µTm Scenarios, T25(M)
Dear Dr. Drivelly with undying yellow-coruscating, obstreperous-ideational sclerenchyma protecting your brow -- and all those bleary from Beery-Buktenica tests who didn't get a hundred on Stanford-Binet. How many of your preceptors got 120, when they all should have gotten 130 to have been in their positions as agents of influence. Parenthetically, from what I've seen, a childhood 160 is not the place to be; 130 to 140 is optimum -- all things considered, given that there is anyone out there wanting to so consider. How do I know? Well, I don't know that I know; I only know why I think I know. No impish espieglerie engaged in here. If you've had several near-death experiences, or facsimiles thereto, beginning age 14, each time there is less and less identification with this world. And if you came upon adolescence with a cross-cultural tilt, therefore not adequately glutamate-etched, the near-death effect is all the more magnified. There's maybe even a recurrent Plexiglas wall and a reverse-telescope effect well into the mid-twenties -- until understanding begins to dawn. And being in timorous diffidence at having felt bullets whizzing by, one's orientation to NOW is momentarily changed -- potentially, with the right inner-counterwork, forever radically altered. Regardless of Nash equilibrium, the authentically equitable is not even notionally possible under 1T2-logically-valued framework determining conditions, e.g., the selfsame single-valuedness of currency units (self-aggrandizement being the foremost appalling currency of the prevailing grandee epoch) employed by monetary systems heretofore -- except those StoneAge gift-exchange-based, and residuals thereof. Non-zero does not inhere within, and cannot be adherent to, binary minds. Patriotically Step Up to the retrograde-inversion which is counterinsurgency by means of the break-danced ConveDD (conversion disorder displacement) of topological geometrodynamics: if classical Wheelerian geometrodynamics went ontological in 1973, so did B-boying. Up for this subset is down for another: indeed, any violation thereof is a logical fallacy not permitted by definition -- whatever the system-justifying black-hype deceits promulgated. In a single-valued binary-logical, i.e., 1T2, economy, there can be but one raison d'etre: more. And that framework determining condition absolutely precludes validity-utility of each and every econometric behavior equation, =. All 1T2-economic behaviors are inherently about inequality, >: more, not same. In a 1T2-only-logic economy + monetary system + authoritarian markets, money-maven policy tools and next-new financial instruments are inherently caught in schizophrenogenic double-binds, but not only of the damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't variety, solves many problems by creating many more: because of in-or-out binary-logical boundaries upon which 1T2-currencies are defined, available policy tools simply cannot, on principle, well-accomplish boundary-value crossovers, no µTm-valued interlocutors, what works inside inculcates referred pain outside, and vice versa, the more removed-system consequences having to do with the same principle vis-à-vis internalities/externalities. One must, therefore, be more opposed to causes of insurgency than insurgency itself, particularly because, as the huff-duff[able} historical record lavishly demonstrates, the foremost impetus to fulminations is the counterinsurgency preceding amplitude modulation of insurgency -- the counterinsurgency being effectuated by good offices of condottiere employed under whatsoever dissembling rubric, black-flagged or no. Though, for instance, one could hardly accuse self-professed anarchist Oriana Fallaci of having been preoccupied with classical rationalism, isn't it strange upon whom she placed blame, having had so little to say about rule-laden binary obsessions of the Italian state, obsessions more apropos of French bureaucracy, given the ideational-orientation foci of Drs. Bourbaki of the University of Nancago. Concerning deep-structure etiology and pathogenesis, well, there is much that should have been said by many, and long ago. Those Dredd judges servicing 1T2-lawfare! The socially-conferred role attribution, i.e., the office, is more objectionable than is heshe who identifies with it. Sacralization of the institutionalization of any given 1T2-Weltanschauung -- particularly given our hundred-years-on prospective µTmly-post-paradigmatic Weltbild -- is the greatest enemy of human-species longevity and integrity of the planet in face of anthropogenic-iatrogenic incursions. I am against intermediaries being used to preclude direct empathetic realization by knowledge through identity -- profane and sacred -- as well as expansions upon the basic neuropsychological processes involved: personification, projective-identification, transference, individual and collective somatoform and technoform (converts a psychological problem to a technoartifact, e.g., a 1T2-logically-valued finite-iteration Tmachine) conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD: perpetual ConveDDing being what CNN characterizes as sustainable innovation), over-reliance upon scientistic abstractionism by functional imbalance favoring thinking over the other functions, convergence insufficiency as regards empathic bonding states, collapse of the spectrum of logical-value order-types available for cognitive processing. Each of these in one way or another, to one degree or another, involve onset of rhythmic dyscrasias, and thus is pathofunctional, i.e., facilitative of disease: an excellent book on this subject is From Clocks To Chaos, Leon Glass and Michael C. Mackey, Princeton U. Press, 1988. Peremptory exclusions, the class of which being one sort of intermediary, one of the many types of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance (designated brain antagonizing, as described here in Lucidity Letter 6[1], 1987, Diane Jones; in Volume 6 of Autogenic Therapy, subtitled Treatment With Autogenic Neutralization, Grune & Stratton, 1973, Wolfgang Luthe lists and describes well over a dozen clinically identified forms, the most potent collective form prevalent today, according to my analysis, being thematic evasion), make full 1T2-proof easier: consider prescriptively-enculturated orchestration of glutamatergic neuronal pruning as tantamount to a truth drug; this drug, however, does not elicit the truth, only psycho-identification with truth-value as a predicative-implicative evaluator-facilitator notion. Prescriptive enculturation is a prescription drug, pure and simple, and that drug is the neurotoxin glutamate. As regards personal, not collective behavior, insofar as the former is separable from the latter, the direct displacement is benign relative to the converted displacement; the direct being such like as compulsively quaffing alcoholic drinks, reaching for smokes, excessively pounding the pud, masturbating the keyboard, obsessing with the cell phone, going for sugar highs, popping pills unto nevermore hathe-dothe-willeth shehe forebore. The cell phone is the worst thing ever to have been done to humanity -- worse even than the radio, the TV, and ambient music. It robs the species, particularly the young, of the last vestige of hope to have any sort of significant interiority, in that every waking moment is abysmally occupied with roof-brain chatter and other utter 1T2-trivia, much of it conversion-displacements of roof-brain-chatter tape-loops run over and over. Put the worst together in the melting pot, and once squeezed through the sieve, out comes Leberwurst? Nah. Blutwurst? Nah. Plockwurst? Ja. I've never owned much, but during the last couple of decades my most prized possession has been a set of earplugs, and living in societies where I don't speak the local language. Logic, 1T2-only: wo der pompösen I kommt von -- where the pompous 'I' comes from. Quintessential broken-family modernism, existential separatism-angst compulsively techno-ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) to internet-and-cellular telepresence plus FaceBooked, MoSoSoed connectivity simulations of relative-state, if not also identity-transparency, the quality of sociality being so poor that, generally, the closest of friends are the greatest of risks, particularly so when legal prescription precludes evolution of viable alternative fundamental social units. Hardly implied is collegiality by use of the term relative-state. Weltzeitalter -- New World Age. Foremost bugbear in raggle-taggle. Those in the category otherwise form the bulk of the concreteness-committed constituency; those checking the boxes marked wise and knowledgeable give allegiance, not to others, but to the altogether elsewhere. These days, that which is figurative is almost invariably [face}tious: just contemplate what has allowed FaceBook to become what it is! Found bounds, and happy about it, they are, aren't they. Most of the letters I've written concerning these ideas have been addressed to characters of fiction, or so it seems to me. Having projected up-across-over ontological precedence unto a state prior to zero-point energy and to matter-energy and to the geometrodynamics of general relativity, thus also having removed the quantum measurement problem from the focused upon level of precedence, we find the curl of a gradient always vanishes, as Rafael-Andres Aleman-Berenguer, having assumed an amorphous spacetime and presupposed classical logic and mathematics, states in Epistemologic Controversy on Quantum Operators of Space and Time, Principia, 14:2, 2010, pp. 241-53, curl not generally considered generalizable beyond the 3D of ponderable 4D spacetime, no more than is gradient and internal-external source-sink del-dot-F divergence-convergence; nonetheless, unless we can convince ourselves of the bare existence of ontology-in-itself, i.e., pure being-ness of being-in-itself, a rather religious notion, if not a personified such notion, M to me, not standing in for my me, indicating the Musculpt manifold, the bare universe, in my judgment, being not merely differentiable, the question remains, vanishes for whom-what? For the projector of precedence relations; for an observer embedded in what LSTD, limited spacetime domain (Einstein elevator), looking back up the ontological precedence hierarchy, and back-before into temporal precedence relations, unto-into the empty amorphous spacetime presumably in some enfolded-CURLed-compacted sense filling the particle-containing cyclotomically-unfolded LSTD; for which logical-value order-type of observer? The answer being: Heshe-itwhat who-which is temporal-curl-blind (curl expressed over-in-through l, m, n, not only i, j, k and, thus, inculcating Everettian-vonHayekian 'time-shapes of total capital stock', this one-and-only universe) and, hence, memetime-bound? Being is a demergent variation upon nirvanic being-in-itself, insofar as such pre-exists existence, a pre for which we moderns have no words (the zero-point being regarded a 1T2-type somewhatish whatnot, not the µTm-type notwhat it actually is), restricted as we are to 1T2-logical marches, lineal and circular, whatever languages we might employ. I/i-type self-worth is a demergent variation upon generic worth, which is µTmly valued (as per the allelotropic theory of value) according to the index of of-eachother-ness ontically manifest amongst the it-selves involved in the given case of relative-state identity-transparency, 1T2-paradoxically realized only to the degree the egoic-selfhoods do not need to seek signifiers of worth (existential confirmations) outside their it-selves. Consider that amorphous spacetime, empty even of zero-point energy, while being mathematically [designate}able is inherently imponderable -- ponderability following from temporal operations upon (hyper/function)space which demerge form as existential structure, temporal operators being expressions of pregeometric µTm-logical operators. Hologramic relative-state identity-transparency precludes an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinction between, not only particle and wave, and one particle/wave-packet and another, and corpora thereof, but also between particles/wave-packets and the spacetime containing them, for the position of a CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 logically-valued particle/wave-packet involves in-so-far-as-all points or strings or skew-parallel cubes/hypercubes of spacetime in-so-far-as-all orders of logical-value are considered (i.e., integral to participator-unto-mere-observer state). Locality and nonlocality, no less than simple-identity and non-simple-identity, are largely Karpenko functors of the order-of-logical-value adopted for operator-extraction of eigenvalues. Logical, ontological, and temporal precedence relations conspiring on different levels of abstraction, altogether-empty spacetime may not exist, uh, exist existentially, that is; while it may be, it may not have the same ontological status as spacetime becoming, uh, as spacetime constellated by particle interactions. In-or-out, on-or-under, constituent-or-constituency, object-or-context: in syzygy to the glutamate-etched neuronal anchor dragging upon the binary mind. To be or not to be is not THE question iff the whatnot at consideration is not 1T2-only-logic bound. My I/i doesn't think it's necessary to go all the way back to a memetime beginning, a big-bang, to find evidence of this: illustrating the fundamental principle of haiku, tornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition each are sufficient. Chris Fields' short and brilliantly clarifying (reading the technical paper, one finds that all the basic ideas are well-explained in the brief lecture) Science and Non-Duality conference lecture, reproduced and posted as the YouTube VDO entitled, What is Entanglement, Anyway?, 13 March 2015, brought to my attention, along with the technical account given in An additive Hamiltonian plus Landauer's Principle yields quantum theory, ArXiv, 30 March 2015, thanks again to Lauri Love (nsh), concerning the meaning of quantum entanglement, is the account I've heard-read which is closest to the perspectives I've been arguing on animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency, Plexiglas wall, arbitrariness of partitioning schemata under the assumption that structures are automatized functions (and resultant relativity of closed/open with derivative nested classes of conservation principles), no classical limit, quantum physics is everywhere cum everytime, memetime, Heisenberg uncertainty being a surface-only take, so on. While I couldn't agree more, where our orientations apparently seriously diverge is, not with regard to the imaginary number in Schrödinger's equation (indeed, Paine and I, from studies of tornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition and autogenic brain discharges, added two levels of nonlinearity and hypercomplex numbering beyond that imaginary, thus invoking the open-ended arabesque with many mini-climaxes with which, I imagine, most women are familiar; this, too, being a divergence, as Fields argues that linear+imaginary is adequate to the case), but in terms of the m-valuedness of Schrödinger's wave-function, a divergence revealed, as regards the lecture, only with the after-lecture first question from the floor concerning self-referential logical states, the very states Rafael-Andres Aleman-Berenguer neglects in not considering temporal curl. In respect to this-I/i and my Whitmanesque other I-am's, it's patently obvious none of them could ever pass any lie detector test, such tests being predicated upon the 1T2-only-order-of-logical-value psycho-identification with the notion truth-value. Once upon a memetime in Santa Fe, when confronted with the prospect of a lie detector test, my I/i had to walk away from its otherwise successful application for a job as a janitor. Cantorian cardinands suprasuming pedestrian ordinands, be they Riemannian prime cuts or mere Dedekind scraps. Fields appears to me to not have considered that there are Cantorian cardinalities of infinities of self-referential logical-value order-types wrapped into semantically immiscible logical states of subsystem-system-supersystem composites screeching out the hysteresis loops integral to material memory, and to have answered that question from a viewing of the µTm-logically-valued through a 1T2-only lens, and, moreover, from a memetime-bound 1T2-only-logic take, whereby Platonic remembering -- i.e., Heraclitian 1T2-learning is Schrödinger-memetime-independent remembering of the µTm-content of the Parmenidean AllBase state of Tzog-chen (is Parmenidean monism [where the issue of the index of the 'is' of identity is of critical importance, the present instant having not only lineal-cut-type identity, but also ontological-and-logical-precedence-type depth, development of the awareness of which is one main objective of freeze-frame exercises and practices associated with the Gurdjieffian notion of self-remembering at, say, walking meditation qua Vipassana qua hesychasm of Philokalia qua mindfulness qua phronesis pulling back in the libido of object-capture at projective-identification, involving, initially, a self-induced spatially-CURLed splitting into real horizontal and imaginary cum hypercomplex vertical proprio+percepto<<<>>>ceptions of empatho<<<>>>transparent selfhood, singular, then temporally-CURLed m-such, again singular] about selfsame single-valued Oneness or about non-selfsame multivalued Oneness? which is not to mention the spectrum of logical-value order-types under which Oneness may be processed, about which Parmenides likely was explicitly unaware, despite the mysteries being implicitly all about them: read, for instance, Karl Kerenyi's quoting of Aristotle's account of the experience of generative empathy as being at the core, provided in The Ritual Path of Initiation Into the Eleusinian Mysteries, Mara Lynn Keller, Rosicrucian Digest, 2, 2009, pp. 28-42, with particularly interesting and elaborate endnote linked list of references) -- is denied. Retrograde-inversion of detail-focused, point-man, tradecraft-attention cathexes, so as to supersede ground-based pilot-fixation syndrome and accomplish surreptitious entry upon inner spheres moving, affective, cognitive. If, as Yogi Berra famously once said, The future ain't what it used to be, then the same should be said of the passing past -- passive, referential, linear memetime having no greater substance than any other learned behavior transmitted from generation to generation. Could one possibly, with actual ontic authenticity, Platonically rembember oneself in a meme-temporal reference frame? There is no existence precedes essence-type Existentialism aspect to Gurdjieffian self-remembering, Plato and Vedic Idealism (think: Sri Aurobindo Ghose's King's College, Cambridge written paper, later booked, of that title) being what they are, IMHO. Once one is sufficiently untensed as to enter the present perfect sense of things, there's only the immediate -- past immediate, present immediate, future immediate. Well mark it, sir, dare say I, remembering into depths of Now cools, not the brow, but the crown: vesting attention cathexes to the postcentral gyrus (cascade-descent of Sri Aurobindo's light is via this primary sensory area; for years, I practiced this form of cathexis during walking-meditation and inner-separation-at-reading, without use of physical touch), i.e., implant-free 1T2-only-brain stimulation opening upon µTm-quantum-brain processing (not something a digital-binary implant conceivably could accomplish). People are so in, identified, they can't get out, detached, enough to remember themselves. Divided-self inner separation -- the voluntary splitting-off, dissociation, of an observer self -- is an absolute prerequisite, and only a preliminary, a mere entry upon direct awareness of µTm-logically-valued processing (which is not multi-tasking). But dissociation is such a highly-cultivated boogeyman -- by the psychiatric establishment in service to the state, by Hollywood, by the legal system, by popular literature, by neocolonial anti-pagan-animist SpecWar cohorts, et cetera -- there is little chance of µTm-cogitation resurrecting itself absent implementation of µTm-logically-valued LETS during some phase of the upcoming global monetary restructuring. Parenthetically, I take this opportunity to note that I've neglectfully never rightfully given due consideration and acknowledgement in regards to contributions made, to whatever degree he realized or did not realize it, to formulation of these LETS notions, but hereby thus so do with respect to Sesto Vecchi, first encountered indirectly during 1968 in Saigon via my once-removed Harvard Law School cum West 44th Street Harvard Club, boss at SRA/MACV-J2, directly, face-to-face, at a hotel coffee shop on Nguyen Hue in Ho Chi Minh City during 1993, after my wife, Nha Trang, had brazenly stepped in -- to more properly translate, than was being officially provided, legal technicalities -- upon a very sophisticated Vecchi public lecture addressing juridical considerations internationally, even perhaps domestically, relevant to the Doi Moi transition, then currently ongoing, the strategic role in that transition played by Tran Bach Dang (my most-studied, given my assigned specific intel focus, SRA/MACV-J2, circa 1968; and my most-graciously-house-welcoming host cum declared personal sponsor for a family-visit visa, circa 1993; TBD being an exceptionally objective man, who, after intense discussion featuring -- bang-bang-bang, typical of his personal style formed by command habituation -- detailed questioning so as to ascertain-verify esoteric knowledge base, immediately, in snap judgment, took NT and I to Tran Van Giau's house for wife-served tea and lengthy metaphysical cum political cum mutually-shared reflections-regrets as regards human limitations-frailty of the cognitive and moral varieties, so on and so forth as to how that profile seems little to have changed throughout history) not at all to be discounted. Indeed, returning to the theoretical backdrop, where Fields, in the lecture, said Heraclitus, I would have said Parmenides. Parmenidean nothing ever changes is spoken from the CTCly most-dense sheet; whereas, Heraclitian everything is nothing but changes is spoken from across the decomposed µTm-unto-1T2 Abelian-Bellian cyclotomically decomposed sheets. Not-buying-into/buying-into the illusion of fluxion limits epiphenomenal to 1T2-only-logically-valued monovariate calculus (belying the epsilon-delta treatment and the what's cut in the Dedekind-cut notion of a limit required to partition the rationals and construct the irrationals and the reals, these what-cutting cuts creating the illusion of selfsame single-valued numbers): it's 1T2-paradoxical that the relativistic absolute limiting velocity opens upon Schrödinger memetime-independence, this paradoxicality being so only because there is no recognition that approach to a fluxion limit (consensually single-valued) is ingress upon, not only another type of illusorily-singly-valued number, but also an order-of-logical-value transition. Right, 'e's the full linear monoid, that one is, isn't 'e? Just your usual 3-3-7-endomorph self-adjoint endomorphism. Hah! Given non-simple-self-value and non-simple-self-function and non-simple-self-energy of projective <--> introjective relative-state identity-transparency, and adjoint carrying the box score to infinite dimensions in conformation to the m-valuedness dictated by the Schrödinger wave-function, we have, per Heraclitus-Parmenides, selfsame qua 1T2ly-self-adjoint /slash/ non-selfsame, whereby the CTC-adjointicity itself has Cantorian cardinalities of order-types. Going from 1T2ly-self-adjoint to expectation value is simply in order to maintain belief in exclusivity of untrammeled 1T2-selfsameness. Judging from Fields' treatment of the associative properties of the additive nature (compositional autopoiesis via musical ono[ma}topoeia?) of the factors of the Hamiltonian operator (total energy operator: but consider the difference between the original time-independent and rewritten time-dependent Schrödinger equations, a tangential question about which asked here), it seems to me that he would likely embrace Pauli operator time regarded as a measureable, for his treatment ostensibly does not disallow negative values, the Hamiltonian being consensually bounded from below having been the foremost objection to the notion of operator time being conjugated to the Hamiltonian operator, and why Pauli rejected that notion which he himself originated (as regards Pauli-Jung synchronicity, not informed by Pauli-Paine operator-time, cococo incidence is fate, conscious registration of which is one entrance upon µTm-logically-valued relative-state identity-transparency, meaning, uh that The Mummy Doesn't Need to Return in order to be-here-now). Be aware that discontinuity -- the very heart of quantum mechanics, and most distinguishing it from relativity physics -- is epiphenomenal to imposition of 1T2-boundary conditions, memetime being amongst their definers. Also epiphenomenal of the imposed 1T2-boundary conditions is a supposed single-valuedness (first postulate to the consensus interpretation) of Schrödinger's wave-function due to the system under consideration being regarded heuristically isolated (less explicitly: also non-self-reentrant and orientable). It is with interactions that m-valued superposition supposedly manifests (masturbatory self-interaction precluded cum proscribed by virtue of excluding self-referential logics not reducible to fuzz in the spread of the real interval [0,1]). Hence, operator-extractors and expectation values, so as to retain the imposed single-valuedness. But what if the boundaries established were not only of the 1T2-type, but also those CTC-unto-µTm? Memetime could no longer be amongst the basic definers? How would that affect the contention that there cannot be operator time-as-eigenvalue-extractor? What about 3-fold operator-time as active topological transducer? That's temporal operator as topo-transformer, not extractor of the single-valued from the m-valued. Nope, can't have that neither, not the least because, were there such, then measured values could not be constrained to the real number system, as the Hermitian postulate (second postulate to the consensus interpretation) enunciates. As Rafael-Andres Aleman-Berenguer points out with a by the way, some have supposed that quantum mechanics imposes a quantttttization of the self-values of time which precludes operator time -- thus yielding discrete moments of time similar to the Buddhist conception, except that the original Buddhist notion has dependent origination (think: wave-effect Everettian relative-state) as transpiring in one mind moment, which, to me, evokes Schrödinger memetime-independence, rather than a discrete objective-linear-time. Obviously, my I/i had a lot of karmic crap on its cosmic plate, otherwise it would never have been conceived: certainly, in[car}nation to yet another Truman Show was not voluntary. If, howsoever-whatsoever, that which is quantized is operator-time as topo-transducer, not memetime, then the quantization would look more like the Penrose twistor than a discrete series of 1T2-only-definable irreversible moments. Pre{post]erous! By Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic decompositional involutes, the Hermitian constraint would not exist under nonlinear third- and second-order temporal operations; this restriction would manifest only with appearance of linear-first-order dynamics and associated basis set. Rafael-Andres Aleman-Berenguer, with a subsequent but (like the buts employed by Clausewitz to convince himself that his right-on intuition that time by a dynamic analogy as a factor or forces was nothing but a wrong-off misconception: how many strategic military philosophers understand the degree to which Old Clause prefigured 20th-century physics, thusly postfiguring Sun Tzu and anticipating Mao and Truong Chinh [see, for a wealth of detail: Third Stage of Insurgency Warfare: A Dynamical Analysis of Vietnamese Communist Strategy, Tactics, and Intentions, our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Foundation Autopoy, 1994, Vol. 2, pp. 2-34, a reproduction of the paper written during February-July of 1968 at SRA/MACV-J2 from efforts of analytic assimilation produced by a dozen analysts of thousands of captured enemy documents, agent reports, intelligence summaries, so on -- never classified, never disseminated, except amongst a very small subset, including, years later, Sam Adams: Planet of the Islamic Imbeciles being an immediate post-Tet {Tet being 30 January; film release date, 8 February} prefiguration of what was to come on back of cultivation of the stab in the back myth]?) demurs, and argues that the self-values of a time evolution operator are not real, uh, real-numerable. Are these buts indicative of intrusions of the Freudian glutamatergic psychopathologies of everyday life? Ask oneself: does, speaking from the decomposed µTm-unto-1T2-sheet corpus, the time-independent Hamiltonian operator additively emerge from the time-dependent Hamiltonian operator or does the time-dependent Hamiltonian operator subtractively demerge from the time-independent Hamiltonian operator -- and, speaking Parmenidean-wise from the CTCly most-dense Tzog-chen AllBase sheet, are both (and m-more?) of these simultaneously the case, thus cancelling out? Under conception of CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 demergence, are not Heisenberg inequalities superficial in their takes, ignoring Bennettian µTm-pencils of skew-parallels, for instance? However, Fields might not go so far as to permit Pauli-Paine operator-time handled as active topological operator, expressed macroscopically as temporal curl and quantized as Penrose twistor. I, of course, by virtue of relative-state identity-transparency mediated by Karpenko functors over Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, embrace the notion that geometrodynamic, as distinct from pregeometric, interaction ([inter}action being a quintessentially 1T2-only notion) is not required for behavioral influence. Far-from-equilibrium phase transitions looked at via demergent Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic decompositional involutes and cascade theoretics lends support to this contention. Moreover, I do not assume the universe closed, for Lukasiewiczian self-referential reentry is 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTCly open (closed/open being quintessentially a 1T2-only notion), given the classes of Cantorian cardinalities involved; hence, predicating non-orientability (no participator-observer, therefore, can be a simply-identifiable absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct subsystem, there being nonesuch, even amongst those not, in the modern-postmodern eras, regarded participator-observers: heshewhat must be a hologramically as above, so below pagan-animist abiding by Tat Tvam Asi, That art Thou). The present exposure to the work of Fields has been a big lead. Too bad that the first question-asker of Fields did not identify himself or his background. As near as I have so far discovered, his question somehow relates to the Turing tarpit and programs such as Brainfuck. The best explication of the underlying issues I have thus far found is the paper entitled The Impossibility of Accurate State Self-Measurements, by Thomas Breuer, Cambridge University, Philosophy of Science, 62, 1995, pp. 197-214. Among the latest in the long-running attack on efficacy of self-observation (this attack neglecting effects of time dilation and spatial contraction about which Oriental positivist meditators were well informed for thousands of years before appearance of Albert Einstein) by suffers, mild to severe, of Asperger's syndrome? More pointedly, a focused frontal assault on the fundamental defining property of animistic paganism, i.e., direct ontic awareness of relative-state identity-transparency, which the psychiatric establishment once called generative empathy, i.e., generative of possession states, participation inconsciente, subject-object contagion, trance mediumship, so on, and classified as an acute symptom of psychosis? Result of the mordant mordent step-down caustically imposed by the burning Neocon stepwise retrocession? For one exemplary cinematographic psycho-ConveDD of math-to-myth, view the [Marvel}ous thousand-corrupt-souls portrait of µTm-identity provided in Ghost Rider. If proper choices are made as to tacit assumptions, axioms and postulates are well selected, establishment of corollaries is permitted only via employment of 1T2-only logical marches -- well, who could 1T2-reasonably contest the conclusions? Besides, if such states were permitted, what is the likelihood mass warfare could remain an effective geopolitical tool? Since, even independent of µTm and CTC, the list of all computable sequences (check out the list of [con}sequences of diagonalization arguments and ask oneself why the diagonals of Analytical Cubism elicited such hysteria) of the sequence of [compu}tables-[compute}abilities is 1T2-incomputable iff repressive, uh, regressive, uh, retroflexive, uh, uh, 1T2-incomputable even iff recursive -- aaaaah! -- the cognitive squirming and rationalizing circumlocutions engaged in by the binary-mind faced with meanings embodied in affect-charges and feelings for form in diffuse empathetic thought composed primarily of screechy Kandinsky-Schoenberg pure-feeling-toned rows and stacks, drowsy Claude Debussy mosaic-diagonalizations (particularly with score to the gamey ballet Jeux, possibly Debussy's summation of the whole of his compositional career [concerning {though one must wonder how much the binary properties of the work are in the trained-ear of the hearer and the prescriptively-enculturated mind's eye of the form-visualizer, for might it not be possible to cast aside block renaming and look crytographically at Debussy's inner-wave and interwave substitutions not merely vis-à-vis Lester Hill polygraphic substitution, and not just via polygraphic polymorphism where the algo remains unchanged, but in terms of m-logically-valued polygraphic polymorphism, some reflections upon provided in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 580-82, where the operative algo changes logical-value order-type, the root Karpenko functor remaining unchanged, Debussy having Musculpt-intuited, requiring a shape-memory-alloyed mind, some such as the archetypal relation from which the work demerged to detail in his imagination} reconciliation of discrete and continuous, a Schrödinger-memetime-independent be-here-now where every-now-is-simply-Now moment-form, freeze-frames, cuts, fades, formal refraction of continuous wave motion between modules of the mosaic {limited spacetime domains or LSTDs}, a kind of 'braided' form, like in Earth's atmosphere, particularly at sneak-up to tornadogenesis, a cross-cutting stratification into micro- and meso- and macroscale wave motions, three basic levels of recurrence, moment time, Zuckerkandl's virtual time, multiply-directed linear time, wave trains coming from different 'directions', multiple time, waves of time, a stratified simultaneity of multiple strands, an elastic metric grid and metric waves establishing the mosaic structure, a reference pulse, a blurring of structural boundaries, a non-selfsameness inculcating a flux through forms which are always the 'same yet different', a [game}lan-influenced superimposition or layering of parts within cells and modules à la a multi-sheet model and an 'interlock' of strata, a static and nonlinear sense of multiplicity and simultaneity, and so on and so forth, going on and on and on, making the attuned reader wonder if there is anything in the multiscale, nested-grid, cascade theory of tornadogenesis and associated take on climate-shift dynamics not analogically prefigured in Jeux, see the extraordinary analysis cum summary of the analyses of other musicologists, by far the best {taking Music Comp IV at George Mason University in 1974 {{while this-I was not qualified for that course, my other-I-am had researched and written a mildly technical piece on the notion of time embodied in Toru Takemitsu's November Steps for a music appreciation course, Intro to 20th Century Music, and the professor was so taken with it that she, an international performer of dodecaphonic vocal works and an accomplished pianist, asked my me to take her Comp course devoted to 20th century music}}, my other-I-am fixated upon this work of Debussy as the be-all-and-end-all, Debussy teaching us much about a deep life as contrasted to life lived on the surface only, there being many cases of what used to be a calling now being only money grubbing or mere time-server drone-jobs accurately reflecting mentality of those involved, but could find little IT regarded inspired in terms of analytic insight, which fact, judging from Larin's bibliography, puts not only my me, but the libraries IT accessed to shame; for worse or better, I/i soon thereafter, by happenstance {{?}}, moved over to studies of tornadogenesis and operator-time} I've ever seen on this subject {but note how Debussy's musical imagination is treated as being in generative reverse-cascade, not also in the demergent cascade by which the piece was almost certainly imagined, if not subsequently concretely constructed, though Larin does note that the large-scale golden-mean structure of the work suggests a top-down aspect} provided by Eduardo Larin in 'Waves' in Debussy's Jeux, Ex-Tempore, undated; the best papers I've read were unpublished by the peer-reviewed press, and this appears to be one of those: should we be surprised that this score, giving a good impression, heh-heh-heh, of Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation, where additive-Debussy-analytic non-functional wave equals additive-Hamiltonian-type quantum-wave-equation wave-function, was written soon after advent of the quantum of action and special relativity and just as general relativity and Lukasiewicz logics were coming into shape, the avant-garde of whatever discipline in a given period all having become, by virtue of whatever inner-work means, empty enough of regressed prescriptive glutamatergic neuronal anchoring as to register the Zeitgeist leitmotifs then expressive of the prevailing constellated non-regressed collective unconscious gradients?], and being-becoming, with painterly Cubism and Cubist-Dadaist poetry, a real slap in the face to those suffering the spread of memetime-bound-determined psycho-identifications), messy cosmic-love-play Messiaen motivic-thematic Turangalila-embeddings make for great entertainment, what! After Gödel, in remembrance of such things passed, why consider, even speak of, informationally complete/incomplete 1T2ly-observable observables operator-value measured (i.e., by measure-valued measure, the word operator in a quantum-theoretic context indicating conjugation to a measureable merely, meaning merely single-valued observable parameter, despite the necessity to extract the single value from its enfolded m-valued base-state, not, for instance, operator as an active topological transducer) in real-numbered value-space, if the measurement is conducted by a non-measure-himherself measurer under the 1T2-only-valued logic which Gödel demonstrated, by employment of self-reference-as-1T2-falsifier, indubitably insures consistent-incompleteness/inconsistent-completeness of all but trivial arithmetics 1T2-only-logically constructed? Full proof is not fool proof. Not ruled out by Gödel are 1T2-inconsistent axiom systems capable of being listed by 1T2-ineffective algos, e.g., those µTm-unto-CTC logically-valued. Note that the impossibility Breuer speaks of -- it is impossible for an observer to distinguish all present states of a system, which is not to speak of knowledge through identity; and it is impossible for an observer to measure the EPR-correlations between himself or herself and the outside system, a condition in no small part, heh-heh-heh, determined by the imputed observer status which [man}dates absoluteness of 1T2-only subject-object dualism -- relates to finite-iterative and non-wave-effect Tmachines being memetime-bound (e.g., not incorporating effects of relativistic time-dilation at limiting values of critical variables, vis, say, Debussy fades) and incapable of processing with µTm-valued logics construed independent of the notion truth-value. Breuer's use of words like after and final belie his contention that the impossibility is not reliant upon reference to memetime -- because logical precedence is not all that is predicated by this usage. Furthermore, in discussion of quantum systems, validity of the Born Rule is assumed (except when debunking Everett) and, moreover, validity of validity construed independent of order-of-logical-value considerations is assumed, which is implicitly to debunk Lukasiewicz understood independent of the notion truth-value. More yet, it is assumed, 1T2-logic-wise, that the observer can be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly (to use a variant of the term coined by Hubert Benoit in Let Go: Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen, RedWheel-Weiser edition, 1977 [consider that detachment from -- detachment from what? -- ego-identifications, projections, transferences, conversion-disorder displacements, individual and collective, prefigures direct ontic experience of identity-transparency with the natural surround], signifying a main distinction, heh-heh-heh, between the mind on endogenous glutamate flood and the mind on endogenous ketamine flood: see Zen and the Brain by James H. Austin, MIT Press reprint, 1999) distinguished from the observed system, whether embedded within it or not (this is Breuer's set-1T2-only-theoretic assumption of proper inclusion based upon the prior somewhat tacit assumption of a finite number of particles which are not also waves which are not wave-packets, thus disallowing part-whole identity-transparency via Cantor's diagonal proof cum continuum hypothesis [which Breuer decides to skip over with the statement: Since this case is difficult to handle I will drop the assumption of continuity altogether] and the wave-properties registered on a hologramic plate unbroken and broken), and, indeed, that the observer is selfsame, not µTmly-non-selfsame, that non-selfsameness being a hologramic expression of participation mystique with the observed system, be it of the natural surround or, soon to come, via good offices of the ConveDD (µTm-identity having been suppressed, it is wanded into conversion and displaced to concrete depositories of infantile regression, e.g., Eidolon), with robotic surrogates and their VRed eidolons qua doppelgangers. When the fundmentals (commonly misconstrued as entities: consider, per one argument, Rafael-Andres Aleman-Berenguer's quantum particles are not point-like objects, and, hence, have no 'coordinate of position' -- just like CICV-Targets analysts kept tellin' high muckamucks was the case with inherently unbombable COSVN, and was understood at SRA/MACV-J2 to be an analogue to quantum physics) are non-selfsame and µTmly-identity-transparent (which the binary mind unsuccessfully attempts to process with notions like non-locality and entanglement), how adequate to the case can be Borel-set modeling, Venn-diagram-type logical relations, standard notions of mappings, 1T2-concatenations of these, and so on -- odd and even, for instance, being quintessentially 1T2, how useful can that notion be for modeling behaviors of whatnots µTm-unto-CTC logically-valued; or, say, diatonic major and minor keys, by comparison to the microtonal, e.g., Karlheinz Stockhausen's 81-step Studie II, or, uh, like the Fibonacci sequence, in the limit approximating to the Golden Section, is basically about consequences of rabbit-pair couplings, F-pairs having been generalized far and wide to sunflowers, P-branes, M-theory, by way of mentioning just a few (see, for instance, The Fibonacci code behind super strings and P-Branes , M. S. El Naschie, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 31, 2007, pp. 537-47)? That's one reason why I argue techno-exteriorized Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation is required to improve the level of groking, and to allow the ear to aid the eye in provision of a user-friendly interface to m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams mapped on WiFied fractal e-boundaries (kinesthetically bee-danced via holographic smart dancewear [the Robotic Spider Dress Powered by Intel Smart Wearable Technology, Ken Kaplan, InteliQ, 6 January 2015, hardly being what the French fashion designer Gisele and I had in mind those decades ago, we not having been into the marshal qua surveillance-control overtones], the human destruction of bees being thereof a ConveDD? and, as regards ConveDDs, my I/i must be crazzzy, for IT thinks manspreading prosecutions [see: Manspreading arrests , Joel Snape, The Telegraph, 1 June 2015] are, collectively, collective-unconscious-constellated, other-directed-ego-stroke-seeking, existential-confirmation-reinforcing compensatory abreaction to binary mass-mind qua corporate group-think conscious rejection of the myriad imports of the ever increasing experimental support for natural world expressions of m-valued Riemann-surface branching and Everettian splitting -- Old World analogical parallels long, long ago used to justify suppression of ecosymp EarthMother [wo}manspreading as abreactive compensation for conscious rejection of the frequency-response-window butterfly-effect, where, in the feeder funnel, the beatdown is like a series of pitch hemiolas: while recon by fire, spurt-spurt-spurt, is catching on as [pol}ice investigative technique, and psychic implosion prefiguring mass explosion of the wide array of lethal ConveDDs has yet to sweep within currently prevailing psychopathic societies, though some of these ConveDD-types have, by transference, been for decades used in mopping up societies of The Other). Ah, yes, Shallby, not Willby, I presume -- and, oh, Ms. Shant as well. Making additive associativity a most basic principle (long parodied in my writing style by how the message must be extracted from amongst much purportedly motoric extraneous material [hearing a single note amidst numberless sounds, as Takemitsu once said], such heterophonic material being my habitual wont in expression of my Hamiltonian-operator-ish associative-additive mode of thought, heh-heh-heh), as does Fields, is to axiomatize simply-identifiable selfsame discretes (and the real and complex numbers attached to suchlike) as objectively real by way of explaining infinite correlation lengths belying simple-identity and the empathic observer-state/object-system contagion so integral to human experience throughout, so far as we know, pre-modern epochs, this being the primitive's way of ontically resolving the n-body problem with m-valued identity cognitively processed under m-valued logics (a direct analogue to Tantric Schrödinger's original memetime-independent wave equation, were it interpreted relative to Lukasiewicz understood independent of the notion truth-value). In order to really appreciate largely non-developmental form (i.e., growth-free organization, like the sort of economic organization currently required on this resource-depleting planet), the listener needs to practice the hearing of collections of 1T2-memetime durations, which we've been taught to visualize horizontally, generally left-to-right, as µTmly-stacked-nested vertically qua enfolded-compacted-CURLed, i.e., kinesiologically up-to-down and diagonally and in-to-out and en-to-un, and in retrograde-inversion, and haptically qua coloristically, that is synaesthetically (trying to action-paint music helps, which I attempted, on a neophyte level, with, particularly, Takemitsu's Asterism in my home studio whilst taking modern dance and studio art courses, as an accompaniment to walking meditation, simply to try to discover some of the principles involved, so as to enhance procedures of concentration in self-observation, then being practiced long hours each day digging trees piece work, and practicing inner-separation at reading Sri Aurobindo for two hours each night, which is to say that, for me, the music-art-dance aspects were treated simply as convivial tools): that's one reason why it's so much more difficult to hearsee, say, Debussy's Jeux than Igor Stravinsky's Le sacre du printemps (shine on, shine on sunlight bright to glister all across the honeybunched economic landscape; it's a gay morning, everyone, each carrying a spurtle, anticipating a jolly-up dancing hand-in-hand around the Wall Street bull, a rite of spring carried out right into fall). This practice took place during the four years before I ran across Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics, and along with my childhood engagement with animistic Shinto modes of comprehension, I regard it as having decisively vectored my take, right or wrong, on m-valued logics. But don't get my me wrong: I like age-old Shinto cosmology, but hate the intensely regressed misinterpretations at service to the social strictures fomenting power hierarchies. This childhood animism exposure surely also affected my attitude toward competition. Never been a sports fan. Though, as a kid, I played a lot of baseball, among other contests, notably basketball, I found the hit-and-run game boring enough that the very idea of simply watching it was virtually incomprehensible. Lost sports interest altogether upon leaving high school. Never sat in on a college athletic event. The only time I attended a professional game was during 1955 (whilst I was waterboy for the Ashiya AFB football team coached by Pappy Austin, Father of Sharon, Executive of Bank of America, so on) when the loser of the World Series, i.e., the New York Yankees -- with Whitey Ford, Mickey Mantle, and Yogi Berra -- toured Japan playing some dozen-and-a-half games against Japanese teams. All of the above -- constellated since 1823, unresolved since 1900, the fester ever more deeply driven into marrow of the collective psyche with each great and small war -- lies in subsidence, behind a shot bolt, informing the dark gradients which determine the beliefs vectoring the current drift of human affairs. Two bloody centuries of gathering pernicious momentum riding on the long-wrecked back of several millennia of resolute psychic inertia. While I continue to have lots of thoughts, even make some analyses, concerning current events, political and economic and military issues, I never speak of these thoughts, and, beginning a decade and more ago, have progressively stopped writing them down -- for obvious reasons, not the least of which being that nothing anyone could do would significantly alter the large pattern of oncoming events constellated by the collective unconscious, and long since concretely put into motion. The sort of inner efforts required for rectification would have had to have been made decades ago. By end of the 1970s, surely. As per selection from myriad exemplaries: they're great ones for arobbin', are the AmerikoAngloEUos .001 percent and their yard-sale-created oligarchs, using Yukos peregrinations in an attempt to outright steal a quarter of Russia's oil, much more if the prospective mergers had been permitted. Stealin' what could already have been had for free! jus' by printin' petroeurodollars. Neocons and multilateralist We-Are-The-World oneworlders: a bunch of plumpers, farcing away, constantly shifting their concave, self-reflective, rose-colored glasses. Given that they weren't satisfied with getting it all