µTm Scenarios, T24(M)
Hard to entertain a lot of sympathy for people in general as the prevailing conundrum continues to unfold: even when they en masse get opportunities to make choices, the choices they make are horrible, just horrible. Overly concerned, perhaps, with aetiology, and having spent memetime in Xenia whilst a high school B-baller, where my I/i did not receive much in the way of theoxenia, that I/i wonders if the whole of humanity is not Ix[i}on by its own devices. Could it be so? Like with cognizance of youngsters, death is something that happens only to others -- and so, it seems, the human species self-regards. An innnnnovative civilization, whattt, recursively iterating. Late-20th-century: the MSG-child. Early-21st-century: the girl/boy-interrupting, nanoswarmed, bacterial homeostasis-disrupting Monsanto-colon. Carrying water for right! If -- and this is less and less fringy conspiracy stuff as the days go bye-bye -- there is a top-down will to lethally reduce the planetary population corpus, what are the odds this pogrom will turn out less catastrophic than the Soviet attempt to manage its top-down decision to jettison Eastern Europe? Anyone believing overoverpopulation has not become one of THE fundamental problems pushing the human species into global cuspover is deeply in denial. This denial mitigates against effectiveness of voluntary birth-control practices, and supports obsession with technologies of artificial life extension. Moreover, this stance propels approaches to the problem which are not based on the principle of natural attrition -- most abortions, planet wide, being by far of the spontaneous variety, with the biggest class of causes listed as: unknown. But I'm inclined to entertain that, if there's a lethal pogrom afoot, it's more like an authoritarian-superegoic spiritual-obedience implementation of the long-ago-made collective unconscious decision for species suicide, there being many flavors of The Sacrament, à la Jim Jones writ large, just another War Against Time in the attempt to catch a comet. Rather that, than embrace animistic-pagan m-valued identity. Gang aft agley, as R. B. once said of mice and men navigating by dead-reckoning. Is advent of the agritainment aspect of agritourism -- flip-side of Ag-Gag -- a ClearChannel indicator that agriculture as we have known it is a dead letter amongst the alphabet of human behaviors? Who would have thought, for instance, that the Vietnamese party-government would voluntarily decide (likely by corruption induction) to dose the population with the newest version of Agent Orange, given all their experience of that chemical (see:Vietnam, Agent Orange, and GMOs, Brian Leung, The Diplomat, 24 November 2014; and, for a pro-herbicide-dosing, pro-GMO-corn-substituted-for-non-GMO-rice take, flash forward to Monsanto Collaborates With Farmers in Vietnam For Sustainable Agriculture, Vikas Vij, JustMeans, 25 February 2015; and for a corny-GMO take by the Country Lead, Monsanto Vietnam, From Rice to Corn in Vietnam, Nguyen Dinh Manh Chien, Discover Monsanto, undated). And, as would be expected, these days there's a lot of pro-Monsanto text placed in the Vietnamese-language press. Venal is not venial, and provender, thus [per}duced-purchased, poor victuals makes. Continuation of the [id}iot's anal-stage weaponization of grub by the WWII-generation's C-ratting of QUAzine via use of American inDUSTrial engine-OOOity. People buy crap, even deeemand crap. And what do they get? Crap. Ain't 'thout no sense, nother -- thus and so do they self-attribute sense to their appetites. Prove it on ya, they ain't don yet. The dog's foot! Hmmm. Duck feet stuck in glutamate-etched, mind-mud binarisms of cognitive foreshore. Ambrosia, don't y'know, is to be found ~mainly~ in the plane of Mega-Food, y'see! Balderdash! only the very few these days would so exclaim. But Bah! is not Blah! -- let alone Ugh! Any six-months-old theme-park patron knows that! Independent of GMOs, nowadays virtually every grain sourced, including rice, is full-up with herbicide residue, produce and fruit with pesticide and/or fungicide residues, industrially-designed food manufactures and their packaging infused with metallic nanoparticles disrupting normative cell membrane (where toxins of all sorts are stored, thus clogging binding sites with the likes of mimetic estrogens and so on) functions, electrolyte balances, colon bacteria balances, as well as so much more (see: Eating Nano, Britta Belli, The Environmental Magazine, 1 November 2012; and flash forward to Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Induce Minimal Phenotypic Changes in Model Colon Gut Microbiota, Alicia A. Taylor, et al., Environmental Engineering Science, 24 April 2015, and Nanoparticles in Food and Water Found to Alter Gut Microbiome, Heather Callaghan, Activist Post, 4 May 2015, and $3.8 Million in Grants from USDA to Develop and Promote Nanotech in Food, Cassius Methyl and Nick Bernabe, Activist Post, 16 May 2015). As regards glyphosate disruption of bacterial homeostasis, and ensuing deleterious effects upon enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, carbohydrate metabolism, et cetera and et cetera, flash forward and see Those Monsanto Genes, Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Post, 6 May 2015. Cheerio(s), ol' chap! A person like me, who barely survived a drug-and-poison attempt on his life (think Rohypnol qua flunitrazepam and super-warfar[e]in, inducing adult-onset Henoch-Schölein purpura), has a built-in chemical assay machine, a gas chromatograph, in the gut that rapidly pains-up upon ingestion of these residues-particles, intensity and duration of the pain varying with the industrial strength and quantity ingested. How do I distinguish between my would-be drug-and-poison killer and the various classes of torturers-murderers making it increasingly impossible to find food free of poisonous substances? The duration in which it takes to effect a kill? The one kills individuals; the classes of others, masses? I can even reliably distinguish between MSG and herbicide intoxication by the nature of the pain (gylphosate, mimetic aromatic amino acid illicitly occupying binding sites of tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, thus disrupting protein synthesis and production of downstream secondary metabolites [think virtually all field crops]; glufosinate, an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase which squats in glutamate binding sites, thus inducing ammonia intoxication and elevated free-radical titers [think rice]; paraquat; diquat; carfentrazone-ethyl [think potatoes]; pyraflufen; cinidon-ethyl; cyanamide; on and on. Use for crop desiccation just before harvest being the worst. Learned about some of all that whilst running a 1930s-planted Cayuga Lake 20-acre apple orchard -- lots of old varieties, including banana apples -- when told by a Cornell Pomology Department professor that malathion was so safe I could eat it for breakfast (which I surely did, occasionally having had a sliced apple alongside my Corn Flakes). This Cornell testimonial, in retrospect, was not surprising, given the degree to which industry funding of research pervades. During the early-1970s -- perhaps 1973 -- I responded to a newspaper ad and won myself a pro bono position co-authoring papers for a neurologist with an overwhelmingly busy clinical practice. During the interview, the doctor was skeptical of my ability to fulfill the requirements, but decided to give it a shot -- given the level of my answer backs and my Special Forces medical training. There was nothing for him to lose, and I figured that I'd learn a lot. What better way to expend my after-work hours? He'd give me a stack of records from a number of patients and tell me there was a paper in there somewhere. He decided not to lead me on as to what the paper should be about. There was no discussion and none of his time was taken up by me. I'd discover the issue, research it at the National Library of Medicine, and write up a paper. I did this half a dozen times. The papers were submitted to mainstream peer-reviewed neurology journals. All were accepted for publication, which greatly surprised the doctor, but none were published. They were placed too low on the list awaiting publication to actually reach publication. The issues involved were deemed not important enough, which mystified the doctor, as well as myself. Flashing forward to today, I find some edification, as per Editor In Chief Of World's Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The Literature Is False, Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, 16 May 2015. Presently, a 3-day water-only fast is sufficient to clear all residuals of an inadvertent big dose of food-carried errant chemicals, but, given the way things are going in industrial-AG, a 5-day fast once a month appears indicated as nascent in the case. Apparently, there are genetic tracers going back perhaps 6,000 years, about half-life of agriculture as we have known it, illuminating the we are dumber and dumber and dumber thesis, supposedly explained by somatic retrogression and genetic entropy: these play, in my opinion, small roles compared to the -- origins lost in the mists of memetimes passed -- agonistic-education effects of glutamatergic neuronal anchoring of 1T2ly-prescriptive enculturation-socialization and associated quantum quenching of conscious access to µTm-logically-valued processing of THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular binary brains. Is the rise in geopolitical separatism a compensatory abreaction to the spontaneous fusion that is 1T2-logically-and-memetime-bound dissimulated in consensus quantum mechanics? Consider the proposition that the only real antidote for the globally gathering constituency of separatism, particularly for places like the Holy Land and the Balkans and the GrandPetitTranscaucaucasie, is quantal-operator-timed µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams defined over WiFied fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary put into place in the spaces between bioactive frequency-response windows, a better use of the technologies usurped by the NSAs of our Lebenswelt. Our µTm-valued LETS: clearly cardinal sins, if only implicitly those carnal -- by contrast to trannies, uh, uh, the sort of trans- proffered by the Treasury under good offices of the FED, which are, and always have been, war bonds. Myriad questions could and should be presently posed -- but rarely are. Lacunapumpers tightly shrouded in poxed blankets of rationalizations, these eaters of goats' testicals fruit and horses' teeth beans! Troglodytic blatherskites. Minds, cross-cut saws; cogitations, cockleburrs. There are obvious reasons why vast bulk of the sports human species has created is competitive qua battle-oriented. Even given linebacker tunneling and the hot aspects of JFK's generalization of Containment into the Third World, Cold War I, Berlin Wall and all, was more like Cartesian-Newtonian-American football than is Cold War II prep for PW1 (Planetary War One), a Eurasian cloud-chamber kicker balled-out with virtual particles flying all over the field of battle. WWI, with its trenches, and WWII, with its relatively localized battle lines and area-saturation bombing, much of it specifically targeting civilians, illustrated a slow drift toward Einstein and Planck, the Viet Nam war, with its impressive quotient of non-simple identity and non-locality (this link being best read in conjunction with Bombs Over Cambodia, Taylor Owen and Ben Kiernan, The Walrus, October 2006, which finally got publicity brought to awareness of when the bombing of Cambodia actually began [even I, a onetime CICV-Targets analyst, didn't know the bombing started in October of 1965: I had only been able to trace it back to the first months of 1966 by talking with people who had arrived at Targets before me who had talked to people who had arrived before them; I would suggest, however, that the Clinton-released database is much less than incomplete and containing several 'dark' periods: just as with the systematic fabrication-falsification of enemy-strength-estimate figures, so was there real-time concealment of illegal bombing raids, by records manipulation -- or so was it explained to me at the time by long-term Targets analysts, and there were certainly B-52 strike-boxes targeted into Cambodia during the first weeks of 1968 when I was a CICV-Targets analyst, before escaping into SRA/MACV-J2; whether the strikes actually transpired, I cannot absolutely say, not having been on any of the involved aircrafts or in any of the bombing sites, and not having been aparty to whatever BDAs may have reported, my real interest at the time being focused upon the disordered map gazetteer the Area Analysis Section had chucked into folders], though this article, in my judgment, provides no insight as to the actual deep-structure motivation for the hysterical bombing campaign), being something of a cuspover, the war in Sri Lanka, where the contenders, by action and reaction, specifically targeted, as the primary combat strategy and back-reaction upon the metric thereof, the non-combatant sea within which non-simply unidentifiable and quasi-nonlocal insurgents swim, being a slide down the ever more tilted slope (the graphed line denoting velocity tilted under acceleration/deceleration and tilted again under time rate of change of acceleration/deceleration) onto the 2nk-fitness landscape of complexity and chaos theory. In the post-VN-war era, the infliction of so-called-collateral damage became the foremost strategy, not merely a tactical device occasionally used in specific circumstances, of low-intensity warfare, itself an extension of economically-forced-draft urbanization. And the WWI battle of the War of the World, in expressing (both the full mathematical and analytical-psychology senses of the word) the prevailing Weltanschauung conundrum (terminal phase of statistical mechanics, contention over Axiom of Choice, perceived necessity for logical atomism, bleed-ins to the fine and performing arts, so on), prepared the way for the Greatest Generation's most violent of centuries, militaristic Wilsonian political-economy evangelism providing the mass of psychic free energy qua libido of the masses required to drive that devolution (flashing forward, we would do well to thank David Stockman for focusing in on Wilsonian democracy in the way that he has [as specifically regards Wilson, more or less along the same lines as some American Writers on the Left, which I read in 1964, it being on the recommended reading list of Elspeth Rostow's 4-semester American Civilization seminar, AU-SIS, who, after the fact, held forth, most notably John Dos Passos in his Mr. Wilson's War, circa 1962, but also contemporaneously by Max Eastman in pages of THE MASSES, and other writers during the war and subsequent interwar period]: The Epochal Consequences Of Woodrow Wilson's War, Contra Corner, 21 January 2015, amplified in some respects by, again flashing forward, Remembering The Currency Wars Of The 1920s & 1930s [And The Central Banks' 'Overused Bag Of Tricks'], Hoisington Investment Management posting to Zero Hedge, 23 January 2015: reader comments well worth reading, to include the inspired assessment offered by Paveway IV, to wit, No more bullets. Even war won't work this time ). Parenthetically, regardless of high regard for my AU-SIS instructors, Looking Backward from several months short of my 70th birthday, there is no doubt that the all time best decision of my life was quitting college in 1965. What my life likely would have been had I continued, compared to what it has been, regards quality of immediate experience if not quantity of things agglomerated, surely conveys overwhelming support for advisability of the course chosen. Wilson, administrator of higher enculturation and money-trusts [symp}athizer, under whose preceptorship the Federal Reserve Act was passed in anticipation (even if only subliminal) of the war-financing needs soon to come. Boondogglers, unLtd., politico-military-financial fraud-manipulation alliances epiphenomenal to clinger-induced Weltanschauung dyscrasia -- even to the extent that Pentagon strategy for warcreating and warfighting became modeled upon Enron MO (this sort of development being a 1T2-logical imperative syllogistically dictated by the [imp}lic[k]ations set into logical march by the projective-identifications manifesting the stab-in-the-back myth cock-a-doodle-doo emanating from the COC[k], the command operations center, and echoing the hallways of MACV-HQ within hours of initialization of the Tet-'68 offensive; also similarly dictated was Googlization of library science based upon the MACV-IDHS [intelligence data handling system] model and total information awareness to effectuate blanket surveillance [no small thing: they have given out personal information about me that is someone else's personal information; they have me living places I never lived, owning property I never owned; God only knows what else; honest computer errors, undoubtedly] and interdiction of anyone and everyone construably inclined to think intelligently about what the war department decides to do). Full-spectrum dominance as compensatory abreaction: wise to think of the profound mortification incumbent upon Tet-'68, Freudian-transferred via projective-identification to the anti-war movement, as inducing emergence of an all-encompassing invasive perception management and StratInflu and StratCommo, an arriviste become an arrivé, from the relatively primitive algorithms cultivated by OWI, OSS-MO, FECOM-KMAG psywar (see the unclassified Intelligence Operations in the Korean War, John P. Finnegan, much of the content of which I was familiarized with during 1967 while reading into the Special Warfare Center library, Ft. Bragg, my immediate superior there having been a retiring nisei with a long undercover career who had once served with the 441st CICD under Big Mac, whom I encountered a second time walking across the parade ground at Camp Zama where I was recovering from wounds sustained in the Delta, there still existing at SWC during the mid-'60s second-hand collective memory of the 10th SFG Korean war engagement), and the Psyops Group of JFKSWCS. Or was it that Enron MO was modeled upon counting-accounting methodologies pioneered by the Pentagon during the wars in Korea and Viet Nam? Parenthetically giving credit where credit is due, I turned the autodidactic corner at AU-SIS by good offices of the Two Chucks, my SIS Potomac-Palisades housemates, Chuck Robinson and Chuck Kegley, when I learned from them the proper way to attend a training school for diplomats, a Diplomatenschule, which Statesman Bismarck once depreciated as a school for dummkopfs and which was colloquially known amongst SIS students of my generation as productive of SIS bullshit: attend classes only the day before tests; pick up lecture contents from conversations with fellow students; closely skim all the required readings during first weeks; closely read all the recommended readings (which, in SIS during that period, could run to well over a dozen books per course per semester, meaning no sleep, like I later experienced in the stress-oriented training proffered at Special Forces Training Group, where I learned to catnap anywhere on anything for short periods here and there -- a habit out of necessity highly cultivated in Viet Nam and with which I've continued over the decades); do outside archival research (Library of Congress, National Archives, Embassy libraries, State Department desk officers, SORO, et cetera) on identified areas of interest; formulate an essay based primarily upon the recommended readings and outside research, with quotes and references incorporated, related to the central problem-based theme of the course, memorize it, without reading the lead essay question spit out the memorized answer during the mid-term and then repeat the prefab process for finals, formulating after a read through of the question a plausible preface and conclusion linking the memorized answer to whatever essay question has been asked. Much more work than the usual way, but vastly more rewarding. Unfortunately, I never reached the Two Chucks' level of competence at this -- leastwise, not during my tenure at AU. Fully aware, they were, THEM, T(prevailing)PTB, of quantum implications for bioenergetics and genetics from the late-1950s, yet denying existence thereof so as to reserve uses to nefarious purposes and pernicious impacts military, economic, vacuous pursuit of ego-immortality on an overpopulated planet -- in the process being directly responsible for the premature deaths of God only knows how many by knowingly preventing proper non-doing, by not doing, by wrong doing, by not undoing. Made the Nazis, Stalin, Mao look like saints, they have, haven't they. Yes, the high bawl of a lowering life-world! Don't even think of the many targeting options there are yet to be explored by terrorists-insurgents. Let alone look for reasons -- structural, functional, process-oriented, blowback considerations, moral -- as to why they might not yet have so explored. For an evaluation of immoral precedence, compare how many non-combatant innocent civilians are killed by the state terrorism of counterinsurgents to how many are those killed by non-state terrorists-insurgents -- keeping in mind that the PIO-released figures on terrorist-insurgent body count include a substantial percentage of bystander collaterals. But don't worry, be happy: munch on a stack of MSGed salami slipped between wondrous slices of yeasted PR dished out by feckless fickle-faced neurasthenics, countable among the worst [per}sons ever demergent to this cosmic neighborhood. Deautomatization: there's no plausible explanation for TV's repetitiveness, particularly as regards unremunerated self-advertisement, other than subliminal programming and the heterohypnotic suggestibility thus induced. For interesting discussion of unconscious decisions, flash forward and watch the YouTube VDO entitled How Subliminal Messages and Symbols Affect Us, Luke Rudkowski interviewing Lenon Honor, Activist Post, 14 April 2015. For an interesting example, flash forward and see the VDO linked in PSA Contains Bizarre Subliminal Message About 'Martial Law', Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars, 27 April 2015. Conscious deautomatization state: similar to the diffuse awareness -- staring-gazing-googling at, but defocused meditation-upon -- required to actually apprehend semantic content -- uh, think: deautomatization -- of this or that painterly example of Abstract Expressionism, one way to assimilate some components of the subliminally-conveyed content of, say, current Hollywood-DoD films is to blank-out the visual, meaning-strip the auditory, and attend only to a Minimalist's take on pure abstract aural pattern. Reversion of attention cathexes: Plato entertained three categories thereof. Sort of like, during a given session of walking meditation, allowing color registration only of the various shades of green, or, during practice of inner separation in the act of reading, at freeze-frame upon each page allowing registration of only preselected self-metaprogrammed letter combinations. One thing few understand is that political cadres in insurgent infrastructures, surely including those ecclesiogenic, are organization-conveyors who rate-limit the free energy of activation for anabolism made available by resource exchange across boundaries-without-boundary (resources largely acquired by catabolism carried out upon metabolic products of the failing dominant institutional base): they are purveyors of heterogeneous catalysis, after the manner a nanomaterial-based catalyst induces substrate binding. Heterotropic becoming autocatalytic -- self-augmentation being not only in service to the ego. Once this anabolic catalysis is well begun, it rapidly takes on the essential nonlinear properties of autocatalysis -- reactants becoming products; products recruiting more and more reactants -- driving toward one self-organized-criticality transition state after another as levels of autopoietic competency are achieved and surpassed. Counterinsurgent opposition -- no catalyst poisoner, regardless of how jazzy be the handbook, how adamantly pursued the face cards; at its very best a poor reaction inhibitor -- is actually one of the catalytic factors, one of the free-energy inputs enticed into being by sting operations conducted by the insurgents, mapped by the governing equation set. Insofar, that is, as one wishes to give the insurgent temporal precedence over the counterinsurgent -- but the case actually is the contrary, and that's why a LETS solution, by way of staunching fundamental causes, is the only sane approach. Absent that: Ta Shuo sad-wisely She Says: Woe is me, the only choice is between MoonMirror and BurningMirror! Pagan ice or Fertile-Crescent-Religion fire? that is the question. I'm not afraid of the dawn/ I think I'm only afraid of waking up. Hmmm. Special Forces medics of the Viet-Nam-war period, those worth their salt, knew this state to be the case -- by virtue of their use of ketamine, the antidote to glutamate and the most-used general anesthetic of that war. Glutamate etching of molecular-cellular 1T2-brains is not natural; it's enculturated quenching of conscious access to processing of THE quantum µTm-brain: so don't attribute the cardinal sins to human nature. Glutamic acid may have come before triplet encoding, glutamate etching unto neuronal plasticity before brain anchoring of enculturation; yet, the issue is not plasticity itself, but what orchestrates the plasticity and for what ends. She-guys slitting their throats, legs tied: her seppuku. Nah, I haven't gotten cynical in my old age; my attitude has been pretty much unchanged since preadolescence. Yet to see anything to disabuse the involved assessment. Having had near-zero sympathy for the vast bulk of human activities engaged in all over the planet, I've kept to the low end of the participation spectrum throughout my life. How anyone with median intelligence and at least minimal access to information could seriously have -- during whatever memetimeframe in the last half century -- entertained the notion that there will not be a PW1, a space-based Planetary War One, can only be comprehended by recourse to theories of mass ConveDDs, i.e., conversion-disorder displacements, as well as the enveloping collective psychosis and how discrete mind is submerged in viscosities (these are not the µTm-logically-valued-LETS fractal-drum-type viscosities that would stymie flash-capitalist carry-traders wielding hot money, whilst facilitating authentic investors) thereof (see CitiGroup's The Risks to Plutonomy section of the report from the supermegauberrich-applauding Plutonomy Symposium as rehashed in Only War, Inflation And Financial Collapse Can End The Global 'Plutonomy', According To Citi, Zero Hedge, 28 December 2014, for relevant considerations concerning a PW1, if only those minor relative to the actual causal-plus-attractor determinants; and, for relevant reserve-currency history, flash forward to War and Dollar: To Protect US Dollar, The FRB, US Bankers Prepare for a Major War, Valentin Katasonov, The 4th Media, 23 January 2015). Four bells and three whistles: twenty-three hundred. Right, then. Give way. Not at all likely: total information awareness; full-spectrum dominance; perception management; 1T2-logic-gate approaches to operations control, theory of autopoiesis, complexity theory applied to human systems management; soon, proprioception management and adjudicated memory allotments. Grudging acceptance executed with groggy impertinence -- impertinence still, if only accompanied by a singular plangent lowing, seguing into the mass routing of rousted cattle gone abellow. No companionway permitted. All to subdue potential rowdy-dowdies. Similar observations could be made regarding unacknowledged relativistic-quantum climate-shift dynamics, and other environmental and resources issues. O, how gigantic is global growth in greed for needs made of unnecessaries! One of the trust-funded set's set pieces. Quoting Paul Mazur of Lehman Brothers: We must shift America from a 'needs' to a 'desires' culture (for source of this quotation, flash forward and see The Century Of The Self: Controlling The 'Dangerous Crowd' In An Age Of Mass Democracy, Zero Hedge, 1 January 2015). For instance, concerning the built environment, one ConveDD abreactively compensating the devastating impact of quantum mechanics upon the ego function is the supermega-cityscapes envisioned in The Matrix, Total Recall, Robocop and the like, which, while plausibly deniably represented as anti-utopian, are actually objects of obsessive fascination, and not less fashioned of extrojected ego-ideals than has been the nation-state qua nation-state. The Hollywood fixation on murderous anti-human, anti-organic-life demons, werewolves, zombies, vampires, mechanical monsters is regression in service to TPTB by giving expression to the psycho-projections those infra-powers -- devotees of balkenbrij, weckewerk, slatur, and panhaas -- impose upon the mass of humanity. Ain't nobody writin' paeans to lives of those guys what ain't black psyche. They, T[subinfeudating}PTB, dirtbag zany, silking along on slippery subterfuges, can move a lot of suitcases and steamer trunks between airports and helicopters and yachts because others carry the loads. No such assistance is required, however, with lugging the heavy baggage containing their fossilized belief systems. Right, sweety, go bite a dead marsupial! The world over, for example, servicing interests of TPTB, how many of the species' most brilliant scientists have been murdered by agents of the state in the post-WWI period? No small number, we can reasonably wager. In bafflement, Doggoneit! blanched the dorky dimwit dopey, sur{veil}ed by the surveillance heshe unleashed (for some interesting history, flash forward and see: How the CIA Made Google, Nafeez Ahmed, Medium.com, 22 January 2015 [don't miss the linked Part 2]: this history does not go back so far as the CDEC-MACV IDHS, uh, that's Combined Document Exploitation Center-Military Assistance Command Vietnam Intelligence Data Handling System, precursor to Google-type search engines). Warfighter as uncivil civil-co-optators and associated analytic pathologies like those derivative of that initialized by J. A. McChristian -- heh-heh-heh! -- in Vet-Num to instruct the Vetmanese: the historical perspective has utility as to ascertainment of the dynamics of psychogenesis (search for discovery-explication of which was the primary reason I quite AU-SIS [placing all the blame on the 1% of the 1%, i.e., TPTB, as does, flashing forward, onetime WestPointer Joachim Hagopian in Why the United States Always Loses Its Wars, Global Research, Friday, 13 February 2015, seems a wild over-simplification concealing much, mostly concerning collective unconscious event gradients, one really needs to know, those gradients being introjected to the individual's personal unconscious, ConveDDed and projected as, for instance, the codewriter's black-box algorithms], whilst each morning putting the Kennedy kids on the bus to St. Albans as a live-in for LBJ's ex-OSS, then-foremost speechwriter, and volunteered Airbone-unassigned, with intent to make the grade for Passover to SFTG: I was doomed to this personal worldline by conversations I overheard during the myriad hours I spent caddying on O-club golf courses). How about you? Similar order of access, hence possibility of insight? Just as the Haganah was not what is the Haggadah, so the Sedar (System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval) is not the Seder. The thing of it is, however well higher-enculturated, there is absolutely no authentic insight contemplated as to the actual impelling factors, due to the states of identification habituated, such that the governing impulse is to strike out (not really Strike Back) at the phantoms embodying the projections extrojected and concretely personified upon convenient re(de)positors, the murder of whom is de rigueur, given that such self-flagellation is the only adequate compensatory abreaction, so loved. Personification, projective-identification, objectification, fetishization, materialization: you can't make this stuff up. Warrant justified by showing probable strange attractor eliciting [pro}bait. You're having me on? This diagnosis and account of pathogenesis, of course, inflaming the murderous impulse (ConveDD of the suicide self-metaprogram J. C. Lilly so knowledgeably wrote of) -- as was oh-too graphically displayed by Phoenix before it was planetarized. No [per}son -- register how senior ossifers reverted from use of soldier to use of son when the most-nefarious was imposed under tacit terminal threat -- at witness (betoken the token American, dah-dah-dah, on a [Mekong] Delta Dagger Team, illegitimately seconded from Technical Intelligence Detachment, uh, that's from TID, 525th MIG -- and Get this! as regards the admin holding BN, upper echelons of which preoccupied themselves with conducting downtown black-market operations, i.e., the 519th overlooking the Binh Loi Bridge from bridge-side across from the 525th's overlook: During the Vietnam War, the battalion distinguished itself by participating in sixteen campaigns and earning three Meritorious Unit Citations: absolutely hilarious to anyone who was actually there) to the involved behaviors could sensibly doubt it. Having ventured, one thus learns about what one sought to know -- however demoralizing the outcome was absolutely. No one keeps after pie-in-the-sky decade after decade without the proper motivation! Later, much later, Jerry Hill, my boss, simply couldn't tolerate, however well swallowed the consternation, his necessary dealings with the Georgetown-Foxhall-SpringValley-Potomac femavens so essential to the business of Hills Nursery. When he espied that I could, all the worst of that sort were shunted off onto me. My military-brat expo had favorably equipped me, or so it seemed. But a day of reckoning was eventually forthcoming in the personhood of a Spring Valley Admiral's wife. I mouthed off to her in response to the ridiculousness she was perpetrating, moving large trees like moving furniture -- just to have a look-see, visualization capabilities being so impoverished. But that was only the surface-structure of the confrontation. Actually, this involved nothing about gardening. She well knew my military-brat background -- Son-of-Field-Grade, not general officer -- and I knew her military-wife background. So, her provocations: she knew that I knew, and I knew that she knew that the present head-butting had nothing to do with Hills Nursery, and everything to do with reassertion of the privileges of rank, and the necessity that those privileges be oft-times reaffirmed. My all-too-evident presumption of cognitive equality -- intentionally, I must admit, evidenced by diction and vocabulary -- was just too-too intimidating, and utterly unacceptable. I, of course, in due course, kowtowed, apologized for my insufferableness, as she knew I would, such that the interests of Hills Nursery would not be compromised -- as she had explicitly threatened. Lessons in courtesy and etiquette from an execrator ana[them}atizing a fainéant, lessons which had nothing to do with authentic courtesy or natural etiquette -- were simply one more euchring. Grist for the cognitive mill impelling commitments to this and that. Oft in my life, jobs have come only by play-acting vocabularies not my own: once, deep in a hole running a jackhammer in sweat-drenched August-D.C.-heat, my black work-mate commented upon my jazzed-up scat-singing, jack-jack-jack imitative of an Ornette Coleman piece familiar to the cognoscenti: Yous clearly ain't Black, and yous surely ain't no INNNNNtellectual, so's what's you be doin' bein' a JAZZFAN? Thank our lucky stars for those who sedulously take on effector-organs of the hornswogglers, e.g., Louise Erdrich in Tracks, p. 32 of the 1988 Harper & Row paperback edition:
My girl, listen well. Nanapush is a name that loses power every time it is written and stored in a government file. That is why I only gave it out once in all those years.
Wasn't that aforementioned admiral dorky dimwit dopey supposed to make stopover in Sharpsville? except herhis ship missed that port-of-call, even though it hoved to view. What's to be made of that? Patently collective psychosis, such pellucid ConveDDs as these symptomatically indicate -- and, the approach to which, heralded by the mainstream media, particularly CNN, NatGeo, Discovery, Animal Planet. Who are those always/all-ways improving truth? Why, those most-tacitly/most-committed to truth-value as the foundational notion of logic! In blackpsyche, F + T = T, as in the 2 Guns': It's a free market, not a free world. Just think of the amazing expertise brought to black-propaganda pieces like the 1996 Eraser. Black-and-blue and charcoal-gray psywar/disinfo/decept/stratcommo ops, purveyed either by public utilities or private prop-firms, even if mounted from outside the ZI, always land upon chins of those at home, and in due course shatter a few, breaking knuckles of its own fists in the process (for an example, see: The Man Who Sold the War, James Bamford, Rolling Stone, 18 November 2005, as posted to CommonDreams fortunately not shared by all-everyone). The long-term outcomes of such attempts to [prop}a|gander\ize are yet to materialize: at cuspover, when synergy is most desired, vast bulk of the disillusioned and aggrieved population will passively non-comply by instinctive spontaneous use of weapons of the weak, whilst a tiny subset will actively strive to run explicitly formulated spoiling operations. This is the inevitable blowback from the clinger's hyper-magnification of prescriptive enculturation in syzygy to the 200-year-dead Weltanschauung, a clinging having gone e-postal by byting back with a noopolitik having, consequently, become terroristic counter-terror, the special service operator having been given, and taken on, the mantle of the mafia, the drug cartel, the gangbanger, the insurgent, the counterculture activist, et cetera and et cetera -- a noopolitik, that is, morphed into netcentric warfare, MoSoSoed smartmob warfare, genetic warfare, psycho-neuro-immunologic warfare, nanoswarm warfare, Skynet (see, for instance, How the Pentagon's Skynet Would Automate War, Nafeez Ahmed, Motherboard, 24 November 2014), internet-of-things, HAARP, so on and so forth, in servicing the want creation of the plutocracy. Usurping the techno-base, preventing evolution-through-use of Musculpt as mathematical notation of µTm-valued cogitations, in preparing robotic and environmental warfare as taught at America's various institutes and universities of combat, certain quantum-relativistic aspects of prevailing climate-shift dynamics, one may speculate, being among their greatest successes thus far. More LinkedIn Flickrs Twittering it over their Facebooks whilst hetting-up cloud robotics to enhance C4ISR-inputs to autonomous DEW-equipped Killer Bots employed in foreign and domestic wars and policing the state's population base, existence of that base being a fundamental threat to existence of the state, a problem the Final Solution to which will involve the designer life forms SynBio manufactures (SynBio being the synthetic biology wherein defining properties of the molecular-level components of genetic codon-complexes have been altered, to neglect, I would observe, of the quantum-level components). Since we are nigh unto whole-brain simulations with neuro-synaptic computers -- 1T2-only, I would note, even with regard to prevailing consensus notions of quantum computing, driven, as they are, by the Will To Power, soft, hard, soft-hard, achieved by psycho-regression of µTm-quantum so as to retain the hubris-prerogatives anomalously claimed by a highly-inflated ego-complex, ConveDDed to the framing of GWOT and so very much more -- of CS3 by deployment of SAPience software, we can rest assured AI will soon overtake human sapience, long ago glutamatergically pruned away and quantum quenched to utter loss of CS3 access to µTm-valued processing of THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular 1T2-brains, as environmental impact studies of human presence all unambiguously indicate. Skulker skullduggery is not about digging up skulls; it's about digging them in. At enormously increased financial cost to the taxpayer and the money-fabricator, ever more privatizing the public sector, to include espionage and CIntel, so as to short-circuit Congressional oversight, and thereby disenfranchise the voting public. Defense science, now there's a Big Mac trying to become a Wooper, if I've ever heard of one! Semi-subliminal programming, i.e., gray-prop: overt-surface parody nonetheless cues the message being parodied; moreover, the programming is plausibly deniable. Consider, for instance, Starship Troopers 3: Marauder. But, then, maybe there is no parody in this film: in my lifetime, all the most egregious stereotypes have risen to ascension as the set of prototypes most promoted by socialization, most emulated, most imprinted upon as role models, and the most that can be said about the authentically Best-&-Brightest I've known, those left to shift for themselves, is, What a waste! Waste such for several generations: waste a civilization, waste a species? The real skills-gap has long been amongst those reprehensibles who have floated to top of the toilet bowl and become co-turdmembers of the plutocracy. Authentic B-&-Bs are never found amongst those who just love (the Just Cause being just a cause) how straight is the general's white picket fence, who, upon entering a room, immediately R-&-R, rendition and rectify, any piece of furniture left in violation of the parallel-and-perpendicular order [man}dated in the governing 1T2-rule-set. Diagonals be damned! Ramming 1T2-rule-sets down throats long since subject to projectile vomiting of same. O, the knuckle-headed binarisms of the superegoic System Administrator's noodle, hisher glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched molecular-cellular 1T2-only brain, the Gap being a Core ConveDD of hisher lacuna on the brain as psycho-projected. Waa-waa-waa! Disindemnifying the collaterals? Ack, mein GWOT! Ma[til}da, ja, uh, uh, YESSS, we'll do it. The pellucid indicator is: the resource-commitments-required curve goes fully exponential if the geospatial variable in insurgency prevention and interdiction is planetarized (nowadays, the U.S. special service corps regularly operates in approximately 150 countries, as described in The Golden Age of Black Ops, Nick Turse, Huffington Post, 20 January 2015) and temporal extent deemed indefinite. Mythmaking and its sustainment relative to this space-and-time-variables issue is ubiquitous, as, for example, seen in the following statement of Timothy Ritter, as given in a reader review of The Secret War Against Hanoi, Richard H. Shultz, Jr., HarperCollins, 1999:
It wasn't any secret that cutting off the Ho Chi Minh trail would cut off the stream of men and materiel into the South. Shultz quotes Bui Tin, the NVA officer who accepted the surrender of the South in 1975: "If Johnson had granted General Westmoreland's request to enter Laos and block the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Hanoi could not have won the war." As simple as that. Straight from the lips of an opposing officer.
