µTm Scenarios, T26(M)
What invested the nation-state, and associated mental states of its various socially-conferred role attributions, with power of life and death -- widely regarded de jure, if one can believe it, not merely de facto? A social contract which no one, following birth or upon reaching maturity, ever saw or signed? At expression of such thought crime as this! call out the PoFFs, Police Field Forces; call out the CentCom centuries; call out the SpecOps legions. That'll do it! If certain service agencies had unfettered ways and means vis-à-vis their crucibles, all men of mark would nowadays be marked men. What 1T2-trades of bankster-arbitrageurs are not market reflexivities on the Field of Mars (see, for instance, Big banks accused of interest rate-swap fixing in U.S. class action suit, Mike Kentz, Reuters, 26 November 2015); what infrapolitics of the body impolitic are not effluent of this and that cohort and their PACed denizens; what [pa}lad|ins' pounces, cheng or ch'i forces employed, are not mere spatial posturing oblivious to Zenergy (ZaZenic negentropy of trophotropic ataraxia?) and Clausewitz's time by a dynamic analogy as a factor of forces (the 'mechanism' of meaning involved being rather like that responsible for how rotational-yin/yang logically-valued properties of manifolds are inverted, à la General Relativity, by Tai-Chi-transform diffeomorphisms)? In finance, politics and war, heshe who takes hold of the topological handle and twists it with operator-time makes use of, is not used by, the field of, the curvature configuration of, the domain of engagement. Similarly, while this and that human-systems specific event may be reasonably well construed as having discrete-concrete causes (e.g., creation of the people-who-need-it-least-get-the-most social security system), the pattern of such events has cause-attractor determinants on manifold of archetypal event gradients; thus, the really substantively influential himher takes little interest in concrete causes/events and acts upon collective unconscious constellation of these archetypal gradients. The Hitlers and Mansons do this negatively by intensely identifying with personified regressions, i.e., with archetypal figures (e.g., Ho! Io! Huzza! Hurra! I, Iambe: thus sprach Anima the Great, full of animus, contrasexual apotheosis of The Man in one of Her many guises, standing before the Temple of Casther); avatars and saints, positively by simple-self emptying sufficient to, without distortion, registration of cognitive imprints of un[man}ipulated archetypal material, thus constellating that material in the field of the [meme}time. Personally, I stopped revering, started to inwardly disparage, American military officers as an eight-year-old (social insolence, however, beyond doubt, was not worth the effort, sure as it was to be beaten down; a roistering psychological insolence, though, being largely private, now there was something rich in its rewards) watching them in formal dress uniforms preening about in the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, circa 1953; lost faith in the USG as a high school kid, circa Summer of 1960, at a SAC cum U-2 base in Alaska when it became apparent to me that the President had lied about the Gary Powers incident; began as an AU-SIS student, circa 1963, to utterly dislike inferior people in high positions, the sort referred to in commentaries on I-Ching hexagrams; came to strongly doubt intelligence is brought to formulation of American foreign policy with the 1965 build up in commitment of troops to the war in Viet Nam; in subsequent years increasingly found the incredible normotic cognitive myopia (having been stepped up from Nazi genocide to [demo}panocide via mass murder by, well, say, for example, food science, we increasingly have the irradiated, MSGed, GMOed, preservatived, pesticided, herbicided, fungicided, Monsanto-corn fed, sugared-up, manned-up on cognitively caponizing anabolic steroids and other contaminant feed additives, that is, those well-ordered with psychiatric drugs, surveillance, blackpsyche, assiduously-cultivated terrorists and associated street drugs, 24/7 foreign wars ) of most Americans I met sufficiently off-putting as to quench any impulse I might have had to undertake significant engagement. Have we hieratica-the-toilet-paper-role or the Hieraticate, our most reviled dawdling claque, the global leadership elite? No mystagogues, surely, at least not in any numinous mystical sense; no longer hair puffed into quiffs, conniving colons still, still early in the day prowling Porta Colonicus, later standing in the elisions composing Romanesque colonnades from whence with relish they boom their [riiip}artee. Acidic imprimatur of competing notorious electoral animosities, that draggling lot: buoyant platitude plumes intercalated amidst the sinking vitriol spewed forth as severe wagerings of uh, a quashing (ingenuously dispairing) pretense to folksy humility -- heh-heh-heh! O, the [suffer}ages caused by exercise of their [s(n)uff}rages! Kill-n-tell books cum films having juddered upon risers of invective riding the up-escalator unto genocide-n-tell, what's neXT on the unremitting mainstream's SiliconVale-HollywoodBlvd-MadisonAve docket? Rhetorical styles of elocution aside, Don't Tread On uh, The Trend! is their tacit motto, their clandestine declamation. Yea-ya, they, them, each a Cincinnatus in imagination, a master of preferment conspiring interment to the e-CC incarceration to which we are all increasingly confined, those-whats who-which monger the calumny which is a Weltanschauung seeking its future in re[mem}prance of things past. Generic corporate jackal-face cards, no less than logoed Wall Street hyena-locos, have overlong been the 1T2-scullarymaids of unbridled, but logical-value-order-type-deprived, capitalism, incarnate and ghost of. Imperium (Robert Harris, Hutchinson, 2006): is it naught but an allegorical tale of Rudolph Giuliani in the guise of Cicero the Legalate sans the poet, neither G nor C being a magic-without-magic believer in Wheelerian law-without-law? There has been no requirement for a vote-in of far-right parties in order to realize dominating agendas: Nazi parties, going by other names, have controlled democracies for several decades at least. Going farther back into memetime, FDR, uh, Franklinis Delanotio Rooseveltanus, for instance, had -- ostensibly had, were one to consider the then extant regressed collective unconscious event gradients -- the nearly unique opportunity to create an actual monetary system, not a mere sham, an equitable system, a system not certain to self-destruct within a few decades. He chose not to do so. Why? One of many reasons (see Michael Hudson's Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1972, for something of a catalogue thereof), perhaps the most important: Exorbitant Privilege: 'The Dollar Is Our Currency But Your Problem', Dan Popescu, GoldBroker, 31 August 2015. Some came running to the fountainhead for slurps of wisdom, but, alas, never learned why Atlas shrugged. Such snubbery! But not the conscious whys, the real whys? The subsequent SDR innovation was an attempt to sure-up an unsure failing system -- and has in the ensuing period pretty well failed to save that which continues into greater failure. An SDR basket incorporating gold, then, no µTmly quantum-composite, given non-failsafe cubed, is that the best 1T2-idea the world's Best & Brightest binary-monetary theorists can come up with, even were the SDR bitcoined, as the foundational notion of a new global monetary system? A RobertHarris poll on the politics of money unpossessed-but-coveted, the domain of ergotropic taraxia: Dear gods! What a heap of ash most political careers amount to, when one really stops to consider them! [p. 330] Since when has idiocy been a bar to advancement in politics? [p. 334] the ability to listen to bores requires stamina, and such stamina is the essence of politics. [p. 339] The Bretton Woods monetary system and its devolution has been largely responsible for the unconscionable planetarized-poverty privations, megadeath, and mighty-mega-suffering of the post-WWII decades, megadeath in toto dwarfing that subset directly due to our wars-in-scores of the period, as per, for instance, Deaths In Other Nations Since WWII Due To US Interventions, James A. Lucas, Countercurrents, 24 April 2007. For before-and-after photos of the MiddleEast/NorthAfrica, see: Murder and Mayhem in the Middle East, Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity, 30 November 2015. As regards demotic whys, those infecting mass mind, it can be observed -- relevant because VC cum NVA broke the back of Bretton Woods One -- that Vietnam-related Chuck Norris stuff, for instance, e.g., Missing In Action, is so utterly embarrassing, mortifying, to any American supra-imbecile who served in the Viet Nam war, so much the stuff of a psychological knacker-carnifex, that it's admittedly hard for mere gawpers to fathom the metapsychology prompting such bizarre cinematographic effusions -- except, uh, uh, that I know the type, that sort who has once again successfully skirted Terminalia and associated boundaries. While visiting Bangkok, give my regards to Our Lady of Thermae, inevitably says he to me. Whilst many USIS-emulating Hollywood black-propaganda films can only be, by all conscionable considerations, rightfully regarded authentically criminal, given the collective-behavior effects which the falsifications they help propagate induce, how much, parallelly, is CNN ordure -- one kind of volcanic lightning surely eliciting extreme affect-charge from those on whatsoever-addressed scene -- a responsible agency for the very thing that news station most ingenuously most condemns? O, the red-alert air pollution caused by mainstream-media tantara cum tantivy! The CNN upgrade on The Daily Planet: minds more like gravity-knives than switchblades. Having had a bit of experience in this area, at Psychological Operations Group, JFKSWCS, the classified library therein being of, heh-heh-heh, significance (don't even try! to imagine what 6-months of near-totally-free-access, knowingly weaseled into and understanding the import of, 14-waking-hours/day, given my mil-brat background and savvy, produced, circa 1967, relative to the staggeringly-elaborate historical archive, undertaken [quitting SF, with really-justifiable cause, produced the opportunity, so the astute imagination imagined, to accomplish MORE in the larger human interest, even if that was never actually to be revealed] ONLY for the internal-to-me-only, heh-heh-heh, expressed purpose of interrogating history, and never having revealed anything proprietary which I thereby learned, finding, as personal-edification agenda [don't understand this? then couldn't possibly comprehend the identity issues involved] where I, born Flag Day of 1945 to a B-17 pilot, fit into the Army-Navy Country Club psychosociopolitico-environment, which I, by myriad extensions, accumulated over 15 years at Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, and many O-Clubs, important and incidental, and which I so well knew, feeling, nonetheless, that I didn't really comprehend the essence of, but that the attempted exploration of which ultimately contributed massively to my inner-work development) and having interacted with some particularly insightful female ex-OSS-MO-types, via good-office introductions executed by Archimedes Patti (there being conscience-imposed limits to curiosity, not all such introductory-offerings were accepted, e.g., Peter N. Gillingham's offer as regards his mentor Edward Landsdale, as W. David Kubiak could testify), I've long entertained the notion that what appears to work for the propagandist on the conscious level, may be altogether disastrous when full dimensions of the unconscious response, personal and collective, are adequately assessed. I remember my last politico-military discussion with an inside-the-beltway sort, circa 1981 or 1982, at a Georgetown dinner table, with Ned Beach (cf: Run Silent, Run Deep), concerning causes and effects (though I am strong on archetypal strange attractors): after that, I decided that I would never similarly engage again. Not enough shared assumptions, beliefs, values to warrant investment of effort. Given the actual proximal-cause triggers to the North's invasion of the South, it's hard to imagine that Phoenix Global Central will manage to avoid eventually precipitating something like a Korean war planetarized. Right, mantle wings over your kills, m'man: bring it on! say they, toxic apex predators stepping wicked good and unawares into the mantraps set by their own sting ops. Full-spectrum dominance by total 1T2-information awareness as foundation stone of politico-military economy -- dodgy counter-security consultants utterly commonplace, pedestrianized, in all sincerity regarding themselves upright private security subcontractors -- is a violation of nature (of hisherits CTC-MVRS covering of AllBase-state of Tzog-chen) the impacts of which nature will not indefinitely tolerate. What is there with which to dredge the subliminal? With good reason, what Wolfgang Luthe regarded as creativity mobilization, writing, for instance, no less than, say, painting, sculpture, and music composition, may be undertaken as primarily autodidactic process of autogenic-abreactive inner-counterwork, not as primarily communicative-remunerative. That this was the case with our novel was clearly stated in the last sentence of that work, Vol. 2, page 686. Among respondents to postings on The Moon of Hoa Binh website was a onetime SOG operator cum lictor noting his onetime Top Secret clearance and stating that even he, with his background and access, could not at all stand to read my material, my silly soliloquy, so mistaken are the basic ideas therein elucidated. I did not attempt declamatory verbosity designed to disabuse him of this [infra}assessment, or question (ir)relevance of protuberant top-secret code-word tactical-actionable, so very associated to one and more of those higher forms of killing, with respect to the debouched, but hardly well attended to, confidential-secret strategic-contextual. Not yet sunken and sallow, even McNamara high-falutin TOP-Top-Secret couldn't conceivably have gained practical access to confidential-secret notions -- not mere information, raw or collated -- he most needed, were he to have efficaciously realized his prescriptively formulated decision algorithms, assuming these were worthy of the relevant given situations, which they weren't, and which he obviously did not accomplish sufficient to proclaimed purposes. All mere infelicities aside, absent direct experience of the process of discovery, there is no possibility of real comprehension of the requisite principles. Shutdown of cognition in this area of human experience has been substantial since the early-1960s (e.g., against the law in RVN even to know VCI terminology, to include even translators at the NIC) and in considerable measure responsible (who amongst those knowledgeable found a reasonable risk/benefit assessment permitting unvarnished revelatory public discourse?) for devolution to prevailing circumstances wherein an absolute collective mental breakdown is being prepared by leeeGAL mandate, i.e., justified by recourse to prevailing judicature even though it is largely irrelevant. There are many non-governmental causes-attractors of-to that which is most decried today, for instance, spiraling global and local income disparities significantly spawned by a system developed top-down to facilitate day-in/day-out normative corporate MOs, and behaviors of corporate employees, specifically designed to screw-over the customer-client-patient base, plus non-upper-management-employee corpus (to include those slave-labor-insourced: see, These 7 Household Names Make a Killing Off of the Prison-Industrial Complex, Kelley Davidson, U.S. Uncut, 30 August 2015), in just such ways that there is no practical legal recourse. Except in rare persons, or where circumstances are especially egregious, the level of resultant frustration is insufficient to impel physical violence. There is, however, a long list academically named weapons of the weak (see, flashing forward, Declassified CIA Manual Shows How US Uses Bureaucracy to Destabilize Governments, Jake Anderson, AntiMedia, 7 December 2015: who says that the CIA has had no domestic mandate?) increasingly adopted in service to the frustration level currently evoked: non-participation in the workforce being one prominent n-millions example. But there is, more importantly, a deeper frustration level, which even subliminal programming cannot reach to ameliorate: the realm of constellated regressed collective unconscious archetypal event gradients, where the average normotic individual thus suborned doesn't even suspect what actually motivates hisher behaviors. Little known, even less understood, is the degree to which the Geneva, Moscow, Prague, Copenhagen schools of linguistics were not the actual initiatory progenitors of post-structuralist, French deconstructionist, postmodernist, semiotic/anti-syntactic, counter-Cartesian epistemic-cut [Weltanschauung}omatics: N. H. Abel was. And back-reaction against imports of Abel's theorem sowed the subliminal seeds which have continued to pop up as fulminations of the War of the World. How many dissembling-dissimulating paradigms does it take to make a pathological Weltanschauung from which schizoid Umwelts can be introjected? Despite patting themselves on the back for so-called freedom and democracy founded upon genocide, geographic aggrandizement-appropriation (the Free Soil movement not having been primarily about the more-and-more-taken homesteadable free land) cum displacement-concentration (origin of Neoconned planetarization of extra-territoriality and Neocon-engineered migrations patently being spontaneously localizable to conversion-disorder displaced, i.e., ConveDDed, compensatory abreactions to 1970s-demergence of the animistic-pagan Everettian-vonHayekian notion of the time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth), slavery, and nature rape, fixated opinions are as inspiring as paralyzed 1T2-boundaries, that damndest sort which couldn't possibly holographically signify semantic contents of the processes transpiring therewith-in. The First and Second World Battles of the War of the World only scotched, despite efforts of Bomber Command did not cremate, the basic etiologic factor driven more and more into the festering psychosocial marrow of the battling bitters -- ideologically impelled, introspectively incompetent -- with each conflict consummated: suppression, and hence regression, of µTm-logically-valued animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency, that Redskin-cum-Reds, loathsome, dread, dissociative participation-mystique-inconsciente qua zombie contagion vamping nice normotics (I-ams with no Whitmanesque other-I-ams to that about) wherever found, on the silver screen, beyond the VR headset, in the shadowed Half Worlds of wayang kulit. Conspiracy theorists haven't been capable of imagining the actual dimensions of the virulent pathology they attempt to characterize. Médecins Sans Frontières is sufficiently indiscriminate in its care delivery policy that it goes so far into politically incorrect realms as to treat those without health insurance. Such lack of selectivity must surely offend, and who more so than Special Forces medics fresh back from MEDCAPS ops dispensing broad-spectrum prophylactic meds to counter guerrilla-theater agit-prop. Emergency Severity Index at triage substituted for Political Sensitivity Index. Humph. MSF has no sense of the essential Cartesian-cut! This surely must be criminal, and if not presently so, then, soon shall we make it be. Clearly, counted amongst strongest supports found vis-à-vis validity of the false-flag thesis is France following in wake of the U.K. in proceeding toward criminalization of critical thought, thought critical of the party line prevailing at any given memetime, as explicated in France Moves to Make 'Conspiracy Theories' Illegal by Government Decree, 21st Century Wire, 19 March 2015. Not to mention France adopting by fiat, and implementing, pre-crime lawfare against those deemed probable-to-protest COP21 (this pre-proscription being a soft-science app of the hard-science quantum-probability-amplitude dissimulation of the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, a dissembling myriadly conversion-disorder displaced -- ConveDDed -- thus exemplifying a form and symptomatic instances of collective psychosis which, since the mid-'70s, I've argued that humanity will overcome only by means of a PW1, an environmental and space-based planetary war one: substantive peaceful fundamental change won't come overnight, over decades, won't come, period, because collective unconscious choice against that was made during the mid-19th century by higher-maths precursors to dissimulation of Schrödinger). COP21: amazing how no climate-shift-believer doubts that greenhouse gas emission is the controlling variable. Bloomberg-Redford surely must be those most in the know, those in whom the fate of the planet should be placed. By now, this late in, many observers see that the choice for Big War will at the last almost certainly be made (see, for instance: Why We're Sliding Towards World War, Washington's Blog, 25 November 2015; and flash forward to War Is On The Horizon , Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy, 7 December 2015: on this Animal Planet, the R2P the Natural Right to color revolutions, a right obtained by Right of Conquest, which by now is clearly known, heh-heh-heh, to be unrightable by institutional renunciation-mandate) under belief that in the aftermath, just like following the first two times around, the victors will be able to take all the benefits of dictating terms of the global monetary and financial reset, a reset, following much rage behavior and chest thumping, sure to be agonistic even postPW1 (a notion to which Willem Middelkoop seemingly would at least in part concur, as, flashing forward, per his discussion with Koos Jansen, entited Interview Willem Middelkoop About The Big Reset, Singapore BullionStar, 15 December 2015). That's the conscious level. It's on the collective unconscious archetypal-event-gradient level, however, I've long argued, that vectoring of the ultimate alliance structure will largely crystallize, i.e., Germano-Russian bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan (as to one of many reasons, i.e., Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace, why Japan could not rationally oppose China in any major war involving China, flash forward and consider Ukraine's Looming '19 Fukushimas' Scenario, Dmitry Orlov via Zero Hedge, 24 December 2015, not to mention potential unconsidered contingencies of Zbigniew Brzezinski's ill-considered nation-takedown strategy, unless, of course, this scenario, or some facsimile thereof, was the unstated actual NeoCon objective of the Ukraine case in playout of ZB's disastrous strategic extension of the post-Tet-1968 get some back from the Bear in Afghanistan rage-kneejerk) versus the Americo-Anglo special relationship plus its Commonwealth socii, essentially. It does not seem too likely that the superficial programming accomplished by the post-WWII occupation authorities, programming to inculcate principles of the failed institutionalization of the 200-years-dead Weltanschauung, will hold up well when large numbers are once again dying. A congealed coalescence of deep-seeded factors, dictates of immediate circumstance, and instinctive responses to desperate survival needs is more likely to prevail at cuspover. I've for decades held that so long as most people continue to believe the consensus view as to origins of the world wars, the human species cannot possibly well respond to the nature aspects of the long gathering global crisis -- for our understanding of those aspects will remain falsified by adherence to the notion that there is a classical limit: the difference being somewhat analogous to that between ARPANET and the World Wide Web. Pure mathematicians and theoretical physicists were instrumental in creating the circumstances within which The War of the World was all but inevitable. Despite the evangelical post-1730s cum 1740s history of the Pensingers and Baumgardners in America, I must make public my realization of my understanding that my culture-based forecasts, back to the 1960s, regarding strategic articulations yet to be incarnated in terms of evolution of the War of the World have been prejudiced by my history vis-à-vis realization as to conviction concerning the power of cause-push/attractor-pull relative to effects of collective unconscious event gradients upon personal mentations: e.g., struggled-to discovery regards deep-structure of my own ratiocinations. What mystifies me still is that my personal martial -- psychologically speaking, distinctly military-order type (e.g., transposing stress-oriented-training practices to inner work, and my demonstrated unschooled facility at discovering hidden organizational aspects of politico-military "undergrounds", may have been predisposed thereby, or so seems possible) -- origins largely stem from the Ashkenazic (in my reflection: Cabalistic-gematric) Bentzinger-Rothschild paternal side, whilst spiritual impulses came predominantly from the Baumgartner Akkadian-Teutonic Order side -- though, admittedly, there is Catholic Cabala-gematria and I was trained as a Special Forces medic, and, in conformity to my mother's family name, later, for the better part of two decades, I made my living as a tree gardener, focusing as much as possible on the Digger's animistic-empathic (however unThomisticCatholic) interlock with the subject of his work. Truly, insofar as I was then able still to accept the notion truth-value, discovery of these predispositions to my intellectual orientations was a major-life-experience shock challenging the idea that my Umwelt introjections somehow signified my individual uniqueness. Well into elaboration of the involved collectively expectorated affect-charges: the vitriolic hatred-terror evoked by the ghostly specter of despised µTm-unchained to truth-tables was/is lurid fear of the Great Nihil, of the endless falling into dark cave, abyss, deep sea, black hole, of the unutterable heights implied by associated demergence, of the elicited dread at loathing thoughts of being logically atomized. The world according to Walt: mental nanobots magnetically pulled into prefigurative celebration of their own collective immolation, pulled in by buying into the franchising of the StarWars space-based sequence of the War of the World. The world according to George: m-valued self-referential logical propositions signify our inability to know which propensity is THE propensity amongst those propensities Karl Popper read into dysinterpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued quantum wave-function, there being, at least as of 1945, no such thing as historical teleology, because archetypal strange attractors do not exist in the collective unconscious, despite what C. G. Jung may have thought or what role they may have played in the Nazification process Jung diagnosed and forecasted (a pathognomonic forecast of similar insight Popper, despite his Ph.D. in psychology and special focus upon the logic of scientific discovery, was unable to make, never once mentioning the import of N. H. Abel in regards to what Jung understood as participation mystique, aka contagion, quantum entanglement, µTm-logically-valued relative-state identity-transparency). Free-except-for-the-printing-costs access to all the world's resources for three-quarters of a century is a pig-at-the-trough circumstance which never will be voluntarily given up. The presently prevailing leadership-elite agenda (collective unconscious, personal subliminal, partly conscious) is quite clear: use a broad spectrum of means (index of hybridity a function of the integration of, e.g., geofinancial assault under the guise of CT [as outlined in Juan Zarate's Treasury's War: The Unleashing of a New Era of Financial Warfare, Public Affairs, 2013; and in the YouTubed CSIS Book Discussion, 12 September 2013], climate war, weather battle, agroindustrialMickeyFinn, EMinsurgency, falseflagterror, cybersuction, blackpropflood, so on: hybrid warfare [for one take, see Andrew Korybko's book, circa 2015, entitled Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach to Regime Change, People's Friendship University of Russia], in my judgment, being the nearly-terminal psycho-projection of the identity dyscrasia induced by collective back-reaction to Abel of 1823 and elaborated by increasing reactivity to the more and more shocking maths and physics extensions from his existence proof for trans-algebras) to kill off as many low-enders as possible with as much deniability as possible; initiate a PW1 (Planetary War One) at the optimum time; conduct that mega-conflict at the intensity level most beneficial; in the [after}math, impose that global system long calculated, but, absent a PW1, only imaginable, not actually implementable. How could I, a pretty smart guy, possibly hold such wildly numskull notions? Aside from the myriad ConveDDs eminently viewable in the deaths and injuries they produce, flash forward and see, for instance, Deaths From Terrorism Increased 4,500% Since Beginning Of War On Terror, Kit O'Connell, MintPress News, 22 December 2015, one indicator is the economically-driven, Huntingtonesque, planetarized forced-draft urbanization transpiring at ever increasing rates over the decades (largely irreversible because massively structuralized, economically-forced-draft urbanization, a highly invasive iatrogenic intervention, has been widely held synonymous with growth-only-orchestrated economic organization and sustained development ever since, actually, incubation and onset of the compulsive, 1T2-obsessed, Cartesian-Newtonian, industrial-revolution disease: centuries, that is; hardly likely, for instance, that China will further pump up its growth rate by de-building its unoccupied cities, nor will mega-urban regions voluntarily de-build, whatever existential threat appears on the ecological horizon), as well as the combat-driven population relocations, and the rationale behind them, undoubtedly well understood by proprietary George (flash forward and see: Soros Plays Both Ends in Syria Refugee Chaos, F. William Engdahl, 4th Media, 19 December 2015). And take note of, in the same period, the efflorescence of sports-scandals echoes of the involved mass-psychological states: how justify the fanning of sports servicing the state and its raison d'etre, war? For an interesting comprehensive assessment by a Viet Nam war veteran turned double-digit midget turned well-informed intelligent critic, flash forward and see the teleSUR YouTube VDO entitled 'This Ship is Sinking' Says Former Bush Official, Abby Martin interview of Lawrence Wilkerson, Colonel, U.S. Army, retired. The content of this 11 December 2015 interview resonates with pieces produced by Paul Craig Roberts. Again with the how could I: most fundamentally BECAUSE the most ideationally-creative period of my life transpired ages 8-thru-11, Midori Gaoka, Ashiya-cho, kita-Kyushu, circa 1953-6, due to the cross-cultural exposure utterly disrupting -- to a degree not appreciated by neuroscientists without similar experience -- glutamateric anchoring of prescriptive enculturation-socialization. Faith in the future, i.e., identification with memetime, and, econometrically speaking, with unending growth as functional prerequisite to a modicum of (low-level) competency at self-organization and for efficient resources allocation, is one of the 1T2-self-imposed boundary conditions determining the nature of the currently prevailing techno-regime, that regime being a prominent activation-selector amongst the various Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Any really-adequate-to-the-actual-planetary-situation new global monetary system -- by which the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, are to be appropriately activated cum allocated -- must be brought up according to principles corresponding to those initially embodied in the World Wide Web, with the caveat that the fractal-drum-type µTm-valued-LETS-currencies nesting-foams be defined over band-pass, WiFied, fractal e-boundaries.