for free and that they had to steal what they got for free -- mistakes worse than mistakes; wrongs simply wrong -- what sort of nut-case syndrome does that behavioral profile indicate, and what is the etiology and pathogenesis of the progenitor psychosis? Virtually everything post-1823-Abel? Would they abuse their self-serving laws to seek revenge for their failure at grand theft? They might do -- then proclaim Such a pity! a war there had to be. Of course, when you've never pulled back from a war-fighting economy during any period post-WWII, wars set off to a metronome are only to be expected because they are a basic requirement for maintenance of mindless over-affluence. And now, from an insecure base area, i.e., the EU, Neocons mount a strategic offensive against the Russian bear, whilst making a feint at the Chinese dragon -- a feint, because soon after onset, were the shooting to start, the line of defense would move to Australia-Hawaii-Alaska. The Japanese can't fight due to all the Eisenhower Atoms For Peace nuclear-stockpile targets spread around their small country. The spec in SpecWar stands for on spec -- the sort of war the Neocons and their paladins have unsuccessfully specialized in (failed iff their corporate and personal profiteering be discounted). The inordinate profits currently made by megacorp persons of all varieties, and incomes of their CEO lackeys, can only be classified as being extracted from war profiteering -- if implausibly denied by being merely one or two steps removed from direct instances thereof. Tenebrous are oubliettes of Neocon-fusty minds, yet etiolated of overt calumny, as if black light were astrobin', prattling on, [lit}any inside [lit}any, gathering their forcework, scheming their infrastrategies, inculcating amongst all and sundry the infernal gloom sustained by a suitable wife. It's not as if the human species has a lot of memetime left to get on top of this, that's THIS, all of this, and its cascade theoretic µTm-concatenations, their amplifiers and dampeners (as regards, for instance, injections of complex and hypercomplex angular momentum into Earth's crustal and core dynamics [concerning another sort of core dynamics iatrogenically invaded, and who can believe the outcome will be the remedial benison believed and free of side effects, medical and totalitarian? see: Magnetoelectric 'spin' on stimulating the brain, Rakesh Guduru, et al., the journal Nanomedicine as posted to the website Future Medicine on 8 May 2015; and Nanoparticles Enable Remote Control Brains Via Magnetic Field, Nicholas West, Activist Post, 18 June 2015], something, so far as I am aware, not at all studied, see: What's erupting? List and map of currently active volcanoes, Volcano Discovery, constantly updated; and 40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire, Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse, 14 May 2015; as regards ecotrophic cascades, see a requiem for planet Earth as given in In Denial: We Pursue Endless Growth At Our Peril, Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity, 29 May 2015, wherein the linked YouTube VDO, entitled How Wolves Change Rivers, specifically addresses the cascade issue relative to, for instance, The Butterfly Effect metaphysical mess [is there anything Hollywood is incapable of screwing up? bathos without pathos being an aesthetic apparently unachievable] vis-à-vis, not initial conditions, but response windows; and as regards genetic cascades initiated by the GMOing of Earth's biosphere, see the YouTube VDOs entitled Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's, Gary Null, 23 May 2013, and A Silent Forest: GMO Terror, featuring geneticist David Suzuki, 4 May 2013: note that amongst all that is spoken in these last two linked VDOs no mention is made of the µTm-quantum-wave properties of DNA and what they likely imply concerning GMO impacts; as to why that would be so, no mention, that is, we have, briefly mentioned in X-Men: Days of Future Past, released May of 2014, and making more than half a billion dollars, such profits reflecting properties of the prevailing median state of consciousness, aircraft-borne weapons systems capable of identifying and targeting the DNA quantum-wave signatures of mutants). Collective attention cathexes ought more to be directed to medicoillegitimate, if not medicoillegal, advertent and inadvertent bioweaponization by GMO, where mutant-replicator-automata appear to validate-substantiate the mistaken notion that Death is the mother of structure, in the words of the authorial voice of Richard Preston (The Cobra Event, Orion paperback edition, 1998, p. 63, somehow I missed running across this until recently: a fascinating and horrifying book, but with the boring, your-usual-thriller, highly-improbable, canned-recipe-denouement storyline, about black biology which everyone should read, and which surely played a major role in evolution of the zombie trope hopefully not to become a GMOed and/or EMPed meme intended or unintended, as well as contributing to build up unto the second bushwhacking of Iraq; note that Preston invokes a dead-virus gene scanner, while, in complementary fashion, engaging in no discussion of the quantum-wave properties of replicating DNA-RNA and radiation signatures of same, this being an interesting context within which to consider the funding profile for CRISPR-Cas9 [flash forward and see, for instance, A startup that wants to make it easier to tweak your genes just got $120 million from investors including Bill Gates, Lydia Ramsey, Business Insider, 10 August 2015; some of purportedly-eugenicist Gates' ideas as to how to save the planet are stated in The Rolling Stone Interview, Jeff Goodell, 13 March 2014: such like ho-hum sort of ideation is what $79 billion can buy you? doing something significant and timely with µTm-valued LETS nesting foams would require an initial commitment of several-hundred-million dollars: not exactly what for which one would casually write a grant application; however, there are almost 2,000 people on the planet for whom this would be a relatively minor commitment; thus, the real question is not the money, but whether or not the grantor has in place proper cognition and an adequate organizational engine; moreover, what strategic sense would be accomplished by making a move wherein the actual prerequisites to success surely would remain unfulfilled? choose those adequately positioned and try to cognitively turn them; unfortunately, it appears that, for many reasons, they are altogether unturnable and opaque as to how they would likely financially benefit]), this notion being derived from Darwinian and neoDarwinian theories of evolution-by-linear-memetime-bound-accumulation of random radiation/chemical-induced cum copying-error non-adaptive/non-functional micromutations, not by logical-to-ontological-to-temporal demergence unto systemic macromutations, and certainly not by a confluence of Schrödinger-memetime-independent-cascade plus reverse-cascade effects orchestrated via the Everettian relative-states expressed by quantum-wave dynamics of DNA at helix-coil transitions. By cultural contrast to Preston, consider Koji Suzuki's Ring-Trilogy take on a hypothetical paranormal DigiBio-like VDO-portrait of a mode of viral transmission (subliminal programming, akin to the repetitive self-advertizing so prevalent on present-day TV, related to blink rate entrainment, superposed upon microsaccades, possibly eliciting macrosaccades, by way of entry upon a tape-looped VR -- virtual reality, not videocassette recorder) to be a techno-ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of psychological contagion -- which is participation mystique, as [com}prehended by current mainstream psychiatry and social anthropology -- i.e., Suzuki's take being the modern update upon how, traditionally in Japan, only through kami-oroshi, possession, could shinki, the god-spirit, be made to circulate for specific ends, this being, minimally, the subliminal referent in part responsible for the wild popular fascination with Suzuki's work, all that once-commonplace quantum relative-state identity-transparency Shinto stuff having long since been suppressed. A little bit of folklore sensitivity transmitted to me from my folklorist wife, Nguyen Phuoc Cong Huyen Ton Nu Nha Trang (one of the smartest people I've ever known, and by leaps and bounds the most balanced really smart person I've ever known; I'd have made it to the funny farm had I not met Douglas A. Paine, who immediately understood what I was talking about, and I'd not have made it over many humps had it not been for Nha Trang's incredible ability to soldier on no matter what the travail), is to be credited for such observations -- though, concurring to the influence, she would, rightfully, acknowledge no responsibility for particulars. It may be that the quantum properties of DNA are not yet well understood. During the early-1990s, said to me one exemplary physicist dropout: I'm not interested in quantum aspects of brain function. I'm in the biofeedback business to make money. I quit being a working quantum physicist because, frankly, my world is local, that's what's real and relevant to me -- so, why should I care about nonlocality and non-simple identity? Unquote. It's the huge reduction in the illusion of egoic control inherent to the bizarre features of quantum mechanics, not the features themselves, which put people off, particularly those with unacknowledged ego-insecurity. The first wetware gene transplant (to E. coli) came twenty years after helix-coil transition was identified as the molecular-level means of replication. I think radiation biologists learned quite a good bit about quantum waveware properties of genomic processes during those two decades -- but what they learned was not welcomed by most interested parties mercantile, military, medical, even though, I imagine, potential nefarious uses had their odious constituencies. All information can be used for good and bad purposes, and often the bad outweighs the good. The question today is, given prevailing collective unconscious gradients, highly regressed as they are, how badly does the bad outweigh the good? The 1914 suicide of Europe clearly indicated that the autoimmune collective psychosis, rising out of depths of the early-19th century, was sufficiently elaborate by onset of that war as to have become all but irreversible over its course throughout the following century and beyond. There are reasons to entertain the notion that, had there been selective biological weapons available, they would have been used during, for instance, the war in Viet Nam. This presumptive supposition promotes believability of the idea that research into the possibility of bioselectivity, conducted under one guise or another, preferential funding of chosen areas, so on, likely continued after the 140-nation signing of the 1972 biological weapons convention. AIDS, for instance, exhibits some behavioral qua lifestyle selectivity. As I understand it, throughout human history it was not underdog peoples who created means of lethality: explosive powders, dynamite, nitroglycerin, plastique, napalm, WP, CBUs, so on; swords, longbows, guns, cannon, machineguns, tanks, DU-projectiles, railguns; fighter planes, bombers, rockets; biologicals, chemical agents, nuclear warheads, EMP, high-energy lasers, ionospheric heaters and other environmental weapons. The involved acts of creation were accomplished by the most innovative of our most civilized peoples, peoples of the dominant cultures. Yep, it'were them what donediddo this. The real use-threat for strategic biological weapons is not lone psychos or terrorist groups, but dispersal in desperate circumstances of total war involving offensive deployment of robot combatants unaffected by radiation resistant biologicals and many chemical agents -- dispersals overseen by the portable battlefield-management-ready MASS unit, mesoscale atmospheric simulation system. And not to forget MSG: the more object-constant, fix-and-follow, short-term-memory-inculcated, memetime-bound, infra-baby newborns there are extant, the higher the exogenously-induced component of the glutamate titer of the endogenous glutamate floods transpiring in the in-the-womb-enculturating-socializing surrogate qua-cum mother suborned by actions of the usurping .001%-corporate-state security apparat. Collective brain impairment is a significant factor in the ever more well delineated equation. The post-animistic, post-pagan, particularly post-Renaissance human species all along secretly knew the consequences of its actions towards nature, and continued its rapacious behaviors nonetheless. To me, this involves conscious choice, transmitted from generation to generation. In speaking about back-reaction to imports of Abel's theorem of 1823 as possibly implying a collective unconscious decision for human species suicide, I'm not referring to such like. People don't have the vaguest idea: that's what unconscious means. And collective unconscious is more unconscious than is the individual personal unconscious -- not to say the even more surface subliminal. I've never challenged the notion of free will with respect to ADLs (activities of daily life), but when it comes to cultural set and predispositions on such order of generality well, that's another thing altogether. When people hate the consciousness states they are identified with, even the very notion of identity employed to define their states of identification, the involved double-bind impels flight: suicide is one possible; a war against memetime, another; skedaddling into deep space, yet another. Given that they -- TPTB -- will never (as is the presupposition informing the Earth-bound tale of Ark 4 in the film 2012) transport 10-billion people to The Next Earth, having done their best to destroy this one -- indeed, the aspiration for, and belief in, the likelihood of extraterrestrial domicile has significantly contributed to despoliation of Earth -- and that the worst of human spore would be those transported, my profound hope is that their Enterprise utterly fails. We must give due respect to all those who [pre}pare themselves for high political office by submitting to more higher-enculturation under auspices of blood-diamond scholarships, especially if they go on to win dynamite peace prizes. Regarding Guduru NanoMeds: with the possible exception of a few like Philip Kindred Dick, a couple of generations ago no one could have imagined the implications of this biotechnology, nay, no one could have imagined anyone would have wanted to do this: record the total inner experience of everyone and store it in a central data bank, then remotely manipulate the ADLs of each person according to dictates of central authorities. Well now, which profession would you, Top, have had me -- a mil.brat with lots of barracks time by age 15 -- prepare myself for? Humanity approaching terminal velocity by the memetime I finished high school, already -- SNAFU having decisively transited to FUBAR -- there was no profession not a mafia. This -- hubba-hubba, and I do mean toot sweet -- I came to understand PDQ upon returning to the ZI and making landing upon shores of D.C.-no-Washington, early-summer of 1962 (went girl friend visiting -- her father well-ensconced within uppers of the Pentagon). In terms of ADLs, among those nation-states with the highest persistent-threat indices are found the foremost liberal constitutional democracies. Why is this the case when realities behind such indices force that which is most feared? Because of all the double-digit-midget minds there are in positions of assumed authority? No, not decidedly so. Collective hysteria. Hysteria over what, most fundamentally? Over the fact that for two centuries the maths-sciences culpable for the technologies of warfare and oppression and eco-aggression -- necessary for revolving-door maintenance of the nation-state cum church-enterprise-academe conglomeration -- have, by theory-experiment-discovery, utterly sundered the worldview constructs upon which psychosocial-political-economic-monetary orders have been based the world over. And due to the fact that our not nearly ne'er-do-well TPsTB -- all introspectively inept -- are not smart enough (even female onetime agitprop secretaries cum quantum chemists turned into chancellors) to come up with viable ideas as to how adequately to deal with this intractable problem leading inexorably to human species self-destruction. Call in the ex-mil-police field.forces.guv -- usually cranky, often tanked-up, formidably craaantakerous: that'll do it! Sneak-a-peak, then stiff-n-snatch-n-stuff. Freeze-n-seize! Jus' love 'em, them knockoffs what think and write monographs in monoclausal sentences and monosentence paragraphs. Gravid, they are, aren't they. Chase 'em and brace 'em: operational thought, not that abstract -- or in stacked feeling-toned complexes. Masters of normotic infra-psych: Jell-O-see indicates passion, not 1T2-processing of, and knee-jerk reaction to, reception-registration of an existential denial to the false (based upon projective-identification at transference) claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct -- and such like. Jolly good, what ol' chap. Topathe mornin' to yaor! Clearly, the correct perspective is so far beyond the libertine and the libertarian as to be wholly incomprehensible to those 1T2-bound -- including myself. Realist Magicalism aside, the will to thieve markers of 1T2-identity (the act being an incorporation of artifacts, a mutilation behavior like decapitation, collecting ears, so on), be it by the individual criminal, by syndicates, by government agencies, is in no small measure driven by regressed collective unconscious gradients constellated in compensatory abreaction to the ever-increasing substantiation of quantum relative-state µTm-identity transparency. Throughout duration until today following collective back-reaction upon N. H. Abel's quintic Impossibility Theorem of 1823, the enormous efforts of the avant-garde in every area of human endeavor have had no significant positive effect at countering the ConveDD-engendered and regression-constellated collective unconscious event gradients instant-after-instant mandating insistence upon infantile massed violence of myriad sorts and intensities: megakilling world wars were not avoided, nor was explosive exponentiation to gross overpopulation, transit toward resource depletion, inculcation of anthropogenic climate impacts and species biocide cum ecocide, the weaponization of genomes, on and on and on. Magnitude of libido available to feed infantile violence varies directly as to elaboration-level of the regression constellated. Looking at all the indicators, techno-ConveDDs and the many other types, is the level of collective regression today greater or lesser that it was in run up to WWII? Nothing like good kills riding in on the backs of good hates to raise the human spirit -- overkills being much the more uplifting. All manner of people are willing to give up their lives to/for matters Stupid, Stupider, Stupidest -- but when it comes to matters of great import O, so few. Secretaries Odd, Odder, Oddest following the path well hewn by brothers Dull, Duller, Dullest. TINA and NIMBY -- or those of my neighbors. On a lesser level of the egregious, even your usual multivitamins contain cornstarch, almost surely GMO; even your usual calcium supplement contains soy, almost surely GMO -- though with big bucks other supplement sources may be available, for most people even in affluent societies, there is, all things considered, no real prospect of escaping glyphosate intake and resultant Monsanto colon, whether or not a given person is short-term clinically reactive. Well, of course it's easier and more profitable to poison people than to give them good food. Then, one has to ask: how much are the large herbivores reactive to the recent deluge of glyphosate runoff upon grasses cud-chewed? So, in a way, I concur with Big Pharma that dietary supplements are a threat to health maintenance. The very thought of BigAgra, e.g., Monsanto, DuPont, et al., plus TTIP cum TPP wiping out essential properties of French provincial cuisine and its Ag-culture foundations is altogether nauseating, particularly given the fact that such a tragedy appears already to be well underway in India. It's not so much that 1T2-logically-valued money is corrupting; rather, only the corrupted are willing to do what is required to make a disproportionate amount of it. Where did Monsanto get the money and the guanxi required to forcibly make over global agriculture? Can there be any doubt? We prevent forests!, is the answer: by providing the USARV with Agent Orange (see: U.S. to Pay Benefits to Vets Exposed to Agent Orange in C-123s, NBC News, 18 June 2015 [I may have been in such aircraft, but, since I never entered the U Minh forest, my brief period boating the Delta as the token American probably did not take me through dioxin zones]: that dioxin is carcinogenic and mutagenic was known to TPTB before the decision was made to use it in Viet Nam, just as they have long known that the fields emitted by our electromagnetic infrastructure are in biologically active frequency-response windows and are, thereby, carcinogenic). O, the mendacity of the mendacious! But even I did not know that the U.S. launched that many bioattacks upon itself, as per, giving credence to, Conspiracy Fact -- How the Government Conducted 239 Secret Bioweapon Experiments on the American People, Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg, 10 July 2015 (while in Goat Lab at Fort Sam, circa 1966, as an SFTG medic trainee, during a biological warfare instruction session, I asked a series of questions revealing a modicum of biochemistry knowledge, which prompted the visiting Fort [De}trick USAMRIID [in retirement, my father occasionally took me to the Ft. Dee O Cub for New York Strip and Manhattans, this installation being the closest place for him to access the commissary system] lecturer to attempt to have me transferred out of Special Forces into his home lab, an overture which I successfully resisted, learning a little in the process of the several rather contentious interviews, concerning the fact of which I was, rather ridiculously, sworn to silence). One must reach hisher own judgment as to veracity of the claims made in Dave Chaddock's This Must Be the Place: How the U.S. Waged Germ Warfare in the Korean War and Denied It Ever Since, Bennett & Hastings, 2013. Similarly, for the charges of mass death from starvation and disease of German prisoners in U.S. and French postwar detention facilities made in James Bacque's 1989 book entitled Other Losses, with Bacque's rejoiner to Wiki's review. And I did not know that the U.S., across all states in the union, presently has 194 labs conducting biological-warfare-related research (flash forward and see: Pentagon halts work with bioterror germs at 9 labs, Tom Vanden Brook and Alison Young, USA Today, 4 September 2015) -- defensive, of course, despite the fact that the knowledge gained could be used offensively, if so desired. I'm shocked, shocked Beyond the fact that I will die, the only thing I'm equally certain of is that the consensus view -- be it as regards physics, politics, economics, war, history, whatever -- is wrong, and more wrong than I've been capable of imagining (as per, for instance, the worst sort of perfidious voyeur role the U.S. played vis-à-vis the unspeakable Unit 731 -- Nightmare in Manchuria, YouTube VDO, posted 12 February 2015, a role clearly carrying over, and prefiguring the 1954 coup?, to-in US Human Experimentation on Poor Guatemalans in Post-War Period, Robert Barsocchini, Washington's Blog, 16 June 2015; note, in passing, that James Rollins' Ice Hunt fiction -- with stereotypic unlikely-unto-impossible escape motif run over and over, monotonous, boring in the psychopathology signified by such literary form exemplary of avant-garde fart fiction -- imputes WWII-era human experiments to the Soviets, then in an unusual twist for a mainstream published thriller, makes this fictional cryogenic immortality project [Rollins' grendels not exactly being Warhol pop-art multiples of time-traveler Woody Allen as he appeared in Sleeper] a joint one, Soviet-U.S., beginning during the mid-to-late-1930s, i.e., prior to onset of the WWII alliance; the Author's Note, drawn from information posted on healthnewsnet.com, itemizing publicly registered incidents of U.S. involvement in human experiments, circa 1932-1997, is, however, of interest; there is no way to plausibly claim absence of fulminating mass psychosis, so virulent, in my judgment, as to involve a collective unconscious decision for human species suicide, the real question being what is the etiology and pathogenesis (seeking answer to that question being the foremost reason why I quit college in order to go to Viet Nam so as to get up close to play out of the pathology, as explicitly stated in a 1965 personal journal entry reproduced in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, pp. 281-2; moreover, I knew by then, aged twenty, that the society had nothing to offer beyond the basics I could forthrightly aspire to acquire, for my abiding interest was inner-directed, and, with minor lapses, has remained so for the subsequent fifty years: these are the sorts of claims concerning events to which one rightfully assigns probability amplitudes, for were I to have seen it, whatever it is, with my own eyes and had the opportunity to have investigated its context and provenance, still, experience tells me, and disowning cupidity, that I could only have assigned a high likelihood of 1T2-valued certainty being the 1T2-truth of the matter -- seemingly not necessarily being seemly, though both are order-of-logical-value dependent, and, concelebrants plus flat wafers of laminated spacetime aside, those orders in superscription not being allowed proper cognitive demergence, there can be little faith in prescriptively-enculturated and glutamate-etched meaning). I date the earliest instant in which the impulse arose to investigate and diagnose this disease -- which I came to realize is not merely a crime against humanity, not merely against the biosphere, the planet as a whole, but, given reverse-cascade effects, also against, very likely, our solar system -- to 1953, eight years old, standing in the lobby of the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, watching how American officers treated Japanese shoe-shine boys a little older than me. I spontaneously, absent any form of prior coaching, experienced a strong negative emotional reaction, complete puzzlement, and an instinctive urge to figure out the why of such behavior. The understanding sought in quitting college to go to Viet Nam was deeper than that sociopolitical and economic; I already had, to my satisfaction, such comprehension, facilitated by growing up a military brat in foreign climes and on SAC and NORAD and AFSC-AFLC bases, visiting the A-bomb sites, living amongst the Washington power hungry whilst studying international relations. But, y'know, I remember early-1950s Kyoto -- several vivid memory sequences, in fact -- and am of the opinion that the Japanese themselves, without American military help, destroyed that incredible city, along with surrounding weaving villages like Ichihara and onsen towns like Kurama. Personally, though, by the memetime I'd reached AU-SIS, I thought the A-bombs, and creation of SAC well before existence of a Soviet threat to CONUS, provoked and insured a Cold War intensity placing the world at real risk of a third world war conducted at total-war commitment level, this coming prior to MAD mitigating such risk with focal fear and amplification of the titers of unfocused anxiety and anomie and alienation occasioning the already elaborate pandemic of adrenergic fight-or-flight -- with all the debilitating neurohumoral effects upon the species that chronic hyper-state involves, reducing the always existing minimal capability the species has to solve the myriad problems it unnecessarily creates. What category of organizational entities has been, and is, most persistently, and to greatest magnitude, culpable for mass murder? What is the second most culpable, the third most? What subset of the human corpus is most responsible for existence of these three organizational categories? Bystander innocent civilians, mayhaps? What subsets of human corpus most elaborately effectuate agendas of these three organizational categories served by the subsets' various elements, none of whom are bystanders? To my satisfaction, I already, before leaving college, knew the answers to these questions which were not of great interest to me, being focused, as I was, more upon the intellectual history of it all. I wanted further insight as regards the personal-individual and impersonal-collective psychology cum mass cognitive metapsychology of the whole mess. Without that added understanding, how was I to fulfill the imperative to Know thyself!? That self, I knew, heh-heh-heh, such knowing facilitated by first reads-through of Modern Man in Search of a Soul, is not only individual and personal; and its forcing functions cum teleological objectives, goals, interests -- just like with the country, the church, the corporation (not to mention the clan, caste, club) -- exist not only on the concrete level. As, flashing forward, Paul Craig Roberts has the Neocons having it, If America cannot be The Uni-Power dictating to the world, better that we are all dead (see: Pentagon Concludes America Not Safe Unless It Conquers The World, Institute for Political Economy, 10 July 2015). Resolutely attempting to sterilize, the U.S. has frequently tried for open-proxy warfare -- something like how a good steganographer-cryptographer can remotely hide-ride overside a WiFied IP-address EM-signature after the fashion higher-valued logics superpose that 1T2 -- but, generally, has ended up settling for the simple-proxy variety. Growing up arrogant, I guess, and in contempt of whatever, I've always had near-zero tolerance for intra- and inter-office, unit, element, committee -- military and/or civilian -- peacock crap, so as soon as I could manage, heh-heh-heh, I got myself to the lowest practical participation level possible consistent with pursuit of my self-formulated inner-work agenda. Oops, well admittedly, that's ingenuous, coming from a kid born on Flag Day of 1945 to an American bomber pilot, a kid always asking too many unanswerable questions. No questions asked, however, after early-1950s visits to Nagasaki (riding in the backseat of a yellow 1953 Buick two-door) and Hiroshima (jumping off the back of a six-by): those reactions were altogether internalized, only to be mauled over and over and over. Honestly, I can't now remember the details (I try as I view VDOs such as that provided in What it was like to survive the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Ishaan Tharoor, The Washington Post, 5 August 2015) of what I then saw of those two devastated cities (I have half a dozen clear memories of scenes viewed at that time of Kyoto, but of Nagasaki and Hiroshima all images are night and fog, oneirogaic qua anthypic, retinogenic phenomena, which I conflate to waking up at night screaming because the wind blowing through the shutter of my bedroom window in Ashiya sounded like that made by the giant mutant ants portrayed in the film I then saw entitled Them). But, based on what I witnessed as a military brat and in Washington, D.C., and my early exposure to C. G. Jung's writings, I began during the mid-'60s arguing that the U.S. would never voluntarily recede to rough equality with the rest of the planet, that under pressure of events it would choose, instead, to pull the temple down upon itself, and that this mental disorder was part of a larger collective unconscious decision for human species suicide, a decision taken sometime during the 19th century. Long experience with the ideas explicated on this website, however, has long since disabused me of the poorly-formed presupposition that the most anti- of the anti's would be sympathetic: they generally are no less wed to basic assumptions of the 18th-century mindset than are the prevailing authorities, so little actual inner work have they undertaken, so little have they internalized to ADLs findings of post-1900 physics, so little have their Umwelts taken in principles of demerging post-relativity cum post-quantum Weltanschauung. But just think of The horror the horror Then there is the WSJ's lobotomy files wherein it is documented that the USG, as final remediation in a whole series of such Rx's, including ECT and much else objectionable, lobotomized approximately 2000 WWII vets, including B-17 pilots, who had sustained PTSD-induced whatever: see, Forgotten Soldiers, Michael M. Phillips, TheWall Street Journal, undated special research project (the information provided here has given me further insight as to my B-17 pilot father's unwillingness to speak, even in our last conversation before his death, except in the most general of terms, about his wartime experience). By contrast, emungere, a cleansing of the nose along with the empennage, a mellow nonacerbity: demergent immanentist conscendence, not internation-conniption con[de}scendence; never could think highly -- revulsion held well in hand, really -- of inherently immensurable omnipotent consecrated immaculate transcendence, your eminence grise; not when there is the omnipresent opportunity to sanctify the immanent mundane and pedestrian by engagement -- uh, Christic and otherwise -- to Dervish, Taoist, Buddhological inner separation, self-observation, self-remembering at performance of the always imminent ontic activities of daily life, particularly the employment of utilitarian objects tropologically metareferenced unto the status of emunctory multiutilities qua convivial tools enhancing the level of self-organizational competency and minimizing the decision need, the necessity of regulatory intervention-imposition, the requirement for a thin-blue-line become a broad-olive-swath. Scrunch-scrunch-scrunch. And why, as it is, is the 1T2-only-informed Lebenswelt such an imperfect world? Just so as to justify with asperity all the imperfect justice making for its supposedly inherent imperfections? Only morons with runaway Egos and Ids need to believe in a SuperEgoic moral truth when it has been demonstrated for a century that truth-value provides no foundation to the infinities of infinities of logical-value order-types there are in this universe, and when the moral to each story we've been told clearly does not pan out in our lifeworlds, only in fantasy realms where the SuperEgoic is personified via projective-identification at transference and/or godheaded as THE Executive 1T2-Brain, discharges across functional localizations subordinated to thematic orchestration provided by the digital CSDM, Centrencephalic Safety Discharge Mechanism. By practice at karma yoga, humanity has long known that right action spontaneously issues out of quantum-relative-state, animistic-pagan, non-selfsame, identity-transparent, cleansed perception-proprioception-apperception, not by impositions of The Will of, uh, uh, SuperEgo. As regards cascade theory of atmospheric dynamics and its climate-shift-related frequency-reeesponse characteristics, a global authority of whatsoever form, Papist or no (see Pope Wants Global Authority, Brian Lilley, Truth Revolt, 16 June 2015), is sure to insure failure of any adaptive human behaviors that may arise among the many subsystem-system-supersystem back-reactions-upon-the-metric of climate-shift-involved demergences and associated geo-eco-bio-hydo-EMic processes: the actual requirement being myriad diverse local non-doings, doings, undoings, redoings -- something impossible to organize, and only self-organizable via µTm-valued LETS nesting foams (a monetary framework the Greeks, for one, should have begun to implement five and more years ago). People generally are so self-involved, so obsessed, so oblivious, so screw-you in their characteristic attitude -- regardless of the society and culture -- there is no justification whatsoever to entertain concern regarding their fates, for which they are solely responsible. Belying the loony-bin: just as relative-state identity-transparency does not imply group-think, so it does not imply sympathy for that which deserves only contempt. More appropriate is that empathic-animistic sentiment described by one of P. D. James' characters in Death in Holy Orders, Penguin paperback edition, 2001, pp. 13: It was a universal sadness which seemed to permeate everything round me, the fresh breeze against my cheek, the sky where there were a few massed clouds moving almost deliberately, it seemed, across the blue, and the sea itself. My first full-blown experience of that sort of emotive apperception was inculcated by the wistfulness of a giant old pin oak resident in the yard at Wedderburn Station whereupon was rooted the tilted gingerbread cottage in which I lived, that cottage, once, during the Civil War era, having been a stop on the underground railway. You think people [i.e., humanity] deserve a second chance? the hero asks in Terminator Salvation. Good question from Skynet Central qua Phoenix Global -- regressed ConveDD of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams defined over WiFied fractal e-boundaries, that's meres not merely 1T2, the non-ConveDDed, non-regressed version making possible modulation of monetary osmalality cum osmolarity across boundaries upon which currencies are defined, with all that capability implies -- put by the writers of anti-(e)utopias used as cover for what they strangelove by regressed collective-unconscious induction. Just GRRRRR8! Quite frankly, one could hardly ever find anyone who actually understood what µTm-valued LETS referred to: a boon, really, when the state of staying-beyond-the-horizon is indicated by the prevailing general drift qua pil{grim}age in human affairs. Silent insolence shape-shifting to quiet desperation mounting to suppressed hysteria, instances amongst individuals periodically summing to fulminations of mass hysteria, these fulminations momentarily dissipating localizations of the long-gathering regressed libidinous energy density of the underlying cyclotomically demergent collective psychosis. Ash is a most appropriate name for a fomenting War Secretary, don't y'think it is ain't it? -- it being so, uh oh, right! as because the only deeefense whuut Treasury and FED 'ave, due to their corpora of psycho-identifications, is transit to all out ashes-unto-ashes, the prevailing fanciful forecast being that, in PW1's (space-based, autonomous nanobotic and droned, railgunned, cybernetic, macrorobotic, EMPeeeing, mini-meso-macro-nukular, environmental planetary war one) aftermath, these institutions will still exist and once again be positioned to impose their SuperEgoic wills and choices as to the new global architecture. In this respect, consider a statement recently attributed to Henry Kissinger, to wit, Out of the ashes we shall build a new society, a new world order, drawn from the YouTube VDO entitled World War 3 is Coming -- Shocking Predictions Coming True, 13 November 2013. To me this is old news, as old as my first chat with McGeorge Bundy at an AU-SIS tea which transpired a few weeks before the JFK assassination, Mac having strolled over from his nearby Spring Valley abode (which I later regularly visited for Sunday brunch as overseer of the Georgetown cum St. Albans and National Cathedral School -- Sidwell Friends having not been chosen -- plus Madeira horsey-lessons kids I was the live-in babysitter for, residing directly across the street from Ted and Joan, whom I spoke to most mornings as I saw their kids made it onto the school bus). The college are, the university are, the academy are aiders and abettors. Any servant of the institutionalization of the 200-years-dead Weltanschauung is, obviously, suspect -- even a suspect. A hysteretic 'e is, ain't 'e, bein' so slow. As regards the population corpus, not a question of collective psychosis or no, but of the degree (all things considered, incommensurately worse today than was expressed as the Nazis of yore). Nanotech = [techno}in to the billionth. So, we will have warfare promulgated -- thanks to our brilliant scientists -- on many scale levels across the nesting foam from level of the nucleon to level of the planet: open-string blue movie violence at a quadrillion oscillations per second (ConveDD of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams). There is nothing the nation-state attacks which it has not already facilitated; without an effusion of terrorism, for instance, the military-industrial complex could not have continued to flourish in wake of collapse of the Soviet Union. Personally, as a onetime Psychological Operations Group instructional assistant, conjointly an intelligence analyst at JFKSWCS focused on Middle East OB in run up to the Six Day War, I am all for ultimate success of blackpsyche and its Hollywood practitioners, for that success would be a potent factor in precipitation of the falldown of still-prevailing institutionalization of the today-utterly-inadequate 18th-century Weltanschauung continuing to guide the degradation of Earth's bio-atmo-magneto-sphere, in due course destruction of humanity as integral to the environment it assiduously attacks. My 'I' thinks all USins' flags ought to be removed, along with monuments and signifiers to each and every: ain't nonathem weren't no good, not the great ones, no how; they all be among them what's most reeesponsible Shuddup, ol' sot, you hain't been retrofitted the las' century. But, hey, do your own thing, huh. Hardly rusticators full of ruth; not with youth having been rubbed out on redeyes beholding honest John, of all the nerve, hiding in the glen contemplating the Davy Crocketts arrayed around him. Howsitgoin'? Nowt to be done about? The churchmanship of marketeers, board members, banksters, financial speculators, politicos, paladins, academicians is rather an obstacle to survival of the conjuncture currently faced, couldn't it be agreed? It would be inaccurate to say that I, imputably an ata[vis}tic animist by sentiment, deeespise, or am lodged in de-te[st-ation]; but virtually everything corporate culture codifies belief in, is committed to, its visions and aspirations and values, are ana[the}ma, however ada[man}tly espoused on CNN. When I first heard the term "greenhouse warming", I horsey-guffawed: couldn't be a dynamical meteorologist who first used that term in a causal sense, I thought, given how the warming is a mere symptom of the underlying complex-angular-momentum and temporal-curl cascade-etiology-and-pathogenesis of the far-from-equilibrium dynamics involved in abrupt climate-shift and associated crustal and core phenomenologies. My ten-percent human-survival-rate forecast (for the latest late buy-in, and even more pessimistic than I've been, see Humans will be extinct in 100 years says eminent scientist, Lin Edwards, PhysOrg, 23 June 2010: if the good professor is correct, the least that will have been demonstrated is that the Luddites were right all along; I'm no Luddite, but were I given the choice of 40 years in early-11th-century rural Japan -- before rise of the samurai class -- as a wet-rice grower and 100 years anywhere in the modern world, at whatever socioeconomic level, I wouldn't hesitate a second to choose the former), made during the late-1970s and onward, may be wildly over-optimistic. If this species, along with many others, is, indeed, currently in a death spiral, there likely are many, many reasons why, and levels of reasons: we have only to look around the planet at what the majority votes for to find one such. Moreover, critical placement in the information stream is surely required to have any real idea what actually is transpiring in our drift toward totalism unchained. Are resource wars, for instance, as much criminal enterprises as ideological effusions, uh, following, in updated form, the precedent well set by the Nazis? Perusal of the references cited in the acknowledgments to John Connolly's novel A Song of Shadows, Hodder & Stoughton, 2015, is thought provoking to anyone who holds that deep-structure origins of WWII have remained undiscovered country driven more deeply into the marrow by the events associated with that epoch of The War of the World, i.e., that there has been no putting all that behind us, only repressing it and thus more powerfully potentiating it. And what drove the corrupt social marrow into its present atavistic fester? Hunting down and prosecuting proximal-cause perpetrators, e.g., Nazi war criminals, whilst simultaneously leaving altogether unmentioned those most culpably responsible, but non-perpetrators, without whom The War of the World would never have happened -- one such agonistic cohort being all those who ignored m-valued logics and embraced the probability amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, other directly responsible cohorts going back to the early-19th century. Nothing -- number, object, person, place, event -- is ever simply what it is, what the too-obvious binary-mind takes it self-evidently to be: selfsame. This, this! the Christian monk, William of Ockham, in his theories of terms and propositions, particularly his thoughts on material and logical implication, did not at all embrace. What did this medievalist actually say which became interpreted to his famous razor? Plurality shouldn't be posited without necessity. This basic orientation considerably hardened in the modern era, particularly in Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. Note that Wiki in its History of Logic does not mention the m-valued, and that it mentions Lukasiewicz only by way of introducing his student Tarski's logical-satisfaction cum substitution-instance debunking of the import of the µTm-valued logics of his preceptor with regard to utility of the notion truth-value: such lacuna facilitate cognitive flash freezing. My belief is that the single-valued is not only posited, but cognitively freeze-framed into neural-net logic (Abstraktion set against Einfuhlung, à la Worringer), only as a result of glutamatergic neuronal etching in service to prescriptive enculturation, largely of the Hellenic-Hellenistic type (with its medieval and post-Renaissance elaborations), singular-discrete in-the-body experience not having been wide-spread normative in generative-empathic Homeric and earlier epochs. This anti-animistic qua anti-pagan absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct separate self-existence insistence, glutamatergically anchored to the molecular-cellular binary-brain, is a psycho-socio-politico defense mechanism -- or, some would say, Zen practitioners, for instance, an aggression mechanism. Defense-aggression against the µTm-logically-valued processing of the ketaminergic quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular 1T2-brain, conscious awareness of that processing having been suppressed, thus, by ConveDD, i.e., conversion-disorder displacement, transferred via projective-identification to the threat to self-sameness signified by presence of the other. What most people clearly regard central dogma based upon non sequiturs: that which has been well-constellated in the collective unconscious, if repressed by the benighted, inevitably brings in its blighted wake unruly mass ConveDDing, an ornery pathogenesis, and explosions of infantile collective violence. Altogether, now: one, two, three! Altogether, rather than altogaaather. Quantum-hologramic altogetherness being especially disreputable in, particularly, individualistic Christic-Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, thus largely relegated to gangs, to rock-n-roll, to breakers, to war and preparations for war. Why? Because al[to}get{her] is just too, too mortifyingly contrary to per[son}a in im[man}ence of the publicly professed moral precepts presently being set up to be more and more imposed by techno-invasion (itself a ConveDD introjection of the demonic µTm-interiority, repressed and hence regressed, put into 1T2ly-exteriorized projection). Technology-1T2-only (latest being the self-cancelling black cell's binary-ANNic neuromorphic chip, a pristinely perfect techno-ConveDD analogue for the self-annihilating post-postmodern human himherself: flash forward and see DHS Wants Boeing To Test A Brain Chip In Firm's Self-Destructing 'Black' Spyphone, Aliya Sternstein, Nextgov, 22 September 2015) wins every battle, only to lose the species in the process. The laugh-gathering Arab Swordsman Scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, mass media registered as The Best Moment in Cinema History, where the black-robed bad Islamic guy waves his sword and Indiana Jones hesitates, then pulls his pistol and shoots the sword-wielder: that was the sole black/psyche-prep reason for making of the film. So, somehow, even given the date of making, 1980, we are to blame George-the-Younger for originating GWOT? What, then, are we to suppose is the most many-splendored thing? Quoting James' Death in Holy Orders once again, p. 537:
People who, like us, live in a dying civilization have three choices. We can attempt to avert the decline as a child builds a sand-castle on the edge of the advancing tide. We can ignore the death of beauty, of scholarship, of art, of intellectual integrity, finding solace in our own consolations Thirdly, we can join the barbarians and take our share of the spoils. That is the popular choice
I've naively tried to build sand-castles too close to the waterline running before the ever-rising bore. Whatever the obsequy contemplated, It may explicitly be assumed that it will have indefatigably been : that's the sort of garbaaage, offered in subtle susurrations, one would, prima facie, heretofore-thereafter, expect to receive as cachet, darling, with one's monstrous tomaaato juice immured in-at-on luncheon in lieu of late tea. Join pleonastic ranks of Grub Street hacks or the olive grove of Academe? No mere kicks to the groyne, that or that, what. Moreover, I would now argue that there are no humans left, and that there hasn't been for a long, long memetime: humans cut off from direct conscious access to processing of THE quantum µTm-brain by prescriptive-proscriptive enculturation-socialization glutamate-anchored to molecular-cellular 1T2-brains are subhuman, not human. The posthumanists are attempting to leap from the subhuman to what they designate the transhuman, this program being nothing more than projective compensatory abreaction amongst the corpus of Untermenschen, to which they have always been in membership. None too good, see: Hollywood-cable-sat-cell-www-advert repetition wouldn't be so very intolerable if what was repeated was at all interesting, or even less pathogenic. Scrawny and discordant, that lot on offer, a mixture so disjointed as to tip the scales of incredulity. While cuspover indicates climax of the reverse-cascade climb up percolation theory's Devil's Staircase -- we aren't there yet! though the elision point does appear visible in the mists surrounding the case -- the hard landing is the inverse-climax reached as the cascading plunge-wave slams with a crash into rock bottom of the unmovable base-state. Be aware that the very notion of a memetime-bound cascade -- like are dynamics on the 2nk-fitness landscape of complexity theory and the percolation theory embedded in chaos theory generally -- is a 1T2-take on Schrödinger-time-independent CTC-unto-µTm logically-valued Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition accomplished by, according to our understanding, temporal curl quantized as Penrose twistor.