Utter bunk. Perhaps this NVA officer simply was not in a position to know. Or maybe he was giving out disinformation. The Vietnamese communist LBNs (letter box numbers indicating presence of clandestine units) were dense across north Thailand and into the Burmese Shan State (this was well-documented political-order-of-battle ascertained by the Out-Country Section of SRA/MACV-J2 by late-spring of 1968 -- meaning that the NVNese were prepared for geographic expansion of the war, should it come, and understood the short-term setbacks such expansion would have entailed for them, and the longer-term disaster it would have entailed for the U.S. Why commit economic hari-kari (uh, uh, harakiri, to be un-American) to set hands upon a resource that has been obtained for virtually nothing? Cold War II is not actually about oil, any more than Cold War I was actually about communism (even if the current low price of oil is all about a natural gas pipeline originating in Qatar and terminating in Europe, as, flashing forward, argued in Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: The Entire Oil Collapse Is About Crushing Russian Control Over Syria, Zero Hedge, 4 February 2015). The U.S. has gotten oil and other resources (Vs-&-G, victuals and grub: we're not talking here only T-butylhydroquinone posing as the logic-broth for cognitively-instant noodles) essentially for free ever since defaulting-defecating on the global value of post-WWII inflation by unilaterally separating the dollar from gold, NIX-KISSing it to petroleum, and taking twist-and-shout into dimensions JFK's New Frontier West[more}land expansion of Containment to the Third World had yet to imagine. The motivation has been to get oil-gas for freer than free? To make inordinate profits on the process of getting them for freer than free? Mebbe so. More likely, there are subliminal dimensions governing motivation. Communism and oil (uh, and gas, flaring and venting of which, for a century, having been major contributors to ozone depletion and greenhouse warming, the most profound effect of which may be induced shifts in frequency-response windows through which complex angular momentum is received by atmosphere of Earth) were, and are, covers, ConveDDs, uh, conversion-disorder displacements, rationalizations concealing the real motivation: raw terror, knee-wobbling cowardice, absolutely hysterical fear and loathing, psychopathic dread, panicked flight from undissimulated psychological-cognitive-existential social-economic-political implications of 19th-century higher mathematics and 20th-century physics and logic. The TERROR, i.e., The Gap, trying to destroy Western Civilization and its cohort, i.e., The Core, has been, and is, DISCOVERY (mainly in higher-maths/physics) -- as transferred to selected transference figures, i.e., terrorists. The New Map of Destructive Creation is but one sheet of the topo-stack which is regression of the collective unconscious. And speaking of maps, starting while in the Army, I made various forecasts tendered as if jokes, but which were actually serious, e.g., A time will come when the U. S. implements internal travel visas. Flash forward and check out the following as an early stage in development of such, selected groups being the yet to come first actual cases to be imposed upon: Drug Enforcement Administration tracks movements of millions of Americans, E. P. Bannon, WSWS, 31 January 2015. RFIDed enhanced identification license-to-fly being another component of the same incremental onset (see: TSA to Require 'Real ID' with Background Checks for Domestic Flights, Activist Post, 1 February 2015). Flash further forward for an even more elaborate example of the incremental implementation process, and read: Motel 6 Sending Guests' Personal Info To Police Every Night, Mikael Thalen, Infowars, 27 April 2015. Be aware that M6 doesn't inform its guests of its informant status, whereas, even in communist countries, the visitors were so informed at check-in. How could I have made such a forecast in the days immediately following the Tet-'68 offensive? By extrapolating likely consequences from registration of the affect-charge I witnessed at MACV-HQ elicited by the mortification which that offensive induced. What I couldn't imagine in 1968 as a COINops functor with some understanding of the fanciful rationale behind search-and-destroy, was U. S. employment of search-and-seizure asset-forfeiture in the manner it apparently is currently used: shades of pulling gold from teeth of Jews. Now flash forward yet again and read a person who has gotten a large part of the full picture: TSA Demands Internal Passport For Domestic Travel, Wendy McElroy, Infowars, 10 February 2015. When actual planetary cuspover comes, none of these attempts to impose non-quantum 1T2ly-simple-identity qua Nazi purified identity will be effective, and very likely it will be that celebs and bug-out members of the most responsible 1% will have about as much success at survival as did Tsar Nicolas and his family. Once ComicBook culture conquered Hollywood, could Washington have been far behind? To include a comical Supreme Court: see, for instance, U.S. Supreme Court Rules 8-1 that Citizens Have No Protection Against Fourth Amendment Violations by Police Officers Ignorant of the Law, The Rutherford Institute, 15 December 2014. Does the reasonable ignorance postulated by the Court include vincible intentional ignorance? And don't even begin to think about raising questions as to variances from the 1T2-logically-valued order-type tacitly employed in juridical definition of reasonable, even if never actually, in so many words, explicitly defined: struggle with such definition, well, uh, that would take us back into the realms of the first colonial North American village massacre of animistic pagans by English Puritan troops, circa 1637, at Mystical outset of The Pequot War. I've long known exactly what constitutes my general ancestral legacy: fanatical Christian fundamentalists in service to genocide, slavery, nature rape; my immediate family tree peopled with ministers, military men, yeoman farmers, nurserymen. It's utterly astounding that any member of Congress voted for the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014; the fact it passed unanimously just goes to show how sealed has become the fate of humanity. Apparently, we have a West intent upon usurping swampy dead-zone Chernobyl and replicating carcinogenic tidewaters of Fukushima. And, flashing forward, totally haaaamazing: Soros as Kiev's Central Banker and Ridiculous US Laws, F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, 28 December 2014. I, for one, do not believe Ukraine has anything substantive to do with the West's insistent drive toward all-out war with Russia; the involved drive-activation and affect-charge are ConveDDs of the collective latent hysteria over the ever-expanding applications ensemble for Lukasiewicz logics, a hysteria that would be overt were it not for the ConveDDs. Mass ConveDDs do not occur in a vacuum; ConveDDs on part of one party induce reactionary syndromes on parts of other parties. Strategic offensives subliminally based upon ConveDDs generally yield anomalous outcomes. Please note that the BRICS-propelled notion of an SDR bundle as new international reserve currency is a ConveDDing of m-valued/Clifford-parallel fiber-bundles and associated notion of authentic quantum composites -- as have been the bungled bundlings of financial derivatives, appropriation torts clabbered into tortes, such being the flummeries cooked in hell's kitchen of the financialists. Presently, the social structure of attention cathexes of whole societies is completely governed by intensely regressed archetypal event gradients -- and readable in virtually every popular-culture manifestation. Reading and rereading C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, during my AU-SIS days, circa 1963-5, focused my attention upon collective unconscious processes: the realm of unknown knowns and known unknowns no less than the Rumsfeldian unknown unknowns. The very idea that such driven-pulled collective states of (un)consciousness (the conscious motivations have almost nothing to do with the actual factors impelling) could somehow escape far-from-equilibrium phase transition (say, water-to-steam analogue) involving a PW1 is so ridiculous as to be unworthy of consideration (for reflections on the current state of the Ukraine conundrum, see this assessment from a former military analyst: 2014 'End of Year' report and a look into what 2015 might bring, The Vineyard of the Saker, 30 December 2014: I am more pessimistic concerning probability of a PW1 than is this author, for I see the near-inevitability as being resident in the factors inducing the unconscious event gradients, not those located in conscious geopolitical/economic forcing functions and all their shadow recruits, e.g., Jack Ryan; this, then, a recognition even more scary than those reached by the Webster Griffin Tarpley's of our world, à la 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, Progressive, 2011; and for an insightful Russian assessment, flash forward and see What Does Putin Want? A Major Analysis By Rostislav Ishchenko (Must Read!), posted by The Liberty Beacon, The Falling Darkness, 28 April 2015). Contrary to theoreticians of Sierpinski orbits, chaos manages its pretentious managers, howsoever much they might ponder the fractal science kits stored in their kiddy carts. Financial terrorism, sickcare terrorism, insurance industry fear-mongering terrorism, police-murder terrorism the list of corporate-state terrorisms is long and getting longer. For two good accounts, see John Whitehead's Government of Wolves, SelectBooks, 25 June 2013, and Radley Balko's Rise of the Warrior Cop, PublicAffairs, 26 August 2014. It is well to remember that people people the institutions thus engaged. The real problem with Jack Reacher is that he too often focuses moral umbrage upon the wrong bad guys -- The Bush School of Public Service being as hilarious as The Kennedy Institute of Ethics. You really have to stretch generative semantics to get the word justice to mean what it is commonly used to signify (flash forward to read of one-of-many categories of concrete specific cases which has come to light: FBI admits flaws in hair analysis over decades, Spencer S. Hsu, The Washington Post, 18 April 2015). Who could ever have thought the thin-blue-line was not backed up by the broad-olive-smudge? Certainly not a military brat preadolescent back-reacting against being subjected to the military version of Guyland and its Boycode. I was enrolled into judo lessons at age eight, 1953, Ashiya AFB, kita-Kyushu, Japan; persistently watched kendo practice of the base boundary-fence guards, eventually receiving lessons; by age twelve, I held the whole ethos in contempt, but was smart enough to keep that fact to myself. No-mouth was a good substitute for no-mind, it did not take long to learn. What was the mainstream culture response to the Sixties proclamation (prominently displayed on a large billboard overlooking Berkeley) that, We don't need another hero!? Hollywood fixation upon comic book heroes: just more art as regression in service to the ego. Why would the Sixties set have said that we do not need another hero? Is it because of the level upon which heroes act? Pacific Rim one-to-one 1T2-neuralbridge mindmeld is a grotesque ConveDD, massively regressed, of the authentic µTm-quantum animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency near-universally suppressed. The moral of band-of-brothers buddy-up morale operations is purported to be a very light form of SF satori born of memetime slowdown, spatial contraction, hyperacute five senses, OBE views, seeing with eyes of another, mistaken sense of invulnerability, et cetera; but, actually, is compensatory abreaction to abrupt loss of, qua total absence of, fellow-feeling faith in humanity occasioned by witness to acts committed at warfare. The compensating state of consciousness having passed through the ages generation-to-generation amongst warriors and become converted into training algorithms, policy idioms like No one left behind! even though the quick always leave the dead behind, so on and so forth. Mind slopes having long since eroded, the expanse of cognitive acreage became little other than gulchy planes descending to deep-glutamate-cut garbarge-block-filled arroyos. Listening to the physicist-neurologist battalion woo-woo on consciousness is mortifyingly embarrassing. As a backdrop currently prevailing, the level of coordination between the various sectors of society in service to strategic policy is already in some respects at-total-war-mobilization synergy. So many on sickwatch become deathwatch. Yet, at this late date relative to what has been gathering momentum since the early-19th century, we still have a preponderance of such unworthy consideration (see, for example, Putin: It Is Time to Play Your Ace in the Hole, Ron Holland, The Daily Bell, 26 December 2014: due to actions of the usual U.S. set of heavies -- dah, Dumb-da-DUMP-dum! -- and being a little-clam-no-big-oyster, instead of taking on more prawn-loans from Chinese [tongue in cheek, as per the up-the-Devil's-Staircase DoubleHelix, linked below, 1T2-swap-logic is the actual regime in place] title lenders [indentureship at interest rates varying over the range 80-500 percent like America's FOMC-induced legalized loan-sharking autoimmune war of the U.S. upon the U.S., the shellfish loans being bundled and bought up by bond funds, in this fashion ConveDDing non-simple identity and allowing the impoverished to live in a regressed quantum world, their titles being surrogate identities introjected to their Umwelts?], Putin ought to, Holland advises, |1| instigate Russia-China monetary union based on gold-oil-minerals [complement this! to the Saker piece linked above: ChinaRussia DoubleHelix is interesting in context of this policy recommendation: amongst the mass of information provided are shades of my decades-old cultural-affinity thesis as to the arising of a Mahayana-Buddhist-Bloc qua Greater-China-incorporating-Japan aligned to a Germano-Russian Bloc, a something, based upon my SRA/MACV-J2 observations, I supposed the U.S. would force into existence {despite Germany's worst-present Starmanic-Eurovision Conquita-wurst, uh, Conchita Wurst, status: will Occupation-instigated anti-neoNazism push-pull Germany away from its present suzerain when the prevailing EU conundrum goes to cusp? for present-day adumbrations of this old thesis, flash forward and see: Mackinder Revisited: Will China Establish Eurasian Empire 3.0?, Artyom Lukin, The Diplomat, 7 February 2015}, the whole ensemble riding in on back of The Planetarization of Consciousness of the orchestrated neoliberal suppression of µTmly-Everettian relative-state quantum-animistic-pagan edgiest of Erdgeist identity-transparency ConveDDed to NATO expansionism {something George F. Kennan long foresaw in geopolitical terms relative to Russia: the whole of prevailing U.S. foreign policy, contrary to Kozyrev's theory of time-densities -- not the same as TDDFT -- is governed by the Neocon insistence that the speed of light is infinite and Planck's constant is zero, tantamount to nullifying much of the now-old New Physics} as zaibatsu-keiretsu-like appropriation of 1T2-identity, single-affiliation and anti-covariant in the NATO case {come on Oliver! the coup in Ukraine was a low-intensity soft-logic version of the Nazi invasion of Poland, only Putin didn't prefigure it by signing a post-postmodern version of the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact {{I did a long paper on this Pact for Abdul Aziz Said at AU-SIS in early-1964, as noted in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994}}: flash forward and see Oliver Stone on Ukraine Protests: 'The Truth Is Not Being Aired in the West', Ryan Gajewski, The Hollywood Reporter, 30 December 2014}, an extension of appropriation art and a cultural swipe the acts of which should be covered by the appropriation tort, a geopolitical alliance-capitalism analogue to the avaricious mouth-stuffing seen in hotdog-eating contests and lust for Lebensraum and Keynesian expansions, so on and so forth]; |2| create corporate tax-free zones; |3| establish a very liberal commerce-targeting immigration policy like that of Canada) which consideration, in focusing collective attention, moral impulse, personal conviction, and naive actions upon this or that Pollyanna scheme to prevent the unpreventable (the Devil's Staircase of percolation theory is an up-escalator only; down is free-fall off the last step to nowhere), strongly militates against what little remaining possibility there is that actions be taken that could minimize magnitude of the by-now-virtually-certain megadeath to come (prevailing doomsday-prepper orientation is so self-regarding as to be uninteresting in this respect) and could facilitate in the aftermath the arising of autopoietic processes actually addressing the constellated factors engendering the regressed archetypal event gradients responsible. Digressing, consider that if you once visited Sengaku-ji, if only by mistakenly exiting mass transport, cognitive and otherwise, at Shinagawa Station whilst lost on JR Central, you must know that a half-breed gaijin played no role in Chushingura, contrary to the Hollywood-portrayed case as given in 47 Ronin: similarly, treating Alexander-the-Great as an American-homo is, y'know, simply artistic license, and doesn't have anything to do with Stoned appropriation of identity qua forced assimilation -- 1T2 or µTm -- which is not to mention American expropriation of The Last Samurai. 1953 -- Midori Gaoka (Ashiya-shi in kita-Kyushu where the Ongagawa pours into the Sea of Japan near the Hibiki-nada Sea, the airbase located in Ashiya having been screened in the film Tora! Tora! Tora!): all the houses in this tiny hamlet but one had thatched roofs; only that refurbished for the Occupiers had clay tile -- the new roof subverting structural integrity of the traditional design, as the 1995 Great Hanshin Kobe earthquake demonstrated. JAPAN IS AMERICA! as Ed Ruscha's 1982 piece facetiously proclaims, parodying onset of the planetary deregulatory Reaganomics blitz, limited-print-rights to which I thought most appropriate for acquisition by a Japanese art-print publisher, an opinion overruled in Ruscha's studio, the bubble-enhanced Shacho (not the agitator-spirit of the jazz band) I was escorting being altogether mystified by this conceptual art piece. Dirigisme by the Bank of Japan, once having made MITI a mini? Richard Werner's Princes of the Yen: Japan's Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy (East Gate, 2003; in Japanese, 2001, as per BOJ Planned Bubble , Hiroshi Yamagiwa, Japan Times, 27 July 2001), and the recently released, 4 November 2014, documentary film by the same name, go some distance toward explaining exactly how JAPAN IS AMERICA. But Werner doesn't have much to say about the Nihon no kiseki no keizai miracle-economy liftoff and second-spurt roles played by the Korean and Viet Nam wars, or Japan's earlier-assigned economic role, eventually fostering advent of the flying geese, in defense of Southeast Asia and how acceptance of this role guaranteed post-WWII U.S.-permitted-provided access to the means required to rebuild the means of secondary industrial production. Nor is there anything said about the question: Who in their right minds, except those hoping to exit the vast devastation a post-WW/post-atomic-bombed Japan, which I witnessed as a child, would voluntarily live as a native local in a society in significant measure structured on the basis of economic policies fashioned upon those employed by the military bureaucrats administering Manchukuo? Werner's pro-growth, national-level, non-banking-sector, neoKeynesian monetarist, interest-free, money-creation solution supports the war-economy approach to peace by other means (see: The New Paradigm in Macroeconomics: Solving the Riddle of Japanese Macroeconomic Performance, Palgrave, 2005: actually, I sort of agree with some aspects of the main idea, but would advocate that, whatever be done, it be done radically decentralized via implementation of µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams; in 2001, as per Yamagiwa, linked above, Werner thought the increased credit creation then apparent meant the Japanese economy would recover in 2002; the recent mega-spree sprent of BoJ printing of money-spunkle to buy Japanese government and corporate bonds hasn't exactly ended Japan's economic travail and amplifying peril). Shall we suppose BoJ amaeru-policy was motivated to increase personal freedom of those counted amongst the Japanese masses, to minimize the demands giri-ninjo conflict places upon the individual? Hardly! Cui bono? Why, the suzerain, of course. Werner doesn't explain what threats-leverage the BoJ was subjected to -- only the acculturation effects of neoclassical/neoliberal-economics schooling in U.S. universities? -- that induced the decision makers to employ monetary policy to crisis-force restructuring along the U.S. ideological lines laid out in deregulatory Reaganomics and its sequels. He doesn't adequately address the effects of the U.S.-forced Plaza-Accord revaluation of the yen relative to the dollar, which came at outset of the rapid increase in BoJ-induced, unearmarked-undirected, mal/non-investment credit expansion. Doesn't talk much about all the Japan bashing of the period and the generalized consternation at Japan, Incorporated registered in two-hundred demands made in the U.S. Structural Impediments Initiative reincarnation of the Dreadnaughts of 1853, so on, indicating a collective American will to rub the still-in-honey-bucket-potty-training puppy dog's nose in liquidity pissed upon the floor. Parenthetically, when I was in Special Forces Training Group, circa 1966-7, no flash upon my Green Beret, and went off in uniform on long-weekend passes to D.C., well, Georgetown, my old stomping ground, I was stared at like I was the most beautiful woman ever seen, never was allowed to pay for a drink, and uniformed Marines would flinch back when unexpectedly encountering me in the stairwell to the john at the bus station; this experience was recapitulated in 1990 when I escorted, and did contract negotiations for, a Japanese CEO taken to LA: those so reacting assuming I was a knuckle-dragging ex-specops bodyguard. It was hilarious, really, me being skinny compared to the Bell-Ringer, which all SF medics of my generation kowtowed to. Doesn't convincingly explain why restructuring came to mean for BoJ officials only U.S.-style (or, rather, in some respects, only U.S.-propagandized) restructuring -- which, while parading itself as a decentralization, is actually a climb up the Devil's Staircase of debt-risk conversion-displacement-concentration to larger and larger scale levels, whilst quenching local multiplier effects. The only sort of restructuring is that associated with Reagan-Clinton? What about a transit to µTmly-quantum economies, with which the Japanese cultural set has particularly strong resonance? That would-have/would entail(ed) a restructuring involving actual decentralization -- and µTmly indexed prices! The very idea of a true price is a limiting notion, indeed, an extremely-limiting notion, given that truth-value is unassailably apropos of the 1T2-order-type-alone amongst all those CTCly available and responsible for the quantum potential actually, causally and teleologically, generating market-mediated autopoiesis and self-organization. If inflation/deflation is always and everywhere a monetary policy phenomenon, then the price bubbles blown/popped are always and everywhere, just as so many have long maintained, a monopoly-posing-as-cartel/oligopoly/keiretsu problem fanned into incandescence/detumescence by self-reentrant third-order dynamics, i.e., market reflexivities. With each order of dynamical ascension, the slope curves until it reenters itself: introductory calculus. Hence, the need for a monetary system not in habitus only upon first-order dynamics (velocity qua price, what condition it is in) tweaked by tweakers to manipulate second-order dynamics (acceleration/deceleration qua inflation/deflation, what, as regards Mickey Newbury, condition its condition is in) and altogether opaque to automorphic self-reference (being time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration blind, can't see implied µTm-logically-valued prices, what condition the condition of its condition is in): first-order having primarily to do with functional specificity; third-order, functional integration; second-order, timing of allocations. If explicitly signified with the requisite sorts of monetary units. The monetary-and-fiscal-policy-stoked piling of debt upon debt, its bundled concentration and displacement to ever higher scale levels, forming a scaled-up debt overhang, is a climb up the Devil's Staircase of percolation theory, whilst, simultaneously, competitive QEed currency depreciations (slathering garish jam on an ever drier loaf of global toast -- shamming central and supracentral banksters being no Minimalist White-on-Whiters/Black-on-Blackers), ZIRP/NIRP, tariffs, import quotas, currency controls, export subsidies are a beggar-thy-neighbor-type race to the bottom. This simultaneous movement in opposite directions -- factored into the part-whole binarism which is the Triffin dilemma (flash forward to see that even Charles Hugh Smith does not understand that this dilemma is epiphenomenal to 1T2-logic and overcomeable only with µTm-logically-valued currencies, as clearly revealed in the MacroAnalytics YouTube VDO discussion with Gordon T. Long, entitled The Next Peg To Fall, 9 February 2015): see a very interesting chart in this regard -- violates the 1T2-logic Law of Non-Contradiction and is one indication that µTm-logical properties supertend/subtend in enfolded fashion, though they be unacknowledged and, hence, go unmarked within market dynamics, thus disallowing participants from overtly considering their hidden-variable-connoted action-directives -- which obfuscation is the main factor driving the contagion behaviors associated with market reflexivities. For the longest, I thought QE referred to the luxury liner; then I got straightened out, only to later realize how right I had been. This can only be rectified by explicitly instituting µTm-valued monetary-unit denotation -- hardly a mere matter of simply-reiterating -- heh-heh-heh! -- the feminine plural of connotato, and not only the task of overcoming mention of third-person singular simple-present and simple-past and past participle plus second-person plural present-indicative and imperative, imperative being most relevant to the internal necessities of the state-security apparatus. In this case, contrary to the I-Ching's general advice, perseverance does not further. Because the clingers have clung so resolutely to institutionalizations of the 200-year-dead Weltanschauungen, a non-violent, non-catastrophic autogenic shift to quantum economies has by now very likely been thoroughly precluded -- thus, all the more compelling be the ever more elaborate Gestapoietic present-imperatives. And the herky-jerky jiggling of the breakdancer's prefiguration-mirroring of the seizuring behaviors which will be characteristic of the coming human systems cuspover: food riots, water riots, race riots, market jitters and zigzags, collateral murder (be it of hot war or economic war: what, therefore, would the collateral deaths of several score mere mental-mote guvies amount to in face of the day-in/day-out collateral deaths, summing over the decades to millions and millions and millions of non-guvies?). Maybe not soles of their belief boots, but the welts of their Weltanschauungen. Governing inertias of the prevailing fulmination go back to the early-19th century, more deeply to onset of the Renaissance, more deeply yet, to Greek formalistic rigor at 1T2ly displacing pagan residuals of much earlier, likely before domestication of the horse, unformalized (in the modern sense) employments of higher-valued logics. How, then, entertain Great Expectations that those trained in mathematics, physics, econometrics and who contributed to formation of, have mastered the involved complexities of, the realms of derivatives will somehow suddenly turn against the modes of thought and associated psychological states they have for so long cultivated? Flannery O'Connor said (Author's Note to the second edition of Wise Blood, 1993 Noonday printing of the 1952 original) that free will does not mean one will in one man, but many wills in conflict within one man; and I say that non-conflicted handling of those many, be they of one man or of many, requires conscious access to m-logically-valued processing. Micro- and macro-actor fixation upon memetime-future 1T2-logically-valued prices of financial instruments effectively precludes time-shape information from explicitly affecting behaviors of markets, thus restraining autopoietic and self-organizational competency to levels far below those of the natural systems markets interface to human systems. The principle involved here being: 1T2-market-traded assets are always mispriced and can never return to a fair price, because such a price is impossible in such markets. What seems random to binary-mind locked onto given spatial nested-grid step functions at given baud rates of consciousness, e.g., turbulence, may appear less random on other step functions at other baud rates (something lavishly demonstrated at Cornell during the early-1970s and incorporated into the suppositions informing the Paine-Kaplan cascade-theoretic numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis), and may appear altogether µTmly-deterministic to CTCly-cosmic-mind on a Koch curve at the limiting baud rate where memetime awareness ceases. Pattern recognition is order-of-logical-value dependent, such that self-similarity across scale levels and associated scale invariance is significantly in the glutamate-etched brain-psyche-eye-mind of the beholder. Much is lost by ignoring the imaginary- and hyper-numbered temporal-curl cascade/reverse-cascade dynamics of inter-scale transitions. Hidden features (that's components of information suppressed by framework determining conditions, e.g., order of logical-value of the monetary units employed) of, say, 1T2-price fluctuation patterns are like -- but not the same as -- multi-level encipherment with exponentiated exponentials, which only logarithms of logarithms of logarithms could unenfold for Karpenko-functor signification with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (think about the log log aspect of the Riemann Hypothesis, as discussed in, for instance, A Log Log Improvement to the Riemann Hypothesis for the Hawkins Random Sieve, C. C. Heyde, The Annals of Probability, 6:5, 1978, pp. 870-75), a numerical-sieve circumstance surely an aspect of the m-valued, multi-level-enciphered, µTm-logically-processed information exchange engaged in by the quantum-wave properties of free-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition under impingement by ambient radiation (see Note 32 of our Terminology Glossary, circa 1985, produced at the request of Wolfgang Luthe, an extraordinarily open-minded scientist, intuitive in the Jungian not the physicist sense, and acting upon that type of intuition, who should have been held even more precious than he was, precious due to the war-experience-borne insights and sensitivities he carried to his self-imposed moral-imperative-informed practice, prematurely preempted as it was: OMG, do we need more of his sort). Be aware that the whole scale-space, Koch-curve, fractal-geometry, chaos, complexity, scale-invariant, universality-class model of the critical-state far-from-equilibrium phase transition is order-of-logical-value dedicated to that 1T2-only, all other logical-value order-types having been nixed from awareness and explicit modeling, nixed with self-evident axioms related to time, identity, spatial isotropy, so on, and analogous to how filtering with Gaussian smoothing kernels is used to suppress fine-scale structures. Not to mention Newtonian nudging! What is blurry-fuzzy to the binary mind is crystal clear to a mind operating with some other logical-value order-type. The Black-Scholes model (circa 1973, same memetime period the Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis was reaching maturity, that theory being a counter-correspondence which at least one grad student more-or-less noted, a grad student who later moved over to Wall Street) used to produce a single-valued discrete theoretical estimate of an option price, for instance, is 1T2-dedicated not only by considering single-valued-and-1T2-processed prices alone, but also because of the Cartesian-Newtonian properties of the filtered volatility surface (simplified version -- two levels of abstraction removed -- of the equivalent potential temperature theta-e surface, à la the heat equation, unfiltered divergence over which being so diagnostically important to initialization of complex angular-momentum cascade in Paine-Kaplan theoretics) employed, which properties insure non-quantum simple-identity is never violated (hence, disallowing market reflexivities resulting from self-referential propositions and order-types thereof). The bringing down of Wall Street was not only due to Black-Scholes neglecting fat tails, but also by over-in{fat}uation with the volatility smile. No new sorts of financial instruments, funds, investment strategies, regulatory institutions, rules, conventions, banking structures within the existing 1T2-logically-valued market framework employing increasing amounts of quantum-based technologies can resolve, or even greatly ameliorate, the problems characteristic of the prevailing global economic-financial-monetary crisis. A 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian market system cannot be directly converted to a µTm-quantum market system, for there has to be something already there to convert to: the latter has to be brought up from below and the former progressively phased out. Some possibility exists, by virtue of fiber-bundle arithmetics, that bundled 1T2-derivatives could in some forms be more or less converted to µTmly-valued financial instruments, but only in the later stages of a supersystem-system-subsystem transition, after a quantum-composite unit of account was already in place, debugged, and operating well. War, and whatever follows, however, appears to have been the path tacitly chosen, chosen long ago on the collective unconscious level, facilitated by U.S. institutional alarums, policy companies à la the Nipponese run-up to WWII. Classes of pathogens: speculator-gamblers, boilerroomers and bondjammers, HFTraders, vulturefunders, quant runners of money, fund managers, portfolio diversifiers, arbitrageurs, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, representatives of limited liability corporate persons, central banksters, TBTF banksters, legal and political and military and academic and media collaborators-paladins with-for the above designated -- all suborned to 1T2-only logic, binary numbers, the classical limit, 19th-century thermodynamics, the binary-mind's royal random as discrete-corporal cause, memetime, decoherency, probability and statistics, intelligence as automaton-emergent, et cetera. Were they, those into the money line binary wager -- the IMF, TPTB, the quants -- onto it, they'd think quantum-composite just a high-tech form of the hand-carried tote board totalisator's parimutuel betting scheme, Wall Street being the central book. Learned about this bookmaker's bookie board, precursor of Autotote, as an IBEW apprentice daily hauling coffee and donuts for the numbers-running and vigorish-calculating union official overseeing end-of-construction subfloor wiring of the computer room complex in the Brutalist James V. Forrestal Building, Washington, D. C., circa 1969, at that time The Little Pentagon, witness to which ultimately led to my dropping out of said apprenticeship program. Dropping out after learning the fundamentals being, by then, one of my habitual behaviors. Started out at the top, repetitively dropped out pretty much to the bottom -- prevailing institutional algorithms being what they are. Those Desperately Seeking Edification would do well to read Scott Patterson's The Quants, Random House, 2010. Is the sequence of instants of Pauli-Paine operator-time discrete or continuous? Isn't that a silly question? Why? Because discrete and continuous are relative to (1) the baud rate of conscious of the observer of the sequence, and (2) the order of logical-value employed at processing the observations made. Now, consider the following assumption made by Fischer Black and Myron Scholes, quoted by Patterson on page 38 of the UK paperback printing, and stated by BS, uh, B & S on page 640 of their paper entitled The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities, Journal of Political Economy, 81:3, 1973, pp. 637-54: The stock price follows a random walk in continuous time . While Patterson focused upon the random-walk postulate, we can observe that this overall assumptive qua axiomatic framework by no means involves a Buddhist notion of market dynamics, because Buddhism has never embraced an absolute continuous time, Newtonian or otherwise, due to the fact that modulations of the baud rate of consciousness at meditative practice belie it. Deautomatization at autohypnotic and heterohypnotic induction also belies it. SF satori at high combat is another instance of such belying. The baud rate issue is important to market behavior, even though this rate is two differentiations short of direct responsibility for market reflexivities, which involve, not only self-referential propositions and their order-types, but also accelerations of the acceleration of the baud rate or velocity of collective occasions of experience, groupthink being a buds-lite version thereof. Hurly-burly hugger-mugger rabble rousers like HFTing engines are not exactly another matter altogether. They knows ever'thin', just like Mrs. Watts, of whom It was plain that she was so well adjusted that she didn't have to think anymore. Her eyes took everything in whole, like quicksand (Wise Blood, Flannery O'Connor, p. 60 of the 1993 Noonday paperback printing of the 1952 original). The only problem I have with Patterson's book is use of the term math geniuses in the subtitle: hauling trash by calculating quantifiers, iff recursive, doesn't constitute a [geni}uses qualifier, howsoever they came aborning into statistics of 1T2-only, hence inefficient, craziod markets. Puts-and-calls pairs strategies for investment-speculation portfolios are based in the 1T2-only-logic of binary markets where prices are such that they can only go up or down, not off into m-directions. This circumstance -- severely limiting self-organizational competency of prevailing markets -- is due to framework determining conditions like use of single-valued and logically monotonic currencies. Notice how the quants' orientation has been purely as to how existing-system flaws may be exploited to market-actor gain -- self-justified under the fanciful rationalization that such exploitation serves the system -- not to determining systemic functional-structural prerequisites to levels of market self-organizational competency, such that the technology at their disposal could be used to enhance systemic autopoietic competency. Indeed, it's hard to anywhere find evidence of existence of the latter orientation. In this respect, gold bugs don't differ from quants: G-bugs desiring to wrap themselves in baldachin have all bought into gold and hope to make a killing on the type of transition they promote. Get behind thyself, abaft of the bark! Debark, even. K-N's, advocates of Know-Nothingism, with furrowed souls, souls also knurled like the brows of English walnut shells. Every gold-based monetary system has failed, just as has every fiat currency system: the monotonicity of valuation characteristic of both gold and fiat, epiphenomenal to application of Greek 1T2-only-logic to monetary system employments, has been a multi-millennial disaster for humanity and the planet at large. Scotoma-science, not the science of scotoma. Gut-wrenched back-reaction to actual imports of The Modern Aspect of Mathematics (Lucienne Felix, Julius and Fancille Hlavaty, Basic Books, 1960: one of my all time favorites, struggled with and studied through during 1971) and The New Physics has only deepened since -- for sure -- the mid-19th century, and promises to continue that deepening well into the coming decades -- until cuspover: not very last year, not even very last century; very last tricentenary, yielding legacy political-economies. Trying to tease economic growth out of a planet resource-depleting under prospective entropic weight of ten-billion ever more gluttonous consumptives, whilst clinging to 17th- and 18th-century institutions and dressing quantum-based technologies in Cartesian-Newtonian overcoats. Contrary to the central wish-fulfilling dream-theme of The Day the World Stood Still, evolutionary, i.e., positive, transformations don't take place at the precipice unless the way has been assiduously prepared, fulfilling prerequisites to the involved transformation, well before hand, an advance process not yet begun with regards to the prevailing global conjuncture. I'm not for panicide of whatever method, but for zero aggregate economic growth and natural population attrition -- and against artificial life extension. When have treaty commitments actually solved fundamental problems, rather than just deferred their impacts? The taking of oaths, swearing to, swearing on, swearing in: early forms of coercive social software of little use in the presiding conundrum. Existence of a µTmly-valued quantum-composite unit of account along with commodity exchanges capable of processing in quantum-composites would mean any and every commodity could back currencies, not only gold and silver: portability, durability, divisibility, fungibility (see: Mike Maloney's YouTube VDO series entitled Hidden Secrets of Money, the 4th documentary in the series being especially recommended for its clarity of explication as regards money creation mechanisms) are not the issues G-bugs make them out to be -- not when quantum-based technologies more and more and more take over the world. As regards store of value, the value stored should not be 1T2ly-monotonic. Our 1T2-stock markets: bucket shops to the Lebenswelt of a dissimulated and largely subliminal µTm-quantum universe of discourse. And stored value should not be primarily a social construct. It should first and foremost be related to the natural world, not the Lebenswelt; and it should be fashioned of relative-states, which is to say the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. That's where value actually lies, and only that µTmly-allelotropic of-each-other actuality is what should be storable in monetary terms. Otherwise, there is no possibility the gathering n-dimensional global crisis could adequately be met. A positive outcome is not likely, unfortunately, given all the neuronal-glutamate-etching qua pruning in service to prescriptive-enculturation-socialization goin' on. We have early-warning dead zones in the sea and on the land -- and darn near of the normotic brain, pre-Alzheimer's. Nanowarfare is already upon us in the food we eat, the water we drink, and packaging thereof. The proper designator for the ground-swell lemmings movement is post-human, not transhumanist. If the human species had the cognitive capability to adequately deal with the accelerating global conundrum it has created for itself, then it likely would not have created the conundrum in the first place. Were all governments, military and police forces, suddenly disbanded worldwide, followed by utter mayhem, far less people would die than will die when the n-dimensional global crisis goes to cuspover under our ever-more-regressed planetary institutional regime.
