µTm Scenarios, T20(M)
In trying to imagine How to End the Forever War (Harold Hongju Koh, Real Clear World, 16 May 2013) it would perhaps be useful first to ascertain what forever might actually mean -- and how approaches thereto, temporally and spatially as close as we like, effect transform from a linear slope to a curvilinear exponential growth in implied resource commitments. And it might also be useful to ascertain how proclamations as to embrace of this transform affect strategic calculations made by the opposition. For instance, as regards meaning of forever, my insistence upon asserting that Lukasiewicz logics cannot, with full authenticity, be semantically explicated, whilst truth-value continues to be regarded the foundational notion of logic, relates not only to experience with infinite regress at autosensory and autocognitive observation, but also to the subordinate insistence -- in the terms used by Claude Gratton (see: Infinite Regress Arguments, Springer, 2009, and Gratton's article entitled, What is an Infinite Regress Argument?: click on the appropriate, second from the top, PDF for Google cache version of the document published in Informal Logic, 18:2&3, 1997, pp. 203-224) -- that, paraphrasing Gratton, the viciousness of infinitely many infinite regresses entailed by circular definitions is the inherent nature of the hologramic enfold which is the cosmic case -- and that intellectual history of glutamatergically-etched humanity since the earliest Indian views on infinity (Aristotle's sequential view of 207 BC being far less knowledgeable than the set-theoretic Jain view of 400 BC) has been substantially in opposition to the nature of the case qua case, as infinite regress has been near-universally regarded a logical fallacy, the worst sort being the self-referential, self-reentering, Klein-bottled ouroboros-homunculus fallacy. Arguments as to fallaciousness of infinitudes (sequential or set) at logic employments are dependent upon: (1) assuming that truth-value is the foundational notion of logic; and (2) 1T2-only-valued logic, and its rule framework, e.g., Law of Non-Contradiction, be employed. Prerequisite (2) quite obviously cannot possibly apply to logical-value order-types 1T3 µTm, and increasingly cannot apply, even assuming memetime = an objective linear time, as µ and m approach infinity or µ and m are taken, by Axiom of Choice and assuming memetime has a stop under quantal operator-time, actually a logical-operator demergence from hyparxic Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space rather than an emergence from Big Bang, as infinite sets of this or that Cantorian cardinality (demergence = µTm to 1T2; emergence = 1T2 to µTm; hyparxis = both nonorientably simultaneous). Prerequisite (1) can be regarded valid (validity being an order-type-dependent notion) only by treating µTm-order-types (nesting foams of self-reference solipsistically self-referencing) as fuzzy-logic gray-scale one-to-oned to the reals in the interval [0,1], a treatment grammatically plausible, but semantically inauthentic, because self-reference solipsistically self-referencing is affectively validated, by introjected emotive imputation (i.e., shaktipata by, say, Sri Aurobindo's light at shakti pad, the pat on the postcentral gyrus [my putting down this link is not necessarily an endorsement, only recognition of a correspondence to what I independently discovered during 1971 in my personally formulated practice] received when the launching pad between logical-value order-types is attained), as equivalent to there is only one Real-'I' (and hence an argument for monotheistic existence of God) -- this 1T2-pleasure-principled, enkephalin-releasing personification being a case of conversion-disorder displacement at projective-identification in collective transference (all guru-sadhak, Ph.D.-preceptor-candidate relations being of the transference type), a sufficient basis, alone, for me personally to regard any 1T2-argumentation as to what propositions in µTm-logics mean as wholly inappropriate, howsoever interesting to the glutamate-etched binary mind. The arguments I would be interested in would have to be made in Musculpt as mathematical notation, a medium that does not yet exist in exteriorized techno-form. Even before I was thrown out of first semester calculus for asking too many fundamental questions, I was saying that the limit of an infinite sequence approached as close as we like is not some selfsame numerical value, or one of an infinite set of curves -- inner Musculpt manipulates infinite sets of curves as sounded-forms -- but the interface to some higher sort of logic. What does the Dedekind cut cut? Jacob's Ladder -- understood as the nesting foam which is the corpus of logical-value order-types (a cut of the rational, not merely of the rationals). I never became accomplished at either calculus calculations or 1T2-logical explication because I never saw any meaning in either, uh, that is, meaning beyond Maya-meaning. Embrace Newton's position on the maths limit in the calculus and this embrace is already sufficient to physical identification by reduction of the wave-packet -- and also psychological identification qua Buddhological attachment by projective-identification. Moreover, statistical renormalization by truncation, rescaling, et cetera, is renormalization doubly exponentiated, because taking the limit found by Newtonian procedures is already a renormalization (and a quenching of conscious access to THE quantum brain's µTm-processing, a quenching that finalized The Waning of the Middle Ages). And renormalization has been the raison d'etat, no less than the raison d'etre, of governance ever since well before the Jains first defined infinity, and, thus, by 1T2-implication, definition of forever -- in that renormalization remodels reality so as to make it conform to policy, which is designed to facilitate the projection of the internal neuropsychiatric state collectively identified with. And with this argument given here, we see strong evidence as to why Husserl's early treatment of Cantor was deemed psychologizing -- and on that basis, rejected, thus redirecting his graduate research into a program by now carried well beyond Gödel's gematria-type demonstrations using circular self-reference as the means of falsification, thus, by 1T2-implication, marginalizing all but fuzzy interpretation of Lukasiewicz (which, to my mind, solidified Born's preclusion of the applicability of Lukasiewicz to Schrödinger, that proscription being the straw that broke the camel's back in run up to WWII). The Cold War in the round, at large, in my judgment was not about such matters: communism and capitalism are on the same Cartesian-Newtonian side of the involved issues. I hold the same with regard to GWOT (projected to run at least another two decades [see, Washington gets explicit: its 'war on terror' is permanent, Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian, 17 May 2013]: quite a consequent of the post-Tet-'68 stab-in-the-back myth, eh, given that the strategic time variable is thus handed on a silver platter to Washington's opposition, but not yet as dire as the consequent of the German Dolchstosslegende), this being, essentially, an intraTripartite-Fertile-Crescent-Religion imbroglio, howsoever planetarized; hence, largely all to one side of the paradigm conflict discussed here. Some sub-set wars, e.g., that in Viet Nam, of the Cold War may have been about these issues, to the degree that suppression of Injun Cuntry animism and separation of the peasant from hisher ancestral lands (sacred or not, communal or not) were objectives -- objectives shared by TPTB on both sides of the conflict, but not by some of their sub-ordinals (see, for instance, Apocalypse Now, the film having had some real-life special operations precedents in Viet Nam, going back at least to the Japanese Army Special Service Agencies, tokumu kikan, which worked with tribal groups). In this view, disintegration of the U.S.S.R. was the first stage in the incendiary planetary collapse of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, the death knell of that worldview construct having been -- not the World Trade Center assault -- penned by N. H. Abel in 1826. Think of it. If the human species has been willing to self-induce a Franco-Prussian war and two world wars over these issues as they existed at lesser levels of elaboration than they do today, what will that species be willing to inflict upon itself given the present degree of divergence between Weltanschauung and institutional base -- and associated horrendous cognitive dissonance, with its induced neurohumoral markers? When did skin-crawlingly-repugnant, hair-pulling, Quantum this, quantum that! hysteria peak -- or has it yet to peak? Contrary to my view that the 'viciousness of infinitely many infinite regresses entailed by circular definitions' is the inherent nature of the hologramic enfold which is the cosmic case is the insistence by the Pentagon's general counsel (see the Greenwald article linked above) that 'War' must be regarded as finite Me thinks the laddy doth protest too much! For, no longer slapping at fleas in The War of the Flea, they round on ghosts of windmills -- and all those windmills are quantum-relativistic, for cognizance of post-quantum-relativity has yet to enter their subliminal. The only way the forever war could end is by reestablishing correspondence between Weltanschauung and institutional base, and this will only transpire when nesting foams of µTm-valued Lukasiewiczian LETS are deployed from the bottom up.
Except for minor caveats, this is the absolutely worst-case percolation scenario we are on (for one class of evidence, including de{moral]izing global statistics, see: Thirdworldizing America, Stephen Lendman, Activist Post, 12 May 2013). Quoting Lendman: According to UNICEF, 22,000 impoverished children die daily. Pro-life abortions, it could be said. The mindless 1T2-dissipative affluence at heart of periphery dependence upon core is a tax-exempt contribution to the Target The Children foundation of prevailing exploitation of world polity by globalized formation of 1T2-capital in our far-from-equilibrium dissipative world-system. Renormalized, glutamate-etched, socialized-enculturated, memetime-bound minds choose to reduce reality to system rather than imprint upon quantal-operator-time-shaped µTm-process as reality. Whatever Algor-the-Invest-Advisor may think, 1T2-database is not AllBase, nor could any order-type of database be so, because AllBase is reference space covering logical-values, not data points. This is not to speak of state space, robust control, multi[1T2-valued]variable feedback, nonlinear Lyapunov continuous-[meme]time servomechanisms, absolute stability, [meme]time-series smoothing, Newtonian nudging of the multivariable frequency-domain condition, open-loop properties of closed-loop systems, matrices of dynamical interconnections, and so on. For those few of us who remember Penny's T-shirts, that's pTs, heh-heh-heh! -- where there were no pin-point and GMO issues -- the present thesis concerning the worst case is not at all contestable. Call a club a club, and the opening bids (free-floating fiat currencies, resource war, anthropogenic manipulation of solar-terrestrial interactions yielding abrupt climate shift, anti-organic industrialization of an agriculture thus drenched in antibiotics and other chemical agents, manipulation of genomes based on molecular-biology-only, sickcare delivery rooted in long-outmoded molecular-cellular medical models of degenerative disease, suppression of all and everything challenging the self-aggrandizing absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct separatist non-quantum simple-identity self-attribution driving the life-extension obsessive-compulsives maximizing the globalized demographic crisis, anthropogenic induction of mass extinction [see: The Planet's First-ever Mass-Extinction Precipitated by a Biotic Agent: Humans, Rebecca Sato, The Daily Galaxy, 30 March 2009], global forced-draft urbanization, so on) have already put all against all: still at low-intensity-warfare level, however, as play-out begins low at the periphery and builds to catastrophic highs at the various centers of core. Not a step on this worst-case Devil's Staircase scenario-serial is being missed. And the present CBO (cognitive box office) episode is just another 1T2-recursive fulmination-iteration of same ol', same ol' cybernetic automata -- by all but exact recurrence going back to the mid-19th century on exactly the same unresolved deep-structure issues, which become more and more explicit with each ever-higher-intensity fulmination (thus necessitating greater and greater neuropsychiatric deterioration -- facilitation of which being the prioritized responsibility of Hollywood amongst its primary assigned roles, and see the related links whilst remembering that accomplished black propagandists always produce enough on contrary themes to make plausibly deniable the inevitable claims that they are black propagandists, plausibly deniable even to themselves for much of what they produce may be only subliminally known to be dissimulation, dissembling, conversion-disorder displacement, survival of a media-professions career requiring a profound opaqueness to introspection -- to keep the drivers/attractors, as Echo of the Mockingbird, unconscious to corpus of the collective). L.A. in general, the Biz in particular, is into the m-valued -- no thing/person/place is what it is; it's always something else -- but there is no processing of non-simple identity using m-valued logics; that would be Cabalistic, and the film industry is rather too Rabbinical. H'wood schizophrenic film-salad: tha-tha-that's all, folks! With all the various applications of plausible denial that have been exercised in various domains of human activity over the decades, is there anyone on this planet who still does not understand how it works? ((Flashing forward, it appears that sufficient elaboration has been reached that plausible denial is no longer required: see U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans, John Hudson, Foreign Policy, 14 July 2013: black propaganda has thus become white.)) Be aware that, during the early-1960s, the ex-OSS Director of Public Affairs for the Department of State lived fifty feet from that intersection perhaps most designative of The P and Q Street axis in Georgetown of what David Wise in 1964 called The Invisible Government -- and that I was an AU-SIS student live-in in that household. Years later, during both the early-1970s and early-'80s, as a gardener with Hill's Nursery (a job providing me three months of paid vacation each year, which I spent at the Library of Congress and the National Library of Medicine discovering and photocopying materials to read throughout the year -- thus greatly facilitating my real work), I took care of Joseph Alsop's Dumbarton potted plants, and, in the early-'80s, along with McKinley Toliver, the landscaping of his ex-wife Susan's 29th Street house. There were many conversations with both (from childhood, I had always imprinted upon selected elderly and found this of the utmost importance to my inner work), Susan being an especially wonderful person. Alsop had many opinions about the Viet Nam war, which he, knowing I was a veteran of that war, invited me to entertain, sitting me across from his reading lounge chair with the liquor cart located within arm's length. In my opinion, these opinions of his were not founded upon much actual knowledge of the war, however elaborate had been his WWII-experience in Kunming. Later, contextualizing as I researched our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, I was told, while visiting with Archimedes Patti in Florida, adventurous tidbits about Alsop's and Aaron Bank's Kunming Days. Remember Katherine the Great and OSS-MO-inspired, even staffed, it could be said, Operation Mockingbird? Note the thesis that McCarthyism was an FBI operation run primarily against the CIA -- paralleling, it could be said, how Mao's Cultural Revolution was an operation run primarily against elements of the entrenched Party bureaucracy. Regardless, even irregardless, of what Hollywood's overlords would have us believe, sociality-fragmented People Like Us are never saved in the Nick Of Time (tokenism only, so as to make the thesis plausible): that's just not in the metaprogram approved by TPTB. Country & Western -- for all its identification with man-woman transference dynamics -- is the more reality-oriented. You want it rucked up right, you gotta do it yourself -- insofar as you can find a way into ______. Fill in the blank. Like the dead minds that made Dead Mine -- unless this Indonesian film, released January 2013, is an allegory for future of the internet, digitalization of information being the most effective means (better than mere bans: see, for instance, Scientific Journals Must Not Touch Anything Related to , Jason Ditz, Antiwar, 10 May 2013) through which to more and more thoroughly restrict access -- particularly concerning scientific materials -- to the few vetted and well-entrapped, thus killing informed creative opposition to those believing world war is unbendably unendable. Those such (not believing there theoretically could be such an oxymoron as moral war) not being those who deny that war is, indubitably is, group sex by other means (i.e., socially-promoted access to otherwise-largely-proscribed, hence suppressed-repressed-regressed, quantum relative-state identity-transparency): Toru Hashimoto not being one such.
I never forgave my parents for preventing me at age 16 from accompanying an old sourdough -- onetime Washington, D.C., landscape architect, avocational mathematician (an early influence on my thinking about maths), wintertime Alaska Department of Fish and Game researcher, and eventual retiree to Lake Cumberland, Kentucky: Paul Connell -- up the Yukon south from Circle to Woodchopper Creek and spending the summer there gold mining, something the sourdough had done each year for the previous 20 years. The next year, my parents prevented me from homesteading property spanning a space between the Steese Highway and the Chatanika River chosen by Connell during the very last years that the full-fledged Homestead Act was in force. This was very early-1960s interior Alaska, which I loved -- but I never went back after suffering these two prohibitions, for my engagement with the land had been altogether corralled. Nowadays, I learn, the Government of Scotland is concerned about parents who neglect their children by allowing them to risk riding their bikes to school. I understand that mercilessly beating a child is wrong, because a Scottish friend was so beaten as a child that residuals from those beatings necessitated a total hip replacement in his early-thirties. But I do not believe that this is the real, i.e., partly subliminal, reason that a government minder will now be born with the birth of each Scottish child (see, for one prefiguration of The Handmaid's Tale coming to [pre}sent: Care plan sees dystopian future arriving early, Stuart Walton, The Scotsman, 8 May 2013). So, who can say whether literary projection of anti-utopias prevents or facilitates our dystopian future? And it is the teleological pull of the strange attractor which is transnational socialism, coupled with the push provided by the inchoate fear of pagan-animistic identity-transparency resident in 100-year-old multivalued logics, which I think is the real subliminal reason for creation of state minders sure to become in due course -- given persistent problems with sovereign debt, and with a little help from our friends at Cornell (see: This Robot Learns to Pour Beer by Predicting Your Future, Daniela Hernandez, Wired, 28 May 2013: I am not against technology per se, only as dissipative embodiment of collective regression-in-projection) -- live-in autonomous robots [en}viron>>mentally informed by the neighborhood association's (howsoever named) mesh-network cloud-server.
Judging by how the MACV-IDHS (intelligence data handling system) and the MACV/CORDS Green Book listing of those AKAs (also known as) suspected -- primarily (though, for instance, agent testimonials were also relied upon) by results of various means of decoding the frequently changed alphanumeric stand-ins for the AKA stand-ins that were employed in millions and millions of documents captured, some of which were analyzed by human minds -- to have been used by command cadres (corpus of which being the deck of cards of the Viet Nam war) were abused in Viet Nam by Phoenix and other, earlier, CT (counter-terror) programs -- very considerably to settle old scores and to gain better positioning for this or that unsanctioned purpose -- it is reasonable to expect that any universal biometric-ID system (see: Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform, David Kravets, Wired, 10 May 2013), no matter how much more accurate and efficient than was the IDHS and the Green Book, will be abused, perhaps not so lethally, for various unofficial purposes (strangely, I wrote this just before news of the IRS scandal broke). ((Intercalating here in regards to the enablers of IRS partisan political-economy: a several-level organizational hierarchy, states' rights, checks and balances, countervailing forces are easily-suborned, primitive, Cartesian-Newtonian mechanisms to employ against the deleterious effects of massive uptake in quantum-based technologies when compared to the self-organizing processes that would be invoked by deployment of quantum relative-state coverings of fractal nesting foams.)) The situation in Viet Nam was exacerbated by multiple languages being involved: primarily GVN Vietnamese, VC Vietnamese, NVN-PLA Vietnamese, military Vietnamese, Party Vietnamese, NLF Vietnamese, civilian Vietnamese, literary devices-to-elude-the-censor Vietnamese, English, American screw-ups of the various sorts of Vietnamese. This semantically multivalent situation was also made more difficult by the GVN outlawing all forms of Vietnamese except those civilian and GVN -- such that even official translators were breaking the law to even know NLF, VC, and NVN-PLA Vietnamese. Official translations were, thus, frequently terrible. All sorts of confusions resulted, such as that seen here (scroll down to the De Oppresso Liber image) -- where VC Military Region 10 is mentioned. No such region ever existed in history of the war. And the actual piece of physical geography referred to with this misnomer as existing in 1968 fell somewhat within my area of responsibility at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2. Quoting a strategic assessment of the multistage Tet-'68 offensive which I wrote in 1968 at SRA/MACV-J2 and incorporated into our novel, circa 1994, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 13:
Historically, Vietnam had been divided into three areas: Bac Bo (North Vietnam); Trung Bo (Central Vietnam); and Nam Bo (South Vietnam). In 1948 the Viet Minh subdivided the country into six inter-regions: I, II, and III in Bac Bo; IV and V in Trung Bo; and VI in Nam Bo. The inter-regions were later reorganized into regions (sometimes called inter-provinces) and numbered 1 thru 9. The Saigon Metropolitan Area along with regions 7 and 8 were together called Eastern Nam Bo. In May of 1963 MR7, to the north of Saigon, was renamed MR1; MR8, to the south of Saigon, was renamed MR2; and the Saigon-Cholon-Gia Dinh Special Zone was renamed MR4.
MR = military region. In late-1966, as reorganization preparations for Tet-'68 began, the Greater Saigon Metropolitan Area and adjacent VC bureaucratic subdivisions began strategic planning of what ultimately became a pie-shaped sub-region structure surrounding Saigon (which I, after the fact, personally discovered and mapped by traffic analysis upon changing bureaucratic variables and other similar analytic procedures -- the involved geographic areas being my AoR, area of responsibility, at Strategic Research and Analysis: the details being sufficiently elaborate that, even today, I remember the outlines quite clearly). VC Sub-Region 5 (VC Ba Bien province being to its north, VC Darlak province to the north of that), containing a critical infiltration corridor and, hence, concretely instituted early in the transformation process -- summer of 1967, memory serving -- subsumed the geographic area above referred to as VC Military Region 10 (judging from the author's use of GVN geographic terminology). If there was some factual basis for this misnomer, my guess is that, possibly, there was briefly a 10th military front (the word frequently used, which would better have been translated theater, which the FBIS -- Foreign Broadcast Information Service -- employed in translating Tran Van Tra's History of the Bulwark B2 Theater, circa 1983: I offer this toot-and-tout because, during 1963-5, I periodically clipped FBIS Bulletins for SORO, AU's Special Operations Research Office, and thus hold skill of the FBIS in high regard) designator applied during the exigencies of battle in Sub-Region 5. Front as in military front being different from front as in National Liberation Front: different Vietnamese words in the different types of Vietnamese being involved here, and improperly translated due to lack of understanding of the relevant organizational dynamics. For instance, the involved Party CAC, current affairs committee, would have referred to its geographic AO (area of operations) as SR5, as would have the involved sub-region MAPC, military affairs Party committee, in certain categories, likely only Party affairs related, of documents generated, but the MAC, the non-Party military affairs committee for the involved sub-region, and the involved MAPC in its military-related documents, would have used the term military front to designate their purviews of activities, and this front designator could have changed frequently with changing environment of the combat and also for code security purposes and also for letter-box-system security purposes. In January of 1993, when the one-time Saigon Party Committee chairman, Tran Bach Dang, became my visa sponsor, I was asked by him and the earlier one-time Saigon Party Committee chairman, Tran Van Giau, to help translate a piece of history they had composed which was related to, as I understood what was explained to me, some aspect of the B2 Front, i.e., a military front or theater in the sense described above (Tran Van Tra having been the relevant MAPC chairman; Tran Van Giau earliest, Tran Bach Dang, later, the relevant highest ranking Party committee chairmen for the involved SMA apparatus simultaneously sitting on the COSVN, central office for South Vietnam, central committee). Be aware that multiple superposed hats were simultaneously worn by all involved m-valued functionaries of the underground infrastructure manifesting significant indicators of being tacitly (by several thousand years of animistic metaprogramming) in relative-state identity-transparency as to internal system state (cf: time-domain approach to optimality in nonlinear control of organizational transformations wherein 1T2-difference-signals are understood p-adic truncations of µTm-relative-states of self-reentering Lukasiewiczian-self-referential closed-loop control system). Fixation upon first-order metaDATA being, not only tactics made strategy, and thus entailing bad choices as to EEI (essential elements of information), but a regression-in-service-to-the-collective-1T2-ego as conflation of Superman with Jesus, Jesus with the generic superstar celebrity. Parenthetically, and by the way, as an IBEW apprentice in Washington, D.C., circa 1969-'72, before I settled upon nurseryman-gardener, I worked for Johnson Controls, Inc. Even though this Dang-Giau-offered translation-assistance task would have given me access to information deepening my understanding of fascinating and increasingly widely-relevant organizational dynamics (e.g., how changing bureaucratic variables tacitly were holomorphically mapped, absent use of e-tech, upon changing geographic boundaries at organizational transforms by resource exchange across band-pass phase boundaries traditionally bronze-[fractal]drummed and stone-xylophoned under waterfalling energy-momentum cascades as acoustically-modified standing-waveform songlines) I had studied in 1967-8 (TID/525th MIG in the Mekong delta, until wounded; following a 6-week recovery at Camp Zama Army Hospital, Japan, at CICV-Targets adjacent to the South Vietnamese JGS compound; and -- having talked myself into a transfer on basis of my experience at AU/SIS and SORO and PsyOps Group at HQ of JFK Special Warfare Center -- at SRA/MACV-J2 in MACV-HQ), I turned down the opportunity because, by 1993, my focus of interest had strongly come to rest upon m-logically-valued LETS, and this translation work, which I knew would become very complicated, would have taken me away from the task of increasing my knowledge base relevant directly to Lukasiewiczian monetary units. So as not to give the wrong impression, I should make absolutely clear that I was, in 1968, only among the more knowledgeable on such matters, by simply being at SRA/MACV-J2: THE real American expert, as all involved then knew, was Capt. Kelly L. Robinson. Not far behind were Harvard Law School trained Capt. David Scott Hope and the London School of Economics trained elle-T, Jonathan Saphier. The whole corpus of POLOB-SRA analytic work having, for all intents and purposes, been largely suppressed -- the Sam-Adams-publicized enemy-strength-estimates debacle being part-and-parcel -- it could be noted, and perhaps should be noted, that none of America's subsequent experts on low-intensity warfare ever even began to assimilate such material, let alone contemplate its implications. The only person who ever attempted to teach it at an intelligence school was Saphier, circa 1969 at The Bird.
There are psychosomatic components to etiologies of degenerative/immunological diseases not accounted for in the molecular-cellular-biology medical model; once I understood that, I was always willing to travel the extra distance and pay the higher price so as to patronize the ma-and-pa business, the local-farmers' market. Is it 1T2-nature or 1T2-nurture if and only if genomics is 1T2-molecular-only biology of the gene? Disallowing biologically-significant µTm-quantum wave properties of DNA [man}dates genetic invariance except by discrete instantaneous non-systemic mutation such that crime (see: How to spot a murderer's brain, Tim Adams, The Guardian, 12 May 2013; and U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars That It Will Publicly Admit, Fire Dog Lake's Kevin Gosztola, Washington's Blog, 11 May 2013) must be either nature or nurture, not both/and m-times over and/or superposed -- and that, in the either/or case, crime must be reposed to the individual, not the corpus, and certainly not the individual and/or the corpus at interface with factors construable as indicative of quantum relative-state identity-transparency. Otherwise, Roman Law both/and Common Law would have lost their logical and metaphysical foundations -- and how, then, could prosecutions proceed? Make way! Make way! ye Band of Brothers, I'm a writer, aren't I. Of course I've bloody well been arrested! -- Anonymous. We shall be suborned, shall we not. We'll leave on the tide, willn't we, bound for CuspOver, the Dusk of Our Discontent! Here we have one reason why Lukasiewiczian LETS nesting foams are not in the cultural birth canal (which is to neglect the more mundane spurious reasons: see, for instance, The coming political battle over Bitcoin, Timothy B. Lee, The Washington Post, 15 May 2013) and why, consequently, we will remain stuck with a global monetary 1T2-system -- howsoever refashioned -- disallowing adequate assimilation of the ever increasingly massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies. The biggest problem intelligent people, depressed or not, have these days is determining how to apportion contempt. And now we know that depressed people live in different time zones from normal people (see: New forensic technique for estimating time of death by checking internal clock of human brain: Depressed people live in parallel time zone, scientists find, Steve Connor, The Independent, 13 May 2013). What about those undergoing a peak experience? Are they in the same time zones as normals, as, say, normotics? I haven't been able to find a technical account of the involved research, but it could very well be supportive evidence for our mathematical model of DNA's free-electron gas core dynamics, wherein the radiation-dependent temperature oscillation rate of free-electron parcels is treated as the variable intracellular Zeitgeber, or time-giver, from which all other internal clocks are set. In our 1979 paper (A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-341), two experimental approaches were described which could shed light on these time-giver-to-genes processes -- experiments never performed. This time-giver issue is one experimental route into biologically-significant µTm-quantum wave properties of DNA. We also know, from the variable psychometric distance function of Rudolf K. Luneburg's non-Euclidian model of binocular visual space, that different people perceive in subtly different visual spaces, and that, generally, there is no localization in any of these differing spaces independent of learned (i.e., presumably glutamate-etched) psychological factors. Given that the space of binocular visual space cannot be separated from the space of spacetime, time-giver variations on the DNA level may be involved in setting the variations in Luneburg psychometric distance functions of those normal, those depressed, those in peak experience -- to mention but three categories.
The single most important reason why I think all these cycle theories -- to include sun spot cycles correlated to epidemiology of SLE -- (see, for instance: A Brief History of Cycles and Time, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 12 May 2013; and Part Two, 13 May 2013) are less than actually interesting, as Stephen Hawking almost knows, is that time is not only imaginary-numbered and differently signed from space, but also hypercomplex-numbered, and topologically active (cf: Pauli-Paine operator-time), not merely a passive reference frame.
I'm saying that "hashes" ought to be Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers marking (from the bottom up; locally, with IthacaHours, TimeBank, MtnHours, so on) Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. See, for edification: from Zero Hedge, How A Bitcoin transaction works, 12 May 2013.
People really do believe, y'know, that forced-draft urbanization is equivalent to economic development (a memetime-related notion), as witness the testimonial reported in: China's Urban Dream Denied, Youquin Huang, The Diplomat, 14 May 2013. There is, y'see, no other conceivable way. For a fascinating account of the history of a concept related to economic development, flash forward and see Martin Sibileau's piece entitled What Is Economic Growth? , A View from the Trenches, 2 June 2013. Sibileau's characterization of dynamic efficiency, the Austrian school's focus, as differentiated from economic growth, is as follows:
If humans act purposefully and the price system works freely, all it takes to improve our standard of living is to allow markets to allocate resources where consumers want them to be.
The market is herein characterized as something of a Maxwellian sorting demon where multivalent preferences enter the system from below; whereas, the Taylor Rule is a memetime-consistent monotonic preference function of rates and only rates applied from the top down (not also rates of rates and rates of rates of rates: let alone being based in understanding of system-dynamics under 3-fold operator-time: graphically, a rate is a slope, a rate of a rate is a change-tilt-bending-curving of a slope, a rate of a rate of a rate is a self-reflexive reentry yielding non-orientability and requiring µTm-valued logics for adequate processing, altogether nixing the notion of proportionately-scaled returns, or in Sibileau's words constant returns to scale: autopoietic operators are highly-nonlinear active slope-establishers-changers). For an example of how deeply enfolded this higher-order absence is, flash forward and see Japan's Easy Money Tsunami, David Howden, Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 3 June 2013. Quoting from the article:
Production plans must supply not only the amount of goods consumers want in the present, but also orient these production plans to produce goods in the future. The interest rate is what coordinates all these plans over time and is what entrepreneurs use to determine when to produce goods, and how long a production process should be employed. The negative effects of distorting the interest will only be revealed much later.
Interest rate, a percentage, is here viewed-as/conflated-to controller of dynamic rate, whilst dynamic rate of rate is deflected to the mere notion inflation and dynamic rate of rate of rate is largely filtered. This is why I have strong demurrals from perspectives advocated by the Austrian school, even though I have stronger ones with regard to the Taylor Rule: the market could conceivably work as the Austrian School says, absent major (e.g., reducing the aggregate demand for human employment) phase transitions involving rate-of-rate-of-rate cuspover in technological change (I see nothing in [his}story that could make me believe in progress), such as between Cartesian-Newtonian and quantum-relativity techno-applications regimes -- these transitions being largely regarded extra-systemically induced, and hence, not modeled (technological change, you see, could not have been forecast from, say, Abel's Impossibility Theorem: knowledge acquisition is wholly unpredictable, according to Popper). What about counterproductive collective behaviors, which counter the supposed purposes of the production machine? Such behaviors are everywhere and omnipresent! A dynamically-efficient market may insure an improved standard of living -- for awhile, until resource depletion sets in, until environmental degradation sets in, until war within the homeland sets in, until how long is the list of extra-systemic influences upon market operations? And how effective can a price mechanism be if prices, however perfectly flexible, do not index in any explicit fashion components of the set of component processes thus extra-systemically impinging upon market mediation of allocation processes? And, moreover, how could prices thus index if properties of the monetary system, however stable, preclude such?
There can be no doubt as to how desperate has the NMI (national morale index) become when a recruitment film fantasy-reversing Pearl Harbor, to wit, the mortifyingly embarrassing Battleship, has to be made. The global elite's clinging behaviors -- in positive feedbacks, assimilated from and projected upon the planetary mass of normotics -- have created so many schizophrenogenic double-binds, which no amount of mere cognitive dissonance can disguise, that even were the elite's transnational objectives, goals, and interests fulfilled in a techno-simulation reversing Hitler's loss of WWII, i.e., achievement of global transnational-socialism enforced by each DNA quantum-wave signature being targeted by satellite-informed, autonomous-droned, smart projectiles, hard or drug-containing, anti-personnel EMP and laser-pulse, still, the elite's increasing reliance upon uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies to reach Cyberia-dystopia idealized to some New Jerusalem will insure that each of the series of 1T2-economic frameworks employed will be more dysfunctional than the last. When the Leben provided at normotic Lebensworth ain't worth it, mono-pole-he expresses as territorial imperative: identification with regressed Lebenswelt such that it is projected as the need for ever more Lebensraum. In terms of human-systems engineering of the social-cybernetic control which desired-dystopia requires, flashing forward, we see that, ironically, the tattoos signifying unconscious identification with animistic-quantum identity-transparency are to have embedded within them electronic tattoos containing epidermal electronics insuring perfect information as to purified personal simple-identity (see: Motorola Working on Digital Tattoos, Password Pill, Vittorio Hernandez, International Business Times, 1 June 2013); moreover, Motorola is developing an ingestible stomach-acid powered simple-identity RFID capsule, turned on and off by touch (upon epidermal electronics patch?) which, among much else, I suppose, can issue alarms when you don't take your normosis-inducing psychoactive drugs on a timely basis.
An interesting thesis, yes, is it not, that the forex component of Abenomics is the Louvre Accord resurrected, i.e., the Plaza Accord inverted and fast-forwarded to the present day: see, US Dollar Collapse and Japan's Sham Currency War: The Hidden Agenda Behind Japan's Kamikaze Quantitative Easing, Matthias Chang, Global Research, 15 May 2013. If, additionally, there is also the military mechanics of the prevailing Far East situation, then, too, there is also the remonetization-of-gold component that should be considered: see, for instance, Gold Passions Around Basel III, Valentin Katasonov, Strategic Culture Foundation, 9 May 2013. Then, moreover, there is in play uncertainty over sovereign gold-holdings: see, by the same author, The Central Banks' Gold: a story of silent expropriation, parts One and Two, Ibid., 13 and 16 May 2013. Then, for an additional moreover, there is uncertainty as to conditions of the gold-rehypothecating private bullion banks: see, for some [meme}time-lapse perspective on these matters, A short history of currency swaps, Martin Sibileau, A View from the Trenches, 5 May 2013 (note that in 1922, using 1T2-Dogpatch-logic one year after Lukasiewicz-Post published their earth-shaking monographs on µTm-valued logics, there was an explicit rejection of an international clearing union -- that which Keynes and White wanted in 1944 along with their notions of non-vehicle-currency reserve bancor or unitas, when, like in 1922, TPTB chose, instead, the sure-to-fail gold-exchange standard, the central banks' equivalent to fractional-reserve multiple bank credit expansion: as previously observed, I am not against gold-backing of some superposed values of m-logically-valued LETS currencies in nesting foams, only against only-gold backing; nor am I against fractional reserves, were the reserve ratios relative to given µTm-superposed currency values locally determined within each nested LETS domain). Sibileau makes a pregnant statement in this article:
Essentially, with these currency swaps, foreign central banks that during the war [WWII] had shifted their gold to the USA, became middlemen of a product that was a first-degree derivative of the US dollar, and a second-degree derivative of gold.
