Logics of tensor strain in co-Tangent bundles over a general Manifold
for Musculpt by VirFut Q-Pro

µTm Scenarios, T22(M)

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

Mind out of time? Yes, mind issuing out of temporal curl quantized as Pauli-Paine operator-time demerging in the twistors (note that the basic underlying ideas go back to late mid-19th-century higher maths, lending support to my Abelian thesis as to deep-structure origins of the “War of the World”; note, further, that the Penrose take on “null momentum angular momentum” and “fight cones” have a certain resonance with the null vectors employed in formulation of J. G. Bennett's “pencils of skew-parallels”, which I flashed on in 1963 as possibly providing insight to the identity-transparency states I had experienced in Japan as a preadolescent child) effecting the µTm-quantum-wave dynamics of helix-coiling intra-neuronal and intra-perineural DNA, DNA's very own true-to-life WiFi, and 1T2-memetime issuing out of mind (apropos of the Aymara language treatment of time as “moving ego”). No-mind is out of time, outside 1T2-memetime, but not beyond µTm-operator-time. Memetime, O damn, there it is againe, starting -- making life a horrible taste in throat's back, the rasa registering upon binary mind's dead sky, its world a bad idea. Right, Amis? Consider, as regards Hamlet's Mill and the “frame of time” (ask what the subliminal “why” was that this initial-title designator was dropped from title of later editions!), William Shakespeare:

But wherefore do you not a mightier way
Make war upon this bloody tyrant time?

Given in “Sonnet Sixteen”, as quoted (the “not” shifted; no comma after “tyrant”) in Jennifer Lee Carrell's The Shakespeare Secret, Dutton, 2007, p. 51 of the Sphere paperback edition. If the Incas mounted a “War Against Time”, as William Sullivan argues -- inspiration for his argument based upon elaborations of schemata provided in Hamlet's Mill (see: The Secret of the Incas: Myth, Astronomy, and the War Against Time, Crown, 1996; and, for a laughable review reflecting the prevailing consensus academic mindset, see here, as provided by Harvard.edu under good offices of the NASA Astrophysics Data System: given the enormous affect-charge driving collective back-reaction against quantum-relativistic pagan-animistic relative-state identity-transparency, this back-reaction being the real origin, in my judgment, of the “War of the World”, WHAT credence can be given to consensus institutional science qua mainstream academia relative to any involved issue?) -- uh, ARGUES came on the back of a retrograde inversion of primordial (a residual having been the 1T3-logicality of the Aymara language) Andean cosmogony (no longer -- as egoic identification elaborated due to glutamatergic neuronal etching of “buffers”, thus giving rise to a pathological form of “inversive geometry” -- reading nature into cultural forms, but projecting cultural forms onto nature), THEN the geoengineering variety of Kulturschande is, today, the functional equivalent to the Incas' counter-extinctionary “war”, and likely will be no more successful. Using the “play” as a stand-in for the arts in general, Hamlet says:

…the purpose of playing, whose end,
both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as 'twere,
the mirror up to nature…
(Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2, lines 20-22)

But does that mirror reflect nature read into culture or culture projected onto nature? As regards the Kunstwissenschaft qua Kulturwissenschaft of geoengineering, flash forward and read “Al-Qaeda Seizes Anbar Dam, Floods Out Troops Near Fallujah”, Jason Ditz, AntiWar.com, 11 April 2014, and farther forward for “Water War? Turkey Cuts Water Supply to Syria -- Euphrates Shut Down”, Michael Collins, OpEd News, 2 June 2014, to see that environmental warfare can be promulgated on any scale level, not only that macroscopic (“as above, so below”): in 1968, there was a single water pipe serving the city of Saigon, some of it running above ground, and the VC never touched it, but that was in the days before the USAF claimed “ownership” of Earth's atmosphere. Blowback may be long in coming, but come it indubitably will -- given dominance of the dumbest binary minds. It goes without saying that the military in general, wars in particular, attract and cultivate the psychologically incompetent, preferentially moving them into officer classes, political theaters, corporate parties. And what of Stonehenge? Was it an early projective-identification attempt at cosmoengineering, as Bernard Cornwell (see his novel Stonehenge, HarperCollins, 2000) would have us believe? Or was Stonehenge an Arakawa-Gins-type “mechanism of meaning”, ReversibleDestiny.org, whereby nature was read into cultural forms?

Give me 1T2-identity or give me death of the species! that's what I think it gets down to. My point is: people never really asked, and consequently never actually sought authentic answers -- to anything of substantial import. Resolutely “avoided” is the proper characterization. The following passage from a crime novel written by Peter Robinson captures exactly what I think happened to cognitive space in aftermath of WWII, running right on up until today (In A Dry Season, Macmillan, 1999, p. 387 of the paperback edition):

It was hard to believe that the war was almost over after all this time, even though you could smell victory in the air. The Americans had crossed the Rhine, and so had Monty's men. The Russians had Berlin surrounded. In April and May we started hearing the first rumours about concentration camps and human atrocities on a scale that had only been hinted at in the reports about Lublin the previous year. All the newspapers seemed at a loss as to how to describe what the liberating armies had found at places such as Belsen and Buchenwald. In addition to reading about Japanese cannibalism and the appalling tortures inflicted on prisoners like Matthew, I also read about the German camps where hundreds of thousands of people, or so we thought at the time, were shot, starved, beaten or made the subject of medical experimentation.

Along with all our personal loses, such as Charlie, and Matthew's ruined health, it was impossible to take it all in. I don't think we even tried. We had suffered five years of fear and hardship and we were damned if we were going to be cheated out of the big party when it was all over.

And the big party has lasted for 7/10th of a century. Over the years, I asked my father many questions about life during the depression and losing tenant-farmer status and being forced to drop out of high school, what people thought as to why WWII was emerging, what it was like being in Britain as an American B-17 pilot, what transpired during the months he was shuffled around by the French Resistance as a shot-down pilot, how he managed to fly the whole Berlin Airlift and what he thought then as to why a Cold War was emerging, what he thought about America becoming involved in the Indochina War at the time he helped organize the resupply of Dien Bien Phu from Ashiya, AFB, Japan, what he thought -- whilst organizing for the USAF the supply and materiel aspects of the Phan Rang plus Cam Rahn Bay base project -- creation of such a massive complex would contribute to winning a counter-insurgency war. He never answered any of these questions -- to his dying day. Just always begged off, walked away, laughed, made it clear that he only discussed such matters with his peers, those who had been there in comparable capacities, and that I was certainly no member of that select group. But I knew this was bunk: there were never such serious discussions. Not on the golf course; not in the O Club bar, after. I caddied a lot and overheard much candid conversation betwixt all ranks of the officer corps. Being relegated to invisibility (Speak only when spoken to!), I knew what they talked about amongst themselves. They never seriously asked substantive questions about any of it; reran all the old cognitive tape loops, just embraced the received wisdom -- which itself was not based upon actual historical pursuits, the historians themselves having largely abandoned historiography for historical narrative. What happened being why what happened happened. Any system of governance which needs to deploy elaborate security measures, particularly blanket surveillance, is an utterly failed system, how utterly in direct proportion to how elaborate and how blanket: this hardly would need be said were not the normotic become now the normative. The clinger's cowardice, compliance, and complicity is not human nature; it is complicity, compliance, and cowardice of the clinger. Of course, there are intelligent, less intelligent, and just plain stupid ways to avoid being a clinger. Most fundamentally, what the SS (surveillance society, engaged in a huge dissipation of scarce resources) has been about is, by ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement), the surveillors trying to catch their own subliminal minds in acts of underminDing their 1T2-only claims to be “absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct” (term coined by Hubert Benoit, Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen, Samuel Weiser, 1977), claims that fly in the face of nature, as long understood by Buddhist positivists, amongst others, and claims increasingly demonstrated experimentally to be untenable by physicists, demonstrations made over the period of the last century with an ever longer chain of evidence, subverted only by the linked claim that there is an objective classical limit and associated Penrose OR, objective reduction, or some such similar collapse of the governing wave-function from m-valued to single-valued. A bi-polar problem right at the heart of perception understood as measurement: the imploding object; the exploding subject. The transference object has to be pushed off; the transference subject has to be jumped upon. That's identification with 1T2-only-valued logic! If you-one-we look at American foreign policy and much of domestic policy in the post-WWII era relative to this 1T2-only-claim qua simple-identity-insistence ConveDD thesis, you-one-we see-sees clinging, paranoia, obsession, desperation, psycho-back-reaction, religio-recoil, fury, vindictiveness as the foremost policy determiners; greed, search for sexual thrall, power hunger of the power-elite, the favored stigmata, are way down on the list of psychogenic effective causes and strange attractors.

Trees, in my experience, complain of the cold; the ground their roots anchor within, the heat, and the drought -- come temperature fluctuations in natural cycles and/or by iatrogenic-anthropogenic interventions, be the temperature a direct measurable and/or several abstractions removed. Simple temperature and/or “equivalent potential temperature”. The temperature of molecular thermodynamics and/or of electron-temperature enhancements. Hot aurora, and/or cold. Temperature profane, and/or sacred. In the West, even, there were sacred as well as profane phase boundaries as late as the Roman empire -- if only a regressed, incarnate sacred (resurrected as the superposed quasi-1T3-confessional boundaries within 17th-century France? see Sacred Boundaries: Religious Coexistence and Conflict in Early-Modern France, Keith P. Luria, Catholic U. of America, 2005). Pomerium -- and when expanded, not so to 100 miles, as in postmodern memetimes, whilst jurisprudence, imprudently, has refrained from assimilating Kurt Gödel, even though jurists have had 80 years to think about his findings. Plausible denial having become implausible. Check out European boundary changes over the past 1000 years. All involved with the Dirichlet fixed boundary condition, formalized during the 19th century, specifying which single-valued values the solution to a partial differential equation must take along the boundary of a circumscribed domain. Now collapse the time-step 100-fold, to get some idea as to how Viet Cong boundaries (upon which were holomorphically mapped bureaucratic variables, an early application of the holographic principle) changed during the Viet Nam war. Howsoever surface-structure-holomorphic the mappings, however, I do not see the VC boundary value problem solution to have been resolvable to a Cauchy or Neumann or mixed or Robin boundary condition, because values of the involved solutions were m-valued, not single-valued, i.e., lack of well-determination and unique solution, in that the whole history (i.e., Schrödinger memetime-independent) of boundary-value bureaucratic mappings was tacitly represented in any given boundary; plus, there were multi-identity (derivative of animistic relative-state identity-transparency “contagion” qua “participation mystique”) properties embedded in the role attributions and other bureaucratic factors mapped upon given boundaries. This is one reason why VC Lt. Col. Tran Van Dac scoffed at U.S. line-and-block-chart depictions of VC organization (for details on VC boundary behaviors as understood at SRA/MACV-J2, see our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh). I eventually saw, and see, the VC boundary value problem as analogous to the different types of boundary conditions in fluid dynamics (those incorporating m-valued variables, especially were the processing Lukasiewiczian), because of the fluidity of VC boundaries responding to the changing environment of the combat (self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries, an application of the weak maximum principle not altogether unrelated to Lenin's employment of the Munzenberg “minimum-maximum program”, i.e., promise the minimum and deliver the maximum as regards the popular front, and, as regards supply and materiel transfers across phase boundaries, its retrograde inversion with respect to maxima and minima: contrary to the conventional treatment, I do not believe general higher-order derivatives numbered greater than second order have strictly increasing/decreasing inflection points, but higher-order self-reentries processed under higher-order-type logics) -- a subject often discussed relative to atmospheric dynamics and biological phase boundaries between Cornell meteorologist D. A. Paine and myself (consider that the Dirichet problem was that of finding the harmonic function which Paine derived in describing double-helical air-parcel flows at tornadogenesis, and Paine-Pensinger described in characterizing the quantum-wave properties of pi-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition). Some of the ways and means by which I arrived at my present orientation to m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams. No boundaries upon Campus Martius, however -- it having been an “ignifer” or no. Bureaucratic variables are mapped upon boundaries whether one likes it or not, whether explicit or not, just as currencies are defined thereupon: e.g., border breakdown of the U.S. southern boundary is Iran-Contragate blowback coupled to the “world beyond borders” idiot ideology of economic magic-without-magic delocalization without monetary functors signifying the hologramic-quantum nonlocal information which m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams would explicitly mark to market. Moreover, elaborations of border-breakdown blowbacks are likely to have fatal unknitting consequences in the latter stages of the Big War To Come. A pity the notion of sacred space fell away into disuse, lodging only amongst pure mathematicians, applied utilitarian pragmatists gaining sway even amongst theoretical physicists. The holding pond for the irrigation pump vesiculates, convects when murmurs translate the ring-fence: CLICK, click, click! cluck the total-control freaks as their Weltanschauung disintegrates. And what about “The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao”? Ring the Bell for that Aspect of quantum mechanics Unspeakable! Will tornadoes incarnating cascades of solar-wind-conveyed “complex” angular momentum (not just harpy heating of the strings of “this HAARP”) abide by manmade walls (see, for an account of the proposal made by Rongjia Tao of Temple University: “Can giant walls protect the USA from tornadoes?”, Doyle Rice, USA Today, 25 February 2014) profane or sacred? And if this proposal be yet one more ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement by projective-identification at collective subject-[physical]object-level of transference), is it also an attempt at exorcism, an exorcism of the Emily Rose type (see the film: The Exorcism of Emily Rose) but on the collective level, an exorcism juridically opaque due to jurisprudence not having assimilated the “fact” that even the elementary arithmetic of non-Cabalistic selfsame numbers cannot be 1T2-proven complete and consistent? And how 1T2-decidable is that “and/or”, howsoever automorphic be the involved intentionality? Don't forget the man/woman level of the transference on its locally-free sheaf: in the limit of small neighborhoods, his stalk-of-sheaf, her singularity-of-sheaf. We are not talking monic morphisms here, regardless of how cancellative g1 over g2 at injective homomorphism. Heh-heh-heh! Consider establishing a “stoppage” of memetime in order to “undress” the Bride, uh, the Anima, as did Duchamp on the Large Glass, and as parodied in The Fermata (Vintage, 1994), a novel by Nicholson Baker. And what, really, is being exorcised? Is it µTm-valuation of total capital stock and the fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary required to implement LETS-currency nesting foams mapped upon the Everett-vonHayek time-shapes thereof (whatever the perception management involved, currency 1T2-unions at supraordinate echelons/scale-levels/sheaves have, ultimately, always been about making wars, and making made wars financially rewarding to those who generally do not have to fight them) -- or maybe it is about total contents of Leibniz's missing manuscript concerning a (Musculpted? re: the “myth” of Mozart's method for writing down from “memory” a complete mass he had only heard a portion of, or the source of Beethoven's spiritual development in moving flowing “forms”) µTmly “characteristica universalis” completely missing from Gödel's work on reflexivity? Or is this bit of Gödeliana another example of an individual's dining upon collective projective-identification, rather than the µTmly-substantive food of Platonic anamnesis? They, scientists, find no evidence of “world spirit” as collective consciousness because they arbitrarily mandate that all evidence of consciousness must exist in the real world, i.e., that world numerable with the real numbers incorporating those 1T2ly rational -- this evidential restriction being insisted upon (so as to insure there can be no awareness of, say, “imaginary time”) even though they can find no evidence of matter existing in the real world, dependent as matter's existence is upon quaternions (allowing exploration of a variety of fractals), the vector part of the quaternion formulated by recourse to imaginary numbers, and please note that “…the quaternion solution for the square root of -1 [such square root equaling i, the symbol for imaginary number] is the surface of the unit sphere in 3-space” (see here for this quotation), that surface most essential to the atomistic theory of matter cultivated by ego-spheres. Furthermore, scientists insist that real-numerable consciousness is, by recursive generation, a property emergent from imaginary-numerable matter -- thus imagining the simpler emergent from the more complex. And since -- being sufferers of “lateral mental cleavage” (cf: term coined by the biochemist and Gurdjieffian Robert S. de Ropp), as they are, learning, for them, involves no Platonic anamnesis -- anti-Paganism, anti-Animism, and anti-Platonism, uh, anti-PAP, determines how they define evidence, thus what evidence they construe as being mere noise as distinct from data, and, hence, must be renormalized; since all that, they out-of-hand discount the cyclotomic involutory decomposition by which the collective “world spirit” consciousness -- functionally formalized as Lukasiewiczian-Everettian relative-state identity-transparency and structuralized as time-shapes -- demerge the more complex-imaginary into the simpler relatively-unconscious consciousness scientists take alone to be consciousness, consciousness however much violating quantum nonlocality and non-simple identity, consciousness which they insist is restricted to the real number system and the rules of 1T2-logic-alone which Gödel demonstrated, using such numbers and such logic, cannot be 1T2-consistent and complete (completeness, all too obviously, not being a property attributable to the 1T2-order-type found amongst µTm-order-types). Hologramically speaking, the part contains the whole no less than the whole contains the part, but this relation does not accord with the rules of 1T2-logic, even as it accords with existence of 1T2-logic. Decoherent intentions of localizations taking themselves to be individuals are epiphenomenal to the whole coherent collective intention only insofar as those individuals' takes are governed by the rules of 1T2-logic-alone. The social network twittered into existence by communications across timespace separations is necessitated by prepartum-to-prepubertal anti-empathetic glutamatergic neuronal etchings-prunings with neurotoxin and by associated quantum quenching to the 1T2-order-type-alone of molecular-cellular brains not containing THE quantum brain -- necessitated, that is, not the least by the fact that quantum nonlocality and non-simple identity exist; meaning that timespace separation exists epiphenomenal to 1T2-order-type-alone employments automatized, structuralized, anchored to molecular-cellular brains, howsoever habituated to this condition localizations taking themselves as individuals may become. The trophotropic prerequisites to µTm-empathy (so-called “'generative' empathy”) have nothing substantive to do with learning 1T2-game-theoretic algorithms of effective social strategies. Empathy µTmly founded is not about others, not about assimilating 1T2-perspectives of others identified with the parameters of simple-identity; it's about the relative-state, hologramic part=whole, identity-transparency associated with µTm-non-simple identity tantamount to cosmic solipsism: there is only one non-selfsame “Real 'I'”. Early-childhood so-called-“egoic” rage behaviors are not pre-empathic; they are signifiers of doomed back-reaction against the glutamatergic neuronal etchings-prunings, and associated quantum quenching, coercively induced via the prescriptive enculturation-socialization imposed by bad offices of 1T2-type others insisting upon assimilation of simple-identity states of consciousness. The demergence to social construction of reality, rather than the construction of social reality by induction to Baudrillard's “desert of the real” as third-order simulacra (precessional simulation being altogether unrelated to third-order operator-time). The 1T2ly-Red Lights-lit, psychosociopolitically-motivated popularizations of science are worse bull merde than have been the most naive numerological attempts to think with µTmly non-selfsame numbers. As regards missing things, vis-à-vis Gödel-Leibniz, flash forward and note pejorative discussion, a real Lemon, of the thesis that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared into a blackhole or a wormhole -- whilst bearing in mind that Cornell tornadogenesis specialist, Douglas A. Paine, claimed in an NSF report during the early-1970s that analogues to blackholes exist in Earth's atmosphere. Heh-heh-heh! Or is the exorcism subliminally-about suppressing awareness of the economic equivalent to Louis F. Richardson's squib in poesy concerning whirl behaviors:

Little bubbles congeal into big bubbles that feed on their reflexivity
And big bubbles decompose into little bubbles and so on to deflationary viscosity

When, as a WWI ambulance driver, Richardson pioneered numerical weather forecasting in his spare time, writing out (his notebook lost on the battlefield; found after war's end buried in a coal pile) the Newtonian-domain primitive equation set still largely employed, his forecasts failed, it is said, because he did not re-scale, smooth, renormalize his data -- so as to remove from his numerical model acoustic-wave modes which are not real attributes of atmospheric wave motions. Nested-grid Paine-Kaplan complex-angular-momentum-cascade numerical modeling of tornadogenesis (for early work on this relativistic-quantum model, see Decreases of Potential Vorticity and Radioactivity Produced by Mixing Across the Lower Boundary of a Stratospheric Extrusion, Douglas A. Paine, Pennsylvania State U., 1970; and “A Macroscale-Mesoscale Numerical Model of Intense Baroclinic Development”, Michael L. Kaplan and Douglas A. Paine, J. Appl. Meteor., 11, 1224-1235, 1972; and The Linking of Multiscaled Energy Sources Leading to Atmospheric Development, Paine and Kaplan, National Science Foundation, 1974), however, does not re-scale, smooth, or renormalize the acoustic modes; rather, at onset of divergence, the model recognizes appearance of the acoustic modes (acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, removing/adding energy at the boundaries, in cascade and reverse cascade, where the space never becomes altogether singular by virtue of the dissipative behaviors involved: think of “acoustic analogues to black hole computers”) as imaginary, not real, and initializes interscale complex-angular-momentum cascade, treating the involved imaginary-numbered twist as indicative of “temporal curl”, one way of understanding the meaning of 3-fold topologically-active “quantal operator-time” (compare and contrast this “active-time” notion with J. E. Carroll's “Relativity With Three Dimensions of Time: Space-Time Vortices”, U. of Cambridge, 2002, which retains the notion of a “principle direction of time” as always in the 3rd temporal dimension orthonormal to the t1t2 plane [temporal 3rd dimension standing in for the third-order temporal derivative?]: first and second orders in time explained here relative to dissipative/non-dissipative -- whereas Paine-Pensinger see third-order time in terms of reflexive reentry, as explicated in, for instance, “Toward a General Theory of Process”, circa 1977; for a Youtube VDO discussing higher-dimensional time, see “The Dark Side of Time”, 10 July 2013, which makes many points concerning “temporal mechanics” echoing those stated by Paine-Pensinger) -- superposition of multiple such twists of the involved wave-dynamics over the full nesting-foam spectrum of atmospheric wave motions being the source of the µTm-logically-valued character of the involved processes (where adding a point at infinity by way of compactification is understood as suppressing a logical-value order-type transition), to include Lukasiewiczian processing of m-valued universal physical constants. Here it is nearly four decades later and physical theory is drifting toward the Paine-Pensinger orientation, but three basic notions continue to be missing: (1) active time as topological operator; (2) m-valued universal physical constants; and (3) Lukasiewiczian processing understood independent of the notion truth-value. And these notions emerged directly out of the experimental data; they were not imposed thereupon. ((Parenthetically, I express a personal opinion: such “ahead of their time” -- which is to say far too many have always been behind the 8-ball -- formulations could not be brought into being today, given how restrictive the “environment”: I know very well how “bizarre” my wildcard-thinker participation was, and that the permitting circumstances have since then been altogether closed off.)) Medieval alchemy and hermetic “science” associated tornadoes to lances driven into Earth at points of power, even though the popular mind emotively regarded them pathological and somehow involved with witchery (the word “pathological” is still used by some meteorologists in characterizing tornadoes, deeply influencing what they will and will not consider as regards tornadogenesis in context of Earth's atmosphere still regarded a “Newtonian domain”). The vortex theory of matter came on the scene just before onset of the Franco-Prussian war, and was wholly discredited by the memetime run up to WWI began. One cannot help viewing suppression of the former physics as involved in pathogenesis of the latter warfare. And even though the vortex theory played a role in genesis of knot and braid theory in the outer reaches of relativistic-quantum physics, still, despite works like Wiktor Lapcik's The Vortex Theory of Matter and Energy, MaddingCrowd, 2007, the theory remains largely discredited. This is so, despite the Penrose “twistor”, which may represent the quantization of temporal curl, something I have been saying since the mid-1970s (for recent developments, see: “'Twistor' Theory Reignites the Latest Superstring Revolution”, George Musser, Scientific American, 1 May 2010), and, thus, may be a more elaborate treatment of the quantization of 3D time described by J. E. Carroll in the above-linked paper. No Clockstoppers [sin}ario is implied; nor is memetime travel permitted to 1T2-type entities, such being neurosocial constructs, timespace gates possessing fractal-drum band-pass properties. Such “travel” is, however, allowed to no-thing, “travel” being a 1T2-euphemism for the µTm-identity-transparency wherein mereological reflexivity abides. While toroidal self-referential circularity (e.g., the toroidal vortex ring blown by dolphins: hard to enter the sonic-visioning consciousness informing the semantic dimension of DolphinSpeak without assimilation of the mereotopology of Musculpt learned in the biofeedback-equipped flotation tank by a smart-dancewear-appareled human pod assimilating identity-transparency through practice of EscherFormDance: flash forward and see, for example: “Scientists make breakthrough in development of two-way dolphin-to-English translator”, Drew Prindle, Digital Trends, 31 March 2014) is not the same as self-reentered reflexivity -- to wit, the Klein bottle -- it is the mereotopological precursor (possibly important to understanding market reflexivities over nesting foams of fractally-bound optimum currency areas by use of the “path consistency algorithms” of region connection calculus where “constraint networks” are imposed by µTm-tagging of externalities to LETS currencies). Or maybe the exorcism's impetus involves all of the above -- and more. Luigi, however much the case is “It is so, if y'all think so”, still “It is so, if y'all think not so”: the vortex-theoretic “War of the World” (1870-?), though not thought of as a war, nonetheless has been a war, while what have been thought of as wars have been mere battles. Humanity -- hardly abstemiously sparing of drink and food, or abubble with abstrusities -- took a viatical settlement on its fate, the investor gods trusting life insurance provided by Sky-High Silver Mine, Cosmic Unlimited; and maybe this will not have been the first time, as suggested here. Whatever correspondence there has been between 1T2-logically-valued lawfare and “redeeming social value” began to evaporate with advent of µTm-quantum-based technologies -- and no amount of Hollywood black propaganda (think, for example: The Trials of Cate McCall) will alter that circumstance. There is no intercourse between the compartments of a compartmentalized guy, girl, guygirl, girlguy: relative-state -- of the first half of Hugh Everett's famous 1957 paper -- subjected to the vonNeumann formalism after the paper's tipping-point assertion that objects in our experience always have simple-locality (and, by inference, simple-identity). Politico-socio-economically, this is to say that there is “no existential concept for the region”, be it the Middle East, the Balkans, wheresoever -- µTm-valued LETS nesting foams being absent. Why no existential concept? Because of the dearth of authentic strategic thinkers. Douglas McArthur, for instance, was a tactical strategist -- end runs and such like -- not an adept at strategic thought. Independent of logical-value order-type, what is the radius-of-identity compassing the perimeter instituting the ego-sphere? What it is is the Umwelt is the bogus+regressed psychosocial form clothing µTm-identity-transparency in the polyester fabric of 1T2-introjection constellating oleaginous vassal sublife-worlds of medieval Lebenswelt manors, fiefdoms, duchies: business culture, dot.com culture, Mil-qua-Intel culture, lawfare culture, sports culture, cop culture, Meds culture, the various demimondes making with the ritz, signifying the phony, boondoggling the funhouse. Lawfare: normotic “extortion”; Babbitting philistine “rentier skim”; Elmer Gantryish evangelizing of legal-assistance confidence-gaming leveraged under those befallen across intentionally written-in double binds; systemically iatrogenic invasive PIing in support of legal insurance-company plus government-agency fraud, particularly in the healthcare industry and the workmen's comp and veterans' affairs systems; so on and so forth: flash forward to “This Is What Is Wrong with the Legal System in America”, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 31 May 2014. Smith focuses upon legalist exploitation of the trademark evisceration of integrity at communication -- intertextuality being a fundament of not only prose and poetry, but all commo -- which is not to mention the trademark's destruction of design sophistication and its reductionistic demeaning of object-tropes, notably as regards clothing logos, and the like defacing myriad products, thus quenching the social-conflict-minimizing multiutilities which tropological metareference otherwise would perform. Also not addressed by Smith is the copyright and patent imposition by which corporate-university-government ransacking of the creative imagination's demergence from the collective unconscious is accomplished and falsely privatized via an unadulterated egoic arrogation, the overriding tacit purpose of which, dissembled as solely financial, is to wrap µTm-cogitation and quantum-based technologies in Cartesian-Newtonian clothes so as to suppress the inevitable cultural impacts of Lukasiewicz logics, a “Quantum-this, quantum-that!” knee-jerk auguring to become a disaster for any society embracing such proclivities. And this, this is what precrime surveillance and total information awareness has been, is being, and will be used to enforce. Ignorance before the secret law is no excuse! The most heinous premeditated precrime that governance has set itself against is creative thought, which has been mercilessly tracked down wherever it might occur and preemptively eradicated for neigh unto a hundred years. Soon, FAST -- future attribute screening technology -- will do it faster (see, for instance, “Homeland Security testing mind-reading terrorist 'pre-crime' detectors”, Darlene Storm, Computerworld, 1 June 2011). Are the glutamate-etched minds occupying resultant infraspaceplaces capable of seeing beyond the 1T2-horizons thus established? Hip-joining rank and access to proprietary information: what a snooze, ah-ah, ahchew! Sneeze. Murder as love (identification); love (projection) as murder. Blood, by the thimblesful, hidden in pockets. For the infantile: vent and venue. Locked rooms. Power codes. Buttons to push. Knowledge, cowing and brutal, slamming down as it breasts the waves of opposition. What a hypnotic soporific to the higher functions! Ever onward -- into the next fixation, into the next multitasked ConveDD. There has been a small percentage of Hollywood films I would call “good movies”, but that judgment makes me no more sympathetic to film formalism cultivating states of identification in viewers than I am to story geometries accomplishing the same, to post-Renaissance naturalism in painting, or to 18th- and 19th-century art music. No fabulist, I'd be very supportive to, say, split-screening of abstractions as visual accompaniment employed in much the same fashion as instrumental music is used to ramp up emotive reactivity of viewers -- only for the opposite effect: to dampen affect-charge and encourage “inner counter-work” to the processes of projective-identification at transference. But with Facebook buying into VR and droning WWW., there is even less possibility of film/multimedia going in such a direction than otherwise would have been the case. I watch film trash and read popular literature not because they are good; rather, because they are revealing. The bedrock fundamental-life-organizing principle employed by most people I've met: get things. Graf and Grafin, counters all. During my lifetime, whilst the quantity of things, images, sounds, information cluttering life has increased virtually without bound, forcing me to try to locate in places where I do not speak the local language, the general quality of experience, individual and collective, has decreased enormously, however little this is registered by popular culture. Much the same may be said regarding the last 10,000 years, given the collapse of animistic µTm-cognition to that of post-Renaissance Durkheimian 1T2-anomie and Marxian-Existentialist 1T2-alienation. One commentary on the “reparations-in-reverse” post-Renaissance Lebenswelt's reverse-cascade Devil's Staircase is “How Slavery Made the Modern World”, Greg Grandin, The Nation, 24 February 2014. As to the lift-off role fulfilled by slavery, riding on the back of genocide, in the early Stages of Growth of American capitalism, see: “Water and Soil, Grain and Flesh”, Robin Einhorn, Ibid., 11 February 2014. My orientation has always been that there has never been, in history, an authentic intent to create an equitable and truly functional international monetary system, nor has there ever been a monetary system put into place other than by the exercise of force -- but that, this memetime, the constraints, due to the m-dimensions of the global crisis, are different: the human species will not make it through coming cuspover unless it implements a monetary system which authentically facilitates meeting the full range of challenges posed by the accelerating planetary crisis. How else but by µTm-LETS time-currency nesting foams is the resource dissipation of resource warfare to be dissipated? But I'm a realist, even though I would plead: Wake Me When It's Over, Mr. Roberts. I've long believed that, for virtually all, the cognitive wherewithal to assimilate imports of m-valued logics has been glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched out of the human behavioral repertoire. Having chosen clones as ConveDDed avoidance of µTm-identity-transparency (thus keeping resolution of the EPR paradox a matter of superluminal=infinite velocity), has the human species consigned itself to Oblivion? There being considerable doubt at question as to which sort of Stille Nacht the human species has consigned itself to “sing”. For humanity, too late is it? The “too” of “too late” releases the term from binary constraint; “too” connotes a relative condition on a sliding scale: “too late” for this and that, as cuspover is ever more closely approached. Which “this”? What “that”? Moreover, I think that, though people -- at the center pseudo-warsick of peripheral combating -- believe energy and resource “wars” are about energy and other resources and geopolitical influence/control, these battles of the “War of the World” are actually materiel-and-alliance jockeying under the somewhat subliminal assumption of the certainty of space-based, nanoswarm, robotic, chemo-bio-genetic, gassed, hyper/infrasounded, EMP+high-energy-beamed+lasered, plasma-mirrored, phased-array electron-temperature enhanced, tectonic-vulcan, cyber, weather, hot-aurora climate-shift enhanced, droned, Planetary War One -- nuclear-tipped ICBMs being last-era tech outmoded for three decades -- the longmemetime-passing (1853? and the first Crimean war and the anchoring of the Black Ships in Edo Bay, by whence the pagan-animistic-dissociative implications of N. H. Abel's “Impossibility” Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr had well settled in) collective unconscious “decision” for human-species self-annihilation covertly informing that assumption. Europe didn't commit suicide in 1914, as per the Fall of Giants; that commitment was made in 1826: inevitable as the morning after. Who are the foremost creditors underwriting our [pre}veiling poltroonery, our ongoing battles, deemed wars? China and Japan. And how are these debts to be repaid, except as was the case after the Franco-Prussian battle and the WWI battle? How much faith can we place in hope for a Marshall Plan in reverse? The original sort of reparations, then? And how big a culminating battle in this Two Hundred Years War would be required to justify reparations adequate to clear the massive debts accrued? Surlily says he, one of the lionhearted, sheepbrained lyers what be leedin' us: tosh, m' lad, tosh and nothing more, eh what. Poltroons of today's Giants: altogether bereft of historical insight and utterly incapable of producing a single original idea. When have despicable panderers not held the reigns?