There certainly are, as observed by Lauri Love (nsh) in bringing this body of thought to my attention, a lot of similar notions and sources in our work and those of Diego L. Rapoport, Peter Rowlands, Steven M. Rosen, and others sharing the general orientation. Their papers and books contain a great deal of fascinating material with which I will have to familiarize myself. There are, however, many subtle differences -- a few of which I should like to presently point out, and surely others later as I read further in. Perhaps most arresting to me has been encounter with a term used by Rosen, i.e., transpermeation of objects (Topologies of the Flesh: A Multidimensional Exploration of the Lifeworld, Steven M. Rosen, Ohio U. Press, 2006, p. 24) to characterize some notions of Merleau-Ponty (The Visible and the Invisible, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Northwestern University Press, 1968, p. 138), and quoted by Rapoport (Surmounting the Cartesian Cut Through Philosophy, Physics, Logic, Cybernetics, and Geometry: Self-reference, Torsion, the Klein Bottle, the Time Operator, Multivalued Logics and Quantum Mechanics, Diego L. Rapoport, Foundations of Physics, August 2009, p. 11) as well as Tymieniecka (Phenomenology of Space and Time: The Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoietic Genesis of Life, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Springer, 2014, p. 292) who explicates the idea relative to perception of music (which I resonated most strongly with, given my take on inner Musculpt of the being-in-itself of the object-unbound). Of course, transpermeation of objects evoked for me my use of relative-state identity transparency, but I could not remember the transpermeation term from my reading of Merleau-Ponty years ago -- how could I have missed usage that evocative, I wondered? -- so I went to the reference and checked, found the term was not there, then realized that this usage was Rosen's characterization of Merleau-Ponty's notion somewhat differently expressed: " reciprocal insertion and intertwining of one in the other" with respect to my body as visualizer and my body as visualized and as generalized to all visibles. Easy to misinterpret what is being said here, it seems to me. As regards direct experience, this discourse, I believe, is relative to what most modern people would consider altered-states perception mediated by generative empathy, which the psychiatric profession has long considered symptomatic of pathology. Relative-state identity transparency, in my usage, means that part contains the whole whole -- pure haiku! -- just as is the case with the broken holographic plate (the image projected with the broken-off piece being complete, but a bit fuzzy to those not processing with µTm-valued logics) and certain Cantorian cardinalities, that, further explicating and quoting Rapaport quoting Rosen quoting Peter Adam Angeles (The Dictionary of Philosophy, Barnes and Noble, 1981, p. 153) A is not-A at the same time it is A is the case, not on a one-to-one, object-to-object transpermeation of objects basis, but by mediation of the hologramic part-IS-whole identity, understood as signifier of an order-type of identity-qua-identity-as-existential-state of being-in-process-of-demergence-to-the-world (John C. Lilly's Tank Logs are particularly enlightening as to how ketamine -- the antidote to glutamate -- simulates this as a foremost leitmotif of transit: How, for God's sake, is it even possible to get from here, i.e., being All-That-Is, to there, i.e., being in All-That-Is?). Does fractal self-similarity of the quantum-wave nesting-foam stored on the hologramic plate at least partially, heh-heh-heh, explain this part-IS-whole property? Broken off small part, larger part, larger part still, still larger part Ontically, experientially, there is a Batesonesque (noted by Rapoport) difference that makes a big difference denoted here: essence of animism is therein exposed. Two-against-the-world romantic love (and monogamy) is predicated upon tacit assumption of actuality of direct, unmediated, one-to-one interpermeation of objects, inner and outer, whereas animistic identity transparency (pejoratively: contagion, participation inconsciente Levy-Bruhlized cum Jungated to participation mystique) denies that this can occur in any full sense, and ontically asserts that such authentic state always involves conscious awareness, on part of all part-parties to the collective occasion of experience, even if only one person is involved (that being in the nature of the collective unconscious as infinite sets, à la Ignacio Matte Blanco), of fusion with the natural surround, the whole whole of the cosmic surround, an awareness altogether precluded by memetime-boundedness and 1T2-only logic (which, in a certain limited way not specifically invoking 3-fold quantal operator-time, reflects protodimensional Heideggerian nonlinear time as, again quoting Rapoport, the source for [ponderable] space; one may observe that the twelfth picture of time, à la C. K. Raju's The Eleven Pictures of Time, Sage, 2003, is composed of topologically-active temporal operators, no mere quantum measurables, as the existential effectuators of pregeometry as µTm-logically-valued calculi of propositions). This leads to a consideration of pilot fixation syndrome (a dynamical analogue of life lived as persona identifications encapsulated in Umwelt introjections drawn from glutamate-etched Lebenswelt projection speeding through the bare natural surround which is, ultimately, CTCly, consciousness-without-an-object on Tzog-chen AllBase), which Rapoport addesses in his Footnote 10, thusly, noting: the well known fact that pilots flying near to the surface at high velocities are prone to crashing their planes due to a fixation phenomenae which is produced by the high baud transference of information due to the actual LorentzFitzgerald space contraction and time dilation associated to hyperbolic vision. My orientation to this was surely significantly affected by fun in a flight simulator at Wright-Patterson AFB, circa 1963. I think the pilot fixates while traveling at high velocities when attempting naked-eye environmental reference because the rapidity of information delivery so far outpaces the Luneburg absolute limiting velocity of eye-scan movement and the glutamate-etched physiological baud-rate of consciousness at normative-state that heshe, essentially, petit mals plus fugues; whereas, were heshe, via endogenous-ketamine flood, to shift logical gears, directly access µTm-processing of THE quantum brain, enter an appropriate altered state with a much faster baud-rate of consciousness, then resultant memetime dilation and ponderable-space contraction could be matched to those induced by the superfast visual information delivery to the visual cum involved cortical processors and their rheostatic ATP factories and associated variable-speed/acceleration/time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration helix-coiling DNA molecules. But such an autogenic shift at absolute limiting values of governing variables is an infinity-to-zero superjump qua hypertwist quite generally shunned in the modern-cum-postmodern lifeworld, a notion that evokes Zero to Infinity: The Foundations of Physics, Peter Rowlands, World Scientific, 2007 (for brief overviews, see Fundamental mathematical structures applied to physics and biology, Peter Rowlands and Vanessa Hill, University of Liverpool, no date given; and the book review by Cynthia Whitney, Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, 7-11 April 2008). And, actually, I would have to say that my orientation to the zero-infinity treatment of All-That-Is is more along the lines of nothing-finally-comes-from-everything and an-infinity-of-infinities-is-the-beginning-and-end-of-all-operations, rather than 'everything' finally comes from nothing and zero is the beginning and end of all operations (Peter Rowlands, Preface, p. ix, and Appendix, p. 623), in so little as I would speak of ultimates with words like comes -- for I regard greater material structure as closer to nothing (Maya), not to everything, and suggest that the emptiness characterization of Nirvana corresponds to a physics-take on the m-logically-valued reference space (aperspectival MVRS, 1T2ly speaking a fixed full reference frame which is empty only from the 1T2-only logioperspective) rather than an MVRS-take on physics. One approach to simulation of the MVRS and its articulations to many of Rowlands' very interesting ideas may involve the spatializing-of-logical-operations phase web treatment (scan down to the s section, where Manthey's work is briefly discussed) of posets and pomsets, as per Distributed Computation as Hierarchy, Michael Manthey, arXiv, 14 September 1998, were the phase-web concurrency to more explicitly handle (topologically speaking) suprabinary Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types as concurrency-processor states, a non-truth-value-bound way of looking at relative-state identity-transparency independent of the stochastics mistakenly, in my judgment, imputed to Schrödinger's wave-function. Is nothing a thing composed of no-things, OR -- heh-heh-heh! -- no-a/not-no-a, neti-neti, no-somethingy trans-cardinal/ordinal somewhat-which-is-whatnot? Whatsoever else dilates so, as so grief does -- Grief kills time. All that I retain of that night, and the days which followed, are fragments of scenes, like some luridly brilliant hallucinations left behind after a fever (Robert Harris, Imperium, Hutchinson paperback, 2006, p. 215)? The cold-water-in-the-face self-remembering reflexivity attendant upon Einklammerung, the reductive-phenomenological bracketing-epoché induced by concentration in self-observation? Neti-Neti is Not Enough, à la Annette Nibley, 23 August 2013, particularly so absent voluntary-dissociative simultaneous-being-in-CTC-unto-µTm-modalities of THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular binary brains. Douglas A. Paine, with his elaborate physics training, would have been, I am sure, much more comfortable (see, for instance the Appendix to our 1980 Brain Discharge paper for discussion of relative zero and infinity marks) with Rowlands' orientation than am I, a person with virtually no formal physics or maths training (thus, rightly or wrongly, so to 1T2ly speak, my inner experience always takes precedence, warranted or unwarranted, in evaluation any issue). Hence, uh, well, this a comes from b/b comes from a-issue is, in my judgment, and speaking on the level of ultimates, an artifact of the notion precedence relations and to retention of the dualistic mode of thought even when a and b are each m-valued and comes from is m-logically-valued (such artifact and retention being virtually inevitable, I believe, absent access to techno-exteriorized Musculpt as mathematical notation, and/or an extremely elaborate access to inner Musculpt). Nilpotent/pluripotent zero-totality, or is it pluripotent/nilpotent totality-zero? The distinction here, and I feel there is one 1T2-usefully made, a real-difference-type distinction à la the Calculus of Indications (a difference making a difference that Gregory Bateson didn't quite get, if we are to judge by the questions he asked G. Spencer Brown at Esalen regarding the appearance of time in protologic, not from suprabinary logics [record of which contained in John Lilly's scientific archive, which I, a onetime lone-token-American slowboater, no full-American swiftboater PT-109-JFK-analogue of Mekong upriver/delta climes {I never face-to-face met JFK, though prior to Dallas, I well-knew, one-step-removed from my AU-SkipHumphrey classmate, son of HHH, via good offices of Steve Lau, also totally unknown, but having been hugely effectual, by many meetings, JFK's Alpha-Tau-Omega military attaché, about whom there is, how great this is! absolutely no historical memory, this deep-south, utterly-elegant, women-about-him-crazy, bananas even, just as JFK clearly liked, handsome, personhood having so pristinely handled Presidential personal affairs, and, subsequently, masterfully, disappeared into the mists of his story}, was honored to have been chosen to spend a month or so in Malibu to comprehensively survey preliminary to value assessment at behest of the Pioneer Corporation subbed to Dentsu of Shiodome-Minato, Tokyo, subbed to Eiki's StudioGarage]; moreover, he, Bateson, had earlier, consonant with such dysorientation, prevailed against Lilly's better judgment somewhat scattered at that early-'60s memetime by his systematic personal LSD-research immersion, leading into his subsequent personal systematic ketamine-research immersion [as a onetime SFTG medic trainee, circa 1966, I can personally testify to properties and uses then understood, even though most such medics didn't, at that memetime, really register the non-anesthetic properties thereof, which, to be perfectly accurate, I only explicitly learned of during 1967 whilst recovering from up-close-and-personal IEDed MFWs-complications and residuals at Camp Zama Army Hospital {hard then to stand uncrutched over the operating table}, having been DakTo-battle-crisis-patient-flood-induced, given my medical background, but resisted, forced-draft incarcerated to 12-hours-on/12-hours-off surgical-tech applications of my very much Dog-Lab studied, but minimally-practiced NATO Handbook of Emergency War Surgery: day-in/day-out, week after week of this! and doing one hell of a lot more -- just imagine the range of wounds sustained, dusted-off, ultimately arriving in Zama -- than mere surgical-teching, given how then-overwhelmed was the surgical staff] profoundly prefiguring, and nowhere I've found adequately acknowledged, later mainstream-medical-developed insight as to the role of glutamatergic neuronal pruning [ketamine being the antidote thereto] in molecular-cellular-1T2-brain anchoring of prescriptive enculturation-socialization of the Uncracked Joseph Chilton Pearce[d] Cosmic Egg [Pearce related to me details of his single rather unpleasant encounter with Lilly, an encounter Lilly explicitly did not remember when questioned about it by me], so I learned in focused conversations [still possible in 1993, whatever those exquisitely unattuned may have thought] with Lilly during an extended visit and with Margaret Lovett at Lilly's lovely house on Maui, circa 1993, uh, that Bateson, partially via the hiring of Lovett, prevailed against Lilly to see that dolphins [largely -- as Lilly experimentally demonstrated during the Sixties and onward -- unmoved by exogenously introduced electron-transport-chain-cum-charge-transfer-complex-engaging LSD and ketamine, we may now fully, and in 1993 so did minimally, speculate as to largely being due to the µTm-logically-valued processing involved in, again largely, bottle-nosed, dolphin sonic-visioning Musculpt in part mediated by the neural-hologram reference beam provided by superconductant pi-electron-gas-core quantum-wave dynamics of intraneuronal mitochondrial DNA, a notion Karl Pribram blew off when queried about it during 1980] were taught Human, rather than humans being taught Dolphin [a specific issue I then very pointedly specifically raised] thus, much to the advantage of the Navy, setting back by decades development of Musculpt -- and making no contribution to a demystification of mantra, à la Cogitate! Cogitate! Cogitate!, or Autogenic Training verbal formulas, for those in the know and attuned to ECCO -- as mathematical notation and sophisticated user-friendly interface to µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams defined over fractal e-boundaries), is between recursion-emergence and decomposition-demergence. Rowlands appears to me to visualize a recursive-generative-emergence-of-particular-from-general notion with respect to maths and physics-fundamentals, and a simple-to-complex-emergence notion of the memetime evolution of material structure cum life cum consciousness, as clearly implied in the abstract to Zenergy: The Phaseonium of Dark Energy That Fuels the Natural Structures of the Universe, Peter Marcer, Edgar Mitchell, Peter Rowlands, Walter Schempp, Sixth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems, 2004. Nil and null, as, for instance, in nilpotent and null vector, to my way of thinking, certainly in no way claimed to be rigorous, do not indicate recursion to zero, but signify snap-to divergence (infinity) as per the restricted frame whilst (a Schrödinger memetime-independent whilst) snap-to convergence (zero) as per the non-similarly-restricted frame. In the complex-angular-momentum cascade process exemplified in the Paine-Kaplan multiscale, nested-grid, numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis, this infinity-to-zero jump (reverse cascade involving, in a manner of speaking, a retrograde-inversion thereof) is understood as executed memetime-instantaneously (i.e., Schrödinger memetime-independently) in the 90-degree snapover twist effectuated by commutator-nomenclator 3-fold temporal CURL (hence, doesn't actually occur, so far as the memetime-bound and 3-space-boxmanned are 1T2ly concerned: boxmen boxed into Skinner boxes such that the normative level of self-involvement cum internal considering is pathologically extreme). It is with good reason that Rowlands, like Penrose in The Road To Reality, neglects Lukasiewicz, indeed, has only several pages in which logic is mentioned, for a pre-pregeometry-pomset-poset-cum-m-valued-pointset plus pregeometry-µTm-calculi-of-propositions Cantorian-part-equals-whole hologramic (not holonomic and not anholonomic) non-monogenic MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) would preclude a single heat bath qua irreversible and unending QCE, quantum Carnot engine, (a concept which, basically, maintains that pre-Planck statistical thermodynamics, à la Boltzman, was right after all, that that which was mistaken to be quantum craziness is really just craziness-without-craziness) as the pluripotent/nilpotent totality-zero cosmogonic reservoir qua Platonia AllBase state of Tzog-chen, because the thermodynamic treatment necessarily involves memetime-evolution emergence-of-the-real-by-epistemic-qua-Dedekind-cuts, even if such emergence were reversible, definable only under the 1T2-logically-valued order-type, a definition lost in higher-logical-value regimes to Abelian-Bellian-cyclotomic Schrödinger-memetime-independent decomposition-demergence: but this does not mean a QCE cannot be the derivative origin of the geometrodynamics ensuing over Maya-emergent, emergent due to boundary-value impositions -- some versions of emergent Heraclitean dynamism being hard to too seriously credit, given their remunerative foci, e.g., The Mereon Matrix.
Is the existence of Hamiltonian chaos (Niraj Srivastava, Charles Kaufman, and Gerhard Muller, Computers in Physics, 4, 1990, pp. 549-53) due to the failure of initial conditions to yield existence of single-valued solutions and/or determinability of such solutions, or is the involved nonintegrability indicative of the circumstance that supposed existence of initial conditions is chimerically founded upon mistaken beliefs: that memetime exists objectively; that connectivity is 1T2-only-logically marched; that numerical integration is stepwise-only generative and necessarily only involves selfsame numbers? And what if such mistakes were Umwelt introjections drawn from Lebenswelt projective-identifications construed as principles of Weltanschauung taken to actually govern nature? Exquisite focal duality of the romantic-couplet ellipse cherished by Aristotelian 1T2-devotees: the devil's diktat, mandating an imperfect discus, to Thomistic 1T2-affecionados of monadic single-focus Agape circles, not in any way to be confused with those solipsistic. Trivalent Iambe, a She-who-must-be-believed, self-limiting upon a detumescent subsidence-diminuendo to duals and also techno-ConveDD transgendering from a remark-iambus to an Apple-trochee? Irrespective of two-against-the-world romantic love (and monogamy) as predicated upon tacit assumption of actuality of direct, unmediated, one-to-one interpermeation of objects, the absolute asshole Birdman love schismogenesis -- such an unsung, strung-out appellative -- not the love-in of Cyberia amongst techie geek Earth-inheritors -- re: what's left of the planet when they're finished with it -- of which I/i learned as being characteristic of younger generations (junior high coming of age in a Ford-factory suburb of Motor City, high school in the interior of Alaska and under the Ohio shadow of Air Force Systems Command, running out over edges of northwest D.C.-no-Washington from AU, Cornell's Ithaca, circa the Seventies, Kyoto's Friends World College, circa the late-Eighties, UH-Honolulu, circa early-Nineties: well-glutamate-etched post-adolescents, prescriptively enculturated cum socialized into reticent memetime boundedness, selfsame simple-identity, dualistic modes of perception and cognition, taught by implication that generative empathy, actually a symptom of love, is symptomatic of psychosis, hence manic-compulsive about peer-pressured in-group inclusion, so manic, so compulsive that small-unit cohesion [the SF team integrity done away with in 1965] on the battlefield, built to Auftragstaktik [see also Overcoming Bureaucracy: The Idea of Auftragstakitik, Roberto Poli, Project Anticipation, U. of Trento, no date given, where the opening sentence astutely observes that Most contemporary governments have been shaped by ideas that were ground-breaking, innovative and even revolutionary three centuries ago], stoked by the sorcery of fear, is widely cultivated as effulgence of abreactive expression), uh, such being the most conflicted role-playing schizophonia, down to The Last Remnant, I'd ever heard/seen historically precedented upon, mentioned-cited, imagined, bad enough -- pretty chaotic, almost random, even, those very determined articulations, connectivities, integrations that were, ultimately, in sum, a divisional tragedy of the commons played out in full view -- nonetheless, because of, even especially due to, the extremes involved, seemed to me potentially more revelatory than ever before, in respect to concrete, day-to-day, man-woman unto subject-object transference cum projective-identification cum conversion-disorder-displacement (ConveDD) dynamics, but, alas, this individual-and-collective experience, clearly, even, or especially so, when outside-metapsychologically-explicated/demonstrated, did not yield insight in any way, rather, indeed, brought forth intensely affect-charged, even physically violent back-reaction. And this, this, is not even to directly mention larger chaos-theoretic ConveDDs, those of the [Hunt}ingtonesque culture-clash modalities, for instance. FINE. It's hard to entertain sympathy for those/what/which/whom that willfully introspectively inept, whatever the causes thereof. Must be worse than the early-'90s now, now being the age of the cell phone. Tout de suite! Pink is their pant; purple, their paint. Presto! And abracadabra. No MoSoSo, no existential confirmations; to be or not to FaceBook: GPSing telepresence sells authentic pagan-animistic identity-transparency its debased techno-regressions. Techno-ConveDD: analogue to bodymod graffiti mirroring its mental counterpart. Plus, there being a stupid faction of all{e}giants dishing out zeal in lots, exercising rites of extreme gumption designed to induce stupefaction in desultory chosen people. Trepidation invades diction as a trebling wiffle of voice when it becomes clear that The Eeelect have selected intra-tribulation rapture due to nature forcing a choice between survival and a failed belief system. One Blackhat/whiteslipper keyboard-pounder RATical to another, send me some code, babe! for how else can love be established between us ITty-bitty, byte-headed, techno-beatified cybertrusters deifying recursive generation as compu-omnipotence whilst chewing on mollycoddling 1T2 as if it were omniscience itself, eschewing thoroughly numinous µTm as being but a more elaborate luciferian Tritone signifier of 1T3 (discussed here and here and here) -- howsoever authenticity of which, love, that it, may depend upon memetime dilation and ponderable-space contraction? Of considerable relevance to principles involved in this issue, once again we quote Diego Rapoport's -- he originates and utilizes many statements which I find especially apt -- Surmounting the Cartesian Cut paper: when we visualize a photon, we are actually visualizing our seeing of the photon , p. 12. Seeing the seeing! so fast by endogenous ketaminergic memetime dilation as to catch seeing's outward projective aspect (in Rapoport's words: the 'objective' photon may be in a dual relation with the exteriorization of endogenous light [pure Mahikari likely issuing from coherent quantum-wave properties of, primarily, DNA, so it might well be observed] in the subject given by biophoton emission [a duality which] might be linked to a nondual [with topology of] the Klein bottle, p. 13-14) all the way back into the rods and cones: warm-golden dust of supermind as Sri Aurobindo prefigured YayoiKusama dots cum ToruTakemitsu asterisms as Wheelerian pre-pregeometry bucket of dust demergent to Sakharov-Novikov dust-like phase over a multi-sheet model of THE CTC-unto-µTm-logically-valued universe, a quintessential Siddhi, according to Aurobindo's Letters on Yoga, predisposing to other inner-object Siddhis more elaborate Duchamp-found on the supersolid Large Glass stepped through along the path toward a first experience of Nirvana. It is not, as most of even the most avant-garde still would have the case be, a matter of memetime-evolution generating non-orientability (e.g., Möbius strip, Klein bottle) from the orientable (e.g., rectangular band, torus), but of Schrödinger-memetime-independently demerging CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 the non-orientable to the orientable -- and back again, such that, in Lukasiewicz-speak, it is groked how it is that nothing ever changes is indistinguishable, except by the order-of-logical-value employed, from everything is nothing but changes. Or as Rapoport notes, footnote 16, page 16, speaking of Bohmian holomovement: implicate and explicate orders are instances and interchangeable Though, to me, having long since focused upon virtually the same features and many of the same referents, this Bohm-Rapoport take is a backassward treatment, the recursive generation, flow, movement aspect, understood whole as preprecedential infinite-infinite-set (not sequence) totality -- always and all ways being-there complete (not completed) logioontogenesis-wise before temporal operations are, and, hence, before the existenceogenetic demergent-involute aspect of logioontogenesis is -- being-in-itself the Abelian-Bellian Schrödinger-memetime-independent cyclotomic Maya decomposition of the AllBase-state qua MVRS (m-logically-valued [Lukasiewiczian-Hibertian] reference space) qua Musculpt manifold. Ketaminergic antidote to glutamatergic prescription, by a Lilly-in-the-tank way of illustration, does not place the egospheric Cartesian mindset in spacetime looking for a way out, but being-there in being-in-itself seeking a way into spacetime Maya, the proverbial AlanWattsian you-and-me-and-you-being-the-gods-finding-ways-to-hide-from-themselves. If not very geeky, pretty Greeky, I'd say, remembering Iambe. Do Dopplereffekting momentum-spin-zenergetics-transferring Z-bosons have object constancy-in-itself in and of themselves along paths of their scatter plots, or do they Christmas-tree-effect (3-fold temporal-CURL operators quantized by Penrose twistors: µTm-Oxen of the Unconquered Sun [in the same way that rules of harmony in the diatonic system stood in for 1T2-laws of nature, so, too, the stylistic conventions of English literature]) wink-in only at Regge-lattice-string unicity-intersections qua infinite sets of memetime zeros on Tzog-chen AllBase of µTm-logically-valued Musculpt manifold, uh, collections of intersects, that is, numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers?