This, it seems to me, is a lead-in to thought (which I do not have the technical expertise at either details of the myriad forms of derivatives or Lukasiewicz logics to much pursue, though I am trying) concerning how the present derivatives conundrum could possibly be resolved in a shift to µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams. In terms of the relative magnitude of threats to global stability, eurozone dilemmas may make membership of the New Hanseatic League (established in 1980 in Zwolle, now with 181 towns and cities in 16 European countries: see Wiki for a history of The Hanse back to the 13th century and The Wall Street Journal, 28 January 2011, for an account of a present-day initiative) the best locations within which to begin a staged bottom-up process of trial-and-error implementation. Such an initiative would not involve nullification of the euro or dismemberment of the European Union, but a monetary refashioning thereof beginning at the lowest levels of the organizational nesting foam. Though the old Hanseatic League was part-and-parcel of the centralization process, it provides a worthy contextual precedent for initiation of an orderly decentralization process. And, of course, continuing with dimensions of the prevailing global situation, there is the T-bill/B-bill standardized petrodollar/petrogold issue behind the Basel-III gold passions (for an interesting perspective on peak oil and the reserve dollar, see The Dying Dollar and the Rise of a New Currency Order, Anthony Migchels, Real Currencies, 7 April 2013), which, clearly, includes LNGwar (see: Mystery Sponsor Of Weapons And Money To Syrian Mercenary 'Rebels', Revealed, Zero Hedge, 16 May 2013), particularly in Syria, and, more remotely memetime-wise, were Gazprom to sustain its leverage over Europe, whether and how a Germano-Russian Bloc would form were the eurozone to systemically IED itself. Flash forward for a sequel on this and see: Syria Goes Hot: Russia To Deliver , Zero Hedge summary, 28 May 2013. All of which indicates to me that the human species is assiduously devoting itself to making adequate preparations for organizational phase transition at global cuspover, and, therefore, could not possibly be in the grip of a Jung-Pauli collective-unconscious-constellated self-metaprogrammed synchronicity event-gradient desperately seeking wish-fulfillment at strange attractor by executing break-danced species suicide in carry-traded and daisy-chained fearless Fosbury flops onto the impervious surfaces created by globally-rapped forced-draft urbanization. O, how hard it is, for instance, to imagine globalized centralization of everything as subliminally designed to yield total war, rather than merely establishing the possibility of eliciting such. As a case in point, notice how the 2004 film The Day After Tomorrow, (based upon ideas developed by the dynamic meteorologists Art Bell, Whitney Strieber, Arnold Federbush, and Jupiter-effector John Gribbin) in choosing the worst possible worst-possibilities, neglected to significantly address processes (the shutting down of thermohaline-Ekman pumps aside) possibly capable of inducing such supposed possibles. Not so incidentally, the absolutely very best thing I've read on Abenomics is: 'Boldly They Road And Well', Or Why Japan Is Not America, Daniel Cloud, Zero Hedge, 18 May 2013. This being contrary to Ed Ruscha, circa 1982, unless he was essaying in ironic parody: I note that, though I was present in his studio at the time, I had nothing to do with Fia, Inc., Naomi Togashi's Kyoto art agency, not choosing this piece, from among the many Ruscha made available, for their print publishing project. Who, really, was The Last Samurai? Certainly not Tom Cruise -- or Ken Watanabe.
Thank you very much. I appreciate the criticism, even enjoy it. Don't receive a lot, unfortunately. Mostly, it's about conflating science and well, other areas. In this case, politics and science. Frankly, the reason for my transgressions is the timing of my exposure. Like the learning of bird song, if you are not exposed on a timely basis, you can never really get it. My exposure was elaborate and early on. Have you seen the film, Memphis Belle, Michael Caton-Jones, 1990? I can assure you that had this film been projected on my father's home resource center, he would slowly have gotten out of his lounge chair and left the room -- and not only because he was familiar with aspects of the 1944 documentary it was based upon. From adolescence, I asked my father many times about what London was like in those days, and about his B-17 piloting, particularly after it became clear that one of my best friends had been a German girl child he'd surely dropped bombs upon -- and he never had a word to say about it. Not until one of his grand-daughters -- to whom he had made some revelations -- wrote a short story about it, which her teacher questioned the veracity of. He then wrote a brief account of certain aspects as substantiation of what his grand-daughter had written. He flew his 25 bombing missions, but in two legs: one before being shot down; one, after. Upon hitting the ground at parachute fall into France, one of his ankles was broken (he never could understand why I liked jumping out of airplanes). Lost and presumed dead for three months, with assistance of the Resistance which picked him up, he was moved through many harrowing experiences across occupied France without being captured by the Nazis, and eventually made it across the English Channel with the assistance of a French Priest (surely not a Julia Ormond). After that, he completed his allotment of missions. So I have understood it. From my mother, I learned that during his three months in France, he lost a promotion -- relative to his surviving peers -- which was never recouped throughout his long career (to include organizing Ashiya-orchestrated Korean-war era air-sea rescue operations in the Sea of Japan, as portrayed in Flight From Ashiya). Parenthetically, though having lived there and in a nearby hamlet during 1953-6, I never knew some details of the history of Ashiya, AFB, though I did then know of the C-119s that flew out of there in 1954 to resupply Dien Bien Phu, taken over, I later learned, by Civil Air Transport pilots in Hanoi, insignia changed to French, a fact not mentioned in this linked history: appropriately, during the brief period between my father's immediate post-WWII separation from the USAAC and his reinstatement to the USAAF, he had involvements with the Hagerstown, MD (located near his Greencastle, PA hometown) Fairchild plant which produced C-119s -- which is not to mention his post-Japan stationing to Willow Run, a one-time C-119 assembly location. I don't think the promotion loss was a major subjectively-entertained beef until the very end when he was stationed at the Pentagon, an assignment he did not at all like. The point being that, even though these people, the ones who were in the thick of it, my father included, never talked about it with anyone other than their peers, still, I overheard so much, from as far back as I can remember, that hagiographies have never played well to me. And, on top of that, I have had my own experience to rely upon. So, if I conflate, it is with -- to me -- good reason.
Not only am I unsympathetic to the likely-inevitable march to human cloning (for the latest see: Human Cloning Moves Small Step Closer, Gautam Naik, The Wall Street Journal, 15 May 2013), to high-tech prosthetic life extension and associated gene manipulation, but, beyond prosthetics for the disabled and gene therapy for the diseased, I am against computerized enhancement of human faculties; I am, however, for using computers to relearn the software built into the human organism which could, once again, make possible direct conscious access to µTm-processing of THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains. Such relearning would be a prerequisite, for instance, to full utilization of time e-currencies marking Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. And I don't believe real insight as to meaning of time-shapes is likely to come before development-through-use of Musculpt as mathematical notation. For instance, the notion, time-shape, however useful -- and I am sure it will be found useful -- still, in being passive reference-frame related, is not really up to snuff, and clearly is derivative of operator-time as active topological operator. Brandon Smith addresses related subjects in Technocratic Folly: Why Men Will Never Become Gods, Alt-Market, 14 May 2013. Though I generally agree with some of the points made in this rather consensus-interpretation-of-quantum-mechanics-conforming article, my primary demurral is with regard to the supposition made concerning motivation: I think motivation of the technocrats is negative, not positive. Their most-deep concern is to technologically suppress psycho-socio-politico-economic implications of quantum non-simple identity. Interesting, don't you think, that such esoteric issues are now addressed by financial analysts. And what do you think that indicates about _____? Fill in the blank. Other than each transpiring during 1913, is there any connection between the near-riot (collective hysteria at witness to the acting out of pagan-animistic quantum relative-state identity-transparency) at the first performance in Paris of Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring, the Nude Descending a Staircase at the New York Armory Show entitled The International Exhibition of Modern Art, and passage of the Federal Reserve Act establishing da gubmint's pubmint? If so, what kind of connection? I don't think causally about such matters: for instance, to me, the 1921 founding of the Council on Foreign Relations was a Jung-Pauli synchronicity to publication of Lukasiewicz's and Post's monographs descriptive of rigorous treatments of µTm-valued logics. The deep-structure agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations + Bilderberg Group + Trilateral Commission -- orchestrated by the collective unconscious -- is to oppose the psychological, social, political, and economic imports of these logics, particularly as those imports would be were the m-valued properties of Schrödinger's wave-function to be understood by use of m-valued logics. And George Soros' interpretation of self-referential propositions as indicative of the inherent unknowability responsible for market reflexivity is consonant with this unconscious CFR-BG-TC agenda. It has been implicit since at least formation of the British Raj, maybe the Roman Empire, and explicit since the Bretton Woods Conference that the primary functional prerequisite to getting and keeping the foremost international reserve currency is the military might required to set the planetary agenda: this is the base (both meanings) state of any 1T2-logically-valued global monetary system. Only by going to µTm will that change.
Clearly, the projected overarching principle for global phase transition at cuspover has now become the Cyprus template: see, for a most excellent evaluation of the relevant Bank for International Settlements' Financial Stability Board documents, G20 Governments All Agreed To Cyprus-Style Theft Of Bank Deposits In 2010, Colin McKay, Global Research, 18 May 2013. But, considering that full dimensions of the phase transition start low-intensity at the periphery and gather to high-intensity at the core, one must ask: Under what conditions will confiscations no longer be limited to actual bankster liabilities (i.e., deposits of those not forewarned)? History of run-up to world war is probably the best venue within which to seek answers. And when every car comes off the assembly line an armored car, we'll know the jig is up. As regards values, the values of, say, precious metals, we already know part of the answer: see, for instance, Threat to the Hegemony of the US Dollar? Rigged Gold Bullion Market, Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research, 19 May 2013, a particularly accessible account. As regards the Abenomics tie-in, Christine Hughes' recent OtterWood Capital assessment is of considerable interest, even if ol' Kyle said much of it first, in fashion less understandable to The [non-bond-jammer] Masses, me being a member thereof.
The most interesting piece I've read on origins of Korean conflict is that by James I. Matray, entitled, Korea's Partition: Soviet-American Pursuit of Reunification, 1945-1948, Mt. Holyoke College, 1998, which provides a succinct survey of the involved academic debates on the subject. Nonetheless, missing is discussion of the role dropping of the atomic bombs had in setting the context of nuclear intimidation within which the various moves transpired. I would also opine that, surely, the opened Soviet archives are being cherry picked by scholars to support this or that position, as can all extensive archives be, and observe that no one can know today how sanitized/falsified in real-time were those archives. Judging by my personal experience with documentation in the Viet Nam war, I would have to again opine that, surely, those archives were manipulated. By comparison, OSS X-2 counterintelligence documents, according to personal testimonial of Archimedes Patti, were virtually all destroyed at end of the WWII (those Patti employed to write Why Vietnam? were shipped in his personal footlocker back from Kunming to Washington, the footlocker being lost track of, only to be found more than three decades later, thus allowing him to write his book). Which raises the question as to how accurately U.S. Department of State declassified documents reflect counterintelligence activities run in North Korea by U.S.-advised ROK counterintelligence in the year preceding the 25 June 1950 outbreak of the war. Whoopse! Just ran across another most interesting piece on origins of Korean conflict: Community and Identity in Northeast Asia:1930s and Today, Gavan McCormack, Japan Focus, 15 December 2004. Note that the identity issue involved here remains for all concerned a slip-shod, hazy, vague idea (because Diet members and their Kokusaku kenkyu kikan scholars, no hands-on practitioners of rice ritual, have not ever actually directly experienced the rasa of animistic Shinto relative-state identity-transparency Sat-Chit-Ananda consciousness), an idea of idempotency never rigorously penetrated in terms of transcendental-number-theoretic notions, m-valued Abelian functions, logical-value order-types, realities of physics and econophysics like quantum non-simple identity, boundary-without-boundary, skew-parallel identity-in-diversity, so on -- not to mention with respect to properties of the base state of Tzog-chen, by statement of which I do not refer to the mantric poetry of AUM, assets under management.
I would be birding concepts were it not for the fact that interesting new species are very hard to find these days. Trainspotting and bird-dogging renditions of the old standbys, however, can be stimulating. For instance, in listening to Brendan Brown's Mises Institute talk, entitled The Global Curse of the Federal Reserve, 23 March 2013, I am struck by how powerful a role he gives to what he calls the sick appetite for equity risk driver of Austrian School asset price inflation and asset price deflation, this sick appetite being the positive/negative psychological-factor feedbacks informing the cycles in question, which he argues FED policies have amplified over what they were/would-be under the/a classical gold standard -- and which he admits could not, indeed should not, have-been/could-be altogether eliminated, even under that gold standard. These psychological factors are the same factors George Soros identifies as irreducibly responsible for existence of market reflexivities, which he argues are due to the unknowability inherent to self-referential propositions subliminally informing behaviors en mass of economic actors, presumably to include those at the FED and other central banks. Brown argues that repair of the system involves, essentially, getting the FED out of the business of being an economic actor; whereas Soros advocates, essentially, better actions by the TPTB. Neither Brown nor Soros, however, each for their own reasons, advocate more understanding of the critical positive/negative psychological-factor feedbacks. Soros is more explicit on this than is Brown in stating his unknowability interpretation of self-referential propositions. Brown, by extension, puts little or no emphasis on further understanding of the psychological factors because he believes the market's invisible magic hand, absent iatrogenic interventions, would keep the involved cycles within a narrow band above and below equilibrium -- a thesis Soros does not accept. I, contrary to both, argue that these psychological factors of positive/negative feedback are only epiphenomenally psychological -- the actual phenomena involved being veiled dynamics and veiled logics needing, not only more understanding, but explicit tagging. There are no authentically direct measures of the velocity of money because of the techno-way monetary systems have heretofore been deployed -- which may have been okay until the 19th-century advent of quantum-based technologies which magnify amplitude of the correlations systemically immanent and mapping as market reflexivities which should, but, given prevailing framework determining conditions, cannot, adequately process all but the worst of extrasystemic shocks (e.g., the 1907-crisis-inducing innovations in gold-mining technology, used by Brown as an example in support of his argument, A Human-Caused Crisis, or a Thunderstorm? [note that things are intentionally set up such that getting the paper-specific url is very difficult] -- this reference made by me primarily to draw attention to how THE quantum-brain continuous µTmly-infinite-sets collective unconscious tries to inform its discrete binary minds: think of the role played by Paine-Kaplan studies of tornado-producing thunderstorms in facilitating elaboration of the germinating theory of Lukasiewcizian LETS). Flows, to significant degree, conflated to stocks, as Zero Hedge never tires to point out. Be the velocity of circulation deduced-inferred with regards to M1, M2, or MZM, attempts to measure are predominantly indirect, a matter of manipulation of other estimated values pasted into econometric behavior equations themselves based upon questionable Cartesian-Newtonian + statistical-thermodynamic assumptions today eminently doubtable. The same for accelerations/decelerations of money, largely misnomered as inflation/deflation, terms of the calculation of which are usually politically manipulated. And there is no explicitly identified econometric analogue-analog to time rates of change of accelerations/decelerations -- therefore no insight as to what changes thereof might signify. Moreover, such questionable calculations are made predominantly relative only to increasingly arbitrary partitioning of the real-economy nesting foams -- the nation-state level, a few superagglomerations thereof, and the global level. Venn diagrammed intersections of subset processes (i.e., superpositions, or speaking in Cartesian-Newtonianese, interactions between) going largely unanalyzed and completely un(price)tagged as action-directives to micro- and macro-actors. Now, let us speak in terms of a retrograde inversion of these three dynamic variables: (3rd order) time rates of change of accelerations/decelerations, (2nd order) accelerations/decelerations, (1st order) velocities. Retrograde signifying the retroversion of precedence relations as ordinally just stated; inversion signifying a shift from passive reference frame to topologically-active operator-time. Third-order dynamics inform functional integration intersystemically, i.e., characterize in non-orientable, hologramic fashion the prevailing Everettian relative-state; second-order dynamics, the intrasystemic internal system state of any given nested domain; first-order dynamics functioning as a reference-state attractor about which divergence oscillations map. All of this is predominantly time-domain related and modulated by very small temporal differentials. But this statement is nonsensical so long as Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function continues to be understood in terms of probability amplitudes rather than Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics interpreted independent of the notion truth-value. At issue here in this specific discussion is the third-order, which Soros hypothesizes is unknowable and Brown characterizes as the market's Smithian invisible magic hand sorting demon. Under the unknowable Theory-of-Moral-Sentiments invisible hand, market micro- and macro-actors have no reliable read upon, and no topological handle on, synoptic functional integration -- and, hence, must pretty much altogether speculate about the prevailing synoptic state. Actors are not, to significant degree, what they should be: autopoietic operators, any member of the corpus of which being a temporal-operator effecting temporal curl as topological transforms of the psychometric distance functions modulating correlations responsible for the relative-state of the process qua process which is the global economy. Successful speculation being deemed largely intuition; the unsuccessful, positive/negative psychological-factor feedbacks reflexivity. To the degree economic actors were to have explicitly tagged topological handles at their disposal, to the same degree would those psychological factors cease being psychological. The nonorientable and self-reentrant self-referential properties of third-order dynamics violate the rules of traditional Western 1T2-valued logic -- and since those rules are near-universally introjected to Umwelt, the properties in question have been mistakenly identified (with) as probabilistic in nature. But, as Lukasiewicz and Post rigorously demonstrated in their monographs of 1921, these properties are not necessarily invisible, magical, unknowable: they are simply not-so-simply µTmly valued. Always there in market dynamics, but not explicitly tagged, and thus not handleable in distributed fashion, or, indeed, any fashion. Therefore, tag them! Not just: Pass the muggles 'round, you muggler! At childhood's end it's no longer feasible to neglect the necessary unnecessaries -- howsoever m-valued they may be. Tag them by implementing a monetary system wherein velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of accelerations of circulations are directly measureable. Implement variously-backed m-logically-valued LETS time-currency nesting foams over fractal e-boundaries such that the vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock are marked upon Lukasiewicz-Hilbert reference space taken as the reserve domain over which Gödel-numbered Gödel-number unit of account transactions are mapped by a µTm-quantum-computing international clearing union. The classical gold-standard relatively-constant-stock constraint upon money-credit creation is the wrong constraint choice in face of full-dimensionality of the prevailing global crisis; the correct constraint choice is the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, as partitioned over constantly fluctuating real-economy fractal nesting foams.
And all these decades later there still has been no assimilation of the fact that the Paine-Kaplan multi-scale, nested-grid, cascade computer model of tornadogenesis, run with historical data sets on Offutt-USAF's and NASA-Langley's then-fastest mainframes, was accurately, during the early-1970s, routinely forecasting tornadoes 12 hours in advance on the 1-km grid. And why that lack of assimilation, most fundamentally? Aside from how first run of the model functioned as a NORAD database eating virus, because of chaos-theory butterflies in the belly of Earth's atmosphere -- or of EarthEconomy? No. Because Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function remains consensually interpreted to probability amplitudes, rather than being understood with Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics. See Power of Moore tornado dwarfs Hiroshima bomb, Seth Borenstein, AP MyWay, 21 May 2013, for relevant quotes from the experts: But we're fighting the inherent unpredictability of these small-scale phenomena. At least he didn't use the word pathological which was so in vogue during the 1970s -- claims to the contrary provoking fist-fights at Severe Storms conferences and explicatives red-inked in expansive sexual-orientation-contesting broad-stroked cursive by peer-reviewers. And, as regards where touch-downs occur, Borenstein summarizes: It's a combination of geography, meteorology, and lots of bad luck, experts say. No thoughts concerning complex-angular-momentum/electromagnetic strange-attractor injection sites migrating over geological memetime scales as a function of solar cycles. All that power that dwarfs the Hiroshima bomb, you see, is dissipated into Platonia's probability mists. While it's nice there's concern about space weather disrupting communications on Earth, it is disturbing that the director of NASA should so radically distinguish between space weather and terrestrial weather, thus demonstrating lack of access/insight to cascade concepts (flash forward and read-see: Solar Tornadoes: NASA Solar Dynamic Observatory Captures Footage of Tornadoes on the Sun, Rebecka Schumann, International Business Times, 11 June 2013). By now, research on solar-terrestrial/terrestrial-solar interactions should be so sophisticated as to be investigating to what extent reverse-cascade chaos butterflies affect solar cycles. Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow: the quintessential memetime-bound 1T2-take on µTm-processes with bounded solutions -- no such ever having been found in nature's relative-state oeuvre. Heh-heh-heh, to repeat the oft-repeated Cornell Bradfield-hallway hack-hack-hack, circa 1975. Lorenz, and so many others, never assimilated Planck's early-20th-century demonstration that prediction does not require a detailing of the spatial field, only codification of the relevant fundamental oscillator -- a notion, first Wolfgang Pauli, and fifty-years later, more cogently, Cornell meteorologist Douglas A. Paine, generalized to topologically-active operator-time, degree-of-freedom transformer (1T2ly readable as uncertain, fuzzily irresolvable changes of ponderable space, and thus actual origin of the sense that there is a passing-time, uh, a memetime, that is) as distinct from degree-of-freedom (3-space under 3-fold operator-time, 8-tupled, a notion some physicists seem, today, to be coming around to in questioning time as dimension: see, 'Spacetime Has no Time Dimension' -- New Theory Claims that Time is Not the Fourth Dimension, The Daily Galaxy, 26 April 2011; and Physicists continue work to abolish time as fourth dimension of space, Lisa Zyga, Phys.Org, 14 April 2012). I do, however, from the operator-time take on the involved issues, doubt Sorli's and Fiscaletti's assault of length contraction, particularly if the referencing function space is understood µTmly-fractalized over Koch curves (see: Special theory of relativity in three-dimensional Euclidian space, Amrit Sorli and Davide Fiscaletti, Physics Essays, 25:1, March 2012, pp. 141-3). GUTS are best pursued, not on the margin at the elementary particle or cosmological levels -- those levels at which the consensus quantum and relativity theories most 1T2-oppose each other -- but at mid-levels where consensus physics has arbitrarily imposed a classical limit. Paine, I note, during the 1970s, applied this notion, operator-time, codified in temporal curl, to modeling both tornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition. A 6-sigma standard deviation connotes a lot of temporal curl. E[X] = mu, The Normotic. Sigma is a square-root complication. E, the expectation value of X, is an operator. In probabilistic quantum mechanics and statistics, the word operator denotes a measurable, something for which a single-valued value can be determined -- not an active topological (imaginary and hypercomplex square-root complication) operator like is three-fold operator-time in Paine's muTm sense, all universal physical constants being m-valued, any particular value of any particular constant case thereof being logically processed as some mu. Three of ponderable space, three of operator-time, the two together 8-tupled over a referencing Cantorian-dimensioned Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian phase space upon which the time-shapes of total capital stock are forensically accounted in Hyparxis by Platonic anamnesis. Realize that Paine's treatment (see, for similar thought nowadays: Properties of infrasonic wave nonlinear propagation in the inhomogeneous moving atmosphere, Lu Jun and Zhao Zheng-Yu and Zhou Chen, Acta Physica Sinica, 60:10, 15 October 2011), unlike that of both Schrödinger and Everett, is not only-linear: also two orders of acousticoptical nonlinear hyperinfra, such that superposed plusing and homogeneity degree-one scalar crossing multiplication of basis-states and specification with complex-numbers-only is inadequate. Moreover, the quantum logical qubit state, which is additive on basis of generalization of the classical linear superposition is recognized actually to be mubitic and semantically non-additive. What in non-Musculpted arithmetic is the identity-transparency operation? Multiplication by 1? Multiplication by 0? Nonesuch is the answer: one argument for creating Musculpt as mathematical notation.
VDOh-night in [Katch}man>do? Who still believes in culturally-sensitive economic development? Who still believes that uniformizing technologies (with no metaculture-component tropes incorporated to their design criteria) can be employed without the users being monocultured? Fact that the very idea that checking SmartPhone on average 150 times/day is equivalent to being in an eternal now is itself indicative that the normotic has already entered purified-FaceBook simple-identity 1T2-digital MoSoSosis (merely an updated high-tech version of the same induction funnel that enveloped and sucked in Weimar youth). My reaction to reading in 1994 Douglas Rushkoff's book Cyberia was: here is a man talking to the ketamine-streetwise but with no exposure to John C. Lilly's Tank Logs and who has little insight as regards conversion-disorder displacement at projective-identification in subject/(physical)object-level of collective transference, which is, among much else, how the hardware-software corpus of a technoregime becomes regressed allegory for neuropsychiatric internal system state. Now, with his newest book, Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now (Current Hardcover, 2013), I must similarly react: here is a man, not only without insight to etiology of technoregime allegorization of collective neuropsychiatric condition (though this be something of a chicken-and-egg problem, for, far enough back, the hyletic tech had a psychetic origin; as regards the issue of whether or not there are collective neuropsychiatric conditions, see, for instance, Japan Has Officially Gone Insane, Zero Hedge, 23 May 2013), but also lacking in awareness of the regression of µTm-logically-valued quantum properties (linear-time, passive or active, objective or memed, cannot be defined under the 1T3 µTm orders of logical-value), properties potentially expressible (but not currently so employed) with the correlations-amplifying, ponderable-space-collapsing, and memetime-dilating (the latter two being regressed simulations only) electronic gadgets the Millennials are identified with by introjection (significantly, a word not contained in spelling-checker dictionary) to Umwelt, such that there is no suspicion that the baud-rate of consciousness is m-valued and thus makes information-overload/pilot-fixation consciousness-state-specifically subject to Special-Relativity temporal, and General-Relativity metric, elasticity, that, furthermore, 1T2-causality/probability is/are not the only connecting principle(s), and, moreover, imaginary time, hyper-complex-numbered time, temporal densities, time-shapes, chronotopology, active time, temporal spin-moment, temporal curl, 3-fold operator-time are not understood as autogenic-shift-inducing trans-cultural, trans-1T2-speakable-language deepenings of ontically being-in-itself teleopresence therehere requiring consciously-mediated hologramic projection (superconductant free-electron gas core dynamics of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA being the ultimate source of coherent radiation) of Musculpt as µTm-universal metalanguage, no mere being-in-the-world 1T2-VR immersive environmental-sculpture being-there, and its 1T2-multiples -- p2ped and MoSoSoed or no, there being no such thing as ground truth under hyparxic Tzog-chen's demergentive µTm-AllBase. Oh, and lots of luck at actually getting the two above-linked papers, given the way they're Googles[c/t]rapped.
Thank you. Given my personal history with AIESEC (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales) during 1963-'65, I'd be most interested to learn something of the actual relation between one-time-OSS William Donovan's ACUE, circa 1948, and the Marshall Plan, circa 1948, and AIESEC, circa 1948.
Can the coming financial collapse (see, for instance: Will It Be Inflation Or Deflation? The Answer May Surprise You, Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse, 22 May 2013) be financially analyzed? Is a long and deep recession a depression? Is a great depression a collapse? Recession, depression, collapse: these words do not signify or denote or connote a single selfsame phenomenon. No more than StudioGarage could actually be located in Daikanyama! And what does collapse mean? Origami-stork confetti falling on the moist tongue of a shitsuzetsu drizzle to blanket Nihombachi-Marunouchi and associated yamanote bedroom communities? Regressed-µTm derivatives-paper collapse upon 1T2-Wall Street? Decoherent (frequency-response)-window jumpers? An end to ambivalence of The Ledge hangers suffering glutamatergic identity dyscrasia in facebook of having eaten massive uptake of regressed µTm-quantum-based technologies? Which is the more important support for the fiat dollar remaining the foremost international reserve currency: FED QEing or (the related but nonselfsame-nonselfsimilar) periodic military demonstrations signifying that the U.S. continues to set the planetary agenda? If Snyder is speaking of actual financial collapse, in any full sense of the word, policy responses in close approach to cuspover will not be primarily financial, even primarily economic. The mark-up in value of warfare will surely be enormous, because utility of calling off international economy (not doable at low-intensity, only with total war on a planetary scale) -- until, supposedly again, it can be determined who will have the extraordinary privilege of dictating rules of the new game -- will rise without bound as the event-tsunami goes to frothy wave-break. What could such an event-tsunami be? And is it yet taking a night sea journey? I've been arguing for decades that this tsunami qua tidal bore is a glutamate-flood-facilitated (socialization to what? the Lebenswelt issuing from techno-institutionalization of the prevailing Weltanschauung? is this the earliest omnium-gatherum form-swarm of biomimetic robotics inculcating Soliton's [glutamatergically-etched] Scars of Mirro[r]din? does the degree to which current film propaganda targets children give some idea as to how forward deployed are the involved synaptic and ephaptic neurotransmitter processes?), cognitive-soliton, collective-suicide, self-metaprogram event gradient warping surface of the unconscious, the proximal cause of which being the back-reaction upon the [psyche}metric of N. H. Abel's work of 1826, consensually deemed an Impossibility Theorem. Contrary to imports of Abel, give me -- uh, uh, that is, well really, my 1T2-claimed absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct Riemannian egosphere -- (unqualified) liberty, or give me death! The associated self-generated event-tsunami is already three-quarters through its run: Franco-Prussian war, WWI, and WWII. Whilst it can be said that green-revolution techno-assault upon integrity of global agriculture had one of its primary origins during WWII in Arthur Galston's 1943 conversion of the growth-factor-hormone fertilizer 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) to defoliants like the later-developed most toxic of dioxins, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, used on Viet Nam against food crops (in conjunction with AID-importation of American rice) from the 1962 advent of the Strategic Hamlets Program (later, on Laos and Cambodia: Chargin' Charlie, bureaucratic facilitator to my SF-generation's creation of Delta Force, and American observer to the Briggs Plan in Malaya's Emergency, never understood why the Briggs Plan -- about which I wrote a long paper in 1964 at AU/SIS, using SORO resources and testimonials of Old Asia Hands then associated with SORO and always lunching at a nearby private Chinese restaurant -- was not relevant to Viet Nam where the insurgents were not an ethnic/racial minority; and here we see how TOCed was Beckwith, no strategist [though the intelligence-analyst author of this piece makes some astute strategic observations not then or now countenanced by TPTB], as is typical of SF-types, given the nature of their temperament and training; note that my area of responsibility at SRA/MACV-J2, whilst then administratively quartered to the 525th MIG, included U-1, the VC designation for the VC AO subsuming GVN Bien Hoa, an administrative domain nestled amongst the various VC pie-shaped sub-COSVN sub-regions wedging upon metropolitan Saigon) so as to facilitate forced-draft urbanization (yes, dioxin, later CBU seedings, crossed into population relocation: capitalist mobility of labor writ small), conversion-disorder displacement of a dissembled quantum mechanics (the why of the bombing responsible for [psycho}logical induction of those who perpetrated the Cambodia holocaust) was prefigured during the immediate post-WWI-era by discovery of the steroids estrone, estradiol, and estriol, and advent, the following decade, of precursors to the engineered plastic mimetic estrogens, one precursor class being fertility drugs, drugs like diethylstilbestrol (any and every onetime SF Medic of the VN-war period, who made it through Dog Lab, knows that what is now street-ketamine is not actual anesthetic-quality medical ketamine, 100 micrograms of which is a general anesthetic dose by IM injection, cocktailed, of course, with one or another psychedelic-suppressive sedative: diazepam, alprazolam, clonazepam, chlordiazepoxide, estazolam, temazepam, flunitrazepam, triazolam, lorazepam, oxazepam, midazolam, nitrazepam). Roman Polanski, in blaming the birth control pill for man{if}(I/i)cation of [wo-wo-wo}man and loss of comity of sexes, forgot to blame mimetic estrogens, increasingly omnipresent in comestibles since the interworldwar period, for caponization of the male (a thesis W. David Kubiak argued back in the 1970s relative to soy products). As Galston's case illustrates, (con[tra]}science rarely interdicts science in the nick of time, almost always too late: no surprise, as those with higher enculturation are generally the most cognitively entrapped. No real hope there, particularly given the indubitable fact that the world's leadership elite is the planet's greatest threat. It's still not clear from unclassified and non-proprietary literature exactly how TIBA speeds up flowering of, and defoliates, soybeans -- though authorities would contest this observation. During 1978, Suzi Daniels, then doing Ph.D.-dissertation-related lab research at the Smithsonian on the radiation biology of phototropic growth-factor-hormone-interacting phytochrome B, read a preliminary draft of our operator-time soliton-like model of free-electron-gas-mediated radiation exchange processes at DNA helix-coil transition -- and immediately recognized the exogenous-endogenous biological-clock tie-in to our paper's canonical acoustic wave equation for free-electron-parcel temperature oscillations. I have no cognizance of any subsequent such recognition having registered in the literature, such as, for instance, Phytochrome interacting factors 4 and 5 control seedling growth in changing light conditions by directly controlling auxin signaling, Hornitschek, P., et al., as posted by the National Library of Medicine's Biotechnology Information Center, September of 2012. As regards the event-tsunami being three-quarters through its night sea journey, the next big one -- a space-based, space and terrestrial weather, phased-array and laser, droned and robonano-swarmed Planetary War One -- is very likely cuspover, four being for the collective unconscious the number of completion. And, no, I don't think I've been over-valuing what I do. Doug Paine's late assessment was: Well, at least someone will have documented that there was a viable path not taken. That has seemed to me a likely right-on description -- leaving out the fact that I personally learn a lot in the process, and maintain a higher state that I otherwise would.