I've never backed off my 1967-8 forecast (first inklings of this thesis came during Fall semester, 1963, AU-SIS, reading, filtered through childhood experiences accumulated in Japan during the early-to-mid-1950s, F. S. C. Northrop's The Meeting of East and West, Macmillan, 1946: I, eventually, assimilated Northrop's concept-epistemology to a viewing of the intuitive relative to the µTm and the postulative, as heretofore practiced in the West, as having been restricted, until very recently, to the 1T2, the µTm obviously incorporating the 1T2 as a special, very limiting, limited case of the means of knowing) of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Mahayana-Buddhist-bloc Greater CHA-nah incorporating Japan (flash forward and see: “Isolation Factor Rising In Japan”, editorial, Japan Times, 19 April 2014; 45.8% of all Tokyo households are single-adult [that's not single-parent]; how much further can this condition, imposed by culture assassination, elaborate in a basically non-individualistic society before that society snaps?), and I don't back off now: indeed, that cultural-predisposition-based forecast (flash forward and see: “How Western Is Germany? Russia Crisis Spurs Identity Conflict”, Christiane Hoffmann, Der Spiegel, 9 April 2014 and farther forward for “The Emerging German-Russian Axis”, Zero Hedge, 2 July 2014; though there continues to be little insight as to nature of the persistent drivers of the collective unconscious archetypal gradients, the long-dead Weltanschauung having been successfully clung to by manipulations of research funding allocations and careful selection of what to classify and what not to classify, the causes of the “War of the World” having largely been put down to machinations of “authoritarian personalities”, certainly not to psychology of collective behaviors, there being, as we all know, no collective occasions of experience) has taken on ever more pathognomonic econoenergogeopolitical etiologic dimensions (though the language is a bit crude and there is some drivel, flash forward to 9 and 17 June 2014 and listen to Jim Willie here and here who supports this thesis which I've argued since being an intelligence analyst at JFKSWCS, an analyst focused on the Middle East in the period of run-up to the Six Day War) with each passing… collapse, coup, regime change, color revolution, this and that Spring, financial crisis, so on, each involving inducement by one or another form (Sharpian “weapons of the weak” and otherwise, all of which are double-edged swords useable for reprehensible as well as laudatory purposes by all manner of users, to include Nazi democrats and republican Nazis; mass domestic employments of these weapons by spontaneously arisen “communities of practice” stoked by assaults upon retirement and benefit packages, effective healthcare delivery as, flashing forward, essayed in “Report: large employers could shift nearly all workers' health coverage to marketplace by 2020”, Tony Pugh, McClatchy DC, 1 May 2014: a 1T2-logically-valued market is going to effectively self-organize adequate healthcare delivery, heh-heh-heh!) of low-intensity warfare, such as those the U.S. has been employing at multiple locations for decades (for a Russia-focused discussion of this, and George F. Kennan's view with which I have always agreed, see: “The Backstory to the Russia-Ukraine Confrontation: the U.S. and NATO Encirclement of Russia”, Washington's Blog, 3 March 2014). Be aware that strategically important information is ignored, poorly collated and analyzed, unclassifiable, unclassified, or low-classified, whereas that highly classified concerns the actionable, the tactical, and, hence, is of least importance to welfare of species. Were a Russia-NorthKorea inspired-and-supported fifth-column (RNKIFs, imitating the JIFs' assault on the Tonks of long ago) popular insurrection-annexation to overthrow the government in Seoul, form an economilitary pact with Pyongyang, institute ChejuDo-Nuremberg Laws, one hardly imagines that Japan-US would sit still for that. Gallivanting [Mob}bits clinging to the false god of Scientism and the derivative political-economy responsible for the [pre}veiled planetary crisis wherein all sides, including [plain}tiffs, lie: the only tried-and-true universally accepted international norm and sure-fire way to make it through coming cuspover. Heh-heh-heh! Flashing forward, best consider Elizabeth Kolbert's The Sixth Extinction, Henry Holt, 2014 (reviewed by Philip Guelpa, World Socialist Website, 31 May 2014). When the involved convolutions move from the periphery toward the polycentric, uh, m-centers (don't worry, be happy, homeland security ops will take care of that: when the village you destroy in order to save it is your own, so what! -- moreover, the propaganda is so lacking in sagacity that the peripeteia is sure to come, necessitating such Rx of the global village) -- as institutionalization of the 17th-and-18th-century Weltanschauung continues to disintegrate under increasing pressure from mathematical discovery-creation, experimental scientific verification, technological embodiment however much regressed, and the various low-intensity warfare applications of that regressed quantum-based techno-regime -- cultural predispositions play a greater and greater role in determining the largely-unconscious smart-mob-facilitated impetus to collective behaviors and mass political actions, howsoever rationalized by our increasingly brain-fogged/impaired global elite (when low-intensity warfare becomes normative bureaucratic practice, not only killer-T-cell titers are suppressed by the ensuing collective PTSD -- by DARPA, SUBNETs Rx preferred to autogenic brain discharges as early stage in development of remote-controlled humans, e.g., of the Manchurian Candidate variety). For instance, the Tet-'68 offensive in Viet Nam greatly exacerbated the gold-exchange-mechanism crisis of Bretton Woods One, thus largely settling outcome of the war and moving forward closing of the gold window, and, furthermore, this closing brought on the petrodollar, America's greatest QE-related asset which is simultaneously its greatest vulnerability, and greatly stoked the petrodollar-serviced and interest-rate-sensitive financial 1T2-derivatives innovation behind so much of today's global-financial qua monetary-system conundrum. Not to mention the post-Tet-'68 “Get some back from the Bear!” mantra heard echoing hallways around the first-floor (tantamount to The Thirteenth Floor due to the 1964-Simulacron-3-like properties of the MACV-IDHS, information data handling system) Command Operations Center of MACV-HQ in immediate aftermath of the offensive, and prefiguring efforts initiated soon thereafter to create a gorilla -- heh-heh-heh! -- infrastructure targeting Afghanistan (such gorilla-band fake “infrastructures” having nothing to do with real political infrastructures, double-stacked and m-valued, studied by such like as POLOB and Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2) and establishing an attentional focus upon the Indian Ocean, to wit Diego Garcia. One has to wonder if the fomented Ukraine regime change was yet another sting operation mounted to elicit a Russian incursion -- self-similar, but not selfsame, to the one run on Saddam vis-à-vis his invasion of Kuwait, April in July likely being only the tip of the cold tongue of frigid air prefiguring a desert storm, the Persian Gulf war timed exquisitely when the U.S.S.R. was occupied with precursors of collapse and the subsequent Yeltsin sell-off and buy-in to neoLiberalism's unconscious commitment to the reverse-cascade which is the Devil's Staircase. Where all's they goin'? Whosiewhasit says, uh, whattayacallsit. Well, hey. Y'know, don't ya? Where all they's always been goin', man, that's where. Where else do they have the cognitive wherewithal to go to? Zippity-do! U-who-who. Who-what is, for them, where. How-where boggles boggle them. That's false-flag ConveDD for you -- to include proximal-perpetrator false-flag snipers, their handlers, and, most culpably, those responsible for existence of snipers handled by handlers! So have I long argued. Out on the dog's table, the cake of state left to sit in the rain. How's that for a Maupin Ondaatje? Fukushima and recent events in the Ukraine-Crimea (the Khrushchev-gerrymandered shift of Crimea to Ukraine being, in the then prevailing context, like transferring a Michigan county into Ohio's administrative domain) speak well to this Germano-Russian-bloc/Greater-China thesis. It takes events, generally misengineered, to move regime changes from the periphery to the polycenters of the center. Instead of West-More-Land, Victory-in-Nu-Land. The little synchronicities are the most revealing relative to collective-unconscious archetypal event gradients demerging the projective-identifications promulgated by “actors” construing their behaviors as exemplary of the free-will-predicating intentionality emergent from the chaos-complexity governing random-heat-motion probabilities of molecular behaviors manifest in 1T2-only neurons with nuclear-DNA which engages in single-level-only encipherment. Probity, no-probity: but how many people's personas heshe simultaneously wears as hand-me-down overcoats, eh! Heh-heh-heh! The problem with probabilism is the meaning of Lukasiewicz logics in non-simple identity, existence of which being its own Ontological Argument. [Neo}cons issue out of the same cognitive retrograde-inversion that produced those who seek dodecaphonic total-control and to [man}date Planck's constant at zero and the speed of light at first-order infinity -- glutamate-etched lacuna-on-the-brain, y'see, yields introspective ineptitude of such magnitude there simply is no capacity to process the psychological implications of m-valued universal physical constants. Identity exchange understood as arithmetic commutative transitivity: that's as deep, yes, as deep as they go, these googly-eyed caparisoned generals, secretaries, ministers, presidents of Prigoginean dissipative structures. Covet with hanker heat-death, they do, don't they, for negentropic commutative transitivity can't keep electron-temperature enhancement at bay forever. And yet, they think they embody quantum nonlocality, violate Einstein's restrictions on simultaneity, see all sides in “one mind-moment” like Buddha playing at being Picasso. Nonetheless, mere mention of Lukasiewicz shatters confidence in the sensation of ego-autonomy, which they place so much value upon, having utterly identified with it. The Mother of All ConveDDs: a Real Steal. The Dog's Table, not the cat's. To a onetime AU-SISer, a person once assigned to Psyops Group, JFKSWCS, CNN and other mainstream commentary is so embarrassing it can hardly be watched/read for the overwhelming sense of shared mortification. When I scan RealClearWorld, for instance, I automatically invert the meaning of all article titles and feel that, that way, I get a pretty clear picture of world affairs. Again yet, a similar response is elicited from much alternative media op/ed which explicitly states that prevailing political, economic, military, scientific policy is just plain crazy, but does not ask why that is so, query what really lies behind the insanity, lies deeper than money grubbing, power craving, search for sexual thrall. Is this because these op/ed-types are committed to the same Weltanschauung fundamentals as are those whom they criticize? Under 1T2-logic-alone, much of mathematics and virtually all of physics becomes a “matter” of “weights” on scales, of “levels” of “fields”, of balancing the “accounts” of determined “forces”, of finding ways to make “equalities”: once “middles” are “distributed” and “contradictions” are “outlawed”, only forensic-accounting “equations” make sense. Under µTm-valued logics, however, understood independent of the notion truth-value, there are wave statements (note that the Brownian formulations in [2], [3], and [4] of Table 1, contain no equals signs), not only wave equations, and connecting principles are not simply antecedent-consequent 1T2-causes or 1T2-probabilities, for there is no time-reckoning, only no-time reckoning, linear-time being understood mere memetime because its instants, being fractalized, cannot possibly have simple-identity. Time-itself, as cyclotomic logical and topological decomposition operator demerging the “indeterminate aesthetic continuum”, the “m-logically-valued reference space”, the µTm-pre-pregeometric, pregeometric warm-golden-dusti, unitarian-psychetichyletic-data, bare-reality, pre-intentional, pre-giri/ninjo “base-state of Tzog-chen” (Searle “background” being a mere Platonic 1T2-“shadow” thereof, a multi-cultural undergirding of Maya, progenitor of the cycle of Samsara), is the disconnecting principle, that which decoherently separates animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency (stripped of the infantile godism “achieved” by familial projective personification at collective transference) such that timespace separation becomes apparent to glutamate-etched-pruned and quantum-quenched binary mind. Animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency can be personified into an “itself” endowed with power: eidolon, ichor. That breathe-able satin-flow-essence “plasma”, by transference sensed as the frisson of presence of a sura -- or, if a stench, of an asura. Even the Shan moved into north Thailand carried this frisson well into recent days. No tessaractic honeycomb predicated here, mind you. But, O, the fulsome quantum of fear cultivated in the binary mind by the Hypercube! Transference: not through smoked glass darkly, reflections from a flawed glass; no fusion found in confusion, the projection-modified being not the loved, however much it may seem so. What, then, are the transference-“dark forces” which projection-prescribe “unintended consequences” and identification-determine the “collateral damage” inflicted? Are they all self-dual, point-to-face? Heh-heh-heh! Well… If, say, as is presently being discussed-formulated, cyber-financial warfare were directed against individual persons (“…everyone from high-ranking Russian military officials to government leaders to top businessmen to Russian-speaking separatists in Ukraine”: see “Inside Obama's Plans to Squeeze Russia”, Josh Rogin, The Daily Beast, 2 March 2014: notice how “great” these strategists are at strategizing their own strategies by observing that public announcement of these plans, by way of threat, de-potentiates utility of the plans being planned) in Western response to the Russian reaction to the USD-5-billion (amount quoted in “Neocons and the Ukraine Coup”, Robert Parry, Consortiumnews, 23 February 2014) intervention-in-domestic-affairs-fomented regime change in Ukraine, not to mention an elicited Russian-Chinese econocyberenergy warfare back-reaction (think: Nixon-Kissinger petrodollar vulnerability plus fragility of interest-rate-sensitive financial derivatives: something like Parrot's Beak COSVN putting an economic Arc Light box down on Wall Street, to use my ol' CICV targets-analyst terminology: China opening on the West with dollar-reserves funding of anti-dollar initiatives) on the metric of such (if Russia's military back-reaction doesn't elicit from NATO -- flummoxed and abashed and flustered that low-intensity hokey-pokey conjurations hadn't cattily done the retractile trick, yielding the smorgasbord -- a military back-reaction upon the military back-reaction), just think of the global impact that form of economic warfare would have, over some period of processing and assimilation, with respect to worldwide confidence in conventions of cloud computing, internet use, telecommunications, safety of bank deposits, authenticity of signifiers of identity, cultural exchanges occasioning global tourism, so on and so forth (flash forward and, concerning another dimension, see a discussion of ZunZuneo). Moreover, targeting individual functionaries in this fashion would be precedent setting for every conflict around the planet -- not only that involving Ukraine, Crimea, Russia -- and blowback targetings could only be expected, undertaken even by those groups not positioned to effectively impose economic sanctions, potentially exacerbating global Phoenix/anti-Phoenix. And, as anticipated, this approach is being planetarized from targeting only Russia to targeting all countries, relative to PEPs, i.e., “politically exposed persons” (flash forward and read “The Next Shoe Drops…”, Simon Black, Sovereign Man, 7 May 2014). PEPs: those subject to blandishments of hawkers and touts, streetwalkers and PACS, lobbyists and missionaries, tent preachers and confidence men. Heckuva royal moneyer, 'e is, what. Trusts in the t-distribution, 'e does, chi-square with n-degrees of freedom, no less than the power series expansion of Master Brook Taylor. Jus' there, bit of a jog up High Street, love. Tawdry and tatty, she'll be, tautly takin' the taws. Of that, we cun 'ave no doubt. Talk about the institutionalization of a Weltanschauung disintegrating without a viable replacement online! This would add yet one more forcing function to those already driving planetarization of the commutative-transitivity-induced far-from-equilibrium phase transition we currently are in midst of. Consider that Putin's forecasted response to the threatened US-EU sanctions involves enhanced efforts toward formation of a working BRIC-bloc non-reserve-dollar currency regime (see/listen-to Paul Craig Roberts' discussion of the state of the dollar, gold-price modulation-manipulation, QEing, state of the real U.S. economy, et cetera, relative to the crisis in Ukraine, for a particularly clear explication of some of the complex relationships involved; also informative is “Russia's Plan For The BRICS To Dismantle The Dollar System”, Valentin Mandrasescu, Testosterone Pit, 12 May 2013) wherein Roberts discusses that he, Putin, that is, advocates “local currencies” -- by which Putin means national-only currencies 1T2-concatenated to an SDR reserve, not also sub-national currencies (the question arises as to what degree, consciously and unconsciously, ObamaPutin -- the subliminal identity-transparency induced by mutual introjection-injection of Bose-Einstein condensate -- represents only the interests of the .001%: flashing forward, some reflections on this issue can be found in “False East/West Paradigm Hides The Rise Of Global Currency”, Brandon Smith, Alt-Market, 7 May 2014). This reserve-currency orientation, because -- despite Moscow State University being a center for study of Lukasiewicz logics (to wit: Karpenko functors of such logics over the primes) -- Putin, apparently, has no awareness of, and certainly would have no sympathy for, µTm-valued LETS time-currencies marking Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock” (the prospect of which, via ConveDD -- by definition an unconscious process -- will surely weaponize the commodity markets), Karpenko functors being among the means by which such vehicle-currencies systematics would Gödel-number Gödel numbers of spontaneous-localization-embodied exchange units brought into quantum-composite by spontaneous fusion to a planetary time-shape unit of account. Nor does Kerry have such awareness, as we can readily see from his “negotiating” stance. But, then, in personal commo with me, Milton Friedman gave clear evidence that he had never even heard of Lukasiewicz logics or vonHayekian “time-shapes”.

