disciplines of physics: what Jacobson and Parentani call the gas cloud model of an acoustic black hole analogue was later applied to the cylindrical p-electron gas core around with the helices of superconductant DNA wrap themselves, the involved mathematical derivations being published by the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry in 1979; this quantum DNA model was the closest the physics of the cascade model of tornadogenesis ever came to formal publication! and by implication of both tornado and DNA models described superconductant conversion within plasma bottles of electromagnetic radiation to gravity-wave modes and vice versa). When, soon after publishing his 1974 paper on particle creation near black holes, Hawking was presented by mail an account of cyclogenesis and tornadogenesis as hydrothermodynamic black hole analogues, in those exact words, a species of black holes that produce acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (the coherent atmospheric Hawking radiation which has been filtered from National Weather Service models since the 1940s and thus is even now treated as mere noise, not information for black hole computer processing) by erasing information on one scale of motion and depositing it on another (i.e., black hole computer), the response was not pleasant. John Wheeler's response was pleasant but dismissive. Penrose's response was no response. Consideration of the implications of the lack of a classical limit led the authors not to molecular or atomic spacetime (quoting Lloyd and Ng , p. 37: the cells are actually much larger and, indeed, have no fixed size: the larger the region of spacetime, the larger the constituent cells, i.e., analogous to multiscale numerical modeling grid cells) but to laminated spacetime (i.e., Sakharov's multi-sheet model) and m-valued fundamental constants (explaining applications of quantum-relativity theory at atmospheric spacetime scales). M-valued constants cannot be understood without m-valued logics, and m-valued logics cannot be understood without numbered Gödel numbers over Regge lattices, the Regge bones being analogues of M-Theory superstrings. All this requiring that Hilbert space be universally covered by a surface -- a numbered Gödel numbered transfinite set of Riemann surfaces -- of m-valued logics. It was also understood during that early-'70s and on into the late-70's memetime that in such spatial circumstances time cannot remain linear and passive; it must be active topological operator -- Pauli's operator-time reinterpreted relative to Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation -- and that the Penrose twistor must be quantization of the temporal curl. Time as set of logical-topological operators decomposing mathematical involutes. This was sketched out in a paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process and detailed in semi-technical terms (without the numerical modeling complexities contained in the severe storms conferences preprints -- which were regarded as so inflammatory that fistfights broke out) in a paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere. Each black hole model discussed by Jacobson and Parentani -- gas cloud, surface ripples, wave pipe, Laval nozzle -- as mentioned above, plays a role at some stage in the process of tornadogenesis. The involved highly convoluted constant entropy surfaces were mapped out and drawn laboriously by hand in this period before multimedia computing. But all that effort appears to have been for naught, as 30 years have now passed, the long-predicted climate shift is irreversibly in motion, and irrational insistence by physicists upon maintenance of a classical limit continues to prevent solution to the problem of cheap energy depletion.
Yes, this is great! Thanks for drawing my attention: The Mysterious Origins of Solar Flares, by Gordon D. Holman, Scientific American, April 2006. Somehow -- though there were specialists in upper atmospheric physics at Cornell with whom we discussed solar-terrestrial interactions -- I never learned of the circa 1950s-'60s Sweet-Parker mathematical model of magnetic reconnection as origin of solar flares and coronal mass ejections while assisting in research for the 1977 paper Toward a General Theory of Process. This, in spite of the fact that the paper presentation that drew most of my attention at the last Velikovsky conference was entitled The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena and that I moved to Ithaca specifically to explore parallels between the ideas in this paper and those I had independently arrived at concerning quantum properties of autogenic brain discharges. The central thesis of the General Process paper was that form in process exhibits self-similarity across all scale levels by invariant topological transforms under three orders of temporal curl (an alternative way to designate complex angular momentum exchange, spinors, and the twistor concept): change of slope, reconnection, change from orientability to non-orientability at limiting velocities, limiting accelerations, and limiting time rates of change of acceleration, respectively. It now appears to me very likely that the Sweet-Parker model and its recent extensions add considerable detail to this notion of General Process -- and not only as regards the origins of solar flares and coronal mass ejections.
There are differences, of course. In Sweet-Parker and extensions (Holman, p. 26) The key turns out to be a sudden rearrangement of magnetic field lines, a phenomenon called reconnection. In our notion of General Process this reconnection is viewed as being most fundamentally the result of what we designate skew perpendicularity between lines of force and equipotential surfaces under universal physical constants that are m-valued. Since limiting accelerations are involved, this is a relativistic way of understanding the quantum processes by which (Holman, p. 29) flares result from many different currents coming together or from a volume of turbulent plasma waves and the random electric fields associated with them. The many different currents to our way of thinking are actually skew-perpendicular dark currents of a given current undergoing topological transforms by virtue of m-valued universal physical constants: the given current does not have simple-identity or simple-locality; its dark currents result from being trapped in a multi-sheeted topology. The involved topology of two-dimensional current sheets is that of a Riemann surface, and the presence of dark currents of a given current is an illustration of Riemann's notion of charge as lines of force trapped in the topology of space. It can be noted that M Theory, in considering universal constants as fields, is approaching the notion of m-valued universal physical constants.
It was the Riemann surface that gave us a way to follow the march of an m-valued function throughout all its branches by bridging a stack of 2-D sheets, just as magnetic field lines reconnect across current sheets in origins of solar flares. The transition from change of connectivity (reconnection) to change from orientability to non-orientability involves m-valued universal physical constants under m-valued logics (which Alexander Karpenko has demonstrated have functionals over the primes). The (Holman, p. 29) creation of magnetic fields in distinct regions corresponds to what the General Process paper called formation of limited spacetime domains (LSTDs). A nesting of such domains or regions on the solar scale would constitute a sunspot (an area of very intense magnetic fields) wherein the m-values associated with the corpus of involved LSTDs are superposed. As this stack decomposes (decomposition not being synonymous with collapse of the wave-function as consensually understood), foot points or anchor points of magnetic field lines are established at intersections of LSTDs where limiting accelerations of electrons co-occur (spatially and temporally). As charged particles helix around the field lines reaching limiting velocities and limiting accelerations, frequency shifts transpire in the frequency response windows of the m-involved LSTDs, thus designating movement of foot-point locations. It is in such a fashion as this, I believe, that the sun computes its energic response to radiational inputs received from the galactic level (likely mediated by nebula such as the recently discovered DNA-type nebula).
The overwhelming emphasis upon subverting oppositions, particularly one and/or many is not only boring, it's elementary: yes, thank you, a great observation on Anne Klein's Unbounded Wholeness (Anne Carolyn Klein and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Oxford, 2006). One does well, I believe, to understand the roles of oral transmission and written texts in religions generally, and Buddhism in particular: facilitation of institutionalization, inculcation of compliance, public relations, population control -- and this despite the fact that some texts are superior to others for practice of reflexive voluntary dissociation at reading, the actual act of reading. Actual instruction never took place in speakable languages, let alone writable texts. Instruction, insofar as that is a meaningful term, transpired by telepathy and psychokinesis in what Anne Klein designates (p. 316) photic and post-death tropes, the visionary experience by which internal states [are] linked with theories of embodiment. To designate these as tropes is so text-bound, so postmodern deconstructionist reductionism, one just simply must suppose the subliminal agenda does not transcend that of mentors like Derrida. That Sanskrit and/or Hebrew in some fashion served as a universal grammar, that Greek gematria transposed the Gospels into point sets, line-and-arc diagrams: these notions are based upon mistaken modern and postmodern linguistics assumptions. Photismic point sets, line-and-arc diagrams, yantra were transposed into mantric equivalents which became the phonemes from which speakable languages evolved, some of which were later given written phonogramic expression. Photic and post-death tropes as actual visionary experience were, in full elaboration, the various levels of Samadhi as internal Musculpt, a bound-morphemic Musculpt later reduced to free-form morphemic-idiographic yantras as capability for comprehension fell away (by glutamaturgic quenching of conscious access to m-logically-valued processing) and the impulse to institutionalization, induced compliance, and population control rose its ugly head. So-called transmission by speakable language (in oral or written form) in and of itself bespeaks loss of comprehension. Photism is a small word for a very big phenomenon: synaesthetic Musculpt. Theories of embodiment are not theories until transposed by non-comprehension into speakable language (oral or written) or non-speakable language not identical to its own notation (e.g., notatable music; notatable mathematics; plastic art under a prescriptive system of signifying terms). In post-death photic expressions of Musculpt, the notation is the theory itself -- the post of post-death not referring to linear-memetime, but to non-linear orders of temporal operations. Psychokinesis in actual transmission was facilitation of photismic discharge by transference-enticed entanglement of function and structure between and across brains.
