µTm Scenarios, T23(M)
Trenchant -- or is it entrenched, like those who eschew bourbon for being monarchical swill? Certainly there is little to which I could object written into Elinor Ostrom's 1990 book entitled Governing the Commons: The evolution of institutions for collective action (Cambridge U. Press), but then there is little in it which I find of particular interest. I don't disagree with any of her design principles for common pool resource (CPR) institutions, but I think they are altogether inadequate, in that the mechanisms thus to be created-installed would not accomplish what Ostrom proposes they should-would bring about -- and, despite her case studies, I know of no place or memetime where her principles have authentically been fully operative, because, for one, real self-determination has never actually been permitted by any of the higher authorities. Moreover, community rules have never been adequate to local conditions, let alone local conditions interfaced with conditions of nesting domains, and decision algorithms involving voting, majority rule, and so on, no matter how sophisticated the background assessments placed before committees of appropriators, are inherently incapable of formulating-approving adequate community rules -- such rules themselves, any such rules, indeed, any rules whatsoever, being inherently inadequate. How could I make such ridiculous statements? How could I possibly know them to be correct? Because I have read into a vast body of literature which Elinor Ostrom apparently neglected due consideration: the literature on self-organization in natural systems, the only systems which have actually solved both the n-body and m-value problems. Ostrom's principles, derived from an institutional approach to the study of self-organization, do not square well with those identified as being operative in autopoietic and self-organizing systems studied in nature during the 20th century, particularly its last half. Ostrom's principles derive from studies of nature conducted during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries -- as analogically generalized into principles of political-economy institutionalized according to basic precepts encapsulated by the rubric Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. Stalking 1T2-fortune's peculiar peculiarity with duplicities hiding the covert intention to conceal the reality of subliminal forcing: the teleological µTmly-strange attractor not located in memetime-future, but in the such-that suchness Schrödinger designated as being time-independent. Cannot pick unique branches in continuous fashion in non-compacted Abelian group since the square-, cube-, quarto- root(s) of the involved determinant(s) is/are m-valued because n-level (Lukasiewiczian) complex-hypercomplex Hilbertian reference space of the group is not simply connected, thus marches of functions on the group must be mapped with mubits in µTm-logical fashion; otherwise, they will be viewed via qubits in terms of 1T2-probabilities, 1T2-propensities, 1T2-expectation values, so on, in two-level complex Hilbertian reference space. Despite linear-time being glutamate-etched memetime! Despite Schrödinger explicitly excluding same! Instead of Leaves-of-Grass µTmly other-I-am's, identification with 1T2ly Great-[Am}erce-I. No sinister talmudic affectations, provident they are, those 1T2-identified, are they not, in their distemper, speaking in Byzantine obliquities blasphemous of Saint Simeon's rigid single-valued pole, a twisting axis of spin that never tilts due to intolerance of first- and second-order derivatives -- whatever villainous history there be to the semantic derivation of death-grip [check}mate. When those amongst the worst who have ever existed -- there is no choice but to so suppose -- run things virtually everywhere, what but the spectrum of worse cases can be expected? When some of the worst systems of governance the human species has ever devised appear slated to congeal into a composite set to dominate the present epoch, what but the spectrum of worst cases can be expected? A & A: aptitude and attitude. But A & A for what? Have to pull in people from the lower orders to insure that that question is never asked. Can[tank}erous, errr, more than tetchy, tail-to-nose minds -- mizzly of muck and veiling fog; girdered and stone-clad; nicked, etched, pruned; swarming with gray binarisms -- strapped to dual carriageways, recalcitrant, insisting on this and demanding that, occupying a sod of cognitive spaces, proscribing, excising, denying all beyond the 1T2-boundaries of their normotic ken. Always LUPing (lying up) some pseudo-Realist trog-off across dead ground to yet one more neoCon. Sitting and lying, bleary hypnagogics/hypnopompics gone off kip and their pins, or argy-bargy: conform well to the Law of Distributed Middle, they do, don't they, our bi-polar normotics. But even that law is being thrown aside these days, as climb up The Devil's Staircase always involves a gathering fixation, 1T1, on one pole (high, large) and veritable exclusion of the other (low, small): flash forward and see The Fed Just Imposed Financial Austerity on the States, Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall Street on Parade, 4 September 2014, was well as commentary provided by Ellen Brown in Preparing to Asset-strip Local Government? The Fed's Bizarre New Rules, Web of Debt Blog, 8 September 2014. Right, then. Married Her Best Bitter, they did, didn't they? You best ways call Her Animus -- to their suppressed animas -- if ascription assuages. Alan Furst's characterization (Night Soldiers, Random House, 1988) of the mid-1930s test-warfare period -- he covers, for instance, Yezhov's time and the Spanish civil war where virtually everything was tested, including area bombing of civilians, most notably Guernica -- evokes the present period of test wars in the Middle East and Central Asia. Quoting pp. 57-8 of the 2002 paperback edition:
He understood the system in that way: a great heavy mass that pressed down upon you, that kept you struggling and gasping to remain, in any sense at all, upright. It crushed the mind because it demanded every resource, every tag end of memory and cognition, simply to stay afloat. Imagination withered, fantasy collapsed; only some of the strong would survive. There were special rules, special interpretations of the rules, regulations to be adamantly (([Adam}ant-ly, in my usage)) obeyed, regulations to be adamantly ignored, tests -- obvious tests and subtle tests and obvious tests that hid subtle tests -- provocations to be silently withstood, provocations to be instantly reported, papers to be kept on the person, papers to be written and handed in, papers to be punched at regular intervals, papers to be returned by a certain date, special passes, special permissions, open conversations, guided conversations. If there were a way to hammer a nail into thought, they would have found it and done it.
Note that capability for the hammering of such a nail is presently being sought at a cost of billions and billions of dollars. Note further that, today, we must also abide by secret laws. Quoting p. 161 with regard to the war in Spain:
But for those who could read the signs, two particular events signaled the beginning of the end: the national gold went out, and the refugees began to flow in.
The gold, some sixty-three million British pounds in value, was first taken by rail to Alicante, then on to Odessa by Russian freighter. Those who were responsible for guarding and counting the gold soon disappeared. Some time later, the Soviet Union announced major gold strikes in the Urals and, for the first time, began to sell gold on the world markets.
Enough said, for immediate purposes, with respect to pre-WWII parallels to the temper of nowadays, the last few years being a period wherein pre-WWI parallels have been prominent. Nonetheless, all these decades later and still, still, there is no inkling of an insight as to actual origins of WWII: foaming-at-the-mouth Rabbinatic projectile vomiting of the Cabala stand-in for the non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers numbering m-valued quantum non-simple identities and processed under µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value (ConveDDed, uh, conversion-disorder displaced, to alien mutilations), an excretory behavior constellated in the collective unconscious by general acceptance of Max Born's 1926 probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. Not to mention similar back-reaction-upon-the-metric-type origins of WWI and the Franco-Prussian war and the First Crimean war. Donald C. Copeland's (see his The Origins of Major War, Cornell U. Press, 2001) dynamic differentials theory as to etiology of mass warfare, and particularly his logical-properties-related notion that bipolarity establishes a stronger gradient to outbreak of war than does multipolarity, are significant steps to improved understanding, but still, in my judgment, are conceptions that remain on the surface-structure level in their explanatory powers. Most of what people focus upon as regards prevention of warfare doesn't interest me in the least: behaviorals behaviorally immutable fantasized to be moral variables. Warfare cannot be prevented on the level of behavioral psychology, individual and/or collective, and its socio-politico-economic impellors: swacked, packed, and sacked, the causes-attractors maintain habitus much, much deeper. Just like Appointments in Samarra are arranged via determinants independent of human factors, and coordinates of the meets don't actually map in four real-numbered dimensions. It's not that present-day economists and political scientists don't believe natural principles are generalizable to human systems, as they often say; it's that they don't believe post-Cartesian-Newtonian principles are so generalizable -- or refuse to contemplate the implications, thus going into denial, subsequently becoming reactionary clingers. And I say this even given that I disagree with many of the conclusions drawn from the last half-century's studies of self-organization: e.g., I parted ways with Heinz von Foerster and Ilya Prigogine because I do not believe in self-organization by noise or by far-from-equilibrium fluctuations (which is not to say I do not believe that noise and fluctuations exist); indeed, I do not believe there is a rough correspondence between self-organization and emergence. That's why I use the term demergence, demergence from the base state of Tzog-chen or what recently has been called Platonia, aka the m-logically-valued reference space (not, according to me, a probability fog), Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, and likely other designators. But Ostrom doesn't even well-embody Foersterian-Prigoginean natural principles in her institutional principles: where, for instance, are the critical states with their correlation lengths snapping to infinity, where the adequate channeling of the negentropic provocations, where the transformation of incoherent environmental dissonance into coherent institutional behavior? These three, amongst others, we are to suppose can be accomplished by voting behaviors and rules? There is virtually no evidence to support such a thesis. It certainly hasn't happened in memetimes past, or we wouldn't be in the current global conundrum we are. And it can't happen in principle, even were the Foersterian-Prigoginean principles (extending or extended to those of the cybernetics of Ashby; those of the theory of autopoiesis; those of chaos and complexity theory; so on) actually responsible for self-organization in natural systems, which they aren't. It is animistic-quantum non-simple identity, Everettian relative-state identity-transparency, m-valued information, and µTm-valued logical processing -- not simple feedbacks, probability as efficient cause, random heat motion, and the like -- which drive self-organizing processes, all of which, on whatever scale level, are quantum-relativistic processes. That's why I advocate participatory e-commons computer-gaming of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, mapped over fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary, upon the monetary units of which are stacked indicators coupled to bureaucratic variables (like the Viet Cong political infrastructure [VCI] tacitly did on a low-tech basis according to the holographic principle; however valiant the try, Ecuador's recent boundary-value innovation [see, How Not to Design a World Without Borders, William Wheeler, The Atlantic, 21 July 2014] has not held a candle to what the VCI accomplished half a century ago: though, flashing forward, Hooray! for banning bitcoin, but boo! for banning decentralized digital currencies, in my judgment, a mixed move, as described in Ecuador Bans Bitcoin, Plans Own Digital Money, Stan Higgins, CoinDesk, 25 August 2014), thus internalizing externalities and providing an autopoietic mechanism (i.e., µTm-logically-valued money marked to markets) by which self-organized far-from-equilibrium critical-state phase transitions can become the pedestrian state of affairs. Governance of manwohmankind by menwohmen is inherently mean-spirited conspiracy because legitimation of a legitimatizing algorithm has no possible-world logic under which to operate such that de jure status could authentically be conferred upon prescriptive/proscriptive lawfare, only that de facto issuing from barrels of guns in service to dominance-is-as-dominance-does-for-its-own-sake. She -- uh, of Bryn Mawr, Wheaton, Vassar, Wells, Mills, Barnard, Radcliffe, Smith, Wellesley -- should have known, à la Bette Friedwohman's The Feminine Mistake. Men miniskirting along back during days Damien and Steppenwolf resurrected. Slaloooming, sleuthing angst. Clittering their nancy nails. Singeing their soiled souls. Contrary to the expectations of some early feminists, women haven't been nearly so good at reforming institutions as institutions have been at reprogramming women. Why? Because of deep-rootedness of the compulsions sustaining the prevailing institutionalization. What was once normative is now available only in Samadhi states. TPTB-so-square as to think that the source of the problem -- Cartesian-Newtonian science and technology, and New-Physics-tech dressed in Newtonian clothes (including, flashing forward, the SyNapse-enabling TrueNorth neurosynaptic chip, as described in IBM develops a computer chip with one million 'neurons' that 'functions like a [glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched] human [1T2-only, molecular-cellular-only] brain', Daniel Bates, The Daily Mail, 8 August 2014) -- will solve the problem, think the world is Rubik's Cube, and that 1T2-logic suffices to keep everything parallel/perpendicular; the diagonal of Analytical Cubism befuddles them, and µTm-valued skew-parallelism is enough to drive them crazy, make'm feel like crumb bums. Minds driving Imps, never Perfects; skint always, affectively. Self-coercing, syllogistic, binary cogitation is a father-rite Triumph of the Will transferring such a sense of coddled security from superego to ego that ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) to the socius and its national-state control compulsion is foregone; whilst the diffuse, freeform, associational basis of m-valued-logics cogitation, independent of the notions truth-value and selfsameness, is herd-instinct terrifying in its dearth of imposed necessity, experienced by binary-mind as slippage into the black hole of oblivion, into absolute nihil of the chaotic anarchy which is IDy idiocy by absence of ego boundaries. Expertise at Edmund Jacobson's differential relaxation of the residual tension (near-zero action-potential on the EMG) patterns in the extra-ocular and laryngeal muscles, those carrying bulk of 1T2-logically-valued mental-association tape-loops, wipes away microexpressions, the absence of which being characteristic of the demeanor of those in concentration in self-observation, which absence most people regard as a sign of being aloof, cold, unresponsive, mechanical, lacking in feelings, bereft of spontaneity, and so on. ConveDD is a [cog}native scarper in ideationland; in mindboonies; in neural cuds; in the COB, cerebral outback; upon the MMK, mental muskeg; in CIC, centrencephalic InjunCuntry: scarpered, heshe did, but couldn't admit it, never even acknowledged such scampering to himherself. The blind-ensconced grouse hunter deploying A-bombs, the weaseling whacker compensating Weltschmerz, the primally-frightened playground bully using inflicted terror to internally assuage the three A's: anomie, alienation, autoimmunity. Mugs mucking about, getting nicked, then going into the head-shed for a policymaker kefuddle: bunch-up by the [Bub}ettes! -- or is it [Boob}ettes? Asleep day and night, no stag awake at back of the mind. Non-conspiratorial governance of manwohmankind is that conducted by propitiated nature, the propitiation being carried out by institutional analogues to natural processes, such analogues being demergent only when there is a high degree of consonance between metaphysical assumptions of the prevailing institutional base and principles of the prevailing Weltanschauung descriptive of form-in-process of nature: degree of legitimacy of the governance varying directly as to valence of the consonance, this animistic-quantum relative-state Mandate of Heaven being a legitimizing algorithm with a possible-world-logic supersession, that logic being of the CTC-logical-value order-type, understood independent of truth-value and probability amplitudes. Beat the man with his own cane? Use 1T2-lawfare, which is configured to service TPTB, to slay TPTB, as some intensely advocate? Despite the possibility of wind-induced vortex-shedding, really, really an improbable scenario, that. Am I appellant, more elaborately, an appellant? I don't think so. You have to be a believer to become an appellant. Rather, religioscience of landarticulation, planetoscape, solarinformata, stellarconstel analogically setting terms of sociopoliticoeconomic processes. The prevailing program, however, is, and has long been, to use 18th-century Euro-Enlightenment political-economy binarisms to govern employments of µTm-quantum-based technologies dressed in Cartesian-Newtonian clothes -- 1T2-legalism fictives -- to subdue and control relativistic-quantum nature. The refrain constantly heard: Don't mess with my money! Say you? I know: Mammon is God; I am His Son; my PAs, disciples; my lawyers, priests; my doctor, Beelzebub; my wife, uh O, pu-leeze! No speculation is required to reach understanding that this program inevitably will fail, regardless of how much technological innovation there might be. I stopped being an IBEW apprentice and shifted to landscape laborer in significant measure because I hated the K Street low high-rises I was helping to build -- so, no trouble guessing what I think of megastructures, and megaurban regions, and the megapsychopathology informing their advent. Never liked psychodynamics of car culture; abhor ambient music, which habituates, and inculcates lack of attention to musical form and its metareferential codifications; never brought a mind-numbing TV into a residence of mine; don't like the deleterious effects that 1T2-PCs and surveilling cell phones have had upon quality of life -- each by surjective process, i.e., onto mappings of collective regressions. I'm all for renewables, micro-grids, electric (engineered to stay out of biologically-active frequency-response windows) and hydrogen cars, so on. But every prevailing indication is that the distributed-hologramic decentralization, superposing hierarchical self-similarities, natural to, and made possible by, quantum-based technologies will not be premitted-permitted: the whole psycho-socio-politico-econo-mil-intel drift of global civilization is in 180-degrees of contrary motion, and has been throughout era of the War of the World and, actually, for several millennia, admittedly with a few hiccups here and there. When a supersystem and its subsidiary systems and their subsystems lose residuary trust, there being no quantum composite, indeed, if ever terms of trust need be written down, all relationships of trust having evaporated, bile in a surfeit, what else can be expected but an initiatory first strike? Some have even come around to the belief that the U.S. will start WWIII rather than allow substantive change to the international monetary system (e.g., flash forward and see: The System Is Terminally Broken, Investment Research Dynamics as reposted to Zero Hedge, 9 November 2014, for the quote stating that the U.S. will start WW3 before it's forced to reveal the truth about its empty gold vault.). The more-simple cannot and will not adequately govern, subdue, control the more-complex. Live by geoengineering (accidental or intentional): die by geoengineering. Nature will smack down and utterly sunder the human species for perseverance at employment of this program, all the more thoroughly the greater the prolongation. Nations of moths trying to separate flame from light, so they might seek only the flame.
Heyhowdy. How's it what, hey. Ain't that just all-and-over? Excoriated in cleats? Federation as 1T2-[con}federation-by-dunces. [Dead}panning, by those normally loudmouthed and gone national, in more zany ways than one: returns not golden. Ack! Compensating agonistic rage displays amongst the blaboons? In the neoliberal democratic and capitalist system, something of a funereal fiasco, money determines just about everything. Isn't it a shame, therefore, that the only sort of money employed is that which is of the lowest order-type possible: single-valued and singly-logically-valued? The resultant pricings have all sorts of consequences, e.g., mass mailings of political propaganda poop and advertising slop and other junk types -- at rates in 1T2-money essentially taxpayer subsidizing of corporations and vested interest groups -- have pretty much nosebled the postal system -- independent of the substantial loss in mail privacy. Governance presently being, categorically speaking, one of the more criminal organizational behaviors on the planet: politics being a dirty game, how expect fibbie-abetted government to be other than what it is? Whatever TPTB say, there can be little doubt that the real skinny is pretty much the exact opposite: this being a hallmark of the glutamate-etched bi-polar's use of binary logic. Because the most normotic of monotonic-bivalent minds ascend in 1T2-systems -- 2-parties are a given, the middle excluded -- life isn't fair. Get used to it! OMG, cull the office! Jump start channel stuffing with donor-thank-you appointees, so as to build up intra-agencies guanxi (see: Comparing Chinese Guanxi and American Networking , Hongmei Gao, East West Connections 7.1, 2007, pp. 140-55). Not only can evil not exist without good, it cannot exist without imposition of 1T2-only-logic (syllogistic or rotational) and its Laws of Excluded Middle and Non-Contradiction. Evildoers, whatever they might say on the subject, and whatever Mary Wollstonecraft thought, are generally well aware that evil has chosen them -- even if they don't understand why and how. Collective behaviors are not the integrated sum of individual behaviors; individual behaviors are decomposition products of collective gradients. Swarms within swarms within swarms misapprehended by the glutamate-etched brain as being an emergent individual, the misapprehension achieved by filter-focus-truncation qua renormalization to a single, single-valued, singly-logically-valued scale level to which, alone, is identity mistakenly imputed, this misfeasance ludicrously thought due to due diligence at perspicacity in pertinacity. Surely, though, animistic modes of supernal cognition-comprehension handle the actual case quite well, and clearly did so thousands and thousands of years, until largely eradicated by the various genocides. Dolt and dupe, indeed, a dead letter devoid of prime presentiments: swindling Master of the Universe experiences himself, malice aforethought, motivated by pursuit of money, power, prestige, sexual thrall, thrill of the bet made good -- but none of these actually determine his behavior more than the empty bubble determines course of the breaking wave. Sorrowfully, I must state my belief that prevalent notions of potentially effective reform are based in unwarranted belief, not only in defunct systems outrun by techno-innovation, but in the tacit metaphysical assumptions underpinning those systems. This is a rear-seat collective behavior imprinted upon the profile of a clinger -- any clinger -- suffering acute existential anxiety due to abandonment, in this case by the Weltanschauung informing the Umwelts of those entertaining fanciful notions of reform. Is 1T2-property theft of the multivalue, as preponderance of evidence clearly and convincingly indicates; legalized corruption, illegitimate; the Newtonian-vector-sum franchise, frivolous in a quantum technosphere; MoSoSoed campaign mass internetworking a monstrous caterwauling malversion of the actual relative-state potential of the e-commons? Once-mattered things. Like Americans trying to understand British humor, only it's American humor -- Hollywood style -- now become hard for Americans to stand under. Living on Saltair whilst Nha Trang taught at UCLA and I worked one block off Rodeo Drive, we periodically attended Santa Monica parties of deados who scriptwrote precursors of things recently appearing like R.I.P.D. and the Percy Jackson film series. We never participated much in the party conversations, but did listen closely. Pretty interesting stuff, in a Bentwaters-AlienAgenda-Todmorden cryptozoological-logical manner of speaking. Having not been born yesterday, dying tomorrow, what would we miss? The USG-explained Unexplained? Adversarialism-competitionism is a poor decision-organization mechanism: doing the right thing, doing a good job fall by the wayside amongst the clatter, the emphasis being all wrong, and much that is done is purely dissipative as regards redeeming social value, not to mention larger spheres; there is a slide into hidden agendas, dissembling, IDic-EGOic display, polling-rating becomes black-psyche, even the outrightly criminal becomes normative, and this determining tendency bleeds into interpersonal relations where clawing-up rises to ascendency even between paramours. Is a rightful basis for foreign policy in the Global Village forceful inculcation of acculturation-assimilation? Actual cultural preservation in face of uniformizing technologies is not achieved via monuments, artifact museums, human zoos, theme parks essaying defunct theses, archives of old songs, so on; it's found in carrying enduring functional prerequisites into new structures capable of adapting technology, rather than being adapted to it. Think, for instance: µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped upon fractal e-boundaries.
The Monroe Doctrine was penned (1823) three years before N. H. Abel made public (1826: Whoopse! I now, after all these years, learn that Abel's proof was actually completed in 1823, the more-detailed proof first published in 1826) his thoughts on the quintic, an existence proof for trans-al-jabr which, according to the received doctrine, was deemed an Impossibility Theorem: both these doctrines, Monroe's and the one applied to Abel, have always seemed to me related to the Napoleonic escapades, in that Monroe's was in back-reaction upon the metric established at the Congress of Vienna and Abel's theorem was the absolute death knell of the Weltanschauung bringing forth institutionalizations like that implemented via the Congress of Vienna -- that Weltanschauung itself an assault upon the Erdgeist (personification of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, a personification wielding 3-fold quantal operator-time, sometimes known as the twirling-fugal, triangular number T4 = 10, which can be related to a square number via nesting foam, verbally called the Tetractys because of temporal-curl-up, temporal-curl-down with respect to space and counterspace and symbolized by left-facing and right-facing square-number-enclosed swastikas, the Tetractys having been ConveDDed by late-Rome into the Tetrarchy-politics of joint dictatorship, precursor of the four-estates account of 18th-century-rationalism-informed governance systems; for a most inspired account, see The Mathematics of the Cosmic Mind: a study in mathematical symbolism, L. Gordon Plummer, Theosophical Society, 1966, the Greater Maze being geometric metaphor for demergence of the MVRS represented in Pythagorean gematria qua Platonic-solid schema with 3-D figurate numbers, uh, quantum-shape numbers, one-you-we might say, were one-you-we to [hypercomplex}ize, as distinct from [real}ize, how much more synergistically sophisticated this Maze-notion is than the number-theoretic considerations of mere quark symmetry patterns, particularly if carried into higher dimensional polytopes, uh, three of spatial topology plus three of chronotopology, involving cocubes [e.g., made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes in the Fermi sea of an infinite 3D electron gas associated with, say, the pi-electron gas core of superconductant intraneuronal and intra-perineural DNA: note that unrenormalized energy-momentum imbalances, qua 1T2-divergences, are cascade initializing with respect to the implicitly µTm-processing Paine-Kaplan nested-grid forecast model of tornadogenesis and Paine-Pensinger radiation-exchange model of DNA superconductivity, and bandgaps being the essence of fractal-drum band-pass, with regards to µTm-valued LETS nesting foams and the possible reengineering of microwave appliances so as to stay out of biologically-active windows, all along known possibly to be a big money-maker, which various parties were antagonistic to, e.g., at Tsukuba, even to the extent of wondering how I still maintained presence in the Lebenswelt: see bibliographic entry for Berggren, K. F. in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 751: lots of stuff like this hidden in that novel, which maybe a couple hundred people have read over the last 20 years: public-female-protest undressing being a ConveDD of what? Heh-heh-heh!], after the fashion of M Theory and were the operator-time-executed demergence processed with m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, polytopes of the hyperspaces having been rigorously formalized since immediate pre-WWI, m-valued logics since immediate post-WWI, m-valued as regards variables and logic not being the same as n multichoose k multisets upon string-superstring 1T2-logically-construed non-fractalized length) which had until then refused to allow Russia and Germany to enter Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-statehood. Only against their will and under the Napoleonic sword did Russians and Germans relent and enter a world they despised. Roughly the same can be said of Japan and China, the circumstances being somewhat different, but the Shintoist/Taoist animism-based refusal, the applied coercion, the brow-beaten relenting, the entry into the despised was basically the same. And all four -- Germany, Russia, Japan, China -- were at the center of 20th century conflict. And the heck of it is, 20th-century science (think: quantum non-simple identity and associated principles), whatever say those in denial, went a long way toward definitive demonstration that Germany's, Russia's, Japan's, and China's commitments to Erdgeist spiritualism, to Tzog-chen AllBase, to the center in midst of the conditions, to Amaterasu's Platonic cave, to the list is surely a long one were well taken, in harmony with the nature of Nature, so on, a circumstance of consonance that does not wane under external assault, which always spontaneously resurrects itself because nature is calling, always calling, and always will. The [state}ly trivial; the ceremonious [magni}feasant. Bach's Fugues/Variations, and his 3-part Inventions-Sinfonias, are 1T2-logical by point/counterpoint, however circular the motivic invention and synoptic form; that's not what we're talking about: nothing countenanced by Gödel, Escher, and Bach, however well the obbligato voices be played in cantabile style. Is 3-part, 3-fold? Is well-tempered, hologramic relative-state identity-transparency? These are relevant questions. Having seen reams of data utterly fabricated for insertion to the archive, and important documents altogether disappeared, I put little faith in facts of history, and given that each generation rewrites history so as to be in accord with its projections, its identifications, its compensating abreactions, it conversions, its displacements, its rationalizations of its chief villainies and passive faux pas and heads-in-the-grogery states of denial and acts undertaken faute de mieux, I feel our knowledge of actual human history is rather limited. Command-oriented is like what Moses heard coming from the burning bush, was later told to inscribe upon stone tablets. Not ad libitum, no, exactly as written by the composer! Anyone who has WITNESSED The Barking Deer must (read the customer review for insight as to the average SF trooper's median mindset when it comes to animistic-quantum non-simple identity) understand the answers to the relevant questions, low-slung and swoopy as they may be. Is the through road the thorough road? Not too likely! Note The Impossible: they made a movie about what happened to Sumatrans in Sumatra, not what happened to European tourists in KhaoLak/PhuKet, Thailand. But a film on SumatraPDF? Well, OK! A steady diet of popular-fiction's authorial cheap-trick plot-lines carried into business-government-faction as executive-action's dirty-trick policy-lines. Fraud amongst TPTB at whatever scale-level/echelon: so reliable, you can take it to the bank. And not just Perfect Pilfering by the Flash Boys, this pilfering being a ConveDD concealing from themselves the market-reflexivity-self-reentrant properties of the changing time-rates of change of acceleration, i.e., 3rd-order operator-time effecting the 3rd-fold of 3-fold temporal curl, which is no mere 3-part invention. So long as there is no conscious awareness of the root suppressions, ConveDDs Unlimited unfold unabated, serviced by self-deluding pretense. The worst thing about CNN is the tacit system of values informing the beliefs and aspirations setting editorial policy: utterly nauseating. Or, hah, the modern-postmodern fashion industry, for instance, focused as it is upon the elementary-school level of aesthetic tropology -- presentations accompanied by music inspired by complexity of the click-track -- uh, by comparison to concerns of, say, Stone/Bronze Age weavers of identity-transparency-conveying soul cloths embodying cosmological metareferences codifying principles of the prevailing Weltanschauung. On a par with the abysmal bilge Hollywood chooses to use animation tech to produce -- by comparison to, say, employing it to approach holographic exterioration of inner Musculpt. Used to be Ol' Walt-the-Cartoon targeted elementary schoolers; nowadays, third-grade-viewing-level anime can be restricted to those seventeen and over, and children's stories can be so violently depicted that there is only one conclusion to be reached: adult psychosis seeks childhood monitoring. Among the many features of the current scene not clearly assessed is the role present and future epidemics likely will play in selecting location and age group of those predominating within the forecasted -- likely, WAGed, uh, wild-ass-guessed? -- ten-percent human survival rate at planetary cuspover. I've said I think the most likely age group is 11-22, but looking at median age, West and Central Africa (flash forward and see: These maps show where the world's youngest and oldest people live, Simran Khosla, Global Post, 8 September 2014), where survivors of epidemics will be better prepared than others to persist beyond cuspover, 22 seems to be much too old. Why focus interest on what people think they think (see the Steven MacMillan article linked below), when what sets the large patterns is what they think they don't think? This being the case even absent those mass intentionalities imparted by consciously-formulated psychological operations: MacMillan and Bernays both attribute far too much to the propagandist, for it is the collective unconscious itself which has the power, the POWER! What is the difference between the vain and the vainglorious beyond the manner of counting petty slights and insults? But, of course, the valence with which vagotonic reactionaries act to rationalize their venging operations. In fine, the prevailing vainglorious style of global governance pleonastically -- plunk, plunk, plunk -- rendered to a planetary populace, uh, popolaccio, failing to accord due respect to The Porcine Powers That Be, TPPTB, and their fribbling progeny. Let the glutamatergically caponized resurrect the cock, they say. Hah! Calls made on Dr. Oxymoron. One more false-flag frottage staging rubbed on just so another fibbing fictive may be fobbed off upon the frumpy, the frivolous, the cognitively fricasseed. The subliminal mass mind controls the personal unconscious of the propagandist (especially of the vociferously inept adept self-propagandizing propagandist, e.g., that of CNN, the most nauseating of the MO [re: OSS morale operations] super-achievers, to wit that network's handling of the MH17 downing) far more than the propagandist could ever hope to control the mass mind's control over collective behaviors of the masses -- not that control is the right word in any case, given that the Eight-Fold Way of Jungian mass-transference blowback is already, during this ConveDD Age, demergent in outline, if not yet bootstrapped. The miraculous, paranormal Hollywood child whatwho will save America from itherhimself by humming monophonic melody-lines. Hah! that's the real skinny, the clarified dinkum oil? Explication of the despicable, of irredentist human nature -- that club-wielding servant to the territorial imperative, that will to power, that murder impulse -- taught to appalled youth, by desperate circumstance visited upon Childe Harold by sins of the father, is not, contrary to Animal Planet editorial policy, resident in Nature nature, in, that is, selfish/suicide genes, but in prescriptive enculturation-socialization-enslavement anchored to the binary molecular-cellular brain by glutamatergic pruning of neurons and associated quantum quenching. Nurture denatured. So I believe, and, regarding whys, as for me, [Pen}singer-[Baum}gardener of the [Pen}sylvan-ian Alps, imprinted from childhood, by my mother's good offices, upon my exhibitionistic, bow-hunter, buckskin-clad, teen-aged beaten-daughter runaway, 1930's promiscuous near-universally-spurned mountain-woman aunt, whom I loved, loved as only a child can, loved her as a SHE who must be BELIEVED, not OBEYED, especially loved her courage, due to reasons unknown -- reincarnate karma of the yeoman-minister-soldier, some would say -- the Trickster archetype has always been my Fate's governor. Wonderland By Night, January 1961, seemed at the time a pale washed-out reflection of the real thing. Alone, 'cept the darkened sky, on pack-ice off Nome, winter of 1960-'61: nature untrammeled, nature in perpetuity, dead-still nature so silent the sounds of no-sound are heard, and awed exclamations come in reverential whispers accompanied by the eerie astral whistles of ice-fogged Aurora Borealis a'capering. That's when I learned that assimilation -- acceptance -- of totally-still quietude is the only real achievement, achievement of respect for reverence: the secret to successfully avoiding success. The hard thing, though, is grudging awareness that such respect can hardly be sustained as a state of consciousness, not in the Lebenswelt we've created for ourselves. The foremost ConveDD of this state occurs on the battlefield when no-regrets acceptance of the likelihood of death grants a fearlessness wrapped in sham composure, which, granted, in turn confers access to memetime-slowdown. Not to mislead, my-ego-I-ness personally saw little in the way of combat, just enough, but, psychologically speaking, from childhood onward myriad exposures, to include those interpersonal, stoked my nearly-inanimate dipsomaniacal me for insight, fossilized or no. If We don't need another hero!, we surely don't need another genius, particularly one of the episolatory sort born and raised in Plentyword, which assertion is not to evoke the inscure-clinger closure-insistence insistence governing tactics-strategy, maybe even metastrategy. Enveloped by ice fog off Nome, remembering similar emotions, standing there on summit of Fuji-yama-san, circa 1955, Far Eastern Council of the BS of A. As a ten-year-old, took a submariner's ride from Sasebo to Yokohama, then climbed the iconic snowcap. As THE waterboy for the Ashiya, AFB, football team, thanks be to coach Pappy Austin, there was little of Japan I did not see from the back of an equipment 6-by, the bye-bye preceding each game. Who else traveled, on the ground, so extensively at that time? A beloved-daughter involvement -- not to belittle, truly beloved -- was catalytic, as was so often the case. Merit badges well beyond Eagle -- e.g., jujitsu, kendo, -- yet never was the claim made, typical of the behavioral profile always emulated, as exemplified by my father. Then there was Bell, another small-town counter-exemplar of idealized American womanhood, the woman who drove us, in a yellow 1953 Buick, all the way cross-country to Seattle for a meet with the USS Randall, and the ensuing typhoon-befouled trip to Yokohama. She, Bell, too, was an education, an older woman, onetime flapper malady, [ma}lady to some, for worse rather than better, whom my mother had endeared herself to: the kind of person my mother frequently sought out. Acknowledging forebears is a pre-death prerogative I claim. The stories we heard! Among my most-formative preadolescent experiences, these were: most involving extravagant women who went their own ways. The Nome epiphany transpiring years before began the vengaunt travesty of revanchist HAARP. Thus sprach the nativist. If, as I have long believed, speculated, WAGed, only roughly ten-percent of the determinants of human collective action is consciously -- to include 1T2-rational and 1T2-irrational, the 1T2-irrational not being the same as µTm-rational -- available, then one-you-we could easily guess that long-held cultural predispositions will constellate collective unconscious archetypal event gradients at coming cuspover such that Germany, Russia, China, Japan will be pushed-pulled in similar fashions over unresolved subliminal psychic material related to the circumstance of consonance Nature just simply will not let alone. So, when the next Big One comes, who is going to be arrayed against whom? And will the outcome be determined not by the strategic variables of that mass confrontation, but by 200 years of karma (cause-effect-blowback) built up by actions conducted under auspices of the Monroe Doctrine? That's been one of my synchronicity-related theses since the early-Sixties (beginning nascent in 1963, upon a first reading of Carl Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, assigned by Prof. Abdul Aziz Said, Introduction to World Politics, AU-SIS (half a century ago, a dufus frosh, I was inexplicably invited to attend the exclusive graduate student MacArthur Boulevard bull sessions, experience of which lofted my comprehension well beyond anything I then deserved, and for which I will always be grateful: moreover, the Said of 2012, except for the gray, is the same Said of all those decades ago, which is totally amazing): having once been a student of Prof. Said, by virtue of his activities, served myself and Nha Trang very well in estimation of high-level officials of the Sri Lanka government during our sojourn in that country circa 1986, as we undertook first efforts to write The Moon of Hoa Binh, whilst Nha Trang was briefly associated with Sri Dharmaloka College, Kelaniya, even though, ultimately, our visa sponsor, the Director of Security for the Port of Colombo, with whom I had extensive discussions of organizational dynamics in insurgency warfare, recommended we leave, that recommendation being based upon what was an extremely accurate forecast of what was to come, a forecast Douglas Pike -- a fellow AUer -- later mistakenly contested at shared lunches while we undertook our six-months period daily using his Indochina Archive: during that memetime-frame of roving research in Southeast Asia and elsewhere, we kept running into Doug and Myrna Pike in the most unlikely of locales, but we never begrudged the USIA its abiding interest, as I had done, by introduction of my onetime next-door neighbor, heh-heh-heh, a lot of research at the USAID library in Rosslyn, where the staff were very helpful). As an aside offered to present-day students of international relations at AU, Georgetown, George Washington who may wish to know, I provide the admission that I was not really a proper student and took unfair advantage of the utter openness of the town as it then was, Cool Jazz in Georgetown, still, until 1965 (though, later, I planted thousands of trees, and tens of thousands of plants, all over the Greater D.C. metro area, Upper NW, Spring Valley, down Foxhall, Georgetown, Potomac the focus, this was the year I stopped really liking the place, my residence at that time being directly across the street from Teddy and Joan, Q Street, around the corner from blissed-out, heh-heh-heh, Dumbarton Oaks: gotta assimilate something of local knowledge), much of my time very profitably spent crashing embassy parties, raiding think-tank libraries, running scams on Library of Congress researchers, hanging out on the upper floors of the State Department cultivating relationships with Desk Officers, long hours in the National Archives and the many art museums, making meets at Gusti's (Agostino greeting us at the door), Port Said (AU student staff friends seducing me into taking my father there for dinner, circa November of 1963, an experience, for him, he never let me live it down), and the Blue Nile, hangout and workplace of my African friends, meets with a lonely old guy who had personally accompanied Mao on the Long March and had Christmas Cards from Mao to prove it, really, my fellow student, Mike Meisenberg, accompanying (discussions with this old guy teaching me much that was later to serve me well in Viet Nam), cultivating other Old Asia Hands at SORO, taking night work at the CBS studios, clipping FBISs for boilermaker (Jack-in-the-Black dropped into the local draft) money -- all calculated to service my peculiar intrinsic interests-investigations. My roommates in my Potomac Palisades shared-house thought I was morbid, because I spent so much time buried in books on Existentialism. Maybe they were right. Dr. Said, linked above, and Dr. Mott, my 6-hour Backgrounds of Western Civ Prof (current internet posting as to the nature of this course, 1963-5, does not correspond to the course I took at that time: Dr. Mott, in my opinion, was an exceptional scholar-professor-instructor who was altogether screwed by the School, his lectures being transfixing and so-early an equivalent to multimedia performance pieces which he spent, at his own expense, a lot of time in Europe putting together: his amazingly vivid treatment of Abelard-Heloise triggered my insight to the complexities of transference dynamics and pushed me in the right direction as regards comprehension of the metapsychology of the dissimulation of Schrödinger's Tantric-sexual-yoga-practiced writing of the canonical equation of quantum mechanics), both took me aside and offered cautionary assessments of my mental state -- Said suggesting I study the logic Plato employed, not the content of his writings (Said was unaware of how intensely I was then being tutored in Cabala by a drop-dead, and brilliant well beyond my comprehension, posing as a Westchester far-exceeding-Morningstar Princess, actually a Sabra), a counsel with profound implications for my future inner work, Mott strongly warning me against too great an affection for Unamuno, this astute psychoanalytic probe also being a great prefiguration as to my future cognitive development. When I left AU, I knew what I was giving up, and why I was giving it up. Dot-dot-dot. And there is a lot in the news these days seemingly related to the transform between the Dirty Thirties and the Gory Forties: e.g., The German-American breakup, Jacob Heilbrunn, The Los Angeles Times, 10 July 2014; and Germany's Choice: Will It Be America or Russia?, Markus Feldenkirchen, Christiane Hoffman, and Rene Pfister, Der Spiegel, 10 July 2014; and the speculative essay by Market Oracle's Jim Willie entitled Germany Pivoting East, Exit US Dollar, Enter Gold Standard, Future Fast Forward, no date provided. Flashing yet farther forward, see Pepe Escobar essay upon a Beijing-Moscow-Berlin strategic trade and commercial alliance in his piece entitled Iron Curtains, Silk Roads, and the Emerging Eurasian Century, Real Clear World, 7 October 2014. There are distinctions to be made between the pre-pregeometry bucket-of-dust figurate archetypal metaphor, the m-logically-valued pregeometric Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered Karpenko-functor Musculpt symformphonie motif-motive, an archetype-in-itself, i.e., multiple Platonic mathematical relation-structures fulfilling a given cause-push/attractor-pull metafunction, the mythological archetypal image or personification, functionally-integrative archetypal event gradients, and regressed-infantile archetypal event gradients (this last being 10,000 years of accumulated offal [cached prefetch data] piled in the cesspool [infrasubregistry] of human collective unconscious cognition, a demystification of glutamatergic adolescent-onset Alzheimer's cogitate-cogitate-cogitate ), which, by extensions from Marie-Louise Von Franz's Number and Time: Reflections Leading Toward a Unification of Depth Psychology and Physics (Northwestern U. Press, 1974, which D. A. Paine and I read at Cornell in 1975), could be understood analogical expressions of the world picture demerged from an M-theoretic take upon the quantum-measurement occasion, were the extensions to include 3-fold Pauli-Paine quantal operator-time, m-valued universal physical constants, and m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and employed to interpret the m-valued wave-function of Schrödinger's memetime-independent quantum wave equation. Yep. The man who shot Anton Webern/ He shot Anton Webern. Me? I was long ago subjected to all the gunned-upness I could tolerate. One of the conventions of black-propagandistic popular fiction-film is that the reader-viewer must be at least as stupid as the author-director. Dodgy-dotty writers of 3-word sentences arranged in 1-sentence paragraphs strung one after another -- emphasizing profound thoughts, those capable of edifying the young. Hand out the ear, eye, nose, mind, and heart defenders to those among us on the cognitive firing range who don't ask fundamental questions because doing so interrupts classroom work. Got A-pluses, they did, in both Advanced Deportment and the Group Dynamics seminar. Those who put their raw intelligence to employment each morning rereading the instructions on the toothpaste tube. The lowest end full-filled by those majoring in elementary education, criminology, business administration, mass communications, public administration The dorks, the venals, the overcompensators: future leaders -- if sufficiently [conform}ant, [compli}ant, [aspir}ant as to move well within the ant swarm. Those who explicitly mantra themselves with, I want to live in a world of rules -- externality-imposed, 1T2-logically-prescriptive/proscriptive rules made laws under agonistic lethal threat and internalized, socialized, enculturated to Umwelts by the threat-induced glutamate pruning of non-quantum binary brains and associated quenching of THE µTm-quantum brain, with negative affects-effects upon psychoneuroimmunology of the organism, such that self-organization of the socius for relative-state sociality is blocked-buffered-forbidden-precluded and all manner of pathologies thereby unleashed upon the world of rules so insistently desired. Great leaders have ES; slaggered conscripts, SI: doing an Eppie Scoppie, i.e., having a tantrum, the opposite of silent insolence. Successfully transplant thousands and thousands of trees? Hardly. Establish a personal garden? Absolutely. There are more than two kinds of people in that world -- our world -- but those rule-ridden are the people-type who very likely have all but killed off homo sapiens by meta-preprogamming the human biocomputer's anticipation-response to the coming cuspover pushed-pulled by causes-attractors like, for one, the oligopolistic planetarization of n-oligarchies into one We-Are-The-World! oligarchy. Hyped is a one-world, whilst what we've actually had since the mid-19th century is one War of the World fought over and over about the very same several issues, none of which have become fully conscious. Quite frankly, bowing to all indications, I've come to the conviction that a society founded in puritanical insistence upon purified single-valued dualistic identity, Red genocide, Black slavery, and Green nature rape never overcomes the regressed collective unconscious archetypal gradients these four behaviors express; those gradients simply undergo topotransforms, find other objects, other color revolutions, become geographic right-and-destiny on far shores, one more version of world conquest, and so on. Yup, even performing SDRs (that's Surveillance Detection Routines, not Special Drawing Rights) in NODs (uh, Night [sea journey] Observation Devices), still, the valued constants informing the subliminal scalar field of mental miasma are conserved throughout all phase transitions. The viral marketing of flash crowds having become a specialty of those crossover personalities hanging between psyops and advertising and PR aside, resultant cultural suicide is long preceded by the catalytic metaphysical dyscrasia soon followed by the effectuating cognitive disintegration. A long memetime in the making: my first morning at AU-SIS, circa Fall 1963, Dean Ernest Griffith, speaking to a meeting of the entering 80, said that if we studied hard enough we could join the world's leadership group, that group which determines the path humanity takes; hearing that, I knew I'd never finish the curriculum, that I'd eventually depart in disgust. Consider the latest episode of the TV nanoseries American Morons. Tip top, old sport. Rah! Rah! Blimey! Wilco -- and roger that, you slimy Limey goomatta, CNN affiliate, your presence supporting evidence for the LaRouche thesis. We got godawful up the gazonga! Most of the films Hollywood now produces I can only watch if construed as objects offering the possibility to obtain analytic insight to prevailing mass psychopathy -- the thematic content, the characters the character actors enact: try to imagine a more pathetic collective-self portrait -- and, quite frankly, the more recent film crop is so over even that rationalization no longer suffices as justification for viewing. This indicated condition of deep aberration only confirms my developed expectations as elaborated during various contacts with participants in the bizzzzz during my last stay more than a decade ago on the WestLA-Brentwood-SantaMonica line, around the corner from University High School, quietly working just off Rodeo Drive for employers residing in Upper Bel Air, above Sunset, and behind the beach at Malibu. Roxanne Brown having been not only my lifesaver in CM (she having overwhelmingly been a giver, not a taker, as even Capt. War would agree), but also my initial facilitator in LA. The Hollywood -- insofar as the bizzzzz can presently be distinguished from the PIO of the DoD, making it hard to understand why HBO, StarMovies, and Cinemax are permitted most places out of the CONUS -- propagandists are targeting post-9/11 military veterans, not because they fear those vets, because they fear the active-duty military but can't reveal this is the case, perhaps even to themselves (like calling a tract home a ranch house: same principle). The real vet threat to TPTB is military proselytizing -- most effectively conducted through family connections and battlefield-borne bonds which often cohere across unit generations and can persist for decades (one why of a fixation on commo metadata), supported by well-informed expert psyops (read Veterans Today for a couple of months to get a feel: note the editorial orientation and ask where, for instance, can be found better information on, say, the downing of MH17; also recommended is Veterans News Now, particularly pieces like Does Russia [and Humanity] Have a Future?, Paul Craig Roberts, 25 July 2014: in my opinion, the latest group of dollar-quenching/SDR-promoting sanctions, for all intents and purposes, and by historical precedent, establishes a de facto state of war between the U.S. and Russia; if substantial bail-ins come to keep the prevailing system afloat so as to defray costs of war, in all likelihood the increased domestic incidence of murder will far exceed the increased incidence of suicide). With three militaries fielded -- public, private, robotic -- the opportunities for Love's-Body-type fratricide in a countervailing-powers-systemic framework increases exponentially. The FBI, SS, DHS, CIA, DEA, USCIS/ICE/CBP, so on and so forth, are, by comparison to the RAs, poorly trained, grossly inexperienced, possess only tiny fractions of the resources available to the military, continue to be fraught with interagency rivalries, non-cooperation, cross-purposes, the running of spoiling ops. A Readymade: perfect conditions for a push into Keystone Cops gaggleland. And these agencies have scant capability to CI military CI, even that of the overt DIA -- CI being where problems with the military will originate, uh, think, for one, the military components of the NSA, because military guys know better than any others how the military works, and how military proselytizing is successfully promulgated once the circumstances have evolved into provision of the impulse to do so. Seven Days in May (1964) qua The Enemy Within (1994) is the recurrent nincompoop nightmare! Electronic battlefields -- just like tornadoes at genesis, biological metabolic pathways, just-on-time supply chains -- have, for instance, myriad-windowed, critical-time, threshold-sensitivities, and intermittent acyclic slowdowns exquisitely just under sill or just over threshold have, particularly in this Flash-Boy Era of high-frequency processes, enormous cumulative impacts upon outcomes, just like chaos-theoretic butterflies -- even in so primitive a case as was that in Viet Nam as viewed by the cybernetic naked fanny located in Nakhon Phanom, Thailand. Edward Snowden, apparently a loner -- loner-only allowed, of course -- is the relatively benign tip of the proverbial iceberg: the civilian population control agencies know this and fear the MO they face as the schizophenogenic double-binds more and more inundate society, flood across boundaries. Easy enough to speculate upon the prospective MO: work dirty; abandon recklessness; lie deep; wind-up before running; sit beneath grassroots; choke the dirt out of dead water; swim under the lake; realize fears; be forever short; perfect imperfect crimes of capital; be one of the eyes-dead chiefs of blue paradise sporting a cold orchid. When utter disgust is the dominant assessment, fully justified in relation to every and all Big worry -- in which not to be forgotten is the null set, corpus of those like the vacant, meaningless liveried livers of the lives depicted in Homeland 4, uh, Hatufim. And giving cognizance to the history of actual purges, what conclusion can be reached other than that The Purge envisioned by the Hollywood-Pentagon-Homeland collusion is a retrograde-inversion in Sprechstimme of the likely rolling purge -- Des Sommerwindes wilde Jagd -- they fear, hence a compensatory abreaction. Consider, for instance, U.S. Military Seeks To Brain Scan Troops For 'Signs of Potential Betrayal', Nicholas West, Activist Post, 17 July 2014. This is surely yet another case of self-deluding pretense, pretense coupled to the intent to pseudo-justify broad-spectrum-antibiotic-type CI sweeps, whilst using frame-ups (as regards the less-overt, e.g., blackmail, see: High-Level NSA Whistleblower Says Blackmail Is a Huge -- Unreported -- Part of Mass Surveillance, Zero Hedge, 23 July 2014; Global Phoenix, one-you-we can be sure, having long engaged in the even-less overt, is not cut off from the results of mass surveillance) made during such sweeps as occasions through which to black-psyche the general populace, à la Edward Bernays (see, for interesting background, The Bernaysian Manipulation of the Human Psyche, Steven MacMillan, Activist Post, 19 July 2014: I was aware of Bernays' work from my stint at Psychological Operations Group, JFKSWCS, Ft. Bragg, circa 1967; a close reading of Gustave Le Bon's The Crowd, I owe to good offices of W. David Kubiak, circa 1977, Kyoto). What, according to my lights, is being studied by U. S. BRAIN project scientists may have some small involvement in the operant-conditioning level of cognitive function (what Gurdjieff called the moving center level of cogitation), not voluntary thought rooted in subcellular intermolecular-and-submolecular processes, and certainly not creative thought rooted in conscious access, however veiled, to THE nonlocal µTm-quantum brain. There are no executive brains, no closed circuits in the brain, no cognitive specificities localized within localized cellular-molecular 1T2-brains, because cognition, at the level these Human Brain Project researchers purport to be able to read, is an expression of the hologramically-integrated totality of the organism, with nonlocal elementary-particle/wave components spread out over the whole universe. There are, however, all sorts of ways to design experiments so as to get out of them what was put into them. But don't look to me for significant contributions to fundamentals: whereas, back in the 1970s, I likely could have been -- had what happened then not happened -- a minor wild-card party to development of detailed technical explications, these decades later, that is not a realistic possibility, given, for instance, collapse of immediate access to instant recall. Just think of N. H. Abel's actual lost manuscripts, lost by leading mathematicians of the day -- as distinct from Gödel's fixation upon Leibniz's non-actual lost manuscript The human predicament is pathetic. The best that human beings have produced has always been lost, thrown away, or buried Months, years, later, in reviewing my journal, seeking significant patterns, I find the rambles most evocative of states I have occupied, thus the rambles most fulfill the purposes of a journal with which I most concern myself.