Understanding of mass-mediated ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement by projective-identification at collective transference) is greatly facilitated by realization that the ethnic cleansings of the past several centuries have been in no small measure ConveDDs of the homeopathic ozone effect, the stress-records neutralization associated with autogenic-brain-discharge activity, and the enhanced detoxification accomplished by fasting-colonics and raw-foods cuisines (this is just a bullcrap food-fad attack upon integrity of ethnic cultures, right? Well, flash forward and consider research findings from USC Med: “Fasting for three days can regenerate entire immune system, study finds”, Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph, 5 June 2014; further consider, by flashing backward, the role of the “gut microbe community” in breaking down chemicals like mimetic estrogens, not just facilitating their elimination: “The REAL cause of the Global Obesity Epidemic. Are Toxic Chemicals Making Us Fat?”, Global Research repost from Washington's Blog, 19 March 2012). As regards technologies developed on basis of ConveDDs, count me thoroughly Luddite. The type-A drive orchestrating modernist and postmodernist Lebenswelt behavioral gestalts facilitates ergotropic functions at the expense of trophotropic functions (no middle ground). Were this imbalance not the case, and were the environment not so polluted as it has become, the body's normative excretory system would be sufficient to adequate ongoing detoxification. As it is today, however, the body's preoccupation with metabolizing excess and unhealthy intakes (e.g., free glutamic acid, sodium hydrosulfite, borax, sulbutamol, salicylic acid, formalin used as food fresheners), and with processing acute and chronic stressors, allows accumulation of toxins (e.g., antagonist mimetic estrogens) at the four-types of cellular receptor-binding sites (agonist-facilitated functional specificity) and of records of acute stress in the neuromuscular system (by the well-documented means) and of chronic stress by alteration of the less-well-understood quantum-wave properties (functional integration) of, particularly, intracellular DNA with its viral-receptor binding-site maps (specific dysfunctionalities, engineered or no). Fasting allows the body to shift its metabolic focus from ergotropic functions to trophotropic functions, whereupon the binding-site-stored toxins are dumped into the bloodstream, which, when appropriately timed, high-colonics and fluid-forcing and detox herbs and psyllium and Bentonite help rapidly remove from the body, such that high-toxin titers do not damage the organism via all-at-once re-absorption of that which has been accumulated over a long period, as such titers otherwise would, depending upon how toxic the bodymind and how rapid the detox transpires. My thanks to Julia Jus for this understanding. Autogenic discharges and homeopathic ozone work by analogous processes. When practiced by slow ingress over a period of years, detoxification back to normative levels transpires (though mucoid plaque sloughs off as the practice elaborates, as can be easily seen, I am aware of no evidence that a black tarry substance lines the colon, though, as anyone who has long practiced fasting-colonics well knows, such substance is periodically dumped, which I believe transpires during a given colonics fast when some critical state is reached permitting a large amount of binding-site-stored toxins to be released all at once). When this occurs, there can be referred effects upon the spinal nerves mediated by changes in the enteric nervous system. One wants this to occur slowly, over a decade, say, but, unfortunately, many people undertake flash-player regimes which are either ineffective or lead to problems. The instant, crack capitalistic, flash-privatization and foreign investment sold by Western ideologues to the post-Soviet societies could easily be understood a ConveDD of such flash-player “juice” cleanses and colonics fasts rejected by bulk of the [Neo}cons involved in conning those societies into “snapping”. Moreover, this is part and parcel of the larger gestalt wherein there could be no more disastrous path than that which the human species resolutely chose two-hundred years ago by assimilating N. H. Abel as it has: indefinitely prolong life of the institutionalization of the dead Weltanschauung's ergotropic-trophotropic distributed-middle binarisms setting terms of the component processes governing the Lebenswelt and its constituent Umwelt-introjections, whereupon logo, label, brand, make, model, and the social calendar establish simple-identity. Alack, waesucks! The myriad Matrix-type psycho-prep revelings slung, uh, wahwah-pedaled, at regression-in-service-to-1T2-ego-idealization under the mordant guise of plausible denial of same, acupuncture-meridian songlines of the intelligence service aside, this denial itself denied by the very fact that such vagile mental miasma is regarded allopatrically profound as all get-out, such regard being a viscous hysteresis in cognition yielding, in extremis, the fallacious reversal of premise and conclusion which is hysteron proteron, a vitiosity depraved, often vicious. There is no compelling evidence that AQ&A's handlers ever stopped handling them. The mission is never the mission. Why? Because the real forcing functions are all unconscious. For instance: vampires, werewolves, and zombies, by contrast to The Matrix tritone, are straightforward projections. As regards exactly what is projected: since the post-WWII-dollar international-reserve 1T2-currency has been issued on the basis of global-inflation-expropriated resources and, eventually, free-fiat printing, the real difference between the dollar and the assignat (Webster's New Collegiate: “A bill issued as currency by the French Revolutionary government [1790-95] on the security of expropriated lands”) is the simple identity-and-locality of the assignat's lands and its 1T2-bounded territorial referent contrasted with the bungled 1T2-bundling (no fiber-bundle arithmetics) of the variously securitized derivatives factorializing the resource-expropriating dollar which does nothing to µTm-mark-for-market processing of the “time-shapes of total capital stock” planet Earth: hence, no possibility to autogenically propitiate the local-, meso-, macro-scale gods of ecology, synergism, and superintegration by just-on-time spontaneous exercise of “internal system state”. As consequences of this choice to unduly sustain binarisms (“binary options” being the leitmotif of the Glutamate Concerto etched out by molecular instruments of the Neuronal Orchestra, yielding a skewed smile at kurtosis on the implied stochastic volatility surface of the digitalized mind) are more and more imposed on the elaborating µTm-quantum-based techno-regime by projective-identification at ConveDD, thus fomenting all manner of regressions (re: e.g., Matrix, vampire, werewolf, zombie, psycho-prep targeting of children with super-violent renditions of fairy tales), there is greater and greater iatrogenic intervention into depths of nature: microwaving Earth's atmosphere; phased-arraying hot auroras; imposing genetic-engineering turbulence upon DNA's quantum-wave properties (not to mention that people with EHS who are driven to protect integrity of their quantal-DNA intracellular-Zeitgeber pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillators and immune-signifying frequency-response windows have been moving to Green Bank due to allopathic diatheses [homeopathically: miasms] related to the gene-expression effects [see: “Genetic Clues to Radiation Sensitivity”, Vivian G. Cheung, HMMI News, 6 April 2009; and “New report on human sensitivity to radiation”, Public Health England, 14 March 2013; and “Genes Determine People's Susceptibility to Radiation”, Washington's Blog, 10 March 2014] of DNA's quantum-wave-mediated radiation-exchange processes: note that Nassim Nicolas Taleb, of black swan fame, in assessing likely global impact of GMOs, neglects to mention as a fat-tail factor the fact that the whole of genetic engineering was brought up under the mistaken assertion that the quantum-wave properties of DNA have no significant biological function, an assertion all along known to have been fabricated); substantially altering Earth's magnetic field; modifying the atmosphere's characteristic frequency-response windows by which solar-wind-conveyed cascaded complex angular momentum is stormed through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions and injected into Earth's crustal and core dynamics (see, for one example of Douglas A. Paine essaying on this subject, “A climate hypothesis describing the solar-terrestrial system as a frequency domain with specific response characteristics”, Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 64:26, 425-428, 28 June 1983, an ignored breakaway paper on climate phase transitions employing a relativistic-quantum approach, and note connections to the DNA case referred to immediately above: greenhouse gases may not be the only source of global warming, and the relative percentages of the various atmospheric gases may not be the only determiners of the atmosphere's specific frequency-response characteristics); redirecting lightning-strike locations on the basis of human-centered R2P+military criteria; refracting earthquake reverb away from natural gradients upon which cities are not best built; laser-starting storms and calling forth lightning on demand; so on. Those who have read Derek's superheterodyne discussion in The Moon of Hoa Binh may find the Youtube VDO, “Geoengineering: NEXRAD Sequential Heterodyne Wave Generation”, of interest. And, flashing forward, whilst listening to Congressional testimony on the closing down of HAARP (see/hear: “Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-manipulation Tool”, Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Post, 17 May 2014) note use of the designator “manage the ionosphere” and be aware of the ignorance this usage denotes. Investigate to what degree ultrasound is the type of coherent output that propagates well in Earth's atmosphere, and whether it is this modality which is cascaded from the ionosphere at, say, tornadogenesis, and whether it is this modality that is injected into Earth's positive-hole crustal dynamics. How likely, chaos-theory butterflies aside, was HAARP significantly more than a research tool when energy density of its output was miniscule compared to the natural sources of greatest interest? Ask whether it was the U.S. or some other country which had the most extensive phased-array facilities in place during the 1970s -- that's two decades before the popular imagination started to play catch-up. Read Frances FitzGerald's Way Out There In The Blue with these questions and observations in mind. Ask what these technologies are likely to do when wielded by those who continue to embrace “the classical limit” and regard Earth's atmosphere a “Newtonian domain” not macroscopically subject to quantum-relativity principles. For a contrary view, see: “The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere”, Paine and Pensinger, circa 1978. Be aware that the paper Cornell atmospheric physicist Douglas A. Paine presented to the 1974 McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Velikovsky conference, where Paine and Pensinger met, entitled “The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena” -- which brought the “Off The Beat” qua “Red Lights” wrath of Carl Sagan down upon him when Paine returned to Cornell, playing a significant role in evolution of his career -- analyzed dynamics of Jupiter's “red spot”, a subject of gathering interest these 40 years later due to accelerated contraction (see: “Jupiter's Not-So-Great Red Spot”, Kelly Beatty, Sky and Telescope, 24 April 2014) the last two years, and sketched out a quantum-relativistic model as to how a mass ejection from Jupiter might possibly have transpired. Don't believe this? Ask Naomi, grand-daughter of Immanuel; she will remember and verify. Paine left to Hollywood address of the question as to what, anthropogenic and otherwise, might be involved were an appropriate-scaled Earth-equivalent of Jupiter's “red spot” to form. Anti-Luddites would do well to ask the bees whether or not R. C. had it right about the silence of Spring. Also be aware that comets were characterized in Paine's then-notorious (within a small sector of the atmospheric science community) 1974 NSF grant report in terms similar to those of W. W. Thornhill -- (Wal was also in attendance at the 1974 Velikovsky conference) as given in his paper entitled “The Electrical Nature of Comets”, Proceedings of IEEE 34th Conference on Plasma Science, 2007 -- a report where Paine notes that the so-regarded passive wake vortices of comets are actually feeder bands extracting energy from the solar-wind plasma (photographs of double-helical cometary feeder bands played a role in catalyzing formulation of the 1979 Paine-Pensinger model of radiation exchange by free-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition; another catalyst, of course, being air parcel double-helical flows at tornadogenesis). We shouldn't wonder were there to arise an exacerbation unto dyscrasia at inhuman solar-->terrestrial/terrestrial-->solar interactions (Google “Earth-Sun” and note that, despite the principles of nonlocality and non-simple identity, there is little or no notion of reverse-cascade effects in contemporary consensus “solar-terrestrial” physics -- as if the planets, not to mention comets, have no influence upon solar activity -- and be aware of how this lacuna insured that mainstream economics would not assimilate the Devil's Staircase of percolation theory). The “nice” account of glutamatergic suppression-regression-leading-to-ConveDD is still being given under the rubric of sublimation-unto-“civilization”. If you want a picture of the technologies we won't have, look, not to Hollywood, but at ConveDDed wrektech-innovation-in-service-to-regression and ask what -- supraliminal (not subliminal) to the given tech -- is being denied. For instance: what is supraliminal to E = mc2 which Einstein was in denial of (and which his first wife likely had an intuitive handle upon)? It's interesting, synchronicity-wise, that the first physicist dropouts appeared on Wall Street during the late-1970s when the Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis was suppressed (Wall Street venture capitalists soon thereafter scuttling the last major attempt to continue with the involved research). Flash forward and observe that birdbrains are presenting symptoms of EHS, and have been for a decade (see: “Birds Are Losing Their Way”, Heather Callaghan, Activist Post, 7 May 2014: having nothing to do with quantum properties of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA radiation exchange processes, as described in the Paine-Pensinger model, one can be certain). The journal Nature states (see: “Anthropogenic electromagnetic noise disrupts magnetic compass orientation of a migratory bird”, Henrik Mouritsen, et al., 7 May 2014): “So far, no putative effect of anthropogenic electromagnetic noise at intensities below the guidelines adopted by the World Health Organization has withstood the test of independent replication under truly blinded experimental conditions. No effect has therefore been widely accepted as scientifically proven.” And there will never be such demonstration so long as the electronics and IT industries, the world's militaries, those insistent upon maintenance of “the classical limit”, so on and so forth, have anything to say about it, particularly as that “say” impacts editorial policies of the publications servicing institutional science. Moreover, everyone long lived enough with any interest in the subject has been aware of that for half a century. Yes, I do, indeed, believe that most human collective behaviors these days are induced by ConveDD. GWOT is an involved sideshow. The trouble with lite-touching, subtle, refined, elegant thriller-critique (e.g., le Carré's A Most Wanted Man, circa 2008) of Global Phoenix/anti-Phoenix executed by extraordinary rendition, extreme prejudice, martyrdom operations, ethnic cleansing -- rather than “tub-thumping polemic” -- is the mistaken assumption of the existence of idealism, gone arrant or no, on part of proximal perpetrators of “better judgments” lacking arrière-pensée and the air-headed, tub-brained, mental arrearage-qua-lacuna banishing processing of the fact that insurgents are the creation of counterinsurgents even more than counterinsurgents are the creation of insurgents, counterinsurgency always having temporal, ontological, and logical precedence over insurgency, whensoever comes the (draft, all-volunteer, out-sourced mercenary, recruit by spiritual obedience) arrière-ban. Were their-the-[incli}nation, an excellent argument could be made that even the worldline of the Soviet regime was made to be what it became in significant measure due to the support provided the Whites by many of the Western powers -- but, of course, that argument would have to be made by someone who had stepped off the anarchosyndicalist-anarchocapitalist twistover of the political-economy Mobius strip into the µTm-quantum mechanics of Everettian-vonHayekian autopoionomy. The same general observation could be made with regard to big-unit warfare, such as that of WWII, to include the air war aspect. Hmmm. Everett algorithms. Just like Robert Kennedy strolled over to Beeches Nursery from Hickory Hill, there Hugh Everett, III, goes again, smoking his way through Hill's Nursery West, contemplating what? Surely not the autogenic discharge as spontaneous localization: little by way of response to that. Uncountable infinity, yes, oh yes, but did he ever really get that the Monowave is a µTm-Lukasiewiczian quantum-composite demergent -- reducible only under the 1T2-order-type alone? In sequel to The Bombing War…, Richard Overy's more recent book, The Bombers and the Bombed…, Viking, 2014, is revelatory in regard to reflexivity in precedence relations. Quoting Ben MacIntyre's New York Times review, “Above and Below”, 21 March 2014: “Overy demonstrates, however, that the tactic of bombing urban areas had been put into action by the British before the Blitz.” My taking note of this point is not a case of the son -- born on Flag Day, 1945 -- of a onetime B-17 pilot finding more ammunition to criticize his father, for I never much attended to the strategic area bombing debate until after I had briefly served as a targets analyst at CICV-Targets in Saigon. Beyond the rather esoteric considerations as to origins of the “War of the World” -- which began to jell in my mind during the Fall of 1963 at AU-SIS, with first reading of Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul alongside Ernest Nagel's and James Newman's Gödel's Proof -- presented in the paper entitled “Echo of the Mockingbird”, my experience at Targets Branch of CICV forced me to read into the WWII area bombing debate, because the mindset exemplified by Adam Tooze frequently walked into Targets Branch demanding revelation of an impossibility: the coordinates of COSVN. Can nation-states dissolve Newtonian-inherent countervailing-forces conflict in a solution-without-war? Salute the solute! Now that's a cause worth going to war to support! -- even as such logic violates the rules governing binary [ratioci}nation. Solely by definition, the most “crippled epistemologies” are those generated by employment of the 1T2-logically-valued order-type alone. By have, 'e says to me, 'e goes: You're not to say that! I thought -- I did, didn't I -- it will be the dearth of me if I don't, is it. Ass rye. Carn be rong.

Corporate welfare on the North American continent began during the 16th and 17th centuries with the government granting of stolen lands; there was no need to await advent of QEing, which hardly involves fussbudgets! By the end of the 19th century, in most industrializing economies, only residuals of gross domestic product (gross, by having largely been sweat-shopped) persisted, thus removing whatever “good work” humanity had once engaged in outside of monastic communities (economic work which is “good” being that facilitative of the “inner work” productive of quality of experience, not quantity of life's clutter: “Everything is Kung-fu!” insofar as Kung-fu is not an art martial; better “Kung-fu” being such like handicrafts and handiagriculture conducted on the scale-level of the domestic unit, or “autopoy”; best “Kung-fu” being those practices conducted on appropriate scales and employing appropriate technologies). This centuries-long coerced ergotropic (type-A “actively innervated”) shift -- far from being an “autogenic shift” toward trophotropic (“providing nourishment”) functions -- was the signal de-scaling of the multiscaled and a vectoring upon the monoscaled, however much Hegelian-Marxian the historical dynamo, both of these dynamo-types, to whatsoever degree the third term be “synthetic”, remaining quintessentially 1T2 in abiding by the logic “laws” of distributed middle and non-contradiction, so as to contribute to the quenching of animistic-pagan µTm-quantal “non-simple identity”, holomorphic “sphere without conflict” markings of functions automatized into being structures (this quantum-analogue insight being the greatest contribution made by Heinz Hartmann, the quantum-analogue aspect having, apparently, gone completely missing from awareness of the psychoanalytic establishment), pencilings of skew-parallel channels into fiber-bundled instruments of functionally-integrated synergistic “control” of locally-specified functions, and so on. On a personal note, I began to develop significant understanding in this area during the summer following my last year of high school (1963) when I was fortunate enough to have a reading of Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation (1937 monograph, 1939 book, the 1958 International Universities Press, English translation by David Rapaport: reading C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, circa 1933, a month or two later as I entered AU-SIS, I came to view these two books as complementary accounts of the pathogenesis of the nazification process, this view eventually prompting me to elect to go to the Viet Nam war to see if I could garner further insight into the processes involved, and to which I, a military brat, felt myself as having been subjected: the actual personal journal entry whereupon this decision was made is incorporated into our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994, Vol. 1, p. 281-2) tutored by my mother's closest childhood friend, a woman clinical psychologist specialized in the treatment of schizophrenic children. This reading of Hartmann was doubly important to my inner development coming, as it did, immediately after the introduction to quantum mechanics provided in honors PSSC physics during my senior year. Though I was offered a physics scholarship to University of Cincinnati, I turned it down because I knew I did not wish to become a physicist -- having had exposure to service-funded scientists at Wright-Patterson AFB, and also due to gathering understanding, furthered by assimilating Hartmann's thought on automatization versus deautomatization, of the negative consequences of prescriptive enculturation-socialization. Indeed, at this juncture I lost all interest in sports sanctified by the state and consecrated to war (later, monetized to the tune of billions and billions of dollars). Not long after returning from the Viet Nam war, I studied Hypnosis and Related States: Psychoanalytic Studies in Regression (Merton Max Gill and Margaret Brenman, International Universities Press, 1959), a book based upon clinical applications of Hartmann's notion of automatization versus deautomatization, no less than on Ernst Kris' notion of “regression in service of the ego” introduced in 1952. It would be hard to overstate the positive influence this book on hypnosis had upon my subsequent personal development. Study of it enormously helped stimulate personal insight as to the experience of watching violent mass hysteria develop at an American Communist Party forum -- held in the gym at American University, Washington, D.C., then largely a Jewish campus, during the Fall of 1963 -- the four speakers speaking out against the House Un-American Activities Committee, a forum packed to overflowing, which was disrupted by more than a dozen of George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party “stormtroopers”. The ensuing melee was my first experience of lynch-mob mind, and greatly perplexed me. The book also helped me more fully assimilate many subtle details of what I had experienced in Special Forces Training Group and later whilst a member of Technical Intelligence Detachment, 525th Military Intelligence Group, RVN -- as well as so very much more. Hegel-Marx and Taoist t'ai chi: however synthetic, however rotational, however tending to 1T3, certainly are not µTm and still are very much 1T2. Consider: …prior-synthesis-as-thesis; antithesis; synthesis-as-new-thesis… And as regards rotational inversion of binary logical-values within a whole, as portrayed by Taoism: …yin<-->yang; yin<-->yang; yin<-->yang… So, while I substantially agree with J. C. Collins' portrait of the ropa dopo monetary-system phase-transition into which we are headed -- greater centralization, greater monolithic command, greater monotonicity of control, greater concentration-consolidation of debt-risk to the macroscale, greater QEing by QE-transit from issuing central banks to an SDR-issuing supracentral bank (see, for Collins' latest on this subject: “SDRs and the New Bretton Woods, Part Five”, Philosophyofmetrics, 12 February 2014 [note that an epiphany-instance of “inner Musculpt” is verbally described]; and Part Six, 18 February 2014; and “The New Exchange Rate System”, ibid., 19 February 2014; and “The Great Work of the Ages”, ibid., 3 March 2014: be aware that multiple-bank credit-debt-deposit-creation mechanisms, their delocalization by big banks, associated velocity and acceleration and time rate of change of acceleration changes, and rehypothecations of the rehypothecation of rehypothecation (flash forward and consider “Western Banks Scramble As China's 'Rehypothecation Evaporation' Goes Global”, Zero Hedge, 7 June 2014), and financial derivatives and their bungled bundlings of bundles, and associated loss of local multiplier effects [which loss would be made viscous, not altogether staunched, were currencies defined over band-pass fractal e-boundaries] are not well integrated into this picture, none of which are adequately addressed by Basel III, because the reflexive mereological reality of each of these processes is actually m-valued at its core and µTmly processed, if presently hidden in an invisibility cloak by the way currencies are currently defined, whilst Basel ratiocination employs 1T2-only cognitive processing: for an excellent [except for the dummy judgment that “'velocity' is just a dummy variable”] essay on aspects of this, see “Bank of England Admits that Loans Come First… and Deposits FOLLOW”, Washington's Blog, 20 March 2014) -- I do not agree that this Collins-type expression of historical dynamics has anything to do with natural processes understood as viewed through the lens of hundred-year-old New Physics, particularly as regards zero-point economic energy. Collins holds out the possibility of a type of macro-micro internal/external source-sink balance which I do not believe can be achieved in any 1T2-logical-framework, SDRed or no, commoditified or no -- the laws of such logic, themselves, precluding it. That is one reason why I advocate monetary “framework determining conditions” (think, à la Heinz Hartmann: m-valued state-functions automatized into being quantum-composite currencies) exhibiting Lukasiewiczian-Schrödingerian µTm-logicality. Hmmm. Usurpers of the multiplier effects of Vs & G: victuals and grub. No less than a cellarer's dogrobber of storerooms, shifty, they are -- oscillating between the henhouse, the cowshed, the hogtrough, the pasturelands -- gathering eggs laid by the foul of others, spreading butter they never churned, hoarding pork into barrels hewn and banded without their efforts, carrying away fleeces of the shorn sheeple. And this bequeath at whose behest? The benison thus bestowed requires [person}ation/per-so-nation of the precedential Architect of the Conceits 1T2-self aggrandizing the archiepiscopal [man}date establishing the aura of authority reinforced by the operant conditioning effectuated with disciplining lashes of the circuitor, all done just so, such that the sacrist undertaker can see to projection of the Lebenswelt enshrining the corpora of Umwelt introjections without which simple-1T2-identity cannot be established, maintained, and exploited by TPTB. At the very least, each weight of SDR compositions should be m-valued like Schrödinger's wave-function (thereby incorporating externalities -- intrasystemic by consensus-economics definition and extrasystemic by alternative-economics definition) and µTmly processed, and overall economic growth should not be one of these weights -- for, otherwise, the larger-than-mere-monetary-financial global crisis will not be adequately addressed, an address minimally requiring monetary tagging and processing of the Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth. I advocate economic exchange based upon analogical abstractions of DNA radiation exchange and the atmosphere's complex-numbered angular momentum exchange processes: if the human species cannot deploy a monetary system with level of self-organizational competency equal to these natural systems (self-organization is not on/off, either/or, to be or not to be; it's graded-grated discrete/smooth, screened not so much by pebble size as by degrees of µTm-capability at simultaneously fulfilling mutual exclusivities, e.g., functional integration and functional specificity), that species will not survive the coming cuspover it has imposed upon the planet and, until recently, was able to conceal from itself with falsifications of science fundamentals. Indeed, the SDR transit Collins describes, and Soros has long advocated, may be carried out in tandem with onset of PW1. I've long believed -- since preadolescent childhood military brat exposure, not least to the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombing sites -- that the U.S. (or is it those dog-trotting the U.S.?) will not go quietly into that good night of equal footing with the rest of humanity; that, faced with the prospect, like Samson, it will choose instead to pull the Temple of Life down upon itself. One more first-generation immigrant bought into the mythos, George Soros has, actually, given us a real education on that behavioral knee-jerk: he interpreted µTm-valued self-referential propositions as being indicative of inherent unknowability he associates to reflexivity, so as to reinforce the probability-amplitude falsification of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, distance that function from an m-valued-logic interpretation, and generalize this falsification into politicized economics; later, when he got the money, he created a vehicle to promulgate political warfare and psywar under the guise of providing philanthropic assistance, employing the Munzenberg-Lenin “law of calling” in naming his institutional front by “calling the thing by the name of its opposite” (a repeat of his take on Lukasiewicz logics and Schrödinger's wave-function). If this macro-dissimulation is to be indefinitely sustained, Maximum Conviction is required. Heh-heh-heh! No subscriber to the catchphrase-obsessed mentality, I ask: console to control? Mayhaps. Even in the unlikely event that the U.S. does not behave at planetary cuspover in the manner I have assumed since childhood, still, no sane person would volunteer to live in the civilization-wide global Lebenswelt being fashioned by the uses (e.g., for two examples, see: “How the NSA Plans to Infect 'Millions' of Computers with Malware”, Ryan Gallagher and Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept, 12 March 2014; and “Is the NSA Manipulating the Stock Market?”, Jon Rappoport, Infowars, 21 March 2014 [flash forward for more on this: “NSA to Control the Stock Market”, Kit Daniels, Infowars, 7 May 2014: why would the NSA want to control the market? surely not to raise its funding; because of the archetypal thematic orchestration provided by the prevailing collective psychosis]; and what a boon to full-face transplants is to be found in induction-deduction of statistical faces mandated by DNA's quantum-wave properties, as explicated in “Scientists Reconstruct Faces From DNA Samples”, Alex Knap, Forbes, 20 March 2014: how wonderful the techno-apps-R&D choices being made, eh?) to which regressed-by-Soros-and-the-like quantum-based technologies are being put by “decisions” taken under guidance provided by the collective unconscious archetypal gradients governing the present fulmination (see, for excellent commentary on this fulmination: “Final goal [solution] of the Surveillance State”, Jon Rappoport, No More Fakes News, 11 March 2014; and note how “telemedicine” tracking devices and selfies and electronic tattoos will be employed to fixate the social structure of attention cathexes and authenticate your body with broad-scale biosurveillance and with Google Now accessed on your memetime-bound Android Wear Watch as you leave your SmartHouse, one of 50-billion connected devices, in a state of SeriousWonder to wander CCTV-tracked streets, cameras sporting precrime AISight behavioral recognition capabilities, easily reprogrammable as the prescriptions rapidly change, precursor to AISight equipped with anti-personnel EMP weapons, precursor to all this being done from autonomous hunter-killer counterintelsats) of the chronic mass psychosis and associated brain impairment setting the human agenda. Not to point out that the price tag today -- on a resource depleting planet where perhaps 50-percent of human production is counterproductive (for one of myriad examples, flash forward and see: “The Hidden Cost of Distraction”, Zero Hedge, 9 June 2014) -- for running a police state -- any police state, especially a hyper-police state, not to say a global hyper-police state -- is orders of magnitude higher than it was during Hitler/Stalin/Mao's day. Swordfish (note the statement about broad-spectrum surveillance and tracking) prefigured Snowden by how many years? And what politically-potentiated Hollywood film is not commissioned and vetted by TPTB? What are the psycho-prep implications of that that -- those conscious, those emanating from the personal subliminal, those relative to constellated collective unconscious archetypal gradients? Collective suicide self-metaprogram? Indubitably, and the vast bulk of resources currently available to humans has been dedicated to the servicing of this self-metaprogram. One does not need to be a knuckle-dragging knockabout sporting a holocaust hairdo, tats, overt and covert bodymods to know that might is right, that war makes us safe, that killing makes us rich, that only in death do we really live. Oil spills are good for the economy because they create jobs. Material things in general make the man, not only clothes. Thoroughly identified, via familial transference regressions, with foundering fathers, all our great leaders-communicators, paraphyletic proctoloctista Bilderberger slime molds -- with “18th-century attitude”, beliefs, values, worldview construct -- know these basic truths, right to which is inalienable. Skirling superlatives of the venality set: bollixing tucketers of the Type-A type -- generally high mesomorphs -- into power sleep no less than intimidation breakfast and brinksmanship lunch. The furtherest they Donne imagined into the truth-table-independent multivalue is their “three-person'd God”, after whom they, onward marching Fertile-Crescent-Religion soldiers, named, in authentic expression of the character of their religiosity, their initial atomic [deto}nation, the true and beautiful first spiritual child of the atomic hemorrhoids by-producing unnatural virgin-birthed plutonium as extrojection of their glutamate-pruned and quantum-quenched brains. In Deception we trust! so sayeth these promulgators of true lies about unlawful laws and those secret. I had an emotional-inkling recognition of this collective cognitive state as an eight-year-old, July of 1953, walking through the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, observing American behaviors -- reinforced when taken to Nagasaki, and later when visiting Hiroshima as waterboy for the base football team, reinforced again with awareness that those C-119s lifting in wave after wave off the runway flight-line of Ashiya AFB, kita-Kyushu, were resupplying a war against rice growers just like those in the hamlet of Midori Gaoka in which I lived. War as one surgical instrument effecting the “lateral mental cleavage” inductively generating the affect-charged libido driving collective ConveDDs. Post-WWII neocolonialist neofeudalism: the most binary-minded and inequitable civilization in recorded history -- now achieving the same Piketty outcome even in affluent pockets of the planet, e.g., the US of A and the EU. Moreover, homo sapiens auto-annihilation by self-techno-engineered prosthesis-enchipped-bodymod-organtransplant-viralimplant-substitute-surrogate cyborgization phantasmagoria has become such a magnificent transfiguring obsession (“destroying the body in order to save it” is the only crucifixed ConveDD-way to rid the mind of its absolute-nihil-rooted fear of the “dissociative” participation mystique characteristic of µTm-pagan animism: We simply MUST establish and verify simple-identity!) that survival of humanity as actual human species may be possible if and only if there is a PW1 to snuff out this obsession, as some may have concluded (flash forward and see the suggestive posting “Is a Crash Inevitable? The Spiral Vortex of Debt and Corruption”, Martin Armstrong, ArmstrongEconomics, 28 April 2014; quoting Armstrong: “…my shelf time is expiring thank God so I do not have to live in this age of tyranny too long… we are hopelessly lost in a declining spiral vortex of debt and corruption that will only change with war and civil unrest”). What else could possibly accomplish such a staggering feat? Climate shift? Flashing forward, we now learn that the father of the Gaia hypothesis -- who still believes Earth's atmosphere to be a Newtonian domain -- has embraced human species auto-annihilation (see: “We should give up trying to save the world from climate change, says James Lovelock”, Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph, 8 April 2014). [Love}lock, indeed. Why the obsession with a supposed “classical limit”? Why is the scale-free called a “scalar”? Why the fixation on bip-bop sequence, on recursive generation calculable if and only if? Many reasons, surely -- not the least being the warfare-induced, “ethnic”-cleansing cognitive rape of Alan Turing in Bletchley Park, yielding breach birth of the finite-iteration binary machine. Another may be: just as the theory of autopoiesis, O-so-conveniently overly preoccupied with cell-level biology, preaching self-production but denying self-organization, became a tony Tartuffery, uh, uh, a touter for the solipsistic individualism of the human mass of cellular automatons, heh-heh-heh, as well as for 1T2-boundaries, via the notion “organizational closure” -- thus denying µTm-plasmahaut in particular, quantum biology in general, not to mention existence of organization-innovation carriers like insurgent-infrastructure cadres moving between porously circumscribed conflict zones -- so, too, the old code of Hermeticism, including its Jungian variety, preaches “individuation” as the heart of oversoul, thus largely denying the last two-hundred years of discovery in higher maths and “the new physics”. Quoting J. L. Carrell, The Shakespeare Secret, Dutton, 2007, p. 182 of the Sphere edition: “The eighteenth-century crowd was one of the first to start feeding everything it could lay its hands on into the web. And the Shakespeare crowd wasn't far behind.” Think of the crowd giving shout to Francis Bacon, for crying out loud, as having been Shakespeare. Nowadays, Hermeticism -- Eastern-Egyptian-Gnostic thought, supposedly carried by organization-innovation agents known as Knights Templar, and filtered through the rose-colored glasses of post-Renaissance binary mind for transmission via Masons, Rosicrucians, the German Illuminati, British Golden Dawn, theosophy, Skull and Bones, so on and so forth -- embraces the newest “new world order” so as to all the more resolutely cling to the two-hundred-years-dead Weltanschauung. Practitioners of henosis by theurgy: two-Grails 1T2-seekers of the Stone of Scone -- personifiers, fundamentalists, literalists, reductionists, concretizers, regressionists, numskulls scrying ball-and-cup of the collective unconscious for archetypal gradients understood as ponderable ripples in Blood of the Chalice -- who have ConveDDed Jacob 's Ladder of µTm-logically-valued order-types (by Polish good offices, clearly viewable since before advent of WWI, of which Madame Curie could hardly have escaped being acutely aware) in memetime-independent cyclotomic involutory decomposition versus recomposition qua spontaneous localization versus fusion of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function into the dull man's dolman-encased menhir: hieratic hierarchies -- occult and esoteric and exoteric -- of caste, clan, and club, rigid religiopolitical [infra}structures in denial of the distributed hologramic relative-state identity-transparency insuring systemic integration of functional specificity. And today's biggest critics of those thus identified with 18th-century modes of cognition are Christian normotics identified with 10th-century central-European modes of cognition. Mad leading mad in the great game of Monkey See, Monkey Do. Hard to imagine how any intelligence in the universe could wish them well. Sidling out of cognitive hovels, the power of peer pressure upon vacant mind. Success of Facebook, embraced by a billion+, is one measure of the currently prevailing virulence of the collective psychosis etiologically exacerbated by the ever increasing identity dyscrasia: no sane person/perdaughter would ever have agreed to the exceedingly exploitable 1T2-terms imposed upon the user/usess -- Facebook itself being a particularly pellucid (another being transgendering) techno-ConveDD (converting the psychological into the physical, displacing from inner to outer) of the recoil into regression-in-service-to-the-1T2-ego occasioned by maths-science resurrection of Faceless µTmly transegoic animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency. Not to mention how the whole internet-dragnet surveillance-tracking [inter}face advert business model subverts by allowing superuser to premeditatively deceive subuser in a manner tantamount to ConveDD! Has there ever been a political system actually deserving of the word “democracy”, to include the direct Athenian “democracy” of the people-powered polis, participation in which was limited to a fraction of the population base? Not according to my lights, nor was it early on improved by the arising of 1T2-Aristotelian term logic. And this demos-kratos situation was not made more participatory by the advent of 1T2-predicate logic of whatsoever order, including the infinitary. I have no doubt the story will go on; as to whether or not there'll be a “his” attached to it -- now, there's a question, don't y'think? Until people realize, and admit unreservedly, that all combatants engaged in WWII were on the same side (by which I do not mean ONLY such like Thierry Meyssan's “As in World War II, we find all ideologies in each camp”, stated in, flashing forward, “The CIA Coordinates Nazis and Jihadists”, Voltaire Network, 19 May 2014), all being component processes in fulminative psychosis collectively back-reacting against the same set of mass hysteria inducers (read: the bottom line on all these being rigorous New Advent Resurrection of µTm-valued logics, Simon-Petered with Polish jokes, Judas-Iscarioted into the Nazi and Soviet invasions of Poland), there is no chance humanity will rid itself of this autoimmune obsession. The elaboration and virulence currently reached of this intergenerational psychopathology is reflected in films along the lines of 28 Days Later qua 28 Weeks Later, et cetera and et cetera -- and, were such like as portrayed actually to transpire, there would be no question as to why: ConveDD of rage over the death of 1T2-simple-identity. Already, the leading lights of the species in the sciences, the arts, the “humanities” -- heh-heh-heh! -- have moved beyond the transhuman to posthumanic studies and have developed an enormous body, e-bod and otherwise, of “literature” and film and artifacts on the subject so as to exert some human “control” -- heh-heh-heh! -- over what the posthuman replacement killers of humans will be like, this far-from-equilibrium phase transition disingenuously propagandized largely by appeal to improvement of the lives of the impaired, when, in actuality, this technology will not be primarily used for the impaired but imposed upon everyone for the purposes of control, control, control (ConveDD of the loss of 1T2-self-control implied by the µTmly-processed m-valued quantum wave-function) and to enhance war-fighting abilities, that intent being clearly forecast by films like The Bourne Legacy. Flash forward and register an amplification upon the genemod thesis essayed in this film, i.e., success at live-cell-culture replication of artificial nucleotides: “Scientists Add [artificially-created] Letters to DNA's Alphabet, Raising Hope and Fear”, Andrew Pollack, The New York Times, placed in the Business Day section, 7 May 2014 (note that the central dogma of molecular biology is stated in the article, even though for several decades this has been known -- independent of quantum chemistry considerations and recent demonstrations that there is more than one level to DNA's genetic code, m-level genetic encipherment, in my belief, being Gödel numbered by nature with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers -- not to be the case). Be aware that designating a one-way street in sequential information (i.e., tacitly assuming single-level ciphers only) as the “central 'DOGMA'” was a Cricky Freudian slip. The decades-old existence of CIA bisInt COs plus DIA poleconecoInt collection plus NSA 61397 (Baconian codon?), by whatever prevailing cover designation, was more or less publicly announced as the post-Soviet intelligence-tasking redirection in conjunction with [Neo}con proclamation as to the “end of history” (whilst the [Neo}con state of identification with post-Renaissance, mathematically-designated, passive-referential, “objective” linear-time -- actually memetime -- continued unabated). Is this one ConveDDed version of the New World's totemic (see: Andrew Lang's Myth, Ritual and Religion, Longmans Green and Company, 1887) “beste chimerique”? Even if there were no substantive factual basis to the m-valued Hermetic-Templar-Jacobean-Masonic Baconian qua All-the-Queen's/King's-Men cairn theory concerning multi-identity of Shakespeare and The Hidden Agenda, still there would be regressed ConveDDed collective unconscious Orch-OR authenticity to the tale, uptaken to the personal unconscious of those in spiritual obedience to the appropriate projective-identifications via the thematic orchestration engaged in by the “centrencephalic safety-discharge mechanism” of glutamate-pruned and quantum-quenched molecular-cellular brains. While dates don't demonstrate 1T2-causality, far more instrumental to the large patterns of human behavior are the memetime-date-related synchronicities established by collective unconscious archetypal event gradients. Arguably, it was the 1850s, when the Shakespeare identity crisis first seriously emerged, that saw maturation of back-reaction upon the metric of Abel's 1826 existence proof deemed an impossibility theorem, the Tristan chord of 1865 signifying the stacking of elicited collective baying at the Mooncalf over threat of loss of key-signatured Cartesian-Newtonian simple-identity. Caliban Reborn! -- to turn Wilfrid Mellers' title into an exclamation besmirching the tempest-raiser who is a son of a witch. Quoting J. L. Carrell's The Shakespeare Secret, p. 441:

“That letter might tell us, once and for all, the truth about Shakespeare.”