A Belief premissing, not [pre}missing, the purified [1T2, 2T2]-identity (Nargarjuna logos = [1T4, 2T4, 3T4, 4T4]-ratiocination {whereas God's logic, those of the tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion believe, is single-valued-only; that of the two-faced das Ewig-Weibliche, i.e., the Eternal Feminine, 2T2; that of the three-brained, tritonal-tricephalos Satanic, 3T3}, predicating a less-regressed, less-reductionistic notion of relative-state identity-transparency, but still far and away from that µTm, precipitating employment of logical-value order-types not appreciated by Avi Sion, as explicated in his book entitled Buddhist Illogic: A Critical Analysis of Nargarjuna's Arguments, The Logician, 2002), selfsame and self{other}same, facilitating nazified totalitarian global monoculture: Inside, we all know we are the same, and particularly so-premissing if accompanied by Ask not what the state-company-church-party-club-clan-caste can do for you, ask what you can do for the state-company-church-party-club-clan-caste. Imp[re}cations they are, and on an intellectual par with the cultural monists who select CNN-affiliated hotels. And, pulleeease, let us not forget the suprasyllogistic, embedding-accommodating proposition involving a 1T2-set-theoretic inclusive-coercive we as regards humans, an exclusive-coercive implied them as regards other biospheric inhabitants -- as contradicted by imports of Cornell studies (atmospherics cum neurobiological behavior cum bioacoustics) conducted, circa mid-1970s: infrasound signatures of landforms, lake fetches, waterfalls in regards to pigeon homing particularly; bioacoustic productions; severe-storm generated acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (similar to the ELF waves produced by phased-array radar used in electron-temperature enhancements) and signaturing thereby of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface topologies understood as temp-encoded-qua-tagged atmospheric µTm-Musculpt. Not only does philosophical controversy largely run in old tape-loops around and around psychological types of participants, as brilliantly argued by Newton P. Brumbaugh and Robert S. Stallknecht in The Compass of Philosophy, Longmans Green, 1954, but also reduces to utter confusion by lack of ability to distinguish between logical-value order-types used linguistically (e.g., the altogether likely 1T3-logic of pre-Inca Aymara, the clairaudient-clairvoyant Musculpt employed in lieu of written, even spoken, language by the Andean priesthood, and the notion of 3-fold operator-time seemingly having been embedded therein and regressed by the Inca to a War Against Time, as explicated by William Sullivan), applied in the the differing logical-value order-types perceptually-proprioceptually cum artistically cum musically used in distinct largely-tacit plastic-art/art-music systemic codifications, distinguishing the polyvalence of the cabalistic-numerologic-gematric cognitive modality versus the monovalence of the Rabbinical-Jesuitical modality, to note a few examples. Sum ergo cogito is demergent well down the µTm-logical-value order-type dan-mosaic propositional step-function ladder; Cogito ergo sum, yet further down. Cumbrous snarl of bickering cognition bolted to the floor with steel straps (what Bletchley Park obsessions did to derail prewar Turing mindscape-vector and, subsequently, that of the whole Turing-machined 1T2-only-human species). I have no doubt those at COP21 n will solve the binary-logically-formulated problem they have set themselves out to solve -- only to realize very late into solution-set implementation that something is awry, that while they have recognized and attacked a real problem, their classical-limit-Maya commitments have concealed that problem's full entangled dimensions and superintegrated virulence. But what is awry? What puissant overdetermination? No one really knows what's wrong, for the matter hasn't been properly studied, the classical limit having seen to that. At issue is not communication, superluminal or super-sentient; it is identity-transparency (requiring no communication) CTC-unto-µTm, where, to speak of, if not the very least, the penultimate penumbral A is not-A at the same time it is A. Is this non-truth-value-based participation-mystique take on Lukasiewicz mere paraconsistency, consistency understood 1T2ly only, or merely found in the subset of paraconsistencies known as the dialethisms? That doesn't seem a possible-world logic to me. And I don't think action algebras, being 1T2ly formulated, however substructural their logical basis, are relevant to topologically active operator-time, though I could certainly be wrong. Speaking of the undifferentiated aesthetic continuum, handled, reductively in my judgment, as planar plenum qua quantum vacuum, Rapoport, in his Surmounting the Cartesian Cut paper, says (p.17):
This plenum we are referring to is about a complete breaking of symmetries, which is masked through homogeneity of the original state. To ascertain that it is symmetric, would require what we have at our disposition at this stage of our presentation, a way to establish a distinction with respect to which symmetries and asymmetries might be confronted to, so lacking this possibility this plenum contains all possible symmetries and their breaking and still the complete lack of symmetries altogether.
So, given that formulation, nilpotent/pluripotent zero-totality, or is it pluripotent/nilpotent totality-zero? I say the latter and, hence, hitch my cognitive wagon to the preprecedential CTCly-pregeometry AllBase-state of Tzog-chen Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian reference space, which, under quantized-via-Penrose-twistors 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, CTC-unto-µTmly demerges to quantum vacuum, from which µTm-unto-1T2ly demerges a world in hologramic relative-state (this in part involves a Schrödinger-memetime-independent running of G. Spencer Brown's Laws of Form in retrograde-inversion, the recouping qua bootstrapping of the alwaystherehere pluripotent state from decoherent material-Maya monovalence being in part as Brown describes) but which 1T2-only-unwise is Maya-misunderstood as spacetime geometrodynamics and material structure emergent under an irreversible arrow of memetime mistaken as objective passive-referential linear-time. Complex/hypercomplex angular-momentum-cascade tornadogenesis as acoustic analogue to blackhole computing and analogous radiation-exchange-process-driven DNA helix-coil transition both provide, according to our accounts, significant experimental evidence supporting the choice to, speculatively, it must be admitted, so hitch a cognitive wagon. Paraconsistency, dialethism, substructural logic: all three of which I, surely a sabotaging member of the impudent gutter press, consider largely ways of skirting, dissimulating, dissembling actual imports of cursed Lukasiewicz, that pillager of cognitive rectitude and Occam's razor, skirting ways employed whilst gullibly persevering in a farrago of 1T2-clinging behaviors, to include maintenance of belief in an objectively real decoherence and existence of its associated legerdemain, the apocryphal classical limit. But this assessment does not mean, however apparently apposite, that I, no servile importunate counting Dante's Numbers, would, wriggling and grimacing in bewildered bafflement, throw out the chickens or their eggs. The checking, multiple-dispatch, documentation, and rules-of-exchange aspects of software associated with substructural type-systems, for instance, it seems to me, would likely be of considerable utility during transition between use of a single-valued LETS currency unit and its stacked m-valuation via indicator sheaving upon the base-state of the unit, a transition preliminary to µTm-processing of such units -- this being a trial-and-error phase-shift cum phase-order-class-shift process conducted within a limited autopoionomic domain, sure to require a fairly long adjustment period and considerable debugging, even given a sophisticated, holographic Musculpt-type, user-friendly interface. One large problem which software of substructural-logic type-systems applied in e-band-pass qua fractal-drum-type fashion -- applied, that is, to m-valued LETS currencies defined over fractal e-boundary nesting foams -- could be used to effectively address, it seems reasonable to suppose, is the trillion-dollars-per-year worth (see: Visualizing The World's Hot Money, Zero Hedge, 11 December 2015) of wangled illicit hot money outflows from emerging market economies, money-fleeing mostly accomplished by scrum using trade misinvoicing, as comprehensively detailed in Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2004-2013, Dev Kar and Joseph Spanjers, Global Financial Integrity, December of 2015. Even though, by now, to virtually all attending physicians, it is utterly clear that the BBs -- big banks -- receive government collusion in their alliance with narco-mobsters and intel cut-outs, the financial crime of the 20th century remains unheralded as such, i.e., the Bretton Woods monetary system, the means and criteria by which it was worked up and largely settled before the conference was held -- this established MO all but precluding an early-21st century shift to a monetary system capable of authentically facilitating adequate responses to the gathering global crisis, the dominant global resource allocation algos presently in place being adept at ruinous runs of red seeping this land and that land. Belief in one is [be}life in the other: Sorry Charlie! but decades ago as a student, I stepped contemptuously out of the mindless pursuit of meaningless affluence and have never looked back, jocosely or otherwise -- thus, distancing myself from belief in the wars servicing such affluence and the dysallocation of global resources involved therein.
My I/i wonders how much the topological properties of theta-e (equivalent potential temperature) surfaces of Earth's atmosphere are effectuated by the spectrum of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (i.e., atmospheric infrasound) apparentely signaturing such equipotential surfaces, uh, effectuated à la Microscale Assembly Directed by Liquid-Based Template, Pu Chen, et al., Advanced Materials, 26, 2014, pp. 5936-41. Note the 90-degree x-y phase shift in this memetime-evolutionary account, and wonder over its relation to the 90-degree real-imaginary twistover shift at complex-angular-momentum cascade dynamics involving topologically-active quantal operator-time-induced form informing. One -- heh-heh-heh! -- would think theater-film people would be into quantum non-simple µTm-identity-transparency, but, despite Being John Malkovich, they aren't. Maybe it's the all-consuming ego-spheric craving for the existential confirmations as to being absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct delivered to celebrity. My Whitmanesque other-Iam thinks of the double-helical air-parcel feeder-bands to roll-cloud assembly of the cavity resonator established at tornadogenesis, the membrane walls of which being well-documented by now (an integral aspect of the Paine-Kaplan tornado forecast model, circa mid-1970s: relative thereto, cymatics, actually Chladni figures vis-à-vis signatures of far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, being then periodically discussed, Doug Paine having early-on been strongly influenced by the Rudolph Steiner Press book Sensitive Chaos: The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air, by Theodor Schwenk, 1965) to be undulated qua rippled by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (surely establishing variable modal vibrational nodal points-lines-surfaces-polyhedra-polytope patterns within the cavity). Same for the DNA pi-electron gas core coherent wave generation as effectuator of quantum physical-region singularities and associated acupuncture-acupressure meridians? Not only, not to be forgotten, glutamatergic neuronal plasticity, but -- too maladroit, too gauche? -- that of DNA's epigenetic drift. Result of radiative feeder-band, or merely an appearance, a passive wake vortex casting off nucleotide-pair spin-spume? However much the rotational 1T2-logic, hardly the archepiscopal variety preferred, of first-level-encrypted, helix-coil-transiting DNA resembles that of the Three Character Classic and trigrammatics of the I-Ching! Orotundity having become harum-scarum [par}lance of the day: OMG, higgledy-piggledy they've cloned the wrong man! Hence, inconvincibility of the prevailing planetary es{cut}cheon. Only once, if and until, The Scientist has lifted his state into hologramic relative-state superintegration with nature qua nature could he possibly authentically claim legitimate gifted competency at exercise of supersession of natural genetic prerogative. Manhandling genomes, indeed. Which is not to mention geomantic dragon-current-type songlines qua ley lines and intersections thereof as strange attractors for tornado tracks and touchdown points (as at least one medieval European alchemical document graphically portrays, by symbolism of the lance driven into surface of Earth, and, by magical realism floating in the sky above this act, orthogonally intersecting grind-stone discs of Hamlet's Mill, a geomythological cum Kurt Derungsianish landscape mythology-anthropology-ecology thesis). Is some human-systems analog-analogue of this sort of bottom-up microscale assembly just the sort of process required to efficiently implement µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams defined over fractal e-boundaries? Uh, taking inspiration from how the low-tech VCI (Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure) tacitly employed the holographic principle in mapping bureaucratic variables upon boundaries modulating according to the ever-changing environment of the combat -- tacitly employed, not by communist inspiration, but by precedents established by internalized age-old consciousness-in animistic-pagan participation mystique qua quantum-non-simple identity-transparency. By compensatory abreaction, there is, globally, a manic furor of techno-driven hugger-mugger centralization -- the technologies involved being apropos of decentralization, the mindsets involved being those of obsessive-compulsives hooked on the hurly-burly, i.e., the plethora of ConveDDs riding upon a tide of riddles solution to which is beyond their, the O-Cs', ken, giving rise to expectorations of frustration unleashing a thunderstorm of resonant glitterati grumbles echoing across the fitness landscape of the national psyche, whatever the nation thus affected. Watershed-rights, township-rights, county-rights advocates of autopoiesis, autopoionomy, appropriate-echelon repair put to shame current states'-rightsers committed to already-inappropriate assemblage-scales for exclusive execution of many instrumentalities, even if these actions of the executive brain do not include 1T2-currency issuance, i.e., projectile-vomitus emeses of thronging, wayworn [sancti}monies counted out, banded, boxed and labeled at a nesting echelon. Beginning during AmCiv days with Elspeth Rostow at AU-SIS, I've cherry-picked the Jeffersonian-Jacksonian persuasion, not, as regards particulars, embracing the Lebensraum expansionism still an issue of the resource sort even decades after a commander named West-more-land, but relative to the First and Second Bank of the United States and their Biddling bastard bankster progeny: the Fed, BIS, World Bank, IMF, the like (for an interesting perspective on history of the IMF, see the online-available [by good offices of Global Research] Forward to Ernst Wolff's book Pillaging the World, Tectum Verlag Marburg, 2014). Aye, what we most need now is another treasury secretary, say, Abell Upyurs, identified with violations of the Gaussian normotic distribution and blanging forth with a froth or orotund rhetoric. So, it was somewhat tongue in cheek (one reason why we are well into an anthropogenic global crisis is because mainstream academics -- uh, louche Dr. Hewason, that is [note that the was is not an is] -- have ignored and/or denigrated what is misdenoted pseudoscientific metrology, whatever the value, or absence thereof, of any given speculative hypothesis) when I wrote that I was sure COP21 n would solve the problem-as-posed, this problem likely not being solvable absent an economics that permits efficient allocation-organization absent growth, even under contraction and natural attrition. No organization without unending growth. Needs must, so truly must they believe -- for if not Great city is an oxymoron, if great connotes more than mere size and/or height. Anthropogenic, that most nasty of words. Keeping in mind that, during the 1950s, John von Neumann wrote in praise of weather modification and lent his computer expertise thereto, for one take thereupon flash forward and see the excellent article by Dane Wigington entitled Climate Engineering And Polar Meltdown, How Long Has It Been Going On?, Geoengineering Watch, 23 December 2015. Bretton Woods One as a framework element subtending organization-allocation was bad enough, even with a gold window hanging like the blade of a guillotine over global-dollar liquidity; petrodollar BW2, a planetary disaster by taking massive misallocation into horrendous dysallocation (governance-cartel-gangland kowtowing-corruption laundering plus consumer-society conspicuous detritus, the 1T2-value of which should be at least doubled, then subtracted from the µTm-allelotropic value of the G-D,T,E-P [gross -- domestic, transnational, Earth -- product] of the diminutive prevailing regime vis-à-vis the all-encompassing Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock planet Earth). The ubiquitous 1T2-GDP: think of it either as wealth creation or entropy generation -- or interpose an "and". The ideas required to do something substantive about the gathering planetarized catastrophe have been increasingly on the scene for almost 200 years (since Abel's Weltanschauung-shattering Impossibility theorem, with its associated decomposition-demergence cyclotomic imports) and largely rejected in every field of human activity. What tells does that egregious rejection -- highly affect-charged, it should be noted -- tell as to effectiveness of regressed collective-unconscious archetypal event gradients? Those um-errrs whowhatwhich identify themitthatselves therewith: theythemUGH! clearly-- as much as schizos in a schizoid civilization can -- are intent upon mass murder and the correspondingly incumbent, essentially identical, collective suicide, rather than voluntary natural attrition; otherwise, they wouldn't be pushing myriad mimetic estrogens in food delivery whilst simultaneously facilitating artificial-life extension-tech and suppressing adverse-chemical treated-tobacco use on a planet overpopulated by about 5-billion rapacious, by any sane standard, repugnant, homo sapiens, totally failed of the reciprocal maintenance deal incumbent upon bestowal of their intelligence quotient. The inhumane human exemplars: tin miniGod personas, identified with socially-conferred 1T2-role attributions, and imputing to their egospheres responsibility for originating mentations actually expressive of regressed collective unconscious event gradients constellated by sick confluence of myriad unexamined complexes, the transference dynamics of such chained cognition-affect being understood by any 100-IQ 18-year-old, if only a competent secondary-educational exposure were made available Summerhill-wise. But, alas The peasant stooped over in the field has, at least, a modicum of Sartre-Beauvoir-Camus existential authenticity, a property-of-state almost totally absent from prevailing Umwelts-Lebenswelts -- and heshe peasant definitely knows this to be the case. Such opinion is offered by a somewhat whowhich made a living for just short of two decades with pick and shovel, a string of years therein laboring alone in the field root-pruning, in the traditional Japanese fashion, and digging by hand large trees piece work. Take, as my wife NT (a strong 4' 11", who would have made a great jockey, had she so chosen) and I did, explicitly in an attempt, by naive, unspecified/unrevealed-intent, daily intercourse with those low-enders who suffered-yet-survived the cataclysm I underestimated-forecasted at SRA/MACV-J2, circa Spring of 1968 (thus sustaining personal RESPONSIBILITY, by inability to do anything effective about it, for the several-years-later ensuing megadeath, and, furthermore, incurring impetus to personally attempt some sort of systemic recompense, even though my I/i then, 1968, opposed every precipitating MACV salient it could identify, a responsibility I've never forgotten and always understood that attempted fulfillment of which was essential to success of any ZENic inner-counterwork I might undertake, and whatsoever ensuing transincarnational, howsoever conceived, karmic consequences), plus a massive reading-into of the largely-falsified documentation of the US-not-responsible, heh-heh-heh, Cambodian holocaust thesis) a few exploratory years out of hog-trough consumerism (or decades, if you are one of the very few most-esteemable: see, for instance, Medicine Man, Jen Cowley, DUBBO PhotoNews, 26 October 2013: however laudatory this piece may appear to those never wounded and dusted-off by a helicopter sustaining small arms fire, those never a medic seeking to deliver lifesaving care in a combat environment, they can't possibly grasp the reality from this article, Philippe Longfils being most modest (I have subsequent to first writing noticed that the above-linked article has been taken down) in his willingness to reveal, for, in 1980, Kampot was still under heavy artillery fire within a surrounding KhmerRouge stronghold domain and daily sustaining machinegun-fire-intensity assaults, the bridge long since having been blown, as the last American, circa 1975, out of Kampot, i.e., my close friend David Spillane, not the last place in Cambodia he was the last American out of, testified to me years later by asking about status of the bridge, some kind of symbol as to welfare of the community he, a fluent Khmer linguist, also Vietnamese and Thai, had come to have considerable attachment to) to live in an impoverished, say, Cambodian, mangrove-dependent, and basket-weaving, hamlet. Parenthetically, I take this opportunity to praise David Spillane, a one-time CIA case officer, an illustrious instructor at the Camp Perry precursor of NIU, SKS, NCS, HP, and WPC, later a Chief of Station, paradoxically the most spiritually-realized person I've ever known, a life-long devout Catholic, who, on the back of his many years of participation in Indochina warfare and aftermath, eventually accomplished a miraculous personal rebirth, as a close student of the thought and meditative practices of Satprem-qua-BernardEnginger, derivatively of TheMother and her progenitor, SriAurobindo, by no means merely superficially so, and subsequently, throughout a decade and more, provided me with a constant stream of technical (always to me challenging) scientific-mathematical-philosophical material he had ferreted out, which greatly contributed to evolution of my thought in many areas. Our mutual friend, Roxanna Brown, undoubtedly one of the Great American Women, a designator she would have vehemently hated, of her-our generation, were the full majesty of her life-performance (life-pattern as art, her most dedicated devotion, even if, in the case, truncated) ever chronicled, similarly enormously contributed to the ideas explicated, heh-heh-heh, on this website. She was brilliant, far more so than her Columbia U. philosophy degree may have suggested, but her reticence concealed this fact from all but her closest, only with whom she fully engaged, and then only rarely. Few had access to her astounding intellect. Even CaptainWar, just returned from oily Ecuadorian adventures, whom I met in LA years after their Vietnam-war-era fact, had no real knowledge of this, her essential aspect. I was acquainted with every subject involved in the sting operation responsible for her heart-rending (I literally couldn't catch my breath for two weeks, gasping into the night trying unsuccessfully to sleep, had massive heart palpitations, thought, every night, I might not make it unto the next day) premature death, as well as many details of the long-line of her personal history, and believe that the FBI agent-perpetrators had no idea as to actual whys that she was targeted, whatever the concrete dynamics of evolution of the case, the real reason/not-reasons having played out a couple of decades earlier, well above their pay grades. Look at her personal history: she was just try to imagine it. I was never really able. The last time I communed with the living Roxanne, David and I took her out to an up-scale Bkk restaurant -- David knew such places, not me -- the offerings of which typically little interested Roxanne, we very-well ordered for her, to which she paid no attention, and the conversation of the evening ultimately came to settle upon accusations: we both presented, relative to her latest and my oldest, arguments condemning her as being insufficiently paranoid. Discovery of a totally, heh-heh-heh, free, utterly green energy source -- zero point, antimatter, neutrino fuel cell, God-particle fusion, a temporal CURL engine -- would be the ecological equivalent of Nixon's closing of the gold window: given all already anthropogenically set in motion by organization-only-via-growth, organic life on an ever more accelerated overpopulating Earth would not survive that discovery; the life of your average pet rock, perhaps. Some tiny fraction of one-percent of humanity, having lavishly demonstrated its identifying planet-killer profile, would find itself, maybe, At Home in the Universe and domiciled within another solar system. Growth-free order, my I/i surmises, cannot be achieved absent some facsimile of µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams defined over fractal e-boundaries. And I don't think any authentic such facsimile can be created without Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface. Hence, one reason for my interest over the years in the imports of infrasound signatures of theta-e surfaces, and the mechanisms that are involved. Thus, keeping track, a little bit only, I'm afraid, of developments in visual music and music visualization. Wow! then, was my reaction to receiving Jeffrey L. Petry's referring link to the inspiring Scientists Reveal That Dolphins Speak In A Holographic Language, Sean Adl-Tabatabai, YourNewsWire, 11 December 2015 -- which led me on to the Cymascope: Sound Made Visible website. A great step forward documented here with respect to humans learning Dolphin, not the old misguided program of teaching dolphins Human. The larger problem is discovering how dolphin molecular-cellular 1T2-brain processors process (or do they? maybe that's not their job: it could be that popularity of much contemporary commercial music is due to the pandemic of subclinical acoustic neuroma induced by RF pollution) 3D (or is it 3 nD?) holographic, object-oriented (or, like with human inner Musculpt, do these processors, or those of THE quantum µTm-brain, also handle non-objective abstractions?), sonic-visioning Musculpt languageforms. Are Pribramic-Bohmian neural holograms instrumental at display to conscious awareness? If so, what could be the source of the reference beam for this neuronally-generated display? The coherent waves produced by superconductant pi-electron gas core of intraneuronal and/or intraperineural mitochondrial DNA? I've long felt that Flipper would be a key consultant to any program successful at overcoming the travail that has been of late inflicted upon the planet.