The triality I've long been interested in has not been with regard to the vector spaces of space-like spin, but in respect to those of time-like spin (à la Nikolai Kozyrev) understood as indicative of, for one, hypertemperature, i.e., the orders of temporal curl expressing 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time: the real Dynkin oil, anything but real, used in Tits building and studies of p-adic Lie groups (though my interest has always gravitated more upon the Abelian than the Galoisian; high-powered p-adic closeness being intimately involved, according to my feeling-into, not only vis-à-vis anti-scattered, retrograde-inverse-S-matrix determinants of utterly immensurable relative-state identity-transparency, but also, and this is the real skinny, the AlexanderKarpenko functors over the primes tying Lukasiewicz understood independent of the notion truth-value to Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbering of the muTmly Musculpt manifold [M involving E8, maybe uh, that is, Greater Maze of L. Gordon Plummer's The Mathematics of the Cosmic Mind {see, for much edification, and many linked references: The 'Core' Concept and the Mathematical Mind, Chris King, Mathematics Department, University of Auckland, no date given: by independent-study seminars, I was introduced by Mr. John Moore, Eielson AFB High School, to symbolic logic {{with Ben Ray Smith and David LeBlanc}}, topology and foundations {{on my own}} as a sophomore and junior, and never took a great deal of interest in algebra and analysis: what I learned of maths subsequently, largely self-taught, was accomplished by intrinsically-motivated following of intuited Ariadne threads through mazes, reading papers I only partially understood, making up, more accurately, registering, personal fantasy Musculpt gestalts articulating recurrences of ununderstood terms encountered until, eventually, those terms became understood, or, at least, better understood: I was greatly surprised to discover, but shouldn't have been, given I've never finished anything, large or small, having gotten what I wanted and moved on, that my Lebensgestalt has been more or less like a piecewise linear zigzag function mapped upon a Möbius strip and everywhere continuous but nowhere differentiable, like the fractal Weierstrass function; I've integrated, in part, by, beginning in the 7th grade, keeping a personal journal for study over and back over, such that I can, like Lebesque, get the dx measures of Umwelt subsets and rearrange the values therein found so as to contour map, discover indicator functions, and accomplish integral sums that make sense to me of what I have experienced and recorded, thus insuring that the aesthetics of lifeline are all the more deeply appreciated} demergent from the Zome model of the 421 polytope and its progenitors?] required for creation of a user-friendly interface to µTm-valued LETS nesting foams defined over WiFied band-pass fractal-drum-type e-boundaries-without-boundary, the 1T2-boundary-as-barrier slowly ebbing into the status of a cultural lag, like is the necktie, or Channel [V]'s residuals of the Panoram and its Scopitone -- precursors to the ATMusculptor?). The only problem I have with King's article, among the very best I've ever read, is the notion that problem-to-solution is a topo-fundamental: I would argue that this very notion, quintessentially 1T2, is our biggest problem, our biggest mistake, preventing the human species from simply being-there, for that topo-fundamental does not exist under the myriad nonorientabilities inherent to CTC-unto-µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. The first two years at AU-SIS, during my memetime there, primarily involved team-taught seminars and a problem-based curriculum. Additionally, my invite to participate in Prof. Abdul Aziz Said's MacArthur Blvd. grad-student evening get-togethers -- wonderful exotic food! -- (during his first lecture to my first class with him as an entering frosh, circa 1963, he abruptly ceased and demanded each student write a bluebook on What is truth?; my one-sentence answer, which, strangely, I don't actually remember well enough to state, but which I know very much prefigured my much-later orientation to Lukasiewicz logics, sufficiently impressed him as to elicit the unusual undergrad invite), exposure to the exceedingly sophisticated content of the discussions, that is, considerably contributed to development of my then-evolving orientation to a wide range of issues. This problem-based method, where history is searched, not chronicled, for indicators as to constellation of prevailing problematics, I felt, was a great form of education that strongly resonated with my Summerhillian autodidactic inclinations, and I took full advantage of it -- not making the transition to the normally-structured last two SIS years. I never seriously considered submitting to the strictures imposed by normal course work (of the sort all four years at Georgetown would have involved, were I to have gone there: about which I was acutely aware at that memetime, and somewhat understood implications of, implications for the nation and the planet). This reminiscence surely must seem, to most, sophomoric in the extreme, but, assuredly, the issues involved are right-on, vis-à-vis 2015 -- and many of the required answers were, tacitly, at least, actually there, subtextually, in that MacArthur Blvd. apartment. Incredible sessions! Surely, almost altogether now forgotten, lost. And, likely, to remain so. History never retains the best and the brightest; it's always lost: median mentality sees to that! Later, in contemplating my SIS experience, I came to understand that problem-based is self-fulfilling: prejudicial forms of organization need problems in order to propagate themselves. Instead of doing non-doing, they do anthropogenic qua iatrogenic. Later yet, I came to understand that, following this organizational imperative, insurgent infrastructure autopoiesis and self-organization through phase transitions employ the involved principle to transform functional requisites into structural dynamics -- particularly so over boundaries-without-boundary. But my extracurricular education began earlier than high school, back in the mid-1950s. Learned from Gogi Grant of the wayward wind in 1956, all the way off to Ongagawa Station, Ashiya-cho, kita-Kyushu. Maybe that's where I first got onto boundaries-without-boundary -- only to re-perceive during early-1968 their existence in Vietnam as implemented by the VCI (Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure: an animistic qua participation mystique qua contagion-informed cadre-in-relative-state quantum-dotted-wired socio-politico-military analogue to the superlattice with multi-ladder geometry, as depicted in the multicolor superchart provided with our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, and much more sophisticated than 21st-century corporate lattices, as per, for instance, How the Corporate Ladder Became the Corporate Lattice, Cathy Benko, Harvard Business Review, 4 November 2010). The expert grousers, sporting cognitive cubbies and wagging unto waggling, would have us believe that ISIS, fritzing all and sundry, ignores borders, to quote CNN -- but it's been known by the real defrazzlers for almost half a century that insurgents use borders as functionals to which autopoietic resource-exchange operators are conjugated, just as biological organisms use plasmahaut phase boundaries, particularly those cellular, as instrumentalities facilitating self-organizing processes, the involved quantum chemistry and biophysics providing one illustration of the holographic principle in action. Factoids that put you in the pits with ZaSu's greed? Nope. Look inside yourselves and see if you hadn't rather it wasn't if it was and [the Great Topologizer's voice from on high] asked him how he got around so well when God had made him by putting two backs together instead of a back and a front, as advised and asked by Flannery O'Connor, Wise Blood -- one rendering of the imports of, and glad to get shut of it back-reaction to, quantum mechanics interpreted via µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion that truth-value is the fundament of logic -- 1993 Noonday paperback printing of the 1962 edition of the 1949 original, pp. 140 and 143. All us nonorientable, identity-transparent, intertextuality buffs best be seekin' adddvice from some psychologically-androgynous, animus/anima-ambigendrous MTV idol singer, y'knows. Right, prob'ly raised-up by a Soundies star who kept a Panoram film jukebox next to the tub in the WC, then upgraded to a Scopitone set next to the icebox -- mebbe e'en Gale Storm. It's the storm, yes, the storm, more precisely, tornadogenesis, that puts the holographic principle together with the Devil's Staircase of E-infinity-theoretic Cantorian-fractal spacetime (see A short history of fractal-Cantorian space-time, L. Marek-Crnjac, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41, 2009, pp. 2697-2705), the µTmly fuzzy-logic holographic boundary manifold, the golden mean spiral, multiscale nested-grid Penrose tiling, the Regge-lattice calculus, Karpenko functors over the primes, logical-value understood independent of the notion truth-value such that m-valued universal physical constants conjugated to E-infinity become apparent (the multiple spacetime-resolutions issue vis-à-vis turbulence/non-turbulence, temporal curl, nested orders of conservation principles, speaks strongly to the cascade process at tornadogenesis -- at least according to the Paine-Kaplan numerical model), so on, to most accessibly demonstrate the direct connect between physical processes and M-theory, twistor theory, Pauli-Paine operator-time, et cetera (see, for a clear and fascinating discourse on this thesis: The Fibonacci code behind super strings and P-Branes , M. S. El Naschie, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 31, 2007, pp. 537-47; what is not noted is that the multiscale, Paine-Kaplan, operator-time, nested-grid, cascade model of tornadogenesis has many, many connections to this body of thought). Chinese-boxed Russian dolls show the Swedenborgian Way, by doctrine of uses, through hierarchical E-infinite nesting foams to Heaven's Gate on the most-dense sheet, i.e., the base-state of Tzog-chen. The other place-process most accessible to look at this is the frequency-funnel beatdown involved in the DNA radiation exchange process (see our paper about pi-electron gas core plasma solitons coupling genomic helix-coil transition to environmental-fit variables, pi-electrons being the variable-speed, flex-time sweep-second-hands of the biograv-red-shifting involved in mu-it replication at helix-coil transition: A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, Paine and Pensinger, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XV, 1979, pp. 333-41), where properties of the beatdown funnel likely conform to specifications of the golden mean spiral focused upon by Dan Winter (see his YouTube VDO entitled Golden Mean, Fractals, and DNA, 14 January 2014). In surveying panorams currently available, be aware that SoundClouds involve acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e-surface manifolds. Considerin' all that, how could any 19-year-old international relations student (onetime basketball scrimmager with SAC and U-2 pilots, the U-2's whistle coming into Eielson through ice fog never -- not in 1960, not in 1962 -- evoking to him a dragon lady), who had laughed his way through Kissinger's 1961 The Necessity for Choice (so anti-Lukasiewicz as to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-suborned to the zero-sum, 1T2-only, logocentric, duelist mindset: though unaware explicitly of m-valued logics for another decade, by early-1964 when I read Necessity, I was acutely aware that logic issues are paramount, having written the grad-student-preceptored thesis-like paper for The Dean, Griffith 'e was, then required of all first-semester AU-SIS freshmen, mine entitled The Predicament of Existentialism, which altogether challenged validity-utility of the notion precedence relations, came to direct itself to the meanings revealed by Gödel and Heisenberg, and argued that Existentialism, itself, was in a predicament because of its allegiance to the idea logical necessity; during the following six months two of my professors independently pulled me aside, one to recommend close reading of Plato's Republic, not for what Plato thought, but for how he thought, the other to warn me against dire consequences of undue interest in irrationalists like Unamuno; at least they didn't consign me to a counseling room in the Methodist church across the street!; how well would I have done as an FSO, local station chief for a missionary agency, corporate-business expat economic hit man, national security staffer, multilateral functionary, Booz Allen Hamilton management consultant [during the years I lived nigh unto Tysons Corner, I made my living with pick and shovel], specialty tourism entrepreneur?), late in life take seriously U.S.-Iran nuclear negotiations conducted by a swiftboater with political aspirations who moved over the same waters the student earlier had as the token American on night missions? Given that luck plays such a big role in selecting who survives and who dies on the modern battlefield, not fitness, war hardly services eugenics of the new social Darwinism -- except by the up-and-coming genetic engineering of soldier exemplars. Those realist no-whiners possessing (least of all, those who have used) atomic-nuclear weapons have no moral authority and no edifying 1T2-logical-necessity-type arguments justifying their position; moreover, their force-structures have no capability to prevent nuclear proliferation, which, undoubtedly, has long since progressed far further than consensually acknowledged. All this being largely moot, as nuclear weapons in all likelihood were outmoded old-time-religion-tech 25 years ago, that outmoded status having almost surely been deeply involved in the top-down U.S.S.R. decision (think context, for instance: NATO Advanced Studies Seminars held in Moscow during the Brezhnev era) to jettison Eastern Europe, the implementation process having altogether been lost control of by the initiating Soviet powers that were. The blackpsyche-induced storyline on the last 200 years of human history, in my opinion, is so insidiously manipulated as to have become instrumental etiology in pathogenesis of the megadeath hiding in the wings. Personally, heh-heh-heh, this I-am doesn't in the least concur with the long emergency, century-long, demise-extinction thesis. Why? Because, for one, far-from-equilibrium phase transitions are generally snapovers. Hence, more likely, once cuspover has been achieved, is a 90-percent loss in the space of a single decade -- total self-induced annihilation being as difficult to accomplish as de novo anthropogenic creation of a thunderstorm, as distinct from manipulation of an existing T-storm, particularly with T-ology [man-u-fact}ured under administration by officiating 1T2-only science. Say the same as per solar-terrestrial/terrestrial-solar interactions? Check out what is said about Earth's angular momentum budget and storm dynamics in Solar Variability and Terrestrial Climate, Tony Phillips, NASA Science, 8 January 2013 (no mention, however, of the Paine-Kaplan [complex angular momentum] cascade model of tornadogenesis, once run on NASA computers, and its import for theory of climate-shift dynamics). Most polyticians, titrating the public's state of consciousness with a steady infusion of blackpsyche, sounds like they was students of Elmer Gantry what got themselves stuck on the benediction, turned backs on higher callin', became, if no gravediggers, then ambulance drivers, the best of the lot, morticians. Mindbent. Godplaying. O, our blindsighted leadership elite with inert-gas-insufflated egospheres. Once upon it, there's no percolating off percolation theory's Devil's Staircase -- particularly when there's leadership and blueprints. Logarithmically hyperventilating up that staircase, counter-exponentially harrumphing down the banister, hoping in vain for presence of a hyperbolic singularity. Readers all, surely, of the Movement Disorders Journal. What happens when the degree of the exponential banister goes from squared to quintupled? Abelian quintic form in the putative, not to say its virtuality? Was there anything those people, committed to impetuosity as they were, believed they believed that they actually believed? Indubitably not -- not, especially so, were we overzealously to believe that actions speak louder than words. Leadership is a violation of nature, a subversion of the demergence of autopoiesis and self-organization. Institutionalized charity is counter-revolution! Take thee to a monkery! dread cohort, legal, if illegitimate progeny of Madison and Hamilton. In metapsychological terms, little difference is made by which side of whatever 1T2-fence the professional killer -- rogue warrior or sanctified soldier -- is on; the same can be said of the projective-identification 1T2-wall of the ConveDD-transference induction-funnel to mass psychosis, and participants therein. Clearly, in wake-vortices of Wilsonian this-scare/that-scare impocracy no effort was made to make America safe for democracy, participatory or otherwise. To the contrary: one Lipman and another. The current list of 100-percent buy-ins to the prevailing fulmination of the long-running mass psychosis is seemingly endless, including the properly named: Max Boot, Brad Thor, Victor Wamblat, Max Payne, Harsh Pant, the like. My main ontic personal contribution to participatory-sociality-communitas has been being a lifelong over-saver and under-buyer who voluntarily moved down the status ladder unto gross under-participation in the over-affluence juggernaut. Never much liked high-end global-monoculture hotels, for instance, because I can't stand trained interactions, otherwise or military: had enough of them as a kid; much prefer spontaneity of the little ethnic guesthouse B&B. If it's written, composed, painted, sculpted for 1T2-logically-valued money, as far as I'm concerned it's not literature, art music, art. Money is no object: I thoroughly agree with that, but would qualify the statement as per 1T2-logically-valued object, for at higher and higher orders of logical-value money may take on more and more objective properties. I've cared too little about lucre to turn the contents of my personal consciousness over to someone else and/or a company for them/it to enrich off of; would rather make nothing: bent to that choice a number of times over the decades. Leib-Seele problem: I chose to make my living with my body; rarely ever sold my mind, which was devoted largely to inner work and activities facilitating same. The first cause of poverty is 1T2-logically-valued wealth -- and nothing else. There's the crew, and there's the cut-out crew, and there's the go-betweens: Doyenne for prez! Her cold heart and rufous rueful smile. If there is no m-valued, Schrödinger-memetime-independent strange-attractor, µTmly logical, final-cause, genetic-soliton teleology, then there's only first-cause linear-timed as probability-and-statistics, random-heat-driven into single-valued, on-off switching cellular-automaton codon groups, 1T2-only logically inclined, groups and their constituent elements cum component processes floating around in the soup undergoing pinballed helix-coil bumpering into their proper places as functional prerequisites to metabolic formation. And, then, well should there be suicide genes awaiting collective-unconscious mass activation by constellated regressed archetypal gradients working through the homicide-gene complement to the neurotoxin glutamate, to the anti-DNA antibody, to the killer T-cell. John Locke -- prefiguring NatGeo, Animal Planet, the Discovery Channel -- mistook the Laws of Predation for the Laws of Nature. Denying the bonobos their say in theories of evolution, à la Kinji Imanishi's cooperative-reconciliatory thesis, perhaps expressing Nature's alacritous abandon: the spontaneous directedness involved in a quantum of Hegelian action and establishment of crystal lattice orientation; inconstant rates of change along pencils of skew-parallels? When the binary-mind governs, thus establishing the pre-Lukasiewiczian logical-necessity that choices be made within decision sciences, to be or not to be is the question the collective unconscious clearly seems to have addressed during the 19th century -- and come up with a negative answer. Rather that outcome than acknowledge that m-logically-valued animistic-pagan non-simple identity has been right all along. From the µTmly psychoneuroimmunologic aperspectival sexual panorientation, the bodymod term transgender is a misnomer, in that the involved [per}son/[per}daughter is still 1T2-gendered, not authentically polymorphous perverse, the so-called trans being a ConveDD of the collective-unconscious-constellated, but consciously-suppressed, psychobiological reality of pagan-animistic, µTm-quantum, relative-state identity-transparency. Goodness me, OMG, anything but that, dear Lord. Meg Ryan so pristinely embodied -- foremost the body language -- the most-lovable ingénue type, American women cannot possibly be forgotten, no matter the subsequent evolution. Seeking viable alternatives to the utterly failed basic social unit without first establishing an adequate universal monetary unit of account? What, I beg leave to ask, is to be gained by attempting physically to concretize polymorphous perversity when the associated m-valued states of consciousness are not sociologically supported? Well, certainly not supported by espiocratic surveillance societies and their proprietary [offici}ants of Animal Farm's generic Schweinestaatsnation. Every system -- pol-bureaucracy, banking, business, military, academe -- has critical points of maximum raw data flows, located low down, where information is free of policy: those committed to understanding establish unfiltered contact with these points. Nudgy behavioral economics, and to a greater degree updates (see: After the crash, can biologists fix economics, Kate Douglas, New Scientist, 25 July 2015: I very much agree with the central theme, if not many of the details) to the Schumpeterian evolutionary economics we studied at AU-SIS, circa 1963-5, make a similar mistake to that of John Locke (see: Amoeba, Fish, Lizard, Ape, Human, Investor Meet Evolutionary Economics, Zero Hedge, 31 July 2015) when supposing that far-from-equilibrium phase transitions are exemplary of predatory behaviors, which Ayn Rand reinforced (see: Corporate Buybacks, 720Global, 2015, otherwise undated), thus prefiguring Roger Penrose's The Road to Reality (no mention of Lukasiewicz logics as being on that road), via her identification with the 1T2-only-logic Law of Non-contradiction. Be aware that anti-animistic, anti-pagan, 1T2-only (think: ConveDD), evolutionary economics of animal societies (see: Alfred Victor Espinas' Des societes animales, circa 1878), insect swarms, mass action, national spiritual mobilization, the economic-catastrophes' interpretive Volksgemeinschaft, so on and so forth (see: Albert Schaeffle's Bau und Leben des Sozialen Korpers [Construction and Life of the Social Body], 1875-8) was integral to Hitlerian Nazification and the Kokutai no Hongi vis-à-vis justifications for entelechy of the nation-state. Break-fast at Kinkheads Rest-ur-ant! Scribes of fatuitous factotums always gussy up the message, Bravura! they do, don't they. Poof -- then the video-art, feeding-frenzy reincarnations begin. Smoky as good gumbo. Then, again, there have appeared those who ask not to be or not to be, but who feel the symbol as act or the act as the symbol? is, yes, well, that is the question, surely. Essence precedes existence or existence precedes essence? Plato or Sartre cum Camus -- S-C, et al., ConveDDed to Revolution in the Revolution and, subsequently, to sectarian contention within Islamic fundamentalism. Neither/nor? Well, then, following Einstein, one must challenge the critical axiom: precedence relations -- logical, ontological, and temporal. However fraught with tawdriness one may be, lift out into novelty and just try to ramble one's cogitations into what must be the sort of inchoate clandestine metaphysical-econopolitical discourse backroomed by the face-carded principals -- and their ever expanding recruitment base. Fluxus ad extremum could not possibly be a binary expression of the tripartite (components, whatever the pretense, just as immiscible as are Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism) Fertile Crescent Religion, with that religion's latent, 1T3-ness, Trinitarian, cultural-lag carryover. Studying those young as they are, the intelligent observer knows they died centuries ago, in the eras with which they are subliminally identified. Forget selective memory; concentrate on substitute memory. Looked at elliptically, the only deviant ideology capable of saving the American mindset and all those associated with it, according to DODed Hollywood's ConveDD obsessions, is violation of the Laws of Nature as wangled into consensus by avant-garde thinkers identified with the Eurocentric 18th-century Weltanschauung still informing institutional base of still-existent global civilization, so called -- automorphically speaking, that civilization being based largely upon a tail-eating psychotropism-wyrm which is its own precipitator: an attempt to find some order in the tragedies and vagaries of life, finding solace in rules, regulations, and procedures , aptly summarized by one of James Rollins' characters in Ice Hunt, Harper paperback edition, 2003, p. 174 (stating the obvious: in much stripped-down, hotrodded, inflammatory bestseller fiction, AmerikoAnglo dysingenuity is projected as if deranged, dastardly, Russian disingenuousness, crenellated across its expanse, jagged at peaks of affect-charge, but in this book we find that the projection and its compensatory introjection are explicitly comingled). While one could hardly imagine a post-1823, back-reaction upon the metric of Abel-Impossibility-theorem, collective unconscious decision for human species self-annihilation to have been a special case of intelligent design, rather a failure thereof, nonetheless, there are mitigating circumstances. I would observe that generative, as distinct from demergent, semantics often mistakes the clausal for the causal. Similarly (think of how generative and demergent differ), I would ask, challenging the notion that a spacetime slice authentically represents 3-space at a given 1-instant: is transfinite divergence within The Cosmic Landscape a singular hole in intelligent design, or is it an absolute-limiting-time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration infinite-curvature multiple, a link-up between orders of logical-value on the embedding-diagram, not of 4D spacetime, but of the hologramic universal covering of the Riemann-surface stack laminating Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, a sheaving matrix numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers and E8-lattice-logiced with assistance of the Regge calculus? Is the CTC-wave of light 1T2-acausally cum linear-time-wise made up of µTm-photons, or are µTm-photons µTm-causally cum operator-time-wise made down from unmaking the CTC-wave of light? The former presupposes a spacetime voxelation cutoff at the Planck length conceived as a single-valued universal physical constant; the latter, involutory Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic decomposition unto Cantor dust of unlimited infinitesimal types, cyclotomic being indicative of an m-valued Cantorian-fractal universal physical constant of length, conservation laws varying as to classes of such values. If you want to keep the voxel, pixelate it (that's not pixilation!) with infinitesimal pixels such that there is µTm-unto-CTC worth of a mu-it per voxel, not one bit or qubit per voxel. In hyperspaces, the plane points of intersection are what counts, not the lines of argument: warm-golden dust of supermind as pre-pregeometry. The Einstein-Rosen bridge qua Wheelerian wormhole, Schwarzschild-timed or Kruskal-diagrammed, does not, repeat not, connect two selfsame simply-identifiable regions of spacetime or two times of the same 3-space domain; under Pauli-Paine operator-time, what is temporal-curl twistor-connected are pregeometric orders of logical-value, making possible Karpenko functors over the primes -- whether or not the resultant [numbered}Gödel{numbered] cosmic propositions are regarded intelligent or not or not or not Please don't worry about logical contradictions upon time travel to the past -- as time travel doesn't transpire in time, but across logical-value order-types whereupon the notion contradiction is merely relatively definable. Is eternality infinite past until infinite future? Only under 1T2-only-definable memetime taken to be an objective linear-time. In my judgment, beamtime is memetime. Maurice Nicoll's Living Time, Vincent Stuart, 1952, was an instructional entry point for me to Husserliana of 1T2ly-lived time. If, however, pregeometry as calculus of propositions is not 1T2-only, but stacked CTC-unto-µTm understood independent of the notion truth-value, then eternality of Einstein-Rosen bridge is not with respect to geometrodynamics, but the logical-value order-types chronotopologically expressing as 3-fold (demerging: orientability, simple-connectivity, subsidence; generating: gradients, handles, nonorientability) operator time (Brian Ferneyhough's Chronos Aion being a musical portrait of two heads of the three-headed god which employs a one-wheeled car, i.e., temporal curl [for interesting feminist and gay perspectives on queer, representational, and historical time, see Aion, Kronos, and Kairos: On Judith Butler's Temporality, Kattis Honkanen, SQS, 01/07]). But as regards CTC-unto-muTm: not Wheelerian-wheeled It from bit, but Buddhologically-wheeled Ma from mu-it codifying import of pre-pregeometry as a Sakharov-Novikov bucket of dust Borel set of dimensionless points on the ground-, uh, uh, AllBase-state of Tzog-chen. Or shall we say, all based upon very small increments of time difference as Hiromi Uehara's Sonicbloom has it, involving not a bit of, but a mu-it of Clifford parallelism and associated Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels. Gnosiologically speaking, Ursprung der Zeit, uh, the origin of memetime, that is, has to do with glutamatergic neuronal anchoring of 1T2ly-prescriptive enculturation-socialization, whereas origins of topologically-active operator-time are found on Tzog-chen AllBase, whereupon universal consciousness-without-an-object (unsullied collective unconscious to Jung) in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators upon the m-logically-valued reference space and universal consciousness-without-an-object in its passive aspect is the space acted upon (to state the involved hyper-dense self-referential reflexivities in single-order-type binary-logic fashion). Dasein on base-state of Tzog-chen cannot be memetime bound -- by definition, both of memetime and of Tzog-chen. First-order operator-time operates with first-order temporal curl (spin component of which being a measure of hypertemperature?) only when the variable-length, flex-time intervals constitutive of instants of proper time (memetime slowdown under propulsive-push acceleration, gravitational-pull acceleration, sitzkrieg gravitational red shift) on a given world-line, or by comparative multiple world-lines, become infinite (divergent, singular) relative to the order-of-m -- keeping in mind how arbitrary are whatever partitioning algos employed -- of the various m-valued universal physical constants defining the E-infinity cosmic-nesting-foam LSTD (limited spacetime domain) of Cantorian fractal-spacetime in question, CTC-unto-µTm logical-value order-types being required for nature to handle (both meanings) partitioning arbitrarity.