Here is a great statement from Mike Shedlock (see: Japan Bond Rout Continues , MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 23 May 2013) which reflects upon the issue of 1T2-logically-valued money versus µTm-logically-valued money:
The problem with controlling interest rate turbulence (or any other factor) is the consequences. If the Bank of Japan does buy every Japanese government bond, it will have no control over things like the value of the Yen, the CPI, various asset bubbles that may form, or in the extreme case -- Japanese hyperinflation Simply put, it is impossible for a central bank to control more than one variable at a time, and the consequences of controlling even a single variable are rather extreme when the market refuses to play along.
This Shedlock Impossibility Theorem is one of more than one reasons why I advocate Lukasiewiczian LETS nesting foams defined over fractal e-boundaries -- which is (given that there would be more than one sort of nesting foam simultaneously involved, distributed thus being hyperred to authentic quantum relative-state) no attempt to describe and espouse a way for central banks to solve the [2-body, 3-body n-body} problem associated with iatrogenic intervention.
The degree to which working and onetime-working quantum physicists, e.g., Angela Merkel, do not understand quantum physics is reflected in Europe Opens $80 Trillion Shadow Banking Pandora's Box: Will Seek To Collapse Repo 'Collateral Chains', Zero Hedge, 24 May 2013. Collective and cooperative behaviors (see Fanchon Aungst Fröhlich writing on her husband's coherent physics in Cooperative Phenomena, H. Haken and M. Wagner, eds., Springer-Verlag, 1973 -- which I flipped out about during my 1975 reading; and, also most edifying, Cyril W. Smith's discussion of Fröhlich's ideas in Homeopathy -- How It Works , Hpathy Ezine, September of 2009), essentially what quantum mechanics is all about (which are not coopetition), involve correlation lengths snapping to infinity as critical state (signified by Madame Curie's temperature) is reached (such as in onset of replication at DNA helix-coil transition). Where is the analysis of how snapping in reference-state correlation lengths, with uptake in µTm-quantum-based technologies, has necessitated demergence of dark-matter banking, with its collateralized rehypothecations of dark energy, a demergence which should have been marked (thus removing dark-matter/energy banking from The Shadowlands) with employments of fiber-bundle arithmetics over Clifford-parallel financial instruments referenced to µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries, but, instead -- in a failed attempt to maintain simple-ownability by fatally clinging to non-quantum simple-identity -- went into massive corruption as extraction of transaction rent by explosive expectoration of myriad classes of 1T2-valued financial derivatives bundled and rebundled and rebundled (such that, at system failure, there is, nonetheless, no simple-identity and no simple-ownability to be found)? Dear God, however much dark matter and dark energy, however many dimensions, however many particle types, whatever it takes, my Lord, O anything, just anything it takes to keep time straight by keeping Lukasiewicz logics at bay! And if it is thought that the subliminal fear of m-valued logics could not be so great as I maintain, the film Constantine is highly recommended (as is Catholic Church's Top Exorcist Claims He Rid World of 160,000 Demons, Leonardo Blair, Christian Post, 28 May 2013: I have no doubt demons, asuras, oni, howsoever named -- note how close µTm-devil is to 1T2-devi -- exist, but I take a Jungian perspective up on them). [Devi}stating, eh what! The female gendered spatial del operator, denoted by delta; as distinct from [Deva}stating, the male spacetime del operator. Heh-heh-heh! Once $1-quadrillion of them have been created, what sense, already, does it make and what will be achieved by iatrogenically intervening with sudden renormalization to cut $80-trillion worth of their collateral chains? As a special case of the species-wide collective suicide self-metaprogram, there is, as Zero Hedge has it in the above-linked Pandora's Box article, Europe may pull the switch on its own electric chair. Before acting, be what was once accurately called judicious; first study electron-transport chains (shortening of which, not to say quenching thereof, identified with onset of cancer), charge-transfer complexes, shifts between Albert Szent-Györgyi's alpha and beta states, role of free-electron gases at replication by helix-coil transition, and so on (matters generally Off The Beat, as Science News had it in the critical window before financial derivatives came on the scene). Even at this very late date it is theoretically possible -- though human factors being what they are -- to greatly reduce the derivatives-overhang dilemma by properly marking the snapping that has transpired due to ever increasing uptake of quantum-based technologies. Which is not to disagree with Martin Sibileau's in-the-existing-system assessment of the possibilities (see: The Microeconomics of Inflation [or how I know this ends in tears], A View from the Trenches, 26 May 2013: per discussions above, I would be looking at the impacts of accelerations and time rates of change in accelerations upon allelotropic value as marker of synoptic quantum-relative-state, inflation-induced consolidations negatively affecting both measures, the sort of analysis suggested by The 'Dampened Harmonic Oscillator' Algo Exorcism of Fannie Mae, Zero Hedge, 29 May 2013, for note that the canonical equation of our DNA model, i.e., equation for free-electron-parcel temperature oscillations, is tantamount to that of a harmonic oscillator) -- for, glutamate-etched human factors of a Mankind in Amnesia being what they are, uh, uh, that is, the social structure of ADHD dyscathexes, fanned by the decentralized propaganda ministry, assisted by the mass sequestration induced in our faceless-to-faceless MoSoSoing Cyberia dependent upon mere facebooked simulacra whowhich [Devi/Deva}croon in an imprint-on-the-machine vocal style revealing much about the prevailing normative state, there is no entertaining a well-considered orderly break(dance) qua topological transform of the existing system (all such possible initiatives being well-sublimated to one or another extreme sport). Japan's recent counter-initiative relative to creation of inflation being a case in evidence, and also another occasion, where with regard to, Zero Hedge can make reference to the collective suicide self-metaprogram, to wit, in When Herding Cats Fails: A Visual Tale of Two QEs, 26 May 2013, quoting the conclusion:
if Abenomics entire purpose is to destabilize global markets on the margin, create unprecedented stock and bond volatility, and ultimately crush faith in the Yen first, and then all other fiat, then he most certainly is on the right path.
A pretty graphic fat tail, I'd say.
I do, indeed, highly recommend the above-linked Cyril W. Smith homeopathy piece to all those concerned with the prevailing global financial crisis. Many important insights are to be found relative to analogies made in various specific subject areas: e.g., superconductivity being about frequency and phase coherence far more than about temperature; coherence domains in liquidity (think: coherence in the real economy, not in speculation thereupon); origins of diamagnetic reflexivity found in small regions (think: LETS currency domains) of superconductivity (e.g., free-electron gas core of DNA?); role of virtuality at Heisenberg uncertainty in permittivity to the superconductant state. As per one example, consider the following statement:
Within a coherence domain the phase coherence increases as the number of particles in the domain is allowed to fluctuate. The more the uncertainty is taken up by fluctuation of the number of particles comprising a domain the more perfect is the coherence.
Take the Sorosian notion of market reflexivity being resident in the unknowability associated with self-referential propositions (which Soros in so many words parallels to Heisenberg uncertainty) and, on that basis, plug-in to this quotation the word reflexivity in substitution for uncertainty. Now, doubt not only Soros' interpretation of the basis (i.e., self-referential propositions) of Lukasiewicz logics, but also the standard interpretation of Heisenberg's uncertainty relations (i.e., due to existence of single-valued universal physical constants, a 1T2-logically-valued system cannot be observed, or, indeed, self-observe, without the observation being an iatrogenic intervention which changes internal system state). If, however, the uncertainty inequalities are due to the demand that µTm-logically-valued states be measured only in 1T2-terms, well plug-in to the quotation µTm-quantum potential (1T2ly understood as virtuality) in substitution for uncertainty. A whole different perspective on autopoiesis, economic no less than biological, comes with this last substitution. To be certain, uncertainty is certainly herethere, and there should be no uncertainty about uncertainty (see, for the quote and much more: Uncertainty revisited: Novel tradeoffs in quantum measurement, Stuart Mason Dambrot, Phys.Org, 28 May 2013), but the question is: does Heisenberg have the last word on it? Is there stuffin's hidden internally-dimensioned to Heisenberg which explain why uncertainty is? After co-authoring several papers on higher-dimensional unified field theory, J. G. Bennett, during the early-1950s, came to doubt, in my judgment, that the notion field is general enough to mediate GUTS, and, since Einstein substituted geometry for force field, Bennett looked to geometry, with full realization that the problem, in uniting the quantum with the relative, most fundamentally has to do with the differing notions of identity employed in the physics of the small and the physics of the large, uncertainty being at the crux of matter, so to speak -- i.e., the Cross of this identity matter (think of all the issues surrounding the Trinity). What is disturbed by the indeterminacy at uncertain coupled measurement of observables is the 1T2-identity of the observables, as factored to the incompatibles identified in Heisenberg's uncertainty relations. Bennett's step forward in GUTS was to generalize ghostly null angles and null vectors to pencils of skew-parallels (an idea similar to Clifford parallels and fiber-bundle arithmetics) as geometric expression of the diversely identical, the example given being the diversely identical skew-cube (see: The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, Appendix III, Hodder & Stoughton, pp. 506-9, 1956). What Bennett did not explicitly realize, so far as I know, is that Lukasiewicz logics are required to make fully rigorous pencils of skew-parallels. Schrödinger's wave equation is linear, superposition in the wave-function is thus additive, and the identity qua identity of each eigen basis state added to each other such is determined by the order of logical-value chosen: c0 |0> + c1 |1> being the (0,1) Boolean 1T2-order employed by consensus. Absence of pencils of skew-parallels and absence of Lukasiewicz logics necessitates a notion of identity requiring into existence observables coupled to their binary incompatibles, hence Heisenberg's uncertainty inequalities. But, if relativistic skew-parallelism corresponds to quantum non-simple identity, then this correspondence is a matter requiring GUTS. An example discussed in Dambrot's article is with regard to the incompatibles position and speed. He discusses physicist Cyril Branciard making measurement in between these two incompatibles, and observes: it's challenging to picture what it means to measure a property 'in between position and speed' . But this is challenging only under cognitive residuals of the classical limit with single-valued universal physical constants, for at relativistic speed and measurement on Koch curve, the linear-time and simple-position essential to simple-identity evaporate/condense into, not the probability mists of Platonia, but pencils of skew-parallels processed with Lukasiewicz logics in Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, not Boolean Hilbert space (picture the tessellations involved in the geometric tropes to the m-valued numbers employed to metareference the Body of God in Cabalistic cosmology) -- Lukasiewicz being understood independent of the notion truth-value. I note that, under the present interpretation, the collections of errors and forbidden values and fixed angles and statistical deviations and imposed bounds, and prescribed vectors, to which Dambrot and Branciard refer, would actually be reflections of the m-logical-values and n-skew-parallels operative in the given measurement occasion -- suggesting that quantum cryptographic codes based in uncertainty relations could be broken by Lukasiewiczian methods, but not vice versa in respect to Lukasiewiczian-Bennettian codes.
Sorry, but you will have to continue to speculate concerning details of what I believe in regards to that. It is written around and around in The Moon of Hoa Binh and on the linked website, where it is made clear that I never believed the U.S.S.R. collapsed economically. Nor have I ever regarded loss of the institutionalization of the U.S.S.R. as an authentic collapse, in the sense of collapse of civilization, say, per Jared Diamond. I had argued from the late-1960s, well before the writing of MOON, that the Soviets would not cease garrisoning Eastern Europe until some development transpired making that financially-draining endeavor no longer necessary. Obsolescence of ICBM-deliverable nuclear weapons is one candidate, such an advance possibly being in some way connected with anthropogenic climate shift. Top-down decision to jettison, loss of control over the process. Then, by all, every manner of dissimulation. I can't continue reading (see: James Howard Kunstler's two-part review of Dmitry Orlov's 2008 book Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Experience and American Prospects and Orlov's sequel entitled The Five Stages of Collapse: Survivors' Toolkit, New Society, 2013, this subtitle to me belying the title, Part II of Kunstler's article entitled, A Clear Picture of What to Expect, Peak Prosperity, 27 May 2013), but, then, I probably don't really need to, do I. Aspects therein called stages. Besides the military aspect (not part of the Five Stages), the cultural dimension in demise of global communism in general, and Soviet state communism in particular, began in the 1920s and owed a great deal to Soviet geochemistry, Soviet meteorology, and other Earth sciences (some aspects of biology, too) assimilating quantum-relativity theory in ways yet to be done elsewhere: in this respect, fall of the U.S.S.R. as institution was one occasion in the disintegration of the global institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. If the prevailing two-centuries-long pattern of lock-on upon cognitive strange attractors continues unmodified, as appears overwhelmingly likely (not least judging by how this largely unconscious regressed phenomenon has been regressively mirrored in smart weapons systems development), there won't be many survivors needing toolkits.
I am not seeking to deepen the fundamental ideas I work with. I have been incapable of that since my mid-thirties, circa the early-'80s. My peak in that regard was aged 15-30: all downhill from there. I'm simply exploring the relevance of those ideas to current events.
I should perhaps again note -- in view of the recent attacks in London, Paris, and Caracas -- that one of the main ways to distinguish between a terrorist and an insurgent is his targeting policy. Terrorists go for top-end show, whilst insurgents attack bottom-end supports. Transitions involving such are significantly dependent upon evolution of the recruitment base: a lot can be surmised about recruitment by the targets analyst. Putting counterinsurgent apparatus in place locks in insurgent gain. The real answer here is not to have started down this path.
A feature of the Cyril W. Smith piece -- Homeopathy -- How It Works , initially linked above -- particularly interesting to me is the choice he made as to which statement of Fanchon Fröhlich to quote:
It would be highly interesting, to attempt to impose the necessary oscillations by external means in the hope of influencing biological developments.
I remember flashing on this statement when I read the book Cooperative Phenomena in 1975, as earlier cited, which I found in the Cornell science library. I had mixed feelings about this statement, for having over the preceding few years worked my way through Wolfgang Luthe's six volumes of Autogenic Therapy, I was pretty much opposed to imposing external forcing, except insofar as such be understood a form of non-doing that is a physics-of-Tao renormalizing, a notion not made sufficiently explicit in her statement -- impose the necessary oscillations not quite being adequate, it seemed to me. For an example of the larger context of this seeming to me, consider the following statement made by Roy F. Harrod, English economist and biographer of Keynes, in his 1939 Economics Journal article entitled An Essay in Dynamic Theory, as quoted by Martin Sibileau in his piece on history of the notion economic growth, linked above:
The ideal policy would be to manipulate the proper warranted rate, so that it should be equal to the natural rate.
This is a vast oversimplification of the fundamental principle of homeopathy, a principle I think is essentially, but only essentially, valid -- for, I believe, the factors involved are staggeringly complex and overdetermined in their superintegration from a 1T2-perspective, not the least because percentage rate (homeopathically, order of dilution) alone cannot control dynamic rate, particularly due to the fact that dynamics are not only in rates, but rates of rates, and, as regards reflexivities, rates of rates of rates (homeopathically, repeated dilution-succussion beyond the Avogadro limit), and they also involve imaginary and hypercomplex domains of behavior. Yet, the Efficient Market Hypothesis is based almost exclusively upon rates alone, and even a dynamic measure like the McClellan Oscillator only evaluates rate changes, such that the Hindenburg Omen, which incorporates it, can be said to be insensitive to changes in rates of rates and changes in rates of rates of rates (marker of the reflexivities involved in crowd-mob behaviors) -- and certainly does not involve a canonical statement, like does our model of DNA radiation exchange processes, incorporating these three (one linear, two nonlinear) orders of differentiation. It would perhaps be of interest here were I to again recount how our model of DNA radiation exchange came about. The story began with a testicle wound received in the Mekong delta during late-November of 1967. The wounding transpired because I reluctantly followed a forcefully repeated direct order on the battlefield, an order which was an example of gross incompetence on part of the field-grade officer involved. Lying in the field hospital subsequent to surgery, I was delirious and unaware as to the extent of injury. In fact, I was in a state of surpassing rage, thinking (erroneously, it turned out) that I had lost my sexual function at age 22. I had a very high temperature and was packed in ice. My WBC count was off the chart. This condition persisted for days, with the doctors entertaining an extensive dDx as to what was wrong with me -- none of which turned out to be the case. The hospital was mortared each night for the week I was there, causing me great difficulties -- and inflaming the rage state. Also, the nurse attending me was beautiful, and that, too, exacerbated my condition. After six days, during one of my more lucid periods, a strange thing happened. The fellow next to me was seen chewing on a licorice stick -- something I had not tasted since leaving the ZI. I made some comment to the nurse about it, and later that night I discovered a licorice stick lying on my bedstead. The effect of this gesture on her part was miraculous. In a matter of several hours, my temperature went to normal, as did the WBC count. I had received training as a Special Forces medic, and, after having been checked for surgical shock, falciparum, scrub typhus, septicemia of various types -- each ruled out -- this miraculous recovery totally mystified me. The doctors diagnosed it as FOUO, fever of undetermined origin, a diagnosis highly unsatisfying to me. Later, lying in the hospital at Camp Zama, Japan, I began contemplating it. Clearly, the sole cause of the high temperature and inflated WBC count was the rage state. When the rage abruptly disappeared due to the nurse's gesture, both immediately renormalized. How could I understand that? What mechanisms were involved? A classic case in the Leib-Seele/Geist-Korper problem. I was then only periodically on crutches, and mostly in the diffuse state of the bedridden. My mind kept drifting over the PSSC physics I had studied, where basics of quantum mechanics were experimentally taught at the high school level. Parenthetically, though in 1963 I had purchased a copy of J. G. Bennett's multivolume The Dramatic Universe at Samuel Weiser's Antiquarian Books in NYC, and tried to understand his Appendix-III account of skew-parallelism, no conscious thoughts of this arose while I was in Zama Army Hospital. One night I awoke in an agitated state with the thought that the answer had to be in the quantum properties of DNA. Why exactly this thought came, I cannot say. Out of the blue, but I fixated upon it as a partially satisfying explanation, and I tucked it away to pursue as the opportunity arose. After returning to the ZI and separating from the Army, with a little help from my (particularly astute) friends, I soon set about self-treating the PTSD I had sustained. At the National Library of Medicine, I ran across some papers on Wolfgang Luthe's work and ordered copies of his six volumes. While working through these and pursuing related materials, a close friend of mine was diagnosed with SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus. I began studying this disease at the Georgetown U. Medical School Library -- and flashed upon, not only anti-DNA antibodies, but also Russian studies correlating SLE epidemiology with the sunspot cycle. Radiation input triggering a diathesis, an inherited miasm? What if the diathesis was a quantum frequency anomaly? In trying to pursue this thought, I ran across Albert Szent-Györgyi's Introduction to a Submolecular Biology. I soon began thinking about the general properties of autogenic brain discharges from the perspective of quantum biochemistry. I wrote a brief letter to Wolfgang Luthe and asked: Has autogenic therapy been found useful in the treatment of SLE? I received, by return mail, something like: Yes, but nothing has yet been published on it. How did you arrive at this idea? Thus, began my correspondence with Dr. Luthe. Soon thereafter, I attended the Velikovsky conference held at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, at which Cornell meteorology professor Douglas A. Paine presented a paper entitled The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena -- which, naturally enough, totally fascinated me, as his ideas directly paralleled my own, although they were with regard to a totally different field. I went up to him and asked: Have you heard of the 'Law of Threes' and the 'Law of Sevens'? He answered: Gurdjieff and Ouspensky? That was the beginning of our relationship. We spent the whole period of the conference together, talking at length. He invited me to join him in Ithaca as his unofficial research assistant -- as he had no time to pursue much of the research he wished to undertake. His and Michael L. Kaplan's (little known, indeed, largely unknown) cascade model of tornadogenesis involved an account of the physics behind double-helical flows into the severe storm environment. Not only did this model accurately forecast tornadoes 12 hours in advance on the 1-km grid using historical data sets, but the physics behind it prompted Paine to forecast that, tragically, those ignorant of cascade theory would eventually engage in large-scale attempts to engineer weather and dampen climate-shift dynamics (a 1970s prognostication particularly relevant today: flash forward and see: CIA backs $630,000 study into how to control global weather through geoengineering, Rob Williams, The Independent, 21 July 2013). Parenthetically: the papers I co-authored with Doug Paine do not well reflect the level of expertise brought to the Paine-Kaplan model (a brief scan of Kaplan's publications, particular attention paid to the preprints, as given in the above-made CV link, will correct any misconceptions). Paine and I discussed my ideas about DNA and the quantum substrate to autogenic brain discharges. He showed me many hand-drawn 3D plots of atmospheric processes he had worked with over the years and told me he had long pondered the similarities to brain scans. I began library research and bringing things I found to his attention. One such was the book Cooperative Phenomena, mentioned above. At a certain point, we overcame our skepticism that a model of double-helical flows in Earth's atmosphere could be generalized and applied to the quantum biochemistry of DNA. The paper emerged out of the decision to make an attempt. I have no memory of being specifically aware at that time of the work of Cyril W. Smith -- only now, with reading of the above-linked piece, has my attention been focused thereupon. The parallels to our DNA paper, and our thoughts, along with those of Julia Jus, about homeopathy are striking. And much was surmised back into atmospheric science that was never systematically explored for lack of opportunity -- though Paine did, in the late-'70s, shift his focus of attention from tornadogenesis to solar-terrestrial interactions and climate change. The LSTDs (limited spacetime domains) Doug Paine worked with (notably involving research conducted by the then-graduate student John W. Zack) were explicitly understood as coherence domains, and this was formulated by Paine as The Atmospheric Analogue to Maxwell's Equations. The complex angular momentum input at root of the cascade process was conceived to originate with solar variability. Water in its various states was a given, and coherence in water assumed. Water memory was codified in the account provided as to how the quantum signal is erased at one scale of wave motion by twist into imaginary and hypercomplex phases, and rewritten to another scale with twist back to the real phase, these twists being integral to the fractal nature of the cascade process at tornadogenesis. Paine was aware of the quenching involved with changes of pH, as, for instance, associated with acid rain. In the canonical equation of our DNA model, the gravitational acceleration is called the counterforce to the pressure gradient term. This terminology was employed because we did not know exactly what to make of it in the DNA context. What kind of coherent-wave output (quadripolar waves correlated to the nucleotide pairs) does the molecule generate in response to fluctuations in ambient radiation? We were unable to specify, because presence of this term clouded the issue. This issue is related to our belief that the coherent wave output of DNA carries m-logically-valued information (related to environmental fit, amongst much else) in its higher-order temporal-curl attributes. This we understood as the pregeometry aspects of the involved processes. Relevant here is the following quote from Smith's article:
3. Deterministic Chaos -- something which happens when two very different metastable states occur with equal probability. It leads to lack of experimental reproducibility and effects which only appear in the standard deviations, not in the mean values.
Interpreting Schrödinger to Lukasiewicz rather than Born, we would regard the corpus of standard deviations to be indicative of the corpus of µTm-logical-values involved.
Uh, who-what? Believe members of The House, with their gum-chewing Bimbo secretaries and Walls of Courage which display Eagle Scout merit-badge sashes-under-glass (characteristic of my whole never finished anything life, I had many more optional badges -- most of which were gotten in the Far East Council climbing Mt. Fuji, riding submarines from Sasebo to Yokahama, taking jujitsu, archery, and bamboo-sword lessons, out-foxing the border guards at Ashiya AFB, and so on -- than required for Eagle, but neglected to get one of those required: why finish things on their agenda which are not on yours?), or a high-school dropout who had a whole series of both academic troubles [clearly indicating struggle against glutamatergic neuronal etching] and employment troubles? Hmmmmm. Who-what shall I choose to believe as regards compromises of national insecurity complexes? Just to illustrate magnitude of the prevailing confusion, one could draw attention to how the current consensus (see: 22 Nauseating Quotes , Michael T. Snyder, The Economic Collapse, 12 June 2013) amongst politicians to reject probable cause flies in face of the consensus interpretation of the quantum mechanics underlying the quantum-based technologies those same politicians want the so-called security services ever more to rely upon: probability as cause being the hallmark. As regards impacts of µTm-quantum-based technologies upon 1T2-institutions and systems and economies, here are interesting reflections on how ever-increasing uptake of AI, VR, mesh networks, cloud computing, cybernetic automata, deep-learning ANNs, CAD, software modules, robotics, including narrative robots, so on (all attempting to impose 1T2 upon the inherently µTm) will affect employment: You Are About to Become Obsolete; Perhaps You Already Are (But You Don't Realize It Yet), Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 31 May 2013; and How Technology Is Destroying Jobs, David Rotman, MIT Technology Review, 12 June 2013. Flash forward and bow down to the Lettuce Bot, whowhich may allay their labor woes, but not yours (see: Robots Revolutionize Farming, Ease Labor Woes, Gosia Wozniacka and Terrence Chea, AP, 15 July 2013; and Farm Robots to Make Migrant Worker Vegetable Pickers Obsolete; Welcome the 'Lettuce Bot', the 'Grape Bot', the 'Strawberry Bot', Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 27 July 2013) -- not to mention killing the psychosocial benison delivered by identity-transparency between farmer and farmed, eater and eaten (and, in my personal case, digger and tree). Another great argument for implementation of µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries -- as a way to help resurrect Good Work, in that the m-values stacked upon the base-state of each LETS currency would tag to externalities and extra-systemic factors, thus embedding tropological metareferences in mediums of exchange and encouraging the social structure of attention cathexes to incorporate locally-formulated tropes. Were such to be progressively brought into being, the sorts of activities financially rewarded would surely be quite different than they would be under continuance of 1T2-logically-valued institutions and systems and economies. High Good Work for me was digging trees, because this activity is transformable to meditative autosensory and autocognitive observation permitting tree-facilitated-empathic contemplation of a wealth of cosmological metareferences on a moment to moment basis. For three alternative notions of Good Work, see: Good Work, E. F. Schumacher and Peter Gillingham, HarperCollins, 1980; and Good Work, Howard E. Garner and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and William Damon, Basic Books, 2002; and Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's Work, Timothy Keller with Katherine Leary Alsdorf, Dutton Adult, 2012. As regards increasingly available/only-available Bad Work (see, for example, Unprotected: How Legalizing Prostitution Has Failed, Der Spiegel, 30 May 2013), one wonders what effect µTm-indexed LETS currencies would have -- coupled to local-outlawing of all forms of pimping, especially to include out-call services and brothels in all their various forms, whatsoever the nature of cut-taking intermediaries. Local currency indexing/value-stacking would involve functional determination of specified types of local employment to acquire the currency indexes needed to purchase specified types of products -- this is one example of the band-pass aspect of µTm-valued LETS as fractal drums that could be locally chosen -- a currency capability that would require those wishing to acquire sex-for-hire to engage in locally-specified forms of local employment. All about enzymes and extreme pathways in metabolic networks, you see. Metamerge with ModelSeed, eh what! On the predominantly distaff side, the legal prostitute would have to be an amateur prostitute -- otherwise she(he) could not acquire the currency indexes required to purchase the full range of products available in the larger economy. Of course, the local will to implement such would have to emerge in process of local m-scenarios computer-gaming over the e-commons of LETS time-currency indexing. There is, though, the fact that a significant percentage of humans in every subset always have and likely always will try to free-ride on whatsoever system is deployed, gaming it by subversion of the conventions adopted: the issue here is not one of utopianism, of a ridding of society of policing, but of framework determining conditions permitting the broad blue line to become authentically thin. Then again, if Tantric tropes and cosmological metareferences (à la Schrödinger ensconced in his mountain cabin practicing Tantra as he m-formulated the canonical wave equation of quantum mechanics) were indexed to this class of Bad Worktemporaberg I could have gone for a noun-attached-to-noun-attached-to-noun-attached-to Rindfleischetikettierungsuberwachungsaufgabenubertragungsgesetz-like, but, being an aficionado of Musculpt, I prefer not to erect by stringing things together lineally, rather to go for their symformphonie. In 1969 at University of Washington, technological forecasting was imagining a home resource center focused upon synaesthetic applications of holography, rather than upon internet-of-things high-tech stalking to Wisee all your physical jerks (see: The Wi-Fi in your home can track your moves like Xbox Kinect, Devin Coldewey, NBC News, 4 June 2013). I've got my own built-in gait-recognition software: no trouble at all distinguishing between women who've worked Isan or Mekong-delta paddyfields -- or, for that matter, those of kita-Kyushu. Heh-heh-heh! Race against the machine or cultivate rage at the machine? that is the question. Smash blue+white-collar robots, but keep those with olive-drab collars? Ever wonder whether this holo-to-things shift in the techo-development trajectory is about matters more fundamental than home and homeland security, pigging out on power and money? A mere matter of squelching Tank Tantra? The etiology and pathogenesis of the present fulmination of the long-persisting collective psychosis are self-similar to those in run up to WWII, except that the [ma}lady + male habitus have become more widespread, are more deeply in the neurocognitive marrow, are more intractable, and in having persisted so long, have produced irreversible environmental impacts. Given how far along has progressed elaboration of the prevailing fulmination, actual -- as distinguished from propagandistic crisis management -- response to challenges, revelations, unauthorized releases of classified documents, et cetera, surely can only be of increased intensity and of more indiscriminant repression and a further drift into overt violence. Single-valued logic, single-valued variables, monotonic functions, monotheism, monogamy, monoculturing of plants and animals and humans: these go together rather well, don't you think. Could this cognitive monocropping be involved in Big Pharma how/why Obamascare facilitates hospital cashing in (see: States' Hospital Data for Sale Puts Privacy in Jeopardy, Jordon Robertson, Bloomberg, 5 June 2013, which is not to mention the recent categorical applications of fuzzy logic exhibited in the APA's DSM-5) on the information contained in patient medical records? One age-old principle the recent revelations about communications intelligence gathering has indisputably demonstrated is that what has been publicly revealed is always only the tip of the iceberg. Judging from history of counterinsurgencies, government-facilitated information abuse and identity manipulation/theft begins with relatively benign misuses, abuses, excesses and leads to mission-creeped applications like the Phoenix Program, the teleological strange attractor identified with, which was placed in projection at collective transference by suppression of the self-loathing occasioned by the ever increasingly omnipresent demonstrations as to reality of the non-simple identity imploding upon the falsely-claimed 1T2-selfhood ever more subverted by accelerating uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies. What is subliminally self-loathed is THE µTm-quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains. Terms like the VNwar-era double-veteran, and a given joke entering the standard corpus, generally reflect the reality far more accurately than does PIO output, giving some idea as to how pervasive this or that behavior already actually is (for a revealing current example of such a standard joke, see: Intelligence officials overheard joking about how NSA leaker should be 'disappeared' , Anna Sanders and Helen Pow, The Daily Mail, 9 June 2013). Note that The Mail, in reporting this, says, The term 'disappeared' refers to a secret murder or assassination carried out by dictatorship governments, thus suggesting that liberal constitutional democracies haven't engaged in s&s stuff (another VNwar-era term: snatch-and-snuff stuff). In my experience, the cordoning off of the Cartesian-Newtonian I/i institutions of governance took ii years following the JFK assassination: by the time I left Washington, D.C., in late-1965, the place was unrecognizably different from when I arrived there during summer of 1963. Moreover, as regards the unrelenting drift that probably began in earnest with advent of Wilsonian democracy (what is recounted in Mass Surveillance in America: A Timeline , Cora Currie and Justin Elliot and Theodoric Meyer, ProPublica, 7 June 2013, is the late history which began post-VNwar with transformation of library science, the private-eyeing of workmen's comp and health insurance claimers, later a move into grocery stores and RFID inventory systems, so on [for one long litany, see: NSA's Greatest Hits , Burkely Hermann, Global Research, 10 June 2013]; interesting reflections concerning factors that may have influenced Wilson's decision to throw the U.S. into WWI are contained in Nakba History and the Origins of the Jewish State: the Role of the Balfour Declaration, Karin Brothers, Global Research, 9 June 2013), remember that the current IT-commo-surveillance CI regime had its origins in a jaunissement-yellowing of Injun Cuntry with the MACV IDHS (Intelligence Data Handling System: I didn't even entertain the idea that the DIA might not have carried this technology home from CDEC, the Combined Document Exploitation Center, given the MACV/E&I [extraneous and inconsequence: pejorative given by intelligence analysts at Strategic Research and Analysis to Danny Graham's Estimates & Intentions physically located in the SI area next to the first floor Command Operations Center] Section's embrace of the stab-in-the-back myth and that lot's appreciation of Phoenix in Viet Nam and attitude to The War At Home where Army CI units were involved in the tracking of anti-war people) ineffectively employed against the Viet Cong Political Infrastructure which was never actually Found, Fixed, and Finished for never actually having been simply-identifiable -- just as COSVN was inherently unbombable (obsession with bombing the unbombable for Peace Prize [scroll down to the abstract of the holocaust article] having in large measure induced Cambodian holocaust) for having no actual location (myriad cells in constant nanoswarm motion under hundreds of square miles of triple-canopy, communicating by multiple low-tech means). Recommended background reading includes: David Kahn's The Codebreakers (which I read in Saigon, 1968); James Bamford's The Puzzle Palace and his sequel Body of Secrets; Greg Guma's Big Lies. A brief summation of the last is: The History of America's Secret Wars , Greg Guma, Global Research, 14 June 2013. It is not individuals who use the systems that have been and continue to be put into place; the users are various forms of collective regression. And this certainly involves not only intelligence gathering. Think about it. The Good Life precludes: riding your bicycle on the sidewalk (many forms of unrestricted childhood sidewalk play plus years of motorcycle taxi riding, often including on sidewalks, in half a dozen Asian capital cities, make me wonder as to psychogenesis of this bizarre preclusion), skateboarding except in designated areas subject to police harassment, not following the signs telling you which way to walk on paths in the woods, ice-cream cones on the bus, drinking beer at a picnic on the beach, most normative behaviors of a Huckleberry Finn at virtually every historical juncture, humanity has chosen a worse way of life than the one preceding (an assertion the great American hero Geronimo would not have contested). John Grisham has a good read on the current drift: he started out writing to a 10th-grade-reading level, and by 2012 had edged his way into the 6th grade. As for me, I never liked comic books as a kid -- a fact that speaks to my taste in art fiction and film. Why, for instance, in regards to the techno-trajectory shift, is epidermal electronics being used to tattoo RFIDs (mimicking those low-tech seen on holocaust survivors, and used for punch-carding IBM-facilitated forensic extermination accounting) rather than to get biofeedback into the isolation-flotation tank as integral step in development-through-use of Musculpt as mathematical notation, a fundamental prerequisite to learning how to think in depth in m-valued logics about m-valued logics? This is something I spent three years living on the SantaMonica-Brentwood-WestLA borderline -- Saltaire Avenue -- fruitlessly trying to promote: meetings in the Hollywood Hills next to swimming pools overlooking The Valley, at restaurants on Rodeo Drive around the corner from where I worked, in the Hotel Bel-Air, so on. One would think that the Japanese would be doing this as update to their take on fuzzy logic and their traditions in bathing culture, but, no, the focus is placed upon computerizing toilets that have yet to be innovated with regard to high-colonics. Consider one answer to the why not question: the broken µTm-Musculpt symformphonie (holographic representation of the long-range phase-correlative relative-state identity-transparency registered by THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains: interpersonally, Cubistic psycho-ideograph flashes capturing the inner state of an other imploding upon a self) hypothesis as to the broken mirror hypothesis (see: What's So Special about Mirror Neurons?, Ben Thomas, Scientific American, 6 November 2012) concerning mirror-neuron 1T2-mimicry of generative empathy (a µTm-over-empathy neuropsychiatrically regarded symptom of psychosis until roughly 1959 and Roy Schafer's reconceptualization, though Schafer's characteristics suggest to me he was speaking only of normative empathy) as reduced to mere pedestrian empathy, Einfuhlung, amae. Suppress awareness of the µTm-capacities of THE quantum brain and what sort of regression do you get? µTm-Quantum relative-state identity-transparency n-personified (myriad 1T2 [eN}tities of a 1T2-multiverse) and thence demerged to the Fallen who must be eliminated by PGC, Phoenix Global Central (can there be serious doubting as to existence of a planetary JPEL?), indubitably the archetypal quintessential vehicular concretion-[in}(car)nation-institutionalization of He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed. In the beginning was the Logos -- but was that Logos 1T2 or µTm?