One can play language games with this if one is so inclined -- or if demanded by the needs of institutionalization, compliance, control: e.g., the psychokinetically induced photismic discharge is not visionary experience, for experience implies an experiencer where, in fact, there is none. The one and/or many opposition again being contested so as to polemically illustrate the notion of Unbounded Wholeness: (a black box term like Authenticity). One could not live in Trumansburg at founding of Snow Lion without eventually learning of Anne Klein. Soon after Meeting the Great Bliss Queen, I sent her a letter suggesting that many of the terms she was translating could not actually be comprehended without a fair dose of higher mathematics, and particularly not without m-valued logics. I recommended John Woodroffe's The World as Power as being especially useful in suggesting the higher mathematical tropology -- using what I knew would be a familiar term -- of Indic and Tibetan texts. Of course, just as surely as she had read Hayden White, she would already have been aware of Woodroffe's books and dismissed them as mere disquisitions on theories of embodiment -- her only real interest being in the logic of the nonconceptual. The conceptual and/or nonconceptual opposition is not, I should note, particularly contested in Deconstructionism.
A decade later, in Unbounded Wholeness, footnotes to page 101 related to fuzzy logic and Derrida, Anne Klein makes her closest approach to addressing these issues. One must realize that the original fall of Adam and Eve was long after Abfall -- and oh-so unnecessary. As I have noted many times, the persistent automatism of Deconstructionism has been to contest by oxymoron the 1T2-logic Law of Non-Contradiction. By this means one can parade opposition to logocentrism -- even believe in the parade -- while actually preserving what of Cartesian-Newtonian modes of comprehension can be freeze dried. Were one to contest the 1T2-logic Law of Distributed Middle, however, one would have to look much harder for methods of freeze drying, as m-valued logics would rise up in one's face like Kundalini's cobra. Anne Klein (pp. 100-103) affirms as valid, i.e., in possession of the Authenticity of Unbounded Wholeness, the 1T2-logic Fallacy of Undistributed Middle, in a footnote documents a passing glance at fuzzy logic (the most simple-minded non-challenging to Cartesian-Newtonian world-construct interpretation of m-valued logics), in a second footnote on Derrida's drivel over différance explicates similarities and differences between Dzog-chen and Deconstructionism in regards to undoing Kierkegaard's either/or, and moves quickly out of the danger zone into mythic realms by twice quoting Philosophy of Symbolic Forms on undivided totality (i.e., thus gaining support for affirmation of validity of the Fallacy of Undistributed Middle) and inability of argument by binary non-contradiction to disprove the Unbounded Wholeness (i.e., thus gaining support for affirmation of validity of the Fallacy of Contradiction) characteristic, according to Cassirer, of mythic modes of thought. All well and good -- except that the march is in retrograde, and thus an escape valve rather than a point of entry. I too studied Cassirer -- on my way to m-valued logics, not as a means of flight. Entering µTm logics, one quickly realizes that academic fixation on presence or absence of 1T2-logic fallacies is not only rather elementary, but abysmally small minded -- given that there are infinities of infinities of fallacies never imagined under 1T2-logic-alone. Indeed, use of Post's T-notation, as I for various heuristic reasons persist in, is a misnomer, in that the logics actually are µMm where the M is itself infinitely exponentiated in "the thousand directions". Now, "Authenticity" and "Unbounded Wholeness" stop being black box terms only as the base state of Tzog-chen becomes clearly comprehended -- when, by means of synaesthetic Musculpt's photic and post-death tropes, visionary experience links internal states with theories of embodiment -- to be the (MVRS) µMm-logically-Valued Reference Space (call it Heart Essence of Unified Space or Magical Space Treasure, or painter Rice Pereira's Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite, a layered transparent) topologically decomposed (Abfall) to embodiment by three classes of temporal operators, 3-fold operator-time. What do you get by putting Rice Pereira together with Yayoi Kusama? Pure universal consciousness (which is unconscious to all but primordial mind which is not a consciousness, rather nonlocal consciousness-without-an-object without a subject subject to simple-identity) in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on the MVRS; universal consciousness in its passive aspect is the MVRS operated upon. M exponentiated is at least Cantor's C, the continuum -- and likely some higher order of infinity, as self-organization is more complex than mere self-production by exponentiation of the self-reference generating m-valued logics. Only by reflexively reifying in immediacy the self-claimed ontic self unto no selfhood (actually being in knowledge through identity This statement is false exponentiated into infinite regress by concentration in self-observation: i.e., dependent origination in one mind moment as quantum relative-state) can the self-reentered self-nature of Suchness be authentically realized. And one must directly address how the revelation conveys itself as undoubtable: by the synchronicity of petit mal seizure over theory of embodiment! Musculpt synaesthetic cinerama of photo-acoustic gestalts, paresthesia rush, and so on (for explication of some details see Wolfgang Luthe, The Clinical Significance of Visual Phenomena During the Autogenic State in Wolfgang Luthe, editor, Autogenic Training: Correlationes Psychosomaticae, Grune and Stratton, 1965): what essential precepts are synonymous with, not oral or written instructions. Instructions by telepathy and psychokinesis from MVRS! What instructor? What guru? What patrilineage -- over an MVRS nonlineally self-reentered to the nth-degree of nonorientability? As we are speaking of logics that cannot be separated into conceptual versus nonconceptual -- that would be just too, too gauche for the transfinite logically-valued! -- it is well to remember that decomposition by mathematical involutes of any whatnot cardinality C and higher is undiminished by such decomposition (one of the defining characteristics of C demonstrated by Cantor: remove an infinity of infinities from C, and C remains C). THEREFORE, decomposition of the supersymmetry space cannot be synonymous with spontaneous localization or collapse of the wave-function. No matter how much embodiment by Abfall, the MVRS which is the base state of Tzog-chen, remains unchanged -- and bare pure universal consciousness in such Suchness (over photismic Lal Ded dots and warm golden dust of Supermind) holds reference as embodiment, embodiment as reference simultaneously all ways and always, permanence being indistinguishable from impermanence where cardinality of the set of zeros equals cardinality of the set of infinities: emptiness by affirmation; wholeness by negation of negation. Void only by transfinite value-stacks on holes (Lal Ded dots); integrated holism unbound only by Platonic anamnesis of holes cancelled via finitization of value-stacks. Bhutanese ancestral weave sacralized the involved point-set topologies in equilateral triangular array -- as did the physicists with their quark symmetries.
Okay, here we go. Anne Klein in Unbounded Wholeness asserts (p. 34) that Direct and conceptual ways of perception are distinct; one is not the other and each have their own defining characteristics. Insofar as universes of discourse are confined to that of 1T2-logic-alone, this may be an accurate characterization, but even this qualification may be contestable. Normal-science innovation, normal-art production, maybe; but I would submit that the exact instant -- Ksana, or Kairos in Christic terms -- of breakaway creative conceptualization is always by synaesthetic petit mal seizure (abreaction of autogenic brain discharges in creative mobilization as formulated by Wolfgang Luthe, Autogenic Training: Correlationes Psychosomaticae, Grune and Stratton, 1965). How could the brain register a breakaway neurological event without deautomatizing, and if the breakaway is omnitransforming how could the involved deautomatization not effect neurohumoral phase shifts with blowback to awareness? Cantor, for instance, had what were deemed seizures. And these seizures were most associated with breakthroughs of conceptualization whereby nonorientability of transfinite set and decomposed proper subset were realized in awareness, the conceptual form of the realization codifying direct awareness of what may be deemed Unbounded Wholeness: click! Ksana, petit mal seizure, the exact moment of descent. The same for many composers and artists. Some mathematicians, composers, artists, even a few physicists, have been diagnosed schizophrenic, or at the very least subject to migraine hallucinations, on the basis of internal phenomenologies associated with their creative activities deemed psychopathological by a normative psychiatry become normotic. The breakaway creative conceptualization is later formed according to prevailing conventions, but this has nothing to do with the actual act of conceptualization. Quote Fanchon, Wife of Herbert Fröhlich, the Physicist (from the biographical note to the dedicatory volume on Cooperative Phenomena in quantum processes, i.e., entanglement):
His deeper intention might be expressed as the wish to make matter conscious. This is based on a metaphysical belief that once matter has been understood, penetrated my mind, the matter is itself transformed. Such a conviction exhibits parallels with Jung's ideas on Alchemy. He considers that the hard-edged external irony of logical positivism confuses the method of discovery in science with the subsequent method of exposition One should distinguish between the beauty of the process -- a mathematically guided Einfuhlung, and the cool elegance of the subsequent mathematical formulation. It is this complete immersion in the trip of discovery, Einhuhlung, that constitutes his special unending happiness.