Our mathematical model of DNA's pi-electron-gas-core radiation-exchange processes (see: A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-341: following a public lecture on this model, delivered by me to Tsukuba University in January of 1990, a single question was elicited from the mystified audience, i.e., Why do we need such a theory?) is concerned with non-ionizing radiation, the implications of which involve fundamental notions of immune system function and biological clocks (see here), but that model-focus does not mean ionizing radiation does not impact the exchange processes described. A relatively recent paper (see: DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields, Martin Blank and R. Goodman, International Journal of Radiation Biology, 87:4, April 2011, pp. 409-15: related to a thesis I began arguing in 1968 relative to the superheterodyne radio, a thesis incorporated into our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994) discusses what may be regarded general experimental support for our DNA thesis. The inverse velocity dependency discussed in Martin Blank's and R. Goodman's 2001 article entitled Electromagnetic initiation of transcription at specific DNA sites, Journal of Cell Biochemistry, 81:4, pp. 689-92, might be productively evaluated relative to the canonical equation given in the Paine-Pensinger model, particularly as that model specifically predicates electromagnetic initiation of transcription. Also of interest is Erica Mallery-Blythe's lecture entitled Electromagnetic Health and Children, wherein she makes observations concerning mitigation of the effects of bio-active frequencies which can cause disruption of our DNA fractal antenna: Paine and Pensinger began arguing in the late-1970s that if, indeed, the pi-electron gas core of DNA is superconductant, the superheterodyne beat-down frequency response window of each DNA histological type is very, very narrow, narrow enough that, conceivably, our EM technologies could be redesigned to stay out of the bio-active frequencies (unless, of course, the intent is to use those frequencies for anti-personnel weaponry). The stated purpose (With appropriate choices of the correlation function, frequency windows with targeted or designed transparencies for THz or sub-THz electromagnetic waves could be achieved) of the research conducted with respect to transitions from transparent to reflective frequency regions for Josephson plasma waves -- as reported in Controlled terahertz frequency response and transparency of Josephson chains and superconducting multilayers, V. A. Yampol'skii, of research institutes in Kharkov, Ukraine and Saitama, Japan, et al., Physical Review B, 75, 014527, 26 January 2007 -- is the exact opposite of our purpose (though it could be used to achieve our purpose) in suggesting that EM tech could be redesigned to stay out of bio-active frequency-response windows. But, more than that, our model of radiation exchange by DNA's superconductant pi-electron-gas core (this core being something like a superheterodyne tank) suggests that DNA has long since accomplished, with respect to the different histological types in which it resides in vivo, exactly what Yampol'skii, et al., propose could be achieved. Moreover, the higher the correlation -- and correlation is very high in the superconductant state -- the narrower the frequency-response window and the sharper the transition from transparent to reflective and vice versa. The negative import of Dr. Mita's health-related Fukushima assessment (see: A Tokyo doctor who has moved to western Japan urges fellow doctors to promote radiation protection: a message from Dr. Mita to his colleagues in Kodaira, Tokyo, Shigeru Mita, World Network for Saving Children From Radiation, July 2014: title of his communication is Why did I leave Tokyo? and he maintains, on basis of his clinical and lab studies of thousands of patients, that Tokyo should no longer be inhabited; for recent context, flash forward and see We've Opened the Gates of Hell, Washington's Blog, 14 August 2014) would be amplified were our model taken into account, something that cannot transpire so long as the quantum-wave properties of biological processes continue to be considered as having no significant biological effects. Why, psychogenically speaking, should such inconsideration be given to quantum biology (even quantum chemists ignore Everettian wave-functional considerations)? At Cornell, during the mid-1970s, in collaboration with those at the Neurobiological Behavior Laboratory, we asked that question, and traced the answer all the way back to back-reaction-upon-the-metric of N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem of 1826, uh, 1823. For such an effort, all involved were Now, flashing forward a few days and reading Revolutionary new blood test 'could detect ALL types of cancer', Anna Hodgekiss, Daily Mail, 29 July 2014, I note a quotation attributed to University of Bradford's Prof. Diana Anderson: We found that people with cancer have DNA which is more easily damaged by ultraviolet light than other people. I further note the following statement from text of the article: UVA damage was observed in the form of pieces of DNA being pulled in an electric field towards the positive end of the field, causing a comet-like tail. Now I ask myself: in the context of our model of DNA radiation-exchange processes, is that comet-like tail composed of wake vortices or is it a feeder-band? Why would I ask myself such a weird question? Because, amongst the many factors which came together as our 1979 mathematical model of the quantum-wave properties of superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA, there was the following set of perceived correspondences. Double-helical feeder-band flow pattern of air parcels entering the severe storm environment at tornadogenesis; photographs of several comets, such as Mrkos in 1957, with double-helical tails which we supposed actually to be feeder-bands for energy extracted from the solar wind plasma; application of the relevant portion of the physics of the Paine-Kaplan numerical forecast model of tornadogensis to the plasma physics of DNA. In taking note of the set of perceived correspondences, we were well aware of spiral-banded hurricanes and galaxies and the principle of self-similarity over a collection of scale levels. And we were not at all surprised when the DNA Nebula was discovered. So, as to possible whys that white blood cell DNA of cancer patients is more easily damaged by non-ionizing radiation, see here. And, when one contemplates the degree of unlikelihood that the greatest code of all memetime is a single-level-cipher system, one begins -- as we did back in the '70s -- to entertain the notion that the beat-down cascade in the feeder-band frequency cone is itself part of the higher-temporal, environmentally-linked, multi-level µTmly-demergent genetic encipherment enforming biological organisms. The aversion to submolecular quantum biology (deep-structure causes/attractors of which explained on this website and in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994) not only facilitated unimpeded rise of a genetic engineering inconsiderate of the quantum-wave properties of DNA, but, in face of MROs (multi-resistant organisms) and highly-resilient DNA and RNA viruses, e.g., those manmade, say, flashing forward, NewEbola, has greatly retarded research concerning frequency-response-window sensitivities of bacteria and viruses, and altogether precluded research into the homeopathic ozone effect, each of which could have yielded, potentially still could yield, submolecular wave-effect vaccines. While on the other hand, bringing Hollywood [ConveDDs] into the lab, there has been little or no effective aversion to biological warfare research and much impetus given to study of frequency-response windows relative to the needs of the SS (surveillance state), as we can see, flashing forward, in How pot plants and crisp packets could be spying on you, Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph, 6 August 2014: just one more ConveDD. Take note of the fact that the crisp packet is an analogue of an essential component of the photoacoustic spectrometer, which, in turn, is an analogue of DNA's pi-electron gas core plasma bottle as it responds to UVA. Moreover, with DNA's built-in seeing-listening device, the molecule does not rely solely upon processes of articulative stereochemistry to register what goes on in the ambient cellular environment.
Though not going so far as University of Arizona ecologist, Professor Emeritus Guy McPherson (see the Youtube VDO entitled Guy R. McPherson, June 12, 2014, the professor interviewed by investigative journalist Gary Null, whom I started to read sometime during the 1970s; and also the Youtube VDO entitled Guy McPherson SFPI Radio, July 12, 2014), who prognosticates loss of current living arrangements, i.e., the present civilization, within five years, and utter extinction of homo sapiens within 20 years, the Youtube VDO entitled Arctic Death Spiral and the Methane Time Bomb, 18 November 2013, involving snippets from a couple dozen scientists, provides a lot of evidential support (more found in Marine industries at risk on both coasts as oceans acidify, Reid Wilson, Washington Post, 30 July 2014) for McPherson's extreme position on abrupt climate shift. As well as those striving for objectivity, there are obfuscators, detractors, inflammatory agents: nilpotent null vectors for the skew-parallels employed to construct diversely-identical polytopes not on the agenda. There they go, then. Primping, againe. Trying always to piss in someone's pocket, are they, elfish ouphes, winkling solicitants, diminutive parliamentary colonels; naves hoping to slide by the rood-screen into the lady chapel. Obsessed with flailed frail. There's SPOONerism and then there's spoonerism that, do, uh, due tell, the likes of them will never consciously abide. Tons of toil for sons of soil -- but not for you-them that-lot. Switcheroo. Ugh. Ooh-ooh-aah! Fear of HER Doom Window, by any other name. Essence of ConveDD. For a story of Doom Window lost, and its involvement with the regressed-identity-transparency dynamics of the psychological transference between Tristan and Iseult induced by the love potion they mistakenly imbibe, see Robert Goddard's Days Without Number (denied by McPherson), Corgi, 2003. And what, then, if one were to surjectively number the numbering? Not in autohypnotic susurrous sprechstimme retrograde inversions, but in uplifting sibilant stacks of sibylline logical-value order-types, hoping to obtain an exarch redintegrative rebus. I note that the arguments made by each of these VDOed scientists (as well as their critics: see, for instance, How Guy McPherson gets it wrong, hydrogeologist Scott K. Johnson, Fractal Planet, 17 February 2014) in no way entertain the possibility that there is no classical limit, that Earth's atmosphere is not a Newtonian domain, that, indeed, any macroscopic dynamic of any of Earth's interactive spheres does not conform to dictates established by the supposed classical limit. It is boldly stated that the greenhouse effect is the only known process that could be held responsible for the documented climate change. No consideration is given to the notion that changes of atmospheric gases and particulates ratios, anthropogenic or otherwise, as well as phased-array and microwave-commo and general-EM-pollution induced electron-temperature enhancements, modify the atmosphere's characteristic frequency-response windows -- not necessarily Doom Windows -- by which solar-wind-conveyed cascaded complex angular momentum is stormed through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions, generating vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (the atmosphere's very own tactical infrasound: during 1975, on basis of his studies of atmospheric infrasound, Paine suggested to William Keeton at a picnic of those working at the Cornell Neurobiological Behavior Laboratory that pigeons may use infrasound signatures of landforms, lake fetches, et cetera, for local homing, a hypothesis brilliantly demonstrated by Mel Kreithen and Doug Quine, as described in Infrasound detection by the homing pigeon: A behavioral audiogram, Journal of Comparative Physiology, 129:1, 1979, pp. 1-4) to punch holes in the tropopause, holes affecting ozone metabolism, with the downward-conveyed momentum ultimately injected into Earth's crustal and core dynamics (see, for one example of onetime Cornell's onetime Douglas A. Paine essaying on this subject, A climate hypothesis describing the solar-terrestrial system as a frequency domain with specific response characteristics, Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 64:26, pp. 425-428, 28 June 1983 [the basic ideas involved in this paper were almost a decade old by the time they were finally published in reviewer-editor-induced damped-down form: so, not a really good place to find out what the actual ideas were], an ignored breakaway paper on climate phase transitions employing a relativistic-quantum approach, and, so far as I know, the last scientific paper Paine ever wrote, so fed up was he with this last of many reviewer-editor hubbubs, even though he still had a quarter-of-a-century's life left in him). Old books on Chinese medicine are more about the weather than the human body. Medicine as therapeutics within a system of correspondences where Euler's notion of a mathematical function was precisely defined probably several thousand years before he was born. Correspondences between out-there and in-here, in-here and out-there -- therapeutics addressing the subject/(physical)object-level of collective transference, the ConveDDs involved. No cause-effect. No antecedent-consequent. No if-then. Just Eulerian functional correspondences. More precisely: Karpenko functors expressing animistic Everettian µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency. Maybe the arrival of crack cocaine prefigured the arrival of hurricane Katrina. And maybe, uh, probably, we have no idea as to what anthropogenic actually signifies as regards anthropogenic triggers of abrupt climate shift -- this especially being the case for those of us who believe in the 1T2-connections a conviction for simple-causality fabricates. As if stupidity was its own moral authority. Many happy returns from your delusions, sir. And good luck to you in addressing matters of conscience. Flash forward and read The Five Cities Most At Risk For The Next Big Earthquake, Zero Hedge, 27 August 2014, as well as Big earthquakes double in 2014, but scientists say they're not linked, Becky Oskin, CBS News, 1 July 2014, to see that the consensus science of this is still at the coin-tossing stage, even though Japan hangs on to goal of earthquake prediction, Sandi Doughton, The Seattle Times, 1 September 2014 (Paine's ideas garnered little interest from those at Tsukuba University when I gave a public lecture there during the early-1990s on our self-similar DNA model). As to the multiscale cascade dynamics transpiring within Earth's oceans, I cannot speak. I know nearly zilch about theoretical oceanography, so I can't speculate as to the nature of the oceans' non-simple-temperature regimes (analogous to theta and theta-e temperature surfaces-manifolds in Earth's atmosphere). But, clearly, the oceans are greater heat sinks than is the atmosphere, such that a fixation upon variations of atmospheric surface temperatures as indicators of climate-shift dynamics is of limited utility (flash forward and see Summer 2014 was record warmest on Earth, says NOAA, Angela Fritz, The Washington Post, 18 September 2014, for a temperature assessment incorporating ocean temperatures). Were Paine's perspectives considered, it is possible that it would be found that the global situation is even worse, perhaps far worse, than McPherson-oriented scientists believe, but, then again, something altogether different might be discovered: anthropogenic impacts upon the critical (think: sensitive dependence) factors underlying natural cycles, none of these factors likely being direct measurables-observables -- rather [twice, thrice n} removed up the demergence step-function. It has not been studied, as the funding sources dried up by siccative, heh-heh-heh, during the late-1970s. More aspects of the existing planetary conundrum-conjuncture than merely GWOTed counterinsurgency versus global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna nation-state, and its supraordinal agglomerations and megacorporate effector organs are exarch processes, i.e., those, according to Webster's Collegiate, forming or taking place from the periphery to the center -- insofar as decentering over uncentered base-state of Tzog-chen allows anything like a center. The intent of the magpies, it seems, tongue in cheek or no, is to fly this tragic collective travesty, currently called the global crisis, through cuspover, flying in the contriving-to-believe conviction that Rewind of the Timeline will provide [re}course: the Inca's war against time (see: The Secret of the Incas: Myth, Astronomy and the War Against Time, William Sullivan, Crown, 1996) rerun for all of homo sapiens during the 21st century (people have trouble with Sullivan's thesis for one because he is describing current human behavior no less than that of the Incas). Explicitly unwilling to make appropriate substantive changes in our present-day Lebenswelt, we engage in subliminal collective fantasy as to how the prevailing global crisis is to be [re}drawn: we certainly will not voluntarily change ourselves, so we imagine instead existence of the choice to change the lives of others, those in memetimes past. But really, even if TPTB could do it, retrograde memetime, that is, who in their right mind would want to come back here to this and these? Compare the relatively benign Nietzschean superman adopted by the Nazis to the transhuman SUPRAmen America is nowadays obsessed with. Incorporation of artifacts: collecting tribal art, taking ears at atrocities committed on the battlefield: psychologically eating signifiers of the vanquished, a kind of cannibalism that is a variant of The Turner Thesis in regards to old frontier, new frontier, West-more-land, newest frontier. What is cyborization but incorporation of artifacts? That vanquished by experimental demonstration is the non-quantum simple-selfsame identity of the human organism which encapsulated the dominant Western notion of selfhood for at least 2,500 years. Cyborg supraman and his bot replacement killer is the Hitlerian superman taken to the nth-degree by ConveDD of the serial [deva}stations sustained at tacit awareness of the imports of the advents of trans-al-jabr, non-Euclidian geometries, classes of transfinite Cantorian sets, Axiom of Choice, relativity physics, m-valued logics, m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, nonlocality, non-simple identity, Gödel's proofs, nonselfsame Gödel numbers, holography, outcomes of the Aspect experiments, rise of post-relativity physics, so on and so forth. Those [per}sons memetime-bound and locked-on to insistence upon the simple-minded deigned conscious integration, had a collective nervous breakdown, and lapsed into an autoimmune suicidal state which has become an intense, if wobbling, amplification of nazification, apparently without bound.
How underwhelmed one must be by the shallowness with which people process their world! I stopped being staggered by this probably in seventh grade Civics class, which was 1958, but still, occasionally, I feel prompted to again comment upon it. For instance: though I agree with Paul Craig Roberts (as per, for instance, The World Is Doomed By Western Insouciance, PaulCraigRoberts.org, 26 July 2014), I've very explicitly known since childhood, certainly since observing uniformed-officer behaviors in FLW's Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, circa 1953, that there has been absolutely no possibility whatsoever that the U.S. will voluntarily relinquish manifest destiny and embrace equality with the rest of the world; that, faced with the possibility of subsidence, America most assuredly will, like Samson, chose to pull the temple of life down upon itself, indeed, upon the whole biosphere, come to that. Fretting over this U.S. behavioral profile is fruitless. Suggesting lines of social-political action to be undertaken by any party directed toward changing this aspect of the American mindset involves magical thinking and amounts to misdirection of potential efforts. The country's habitus is rooted in genocide, slavery, and the explicit choice (most notably debated between Jefferson and Hamilton) to reject agrarian democracy and opt for nature rape via continental, eventually global, industrialization. The course was irreversible, hardly even significantly alterable, from well before the American colonies broke away from the British. Forced-draft urbanization was, even then, seen as equivalent to development, the result making current Asian affluence no more appealing than The Good Life in America. Unmitigated growth is cancerous wherever found. The basic reasons for this American commitment, and that of its emulators, have little to do with politics, economics, military affairs, peak everything, et cetera and et cetera. It's on the level of the metapsychology of the sort of people America has always attracted, worldview constructs, reductionistic responses to mathematical creations, reactionary interpretations of scientific discoveries, so on like that. The Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, still analogically embodied in the prevailing institutional base, dictated the path the new nation would take -- including its path into wars. Most notably, WWI: Wilson's personal facilitation of the collective choice to enter that war (2 April 1917) being the greatest error of the 20th century, according to Niall Ferguson, a decision Dennis Wise (see his 2013, six-hour, 24-part megafilm about Adolf Hitler entitled The Greatest Story Never Told: however accurate the factual material on offer, and I've been aware for decades that well over a million Germans died in Allied concentration camps after May of 1945, still, this portrait of The Greatest Generation is a thoroughly ham-handed piece of overt white propaganda, the likely effects of which in no way can be compared to impacts of Hollywood's blackpsyche output) attributes to Zionist bankster influence in return for the Balfour Declaration (2 November 1917), quite possibly a significant part of what was actually the case, but, even so, both Ferguson and Wise appear to have no awareness of the deeper dimensions of causation-plus-teleology. Being a member of the Vietnam-war generation, I've always felt greatest affinity for my grandfather's generation. Myriad reasons: too many to enumerate here. As a kind of puzzle regarding those reasons, see The Long Reach of Vietnam War Deceptions, Todd E. Pierce, Antiwar.com, 9 August 2014. This is a pretty amazing article by a pretty knowledgeable guy, and it might serve well as an introduction to our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh (containing, without identifying it as such, a point-by-point taking apart of Harry Summers' On Strategy, U.S. Army War College, 1981, to include his total neglect of Clausewitz's time as a factor of forces being a very early take on what became Pauli-Paine operator-time: I had many hee-haw donkey guffaws over subsequent decades regarding the derisive derogatory razing I received at MACV-J2 in 1968 upon suggesting -- per my earlier experience at SORO and JFKSWCS as an intel analyst deveolping OB book on the Middle East at run-up to the Six-Day war -- that it might be of considerable future importance to do comparative studies between VCI organizational dynamics and those emerging from pre-existent ecclesiastic frameworks, such as that prevailing during the French-Algeria conflict: later, I took little interest in the Iran hostage crisis and 9/11 [which, though alerted, I didn't even bother to watch on TV] because I had long since concluded that ever-greater infusions of violence would be required to keep events on the track chosen by post-WWI Anglo-American oil policy, and that these infusions would cause every manner of back-reaction upon the metric of events established by that policy: just like yet one more Hollywood-human comedy not funny, only stupid), which presents views of those company-grade and below steeped in the documentation at CICV-POLOB and SRA/MACV-J2, as well as various perspectives on deep-structure of the dynamics at issue then and now. I personally, heh-heh-heh, believe no leader exists as a person after identifying with the socially-conferred role attribution: heshe becomes a mere mouthpiece-effector for-of, generally regressed, constellated archetypal material; all volition is lost; there is no capability to resist the archetypal event gradient. If a given leader struggles with this psycho-induction, pharmacologically-insured fulfillment of idealized role specifications-attributions is the likely bibulous path followed. Hence, leaders are least likely to instigate authentic substantive fundamental improvement -- though, of course, they are frequently agents of apparent change, superficial change, sham change, deterioration, collapse, so on. For instance, Sovietization-collectivization was no less a mass-psychosis-induced ConveDD of µTm-identity-transparency than was the Nazification process: two sides of ConveDD's catastrophic coin. Middle-of-the-road totalitarianism is likely to be worse. But what is the origin of the ConveDD? Suppression of the imports of N. H. Abel's existence proof for transalgebras, of Cantorian sets, of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics, of the m-valuedness of Schrödinger's wave-function. The issue of Holocaust denial is irrelevant to the thesis that the foremost deep-structure proximal cause (there also being attractors) of WWII was consensuation of the secular-Rabbinical falsification of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function by interpretation to probability amplitudes, so as to suppress the imports of Lukasiewicz's Cabalistic m-valued Polish logics. However many exorcisms of shadow people are conducted! Why? Because both actual Holocaust and its false attribution can be understood as symptomatic expressions of the pathogenesis of the involved collective psychosis, the etiology of which surfaced as back-reaction against the archetypal constellations established by N. H. Abel's existence proof for transalgebras, subsequent developments in higher maths and physics, and their analogical cultural spinoffs so challenging to monotonic middle-class mores, values, aspirations. Constellate animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency with maths-physics creation-discovery, back-react against, suppress natural experience-expression thereof, and what do you get? Myriad regressions. Everything associated with Weimar Berlin, for instance, to which, in turn, the middle classes so strongly back-reacted. Prefigured in the pathos of 19th-century Romanticism-chromaticism experienced-expressed at demise of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, heralded by the Tristan chord first performed during run-up to the Franco-Prussian war, a romanticization of pathos signifying the European preference for death over metanoia, a preference that may yet doom the whole species. Long before Heaven succumbs to greenhouse warming and Hell freezes over! Trying to scope out how close we are to cuspover, I daily laugh my way through the titles posted on RealClearWorld, and about once a month find something considered worth reading -- once a week during a very good month. As regards black propaganda, don't judge the title by the book, for the book is there only to justify existence of the title. Comparisons of nowadays to pre-WWI or pre-WWII: how utterly ludicrous! The collective situation now is many orders of magnitude worse than pre-WWII, which was several orders of magnitude worse than pre-WWI. And look at how superficially supposedly-intelligent people still understand origins of WWI: for instance, Rex Murphy's Full Comment in the National Post, entitled The mighty combustion of small events, and other lessons from the First World War, 26 July 2014. Murphy quoting T. S. Eliot, one of those most responsible of persons, as distinct from one of the proximal perpetrators, one of the responsible who most embraced post-WWII anti-historiography (what happened IS why what happened happened: what they did were acts, what we did were events) as an easily accessible manner to shunt away a full taking of personal responsibility; Murphy quoting Eliot concerning subtle confusions and attention is distracted as fundamental causes of warfare, causes we learn about, most especially by looking at WWI. Murphy goes on to cite error, confusion, misjudgment, and carelessness and then pulls up another ridiculous Eliot quote to end his piece. Murphy does not understand that if not this error than another, if not this confusion than another, if not this misjudgment than another, if not this carelessness than another, BECAUSE, repeat BECAUSE, the collective unconscious will always find a way, if not this way to the strange attractor, then another. It is those who facilitate constellation and maintenance of the regressed archetypal event gradients of the collective unconscious (made concrete physical events by conversion-disorder displacement at projective-identification in mass transference) establishing strange attractors who make inevitable, if not this way than another, if not by these proximal perpetrators than by others, what will, indubitably will, be perpetrated. The subliminal subtext of what was done to Poland in general, [War}saw in particular, by the combined efforts of the Nazis and the Soviets was written in Lukasiewicz-logics cipher code upon collective unconscious event gradients. Damn the m-valued; forward the single-valued! But this specific piece of writing upon the gradients went back to a decade before onset of WWI, that's the first world war, not the second, back to Eliot's failure at Harvard (see above-given link) to interdict Russell's logical atomism reaction to Abel, Cantor, Axiom of Choice, so on and so forth. Today, in identifying correspondence between present circumstances and those at run up to outbreak of WWI, we must ask, for instance: Is it at all conceivable that black holes, white holes, wormholes, have the same properties under µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, as those holes have under the 1T2-only logical-value order-type? Just imagine what that question does to those who in their myriad ways hysterically scream: Give me selfsame simple-identity or give me death! The Nazi insistence upon purified identity was such a scream. How many related catalytic such screams have we heard over the last 200 years, uh, over the last couple of millennia, Sir Gawain? Navigational songlines -- mnemonics, i.e., vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes: you know where you are spatially by where you are along the melodious playout of the song's correlations to cartographic markers -- be they superstrings strung across the Australian outback or down Southeast Asian rivers. Monophonic lines for translating single-valued travelers, those who mistakenly regard themselves selfsame and absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. Polyphonic lines for those riding multivalued ships of the dead, i.e., equipotential membranes like equivalent-potential-temperature constant-entropy surfaces. Spontaneously fused (actually the initial condition, were there an objective linear-time, is being-there holistic-unitary-undivided subject to a supposed Orch OR, actually a glutamate etched-pruned reduction) superposed animistic-quantum composites for those in µTm-logical relative-state identity-transparency and engaged in ritual gifting of soul cloths, i.e., fibrinous branes of manifolds, exchanged near fractal boundaries-without-boundary beat out by stone xylophones and bronze drums sited under energy-momentum cascades such as waterfalls: stoned Bronze Age institutional embodiment, by analogical models in design, of multiscale nested-grid cascade dynamics calculated via acoustic analogues to black hole computing. Heh-heh-heh! Nowadays not only have we to contend with the oil price Triangle of Doom, but, much more fundamentally, with the [Pen}tangle of Doom: Aristotle's Bastards, Descartes' Bastards, Newton's Bastards, Voltaire's Bastards, Locke's Bastards. Not actually to disparage UnderMiners or DeepGreen Resisters, still, it must be said that no amount of social and political action can change something annealed on the metapsychological level where framework determining conditions congeal. Not only Nature Bats Last, as Guy McPherson [re}minds, but also: The collective unconscious overwhelmingly controls mass behavior and will give The Trickster the last laugh. Let me point out and remind that I've been aware of McPherson-type prognostications issuing within the meteorological community since the mid-1970s when data, events, and gravitas regarding climate shift (presently called abrupt climate change) were virtually nothing compared to today, so it's the drift over the last 40 years that most strongly reaches me, not so much the specific arguments of any particular day, which over the decades have been all over the place, such as those made in, for instance, How Guy McPherson gets it wrong, hydrogeologist Scott K. Johnson, Fractal Planet, 17 February 2014. Though the data has changed, no argument I read about today did I not hear of during the 1970s. Neither Johnson nor McPherson in any way consider that there may be no actual objective classical limit informing macroscopic behaviors of Earth's atmosphere, such that the whole present conception of climate shift is grossly misleading, possibly for better though likely for worse, and that due to our not studying Earth's atmosphere as macroscopically µTm-quantum-relativistic, we may have missed discovering ways out of the current crisis that still exist and may yet exist for some period. A century of psychoanalysis, fad therapies, exposure to Eastern and esoteric inner-work disciplines has in no significant way modified the metapsychology underpinning the prevailing governance paradigm. Adamantly denied moral insanity coupled to unrecognized existential guilt, particularly in collective expression, is a potent mix. The mandate is to screw people, and those exercising institutional authority do so -- with relish. One encounter after another something like a tete-à-tete with a yakuza kobun on the commuter train from Kurama to Takaragaike. Moral suasion has proved itself of little value. The tent-pegging, evangelical-stumping, Elmer Gantry road show, music-man coercive-we, we-are-the-world approach to showboating fomentation of systemic change, whilst having fostered periodically-induced fulminations, has been a fulsome failure -- have to do something, regardless of its historically-proven inefficacy, because something has to be done. Whereas fact-based white propaganda qua advertising qua public relations have some effectiveness at countering the deleterious impacts of blackpsyche disinformation, the only comprehensive way to bring about substantive change on the metapsychological level is by alteration of instrumental framework determining conditions, like, for one, the logical-value order-type of the monetary exchange units employed in the global economy. Change the order-type of the money people use throughout each day and that alteration will have profound impacts upon their normative state. People learn much by doing, little by being told. Even, I suspect, people like Charles Gave, author of the piece entitled, Indexation Is A Socialist Way Of Allocating Capital, Zero Hedge, 26 July 2014. How many unwarranted tacit assumptions are contained in his opening passage? Quoting:
The role of financial markets is to evaluate in real time the marginal return on capital of different assets. [bold in original] This is done through a price discovery mechanism, with the right price found out through a system of constant trial and error. To discover this price calls for a community of active money managers, each doing his or her due diligence before buying and selling. This price is a function of the return on capital and of the expected growth rate of this return.