Interesting thoughts and comments on the gold confiscation issue: Don't Dismiss the Possibility of Gold Confiscation, Jeff Thomas, Casey Research, 6 June 2013. But the context discussed -- U.S. alone, or U.S.-EU alone -- would be to step off the Devil's Staircase before the last step is reached, that Staircase being a step-function embraced ever since the Bretton-Woods gold window was closed in 1971. More likely is that an attempt at the last step will be taken: new global We are the world! reserve currency based on an IMF SDR basket of a small number of vehicle currencies, relative value apportionment determined by TPTB, and incorporating some form of gold reference -- this incorporation of gold requiring global confiscation and nationalization-internationalization of gold mining in order to monopolize gold so as to manage the resultant gold window, for even a partial resurrection of a gold standard would require stabilization of the price of gold relative to the vehicle currencies in the basket. More likely, yet, is that such an attempt would go off the wire. Remember, a Bretton Woods was not possible until imposed by the victors of WWII, those victors having at that time monopolized most of the World's gold.
To me, the geopolitical qua ideological dimensions of prevailing global crisis, the energy qua economic qua financial qua monetary warfare, the culturo-religio-racial conflicts, the battlings over distribution -- all that, and more, e.g., a PW1 -- is collective obsessive-compulsive disorder epiphenomenal to discovery-driven Weltanschauung shift coupled to gathering awareness as to what the inescapable consequences of artificially extending (two centuries beyond Abel's Impossibility Theorem) life of the old Weltanschauung's institutionalization will inevitably entail. The piles of toxic tailings from over-mining that worldview construct have long since become massive. Arrival at this opinion was not simply due to an inability to believe in Cartesian Checks & Balances, Newtonian Countervailing Forces, Lockean-AngloSaxon vector-Franchise qua Representation simultaneously with the New Physics -- validity/utility of the former altogether nullified by experimental demonstrations of the latter -- but that, before I understood this fact, I had been exposed to states of consciousness-and-identity associated with Shinto animism, such that when I arrived in 7th-grade Civics class there was no way available seriously to entertain what was taught, and I later understood this was so because those animistic states are consonant with the, by now old, New Physics and even older 19th-century higher mathematics. My expectation set based on this assessment was well-formed during the early-1970s whilst I was still in my twenties -- and, thus, that set was clearly over-optimistic. In the intervening period there has been only collective entrenchment in psychopathic responses to the Weltanschauung shift, with associated magnification of anthropogenic environmental impacts. While I still feel a ten-percent human survival rate at cuspover is a plausible WAG, and am aware that this percentage may be too optimistic, conscious integration of m-logically-valued modes of cognition now seems altogether outside the realm of possibility, such that, when µTm again takes hold of human consciousness, it will do so only by resurrection of some form of archaic animism. The human species wouldn't have created this situation had it the cognitive capability to resolve the mess made.
And don't you just find it ever so interesting that advocates of Non-Zero, including Bill Clinton, whilst he was POTUS, never mention m-valued, with the clear 1T2-implication that m-logically-valued has never entered their awareness (see, for instance: 'Eminent Domain' Back On The Table Following Fed's Latest Bailout Proposal, Zero Hedge, 11 June 2013)? Not at all surprising when, in personal communication with me, Milton Friedman gave clear evidence of never having heard of Lukasiewicz logics. When will these people cognitively enter the 20th-century? As regards content of the linked Zero Hedge article, one wonders what the term multiple valuation methods actually refers to: certainly not m-valued variables or m-valued logics. The very notion eminent domain is a Freudian-slip signifier of the decoherent superspace occupied by regressed superegos undergoing conversion-disorder displacement. And the term moral authority is an oxymoron employed only by the Self-eluding deluded-self identified with 1T2-simple identity: quintessential exemplar being the hotsie-totsie tootsie-roll Mr. Isaiah Aycox, our Mr. FlimFlamman, our Mr. FuddyDuddydude, our Mr. Elixir Grifter, archetype of THE American hero, univalent monotonic peckerhead that he is seen to be by E-Verify. Single-valued logic is deity to Hamiltonian monocrats and national-socialist monists. The thick frosting on access capitalism's -- err, lumpen capitalism's; uh, that is, crony capitalism's -- cake is, in all its various colors By the time I quit AU's School of International Service, I knew the prevailing Lebenswelt was so pathological that there was no profession which conscience would countenance my pursuing; having returned from the Viet Nam war and subsequently dropped out of IBEW apprenticeship training, I knew the same was the case with blue-collar careers. How had the operative Lebenswelt become so lethal? One component of an answer: the argument made over the years on this website has been that the whole MBS quantum non-simple identity problem was brought into being by a generalized Friedmanesque never having heard of reaction to massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies -- and the associated psychological regression of fiber-bundle arithmetics and Clifford parallels to 1T2-financial derivatives. Thank the physicists who moved over into the financial services industry for that!
Daniel Ellsberg says he thinks that Edward Snowden's release of NSA documents is more important then was his release of the Pentagon Papers (see: Edward Snowden: Saving us from the United Stasi of America, Daniel Ellsberg, The Guardian, 10 June 2013). I agree with this assessment by Ellsberg, but surely for different reasons. The Pentagon Papers had little effect upon outcome of the Viet Nam war, in my judgment, because the war was won in Viet Nam by the Vietnamese, not in America by a stab-in-the-back (the war was mainly won by the VC Daivd driving a punji stake through Goliath's Bretton Woods gold window). A similar issue is involved in the present circumstance, as regards AQ&A's well-ordered and well-tested grand strategy. While the recent Zero Hedge reflections (see: Spying Update, 11 June 2013) upon revelations concerning communications intelligence collection and distribution makes a case that what is jeopardized is not national security but security of TPTB, some of the referenced assertions reflect a lack of understanding. Quoting the article:
The former head of the National Security Agency's global digital data gathering program -- William Binney -- confirms what Glenn Greenwald and other civil libertarians say: the disclosure of widespread spying on Americans doesn't help terrorists or otherwise hurt national security, but is simply an embarrassment to people in government who have been caught breaking the law
But this cannot be strictly the case, for, whether or not Snowden is a dupe or knowing front man in a CIA and/or NSA (à la the certainly NSA-approved, if not instigated, Enemy of the State) black propaganda op (see: NSA Deception Operation? Questions Surround Leaked PRISM Document's Authenticity, Steve Kinney, Global Research, 12 June 2013; and My Creeping Concern , Naomi Wolf, Global Research, 15 June 2013; and NSA Scandal: the deepest secret of the Ed Snowden operation, Jon Rappoport, Infowars, 19 June 2013), such revelations are deeply involved in how terrorism, once it exists, morphs into insurgency. Moreover, one reason, surely, why Snowden's documentary release is so worrying to U.S. officialdom is that the global patterning-weightings of NSA intelligence gathering is tied to details of U.S. global strategy -- and inferences can be made from that patterning, those weightings. Why so big on South Africa and Brazil, for instance? Not involved in the strategy explicated in Who Authorized Preparations for War with China?, Amitai Etzioni, Yale Journal of International Affairs, 12 June 2013. Regardless and/or irregardless, the index of impress will be ramped up. What is involved here, on the other side of the equation, is not a failure of communication, but a failure in comprehension. Assimilation of the concept scale relativity is required for insight. The conflict today was globalized by a sting-induced elicited-declaration of GWOT, which facilitated a globalization of terrorist organizational dynamics (and, on the counterinsurgency side, shifted linear growth to cumulative exponential growth in the resource-commitments function, whilst the post-9/11 invasion of Iraq and facilitation of the Arab Spring shifted exponential to parabolic), whereas the war in Viet Nam was relatively circumscribed. Globalization automatically invoked the principle of self-similarity across scale levels. Whereas release of the Pentagon Papers (a corpus of policy documents revealing how little U.S. policymakers understood MO of their opposition, thus greatly assisting strategic planning by that opposition) had little effect upon insurgent recruitment in Viet Nam, Snowden's release, howsoever contextualized, over time, cannot help but have strong recruitment impacts facilitating transduction of global terrorism into global insurgency, and changes in the recruitment base make possible changes in targeting policy. This relation between recruitment and targeting belies Binney's statement (quoted in the Zero Hedge article) that:
They're [the terrorists are] not going to change the way they operate just because it comes out in the U.S. press. I mean, the point is, they already knew it, and they were operating the way they would operate anyway.
This statement clearly indicates a complete lack of understanding as to the relation between organizational dynamics and policy formulation on part of terrorists-insurgents. How one evaluates this in the present circumstance depends upon how much one identifies filching-wastrel interests of TPTB (see, for instance: The NSA and the One Percent, Bernard Chazelle, Lobe Log, 18 June 2013) with maintenance of integrity of factors protracting continuance of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system and/or this or that nation-state and/or agglomerations thereof, and how much one identifies the interests of a given nation-state with the varied interests of its population corpus.
People are getting around to asking why, now that the evidence is slapping them in the face. Consider the 1T2-reasons given: COG and to destroy the Constitution (see, for two examples: State of Emergency and 'Continuity of Government': What is the Real Reason the Government is Spying on Americans?, Washington's Blog, Global Research, 10 June 2013; and 'The US Government Secretly, Illegally, and Unconstitutionally Spies on its Citizens': What Is The Government's Agenda?, Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research, 12 June 2013). Obsess upon 1T2-simple identity by booking faces to recognition template: State photo-ID databases become troves for police, Craig Timberg and Ellen Nakashima, The Washington Post, 17 June 2013. O, what artifactual intelligence (see: The Next NSA Spying Shoe to Drop: 'Pre-Crime' Artificial Intelligence, Washington's Blog, 16 June 2013) you have, my dear! Aye say, old chap, what part is to be cut off if the wrong genes are discovered on that mouth-swabbed DNA sample randomly taken at roadblocks? Sir, yes sir! Put me in a frame. Iambe, the node: WHAT I wanna be is the avatar my I am be. VRed supersentient 1T2-worlds, 1T2-interterpreted, sire. Just to Aquaint my me with Cool World(s). Oh, what a Riot, that, eh what! The temerity, yes the foolhardy rashness of it all. Apprise and abnegate. And speaking of why-questions, here is a why not asked: why is uptake of µTm-quantum-based technology advancing faster than we can responsibly use it? Long apparent to me has been that the COG in the machine is a ConveDD, and that destruction of the U.S. Constitution is epiphenomenal to mirror-neuron function/dysfunction (where, for instance, is our quantum-relativistic and post-quantum-relativistic political science?). Parabend with parabens, what! OurFatherhood, priesthood, chiefdom, emperorship, and kinghood: regressed introjections to Umwelt of prior projections upon cosmos of 1T2-egohood, i.e., the Riemann sphere universal covering surface of m-valued functions handled as if single-valued (making the neuroscientist's individual consciousness equivalent to universal nescience) due to glutamatergic neuronal etching at prescriptive socialization qua preemptive enculturation-policing. 1T2-unknown knowns being the most forceful of residuals-survivals qua cultural lags, Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state and 1T2-bundled United Nations: second- and third-order derivatives of the introjected prior projections. So, what else could Continuity of Government be if not CONVErsion-Disorder Displacement employed as defense mechanism at projective-identification in collective transference? Don't believe the personal and/or collective unconscious engages in ConveDD? Here is one quintessential statement indicating presence of two classes of such engages: We'll be uploading our entire MINDS to computers by 2045 and our bodies will be replaced by machines within 90 years, Google expert claims, Victoria Woollaston, The Daily Mail, 19 June 2013. This 1T2-mind/body ConveDD signifies a full-blown personal/collective psychosis orders of magnitude more virulent than that occasioning run up to WWII. What is ConveDDed? THE quantum µTm-brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains. ConveDD: preferred defense mechanism of those introspectively incapacitated by glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching at prescriptive enculturation (greatly reinforced, i.e., neuronally anchored, by higher enculturation). And the threat cloud apperceived by the Five Eyes (see: The National Security Agency: A Global Superpower, exNSAer Wayne Madsen, Global Research, 14 June 2013), known in other contexts as the Five Fingers? The dissimulated quantum-relativity physics -- ConveDD-personified as terrorism, and in concretion of memetime as regressed techno-applications, E = mc2 signifying the hallmark -- which has sundered the 17th- and 18th-century 1T2-rationalism essential to Lockean-AngloSaxon values and the metaphysical principles embodied in the Constitution. There is every intent to use band-pass fractal drums, but not as µTm-valued LETS-currency nesting foams: as PRISMatic (see, for instance: You Now Have To Assume Everything Is Being Collected, Zero Hedge, 15 June 2013; and who can suppress laughter at content of NSA spying flap extends to contents of U.S. phone calls, Declan McCullagh, C/Net, 15 June 2013, when millions of people have long been aware that recorded phone calls have for decades been stored on The Big Island?) nesting of software modules transforming backbone-trunkline-airwave data into first-, second-, third-, fourth order metadata misconstrued as being authentic analytic product. If there is no EEI (essential elements of information) filter (in flux according to memetime evolution of strategic variables) on raw data, only on each prism-diverter qua beam-splitter placed in the stream (this being regressed parody of holographic projection: the collective unconscious does have a sense of humor!), there can be no analytic product, only a pretense thereto -- as 1T2-data obsession sets all aspects of the agenda, a circumstance altogether appropriate because that obsession most favorably services regression of the collective egosphere relative to etiology and pathogenesis of the threat cloud as it exists independent of being ConveDDed. For a contrary view, flash forward and see NSA Surveillance: don't underestimate the extraordinary power of metadata, John Naughton, The Guardian, 21 June 2013. Fixation on metadata makes tactics a strategy: not an enlightened approach. Insofar as sigint has become essential to strategy, there is no strategy. PRISM: bends tactics such that illusions of strategy are projected upon cognitive walls. So, why the choice to use methods that have long been widely understood (flash forward and see: Top Terrorism Experts Say That Mass Spying Doesn't Work To Prevent Terrorism, Washington's Blog, 9 July 2013) not to work well? The reason is presence of collective unconscious archetypal behavioral gradients. Tactics taken to be strategy: not really about terrorism and/or oppressing the 99%; about preparing PW1. Wired identified the conscious reason for fixation upon 1T2-metadata, as given in the following quote (see: Phew, NSA Is Just Collecting Metadata, Matt Blaze, 19 June 2013):
Voice content is hard to process. It ultimately requires at least some human analysis, and that inherently limits the scale at which it can be used, no matter how much raw material the NSA might have.
The unconscious reason -- a symptom of the collective psychosis induced by massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies interfaced to the institutionalization of, long-dead but clung-to, Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung -- is obsession with the defense mechanisms drawn up around non-quantum simple-1T2-identity. And most revealing of all -- vis-à-vis universal nescience -- is the fact it is believed that learning something about what dignitaries attending Ganynumber summits really think-do is worth commitment of resources (see: GCHQ intercepted foreign politicians' communications at G20 summits, Ewen MacAskill, et al., The Guardian, 16 June 2013: not to mention using the data/metadata thus-then acquired as platform for later further penetration of the target governments' corpora of metadata order-types) -- given that these visiting dignitary folk have no capability whatsoever to significantly alter the human trajectory toward and over the coming cuspover. And why this absence of capability? Absence of insight (not just the absence of knowledge incumbent upon being at the top where the only info accessed is multiply renormalized: for instructive commentary, flash forward and see Why a Government that Collects , Jesse Walker, Reason, 28 June 2013) -- but not only amongst TPTB, also their blogger critics. Consider, as an example in the field of economics, the following quote from Why We Shouldn't Trust the Fed's Inflation Target, F. F. Wiley, CINICONOMICS, 5 June 2013:
More fundamentally (digression warning!), Far Reaching Bankers [aka: the FED] are drawn from a religious sect with core beliefs such as rational agents and a general equilibrium. In a nutshell, their religion holds that rational people always force the economy toward an ideal state of equilibrium, where it then remains. Like any other religion, their faith is guided by sacred objects. The FRB's sacred objects are abstract mathematical models [emphasis added], from which they take great comfort that their beliefs are valid.
And Wiley holds confirmation bias, i.e., deeply held beliefs resist contradictory evidence, as being primarily responsible for:
the Fed’s narrowing focus and the core, theoretical models that economists developed in the decades after World War II. These model builders naively ignored boom-bust cycles in credit and asset markets, just as the Fed disastrously eliminated the relevance of these cycles from its policy framework.
Kyle Bass largely concurs with this confirmation bias psychological explication (listen to his discussion of the psychology of negative outcomes at the end of his recent talk, linked at: Kyle Bass: 'The Next 18 Months Will Redefine Economic Orthodoxy For The West', Zero Hedge, 18 June 2013) of ignoring behaviors. While I have no doubt subliminal, even fully-unconscious, psychological defense mechanisms are involved, I think these are epiphenomenal, even mirror-neuroned, to processes much more fundamental (having to do with rates of rates and the self-reentrant reflexivities involved in rates of rates of rates, and how these involve transforms to m-valued processes under m-valued logics, as discussed on this website over the years). Note, as emphasized in the first-given quote from Wiley, that he says abstract mathematical models, not Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian models. Wiley -- and likely also, possibly to a lesser extent, Bass -- has not adequately assimilated the fact that massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies has thoroughly sundered whatever utility-verisimilitude 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian models may have had -- so he stigmatizes models generically, for what models are not abstract and/or mathematical? Having so stigmatized, there is no inclination to look for transformations of framework determining conditions (e.g., changing the very logical properties of money as we have known it) such that the µTm-quantum properties of technologies which New Physics has innovated can be integrated by adequate adaptation of economic processes. Indeed, a failed attempt at the exact opposite has transpired, i.e., veil the µTm-properties (with patent law, for instance, or bundled bundles of financial derivatives) so as to adapt, errr convert, them to the existing 1T2-economy, a strategy, from the beginning, without possibility of success.
Well, comprehension as to how psychological factors involved in collective behaviors could be epiphenomenal to dynamics, e.g., rates of rates of rates, requires introspectively-facilitated prehension as to the irresolvability of the mind/body problem within a real-numbered temporal context. This prehension does not call for Hawking imaginary time or even hypercomplex-numbered passive passing-time, but 3-fold imaginary and hypercomplex quantal operator-time (e.g., given in our canonical equation for DNA radiation exchange as 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-order temporal curl) as logical operator upon µTm-pregeometry. In terms understandable to 1T2-mind: consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on space; consciousness in its passive aspect is the space acted upon (more specifically: that space being Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space -- or Tzog-chen AllBase). The consciousness spoken of here is universal consciousness, not the Christmas-Tree-Effect-degenerated nescience of the 1T2-neuroscientist studying the molecular-cellular 1T2-brains not containing THE quantum µTm-brain. Replace = with is and there, there the al[l]ity of wave statement as distinct from wave equation -- the Maya in equation always and all ways denoting REal[l]ity: there is no topological transform not Able-To-Be found in logical decomposition involute by Platonic amnesis of Hyparxis. Both Indic Alia and Hebraic Aliyah know this to be so. The hyletic-psychetic data-mining prisms of PRISM (aka Cerberus: see The Patriots Club, Christopher Reich, Random House, 2005, p. 89 and onward: nothing revealed by Snowden goes unmentioned in this novel written nearly a decade before Snowden's whistleblowing, a novel composed sticking to the sanctioned bestseller storyline template, i.e., rogue group responsible, no questioning utility of institutions, let alone the metaphysical justifications for existence of those institutions or the physics which the metaphysics is analogically based upon; Cerberus aptly named, as this 1T3-valued mutt guards entrance to The Good Life in Hades), no less than the fractals of Mandelbrot and the nk fitness landscapes of chaos-complexity theory and the derivatives of the New Finance are renormalizations-filters upon operator-timed topotransforms of µTm-pregeometry demergent to decoherent memetime and ponderable 3-space (big O notation, in lieu of Musculpt as mathematical notation, being another quintessential example of the psychologically compensatory truncation behaviors of applied mathematicians, whereupon the spectrum of time complexities [see the table thereof] employed is with regard to memetime only, not even 1st-order quantal operator-time). These transforms qua complex-hypercomplex twists into/out-of coherent superspace LSTDs (limited spacetime domains: decomposition products of Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space) all occur at relative absolute-limiting-values of m-valued universal physical constants which establish interfaces between LSTDs in identity-transparent Everettian relative-state. Leave aside tornadogenesis, and take financial derivatives as a for-instance: 1T2-bundling is instituted at micro-to-macro scale disjunctions, the 1T2-bundling spatially decontextualizing whilst not authentically delocalizing, actual delocalization being a quantum process requiring full-blown quantization (the Penrose twistor being understood quantization of temporal curl) wherein the bundling employed would utilize, not only non-regressed fiber-bundle arithmetics and Clifford parallels, but would reference to, minimally, complex internal-dimensioned Calabi-Yau 3-folds and be processed under µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. Not leaving tornadogenesis aside, be aware that Hollywood films featuring massive CMEs (coronal mass ejections from our Sun) are one way to dissimulate implications of atmospheric cascade processes vis-à-vis fundamentals of quantum-relativity physics and prevailing consensus on the notion of a classical limit. UHF pulses into the magnetosphere, hopefully to reverse global warming. Heh-heh-heh! Near-subliminal programming: calling the principle by the letter of its opposite. Further disruption of the fractal e-boundaries of Earth's atmosphere (involved in maintenance of atmospheric LSTDs) is going to nullify climate-shift dynamics. Hah! Blame TPTB in quantum-relativity theory and higher maths for producing the quant jocks responsible for creating the elementary particle zoo and its corresponding financial derivatives mess qua WsMD. Actual comprehension of climate shift dynamics will never be obtained by 1T2-mind.
Arriving at November Steps of Noh Chase, and telling the die: photography can certainly be visual haiku, a holistic capture of the temporal instant become eidolon of the spatial cosmos. Holography, the hologram -- let alone Musculpt -- is not required for such signification. Jedi BattleMeld and Vulcan-touch Shakti-pad telepathic mindmeld roughly equivalent to ConveDDed generative empathy -- not full-blown non-simple quantum relative-state identity-transparency. Regression to a previous 1T2-incarnation of THE µTm-universe being-there in the skew-parallel brane-fog of Platonia's spacetime double-helices? Is 1T2-mind consciousness, personal or universal -- or is µTm-no-mind consciousness? Uploading a brain to e-Noosphere, what is thus melded? Hubbubed clacketing mindclones, uh, virtual-avatar simulacra with chosen faces employing 1T2-mindware to manipulate mindfiles storing temperamental types, personas, complexes, split-off personality fragments suffering loss of memetime (whatever its complexity class). Do you know from what you're talking? he asks me, me the couldn't-possibly-know-type schlepper, a fuguist shnook carrying so much Umwelt schlock. And I answer his question: Me, who's NeverNever Memory Alpha mirrors no universals? Could I be such a Nog? Offering the profound reflections on human conflict, strife, violence essayed in Bunraku? Midnight madness of 1T2-minds battle-melded to collective psychosis? No? Enough already with the nonconsensual craparoony! You want I should smack you, maybe? he asks, Empower the cam/mic on your toplap, hack into the computers controlling your one-wheeled car's controls?
In my judgment, Buddhism, like every other major religion, has failed to significantly improve the human condition -- actually, the condition of humans -- not because it is not engaged, but because it lacks an enlightened theory of engagement. Buddha's renunciation of the final stage of enlightenment until all humanity followed in his wake was not an expression of engagement but of an acknowledgement of framework determining conditions: relative-state means that even a spiritual Hercules inevitably is pulled back from the heights due to what Aurobindo called psychological induction. By way of illustration, one can observe that Buddhist economics should be founded upon the µTm-base state of Tzog-chen, not upon fuzzy ecology or a generic economic indicator, e.g., Gross National Happiness (for one take on the difficulties that a project to deepen GNH would likely encounter, flash forward and see: Obama's 'Asian Pivot': The Himalayan Angle, Wayne Madsen, Strategic Culture Foundation, 1 August 2013: during the late-1970s, I deduced the likelihood of this region's Poland-like status vis-à-vis onset of a PW1 on basis of my assessment of the role played in deep-structure origins of WWII by ConveDD of Lukasiewicz logics and associated dissimulation of Schrödinger's wave-function to the probability-amplitude interpretation; factors involved in that judgment included: [1] homogenous, isotopic, ponderable -- by whatever faculties -- space is memetime past; memetime future, imaginary and hypercomplex; and [2] personification at collective transference yields counter-transference upon the masses, the Volk, the people regarded a figure, this transference figure being a regressed version of the authentic quantum composite). I don't even believe that pursuit of the human interest is in the human interest -- so how could I believe in national interests or The Inn of the Sixth (national) Happiness? Hardly an application of Buddha's idea about dependent origination (in one mind moment), an early version of quantum relative-state. With very, very few exceptions, my wife being primary, I haven't had an honest conversation in twenty years, as I do not share enough assumptions to make such conversation possible. Gatha poem namer-of-patriarchs (one very early bloodline precursor to Almanach de Gotha, heh-heh-heh) as informer of organizational vehicle hardly codifies what renunciation signifies. What is the likelihood that m-logically-valued LETS could be implemented without this problem being rectified, for which preexisting organizational vehicles are more appropriate than those Buddhist? Why, of course, flashing forward, Bebo (see: Bebo founders buy back worthless social network for , Helen Pow, The Daily Mail, 1 July 2013) interfaced to Winklevoss BitCoin Trust (see: A Winklevoss BitCoin ETF, Zero Hedge, 1 July 2013). Heh-heh-heh! Look to multilateral institutions? The UN and the like were created to be the monkeys that hear, see, and speak nothing that could significantly affect anything in a way disadvantageous to TPTB. Be aware that a full-blown Musculpted version of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over changing fractal e-boundaries (what we are already getting instead is described in The Future of the Border: More Drones, Maybe with , Lucy Steigerwald, Antiwar, 5 July 2013; this can be profitably compared to Tongchai Winichakul's account of boundary-without-boundary [boundary of a boundary in topological space, e.g., singular homology, is empty] in Buddhological space as given in Siam Mapped, U. of Hawaii, 1997; and, flashing forward, we are also getting a further disempowerment of local scales, as argued in The Detroit Bankruptcy and the drive toward dictatorship, Andre Damon and Barry Grey, World Socialist Website, 2 August 2013, a process set in motion vis-à-vis Detroit during the 1960s when the USG outsourced to the Japanese auto industry the vehicles it provided to South Vietnamese Government forces rather than have them sit at railheads across America as a focus for the antiwar movement: chickens always eventually come home to roost, something I have had an acute awareness of, having attended, along with autoworker kids, Ypsilanti High School, so I somewhat disagree with Charles Hugh Smith's doubt when he says in Which Cities Will Survive/Thrive?, Of Two Minds, 4 August 2013:
I doubt that anyone in 1968 predicted Detroit would lose most of its industrial base and half its population over the next 40 years (1970-2010). Such a forecast was beyond even the most prescient futurist.
for sitting in traffic on Le Thanh Ton, Saigon, circa 1968, heading for the Newport Bridge, contemplating the difference between ARVN and U.S. Army vehicles, I registered intimations of some such, which I later wrote into our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994; and flashing forward again to The Detroit Bail-in Template, Ellen Brown, Web of Debt, 5 August 2013, we can observe that the precedent-reinforcing figure fudging engaged in by MacArthur's SCAP-G2, Ridgeway's USAK, and Westmoreland's MACV prefigured the LIBOR manipulation involved in Detroit's collapse) could not adequately function without private keys formulated upon Karpenko functors numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (the involved security system built bottom-up, not top-down, on demergent Koch curves -- and massively fractionated over band-pass [snarfing by rolling-buffers of TEMPORA being psychologically-regressed ConveDD thereof: see Snowden interview] fractal drums which are the LETS currencies), these non-self-identical numbers being the means by which each relative-state transaction would be accounted upon MVRS (the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert m-logically-valued reference space) reserve-domain quantum-composite clearing-union Tzog-chen AllBase. There is a big difference between using µTm-quantum-based technologies to implement a transnational socialist defense of the long-dead institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna Weltanschauung and to implement time currencies embodying vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth (1T2-blended BitCoin price in no way approximating thereto; momentum pricing of this 1T2-price -- not to mention dynamic time warping -- having nothing to do with the time rates of change of accelerations essential to vonHayekian time-shapes, as Michael Thompson's Rubbish Theory long since intuited) -- the latter vonHayekian form of use being prerequisite to human species survival at planetarization of coming cuspover. And, flashing forward yet again, given that that cuspover deeply involves conflict over the very existence of m-valued logics, and that humanity's most deep comprehension of such logics is with respect to the Base State of Tzog-chen, and in view of what during WWII was inflicted upon Poland, home of the 20th-century incarnation of these logics, it would not be an enlightened behavior for Tibetans to again accept covert aid and turn to violence (see: Tibetans lose patience after 50 years of peaceful protest, Kapil Komireddi, The National of Abu Dhabi, UAE, 17 July 2013), for that would only further constellate, and call down upon themselves, the largely-unconscious collective compensatory abreaction already well-stoked by massive global uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies.
Read Echo of the Mockingbird and then tell me which institutional embodiment (Hollywood suborned to DC-no-Washington being one such: see Scholar Asserts That Hollywood Avidly Aided Nazis, Jennifer Schuessler, The New York Times, 25 June 2013) of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung was not at least tacitly in collusion with Hitlerism. As I've gotten old, can't see no good, hear too much, things make a lot more sense than they used to. But introspection rots both the either and the or of the binary brain, don't y'know. Exemplary of the implied avoidance syndrome are Hollywood's greatest heroes (There are no great causes left, d'Artagnan, even though, After all, one must believe in something) and heroines (inconstant Constance, perseverant Penelope, Deirdre of the Sorrows) modeled upon the spectra of paladin effector-organs in service to the oppressor elite, accomplished mass regressors, suppressors, eliminators, exterminators, terminators that they are, the lowest castes of human slime mold.