But if the vehicle for creative descent is cowed by convention, then inflow from the anterior sky has no option but to come in dreams or so-called hallucinations. Unless the anterior sky becomes psychosocialized in the polity by cosmological metareference, textual tropes being but a small subset thereof. An Inuit woman says (Artic Dreams, Barry Lopez, Scribner, 1986):
Right in my hand, I could see the shorelines, beaches, lakes, mountains, and hills I had been to. I could see the seals, birds, game.
Without this, no real ecological immersion: so much psychopathology to normotic psychiatry. Tactile synaesthesia, expansion of colored-touch, a cross-modality of colored-hearing and taste polymorphism. And it works the other direction, too: embodied action to conceptualization. Practitioners of marshal arts and other forms of sacred dance should have no difficulty with this notion, as ritualized choreography often signifies conceptual cosmography (Rudolf Laban's The Language of Movement: A Guidebook to Choreutics is interesting in this regard: move over to EcherForm Dance). This is a central theme continually essayed in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, which, via intersubjectivity of protagonist and other characters (his identity-transparent idolons, phantasms in post-death state he discourses with while setting up a final confrontation with the Third Voice, personification of That signified by the Moon) converges in the final sections upon Musculpt. For instance, it is by entry upon coloristic deified time -- photic and post-death tropes -- that the protagonist is catapulted into unpremeditated action during a terrorist event, thus saving the life of the heroine, unpremeditated but preprogrammed by years of practice undergone in training as a special service operative. Contents of awareness in coloristic deified time are conceptual, not merely photismic, and this is illustrated in many ways throughout the novel by discussions of correspondence between percept and concept, most specifically by consideration of the iconography displayed on the tympanum of the bronze drum, the Moon of Peace, which exhibits a model the protagonist argues is isomorphic to the MVRS (or base state of Tzog-chen, though this term is not used in the novel).
Roger Penrose, in The Road to Reality (Jonathan Cape, 2004, p. 136), tells us that at school he was taught to make an arbitrary cut in the Riemann surface, which, to his way of thinking, was a brutal mutilation of a sublime mathematical structure. But, in studying the remainder of the book, I was unable to find an explicit statement as to what happens when no such arbitrary cut is made. It might be there, but I couldn't find it. I have no professional knowledge of this subject -- or any other for that matter -- and I have never talked with anyone who has such knowledge, for one must commit to years in the classroom learning what must subsequently be unlearned before they will talk with you. So, in absence of such talk, I must believe the arbitrary cut is still there hidden in Penrose's explication, hidden even from Penrose, and is the means by which a periodic function is arbitrarily regarded linear and unidirectional. It is this arbitrary cut, I believe, that allows absolute distinction, orientability, between inside and outside, between time in a negative direction and time in a positive direction: in holomorphic mappings, a cut from the origin to the perimeter of the unit circle achieves positive/negative frequency splitting, thus yielding linear-time from a periodic function. This yield, which is important to quantum mechanics, conceals the fact that time is an operator -- operator-time acting topologically on the MVRS by temporal curl -- and, moreover, conceals that the Penrose twistor is quantization of temporal curl. Wanting a closed set of open sets: compaction, not nonorientable Unbounded Wholeness where boundary is without boundary, where boundary is the null set. This is important in the present context because Herbert V. Guenther in Matrix of Mystery (Shambhala, 1984) realized that processes over the base state of Tzog-chen correspond to Hausdorff transformations over a Hausdoff space, which is an n-dimensional manifold Riemann-surface generated by conformal mappings. But were an arbitrary cut not made, and Schrödinger's wave-function not treated as a corpus of probability amplitudes, the involved transformations would be non-Hausdorff and branching would occur, as Hugh Everett, III, maintained. So, how is Unbounded Wholeness sustained in face of decomposition? Anne Klein provides a clue: mdo. In Unbounded Wholeness (footnote 8, on p. 28) mdo is said to be the condensation of multiple meanings and a place of junction and crossing and a place where multiplicities merge and mix. This could easily be mistaken as a reference to mappings of algebraic functions, if it were not a matter of multiple meanings. These definitions constitute an apt evocation of m-valued logics. And footnote 6 on page 27 provides additional guidance: gal mdo is construed an essential point or root and mdo the name of an intermediary area between two gtan tshigs, joints. Branching of the manifold is bridged, not on the level of algebraic functions, but under m-valued logics over algebraic functions (which Alexander Karpenko has mapped to the primes involved in the Riemann Hypothesis and were employed self-referentially by Gödel to arrive at the notion of a Gödel number). The intermediary area between two joints of the logical lattice is a numbered Gödel number, which encodes an m-logically-valued proposition (self-referenced self-reference). Logical ® topological ® chrontopological ® ontological ® existential. Numbered Gödel numbered logical operations represent meanings of topological transforms carried out by operator-time as the temporal curl decomposing the base state unto embodiment, yet, by transfinite cardinalities stacked on joints and intermediary areas of the MVRS, the base state is undiminished and unchanged by such operations.
Human control over acts of God? Fifty-five million years human memetime ago, the Earth knows, in time-independent Schrödinger hyparxis, that universal physical constants are m-valued, demanding that all acoustic black hole analogs non-digitally radiate m-logically-valued identity signatures as acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes capable of poking holes in equipotential surfaces, phase boundaries, constant entropy surfaces, and tropopauses such that drawdown of triatomic molecules and heat is mandatory, not only as black hole computer expressions written in quantum loops, knots, and lattices, but as self-medication by the homeopathic ozone effect: planetary healing crisis under therapeutic care of the solar physician. Self-medication with ozone therapy, however, frequently is insufficient to produce the requisite wind bathing Earth Angel's amnion, so recourse is had to cure by time-release bow-shock bubbles effectuating subtle shifts in the angular-momentum budget of the global atmosphere. Energy-momentum imbalance cascaded through thermosphere -- poke -- through mesopause, through mesosphere -- poke -- through stratopause, through stratosphere -- poke -- through tropopause, through troposphere's synoptic scale, mesoscale, microscale. Touch down! Injection to Earth's crustal dynamics, volcanism, plate tectonics, and continental drifts. Solar arcades find their sheet-lightning equivalents and touchdown foot points, however, not merely by real-angular-momentum cascade -- nor could the large-scale plasma-bottle injections into Earth's migrating active regions over which tornado families prowl. The temporal curl braiding quantum knots into -- no real-time -- real-hyparxis of time-independent Schrödinger equation under m-valued universal physical constants like light speed and minimum distance, twist into imaginary-number dimensions -- poke -- and back, the cascaded sudden spin-up/spin-down angular-momentum shifts and jolts. Temporal curl as complex-angular-momentum twistor. Tropospheric circulation influenced by stratospheric cooling? How is that -- beyond hole poking?
The frequency modulations carried by solar-wind angular-momenta sera in sunspot cycle shift preferred absorption bands from one greenhouse gas to another with their differing efficiencies at capturing heat. In answer-back -- downward and upward cascade self-driving, with solar-wind jolts -- acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, rippling vaginal tornadic plasma-bottle walls, spring forth, amplifying with height, to poke holes in tropopause, stratopause, mesopause forming a channel for pulse-code laser-burst cellular messaging. What do hot phased-array-radar auroras and associated electron temperature enhancements do to the absorptive properties of Earth's upper atmosphere? Shift its frequency-response windows?
If global circulation models chronically underestimate, this is because the modeling efforts assume human induction dominates all other changes in muscular fashion, and the issues of modeling are formulated accordingly. The only smart agency in the equation is humanity. So says hubris! Working with historical data sets, this smart agency keeps adjusting values of the complement of variables, and to a lesser degree the relations between the variables identified, until the smart agency can predict historical events. But the values and relations may still be incorrect, even though they accurately predict historical behavior, because there may be hidden variables -- like complex-angular-momentum exchange under temporal curl -- that are masked by giving the variables employed the wrong values and relations, and because of filtering for expressions -- like acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes -- of the masked variables. Turning the model to real-time prediction with contemporary data sets, if the forecast period is very long, as with climate models, whether or not there are hidden variables cannot be ascertained in the short term.
Yes, I referred above to the recent discovery of Earth's bow-shock bubbles. This was studied in detail and computer modeled on another scale level of Earth Angel's amnion during the early-1970s. Quoting The Moon of Hoa Binh, as given above in the brief discussion of acoustic black hole analogues:
The Role of Energy Feeder Bands Attached to the Convective Nucleus These trajectories take on the appearance of spiral helices adjoining the forward portion of the rotating storm [gas cloud model] and are comprised of undulating laminar flow [surface ripple model] along the axis of a roll cloud [wave-pipe model, which, after a 90-degree rotation, becomes a Laval nozzle model] Several comets such as Mrkos in 1957 have been photographed with distinct twisting filaments resembling the spiral helices described above [not unlike the recently observed double-helical nebula] Planck's Blackbody and the Atmospheric Analogue to a Comet Blackbodies and black holes exist within the spacetime frame of atmospheric dynamics nonlinear dynamics leading to a mathematical singularity in theta-space (horizontal rotation disappears within an isentropic framework) would remain an unsolved mystery if our only point of view was the Newtonian The progressive gravity wave is a manifestation of the transition from rotational to irrotational energy a cluster of intense squalls radiating irrotational waves from its perimeter [its horizon], a process whereby energy from the rotational wave is perfectly absorbed and then re-radiated in the form of irrotational waves [atmospheric Hawking radiation].