“If it's not Shakespeare who wrote the plays, then it's not a truth I want to know. It's not a truth I want known.”

That's what all the killing was about? Defending Shakespeare of Stratford? Was that how he understood what he'd done? Waged some kind of protectionist war in the guise of a Shakespearean Defender of the Faith? (Italic in original)

Regressed conversion of 1T2-one to 1T2-many -- be it Shakespeare to cabal or single-valued variable to probability amplitudes or universe to many-1T2-worlds -- as means to escape full dastardly import of the µTm-quantum, pagan-animistic, relative-state identity-transparency latent in Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr is, however, exemplary of a lesser elaboration-level of pathofunctional potency than is the 666th “chimerical beast”, a “sign of Satan”. Again quoting Jennifer Carrell's The Shakespeare Secret, concerning a supposed symbol of the identity-cabal standing under the collective name stated singularly as “Shakespeare”, p. 374: “…the long neck and head of a swan, eagle's wings that become boar's heads, and a baby clutched in one talon and a spear in the other”. The Flowers of Algeron: Charly and The Lawmower Man. Making your genes mousey, cowing your nucleotide pairs, monkeying about with your inheritance: all justified under neglect of the µTm-quantum-wave properties of double-helical DNA. Jennifer Lee Carrell one last time, p. 471: “…bowdlerization [unto]… Double Falshood… full of holes and criss-crossed with Frankenstein-obvious scars and patches”. Oh, those chexting double agents! Very topical today in this Age of Conversion-Disorder Displacements, as, flashing forward, essayed by Michael Snyder in “The Era of Chimeras: Scientists Fearlessly Create Bizarre Human/Animal Hybrids”, End of the American Dream, 19 May 2014. Practitioners of synthetic biology will significantly alter their clearly projected course only after Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value are employed to interpret Schrödinger's wave-function and effects of the increased understanding trickle down into biological models. By then, will it have been too late? Won't it just be so very, very nice, Mr. Moto, for the game of golf, when every cyborg plays perfect golf (see, for instance: “The Future of Brain Implants”, Gary Marcus and Christof Koch, The Wall Street Journal, 14 March 2014; also interesting is Daniel Estulin's TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction, Trine Day, 2014: bivalent academic-industry-colluded AI makes massive display of the psychopathology which involves techno-ConveDD coupled to collective personification by mass projective-identification -- a process greatly facilitated by comic-book Hollywood psycho-prep targeting of kids, which is a form of cognitive pandering-pimping). Gene-therapy-manU[fact}ured human GMOs: democratic-prescriptive eugenics (consider the Hollywood psycho-prep provided by white-washed Baby Geniuses and its sequels and its likely more-accurate military fictional prelude plus filmic postlude in “Ender's Game”) as distinct from Nazi-remedial eugenics. Paraphrasing to a retrograde-inversion of Marcus and Koch: For worse, these neuroprosthetics become who we mistakenly thought we never were. This Prigoginean “from being to becoming” being a ConveDD of quantum non-simple identity, the [Neo}con's compensatory abreaction to “Quantum-this, quantum-that!” m-valued Schrödinger wave-function interpreted with m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, rather than with probability amplitudes. Only special service operators (SSOs) are allowed MIs, multiple identities -- and this is another ConveDD, in that SSOs convert (by projective-identification) the autopoietic operators they are meant to displace, so as to prevent generalization of quantum non-simple identity to sociopoliticoeconomic applications. Want some actual-human progeny (even a few actual plants: see “MIT Scientists Attempt to Create Nano-Bionic Plants”, Kevin Samson, Activist Post, 16 March 2014, for discussion of plants as a “technology platform”, “bomb-sniffing plants using rewired DNA”, the “prosthetic photoabsorber”, so on) to survive falsification of quantum mechanics, Ms. Facetious? Better pray for total war, war the sooner the better. Facetious because even a “Small Nuclear War Could Trigger Catastrophic Cooling”, as reported in LiveScience by Charles Q. Choi, 26 March 2014. See also: “Environmental consequences of nuclear war”, Owen B. Toon, et al., Physics Today, December 2008. Maybe even a war of micro-nukes and/or atomic artillery -- widespread enough -- could have significant climate impacts. Despite all his detective work concerning 1T2-RedLights, the best actual scientific contribution Cornell's Carl Sagan made was his exploration -- reflecting Hugh Everett's earlier assessment -- of the “nuclear winter hypothesis”. Given that the First Crimean war, the Franco-Prussian war, WWI, WWII, and various salients of the prolonged proxy warfare called the Cold war and GWOT deep-structure explored current fulmination of the above-described age-old thematic evasion, each Battle of the Titans more elaborately so than the last, it is hard to imagine anything titanic that TPTB would not do as, in years coming, the involved issues continue to fester toward boilover. For a similar, parallel assessment, flash forward and see: “The New Congress of Vienna”, J. C. Collins, Philosphyofmetrics, 18 June 2014. “High Indifference” detachment seems to me not to take account of µTmly transfinite hologramic part-whole identity-transparency, a compassionate engaged Buddhological preclusion of High Indifference on a mereotopological basis, such that more appropriate would be: low-grade indifference combined with highly-honed concern. Awriight. Meekly agreeing. Rather than abstracting-out to Nibbanic blowout-disengagement back-channeled as: Allright! Pompously taking credit. Again on a personal note, while an AU-SIS student, I deeply read the WaPo daily and the NYT on Sundays, as well as voluminously in the journals. After dropping out of AU-SIS in 1965, I never again read the mainstream press. For years after my Viet Nam stint, if a political or military or economic discussion began, I immediately left the room, as I was sick of hearing the same stupid stuff over and over and over. The one and only time I voted in any election was in the 1961 Eielson AFB High School student council elections. By choice, I've owned little. Never bought a TV. Every car I've had was in one way or another given to me. For decades, I've pretty much lived out of the two small suitcases containing my sum total transferable possessions, averaging a move every several years. I felt that this non-participation was the greatest contribution I personally could make to the, heh-heh-heh, “reform cycle”. Assuming that no good deed goes unpunished, that what little is given will be taken away, that having been naked born choice to die naked means less karmic baggage to carry. Throughout hisstory, despite the rare exceptions, “toady to” has been the governing leitmotif of the squeamish masses, their pisston of palaver, no intelligent use of the overwhelming numbers at their disposal -- [ab}solution being a writ granted by canons, a permit to further commit. But, given the nature of the current crisis, involving nature as it does, that remit may not carry the human species much farther. Regardless of the impact upon killer-T-cell titers, and eventual awareness thereof, I've always considered that, in this day and age, nihilism altogether is the realism without which human species survival of coming cuspover is not possible. If there is a nuclear war, as seems likely, someone will make the first strike -- and who is that likely to be? Not many candidates. Any attempt to find rational explications as to why TPTB do what they do is mere exercise in rationalization, black propaganda, self-deception, connivance with the obsession with 1T2-only ratiocination. By age 23, returning from the Viet Nam war, I'd already had 20 years of experience of military life in “peace” and war -- and I figured that was enough time in service to retire. In all that memetime, I never once became aware of a circumstance the least at variance with everyday normotic hubbub of “peace” or war wherein people did not lie and try to screw each other -- and it didn't take me long to conclude that the same was the case, under brief instances of deautomatization, in automatized civil affairs based upon the principle of Newtonian countervailing powers.

Not only are we talking here of subjectively inept [Neo}cons suffering from lateral mental cleavage and total identification-attachment with binary mind: [Neo}cons don't need brain-enchipment; they are already thoroughly etched and quenched. Even Wheelerian physicists like Michio Kaku have completely gone “off their skull” (by which I/i do not impute, the gods forbid, off into dissociative pagan-animistic relative-state identity-transparency), if, in his case, sententiously to the new Moral Economy of the Machine. No mere treacly chickabiddy benignity, not a skiffle, his The Future of Mind (Doubleday, 2014), totally bought in as he has become to the techno-ConveDD agonistically servicing compensatory abreaction to the anti-pagan, anti-animistic suppression of µTm-mind. Where in his technical papers or his popularizations of science does he discuss pre-pregeometry-as-a-bucket-of-dust as being the calculi of µTm-valued propositions; where does he apply Lukasiewicz logics to Everett relative-state, rather than buy into a superstrung and/or looped multiple-1T2-worlds interpretation of Everett? Nor does he have anything to say about how pre-pregeometry “gets to” string-theoretic multiverse spacetime geometry via Pauli-Paine operator-time's Hawking-imaginary temporal curl quantized as Penrose twistor. Pixels-texels-voxels-temporels. Are there three non-reference-frame orders of temporels, none of which have anything to do with the past-present-future of reference-frame memetime? While memetime is chemically induced, and ponderable space is Euclidian-geometrically bound to the brain, at Piagetian stages of childhood “development” by glutamatergic neuronal-pruning-etching qua neural-network-wipeouts and associated quantum quenching during prepartum-to-pubertal prescriptive enculturation and coercive socialization to requirements of the prevailing political economy, and while parametric properties of memetime and ponderable space (and binocular visual space sans bionic eyes) are chemically dependent and manipulatable (such that, say, all prisoners can be given time-rate-perceived life sentences) by a broad spectrum of psychoactive drugs (for an interesting discussion of issues involved here see: “Time warp”, Erica Harrison, Cosmos, 11 September 2008), 3-fold imaginary and hypercomplex operator-time is not chemically induced or drug dependent, for it ontologically preexists demergence of memetime and ponderable space and memetime-placedness and quasi-determinant locality and discrete particularized cognizance and simple-identity and actualization of the 1T2-distinction between mind and body and in-the-body experience as largely innovated by archaic Greeks as µTm-cogitation was coercively collapsed-reduced to 1T2-cognition under impress of mesomorphic muscle-identification-synonymous-with-simple-in-the-body-identity (for brilliant research and commentary on this subject, see Shigehisa Kuriyama's The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine, Zone, 1999, and my comments thereupon as given here). Pray that the First of Last Men have already made their appearance, so we can get beyond incendiary cuspover and into the non-bodymod, non-bot metanoia of Next Men µTmly resurrecting First Men. The Greek Logos of 6th century, B.C. and earlier -- the Logos which Heraclitus maintained men cannot understand, except in their sleep when glutamatergic lockdown slips somewhat into abeyance -- was not that of 1T2-oppositions in eternal conflict and constant change, but that of the CTC-order-type, otherwise known as the AllBase or ground state of Tzog-chen, insuring unity, integration, synergy, which restriction to the 1T2-order-type-alone veils -- CTC, by memetime-independent cyclotomic involutory decomposition, demerging (The Demergent some have understood, by means of personification and allegory, as being Jesus, one value of the 1T3-proposition transcendental to that 1T2 -- the “clothes” or shroud, in this case, on the surface at least, not being the source of the cascading “waterfall” of demergence, that source, deeply understood, being absolute limiting velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration [this last, the third “Standard Stoppage”, having to do with reflexive self-referential reentry, per Pauli-Paine 3-fold operator-time]: “Oxen of the Sun” no less than “Draft Pistons”), not a Matrix multiverse of many virtual 1T2-worlds, but an m-logically-valued, identity-transparent universe in relative-state and laminated of limited spacetime domains (i.e., “clothing” stripped upon or off transparent laminates) in tiled nesting-foams sheaved to [n-branes…3-branes, 2-branes, 1-branes} according to the µTm-order-type employed at calculation qua processing, the involved Mnk-theoretic manifolds and membranes and Platonic “forms” materializing more and more substantively regressed the lower the index of logical-value collapsed to. The 1T2-world we experience is an aberrant anamorphosis of the unmolested Musculpt Manifold. Heraclitus latched his cognitive hinge to 1T2; Parmenides-Zeno, tacitly, to CTC. Under the 1T2-logically-ordered sequence which is memetime, Achilles is convergent with the tortoise in the countably-infinitesimal term of the series of involved super-tasked motions (summing, 1T2-paradoxically, to a finite number, i.e., unity); the only way, independent of logical-value order-type phase transition, Achilles can earlier win the race is by accelerating to the absolute limiting velocity wherewhenwhich, in the direction of motion, spatial extent and the involved memetime passage have “stoppages” (see, for instance, Craig Adcock's profoundly illuminating account of "Duchamp's Perspective…", Succession Marcel Duchamp, TOUT-FAIT, 2:5, April, 2003; better named, substituting for “succession”, Marcel Duchamp's Superpositioned Supersessions, so I would suggest). Consider that one of the Duchamp pieces Adcock analyzes is entitled “youme”, uh, Tu m', no verb between, a quintessential statement of the quantum non-simple identity incumbent upon m-valued universal physical constants, mirrored in, among others, m, m', and m'' -- by virtue of c, c', c''. Per Parmenides, there are no verbs about it! Truth does not lie somewherewhenwhich between Heraclitus and Parmenides-Zeno, as truth-value qua truth-value appertains only to the 1T2-order-type alone, that being the lie of truth that does not fuzzily lie as it lays down its table of 2-values.

As far as I know, I have no “level of competency” whatsoever; if I do, I certainly wouldn't have any idea how to characterize it. I've spent a goodly portion of my intellectual life reading things I don't understand, or mostly don't understand. If I hadn't, I'd have cut myself off from a large swatch of the human product. Moreover, reading only what I understand would have been to insure the lack of understanding more. So, let me state at the outset that, what I am about to address briefly here, I do not understand. Until very recently, I'd never seen the term “temporal curl” employed anywhere outside the material associated with Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis. Now, I discover a few papers either directly using the term (like J. E. Carroll's “Relativity With Three Dimensions of Time: Space-Time Vortices”, U. of Cambridge, 2002, commented upon above) or almost using the term (like A. H. Salden's, “Dynamic Scale-Space Paradigms versus Mathematical Morphology?”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3716, April 1999) or suggestive of a similar notion (like that by Lars Andersson, et al., to wit “Hertz Potentials and Asymptotic Properties of Massless Fields”, arXiv, 11 February 2014). Quoting Carroll: “Although Maxwell's curl equations give spatial vorticity there is no apparent temporal 'curl'.” Quoting Salden:

…let us consider again the interaction mechanisms between pairs of states pi and pj and define the topological current to be the spatio-temporal curl of the induced connection of the two-state coupling free energy…

Quoting Andersson: “These operators will be called divergence, curl, and twistor operator respectively.” I understand that these operators relate to Clifford algebras and Dirac-type operators and Stein-Weiss operators and that the Laplacian is the second-order and so on. Carroll, apparently, thinks of temporal curl as imaginary twist into a third temporal dimension. Salden, it seems, thinks that curl on a 4D Minkowski spacetime continuum is spatio-temporal by definition. Andersson, I believe, has curl down to “spatial curl” and the twistor operating in higher-dimensional function space. Whereas Paine 3-fold temporal curl is non-reference-frame imaginary and hypercomplex time operating on the topological properties of 3-space, i.e., actively changing those properties, such temporal operations being a sub-class of logical operations. Back in the Seventies, we thought that 3-fold temporal curl, when rigorously generalized, likely must involve something like dual quaternions, only different: likely necessitating use of Charles Muses' hypernumbers. Exactly what this would have to do with Muses chronotopology, we could not ascertain. We thought that 3D time possibly was involved (think: six-dimensional twistor “space”), but, again, had no specific ideas as to exactly how. More important, we thought, were Wheelerian notions of pregeometry: “calculus of propositions” and/or “bucket of dust” (though, differing from Wheeler, we thought Lukasiewiczian calculi operating pointwise over the Borel set of dimensionless points: i.e., pre-pregeometry and pregeometry, temporal curl involuting Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert space to referential spacetime, the Penrose twistor possibly being quantization of temporal curl). Paine was very interested in infrasound signatures of landforms, lake fetches, so on, (later demonstrated by the Cornell neurobiology labs to be used by pigeons at homing) and his original idea as to temporal curl issued out of studies of lake-effect storms, which preoccupation has a certain similarity to Salden's focus on granulometry and preservation of “…salient coherent structures such as watersheds, crestlines, edges, plateaus, divides and ridges, channels and ruts, and defect lines” where “…characteristic for all these [scale-space and morphological] techniques is to adopt a certain topology, geometry, or dynamics on the observed image possibly consistent with that of the induced electromagnetic field activity.” Salden notes that “…the fact that a pixel belongs to a long spatial edge-segment can be used as some kind of stopping criterion or local reflective boundary condition during the dynamic exchange…” This observation has a certain similarity to the notion of defining µTm-valued LETS currency nesting foams -- marking Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock” numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers -- over band-pass fractal e-boundaries. Try to imagine chronotopological time-shapes absent “three dimensions of time”, if only to recognize that dimensionality may be only a cognitive representational crutch necessitated by the 1T2-only ratiocination of the glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched mind. But, of course, this is not the idea of “A Revolution in Money” (Andrew Ross Sorkin, April Fool's Day 2014) come up with by those The New York Times calls “the sharpest futurists around”.

Here is a little story as to how I came to view Buffon's needle as revealing the psychological transference as concealing integral geometry as being a first step toward exiting the probability-amplitude falsification of Schrödinger's wave-function. Circa 1972, I was working as a non-union electrician wiring houses in tracts of urban sprawl. Walking across a clean-swept floor, I stepped upon a finishing nail sitting on its head in the middle of that floor, the nail going through my boot sole, and right through my foot. I had to use my Klein lineman's pliers to pull it out. After getting a tetanus shot, I went home, only to receive a call and be informed that my woman friend -- with whom I was then “in transference” -- located on the other side of the country had fallen and injured herself at the time I had stepped on the nail. Synchronicity by EPR paradox, a “taking some of the pain” the way, traditionally, a Vietnamese-village peasant-husband jumped off the cottage roof to take some of the pain experienced by his wife during childbirth? While Comte de Buffon may have solved the first problem in geometric probability, so far as I know the nail-on-its-head problem has yet to be solved. Integral geometry began as a refinement of geometric probability. Elaboration involved the meaning of integral geometry coming to, quoting Wiki, “…include a view of invariant (or equivalent) transformations from the space of functions on one geometrical space to the space of functions on another geometrical space.” Think of the “equivalent” as being purchasing power parity, and think of the geometrical spaces as the legal-tender domains of µTm-valued LETS currencies, and think of the integral transformations as currency exchange conversions whereby the m-stacked-values (not probability amplitudes) on a given LETS currency unit are transformed into those of a unit of another such currency. The superposition-“image” -- à la A. H. Salden's scale-space paper, linked above -- of all such m-valued transforms at a given instant of memetime being the quantum-composite (universal wave-function) of the particular Everettian-vonHayekian time-shape of total capital stock operative in the global economy at the given moment in memetime. Now, hold in mind that the Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure mapped bureaucratic functions upon changing boundaries of administrative domains (changing as a function of variations in the environment of the combat), and think of the m-values stacked on LETS currency units (internalizing externalities, to include bureaucratic functions) as being defined over fractal e-boundaries of optimum-currency-area nesting foams. Would not currency domains then become spaces of political functions? And would not such function spaces facilitate political autopoiesis and self-organization? Note that the articulation landscape indicated by Mnk (as distinct from the 2nk fitness landscape of complexity theory), where k denotes correlations between n physical observations, jells with the image, I, superposition specification given in Salden's equivalence definition 2.1. Lukasiewicz logics are, thus, predicated at the start of Salden's argument. Salden's “frame field” corresponds to J. G. Bennett's “framework determining conditions” -- monetarily speaking, these would involve defining properties of currencies, e.g., their logical-value order-types, in Saldenian terms, their “detector states”, the M of Mnk, as tagged to indicators. Moreover, if the distribution of scale-level ridges in a given nesting foam is in TlogT form, then we are in the realm of Riemann's zeta function and the primes required -- particularly were the zeta function generalized to hypercomplex numbers -- for Gödel numbering of Gödel numbers, such that Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes become available. Would this differ from Salden's Lie-group treatment in requiring “Abelian extensions to infinite-dimensional Lie groups”, Karl-Hermann Neeb, arXiv, 18 February 2004, thus supporting the notion that the sort of dual quaternions likely required would necessarily involve hypernumbers? I am unaware of the factors (which could be defined according to purposes other than those pursued by Gödel) of a given Gödel number having been subjected to p-adic number theory (note, for instance, that “Undecidability in Number Theory”, Jochen Koenigsmann, arXiv, 2 September 2013, is not oriented in such a fashion; nor can I find a relevant paper amongst those linked on Matthew Watkins' p-adic page), but perhaps, in the present context, there would be much to gain from doing so.

The position I hold in respect to such issues is denoted by “The Nonsense of Logic” rather than “The Logic of Nonsense” (see: L. Aqvist, “Reflections on the Logic of Nonsense”, Theoria, 28, 1962, pp. 138-57). I maintain that all universal physical constants are m-valued under CTC-valued Lukasiewicz logic, wherein the notion truth-value has no meaning, the numerical correspondents are not the reals or rationals in the interval [0,1] but nonselfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, and the Russell Paradox is an accurate descriptor of an aspect of the case (i.e., nonselfsameness at identity-transparency), such that the 1T2-Law of Non-Contradiction is invalid. Nature does not employ the notion truth-value, which is epiphenomenal to the glutamatergic neuronal etching-pruning and associated quantum quenching orchestrated by the prescriptive enculturation-socialization buffering off from conscious awareness the processing engaged in by THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains. Whilst molecular-cellular brains obviously employ the 1T2-order-type as low-level machine language, this in no way predicates the notion truth-value. Logical-value uncorrupted is relative to states of “identity transparency”, not truth, distinction, indication, so on. States, not degrees of fuzziness, vagueness, diffuseness (see, for instance, “On the Logic Semantics of Vagueness”, Kit Fine, Synthese, 30:3/4, 1975, pp. 265-300): relative-state. “Identity transparency” does not refer to the arithmetic-algebraic “identity operation”, or selfsameness, or identity-between, or identity-amongst, but to order-type of nonselfsameness at identity-in-itself. The higher the order-type, the higher the state of nonselfsameness and the more thoroughgoing is operation of the hologramic-Cantorian principle whereby the part contains the whole not less than the whole contains the part. “Truth-value gaps”, thus, are either irrelevant or trivial in context of the position taken here (despite the excellent arguments made in “Bivalence and the Challenge of Truth-Value Gaps”, Maria Teresa Matos Ferreira Marques, University of Stirling, Ph.D. dissertation, November 2003: not altogether surprising that a Maria Teresa essaying at a UK university should conclude that bivalence remains unscathed). “Thou Art That” is far more accurate to the bare-of-attachment, free-of-normotic-identification case than is “I am me and only me” by extension from the “I am that I am”-justified claim to be “absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct”. Dialetheism is a trivial given. This orientation makes me subscribe to the demergent theory of logical-value, not the “deflationary theory of truth” even though I agree with the latters' basic argument. I am, thus, also made a simultaneous correspondent of both logical-realism and logical-anti-realism, in that I do not deny an objective reality at the hyleticpsychetic-data pre-pregeometry level, nor do I hold that verification-transcendent statements must be either true or false, and, moreover, I could not be a traditional Platonist holding that truth is resident in correspondence to objective reality, for truth-value, according to my lights, appertains only to the enculturated-socialization attributions placed upon the 1T2-order-type, attributions meaningless at the pre-pregeometry level. While Platonic ideals and imaginary-hypercomplex numbers are not generally available to ontic awareness of binary mind, they are, according to the present orientation, available to µTm-processing of THE quantum brain, that processing being consciously available via inner-Musculpt yet to be techno-exteriorized by Musculpt-as-mathematical-notion. With Everett, I am concerned about Comactuality, which may involve superpositionings of the Deleuze “in-compossible”, not with Leibnizian Compossibility -- though, being an advocate of nonselfsameness at identity-in-itself, I do not embrace the splitting-off associated to the multi-worlds interpretation of the Everettian relative-state formulation as to the m-valued universal wave-function which I maintain requires interpretation, not with probability amplitudes, but m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value -- hence, the “problem of future contingents” is not a problem, particularly given memetime's subordination to quantal operator-time (interesting thoughts concerning this are those of Michel Planat given in “On the Cyclotomic Quantum Algebra of Time Perception”, arXiv, 2 March 2004). While the Munchhausen trilemma is a given, and not nullified by fallibilistic falsificationism (circular self-reference and twisted self-reentry not submitting to T/F determinations) or Occam's razor taken to Nature committed, as shehe is, to omnium gatherum, that trilemma applies only to the 1T2-order-type taken as recursively generative by logical automata, not demergent by cyclotomic involutory decomposition over CTC taken down Jacob's Ladder to that order-type predicating the state of most-selfsameness (consider that moral behavior is not a superegoic function of will power, but of quality of proprioception-perception at identity-transparency, which, itself, may well be an apperceived qualia, like is color: will to power by fraud, rigging, so on, is made possible by the state of identification with most-selfsameness, particularly when techno-ConveDD implements system frameworks like HFT, as explicated by its father, Thomas Peterffy). Most-selfsameness is a degenerate of the “circle of antisimilitude”, i.e., a 1T2-logical “line of symmetry, in which alpha and beta are [by projective-identification at transference] reflections of each other”. While my theoretical orientation appears somewhat to conform to Penrose-Hameroff Orch-OR, orchestrated, that is, at autogenic brain discharge by Wolfgang Luthe's “centrencephalic safety-discharge mechanism” (see: “Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement”, circa 1980), the outstanding difference is that there is no reduction of the wave-packet; rather, “spontaneous localization” transpires by Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert space decomposing under 3-fold operator-time quantized as Penrose twistor -- or so it seems to me, the me who thinks this orientation long since experimentally verified with respect to tornadogenesis and the quantum properties of DNA helix-coil transition.