I have nothing against work, even those who live in order to work, even less the Protestant work ethic: for me, it's a question of work in service to what, to whom, to which ends. Given current structure and affluent effluent of post-postmodern society, its predatory ambiance, the abject cognitive reduction of its Lebenswelt, what criterion of good work can be found as authentically actualized in the labor markets? None, absent the most opaque blinders blocking all angles of peripheral vision. Looking at the history of work in America, arguably one of humanity's all-time better work environments, not to mention W. E. B. Griffin's accounts of how much fun the superrich have when they go to war, as details of the historical record appear to indicate, while slavery was, at the memetime, a primary issue of the American civil war, the issue of genocide having been pretty well tucked in by then, it was perhaps not the foremost issue; like with the EU today, that being the centralizing tendency, and the imperial hubris which inevitably accompanies it. No, repeat, no mistake. Decidedly dumb officers totally dedicated to personal-advancement agendas, obfuscation as regards Gung Ho! fitting those agendas to a T -- the T in predormiTal hallucinations, not the T in µTm. No lack of young volunteers to serve that cause, then turn their attentions to politics. The 1T2-mental chop of their T-F/white-black/yang-yin cognitive whirly-blades: thwap-wop thwap-wop thwap-wop. TechnoTranscendence qua pre/post-trib Rapture = mass teleportation via the catching of comets. Surprisingly, perhaps, as it is turning out, institutional science in service to warfare has been much more the enemy of humanity than has been institutionalized religion, even more, as Sri Killmany Lords wrote of in The Incompleit Coloon, than conquistador-buccaneer-explorer bombardiers the likes of which cannonaded, say, Calicut and Da Nang when demands for preferential trading rights were politely declined (structural impediments being high crimes against imperialism, not factors of autopoiesis conducive to functional integration, as they are in the biological cell and metabolic cascade channels). Be aware that nesting foams of µTm-logically-processed, m-valued, fractal-drum-like, LETS currencies defined over WiFied, band-pass, fractal e-boundaries, the cadastral planning being carried out in participatory fashion on the e-commons, would be highly-functional impediments to exploitation by externalities, howsoever they may designate themselves. Itinerant kafir compradors, fakers hardly fakirs, with their mendicant molls satiating upon emoluments of surplus binary-value in this bleak house, that bleak house, the benighted brute creation evangelized upon ad nauseam as Spencerian justification for new social Darwinism, along with other neoliberal excrescences, by NatGeo, Animal Planet, the Discovery Channel. Imperialistic knuckle-dragging, gun-mauling evangelicalism intent upon conversion of heathen economies no longer merely to 1T2-only-logical capitalism, ridding them of the infamous structural impediments, but to the centralizing, monoscaling Keynesianism that rose up in lock-step with rise of Nazism, and to the militant postwar fiat-monetarism symbiotic with it. Private merc security firms, out-sourced white-man's-burden nation-building multinationals, Papal Bull trading concerns, piratical extractor companies (Pirates of the Caribbean blackpsyche-softening this re{pre}hence so as to make similar present-day state-sponsored behaviors appear couched in a favorable light-hearted glow) and other subsets of the involved corpora: missionaries (see, for instance, Colonial Christianity: The Origins of the Oppression of African Women, Garikai Chengu, Global Research, 26 August 2015), hitmen and economic hitment, privateers and privatizers, non-governmental and quasi-governmental drug pushers, slavers and debt enslavers, precious-metals plunderers, rapists, population relocators, commodities bankrupters cum brokers, civil affairs instructors and their uniformed military paladins, civil service internship recruiters, higher-enculturation agents-of-influence recruiters, police and thought-police advisors, cultural affairs planners, art and architecture preservationists, speculators of every ilk, dominionators, vassalizers, 1T2-jurisdictators, all in their various guises archaic, classical, post-Renaissance, post-Reformation, modern, postmodern, post-postmodern -- thus progress, that's progress as coerced-assimilation acculturation, forced-draft megaurbanization, [econ}omic (which is to say [eco}NOmic) maelstrom, has transmogrified to, uh, yielded, the path taken toward over-overpopulation, peak everything, anthropogenic climate shift and biocide, human-species self-annihilation qua Transcendence-Rapture. In such a context coming to us across a broad swath of the 19th century, given actual etiology, and that speculated (see, for instance, Little-Known History of the Euro: Crisis Was Baked In from the Start, Washington's Blog, 17 July 2015, quoting Greg Palast, author of Vultures' Picnic and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse, concerning a nefarious role for Robert Mundell, though I would observe that there is every reason to believe, given how thoroughly systems-theory uninformed economists apparently are, that Mundell actually believed-believes his laughable Nobel-prize-winning idea that the only really optimum currency area for an Earth-bound species is -- Cowabunga! -- The Whole Earth), as distinguishable from that pretended, if the Greeks passively accept what is currently being imposed upon them (see, for the list of incredibles: Presenting The Greek 'Terms Of Surrender' As Annotated By Yanis Varoufakis, Zero Hedge, 15 July 2015: not to be found in Greek Philosophical Terms: A Historical Lexicon by Francis E. Peters, as per I looked), even if a significant portion of Greek youths do not form a new component of the recruitment base for the global insurgency (flash forward and see Syriza voted back into office amid mass abstention in Greek election, Bill Van Auken, World Socialist Web Site, 21 September 2015), this acceptance will be a threshold event and a major prefiguration as to coming mass behaviors -- until cuspover is reached. We all well know by now that damaged collateral foments collateral damage. Smiles are not necessarily similes, and vice versa; forgetting memories is no more possible than not seeing insights: anyone who has lived in a city experiencing many terrorist incidents per day knows GWOT cuspover is not in approach-mode, not yet going to an authentic total war footing. As we all by now well know, admitted or not, agonal phases elaborate from peripheries to centers, by ebb and flow gathering intensity along each path taken. On pain of death: at cusp, that is the price risked when engaging in the high crime -- no mere misdemeanor -- of accessing alternative media and other uncensored information sources. Though were General Wesley Clark to have his way (see: Do We Need to Bring Back Internment Camps?, Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, 27 July 2015). One more of the myriad whatever-gag advocates of the cottage cognition laws that severely proscribe home-cooked ideation. Juridical decisions bespoke in total information awareness by the Supreme Control Court, paradoxically, under the lazy-fare Law & Capital doctrine, enunciated, that is, to the pecksniffian mal pensants qua pissants of the antocracy, thus servicing avareeece merc{ant}eeele, uh, by that bench courtly and hammer decisive to which the Pleaders entreat their plaints seeking justeeece, receiving [just}ice. And further, if what John W. Whitehead says in Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 14 April 2015; see also by Whitehead, Driver's, Beware: The Costly, Deadly Dangers of Traffic Stops in the American Police State, Washington's Blog, 30 July 2015) is accurate, then comply or die appears to have become the governing injunction for conduct of ADLs. Scoopy-doopy-doo! probable cause transmuted to probability-as-cause introjected as amenity platform for mass projective-identification. Moreover, the natural right to passports has recently been withdrawn (another step toward internal travel visas cum sleepover registration with police departments) and deployments of persistent surveillance systems has created a boom economy in that sector. The enemy driving all this is the enemy-within placed out-there by ConveDDing psycho-projection: fundamental principles of the belief system embraced have been utterly decimated by mathematical and scientific discovery -- and there simply isn't the cognitive wherewithal to process it. Narcissistic Brownian exploiTAtive fratricidal (think of the film entitled Saw) democracy topo-shape-shifting to grandiose Adlerian power-theory-embracing suicidal-qua-patricidal (collectively introjecting projected identification at transference/counter-transference) totalITarianism ballyhooed by oodles of smart-mouthed politicians cum sanctimoanies. O, the senseless sensibilities. Mixmaster disasters, what, punking the crowd like all good rockers do. And, by gosh, there's the counter-transference flipside wearing mysophobic child role kobun-neofascist art nu-not-mu skin over their myofascia. My, that collective unconscious Trickster archetype is soooo bad. Rectify that! A 1T2ly-true Mission Impossible. What's most unbelievable about the current human conjuncture is that most people actually consciously believe what they claim to believe, bizarre as that is given long-prevailing collective unconscious gradients. Can't anymore speak simply of the unhinged; rather, now it's a matter of the level of unhingement. But crunch time is not yet upon us. For most post-Renaissance Westerners, and most everybody by now, there is, postpubertally, no escaping 1T2-voxelation and the mass warfare it [man}dates. Question of identity, not infinity. As regards 1T2-voxelation versus µTm-pixelation of spacetime nesting foams, the actual problem is, not cardinalities of infinitesimals, but order-types of non-simple identity-transparency. I've long advocated an SRA/MACV-J2 deepening of the OSS-R&A Marcuse-Brown theory as to etiology and pathogenesis of total war: repressed and regressed and transference-induced-conversion-disorder-displaced Eros in uncivilized behaviors is secondary to suppression of direct awareness of µTm-logically-valued non-simple identity-transparency. Other than by the short-lived exogenously-induced ketamine bond, the easiest human access, again short-lived, to authentic identity-transparency (experiencing experience of the other, which is µTm-generative empathy, and which no 1T2-digital neural bridge [one sort of banebridge: see the PentaHollyGonWood/USC-ICT VRinstitute film entitled Pacific Rim: Mmm-hmm, another Follywood fallow] could possibly do more than regressively simulate, i.e., turn to tats-pierced bodymod-simulacra cum infantile violence, total war constituting the nth-case of this particular sort of techno-ConveDD, the either/or, binary, duelist dualism of 1T2-only logic absolutely precluding authentic pagan-animistic µTmly-Everettian relative-state identity-transparency) is the sexual occasion. Ease of access dependent upon set and setting -- and age. The soonest after puberty, the easiest. Glutamatergic anchoring of prescriptive enculturation-socialization begins in the womb with the neuronal plasticity bestowed by wholesale neuronal network wipeouts which periodically transpire unto puberty. If this neuronal etching-pruning, and associated quantum quenching, prescriptively hardens identification by-with-to simple-identity, which is further rigidified by secondary and higher enculturation, then easiest lifetime access to sexually-catalyzed experience of non-simple identity -- depending upon set and setting -- comes soon after puberty (tacitly recognized by many traditional societies where an unmarried 16-year-old female was regarded as having entered spinsterhood). The best combination in my experience -- and most apt in respect to physiologic drive-activation, according to the biologists cum sexologists -- is a male 15-19 and a woman-of-a-certain-age, i.e., in her mid-to-late-thirties. So, given prevailing widespread upbringing memes, and associated suppressions, it would be a rare find, indeed, to discover a physicist postdoc not preset to embrace voxelation of spacetime and the targets-analyst-putting-boxes-down-for-carpet-bombing mass warfare that goes along with it. Historically speaking, while Einstein explicitly, and with considerable affect-charge, refused to accept Born's 1926 dice-playing probability-amplitude interpretation of the 1925 m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, he was so put out -- heh-heh-heh! -- by native-Polish-speaker Madame Curie's sub rosa references -- heh-heh-heh! -- to the Polish-joke-inspiring m-valued Polish logics of 1921 (worked up from turn of the 20th century) that he never even mentioned these Lukasiewicz logics in any paragraph wherein he referred to Schrödinger. Heh-heh-heh! Read hinky screeds of the mouth-foamers, do you, you cognitive skell? Humph! The econometric Fallacy of Composition applies to logic itself: propositions which work in single-valued modality, but do not in the multivalued. After all that's transpired these last 200 years of memetime, if it weren't so sad, it would be hilarious how little suspicion there is, amongst the academic pride no less than the hoi polloi corpus, as to actual etiology of the War of the World, and how that etiology is the same etiology as that for anthropogenic climate shift and pathogenesis of genetic engineering. Lukasiewiczian µTm-logically-valued non-selfsame non-simple-identity means there can be no universal objective-linear-time-bound simultaneity permitting a simply-connected orientable simple-beginning, hence, no initial conditions at THE start, and no initial conditions after any heuristic stop-and-restart such that 1T2ly-causal causality or 1T2ly-probable probability-and-statistics could accurately forecast relative to a memetime reference frame, accurately forecast, that is, independent of employment of the myriad varieties of data renormalization demanded by the glutamatergically well-prescriptively-etched, normal science, normotic scientist, caught up in a quantum-measurement occasion, clinical or subclinical, who thinks real-numbered reality is not THE virtuality, THE Maya, THE Plato shadowplay, THE Vipallasa, THE Nirmita (which proposition does not mean that no technologies can thus, i.e., renormalization-wise, be innovated, only that such technologies will necessarily be pathologically ill-adapted to the µTmly-superintegrated natural surround). For the memetime-bound, unabashed embrace of utter Dark Night of the Soul hopelessness is a functional prerequisite to authentic direct ontic experience of Schrödinger time-independence: once tasted full flower, and ebbed, the involved states may never resurrect in their entirety, but they also never altogether reeetire, even when giving short shrift. Increasingly, all categories of even wage-slaving of the blindered salaryman are under existential threat from AI-robotics -- Transcendence, a post-postmodern love story, being the latest binary effusion on AI so-called singularity to have escaped from Cyberia, anti-(e)utopian thematics covering/providing-plausible-denial for the promotional content-intent. The Elysium habitat is the foremost funny-farm fantasy of the global power-leadership elite, intelligent behavior having become altogether anathema, i.e., against thematic contents of the governing gradients, conscious and unconscious. Idle dreams of colonizing other planets, solar systems, galaxies when modern science has yet to figure out how to make potable water and basic healthcare (the sort any Special Forces trained medic could provide) available to all but a small fraction of the human corpus so far exclusively localized to Earth. No clean air for any urbanite. White T-shirts are GMO crap today (and likely herbicide infused: flash forward and see, for instance, Study found glyphosate in cotton, tampons, gauze pads, swabs, Erin Gallagher, Revolution News, 20 October 2015) compared to those from JCPenney's, circa 1960 -- not to mention the abject state which shoes and jeans have reached. Just as armies are being lobotomized cum roboticized because the collective-unconscious-constellated event-gradient is decidedly down a dead-end path whereupon human soldiers and their Unteroffiziers eventually will convulsively shift alliance, and bodyguards of the wealthy, the executive, the political will become these luminaries' greatest risk factor, so human beings are to be replaced en masse because they simply are too unreliable. How can the human species execute its 19th-century collective unconscious decision for self-annihilation (rather than consciously integrate µTmly-non-simple identity-transparency) if human beings still exist to renege on that decision?
Just as was the case with similar reports issuing out of the Argentine precursor, one can make little of revelations such as this from Charles Hugh Smith (see: Greece's New Money: Many, Not One?, Washington's Blog, 6 July 2015; also, Hay for cheese? Barter booms in cash-squeezed rural Greece, Reuters, 29 July 2015) concerning the Greek conundrum, except to observe that the process itself seems to know something of what it requires, even though the full µTm-valued LETS conception remains consciously unavailable to participants -- with a second even though noting that, in context of the euro, sheaving algos for establishment of WiFied nesting-foamed fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary are more explicit than is the case with Argentina in its [pre}sent context. China bling? We observe that, according to a recent CNN report, interviews, however actually informative, in wake of the recent anti-corruption drive, of 3000 of China's billionaires apparently reveal that these mega-rich are so scared, and at such a loss for investment ideas, that they intend to redirect their money toward large-scale infrastructure projects (the sort of high-interest-rate lending instrumentally involved in the 1997 collapse of the baht) in Cambodia and Thailand -- such funding of such projects being incursions upon the World Bank's and the ADB's old stomping ground. That's speaking of some portion of 3-trillion dollars worth of yuan? Desperately seeking a pretty big hole, so it seems to me. Glinting a slink along through the liquescent spume of cognitive gas, one simply has to ask if persistent ZIRP and QE have created false vacuums and bubble nucleation with domain-wall tension compensating the 1T2-falsity inculcated by memetime-instantaneous-and-durational effects of central bank actions. Whatever Masters of the Universe might think, once upon the course, financial innovation in general, QE in particular, are not decision-driven, nor are they governed by linear-arithmetic progression, or that parabolic; the expansion conforms to the principles of logistics, and the progression is in the form of the sigmoidal, logistic, S-shaped curve (in negative space, the nearly exponential subtending, in positive space, the approximately logarithmic). Diffusion of financial innovation, to include that of central banks, transpires under L, the curve's max-value, set by the upper bound upon 1T2ly-bounded rationality (though it could hardly be believably said that, in this financial-innovations case, the expansion has in any significant way led to improved overall synergy supplanted by maturity -- and will not, unless L stands for Lukasiewicz and admits of multi-valued utility functions not normalized between 0 and 1 [consider how thoroughly 1T2ly formalized -- on basis of an imputed inherent monotonicity and availing of myriad forms of independence, as well as a binary-mind-protecting, Bornic cum Diracic cum Feynmanic, probability-amplitude-like lottery of integral sums, squared in the quantum mechanical case, to yield the final cumulative probability propensity, uh, in the present case, the optimal utility-value-preference -- is even the multi-attribute theory, a theory purporting to yield greater synergy!], and of µTm-valued monetary units). Hipper than The Street's [moni}mental street hipsters, bogged down in factotum labors whilst bent over the techno-impedimenta incongruously facilitating financial-instrument infrause-ConveDDs of fiber-bundle arithmetics! Muniments, howsoever monitory, ain't necessarily monetary, whatever the claustral affect-charge detumescence involved. Apparently the work of Jonathan Barzilai (see: Preference Function Modelling: The Mathematical Foundations of Decision Theory, Trends in Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, Vol. 142, 2010, pp. 57-86; and Preference Modeling in Engineering Design, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, no date given) is of considerable relevance here, though I can find no suggestion that Barzlai addresses the utility of Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. Note that use of preference functions does not necessarily denote, or even connote, central planning, comprehensive or disjointedly incremental, nor does it necessarily denote-connote command implementation of such planning. Preference functions could be used on Musculpted e-commons to m-scenarios StratPlan and consensuate the design and near-real-time alteration of the µTm-valued monetary units adopted. Markets employing such units would be the autopoietic allocators, not groups of Central Manipulators. For instance, instead of defining capital controls upon the 1T2-base-state of a given µTm-valued LETS currency, computer-gamed-chosen properties of the indicator-measure-tagged m-values stacked upon the base-state could, conceivably, establish a monetary analogue to the Gimbal lock upon the currency, the precluded variances of which autopoietically effectuate the preference functions e-commons computer-gamed as essential to well being of the local economy (on whatever scale of the nesting foam). But, in 1T2-truth, policies are not THE problem, only symptoms thereof; the systems 1T2-theories informing the system qua system expressing the binary minds (superrich and silent majority) serviced by chronic perseverance in allegiance to the 200-year-dead Weltanschauung are where the fault lies. And 1T2ly-selfsame artisanal currencies are, unfortunately, subliminally-orchestrated parody of what is actually required (see: Do You Have Change for a Bowie? The Advent of Artisanal Cash, Dan Crane, The New York Times, 9 August 2015; and flash forward to Central Banks Nervous as Alternative Currency with David Bowie's Face Goes Viral, John Vibes, ANTIMEDIA, 1 September 2015: personally, I do not view µTm-valued LETS nesting foams as subversive, rather, as integrative). I've certainly nothing against Cambodia and Thailand, their sustainable development needs, but, holy moly this potential Chinese-capital move is clearly not in the direction of investment in development of the infrastructure required to implement µTm-valued LETS. Such investment is being derailed onto sidecar-stockyard holding pens such as Blippar app maps illustrating popular-crime fictions, à la EXPLORE The Dark Side of Brighton accompanying Peter James' Dead Man's Time, Really Scary Books, 2013, something of an analogue to the decades-old CD-ROM proposal vis-à-vis facilitation of the early stages of m-scenarios strategic planning required to implement µTm-valued LETS at, say, amenity migration sites, assiduously studied by L. A. G. Moss, et al. Try actually implementing m-logically-valued LETS? Strewth! Crikey! this hard day toss me a Fosters, mate. Certainly not with the neoliberal up-the-organization company men, financial-sector moguls, banksters, multilateral crats presently prevalent and prevailing at presiding. Five natters/day amongst the nattering cohort of the chattering class, and Sam's your uncle. Hot onto those in D.C.-no-Washington? Not likely, babe. Just moved out of an Adams Morgan efficiency, did ya? No sweet suite. Pretty lady Bee Richer, spondolicks on show, attired in gold-brocaded silk appropriate for visits to P Street toilets sporting platinum faucets and hammered copper bidets. That's right, sonnyboy, says she, conjointing with her Victor Fortune. No smattering of the good and the great in those houses on the heights: old hobs nob those hills. Petulant, niggling nanny with her various sorts of helicopters -- command, monetary, observer. And hard to see how anything of substance could be done with monetary ideas such as these, CTC-unto-µTm, so long as the mathematicians-logicians continue to believe in their selfsame numbers and truth-values; the physicists, their probability amplitudes; the economists, their statistical correlations. A cloying treacly nil-nil: not much to brag about nearly two centuries after Abel's Impossibility-Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr. No indication known to me of significant change in any of all that. And nothing said here will have any noticeable effect. Hopefully, there's a lot relevant going on I don't know about. Glad-handing Gantry-types boardroomed off on back of their rearings upon end ramps of snake oil wagons, voice-coached during their postgrad internships served out booming through sales areas displaying unnecessaries of every sort. Childhood barley soup barely made it onto their adult inventory, generally scrutinized from the bar stool. Not the usual history of a quant-type, these old-schoolers foundation-stoned upon deal art. Always having had the liesense required, thus never having been sent down: these gits are the sort of blokes what wog grockles-of-TheSystem deeemand, blokes of the jumped-up sort who don't give a toss, contemptuous and contentious waxwork ingrates with the insouciance imbued of justified impertinence often fortified potvaliant of Dutch courage and who -- given that IT, the global conjuncture, that is, was just gone the eleventh hour -- people politics, grungy bottoms to repugnant uppers. Spring in the steps of these slack-jowled autumnal old bastards, portly, if well strapped in, clearly corn fed and heavily marbled, never skint, not since preteens, not these self-mades, and certainly not stripped by their jolly totty -- or so the stories go. Monogrammed old sweats expectorating roof-brain chatter as Bvlgari bling, ruing up word witherings fogged in a dust of pastry flour, dithering over diktats delivered, we-e-ell, drawly, again and again, so as to drum them into minds made no better than hunks of fried dough rolled in powered sugar. Knackering the Gone-Fish chil'ins all along the way! Given the level of coercive manipulation kids are subject to these days, I've no trouble understanding why so many of them are being drugged-up by prescription. Even in my day, the programming control-factor was well over the top -- long before patrol cars came to sit on skateboard parks, pump shotguns on prominent display. Only queers and ballet dancers bounce on their toes, swing their arms. Right. And pre-puberty badgering as to how the Boy Scout uniform is properly worn: Keep your shoulders back! Drop your face: that stuck-up nose makes you a snit. Keep your chin on your chest. Who the hell do you think you are? By age 15, my allergy to propaganda pollen, hardly mere cold calls, was aggravated and acute: couldn't get away from it, even in typing class. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country Sixty words a minute got you an A, seventy an A+, and set you up for naive scarlet-letter Acceptance of JFK's inversion of the democratic principle: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Considering the persistent penchant for crime amongst the few, and the ever increasing impetus for terrorism in an expanding recruitment base, we can all easily agree that there is no possibility whatsoever that that the authorities will in any way give up the advantages bestowed by quantum-based technologies of surveillance, localization, identity, and information-content discovery (conversion-disorder displacement, i.e., ConveDD, of that required for implementation of µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams?). Nonetheless, this in no way mitigates the little-understood fact that these pan-invasive investigative MOs, often yielding actionable intel and/or prosecutable evidence, are, by collective unconscious impetus, ConveDDs of deep-structure factors which the actors on whatsoever side have no conscious awareness of, ConveDDs which augur poorly with regard to successful human transit of the prevailing multi-dimensional crisis. Such an unacknowledged dilemma is characteristic of circular processes mistaken as being linear -- and there is no solution available inside the Weltanschauung productive of it. Just as physicists much prefer particle-property implications over wave-property implications, geneticists much prefer molecular-level-property implications over quantum-level-property implications -- particularly so with regard to the quantum-wave properties of nucleotide pairs at helix-coil dynamics (see, for instance, here and here). Eurocrat-drive, geneticist-drive: what, in principle, is the difference? Different/same. What, in principle, is the same? Control, control, control! All and one in projective-identification: string-pulling puppet-masters qua organ-grinders hauling around chained monkeys. Just think of the infantile transference dynamics so embarrassingly on display. Oh, the self-serving, banal, I/i-to-eye, the-hand-drawing-itself pastiche involved in asp{i}ring to such a slimy, reeking, [our}oboros role! What is the origin of this need for control? Is that origin sane? If not, what degree of collective insanity is resident therein? Crispr-Cas9 (see, for instance, the excellent Easy DNA Editing Will Remake the World. Buckle Up, Amy Maxmen, Wired, July 2015 [editing, mind you]): on a par with the home-movie-emulating studio production? Uh-oh! Mrs. Monsanto for President! Not to mention the bioweapons [imp}lic(k)ations-[moti}vations, as per a recent for instance -- has that infra been a primary skewing the whole field ever since the mid-50s? -- 'Gene drive': Scientists sound alarm over supercharged GM organisms which could spread in the wild and cause environmental disasters, Steve Connor, The Independent, 2 August 2015: this 27-protest being hardly an impressive showing by practitioners of THE neoNazi infrascience). Pretty darned hard to discover it is, isn't it, what limits there are to what a species will do when archetypally vectored by a two-centuries-old collective unconscious decision for self-annihilation (RATHER THAT! than embrace Abelian-Cantorian-Lukasiewiczian-Schrödingerian-Everettian non-simple identity, that oleaginous piffle-dun dupery of unctuous dusky pagans, heathen varmints hailing from greasy southern climes, ratty eastern climes). The real peril! -- yellow or whatever. Believe in conspiratorial implementation of a strategically formulated global depopulation agenda? That's not by natural attrition, now. For an interesting presentation of this thesis, flash forward and see: Poisoned Agriculture: Depopulation and Human Extinction, Colin Todhunter, Global Research, 6 November 2015. Believe Monsanto 'Deliberately Covered Up Data' Proving Glyphosate Is Cancerous For 4 Decades, as argued by Christina Sarich, Natural Society, 30 September 2013? Consider (linked by Sarich) contents of the Monsanto Timeline Of Crime 1901-2014, Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance, 16 February 2015. I've been aware since the mid-1970s, by good offices of Suzi Daniels, then a radiation-biology Ph.D. candidate doing plant growth-factor-hormone -- phytochrome -- research at the Smithsonian, that herbicides prefiguring dioxin-containing Agent Orange had their origins in WWII-related research (thanks be to Scott Steinmaus of CalPoly for mentioning this) into growth regulation, that research having been dependent upon earlier fertilizer R&D. Unfortunately, there has been too little contemplation of the infinitely many Scheherazade palindromic-number-strings same-yet-different, thus, non-selfsame by non-orientability, superposition being what it is, as being, I repeat, as being entry upon m-level, cascade ciphering superencryption (for all his fixation on passive-linear-referential memetime, Jeremy Campbell, in Grammatical Man, Simon & Schuster, 1982, devotes attention to second-order DNA messages) vis-à-vis m-valued environmental variables (including those intraorganismic), the single-level-encryption cut-and-paste being too, too arresting, financially and otherwise. As if nature hadn't figured out long-term genomic-data storage (see: Single DNA molecule could store information for a million years following scientific breakthrough, Steve Connor, The Independent, 17 August 2015) long, long ago, and found means to comprehensively survey (see: There is enough data stored in DNA molecules of every life-form alive to occupy capacity of a billion trillion supercomputers, say scientists, Steve Connor, ibid., 11 June 2015) environmental information (and, here, the scientists are speaking only of single-valued single-level encryption!). Palprimes (not the same as prime pals: see, for instance, EPA Knew EMFs Were a 'Probable Human Carcinogen' Decades Ago and Covered It Up, Melissa Dykes, Truthstream Media, 24 June 2015) on AllBase-state of Tzog-chen and Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (think: Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-type AlexanderKarpenko functors over the primes) of genetic propositions demergently expressing there from, beastly and/or triply, as in codon triplets vis-à-vis 3-fold operator-time and the involved temporal-CURL dynamics of spatial-CURL helix-coil transition, the multiple encryption encoded, not spatially, but via the temporally-CURLed quantum-wave properties of the genome: according to intestacy law, generation-to-generation inheritance does not include miasmatic-diathesis DNA-quantum-wave-property anomalies, even given the DNA fractal antenna -- just like in the scale-levels-removed self-similar complex-angular-momentum cascade dynamics occasioning tornadogenesis, and associated climate-shift dynamics? When the whole biosphere, if not the Whole Earth, becomes the class-action claimant to myriad product liability suits we-e-ell, the billions made short-term will seem paltry by comparison to the rightful awards -- awards never to be awarded, the consequences exacted much more fundamentally. Mo[fa]ther Nature's in[de}his|cence -- closed at maturity, like is an apple -- if CTC-unto-µTm-unto-CTC can be thus regarded, is so superintegrated that SheHe requires (think: biquaternions and higher algebras) as an indemnifying descriptor an epicene system of indeterminate equations: zero/zero; infinity/infinity; infinity times zero; one taken to infinity; zero taken to zero; infinity taken to zero; infinity minus infinity. Which type of infinity? Which type of zero? What sort of one? Broken numbers? Hyper numbers? Non-selfsame numbers? Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers? O, this mynde of myne doth allwayes flyeth awaye. The very idea that genomic computation is confined to the classical regime is ludicrous. Mere monophyletic cognition! Yes, denigrates braid-correlations at DNA cascade encoding. Doesn't like algorithms stacked like transparent acetate overlays. Polymorphic polyalphabeticity be damned! Discounts spatial topologies of the genome; altogether ignores chronotopologies thereof. Insofar as psychologically identified with 1T2-only logic, believes Earth goes around the Sun, believes in neoDarwinian evolution of species, believes in single-level genetic encryption. Forr'ad! Dead reckoning true north, no vacillations port or starboard. Their undeviating, if bumbling-through, goal is to GMO everything, such that they come to own exclusive patent rights to all organic resources, planet Earth -- including human resources. They've dreamed this dastardly dream, haven't they now, for nigh onto half a century -- a daft dream dreamed by Judas Technocrat betrothed to Captain Industry; hailed and wailed, though such piped skirl aren't inanely coupled 1T2ly-odd at all, skirl aren't: aye, and the dour sun struggles whilst the ruddy moon moans, ruefully, I've been so told -- and nothing, nothing, will be allowed to distract them, whatever fuzzle of rage they must confront. Not well locked down, they are, their snibs having been left off. Soon, they tongue-lollingly claim, splattering all and sundry, thus billboarding an embarrassing display of their regressed archetypal imprinting, they will be able to 'cure' old age, that deautomatized deshabillé making puddin'-n-hominy out of what had been -- once -- the very tissue of well-ordered, prescriptively-enculturated, 1T2-only action-potential. These people who have eaten selfsame numbers, single-valuedness, 1T2-only logic and associated single-level encipherment, bump-and-grind molecular biology have the most extraordinarily reductive notion as to the nature of Nature -- and, when they maintain that quantum-level processes have no substantive biological effects, they are not only servicing their fame-and-fortune want creations, they actually believe it! No pre[sage}ment, surely. Totally uncool, bro, ex[cat}hedra, even, as regards the office of a what? Though hardly can it be seen why one should be of boredom befouled, however much apathy be borne upon acedia -- given all the ills plaguing this world. Aaah! says you. That being a freighted exclamatory if ever one was heard. Watson wrote a textbook entitled The Molecular Biology of the Gene. He never produced a book entitled The Quantum Biology of the Gene. And no one, so far as I know, has written The Geometrodynamics of the Gene, let alone The Pregeometry of the Gene. And The Lukasiewicz Logics of Genomic-Environmental Interactions remains deeply hidden in Platonia's probability mists. Dynamical properties of natural recombinant processes lift no component process out of its environmental context, do not in vitro separate sheaves-laminates of the autopoietic organizational nesting foams, and, thus, by applications of the plasmahaut boundary-without-boundary holographic principle in particular, µTm-logically-valued superposition of m-valued variables generally, properties in complementarity with those hierarchical, insure environmental fit of shape-shifting with respect to internalities/externalities across the whole universally-covered nesting foam, whatever partitioning algorithms might be employed by an external observer-participator to conceptualize the involved dynamics and their CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 encryptions.
I've no adequate way to assess validity-utility of these µTm-logical-value-related ideas, as I have had, and continue to have, no access to the experimental method. Before I became involved, as I understand it, the Paine-Kaplan cascade computer model of tornadogenesis was largely ditched for runs with real-time data in no small measure because, when being run with historical data sets on USAF mainframes, it mysteriously wiped out NORAD memory stores (thus demonstrating its antipathy to nuclear war?). None of the experiments that could have been done with respect to our model of DNA radiation-exchange processes have ever been done. Earlier, during 1968, at MACV-HQ, the analysis concerning Viet Cong political infrastructure (VCI) bureaucratic variables being mapped upon fluctuating boundaries was ignored because it conflicted with the command position on strategic issues. It's really rather embarrassing how every failing totalitarian regime in history defined partisan resistance fighters as, not soldiers, terrorists -- and never adequately evaluated the processes involved in what they, paladins of the state, faced. One could validly say exactly the self-similar about effects of the command position laid down by the molecular biology establishment, effects upon possible application of the holographic principle (expanded to incorporate µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value: just as there could be geons that are gravito-EM holograms, so, I've long believed that, by good offices of 3-fold temporal CURL, there could be temporal holograms through which DNA m-level cascade encryption demerges) to modeling the boundaries-without-boundary of hypothesized pi-electron gas cores of in vivo intracellular DNA molecules, not the least of which being intra-neuronal DNAs. The closest we ever got to experimental economics vis-à-vis m-scenarios-strategic-planning-assisted application of the holographic principle to the notion of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped upon fractal e-boundaries was in Cesky Krumlov, an experiment quenched when the Government of Denmark decided that the amount of the grant applied for to cover the next stage was too small to consider, and that, moreover, a project with regard only to a mere town was below its consideration. Subsequent approach to the Soros people in Prague failed because they could not understand the basic idea behind the project: this was the impetus for my beginning to write the Office of George Soros in NYC, and, later, origins of the m-valued LETS website, as I needed something to refer to in the letters, contents of which were posted to the site. A decade earlier, a failed attempt to have a sustained communication with Oriana Fallaci yielded a decision to write The Moon of Hoa Binh, much of the content of those letters having been incorporated into various aspects of that novel, not, incidentally, primarily Studies for Liana. Attempts to engage the Thai government before (NESDB) and after (TRF) the 1997 collapse of the baht similarly failed. But all that was decades ago. And decades before that, according to my assessment, the very same issues were instrumental in deep-structure origins of two world wars, and why those wars were conducted with such insane vehemence. Keep on truckin'! But cultivate few expectations, and identify with none of them. A ten-year-old child wandering camellia-strewn woods above rice fields of Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, and hearing for the first time the blowing-Zen-priest bird cries of the enchanting end-blown bamboo hocchiku echoing mists of an early morning summer drizzle, is irresistibly called to he knows not what, but discovers himself irrevocably cast upon the road to find out. A man [resolutely] does what he can [does so intelligently] until his destiny is revealed: I believe that; I've explicitly believed it since I was a teenaged Air Force brat filling a slot in a genealogy of yeoman farmers, evangelical ministers, and military men. And particularly so believed, when elaborated by the realism that subsequently came upon an 18-through-20-year-old whose first experiences of Washington, D.C., were lived out overlooking Chain Bridge from Potomac Palisades, in Spring Valley, along Foxhall Road, on Q Street in Georgetown whilst sending his charges off to the National Cathedral School and riding lessons at Madeira School.