Is this not bow-shock bubbling of a moving acoustic black hole analogue on another scale level than that of planet Earth transiting solar-wind plasma? Self-similarity across scale levels by which complex angular momentum exchange is cascaded as information transmission for black hole computer processing on multiple scale levels.
Actually, I am very interested in flat space concepts and how they might be generated. And this precisely because of the structure of a Riemann surface, where each of the multiple sheets is flat and unbounded. I should also mention that our present understanding of the animistic Shinto concept of space is a collection of flat sheets bridged by time, and that this is the origin of the whole of traditional Japanese aesthetics. What I would call pondered space is flat as most of us, at least, directly perceive; but, as Luneburg's optics experiments on binocular visual space show, the ponderable from which the pondered is memed is a metrical space, with psychometric distance functions. The ponderable from which the pondered is memed is very likely a Riemann sphere upon which each sheet is wrapped in non-orientable fashion. Not only is the center everywhere, but the unbounded sheet has edges, and these edges are everywhere. The spatial paradoxes, I believe, are due to four factors: [1] each whole integer dimension of unbounded flat space sheet is the composite of a fractal nest; [2] time is multiple and fractalized, just as are flat space sheets; [3] similar to mass and energy, space and time are convertible; [4] the logic over the ponderable is µTm-valued, while the logic over decomposed pondered flat space sheets is 1T2-valued. Multiple flat space sheets are no longer (as once was the case in, say, the Shintoist Age of the Gods) directly available to consciousness because µTm-valued logical processing has been memed-out by the neurohumoral effects of prescriptive enculturation.
One could argue that Maxwell developed the rigor of his EM theory in relation to the pondered, while, whenever faced with choices that could not be rigorously justified, he rode his intuitions concerning the nature of the ponderable from which the pondered is memed. This includes the hypothesis of a sorting demon to explain the perfect efficiency of conversion between electric and magnetic components of the EM field. By later developments, a whatnot does not need to travel at infinite velocity to be massless because the baud-rate of linear-time slows down (by fractal properties of linear-time) as velocity increases, and the measure of spatial separability simultaneously contracts (by fractal properties of the flat space composite) in the direction of motion as velocity increases. Each increment of motion -- by Zeno's paradox -- brings the whatnot to the center and the edge, each of which are everywhere (due to fractality). At the cosmological absolute limiting velocity, whatever its precise value, the whatnot is standing still in ponderability, while simultaneously moving as fast as possible in the pondered. But this still point is everywhere and everywhere on the edge which is everywhere -- speaking from ponderability back onto the pondered.
There was a letter exchange in the April 2006 issue of Scientific American regarding acoustic black hole analogues which I think is very interesting in this context. I will reproduce it here and then make some observations relative to the above-given notions, and how they may relate to Maxwell's non-rigorous intuitions. Quoting the letter from Richard Dexheimer (p. 7):
In An Echo of Black Holes, Theodore A. Jocobson and Renaud Parentani explain Hawking radiation as one member of a pair of virtual particles that is stranded outside a black hole while the other is trapped inside. I've read that explanation in many articles, and always, the effect is said to drain away the black hole's mass. But if one member is trapped, hasn't the hole's mass increased?
Now, Jacobson's and Parentani's reply:
One source of confusion in descriptions of the Hawking effect is how the energy balance is accounted for in the process and what is happening with the virtual pairs that are the origin of the radiation. In the effect, a pair of photons, for example, emerges from the vacuum, one outside the horizon with positive energy and the other inside with opposite, negative energy. [The members of a virtual pair must always have opposite values of energy, because the total energy is conserved.] Negative-energy particles cannot exist outside the horizon, because the vacuum is by definition the lowest energy state. Therefore, only a positive-energy photon can escape, whereas its negative-energy partner is trapped inside, lowering the total energy -- and therefore the mass -- of the black hole.
If a negative-energy photon cannot exist outside the horizon, how can it exist inside? Would not that violate the definition of the vacuum, too? No, because what we are calling here energy is actually momentum inside the horizon! The usual concept of conserved energy is related to time-shift symmetry, whereby the laws of physics are the same at all times. Conserved momentum is related to space-shift symmetry. In a black hole spacetime, the symmetry that is temporal shift outside the horizon becomes a spatial shift inside. Therefore, the single conserved quantity corresponds to energy outside and momentum inside. Because nothing prohibits adding momentum to the vacuum, negative-energy partners can exist inside the horizon, as long as their locally measured energy is positive.
In the fluid analogue of the black hole, the energy for the sonic Hawking radiation comes from the kinetic energy of the bulk flow of the fluid. A sound wave going upstream saps energy from the flow, but the energy of the wave itself makes up for this, so the total energy is higher -- as long as the flow speed is less than the speed of sound. Inside the sonic horizon, however, the flow speed is greater than the speed of sound. There the wave saps more energy from the flow than it carries itself, so the total energy is less than that of the undisturbed flow. Such a wave can be thought of as containing negative energy.
My comments are as follows. The horizon, as explicated here, has some features of a space-to-time and time-to-space converter. Converters employ operators to accomplish their conversions. Prigogine, following Pauli, rejected the notion of conjugating operator-time to the Hamiltonian operator in the Schrödinger equation because to do so would produce negative values of total energy -- which was deemed meaningless, meaning that it would violate conservation of total energy. But let's consider Hawking radiation not only in black hole analogues, and not merely in rotating black hole analogues, but in high-temperature superconductant, rotating, black hole analogues: tornadoes. The sound waves radiated by the tornado -- those we are interested in here -- are not pure acoustic modes; they are acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. And these modes are a composite of frequencies, which is to say they have m-valued properties. So, where do these m-valued properties come from; whence arises the m-valued identity signature carried forth to poke holes in atmospheric phase boundaries at locations in resonance with the signature? Which is to ask: how does Maxwellian form get transposed into Schrödinger form? The m-valued properties come from processes transpiring in plasma sheath of the tornado, wherein, by virtue of the superconductant state, EM-to-gravitational wave-mode transduction occurs. Virtual particle exchanges are transpiring in the plasma sheath, readable in ensemble as discharge phenomena. What permits the virtuality of the particles exchanged? Heisenberg indeterminacy. By what means does the indeterminate determine an m-valued identity signature? Are the two somehow mutual expressions? Chaotic expressions? Deterministic chaos? Over Cantorian-fractal spacetime? Our answer was that 1T2-logical Heisenberg indeterminacy is a pondered reading of the µTm-logical ponderability, which is sets of fractalized flat spacetime multiples skew-parallel. Heisenberg indeterminacy is the tip of the iceberg of skew-parallelism. In terms of the electric and magnetic components of the EM field, skew-parallelism manifests as skew-perpendicularity and resultant charge creation. The property of skewness arises from existence of nested sets, over fractalized flat spacetime multiples, of limiting velocities, accelerations, and time rates of change of acceleration (limits absolute relative to the pondered flat space and linear-time sheet they parameterize). Conservation is relative to the set-nest under consideration: presence of negative values of total energy violates total energy conservation of a given set-nest whilst still meeting conservation of nesting set-nests. Operator-time operates only in these three classes of limits where the ponderable "still point" is the fastest pondered motion possible. The virtuality involved here is not only for inside-outside Hawking radiation generation, but also for formation of the Cooper pairs of superconductivity. And the two types of virtuality work each other: Hawking-radiation-driven acoustically-modified gravity-wave deposition of energy-momentum at phase boundary resonances triggers release of energy stored at these boundaries, which is fed back in perfect phase relation into the virtuality producing Cooper pairs at high temperatures. Without the perfect phasing of this feedback (more accurately: entangled identity transparency) there could be no high-temperature superconductivity. So long as this reciprocity exists the superconductant state persists -- and processes on nesting sheets are thus allowed by cascade to adjust their accumulated energy-momentum imbalances. Operator-time is the sorting demon Maxwell conjured when faced with choices that could not be rigorously justified, requiring him to ride his intuitions concerning the nature of the ponderable from which the pondered is memed.