Simultaneous thoughts in stacked feeling-toned gestalts shiver the muscles, rake the bowels, work their pus-tract ways, like shrapnel, out the skin. My other-I-am -- a cosmic background adumbration, an eidolon, of µTm non-simple identity on the base-state of Tzog-chen -- ontically experienced as a temporal vanishing point by dictates of a memetime understood an objective linear-time: what walking meditation taught. “Not yet stretched by time, her perceptions are without seriality: they are multiform, instantaneous and random, like the present itself…” [scratch the “random”, and] “When the past is forgotten, the present is unforgettable” (Martin Amis, Other People, Penguin, 1981, p. 53). But, of course, it's far more complex than that. Not only, per Einstein, are memetime past, present, future relative to relative velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration, and direction of motion in spacetime (for a visual explication of the temporal import of an infinite number of relative frames of reference in three dimensions of time, see the Youtube VDO entitled “The Dark Side of Time”: no discussion, however, of 3-fold operator-time), but also, according to my lights, relative to baud-rate of consciousness and order-of-logical-value employed at processing, because only under the 1T2-order-type is the temporal instant simply-identifiable, be it taken as point, line, spacetime plane slice, such that there is only one “before” and one “after” to a given instant (hence, a simple-past, a simple-present, a simple-future, uh, uh, a simple-world-line) -- not µTmly many in temporal “pencils of skew-parallels”. And the analogous can be said of spatial point, line, plane, and so on, unto n-dimensional polytopes. This applies not only to humans and other entities traditionally accorded consciousness, but, in analogous form, to all systems on whatsoever scale level, making hash out of even present-day avant-garde physics. Moreover, this understanding has been rigorously available for over 100 years, and the ever vaster bulk of humanity has either not registered or violently back-reacted -- so, what is there hidden in the human complement to warrant sympathy for what is to befall it? Birth me? Kill me? Decohere me into bodily existence? Put the quantum eraser to me? Nuh-uh. WhoHowWhereWhen could either possibly be done? Which “now” of any heuristic particular instant, given all the motions there are in this universe? Regarding no absolute “here and now”: it's not a question of “this life” being all there is; it's a matter of in what sense “this life” is anything at all. Intriguing as is Miguel Alcubierre Moya's theory of faster-than-light warp-drive travel, where a local negative-energy bubble (LSTD, limited spacetime domain, created by operator-time's 3-fold temporal curl, where, contrary to Prigogine, the total energy operator is not bounded from below, such that, in the Paine conception, relative to their LSTDs, “atmospheric comets”, tornadoes [think of the emitted bursts of vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes punching holes in the tropopause discontinuity surface], astrophysical comets have properties of Alcubierre warps?) surfs cusp of a non-local breaking spacetime solitary wave (check out Victor P. Starr's “The Hydrodynamic Analogy to E = mc2”, Tellus, 9, 1959, pp. 135-38, and Paine-Pensinger's “general process” paper reflections on the priming and double-priming of nesting foams of c-multiples distributed in TlogT form, circa May of 1977), one must wonder what would happen to the Alcubierre theory (violating neither local-Special nor nonlocal-General Relativity) were AMD foliation qua Sakharov multi-sheet understood Pauli-Paine operator-time laminated, were Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function interpreted with m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, and were universal physical constants understood m-valued rather than single-valued, the latter two of these cognitive “recalibrations” involving questions as to how non-simple identity and nonlocality are to be conceived. Standing with -- or withstanding not -- Michael J. Pfenning and L. H. Ford (“The unphysical nature of 'Warp Drive'”, arXiv, 13 February 1997), in such an m-valued universe under m-valued logics “suffering” relative-state identity-transparency, there is no region of space qua chronotopological phase-sector small enough where spatial-curl à la curvature can be ignored, and likewise with respect to any temporal-curl à la phase-sector of chronotopology. Without mention of pregeometry, we have Looper: strings, braids, branes. Which light, which short-long-range gravity, which handled-topo-genus hyparxis, uh, uh, which c, c-prime, c-double-prime, which c, c', c'', which relative-absolute limiting velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration? Those for Earth's atmosphere? Those for helix-coiling DNA? Which light? Now to mention pre-pregeometry: that light 1T2, that light 3T7, that light 17T38? Quoting the Paine-Pensinger reflections, linked immediately above:

We have seen that any velocity, acceleration, or time rate of change of acceleration functions as a limiting value, respectively, within some LSTD, within some finite set of LSTDs, or to define the process of some self-reentry due to the interpenetration of a transfinite set of LSTDs. This being the case, we have no alternative but to conclude that the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction is operative not only at velocities approaching the speed of light, but at any velocity whatsoever relative to the LSTD for which the given velocity functions as a limit.

Does “mass-energy” have the same units under unprimed (simple mass-energy), primed (connective mass-energy), and double-primed (configurational mass-energy) motions? Indubitably not. How does that speak to dark matter and dark energy? And what of the different conservation laws involved under the different involved logical-value order-types? To get really well “off the grid” and so deep into the quantum measurement problem as to be under the base-state of Tzog-chen, it could be observed, speaking pregeometrically (techno-ConveDDed to “neural smart dust”, as discussed in “Literal Smart Dust Opens Brain-Computer Pathway to 'Spy On Your Brain'”, Nicolas West, Activist Post, 19 July 2013; and “Intelligent Neural Dust Embedded in the Brain Could Be the Ultimate Brain-Computer Interface”, Neurogadget, 18 July 2013; and “How Smart Dust Could Spy On Your Brain”, MIT Technology Review, 16 July 2013; and the technical paper “Neural Dust: An Ultrasonic, Low Power Solution for Chronic Brain-Machine Interfaces”, Dongjin Seo of UC-Berkeley, et al., ArXiv, 8 July 2013: monitoring to control collective behaviors of neurons as ConveDD-and-means to subdue imports of quantum non-simple identity, but just think of what this chronic use of ultrasound is likely to do to the acoustic wave properties of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA pi-electron gas core dynamics were the active frequency windows not taken into account and avoided) of the Borel set “bucket of dust” (Wheeler) and “warm-golden dust of Supermind” (Aurobindo), that negative energy per unit volume of hyletic data is, actually, positive energy per unit volume of psychetic data -- which is not to speak of memetime reversal or anti-matter, but of counter-space and counter-temporal operations of the substance of consciousness, as suggested here, the appendix to our 1980 “autogenic brain discharge as spontaneous localization in quantum measurement” paper, complementing our 1977 “general process” paper which views the nesting foam as (Alcubierre?) bubbles inside bubbles, inside bubbles, inside… or rather, taking third-order dynamics into account, more accurately, Klein bottles inside Klein bottles inside Klein bottles inside… Interesting thoughts on Alcubierre are given in “The Alcubierre Warp Drive”, John G. Cramer, Analog, 15 March 1996 and “Warp Drives May Come With A Killer Downside”, Jason Major, Universe Today posted on io9, 3/01/12. The film Interstellar, scheduled for release in November of 2014, may have some aspects related to the Alcubierre warp drive and the NASA-design of the warp-driven spaceship depicted in, flashing forward, “NASA's real life Enterprise may take us to other star systems one day”, Jesus Diaz, Sploid on Gizmodo, Tuesday, 10 June 2014 and “Engage warp drive!…”, Jonathan O'Callaghan, The Daily Mail, 11 June 2014. I don't have at my disposal copies of Doug Paine's published and unpublished articles, papers, reports, so I can't properly cite, but two relevant section titles jump to mind: “Planck's Blackbody and the Atmospheric Analogue to a Comet” and “Atmospheric Comets and the Nature of Light”. Physics more exotic than that of “Alcubierre warp” may be involved in everyday atmospheric processes, thus nullifying validity of the notion objective “classical limit”. And these exotics may be lifesaving -- were they attended to and deeply studied. Changing gas ratios may not be all there is as regards climate shift: that's shift not mere change. The most avant-garde of climatological thinking involves interlocking self-reinforcing feedback loops, i.e., nonlinear Newtonian dynamics within Earth's multispheric subsystem-system-supersystem hierarchy construed macroscopically as corpora of classical domains. Not construed a quantum-composite of relativistic nesting-foams -- and not including third-order dynamics whereupon loops, by temporal curl of 3-fold operator-time, become Mobius strips, Klein bottles, so on: not necessarily “immunopathologic”. “Warming” is not necessarily all there is to “change”, and it's the nonlinearity which carries “change” into “shift”. Nonlinear Newtonian dynamics means abrupt departures are only to be expected, no unrelenting progressive elaboration, periodicities don't hold, reversals are permitted, breakaways are commonplace; nonlinear quantum-relativistic dynamics involving self-organized critical-state phase-shift snapovers means… in the case of Earth's macroscopic atmosphere, the Paine-Kaplan model is the only… The “real world” is not a halfway house between quantum decoherence and quantum coherence: autopoiesis and self-organization involve superposition of functional specificity and functional integration, of discrete hierarchies in selfsame information and continuous hologramic distribution in non-simple information. But the Western tradition in general, and the Anglo-American tradition in particular, being committed to the simple-identity of the individual, don't much like that: just consider how easily the British assimilated the basic Brahmanical-patriarchy idea behind the Indo-Aryan caste system when they arrived in Injaa! The British Raj officer corps wasn't exactly enthralled with the values and beliefs of tribal India. Heh-heh-heh! And it is physical identification in the field, not by mere computer modeling, identification over the last half-dozen years, of 28 classes of “interlocking self-reinforcing feedback loops” actually presently at work which leads Guy McPherson, Prof. Emeritus, Natural Resources and the Environment, U. of Arizona, into making public lectures like that entitled “Climate Collapse and Near-term Human Extinction”, delivered in Winnipeg on 6 February 2014 (again flashing forward, made available online by Global Research, 14 June 2014, my 69th birthday; also recommended is a look at the maps presented in “2012 Global Temperatures”, NOAA/NASA, 15 January 2013, and “Global Temperatures Continue to Rise”, Nancy Atkinson, Universe Today, 17 January 2013; as to one reason why so many still believe the climate-shift thesis is a hoax, see “Billion-Dollar-A-Year Program To Deceive Public About Global Warming Is Exposed”, Eric Zuesse, The Huffington Post, 01/06/2014; as regards accusations of data meddling, see “The scandal of fiddled global warming data”, Christopher Booker, The Telegraph, 21 June 2014 and “Using Thermometer Data Is Now Considering [sic] Data Tampering”, Steven Goddard, Real Science, 23 June 2014, and then look at D. A. Paine's papers to discover the role played in the Paine-Kaplan forecast model by changing constant-entropy surfaces like theta-e surface topologies, theta-e being “equivalent potential temperature”, not thermometer temperature [in complex systems, “instrumental”, heh-heh-heh, correlations are not generally those between direct measureables!]; then ask how temperature is to be defined in a quantum-relativistic atmosphere, and if by random molecular motions like is classical thermometer temperature, what, then, does one make of electron-temperature enhancements? Huh? Well, enhancements such as those induced by HAARP, not to mention solar wind interactions with frequency domain specific response characteristics. Heh-heh-heh! What kind of temperature is thermometer temperature a measure of? Anthropogenic ain't nearly so simple as one might wish). Nowadays we know that small molecules even, not only elementary particles, can be in more than one place at a time. What does that tell us about their identity order-type and the sort of temperature they might be subject to? That random heat motion of discrete distinct molecules; that alpha-male impulse to survival of the fittest 1T2-individual; that monetary greed, sexual avarice, will to power of completely separate actors are the engines of self-organization -- not the systemic m-valued information carried by quantum non-simple identities in relative-state -- is a myth sustained by clinging behaviors of those who have not extricated themselves from mindsets cultivated during the 17th through 19th centuries. McPherson is of the firm belief that humanity will be extinct 20 years from now -- and he presents provocative evidence to support that assertion. Anyone with doubts about actuality of climate shift or imminence of its cusp really ought to devote an hour to this lecture. McPherson refers to much technical peer-reviewed research published in leading journals, but which has received little media attention. He provides a list of people going back to the mid-19th century who forecasted the prevailing climate shift, a list to which I would add Cornell dynamical meteorologist Douglas A. Paine, who privately argued to me during 1977 that climate shift was, then, already irreversible, that nothing could be done about it. Paine did not, however, predict human extinction or offer a timeframe for height of the travail. Why? Because he knew that Earth's atmosphere is not a classical domain -- and that this indicates existence of an enormous range of unknowns, some of which could conceivably be reason enough for a modicum of optimism or, at least, reserved judgment. One thing Cornell's Douglas A. Paine understood quite well back during the 1970s was the role played by vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (renormalized out of the models) in the ozone depletion process (not to altogether nix chlorofluorocarbons). This is something still not widely contemplated, let alone commonly understood, as it violates the classical-limit-take upon atmospheric processes, and is certainly not understood by advocates of the chemtrails thesis, although it would strongly support their position on geoengineering (flash forward and see: Dane Wigington's provocative VDO entitled “Geoengineering, Biosphere Destruction, and the Last Chance for Life on Earth”, GeoEngineering Watch, 30 June 2014). Going green on the collective unconscious minimally requires -- as they say in AT, uh, autogenic training, particularly as regards Wolfgang Luthe's “creativity mobilization technique” -- “giving carte blanche to the [quantum] brain”. It takes effort to stay in the body, in body/mind dualism, in the binarism. “Going negative” to zero action-potential, no residual tension, on the EMG is OBE, separation from 1T2-only, entry upon µTm, but this comprehensive zero is not required, only differential relaxation to ZAP in the extra-ocular and pharyngeal small muscles: quite a long-practiced inner-counter-work non-doing unaccomplishment, really, much more difficult than the comprehensive zero, an unaccomplishment I suspect generally restricted to the energy density of youth. In my belief, the best accomplishments are unaccomplishments which have, throughout memetime, rarely become part of the historical record -- though they are one basis of collective unconscious archetypal event gradients, those not regressed. Forget the “end of history”; we don't even know that history is physically possible! Which just goes to show what century [Neo}cons don't live in. Heh-heh-heh! Harrumph! chortled the poppycock, one more mellifluous Kabuki poparazzi grabbed hold of in the Green, literally Mirror, Room of the Noh stage whilst the counter counted at a jog-trot through November Steps of the dan mosaic, whereby time's difference equation had not established equality between Tokyo and New York. At what single-valued simply-locatable GPS point? Born/died relative to which temporal “pencil of skew-parallels”? Excepting obligation to the identity-transparency cohort, why remain as if here -- “here” not being actually any more physically possible than “now” -- longer than required to fulfill the “assigned” mission detailed in that apocryphal “Briefing for a Descent Into Hell”? Just imagine the horror, the horror, occasioning the discovery that the m-one, one declines to know one is, is held karmically (RAMed into the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, uh, the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian base-state of Tzog-chen) “responsible” for the motions, inner no less than outer, one engages in! Consider that rise of the global SS (surveillance state) is a compensatory-abreaction ConveDD of this cosmic existential circumstance coupled to the ever more absent practice of karma yoga amongst hu-hu-hu-humans. On which world-line relative to which other world-line, uh, which other bundle of world-lines, braids, branes? The very notion of time travel is utterly ridiculous in context of m-state memetime (i.e., non-simple temporal partitioning, that is, no orientable, non-sheaved, single phase-angled, thermodynamically-irreversible, Prigoginean pastpresentfuture -->, even though straight-line time is integral to definition of the Second Law of Thermodynamics) -- not to mention topologically-active 3-fold operator-time decomposing/recomposing Cantorian sets of CTC-valued sheaves of the cosmic nesting foam. Truly imaginary -- or just true to life, life made real by demergence under involutory decomposition? Does active time algorithmically add things up by high-frequency recursive generation, hearts abrim and calculable if and only if; or, does topotime, uh, quantal operator-time, subtract things out by cyclotomic involutory decomposition (see Eric Temple Bell writing on N. H. Abel: his 1912 Columbia University Ph.D. dissertation entitled The Cyclotomic Quinary Quintic), more and more being lost to cognizers with each instant of identification in memetime? Were the former the case, learning through accumulation would be fruitless by nesting foams of infinite regresses delivered to the memetime-bound; were the case the latter, Platonic anamnesis would equal learning-is-remembering more and more. There is no-time, like the present. What does “memetime-bound” mean? Life, death, the instant, the mutation, marriage -- all considered to be 1T2-valued by nonwoozy, unfuddled binary-diurnal mind. Shinnied, aye, wriggled, what, along, uh, uh “…this gangplank of time” (Amis, p. 36). By contrast, in their µTm-knowingness, the polyandrous polygamy practiced by the rice-ritualizing averagely peasant classes of medieval Japan: “frequent movement between several life partners”. And if so, “How do I know I am me?” (Amis, p. 200) -- uh, me-and-only-me. I don't, I won't, I couldn't possibly, could I, unless, like Rene Descartes, I were to attribute my thoughts to a discrete “myself”, uh, were to “say 'I' to them”. A simply-connected world and a selfsame self called into existence by acts of naming. Hunched down into a howling squat? “…getting fear and letting the present dim” (Amis, p. 89)? Memetime-bound means being tethered to the past. The future never arrives; and if it does, it does so as a present too fleeting to grip attention. That's why the admonishment: “Be here now!” Because doing so is damnably hard; one is all ways and always forgetting to remember-oneself into Now!-awareness. NoDoz the nerve endings, why don't ya! But having been glutamate etched, they can't help us be “being-there” here; we're hitched to the past which is already gone, however present memory might make it seem. Those having glimpsed in lucency the timeline's two-point compactification, its points-at-infinity circling of the Wagons-of-Instanton pulled by Oxen of the Sun, rear rage riven by goads trundling hearts off their rhythms. Or as Amis says on page 76:

I used to think there was no time like the present. I used to think there was no time but the present. Now I know better -- or different, anyway. In the end, the past will always be there. The past is all there is: the present never sticks around for long enough, and the future is anybody's guess. In time, you always have to hand it to the past. It always gets you in the end.

Julian Barbour, in The End of Time, Oxford U. Press, 1999, puts time down to cyclotomic “memory wheels” stored in magnetic RAM, the opposite, y'see, of cyberternity. I know a little bit about retrograde amnesia because my wife, Nha Trang, knows a lot about it. She would, and will, never tell this story, but I will because -- like her mother, an extraordinary lay Buddhist practitioner-poetess, and mother of fifteen children -- SHE never puts herself forward, and, therefore, is always underestimated, in the daughter's case, that of the first child, particularly so as regards the magnitude of her contribution to the intellectual content of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, and subsequent theoretical elaborations. That novel, the worth of which presently does not appear to be much, is the product of three man-lives -- including that of deceased meteorologist Douglas A. Paine. While Paine was the most incredibly creative intellect of my life experience, Nha Trang is a close second -- each mapping between theory and everyday life I've come up with over the last three decades having in some way been mediated by input from her expertise at folklore and cultural anthropology. But that statement really doesn't capture the quality of her accomplishments. As a young woman vacationing during the mid-1960s in the U.S. whilst a student of Japanese language and culture at International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo, she was a passenger involved in a car accident. At emergence with optic nerve damage from the resultant coma, it was assumed by the doctors and nurses that she was Japanese, because she could speak only her forth language, Japanese (the first three being Vietnamese, French, and English; she later went on to learn a lot of Bahasa Malaysia, some Thai, and a little Khmer). Her “awakening” involved a failure to remember much that she had previously mastered: what a lipstick is, utilities of a comb, how to use a toilet, and much else of importance to ADLs, activities of daily life, a great deal of which had to be relearned. Details of this will be left unsaid. Regressed, she was, back to some stage before adolescence, before full impact of glutamatergic neuronal pruning and associated quantum quenching. Few of her scholar contemporaries ever had any awareness of this personal history. In months subsequent to the accident, it was determined that she would not return to Japan, but would enroll in San Francisco State University to continue with her studies of Japanese -- even though she had yet to substantially recover spoken English, or French and Vietnamese, in that order. She, nonetheless, won a job as a domestic to the I. Magnin family, which helped sustain her through completion of her undergraduate studies, as she re-mastered English whilst majoring in Japanese. She did so well that she won a scholarship to UC-Berkeley for a Masters in comparative literature -- English and Vietnamese. One of her professors, in recommending her for a Ford Foundation Ph.D. studies grant, wrote that she was the best student of Old English he had had in thirty years of teaching. Yet, to this day, people speak to her of shared experiences from the period prior to the car accident about which she has recovered no memories. Decades later, during a visa application background check associated with the job of Director, Friends World College, Kyoto, the Japanese government discovered that she had been dead ever since 1965. In our time-pencil-fused rabid changeability, our shorter-and-shorter-fiber speeded-up incivility, grabbing at more and more, as Amis knows, the next thing happens sooner, as all control-freak Flash Boys, in their “war against time”, understand (in context of HFTing, think of the loss of net neutrality and the associated instituting of polyvelocities of website downloading), unless, per Einstein, the speeding is fast enough to slow things down to Time Must Have A Stop, whenupon Mankind In Amnesia remembers it cannot remember-itself, knows it is finding lost-time, and fears it will never know where that gone missing went. But DARPA is neigh unto resurrecting lost glutamate-etched 1T2-identity, as explicated in “Coming soon: a brain implant to restore memory” (uh, is that actually to develop the capability to install substitute memories?), Kerry Sheridan, YAHOO! News, 2 May 2014. And, flashing forward as a form of Looking Backward, note, in “Alert: imperial psychiatric empire invading the mind”, Jon Rappoport, Activist Post, 15 May 2014, that the softNazis are preparing to reinvent the “Soviet Misuse of Psychiatry” prompting The Declaration of Hawaii made at the 6th World Congress of Psychiatry, circa August/September of 1977: pellucid illustration of my long-ago-stated thesis that collapse of the U.S.S.R. was merely the initial gesture toward incendiary collapse of the whole planetary institutionalization of the post-Renaissance worldview construct. As the suppressed, but de facto, Weltanschauung and the de jure, but metaphysically dead, institutional base continue to diverge, more and more losing correspondence, hence, further depressing functionality by fomentation of schizophrenogenic double-binds, resort to greater and greater extremes of control-obsession becomes inevitable (control of anything, oh anything, dear Lord, out-there, is the only way to control what's gone runaway in-here). For an interesting account of the media dimension to control-freakism, flash forward and see: “How Five American Companies Control What You Think”, Eric Sommer, Global Research, 15 May 2014. Hysterical reaction to the above-noted spacetime-physics realities is what propelled Americans into actions making them responsible -- proximately, and also karmically -- for the Cambodian holocaust (which is not to mention 20-30 million other “good kills” as documented by James A. Lucas in “Deaths In Other Nations Since WWII Due to US Interventions”, Countercurrents, 24 April 2007; flash forward and see the Washington's Blog recounting, entitled “90% of All Deaths in War Are CIVILIANS” (it behooves all “civilians” to unreservedly acknowledge and fulsomely embrace the reality that in asymmetrical non-linear warfare, no less than under area bombing, there is no such thing as a non-combatant), 16 May 2014, of the extraordinary American Journal of Public Health article noting that, of the 248 armed conflicts post-WWII, “The United States launched 201…”; be aware that the average person cannot get to the Journal article). Identified with the divine Agency what doth revengeth: is that not (1) the essence of heresy by denial of The Intermediary vehicle, and (2) the [di}agnostic -- unknowable double -- symptom of schizophrenic megalomaniacal diablerie? Let it be noted that what Patrick J. Buchanan (see: “Whose Side Is God On Now?”, Human Events, 4 April 2014) deems contemporary pagan animism embraced by the likes of Hollywood -- and decries -- is a massively regressed, infantile, pathological (by ConveDD) version of the real thing, a [con}version-disorder displacement, that is, riding on the back of suppression of the metaphysical, psychological, social, political, and economic implications of 19th-century higher mathematics and 20th-century physics. The neuropsychiatric impairment sustained by the glutamate-pruned 1T2-identified normotic necessitates a compulsive fixation upon [Mo for mono]NaSTiC (National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace) and “Global Identity Management” (see: “Fencing the Internet: Identity Management Launched in the UK”, Get Mind Smart, reposted by Julie Beal to Activist Post, 2 May 2014) as ConveDD of the µTm-nonselfsame identity which relativistic quantum mechanics a century ago established as being the case. Furthermore, pagan animism, Godless communism, and quantum-relativity physics had absolutely nothing to do with destruction of The Fertile Crescent Religion's extended and nuclear family systems: that demise was due to actions of Newton, Locke, Smith and Associates, i.e., 1T2-logically-valued Deist (rejection of miraculous Trinitarian inerrancy) capitalism, that economic behavioral format being a spawn of the Protestant ethic embraced by “the moral majority”. ConveDDs, individual and collective, come into being when the agent responsible for that which is decried is the decrier. Moreover, it is well to remember that initialization of the North American holocaust and of U.S. slavery is European history, not American history. Their subjectivity so putrid, one does not have to make a close approach to appreciate what is hell on Earth. More strikebreakers set upon Tonypanty? If it is acclaimed, whatever it is, it is a pile: so said Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde. Not sheepishly, not conciliatingly, ulteriors -- motives, say -- are generally exterior like externalities, and all those haplessly admonishing the air ought consider the desperate purposes set upon their world by projective objectification of Umwelt introjections made sacred in social space with ritualization of psycho-regressed performatives enacted unto a putrefaction settling into petrifactions. All rise! Hail leaders -- Dr. Knulla and Prof. Knuddein -- of the PAC canoodle-elite: reproduction antiques wearing the legality-cloak prefiguration of the invisibility cloak. Scions rising up Stonehengie on glutamate-pollarded neural networks. Dyssocial pathopsychs, bipolar two -- not “too” -- uh, one-Tee-two, too, hardly wills-o'-the-wisp nor even Wills Wilde. What're you on about, Old Pole? MoSoSo webwankers: stumped, bewildered, knackered, shunned. And in the Court of Cassation, uh, of Castigation, the kernel from which all Polish jokes derive: the Pollock proclaiming that all lyers are Poles… or is it that all Poles are liars? Heh-heh-heh! Dim dancers dawdling on a political stage daintily lit, jostling dancers choreographed to sync with monophonic storylines. Not cherubs, gargoyles are the appropriate images to entertain upon one's FaceBook. How soon yet will it be that the worst infraction is “grave passivity” (Ken Follett, Winter of the World, Penguin, 2012, p. 386), a silent insolence prefigured by “silent ways” like not cellular-MoSoSoing by Twitter and FaceBook and not web browsing and not posting to the web?

But then this changed. The tufted creatures lost their outlines, drifting upwards at first to form a white shawl over the dome of air, before melting back into a slope of unbroken grey beneath their master, which lost its power and boiled red with rage -- or was it just dying, she thought, as she started to see the terrible changes below. With humiliation, candour and relief, people of all kinds duly began to hasten in hardened fear. Variety grew weary, and its pigments gave up their spirits without struggle, some with stealth, others with hurtful suddenness. Soon the passages and their high glass walls appeared to be changing places -- or at least they agreed to share what activity remained: the daredevil roadsters broke in two and raced their ghosts away. Above, the bruised distance seeped ever nearer. Baying in panic with their wheels out, showing their true colours now, the trolleys of the sky warped downward toward the earth, as farther below the people made haste to escape from beneath the falling air. (Martin Amis, Other People, Penguin, 1981, p. 17-8, a novel about a recovering amnesiac)

My Whitmanian other-I-am -- “Leaves of Grass” -- being whowhat it is, this 'I' thinks of Nha Ca's A Mourning Shroud for the City of Hue. But, most significantly, what you get, by ConveDD, when you break the law, as Amis knows, is: time -- cosmic “law”, pure pattern, really, demerged from µTm-AllBase arrays, not recursively generated prescriptive 1T2-law in the Western sense; memetime, be the generative grammar of the sentence psycho-active drug-induced life, or no. Nonetheless, you see, as does Amis, if most of us sell our time in order to make living livings, then we must possess what we sell, own it -- and the only way to do that, to make time ours, and thus sellable, is to identify with each instant of memetime. Once having founded our coruscating identification states in such attachment, is it not thenceforth only reasonable to make currency thereof? Time currencies. All monies in his story have been memetime currencies, even if one step removed. “Time is money”, y'know! Just like drugs, as passing-time passes, more and more is needed. Each passing Now! (duration of the present moment being dependent upon the median baud-rate of consciousness associated with the logical-value order-type employed at processing: the higher the order-type, the longer the duration; Now! is expandable, not, given m-valued universal physical constants, the participative universe, and, presumably, fully expanded at CTC) in being-here, whilst “simultaneously” going bye-bye and clamoring in its exchangeability for its replacement killers -- Platonic-shadow drivers, hardly haphazard, yet indubitably in cognation -- heralds hazard and harm, particularly as facilitated by technologies accelerating the time rate of change of acceleration of innovation of technologies of acceleration bred by technologies governed by sequential Moore speed-doubling, not higher logical-value order-types (what magnetic logic should attract, over and beyond money, is the µTm-valued: see, “Magnetic Logic Attracts Money”, Joseph Calamia, IEEE Spectrum, 4 January 2011). But -- were each such moniecurrency m-valued in being tagged to indicators, thus internalizing externalities and fully mapping Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, the currency's transactional dynamics thus necessarily processed under m-valued logics -- what then, given psychological effects of the tropes involved, would happen to the identification state cultivated so as to own memetime, make it ours, be in possession of it, and in many ways by it? Such monies, improbable, right, Cup? “Look at me. Do you think a guy like me worries about the percentages?” Is it because we have made ourselves glutamatergically memetime-bound that we have the economic system we do; or, is it that, because of the economics we self-imposed, we became sorrily identified with memetime-bound modes of com[pre}hension?