Is there any corporate person not a subsidiary of Boondogglers Transnational, Inc.? Conferring, via conflation-conversion, the attribution of 1T2-egoic singular-identity upon a corpus, a set, a collection, a collectivity, as do the laws enabling-ennobling corporate [per}sonhood, comports well with the corpus, the set, the collection of binarisms constituting 1T2-lawfare. Such juridical abracadabra requires mumbo-jumboing judges hiding -- Shoosh! -- under black cloaks --Swish-Swish! -- self-mythologizing, ritualizing ego-inflation, banging out exclamatories -- Twack! -- issuing imperatives, sentencing in complete sentences. The 1T2-monosters among us. in my courtroom, says the judge, thus barring the self access to its soul by sitting upon a socially-conferred role attribution (speaking here of the outer-most reaches of inner space, that space which most fear to adventure upon); meanwhile becoming a member of one subset amongst the many most responsible for the virtually certain coming near-extinction. To that subset, acquisition of a social conscience means development of a capacity for compliance -- even though such stooping will not conquer and is the royal road to the aforesaid near-extinction. Already publishing posthuma of the American civilization? O, the postmodern-ant-swarm inadvertence prided of those still embedded within that posthuma. The foremost alternative being law centered on the sacred character of the cosmos, i.e., chthonic law, updated with post-quantum-relativity insights into the nature of Nature, codified in unwritten-unspoken conventions-not-rules conveyed by internalization of ethos achieved by practices of inner work, by cosmological metareferences associated with design of the objects employed in daily life, by plastic-arts tropes, by ritualization of ADLs and emotional cleansings, by forms-not-styles-not-thematic-contents of art fiction, by structures of the musical systems employed, by forms of the art music and architecture created, by tropologies of the dance choreography systems employed, by forms of and tropes in plays and films produced, by the symbols and signs associated to the framework determining conditions of the currency-financial-economic systems employed, so on. No [pre}scriptive enculturation-socialization to be found here, for where is the pre-, and what could such possibly mean, memetimely speaking, when CTC-logical-value order-types [pre}geometrically (no temporal precedence imply-able) establish framework determining conditions? Call this logical-ontological-existential [circum}stance pan{demon}ium -- if thy will be misconstrued Hisher Will! Heh-heh-heh. Surely, were Heshe to play chess at all, Hisher Game would be n-dimensional and CTC-logically-valued, the pieces being placed upon the most dense sheet, i.e., the Base-State of Tzog-chen. Incidentally, I was gifted my first and only chess set as a nine-year-old in Ashiya, Japan: a functional set in an inlaid box of precious woods that hinged-back into a board, the pieces plainly carved of ivory, not ornately so. That set, along with a sizable Hakata doll figure of Hotei, The Happy God, and a small folding print version of Sesshu Toyo's Long Scroll of landscapes with sandalwood boards sandwiching it in book form (forty years later the wood still filled the room with its spicy fragrance when taken out of the ornate box it came in) were the three long-kept prize possessions of my childhood sojourn in early-1950s Japan. But prevailing attitudes toward this m-logically-valued sort of thing aren't at all favorable, one most certainly well knows: My, how so very epigrammatic of you, deary. Right out of the Book of Common Swears. Much rather have, they would, wouldn't they, Lebenswelt-become-internment-camp. Regardless, none of these tropological signages, to be sure, beingwereare psychotic-monster-state 1T2-lawfare, expropriations, seizures, licensing, covenants, zoning, regulatory coercion, black-propaganda message mongering, false flags, psychiatric coercion and impoundment, forced assimilation, drugging, forced urbanization, neurological interventions, forced poisoning of foodstuffs, orange-eyed-owl surveillance, radiological monitoring, imprisonment, execution, thick-blue-olive-line intimidation-assault-murder, so on into all the dimensions of collective psychosis down to invasion of ADLs (the only thing in human history this can be compared to is prison life) like where to eat an ice cream cone and who can shovel snow and sell lemonade and place a FOR SALE sign in the back window of their car and chalk a game of hopscotch, where a bike can be ridden, where skates and skateboards can be used free of police assault -- because totally uncentralized (which is not decentralized, delegated down by reverse representation, delegated up by direct representation and electoral colleges-actually-elementary-schools, co-opted by Big Money and lateral gerrymandering and bused-in illegitimate-but-legal voter-immigrants war-and-economics forced to move from suzerain-induced-abject-poverty vassal states, on and on). A tossed-salad society that attracted and attracts the worst sorts from everywhere on the planet to create a pseudoculture, founded upon fundamentalist religious extremism, genocide, slavery, nature rape, resorted to frontier justice and then institutionalized it as 1T2-lawfare -- and presently the attempt is being made to globalize the [glam}ours of gunslinger-governance will-to-power and carry that into the newest frontier (understood the final frontier by those transfixed by representation space) as space-based Planetary War One funded by debt monetization. By the age of ten, I was pretty fed up with being told what to do, but smart enough to know it was more trouble than it was worth to make that fact public. Not long afterwards, I figured out they couldn't tell me what to think, or, rather, couldn't control my thoughts -- and that's when I stopped being forthcoming and forthright in telling people what I actually believe. That era, however, seems to be coming to an end with all the efforts being made, efforts military-service and government-agency funded, to develop mind-invasion+control technologies from biofeedback EEG-headbands, fMRI, brain implants, physiological nano-insurgents qua forward observers, memory scanners + reformators + substituters, algorithmic neurohackers of intellectual privacy, so on. Beneath the earth, below the threshold of 1T2-valued conscious awareness, expressing 49 theurgy chains, is heavy metal with components traditional, a divine working which, according to Wiki quoting the Chaldean Oracles, Fragment 153, is the case, For the theourgoi do not fall under the fate-governed herd. The irrational savage of yore abided by logical-value order-types far more elaborate than that 1T2-only with which we are consciously identified -- the subliminal irrational savage within us being a regression of that conscious identification. Aye say, dear sir, old chap, given that 1T2-property is theft of the multivalue at heart of the quantum potential most deeply responsible for economic autopoiesis and self-organization (think: Bohmian pilotwaveguiding of cyclic behaviors subject to third-order-dynamical reflexivities-reentries qua non-orientabilities), hasn't 1T2-logically-valued market capitalism always been state-sponsored economic terrorism and, by economically-coerced mobility of labor qua forced-draft urbanization (be aware that Samuel P. Huntington coined this term in his July of 1968 Foreign Affairs article entitled The Bases of Accommodation, which I incredulously read a photocopy of shortly before leaving SRA/MACV-J2: did Huntington help foment the Clash of Civilizations he forecast? for a present-day, 1T2-obsessed, 18th-century assessment of Huntington, see The Clash of Civilizations, W. Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory: Viewing Capital Markets through the lenses of Game Theory and History, 29 December 2014) plus resultant free-econo-fire zones, also latent becoming incipient becoming manifest mass-murder incorporated? Nash-equilibrium being the schizophrenic's compensatory-abreaction play-induced prisoner-solution (consider that prisoner-Nash's schizophrenia incarceration, like that of Yayoi Kusama, was induced by coerced rerouting of the trajectory of the involved creative explorations, whereas Turing ate the suicidal non-GMO apple not so much because of stigmatized homosexuality but because he was not allowed to find his way back to his pre-Bletchley-Park creative impulses, for, after all, how many Brit academics were homo-non-suicides during the period? -- and considering that Shan katoeys are surely the most elaborate conveyers of the breathable satin-flow essence plasma-thickness of the ambient airs signifying being-there presence of relative-state identity-transparency currently operative: how many not come-of-age in trance-induced primitive-Shinto Midori Gaoka could possibly know that?) -- given that Everettian relative-state non-simple animistic identity-transparency has been systematically proscribed by the long-ago-established framework determining conditions. It's quite obvious when direct conscious access to THE µTm-quantum brain shut down: well, not exactly with domestication of the horse, but exquisitely timed to when religion became entombed in temples, was walled-off, stopped being pantheistic, ceased being a mooning over Mother Nature, got out of the rain, i.e., out of the formication-paresthesia deluge, The Flood, associated with warm-golden dust of supermind, aka Kusama dots qua kami-dust, aka Wheelerian pre-pregeometry as a bucket of dust (sometimes ConveDDed to delusional parasitosis, the fear of m-valued identity being so great that its approach must, simply must, be cognized as an invasion by THEM), thus quenching non-locality, collapsing the wave-function, reducing logical-value order-types to that single-valued-only -- no access to godhead but through me, the Shaman, personification of programming -- all in service to prescriptive enculturation-socialization glutamatergically anchored to the molecular-cellular-only 1T2-only-brain, this regressed surrogate [god}head being placed in psycho-projection as the Sun of a heliocentric cosmos: as below, so above. Clearly, this phase transition involved recriminations salted on the rim, bitters in the liquid middle, but, nonetheless, the 0.001-percent descended from the First Cause, uh, the [She}man, uh, the Shaman, that is, uh, the Shahman, having successfully [pre}veiled, were able thus to prevail. Ah, opting for cloaked DKOM (direct kernal object manipulation), airgap-bridging and kernal-level-executing, rootkitted, malicious firmware stuck, with a booby-trapped stick, into ROM BIOS and registry keys and values, yielding rituals of petit secular death of those air-gapped cootchy-coos and their sinkholed servers -- along with V. M. S., grok that keylogger! -- drooly and vapidly savoring ideational eclectica squeezed from discrete, localized, glutamate-etched, molecular-cellular 1T2-only -- through (1) or around (0) truth-value-type procedures -- brains not containing THE non-local µTm-quantum brain, conscious access to processing of which was prescriptively quanched and quantum-quenched during infancy. O, the supercilious pretense-to-dominance which falsely-patronizing courtesy intentionally conveys: indicator that the worst of hubris has taken permanent residence (my all-too-personal engagements with superrich Eastern Establishment exemplars, during my AU-SIS student-memetime, over-educated me as to that!). When these days it comes to close approaches to politics-in-itself, to include its practitioners, the anodynic properties of anosmia are better than those of valium, however scrunched up one may have become in cultivating avoidance behaviors. Beginning with WWI, central bank dictation has been just another exercise in controlling ground combat from the air: about as successful as conducting morale operations as if they were simply a matter of perception management. Dennis-the-Menace strikes -- military, monetary, financial, price manipulation, political-economy-motivated and market-modifying foreign aid, so on and so forth -- have issued out of the exceptionalism of American exasperationism, just as did Vietnam-war-era door-gunner behaviors in free-fire zones, particularly those engaged in by firehogs in ignoring-mode with regard to inputs from ARVN Dagger Teams and Ruff-Puffs, forward observers, BDAs, Kit Carson scouts, the Hatchet Forces, Mike Force units, the Greek Projects, et cetera and et cetera. The Phoenix elimination pogrom having failed in Viet Nam to demonstrate falsity of quantum non-simple identity, quantum non-locality, and m-valued logics, TPTB generalized the targeting criteria and globalized Phoenix outbreaks of hero-killers, swine-wild feral hogs that they are, so as to thoroughly blanket penal planet Earth with their dictates, these dictates being ConveDDs of what they understand to be the laws of nature -- such laws having little to do with the nature of Nature and everything to do with their inability to understand. Great leaders, all, eh. The dog's foot! Cognitive ground pounders gone to K-9s -- except that the fences around their pounds, unlike those of the baying hounds, were self-erected. When the exasperation reaches a peak, every engineered showdown having been avoided by the opposition, no high noon having been reachable, sublets in han.D-dan.D proxy warfare being more trouble than they're worth to those horning in, can't effectively brazen it out, then shortstop the war, declare victory and leave a mess behind; go somewhere else, establish another zone of encumbrance; then, when the gnat-swatting frustration thresholds-out, shoot down an airliner by mistake (contemplate in this regard The Imperial Collapse Playbook, Dmitry Orlov, ClubOrlov, 30 December 2014). What gnats? Why, the gags in The Interview (see The latest blockbuster from CIA Pictures: The Interview, Andre Damon and David Walsh, World Socialist Web Site, 29 December 2014: not to mention the whole assassination-of-a-head-of-state issue) -- well, hmmm, what them bugs-gnats-gags subliminally signify! mark, betoken, herald, mean in the same manner Polish jokes stigmatized Polish logic, i.e., Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued logics, thus helping to cognitively pave the way for the Hitler-Stalin decimation of Poland. Gags a bit like picking up Yunnanese take-out in Chiang Mai at Three Dolls From Dali, Tapae Soi Si -- run by a Chinese-speaking Caucasian American from Des Moines, who does most of the cooking, and his money-managing Kunmingian wife in silent partnership with a Thai-Chinese couple claiming Sipsongpanna lineage, the three dolls displayed on a shelf at back of the cash-register cubical. O, the flexi-phrasemakers and their guvie underwriters of childminder baby wranglers fearing toddler terrorists snowboarding to their 1936-Flexible-Flyer sledding sites. All polished and gleaming, mine's likely still hanging on the wall of a garden shed. The gnats, which the gags subliminally and scatologically, if not eschatologically, signify and stigmatize, are the ever-expanding corpora of scientific theories and experimental evidences issuing existential denials to the 200-year-dead Weltanschauung upon which the institutional base of plutocratic constitutionalism and oligopolistic capitalism were founded and presently are foundering as internal (e.g., for instance, as discussed in The Prison State of America, Chris Hedges, Truthdig, 28 December 2014: a piece everyone ought to read) and external nazification continue apace -- conversion-disorder displaced to myriad bad guys wherever they construably can be found. Mayday! Mayday! must-must, maun-O-maun, if only the bugs what be buggin' me would jus' bug-out, then all'd be right wit' the world! Weapon XI speaks: Preemptive action is the only action here, General. Peace-[poli}tics-[dip}lomacy by mil.ter.altmeans: what war, what terrorist act, has ever had existential authenticity? They all them done been synthetic -- to one degree or another. Only dopes.dupes Tweeted and Tored and Bitcoined and Pinterested to onion-routed distraction have missed this #ORLY. Taking the left-hand path, psycho-neuro-auto-immuno-1T2-logically threatening to dissipate-vaporize the ConveDDed gnats which are our own theories and found evidences, wanting to water-to-steam them with a tactical-nuke and/or first-strike policy in significant measure set by Hollywood's Boxer-Rebellion bullets-can't-kill-me trope complemented by the ascendant no-code/no-law specops bonding-oath-algo Wolverine-X-Men-ConveDD (gamed and toyed, not only screened) of SF-satori, itself a ConveDD (a concretion of 1T2ly ego-ideals -- The Ego and Its Own: ownness via diabolical-dialectical egoism -- in genetically-engineered androidal A.I. Artificial Intelligence as subli[ma]tion of the consciously unavailable supli[ma]tion which is THE supra[men]tal naka-ma relationship-place, as distinct from mere time-place, space-in-flow being the result of active temporal operations, µTm-AllBase sacred-referential tropological space-place: Ma, a gate holding the moon; as discussed in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Foundation Autopoy, 1994: habitus, in-dwelling, placedness, being-there: not attunement to 1T2ly-simple-locality or to a decoherent localization process yielding same; rather, resonance with the Everettian µTmly-relative-state, Cantorian-hologramic part-contains-whole identity-transparency, haiku-ish, coherent attributes of any cyclotomically-decomposed Abelian particular by virtue of its memetime-independent embeddedness in-upon-from the AllBase-state, undecomposed, undecompacted, multi-valued manifold of multi-sheeted Ma, a Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian reference space demergently decomposable under 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time). Since imaginary/hypercomplex real states not represented by tensor-product state-vectors ontologically precede temporal precedence, and, hence, geometrodynamics; and since Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered Tzog-chen states logically precede ontological precedence; and since point-centers-of-action, a Borel-set bucket of dust, interlaced by Regge-lattice bones-strings-branes, pre-pregeometry-wise precede logical precedence what use precedence relations -- logical, ontological, temporal -- to the really real? We go left, trust me. And then: Relax, we're all dead. From Wolverine, we have: It's not hard to die. Come to me, says the Anima. They hadn't an inkling. Rousted unto, sicced upon. The neural-bridge identity-fusion contemplated in Pacific Rim as egoically one-to-one is yet one more heavily regressed ConveDD of quantum-animistic µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, a ConveDD to, yet again, the envisioned instrumentalities of war, the mecha we desire as compensation for the psychological losses quantum notions and quantum-based technologies impose, rather than approaching quantum non-simple identity via, say, EscherFormDance, TankTantra, sonic-visioning dolphin-speak as means to relearn the inner µTm-Musculpt (no mere VRed immersive 3D soundscape, not least because sound/no-sound, existence/nonexistence is not the frame) lost over the generations to the glutamatergic neuronal etching anchoring pre/pro-scriptive enculturation to molecular-cellular 1T2-brains, à la scripting the inner-emperor. The resources dissipated on such ConveDDs are staggering. Consider the tiny fraction of films Hollywood makes that have some justification for having been brought into being and ask whether that reflects upon the percentage of resources human species expends globally that is not mere wasteful dissipation. Depleting resources spooked out to feed the aborning offal which is the insatiable mega-urbanity created by forced-draft urbanization at war and peace. Hardly a vale of ecstasy, though clearly many make exogenous attempts to so simulate. It's not that I altogether dislike population concentrations; rather, I despise the largely 1T2ly-economically-forced properties qua qualities qua characteristics of the built-environment, particularly urban, wherever I've encountered it. I shifted from work building to work planting in significant measure because I could no longer justify contributing personal energy to what I hated. But planting thousands and thousands of trees, tens upon tens of thousands of plants, had negligible effect upon urban ambience. Registration of the import of this fact helped shift my attention from framework to framework-determining conditions. Be aware that by self-reactivity, that's autoimmune response, the U.S., foremost instigator of forced-draft urbanization, and coiner of the term, is targeting megaurban regions for infantry garrisoning and mini-drone-swarms occupation, as explicated by the Army Times, a Gannett Company: see Army sees 'megacities' as the future battlefield, Paul McLeary, 30 August 2014. Culpability of the participants is beyond overestimation. Just like during the Vietnam war, We gotta git outta this plaaace, if it's the last thing we evvver do, and the only way they can see is by grabbing hold of the struts on the last of the Greenspan-Bernanke-Yellen helicopters. Naw, never been much of a celebrant, the birthday, for instance, being a karmic mark of spiritual failure, of not having attained to The Mark. Among the many pessimistic forecasts for 2015, there is that of James Howard Kunstler, and entertaining it is: Life in the Breakdown Lane. Note that Kunstler has backed off from his earlier idea of a Long Emergency and is now forecasting an incendiary collapse, with a ten-percent human survival rate.
The Mayans R us One year, they were cavorting bloodthirstily atop their garish painted pyramids and a generation later the jungle was stealing back over the temple steps and the population was a tenth of its former size.
Despite all the strutting, the clinging behaviors are massive and anything but magnanimous. Night has fallen again and again because the grit at the bottom of the human wine bottle somehow has risen to the top where it became its own cork. Take one example of the type of GUTS this requires and to which the clingers Hollywood attracts cling: as the Chinese-American science fiction action thriller Looper clearly encapsulates, loop-quantum-gravity theorists (typically 1T2-paradoxical that a cell-phoned perimeter institute should be so intimately involved) remain thoroughly psycho-identified with linear-memetime treated as if an objective temporal linear-reference frame, however many handles Hollywooders and their scotomatous symps may suppose establishable. Those who have difficulty with the term memetime might have a look at Jay Griffiths' A Sideways Look at Time, Tarcher, 2004. In this context, flash forward and note that Dmitri Orlov has naïvely bought into the many-worlds interpretation of the relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics, single-valued universal physical constants, actuality of a classical limit, objectivity of memetime, so on, as essayed in Masters of Parallel Universes, ClubOrlov, 10 February 2015, despite his linguistic access to all the many works on Lukasiewicz logics produced at Moscow State University. How much would humanity benefit were Putin to limo over to that campus and speak with the right people? This memetime-cling is no less displayed in blackhole-whitehole-wormhole theories where Einstein-Rosen bridges have been fashioned under axiomatic postulation that memetime is a sign-inverted passive spatial degree of freedom subject to dilation in conjunction with spatial contraction unto POOF, ConveDDed to specops snatch-'n-snuff magic-without-magic face-card stuff (as regards such ConveDDs, you've had to have met the people involved, listened to their fears, prejudices, exultations, identified their identifications, et cetera, those wielding sticks, those formulating the theories). Huh? The total energy operator, the Hamiltonian, is bounded from below, thus precluding operator time. Even under µTm? Functions, functionals, functors. Even under Karpenko functors? Shush! Shush monitions post- and pre-. M-Universes = not the mu of Zen and of µTm, but cockeyed Potemkin villages of the regressed obsessive-compulsive klinger-mind. In [act}uality, we have the quantum of action, uh, M-Mountain, i.e., Magic Mountain of Druid, Celt, Basque, uh, earlier of Mount Meru, uh, that is, the World Axis tilting under 3-orders of temporal curl (I long ago was informed, for whatever little it's worth, that on my left-hand palm there are, on the head-line, 3-hourglasses etched at crossings with the life-line, the fate-line, and the fame-line, the middle one, fate, intersecting at 90-degrees a larger diamond shape; and that there are nine moons upon my fingernails), uh, three one-wheeled cars, n-iterations of which cascade real, complex, hypercomplex angular momentum unto helix-coil feeder-band-fed tornadogenesis and associated geo[s]trop[h]ic injection of the SunGod's/Goddess' wave-effect-encoded instruction set -- not to mention self-similar scale-invariant processes, to include the µTmly-self encrypting radiation-exchange processes of electron-temperature-enhanced DNA undergoing helix-coil transition. Over the last couple of decades people increasingly have recognized that there are deep-structure connections between pure-maths/theoretical-physics and politics-warfare; they just haven't been very adept at wading through the obfuscations barring real insight as to exactly what those connections are. The prevailing world-picture changes dramatically, of course, under Pauli-Paine quantal-operator-time, particularly when understood relative to 3-fold temporal curl (not so mysterious, considering topological effects of scaled-to-m-valued-universal-constants absolute limiting velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of accelerations processed under Lukasiewicz logics not reduced to the set of reals in the interval [0,1] -- the reduced Planck's constant, h-bar, uh, the quantum of angular momentum, thus taking on m-values, and, if temporal operations are quantized via Penrose twistors, then these values would map upon the Hopf fibrations of the 3-sphere and superfibrations of higher-order spheres, those musical and otherwise, the involved temporal-curl-induced quanta of action effecting cyclotomic involutory decomposition of the MVRS). Spin around, ladies ^/v. Windmill. Let's see which of you has the frailer trailer. What is simultaneous being-there all ways and always on the Tzog-chen MVRS-AllBase (the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space) is not the demergent absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identity, uh, absolute object, objective and subjective (actual generalized covariance, to my mind, necessarily involves µTm-logically-valued processing), which all-ways/always is only-1T2, plus-or-minus 1/2 h-bar, regardless of whatever demergence contemplated, which-simultaneity precludes (cosmic immittance) transmigration of any 1T2-whatnot, reincarnationally or in real-numbered memetime, all emanational incarnates thus immaculately immanent only by µTm-ParticipationMystique with the undecomposed AllBase (i.e., with Cabalistic Body-of-God, but do-it/construe-it in terms of fiber-bundles if that feels better), hence all (re)incarnates simultaneous, but only µTmly-OBEed-so, not, as Hollywood would have it, in-the-1T2-bodywise or as friendly ghosts like Casper. Being-in-body, be it [simple-being}-in-the-world or being-there in the modality of being-towards-death, is, due to its 1T2-only defining features, the lowest state of existence, involving vestment of unassailable belief in ponderable space and memetime. Being-in-itself-Satori, one imagines, could accurately be said to be a sudden assailing, wherein it is realized that µTm-quantum relative-state dependent-origination is, by non-simple-identity-transparency, in one-mind moment which is one mind-moment. I, for one, do not believe 1T2-qubits can authentically be maximally entangled, one-to-one, only µTm-mubits, all-to-all -- all-in-one being the issue to understand. The notion of entanglement of previously unentangled discretes is epiphenomenal to the atomistic assumption of stochastic emergence by recursive generation, not the holistic assumption of demergence under operator-time by cyclotomic decomposition to the whole part-containing-whole holoworldgram. And the making of higher and higher degrees of entanglement [equi}valent to systemic drift toward the max-entropy state of thermodynamic equilibrium is elicitation of a pure state of hilarity on part of the viewer of this making. A case could almost be made that N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr -- stigmatized as an Impossibility Theorem -- began a War of the World fall-of-Rome-type process leading inevitably to a reversal of Saint Constantine's conversion and to a retrograde inversion of The First Council of Nicaea. Voltaire, 1694-1778, close student of the Analects and Father of European Confucianism, was already reading himself into the Great Books of the East translations series, more or less completed by the 1850s, so it is no stretch to believe that yellow peril hysteria played a subsidiary role in prompting this recoil from actual import of Abel, and that this peril, a collective psycho-projection of the intra-European threat posed by avant-garde mathematicians, scientists, artists, composers to the rapidly deteriorating Classical 18th-century-rationalist Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, was well advanced by the period of the Opium wars, 1839-'42 and 1856-'60, and fully mature by the memetime that the term yellow peril was, according to Sinologist Leung Wing Fai, coined by Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, in the 1890s, after a dream [illustrating the psychoanalytic principle of projective-identification] in which he saw the Buddha riding a dragon threatening to invade Europe As regards sins of the fathers, might as well quote a girl writing inside the head of a boy (Wise Blood, Flannery O'Connor, 1993 printing of the Noonday paperback edition of the 1952 original, pp. 134-5):
his blood was in secret conference with itself every day he was certain when he woke up that today was the day he was going to know on. His blood was rushing around like a woman who cleans up the house after the company has come, and he was surly and rebellious. When he realized that today was the day, he decided not to get up. He didn't want to justify his daddy's blood, he didn't want to always having to do something that something else wanted him to do, that he didn't know what it was and that was always dangerous.
So, as the Thoth-Hermes-Mercury qua Trickster archetype of the collective unconscious playfully had it, with the usual tragic consequences of such regressed psyche-gradients, all too fitting that, flashing forward to ruselessly quote Kevin Rudd, deliberations [post-WWI] at Versailles decided that former German colonies in China would not be returned to China, but they would be handed instead to Japan (see: China's Long View: European Imperialism in Asia, The Globalist, 30 January 2015). And, also flashing forward, we have here (The Clash of Civilizations, Clusterfuck Nation, James Howard Kunstler, 12 January 2015) a man who understands he does not understand the relationship between Abel's proof and the rise of Hitler (for a bit on that, see our paper entitled Echo of the Mockingbird: Why Postwar Historiography is Anti-Historiographic, circa 1968-96). Quoting Kunstler's article:
Over in Germany, they don't have to travel very far psychologically to recall the awful efficiency of Hitler in purifying the social scene according to some dark chthonic principle that remains essentially unexplained even after all these years and ten thousand books on the subject.
Regressed collective unconscious event gradients are, indeed, dark to conscious awareness of the many, and that is why they are regarded divine workings, as C. G. Jung explicated in his pre-WWII diagnosis, analysis of pathogenetic onset, and projection of course concerning the nazification process, Modern Man In Search of a Soul. The general question is, with respect to given occasions, by what process is the regression-in-question of the cause-push/attractor-pull event gradients set in motion? The greatest concern is, given that the period of marrow-fester buildup -- due to exactly the same unresolved and widely altogether-uncognized deep-structure core issues -- has been a lot longer since WWII than between the two great wars, and considering what they (all of them) were willing to do in WWII, how many orders of magnitude greater moral turpitude will they, uh, Them! (after seeing this film at the Ashiya AFB theater, I'd wake up terrorized because the wind over the rice paddies blowing through the shutter of my bedroom window sounded just like those giant ants!), they being Them! in a psychological sense, be willing to enact during a space-based PW1, planetary war one? What's happening in the Hollywood film industry: these days, that autointoxication/self-immolation passes for creativity.
Admittedly, I'm no bon-ton literary writer, prose stylist and/or poesy adept (some of whom I hold in high regard, e.g., the author of Tracks, Louise Erdrich). Never attempted to be; never focused on the skills required; never found sufficient cause to so cultivate, the power of the word clearly not being that powerful. I know. Believe me, I know. My writing style has intentionally been designed not to be straight-through readable. Why? It is in the form of the message delivered. The nesting foam of digressions and parentheses. Have to study it a little. Only a little. How much effort is required to skip the parentheses and digressions whilst reading the given sentence, so as to get its gist? Then go back to the subtending comments? Not much. Reading any mathematical discourse requires much, much more of that sort of mental gymnastics. The message proffered in the form of the writing is that nonlinear nature, particularly µTm-logically-valued nature, cannot be comprehended with linear modes of cognition alone. No matter how much linear-1T2-discourse provided, the nature of Nature will not thus be intimated with verisimilitude. Most potential readers fall way. But nothing is to be done about that, for the message is not in the medium but in the form, and those unwilling to discover exercise of their bare capacities will not get it, no matter how much 1T2-linear effort is made on their behalf. Putting off wrong readership. Screechy scratchers, anyway, write mostly for inner work. In dealing with sicko-crazies, don't project ratiocinations; do be excessively conservative as to the self-revelations one makes. I never had an age-thing -- except, perhaps, contempt for most of those my own age. In youth, I imprinted upon the elderly, from whom I early-on learned much -- and that, perhaps, is most-why I came to think in the ways that I have, my scholar-wife's folklore expertise later massively aiding and abetting.
What the complete history is, from perspective of an objective 1T2-linear-time dependency, is, by memetime-independent aperspectival 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time, is the resident µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, hypertemperature being the spin-component of operator-time resonant, or by degrees not so, across ensembles -- at any rate, so construed Paine-Pensinger, as I remember it these forty years later. Thus, we had a tendency to consider the quantum-spin (e.g., spin 1/2; being discretely quantized, not directly analogous to the commonsense continuous notion of spin-like-a-top), as represented in the electronic density equation, as being the spin-component of operator-time, or, in other words, as an effect of the imaginary- and hypercomplex-numbered twists imparted by 3-fold temporal curl (quantizable via the Penrose twistor?). Of course, the density function, in our view, was not a probability measure with regard to spontaneous localization, but a µTm-logically-valued operator-measure characterizing the prevailing relative-state identity-transparency manifest in the phase relations characterized by the wave-function, which we envisioned as having two orders of non-linearity (this being particularly apparent with respect to electron-gas biochemistry of high-correlation states, e.g., those considered in the Paine-Pensinger model of DNA radiation exchange, the canonical equation of which implicitly involves temporal curl). This way of thinking encouraged us to contemplate the necessity for a hypercomplex version of Riemann's complex version of Euler's real-number version of the prime-distribution zeta function (consider this with respect to the distribution of symbols, according to Gunter Nitschke, inherent to Ma, sacred space: 'Ma' The Japanese Sense of 'Place' , Architectural Design, March 1965 ), which we imagined to be involved in determination of the distribution of scale-levels in cascade-related nesting-foam (be aware that Ma is a multi-sheeted notion brought together of kami-dust, just like Sakharov's multi-sheet model of the universe is a model brought together of Novikov dust) and associated m-values to any given universal physical constant such as the absolute limiting velocity or speed of light (hence one question Douglas A. Paine addressed to himself during the early-1970s: What functions as 'light' for Earth's atmosphere?). Similarly, in going from 3-space density functional theory to time-dependent density functional theory, wherein the instantaneous value of any given potential depends upon its complete history, the Paine-Pensinger construal would contemplate the necessity for an operator-timed density functional theory, involving a notion of density not altogether removed from Nikolai Kozyrev(see: Nikolai A. Kozyrev [1908-1983] -- Discoverer of Lunar Volcanism, Alexander N. Dadaev, Progress in Physics, 3, July 2009)'s conception of time-density, and, as I said at Cornell during the late-1970s, in superspace as crossed into Sakharov's Ma-like multi-sheet model of the universe. This has nothing in common with those seeking pseudoimmortality through VRed surrogate identities and the nth-degree of prosthetics. Hooah! Thinking they've caught Perpetua's wild heifer by the tail, none of them revering Revocatus' take on eternal verities. Gotta throw the long ball, heh-heh-heh! At the June 1974 Pensée-sponsored McMaster University Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System conference (where Paine and I met), Cornell atmospheric scientist, Douglas A. Paine, presented a paper that greatly upset Carl Sagan when he found out about it, The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena, which sketched out a model as to how, conceivably, Jupiter's red-spot hurricane could have ejected mass. A further elaboration of that train of thought -- involving 3-fold operator-time -- quite possibly could provide a sophisticated neocatastrophism argument stating that the frequency of catastrophes sustained by Earth is a function of the changing temporal density of the solar system. Parenthetically, I have no idea about the Nazi Das Lied von der Glocke and the Philadelphia Experiment (see: Die Glocke and Philadelphia Experiment and Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, The Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory, Joseph P. Farrell, Adventures Unlimited, 15 March 2008), except to note-opine that J. G. Bennett's 1950s transit from unified field theory in 5-D (then big in the Eastern Bloc, particularly Poland, perhaps a catholic compensatory abreaction to Lukasiewicz) to pencils of skew-parallels well-illustrates the thesis that the notion of a field is insufficiently general to mediate the GUTS required to explicate the spatial and temporal curl-effects supposedly explicated in 1928 by the same Einstein who back-reacted upon the metric of the µTmly non-simple identity which is the essence of spatial and temporal nonlocality -- something Einstein and Gödel must have tangentially discussed in their Advanced late days at Princeton when G fretted over L's lost manuscript. ConveDDs manifest! The more skew are the parallels the basis trader shorts-and-longs, the greater his potential arbitrage profits over Novikov-kami-dust basis points -- with HFTing, R[bit}rage. Pencils of skew-parallels: spots and futures, stocks and stock-index futures. O, how very much the 1T2-framework-determining-condition conceals the non-probabilistic µTm-quantum-potential actually responsible for market-mediated autopoiesis and self-organization! The bibliography to Dadaev's article does not list Kozyrev's paper entitled Possibility of Experimental Study of Properties of Time, circa 1967 (presumably, reference to Kozyrev's 1958 book, entitled Causal or Asymmetrical Mechanics in the Linear Approximation, was sufficient to document his notion that in rotating bodies time makes energy or, more elaborately, that time action promotes energy generation or even time that is actively operating), which I drew to Paine's attention during the late-'70s as containing notions somewhat similar to those (momo leverage traders being ConveDDs thereof, must one even have to ask?) involved in the temporal curl essential to the atmospheric angular-momentum-cascade concept -- particularly so, if the rotating body Kozyrev speaks of as the object-system for experimental studies of the properties of time were taken to be a tornado, and the pulse emission he entertains is an analogue of the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes emitted by tornadoes. Good choices of object-systems upon which observer-states could conduct experimental studies of the properties of operator-time: tornadoes, mitochondrial DNA, rotatory ATP synthase (regarding the last see: The Rotary Machine in the Cell, ATP Synthase, Hiroyuki Noji and Masasuke Yoshida, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276, 19 January 2001, pp. 1665-68; for a different take and some history thereof, see The Quantum Mechanisms of Pyrophosphate and Their Postulated Role in the Rise of Life, Leo J. Baranski, contents validated, according to James Watson, in Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Tri-Service Conference on the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipment, Griffis AFB, August 1959 and Memory-holed Scientist Feared Resonant Frequency 'Ray Gun' Would Fall into Wrong Hands, Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton, Activist Post, 6 January 2015). Destructive technologies are eminently buildable on basis of experimentally replicated fractionating natural laws 1T2-logically framed and verified by glutamate-etched molecular-cellular 1T2-brains with conscious access to processing of THE quantum µTm-brain quenched: µTm-unto-CTC in no way precludes 1T2, but the 1T2-only take on nature leaves nearly all of nature un-understood. Paine arrived at his notion of temporal curl and active time altogether independently of any awareness of Kozyrev's thought: speaking of his time at Pennsylvania State University during the late-1960s, Paine wrote that Anton Chaplin, a co-graduate student enrolled in Dr. John Dutton's radiation course, did a term project in which he referenced an air parcel to a temporal, as opposed to a spatial, level. The last decade for the first author has been in pursuit of the implications of this statement (see the Acknowledgments given at the end of The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, circa 1978). Differing from Paine-Pensinger, Kozyrev was not thinking of Lukasiewicz logics when he wrote his 1967 paper. Be aware that in a µTm-valued-logics framework, understood independent of the notion truth-value and employing Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers, numbers would not necessarily be selfsame nor signs confined to either positive or negative; consequently, moreover, elementary arithmetic operations would not be restricted to the 1T2-opposites: addition-subtraction, multiplication-division, exponents-roots, nor would be fractional/decimal-function-functional concatenations thereof. So, in such a framework, time (as distinct from memetime), whether considered active topological operator and/or passive reference, need not go or measure going, and, if it goes, need not go only backward or forward; it may itself be of more than one kind, possess properties like spin-moment and variable density, both of which, in a manner of speaking, could be considered temporal goings. Functions descriptive of the closed-reentrant, 1T2-dynamical knight's tour of the chess board, a special finite-memetime case of the Hamiltonian circuit problem, are formally metaphorical qua analogous, if not isomorphic qua equivalent, to Gödel's gematric employment of Gödel-numbering to demonstrate, by recourse to the Law of Non-Contradiction precluding circularity, 1T2-incompleteness or 1T2-inconsistency -- were Gödel's 1T2-logical march understood a functional plus Karpenko functor form the knight's vector-space tour. No alienist specialized in forensic psychiatry and being µTm-oriented, I consequently -- heh-heh-heh! -- don't actually embrace the sorts of utilities proof-theoretical demonstrations adduce, based as they are upon the 1T2-notion of logical necessity, which Lukasiewicz proved unnecessary a century ago. Heh-heh-heh! In my personal take on Abelian-Bellian, cyclotomic, memetime-independent demergence of µTm to 1T2 (as I read Abel devolving to Lukasiewicz), logical operations constellate, pregeometry-wise, as temporal operations, such that time operates on function-functional-functor space to generate form -- universal consciousness in its active aspect being the set of all such temporal operations; pure unsullied consciousness in its passive aspect being the fff-space operated upon (insofar as active can be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinguished from passive by employment of the 1T2-order-type alone). Listen, in this context, to Toru Takemitsu's From me flows what you call time. [Kozy}rev, according to [Dada}ev, I now find, thought volcanism the result of an interaction of time with substance (italic in original). We thought the solar-wind-carried angular momentum, were there complex and hypercomplex components thereto, quantized via Penrose twistor, conveys temporal-curl-type information concerning the changing time-density of the solar system, which thus affects Earth's angular-momentum budget, and, once received by the upper atmosphere, is cascaded through the anthropogenically-sensitive hierarchy of atmospheric wave motions leading to tornadogenesis and injection to Earth's crustal, mantle, and core dynamics -- Earth back-talking to Sun by means of laser-like pulse-code bursts of coherent gravity-waves flashing from tornado tops (a perspective suggesting that abrupt climate shifts would entail enormous associated n-dimensional complexity). When it first came out, 1977, Gordon R. Dickson's scifi novel Time Storm seemed to us in shocking synchronicity with the temporal curl-related physics of the Paine-Kaplan numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis, even down to Dickson having someone struck dumb by the time-storm, and his having there be an effort to stop the time-storm which was considered (mistakenly in our view) to be altogether pathological. For an account of a relevant -- largely statistical, apparently not primarily dynamical modeling -- study associating ice melt, uplift-rebound, pressure decreases, and increased incidence of volcanism, see How Climate Change Leads to Volcanoes (Really), Jeffrey Kluger, Time Magazine, 29 January 2015, and the abstract to the yet to be published paper entitled Climate driven vertical acceleration of Icelandic crust measured by CGPS geodesy, Kathleen Compton and Richard A. Bennett and Sigrun Hreindottir, Geophysical Research Letters. Derivatively, the real question concerning Naomi Klein's recent book on monopolistic-oligopolistic capitalism's responsibility for abrupt climate shift, This Changes Everything, Simon & Schuster, September 2014, is: even were her suggestions optimally implemented, which is not at all likely, would everything enough be changed? I think: clearly not, as the shifts most required are those least contemplated, i.e., from 1T2-propability-amplitudes to µTm-logical-values, and from memetime reference to Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Paul Craig Roberts insightfully has recently addressed generation of environmental and labor-exploitation externalities (which µTm-valued LETS would significantly internalize on the level of framework determining conditions) in The High Cost of Capitalism, Institute for Political Economy, 1 February 2015. As regards the financial means by which this desecration has been accomplished, listen to Nomi Prins explain why she walked out on the Wall Street banksters: The Sinister Evolution Of Our Modern Banking System, Chris Martenson's podcast interview posted on PeakProsperity, 31 January 2015. For a fascinating Indian historical perspective on the Big Bad Wolves controlling the Big Bad Banks, to include Adam Smith, Father of An [ingenuous] Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, as aider and abettor of the opium transshipment from India to China and origins of the 2nd and 3rd Afghan wars in the British transfer of their opium production from India to Afghanistan, flash forward and see HSBC Bank: Secret Origins to 26/11 Mumbai Attacks, GreatGameIndia, approximately 10 February 2015. Count these BB-Wolves among the worst entities ever to incarnate as human beings -- along with GMOers of apples, for instance, i.e., those willing to hack genomes simply so apple slices can sit on display without browning (those very few GMOers who have read Albert Szent-Gyögyi's 1960 Introduction to a Submolecular Biology know that the cut causes the browning by iatrogenic intervention into the quantum properties of the apple, and, thus, must know that gene modifications have quantum-level effects on organic function even though the consensus writ is that quantum-level processes have no substantive biological consequents. Nonetheless, One Hundred Percent Of Nothing is nothing, and what is better than nothing when it comes to multilateral-framed macroimpudent flows of 1T2-only capital taking over your life? Nothing. Great macroprudential cases could be made relative to substitution of DE for QE and UN for GR(ow): that's DEconstruction of the forced-draft mega-urban nightmare and DEpopulation by natural attrition and across-the-board UNdoing of so much of what has so very, very unfortunately been done. As if the Cartesian-Newtonian 1T2-multilateralism we've already experienced has not been disastrous enough (population overgrowth, peak everything, abrupt climate shift, ecological dyscrasia, onset of the Sixth Great Extinction, et cetera), we now have Christine Lagarde calling for an exponentiation of same, i.e., a new multilateralism (see: The Right Choices for 2015, Project Syndicate, 19 January 2015). No call for a transit away from Descartes and Newton, their notions of integral sums, and for entrance of quantum composites. What planet have such people been living on? Not seen anywhere, it appears, is that there is no viable exit strategy from the prevailing mess independent of implementing µTm-valued LETS nesting foams, such that the quadrillion-dollar-derivatives overhang is transmuted under fiber-bundle arithmetics, pencils of skew-parallels internalizing externalities, operator-timed planetary-unit-of-account cataloguing of total capital stock via time-shape chronotopology, in order that step-by-step increases in quality of uses can achieve more and more spontaneous-directedness via market-mediated pilotwaveguide orchestration driven by the quantum potential resident in the inherent relative-state identity-transparency of the heuristic-only-decomposable supersystem-system-subsystem quantum-composite which is the global economy.
Ballad of Song Den. Black River Blues. 0-zoned storm smell rising to the nostrils. Closure rate ----/day, initiating burn, transiting approaching reinsertion to Is The Shock Doctrine being employed to create the circumstances for a throat-ramming implementation of a We-Are-the-World, one-world, worldwide-1T2-currency as singular vehicle-reserve, all other vehicle currencies to fall away, as Brandon Smith well argues in The Economic End Game Explained, Alt-Market, 12 November 2014? Use by The Economist of the word phoenix for such a world currency seems to me an apt ConveDD of the Viet Nam war's Phoenix Program which has since been globalized. The collective unconscious does have a trickster component in the way it orchestrates ConveDDs to mimic Freudian slips: e.g., Nazi soldiers in formation goose-stepping on a rope bridge perfectly ConveDDes the superconductivity later proposed to be characteristic of the pi-electron gas core of the double-helical DNA rope bridge, understanding of which would have greatly facilitated the Nazi attempt to achieve 1T2ly purified identity. Don't y'know, standingunder is an obsequious servile psychopant's idea of [comp}re{hension] -- that of them no-counts, greaseballs, dipsticks, mugwumps, crankers, crackers, free-basers, spics, drifting grifters, ragheads, mainliners, stalls, slants, cokers, under-achievers what all reg'lar peoples likes thems you'ins gunna have. They's sure ain't no ways 'round all that, nope. Don't look askance: [bi}got or a [big}ot? As with all stereotypes: if there were no substance to the stereotype, it would never have become a stereotype. Has monetary cleansing followed the lead established by ethnic cleansing? Under such a global currency, administered by a corrupt politico-military-financial alliance-elite, more and more countries would find themselves in circumstances like those of Greece, interestingly described in, flashing forward, Greece: Meaningful Economic Reforms Could Come Through BRICS and Russia?, Joaquin Flores, The 4th Media, 28 January 2015; and A Soros 'Trojan Horse' inside the New Greek Government?, Wayne Madsen, The 4th Media, 1 February 2015. There can be little doubt that an SDR defined over a small basket-bundle of currencies as new international reserve is an objective being pursued, and that J. C. Collins' analyses of the efforts being made -- no mere slacktivist campaign, that's for sure -- to reach that objective are astute. His latest is excellent as ever: Reversing Bretton Woods, Philosophyofmetrics, 7 January 2015. However, I doubt validity of one of the statements he makes, a statement stated without justifying explanation: a basket of currencies in a basket of currencies situation is unworkable and adds deeper layers of dysfunction. Be aware that a Cartesian-Newtonian 1T2-e-currency is not a quantum currency, which, fully implemented, would be µTmly-valued. Simple establishment of e-currencies in no way signals a shift into a new econoparadigm. Were biofeedback-tech and VR-tech turned to developing Musculpt as user-friendly interface to Lukasiewiczian LETS, Collins' purported unworkable likely would imminently become eminently workable, unextrojected inner Musculpt -- a little bit like yoik-registering (check out the linked Ursula Lansman quote) songline gestalts whilst reading snow, at least that's what I suspect, if we are to believe Peter Hoeg's Miss Smilla's Feeling For Snow, HarperCollins, 1993 -- being less rigorously codified as metalanguage, one hopes, than would be exteriorized, holographically projected, computerized, intensely studied, evolving-through-use Musculpt as mathematical notation of explorations employing µTm-valued logics. Holographic Musculpt as strategic planning CAD software (i.e., VirFut Q-Pro) would not be based in 1T2-game theory, to include chess, but upon the higher-logically-valued-types of Glass Bead Games the Martian Old Ones play. Quoting Hoeg à la Miss Smilla (p. 220):
You let the details slip out of focus in favor of the whole. This way of seeing reveals a different reality. If you look at someone's face in this manner, it starts to dissolve into a shifting series of masks.