But topological quantum computing by knot invariants over fractional quantum Hall effect on fractals already exists as Musculpt and Montague's universal grammar! Universal grammar as Tenen topology. Tornado does it: acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode generation by plasma sheath rippling: the acoustic part is the Mus; the gravity-wave mode part is the sculpt. Solar corona does it by reconnective braiding. I bet you believe the Earth is round and that the Earth is not the Sun and the Sun not the Earth. Who told you that? One sacred cloth, ulos ni tondi, cloth of the soul, a ragi hidup conveyance to weave together transparent identities into superposed entanglements: that is the Sun, that is the Earth, that is the Sun and the Earth, the Earth and the Sun. Superconductant p-electron gas core of DNA does it. Dan Winter has been talking about DNA-braiding algorithms for two decades and the Central Dogma has been brokebacked. It's just that DNA braiding is not primarily by nucleotide-pair connectors across sugar-phosphate backbones. I mean, who could have anything against Microsoft making a copy of this? Multi-sheet model of the universe, Sahkarov's multi-sheet model: collapse/anti-collapse sheets, over which gravity-wave-to-EM-mode and EM-to-gravity-wave-mode transductions transpire by superconduction (at high temperature by m-valued universal physical constants). Superconductors as quantum transducers and antennas for gravitational and electromagnetic radiation: UC-Berkeley's Raymond Y. Chiao. The nucleotide-pair connectors are the q-bitic icle (the icle part of wavicle) output of knot-braiding on and across 2-D sheets of superconductant p-electron gas core of DNA. And the quadripolar (tagged to four nucleotide pairs) coherent Musculpt waves (the wav part of the wavicle) the molecule generates propagate to plasmahaut through what? Gilbert Ling's polarized multilayer Schwellungswasser, Quellungswasser: structured multi-sheeted intracellular swelling water. And how are these braids numbered? By numbered Gödel numbers! Number the numbering! my Third Voice says to me, but what is numbered by numbers numbering the numbered number? Is it a sphere or is it a Riemann sphere universally covered by nested Riemann surfaces? And is the string of the braid, numbered by numbering numbers, proportions of 0 and 1 coexisting together (Computing with Quantum Knots by Graham P. Collins, Scientific American, April 2006, p. 41) between the north pole and the south pole of sphere or Riemann sphere -- I'm Okay, You're Okay? -- or is it fully m-logically-valued where 0 and 1 have referential validity-authenticity only on the lowest order of logical-value? Braiding between 0 and 1 is another case of usurpation of the sacred cloth! Isolating an entanglement, what is that? It may be so that (Collins, p. 43) multiplying a wave function by a phase has absolutely no effect on the measured properties of the individual particle under assumption of a probability amplitude interpretation, but by interpretation under µTm logics such multiplication does have effects on signatures of entanglement. The any of the anyon is the m of µTm; the fractional on on a fractal is the µ of µTm. Ongakku: Japanese musical formant, by Chinese derivation. Recursive generation for non-Abelian fractional Hall quasiparticles; involutory decomposition for Abelian fractional Hall quasiparticles. Calculable if and only if recursive assumes memetime equals linear-time; operator-time is ruled out; time-shape is ruled out. Using quantum properties to do faster what conventional computers do.
The words are all there on the long scroll of Sakta Agama. Words represent numbers and the letters themselves vibrations revealed as Dhvani, sound. Ma (M) -- as in Aga-ma -- ends the breathing of Bija-Mantra, signifying completion of the sacred cloth of the Sun -- as in A-ma-terasu, the Sun Goddess. Macrocosmically, Prana, breath, is the regulator of apparent motion, gravity, event-gradient curvature configurations, contours of the sacred weave. Fifth-sound, Vyana, has four forms of apparent motion, is quadripolar and the most explicate of insensible sound: acoustically-modified Prana, acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes over the sacred cloth of the Sun, Ma (M). In braided spiraline coils, Vyana is Kundalini-Sakti, spacetime double-helix, fully explicate in DNA, in feeder bands to tornado and comet, in nebular feeders to spiral-banded galaxies. Bija-Mantra letters the breathing band of Kundalini-Sakti to words which signify primes numbered to Gödel numbers of cosmological propositions. Numbered Gödel numbers mark Bindu, singularities naked until numbered, over Adhisthana, the ground, or base state, of Pranasya, the m-logically-valued reference space. By mathematical involutes, Pranasya decomposes to Prana, Sakharovian stress-tensors over the collection of singly-logically-valued sheets constituting Wheelerian superspace. The operators by which the mathematical involutes decompose are Sattva, Rajah, and Tamah: three-fold operator-time. Over Adhisthana is written Mantric poetry on the Samastic line (superstring) in numbered Gödel numbers, each such Mantra having its jurisdiction, Adhikara, over a section, a domain, a set, a Khanda, of Purna, the reflexive, unbounded, infinite whole. The logical operations, Srsti, specified by a numbered Gödel number -- by which a given Khanda appears as Pranasya decomposes to Prana -- involute three predicate variables under the operations of operator-time: Sattvoguna, Rajoguna, and Tamoguna: limiting time rate of change of acceleration, limiting acceleration, and limiting velocity, respectively -- anti-derivatives logically, chronotopologically, and ontologically preceding their reciprocal derivative inversions. What the Greeks and Husserl called the hyletic data, the Agamas detail as Bindu, Paramanu, Sabda-Rupa points: singularities in differing contexts, more and less general. Bindu are p-adic Lal Ded dots over Adhisthana, base state of Pranasya, the m-logically-valued reference space. Naked, like Lalla, in closest packing, Bindu constitute a Borel set -- decompositional point-set topologies logically, chronotopologically, and ontologically preceding combinatorial topologies. Clothed, Bindu are stacks of numbers stacked on a point. Clothed Bindu, by Srsti, logical operations, decompose to Paramanu, monadic hyletic data over singly-logically-valued sheets of Pranic superspace. A Tanmatra -- ma-tra -- is a Regge lattice of Paramanu. Sabda-Rupa equals wavicle. Under Sattvo- and Rajo-operator-time, recursive generation is not a possible-world logic; that requires Tamo-operator-time, the linear operator. Under Tamo-operator-time, Paramanu involute to Sabda-Rupa points. Sabda-Rupa point is 1T2-logical Christmas tree light of the elementary-particle Christmas-tree effect. Paramanu are indistinguishable, except by their Adrstas, position in the Tanmatra lattice. A particular Tanmatra over a Khanda, an anti-derivative limited domain of Purna, by the Gödel numbers numbering its bones or strings, specifies four minima of classes thereof, Visesas, characteristic of the given Khanda-in-involute as a limited spacetime domain: minimum time, minimum distance, circumscription as simple-identity, and increment of action. Stack the Visesas of all Khanda of Purna and you have m-valued universal constants under the m-valued logics on aperspectival Adhisthana. In the Suchness of such, Musculpt is!