Be aware that Gave's consensus notion of indexation is totally unrelated to the stacking of externality-tagged m-values upon any given single right price µTmly processed by markets in quantum economies. Totally unrelated, except that prevailing indexation, within 1T2-only financial markets, is one result of the absence of currency-unit m-valuation-indexation via adequate non-binary/non-fuzzy indicator functions m-logically processed independent of truth-table reduction (this latter would not be an example of a friendly-index in graph-labeling theory of an undirected graph {{{1}}} where label assignment is restricted to 0 and 1, and any non-binary index set is implicitly saddled with the pejorative unfriendly, or perhaps ungraceful or inharmonious or counter-magical: see A Dynamic Survey of Graph Labeling, Joseph A. Gallian, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18: DS6, 2011: the 2003 film Identity, of course, in focusing upon the counting/natural-numbering of derangements, and in conformation to the 1T2-only-inclusion-exclusion principle, is a typical Hollywood essay against the m-valued/m-logically-valued sort of thing the international monetary system currently requires, as production of BlackPsyche does not necessarily involve full conscious awareness, only being in the flow established by the collective unconscious regressed-archetypal event gradient, lacklustrous fatuosity at resolution being imprint of the dissembling inherent to the thesis). Consider, per Gave's castigation of systemically-[man}dated momentum investing, that energy-momentum imbalance, whatever the source, is reverse-cascade/cascade initializing -- and the autopoietic operators overseeing subsequent processes are, not money managers, but imaginary- and hypercomplex-numbered first-, second- and third-order temporal-curl, hidden by the black-box term: market reflexivity, the difference equation differenced and doubly-differenced onto tertiary dynamics. The communitas active in the communities I'm interested in is not an outgrowth of the liminality experienced, with welcome or not, by active [1T2-]money managers deautomatized in struggling derivatives that are ConveDDs of fiber-bundle arithmetics. Beyond absence of ECOnomics, we can observe that there is precious little design, as distinct from engineering, to be found in the abysmal built environment, and even less design of the design systems employed, with no discernible analogical modeling of the de[sign}ers of design systems upon autopoietic-automorphic operators identified in nature. The closest humanity ever got to this was pre-Renaissance and pretty much limited to individual buildings: tropology of the traditional Japanese house, semantic dimensions of the medieval cathedral, possibly also metareferential aspects of some sacred sites and/or sitings. Quantum-based technology has not been used to externalize inner Musculpt -- which could facilitate natural analogical models in design of design systems; instead, the new tech is used to turn the planet into a global juke joint. Implementing from the bottom up m-logically-valued LETS nesting-foams defined over fractal e-boundaries, how? IGoOb: interests, goals, and objectives. One nesting the next. Was tacitly prepared for this by osmosis with an expert AFLC-AFSC supply-and-[materi}El troubleshooter: my father. Explicitly learned this in Intro to World Politics, Abdul Aziz Said, AU-SIS, Fall of 1963. Later, fleshed it out at SORO, SFTG, Psyops Group of JFKSWCS, TID of the 525th MIG, CICV-Targets, SRA/MACV-J2 (i.e., CICV-POLOB sequestered), the School of Human Settlements at AIT in BKK, so on. Didn't cotton-to the cotillion of scrieving scriveners, howsoever scratchy. By 1965, as I wrote into my personal journal at the time, and later reproduced in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, I wanted to deeply understand the pathology that had yielded the Viet Nam war, a pathology I knew to be in myself as a birthright, or a birthwrong, depending upon perspective adopted. Getting up close surely was the only catalyst to facilitate an approach to the desired understanding. But, as the savvy military brat first child of a bomber pilot, a onetime model-builder with pilots who helped resupply Dien Bien Phu from Ashiya AFB, and a onetime scrimmager with U-2 pilots at Eielson AFB, I knew one does not volunteer for a position of leadership in a bad war (assuming there is any other), if one wishes to avoid the sorts of things Nelson DeMille addressed in Word of Honor (Warner, 1985) -- so, my time in the Army was ranked low-down and JumpingJack-like as I attempted to maneuver into the best learning environments relative to my personal objective (very different from that of, say, a John Kerry), including rejection of the offer of a direct commission while serving in Viet Nam (offered because my immediate operational superiors couldn't promote me to E-6 because all the Staff Sergeant allocations at my holding battalion were dedicated to those required to officiate black market ops: that was the realification then prevailing, like it or not). Oh, and as regards DeMille, let it be noted that the Portuguese, not the French, gave the Vietnamese the Latin alphabet, and, speaking of realification -- in the non-real-numbers sense -- DeMille would have done real well to realize that it is the Japanese, not the Vietnamese, who substitute r's for l's, e.g., modan garu for modern girl. Also, 1967, 12th Evac Hospital near Cu Chi, just out of surgery for wounds received in the Delta, awaiting transshipment to Zama Army Hospital, Japan, the evac hospital was mortared by the VC each night I was there, my post-surgery-recovery ward taking a marginal hit on one occasion (pay records lost, hence no pay for a long period [uh, just to give some idea of what it's like to be a military brat: the then-director of the PX and Commissary Service for Japan was an old family friend, so, having had the foresight to have his phone number in my little black book, which wasn't lost, he spotted the necessary cash to see me through], various deserved citations not granted, six weeks in two hospitals recovering from a testicle wound never acknowledged by the VA, which eventually reduced by 50% the IEDed multiple-fragment-wounds disability initially granted -- similarly no acknowledgement for a life-long-plaguing back injury sustained the only time I jumped a jet, two of us out of a C-141, and, on another occasion, for near-loss of a little finger: SF medics, particularly when near their own ORs, don't complain, repair themselves: but that doesn't count, so far as the VA is concerned, even when witness statements are provided, for over-achievers are generally docked for their anti-malingering behaviors, voluntarily [even though only a week off crutches, I was threat-forcibly recruited -- didn't even ask absent threat -- to be a surgical tech to help deal with the overload of wounded arriving from the Battle of Dak To, and having been, per SF training, more than merely useful in the OR, offered a permanent reassignment to Japan, resolutely rejected] back to RVN after recovery from wounds received). The VC-NVA, particularly in the Parrot's Beak, concealed their medical facilities as best they could -- underground, preferably -- and with good reason, as any CICV-Targets analyst well knew. If there's a hospital, then there are Plunk! Down goes the projected (that's consciously projected, not expectorated by unconscious projective-identification) strange attractor (gotta have a teleological-autopoietic operator in the µTm-valued background-reference space of the case to insure spontaneous directedness no matter how many 1T2-type jigs and jags) codifying the preferred notion of interests. Following the initial projection, no action is taken with regard to interests -- except a going-negative cultivation of diffuse awareness, non-doing, passive acceptance. Disjointed incrementalism (i.e., jigs and jags) actively implements whatever multiple-scenarios strategic plan (not a comprehensive plan) is arrived at with respect to goals identified by instrumental inference as subtending the interests chosen and the optimality criteria employed. Each goal, again by instrumental inference, decomposes to a set of objectives to be actively pursued by tactical improvisation (more jigs and jags), which is anything but plan-free and involves intensive contingencies studies so reactions are knee-jerked and anticipated several conjunctures ahead of the prevailing bi-, tri-, quadri- furcation. This cascade, this demergence (codifiable as VirFut Q-Pro: consider that CAD, for instance, has been a part of CTism for at least a quarter century, and that warfare is origin and focus), no para's freefall, less like abseiling or fast-roping from a helicopter through ponderable space, more like rappelling down a wall of memetime. Must practice time-slowdown. A bit like using night-vision gear: the astral whine; everything somewhat out of place, binos self-adjusting according to their will, not yours. Sports and dance are good for such practice, except that, if the game or the performance is [mis}taken as the objective much the same as if the artist [mis}takes hisher product as object of the art or the writer, the book or the scientist, the theory and/or techno-artifact. Every sub-nation-state governmental domain on the planet is in the same situation as the member countries of the EMU: they have no currencies of their own with which to index-modulate relative to their own political-economies, their own social synergies, their own landscape ecologies, their own externalities -- their own having resources, needs, aspirations in Venn-diagram intersection with such-like of the others, but only in intersection, not in same, not in merely similar, and certainly not in self-similar. This circumstance of the reigning subsystem-system-supersystem framework imposes a designed-in low level of local-mesoscale-synoptic self-organizational competency -- so, it is not the least bit surprising that The system works! is a claim unsubstantiated: it doesn't work, didn't work, won't ever work well. TV never left the breast, never will, and to most everyone it is abundantly clear by now, post-Snowden, that, absent substantial change on the metapsychological level, the same will be the case with the internet and its sequels -- despite the wonderful work of groups like the P2P Foundation (see, for instance, Report: Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy, Michel Bauwens and Nicolas Mendoza and Franco Lacomella, et al., Orange Labs and P2P Foundation, 2012, with ongoing updates). Could say something similar about terrorism as a post-national-liberation-struggle technology: contrary to its user's aspirations, it will change nothing substantive because to do so would require killing off at least three-quarters of human population, planet Earth, so effective is glutamate pruning and quantum quenching of the molecular-cellular 1T2-brain at insuring compliance with the diktats of prescriptive-and-proscriptive enculturation-socialization. There is a big difference between what people think they think and what they actually think. This difference is of little consequence, except when cusps are reached -- then, it makes all the difference in the world: differencing of the difference equation, even twice over. And when twice over, that's where people get a real taste of authentic non-simple identity. Special Forces satori, for instance, whilst -- as taught in SFTG back in The Day, nineteen-hun' und sixty-six and earlier, when all SF had team integrity, mission-specific assignment, per diem, days before SF became a combat arm so's the ossifiers could stay on and run a cost-free, live-fire training facility for merc-security companies -- escaping the kill zone of an ambush site by rushing directly into the wall of fire: counter-intuitively, the closer to the wall the less the projectile density and the better the chances of survival.
Everettian relative-state µTm-animism conversion-disorder displaced (ConveDDed) to collective 1T2-animus. Being into the real skinny, not my squeal trickling out. The quantal increment of temporal curl -- written, erased, rewritten: [some}suchness, coming and going smartish, one might say -- is a de jure signal honk, no mere ConveDDed spin-unit of shambling propaganda squacked upon palimpsest state-space and hoicking up generic dogsbody gaucherie. Nothin' ain't nothin' what don' be nothin'. Yo, bro. Right. Who be hung with hurt? SWATs always be timin' their housebreaking to catch the nance in nickers or the lady without. Ain't it curiouser than curious that SWATs done been stormin' McDonalds to brace-the-face and arrest-the-butt of Washington Post for eatin' glutamate-laced prol food? Don' make no sense! That be what I be talkin' 'bout! Occupation po-lice armies-of-the-night Reichskristallnacht-lootin' be, in principle, indistinguishable from the one-percent's leach-lootin'. Why's they wears masks? They's be thinkin' what's gunna be happenen to'em when they's be off on their owns. Misanthropy? Don' axe. We be takin' care a bid-ness, writin' po-ims like M-A. Cane be no BOG-art 'n BAC-all. Honkey scut like that? Nooo-oh! Stand at risk! And you had better have fun. Indeed, you will have fun. Brinksmanship de rigueur, as we know: threatened and actual assault with a deadly weapon has always been the foundation of policing -- and one anchor root of criminality in general. Not only does 1T2-lawfare provoke criminality, it is underpinned by criminality: an unvirtuous circle. From the 7th grade onward, faith in 1T2-lawfare has been alien to me: got A+s on both written and oral book reports with respect to Robert Traver's Anatomy of a Murder, 7th grade, 1958, Ypsilanti High School encompassing grades 7-12, English class, Mr. Higgins. Used a Cushman Eagle to deliver newspapers, so had plenty of time for novel fictions. In years subsequent to 1958, I read a lot of trial-related stories, and they always turned my stomach -- not the lawfare, the logic, the 1T2-logic which is the most heinous of mass murderers, particularly given its critical role in etiology of mass warfare become total war. And, surely, this here is just an example of the few cases improbably coming to the public's attention: flash forward and see Man locked up for 40 years in DC mental hospital for $20 necklace theft breaks silence, Jim McElhatton, The Washington Times, 11 November 2014. Court ritual: as much redeeming social value as cage fighting -- maybe. Easy to see why law school was never on my personal agenda. Moreover, we have suborned to nefarious uses significant features of the public and FOUO records of many, soon to be most, personal histories mistaken and/or fabricated -- this being part and parcel of effective population resources exploitation-control-management, as any intelligent person with intelligence-CivilAffairs-police qua ICEX-Phoenix experience well knows and carries over into a second career with Health and Human Services or the Social Security Administration or so on. Po-lice man's what ain't E-nuf hand-ta-hand trained ta down 'n cuff an unarmed troublemaker, provocateur, suspect, assailant, let alone one with a knife! How 'bout a bit of fry-up, eh! When I was at Goat Lab during my tenure with SFTG, coming out of a San Antonio bar at 2 a.m. one early-Sunday morning, I was jumped by five, one with a straight-razor. Who do you think was still standing when it was all over? I required a few stitches, but several of them assailants, I wagered, had to have more than stitches, given the utilities of my Acme cowboy boots. And that was after an evening of boilermakers. Miss Moue, my little grimace, PRO[maul}gators of GWOT -- under whatever nom du jour -- will never be psychologically capable of relenting, regardless of their years of ever increasing failure, because to do so would involve total revision of their 1T2-senses of what selfhood is, and resultant sufferance of the cavalcade of disintegrating cognitive placebos: construed and instigated, no less than perceived, threats to Umwelt are implicitly existential denials challenging fundamentals of the Weltanschauung identified with. If ConveDDs are anything, they are false flags; so, if one is interested in the metapsychology of false-flag ops GWOT is ConveDD of the refusal to revise the belief system in face of all the evidence to the contrary. Due to its ConveDD nature, GWOT must be -- contrary to basic principles of winning counterinsurgency strategies -- of indefinite extent and duration. So, failure within the ConveDD domain cannot be self-correcting: it's a closed circle, even a reentrant reflexive loop. I don't think my country is not what it was in my youth during the 1950s; it is more clearly what it has always been, more clearly because the civilization has more closely approached cuspover. Living on borrowed time, past caring and taking no farewell, the closed circle went into the blue and came out of the sun, a sea change caught in the light, yet, still, somehow, beyond recall. Anyone familiar with CT-units and police-field-forces activities during the Viet Nam war knows that they automorphically produced more opponents than they quelled, and that they were important forcing functions catalyzing higher-order insurgent organizational phase transitions. Regardless of techno-base, no society so engaged, including the U.S. (see, for a little history back to William Pitt the Younger, To Serve and Project -- the State, Wendy McElroy, MisesInstitute, 14 September 2011; and Cops Gone Wild: Militarization of Law Enforcement in America, Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research, 15 August 2014; and, flashing forward, Cops Work for Corporate America as Oppressive Mercenaries for the 1% Says Retired Police Captain, Jay Syrmopoulos, The Free Thought Project, 2 December 2014), is immune to operation of such factors and the long-term outcome guaranteed. The gnawing dead are quicker than the living who, as funereal executors, disparage them, more fleet in feet despite all the livid botheration-blusteration blaring haughty airs of the vital alive. Is it not apparent where the venal and stupid, penal-state poetesses that they are, find their employments? Self-anointed saviors who bring destruction to that which they imagine themselves as protecting. If ever were those who join armies to be granted the killer's commission, then violent men take to policing so as to exercise the license for paroxysms of no-fault brutality. I don't think everyone or even many: some more, more and more by good offices of the psyops genre tropes slipped into Cobra and the like. If Langley can fight the Pentagon in Afghanistan and [I}raq (ever wonder about the mass metapsychology of fixation thereupon relative to quantum non-simple identity, the wow-wow at ElderBush-wacker bombing of a Maginot-minded opponent and the relish for LatterBush's NewCon blitzkrieg?), what precludes the Pentagon from eventually fighting police field forces in the ZI, uh, CONUS? Needs, needs, needs to kill! And very few even ask why, let alone come up with plausible answers. Compensatory abreaction to the 1T2-normotic glutamatergic neuronal pruning -- immured safe, staunchly, be he -- and associated quenching of direct conscious access to the animistic µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency inherent (by critical-state cooperative behaviors of pi-electron parcels in superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA at helix-coil transition) to encephalonated organic systems operating in the normative range of functional integration? Malborn, then borne to bray! Such flapping, such throat-roughened cawing by the unruly rousting rooks rousing the hoi polloi in their tussocks, their gorses, their brackens to grudging consensuation of motions made by criminal confabulations intent upon coercing autoimmune psycho-socio-politico-economic dysregulation from the 1T2-legalisms governing a tacitly-µTm technosphere according to institutional analogues of a 200-year-dead Weltanschauung: subscribers all, be they, to the Big Dick as Vertical Axel of the World theory of self-abusing autoregulation, yet one more individual-to-collective ConveDD, a transmutation of feather-duster into ball-pein hammer. Only injustice is blinder than the blind justice of Grecian goddesses in the round and other plaster saints, round or in relief. Ah, yes. Aye. The collective unconscious has brooded upon its next major fulmination ever since end of the WWII battle of the War of the World, and perhaps we've recently entered run-up's final approach to PW1, Planetary War One, but-one-more battle, or the culmination, yet to be ascertained. As regards anagramic disorders spawning conversions and displacements, in wandering America, I've always wondered whether sane persons running from some elsewheres would name their new places after those they are in flight from. How rammed are the ramifications? one may well ask. Uh hmmm. Here is an excellent piece on current methodologies of suprapropaganda (MISO -- military information support operations -- being a fermented, i.e., nazified, version of psyops), which I, a one-time PSYOPSer at Psychological Operations Group, JFKSWCS, should especially like to draw attention to: Beyond Propaganda: Discourse of War and Doublethink, 'When the Lie Becomes the Truth', Jean-Claude Paye and Tulay Umay, The 4th Media, 31 July 2014. Quoting beginning of the article:
It [propaganda] is no longer a matter of changing our perception of facts in order to get our support, but to lock us in the spectacle of the omnipotence of power. Showing the annihilation of reason
The Expendables 2, part of psychoprep for Kiev coup and shoot down of ML17/370. Remember the Maine! Don't forget the Lusitania! Heh-heh-heh, given recent revelations made thereto. Advent of total war has insured that civilization comes with a form of built-in obsolescence. What the astute authors of The 4th Media piece don't get is that annihilation of traditional Western 1T2-valued-reason was accomplished pre-WWI with demergence of µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics, and that success of the various subterfuges employed to dissimulate the myriad imports of Lukasiewicz has by now sufficiently waned that propaganda no longer serves to adequately accomplish the desired dissembling: hence, the phase transition from simply-propaganda to suprapropaganda. What is missing, what is censored and self-censored is far more revealing than content of what is present, what is propagandized: want insight to event gradients of the collective unconscious, then do traffic analysis upon what is absent from prevailing discourse. Incidence and periodicity and correlates of what is all too obviously missing! Mainstream-media silence bespeaks the unacceptable unknown known. Unconscious conspiracy is an apt description of collective unconscious archetypal event gradients: people conspire with each other without being conscious of doing so. Most historical processes are like that. Survival of the human species depends upon overcoming the dissimulation-dissembling, but, this late in the saga, the prognosis is not good. The more general the treatment of the critical issues, the longer the history of falsification -- back to origins of Western civilization. Flabbergasted dweebs gripping their kerfuffles: hopefully they don't frazzle themselves holding forth amidst the stir-fry. The meek may inherit Earth, but, by the memetime they do, it won't be worth having. Segued, the system did, into giddiness-before-the-fall: Cagney's final S&D in White Heat. Tru Blu back in biz-nes, yeah. What percentage of the global product -- on a resource-depleting planet -- is devoted to unnecessaries? Just as the Prague School of Linguistics and its French derivative, postmodernist deconstructionism, organized their attacks upon the myriad binarisms of past and current Lebenswelt in just such a manner -- focus upon challenges to the Law of Distributed Middle; neglect of challenges to the Law of Non-Contradiction -- as to NOT embrace Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, so post-Communist Leftism spurns µTm-valued monetary units in preference for increased regulatory efficacy. Being in an ingenuously ludic mood, we observe that supraprop is essential to servicing the mediocre sancti[moan}ies what compose the global power elite. If there is doubt that the NYC vaults still hold gold reserves, just see Bait to alleviate anxiety. The notion of a ludic fallacy is based upon Nassim Nicholas Taleb's failure to understand Plato (in relation to, say, the Regge calculus) and his mistaken tacit assumption that prediction necessarily involves a detailing of the spatial field, when, as Planck demonstrated more than a century ago, what is actually required is specification of the governing elemental oscillator. Apt ontic appreciation-apperception of the perfect forms of Platonia requires synaesthetic spontaneous fusion (quantum Satori) of reversed-inverted-oblique (think: 3-fold temporal curl) Platonic intellectual vision (see: Plato's Mathematical Imagination, Robert S. Brumbaugh, Indiana U. Press, 1954), Special Relativity (memetime slowdown at approach to the absolute limiting baud-rate of 1T2-consciousness), Hussserliana (horizons of objects and their subjects), Analytical Cubism (all-around visual superposition), Stockhausen (all-around sounding of shape-shifters), Kandinsky (synaesthetic chromodynamics of the instant), Cantorian-Everettian non-conformal holography (an ergotropic-to-trophotropic relative-state ketaminergic autogenic shift not to parts unknown, but to increasingly known parts, each of which is the whole, the kind of identity-transparency that is not possibly one-to-one, not no me and not no you, neither/nor, which ain't no-me/no-you, the no-self, uh, the no-1T2-self, state: My mon, what you go and do to my I-den-titty? Useta be simple; now it be complex. Musta been the gummint what done it!), Lukasiewicz (progressive ingress upon thinking in µTm-logics, as distinct from 1T2-thinking about µTm-logics), Cabalistic Gödeliana (gematric-yantric employments of nonselfsame numbers and their mantric poetics): in a word, Musculpt, and its M Theory. My I certainly can't take responsibility for the ignorance of others; I haven't even managed to do that for my own ignorance! What say I? O Death, you sharp corner! The Platonic form is not perfect, not in the pedestrian sense: that perfect-usage is Intro-to-Phil verbiage. As a foghorn, hallowed is hollow. The Platonic form may not be with regard to an object, a material object, but to meta-objects and their types, identity-types and their meta-types, the meta being that from which the non-meta demerges; when it is with regard to the concrete object, it is the form with respect to the bare object, the object free of the shape given it by prescriptive enculturation-socialization and glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular 1T2-brains which do not contain THE nonlocalizable µTm-quantum brain. Bare-object: White-on-White to binary-mind. Object-shape, as perceived by enculturated subjects, is memetime-bound, a function of positionality in ponderable space, and processed relative to other object-shapes under 1T2-only-valued logic: at a given instant of memetime, the object-shape is in a single given space-place state, only one of its Husserl-horizons is viewable by a given viewer-subject, and both object-shape and viewer-state are 1T2ly-simple identities. The Platonic form of those objects which are material objects is superposed spontaneous fusion of the Cantorian-transfinite set of all the Husserl-horizons viewable from each-and-every point in the enculturated ponderable representation space (which fusion Analytical Cubism tries to nominally represent) -- except that the µTm-logically-valued quantal fusion is logically-ontologically before (thus, no fusion; rather, the memetimeless-state of Tzog-chen AllBase) the 1T2-logically-valued quantal reduction (at measurements taken -- i.e., percepts -- by glutamatergically-pruned brains) to single-valued horizon-instant-place. Memetime-independent µTm-valued Platonic forms demerge, under actions of 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time, memetime-bound 1T2-valued object-shapes and, concurrently, their ponderable representation space. By inner Musculpt, this may be directly heard-viewed, and that's the main thing the various Samadhi states are all about. CTC-superposition of contented-Samadhi states, it can be supposed, being the base-state to Tzog-chen without contents: Nibbana. States of invasion, of contagion, of possession, of mediumship, of speakership, so on, involve ConveDDs of Samadhi phenomenologies, processes of projective-identification, personification, et cetera, with quasi-individual and collective dimensions, and, when chronic, negatively affect brain chemistry, ultimately somatic structure -- and can also manifest in reverse: structure to chemistry to dysfunctional somatopsychic phenomenologies. As may be apparent, I have a poor opinion of academic Husserliana, because I believe Husserl, rather like present-day Lukasiewiczian logicians, never much practiced what he preached, that his verbal output resulted largely from thinking about what reductive phenomenology must be like, rather than actually practicing in it as it is cosmogonically. Fixation upon the academic mode of production -- bringing forth something to show and tell -- all too often undermines the effort ostensibly engaged in. M-valued functions µTmly follow form; form does not follow fixations. This framework determining condition is perhaps why Usonian Automatics never became authentic automorphs. Heh-heh-heh! Returning from MACV-HQ in 1968, I knew I would not long live were I to attempt to hold down a responsible position in America: I'd never be able to maintain the requisite PC passivity in face of what I'd be constantly cognizant. Moreover, I knew I could never accomplish anything I would consider worth accomplishing from habitus in a position of responsibility: I understood this by 1965 when I chose to quit AU-SIS. Never looked back because that understanding only deepened as the decades passed. So I didn't even contemplate preparing myself for a responsible position. I eventually settled upon landscape laborer digging trees alone in the field: perfect in so many ways. I'd come in each morning and there'd be red ribbons tied on the trees I was to dig, yellow on those I was to root-prune: those ribbons, sole required contact with the chain-of-command. In respect to inner Musculpt, which then came to a certain level of fruition, I had fleeting access during my snappish late-teens and gallivanting early-adulthood; that is all, and all I have ever claimed. Greater consciousness force -- to borrow an Aurobindo term -- than I ever possessed is required to sustain it. My I found some small access to that-µTmly-such-like during the six years (1969-'75) prior to my appearance at Cornell as Douglas A. Paine's research assistant, the years during which I more-or-less simultaneously did the following: one hour of daily walking meditation for my own version of Philokalia qua Nepsis (facilitated by a few brief discussions held at St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church, Falls Church, Virginia) and Satipatthana (see: Nyanaponika Thera's The Heart of Buddhist Meditation, Samuel Weiser, 1973; Nha Trang and I went to Sri Lanka during 1986 with introductions in part provided by Venerable Bhante Gunaratana of the Washington, D.C., Buddhist Vihara Society); studies of Japanese gardening and Ikebana with the altogether lacking in carelessness, Nonki T. Ishiyama, and the very precise, never untimely, Toki Miyakawa, both of McClean, Virginia; digging trees piece-work used as a format for practicing concentration in inner separation and self-observation; daily practice of Edmund Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation; daily practice of Wolfgang Luthe's Autogenic Training standard exercises; Nicolaides-type drawing from the nude as a means to formalize studies of the subject-[physical]object level of transference; working through each of C. G. Jung's and Sri Aurobindo's n-volumes of Collected Works, plus, somewhat later, Maurice Nicoll's multivolume Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky (Vincent Stuart, 1952, bought at Weiser Antiquarian Books, Broadway, NYC, sometime during 1970), as a context within which to practice inversion of cognition, i.e., return of the object-captured libido of cathexis; music composition study whilst trying to paint music, mostly that of Anton Webern, Olivier Messiaen, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Toru Takemitsu, and George Crumb (liked precious little of popular music during the 1950s and '60s, much less the unadulterated bilge-water crap-rap to follow). I understood this Summerhillian, Friends-World-College-like, self-designed curriculum as in part being related to self-medication for post-Vietnam-war PTSD, and was at that memetime taking mostly art and music and dance classes at George Mason University under the G. I. Bill, refusing to take finals, but offering to write papers instead, which got me, generally, either As or Fs or incompletes, depending upon Prof-preference. Consider The Numbers Station as good propaganda for the false notion that there is continued viability of selfsame-and-only-selfsame numbers only (which suggestion is not to impute that propagandists have conscious access to their own Orch-OR impetus, nor that the subject audience receives the enfolded message on the conscious level: think intelligence agency ConveDD of 77-575-77-575-77 to 8200-666-8200-666-8200). This subliminality soon to be DARPA-enhanced with liquid-digital colloidal memory implants à la Lucy, raising the specter of a resurrected colloidal chemistry -- banished in run-up to WWII by Anglo-American biochemists due to its influence in Germany and the U.S.S.R. -- and replacement of the pumped osmotic membrane with the structured-water quantum-plasmahaut. Lucy says, Existence is only proven through time: through, mind you, not via the temporal curl produced by 3-fold operator-time. The latest bastardization-bitchification of animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency: Lucy. That's one small step for a woman, one more giant leap for manwohkind on the road to post-transhuwohmanism! Superman-Superwoman no longer good enough. A 1T2-only-logical extension of Weimar-youth-movement entelechies = realization of [Platonic] form ConveDDed to actualization of monomaniacal corporate-collective intents by means of state-sponsored Wandervogal-mystic regressed-transforms of Faustian-Wedekindian Erdgeist-animism -- what a Lulu! -- into military adventurism. Those interested in the post-trans may find these two articles of interest: The Era Of Cyborg Nanotechnology Has Begun, Nicolas West, Activist Post, 10 August 2014; and The Road to Singularity: Potential Annihilation, Utopian Visions, Will Liberty Prevail?, Daniel Taylor, Ibid., same date. Given government orchestration, military-service funding, institutional-science management, and the mega-corporation's CEO-superincome obsession, what chance is there of anything recognizably Homo sapiens remaining? Wise man, my ! Ask oneself whyfore, wherefore, and whence cometh the psychotic collective-suicide intent so authentically contained in the barbaric ideologies embraced by the likes of physicist/supraman-aspirant Richard Seed as stated in the VDO linked to Daniel Taylor's article? Who threatens organic live on Earth? AQ&A or ? If any peoples on the planet have learned what they need to know about the active ingredient in Agent Orange and the round-up of GMOs, it's the Vietnamese and the Colombians: we the people, not only prevent forests, we increasingly intend to prevent people. If it's against the law, it's gotta be wrong. Right? Therefore, if it's lawful, it can't be awful, and it must be right. Right? Even if the law is secret. We've all heard that the nail that sticks up get pounded back down. But what happens when the government agent doing the pounding hits his own thumb? Does the government blame the nail, the hammer, the thumb, the agent? Or some deus ex machina? If the government blames, that blame must be right. Right? If only it were so simple (for the long version read Loren D. Estleman's entertaining Never Street, Warner Books, 1997) as TPTB being a bunch of Walter-Mitty-types identified with fixations upon Quixote complexes, their hired-persona paladin corps peopled with post-plebs living out postings via the cinéma noir Holmes-complex obsessions of low-grade-fevered paranoid scutworker schizophrenics! However, the Nguyen-Cao-Ky-complexed Nazi-American obsession with supermenwohmen is compensatory abreaction to the existential-denial specter of all that which is µTmly KOing institutionalization of the dead Weltanschauung walking. Even the MM (moral majority) is abandoning the corporate self, i.e., the ship of state, as nearly 80 percent are down on the country's political system. The existential denial involved is no mere schizophreniform self-loathing: logic-in-itself, mathematical creation, scientific discovery -- activities TPTB engaged-in/facilitated so as to win existential confirmations -- have turned against them, altogether quenched their mistaken claims to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. Not only is the self loathed, the very defining properties of selfhood as they have known it have been obliterated by their own activities! On the metapsychological level -- i.e., habitus of the hyperstrategy of globaloney -- the demented-hysterical logically-impossible 1T1-unipower Wolf-o-wizz Doctrine is secular-Rabbinical suppression of the Cabalistic insistence upon use of pagan-animistic mother-write/rite/right non-selfsame numbers (this suppression being necessary to keep Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function separated from m-valued Lukasiewicz logics such that the dollar can remain separated from gold, these separations insuring there will be no advent of µTm-valued LETS and resultant demergence of hologramic quantum economies). One very important thing long needing to be comprehended is that multiple bank credit expansion is an exercise in Lukasiewicz logics dissimulated as being mere fractional (actually: fractal) reserve lending. Vague (I did not then know of Lukasiewicz-Post or fractal dimensions) understanding of this came to me in Spring of 1963 whilst taking -- at Fairborn High School where Wright-Patterson AF-brats were consigned -- honors economics simultaneously with honors PSSC physics, where within an introduction to quantum mechanics was taught at the high-school level. This vague understanding -- born of surface comprehension, but accompanied by an acute awareness of failure to grok the essence, which failure induced a fixation upon the will to visualize the monetary topology promulgated by the credit expansion process -- was the origin of what, little more than a decade later, became the seed-idea notion of Lukasiewiczian monetary units. When, during 1975 in the Cornell mathematics library, I ran across Emil Post's famous 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics, the idea of currency m-valuation, as a means self-referentially/autopoietically to orchestrate credit-debt behaviors, rapidly appeared in awareness vis-à-vis the struggle to imagine the topological map of the multiplier effects -- local and synoptic -- brought about by the m-bank credit expansion involved in velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of money in motion pulling organization in its wake. The few attempts I made to speak of these matters in 1963 and 1975 were treated -- and rightly so, since I couldn't give a rigorous account -- by the chosen authority figures as indication that I couldn't get my head around the consensus treatment of credit expansion. And here, folks, comes the latest black-psyche term: macroprudential policy (MpP) undertaken by those undertakers eschewing market reflexivity by third-order temporal curl and identified with memetime [under}stood as objective linear-time, MpP being the central-bankster's equivalent to the R2P-guru's air strikes to prevent genocide. First we had reconnaissance by fire, then simple-propaganda by fire, now SUPRApropagandistic morale operations by fire. Folks, this is not a climb up Jacob's Ladder! Heh-heh-heh! Blimey, gobsmacked with the DaddyDayCare CNN glee club for anathemaic collywobbling values, Mum's wheedled blarney-aspirations, knackering resource dissipations. Survival of the species -- many species -- may depend upon a quorum of those normotic somehow reaching sufficiently into metapsychology as to find the impetus to relinquish their prevailing Umwelt obsessions. I've maintained this point of view ever since the early-1960s at AU-SIS, where I read, by assignment of Prof. Abdul Aziz Said, A. J. P. Taylor's The Origins of the Second World War (Hamish Hamilton, 1961) after I had already read C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul. Later, I read Taylor's The Struggle for the Mastery of Europe 1848-1918 (Clarendon, 1954). Since having been exposed, as an 8-to-11-year-old military brat, to the Shinto animism of Midori Gaoka, Ashiya-cho, kita-Kyushu, by good offices of Obaasan, I never managed to believe in an objective Hobbesian 1T2-state of nature, progressively gravitating, instead, upon a µTm-quantum take as to relative-state identity-transparency in nature (in respect of alterity, uh, that is, as regards 1T2-constitutive Other and incontinent Same, µTm-identity-transparency is not the same as R. G. Collingwood's history as 'recollection' of the [conscious-1T2] 'thinking' of a historical personage). This [orient}ation of mine predisposed me against receptivity to a Taylored view of historiography. Having read Jung first, I was not too impressed by Taylor, though Taylor did reject the thoroughly knuckleheaded, uh, uh, lead-headed, back there in the days of leaded gas, Nuremberg thesis: in the Collingwood tradition, Taylor was an anti-substantialist and thus opposed Thucydides-type historiography, i.e., by Taylor, psychology not considered, let alone metapsychology. But where would we be without Hollywood 4.0 prefigurative-predisposing simulations of outcomes of the collective will to total self-annihilation via the intentional destruction of the HomePlanet? Rest in pieces! The latest elaboration of holocaust hysteria? Getting there just after the nik of memetime? As every skinny guy who makes it through SFTG must have learned early on, muscle power is not the real issue: detailed anatomical knowledge and the precisely focused impact does the trick. Though most everybody attending to current events (see, for instance, Top Financial Experts Say World War 3 Is Coming Unless We Stop It, Zero Hedge, 1 August 2014) knows outbreak of PWI (Planetary War One) is soon to be upon us, how many of them understand the real origins of this prospective battle of the 150-years-running War of The World? For a complementary, far from complimentary, scathing, interesting, and amusing characterization of the prevailing state of the world, and how it got here, see Jim Willie's The Gold Crime Out Of The Gate , Silver Doctors, 1 August 2014.
When I first ran across brief references (see, for example: Maryam Mirzakhani Explains The Work That Made Her The First Woman To Win A Prize In Mathematics, Benjamin Simon, Inquisitr, 14 August 2014) to an Iranian woman, Maryam Mirzakhani, having won the Fields medal for work on the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces (see, for instance: A Tenacious Explorer of Abstract Surfaces, Erica Klarreich, Quanta Magazine, 12 August 2014), I got excited and thought, A person from outside the fold may have introduced a deforming distortion! But, alas, that appears not to have been the case with her algebro-geometric work, which just carries forward the program Riemann initiated: regard the semantics of m-valued functions as if single-valued by geometrizing them, by reducing them to the reigning haptification of space. The sort of deformation I look for is, say, subjection of the fine moduli space (the Grassmannian AllBase-space of Tzog-chen) of Koch curves to Lukasiewiczian logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, such that parameter space geometry looses all dimensions of the property of selfsameness, thus retaining the semantics of m-valuedness-in-itself. This would, of course, violate Zeitgeist of the era of the War of the World going back to denigration of Abel's existence proof as being an impossibility theorem. Nonetheless, such a distortion might be a scheme which might involve glued spectra of spaces of prime ideals such that Karpenko functors could be employed to explicate how a single given acoustically-modified gravity-wave signature of a given single theta-e (equivalent potential temperature) surface can capture, in its form, uh, its Platonic form, the state of a whole multiscale complex angular-momentum cascade dynamic in Earth's atmosphere -- a capture which may have profound implications regarding DNA radiation exchange processes accomplished through the frequency funnel feeding to its pi-electron gas core, and may provide insight as to how value-stacks on base-states of LETS monetary currency units (handled as band-pass fractal drums) are to be mapped upon the fractal e-boundaries employed in their defining properties.
Nature of The Good is what's really being discussed here. Three-and-a-half centuries before Christ, Aristotle-vs.-Plato was simply a deepening of the bifurcation 1T2-separating, by the then-tacit Law of Distributed Middle, those of Rabbinical orientation from those of Cabalistic orientation -- this separation surely falling upon the population corpus in no small measure according to physical, temperamental, and psychological types, as brilliantly argued metaphilosophically in The Compass of Philosophy: An Essay in Intellectual Orientation, Newton P. Stallknecht and Robert S. Brumbaugh, Longmans Green, 1954, something of an extension of Stephen C. Pepper's World Hypotheses: A Study of Evidence, UC-Berkeley, 1942 (though the impetus for Compass was primarily typology and Pepper's main thesis was a challenge to existence of the bare object notionally imputed by Positivism as being raw data free of interpretation [what Platonic Greeks called hyletic data and I regard, on the basis of counter-temporal operations, hyleticpsychetic data, having nothing to do with antimatter and memetime reversal], cosmogony metaphors of four basic types altogether replacing objectivity, animistic mysticism being specifically singled out for exclusion). While I thoroughly disagree with Pepper's main thesis, I do so not on the basis of metaphor or syllogisms of 1T2-only-logical argument, but that of percept. Redintegration is hologramic; identity-transparency, enclitic. Add no siccative! The origins of virtue are not found in a 1T2-Manichaen moral ethos implemented by superegoic triumph of the will over id impulses, a glutamatergic process facilitated by the right sort of metaphors being employed at prescriptive enculturation, but in the access to memetime-slowdown imparted by increased baud-rate of consciousness and associated direct perception of µTm-animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency (to get a feeling for it, think: ketaminergic long-range phase-correlations over THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains; now envision-enhear, Picasso-Stockhausen-wise, Musculpt psycho-ideographs of Synthetic-Cubism-superposed Analytical Cubist multiple heads [e.g., for one, Picasso, The Weeping Woman, 1937], seen-sounded all around corpora of Husserlian horizons, a given such superposition-of-superpositionings being-signifying a Musculpted Riemann-surface moduli space of the Lukasiewiczian signature of the neuropsychiatric state parameterizing a given socius, a somewhat-gestalt that might be, à la Marie-Louise von Franz's Number and Time: Reflections Leading towards a Unification of Psychology & Physics, Northwestern U., 1974, M-Theoretically formalizable). Such flash sounded-images begin to emerge into crystal clear awareness as autogenic-discharge photisms, Kusama-dot arrays accompanied by Takemitsu-asterisms, once the facility for memetime slowdown begins its onset. Elaboration transpires through Belsoneque expanded internal cinerama as burst-in disk-network-mandala yantric patterns, color fields, color-coded Kandinsky-integrets, so on, all with mantric accompaniment, unto Cubistic comprehension. There can be little doubt that Tantric Schrödinger and friends, in their snowbound Austrian Alps cabin, shared such direct perception as the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics was formulated and written. Not much of especial intelligence is discoursed upon the Aristotle-Plato bifurcation, mostly sophomoric Aristotelian debunking of stasis in favor of changes. Well, The Book of Changes (which is not the Book of Chances) is based upon static arrays, numerical and graphic, representing situational types, after the fashion of character typologies rooted in archetypal gradients not dissimilar to homeopathic types. Static lattice logics are construed to generate arguments. Static Regge lattices represent the spacetime curvature configurations of Einstein's general relativity. My main thesis is: the totality of 1T2-Aristotelian dynamics is contained in the µTm-Platonic forms (µTm by subjection of the Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes in the Fermi sea of an infinite 3D electron gas to Husserliana: see, for a recent relevant paper of interest, The Brillouin zones and band gaps of a two-dimensional phononic crystal with parallelogram lattice structure, JiaGuang Hu and Wen Xu, Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 57:6, June 2014, pp. 1013-19) from which it hologramically demerges, and that the memetime independent process of demergence is ontically experiencible and learnable by Platonic anamnesis facilitated by walking meditation and associated Husserliana actually practiced via cross-correlation of sensory dimensions. Penrose Orch-OR is at issue here, but how is the objective-subjective binarism to survive Lukasiewicz understood independent of the notion truth-value? Demergence means the abstract has precedence over the concrete -- logical, ontological, temporal precedence: abstraction is not from the concrete, quite the contrary. But even that is a misconstrual: Parmenides and Heraclitus were both right. Nothing ever changes is Everything is nothing but changes. How? Why? Because demergence is cyclotomic involutory decomposition, and remergence (not emergence) is volutory recomposition. Though everything changes with demergence, nothing is changed -- because it is already always all ways therehere. The spontaneous localization and spontaneous fusion (not to be confused with the monotonic spontaneous process of memetime-bound thermodynamics) of quantum mechanics almost has it, were Schrödinger's original memetime-independent wave equation more fully comprehended, e.g., with Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. The actual determiners-attractors have no memetime reference: that's why any accurate statement about change/no-change has to be 1T2-paradoxical.