Literally, quite literally, as, for instance, described in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 653-65. That face might be the one Narcissus sees in the mirror. Such holistic seeing of these Cubistic masks reveals the real µTm-valued whatnot, not a simply-identifiable 1T2-[per}son, and not only the Husserlian horizons thereof. Some notion as to the imagistic content of inner Musculpt can be had by imagining a fusion of graphic art-music scores, those of Toru Takemitsu and others here and here; images screened in the experimental films of, say, Jordan Belson; the polymorphic color fields and fractalized figural photisms associated with brain discharges at autogenic abreactions; evolutions of ideographs and sign languages, choreographic notation systems as visualized here and here, and historically sketched here. As regards the Formalized Music, architecture-as-frozen-music aspect, inner-voice abaft of the belfry, how much silence is astral sound-repetition we learn something of from Takemitsu's Asterism. Not the silence behind the sound, but the Samadhi-levels of silences inside any given sound-haiku-gestalt. Yantra those mantric silences -- as do the quantum-wave properties of DNA. Nesting foams are ubiquitous in nature and work very well, as simply being in-the-body is enough to verify. Though one must admit that such verification is becoming more and more difficult: now that borderlines, uh, their zones, are as much as 100 miles across, just imagine what that does to viability of currencies defined on 1T2-borders, not to mention to the sufferers of borderline personality disorder who self-metaprogram their claimed absolutely-in-so-far-as distinct 1T2-selves by use of such currencies. Nesting foams of µTm-logically-valued LETS mapped over WiFied fractal e-boundaries would be a bit like baskets inside baskets with covering surfaces of µTm-value-stacks on each currency base-state (those skeptical that currencies have states might well consider this from the abstract to Emmanuel Haven's Emergence of fuzzy preferences for risk in a Birkhoff-von Neumann logics environment, ResearchGate, July 2005, to wit: in an environment where the value of an asset [besides its price] is formalized as a superposition of price states ), but these baskets would be quantum composites, not those Cartesian-Newtonian -- and the resultant system would not be top heavy, rather bottom weighted. Nor would there be any reason to rely 100-percent on e-currencies (as is the transit Scandinavia pursues, recently described in Nordic countries point the way to cashless societies, Rebecka Roos and Alister Doyle, Reuters qua Rooters, 18 hours ago, whenever that was, and advocated by the likes of n-billionaires like Bill Gates), for the 1T2-order-type of each LETS could remain -- were it so locally-strategically gamed -- cash specie. I'd like to see Ecuador do this at the local government level, not only on the national level: for the latest on that, flash forward and see Ecuador becomes the first country to roll out its own digital cash, Everett Rosenfeld, CNBC, 15 hours ago, whenever that was. The universal covering surface would be the m-valued global unit of account mapped over the MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space -- no vehicle-reserve currency, no reserve currency, no basket of currencies as reserve currency, but the hologramic-part-contains-whole quantum composite of all participatory µTm-valued LETS allelotropically (meaning of each other) valuing the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Raul Ilargi Meijer may like to avail himself of the discussions of the allelotropic theory of value contained in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, an objective theory of value based upon quantum non-simple identity and underlying the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units. See his excellent article entitled The Value of Wealth, The Automatic Earth, 11 January 2015.
I am certainly no economist. And I am fully aware that I have yet to master the basic concepts. The difference, for instance, between real bills (as distinct from forepersons' true bills) and non-real bills, to my misunderstanding, being the difference between an objective theory of value, like that allelotropic, and the prevailing subjective theory of value: gold value, even, is, to me, no less subjective than the conspicuous values propelling institutionalization of Veblenian leisure. What I do do, however, well or poorly is not for me to say, is compare economic notions as they cross my path to what little I have gleaned of general systems from exposure to studies of several special cases. That's all -- and I have never claimed more. The best we can, given our peculiar circumstances, I guess, is the best we can -- each of us. Moreover, I have periodically warned potential readers not to take seriously anything I have to say, as I have no professional expertise in any area my ruminations touch upon. Therefore, I have never successfully contemplated any actual role as regards concrete applications. That said, I am bowled over by my first encounter with the thought of economist Dr. Antal Fekete, specifically as given in Blowing Up Modern Austrian Economics , interview conducted by Anthony Wile, The Daily Bell, 11 January 2015. I admit that much of the content of this historical discourse is new to me: sabotage of real bills depleting the wage fund causing the Great Depression. And I look forward to the task of seeking out requisite understanding. Which I will. Beyond that, Fekete's INSISTENCE upon the dynamical perspective with respect to every little detail of each point made is extraordinarily refreshing and I will mull upon it over and over as the days go by. A great essay on 1T2-countervailance: central-bank bond purchases vs. bond speculators! All who attend to this question-and-answer will surely benefit there from. Let me observe, however, from my perspective, that Fekete's velocity of money spirals down is a first-order-dynamical way of speaking about a second-order-dynamical phenomenon. This way of explicating seems to me typical of prevailing economic thought, which always speaks of accelerations/decelerations in terms of velocity changes, not as what they are, uh, uh, can it be avoided, accelerations/decelerations, and never recognizes existence of time-rates-of-change of acceleration. What for me was high school maths-and-physics: an acceleration tilts the line of velocity. What I learned from Douglas A. Paine at Cornell is that the time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration tilts this tilting -- in the limit, a tilting unto self-referential reentry, i.e., as regards market-related behavior equations, yielding Sorosian reflexivities (which Soros denigrates as unknowables by way of promulgating a Hungarian-told Polish-joke denigration of Lukasiewicz logics). This basic principle (the unfolding of enfolded dynamical order-types) has profound implications, were one to consider the anthropogenic design of market framework determining conditions, e.g., the order of logical-value, amongst those µTm, of the monetary currency units employed. I won't in any way address Fekete's proclamation that Businessmen are the brightest people we have. Nonetheless, anyone championing Jefferson over Hamilton gets my vote -- were I ever to vote. And -- were I a resident of Uruguay -- the fine for not voting, I guess I would have to pay. Is being-in-being-human the same as being a simply-human being? Not likely, and Anthony Wile's After Thoughts -- wife, no-wife qua wolf, no-wolf -- shed considerable light on esoterica of that topic -- to realization that something (µTm?) must soon supersede by subsuming. To me, the contention between Austrians and Neo-Austrians is resolved by the notion of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock and the imports of that concept relative to velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of money as dynamical features according, to the benefit of all, allelotropic µTm-valuation.
No affiancing non-recidivistic deponent, myself, though nitpicking I know, particularly as regards a novel written before internet fact checking, but the U. S. airbase at Thule in the north of Greenland wasn't created during the Sixties. I know this by a military family's family lore. My father, a onetime B-17 pilot, flew SB-17s air-sea rescue with the 51st Rescue Squadron between BW-1, uh, Fate-Is-The-Hunter Bluie West One, built 1941, later named Narsarssuaq AFB, near the southern tip of Greenland and Lajes Field, Terceira, Azores, after his time spent piloting throughout memetime-span of the Berlin Airlift and before assignment to YulBrynner, heh-heh-heh, Flight From Ashiya AFB, kita-Kyushu, Japan in 1951 (been there, done that: ain't the same as all these years later, 2015, still no mention of the role played in resupply of Dien Bien Phu), the year BW-6 was built into Thule AFB -- on one miserable north Atlantic dreich rescue mission, after flying in severe storm to aid a foundering ship by dropping a strapped-to-the-belly lifeboat, he, wan of demeanor, dry-mouthed, flush of face, lips chapped and split, hounded into a haggard harry, lost two engines to the storm, had the aircraft stripped of everything not necessary to fly, flew wave-top some hundreds of miles, trying for Goose Bay AFB, and ditched onto the beach along the coast of Labrador. Though having acquired some understanding in my youth, decades after hearing this story, from my mother, upon reading Brian Callison's The Sextant (William Collins, 1981) there was a deepening understanding of what surely was involved in this feat: stertorously yawed by air, found wanting of all taffrails, fraught upon the whirligig, caught 'tween heck and the harrier, fighting cacodaemons of the sky. To me, he ever refused to speak of this, the like, and his wartime experiences, yet, upon my return from Viet Nam, the year following his tour there, he, the OIC querying a subordinate, questioned me regarding my brief span in the Delta prior to my being wounded. He had to know. Upon hearing a radically abbreviated account, he, with somewhat surprised note in his voice, said: Your consolation is in being found a brave man. I never begrudged him that somewhat surprised note, as I'd always known, if only by imagined supposition, that I'd never actually wanted to become the functional equivalent of a peer of his -- given all the survived travail THAT would have involved. Don't get me wrong. I loved reading Peter Hoeg's Miss Smilla's Feeling For Snow. I just disagree with some of the perspectives Miss Smilla promulgates. Very important issues are involved, related to what I believe are the deep-structure causal-teleological factors which continue to induce the War of the World, in which, unlike Niall Ferguson, I would include the Franco-Prussian war, and maybe also the First Crimean war (I try not to capitalize war whenever possible), the critical prefigurative event of inducement having been, according to my argument, consensus stigmatization of N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr (with its implied cyclotomic decomposition-demergence account of numbers explicated by Eric Temple Bell in his early-20th-century Columbia University Ph.D. dissertation, and leading inexorably to Lukasiewicz) as being an Impossibility Theorem. I might even wish to include the Napoleonic wars as precursors, given the enormous orientation-difference between the Anglo-French (especially French) and Russian mindsets vis-à-vis mathematical logic(s), geopolitical [play}out astutely encapsulated by [France}sco Sisci in Putin's policy up against Europe and Asia, ilsussidiario, 2 February 2015. Quoting at length Hoeg's novel, Miss Smilla specifically, the 1993 HarperCollins paperback, pp. 101-2:
It seems necessary to explain my claustrophobia to him.
Do you know what the foundation of mathematics is? I ask. The foundation of mathematics is numbers. If anyone asked me what makes me truly happy, I would say: numbers. Snow and ice and numbers. And do you know why?
Because the number system is like human life. First you have the natural numbers. The ones that are whole and positive. The numbers of the small child. But human consciousness expands. The child discovers longing, and do you know what the mathematical expression is for longing?
The negative numbers. The formalization of the feeling that you are missing something. And human consciousness expands and grows even more, and the child discovers the in-between spaces. Between stones, between pieces of moss on the stones, between people. And between numbers. And do you know what this leads to? It leads to fractions. Whole numbers plus fractions produce the rational numbers. And human consciousness doesn't stop there. It wants to go beyond reason. It adds an operation as absurd as the extraction of roots. And produces irrational numbers.
It's a form of madness. Because the irrational numbers are infinite. They can't be written down. They force human consciousness out beyond the limits. And by adding irrational numbers to rational numbers, you get real numbers.
It doesn't stop. It never stops. Because now, on the spot, we expand the real numbers with the imaginary ones, square roots of negative numbers. These are numbers we can't picture, numbers that normal human consciousness cannot comprehend. And when we add the imaginary numbers to the real numbers, we have the complex number system. The first number system in which it's possible to explain satisfactorily the crystal formation of ice. It's like a vast, open landscape. The horizons. You head towards them and they keep receding. That is Greenland, and that's what I can't be without! That's why I don't want to be locked up.
This is an expansion of Piaget's account of the stages of cognitive development which transpire as the child matures. And it is in conformance to the consensus account of the history of mathematics. While I agree with the history part, I doubt Piaget's and Miss Smilla's accounts. Before being subjected to prescriptive-enculturation-qua-socialization metaprogramming of neuronal plasticity at glutamatergic neural network wipeouts, which begin in the womb, the fetus is in THE quantum brain's world picture enfolded of µTm-logically-valued hypercomplex and complex numbers; other, less elaborate, 1T2-logically-valued number systems demerging to awareness as education ensues. As to why this is so, quoting the protagonist's personal journal as given in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Foundation Autopoy, 1994, Vol. 2, p. 523:
The implications of Luneburg's discovery (that visual space is not Euclidean, as we had always thought, but a non-Euclidian metrical space), for Piaget's theory of the evolution of the idea of space in the mind of the child, is profound. Piaget's intention was to determine the invariants underlying the space concept throughout its ontogenetic evolution. He arrived at the notion of displacement groups based upon the algebraic group of displacements in Euclidian space. Each were considered a priori of physical reality. The displacement groups forming the idea of space were seen to follow one another successively from the sensory-motor level to the most abstract conceptions. In other words, the psychological representation of 'displacement groups' is made up of 'operations' of sensory-motor intelligence which predicate the invariants by which the infant organism maintains the identity [think: certainly not quantum non-simple identity] and continuity of objects even when their form of appearance [think: variability of Husserlian 'horizons' as the object is circumambulated] varies these 'displacement groups' (particularly their invariants) are the fundament of the [ponderable] space concept, and they carry over into all developmental levels of intelligence subsequent to sensory-motor intelligence. (note to: Principle Factors Determining Intellectual Evolution from Childhood to Adult Life, Jean Piaget, in Organization and Pathology of Thought, David Rapaport (ed.), N.Y.: Columbia, 1951).
Luneburg's non-Euclidian metric proves that Piaget's Euclidian invariants are simply the constant factors underlying learned behavior, i.e., artifacts of socialization [glutamatergically anchored, by neuronal pruning and associated quantum quenching, to molecular-cellular 1T2-brains]. In fact, as Piaget's genetic epistemology is based not only on observations of childhood behavior, but also upon an historico-critical analysis of scientific thought, we can only conclude from his findings that the history of science well into the 19th century was the working out of the implications of the socialization-of-cognition. I'll see it when I believe it! Yes, Mr. Puff, you heroic scientist, contrary to the notions of Dr. Richards, the history of science is precisely an account of the linking of one pseudo-statement to another [despite fact of the destructive techno-regime that emerged: successful techno-applications do not necessarily imply adequate-accurate characterizations of nature; such a conclusion implies psychological identification with the technologies, and this is why self-cyborgization is an authentic portrait of the prevailing normative state of consciousness]. With quantum and relativity theory, however, science began to circle back upon de-socialization -- hence, its present crisis and revolutionary politico-economic import. There is no longer a doubt in my mind that the hierarchy of Samadhi states is identical to the steps involved in phenomenological reduction and roughly corresponds to the inverse of Piaget's stages of cognitive development in childhood.
Now, let's hear again from Miss Smilla, this time as concerns space. Quoting pp. 38-9:
My only spiritual brother is Newton. I was moved when, at the university, they introduced us to the passage in Principia Mathematica, Book One, where he tips a bucket full of water and uses the tilted surface of the water to argue that within and surrounding the rotating earth and the turning sun and the tumbling stars, which make it impossible to find any constant starting point and initial system and fixed point in life, there is Absolute Space -- that which stands still, that which we can cling to [emphasis added].
I could have kissed Newton. Later I despaired over Ernst Mach's criticism of the bucket experiment, the criticism which formed the basis for Einstein's work. I was younger then and more easily moved. Today I know that all we did was prove that Newton's argumentation was inadequate. Every theoretical explanation is a reduction of intuition. No one has budged my or Newton's certainty about Absolute Space. No one is going to find his way home to Qaanaaq with his nose stuck in Einstein's writings.
Here we have the statement of a clinger, one whose enculturated notions will not be altered no matter what. This is how Abel's existence proof became an Impossibility Theorem. As regards identity and continuity of objects, uh, continuity referring to object constancy, we learn from Luneburg that the actuality is even more disconcerting to the prescriptively enculturated than Einstein alone suggests. First of all, non-Euclidian Luneburg visual space has its own version of the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction, an analogue related to the absolute limiting velocity of eye movement. But this Einsteinian property is the least of it. Quoting our novel, Moon, again, Vol. 2, pp. 282-3:
Consider for a moment the following quotation from Luneburg's paper [The Metric of Binocular Visual Space, Rudolf K. Luneburg, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 40:10, October 1950]:
These observations are concerned with the thesis that there is no absolute localization even in binocular vision. A given physical configuration provides no immediate visual clues which could determine localization and absolute phenomenal size of the sensed configuration. Localization and size are determined by other non-visual psychological factors, in particular, by the intellectual experience of the observer.
Depending upon such factors, the same physical configuration may be seen in different localizations and different phenomenal sizes. Vice versa, entirely different physical configurations may give rise to the same visual sensation.
Now let us hear from Hugh Everett, III ('Relative State' Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 29, No. 3, July 1957):
This indefinite behavior seems to be quite at variance with our observations, since physical objects always appear to us to have definite positions. Can we reconcile this feature (sic) wave mechanical theory built purely on Process 2 with experience, or must the theory be abandoned as untenable? (emphasis added)
[Implicit juxtaposition of these two directly-contradicting statements, I believe, whether made in full consciousness or not, wherever that implication-juxtaposition is/was on the conscious-to-subliminal spectrum, is/was the main reason Luneburg's work is/was ignored and debunked. There were also those who regarded his death mysterious. The paper quoted above was published posthumously.] This [second quoted statement] is no casual remark Everett flippantly slipped into his paper, without due consideration. The statement was a central assumption upon which the bulk of the paper hinged. In the beginning of the paper, he presented us with a wholly consistent, complete, purely wave mechanical, and deterministic -- please take note: deterministic, just like J. v. N.'s conception of state independent of observation -- formulation of quantum theory called Process 2. This was an absolute stroke of genius! Only trouble was, if Process 2 was really correct, physical objects would not always have definite positions. What could that mean? [My current way of answering is: order-types, linear and non-linear, of the state-function, involving µTm-logically-valued identity, such that physical objects have definite positions and simple-1T2-identity only under consequents of the prescriptive enculturation inflicted upon the observer; I leave the inter-species issues to those attempting to learn sonic-visioning Dolphin-speak Musculpt.] It could mean that the object-constancy might not be what we have always thought it was. Well, this conclusion was quite assuredly not at all acceptable. What could be done about it? That's what the rest of the paper was about: how to get around this little glitch
After much complexity, circumlocution, discussion of repeatability postulates, help from John von Neumann's notation and terminology, the central feature of getting around the glitch becomes apparent: the world is schizophrenic (constantly splitting) but no observer can ever be aware of that fact because the various branches of the wave function have total lack of effect of one branch upon another Thermodynamic constraints insure this.
So, all the millions and millions of dollars which the subsector of Hollywood devoted to exploration of the multi-universes thesis has made over the last couple of decades would never have been made had Everett (and his Ph.D. preceptor and referees, including Niels Bohr) read Luneburg's paper and not back-reacted upon the metric thereof. What can we draw from this? Miss Smilla's feeling for numbers is consensual, complexity emerges as, by human effort, egoic consciousness expands when the child inquires, explores, matures: numbers were created by humans, complexity is the result of an objective linear-time evolution -- not due to memetime-independent, cyclotomic decomposition-demergence from abstract-complex to concrete-simple. Well, this consensus clung to -- with disastrous consequences -- is quite clearly the wrong security blanket. And it prevents the advent of an international monetary system authentically compatible with the ever increasing quantity of quantum-based technologies more and more propelling, and swamping, current global civilization. O-so-many genuflectors there are to the supposed classical limit. Everett's redirected mistaken observation, in affirmation of the classical limit, imitates the 3D, two of space and one of memetime, largely 1T2-logical Cartesian-grid and Newtonian-absolute-space game of chess (origins in Brahmin-caste India, illustrating how little µTm-logical tribal states of consciousness bled up the caste hierarchy), where the taking of a piece is dependent upon the rule that two objects cannot occupy the same space-place at the same memetime-instant, both of these, places and instants, requiring 1T2-only-logic to define. Kings and queens have non-quantum simple-identity, whilst, like in statistical mechanics, [meme}bers of lesser piece-particle types-classes-castes are indistinguishable one from another or from all others of their class-caste, except for the space-places they temporarily occupy. Black or white is the rule regarding sides, board place-spaces, winner or loser; there are no shades of gray, in conformance to the 1T2-logic Law of Distributed Middle; no winner is loser, in conformance to the 1T2-logic Law of Non-Contradiction. Chess is a zero-sum game, where the only equilibrium state is winner takes all. Extension of the notion equilibrium to non-zero-sum games was, in some respects, a movement toward self-organizing quantum systems, but not much of a move in that direction: for instance, the players in Nash game theory all have non-quantum simple-identity (a step back from the somewhat tribal status of pawns in chess), regardless of how accurately each may be able to 1T2-logic-through to conclusions as to best strategies of the other absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct players. Nash first arrived at Princeton with impulse to authentic study of collective behaviors exhibiting quantum properties and in context of Cantorian transfinite set theory (which would have led into theories of nesting-swarm-foams and their applications, e.g., to modeling information exchange processes between supposedly discrete organic systems, like human beings). But he was subject to various redirection pressures, ultimately making him into a Boy Interrupted, and he was, no more than were Turing and Everett (one must wonder as to whether or not -- heh-heh-heh! -- Hawking fell into this subset), never able to resurrect his first arrived state of consciousness. Ups or downs, heads or tails, X's or O's: this is one way to murder a mathematician and/or scientist. How did I get onto the idea of nesting foams of m-valued LETS mapped upon WiFied fractal e-boundaries and processed under µTm--valued logics? By asking two questions during the Spring semester of my senior year in high school, circa 1963, when I was simultaneously taking honors PSSC physics (including an introduction to quantum theory) and an honors economics class (wherein I struggled with the realities of multiple bank credit expansion): (1) What is the most fundamental main difference between Newtonian physics and quantum physics? and (2) What does that imply about the difference there would be between Adam Smith's notion of a market and the market of an authentic quantum economy? I eventually, over a considerable period, not in high school, found my answers. To the first, I answered: The variables in Newton's laws of motion are single-valued under 1T2-logic, while the variables in Schrodinger's wave equation are multi-valued under µTm-logic. Electrons, therefore and thereby, carry information about the total state of the system, whereas Newton's billiard balls do not. What, by analogy, must change, in going from a Smithian market to a quantum market, is the nature of the information carried by the monetary exchange units employed. These units must become multi-valued under µTm-logics. If David Bohm's pilot wave-guide (crossed into some facsimile of Elliott Wave Theory? and handled, not as 1T2-probability waves, but as µTmly hologramic and geon-like wave deterministic) qua sorting angel qua band-pass fractal drum is to be construed as the explanation behind the market's magic hand capability to induce self-organized allocation (consider, for instance, the work of Olga Al. Choustova), as appears to be the case, then what the wave-guide guides (with the help of 3-fold operator-time), whether explicitly marked or not, is monetary information-exchange units carrying synoptic-systemic information. Marking them explicitly in accord with their fundamental properties requires implementation of the multi-valued price processed under µTm-valued logics. IMHO, all the confusion about pilot-wave conflation to multi-universe interpretation of the relative-state formulation, the various denials and affirmations, insistences upon the Born rule (its advent, in my belief, having been the straw that broke the camel's back as regards deep-structure causation of WWII) and classical limit (see, for instance, De Broglie-Bohm Pilot-Wave Theory: Many Worlds in Denial?, Antony Valentini, arXiv:0811.0810, 5 November 2008) are epiphenomenal to failure to understand Schrödinger's wave-function in terms of µTm-valued logics not reduced to a matter of truth-values in the real interval [0,1], which understanding, in my judgment, leads directly to Pauli-Paine operator-time and Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock. The three A's -- angst, anomie, alienation -- are inherent to the devaluation of logical-value made with distribution of the middle to the flipflopper poles in the real interval [0,1], this interior wipeout being the basis of the binary number system used to strip context and semantics from information as employed in finite-iteration sequential-digital-switch computing and systems based thereupon, entropic rundown over memetime purported to be objective arbiter of the cybersphere increasingly governing human affairs. And GMO nucleotide-pair-codon respooling, including that of humans, [re}lies upon the same theory of information. Comic Marvels over mutants are failed attempts to gloss over, make light of, assert acceptability of horrors TPTB have made inevitable. Moreover, as regards fundamental physics, 1T2-strings of bip-bop harmonic sequences of strings of Planck length at Planck force, however n-dimensional be the reference space, however T-dual the 1T2-supersymmetries, are not, to my mind, very super -- only those pencils µTmly-skew-parallel. Normal: according to nature or human prejudice? Renormalizations are at the forefronts when it comes to QFT and GUTs, renormalizations constraining nature to the 1T2-order-type and making herhimit amenable to mathematical tools fashioned under the 1T2-order-type alone. A 1T2-M-T[he}ory doesn't much interest me, only that CTC-unto-µTm, thus obviating the need for renormalizations. Clinging to Newton, which is clinging to the classical limit (which rules out Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis and Paine's quantum-relativistic take on climate-shift dynamics), as does Miss Smilla, even more so than clinging to the Born rule prevents implementation of an adequate new international monetary system from becoming a veritable happening. There can be little doubt that we will all suffer the consequences. David Stockman provides an excellent surface-structure account of the present politicized-economy circumstance in the 15 February 2015 PeakProsperity podcast interview conducted by Chris Martenson, entitled The Global Economy Has Entered The Crack-Up Phase. For a contrary don't-worry-be-happy view, see the YouTube VDO entitled The End of Doom, which, according to Ron Bailey, science editor of Reason magazine, we will achieve via 1T2-AI despite being cognitively submerged under falsification of µTm-quantum physics, a genetic engineering industry that ignores µTm-quantum-wave properties of DNA, their chronotopologically-self-encrypting, environmental-fit-linked m-level genetic encipherments (1T2ly undetectable?), and discounts associated microwave heating at the submolecular level, a clinging to the classical limit such that quantum-relativistic aspects of abrupt climate shift are ignored and atmospheric complex angular momentum cascades are not associated with earthquakes and volcanism, thus making geoengineering, to include HAARPy electron-temperature enhancement of Earth's upper atmosphere, more easily promoted (note that, according to the Don't-Doom-Us take, there are no substantive biological effects of electron-temperature enhancements, to include of pi-electron parcels of DNA's free-electron gas core, but there are substantive atmospheric effects, otherwise billions of dollars and rubles would not have been spent since the 1960s on such atmospheric heatings), so on and so forth. Don't have ta wait 'round for no assstroid, y'all powers that be! Even if that cohort includes a smattering of brainiac mathletes counting flipfloppers, still, pining wistful, they do, on longing for a past that never actually was.
Consider that it is not variables that have been hidden, but enfolded logical valu{uuuu }es, uh, their order-types (1927 spherical-singular-region de Broglie u-wave logical-value order-types not being the same as Russellian order-types and their subsequent developments, all those being 1T2-takedowns of the semantic imports of Lukasiewicz, IMHO). Due 1T2-process has always most best-served the Sybaritic power elite, other subsets of the criminal class, their organizational vehicles; down yonder, near the bottom, are the finest people, those workingmen and women what be least best-served by 1T2-processes, ever't'ing like that. Was the fact that Grete Hermann's 1935 demonstration -- that John von Neumann's 1932 proof that hidden variable theories are impossible is impossible -- was ignored just more Hammer of the Gods psycho-prep for the woadies (Brit complement to the American Sniper who is soon to be obsolete, per New Computer Guided Rifle is Accurate UP TO A MILE!, Joshua Krause, The Daily Sheeple, 19 January 2015: if you're off target and going to miss, when you pull the trigger it won't fire; this being the most recent real-world update to Michael Crichton's UV-signature-seeking-pistol-rifle-round fictional thesis, cinematographically propounded in the film entitled Runaway, circa 1984) in history of the War of the World, propagandistic-sculpting preferences having ineffectively (certainly so, if a precious metals firm, no leftwing academic group, is publishing op/ed like this: Bankster's Bullion: Crisis At New Extreme?, Sprott Money, 22 January 2015) shifted from the likes of My Fair Lady to the likes of Frankenstein, thanks be to uncle Willi Peter's flam[boy}ant penchant for [pan}ache at cultivation of mass angst? I think so. And I think that that ignoring directly relates -- if we look at the cyclotomicity-involved subject matter of Hermann's Ph.D. dissertation -- to the stigmatization of N. H. Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr as being an Impossibility Theorem, subsequently explicated in Eric Temple Bell's cyclotomicity-focused Ph.D. dissertation. Think transcendental ideals, cyclotomic fields, primary decomposition, finitely generated Abelian groups to Noetherian rings, and that all ideals are intersections of finitely many primary ideals. Just as, structurally speaking, all µTm-propositions are intersections of finitely many 1T2-propositions (this, of course, does not include CTC-propositions). But, as Miss Smilla so accurately points out, per a primary of her feeling for numbers, which I do not contest, there are semantic aspects to numbers (and propositions) which are not reducible to structural properties -- demergent semantics, as distinct from generative semantics -- and these feeling-toned complexes plus their resonances (the fundamental Cabalistic-neoPlatonic, Pythagorean-gematria notion underlying quantum-animistic-pagan psychic contagion qua participation mystique qua Everettian-EPR relative-state identity-transparency), one way of understanding numbers (as Matthew Watkins notes, Marie-Louise von Franz, author of Number and Time, Northwestern U. Press, 1974, constantly reminds her readers, number has both qualitative and quantitative aspects), surely are deeply tied, if only subliminally, to what mathematicians like to call the beauty of a relation, a proof, so on. Studies in exteriorized Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation, I believe, would, in due course, bring what has been largely subliminal into more-conscious clarity. The Born rule probability density puts the horse before the cart. When the cart is placed before the horse -- as with De Broglie wave-guide theory, one more hydrodynamical analogy like that employed by J. C. Maxwell with respect to generation of his electromagnetic field equations, which D. A. Paine inverted in developing physics of the cascade model of tornadogenesis, and in doing so anticipated by decades Yves Couder's and John Bush's hydrodynamic quantum analogs qua walking droplets in rotating reference frames approach to the pilot-wave interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function -- the horse needs to learn causality rather than teleology. What Hermann saw, in distinguishing between predictability and causality (as did Paine in providing relativistic-quantum explication as to the Paine-Kaplan cyclotomic-decomposition-cascade theory of tornadogenesis, and particularly so in recognition of the m-valued, even modular as to signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface topologies, aspects of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes; moreover, be aware that raw temperature data may have very little import as regards abrupt-climate-shift dynamics, thus we have once again instigation of hilarity and mortification of the U.S. Congress, as per Republicans To Investigate Climate Data Tampering By NASA, Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, 20 February 2015), is the cart on the horse's back -- though she, like Madame Curie, apparently never referred to Polish logics in this context, possibly because Gödel was, at that memetime, usurping all the attention with his 1T2-treatment of circular, self-referential, reentrant reflexivity, thus diverting attention away from µTm-Lukasiewicz. When the horse carries the cart on its back like an elephant or a camel loaded with fractally-nested Chinese boxes, we have Schrödinger's original memetime-independent wave equation: events cyclotomically demerge by primary decomposition; they do not emerge by recursive generation. As the world-line of 19th-century higher mathematics demonstrated, the more self-evident general axioms and specific postulates and the more operational definitions are stripped away, and new branches of mathematics thus discovered (some believe created), the cognitively-higher up the precedence-relations stack one finds oneself: irreducible ideals and Noetherian rings being pretty high up there, primary decomposition thereof involving the Lasker-Noether theorem which Grete Hermann extended reach of with her dissertation. Hologramic, part-contains-whole, relative-state, µTmly-non-simple-identity transparency requires no communication, faster than light or otherwise, and, hence, no no communication theorem, for cyclotomic decomposition is memetime independent and as if in infinite correlation length at the critical Curie temperature. Not exactly Jung-Pauli synchronicity, though Wolfgang Pauli sort of got onto this early on by formulating the notion of operator time, in the Paine-Pensinger conception, an active decomposition topological operator, not merely a measurable -- but he rejected his own concept because of the total-energy-operator-bounded-from-below issue (in the 1T2-only context, below zero has to do, as regards counter-space and counter-temporal operations -- counter not being the same as negative or anti as in, say, antimatter -- with psychetic data distinct from hyletic data, and, clearly, Pauli never communicated that notion to C. G. Jung in their discourse upon the idea of synchronicity, a significant misdirection delivered to Jung, a kind of Freudian slip, given that Pauli himself came up with the essential notion). Consider that the arising of the very idea of synchronicity was itself long prefigured by a signal synchronicity. Four years after the signal event, 1827, in collective unconscious compensatory abreaction to the myriad animistic-pagan imports of N. H. Abel's quintic Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr, there came the pinkfairies (i.e., Clarkia pulchella) debunker: the 1T2-random walk of Brownian motion prefiguring the probabilistic Born Rule dissimulation of Schrödinger's µTm-wave-function. Those abreacting, without sufficient warrant, invested their senses of self-worth in hybrid securities that converted into binary-mind-melting existential denials. Then, abreaction became collective hysteria and the War of the World. Pauli also raised the inelastic-scattering objection to the deterministic De Broglie wave-guide hidden-variables formulation, an objection de Broglie was never able to adequately answer. The Paine-Pensinger superconductant free-electron-gas-core model of DNA radiation exchange presupposes Compton scattering and inverse Compton scattering -- thus DNA radiation exchange would be one good place to experimentally study the inelastic-scattering objection to the De Broglie-Bohm pilot-wave theory. During 1980, we sent, with cover letter, a copy of our DNA paper to Bohm, suggesting exactly that, but received no reply. Under the contention that the notion of a classical limit is an artifact of enculturation glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular 1T2-brains, tornadogenesis is another good place to experimentally study inelastic scattering, in self-similar scaled form, relative to wave-guiding by, say, wave-trace-velocity (and acceleration and time rate of change of acceleration) sorting. The analogue Paine espoused whilst helping to develop the Paine-Kaplan, multi-level, nested-grid, angular-momentum cascade, tornado numerical forecast model was relativistic-quantum (this theoretical basis, violating the supposed classical limit, being the main reason why the forecast model, regularly predicting tornadoes 12-hours in advance on a 1-km grid using historical data sets run on the USAF's and NASA's then-fastest mainframes, was suppressed), not merely quantum -- though reading Level Splitting at Macroscopic Scale, E. Eddi, et al., Physical Review Letters, 108, 29 June 2012, is very much like listening to Paine expound in 1977 upon time as temperature and the atmospheric correlates to atomic energy levels, qua hydrothermodynamic Zeeman effect, relative to the emission and absorption of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes and the m-valued multiplet-information thus carried (walkers walking right on into the tornadic vortex), and even the abstract to Self-organization into quantized eigenstates of a classical wave-driven particle, Stephane Perrard, et al., Nature Communications, 5, 30 January 2014, suggests so many aspects similar to The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, it would be burdensome to itemize them. The reviewers in 1978 were not friendly, to say the very least, to this latter paper by Paine-Pensinger. I vaguely remember conversation concerning a couple of Scientific American articles during the mid-to-late 1970s, Paine having been a resolute reader of SciAm and Science News, which discussed hovering water droplets, thought either due to electrostatic repulsion or rides taken on sheets of air; Paine and I discussed this phenomenon relative to the atmospheric analogue to superconductant levitation. Paine dealt most generally with analogical models under the rubric The Atmospheric Analogue to Maxwell's Equations (I argued analogue to be more correct than analog) done in cylindrical coordinates and in Maxwellian form, rather than Schrödinger form, because, by cylindrical harmonics, the Faraday-coil-windings aspect (explicated by Iraundegui writing on potential vorticity and solenoid intensity, J. Revta. Geofis., 11:43, 1952: the number of twists being of great importance in the establishment of the involved order of relative-state analogous to a linkage coefficient, i.e., analogous to k, correlation, on 2nk fitness landscapes and in Mnk articulation landspaces, constant-entropy-sheet stacks and the closed-contour circulations transpiring between these layer boundaries, such as those of potential-temperature surfaces, offering considerable heuristics as regards superposed price states stated in nesting-foamed µTm-valued LETS currencies exchanged within Lukasiewiczian markets subject to reflexivities, i.e., functional derivatives of market action directives: think of the 1T2-base-state of the currency as the base space, the µTm-LETS currency as the total space of the currency, the many-to-one continuous structural-but-not-semantic enfolding of µTm into 1T2 as the Hopf's map and the one-to-many continuous structural-but-not-semantic unfolding as the inverted projection of that map, the inverse image of a singleton, H. K. Urbantke's paper The Hopf fibration -- seven times in physics, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 46, 2003, pp. 125-50, being highly recommended here, where one might consider a given µTm-LETS currency in terms of the use of fiber bundles to describe locally-determined symmetries and express the values of objects traded, the e-commons locally-computer-gamed µTm-value array stacked upon the given LETS currency base-state being a gauge) of the double-helical flow pattern of the air-parcel (correlates to water-droplet-parcel walkers) feeder-band (upon which the walkers walk) trajectories to the severe storm environment are more explicitly handled in that fashion. Whilst the quantum aspect of the atmospheric cascade process disavows many soliloquies, not so Hamlet's -- or that of Schrödinger's Lukasiewiczian cat. Then there are the relativistic aspects, perhaps best introduced with Victor P. Starr's The hydrodynamical analogy to E = mc2, Tellus, 9, 1959. Some regard the laws of nature, e.g., omnium-gatherum at the cusp of a breaking wave where spatial contraction yields zero-length, involving a kind of droplet Zugzwang, compulsion to move, as divine justice; others, the natural patience profligacy and voraciousness entail. God, to the 1% scourge of the Earth, is Chairman of the Board; the 1T2-strictures of nature, corporate bi-laws; the minutes, Holy Scripture. Scruffy lot, going postal, what. But count lucky stars: the occasion has yet to arise wherein half our polyticians, having exuded themselves from The Monkey Wench Club, insinuate their Animisses into the decision science -- heh-heh-heh! -- governing our politicized economy. Contemplate, for instance, just how many women there are in executive positions of the tech-R&D, intel-CI-homeland/ZI conclave, and how this reflects just how the patriarchic system has subverted feminism, rather than feminism subverting the patriarchy.