If I am not, uh, that is, am not mistaken, wavelength does have something to do with space; frequency, with time: contemplate, therefore, retinal noise, gain, temporal integration vis-à-vis chromodynamics of the instant. It does not take impinging dim-light photons (only visual-noise of intrinsic idioretinal light in Eigengrau will do: consider Craig Adcock's The Interface Between Exterior and Interior Light discussion of James Turrell's Stoppages works, drawn from Adcock's Mapping Spaces, Blumarts, 1987; also recommended is Roy A. Sorensen's Seeing Dark Things: The Philosophy of Shadows, Oxford U. Press, 2011, and as regards idioretinal light his comments are enlightening) and two slits to produce visual evidence of quantum complementarity wavelet, wave-packet, uh, particle, that is, and pattern of same, i.e., wave, or complementarity of the complementarity with regard to generative and demergent, enfolded and unfolded, so on; a bit, heh-heh-heh, of any good psychedelic plus a pixelizable facial portrait will do (for a well-practiced meditator, the facial portrait alone, sans the psychoactive drug, will do). Bip-boop, bip-boop, bip-boop freeze-frame-fixate upon qua contemplate deep and long enough the portrait and endogenous-ketamine flood along with Zitterbewegung (the classes of non-relaxable qua irresolvable microsaccadic ocular oscillations [see: Temporal Coding in the Brain, György Buzsaki, et al., eds., Springer-Verlag, 1994] "subposing" blink rate, that rate's influencing endogenous factors being ". . .central dopamine level, mental activity, state of attention, and psychological state", along with ambient-thermal-fluctuation-driven isomerizations and spontaneous neurotransmitter releases) of pixel-gestalt-recognition will alter the pattern of electron-transport-chains cum charge-transfer-complexes subtending glutamate-anchored (glutamic acid, actually, codon GAA = guanine-adenine-adenine or Glu, glutamate missing a hydrogen atom and, therefore, able to bond with sodium) neuronal networks, such that perineural analog processing kicks into direct conscious ontic awareness, and, flash-flash-flash, one face of humanity after another, on and on, pixel-pattern modulate themselves sequentially over the given face 1T2ly pulled out of the all-faces-superposition which each particle[u}lar face of the humanity-wave µTmly enfolds. The 'I' and the not-'I', self and other: subject and trope in relative-state identity-transparency. Being consciously in -- which involves being-in-itself being out of memetime moment-to-moment -- humanity-wave is the actual intentionality basis of ethical behavior, not neural-inhibition-disciplined exercise of a 1T2ly-superegoic will, internalized or personified and projected. At higher levels of meditative efficacy, the self-similar (think of the pulling out involved in viewing Jasper Johns' painting entitled 0 through 9) is found to be the case with any chosen discrete 1T2-object and its normally subliminal corpus of µTmly meta-referential tropes. Just walk on by seems for most the governing impulse when confronted with this painting by Johns. Even for the nidifugous, it's disconcerting enough when bodily sensations are displaced to outside the body -- a Gurdjieffian not saying 'I' to them -- e.g., paresthesias (as Yayoi Kusama well knows) at autogenic abreaction or, more complexly, the inner voice slowly moving its sensed localization from inside the head to in front of the forehead, even when there is an apparent prequel, a discrete cause clearly not petit mal, say, the deautomatization occasioning concentration in self-observation at long-practiced walking meditation; but quite another matter altogether when someone else's sensations are internalized to one's own body, particularly so if this appears to transpire spontaneously, such as not occurring in high combat or not being drug-induced or not related to sexual intercourse. Admittedly, whatever the acumen, modern people find it difficult to assimilate ontic phenomenologies associated with relative-state identity-transparency. Ketaminergic modification of electron-transport-chains cum charge-transfer-complexes involves frequency-response-window and interlocking reflection-rhythms (see: The Geometry of Musical Rhythm , Godfried T. Toussaint, Chapman and Hall, 2013) modulation (cognitive carte blanche given to polyrhythm-entrainment-induced onset of deautomatization, and resultant subversion of the enforcement of syntactic rules, being of the essence to the walking meditator: engage in a little inversional combinatoriality with regard to The Search For a [glutamate-etched] Neural Syntax posted on the Buzsaki Lab homepage), such that change of the baud-rate of consciousness, the rate of that rate change, and the rate of the rate change of that rate change are changed. Flow properties of memetime are altered, in turn altering the Whiteheadian relation-structures perceived and apperceived in process and reality. At the absolute limiting baud-rate, limiting acceleration thereof, limiting time rate of change of acceleration thereof: real pattern killers (ConveDDs in retrograde inversion, if considered are the involved schizophreniform fragmentation, psychological singularity, loss of orientability). In the exogenous-drug-free-meditator case, is change of consciousness changing time-rate perception or is change of time-rate perception changing consciousness? Clearly, the former is the case. The further 1T2-question as to whether we are speaking here only of memetime or of time-in-itself has profoundly to do with the relation between individual and collective, personal and impersonal, the wavelet and the wave, the 1T2 and the µTm-unto-CTC. Hence, consciousness (pure, unsullied, universal, without an object) in the most general sense defined as the set of all topological operators on the m-logically-valued (Hilbertian) reference space, that set being a finite set likely restricted (by considerations of necessary and sufficient) to 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time and associated temporal curls quantized via Penrose twistors. Now, as regards Cantorian-fractal spacetime, how mensurable, on a Koch curve, is wavelength? Certainly, the result of any given such measure-problem measurement made in some finite time, or an instant thereof, taken to sufficient lengths, i.e., closely enough done, unto Cantor dust, uh, unto self-light dust, is wholly a matter of holes -- this unwelcome [Cube reflecting the horror, the horror ] circumstantial lacuna being [nu}minous e[nu}f to have been, we suspect, some where in etymology of the word holy -- thus giving rise to the notion that any given 1T2-only-definable instant of memetime is multi-chromatic in its vibratory, µTmly-enfolded, Russian-doll/Chinese-box tropologies.
I remember what the theater program at Antioch College in Yellow Springs was like in 1963 -- Ayre, Fabrike, Clowd, Dreames, Stoffe, Sleepe -- and I remember all the weeds overgrowing the amphitheater compound in 1986. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I saw what I would consider an adult film, discounting dysuse of that term. Hollywood's cinematographic conversion of DC Comics is an apt transmogrification of the astringent harsh pant which is D.C.-no-Washington. Anyone ever in attendance at a [cock}tail party, or facsimile thereof, held amongst the current generation's creator-elite, understands the low-level of conception involved in contemporary Hollywood films -- the DOD-CIA-Hollywood subsidence only partially accounting for the appalling output (which is not to mention the FBI, re: say, not so long ago, Jean Seberg). I mean Why, even at Trinity College, Cambridge, sitting in Angel Court! they don't have faith in 1T3-logic. Ummm-hmmmmm. Well, then, just think of 3-fold temporal CURL -- which occurs at all fractally-relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables (re: velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration) and involves a kind of time-space tradeoff, sort of like how the 1T2-rabbit keeps jumping farther and farther ahead of his pace on the Q.T., toot sweet, doubling the doubling of double-time, exponentiating the exponent's exponent, yet still never catches the µTm-turtle leaving him in Cantor dust -- as the modus operandi of a meta-engine, of a time-space motor, of an ontic drive where the Pauli-Paine-operator-time-induced conversion of energy-type is, not E-to-M or M-to-E or EM-to-mechanical or electrochemical-to-mechanical, each of these occasioning solar-terrestrial interactions and transpiring in Earth's atmosphere at appropriate wavelengths in critical frequency windows, but logically and ontologically prior to those geometrodynamic energy transforms. The question as to validity-utility (v-u) of precedence relations -- logical, ontological, temporal -- is a matter of the order of logical-value used to address it: no v-u at all on the CTC-order-type, aka the most-dense-sheet AllBase-state of Tzog-chen. Temporal CURL, quantized via Penrose twistors, is the 3-fold topo-operator effectuating-incarnating-concretizing-demerging to form-in-process pregeometry as µTm-valued calculi of Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered propositions and their AlexanderKarpenko functors over the primes. Special Relativity (think: velocity qua slope) teaches us that linear-memetime (a direction in the referencing phase-function-hyper space) dilates-unto-stop, and that ponderable space contracts-unto-evaporation in the direction of movement, as the absolute limiting velocity is approached; General Relativity (think: acceleration qua change of slope) teaches us that spacetime connectivity-changes occur (however briefly) as the absolute limiting acceleration is approached during formation of singularities and Einstein-Rosen bridges (think of branch-point bridges of the Riemann-surface stack Regge-latticing the referencing phase-function-hyper space); Lukasiewiczian Relativity (think: time rate of change of acceleration qua change of change of slope) teaches us that orientability is lost as the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration is approached (each of these three classes of absolute limits involve characteristic twists summing to the circle of self-reference; of course, that reflexivity-circle is hypered many levels over, and imaginary plus hypercomplex numbers are required for adequate portrayal), whereupon, with further elaborations, relation-structures undergo logical-value-order-type transforms 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC. Cosmogonically speaking, Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic demergence by involutory decomposition transpires (linear-memetime being a demergent property, there is no modern-1T2-language word for linear-memetime-independent, pregeometric happening logically and ontologically before geometrodynamic happenings are) by retrograde-inversion of the 1T2-egoically-focused account just provided. Stuck between energy and frequency is Planck's constant, h; realize that this, and other universal physical constants, e.g., c, the absolute limiting velocity, are fractally-m-valued (that is, numerically m-valued, and in no way challenging memetime-constancy of the physical constant: think each effectively a power serial, complex exponential, fractal polynomial; Douglas A. Paine, based upon his studies of tornadogenesis, believed c multivalued and speculated that its m-values are de-exponentiated in logarithmic distribution, rather like the roles of log log and n log n and log log n and square root of log n roles vis-à-vis the Riemann Hypothesis [see, for instances, here and here]; parenthetically, in context of 3-fold operator-time, we, Paine-Pensinger, discussed the notion that a hypercomplex zeta function is required to fully evaluate Riemann's complex hypothesis, just as the complex was required to evaluate that Eulerian real, these discussions issuing out of a mention made as to the m-valuedness of any given power when finding logs of complex and hypercomplex powers of complex and hypercomplex numbers) and processed under µTm-logically-valued propositions comprehended independent of the notion truth-value, and then one consciously enters the universe of non-simple identities (much simpler than the 10500 universes of multiverse sup{pro}posed by some stringers, uh, M-Theory theoreticians) which temporal CURL is characteristic of. While in some senses M Theory seems to be converging upon this notion of m-valued constants, in others it is diverging there from: as per consider this statement taken from The Official String Theory Website, the page entitled Unification and distance scales, the section entitled A unified theory, to wit, When physicists look for a mass scale where the three known running coupling constants run into a single value necessary for a Grand Unified Theory, they find . Values of the fundamental dimensionless physical coupling constants, I entertain, derive from the p-adicities characteristic of the logical-value-order-type sheets they help couple, most specifically, in this case of coupling constants, relative p-adic closeness on sheaves of the CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 logical-value-order-type spectrum, m-values of given universal constants, dimensioned (units having to do with properties of the component processes they are characteristic of, as p-adically mapped and numbered on sheaves with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers) and dimensionless, being, not determined geometrodynamically, but pregeometrically. Edward Kapuscik has the right idea, as provided in Physics Without Physical Constants, in Frontiers of Fundamental Physics, M. Barone and F. Selleri, eds., Plenum, 1994, pp. 387-91 (but I wouldn't couch the idea in Newtonian-Maxwellian rubric): were Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space fully elaborated, it seems to me, not only would single-valued universal physical constants, processed 1T2ly, disappear, so would m-valued such constants µTmly processed: their presence is due to absence, that being the well-taken theme of Kapuscik's paper. If one wants to see the 1T2-signature of one µTm-entity, look at the real neighborhood of the Collatz fractal map on the complex plane, uh, in context of the Paine-Kaplan nested-grid, complex-angular-momentum cascade, numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis, the hailstone sequence. A similar look at the µTm-signature would require access to holographic techno-exteriorized inner Musculpt, where nonlinear perspectives of sono-chromodynamics of 3-space-transforms signify higher-dimensional, Cantorian-fractal, polytopic chronotopologies. The celestial wisdom imparted by shadows cast in syllabary of the forms of emptiness, by resonant echoes reverberating as sibilant sounds of no-sound. Whatever Hollywood may think, memetime travel (incarnate or reincarnate) is involved only from 1T2-logical linear perspective, reflections of the involved 1T2-states-of-Maya being projected, à la the holographic principle, upon the apo[cry}phal initial-conditions-imposed walls-virtuality of Plato's and Amaterasu's famous cave hidden in the magic mountain known as Meru-Kangrinboqe-Sumeru.
Antecedent-consequent determinism is not only simple-causality linear-time bound, nor is it modifiable only by randomicity. Simple-causality and simple-randomicity are tied to simple-identity, aka Greek-Newtonian-Laplacean atomism, and the accompanying 1T2-only-logical connecting principle. Laplacean Superman [omni}science was attributed to a demon (1814) prefiguring that deus ex machina of thermodynamic J. C. Maxwell (1867) calqued into a demon by Lord Kelvin (1874): this terminological designator being revelatory as to the involved inverting compensatory abreaction, given that the demon performs a heavenly qua angelic service. Maxwell's demon, or some such [trans}cendental, ostensibly is required to account, not only for thermodynamic 1T2-door swings, but also to explain the perfect efficiency with which electric-magnetic/magnetic-electric [trans}ductions [trans}pire in EM fields. Appropriately to be quoted here is John le Carré, Absolute Friends (scathingly scurrilous political epithets provided in this false-flag-themed novel, more real than the real world, from which the likes of a Paul Craig Roberts could well have taken inspiration, Hodder and Stoughton paperback edition, 2004, p. 98): You are English, and for you, all life is a silly accident. But I am German, and for me, if it has no logic it is meaningless. Aye, but the question for the petit bourgeois Hun-become-Nazified, hardly over-studious and not given to soliloquising as was he, was, What manner of logic, and of what logical-value order-type? -- a question relegated to Polish jokes, and then, in 1939, to Discounting Mum-n'-Dud, given my prevaricating probabilistic quantum proclivities, and eschewing both VIX and CDX HY (equity market and credit market risk), I am a strong believer in deffirmative action, which has been the reduction-collapse-decomposition-demergence (take your pick) spontaneous-localization program I've relentlessly pursued throughout my life -- not understanding why anyone would wish to join ranks (spontaneous fusion) with their oppressors, indeed, with those who have brought the human species and planet Earth to the present pass. Snap consensuation by working physics (despite a continued smattering of neighing naysayers) of Born's 1926 probability-amplitude interpretation (never accepted by Einstein or Schrödinger) of Schrödinger's 1925 m-valued wave-function was an expression of regressed collective unconscious event gradients, the latest fulmination of which having been constellated by back-reaction upon the metric of perceived (but with rapidly suppressed awareness) existential denials associated with N. H. Abel's 1823 (only 9 years after advent of Laplace's demon) existence proof for [trans}cendental trans-al-jabr, deemed an Impossibility Theorem. This back-reaction fomenting that paludal permanent lie of greatest consequence, i.e., yielding: humanity interminably stuck in the mud. Tacitly embedded in that theorem -- as Eric Temple Bell near-exhaustively (he, naturally enough, given the date involved, didn't go into Lukasiewiczian spinoffs of the theorem) explicated in his Greater Maze-related 1912 Columbia University Ph.D. dissertation entitled "The Cyclotomic Quinary Quintic" -- is cyclotomic involutory decomposition by contrast to calculable iff recursively generative. Mass projective-identification at collective ConveDD being what it is, and transference figures always and all ways fitting the governing fear functions: To task, team of the chosen, crew thrown upon the crucible, before the constellations converge in covariant collision! Being, like the Incas, at the Edge of Tomorrow, however knackered, we've bad robots to fight in a war against memetime. Don't forget to lash upon the bollards the cognitive mooring wires, lads! The submerged, the deep-structure, the covert; spatial backshadows, and temporal foreshadows darkening down frontally; enfolded regular polytopes archetypally demerging; non-selfsame numbers which can't possibly equal themselves: there is no believing the 1T2-confirmed fact; 1T2-reasonable doubt is inherent to each and every simply-identified case due to tacit dimensions and unconfirmed assumptions-premises-axioms-postulates, the unsuspected, the unidentified, the unidentifiable, the foregone conclusion. Then there is the hierarchy of logical-value order-types (for which randomicity stands in) emanating myriad classes of logical-march-types (defeating unobservable 1T2-simple-reversibility conservation of information qua theoretical 1T2-unitarity) to which differing notions of factual adhere, in the most-self-referential CTC-case of reflexivity, causality-teleology having become (from the egoic 1T2-take) so twisted in tensored curvature-of-the-connection as to be nonorientably indistinguishable. Never before had institutionalizations (nations, Tripartite-Fertile-Crescent-Religion churchdoms, nation-states: slop-slop, one jellylike boo-boo after another) of the Western tradition received so intense a slap to the face as that given by Abel's theorem, nor had there ever before been such fundamental support provided to Platonism, Gnosticism, Neo-Platonism, and their heretical occultist spawn. Just as Jeffersonian democracy, in principle, could never have issued out of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean-Smithian worldview construct, this circumstance thus vectoring the new nation-state in North America onto a Hamiltonian path, so gradients constellated in the collective unconscious prevented an m-logically-valued comprehension (after a long process many were aware of, Lukasiewicz's and Post's signal codifying papers appeared in 1921, five years before Born's misinterpretation) of Schrödinger's m-valued-variable wave-function. Young 1T2-Heisenberg's 1927 Uncertainty Principle is not due to 1T2-Born's probabilities and fluxion integrals of Uncertainty fuzziness in the real interval [0,1], but incumbent upon Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels inscribing the µTm-valued propositions implicit to Tantric Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, µTm understood independent of the notion truth-value, and to the m-valuedness of Planck's constant relative to laminates of Cantorian-fractal spacetime (insofar as operator-time is not considered): brain of the anti-animist qua anti-pagan binary mind has glutamatergically anchored the prescriptively-enculturated classical-limit buffer (spontaneously localized by good offices of programmed grid cells? as discussed in: Brain's GPS finds top honor, Emily Underwood, Science, 9 October 2014; and, flashing forward, The Brain's Internal Odometer and Stopwatch, Janine Anderson, Discover Magazine, 4 November 2015) to conscious registration of Cantorian fractality and the associated participation mystique of Everettian relative-state identity-transparency, even though the organic substrate of Luneburg binocular visual space so allows (i.e., there is no localization made in this space independent of learned psychological behaviors). As All Good Men amongst Fertile Crescent Religionists have long known, there has never been and never will be a Plurality of Causes, not once the mauvais Group of Fallacies has been extirpated and thoroughly quenched by the bon Reasoned Argument -- that effort lately supported by judicious pragmatic application of well-chosen Experimental Methodologies. Heh-heh-heh. From perspective of the ego-function, enfolded -- more accurately: un-unfolded -- within, or superposed upon, however is preferred, but not supraposed beyond, 1T2-physics, deterministic classical and/or quantum random, is CTC-unto-µTm-physics. The zero-point energy-qua-energy of 1T2-physics is selfsame energy, energy dependent upon zero-point motion, linear memetime, the Heisenberg Uncertainty inequalities, a single-valued Planck's constant, and relativistic whole-integer-dimensioned geometrodynamics of massenergy qua curvature. In CTC-unto-µTm-physics, hypertemperature (hyper from 1T2-egoic perspective; nascent from CTC-cosmic perspective) is not particulate (e.g., molecular) motion, but the spin component of Pauli-Paine operator-time, i.e., it is logically and ontologically before mass is, before geometrodynamics is, before zero-point motion-energy is. Temperature as per pregeometry, not as per geometrodynamics. Pregeometrically speaking, hyperenergy (or nascent, depending on perspective chosen) is non-selfsame, not related to motion (propagation along world lines in proper times being a 1T2-way to cognitively encapsulate CTC-order-types of identity transparency, the most complete case being CTCly non-interactive 1T2-ness, e.g., perhaps, the quantum triviality of a field of only a scalar Higgs boson), an expression of µTm-unto-CTC relative-stateness (interactive world-line-vertex particle-creation being a 1T2-way to encapsulate µTm-unfolding of the CTC-enfoldment): the higher the order-type, µTm-unto-CTC, the more hyperenergy density and the more CURLed the temporal envelope expressed (so 1T2ly to speak, more or less being quintessentially 1T2ish). Quite certain causes of Heisenberg Uncertainty inexplicable? Or has there simply been a collective in-denial refusal to explicate? Uncertainty is not about a fuzzy-logic and, nor is Bohring Complementarity: that and is the tip of the iceberg of L-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, pencils of B-parallelism cum skew-perpendicularity, C-fractality, m-valued universal physical constants (the notion that Planck's constant, h, is m-valued, like is, for instance, c, the absolute limiting velocity, is supported, in my judgment, by the experimental findings of Masanao Ozawa, as discussed in Wacky Physics: New Uncertainty About the Uncertainty Principle, Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience, 25 February 2012; and Universally valid reformulation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle on noise and disturbance in measurement, Masanao Ozawa, Physical Review A, 67, 042105, 11 April 2003; and Experimental violation and reformulation of the Heisenberg's error-disturbance uncertainty relation, So-Young Baek, et al., to include Ozawa, Nature, Scientific Report published online 17 July 2013, this last, I would note, not taking account of temporal CURL effects), and the laminated-modular Regge-latticed L-H phase-function-hyper reference-space subject to twistorized classes of quanta-of-action by 3-fold operator-time, these temporal-CURL-type actions being major components of collective unconscious observer-state at quantum measurement (collective unconscious if spoken from meta-perspective of the glutamate-etched 1T2-ego-function; universal consciousness -- Satchitananda -- if spoken from the ketaminergic meta-aperspectival, i.e., the CTCly AllBase-state of Tzog-chen). Gosh. Right on? Bang on? Bong. Disobligingly, never could calculate worth a butterscotch crunch! No wavicle with inherent nonlocal relative-state can be single-valued (that was the breakaway established with Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function) absent a surrogate-proxy (the ego-function being the surrogate-proxy) counterinsurgency warfare (find'em, fix'em, finish'em, i.e., the post-adolescent form of the double-slit experiment: find'em, feel'em, fuck'em, forget'em) effort mounted to sociopsychoneuroimmuno-1T2-logically reduce the wavicle, such that it fits (find'em, fix'em, fit'em) the Umwelts' Lebenswelt established by the 200-year-dead Weltanschauung. Random in prevailing physics, nay, in prevailing thought, is a black-box term standing in for the whole spectrum of logical-value order-types, understood independent of the notion truth-value, CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2. One thing this means is that, because the random makes the world-mount of physics a broke-back mountain in sundering conservation laws, Lukasiewicz logics establish accommodating-nested classes of such laws. While energy qua energy cannot be created or, ummm, destroyed -- only its expressions, EM or mechanical or chemical or so on, can change types -- nonetheless, energy qua energy, as a heuristic notion independent of its expressions, is not accurately regarded, per the above-given considerations, as being selfsame. The same, heh-heh-heh, for other conserved features of the landscape of physics -- and also of, say, economics, e.g., information, value, risk (permitting any given price to be µTmly non-selfsame). There is nothing that could more greatly enhance synergistic efficacy (think: autopoietic fractal attractors linked to band-pass fractal drums) in allocations than µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped upon WiFied fractal e-boundaries, the m-value stack on each given currency unit/price of/in any given LETS being properly linked (think: hologramic quantum superposition in expression of Everettian relative-state and vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, stock of the given nesting domain unto that of planet Earth: not merely a time-value, as in net present value, but a chronotopological time-shape signifying the involved relative-state: have the heart to consider When Time Breaks Down) to economic, sustainable-development, and alternative-economic indicators mapped onto, and constantly changing with respect to, the laminated-modular Regge-latticed L-H phase-function-hyper reference-space over which the omni-scale qua planetary quantum-composite unit of account is defined as the universal covering -- such changes of µTm-exchange-unit indexing (not merely conversions between 1T2-only-valued currencies) being somewhat analogous to gauge transformations in quantum theory. Problems (see, for instance, A note on the theory of fast money flow dynamics, Andrey Sokolov, Tien Kieu, and Andrew Melatos, arXiv, 14 June 2010) with the lattice-gauge-theory analogy to monetary systematics (see, for instance, Gauge Physics of Finance, Kirill Ilinski, IPhys Group, CAPE, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, no date given), in my opinion, are primarily three: (1) the analogy is applied to modeling existing 1T2-monetary-system behaviors, not to the problems involved in creating a better, e.g., µTm-valued, system, and (2) lattice-gauge theory in physics qua physics, though m-valued-variable fiber bundles be involved as well as curvature-tensor-calculated differentially-valued equivalently-parallel transport, does not employ selfsameness-violating Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels and is not referenced to a CTC-unto-µTm-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, and is, thus, of relatively limited value: and (3) the 1T2-renormalization of divergences, which is the raison d'etre of prevailing lattice gauge theory. Quoting Ilinski:
The last point to note in this subsection is the principal lattice nature of the capital market theory, since there always exists a natural minimal time interval (transaction time), and so our space is a graph. This removes the usual problems of quantum field theory with divergences due to the continuous character of its space-time base.
But, it's appearance of divergence, needing to be quasi-real-memetime diagnosed, which initializes onset of operator-time-promulgated cascade processes carried out by actions of imaginary and hypercomplex temporal CURL! Perseverance, therefore, at renormalization of the CTCly continuous, the handling of which is, ultimately, intractable without employment of CTC-valued logics (Musculpt as mathematical notation is hereby required, even though much can be learned without), does not further, to quote the I-Ching. One ConveDD of renormalization is Reprivatisierung, i.e., privatization of that which, by its inherent properties, heh-heh-heh, should not be reduced-localized-collapsed, à la the m-valued wave-function (see the eye-opening paper entitled Against the Mainstream: Nazi Privatization in 1930s Germany, Germa Bel, Universitat de Barcelona, no date given). For considerations concerning minimum time in financial systems, see: here; as regards minimum time in tornadogenesis, see here; and with respect to minimum time in radiation-exchange processes of DNA, see here. Sans these three reservations, i.e., their having been rectified, the gauge symmetry would be between currency unit m-value stack µTm-processed and relative-state time-shape; gauge invariance being of interest, heh-heh-heh, at internest and lateral LETS-currency conversions. The improved system responses to perturbations, independent of central authority orchestrations-modulations, gained from superposed linking of µTm-valued monetary units to indicator-measures would be analogous to that extant by the allowing of changes in height of the riser in the energy-unit (qua quantum) step function, relative to different frequency-response windows, à la Planck's famous formula of 1900, i.e., E = hf. Explicitly not speaking here of comprehension over memetime complexity of the uncountable polynomial time involved in string-successor functions of predicative recursion, calculable in resource-free manner and free of bounds-on-growth-rates considerations -- comprehension being equivalent to 1T2-definability of sets (see, for instance, A New Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Polytime Functions, Stephen Bellantoni and Stephen Cook, Computational Complexity, 2:2, 1992, pp. 97-110). Why bother with such inordinate complexity? We, to the contrary, must simplify, simplify -- return to gold. Because, just as has been the case in the field of canoodling known as genetic engineering, they, the pedants that would be in control, are finding a solution to the governance of climate change based upon the mistaken assumption that there is a classical limit, in the meteorological case, a limit precluding quantum-relativistic principles access to atmospheric processes. So, those spurned-of-mid-levels principles might deign ask, just as a single consideration among many, how is it that one could possibly expect an unleveraged consensus interpretation of the meaning of Lukasiewicz logics, given what transpired in Poland during WWII? And if such had to have happened to Poland and the Poles, by bad offices of a highly pathofunctional collective unconscious regime of regressed archetypal event gradients constellated by hysterical back-reactions of the pan-European-NorthAmerican petit bourgeoisie, how is it one could possibly entertain the idea that Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function was properly interpreted independent of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics? Or, say, the Einstein-Rosen bridge, if the absolute limiting acceleration is m-valued and processed by nature under m-valued logics, as is, in my judgment, almost certainly the case? Repeat, now, the aforesaid qua preluding aforegiven because. Because implementation of m-logically processed m-valued LETS nesting foams is the only way to credibly attempt adequately to meet peak-everything global-resource depletion and abrupt climate-shift dynamics. Prevention is a notion apropos of days long since memetime passed over, for the whole kebab, uh, cabob, I mean kaboosh, is going down, about which, looking at elaboration-level of the regression constellated by the indicator-ConveDDs, one can be most affirmative, but there still is the possibility of major amelioration, and there is sufficient cause to properly prepare to make the best rise in the immediate post-cuspover period. As to imminence and magnitude in given memetime frames, that's anyone's guess, due to the unfortunate fact that embrace of an apocryphal classical limit has precluded study of the quantum-relativistic aspects. That bloody lot! Having made crossover from uppities of Mayfair Swank to backstreet boys settling Dogmouth Soi, better than Hothouse Harriers for sure, at a push mauling Bugger Mugger Ruggers chasing Piggy Bupkis round in the mud. O, yes, Niall Ferguson asks can you have globalization without gunboats? (Empire, 2004 Penguin paperback, p. xx). I say yes, it is possible, if highly improbable given longstanding and regrettably still existing anti-pagan cum anti-animistic collective unconscious gradients (not to mention those conscious), but only under µTm-valued LETS nesting foams and with an all-in hologramic quantum-composite universal unit of account employed to map transactions over Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth: given existing and amplifying extinction incidence and magnitude of ecological cum atmospheric cum oceanic (see this 60-page linking bibliography documenting current state of pelagic expanse, linked to No One Mentions the F Word, Fukushima: The Die-Off of Marine and Animal Life in the North Pacific , Kelly Ann Thomas, Global Research, 7 September 2015) cum geomorphologic peril, rule of binary-logic lawfare implemented by uncorrupted (never was such) civil-military bureaucracies has undoubtedly, indeed, self-evidently been -- despite the rather too, too, too panegyrical classical limit-sustaining defense offered by Prof. Pangloss -- the worst anthropogenic thing that's ever happened to the human species and geobioatmomagnetospheres of our pre-AfterEarth residence. I did, however, learn a lot of interest to me from Ferguson's, et al., piece of work (no surprise he teaches at a place like Harvard and does research at Jesus College), such as that the first MyLai-style new England village massacre came, not of the Pequots in 1637, as I had thought, but, farther south, of the Powhatan in 1623, -- following upon a decade of decimation by English-borne disease vectors. Also, having never read into the Boer War, enlightening it was to learn that Brit concentration camps prefigured Nazi Konzentrationlager, just as the Briggs Plan during the Malayan Emergency prefigured French Agrovilles and the American Strategic Hamlets Program in Viet Nam -- success of the Briggs Plan being largely due to, as distinct from the Viet Nam cases, concentrating an ethnically-distinct minority-immigrant population, which the British, during the First Opium War, had played a large role in bringing to Malaya as third-wave-immigrant cheap labor (while at AU-SIS, circa spring of 1964, I produced a long comparative study of these programs using SORO, Special Operations Research Office, archival materials -- and the man who later arranged my assignment to SFTG, Special Forces Training Group, fall of 1965, who had spent two years running a Strategic Hamlet, said he learned a lot from reading the paper). I particularly valued Ferguson's Rx of the various accounts of the Brit-created-Indian-Army's sepoy [mu}tiny of 1857, and its disproportionately-brutal repressive aftermath -- even as to causes, in many respects directly parallel to the much later advent and continuing play out of GWOT (planetarization of resource plunder and associated rapine, all the while spouting off on idle notions like liberty, goodness, fairness, justice, equality, so on, have yet to realize their full blowbacks, the worst of which undoubtedly will come from nature herhimitself: for numbers on body count plus generated refugees, post-9/11, see A Refugee Crisis Made in America, Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, The American Conservative, 9 September 2015; a 4-mil-and-counting to 3-thou-and-counting recompense [assuming AQ&A were the perpetrators of 9/11] is a pretty good kill ratio, wouldn't you say). Flash forward and see Migrant crisis and Euro tensions threaten to trigger catastrophic conflict claim experts, Rob Virtue and Agnes Kegl, the U.K. Daily Express, 23 September 2015: another periphery-to-centers-movement stage in evolution to incendiary meltdown at cuspover. And how ironic that the specter of a resurrected Sikh-backboned, and in part Japanese-inspired, Indian National Army played a large role -- admitted to self and others, or not so admitted -- in the post-WWII British decision, an exercise in Utilitarian Ethics, to shut down the Raj, make a passage from India, pull out from the crown that jewel which had once partially supported itself by forcibly pandering narcotics under rubric of the [Vice}regal Double First known as laissez-faire, a doctrine opposing all structural impediments to free trade. Globalization of oligarchic free 1T2-only-trade, by the plundering of multiplier-effect nesting foams (restoration of which would by no means be a mere fragmentary multicellular fissiparity), benefits in vast disproportion the money centers and to lesser degree their distributed compradors, the rest receiving, if they are the lucky ones, bleed-down, euphemistically designated trickle-down, those unlucky being trafficked, indentured, sweat-shopped, enslaved, debt enslaved -- whatever economic statistics might be made to imply. Ferguson's concluding imperialism hagiography cum paean to coerced global monoculture, world one-guv, single-valued planetary econ is overwhelmingly laden with to-me-repugnant values, foreign direct investment, for example, being anathema when megacorp plus high-interest-extracting investment fund to megaproject, rather than small business to small business by joint venture -- forced-draft urbanization, supported by 1T2-lawfare or not, as equivalent to progress, as the very definition of development, not being my cup of tea, given that logarithmic level-off cum contraction, not continued exponential growth, in negentropy extraction, is the prevailing greatest collective need due largely to the behaviors Ferguson chronicles in a positive light with minor caveats. Hard to be disparaging of Ferguson, however, as billions and billions are spent worldwide by Big Media, employing a million, maybe, promoting the same basic agenda. Christianity (as are the other two valences of The Fertile Crescent Religion) is so patently such an obvious familial-transference, projective-identification (I went to Sunday school and received catechism at behests of my parents, my mother's childhood church having been Evangelical Grace Reformed, away from which I walked in disgust at age 13, just as glutamate-etched 1T2-logicality is indelibly anchored), thus massively infantile-regressive in operant-behavioral knee-jerk to manifest-incarnate existential denials, compared to the vastly more intellectually sophisticated content of the Hindoo religions, including Buddhism, that the whole characteristic British display during the Empire period was well beyond ludicrous, even well beyond pathetic -- and that conclusion doesn't require consideration of the µTm-valued logics of the AllBase-state of Tzog-chen, not to mention African fractals and the synaesthetic hear-seeing/see-hearing required to geomantically read Musculpted songlines cum infrasound signatures of landforms which birdbrains use in local homing and severe local storms use in acoustic analogues to blackhole computing. Christian soldiers marching onward indubitably constellate back-reactions upon the metric of their collective psychosis (etiology of which being found in the 5-eyes, the 5-fingers, and the 5-Cs [Ferguson notes only four, Empire, p. 162]: commerce, civilization, Christianity, conquest, cancer [metastasizing overgrowth of every sort]). Having made a greater fetish of the ultimate fetishizer, i.e., the all-too-tendentious 1T2-only market (paradoxically and disingenuously, it is held in the West, at least, that there is no bias, are no friendships [no relationships of trust, no finitely interlocking keiretsu autopoietic operators qua generators of the set of relations up to and including the {n-1}th syzygy module of M] in 1T2-only commerce), Coca-Cola culture in supersession -- Rue Britannica! -- was tenebrous enough; what we have already by way of tenebrious upgrade on Cokekult is incommensurately worse. Lift the sacred sword of moral upbraiding by customs protective of all that is corny, be it GMOed or no: poisonous as Crest Pro-Health 50+ and Nivea body lotion raised to the 25th power. Are such -- tooth-cleanser allergens, contact-dermatitis-inducing lotions -- intentionally created? No, not consciously so. One must so believe. With the usual prevarication, plucked up temerity, impulsive lurch, hold that cognitive targe before the mind. Read Crest toothpaste embeds plastic in our gums, Trish Walraven, DentalBuzz, 4 March 2014, side by side with Nanoparticles Enable Remote Control Brains Via Magnetic Field: New Study, Nicolas West, Activist Post, 18 June 2014. Are the polyethylene particles in the paste put there simply for color, for a decorative effect, as the manufacturer maintained? Couldn't be that gums -- via toothpaste -- are being scoped out as potential routes of entry for mass exposure to the magneto-electric nanoparticles (MENs) enabling remote control of brains by magnetic fields, could it? Why not also vitamins? ISA mass multiplied? Nah! That would be so conspiratorial it would require a conspiracy theory to conspire against it. And that would presuppose a geopolitical Three Mile Island in complement to Petraeus's geopolitical Chernobyl. My imp-'I', S-pee-egg-Larry, according to my other-I-am, has become a most intolerant of persons: lactose intolerant, MSG intolerant, glyphosate intolerant, GMO intolerant, NSAIDs intolerant, Ocuvite 50+ intolerant First there was MSG made omnipresent in piggy bupkis prol food as glutamatergic population control measure; then came GMO cum herbicide as victuals-and-grub auguring population reduction-from-below. No one can have formed any precise idea as to the long-term consequences (flash forward and see Chemical exposure linked to rising diabetes, obesity risk, Medical Press, 28 September 2015: I learned about this with respect to mimetic estrogens in 1977 at the Kyoto 4th World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, credit due here specifically to W. David Kubiak, and this article treats it as relatively