Ah, aye, live in a synthetic calculus of thens and will thens, they do, don't they, wishing these could somehow be authentic nows supersolvable, such that they (conveDDed to SpecOps CT/CI operators) could be the exponents required to annihilate nil ideals. I/i = nontrivial idempotent iff i = 0 and I is a potent selfsame real number. I cross i = nilpotent iff I = 0 and i = 0. I/i = nonselfsame iff = is a suprabinary µTm-logically-valued operation (as long as = remains 1T2-only defined, hence, unMusculpted, Musean hypernumber levels will lack rigorous treatment). I cross i = superunsolvable iff I is a vanished (not vanishing) point, therefore no element of 1T2-consistent existence qua glutamate-etched sensory Maya. Would Buddha have expounded upon Schrödinger-memetime-independent one-mind-moment dependent origination of excluded-middle independent infinitesimals? Why wouldn't logic be of limited use if reality were defined as semantically coterminous with existence understood 1T2-equivalent to 1T2-only consistency? Absence of 1T2ly unique determination is the archetypal Shadow (of animistic-pagan CTC-unto-µTm) bugbear leading to the felt internal necessity for 1T2-definition of annihilation exponents and the nausea attendant upon exponentiation of such exponents. Is m-self-reentrant cardinal infinity, sufficiently de-exponentiated, [square-zero, cube-zero. . .n-zero]? That's one speculation subtending the notion of Abelian-Bellian-cyclotomic Schrödinger-memetime-independent decomposition-demergence to material Maya, a speculation compatible with excluded-middle-free smooth objects under the hypothesis that non-identity-transparent, glutamate-etched, macroscopic objects do not exist per se, but only by virtue of a [1T2-definable] context, as very interestingly argued in (referral to which provided by Lauri Love [nsh]) Differential calculus and nilpotent real numbers, Anders Kock, Mittag-Leffler Institute, April 2001.
Memory serving, G. Spencer Brown proved Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras using his calculus of indications. This proving indicated to me, circa 1970, when I think I first read Laws of Form (my onetime immediate SRA/MACV-J2 superior, Jon Saphier, a graduate of the London School of Economics with a Masters in PPE, acquired for me, at my request, a copy from London), that the notion distinction, drawn from Brown's signal exhortation Draw a distinction!, is more fundamental to logic than is the notion truth-value upon which Boolean algebras are based. I further considered that lack of distinction is more fundamental than is distinction, since there must be exhortation to draw one such in order to start Brown's calculus running along the way to proving Sheffer's postulates. Identity-qua-identity as a metaphysical category, it seemed to me, more accurately, utter transparency of such identity-qua-identity, characterized the lack of Brownian distinction. Hence, I took identity as more fundamental than distinction as more fundamental than truth-value. When, five years later, coming across Emil Post's 1921 paper on Lukasiewicz's µTm-valued logics (this T-notation being Post's), I immediately began imagining these logics relative to identity-transparency (which I understood as animistic on basis of my childhood exposure in Midori Gaoka to primitive Shinto modes of cognition), soon thereafter taken into efforts to comprehend Everettian relative-state and the underlying m-valued Schrödinger wave-function. Given this history, I have some difficulty adopting full measure of Diego Rapoport's recursive-generation treatment as to origins of self-referential reentry, repairing the Cartesian cut, so on. My I/i ketaminergically starts off with non-orientability a given, and seeks to find a way into orientability -- not vice versa. To our understanding, operator-time does not express as linear memetime; indeed, first-order temporal CURL can be somewhat properly imagined as transverse to memetime (were one to think on this via spatial analogue). And, in terms of ontological precedence, the first-order comes last: third, second, first. Operator-time does not operate in/over/through passive referential memetime; it Schrödinger-memetime-independently decomposes-demerges m-valued propositions non-orientable-third-order unto orienting-first-order. Only when (that is, when memed appearance of whens has been established due to glutamatergic neuronal anchoring of the stages of cognitive development) the participator-having-become-observer places hisher personhood-perdaughterhood in 1T2-only habitus qua identification-state within memetime and ponderable space does the first-order come first. Then, oh yes, then they are, whatever they may think, can think, giddy they are, being modest, heh-heh-heh, with feigned [binary}self-depreciation, the only kind available to those in 1T2-hallucinosis. Not at the center-in-midst-of-the-conditions, in the tambour-of-the-typhoon, the thyratron-of-the-tornado, the chute-of-the-cyclone, the halcyon-hollow-of-the-hurricane, upon the VictorPStarr-infinite-curvature-saddlebow-of-the-tsunami. Relative-state identity-transparency is not, repeat not, one-to-one in-both-directions-continuous homeomorphic, there being Cantorian infinities of mapping directions constellated over the Cubist qua reductive-phenomenology Husserlian-horizon of any given 3-space object chosen relative to, heh-heh-heh, any other, not to mention collections thereof. As I've said before, were Putin serious about implementing an authentically adequate new global monetary system, equitable via currencies in relative-state and collectively cataloguing the CTC-unto-µTm-logically-valued Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock planet Earth, he would long since already have limoed over to Moscow State University and palavered with Alexander Karpenko relative to, heh-heh-heh, Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value (even if one were to accept 2-logically-valued-rules-of-accommodation argument strings, made by those who have never experienced animistic-pagan quantum-non-simple identity-transparency, and likely deny existence of such, demonstrating that any-m-valued propositional semantics can be reduced to 2-valued semantics, this would apply only to any logic that has a truth-functional finite-valued semantics, as astutely 1T2-argued by Carlos Caleiro, et al., in Two's company: 'The humbug of many logical values', Logica Universalis, February 2005: consider how strange it is that the Trinitarian churchdom of the tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion has 1T2-consistently rejected 1T3-valued logic), such logics to be taken as bases for the processing of transactions denoted in a (no reference here to the mu-operator of Church-Turing computability) muTm-quantum-composite planetary unit of account (Bartosz Mileski may well be the one to program this), a Lukasiewiczian currency-system composite, fractal-drumish horizon, calculable if and only if numbered with non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers arrayed Musean hypercomplex holomorphic on the WiFied-fractal-e-boundaried-nesting-foamed Riemann-surface's most-dense sheet of the Taoistic quark-symmetry-like Tangram-type tiling-patterned universal covering of the infinite-dimensional referencing AlexanderKarpenko functor (Karpenko functors map Lukasiewicz propositions, of µTm-logical-value order-typeclasses, over the primes used in Gödel numbering, thus demonstrating that truth-value cannot be the fundament of logic) space. Sadly, however, we have a Western civilization, cosmology, 3-religion, and all the sciences based exclusively upon endogenous-glutamate logic, permitting none of the infinities of endogenous-ketamine logics actually used by Nature-not-Maya.
Did the VCI make war on Stephen Hawking, uh, rather, prefigure the Susskind-Hawking war that was to be, or was it that the cohort out of which Stephen Hawking issued made war on the VCI? MACV-J2, Office of the Director of Intelligence Production (O-DIP, a twiddling gaggle of wrangling squawk), circa Spring of 1968: most on the scene thought ridiculous the idea that political-administrative boundary changes were significant indicators of future military activities; virtually everyone (including Dr. Louie Le Grand Prix, a subcontracted quantum physicist sent to Viet Nam to study existing hamlet defense systems and make proposals for their improvement) thought the parallels drawn to quantum physics and self-organizing properties of biological metabolic pathways were nonsensical, crazy even; the idea that bureaucratic variables governing cadre-activities within a given Viet Cong administrative domain were highly correlated with that domain's changing boundaries emerged from documentary studies conducted at SRA/MACV-J2 (during the six months of 1986 my wife, Cong Huyen Ton Nu Nha Trang, and I spent daily reading into Douglas Pike's Oakland-located Indochina Archive document collection, over lunch he persistently rejected this notion, arguing that the decoding problem, i.e., decoding the changing alphanumeric VCI [Viet Cong {political} Infrastructure] functional element designators, prevented success of such studies), but no one there, SRA or J2 in general or MACV-HQ at large, including myself, had ever heard of the holographic principle, for it had yet (not until after the 1974 description of Hawking radiation) to be discovered in the field of physics devoted to theoretical studies of astrophysical black holes. But Doug Pike never had access to the hand-written code book of Mr. Sinh, Head, Translation Section, CDEC, Combined Document Exploitation Center, CICV, Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam, physically located adjacent to the JGS compound, i.e., the HQ of the Republic of Vietnam's Joint General Staff. Strangely enough, when Nha Trang and I met Doug and his wife Myrna in HCMC during February of 1993, we spent the afternoon chatting in a park only several long stone throws from what was once this compound. That book of Mr. Sinh was a running compilation of the translators' combined decoding efforts, which one or another SRA analyst daily scrutinized. Moreover, as a mass communications grad student at AU, Pike had not, and I specifically asked him about this, availed himself of SORO, Special Operations Research Office, as had I, an AU-SIS student who wrote a long analysis of the Strategic Hamlets Program and its Malaya-Emergency precursor, the Briggs Plan, for Prof. George L. Harris who had headed up the SORO-FASD (Foreign Area Studies Division) team which produced the 1962 U.S. Army Handbook for Vietnam. As a result of this Harris preceptorship, I spent a lot of time at SORO during the two-and-a-half years I was at AU-SIS, as well as, by introduction of Dr. Harris, using Bernard Fall's personal library at Howard, especially during the first six months of 1965 (as I now read this Wiki account of Fall's life, it occurs to me that the FBI probably took note of my frequent use of that library: creative thought, even mere realism, has long since pretty much been a criminal activity). It was at SORO, as a chela of the old-Asia-hands there, that my real education at AU was gleaned, I felt. And by the time I left, during mid-Fall of 1965, enlisted airborne unassigned and intent upon Special Forces training, I knew the SOE-OSS-FrenchResistance model for mounting a guerrilla/counter-guerrilla infrastructure had little actual applicability to realities of the Viet Nam war. Thus, it was not surprising that I, the son of a USAF supply-and-materiel troubleshooter, onetime B-17 pilot, should later have found myself in the right spot to have come across the boundary-value issue, something the FBI, had they known about it, likely would have found as troubling as Fall's assessment of American action in Viet Nam. Late in my period while at SRA/MACV-J2, I was offered a direct commission as a 2nd Lt. intelligence officer, but I turned the opportunity down for several reasons, one of which was I wished to study in depth the boundary-value issue. In my conversations with Pike, he often lamented lack of interest at the time in VCI terminology and organization. I would rather he had said organizational dynamics, for, where there was interest outside of SRA, it was solely of the static line-and-block-chart variety -- which altogether obscured strategic imports, which were localized to co-variations most readable across boundary-values. One reason why organizational comprehension in this context is generally not credited worthy of attention is that the tactical-actionable level of intelligence collection cum CI-interdiction makes for exciting macho-glam and good stories, whereas the more abstract strategic does not: pandering-profiteering via the buttonholing Hollywood-storyline-recipe infra-mentality is a major factor undermining the potential of CI efforts, whatever the larger picture embraced by the evaluator. We're speaking here of inactive-shooter situations and the use of passive weapons as being most strategically important to insurgency movements, this fact being yet another reason the military-security complex, governmental and non-governmental, has long since assiduously dyseducated itself -- an auto-administered, deschooled, vocationalized self-medication (see, for an informative discussion, Chris Hedges' YouTubed interview of Alexa O'Brien, entitled Militarizing Education, TeleSUR, 23 November 2015) -- so as to actively, uh, kinetically, that is, avoid concerning itself therewith, risk to the Weltanschauung-Lebenswelt-Umwelts dominating them being too, too great. Once prescriptively programmed under glutamate etching, it's not possible, howsoever sterling be professions of accomplishment at inner work, to abscond altogether without identifications, but it is possible to choose: for instance, in watching The Last Samurai, I did not identify with the character Tom-Cruise-the-actor portrayed, but with the opportunity, taken full advantage of or not, Tom-Cruise-the-person surely had in making the film to assimilate Japanese cognitive states, persons, places, and things -- an opportunity unique, or nearly so. The aspect of village life most universally valuable, mentioned but not significantly explored in this black propaganda film, was that later exulted, later than real-time of the film, in the Mingei Movement, however much that movement is stigmatized as having been given over to Oriental Orientalism and Aesthetic Colonialism. Heh-heh-heh! Has any society ever dissipated more resources upon blackpsyche, or granted its psyprols -- factoids unqualified for fact status -- greater net-worths? Soon after my August 1968 ETS, I made two attempts to further study the boundary-value issue. One, via good offices of George Harris, who provided introduction to Human Sciences Research, Inc., for proposing in-depth interviews with Rallier Lt. Col. Tran Van Dac, whom I had extensively debriefed in Saigon, after the brass, the PIOs, and Don Oberdorfer were finished with him (which goes to show where the real emphasis lay). This fell through due to a false story planted with a major news magazine. The second involved multiple attempts to find a university which would allow me to simultaneously study the VCI and quantum physics. Everyone I spoke to about this thought I was a wacked-out Vietnam vet skirting the edge of schizophrenia. In due course, I decided the heck with it, I'd pursue the involved ideas as best I could on my own with the little resources I could personally garner. Been doing that ever since. The last time I spoke with Dr. Harris was on a Sunday morning in 1972 at Beeches Nursery, intersection of Old Georgetown Pike and Chain Bridge Road, Mclean, just toward the bridge from Hickory Hill, when he happened upon me where I then studied Japanese gardening with Mr. and Mrs. Ishiyama. This is where you ended up? he asked. Well, I guess my interest goes back to 1953 and my first exposure to the gardens in Kyoto, was my reply. He nodded his approval. So, almost half a century after 1968, most would still hold, I presume, that the Nobel prize winning theory of optimum currency areas rules out as ridiculous, nonsensical, crazy even, the notion that the optimum global monetary system would involve definition-mapping of LETS currency nesting foams upon changing WiFied fractal e-boundaries according to the dictates associated with (succinctly stated, thusly: everything that happens in a space can be explained in terms of information that's somehow stored on the surface of that space, in String Theory for Dummies by Andrew Zimmerman Jones and Daniel Robbins, the quoted passage linked immediately below) the holographic principle (I can unequivocally state, there having been an elaborate Shinto shrine on the hillside above my house and a beautiful Buddhist temple on a nearby hilltop yet higher, my conviction that my childhood exposure, circa 1953-6, to identity-transparent [it sure takes a lot of neuronal glutamate etching to find that there ever are any quantum particles not entangled such that they can be individually described: see, for instance, Are we living in a HOLOGRAM? For the first time, scientists prove strange theory could be true in 'realistic models' of our universe, Ellie Zolfagharifard, The Daily Mail, 27 April 2015] primitive Shinto [SS, i.e., state-shinto, having been animistic-Shinto Westernized] states of consciousness, generally, and to the moku-hanga woodblock printmaking of country folk [as regards the aesthetics of the stacked flat spaces of multi-sheeted ma], specifically, prepared my mind for recognition that the substantive content of an administrative volume could be catalogued on its changing boundaries) -- and that negative kneejerk assessment -- ridiculous, nonsensical, crazy even -- despite the story told by Leonard Susskind in his book and YouTubed Silicon Valley Astronomy lecture of the same title The Black Hole War: My Battle With Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics, Little, Brown and Company, 2008.
I've never before encountered such a creative handling of G. Spencer Brown and Francisco Varela and Heinz von Foerster (who got into contact with me after Roland L. Fischer, Foerster's friend-associate, and the then editor of The Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, sponsored publication of our paper Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge, circa 1977-8, with whom, Fischer that is, I conferred during his period at Georgetown University Medical School: Fischer and I met as a result of Wolfgang Luthe selecting me to present Fischer's paper on the perception-hallucination continuum and the autogenic state to the 1977 Kyoto psychosomatic medicine conference, attempting to field the many questions from the floor, a request from Luthe necessitated by Fischer being hung up at the Honolulu psychiatry conference that became flummoxed over Soviet misuse of psychiatry: our paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, circa 1980, was written specifically at the request of Fischer for an issue of the Journal of Altered States of Consciousness which Luthe was to have edited, but the journal went bankrupt just prior thereto, thus the paper was never published, reviewers rejecting it at other journals to which it was later submitted; moreover, it was only due to earlier intense encouragement of the editorial staff of the Journal that we undertook to write our paper entitled A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XV, 1979, pp. 333-341: besides the never-tried experimental tests suggested at end of paper, the ideas, flashing forward, described in How Current Loops and Solenoids Curve Space-Time, Andre Fuzfa, arXiv, 14 December 2015, may have some applicability to the problem of detecting the coherent waves hypothesized by us to be generated by helix-coiling DNA, if those waves have biogravitational properties, as our treatment suggests may be the case), among much else, as that produced by Rapoport, cf: Surmounting the Cartesian Cut Through Philosophy, Physics, Logic, Cybernetics, and Geometry: Self-reference, Torsion, the Klein Bottle, the Time Operator, Multivalued Logics and Quantum Mechanics, Diego L. Rapoport, Foundations of Physics, August 2009. Studying this paper is increasing my understanding considerably. Thank you again for the referral. I'm taking my time with this brilliant piece of work. As I read and reread, I'm trying to evaluate indications of the knot in my stomach, trying to identify where its origins lie. It is especially hard to assimilate something subtly different said about a subject one has long tried to contemplate. Moreover, Rapoport brings to the subject matter a much greater degree of technical facility than I've ever possessed, so that adds to the travail involved. Surely, during the 1970s when daily working within Doug Paine's atmospheric-science-focused (see, for instance, the unpublished paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, circa September of 1978) framework, I would have more fully agreed with Rapoport's take. Nowadays, I see it much more as a matter of demergence than of the generative. Admittedly, Rapoport's treatment more thoroughly corresponds to current scientific thought than does my orientation. In terms of the holographic principle, I maintain that the marked state, i.e., a boundary, particularly a fractal boundary, at its ultimate, and at its most primal (speaking here also of the primes of AlexanderKarpenko functors and Gödel numbering), is CTCly container of all of its nascent processes, actually, by hologramic/Cantorian-transfinites part-IS-whole, and by haiku, container of All-That-Is; only with boundary changes, such as those I studied in Viet Nam, changes accomplished, most generally speaking, under operator-time, do lights shut off indicating actualized existence, the presence of a presence, i.e., some concrete process manifest via diminishment of the depth dimension by taking CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2. According to my take, CTC is the all-ways and always-being-there depth of the depth dimension, to speak in Rapoport's terms. In terms of a Christmas tree effect, the primal Tzog-chen AllBase is all lights lit, i.e., totally unconscious to binary-mind. Universal consciousness-without-an-object subsides, and a world demerges, as 3-fold operator-time (conflated by Rapoport to the torsion dimension handled as singular) shuts off lights. A material girl (Cabalistic studies apparently didn't much help Madonna with this) is all lights off except those glutamaterically-neuronally anchored to prescriptively-enculturated-cum-socialized 1T2-only. CTC being absolute relative-state identity-transparency, remains non-viewable to binary-mind, all things come down from everything understood Schrödinger-memetime-independently, not from no-thing as big-banging origin of a memetime-evolution comeuppance. Rapoport (and ostensibly Spencer Brown, though doubt arises if Brown's statements at Esalen Institute are considered, a transcript of which is contained in John C. Lilly's scientific archive, which I read during 1993 while surveying that archive at the request of Lilly for the Pioneer Corporation) reduces self-reference, not like with the Borning probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's original time-independent m-valued wave-function, to oscillatory (alternation between object and observer, marked and unmarked, operand and operator) equivalence to memetime evolution couched in terms of distributed-middle, 2-state, phase-coupled pendula, a conclusion inevitably reached due to the generative-recursive-emergent nature of the form of the argument chosen (rather than, say, the Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic decomposition that issues out of the trans-al-jabr Abel's 1T2-logically-connected Impossibility-theorem existence-proof argument demonstrates). Inadequate distinction, it seems to me, is made by Rapoport between categories of precedence relations: logical, ontological, temporal -- and the axiom of precedence-qua-precedence is not at all questioned (as Lukasiewicz explicitly did in the most general case by challenging the notion logical necessity). Rapoport says, page 23, This [his preceding argument] leads to the peculiar equivalence of self-reference and time, as self-reference cannot be conceived outside time and time comes in whenever self-reference is allowed. I would say: topologically-geometrodynamic, referential memetime demerges as Lukasiewiczian, µTm-pregeometric, relative-state identity-transparency is unpacked to Wheelerian self-reference by the ontological actions of third-order operator-time (the 3-fold case of the involved temporal CURL, we surmised during the '70s, requiring to rigorously handle: µTm-valued logics, Musean hypernumbers, and octonions). If categories of precedence relations are considered, and allowed is cyclotomic demergence through pre-pregeometry as a bucket of dust, pregeometry as µTm-valued calculi of propositions understood independent of the notion truth-value, topological geometrodynamics, and spacetime physics, then Rapoport's take and my take may not be mutually exclusive. At question is where position of being-in-itself is placed, and what Plato, in Timaeus (for a brilliant account, see: Plato's Mathematical Imagination: The mathematical passages in the dialogues and their interpretation, Robert S. Brumbaugh, Indiana U. Press, 1954: I can personally attest to Cornell's library system having had a first-printing copy during the mid-1970s), referred to as effect of inverted intellectual vision. Nility and nullity are required iff the place chosen to be identified with is object-oriented spacetime.