I know from direct observation of the responses of my own organism that pedestrian drugstore-quality vitamin C has effects upon my gingival tissue, my gums; I do not know from this that vitamin C wild-crafted from its industrially-unmanipulated natural contexts does not have more widespread effects, e.g., those upon the molecular and atomic levels, some such upon the quantum properties of my organism, even perhaps quantum effects other than those ascribed by Albert Szent-Györgyi in Introduction to a Submolecular Biology, Academic Press, 1960, and in his prior plus subsequent works. I generalize these thoughts to other vitamins, and reasonably assume that minerals are biologically active, even when industrially processed, on both molecular and submolecular levels. One question I've asked myself is: Which aspects of the given substance operate on which levels, and how are the actions of those aspects affected by manipulation? Further: Does the DigiBio 1T2-digital signature of a substance, and/or its imprint upon structured-water, the journalistic molecular-memory/water-memory raising specters of colloidal memory and Gilbert Ling Polarized Multilayer Theory of Cell Water (an extraordinary -- astoundingly, apparently only published so late as 2001 -- book-length manuscript I received by personal communication a couple of decades and more ago) quantum plasmahaut, operate on the molecular level? Not too likely. Does this signature survive industrial manipulation? Very likely not unscathed. What about the µTm-quantum wave properties of a substance? Are they registered in the digitalization process? No -- by definition, no concatenation of 1T2s can convey semantic content of any µTm of logical-value order-type more holistic than 1T2. How does that observation reflect upon Jacques Benveniste's famous/infamous 1988 Nature paper (independently-arrived-at support for the Paine-Pensinger thesis -- i.e., per the canonical equation of our model, DNA-higher-temporal-encoded frequency-response windows/waveforms/intensities are, by histological type, the immunological bottom line, recognition being fundamental and action secondary -- concerning the µTm-quantum relative-state aspects of immune-signification-which-takes-into-account-not-only-specificity-but-also-integration: specificity, unwarranted preoccupation of the materialistic individualist, don't function too good, and ain't survivable, without adequate integration)? Chandran K. C.'s discussions (see: 'Digital Biology' Of Benveniste -- The Bible Of Pseudo-science And Quackery Under Label of Homeopathy, Dialectical Homeopathy [homeopathic Marxism? Marxist homeopathy?], 5 March 2013; profitably read alongside our paper entitled Quantum Biophysics of the Homeopathic Ozone Effect, circa 1995, where it should become apparent that Chandran K. C.'s explanation of differential action, i.e., not disrupting interactions between natural targets and their ligands is stimulating but inadequate, more thoroughly treated in Time-Logics of the Quantal Base State in Homeopathic Potentization, William L. Pensinger and Douglas A. Paine and Julia Jus, Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 90:2, Summer 1997) of imprinting relative to complementary configurations plus absence of charge affinities and the homeopathic principle of similia similibus curentur are evocative in terms of the distinction between memetime and 3-fold temporal curl of quantal operator-time predicated by the canonical equation of the Paine-Pensinger model of DNA radiation exchange processes. The article by Benveniste entitled Understanding Digital Biology, which Chandran K. C. reproduces in his article, makes interesting reading. Nonetheless, as Chandran K. C. points out, Benveniste denigrates the roles played by stereochemical structure and articulative processes in biology. This is not to say that Chandran K. C. gets it right, however, particularly as regards roles fulfilled by frequency domains and their temporal-curl-impelled autopoietic operators, organic and inorganic: see, for instance, A climate hypothesis describing the solar-terrestrial system as a frequency domain with specific response characteristics, Douglas A. Paine, Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 64:26, pp. 425-428, 28 June 1983. It's the frequency specificity (and embedded instruction sets) by which Earth responds to Sun (think: the complex angular momentum conveyed by the solar wind) which holds out authentic possibility to rectify iatrogenic anthropogenicity triggering onset (increasingly volatile cyclicities: high-low, up-down, hot-cold, wet-dry, strong-weak, so on) of abrupt climate shift phase-transiting to cuspover within a temporal window measured in n-memetime decades. Only our Sun can synergistically geoengineer an Earth cure: the chaos butterfly wing-flap required being autogenic shift in the complex-angular-momentum regime delivered Earth in course of the solar cycle. No Gaia :: no Amaterasu :: no cure. Then, ARM the stratosphere! Atmospheric radiation measurement, heh-heh-heh! Measure the effects of microwave commo, HAARP, so on. Chandran K. C. clearly does not realize -- relative to Wheelerian geometrodynamics, geons, the quantum foam, the 1T2-self-reflexive nature of the quantum measurement occasion, so on -- that all particles, atoms, molecules, organisms, objects, celestial bodies are nothing-but-[no}thing given shape, given shape by I say: quantal operator-time effectuating pre-pregeometry (µTm-valued calculi of propositions) and pregeometry (bucket of dust, handle tied to a string, swung in loops by 3-fold temporal curl). The things we call particles, atoms, molecules, organisms, objects are vibrations of no-thing memetime-lapsed by our prescriptively enculturated perceptions-proprioceptions-cogitations, these PEPPCs (no reference to Pepsi) transpiring at baud-rates well below the absolute limiting velocity of 1T2-consciousness: a salient feature underlying homeopathic mechanism of action. By virtue of the original, non-reductive, memetime-independent Schrödinger wave equation, the quantum vacuum fluctuation comes logically-ontologically before material structure is -- indeed, before spacetime curvature configurations are. Atoms don't vibrate; vibrations, atom. Hausdorff measure doesn't unit ball, unit balls Hausdorff measure. I don't want to mismeasure myself here, in being critical-laudatory of Chandran K. C., who, in his article, focused upon the same issue I did: he is an expert, and I know squat about clinical homeopathy, but I have studied many books on homeopathy at the kindly insistence of, and passed on to me by, Julia Jus who, inspired, saw relevance of our DNA ideas to homeopathy fundamentals, and I have thus spent two decades thinking about the basic questions involved. So, reader, make of my observations what you will. This is a bit esoteric, but I should, nonetheless, say it: what I suspect no reader of that 35-year-old International Journal of Quantum Chemistry paper ever noted, including during the peer review process, is that the notational term, used in derivation of the canonical equation, verbally designated the counterforce to the pressure gradient term signifies the gravitational acceleration, which, in context of the equation, speaks to acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, or, relative to quantum dynamics of DNA helix-coil transition, hypersound, or, say, second sound, radiation-induced temperature oscillation of pi-electron parcels being the signal issue codified in our model relative to temporal densities/operations -- this appearance of that term being strong microphysical-modeled support for the macro-intuitive notion advocated by Benveniste and detailed by Ling (though I feel this gravitational component -- which should be noted relates to structure -- suggests a caveat equally important as that regarding 1T2-digitalization vs. µTm-Musculpting of recognition signals and embedded instruction sets: of considerable import, especially regarding the enteric nervous system, as per intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA and these molecules' pulse-code-emitted coherent quantum wave properties, flashing forward, to Bacteria and the Neural Code, Benjamin E. Steinberg and Kevin J. Tracey and Arthur S. Slutsky, The New England Journal of Medicine, 371, 27 November 2014, pp. 2131-3; and Researchers Wish to Backhack Nervous System to Crack Infection Code, Heather Callaghan, Activist Post, 1 December 2014). We, in full consciousness, used the verbal designator counterforce to the pressure gradient term because we knew -- from related, but somewhat topically-distant, interactions with John A. Wheeler and, later, Stephen Hawking, or, uh, his post-doc correspondence handler, whichever the case may have been -- that any other way of speaking would be sufficient cause for peer rejection (these were the days well before acoustic analogues to black hole computing had raised their ugly m-valued/m-logically-valued Gorgon heads). Or so I then understood -- largely-spurned and now-deceased Cornell professor D. A. Paine being the one with the most thorough understanding of these sorts of deep issues. So much irretrievably lost with his premature passing. He was still extremely astute as to discourse on such topics -- and per his classroom style, full of simple illustrative analogies -- unto our last face-to-face in Nong Khai, Thailand, where Nha Trang and I were then pro bono associated with First Global Community College, a worthy, if largely unsupported, Cornell-Ph.D. Pramote-Nakornthab-inspired-and-led attempt at creative higher education. When Paine read the first draft of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, he asserted that it would take 150 years for its content to be adequately assimilated. I thought this a wildly pessimistic overstated overstatement, but it has now been 20 years since printing and 40 years and more since initialization of many of the ideas it contains. So, who knows? Peers don't approve publication of new thoughts or replicate new findings they themselves did not produce, any more readily than teachers sacrifice personal security to the benefit of their students' educations. Baconian-logical, Napoleonic-Weberian bureaucracies qua mandarinates, and their memberships, be they scientific, police, military, governmental, so on, first and foremost look after numero uno -- number one not being fulfillment of job descriptions. Speaking of surface-structure only, this state of affairs is designed-in through adopted parameters of the incentive systems employed, and, in being designed-in, it's the expected, even preferred, outcome. Forty-, fifty-, sixty-billion dollars in personal net worths (not to mention imputations that Putin's is $400+bn) and half-a-billion-dollar condos, though spawn of what currently goes by the name capitalism, can hardly be regarded necessary to the incentive structure insuring optimum functionality of markets, including the markets Big Pharma operates in. SatanWake-in-the-night, space-behind-the-wall, hole-in-the-corner lot they are, aren't they? Are they, now? And wuthering, I suppose, more's the pity. Chancery all, we may assume, with the derring-do required in such circles to be different, and insufferably withering, too, no doubt Yes, and the PM -- one of the string in compensatory abreaction to CCD, colony collapse disorder -- could be a Perfect, uh, perfect per-son, no spluttering jester's tactician afflicted with HA-AD, that is autistic neonicotinoided ADHD, and afflicting us who have gone off honey with welters of airy-fairy gestures. He being a slippery phocine aviophobe exemplifying the ophidian sexual underscore to shit-on-the-sheets in Fear of Flying -- whilst pulling his pint just to be sure. There are two most fundamental problems with market capitalism, presently gobsmacked: (1) people fail markets much more than markets fail people; and (2) market binarisms (simple-up/down, simple-in/out, simple-supply/demand, simple-incentives/sanctions) processing 1T2-only-logically-valued currency throughput filter-renormalize functionally integrative, third-order dynamic, reflexive, holistic, relative-state, m-valued information which thus is not µTm-processed and is no multivalent factor of the action-directives (incentives/sanctions) delivered to micro- and macro-actors. I haven't even seen an argument to the effect that the aforementioned megadollarized incentives are necessary, though I am confident there must be some such advocacy out there somewhere in the mainstream media. When discussions of biological superconductivity dropped out of the literature around 1980, where did they drop out to? The same can be asked about cold fusion independent of tornadic plasma bottles, digital biology, and quite a few other subject areas. Lucy with the colloidal memory implant, not the one in the sky with diamonds, probably knows the answer.
So, why doesn't Sergei Glazyev walk over to Moscow State University and speak with Alexander Karpenko about m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian monetary units? Putin's imputed $400+bn could make a real good start on global implementation of nesting foams of Lukasiewiczian LETS defined over fractal e-boundaries.
Quoting James Lee Burke with respect to residents of Plato's cave (Pegasus Descending, Orion, 2006, p. 173):
Their ignorance is a given. In fact, they take pride in it and use it as a weapon. The threat of violence is implicit in their rhetoric and in the bold stare of their eyes. Their greatest fear as well as their greatest enemy is knowledge of themselves. Like Plato's prisoners in The Allegory of the Cave, they will perpetrate any hateful act, including murder, on the individual who tries to set them free from their chains.
Howsoever many encomiast viceregals dissipating plenty potentiaries with endergonic cogitations forever slipping into sublating imprecatory utterances, still, no eulogy, no encomium, no panegyric, no sursum corda can be expected. Really, it takes a lifetime to fully credit how brutal a brutal tale is human history, whereas the brutality of immediate experience is easily enough internalized. The best we can come up with is a political system -- indeed, a healthcare system, an economic system, an on and on -- based upon the suborning of perjury, or, shall we say: [per}jury? Governance that can find no better way to support itself than by boosting populace with gambling scams? Explain why a society needs, needs, needs to torture. Can't be to get information, otherwise the whole prison system would not be designed as a locus of torture environments based upon sexual battery and constant existential threat. Civilization as a Crime being the most accurate characterization -- unless one prefers, like Octave Mirbeau, Civilization as Murder. Reinventing the Twentieth Century: we'll have to leave that to unconditionally-teleporting travelers in memetimed multiverse and their quantum-gravity loopers, or, well, to Niall Ferguson imprinting upon the probability-amplitude interpretation and editing alternatives and counterfactuals into virtual history. But, really, insomuch that inspissation of logical-ontological-temporal precedence relations -- uh, by thermodynamically-mandated loss-of-memetime amidst unlimited splitting into multiworlds or schizo-specific multiminds, or by Penrose Orch-OR (orchestrated objective reduction), or just simply by spontaneous localization within one-and-only universe -- is CTCly more complex than 1T2-memetime allows if Abel, if Cantor, if Lukasiewicz, if the m-valued memetime-independent Schrödinger wave-function of the universe be interpreted, not with probability amplitudes, but with m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. Can the µTm-logically-valued state of an elementary particle, say, be 1T2-encoded? With this question, I part company with current notions of quantum computing. I answer: No -- syntactically perhaps, but not semantically. That's why the shadows on the walls of Plato's cave are shadows! No generative Schrödinger con[cat}enation of 1T2-logically-valued codons can replicate the meaning of any µTm-valued proposition of logical-value order-type higher than 1T2. The µTm -- actually CTC -- I speak of as being applicable to Schödinger's m-valued wave-function is not that of fuzzy-logic distributed middle equivalent to the reals in the interval 0,1 -- for not only is the Law of Undistributed Middle violated, so is the Law of Non-Contradiction. This means that no generative semantics, and no generative empathy, bridges any logical-value-order-type phase transition -- Eros and/or Agape, regardless. Fairyism In Excelsior! Longfellowish or Whitmanish, doth she possess; all is facile, she so claims -- unless, be she crossed. Then it's, Thank you, Miss Hissy Fit! Meaning is not generated; it is memetime-independently hologramically demergent. While structural correspondence may involve self-similarity and functional correspondence one-to-one mapping, relative-state identity-transparency is all-in-one, part-cardinality containing whole-cardinality. This by-means-only-of-the-whole is one reason why romantic love fails as a vehicle for authentic identity-transparency, which does not exist person-to-person, only via animistic participation mystique with the natural surround. Does the state-function of an electron, say, capture the non-simple identity of that electron? I say no. While structure may undergo fission-fusion and the state-function may be syntactically disaggregated into, what?, distinct 32-states?, and reaggregated, the semantic identity of the electron -- spread out over the whole universe -- may not be logically fragmented into 1T2-components or components of any logical-value order-types less hologramic than itself. The electron carries not only information about the relative-state of the whole universe, but also, pre-pregeometrically speaking, Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered µTm-valuations as to the meaning of the whole universe. The meaning, the non-simple identity, coheres through both structural and functional transforms representable in M-theoretic Musculpt symformphonie -- that coherent meaning standing holographically in Plato's cave without casting shadows. Structures and functions cast shadows, not meanings. Shadowland (incorporating Flatland), indeed, the residual-tension-generated decoherence required for In-the-Body-[Ex}perience (IBE being ex-coherence), is an artifact of significantly enlawed prescriptive/proscriptive enculturation-socialization glutamatergically anchored (the involved neural network wipeouts beginning fetally, whilst still in the womb) to molecular-cellular 1T2-brains not containing THE µTm-quantum brain. Thus, little recourse to 1T2-ratiocination-argumentation is justified. Quantum-based technologies have always been in the wrong hands -- those Cartesian-Newtonian. Ridiculous to suggest they might fall into the wrong hands. Bee's knees, maybe, but hexy for a brain! Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics: probability amplitudes speak nothing in respect to the meaning of Schrödinger's wave-function; only Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-valued propositions can do that. Form, apropos of semantics, does not follow function: function follows form; structure follows function. But since participatory quantum measurement inherently involves exercise of collective intentionality, if that intentionality is exercised by 1T2-only-perception-proprioception-cogitation, uh, by glutamate-pruned binary-minds, then the reentrant, third-order-dynamics Anthropic Principle is invoked such that a single value is memetime-independently chosen from each value array displayed by each m-valued universal physical constant. No here, bottled out, bolt-holed elsewhere, gone bunk, spare, flit, they have, away in rather than in away. That nobody wants to understand quantum theory -- they'd rather fight the War of the World about it and not register that choice as being the deep-structure etiology -- is a counterfactoid Richard Feynman almost found without looking because he could have looked and found. Such a laser mind! Interaction without interaction: more Wheelerian Magic Without Magic. Speaking here of the vonNeumannized Wheeler-Graham multiworlds interpretation of Everett's relative-state formulation (for relatively, heh-heh-heh, easy access to quantum-gravity, see Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler's megavolume entitled Gravitation, a book that remained persistently open throughout 1975-6 on the desk of my tractor-barn loft space at Paine's Trumansburg farm: night reading), which, when de-vonNeumannized, thus violating thermodynamic isolation of each schizo-split-off universe, allows for existence of a reflexive multiverse with no schizophreniform loss of time, so long, heh-heh-heh, that is, as Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function remains cognitively schizo-split-off from m-valued logics, this dissociation, and its precursors, centering the fundamental ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) governing BinaryMind in the post-NielsHenrikAbel period. Only those 2nk-unaware (k of very low positive values) that they suffer M-PD, multiple-personality disorder, could seriously entertain the notion that geometrodynamic [man}ipulation of spacetime can be accomplished independent of pregeometry and pre-pregeometry. And given the participatory nature of quantum measurement -- perception/proprioception being subclinical Abelian algebraic varieties thereof -- what is the probability-amplitude, heh-heh-heh, that, under geometrodynamic transform, the simply-identifiable entrant-personality will be selfsame upon exit? Not very probable that probability amplitudes will provide much guidance on that. Aye happy am;Aye to school go: Old English form, like that Japanese. Under geometrodynamic transform, onem can hardly exclude Im retrogrades, inversions, retrograde-inversions, Mnk handles and mappings of myriad sorts, so on: that's quantum non-simple identity for you! Ayeam derived from Im, in the sense that allowed the Mmedieval artist to multi-re-present the same [per}son at different places in the same picture-plane spacetime slice: early recognition of the EPR paradox, that [re}cognition being a regressed cultural lag of the µTm-animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency operative in matrisystem Lebenswelt of primordial Old Europe. Regardless of how hyperred has hyperspace become at hands of Platonic-shadow-addicted mathematicians and physicists, still, it is 1T2-logically-valued, this valuation being a cultural lag sustained by those memetime-bound and jostling for beamtime, a lag glutamatergically etched upon cogitation from days of prepartum depression. While the Feynman processor may aptly connote current conceptions of quantum computing, Schrödinger's machines is a misnomer, for Schrödinger never embraced the probability-amplitude interpretation as to meaning of his m-valued wave-function replacement for Newton's Laws of Motion. Acknowledgement, assimilation of the imports of, and positive embrace of the counter-1T2-factual, stating that both memetime and ponderable space are myths electrochemically anchored to neuronally-pruned brains, is a quantum reshaping nobody wants to undergo. Thus, for instance, the quantum-measurement results of single-photon 1T2-self-interference experiments are mass-psychologically projected out-there as indicative of a multiverse, this projecting being epiphenomenal to the probability-amplitude interpretation, while, actually, in-here, those results denote inherent µTm-logical-valuedness, i.e., logos-typology corpora independent of the notion truth-value. Not multiple universes: multivalued universal physical constants and multivalued Schrödinger-memetime-independent wave-functions processed in Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space via myriad multivalued-logics processors and autopoietically unfolding the enfold with 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time. People regard techno-ConveDD -- mass transference on the subject/(physical)object-level -- as psychologically benign, when it is actually psychosomatic etiology of collective autoimmune dyscrasia: denial of inherently-given capacities-processes of the organism, which denial likely, at some threshold of intensity, potentiates anti-DNA antibodies, naturally occurring and/or GMOed -- possibly even genetic engineering qua engineering, itself, being one such antibody. Does it now. Can hardly doubt it, we can, even of our most sunny day, gone noon. Right, like naming a Pope Uninnocent or Inclement. Aye Aye, sir! I yes, sir! How was I transformed into yes? Was that transformation a ConveDD accomplished by yes-men? Self-evident axioms, aye, but with respect to which selfhood order-type under µTm-quantum non-simple identity? This is a more fundamental problem than any Hilbert identified and currently targeted by the Fields medal. Ignorance may alter states, but hardly pregeometic bucket of dust hyletic data. In terms of logical-ontological befores/afters, where does the quantum measurement problem fall? Says who? Come there none? Believing is seeing -- insofar as it is collective belief, prescriptively/proscriptively enculturated-lawfared, anchored to the molecular-cellular 1T2-brain by glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching. Quench inner Musculpt and also quenched is telepathic clairvoyance-clairaudience as communicative modality epiphenomenal to long-range phase-correlative animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency. Then comes one form of techno-ConveDD: DARPA qua U. of Arizona TMS and BCI-CBI Researchers Achieve First Successful Telepathic Transfer, Nicholas West, Activist Post, 22 August 2014. Here we have one small Project: Soul Catcher qua Control Factor step for hu-hu-hu-mankind. And here is another: Mind Control Scientists Turn Off Emotional Link to Memories, Nicholas West, Activist Post, 28 August 2014. A thing about optogenetic intervention to manipulate activities of 1T2-neurons is that, per our model of DNA radiation-exchange processes, this same intervention likely also affects, say, velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of nucleotide unbonding/bonding at sequencing during helix-coil transition of intraneuronal mitochondrial DNA, thus temperature fluctuations of pi-electron parcels of free-electron gas core of the molecule, hence immunologically-tagged frequency-response windows and the biological clocks set by normative temperature fluctuation rates of pi-electron parcels. This sort of Rx for PTSD may resolve the memory-function related components of presenting symptoms, while at the same memetime exacerbating others, e.g., fall-off in killer T-cell titers on the brain side of the blood-brain barrier. Cumulative effects of which being a potential contributor to advent of a World War Z? One aspect of the pathogenesis of the present planetary crisis: Science is dead. Has been obtunded since before WWI. Didn't have to wait for The Greatest Generation, for a Turing, a Teller to be mentally raped and misdirected by their enforced bind-by-indentures to requirements of The Good War. The obverse just goes to show what keeping your candle under a basket is all about. Techno-ConveDD sets the agenda of so-called science; science has long since stopped setting the techno-development agenda. For instance, as per the West articles, instead of using their technologies to learn how to reclaim lost human faculties, say, inner Musculpt, scientists create regressed techno-versions of those faculties; indeed, they intend to altogether replace humans. Scientists seek to destroy humanity in order to save it. And this ConveDD-set agenda is mirrored in the realms of foreign policy, belligerents having, by secular Papal Bull, made the right of angary -- permitted under international so-called law -- angelic: take everything those neutral possess, an application of the Law of Distributed Middle to those in violation of 1T2's either/or, Eros/Agape, M-F over/under, with/against, so on. Thus sprechstimme Diseuse of the Bench! Judge Bailey -- Inner Bailey, what, whether Old Bailey or Bailey-the-younger. Just love, we do, don't we, our Lance-Alot-Her-Lake, Knight-of-Her-Cart, Right-of-Bride-First-Use primogenital, uh, primogeniture guy, high-mesomorph that he is, sufferer of lateral mental cleavage. Somewhat parenthetically, but by way of illustration, in my nonantidisestablishmentarianism, I, married with one wife, a disharmonic dishabille of one Conshohocken and another, a teenaged reader of Henry Adams' Mont-Saint Michel and Chartres, no lover of painterly Renaissance over-washes of the Undistributed Middle as being The Dark Ages, hold that the European High Middle Ages -- like late-medieval Japan -- were whitflawe-lower than those Low: suppression of the Erdgeist; appearance of the Black Death with unmitigated multiplication of city rats; the Hundred Years' War; rise of the machine; population explosion; restitution of 1T2-lawfare; institution of 1T2-markets; feudal oppression of the peasant-serf by those viceregal, regal, hyperregal primum mobiles; inculcation of Crusader mentality; ethnic cleansing of those fostering the Gnostic Revival of the teleological strange-attractor, of sacred hyperspace, of the Kairos moment, time of divine intervention, of the rapturing of the raptors left behind, of the demergence of divine light (uh, of the cascade of complex- and hypercomplex-numbered angular momentum under Trinitarian 3-fold temporal curl), of the theory of the opportune-critical exploded-instant, Kairos-lapse being lapse not in time, but lapse of time, i.e., a hole in, or abeyance of, memetime, quoting Wiki on Kairos, in which everything happens, when-where everything supreme, substantive, formative transpires. Kairos very significantly also meaning the weather in both ancient and modern Greek -- significant, given the in-parentheses above-noted connection with atmospheric cascade dynamics. Truth, as they say, comes at a price, and that price is limitation to the 1T2-order-type alone. No one, except perhaps Milton Friedman, has been more identified with binary logic than has been Henry Kissinger. So, one has to veritably die of embarrassed mortification upon reading his so-sophomoric latest Intro to World Politics first-day-of-classes lecture: Henry Kissinger on the Assembly of a New World Order, The Wall Street Journal, 29 August 2014.
It should be noted that the phosphenes employed in synthetic techno-telepathy (see: "Conscious Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans Using Non-Invasive Technologies", Carles Grau, et al., Plos One, 19 August 2014: consider that non-invasive is here being used as a relative term), aka photisms, aka nimitta, and related to CEV, i.e., closed-eye visualizations, and the various developmental stages of visual phenomena detailed from clinical histories by Wolfgang Luthe as experienced during the autogenic state by those practicing Autogenic Training (see his article entitled The Clinical Significance of Visual Phenomena During the Autogenic State along with W. Luthe, A. Jus, and P. Geissmann, Autogenic State and Autogenic Shift: Psychophysiologic and Neurophysiologic Aspects, both in Autogenic Training, W. Luthe, editor, Grune and Stratton, 1965) are photic aspects in the early elaboration of inner Musculpt symformphonie, aspects which can be, really can be, enhanced by use of the Lilly tank -- being-there being more ketaminergic than mere adrenergic being-in-the-world. Parenthetically, and only personally, heh-heh-heh, I've (that imputed I-ness expanded by ontic good offices of my µTm-identity-incorporating participation-mystique-explicating folklore-scholar wife) pretty much gotten used to the fact that being-screwed-in-the-end for being-here is collective retribution for being-in-being-there, a consciousness state non-permitted by dictates of 1T2-only enculturation-socialization of normotic neuronal-pruning and associated quantum quenching. By my-I-mean, who is this-I-am to contravene the collective Triumph of the Will? Absent my wife, I'd never have understood that to be the cosmic case, à la missing semi-tones and all the rest. Can't get into that right now, all that's going on, bro. Heh-heh-heh!
So few jobs left out there not but one or two steps removed from the war machine, the oppression machine, the poison-the-person-and-the planet machine. Forget authenticity, intrinsic interest, 40-to-60 hours/week. Keep on truckin', tough it out 'till big pension time -- if the pension don't git bailed in. Given such gradients -- and there are myriad -- is it any wonder we are in midst of a pharmaceutical nightmare (see: 30 Million Americans On Antidepressants And 21 Other Facts About America's Endless Pharmaceutical Nightmare, Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream, 2 September 2014) -- [pharma}cock>racy having become integral to [de}mock>racy? Used to be that induced-non-ionizing changes in quantum states of component processes of organisms were said to have no substantive biological effects; then, given the various types of irradiation involved in the many sorts of imaging technologies, it was no detrimental effects; then, when the public was made aware of wave-effect anti-personnel weaponry, it became no lethal effects; soon, it will be no macromolecular effects and no immunological effects and no mutagenic effects and no cell-level effects and no organ-level effects. Ask, however, Gilbert Ling, a progenitor of the MRI machine, how firewallish he thinks plasmahauts are in a universe in µTmly-omni-interactive relative-state. Have to keep this stuff back-channeled as long as possible, otherwise other matters will come to light, e.g., how superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA is its own organic SQUID-SERF functional-analogue, so to speak, working on the level of temporal curl rather than that electromagnetic, or, regarding Earth-atmospheric cascade processes in severe storm genesis, by solar-wind-induced changes in angular momenta, complex angular momenta, and hypercomplex angular momenta, the Sun monitors the quantum-relative-state of Earth: sort of like, uh, well, self-similar to how operation of the MRI machine involves induced changes in angular momenta of nuclear particles. But don't worry, be happy, this is just part of [men}gineering a post-transhuman species, humanity having become smart enough to take that off the hands of God, freeing Him up for matters much more important than mere evolution of species -- however many memetime 1T2-paradoxes involved be there may, what. And what a sense of freedom thus achieved! Despite the fact that, 1T2-paradoxically, the most controlled people on the planet are the controllers, i.e., those most identified with regressed archetypal event gradients of the collective unconscious. How distant does the transference mirror, located on a closed memetimelike curve, have to be to produce, in retrospect, what was clearly a calamitous century? How now, aye pray thee, Sumption, thou dearest Knight Errancy, is it mere consumption, the consumption, or thee Assumption to Highest Table which thy bringeth us? Or, mayhaps, an action of commonest-law: assumpsit? Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment as bell, book, and candle of a pillow, 1966-'67 (SFTG, Smoke Bomb Hill; Goat Lab, Ft. Sam; OJT, Ft. Dix; Dog Lab, Ft. Bragg): etiology, pathogenesis, signs and symptoms, lab findings, differential diagnosis, treatment, prognosis in regards to the thousand diseases manwohmankind vectors. The modicum of chronic stress (ultimately registered as shifts in the normative values of the quantum-wave properties of DNA: readable via directional laser nano-barograph arrays?) induced by just one factor, the unrelenting ambient noise of the machine of modern and postmodern Lebenswelt, is enough, in and of itself, after the fashion of an erethismic high-ectomorph, to markedly increase the collective impetus to mass-transference ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement), one critical-state ensemble behavior of the population corpus. Calamity Jane + Catastrophe Jack, carved right there on trunk of the ol' oak tree, Goddess and Caesar, two more hinky turnstile-wenderers, yep. Hep, ya'll, missy, suh? Not INturested. None can do. Strop their not-so-straight razors first on stone, then on leather. Thoronking swamp frogs sittin' at the bottom of a well preeetendin' theirun tree frogs. Our current young working anti-antrorse physicist, uncomfortable with his assigned role attribution -- i.e., being Her Rodeo Drive by projective-identification of/with She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, the Jungian Anima -- needs to get off his obsecration and undergo an aggiornamento so as to stop being an agglutinogen facilitating formation of the cognitive agglutinin sustaining institutionalization of normotic science with Her ConveDD-methodology of techno-innovation, uh, which may be a retrograde-inversion of the actual case: one/square-root-of-two (|believes e Alice-on-Bob-Bob-on-Alice>h |Bob-on-Alice-Alice-on-Bob>m |Bob-on-Alice-Alice-on-Bob>e). Carry that psychoneuroimmunology onto Kazimir Malevich's White-on-White, with [re}cognition that the m-orders of incompatibility amongst observables is an m-valued function of the order-type-in-logical-value of non-simple-identity attributed to the observer at measurement, clinical and subclinical, and, there it is, an up-to-date understanding of animistic µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency, sans impetus to the techno-ConveDD (when queried years ago, Masayoshi Son exhibited no interest in Lukasiewiczian-LETS monetary units, but clearly is bullish on artifacts of regressed techno-ConveDD, as made pellucid by Softbank to Sell Robot in U.S. Stores Within 12 Months, Rin Ichino and Takashi Amano, Bloomberg, 2 September 2014) induced by the projective-identification at mass transference driving-attracting the War of the World. Bot contribution to so-called quantum-computed entre upon full-blown cyborgization -- as if it takes the slightest increment of supra-imbecile IQ to recognize reincarnations of the Nazi introjection of Nietzschean supermen in Holocaust-mutated X-Men of Steel, derivative of the Prince of Egypt, 1T2-paradoxically projected to be allegorical Saviors from the soon-to-cuspover conjunct global crises. While the foremost comparison available is to the Nazis -- though Stalinism and Maoism are also relevant -- a seventy-years-long (I know: I was born on Flag Day, 1945, to an exemplary B-17 pilot) climb up The Devil's Staircase from there has made the comparison bootless: present elaborations upon self-similar themes prefigure something incommensurately worse. Pursuit of a pathological agenda far more reprehensible than was that of Hitler's Nazis: in their post-humanic zeal, intent upon eradication, not specifically of the Jews, but of all humanity and any non-GMOed portions of the biosphere remaindered, left behind, whilst irreversibly modifying geo-, atmo-, magnetosphere. Genocide, slavery, nature rape, mass warfare, autoimmune dyscrasia have for hundreds of years been the dominant themes played out by the pyramiding European slime mold (first drawn to my attention by Suzi Daniels, a radiation biologist studying phytochrome, herein explicated by W. David Kubiak via a Japanese allegory as to regression of µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency by conversion to 1T2-hierarchical formations) as it-they has-have more and more thoroughly enveloped the planet -- regardless of the disingenuous claims made by this or that party concerning this or that philosophy of political-economy. Memetime-passed -- pasts stacked upon pasts stacked upon pasts -- glutamatergically anchored to their neuron-pruned, automatized, 1T2-only, molecular-cellular brains, is their inescapable cage, their anti-Cabalistic Cube, their karma, which they self-reflexively double-down upon themselves by prescriptive enculturation-socialization of largely single-valued, and totally singly-logically-valued, Umwelt and Weltanschauung, thus yielding the psychotogenetic regressions responsible for their apparently-unalterable behavioral profile. Given the number of live and spent nuclear-fuel stockpiles sitting all over tiny Japan, compliments of Eisenhower's Atoms For Peace, that country simply cannot fight a significant war, let alone engage in a nuclear exchange, or be a party to such: Japan's nuclear power plants don't have to be bombed, as all that's necessary to spread nuclear salt across Japan is to bring down the power grid, and keep it down. So, how is it the U.S. believes Japan could persist on the American side in a major war with China? This is a belief of sane people? And how believe that in run-up to such a war Japan, in one way or another, would not do a flip-over? The prospect would be: flip-over or die. And there remains an enormous stockpile of unresolved rage festering in depths of the Japanese psyche born of justifiable historical grievances against the West -- no less than China's grievances, perhaps. Best capsulation of memetime-boundedness being perhaps best stated in the best passage produced by Michael Crichton in his Timeline (Ballantine, 1999, pp. 349-50). Quoting:
We are all ruled by the past, although no one understands it. No one recognizes the power of the past, he said, with a sweep of the hand.
But if you think about it, the past has always been more important than the present. The present is like a coral island that sticks above the water, but is built upon millions of dead corals under the surface, that no one sees. In the same way, our everyday world is built upon millions and millions of events and decisions that occurred in the past. And what we add in the present is trivial.
A teenager has breakfast, then goes to the store to buy the latest CD of a new band. The kid thinks he lives in the modern moment. But who has defined what a 'band' is? Who defined a 'store'? Who defined a 'teenager'? Or 'breakfast'? To say nothing of all the rest, the kid's entire social setting -- family, school, clothing, transportation and government.
None of this has been decided in the present. Most of it was decided hundreds of years ago. Five hundred years, a thousand years. This kid is sitting on the top of a mountain that is the past. And he never notices it. He is ruled by what he never sees, never thinks about, doesn't know. It is a form of coercion that is accepted without question. This same kid is skeptical of other forms of control -- parental restrictions, commercial messages, government laws. But the invisible rule of the past, which decides nearly everything in his life, goes unquestioned. This is real power. Power that can be taken, and used. For just as the present is ruled by the past, so is the future. That is why I say, the future belongs to the past
Ever since the Sixties, I've predicted, on basis of an analysis of cultural predispositions relative to the above-described issues, as well as others, that a Germano-Russian Bloc would eventually form, aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan. I voiced this idea periodically during the late-Sixties and early-Seventies and people thought I was crazy, a wacked-out Vietnam-war Vet. Had someone in the Pentagon not placed disinformation in one of the major news mags as to likely whereabouts of rallier Lt. Col. Tran Van Dac, I'd have spent 1969 in the PI with Human Sciences Research, Inc., debriefing the man -- and then I'd never have become a research assistant to Cornell's Douglas A. Paine. Those collective unconscious event gradients can sometimes be helpful. During the late-Seventies, I began forecasting global cuspover roughly coincident with terminus of my life expectancy, a prognostication which continues to appear plausible. Over the last several years, increasing unrelated support for the former idea has come to my attention, the latest from Paul Craig Roberts' Warning to the World: Washington and its NATO and EU Vassals are Insane, Global Research, 3 September 2014 (Roberts possibly can get away with stating his actual assessments, whereas lesser mortals may not be so able). By the eye, whatever one's cognomen/cogno(wo)men, one must have mettle enough to own there is, through all the created aura of hurryment, conviction engendered by the conjuring masquerade swindled about by both maculated genders. Greetings and saladations, my most dear meddling Missure and mordant mountebank Maddame. Business brunch at a high basket in Low Street where it intersects River Run: purloined loins so often subsidiary stocks in trade. As regards those insane: Man-up! they do. Clip Willy Peter grenades to their pec armor. Rustle their combs. Sally forth in a DOA-USIS agit-prop piece like RoboCop, 2014, pathetically proclaiming in the [end}nouncement to this people's theater, on which they made a cool hundred million, their eternal omnipotence. Quoting Roberts' article, with regard to a direct NATO-Russia military brawl initiated in Ukraine at behests of NATO's unrelenting-habituated search for more habitus-Lebensraum (knee-jerk reflexive compensatory abreaction to the increasing time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration of failure of the institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna Weltanschauung), we catch Roberts opining that:
The German population, remembering the consequences of war with Russia, would overthrow Washington's puppet government. NATO and the EU would collapse as Germany departed the absurd construct that serves Washington's interests at the expense of Europe.
This is interesting speculation. Given what I have said above, however, I obviously feel there are much more elaborate reasons (see our paper entitled Echo of the Mockingbird: Why Postwar Historiography is Anti-Historiographic, in the present form circa late-1996, with first voicings of the basic ideas having regularly transpired during early-1968 -- after Western omelets in the first floor snack bar of MACV-HQ, the excellent coffee enjoyed by two members of the Strategic Research and Analysis section of MACV-J2: rather outlandishly, I, a grizzled deviationist processual-formalist with normative commitments as well concealed as unvoiced cavils, fresh off studies of compensatory abreactions to rise of the Phung Hoang ICEX Phoenix, argued that, when it all goes to planetary cusp once again, the Big Boys will survive mass-motivated hunt-down no better than did Tsar-N and his familia) to anticipate formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc -- in due course, uh, of course, aversion-predator-requiem fulfilled, if only in some Hollywood GOVERNOR'S self-aggrandizing xenopedia of fantasy: heh-heh-heh! Maybe the U.S. coup in Ukraine is partly to destroy GMO-rejecting European agriculture, a kind of escalation control options ramp-up of The Structural Impediments Initiative waged against Japan. Both WWE and WWG come before WWZ. Stand to! and deliver: that may not go down so well as they seem to expect, despite how well employment of all that new biometic snooper tech (see, for instance, FBI Plans to Have 52 Million Photos in Its NGI Face Recognition Database by Next Year, Jennifer Lynch, Electronic Frontier Foundation, 14 September 2014; and Nationwide Biometric Database Goes Live, Nicholas West, Activist Post, 16 September 2014) -- maybe even to include by-satellite scanning of DNA quantum-wave-emitted fingerprints -- determined strategic outcomes yet to be determined in Afpac and I-rack, eh. Correlation-length ever expanding as more and more inducements are handed to the increasingly autopoietic and numerous recruitment base incorporating more and more previously unarticulated special interest groups: not like the global counterinsurgents are on top of the quantum biophysics of critical-state collective and cooperative phenomena, except in the chaos-complexity algebraic variety subcontracted to the SFI-Bios 2nk-fitness landscape.
Lived in Long Beach, 1950-'51, under flight path well off end of the runways, did I, and, though there was a lot of yellow-flowered Mickey Mouse plants and buttercup swaths thereabouts in those days, quite sure I am our party line were not Bellflower's Butterfield 8. Can't say the same, however, for many others growed up in my frame of memetime, even longer'n that, I suppose. Nowadays, a bunch of stormin' old frog stranglers, eh, given that the world is better than it's ever been for the ultrasuperrich. Those oafish conspirators, scales an' all: parliamentarians, congressional country-clubbers, banksters, skulking Yalie boners, folks from The City, backstabbers, ilk like of that sort, whut's I'd say, I was you. Those with ursine gravitas pursuing imitations of the minor lives of those in government, corporate, academic service, those with a taste for Cartesian-Newtonian countervailing-forces intra-/inter-departmental BS, and in denial of just how thoroughly that BS undermines every conceivable conops. Got it, Sahib, by COB it will be done. Governance by concealment, falsehood, threat, intimidation, harassment, entrapment. Governance by In-N-Out burghers, by military-industrial-complex burgemeesters. All show and no-go: git-go widda pony show! Juvy-decoherent gunna jackrabbit: once good to go, hell hath no fury like, according to their nonautomotive-engineer's notion of governor, state-space gone to coherent criticality: don't be no allegory; wadn't no acrostic; tweren't no anagram-spoonerism. Oh, I think much of whut those conspiracy theorists have to say has a whole lot to it; I just don't think they go deep enough to adequately explain whys or come up with some real way out of the infernal mess, all it is. Something like an embedded-abscessed pilonidal cyst infecting rump of the polity, uh, even the socius. They talk aboot squeezin' it: fine. Lots of ugly conspirators come oozin' out. But you can do that over an' over and the fester just comes right on back -- unless you get to the core of it. Now, I don't balieve thay's done that, not them conspiracy theorists. The core is suppression of non-simple identity and its higher-valued logics. The people versus what a hoot! A good un' that, ain't it, Maul? Executive privilege, yea; privileged information of doctor-lawyer-reporter, nay: not these cellular days. Century of the crime. WallStreeters, one more protected species, right there along with the gators. The talent gizmo's golden deception institutionalizing [selfsame}self-driven ergotropic inversion of the trophotropic cognitive equivalent to the Aztec two-step. Uh, 1T2-lawfare: the lawfare part, not the worst; 1T2 is. Writ unwholly. Unrelenting fixation. No letup by the affiant de[man}ding warrant for [burn}ishing investigation of any conceivable challenge to the indubitably false existential claim -- I am me and only me! -- informing hisher psychotomimetic (thar's psychotics, and then you's has to've got awareness thar's psychotic psychotics ariddlin' the polity) spinner of the macabre become normotic. Excise, uh, debride, that core of suppression and it'd be amazing all whut'd then go on and transpire.
Are you money motivated? I was asked. Not by your kind of money. Snidely. What do you mean, my kind? I've no dirty money. Consternation, uh, cons stir nation. There is no such as non-dirty 1T2-logically-valued money. Pompously -- so far as he was concerned. Sufferer of optical rectosis-rectumitis, so it seemed to me. Given that all nickers nick in one way or another -- whether heshe/shehe be stallion and/or mare -- hard to have a positive orientation to how most of TPTB got their money, what they choose to do with it -- to include their philanthropic strategies, where such actually exist. Give us a kiss, then. Ockham's razor is an anthropomorphism, indeed, a civil engineer's conceit: no Blade Runner, omnificent omnibus nature not only omnifariously multiplies wildly beyond 1T2-necessity, hesheit widely engages in omnium-gatherum and associated collective occasions of experience -- including reward and punishment, i.e., Karma, despite legal particulars of the Holocaust Convention -- occasions assimilable free of ConveDDed projective-identification only µTmly. No Lemish Stan[is}law [Futuro}logical Congress spoken of here, as future is memetime-bound, and, therefore, doubly 1T2-dependent -- therefore itself being 1T2-dependent. No Simulacron 1,2,3 n nother. Except in the sense that µTm, being order-types of self-referential propositions demergent in infinite regress, inherently (not necessarily) involves self-limitation of the whole, such that, in conforming to principles of relative-state hologramology, each nest of nesting-foam contains all the information contained by the whole foam, insuring that logical- and ontological-precedence relatrons contain n-eidolon (not temporal-precedence ancestor-simulants) of their premergents and demergents. Something like identification of a single µTm-logically-valued point on the base-state of Tzog-chen, i.e., Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, with n-skewpodal points (i.e., bi-, tri- m-locative eidola: recently experimentally demonstrated to be a commonplace, heh-heh-heh, not only of elementary particles, but, so far, also of atoms and small molecules) within some pencil of skew-parallels automorphically enformed with n-null-vectors and engaged in cyclotomically decomposing that Tzog-chen AllBase under 3-fold operator-time. Are equidistance alleys 1T2ly parallel or µTmly skew-parallel? This was a question, at walking meditation, I repeatedly placed to the 2.2-million cells of my two cranial nerves II. Noting that the skew-parallel latter answer incorporates the parallel former, how dependent is the answer to that question on factors and values of the psychometric modifier of the distance function? Lives are just livable not merely by virtue of biological conception, but livable on various levels of ideational conception. Most people tacitly choose amongst the lowest collection of such levels. Grab your short an' let's git on 'er! Absent conscious integration, contents of ConveDDs -- wretched old soldiers, units of dread -- never die; they just ghost away, only to return decades later, centuries. Gone bupkis, what. One more null vector. A rat's alley, a dog-mouth soi, a flea's fetid hem. The Devil's own paint, then, upon girdle of minds gone murderous at curtain fall: the reds in color-space muckling about as if in Clorts; ultimately, clorting a muckle piece, blue on blue. Bone, bro. Naff off, mate. Sky. Beat feet. Do a runner. Dance the E&E shuffle. No oneiromancy involved here! Techno-ConveDD is fear-and-loathing-driven psychological defense mechanism (subclinical optic ataxia, result of a breakdown in global tuning, being one night-vision-gear-like defining property of non-Euclidian/hyperbolic and metrical Luneburg binocular visual space [see, for perhaps the best contextualizing discussion, Is Visual Space Euclidian?, Patrick Suppes, Syntheses, 35, pp. 397-421, 1977] subject to Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction due to that space having its own limiting velocity -- one of the m-values of the m-valued universal physical constant deemed absolute limiting velocity -- related to eye-movement dynamics and, thus, forbidding localization in binocular visual space independent of a psychometric distance function) providing in the short-term a cartoonish security blanket which always eventually fails due to being flammable and igniting mass hysteria. Anti-utopian exemplary, Philip K. Dick, assisted by Hollywood, plausibly deniably facilitated (not damped down) the ConveDDs constellated by the suppressive back-reaction to N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr, transcendentals, cyclotomic decomposition, so on, and subsequent back-reactions to developments following thereupon from Abel. How, it needs be asked -- avoiding the one misnomer qua uniqueness-impression hubris, and the coercive we -- could nature internalize externalities, as hesheit obviously does, absent employment of order-types in self-referential propositions used to process the non-simple identity of exchange units -- exchange and units [it-them}self/ves being a misnomer(s), given the reflexive non-simple Cyberian identity-transparency qua nonlocality incumbent upon relative-state hologramology? Not to speak only of Songlines in Dreamtime -- uh, not to go oneirocritical, that is -- but also in consideration of betweenesses quite generally, it is well to note that, in memetime-referenced transformations from normative-state to critical-state (e.g., onset of DNA helix-coil transition) the correlation length goes exponential, which is to say that the distance between 1T2-selfsame identical points-particles snaps-diverges from zero to infinity, and that, as regards the distance between µTm-variously non-selfsame identical points-particles, the divergence mounts the Cantorian aleph hierarchy -- raising all sorts of where-for-how/how-for-where boggles. Parenthetically, but related, apparently a far greater number than the thousand climate-shift-denying notable scientists know so little about the oscillation behaviors associated with far-from-equilibrium phase transitions that these notable thousand misconstruing shift as equivalent to warming are not laughed into the group mortification they deserve: this cohort being largely composed of those students of nature most psychologically identified with the notion of a classical limit. Critters 3: cognitive self-portrait, by psychological and cinematographic projection. Gosh, Josh! shouldn't we try to get Leonardo DiCaprio to relent and become a messenger for the fronting of our piece? Hey there, Nard. Heh-heh-heh! Perhaps the best account of the effects of contextual cuing upon visual-space geometry, influences of psychological-semantic factors, and the many-geometries theory is found in Mark Wagner's The Geometries of Visual Space, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006. The issue of an m-geometry of visual space, i.e., one in which nonselfsame visual objects are permitted but not necessarily observed, there being psychoneurometric quantum-measurement-type constraints involved, is not raised. Quoting the opening paragraph to J. G. Bennett's Appendix entitled The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956:
By classical we designate all geometries, Euclidian and non-Euclidian, metrical and non-metrical, in which the entities represented are assumed to be identical to themselves. Notwithstanding all the developments in affine and non-Euclidian systems, classical geometry has remained tied to its primitive purpose of earth measurement in which the question whether or not an entity can be both same and other does not arise. If we are to set our ontology free of the limitations of single-valued existence we require a geometry that will enable us to represent situations in which each entity can be more than one thing at once.