newly discovered) because present measures of toxic substances in foodstuffs -- GMO and no -- have never before been reached, nor has that circumstance long persisted. Most people have little or no clinical reaction, but that does not mean the large quantity of toxic chemicals they consume is not being stored in cellular binding sites awaiting onset of critical state phase transitions. Persons clinically reactive are the canaries in the coalmine. While calling a diamond a diamond, a club a club, may in certain instances actually be anti-Semitic, more accurately anti-secular-rabbinate, it is not necessarily Trevor-Roper's Hitlerian table talk -- no more than advocacy of anti-nation-state cum anti-corporatocracy m-valued autopoionomy is to be authentically construed-identified with the Wahabbis' political-economy agenda (ludicrous infra-mental conflation of which being one reason why I demur to further share). Look at the whole history of Germany back to Roman times, include actions of the Nazis during WWII, amplify the number of premature deaths caused by an order of magnitude so as to compensate for any unfairness of comparisons made. Now look at the whole history of North America from 1492 onward. Compare magnitudes of premature deaths by actions taken. Add to the latter case those premature deaths caused by U.S. actions -- military, economic, political, intellectual -- abroad from 1776 until today. How many orders of magnitude is the latter greater than the former with its additional order of magnitude? I don't know. Don't have the resources to calculate an estimate. But there can be no doubt that the differential is considerable. In this [ad}age there is no wisdom to be found: all news is good news -- so our Know-Nothing Party members believe, wonky weebs that they be. The correct comparison is not between genocidal New World colonialism, slavery colonialism, debtor's-prison colonialism, Brit colonialism planetarized, colonialism exponentiated, neocolonialism; it is between colonialism and no-colonialism, a comparison conducted across the full spectrum of criteria of judgment that could be brought to such an undertaking, and utilizing all orders of logical-value to process the involved propositions, to include propositions concerning, say, African fractals, Aboriginal songlines, Native American sacred landforms, eco-efficacy of ritual propitiation behaviors, trance readings of the collective need as enfolded in non-regressed collective unconscious gradients, ritual gift-exchange economies and their cosmogonic, metareferential, tropological artifacts (e.g., sacred cloths) signifying hologramic relative-state identity-transparency between giver/receiver and giver/receiver and the natural surround, so on and so forth. If, as certainly seems to be the case, among the worst things ever to befall planet Earth has been humans, then, surely, their greatest engine of destruction has been 1T2-only-logical science, its political-economy analogical embodiments, and its binary-tech spinoffs -- each of which has been most resolutely effectuated and psycho{psychotico}neurotically clung to by the Anglo-Saxon-American subset of Ecce Homo, arrogantly unbeholding of his context. What use is a better idea to a worse mind? Indeed, that clinging -- most specifically to non-Abelian functors, to non-Cantorian set theory, to opposing the Axiom of Choice, to persevering-at-whatever-the-cost in 1T2-only-logic via promulgation of probability amplitudes, to the apocryphal classical limit, to single-valued universal physical constants (my-O-my! being a scathing rebuke -- but how incommensurate to the case!) -- in face of the advent of much of 19th-century Higher Maths and, had it only been non-dissimulated, 20th-century New Physics, which dissembling the various avant-gardes opposed tooth-and-nail in every conceivable way, was the foremost deep-structure origin of THE War of the World, beginning most pellucidly with the French-initiated Franco-Prussian war (as if German unification was voluntary and not induced by Napoleonic duress! as Wiki PC-consensually explicates). Clearly, the best defense strategy against a charge of rape is to plead self-defense. Clearly, the best defense strategy against a charge of rape is to plead self-defense. Engage in assignations, they do, yet more priggish than a prig's prig, more obdurate than the merely obstinate, more unyielding than a concrete abutment -- with all the introspective competency of a flea riding on the back of a tic. And their compatriots: Dances On Shadows and Sleeps With The Dead. Had the British not started the Injaa-Chinerr opium business, how well would the Triads have fared in later years, and how well would, later yet, the intel business of gearwheeling Tai Li, his subordinate functional elements and their OSS counterparts, have gotten on? And then the Triad connection and Tai Li inspiration to a certain Republic of Viet Nam intelligence agency and its U. S. counterpart, and so on right up until today? It's never-ending -- until cuspover, so it may be riposted. The proximal perpetrators are only rarely those actually responsible for creating etiology and insuring that pathogenesis inevitably will transpire, if not via this prospective perpetrator, then via that one. Germanians, like Italians, like Russians, even like Chinese and Japanese, only relented involuntarily of their Edgeist-correspondent (that Schrödinger-memetime-independent whatnot qua whichwho that temporal CURLs, employing Pauli-Paine operator-time, cascade-demergence unto spontaneous localization) psycho-empathic resonances, and local Einfuhlung-Amae equivalents, thus entering nation-statehood, during the mid-to-late 19th century, and then only under exogenous swords, i.e., forced under threat of death, if not subscribing. Subscribing to what? The classical limit penal colony of the world? Just contemplate the will to self-annihilation involved in that subscription! Small wonder as to character of the subsequent dynamics: particularly so, as the Erdgeist, and other animistic-pagan equivalents, were deeply supported by non-dissimulated experimental findings of New Physics -- publicly, even individual-physicist-consciously, admitted or not. All this despite, in the case of WWI, the received wisdom being that, In reality, the First World War came about because politicians and generals on both sides miscalculated (Empire, p. 299). Just try to convince oneself that the third time around on total Weltkrieg will not be orders of magnitude worse than was the second time around! A hundred years after initial recognition of inherent coherent nonlocality, and fifty years into development of technologies based thereupon, politico-military thought-strategy remains largely resident in spatial recipes and decoherent geopolitical clichés: this does not speak well as to the innate cognitive capacities of TPTB (sufferers of hypogeusia as regards aesthetic taste; hyposmia, vis-à-vis the immoralists' stink), for the evolving technologies, even as ConveDD-regressed as they are, themselves are insurgents against the policies thus formulated. Any doubts regarding validity-perspicacity of the implied assertion should be dissipated by listening to debates of the current crop of U.S. presidential candidates: tacit presuppositions lying behind the questions asked, and o'er the parapeted group mind, as well as the answers given, brand those involved as Lah-Lah-Landers, so divorced are their bucket-shopped perspectives, their ransacking infra-mentations, from anything remotely resembling prevailing global actualities. Wouldn't be so bad if the fobbing expressions [ditto, ditto, ditto; sic, sic, sic], hypnotic as paraldehyde, of these losels were semaphore transmissions, however flagged from the run -- but they are not. Mouths of hippos, but nothing to say worth saying. The best argument against insisting upon changing the system from within is that, since the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung died 200 years ago, no substantive fundamental change of its institutionalization has been accomplished. Count the reasons why actors high up in that institutionalization -- presidents, prime ministers, congressmen, senators, parliamentarians -- have the lowest cellular-automata expectation-value as regards capability to achieve authentic substantive change. Huddling alee, never standing aweather. Uh, uh, aye, always supplicant to whatever ruck of felicitations run on demand, thought wedded to ben trovato is the normotic's enduring commitment, come what may, or to that, whatever that it might be: anyroad, suffering algophobia, no awed thinking outside the binnacle, athwartminds doesnae does 'e, even when the lamp and compass 'ave been lost, engines are dead, and drift is abaft. Ah, yes, where the fault lay, err, was imputed to lie! There's no accounting for the magnitude of dawdling human stupidity, its lollygagging lollop? Might as well, then, join in the Lombardic banksters' 1T2-money obsessions, eh, given where it's all goin'. Stingy, niggardly, parsimonious thrift. Hah and humph! Gold-colored paint or gold-leafed, a gilded cage is a cage nonetheless, however splendid be plumage of the cutthroat finch. Hanged if I know why the hanged man would choose to hang us all -- as if that pantomime were impossible to phantom, heh-heh-heh. Lousing heels! Glutamatergically loosed upon the world at puberty, I will not allow myself to lose the battle! Hmmm. Repulsion unto revulsion: one of the most offensive attributes of prevailing planetary civilization is the paltry corpus of normal states of consciousness imposed womb to tomb. Annie Besant, not half-mad as Ferguson has her having been (Empire, p. 333), but certifiable as amongst the few, e.g., William Blake, retaining into adulthood eidetic quality conscious access to holographic-synaesthetic inner Musculpt -- Yayoi Kusama being a current another such. As if the modernist and postmodernist account of the pre-modern-unto-archaic-unto-primordial were to be believed; as if modernism were a benison not tied to a very small collection drawn from the available corpora of criteria for judgments that could be made and are processable under many orders of logical-value only the lowest of which predicates simple-identity, action-based sociologies, passing time, spatial isotropy, so on and so forth. Four-hundred years of 1T2-only-logical-causal-probabilistic Science & Technology, contrary to CNN's blatherskating, has made life on Earth increasingly unsustainable. Cultivating amongst the gullible-many aspirations to become a comic-book tee-he-he-roine sporting a binary-cyberscaped inframind! There is a highly significant, if nebulous, distinction, that should have been registered, between intentionality and that which is intensional. O, what little [eco}nomic nous! The eclectic plantation-home-on-the-hill truncated allegories of Greco-Roman classicism and resurrected European Renaissance heavenly-city historicism found in post-WWII American middle-to-uppermiddle-class suburban-housing-development opera buffa pastiche are typical of the governing mentality -- Potomac posh being little more than Dale City cachet exponentiated. Those functions which are determining how many humans survive what we have long been bringing down upon ourselves are factors about which there is no conscious awareness: ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) is, by definition, an unconscious process. Institutionalization of the human species has long been carrying current affairs in the opposite direction from that which we advocate on this website, as per one example involving, essentially, boundary changes imposed from above and the reverse representation characteristic of totalistic regimes, there is the move to take over the exurbs, the suburbs, the towns by the Feds acting in collusion with megaurban regions, à la Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (see: Attention America's Suburbs: You Have Just Been Annexed, Stanley Kurtz, National Review, 20 July 2015). Another example of basically the same thing, an example on a different scale level (echelon) of the organizational hierarchy is what the EU is currently doing to Greece (see, for instance, 29 Page Memo Proves Greek Parliament is Puppet Government Run by Germany , Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 12 August 2015, i.e., enTrap/sTing|Ger}Gre] = anschliessen qua #Anschluss_post.modern) despite the Greek people knowing what is required, and putting their votes where their knowing is (see, for instance, Greeks Flock to Grassroots Alternative Currencies in Affront to Euro Debt Slavery, Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg, 14 August 2015). Rigging the debt cum bond cum tax system such that the poor redistribute to the rich is as old as the notion of borrowing, and, more recently, of coerced borrowing. Parenthetically, note that I prefer the editorial politics of Shedlock and Krieger to those of The Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal, who-what so ever happens at any given memetime to own the latter two publications. The worst dysallocations have not occurred under command communism; rather, under command capitalism: in the last 3 years alone, China has used more cement than the U.S. used throughout whole of the 20th century (see: The Great China Ponzi -- An Economic And Financial Trainwreck Which Will Rattle The World, David Stockman, Contra Corner, 14 August 2015, though one must keep in mind that U.S. economic data is so manipulated that any intelligent person must hee-haw unto near-terminal choking upon encountering aspersions cast upon veracity of Chinese-provided data about Chinese economic performance) -- and this is not primarily a result of horrible architecture, poor urban design, or a lack of alternative building materials and associated nidifications. 1.6 million people/year die of air pollution in China alone. 13,000/year in the U.K. How many the world over? One nidicoious nebbish after another, the whole human species has been obediently queuing up and strolling into gas chambers for nigh unto 200 years: it's not about that, people choose to haggle. Yeah-yeah, I know, awright awready, enuf with the carp-carp, niggle-niggle, gnaw-gnaw. Whatever their memetimeworn characteristic stolidity, societies on pas de bourrée tenterhooks -- or is it tenderhooks, under the increased pounding delivered by a gathering, yet currently pusillanimous, totalitarianism punctiliously governed by an ideological orientation to soft utopianism -- most appropriately analyze every aspect of their Lebenswelts as exemplifying 1T2-principles of the prisoner's dilemma. And, given his psychological issues, even more appropriate that John Nash should have mathematically formalized the most general case of these bounded-rationality, 1T2-principles of incomplete information systems (systems not CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2) at onset of the McCarthy era. All things considered, the long-prevailing condition of the American work environment is amongst the most conflicted, fuck-you + directly or indirectly servicing odious purposes, currently existing in the developed world: why, therefore, would anyone in their right mind choose to participate, given any workable, heh-heh-heh, alternative? Except for the mini-money, recent immigrants who have never been even in mini-money, what basis for intrinsic motivation can be found? None. Certainly not by my appreciation as to the nature of good work. You don't have to be on a Modern-Times assembly line, or the current sweat-shopped code-writing equivalent, to understand that a mere cog is a mere cog is a mere cog -- particularly so when, from the get-go, employer intent has been to screw you in every way findable. And no author of the art of the Nash-equilibrated 1T2-deal is likely to rectify this circumstance. Are such societies, continuously under magnifying glasses and experiencing appropriate paranoia, clutch players? Can such societies even theoretically be expected to perform well under pressure of endgame crises pitting 1T2-principles against consequences of myriad failures to engage subsystem-system-supersystem, indeed, supra-qua-extra-systemic, externality-type µTm-superintegration of the context, including the natural surround, of every action taken? Utter absence of ecological empathy? In compensatory abreaction, and via comic books, popular fiction, and film, anempathic dysconcordia ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displacement) to superpowers technopathic and otherwise? Much better, IMHO, to have an old banyan tree for a communal icon, as do some villages I know, than a Superman or a Spiderman. Is Hollywood irrealism a ConveDD of un-cogent Washington realism or is Washington irrealism a ConveDD of un-terse Hollywood realism? Taking umbrage: O, the venery predicated by so to suppose. Couldn't actually entertain travesty such as that, well, could you, droll Stroppy? Then there is, well, war. If, by ConveDD, the choice to do colonialism and/or imperialism is made, then the colonialist-imperialist has to have a system that runs on dummkopf power, because hesheit won't get the best and the brightest, or that subset of the generally-complicit population corpus will early-on turn against the policies promulgated. Is heresy hereditary? An epigenetic unfortune, a jinx? Is counterinsurgency a ConveDD of genetic engineering or is genetic engineering a ConveDD of counterinsurgency? Strange questions? Not considering the modus operandi of the virus or the SpecOps face-card strategy built upon deployment of analogues to the restriction enzyme. That the magnitude of collateral damage which counterinsurgency cum counterterrorism operations entail greatly, indeed, very greatly, exceeds that caused by terrorist actions, thus endlessly stoking insurgent-terrorist recruitment and driving the recursive feedback-driven cycle initiated by circumstances, and circumstances servicing those circumstances (as regards circumstances, see, for instance: Crimes Against Humanity: .01% poverty-murder over 400-million people since 1995, more than all wars in recorded history, Carl Herman, Washington's Blog, 18 August 2015 [for a more circumscribed estimate, flash forward and see: Shocking Truth Of UK Involvement In The Deaths of 6-8 million in Iraq and Afghanistan, Graham Vanbergen, TruePublica, 29 September 2015]; as regards circumstances servicing those circumstances, see, for instance: The New Climate 'Normal': Abrupt Sea Level Rise and Predictions of Civilization Collapse, Dahr Jamail, Truthout, 3 August 2015: Cornell's Douglas A. Paine said to me during the late-1970s, in discussions of his dumped-upon detailed quantum-relativistic model of solar-terrestrial interactions, and its climate-shift imports, You know, don't you, that it's too late to do anything about it [which I/i, i.e., FlagDay-1945-born-of-a-bomber-pilot mil.brat, and, subsequently, SF-trained, hence, no shirker, no giver-upper, wasn't raised that way, Humph! understood to imply that preparations for the post-state is of the essence]; as regards the most recent case of circumstantial fluctuation, the best articles I've seen are Why It Really All Comes Down To The Death Of The Petrodollar, Zero Hedge, 23 August 2015, and Making Sense Of The Sudden Market Plunge, Chris Martensen, Peak Prosperity, 23 August 2015), which the counterinsurgent-counterterrorist is dedicated by pledge to protect, is a well-known, pedestrian observation as to the nature of the case. But when the 200-years-dead Weltanschauung is the bottom-line on the offending initiatory circumstance constellating governing collective unconscious event gradients, guess what the ultimate outcome of the resultant cyclotomic decomposition most certainly will be. To add grist to that guesswork, flash forward and see It's alive again! Scientists waking up 30,000-year-old 'giant' virus, Danny Gallagher, c/net, 9 September 2015; and Elon Musk reveals plan to drop thermonuclear weapons on Mars to prepare planet for humans, Brian Fung, The Independent, 11 September 2015; and Scientists Just Created a Dangerous New Form of SARS, Joshua Krause, The Daily Sheeple, 16 November 2015.
However unlikely it might appear, the uninformed uniformed did exist, and clearly do still exist. While it is not at all surprising that they are still teaching falsehoods about the 1968 Tet offensive at West Point, it is rather disconcerting that the likes of a Paul Craig Roberts has yet to develop any real insight into that event -- and what it implies about strategy and tactical conduct of present-day global insurgency cum global counterinsurgency. But, surely, that is unfair, for as Michael Gruber's lawyer protagonist says in The Book of Air and Shadows (pp. 110-11, HarperCollins paperback, 2007):
even as I wrote it, it became the truth, because in point of fact we have virtually no real memories It's not the collapse of morality (for I think there has never been truth [1T2 or otherwise] based on memory) but rather the triumph of intellectual property, that blizzard of invented realities -- artificial lives, Photoshopped photos, ghosted novels, lip-synched rock bands, fabricated reality shows, American foreign policy -- through which we daily slog. Everyone, from the president on down, is a novelist now there are three kinds of history. The first is what really happened, and that is forever lost. The second is what most people thought happened, and we can recover that with assiduous effort. The third is what the people in power wanted the future to think happened, and that is 90 percent of the history in books.
However, not merely his story's contraventions of forgotten memories, heh-heh-heh!: the 1T2-lawfare-minded-qua-identified amongst us, those Giulianic, those secular Rabbinical-Jesuitical, would surely call it obstruction of justice, most others, those not fawning upon legalisms but likely still tirelessly trumpeting 1T2-only-logic, would agree it is at least obstruction of intelligence when widely practiced as utterly routine are MOs designed to staunch analyticity of, to fabricate, falsify, destroy, intelligence data, as well as to limit operational analytic capacity -- and, even more egregiously, to construct particulars of intelligence levies initiated from above on n-levels in such specific fashions as to insure fabrication and falsification on n-levels of the information and analyses distributed upward in service to the justification needs of operations-plans-policies formulated independent of intelligence considerations at the highest levels, then blame opplan-policy failures on failed intelligence capacity. The latest major contravention I've become aware of as regards the history classes I sat in involves the pre-Columbian discovery of The New World, as per Before Columbus: How Africans Brought Civilization to America, Garikai Chengu, Global Research, 12 October 2014. And, I was briefly an African Area Studies major at AU-SIS, circa 1965, before leaving for other climes! What does that imply about our soon-to-come memory-extracting algos, as regards accuracy of proprioceptive and perceptive personal experience -- and the range of uses to which the products of these algos will be put? Not to mention the retrograde-inversion of memory extraction. And will those algos extract the full-fledged µTmly-encoded memory-store holograms, or merely the reductive Husserlian 1T2-neural horizons thereof? Let me tell you, Snoopy is really getting nationalized: one more example of the ConveDD of identity-transparency between comics Hollywood and comics Washington. Morally offensive bad quartos abound in the demi-monde of blackpsyche, their swaddling incunabula indecipherable to all but the initiate-familiars -- despite Gruber, what piccants! -- of secret laws safeguarded passing strange with a palladium. Anti-recusants peccantly presiding over inadequate 1T2-rules, rules themselves in recusancy to the transcendental logics demerging anti-Chalcedonian Monophysitic Tzog-chen AllBase. Refusing spread of spondolics after the fashion Ms. Priss cloisters her monteith. No palliation available for that disease. The overwritten faces of officiants so registering repeated accommodations and ideological redirections as to leave palimpsest accountancy traceries upon their cheeky prows. Global governance of veritable castaways meted out by careering corporal captains concealing in the after end of the mass-mind's mute, the meeting of Madness with Frenzy hidden in scend of a night-sea journey parlayed beneath decks of diplomacy's tinkered protocol and ingenuous courtesies. Floating corks subject to jiggery-pokery, these captains be. O, and plus the Montanist monists amongst us transposing Sixties-hippiedom credo into ethos of survivalist Hitlerjugend! Duh. Let's see now. Having once been an accomplished interrogator, how many visual-verbal-tells clusters and anchor-point movements can I display in a given reference period? Why use the term global counterinsurgency rather than the blackpsyche term GWOT? Because what we all have is global insurgency against institutionalization of the 200-years-dead Weltanschauung, even if the normotic TPTB (ain't got no, ain't got no moxie, no mojo) are too prescriptively glutamate etched to have become aware of that fact, and that they themselves, and the techno-uses they purvey, are among the insurgents they frequently false flag -- such discombobulating identity convolutions being the unconscious stock and trade of the mass-ConveDD transference-dynamics that the introspectively inept never quite manage to resolve into crystalline comprehension. The conning NeoCon cum NeoLiberal Western powers keep covertly training-arming-directing those they claim to fight. The involved 1T2-identity dyscrasia profoundly disturbs minds of those identified with 1T2-only logic. Moreover, ever since the Indian wars in the Americas, use of irregulars during the American Civil War, the Nazi cum British innovation of the area bombing of civilian targets, the American innovation of the atomic bombing of cities, armies qua armies have been terrorist organizations. Doubt that? What testamentary evidence? Well Be Flag-Day-1945 first born to a B-17 pilot, grow up amongst SAC and jet fighter and U-2 pilots, as a 9-and-10-year-old visit the A-bomb sites, caddy USAF-careerist conversations on O-Club golf courses, squat near enough as anyone would want to be to B-52 strikes and napalm and/or WP lay-downs, briefly serve as a targets analyst passively observing the psychobabble informing targeting criteria. Was there a single day of peace during the 19th century? How about wars of the 20th? With the exception of focused researchers, is there anyone on the planet who has heard of all these wars? Peace amongst humans does not exist, only modes and degrees of intensity of warfare. The noncombatant does not exist, only degrees of combatancy. I reckon so. I guess we all died a little in those damn wars, so sorta saith, uh, more appropriately, thus sorta sprach Josey Wales. Do I like this? As the token American, at 3 AM, floating along a quiet canal in the Delta, come under intense fire and hove to Ars Moriendi, and, after your year of living dangerously, undertake Momento Mori as a foundation for the karma yoga of inner counterwork! I like, absolutely not, this prevailing state of humanity. Can't Dance! and Keep Your Rucksack Packed! (after ETS) as we used to say in The Forces, some of whom went on to create Delta, e.g., my SFTG friend-and-co[argue}r, Larry Freedman. Carry death on your shoulder! was the Existentialist's way we had of orienting to memetimepieces-subverting NOW. Who, death-accepting, of us expected to live into our 30s? High combat and SF satori, lower case s. Better, we thought, than infralife in suburbia: patriotism, whatever the nonparticipant may like to think, for most, being a mere conscious subterfuge to the actual danse macabre life-style motivation. But that is the way TPTB have wanted it, always. Shit of conniving carnivores floats to the top of the political-economy toilet bowl. Quoting Roberts' article entitled Rise Of The Inhumanes, Institute for Political Economy, 2 September 2015:
William C. Bradford, the professor teaching our future military officers to regard moral Americans as threats to national security, blames Walter Cronkite for losing the Tet Offensive in the Vietnam War by reporting the offensive as an American defeat. Tet was an American defeat in the sense that the offensive proved that the defeated enemy was capable of a massive offensive against US forces. The offensive succeeded in the sense that it demonstrated to Americans that the war was far from over. The implication of Bradford's argument is that Cronkite should have been killed for his broadcasts that added to the doubts about American success.
The Tet offensive was a defeat for USFWMAF and the GVN, an enormous success for the VC-NVA, the day before it was launched. That success pulled itself up by sandal straps throughout the preceding year and a half by using preparations for the offensive as a tool by which to accomplish an elaborate and extremely sophisticated country-wide thorough reorganization that, in and of itself, shifted the balance of actual capabilities, as distinct from that merely of deployed forces, into another stage of the war by bringing the VC-NVA to a much higher level of functional integration than they had theretofore been able to achieve. The actual military offensive itself, however necessary, was very much beside the point. NVN won the war, basically, by shattering the Bretton-Woods monetary system -- and the economic objective was an explicit element of their oft-stated strategy, contained in many, many documents captured by USARV and ARVN, translated at CDEC/CICV. For extensive documentation (studied in MACV Headquarters at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2) of these assertions of mine, see our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh.
Paradoxically, perhaps, and ignominiously, the recent German footballer-cum-fan refugee-embrace, lavishly reported by CNN, however empathetic, however humane, is active, if implicit, support for wars of resource plunder in the Middle East and North Africa; if not, there would also have been mass demonstrations at embassies of the culpable. Yet more runners stealing off to service needs of their oppressors, inflictors, mass killers, just as the banana wars have provided the U.S. with an ever expanding cheap labor pool (though one imagines that some persons regard -- few having the wit they claim -- NAFTA and recent U.S. immigration policy as annexative extensions of the Texicans' war and the U.S. military's failed earlier 1812 invasion of Upper and Lower Canada), eventually, as WWIII lights up, only to be branded (and RFIDed, one can be sure) a fifth column destined for detention camps (or, as Stephen Hawking advocates addressing the Malthusian surplus driving global resource depletion, sentenced to transportation, uh, in space, indentured consignment being to New Australia on the Moon, and for insufferable recalcitrant cases of the pool, New Tasmania on Mars). Of mousey men, their wars, their cholera-ed, uh, collared masses, their plagued migrations cum conquests. O, the emygrated emygrants! How soe verie gratying thay can bee. I pity the poor immigrant. Humph! No better, one supposes, than those dissolute Frenchies of the 1920s and '30s, them what circulated between Hanoi, Vientiane, Chandernagore, Yanaon, Pondicherry, Mahé. As thy Minystere of Lande Grante and Lorde Propryetor would 'ave yt: Nawt your bogsyde babe; Narie your queene faerie; Aye, 'e wayles at theire loss of tyme & the ryghtes befallying to toileying wryghtes and smythes doying guid worke; Moanes over the restrycte to sotche brothe of Calvine; Bewayles lyfe's waye at bryingying foorth whut thy wanteth; Soe wee 'opes to bee hable to worke to staye, for noe other bee the Naturall Ryghte ordayned bye God in Christe; Inhabyte un'arryed, yf, yea yf, yf onlie Political-economy [die}nasties and gorgonized hoi polloi subscribing to cognitive sumptuary laws where designer persona-overcoats conform to imposed sartorial codes. The largely German-Federal-Film-Fund-financed movie, The International, received rather depreciatory reviews in American media, not only because thematics of the film were politically unAmerican incorrect, but, subliminally, via compensatory abreaction, because, while striking the sensitive all-American nerve, thus constellating, it did not actually address full measure of the realities behind criminal culpability for a 400-mil-kill poverty-murder. Jim Rickards, author of The Death of Money, Portfolio, April 2014, not only confuses the U.S. dollar with 1T2-money qua 1T2-money, thus altogether neglecting potentiality for µTm-valued exchange units, he also gormlessly confuses (see the YouTube VDO interview entitled Project Prophecy 2.0, posted 21 October 2014) American interests with self-interest of the global .001-percent, and regards opposition to a planetarized tilted monetary playing field, which precludes possibility to adequately meet resource depletion, world-over ecocide, climate-shift dynamics, so on and so forth, as terrorism or acts of war, by individuals and nations, respectively. A plague upon priestly houses brokering financial and political sacerdotalism!: so, by contrast, says the participative-e-commons, appropriate-scale, act-locally fringe group. More circumspective than Rickards is Zero Hedge quoting an IMF working paper (see: The IMF Just Confirmed The Nightmare Scenario For Central Banks Is Now In Play, Zero Hedge, 4 September 2015; and the original paper entitled Portfolio Rebalancing in Japan: Constraints and Implications for Quantitative Easing, Serkan Arslanalp and Dennis Botman, IMF Working Paper, WP/15/186, August 2015) concerning no surfeit of bonds for the QQE2 Magic-Mountain ConveDD of Meru, to wit and by informed judicious testimony: demand-supply imbalances in safe assets could lead to deteriorating collateral quality in funding markets, more short-term volatility jumps, herding, and cliff effects (p. 17 of WP/15/186). Shades, eh, of macroscale energy-momentum imbalance triggering onset of Paine-Kaplan cascade dynamics leading to tornadogenesis. As I've said before, damaged collateral foments collateral damage in a self-reinforcing feedback loop. Just think of the interplay of internal and external source-sink terms at severe storm genesis. Part of an actual solution to the financial-monetary-resource conundrum is an m-valued authentic quantum-composite all-in universal unit of account, mapping transactions over a reference manifold expressing the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, and processed under µTm-valued logics. No need, here, for panikos, that state induced by Pan, amongst the palsy-walsy Washington plus Wall Street set, for this notion is no pantisocratical utopian fantasy. Unfortunately, a gormless humanity has chosen, instead, wars of resource plunder and nature rapine: there is virtually no chance that that collective decision will be reversed.
O, by the bye, Ms. Timorous: Naw, nawt a nabob was 'e, now; a right wallah's cocked hat 'e was, wasn't 'e, what. Mad-cow puddin'-'n-hominy, my dear sir, corny and crazy as balderdash, a trifling ignominy: that, sir, I say, say you There is, indeed, a big difference between Everett's final, all-the-time-splitting, schizophrenic 1T2-logically-valued conception of the relative-state resident in the m-valued-variable (not logical) universal wave-function and the conception of relative-state when that wave-function is processed under CTC-unto-µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value (transfinite induction cum recursion are 1T2-logically marched, hence not Lukasiewiczian in the sense used here): in the latter case, the wave-function of the part-particle is, indubitably is, -- hologramically and Cantorian-fractally -- the whole universal wave-function. Any anti-animistic, anti-pagan, anti-empathic, anti-participation-mystique bird's-eye-view, spatially and/or temporally aligned with a universal perspective abstracted-out of all-and-everything, is apocryphal, because, under defining properties allowed/disallowed by such logics, there is no linear beginning or end and no spatial point not, cybernetically speaking, every spatial point. According to 1T2ly-construed extensions of Paine-Kaplan, as regards atmospheric cascade dynamics leading to tornadogenesis, this holographic-principle-type part-whole relative-state identity-transparency involves vertically-propagating acoustically-modified (i.e., coherent) gravity-wave modes (think of, for instance, the acoustic signatures of theta-e, equivalent potential temperature, surface topologies, and their analytic continuation at cascade-forecast-model-initializing approach to divergences-singularities where temporal CURL explicitly enters the picture, markedly not-same yet related to thermal field quantum compactification of Euclidian time, remembering that all compactifications are kinds of renormalization, and topologically-active temporal CURL does not renormalize, it demerges, demergence being, essentially, Schrödinger-memetime-independent decompactification of the all-ways always and all-ready already there-here CTC-unto-µTm, an Abelian-Bellian involutory decompostion of the AllBase-state of Tzog-chen), or, in other words, temporal CURLed infrasound code-bursts, a component of the atmospheric acoustic analogue to blackhole computing. In the case of DNA helix-coil transition, according to 1T2ly-construed extensions of Paine-Pensinger, the involved emitted coherent (i.e., acoustic) waves, which read the molecule's environment, endogenous and exogenous, likely have biogravitational properties, there being a genomic faculty for a kind of ultrasound soft-tissue imaging of the belly of Mother Nature. Decontextualization is a form of expropriation employed, not only in art-law-problematic appropriation art, but also in genetic engineering where unto the involved jurisprudence has been written to legally facilitate illicit borrowing. Icarus Unbound. Consider present and projected employments of the satellite-readable RFID tag to correspond to the 1T2-Everettian, abstracted-out, universal qua impersonal, bird's-eye-view, ego-inflated, command-oriented, dictatorial, kill-listing perspective. By contrast, any given m-valued LETS monetary unit, µTm-logically processed, would be a sonaring bottle-nosed dolphin in sea of the WiFied Cantorian-fractal nesting foam of the global economy, a non-selfsame, multiply-self-reentrant unit, Musculpt-sounding/imaging the relative-state of the whole economic universe of discourse, that ever-changing universal state self-referentially internalized to the part-dolphin-unit in measure according to the order-type of the unit's superposed value-stack cum processor. Under the Copenhagen interpretation, all of the stacked m-values of the given unit's wave-function are aspects of a probabilistic VR until measurement selects a single value as real. Under CTC-unto-µTm-valued Lukasiewiczian relative-state identity-transparency, all parts-units are pilot-wave-sonaring-dolphin-like, such that each stacked m-value of the given wave-function is, so to speak, the infinite-geometry come-back from some other dolphin-part-unit -- except that there is no information translation qua telegraph (struggled with this as an IBEW apprentice, circa 1969-72, best work, memory serving, having been for Johnson Controls, wiring the underfloor of the Brutalist's Forrestal Building's computer room) and no memetime lag involved in the come-back, the come-back being a 1T2-stand-in for the CTC-unto-µTm identity-transparency (the separation involved in this/that, here/there, I/thou, so on, not being definable-permissible under these logical-value order-types) mediated Schrödinger-memetime-independently under auspices of Abelian-Bellian cyclotomically-demerging qua involutory-decomposing Pauli-Paine operator-time quantized via Penrose twistors. Dolphinic monetary units? This notion being the absolute height of the ridiculous? Musculpted sonic-visioning is the only real hope we humans have -- and, following the incubation period, 28 Days Later -- to assimilate externality-indicator indications parlayed by Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Dolphins often seem to want to befriend us -- do they know something we don't?, Susan Casey, The Independent, 9 September 2015: an article altogether disabusing those incredulous. Answering Casey's question: indubitably, as I learned from being, in extremis, called upon to comprehensively survey -- by good offices of, and in subcontract to, a subcontractor of the Dentsu subcontrator to the Pioneer Corporation, preliminary to step-in by an assessed-value appraiser -- John Cunningham Lilly's altogether unorganized scientific archive. Listing, if not physically organizing. Why, this dolphin behavior? The answer being flight-of-mind, new-agey cognitive fluff? Not at all. As Lilly, expertly and persistently, enunciated, dolphins are the prime mediators of ECCO, i.e., µTmly Jung-Pauli-synchronicity-effectuating Earth Coincidence Control Office, the only real hope, in face of constellated regressed archetypal collective-unconscious event gradients, for saving life on Earth. Who, most snarlier, is it, on the planet, having authentic legitimating worth sufficient to an actual laying claim to The Avengers -- and where do collective-psycho projections come into play? Notzis and feminazis alike? Ah-ha! As my I/i's paraphasia has long and oft iterated, regressed and glutamateric archetypal collective-unconscious event gradients are communicable; to wit, see: Alzheimer's disease may be infectious, study claims, Steve Connor, The Independent, 10 September 2015. Furgie's (see Susan Casey's must read) undying dolphinic circumambulations essay upon the sort of monetary system required in response to advent of µTm-quantum-based technologies: what a signifier! Musculpting-by-sonic-visioning podiferous dolphin brain, we must postulate, not being glutamatergically etched unto neuronally anchoring 1T2ly-prescriptive enculturation, endogenously µTmly-ketamine floods as a matter of course. The interspecies, even transspecies, collective unconscious (universal conscious to the cognoscenti) is wondrous, yes, truly wondrous -- and the glutamaterically regressed archetypal gradients, to which humankind has succumbed, do not necessarily overwhelm those of other species, who-which have vested interests in establishing countervalence to that presently-constellated (by humans). Given all the prescriptive enculturation-socialization, chemical, EM, noise, light, higher enculturation, entertainment-sports distractions, constant dosing with black propaganda, language manipulation, and myriad other coercive chronic stress inducers the human molecular-cellular binary-brain is subjected to, nothing substantive, qua commensurate with magnitude of the self-induced crisis, can be done with, or about, humans on the conscious level. Hope resides solely with inner counterwork upon the prevailing regressed collective unconscious archetypal event gradients. Used to be that the human species could ignore CTC-unto-µTm and get on about business without suffering major consequences brought down upon it by nature. Quoting L. Marek-Crnjac's A short history of fractal-Cantorian space-time, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41, 2009, p. 2697:
In 1983, the English-Canadian physicist Garnet Ord wrote a seminal paper [2] and coined the phrase Fractal Space-time. Ord set out to take the mystery out of analytical continuation. We should recall that analytical continuation is what converts an ordinary diffusion equation into a Schrödinger equation and a telegraph equation into a Dirac equation. Analytical continuation is thus a short cut quantization. However, what really happened is inexplicable. Ord showed using his own (invented) quantum calculus, that analytical continuation which consists of replacing ordinary time t by imaginary time it where i = the square-root of minus-1 is not needed if we work in a fractal-like setting, i.e. a fractal space-time.
While the i of passive it may be ignored, given probability amplitudes collapsed under 1T2-logical processing of measurements in a fractal spacetime setting, not so under 3-fold topologically-active operator-time temporal-CURLing over a Cantorian-fractalized and Regge-latticed Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert phase-function-hyper reference-space game board manifold, M. Used to be that, inexplicably, like with Garnet Ord, the glutamatergic arrow-of-memetime-insistent human species could ignore CTC-unto-µTm and get on about business without suffering major consequences brought down upon it by an overdetermining and superintegrative nature. Circumstances permitting that [ignor}ance have passed into HisStory.