While I am not much interested in locally-prejudiced forcing, self-organization by noise (bubbles always self-correct; they crash if they become big enough), statistics, probability, and the problems of forecasting 1T2-market behavioral dynamics, I am very interested in finding ways to improve the framework determining conditions of markets. In view of that, I note that Section 6.2.3, Dynamical Properties, of Didier Sornette's paper entitled Critical Market Crashes, Physics Reports, 378, 2003, pp. 1-98 -- a most stimulating paper, indeed (which one can easily see by contrasting it to, say, Robert J. Shiller, e.g., Bubbles Forever, Project Syndicate, 17 July 2013) -- in drawing a very rough analogue to cascade theory of tornadogenesis (an analogue repeatedly discussed at Cornell during the mid-1970s, but there was no opportunity to pursue it), almost makes a good argument for adoption of nesting foams of Lukasiewiczian LETS defined over fractal e-boundaries. He misses the mark in limiting his account to velocities and accelerations (though eq. 47 invokes third-order dynamics, interpreted by Sornette as indicative of inertia, it is not realized that divergence of the acceleration is not with regard to price, risk, or index per se, but in respect to factors involved in the quantum measurement problem, and, hence, self-reentrant reflexivity, uh, this being of significance to GUTS construed over interface between pregeometry and geometrodynamics) -- time rates of change of accelerations being where m-valued functions under Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value would come into play. Sornette also circumscribes identity to simple-identity, in his canonical eq. 3 for collective and cooperative herding behaviors, by not recognizing that N(i) is actually 2N(i), meaning that relations-articulations-correlations are reduced to those logically binary-only -- a restriction tantamount to stating that unconscious processes, specifically those quantum-like, are not involved in the mass psychology of contagion occasions, a highly unlikely contention. Coupling is not only a matter of strength, k, but also of order-type of the involved identity relations. MN(i)k is required by virtue of The Unconscious as Infinite [think: correlation lengths at self-organized criticality] Sets (unfortunately, Ignacio Matte Blanco did not assimilate Lukasiewicz logics, which are germane to his every argument). ((Parenthetically, the CFO of Bios, Inc., a spin-off company of the Santa Fe Institute, was not interested in such observations when brought to his attention during 1997: Lukasiewicz logics can easily be regarded anti-American: so-called contagion -- better, participation mystique; better, yet, relative-state identity-transparency -- i.e., high values of k, where, by postmodernist ratiocination, cooperativity is understood a negative state and disorder a positive state, is disruptive only to binary-only systems, which are inherently incapable of authentically processing M (i.e., with semantic verisimilitude), even, I would guess, the M of M Theory.)) But these truncations are not unique to Sornette; indeed, they are characteristic across the full spectrum of disciplines engaged in applications of complexity theory, where explicit suppression of the m-valued and implicit suppression of the m-logically-valued is a raison d'tre (binary mind relegates µTm to a noise term and a susceptibility-suggestibility black box) -- even in the outer reaches of relativity theory, where big-bang cosmology posits no absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, and thus is able to preserve the notion of an objective passive-passing linear-time (the retention of such time being tantamount to preservation of the linearity of autoregressive models, even where there is the attempt to transcend such models: perseverance at time series analysis, rather than engaging in analysis of vonHayek time-shapes). Full-blown reflexivity is not describable under only log-periodic oscillations as to velocities and accelerations, because feedbacks-upon are not equivalent to feedbacks-into. While feedbacks-upon may cause or be caused by establishment of multiple connections, feedbacks-into result in or are the result of change from orientability to nonorientability (orders of infinitude of slope: as suggested in our 1977 paper, Toward a General Theory of Process, Klein-bottle nesting foams), and this into-property requires consideration of time rates of change of accelerations -- and their absolute limiting values (under m-valued universal physical constants). Per Planck, a detailing of the spatial field is not required for prediction, only characterization of the operative fundamental oscillator; long-range phase correlation, be it of 1T2-neurons in brains or amongst market micro-actors, is not merely a matter of feedback-upon. At self-similar complex angular momentum cascade (jumps) between fractalized scales of motion, there transpire twists into and out of complex and hypercomplex domains (suggesting that critical exponents can be not only complex, but also hypercomplex): divergence over the reals initializes twist onto the complex; divergence over the complex initializes twist onto the hypercomplex; divergence over the hypercomplex initializes twist onto the reals of a neighboring scale level. This leads into the log log and log log log aspects of the Euler-Riemann zeta function with respect to distribution of the primes extended beyond the real + complex numbers onto the hypernumbers, understood through operator theory -- in the presently proposed application, the operator being 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time -- where non-trivial zeros identify power-law singularities, one such being partially portrayed by Sornette in his Section 6.2.3. If, as per the Hecke, Deuring, Mordell, Heilbronn theorem, the prime number theorem excludes the logical middle -- i.e., if the Riemann hypothesis is true, then the theorem is true; if the hypothesis is false, then the theorem is true -- then it also excludes non-contradiction, which leads directly into Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value (i.e., not interpreted to fuzzy gray scale in the interval [0,1], but to classes of Everettian relative-state identity-transparency marked by non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers: remember that a hallmark of critical states is that correlation lengths go to infinity, thus invoking, not only nonlocality, but also quantum non-simple identity). J. G. Bennett's null vectors as bases of pencils of skew parallels and non-selfsame geometric entities are immediately suggested. (Per Paine-Kaplan complex angular momentum cascade model of tornadogenesis) cascade, reverse cascade, and hyparxis (the first two being roughly inverse to the conception elaborated by complexity theory): demergence = µTm to 1T2; emergence = 1T2 to µTm; hyparxis = both nonorientably simultaneous under third-order operator-time. It is not simply a matter of gravitating upon a given unstable 1T2-price equilibrium state of a given good, for such states of all goods, and their time-shapes, non-trivially affect the price-state of every given such good. That's where corpora of µTm-valued prices as mapped over the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock would come in. Relative to the Riemann Hypothesis, the critical line, in being taken onto hypernumber arithmetics, would have Cantor's C of shadow pencils of skew-parallels (where outliers actually are to be found: thoroughly belying the notion of local forcing of, say, tornadogenesis and market crashes) upon which are peppered non-trivial zeros as unstable price equilibria, relations between mapped by Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes. One possible way to approach this: in analogy to how a turbulent flow can be resolved to a fractal lamination of non-turbulent flows by superposing the flow collections associated with the memetime-steps and ponderable-space grid-lengths through which it may be viewed (this time-warp/spatial-elasticity was approximated by barograph-array-output/VDO manipulation at Cornell during the mid-1970s -- or so I understood it, nearest-neighbor communication understood taking place by temporal curl over complex and hypercomplex domains, such that non-local and non-simple-identity exchange transpires with each rollover into and out of the complex and hypercomplex, the boundaries-without-boundary of each LSTD being set by absolute limiting values of dynamic variables read over spherical coordinates), a given µTm-valued-logic order-type can be structurally, not semantically, resolved, or so I believe, to some other collection of order-types in superposed composite, with the characteristic semantic gestalt of the initial µTm-valued order-type being an outlier subset of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of propositions permissible within the superposed composite (geometrically speaking, this would be a nested tiling pattern problem, each unsymplectic tile being a nonselfsame polytope formed of pencils of skew-parallels (over-Soul's, µSm, of M, represented in Musculpt over manifolds of Riemannian geometries). Unsymplectic because: not only absolute limiting phase speed (structured upon symplectic manifold as phase space), but also absolute liming phase acceleration and absolute limiting time rate of change of phase acceleration. The k-simplex, even the corpus of simplices, ain't representin' non-simple identity (hence, long-range phase correlation) too good! even though boundary-of-the-boundary of a simplex is zero. In a very, very rough sense, this is analogous to a scalar drive, where the "tail" is actually a feeder-band powering the head (of, say, a comet: Douglas A. Paine described this in an NSF grant report during the early-1970s entitled, Atmospheric Comets and the Nature of Light, where he first broached what is now called acoustic analogues to black hole computers) -- involving frequency-response-window lock-ons relative to changing (directly involving the quantum measurement problem) minimum times for spontaneous localization (see, for an illustrative example, Sornette's eq. 19). In my initial letter to John A. Wheeler, circa fall of 1975, I attempted to describe the hearings-visualizations through which I personally arrived at such notions regarding m-valued logics. In his response, he said Roger Penrose was doing the most sophisticated work in that area, and suggested I contact him, but I never made any headway with that. ((Parenthetically, such Musculpted active imagination was cultivated through [1] visualization exercises related to linear perspective techniques practiced at walking meditation during a period when I was taking music composition classes and daily trying to paint music whilst listening to, primarily, Takemitsu; and [2] practicing Edmund Jacobson's and Gurdjieff's autosensory and autocognitive observation -- where self-observation becomes an infinite-regress nesting-foam -- whilst using as a rhythm-entraining self-metaprogrammed format the repetitive actions involved in the digging of trees alone in a nursery located a few miles from the residence of Hugh Everett, III. Meditators know that it is in the ketaminergic white-noise-induced deautomatization state that autogenic shifts to higher levels of functional integration transpire. How can that be so? Because white noise (auditory and visual) is how binary-mind designates the µTm-logically-valued.)) In this conception, under operator theory understood relative to operator-time, the Heisenberg uncertainty relations would expand into brane fog, not Platonia's probability fog. This, I believe, cannot be notated independent of Musculpt as mathematical notation, and, certainly, 1T2-proof/constructability theory is irrelevant. Scientifically acceptable thus becomes a term of contempt: Against Method and with Lukasiewicz, I do not believe truth-tabling logical necessity exists (to include necessity of the strictly true, leniently true, fuzzily true, possible-worlds true, so on: each subversive of the syntonicity rampant in nature), hence do not find 1T2-validity valid, see no utility in demonstrative-accommodative discursion beyond generation of [patho}logical technologies. Financial derivatives as currently existing, in my view, have been a failed attempt to 1T2-parameterize the hypercomplex introduced into 1T2-market dynamics by massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies -- an inherently impossible project. This massive uptake requires an absence of parsimony, e.g., an absence of, in Sornette's words, p. 50, In the simplest and most parsimonious extension, we can assume that only two regimes can occur: bubble and normal. The coupon-clipping 1T2-economy was a Skinner box long before such was discovered by B. F. -- which was well before operant conditioning became facilitated by the 1T2-RFIDing of goods, which in turn is/will-be used for reinforcement scheduling. Consider, for instance, import of the Newtonian smoothing of Fosback's High-Low Logic at Hindenburg Omen. Implementation of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams would AltMarket framework determining conditions such that imperfect information about market reflexivities would become less imperfect, thus contributing to the effort to minimize incidence of critical market crashes (the logic of trading would no longer be only either/or, either up or down, on or off, higher or lower, profit or loss -- but multivalent and, thus, multiphasic, hence making long-range phase correlations trend less toward monopolarity, by virtue of their no longer being subject only to on-off intermittency at attractor bubbling: the place to make a paradigm shift [for a contrary argument, flash forward and see: World's Dumbest Idea, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 22 July 2013] is not on the level of framework, but on the level of framework determining conditions), all the while -- via explicit marking of vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock -- facilitating approaches to optimality (which would begin to really optimize when self-similarities as regards time-shapes become system fundamentals: this notion having been arrived at during the mid-1970s at Cornell by analogy to acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures of changing theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature surfaces [which, as illustrated in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 323, can, by tetration, develop infinite power towers: a Freudian-regressed and conversion-disorder-displaced concrete econophysics example being the rehypothecation piggy-backing orchestrated by the momentum-trading Hedgies, as discussed in, flashing forward, David Stockman: Hedge Funds, Prime Brokers, And The Whirligig Of Wall Street Finance, Zero Hedge, 8 August 2013] at complex-angular-momentum cascade dynamics in tornadogenesis, the pathological incestuous daughter-son family spawn of the lurid meteorological embrace of heh-heh-heh!: here we have an aspect of demergence and emergence and hyparxis, by properties of its very constitution, directly embodying, and altogether necessitating, Musculpt) at allocations on a resource-depleting planet. This proposal could be regarded as being based upon a µTmly-amplified, counter-probabilistic, Everettian, non-social-Darwinian version of what is implied by Sornette's following statement, made on page 87: the market prices contain, in addition to the information generally available to all, subtle information formed by the global market that most or all individual traders have not yet learned to decipher and use. But, having closely watched people's reactions to such ideas for over forty years, I see nothing on the horizon one could conceivably become optimistic about.
Being no Luddite contrarian as regards technology per se, I nonetheless, on occasion, sound like one because I am resolutely opposed to archetypal event gradients established by collective psychoses deeply influencing formation of scientific paradigms, setting the pattern of technological innovation, and choosing amongst applications alternatives -- which is exactly what has transpired since run up to WWII, and less pellucidly since run up to WWI, and obscurely, but authentically, since the post-Abelian, post-Impossibility-theorem run up to the Franco-Prussian war. In my considered opinion, TV, cellular phones, and the internet -- as currently employed -- are three of the worst things humanity has ever done to itself, world-war-spawned binary-logic computers being the very worst thing (those who doubt that deleterious uses underwent a signal shift during the Viet Nam war era, informed by the MACV IDHS [intelligence data handling system], which intelligent intelligence analysts spurned because it was an obstruction to useful analysis, as noted in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994, would be well advised to see High-Level US Government Officials Have Warned for 40 years , Washington's Blog, 3 July 2013; and Government Spying Has Always Focused On Crushing Dissent , Global Research, 7 July 2013; and ECHELON Today: The Evolution of an NSA Black Program [cf: key word searching], Tom Burghardt, Antifascist Calling, 12 July 2013; and Surveillance Blowback: The Making of the U.S. Surveillance State, 1898-2020, Alfred W. McCoy, Antiwar, 15 July 2013; sadly, few ask whether or not all this has anything to do with climate shift dynamics: ask oneself how it could have been that people were surprised -- indeed, shocked -- by Snowden's revelations). And cloud computing (flash forward and see, for effects upon made by Snowden whistle blowing: NSA Pricked The 'Cloud' Bubble For US Tech Companies, Wolf Richter, Testosterone Pit, 6 August 2013), given that the primary motivation for it is further centralized control (see, for instance, that Microsoft's CityNext is in no way oriented along the multifractal lines of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, though it could have been: Microsoft Launches 'Smart Cities' Initiative, Michael Endler, Information Week, 10 July 2013; also relevant is 'China Urbanization Growth Fallacy' , Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 15 July 2013 and A List of China's 'Most Alienating' Cities Goes Viral, Ellen Li, TeaLeafNation, 22 July 2013; not to mention that unending growth is a functional prerequisite to self-organization only within 1T2-economies, as the post-adolescent human body, for instance, eloquently argues, this argument itself an argument for substantiality of quantum biology), will only make all of these much worse than they already are. These technologies are enormously destructive so long as political and economic and social systems continue to be founded upon the Cartestian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. Given current trajectories, there is little likelihood of any substantive shift in this regard -- particularly as the current employments redound upon brain function and structure to ramp up the lacunarity index by enhancing the already glutamate-etched impairments and associated quantum quenchings, such that more and more people demand further impairment, demand to nosh with ever increasing brio upon magical irrealism and unreal realism. Imperialism has always been rooted in furtherings of the technologies of control, uniformization, and purified 1T2-identity (a purification, in conformance to old school Nazi monist doggerel, currently being pursued with regression-in-service-to-the-collective-ego-selected criteria for eugenic forced sterilizations and genetic screening of designer babies and, flashing forward [see State of Michigan Incredibly Claims It Has The Right To 'Regulate Sexual Relationships', Randa Morris, Addicting Info, 18 September 2013], the squelching of dysgenic breeders): the advent of quantum-based technologies deployed in context of clinging to the institutionalization of a long-dead Weltanschauung has been a great leap forward for imperialism, whilst also being the primary source of prevailing systemic instability, and dwarfs every other involved factor, such as money-grubbing mindless-affluence peddling (see, for instance: Is Mass Spying Being Used To Make Some People Rich?, Washington's Blog, 1 July 2013), even if kinetic warfare is economic warfare by other means (see, for instance: Pentagon preps for economic warfare, Eamon Javers, Politico, 9 April 2009). Issues of organizational identity and family structure are deeply involved (see, for instance: Organizational Adaptation to Discontinuous Technological Change, Nadine Kammerlander, Familienunterehmen und KMU, Springer Fachmedien Weisbaden, 2013) -- a circumstance the character Ilse Haushoffer, in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, very well understood back during the 1970s. As the Japanese learned a long memetime ago, 1T2-market economies counter Confucius, destroy, not only extended families, but also nuclear families (all the while precluding discovery of viable alternatives) -- and µTm-quantum-based technologies employed in clinging behaviors subliminally designed to prolong the agonistic basis of binary relations (note that Sornette's eq. 27, linked above, with respect to m-combinatorial conscious factors, is descriptive of agonistic binary behaviors of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct agents; Sornette's use of µ and m notation -- that chosen by Post with respect to m-logically-valued propositional calculi -- in critical exponent of eq. 38 to designate singularity at self-organized criticality is, perhaps, a Freudian slip), socioeconomic as well as logical, only magnify 1T2-giri/µTm-ninjo conflict. The universal knee-jerk response to this structural problem -- no less than to other structural problems -- is exemplified by the Chinese in their recent Protection of the Rights and Interests of Elderly People statute (see, When Filial Piety Is the Law, Yu Hua, The New York Times, 7 July 2013): resort to increased coercion, not to an effort to resurrect µTm-ninjo's relative-state identity-transparency by implementation of Lukasiewiczian LETS e-nesting foams. If Zen no-mind ain't absence of mind but presence of the multivalue, then 1T2-money impoverishes, makes poor the µTm-quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains. No Einfuhlung-amaeru for you! One organizational adaptation is institutionalization of Insider Threat Officers (see: Linchpin for Obama's plan to predict future leakers , Jonathan S. Landay and Marisa Taylor, McClatchy, 9 July 2013) under the National Counterintelligence Executive, presumably to be followed by formation of internal security cells and criticism/self-criticism sessions (NCE's greatest worry must surely be -- like was the case with the GVN during the Viet Nam war -- the Military Proselytizing Sections of their adversaries' apparats: flash forward and see, for instance, Mexican cartels hiring US soldiers as hit men, Joseph J. Kolb, Fox News, 1 August 2013). Hard to miss trajectory of the program once well-ordering has been initialized.
For a good attempt at a comprehensive list of all the current techniques being employed by Gen. Gestapo Stasi, see The Government Is Spying ON ALL , Washington's Blog, 12 July 2013. Interesting to compare and contrast the following two articles, while bearing in mind that structurally privileging any given scale/echelon quenches autopoietic competency and magnifies iatrogenic-decision need: German banker likens Brussels bank powers to Nazi 'enabling acts', Chris Bryant, The Financial Times, 11 July 2013; and Police State USA: Obama Gives Himself Control of all Communications Systems in America, Global Research, 11 July 2013.
Here we have an interesting portrait of the prevailing liquidity trap (see: What Is A 'Liquidity Trap' And Why Is Bernanke Caught In It?, Lance Roberts, streettalklive, 12 July 2013). Is there a deep structure origin to this trap? A parallel reading of Louis Mumford's Art and Technics with Michael Thompson's Rubbish Theory may suggest a relevant hypothesis. With maturation of a new technological regime (e.g., massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies), metaphysics underlying the old regime are sacralized such that artifacts of that regime which had become kitsch undergo accelerated revaluation, a process which is a mass psychological conversion-disorder displacement of a clinging behavior, i.e., projective-identification of/with the dead worldview construct: a technology trap -- where a defunct Weltanschauung entraps emergent technology by wrapping it in hand-me-down overcoats fabricated of legalisms and dissimulations and land insecurities (see: The Great Southeast Asian Land Grab, John Cherry, The Diplomat, 8 August 2013) and national insecurities (industrial agrobiz green-revolution GMOs, for instance, are exemplary fixations, being products of non-quantum molecular biology; while Immunocore's prospective killer-T-cell therapy for cancer [see: Cancer: A cure just got closer , Steve Connor, The Independent, 14 July 2013] is inspired, one must wonder whether or not it will trigger or facilitate autoimmune diseases on basis of quantum dimensions to immune system function; and here we almost have it, folks, the anti-misery hunter-killer drug, exterminator of the misery molecule [see: Scientists discover brain's 'misery molecule' , Amanda Williams, The Daily Mail, 21 July 2013], chronic stress, anxiety, anomie, y'see, having nothing to do with induced submolecular shifts in DNA frequency-response windows and pi-electron-parcel minimum times for spontaneous localization) -- which may inculcate a liquidity trap by blocking full employment, on its own terms, of the new techno-base (an employment which would ramp up, by fostering new forms of decentralization across all types of economic activities, rather than diminish, human employments). What happens when a techno-phase transition is iatrogencially manipulated by myriad forms of ConveDD? See What Marx Got Right, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 11 July 2013, for insightful thoughts on that matter.
Until now, I've been unaware of I. F. Stone's contemporaneous book, The Hidden History of the Korean War, (see: Investigative Journalism and Speculation, Jay Hauben, OhmyNews, 14 February 2007, a review of Stone's book) which challenged, and apparently continues to challenge, consensus views. This review, however, does not revise my opinion that historians are looking in the wrong places for real insight as to current North Korean behaviors. The place to look, I believe, is at U.S. and South Korean CI activities conducted in the North during the year prior to outbreak of the war.
How do you win every battle, and yet lose the war? By making tactics your strategy. Disjointed incrementalism and tactical improvisation (see, for instance: America Joins the Jihad, Clare M. Lopez, Gatestone Institute, 16 July 2013) uninformed by wave-guide of authentic multiple-contingencies strategic planning over the actually-operative factors at conflict. How could that happen? By obsessive-compulsive behaviors perseverating through a leadership elite due to pathogenesis of collective psychosis (throughout HIStory prefiguring DEVAstation), etiology of which is found in the mass of double-binds binary-minds have inflicted upon themselves at whipstalled Weltanschauung phase transition. Duh, duh, hello! Psych 101, when the enemy is an aspect of one's own mind! suppressed, repressed, regressed -- and, hence, automatically in a condition of projective-identification at ConveDD. Self-agonistic heshe is, what! Her-Himi(nance), that Anima/Animus boygirlfriend tracker app -- dweeb or eminence grise or tony bon vivant, as the case may be. Such worldview-construct transitions, and consequents of their techno-spin-offs, are far larger than any elite, any military, can control, and therein lies the rub and necessity for ConveDDing -- for how could the single-valued binary-mind not include a paranoiac insistence upon purified-nazified identity in its repertoire when existentially challenged by massive uptake of µTm-valued quantum-based technologies? Monsanto-military attempts at control (in order to suppress long past due mainstreaming of quantum biology) over genetic identity being a case in point: see, for instance, US Military, Monsanto, Targeting GMO Activists and Independent Scientists , Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo, 14 July 2013. The need, need, need to Find, Fix, and make Further Fungible all the 1T2-Fiat currency units there are in this QEternal world (see: Gov't Bureau 'Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction', Senator Warns, Craig Bannister, CBSNews, 16 July 2013). Obsessions fixated upon by compulsives (e.g., 1T2-denotable identities must all be licensed by HHH, HisHerHighest, SheHe-who-must-be-obeyed via transference): every one of us has long known that automobile license plates were being scanned; but that every such plate was being T&P logged several times per day (see: Police Documents on License Plate Scanners Reveal Mass Tracking, Catherine Crump, Staff Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union, 17 July 2013) and this data stored-to-access for all aeternitatem? Mass stalking, more like. The cataloging of formations of inconsequents has become existential imperative fallibly unfulfillible absent purification to biometrically verifiable non-quantum simple-identity. Symptomatic of the frenzy of overkill. However tactically useful, massive traffic-hogging don't capture squatola what's relevant to prevention of the autogenic organizational transforms which strategically drive the ongoing shift from globalization of terrorism to planetarization of insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state and its supraordinate agglomerations (for Intro Eur Hist Lite, see: Europe's rich 'could face uprising similar to Peasants' Revolt', Katherine Rushton, The London Telegraph, 9 July 2013: non-fraudulent earned entitlements, e.g., SS, don't amount to a drop in the ocean of corruption-and-warfare shyster squandering, especially given that SS funds were/are ConveDDed to nefarious uses, à la $1.6 Trillion 'Military Mafia': NATO Countries Account For 70% Of World Military Budget, Imran Bajwa, Global Research, 29 November 2010: unless between the Five Fingers and/or them and their clients, sovereigns shipping arms amongst themselves is a high crime, no mere misdemeanor, in the Eyes of the Kowtow Media). What kinds of societies, Your 'I'minence Grease, do binary-minds create? What aspect of Do you understand? don't you understand? Since you refuse to be confused by reality, you insist upon all manner of renormalization under authoritative assurance that there simply must be a classical limit and an absolute limiting velocity of love. No one left behind and small unit All for one, and one for all hardly even begin to intimate quantum relative-state identity-transparency -- and that is just the point of the courant philippic which is the enormous collection, dwarfing virulence of that exhibited in run up to WWII, of obsessive-compulsive behaviors symptomatically placed on public display by our leading psychotics constantly subject to elicited back-striking as tactics made strategy.
While very high states of consciousness are attainable, they are not sustainable in the long-prevailing (dingbatted and dodoed!) psychosociosexual-politicoeconomic environment humanity has created for itself: relative-state dependent origination in one mind moment of the µTm-quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains (the why of Aurobindo's psychological induction-justified enantiodromia and of Buddhological renunciation). All the quenchers of higher states are factors of [1] conscious registration of the false claim to non-quantum simple-identity, and [2] subjectively executing an act of 1T2-intentionality. Both of these physiologically anchor as (failure of differential relaxation) return of residual neuromuscular tension (synonymous with in-the-body self-identification): [1] in the small extra-ocular muscles, and [2] in the laryngeal muscles (see: Edmund Jacobson's The Biology of Emotions, C. C. Thomas, 1967, for an account of supporting experimental work, and his book entitled Progressive Relaxation, 1929, for the involved theory of practice). Implementation -- by cross-scale pan[an}archical e-commons computer gaming of m-scenarios in Musculpt under VirFut Q-Pro, which would involve no mere sortition for demarchy: the random rep is still a rep! and the distancing covariant over the transformation induced by presence of reps of every sort quenches the quantum-potential inherent to relative-state (see, for useful commentary: Are 'Professional' Politicians the Problem?, Washington's Blog, 17 July 2013) -- of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams (obviously, this would not meet the geographic criteria for a move toward Le Grand E. Day's multigovernment, though it possibly could facilitate advent of polycentric law) defined over multifractal, (f)xterritorial, e-boundaries-without-boundary (register that ICE's recent customized expansion of Constitutional-empty-set U.S. borders to include a 100-mile expanse back from the boundary-of-the-boundary is a regressed ConveDD of singular homology, without which, in its uncorrupted form, µTm-valued LETS could not be implemented) would contribute considerably toward attainment of the µTmaoistic economic non-doing (mean-zero-growth autopoiesis qua self-organization) prerequisite to autotelic sustainability, psychometric no less than econometric (understood relative to an allelotropic theory of value, based upon of-each-other relative-state, not in the terms of utility, ophelimity, wantability). While polytely (i.e., m-goaled teleological attractors at complexity-type conjunctures-situations) in non-polychotomously fractionated systems (i.e., not deconstructable to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct simply-identifiable parts) is understood to have implications for decision theory, those implications are currently -- by contrast to VirFut Q-Pro, however concurrent the 1T2-computing -- not explored with m-valued logics. For an example of this neglect of Lukasiewicz, see: Dynamic Systems as Tools for Analyzing Human Judgment, Joachim Funke, Thinking and Reasoning, 7:1, 2001, pp. 69-89.
Hah! As far as my 'I' knows, a g-plex (as in Googleplex) is several notches down the chart from even the selfsame k-simplex -- and it follows, at least to me mind, that G-glassing with Google's BrainChip (see: Inside Google HQ: What does the future hold for the company whose visionary plans include implanting a chip in our brains?, Ian Burrell, The Independent, 20 July 2013) likely would soon preclude reading, already seriously interdicted, not only for those in the military, but also for those those Left-Behind-types enforcing homeland security (see: Homeland Security Threatens Legal Action Against Employees Who Read News , Mike Masnick, techdirt, 18 July 2013), and, eventually, anything remotely construable as thinking. Anymore -- scarification, especially amongst those 1T2-types contracted to count sheeple, by the terrifying vampire-boogeyman-zombie, i.e., µTm-quantum non-simple identity, awareness of which exploded in Vietnam's Injun Cuntry where nothing could be simply-identified, Found, Fixed and Finished, looming larger and larger: see, for example, Rise of the Warrior Cop, Radley Balko, The Wall Street Journal, 19 July 2013, where NYPD/LAPD advisors to police field forces, ICEX-Phoenix, and CORDS in VN go unmentioned, the MACV IDHS being one precursor to the ObamaCare federal data hub with its Navigators correlates to special service operatives (see: Move over NSA, here comes the Obamacare Big Brother database, James S. Robbins, Rare, 21 July 2013) -- it's hard to find a place to live where people know people, even those they regularly interact with. In most societies nowadays paper paper and/or digital paper trump people. In some societies, bullets are more important than people: shoot first; shake, later.
Asking how present-day journalists self-justify servicing the several media conglomerates is very much like asking the same regarding those who worked the Reichsministerium fur Volksaufklarung und Propaganda. One of the consequents of PIO disinformation antics at the Five O'clock Follies, the saddle-block fever in public affairs repeated daily in what had once been the Lincoln Library auditorium located directly across the street from the TAX Building and, in the other direction, EDEN Center -- Saigon, circa late-1960s and early-'70s -- was that, over the course of memetime, high-hucksteramuck military strategists and civilian policymakers began to actually believe the principles tacitly [under}lying the fog thus follied about, such that information levies from on high landing upon shoulders of intelligence analysts subtly demanded selective verification of the tacit principles subliminally fabricated to inform the black self-propaganda produced by PIOs and reproduced endlessly by the mainstream media, even if, by most press people, doubted in uninformed fashion. For instance, PIOs questioned POWs and Ralliers, wrote up these interrogations as reports which went into intelligence distribution channels, then incorporated their take on their findings into the Five O'clock Follies. An example in point was VC Rallier, Lt. Col. Tran Van Dac, the highest ranking Rallier of the war, with relevant direct personal knowledge going back to the late-1940s. In his case, not only PIOs but also a reporter, Don Oberdorfer, conducted extensive interviews. Only trouble was: the PIOs and the reporter, who were not engaged in intelligence analysis, had no knowledge base of consequence from which to formulate their questions -- except the tacit principles they used to fabricate their black self-propaganda. In the Dac misadventure, the PIO-reporter disinformation portrait prevailed amongst strategists and policymakers, and in the historical record, popular and otherwise -- deeply affecting understanding, or rather lack thereof, of the war within which they were enmeshed. On what basis do I make such an assessment? After high ranking officers interrogated with regard to actionable tactical intel, and after the PIOs and the reporters were through with him, I spent two weeks in a safe house intensively debriefing Dac on behalf of Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, using a CDEC translator specifically trained for tasking with Dac, and, as a knowledge base, thorough familiarity with the historically-dense document store captured when Dac's HQ was overrun subsequent to his having become a Rallier (a store incorporating most of the directives Dac, predominantly under alphanumeric codes and occasionally under noms de guerre, had dictated over the previous five years). So, frankly, I sincerely doubt that military public affairs will, in principle, significantly change from what it has always been (see, for a contrary assessment, Pentagon Spokesman: Public Affairs Must Change With Times, Karen Parrish, American Forces Press Service, 25 July 2013). What has changed over the last forty years is the level of elaboration in incestuousness of military PA, corporate media, Hollywood + audiovisual-VR developers. Ya, mein Standartenfuhrer! One might well ask, drowning as one is in the global drench of American-obsession themes, just how the fugues -- descendents of Alt-Marburger viruses, no doubt -- who produce such cognitive bilge escape lapses into terminal catatonia. Squadie bots in my small unit bonding? That's one reason I volunteered for Special Forces Training Group in 1965. So many robos seen around me skating near some sort of 'tonia, I had to find a way to get away (cf: Ray Cyphers, accomplished classical guitarist and later an IanMcHarg-trained landscape ecologist; Steve Coleson, who, by virtue of his and his father's extraordinary Camp Perry capabilities, before entering the Army, test fired the AR-15 for ArmaLite, commoman on the 3rd SF Group mission to get Che; about half of my SFTG medics class, including Larry Friedman, later a onetime NCIOC of Delta Force [who created DF, and who negotiated the bureaucratic hurdles?], veteran of Desert One who believed sabotage was involved, and plausibly the first American killed in Somalia; and my brother-in-law who, along with his wife, is still doing pro bono medical delivery to the downtrodden of rural Cambodia). Not new: U.S. Army foresees robots becoming squad members, Sharon Gaudin, ComputerWorld, 25 July 2013. Nein, mein Standartenfuhrer! Don't much cotton to Hollywood's bichotomous unreal realism plus magical irrealism, especially so since the former has become causal foundation for national policy formulation and the latter its strange attractor. These two crossed into each other: Triticum spelta reemergent from Old Europe. Desist, you mealy-mouthed farina! Couchant spilth. No mean speltz. Rubbish store once tucked into the spencer, yet again regarded numinous and propounded in sexdecillion, lo vigintillion, manifestations. Lickety-split like a lickerish licklspittle's leitmotif. UXB = unexploded bomb. Deserving of the utmost contempt; but, beware! rock the Umwelt and out of that Kaiserreichian loom steps a robokiller Feldwebel, if not a Regiment of Foot rapped into Cloathing Book TO&E. The 2T3-logic of death in the midst of life: earth to ashes, ashes to dust, dust to earth. Love betrayed does not yield jealousy; existential anxiety stoked by existential denial evokes jealousy -- but it takes introspective competency in the instant of evocation to realize that fact. It takes much more than self-observation to understand origins of existential anxiety in the false claim to absolutely-in-so-far-as distinct 1T2-identity -- and origins of warfare in introjections to Umwelt as defense mechanisms servicing regression of the ego at existential anxiety. If, under 1T2, necessitas non habet legem -- necessity knows no law -- then, under µTm, µTm-logica non habet necessitas -- Lukasiewicz logics know no necessity. In the terms of projective-identification at ConveDD -- uh, uxorious by Anima/Animus: why, why, that's positively contrasexually xenophobic, like calling mimetic estrogens (aka, xenoestrogens) antiandrogens (the steroidal type being the most caponizing, the most pro-Anima), heh-heh-heh! -- one must observe that the list of disorders legislated against (see, for a Russian perspective: The Dollar Racket, Valentin Katasonov, Strategic Culture Foundation, 23 July 2013) as national policy is selfsame to that to which the legislating government itself has succumbed. Forcing those off the dollar one is trying to keep on the dollar: the very nature of enantiodromia at projective-identification! Heh-heh-heh. Leaving aside Iran-Contra, given, for example, CIA-DoD aid (through third parties and less indirectly) to AQ&A in Libya, Syria, so on, is the U.S. Department of Financial Services (see, for a Russian perspective: World Under Eagle Eye , ditto, ibid., 16 July 2013) going to bring charges against those two hallowed American institutions providing the aid? If so, how many DFS operatives are likely to survive that confrontation? Don't forget what happened to the Brown Shirts. Once projective-identification is elaborately structuralized-automatized into the built environment (see, for instance: Data Centers in US Double Since 2011, Breitbart News, 27 July 2013) there is little likelihood of the projections being withdrawn. The application of rules of 1T2-logic to monocentric law is strictly adhered to -- except when such contravenes what grows out of the barrel of a gun. Long memetime passing, this run up to PW1 and associated calamities we are in the midst of (e.g., thanks largely be due to the guvment-military-industrial-academic-WallStreet-media complex, geoengineering under the mistaken assumption that there is a classical limit applicable to macroscopic atmospheric processes; and the reengineering of human and other organisms based upon the mistaken assumption that the quantum properties of DNA play no substantive biological role: in subsidence to these is the fact that, by consensus military analysis, the U.S. appears to be the global military dominant; but, since America is committed to being the current exemplar at preservation of the institutionalization of the long-dead Weltanschauung, that strength is devoted to a lost cause already thrice fought [how many understand that AQ&A is only one early stage of the present-day, i.e., fourth, fulmination? see, for instance, Al-Qaeda Is Back! , Clifford May, RealClearWorld posting for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, 2 August 2013] -- and, hence, is much weaker than appearances have it). Moreover, why should Rep. Peter King be surprised to find that Al Qaeda is in many ways stronger than it was before 9/11 because it's mutated and it's spread and it can come at us from different directions (see: King: Terror threat a 'wake-up call', Kyle Balluck, The Hill, 4 August 2013: note that King clings to inappropriate spatial modes of thought), when the sting-induced U.S. has, since 9/11, done nothing but facilitate global autopoietic organizational phase transition of AQ into AQ&A (note that Bruce Riedel clings to the woefully inadequate McQaeda franchising analogy, an analogy produced by mass projective-identification at Freudian transference, in attempting to comprehend The Coming of Al Qaeda 3.0, The Daily Beast, 6 August 2013), a process greatly assisted by GPC (Global Phoenix Central) undertaking leadership extermination and incident suppression as the Royal Way to make tactics a strategy? Ah-hmmm GniobGniobed Tibaval: US Boasts About Eliminating Al-Qaeda Threat While It Evacuates Half the Muslim World, Zero Hedge, 7 August 2013. And, flashing forward, consider that everything The Economist suggests (see: Al-Qaeda Returns: The New Face of Terror, 28 September 2013) for defeating AQ&A, would only strengthen AQ&A. How do I know this? After helping to analyze current intelligence on the Middle East at JFK Special Warfare Center in run up to the Six-Day War, and while studying dynamical phase transitions of the VCI at Strategic Researh and Analysis, MACV-J2, I suggested, as recorded in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, that what was being learned at SRA and not assimilated by the Command, would at some point be of great importance to study of underground infrastructures using preexisting ecclesiastical frameworks as foundations upon which to initiate self-organizing processes (a thesis roundly ridiculed at the time). What they always say: Keep your mouth shut with the globaloney criticism, Bub, if you have no plausiblepracticalpositive alternatives to suggest (not said, but always the corollary: alternatives conforming to the policy dictates established by our conscious and tacit prescriptive assumptions). Uh, uh, well, Excuse me! sir, but I've obviously long thought -- quite explicitly from the mid-1970s -- that implementation of m-logically-valued LETS currency units would have been the best counter-terrorism policy -- it probably being too late by now. Be aware that acute Keynes-White awareness of what later became known as the Triffin dilemma was one of their (White's position differed from that of his administrators) main reasons for wanting a bancor-unitas, not a vehicle currency, as international reserve -- and that it was into this 1T2-only-currency dilemma that the Tet-'68 offensive was expertly played (that is what I call: making strategy a tactic). Regarding King: instead of space, time-shapes, i.e., Clausewitzian time-as-a-factor-of-forces; regarding Riedel: instead of a corpus of McQaeda franchises, an autopoietic process undergoing far-from-equilibrium organizational phase transitions. But I remain optimistic, in that, after all these decades since listening to the stab-in-the-back myth echo hallways of MACV-HQ (origins of the myth having been due to the high muck-mucks not only not attending to POLOB, but suppressing it, and, thus, learning nothing to speak of from it), I still think a ten-percent human survival rate at planetary cuspover is a reasonable WAG. Having walked away from a $9/hour electrician's job in 1972 -- What am I doing building luxury high-rises for the K Street oligarchs? -- to take a minimum wage position as a Digger in a ma-and-pa Japanese tree nursery (the 80-year-old Chiba-educated horticulturalist I studied under had been thrown out of Japan during the late-Taisho era for engaging in anarchistic street theater and later, during WWII, was consigned to an American detention camp especially devoted to Japanese-American dissidents), I long ago (for one recently formulated catalog of symptoms, see Trying To Stay Sane in an Insane World, part one and part two, Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform, 23 July and 4 August 2013: all described therein being amongst the only-to-be-expected consequents to the suppression of Lukasiewicz logics such that Schrödinger's wave-function could be dysinterpreted to probability amplitudes whilst massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies transpired) concluded that human species self-annihilation is the preeminent currently-governing strange attractor, and, if the species does not figure out why its collective unconscious has archetypally so constellated, no form and no amount of cause-push activity undertaken will effectively countervail the teleological pull exerted. While I find stimulating Marc Faber's recent reflections (see/hear: It's Gonna End One Day Through War or Financial Collapse, Zero Hedge, 26 July 2013; and Marc Faber On The Sino-American 'Manipulative And Protectionist' Standoff, ibid., 2 August 2013; with supportive evidence provided in US general reveals plans for Air Force expansion in Asia, Peter Symonds, World Socialist Website, 2 August 2013) and Lloyd Blankfein's conviction that the worst thing you can imagine -- though I don't trust his imagination -- will happen (see Goldman's Blankfein: The Worst Case Scenario 'Absolutely Will Happen', Katie Holliday, Business Insider, 27 July 2013; a conviction echoed in Kyle Bass Warns 'There Is No Real Way Out', Zero Hedge, 4 August 2013), I do not hold with the notion that an inflationary-deflation-driven shift to an international reserve basket currency will be the final final solution (see for an excellent account concerning habituation to and increased dosage of SOMA required in this Brave New World to find, fix, and finish On-The-Run high-quality collateral: Gold And The Endgame: Inflationary Deflation, Paul Mylchreest of Monument Securities, Zero Hedge, 27 July 2013). I believe that, absent an incident-incited inflammation of collective hysteria, the crisis-driven attempt to implement and normalize a basket of 1T2-vehicle currencies as new international reserve, in context of massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies dressed in Cartesian-Newtonian overcoats, will, mid-lumber, falter and fail upon the last step of the Devil's Staircase, precipitating the fall into PW1.