If the human species does itself in, by my most strategic judgment that will not be accomplished via suicide-by-cop; rather, if not via suicide-by-PW1, then via suicide-by-nature. According to my reckoning, the pivotal issue catalytic of an early-19th-century collective unconscious decision for human species self-annihilation was resurrection of pagan animism, the pagan animism implicit in Abel's 1823 existence-proof for trans-al-jabr -- and the transfinite, µTmly-hologramic, relative-state identity-transparency carried there within. The first full-blown, altogether explicit, back-reactive fulmination became manifest with the Nazi insistence upon purified identity, the pathogenetic processes of elaboration involved having been partially explicated by C. G. Jung in his Modern Man in Search of a Soul (see, for contextualization and why I feel Nazification was a back-reaction against what the Germanic mindset did more than any other, in the period 1900-1925, to prepare relative to a conscious integration -- integration of undissimulated 19th-century higher maths and the New Physics -- to a synergistic Weltanschauung, a struggling-to-demerge construct quenched, not only by the Nazis and their larger-Europe plus UK-US sympathizers, but also by the Anglo-French-American mindset(s) in general: Echo of the Mockingbird, circa 1968-1997). Sri Aurobindo earlier, WWII-PTSDed Satprem later, John C. Lilly later yet, and about the same time as Lilly, Wolfgang Luthe (shortly before his untimely death, Luthe sent me part of a manuscript produced by him concerning Oskar Vogt, a text which indicated Luthe had long contemplated relevant issues) identified deeper aspects of the pathogenesis as being physiologically anchored, these perspectives clarifying considerably with increasing explication of neurotransmitter metabolism, particularly that of glutamate and ketamine. One thing pellucid from a close reading of the Lilly Tank Logs (i.e., documenting his systematic exploration of the taking of the general anesthetic dose, sans any cocktailed anti-hallucinogens, of exogenously-introduced ketamine in the Lilly-isolation-flotation tank) is that the transition between states (i.e., that endogenously glutamatergic to that exogenously-enhanced ketaminergic, an interstate phase transition that could be bra-ket represented were one so inclined) is so rapid that consciously missed are the phase-shifting process-details involved. This is in marked contrast to the transition between the endogenously glutamatergic state and the endogenously ketaminergic state, such as that attained via long-practiced concentration in autosensory cum autocognitve observation, and with less contrast via the various forms of contemplation, less still via the various forms of meditation. Aurobindo repeatedly made this point in his own ways in his Letters on Yoga (I obtained a raw-silk bound encyclopedia-sized copy of his Collected Works in 1969 and read through it, side by side with that of Jung, over the next several years): the slowest transition is the most informative. Clearly, never before advent of the Walkman had practices of The Solitary Walker engaged in walking meditation, in an attempt to struggle internal considering and roof-brain chatter rather than simply observe them, been so thoroughly frazzled. Once the transition has been made to a state of consciousness-without-an-object (cf: Franklin Merrell-Wolff), however, the process of return generally is slow enough to register details, even though the relatively-slow return from exogenously-drug-induced snapover-transition is far too fast to permit stopping off at the way stations known as the various levels of Samadhi, each said to have its associated characteristic phenomenologies. Where is the base-state, what the initial condition? Tantric-Schrödinger memetime-independent consciousness-without-an-object, which is unconscious to prescriptively-enculturated cum socialized, glutamate-etched qua neuronally-anchored, and well-automatized binary mind? Or that very binary mind, box-manned into quantum-measurement occasions, sub-clinical and clinical? Rapoport's treatment of thinking (i.e., operational thought only, it would seem) vectorizes logical operations (explicated in the section of his above-linked paper entitled Self-reference, the Klein Bottle, Torsion and the Laws of Thought) rather than logicizes vectorial functional space as Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, this being done by Rapoport such that cognition can be regarded recursively emergent 1T2-unto-4T4 (the 1,2 4 being understood as signifiers of truth-values solely). Whereas, alternatively, speaking 1T2ly, only the most formalistic of minds, utterly unburdened with the operational thought that frisks a scene, would cognize the proper procedures -- stated in the abstract, independent of concrete situational, empathy-inducing circumstances -- as to be regarded anything more than heuristic, vis-à-vis dynamical form-in-process. Which Schrödinger-memetime-independent process comes first -- in terms of logical, ontological, temporal, existential precedence relations -- spontaneous fusion or spontaneous localization? The 1T2-probabilistic physicist clearly believes spontaneous fusion has precedential primacy; otherwise, he would not employ the terms superposition and condensation and entanglement indicative of given particulate discretes undergoing fusion by memetime-referenced processes. Under CTC, however, there are infinities of infinities of bra-ket states neither discrete nor continuous, very few of which have been identified, or partially identified, by experimental uses of the prevailing techno-base, the associated mental states, the committee-established system of rules determining permissible and impermissible evidence, just as is done jurisprudentially by way of governing remunerative adversarial-qua-agonistic 1T2-lawfare: as if there actually are Laws of Thought, 1T2 or/and otherwise. In your legal fiction, it's necessary to find evidence to investigate; in your scientific method hagiography, it's necessary to investigate to find evidence: axenically one of the 1T2-other; certainly not Zenically ketaminergic. Justice would serve the law if only the law would permit it: one aspect of 1T2-lawfare is 2-Tiering, where only 1-tier finds itself in tears. Insofar as a pregeometry initial condition is to be postulated, therefore, we find CTC is that condition. But this finding, it is tacitly felt by most, would leave us nothing to psychologically lean on; we'd be off-the-wall! Particularly so if also boundary conditions were allowed to be understood as being in a constant state of flux: hence, the lofty (even a spiritual Hercules like Sri Aurobindo felt compelled to stigmatize the µTm wave-spectrum standing between CTC and 1T2 as being "The Intermediate Zone") index of the largely unacknowledged fear quotient, for those of us self-identified 1T2-only to a purified identity. Quoth we William S. Burroughs: NOTHING IS TRUE. EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED (all caps in original: Cities of the Red Night, Picador paperback edition, 1981, p. 13). This assertion certainly does not appertain to the 1T2-valued-case, even to a StephenHawkingesque 1T2-universe-of-discourse-without-boundaries, but what about as the µTm-case closer and closer approaches the CTC-case? The very fact that so many digitalized artificial people, those receiving the highest of higher enculturation, believe that logical-value order-types in supersession to that 1T2, are semantically reducible to, even equivalent to, that 1T2 is a potent indicator as to just how effective glutamatergic anchoring of prescriptive enculturation has been: the mistaken reducibility-equivalency is based solely upon consideration of the rules for accommodation of schemata, not also discrimination as to the nature qua nature of the somewhats-whatnots decomposed to the schemata being accommodated. At logical-value order-types Transcendental to that 1T2, the involved somewhats-whatnots cannot be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame discretes, nor even merely shades of shading between T-F, 1-0, up-down, on-off, so on. The preponderance of human experience of identity, pagan-animistic qua participation mystique, testifies to that: prior to 500 B.C.E. in the West, prior to much later than that in the East. Cross-modal animistic-empathic metareference, the tropologic root of most figurative and most-figurative usage: in feeling-space, The distance between feelings and thoughts of feelings disappears (Mons Kallentoft, Summertime Death, 2012 Hodder paperback edition, p. 349). States of relative-state identity-transparency are no mere shade-offs in the real interval 0,1; the further removed from 1T2 is the involved logical-value order-type, the less comprehensible to binary-mind are the somewhats-whatnots decomposing to the schemata accommodated by the appropriate rules for accommodation of schemata. That's why Musculpt as mathematical notation is required to cognize it. Insistence upon stockpiling ideological affirmations of, and accumulating existential confirmations of, purified identity, even if overtly attacked by PC public discourse and institutionalized education, is largely induced by childrearing conventions and educational processes exclusively devoted to cultivation of glutamatergic states -- those disciplines (as regards ADLs, largely resident in the widely suppressed spiritual-practice aspect of handwork) facilitative of endogenous ketamine floods having long since been pushed to the periphery of most every currently prevailing society. Clear indicators of the virulence of this human condition are the expanding epidemics of psychotropic drug use, bodymod faddism, cyborgization, robotics, genetic modification, attempts to induce artificial immortality via techno-life extension -- which are compensatory-abreactive ConveDDs (the current popular fascination with dinosaurs being yet another example of projective-identification stemming from acceleration of the catalytic factors driving the anthropogenic global conundrum; speaking here of projection-need, not projective needs) of prevailing normative states, states increasingly digitalized by pandemic interfacing to the Boolean-only, finite-iteration Turing machines birthed under duress ostensibly to quench one fulminating case of the insistence upon purified identity: just the tricky self-scamming sort of thing the Trickster archetype loves to play about with.
Yes, I know. It's because I'm not identified with the notion people ought to read what I write, but what I write is written such that, if they read it, they must study it to get the sense of it, and if they study it, it will have quite a different effect upon them than were it written to be easily read, without analysis being required for sense. A child of concealed rancor, I did my best to escape Kinderhook, but, alas, without much success. Nonetheless, after my last postpartum glutamatergic neuronal pruning, the one peripubertal (too bad I didn't start my personal journal in kindergarten; had I done so, I probably could have looked back through and identified precisely when a couple of the prepubertal neural-network wipeouts transpired), I managed to minimally grok the dissociative Plexiglas wall and reverse-telescope effect, the near blackouts running up through my early-twenties. The ontic so-called derealization (1T2-paradoxically felt [feeling function] as an empathic implosion whilst simultaneously sensed [sensation function] as a spatial distancing: the pull of feeling-toned contraction to relative-state identity-transparency being pushed against by compensatory-abreactive dilation of normed ponderable space, where a heuristic-push fictive, the zero vector, is required to separate points) associated by many to the phenomenological immediacy of perceptual-proprioceptual affect-charged (emotion as distinct from feeling, in the Jungian four basic psychological functions sense) shift of place in feeling-space, occasioning instances of deepened self-observation cum acute self-remembering, I have learned to take as an indication of really real realization. Perhaps these experiences predisposed me to, long ago, regard numerical cardinality-ordinality as layered into the ontological order-type of precedence relations. More than a decade before Lukasiewicz developed rigorous treatment of m-valued logics, he made a cognitive departure: he challenged the axiomatic notion known as logical necessity. This was equivalent to doubting, i.e., reductive-phenomenological epoché (except that this Lukasiewiczian bracketing would deny direct conscious access to the bare-object qua noumenon only to binary-mind, and Lukasiewiczian [de}eidetic reduction would explore the Bennettian skew-parallel-object's capability to be itself while at the same memetime being something else, which does involve null vectors, uh, i.e., vectors null to binary-mind), validity-utility of the very idea of precedence relations -- logical, ontological, temporal (where a heuristic-push fictive, the zero vector, is required to separate points on the memetime line), existential, in that order of cyclotomic-decomposition-demergence to [meme}decoherence-Maya. Absent rules of accommodation of logical schemata, and in presence of m-valued non-simple identity, look to Chuang-Tzu (The universe is a unity of all things. If one recognizes his identity with this unity, then the parts of his body mean no more to him than so much dirt All things are blended like this and mutually involve each other.), in particular, free-associative (to the Western-trained mind) traditional Asian (e.g., Tang-style poetry's the dog goes in, the cat comes out) rhetorical styles (communication facilitated by identity-transparent modes of being) of discourse, in general, for some suggestion (but still largely 1T2, if rotationally-binary, à la the yin-yang Tai Chi symbolization of the governing accommodative framework) as to how cognition thence operates. Setting aside most-profound consideration involving absence altogether of precedence, initial and boundary conditions, to me quantum superposition (canonically inherently unobservable by a binary-mind) -- were I inclined to use that term as actually explanatory of notions I embrace -- is not really captured by arithmetic and/or logical addition, because the resultant state is fundamentally unlike either of its logically-antecedent constituents, properties of which are altered during operational transform. I would say the same of composites and multiplication qua tensor product, especially so for µTm-quantum-composites, where the identity states of constituents are not monotonically selfsame. Nor would I wish to engage in normalization of the wave-function by maintaining that a particle has to be located somewhere, i.e., probability zero is impossible: substituting measurement values understood as probabilities for m-logical values understood relative to non-simple-identity states understood independent of the notion truth-value necessitates the normalization insisted upon by glutamatergically-etched normotics. Moreover, I've never thought of logical self-reference qua reflexivity as equivalent to topological reentry: just as velocity has to be double-dotted in order to take a line to a curve to a turn-around, so also something similar likely is the case with tropological self-reference and topological reentry via imaginary and hypercomplex domains. If so, the broken-hologramic-plate part-IS-whole holographic principle cannot simply result from recursive self-referential reflexivity and closure.
Not only would I, unlike Diego Rapoport (see his above-linked paper), not norm, arbitrarily or otherwise, the cognitive state ket-q, |q>, to a momentum operator, M, as he does in equation (34), I would not regard the shift-discontinuity from orientable to non-orientable as merely a matter of superposition, as he states in (35), handled as if projected upon a 2D Cartesian co-ordinate reference frame. The shift between simply-connected and multiply-connected is, per General Relativity, less topologically complex (related to absolute limiting acceleration) than is the shift between orientability and non-orientability (related to absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration). Accordingly, to me retrograde-inverting Rapoport-vis-Lacan (i.e., in my cascade view, appearance of dualism has to do with demergence to memetime and claims to objectivity), the CTCly-Everettian, purely-waverly, Musculpt manifold, M, is Abelian-Bellian cyclotomically decomposed, under 3-fold operator-time, CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 (understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to identity-transparency free of the fixed-point eigenform associated to Eigenheit structure of egoic selfhood, except in the 1T2-limiting-case whereupon absolutely-in-so-far-as-true or absolutely-in-so-far-as-false have demerged into fully-distinguishable what{it}themselves), decomposed, that is, via del-double-prime, del-prime, and del (curl{dot}scalar taken through third-second-first derivatives) to a momentum operator which is bra-ket-normalizable as cognitive state q, a state glutamatergically anchored to binary neural networks (i.e., The Self and Its Brain) under cognitive operations executed (by The Ego and Its Own) in service to prescriptive enculturation-socialization. And! there are those who ask, What does chewing gum have to do with the secret of the universe? Little Denny-the-Many, his glutamatergic struggling-to-emergent-property decoherence and its ensemble of ketaminergic imaginary friends, the voices and mannerisms of which are, in turn, taken on from coherent identity-transparent see-to-shining-see, resulting in: internalization of scorn, loathing, fright, avoidance communicated by back-reactions of The-Most-Proximal-Cause-Prescriptive-Enculturator-Socializer (located in a fragmented nuclear-family system separated from extended-family alternative role models, thus insuring monotonic imprinting, the collective-obsessive fixation upon 1T2-only-logical relations altogether preventing demergence of adaptive social forms, rigidified boundary-value formation being assumed). Poof! Allowed no more is simulacra -- but what remains is an intense and enduring impulse to actualize, say, the Turner thesis upon virgin land, and, when there is no more, west-more-land having failed, that impulse ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacement) to Magical Realism and VR. Domin(at)ions genocided, purchased, ceded, annexed, acquired. The haughty Sniffers hauling their barren Hunks, the merciless Burners squirming on their impudent Nettles: electoral-vaudeville focused-on-fuss fol-de-rol followed by prolific patronage of the pregnant [patri}money. Forswear enmity and trickery? Hardly, my dear sir, a prudential proviso. Not even 1T2ly-[aber}RATionally to be understood: how can one be expected to believe in a fuzz-protected and inertia-perpetuated system so ridiculous one never could have imagined oneself participating in it? Is propulsive etiology of sensed shore-to-shore-and-beyond Manifest Destiny found to have originated in abreactive compensation for the non-centralizing cum decentralization aspect of Jacksonian political-economy and its Jeffersonian precursor? Or is that only secondary to the fathering, lately foundering, ConveDD? Aye, Denny-Stripped-of-His-Many. Such an engagingly lively arch, a provocative fiend feisty, redolent of pungent pique, vanity wounded and caught in a resentment fit, his piquancy as incendiary as a scratched locofoco. Aroused athwart, in inner acrimony, self-piquing and displaying a countenance rooted in an imposed cognitive etiquette 1T2ly duoplicitous! Hah, a condition of m-self-[ost}racism sure to be narcissistically ConveDDed through a two-way social mirror. Hurrah! yet again for Hernando de Soto, who understands (see: How to Win the War on Terror, Project Syndicate, 14 January 2016) that if boundary-value exploitation is the essence of successful insurgency, so, too, must successful counterinsurgency be related to boundary formation, boundaries understood not primarily only on the nation-state scale level (all sub- and supra-levels referenced thereto). But what sort of boundaries -- those 1T2, or some other order-type? This is a question Peruvian de Soto does not understand (nor, for that matter, as I can personally attest, did Milton Friedman), he not being into sub-cellular/sub-molecular fractality, quantum non-simple identity, non-binary logics as the actual (i.e., submolecular and non-Chilean) functional prerequisites to, by way of analogical models, biological autopoiesis. If our most-loved cognitive territories, the run of satnav(ed) cul-de-sacs Umwelt-identified with, are to be renounced, the partitioning algorithms chosen are of enormous importance: just think of the inordinate metabolic complexities orchestrated by dismutation qua disproportionation and the reverse-cascade involved in comdisproportionation. Breakdown of the intermolecular (across phase boundaries) electron transport processes involved here, according to Albert Szent-Györgyi and others, leads to cancer (deeply involved with induced alterations of mtDNA-facilitated mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and of nuclear-DNA encoding of electron-transport-chainable proteins). Whether Planck realized it or not, the 18th-century-rationalist certitude as to inherent conflict between freedom and order, which many of us unquestioningly internalized during seventh-grade Civics class, is a given only under framework determining conditions dictated by the binary-only logic sundered by the quantum of action. The in-or-out, 1T2ly-bound nation-state being a projection of plenished and replenished ego-spherical identifications, any question raised as to necessity of logical-necessity is experienced as ruckus, as dire existential threat, as lilting specter of the psychically diss{ever}ed, as, indeed, tantamount to a dialectic of treason, moral and even otherwise, the sacred equation dyssolved. Having turned truth-value into a craven idol, politicians have for long preened self-estimation of their personal 1T2-worth by extolling upon just how pristine is their idolatry of the binary. Those spherical egos amongst us, paranoid lest their cognitive armpits' ambits not personally exercise freaky command-helicopter control: Arthur Young's third-order stick, time rate of change of acceleration. By all sanguine standards of sane judgment, the sort who created, used, and abused the prevailing institutions of governance, whithersoever in each period, so lacked sagacity as to have been abominations, among the worst persons ever to people the planet, cross the Rubicon, go beyond the Pale. Calumniating-deprecating in service to pride of politics and/or enunciating demand-pulled expected lies justified as imperative to protection of stock-market climb cum real-economy growth, not to mention other sacred trusts such as the logical necessity of destined warfare. Whilst offering no encomium, and condemnatory as the query be: when civilization, a truckler to vengeance since domestication of the horse, has been largely, though not exclusively, based upon the precept history as force, later the notion logical necessity, is it possible to imagine there could have been less violence, less misallocation of resources trending to overuse, tracking upon despoliation, ultimately upon depletion? Few doubt practical politics in democratic societies is ruthless and dirty: this is a frequently heard-read observation, and quite understandable given the realities everyone is aware of; what is difficult to understand is how the general belief arose, and has been sustained, that ruthless-and-dirty yields the good life. Axiomitization of inherent and irresolvable conflict between countervailing powers-forces (and all against all in the ruthless struggle to climb up the organizational cum socioeconomic ladder) as a metaphysical given institutionalized by constitutional mandate, and preconditioning the foreign policy formulation process, utterly precludes exercise of the Apollonian holographic principle, which harmonious-measured-balanced order is not reducible to recursion, certainly not of the whole-integer-dimensioned algebraic variety, as the briefest of glances at a holographic plate, whole or in pieces, is sufficient to reveal. But then, wanting-but-not-all-that-fussed-up movement through the educational system, a system wanting, even through the tertiary level and graduate degrees, has always been more a matter of demonstrating cognitive compliance than anything else. Every institution thus founded and staffed has agencies within the agency not acting on behalf of the agency, but primarily on their own behalves such that interest of the company, the national interest, is merely a countervailing force to that of the interest of the wiliest individual staffer. Hard to see how all this is in any way mistaken for the good life. O, the RPGs and missiles of outrageous promulgation, whatever epithet be employed in the justifying philippic. By now it is pellucid that there are only a few people on the planet with certain knowledge as to ultimate responsibility for 9/11, yet great numbers predicating policy conviction upon a certainty they can't conceivably possess: it might be argued that most instances of policy conviction are similarly predicated. Surely, a backhanding Nature will employ unevenhandedness at dealing with the transgressor. I learned from high-school student-council politicking, where aspiration to high office often begins, that demonstration of mediocrity is prerequisite to popularity: thereupon died my Civics-class-inculcated belief in efficacy of Newtonian-Lockean vector-summing franchise as decision algorithm. Subsequently, my notion as to utility of an e-commons drifted away from caucuses-referenda and gravitated, heh-heh-heh, upon simulative gaming of strategic contingencies to be effectuated in significant measure via m-logically-valued LETS. Currency nesting foams -- m-valued, defined over fractal e-boundaries, and µTmly-processed, what could be deemed as profoundly related to animistic-1T3-Aymara-type boundaries -- are the ticket de Soto requires to effectuate his agenda, not the 18th and 19th-century Western-powers notion of geographical partitions and associated singly-logically-valued notions of privacy, regards personhood and property. But, sadly, Merchant Princes graduated, became Masters of the Universe, as the God Particle was discovered and the Final 1T2-Theory of Everything was hawked about and posted to the World Wide Web, eventually to be cloud-computed on an overpopulated not-so-smart-mobbed planet.