So, how would an m-valued authentic quantum-composite all-in universal unit of account, mapping transactions over a Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert phase-hyper-function reference-space manifold, M, expressing the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, and processed under µTm-valued logics, relate to the no-longer-beyond-the-horizon cashless-society's block-chain, distributed data base, techno-ConveDDed comprehensive ledger (see: Life In A Cashless World , Zero Hedge, 6 September 2015) currently being ballyhooed with every manner of dysinformed misnomer qua misinformed dysnomer (see, for instance: Blockchain Technology Is Our Chance To Rebuild The Internet In A Way That Benefits Creators, George Howard, Forbes, 12 August 2015: for Wiki's account of the block chain, see here) by BigMedia, BigCounterKult, BigBanksting, and BigGuv? A relevant question because, surely, we are going to have the worst that anyone is able to imagine, the pretense to good intentions being pushed along on God's gurney. The desire that has always won out by complicity and indifference of the mass has been to not have a system capable of facilitating solutions to problems confronted, but which is easily exploited for preferential, disproportionate, egregious benefit of those few who are singularly enough placed to create it. A binary-logical, global, vehicle, cryptocurrency on the bitcoin (why should bitcoin be capitalized when names of other currencies are not?) model is quite possibly the worst monetary [de}velopment that could befall humanity and the planet. The comprehensive ledger, contrary to the hagiographies, reflects the collective obsession with cum compulsion to -- in compensatory abreaction to the exponentially gathering anthropogenic threat-cloud -- altogether quench risk, and thereby destroy innovation and the entrepreneurial impulse, not to mention actual creativity. Moreover, this comprehensive ledger of a single We Are the World, 1T2-only-logical, single-valued global currency will be a great facilitator of glutamate-etched comprehensive planning (discouraging m-scenarios strategic planning, disjointed incrementalism, tactical improvisation, instrumental inference, so on) command executed from top to bottom, howsoever widespread are scalar nodes not arrayed within a scaled nesting foam, or upon a Koch curve, or, better, a sheaving of multi-sheaved Riemann surfaces (see, for misdirection on this subject: How to Measure the Decentralization of Bitcoin, Daniel Larimer, Bytemaster's Blog, 9 January 2015), and how so much localized be bitcoin miners (solving trivial mathematical puzzles for a remunerative reward, thus submitting to the grossest form of monkey-minded Skinnerian operant conditioning, admittedly more demanding than meeting simple-stimulus/simple-response dog-mined, uh, minded, requirements of classical Pavloian respondent conditioning), and however distributed be the memetime-bound, lineally-sequential, intercalary bit-blocks of the binary chain data-mined qua 1T2-only-processed. Intentions [regards conferre of block-chaining and associated notions] of the banks are hard to speculate, says Joseph Young in Problems of Wall Street's Approach Toward Blockchain Technology, NEWSBTC, 6 September 2015. He quotes, moreover, Peter Dushenski of Trilema (which I take to be a reference to the blog of that name, no relation to 1T3-logically-valued lemmas), stating that, The larger the Blockchain, the more hashpower is required to maintain the same level of security. Which is to say: the planetarized chained-block of overpopulation density, order of magnitude 10 billion, will be mighty energy intensive, particularly so the faster that hashpower is pushed in the global monetary accelerator, thus lifting the hashrate qua velocity of the one-and-only worldcrytocurrency toward its relativistic absolute limit -- and whilst preventing vertex-creation of other particles, uh, err, currencies. From perspective of a quantum-composite universal unit of account for myriad nesting-foamed µTm-logically-valued LETS intentional, i.e., having external reference, currencies, bitcoin hashpower is altogether wasted in trivial pursuits: that power would far better be employed upon, appropriately-scaled-to-given-LETS-currencies-and-currency-nests, pro bono (people voluntarily, for free, expend vast amounts of memetime playing computer games) e-commons, m-scenarios computer-gaming qua consensuating the tagging of the m-values in the value-stack, upon base state (i.e., 1T2-cash, the cash which should remain inviolate), of each LETS currency to indicator-measures, including those relative to externalities (this locally-accomplished m-valued tagging to LETS monetary units in large measure summing to a radical reduction in decision-need, exercise of legislative mandate, imposition of executive fiat, thus to mitigate effects of, and militate against, our headwrong system of chartering eleete politykos). What needs to be comprehensively (planetarily speaking) ledgered, and can only be accomplished bottom-up, is, not individual and company portfolios and actions, but the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock of each LETS area-nest, that ledger being holographically mapped upon the given area's-nest's changing WiFied e-boundaries, in turn, not hashfunctioned to the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, but fiber-bundled thereto independent of the renormalization involved in compactification, i.e., that bundling which financial derivatives have parodied-bungled via ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of the suppressed non-selfsame numbers required to signify the non-simple identity concealed by the bundled financial instruments which have arisen in response to advent and elaboration of µTm-quantum-based technologies, µTm going unacknowledged and thereby providing impetus to the ConveDD.
Cornell's deceased biometeorologist, Douglas A. Paine, after developing, during the early-to-mid 1970s, along with Michael L. Kaplan, and, notably, the then-grad-student John W. Zack, the numerical, nested-grid, energy cum complex-angular-momentum (i.e., the complex aspect, à la Penrose, predicating twistorization as quantization of temporal CURL, an idea appreciated by Paine at that time: consider, for instance, the line-integral expression for solving the free Maxwell equations relative to Paine's atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations, where contour integrals of air parcel flow in complex-number space at tornadogenesis [most evocatively rendered, perhaps, in Joe Goode's extraordinary Tornado Series aquatint etchings acquired by a Japanese art-print publisher] configure a double-helix, this having been the basis upon which arose our ideas about DNA radiation-exchange processes) cascade qua energy-momentum-waterfall model of tornadogenesis, speculated that fractality of the m-values of absolute limiting velocity (Earth's atmosphere, and other spheres, according to Paine, having their own absolute limiting velocities, of lesser magnitude than that of the cosmological case), and the Special Relativistic behaviors associated therewith, are distributed in some natural log fashion that may have reflections upon the Euler-Riemann zeta function, particularly were that function extended-continued to the hypercomplex case (it is at critical-state divergences that the cascade model initializes and re-initializes -- m-times over, the ordinality of m depending upon the sheaving increment identified -- cascade dynamics through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions, each such cascade event involving a twist from the real into the complex -- and, by continuation, the hypercomplex). Why do forces make qubits? Uh, rather, why does topologically-active operator-time make mu-its? By µTm-pregeometrically de-loosing, not re-ducing, classicality do the null vectors of J. G. Bennett's pencils of skew-parallels correspond to the nilpotent topological ghosts of Pontrjagin? Everything of superspace and spacetime changes when pregeometry as calculus of propositions is no longer regarded 1T2-only, but CTC-unto-µTm. Had Paine had continued, heh-heh-heh, funding access during the late-1970s, there is little doubt that he would have pursued the higher pure mathematics implications of this notion, and those related, but, alas Though, from 1975 onward, Paine was well aware of the relevance of Lukasiewiczian processing of the m-valued aspects of dynamics of severe-storm genesis, he did not address that aspect in class presentations, given how psychologically problematic and Off The Beat students, and censorious other faculty, found explication of the mere Special Relativity considerations. In context of the Paine-Kaplan-Zack model of tornadogenesis, and its larger implications for dynamical meteorology in general, consider the following from Wiki, expostulating upon analytic continuation:
Analytic continuation often succeeds in defining further values of a function, for example in a new region where an infinite series representation in terms of which it is initially defined becomes divergent.
The step-wise continuation technique may, however, come up against difficulties. These may have an essentially topological nature, leading to [1T2-logical] inconsistencies (defining more than one value [of a given variable]). They may alternatively have to do with the presence of mathematical singularities. The case of several complex variables is rather different, since singularities then need not be isolated points [they could be, for instance, theta-e surfaces], and its investigation was a major reason for the development of sheaf cohomology. (bracketed intercalations added)
Hoopy-doopy-doo! It's particle creation near black holes, oops! that is, emitted acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, which preclude the infinitesimal collapse (which Paine repeatedly essayed, during the 1970s, regarding the atmospheric case of what is now known as acoustic analogues to blackhole computing) to a singularity, the tornado not being such, even as its touchdown cascade-conveys solar-wind-instigated complex angular momentum into Earth's crustal cum core dynamics. Demergence qua deascension; literary-wise, a deaccession: concupiscence, automatization, habituation, addiction. Hollowed out by the viceregal hallowed touch, no authentic Shaktipat or descent of Sri Aurobindo's light? If you've ever been to In-jaa, you know it's not far from Nega{pat}am to [My}sore. Instead of (by ConveDD, uh, convergence-disorder displacement, that is) m-logically-valued monetary units, TPTB want, and surely will have, m-GrandViziers in every room of every house with their internet-of-things. As to origins of this governance ConveDD? Of course, as regards [ulti}mates, physical and metaphysical, the traditional 1T2-heirarchies of panjandrumming [class}icality are very thoroughly subverted by hologramic Cantorian-fractal drums, particularly so when it is understood with CTC-unto-µTm-valued logics that Schrödinger-memetime-independence is only a first-order challenging of the resolutely unexamined Axiom of Precedence Relations in general, a most disturbing notion to insecure and undeserving pomposities, i.e., conservative how?-dah? throwbacks of every elephantine, snobbish, patronizing clan, caste, club, fraternity ridden from Arrogation unto Hubris. O, that analytic continuation made upon media blasted brows of believers in the modern world's 1T2-only-logical cash nexus. And that when binary-money has always made of the franchise the butt of a con -- since advent of the great American novel, the movies and the talkies, supported by Amerikophiliac techno-ConveDD popular fiction and film. Guided-market oligopoly assisted by commanded democracy -- instituted with grandeur and utmost politesse, even if remaining mere polites bouffe. And as regards 1T2-only-capitalism's philanthropic largesse? I certainly have nothing against magnanimity dispensed from the private sphere. Nonetheless, clearly, the more of that there is, the greater the indication as to (1) failure of the governance paradigm analogically modeled upon the still-prevailing 200-years-dead Weltanschauung, and (2) the increasing net-worth disparities created and sustained by the 1T2-only-logically-valued currencies, markets, legal systems installed and maintained by exercise of military force and the blackpsyche that exercise demands for its de facto legitimation. Such magnanimity is also self-serving, in that it strongly augurs against substantive authentic change of (1) and (2) above. Well, I do say: [Mad}Onna's under outerware! Mercy me, just think of all them Senators Peccadilloes, uh, those dickering doodlebugs productive of the Christic-fascist, service-economy, avuncular governance of the supplicant Ninety-Nine Percent, written as batty ersatz legislative epopees epigonously strung together as an epos not formally united, though there be some pretense thereto in media-purveyed gewgawish eponymies upon the fictitious eponyms thereof -- no writs of repleviables allowed.
But it doesn't require authentic µTm-logically-valued quantum processors to holographically exteriorize a facsimile of inner Musculpt as user-friendly interface to m-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over WiFied fractal e-boundaries. What is the functional prerequisite is an absence of ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) at R&D of currently available technologies. For instance: softwired-multiplexed (no longer required is hardwired-multiplexed) low-power micro-mini laser gatling guns (see: Germany's Got a 4-Barrel Laser Gatling Gun, Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 21 September 2015; and Wicked Lasers, Tango Lima, Laser Gadgets, no date provided), mounted in point sets upon the interior of a dome (upright or upside-down, depending upon use), process-controlled by ANNic 1T2-neuromorphic chips (see: DHS Wants Boeing To Test A Brain Chip In Firm's Self-Destructing 'Black' Spyphone, Aliya Sternstein, Nextgov, 22 September 2015) would be sufficient for a very good first approximation. A point of visible light is formed at the intersection of two laser beams the same number of angstroms above and below the visible spectrum; enough such changing visible points yields a non-photographically-based moving hologram. Color is just more complexity. Actually, by now, the neuromorphic chip, which first appeared in the late-'80s, has fuzzy-logic characteristics, as to wit per the following from Stanford University's BRAINS in SILICON: Some open when the voltage across the membrane is high, others open when the voltage is low, and everything in between. Then, of course, there is always SILICON in BRAINS to consider, i.e., the mind-meld ConveDD involved: DARPA is implanting chips in soldiers' brains , Kristen V. Brown, Fusion, 27 September 2015. DARPA is also working on computer algos that encode human memories: howsoever these are used beneficently, there are also the prospective infrauses. And this particular defense-related good work, heh-heh-heh, is independent of the fact that rule-abiding behavior, according to our current crop of normotic glutamate-etched neuroscientists, is a function (measurable with fMRI) of how great the connectivity (see: Intelligent people's brains wired differently to those with fewer intellectual abilities, says study, Steve Connor, The Independent, 28 September 2015) anchored glutamatergically at the prescriptive enculturation-socialization programming learning at neuronal plasticity. How amazing is that? I'm shocked, simply shocked.
Thank you (good offices of Lauri Love [nsh]) very much for directing my attention to the glutamatergic modulation of cortical acetylcholine release section of the Sustained Attention website. I'd been aware for some time that I needed to devote more attention, heh-heh-heh, to the complexities of glutamate neurometabolism, but had run across only highly technical notational-diagrammatic treatments quite difficult for a neophyte like me to follow -- and these are generally limited to accounts of physiological-titer normative processes, not also the preadolescent episodes of neuronal network prunings accomplished by the supraphysiological high-titer excitotoxic glutamate floods (see Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, Allan Schore, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994: note that reviewers don't even mention his account of the role played by these floods in effecting prescriptive socialization of cognition and affect-charge, something drawn to my attention by Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, via good offices of David Spillane) involved in the glutamate anchoring of prescriptive enculturation-socialization at neuronal plasticity. In my other-I-am's opinion, there are, for instance, no such things as passing-time 1T2-only serial-formation intuitions idealized into an objective time, only passing-time memes. I'd also like to learn details about what role, if any, glutamic acid, i.e., glutamate missing a hydrogen atom and thereby able to bond with sodium, plays in glutamate-related neurometabolism, and how consumption of free glutamic acid and/or MSG affects glutamate titers in the brain (since we know that psychedelics and neurotransmitters like ketamine -- the endogenous antidote to glutamate -- cross the blood-brain barrier, why would not also the neurotransmitter glutamate?). The Sustained Attention website nicely contextualizes and addresses some of the important issues, and I deeply appreciate your having given me a heads-up concerning it. Reading through the site has been very helpful. What I haven't found anywhere are studies that detail neurochemical-pathways differentiation between ergotropic (actively-innervated focus, task specificity, hyperfocus, so on) and trophotropic (diffuse awareness qua passive concentration) types of attention cathexes (for some discussion of this W. R. Hess cum Ernst Gellhorn neurocognitive bifurcation, adopted by Johannes Schultz cum Wolfgang Luthe and Autogenic Training theoretical accounts well before Gellhorn's observations on the subject were made, see the Ergotropic-Trophotropic Tuning section of the Bioenergetics Structuralism website). The closest the Sustained Attention website comes to addressing diffuse trophotropic attention is with regard to dreams, but the discussion concerns only REM sleep, which is an ergotropic sleep state. Studies of passive concentration and diffuse awareness, so far as I know, have generally been limited to those electrophysiologic, more recently also those involving the various types of neuroimaging, e.g., relative to Zazen-evoked transits toward Satori experiences, states achieved via use of Edmund Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation techniques, the autogenic state characteristic of employment of the standard Autogenic Training exercises, Transcendental-Meditation-evoked states, et cetera. While ergotropic concentration in self-observation is certainly useful at the outset of, say, a walking meditation session, I've found that onset of voluntary dissociation generally comes forward and elaborates only as autogenic shift to trophotropic cathexis-modalities transpires. And I know no details of the neurochemical pathways behaviors involved in this shift -- other than that they are at least partially ketaminergic (some details provided in James H. Austin's Zen and the Brain, MIT Press, 1999, and the subsequent Zen-Brain Reflections, MIT Press, 2010), and I speculate, furthermore, that likely also involved are quantum-level changes, e.g., in electron transport chains-complexes at, say, neuronal and perineural chemiosmotic phosphorolation in formation of ATP, and the quantum-wave properties of associated intraneuronal-intraperineural mitochondrial-DNA molecules. Unfortunately, an emphatic empath -- think generative empathy -- is quite generally regarded a being anathema, such like especially signifying pathology to the binary-mind eschewing all undistributed middles. I, however, believe, with Homeric and earlier Greeks, that in-the-body experience as base-state-normative is learned behavior transmitted from generation to generation by prescriptive enculturation -- and glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular 1T2-brains not containing THE quantum µTm-brain. Is there an authentically Proustic objective linear-time, or is it mere memetime? If ontogenesis recapitulates phylogenesis, as appears to be the 1T2-only case, then this I/i, not my other-I-am, firmly believes that in human experience, individual and collective, being in Schrödinger-memetime-independent non-simple-identity, and tropologically imprinting upon hyperspace metareferences, logically and ontologically and meme-temporally preceded, and precedes, sensory awareness of Umwelt and passing time and ponderable space: 1T2ly speaking, propriocept-percept does not generate the notion selfhood-time-space; the notion selfhood-time-space demerges propriocept-percept. My other-I-am having fined the cognitive spaces which it chooses to establish habitus within, this fining being a residual of early inner-counterwork which my I/i no longer, being old of age, has nearly so voluntary subsidence to, that I/i can semi-reliably assert Heh-heh-heh! Thus, no more than my other-I-am and this I/i accept Edmund Husserl's notion of a given time-field (see, for instance, Objective Time and the Experience of Time: Husserl and Kant in light of some theses of A. Einstein's time theory, Pedro M. S. Alves, U. of Lisbon, no date given) does my other-I-am and this I/i accept Edith Stein's notion of The Givenness of the Living Body (see On The Problem Of Empathy, ICS Publications, 1989 reprint of the 1916 original: google the title, as text of the book is online, but Google prevents acquisition of the complete URL). Moreover, while generative empathy is certainly one basis of animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency (hardly merely copulatory monadological intersubjectivity), so is abstraction, as profoundly essayed (re: Gurdieffian Stop! qua freeze-frame-exercise-like Stoppages + the µTmly-multiplied and demultiplied body of the Bride-Stripped-Bare Large-Glass transparency) by Marcel Duchamp during the several years before Stein's Ph.D. dissertation -- produced for Husserl -- on empathy was written, uh, Duchamp as brilliantly analyzed by Craig Adcock in Duchamp's Perspective: The Intersection of Art and Geometry, toutfait, 21 August 2015: the Bachelors' desire-motored Standard Stoppages pounding cum short-circuiting the Bride's clothing are products of prescriptive enculturation; the waterfall [for looking through the waterfall, see Joe Goode: Waterfall Paintings, Nora Halpern Brougher, James Corcoran Gallery, 1990; I learned of this while assisting Naomi Togashi of Fia, Inc., Kyoto, circa 1990-91], cascade demergence; the Joe-Goode-like looking through [for his most recent, see Flat Screen Nature, which evokes, for me, looking through µTm-unto-CTC logical-value order-types onto the most-dense sheet -- think of the flat-screen ma of Japanese print aesthetics -- base-state of Tzog-chen AllBase m-logically-valued reference space] laminated glass plates, sheaves of superspace; the three string-theoretic unit-length-quantal Bennettian pencils-of-skew-parallels threads, chronotopologies elaborated by 3-fold triple-ciphered imaginary-numbered twisting-tilting-arbre operator-time draft-pistons 1T2ly deformed into memetime mistaken for an objective linear-time -- even given that Duchamp could not have been consciously aware of some of these associations (as an illustration of the efficacy of collective-unconscious archetypal recognitions, I submit as being a case in point Derek's fixation whilst walking hand-in-hand with a Bride, as described in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994, Vol. 1, p. 104, upon the uniforms hung out to dry in the dying evening light as an eidolon-flashupon decapitation-prefiguration of the second phase of the Tet-'68 offensive, an experience I actually had, that May offensive on Saigon being initiated later the same night at that very location [but the flashupon being depicted in the novel as occurring just before Tet]: only now, almost half a century later, do I see the connection to Duchamp's Cemetery of Uniforms and Liveries and his Nine Malic Molds, circa 1914). One could easily view much of Husserliana as a vast essay against the Cabalistic-Tree-of-Life Weltanschauung as influenced by secular-rabbinical orientations (Leopold Kronecker) and priestly Catholicism (Franz Brentano) as in part edited according to a Thomistic slant (Edith Stein). In conformance to tenets issued by our presently prescribing [Staats}gymnasiums? The hunched shoulder of the collective mind brought under Abel's knife nudged the obstacles thronging the intersection of the mundane pedestrian algebraic and the numinous transcendental -- and recoiled from the challenges presented. Anti-Cabala is also anti-Plato regular polyhedra and anti-Jung archetype-in-itself as mathematical relation-structure. The trans-radicals, Galois-group-theoretic, iterative, icosahedral-tiling, commuting-braids, towers of algorithms solution to N. H. Abel's Impossibility-Theorem quintic equation (see: Solving the quintic by iteration, Peter Doyle and Curt McMullen, Acta Mathematica, 163, 1989, pp. 151-180) could just as easily be viewed Cabalistic-Platonic-Jungian, if it were not for the reliance upon Newton's notion of a limit, which serves the same function for analysis as Max Born's anti-Cabalistic probability-amplitude interpretation serves for quantum mechanics: keep m-valued logics (and Cabalistic, neoPlatonic, non-selfsame numbers) at bay. Each convergent (no less than divergent) series taken as a single value (or some Cantorian order of infinity, keeping in mind Ignacio Matte Blanco's The Unconscious as Infinite Sets, Duckworth, 1975, discounting the bi-logic aspect) conceals, according to my belief, an order-of-logical-value phase transition (further concealed with Mobius transforms), which radically alters 1T2-only-meanings of any Duchampian found (i.e., given by glutamatergically-anchored prescriptive enculturation-socialization) single-valued mathematical object (or Cantorian transfinite cardinality). Quoting the annotated bibliography to our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 751:
Berggren, K. F. Quantum Phenomena in Small Semiconductor Structures and Devices, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XXXIII: 3, March 1988. It is interesting to consider how pencils of skew-parallels might act as functional equivalents of quantum well wires embedded in the Fermi sea of an infinite 3D electron gas -- and what role such devices might play in multivalued [sic: m-logically-valued], quantum-level cortical function in the intact brain. Who said the Regge calculus is just a mathematical formalism? Who said that Jung's archetypes have nothing to do with Einstein's general theory of relativity? My God! There he goes again, hypostatizin' and reifyin'. Dere couldn't be no quantum analogue of the fiber optic scrambler for encrypt-decrypt of the m-valued neural code. Couldn'ta be no connection 'tween pencils of skew-parallels, Regge calculus, fiber bundles, strain tensors, and da REAL thig: archetypal patterns (maze of nested Platonic regular polyhedra made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes) of Einstein's curvature, all twistor-ized and operator-timed in sideral and cortical space. Not to speak of correspondences -- dat is, mathematical FUNCTIONS betwixt and baaatween da two. That be pseudo-scientific astrological! Why, the Committee ta INvestigate Claims ta da Po-version a Good Upstandin' Hmmmm.
Despite the espieglerie engaged in here by my impish I/i, the effects of prescriptive glutamatergic neuronal etching are clearly visible in the history of mathematics and physics. As regards culpability for not mucking stalls of the collective unconscious: ever since the mass back-reaction upon the metric of 1T2-implications of N. H. Abel's theorem of 1823, we've all been reenactors, the worst being sutlers, i.e., the One Percent.
What is temporal CURL according to the Paine-Pensinger conception? When spatial CURL is spatially CURLed, what is the CURLer? Temporal CURL was our answer; that is how we came to comprehend the quantum-of-action effectuated by operator-time understood an active topological operator, Paine having arrived at the basic notion of active time as a meteorology Masters candidate at Pennsylvania State University, circa late-'60s or very-early-'70s (never paid attention to the exact dates, when he was in the Peace Corps, so on). I've now read (again by good offices of Lauri Love [nsh]) Donald Reed's incredibly fascinating, indeed staggering, 1995 paper entitled Foundational Electrodynamics and Beltrami Vector Fields published in Advanced Electromagnetism: Foundations, Theory and Applications, Terence W. Barrett and Dale M. Grimes, editors, World Scientific, 1995, and, having done so, am thrown into something of a conundrum. I'm sure that by the very-early-1970s Paine thoroughly understood in his own way, i.e., as exemplary of tornadogenesis, the basic ideas explicated in Reed's paper, with a few differences. But Paine never mentioned to me the name Beltrami, and I am sure he would have so done had he then or later read into that area of thought. It appears that Beltrami-related research began to thicken during the late-1950s. I've now found three Beltrami-type papers published in the early-1970s, during the period Paine brought together his ideas, which describe directly corresponding notions: Velocity fields that preserve the force-free character of magnetic fields, S. R. Sreenivasan, Physica, 67 (2), 15 July 1973, pp. 323-329; and Models of Force-Free Magnetic Fields in Resistive Media, Rolf Bostrom, Department of Plasma Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, November 1972; and Noumenon: Elementary entity of a new mechanics, E. Y. Rocher, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 13 (2), 1972, pp. 1919-1925. Sreenivasan's analog equations for Beltrami flow appear to me to correspond to Paine's atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations, except that, in the Paine case, imaginary and hypercomplex velocity fields large in relation to the velocity of sound are incorporated, indeed, are of signal importance to the energy-momentum-cascade process transpiring at tornadogenesis. Quoting the first paragraph of the Non-existence of isolated force-free systems section of Bostrom's paper (p. 12-13):
A force-free system of finite extent cannot be surrounded only by the vacuum magnetic field produced by the currents in the force-free region. This seems to have been pointed out first by Rosenbluth (see Furth et al. 1957) but the theorem is also given by Chandrasekhar and Woltjer (1958), Parker (1958), and Chandrasekhar (1961). In any real system, which naturally is finite, there must be an external field produced by external non force-free currents The only force-free systems of practical interest are those where the force-free fields are matched to external fields produced partly by external sources If a region of force-free currents is to be matched to an external region, certain conditions have to be fulfilled at the boundary.
This above-referenced Bostrom-evoked theorem, so far as I know, was unbeknownst as such to the principals of the cascade theory of tornadogenesis, even though that theorem was tacitly taken by them as an assumption brought to, indeed, as of the essence of, the cascade account of the genesis of tornadoes, where complex and hypercomplex angular momentum is transferred between domain structures located within macroscale-to-microscale nested limited spacetime domains (some of that angular momentum having been conveyed by the solar wind; see the interesting artist depiction of the heliospheric current sheet as provided in The Sun's Magnetic Field is about to Flip, NASA, August 2013) -- the dynamics leading to formation of tornadoes, thus, not, as in the consensus view, being understood as primarily a result of local heating. Note the importance attributed by Bostrom to matching across boundaries. One may incidentally thereby speculate, float a flier, to the effect that nuclear-fusion-energy research went astray in focusing efforts upon leak-proof plasma bottles. The decoherency problem in quantum computation is not primarily one of temperature qua errant vibrations, but one of inputs unmatched to dissipations, matchings between the two being, essentially, the definer of superstate coherency, which involves spin cascades. Paine understood that the fundament of the superstate is not temperature, but, rather, this match (see our paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, circa September of 1978). That notion -- the cardinal importance of this match -- is, it should be noted, where the concept of hypertemperature as temporal-spin (re: the CURLer of the CURLing of spatial CURL) resonance originated, the word resonance referring to this match that acts like low temperature. The utility of biquaternions, discussed by Rocher, to explication of the physics behind the cascade computer forecast model of tornadogenesis is a notion which Paine began to explore during the late-1970s just as his funding sources dried up. A better general summation of the Paine, et al., arguments made to multiple AmMetSoc Severe Local Storms conferences during the mid-1970s -- literally fist-fight initializing -- could not be found than this statement made by Reed, p. 239:
In the attempt to apply the vortex concept universally to the wheel-work of nature, limitations have been imposed by the damaging misconceptions which have arisen, surrounding the notion and purpose of a vortex. For instance, studies in fluid turbulence have served to paint the picture of vortex dynamics as the seat of chaotic local behavior, unsuitable for deterministic treatment. This notion has unfortunately been responsible for fueling the prejudice against considering the vortex and vortical topologies in few contexts other than basic classical hydrodynamics. However, if vorticity is ultimately discovered to be a natural topological property of the universe in general, representing the normal way action is shaped in our visual manifold, then all space-time transformations would assume the form of spiral dynamics. In this context, a vortex and its associated singularity would not be perceived as representing a turbulent chaotic state, but probably the most stable local state. Indeed, intense columnar vortices, such as those in tornadoes and various astrophysical phenomena, possess a specific behavior that cannot be reduced to standard Newtonian mechanics or any of its derivatives, such as the Navier-Stokes equation or the Euler equation of motion A re-examination of the vortex concept could possibly provide new insight into the nature of singularities in general.
In speaking of the most stable local state, Reed (p. 239) even exhibits a strong similarity in his account to Paine's 20-years-earlier take on Jupiter's Great Red Spot: what most decisively set Carl Sagan against Doug Paine (and, via students taking classes from both, strongly reduced Paine's ability to teach his actual quantum-relativistic dynamical-meteorology ideas in the classroom) was Paine's paper delivery (my reflections upon details of which, in our immediate post-delivery discussion, relative to certain-speculated aspects of autogenic brain discharges and quantum dynamics of neuronal DNA helix-coil transitions, initialized our relationship) to the June of 1974 McMaster University Velikovsky conference, a delivery providing a sketch, of a reverse-cascade-dynamical (re: intense columnar vortices) model of Jupiter's red-spot hurricane, possibly going some distance toward explaining, basic-physics-wise, how a mass ejection from Jupiter could have transpired, an ejection argued in Immanuel Velikovsky's book of 1950 entitled Worlds In Collision as having actually transpired, the ejected mass having settled, according to V's argument, into orbit around the Sun as the planet Venus. Here, I make a personal disclosure (Naomi Sharon can substantiate this as regards then): then and now, I fully embraced-embrace Velikovsky's most general thesis, i.e., his brilliant debunking of 1T2-only-Cartesian-Newtonian Uniformitarianism, whilst simultaneously I never held firm opinions as regards any of the details of the scenario storyline he so-intriguingly elaborated, which-cognitive-fact I've always found irrelevant to assessment of the import of his general thesis, a thesis not dependent upon any particular scenario. The anomalous energies (re: the full collection of acute angles) and topologies (re: the various domain structures) of internally force-free fields, discussed by Reed, related to the invariance of the null-correlation characteristic of plaited-symplectic filament-fiber complexes, according to the Paine-Pensinger conception, have their symplectic cum plaiting origins in biquaternionic 3-fold operator-time -- our take on the null-system having been derived in part from the null-vector aspect of J. G. Bennett's idea (Appendix 1, Vol. 1, 1956, of his 4-volume magnum opus entitled The Dramatic Universe, circa 1956 to 1966) of pencils of skew-parallels, the involved non-selfsame geometries requiring, so we believed, µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, to process their kinematic transforms. It's at the hypercomplex levels where Beltrami toroidal dynamics become KleinBottled and fully Lukasiewiczian-Bennettian, I believe (speaking from perspective of the decoherent-to-the-coherent direction in regards to precedence relations). Reed, on page 240, notes that:
it is conceivable that Riemann was highly influenced by Beltrami's ideas on hydrodynamic vortex singularities. Accordingly, it may prove possible through further development and subsequent elaboration of Riemann's non-linear electrodynamics, that the paradoxical divergences which have arisen in connection with the singularities underlying both classical electrodynamics and quantum field theory, would be obviated.
But, according to the Paine-Kaplan cascade model of tornadogenesis, the paradoxical divergences -- paradoxical only under 1T2-only logical processing and with respect to selfsame-only geometries -- are not so much obviated as systemically integrated, i.e., they are initializing of the temporal CURL demergence orchestrating null-system kinematics. Indeed, appearance of the paradoxical divergences was the key diagnostic factor employed by the forecast model, a model that consistently predicted tornado outbreaks on the 1-km grid, 12 hours in advance, using historical data sets. Contemplating Paine's atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations, we quote Reed once again, p. 233:
These facts clearly demonstrate a possible significant (though little explored) correlation between foundational electromagnetics and fluid dynamics via the general Trkalian (sheared vortex) topology. At any rate, a fruitful avenue has been opened for future exploration of this link.
The Paine-Kaplan exploration of this link during the 1970s with their multiscale, nested-grid, energy-momentum-cascade model of tornadogenesis was the specific aspect of Paine's papers on the subject most scathingly ridiculed by peer reviewers -- an aspect certainly modifying still-prevailing notions as to drivers of abrupt-climate-shift dynamics, particularly when viewed in plasma-theoretic contexts, several of which exist in Earth's atmosphere, higher and lower. I entertain small worries about global warming, grave concern about abrupt climate-shift dynamics and associated processes. It appears to me that what Rocher's quaternion quantity called a 'noumenon' (Reed, p. 241) is, is a facsimile of, as per our conceptualization, temporal CURL (another way to understand quantum spin, i.e., complex and hypercomplex angular-momentum cascade in the relativistic-quantum context of tornadogenesis, where relativistic interactions between gravitation and hydrothermodynamic properties exhibit electromagnetic analogues particularly clearly as acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes), i.e., the topotransformative action accomplished by quantal operator-time which we then, during the 1970s, explicitly stated we thought likely quantizable as Penrose angular-momentum twistors effectuating over spacetime metric the pregeometrical µTm-valued Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered Lukasiewiczian propositions which encipher functions and structures of memetime and ponderable space.
No fear, whilst backing into ekphrasis: the coterie of petit ecstasies resplendent upon photismic retinal showers shimmering dynamic polymorph color fields (surely not altogether unrelated to Photismos), be origins of the buzzing-hissing-humming (the loudest sonsy silence of all) warm-golden-dust-photopsia cognitive-rain (i.e., corpus of m-ramous points of a sheaved Riemann surface) hypnagogic, hypnopompic, or arisen upon progressive relaxation ingress unto concentration in the diffuse-meditative. At autogenic abreaction, a veritable hurricane of flung neurotransmitters. The visual/aural-code subsets (see also: Neuroscientists unlock shared brain codes between people, Latarsha Gatlin, ScienceDaily, 21 October 2011; and, for a prescient sinister-side related story, My Soul To Take, Steve Morgan, Random House, 1994) of the neural code, currently, according to the linear-generative model, read as micro-voltage-fluctuation action-potential patterns, and imputed coding schemes. Uh, uh, that's the decoherent, glutamatergically-etched, digital-analog 1T2-only, memed reduction thereof, right? Functional equivalent of a microchip, what! Not the coherent, non-decomposed, synaesthetic CTC-unto-µTm full-quantum-case-encipherment AllBase of holographic inner-Musculpt, eh -- in respect, that is, to Beethoven's flowing forms of my symphonies and Mozart's method of note-for-note writing out the full score of someone else's composition upon first hearing of only a small part of it. Combinations of selfsame numbers deciphering deep-structure of the multilevel codes operative in THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular binary brains? Number and objecthood: Jasper Johns' O through 9 equals numerical identity-transparency, i.e., registration cum evocation of non-selfsame numbers. The large pierced carving of Bangkok is [orient}ed to the animistic-empathetic side of the very same apperceptive gestalt which Johns imprints upon to the transcendental-abstractionist side. What for the authentic animist is an utterly explicit, non-simple, omnipresent, inseparable, ontically-perceptual entanglement is to the binary-mind occult, hidden behind sheet ice or a one-way-look-through mirror or a Plexiglas wall or a too-thick glass plate, spiritual, the stuff of fairytales and ghost stories, pseudoscience and the dissociative paranormal, the invisible undercoat and not The Visible World, Mark Slouka, Houghton Mifflin, 2007 (a novel I especially like, as the Heydrich assassination had been a subject of conversation in Saigon, circa 1968: most of the details provided by Slouka, I had no prior awareness of; as some of us know, love-in-war is far more profound than all that's merely fair in love-and-war -- because well-prescriptively enculturated and socialized, glutamate-etched, normotic man is not capable of carrying death of 1T2ly-simple identity as is carried a mantra, such carrying unto direct ontic apprehension of relative-state identity-transparency presupposing for such a man intense training and long inner work). Cognitive vittles and grub: given my childhood exposure to animistic Shinto, I've never really accepted the notion that atoms are built up of elementary particles, molecules of atoms, macromolecules of molecules; to the contrary, it has long been my opinion, expressed in one set of words or another, that the hierarchy of material substance is built down, Schrödinger memetime-independently, from coherent relative-states, the involved demergence orchestrated according to the holographic principle applied over nested fractal boundaries of laminates of limited spatial domains subject to the quantal actions of 3-fold operator-time. Just as particle interactions may be thought of as part of the process by which ponderable space is, so hypercomplex and complex angular momentum cascade may be thought of as part of the process by which memetime is. Kind of like Evolve To Time in Quantum (2015) by Hypnologica. Dependent origination in one mind moment as Everettian relative-state identity-transparency: entanglement between quantum-spin states is the original Tzog-chen AllBase native-state from which all else decoheres: discretes do not generate entanglement. Use of the word entanglement or the term Bose-Einstein 'condensation' places the linear-time-bound, atomism-identified, social-Darwinian observer in the hierarchy of logical precedence relations, places him in the 1T2-order-type looking upwards through that hierarchy. What words, if there are any, would place the observer-become-participator elsewhere in that hierarchy -- and in which logical-value order-type does that hierarchy become fully assimilated to the holographic principle, thus abandoning hierarchicality? Are braid correlations resident in nucleotide-pair ladder rungs, or are they chronotopological expressions of the complex-hypercomplex higher-temporal waveforms of the quantum properties of DNA undergoing radiation exchange at Beltrami-force-free helix-coil transition? Is genomic encipherment generative, interactional, founded upon decoherent discretes, built up of nucleotide pairs combined in triplicate as codons and collections thereof, or is DNA cascade encryption demergent, a matter of superposed Everettian relative-states, founded upon coherent continua built down via a genetic version the Regge-calculus transliteration of Musculpt-manifold curvature configurations into lattice logics of towers of algorithms employed in polyalphabetic polyalphabeticity ultimately reduced to discrete alphabetic units, i.e., nucleotide-pair triplets as elemental codons? Distributed-middle, 1T2-coin flops are the modern Western random-engine way of generating trigrams and hexagrams and the configurations of New Heaven and Old Heaven. But the I-Ching is the Book of Changes, not the book of chances. For the ancients, The Fall of yarrow stocks chronomantically read the prevailing field configuration of chi (as would any fall whatsoever -- given identity-transparency, given relative-state, given the holographic principle) demerged from the base-state of Tzog-chen -- the word chi denoting the chronotopological action (CURLer of the spatial CURLing of spatial CURL; the enfolder; the compactificationer) accomplished by 3-fold operator-time. So it seems to me. Don't forget, heh-heh-heh, to include in the world-picture, as does Steve Morgan, schizophrenic-Everettian memetime displacements: e.g., abreactive, delusional, visual-hallucination cinerama wherein scenes past are seen as future located, the seeing involved transpiring before the present of the telling. Memetime confusions may be more than merely psychotomimetic; they may be psychotogenetic in the memetime-bound who possess no cognitive frame within which to picture the higher-temporal origins of the 1T2-only-logic dislocations deemed delusional, there being permitted by normotic consensus no connectivities non-binary. The higher-eidetic form, of course, is µTm-logically-valued holographic Musculpt -- semantic import of µTm understood by numerical metaphor as transcendental (in the metaphysical sense) to the infinite set (aleph-beth) in the real interval [0,1], and independent of the notion truth-value. The states of relative-state identity-transparency, according to the CTC-unto-µTm-take, are not degrees of fuzziness between 0 and 1, because the base-state is logically, ontologically, and temporally before ordinality is -- so long as precedence relations remain terms of reference, which is to say so long as the cognitive frame remains 1T2-bound. Running CTC-unto-µTm through a 1T2-cognitive sieve means that semantic import of CTC-unto-µTm is lost. The very notion of what number qua number is, as per defining properties, cannot be same-same from one logical-value order-type to another. So, in a very firm firmware way, the above-referred-to displacements are delusional, because there are no memetime terms of reference relevant to the higher-temporal. THE quantum µTm-brain -- collectively unconscious-as-infinite-sets to its prescriptively enculturated-cum-socialized, unto neuronal-anchoring via glutamate-etching, 1T2-brains -- demerges molecular-cellular brains; those brains do not generate -- for instance, via cellular automata -- the unconscious as emergent property. To paint, sculpt, compose from inner Musculpt would be to grossly under-employ, to engage in the pointless, really, when its techno-exteriorization should be used as mathematical notation facilitating conscious integration of µTm-valued modes of cognition.