Why would an intelligent person demean the temporary occupant of a socio-politically conferred role attribution when the real problem is the order of logical-value institutionally embodied in the role attributed? Hungary for a Hitlerian Kokutai no Hongi, if not a god-building Bogdanovian Proletkult Empiriomonism? See, for instance, Hungary's culture is being crushed or co-opted, George Szirtes, The Guardian, 6 August 2013. Once identification with the collectively-constellated role attribution is established, there is no longer the possibility of 1T2-identity and personal volition, however so much the illusion thereof is sustained (for sake of long-dead-Weltanschauung maintenance: the Foundation for Defense of ________; paste in one of the myriad Cartesian-Newtonian noms de gouvernement as used by America's contemporary national policy research institutes [Kokusaku kenkyu kikan, e.g., Showa Kenkyukai] and public policy companies [Kokusaku gaisha] and in its national policy films [Kokusaku eiga] heh-heh-heh!) -- setting aside Napoleon, his complex, and his Code, the transference dynamics generative of a Hitler being, perhaps, the quintessential case. In terms of éclaircissement concerning this issue, and irrespective cum regardless of the edacious névrose sexuelle américaine in particular, what ecumenically in Autogenic Therapy is termed ecclesiogenic syndrome and understood an intractable illness, it must be granted that the root was planted with imposition of the 1T2-boundary -- by Cartesian-Newtonian imperial immediacy, the Landgraviate of pre-quantum economies. Are mainstream [cart}elles no less keiretsu [kata}na-dansu than are bureaus which actually are their own [map}hias? If counter-terrorists can be sponsors of terrorists, why can't crime-fighters sponsor crime? Sodding SOD! Re-creative parallel construction -- and suppression of authentic undissimulated, non-dissembled discovery -- being yet one more of the myriad examples seen everywhere around us of the ConveDD and associated regression of the µTm-logically-valued skew-parallelism inherent to the relative-state identity-transparency tacitly embedded in the quantum-based technologies which have sundered viability of the institutionalization of the long-dead 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. Where did the title to this op/ed piece (see: The Binary Mind of Global Hegemonists, Andrew Sullivan, The Dish, 2 August 2013) come from? When I saw the title, I got excited; when I read the article, I got depressed: there is no discussion of binary mind in body of the piece. So I say: the title came into personal registration from the collective unconscious, a circumstance for which the author should be vigorously congratulated -- even though the registration yielded no further insights. Though I do not find most of his specific ideas of interest, the general theme explicated by John Ralston Saul, if appropriately modified (see/hear: Voltaire's Bastards and the Worship of [1T2-only-valued] Reason, Zero Hedge, 4 August 2013), is of considerable importance here. Socio-politico-economic impacts of global warming, the terrorist threat, and likelihood of mass opposition to austerity and other policy responses to aspects of the global financial crisis + 1T2-currency cul de sac are only conscious rationalizations for constructing the planetary megainsecurity state (see, for instance: European Union Seeks Drone and Spy Satellite Network, Chris Marsden, Global Research, 6 August 2013: complementing America, the world's foremost blanket-toting Linus van Pelt): unconscious bugbear-etiology of the serial fulminations of collective hysteria since Abel's 1826 Impossibility Theorem have been the rise of non-simple identity in general and, specifically, m-valued functions of complex and hypercomplex variables, infinite sets, µTm-valued logics, experimental verifications of quantum-relativity theory, uptake of quantum-based technologies, so on. For 200 years, when name calling failed, they, authorities and the highly respected, have resorted to the gun and lying to themselves and others so as to sustain the illusion of validity of all they hold dear -- corpus of their introjections to Umwelt -- and what have they achieved, in face of discovery in higher maths and physics, beyond stoking their need for more guns and for more lying -- now that validity of validity has been demonstrated invalid for nearly a century? If one path to the constellated strange attractor is blocked by purposive cause-push action, the collective unconscious will find another route -- so long as archetypal constellation remains intact due to lack of insight and conscious integration. It doesn't matter one whit what else is done -- following O-so very well-established precedents, whoopsee-do! by deployment of all manner of widgets in wigwag pursuit of this or that will-o'-the-wisp -- to address the planetary conundrum, so long as proximal cause, the logical-value precipitator, of that conundrum's archetypal constellation remains locked away in the collective unconscious, there to fester up its whirligig corpus of ignis fatuus strange attractors divinely defined-designed to [Mesmer}eyes and [trance}fix doe-eyed sheeple.
My close, and highly revered, friend, David Spillane, who, as a multi-linguist with the U.S. Army and the CIA, devoted more than a decade of his life to the Viet Nam war and the Cambodian Incursion, has recently died. Contrary to what many people would believe/expect, David was the most spiritually advanced person I've ever encountered, with the possible exception of our deceased mutual friend Roxanna Brown, another person with many years of Viet Nam war experience, who brought much inspiration to our various quests. The paradox involved, in my judgment, is due to David's internalization and voluntary suffering resultant from the generative empathy he cultivated by intentionality at reductive phenomenology upon the chaos, agony, and unwarranted death he witnessed at close quarters over a prolonged period. I do not use the words/terms intentionality and reductive phenomenology lightly: at a critical juncture in his life, he did a turn-around and systematically explored, by wide-ranging introspective experimentation, and with an extremely high level of sophistication, the various disciplines of inner work. Emerging from alcohol substance abuse, he devoted the remaining decades of his life to a systematic study/practice of the most demanding disciplines of concentration in self-observation, and thereby achieved surpassing insight as to a wide range of fundamentals. I know this to be so because, over the many years of our engagement, he brought to me an extraordinary wealth of insights -- some highly technical -- which I, to this day, struggle to integrate to my comprehension. Thank you, David. I never explicitly said this to David, but no matter, as I am sure that he fully understood magnitude of the impact he had upon me and the drift of my thought.
So, I ask you: Ashiya AFB, kita-Kyushu, circa 1953: Was my learning Japanese praised, and was my desire to attend a Japanese school properly appreciated? Nothing in this piece (Harry Truman and Memory of Mass Murder, David Swanson, Washington's Blog, 7 August 2013) surprises me, as I grew up with it. And those who believe Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program was inspired should contemplate the latest on the evolving situation at Fukushima (see Official: Tepco Plan Could Cause Fukushima Reactor Buildings to 'Topple', Washington's Blog, 7 August 2013: a Tokyo evacuation, as suggested by Christina Consolo in Fukushima apocalypse , Russia Today, 17 August 2013, a must-read interview, if not a northern hemisphere evac [no kidding!], as nuclear power plant expert Arnie Gundersen suggests in Letting Tepco 'Clean Up' Fukushima Is Like , Washington's Blog, 14 August 2013, and as implied by physicist Christopher Busby's 50 to 100 Chernobyl accidents characterization of the possible kinds of explosions possible for reactor #4's storage-pool spend-fuel rods, a characterization given in The Coming Fukushima Global Disaster , Infowars, 24 August 2013, is still not altogether off the table) -- not to mention the military vulnerability which the spent fuel pools at so many nuclear power plants in so small a country indubitably are in fact. The most notable quote from the Consolo interview, she being a fallout researcher: No one can say or know how this will play out, except that millions of people will probably die even if things stay exactly as they are, and billions could die if things get any worse. Not only two decades of post-PlazaAccord-precipitated-bubble-economy have stoked the index of collective existential anxiety amongst Japanese. Deeply repressed rage, particularly of the Japanese, is by definition well concealed. How better to elicit evidence thereof than for a onetime American military brat, who had lived in rural Japan during the early-1950s, to spout, well into the third fifth of Suntory during a group drinking session, opinions favorable to perspectives elaborated in animistic Shinto? The Japanese liked the way of life they were forced to abandon. And, deep in the recesses, they haven't forgotten that they liked that Way. If silly formulations like America's security guarantee to Japan (see: A gaffe-prone Japan is a danger to peace in Asia, Gideon Rachman, The Financial Times, 12 August 2013) raise my affect-charge and make me scoff (America's protection was and is imposed, and whose security is America protecting in Japan, anyhows?), just imagine what they do in those Japanese recesses. But even the so-called gaffers -- in pursuing Abenomics, which Rachman strongly supports -- continue the post-1853 Japanese program of trying to internalize institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, rather than keying into the Tao of Quantum Econophysics and its animistic resonances with primordial Shinto.
Putting fluoride in toothpaste to counter tooth decay is one thing; putting it in drinking water for the same purpose, quite another. Prescribing local application of a vasoconstrictor for a congested nose is one thing; dispensing a systemic NSAID for the same purpose, quite another. Typical, so typical, not only of modern medicine, but of post-Renaissance approaches to governance in general, counterterrorism-counterinsurgency in particular: tactics ConveDDed to a strategy. Centralization of high-tech systems courts enormous vulnerabilities, as has long been known, and as Snowden so well demonstrated (flash forward and read: Edward Snowden's digital maneuvers still stumping U.S. government, CBS News, 25 August 2013: quoting the article, If Snowden could defeat the NSA's own tripwires and internal burglar alarms, how many other employees or contractors could do the same?), but not only at issue is cybersecurity, also, say, electrical grids, the smarter the worse, as each electrician, especially if working for a company specialized in control wiring, well knows. The number of categories of people that will have to be monitored by Chian Keisatsu (Peace Police), the Sicherheitsdienst and Geheime Staatspolizei, and closely so, badge-to-face, by the Ordnungspolizei, is growing longer and longer and longer. Meta-criticism, even, of government policies is becoming viewed as treason punishable by death because TPTB haven't a clue, and the overload of existential anxiety involved in that clueless state is impossible to bear without taking it out upon someone else. Why should down-revisionism yield consternation on part of Euro-Pacific Capital's Peter Schiff (see: Peter Schiff On The Half Full Economy, Zero Hedge, 9 August 2013) when the Bureau of Economic Analysis is simply applying the Munzenburg-Lenin Maximum-Minimum Theory (promise the maximum, deliver the minimum) of organizational-adaptation-from-above? Quoting Schiff: The government is continuously over promising and under delivering. Governance by lying: this 1T2-logical necessity is a well-tested theory with a long history in human affairs. And with the advent of narrative robots, the present paradoxical period of Munzenburg McCarthyism -- furthered by fixations facilitated by graven films, adult and infantile (see: Putting War Back in Children's Culture, Tom Engelhardt, AntiWar, 16 August 2013, an essay that cannot be overvalued, where it is noted that the enemy is inherently ill-definable, hence, by the present thesis, in mimic to quantum non-simple identity: all participants in this cultural phenomenon being culpable for consequences) -- can be superseded in the person of the Roboprop (the automatized generative-linguistic black-propaganda bot), complement to the robot squadie, and the digital digital-systems administrator (as predicated in NSA gets burned by a sysadmin, decides to burn 90% of its sysadmins, Jasper Hamill, The Register, 9 August 2013: one of our present forms of auto-da-fé), all too likely soon to be directly linked to the autonomous hunter-killer drone projected to be responsible for The End of Violence by death-from-above. NSA and other American security services actually had a preponderance of pre-Civil-War origins in the private sector, i.e., The Pinkertons, started by a Glaswegian and currently owned by a Swedish multinational, so one could reasonably say that the NSA grew out of its Commercial Solutions (see: What the NSA's Massive Org Chart [Probably] Looks Like, Marc Ambinder, DefenseOne, 14 August 2013). Such is the inevitable full catastrophe when policy dictated by the suppress-non-simple-identity program is (actually has been -- since N. H. Abel's 1826 Impossibility Theorem): pop Prolong the day long, so as to persevere at clinging behaviors designed to employ µTm-quantum-based technologies dressed in 1T2-overcoats to artificially sustain potency of the 17th- and 18th-century institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschlong uh, uh, schauung. Poe poking Annabel Lee. One just has to wonder what relation the Utah facility (see: The NSA's New Spy Facilities are 7 Times Bigger Than the Pentagon, Aliya Sternstein, DefenseOne, 25 July 2013) will have to Star Wars and HAARP. But no national Fourth Reich is in the offing, for, clearly, techno-trajectory + global crisis prefigure a planetarization of nazification: these days, the shock comes not in passing between cultures, but between classes. Policy issues out of the "Needs, needs, needs ta kill!" derivative of the false claim to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct simple-1T2-identity -- the policy justifications proclaimed being mere cinematic-Freudian (no assimilation of Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation, circa 1939, just as the initial screening was being made, not to mention the derivative Hypnosis and Related States, Gill and Brenman, circa 1959, as applied to the psychology of mass regression) rationalizations of the underlying paranoiac compulsion Reaganited thru Hollywoodization of DC-no-Washington. Collective unconscious archetypal µTm-gradients/attractors ConveDDed to the 1T2-backstory authenticating toyboy's real-world warplay. On the basis of what justifications can anyone authentically believe this species will somehow escape the Armageddon it has by gathering collective dementia designed for itself and repetitively previewed ad nauseum to the point of near catatonia in mass autoerotic snuff films?
Indubitably, and pellucidly. I never expected to see thirty, as was the case with some of my fellow SF trainees: one discovers, with affective embrace of lack of expectation-bias, a non-ordinary appreciation of memetime. I am altogether opposed to spatial forms of organization -- particularly in presence of quantum-based technologies. Networks, and such: Freudian conversions like that, dressing autochthonous quantum properties of autarky in reignment, uh, uh, raiment of Cartesian-Newtonian autecological autarchy. ConveDD of the enemy-in-here yields: Stop & Frisk, the soft form of Find 'em, Fix 'em & Finish 'em (ConveDD of Find 'em, Feel 'em, Fuck 'em & Forget 'em), of Snatch & Snuff Stuff, of Injun Cuntry's Track 'em & Whack 'em. As David Bohm maintained: quantum mechanics is a theory of clocks within clocks within clocks (I mean, really, doesn't this theory quench atomistic modes of comprehension?). Technologies based thereupon predicate, for instance, time currencies -- as distinct from those defined over geographic partitions or electron energy shells. And HollyPentaWould knows this, otherwise heshe wouldn't have debunked the concept In Time to service regression of the ego as cinematic art. Uh, implying, [Co(i)g}nition, rather than [cog}nition. Cognitive assimilation of topologically-active operator-time -- even, say, fractal [in the sense of degrees of freedom, not spatial dimensions] clocks operating upon Koch curves and holomorphic boundaries-without-boundary -- and truth-value-free imports of µTm-valued logics further shifts kata (from pre-adolescence, many Westerners who've known me have viewed my adoption of the Japanese kata mode of learning -- unrecognized and reductively seen to be imitation -- as a sign of lack of self-confidence, when, actually, it's been the fast track route of entry to the kakureta-kata level of comprehension [here, I do not speak of Nihon bunka no kakureta kata], because I never got egoically hung up upon reproducing the signifying shapes of style, a behavior misinterpreted as never finishing anything [there is a big difference between not finishing something and being finished with it]) of cognition away from spatial-gestalt modalities and simple notions of identity (for practice at this non-binary assimilation, try Nicolaides' contour drawing slower and slower and slower, as slow as one can, until the extra-ocular muscles cramp at aposiopesis then shift to the gesture sketch aorist [stemic corpus of transmemetime qualia/moods of F. S. C. Northrop's indeterminate [[to binary mind]] aesthetic continuum] whilst concentrating ever more thoroughly in Jacobson's autosensory observation upon the rhythm-entrainments involved). The requisite auxiliary current, well, that one must find in the µTm-autodyne to the 1T2-anodyne which is the spatially enwrapturing ego sphere. Holographically exteriorized Musculpt as mathematical notation, I believe, is the essential interface required to collectively facilitate this cognitive shift. That carrying more verisimilitude than Musculpt, I don't know.
What exactly is the actual volcano (see Merkel's European Failure: Germany Dozes on a Volcano, Jurgen Habermas, Der Spiegel, 9 August 2013) upon which Germany dozes? And is that dozing in the hypnagogic state or the hypnopompic state? Can the dialogic of Habermas hyperbole in the ideal speech situation penetrate the associated hallucinations and arrive at real answers? Skipping all the usual suspects endlessly fretted over, I argue that that volcano is the same as it was at the 1871 founding of the German Empire, but not as understood by Habermas and Ludwig Dehios, whom H quotes -- i.e., Germany was too weak to dominate the Continent but too strong to bring itself into line -- rather, that Abelian-transcendenal Impossibility volcano stoked by the Cantorian transfinites subliminally inducing post-Napoleonic, post-Concert, Franco-Prussian warfare and setting the stage for dump upon Axiom of Choice, repression-regression of Lukasiewicz logics, falsification of Schrödinger's wave-function, massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies dressed in 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian Emperor's clothes (instead of, say, Tank Tantra, what we have having been done by regression-in-service-to-the-ego, e.g., Lara-Croft-crafted Google glasses, as described in The Future of Advertizing: 'Pay-Per-Gaze' Is Just the Beginning, Chris Taylor, Mashable, 16 August 2013; and New Software Forces You , Venessa Wong, BloombergBusinessWeek, 15 August 2013: just contemplate the density of totalism exhibited here, and not only being contemplated by the megacorps, private and public, but being compulsively effectuated by them) subliminally involved in inducing two world wars and the coming PW1. A present degree of mass dyscrasia altogether dwarfing that in run up to WWII -- long since having gone potty, what. Don't be needin' ta grow no minibrains (flash forward and see: Scientists [so called] 'grow' a brain in a laboratory for the first time, Steve Connor, The Independent, 28 August 2013). Apparently, in regards to such issues as these, it did not matter who won WWII: the outcome was going to be the same -- which says a lot about the consensus notions concerning origins of that war. The grotesque which is the exterior built environment (and held to be synonymous with development: see, for instance, The urbanization fallacy, Michael Pettis, China Financial Markets, 16 August 2013) being nearly everywhere an absolute tragedy, now, for the sake of completion, the interior environment is to be similarly built. If Wittgenstein succumbed to philosophical disease during those bygone days when Lukasiewicz logics were first ring-fenced and proscribed from putting touch upon Schrödinger's wave-function, just try to imagine dimensions of the design disease to which architects and urban planners fall prey nowadays. If designers can't find a unit length to agree upon for spatial dimensioning, indeed, even that one is required, how could they see that a truly organic architecture-as-frozen-music would be dependent upon the quanta of temporal curl endogenous to chronotopology -- and that the user-friendly interface to urban planning would be the µTm-valued unit of time-currency account required to financially mark vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock? The problem is not too weak to impose full-blown federalistic unification, but too dysinformed to codify skew-parallel unity-through-diversity via nesting foams of Lukasiewiczian LETS currencies, à la, say, the New Hanseatic League (a cognitive-myopia problem shared with the U.S., as displayed by behaviors such is that described in New York and U.S. Open Investigations Into Bitcoins, Nathaniel Popper, The New York Times, 13 August 2013; and, not that I oppose these, in Mark Levin's bestseller The Liberty Amendments, an attempt to re-create the Lebenswelt of the late-1700s, which likely would not be sufficient to achieve Levin's purposes, given the evolving psychotic techno-gradient/teleo-attractor). Moreover, given that the U.S. front ran, and continues with, the debt crisis to which the Eurozone has succumbed, and that the U.S. had long since fulfilled Lance Roberts' three criteria for resolution of the Eurozone crisis (see: Eurocrisis Ain't Over, streettalklive, 8 August 2013) -- to wit: [1] constitutional and monetary union, and [2] centralized fiscal and monetary controls, and [3] centralized leadership -- it is hard to see how opting for 1T2-federalization on basis of the 18th-century U.S. model could solve the EU's problems (not involving scalars, one can be sure!) in this era of massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies and state-of-the-art AI/neuroscience (see, for instance: IBM researchers get closer to brain-like computing, Jordan Novet, Gigaom, 7 August2013) continuing to neglect, in service to military-DARPA wants, THE µTm-quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-executive-brains. An economy that lives off bleed-outs of warfare-related R&D (and, so as to unduly prolong institutionalization of the long-dead 17th- and 18th-century Weltanschauung, suppression of that non-conforming being a long-practiced SOP not mentioned in Is Government Just Spying Like a Giant Peeping Tom Or Is It Actively USING the Information in Mischievous Ways?, Washington's Blog, 13 August 2013, uh, uh Red, White, and Blue Dawn over an owner-occupied Amerika in process of evolving thick-skinned ASSes, Amerikan SchutzStaffeln?) is not only subjected to dysphonic dysphasia in echolalia -- imposed by the lateral mental cleavage responsible for cut-off of interior Musculpt by glutamate-flood-induced facilitation of roof-brain chatter -- but is based upon the sociopathic dysphoria of the hegemonist's normative state. Scalpel, Sword, and Computer. Hard men, willing to do whatever it takes: bane of Biosphere 1, e.g., absent the brutal atrocities, the international medical-scientific community pursues the same general course as the Nazis hoped to successfully traverse. Cognitive septicemia: Willing to Butcher Command counted at 15,000 to 16,000. Biologicals (no less difficult to distinguish reduction from abduction, than defensive from offensive: flash forward and see the fascinating article entitled Why the U.S. Is Building a High-Tech Bubonic Plague Lab in Kazakhstan, Alex Pasternack, Motherboard Vice, 4 days ago, whenever that was: yes, and don't you agree that studies of changing plague epidemiology will make an important contribution to the understanding of climate-shift dynamics, i.e., no need to study altered atmospheric frequency response windows and modifications of complex angular momentum cascades; and, surely, Washington biosurveillance goes back at least to the gifting of smallpox blankets), gas, pulsed EMFs, bombing nuclear power plants, weather war you name it: that, rather than hmmmmm. Human species suicide, the unconsciously constellated governing collective self-metaprogram: rather that than a return to the µTm-logically-valued non-simple identity of the pagan animism [man}dated by the quantum relative-state recently rediscovered to be inherent to nature. The turning point on this was N. H. Abel's 1826 theorem on the quintic equation (essentially: y = x5). Since then, the effort to take control over the determinants of identity has been a rising crescendo of ever more virulent collective pathology. People have been in-denial with regard to this identity-order-type conundrum for two centuries: there can be no realistic expectation that that will change. Hah! The Good War For The Soul Of Mankind -- but that soul was going down its chosen archetypal gradient (µTm collapsed to 1T2) no matter what the outcome, no matter which side won that war. A given path to the strange attractor blocked? Then the collective unconscious will find another path, so long as the governing self-metaprogram remains constellated. There is no appreciation, not to say understanding, amongst TPTB of the depth and tenacity of the actual factors wringing their necks. In all likelihood, µTm-pencils of skew parallels are time pencils -- particularly if tampered with, decomposed. Now, surely, that must be an Act of µTmreason! The 1T2-autostraddle: dependence upon the state derives of war; war foments dependence upon the state (which is not to mention that war is the world's biggest carbon producer, as discussed in Scientists Gain New Insight Into Climate Change And What To Do About It, Washington's Blog, 14 August 2013). The bi-polar's logic is logic of the normotic, densified: (1T2)n. And we now have experimental evidence (see: Near-death experiences aren't figment of imagination, study shows, Danielle Elliot, CBS News, 12 August 2013) supporting the contention that 2nk goes, by Platonic anamnesis (though Plato, in Phaedrus, seems to have prefigured the notion of a quantum-composite, he altogether missed its m-logically-valued nature, in that there are only two winged horses pulling his logic-chariot), decisively to Mnk as long-range phase correlation increases with death of heartmath and as processing by the executive brain (Iambe) is reabsorbed by processing of THE quantum brain (Webe), as clearly implied by the Tibetan Book of the Dead and the Tenth Book of Plato's Republic. As all those sitting in on that Briefing for a Descent Into Hell have long since figured out. But, truthfully, I think that I pretty much always believed in metempsychosis (see: First Song donne by John -- a spiritual redressing of the contrasexual travail essayed therein being just the point of Obaasan's work, a work largely stamped out by Cartesian-Newtonian Westernization; Descartes being 35 when Donne died, Newton being born a decade later) -- now of the simultaneous variety, even though I am not much into personification: what do you think projective-identification is at swallowing of the love potion in Love in the Western World? -- given that Obaasan of my childhood, the veracity of whom I never doubted, was a Shintoist go-between whose greatest problem, as she explained to me, concerned spirit reconciliation prior to finalizing arranged marriages -- or so I came to understand the stories told. This belief on my part must have had a lot to do with the fact that whenever confronted with the choice between accomplishing nothing and doing the wrong thing, I always chose to accomplish nothing -- such choice-confrontations all coming whilst I was young. Nowadays, I comprehend that if, under third-order operator-time, Thou Knot of all causes (IV), involving linguistically-mimicked cognitive metathesis both local and hyper, All That Is is all ways always on on the base state of Tzog-chen, That All, which alwayes was all, everywhere (VIII), i.e., absence of the Christmas-tree effect over psychetic-hyletic data on the Musculpt-manifold, M, the most-dense sheet of Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space (that effect transpiring only on decomposed sheets: this circumstance being actual etiology of quantum non-simple identity and nonlocality), then the compulsion to accomplish is greatly mitigated.
This brief public review of captured internal AQ&A letters qua documents (see: Yemen Terror Boss Left Blueprint for Waging Jihad, Rukmini Callimachi, RealClearWorld for AP, 10 August 2013, profitably read in conjunction with "Blame those who brought Al-Qaeda to life", Rami G. Khouri, The Daily Star of Lebanon, 12 August 2013) is interesting, but the idea that the exposed hearts-and-minds approach transcends agit-prop qua peoples' street theater and is designed to actually hold territory won is very likely a mistaken counter-insurgent interpretation, for any attempt to locally govern would be locally fatal (and this includes mistaking the popular uprising as being a sufficient instrument through which to institute authentic substantive socio-politico-economic change, as seen, for instance, in the recent history of Egypt: Bring back Mubarak! the updated version of the Bao Dai Solution's magical-irrealpolitik Kristallnacht; might as well sponsor the Chinese colonization Cambodia in conjunction with a royal damning of the Nile!) and, synoptically speaking, in double-bind-inducing conflict with their anti-nation-state Caliphate message: where has AQ&A even begun to reach a pre-government stage (the list of indicators for this, and for creation of the appropriate preforms, is quite elaborate) of autopoietic organizational phase transition? Why would they try -- except, perhaps, by temporary localized policy error, i.e., mistakenly taking a popular front to be a national front? Change and Continuity [in thus and so] being the dysambiguation (not dis) academic designer-camie term of choice. And isn't it so very, very interesting, Mr. Moto, that that likely mistaken counter-insurgent interpretation is related, by the thematic evasion type of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance (and note that this basic phenomenon seen in patients treated with Autogenic Training, a phenomenon continuously documented in clinical histories recorded from as early as the late-1920s, has no hits on Google search, except where I have used the term: I personally have found the word search, not only virtually useless for assisting serious intellectual work, but an outright obstruction to creative thought) to the likely fact that mainstream meteorology has still not actually assimilated the general properties of far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, e.g., climate-shift snapping dynamics, as exhibited, for instance, in the article entitled Atlanta Cold Snap: Why is it sweater weather in the South?, Patrik Jonsson, The Christian Science Monitor, 16 August 2013? In such phase transitions, extreme oscillations across the full spectrum of variables are characteristic -- even extremes like the extremely normal, uh, uh, the normotic. In cases of psychological snapping (disambiguated by the mainstream) to collective neurosis trending to mass psychosis, little insight as to etiology of the involved behaviors (e.g., counter-insurgents fostering and/or facilitating autopoiesis of insurgents) is developed by applications of 1T2-rational analysis -- as is continuance in the practice to analyze global affairs as if national interest still plays a significant role in policy formulation. Talk about compensatory abreaction at conversion-disorder displacement in projective-identification over 1T2-Transference! Universal Fascism: The Theory and Practice of the Fascist International, 2001-____. Planetarization of Det(s)roi}tification. Michael Ledeen is right (in more ways than one, for see: It's War, You Idiots, Pajama Media, 18 August 2013) in asserting that there is an absence of global strategy, but 180-degrees (no fuzzy logic here) not-right in his 1T2-globaloney, to wit from the witless: we're the main target of the aggressors By way of inner counterwork: recommended is coup-lite, i.e., an abridged version. No right-minded person doubts there will be a Syria takedown, an Iran takedown, and others yet to congeal, howsoever justified; what remains in question is the specific trigger for incendiary onset of total PW1. And anyone who thinks U.S. forces in Viet Nam did not, under somewhat different circumstances, do this exact same thing (see: Shock Video Allegedly Shows , Sharona Schwartz, The Blaze, 25 August 2013) did not travel in the circles required to learn about it. One of the more interesting things I've read re: nerve gas -- and variations on false flags and feints and plants and black/white disinformation and sanitized discreditation ops and just plain in-your-face lying -- is Greg Iles' thriller Black Cross, New American Library, 1995. How hard could it be, what, to arrange a few black phone calls -- calls one knows will be recorded? There being no distinguishing between CNN and Frankenweenie, such questions are not asked. Essential background on Syria (some of which I learned about from AU-SIS's Abdul Aziz Said during 1963-5) can be found in: Washington's Long History in Syria, Ernesto J. Sanchez, The National Interest, 12 July 2013. To teach a lesson about moral compass, what is required is a number of big bangs brought about by some therapeutic bombing. Heh-heh-heh! Keepin' the Eh-rabs at one another's throats, using the Zionist stick, now also the AQ stick, when needed, has been Western oil policy since before WWI. Who was it, anyhows, what done helped SadDamn the mostest in gassing the Aye-ranese? And whose SSOs (special service operators) mislead the Kurds into provoking the turning of SadDamn's foreign-fed expertise (interesting background from Robert Fisk: Iran, not Syria, is the West's real target, The Independent, 30 August 2013) upon deirKurdish owndamnselves -- then hooted-and-scooted off for a little R&R to a training assignment just north of CM? Certainly not uh, uh, theirs truly!