That perspective is abysmally reductionistic. The best statement of such I know comes from musicologist Ernest G. McClain (The Myth of Invariance: The Origin of the Gods, Mathematics and Music From the Rg Veda to Plato, Nicolas Hays, 1976, p. 3): We are dealing with a primitive science of music and number, and a mature philosophy. The emphasis is in the original. I quit college, volunteered for Special Forces training, went to Viet Nam specifically, explicitly, and publicly stated to study up-close blood-in-the-face consequences of such reductionism. I knew such reductionism to be falsification of nature by having lived three preadolescent years in a rice-growing animistic Japanese hamlet, then, 1953-56, still practicing old Shinto rituals of identity-transparency. When people discover that the Western way, which the American Way exemplifies, is utterly mistaken, a fabrication of nature, not nature, they fugue, go into anosognosia, sustain strong dissociation, persist in perseveration, try to put the fragments together fuming, fretting, and obsessing over search engines of one sort or another, and either internalize the discovery as a degenerative disease or/and transfer it via projection to the collective unconscious where it becomes a need, need, need, need, need to KILL anything construable as capable of reminding of the unaccepted discovery. And since the exemplary America Way has been globalized and widely internalized, this syndrome is a near-universal affliction of the human species. No vaccine will be found for this disease; it will ravage and run its course. If you think not, look at the states of consciousness cultivated by those around you, wherever you might be. Are these people capable of effectively psychophysiologically self-medicating such a syndrome? The associative agnosias are not simply being in denial. The brain contained by the brain is permanently damaged under prescriptive enculturation: normative orbitofrontal syndrome become normotic (see Allan Schore's book for one take on certain aspects of this: Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development, Erlbaum, 1999; see James H. Austin's Zen and the Brain, MIT Press, 1998, for another take). Though I certainly learned a great deal from studying McClain's book (and many of the references provided) during 1976-7 in comparison to cascade theory of tornado genesis, helix-coil transition of DNA, and quantum perspectives (i.e., from the brain not contained by the brain) on autogenic brain discharges (comparing patterns revealed amongst all of these to output from a multi-scale numerical model then being run on NASA's biggest mainframe; four years later at a quantum chemistry conference at India Institute of Technology, Delhi, I became aware of a similarly transdisciplinary project cutting across exactly the same areas of research) I concluded I was dealing with science far more sophisticated than any we know. Not only are truth-table-free m-valued Lukasiewicz logics required, but a cognitive ability to modulate time-step and grid-length: there is no turbulence that is not coherent at some time-step and grid-length; there is no Heisenberg indeterminacy that is not determinate under some order of the continuum infinity of denumerable infinities (each associated with various unique types of number) of truth-independent logical-values to a given m-valued Lukasiewiczian proposition. The notion that momentum is absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct from position (this notion, written into a set of inequalities, being a latent form of mass murder, which became overt approximately fifteen years later) is an artifact of 1T2-logic over the unfounded assumption of spatial and temporal isotrophy (the self-evident-ness of the assumption resulting from psychological identification -- ego sphere formation -- with prior projection imposed by glutamaturgic etching at enculturation of the brain contained by the brain). The Vedic aphorism Kalah kale mam mayati, i.e., Time leads me in time, is as clear and direct a poetic evocation of non-linear time as one could ever hope for: that higher-order time to which linear-time is referenced. J. W. Dunne's book of the early-1930s, An Experiment in Time, addressed this specific issue in considerable detail, but concluded that an infinite regress in nesting higher-order times would be invoked were one such nesting allowed. This is not necessarily the case, as is argued in The Moon of Hoa Binh using G. Spencer Brown's cross-notation. Dunne's argument also assumes, and does not justify, the notion that there is something inherently wrong, invalid, inauthentic, unnatural, fallacious with infinite regress (he, of course, makes no mention of the continuum infinity of denumerable infinities of truth-independent logical-values to a given m-valued Lukasiewiczian proposition: doubters are invited to read G. Beavers' Extensions of Aleph-Null-Valued Lukasiewicz Propositional Logic, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 34:2, pp. 251-262, 1993). Moreover, there is the additional assumption that the infinite is necessarily to be found in regress, even perhaps only in regress, which is an assumption not made under the Axiom of Choice. Also, when the regress is of orders of time, the regress cancels that within which it is regressing (not only does time lead me in time, time cancels itself -- and my me -- in time): this is not just a 1T2-logical puzzle; it is directly experiential in reflexive awareness: each so-called self in the regress of self-observing witness-selves is in a different order of time. The ability to absolutely distinguish one instant from another and to apperceive unidirectionality of linear-time presupposes unambiguous definitions constructible only with 1T2-valued propositional logic. Jean Gebser (The Ever-Present Origin, p. 178) noted that it [time] is the line that severs the circle -- which is precisely how a periodic function is arbitrarily interpreted by quantum physicists as being linear and unidirectional, and this is how time enters the physical world-picture. If the notion of temporal relations is meaningful under supraordinate, µTm, classes of logical-value, then those relations will be distinguishable one such class to the next. What kind of time is there under a continuum infinity of denumerable infinities of logical-values to a given proposition? Words such as reflexive open awareness of unbounded wholeness might enter conversation here; but these are just words. Consider, for instance, the Sanskrit word Kalatraya. This is translated in Unbounded Wholeness (e.g., p. 359) as three times and we are told (p. 225) enlightenment mind is a self arisen mind, uncontrived and genuine. There is a footnote here elaborating: Not depending on anything else existing in all three times (past, present, and future). Kalatraya, we are to understand, refers to past, present, and future. Whereas Gebser (p. 178) tells us it was Parmenides, who was the first to posit the three-phase nature of time. Gebser immediately goes into how this posit raised the problem of the future, so we must conclude that the phases referred to were past, present, and future. I find this a curious notion to attribute to Parmenides, who argued to Heraclitus that nothing ever changes and received the retort everything is nothing but changes. No, I don't believe the Sanskrit Kalatraya or Parmenides' three-phase nature of time refers to past, present, and future. But let's do this in terms of the Vedic theory of severe storm genesis and DNA replication. Indra is the God of Rain, and, as McClain points out, he travels in a three-wheeled chariot drawn by two horses called the Asvin pair. The three-wheeled chariot is three-fold operator-time. In relation to tornado genesis, the Asvin pair, are positive and negative temporal curl, symbolized by musical tone inversion (and manifest in severe storm genesis by infrasound signatures: acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, which, under superconductivity, can be transduced into electromagnetic properties). As regards first-order operator-time, positive and negative temporal curl configure a spacetime double-helix (interesting in this regard is the following paper: J. L. Synge, The Electrodynamic Double Helix, J. R. Klauder [ed.]. Magic Without Magic: John Archibald Wheeler. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1972, which, by assuming a probability-amplitude interpretation, argues that no such double-helix can exist, as it would dissipate into a probability fog; this is not likely the case, however, when the wave-function is interpreted relative to Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics rather than probability amplitudes). McClain maps the musical expression of the Asvin pair in terms of means and proportions on ancient Greek tetrachords. Relative to superconductant DNA, however, the equivalent is the coherent quadripolar wave output, the frequency-response windows of which map onto what McClain treats as algebraic yantras and tone mandalas.
No, this is not all post-WWII understanding I am describing, and, hence, it cannot be maintained that the mathematicians and physicists have no culpability for that war and the Holocaust. They are most responsible, going back to 1826 and reactions to Abel's existence demonstration for transcendental mathematics, which was designated the Impossibility Theorem, this designation being a prefiguration of the Postmodernism mathematicians and physicists today vociferously attack. Speaking in terms of the common notion of history, all other levels of causation, and every concrete cause, were derivative of this reaction to Abel -- echoes playing to themes going back to the last ice age. The understanding I am speaking of is quasi-WWI, not post-WWII: John Woodroffe had this understanding well in hand by 1921, the year Lukasiewicz and Post published their papers rigorously codifying m-valued logics. Woodroffe's book, The World as Power, was brought together for publication in 1921 from articles written and published in little-circulated Indian journals over the previous decade. He has, for instance, on pages 128-9, the phrases tendency to mono-valued analytic operation upon an alogical whole Neither Lukasiewicz nor Post, by 1921, had a significant fraction of the understanding of actual implications of m-valued logics Woodroffe had by then attained through study of Sakta Vedanta, Advaita Vedanta, the Sakta Agama, the Tantra Sastra, and so on. By then, Schrödinger, in readings of Indic metaphysical literature and incipient practice of Tantric sexual yoga, was making an effort, as his 1925 time-independent wave equation clearly evidences, but, likely due to man-woman/anima-animus transference problems, he never attained insight remotely on a par with that of Woodroffe (that Julius Evola felt obliged to explicitly attack Woodroffe on just these issues is evidence this realm was not all merely subliminal and, by back-reaction, was an integral aspect of Nazification: see Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World, Inner Traditions, 1995 translation). By 1921, Woodroffe understood the following, and a great deal more:
- Kriya = quantum of action
- Tantra = principle of control (i.e., 3rd-order operator-time, or, equivalently, Srsti, the primary decomposition operation)
- Yantra = disposition of Tantra (i.e., matrix of the operators in decomposition)
- Mantra = coherency of Tantra (i.e., coherent phase relationship of the operators)
- Adhikara = jurisdiction or competence of Tantra (i.e., limited spacetime domain: nest of nests)
- Adhisthana = ground state (part grounded in whole; particular in general)
- Brahman = Ground Principle
- Prana = radix of a particular stress system over the ground state
- Srsti = first primary logical operation on the ground state
- Ma = to measure (by the principle of decomposition, negation, veiling, involution, descent, i.e., Sakti-pata as quantum measurement)
- Akasa = representative of Brahman, the Ground Principle
- Kala = operation making time possible (i.e., a possible-world logic)
- Dik = operation making spatial position possible
- Paramanu = class of minima (i.e., physical-region singularities)
- Tanmatra = arrangement (logical lattice) of Paramanu
- Adrstas = literally, what is not seen (by the eye); but contextually means: position in the Tanmatra (directly "seen" in Savicara Samprajnata-Samadhi)
- Mudra = posture and gesture of Tanmatra (at discharge: "a scalar becomes a vector" in Woodroffe's words)
- Bindu = metaphysical point ("without localized position" in Woodroffe's words; a Laya center being a point-center-of-action, Kriya)
- Guna = leg of Tanmatra logical lattice ("translated as quality, but also means strand or thread" in Woodroffe's words, i.e., superstring or Regge bone)
Unbounded Wholeness provides additional clues from the Tibetan terminology, but the insights are more metaphysically oriented.