From my orientation, Diego Rapoport appears to have developed an excellent and detailed argument as to necessity of going from 1T2-discretes to binary-continua to topologically-active operator-time to 4T4-processing -- whereas I see each and all of these as rooted in CTC-AllBase, the only real go from. Such rooted trees! Upside-down, maybe even backwards: retrograde inversions as regards recomposition volutes played out over Musculpt composition matrix nesting foams. The stomach turned, most people surely would feel -- especially so when listening to these volutes, one supposes, worse even than orbifold simplectics of dodecaphonic retrograde inversions. Winkle [imp}recations out of queasiness? A careful drunk, punctiliously squiffy, twitting on, cracking wise: The obdurate ghost in the implacable machine which the murderers in bureaucracy hope more fully to deploy? Progress, even when phlegmatic, has always been deplorable and never really necessary? The cat goes in, the dog comes out? A wigging, what, stertorously discomfiting -- and madly received. Arch prattles sallying forth bad{in}age mellifluous and trilling, winning approbation at every turn of phrase. Minds riot-wracked by the incessant ambient noise employed to escape all risk of the experience of interior distance. By contrast, Rapoport, in the above-linked paper, at the beginning of the section entitled Holography, the Liar Paradox and Improbabilities, offers a very interesting formulation:
Logical superposition is recursively closed, in contrast with quantum superposition, and thus self-referential in the sense that two normalized logical states add to a new superposed normalized state and we can continue this indefinitively. This introduces an holographic behaviour in the space of all normalized cognitive states, since any such state can be expanded into a decomposition of all states and all states can be brought to bear on a given one, just by applying the proper combinations under the rule of the superposition principle. This is in sharp contrast with the quadratic rule of normalization of quantum superposition, say, |c1|2 + |c2|2 = 1 while still challenges the positivity assumption on classical probabilities, and still negative probabilities can occur.
As interesting as this is, still, I can subscribe to none of the intents of the argument because I hold that (1) Boolean-normed logical state is not THE normalized logical state, there being at least CTCly many of them; and (2) no amount of propositional recursion in a given logical-value order-type can yield a proposition of another such order-type, the involved norms, across logical-value order-types, being altogether incommensurate; and (3) quantum superposition is, indubitably is, logical superposition because the superposed m-values of the m-valued variables involved in the Schrödinger wave equation are properly interpreted, not with probability amplitudes, by with m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood, pregeometry-wise, independent of the notion truth-value and in terms of the Cantorian-cardinalities many, Everettian-vonHayekian time-shape relative-states involved in animistic-pagan identity-transparency qua participation mystique qua psychic contagion; and (4) negative probabilities are, therefore, not nearly so interesting as logical operations conducted over counterspace, the domain of the psychic component of psycho-physical skew-parallelism qua the observer-state as regards quantum measurement, clinical and subclinical. However, even given my non-subscription, I find many of the aspects of Rapoport's elaborations intriguing, if to be somewhat differently employed. For instance, his wave-like logic-operator matrix representations of IMPLY and IF, treated as exponentials of divisors of zero, seem to me very suggestive as to how Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of AlexanderKarpenko functors (over the primes) of Lukasiewicz-logic propositions on the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space qua Tzog-chen AllBase, which Rapoport 1T2ly-treats as a nilpotent hypernumber [seen as a] zero matrix, representing the universe of all possible cognitive states created by a non-null divisor of zero, there being many more than merely many divisors of 0, indeed, Cantorian cardinalities thereof, nility and nullity being a characterization necessitated by the 1T2-only treatment) could be Abelian-Bellian cyclotomically unpacked to orbifolded Musculpt (the Greater Maze thereof being dependent upon the identification of boundaries, I note, and, more generally, boundary-types as codifiers of all they contain, à la the holographic principle of blackhole computing and acoustic analogues thereto; but notice that all involved cells are insisted to be distinct, and this insistence I take to be a 1T2-only-framework-determining condition) motives (à la Rapoport's cognitive momentum) on lesser-valued sheets of the Musculpt manifold, M: the matrix representations of the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers would have to be Musculptly worked with in order to discover nature of the logical operations being represented-signified, almost none of them corresponding to Boolean operators like IMPLY and IF. Would it be too outrageous to suggest that conjugation of "topological spaces for musical objects" to Rapoportian dynamics as generator of a user-friendly interface to m-logically-valued LETS would go some distance toward realization of L. L. Whyte's The Next Development in Man? And I bet that -- once up and running -- the card fees required to finance this µTm-monetary nesting foam would be only a fraction of the fraction presently taken from participating businesses and interest charged to holders of cards of the current 1T2-credit card industry. Musean hypernumbers, 1T2-only construed nilpotent, would, it seems to me, correspond to zero-sets over a hypercomplex zeta function complexifying the complex zeta function of the set of zeros of the Riemann Hypothesis put forth over the complexification of Euler's real zeta function -- these Musean zero-sets pertaining to the myriad time-shapes (e.g., Musean chronotopologies) decompacted by µTm-valued logical-cum-temporal operators promulgating demergence to orientable and simply-connected memetime cum ponderable space. Contemplating origins of the differing approaches to similar subject matter between myself and Rapoport, most prominent in mind is awareness that my exposure to polyphonic, many-voiced µTmly-identity-transparent animistic-Shinto kami-modes of cognition and comprehension came in the pre-adolescent stage (and consider this necessary and sufficient condition for the total control -- certainty, security, clarity: zero or one; up or down; on or off; black or white -- soon to be established by the nation-state and its surrogates over prescriptively enculturating-socializing synaptic-pruning glutamate floods [and associated quantum quenching?]: Scientists open the 'black box' of schizophrenia with dramatic genetic discovery, Amy Ellis Nutt, The Washington Post, 27 January 2016; personally, my I/i is no one whowhat could accurately be construed a true believer in science, not given [1] how patently obvious is the psycho-socio-politico-economic leverage brought to bear upon establishment of criteria employed to separate data from noise, and [2] how easily, in a participatory universe, are techno-regimes established as expressions of pathological Weltanschauungs and falsified paradigms, and how those techno-regimes, once established, select between data and noise) of Piagetan 1T2-cognitive development, ages 8-11, and that, subsequently, having been abruptly wrenched from the most conservative sector of 1950s rural Japan into adolescent troubled-assimilation of Western cognitive modalities, moving frequently as a military brat from place to place, I found myself free to experimentally try on different notions of self, never being forced by an unchanging peer group into a set-self imago. Cultivation of substitute memories helps with this, I found, with its associated periodic losses of memetime. We have walking-state access to but a small portion of our total memory stores (a personal journal is, therefore, very useful for inner work). Why that diminutive access? Because only consciously-inputted cache/RAM is 1T2-encoded, all the rest held in intra-neuronal-DNA higher-level-encoded quantum-coherentwave-time-shapes correlates of nucleotide-pair-enciphered neural-hologram-ROM, only writable µTmly in supersession to the binary order-type of logical-value? On the basis of those personal circumstances, exposures, and experimentations, I did not place a premium upon normative cognitive state, regarding it somewhat with a sense of wonder as to How can this limiting state possibly have come about? Normative state was always, thus, construed by me derivative and clearly -- by registration of effects obtained over place-to-place moves -- socialized and culture-bound. In the conclusion to Rapoport's paper, he states that his objective was the modeling of normative cognitive state and that future research may well focus upon altered states and the role therein played by octonions (I would observe that, in all likelihood, 3-space under 3-fold operator-time requires a decomposable [is this synonymous with schizoid and associated dissociative loss of time across the subalgebras of selfhood, uh, that is, loss of memetime?] composition algebra not identical to the classical octonions) -- which is a conclusion I thoroughly embrace.
What initiated my relationship with Wolfgang Luthe was a brief letter, circa 1973, inquiring as to whether Autogenic Training had been found useful adjunctive therapy in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. His reply came immediately by return mail (amazing scientist, really, in my experience: has actually established a means to intelligently monitor his incoming correspondence). He asked: How did you arrive at this idea? He further stated that a T. Abe in Tokyo had found clinical evidence supportive of this thesis, but nothing regarding his studies had yet been published. Thus began my engagement with Luthe as regards my ideas about one possible environmental trigger to SLE, about DNA radiation exchange processes, mitochondrial and nuclear, their possible superconductive nature, and the quantum properties of autogenic brain discharges. As well as speculation as to the means of antihomeostatic disruption, some likely consequences thereof, and a couple of ideas as to experimental tests that could be done. My ideas along these lines had evolved during the previous two years whilst reading into literature on SLE at the Georgetown University Medical School library and the National Library of Medicine, studies undertaken in large measure due to a close friend having been diagnosed as having succumbed to SLE during the period I was attempting to investigate ideas about DNA superconductivity which had come to me during a mortar attack on a hospital in Viet Nam where I was recovering from wounds sustained during late-1967 in the Mekong delta. Earlier yet, as a 16-year-old, circa 1961, I worked swing-scaffolds whilst painting radar domes on the DEW Line in Alaska, so I brought some practical experience of oscillation behaviors to consideration of the larger implications of Paine-Kaplan modeling efforts (I've learned over the years not to discount the importance of such, at the critical moment subliminal, factors). The central idea about DNA superconductivity, as later published in the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, circa 1979, involved the temperature oscillation rate of pi-electron parcels associated with the free-electron gas core of the molecule. Induced shifts away from normative values of this rate, I thought, would be especially disruptive to processes rate-limited by mitochondrial DNA. Such induced shifts, according to my ideas, would not require ionizing radiation or thermal damage to stereochemical structures: these temperature changes would occur at the submolecular level by electron temperature enhancements too minute to directly affect articulative processes (I now find that there is experimental evidence supportive of this notion, as per use of the term microthermal effects in the paper entitled Genotoxic effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, Hugo W. Ruediger, Pathophysiology, 16, 2009, pp. 89-102). It was only a small step from there to speculation that chemical toxins operating on the molecular level could include amongst their disruptive capabilities induced shifts in normative submolecular temperature oscillation rates, thus mimicking such shifts radiation-induced (I now find that there is experimental evidence supportive of this notion, as per use of the term UV-mimetic agent in Ruediger's paper linked immediately above; moreover, integral to our model is the notion that DNA molecules have frequency-response windows, waveforms, and intensities, and that DNA of differing histological types have differing response characteristics, possibly accounting for differing experimental findings were these differing response characteristics not taken into account in design of experiments). Rates, acceleration of those rates, acceleration of the acceleration of those rates: what should be most worrying, the biological-time bomb or the biological time-bomb? Based upon the canonical equation provided by our model, in terms of minimum-time specifications, radiation-induced submolecular temperature changes should be detectable and quantifiable relative to alterations in the velocity, acceleration and time rates of change of acceleration of helix-coil transition at transcription: such changes may have correlations to differing exposure times as measured with the method of anomalous viscosity time dependencies (AVTD) as employed in the investigations described in Nonthermal GSM microwaves affect chromatin conformation in human lymphocytes similar to heat shock, R. Sarimov, et al., IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 32:4, Part 2, August 2004, pp. 1600-08. Could submolecular microthermal effects appear similar to [molecular-scale] heat shock? Consider, here, for instance, John K. Gandy's The Three Dynamic Levels of DNA Consciousness, International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 6:3, 2013. Given the biometeorologic origins of our take on this notion, mighty strange they should be meddling with quantum properties of Earth's atmosphere -- e.g., phased-array-radar-induced electron-temperature enhancements -- whilst still clinging to the notion of a classical limit, don't you think? In context of these perspectives, I highly recommend the recent VDOed discussion -- entitled Mitochondrial Dysfunction and GMOs, linked in VIDEO: How Monsanto's Glyphosate Attacks Our Core Cellular Functions, Christina Sarich, Natural Society, 19 January 2016 -- of mitochondrial disruption, SLE, glyphosate, diabetes, so on, as well as Gary Null's most recent on biological impacts of low levels of electromagnetic radiation, entitled The Frightening Science and Politics of Cell Phone Safety , Global Research, 22 January 2016. Another interesting catalog of impacts is provided in 44 Reasons to Believe Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer, Lloyd Burrell, Electric Sense, 10 November 2014. Voracity of pleas of ignorance is implausible, thus the attribution of ill-will is inescapable; much worse, all too likely.
For the record, one of the curiosities associated with development of our DNA paper involved Suzi Daniels, a then-Ph.D-candidate at University of Maryland, an institution closely associated with the Beltsville-USDA-progenitor of phytochrome research, a focus within the field of which constituting her dissertation topic. Through a friend, Suzi received an early version of our DNA paper. I later met her in Washington, D.C., where her radiation biology lab work was being conducted at the Smithsonian Institution. Incidentally, it was Suzi, a Wells College graduate in studio art and associate of Corcoran Gallery, who alerted me, a real gift, to Rice Pereira's 1966 self-published book entitled The Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite, a copy of which I soon acquired from a book search service. Suzi was critical of several aspects of our DNA paper and handed over a seemingly foot-high stack of photocopied papers on phytochrome and cytochrome research which she insisted I must assimilate before the final version of our paper was resolved. I worked my way through this stack, much of which I could only understand about 50-percent of, and, concerning which, I subsequently had several conversations with her -- conversations leading to discussions with Doug Paine and several improvements in the basic conceptions explicated by our paper, and the subsidiary speculations we subsequently engaged in. The connection, in this context, between plants and animals is perhaps best described by the paper, which I think was a part of Suzi's stack, entitled Phytochrome Cytochrome On and In Photoperiodic Phenomena: A Biochemical Approach, JA De Greef, Photochemistry and Photobiology, June 1966. In no way am I here meaning, heh-heh-heh, to denigrate the Calvin cycle. I again got to thinking about all this in trying to process implications of the comments on aconitase and superoxide dimutase (SOD) and CYP enzymes made in the mitochondrial dysfunction VDO linked above.
Sorry for these addendums! It just slapped me in the face that I really should have mentioned that the friend who introduced me to Suzi Daniels, and who really, really understood our DNA model, having closely watched it grow, and having made various promptings affecting its outcome, Michele Fernan, I learned, by total shock twenty years later in Chiang Mai, was a close friend of David Spillane, married to one of his associates going back to VietNamWar days. Michele was, at that juncture, an in-country nurse, and then, post-'68 I believe, in Thailand, Udorn Thani, maybe. Even more elaborate, Michele's post-VN-war lifeline -- Mombasa, Tanzania, the good ship HOPE, Monastir in Tunisia, et cetera -- could have been the inspiration for The Little Drummer Girl. One of those GREAT American women of our generation who I met by good offices of Ruth Rhoad, Mombasa friend of Michele, a third-generation, multilingual, born-and-raised Kenya missionary (her brother was my next door neighbor at The Wedderburn in Vienna, VA) who later, as a nurse-practitioner, spent decades working in the tribal cultures of Colorado and New Mexico.
According to my conception, not those of Abba Lerner and Robert Mundell, there is no such as an actual optimum currency-cum-governance area for fixed exchange rates and highly viscous rule-change algos, whatever the Nobel Committee may think On Any Given Monday, and, to the degree such is heuristically contemplatable (as distinct from contemptible: see for instance, Paul Krugman's Revenge of the Optimum Currency Area, NBER Macroeconomics Annual, Vol. 27, 2012), the boundary values of that hypothetical area are in a constant state of flux relative to ongoing spontaneous alterations transpiring in myriad criteria of optimality, e.g., the changing states of various economic and financial variables, of properties of watersheds, of microclimates and macroclimates, of population concentration-and-migration patterns, of the geographic spread and specificity of techno-facilitated fads and fetishes, of resource utilizations and depletion threats, of the list could become very long, indeed, even to include how extraordinarily vulnerability-to-terrorist-interdiction of financial mechanics varies with area size and the degree to which barter-and-cash utilization is retained/removed from the monetary system instituted over the given bound currency-governance area. The larger the OCA and the more exclusively e-economied, the higher the index of threat-surveillance-coercion required to protect essential infrastructure and algorithmic integrity. A one We-Are-The-World one-world cashless e-currency means absolute threat, total-information-control surveillance, lethal-level coercion -- because any successful interdiction would have global impact, the potential for catastrophic interdiction being a critical policy consideration. The unmollifiable Triffin 1T2-only dilemma cum balance-of-payments conundrum being simultaneously (1) foremost justifying factors impelling formulation of criteria for efficiency optimization at large-scale currency domains, and (2) expressions of the binary-only-logic prescription cum µTm-logic proscription market-framework determining condition, i.e., all currencies employed must be Boolean singly-logically-valued: insurance that there will be ongoing payment of double dysindemnity, for no credit is given to the claim that this circumstance results from mere accident. Any monetary-governmental system authentically based upon the holographic principle by definition must employ an allelotropic (of each other) theory of autopoionomic value rooted in µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency and the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock fractally-mapped (see: The Fractal Nature of Maps and Mapping, Bin Jiang, an ArXiv posting drawn from the International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29:1, pp. 159-74, 2015, subjects addressed being Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems) upon the ever-changing e-boundary of the given currency-cum-governance area. For heuristic purposes think of this area as encompassed by a holographic plate and its theory-of-practice, the two together, together with coherent waves split to object/reference beams, being capable of projecting a synthetic hologram (see: Holographic Image Synthesis Utilizing Theoretical Methods, James P. Waters, Applied Physics Letters, 9:11, 405 [1966]) of the total corpus of time-shapes of action quanta it contains. Holographic plate as boundary of the space it projects. Boundary-of-the-boundary contains the boundary. Piece-of-the-boundary contains the boundary, which, 1T2-fractally speaking, is, thus, a boundary-without-boundary, it ultimately being, by recursive bifurcation, nothing but the relatively smaller-and-smaller/bigger-and-bigger spaces between Cantorian dust motes -- unless the superposed pre-pregeometry dust-mote-peppered and Riemann-surface-bridged sheaves (motes on different sheets having different logical-value order-type indices; branch-point bridges expressing to binary-mind as wormholes through Maya) be spontaneously fused via µTm-valued rules for logical accommodation of schemata, those schemata in this case being the stands of quantum-wave interference patterns. Bombard with coherent waves (e.g., acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, laser light) NM-superposed nD-interference-diffraction gratings (or, alternatively stated, N-superposed double-slit experiments µTmly processed, as distinct from probability-wave construed) and, oolala, thus issues forth hologramic Musculpt in grand supersession-subsidence to the normative range of human sensory registration and 1T2-only processing. Complexity theory's 2nk fitness landscape: something like a logarithm to the base 2 (a little off of natural base e), such log speaking to entropy of the order of the involved m-valued-variable nesting foam (Riemann surface covering) under 1T2-only logic (in the cases of Mnk articulation landscapes, by universal covering under µTm-logics: be aware that as M increases to, say, C, a Schrödinger-memetime-independent march, entropy decreases, snuffs out, this being the nility-nullity of greatest import). Absent the k, signifying correlations between elements n, we have classical entropy; with k, quantum entropy. Entropy to binary-mind: symmetry-breaking disorder, motion, heat, memetime understood as an objective linear-time evolution of the recursive event sequence. His negentropic story of far-from-equilibrium attempts to impose 1T2-order, i.e., such attempts constituting history, unfolds within context of nature-by-definition-disorder. As an essential to such, Time Must Have A Stop, if it has an imaginary beginning from which real events emerge: Thus Sprach Stephen Hawking, Op. 4.0. And, therefore, all information must be destroyed by the black-hole-at-the-end-of-time -- if there is to be a new beginning. Entropy to the CTC-unto-µTm-mind on the base-state of Tzog-chen at contemplation of 1T2-Maya: the enfolded-implicate, as regards physics; hidden information, vis-à-vis market framework determining conditions; latent psychosis, relative to behavioral gradients regressively constellated in the collective unconscious The possible Musculpting is not merely a means -- e.g., acoustic analogue to blackhole computing -- to, à la Leonard Susskind's The Black Hole War (Back Bay paperback edition, 2008, pp. 301-6), determine the maximum number of Planckian bits cum qu-bits a currency-governance LSTD (limited spacetime domain) can contain, as mapped upon its boundary per the holographic principle. There are also all the order-types, µTm-unto-CTC, of mu-its to consider, not to mention their Everettian-vonHayekian-Musean time-shapes, which -- altogether now -- may be more massive than a debt-financed black hole of the given domain, yet not bust that domain's real event-horizon boundary, if connective mass-energy and configurational mass-energy (see our paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, circa 1977), under second- and third-order operator-time respectively, have different units from each other and from simply-mass-energy. Without conscious access to mu-its, there is succumbing to Zitterbewegung, the quantum jitters (consider, relative to temporal CURL, that the zbw interpretation of Dirac describes a spacetime filling congruence of lightlike helixes with exactly one helix through each spacetime point, David Hestenes, The Zitterbewegung Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Foundations of Physics, 20:10, 1990, p. 12 of the posted version): the smaller (down to elementary particles and beyond) the piece of boundary plate used in the projective-identification process, the fuzzier the holographic image, the less clarified the sonic gestalt, due to the Heisenberg indeterminacy incumbent upon absence of mu-itic processing (stated in probability-amplitude terms by Hestenes, p. 13: Indeed, the Heisenberg uncertainty relations can be attributed to the 'zbw fact' that an electron cannot be confined to a region smaller than the Compton wavelength). With single-valued-only monies, is it any surprise that financial entropy increases exponentially and debt-financed black holes form?
The foremost problem with getting ahead is the requisite submission of the habitual psychological state to conventions defining the system in which the getting-ahead is accomplished -- and when the institutional base and decision algorithms of that system analogically codify cum concretize a pathological Weltanschauung what kind of life does that yield? Rue-full rumpus finds correct usage in this context. Yet one more himher addicted to Iliadic turmoil, A Stranger in a Strange body, a Warhol portrait personified, a whatnot enriched stratospherically by unsavory stock-market behaviors, cunning currency-market shorts, coy commodities hoarding and price-gouging blandishments, fevered real-estate speculation: all such algorithmic subverters of autopoionomy encouraged by the most determining of framework determining conditions, i.e., the 1T2-logically-valued order-type of each and every currently employed currency, to include crypto-e-currencies like Bitcoin. An open if skittish mind, dialed to memetime, set on 1T2-clear channel? Per{pet}raytoar Poelitikaal? Bladet, man. Bladet. Telepresence, unfortunately, doesn't include being-there -- not, that is, phenomenologically speaking. Retrograde-invert the sound-bite with AudioShop. Bake and byte. Play it back. Beat it. Aver. Binary Mind's 'is name. Aye, chipper 'e is, isn't 'e. Stroppy though. Self-adverts in word froth. With logic trees, what. Sludgy moss on roots, hanging stringy-limp from branches. Runtime. That mind does run on. Runs time -- through a shredder. Burst out: chips and shreds, dust even. Slurries. Cognitive mulch hard to fork over. Memetime in chunks: neural network clusters. Comatose: that gangly mind's kickstand. So mean! Such meanings. [Me}anderings or [mean}derings? Stent not, stint not. Always assume it's far worse than anyone is capable of imagining; that way, then, only rarely will mistaken assessments be made. Colossally noisome Washingtonians, of course, take inspiration from obstinate mewling Hollywoodians as to the proper MARVELous F-F means of concretizing VR-ConveDD into incarnate events -- even recruiting from the Guild of H. Pumped-up pettifoggers persistently preferred by omnipresent re[verb}erant [apparat}chicks for highest-level socially-conferred role attributions, busy-body showboating adepts in greatest demand. A gonged-out comedy-hour production where the director feels that just plain stupid passes for hysterically funny. Noli me tangere! The Nominalistic propositus' Do not touch me! with your apo{cry}phal esse! Love (i.e., more accurately: projective-identification at transference plus introjection at Umwelt maintenance) in hisher experience. No aubade to autarky and autopoiesis. An autocombust decrying universal essences, maintaining that abstract entities simply do not exist. Even though memetime fervently execrates intense pain and ecstasy for ketaminergically whipping it, for wiping it out. While the rigors of predicate calculus are found infinitely preferable to the unanalyzed propositions and connectives of the sentential calculus, at contemplation of fractality, and, thus, caught in the infinitesimal regress, i.e., the actual Valley of Josaphat on the 2nk fitness landscape, which heshe cannot allow generalization to states of self-observation, the shadow of Apollyon, self-organized criticality at high k-values, Angel of the Abysmal Bottomless Pit of the Book of Revelation, blankets himher in the gooey gray of a griefy glum. Prominently including the mental energy of human libido, there is far more bound-energy liberated to free-energy and dissipated on useless crap -- as a direct result of properties of the prevailing institutional base founded upon physical and metaphysical [pre}misses 200-years-proved wrong -- than is put to pragmatic-utilitarian purposes by those purporting to subscribe to binary Realism, Objectivism, Pragmatism, Utilitarianism, Laissez-Faire Capitalism, so on. This circumstance has been, and is, largely facilitated because of the fact that professional integrity and honest business and quite a few other such sobriquets are and always have been -- allowing that there were and are a few exceptions -- oxymorons.