When your below-beside-above neighbors' WI-FIs not only penetrate the concrete-block walls of your now-apocryphal [apart}ment, but, compliments of MIT, also can see through those walls (consider: Forget X-rays, now you can see through walls using WI-FI, Victoria Woollaston, The Daily Mail, 28 October 2015), what rationalization anymore conceivably justifies the pathognomonic ConveDDs [persona}ting as de jure governance? De-cataracting down, derry down, deary deary dina. Collective ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement): think of the archetypal Trickster's predilection to engage in the conjuring employed at misdirection qua confidence trick. I think it incontestable that unconscious factors motivate vastly more human behavior than do conscious factors. Also to be considered is the distinction between the complex-matrix of personal subconscious cum unconscious and the archetypal gradients of the collective unconscious, both laundered in the scoured suds of consensus-only culpability, these suds themselves washed by the Tide of 1T2-only lawfare. A skein of insouciant, surly, self-satisfied, silent insolence is the favored response to such assertions, and the manner in which their recusal is accomplished. O, the essential-component, doomsday-argumentative n-universes (1T2 to be sure) grue and bleen riddling the inductive politics of governance-by-dunnage, particularly when the bollard be the primary device promulgated by the prevailing Pinball Theory of Practice. With and without demultiplication, a product of double-inspiration! Just so long as µTmly many-to-many is altogether discounted, along with m-colored Musculpt and m-variant quantal operator-time and nonlocal Everettian relative-state identity-transparency. O, the epicycles achieved by the many angels who can sit on the head of a pin! What, they don't baalieve? Well, then, bawl'em out, whack'em, twack'em, and sack'em! Put'em on the no-drive list. Put'em on the no-fly list. Put'em on the no-ATM list. Blackball'em, altogether. Stick'em with negative interest rates on deposits. Outlaw cash. Yep, punchin' chattel: that'll herd'em up, drive'em to market. Not only to me is leadership ana[the}ma: see Kawai Hayao, The Hidden Gods of Japanese Mythology, Eranos Yearbook 1985, Vol. 54, 1986. Emperor scripted upon the 1T2ly-empty center of decision-free science, the only sort of center capable of catalyzing µTmly-authentic autopoiesis and self-organization. Gödel's unintegrated anima is a mere footnote to the still-rising bore of Lukasiewicz who demonstrated 1T2-logic incompetent to stand trial. On my watch! Heh-heh-heh. How much of an authentic distinction is to be made between proxy warfare, outsourcing to private military contractors and terrorist groups, use of false-flag operations and programs? Precursor N. H. Abel's 1823 cognitive buffet -- and his contemporaries, those heeding, those pensive, had to decide: Eeeeeny, meeeeey, miiiiiny, mo, which the hell way shall we go? Another dram, or more d-RAM? Clinks by mugs holding up glasses, and heartfelt farewells -- lest we [re}member. Shouldn't oughter done it like they has, so goes the cheeky observation. Know it fine! Subtle pulls then, or, these days, are they Yanks upon the strings, lads, muddling through having fallen along with the Raj? Nigh unto such a pass that the quailing never-hads envy the stanch low-hopers slowly transiting into abject fatalist have-nots railing at the have-yachts-will-travel. The ever-gathering m-faceted governmental assault upon ITs population corpus is a degenerative autoimmune disease where etiology is profoundly unconscious. The worst are not those whose sole orientation is to exploit flaws in the system, but those who created and [imp}lemented designed-in systemic flaws serviced by every slanted collaborator-quisling reportorial piece promoting consumerism, tourism, unending cancerous growth, mega-whatever's-built, relentless unbound urbanization, centralization of all-and-everything, global monoculture, principles of the 200-year-dead Weltanschauung -- the social structure of attention cathexes being scripted in Hollywood. Given the constant thematic recycling there's no contesting the thesis that psychotomimetic echolalia, perseveration, and paraphasia are the dominant cinematographic cognitive style-setters. And how altogether disgusting the bleak thematic content fixations so naively placed on public display! The normotic, the slacker, the skater, the malingerer, the cheat, the morally compromised, the white-collar criminal, the spendthrift get-over: our urban professionals. Much, if not most, of mega-urban-region development worldwide is not merely misallocation of precious irreplaceable resources, but, more directly, money laundering -- each particular national case thereof having its own unique specific predisposing circumstances; laundering, though, howsoever effectuated. Not surprising, then, that there should be a rising crescendo of techno-ConveDDs whereby Everettian relative-state is transliterated into surveillance-society governor-algos, accompanied by collective habituation upon the ever-rising dosage of hyper-realizing anti-psychotic medications quaffed by the masses to counter the de-realizing cognitive allergen: m-logically-valued, non-simple, relative-state identity-transparency. As the prospect of 1T2-ego death staggers coolness of the night, more and more thorough addiction to the poisonous binary-truth-values CPUed in hard artifacts of techno-ConveDDing resolves as compensatory abreaction to fear of the absolute nihility projected into the psychological black hole: take turmeric at three, sex at six with cloves on the side, to cling to the escape-valve climax. Divertissements to the rescue! These diversions, i.e., serotonin cum dopamine, complemented by the STD-promoting government-sponsored Spanish fly (see: 'Viagra for Women' Is Backed by an F.D.A. Panel, Andrew Pollack, New York Times, 4 June 2015) substitute for ecstasy-the-drug. Binary-logic speaking, the incontrovertibly hack{n}eyed essence of Tantric Schrödinger over rickety denial as to µTm-AllBase-state of Tzog-chen: 1T2ly-[I/i}amthat[I/i}am, as is my female consort, Iambe, a goddess sure.
Focus on face cards -- booking them, installing them, removing them: theirs and ours, yours and mine -- is the tactic of a losing strategy, whatever sort of conflict has man{i}fested, even if only via Montesquieuan separation of acoustically-modified, sound-byting powers into decoherent countervailing forces: Bell having rung within glutamate-etched binary brains, the speakable in nonlinear Newtonian dynamics has been Spontaneous localization be damned!, with Quantum this, quantum that! having been among the governing-value frames, Remember, gov'nor, thou art nae a super[of]ficial, uh, uh, a superSTITIOUS, primitive! being the subliminally-carried mantra. Unspeakable, even in quantum mechanics, because not imagined independent of the notion truth-value, has been: prevalence of a total lack of registration of heathen logics, µTmly-valued. Checks and balances, heh-heh-heh! See how well they run: read, for instance, James B. Stewart's Den of Thieves, Touchstone, 1992. Did the Wall Street crime spree end in 1990? Such milk'em market behaviors have been especially-well facilitated from John [laid]Law until today by 1T2-only-logical currency systems and their derivative binary-financial instruments. Will the new technologies help alleviate this problem? Not at all likely -- given their currently-preferred uses, as determined by mass-activated ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements). Sure to continue to be exacerbated thereby. If uses conjoin, as Emanuel Swedenborg maintained, two paramount questions are: which uses, what sorts of conjoining? Consolidation Cartesian-Newtonian, dissimulated-quantum, post-quantum-relativistic? Can any 1T2-regulatory regime, any criminal 1T2-justice system waylay the pandemic consequences of metastasizing applications of binary-only-logic gates? Not at all plausible. Those aspiring to face-cad status: voluble fleas nickering a vicious clangor, hardly surreptitiously chatterboxing: in our aching ears they are, aren't they? Servicing photo-op voyeurism, thus having other-directely stripped away last vestiges of authentic intrinsic motivation, the global leadership elite, by projective-identification, consigns the whole species to dynamics of the fetishization process. Ecdysiasts all, are we then: scolded, shooed, then scalded and scampering across the hot, tilted table aslide of oncoming night; on prowl and having been once burned, one of nine lives lost for the curiosity given up, settling for a comfy cubby and set of blinds, nowadays penetrated by infrared-imaging green haze and even WiFi. Lackadaisically off kilter, all aquaver, if unbowed? Hmmm More like Hardly your bleedin' stiff upper lip! Nae as stiff as spankin' new Buffalo Shoe Company caulk boots only just first filled with oil. Ever-so-green rice stems standing autarkical in the muddy field, coming up stubby again' the slicing scythe. Humanity engaged in self-apocope cum self-syncope cum self-aphaeresis, hardly a viable paragoge to be found: the jury, even, abjuring diction of the juris! Half-team or A-team, any surveillance tech by which you espy it, ain't about big units, centralization, autarchy, so on and so forth: even during the WWII-era, amongst the Greatest Gen, there were a few who understood. Beat feet, or stand ground, we scarpers? that's the question when the camp's bein' overrun. By way of an answer: Can't dance! was the Vietnam-era, SF-abbreviated version of Don't need a big band to jitterbug! So, facing fetish, at objectification by robotification (see: Robots Will Change World Beyond Recognition Says BoA; Automation Will Change Jobs More Than Kill Them Says McKinsey, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 7 November 2015), stand and deliver -- or di di mau? The perspective-on-bots I've argued from the mid-1980s (this perspective was clear much earlier than that to those far better informed than was I, e.g., architecture critic Chris Abel) is that, with advent of modular robotic tooling systems (retooling made, thereby, rapid and cost effective, even for very short runs, e.g., unique design for all the doorknobs of a given single building, attention to detail potentially approaching that traditionally accorded, say, creation of teacups used in Japanese Chanoyu, the Way of Tea), the monoculture uniformization imposed by mass production could be overcome, and handicraft at tropological metareferencing in design resurrected -- the handicraft aspect being labor intensive, intellectually and aesthetically challenging. One would have thought that the Japanese would have been deeply into this decades ago. Why a focus upon tropes? Because, once upon a memetime, and, nowadays, far and away, tropological multi-utilities by metareference in design facilitated spontaneous social order, alleviated decision-need, minimized necessity for the thin blue line presently having become a broad olive swath. But, alas, collective ConveDDs and mass fantasy have fixated the social structure of demotic-attention cathexes and directed public imagination into other directions, e.g., that exemplified by billion+-dollar-box-office Transformers: Age of Extinction and the Virtual reality simulator where players live out final moments of 9/11 , discussed by Tom Wyke in the Daily Mail, 30 October 2015. I've, however, long been aware of the conversion-disorder displacements involved, and that the above-offered notion with respect to robotic retooling systems would not work to save employment (for an interesting discussion of some of the whys, see: Why I Will Never Hire Anyone, Even at $1/Hour, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 9 November 2015) without implementation of band-pass, externality-tagged, µTm-value-stacked LETS nesting foams mapped over adaptively changing fractal e-boundaries. Nor, in my opinion, would Smith's CLIME (Community Labor Integrated Money Economy: see his recent book entitled A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology, and Creating Jobs for All: The Future Belongs to Work That Is Meaningful, Trewe Press, 26 October 2015) notion work well absent such m-LOGICALLY-valued currencies.
Since 1T2-lawfare logically precludes undistributed middles, it finds itself, in face of ever-magnifying technospheric multiple-connectivities and Mobius-nonorientabilities, allowing, for instance -- even when discounting, indeed, altogether ignoring, multivalued logics and Everettian relative-state, not to mention quantum non-simple identity -- advanced-waiver agreements to disallow this and that 1T2-law, e.g., those appertaining to conflict of interest. And, when not doing so de jure, doing so de facto. Moreover, one could rightfully assert that the prevailing global financial crisis would have in large measure been avoided had there been µTm-logically-valued laws -- rooted in legal analogues to fiber-bundle arithmetics, Clifford parallels, compactification theory, Calabi-Yau dimensions, and CURL dynamics -- applicable to the bundling of bundles of n-hypothecated mortgage-backed securities and related derivatives. Little (see, for instance: this linked passage from Jurisprudence: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis of Law, Anthony A. D'Amato, Springer, 1984; and Quantum Physics in Private Law, Avner Levin, Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 14:2, 2 July 2001) of real interest is to be found, at least that I have so far found, on this subject not focused upon the most superficial accounts of quantum principles, the best we possibly yet have being applicable only to the very restricted realm of consideration going under the rubric electronically stored information, as examined in E-Discovery as Quantum Law: Clash of Cultures -- What the Future Portends, Kevin McCann, Journal of Law and Technology, 10, 3 April 2013.
Socially-conferred role attributions, once identified with and personated, certainly can coerce, kill; they cannot, however, induce belief in the arrogation they represent. While I do not advocate gaming the existing system, indeed, regard such malfeasance as obviously counterproductive to the commonweal cum common-wealth, whatever the circumstances, that does not mean that I believe in the existing system. My I/i doesn't find entertaining, tolerable even, situation comedies -- Greek theatrical and/or Hollywood cinematographic -- scripted specifically to assimilate-accommodate the naive public (i.e., those volunteering to be perception managed, the normotic masses, the no-longer-so-silent cellulated-FaceBooking moral majority, some found among tweeting tweeps, sans the subclass thereof deemable twerpy nerds) to prevailing infra-politics-economics-sociality-psychotomimesis. Barf-barf-barf, really -- and especially so when it is understood that much which the mass-media soft-peddle-designates as being blowback is actually blowfront, a conversion-disorder displacement of the parasitic financial practice called front running, false-flagged and/or black-flagged, and that off-duty skinhead cops are indistinguishable from on-duty skinhead neoNazis. Is black-propaganda-consciously-believed-by-those-who-produce-it still black propaganda? Of course it is -- and all the more effective for being consciously believed. What is -- for one example of etiology -- momentarily recognized, found shockingly unacceptable qua threateningly unassimilable, is instantly repressed, hence regressed, and while thus no longer conscious still yet resides in the personal subliminal, from whence it clandestinely vectors conscious beliefs according to the dictates of compensatory abreactions, about which the unexamined introspectively-inept mind entertains no inkling. This is the case, just as a conspiracy need not be conscious to the conspirators. Indeed, collective unconscious regressed archetypal event gradients are vastly more pervasive producers of conspiratorial behavioral gestalts than are those producers consciously elaborated -- and generally very much more militantly festered with necrotic psychological, social, political, economic, military morbidity. The idol-virtuoso-celeb-starmaker system is consuming itself-itcontext in whatever corner of society it continues to squat: film, sports, science, plastic arts, finance, fashion, so on. Yup, autoimmune disease, if not yet quite as severe as that to which sea creatures have succumbed (see, for instance, Millions of starfish along Pacific coast are dying due to a mysterious disease that causes the sea stars to devour themselves, Regina F. Graham, The Daily Mail, 30 October 2015): the bad-guy stars whom we created, as our very own good-ol' frontline boys at post-Tet-'68, poppy-fields-forever, BCCI-NuganHand-FirstAmericanBankOfVirginia (I've had an account there ever since 1968 when it was Arlington Trust Company, and, when I was earlier sent to Viet Nam, had half of my meager monthly income automatically diverted to Putnam Equities Fund, based on the small accumulated collateral of which I received an ATC loan upon returning from Saigon), Pak-into-Afghan initiation of the get-some-back-from-the-bear takedown strategy (discussed with considerable affect-charge in the hallways of MACV-HQ, immediate post-Tet), segued from their desert-mountain ecclesiastic stodginess, adopted the 1982 MartinSiegel-innovated (see pages 111-12 of James B. Stewart's Den of Thieves, circa 1992) Martin-Marietta PacMan defense, sent out their anti-DNA antibodies, and began to eat their creators' nation-state-level M&A agenda for lunch, a sharia-law-abiding caliphate being the only desert item on the menu. The NeoCon nation-state-level M&A agenda is an example of what is technically designated conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD), while the franchising (actually a far-from-equilibrium autopoietic process fed by the multidimensional negentropy provided by the involved infrastructure's creators-adversaries, the bold [bomb}astic campaigns [imp}ressively knee-jerk initiated by their [imp}erium opposition being the primary source of the free-energy required: even yet it is still not understood that the suckering stings are undertaken primarily to elicit counterinsurgent actions needed to facilitate insurgent self-organizational phase transitions, as is clear flashing forward, in, for instance, How ISIS Suckered the West, Maajid Nawaz, The Daily Beast, 1 December 2015) attributed to AQ&A and derivatives is an example of what is technically designated psychological projection. Even in circumstances where the false-flag has been made (initiated at any one of n-levels of terrorist qua-cum counterterrorist infrastructure: see, for an astute forecast offered by French independent political analyst Gearoid O'Colmain, There's No Such Thing As ISIS , Zero Hedge, 17 November 2015) a persistent feature of the spectrum of actions undertaken, such conditions (not subscribing to exclusion of the middle excluded by the unexcluded-middle-fallacy proscription predicated by 1T2-only logic) do not mean that the created/subverted entity used for false-flag operations is incapable of developing and implementing its own independent agendas, both short- and long-term. For an account of the U.K. role, back to the Suez crisis, if not so much covering WWI and earlier eras, see Mark Curtis' book Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion With Radical Islam, Serpent's Tail, June 2015, and his earlier summarizing paper entitled Introduction to , March of 2012. O, the Dominance of the Dumbest qua Moron à la Mode state of our civilization in its culture-clash-driven transit toward the event horizon. It's sad, indeed, that basic properties of our whole economic system, not merely of long-running bull markets, assure that it must rely upon violations of nature -- e.g., 1T2-MergerMania unsupported by any sort of accompanying applied holographic principle: M&A-value is not at all likely to be one among the stack of values e-commons computer-game placed upon the base-state of any given single µTm-logically-valued LETS currency unit -- simply in order to continue to function, if only pathologically, in face of infusions of µTm-quantum-based technologies, even when those technologies are heavily dressed in binary-logic persona-overcoats. Value, like energy, like risk, like time-shape cannot be created or destroyed, only recognized or not, and, if recognized, then transformed, concentrated, dispersed, moved around: that framework determining condition is evocative of the fundament known as the AllBase state of Tzog-chen, i.e., the MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space cyclotomically demergent under 3-fold operator-time, and resident within which are the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, upon which time-shapes any global quantum-composite (think: µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, defined, according to the holographic principle, over fractal e-boundaries) unit of account should be based. I don't, most fundamentally, believe there are laws of nature, or even laws of form, understood in the generative qua memetime-dynamical qua cellular-automaton qua emergent Western sense; I'm with the ancient Chinese I-Ching chronomantic's belief in the pattern of the time, i.e., the demergent chronotopological M-fold gestalt actively effectuated by Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic-involutory-decompositional µTm-quantal operator-time, the fatidic aspect having been tacked on as a demotic device designed to garner popular appeal, far better, it must be admitted, than prophecy propelled by graduates of the School of Augury. The very notions conflict of interest, insider trading, transaction rent, and the like are artifacts of the µTm-quantum holographic-empathic-Cantorian relative-state-precluding cum identity-transparency-precluding 1T2-only middle-distributing logic mis{mal}feasantly embodied-as/incorporated-within market framework determining conditions, such as those limiting the logical-value order-type of currencies employed (and other sorts of information exchange units) to that binary, the most restricted available, availability ultimately involving Cantorian cardinalities. Moreover, the µTm-identity-transparency-precluding notion insider trading is a memetime-bound-sensitive 1T2-legalism brought under in-principle fundamental assault by techno-driven market-memetime dilations collectively induced by ever-increasing information availability and processing speeds, amplifying interconnectivities, sophisticated pattern-analysis software, high-frequency trading, n-bundling of securities, n-hypothecation, telepresence, instantaneous cellular photo-document transmission, MoSoSoed smart-mob information dribbling, so on. Market micro-actors, governmental and quasi-governmental macro-actors, as well as the physicist-mathematician dropouts suborned to Wall Street, being identified with 1T2-only logic, thus memetime-bound and truth-value fixated, can't quite get it into their heads that the infinity of infinities of n-universes Everettian split-off as the arrow of memetime proceeds are, sans Maya-Samsara, actually always all ways already all ready heretherehere on the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space -- but not as absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct incommunicado universes, rather as CTC-demergent-under-operator-time-unto-µTm relative-states (i.e., Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes) of this one-and-only universe. All-That-Is is demergent-remergent infinite regress, not vacuous regress biosemiotics-wise (see: Howard Hunt Pattee, et al., eds., Laws, Language and Life, Springer, 2012, p. 232), but regress from/to vacuum. Life absent awareness of this, what is it worth; indeed, what is it, if not a travesty? No bloomin' wonder, mate, that institutional-inertial cum collective back-reactive knee-jerk to this techno-driven fundamental assault, and those psycho-assaults associated, should have been ConveDDed to a GWOT. Even experts insider-become-OutsiderCritics don't get-it (flashing forward, see, for instance, Top NSA Whistleblower: Only AFTER the Attack and People Die , Washington's Blog, 2 December 2015), don't understand that, whatever may have been enunciated into consciousness, actual (possibly to some extent subliminal) intent has never been to eradicate such a valuable policy tool as terrorism. Haven't got the smarts or the psychological wherewithal to deal with these problems within the domains they arise? Well, then, go into denial, conversion-disorder displace, then drop bombing campaigns, missile strikes, droned death-from-above upon the transference figures established through the involved mass projective-identification (in just the same psychotic-ConveDD fashion as Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia strategic-bombing-survey targeting policy was cooked up: Decimus Gallorum having been our Chief Surveyor, StratBombCom). Rule of law (no less than by war) = failure: framework-related regulatory laws in particular are the embodiment of failures of creative imagination vis-à-vis, most especially, framework determining conditions, to again use the Bennettian term. Subsequent to the FED-interest-rate-kicked (i.e., its interest-rate compensatory abreaction to consequences of LBJ's guns-n-butter) and junk-bond-hastened S&Lcrisis-related cum Milken-related 1987 crash (note that the Federal Reserve scrupulously avoids recognizing any such connections) and UAL-junkbonded-buyout-failure-related 1989 mini-crash, the already very complex degree of mathematical-algorithmic esoterica involved in trades, programmed and otherwise, greatly amplified -- particularly regarding those of the derivative varieties (µTm-quantum-based-technology-forced financial innovations, in turn, in part forced into ConveDDs by 1T2-only-logic legalistic prescriptions, hence sans a proper foundation in fiber-bundle arithmetics, Clifford parallels, null vectors, bi-quaternionic nilpotents, µTm-valued logics, so on, and a user-friendly interface founded upon holographic Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation) -- this amplification having been facilitated, despite most others surely having become more deterred from engaging in the crimes specifically prosecuted, in no small part, one may speculate, by back-reaction-upon-the-metric of pre-crash prosecutions cum tax-law-change issues, thus pushing misfeasance and malfeasance very much more thoroughly into the marrow of markets and making mis-mal all but non-viewable, thereby, among much else, stoking far more than before income disparities. An agonistic, contentiously adversarial, countervailing-forces environment is not exactly a favorable cognitive context within which to expect authentically creative maths innovations-applications. Insistence upon firewalled-ChinaWalled secrecy so as to protect against insider trading in an over-financialized quantum-based-technology-facilitated psycho-socio-politico-business-police-intel-mil environment, evermore pandemically utilizing the involved techno-infusions and adamantly opposed to all forms of privacy-encryption, even unto DARPA-funded development of thought-larceny technologies, judicial enjoining and prior restraint being transformed into an aspect of gene science, is just one of the many double-bind schizophrenogenic oxymorons to have issued out of the governing ConveDDs. Of course, Total-Information-Awareness governance doesn't entertain visions of universal-objective application of its no-privacy principle, not to sound-biting talking-pointer flacks at any rate, and certainly not in the 1T2-lawfare context; for, otherwise, disallowed would be, say, protective orders relative to disclosure in discovery, disclosure concerning information the prosecution has and wishes to hide from the defense during the pretrial period. Open-source to us for our benefit, not to them for theirs. Apropos is the would-be paper title, Racketeering of Hobbesian-Lockean-Boolean governments, NGOs, and other corrupt Cartesian-Newtonian-Weberian organizations. In this vein, it can be observed that the admission-of-guilt-in-return-for-lenience devolution from institutionalized religious practice, however compassionate and laudatory, flies in the face of strictures imposed by rule-conventions associated with the value-order-type of the logic under which the legal framework was created and its laws are construed on precedent, argued, written, promulgated -- as does the fact that the full spectrum of negative emotions, however bottled up by rules of order and decorum, play no less a role in determining outcomes than they earlier had in play out of the crimes allegedly committed. Moreover, the very fact that money is lost-made in arriving at judicial-truth, that prosecutorial success can lead directly to high political office, provide supporting evidence as to how little excluded, despite jurisprudential hagiography, the 1T2-excluded middle actually is -- yet the order of logical-value with which the participants identify does not change to accommodate the reality. Etiology of the mounting corpus of collective ConveDDs is found in the myriad instances of such lack of correspondence, as these instances have increasingly become endemic across many areas of human endeavor. Objection, Your Honor, repetitious. This protest is never sustained with regard to the echolalia of Hollywood, CNN, full corpus of cable offerings, politicians, American foreign policy, U.S. military strategy Objection, Your Honor, leading the witness. This protest is never sustained with regard to any functional element of America's black propaganda industry. Let it be noted in the context of these contexts that the nootropic drug Lucy took is portrayed in the film as having expanded a 10-percent to 100-percent usage of the binary-logic-gate capacity of the molecular-cellular brains not containing THE µTm-quantum brain: no suggestion is given as to the infinities of infinities of logical values to a given proposition made available by CTC-unto-µTm understood independent of the notion truth-value. Here we have one more example of the black propaganda promulgated against Lukasiewicz logics so as to keep them out of, say, economics, theory of monetary systems and financial instruments. Repeating here somewhat, for emphasis: to the degree that fundaments of the economic-monetary-financial system are poorly conceived and implemented, to the same degree are, say, securities laws required -- that requirement being greatly exacerbated when the prevailing institutionalization embodies a 200-years-dead Weltanschauung, in the present case Weltanshalong. The most that ever issues out of the conundrum are calls for better security laws and/or better enforcement. Heh-heh-heh! Don't underestimate the degree to which the government qua government has taken a financial interest in the stock market, and, in a manner of speaking, conspires trades for its own book -- the criminal activities frequently involved in orchestrating entrapments and the Art of the Plea Deal often having little to do with the involved 1T2-laws, much to do with interagency-conflict checks-and-balances plus government PR -- this conspiratorial behavior all the more effectively undermining integrity of market fundamentals, and doing so far more than does the whole corpus of non-governmental violators of security laws. The GWOT conspiracy -- extra-judicial murder being deemed by Hollywood a Good Kill if the victim is seen to be a wife-socker sans soccer player sans sockdolager; judicial murder not to be forgotten, of course -- is easily regarded a ConveDD of the pathological reaction, elicited within the 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization, to the terrorizing assault mounted upon it by µTm-quantum-based technologies. So often are ill-gotten gains the platform from which well-gotten financial GoodKillings are gained that securities laws, stigmatizing as felonious ill-getting by piloted concerns and nearly-autonomous ALGO-drones, are not only ludicrous, but thereby all the more facilitating relative to preventing substantial adaptive transformation of systemic 1T2-fundaments faltering in face of ever-increasing infusions of µTm-quantum-based technologies. And this, this is the case! in a FED-Treasury-SEC-etc policy-regulatory cum 1T2-lawfare context ostensibly parameterized by econometric behavior equations and associated rules which assiduously suppress registration of the self-referential qua self-reentrant µTm-logical Sorosian market reflexivities involved, existence of which is recognized, if not well understood, by all as in part mediated by information flows inherently osmotic and analogical to those dictating condensation and precipitation (why else would Cornell grad students in atmospheric science have seen parallels sufficient to their discussion, and, in one case I am aware of, to have taken the acquired knowledge to Wall Street during the late-1970s?) -- not understood by most, however, is that such flows are converted bleed-out of the m-valued, µTm-processed information inherent to all complex systems, which information, in prevailing markets, is suppressed by 1T2-only framework determining conditions, but which more and more breaks out due largely to expanding applications of electron-speed processing and communications. This massively gathering expansion being a giveth this day our daily bread-form of civil disobedience found in the willful-negligence guise of techno-econometric insolence? States of denial aside, when semantic dimensions of the words governments, politicians, economists, bankers, and lies are virtually synonymous, even publicly admitted to be so, and contextualized by mass identification with 1T2-only truth-value, what sense can possibly be made of the claim that the government takes perjury charges very seriously? Selective victimization? Good and bad lies, relative to the guv? White lies, relative to the guv? Gray-scale lies, relative to the guv? If the last, then the 1T2-only logic employed at formulation of econometric behavior equations cannot be a reliable basis for promulgation of rules. Once identification with 1T2-only logic is outgrown, no precept in any current field of human endeavor can be embraced unequivocally. On and on could this vein be followed, the naked coercion explicit in the oxymoronic consent of consent decrees, for instance, rotationally, Tai-Chi-like, violating the linear terms of 1T2-only rationality. When one thinks of what could have been done with the enormous resources devoted to GWOT, and other resources dissipated thereby -- which I pretty well intimated inevitability of as a Middle East intel analyst at JFKSWCS, circa 1967, and while at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, circa 1968 -- for implementation of that which GWOT ConveDDs, i.e., µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams defined and mapped over fractal e-boundaries according to the holographic principle, the magnitude of such a stupendous collective failure, in respect to the question of adequately meeting the myriad challenges posed by the ever-increasing risk of anthropogenically-induced extinction of life on Earth, well, it's hardly contemplatable. Taking to fortified initial conditions and moving along the 1T2-boundary road, sacrificing man{wo}man to purported principle, then bidding for the mandate required to systematically degrade principle. Even Mucus Pucus didn't veto the [loco}motion by which modern [demo}cracy replaced nature-propitiating animistic-pagan tribes with secret societies, clubs, parties, amalgamated these parties, subjected them to a gerrymandered electoral college, PACed them, made magamoney that most represented -- and there is some question as to whether or not anthropogenic self-annihilation will characterize coming cuspover? Uh, uh, analogically modeled in The Last Samurai remake of the red-nexican's The Wild Bunch! I remember with considerable clarity how, when it appeared during the mid-'60s, A Fist Full of Dollars affected trainees of SFTG, of which I was one, many of whom fully psychologically embraced the likelihood of never seeing age 30. ConveDDs are established through cognitive associations that appear to be free, utterly anomalous, not consciously associable, but which are actually in syzygy with regressed archetypally-constellated collective unconscious event gradients. Whenever it seems indicated, I write in a paraphasia fashion mirroring this pathogenic process about which further comprehension would be a considerable benison. Is what's good for America good for Americans? One would have thought that the papacy should have recognized existence of [piece}meal world war long before now. Consider that Samuel P. Huntington's promotional Harvard-coined forced-draft urbanization (and associated free-fire zones) prefiguring his forecasted-fomented clash of civilizations was merely an elaboration upon 1T2-only-monetization of the rural economy (and associated alienation of the lands clean-worked in small holdings, thus relatively free of large-scale industrial-AG contaminations), and that Kelly M. Greenhill's Berkeley-Harvard-MIT-Tufts-coined coercive engineered migration is merely an elaboration upon the Huntingtonesque sort of military-staff-formulated, strategy-induced migrations having precedents going back at least to the staff of Moses and the Red Sea. Haven't cities always been land-alienated/forced-draft-migrated into existence, and is that likely to change in our up-against-cusp planetary situation, absent, say, µTm-valued LETS nesting foams (see: Refugee camps are the 'cities of tomorrow', says humanitarian-aid expert, Dezeen Magazine, 23 November 2015: Talia Radford interviews Kilian Kleinschmidt)? Then there are the associated busing-for-ballot-stuffing importive engineered migrations, such as that the U.S. and E.U. have recently engaged in, and others, subsets really, discussed in Greenhill's book, Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy, Cornell U. Press, 2010: dispossessive engineered migrations, exportive engineered migrations, militarized engineered migrations. Prison labor camps prepare the mind for extraordinary rendition camps, which ptmf preventive detention camps, which ptmf concentration camps, which ptmf extermination camps, which ptmf With apatheia, an aposiopesis here. In the midst of all this 1T2-borders-crossing coercion, initialization of fractal e-boundaries for definition of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams? Humph! and heh-heh-heh! Consider that Everettian relative-state identity-transparency is pathogonically, but not cosmogonically, handled by a regressed collective unconscious as identity-vengeance-guided boundary dissolution: see the excellent piece by James Howard Kunstler entitled Boundary Problems, Clusterfuck Nation, 23 November 2015. Nature will deal with this -- likely after the rapidly approaching PW1 (planetary war one) unfolds -- because humans have quenched the required psychological wherewithal. One theme herein periodically broached is that there can be found no indication whatsoever that the human species likely will well-survive the tri-millennial challenge posed by reemergence of the µTm-valued animistic-pagan logics of relative-state identity-transparency (1T2-only-valued logic, syllogistic/rotational, employed by dominating cultures from roughly 1000 B.C.E. until nowadays, formalization having begun around the 6th century B.C.E. primarily in India and Greece, the 1T3-logic of pre-Columbian Andean Aymara culture [my understanding of µTm-valued logics involves non-self-identical numbers, e.g., Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers and Everettian relative-state identity-transparency, such that states, not fuzzy-degrees of truth-value, constitute the semantic dimension] going largely unmentioned, Chinese yin-yang logic, being rotational and not formalized in modern fashion, also, as to early history, going largely unmentioned: parenthetically, I sought out from an out-of-print book finder a copy of Hu Shih's The Development of the Logical Method in Ancient China, The Oriental Book Company, Shanghai, 1917, and read it, much to my benefit, soon after returning from the Viet Nam war) because that species has recently made substantial assaults, by infra-technology and behavioral malfeasance, upon nature's n-body µTm-logical superintegration, and, in face of early-on natural blowback-consequences of those assaults has resolutely, the species appearing to be presently presentencing, reverted to re-entrenchment in psychological identification with 1T2-only logic, and carried that state of heightened identification into every field of its endeavors, even the field potentiated to subvert this state of identification, i.e., quantum computing.
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