Wavelets are being used by Mark Fischer to translate whale song into visuals: frozen Jordon-Belson-type mandala images in stills, dynamic filmstrips not yet 3-D, not to mention not yet exteriorized hologramic Musculpt, but one very good start if you want to learn sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak and/or WhaleSpeak as entry upon normative cognition with the superposed m-valued logics employed by superconductant DNA to process the form-language universal grammar (semiotic) underlying articulated natural languages. EscherFormDance WhaleSong, an imperative: the choreutics of human-bee behavior, art of the Old Ones long since lost. Wavelets are functions over functionals -- Fourier transforms improved -- superposed cognitive formants approximating infinite complexity of any given wave. Also an adjustable truncation filter. Scaling the nonlinear partial-differential primitive equation set so as to exclude acoustically-modified gravity waves. Naughty, naughty! Variant upon renormalization. One more p-adic number. Nein. Unfettered scale-dependent analysis. Cascade theory of tornado genesis -- out of which grew the mathematical model of superconductant DNA p-electron gas core -- is nested wavelets of choice in adjustable time-steps over 3-fold operator-time with time-rated time rates in absolute limits by temporal curl initialized by nature in complex angular momentum packets carried to Earth-atmosphere's macroscopic-wave response window by solar wind. Plunk! Plunk! Plunk! Watch the bouncing ball. One grid-length and time-step wavelet to the next, in cascade. Wavelet packet coefficients stacked on p-adic numbers. The left-hand decimal path -- not the right one. Solar tornadoes to terrestrial tornadoes in one series of SuperBounds. I could see putting this together with SoftBomb approaches to number wavelets and wavelet packets with numbered Gödel numbers. Wavelet software objects could be used to Ricci flow numbered Gödel-numbered wavelets onto the m-logically-valued reference space, MVRS: hypercomplex Riemann zeta function distribution. You didn't think all those million-dollar Hilbertian problems were independent, did you? Why else has Perelman taken a vacation in Siberia? Questions of identity, my son, questions of identity. Taking the wave-function of Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation and Everett's relative-state completely out of context, the context of probability amplitudes: open reflexive awareness of unbounded wholeness iff simultaneously seeing the whole through every part, every part through the simultaneous whole. The whole whole stack! Truncation of coefficients is necessary for approximation only in absence of Musculpt. Think of how you get a solution set to a system of nonlinear partial differential equations. What kind of solution would you get if you could instantaneously handle a transfinite set of curves in m-dimensions of logic? Think m-logically-valued quantum computers, not quantum-faster 2-logically-valued Turing-machine computers. Time-independent Schrödinger computation in decomposition by mathematical involutes, not by recursive generation. Uh, uh, what was that? Computable iff what? Differentiate-integrate time, not space! Microsoft wants quantum-faster in undifferentiated time so it can maintain its 17th and 18th century mindset and complement of psychological identifications. What initial conditions? What boundary values? Those m-dimensions of logic handled coloristically, musically, sculpturally -- not via matrix and graph, however many dimensions the function space employed. I don't care how you configure your configuration space. Triangulate this, triangulate that. Matrix composition by dodecaphonic rules: no wonder total control was such a failure! Even Webern had to go out for a smoke. And how archetypally appropriate an exit! N-dimensional function space is still under the lowest dimension in logic! Do a retrograde inversion on Poincare's Conjecture. Run it upside down and backwards. Schoenberg and Kandinsky would have understood. 1903, breakaway paper by Lukasiewicz; 1904, totalitarian conjecture by Poincare. Wilhelm Worringer's heyday. My I notes that my other-I notes that my other-other-I notes that that the integral as ego-sphere is a psychological introjection of the 3-sphere and that the ego-sphere can be sustained as a spatially and temporally localized repository of purified identity iff Poincare's Conjecture is demonstrated necessarily true, which can be done iff 2-valued logic is all the logic there is. Purified identity is the Nazi quest, not Martha's quest (though, I must admit, when the going got tough in the 4-gated city of voluntary dissociation -- an archetypal domain -- she got really weak knees, so weak her author forgot content of that briefing for a descent into hell and had to go off into science fiction). Synaesthetic VirFut Q-Pro: seeing mantric toneburst; hearing yantric mandala. Put colored-touch on personal space via inner taste polymorphism: tapas. Deconstructionist undoing is not non-doing; just sitting there you will smell it.
Because the conceptual is conflated to the inferential (there being no acknowledgement of the existence of µTm-orders of logical-value to a given proposition, or that inference is operative only under a given such order, or furthermore that thought by simultaneous employment of multiple such orders is in feeling-toned synaesthetic superposition, not by linear or non-linear extension) all sorts of recognitions do not occur and all sorts of misrepresentations are promulgated. Not only are the text, the ritual, the structure of the Sangha cultural preservation strategies, role stratification strategies, community of belief self-preservation strategies, population control measures -- so as to sustain an external environment conducive to the practice -- thus a corruption in analogical embodiment of insight, a corruption to the attempt to institutionalize the search for realization (for what Sangha's sociopolitical structure has ever embodied, metareferentially, even, Unbounded Wholeness? or Open Awareness of such Suchness? and is Lama or Rinpoche compatible with either?) but the same may be said of the meditative practices themselves, practices lineally transmitted by the Lineage, such transmission itself an analogical violation of synaesthetic superposition state over the base state of Tzog-chen. If any intellectual structure for meditative endeavor (Anne Carolyn Klein and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's characterization of the Authenticity text they translate: Unbounded Wholeness, Oxford U. Press, 2006, third sentence of their book) is one of the couple of dozen types of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance (NAFR) identified by analysis of almost 100 years of clinical records in Autogenic Training, surely there are many more such classes of structures yet to be identified. These translators resort to Paul Griffiths' analysis of reading religious texts (Religious Reading: The Place of Reading in the Practice of Religion, Oxford U. Press, 1999) in arriving at a distinction between notional ascent by abstract conceptualization (i.e., by logical inference) and the lived discourse of actual realization within a community of belief. Theories of knowledge are involved here: introvert and extrovert epistemologies, yet another conflation of philosophy with psychological and temperamental types (see the very important and overlooked book on this exact subject by N. P. Stallknecht and Robert Brumbaugh, The Compass of Philosophy, Longmans and Green, 1954). Real realization, according to this account of Klein and Wangyal over Griffiths, can only transpire by externalizing habitus to the social surround as analogical embodiment of that wholeness which is realized. Such externalization being, to my understanding, one example of projective identification -- particularly so if Lama and Rinpoche materialize via the externalization in process of structuralizing the Sangha by analogical modeling to trope. But, of course, the external need not be identified with the institutionalization or the corpus of practitioners, for, it must be admitted, this is to posit a binary not permitted by Open Awareness of Unbounded Wholeness.
Moreover, in this discussion of the reading of the reading of religious texts, we have it said (p. 16, Unbounded):
to claim that one's own reasoning can determine truth is to make a self-claim of independence that is, by some lights, at variance with Dzogchen (and other Buddhist) intentions to dissipate any reification of self or any attractions to theoretical discourse that might further that reification.
This, to my understanding, represents yet other conflations: truth to inference and inference to truth; realization to discourse and discourse to realization (an especially characteristic postmodernist calamity pioneered in the WasteLand). What else is the reading of religious texts for except to reify self of the reader -- for only thus can a reader break attachment to self of the reader. Reading of the reading of religious texts as if lived discourse is not actually, phenomenologically, a reading of the reading of religious texts; it is an exteriorization of the reading of the reading of religious texts into the social structure of attention. Reading of reading is in the superposed psychological act of reading, not in discoursing about that m-ary act. First of all, in m-ary act there is no value in truth-value, for logical-value transcends the notion of truth-value -- and the act of reading the reading of religious texts is practice on those values in logic transcending truth. The reader reading the reading regresses into witness self upon witness self upon witness self, the text being mere phylactery, not communicator of permissions to enter. Content of the religious text cannot convey entry; it can only be a constant reminder to reify into infinite regress, for only in such infinite regress can a claimed self actually dissolve by being held wholly in constant awareness of superposition. The meanings in the religious text are not there to be struggled with; they are there to re-mind only: metanoia. Reading the reading of a religious text is to not-read the text; it is concentration in self-observation through reading the reading of a religious text as phylactery alone. But, of course, if one does not attend to the meanings of the text, one cannot not-read the text -- and thereupon is induction to voluntary dissociation.