One very important question: Is there anylonger-qua-anymore the cognitive wherewithal to actually assimilate and productively utilize CTC-unto-µTm-logics modes of comprehension? Possibly not. Probably not. Sorry to say. This assessment is a mere opinion only, nothing should be gratuitously attributed, for I/i received medics training only, no SF-MOS cross-training, so whatever else I learned was by osmosis alone. If only the choir could be altared so as to save those congregated in, and consecrated to, academia. Science: hiding behind the pulpitum concealing the nave in Her modesty. A poacher into Her crouch. No small beer: the Lady trundling down, derry down, down through the bracken. Blerdy 'ell! The execrable exacerbation. Rigorization, à la 1T2, of the original fleeting µTm-insight is always a process of derealization, howsoever to be the psychiatric establishment would have the psychology of invention in the mathematical field. Long ago reached, this depreciatory judgment. A statement made, and repeated a decade later, as regards the global psychoneuroimmunopoliticoeconomic conundrum, circa 1969, and the bioatmomagnetospheric crisis, circa 1979 (in full awareness that Douglas A. Paine, Cornell meteorologist, felt the opportune qualitative temporal window to the ancient Greeks, weather to modern Greeks, i.e., kairos, had already passed, probably during the 1950s): it'll become possible to accomplish something substantive when it's too late. Instead of the Wars of the Roses, we're in midst of Narcissus' Wars of the Daftodils! Fog hanging in the Vale of Avarice severely reduces depth perception. Resource warfare is the only allocative algorithm TPTP will commit to as regards the m-depletions clearly in the offing on this planet they understand to possess 1T2-type either-here-or-there-distinguishing boundaries. They're not even seeking institutional algos adequate to amplifying severity of the dimensionality-accumulating crisis. Used to be that authentic optimism could be found in the late-twenties cohort; nowadays, look to those in their early teens. No. No. Even when the whole mess is human-engineered, jus' gotta know how the lie of the land lays: Mnk, not 2nk. It cannot be accurately stated that collective unconscious event gradients are inherently unreadable: this can't be said with voracity because those gradients are demergently embedded in conscious behaviors -- just not concretely so, not in specifics and not in any property amenable to simple traffic analysis or, say, C. G. Jung's association experiments. Not real space renormalization group transforms, microscopic configurations 2n, in percolation theory; not butterfly wing-flaps in Satan's Entrails leading to entropic tumbledown dynamics on the Devil's Staircase or, by cancellation complement, negentropic clambering up Jacob's Ladder; not 1T2ly-dissipative deterministic [1T2-only] chaos on a magic-without-magic Sierpinski carpet, or spatial reference frames otherwise 1T2ly constituted in phase space. More than several abstraction steps removed: like how deformations of theta-e (equivalent potential temperature) surface configurations have acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures exhibiting superposition properties (D. A. Paine, during the late-'60s, participated in studies of propagation through the atmosphere of the effects of thermonuclear weapons testing conducted in the Pacific region: and how many of his papers on tornadogenesis, produced circa the 1970s, were rejected by peer-reviewers with lots of red ink and broad-scrawled swear words because the involved numerical model featured a central role for these superposition properties which were filtered by scaling-renormalization from consensus models, despite the decade-earlier publication of the signal Press-Harkrider paper?), m-valued and likely µTm-logically-processed, conforming to constraints imposed by transformational invariants. Caught in a sobbing wind. Hark! What is that creased around, heard yon? By God, with such wails, She must be floating down the river toward Shrewsbury! Percolation, i.e., infinite connectivity, understood relative to logical-value order-type states, rather than as regards 1T2-only probability amplitudes. Upon hearing our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, compared to the work of William S. Burroughs, I experienced a modicum of chagrin, vexation, exasperation -- for I had only read Naked Lunch. Moreover, what a stretch! I've never had capability to write like that. Now, all these years later, for the first time reading Cities of the Red Night (Picador paperback, 1981: reminiscent of the Rose Night in the Catinat Hotel on Tu Do Street or the back-a-dark-soi-and-enter-through-the-latrine-with-stand-up-girl-urinals Thermae in Bangkok), I start to understand the comparison, however seemingly obscure. Cities: prefiguration of many 21st-century thematic fixations which Hollywood has brought into mass projective-identification borne upon fear-and-loathing/love-of the dominating techno-trajectory-by-ConveDD, i.e., conversion-disorder displacement, Sx of a [man}da(!)tory [men}tal illness. Those ship-shod-riding upon ConveDDs are by definition not good learners -- dossers rather, then moods on stilts. Kriegme! the animus of his Anima in the throwing of her haymakers. However fanciable be She, we can be certain her bollocks are blue. Rhoanehaltparkin with the black-body-irradiative/radiative drivel-exchange fetishized to perennial imbibing-expectorating, introjecting-projecting. One more quadanglen politiken inducing glutamatergic disgruntlement, with yet another doubled-triple whammy. Were there ands or ifs, Bambi butts there surely would be -- money aside, of course. OMG, a wuss also a scuss! So-and-So, having sussed her out, riposted in a reTweet. If, as Burroughs says, p. 108:
Death [of non-quantum simple-identity] is enforced separation from the body. [1T2-] Orgasm is identification with the body. So death in the moment of [petite mort zexEgo-] orgasm literally embodies death.
Is there, then, nondual Tantric-supraordinate µTm-quantum-orgasm? And is Mahasamadhi CTC-orgasm? Check out out-of-the-way spontaneous localizations like the wobbly autogenic fusion-music n-anastomosed-place sited upriver from Luang Prabang and frequented by drossy Japanese backpackers with mettle: caterwauling death metal fusion of break-bone punk rock and fevered heavy metal, with Thai-Chinese from Sipsongpanna qua Xishuangbanna, Yunnanese Akha, Yuan, Lao, Khmer, and Viet rappers hollerin', squawkin', and clonkin' during intermissions, as often as not, in one corner, a snogging dosser hugger-mugger stiffing a prod upon a Shan transvestite mediator of trance animism, himher deaf-eyed sight and blind-eared hearing sufficient to night-forest running without slamming into a tree, reeling away. Burroughs clearly was a high-ectomorph, deep-thinker assimilator of the world about-and-in him. Given that in-the-body-experience learned-residual tension-pattern behavior is preadolescent glutamatergically anchored, countermandable by zero-action-potential differential relaxation, à la Edmund Jacobson (see his The Biology of Emotions, Charles C. Thomas, 1967), we have here in Burroughs a CTCly apt account of demergence from Tzog-chen AllBase (p. 151):
Changes, Mr. Snide, can only be effected by alterations in the original. The only thing not prerecorded in a prerecorded universe are the prerecordings themselves.
That is to more precisely say: under third-order operator-time, there are no initial conditions about which sensitive dependence could constellate; it is only through Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergence, via second and first orders of operator-time, that memetime is constituted such that evolution yields Lorenzian chaotic 1T2-only-logical attractors. Cut-up methodology, vis-à-vis the prerecorded, it may be realized, is literary-formal analogical-codification of demergent cyclotomic Abelian-Bellian decomposition involute (for an inspired cut-up discussion, see Whitney Trettien's Wittgenstein, Burroughs, and Cut-Up Philosophy, DIAPSALMATA, 28 December 2009). I would argue, however, that, properly done, in order to achieve a modicum of actual analogical authenticity, the so-regarded randomicity aspect should be employed in free-association-writing (by way of accessing the µTm-unconscious-as-infinite-sets) of the original tract to be cut-up, and that the cut-up/paste-down be controlled by the glutamate-etched cum quantum-quenched binary-mind, which can only imagine the prerecordings themselves as being as-if-randomly generated. Analogical modeling achieving more than a modicum of authentic inhabitation as to role attribution would require acknowledgment that being-in-itself is independent of all classes of precedence relations. As Einstein almost said of Godplay (e.g., Alan Wilson Watts' God playing hide-and-seek with Himself): demergence, CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 (and its Schoenbergian retrograde-inversion), is not a book of chances; it's a Book of Changes. And, if Godplay is booked on the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), it must be prerecorded, but not 1T2ly so. Let there be : the very notion [pre}diction (mobile T9 qua iTAP predictive text input being a techno-ConveDD thereof, uh, uh, conversion-disorder displacement, that is) may not be memetime-bound (re: existential precedence) in logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2; thus, there may be other such notions apropos of other types of precedence relations, those ontological (re: geometrodynamics) and logical (re: µTm-pregeometry). And maybe memetime evolution, being only 1T2-only-definable, is merely the Maya subverting efficacy of M-Theory-as-yet-elaborated. Once Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian phase space has been restricted (thus proscribing demergence) to the 1T2-logical-value order-type alone and subjected to the further filtration of the Poincaré section's fluttering discrete-time iterated map, not so strange that chaotic attractors should be memetime passing-strange, snarled with burly-bifurcative binary-epicycles. Complexity theory: issued out of DNA's nk fitness landscape (see, for excellent history and current research: Analysis of a complete DNA-protein affinity landscape, William Rowe, et al., Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 11 February 2016: but note that affinities at so-called noisy high k-values [rugged, Injun-cuntry, Viet-Lao, animistic-pagan landscape under 2nk, something altogether different under Mnk, the mounding up and close-packing of binary local-optima being e i dolons of the proscribed logical-value order-type sheaving] are unwelcome, as they would subvert 1T2 in being indicative of pagan-animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency). Ah, yes, those clingers dictating what is and is not welcome. Were it not pandemic, in acceding to refusal, the clingers would be adjudged malingering scrimshankers for the grave misassessment they've made as to etiology of climate shift and associated crustal and core dynamics: hiding behind the classical-limit's veiling of drear anthropogenic assaults upon the global atmosphere's response characteristics to impinging radiation and ensuing energy-momentum cascade processes. Congregations of lyre birds twanging their twitter at sheepish flocks, purporting themselves to possess sovereign [self}hoods absolutely-in-so-far-as-1T2ly-distinct, sub-enfeoffing overlords they are, yes, exercising pseudo-allodial title, fee-simple absolute, as if their claims to distinction lie upon 2nk fitness landscape by eminent domain, rectangular Frankish seigneurial rotures being characteristic of the plotting mental spaces surveyed and occupied by these singular enshadowed boxmen of mixed metaphor/simile, to all but that which self-serves locked, and locked-on even if not loaded, like bad-robot wolves in winter starving, psychologically speaking that is. Not surprising when R & R -- remnants and residuals -- of sub-Roman origins are spread all the way from Dumnonia to Damnonia, quatrefoil pennies struck by London moneyers illustrating the rectilinear nature of the quadratic-quaternionic mindset set in glutamate-etched post-pubertal neuronal Stone-of-[Lund}on, even of corporate multiple-scenarios strategic planners. Friggin' blot! At Blood-Sister's witness: a She-Wolf's fertility rite. Wraith-riding revenants, again-walkers, µTm-psychopomps leading 2T2-fetches and 2T2-doppelgangers through The Stray Sod Country of The Intermediate Zone, that zone largely lost second-sight of with demise of, and subsequent dissimulation-dissembling of, Anglo-Saxon cum Celty-Germanic paganism. What people think they think doesn't matter; what they think they don't think is of the utmost importance. Given the long history involved, going back to Cantor's diagonal proof and even to Abel's impossibility theorem, one simply must wonder what the real reasons were why physicists-mathematicians-logicians so quickly decided that µTm-rooted-but-1T2-cognized wave/particle-duality cum uncertaintyindeterminacy-qua-Ungenauigkeit are not expressions impressed upon 1T2-only observers by what surely must be understood 1T2-inconsistency/incompleteness-duality cum undecidability (e.g., Turing Halting Problem; Löwenheimian first-order predicate calculus [see, for interesting observations, How did first-order logic come to be the dominant formal logic {in view of its inability to characterize infinite structure}?, Philosophy Stack Exchange, 22 April 2012]; the spectral gap [regarding this last listed and the phase transition to self-organized criticality, see Undecidability of the Spectral Gap, Toby Cubitt and David Perez-Garcia and Michael M. Wolf, Nature abstract as posted to arXiv on 13 February 2015]) -- given that m-valued Lukasiewicz logics were rigorously on the scene before was Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function with self-referential Gödelian reflexivities inherent-latent therein, particularly so as Postian µTm goes to Cantorian CTC. O, the specter of a resurrected animism seen undead, daily gathering its draugar in post-quantumrelativity physics! From CNN's Makebelieve, from Warwill, from Shitburn, from Shambles, from Cheapside: ire rises to turn back the gravid dawn, to send M.Vividhoe.n.0 once againe back to Shrewsbury. CNN's all-purpose flour-in-the-face is a valuable resource through which to ascertain the currently-engaged crop of waffling psywar initiatives: tells tell a lot more about unconscious processes than is generally recognized. Tranced-out by thematic contents of the ConveDDed social-structure-of-attention cathexes, not by the saying of rosaries. Work their righteous selves up a foamin' lather, they do, don't they. The Christic holographic principle: a saints-in-the-wall theory, and surely a covert instance of the Devil's Diktat etched upon Satan's diScuS, a devious attempt to reverse the Law of AEthelberht and the associated Christian conversion of µTm-participationmystique to 1T2-FatherSon GodHead, the 1T3-trinitarian HolyGhost having been a sop offered the paganorum to facilitate assimilation to what ultimately became, supplanting the Elder Scrolls of Skyrim, Weltanschauung of the Holy Roman Empire. Ah, the war-leader kingships and their spawn. And nowadays we find ourselves in a new forced-draft-urbanization Volkerwanderung migration period like the one begun by the Hallstattic Celts. Migrant foederati intercalated to zones of the interior during ongoing, or in aftermath of, foreign military adventures. And the accompanying economic travail! auguring for negative interest rates, increased consumption taxes (VAT, sales, excise, expenditure), transaction rents, proposed and actuated EU-cum-US-and-others' FTTs (stamp duty, Tobin currency, securities, bank account debits, banking cash, APT, commodity), these being modern-postmodern forms of food rent, by no means commensurately mollified by food stamp issuance, rendered to the superrich via their compradors, governments that is, drawn not so much from the superpoor as the middling mass. Pale horses cantering over the dead: great expectations, hopes, dreams, fantasies lying in heaps. Given the appalling apportioning of 1T2ly-denominated-monetary rewards relative to task-types performed, as well as the extreme lack of proportion in spread of relative net worths manifest, any attempt to imagine a sicker civilization than ours prevailing surely would be a daunting challenge. As regards translocations, what, for instance, will superconducting Mag-Lev mass transport do to the superconductive pi-electron gas-core dynamics of the DNA molecules thus transported? Nothing whatsoever, if there are no such gas cores consensually acknowledged. Something else will be explanatory, as per American-trained doctors. It's all [1T2ly] here, and it works! Shades of CORDS Komer's hagiographic post-VNwar The System Worked Bureaucracy at War (in this thesis' actual-battlefield nascence, the brunt of many jokes, SRA/MACV-J2, circa 1968). Growing infrastructure: it's all here! Wonderful. And this is CNN! Moreover, That should build confidence. If the British have 107-ways to say, It's raining, mere Paddington propaganda, the Japanese have 107-ways to say, It's slimy -- and only seven of them have a negative connotation. High correlation -- that's high k-values on affinity landscape -- between oil and equity markets: this correlation being a blow-back from U.S.-Saudi anti-Russia policy, uh, uh, that is recalcitrance vis-à-vis the clinger's redundant insistence upon insisting that the notion that, heh-heh-heh, a 1T2-vehicle currency MUST be the We Are The World international reserve currency -- when no such currency has been, even theoretically, efficacious since Planck's quantum-of-action was first explicated, circa 1900. Hah! I don't believe, and never have believed, in natural selection of single-point micromutations of 1T2ly-articulated, single-valued cum single-leveled, triadic codons -- except as disease-inducing (which is possibly the best account as to how the gibbering human species doffed its disgruntled self, allowing it to become suborned to the boisterous butchering Big Man management model in that thrashing model's arrogant myriad cocksure guises -- and likely to be responsible for that blundering species' ultimate deeemise). Uh, too many adjectives is precisely the nature of the beast! Chaos-complexity theory is a 2nk way of looking at Mnk processes. As regards Hollywood, I distinctly remember concluding, as a nine-year-old student of judo and a daily observer of bamboo-kendo practice by the Ashiya, AFB boundary-values guards, that the memorization demands made of me by my school teachers was a threat, not so much to what I was, but to what I was starting to wish I'd become: no surly movie actor, surely, too staid for that. Cities: built not to last, so as to facilitate adaptive translocations, i.e., architecture as frozen Musculpt. The earthwork sculpting informative of aesthetics I/i embrace is articulation landspace gardening predicated upon the invariants manifest over topotransforms of Buddhological space. Quoth wherefrom Burroughs' perhaps-not-so-happily-worked-over cogitations, p. 86, the above-noted edition of Red Night:
Exactly what I am getting at, Mr. Snide. There are risks not worth taking. There are things better left unseen and unknown.
But someone has to see and know them eventually. Otherwise there is no protection.
That someone who has to see and know may not be you. Think of your own life, and that of your assistant. You may not be called upon to act in this matter.
You have a point.
I reached a similar conclusion quite some memetime ago. Being salacious, perhaps, but surely no sagacious sagamore, withdrawal, therefore, seemed the correct path to follow, all things considered. But, then, there is the caveat. Quoth Burroughs once again, p. 87:
I have said you may not be called upon to act. On the other hand, you may be called upon. You will know if this happens, and you will need help.
So, continued inner work -- absent the "second line of work", despite Derek's identity-transparency with other characters of The Moon of Hoa Binh, this transparency being oft criticized as a novelistic failure, as, that is, a lack of character development -- seemed indicated. That, anyway, has always been my natural habitus.
To my Platonic Other-Iam, mathematics is not founded upon the discrete, selfsame, single-valued, counting numbers; rather, these are mathematics at its most demergent -- just as ponderable 3-space is the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space which M Theory gravitates upon) at its most operator-time demerged. While my I/i feels (in the sense of Jung and Kandinsky: aesthetic judgment) this to be the case, that I/i knows the involved archetypal feeling-toned Idea cannot be proved, particularly given that the concept of proof and that of logical necessity underlying it are indefinable under µTm-valued logics where-within the notion fallacy is altogether order-of-logical-value dependent. By self-reentrant non-orientability there being no final all-encompassing logical-value-order-type, experimental demonstrations of somethings-somewhats deeper than mere confirmations of glutamate-etched consensual realities and associated techno-regimes (i.e., reflections of their time-shapes) require a basic utility of logical necessity if the demonstrations made by experiments are to be rigorously explicated, a level of utility nonexistent under µTm-valued logics. How does simplicity demerge from complexity, symmetry from asymmetry? That is the fundamental question temporal-CURL-induced energy-momentum cascade dynamics foists upon observer-states 1T2ly-distinguishing object-systems as absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. Inner work is homeomorphically all about the retrograde-inversion. That said concerning my orientation to this level of fundamentality with respect to cosmogonic functional prerequisites, I would observe that Peter Rowlands' concept of a "universal computer rewrite system", as succinctly explicated at the beginning of Fundamental mathematical structures applied to physics and biology, which Rowlands coauthored with Vanessa Hill, University of Liverpool, November 2011, corresponds in many respects to our model of radiation exchange by superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition, as well as to the energy-momentum cascade processes involving double-helical feeder-band dynamics associated with tornadogenesis as understood by Paine-Kaplan to exhibit quantum-relativistic properties -- two areas where Rowlands' ideas may find direct application. Quoting Rowlands and Hill, p. 6-7:
Ultimately, quantum mechanics is about relating the packaged and conserved energy and momentum terms in the nilpotent expression (kE + iip + ijm) to the nonconserved parameters time and space, from which they were originally derived; and to do this we make (kE + iip + ijm) into a differential operator in which E and p represent the quantum operators (partial/partial t) and (spatial CURL), expressing the variation on time and space there are only three solutions with spherical symmetry: inverse quadratic force (Coulomb); inverse quadratic plus constant force; and inverse quadratic plus anything else. The first gives the characteristic electric force solution; the second produces confinement, with the characteristics of the strong interaction; the third is a harmonic oscillator, irrespective of the actual nature of the force law. [The appropriate italic, bold, partial and CURL symbols not properly reproduced here.]
In our model, Rowlands' second solution comes before his first, and both of these are internal, as we derive it, to the equation descriptive of a harmonic oscillator. The double-helical coil-transition is a summation of the complex quaternionic phase conjugations, described by Rowlands, spiraling sequentially through each direction qua state and simultaneously (with respect to the involved particular reference frame, i.e., establishing the given minimum time for spontaneous localization) its cancellation, as the given quantum is written and rewritten, received and processed and coherently radiated. Our take differs from that of Rowlands, however, by involving not only (partial/partial t), but also (partial2/partial t2) and (partial3/partial t3), which we treat as three orders of temporal CURL expressive of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (the third-order is discussed in our papers entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, circa 1977, and Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, circa 1980: Beelzebub on a bike! I certainly don't think most people, being committed tacitly or explicitly to the notion of a classical limit, have any full sense of the possible magnitude of the climate-shift threat. Satan on a scooter! There would be copious laughter whilst coping with the suggestion, were it to be made, that tornadoes could become as big as hurricanes, and hurricanes as strong as tornadoes -- until attention became focused upon [1] Jupiter's red spot, and [2] Cornell's onetime atmospheric scientist Douglas A. Paine's sketch of a theory as to how that spot could have produced a mass ejection the size of a small planet [presented to the June of 1974 McMaster University cum Student Academic Freedom Forum cum Pensée Velikovsky Conference, thus greatly upsetting Carl Sagan and his student cohort]. Chuckleheads knuckling under! And that sketch didn't even go into the E-equals-mc2 imports of m-valued, processed under µTm-valued logics, universal physical constants like c, the absolute limiting velocity, and like c-dot and c-double-dot). It is, so we believe, with second- and third-order temporal CURL that m-level encryption of the higher aspects of the genetic language come into play, and the means by which the in vivo morphological lay cum looping cum knotting of the molecule in its cellular setting express these higher (universal, gematric, cabalistic) aspects which, by radiation exchange at helix-coil transition, process information involved with, for instance, environmental fit. Rowlands and Hill say, p. 7:
The phase can be seen as corresponding in many ways to what we call vacuum, while the amplitude corresponds to the particle. In a sense, the phase is the connection of the particle to the rest of the universe, the carrier of nonlocality, the origin of the idea of phase conjugation (which determines locality) and the holographic principle.