Ever since, at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, studying captured enemy documents describing the economic components of the NVN-VC strategy behind the 1968 Tet offensive, and becoming aware of the impact of that offensive upon the then-mounting problems with the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism, I have been saying something similar to the present thesis of Paul Craig Roberts (see: “The Paul Craig Roberts Dilemma: World War Or The End Of The Dollar”, Zero Hedge, 10 April 2014). Be sure to view the 9-11 conspiracy VDO Roberts recommends (entitled: “Zero”, uploaded 17 July 2011), and a few of the many other conspiracy theory VDOs available on YouTube. I certainly have no means available to me and no inclination to investigate, validate or falsify, the claims of the various prevailing conspiracy theories, but if all these, valid and invalid, have a subliminal foundation in collective unconscious archetypal gradients of back-reaction upon the metric of higher mathematics and physics discoveries, proofs, experimental demonstrations (think of, for instance, m-valued logics used to interpret Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function in context of m-valued universal physical constants) undermining the Fertile-Crescent-Religion, Greco-Roman, post-Renaissance, Cartesian-Newtonian, individualistic Weltanschauung (with fully-conscious sinister intent, touted as “universal values”) and its institutionalization (presently informed by totalitarian ideals), then the etiological basis of the pathology is surely far more intractable than mere ideologue obsessions, money grubbing, power hunger, sexual predation, and any actual conspiracies there might be, no less than those only imagined, resolve to deep-structure signs and symptoms of a collective psychosis with a fulminating autoimmune component. For almost forty years, whenever asked what I think can and should be done, my answer has always been: implement m-logically-valued local-currency nesting foams mapped upon band-pass fractal boundaries. Are we talking here The Upside of Down…, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Island Press, 31 January 2008? Apparently not, for however much people don't wish to write in a pessimistic vein, even the experts can find little in the way of actual ideas as to how to accomplish "renewal".

Thank you very much, Jeff Petry, for alerting me to this article: “Your cellphone is killing you…”, Martin Blank, Salon, 12 April 2014, and the book by the same author, Overpowered, Seven Stories Press, 14 March 2014. This is the best thing I have read on the subject. Nonetheless, one wonders that even a researcher such as Blank has not run across the 1979 Paine-Pensinger model of DNA radiation exchange, one implication of which is that DNA's biologically-active frequency-response windows are sufficiently hairline thin as to allow for reengineering of electronic devices such that they stay out of biologically-active windows. How many premature deaths have resulted since 1979 due to suppression of this thesis?

Uni-toss, not U-n[eye}tus the quarterback. One almost never sees a reference to unitas, and when one does it's generally misrepresented, as for instance by Nomi Prins, onetime managing director at Goldman Sachs. Quoting Zero Hedge (“All The President's Bankers: The World Bank And The IMF”, 12 April 2014) quoting her book, All the President's Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power, Nation Books, 8 April 2014. The following statement is apparently given by Prins in italic:

At first, virtually every American banker and politician opposed the main aspects of Keynes's plans, particularly his idea about creating a new global currency -- the unitas -- that would supersede gold and the dollar.

This sort of observation reflects the following from Benn Steil's CFR-authoritative The Battle of Bretton Woods…, Princeton U. Press, 24 February 2014, p. 176:

Keynes dampened his expectations by sending back a letter detailing a long succession of official procedures that would have to [sic] navigated in Whitehall and Westminster before the British government could sign off on a document. He also enclosed two new drafts, one based on unitas and one based on national currencies, urging White to accept the unitas version. His case was argued in Washington by Opie, who had succeeded Phillips after the latter's death on August 30. White rejected the unitas version, as “it would be regarded as involving a surrender of sovereignty and it would be thought that business would no longer be done in dollars, pounds, etc., but in a new-fangled international currency”. It would be seen in the United States as “tying up the dollar to a phoney international unit”. Congress would never accept this. Unitas was now dead.

What is this? Who proposed unitas? White did, not Keynes. Keynes proposed bancor, which was markedly different from unitas. Worse than misattribution is the following from Murray Rothbard's Making Economic Sense, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Chapter 71:

The other two systems are the Keynesian ideal, where all currencies are fried in terms of an international paper unit, and fluctuating independent fiat-paper moneys. Keynes wanted to call his new world paper unit the bancor while U.S. Treasury official (and secret Communist) Harry Dexter White wanted to name it the unita. Bancor or unita, these new paper tickets would ideally be issued by a World Reserve Bank and would form the reserves of the various central banks.

Utter malarkey. Bancor and unitas were not just different names for the same thing. And “paper” and “fiat” had nothing to do with, most especially, bancor. Nor was Uni-toss derivative in any way of “unit”. What The Financial Times (“Call for a global currency is not new”, 6 April 2011) identifies, citing Joseph Stiglitz, as “the best alternative to a new global currency” -- discussing White's unitas as a “diversion” -- relegates that rag to the moron class of economic news fabricators (sorry for the incomplete reference: I no longer submit to their sign-in falderal and therefore no longer read the FT). Obviously, few of the experts have bothered to read into the relevant Congressional Record of the period. Go through the first 30-40 Google links under the search prescripter +"unitas"+"bancor" and one will find (insofar as the search engine still follows search prescripters) that many of them misattribute unitas to Keynes and many others say that Keynes' bancor was a proposed global fiat vehicle-reserve currency, when it was actually to have been a non-vehicle reserve currency backed by 30 commodities, including gold. Moreover, White's unitas was not actually to have been a global currency, vehicle or reserve or vehicle-reserve, only a global unit of account (no medium of exchange, no store of value) for conversion of vehicle currencies, each of which could have been backed any which way but loose. Indeed, White's proposal was far more sophisticated than was that of Keynes, in that no international reserve currency, no, repeat no global money (for insight into history of movement up the Devil's Staircase of percolation theory, uh, uh, that is, toward a We-Are-The-World! currency, a movement which significantly issued out of the “management” of post-WWI German reparations, a war on the deep-structure level very much about the Axiom of Choice, a war the reparations of which significantly precipitated impetus to WWII, this second world war on the deep-structure level very much about the falsification of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function such that it was not to be understood through the cognitive lens of the m-valued Polish logics for creation of which the Poles paid dearly, see: Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World, Adam LeBor, PublicAffairs, 28 May 2013; and the hour-long World Policy Institute C-SPAN interview of LeBor) is actually required, only an Everettian-vonHayekian time-shape unit of account, WERE, say, µTm-valued LETS nesting foams implemented, each LETS vehicle currency being backed by its locally-chosen commodity basket. But how conceivable is it that even I, personally, would participate in effectuation of ideas such as those advocated on this website, given that the intersection between my corpus of beliefs and that of those who necessarily would be involved has, over the years, become more and more just too, too small due to THEIR ever more elaborate regression? Moreover, it is abundantly clear there will be none of the necessary permission from above with respect to whatsoever bottom-up significant initiative concerning any on-line LETS, even if not µTm-logically-valued: see, for instance, “As Wall Street Looks to Copy Bitcoin, The Department of Defense Studies it as a 'Terrorist Threat'”, Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg, 7 May 2014. Not only is “better government” an oxymoron, the greatest threats to continued human survival on an overpopulated resource-depleting planet are the more-and-more-things-trinkets-gadgets beliefs, values, aspirations, behavioral profile of the average person which allow himher to be easily exploited by TPTB, of the rapidly expanding hypermaterialist global middle class, of normotic stakeholders, of the corpus of demonstrably-proved-cognitively-compliant neocolonized Ph.D.s. leading the collective-suicidal “march to modernity” (not to postmodernity), of those with “we can do it too” still-colonized cognition. But this is a problem that will not be solved; like so many other mental diseases, it will run its glutamatergic-septicemic course. Our great scholars, the world's leading economists, CEOs, financiers, FX speculators, Masters of the Universe, Hollywood Loony Cloonies -- how so very well informed they are! Function on an aesthetic par, they do, with those who have graduated from rum-and-coke to single-malt-and-coke or who like the olives in their martinis to be stuffed with blue cheese: look at the house Bill Gates built. And look at the resources they have available. I became roughly informed about this general subject in 1970 while working as an IBEW apprentice helping to wire the computer room of the Brutalist Forrestal Building. In my spare time I camped out at the Library of Congress and read everything I could find detailing the Congressional debates about White. But, of course, I was aware -- by having been at SRA/MACV-J2 -- of the economic aspects of the strategy behind the 1968 Tet offensive and was seeking background to catalyze further understanding of the historical significance of that event (while people like budgeteer Stockman then believed -- and still believe! -- the American anti-war movement ended the Viet Nam war). Why didn't I write something about this during the 1970s? Because, amongst the much I learned at CICV-Targets and MACV-HQ, there were also the occasions yielding certainty that it is a waste energy trying to have intelligent conversation with those caught up in a collective psychosis. What I assimilated in 1970 about unitas is pretty well captured by Michael Bardo and Anna J. Schwartz in their paper entitled “From the Exchange Stabilization Fund to the International Monetary Fund”, National Bureau of Economic Research, January 2001, footnote 4, p. 6 (note that their characterization of bancor is well off the mark, and that “each would declare a par value” rather sloughs over actuality of the case, where “the negotiations were reminiscent of a novel by Kafka”, as noted in “Sweden and Bretton Woods, 1943-1951”, Goran Ahlstrom and Benny Carlson, Lund Papers in Economic History, No. 100, 2006, p. 17). Quoting Bardo-Schwartz:

White proposed two international monetary organizations -- one a stabilization fund to provide short-term loans to deal with temporary balance of payments shortfalls, the other to provide reconstruction and development loans. Members would contribute to the fund a quota consisting of gold and its own currency. Each would declare a par value for its currency in terms of “unitas” which it would thereafter maintain, but alterable upon consultation with the Fund if the proposed change was greater than 10%. Deficit countries would exchange their currencies for currencies of countries to which they were in debt. Keynes proposed, by contrast, an International Clearing Union that would provide overdraft facilities to its members. Credits and debits on the books of the Union would be recorded in “bancor”, an international unit of account. The compromise plan established two international organizations, and required contributions from members based on their relative economic resources. The British gave up the ICU and bancor and the overdraft system, but gained an increase in the aggregate quotas for the Fund that White had proposed. Unitas, an international unit of account, was dropped from White's plan.

Be aware that in White's plan, the Fund would lend national vehicle currencies, not, as with Keynes' approach, bancor (for a discussion of this, see James M. Boughton's paper, entitled “Why White, Not Keynes? Inventing the Postwar International Monetary System”, International Monetary Fund, Working Paper WP/02/52, March 2002, and note that White is therein treated as if he had made no proposal for an international unit of account; it must be remembered that the Roosevelt-Morgenthau plan [a plan to continue the war for control of the Weltanschauung by economic means -- the IMF and World Bank having been conceived to be combat arms, as pellucidly placed on display in the recent Ukraine crisis, and, flashing forward, discussed in “IMF Demands Ukraine Risk World War 3 in Return for Bailout Money”, Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars, 1 May 2014 -- and implemented by pulling values of the critical variables for the new monetary system out of a magician's hat, as so well documented, particularly in the “Bretton Woods: Preconference Negotiations” chapter, Foreign Adventures of an Economist, U. of Oregon, 2000, by Raymond F. Mikesell, the White assistant detailed to find ways to justify the conjured values provided by Roosevelt-Morgenthau: shades of Dai-Ichi SCAP, CINCUNC, COMUSMACV: fabricated “records” are no less misdirective than are destroyed records] was not exactly what White himself wanted). Reactions at the time were largely ideologically determined, to wit Benjamin M. Anderson, “Gold Versus Bancor and Unitas”, speech delivered to the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York on 3 February 1944. As regards White's desire to study the “preference functions employed in planometrics, which, apparently, was sufficient to get him branded a communist by Keynes' foremost biographer, there being little else in the way of actual evidence (see, for instance: “The Case Against Harry Dexter White: Still Not Proven”, James M. Boughton, International Monetary Fund, Working Paper WP/00/149, August 2000; and “The [dull, duller] Dulles Brothers, Harry Dexter White, Alger Hiss, and the Fate of the Private Pre-War International Banking System”, Peter Dale Scott, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 12, Issue 16, No. 3, 21 April 2014: note that there is some question as to whether White's death was actually due to natural causes), one might well ask HOW, absent preference functions, externalities, as Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, could ever be internalized by µTm-logically-valued tagging to an international non-vehicle quantum-composite unit of account -- no currency, no paper, no coin, bit or qubit, hence, no actual medium of exchange or store of value -- call it unitas or whatever? No credence can be vested in the notion that Keynes and White were one-or-both ignorant of what later became known as the Triffin dilemma-paradox, a dilemma-paradox inherent to part-whole relations as dictated by the rules governing the conception of fallacy defined into the 1T2-logic order-type alone, and that that shared ignorance was imbedded in the motivations for the proposals of Keynes' bancor and White's unitas. Quite the contrary -- and most obviously so, when the intersystemic/intrasystemic/extrasystemic roles which bancor and unitas were to fulfill (is it even necessary for this purpose to envision what one or the other may have evolved into?) are considered, granting altogether that the logic issues were not consciously explicit to either Keynes or White (or, later, Triffin). Not only were those around these two Bretton Woods economists not thinking on the same level, those around were unaware that such a level even exists! Be aware that the µTmly non-selfsame is tantamount to “unity in diversity” understood through Lukasiewicz logics and J. G. Bennett's “pencils of skew-parallels” used to construct “diversely identical” skew-polytopes, which Medvedev appears to intuitively grasp (see: “From 'Unitas' to 'Unity in Diversity': Medvedev shows off global currency coin at G8 meeting”, Tracy R. Twyman, Liberty Cap Press, 11 July 2009). More technically, the Triffin-dilemma-paradox-transcendent quantum notion of “entanglement-condensation” is a retrograde inversion of the case qua case: the imaginary has to be squared, a totally arbitrary cognitive act, in order to yield the real as observable, and each of the two words employed are semantically ass-backward because the actuality is µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, from which observer-state is cognitively separated out such that the atomistic thesis can be 1T2-elaborated. Were there an objective referential linear-time (in order to get this, the unit circle has to be severed, a totally arbitrary cognitive act), rather than mere memetime, the initial condition would not involve decoherent discretes that could entangle or condense, as that supposed initial condition is one of coherent continuous CTC-relative-state identity-transparency, a plenum whereupon selfsame simple-identity does not establish habitus, including that of simply-identifiable discrete universes. The issues involved here go back at least to the N. H. Abel of 1826, and origins of the "War of the World" in the knee-jerked popular consent-conceit that his existence proof was an impossibility theorem. But there remains no understanding that no “global currency coin” is required; indeed, that such coinage would preclude any attempt at adequately meeting the rapidly evolving, multidimensional planetary crisis. In viewing the above-given links, it behooves to take note of how small a role actual monetary system concerns played in establishment of the post-WWII monetary system, a circumstance sure again, at least analogously, to be the case in aftermath of the coming cuspover.

The key to an effective planetarization of commodity-backed, µTm-valued, LETS-vehicle-currencies units of account -- forget [inter}NATIONAL reserve currencies, singlet and n-basket, vehicle and non-vehicle -- into a quantum-composite unit of account facilitating the “booking” of Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth, is non-Gödelian use of Gödel-numbered alternative Gödel numbers. Think unicode vis-à-vis unit of account. Just as in physics a shape of nothing is a something, so, too, in monetary systematics assimilated to time-shapes. The only Lukasiewiczian way to account for this is with Karpenko functors of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, the factors of which are formulated according to the requirements of monetary theory, not those to which Gödel submitted in process of formulating his famous incompleteness theorems. Incidentally, evolution-through-use of a user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS likely would involve Musculpt-symformphonie leitmotivs becoming associated with each Gödel-numbered Gödel number thus employed. And the same principle would apply as Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation evolved. I don't think Gödel was acutely conscious of this, otherwise he wouldn't have starved himself fretting over Leibniz's “missing manuscript”, but he employed, with his Gödel numbers, a foremost principle of Cabalistic gematria -- one numerology way of thinking in, not merely about, the µTm-valued logics of nonselfsame numbers: the lost original Yahwistic book of gematric numbers not priestly redacted and overlaid by projective-identifications establishing a miasma of personifications enculturated via peopled storytelling -- to misdirect the social structure of attention cathexes: i.e., away from implications of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics and their applicability to interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, the foundation of quantum-composites and associated non-simple identity. Seal of Solomon, understood free of personified projection, signifies Plotinus-memetime-independent involution/evolution qua Schrödinger-memetime-independent spontaneous localization/fusion by, not reduction/dereduction of the wave-packet, but by operator-time orchestrated (quantized as Penrose twistor) decomposition/recomposition of the m-logically-valued reference space (this nonselfsame space “itself” reductively signified-personified variously as world knot, as Shinto rope, as eternal golden braid, as world mountain, as final temple, so on). Think of how m-stack is not n-sheaf, and singular-value decomposition is not involutory descent -- nor even Bell cyclotomic decomposition -- when assessing how authentically/inauthentically Eigen decomposition handles the Cantorian-hologramic reality designated by the term “relative-state identity-transparency”. Quantum spatial nonlocality/non-simple-identity is the very same phenomenon as relativistic m-state temporal partitioning and consequent order-types of identity tonicities: making truth-value-independent Lukasiewicz logics essential to any genuine GUTS, there being something truer than truth, more beautiful than beauty. Relying exclusively upon Gödel numbering for sequences, not also for sheaves of spectra, the quantum superposition was specifically excluded in arriving at Gödel's proof. Ask not what your exclusion can do for you; ask what your exclusion excludes: in this case, the Gödel-numbering of Gödel-numbering-for-sequences (which would involve Euler, Riemann, and hypercomplex versions of the zeta function -- not only natural numbers -- thus providing the category-theory basis for an Alexander S. Karpenko-functors [not Nikita Karpenko functors, though one wonders, when thinking of fibrations relative to trees, and considers “Motivic Decomposition of Cellular Deligne-Mumford stacks”, Utsav Chaudhury and Jonathan Skowera, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2010] formulation of the 3-fold temporal curl of Pauli-Paine operator-time). The problem with existing category theory, and functors employing injective functions only, is their use of “objects”, objects tacitly considered as being selfsame, thereby in violation of quantum non-simple identity. Monetary currencies as functors mediating exchange-process transforms must transcend currency-unit “objects” as selfsame entities if the Triffin dilemma-paradox is authentically to be overcome, and if the externalities driving the prevailing global crisis are to be internalized to market processing.

Yes, I know about Julian Barbour's “hedgehogs”, but what I'd like to better understand is the nature of the frame-dragging “fox” at play on the Tzog-chen AllBase, CTC, from which 1T2-geodesic sheaves (and µTm-pencils of skew-parallels) cyclotomically (order-classes in laws for conservation of angular momentum, real and complex and hypercomplex) demerge by involutory decomposition. The best experimental support for Mach's principle and shape dynamics I know of is relativistic-quantum Paine-Kaplan numerical modeling of the cascade dynamics leading to tornadogenesis. If what we have regarded time is shape dynamics (and memories thereof), then the poietic degenerator-devolutor (autopoietic-allopoietic depending upon the nesting-foam scalar/scale-level POV assumed-adopted) is properly designated quantal “operator-time”, i.e., somehow connected to the frame-dragging “fox” (acoustically-modified in the case of tornadogenesis) trotting out the “hedgehogs”. Poietic Generator and chaos-complexity SWARM Simulator and cellular automata -- being 1T2-only, recursively generative, about emergence rather than demergence -- though great at solving the problems of firing squads, aren't really very helpful to an effort at techno-exteriorization of inner Musculpt, and that likely includes the “morphautomaton” (see: “A Schematic Representation of Autopoiesis Using a New Kind of Discrete Spatial Automaton”, Jean Sirmai, MIT Press, no journal or date given). How to formalize a symbolic language over the Musculpt Manifold -- such that it can be Gödel-encoded and Gödel-numbered, and the Gödel numbers Gödel-numbered, again such that, through use, Musculpt symformphonie leitmotivs become thereto associated -- is a considerable problem, given the near universal fixation upon recursive generation of 1T2-only sequences. The polynomial time of computational complexity theory is based upon the assumption there is an invariant baud-rate to memetime-itself -- an assumption at variance with consensus Special Relativity, and even more so with the notion that universal physical constants are m-valued. This assumption seems to me a primary difficulty with respect to prime factorization of semiprimes and collections of semiprimes at Gödel encoding of a global quantum-composite unit of account for currency conversions within the corpus of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams. Another primary difficulty is that the qubit of prevailing quantum computing is understood relative to probabilistic superposition, not by application to Schrödinger's wave-function of Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. The non-deterministic Turing machine is equivalent to deterministic Turing machines in reverse analogous form to how the Everettian relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics, after being subjected to the vonNeumann formalism, is equivalent to the probability-amplitude interpretation. The connecting principle employed in each case is 1T2-logically-valued only, whereas truth-value-independent Lukasiewiczian quantum computing (LQC) would be µTmly deterministic: it's all a matter of the classes of referents (including their non-simple-identity tonicities -- which do not need to be personified as demons and asuras, angels and devas, or whatever) determinable under given logical-value order-types. In LQC, configurations are non-probabilistic superpositions, string acceptance is of “pencils of skew-parallels”, the yields relation is m-valued without a 1T2-choice being imposed at µTm-yields greater than 1T2, and configuration, acceptance, and yield can each accommodate transfinite cardinalities despite their iterative operator-recursions being finitely ordinal at baud-rates less than the relevant m-absolute limiting velocity and associated memetime dilation. If Earth's atmosphere can do it with acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes at its absolute limiting velocity (acoustic analogue to blackhole computer, as D. A. Paine understood as early as the early-1970s), and DNA can do it photoacoustically at its minimum time for spontaneous localization of environmental radiation inputs (as Paine-Pensinger modeled during the late-1970s), then surely a way could be found to do it for purported presumptive quantum economies processing Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth -- were there only the inclination to do so. But what sort of inclination can be expected in the world of “Enron 2.0: Wall Street Manipulates Energy Prices… and Every Other Market”, Washington's Blog, 2 May 2014, suborned to a psycholeveraged AIobsession expressing the regressed-infantile ConveDD hallmark (not a mature, balanced-function-informed techno-regime) of a collective psychosis demanding planetarized nazification as exorcism of the higher-maths/new-physics (were such not dissimulated-dissembled) denying the false existential claim made by the AIcreator to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct? Singular Transcendence or autoimmune devolution? I've never believed there will be “decline” or “die off”; that's why I've always used the terms “incendiary collapse” and “kill off” -- the coming collective-behavior cuspover being ever so likely a far-from-equilibrium “snapping” where rational-reasonable will have no part. Flash forward and consider, for instance, “Why You Are Insane If You Think GMOs Are Safe”, Sayer Ji, Activist Post, 10 June 2014, and, for links to many abstracts to the relevant technical literature, see “View the Evidence” at GreenMedInfo. How long has The Great Insanity been upon us? The human species is, and has been for almost two centuries (think: 1826, N. H. Abel, existence proof deemed impossibility theorem, and bleed-out from there to every field of human activity), locked onto the collective suicide strange attractor; but virtually no one has believed, does believe, this; otherwise, they would not have, would not be, lived/living their lives as they did/are. They'd have been, would be, attempting to do something about the factors inducing that locked-on state. Diagnostically speaking, any behavior conceivably construable as an existential denial of the false claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly is instantly an obsessive focus, calls for resurrection -- from the abyss of quantum non-simple identity -- of a “unitary executive” brain and for “full-spectrum dominance” by a superego, such that the offending behavior must, simply must, be eliminated, preferably with extreme prejudice. Derivatively, the SS (surveillance state) is rooted in infrasex: the voyeur's sense of power over the person-perdaughter made fetish object, transference dynamics converted into institutional behaviors leavened with the yeast of covert arousal -- more elaborately so with scanners, body searches, torture, wet work, drone strikes, and the sense of omnipotence bestowed by the ability to, unscathed, inflict collateral damage. Ever been nearby to a napalm run on a squatter settlement, or, worse yet, use of WP? Similar metapsychology for the terrorist and the insurgent, of course, except for motivational distinctions and scale differentials. What was surprising, not to say shocking, about the Snowden revelations, beginning early-June of 2013, when substance of what he has made known was vividly portrayed 15 years earlier by the 1998 film Enemy of the State? Only details. And only shocking to the naive. The film came out before 9/11 -- belying the thesis that the SS is a response thereto -- just as the Pentagon and Hollywood were formalizing a new level of cooperation on VR and the like, and who can doubt that the film's content had official approval, that in itself being a revelation of something? But since that which must be eliminated is a projection of the state of 1T2-identification, the compensatory abreaction is fomentation-fermentation of autoimmune reactivity and creation of technological equivalents to anti-DNA antibodies. This dyscrasia is an extremely long-running, deep-seated collective psychosis, the present fulmination of which has unrelentingly amplified in virulence ever since the French declared war on Prussia in August of 1870. And because the deep-structure forcing functions and attractors remain altogether unconscious to the large mass of participants (including Clemens Wergin essaying in “Why Germans Love Russia”, The New York Times, 6 May 2014), it is hard to imagine overestimation of the magnitude of the mega-death presently waiting in the wings. The Thucydides Trap 3.0 (see here for 2.0) is human species suicide (as R. G. Collingwood pointed out in The Idea of History, 1946, Greek substantialism -- think hyleticpsychetic data and historical “law” as essentially indistinguishable from the “anthropic principle” as dictated by universal physical constants -- in historiography, and Thucydides' psychological history, were cast aside by 20th-century historians; the question being: what were the real reasons why this was so?). “Does Washington want war with Russia?” (Bill Van Auken, World Socialist Website, 24 April 2014), and, if so, why? are relevant questions. By my lights, employing Thucydides' approach, bot-takeover was full-on upon us by the mid-19th century, as self-metaprogrammed robotic-mind cognitive functions, governed by collective unconscious event gradients, had by then thoroughly subsumed mindset of the human leadership elite, autonomous robots 1.0, so many “brains in a vat” best hitched to Psycho-Passes: “RoboEarth” (see: “RoboEarth Project Aims To Build Cloud for Robots”, 33rd Square, 21 January 2014, to include those replacing the chemlawned and EMpolluted and GMOpesticided killed-off bee, as forecast in “Robot Bees Will Be Better Than The Real Thing Says Greenpeace”, Activist Post, 6 May 2014, but I bet they won't dance, even if Monsanto does, given that GMed terminator-qua-suicide-seed V- and T-GURT plants don't require pollination by bees: flash forward and see “The Complete History of Monsanto, The World's Most Evil Corporation”, Hanzai E., Waking Times, 20 June 2014, for interesting observations and reader comments, if not deep history) is simply an exteriorized techno-ConveDD of the long-prevailing inner state of humanity.

Mission creep is what the Devil's Staircase of percolation theory is all about! If, as can hardly be doubted, when a factor of the Umwelt is successfully challenged there is a physiological reaction akin to that experienced on the battlefield in war, then just try to imagine the reaction to serious undermining of the validity of a fundamental principle of the largely tacit but commonly held Weltanschauung! When several such principles are simultaneously successfully sundered, the recoiled back-turning becomes the “War of the World”. What happens when the agents mounting the assault-by-discovery/creation on validity of the Weltanschauung are the very institutions charged with carrying the Weltanschauung -- academic, scientific, artistic? Psychological, social, political, economic autoimmunity. What happens when the self-sensitization of the socius reaches a level of elaboration that even battles called world wars cannot suppress? The acts of war become assimilated to peace and are renormalized as pedestrian practices of civil society. What happens when this renormalization becomes an attack on functional integration of the natural surround?