It is impossible to overstate the impact this statement had upon me when I first read it during the Fall of 1963 (discovered on the shelves at Weiser Antiquarian Books, 845 Broadway, NYC, whilst weekending at the home of a fellow AU-SIS student). This passage deeply informed the way in which I later formulated specific cathexes exercises (mainly having to do with the interface between projective geometry and identity of the observer) originated as the basis for the type of walking meditation I daily engaged in throughout the 1970s (at Cornell, I became aware of Luneburg, Lukasiewicz-Post, and Everett at about the same time during the middle of that decade). In 1963, I recognized the relevance of Bennett's statement to states of consciousness-identity I experienced in Japan as a child. During the 1970s, I felt Bennett's statement to be the best critique of the output of those working on explication of quantum non-simple identity, nonlocality, the measurement problem, EPR paradox, quantum logic, GUTS, so on. I currently feel that that assessment of Bennett's statement remains valid all these decades later. The connection between visual-space geometry(ies) and physics was appropriately pointed out by Suppes when he said in the above-linked article:
It seems to me the most important thing to recognize is that perceptual geometry is not really the same as classical geometry at all, but in terms of the kinds of judgments we are making it is much closer to physics.
Suppes' notion of classical is different from that of Bennett, but, still, the connection to physics is clear. Moreover, absence of that m-geometry demanded by Bennett, linked to its associated logical-value order-types and principles of a post-quantum-relativistic physics, altogether precludes an econometric transcendence of the Triffin dilemma (for excellent recent reflections, see Why the Dollar May Remain Strong For Longer Than We Think, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 16 September 2014), the problem of externalities, and the persistence of grossly inadequate and horribly inequitable monetary systems, regardless of the promptings provided by historical crises, and, presently, in midst of a planetary crisis undoubtedly going to cuspover. What is most critically needed today is a zero-point-based codification of spontaneous-directedness not anthropogenically reduced (i.e., human method ConveDDed to natural mechanism) to probability and statistics of the royal random hypostatized (one of the main back-reactions upon the metric established by Abel's 1823 theorem on the quintic) into being efficient causes-drivers as per the monotonic spontaneous direction [man}dated by memetime-dependence of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, uh, embodied in a post-quantum-relativistic economic system where altered states (of the political-economy type) exert strong directive influence over investment by dirigisme from below, not above, from the myriads, not the monolith. But there is an enormous, nearly pan-human, aversion to anything remotely construable as a move in the right direction on issues such as these. Clearly, the collective unconscious will (i.e., governing archetypal event-gradient) to human-species self-annihilation is so strong that even when given an opportunity to establish a non-violent decentralization precedent for the whole planet to emulate, a majority of Scots apparently (charges of vote manipulation aside) freely chose not to do so (subservience to psyops, particularly of the white variety, is voluntaristic). Nothing surprising in that. The elderly demonstrably have no idea of what memetime-future holds, or they don't care and choose to sacrifice their children's children's children in exchange for an enhanced sense of security throughout the few years of their dotage. Dimed via rejection of quantal operator-time, down to memetime-bound thermodynamic post- and ante-. It doesn't take a Looper's memetime travel-reversal or wormholing to another temporal universe for future dead to co-opt quick of their past: the collective unconscious strange attractor does teleology day in and day out.
Yesiree, it's been a highly-rewarding, inner-work-directed (whilst one of McArthur's Children, with all the psychological baggage that entails, still, no lapse for me into pre-bubble-economy shinkeshitsu and/or stagnated-new-economy hikikomori), freebooter, dame-ren lifestyle running on to half a century now. Prowling inner climes, partitions, nests is much more enlivening than burglary is for Bernie Rhodenbarr. Almost seventy, I'm certainly no one anyone would want to listen to on this subject -- having lived so many decades, except for when I was in the Army, out of the same two small Samsonite suitcases bought for me by my mother during Summer of 1963 at send-off to college, suitcases still in my possession, still being used: whenever I frequently moved, all my worldly possessions, except for books and on two occasions computer stuff, had to fit into those two containers; that was my personal Rule of Contrition, joined by my wife, Nha Trang, in this behavior over the past 30 years -- as I've often said I believe half and more of global GDP is composed of unnecessaries and/or outputs of low utility value (except to the feeding of psychoneuroses-psychoses, individual and collective). As regards opportunity cost, GDP, and utility maximization, Charles Hugh Smith has recently offered us excellent reflections (see: GDP = Waste, Of Two Minds, 22 September 2014) -- though I note that the words built-in obsolescence do not appear in this brief essay; nor is it noted that the more productive a market democracy (something of a fantasy cultivated by Adam Smith) the greater the opportunity cost it sustains, even independent of its choices. The only way to altogether avoid this is to stop believing that economics is unalterably an unexpurgatable decision science, and start acting accordingly -- a shift requiring transition from employment of 1T2-only logic to use of µTm-logics, and away from the tacit assumption that scarcity is a stand-alone given, not a dependent variable, i.e., dependent first and foremost upon the notion of necessity introjected to Umwelt and Weltanschauung. I certainly agree with Smith's elaborations on his waste-theme, as given in his posting entitled What Metric Are We Optimizing For?, Of Two Minds, 23 September 2014, but would point out that even with well-chosen indicators-metrics, alternative-economic and/or sustainable-development, qua optimization-criteria slash preference-functions (I'm not talking here the middle class comfort alternative economic indicator!) indicated, heh-heh-heh, by Lowean instrumental inference, still, there is the problem of how those indicators-metrics are to be interfaced to markets such that incentives and sanctions, i.e., action directives, yield appropriate correlated ensemble behaviors. So long as the profit motive is the root motive, even a root mandated in legalisms, indeed, the only actual operative motive, there is nothing to suggest that simply changing indicators-metrics will substantively improve things. There is a way, however: by means of locally-specific, holographically Musculpted, VirFut Q-Proed computer-gaming on the e-commons, identify indicators-metrics to tag-stack to-upon the base-states of µTm-valued Lukasiewizian monetary units implemented in nesting foams and mapped upon fractal e-boundaries. That way, every market-related action taken will automatically reflect import of the stacked m-indices used to internalize externalities, and, by virtue of µTm-logical processing, the 1T2-decision-need structuralized in the economic framework will have been greatly reduced. In a similar vein to Smith's very well taken critique of GDP, but lacking a viable suggested path toward a real solution, there are the myriad discussions (see, for example, 5 U.S. Banks Each Have More Than 40 Trillion Dollars In Exposure To Derivatives, Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse, 24 September 2014; and "The Elephant In The Room: Deutsche Bank's $75 Trillion In Derivatives Is 20 Times Greater Than German GDP", Zero Hedge, 29 April 2014) of the travesty and mega-threat which the quintillion-dollar (I assume the BIS understates) overhang of financial derivatives represents, but no suggestion of a path toward a non-catastrophic solution. Financial derivatives began their proximally-caused evolution soon after the commodity, gold, was separated from the vehicle-reserve currency, the dollar, in wake of David's stone having been cast, i.e., that stone having been the 1968 Tet offensive in Viet Nam. While the petrodollar solution to a Nixon-nixed Bretton Woods One seemed to some a good idea at the time, it gave rise to massive problems (the free-float of a fiat currency regime, oil-shortage/price-flap, Third World debt crisis, absence of the gold-anchor drag upon the Twist and Shout initialized by JFK to fund the New Frontier by accessing the Sky-High Silver Mine, on and on) greatly increasing uncertainty-risk, which financial derivatives attempted to address. This was the same decade, the 1970s, that saw some atmospheric scientists give serious consideration to the prospect of abrupt climate shift and futurists at, say, the World Watch Institute, cast a jaundiced eye upon peak-oil predictions. The advent of financial derivatives became a strange attractor for physicist-dropouts after the 1982 Aspect experiments (for a relatively recent revisit, see: "Quantum Theory Fails Reality Checks", J. R. Minkel, Scientific American, 18 April 2007) rubbed their noses in the cognitive piss lying upon floor of the base-state of reality. These recoiling JumpingBeans hopped over to Wall Street and invested their PTSDed neuroses in complexifications of derivatives more to their taste than the derivatives of totally-out-there quantum mechanics. My suggestion is that a non-catastrophic solution to the derivatives overhang is to be found in, first and foremost, the observation that properties of many of these derivatives, and the handling of many others, originated in ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of pre-WWII Hopf fiber-bundle arithmetics and Clifford skew-parallels (see, The Hopf fibration -- seven times in physics, H. K. Urbantke, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 46, 2003, pp. 125-150: an absolutely wonderful paper that interfaces nicely with the thought of Paine-Pensinger in many, many ways) unto the bungled bundles of bundled derivatives hypothecated and rehypothecated and rehypothecated and forevermore; more fundamentally, but less proximately, originated in the probability-amplitude dissimulation of the m-valued wave-function of Schrödinger's memetime-independent quantum-wave equation, a dissembling separating that m-valued function from Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value -- probability and statistics being the core commitment of those who complexified financial derivatives into being economic nukes. Were these two ConveDDs deconstructed and rolled back, what would be found is variously-commodity-backed nesting-foams of m-logically-valued LETS currencies mapped upon fractal e-boundaries. Now, dot-dot-dot. I've been aware of this general proposition for a long length of memetime relative to my life expectancy, and contemplating whether or not it is plausible that a mind like mine could conceivably do anything with it -- I mean practically useful, of a technical nature. Mostly I've thought: doubtful, don't even start. Knowing the wildly circuitous route that was required to arrive at the vague formulation -- diffuse mind, lateral thinking, analogical models, like that -- how imagine the same mind could shift gears from third down to first? I learned to drive -- 15 years old -- in a '49 Ford, column shift, on back roads in winter up by the ski lodge, Eielson AFB, Alaska, 1960-'61. An older classmate, a Native American from Texas, taught me. He was brilliant and the person who instigated the independent study courses in symbolic logic, topology, and foundations of mathematics mentored by Dr. Moore, Eielson H. S. Moore said, Okay, but only if you can find two to join you. This classmate recruited another plus me. Both of them went on to become engineers. I foundered right off the blocks: not because I couldn't keep up; I did right well. But, even so, I couldn't stomach the symbolic logic. Took me 15 years to figure out why. Only when, in the Cornell Mathematics Library, I learned of Lukasiewicz-Post logics did it suddenly dawn on me: my childhood induction -- by Obaasan, Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, circa 1953-5 -- to Shinto animism. Been struggling with it ever since: I've always been slow, but persistent. When I was being taught to drive that old Ford, I always ground gears going from third to first when approaching an icy slope, particularly if there was a curve involved.
When the society you colonize is your own, when the village you destroy in order to save it is your own A onetime POLOBer at SRA/MACV-J2, studying dynamical transforms in insurgency processes, I never agreed with James Howard Kunstler that THIS Emergency would be a long one by historical standards, but I agree with his current assessment of risk, as given in We'll Become ISIS, Clusterfuck Nation, 29 September 2014. Given that non-participation is the greatest amongst weapons of the weak in challenges to prevailing institutions, manageable only by recourse to corvée labor, the current U.S. labor force participation rate is prefigurative. Contents of the following articles suggest that our prevalent policymakers have little knowledge of dynamical transforms in insurgency processes: US government promises to forgive student loan debt if you work for them, Simon Black, Sovereign Man, 30 September 2014; and A 'No Social Media List' For Extremists And Potential Terrorists?, Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream, 30 September 2014; and The US Is Now 50% More Unequal Than Ancient Rome (And That Includes Slaves), Zero Hedge, 29 September 2014. Not to mention the immigration policies for various reasons pursued over the past several decades. Hard to imagine there are ways yet to be found to make TPTB-usurpers-in-themselves even more despised around the planet: great strategy, eh, in their GWOT against global insurgency against the very idea of the 200-years-dead Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna nation-state system qua system. But what else can be expected from those so thoroughly brain-impaired by glutamate etching and associated quantum quenching? Quantum this, quantum that! enragers upon their agonistic fits of echolalia. And yet, 1T2-pardoxically, what they seek is some Elysium -- black-psyops essayed as if, in their habitual ingenuousness, they think such to be an anti-utopian dystopia, not merely an elaboration upon Brave New World as component of the New World Order they seek to impose. We got an all-volunteer military assisted by merc corporations largely because of a meeting of the minds of those anti-war and those at the War College regarding the preferred falsification of how America lost its war upon the Vietnamese, such that nowadays the only significant difference between a GI and a merc is the amount of money received. Most, when they stop playing toy soldier and enter a combat zone, discover that their assumptions were wrong: for one, members of their own side are just as likely to get them killed -- or to kill them so to keep hidden this and that -- as are the enemy. Small-scale atrocities occur every day and are routinely denied-hidden by perps, witnesses, victim survivors, the command; activation of policy atrocities -- e.g., recon by fire, forced-draft urbanization, free-fire zones, Agent Orange, Rome plows, Phoenix program -- is less frequent.
Sending missives upon that and this flock Indiscriminately thus graving bodies of woolerers A badger's tactic, hardly to yield snug strategy for a cold night of soulsAtrocity by policy, by poverty murder, by bomber, by soldier, by drone, by chemical, by biological: atrocities all, whatever the involved scale. And presently, given that public enunciation of an 18th-century-rationalist so-called Enlightenment belief in the U.S. Constitution is enough to get oneself classified an extremist and potential terrorist (see Michael Snyder's article linked immediately above), it must be assumed that the all-volunteer military's induction oath of office now involves the stertorous statement, often said in unison, that I will not support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will not bear true faith and allegiance to the same -- and that these nots especially codify the true faith of those who become entering members of Congress, the Executive and Judicial Branches. Personally, I am not at risk in this regard, for I abandoned all belief in the 17th- and 18th-century Weltanschauung upon my high school encounter with quantum mechanics, Honors PSSC Physics, Fairborn High School, circa Spring of 1963. This taking of physics to heart was appropriate for a Wright-Patterson Air Force brat Sunday brunching with service-funded scientists developing autopilot/flight-simulator precursors to VR-tech, a brat just back from a two-year scrimmage with SAC and U-2 pilots in Alaska. What is the likelihood any of us-them will survive what is locked and loaded for breech delivery into the cultural birth canal as a result of dissimulating Abel, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, Schrödinger, so on? I figured, at nine-and-ten years old introduced to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that just being involuntarily born an American, I could never escape guilt -- though, later, I felt that much more guilt accrues to those who voluntarily move to America, avail themselves of its accumulations. At some point I came to understand this guilt as the existential guilt underlying an impetus to practice of Karma Yoga. I learned very early (certainly by the age of eight, circa 1953, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo) that no officer is a [gentle}man; if he were, he wouldn't be an officer -- nor is he psychologically equipped to make judgments upon the human condition, for if he were, he would not be a military officer, and certainly not one having turned himself into a pseudo-Emperor mandating opaque walls be built down the middle of a collective psyche where once walls were ever-so-thin paper, if not utterly transparent (like, I learned some decades ago, demanded by the Aspect substantiation of EPR). The conscious ignores, forgets, suppresses; the unconscious, particularly the collective unconscious, never: all is built into its archetypal gradients. A great mistake it is to take a leadership position in a bad war or, for that matter, a bad civilization. No war was ever conceived in synoptic qua global strategy; every war is conceived in collective psychosis and Freudian-rationalized as if strategy were the raison d'etre: hence, independent of collateral damage by carpet bombing, small arms, torture, rape, et cetera, war-in-itself as itself is atrocity, indeed, institutionalized wanton disregard, not only of human life, but, with advent of the use of atomic weapons, life of the biosphere, planet Earth, regardless of what 1T2-jurisimpudence holds, and particularly so since µTm-relative-state of mass mind Orch-ORs the battlefield's event gradients, whatever C&C conceits be entertained by those commissioned under their own claim to possess absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2ly-free will. Our courts demand that those testifying pledge to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This is THE reason a non-catastrophic solution to the Triffin Dilemma and the quintillion-dollar financial-derivatives overhang will never be permitted. Such a solution would demonstrate for all to see that the court, in requiring its pledge, demands that any legitimate testimonial must begin with a lie: truth is no less an extremist (i.e., by Law of Distributed Middle: the attack on extremists [counter-extremists logically, ontologically, and temporally precede extremists] is an auto-psychoneuroimmune behavior engendered by mass ConveDD of the demise of binary logic at hands of Lukasiewicz-Post: how many will the neurologically impaired kill in the effort to kill off their own minds?) artifact of 1T2-only logic than is falsehood, even when the Cantorian infinitude of infinities of logical-value order-types supraordinal/cardinal to that 1T2 are arbitrarily understood as exclusively pertaining to the real interval (0,1), thus interpreting those order-types to the fuzziness of an infinitude of infinities in shades of gray between white truth and black falsity. The Triffin Dilemma is a result of the insistence that binary logic is all the logic there is; the bungling of the bundling of financial derivatives and their m-hypothecation is a result of the same insistence. There can be no reasonable -- heh-heh-heh -- doubt that our species, whatever efforts made to the contrary, will bring down upon itself absolutely everything it deserves.
Given that this excursus has pretty much become an extension of my unrelenting personal journal (an example of bibliotherapy, one type of self-medication) begun in the 7th grade, I can reveal that part of my personal dynamic is that I've always expected to be screwed -- and, that being the case, I've rarely protested, just cultivated passive acceptance and got on with pursuing my personal lights as best I could whatever my prevailing circumstances, per my personal notion of my cosmically-assigned conops (assigned during that Briefing For A Descent Into Hell, the last occasion I had contact-commo with-from my opcon, heh-heh-heh!). While some would regard this a symptom of psychosis, in actuality, mission-bound from infancy: one way to inculcate, cultivate, and sustain -- in face of everything and everybody militating against it -- a sense of meaning as regards moment-to-moment ADLs, activities of daily life, a form of Karma Yoga. And when it comes to new fundamentals, who can be trusted to stay the course? Why expect to be screwed? Because that's how I was raised: a certain kind of military brat, reacting to early-childhood experiences and taking lead from my assessment of apparent parental assessments of their life experiences (no need to go into these, except to note that my father clearly appeared to have been sickened by deterioration of the favorizing and mutual-back-scratching officer corps and its corruption at hands of the industrial component of the complex, seen up close at the Pentagon from where he retired). Not only a moral orientation, but, by consideration of general systems functional prerequisites early-inculcated to awareness by a supply-and-[materi}El troubleshooter, as servicing the collective need early-understood as indicative of personal need. Or, to retrograde invert -- by insight to processes of projective-identification at transference, collective and personal: the collective psychosis is my personal neurosis writ large, uh, as further regressed by deautomatization at mass ConveDD.
I wasn't there when the fistfights transpired during the early-'70s at AMS severe storms conferences, but I soon thereafter got first-hand accounts of same, and I definitely saw the red-inked swear words, bold-scribbled underlinings, sexual innuendo offered up by peer reviewers of submitted papers related to the Paine-Kaplan cascade model of tornadogenesis (I certainly hope that Paine's extensive personal archive still exists, and is unexpurgated, such that, eventually, evidence of this becomes public knowledge, so people can put the controversy over anthropogenic climate shift in the proper salacious perspective), the hysteria being, as was clear to first parties, due to the psychosexual nature (both conscious and subliminal vaginal associations to the tornado have been so historically potent as to override much of what passes as meteorology: prurient history of the science has yet to be written, no atmospheric Portnoy's Complaint, sorry) of the dissing which the model presented to those identified with the supposed classical limit, which even a Roger Penrose has not adequately challenged -- though he has gone further than others to subtly draw that hypothetical limit into question, as it has so long deserved. While that misconstrued limit is, and was, imposed upon atmospheric science by ego-complex dictates of TPTB in fundamental physics, still, atmospheric scientists introjected it as a psychosecurity blanket used to protect themselves from the cognitive implications of the pathological behavior the tornado clearly must be seen as by all right-thinking tacitly-classical-limit-espousing scientists. Emolliently down in soft boots like an embrowned owl's mollifying hoot, I am, am I not, tilting fullish flitter fast at lubricious Tesla topics -- high frequency active auroral research program, HAARP -- turning to a late page and thinking that steely operator-time must be far more gleamingly efficient, hence nature's preferred MO for assignations, tousled atmospheric cascade being not nearly so simple as he-plunger in she-cafetière. So, when I see that Scientists to 'fast track' evidence linking global warming to wild weather, Tom Bawden, The Independent, 3 October 2014, though I have no doubt the link is valid, still, I can't help suspecting that this fast-tracking is largely motivated, subliminally or no, by the knee-jerk impulse to direct attention away from the evidential necessity to challenge necessity of the classical limit, a challenge long, long overdue within combines of the institutional-science consensus, and which would yield a far worse assessment than that currently prevailing, given the nature of far-from-equilibrium critical-state relativistic-quantal phase transitions. Besides, a focus upon statistical demonstrations in regards to individual events draws attention away from the far-from-equilibrium-regime phase-shift ensemble behaviors characteristic of the climate change dynamic.
Null with respect to what? Redundant under what criteria? Noise according to what defining characteristics? Meaningless under what order of logical-value? This and that arbitrary cut justified in relation to which sanctified assumptions (such a cut being prerequisite to definition of linear-time in quantum mechanics: see Penrose's The Road To Reality)? This type of group rather than that type in order to save what (the notions symmetry, order, perfect order, diffeomorphism, so on, are order of logical-value bound, those currently employed being 1T2-bound)? All such questions are answered in theoretical physics, and even as to how some aspects of higher-pure mathematics are interpreted, I believe, according to what can and cannot be processed by the glutamate-etched brain (the notion empirically testable laws being epiphenomenal to this etching, and associated quantum quenching -- all measurement of nature being participatory in nature: note that, in taxonomy of levels of measurement, interval scale is arbitrary relative to affine space, not, say, to pencils of skew-parallels, and consider that ratio scale is relative to non-arbitrary absolutes that are relative to the dependency of thermodynamics, uh, in consideration of the notion entropy, even enthalpy even if zero-point energy be discounted, upon the definition of an objective linear-time being possible only under the 1T2-only order of logical-value, that order-type, in turn, demanding an arbitrary cut be made in the representation space if the normotic notion of passive-passing referential time is to be made plausible). The skew in Clifford parallels is relative to complex-numbered space, not Lukasiewicz logics. The null is with respect to real-numbered space, not the 1T2-only order of logical-value used to define the notion of invariance applied to gauge fields where redundant degrees of freedom are deemed redundant so as to keep Lukasiewicz at bay. Biological superconductivity and atmospheric superconductivity have a lot to do with the fact that the absolute which is the absolute zero of temperature is a relative absolute, meaning that it is m-valued under m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. What is the difference between the homomorphism and the homeomorphism, the diffeomorphism, the isomorphism, the automorphism? So long as the consensus notion of morphism remains bound to the 1T2-logical-value order-type, there is no realistic possibility of a non-catastrophic resolution of the quintillion-dollar financial-derivatives overhang in significant measure orchestrating current global conflict: all attempts will yield zero objects. I would suggest that hot money of the 1T2-logically-valued order-type is a monomorphism, because its movement generally does not pull real-economy activity after itself, and, hence, is structure preserving; whereas, authentic investment, particularly if the money in motion were µTm-logically-valued, is an Arr(C), an arrow category where the polymorphic mapping of multiscale multiplier effects is transformative of involved structures. The questions are: (1) are resultant transformations expressive of preference functions; (2) are preference functions self-selected by some externality-internalizing fractal-entrapment-type framework determining condition; (3) what autopoietic operators could insure transformations are effectuated only under self-selected preference functions established at appropriate scales? Answers are to be found, according to the present argument, in implementation of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams. According to Piaget's studies of early-childhood cognitive development, the learning of object constancy, simple self-identity, linear-time apprehension, so on, is dependent upon internalization of Euclidian geometrical relation-structures. Nowadays, we know visual space is not Euclidian, or, minimally, not only Euclidian, and that the Piaget-identified relation-structures internalized are anchored to the cellular-molecular 1T2-only-brain by a series of glutamate prunings-etchings of neurons and neural networks beginning whilst the fetus is still in the womb, these neuronal-plasticity anchorings-etchings being orchestrated by processes of prescriptive enculturation-socialization (why MSG has become a population control tool) which quench conscious awareness of the non-Euclidian and the µTm-processing engaged in by THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains. As regards economic behaviors relative to terms of the larger issues of existence, exploitation of failed human systems for personal gain -- a norm these days -- does not play well, karmically speaking. Only 1T2-bound cognizance does not see this. So, what aspect (see, for instance: Life after death? Largest-ever study provides evidence that 'out of the body' and 'near death' experiences may actually be real, Adam Withnall, The Independent, 7 October 2014: once the glutamate-etched 1T2-brain is shut down, access to µTm-universal consciousness is restored [see, for instance, the Tenth Book of Plato's Republic and The Tibetan Book of the Dead], after a period of afterimage confusion between the two, a confusion period mirrored in experiences of the antidote to glutamate, endogenous ketamine floods transpiring via long practice of practices like Zazen, et cetera) of the 1T2-normotic, post-Renaissance, Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung still informing the basic properties of the institutions governing human affairs, planet Earth, have not been thoroughly demonstrated mistaken? The real problem is not fast -- be it of HFTing Flash Boys or the vertiginous world a'spinnin' (see, for instance, Obama: 'There's A Sense The World Is Spinning So Fast and Nobody Is Able To Control It', Daniel Halper, The Weekly Standard, 7 October 2014) -- but that the 1T2-identified obsessive-compulsive seeks relentlessly to impose glutamate-etched-egoic control, rather than to discover and facilitate µTm-quantum processes of autopoiesis and self-organization.
This article by Michael Pettis (We are starting to see why it's really the exorbitant burden, China Financial Markets, 5 October 2014; for a short summary, see: 10 Reasons Why Reserve Currency Status Is An 'Exorbitant Burden', Zero Hedge, 6 October 2014) concerning the article by the U.S. Treasury Department's Kenneth Austin (Systemic equilibrium in a Bretton Woods II-type International Monetary System: the special roles of reserve issuers and reserve accumulators, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 36:4, pp. 607-34, Summer 2014, abstract posted online 25 July 2014: body of the paper not available online most likely because they want to keep as many intelligent people from reading it as they can) and The New York Times op/ed piece by Jared Bernstein (Dethrone 'King Dollar', 27 August 2014) is disgusting. First of all because it's been known all along, from British Empire times well before Triffin formulated his 1T2-paradox/dilemma, that the domestic economy of the foremost international vehicle-reserve currency issuer will suffer if international liquidity needs are to be met: that's the downside which the issuer explicitly embraces in accepting responsibility to insure that liquidity needs are met. The upside for the issuer, as all have equally well known, are the exorbitant privileges, foremost among them being the ability to fund foreign policies, to include wars, with much greater ease than any other nation-state, liability financing being only one euphemism for the ramified methods of outright electronic printing of money, such printing being only notionally debt-creation because of the can-kicking involved, can-kicking unto the next global war to determine who sets the terms of the NeXTstep in new world ordering. Moreover, it's far, far more than the dollar's reserve status that has bucked up the U.S. economy. Desperation of the Small becoming Desolation of the Small as bungUP of The Devil's Staircase proceeds apace. Man-O-man, the way this world's agoin' -- miragulous, jus' miragulous -- pretty soon my kids'll be older than me. Aine no bennies; nope, aine no bennies. Secondly, Keynes' bancor was not to have been a hybrid currency as Pettis says, thus misleadingly conflating bancor to present-day notions of an SDR basket of foremost component vehicle currencies as international reserve currency (actually, continuing the mislead begun by Chinese monetary authorities, specifically People's Bank of China Governor, Zhou Xiaochuan, misreading and/or misrepresenting the nature of Keynes' proposal). A reserve bancor would not have been hybridized of vehicle currencies, composed thereof, or been made a Cartesian-Newtonian composite thereof, let alone a quantum composite thereof. It would have, to some extent, sidestepped what later became known as the Triffin Dilemma by not involving vehicle currencies in reserve currency status; to greater extent, by virtue of Keynes' International Clearing Union -- bancor + ICU, not the former without the latter, was Keynes' idea -- which was to be given the authority to automatically, without seeking consent, clear excesses by unilaterally executing redistributions. Thirdly, Pettis almost certainly mistakenly maintains Keynes proposed bancor because he fretted over what would happen if the gold constraint-drag on twist-and-shout QEing were removed, when this is altogether unlikely to have been the case because currency debasements can transpire with or without commodity referents, it being only a matter of relative ease, and it having been historically particularly easily accomplished with metals, simply by changing ratios in the operative definitions of the reigning store of value, there being no such store absent definitions of some sort: bancor was to have been a multi-not-single-commodity-reference non-vehicle reserve, and a free-floating fiat-vehicle system with a fiat-vehicle-reserve referent (either single or multiple-in-a-basket) was not then discussed, the options supposedly, but not actually, available at Bretton Woods -- the decision having been made by the U.S. before the conference opened -- being single-commodity-referent vehicle reserve (i.e., U.S. dollar tied to gold) or multi-commodity-referent non-vehicle reserve (i.e., Keynes' bancor or White's unitas: both rejected months before the conference, as one can clearly ascertain from the testimonial given by Ray Mikesell, Harry Dexter White's assistant, particularly as provided in the Bretton Woods: Preconference Negotiations chapter, Foreign Adventures of an Economist, U. of Oregon, 2000: contents of this chapter reveal that use of the word negotiations was a gratuitous gesture on Mikesell's part: Roosevelt and cohort chose dollar linked to gold over bancor/unitas, and established postwar relative currency values largely on the basis of warfare-related considerations, as Mikesell clearly documents). Economists, whatever the pretense, had little or nothing to do with determining the nature of the monetary system which issued out of the Bretton Woods Conference: they were not much more than window dressing. Fourthly, Pettis clearly buys into the following imperative 1T2-only-logically-driven must-must-must (the logical necessity Lukasiewicz debunked before onset of WWI) statement made in Bernstein's op/ed:
Since global accounts must balance Think of an open, global economy as having one huge, aggregated amount of income that must all be consumed, saved or invested. That means individual countries must adjust to one another.
The assumed-postulated-hypothesized notion of an aggregated amount of income is an explicit denial of F. A. von Hayek's Everettian thesis concerning total capital stock, i.e., the time-shapes of total capital stock which insure that there is no merely-additive simple-aggregate of income generated, income dependent upon utilization of resources, and that, moreover, the more nested scale levels are removed from consideration the greater becomes the illusion of such an aggregate. Given that the Lukasiewicz logics needed to codify vonHayek's notion were on the scene for at least three decades before the Bretton Woods conference, Keynes could easily be regarded to have been negligent in not seeing that even {bancor + ICU} would have been insufficient to actually solve the problem of imbalances; they would only have been hidden, and their effects emerge in other ways, ways likely having to do with misallocations. Moreover, the notions systemic equilibrium and homeostasis are both artifacts of the renormalization achieved by rescaling (also by filtering time rates of change of acceleration forcing-signifying reflexive reentries), such that enough memetime scales of short duration (not to mention small, especially quantum-level with regards to homeostasis, spatial scales) are removed from view as is required to produce the desired illusion. The issue of issuers and accumulators really ought to be studied in light of the blackbody physics Max Planck addressed in 1900 (runaway hyperinflation is the econometric equivalent to the ultraviolet catastrophe, nature's solution to which is that, at higher frequencies, uh, as things get faster, in the Obama sense given at the end of the last entry, there needs to be more modes, i.e., monetarily speaking, more LETS currency nests, and more logical-values of more order-types stacked on the base-state of those LETS currencies: see the Paine-Kaplan cascade model of tornadogenesis and the Paine-Pensinger model of DNA radiation exchange for two analogous applications where imbalances are understood initializers of energy-momentum transport, by air parcel and electron, respectively) and Bohmian waveguides qua sorting angels, where the so-called hidden variable is µTm orders of logical-value, and the involved type of determinism is not 1T2-logical, 1T2-causal-paradoxes (like those embraced by Schrödinger's cat and Robert Triffin) being a necessary prerequisite to local cases existing in [Ever}ettian relative-state dependence upon the memetime-independent Schrödingerian-Lukasiewiczian µTm-condition of the entire [Ever}land universe of discourse (think of Schrödinger's original wave equation, the one before others got hold of it): without this logical configuration, the Triffin Dilemma cannot actually be superseded. One real step in the right direction would be to bottom-up (debugging as you go) implement nesting foams of variously-backed Lukasiewiczian LETS vehicle currencies defined over fractal e-boundaries, and establish an unbacked, non-vehicle-reserve, non-reserve quantum-composite synoptic (not just international, i.e., between only component processes only on the nation-state scale level) unit of account.
Though Cornell atmospheric scientist, Douglas A. Paine, never mentioned, circa 1970s, µTm-valued logics in his classroom because it would have been too, too threatening, logician and mathematician and photographer, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, aka Louis Carroll, was his favorite author. Here is a quoting of Carroll's best prefigurative assay of Lukasiewiczian logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, intuitively contextualized, by Lance Roberts of Street Talk Live, to econometric echoes of quantum wave dynamics and associated non-simple identity: 5 Things to Ponder: Through The Looking Glass, 10 October 2014. Is Carroll's logic merely that of an adolescent girl, or is it that of those Living in A Quantum Universe? If that of those, why not apply it to monetary system fundamentals? But note that content of the quotation is not explicitly connected to content of the article, indicating that understanding of the necessity for transit to the m-valued/m-logically-valued has not yet (150 years since Alice was first printed) moved from the subliminal into full consciousness.
The principles of self-similarity across scale levels and scale invariance, as well as violations of the 1T2-logic Laws of Distributed Middle and Non-Contradiction, loom large in counterinsurgency/insurgency warfare -- as Sun Tzu, and possibly Lawrence of Arabia and Orde Wingate, understood, even if Vinegar Joe didn't. Once organizational dynamics evolve to the point that the environment of the combat stimulates counterinsurgent special ops and police field force units to train for urban warfare, no amount of forced-draft urbanization and big-unit actions will prevent reference-space scale-level transitions from occurring. Then, despite Everett algorithms, the only long-term escalation-control option available to the counterinsurgent is to destroy absolutely everything -- as is so well essayed in Robert Taber's The War of the Flea, Lyle Stuart, 1965 (which I pulled off the shelf in the library at the 3rd SFG head shed, circa Spring-1966). But even the mere negentropic threat (think: Nixon-Kissinger insanity-posture) to locally bomb them back into the Stone Age will catalyze scale-level organizational quantum jumps between insurgent principle energy levels -- even if only after a memetime delay and lagged establishment of geographic multiple connections. Topology is one relevant science relative to studies of the involved organizational dynamics, the history of GWOT up through formation of ISIS being one excellent illustration thereof. Ever since, circa 1968, studies of boundary changes relative to POLOBed alterations of institutional variables (having been briefly assigned to CICV-Targets [which produced what might have been called the Indochina Strategic Bombing Survey] before moving on to Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, was lucky happenstance because it provided me the opportunity to become aware of and peruse the unordered CICV Area Analysis Branch gazetteer of maps containing an unanalyzed history of VC boundary changes -- which, at SRA, were later discovered to be highly correlated with alterations of Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure, uh, VCI, bureaucratic variables like assigned functional element operational parameters, personnel allocations, job descriptions, so on, a very complex analytic task, greatly facilitated by CDEC translators one had to be in daily contact with, and periodically massage, given that all designators were documented only in frequently changed alphanumeric code, these extraordinary translators being the only real experts on that subject), conducted at SRA/MACV-J2 (the transfixing fascination of being there at SRA, for some of us, particularly the one who persisted long enough to have instigated-from-below creation of CICV-POLOB, only later to be sequestered at SRA/MACV-J2, i.e., POLOB transfigured, as L'enfant terrible relative to the command position on so many issues, why some of us slept on our desks and savored every moment, was understanding of the universality of what was being studied; these same being aware that, given all the slap-you-in-the-face forcing functions at work, there would be no other, less-than-universal, benefits derived from the studies, which undoubtable fact, therefore, imparted a certain moral imperative relative to attempting to insure that the analytic insights were not lost to human cognizance, which was to be perhaps, even likely, a hopeless task) -- where analogies to biological metabolic pathways theory and quantum physics, amongst others, were commented upon -- I've believed that the above-described is collective ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of the conflict between internalities and externalities 1T2-logically imposed upon organizational dynamics of human systems generally, as interfaced to natural systems. I brought relevant materials concerning this, including, almost incidentally, the by-then declassified MACV-DIP-expurgated (DIP = Director of Intelligence Production) SRA Newsletters, to the attention of Robert McNamara (materials he couldn't possibly have earlier become aware of: even so for someone as close-to/closed-to it as was Danny Graham, rudely-irreverently near-daily dissed in SRA, circa 1968, he-and-his, of the Graham/Goche tank, uh, uh, that's the CIIED, the Contrived Inconsequence, Indecisions, and Escapism Division, resolutely remaining unduly ensconced in the SI area next to the first-floor Command Operations Center, not engaging in the daily activities required to gain authentic cognitive access, there having been no royal road to actual understanding) well before he made his famous and embarrassing trip to Hanoi, which he obviously did not assimilate, even though, as I believe, he did have the Brookings Institution library (cater-corner across the street from the Johns Hopkins SAIS -- still, illustrative of The End of History, temporally located not much beyond cognitive 1943: think of origins relative to the Strategic Bombing Survey Board, Harvard, guvie-in-the-groove, investment bankster -- library, both being places I spent some memetime in whilst an AU-SIS student, circa 1963-5) order a copy of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh. The only undertaking that can effectively remove the ConveDD is a shift from 1T2 to µTm in human systems management, this shift, I believe, likely being most instrumentally implemented beginning with framework determining conditions of the monetary system employed.
Now that the DoD has overtly and publicly observed that there is a connection between climate change and terrorism (see: Pentagon Signals Security Risks of Climate Change, Coral Davenport, The New York Times, 13 October 2014; and Pentagon: Climate change enables terrorism, Russia Today, 7 March 2014; and Pentagon unveils plan for military's response to climate change, W. J. Hennigan, Los Angeles Times, 13 October 2014), perhaps no longer so outlandish is the decades-old suggestion that implementation of m-logically-valued LETS would be the best strategy for mitigating inevitable consequences of the gathering global insurgency against the very idea of the prevailing institutionalization of the 200-years-dead Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna Weltanschauung and its supraordinal institutional agglomerations. Given that America's renamed war department has been a major anthropogenic inciter and promulgator of far-from-equilibrium climate-shift dynamics -- particularly so, if the full range of m-logically-valued, non-periodic, futterwackening butterfly-effect factors affecting frequency response characteristics of, and cascade dynamics within, Earth's atmosphere is considered, not only direct measurables indicative of changes in greenhouse gas emissions (see, for some contextualization, discussion of a relativistic-quantum model: A climate hypothesis describing the solar-terrestrial system as a frequency domain with specific response characteristics, Douglas A. Paine, Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 64:26, pp. 425-428, 28 June 1983: the determinism of non-periodic flow, chaos theory treats as 1T2-causal, i.e., initial states and point attractors in phase space understood single-valued under singly-logically-valued processing; whereas, the same determinism would be treated as µTm-causal under Lukasiewiczian interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, particularly if representations of Ertelian potential vorticities and viscosities are fully incorporated, that is unrounded, unfiltered, and non-renormalized, into the derivative governing equation sets, as they generally are not, despite the work of Iraundegui on the central role of solenoid intensity, J. Revta. Geofis., 11:43, 1952, and that of Paine-Pensinger, 1977) -- one can hardly expect, all pretense aside, that DoD's national-dahfense-formulated actions relative to climate shift, whatever the publicly released action plan, will be in the human interest, let alone interests, more generally, of the bio-atmo-magneto- sphere as a whole. Behind a mad-hatter's 8-ball that somehow futterwackened its way onto the diamond and into the corner of right field. Amongst history lessons ostensibly learned -- though, likely, it don' mean nuthin' -- many now know that those regarded bad guys during the 1930s by implementers of the nazification process, in retrospect, after national socialism had run its disastrous course, were seen to have actually been the good guys. Nonetheless, phobia formations aside, for worse or for better, the vast majority likely will winker-wanker-wander into the coming full catastrophe in total denial of what had obviously been impending -- if history is any guide to such an apocalyptic case as that clearly and presently going to cusp. The notion mankind in amnesiac memory dysfunction does not refer to the normal normotic's inability to remember Platonic remembering: that's taken for granted. Frankly -- and I'm not on anxiolytic medication -- I entertain no belief in an evidential world independent of the composite which is n-Lebenswelt -- except, that is, the bare reality of hyleticpsychetic data on the base-state of Tzog-chen covering Lukasiewiczian Hilbert-space. And remember, when arriving at your assigned bailiwick, that the functional distinction between a cell wall-membrane and a plasmahaut, no less than the structural difference, is scale-level resolution-renormalization executed upon the nesting-foam. Upon leaving the goldilocks bio-atmo-magneto- when in doubt, GET OUT and entering the eternal interregnum, all attendees of the class on crass would do well were they to be so kind as to say hello to their maker.