No less invidious than insidious: as if GMOs (genetically-modified organisms: be aware that Steven Druker's critique, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth, Clear River, 20 March 2015, does not even consider the quantum-wave properties of DNA; for an excellent pre-review, see Jane Goodall and Steven Druker Expose US Government Fraud over GMOs, Sustainable Pulse, 4 March 2015) weren't bad enough (every time I see what I know to be derivative of GMOed corn on the label, I think of the first relevant paper I read on this subject, i.e., Electrical Correlates of Pure and Hybrid Strains of Corn, H. S. Burr, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 29:6, pp. 163-66, 1943: there really was no sane reason a decade later to bury quantum-wave properties of DNA in monotonic cognitive fixation upon molecular-level biology), we now have, as described in Scientists create 'genetic firewall' for new forms of life, Sharon Begley, Reuters, 21 January 2015, synbio's, that's synthetic biology's, firewalled GROs (genetically-recoded organisms, wherein the supposedly single-valued, nucleotide-pair-sequence, single-level-cipher, 1T2-only-logical codon-complex for, say, this or that amino acid, has been modified -- thus, according to our 1979 model of DNA radiation exchange [sometimes accused of being a soliton model, and, if actually indubitably the case, then quite likely perusal of A. M. Kamchatnov's Topological solitons in magnetohydrodynamics, Sov. Phys. JETP, 55:1, January 1982, may just be of some utility], iatrogenically altering the involved DNA frequency response window and the radiated quantum-wave µTm-logical-signature of the multilevel-cipher codon-complex in question [mosquito drones, as per Harvard Prof: Government Mosquito Drones Will Extract Your DNA, Paul Joseph Watson quoting Professor Margo Seltzer, Infowars, 23 January 2015, not required for surreptitious acquisition of DNA fingerprints, as stated by an unnamed Pentagon general and quoted in the Toffler's War and Anti-War, circa 1993; by 2013, we have DNA confirmed, it's Jack, this observation based upon a drone conducting a remote scan, as enunciated in the film Oblivion, oblivion, indeed, for from the 1970s, certainly, they've known enough about quantum-wave properties of DNA to understand remote sensing of DNA wave-signatures is doable, which means they brought to maturity a genetic engineering industry and cell phones and all the rest in cognizance of the negative health-related consequences redounding upon all life on Earth, a fact one must make one's own determination as to the level of travesty involved; as of 2014, we have an explicit statement, as per Nick Fury speaking in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, that is, The satellites can read a terrorist's DNA {Phoenix, a button corps, became globalized; then, zoned out, it got hawked and droned and intelsated}, given only in difficult to resolve speech but central to the plot, and elaborating upon the satellite-related theme first cinematographically touched upon in Wim Winders' 1997 film, The End of Violence, this drift from '93 to '97 to '13 to '14 indicating just how far into the totalitarian black hole we've already transited; and, flashing forward, we now have the counter-prop answer-back consensus take on meaning of surreptitious acquisition given by the New York Times per Shedding Their Secrets, Carl Zimmer, 22 January 2015 and cited in How DNA Is Turning Us Into a Nation of Suspects, Washington's Blog, 9 March 2015], unwinding/winding from/to the genomic involucrum). Not to mention the multiple releases of millions and millions of GMOed mosquitoes designed to deal with Dom Dengue, et al. Ponder, please, DNA-quantum-wave-properties-stinging ZigBee, uh, that's accompanied by -zapping WiFi, -tapping cellular telephony, uh, uh -invading-by-irradiating smart-grid metering and surveilling. Upon reading the excellent article entitled Does Short-Term Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation Affect the Blood?, by Wapfadmin, The Weston A. Price Foundation, 16 January 2015, I immediately thought of the first relevant paper I read in this area: Electrical Properties of Blood at Ultrahigh Frequencies, H. P. Schwan, American Journal of Physical Medicine, 33:3, pp. 144-152, 1953: there really was no sane reason to have buried the frequency-response (energy density, waveform) windows of quantum-wave properties of DNA histological types in monotonic cognitive fixation upon molecular-level biology: DNA response characteristics being the bottom-line on low-level so-called non-thermal effects, there being, to my knowledge, no publically-discussed experimental studies yet conducted upon induced fluctuations in DNA-free-electron-gas-core pi-electron-parcel temperature lapse rates (think: greater damage done by intermittent exposures than by constant exposures?) due to electron-temperature enhancement by EM radiation of various properties (which experimental evaluation could be done indirectly via studies of variations in helix-coil transition temperatures, unbonding/bonding velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of accelerations -- the involved relationships having been stated in derivation of the canonical equation of our 1979 model of the DNA radiation exchange process). Have they known this all along, from the late-1940s? Escaped from MIT's RAD LAB? They created a genetic engineering industry knowing this? They microwaved the planet with billions upon billions of gadgets, not only phased-array-[radar}ed Earth's upper atmosphere to create star-warring hot auroras, whilst knowing this? OMG, even the Nazis would have blushed. For a relevant discussion of electron temperature enhancement associated with radio wave heating, see Chen Chen's 2007 Virginia Polytechnic Institute Ph.D. dissertation entitled Electron Temperature Enhancement Effects on Plasma Irregularities Associated with Charged Dust in the Earth's Mesosphere: not at all strange, this relevancy, given the tornadogenesis origins of our model of the quantum-wave properties of DNA's pi-electron gas core. The losses which the human species has sustained as a result of the suppression of research associated with the Paine-Kaplan model of tornadogenesis cannot be ascertained, will never be adequately assessed -- though our novel and websites offer some small suggestion as to the range of involved consequences. At the very least, we could have designed our gadgets to stay out of those very, very narrow histologically-typed windows! Nowadays, we only have 25 billion gadgets connected to the internet; in less than a decade that figure is expected to double. The resultant exposure increase in the specific absorption rate of microwaves is, thus, slated to similarly increase. For an excellent analysis, see Digital Electronic 'Internet of Things' (IoT) and 'Smart Grid Technologies' to Fully Eviscerate Privacy, James F. Tracy, Global Research, 2 February 2015. As regards the medical end, see the smart Smart Meters -- not so Smart, Amy Worthington, The Winston A Price Foundation, 19 January 2015. Just as, eventually, unanticipated relativistic-quantum climate-shift dynamics will appear to come out of nowhere, so, too, will unsuspected quantum consequents of genome hacking. We all, of course, know firewalls are never breached, and certainly not by the quantum-wave properties of genomes. But, if walkers in rotating frames, uh, uh, mere water droplets, that is, can successfully engage in tunneling, OMG! just think of what the pi-electron parcels of DNA's free-electron gas can do in helix-coiling frames. The second worst thing that could happen to the genetic engineering industry would be replacement of the Copenhagen Interpretation by general acceptance of the De Broglie-Bohm pilot wave-guide account of Schrödinger's quantum-wave function; the very worst, consensus ascendancy of an operator-time take on the Lukasiewiczian interpretation of the purely wave-mechanical Process-2 half of Everett's paper describing the relative-state formulation of quantum theoretics. Not to mention the chemical industry, agribusiness, and food-processing con[glum}erates. Any possibility that toxic substances have effects upon quantum-wave signatures of genetic codon-complexes, and, hence, the stereochemical nucleotide-pair sequences themselves, both functional integration and functional specificity being involved? Consider, for instance, New Study: Monsanto's Herbicide Chemical Damages DNA, Did Monsanto Know All Along?, Christina Sarich, Natural Society, 19 January 2015. Consequences of all this are playing out not only over subcontinents (India) but whole continents (Africa). The best piece I've read on the African conundrum is a report from Grain, a little NGO that works to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems: Land and seed laws under attack: who is pushing changes in Africa?, Grain, 21 January 2015. The article is long, but very informative, and well worth the time spent reading it. But, be aware, you are liable to become ODD (succumb to oppositional defiant disorder, a newly defined mental-illness pretext for institutional commitment coined in the 2013 issue of the DSM, the psychiatric establishment's official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, as discussed in It's Official: If You Question Authority, You Are Mentally Ill, Pater Tenebrarum, Acting Man, 19 January 2015: grabbing scruff so as to legitimize the filching of stuff, as, flashing forward, portrayed in How 'omnipotent' hackers tied to NSA hid for 14 years -- and were found at last, Dan Goodin, Ars Technica, 17 February 2015) while assimilating material such as this! In opposition, it appears (has banned cultivation in-country, but still allows import of 18 types of GMOs in prepared food products), is Putin's Russia, as described in Russia Passes Even Tighter Restrictions On GMO Imports, Will GMOs Soon be Completely Banned There?, Christina Sarich, Natural Society, 23 January 2015. Which is not to mention the fact that Russia's health-related guideline on microwave specific absorption rate is 100 times lower than that of the U.S. But, be aware, if you insist upon having nutritious food that is free of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, free glutamic acid, carcinogenic additives, GMOed ingredients, irradiation, you likely have a latent psychosis recently designated orthorexia nervosa, a mental disorder tracking upon entry to the DSM, as publically revealed by Jeffery Jaxen in Officials Declare 'Eating Healthy' A Mental Disorder, Infowars, 18 February 2015.
Suss this out! as Dr. Seuss might instruct in one of his Beginner Books. I've never believed time's baud rate merely slows down under accelerations as approach to the absolute limiting velocity is made relative to a given reference frame, speeds up under decelerations as approach to zero velocity is made relative to a given reference frame. Velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration, and so on with time rates of change of time rates of change unto ad infinitum et ultra -- unless there is a stoppage, a limit, imposed on the regress by logic fundamentals having established pregeometry and/or pre-pregeometry framework determining conditions so [pre}proscribing. Velocity = slope. Acceleration = change of slope, the sort of tilt a sloped pinball machine is not inclined to tolerate. Time rate of change of acceleration = change of change of slope, a tilting of the tilting. Were there space and time, rate of motion through space might simply rate limit time's baud rate relative to a given reference frame, but, given spacetime, this cannot be so: changes in rate of motion, rate of rate of rate, so on, change, simultaneously as time's baud rate changes, properties in/of space, i.e., direction, connectivity, orientability, so on. Classical relativity theory addressed velocities relative to an absolute limiting velocity determining baud rates of time-itself, and accelerations/decelerations as curvatures of space as gravitation, connectivity change occurring at an absolute limiting acceleration relative to a given reference frame. This theory did not address time rates of change of acceleration/deceleration and change from orientability to nonorientability at an absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, nor what topologically transpires at more elaborate absolute limits established along the infinite regress -- if logic fundamentals do not impose a stoppage to this regress. Nor does classical relativity theory address the integrally-summed world picture posed by the fact that every absolute limiting value in the regress is relative to a given reference frame, such that these physically constant values each have embedded within each of them m-values relative to n-given reference frames. When time stops at the absolute limiting velocity, what happens to the absolute limiting acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration, time rate of change of time rate of change so on? They all stop when the time dimension (if it is a dimension, and not some other type of component, e.g., an active topological operator) of spacetime stops (the incremental stopping of a dimension qua dimension being somewhat problematic, particularly under traditional 1T2-logic with its Law of Excluded Middle)? Absolutely not, this being a case of the ablative absolute. Identity per se, identity qua identity, identity-in-itself as a logical and ontological, metaphysical and physical whatnot changes, and succumbs to changes of that change, and changes of the changes of that change, so on. Change from orientability to nonorientability, and change of this change, and changes of changes of this change, et cetera, especially guarantee this non-simple non-simple non-simple identity state of affairs -- conscious awareness of which social anthropologists have designated participation inconsciente and participation mystique and contagion (the internet-of-things being a regressed techno-ConveDD thereof, i.e., a symptom of collective psychosis, ConveDD in psychosis having been clearly explicated in the DSM, heh-heh-heh!). One of the most potent schizophrenogenic factors inducing the prevailing mass madness is prevalence of the 1T2-logical distributed middle: two examples being income-disparity extrema and the myriad institution-corporate-imposed occasion-types at which the victim has to either eat it or kill some signifier, there being no viable in-between choices. Universal physical constants, e.g., the speed of light in vacuo, with m-embedded values relative to n-given reference frames, indicate presence of non-self-identical numbers, numbers not equal to themselves, numbers with nesting foams of shadow selves, such that time spans and spatial distances are not equal to themselves, not selfsame. Dave Brubeck in 1963 may or may not have realized that Unisphere by Time Changes simultaneously undergoes identity changes, but Toru Takemitsu surely so did in composing November Steps upon the multi-sheeted kami-pointillism-dusted dan mosaic which is ma, sacred ma-no-fold where time is considered to bridge the sheets just as the sheets of an m-valued Riemann surface are bridged at branch points of the function represented by the surface. Even so, if so desired, simple-identity semblance can always be extracted, no matter how elaborate fusion of the ensemble -- if the baud rate of consciousness is fast enough for the given circumstance. In mid-teens, I habitually walked ice-fog nights desperately seeking Aurora Borealis in skyspace over Eielson AFBase. But this is different. Mind transport, somatic flashback: Loi Kratong party moved to a small ephemeral island in the middle of the Mekong just east-northeast of Nong Khai, 3 a.m., 2004, heavy fog moves in, the bonfire casts weird visual foghorn echoes that appear as flitting ghostly shadow phantoms in the fleeting blackouts of foliage stands, squatted-down dark stealthy figures collecting baht notes from the floated kratongs that have hung up on the island's sandbanks; November of 1967, token American, silent night movement along fog-laden Mekong delta canals, time slowdown, so slow I can pick out the individual cicada and a specific frog from the most incredibly complex stacked-themes symphony I'm ever likely to hear, metallic clinks distinguishable from cricket clicks, a muffled cough distinguishable from frog croaks, my stomach's knots, my nerves' surges, bent-low ghostly shadow phantom blackout figures fleetly scurrying, they carry AKs, we wear bare feet, carry no firearms, stealth our only ally Check out endnotes to Takemitsu's percussion work Munari By Munari and James Siddons' Toru Takemitsu: A Bio-bibliography, Greenwood, 2001, pp. 69-70. Absolute limiting accelerations -- where and when blackholes, whiteholes, and wormholes form -- can't possibly exist in time because time stopped at the absolute-limiting-velocity slope before the absolute limiting change of slope could occur. So, what do these holes, these singularities, exist in? Spacetime without its time dimension? Is there timeless spacetime? Time is relative to one kind of precedence relation: temporal precedence. There are also ontological precedence and, more abstractly, logical precedence -- and maybe sorts of precedence relations we've yet to become aware of. Are multiple spatial connections -- existent by connectors like wormholes (which loop through what? certainly not time, for time had to stop for the wormholes to form) -- in ontological-precedence spans, rather than time spans? Do orientability-nonorientability states-conditions exist in logical-precedence spans, rather than those ontological and temporal? But quite probably all of this is aftasternwards-assbackwards, because, if oneyouwe begin with the most general and atemporally demerge to the most particular, most of the difficulties disappear -- and if oneyouwe challenge precedence relations altogether, general --> particular <<<>>> particular --> general, there is no if/then, no actual when/where, only suchness of being-there in being-in-itself, which encompasses all classes of inauthenticity including itself. Extrapolating from Peter Hoeg's Miss Smilla's Feeling For Snow, oneyouwe get the feeling that the Inuit may once have had some sort of a handle on this. Quoting interior monologue of Miss Smilla as given in the 1993 English translation published as a HarperCollins paperback, p. 278:
In North Greenland distances are measured in sinik, in sleeps, the number of nights that a journey requires. It's not a fixed distance. Depending on the weather and the time of year, the number of sinik can vary. It's not a measurement of time, either. Under the threat of a storm, I traveled with my mother non-stop from Force Bay to Iita, a distance that would have required two nights.
Sinik is not a distance, not a number of days or hours. It is both a spatial and temporal phenomenon, a concept of space-time, it describes the union of space and motion and time that is taken for granted by the Inuit but that cannot be captured by any European everyday language.
The European measurement of distance, the standard meter in Paris, is something quite different. It's a concept for reshapers, for those whose primary view of the world is that it must be transformed. Engineers, military strategists, prophets. And mapmakers. Like me.
Categorically speaking, are there categories of understanding in the Kantian sense, or are these actually can'tian modalities imposed upon the fetus-infant at prescriptive enculturation-socialization glutamatergically anchored to the molecular-cellular 1T2-brain, all the while as more and more thoroughly a quenching of conscious access to µTm-processing of the quantum brain is effectuated? Certainly, intergenerational transmission of a can-do attitude conveys the material culture for ever greater short-term physical welfare. Does this attitude to life also snatch and snuff capability for being-there in life? Seems so. And in the somewhat longer run will we all, this species and many others, be dead due to this snatch and snuff stuff? That, too, seems so. So, fundamentally, I have no interest in current physics separate from a negative interest, because it has nothing to do with aspects of my life most-realizing and contributes greatly to alienation of those aspects. Indeed, like William Blake, I have been forced to conclude that physics as we have known it and physicists as we have known them, the endeavor and the endeavourers, are resolute devalueors of value, underminers of meaning, animators of anomie. Scotomatous mathematicians and physicists seeing what they choose to see. Cosmology psycho-projected, rather than socio-politico-economic forms introjected as cosmogonic analogues. Hail be to the scrappiest scrabbler scrambling a clamber in scouring rush, scrapping and scorching all along the way. Humph! Because Explicator of the God Particle and the Final Theory with its Final Solution at the Center For Acceleration of This and That -- thisomachy and thatomachy, the mathomachy, the physicsomachy, the economachy, the politicomachy -- became thoroughly psycho-identified with a regression of the superego complex informing mass megalomania, the periphery could not hold and centripetal cascade began, the resultant violence eventually to reach its peak at the center. Slouching, are we, towards Bethlehem? Mecca? Jerusalem? Not hardly. The backside of beyond, more like. Moreover, won't be putting things to rights; didn't never, nother. Keen to be so mean! Sir, yes sir, we've finally achieved peacefire. When the devil drives, as they perspicaciously say, war is peace.
As regards current events, mid-February 2015, highly recommended are a number of postings by J. C. Collins to Philosophyofmetrics, that of 17 December 2014, The SDR Purpose of BRICS, and that of 15 January 2015, The Fed & SDR Denominated Derivatives, and that of 10 February 2015, BRICS SDR to Bailout Eurozone, and that of 18 February 2015, Development Goals of the New World Order. Interesting reading. Tragic, in my view, that a Hegelian conspiracy should be viewed as necessary to such a systemic transition, even though the transition described is merely a further climb up the Devil's Staircase of risk-debt concentration-conversion-displacement, and no real substantive fundamental alteration of the framework determining conditions. As regards theoretical issues, here is a Collins' statement I somewhat agree with: By denominating derivatives in SDR, both virtual aspects of the unit of account and derivatives will align, allowing for a more unified policy response to the risk (extracted from The Fed & SDR Denominated Derivatives). The SDR not being a quantum composite unit of account, the virtualities and hidden-variables involved (the non-simple identities and unownabilities imposed by µTm-quantum-based technologies, which patent and copyright law, and the bundling of bundles and rehypothecations of rehypothecation unsuccessfully attempt to wrap in Cartesian-Newtonian clothes, financial derivatives having been created sans fiber-bundle arithmetics) likely will not align so well as is expected, nor will traditional commodity-related derivatives be explicitly taggable to Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, a functional prerequisite to intelligently responding to many aspects of the accelerating global crisis. However subliminally driven, the climb up the Devil's Staircase was made precisely to avoid instituting quantum economies. Now, a macro-scale-only solution is sought to what, in part, is a loss of micro-scale multiplier effects. There is no such actual solution. Think of the µTm-non-orientabilities indicated by the coupling of internal-and-external source/sink terms, which 1T2-Triffin-dilemma-induced imbalances signify but significantly conceal (these imbalances are what initiate momentum cascades), such that functions of these terms cannot become explicitly marked factors of market action-directives. Any authentically game-changing alternative denomination of derivatives requires various tagging of the detailed multiple specifications of differing derivatives -- and this can only be accomplished µTmly. The risk management strategy maximize alternatives does not mean limit them to two -- and the actual imperative is not relative to [alter}natives, ummm, re:, uh, de re, err, predispositions resident in haecceity (thisness of the thing-in-itself, realization of which is definitely not facilitated by an epiphany as to the grandee Mahavakya That thou art! aka Tat tvam asi take on utter relative-state identity-transparency) or quiddity (whatness of the whatnot) or hypokeimenon (hyletic material substratum underlying qualia attached to the thing perceived by a perceiver in a state of attachment), but to the relative-state-habitus-superposed multiscale-sheave-nested and tiling-pattern-mapped values (think: lattices with multi-ladder geometries) of any given dynamical econometric variable. Such signification-marking-tagging would involve function-space mappings of currencies on fractal e-boundaries and their transforms via functionals and, more generally, numerical Karpenko functors (i.e., Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers specifying, indeed, spelling out, the implied action-directives, instantiated -- not via instantons, Yang-Mills or no, but by 3-fold temporal curl quantized as Penrose twistors -- from the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock man{i}folded [up}on the universal-covering-surface AllBase from which the µTm-quantum-composite planetary unit of account is derived). This non-proscriptive injunction indicates not merely an S-matrix approach to the scattering of vehicle currencies, but, being unprofessional as usual, I would say it is most forthrightly designated that of a [Mu}SAcred-[Ma}trix: out of the cosmic womb, sacred space, Ma, by means of Musculpt as mathematical notation, memetime-independently issues, à la the original Schrödinger equation, Mu-T(ree)-Ma, acoustically-modified modes, be they gravitational, QEDic, whatever, arrayed over the universal covering surface which is the Tzog-chen AllBase manifold, M, chronotopologically numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Uprear, my dear fellow. No ukase do acoustically-modified <<<<>>>> deserted traces of polyphonic melodies, form by horizontal motion chord-to-chord of unheard-of stacked harmonies, the sounded asterisms on the silence which is the Musculpt manifold, where, in order to have six -- three of operator-time and three of ponderable space -- one needs eight, i.e., the biquaternions corresponding to Jung's psychological types, that is, the four basic functions introverted and extroverted, balanced realization requiring simultaneous movement in eight directions, the Buddhological space of the Eightfold Path -- that movement which is absolute stasis, the quietude of Nibbana, viand of breatharians who have, it would appear, somehow learned to take full advantage of the quantum mechanisms of pyrophosphate and the rotary properties of ATP synthase [ebulliently magrav coupled to the leak-proof pi-electron gas-core plasma bottle of mitochondrial DNA, where the counterforce to the pressure gradient term is the gravitational acceleration?] <<<<>>>> gravity-wave modes make, being no enclitic generalizing particles, ublique so far as the consensus quantum physicist believes he perceives. Cannot prithee, eh what! there being inviolable linear connection consequent-to-antecedent. Why, of course! biquaternions were known to primordial peoples -- but not 1T2-formalized in the psychological-function-imbalanced hyper-abstracting-out modern mathematical fashion stripped of Einfuhlung-amae empathic-feeling-into (the ability to distinguish between Einfuhlung-amae and identification being a skill virtually lost to the species: occasioning inner Musculpt are superstates-not-material-phases, e.g., supersensitivity to sound, i.e., suprahyperacusis, which plagues the hyperempath, whomupon, by overempathy, 1T2-objects come noisily crashing in, necessitating a pushing away existential stance [prefiguring much of modern Japanese history] -- not the same as authentic µTm-identity-transparency). Rather, experientially codified in synaesthetic inner Musculpt and exteriorized to mostly soft cultural artifacts via mantra, yantra, mandala, raga, Cabalistic gematria, songlines, ley lines, dragon currents, propitiation rituals, dance practices echoed in residuals like that of the Sufi's Whirling Dervishes, so on and so forth -- these largely nonlinear codifications expressing cosmologies rooted in synergistic musical coherence, not fragmentary atomistic decoherence rap-stuttered and staccato-break-danced into its rapidly approaching dissolution. No diffident contenders venal with the human condition iniquity which is not the nature of the world subterranean. Experimental-outcomes vestiges and techno-artifacts polished plunder do not reveal-concretize laws of nature, only partials thereof, however notated -- were such laws existent. So-regarded externally prescriptive laws, imposed by pre-pre-pregeometry maths, are actually internal necessities of the Tzog-chen AllBase enfold demergent to the cosmological unfold as order-of-logical-value-dependent gestalts-arrays-articulations qua program-music leitmotivs-motothemes-melodies-ostinatos-ideefixes -- hence, in no way objective stand-alone laws, principles, rules. One could hardly fail to quote Katherine Neville's novel The Eight, 1990 Ballantine paperback edition, p. 440, in this context with respect to the Triple-Goddess, the Moon Goddess Kar, Car, Carme, Carmenta, the Goddess also of Augury and of Fate (this linked piece of exceptional scholarship, most of which I was heretofore with unfamiliar, was produced by Paghat the Ratgirl aka Jessica Amanda Salmonson) -- think of Gurdjieff's spiritual instruction: Make Moon in yourself! -- and the ritual killing of the King (King = 1T2 ego-complex) informing the game of chess, a ConveDD of the inner work not undertaken. The King was allowed to rule only:
for a 'Great Year', or eight years -- the time required for the lunar and solar calendars to cycle back together, a hundred lunar months being equal to eight solar years.
On the day the King is killed, non-orientability is reestablished by third-order temporal curl. The Emperor's mandate stops at the village gate! And what is that gate, that temporal window, that day? It is a gate to hold the moon -- a moon like The Moon of Hoa Binh, uh, the Moon of Peace -- i.e., Ma, the All-Mother sacred space, Buddhological space, the AllBase-state of Tzog-chen, the MVRS m-logically-valued reference space, Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, the covering of the only possible authentic universal unit of account by which Kar reckons karma, i.e., [Kar}Ma. Of very considerable relevance here is MacArthur Foundation grantee Huynh Sanh Thong's thesis that the word ma is the ono{ma}topoeic root homonym from which all other words in every language derive (see: Mother's tongue and slang: Why and how thought, language and culture began, Journal of Unconventional History, Fall of 1990 and Winter and Spring of 1991: hard to find references to this paper, which Thong felt to be an important one, it being the only piece of his work he personally saw to it that Nha Trang received a copy). Not unrelated, I would say, to tacit orientations like those underlying works like, say, The Garland of Letters. Called to the Bar by the Inner Temple, and, some of his best work he did, didn't he? whilst sojourning at the Temple of Karnak, not only at Puri, where, it would appear, he wrote into the essays brought together as The World As Power, author's photo taken in the Precinct of Amun-Re, one of the more important books (if strangely unfortunate in title, perhaps a carryover from his position as a legalist of the Raj: but how much of one's inherited chief feature can one overcome in one inKARnation?) of the 20th century: Sir John George Woodroffe. Important to me, for were I to name the handful of books most influential upon my awareness, this from Woodroffe would be amongst them (I carried it around with me wherever I went for over three decades). A lot out there these days strutting in contrast to Woodroffe. Glutamate-etched binary minds employing 1T2-only, sequential-iterative-digital computers, run in parallel or not, to look for hidden patterns in the data will not find patterns obvious to minds-computers functioning through other logical-value order-types -- and there is no intent to thus find, given that so-called quantum processors are to be used to make faster binary computers. Lenin-Munzenberg calling the thing by the name of its opposite: 1T2-only inefficiency deemed efficient in the efficient market hypothesis concerning markets with framework determining conditions, e.g., order of logical-value of the monetary-currency-exchange units employed, which suppress all information not formalizable 1T2-logically, i.e., most of the information signifying-expressing the quantum-potential responsible for market-mediated autopoiesis, self-organization, functional integration -- this information suppression being part and parcel, indeed, the primary factor behind, the will-to-command economies and the insistent dysfunctional bip-bop march of central-planner qua totalitarian-regulator mindset, the most efficient nature destroyer. The binary mind imagines perfect, that's perfect, information, the notion of this fanciful perfection being produced by the collective unconscious in compensatory abreaction to suppression-repression-regression of the CTC-logical-value order-types of information supraordinal to that 1T2. The very idea that a single-valued, quarky up-or-down-only, 1T2-logically-valued-alone price can immediately, in its lonely, and adequately, let alone perfectly, register all relevant current information is so very ludicrous that mentation is boxed into Schadenfreude at the proposition that grown men with high school algebra under their belts could have believed it, and still do. What has possessed these people? Hysterical anti-paganism, anti-animism? Mus' be, Muckle. Jus' like you done said. Effusive, episodic, rabid fulminations of that ol'time evangelism, dear fellow, eve-angel-identification always seeking new plasma bottles in different shapes and colors. In some respects, the entries to this website over the years have been the wildly circuitous path by which I have been led -- only now discovered subsequent to what was written above in this specific entry -- to the 2010 paper by Shipeng Zhou and Liuqing Xiao where gauge field theory and fiber-bundle arithmetics are employed in explicating the pricing of derivatives (see: An Application of Symmetry Approach to Finance: Gauge Symmetry in Finance, Symmetry, 2, pp. 1763-75). Don't get me wrong: I understand that the Black-Scholes diffusion model (somewhat of a microscopic version of percolation theory's macroscopic Devil's Staircase run in retrograde) involves a stack of probabilistic bifurcations used to arrive at a 1T2-logically-valued option-price, whereas I regard the probabilities as actual values stacked upon the base-state price, values tagged, primarily, to externalities -- totally different ideas. However, I assume, rightly or wrongly, that there is a mathematical correspondence between the two differing notions, hence the relevance of Zhou-Ziao to my concerns. For me, who has little interest in stock-bond market forecasting, but an intense interest in, actual if largely hidden, dynamical properties of the real economy, the issues at issue are not those of econometric modeling of existing-economy processes, but those relevant to finding new and better economic-framework-determining conditions, likely involving a shift to µTm-logically-valued-LETS nesting-foamed currencies. Think of the difference between intensional connotation and intentional denotation. While the so-called laws of nature may be independent of conscious observer choice -- e.g., that law designated gauge invariance -- such laws may not be independent of collective-unconsciously chosen logical-value order-type(s). We may ask, for instance, is gauge-symmetry/invariance epiphenomenal to the collective unconscious choice for 1T2-only logic, an imposed choice which the requirement that we write our theories in locally-symmetric form reflects by levy of the mass mind of the physics community, a mind glutamate etched under determinations set by prescriptive enculturation-socialization rarely seriously challenged by inner work? Spontaneous and induced symmetry-breaking cascades from higher to lower group-subgroup orders of symmetry reflect critical-state phase transitions to higher and higher logical-value order-types (all of which are all ready already therehere on the MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space) as k-value, correlation measure, on the Mnk articulation landscape increases unto utter relative-state identity-transparency (Schrödinger memetime independently speaking, all ways always being-therehere), one example of which likely being the shift to superconductant state of the pi-electron gas core of DNA at onset of helix-coil transition. Another example being the superconductant exchange of hydrothermodynamic properties involved in complex angular momentum cascade at tornadogenesis. Many thanks to Lauri Love (nsh) for bringing the following paper to my attention on the day after it appeared: Maxwell's fluid model of magnetism, Robert Brady and Ross Anderson, ArXiv, 23 February 2015, a paper along the same lines as the thought of Cornell's Douglas A. Paine, a now-deceased specialist in tornadogenesis who early in his career familiarized himself with the many historical cases of vortex theories, from atomic matter to cometary tails to planetary motions to electromagnetism. Brady-Anderson provide excellent explication as to how Paine arrived at awareness that air parcels enter-leave the severe storm environment in a double-helical flow pattern. Though they do not reach this conclusion, Brady-Anderson even describe the exact way in which Paine arrived at the notion of m-valued universal physical constants! When, as a grad student reading Maxwell's paper On Faraday's Lines of Force, Paine became aware that Maxwell employed a hydrodynamic vorticity analogy to arrive at his EM-wave equations, he went to Edinburgh, Cambridge, and elsewhere to seek out and study Maxwell's private papers relevant to this relation-structure-type analogy. It was during this period in the very early-1970s that Paine reversed Maxwell's analogy and formulated the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations (as Maxwell's primitive equation set was reformulated-compacted by Heaviside and subjected to Lorentz symmetrization, as described here, a process Paine himself carried out with, essentially, Louis F. Richardson's primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics, the notion of m-valued physical constants emerging, in part, from awareness of the Richardson Effect where measures of boundaries of natural features can be infinite, a principle spawning the study of fractals), which, having much to do with momentum densities, figured largely in the Paine-Kaplan complex-angular-momentum-cascade-theoretic nested-grid numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis, run on the USAF's and NASA's then-fastest mainframes, model properties of which (particularly the m-valued, i.e., Zeeman effect, acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, i.e., infrasound signatures, radiated by the tornadic vortex), in turn, informed the Paine-Pensinger model of the DNA radiation exchange process. Be aware that treating angular momentum as complex is simply another way to handle the temporal curl of topologically active operator-time -- and that it was out of studies of complex angular momentum that Penrose's twistor concept emerged. No mere crimpled utterings here, like those of the torqued propagandists hiding behind their targes, fussing their embarrassing embroideries, their tacky tapestries, their tawdry tattings; no bringing together the form of a suspect story as if a shoka arrangement of bottle-brush, oleander, and ice-plant. Indeed, the opinions on solutions to the gathering global crisis which TPTB and their media paladins bandy about are mortifyingly embarrassing expressions of relentless mass psychosis. Be aware that Luneburg's experimental findings regarding localization in visual space fundamentally challenge objectivity-actuality-authenticity-validity of both Bose-Einstein statistics and Fermi-Dirac statistics, because those Luneburg findings belie Everett's pivotal presupposition, as earlier discussed and here below repeated:
Consider for a moment the following quotation from Luneburg's paper [The Metric of Binocular Visual Space, Rudolf K. Luneburg, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 40:10, October 1950]:
These observations are concerned with the thesis that there is no absolute localization even in binocular vision. A given physical configuration provides no immediate visual clues which could determine localization and absolute phenomenal size of the sensed configuration. Localization and size are determined by other non-visual psychological factors, in particular, by the intellectual experience of the observer.
Depending upon such factors, the same physical configuration may be seen in different localizations and different phenomenal sizes. Vice versa, entirely different physical configurations may give rise to the same visual sensation.
Now let us hear from Hugh Everett, III ('Relative State' Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 29, No. 3, July 1957):
This indefinite behavior seems to be quite at variance with our observations, since physical objects always appear to us to have definite positions. (emphasis added)
Utter relative-state identity-transparency is one of the unusual suspects as regards physiological-temperature superconductivity: the Cantorian-Alephnumbers-hologramic µTmly-unto-CTCly part-containing-whole inherence-supervenience non-simple-identity (for a 1T2-only probability-amplitude take on the physical/metaphysical issues involved, see: Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 23 March 2011 version, where it is clear that the overwhelmingly predominant intellectual and emotional commitment is to individualism by whatever method of renormalization, e.g., filtration to 'Yes/No' fields, can be found) virtualities prerequisite thereto suggesting that the primitive thisness of the doctrine of haecceitism has much to do with µTm-unto-CTC-order-types understood independent of the notion truth-value (including independent of undistributed-middle shades of gray in the real interval [0,1]), such that such Buddhological suchness, incorporating this Lockean thisness (this thisness being one of the later sculpturals in a long line of extensions of atomistic 1T2-only Hellenic qua Hippocratic-musculature-fixated Greek Substantialism, be it monistic or hylomorphic and/or of Platonic forms) as its lowest-order case, admits of infinitudes-of-infinitudes and infinitesimals-of-infinitesimals of non-selfsameness relative to the question of self-identity in a one-and-only-one-universe contextualization. The µTm-unto-the-CTC : the transcendental apophatic neti, neti -- not this, nor that -- understood, not as regards attributes-properties-phases, but relative to thisness-thatness-whatness contextualized by relative-state dependent origination in one-mind moment qua one mind-moment, rather than by a permutation of whatsoever thisthat. Regarding EPR paradox and utter relative-state identity-transparency: two or more single-valued things processed 1T2ly that are indiscernible are in fact one multivalued thing, which is actually a no-thing in the Quinean sense of entity, automorphically processing µTmly-unto-CTCly -- simple-separability, as regards ponderable space and memetime, being an artifact of the employment of 1T2-logic alone. The Schrödinger-logics (Newton C. A. da Costa and Decio Krause, Studia Logica, 53:4, November 1994, pp. 533-50: with links to related articles and books) sorts of quasi-set theory and quaset theory may in some minor way correspond to this, but, clearly, only iff the probability-amplitude interpretation and the notion of a classical limit were abandoned -- and what, then, would be left of such sets? Lukasiewiczian-Bohmian enfoldment: grok the no-sound inside the sound, the no-thing inside the thing! Matter is nothing-but-nothing, uh, nothing but no-thing, that is, given shape in demergence by twistorized operator-time ontologically unfolding the zero-point vacuum state under CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 logical-precedence pregeometry relata, the Boscovich-Cassirer-Whyte point centers of action being a Borel-set bucket of dust as Wheelerian pre-pregeometry. Incidentally, as a child in Japan, I watched the game of Go being played, so I knew that the stones are placed on intersection points. Later, I came to realize that the rather Taoist Go tends in the direction of quantum physics and that Chess tends in the Cartesian-Newtonian direction. Even before advent of the 1T2-computer's ever more insistent imposition of cognitive binarisms, dualistic games like Chess, to a somewhat lesser extent Go, not to mention myriad sports examples, facilitated the abysmal reduction, tracking down on a nadir, in human capability to experience a non-exogenous-drug-induced range of states of consciousness, to which the 20th-century incarnation of the species sank. As regards Confucian Mahjong, well, that's something else again! Never quite got my head around its details, though I sure did watch a lot of it. In D.C.-no-Washington. Whilst working at Nonkei Ishiyama's Beeches Nursery, sitting in the shadow of the CIA compound and just down the street from Hickory Hill, I was for a number of years a nominal member of the Japanese community in D.C., our group, uh, our micro-canonical ensemble, being comprised of gardeners, chefs, tour guides, World Bank secretaries, young women brought over from Tokyo to waitress in the best Japanese restaurants. A very tight group, no mere potpourri of patzers, strong on, uh, uh suffering logolalia here amaeru, which in many ways violates commonly held scientific notions as to component properties, relations, processes -- not to mention the permissible moves of adversarial chess. Once (temporally) the existence of parts is anthropomorphically assumed, the whole is already anthropogenically violated. A subsidiary violation is presupposition that the whole emerges memetime-wise from parts, rather than that parts memetime-independently demerge from the whole. Unspeakable in a quantum world are composites-condensates -- until components of such have memetime-independently demerged by cyclotomic involutory decomposition. Once (numerically) a month, late on a Saturday night, a dozen mahjong players from our group and their friends would gather at a Chinatown restaurant after its closure and play the game through the wee-hours unto mid-morning, the winners footing the bill for the extraordinary (the chef to the Japanese Ambassador was among the group, as well as cooks from the best Japanese restaurants about town) fourteen-course breakfast repast shared by all, served in four groups of three plus a pair. There was never any leftovers. Surplus structure is a 1T2-only-logic-bound notion, in that the order of logical-value employed prevents observations of realizations predicated apropos of other logical-value order-types, particularly so as 1T2-boundedness yokes observers to memetime and its prescriptions, e.g., thermodynamic, which are glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular brains not containing THE quantum brain. The Heraclitean motion of spacetime translation is a 1T2-way of regarding µTm-unto-CTC-identity-transparency within the static Parmenidean One (for interesting, even if all 1T2ly ratiocinated, discussion of related notions, see: Holism and Nonseparability in Physics, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 10 December 2008 revised version: note again how clear it is that the overt objective is to find ways to explain the experimentally observed critical-state correlation length [i.e., by extrapolation: infinite] which somehow allow sustained belief in simple-identity, physical-property and process and outcome separability -- these efforts being in defense of the normotic state glutamatergically anchored to quantum-quenched molecular-cellular 1T2-brains). By µTm-logical pregeometry considerations alone concerning ontological holism demerged by 3-fold operator-time, there is no phenomenon not fulfilling the technical definition of a quantum phenomenon, regardless of how intensely 1T2-intentionality so denotatively intends, contextualized, as it is, by supportive memetime-bound, enculturated-socialized, collective, connotative intensionality -- the motivation to discount epistemological holism being to denigrate the even more fundamental-to-nature ontological holism. The human species only very recently mistakenly embraced the notion of a classical limit. Quoting our article entitled Object and Subject, circa 1997:
identity transparency is not a particular state of the subject, as the Westerner accustomed to inanimate objects instinctively supposes, but a state of the {object : subject :: subject : object} occasion in undivided gestalt.
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities.
These words, describing the state of identity transparency characteristic of peasant animism, were written in 1912 by the French anthropologist, Giran, (MAGIE ET RELIGIONS ANNAMITES, Paris: Challamel) and translated into English during the 1960s by Vietnamese scholar Nguyen Khac Kham.