Discounting externalities and deep-structure strange attractors, and restricting analysis to the relatively recent memetime past, the causal chain may be broad-stroke characterized thusly: largely non-tax-funded JFK New Frontier (Chubby Checker and “Operation Twist” gave a better account of dynamical DNA than did Crick and Watson, who left out the quantum shout of coherent waves radiated at helix-coil transition) plus LBJ (the 1965-7 enemy strength-estimate debacle prefiguring by three decades the Enron off-balance-sheet catastrophe) guns-n'-butter Viet Nam war both predominantly QEing funded leading to Tet-'68-offensive-facilitated gold-run-forced collapse (this somewhat esoteric gold-exchange-failure doom of the U.S. in the Viet Nam war corresponding to the more concrete -- as popularly noted by Niall Ferguson in his balderdashy The Ascent of Money VDO and with more detail in “Confederate Finance and Supply”, W. Power Clancy, CCWRT, 9 February 1961 -- cotton embargo of Britain and France fiasco and associated cotton-bond-failure doom of the Confederacy in America's war between the states) of the Bretton Woods One gold-exchange mechanism (a collapse built into the unitas-bancor-denying foundational principles of BW1) and associated devaluation of the U.S. dollar LEADING TO rise of OPEC and associated rise in the price of oil such that producers could recoup their immediate (losses relative to gold on their dollar reserves holdings) and implied memetime-future dollar loses LEADING TO the petrodollar-based Bretton Woods Two military-backed confidence trick with its lack of gold-exchange constraint upon QEing LEADING TO the global demand-pull plus supply-shock-and-awe stagflation (consider: “The Connection Between Oil Prices, Debt Levels, And Interest Rates”, Gail Tverberg, Our Finite World, 21 May 2014: further entertain that 1T2-only logically-valued debt, which indubitably is not to say µTm-valued debt, does not work well in a post-growth homeostatic economy) frequently dissembled as welfare-state induced (as if rise of the welfare state can be separated from planetarization of the warfare-state system) which was most threatening to the bondholding superrich and particularly exacerbating planetarily-systemically due to the special case sustained by the US of A because of the petrodollar international vehicle-reserve currency status LEADING TO mutually-excluding-opposites 1T2-only excluded-middle market-reflexivities-driven Phillips curve double-bind dyscrasia plus associated exacerbation of the Triffin 1T2-dilemma LEADING TO Laffer-curved primarily-tax-policy-related supply-side stagflation-conquering Reaganomics and synchronistic largely-not-causally-connected collapse of the U.S.S.R. LEADING TO deregulation and financialization and a Bonfire-of-the-Vanities hubristic pandemic of gluttony (O-so-Gross Domestic Consumption having been substituted for GDP, as essayed by Jeff Berwick in “The Truman Show US Economy: Real GDP Numbers Show -9% Annualized Drop”, Activist Post, 31 May 2013) and the other deadly sins and of downsizing and off-shoring and robotification (per Tverberg above, driven by high oil prices) LEADING TO (consider: “Dollar Collapse and Worst Crisis in History”, Paul Craig Roberts, Finance and Liberty.com Youtube VDO, 22 May 2014) the current global financial and banking and monetary crisis (as regards the decades-old forecast-thesis of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China Mahayana-Buddhist Bloc incorporating Japan, consider the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Mulheim an der Ruhr railway, sideline to Baumgarten, Austria, as discussed in “'Geopolitical Earthquake' That Is Historic China Russia Agreement Not Appreciated”, GoldCore reposting to Zero Hedge, 25 May 2014; and “Is a Russia-Japan Natural Gas Pipeline Next?”, Ankit Panda, The Diplomat, 29 May 2014) altogether practically, as distinct from theoretically, irresolvable (a fact I pretty clearly recognized at 03:15 hours, 31 January 1968, standing in the door to a well-dressed and whitewashed bunker inside the MACV-HQ compound smoking a Camel and watching 122mm rockets impact upon the runways of Tan Son Nhut whilst listening to the stab-in-the-back-myth rage and hysteria voiced by those high muck mucks farther into the bunker who had run out of the Command Operations Center to seek cover from the barrage) due to the inordinate financial-court-police-intel-military power concentrated in hands of corrupt vested interests qua global elites, and to externalities like the mass of clinging behaviors engaged in by the cognitively compliant normotic masses, ConveDD-constellated deep-structure strange attractors, and the built-up 200+yearslong historical momentum not considered in this causal chain. ConveDDs piggybacking upon ConveDDs, e.g., the immunology ConveDD to insurgents as “antigenic proteins” has recently been mounted by the compensatory-abreaction techno-ConveDD through which GMO transgenes produce antigenic proteins in “comestible consumables”. Superuser of the muscular light-splitter prism dragnet advanced tracker exemplary of [ConveDD}3: a µTm-non-simply-identifiable psychological wormhole StarGate-split-screen scanning according to quantum principles of holography in order to forcibly impose 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian simple-identity upon members of population corpora, planet Earth. Recipe for human species self-annihilation: techno-update, by introjection from the opposition, of pao-chia spawner of the tong. Thought-steered aircraft and self-driving cars are ConveDD compensatory abreaction to the precipitously-increasing loss of autonomous-thought-steered and self-driven personhood. Four decades after the MACV-IDHS (intelligence data handling system: paradigm demonstration project for what eventually became Google, Facebook, so on) initialization of digitalization of all and everything, people began seriously to worry about the Five Eyes upon sheeple, when they should all along have been more worried about the goat-lab-entrained Five Fingers. Simple-self interestedness compounded upon lent 1T2-trust reserved fractionally and recursively generating the grammars (e.g., two-sided, 1T2-market, negative-network-externality, demand-side economies of scale -- better known as congestion or overpopulation) of want-created demand-pull upon a supply-side (artificially made built-in-obsolescent) µTmly superintegrated in its raw nature but evaluated-cooked and indexed-priced alone by-with monotonic monies. The raising of rapacious transepts little lifts functions of the chancel. A dank of bilious naves, spineless obedientaries, hiding beneath their [clere}story and identified with prescriptive priorities of the secular priory bound to [bond}age warfare. When one looks at the resources this planet's natural cathedral has provided and at what the human species has done with them -- dysinvestment far worse than malinvestment -- there are no words ugly enough, damning enough even to begin characterization of the enormity: [far}things to a fair-the-well! Fire over the mountain. And speaking of the distaff supply-side: demergence is Maclaurin series (zeros-“fire” over factorials-“mountain”) expansions of functional-specificity-type 1T2-explicate information marked by the reals, expansions wandering about Cantorian C of pregeometric zero-point warm-golden-dust motes/moots, the involved cyclotomic involutory decomposition unpacking (operator-time's 3-fold temporal curl being the unpacker agency) the Bohm-implicate orders of infinitudes of functionally-superintegrated complex and hypercomplex µTm-valued hologramic information embedded in the nested corpora of Nirvanic Riemannian zeros constellated as the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, the multivalued reference space Tzog-chen AllBase. MVRS is much more about the Lukasiewiczian substance of identity-order-type than the M-theory structure of manifold membrane-modality. Yes, no belief in evolution of species by competitive selection of randomly induced recombinants, particularly by accumulation of non-adaptive singular mutations; belief in involution of species by Orch-OR involutory decomposition of MVRS, the orchestration provided by enfolded Gödel-numbered propositions unfolded by 3-fold operator-time employing temporal curl, quantized as Penrose twistor, at radiation exchange processes to [in}form quantum-wave properties of DNA free-electron gas core during helix-coil transition, thus insuring adaptive environmental fit of the systemic mutations so induced (the underlying principle of this involution having long since been venally corrupted, i.e., [de}formed, via ConveDD into [mono}steries of spiritual obedience, caste hierarchies, clan poltrooneries, autotransplanting auxetic club anautotrophs, and so on, uh, nowadays, grotesque collective cognitive sinks, tunneling-walls of which are maintained by the likes of CNN, NRO, NSA, DHS… and their cousins abroad). Schrödinger, by contrast, never accepted the probability-amplitude interpretation of the quantum wave-function, therefore did not underwrite, endorse, and thereby incur a quantum of personal karmic culpability for all the social and political and economic and military travail issuing there from and from the associated dissimulation-suppression-avoidance of Lukasiewicz logics, not least because, in the midst of it all, 1943, acclaimed enough to escape internment (see: Gordon Fraser, The Quantum Exodus: Jewish Fugitives, the Atomic Bomb, and the Holocaust, Oxford U. Press, 2012) and be invited to head an institute in Dublin, he asked himself What Is Life? -- not How Can We Split The Atom? What sort of “code script”? Only that warfare-facilitated (indeed, facilitated by the ubiquitous “firing problem”: squads, artillery) notion: single-level-cipher tape-genes? How base those nucleotide pairs! And base of what? Their superposed quantum-wave signatures? No involvement of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function permitted. No superposed multi-level ciphers allowed, for just think of what that would do to the business of life. How laughable, thus, the notion that “The US is about to become trapped in the perils of linear thinking” (see: “Former Chairman Of Morgan Stanley Asia Stephen Roach: China Sets America's Mental Trap”, Stephen S. Roach, Jewish Business News, 29 May 2014, Roach being author of Unbalanced: The Codependency of America and China, Yale U. Press, 28 January 2014). About to? A trap set by the Chinese? What a Freudian projection! The prevailing most pristine example of linear thinking is, of course, both sides of the climate-change controversy, each of which tacitly, and incorrectly, assumes validity of the notion that there is a “classical limit” and, thus, that Earth's macroscopic atmosphere is essentially a “Newtonian domain” -- though, on a philosophical basis, many will admit that chaos butterflies are a concern, there is certainly no admittance granted to quantum and relativity physics. Regardless of how much dynamical meteorology may rely upon nonlinear Newtonian dynamics, climatic projection remains largely a matter of linear extrapolation. And those on the anti-climate-change side never describe the models upon which their counter-“projections”, heh-heh-heh, are based! From the '70s, neither myself nor Cornell atmospheric physicist Douglas A. Paine believed controversy over the climate-shift hypothesis hadhas much to do with climate change: it was and is, according to import of our observations, all about the dread, the fear and loathing, the generalized psychological incapacity of normotics to process what would happen to cognitive, sexual, social, political, economic experience were atmospheric science allowed to breach the “classical limit”. Most terrifying is the wife's likely reaction, and the risk of public exposure, concerning the impotence sure to result. This entry-aversion, uh, to quantum-relativity principles penetrating the middle scale levels, heh-heh-heh, is why the Canadian government (see here and here) tells it meteorologists not to speak of climate change. In Canada, only climatologists are permitted to do that. Trouble is, most climatologists are two steps removed from any possibility to actually discover and adequately describe dynamics of the ongoing climate shift: (1) meteorologists with no active pursuit of fundamental physics, and (2) climatologists who are not working dynamical meteorologists. Since ground control from the air didn't work so good during the '60s and '70s, ground control from space was the next thing -- tried in the Balkans, Iraq, Afpaki, Libya, Yemen… where it worked jus' fahn, fahn, uh, fine, uh, discountin' politicoeconomic objectives of the involved acts of war, manned and droned. HAARP has provided us with a foretaste of what memetime future holds vis-à-vis ground control -- and blowbacks there from. OMG! The very fact that Everett of RelativeState -- once free of Bohr-vonNeumann-Wheeler -- of his own volition chose the word “monowave” as an encapsulation of his perspective upon Schrödinger's multivalued wave-function pristinely illustrates strength of the magnetic syzygy binding glutamatergic cognition to the mechanisms by which ConveDD transfers inner to outer. Twisting meaning into what it is not is the essence of this defense mechanism: they know not why they do. Falsification of nature by projective-identification in service to the corporate ego is the bottom-line on the gathering global crisis -- a problem the solution to which is least likely, and without such all other “solutions” are mere momentary stopgaps. How easily one can lapse into hysterical laughter upon reading Paul Volker's latest remarks to the annual meeting of the Bretton Woods Committee, to wit and quoting (see: “Paul Volker Proposes A New Bretton Woods System…”, Zero Hedge, 1 June 2014):

The suspension of gold convertibility of the dollar as a transitional means of inducing the realignment [“of the exchange rate relationship between the U.S. dollar and other currencies, most importantly at that point the Japanese yen”], however controversial at the time, became inevitable.

After the laughter subsides, one can only posit that the poor man suffers from substitute memory or has been treated with one of the new DARPA PTSD technologies. The most common reaction to the notion of fractal-e-boundary-defined externality-internalizing µTm-valued LETS time-currencies nesting foams marking Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock” planet Earth -- Karpenko functors being among the means by which such commodity-backed vehicle-currencies systematics would Gödel-number Gödel numbers of spontaneous-localization-embodied exchange units brought into quantum-composite by spontaneous fusion to a planetary time-shape unit of account (which is far and away different from an SDR commodity exchange and commodity pricing in SDRs and the SDR currency basket composed of a few select currencies: see, for discussion of these SDR ideas, “The End of OPEC”, J. C. Collins, Philosophyofmetrics, 21 May 2014; and “Oil SDR's and the New Currency Basket”, the same author and venue, 16 May 2014: too difficult a transition from military-backed to commodity-backed even for resurrection men?) -- has been, 1T2-paradoxically, to deem this m-money notion an attempt to re-create central planning, to formulate a newer NeoKeynesianism. Fact is, however, this Lukasiewiczian idea of money and multitonicity of any given single price is supply-side oriented, but not focused at the tax-policy level; rather, upon the deep-structure of supply-side dynamics modulatable on the level of “framework determining conditions” of monetary systematics, e.g., logical-value order-type of the monies and financial instruments employed as mapped upon “time-shapes of total capital stock”, thus addressing the supply-side production “management” -- radically decentralized “instrumental inference” employed to enhance market-mediated autopoietic self-organizational competency -- absolutely required on an overpopulated resource-depleting finite-world planet entering climate shift and eco-devastation. Bare bones of an excellent argument for mapping planetary unit of account upon Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth, is, flashing forward, provided in the VDO entitled “Why The Next 20 Years Will Be Completely Unlike The Last 20”, Adam Taggart, Peak Prosperity, 20 June 2014. However, surveys of the overpopulated global village named Hurt's End, conducted from the perspective of High Street, inevitably premise upon the fanciful. Ah, yes, for my sins. It's not just, as this Taggart article argues, properties of the prevailing 1T2-monetary non-system system [add}ucing exponential growth in energy consumption and environmental entropy production. Of the many people I've met in a now-knobbley lifetime, for only a handful has “less is more” been a lived life-principle; for all the rest: more is more, bigger is better. Regardless of cultivated self-images, put-forth personas, and what they may claim as motivations, the bulk of their waking hours has been devoted to achieving growth of their personal material endowment, to better themselves as maximart conspicuous consumers. “Beauty veiled is beauty revealed” makes no sense to them -- “too busy” also being an aesthetics-of-life concept hard to comprehend. Cocteau somehow failed to notice that, for most of us, there is no world beyond the mirror of Orphée (thanks be to Cornell's film program for my viewing opportunity) which 1T2-imputes narcissistic simple-identity by means of the eight-fold way (mediated by Hall-of-Mirrors trick-twisted reflections involving “geometries” of the four basic psychological functions, each exercised under introversion and extroversion) of the transference and the introjections constellating the Umwelt. Insalacious not sagacious, propriety not probity: fixation upon destructors not deconstructors, tall laudatory tales, especially nowadays, of male violence. Any redesign of monetary fundamentals that does not take this into account… The second most common reaction to this notion of m-logically-valued currencies is to regard it as an attempt to foist anarchism upon the scene, because implementation of µTm-valued LETS necessarily would involve considerable reliance upon an unfettered e-commons. Fact is, this idea of multivalent money has nothing to do with voluntaristic libertarian anarcho-capitalism or revolutionary direct-action anarcho-syndicalism (though sympathetic to the state-limiting perspectives essayed by Robert Nozick in Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Blackwell, 1974); indeed, it lies altogether off the prevailing politico-economic Mobius-strip “spectrum” where the twist-and-paste involves anarchism. But use of the e-commons as required by Lukasiewiczian LETS would not involve governance by e-referenda (see: “Tech Startup Wants To Replace Congress With Software”, Kit Daniels, Infowars, 23 May 2014), a by-issue direct-democracy Newtonian-Lockean vector-sum-analogue franchise long known not to work well. Quantum economies cannot, in principle, be effectuated by means of Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean mechanisms, mechanisms like voting-vector-sums upon single-valued socio-politico-economic variables. Not to mention mercantilist oligopolistic oligarchies responsible for rise and demise of city-states like Venice and Cologne: edifying research which can be understood as providing strong supporting evidence auguring for implementation of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped upon band-pass fractal e-boundaries and brought up and maintained via Musculpt interface is found described in “Was Weber Right? The Role of Urban Autonomy in Europe's Rise”, David Stasavage, American Political Science Review, May 2014. “Strong property rights” and “barriers to entry” (and, I might add, exit, uh, repatriation of, say, hot money) are at issue: ownership and barriers-boundaries, under 1T2-only-logic applied to currency definitions are construed “simple”, a matter of either/or, in/out, do/don't; whereas, under µTm-logics applied to currency definitions, ownership of selected properties could be quantum non-simple and barriers could be based upon band-pass fractal-entrapment, thus greatly adding to adaptive capabilities of the system employed. Implementing a decidedly-distributed hologramic Musculpted and computer-gamed VirFut Q-Pro via the e-commons, however, would be a very different matter from institutionalizing e-referenda. Perhaps the most psychopathically focused techno-ConveDD to date of the necessarily involved relative-state identity-transparency is Google “Nearby” (see: “Google Will Soon Introduce 'Nearby' To Let Other 'People, Places, and Things' Know When You're Around”, Liam Spradlin, Android Police, date of publication presumably purposefully withheld by the publisher). Moreover, in contrast to the nascent Israeli case (see: “Government Plan Would Transform Israel Into The World's First Cashless Society”, Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream, 26 May 2014), µTm-valued LETS nesting foams would not necessarily involve cashless societies: the 1T2-order-type of any given currency, and 1T2-order-type of any quantum-non-simple price (not speaking here of contango/backwardation and the like) indexed (not speaking here of Quality of Life Index, Misery Index, and similar indices) in that currency, could be designated as payable in cash were the economic actor so to choose. Indeed, there is much to argue concerning the thesis that an economy with no squiggle and no slush simply has no possibility to achieve high levels of self-organizational competency. A point Ken Rogoff (co-author, with Carmen M. Reinhart, of This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Princeton U. Press, 2011) seems to have missed in his zeal to “…ban cash. All of it” (as described by Simon Black in “I shouldn't be shocked about this new proposal… but I am”, Sovereign Man, 29 May 2014) so as to inculcate conditions (making mattress stuffing with paper money impossible: drug cartel hoarded-cash proceeds pale to insignificance set beside magnitude of the potentiality of mattress hoarding, or shifts to precious metals and the like, by the moral majority) permitting extended use of negative interest rates, thus allowing prolongation of the “efficacy” of QEing. And as we can see (check out: “Draghi Unveils Historic Measures Against Deflation Threat”, Jeff Black and Stefan Riecher, Bloomberg, 5 June 2014), the EU has literally taken the plunge, a dive into negative nominal interest rates. Deposit interest rate for banks depositing at the ECB of negative 0.1 percent: details yet to come. Physicist Ilya Prigogine, of far-from-equilibrium phase transition fame, once argued that quantal “operator time” is not possible because the total energy operator is bounded from below. Subsequently, this was demonstrated not to be the case. Similarly with nominal interest rates, it appears. A little historical perspective on this ECB decision was provided by Zero Hedge on 27 June 2012 in their posting entitled “Europe's 'Monetary Twilight Zone' Neutron Bomb: NIRP”: e.g., “Once an obstacle for policy makers because it risks hurting the money markets they're trying to revive…”. More historical analysis may be found in “How Low Can You Go? Negative Interest Rates and Investors' Flight to Safety”, Richard G. Anderson and Yang Liu, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, January 2013. As regards Sweden's Riksbank precedent case, Anderson-Liu say: “The Riksbank between July 8, 2009, and Sept. 7, 2010, set a rate for 7-day deposits at -0.25 percent. Although the rate attracted media attention, it meant nothing because banks historically have placed only very small amounts in term deposits.” For the ECB, NIRP is better than Silvio Gesell's stamp-script Freigeld, uh, free money. Freer than free! How much will the big banks pass on to their depositors the banks' interest costs incurred with the ECB, rather than make lots of risky loans at low interest rates in a stalled economy? Will they invest rather than loan? Is this ECB move an early play in a process (when extended to commercial-investment banks) of developing a justifying case to “…ban cash. All of it”? Pay the TBTF qua too-big-to-prosecute banks to use your money to make for themselves returns on speculative-level risks, potential large losses upon which, if realized, will be covered by the government. As a way to counter deflation, this bears no comparison to implementation of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams -- but then the superrich would not have found a way to have all the benefits, to them, of inflation in a deflationary environment sustaining considerable price-inflation.

What I think, as regards a heuristic framework, about velocity (slope) of money, dry up of lending, QEing, interest paid by the FED on excess reserves held at the FED, inflation risk, money and commercial paper markets, so on and so forth -- for an excellent background brief on these subjects see “81.5% of Money Created through Quantitative Easing Is Sitting There Gathering Dust… Instead of Helping the Economy”, Washington's Blog, 26 June 2013; and for an account of the current circumstance see “The Velocity Of Money In The U.S. Falls To An All-Time Record Low”, Michael Snyder, Washington's Blog, 2 June 2014 -- is given here. More specifically, if inflation/deflation is acceleration/deceleration (change of slope) of money, which can be modulated by playing with interest/tax -- how much/little, wherehow demanded, when -- what, then, is time rate of change of acceleration (Mobius-stripping slope) of money? I say reflexive reentry: macroscopic external source/sink terms reentering via internal source/sink terms, and vice versa Klein-bottle style, i.e., third-order temporal-curl dynamics of cascade and reverse cascade effects of monies in motion pulling economic event gradients after themselves. Furthermore, so long as monies remain defined as solely singly-logically-valued, there is no way market action directives can communicate third-order-dynamic information to micro and/or macro actors, this absence yielding framework conditions such that non-orientable attributes of economies inherently cannot be taken into account, thereby leaving economies and actors at the mercy of reflexivities -- rather than those reflexivities being facilitated in their capacity to functionally integrate specificities generated by the various sorts of structural partitionings variously established. Now, why would the FED ignore the accelerative aspects of money dynamics, remain altogether unconscious of the effects of “temporal curl” quantized as Penrose twistor at cascade and reverse-cascade, engage in economic [ex}temporizing, extortionist, churlish, heh-heh-heh, and focus upon quantity theories (i.e., relative to given velocities) as an obsessive fixation? Only because FED economists are tunneled into the Cartesian-Newtonian linear mindset as it congealed during the 18th-century? I don't think so. Just consider those bungled bundlings of bundles brought on under “good” offices provided by the physics expertise brought to War Street by physics dropouts! As Special Relativity and the Einstein-Rosen bridge indicate, the nonlinearity of nonlinear dynamics mounts as absolute limits are approached. Even so, Einstein himself shied away from explicitly defining an absolute limiting acceleration, and no consideration has been given to an absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration. Why? Because m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value would immediately raise their Gorgon-heads and lay claim to Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. And just imagine what that would do to economics and finance! Oh, oh, OMG! How to stop this? Fret, fret, fret. How to stop it? Fret, fret, fret… Ah, renormalization. That's it! Yes. Stop those divergences in their tracks… I learned a lot in Viet Nam about generated data: HES, the Hamlet Evaluation Survey; the ESE, Enemy Strength Estimate; so on. Resort to great lengths of social networking within the appropriate community of practice (a COP may form because institutional constraints prevent people from fulfilling the requirements of their job descriptions, such fulfillment being achievable only by going outside of normal channels, something found to be the case at POLOB/CICV qua SRA/MACV-J2 and, apparently, later at the Bin Laden Station) was necessary to discover and maintain integrity of raw feeds. And when that no longer works, “Make my day!”: one small step for mankind along the path of planetary nazification. Is it at all surprising that increasingly glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched artificial human beings have trouble competing against Twitterbots in particular, infiltrating MoSoSo socialbots in general? Unlike Collingwood and Popper, but like the ancient Greeks, I in no way disparage substantiality of mind (i.e., consciousness-with-objects, inner no less than outer) -- as distinct from universal pure consciousness-without-objects, which I take to be, in its active aspect, the set of all topological operators on MVRS, the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space, and in its passive aspect, the space acted upon. Active-passive, with-without, sullied-pure, hyletic-psychetic: 1T2-ways of referring to the inherently nonorientable, were self-reentrant, third-order, nonlinear quantum dynamics taken into account. Indeed, Gurdjieff, for instance, no less than Sir John Woodroffe, clearly believed that Tibetan positivistic empiricism, and thought there from, implicitly attributes mass to mind, even if only mass of psychetic (as distinct from hyletic) data in counterspace (for a few elaborations of this notion see the Appendix to our paper entitled “Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement”, circa September of 1980). In a universe where the act of observation (by definition processed under the 1T2-logically-valued order-type alone) alters that which is observed by absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct observers, under dictates of the uncertainty relations and/or by ConveDDs at projective-identification in transference by which, for instance, the Anthropic Principle regarding single-valued universal physical constants was established, objectively verifiable experimental data available to consciousness-with-objects cannot be the only data evidentially admissible, and the 1T2-order-type alone cannot be the only type of processing permitted -- unless the binary world-picture is the exclusive objective of epistemic exploration. If, however, one wishes to see where present-day analysis of generative data is going, as our current crop of Ph.D.s takes on the quantum nature of consciousness, have a look at “Consciousness as a State of Matter”, Max Tegmark, arXiv, 6 January 2014, as well as Tegmark's recent book entitled Our Mathematical Universe…, Knopf, 7 January 2014 (the customer review by A. Jogalekar is particularly interesting, e.g., making note of temperature-dependent [check out our model of superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA], long-range, multipartite quantum entanglement's involvement in photosynthesis, uh, as regards the light-harvesting complexes described by Mohan Sarovar, et al., Nature Physics, 2010, 6, pp. 462-7, and long-lived quantum coherence as explicated in “Microscopic quantum coherence in a photosynthetic-light-harvesting antenna”, Jahan M. Dawlaty, et al., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A, 2012, 370, pp. 3672-91). No mention by Tegmark of Husserl, Piaget, Luneburg, glutamate etching, multilevel genetic codons, Lukasiewicz logics, Karpenko functors, temporal curl, Pauli-Paine operator-time, but reliance upon the multi-worlds interpretation of the Everettian relative-state formulation (so as to distance non-simple identity as far as possible from the psychological immediacy of ontic experience), M Theory without m-valued logics, “the Quantum Darwinism program”, plus discussion of the “emergence of [1T2-only] consciousness and the emergence of [meme]time”, no discussion of NHAbel-ETBell cyclotomic demergence by involutory decomposition, so on. The role of the metapsychology of Freud-Jung transference and of “mother-daughter states” and of “pointer states” in evolution of the Quantum Darwinism of Wojciech (isn't that Polish? like in the Poland of Lukasiewicz) Hubert Zurek (see, for instance, his pointer paper on “environment-assisted invariance” [having nothing to do, we can be sure, with m-level genetic codons quantum processed under m-valued Lukasiewicz qua Polish logics] entitled, “Probabilities from entanglement…”, ArXiv, 7 February 2005) should not be overlooked, particularly as the now largely assumed “active selection” remains essentially a black box. Active selection by what? Is the “agency” of “natural” selection of the “Select-Elect” (God helps those who help themselves [to Nature's bounty]) the probabilities of survival of the fittest competitor, or is active selection made by “active time” operating via temporal curl upon temperature-dependent pi-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition? “Probability as cause” is, to me, no less a legalism than “probable cause”. Taking the dreadfully Twee 1T2-bit is the hard part for the horseholder, particularly if he is smartest of the participant three. In face of non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, m-valued universal physical constants, µTm-valued processing, self-cancelling order-types of fallacies, conservation “laws” in nesting foams, and the like, forensic anthropologists are needed to assess legality of law qua law. How now is the wind gone with? That's what so many in fear and loathing think, having neglected Tzog-chen AllBase, i.e., Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian CTC-reference space. Tegmark also relies upon postulation (no experimental tests outlined) of calculable if and only if recursive and numerable with selfsame numbers “computronium” and “perceptronium” as the latest defense of the notion of an objective “classical limit” established by an objective decoherent reduction and simply one more (following the neuronally-etched pathways pioneered by Gödel and Turing) elaborate avoidance of Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and applicability of such m-valued logics to interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. Comments by ExtremeTech available here.