Unendable-life prison sentences are now being considered (see: Science May Make Eternal Life Sentences a Reality, Gabriel Mizrahi, Huffington Post, 11 March 2014) by use of the electroneurochemistry of the memetime sense to remove that sense, such that prison sentences seem perpetual to the prisoner; this, when freedom from linear-time boundedness is something the average normotic cannot achieve largely because of lack of access to endogenous ketamine flood such as that accompanying Zen Satori (see: Zen and the Brain, James H. Austin, MIT Press, 1998). However horrible this sort of sentence may seem to some, few can deny it is consonant with the times. One obstruction to this institutional aspiration may be the superconductant quantum-wave properties associated with helix-coil transition of the DNA molecule (see: A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XV, 1979, pp. 333-341). A possible corollary of the Paine-Pensinger model of DNA radiation exchange is that the interval timing of the internal biological Zeitgeber is set by the radiation-dependent temperature-oscillation rate, rate of rate (acceleration), and rate of rate of rate (time rate of change of acceleration) of pi-electron parcels (i.e., pacemaker-accumulator: see, for interesting background material: Time Warp, Erica Harrison, Cosmos Magazine, 11 September 2008) of the free-electron gas core of the molecule, particularly of intra-mitochondrial neuronal DNA of suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) cells, chronic stress having much to do with imposed resets thereof, and autogenic brain discharges having much to do with restitution of those resets (see: Autogenic Discharge: Quantum Biological Considerations, William L. Pensinger and Beverly Oliphant and Douglas A. Paine, International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Montreal, August of 1981; and the discursive Illustrated Terminology Glossary requested by Wolfgang Luthe after the paper was presented). Financial instruments, the insurance industry, and lawfare in general are all based upon 1T2-simple-identity and passing-time being electrochemically anchored to the molecular-cellular brain; hence, probability and statistics loom large, and linear-time-articulated feedback loops, rather than Schrödingerian, time-independent, n-body, Everettian relative-state, set the terms of basic notions in ecology and concepts of synergy. So, futures, and their trading, largely organize human systems management of resource utilizations, vis-à-vis the accelerating planetary crisis, through cognitive derivatives like probability and statistics, not in terms of the real thang: m-logically-valued Everettian relative-state qua vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock. And then there is [Jack>>>Ma}, a perfect name for the perfect role assumed vis-à-vis dawdling purchasers of unnecessaries using Fidget Fones to diddle dwindling resource stocks, planet Earth. Hey, won't it be nice resettling to the head of a comet, that wondrous possibility held out to consumer angels by governors of genius resident in the various space agencies.
We have here, from Zev Bechler, a formulation regarding Aristotelian logic which thoroughly astounds me, for, if an accurate characterization of Aristotle's thought (despite Bechler's book being regarded an attack upon Aristotle), it indicates that Aristotle not only intuited the necessity for m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, but anticipated that such logics must be employed to comprehend what we now know as Everettian relative-state. Quoting Bechler's Aristotle's Theory of Actuality, State University of New York Press, 1995, p. 115:
the career of any change consists in switch jumps between various actualities; and whereas these actualities are continuous time-states, the switches do not exist during time intervals but rather occur at time-points or nows. The reason why actuality is not a process of change is that genuine potentiality is not a physical force but rather a mere logical or relative state (i.e., relative to the logos).
Entelecheia, kairos, cyclotomic involutory decomposition, demergence, according to this Aristotelian conception, all transpire independent of memetime, just as Schrödinger's initial time-independent wave equation describes. The corpus of operators accomplishing this logical transliteration, according to the Paine-Pensinger conception, is 3-fold operator-time acting via temporal curl.
Come on. Do central banksters lie? I'm not referring to the functors of Nikita Karpenko, not Galois cohomology functors, not upper motives or those lower, not motivic decomposition and descent quotients, not those representable reprehensible functors known as normalizers and centralizers; rather, the functors of Alexander S. Karpenko which demonstrated that truth-value is not the foundational notion of logic, demonstrated this by discovery and detailing of the connections between Lukasiewicz propositions of various logical-value order-types and the prime-number multipliers-multiplicands Gödel used in creating his particular application of Cabalistic gematria: the Gödel number of a given logical proposition, the decomposed factors of which are employed to semantically represent terms of logical and arithmetic operations conducted according to the rules of the 1T2-logically-valued order-type alone. I have by no means mastered even basics of the areas of thought minimally required to non-catastrophically resolve the quintillion-dollar financial-derivatives overhang by logicoalgebraic transformations of 1T2-logically-valued derivative types, their bundlings and rehypothecations, into/onto nesting foams of µTm-logically-processed m-valued LETS defined over band-pass fractal e-boundaries (something along the lines of a retrograde-inversion of the Hopf fibration, that is, a one-to-many function, rather than one that is many-to-one, as regards financial derivatives many of the cases involving discontinuous functions rather than those continuous, except that it is far more complex because each case of the one is singly-logically-valued and each one of any given case of the many is m-logically-valued): e.g., financial derivatives, commodity futures, Clifford-Bennett skew-parallels, internally-dimensioned Calabi-Yau spaces, fiber bundles and their arithmetics, chronotopology, Pauli-Paine operator-time, Everettian relative-state and vonHayekian time-shapes, quantum composites, quantum computing, Lukasiewicz logics, ASKarpenko functors, alternative Gödel-numbering schemata But one thing is clear: 1T2-derivatives cannot undergo µTm-LETS transforms if µTm-LETS monetary units have not been implemented.
Here is an account of a recently explored nascent technology relevant to that required to exteriorize internal Musculpt (this exteriorization best developed similar to how a natural language grows via evolution-through-use, in this case by smart-dancewear-appareled human pods dance-studying sonic-visioning Dolphin-speak and practicing in biofeedback-equipped isolation-flotation tanks with their ThinkTank display domes being the locus for presentation of user-manipulatable free-floating 3D images): The 'bat signal' of the future: Free-floating laser images , Ellie Zolfagharifard, The Daily Mail, 20 October 2014. Look, however, at the envisioned applications noted in the article: run to the comic-bookish and the cartoonish, they do, don't they (ThinkTank was once the name of a Singapore-based company producing very sophisticated Lilly tanks). Hollywood and comics-manga have always been pretty much on the same frame-page. No foreseeing freely-projected (i.e., not involving photographic holography) 3D Musculpt (and evolution of the associated nonlinear perspective illustrated with Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels) as mathematical notation required to communicate regarding µTm-logically-valued processes not reduced to the terms established by the notion truth-value. No understanding that such Musculpt is required to create a user-friendly interface to employments of Lukasiewiczian LETS and what such employments could help initialize: resolution of the financial derivatives overhang; transcendence of the Triffin dilemma; the booking of total capital stock, planet Earth, to vonHayekian time-shapes such that externalities can be internalized to autopoietic and self-organizing market-mediated processes and locally-generated instrumental inferences concerning resources utilization can be market processed. One simply must wonder as to if Quantum XOR Games (Oded Regev and Thomas Vidick, arXiv 1207.4939, 20 July 2012) could be adapted, by radical alteration of XOR game content, à la VirFut Q-Pro, to the needs of e-commons computer-gaming of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries. Moreover, one must ask what happens to Multipartite entanglement in XOR games (Jop Briet, et al., Quantum Information and Computation, 13:3-4, March 2013) when m-player regimes are considered and the logotech employed is µTm rather than 1T2. If the k of the Gro{then}dieck inequality is relative to correlation length-density-spread, what are the implications when the transition from 2nk-fitness landscape/maze to Mnk-articulation landscape/maze (think: m-valued universal physical constants in Sakharov-laminated Lukasiewicz-Hilbert landspace) is made? My first discussions of free-floating laser-projected images transpired during late-1968 with an LA light sculptor and a University of Washington, urban and regional planning, Master's candidate doing a technological forecasting study on holography aspects of what was then called the home resource center (most of what was then projected not yet realized, largely due to iatrogenic interventions of the security state). Fluorescing air molecules is not required. Laser beams correctly chosen above and below the visible spectrum produce a point of visible light at their intersection. Transforming, moving, flowing, colored sounded-forms are just engineering complexities. Over the last half century, I've discussed this with a couple dozen specialists in relevant areas, but, so far as I know, exteriorized Musculpt as mathematical notation is no closer to realization today than it was all those decades ago. No, no. Musculpt is not about spacetime geometries and topological transforms thereof. It's about symbolic forms. Shaped-colored-sounded gestalts and their transformations symbolically notating universal-particular in form-of-concept, its relations and possible elaborations. Read, with this formulation in mind, Jacques Hadamard's An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical field (Princeton U. Press, 1945) and Ernst Cassirer's multi-volume The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (1923-'29). As for me, questions of origins (see: The Origins of the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Donald Phillip Verene, Northwestern U. Press, 2011) resolve to direct, ponderable, ontic access to internal Musculpt and associated practices and meditations -- no matter of philosophy, for philosophy comes well after origins, and should follow autosensory-observational practices and meditations. Laser sighting of weapons, though, has, over that same 50-year period, become very much elaborated -- as any one-time SFTGer and CICV-Targets analyst would have noted. This juxtaposition, over the post-VN-war period, whilst having its deep etiology in archetypal processes related to psychoneuroimmunologic consequences of having dissimulated fundaments of The New Physics by identification with yabba-dabba-deux logic, is very instructive as to whys and wherefores of the behaviors causing observations like the following (see: How to start a war and lose an empire, Dmitry Orlov, ClubOrlov, 21 October 2014: using terms like Obamaniac America, social worker turned national mascot, still more popular than Ebola [and the following linked article is hilariously inept black-psyche, given that, as is widely reported {as regards utter bull-twaddle, see, for instance, Bioweapons Expert Reaffirms Belief that Ebola Escaped from a Biowarfare Lab, Washington's Blog, 27 October 2014}, the U.S. has biological weapons research facilities presently located in the affected West African countries, i.e., Ebola crisis rekindles concerns about secret research in Russian military labs, Joby Warrick, The Washington Post, 24 October 2014: the appearance in such a publication of such an article about an incident that transpired almost 20 years ago can only serve to build conviction amongst those suspicious as regards U.S. culpability for the present crisis], heh-heh-heh!):
The American behavior throughout this succession of defeats has been remarkably consistent, with the constant element being their flat refusal to deal with reality in any way, shape, or form.
Embarrassingly obvious black propaganda always, in due course, elicits substantial internal blowback. U.S. return to roots of the U.S.S.R.! Gunned-up minds triggered by anything construable as being an existential threat to this or that introjected Umwelt claim. The Sheik's Head pub, 14th and H, is just like that sump club -- Temple of Thermae -- in Bangkok, where entrance leads you past upright unisex pissers and unsheltered sit-down commodes on the way to the bar. Taking a motion under appeal, MarketMakers' attorneys-at-law hoo-ha a man-up to down-shunt The Fear. Saccadic shuddering of the ego-stroked and pendant-logoed pettifoggers at her brisance: shrubbier crew-cut bromegrass above, shrimpy drooping spikelet below -- a shuck, an inanition, a dandy doddle, no spalpeen, no shrieval showpiece, so her sibilated, shushing, shrewmouse spurn [imp}lies clearly. No Shechinah of the shebeen spang-spewing an aubade, a long spoon is required for abetting this she-devil's soft dank. No sense treating a short-stay girl to a cream-tea breakfast! Public abreaction to acts of terrorism has nothing to do with the deaths involved, which are small in number compared to those due to many other causes of death, causes ostensibly greater fear-inducers; the mass-hysterical, disproportionate, immunological over-action, knee-jerk response to terrorist acts is compensatory to the existential denial such acts signify as magnified by suppressed awareness that the embraced Weltanschauung being thus challenged has long since been decimated by mathematical discovery and scientific creation. Analogous to the way VN-war PTSD was magnified by how realities of that war shattered essential elements of the belief system many carried to it (ask why Marine combatants far more frequently sustained PTSD, and more elaborately so, than did SF combatants: just a matter of training?). A society which for generations has screwed its best and raised its sycophants to venality, avarice, malice, and hubris can expect something better of itself (see, for instance, summarizing and commenting upon Reuters and Buzzfeed: It's Not Just Spying -- How the NSA Has Turned Into a Giant Profit Center for Corrupt Insiders, Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg, 20 October 2014; and for another class of instances, see 'They Just Want The Money!' How The IRS Can Seize Accounts On Suspicion Alone, Zero Hedge reposting from The New York Times, 26 October 2014)? Illegals and illegality facilitated; trying to be legal resolutely slammed: any wonder the inevitable decline of 1T2-lawfare in face of quantum-tech flood is not transpiring in the creative fashion it should? Indeed, play out is 180-degrees opposite; as back-reactive as it conceivably could be, and perfectly suited to inculcation of domestic insurgency, which they mistakenly think they will suppress with ease, handle better than they've handled insurgencies abroad. Very likely, internal partisans will play a big role once PW1 gets well underway. Just doing Google searches, and seeing how turds algorithmically float to the top of the cyberian toilet bowl, offers considerable insight as to nature of the 1T2-worldline we maglev. Integrity, however, still exists amongst humans -- on isolated islands: McIlhenny Tabasco sauce is one of the few remaining totally uncompromised products. Quite an accomplishment, really. Arguably, self-destructive civilizational failure prior to a thorough faltering of spaceship Earth might be the best overall outcome: then animistic relative-state identity-transparency and associated low-tech autopoionomy could resurrect via collective unconscious archetypal processes, for, clearly, conscious processes are not up to the task. Which does not exonerate all those who make no effort to constellate mature, non-regressed archetypal gradients. When a society goes complete bonkers because it doesn't have the psychological wherewithal to process the fact that its Weltanschauung has been utterly sundered by its science, what does it do besides make war on others? As discussed in The Wall Street Journal (on principle, I don't read or link media that require logins: so see, instead, a Liberty Blitzkrieg summary account of the article given by Michael Krieger: Land of the Free: 1 in 3 Americans Are on File with the FBI in the U.S. Police State, 21 October 2014), it attacks its children, those most likely to undertake the necessary psychological processing. How many Hollywood movies and popular novels by the likes of David Baldacci are required to successfully counter the egregious childhood tendency to look things straight in the face? Overt message: all these killers, GI Joes, are just normotic people like you and me (nothing along the lines of this film is made-released not instigated-approved by DoD, so, what does that indicate concerning the governing paranoia qua strategic assessment and deep-structure-ConveDD origins of same? [collective autopsychoimmune dyscrasia is the foremost symptom of a society in denial of a busted Weltanschauung: cognitive activities of the collective self destroyed the prevailing self-concept]). Is such an assessment as that offered here to be put down to mere anti-hysteria hysteria, freakout/counter-freakout being imputed as being characteristic of all such cases? Jackie Chan parody of Hollywood black-psyche template may be regarded altogether subversive. It used to be some, then much, then again it became most, now it is every -- everything that appears in the mainstream media, in one way or another, is a lie. Much the best way, so it is believed -- obviously. That's my inspectated personal judgment, even if so only for my sins. And I'm no complete neophyte when it comes to propaganda, given that I once helped teach production of propaganda at Psychological Operations Group, JFKSWCS, Ft. Bragg, using materials drawn from, among others, OWI and OSS-MO. The greatest crimes, those responsible for the largest number of premature and often gruesome deaths, e.g., dissimulating Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, running the classical limit confidence game on a scrunchy civilization that needs to get straight with the real skinny on its relativistic-quantum atmosphere (don't even try to get your head around what WeatherChannel-founder giants-of-science think), are very rewarding -- Nobel prizes, great financial windfalls, idolization by the mainstream media, the winning of high public office -- whilst petty crimes like running a preadolescent's lemonade stand (first experience of forensic accounting), like chalking in a hopscotch on the sidewalk, like eating an ice-cream cone on a bus ($10,000 fine threat posted, all to save the illegal slave-laborer from infrequently having to clean up a mess? not likely that is the actual informing metapsychology), like skateboarding on the sidewalk, like bicycle riding cross campus, e.g., U. of Hawaii, (just try to imagine a law like that most any place in Asia where motorcycles on the sidewalk are a necessity if more than two business meetings per day are to be made), and like promulgating redeeming social value with the smoking of grass are brutally put down: part and parcel of the ongoing nazification process, this memetime, they hope, on a global basis, not just within several nation-states like last memetime around. Being flummoxed, then punked? It's not the money that's bothering; it's the mentality. Remove the money and what's left? The mentality: values, beliefs, modes of existence surely among the worst the world has ever endured. Jowly snots, stout, believe you me, those embonpoints. No elutriator required to elucubrate that assertion. Heat of the M&A chopshop guarantees evaporation exceeds flush of purifying wash, thus subverting all possible analogues to eluviation, something, being there, even a chancy gardener would understand. Embosom, they do, with their embrangling embroilments -- or so they would have you believe is the luciferous objective of all their Luciferian emceeing. Moreover, when a system of governance is metaphysically 200-years dead, regardless of job descriptions, the actual job of government workers is to screw the governed -- and this is done with relish, simply to keep the job and the perquisites (consider the heebie-jeebies-inducing Wellesley-Yalely, HRC: Hillary -- Says Business does NOT Create Jobs -- Washington Does?, Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics, 25 October 2014: such HRC comments constituting a pasquinade posted on Senator Lampoon's statue?). Morons and imbeciles are disparagements that automatically come to mind. Vacant, meaningless lives, really. Go along to get along is the benign characterization of one functional prerequisite to the nazification process: after all, no person has to become a guvie; that involves value-laden choice, and nowadays, 200 years into death spiral of the governing Weltanschauung, such values are far from edifying, let alone inspiring. Corruption below independent of corruption above -- e.g., the currency of banks has become largely larceny and fraud; the business of lawyers, stiff the client: and that's a fact, maybe several -- is an oxymoron not tolerated by human nature. When moral upbraiding is found not to work -- where there's absence of genuine fellow-feeling, not to say authentic identity-transparency -- jeremiads abound all the more amongst the secular Rabbinate; this, however, does not a Musculpt make -- externalized high-tech or low-tech internal.
Even though lately there is a recognizable drift toward people starting to peer into the actual nature of the central problem, still, clearly, the physicists are the greatest obstruction and continue most culpable for ongoing elaborations of the War of the World. Consider, for instance, this from Franklin Templeton Investments: QE, Parallel Universes and the Problem with Economic Growth, Brooks Ritchey, Beyond Bulls & Bears, 24 October 2014. Ritchey has seen that going to quantum economics is likely a necessary functional prerequisite to positive resolution of the current global economic crisis, but finds himself condemned to the multiverse interpretation of the Everett relative-state formulation with respect to the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, a condemnation insuring that no path to positive resolution will be found. Multiverse: the schizophrenic split-off personalities of The (normotic collective) Physicist psychologically projected onto the physical world-picture as spatially-and-temporally-removed multiple universes of simple-identity, 1T2-logically construable. This collective projection is mere symptom of the prevailing mass psychosis. Instead of Quantum Theory Fails Reality Checks as Scientific American would have it, Quantum Theory Fails Maya-Samsara-{'khor ba] Checks as Tantric Schrödinger explicitly had it! Though Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value -- necessary to com{pre}hension of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, and on the scene well before the probability-amplitude dysterpretation was Max Born and knee-jerk consensuated -- are apparently syntactically concatenatable by 1T2-conflations, this is patently not the case sematically, as altered states readily confirm: the meaning of identity as a metaphysical category changes altogether from one logical-value order-type to another. And this includes the identities of events: not a matter of different 1T2-outcomes in different 1T2-universes being simultaneously hollow-R real; matter in superposed relative-µTm-states of identity-transparency, this one-and-only memetime-independent in-and-in universe, just as Schrödinger wrote -- right, caught out in the [pre}tense, abashed -- into his initial, unexpurgated wave equation, later, at insistence of others, renormalized -- now, in [post}ure, gone for o'clock UR, bridling at the affront -- into being memetime-bound. Going to higher-valued logics does not split -- à la, that is, so as to be generative of Russellian logical atomism -- 1T2-simple-identity into fragments, each fragment, again, another 1T2-simple-identity. Au contraire. That's the (The Divided Self of R. D. Laing reading the Book of Knots whilst contemplating the Manhattan Project) psychosis version, involving loss of (meme)time between split-off personality fragments incommunicado, psychosis induced by constellation of archetypal material related to m-valuedness of variables and m-logical-valuedness of propositions used to process variables and their relation-structures and functions, the constellation suppressed and thence regressed by engagement with neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance, to use Autogenic Training terminology. March up the logical-value step function involves transit into radically distinct notions of identity (order-types in collective occasions of experience, that bete noire of The Physicist, who nonetheless works with ensemble behaviors, though only 1T2ly) as each step is made, each of which cannot be com{pre}hended by employment of any concatenation of 1T2-logical propositions, deterministic or probabilistic; cogitation (by use of either internal or techno-exteriorized Musculpt) actually in the logical-value order-type of the logic prevailing on each step is required for insight, not 1T2-rationcination about that prevailing µTm-order-type -- indeed, thorough [psycho-neuro-immuno}logic transformation of The Physicist is necessary (Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga, practice of which begins after the first experience of Nirvana as Aurobindo never tired of repeating, is tightly focused upon this specific transformation, what the Old Ones of Grecian memetimes called metanoia, change of mind). Every paper I encounter concerning Lukasiewicz many-valued logics is argued according to the rules of traditional 2-valued logic. How embarrassing is that? Since I hold that Heisenberg's uncertainty inequalities are epiphenomenal to non-simple identity (be aware in this context that Piaget object constancy has been demonstrated a glutamate-etched learned behavior imposed on the child at prescriptive enculturation) where an entity can be 1T2ly itself and many µTmly not-itselves simultaneously, hence in many state-places of this one-and-only universe at some given one 1T2-only-definable discrete instant of memetime (as experimentally demonstrated, so far, for elementary particles, atoms, and small molecules) by virtue of Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels and m-valued universal physical constants (like the speed of light in vacuo, with regard to which experiment has drawn a question mark around as to meaning of Einstein's notion of the character and import of an absolute limit) processed under µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, even this my-I-am could hardly be an advocate of fuzzy thinking in fuzzy posets about uncertainty of relations such that, per Gödel, 1T2-consistency (even paraconsistency) pre(logically and ontologically, if not temporally)cludes 1T2-completeness. To include full range of t-norm fuzzy logics, not only the minimum t-norm Gödel used to direct attention away from the real -- heh-heh-heh! -- implications of Lukasiewicz's work with regards to Tantric Schrödinger. Proving under rules of the 1T2-order-type-alone that, modal-S4ly, necessity is necessarily necessary hardly enlightens me as to how violation of the Law of Distributed Middle, exemplified in the real interval (0,1), excludes Lukasiewicz from obfuscating Schrödinger more than did Born. Since I hold that all measurement is participatory, if glutamatergically renormalized, and conducted on Koch curves, flexlengths thus dominating, I am obviously not into t-norms derivative of the triangle-inequality-normed notion of intersection qua conjunction, even if my symbolic-form-type notion of the base-state of Tzog-chen is based upon equilateral-triangular-net nesting foams over Riemann-surface coverings µTmly decomposable and recomposable memetime-independently per Schrödinger's original unexpurgated quantum wave equation. And-ing this and/or or-ing that? Not talking here true bits and the Sierpinski triangle. Dust along the path! Product dizzy logic! What order-type in certainty? What order-type in consistency? What order-type in completeness? What order-type in boundary-without-boundary? Brooks Ritchey will not find the positive resolution he desires independent of the implementation of Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued LETS nesting foams defined upon fractal e-boundaries and mapped over Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, for it is most certainly the case, quoting Adam Taggart of Peak Prosperity, that our global economy depends on continual growth to function (Energy Economics, Zero Hedge, 26 October 2014) and our global economy is located on a resource-depleting planet with a bio-atmo-magneto -sphere sensitively dependent upon reciprocal maintenance of the relative-state set by critical parameters governing solar-terrestrial interactions. There is a major concrete, non-theoretical, obstruction to transformations of financial-derivatives/commodity-futures into-onto µTm-LETS, however, and that is the degree to which derivatives-futures have become politico-military tools: see, for one take on a for instance, The Kerry-Abdullah Secret Deal Oil-Gas Pipeline: War on Iran, Syria, and Russia, F. William Engdahl, The 4th Media, 30 October 2014. Slaying the memetime-bound growth dragon as inescapable prerequisite to any form of sustainable organization, µTmly internalizing externalities and thus removing the anthropogenic 1T2ly-dic(k)tated binarism-dualism arbitrarily imposed upon ECOnomics and generative of the Triffin Dilemma, carrying resource utilization into higher and higher orders of µTmly autopoietic self-organizational competency, fostering authentically new energy initiatives, successfully reducing population by natural attrition instead of by violent means: not achievable so long as ECOnomics remains conflated to political-economy and poleconics remains largely indistinguishable from the lethal posturing which is war. This is one reason why I have always said that I believe any really substantive change of the global monetary system will come only in aftermath of The Next Big One -- and then only if adequate preparations are made before hand.
Here is a paper I'd very much like to read, but can't gain access to: Emergence of fuzzy preferences for risk in a Birkhoff-von Neumann logics environment, Emmanuel Haven, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 153, January 2005, pp. 29-43. Quoting the Abstract:
We show that if a portfolio of a financial derivative asset and a stock is put in an environment where the value of an asset (besides it price) is formalized as a superposition of price states, such portfolio may not be risk free and fuzzy preferences for risk primia may exist. We argue for a modification of the classical Brownian motion process as used in risk pricing. This modification on the classical Brownian motion, we call the bar-h^-Brownian motion and one specific format of this bar-h^-Brownian motion can be shown to have a connection with the quantum physical Schrödinger equation.
What would become apparent if Lukasiewicz logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, and not reduced to the real interval (0,1), hence sans fuzz, sans probability amplitudes, were intruded upon, à la ASKarpenko's functors, the elaborated version of the Birkhoff-vonNeumann lattice-logic conception, as given in, say, Lukasiewicz Operations in Fuzzy Set and Many-Valued Representations of Quantum Logic, Jaroslaw Pykacz, Foundations of Physics, 30(9), August 2000, pp. 1503-1524, where Lukasiewicz is treated relative to probability amplitudes? Quoting this abstract:
It is shown that Birkhoff-von Neumann quantum logic (i.e., an orthomodular lattice or poset) possessing an ordering set of probability measures S can be isomorphically represented as a family of fuzzy subsets of S
Quoting Introduction to this article:
According to the orthodox interpretation, quantum logic, i.e., a logic of experimentally verifiable propositions pertaining to a quantum system, is a two-valued logic which is non-classical because the law of distributivity is replaced by a weaker orthomodular law. [The notion of function-phase space I've envisioned is not orthomodular, but nesting-foam equilateral-triangular modular and complemented for one-to-many and many-to-one Abelian-ETBellian cyclotomic involutory logical-value order-type decomposition and recomposition, the lower bound likely being the quark symmetry pattern, the upper bound likely being Regge lattices of Einstein's field equations, bones made of the superstrings of M Theory, the corpus of intersection points being a Wheelerian pre-pregeometry bucket of dust, or, in other words, Aurobindo's ponderable warm-golden dust of Supermind, just more YayoiKusama polka dots.] This alleged two-valuedness is thought of as being a straightforward consequence of the fact that quantum logic describes dichotomic experiments (tests, yes-no experiments) which always yield only one of the two possible outcomes quantum logic originated by Birkhoff and von Neumann may be called two-valued but non-distributive [Be aware that the famous Birkhoff-vonNeumann paper, The Logic of Quantum Mechanics, Annals of Mathematics, 37, 1936, is ridiculed, per discussions that transpired at Cornell during the mid-1970s, in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 751-2, 1994; quoting the central criticism made in the novel: the multivalue screaming in the background is completely ignored; those Cornell discussions included speculation, occasioned by impending departure of one of meteorologist Douglas A. Paine's grad students for a bond-jammer job on Wall Street, concerning possible financial-theory applications never pursued because of the dry-up in research funding sustained by Paine, an unfortunate circumstance, given the ConveDD-nature of later-occurring financial-derivatives innovation.] The aim of the present paper is to show that it is possible to reinterpret Birkhoff-von Neumann quantum logic as an infinite-valued probability logic. This reinterpretation does not only keep the whole mathematical structure of BvN quantum logic untouched but even enriches it by new operations characteristic to Lukasiewicz infinite-valued logic. Therefore, BvN quantum logic can be treated as a particular version of Lukasiewicz infinite-valued logic.
Would, then -- sans Fuzz, sans Prob -- Haven's fuzzy preferences relative to financial derivatives become functional equivalents to the preference functions underlying Adolf Lowe's instrumental inference and suddenly appear as informatives to the value-stack sheaving to be deployed in µTm-valued LETS nesting foams? Is this a route to transformations of financial derivatives into-onto Lukasiewiczian LETS? Parenthetically, I now note there are several likely relevant papers by Emmanuel Haven, a professor at University of Leicester School of Management, posted on ResearchGate to which I cannot gain access for lack of institutional affiliation. These include: Quantum-Like Tunneling and Levels of Arbitrage (November 2013), where assigning a financial interpretation to wave numbers is explicated; and Quantum formalisms in non-quantum physics situations: historical developments and directions for future research (no date given with the abstract), where a paper by Choustova is cited which makes important inroads in using Bohmian [waveguide] mechanics as a template model to explaining how information in economics and finance can be structured, an observation the details of which I suggest may be important to e-commons computer-gaming of the selection and sheaving of indicator-tagged m-values to be stacked upon base-state of the Hopf fibration of a given LETS monetary unit to be µTmly Lukasiewicz transaction-processed (even if quite different, rise of the home trader is inspirational in this regard, as seen in BBC's Traders Millions By The Minute, Season 1, Episode 2, YouTube, 22 September 2014). This latter Haven article observes that use of quantum formalism in non-quantum situations began during the 1980s. Actually, that started during the early-1970s, the physics behind (which includes Bohmian mechanics and the Bohm-like notion, Pauli-Paine operator-time) the cascade-theoretic Paine-Kaplan numerical model of tornadogenesis (later in the 1970s-decade, applied by Paine-Pensinger to model DNA pi-electron gas-core wave dynamics, a model sadly ignored, given later development of the GMO industry) being one such case, a case clearly in violation of the sacrality imputed to the classical limit notion. In my considered opinion, there is no such thing as a non-quantum physics situation, only neglect of the participatory nature of quantum measurement, arbitrary cuts made to the relevant geometries such that memetime is transformed into an objective linear-time (after the fashion that [simultaneous-incarnations Bohm-enfolded-ensheaved] palingenesis is made-deemed a temporal-type of psychosis, i.e., me{tem}psychosis: fuzzy, weak-negation, unsharp, paraconsistent as applied to quantum logic[s] has always seemed to me a continued anti-animistic qua anti-pagan skirting of the fact of infinite-valued, non-probabilistic, relative-state identity-transparency in this one-and-only universe not reduced to Weltanschauungs produced by glutamate-etched brains: see, for instance, Paraconsistent Quantum Logics, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara and Roberto Giuntini, Foundations of Physics, 19:7, 1989, pp. 891-904), judicious experimental-data selection, renormalization principally by rescaling-focusing of the governing equation sets to theoretically exclude unwanted data, and the setting of initial and boundary conditions that make it seem there are such situations. Collective-unconscious archetypal-constellative consequences of the pretension that there are non-quantum-physics situations is, according to my lights, precisely where deep-structure etiology of the first two world wars lies. The above-mentioned Choustova article could be Quantum bohmian model for financial market, Olga Al. Choustova, Physica A, 2006, pp. 304-14, or perhaps Application of Bohmian Mechanics to Dynamics of Prices of Shares: Stochastic Model of Bohm-Vigier from Properties of Price Trajectories, Olga Choustova, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 47:1, September 2008, pp. 252-60. However relevant these Choustova papers may be, and I am sure they are very, very relevant, I must restate what I have often said before: I have little interest in the modeling of existing economies-financials, be the models classical or quantum-relativistic; my interest is in finding ways to increase the level of self-organizational competency, which likely will involve fundamental alterations to framework determining conditions of markets, such as order of logical-value of the exchange units employed.
Those [per}sons fustily decked-out in an approximation to sanity know that by any non-dissembling definitions of the terms treason, fraud, embezzlement, perjury these acts are routinely engaged in by CEOs, CFOs, boards of directors of multinational corporations, presidents of banks in a banking industry where the business of banking has become only a front covering a wealth of other activities -- indeed, that these adroit dodgy behaviors are tacit dimensions of the involved lumpencapitalist job descriptions qua terms of reference, and even to a certain degree mandated by the dowdy body of jurisimpudence setting rule-regulated gradients of 1T2-lawfare. How positively em-bare-assing! This extra-systemic conditional with regard to action-directives impacting market behaviors is no mere mocking matter of sheer curmudgeonliness, but is 1T2-paradoxically largely due to the moulderingly mournful fact that externalities are not internalizable under 1T2-only-valued logic, a lugubrious fact which, in turn, mandates -- as enshrined in the 1T2-laws governing behaviors of corporate officers -- that the profit motive is the only permissible motive, violation of which is a crime. This legal framework is strongly supported by prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-driven glutamate prunings of molecular-cellular 1T2-brains and associated cut-off of conscious access to µTm-processing of THE quantum brain. The resultant severe brain impairment is apparently enhanced by intelligence-eating viruses (see: Virus that 'makes humans more stupid' found, Ben Tufft, The Independent, 9 November 2014; and Found: The viral infection that makes nearly HALF of us more stupid , Ben Spencer, The Daily Mail, 10 November 2014). It's amazing the degree to which people, likely including corporate legal-person-type people, take their spontaneous feeling-tone judgments personally -- as exemplary of the uniqueness of their 1T2-[person}ality -- when all unexamined such judgments are largely determined by subliminally impelled collective behavioral gradients. And now the prospective antidote, one more smart drug? Nanny-state ma{nip}ululation of neuroimmune components (here, mouse PirB, paired immunoglobulin-like receptor B, molecular homologue of human LilrB2) of neuronal plasticity at glutamatergically-etched (excitotoxic-glutamate storm) anchoring to the molecular-cellular 1T2-brain of prescriptive enculturation-socialization at learning qua training qua being programmed: see A pill to make you smart? Scientists' breakthrough in unlocking the brain's potential by returning it to childlike state, Rose Troup Buchanan, The Independent, 11 November 2014; and Drug Unlocks Malleable, Fast-Learning, Child-Like State In Adult Brain, Neomatica, 4 November 2014; and Role of immune molecules in the establishment and plasticity of glutamatergic synapses, Lawrence Fourgeaud and Lisa M. Boulanger, European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 32, 2010, pp. 207-17. Extenuate to the notion that immune system interfaces to neuronal tissue (imposing 1T2-self/not-self psycho-biologic barriers to ontic apprehension of relative-state identity-transparency) are deeply involved in establishment of, brain anchoring of, and maintenance of Umwelts and their supraordinate Weltanschauung, as well as the predicate imposition, à la prescriptive enculturation-socialization, of remodeling-restriction as regards the types of visual space and the types of feeling space and the types of auditory space consciously processed, so on as regards time and identity and other Kantian-Piagetian categories. The smarter we become, the worse off we be: that's what happens when you go From Being to Becoming. These are big reasons why moral upbraiding is ineffective as an extra-institutional change-agent behavior. Not human nature, the nature of humans glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched. One -- heh-heh-heh! -- cannot help thinking that all this played large in determining how the m-values of Lukasiewicz logics and the wave-function of Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation were interpreted -- and continue to be interpreted. N. H. Abel's 1823 quintic-Impossibility-theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr invoked not only transfinite iteration and associated transcendentals, but also imputed n-ary operations (like those that would ultimately be involved in µTm-transactional processing of the movement of m-valued LETS monetary units) yielding heaps-gourds-torsors and their supraordinates (monetarily: a given intrinsic composition of an m-valued LETS exchange unit, with its value stack; heaps of heaps of heaps and their supraordinates, constituting torsored band-pass fractal-drum-like global structure of LETS nesting foams) transfinitely iterated, even if not in recursive generation, but in memetime-independent cyclotomic involutory decomposition and evolutory recomposition. The forgetting involved in formation of heaps and supraordinates, it should be remembered with Platonic anamnesis, is that of the Christmas-tree effect (the more lights that shut off -- i.e., logical values drop out of universal consciousness [known, in part, to Western psychology as the collective unconscious] -- the more thoroughly does the material world incarnate corpora of simple-identities) responsible for involutory decomposition of the most dense sheet of the MVRS, i.e., the m-logically-valued reference space base-state of Tzog-chen. Isn't it just hilarious that linear-type systems like the Cartesian closed category, specifically, and closed monoidal categories generally, are regarded apropos of quantum computing? Wherever one might look, constellated regressed archetypes of the collective unconscious have covered every base; wherever a hole in the dike protecting the 200-years dead Weltanschauung conceivably could appear, there a paste-over has been placed: this unconscious conspiracy is far more intractable than merely conscious conspiracy alone. With the term logical-value order-type, I do not refer to the calculus of propositions, first-order predicate calculus, second-order logic, higher-order logic, or typed lambda calculi -- all of which, to my understanding, have only to do with the lowest logical-value order-type, i.e., that 1T2, understood independent of the notion truth-value. Even parametric polymorphism is 1T2. In cascade theory of tornadogenesis, however, the initialization state is quite clearly far and away from strongly and/or weakly normalizing, in that the cue is divergence in the value of a variable, whether that variable ranges over types or not (as one may construe, say, theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces, for instance), which is about as far away from normal form as possible, whatever filtering, rescaling, so on, may be imposed upon the primitive equation set so as to achieve the appearance of renormalization. Divergence as onset of complex-hypercomplex cascade (involving twists requiring those number systems to characterize) of angular momentum, ultimately, at the microscale, fractalizing spacetime, and, hence, the classical limit, we considered indicative of shifts over the state-spectrum of logical-value order-types (not only m-valued variables and universal physical constants, but µTm-valued processing of those variables-constants and their functions: thus, non-conformal maps-transforms, non-conformal branes, indeed, non-conformal holography: this website [why is it that female scientists-mathematicians so often are the ones onto this way of thinking?] is the closest thing I've run across to the Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels take on Riemann's notion, adopted by Wheeler, of the etiology of electric charge as lines of force trapped in the topology of space per the Paine-Pensinger Rx given in Toward a General Theory of Process, circa 1977; sadly, Karl Pribram, for whatever reason, produced no response to this when brought to his attention -- perhaps it never got past his presumed grad-student correspondence vetter -- during 1978, which non-response was conformal to his review of Ignacio Matte Blanco's The Unconscious as Infinite Sets as being regards terra incognito; this was relative to a proffered pre-publication version of the Paine-Pensinger theory of DNA radiation-exchange, wherein is explicated a micro-physical model of pi-electron-gas-core generation of coherent pulse-code burst at helix-coil transition, quite possibly, in the intra-neuronal-DNA case, the reference beam for neural holograms, which Pribram then stated he had no idea as to the origins of). Of course, given absence of Musculpt as mathematical notation, there was no appropriate programming language -- nor is there today. And this may have been the main reason the forecast model failed inside the 1-km grid, an idea debated during the late-1970s. It can be noted that every possible avenue of approach to animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency discovered has been elaborately obfuscated. Given the uses to which probability amplitudes are put in derivatives pricing and the correspondences between fiber bundles and heaps, Arr(C)s, i.e., arrow categories, for a non-catastrophic resolution of the quintillion-dollar financial derivatives overhang appear to be available, however politically irrelevant this fact may be, if only just now becoming so, and were µTm-valued LETS nesting foams already implemented: algebraic, as distinct from programming polymorphisms, (the algebraic perhaps best explicated in Multiversal Polymorphic Algebraic Theories, Marcelo Fiore and Makoto Hamana, no publication given, no date given, but 2012 or later judging by the extensive bibliography, except that the actual case, per the present argument, is the involutory-evolutory cyclotomic Abelian-Bellian trans-algebras of Schrödinger-memetime-independent non-selfsame relative-state identity-transparency, where a given object -- spatial and otherwise -- can simultaneously be itself and not-itself n-places at a given memetime-over, thus non-monoidal, the polymorphic signature being an authentic quantum composite, not merely a Newtonian integral sum of presheaves and sheaves, non-monoidal à la Bennettian diversely-identical skew-parallel relations qua Musès-vonHayekian time shapes [involving octonions, Musès hypernumbers, and Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers] of, not in, this one-and-only universe, hence we are talking autopoietic operators [orders of temporal curl] as type-demergers, not type-constructors, and the universe of polymorphic meta-types plus object-types [in that order] at discourse as predicating identity-types more fundamentally than their derivative morphisms, the whole logically and ontologically before the parts, which is a retrograde-inversion of logical and material atomism, Musculpt-wise involving Schenker-Zukerkandl-Stockhausen crossed into Cassirer-symbolic synaesthetic sounded-forms demergent from the base-state of Tzog-chen: The Next Development in Man, as L. L. Whyte so astutely imagined way back there in 1950, and which I read in 1972 by good offices of an out-of-print book-search service?) taking a corpus of probable prices (reduced-in-the-limit to a single value) onto the m-value stacks (heaps) of µTm-logically-valued LETS currency units, and the bundled rehypothecations onto the fiber-bundle correlates of heaps-torsors universally-covering nesting foams of µTm-LETS (call these Hh, uh, nonlinear hyperheaps?) such that the scale-level quenching and the multiplier-effect larceny the bundling of derivatives engages in, so as to convert and displace risk from micro-to-macro scale, from speculator to saver-investor (see our papers entitled M-valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket: Transcending Fitness-Landscapes in Quantum Economies by Replacing the Wave-Function with Operator-time, circa early-1998, and Constructing a Chaotic Marketplace: Can Global Integration, Driven by Quantum-Based Technologies, Sustain Itself in a Newtonian Macroeconomy?, circa September of 1995, for an early statement of the principle of Conservation of Risk, presently essayed by Charles Hugh Smith in Where Will Risk Erupt This Time?, Of Two Minds, 9 November 2014, by reference to Benoit Mandelbrot's The (Mis)behavior of Markets, Basic Books, 2004), are contravened and scales-multipliers restored via LETS-mediated processes of fractal entrapment. It's 1T2-paradoxical, but perfectly understandable µTmly speaking. Is the magic hand of the market pure magic, or is it magic without magic, to use John A. Wheeler's term? If Wheelerian, what then is the explanation for the resultant autopoiesis and self-organization? The psychologically projected global architecture of blind self-absorption in self-interest by local-discrete actors obeying rule-ridden action-directives generated by the maximum principle expressing vector-summing interplay between supply and demand? This 18th-century-Rationalism fantasy has long since proved itself completely ludicrous. The correct answer is: the Bohmian quantum potential, an expression of the Everettian relative-state demergent from interplay of vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock. How are time-shapes interplayed? By the taking of risk. Taken from where, taken to where? When taken, risk is local; when not taken, it is synoptic. But even local risk has a nesting of relatively synoptic components; and even synoptic risk has nested components relatively local. The global risk map -- surely a nesting of Riemann surfaces inside Riemann surfaces inside with a universal covering -- is a portrait of the overall relative-state codified in the m-valued universal Schrödinger wave-function for the subsystem-system-supersystem composite which is, holistically speaking, the time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. The quantum potential is the risk quotient spread out over the whole economic universe of monetary discourse: by relative-state, it is what coheres; by provision of opportunity to risk, it is what drives. Risk not priced in m-valued money µTmly processed takes no account of the fractal nature of markets, the fractality of risk in those markets, or of the conservation of risk over the subsystem-system-supersystem composite, especially so is no account taken if the composite is not monetarily constituted as a quantum composite by implementation of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries. By contrast, Epistemicism is one way to overcome the 1T2-paradox of the heap: there are logically-necessary, fixed, non-fractal 1T2-boundaries that are not surjective boundaries-without-boundary onto-mapped by operands like Viet Cong political infrastructure bureaucratic variables, but -- ouch! -- they are unknowable in their very nature. Given vagueness, knowledge is unknowable (just as are market reflexivities, according to George Soros). Is epistemicism supertrue or superfalse or just vacuous in its supervaluationism, uh, the or-or for failing to meet requirements of the t-norm prescribing selfsame identity in face of identity-transparent isomorphisms of vague objects? Instead of Leibniz's Identity of Indiscernibles, the Truth-Valued Indiscernability of Animistic-Pagan Identity-Transparency qua Participation Mystique qua Contagion. Fuzzy Epistemicism's hidden boundaries (explicated by John MacFarlane, 9 October 2008) are hidden only to the truth-value psychologically-identified: not higher-order degrees of vagueness as regards partial truth crossed into uncertainty; rather, non-selfsame skew-parallel states of µTmly-relative-state identity-transparency, µTmly-understood, and no-wise 1T2ly-understandable, altogether independent of the notion truth-value (apropos only of the 1T2-order-type, the most reduced in valuation, the most limited in state of identity-transparency). Under µTm independent of truth-value, not only identity, but also time and place cannot, obviously, be what they are to the 1T2-only psychologically-identified -- as, being at more than one place at a given instant of memetime, elementary particles, atoms, and small molecules (experimentally demonstrated, so far) apparently understand, even if we don't, being addicted to binarisms even in our thinking about the non-binary. The logic of deviants, what! Blind-spot quandaries over the meanings we futilely attempt to thingify. Pretty iffy, eh, infinitely-gradable-adjective stand-ins for degrees of truth. Hedging the proposition so as to save as much 1T2-ness as conceivably construable. Zero Hedge for me, myself, I and my Whitmanian other-I-am's -- leaves of grass. If you are going to go interest-relative as regards what you have vested, then you'd better be inexactly vague, or better yet, vaguely inexact. The relativity of absolute limits like the speed of light in vacuo is no mere artifact of context relativity, but of authentic m-valuedness covering Cantorian-fractal spacetime (think: universal covering surface and Mnk articulation landscapes). How would you process m-valued universal physical constants? Would you try to keep the score without an MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space? OMG, a group consensus on transitivity and hysteresis has yielded gluts of truth-value gaps! How many liars are found in heaps, angels on the head of a pin? Logical atomism; probability amplitudes; fuzzy sets/logics; split-off and removed multi-worlds; split-off and removed multi-minds; infinite-valued probability logic: tail between the legs and head in the sand when confronted by nature with animistic-pagan identity-transparency. Ruefully rumpled and crumpled they might be; nonetheless, as regards the command position on the officially subscribed storyline: Come buy, yah! Flatminds entranced by n-episodes of Amerikomush m-miniseries viewed on flatscreens framing ego-idealization trancefixed across glutamate-automatized neural networks. Choosing imprisonment in the me/you-you/me tiger cage. Best pleased, yes, they are, aren't they, with their ConveDDed belief in an anti-animistic bip-bop opera of [alter}native universes-purlieus, all the while subliminally identified with the vanquished pagan, bodymod tattoos and piercings and tribal art collections and influence on Cubism signifying scatting of the involved compensatory abreaction. Living the Lebenswelt of a monotonic binarism, who can sensibly doubt that monogamy (by contrast to the traditional Japanese peasant's frequent movement between several life partners: this thesis is, thus, no invitation to settle in Nymphoburg am Main) is one of the main contributory factors to etiology of mass warfare? Absence of direct ontic experience of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency is abreactively compensated for by war -- indeed, ConveDDed to small-unit bonding and Special Forces satori [lower-case s intended] at high-combat -- and the 1T2-logic of 2-against-the-world monogamy greatly reinforces the absurd anomie induced by alienation from authentic animistic-pagan identity-transparency with the natural surround, and consequent psychological state of separatism, which Existentialists most fulsomely decried during the immediate post-WWII period. Natheless, come to that, what are you on about? Rather a crumbly bit of gallimaufry that, that gallinaceous quail pie, what, old quondam chum -- so imagine I. Hmmm. Well Offering no pax, napkinning lips of Cosmos, they do, so's to save the chortling quiff a show of tongue, Cosmos being, for those fug ne'er-to-slumber quaffers well-versed at the fa(r)ther-flung patois of ConveDDing, a collection of patisseries specialized in brandy-soaked provincial patés de foie gras. Nappier kinks never found, not amongst the splatterpusses radiating nescient nervosity. Nerts! say you? Clunks closed those minds, and those of their co-conspirators: wheel-barrowing, glad-hander, wheeler-dealer bunch of gallinippers those AngloAmeroprats are, aren't they. I've said over and over during the last 45-plus years that utter inability to psychologically process pagan-animistic import of N. H. Abel vis-à-vis identity-transparency had constellated -- certainly by the 1870 onset of the Franco-Prussian war -- in the collective unconscious a psychosis of regressed archetypal event gradients effectuating a will to human species self-annihilation in lieu of conscious integration of what later became known as quantum non-simple identity. If might makes right, it's money that puts sonny to war, as so well essayed by Jacques R. Pauwels (see his book entitled The Myth of the Good War: America in the Second World War, Lorimer, 2002, and the article Why America Needs War, Indy Media Belgium, 30 April 2003, posted to Global Research 9 November 2014)? Only as regards proximal causes, not the constellated deep-structure strange attractors. Dust to dust, mayhaps; but, by all rights, it should be warm-golden dust unto warm-golden dust; and it would be, were it not for prescriptive glutamatergic enculturation-socialization and its 1T2-anchors on neuronal plasticity. But who is this-I-am -- actually, who is any purported one -- to attempt to deny them what they so ardently desire? Near universal insistence upon an apocryphal self-born, self-absorbed, self-inclusive, 1T2ly-selfsame, self-existent self-identity -- that's the errant claim at any rate -- eventually has its inevitable collective consequences. Yet, the intelligent must ask each other, how could it be that John Grisham's The Appeal (Doubleday, 2008) packs a wallop, is chilling -- for when was American democracy free of being controlled by robber barons, small and large; and when was money-driven jurisimpudence not 1T2-lawfare; and when were framework determining conditions of market capitalism not set by 1T2-logically-valued monies and associated syllogism-imposed low-level of self-organizational competency? When have the cower-crappie in life's lake been unaware they allowed the bully-bream to create such a mess? Now, as the core Western democracies, by yet another mass compensatory abreaction, continue to mould themselves into a multilateral facsimile of the Third Reich, Putin, in his recent Sochi speech, has said, in Dmitry Orlov's account, that Russia sees the outbreak of global war as almost inevitable and is making preparations for it (see a summary of the speech provided at ClubOrlov, Putin to Western Elites: Play-time is over, Dmitry Orlov, 29 October 2014; for a translation of what is apparently the full text of Putin's remarks, see Vladimir Putin Is The Leader of the 'Moral World': Confronts Washington's 'Extra-legal Right to World Hegemony', Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research, 26 October 2014). It is tantamount to a felony not to dissimulate Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. It is potentially altogether criminal to doubt validity of the renormalization of Lukasiewicz with t-norms. It would likely be a high crime against humanity (even if indubitably a benison to the bio-atmo-magneto sphere) to implement µTm-valued LETS nesting foams, howsoever reform-oriented the U.K. Parliament may become (see: Briefing for back bench Money creation and society debate Thursday 20th November 2014, a PositiveMoney posting). Hence, it would be a crime against nature to save ithimher from anthropogenic-iatrogenic interventions, where within, mistakenly, all operands are considered single-valued and the only operations undertaken are those iterated binary. Hopefully the prevalent little slam approach to counterinsurgency will not be generalized to geo-engineering -- where the trick that's not won is the one immediately before the last helicopter departs roof of the world, this occasion with nowhere to land except the Moon, the head of a comet, maybe Mars.