A no-ket world! So mixed and entangled, the single-valued is barred. The ket certainly not signifying the ketaminergic. By contrast, it's utter enculturated glutamatergic anchoring, it is, isn't it, uh, that is, ummm, our contrary scientific-consensus witness-belief that the metric-elasticity tensor separates the stress-energy of shape given to no-thing, such that the whatness qua thisness of its itness-as-matter/mass becomes an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame 1T2ly-simple-identity. Separability at any cost to the case! eliciting a palpable separateness, that separateness which the Existentialists decried as absurd (yet psychopathologically validated with their anti-Platonic commitment to their recursive foundational notion mandating memetime emergence rather than Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergence: existence precedes essence), as the source of anomie, alienation and psychosocial consequents of the two. Only in America could a Rebel Without a Cause have, Fast & Furious, become iconic -- there having been, according to the consensual script, so few reasons through which to justify causes, hayseed-exploitation-wise or black-exploitation-wise or Chicano-exploitation-wise. That was in the hegemonic Amerce-era well before collective self-immolation films like the 2014 Divergent, cinematographic version of Veronica Roth's dystopian-young-adult Christian novel, Junkie scored, which, knowingly or not and DoD-conformant, regressively exploits the ketamine bond, exogenously induced. Doubt it? Read John C. Lilly's Tank Logs and associated commentaries. Object-oriented-extroversion fearlessness is often compensatory abreaction to subject-oriented-introversion cowardice -- as some of those who have actually been through the induction funnel, and its [after}math, eventually conclude. The probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function inverts-diverts-subverts nature: the Pure Land is not composed of pure states. Even the probabilistic notion of superposition of kets is a conversion of nature's case, for that superposition itself is regarded a ket! Complex superposition is imagined to be merely of the ket vectors |0> and |1>, the pure state space of 1-qubit quantum register (a singly-logically-valued reference space, i.e., n-dimensional Hilbert space constituted of 1 n 1-dimensional pure-state rays, whereas Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space would be constituted of n-nesting-foams of n-to-1-dimensional states CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2ly construed) of a 2-level quantum system, the pure states forming the surface of a sphere, the Bloch sphere which is equivalent to the ego-sphere. Note that in the standard, non-Lukasiewiczian case, the Hilbert space dimension of an m qubit quantum register is 2m, and the real dimension of that register is 2m+1-2, not like the MVRS m-logically-valued reference space registry required for an authentic quantum-composite unit of account for the most efficacious of possible new global monetary systems marking the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock planet Earth, where the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert space dimension of an m [mu}bit register is Mn, the order of logical-value being µTm not 1T2. In the standard conception, higher-level, higher logically-valued order-type systems are portrayed as represented by mixtures of the pure-state ket vectors |0> and |1>, uh, that is, would actually be were higher-level understood relative to Lukasiewicz, not probability amplitudes, and were Lukasiewicz not reduced to the real interval [0,1], and were the notion truth-value no longer regarded the foundational concept of logic. Possibly so structurally, but not so semantically and functionally. In this |0><1| ket-bra fashion is the notion of selfsame selfhood (and, hence, selfsame number) clung to in face of all evidence to the contrary. Not least, organism as n-nano-swarm nesting foams. Bounded/unbounded and everywhere-defined/not-everywhere-defined and linear/nonlinear are not the essential issues, nor is self-adjoint or no: all the factors and cofactors required to define self-adjointicity require for their existence the 1T2-order-type alone. Kermit and Barbie cabbing it to catch the red-eye special, the binary "self" in "self-adjoint" being pretty much redundant hyperbole narcissistically mirroring the habitual recursive state of regression-in-service-to-ego-identification (note that the difference between adjoint and self-adjoint is, essentially, equalities-understood-identities, i.e., that's separate but equal, or is it? in regression to second and third terms of a differential operator) engaged in by the mathematician-physicist. It's in the logic that selfsameness originates, the lowest order-type of the logic, not in entities, properties, symmetries, constraints, definitional density, so on. Even the idea that an observable is an operator which is a mapping from one vector space or module over a field or ring to another is equivalent to tacit predication of memetime-bound recursive emergence and exclusion of memetime-independent involutory-decomposition demergence -- the former tied to 1T2-only-logic and the latter open to predicative imports of µTm-unto-CTC-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value (QFTic origin of charge likely has a lot to do with this latter qua ladder). The more local is the given quantum of action, the lower the involved logical-value order-type, and the less man}i{fessed relative-state identity-transparency. In my judgment, all state-vector collapse is not only locally initiated, but autogenic-brain-discharged -- and actually chimerical, because it is not really state-vector collapse but m-logically-valued reference space decomposition. Mistakenly, complete description, it is believed, may involve accounting of geometrodynamic variables, but those of pregeometry and pre-pregeometry and their inter-ontologies with geometrodynamics and fields and forces are not required. There are many reasons for this erroneous belief. Consider, for instance, the rather minor caracole involved in transit between real and imaginary number spaces: the induced psychological dysphoria is enough to induce cataplexy in some. Physicists even, one my speculate. Uh, uh, yes, com'ere. Yep, you got it: hush it up; that's the program. Ah, well. Mebbe. Listen. I have little regard for prevailing thought in these areas: so tremendously leveraged as to hardly be worth reading. And of what value, in these and related areas, could 1T2-logical ratiocination possibly be? Uh, negatory. Well then, hold one! I mean, ummm, you can hardly have psychological individuation of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct individuals without individuation of events, and events, as distinct from points in space, can hardly be individuated independent of, minimally, a memetime the properties of which are defined under the rule-set operative on only the 1T2-logically-valued order-type -- so, if you are identified with the psychological state of individuation by having gone through Piaget's stages of cognitive development under impress of prescriptive enculturation-socialization, such that this state of identification is glutamatergically anchored to your molecular-cellular 1T2-brain not containing THE quantum µTm-brain, then you are deeply leveraged as regards event-individuation, memetime, 1T2-only logic, and so very much more. Quirky quarks aside, it will be interesting to see how Louis Malklaka conceptualizes sub-quantum (see: Holographic Sub-Quantum Mind, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, two days ago, i.e., 25 March 2015). Subquantum generally refers to hidden-variables, but I suspect that Malklaka's reality behind the phenomena of mind is not the same as that predicated by Paul LaViolette's Subquantum Kinetics (Starlane, 2003, a non-technical summary provided here, wherein an active substrate deemed a transmuting ether, I would suggest, is something of a step in the direction of topologically active operator-time). A quantum of action may man}i{fest at a point in ponderable space, but this does not mean that that quantum is necessarily indicative of a discreteness more fundamental than that made explicate by a Western screen-grid-type noodle-making machine, whilst the implicate dough lies in continuum above the screen-grid as the AllBase-state of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert Tzog-chen phase space, the function of the plunger in the cosmic cafetière being fulfilled by 3-fold operator-time. By availability of µTm non-simple/non-selfsame identity, not to mention that CTC, strong nonseparability is exactly what the binary mind can imagine only as spooky action at a distance, because absence of distancing and lapse-time is exactly self-identical identity to the 1T2-only mind, equals equaling identity, there being no non-simple notion of identity available under that logical-value order-type alone. Pretty much a tautology. The notion, arrived at upon confrontation with existential-denial-type experimental data (cf: Aharonov-Bohm effect: see discussion in Holism and Nonseparability linked above), of a nonlocalized position is an oxymoronic artifact of clinging to insistence that 1T2-only logic be the only logic employed at [under}standing-experience of, indeed, definition of, identity, thus yielding identity as simple-and-only-simple: use of m-valued variables, indeed, nonintegrable global codifications, e.g., via memetime-bound loopy fiber-bundles, though better, still does not obviate necessity for m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. Furthermore, in my judgment, employment of possible-worlds logics to modal-explicate multi-identity is one way to psychologically flee (cf.: the social anthropologist's and analytical psychologist's, i.e., Levy-Bruhl's and Jung's, disparaging and reductionistic participation mystique qua object-relations contagion, this assessment partially explaining, perhaps, why Jung would embrace Pauli's dissimulation of operator time as significant co-occurrence, i.e., synchronicity, a kind of projective temporal, rather than spatial, interpenetration) the archaizing tribal-savage-animistic-pagan native import of µTm-unto-CTC-logics with respect to actuality (normatively OBEed in Homeric and pre-Homeric Greece and pre-acupuncture China, uh, reading into Shigehisa Kuriyama's The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine, Zone, 2002: as old as memetime itself -- yep, pretty old, but memetime is not as old as Bronze Age Greece and pre-dynastic China and the Trobriand Islanders as characterized by Dorothy Lee in 1950) of utter identity-transparency (not, as Levy-Bruhl and Jung had it, a mere artifact of projective-identification of/with "symbolic fantasy emanations", which, in this case, uh, the mistaken attribution of projective-identification, that is, is itself an artifact, an artifact of the act of limiting the logic employed to the 1T2-order-type alone). This flight leading into mass identification with Heisenberg's duplex world and its multi-worlds extension. See, for relevant discussion, Haecceitism, Anti-Haecceitism, and Possible Worlds, Bradford Skow, The Philosophical Quarterly, 58, 2008, pp. 98-107. As regards quantum individuality being saved by an impenetrability of one object by another, i.e., speaking of non-Bosons, their spatio-temporal trajectories do not overlap, there remains, I would suggest, a lot yet to be learned about Dynamical Tunneling, as discussed in the book of that title edited by Srihari Keshavamurthy and Peter Schlagheck, CRC Press, 2011 (in the context of tornadogenesis, I think particularly of rotational tunneling and resonance-assisted tunneling between regular and chaotic states, states I take to be µTmly processed), especially such tunneling under the memetime-independent Schrödinger wave equation and/or topologically-active operator-time. I'm not referring here to the mesoscopic physics of quantum billiards, or to the invisible gateway and its retrograde-inversion, the invisibility cloak. Edifying to consider that in a universe without initial conditions -- which had no beginning because its origin was in the infinite past (see: Cosmology from quantum potential, Ahmed Farag Ali and Saurya Das, Physics Letters B, 741, 4 February 2015, pp. 276-79: an application of Bohmian hidden-variables pilot-wave theory); which may be essentially eternal due to the non-orientability associated with third-order operator-time, and, thus, may, furthermore, incorporate supersystem-system-subsystem quantum-composites similarly without initial conditions -- the ordinality of selfsame numbers loses much of its interest. Moreover, what does absence of initial conditions do to chaos theory, dependent as it is upon Edward Lorenz's butterfly effect sensitive dependence on initial conditions, that effect making the Paine-Kaplan cascade-theoretic tornadogenesis forecast model into a mere fantasy? Funny it is, hilarious even, how so many so easily embrace the notion that the transition from memetime to Hawking-imaginary passive-referential time is a random number generator, but no active topological operator. I have never subscribed to the Bohmian notion of local hidden-variables, where these variables wave-guide probability waves, and where the hidden properties are spatial in nature, factorizable, and either 0 or 1 in respect to probabilities and/or logical values: real-state separability maintained, at least in certain respects! Bohm preserves realism but violates locality by subscribing to import of Aspect-type-cascade violations of certain of the collection of Bell-type inequalities. According to him, you gotta know the state of the whole universe at some specific instant of memetime (though Bohm did hold that there are three kinds of time, passive and referential in each case). Perhaps this is why Bohm and Pribram had no interest in our DNA paper when both were queried during 1980 (even though the involved model may speak directly as to origins of the reference beam for the neural holograms Pribram proposed, origins he did not explicate). I've been in the view of three-fold non-local operator-time as hidden variables processed under µTm-unto-CTC-orders of logical-value, the involved local temporal curls, quantized via Penrose twistors, demerging and guiding (by a fractal-drum-type sorting through use of wave-trace-velocities and accelerations and time-rates of change of accelerations, and their scale-level-relative absolute limits) the wave properties of systems on whatsoever scale levels, absence of a classical limit being permitted by m-valued universal physical constants -- a much more complex notion than that of non-relativistic Bohmian mechanics. According to the Lukasiewiczian take on Pauli-Paine operator-time, at least in my truth-value-unidentified judgment and resonating with theory and practice of detachment according to Zen, all forms of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct separability are epiphenomenal to exclusive-sole employment of 1T2-only-valued logic. This notion, obviously, would not replicate the findings of 1T2-logical, probability-amplitude-imprinted, glutamate-etched physicists conducting experiments using technologies generated by their habitual states of consciousness strongly suborned by regression-in-service-to-warfare, warfare actual, possible, and imaginary. There is no having 1T2-individual selfhood, classical or quantum, without, by projective-identification, having the binary complement: The Enemy, hard form of The Other. A discussion of an exemplary case is given in, flashing forward: End-Times Buffoonery, Daniel Spaulding, Soul of the East, 10 April 2015. Be aware that Rapture is the code word for mass death of those chosen by personified godhead, and their ascension -- perhaps by yet one more catching of a divinely dispensed comment, uh, uh, comet. Mutual invocation reigns, for, under this logical regime, The One cannot exist without two. Penetrating to an understanding of nature is the simplest problem the scientist faces; mayhaps begrimed, yet not shirking, keeps him his court, whilst facing down the various coercions imposed by institutions, colleagues, glutamate-etched norms, collective fears-neuroses-psychoses -- the biggest part of the job. The endogenous neurotransmitter glutamate does not facilitate net neutrality; indeed, at glutamate flood, it selectively so speeds up transmission between neurons that it functions as a neurotoxin effecting this and that neural network wipeout in service to prescriptive enculturation-socialization of the normotic mindset. Ketamine is the endogenous antidote to glutamate. Obviously, the internet has its functional equivalents: one more example of the omnipresent ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement). Advocating glutamatergic socialization, the [cock}native sciences have been no help with this. Not e-spied with their figurative pants down; rather, observed with their slogans hanging out. La Nouvelle Inquisition -- that's the newest, not merely the new -- has long since been upon us, even if not explicitly institutionalized as such -- though attempts at that have been made, e.g., Carl Sagan's advocacy, in conjunction with SITU, the Society for Investigation of The Unexplained, of a science court to try those accused of engaging in so-called pseudoscience, such as developing numerical forecast models that violate the far-from-proven notion of a classical limit or transgress upon the proposition Stephen Hawking identified himself with, i.e., that physical-region singularities are information gobblers, rather than operational amplifiers employed by imaginary and hyper-complex operator-time I don't feel I've gotten off the subject here, as prevailing attitudes to all these issues have been involved, it seems to me, in determining why quantum economies have been so resolutely suppressed over the period since Planck formulated the notion of the quantum-of-action. No matter how many dots are connected -- pilot-wave theory in finance, application of gauge symmetry and fiber bundles to pricing of financial instruments, the challenging of Hawking's orientation with acoustic analogues to black-hole computers, demonstrating operator-time not incompatible with the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, challenging the classical limit with hydrodynamic analogs to QED and QFT -- and how astute the analysis of the present conjuncture -- e.g., David Stockman Warns 'It's One Of The Scariest Moments In History', Zero Hedge, 1 March 2015 -- still, and endlessly, it seems, so long as the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function remains the consensus, and so long as truth-value continues to be regarded the fundamental notion in logic, proposed solutions to the evermore-magnifying conundrum will reduce to reruns of old ideas part-and-parcel of how we got to the prevailing mega-crisis, e.g., quoting Jim Quinn's piece Breaking Bad (Debt) -- Episode Three, The Burning Platform, 1 March 2015:
The consequences of this debt bacchanalia should have been the orderly liquidation of the Wall Street entities that created the crisis, the writing off of trillions in bad debt, corporate and personal bankruptcies of businesses and people who borrowed recklessly, a sharp steep economic decline to cleanse the excesses, and politicians who immediately began the process of reducing budgets and addressing long term unfunded unpayable liability promises.
I agree with most of that (caveat being: the unfunded unpayable is primarily due to hysterical actual-possible-imaginary warfare driven largely by ConveDDs, i.e., conversion-disorder displacements, evolving into what YouTubing Naomi Klein calls the shock doctrine of monotonically-globalizing neoliberalism, effectuated by NeoConartists: and how so very apt that processes of which should be accurately depicted by the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey equations crossed into the 1T2-chaotic behaviors exhibited as exponential divergence across the quadratic-recurrence logistic mapping of the diffusion-percolation differential of the logistic function-curve, the functional-of-functional-elements [finance and economy section, military proselytizing section, forward supply council, so on] curve of greatest importance to determination of the outcome of protracted low-intensity insurgency war, given the autopoietic qua self-organizational role played by the catalyst resource exchange across band-pass boundaries-without-boundary, a plasmahaut-type quantum property of organisms, upon which bureaucratic variables are mapped), but it would hardly have been adequate. Be aware that the boundaries-without-boundary referred to here are not the boundaries of the polygons of Alfred H. Thiessen, meteorologist, used for apportioning rainfall data, because the perpendicular bisector was not amongst the n-factors determining frequently changing size and shape of the Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure, uh, VCI, TAORs (tactical areas of responsibility) qua sun-baked ramparts of clay action domains, which may have had more in common with the LSTDs (limited spacetime domains) which one may suppose tessellate spacetime laminates of the Sakharovian Novikov-dust Multisheet Cosmological Model echoing traditional East and Southeast Asian notions of sacred space, Ma in Japanese, and associated Buddhological space. The governing collective unconscious archetypal gradients constellated by our pet ConveDDs have reached such a pass that Gen. Joseph L. Votel, C of USSOC, can say, apparently with a straight facebook, uh, uh, face, in testimony to Congress that MoSoSoed internetworkings (thus, by general-ossifer implication, derog-|imp>puuutating, ket-ket-ket, all naked quantum-based tech, that unclothed in battlefield-tested 17th-&-18th-century overcoats: see, Special Ops targets social media, Bill Gertz, The Washington Times, 18 March 2015) are not 'our' networks -- the very nature of these relationship tools is decentralized and participatory, rather than centrally controlled. MoSoSo, as far as he is concerned, is unconventional warfare: terrorism, essentially. Pretty ingenuous, given that MoSoSo's origin was in U.S. battlefield management software development, and that current terrorism, color revolutions, the Arab Spring, proxy coups, so on, are phenomenal and epiphenomenal to elective U.S. foreign and domestic policies pursued over the post-FED-initiation century. They create their insurgent infrastructures after the fashion of their counterinsurgent efforts -- top-down -- and that's why they always lose control of the subversions they initiate. Hey there, smug runts, you! Whaddaya think you're doin', anyhows? Jus' uncoilin' the Kill Chain (Andrew Cockburn, Henry Holt and Co., 10 March 2015, not Lockheed Martin's Cyber Kill Chain). Guys who set a coping saw down next to their jigsaw puzzle: when it gets too complex for the skittish sprawly binary mind, grab the saw, start modifying found pieces in the attempt to make them fit; if the picture thus becomes utter phantasmagoria, bomb hell out of it. It'll git real simple real quick. When the psyoopser believes hisher own black propaganda, it is self-propaganda, i.e., adjoint doggy nincompoop; when heshe believes it during its second and third memetimes around, it's self-adjoint. Were the above-quoted JimQuinn recommendation even now followed, all that would be accomplished is re-initialization of same ol' same ol' -- and, moreover, none of the outstanding larger crises comprising the mega-crisis would in any significant way be addressed. It's not what's there people need be concerned with; it's what ain't. Quoting a James Lee Burke character: 'You don't understand English, you? Where you from?' The collective unconscious event gradients orchestrating the race to possible extinction hold sway only over cowards, those who turn and run in realms of the psyche when confronted by psychological imports of fundamental discoveries -- their own and those of others. Persons most apt to curl up into little psychopathological balls when faced down by Weltanschauung innovations are the high mesomorphs currently most revered by the masses. Never mind their binary logic: all you get is spin 1/2 or integral spin, half right at any given instant of memetime and all the live long day.
The U.S. nuclear arsenal is capable of destroying [fill in the blank] fourteen-times over: climbing escalation-control-options ratlines, slack-jawed and sallowed of flesh, exercising prelogic, so sayeth the Political Warfare Department's evangelizers to their Rambouillet, thus spraching being the well-reconnoitered black-psyche raison d'etre of 2013's G.I. Joe: Retaliation. And if it be thought such statements are mere croaks of a Hollywood frog sitting at the bottom of a well, flash forward and consider US To China: 'Infrastructure Bank' This! -- Test Fires ICBM As A "Visual To The World", Zero Hedge, 23 March 2015. I'll see that ICBM and raise you a self-trajectoring MIRV. And I'll see that self-trajectoring MIRV and raise you a hot-aurora HAARPie-mirror vectoring laser-focused high-energy EMP bursts. And I'll see that HAARPie-mirror and raise you an Iranian magrav expectorator. Brief-backs no longer back-channel answer-backs: as per, for two recent examples, Terrified US Aircraft Carrier Flees From Russian Subs To UK Safety, Sorcha Faal, What Does It Mean [even if you don't believe magrav has techno-incarnated independent of twistorized temporal curl: about as plausible as cold fusion absent a leak-proof tornadic plasma bottle], 23 March 2015; and Moscow demands removal of U.S. nuclear missiles, Ed Adamczyk, From The Trenches World Report, 24 March 2015. From AF-brat preadolescence in early-'50s Japan (first inklings came in FLW's Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, watching how Japanese shoeshine boys my own age were treated), I never doubted the U.S., like Samson, would choose to push/pull (controversy concerning causality/teleology way back when, memetimely speaking) the temple down upon us all, rather than relinquish its extravagant privilege[s]. Privatization of preemption is merely one small step for manunkind in cyborgization and genetic enhancement and BOTification of the combatant: when there are no draft boards and an all-volunteer national-state army, it's hard to regard soldiers of that army as anything but underpaid mercenaries -- and potential recruits for multilateral-state armies and/or multinational-private armies. How substantively differ from mafia knuckledraggers-hitmen when serving the same interests? Not to mention humanitarian airstrikes on population centers (ever seen up close napalm and/or white phosphorous laid down-and-out upon a squatter settlement?). Yet, even the best of alternative-media analysts just don't get it. Dmitry Orlov, for instance. See his post Financial collapse leads to war, Club Orlov, 3 March 2015 (or consider one of Chalmers Johnson's YouTubed Speaking Freely swansongs, On American Hegemony: quite a reorientation he underwent post-9/11, eh). And, check it out! Shades of the 1939 collective-unconscious-induced psychotic break-over vis-à-vis Polish logics, we now have high-junk German Juncherre, no longer young and not particularly noble, calling for a unified EU army, and implicitly a Junkers-made air force, with, undoubtedly, a post-postmodern Opel-GM Wunderbomber, that will be serious about defending European values and keeping the peasant horde in its proper place (see: Warmongers United: Juncker Requests Creation of EU Army; Peace by War, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 8 March 2015). This is subliminally about nothing less than protecting 1T2-logic from Lukasiewicz-logics encroachments. Ontic immediacy to experience of a supposed absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2ly-separate [self}hood (by ConveDD and compensatory abreaction responsible for castigation of the hoodie) is diagnostic, i.e., the foremost and identifying symptom, of the collective psychosis about which we speak. Stephen haw-haw-[Haw}king's pathological-hysterical take on black holes (don't miss reading Leonard Susskind's The Black Hole War: My battle with Stephen Hawking to make the world safe for quantum mechanics, Little, Brown and Company, 2008) -- exemplifying a mindset bleeding into many areas of physical theory, redounding upon even atmospheric science, especially as regards tornadogenesis -- illustrates the sort of repercussions the species incurs for assiduously cultivating this psychosis. Obviously, 1T2-minds being little more than cognitive [ramen}tums, aficionados of roof-brain chatter nattering on in paraphasia, old Ramblers off their blocks and governors disconnected, with hearts jumper cables can't help, insistent upon corvetting down, fanging derry down, derry-derry-dina into mental fug, the Junker class won't be responsible for formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc: consider in this regard Poverty in Germany reaches a record high, Denis Krassnin, WSWS, 10 March 2015. Speaking directly to the question of possibility of formation of such a Bloc (not discussed as aligned to, as I began forecasting during the late-'60s primarily on basis of cultural considerations, a Greater China incorporating Japan) is George Friedman, as given here: Stratfor [VIDEO]: US aims to prevent a German-Russian Alliance, and, I would add, has actually been pushing actualization of the very thing it is apparently trying to prevent, linked by Eric Zuesse, Washington's Blog, 17 March 2015. At close approach to cuspover, the only way US-GB-ANZ can prevent formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc is by providing Germany with guaranteed access to oil and gas? Causes-attractors of-to the coming space-based and nano-bot-swarmed PW1 are much deeper than econogeopolitical; the econogeopolitical arena, however, is one domain in which alliance-formation jockeying (who will fight whom) has been transpiring, low-intensity plus proxy warfare being another such domain. Nor will the Junker class voluntarily allow Germany to assume WWII reparations to Greece so as to preserve the EU (see, for discourse over discourse on this: Looks Like Germany May Have To Pay Up, Raul Ilargi Meijer, The Automatic Earth, 22 March 2015), given how big the floodgates and how large the reservoirs of potential demand scattered about Europe and elsewhere (borrow/loan/debt in context of wartime occupation being mere euphemisms for plunder, not much less than the highly organized recruitment of R&R honies, psychologically and/or physically intimidated into the trade by their families via enticement of the huge amount of money involved relative to local prevailing wages, is quasi-euphemism for gunpoint-recruited comfort women: first Big Mac draft of the Japan-surrender terms, according to eye-witness William Craig, recounted in The Fall of Japan, Dial, 1967, included the number of Japanese maids each U.S. officer was to have by rank at onset of the Occupation; later drafts dropped this stipulation; Archimedes Patti, as well as many others, were aware of this at the time, as Patti pointed out to me in private conversation at his home in Florida; or during WWII's European aftermath, a toss for a pack of C-rat smokes, the circumstances providing the GI his leverage were so dire, as mentioned in Did Allied troops rape 285,000 German women?, Guy Walters, The Daily Mail, 26 March 2015). But what about reparations to Germany for Dresden, and to Japan for Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki? Only those who started the war, and subsequently lost, pay reparations? Who started the war? Go figure. And just to once again demonstrate that I suffer from lexical paraphasia (i.e., derailment of 1T2-thought, speech, writing by µTm-subsidiary associations): Why Vietnam? Why Afghanistan? Why Iraq? Why the War of the World? Indeed, why the American Civil War, a war that radically curtailed one form of slavery only to unchain and vastly expand another: federation subduing local autonomy? Thousands of years of warfare through which the ever-more-centralized state quenched animistic-pagan quantum relative-state identity-transparency, likely condemning the human species to utter destruction of its home-planet habitats. Scientists-engineers-religionists making, not trying to make, nature herhimitself into a Cantorian set of tortured bonsai, into an indubitably Buddhological non-attachment/identification qua abstracted-out-of-the-existential-denial-issuer collection of Zen rock gardens, the act of deploying rock gestalts being a reassertion of control over over-empathy. Human stanchions promulgating multiple sitzkriegs! Abaft of even normotic 1T2-mind is cognitive gurry stuffed into institutional binnacles: the demonstrated capacity to revel in mediocrity being valued second only to a successful career at education-compliance. The wavy bobble of scuppers undercutting their gunnel be damned! so say they. Neurological debarkation, what. Willable. Wirra, O wirra! They should have been wigged long ago. X-Men: First Class is first-class blackpsyche as regards TPTB's identification with neoNazification and associated assault on Russia, DNA, natural immunity, and so very much fantasized more. Come to that, whatever GAAPs may be [pre}veiling at this or that space place and memetime moment, no legislating for is much more coercion-conceived than is no accounting for: rotting even to 1T2-dedicated brains. The Little Big Horn behind them, they sport Chinese Chippendale minds silky with brocade, graced of doilies and antimacassars. If you're really smart, you know these people know not what they do -- being, as they are, so thoroughly identified with, and thus manipulated by, contents of regressed collective-unconscious-archetypal event-gradients. We're not talking George Lincoln Rockwell here. Gimme a break! See our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, for an account of my eye-opening witness to a 1963 assault by thirteen of GLR's storm troopers upon the largely Jewish campus of American University, Washington, D.C., resulting in mass melee and huge police response. Lots of insight generated for me into lynch-mob Mesmerism. As to how old American neo-Nazism is, see Americans Supported and Inspired the Nazis, Washington's Blog, 27 March 2015. Old news, surely, but a memetimely re-marshalling and summation of details (some of which I've not heretofore been aware of, particularly Henry Ford's four volumes entitled The International Jew, circa 1920, and their influence on Weimar Germany's Hitlerites; plus, new to me are the provided details of the Ford-GM-Wehrmacht connection: something somewhat similar can be noted with regard to the Viet Nam war and rise of the Japanese auto industry to dominance over Detroit -- and nowadays, Detroit's demise -- for any observant U.S. Army grunt in VN had to ask himself -- noting the difference between U.S. Army vehicles and those used by the ARVN -- Where the hell is the U.S. Government out-sourcing the vehicles provided to the GVN? the next question being What does this imply about the structures of multinational corporations? the corollary being, What am I doing here?), uh, details, the imports of which, remain inadequately evaluated, particularly as regards deep-structure whys and the ConveDD-particulars involved. Why? Money, mon, jus' follow the money. Yeah, right, until Guernsey cattle fly off the Surrealist canvass of our life-world, until bent Einsteinian clocks flatten out, until murderous sociopaths exit armies, until our myriad [complain}ants sit mum. Hi-jinx be damned! Just try to explain these whys without employment of the ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement). Money grubbing, racism, power hunger, ethnocentricity simply are insufficient. Assembly-lined, calculable-iff-recursive Ford-GM and 1T2-IBM-facilitated (these are articles one really doesn't wish to read: Probing IBM's Nazi Connection, Paul Festa, CNET, 28 June 2001; Ford and GM Scrutinized for Alleged Nazi Collaboration, Michael Dobbs, The Washington Post, 30 November 1998; America Backed Fascists in Ukraine 70 Years Ago, Washington's Blog, 5 May 2014; Eugenics and the Nazis: the California connection, Edwin Black, SFGATE, 9 November 2003; The Nazi's Murder of Jews, Communists and Gypsies In Gas Chambers Was an AMERICAN Idea, Washington's Blog, 21 February 2010; Why Politicized Science is Dangerous, Michael Crichton, a pretty amazing guy, no date given) Hitler's invasion of Poland, subliminally because Polish logics, i.e., Lukasiewicz, represented, to them, an existential threat-denial, uh, uh, anacoluthon here, that's a ConveDDed existential threat-denial transferred to the Untermenschen, as first codified in 1922 by the American racialist Lothrop Stoddard ([Loth}rop qua [Lo}throp [Stodd}ard). Whowhatwhich was responsible (not necessarily the proximal perpetrator) for deep-structure origins of WWII, indeed, for the War of the World? Nowadays, we look for adumbrations in The Ministry of Public Enlightenment and The Court Supreme for Genomic Recoding? Again: Who started THE war? On what level of analysis does one arrive at an answer, at answers? Surface-structure, deep-structure causation? What about those parties constellating strange attractors as final causes of the pathogenesis of that war -- which may actually be this war, i.e., the present-day War of the World with overt origins early in the 19th century, i.e., the collective hysteria subliminally generated by back-reaction upon the metric of N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem of 1823? By the memetime the implications of Abel had bled enough to generate The New Physics, it was the Germanic peoples more than any other, the avant-garde, German and otherwise, who prepared the way for conscious synergistic integration of the New Paradigm -- but, alas, the Anglos, the French, the Yanks, and the middle and mercantile and financial classes everywhere, including Germany, back-reacted upon the back-reaction upon the metric, particularly, the µTm-logically-valued Polish-explicated imports of 1823-Abel, thus suppressing, repressing, regressing the synergistic conscious integration being prepared. Was, then, he-who-what-started-the-war this or that nation-state or this or that subset population of this and that nation-state, and was he-who-what-was-responsible the same as he-who-what-started? The responsible firestarters are identical to the proximal perpetrators? Not too often (and the laws are pretty well written to exculpate those responsible for creation of the circumstances wherein spontaneous combustion was an inevitability). Inculpatory evidence was damned! The 1926 Born Rule amounted to a consensuated plea-[bar}gain outcome -- executed by ultimately, the agonistic anti-pagan-animist cohort. While we like the Nazis as proximal perpetrators, we don't like them as the responsible agents -- action-based collective socio{pa}thologies being what they are. How assess blame, and hence apportion reparations, when deep-structure causation-teleology is factored in? Impossible? Doing a cock-a-snook, jus' forgettaboutit, then? What has the human species done to deserve a final chance to properly deal with the issues involved? Anything? Little posers acting as if day campers upon the planet. Right, the object matter of his story: grab everything you can get. As if the human species has always had a lifetime estate on this planet whereupon negentropic rent need not be paid: were that to be so, not only would an objective linear-time have to be cancelled, but also first- and second-order operator-time. An incarnate world under only the non-orientable self-reentrant third order: what possible-world logic codifies that? I think we have never had a good idea of what happened, let alone why what happened happened: the subject matter of history has always been falsified and never is rectified. Exemplary of this perhaps-overstatement is the following from Robert Goddard (Author's Note to Found Wanting, Transworld, 2008):
As to what really happened at the Ipatiev house in Ekaterinburg in the early hours of 17 July 1918 [assassination of the Tsar and his family], the most accurate statement that can be made is that those who believe they know the course of events for certain can never have seriously attempted to learn what the course of events truly was.