Do not be mislead: despite the drift dating from pre-WWI, indeed, from the Civil War era (this is a must-read, from Maj. Todd E. Peirce, ret., U.S. Army JAG Corps, concerning the totalitarian foundation of what is being called the 'U.S. common law of war' back to the Civil War), being clear, the current earwitnessing security-surveillance state is only an egg, yet to enter eclosion (for display of a naive expectation set as regards further developments, see: The War On Terror is Over, and the Terrorists Won, Eric Tillberg, polymic, 4 weeks ago, whenever that was: it couldn't possibly get worse than this, could it?). Check out the first comment to the Peirce article: Group therapy promoted group values, group morals and group identity, substituting individual responsibility and reason for the acceptance of group delusions. Note the Freudian-slipped unintended inversion? Here is a person who has never heard of hundred-year-old Lukasiewicz logics and quantum physics, a person yet to cognitively enter the 20th century. This (see: Copyright Infringement Is Being Treated as Terrorism, Washington's Blog, 16 August 2013) 1T2-denial conflated to terror makes perfect sense when it is understood that counter-terror hysteria is earwigging ConveDD of the pandemic dread, fear, and loathing of the animistic-pagan quantum-non-simple identity being ever more thoroughly demonstrated by experiment (and embodied in technological artifacts, however ConveDDed) to be a fundament of nature -- a fundament which altogether nullifies the notion that property possesses the existential characteristics permitting simple-ownability (a fact which advent of n-hypothecated, diadelphous and triadelphous and quadriadelphous bundled-bundled-bundled mortgaged-backed-security fascicles, and their derivatives, has clearly signified), via purchase using 1T2-simoleons (even were IMF SDRs to be bancored/unitased into tanners wrapped in gold-backed Napoleons), by selfsame 1T2-owners, themselves simplistic identities to which nature clearly does not subscribe. What percentage of the movers and groovers, TPTB, theoretical physicists, pure mathematicians, celebs who care, M&A inducers, gurus on missionary assignments to the West, global-insurgent facecards will ever have integrated conscious awareness of this level of causation-teleology with respect to the prevailing planetary conundrum? Very far from unity, surely. The glitterati in general, the real skinny exposed on fashiontv and FoxSports, will see to that. Comparing Leni Riefenstahl's 1935 film Triumph des Willens with thematic contents of contemporary films, there can be little doubt that the megadeath-differential between then and coming cuspover will be orders of magnitude. Here's one 1T2-reason why a ten-percent human survival rate at planetary cuspover may be an over-optimistic WAG. I mean: could Wolfgang Pauli have really understood his own notion -- operator time -- and still sold C. G. Jung on his interpretation of Jung's notion, synchronicity? Could Jung have understood quantum non-simple identity and uh, uh, that the Pauli exclusion principle [man}dating simple identity is with regard to fermions only of the same atom and continued to taut atomistic individuation? Entelechy as in{tele}chi. It is not the Time surrounds me! circle that possesses unPlatonic perfection -- for having no beginning and no ending, no embedded precedence relations, no insistence upon Essence precedes existence! -- but the m-logically-valued, n-dimensional Mobius-strip/Klein-bottle uncontained container, for everlasting/neverfirsting, for transference-disabling and ConveDD-confounding and temporal-curled [inside}{outside]lessness, for lacking orientability both topologically and logically. Howwhatwherewhen, thence, of the same atom? Escherform cosmic Turangalila is not performed by Nudes Descending impossible staircases: those non-Euclidian staircases are impossible only in flat, homogenous, isotropic spaces under 1T2-valued-logic alone. And just think of the implicate non-simple identities nudely enfolded to the automorphic symformphonie µTmly holojected! Why wouldn't everything in the universe be rushing away from heshe what falsely claims absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2-simple identity at each clinical and subclinical quantum (not a matter of scale, but of principle) measurement occasion? The technical answer to the how-so-the-appearance, which is to say the howwhatwherewhen, question: complex and hypercomplex cosmic dia[geo}tropism, the tendency to extend the axis at right angles to the line of gravity. Under complex and hypercomplex angular momentum cascade upon nesting foams over Koch curves, at divergence (think absolute limiting acceleration + absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, the associated m-valued universal physical constants processed under µTm-valued logics, and impute two resultant order-types, c dot + c double-dot, of dark matterenergy) there is a 90-degree twist out of the line of gravity and into complex and hypercomplex spaces, the twist involved being the temporal curl of Pauli-Paine operator-time. Unassuageability demerges tenuousity by the µTm-pregeometry of temporal operations upon Great Space, such that 1T2-events memetime their purport of a ponderable space. With prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-driven glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching having become so elaborated as it is, does the human species possess the cognitive capability (even assisted by 1T2-computers) to resolve the situation it has created for itself? Governance being little more than the final result of the collective psychodynamics of transferring properties of egosphere as haptification of space occupied by the socius, there are many dimensions to the ConveDDing of pagan-animistic µTm-quantum non-simple identity, e.g., Da mission ain't never da mission! for the higher up the higher-ups who/what define the mission are, the more deranged be they, because they could never have gotten high up absent their derangements, the prevailing system being what it is: institutionalization of a long-dead Weltanschauung (this worldview-construct death being what should be discussed explicitly, rather than merely by ideas of reference, in Death Cafes). There are no 1T2-individuals amongst higher-ups, and thus no actual decisions are made, however so much delusions of reference (all forms of schizophrenic of reference being ConveDD of the Lukasiewiczian identity native to THE quantum brain) predicate individuals and the mistaken notion that politics is a decision science, for higher-ups become higher-ups solely by identifying themselves with socially-conferred role attributions governed by archetypally-constellated psychic event gradients qua attractors of the collective unconscious, the actual decision makers. The penultimate case of this social-conferral being when a person goes gaga and becomes a brand -- the mass-mind modality so fostering being a cognitive set subliminally serviced by the thematic orientation adopted by Animal Planet, NatGeo Channel, and Discovery Channel. Obsessive compulsion amongst higher-ups with establishing the appearance of existential confirmation of the existence of simple-identity at counterinsurgency is compensatory abreaction paradoxically counter to the fostering of the regression of µTm-identity states by the conventions of stress-oriented training, evolved over thousands of years of military experience (this regression being what is called high combat in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, by a onetime member of White Star, elsewhere denoted SFS, Special Forces Satori), so as to facilitate willingness to knee-jerk sacrifice 1T2-identity in order to protect the corporate interests of the corpora of higher-ups. Just as the good die young, the first to be targeted by the megastate's paladins -- Big Mac, Icky Ike, Pearly Patton -- are the Bonus Army vets. Be aware that identification with muscles in Old Greece stabilized in-the-body normosis in a fashion that did not transpire in pre-acupuncture China (see: THE EXPRESSIVENESS OF THE BODY and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine, Shigehisa Kuriyama, Zone, 1999). There is no such thing as history because each generation rewrites history in its own image -- and the errors thus chaotically generated magnify without bound over the history of history. People have been unable to read our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, because its thematic content is decidedly unwelcome and just too, too threatening -- themes anathema to the military authorities during the late-1960s, to mainstream meteorology, biology, neurology during the 1970s, to finance and economy cadres during the 1980s-'90s. In terms of the metapsychology involved, there is no essential difference between conflating copyright infringement to terrorism because of the fear of quantum non-simple identity and the hysterical compulsive bombing of COSVN because it exhibited symptoms of quantum nonlocality (a bombing behavior largely responsible for the Cambodian holocaust). Throughout the period of interest, when such themes were explained fact-to-face point-by-corollary, most responders expressed bewilderment and the simple fact that they simply had no idea what had just been said, so impoverished had introspective eptitude become. OMG! He's got perseverative neologistic paraphasia. If only he would repair to the couch and psychotropics. And if that doesn't work, then nondominant long-distance bitemporal ECT, another contemporary form of auto-da-fé (see: Electro-shock therapy sees a resurgence, despite controversial past, Gannett News of Tampa Bay, 18 August 2012). Shades of pre-WWII Italy and Germany and Austria. Fascism 101 quickly becomes the 9-hour graduate seminar Universal Fascism once the functional prerequisites are met.
Hey, this is great! See: [1T2 and planetary] Bitcoin is Recognized as 'Legal Tender' in Germany, Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg, 19 August 2013. Now, were Germany (and Japan) to make the shift (no mere diagenesis, the persistent penchant of the reformer) to µTm-LETS nesting foams as time currencies (please do not regard these as situationist applications of psychogeography! though the involved underlying notions might provide rigor to the non-linear architectures of unitary urban spaces and what the character, Derek Dillon, in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, calls integrets: having spent many years systematically engaged in walking meditation [making cartographies of consciousness by recourse to the self-observation aspect of walking meditation: an Archimedes' screw for the glutamate-flooded mind], one of Baudelaire's flaneurs, so to speak, I became adept at sidewalking and the associated lateral thinking) marking vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, actual deep-structure etiology of WWII might be somewhat redressed -- and depotentiated with regard to its present-day vectoring/strange-attracting of the large patterns of human affairs.
Unlike, say, Peter Ackroyd, in First Light, Hamish Hamilton, 1989, I believe Heisenberg's uncertainty principle to be a special case of Gödel undecideability, indeed, incompleteness -- because the uncertainty inequalities are a quintessential example of 1T2-ness in a philosophy of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function that reduces the corpus of the wave-packet's inherent µTm-valued order-types to that 1T2-only, reduced under the mistaken unproved assumption that memetime is an objective, linear-temporal, passive reference frame, the existence of which necessitates that Schrödinger's original memetime-independent wave equation be rewritten into memetime dependency, rather than being handled under involutory decomposition by 3-fold operator-time, where the µTm-corpora of Lukasiewiczian logical operators (understood independent of the notion truth-value) devolve as topological effects of temporal curl, the M of M Theory being, thus, essentially the M of Mnk articulation landscapes on Musculpt manifold, the Lukasiewiczian pregeometry logical operators being integral to all quantum measurement occasions. Lukasiewicz-Post µTm does not necessarily mandate pantheistic polytheism, but it does, at the very least, indicate henotheism. And that's just the rub, it is, isn't it, dear High Church sir, insistor upon selfsameness despite 1T3 of the transcendent Divine Proposition, Trinity? How could N. H. Abel not have predicated the transcendentals? Fugacious hardmouthed harangue: the fuliginous anlage, obscure and murky, remnant of those obtuse Angles and Jutes still determining the Anglo-Saxon mindset, O witnesseth thy angustus, yea such enge, angwisshe, angustiae, angoisse, angst due to thee for thy false claims, liens, thy arrogations, thy usurpation of the logical predicates to µTm-identity. Ev[an|gel}ine : ev-dev :: ine-sign : angelica-the-too-sweet wine-of-diagenesis. Of course, I do not think cybernetic mind-reading (see, for instance: Could we soon be reading people's MINDS?, Victoria Woollaston, The Daily Mail, 22 August 2013; and We're decoding perception , Kadhim Shubber, Wired, 20 August 2013: consider the intrusion-density index, better than BOSS, which this techno-app implies vis-à-vis the evolving heteronomous surveillance state, just so we can get on with creating a telepathic future, THE functional prerequisite to total control of the mind, even if it ain't dodecaphonic) is the royal road to exteriorized Musculpt as mathematical notation of µTm-valued ratiocination not resolvable to the truth-value tonic. While I have nothing, in principle, against developing the techno-capabilities for biofeedback, even by GoogleGlassing (see, for instance, Google Glass app being designed to read emotions, James Temple, My San Antonio, 24 August 2013), I do diss the intended uses of such apps, which, assuredly, do not include Tank Tantra, smart holographic dancewear for Escherform dance, and so on. What Wunderkind techy ain't self-destining himherself to become an agent of the superovermegauberstaat dipping into the Staatskasse? ISO-standardizing, stereotyping, profiling, truncating, renormalizing (just think of what diatonic instrumental accompaniment, beginning largely during the 1920s, of Asian folksong did to the pentatonic-and-microtone-adapted diva voice at singing paddy songs, and subsequently to the female grace-note voice-throw range at emotional expression in day-to-day social interactions, and the consequent flattening of emotional repertoire experienced -- this being one female concomitant to male caponization by mimetic estrogen flood delivered in postmodern foodstuffs) not only mindforms, but also emotive feelingtones: n(x)azification taken to the NeXt enfold. Cognitive self-[flag}ell[ant}ism: writable selfsame numbers, discrete alphabetic signs and symbols. Humph! Integer notation. No less constrictive than are the notation systems exposed in harmony class. Hans-Christoph Steiner's Pd scoring of Solitude, circa 2004, provides a graphic 2D non-hologramic intimation of Musculpt symformphonie. But I was already into time as a factor or forces (not yet into Pauli-Paine operator-time) by the memetime (1972-4) I took some 20th-century art music composition courses, so this-side-to-that-side time-pitch graphic notion couldn't possibly have gotten my interest, which was already gravitating to acousto-optical-interaction signatures of time-shapes (as our 1979 model of DNA pi-electron-gas-core dynamics clearly indicates). Later, of course, I happened upon acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode signatures of equivalent potential temperature surfaces, and, thus, had to begin thinking: exteriorization of inner Musculpt manifold, and, later yet, as user-friendly interface to m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams.
Interesting to identify the essential theoretic differences exhibited by these two papers [M-valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket, circa 1998, and Constructing a Chaotic Marketplace, circa 1995], versus Benoit Mandelbrot's and Richard L. Hudson's book, The (Mis)behavior of Markets, circa 2004, and this article [The Grand Experiment: Offloading Risk onto the State, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 22 August 2013; and Part II] citing the book.
There are obvious sexual dimensions to µTm -- not only symbolic and metapsychological, also neurohumoral. When the actual states of consciousness are universally suppressed, repressed, regressed, the behavioral arena, I believe, is largely a domain for conversion and displacement at projective-identification in mass transference. Whatever the scholarly Urfaust (essential, primitive, primordial, initial FIST) might have consciously thought -- i.e., Der Tra[god}ie prefiguring in compensatory abreaction, a retrograde-inversion of the case, uh, Abel's 1826 Impossibility Theorem, actually an existence proof for transcendentals, uh, uh, that is: trans-al-jabr -- given how essential is quality of affect-charge, and long-range phase-coherent interlock amongst Elective-Affinities instances thereof, the opportunity to experience authentic µTm-sexuality persisted for some in my generation to the late-teens; nowadays, I think, such opportunity has largely ceased by the mid-teens. But since Goethean color-encodable µTm is nowadays so intensely archetypally constellated on the collective unconscious level -- even more so than was the case for Bronze Age Weimar youth movement members, subliminally moved by the Renunciant Goethesque time-taken-out-of-time Wanderjahre which is the cosmic intelecheia enciphered in the m-order-types of Lukasiewicz logics (contrary to both Platonism and Existentialism, essence logically, ontologically, and temporally coterminous with existence) which then, riding on the back of Abel, covertly entered the polymorphous perverse cognitive scene -- largely due to stoking delivered by the recent flood of quantum-based technologies, the displacement drive-activation is enormous, dwarfing that prevalent during the Sixties, and finds expression in parodies of µTm-transforms like breakdancing, extreme sports, and in unengaged (NSA LOVEINT or no, What's love got-ta do with it?) sexual simulacra (group, public) often assisted by psychotropic drugs. When collective habituation peaks on the genital-fixated [physio}logical-sex level well, there are always direct extensions into warfare parody of µTm-logical-transforms to act out in delusions of reference. Netsecurity (see: Internet launches fightback against state snoopers, Robert Cookson, The Financial Times, 23 August 2013) could long since have been achieved with µTm-grams, but, for the above-given, just as so-called quantum computing is being employed to make faster 1T2-processors, cryptography voluntarily self-censors to 1T2-only encryption -- and TPTB will use lethal force, one can be certain, if need be to insure the net remains insecure to their surveillance.
When I come back a year or more later and read these journal-type entries, I understand most of what I was thinking, pick up on the references, get some feeling for where my head was at, and, scanning a lot of them spread out over some chosen review period, pick up on patterns, the recognition of which is useful for inner work -- that's how I've used this bibliotherapy (a beating of the man with his own cane) ever since the 7th-grade beginnings of my personal journal, predominantly an annais of innerspheres. The idea of fleshing out such material to standards of scholarly-academic mode of production, putting it in poesy, art fiction narrative, whatever, strikes me as the proposal for an utter and colossal waste of memetime, as it would slow down the process of getting emptier, empty enough to receive further insight, and it would refocus attention on, well, frankly, aesthetic trivia. It's awfully hard to imagine someone, with an attitude such as mine toward speakable language, being much of a writer -- given how thoroughly discrete words, poetically run together or no, scuttle inner Musculpt. Moreover, particularly as regards the central themes addressed in the journal, conscious communication is virtually useless to any of what the actual collective conundrum warrants. It was not just by corruption of words that insight was lost at intergenerational transmission by story, ballad, folksong, verse; also, simply by transmogrification into words: existence of the cultural lag which was and is Shaktipata -- a by-product of the omnipresent projective-identification at guru<<<>>>sadhak transference -- being a clear indication of that. Similarly, eliminative maieutic elenchus, one way of going for anamnesis of the empty space between Cantor-dust logoi, contrary to modernist and postmodernist academic accounts, involved transmission of ichor (endogenous ketamine flood, the satin-flow essence seemingly breathed): this verbal technique for facilitating demergence of the Greek version of Satori was deployed in an esoteric school context by means of walking meditation (prior to sitting in Sat Pad upon the base state of Tzog-chen). Verbal accounts of visual, auditory, and other sensory phenomena have always struck me as sad, as exemplifying the need to take hyletic data from one side of the 1T2-brain to the other in order for satisfying processing to occur (signifying existence of the functional imbalances C. G. Jung identified as fundamentally responsible for the array of psychological types and origins of the complexes as well as of the transference). One must suppose, mustn't one, that only dank sedge, bramble, and bracken of monotonic minds, bellowing cows consigned to the academic mode of production, can disgorge a functionalism, a structuralism, a symbolic interactionism, when, quite obviously, one ought acknowledge that all such factors are always involved, ought not one? Most philosophical debate can be relegated to the steady rain and subterranean streams evoked by the artificial neural networks prescribed by physical, temper(a)mental, and [psycho}logical types, as so well essayed by Newton Phelps Stallknecht and Robert Sherrick Brumbaugh in The Compass of Philosophy (Longmans, Green, circa 1954), a book, the conclusions one must draw from which remain largely ignored by aficionados of 1T2-logic. Mathematics likewise, actually -- the fact that the notation is distinct from the mathematics itself, and that notational manipulations are so satisfying because they give the illusion of control, of inflationary self-attributed active creation rather than passive reception-discovery. Same for music and its notations, the plastic arts and their artifacts: without notations and artifacts, there is no 1T2-I-ness, only unsullied ontic experience. But if he spoke it would mean that all this world [on Musculpt manifold] would end now (Kipling, as quoted by Ackroyd, evoking the rationale for vows of silence). Even more consequently, notations and artifacts are keystones of the prescriptive enculturation-socialization informing glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching. Quoting an apocryphal text from an apocryphal journal entitled New Archaeology (presumably devoted to the new behavioral archaeology, rather than the old artifactual archaeology) quoted in Peter Ackroyd's First Light, p. 26, the Abacus edition:
It is clearly impossible to believe that the building of such large henge structures as those outside Lyon and Cracow could be achieved without the active superintendence of a central organizing power
Observed, it can be, that the perceived necessity for centralization is derivative of 1T2-modes of [under}standing, [i}dentity, com[muni}cation, re[late}dness -- indeed, each of these four words imputes 1T2-ness -- a necessity that would have been unnecessary were animistic-pagan µTm-relative-state identity-transparency normative and accompanied by a capability for telepathic Musculpt (authentic mindmelding, more accurately, mindunseparated, by conscious access to THE µTm-quantum brain, rather than techno-ConveDD as 1T2-mindreading via invasive iatrogenic probes, e.g., fMRI, upon quantum properties of molecular-cellular brains), a capability imputed to have been the case, for instance, in pre-Inca Andean society. As a variation on the theme Ackroyd essays, it may be argued (à la the principle, but not the memetime frame, which William Sullivan employed in his paleoastronomical study of the incendiary collapse of the Inca empire: the enantiodromia, i.e., the unconscious emergence of an opposite, precipitating the Inca's war against time, these waning days of nation-state system qua system the functional equivalent being a war against µTm-identity) that induction of binary-mindset, in rapid onset, by snapping advent of the subject/(physical)object-level of projective-identification at collective transference (by initialization of glutamatergic antidote to endogenous ketamine flood) may have been triggered by abrupt-climate-change disruption of naked-eye astronomy, such that a reversal of corporate libido transpired: instead of, as had previously been the case, introjecting organizational analogical models from the apprehended patterns of cosmological processes, the constellation FaceBook of Lower and Upper Heaven, now, post-shift, egoic notions of organization are projected upon the Platonic cave of persistent cloud cover enveloping Earth, i.e., the faces of humankind are thenceforth seen displayed on the liquid-crystal skyspace misconstrued as the cosmic vault. I don't care what it is; it's still my poor O, whatEVER! Debatable it is, isn't it, Deary -- moot, moated, or mute. Time, hypothetical in mind: the [topo}logical equivalents to seconds in 2nd-order operator-time (pregeometrically, Gödel-numbed Gödel numbers of logoi on Tzog-chen AllBase) may be dormant (re: cosmological Christmas-tree effect) to memetime for centuries; those of 3rd-order operator-time, millennia. If energy is to matter as time to space, then energized matter is to space-shapes as pregeometric logical-value order-types are to time-shapes.
I again beg to differ with Zero Hedge and the Financial Times article entitled Central bankers have given up on fixing global finance, Robin Harding, 27 August 2013: (1) had the gold standard been a stable monetary system, we'd still have it; and (2) Keynes' bancor + international clearing union idea couldn't possibly produce a stable system today because the massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies insures a degree of long-range phase-correlation which 1T2-systems are inherently unable to adequately process. Resolution of the prevailing trilemma discussed by Harding -- i.e., the impossibility of having free capital flows, fixed exchange rates and an independent monetary policy all at the same time -- requires at least a 1T3-logic, and, since all x-lemmas are actually, by embedded reflexivities, n-lemmas, hence, n-body problems, µTm-logics likely are required. And where are those logics to best enter the system? Why, in the very definition of money, of course. Just one of those m-valued transforms so beloved of old Ms. Polly Alter. But that is exactly what the first two world wars were fought over, and what space-based Planetary War I will be conflagrated upon. These men: the dead of time! I say, too squelchy they are, aren't they. Every species has its own horror stories -- told round ebbing flames falling below circle of stones protecting the dark woods from conflagration. The stone koans of Zen gardens are not for the stoned, let alone the glutamate-etched and alcohol-based. A problem detected; windows of the mind to be shut down so as to prevent further damage. Android up, why don't you! Masters of a self-colonizing, planetarized society that employs Android/Symbian apps to put touch upon its ever-more haptified android-simian character-analysis profiling, howsoever open be the source and Android code analysis, however widely shared the surveillance data acquired, no matter with what efficiency collective memory management is handled, how cloudy the services provided, whatever the Android version (of) history. Haptification of space, to include that 2D, as partially explicated in Jean Gebser's The Ever-Present Origin, is, you know, psychopathic defense mechanism deployed against the µTm-concretion of the quantal operator-time constellated by Lukasiewicz (were his logics conjoined to Schrödinger's wave-function) a century dego, errr, ehgo, ah shucks, ago. Right, Reverend, 'aven't even tried, and yet, given up they 'ave, 'aven't they, it's said of them: their modems 'ave burned out and wifi has scorched them. Not exactly great minds. Couldn't say well-educated. Courage? Moral courage? Leading leaders, nonetheless. Infra is a modifier that does come to mind in regards to these non-modifying monocentrists. Not the men-in-themselves not to like, of course: the beliefs, the values, the aspirations, the behaviors, the persistent states of consciousness, the chosen corpora of attention cathexes
It's not what people think they think that matters; it's what they think they don't think. Personally, I've always believed that Samantha Power believes she believes in humanitarian interventionism (see, for instance: The Wrong Red Line, Stanley Kurtz, National Review, 28 August 2013) because of a commitment to the utopianism which formed the basis for legal definition of the term genocide (a type of event recurrent as far back into human history as we know about, a recurrence never significantly dampened by legal proscription), but that actually these belief beliefs have subliminally to do with continued suppression of that which was suppressed at deep-structure origins of WWII: Lukasiewicz logics in application to Schrödinger's wave-function (strong Cabalistic overtones) and what those logics would do to the legalese (strong secular-Rabbinical undertow) permitting formal definition of the term genocide. Could one usefully -- i.e., use-value (forget: validly insofar as val[ue] is confined to truth-value, truthfully, the like), the study of which Frege initiated whilst exploring the foundations of arithmetic and which inevitably led directly to Gödel's theorems on inherent 1T2-undecideability and inherent 1T2-incompleteness -- entertain the notion that holocausts and genocides and mass atrocities emerge out of highly complex conundrums which themselves have demerged from equally complex cognitive precursors? If this were so, we would have quintessential instances demanding polytely, but not receiving same, as our usual suspects. Please note that the Wiki account of polytely, and the long list of links provided, do not deign mention µTm-valued logics. This absence, I take to be a significant absence -- particularly as I have long argued that etiology of the Holocaust, with a capital H, was intimately involved with advent and suppression (interpretation remains tied to the mistaken idea that truth-value is the foundational notion of logic; no application to Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function) of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics. To expand upon late-Wittgenstein: the situation-in-itself determining meaning-at-use being, by CalabiYau/Bohm-enfolded Everettian-relative-state and vonHayek time-shapes (be aware that the scaling currently attributed to enfolds is dependent upon the mistaken notion that universal physical constants, like the speed of light, are single-valued under 1T2-valued-logic alone), always and all ways µTm-valued, the situation-at-use for conveyance of meaning-at-intentionality must be explicitly stipulated as to its defining logical-value order-type and parametric properties; otherwise, manifestly unrecognized-unacknowledged polychotomy (where k-class is understood as not intersecting the k-for-correlation as employed in chaos-complexity theory) will derail utility of the cognition engaged in.
I note that the environmental functions projected from IBM's SyNAPSE project (see: After Watson, IBM looks to build 'Brain In A Box', Jennifer Booton, myFOXdc, 2 September 2013) could be of considerable importance to establishment of near-realmemetime monitoring at fine-grained tagging of values -- stacked upon Lukasiewiczian LETS nesting-foam time-currencies' base-states -- to certain types of indicators. However, also notable is the fact that cognitive computing with counter-k-class corelets processed by neurosynaptic chips would still not involve the µTm-processing engaged in by THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains.
The allegory sketched out here (see: Is This The End Of The Market's 'Vietnam Moment'?, Mark J. Grant writing Out of the Box, Zero Hedge, 3 September 2013) is accurate enough, but only partially drawn -- in that the categorical and numerical flimflamming involved in the SamAdams-fanned enemy-strength estimates controversy leading to the Westmoreland-vs.-CBS trial goes unnoted (flash forward and see a similar case of the unmentionable: Europe To Change Deficit Calculation , Zero Hedge, 19 September 2013). Nor is the quintessential mad minute mentioned: for a couple of decades, I've been forecasting the last helicopter off the final landing of the Devil's Staircase of risk-ConveDD-and-concentration (and six years before the largely unconscious prefigurative symbolism of 9/11, I/i wrote to the editor of The New Yorker saying that, if this conversion-disorder concentration continues, that staircase will collapse into nothing but a pile of broken bricks). But I disagree with applicability of the Kesselheim quote on the piling up of little mistakes and accidents, which Grant uses to conclude his analysis: this staircase is not a 1T2-chaos-theoretic sand pile; it has structure no less elaborate than had the World Trade Center, largely built on fabricated conceptual dissimulations and outright falsifications like those involved in the rehypothecated bungled bundling of bundled MBSs and associated interest-rate and other derivatives, this bungled bundling itself only a special case of the pandemic ConveDD suppressing µTm-quantum non-simple identity whilst involving massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies, the defining properties of which are assiduously cloaked. As regards the missing mad minute, I thoroughly agree with the VDO entitled The Road To World War Three, posted to Subrealism on 2 September 2013, but contend that the explanation given, as accurate as it is, only touches upon surface structure of etiology and pathogenesis, deep structure having to do with pure maths, logic, and theoretical physics dissembling of discoveries anathema to binary minds experiencing existential threat to accumulated weight of their Umwelts -- suggesting that, even were the monetary conundrum resolved in some new non-dollar-based global 1T2-currency regime, still, cause-pull to a PW1 would persevere unabated. Concerning thinness of understanding cultivated by thick heads debating immediate circumstances, Daniel McAdams' assessment axes the tomahawk right through the log: see, Congressional Danse Macabre Has Begun, The Ron Paul Institute, 2 September 2013.
When I returned to the U.S. from Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, in 1968, I quickly found I could not read or listen to news/op-ed about the war because I could not recognize what was being discussed: there was so little connection to what I knew to be the case (e.g., no appreciation as to what expanding the spatial extent of the war would do to the resource-commitments curve; see, for examples of the present consequences of that lack of understanding, US wars in Afghanistan, Iraq to cost $6 trillion, Sabir Shah, The News [Pakistan], 19 September 2013, citing a Harvard study, and The Pentagon's Quietly Massive Presence in Africa, Nick Turse, Real Clear World, 7 September 2013). Some years ago, I found mainstream media discourse on the various dimensions of the prevailing global crisis similarly unrecognizable and, thus, could no longer attend to such reporting and commentary: haven't since, and likely never will again.
Lawfare initialization of warfare: AUMF (Authorization for Use of Military Force) in preference to AUM. Surface-structure comment on the Syria AUMF vote: while anthropogenic green-house warming may have played a preternatural role in etiology of the crisis, gas-pipeline issues and continuance of petrodollar dominance are undoubtedly subprime penultimate factors of the strategic equation, howsoever the immediate conundrum plays out; the prime concern -- however subliminal -- being the fate of Germany were Russia to maintain its gas monopoly vis-à-vis Western Europe. Current events in the Middle East and Central Asia: not really about money and monetary-system architecture (whatever the TCC may consciously think; see Exposing the Financial Core of the Transnational Capitalist Class, Peter Phillips and Brady Osborne, Global Research reposting of the Project Censored study, 13 September 2013), not actually even about control of scarce resources; about strategic jockeying and alliance formation prior to outbreak of, and early on in, a PW1 assumed for decades to be in our future . Will there be, or will there not be, a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned with a Greater China incorporating Japan? Deep-structure comment from an outlier (unlike normotics, outliers don't blink at the tipping point or the event horizon of a psychological black hole where the baud rate of consciousness reaches the absolute limiting acceleration): when there is no longer correlation between Weltanschauung and institutional base, the corpora of old contentions, antagonisms, internecine dogfights reignite, the resultant inflammations being driven-pulled (it's both cause-push and teleological demand-pull conflation pretzeling people into confabulated concatenations violating the lambo-gambo hokum-bokum rules of accommodation of the limiting 1T2-logic obsessively insisted upon) by largely subliminal psychetic warps (e.g., the primly inerrant godhead in projective-identification of mass ego which deforms archetypal event gradients of the tripartite Fertile Crescent Religionists' collective unconscious: singly-logically-valued morality and 1T2-religosity of the binary mind are two of the more fundamental vectors of mass warfare: mindlost = µTm -- to those identified with bing-bong ratiocination), and, no matter what is done on the surface level, so long as absence of correlation prevails, the strife will continue to build.
To ask Did Capitalism Fail? (see: same title, Roman Frydman and Michael Goldberg, Zero Hedge reposting from Project Syndicate, 13 September 2013) is to ask a surface-structure question, which is tantamount to contributing to the veiling of deep-structure etiology. Rather ask: has undue perpetuation in institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung failed? Over the last month or so, I've devoted a lot of my rapidly-diminishing cosmically-granted span of memetime to the following-linked elegant and profound epistle, and think it is wonderful that such lengthy texts are now made available on the internet, such that I can live anyhows and anywheres (necessary to real learning) -- whereas, being poor, it once was the case that I had to reside in close proximity of a major university library (which, given my personal history, determined which country I had to live in), whilst, with the wiles on demand and at avail, having to cultivate some requisite facilitative relationship -- and still study them: Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles, Jesus Huerta De Soto, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Spanish 1998, English 2006, 885 pages. While I could not possibly contemplate being so arrogant as to attempt to critique De Soto's inspired massive monograph in a paragraph, I will comment as to his having greatly deepened my appreciation of the issues he addresses and that he has, thus, concatenated my understanding of the implications of my own thought. Which, post-reading-DeSoto, are, relative to the issues he elucidates: in context of Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued LETS nesting foams (and associated QUANTUM-composite, it must be emphasized, vonHayekian time-currency international-non-vehicle-currency reserve unit of account), which, in and of themselves, monetarily impose radical decentralization, or, more accurately, appropriate scaling, I advocate an absolute separation between depository banking and investment banking, depository banking being consigned to 100-percent-reserve-requirement public banking, and investment banking being consigned to the private sector with variable reserve requirement per nest determined by m-scenarios computer gaming on the electronic commons, relative to the nest-dependent chosen indicators fine-grain-tagged to logical-value order-types stacked upon base-state of the involved µTm-valued LETS currency (for useful commentary, see Why Local Money Matters , James Fallows, The Atlantic, 7 September 2013). A tell, indeed, a very big tell, is the fact that, though there be many excellent diagnoses and accounts as to pathogenesis of the current global crisis which can be found in the alternative press and on the blogs, there is a paucity of believable approaches to solutions which can be discovered, regardless of how hard-obsessively, one has to admit, one searches. Tell of what? The superficial nature of the analyses engaged in. To wit, Understanding the Cancer Stage of Capitalism, Giorgio Baruchello, Global Research, 13 September 2013, a review of the second edition of John McMurtry's 1999 book The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, Pluto 2013. While I thoroughly agree with Baruchello's and McMurtry's diagnostics-pathology, I just as thoroughly disagree with their Four Point return political-economy qua 'the commons' to state control Rx (the pages given are McMurtry's):
(1) higher taxes for the corporate rich to pay for the social and environmental life support systems and vast public wealth subsidizing their products at every level (262-65); (2) aggressive national recovery of control over public owned resources (268-72); (3) public banking and investment (286-94); and (4) policy-led elimination of structural depredation of the poor and the environment (295-99).