Musculpt, no Musculpt. Such techno-invasion as is discussed in the following will become an utter disaster for a civilization absolutely identified with -- and obsessive-compulsive about -- non-quantum simple-identity, glutamate anchored to 1T2-brains under the impulsion provided by prescriptive enculturation-socialization: Reconstructing Speech from Human Auditory Cortex, Brian N. Pasley, et al., PLOS Biology, 31 January 2012 (the extensive bibliography, with links, is fascinating): is restructuring speech the unstated susurrant subtext actually, funding-wise, sustentacular?; and, for a popular account, see Brain decoder can eavesdrop on your inner voice, Helen Thompson, New Scientist, 29 October 2014. Surely, we have here only the unclassified edge of research into this area, considering the various government brain projects funded into the billions. And consider what the following-linked MoreBrave-MostNew is likely to do for management of GMO-clone-slave labor-concentration camps in the coming well-ordered one-world economy devised by avaricious billionaire well-formed 1T2-formulas, those bearers of pall: It's Now Possible for One Person's Brain to Control Another Person's Movements, Sage Lazzaro, BetaBeat, 6 November 2014; and, for an elaboration upon with pictures, there is Remote Controlled Humans Via Internet in Real-Time Now a Reality , Activist Post, 8 November 2014. I'm not against this sort of research -- no actual Luddite -- only the uses to which it likely is to be put, likely against the wishes of most of the involved researchers. As long as research priorities are set by the InstitutionalScience-military-industrial complex, and not with regards to tooling requirements of Kandinsky-Illich synaesthetic Kunstwissenschaft conviviality Given the prevailing paranoiac environment, can there be any reasonable doubt that the capabilities described, upon further elaboration, will be used for [sir}veillance-[man}nip:-(ululation purposes -- whatever other purposes such may be made to serve? Here we have yet more examples of the myriad techno-ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) of animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency which thoroughly regresses the original, and do so for nefarious purposes. For instance, the original relies upon generative empathic acute sensitivity to holistic relative-state so as to constellate a mutuality-permittivity allowing resonance interlock which, one may speculate, could involve inner-Musculpt-mediated clairaudience, clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis. Not so with the techno-ConveDD version, which is simply invasive, and surely will come to involve -- à la the film Control Factor -- the imposition of thoughts-motions from outside as if from impinging-imploding evil spirits taking possession (artifact of personification, an interesting figurative literary device with psycho-spiritual downsides when turned to the technics of religio-political purposes). Techno-exteriorized Musculpt, on the other hand, would be a techno-ConveDD at a much, much lower level of regression, particularly if developed by smart-dancewear-appareled human dance pods relearning (i.e., unblocking) identity-transparency via the attempt to learn Dolphin, i.e., hear-see-speak bottle-nosed sonic-visioning, such attempt aided with exteriorization of inner Musculpt practiced in a holographic-dome-equipped and biofeedback-enabled isolation-flotation Lilly tank (uh, don't miss content of the abstracts on these last three links). Never much resonated with the prima-ethos of ballet, its kata of preset-motions, the 19th-century art music most expressive of that ethos. Whatever the stated ideal, competitive sports, competitive-entry performing arts decisively shift the emphasis from inner-work to outer-object-achievement, and in so doing altogether collapse my interest. The inner Musculpt referred to here, is not geometrical form with space music; rather, sounded symbolic forms that subvocally (and generally subliminally) stand in for and semantically crystallize elements of complex cognitions only partially verbalizable by speakable languages. As, upon entry into deep states of relaxation near zero action potential on the EMG, the brain shifts from ergotropic to trophotropic modality and autogenic discharges ensue, there appears spontaneously in awareness one, among others, category of discharge phenomena: dynamically transforming flowing colored forms which symbolically capture, in their form and changes thereof, complex nested meanings, more elaborately, accompanied by sounds signifying additional meanings. The above-described decoding technology -- which can also neurally decode and represent inner images and musical sounds, not only the inner voice -- could enable projection of the inner Musculpt to the tank dome, where it could be time-step manipulated by the tank user, such that deeper insight could develop into subliminal universals underpinning verbal thought processes. Moreover, the inner Musculpt from many users could be recorded for correlative studies, such that the Musculpt language could evolve in consciousness, through use, like a natural speakable language. I believe this inner Musculpt universal semiotic is conscious awareness of pi-electron-gas coherent quantum-wave phenomena associated with neural-hologram collective behaviors of intra-neuronal and intra-perineural DNA molecules, particularly as regards time-shapes elaborated by electron gas at helix-coil transition (the reference beams for the neural holograms being coherent pulse-code bursts, containing all the information in the nucleotide-pair sequences and their higher-temporal shapes, generated by the superconductant free-electron gas-core of the molecule). Discussions of relative-state activation of the molecular-cellular 1T2-brain, as contained in Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, William L. Pensinger and Douglas A. Paine, circa 1980, are possibly of considerable import here. Quoting from text of that article:
In our view of a macroquantum system, a given fundamental frequency established for an element of the hierarchy represents a state of interaction between this macroquantum domain structure [46] and a given level of its embedding hierarchy. The multiple values of the state function are not interpreted as representing a probabilistic wave function, but, rather, as representing the interactivity derived from a fundamental frequency. This, in turn, deterministically governs functional integration of specific single-valued processes constituting the supersystem-system-subsystem hierarchy -- which is to say that the microphysical structure of the organism functions as a multivalued referencing frequency domain [49-53] for the hierarchically organized information exchange process. The single-valued information that is exchanged between macroquantum domain structures on the molecular, macromolecular, and cellular levels (i.e., through stereochemical metabolic, hormonal, hematopoietic, lymphatic, muscular, neuronal, and immunological mechanisms) is referenced to the multivalued frequency domain. The quantum structure of the organism thus serves a functional integrative role, and, so to speak, keeps a running multivalued, composite accounting of all single-valued information exchanges on other scale levels
DNA-Mediated Quantal Localization and Fusion in Cortical Function and Hyden’s Molecular Theory of Memory
On the basis of this model of superconductant DNA, it is hypothesized that the macroquantum localization process is recorded as phasic cortical activation by a free-energy cascade through the nested hierarchy of organizational levels in the cortex. The interference patterns in the quantum frequency domain decompose into a single-valued representation through resonance exchange initiated on the quantum level and proceeding through the molecular and cellular levels. As interference patterns in the frequency domain change and impinge upon the pi-electron parcels associated with the structure of DNA molecules (within the soma of the neurons comprising the cortical modules), these parcels undergo a sequence of critical-state radiation exchanges. Variations in the referencing frequency domain serve to amplify or damp the fundamental frequency of a given parcel of pi-electrons. Specific temporal patternings of these radiation exchanges (distinguished by very small time differences) trigger frequency responses in the ensemble of pi-electron parcels associated with a given DNA molecule. These frequency modulations are instrumental in governing the helix-coil transitions of the molecule, where the inverse of a specific frequency determines the minimum time for spontaneous localization. As frequency variations occur, there are correlated variations in the respective minimum times, which, in turn, determine the time rate of change of bonding. Given existing knowledge of RNA synthesis [166], it appears likely that a given minimum time for spontaneous localization is correlated with a given RNA molecule such that when a given frequency is attained it serves as a start signal for RNA polymerase to attach to the DNA molecule and begin synthesis. The given specific RNA molecule then synthesizes specific proteins, which, in turn, initiate synaptic transmitter production. As this localization process transpires in a multiplicity of neurons within in given cortical module, a linear-time dependent pattern of activation is established and chemically specified (see Figure 2). Similarly, as a multiplicity of modules in a region of cortex are activated in this fashion, linear-time dependent patterns of module interaction are established. Thus, through the process of spontaneous localization, spatiotemporal patterns of cortical activity occur in response to specific patterns in the quantum-level referencing frequency domain.These ideas are in many respects similar to H. Hyden’s molecular theory of memory [10, 167-172], which is summarized in the following statement:
I would suggest that the time pattern of frequencies set up in the neurons involved leads to a release of repressed regions of chromosomal DNA. This leads to a production of highly specific DNA-copied RNA. It its turn, the RNA synthesis occurring on the demand of the situation gives, as an end product in the neural soma, specific proteins. The presence of these proteins or, at later stages, their rate of production, leads to an activation of the transmitter substance. The next time the same modulated frequencies enter, these specific proteins answer with a rapid reaction leading to an activation of the transmitter substance. In analogy to the mechanism of antigen-antibody reaction, the specific proteins react to the same modulated frequencies which first led to the release of the chromosomal activity, the synthesis of the DNA-dependent RNA, and their own formation. [171, p. 33.]
The process of spontaneous fusion, on the other hand, is hypothesized to be mediated by glial DNA because the research of R. Becker [82] has suggested that the perineural cell system (Schwann cells peripherally and glial cells centrally) is fundamentally related to the analog data system. I. Tasaki and J. J. Chang have described analog type electrical activity as accompanying glial cell function [82, 173]. It is proposed, then, that the continuously changing electrical activity in the glial cells sets up highly interactive standing wave fronts which form holographic representations as a result of glial DNA serving as the coherent wave source required to generate the hologram. As the superconductant DNA model proposes that the coherent waves are generated by the DNA molecule in response to scale interaction, the holographic pattern represents the systematic integration (i.e., the relative state) of the organism.
The perspectives on frequency specificities discussed in Autogenic Discharge: Quantum Biological Considerations, William L. Pensinger, Beverly Oliphant, and Douglas A. Paine, 6th Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Montreal, Canada, August 1981, are of interest in this context. Quoting this article:
When these principles are applied to neural and perineural cell function, an interesting perspective on autogenic discharge activity emerges. As S. Bogoch has pointed out:
The mechanisms by which organ-specific substances live in immunological isolation side by side in the same organism, and the breakdown of this isolation which leads to autoimmune disease, are fascinating and still poorly understood aspects of the handling of immunological information that may have parallels in the compartmentalization of information in the nervous system and its breakdown. (22, p. 13).
The Frequency selective synapses entry, i.e., number 45, to our ILLUSTRATED TERMINOLOGY GLOSSARY (for 'Autogenic Discharge: Quantum Biological Considerations'), circa 1981, is relevant to the present overall topic:
The frequency specificity proposed in the present theory, regarding the DNA molecule and various cellular phase boundaries, suggests an alternative idea to that of a subcortical pacemaker for selecting groups of cortical neurons for synchronization in the generation of the EEG. Each synapse or synaptic group on a given cortical neuron could have a unique frequency window governing its response characteristics. Fluctuations of the frequency domain would at once be a 'map' of synaptic activity (serving the scanning function) and a synaptic trigger (fulfilling the function of a selection and timing mechanism).
The concluding section ozone a Fourier-transform operator to the paper entitled Quantum Biophysics of the Homeopathic Ozone Effect, William L. Pensinger, circa 1995, directly relates to the frequency-decoder aspects to the above-described mind-reader technology. Infrasound signatures (sound shapes) of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface topologies associated with cascade, through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions, of the complex angular momentum delivered to Earth's upper atmosphere by the solar wind is another relevant example where wave-trace-velocities self-sorting (think: Bohmian pilot-waves and Wheelerian geons) plays a big role.
Here is a document totally fascinating to someone who was a 1963-5 SORO study-in + a run-up to the Six Day war JFKSWCS Middle East intel analyst (two promotions in one day, regardless of official history, because the field-grade and general-officer briefees were embarrassed to brief-back a mere PFC) + an SRA/MACV-J2 POLOB-analyst, uh, uh, i.e., someone with a background like me: A Tradecraft Primer: Structured Analytic Techniques for Improving Intelligence Analysis, prepared by the US Government, March 2009. This, THIS, is all that's forthcoming, all these decades later? While the general observations made in the paper are, by my assessment, all well and good, and the bibliography well taken, I simply must note that, in the Strategic Assumptions That Were Not Challenged chart, given in text, there is no citation of the myriad, truly myriad, not challenged assumptions precipitating the US misassessment qua dysassessment (both officially misspelled words) of the synoptic-organizational-phase-transition year-plus run-up -- myriad POLOB indicators of prefigured military activities extant, m-, uh, uh, multiple, even now significant to me, if no others, indications, regarding such, altogether dissed by MACV-DIP -- to the Tet-'68 offensive in VN notated, as well it surely should be. What does that citation-lacuna indicate concerning details of misassessments nowadays promulgated? ((Should I apologize for nested espression of nesting notions?)) The Devil's in the details, what! But much, much more than that: indicative of the extraordinary trauma Tet-'68 STILL, circa 2009, represents to the American Mind. Why this extraordinary? All the reasons discussed throughout this website as regards suppression of the import of N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem, and subsequent developments in higher maths-logics and theoretical physics -- the American cohort of the human corpus being the exemplar most-bound to the 200-years-dead Weltanschauung still the metaphysical foundation of the prevailing, if evermore foundering, institutional base. Predicting when IT will kick-off is another issue from that it eventually will kick-off, and the general character of what will kick-off. Ask oneself what sort of person attempts to ascertain the when of the kick-off. Or is it just uh, uh, let me know immediately there's sighting of the scatt-infected Loopy Leaders: vortical blow-hards, despite mental viscosities, being their stocks in trade. How many mirthless rough-cut-ups on the planet are really aware of the dimensions of what is currently transpiring, whatever tube station they hope to arrive at, however far from the end of Central Line. Countable in the tens of thousands? Where count ? And, as regards subverting activities, à la Psychological Operations Group, I am sure there are many mitigating circumstances compelling multi-millionaire actors-actresses to participate in films that service the propaganda needs of Metanoia on their part anticipated? Pugh! Not likely. Quite the contrary, more like -- though, I must admit, I've never met the talent, only a few of the producers. So, what do I know?
Despite, or maybe even because of, the Riemann surface, its branching theorem, the multiplicity of f, many people believe that a many-valued function is not a function, at the very least not an honest function, be the involved mapping-transformation many-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many. Why such a belief? I believe doubts concerning Euler's basic notion of function-as-correspondence (something the ancient Chinese understood as the foundation of medicine-as-a-system-of-correspondences in correspondence to the many factors studied in geomancy-chronomancy, to include attributes of weather: see The Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine: Systems of Correspondence, Manfred Porkert, MIT Press, 1974, which I read soon after it came out, reviewed here) -- subsequently disputed primarily over specifics -- were informed by, and prefigured, the same anti-animism-paganism cognitive reflex-jerks instigating dissimulation of Schrödinger's many-valued wave-function as being indicative of probability-amplitudes. Note that the French mathematician -- had to be French! -- Edouard Goursat's modern definition of function, which nowadays appears in many textbooks -- given in the above-provided link, and in the more comprehensive Functions: How they have changed through History, MATH 6101-090, Fall 2006 -- as single-valued-only came in 1923, two years before Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function was published as component of his original time-independent wave equation, and three years before the probability-amplitude dysterpretation was promulgated. Were the Hopf fibration (note, just for interest, how the arbitrary cut of the torus creating the Villarceau circles animated at the end of this link, form the Vesica Pisces of the Hourglass nebula, the featured icon of ancient gematria and Cabala indicative, amongst much else, of harmonic oscillation, central to the canonical equation of the Paine-Pensinger model invoking temporal curl and operator-time, notions necessary to formalization of vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock), a type of fiber bundle, run in retrograde-inversion (one-to-many, rather than many-to-one; discontinuous rather than continuous) with a discontinuous inverse function (i.e., as an anti-homeomorphism), it would then, I think, be something of a heuristic model of how bundled bundles of nth-degree-rehypothecated financial derivatives could be transformed into polymorphic signatures on the Musculpted sheaving manifold of µTm-valued LETS-currency nesting foams.
Vertical integration, tantamount to renormalization by rescaling, was bad enough; horizontal integration, tantamount to renormalization by retiling, i.e., globalization, was where the worst mistakes were made: the two together guarantee the full catastrophe. By contrast, primitive Christianity has the Gnostic Christ saying: Get behind thyself! I've always thought of this as the nested horizontal-depth aspect of what Gurdjieff designated self-remembering, the nesting vertical-frequency-duration aspect of the state of consciousness signified by the Cross, which is a schematic icon denoting an operational instruction set (encoded by gematria) as to how to cognitively form a (quantum) composite. The infinite regresses revealed by/in feeling-space. Zuf-Zuf-Zuf back into fractality of the function; Uuf-Uuf-Uuf up into its exponentiations. Awareness of this did not come via encounter with Gurdjieff's notion as to self-remembering; it came years earlier by good offices of a onetime member of the Harlem Magicians, a pro-basketball team similar to the Harlem Globetrotters. Eielson AFB gym, interior of Alaska, throughout the summer months, circa 1961, aged 16. He was one of the Special Services personnel who ran the gym. I was practicing jump shots going left and right, and trying to learn to do each wrong, i.e., off the wrong foot. Watching me, at first he thought I was a klutzy clod; then he saw I was doing it on purpose, and he thought that very interesting. Decided to show me a thing or two about the value of manipulating attention to the moving center, as Gurdjieff would have had it. Taping fingers together. Putting a wad of something in your shoe. Wearing an eye patch. Eventually, I began to practice shooting while blindfolded. Start at the foul line, no blindfold. Then with blindfold. Then moving left, then moving right. In arcs. With sustained practice, a feeling for the floor develops. One just knows where one is -- by feeling. A sense of feeling-space constellates. It was there all the while, just never attended to. Why never attended? Because of never being out of one's egoic spheroid and into one's Leaves of Grass Other-I-am(s), the self(ves) to be remembered in getting -- Zuf-Zuf-Zuf -- behind via pullbacks into enfolded ingress and -- Uuf-Uuf-Uuf -- above via a climb up Jacob's Ladder, the Ray of Creation. Behind and above -- simultaneously. Almost impossible to sustain these days, when there is no supporting Weltanschauung and attendant institutionalization thereof. Look at the fiber-bundle structure of the Hopf fibration as a primitive analogue. Noted in The Hopf Fibration -- seven times in physics, H. K. Urbantke, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 46, 2003, pp. 125-50, is that Dirac extended wave-functions by delineating them into what we now call sections of non-trivial complex line bundles; also noted is a directly related fibration involving Clifford parallels: these two together inescapably suggest J. G. Bennett's pencils of skew-parallels (not Clifford parallels but suggestively similar in that, in both cases, Clifford and Bennett, more than one parallel can pass through a given point, possibly a "laya center" tucked away in the Him-a-laya[s]: that circumstance illustrating the point to be made about non-simple identity in cases allowing orders of nonselfsameness) which he used to develop his theory of identity in diversity, a theory I flashed upon in 1963 as somehow explanatory of the animistic-Shinto states of consciousness-identity I experienced as a preadolescent in Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, circa 1953-6. Also directly suggested by Hopf-Dirac-Clifford, understood a composite notion, which very directly leads to the Penrose twistor (as quantization of temporal curl), is that probability amplitudes and split-off universes are an obfuscation of Schrödinger's wave-function and Everett's relative-state formulation as to, not an explication thereof, as would be Hopf-Dirac-Clifford-Penrose processed under µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. The egoic spheroid, base space of the Hopf fibration, a 2-level qubitic Bloch sphere, is a 2-sphere, our everyday soccer ball, the flat space of binary cognition when triangulated and laid out upon planar surface of the single-valued dualistic mind. Get behind that self! The self to first be remembered is analogically a 3-sphere. In this Hopf transition, the principle bundle is the circle group on the 3-sphere taken to points on the 2-sphere: from our perspective, the inverse map of that many-to-one function. Consider S1 to S2 to S3 to S4 to S5 each to-arrow denoting the fiber-bundle map involved in the transformation. The principle bundle to our interest, I submit, is not the circle group, but the Klein-bottle group, the self-reentries involved being one sort of geometric analogue to the self-referential properties of the higher logical-value order-types constellated within trans-egoic states (see context of Figure 8b in the section entitled Multivaluedness, Self-reentry, Non-Orientability, and Hyparxis of our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process). To get some idea of how problematic this Abelian crap is for most mathematicians-physicists and, perhaps particularly so, for physicists turned financial quants, see II3 (S2), H. Hopf, W.K. Clifford, F. Klein, H. Samuelson, in History of Topology, I. M. James, editor, Elsevier, 1999, p. 575, for the following:
In 1931 there appeared the seminal paper [2] by Heinz Hopf, in which he showed that II3 (S2) (the third homotopy group of the two-sphere S2) is nontrivial, or more specifically that it contains an element of order infinity. (His language was different. Homotopy groups had not been defined yet; E. Czech introduced them at the 1932 Congress in Zurich. Interestingly enough, both Paul Alexandroff and Hopf persuaded him not to continue with these groups. They had different reasons for considering them as not fruitful; the one because they are Abelian, and the other (if I remember right) because there is no mechanism, like chains say, to compute themAnother of those incidents in deep-structure etiology of WWII, the revealing matter of interest being knee-jerk attitude toward the Abelian, not the resolution or lack thereof of the computability issue. Problem awry is, gang aft agley, I daresay: algebraic/symbolic-logic notation of trans-al-jabr is not only inadequate to automatization of the involved operations, it's altogether counterproductive in respect to catalyzation of chromodynamic semantic inhearing-insight: synaesthetic Musculpt is required for that. The identities that are transparent are relative-states of All-That-Is -- not split-off m-[per}son(alities) qua universes -- and, moreover, All-That-Is always and all ways is. Quoting Mark T. Sullivan on one route of entry to the back story on feeling-space place (Ghost Dance, Hodder and Stoughton, 1999, p. 164 of the Coronet paperback edition):Then, out of the darkness, came a hot ball of light, a prismatic beacon discharging spasmodic hues of violet, rose, and daffodil The ball of light widened. The beams of color broke up into pixels. Each pixel became a new source of charged radiance It was like one of those pointillist paintings that, under scrutiny, seems a mishmash of dots, but from a distance suggests a dynamic figure in motion
Think of interior distance. Think of the dynamic polymorph visual phenomena spontaneously appearing to awareness by autogenic brain discharge during duration of the autogenic state at practice of Autogenic Training's standard exercises (see: The Clinical Significance of Visual Phenomena During the Autogenic State, Wolfgang Luthe, in W. Luthe, editor, Autogenic Training, Grune and Stratton, 1965), an intimation of inner Musculpt. Why do I use the term relative-state identity-transparency? Why conflate these two apparently unrelated notions? Look at differences between the Lagrangian function and the Hamiltonian function. Kinetic energy is an unsubvertible given to Lagrange; indeed, his function is also called the kinetic potential. Position coordinates and their time derivatives, yep. Memetime can never drop into the background, not for Lagrange -- nor can spatial separation between discrete identities altogether evaporate (think: identity-transparency, and my being unable proprioceptively to tell the difference between your foot and my foot). For Hamilton, memetime passing is embedded in the velocities embedded in the momenta mapped over spacetime coordinates, and total energy, the focus of the function, is viewable, i.e., an observable, that is, a self-adjoint operator, only when time is not, repeat not, explicit in the function. Moreover, the total energy operator, the Hamiltonian, that is, is commonly regarded as being bounded from below, i.e., cannot take on negative values. Prigogine viewed this bounded-from-below proscription as sufficient cause to rule out Pauli's notion of time as an operator, in the standard quantum mechanics + Pauli + Prigogine sense, i.e., as an observable symplectomorphism, a linear map which is non-degenerate, i.e., single-valued. The Hamiltonian function pictures all possible configurations (bundles bundled into phase space with zero divergence, divergences having all been renormalized -- something like with financial derivatives, eh) of the dynamical system under consideration. Smoooooth operator, in the flow -- on a smooth manifold. Closed, 2-form, uh, uh, symplectic form inducing a 1T2, uh, binary bracket, that of Poisson, structuring a Lie algebra understood relative to probability distribution, probability conserved, of course. Ahhh, one-parameter transforms of the manifold! Call the parameter of curves, what? Ahhh, time! The appropriate arbitrary cuts having been made to the unit circle (think of the circle group of the Hopf fibration) such that linearity can be established by recourse to the binary-logic unit interval (0,1). Whatever the involved incidence algebra and Möbius inversion over the canonical recursion of bounded and unbounded mu operators (having nothing to do with Zen mu or old Chinese ma carried into Japanese ma, sacred base-space and root homonym), no amount of break-dancing the base-space of the circle group by the Wu Li Masters will restore completeness and consistency; that, much to the chagrin of Popular Science, can be obtained only in the infinite regresses of the Gödel-numbering of the Gödel number through self-referential/self-reentrant Klein-bottle nesting foams, this being a fundamental attribute of the participatory universe revealed at quantum measurement. More or less quoting Wolfram's MathWorld: the Möbius strip is a fiber bundle where the base-space is a circle with the fiber given by the unit interval (0,1). The strip and its inversion, I would observe, codifying the rotational 1T2-logic of Tai Chi whereupon mirroring-Yin and mirroring-Yang habitually change places as regards, paradoxically perhaps, on or -- not and -- off the non-[orient}able strip. The Klein bottle is also a fiber bundle, where, like the Möbius strip, product space is precluded by the higher-dimensional twist -- or is it so if and only if µTm-logical-value order-types higher than 1T2-only, understood independent of the notion truth-value, are proscribed, there likely being some sort of relation between higher dimension and higher logical-value order-type? But I don't believe the total energy operator is bounded from below. Negative energies of a physical system, according to the Paine-Pensinger notion, have to do with its measurement -- with psychetic data as distinct from hyletic data, when understood in a 1T2-only logical context. The operator which is Pauli-Paine operator-time is no mere observable: the operator is not its collection of mappings. It is the active inducer of topological transformation, a real non-real-numbered autopoietic operator, and in that sense replaces the Hamiltonian. No symps involved! Unbounded. Non-linear. Non-holonomic (the whole holon of holonomy not being the whole whole of holism, not to speak of the autopoy of autopoionomy -- heh-heh-heh!). Ahhh, gauge freedom found in degeneracy (typical black-psyche language use, post-1823, i.e., post-Abelian Impossibility: single-valued being obviously degenerate from multi-valued, not vice versa; 1T2-only being obviously degenerate from µTm-valued, not vice versa: always have thought invariance -- particularly gauge invariance as shear fixer of the physical as distinct from the fanciful -- is for those not at home in the universe, suffering existential anxiety, and in compensatory abreaction to an unacknowledged sense of inferiority, whatever its etiology might be: cf gauge fixing [a brilliant piece describing the cognitive pretzeling required to keep memetime straight and identity simpleminded], and here for some intimation as to what gauge has to do with temporal curl and its quantization via Penrose twistor). Identity of the system at any given time, according to the standard interpretation, cannot possibly be all its possible configurations in phase space, which are only the probabilities (re: potentials as distinct from potential differences) that its actual identity might be one or another of those configurations, identity necessarily, by dictates of 1T2-only logic, by dictates of the nature of symplectomorphisms, by dictates of the Poisson bracket, so on, being singular -- which to me means a singularity, a hole, and if bounded from below as regards its total energy observable, doesn't amount to much more than the strut-and-fret Shakespeare referred to. Wrong going puts stone upon judgment. Simple syntax, mon. Spec ops in parataxis. Then Jesus, Mary, and Joseph: danger close! We must be amongst the LA-Berkeley-SiliconValley cybernetic-ketamine intelligentsia. Shift to syntaxis, for God's sake. Set out the IR strobes. This mapping is simplicial with respect to triangulations of the spheres, localization by p of the involved pair of spaces premodifying the complex head in hypotaxis of the unwelcome third term seated in first place. Our only hope is for exponentiations of M equipping the manifold, closing it down to n-1. Get on it, mon! But, if negative energy indicates the self-reentrant rather than the self-adjoint, then measurement all ways and always will find the m-valued µTmly-processed such that the all possible configurations memetime-independently constellate identity of the system-composite as transparent relative-states -- i.e., not schizo-splitoff spatial and/or temporal multiples incommunicado by dictates of 1T2-only-logical linear-time-bound thermodynamics -- where any given entity can be itself/not-itself m-exponentiations over, the not-itselves being relative-selves of any chosen itself, such that every itself is every other itself, and the whole of them, not directly one-to-one, but mediated by EPR participation mystique, i.e., Bose-Einstein contagion, uh, intercourse with the whole, the whole natural surround (which means: not dependent on local-only forcing, on only dH, the differential of the Hamiltonian, linear or non-linear), µTmly speaking and by virtue of relative-state identity-transparency as given via Platonic anamnesis at measurement, sub-clinical and clinical.
Kithing liminal-threshold written objections, motions in limine, whilst figuratively on kneepans? You bet! No prejudged motion for acquittal: hang the defendant, not the [per}jury; seek a majority, if not granted, then go appealing. One of the greatest Hillaryic hilarities, contrary to the public's substitute memories (flashing forward, see: Hillary Clinton's Kennedy curse, Joe Battenfeld, Boston Herald, 22 December 2014): Operation-Twist-financed New Frontier as Camelot. And nowadays it's clearly becoming safer to keep money under the bed than in the bank where it is more likely to be stolen (see, for instance: The Consequences of Imposing Negative Interest Rates, Pater Tenebrarum, Acting Man, 21 November 2014). The overall effect, everwhere, of the corpora of U.S. foreign, domestic, scientific, military, monetary policies during the post-WWII period has been to enforce an indefinite continuance on doing anything substantive about any fundamental in respect to any aspect of the global crisis rising to cuspover. The not-doing referred to here is not the non-doing of Taoism; rather, the malfeasant lacuna David Swanson has recently essayed in There goes Virginia's Climate, Washington's Blog, 26 November 2014. I first became aware of the visual-acuity and hearing-perspicacity impairments of Americans as an eight-year-old military brat living in immediate post-Korean-war-era Japan. Indeed, the more circumscribed mental capabilities become relative to the 1T2-order-type-alone, i.e., the more glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched, the greater the impairment sustained, with associated memetime-boundedness and penchant for thoroughgoing prescription, and the greater the tendency to insanity -- experienced by likeminded amongst the cohort as utterly normative. What isn't acknowledged: how else could µTm-realreality break into the 1T2-bound mind except handled as exterior hallucination and interior dissociation and myriad combinations of the two -- given that 1T2-only insists there be only two possibilities, only one of which can be true-and-right at any given time-and-place? When everything one believes in -- uh, uh, what they believed in, the they being the us of my parents and their parents and their parents' parents, and so on -- has been demonstrated mistaken by one's own mathematics and science, what does one do? Engage in unrelenting inner deception by obstinately establishing a basso ostinato of black self-propaganda, and forward deploy outwardly so as to forcibly assimilate, or kill, all those who construably represent challenges to the belief-system known to be mistaken. Righteous sanctimonies aside, with due-diligent contempt duly referring to the gut-wrenching said aforesaid: a flotilla of mood-disordered dinghies (see, for instance: 'Masters of Manipulation': Psychopaths Rule The World, Joachim Hagoian, Global Research, 24 May 2014), culpable, but improbable indictees, officially unofficiating officials relying upon their Book of Oaths, empanelled in pinpoint cotton whilst calling the docket out to the venire, prefatorily arraigning flim, flimsy, flimsier, flimsiest of flimflam, fessing-up/fessing-down, true bills all, were truth-value nature's way and last word on logic, there being as many counts as conceivably construable, like those in the real interval (guilty, not-guilty). Quoting Matthew Pearl's The Poe Shadow (Random House, 2007 paperback edition, p. 268): The Holy Bible says we are all guilty, monsieur, but does it not follow that we are also all innocent? Is it not jackassable to entertain otherwise? Might could, yep. A revival under the Big Tent of skyspace. On the stump, admirable throat-cutters, don't ya say. How's it -- undercover nazification of agencies on the sting (see: More Federal Agencies Are Using Undercover Operations, Eric Lichtblau and William M. Arkin, The New York Times, 15 November 2014) -- better than be Kluxers in their klaverns? Might as well call in John Grisham to represent, his first novel, A Time To Kill, being by far his best novel -- and not at all surprising it was rejected by sixteen agents and a dozen publishers. Premeditation, and the 1T2-logical capacity for detailed comprehensive planning, can, certainly, in no way contravene a diagnosis of insanity, as the WWII Nazi case clearly demonstrated; moreover, on a personal level, I can unabashedly and unequivocally state that the most insane people I've ever met were in P&O, Plans and Operations, as outcome of the Viet Nam war clearly demonstrated. Morally indefensible and absolutely UNnecessary -- indeed, profoundly counterproductive. Envision effects upon the opposition from decades of raising indignation to deserved deeespise and utter contempt -- very well-rewarded, for without the heightened affect-charge, the emotional energy thus provided, how could there be a wide range of inner experience realized as a basis for engagement, for practices of, say, collective karma yoga? The idea that the early CT programs culminating in Phoenix had origins in a turncoat Viet Minh is ridiculous black self-propaganda. Look at CI in French colonial practice; at tacit dimensions of Jaunissement in 1951, the yellow French precursor to the American's Vietnamization; at advocacy of pao chia qua bao giap by Emperor Minh Mang's opposition serving as an overt model for Ngo Dinh Nhu's social philosophy of Personalism (I, like Nhu, never believed pao chia had no Viet Nam incarnation, for it was employed in various forms all over East Asia, was the basis of the tongs which GearWheel CI was modeled upon as well as the RVN's CIO, for the tonarigumi neighborhood associations in Japan, Manchukuo, Mengkukuo, and, indeed, occupied Indochina and Burma during WWII), which Edward Lansdale bought into in spirit, if not officially; at CI ops run in the North against the North in run-up to outbreak of the Korean war, uh, that's Korea, not North Viet Nam, though done there also; at the subtle side of the Briggs Plan during The Emergency in Malaya, experience of which being a teeth-cutter for the man who later handled all the paperwork for creation of Delta Force, that Plan being the demonstration project informing creation of the Strategic Hamlets Program, the pilot strategy for coerced population relocation, uh, that is forced-draft urbanization and establishment of free-fire zones, a strategy become the neo-liberal foundation of globalization in the post-Vietnam-war era; at OSS X-2 CI ops run during WWII; at bounty hunters in America; at the Pinkertons, precursor of the SS, the FBI, and the CIA. Indeed, this element of the behavioral profile is an American leitmotif going back to well before founding of the Republic, and perpetually used against the opposition, be it criminal, political, economic, scientific, whatever. Why? Because we can! Is it at all credible to maintain that [Half}ord John [Mac}kinder's Heartland, pivot of history, World-Island geostrategy as informing Anglo-American policies is somehow different-in-kind from, say, that of a [Hit}her, a Napoleon Bone-a-part, a [Gang}his Khan, an Al{ex}ander? Dreamingly, smell-whetted remembrance of passed things -- authentic curiosity, genuine appetite, a taste for genius -- things seemingly gone by a'streaming, off dandling into nether NeverWorlds, accompanied evermore by dolorous declamations of Nevermore! by the snakeheads slithering their scriveners' reads: that's content-flood for the neuronally-etched, averred for appraisal once the mind has reverie-slipped into a state diffuse-indeterminate. Sod all! these remnants seem to stammer, no doubt prefiguring a mass burial. Poeic, not poetic. By the bye, ever-more-hackneyed hackers become most endeared-revered among the Lebenswelt's most endowed -- to such low-lying swampy depths has our blackguard species sunk, enmiring itself upon itself in lowly lies, imbued such that any [coll}egial success within the moral dunes of prevailing institutional algorithms is a condemnation of character, of intellect, of quality of affect-charge credited to account of borrowed morrows. Sorry, but since struggling with -- actually against -- symbolic logic in a high school independent study course, Dr. Moore, SAC/U-2 base, Eielson, Alaska, circa winter of 1961-2, I've vested no belief in the adversarial process of lawfare, for I could not in good conscience entertain guilty or not-guilty, insane or not-insane, everyone quite obviously being simultaneously guilty and not-guilty, insane and not-insane. How, consequently, pass any lie-detector test whilst allowing no belief in truth or falsity? For similar reasons, I often refused to take objective tests, which are always subjective manipulations of objective reality so as to yield the profoundly misleading mythology of T or F, friend or enemy, so on -- known to onetime CICV-Targets analysts as being among deep-structure origins of mass warfare, carpet bombing, fire bombing, napalm, WP, nuk'n'em, wherein massed infliction of collateral damage has become the foremost strategy as regards the way to win, a strategy that was exemplary and precedent setting for the rise of global terrorism become planetary insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna nation-state system qua system and its supraordinal agglomerations. The very idea of holding that a person, any person, is absolutely-in-so-far-as-guilty or absolutely-in-so-far-as-not-guilty is so far loony beyond ludicrous as to be absolutely hiccup inducing in its belly-laugh potential. Our 1T2-lawfare: pure ossifrage; as future perfect as an oracular prefect; as diclinous, u(n)[tri}cular, and bi-bracted as goosefooted orach! I've always been law abiding because it doesn't make sense to be otherwise, but that doesn't prevent me from questioning the logical-metaphysical basis and efficacy of 1T2-lawfare. There has never been a fair trial, ever, in history of the world, because 1T2-logic -- and its syllogistic trails established under the laws of Distributed Middle and Non-Contradiction -- does not permit such. The laws informing framework determining conditions of 1T2-lawfare -- authentically probative, admissible, especially for being foundational, even if conbative of nature -- are no less human fabrications-dissimulations than is that lawfare itself. What are, for instance, and to be sure, and oh-so obviously, inadmissibles for, in limine or otherwise, if not to sustain the falsifications of reality codified in the anti-nature overkill manufactures qua man-u-fractures called the laws of Distributed Middle and Non-Contradiction? Don't speak to me of the transfinite set of gray scales in the real interval (right, wrong), for therein lies -- heh-heh-heh! -- INSANITY: thus sprach the appropriate Council of the AMA, of the NRA, of the Boy Scouts. Don't dare contradict me! demands the judge, hiding his true selfie under a black cloak, and under disco of the aural strobe of hisher [gave}ling [mal}let, guns to the back, gun in the right hand of the law overseeing the courtroom. Inadmissibles renormalize, i.e., prejudice/[pre}judge, refit, by means of filtering, so as to (logically) accommodate the incapacities of the glutamate-pruned/impaired and quantum-quenched molecular-cellular 1T2-brain -- glutamate etching being strongly advocated by psychiatry, that extension of the national-security state-of-consciousness. Those evidential classes deemed admissible and inadmissible, when all taken together, form a self-portrait in collective psychopathology of TPTB oh-so usufructal -- their side chains unsaturated, made of a dozen and more carbons, all lacquered up in phenolic compounds derived from poison ivy. Ugh! how very, very uglifying (see, for instance: The World Is Run By Fools, And We Let Them, Raul Ilargi Meijer, The Automatic Earth, 16 November 2014). What human being, not unhinged, would live under such a system were not the muzzle of a gun, by direct threat, pressed tight to hisher right temple? Duty of the civic is far more compelling -- however much ignored or transmogrified to transaction rent seeking and other types of garnisheeing -- than is civic duty, howsoever compelled. JFK's ask-what-you-can-do-for-the-state was, and is, quintessential nazification. How much longer -- given all the myriad factors in accelerating convergence -- will the human species survive consequences of this -- particularly consequences of the absences created by what is prevented from being done? And anyone -- surely an obsessive, switchbacking, fuss-budget ball of rime amongst the graupel -- who thinks the forecast of a ten-percent human survival rate at cuspover (period of a single decade?) is too, too pessimistic simply hasn't been paying attention, not when events like the following are reported as occurring somewhere on the planet nearly every day: 3 Billion Gallons Of Fracking Wastewater Pumped Into Clean California Aquifiers , Zero Hedge, 17 November 2014. My assessment -- in camera, uh, uh, not on camera, no grousing about, no press, confined to this or that chamber: language exemplary of current usage, usage which accurately reflects prevailing states of mind habitually engaged -- has long been: land's sake alive, communication between the dead is not tongued with fire (T. S. Eliot, Little Gidding, i.52); rather, conducted via telepathic inner-Musculpt: so, what is achieved when the dead kill the dead; why help the dead bury their dead? The deadest of the dead perhaps being government workers, worldwide no exemplars of being human, the worst surely being USG workers, not only in their work, but in their persons in their homes, especially in the neuroticism displayed in their gardening behaviors, a subject I know something about having worked as a gardener for over 15 years in D.C.-no-Washington, employed by Hill's Nursery, foremost caterer to the carriage trade, a career choice I got out of in the mid-'80s in part to avoid being Rounded-Up into any one or more of a dozen diseases. Certainly not all or even many: some more, more and more. But to all appearances, the addled average normal jabbering person is fully prepared -- won't be whoaed; won't be skedaddled -- to destroy life on Earth, will go to any length, kill anything, including himherself, rather than sincerely attempt to come to terms with actuality of hisher brain condition qua cognitive state, your average hard-hack neuropsychiatrist being the most obsessive-compulsive in this regard. Heck no, I don't accept with serenity the things I can't change; I focus my attention upon them. Why? Kismet -- not mine, theirs, uh, that of them. Because they are bellowing-bellering clues accessible to me as to the riddle concerning how the prevailing civilization will destroy itself -- and, hence, clues to how that fate possibly could have been avoided.