The same for most all courses of events? Including those 1T2-tried at court? And what are we to think of public policies -- formulation of which is based upon the misconception that we actually know the precipitating course of events? What a hoot! And what level of reverence are we to accord the intellect of those who naively thus mis-concept? Huuuuuh! Or consider The Power of Lies, essentially a capsulation, by Paul Craig Roberts, of Thomas DiLorenzo's The Real Lincoln (Crown, 2003) and Lincoln Unmasked (Crown, 2007), which, taken together, altogether reformat understanding of the American Civil War. Was that war just one of the battles of the War of the World -- causes-attractors of-to which TPTB have absolutely no conscious awareness? My contempt began a mere eight years after my exit from the birth canal. How many truly understand power of impacts delivered at such an early age? Even given, I was five years old, jumped in too deep: the film Rewind, one of the more ridiculous cases of embedded historical commentary -- 1945, 1954, my mother in Georgetown -- of which I've taken note. What has happened to these people -- and how circumscribe these? Jinked this way, that way. Thrumbling. Juddering. Contempt rooted in ignorance is insufferable, that I sensed in surety. I've had a great deal of largely-concealed contempt since age eight, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, circa 1953, watching ossifer-behaviors. The contempt, I knew I'd be able to do nothing about; the ignorance, I've struggled to address. Then, there are parallelisms to consider, e.g., when one ponders upon how Lenin was funded, including by Emperor Meiji at instigation of an agent of the U.S. Government, then, moreover, considers the pro-White-Russian military invasion effected by the leading Western powers shades of the early-21st century, eh. Subterfuges inside subterfuges, to total neglect of the actual factors determining fate of humanity. Following such ponderation, who, in their right mind -- a µTm-mind, not one 1T2ly-enculturated and glutamate-etched-anchored -- concerned with substantive long-term outcomes would lightly entertain potential funding sources, unaware of the likelihood for entrapment, intended or hapenstantial? Done right, okay. But humanity may not be cognitively-capable of right action, the µTm-wherewithal having been long-since lost. Just sit, then, and wait, wait and see, don't precipitously act. Keep light under a basket: don't shine, shine, shine. Maybe so, maybe not. Well out of one's own hands! One has to, just has to, reach some judgment on this question. Mebbe so, uh, as regards lack of wherewithal. In that case: Don't mean nothin'! F***it! By all accounts, and in all conscience, Keep your rucksack packed!, as we used to say in SFTG, as regards the period post-ETS? I quit during the last week, one-and-a-half-years into medics training, third in my class. As a successful candidate transited to Group later said to me: When you get there, the 5th will pick you up: you are one of the best we have, despite your weird politics. Shall we fob off my de-spooling sentiments to post-VN syndrome, even though they manifested pre-immediate VN-exposure? But, then, I came from a military family. My father was right then in VN, and my mother -- a major presence to all who encountered her, by virtue of her vast experience of military affairs, who was to die of a stroke during my last month in VN -- had reacted to my SF-volunteering with a lapse into hysteria, and the summary statement: They will turn you into a killer and I will never see you again! Quite a night, that, that when I made the SF-volunteering revelation. Neither parent would understand my actual motivation, however much explained. Around and around and around. A breach never subsequently successfully broached. Too esoteric. Strange ideas about deep-structure origins of WWII. Humph! War-survival cynicism is not nihilism or even pessimism; it's potentially acute realism, one basis for the insightful assessment prerequisite to innovative theories of transition. Hah! Though never claiming to be a prescient hawk-observant sensitive preternaturally scanning beyond the horizon, 'e's always and all ways gotten a lot of guff, 'e did, didn't 'e, from those exhibiting superego-imposed control over id-instigated hysteria. F*** you, too, as was said to me in Kyoto during the late-'70s whilst argumenting with the uninformed over deep-structure causes of the Cambodian holocaust, an event which I had sort-of forecasted while assigned to SRA/MACV-J2, circa Spring of 1968. Hah, a lifetime of ranting over ignored prefigurations! Political, scientific, economic. Screw you! would be the 1T2ly-reasonable response; I've, however, µTmly-adhered to Keep on truckin' -- largely from internal necessity, not social conscience. Though I agree with the title to Orlov's article, even if we are yet only in a global rallentando economy, however rakehelly for many on the periphery, and gist of the forecast, when it comes to explanation as to why a whole planetary civil}i/I{zation succumbs to subtle incapacitation, indeed, why failure is actively sought -- a global socius V-fibbing and perimortem: see, for instance, Earth has exceeded four of the nine limits for hospitable life, scientist claims, Christopher Hooton, The Independent, 18 March 2015 -- Orlov's thought, no less than Stratfor's, in my opinion, is all surface-structure, deep insight having gone missing. Mabbe due to never having actually being-there, journalistic voyeurism not being the real thing required to inculcate the requisite psychological repercussions. Tyranny chic has replaced designer cammies and the 'I shall return!' dress (advertised in The New Yorker a year prior to onset of the Persian Gulf war), so we can expect reruns on the holocaust fashion statement -- in due course, right here in River City, uh, Ngu Yawk. For -- given the apparently unalterable trajectory into the blackhole chosen by ConveDD-forcing of regressed archetypal collective-unconscious event gradients -- one future history of that megacity, see What would happen if an 800-kiloton nuclear warhead detonated above midtown Manhattan?, Steven Starr and Lynn Eden and Theodore A. Postol, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 25 February 2015. All go-aheads these days being backwardization glances likely to turn us into pillars of radioactive salt: eidetic memory is not the same as eidetic imagination, just as, Musculpt-speaking, white noise is a Minimalist's pale shadow of colored-hearing synaesthesia. Jus' forgittaboutit, uh, stinking kinesthetic music, cacophonous color howls, tactile scents gardenia garish. Actually, I think the Japanese ought to take down Fujiyama-san and use himher to blockhead up the massive megawall -- a true NatGeo megaproject -- what's gunna, according to their public-works-will-save-the-economy Ki-setsu guesstimate, PROtech'em, uh, their I-ke Atoms For Peace plants planted along their Pacific coast, from the next big transpac tsunami, earthquaked by HAARP or no. Heh-heh-heh! I don't believe I've ever spoken with anyone who really understands the thesis argued here, and in various forms from the early-'60s, as to deep-structure origins of the War of the World. Why would I so conclude? Because I've seen no evidence of utter shock amongst those exposed to the thesis. I got explicitly, if only on the level of intimation, onto this thesis during the second semester of my senior year at Fairborn High School, a facility servicing, in part, Wright-Patterson AFB military brats, spring of 1963, father assigned to AFLC/AFSC, Sunday dinners at our house sometimes including research scientists, among whom including those developing autopilot/flight-simulator precursors to VR and FTD-types (my very much belated apologies to classmates for my apparent intransigence borne of preoccupations and habitual all-nighters begun at this memetime, as anyone who knows me is acutely aware, apologies particularly to several exceptional young ladies, concerning whom I have always felt guilty, and especially with regard to my causation of a well-deserved facial slap I then received for being offensively remote): this attention-fixating intimation being one reason why I could not accept the scholarship offered as a result of doing well enough in honors PSSC physics. Moreover, I was no star in this class, because the intimation I had received (undoubtedly because of my childhood exposure to animistic Shinto in rural Japan [as a kid, I didn't have to study psychology and come across the term existential denial to reach understanding that people don't like it when you talk about experiences they themselves haven't had; hence, I early-on learned to transliterate Speak only when spoken to into Keep your mouth shut!; regarding anacoluthically falling between prescriptive enculturations, be aware that if you were never avowed, you can never be avulsingly disavowed], the affect-charge experienced at preadolescent visits to the A-bomb sites, and Dr. Moore's independent-study of symbolic-logic and topology and foundations-of-maths tutoring provided at Eielson AFB High School in Alaska, where I then scrimmaged B-ball with U-2 and SAC pilots) directed my attention to the general issues, not the details of what was explicated in class material concerning quantum mechanics (nowadays, possibly supporting Gen. Votel's orientation, despite his stated assessment, whirring minds are predominantly focused upon MoSoSoed trivia, Twittered and FaceBooked, and microwaved into binary brains, such that four years of college aren't as efficacious as four years of high school once were -- but even back then, half a century ago, as we know from S&B [as a youngster, I was pushed into cognitively-withering DeMolay, but bailed out as soon as I could: a couple of years] Yalie Bush-the-Younger, four years at Yale weren't necessarily worth much: for discourse on stats from the Educational Testing Service, see It's Official: Americans R Stupid, Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse, 16 March 2015). Just to fruitlessly attempt to set/keep the record straight, I observe (though, admittedly, it's hard to tell, from material provided on the linked site, exactly what contents of the indicated nowadays-offered high-school course involves) that Honors Econ at Fairborn H. S., circa spring of 1963, was vastly more demanding, and far less ideologically impelled (though I might well agree with the impellation), than that of the high-school course described here: Debt-damned economics: either learn monetary reform, or kiss your assets goodbye, Carl Herman, Washington's Blog, 17 March 2015. Presently significant it may be: as, afore stated on the present m-valued-LETS website, it was whilst simultaneously taking Honors PSSC Physics, a multi-school program to experimentally teach quantum mechanics at the high-school level, and Honors Econ, that, the two together, contemplating multiple-bank credit expansion, the term by which I then assimilated principles of fractional-reserve banking, that I, pondering over econophysics echoes-parallels-analogues, arrived at first intimations of what eventually became the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units. No doubt my childhood experience of a traditional Japanese wet-rice hamlet prepared me for such thoughts. The actual tragedy of the commons is the all too common pedestrian state of consciousness produced by prescriptive enculturation-socialization, glutamatergiclly anchored to molecular-cellular 1T2-brains, a state of consciousness which prevents direct ontic access to THE quantum µTm-brain's processing vis-à-vis the animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency prerequisite to persistence of a well-nurtured commons. Noam Chomsky makes some relevant observations in Magna Carta Messed Up the World, Here's How to Fix It, The Nation, 23 March 2015. Reestablishment of direct ontic access to µTm-processing would be greatly facilitated by implementation of µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams. Back then, during my school days, interesting educational memetimes, if only at various discrete locations. My cousin's high school in Greencastle, PA, for instance, experimentally taught circus skills -- acrobatics, tightrope, juggling, the high swing -- as expanded gymnastics, well beyond cheering cartwheels and the banded twirling of spinners. In perhaps unfair contrast, by the memetime Gen Y Millennials entered Yuppiedum -- nagged at until thoroughly naggered, uh, utterly knackered -- they were normotic enough to embrace the oxymoronic notion of the power tie. Heh-heh-heh! The creeped-out life-channels available in the post-postmodern era are mere simulacra of seventy stations-of-the-Cross -- and none worth watching, however reliant one may be upon the remote. Moreover, as regards my inclinations, mathematical derivations and proofs, deductions from inductions, clean elegant exposition, the beauty of an argument, so on, have never really affected me much, given my lack of an engineering-of-nature orientation, impulse to geoengineering having had its origins in these lofty spheres, especially after I learned about archetypal collective unconscious event gradients (i.e., in their regressed forms, what Sri Aurobindo called psychological induction, in describing what he saw as inevitably drawing the spiritual Hercules back from the heights toward the median state) and Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics. I've always gone with the gut's enteric nervous system: neatnik minds are rarely given over to insight, let alone creativity -- however much techie innovation is their forte. Myself, I never much cottoned to physical thought, thought mental-thought groovy, looked to nonlocal collective occasions of thought experience, non-physical or no, as the preferred thoughts to think. Full-blown clarity as to, at this point, origins of WWII, came, after long pursuit, one day during fall of 1975, sitting in the Cornell mathematics library. Recognition was marked by an electrical surge cascading from the post-central gyrus and slamming into the soles of my feet, photism-flash bursts, astral-asterism bells-and-whistles. Attend to the interface! Attend to the interface! Subsequently, I was, more or less, in a state of neurogenic shock that persisted for several weeks. Shock at the myriad implications. The main bibliotherapy reason why I continue to, these decades later, journal-entry discourse on this subject, uh, deep-structure origins of the War of the World, is that increased detailed insight, facilitated by writing-down, aids emotive assimilation and its somatization. The collective population-corpus lacuna precluding extrapolation involves all of the above -- as provided on this website and that of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh (I've never directly said in the few relevant conversations I've had, and rarely written, this sort of thing because of an awareness of the presumption and uninformed arrogance likely involved, given my lack of professional expertise in every involved area of thought). Nonetheless, it would be ingenuous of me not to state: collective unconscious compensatory abreaction, as orchestrated by the corpi of centrencephalic safety discharge mechanisms of glutamate-etched molecular-cellular 1T2-brains not containing THE quantum µTm-brain, is the deep-structure explanation. Mass extrojection (more concrete than mere projection): a collective form of trance writing -- spat, spat, spat When cogitations of the corpus of one's own corporate self-attributed 1T2-selfhoods slay the Weltanschauung within which one's corporate Umwelt introjections have their habitus, and the import of these cogitations is suppressed, repression and regression result in formation of collective unconscious event gradients -- these gradients being the actual µTm-SUB understood the UNSUB by a [per}son erroneously taking himherself to be an authentic 1T2-SUB -- abreactively extrojected as concrete events designed to slay the selfhoods responsible for the involved suppression-repression-regression. That's what compensatory means! The introductory course: Analytical Psychology 101, required readings drawn primarily from C. G. Jung's Collected Works. It doesn't take a crowd to constellate a collective occasion of experience, or, more elaborately, a mass psychosis; anyone in their lonely identified with the imago (curvature configuration signified by Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers matrixing the involved Regge lattice) of a regressed-archetypal collective-unconscious-event gradient automatically does so; the imploding over-empathetic crashing-in observances of a supersensitive are not required. Cracking good, what! Don't even think about what happens to the sleepwalker when heshe wakes up and discovers that all along The involved psychosis is, for the most part, not individual, heh-heh-heh, rather collective; but, then, given a collective psychosis, how arrive at criteria for ascertainment of sanity on part of this or that participant? Does quantum nonseparability appertain to collective psychosis by blackpsyche-enhanced long-range phase-correlative psychological induction mediated by the quantum-wave properties of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA superconductant pi-electron gas core? Genocidal holocausts are not the only outcomes of resultant identity dyscrasias. Cognitive autoimmunity bleeds into somatic autoimmunity, instigating immune deficiency syndromes -- indeed, autoantibodies culminate in anti-DNA antibodies, and, by ConveDD, i.e., conversion-disorder displacement, engender an industry devoted to trashing DNA wherever it can be found. Monsanto being the leading edge of a mass-poisoning regime designed to massively reduce global population, not by natural attrition, but dissimulated as being exactly that? Can't draw any other conclusion, given how suppressed is available knowledge of the quantum biology of the gene. Now that, independent of the quantum chemistry and biophysics of the gene, we have GROs (genetically-recoded organisms) and artificial antibodies (see: Protection Without a Vaccine, Carl Zimmer, The New York Times, 9 March 2015; and New GMO vaccines alter human DNA to produce artificial immunity, David Gutierrez, Natural News, 27 March 2015), the sky's the limit. Will the genetic-engineering cusp be reached with human-germ-line modification (see, for instance, Don't edit the human germ line, Edward Lanphier, et al., Nature, 12 March 2015: lots of luck with that, as, flashing forward, per World's first genetic modification of human embryos reported , Science Daily commenting on the paper published in the journal Protein and Cell, 24 April 2015), such that quantum-wave properties of the genome kick in -- enough is enough! -- and anti-DNA antibodies are formed? Who knows, when all that we need to know about genetics is mistaken to be completely encompassed by molecular biology in service to its still largely pretend rake-offs (see, for instance, Nearly 75% Of Biotechs Have No Earnings, Zero Hedge, 22 March 2015)? Maybe THE nonlocal human µTm-quantum brain is more interactive with human genome than are those of other species -- and, if so, perhaps this has something to do with epidemiology of autoimmune and immune incompetency diseases. Think, for instance, of autoimmune SLE, which has a genetic diathesis possibly activated by chronic exposure to a non-ionizing critical radiation signature (frequency-response window, waveform, energy density), maybe even a pulsed signature, where the LE cell and anti-DNA antibodies are diagnostic. Is a ten-percent human survival rate forecast over-optimistic in such a context? The transition initiated by 19th-century higher maths and early-20th-century quantum-relativity physics has been a huge hiatus for the human species at large because the involved corpus of glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched brains never even well-handled binary organizational formats. What that is they bent into? SOE or private or mixed -- neither/nor and nother have worked well: it's a people problem no less than a systematics-design problem. So, where's the cognitive capability to adequately process multivalent formats? Childhood's End, yes, but never got through puberty rites. Can we doubt that no modern [per}son has the slightest appreciation as to the unutterable expansiveness that once was the µTmly-informed ontic experience of the full-fledged identity-transparent pagan-animist? The Bell inequalities establish limits upon how much Being John Malkovich is a possible-world-logic plausibility -- thus restricting authenticity of animistic-pagan participation mystique, Pm (no local hidden variables involved in Pm because, contrary to Denis de Rougemont's handling of Eros/Agape in Love in the Western World, µTmly-authentic relative-state identity-transparency is never one-to-one, always one-to-many-many-to-one That-Thou-Art All-That-Is-Beingness [not Being-in-Itself and not not-being] of the Tzog-chen AllBase state). Then, in 1982, came along the Aspect Experiment to once again raise the index of subliminal collective hysteria responsible for the War of the World: note that Blacklight Power does not consider µTm-to-CTC-logics or 3-fold temporal curl as nonlocal hidden variables. Speaking not merely of epistemological separability, supersystem-system-subsystem separability is a Karpenko functor of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers memetime-independently demergent by cyclotomic involutory decomposition CTC-to-µTm-to-1T2. Read John C. Lilly's ketaminergic Tank Logs for one take on this principle. Note, further, how misleading (or appropriate to the involved ConveDD) is use of the German word Eigen, meaning own or self or proper or peculiar, not forgetting the economic association of own, with respect to aspects of Schrödinger's Tantric equation (e.g., those aspects evoking/invoking non-simple identity): UCDavis doesn't even mention that the eigenvalue in question is m-valued, not single-valued, let alone get into the eigenstate as m-logically-valued. We post-Homerians, having eaten 1T2-logic, think blue is blue, a tree a tree, that is that and this is this. How so very sad! Call the ego-functional (cumbered like in 1T2-cum, not µTm-qua) of the ego-function, inductively speaking, the limit of convex combinations of ego-product states, and the ego-functor of the ego-function a convex hull, remembering that, under the 1T2-probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's Tantric-yoga-produced m-valued wave-function, convexity lies within the real interval [0,1]. All else is regarded a vacuum state, however entangled. Hence, consider that, however 1T2-pardoxiclly, TPTB hiding behind pompous personae are no more than vacuous role attributions, mere slots they conned their ways into, i.e., vacuum expectation values of the tacit compact dimensions of the social structure of attention cathexes where the values projected are rarely incarnated because ego-identification of the operator precludes the n-tuplar action required to do so, collective dysingenuity, uh, disingenuousness, being their stocks in trade. Politically-oriented psychopaths turned financially-oriented sociopaths -- garden-variety workadays on the surface, artificial fertilizer raked into subsoil to fulfill the need for over-stimulation, lots of industrial-strength AG-chemicals making GMOs requisite to the rising of the cyborg replacement-killer leadership-elite already in the cultural birth canal. If the fittest psychosociopaths survive, the species thrives -- for the short-term, only to assuredly suffer thereby long-term demise. However much TPTB get around the globalizing globe, and however god-, uh, gold-plated be their conveyances, they live in such a restricted universe of experience, what benefit could there be in attempts to communicate with them? -- evil venality being the foremost actual driver controlling prevailing-system realities, regardless of paradigm particulars, their linear, indeed, their nonlinear, combinations, and the involved sector of society: business, government, news media, military, academia, Hollywood, what have you. Or as James Lee Burke has one of his characters have it (Rain Gods, Phoenix paperback edition, 2009, p. 478):
It was always easier to think of evil as the work of individuals rather than the successful and well-planned efforts of societies and organizations operating with a mandate.
Here is a woman who, contrary to self-attributions and expectations of others, understands far less economics than her personal history warrants, and apparently little about what likely will bring this species to its knees, few if any survivors to be found in money-center locations around the world. The involved processes, in my opinion, are those of the collective unconscious, and no individuals are uniquely culpable (though it would be expedient were individuals to undertake the efforts required to separate collective from individual components of beliefs-motivations); nonetheless, individual expressions reflect particulars of the collective unconscious gradients, and the only way to get at those gradients is by looking at individual expressions. For one example of many, I've just now run across, or so it seems to me, quoting Blythe Masters of credit default swaps infamy -- CDSs being a primary tool by which climb up the Devil's Staircase was achieved via transference and concentration of risk/debt, along with the associated quenching of real-economy multiplier effects at scale levels nested under the money-center echelon -- as quoted in Bitcoin Default Swaps: Blythe Masters Joins Bitcoin Startup, Zero Hedge, 10 March 2015, quoting The Financial Times:
Reducing the frictional costs of financial transactions is one of the great challenges of our time.
While, because of the operative collective unconscious gradients, this seems an innocuous statement of a generally accepted principle, and I have no doubt Blythe Masters so regards it, given actual effects all over the planet of the policies founded upon the principle proclaimed, this is a statement tantamount to advocacy of holocaust as the solution to be most urgently pursued. Trend toward a borderless world, emergence of shadow banking and dark pools, rise of algorithmic and high-frequency trading, advent of cyborg finance (see: Tom C. W. Lin's The New Investor, Temple University Legal Studies, Research Paper No. 2013-45), the spread of algo gaming, wash sales, spoofing, layering (see: Pioneer's comment in Layering vs. Spoofing, Wall Street Oasis, 25 September 2013) as ConveDD of repressed LETS nesting foams and associated suppressed multiplier-effect sheaving: all these express an insistence upon maintaining 1T2-montonicity in face of proliferation of µTm-quantum-based technologies. Contrary to Blythe Masters' ideological-psychological commitments, what is actually needed is self-modulating transactional viscosities, so as to sustain and facilitate multiplier-effect nesting foams. How long have Japanese refrigerators been self-regulating with µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics interpreted to, and hard-wired with, undistributed-middle fuzzy logic? The nesting foams of the real-economy are located in that undistributed middle! This is not all that difficult to comprehend. The polarization of income disparities, currently reaching for a cusp, is an inevitable consequent of the employment of 1T2-logical monetary units. One glance at the aesthetic poverty of the built-environment melanoma metastasized over body of the whole Earth -- so revolting, I altogether lost interest long ago, sat numb and mum; Cities and Clothes, clothes and cities: same, same -- is enough to grasp just how loathsome has been the 1T2-organizational formats employed by manwokind. Ain't no headbustin' hooch! As an IBEW apprentice working in Washington, D. C., during the very-early-'70s for Johnson Controls, it didn't take me long to understand that variable resistance, viscosity, is an important factor in any well-designed and, hence, well-governed, system, and that the rheostat principles involved have strong resonance with those informing how the VCI (Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure) mapped bureaucratic variables upon fluctuating nested boundaries such that free-energy flows -- derivative of the quantum potential driving autopoiesis and self-organization -- self-modulated in response to the changing environment of the combat. Cast no aspersions upon panhandlers for sanity in an insane life-world. Just try to imagine dimensions of the opportunity lost when the terminally far-from-equilibrium phase-transitioning Soviet Union was browbeaten by the obsessive-compulsive Western oligarchs and their NGO front organizations into spontaneous privatization and voucher privatization and Catastroika, rather than phased implementation of Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams and associated localized privatization! What TPTB believe, early in this 21st century, is so embarrassing that it is mortifying to watch the behaviors issuing there from. The slowish, jerky but unrelenting, reemergence over the last half century of the collective psychosociopathology, an emergence inevitable for having, through all the violence thus occasioned, gone unacknowledged and thus unaddressed, -- basic themes unchanged, thematic contents ramped up into a higher level of virulence -- responsible for onset of the two world wars, illustrates how easy it is to prognosticate a collective snapover, and how difficult to accurately forecast places and memetimes of the coming initiatory instances of mass snapping, a phenomenon that can overtake the moral majority no less than fringe cultists. As regards beliefs, look, for instance, at the abysmally-reductive fashion in which George Soros understands the imports of self-referential propositions. The blocking of this panhuman opportunity vis-à-vis Russia began in Viet Nam during 1966 with the enemy strength-estimates dissembling Sam Adams fixated upon, and which was further dissimulated during the Westmoreland-vs.-CBS trial -- so well suppressed and regressed, that those persons not once assigned to Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, will shake their heads with complete lack of understanding of that to which I refer. Unlike Harp-of-Burma, i.e., The Burmese Harp, there were lots and lots who didn't see the internal tangents of spirit-wind shears, hear the tramp of death's footfalls marching down the parallel-distance Alleys-of-Eden, by then gone skew -- or feel the necessity to spiritually clear the spent battlefield of residuals of regressed collective unconscious event gradients, a prerequisite to clearing same, in the form of electrochemical records of stress, from the involved deeply facilitated neural networks of survivors, records-networks-gradients prefiguring the next war. The principles involved in the VCI case are very different from those employed in dysfunctional democracies like, say, America, where gerrymandering (see the excellent series of articles by Christopher Ingraham entitled: This is the best explanation of gerrymandering you will ever see, 1 March 2015; and America's most gerrymandered congressional districts, 15 May 2014; and What 60 years of political gerrymandering looks like, 21 May 2014; Washington Post being the publisher) of congressional districts is the closest example -- psychologically regressed as is that example. On a planet with 5-billion or more too many people with which to gerrymander about, and collective obsession with life extension precluding natural attrition and sensitively-articulated de-development via judiciously-selective economic contraction The human species is constitutionally (and Constitutionally, given the degree to which this instrument embodies kneejerk resistance to adaptive flux-partitioning) incapable of dealing with even small problems like inequitable distribution, so there is no entertaining the notion that this species will do well with the planetarized plethora of large problems it has autoimmunologically brought down upon itself. Despite that sad state of affairs, one must acknowledge that, on what are actually gerrymanderable fractal boundaries over which monies are defined, there is no such thing as an objectively (i.e., not in service to some group, class, category of vested interests) optimum currency area, or, alternatively stated, all currency areas at whatever grid length on whatever echelon of the nesting foam, taken together, are optimum as a whole-Cantorian-fractal-drum (African fractal, or no: those identified with 18th-century 1T2-only-rationalism, and who use this psychological state of identification to oppose pagan-animism, would do well to consider the degree of influence the Iroquois Constitution had upon framers of the U.S. Constitution which has all along, and especially so recently, been rejected by TPTB, as essayed upon in The REAL Inspiration for the American Constitution, Washington's Blog, 12 April 2015; whilst at Cornell, living on a farm on the outskirts of Trumansburg, I was only a couple of miles from where the Iroquois Confederation held its pow-wows, and I was aware of some of the decision algorithms that Confederation employed). Curbhuggers surrounding us, what, these lovers of the 1T2-borderlines surrounding us, all their curbing heads airelooms, jonesing on an upside rush, having been stoned in shorting the dollar, our historians all atingle, [per}using the preused notions of generations passed: tight Rabbinical logic, excluding all middles that conceivably could confirm Cabalistic non-self-identical numbers and any form of quantum relative-state identity-transparency, animistic and pagan. Lacking the requisite states of consciousness, saddled, we are, by butt-ugly ideas and our much-lauded WallStreet-DC psychos, pinballing it, moreover, through Judgeland, Copland, Mil.govland, Quantland Egosphereland, Flatland. So, I would, given the opportunity to augur for autopoietic-systems modulation of the opportunity-cost which fractality presents to supersystem-system-subsystem composites, go for this latter optimum as a whole -- free of vehicle-reserve currencies and baskets thereof, free of all non-vehicle reserve currencies, free of all precious metals as monetary metals distinct from commodities like other commodities used to back vehicle-LETS. Upon the Buddhological space of the post-quantum-relativistic world in which we exist (differentiable from the classical limit-phantasm projected as institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Lebenswelt), the only store of value is the vacuum-fluctuation manifest at the zero-point. Approach to [eco}nomic-qua-autopoionomic Nirvana demands, as a functional prerequisite, a fiber-bundled quantum-composite unit of account defined over the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian Tzog-chen AllBase. The quantum-composite I'm talking about is not the prevailing scientistic superposition of totalitarian ideals upon the 17th- and 18th-century democratic precepts still informing the dominant institutional base, despite massive infusion of quantum-based technologies. Very common markets, shotgun unions, inoptimum currency areas: a world of weldments being the predominant idea amongst TPTB -- fawn eyes, they do not have -- of a well-ordered Lebenswelt. O, I'm all for public banks, but I would advocate them at every scale level of a LETS nesting foam (unlike the empanelled-algo-of-issuing national-only public bank which Iceland is contemplating: see Iceland Ponders Radical Money Plan Including Elimination of Fractional Reserve Lending and Deposit Insurance, Mike Shedlock, MISH'S Global Economic Trend Analysis, 1 April 2015), not just at the transnational, national, provincial echelons. Moreover, the viscosity involved in currency conversions across fractal e-boundaries has sorting angel utilities, and the additional costs, even for µTm-valued LETS conversions (keeping in mind that some values of the value stack, e-commons-computer-gamed-placed on the base-state of a given µTm-LETS currency unit, may intentionally be defined as altogether non-convertible, thus making use of the hardest-sort sort of sorting angel) would be minimal were existing technologies properly employed -- uh, once startup costs were distributed-defrayed. These notions, only in the very broadest sense echoes of The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson, Henry Holt, 1948, required reading, Elspeth Rostow's Am Civ Seminar, Fall of 1963, AU-SIS, by no stretch make of me an advocate of Jacksonian democracy, as there is nothing at all actually comparable in my advocacy to the preconditions of the Panic of 1837: econometrically and cybernetically speaking, µTm-LETS nesting foams could only be brought up bottom-up, not executive-actioned top-down, thus establishing an econopolitical reverse chain-of-command; most of such LETS currencies would not be fiat; central banks would not be summarily dismissed; national assets would not be transferred to lower echelons; questions as to algorithms of issuance, flow of credit, volume of circulating currency would largely become those of the µTm-values stacked on the given currency unit base-state, where these values would be tagged to indicators and measures, and, once established by e-commons computer gaming, modulated by interplay of supply and demand relative to the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock they are defined over. But, very likely, this is not in the cognitive field of fire of the human species in its current state. Certainly, it would not be wise to make a hubbub about it. Certainly, it would not be wise to make a hubbub about it. And, moreover, it's not so much a problem of finding people willing to put themselves on the line, but of what they are willing to put themselves on the line for: mostly some pretty dumb stuff they go bag-assing for. What do you get when you divest military analysis from total context and focus exclusively upon econo-monetary analysis, even given a Hegelian assumptive framework? The J. C. Collins take on the global monetary reset: see, for instance, Fear Not The Death Of The Dollar, J. C. Collins, Philosophyofmetrics, 23 April 2015. Bretton Woods I and II were both largely determined by military-strategic considerations. Are we lightly to assume such considerations will not be paramount as regards the ongoing and coming reset? A trend involving increased police brutality is always a matter of policy: the question to ask as regards each case of such trending is, What's the policy push-motivator/pull-attractor? The instant totems become taboos, and taboos totems, that's when the hardscrabble achieves liftoff. But no need to worry about actual cuspover being presently on the doorstep, for TPTB know they cannot trust their militaries, and drone autonomy is not yet well-established enough to rely upon.
Thanks are again due to Lauri Love (nsh) for drawing an important paper to my attention: Epistemologic Controversy on Quantum Operators of Space and Time, Rafael-Andres Aleman-Berenguer, Principia, 14:2, 2010, pp. 241-53. Upon first seeing this paper, I immediately thought of one of the more important papers in genesis of the cascade theory of tornadogenesis, an extraordinary breakaway paper not adequately attended to: Aplicaciones fisicas de los solenoides y de las celulas triescalares [Physical applications of solenoids and of three dimensional cells], Jose Garmendia Iraundegui, Revista de Geofisica, 11:43, 1952, pp. 219-251: quoting the abstract from Meteorological Abstracts and Bibliography, 5:1, Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Lancaster Press, January 1954, p. 30:
Generalizing Ertel's vorticity theorem for any vector A, the theory is expressed in several forms for all continuous media. The particular cases of irrotational movement, a continuous medium, with a fixed direction and in the solenoidal form are developed and applied to the theorems of THOMSON and V. BJERKNES and, finally, to the case of a viscous fluid and to electrical, magnetic, sound and ray movement and to propagation of electromagnetic waves. The mainly mathematical treatment is amply supplemented by models and vector diagrams.
Back during Cornell days, I learned a lot from studying the mathematics and in ensuing discussions, even though I don't read Spanish. Rafael-Andres Aleman-Berenguer's paper appears (surely with some modifications, caveats, revisions of intent, to which Lauri Love refers) to be tantamount to a brilliant tacit generalization of Douglas A. Paine's notion of temporal curl as employed in the cascade theory of tornadogenesis and embodied in the Paine-Kaplan nested-grid tornado-forecast computer model run with historical data sets on USAF and NASA mainframes back during the 1970s. Given that this model routinely forecasted tornado outbreaks 12 hours in advance on the 1-km grid, that this fact elicited fist-fights at AMS severe local storms conferences, that the model was not only ignored but suppressed, and never put online with real-time data, these forty years later what expectations can be entertained that the physics establishment will rectify its sorry identification with memetime and take seriously Pauli-Paine operator-time and temporal curl? None. I certainly will have to spend a lot of memetime, heh-heh-heh, trying to assimilate details of Aleman-Berenguer's paper and the notions therein referred to! By initial take on contrasts between my thought and that explicated in the paper, the M to which I refer is not simply a differentiable manifold where each point is labeled with an n-tuple, but a sheaf of such manifolds in which each n-tupled point on any given cyclotomically decomposed sheet is also marked by an appropriate array of µTm-logical values and numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, each point on the most dense sheet -- i.e., the Tzog-chen AllBase from which demergence, by twistorized-quantized operator-time, proceeds -- being marked with CTC-logical values. Consider contents of the concluding scene of Volume 2 of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh. I note that 2010, year of publication of the paper, was the year Doug Paine passed on. Tragic he did not live to see such work.
So, in a relativistic Rafael-Andres Aleman-Berenguer (RAAB)-Pensinger schema crossed into Wheeler crossed into Lukasiewicz-sans-TruthValue, we would have matter-energy-affected spacetime, geometrodynamics of that spacetime, pregeometry as a differentiable manifold, M, cyclotomically decomposed from a multi-sheeted Riemann surface, the decomposition operators being topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time, pre-pregeometry as the m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian labeling mapped over the various classes of coverings of this Riemann surface, pre-pre-pregeometry as the Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbering schemata logoarithmetically marking this Lukasiewiczian map, and pre-pre-pre-pregeometry as a bucket of dust Borel set of dimensionless points -- progenitor of the Novikov dust of Sakharov's multi-sheet model of the universe -- what Sri Aurobindo designated warm-golden dust of Supermind, with which Yayoi Kusama plasters her polka dot environments-universes (Quoting NYU cultural critic Chloe Pantazi, circa 25 June 2013, writing in The Hairpin: America's love affair with the polka dot began [by synchronicity and ConveDD] in 1926 [the year dissimulation of Schrödinger's wave-function was consensuated with the Born Rule probability-amplitude dysterpretation] in 1928, Disney introduced the cartoon darling Minnie Mouse wearing a red polka dot dress and matching [nonorientable] bow In 1940 [prefiguring Marilyn Monroe's equilateral-and-quarky, drawn right out of Hindoo prehistoric tribal art, Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini], the woozy melody of Frank Sinatra's ballad Polka Dots and Moonbeams captured the height of America's polka dot mania [ConveDD] ). Despite the fact that the resulting spacetime ontologies (see here for comparison to RAAB; note that, in this appendix and body of the paper, the m-logically-valued was not broached) predicated by Paine-Pensinger (PP) and RAAB are quite different, RAAB's explication of del cross, i.e., divergence qua spatial curl of the vector field, reads similarly to PP's treatment of complex-angular-momentum-cascade dynamics qua first-order temporal curl via a first-order spacetime del operator, the involved processes taken into imaginary-numbered time and back (there, of course, also being hyper-numbered second- and third-order temporal curls involved in tornadogenesis -- [see, for instance, the relevant sections of our paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, circa May of 1977; and The Relativism of Absolute Limits section of our paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, circa September of 1978; and also discussions of transitions between irrotational-compressible and rotational-incompressible processes, as provided in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994, Vol. 1, p. 715 and pp. 719-20 and surrounding pages, Vol. II, p. 329 and surrounding pages: Paine's unpublished AMS-severe-local-storms-conferences preprints from the 1970s, which I hope somewhere still exist, minutely detail mathematical complexity of these processes] demergence being from third- to second- to first-order -- DNA helix-coil transition, so on, à la, extending Iraundegui, for one, Victor P. Starr, for another, which RAAB does not seek to generalize, speaking on the level of the tantamount-and-tacit). According to the PP conception, which does not hold with a non-participatory, stand-alone all/any-thing(s) and/or not-thing and the relative-states betwixed and between, RAAB pre-existing spacetime is not simply there or not-there, on or off, is or not-is, but has staged entry and exit; pre -- logical, ontological, temporal -- having many definers and degrees-of well, if not freedom, then intentionality-imputation, such that logical operations upon the base-state of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian Tzog-chen ontologically precede the temporal-curl-induced demergence of memetimed ponderable-space, this last -- most reductionistically-reduced, not phenomenologically-reduced -- whatnot being that of which it is said by Relationists: Particle interactions are the processes by which spacetime is!. Brane, string, loop, particle characterizations of hyletic-data precursors to the matter of, say, a Material Girl, each have a certain truthiness, insofar as truth-value can be regarded as relevant at logical-value order-types supraordinal to that 1T2 (and those supracardinal to the supraordinal). Moreover, staged entry and exit is a notion itself relative to the order of logical-value employed to codify it: Heraclitean everything is nothing but changes being a 1T2-way of codifying the µTmly-Parmenidean nothing ever changes. Why? Because everything there becoming on the decomposed µTm-logically-valued sheets is already always being-there on the CTC-logically-valued most-dense AllBase sheet from which cyclotomic-involutory demergence logically and ontologically and Tantric-Schrödinger-memetime-independently proceeds. Televangelically speaking (quoting James Lee Burke's Rain Gods, Phoenix paperback edition, 2009, p. 319):
Weren't all our destinies already written on scrolls that we unwound and discovered in incremental fashion? Perhaps the past and the present and the future were already written on the wind, not in transient fashion but whispered to us with unerring accuracy if we would only bother to listen.
Different order of abstraction, perhaps, but the same basic idea. Wended their ways? Hmmm. It's not that the future has just begun; rather, it has yet to begin -- and probably never will.
One simply must hate the physicists' shambolic use of the word intuition, which is 180-degrees of retrograde-inversion to C. G. Jung's usage. The inversion is a 90-degree counter-clockwise caracole-jink to starboard, feeling lying to port; hence, thinking. The retrograde carries thinking across the Cartesian intersection over into feeling, which is a judgmental function not equivalent to affect-charge. Classical physics, which physicists intuit for lack of animistic-pagan faculties, is not a structural given of THE brain, µTm and quantum, only of prescriptively-enculturated, glutamate-etched, and quantum-quenched molecular-cellular 1T2-brains not containing THE quantum brain which is always and all ways therehere, regardless of enculturation-socialization. Zitterbewegung. Zero-point motion. The random-walking Brownian motion of a Planck mass in Planck time over a Planck length. The suprarelativistic subquantum jitters. Heebie-jeebies, be they of stars or a Borel set, are controlabile only by Gaussian copulation of layered correlations strung out under a bell curve. The EUH, efficient universe hypothesis, wherein all 1T2-information is immediately priced in and movement is random by watch over of an objective linear-time referent. No beating of this LLNs-universe, uh, selfsame large numbers only, constitutes a consistent possible-worlds logic because, O, my, Gadzooie! GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model: see Introduction of ARCH and GARCH Models, Roberto Perrelli, U. of Ill., Fall 2001, and note that a nonlinear time-series of shocks does not speak to nonlinear-time, let alone second- and third-order Pauli-Paine operator-time) aside, no general theory of process violating long-term stat-arb (statistical arbitrage) decoherency, in order to account for system-composite 1T2ly-fat-tailed far-from-equilibrium phase transitions at self-organized-criticality states where µTm-correlation (hence not possibly 1T2ly-autoregressive, reversions thus being false flags epiphenomenal of the order of logical-value systemically employed) lengths snap to infinity, can account for modal micro-behaviors and macro-arrays, higher-goaled or goalless, strange attractored or no. Heraclitean fluxionic herethere-therehere by virtue of Heisenberg 1T2-uncertainty relations, thus debunking, not only the Parmenidean One's nothing ever changes, but also Plotinus' memetimeless involutory decomposition, Abelian-Bellian improper-time cyclotomic cosmic involute, Tantric Schrödinger's original time-independent wave equation, Cabalistic Tree-of-Life, and, really, so very much more. Otherwise, sans the debunking, what? The m-dimensional copula (as to unright uses, see Recipe for Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street, Felix Salmon, Wired, 23 February 2009; for a rejoinder, see 'The Formula That Killed Wall Street'? The Gaussian Copula and the Material Cultures of Modelling, Donald MacKenzie and Taylor Spears, U. of Edinburgh, June 2012) was only one very, very small step for mankind on the Way to re-cognizing animistic-pagan hologramic CTC-to-µTm Cantorian-part-is-whole relative-state identity-transparency. At every scale level, not just in worlds of the very small and very large, information never lives; therefore, never dies, even down a black hole! Why? Because there is no distinction drawable not all readied and already drawn. That's what CTC is all about, why Heisenberg 1T2-uncertainty is but the tip of the pencils-of-skew-parallels iceberg Lukasiewicz re-revealed on the supraordinate level: no fundamental base-state 1T2-superstrings; rather, those CTC, and their radiation-D-dependent D-braned µTmly-stepwise-D-decoherent D-decomposition products specified under dictates of m-valued universal physical constants.
Anything I might say about what Douglas A. Paine could not write into his Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union paper entitled, A climate hypothesis describing the solar-terrestrial system as a frequency domain with specific response characteristics, 64:26, 28 June 1983, pp. 425-28, would be speculation, informed speculation, perhaps, but speculation nonetheless. From perspectives of this paper, is it not simply amazing how ununderstood, by the meteorological elite, are climate-shift dynamics -- or so it appears to the uninitiated? Per but one example, ask oneself what sort of, say, inadvertent, radiation-induced artificial lens can inculcate local heating? Then ponder upon: A 1,000 Mile Stretch Of The Pacific Ocean Has Heated Up Several Degrees And Scientists Don't Know Why, Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream, 13 April 2015, in conjunction with arguments made in the YouTube VDO entitled California Drought Update April 28, 2015, Hawaii Low Destroyed, posted by The HAARP Report. Or maybe some of them do know how and why. Lots of techno-testing about in the world these days! Regards Paine, circa 1983, to my understanding on a non-technical level, and as I remember it: 22- and 11-year solar cycles (among others) which the rotator-dynamo-effect effects upon ambient magnetic energy-density itself effected by complex and hypercomplex angular momentum cascade galaxy-to-solarsystem levels of the cosmic nesting foam, complex and hypercomplex angular momentum being another way of speaking about second- and third-order temporal curls, which are concretions of the Pauli-Paine operator-time essential to a general theory of process. Replication of such cascade effects across the solar-to-terrestrial levels of nesting foam, and ensuing thus-initiated dynamics transpiring through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions, is an essential backdrop notion to the Paine-Kaplan nested-grid numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis. Origins of solar-cycle-correlated human collective mood-excitability cycles (affecting pathogenesis of warfare, stock market behaviors, so on, as per myriad theories of celestial influence: see for an interesting discussion, Trading the Sun, John Hampson, Solar Cycles, February 2012) involve (per implications of our superconductant-pi-electron-gas-core model of the DNA radiation-exchange process, a model employing the notion of temporal curl and which appeared in the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry during 1979) radiation-induced changes in pi-electron gas-core dynamics of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA, particularly mitochondrial DNA with effects upon ATP metabolism. I spent a lot of my evenings and weekends during 1970-'71 at Georgetown U. Medical School library and the National Library of Medicine reading into SLE. What I thus learned factored into my thought concerning pi-electron gas core dynamics of DNA. One paper I ran across was a Soviet paper establishing a high correlation between lupus epidemiology (outbreaks) and the sunspot cycle. Whilst lupus flares of individual patients are likely very much due to UV radiation exposure, epidemiologic drivers (triggering DNA-frequency-response-window diatheses-anomalies-miasms) likely involve other factors.
Topologically-active imaginary and hypercomplex three-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time -- under CTC-valued logics, over a Cn complex/hypercomplex space, demergent semantics construed independent of the notion truth-value except in the 1T2-special-case -- is, according to my understanding, necessarily inhomogenous (i.e., varying temporal-densities and temporal-spin components, à la Nikolai A. Kozyrev, as discussed in the YouTube VDO entitled Secrets of Time -- Nikolai Kozyrev, due to order-types in differentials as regards the imparting of orders of temporal curl under orders of spacetime del operators, temporal-density and temporal-spin being defining properties of the hypertemperature necessary to understanding of submolecular phenomena such as the electron-temperature enhancements involved in phased-array HAARPed hot auroras: during the mid-1970s, Douglas A. Paine more or less stopped attending Cornell faculty meetings because he adamantly opposed the whole direction that upper atmospheric research was taking, the meetings thus having become decidedly unpleasant), affine in the sense of no origin, non-affine in the sense that operator-time's topological effects involve Bennettian null-vectored pencils of skew-parallels (as developed in The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, Appendix III to Volume One of The Dramatic Universe, J. G. Bennett, Hodder and Stoughton, 1956, pp. 506-9; see our discussion in the paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, circa May of 1977), which may be thought of as µTmly-super strings in spaces with anisotropic geometries (no Cakewalk to Golliwoggs, for whom the anisotropic is opaque due to identification with 1T2-only-logic and memetime), not a generalization of the properties of simply-parallel lines.
Giving myself a little refresher, I ran across this very useful class study note: Gradient, divergence, and curl: Math 131. The curl here is spatial curl. Temporal curls involve gradients in time, the time-like dimensions involved being denoted in our papers l, m, n (beyond i, j, k). Hence, the need for bi-quaternions (of some definition). Operator-time employs temporal curl. Temporal curl in the time-like dimensions topologically effects covariant changes in the space-like dimensions of the involved hyperspace. Be aware, in thinking about Jose Garmendia Iraundegui, that spatial curl 0 denotes the irrotational and that spatial 0 divergence refers to the incompressible or solenoidal. I haven't really focused attention on the details of this since the early-1980s. It's like a language: if you don't constantly use it, you start to lose it. This is a language I haven't used for decades.
Referential passing-time was demonstrated to be memetime by 1T2-proof of Abel's theorem on the quintic: this was later fleshed out primarily by Cantor, the Axiom of Choice, and Lukasiewicz. Once an existence proof exists for transfinite sets, as distinct from infinite sequences, the notion of an objective linear-time fades away, as such sets can only exist independent of such time or at the absolute sequential-end of such time, an end which by definition never arrives. A spatial domain can be defined as composed of a transfinite set of dimensionless points, but they cannot be counted, i.e., physically demonstrated, in any amount of an objective linear-time; indeed, their complete corpus cannot even so exist, the same with well-ordering and all the rest. Dissimulation became the hallmark after Abel, this dissimulation being largely responsible for the enormous anthropogenic destruction perpetrated upon the planet over the last two centuries. Dissimulation, compensatory abreaction, conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD) were, and are, characteristic of many behavioral events (collective unconscious) cum acts (personal unconscious) throughout the period, incidence accelerating unto memetime-present. 1823: Abel; 1827: Brownian motion; 1830: Lobachevsky-Bolyai hyperbolic geometry; 1859: Tristan chord, first performed in 1865; discovered 1874, introduced by Cantor in 1883: Cantor dust; 1886: Pointillism; 1900-05: quantum of action, Brownian motion, market prices; 1901-13: initialization of the Husserliana of transcendental-phenomenological reduction; 1904: Axiom of Choice; 1905-15: relativity; 1909: Analytical Cubism; 1912: Lukasiewicz, Kandinsky, Schoenberg; 1925-6: Schrödinger-Born; 1940's to 1950's: rise of the tidal wave of quantum-based technologies dressed in Cartesian-Newtonian clothes; 1947: 1T2-logic-busting hologram-Cantor part-is-whole; 1960: Soviet invention of the laser; 1960's: Born Rule dissimulation of Schrödinger qua Brownian motion generalized into theories of market behavior, and rise of econophysics based upon this dissimulated physics. What are the chances that the human species will ever find its way out of this multi-century conundrum? The odds certainly are not good, particularly given the habituations inculcated by glutamatergic anchoring to binary brains of the automatization effects of prescriptive enculturation-socialization, and the associated quenching of conscious awareness of µTm-quantum processing.