What is my most fundamental demurral from McMurtry? I don't accept his tacit acceptance of the consensus account of the etiology and pathogenesis -- actually, only the superficial unbridled growth and malformation notion thereof -- of cancer, therefore his allegory-type generalization into economic theory, which is not sufficiently insightful-deep as to generate, by pregnant analogy, adequate notions as regards therapeutic economic Rx. Has McMurtry adequately studied Albert Szent-Györgyi's Introduction to a Submolecular Biology or his Electronic Biology and Cancer? I don't think so. Think, please. Does ability to produce a given techno-regime necessarily indicate verisimilitude to the cosmic case? Disruption of electron transport chains, of charge transfer complexes: is the information content of thesewhatdisrupted 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian or is it µTm-Schrödingerian? Whilst QED may be the most accurate physics model ever promulgated, and informative of the economic production of technological bads, as distinct from goods, this accuracy is altogether dependent upon the consensus account of quantum measurement, an account which utilizes only 1T2-pregeometry-processing, when, for a century, it has been known that such pregeometry is infinitely reductive vis-à-vis the Wittgensteinian case, which is, indubitably, the Lukasiewiczian case. For me, empathic digging -- both meanings -- of trees, as facilitator of Jacobsonian autosensory observation, was the functional prerequisite to philosophy; whereas, for Wittgenstein, nursery work was simply an interlude between distinguishable classes of philosophical disease. Fifteen years of Gurdjieffian practice at root pruning, in the age-old Japanese fashion, taught me a lot about, not only the distinction between identification and empathy, but also the difference between economic bads and economic goods. And I was able to carry that understanding into my gathering comprehension of cascade processes, an understanding enhanced by Douglas A. Paine's Cornell-resident and neurobiological-behavior-laboratory-facilitated empirical studies of atmospheric dynamics as they relate to imaginary- and hypercomplex-numbered instigators of tornadogenesis and abrupt climate change.
Who says that psychoanalysis of comicbookish Hollywood output is not a central feature of any intelligent take on the U.S. government's policy formulation process? Certainly not Jim Baggott, as per the filmography provided at the end of his A Beginner's Guide to Reality (Penguin, 2005). One thing learned whilst traveling intelligence circles is that the sharpest knives in the rack often have the plainest of handles. Those in doubt, please see: The Man In Charge Of The NSA Modeled His Office After The Bridge Of The Starship Enterprise, Zero Hedge, 15 September 2013. The persistent thematic content upon which dODed Hollywood -- particularly TV-Hollywood -- is fixated: perseveration at iteration of recurrence in service to repetition compulsion. The more dumbs you's got, the more you likes it: this dumb, dumber, dumbest lifeworld inhabited by diabesity sufferers, [fili}greed ElmerGantry snake oilers embracing mammon, m' man! Mentally-touseled normotic doohickeys and hotty gizmos haughtily engaged in septic byplay, trying to wheedle a little duplicitous political hanky-panky, cootchie-cooing the head-goomba TOPOFFs progenitoring Global Phoenix's hard-bitten whack'em, sack'em, and stack'em. America the deceptional? If so, is it so because our society has made an exemplary commitment to physics deception so as to unduly prolong life of the 17th- and 18th-century institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung? Roiled 'n racked Repubs ripping through Rob 'n Roy, callin' for a flat Earth once again. Yup-yep! Yup-yep! yelp the psychophantic pusill[anim}ous yuppies. We now know, even before our cataracts are removed, that the untruth and injustice of The American Way has been destructive -- as much to Americans as to others. Star Trekie phantasmagoria fantasy diverts attention from dissimulation of Schrödinger's original memetime-independent wave equation, the imposition of a classical limit, the lack of exploration of the import of an absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, and so very much more. Instead of Cantorian hologramic µTm-relative-state, which is to say all is one, and one is all, we are force fed the combatants' 1T2-logically-valued all for one, and one for all. But, given that the institutionalized Weltanschauung is long dead (check out the innovations instituted during the 17th century noted on this chart), we can be sure that soon the sheep will be hunting the wolves. O, ye preppie preppers. Hey, Mad Max, We don't need another hero!
By the time I got out of 7th-grade Civics class, I knew I'd never vote; by the time I finished high school PSSC physics (50 years ago), I knew why; once I'd completed Elspeth Rostow's 12-credit-hour seminar, American Civilization, I could give an elaborate account as to that why. Not Can an honest man become president? as Richard North Patterson would have it (The Race, Henry Holt, 2007), but Would an honest man become president? when the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm is almost 200-years dead? Finalized loss of faith in the franchise was hardly restricted to thinking politics toxic: single-valued-vector summation, which Locke used to justify-by-analogy (see, as I did in 1963, his Second Treatise for near-direct quotes from Newton's On the Motion of Bodies and On the System of the World, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Books One and Three) that Cartesian-Newtonian decision algo, fell fulsomely by the wayside at advent of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function (my first encounter with which having transpired in PSSC physics), and superconductive adiabatic D-wave tech has only served to magnify that fell, even though I argue that what is currently called quantum computing is not actual quantum computing, because in a quantum measurement occasion only the observer-state can be 1T2-valued, whereas, per Schrödinger and unadulterated Everett, the object-system remains µTm-valued. Use of analog quantum properties to make a faster binary computer involves collapse of the conjugated state-function at observation, collapse to the logical-value order-type prevailing in observer-state, i.e., 1T2 amongst the corpus of quantum physicists as they are today with brains glutamate etched and quantum quenched, if not yet spark-plasma sintered. Given the implicate internal-system-state as to sociality of physicists, could any well-informed, intelligent person have reasonably doubted inevitability of renazification on a global scale?
Cornell meteorologist, Douglas A. Paine, was a strong believer in his personal version of the Gaia Hypothesis. This belief was subtly displayed on the walls of his office with neph charts, images of spiral-banded galaxies, comets with double-helical feeder-bands, hurricanes, low-pressure-center circulation patterns, theta-e surface configurations, brain scans, images produced in such a way as to be virtually indistinguishable one from another to the casual viewer, the covert message being that teleology is integral to the strange attractors depicted -- as well as overtly with a poster expostulating Gaia as conceived by Lovelock and Margulis. During the five years I functioned as Paine's pro bono unofficial research assistant (1975-'80), I came to have my own version based upon embrace of the autogenics of ancient Chinese medicine (the old texts of which were substantially about systems of correspondence, i.e., the Eulerian notion of functions, as they relate to weather and geomorphology), medieval alchemical illustrations depicting the tornado as creating imaginary orthogonal openings of ponderable space and giant lances (surrogate tornadoes) being driven into power-point (physical-region singularities) intersections of ley-line (geomantic acupuncture meridians qua songline infrasound signatures of landforms) nesting foams, Georg Groddeck's The Book of the It, Gurdjieff's and Rodney Collin's The Theory of Celestial Influence, the Hamlet's Mill treatment of the notion of invariance, the Velikovsky take on far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, the Cabalistic Tree of Life and Greater Maze as numerologically signified in gematria -- all understood by me as being allegorical to a multiscaled understanding of µTm-logically-valued Everettian relative-state. From the period prior to my engagement with Paine: whilst pietism is generally based in churchy religiosity, it can also be purely spiritistic, thus altogether uninstitutionalized, and founded upon autosensory and autocognitive practices (i.e., spiritual cleansing) via voluntary suffering at sacrifice of the egoic 1T2-valued claims informing the introjections feeding formation and maintenance of the Umwelt -- the Seven Deadly Sins being instrumental to the dependent origination, i.e., relative-state, thereof. My most profound experiences of generative empathy having involved self-observation-at-digging-catalyzed psychological interlock with trees, I had, by Cornell days, long since concluded that crimes against nature, as currently embedded in legal codes, are, of course -- per Lenin's principle of calling the thing by the name of its opposite -- having nothing to do with nature and everything to do with a denatured personification-projection of collective ego as 1T2-godhead, despite The Trinity's failed scalene attempt to 1T3-bridge from (not to, insofar as space is the analogic-thought vehicle employed) µTm-pagan-animistic relative-state identity-transparency. So, unlike those who cannot distinguish between business-climate and climate-climate, I view terrestrial, even Martian, abrupt climate shift -- not equivalent to global warming -- as, not only a holomorphic function of multiscale intersystemic complex angular momentum (basis of Penrose twistors) exchange processes (one way of speaking about Pauli-Paine operator-time), but also as in significant co-occurrence (Jung-Pauli synchronicity) to archetypal gradients of the collective unconscious projected as anthropogenic-iatrogenic interventions upon complex angular momentum cascades. Solar cycles (e.g., the Gleissberg cycle: see, for instance, Solar activity drops to 100-year low, Times of India reposting from Reuters, 18 September 2013), according to this conception, result from conjugation of galactic-to-solar-system cascades and planet-to-sun reverse-cascades (e.g., coherent high-energy pulse-code bursts out of the top of tornadoes, requiring highly accurate forecasting and positioning to detect or StarWars deflect) informing the sun as to changing conditions on the given planet.
The collective -- voices of the tetchy -- prejudice absenting necessary commas, and insisting upon placement of commas where semicolons obviously should be, is not so much a marker of pandemic anti-intellectualism as of the decoherent mass march [a}cross the imaginary- and hypercomplex-numbered rope bridge connecting THE µTm-quantum brain to its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains (and who can be surprised that 1T2-neuroscientists have discovered the mental workspace of visual imagery, interpreted by the press as seat of imagination? [see, Network structure and dynamics of the mental workspace, Alexander Schlegel, et al., PNAS, US of A, 16 September 2013, and Scientists Discover Source of Imagination in Human Brain, Catherine Griffin, Science World Report, 17 September 2013]). While I am no longer nearly so good a punctuater as I was in high school English class, where I was an excellent sentence diagramer -- I haven't diagrammed a sentence in 50 years -- I am still good enough to arrive at that thesis.
Here is an eye-opening article from Ellen Brown concerning the safe harbor status granted to hypothecating repo and derivative traders under the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act: The Armageddon Looting Machine: The Looming Mass Destruction of Derivatives, Web of Debt, 17 September 2013. The privileged status granted in 2005 to those entities playing in the shadow banking system, according to Brown's account, vigorously helped promote the 2008 crisis -- and is likely to do so again. The main problem giving rise to the creation of safe harbor status, i.e., existence of a quadrillion-plus in derivatives, would be greatly ameliorated by implementation of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, because many of the features of derivatives and their bungled bundlings would be transferred to the currency system itself in the form of logical-values stacked upon the base-state of any given such currency unit (after the fashion of the m-valued state-function of an electron, say). I do not think that this could be done -- facilitated by some theory of transition -- on basis of one-to-one mappings from existing derivatives to quantum-composite states of µTm-valued LETS currencies, due to the fact that existing derivatives issued out of prevailing systemic internal necessities (to include those induced within a 1T2-market economy by massive uptake of µTm-quantum-based technologies, however thoroughly those technologies be cloaked in 1T2-overcoats), and the new system would be altogether different, but the functional requisites which existing derivatives unsuccessfully attempted to fulfill would be accommodated by the µTm-value stacks implemented over LETS nesting foams. Let it be noted that what Brown describes, and Warren Buffett appropriately stigmatized, are mishaps, passed over and yet to come, mirroring in their own domain those described by Eric Schlosser in his new book, Command and Control (see interview of the author: If We Don't Slash Our Nukes , Michael Mechanic, Mother Jones, 15 September 2013), about how history of little-known nuclear weapons near-disasters undermine the illusion of safety, a protective psychological bubble we cultivate by all available means of Freudian rationalization and conversion and projection.
People mistakenly think it is adrenalin surge that changes memetime-rate perception, when, actually, it's endogenous ketamine flood altering the baud rate of consciousness such that a brief ontic awareness of quantal operator-time is allowed, which allowance mitigates residuals of cognitive overload, a condition having become habitual to the postmodern person. The contrary is, of course, endogenous glutamate flood -- with countervailing consequences, to wit, the overwhelming preponderance of normotics: uh, that is, thum for whum life-before-death is eminently questionable, and with regards to which G. I. Gurdjieff asked, Is there life on Earth?. I believe these two processes can transpire on the collective level throughout any given population corpus. Ask not what your civilization can do for you; ask what you can do for your civilization: a quintessential statement of 1T2-totalitarianism widely embraced by those with glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched molecular-cellular brains. To what core-constellation does the prevailing deviant civilization return by repetition compulsion in exercise of its regressed psychosexual preferences? Codification of the integral calculus, its derivatives, the associated vector summation analogically marshaled to metaphysically justify the franchise at foundation of constitutional democracy. What was the humiliating traumatic core-event productive of perseveration, echolalia, the [deva}stating brutal assaults consequent upon rise of total warfare? N. H. Abel's 1826 Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans -- transfinites, transcendentals, transalgebras, and so on, transiting the limits which the Newtonian fluxions depend upon, and upon which his mint-master's System of the World is based. The collectivity back-reacted-upon-the-metric (thus dissembling all and everything construable as being related) of these Abel(ly)-constellated transes -- which were not Fertile Crescent Religion transes; rather, those animistic pagan -- and in so doing induced a marked rise in normative titers of endogenous glutamate, as well as the subsequently introduced exogenous glutamate employed to further processes of socialization and population control. The implied double-bind/blind species self-canceling could only itself be cancelled by unqualified embrace of unadulterated µTm-valued logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, but that would involve glutamatergically-prevented [re}cognition and fulsome acknowledgement that millennia ago, primordially, animistic-pagan humanity understood these matters far more thoroughly than does postmodern man -- only, the modalities of comprehension were altogether different and appropriate to the understanding codified -- and that cognitive degeneration, ConveDDed and misconstrued as material progress, has been the common lot since the last great ice age, a thesis consonant with that explicated in Olaf Stapledon's Last and First Men.
Forget about who may have been culpable; ask, rather, what has been responsible -- responsible for existence of national economies. Murder, eventually massed threat of murder, quite simply: the founding principle of democratic capitalism as we have known it. Is it any surprise that a system risen from murder should eventually founder? How risen from murder? From the denatured and arbitrary notion of an inside-or-outside, 1T2-logically-valued, spatial boundary over which goods and labor movement could be, by imposition of lethal force, or the threat thereof, interdicted, encustomed, envisaed, and upon which Umwelts and their psycho-projected administrative spatial partitions were established and legal tenders of national currencies have been defined. The massive off-shoring, and in-shore downsizing, which globalization has entailed, insured -- so long as 1T2-logically-valued borders continued to exist -- that invasive iatrogenic intervention processes of various sorts would be set in motion certain to create gross local malinvestments and misallocation of resources. While China's ghost cities (see, for the latest: China's Ghost Cities Are Multiplying [as the potential Japanese need for them grows], Zero Hedge, 21 September 2013) are an extreme example, an example of what happens where-when the dictates of central planners cannot assimilate the action directives of markets, and markets have no means by which to adhere to comprehensive plans, the American explosion in food-stamp dependency (see, for instance: Food Stamp Nation, Michael Krieger, Zero Hedge, 21 September 2013) is an extreme example of the local effects of quantum-technology-driven globalization within a civilization clinging to a Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base. Supply-demand, higher-lower value, inflation-deflation, my-your property, this-that currency, inside-outside the border (nowadays, not only 300-mile Newtonian limits, but also 100-mile-thick aconstitutional border lines) -- the list of Cartesian dualisms could get quite long -- most of these now being hedged, indeed, systematically undermined, by regressed imitations of quantum properties concretized with bungled bundles of financial derivatives. But would a We-Are-The-World, one-world-currency, World-Beyond-Borders corpora of nations united into a planetarized monoscale system of governance quench malinvestment and misallocation by removing the inability of markets to respond to plans and plans to assimilate market action directives? Want a world without urban and regional planning? Want a world with one GUTs-united market risen from murder, mRm? Look not to China's ghost cities, but to America's built environment -- the physical aesthetics of its strip developments and the psychosexual qualia of its embedded strip clubs, suburban sprawl, gated communities -- for an answer. The 1T2-market processor old/new-frontier-coupled to the Protestant Ethic (and catholic back-reactions upon the metric thus chastity-belted) hardly overcome the Venn-diagramable binary opposition between bird's-eye-view extra-systemic governance by invasive interventions and the internal necessities established by self-organizing processes. Inside-or-outside-type border; border, no-border: the systematics involved both-either indubitably remain 1T2-logically-valued, and processors thus logically constituted inherently cannot transcend consequences of the dualisms built into their very defining characteristics -- nor can the quantum properties of so-called quantum computers, computers using quantum properties as faster binary switches. For those who doubt the thesis concerning murder capitalism, uh, uh, concerning incivilities of 1T2-logically-valued markets-governance, and/or think this thesis new, we quote Octave Mirbeau's novel The Torture Garden, circa 1899 (the period when haptification of space led to explosion in military impositions of firm 1T2-borders the world over, as explicated in, for two instances, Tongchai Winichakul's Siam Mapped, and Peter Galison's Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps, whereupon reading of which one would do well to take note of how much Poincaré was undoing remnants of the Buddhological map in his communications to Saigon from Paris, and how much war and holocaust ensued as consequences):
Really -- I honestly believe that murder is the greatest human preoccupation, and that all our acts stem from it murder is the very bedrock of our social institutions, and consequently the most imperious necessity of civilized life. If it no longer existed, there would be no governments of any kind, by virtue of the admirable fact that crime in general and murder in particular are not only their excuse, but their only reason for being The joy of killing has become greater and, besides, has become popularized in proportion to the spread of social refinement Murder is born of love [is that 1T2-neurolove?], and love attains the greatest intensity in murder. There is the same physiological exaltation, there are the same gestures of strangling and biting -- and often the same words occur during identical spasms.
Abel transcendence of such psychosociosexual-politicoeconomic bases of civil affairs requires institutionalization of µTm-valued ratiocination, to include adoption of Pauli-Paine operator-time, so as to deploy time-currency indexing of vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. That opportunity has been there-here since 1826, but [pre}occupations of the binary mind have precluded relevant developments. There are no indications that that circumstance is likely to change. Who is to blame for a dysinformed populace -- the propagandists, or those who allow themselves to be successfully propagandized? Unobstructed, consequences of the prevailing internal-system-state dyscrasia will continue to play themselves out. Find me a case in absence of the failure to assimilate! Just look at the sort of policy ideas the trained, and onetime working, quantum physicist, Angela Merkel, has aligned herself with! Consider that this condition-of-mind reflects a norm amongst physicists, where collective perception management at quantum measurement has been necessary to sustain dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, such that m-valued Lukasiewicz logics can continue to be precluded from its interpretation. Nonetheless, were a summary statement as to responsibility-distinct-from-culpability coerced from me: In my considered opinion, the party most responsible for the violence of the 20th century and the cuspover yet to come is John Q. Public, day in and day out doggedly pursuing his pedestrian quotidian, not to say banal, aspirations, feathering his nest as best he can, all else decidedly relegated to the hindmost. I am certainly not, say, proFED, but, then, I understand that it was normotic response to quantum properties and their higher-maths precursors which is most responsible for the rising-to-cuspover conjuncture -- not the actions of any identifiable agency or discrete population subset. The Hollywood+mainstream-media-popularized zombie-fixation is a ConveDD of the ubiquitous normotic's cellwall-to-cellwall character-anchoring by glutamate-etched 1T2-neurolove in a body made the Jungian Shadow archetype impelling the species once again into the mass psychology of fascism. If QEing mirrors early-Weimar (see: Quantitative Easing Worked For the Weimar Republic For A Little While Too, Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse, 22 September 2013), do present-day global realities simulate a quantum superposition <<>> of |early+late>Weimar? Are we approaching the end of the beginning -- or The Beginning of the End? Last of first men -- or first of last men? A speaker for Five||rib||ism, borne by confirmation, spelt as [re}formed. Heshe's a skedaddler, yes heshe is, a scampish scallywag scurrying away from hisher sitzmark, hungry, greedy in esurience, the esuriency demanded by hisher Manichean binary-mind, no GUTS, fleeing in fear of the esemplastic power of skyey-ethereal quantum-relativity, exhibiting rococo exhu-hu-huberance at snuffing out any- and every-thing that, by ConveDD, conceivably could re-mind, metanoia, in respect to authentic quantum properties -- like the way nonlocality, i.e., infinite correlation-length, undermines the notion of motion by invocation of the non-simple identity confirming relative-state dependent-origination in one mind-moment of the Last Day which is any and every [quantum>measurement>occasion} one-mind moment, clinical and sub-clinical. Personal testimonies aside, who amongst us can de-VR sufficiently to ontically authenticate-convocate to himherself that redemption, salvation, grace does not return in the personified form of any 1T2 or 1T3 -er or -or -- let alone CAN-D carrying stigmata?
It is interesting to think of the various forms of postal banking systems (see: What We Could Do with a Postal Savings Bank , Ellen Brown, Web of Debt, 23 September 2013) in context of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, because that context significantly modifies one of the objections I have to conceiving of Japan Post Bank (a bank I once used to automatically pay all my utility bills and rent) as a universally applicable public banking model: national monoscale. I largely agree with Mish's arguments concerning private fractional-reserve banking (see: Is Risk-Free Banking Possible? What About Fractional-Reserve Lending? 30-Year Mortgages?, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 21 September 2013), in regards to depository qua commercial/retail banks, but not, it goes almost without saying, investment banks -- the two types of private banking, I believe, should again be altogether separated. I do feel, though -- being, in principle, against all types of fiat diktat -- that under µTm-valued LETS nesting foams, decision as to reserve requirement should be per nest and taken locally on the basis of m-scenarios computer gaming in symformphonie over the Musculpting e-commons (an alternative to War Play as described by author Corey Mead, published 17 September 2013 by Eamon Dolan Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, itself a megacomponent of the military-entertainment complex, we must conclude: FAST non-contact sensors being used, as they are by warboys and scientists, not as consciousness-enhancing biofeedback, but as magnifiers of collective inconscience). Take note, however, of the following statement made by Mish, which he emphasizes in red:
Logically, two people cannot have the right to use the same money at the same time, whether they agree to such a scheme or not!
This idea about the logical structuring of property and claims thereto, we must observe, is valid only under the rules of 1T2-valued logic and single-valued functions, rules that more and more lack applicability as greater and greater infusions of µTm-quantum-based technologies are conjugated to 1T2-market mechanisms -- a fact clearly illustrated by the bundlings of MBSs and the circumstance that these bundlings were created during a period of great acceleration in uptake of such technologies. Regardless of whatsoever type, and of how many, Cartesian-Newtonian overcoat-personas are given these technologies by binary-minded engineers-designers, the deeply operative principles and enfolded properties of the tech regime deployed will bleed through to the surface, ultimately imposing quantum principles and properties upon the corpus of users and the human systems they are placed within.
Flat imitate-the-digital-iteration-machine lacuna-on-the-brain cop-pop-op-rap vocal style of present-day break-dance-influenced 2T2-sexed bulk-processed idol singers continues a snarking process of emotive-expressive-range leveling which I first became aware of during late-1967 in Japan, and later saw evidence of in Thailand and, later yet, in postwar Viet Nam with advent of V-pop in sympathetic resonance with K-pop. Leaving out accounts of the incidents observed, the theory is as follows. Because tuning to the Asian pentatonic scale (like the old Greek modal scales) allows much greater vocalization of semitones, quarter tones, and microtones than does tuning to the well-tempered diatonic scale, particularly so when chromaticism is largely eschewed, traditional, say, Japanese rice-planting paddy-folk-idiom songs expressed an enormous range and detailed subtlety of, often lurid, emotivity (which I heard strong residuals of as late as the early-1950s in kita-Kyushu rice fields still cultivated in age-old fashion) exhibited in from-back-in-the-throat voice throw and with complex microtonal grace-note decorations -- all accompanied by facial expressions accomplished with premodern muscular dexterity. When, circa 1920s, Japanese folk songs began to be accompanied by non-traditional (i.e., Western) instruments tuned to the diatonic scale, or traditional instruments, like the shakuhachi, played to imitate the Western sound, a process was set in motion which, over the decades and through generations, more and more constricted emotional-expressive range, and even range of emotional experience itself. Subtlety in facial expressions devolved to a relatively small collection of the all-purpose, e.g., the all-purpose smile. (Of considerable relevance to this decades-old thesis is Jo Nesbo's discussion of visage du pantomime and the fusiform gyrus, as given in The Redeemer, Random House, 2009, pp. 289-293: let it be observed, however, that facial hyperelasticity is hyper, hence symptomatic of personality disorders, only to those hyperidentified with the binary-mind, and that entrance upon µTm-cogitation -- elsewhere known as Zen no-mind -- is through the deautomatization state associated with zero electromyographic residual tension of the extraocular and pharyngeal muscles, as can be virtually seen by comparing the photo of Edmund Jacobson, M.D., demonstrating this state [see his Progressive Relaxation, circa 1929] with, particularly, one iconic facial photo of Sri Aurobindo given in his raw-silk-bound 20+volume Collected Works, a comparison I made during 1973 while engaged in differential relaxation per Jacobson at reading Aurobindo as practice in self-observation and inner-separation from mental functions, a practice quick to evoke, not only shaktipata of Sri Aurobindo's light, but subtle inner sounds of silence, like the crinkling of cracking cubes of glacier ice in $25/shot tumblers of Scotch imbibed at boutique-designer mini-bars scattered throughout Susukino, Gion, Roppongi, Kabukicho, Shin-michi/Kitashinchi or hearing aurora borealis in winter's deep silence and the whistle of a U-2 at approach, Eielson AFB, Alaska, circa 1960 and the talk of the ice out from Nome on the Straits for walkabout, circa 1961.) One further elaboration of the hypothesized range-leveling process may be heard in tonal-language cultures like the Vietnamese where, nowadays, so as to sound Western or Korean sung to sound Western, much popular song is sung atonally -- altogether flat-lined, sans diacritics so to speak -- such that meaning of the words can only be guessed at: language tonality no longer in quantal superposition upon music tonality. Ensurient following of cognitive slug trails can yield parallel discovery of all sorts of cultural incongruities -- correlations having become entangled skeins. The inconcinnity imposed on the East by adoption of Western architecture, for instance: modification of personal space such that the unit length of minimum permissible distance was greatly stretched as ontic experience of residuals of authentic µTm-valued identity-transparency (needing no words, no commo; the degree of absence of conscious quantum relative-state inversely establishing, in large measure, a given person's noise requirement and level of addiction to roof-brain chatter: quoting the quoting of a brilliant statement made by William S. Burroughs, a statement not fully understood by its quoter, Ken Layne, in Philip K. Dick's Visions, Reason: Free Minds and Free Markets, October 2013 -- to wit: One is way beyond primitive cause-and-effect modes of communication. In fact, the whole concept of communication is antiquated. because translation across 1T2-ponderable space is just a Newtonian way of failing to understand µTm-quantum non-simple identity, not to mention the memetimed myth of history) waned in normative social intercourse. Indeed, my I/i view the rise of combinatorial communication (see: Why is combinatorial communication rare in the natural world, and why is language an exception to this trend?, Thomas C. Scott-Phillips and Richard A. Blythe, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18 September 2013) as having elaborated itself, by compensatory abreaction, as µTm-cognition devolved step-wise to 1T2-only cognition, insuring loss of conscious access to telepathic Musculpt symformphonie in process of The Fall.
Not a shred of doubt can reasonably be entertained concerning the premise that massed warfare and associated pathotech, coupled to selected geographic features, is highly correlated with the enculturation/acculturation qua neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching responsible for rise and spread of large-scale institutions (see: War, space, and the evolution of Old World complex societies, Peter Turchin, et al., PNAS, US of A, 23 September 2013; also, Computer simulations reveal war drove the rise of civilizations, Akshat Rathi, The Conversation, 24 September 2013), even, I would argue, push of the global institutional base towards a monoscale framework. Nor can it be doubted that American exceptionalism is rooted in monomeric resonance with this process of polymerizing coercion as evolution of statehood seen in mass projective-identification as synonymous with progress-development-urbanization-growth understood as one thing. Computer modeling was hardly required to reach this insight. Whether, or to what degree, emergence and kulturkreised diffusion of organized religion of this or that type is highly correlated with rise and spread of massed warfare is another question. However, the 1T2-implication that the widespread incivility [hu-hu-hu}manity has subjected itself to over the last 5,000 years of memetime is accurately characterized as civilization is very much in doubt to anyone who fell between enculturations and cultivated inner counterwork (cf: Hubert Benoit, Lacher Prise, Théorie et Pratique du Détachement Selon le Zen, La Colombe, 1954) to glutamate etching of statehood. What humanity has had since, say, 1850 can hardly be well deemed political stability inculcated by institutional quality, particularly so as the few remaining coffin nails of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung are already being monkey-hammered by massive infusion of µTm-quantum-based technologies. Too big not to get nailed! But were the moral economy of the animistic peasant's culture of shame and propitiation -- based in cosmological metareferencing (iconography of soul-cloths, tropes of ritual gifting behaviors, so on) -- to re-arise in a µTm-quantum techno-environment (see, for instructive, if rather limited, due to neglect of the m-valued quantum properties of DNA's free-electron gas core, reflections that are hardly surprising in view of Arthur E. Morgan's 1942 The Small Community and S. F. Nadel's March 1953 Social Control and Self-Regulation, Social Forces, 31:3, which raises the issue of multivalence of social activities: Human Nature and the Moral Economy, Eric Michael Johnson, Scientific American, 23 September 2013), rather than waiting for After the Fall from top of the Devil's Staircase with a ten-percent human survival rate and having to resurrect on a low-tech basis using Svalbard's Global (Doomsday) Seed Vault (see: Deep Chill, Colin Dickey, Aeon, 17 September 2013), what could be the user-friendly interface between [eco}nomics and ethics-of-metaculture (see our paper: Multivalue, Nanoimmunity, and the Genesis of Metaculture, circa 1996)? Surely, soul-cloths, gifting tropes, and the like would be inadequate in and of themselves. My suggestion is: µTm-valued LETS nesting foams holomorphically mapped over fractal e-boundaries. Parenthetically, I disagree with with David Graeber, as essayed in Debt, The First 5,000 Years, not about advent of debt historically preceding that of money, trade (in signifiers of identity incorporation) coming before barter in material goods, and money as signifier of multivalent social relations rather than signifier of 1T2ly-objective worth, but, as regards archaic animistic-pagan societies, with the following statement made by Graeber and quoted by Johnson in his article:
As with so many actual small communities, Graeber writes, everyone simply keeps track of who owes what to whom.
In societies where participation mystique -- i.e., µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency -- is normative, there is no ontic experience of the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct individuals Graeber's statement predicates, nor, thus, could property or claims to it be signified in the manner assumed to have been the case. This was so to significant degree in some peasant societies even into the early-20th century, as per the following from the French ethnologist Giran, written in 1912 and translated into English during 1970 by East Asian scholar Nguyen Khac Kham (see the metaculture paper linked above for citation):
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese.
Anything but Cartesian-Newtonian! that is. Take note of the quantum-theory-like terminology employed.
Here (see: The Big Picture Economy, Part 1: Labor, Imports and the Dollar, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 22 September 2013) is a very clear account of the Triffin dilemma (my only caveat being that both Keynes and White in 1944, long before it was so named, well understood this 1T2-logically-valued dilemma imposed upon monetary-system framework-determining-conditions, because that dilemma was one explicit reason given for why non-vehicle reserve currency, bancor-unitas, was advocated by both economists at the Bretton Woods conference, however unsuccessfully) with the added plus of explicating how that dilemma is involved in decline of private-sector unions and the sustained power of public-sector unions. Another great argument for implementation of variously-backed m-logically-valued LETS time-currency base-states mapped over nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries, with reserve AllBase unit of account being the µTm-quantum-composite employed to more and more accurately mark vonHayekian time shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth (imaginary and hypercomplex deep time not being found in long-term as opposed to short-term, but in topologically-active operator-time as distinct from passive referential memetime: chronoelasticity/variable-density reading in binary-minded memetime as reductive lapse/slowdown). Borderline personalities, y'know, like all other types, sit on Koch curves -- the signal difference being bleed through from THE quantum brain, but not enough µTm-processing capacity to resolve fractality of the boundary-without-boundaried state space, where within cross-modal translations of sensory dimensions impress coherent light-sound-interactive signatures upon the registry, uh, uh, the CTC-AllBase, CantoriancontinuumT(zog)chen. Smith's Part 2, 24 September 2013, discusses fraud, speculation, and a pernicious sense of entitlement which I say does not include, quoting Smith, what the Treasury owes Social Security for squandering $4 trillion in Social Security payroll taxes, uh, dissipated largely upon the warfare responsible for creating and maintaining civilization. Heh-heh-heh! When lying has become the staple, as Seymour Hersh says (see: Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and the 'pathetic' American media, Lisa O'Carroll, The Guardian, 27 September 2013) how could anything of significance be accomplished? And how very long has that staple been an integral part of normal science, of philosophical defense of that old-time religion, 1T2-logic, of interpretations placed upon higher mathematics? While I substantially agree with Zero Hedge about outcome (see: When Bubbles Fail: Albert Edwards Explains What Happens When The Fed Can No Longer Contain The Fury Of The 99%, 27 September 2013: containing quotes worthy of hysterical laughter), I do, however, feel hope is not the issue: when cuspover comes in the very shallow, i.e., 1T2-only of the µTm-logical values there are available to mark the vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, what was mistaken to be an infinity-edged endless-swimming pool of global liquidity -- and the highest diving board is attached to the final landing of the Devil's Staircase, this landing being on the transnational-transbloczone, planetary level -- the militaries will most certainly be with the various war parties. While, again and moreover, termination of the British Raj in India, fall of the U.S.S.R., and ending of apartheid in South Africa are inspiring examples of nonviolent institutional phase transitions, they establish, being altogether incommensurate, no precedents with respect to techno-regime-driven utter failure of the global institutionalization of a 200-year-dead Weltanschauung, where anthropogenic iatrogenic-interventions upon viability of natural systems is increasingly apparent. PW1 will come, not because of the financial-monetary difficulties, but because of all the staple lying since Abel's 1826 Impossibility Theorem, the lying which is an integral part of normal science, of philosophical defense of that old-time religion, 1T2-logic, of interpretations placed upon higher mathematics.
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