Are our dreams ours to own, Taleswapper? Or are they spindrift of archetypal gradients flux-partitioning vast sea of the collective unconscious? The last two centuries have been -- to use the Henning Mankell term employed in Sidetracked, 2000, Harvill Press English paperback edition, p. 226 -- the Age of Failure (for one take, see: Photographer Salgado tells AFP 'planet near extinction', Aaron Tam, AFP, 14 December 2014) producing more and more Ungrateful Dead, an age in which, according to Mankell's character, People lived to forget, not remember, and surely did not live in the attempt to engage in Platonic anamnesis so as to, among much else, create institutional algorithms founded thereupon, e.g., µTm-valued LETS reference manifold mapped upon Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, the ultimate supply-side notion, whereas globalization, as we have experienced it, has been demand-side want creation doubly exponentiated. The looking-backward (certainly not at the Looking Backward: 2000-1887 sort of nationalism espoused by Edward Bellamy) wanting-to-go-back type of solutions proposed by the anti-Keynesians/anti-monetarists can be no more than temporary palliatives because the civilization-planetary situation has radically altered in the post-WWII era: the massive infusion of quantum-based technologies; the population explosion; the approach to peak everything; the induced climate-shift dynamic; planetarization of forced-draft urbanization and associated economic free-fire zones; the accelerating genomic hack perpetrated upon the biosphere; so on. Markets 1T2-only-logically-valued have -- amongst much else -- altogether insured a built environment no uncoerced (as regards coercion, think: prescriptive enculturation-socialization-induced glutamate-etched binary-lacunaware with its truth-value gaps) relatively-sane person would choose to live in. What I most love: 1T2-identity pickled in car culture, sublimated 4-6-8 lanes a given memetime. Ruttish runes, ruefully ruthful, running round ratiocinations? Ain't nuffin' 'ere, guv, but I'd 'ave ter check. Heh-heh-heh! And wot of it? Anyfink? Or so might say Anne Perry in characterizing Slaves of Obsession (Ballantine, 2000). A closet full of rotters, one-Tee-two-bit four-flushers with scuttlebutt on sinkers and floaters, extinctions secular and numinous, wry 1T2-self-regarding bounders all, not worth battling with -- and thus doth arise, as pandemic, the death of hope, even amongst webmavens making métier out of pure Pollyanna. Don't be fiddling with the Rottweiler on the roof! Moreover, the more-simple cannot adequately manage the more-complex: Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna-Weberian-type institutions, and their supraordinal agglomerations, patently are unable to properly oversee the workings of a civilization increasingly propelled by technologies derivative of quantum and relativity physics, and the evolving successors of those paradigms (regardless of prospective up-the-devil's-staircase-type reforms that may be instituted to the Dollar System and IMF quotas and governance: see, Time for the United States to Risk Its IMF Veto, Edwin M. Truman, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 11 April 2014; and The Globalization of Central Banks, J. C. Collins, Philosophyofmetrics, 10 December 2014; and IMF Now Ready To Slam The Door On The U.S. And The Dollar, Brandon Smith, Alt-Market, 17 December 2014). On the other side -- the Keynesian-monetarist side, which also looks to the rear -- just as was the Plaza Accord, Abenomics is an American sting, monkey-brain sashimi run through a blender Made in the U.S.A., with bubble-creating anabolic steroids added to the mix (see, for instance, The Curse of Keynesian Dogma: Japan's Lemmings March Toward The Cliff Chanting 'Abenomics', David Stockman, Contra Corner, 15 December 2014), a sting something like that psychiatric run on Yayoi Kusama, the proprioceptive-perceptual experience and art of whom predicates, not only animistic Shinto, but also avant-garde postmodern physics. Japanese gutturals, male-emotional spoken: no more quintessential embodiment of identification with negative affect-charge. With voice quaver, calling upon Whac-A-Whimp! Is it national madness, or the madness that is nationality? Hollywood realism formalistically imitating animation, rather than vice versa. It's really, really hard to suppress explosive laughter, however tragic be the specific circumstance addressed, when listening to counterterror-specialist commentary. Any bets on how much terrorism, going back to well before sting operations inducing the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, has not been a Closed Circuit? Is it natural justice, 1T2-only-logically-valued, or mere territorial right and destiny, to be rendered upon transgressors? Put no confidence in the stages-of-life approach to inner development, spiritual realization. The untrammeled idealism of youth -- puberty 'till, say, aged twenty-five -- the emotional energy, its purity, the quality of chi are essential, and progressively fall away with age, dissipate as the effects of programmed exposure accumulate. This is why youths are so feared, and such efforts are made to channel their spontaneous expressions. Be aware that Doris Lessing foundered when she pushed Martha Quest flat up against quantum relative-state identity-transparency, despite DL's childhood Africa exposure; just as Oriana Fallaci, in A Man, produced excellent reportage on dynamics of the man-woman level of the transference, but never achieved real insight to deep-structure thereof. The American fuikkushon equivalent to Monkey Brain Sushi:
understand the kind of camaraderie that forms only after you've all risked your lives together I think of climbing the stairs our feet finding the same rhythm, all of us the same. This isn't like that. We are not the same. But we are, somehow, one. (Divergent, Veronica Roth, HarperCollins paperback, 2011, p. 223)
Here we have a clear-channel statement of the regressed ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of quantum relative-state identity-transparency compulsively sought in the extreme sport of compensatory abreaction to forced absence of the full-blown consciously-elaborated version. One whit, two whits, three whits closer to a late-Weimar analogue. I think it's a great day to die, sir! yet one more Hollywood film (Starship Troopers 3: Marauder, THE quantum brain being therein designated Bug Brain and Brain-of-Brains with capability to produce coherent anti-personnel high-energy beam by telepathic scream: impossible for me to imagine a more elaborate regressed ConveDD than is this!) has the [she}soldier answer. Outstanding! the Peterbilt [he}ossifer yells to the formation standing proud in Fort Apache. Check out Gay's Weimar Culture and Pachter's Weimar Etudes and Willett's The New Sobriety and Laqueur's Weimar (this last-linked review by Gordon A. Craig is particularly good and should be noted, there being so few depth reviews of books findable on the WorldWideWeb). Entelechy of the Starship Poopers' THE Federation and the Weimar-imprinting mass will to realize transfiguring [physical] death (indubitably ConveDDed to compensatory abreaction to mathematical-metaphysical-scientific death of 1T2-egoic, 2-spherical simple-identity, hokay?). The same infantile-regressed thematic material redundantly fought over memetime and again ever since, probably, the First Crimean war -- intensifying with each round-robin. Consider the collective psychological implications of the fact that virtually all Hollywood shoot-'em-ups have little reality-value -- not to mention psycho-imports of yucky n-dimensional self-propaganda like is Olympus Has Fallen, featuring a Scotsman as ex-USA-SF: what sorts require such blackpsyche morale operations to sustain themselves? Henchpeople? Fibbers, as Anon (flash forward and see: Hacking Collective Anonymous Says FBI Is Lying, 'North Korea Is Not Source Of Hack', Zero Hedge, 21 December 2014) maintains? After decades of liable FSO failure, libel becomes foreign policy of choice? Oh, rats! Better check my salivary cortisol levels. Yes, folks, attend to your salimetrics! Spectacle of human species killing itself and destroying much else over such well-tossed psychological issues could be regarded live entertainment for the cosmic Old Ones, those who deliver briefings for descents into Hell's Kitchen. Not hard to imagine that many deceased humans nowadays are opting to reincarnate as HIV viruses! Cobbling up ConveDDs establishing fixation on that bare object: a pair of pretentious prude-on portcullises protecting the snifter's/humidor's pa(t)chysandra -- except of the sartorial varieties -- are out of style, chucked, these days. Definitely not tony, not camp, not hip, not cool, not Like Ender's Game, the double bluff of internal considering, despite the plausible deniability installed at the end: just more nazification-targeting of children, indicating how long-term the commitment, Weimar Youth 3.0, the way to PW1 in compliance with the collective-suicide self-metaprogram posing as yet one more war-to-end-all-wars, the ultimate physical-bravado-compensating strategy tacitly employed by introspective cowards to escape conscious integration of µTm-valued identity-transparency. The thing about the collective unconscious is that current and projected surveillance technology has no handle upon it, there being no transmission involved in the communications utilized, and once an idea is constellated via Benoitian inner counterwork, which can be accomplished in complete isolation, even in a Faraday cage, there is nothing state or corporation or special service operator can do to squelch it. Moreover, this communications modality isn't given credence; thus, it is all the more secure. Collective-unconscious constellation transpires, 1T2-paradoxically, by a single conscious registration on part of someone enough emptied, having enough Let Go! (Hubert Benoit, original French, 1954; first English edition, 1962; Weiser imprint, 1977: a great book) to receive the proffered memetime-and-ponderable-space-independent demergence from the µTmly-base-state of Tzog-chen. Of course, very little can be done about regressed archetypal gradients long since constellated. Generally, they run their courses. How powerful a role this plays, despite the lack of credence accredited, is arguably illustrated by Lance Roberts in his murmuration entitled Starlings And What They Can Teach Us About 'Herd Mentality', Streettalk Live, 15 December 2014 -- a particularly interesting piece to someone familiar with Cornell's pigeon loft and Neurobiological Behavior Laboratory, a piece drawing on Scale-free correlations in starling flocks, Andrea Cavagna, et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107:26, 29 June 2010, pp. 11865-70. Lance Roberts is, essentially, saying that this birdbrain behavior (something like Special Forces satori for starlings) has a lot to do with what George Soros designates market reflexivity (and, of course, the pinball-billiard-ball, short-range, nearest-neighbor, knock-on effect would be the penalty-kick counter-pseudoscience networking-manager-consensuation analogy, wouldn't it, 1T2-atomism setting the paradigmatic terms of reference: see the debunking article entitled Starling Flock Networks Manage Uncertainty in Consensus at Low Cost, George F. Young, et al., PLOS Computational Biology, 31 January 2013, EPR-1T2-paradoxical im-position-based spontaneous-directedness being sooooooo threatening that a way to distance far from Lukasiewiczian-Everettian dynamics of the maddening crowd had to be found). Going with relative-position rather than relative-orientation -- and especially rather than relative-state! But does long-range phase correlation lie behind critical-state superfluid Scale-free correlations in collective motion with position-based interactions, E. Ferrante, et al., Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, 2013 -- and does altogether nonlocal µTm-logically-valued quantum relative-state identity-transparency lie behind long-range phase correlation? In the correlation function analysis, what about acceleration fluctuations and time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration fluctuations -- the connectivity and orientability changes involved? To those who remain psychologically identified with 1T2-causality and thus maintain that correlation is not causation, 1T2ly-acausal quantum mechanics says: correlation is the only causation! Macroscopic Fröhlich coherence discovered to govern dynamics of fish schools and bird flocks and insect swarms. Is starling-brain at murmuration insensitive to acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, i.e., atmospheric infrasound? Mebbe the word murmuration itself argues against such insensitivity -- suggesting that it signifies a Freudian slip. Certainly golden-winged warblers are not insensitive to the infrasound signatures pigeons use for local homing and to the storm-generated long-distance-propagating infrasound the warblers employ for registration of storm-warnings, as recently observed (see: Tornadic Storm Avoidance Behavior in Breeding Songbirds, Henry M. Streby, et al., Current Biology, in press; and Birds sensed severe storms and fled before tornado outbreak, Joseph Caputo, Cell Press News, 18 December 2014). Let it be noted that the warblers fled 24 hours in advance of the tornado outbreak, whereas the Paine-Kaplan cascade, nested-grid, numerical-forecast model of tornadogenesis -- which featured an m-valued role for acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, filtered by rescaling in other forecast models -- could only predict, from historical data sets, tornado outbreaks on the 1-km grid 12 hours in advance. Birds are better! Is, relative to starling murmuration, predation perturbation the only threshold-exceeding free-energy inputter? Is fixation on predation a collective psychological projection promoted by Nat Geo, Discovery, Animal Planet? The n-starling quantum system violating the Bell local parameter limit: the correlation function grows exponentially with n (think Mnk-articulation landscape rather than 2nk-fitness landscape -- and be aware that any economic system based on exponential growth which neglects this fact in its framework determining conditions, e.g., order of logical-value defined into the exchange units employed, will, in due course, induce one or more of the basic catastrophe types). Damn that quantum brain with its scale-freeeeeee properteeeeeee! Intra-neuronal and intra-perineural DNA pi-electron gas-core dynamics: the superstate physics of SriAurobindo supermind. Quantum physics of collective and cooperative phenomena (intensively studied from memetimes of Madame Curie, uh, the critical-state Curie temperature, uh, of Pierre Curie's Law, up through those of Herbert Fröhlich, until significantly sequestered away from the publicly available literature during the early-1980s) where correlation lengths snap to infinity (from perspective of 1T2-observers having sustained glutamate suppression of the µTm-cognitions required to register omnipresence of such correlations). Thank God for thermal agitation, they say to themselves, or how would my 'I' retain a grasp on its self and on them others? It sure is a good thing they don't know that hypertemperature is the spin moment of operator-time! Are we speaking here of the Bohmian quantum potential pilot-waveguiding the autopoiesis triggering self-organizational phase transitions in heterostatic processes, such as, for instance, insurgent infrastructures that map bureaucratic variables upon the borders-without-border flux-partitioning by resource exchange across phase boundaries in adaptive response to changing environment of the combat -- something counterterror specialists give no credence (because the MACV-CDEC IDHS search-engine function, i.e., nascent Google, killed quality intelligence analysis, thus long prefiguring This is how Goggle is killing the Web, Roy Pessis, wibki, 25 February 2014?; this article is the best thing I've read on how the internet short-circuits the unconscious component that looms so large in the process of creative thought; of course, a lot more than Goggle has killed off the creative potential which the internet could have facilitated, but, like film, TV, and multimedia, clearly never will), even though thoroughly documented by CICV-AreaAnalysis and CICV-POLOB (sequestered-quarantined as SRA/MACV-J2, i.e., POLOBers removed from direct contact with their ARVN counterparts and physically separated from close proximity to the RVN JGS compound) during the period 1966-8? This information-technology evolution over the period of half a century is but one special case of how 1T2-logical framework determining conditions of oligopolistic capitalism subverts -- think built-in obsolescence, designed-in failures and unrepairability, competition-motivated incompatibilities, so on -- the higher-level autopoietic and self-organizational competency which unmolested quantum processes could inculcate, were µTm-valued LETS nesting foams to be implemented.
Now that cogged-up, cataplastic, agglutinative-looter megabank slime mold, run by coffer-fixated coffee-tabler minds, have invaded and conquered (see: Russell Napier Declares November 16, 2014 The Day Money Dies, Zero Hedge, 12 November 2014; and Big Banks Take Huge Stakes in Aluminum, Petroleum and Other Physical Markets Then Manipulate Their Prices, Washington's Blog, 27 November 2014; and New G20 Rules: Cyprus-style Bail-ins to Hit Depositors AND Pensioners, Ellen Brown, Web of Debt, 1 December 2014; and, for context, see/listen-to a YouTube VDO where Nomi Prins discusses her book, All The President's Bankers, Nation Books, 2014; and, flashing backward, A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives, Louise Story, The New York Times, 11 December 2010: note that electronic exchange of derivatives is proposed as a partial solution, whereas I propose that e-derivatives should be melded into µTm-valued LETS nesting foams) the base-space of what should have become the Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered (numbering the numbering is required because Gödel limited his notion of a representing function to that 1T2-only) vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock Tzog-chen AllBase commodity reference manifold articulated within the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert space of a radically decentralized planetary µTm-logically-valued monetary system, what's to militate against resource wars transiting to all-out PW1, space-based Planetary War One (collective unconscious compensatory abreaction to usurpation of the base-space), as a functional prerequisite to implementation of any monetary system, Spaceship Earth, adequate to the n-dimensional global crisis going to cuspover? Nowadays, all theft is 1T2-property, not vice versa as Proudhon had it. Once learning of the banksters' program as a Georgetown student of Carroll Quigley, which side did Bill Clinton take? This sort of decision was not so automatic at AU-SIS as it was for Georgetown IR students (in the same general timeframe, a bit earlier, days immediately after the JFK assassination, I was an AU-SIS student live-in for the Georgetown household of a high-ranking ex-OSS State Department official, and two of my close AU-SIS fellow-student friends were live-ins for the Chain-Bridge household of the president of an international banking institution and a Spring-Valley/Foxhall household of a foremost power-of-the press person). The most interesting property of TPTB is that they don't even know about the real problems, e.g., complete destruction of validity of the notion classical limit, not only in the natural sciences, but, due to evolution of, and saturation with, quantum-based technologies, also in the decision sciences, to include the various sub-disciplines of economics (see, for instance, all that is not mentioned by the BIS: Even the BIS Is Shocked At How Broken Markets Have Become, Zero Hedge, 8 December 2014). Thanks be to the God-of-Dissimulation, say the banksters, for giving us Prof. Nicolas Bourbaki of the University of Nancago, or, in other words, for surjections as binary relations permitting right-cancellative morphisms, uh, the epimorphism and the split epimorphism, composites over which, again thanks be to the God-of-Dissimulation, are not, indubitably not, quantum composites. How else could the highly-leveraged bungled bundles of bundled nth-degree-rehypothecated derivatives of product bundles, e.g., MBS pools bundled into CDOs issued on leveraged loans often made in foreign currencies and n-arily insured with CDSs (even though quantity of company-specific CDSs is substantially shrinking, still, there are more than US$13-trillion of them left and quantity of CDS indexes, with trading in slices thereof, has grown since 2008: see The Incredible Shrinking Credit-Default Swap Market, Mary Childs, Business Week, 30 January 2014), ever cancel out over counterparties? Only via the flat connections on Flatland's 2nk-fitness landscape can the requisite permissive exchanges transpire. Acts oh-so faithful on contractile manifold -- uh, acts faithful to our Lie group -- required. That's our only hope for alleviating the quintillion-dollar overhang what be a'plaguing us, they moan. As regards Sphereland and its Mnk-articulation landscape, however, in transferring with financial derivatives (ConveDD = conversion-disorder displacement) risk/debt ever upward on the Devil's Staircase (of percolation theory: for an excellent non-technical treatment, particularly relative to oil-sector-based derivatives, see: The Oil-Drenched Black Swan, Part 2: The Financialization of Oil, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 1 December 2014; and Why Oil Is Finally Declining, Which Could Lead to Disaster, Lee Adler, Wall Street Examiner, 1 December 2014; and Could Falling Oil Prices Spark A Financial Crisis?, Nick Cunningham, Oil Price, 2 December 2014; and Plummeting Oil Prices Could Destroy The Banks That Are Holding Trillions in Commodity Derivatives, Michael Snyder, Activist Post, 4 December 2014; and Here Is Oil's Next Leg Down, Raul Ilargi Meijer, The Automatic Earth, 4 December 2014; and Ten Reasons Why a Severe Drop in Oil Prices is a Problem, Gail Tverberg, Our Finite World, 7 December 2014: none of this analysis altogether precluding likelihood of the presence of -- consider What America Does Not Understand About Russia & Oil, Zero Hedge, 15 December 2014 -- threat-induced price manipulation relative to geopolitics of the day and as alliance jockeying as regards prospective PW1, each of these two involving support-training-garrisoning provided to a regime more oppressive than was Iran under a shawl: see Economic warfare the main Western weapon, Takis Fotopoulos, The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 10/1-2, Winter-Summer 2014, reposted to Global Research under the title The Engineered Decline in Oil Prices , 8 December 2014, but note that Fotopoulos' proposed answer to neoliberal pyramiding/rescaling is non-neoliberal pyramiding/rescaling), rescaling renormalization (effectively removing scale levels) has been implemented, such that multiplier effects have been locally nullified and can be recouped only in the integral sums made at money-center conglomerations where 1T2-only bundling algorithms insure complete loss of the dH-tagging (differential of the Hamiltonian) across the nesting foams that would, otherwise, allow fair distribution of the interest/speculative-profit made on the carry involved in the transference-conversion-displacement. It won't be long until the credits are not only longer than the film, but more interesting, this circumstance being a reflection of the psycho-constitution of involved parties: whether low prices -- due to recession and/or geoposturing -- of a depleting resource, oil, provokes a global financial crisis or plays out simply as another cyclic trough-swell, still, the above-linked articles contain interesting commentary on the evolving global derivatives conundrum which the well-PACed U.S. Congress may soon be disposed to act in reaction to, to wit as per Wall Street Moves to Put Taxpayers on the Hook for Derivatives Trades, Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg, 5 December 2014, with link to Wall Street Demands Derivatives Deregulation In Government Shutdown Bill, Zach Carter, Huffington Post, 4 December 2014 (derivatives losses are to be underwritten by the FDIC, thus further, perhaps catastrophically, undermining viability of depository banking already on the wane as U.S. banks now begin to force large depositors to remove their deposits one way or another, as explained in NIRP Arrives In The US: TBTF Banks Tell Customers To Move Their Cash Or Be Charged Fees, Zero Hedge, 8 December 2014, though it must be remembered that by all the retrogradable-invertible apps of Munzenberg-Leninist maximum-minimum theory, i.e., promise the max but deliver the min, the banking industry must maintain its popular front of depository operations if it is to continue with its speculative activities, i.e., deliver the min whilst taking the max). As things stand these days in our prolonged ideational Sitzkrieg wrapped around globaloney (a WWII-era word I heard a lot in the Fifties as a military-brat kid, presently appropriated as a euphemism for globalization), sans the German mustard, the solutions decided upon to this and every other pressing dilemma will be the ones appealing to the dull, duller, dullest among us, even though the Dulleses are no longer counted with TPTB currently prevailing. No profit in a 1T2-market framework -- think: closing and equipping the supply-and-demand-dynamic manifold -- is actually nonlocal, but the physicist-dropout-quant, in bundling financial derivatives, independent of employment of fiber-bundle arithmetics, found a way to configure resultant dark pools such that 1T2-denominated neoclassical profit acts as if nonlocal and accrues only at the scale level renormalized to (exactly analogous to how acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes were filtered from atmospheric models by rescaling the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics so as to keep those dynamics bonded to the apocryphal classical limit, such that regime shift, i.e., climate change, could be obfuscated in denial of, for instance, the acoustic analogues to black hole computing operative in atmospheric cascade processes). By such mirroring-means (surely involving mirror neurons) does compensatory abreaction function within the collective unconscious to set up regressed archetypal event gradients, nowadays poised for a shattering denouement. Unbundling financial derivatives is not the solution required; rather, the way forward is with equipping the monetary manifold's commodity-domain such that it cohomologizes the financial-derivative codomain within an Abelian µTm-logically-valued BaseSpace, the fibration of which is the nesting foams of Lukasiewiczian LETS backed by the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, i.e., the total space, the fibration being achieved via band-pass fractal-drum-type e-boundaries, establishing the space of each LETS currency as being a neighborhood-region of the BaseSpace (see, for useful background, Twisted Spaces: Fiber Bundles, Mark C. Chu-Carroll, ScienceBlogs, 28 January 2007), locally parameterized and modulated by computer-gaming on the e-commons, any purchase, payment, wage, interest, so on, transacted relative to a µTmly graph-labeled, indicator-functional, indexed price (the greater the infusion of quantum-based technology the less functional is the 1T2-logically-valued price, so what's surprising in the fact that 1T2-price discovery has pretty much ceased to exist, as discussed in Central Banks Are Now Uncorking The Delirium Phase, David Stockman, Contra Corner, 19 December 2014?) being a group action on the fiber which is the given Lukasiewiczian LETS currency (or would it so be, for what is symmetry under projection maps codified with various collections of µTm-logically-valued order-types where the product spaces are not a matter of pairs but of n-ary collections?). Should not this be a question as to how the fiber localizes time-shapes of total capital stock fused to the base-space by projection from the total space level? Full-blown implementation of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams backed by Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth -- despite theoretical-practical plausibility, a remote, wholly unlikely, possibility, given how elaborate is the collective psychological blocking with regard to anything conceivably construable as evoking nonselfsame identity (indeed, thorough addiction to in-the-body experience is the foremost psychotic side effect of glutamate etching of neurons and associated quantum quenching, this assertion being the inverse of the conventional view explicated in Special K, a Hallucinogen, Raises Hopes and Concerns as a Treatment for Depression, Andrew Pollack, The New York Times, 9 December 2014: and why wouldn't anyone the-life-long never µTmly out-of-the-body not be depressed?), nonselfsameness being the ultimate challenge to 1T2-egoic selfhood, i.e., that sort of selfhood being The Sea Gull caught in a thermal, a would-be master puppeteer actually puppet to the peerage of glutamate-etched neurons suborned to marionette molecules ultimately beholding to the debilitating dictates of The Flusterating Second Law in the double life, uh, m-life, of So-and-So-and-So and so on, just as The Poe Shadow would have it be, by the higher logic of the imagination, and amongst those of The Dante Club as well, we can be sure -- one can contrarily auspicate would probably require wave-effect, organic, authentically-quantum processors fashioned of helix-coiling, m-level-enciphering DNA. One straightforward advance upon that objective might issue out of setting side-by-side Quantum bohmian model for financial market, Olga Al. Choustova, Physica A, 2006, pp. 304-14 and A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-341 and The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, September of 1978, each of these papers describing an application of David Bohm's clocks-within-clocks-within-clocks approach. Take note, by sharp contrast to The Sea Gull, of the following, mistakenly not attributed by Matthew Pearl (The Poe Shadow, Random House, 2007 paperback edition, p. 135) to what he calls the higher logic (p. 122):
I find it difficult to describe the sensation that passed through me upon touching, even for a moment, this lady. It was the sensation that at any moment I could be transported anywhere in the world, into anyone's life, almost that I was not restricted to my own body -- it was a spiritual feeling, in a sense, feeling as light as a star in the sky.
Being a redarguing recusant unwilling to redact my cognition to a computer nerd's binarism, I never have been much of a believer in the winning ways of perseverance at the ineptitudes doggedly pursued since initialization of the incubation period for onset of the War of the World, that beginning clearly marked by collective back-reaction upon imports of N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility Theorem. Yet, how mortified must be the anti-war critics, the eco-critics, the economic critics, the political critics, the social critics, for, despite all their efforts -- with ardor accusing the wrongdoing commandeerers, dashingly itemizing their unsavory enterprises and despicable tactics, dauntingly assaulting their demi-tasse cogitations, but doing so, in spite of the ever-more-pressing situation, for the most part in complete safety via buttering-up periodicals and publishers, however outswearing be their discourse most always ending magnanimously on a positive note, and with a commission or royalty -- everything, everything, unquestionably and pellucidly, has relentlessly gotten worse.
Used to be that currency operations were either black or white. Now, with the recent more than 40-percent drop in the dollar value of the ruble (see GM, Audi Suspend Car Sales in Russia on Ruble's Collapse, Naomi Kresge and Ekatarina Shatalova, Bloomberg, 18 December 2014: Russian tourist visits [by Russian, contrary to CNN, middle class families] to Nha Trang, Viet Nam, have dropped a similar percentage), we observe effects of a battleship-gray currency operation -- despite the fact that fuzzy logic remains only a tacit dimension of the policy formulation process. Although, flashing forward, now the ruble has flash recovered 30-percent (see: Global Investors Rush To BTFRD, Zero Hedge, 24 December 2014). No VirFut Q-Pro, that's for sure! I was less one of MacArthur's Children than a product of the Dodge Line supported by the Korean war (later the American period of the Viet Nam war) whilst a military-brat preadolescent scampering the paddy dikes, doing my best to avoid the honey-bucket pits, of Midori Gaoka -- and buying pieces of banana candy with yen. Note that, were µTm-valued LETS nesting foams defined on fractal e-boundaries fully implemented, such that locally-computer-gamed and indicator-related m-values were stacked upon the base-states of each LETS currency, ensembles mapped and Gödel-numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (planetary unit of account, but no reserve currency, vehicle-reserve or non-vehicle-reserve: obsession with codes and conspiracies being a compensatory ConveDD induced by the unfulfilled need for this numbering of the numbering?) over the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, reference-manifolded to Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert space, there would demerge flux-partitioned commodity-specific multiple exchange rates somewhat similar to those employed in postwar Japan, except that these would be autopoietic (by Bohmian pilot-waveguided quantum potential) and market-determined (in µTm-logically-valued markets, not 1T2-logically-valued markets) through a fractal-drum-type band-pass-entrapment process established in market framework determining conditions, rather than in the framework structure and command-economy dictated. Postwar Japan is a model of certain aspects of the presently emerging global conundrum, in that it suffered an acute lack of access to resources. Peak everything and the climate-shift dynamic can only be adequately met by some self-organizing process demerging, across nested scale levels, the time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. The Japanese postwar Occupation experience demonstrates that command determination, by whatever means employed, does not work well, even when exponential growth remains the development objective. Not to mention the present requirement for a globally growth-free high level of economic self-organizational competency and incrementally increasing levels of efficiency at resource utilization. The current global approach, an up the Devil's Staircase approach, is universally trending toward an intimation-imitation of that taken by SCAP (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) and his NewDealer staff in postwar Japan. Quoting the MacArthur's Children link provided above:
Foreign trade was strictly controlled and had to be approved by SCAP. Private foreign trade was prohibited. For each commodity, SCAP decided the dollar price and the yen price separately, so an implicit exchange rate existed for each item (multiple exchange rates).
Regarding yen for buying banana candy, the dollar values of street yen: 4.5/dollar in 1940; 15/dollar in October of 1945; 160/dollar in 1948; 360/dollar in 1949 when, per Dodge, the Occupation Authorities fixed the yen-dollar exchange rate; 308/dollar in 1971 when Nixon defaulted on the dollar-value of postwar global inflation by unilaterally renouncing the Bretton Woods Agreement the U.S. had imposed at the end of WWII. The Nixon-pull has, of course, had a lot to do with oil-price fluctuations over the last four decades (see: A Funny Thing Happened To Oil Prices When Nixon Killed The Gold Standard, Zero Hedge, 20 December 2014: this being the Goldman Sachs view). One up-side to the Triffin Dilemma, related to the money-printing inordinate privilege playing-field-tilt advantage (from advent of JFK's twist-and-shout until initiation of the Bernanke-put disingenuously called liability financing), is that monetary policy tactics of the nation-state whose vehicle currency is the foremost international reserve currency becomes an integral aspect of its foreign policy strategic offensives. Two distinct takes on the thesis that the taper tantrum and cutoff of FED QEing precipitated the recent oil price collapse are argued in It's Not Oil That Is Causing The Slump, It's The End Of QE, Clem Chambers, Forbes, 16 December 2014 and Oil Price Crash Triggered by the Fed? Amazing Chart, Wolf Richter, Wolf Street, 21 December 2014. Another take is that FED policy has been an integral aspect of the latest three-pronged attack strategic offensive mounted against Russia (see, for instance, Did The Saudis And The US Collude In Dropping Oil Prices?, Andrew Topf, OilPrice, 23 December 2014). Was it necessary to read the full story in the Wall Street Journal to learn of this? Heh-heh-heh! Isn't it interesting how regressed surrogate versions of Lukasiewicz keep slipping in no matter what anti-gray efforts are made to suppress awareness of the omni-transforming imports of the logics he described? Rhetorical question, to be sure. When you're introspectively too incompetent to identify your own actual motivations, can't go green on the subliminal Also increasingly slipped in is the rotational T'aiChi/Taiji 1T2-logic (T becomes F; F becomes T) of the dodecaphonic retrograde inversion of the truth-value row of syllogistic implications (the sequence being run backwards, ensemble to individual rather than vice versa) at P&O (plans and operations), policy implementation being carried out largely via employments of reverse representation. A case in point: prospective shift to an SDR currency basket as international reserve currency (touted to be a decentralization, when actually a continuation of the centralizing climb up percolation theory's Devil's Staircase -- oil-price manipulation, among myriad other manipulations, and currency-slayer ops, and associated effects on n-levered/m-rehypothecated derivative bundles, and their derivatives, being iatrogenic components of that climb). For one informed take on an aspect of the involved policies, see Stakes are high as US plays the oil card against Iran and Russia, Larry Elliott, The Guardian, 9 November 2014. Also a satanic-climber factor is the making of the FDIC a backstop and ConveDDer (i.e., a psychotic symptomatically engaged in the making of conversion-disorder displacements or ConveDDs) for TBTF bank-counterparty loses on classes of derivatives speculation gone bad (financial derivatives themselves being highly-regressed ConveDDs of fiber-bundle arithmetics WallStreet-incarnated by introspectively-incompetent physicist-dropouts-become-quants back-reacting upon the metric of non-simple identity inherent to quantum mechanics). At the kick-wheel, throwing liquid-dampened clay to fashion vessels cooked into stoneware. And guess who stands-in for the kick-wheel. The American taxpayer. For details on the recent repeal of sections of the Dodd-Frank Act, a repeal effecting FDIC coverage of derivative bets -- a repeal substantially increasing the threat to viability of the whole system of depository banking which the Clinton-facilitated repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act greatly increased -- see Russian Roulette: Taxpayers Could Be on the Hook for Trillions in Oil Derivatives, Ellen Brown, Web of Debt, 19 December 2014; and for good summaries of the overall monetary situation, see The Global Monetary Reset Is Under Way, Zero Hedge, 21 December 2014 and Will they Hang Bankers Again on Wall Street?, Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics, 21 December 2014: be aware that those who inflicted oligopolistic flash capitalism upon Russia were the lumpen-capitalist scalawag carpetbaggers of the postmodern era, the evolving situation in Ukraine perhaps being our post-postmodern Rubicon running in counter-revolutionary retrograde-inversion. Staccato, no-legato -- just like the break-dancer's rap. Serious, right now? That's regressed collective unconscious archetypal event gradients for you! Stupid people flummoxing (done with, among other mechanisms, substitute collective memories -- see, for some edification: Opposing Mechanisms Support the Voluntary Forgetting of Unwanted memories, Roland G. Benoit and Michael C. Anderson, Neuron, 76:2, 18 October 2012, pp. 450-60; shades of Mankind in Amnesia, Immanuel Velikovsky, Doubleday, 1982 -- inculcation of which being a specialty of our distributed Ministry of Truth, which claims total commitment to 1T2-only-logic whilst making extensive use of gray-scale subversions of the Binarism Oath they tacitly took to heart) stupider people: that's how the planet's been governed for quite some memetime, with guidance found in the International Rectifier Manuals. Sublimate or hibernate or sublament? that is one question to gnaw on. One I've thought about a lot over the decades as I've come to realize there really was nothing I could have been, no career I could have pursued -- given my native internal necessity for coherence between life lived and fundaments believed, and the fact that I have found it possible to embrace virtually no basic precept of the governing Weltanschauung, now nearly 200-years dead. The never-having-finishing-anything, uh, so-many-things, failure as the most successful course to have fallowed? Gosh, how mortifying: never became a USO-CNN hero traveling to war-torn and remote areas. Youse guys gotta know that. We should all thank our lucky stars that so many can still live so obliviously; otherwise, full catastrophes, of whatever types, would already have been upon us. The only real forthright questions -- standing on the present rung of ladder-climb up the Devil's Staircase -- pellucidly presented to awareness by simple registration of current events, are: (1) will PW1 intervene before an SDR basket as international reserve currency is successfully imposed from above; and (2) if not, will PW1 intervene before a We are the world! one one-world monotonic vehicle-reserve currency is successfully imposed from above as replacement for a failing SDR basket as international reserve currency; and (3) if not, how long will a failing We are the world! one one-world monotonic vehicle-reserve currency take to trigger PW1; and (4) will PW1 transpire before, with, or after environmental degradation triggers, on the planetary scale-level, one or more of the basic catastrophe types?
Here is an amazing statement from J. C. Collins of Philosophyofmetrics, who is, beyond doubt, providing the most astute commentary on the likely next step up the Devil's Staircase (see: USD Needs Yuan in the SDR Basket, 23 December 2014 [the comments to this article are very well worth reading]):
It is extremely probable that the huge trade imbalances which America has had with China, and the large amounts of USD which has been allowed to accumulate in China’s foreign reserve accounts, were engineered specifically for the eventual inclusion of the yuan in the SDR basket.
The next stage of the transition to a multi-polar financial system was designed to utilize the RMB as the mule for USD instability. China will only unload US debt through the substitution accounts in exchange for SDR liquidity.
Wow: were engineered specifically. Were this the case, just try to imagine the long-term comprehensive planning this would have involved, exemplary of Taiji shuo Supreme-Polarity governance of non-polarity Wuji! SF-satori a concomitant of Toussaint's high combat (see The Moon of Hoa Binh)? Heh-heh-heh! Is this a theory of conscious conspiracy or a case where collective-unconscious gradients have orchestrated? I rather think the latter -- or is it: ladder, as in percolation theory's the Devil's Staircase? -- more likely the actual case. This observation is not to, in any way, disabuse Collins' take on the probable future. One improbable future, that represented by µTm-valued LETS nesting foams, is an apolar, even an anti-polar, future.
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