Many Americans have concluded that America is the most serious threat to Americans: this is a serious threat to America. And onset of sociopolitical autoimmunity is happening not only to America but to many countries. The “greatest generation” was also the stupidest and most compliant generation in that it uncritically and completely bought into the “classical limit” and dissimulation of Schrödinger, hence into dissembling of the import of Lukasiewicz logics, and in so doing transformed the glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched normotic into the normative. People snort when I express the opinion that humanity suffers a severe brain impairment of increasing pathogenicity, symptomatic by lack of conscious awareness of µTm-quantum processing. Well, here is another identified etiological factor, demonstrated at University of Rochester, which decisively increased in toxicity by good offices of the psycho-set established by the “greatest generation” and induced consequent effects upon the built environment, transportation systems, and so very much more: “Air pollution 'can cause changes in the brain seen in autism and schizophrenia'”, Emma Innes, The Daily Mail, 6 June 2014 (be aware that this article, surely in conformance to editorial policy, notes “…raised levels of the nerve message chemical glutamate”, but does not observe that the neurotransmitter glutamate is THE excitotoxic neurotoxin neurotransmitter, the main function of which is to kill nerve cells by over-exciting them; hundreds of thousands of such editorial glitches per day in mainstream media around the planet is one means by which the human species pursues its collective suicide self-metaprogram in back-reaction upon the metric of imports of, most notably, advent of µTm-valued logics; the main difference between Argentines and others is that the Argentines are explicit about their current Kokutai no Hongi (the relatively hidden U.S. version revealed here) and its administration, as described in “Argentina appoints new secretary of 'national thought'”, AFP as printed in The Telegraph, 6 June 2014). And if anthropogenic air pollution is not enough to cow, heh-heh-heh, the sheeple, then “catheterized laser persuasion” (see: “Radical human brain modification using high-powered lasers has been perfected”, piece by John Hewitt, ExtremeTech, 10 June 2014, with Activist Post commentary given here: when doable by autonomous drone and/or satellite, finally The End of Violence) may be an important aspect to solution of the human-systems-management problem. The idea that thinking can be criminal is on the rise as more and more categories of thought crime become explicitly so defined, prefiguring advent of Enders on an Earth Unaware it is about to fall to Formic Warfare. Autism and schizophrenia, it will be found, I forecast, is related to the corpus of factors establishing and maintaining “lack of conscious awareness of µTm-quantum processing”: and that thought, at some point, may come under suspicion of violating thought-crime ordinances of this or that [juris}diction. I remember the laughter elicited 50 years ago in Elspeth Rostow's American Civilization seminar, AU-SIS, when I asserted that the next world war would involve a war against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state. Everyone thought I was making a joke. Since then, I've uttered and written that statement numerous times, and mostly it has elicited scoffs. I sincerely doubt, however, that Bernie Suarez would disparage the idea, as per his article entitled “Humanity In An All Out Effort to Save Itself From Government”, Activist Post, 4 June 2014. One superficial surface-structure reason why this is very likely to be at least partially the case in any PW1 (space-based Planetary War One) is that wars between nation-states serve the interests of only an inconsequentially minute proportion of living things, planet Earth. An argument as to likelihood is made in “Gold and Silver -- Let 'Dollar' Collapse Or Choose War. Elites Will Opt For War”, Edge Trader Plus, 7 June 2014. “War Makes Us Poor… And Drags the Economy Down Through the Floor”, Washington's Blog, 3 June 2014, provides an excellent argument and marshals some supportive data concerning the economic aspects of the proposition. As regards that “minute proportion”, Brandon Smith has interesting observations to share: see “The New World Order And The Rise Of The East”, Alt-Market, 4 June 2014. He quotes Henry Kissinger writing in The Independent on 20 January 2009 under the title “The world must forge a new order or retreat to chaos”. While I agree with the assertion made in this title, neither I nor Brandon Smith agree with the following statement made by Kissinger in his op/ed piece:

In the end, the political and economic systems can be harmonised in only one of two ways: by creating an international political regulatory system with the same reach as that of the economic world; or by shrinking the economic units to a size manageable by existing political structures, which is likely to lead to a new mercantilism, perhaps of regional units. A new Bretton Woods kind of global agreement is by far the preferable outcome.

This is a Great Lie, indeed, the very same Great Lie promulgated by Hitler in Mein Kampf. Kissinger, no less than Hitler and cohort, has his tail between his legs, is utterly cowed and driven to a sublimation of hysteria via total identification with 1T2-only-logic (pluperfectly stated as “only one of two ways”: read declassified publicly available copies of his memos to get of sense of the virulence and ludicrousness of this state of identification [I was clued to this Kissinger “chief feature” by one of my bosses at SRA/MACV-J2, 1968, a person who earlier, as a civilian, had taken Kissinger's National Security course taught at Harvard]; whereas Hitler was driven to a sublimation of hysteria via identification with transference dynamics and politico-military concomitants of occultism), by the specter of the psychological, sexual, social, political and economic imports of 19th-century higher mathematics and early-20th-century physics. Get it? Consider: “manageable by existing political structures”. Those structures (as was Bretton Woods One, BW2, and as would be any future BW) are institutionalization of the 200-year-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, composed of what Brandon Smith calls “false paradigms”, a Weltanschauung “knifed in the back” by N. H. Abel in 1826 with his existence proof for trans-algebras consensually deemed an impossibility theorem. On through Cantor, Axiom of Choice, Lukasiewicz, Schrödinger, Everett: the Ministry of Truth-Value has kept import of this consigned to the subliminal (as can be lucidly seen by surveying the list of ten reasons for failure of franchise: “Democracy Crisis -- Ten Points”, Jan Oberg, Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, 5 June 2014). That deeming, with lack of respect to Abel, was the earliest expression of the very same Great Lie later embraced by so many others, including Hitler and Kissinger, both of whom proscribed-proscribe politico-economic structures and processes from institutionalizing, by “analogical models-methods in design”, the quantum and relativity physics -- (were such to be de-dissimulated) and their subsequent developments -- account of collective and cooperative behaviors in critical-state onset of spontaneous autopoiesis and self-organization. The main difference between Hitler and Kissinger is that the Kissinger incarnation of the Great Lie has yet to run its course, produce its full corpora of outcomes and blowbacks. All human persons, however effectively or ineffectively glutamate etched and quantum quenched, and all other bots on this planet, are ever more forced to use finite-iteration 1T2-only “universal” machines and less-and-less-dedicated “smart” cell-phone machines without which it is increasingly not possible to function adequately within the strictures imposed, and the software which the binary processors demand is with each generation more complex and more over-programmed and more coercive of the user-usess, such that, ah-hum -- other dictatorial, largely ambient, factors considered -- the level of moment-to-moment applied and implied force persons and other bots are subject to must, just simply must, be pushing many, many people to edge of their tolerance thresholds, not only those who Passover into acts of mass mayhem, such individual acts being prefigurations of collective behaviors sure to come as the “existing political structures” BEcome more and more efficient at expanding the recruitment base for global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state and its corporate-1T2-person liegemen-paladins (or vice versa, regarding state vs. corporation, in the infantile game of Ring Around The Rosie Cross). Whereas TPTB have been targeting regular-military war veterans in myriad ways (the real veteran threat is not the one the government publicizes and Hollywood propagandizes, i.e., a mounting of domestic hot asymmetrical insurgency warfare by overrunning ever-more-lethally-stocked police department and national guard weapons stores, but that of military proselytizing), downsizing and outsourcing to mercenary “security” firms, mafia cartels, terrorist groups, wherever possible going to drones, bots, nanoswarms hopefully soon to be autonomous once initially programmed, so as to preempt near-inevitability of regular militaries, not yet implanted with substitute memories, splitting into factional mutineers hunting down TPTB (which has occurred many times in memetimes past, not least during the Russian revolution), the question must be asked: how likely is it that TPTB will succeed with this Cartesian-Newtonian program (subliminally a war against µTm-valued logics and their probable spinoffs) before quantum-relativistic nature resolutely slaps the whole project down?

Having received laissez passé from Satanoclear, bitcoin upstarts mistake themselves for e-Heysuses, Cyberia for Lickspittle Heaven, over-invoicing for chainmailing of collateral in evaporation, rank arrogance for the privilege bestowed by confidence, clangor on their wet wind for the alacrity of grave fealty, platinum cards for descrying falchions, impudent stink of Ferrari destriers for fragrance of scrubbed and rinsed angel wings, exorbitant 1T2-capital-gains in compensatory abreaction for the collective unconscious surety of human species self-annihilation at near-term cuspover. Honkers in braces! Possessionals mistaken for professionals. The issuer has come to own the market it has issued upon; deep financial derivatives are the only source of superficial liquidity; the dehypothesized rehypothecated notional collateral derivatives are derivative of is not priceless so much as price-discovery-less; the central-bank clusterbomb into double-digit trillions “functionally integrates” -- heh-heh-heh! -- neigh unto 200 national economies. Eventually, etiology and pathogenesis of daisy-chained financial derivatives will necessitate the offering of extreme unction to those who have been insufficiently unctuous before the Saducee progeny of Newton, Locke, Smith & Associates. Being [pur}pared in their stark [pur}poses, rather than having been [pre}pared, thus losing only their peelings. Dust bunnies for brains. Mice arun they'll be as it comes down like a hayrick aburn. Reconnoitering climes of mind, it can be seen that institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung is a “humanitarian disaster” of unparalleled scale. Governing policy for the last half century and more amongst the global leadership elite has been “get all you can while you can” and dissemble the involved cons as best you can: misdirection, what… uh, Now You See Me. Heh-heh-heh! Wooden crucks be most of them, wattle-and-daub walls upon their cogitations, headgear always atilt. Of how many steps humility has, these know none. Alka-Seltzer dissolved in a breakfast of sickly-sweet black coffee; martinis with Maalox chaser and a Metrecal substitute like Ensure Plus for lunch. Weepy, addled, twitchy, spinney brains of the daft. Thump the noggin for tympani of a kettledrum. Hollow men, not well hallowed. Pawn grunts tartly dunning the downtrodden in service to those of hump-backed ideals and hare-lipped morals peremptorily spurring the shod-hoofed steeds. Too stupid to figure a plausible storyline, so each sub-denouement is flawed, an execrable gibbet: the “new” realism of fiction/film. Magical, eh. If their shrievalty is going to kill a caterwauling witch, be she named Voco Harem or no -- those responsible are only rarely proximal perps -- it will set fire upon her, or, better yet, call in a WP strike. Thus sprach Hansel and Gretel -- issued out of, being Malyboo, Heliwould Selaire Beaverly's Hill Bentwood, to accompaniment of Santa Harmonica. Not to mention the prefigurative (or retroflexive?) Control Factor of 2003. What, for instance, was the psyops function of the comedy aspect of Conspiracy Theory and Enemy of the State? Attachment to the notion of an objective “classical limit” is prime etiology, most sustained by the Five Fingers of AUSCANNZUKUS, not necessarily in that order; 1T2-self [autoimmunopatho}logic, the syllogistic vector determining course. Physically-installed substitute memories, per discussion in “Q+A Joseph LeDoux”, Brian Bergstein, MIT Technology Review, 17 June 2014 -- as distinct from those psyops-instilled -- to interdict formation of conspirators and the Westphalian state's enemies. Heresy is upon the land; Church of the Earth besieges sanctity of the Institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung calling forlorn through ever-denser fog. The Saviors From Genetic Disease are cognitively stuck in the 13th century with their ConveDDed fixation upon the heraldic beasts resurrected from the Romans and Egyptians. Ridding yet once againe scourge of the mind-harrowing heresiarchs. As regards to role of transference in governance, the Tunisian's Saint Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus's De unitate ecclesiae states: “He can no longer have God for his Father who has not the Church for his mother…” Dust unto dust. Borel set unto pixel plume. B-17 formation unto drone storm. Clusterbomb unit unto nanoswarm. Atomic bomb unto neutron bomb. Mini-nuke unto micro-nuke. Memetime slow-down can be a dash in quicksand, if so be it willed by fear; or it can be leisurely accomplishment of the urgent sprint: particularly if interior rumor, a memory filmed and looped by compaction-renormalization. The voyeuristic, as distinct from the identification, aspect of the viewer's experience is sublimation-substitution for inner separation: exteriorization, inner distancing, circumscription. Hence, given the sublimation-substitution, no escape from Newtonian domains: [mono}logic, [mono}identity, [mono}theism, [mono}archy, [mono}culture, [mono}gamy, [mono}cropping of massed violence. From identity-transparency to relationship of trust to kiss of peace to contract to tort: by such march did animistic relative-state regress to the deluded claim to possess 1T2-selfsameness.

While that old Grecian theory about congruence of truth and beauty is clearly sundered if µTm-valued logics be understood independent of the notion truth-value, we still may ask: Is truth true; the true, truth? Does, that is, logic transpose to space; space, to logic? We may also ask: Does Stephen King know a thing or two about this? I mean, it takes effort to find something of substance in current American fiction, not least Stephen King, but, well, here goes (Duma Key, Hodder paperback edition, 2008, p. 36):

…truth is in the details. Of course the devil's there too -- everyone says so -- but maybe truth and the devil are words for the same thing.

Which value of truth is the devil? Three, as in 1T3? Most everyone thought so in [mid}evil Europe: the devil was the symbolic referent of the tritone (“diabolus in musica”) received as trope, the tritone in the diatonic system being two tones standing for three, or, logically speaking, 1T2 subverted by 1T3. And the Tritone Paradox involves shape-shifting in transpositions between octaves, just as there are topological transforms (operator-timed via temporal curl) of, say, theta-e surface configurations manifest at atmospheric energy-momentum cascade and reverse cascade in tornadogenesis, such cascades involving “sounded forms”, i.e., infrasound signatures of theta-e constant-entropy-surface manifolds, or, in other words, the storm-emitted symformphonie of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes facilitating µTm-atmospheric blackhole computing by acoustic analogue. For the NeoPlatonic and Cabalistic [mi}devil mind, did the tritone stand-in for all truth-value order-types higher than 1T2? If so, why so -- in context of the Trinity? Since the tritone's signification came long after that of the Trinity, perhaps it can be posited that the Trinity was assimilative of pagan multi-identity, i.e., animistic, non-simple, relative-state, identity-transparency, whereas, by memetime of the advent of Gregorian chant, any challenge whatsoever, no matter how subtle, to the notion of simple-identity -- King says on p. 79 of The Doom of Key Signatures, uh, sorry, Duma Key, that “Naming lends power”, which I would qualify to “lends Cartesian 1T2-Iambe power”, insofar as the name is not an animistic evocation of identity-transparency with the natural surround, a name like “Light of the Moon” or “Dances With Wolves” -- was perceived an existential threat to prerogatives of Church hierarchy specifically and administrative authority generally. Parenthetically note, however, that King provides a good description of the very early stage of onset of µTm-valued perception, i.e., the “satin-flow essence which I breathe” at direct ontic access to quantum brain processing, this being a verbal designator (for the involved free-electron-gas plasma dynamics? and their “Theorem of the Acute Angle” invocation of pencils of skew-parallels?) used in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, only King attributes it to the effects of alcohol upon a brain recovering from severe physical trauma (quoting Duma Key, p. 197):

Everything seemed to grow sharper until the world was drenched with light and color. The angles of things -- doors, windows, even the cocked elbows of the passing waiters -- seemed sharp enough to cut the air open and allow some darker, thicker atmosphere to come flowing out like syrup.

Pretty standard, really, King's take on this state, re: his treatment relative to alcohol and brain injury, as all phenomenologies associated with prolapse of the “classical limit” are deemed pathological by those identified with simple-identity, 1T2-only ratiocination, so on. Instances of spiritual phenomenologies, instances of the paranormal, instances of the supranatural, instances of the appearance of the siddhis, the like, have never been a matter of much interest, especially if mediated by processes of personification; the underlying panorama, uh, PranaRama, however, now that's altogether another matter, another kind of matterenergy. Is dissociative the same as “disassociative”? No and no and no. Why? Because what the 1T2-disassociative doesn't get is that the µTm-dissociative is hyperassociative, indeed, to the point of appearing 1T2-paraphasic, uh, that is, constantly subject to thought derailment as understood by the 1T2-identified. Later in his novel, King raises a fundament of what is fundamentally at issue (Duma, p. 393):

…some of the time I couldn't remember who I was. Do you know what's queer? Remembering forgetting. It's like looking into a hall of mirrors.

Queerer than forgetting remembering -- when the act of “remembering oneself” initializes with respect to becoming µTmly aware of the dissolution of the false 1T2-existential claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct? One of the main reasons for entering upon the fairly long process of shifting to µTm-valued LETS nesting foams is to inculcate the effects such a shift would have upon normative human cognitive function: for sure not foolproof, but likely to exert a strong “determining tendency”. In contemplating the cognitive phase transition which the human species must make if it is to survive the coming cuspover, how escape the conclusion, “No way, mon, jus' no way”? Wheedle a leetle? Hmmm. Were most blame to be directed at any particular group for the utter cockup humanity has made of its various environments -- cognitive, psychological, social, political, economic, cultural, built -- that group would have to be the set of all type-A “high mesomorphs” throughout his story suffering from “lateral mental cleavage”.

Over the past fifty years -- starting in Elspeth Rostow's American Civilization seminar, AU-SIS, circa 1964, after submitting to her a long paper on the Hamilton-Jefferson debates concerning the national debt (interesting to note that Elspeth's teaching stint at AU is left out of her Wiki bio) -- it has been argued by me that a Cartesian-Newtonian system, like that of our present institutionalization, cannot be transformed into one quantum-relativistic. More technically, there is no conformal map by which a smooth homothetic transformation of the former into the latter could be accomplished: the latter must be created de novo from the bottom up. Which is not to say that “…we just have to crash and burn and start all over again” (see: “Martin Armstrong Warns Civil Unrest Is Rising Everywhere: 'This Won't End Pretty'”, Zero Hedge, 29 June 2014); indeed, a “crash and burn” may preclude any efficacious “start all over again”. “Replacement Killers” is not what the situation demands; rather, the bringing up from below of the appropriate “framework determining conditions” of the required replacement system whilst the existing system continues to exist, then slow elaboration of the nascent replacement system in tandem with slow dismantlement of the existing system. If the will to do this does not exist, as appears to be the case, then the why-question must be asked. Does Charles Hugh Smith (see: “The Systemic Sources of Geopolitical Turmoil: Instability, Fragmentation, Resource Wars”, Of Two Minds, 29 June 2014) answer the why-question? I say no. Does David Stockman (see: “Sarajevo Is The Fulcrum Of Modern History: The Great War And Its Terrible Aftermath”, and Part 2, “The Great War's Aftermath Of Keynesianism, Monetary Central Planning And The Permanent Warfare State”, Contra Corner, 28 and 29 June 2014) answer the why-question. I say no. As astute, insightful, and well-formed as are the arguments made by Smith and Stockman (Stockman's account of the role played by Liberty Bonds in the monetizing-QEing transformation of the Federal Reserve System -- which in a hundred years learned nothing about the value of QFing, quantitative fasting -- from decentralized benign to centralized carcinogenic is interesting, if possibly misleading as to the originating intent as formulated on Jekyll Island, captured in the Aldrich Plan, embodied in the Glass-Owen Bill become the Federal Reserve Act, regardless of the details of the command and control apparatus finally settled upon), still, I hold that neither goes deep enough into origins of the existing conundrum. Impulse to establish control, control, control via ever more centralization comes most (ben-jamin) strongly when “things” are seen to be out of control, and thus the myth of self-control is deeply challenged, not to say emergence of utter doubt as to actual existence of a 1T2-simple selfhood. In complementarity to the psychopathologically-insecure, control-freaky, engineer-mentality, sure-to-have-a-bad-trip, clinger-temperamental-type profile of TPTB chronically engaged in over-compensating for introspective incompetency, the metapsychological mechanism involved is “compensatory abreaction”, an abreaction forming a collective intentionality rooted in willed (both meanings appropriate) amnesia or, equivalently, a will not to engage in Platonic anamnesis. Suppression of the Musculpt, uh, music-sculpture of geometric and algebraic metaphor (to expatiate: such as, drawing upon memory relative to simple-identity, “I am nothing but the intersection of Purusha and Prakriti!” and, engaging nascent anamnesis, “My Whitmanesque other-I-ams are no-things, but are the penciled skew-parallel intersections of P&P!”, not personas, not facemasks, not [pre}tensions, not VR-surrogates, but identity-transparent relative-states of ALL THAT IS M-theoretically and CTCly Tzog-chen AllBase: Hawking's “black hole information limit” is with regard to 1T2-only-logically-valued information! missing out that demerged hierarchically-down µTm1T3, with CTC being the fully atemporal-ahierarchic hologramic AllBase case under which the infinite-sheeted Riemann-surface treatment of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function is comprehensively, if not 1T2-coherently, processed-evaluated, µTm1T3 information density being metaphorically MAPPED to 1T2-boundaries, not actually being contained thereby, as µTm1T3 can never be contained by 1T2). That's METAPHOR, now, vis-à-vis Plato's theory of “vision” as presented in Timaeus: “effect of reversed intellectual vision”, “effect of inverted intellectual vision”, “effect of oblique intellectual vision” (see: Plato's Mathematical Imagination, by the Yale philosophy professor, Robert S. Brumbaugh, Indiana U. Press, 1954), the first two taken together being the Musculpt equivalent to the dodecaphonic retrograde-inversion, all three taken together being the Musculpt equivalent to third-order temporal curl. Temporal curl, to my way of thinking, quantized as Penrose twistor, being responsible for the topological twisting exemplified in topological string theories. Generalized collective ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement at projective-identification in mass transference) is, to my mind, analogous to processes underlying homological mirror symmetry (categorical Abelian varieties retrofitted to the symplectics of classical mechanics, so to speak: a kind of Castle-upon-Crag), in that, in the Jungian transference case, the m-valued variables suppressed are converted and projected onto a fixed target located in internal dimensions, just as the bridged sheets of Riemann surface suppress imports of m-valuedness (the m-valuedness of, say, Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function processed under m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value) and are then, in topological string theory, mapped, uh, D-braned, to targeted internally-dimensioned Calabi-Yau manifolds (this may actually tell us something important about the relationship between psychetic and hyletic data as construed by 1T2-mind at subclinical quantum measurement executed by spontaneous localization as autogenic brain discharge). Parenthetically, by virtue of the fact that the value of an Abelian integral is an m-valued function, Riemann developed theoretical antimacassars, compact Riemann surface coverings, i.e., non-ramified covering maps, the bridges between branches (sheets) of which provide the opportunity to mistakenly regard the m-valued as simply single-valued complexity, e.g., the choosing of a “principle [single] value” and/or “principle branch” under the branch cut theory treatment of branch points and their non-ramifiable ramifications in the compactified case. The impulse to do this -- to understand, that is, the m-valued as not being radically different in kind from the single-valued -- I have long argued, is the bottom-line etiology of the “War of the World”. Carn't be lettin' the sheeple unfenced go, tha knows; for however so long that were, might oft wonder onto moorlands poor, won't bleat owt, will reach off to the wrong conclusions, love, get nowt they will, turn their backs wooly-minded upon yer dry salvages, fair un' fawl. Puzzled, with outrage indignant, malice peculiar, memetime-past being plentiful, barmy, gormless people living lives lived by other people in other memetimes, memetimes olde and dreamed as if transpiring across the HighTimes-interface linking 20th to 21st centuries. The lie of the M-theoretic manifold's membrane, or the lay of it? You lie; I'll lay. As regards superstrings (gunas) relative to Purusha/Prakriti, see here. Such psycho-mediated “back-reactions upon the metric” of orientation space are subliminally designed to sustain the instantons of memetime, uh, instantonic D(-1)-branes, even under dimension-changing phase transitions (see “Dimension Changing Phase Transitions in Instanton Crystals”, Vadim Kaplunovsky and Jacob Sonnenschein, arXiv, 18 September 2013). Heh-heh-heh! Or in the cases of DNA nanobots (i.e., artificially engineered anti-DNA antibody-equivalents) and nanocomputers in storms of neurodusti, maybe no laughter is involved, for perhaps the memetime-conserving metabrain (be aware that debrain is not the same as D-brane) with externally-manipulated prethoughts and implanted error-correcting device has no sense of humor (see “Medical Nanobots Will Connect Brain to Cloud Computing -- Ray Kurzweil”, Nicolas West, Activist Post, 6 February 2014; and, as regards manipulation of individual neuronal circuits, a manipulation called “optogenetics”, as the linked World Economic Forum VDO states, so as to “alter our sense of self” [not altered to µTmly quantum non-simple identity, which is not the same as “identity types” in Russell's ramified theory of types, Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types not being Russellian types, but to the techno-ConveDD thereof, i.e., man-otherspecies-machine fusion, ultimately machine-replaced-organiclife, anthropogenic processes having made organic life insupportable, à la Virtuosity, SID 6.7 being a superlative micellar techno-ConveDD of µTm-logically-valued non-simple identity by “virtue” of his colloidal nidus and fibrinated fusion of software-incarnating multiples], see “Mind Control Scientists Using Light To Alter The Brain”, Nicolas West, Ibid., 30 June 2014). Manifestations of a mass hysteria of scientists and other membership of TPTB orders of magnitude greater than that prevailing in run-up to WWII, so great is the fear of m-valued logics applied to quantum non-simple identity. That there is ConveDD involved is totally unconscious to the involved scientists, which is in no way strange, given that ConveDD is, by definition, the result of unconscious processes. Stephen King's authorial voice says (Duma Key, the 2008 Hodder paperback edition, p. 505): “…a person's memory is everything, really. Memory is identity. It's you.” But what Dedekind cut-collection of a [per}son-ordinality, what Cantor set of a memory-cardinality, what Lukasiewiczian order-type of an identity-functor? Consider the proposition that Russell's types were specifically formulated, under the rubric “paradox avoidance”, to preclude Lukasiewiczian order-types. In memetime? Under 3-fold operator-time? The whole Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna Weltanschauung upon which the prevailing institutional format is based is 200-years dead. Imagine the threat to Umwelt that represents! What Smith and Stockman describe is derivative of this fact. The signal event in demise of that Weltanschauung was N. H. Abel's 1826 “Impossibility” Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr, from which much, perhaps most, of 19th-century higher pure mathematics and 20th-century theoretical physics derived. Abel died in poverty from consumption, aged 26, and institutionalization of the Weltanschauung in question appears to be dying of the same disease -- the kind of “thing” regressed archetypal event gradients of the collective unconscious specialize in. Answer to the why-question is “clinging behaviors” borne upon lack of insight as to the full import of Abel and “back-reaction upon the metric” of all his theorem spawned. Losing Liftathon: not understanding that we are not reincarnating run-up to WWII, DODed Hollywood clings to its ill-conceived elementary-school-level politico-military psyops strategies which only serve to further fan flames of the intensifying heartburn induced -- within an ever more generalized constituency, even to include elements of the moral majority -- by any ingestion of agencies of the current system of governance. Even, moreover, the likes of Reagan's Director of the Office of Management and Budget, David Stockman, as well as Reagan's Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and “co-founder of Reaganomics”, Paul Craig Roberts. No small matter. Heavy prefiguration. Even if three-quarters of the population base were to remain true believers in the fulsome falsehoods fed. Sitting in their nidus, nictitating upon the nilpotency nuncupative all about seen scene: nicker, nicker, nicker, neigh the niggling nidgets. And, as Julia Roberts has taught us -- about, well, eating and praying at least -- it's all too easy to be New Age whilst living a million-dollar lifestyle in Rome, Naples, Delhi, and Ubud. Deep agit-prop psyops has always been there placing “substitute memories”. Popular fiction (not also all avant-garde art fiction), program music (not also all art music), actor/action-focused theater and film (not also all multimedia and avant-garde film): these most elaborately service the clinging behaviors militating against a successful Passover at cusp of the breaking cultural wave. Stories have their tonic tones just like key signatures, like infrasound signatures of constant entropy surfaces with discontinuities, singularities, tiding chromodynamics of memetime instants, gravitating cognitive tones back to their tonics, keeping the human mind grounded, for far worse more than near better. And just look at the tonics of the stories we tell ourselves today, backstabbing each other whilst riding the Titanic sinkers: overpopulation, resource depletion, GMOs, anthropogenic climate shift, MDR superbugs, planetary replication of the econo-politico-military prerequisites to Cambodian holocaust of the WholeEarth, so on. Force-feedback haptification of ponderable space, sonification-visualization unto concretion of MEMEtime: such storyline psyops, pandering to 1T2-individualism and associated identifications, have been the most instilling of Descartes' and Newton's “bastards”, perpetuating the states of consciousness precluding, say, non-exogenous-drug-induced perceptual experience of quantum non-simple identity. It is much easier to conceive the unfamiliar than to perceive it; without ontic intimacy, the unfamiliar remains a mere notion. It is the time-shapes of total capital stock (marked by money in motion, thus, by induced econometric field, the moving money pulling activity after itself in a worldvolume sweep of the global economy, the markers, defined over fractal e-boundary nesting foams according to the holographic principle “that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on the boundary to the region” [a principle employed by the Viet Cong political Infrastructure, VCI, as intensely studied during 1968 at SRA/MACV-J2, detailed and documented in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994; amongst else, it was understanding of this principle, as employed by the VCI, which I brought to 1970s discussions with Cornell meteorologist, Douglas A. Paine, of acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e, equivalent potential temperature, surfaces: in all the memetime since those Cornell discussions, this is the first occasion I've run across such a precisely focused quotable quote describing the math-physics corresponding to the central feature of the self-organizational behaviors tacitly engaged in by the VCI on basis of a legacy of animism, and note that the principle was first applied in consensus-physics string theory during the early-'80s, first stated, apparently, during 1978], carrying relative-state information, i.e., hologramic part-containing-whole information, concerning prevailing condition of the planetary gestalt) which offer opportunities for successful transit of the gathering global crisis. Put the VCI's “holographic principle” together with waterfall-played stone xylophones and bronze drums sited to sound out boundaries-without-boundary, songlines, African fractals, and the Stone Age gift economy (e.g., sacred cloths, exchange of “hau”, i.e., multi-identity), and you-one-we have a low-tech version of m-logically-valued LETS mapped upon fractal e-boundary nesting foams, a prehistory eidolon of monetary systems from the epoch of human eco-adapted collective behaviors. Yet, how could time-shapes have authenticity for those without direct experience of quantum non-simple identity? How little there is of prevalent current human cognition auguring for arrival at adequate solutions relative to the rapidly approaching collective conjuncture.

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

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