Electron temperature enhancements? Hmmm. Like in manmade hot auroras? Humph! Extending the entropically-driven random-molecular-motion conception of temperature to the submolecular level has never seemed right to my me, even if the temperature is as well-defined as the operative distribution function: hard to believe that submolecular processes exhibiting coherent behaviors (i.e., non-random) are somehow without temperature. Is there a kind of temperature that doesn't have causally to do with bumper cars? Or, the gods forbid, teleologically with strange-attractor poltergeists? Push-pull physics degree-zero? The spin component (temporal CURL) of operator-time is expressed as hypertemperature? But Maxwell's sorting angel (calling The Sorter a demon was rather Freudian, it was, wasn't it?) is the temporal CURL sorting wave-trace velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of acceleration, not mere bumper-cars/attractor-poltergeists, a sorting without which Maxwell's Equations would be Maxwell's Inequalities, for transformations between electric and magnetic are accomplished with perfect efficiency. If, as is commonly thought, molecular bumper cars cause random walking Brownian motion, what causes molecular motion, atomic motion, subatomic motion? Are these motions actually all due to the presence of pregeometry µTm-logical-values unacknowledged by the geometrodynamics-and-ponderable-spacetime-identified binary-mind? Does the same all due to apply to the so-regarded-as-pushed-pulled motions of single-valued-and-1T2-logically-processed, up-or-down-only, buy-or-sell-directing, profit-or-loss prices of wholly-ownable-or-wholly-not-ownable econowhatnots, liens being a violation of the governing logical-value order-type? In physics, a measure is often called an operator, which usage is semantically inaccurate in that the sense of measure is passive and the sense of operator is active. Likewise, in quantitative financial physics, behaviors and measures are often referred to as market forces: volitility, market capitalization, price-to-earnings ratio, price-to-book ratio, so on. Econophysics measures derivative of single-valued-and-1T2-logically-processed prices can function as action-directives, but they are not imperative impellers of action or the actual actions themselves; hence, not forces. So, it is not the price mechanism per se, in and of itself, that is responsible for market-mediated autopoiesis and self-organization. Along with others, I say, by econophysics analogue to Bohmian mechanics, that the responsible agent is the quantum potential active in the subsystem-system-supersystem composite through which complex- and hypercomplex-numbered momentum cascades and reverse-cascades transpire. And where does that potential come from? As distinct from Bohm, I say: the relative-state resident in the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock signified with m-valued-and-µTm-logically-processed prices -- those values supraordinal to that 1T2ly processed being hidden in prevailing market dynamics; therefore, not explicitly functioning as action-directives, and, hence, unable to carry the economy to higher and higher levels of self-organizational competency and functional integration vis-à-vis overall context, i.e., the resource base without which the time-shapes of total capital stock would be indefinable. Jus' fergitaboutit! Fergit yoar P's and C's; mind yoar P's and Q's! Uh, uh, he ain't no money runner, he just scrolls 1T2-software at Dixnorf. For my me's part, I/i don't care at whatever gold-plated socioeconomic level the good life is lived in whatever part of the world, that life absolutely is not worth living, if only because of the social structure of the foci of attention cathexes imposed by the algorithms of daily life prevalent anywhere and everywhere in present-day global civilization. If not for attachments-obligations to others likewise oppressed by the omnipresent VapidityInanity, I'd have been gone a couple of decades ago. As regards FutureVapidityInanity facilitated by 1T2-market-driven MOs, and in lieu of Musculpt as user-friendly e-forum computer-gamed-strategy qua action-domain-dependent modal-macro-goals interface to m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, see the latest version of: Call of Duty. The dog's foot! Uh, but 'e cain't tell no difference 'tween a whooper and a woofer. Coherent-contagion collective behaviors at high k values in 1T2-systems on 2nk fitness landscapes dispose to functional disintegration; whilst high-k-value coherency in µTm-systems on Mnk articulation skyspaces dispose to higher and higher levels of functional integration. Hypertemperature does not burn; only simple-temperature does that. Acoustically-modified (i.e., coherent) gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces may have a lot more to do with climate-shift dynamics than we think. And Maxwell's sorting angel may be able to help us out in ways we have yet to imagine -- but probably not via stock-counting, MonteCarlo-simulation, Black-Scholes-type market behaviors transpiring within a single-valued-and-1T2-logically-processed price regime riddled with Bohm-enfolded hidden factors qua variables qua logical-values. The big systemic flaw giving rise to most of the little flaws and butterfly effects exploited by financial vultures, sharks, piranhas, ghouls, zombies, vampires (ConveDDed to distant decontextualizations in myriad Hollywood films: how many still believe these parasitic micro-actors, coupled to macro-actors like central banks and the IMF, are sorting angels like are the three orders of temporal CURLs, rather than sorting demons? quite a lot we can be certain) is preclusion, by the prevailing market framework determining conditions, of m-valued-price information processed under µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, which notion the glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched, middle-excluding binary-mind idealizes in unconscious (individual-personal and collective-impersonal) compensatory abreaction to suppression of logical-value order-types within which The Truth qua alpha (as non-technically attested to by Scott Patterson in The Quants, Random House, 2010, pp. 8-9, whilst discussing colloquial trope-usage amongst the cognoscenti, thus reflecting unconscious processes at work) is indefinable, meaningless, reductive, gibberish. Blimey! They'll never set that to rights. I'd best alter my course accordingly. Down there! to Acolytes-on-Sane, as quick as you like. Uh, uh, well, my Emersonian qua Whitmanesque other-I-am would have thought that Barr Rosenberg (see Barr Rosenberg barred from security biz for life, Liz Skinner, Investment News, 22 September 2011; and, for details, The Barr Rosenberg Case blog forum posted at NuclearPhynance, 27 November 2012) would have taught m-Buddhologically-valued quantum-composite unit of account nascent in time-shapes demergent from the AllBase-state of Tzog-chen during his instructional stint at the Nying[ma} Institute, not 1T2-logically-processed karma of the single-valued simple-identity, i.e., sans compactified (i.e., spatially and temporally CURLed), Musculpt-orbifolded-hexanied-Voronoi-diagrammed, internally-dimensioned, Calabi-Yau-man{i}folded, m-valued Over-Soul(s) qua Atman(s).
Does nature in the raw, un|microwave>cooked by limitations of the mathematical tools currently available, have 2-body states rather than m-body states of n-particle systems? Not too likely, IMHO based upon the notion that one important missing tool is m-valued (CTC-unto-µTm) logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, a tool to be techno-exteriorized via Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation, such exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as universal covering of M-theoretic multi-sheet Ma-type Sakharov-Novikov cosmological model being required for this tool's systematic employment due to cognitive dampening glutamatergically imposed by the prevailing collective psycho-socio-cultural context. Nearest-neighbor-only entanglement is the next state to complete decoherency, whereas in the critical Curie state the correlation length has snapped to infinity (which is hardly nearest-neighbor-only, even when neighbors are construed into a hierarchy of n-tensored multiples nearest-neighbor coupled -- scareeeee, evocative of the animistic-pagan old-time Japanese frequent movement between several life-partners subversion of heterosexual monogamy 1T2-only-logically elaborated). It would appear that the tensor-network (see the excellent article entitled How Quantum Pairs Stitch Space-Time, Jennifer Ouellette, Quanta Magazine, 28 April 2015) mathematical tool is mistaken for nature because of identification with the binary order-type of value in logic (the glutamatergic cognitive equivalent to maintenance alcoholism?) and derivative postulation of 1T2-pairwise-only emergence, rather than µTm-demergence followed by reciprocal emergence, these two residuals of memetime-bound 1T2-only [ratio}cination cancelling out to Schrödinger-time-independent Everettian-relative-state identity-transparency CTCly being-there on the most-dense sheet, AllBase-state of Tzog-chen according to Tibetan Buddhist-Bon cosmology. By principles of the herein presently-argued pre-functionally-oriented perspective, the word entanglement is a misnomer imposed by the structurally-predisposed atomistic assumption as to the nature of the base-state. Spacetime, therefore, according to pre-functionally-oriented lights, would not be built up by entanglements of entanglement, but demergently and cyclotomically 'disentangled' down by involutory decomposition to decoherent localizable and tensorizable whatnots the behaviors of which are matter, the involved disentangling being virtually -- heh-heh-heh! -- synonymous with Piaget's stages of cognitive development achieved via quantum quenching and glutamateric anchoring under dictates of prescriptive enculturation-socialization at spontaneous localization by autogenic brain discharge. Even in quantum computing, where the qubit remains a binary object, the consensus physicist still insists information be built up from itty-bitty bits, structurally subnanoautomatons, which insistence involves reductionistic misconstrual of the semantic imports of CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-valued logics, e.g., consensus quantum mechanics has fully fuzzily relinquished the fallacy of undistributed middle over the real interval [0,1], but not so fully the fallacy of contradiction, even though, probability-amplitude speaking, alpha ket 0 plus beta ket 1; thus, there remains blindness to full-blown relative-state identity-transparency (not plus, but overprinted, as in stacked acetate overlays upon which ideographs have been greased with Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels) over m-body states of n-particle systems. Were the constituents of matter demergently superheterodyne-beat-down from coherent Everettian relative-state under pregeometric CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, instead of emergently concatenated in the reverse direction, and experiments designed and conducted accordingly, many of the basics of elementary particle physics would be quite differently formulated from what they currently are. The very notion of an encoded-entangled memory-chip analogue to Wheelerian pregeometry-as-1T2-calculus-of-propositions cannot be separated from psycho-identification with memetime-regarded-as-objective-linear-time (Wheelerian bags of gold [dust] belying 1T2 and belaying µTm -- which µTm goes somewhat subliminal and which some hold to be monsters, as explicated in Monsters, Sabine Hossenfelder, BackRE(Action), 15 January 2009 -- as regards calculi-of-propositions pregeometry over bucket-of-dust pre-pregeometry). The n-1 dimensional encoding of volumetric information upon surface boundary, blackhole-thermodynamic, holographic principle relates to circumscribed LSTDs (limited spacetime domains, e.g., those associated with tornadogenesis in physics of the Paine-Kaplan numerical forecast model, where the correspondence between black hole entropy and fluid surface tension is notable) construed with 1T2-only logic, the hologramic plate-boundary itself conforming to the fully fuzzily relinquished 'fallacy of undistributed middle' over the real interval [0,1], in that the part of a broken hologramic plate-boundary, when irradiated with the reference beam, projects the whole image, but only fuzzily. Hence, the 1T2-only hologram (and the LSTD it encodes) only partially models-expresses the relative-state identity-transparency numerically codified with Cantor's famous diagonal proof, i.e., part contains all the information of the whole. While a 2-state-encoded-entangled memory-chip may break up under disentanglement, µTm is the glue (possibly not altogether removed from chromodynamic gluons, were such to be Musculpted) holding the spacetime laminate together. The universal physical constant known as Bremermann's limit on processing speed, according to our notion, is m-valued, each m-value being scale-dependent and, indexed, LSTD-dedicated, such that the limiting baud rate of consciousness, with associated memetime dilations and ponderablespace contractions (think of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes rippling the wall-boundary of a tornadic vortex at birthing of complex-angular-momentum extrusions to acupuncture-needle Earth's crustal and core dynamics), is likewise fraught with dependencies, the most potent of which being the order-of-logical-value dependency. Needed by a hologramic universe are µTm-holograms demergent from the CTC-hologramic universal covering surface of the most-dense AllBase laminate sheet. Let it be known that the Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure, the VCI, anticipated the Bekenstein bound, circa 1972, by at least a decade based upon mostly subliminal conversion-application of age-old animistic notions of boundaries-without-boundary sounded out by stone xylophones and bronze drums sited under energy-momentum cascades, i.e., waterfalls. All the fluctuating-according-to-evolution-of-the-combat socio-politico-military information in their TOARs (tactical-areas-of-responsibility-type LSTDs) was mapped upon changing boundaries of those TOARS, boundaries differing from those employed by the GVN. This was discovered and analyzed at SRA/MACV-J2 during the spring of 1968 (see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, for details: at that memetime in Saigon, I understood this was somehow related to quantum physics -- how, I couldn't have said -- and during 1969-'70 I unsuccessfully tried to find a university program that would allow me to do comparative explorations). It was not until 1993 that Gerard 't Hooft proposed, as an extension of the thermodynamics principle involved in the Bekenstein bound, the holographic principle. But, as Rafael-Andres Aleman-Berenguer points out in "Epistemologic Controversy on Quantum Operators of Space and Time", Principia, 14:2, 2010, pp. 241-53, structuralizing spacetime is not the same as creating spacetime: logically, ontologically, and temporally, creation has precedence -- and, arguably (e.g., theory of deautomatization, wherein a structure is simply an automatized function), function has precedence over structure. So, an exclusive fixation, even a predominant fixation, upon processes of structuralization, likely is fraught with a plethora of limiting presuppositions and conclusions. As regards how bungled bundles of bundled and n-rehypothecated financial 1T2-derivatives-sans-fiber-bundles, glyphosate analogues, disrupt bacterial homeostasis of prevailing market processors, one major trouble with 2-state relative-value trades -- betting on/against security pairs identified as being out of relative 1T2-price equilibrium -- is that relative-state is not actually part-to-part (the same principle applies to P2P specifically, and MoSoSo generally, as prospective elements-connectors in some more-efficacious political-economy) but part-on-whole-on-part, meaning that, however algorithmically concocted, digital computing, parallel or no, no matter what concatenations employed, can't fully capture it, because relative-state is wave-effect analog and CTC-unto-µTm-logically-valued, not 1T2ly so: no discrete [bi}nomial formulation of uncertainty run on a 1T2-finite-iteration Tmachine can percolate out a sequence of simulations altogether providing an adequate picture of omni-interactive wave-effect relative-state. The CTCly-whole whole on<<<>>>on any chosen set of parts is never adequately captured -- and not only because of externalities, internal and extra-systemic. That picture will always be fuzzy (like the holographic image projected through a broken piece of a hologramic plate, or on the 1-km grid of the Paine-Kaplan tornadogenesis forecast model), not least for being 1T2-only encoded. Monometrics mania and normotic 2-D singularities -- tornado families in nowise meeting criteria of normosis -- aside, VAR, value at risk, is not simply a matter of the BlackSwan fat-tails improbabilities on Gaussian distributions of average volatility of sets and subsets in a portfolio collection summed and integrated on chosen periods of memetime, but also of the temporal CURLs (connoting-signifying Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, i.e., another way of referring-to/codifying the CTCly-whole whole) µTmly enfolded in those thus-compacted fat tails which periodically cascade-unfold in market reflexivities dictated by stringy self-reentrant third-order dynamics. Under third-order dynamics -- time-rates-of-change-of acceleration -- information is not lost as if going down a Hawking black hole; in the limit, any fluxion limit, its order of logical-value is altered. The equivalency principle, with respect to time-rates-of-change-of-acceleration, involves, not gravity, but identity qua identity as ontological property; there is a loss of 1T2-selfsameness via reflexive self-reentrant self-reference and µTm-order-types thereof, such that an ontological transformation is made between geometrodynamics and pregeometry as µTm-valued calculi of propositions (unless there be consideration of non-selfsame geometries via J. G. Bennett's pencils of skew-parallels and skew-parallel polytopes as continuation of geometrodynamics). The hologram clearly provides only a primitive intimation of the Weltbild principles involved. From the mid-to-late-1970s, Douglas A. Paine and myself held this to be the case in regards to complex/hypercomplex-angular-momentum cascade dynamics leading to tornadogenesis as studied with the Paine-Kaplan nested-grid numerical forecast model then run, with historical data sets, on the USAF's and NASA's biggest mainframes. Quoting our May of 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process:
We note from Eq 9 that the total time rate of change of ith, jth, and kth components of relative vorticity is forced by the three-dimensional solenoid, divergence and curl of friction terms when the analytic perspective remains embedded within a particular spatial atmospheric volume defined by the x,y,z-coordinate system. However, from the aforegiven description of the cascade process, we have found that an additional degree of freedom must be available to this system in order for it to escape an otherwise inevitable infinite concentration of vorticity, kinetic energy, and mass within its finite spatial volume. The traditional view has been that friction would literally dissipate such a problem. But we have seen empirical evidence, such as that offered in the previous section, which suggests that natural systems have a far more elegant solution to the problem: i.e., the generation of coherent (acoustic) waves, which originate from the cascade of kinetic energy through the hydrodynamic spectrum.
From there the discussion proceeds to a consideration of Pauli-Paine operator-time as a way of handling complex/hypercomplex-angular-momentum cascade dynamics. Note the parallels to Hawking particle creation by black holes, circa 1975, the issue of whether or not information is destroyed when going down a black hole, the coherent physics of holographic projection, and the finite spatial volume of Einstein's elevator so important to The Equivalence Principle. When John A. Wheeler was queried by me and read this paper during 1977, his response -- which I received while in Kyoto presenting a DNA-helix-coil-transition radiation-exchange analogue of the above-given notions to an Autogenic Training symposium of a Psychosomatic Medicine World Congress -- was very polite, but, nonetheless, stated that, though he was unfamiliar with the equations of atmospheric science, he felt that fellow atmospheric scientists would likely appreciate our work more were we not to mix it up with the complexities of relativity theory and quantum mechanics. Right! Indubitably myself, and certainly Paine, were not then aware of compact Kahler manifolds, later elaborated to Calabi-Yau manifolds, so, in visualizing implications of atmospheric cascade processes, we found ourselves imagining a primal singularity as Klein bottles reentering Klein bottles. Does gravitation retard memetime, or does operator-time configure mass-energy representation space? Don't just ask -- calque-claque-claque -- deus ex machina to thin-skin slice 3-space in order to get a stack of transparent superspace laminates at an instant of memetime; observe that time-in-itself as active topological operator is, in the limit, the 1st-order (light) slicer, 2nd-order (gravity) unfolder, 3rd-order (identity) twister. Clearly, he, a painful fellow, is supersingular and in double cover. Having a little sympathy for the devil, he, that pain, is a dumb hole on LSD in a sonic warped passage, an acoustic analogue to a blackhole computer in process of fomenting tornadogenesis, or so it's explicitly imputed, a transit passenger with a boxed IR-brain bound to periphery of negative-affect space where metric of the inside curvature has gone hyperbolic. Quite to the contrary, however, dear sir: Dante's descent occurs in the real world, world of the character-flat normotic's uniform Lebenswelt. That tao, dark and savage, which is not THE Tao: both up and down escalators on the Devil's Staircase. This is not Jacob's Ladder over which cascade and reverse cascade dynamics transpire. Why? What's the difference? Jacob's, double-helixes between floors; the Devil's, straight-runs. Of the various classes-levels in military hierarchy, the PRIVATE has the least privacy: this sort of typical military language use (omnipresent to my Air-Force-brat childhood) has long since pervaded civil society where intensity of insistence upon suppression of evidence contrary to the thesis that truth-value is THE fundament of logic is sufficiently elaborate, and ludicrous, as to evoke Shakespeare's ad hominem apophasis qua praeteritio The lady doth protest too much, methinks, thus reinforcing conviction that, indeed, truth-value cannot be such a fundamental. The double-helices express imaginary numbers, complex angular momentum, operator-time; straight-running escalators, real numbers and real momentum and a memetime of supposedly-real instants. Put your bi-cycle-wheel pump on an acoustic analogue to a blackhole computer, hence digitalizing the analog which is acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, and thus varying time-rates-of-change-of-acceleration of entering mass of information to be processed: the truth-value event-horizon diverges from its compacted-(temporally)CURLed m-doppelgangers (Jasper John's painting 0 through 9 and Joe Goode's notion of looking through [search this term in the link] particularly as seen in the Waterfall Paintings Series most elegantly illustrate the involved principles, whether or not the artists were consciously aware of this fact). What happens at the absolute limiting time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration (relative to a given finite spatial volume, e.g., a tornado: to get a feeling for the feeling-space involved, see Joe Goode's Tornado Series etchings, perhaps even more evocative than his 1992 Tornado Triptych)? Along with a shift from orientability to non-orientability, there is logic-transpose from 1T2-unto-muTm. Parlez-vous inner Musculpt, monsieur? And inky-dinky-do to you, too.
Choices made as to metaphors, similes, engineering-design motifs reflect tacit aspects of unquestionable fundamental notions governing glutamatergic-anchoring of prescriptively enculturated, socialized-and-automatized, cognitive functions. Nature is Gaussian, for instance, only to the binary mind. Even far-from-equilibrium negentropic molecular chemistry is not Gaussian as classically postulated, let alone electron-temperature-enhanced quantum chemistry. Despite dyscrasias of headline risks, short coverings, short squeezes, so on, subterranean, i.e., untagged, features of the market are not intertwined: this is a wholly inadequate metaphor. David Bohm's enfolded is better, but, because of the misconstrued, 1T2-logic-preserving, probability-amplitude interpretation of the meaning of superposition qua quantum-composite, it misses the m-logically-valued nature (1T2-only-P2P only on the surface) of the enfoldment of non-simple, wave-effect, hologramic part-is-whole identities and processes involved in market dynamics. The fold in enfold, as used herein, being not indicative of Déjà Vu's simple-minded 1T2ly-linear-time reversal by bridged bi-fold, 3-fold quantal Pauli-Paine operator-time being much more complex/hypercomplex in the numerical sense. Bridged bi-fold, uh, Einstein-Rosen bridge: in order to keep this bridge intact long enough for transit, it must be supposed that the bridge is rotating and charged like a tornado, and, by virtue of the participatory character of quantum measurement, is psychosomatic in its fund{a}mental nature, and furthermore, that those transiting are Bodhisattvas in one or another Samadhi state where the baud-rate of consciousness closely approaches the absolute limiting velocity, and, moreover, that the state of consciousness induces formation of an encapsulating acoustically-modified anti-gravity-wave-mode bubble, uh, being in a levitating superstate of grace, the involved buoyant plume being psychosomatically projected-propelled over the bridge by the counter-force to the pressure-gradient term. Whereas, making it all so very much easier, were the Samadhi state µTm-unto-CTCly logically-valued, by virtue of the consequent full-blown animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency, being-there would not involve going there, for there would not be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct from here. If objective linear-time simultaneity went out the Weltbild window in 1905 due to considerations upon velocity, so did objectively-measureable objective ponderable-space separability -- or certainly should so have done by 1915 had Einstein only taken the memetime required to look at geometrodynamic implications of time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration as closely as he did at such implications of acceleration. That which appears to binary-mind of the 1T2-only observer as unfolded under velocity and acceleration is altogether µTmly-enfolded under time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration. Ask not when the big-bang transpired; ask under which folds -- unfolds or enfolds? -- it was/is, weren't. Note how Minkowski erected proper time of the spatially unmoved. Improper time! methinks. Why? Because the time-side of Minkowski spacetime actively shapes the space-side -- intelligently or not, it must be supposed, being dependent upon whether the judger employs 1T2-logic or those CTC-unto-µTm. That's muTm, conceivably having something to do with Zen mu, and the mu of [Mu}subi. Not-what is not whatnot, nor a what-knot; hence, not a not-not, but, simply put, no 1T2-only-logic gate (that gate actually in subsidence to Watergate? and this gate not a gate to hold the Moon, but onesuch ConveDDed to classified governance where within -- one of the top five plays of the day -- assailants may be charged with assault on a deadly weapon, i.e., a police bot, and, another of those plays, excretion of Big AG's unnatural hormones into ground and sea water is no small spinoff, but nonetheless legitimate, of the adrenergic pumping of TPTB: in order to adrenergically stoke suspicions, see The Extinction Protocol's The ocean off the coast of California is 'turning into a desert' -- marine ecosystem crash is unprecedented, 19 May 2015; and Unprecedented Mass Die Offs , Mac Slavo, Activist Post, 22 May 2015): rather, that state nonexistent/nonbeing to binary-mind. Musubi is an age-old animistic-pagan Shinto word, employed in deification of, for instance, Takami-musubi no Kami, for the sort of superintegration (not referring here to patronage in primitive government or superintegration with regards to, say, municipal bonds and hedges or with respect to the multipolities of stateless societies; rather more like, quoting Werner Hahn: Superintegration as the ideal of a unified science would be attained if all science could be reduced to a general theory of form) cum Uberdeterminierung characteristic thereof. Spider web, network, matrix: too, too internetcentric. After fifty largely-autodidactic years of studying insurgency and counterinsurgency strategies, I'm not much into netcentric notions as to fomentation of far-from-equilibrium phase transitions; rather, following Sun Tzu, I look for the fundamental doing that needs to be none-done. Counting is one thing when the counting is of the standard modern deck holding 52 cards in 4 suits (m-more suits in historical decks, e.g., 8 for quaternions doubled) of 13 each in identical number and name; quite another, when orders of nondenumerable infinity are involved. Highly-correlated, indeed, infinite-correlation-length, simple-identity-violating, coherent market behaviors existed long before advent of electronic communications/computing and the internet whereupon cloud computing is just a euphemism for yet another step up the Devil's Staircase, a step in the ongoing attempt to 1T2ize the CTC-unto-µTm. When confronted by effects of what it regards the Gorgon heads of polyvalency in identity and logic, the binary mind, particularly in its collective manifestation, draws a blank, enters a stupor, then, gathering libido, lashes out in attempts to kill off all transference figures embodying its projections of its consciously unavailable non-binary faculties, faculties suppressed, and hence, regressed. If there is a non-violent global 1T2-reset, it will involve, even still being 1T2-only, an unprecedented alteration of habitual behaviors. More likely, big push come to bigger shove, the U.S.-powers-that-be will choose all-out war under the conviction that they will win and, thus, like at the end of WWII, be in a position to dictate properties of the new world monetary system. Smuckaluck, luck of the smuck, jus' don't cut it. And you can take that to the local branch of your favorite hedge fund! The smartest of our brightest and best are absolutely fixated upon the task of finding ways to make it all a lot more and more worse. Clearly, nation-states are on the verge of regulating-ruling-legislating life-itself a trespass, a criminal state of being. That's why TPTB so clamor after the advances which will allow them to be certified post-human post-organic law-abiders with tickets to fly (see, for instance, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees: How soon will robots take over the world?, Martin Rees, The Telegraph, 21 May 2015: as if the .001 percent have not long exemplified AI). It's perfectly obvious why the worst sorts and those who excel at compliance education are most successful in the current framework -- and why the U.S. has been such a strong strange attractor for such types from all around the planet. Defunding of the higher-enculturation system was integral to the rise of financial derivatives in at least two ways: (1) it placed a population filter on access, such that preferentially selected were those not constitutionally or experientially inclined to question the reigning dyssimulations, hence, making possible The Bonfire of the Vanities; and (2) it facilitated the CDO-driver of the subprime-student loan-bubble debacle, no less than of the mortgage debacle. I, for instance, even in high school honors physics, circa 1963, could hardly sit still listening to the virtues of probability-as-first-cause being extolled, such that I turned down the offer of a physics scholarship, and, later, dropped out of university Calculus One because I was told that asking fundamental questions (about the logic-predication assumptions involved) disrupted presentation of class material. And this was math-track Calculus, not hard-science track! I felt an intense internal necessity to understand the principles at question, because they so clearly impacted conduct of my ADLs, but decided that I'd be better off -- for my purposes -- getting it on my own, as best I could. Screw their psycho-pabulum rationalizations, their infantile value-laden defense of the institutionalization of a long-dead Weltanschauung. Am I going to allow their introspective ineptitude to determine the quality of my inner experience? Thankfully, in 1971, when I made inquiries about an NDEA loan, the brief-back came from a retired, fat-style, leg colonel, onetime Army supply officer, who interrogated me concerning why I had waited so long after returning from Viet Nam to readdress going back to college. I politely answered his questions with politically-correct responses and never returned. No way, not after taking a testicle wound in 1967 (two months recovering at Camp Zama Army Hospital in Japan, yet the VA never acknowledged the wound) because I did not refuse a direct battlefield order from a f***-up major who overslept (playing poker all night), was an hour late, forgot to get the call signs, and insisted upon a crazy misadventure in a VC-controlled area because of his fear of the CO, so many times had such behavior earlier transpired. Story of the whole incident was a lot worse than that, but, anyway, the juxtaposition of 1967 with 1971 saved me from a momentary effusion of weakness when I contemplated a stupidly-serious return to college -- which would have derailed the whole set of my personal commitments. Nowadays, it takes no effort at all to see that, while deutscheundjapaner.pdu, err, the Germans and the Japanese and their cohort, lost the battle known as WWII, totalizing-centralizing command-devoted nut cases, nazi and communist, successfully used that battle to even more enrich themselves and solidify-planetarize their orientation than already had been the case by virtue of earlier battles of the War of the World. The bogus flaw that Greenspan saw was the same old saw pushed-pulled endlessly by centralizers, command economists, totalitarians of all stripes: market by invisible-magic-hand self-organizer, self-repairer doesn't work efficiently, doesn't maintain the equilibrium state of classical thermodynamics, doesn't sustain econohomeostasis. The actual flaw Greenspan never saw, never would, never could is reflected in his testimony before Congress on 23 October 2008 (as recounted by Scott Patterson in The Quants, Random House, 2010, the chapter entitled The Flaw) where he said to the Congressmen: To exist you need an ideology. Is there conceivable a better expression of psychological identification with Umwelt introjections drawn from Lebenswelt tacitly understood as indistinguishable from Weltanschauung qua Weltbild -- by contrast to being-there in being-in-itself? Expressing this condition of their condition, people are more attached to their mistaken beliefs about life than they are to life itself -- as so clearly illustrated in behaviors exemplary of actual hot warfare. Such psychosomatic disabilities prevent formation of the sort of economies -- quantum economies -- which could help the human species survive what it has brought down upon itself by clinging to beliefs long since proven mistaken beliefs glutamatergically anchored to binary brains by prescriptive enculturation-socialization. And don't expect the new psycho-neuro-immuno-genetics to change this circumstance: the prevailing program of neuroscience-in-service-to-the-state is to reinforce the processes involved. To the insecure existential paranoid, suffering glutamate-etched lateral mental cleavage, who has no experience of existence independent of an ideology, any challenge to sacrosanct notions is an act of war by virtue of being an existential denial experienced as an ontic threat to physical existence. Could a Greenspan comprehend that the Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued logics rigorously elaborated early in the 20th century, well before the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function was consensuated, bespeak a post-paradigmatic Weltbild (no mere Heideggerian 1T2-heh-heh-heh! Weltbildend of Dasein independent of the historicity of truth-value), and that the actual invisible-magic-hand of the market is the µTm-quantum potential codified by this wave-function -- not the 1T2-rule-abiding pursuit of 1T2-self-interest -- i.e., an m-valued wave-function in no small measure (that's the measure problem for you!) misinterpreted to probability amplitudes specifically so as to maintain the ideology of simple-1T2-identity essential to the Western-individualism notion of 1T2-self-interest? I've always had grave difficulties reading popularizations of science because the authors inevitably state their personal convictions as if those convictions were absolute truths, e.g., instead of saying According to the standard interpretation or Consensus amongst leading physicists of the day , it is said According to Quantum Mechanics . Note that the theory is frequently given divine status with capitalization, such that the personal convictions of the author become registered as unassailable elements, not only of hisher Umwelt, but of the Weltanschauung taken to be isomorphic with an objective reality. The divine status is then psycho-projected onto the techno-base, constellating myriad ConveDDs which orchestrate R&D so as to yield infra-tech unto patho-tech reinforcing the initiatory state of identification. Ask not what introspective ineptitude does to you; ask what you can do to others and their Lebenswelt with introspective ineptitude. Devote energies to detailed analysis? For what? Development of more patho-tech? Humph! Anything, O everything, thus developed gets turned to one or another nefarious purpose: count on it, as the constellated regressed collective unconscious gradients so insure such outcomes. Personally, I've never been greatly impressed by, or even much interested in, so-called quantum logic, as quantum mechanics (lower case) is either ontologically-preceded by, or covariant with, geometrodynamics, which is preceded by pregeometry as, according to my personal conviction, µTm-valued calculi of propositions understood independent of the historicity-dependent notion known as truth-value, preceded by pre-pregeometry as a bucket of dust (not unrelated to Sakharov-Novikov multi-sheet-model dust), preceded by the pre-pre-pregeometrical CTC-logically-valued base-state of Tzog-chen, which CTC-ness altogether nullifies the notions of precedence relations (logical, ontological, temporal) and separability (as regards identity qua identity, the very notion of number, spatial reference). The m-incarnate-identity became n-reincarnates only due to the memetime impress glutamatergically etched and neuronally anchored in hieratical service to sacerdotally imposed prescriptive enculturation-socialization. None of this is new. It has been understood by humans since pre-Vedic memetimes, as well-explicated by John Woodroffe in The World as Power. VR simulations on The Thirteenth Floor and the Transcendence of death by the simple-1T2-identity are simply further elaborations of the root dyssimulation -- whether TPTB pull off their self-deification and wander in myriad Mayas, or not. Could a Greenspan see the implications of that account of the invisible-magic-hand as regards indicated alterations in market framework determining conditions, e.g., order of logical-value of the monetary units employed? Half a century and more of opportunities has yielded no recognizably relevant outcome. First dibs on stupidity? A dipsomaniacal Wall Street did not cause, was not responsible for, 2007-8; The Street (and The City) was/were only the proximal perpetrator[s] (thus exhibiting self-similarity to etiology and course of holocausts and genocides: during 2007-8, I was living in a small hamlet in coastal Cambodia in a once Khmer-Rouge-controlled area during their war with Lon Nol, our pet palindrome, in an attempt to further internalize-grok the sort of collective unconscious gradients responsible for hysterical bombing campaigns and their [after}maths). As regards GWOT and sequels, how much are those committed to interdiction responsible for that which they ostensibly seek to interdict? Given the emotivity, indeed, the raging intensity of the affect-charge driving the back-reactions upon Abel, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, Schrödinger, Gödel, outcome of the Aspect experiment, so on, and their art-music, plastic-art, art-fiction spinoffs (for an example of converse misuse, see Modern art was a CIA 'weapon', Frances Stonor Saunders, The Independent, 22 October 1995), there was no possibility whatsoever that ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements, would not eventually come to envelop the world of money. The effector organs of the ConveDDs, orchestrated by collective unconscious gradients, were primarily the ex-mathematicians, ex-physicists/engineers who created the conceptual foundations, the soft and hard infrastructures, facilitating financialization of derivatives which, theretofore, had largely been confined to commodity futures. The chief feature, i.e., dyssimulated foundation, of the devolving techno-base would have insured -- even without the drive-activation provided by the available affect-charge -- constellation of the ConveDDs, because the transition was overdetermined by the falsification which the Born Rule consensuation imposed upon the Schrödinger wave-function, thus insuring that our so-called quantum-based technologies would be mere parodies of that which they regressively imitate, about which we currently have no idea. Hollywood's cretinical parodies, thus, are parodies squared. Who can seriously doubt that the anti-utopian parodies we get effectively function as promotions -- and that that has long been understood by the psyoopsers amongst us? When we -- oops! When I , not to use the coercive we -- consider the technology employed, the techno-facility demonstrated, the abundant acting abilities, and then look at contents of 95% of the films made, it's utterly staggering. How explain that the outcome of all that can be so horrible? The unfettered 1T2-logically-valued market has the least µTm-efficiency, uh, uh, qua autopoietic and self-organizational competency, of any logical-value order-type class of hypothetical unfettered markets -- particularly those with framework determining conditions internalizing extra-systemic externalities as fine-grained and fiber-bundled tagging of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, the very thing 1T2-financial derivatives regressively ConveDD and impudently parody. When comparison is made between the m-scenarios strategic planning, uh, uh, MultiStrat, that went into Bill Gross' money making and the strategic address involved in his philanthropic activities (see, for edification Bill Gross: The Amount of Money I'll Give Away 'Is Staggering, Even to Me', Erik Schatzker and Mary Childs, Bloomberg, 12 May 2015), what does the comparer get? Absolutely not a high correlation, surely. What is the comparer to think of such people? The such list of names is, indeed, long. Making merit with dirty money (all 1T2-money is dirty, it's just a question of how dirty) is not only an oxymoron, but also a counterproductive attempt, after the fact, to practice karma yoga in the ill-fated venture designed to convince the 1T2ly-egoic selfhood that all along it wasn't only about money, money, money. Codification and implementation of 1T2-financialization, in large part responsible for massive malinvestment and humongous malconsumption, put the icing on the baked Alaska which is the larger n-dimensional global crisis: 1T2-markets require unending growth simply in order to allocate, in and of itself an enormous market inefficiency, and this requirement requires continued population growth (nowadays exponentiated by obsession with artificial means of life extension) which, in turn, requires ever more raping of resources over and above Earth's carrying capacity, so on and so forth. That's the binary mind for you! Just look at the very notion of credit spreads if one wants to understand what the binary mind's binarisms yield (market internals providing some detail as to the fixations involved, particularly as purviewed by our Flash Gordons, those high-frequency funds with naked access, i.e., meaning in possession of the encoded [acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode] signature of the operative frequency-response window instantaneously at trade: ConveDDs are everywhere!) -- and what costs, in terms of systemic level of self-organizational competency, that yield exacts in the context of multiple-bank credit expansion concerning efficacy of 1T2-market-orchestrated allocations vis-à-vis the µTmly-Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth (which totality includes a factoring in of extra-systemic externalities no less than those externalities systemically internal). No. I'm not even for stock markets as investment engines, if there are only a small number of them tied to only the nation-state scale level, let alone loci for meetings of dipso-adrenergo-maniacal obsessives bent upon displaying their pathogenic sequelae and Rx-demand options: bailouts, QEing, and et cetera -- particularly so when the bulk of activity is engaged in by trading bots altogether uninterested in real-economy fundaments. Why? Because, due to existing 1T2-framework determining conditions, trading in stocks, bonds, and other up-or-down-only insecurities cannot, by definition, effectively allocate time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Quite the contrary, as the drift over the last several thousand years unto the prevailing n-dimensional global crisis lavishly indicates. While global resources in 1T2-terms are diminishing-unto-depleting, their CTC-unto-µTm-time-shapes are nondenumerable. Nonetheless, global natural resources management strategies -- howsoever the hagiographies have it -- are playing themselves out on the ground, in the air, and under the sea in resource-war fashion analogous to the highly-leveraged funds management competitive strategies employed globally in hedge-fund-saturated markets during run up to 2007-8. And, subsequently, how market priced are regulated market prices, particularly when the corpus of regulatory activities has been a ConveDD of latent µTm-prices ever more assiduously fled from qua back-reacted upon since Abel-of-1823, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, et cetera? The flaw leading to 2007-8 set out upon its wayward journey early in the 19th century within pure mathematics, infiltrated the field of logic, appeared in theoretical physics, then migrated to applied maths, infected the techno-base and corrupted high finance -- all the while being responsible for the War of the World. Jus' try ta wrecktify da siteeation, you ain't been workin' alldaway back ta dem Peeuuure arithmetics an' whataaal! Where can one find evidence this is at all understood? Theories-descriptions-hypotheses concerning 1T2-market dynamics, how they work, are boring, boring, boring! Adaptive-interactionist, neuro-behavioral, deterministic-chaos models replacing random-Gaussian-normotic models. Humph! More and more [dog}masssss! Why care -- when there are at least µTmly-many-market types out there in Platonia yet to be implemented? Be aware that it took conflation of [ConveDD]3 to yield [CDO]3: i.e., conflation of (1) dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function to probability amplitudes, rather than its interpretation with m-valued logics; and (2) the multi-worlds dysterpretation of Hugh Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics; and (3) superimposition of general relativity's Einstein-Rosen bridge upon the multi-worlds take on Everett -- these three ConveDDed to the realm of financial derivatives. Beating the market qua wheel qua table qua dealer doesn't interest me; changing the very idea of what markets are, making them better, more competent: now, that's something that gets my attention. Bundling risk into securitization loaves up-ended and sliced into rated tranches, and sliced again, is a perfect financial analogue of ConveDDing, due to the absence of fiber-bundle arithmetics, µTm-valued logics, laminated Riemann surfaces and LSTDs (limited spacetime domains), quantum composites, compacted, i.e., temporally-CURLed, Calabi-Yau dimensions -- made user friendly with holographically-VRed techno-externalized inner Musculpt as mathematical notation (in considerable contrast to what the DOD-Hollywood psychocomplex is doing with this technology, and what has been done with the avaricious Paku-Pakkuman! self-portrait content of computer games since their infantile inception and subsequent course, ever more regressed until memetime present). MBSs into CMOs into CDOs. CDOs squared and cubed [CDO]2s, [CDO]3s Uh, uh, that's CDOs of CDOs of CDOs Synthetic CDOs: tranche-sliced CDSs on [CDO]3s rehypothecated and rehypothecated, fabricated off balance sheet for off-shore accounts generating secondary markets, tertiary markets hidden in dark pools, correlation pairs-traded and 1T2-priced like Google rates websites: popularity sets price; price determines popularity. Market reflexivity smart-mob securitized in La-La-Land with rating-agency collusion. The layering and the 1T2-pricing algos are a psycho-regressed parody of what markets in µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, defined over WiFied fractal e-boundaries posted to SkySpace between bioactive frequency-response windows, would look like, risk-adjusted performance being an outcome, not merely a rating criterion.
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