And what accrues from reading the not-reading of the religious text? For one, direct experience of time differentiation of time (not spatial variables), of time leads me in time by temporal curl. To say that all moments of time are contained in each moment of time does not convey very much about the nature of wholeness -- except to the person who does not need to hear it. Short-term memory. And shorter-term memory, and shorter-term memory unto the last finite. In this last finite, the reified self upon the self upon the self upon the self releases itself to the no-self it always is, always is at all of the every-moments in each moment (duration of the present moment in question being a measure of the baud-rate of consciousness at some given superposition -- Adhikara -- of order-types of µTm logics over the base state of Tzog-chen). Mystical only to 1T2-logical ratiocination. Reading the reading of the religious text with a leather-bound box-phylactery strapped over the Third Eye: Madonna's fetishisms were preludes to her Cabalistic instincts -- by unconscious metaphor, of course. Husserl's existing time is in remembering by Brentano intentionality. Inner counter-work by reading the reading of religious text, itself phylactery, in m-ary act is against intentionality and against Brentano by remembering that Husserl's internal-time consciousness is in the recursive generation of lineal language. The religious text is essay against text, text the memetime inducer. Remembering to unremember takes practice at not-reading the religious text being read.
Thank you very much, but for better or worse, I have long since lost interest in the academic mode of production and its stylistics, which I have come to believe has -- unlike public nudity -- no redeeming social value. I could not, therefore, in good conscience be a participant.
The very fact that Marie-Louise six years later published a book subtitled The Psychology of Meaningful Chance (M-L von Franz, On Divination and Synchronicity, Inner City, 1980) strongly supports my contention she pulled back at the cusp. Fear, probably, as is almost always the case. How elaborate has your on-the-ground experience of fear been? Not many people have actually directly undergone the outer limits of raw fear -- and fewer yet have traveled in a community of those who have. Chance! -- got that? One of the cardinal female Jungians, an acquaintance of mine and a long-time colleague and friend of M-L, once asked me if I had understood Number and Time: Reflections Leading Toward a Unification of Depth Psychology and Physics (M-L von Franz, Northwestern U. Press, 1974). My response was, Yes, a great book; she, however, comes right up to the edge of postulating 'active time' but, for some reason, does not take the leap. The reaction to this observation was a dismissive Humph! and no request for clarification. I dress and act like the college dropout I am, thus maintaining a level of personal freedom, and continued existence, even, which would not, otherwise, have been obtainable or the case. Over forty years of success at this. Reincarnational memories likely involved here. That number is in the essence of time and time in the existence of number is a logocentric Gödelian fact -- Plato's essence precedes Sartre's existence? or vice versa, or not -- about synchronicity Jung never came to understand; never, because of the filter on Jung's exposure Pauli imposed. Pauli, likely -- I have no way to know the moment-to-moment interpersonal details -- self-selected as a subtle Saganesque debunker of the singular threat posed by Jung's notion of synchronicity (a mere shadow of temporal curl, à la inverted Brownian crosses). At a certain point during the early-'70s, I was all over this issue. Velikovsky's grand-daughter, Naomi, interceded on my behalf at the Hamilton congress: I wanted to know about a rumored correspondence between Jung and Einstein on the subject of synchronicity. Velikovsky misunderstood the question, and no matter how much Naomi, a very smart lady, sought to clarify, the query failed to actually reach its inattentive target. Decades earlier, by the time synchronicity became a matter of mutual concern between Pauli-Jung, Pauli had already entertained and rejected the critical notion: topologically active operator-time. A half century later, Prigogine concurred with this rejection and informed me of the Pauli precedent in a contentious exchange closely following upon a related disparagement dictated by S. Hawking: M-L, in choosing to draw back at the cusp, placed herself in good company. And the issues involved were not only archetypal, but arguably apocalyptic. We shall see. Understand that? How many Jungians can actually read Number and Time? How many quantum artists are actually engaged with the fundamental issues in quantum theory, use their art activities to explore those worldview-construct issues, don’t' just rely on Saganesque popularizers of the consensually validated -- ha-ha! -- and haven't suborned their artifacts to the needs of black propaganda? Those writing on synchronicity rarely cite Number and Time. And M-L in N&T, after developing the justification, never actually enters the case.
Not quite right. During the late-'70s, I was for awhile a pro bono ghostwriter for a busy clinical neurologist in McLean, never for a psychiatrist. Pro bono -- for the interesting evenings, the exposure, and the practice. Psychiatry is institutionalized pogrom of animistic identity transparency, which is nothing if not delusions of reference to the µTm-th order-type. There is no psychiatric symptom that in one way or another is not targeted upon holotropic animism: tending toward open awareness of unbounded wholeness, what isn't an attribution of reference? Merz. Merz. Merz. Bauhaus. Merzzzzzzzzbau! No mere proletarian housing project -- as Mr. Wonderful would have it. All points of view simultaneously allowed; all perspectives -- not only the linear perspective -- permitted at the same time, this time which is every time at whatever time. Merzbau, a Bauhaus with no bird's-eye view, no plan view, no outside-the-space to abstract to. Housing generative empathy. Merzzzzzzzz! Dangerous diagonal there in the zzzzzzzz. Open awareness to all material implications, however the mixed media be assembled, whosoever be the assembler. Canonicity of the polymodal. There is no object to be found under prescriptive enculturation of percepts not a readymade. Readymade meanings transmitted as a social disease, as an etching of brains -- the sort of consequences studied in clinical neurology, not inflictive psychiatry. Set parallel lines into conflict; abstract them into bundles of fibers pointed up by Sophie Taeuber Arp: prescribed meanings named in the object field -- with their cortical aqua-tints dissolving to lacuna-on-the-brain -- can be scrambled, collaged, montaged in a canonical embedding cut, stacked, stretched, twisted, glued: stock in trade of any good topologist intent on clearing the brain, on terminating roof-brain chatter, on purging the incessant noise in-here responsible for the persistent clatter out-there, there in the material world, the world readymade by prescriptive enculturation over the hyletic data. Dematerialize the materials from which the readymade is made; do this by applications of Husserl's reductive phenomenology -- which the German avant-garde did know something of by the end of WWI. The µTm-th order-type of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics was rigorously defined and published by 1921 -- and the drift of thought was in the literature by 1903. If one-hundred years later art critics still haven't heard about it, that doesn't mean it wasn't part of the artistic Zeitgeist by the time of the First International Dada Fair. What happens when, by practice, practice, practice at de-prescribing readymade percept gestalts, i.e., objects found in the LifeWorld, roof-brain chatter begins to abate, gets more and more distant, can no longer be localized at the back of the skull, moves to the forehead, then before the forehead, screaming so as to continue to be heard, screaming, screaming, screaming louder and louder as it fades and fades and fades? What happens? Language fragments, for one thing. Change the time-step, the baud-rate of consciousness, by employment of concentration in observation turned inward, turned against mimesis and upon the perceiver. Reflexive open awareness at near-zero action-potential of the extra-ocular and laryngeal muscles. Inner voice slurs. Inner voice breakup. Oops! Simultaneous multiple voices. That inner chatterbox just doesn't give up easily; it will try anything and everything to be heard, still heard. Coming in from the Anterior Sky posing as if self-originated right-here, here, localized at the back of the skull. Breakdown voltage: Zitterbewegung. Particles pulled up to the Futurist speed limit. Relativistic limit: 1905. The zig-zag picture: zzzzzz. Merzzzzzzz. Caducous Descending Nude, fragmented to sheaves. Simultaneous multiple voices in several languages: sheaf theory overlay. Simultaneous poetry. No-sound poetry. Mantric poetry. Mal de mer. Languages I never heard, never will hear, never could hear: garbage mouth, schizophrenogenic word-salad nonsense! Chatterbox never relenting. Tossed-salad world, a universal Cabalistic grammar in all of this? Voiced up verbal expectorations, fragments free for assemblage, collage, montage elementarity -- by the rules of logic? by aleatoric riff, game, contingency, statistics, royal random, luck, improvisation, probability? Pin the tail on the donkey? Cast to winds the rice, the graffiti, the iterations in a box of Chinese fortune cookies? Chronomantic. Geomantic. Mantic about form, forms. Frantic about the mannequin, the maquette. Frazzled by the mantrap, demanding manumission. For changes to be chances there must be homogeneity and isotropy of passive space and passive time; otherwise, there are gradients on changes preventing them from being chances. Is a gradient readymade or merely found? It is believed that. Not possibly not Duchamp's brother didn't discourse on the doxastic. Parallel voice lines set into conflict by concentration in self-observation set against roof-brain chatter. Change the time-step and the grid-length -- as Dr. Cagliari did in the early days of soundless experimental film, realized sound-filled moving photomontage -- and coherency becomes turbulent, turbulence becomes coherent. Tense logic. Platonic anamnesis. Un-not-remembering. Not henceforth not. Is that Brentano's time? Time in remembering. Eventually, I suppose. Now. Henceforth. Previously. Hitherto. What's in a name? What's in a rename? Aka… what? Spontaneous directedness. How? Quantum of action: 1900. Parallels in collision: 1915. You mean to tell me this had (and has) nothing to do with origins of world war?
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