We would say, rather than carrier of nonlocality, that the m-valued order of superposition of the given phase-stack prevailing, with respect to µTm-unto-CTC logically-valued processing, is an expression of the type of Everettian relative-state identity-transparency operative in the case. While it is out of nilpotent vacuum state, we believe, that geometrodynamics issues (something being nothing-given-shape, à la Wheeler), vacuum fluctuations are demergent effects of the actions of Lukasiewiczian pregeometry logical operators (understood independent of the notion truth-value) CTC-unto-µTm, the superspace and ponderable space and matter of geometrodynamics demerging under operations of topologically-active 3-fold operator-time logomorphically µTm-unto-1T2.
NIRP is designed to stoke aggregate inflation and growth at the national-all-sectors level -- a very imprecise shotgun-type tool. A conflation of income-velocity-of-money and transactions-velocity-of-money is the primary target. Attempted extravasion -- flow forcing -- of the lifeblood of the economy: contusions only yielded, blackened and blued. [Anal}yzing the commodious conventions of the lolloping Hundred Years of War Economy -- anything normative is highly pathogenic, such is the prevailing state of the human species: see, for example, 'Forever debt' Federal Reserve system invented to pay interest without ever ever ever repaying debt -- definition of Ponzi scheme, Carl Herman, Washington's Blog, 25 February 2016 -- doesn't actually reveal much about economics qua economics, monetary systematics qua monetary systematics; though it certainly does tell a great deal about those who were, have been, and are responsible. Ask what Freudian stage they're in! Central bank NIRPing is, basically, covert stamp-scripting of a national currency, Silvio Gesell's so-called free money (Call the thing by the name of its opposite : the Lenin associate Willi Munzenberg) issued locally (see The Wörgl Experiment: Austria [1932-1933], Bernard Lietaer, Currency Solutions for a Wiser World, 27 March 2010) at 1% NIR so as to increase income-velocity-of-money, only in the central bank case the project is primarily designed to increase transactions-velocity-of-money (until/if NIRs trickle down to deposits made in commercial banks: increasing fees for making deposits + dormancy fees set for decreasing periods + you pay the bank an increasing percentage to invest your money for its benefit; all this so the Ponzi state can continue to borrow to finance its corporation-enriching wars, global resource-depletions being a [gods}end to the megacorps on the receiving end). I personally wouldn't advocate a 1T2-logically-valued stamp-script-type LETS (paper or e-currency), though, under certain circumstances, I could see for a short period e-stamp-scripting some class of the indicator-tagged m-values stacked upon the encashed base-state of a LETS currency or nesting foam thereof. I would not prolong this period because I see no continued efficacy, planet Earth, of an economic system incapable of organizing independent of engines of unending and, in many cases, profoundly dysallocative growth. So far as I've been able to determine, velocity of money is calculated-estimated at the national level, not by nested geographic locales and/or economic sectors, with inter-national-flow velocities not directly measured as factors incorporated into the estimate-calculation (one relevant non-factored indicator is the BDI, currently being pummeled, as discussed in, for instance, Baltic Dry Index Continues to Slide, Down 22% From Last Month, Covert Geopolitics, 10 February 2016). The prevailing 1T2-monetary system provides no direct measure of the poncy velocity-of-money measure. It is calculated-estimated by econometric behavior equation on basis of employment of supposedly-direct-measured variables, the changing values of which are themselves only estimated as aggregate quantities. The direct analogue is chemotherapeutic remedial Rx, where the drug prescribed affects the whole body, not just the specific mechanisms of pathogenesis. This is far and away from my commentary upon Yougui Wang's and Hanqing Qiu's The Velocity of Money in a Life-Cycle Model, Physica A, 353(C), 21 July 2005, where I propose existence of a connection between Wang-Qiu holding time and the minimum time for spontaneous localization of quantum mechanics (handled in the numerical Paine-Kaplan cascade model of rotatory tornadogenesis and our model of rotatory pi-electron-parcel-gas-core model of DNA radiation-exchange as effect of temporal CURL dynamics and the involved reflexivities, à la Soros, in the financial context). Parenthetically, 1T2-borderless- -- not to mention fractal-drum-type e-boundaries -- expiring money qua 1T2-memetime currency à la blackpsyche Timberlake-Seyfried time wealth is tangentially addressed in Reader Asks About 'Fedcoin': Should the Fed Issue Its Own [1T2-only cum less-nested-borders] Bitcoin?, Mike Shedlock, MishTalk, 13 February 2016, with interesting going-negative links back to pieces dated 2009 (the astute ask if there is a nefarious agenda here on part of the global Federales). Charles Hugh Smith has NIRP down to the last hurrah of central banks (see: Why NIRP [Negative Interest Rates] Will Fail Miserably, Of Two Minds, 11 February 2016), while Robert Romano treats NIRP as just more QEing and raises the specter of follow-on negative discount rates and so very much more (see: Why negative interest rates spell doom for capitalism, NetRightDaily, 17 February 2016). While I agree with Marc Faber that, with embrace of cashlessness, TPTB may be naively stepping into their own mantrap/punjipit (see: Can The Move Towards a Cashless Society Lead to Alternative Currencies?, Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News, 22 February 2016), I think their conscious control-compulsions/Freudian-fixations pale beside magnitude of their Jungian collective-unconscious fear-quotient vis-à-vis animistic-pagan quantum relative-state identity-transparency, and what that would do to their moment-to-moment self-awareness. Not considered are accelerations of money and time-rates-of-change-of-acceleration (codification of which was the surpassing breakthrough which made possible Arthur Young's engineering [think: the drag hinge and dampers {-- i.e., by analogy, the viscosities associated with µTm-valued LETS --} is to compensate for acceleration and deceleration caused by the Coriolis effect ] of the rotor for the Bell helicopter, but which, unfortunately, was never generalized to the Bernanke helicopter) of money. Pretty shameful, I'd say, that Paine-Kaplan's superlative insights were squashed during the mid-to-late 1970s. Just goes to show Moreover, in the existing monetary system, with its monoscale fixation, there are few options for differential specificity of actions by macro-actors (the qualitative aspect of QQE-to-the-nth-power is so regarded [see, for instance, What the Heck is Japan's 'QQE2'?, Peter Coy, Business Week, 31 October 2014; and Negative Rates Advocate Fujimaki Says BOJ's Kuroda Got It Wrong, Chikako Mogi, et al., Bloomberg, 21 February 2016], but the targeting of specific financials, vis-à-vis transactions-velocity-of-money, is nowise nearly so fundamental as would be use of m-value-tagging stacked on the base-state of µTm-valued LETS currencies; furthermore and moreover, in the latter case, the macro action [actually e-commons m-scenarios-strategywise computer-gamed] would-could-should be locally-specific to the offending econopathogen). Whereas, were there in place nesting foams of µTm-valued monetary units defined over fractal e-boundaries and mapped upon the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth (associated viscosities compensating for the expanded money supply, absent any such as a NIRP), the precision of specificity at geographic, echelon, and economic-sector targeting available would be far more exquisite than is presently [man}ifest. And, in my judgment, a cashless civilization, (which would take quite a while to effectuate), as characterized in, for instance, Cashless Society War Intensifies During Global Epocalypse, David Haggith, Activist Post, 22 January 2016, would only exacerbate the negative effects of negative interest rates (by allowing those effects to become utterly coerced); whereas, under µTm-valued LETS, the base-states of the currencies, i.e., their 1T2-order-type, would remain papered, even if RFIDed (which does not necessarily mean loss of anonymity, for that is dependent upon the sociological choices made, the political agendas embraced, the mil.econ tactics employed at RFIDing). From the perspective of Lukasiewiczian money units, it is a sound judgment to regard about 75% of what has been done so far with the IT revolution as asinine, and about 90% of what hasn't been done, but could have been, as alien to the glutamate-etched binary-mind.
You do, don't you, descry too many words of a lie! Why so many? Cain't keep thangs straight, they cain't, them. These patty-cakes do, however, have a hobo's bummy sense of the non-commutative: the inept is generally inapt, while the inapt generally isn't inept. Nonetheless, there being no commonly held, even dappled with whimsy, lay tradition of inner-work in the West -- such being largely confined to monasticism and regarded subjective cognizance too far -- inaptness of the inept isn't oft recognized so to be. Prevailing are palsied precognitions, as shifty as shaky, wrapped in paisley pretentions spangle-trimmed with strawy paillette. They done los' mos' ever'thin' else. I submit that TPTB are nearly systems-theory blind to the enormous swing-magnitude consequences of creating one, single-valued, We-Are-The-World! monoscaled, cashless currency (even be it bitcoined commodified as bitgold, per the Mishy discussion linked here under the title, EU Rules Bitcoin is a Currency, US says Bitcoin is a Commodity; Which Side is Correct? What About Gold and Bitgold?, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 27 October 2015): pulling so much locally-specific information out of explicit tagging in the global economy, no SNAFU, let alone FUBAR, would ever again engage in spontaneous localization; it would remain planetarized and omni-transforming. Don't drag your cash? Dimensionless cash -- base-state of a µTm-valued LETS currency -- as a drag is good! The friction-cum-pressure drag coefficient -- adjustable anywhere between a streamline and a square tube -- is an important co-factor of the econometric-behavior-equation-set for efficient allocations-utilizations vis-à-vis Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock. Under relative-state and the holographic principle, the maximum principle is necessarily modulated. The involved market reflexivity is an essential aspect of the econometric analogue to superconductivity. In this context, by lateral thinking, analogically consider the following (drawn from our 1978 paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere):
The two orders of magnitude variation in the drag coefficient allows the moist primitive equation model to feel the real-world influences of microeddies which fall within the numerical grid spacing. Although these microeddies within the planetary boundary layer represent a localized positive viscous and entropic process, the view of their role from the perspective of the entire limited atmospheric domain is that of a negentropic (negative viscous) process. Eq. (32b) describes the simultaneous negentropic dynamic which serves to supply a diabatic potential to the domain Thus, as the largescale wave train alternately excites and then suppresses the surface flux of diabatic energy, quantized packets of free energy are introduced into the limited atmospheric domain.
The external gravity wave train then goes on to organize the subsequent release of diabatic potential within the limited domain. By thus synchronizing the introduction of energy into the LSTD through its lower boundary, the sensible heat realized during the production of precipitation within the storm environment serves to sustain and amplify the planetary boundary layer pressure perturbation associated with the external gravity wave train. This, in turn, manufactures momentum at the larger lengthscale which exactly compensates for the loss the system suffers through external friction. THE INVOLVED EXACT COMPENSATION IS THE NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR SUPERCONDUCTANCE of hydrothermodynamic properties. It is but a small leap to realization that charge is not the only property capable of superefficient conductance. Solitons and superfluidity are, indeed, other such cases.
It's quite humorous, end-of-history laughable, actually, though not exactly the sort of thing they write for Hugh Grant, the lengths to which the challenged binary-mind will go in clinging to Umwelt-introjections from the long-dead Weltanschauung upon which the desiccated institutional base is analogically modeled: in maintaining that cycles would become eradicatable (cycles being essential to all life, why would anyone wish to do this? and, moreover, how could there be any life were there no death?) -- see, for particularly explicit instances: Improved macroeconomic control with electronic money and modern monetary theory (the name MMT is a Leninish-Munzenbergish case of calling the thing by the name of its opposite; I am not against increased focus upon velocity of money, quite the contrary, but believe that that increase should greatly expand attention to acceleration and time-rates-of-change-of-acceleration of money -- and to creation of mechanisms by which direct measurement can be obtained), Trond Andresen of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Real-World Economics Review, 63, 25 March 2013, pp. 135-41; and How to end boom and bust: make cash illegal, Jim Leaviss, The Telegraph, 13 May 2015; it is interesting to compare these two with The Banking System in the Nazi Military and War Economy, by Otto Nathan, this being a chapter in the monograph entitled Nazi War and Finance, Otto Nathan, editor, NBER, April 1944; in this regard, note the following from Leaviss, Your current account will no longer be held with a bank, but with the government or the central bank. Banks still exist, and still lend money, but they get their funds from the central bank, not from depositors. Having everyone's account at a single, central institution allows the authorities to ; and note the following from Andresen, if all circulating money is electronic and residing only as accounts at a national depository facility -- they Umwelt-extend and Weltanschauung-pretend that a global shift to cashlessness would be endgame, not simply one class of moves, regards the various national currencies, in a forced process of mandating imposition of a binary-logical one-currency upon the planet, with all the attendant consequences of an attempt to coerce functional (massed integration, with inadequate specificity) efficacy from a mono-scaled system arbitrarily inflicted upon an n-scaled economic universe of discourse. And the descaling renormalization (back from the quantum-based-techno-driven evocation of animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency) to a monocurrencied global monetary non-system system is merely one move in the process of attempting to force 1T2-logic-geoengineered solutions, to the n-dimensional binary-mind-created global crisis, down the throat of an m-logically-valued nature! So, what's The Plan? Does anyone actually know? Juxtapose MMT with DARPA's up-and-coming brain modem (see Pentagon Research Could Make 'Brain Modem' a Reality, David Axe, The Daily Beast, 27 February 2016; and Minimally invasive endovascular stent-electrode for high-fidelity [uh, uh, that's FEDdelity!], chronic recordings of cortical neural activity, Thomas J. Oxley, et al., Nature Biotechnology, 8 February 2016: check out the reference list to get a feeling for how well funded this sort of research is) with advent of the Utah Data Center: no hidden agenda here. Nope, I didn't get out of the Army from USARV; my last posting, late summer of '68, was Arlington Hall Station: Georgetown nightlife, which I knew well from having lived near 28th and Q streets NW, circa '65, filled with girls from Foxhall's Mount Vernon Junior College. Just think of all the trouble John C. Lilly, of the first implantable cortical electrode, had when he stopped cooperating! By contrast, how well funded is LiFi research (see: Internet by light promises to leave Wi-Fi eating dust, Laure Fillon, AFP via Yahoo! News, 23 February 2016) relative to staying out of biologically-active frequency-response windows (which, per our model of DNA radiation exchange processes, may include infrared) and for Musculpt-related applications, e.g., biofeedback in the isolation-flotation Lilly tank vis-à-vis developing transliteration of inner Musculpt to techno-exteriorized Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation? Not so good, huh. And not surprising when understood is that there is a direct proportional relation between degree of ego-complex identification and intensity of the mistaken belief that nature qua nature should-and-can be controlled (changing the Lebenswelt, now that's another matter), this being one sort of roadside religion ( not my will, but thine, be done: thine, The Wolf, these days being The Controllers of the state, i.e., the projection of the archetypal collective-ego complex) -- not least because it is that should-be-impugned state of projective-identification which quenches the molecular-cellular-1T2-brain-raddling participation mystique incumbent upon animistic-pagan µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency and associated hologramic-Musculpt cognizance of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes and their tropological significations unspeakable in quantum mechanics Born-againe-codified, uh, uh, post-Schrödinger-memetime-independence, with probability amplitudes and writable maths notation.
From the aperspectival perspective, heh-heh-heh, of µTmly-quantum autopoionomy, objections to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), see WiKi and L. Randall Wray's Primer Series [much of the commentary linked here, at least that which I was able to tolerate scanning, seems to me well into the field of malarkey, one sort of M Theory], besides the name, include: (1) it is focused on a single scale-level/echelon, that of the nation-state; (2) it is a free-float-fiat system only, i.e., has not a fiat base-state and commodified sheaves on a given unit of money, and, therefore, cannot adequately mark, particularly so given only 1T2-only-logical single-valued prices, for market processing the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, such that allocations-utilizations can be efficiently facilitated vis-à-vis the growing pressure, and warfare, related to the trending to resource depletions, resource constraints being MMT's static explanation of inflation, i.e., the metric-elasticity-expansion/acceleration of money under m-valued cause-pushes/attractor-pulls [the G-T=S-I-NX notion of identity-opacity is the level of algebraic behavioral complexity by which the rapidly elaborating global crisis is to be overcome via fully-used real-resources, not by highly efficient, uh, uh, renewable, reusable, reconstitutable conservation-utilization?]; (3) one of its framework determining conditions is reliance upon only 1T2-only-logically-processed single-valued currencies, in this manner preventing internalization-of-externalities-by-value-sheaving-upon-a-given-unit [no reference here to MMT's hierarchy of money] to market mechanisms, uh, that's of externalities, internal and external, thus altogether neglecting time-rates-of-change-of-acceleration of money, the involved internal and external source-sink terms [without which the subsystem-system-supersystem composite-nesting-foam cannot effectively utilize the non-orientabilities invoked by time-rates-of-change-of-acceleration] and self-referential reflexive self-reentries by which autopoiesis can transpire and self-organization can be maintained absent unending aggregate growth; (4) another of its framework determining conditions is reliance upon only 1T2-only-logical geographic boundaries over which 1T2-only-logical currencies are defined, not employment of fractal e-boundaries over which sheaved-indicator-tagged µTm-logically-valued LETS-currency nesting-foams are defined such that the holographic principle and user-friendly holographic-Musculpt interfaces can be utilized to reduce decision-needs of political systems engaged.
Not so. Being no radiomimetic clastogen, heh-heh-heh, backpedaled I will not be on the notion that Born's probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function was (collectively partially conscious, partially collective unconscious) psychopathologically driven and related to deep-structure cause-push/attractor-pull relative to Niall Ferguson's The War of the World. That those Schrödingerian m-values are m-logically processed was pellucidly apparent in the history of how Lukasiewicz arrived at the notion of m-valued propositions: he did that, pre-WW1, in German, in context of studies in The Logical Foundations of Probability Theory (see: the Early Work section of the Jan Lukasiewicz biography, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) where he expounded upon the nature of indefinite propositions, thus demonstrating that m-logical-valuedness subtends, or rather supersedes, the very notion probability amplitude. It did not require Madame Curie to act as a translator to Planck, Einstein, et al., (I suggest that she probably did, almost certainly did, bring this to their attention, but was snubbed, and let it lie largely due to her being miffed at the parallels she recognized to dissociative aspects of graduate-student/preceptor transference dynamics, which she was steeped in and unable to fully process even though the idea thereof had, by then, been around for a considerable period, although still early in its popular accounting) for this to have been explicitly registered. Regards Born, we are talking the 1926 bamboozling of 1925-Tantric-Schrödinger. Now, I say furthermore, and so on and so on, that 1936 Yalie, Irving Fischer, vis-à-vis the Chicago Plan (some of which I agree with were such implemented over LETS nesting foams), took over Silvio Gesell's free money notion, not at the microscale (local, town, city) level it was originated upon, and nesting-grid scales, but only at the nation-state level, and didn't generalize single-valued stamp script to m-valued LETS, the intellectual infrastructure for that generalization having been on the scene since five years before onset of WWI, for the same psychopathic reasons which motivated Born's bamboozling. Boo-hoo-hoo on you! -- and my me. O, you, you transmitting Ubertragung! As regards immediate [poli}tics, any plausible really-efficacious global-crisis-authentically-addressing Trump-Putin love-fest is dependent upon Putin meandering over to Moscow State University for an encounter-group session with Alexander Karpenko on A-Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes, and Trump somehow becoming aware of, and deeply groking, the fact that George Soros's notion of market reflexivity devolves to a secular-Rabbinate debunking of Cabalistic Tree-of-Life non-selfsame numbers, and their logically-self-referential Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types.
If I were younger or better positioned, I'd be searching out and studying every reference cited by Diego Lucio Rapoport to these two extraordinary papers recently written by him: Mobius Strip and Klein Bottle Genomic Topologies, Self-Reference, Harmonics and Evolution, abstract (link to the full text works!) published in Intellectual Archive Bulletin, August 2015; and Klein bottle logophysics: a unified principle for non-linear systems, cosmology, geophysics, biomechanics and perception, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 437 (2013) 012024. Since the mid-1970s, I've touched on many of the ideas elaborated here, but never had the wherewithal to develop them as Rapoport has done. Certain aspects of these two papers are particularly interesting in the contexts set by Epistemologic Controversy on Quantum Operators of Space and Time, Rafael-Andres Aleman-Berenguer, Principia, 14:2, 2010, pp. 241-253; and Can Many-Valued Logic Help to Comprehend Quantum Phenomena?, Jaroslaw Pykacz, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 54, February 2015, pp. 4367-4375. Quoting Pykacz (having waited 40 years to see it):
Description of properties of quantum objects before they are measured should be performed with the use of propositional functions that form a particular model of infinite-valued Lukasiewicz logic. [I substituted the word infinite for the infinity symbol employed in text]
This is a statement I agree with one-hundred percent. Though the perspectives I've advocated since Cornell days forty years ago differ significantly from those elaborated in these latter two papers, their takes are detailed far more expertly than I've been able to manage with mine.
I don't speak Russian, but whilst involved with First Global Community College (a much misrepresented [FGCC Library, by Pramote's efforts vis-à-vis UC-Berkeley, has a complete set of IMF Working Papers which I, much to the advantage of m-logically-valued LETS theory, worked my way through over a five-year period] Cornellian Pramote-Nakornthab-attempt to demonstration-project-foment reform of Thai national education legislation -- O-so-many BKK-bureaucratic meetings, and evening settai-bijinesudina, I sat through! -- which my in-part-Berkeley-educated wife Nha Trang lent-to her considerable academic expertise: that this project has not gotten further than it has, what a tragedy, not only for Thailand, but also for the global institutional paradigm that, unfortunately, is not evolving: authentic inspiration is everywhere denigrated, reductively assessed, underfunded, adamantly opposed), Nong Khai, Thailand, a very astute Russian instructor at FGCC was our next-door neighbor: Max Zalota. Quite an amazing intellectual articulation Pramote brought together, however little generally recognized! There was a period when FGCC, by the rather extraordinary backgrounds of its largely-voluntary participants, provided a thoroughly unique educational opportunity, in and out of class, to its most aggressive students. By Max's expert good-translator-offices, I was able to have a brief e-mail engagement, circa 2004-5, with Alexander Karpenko of Moscow State University, wherein I questioned the notion that truth-value is the fundament of logic. Karpenko concurred with this intellectual salient by pointing out that truth-value cannot be fundamental to logic, given A.Karpenko functors over the primes. This (Riemann-hypothesis-cum-Gödel-numbering-type) judgment appeared to me supportive of my notion (1955, relative to Midori Gaoka primitive Shinto and, 1963, relative to J. G. Bennett's skew-parallelism and, 1975, relative to my Cornell Mathematics Library discovery of Post's paper on µTm-valued logics), differing from that of Jaroslaw Pykacz, that Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of relative-state identity-transparency are more fundamental -- i.e., predicative of -- to logic than even is G. Spencer Brown's Draw a distinction! Draw your own conclusion, please -- as I am sure you will. How many decades, and even lives, have been scuttled in advocacy of that which has all along been pellucid, but denied by the clingers? Humph! And don't mean nothin' according to my Whitmanian-SF other-I/i-am. Though I agree one-hundred percent with Pykacz's statement, given above, I understand the Pykacz form [of] a particular model of infinite-valued Lukasiewicz logic not as designating fuzzy-logic-values resolved to the selfsame-numerical real-set interval [0, 1], but as indicating the collection of non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (built upon A.Karpenko functors) numbering Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock as mapped upon boundaries demerged under operator-time according to the holographic principle, the logical values involved, not indicating truth-values, but designating states of identity-transparency reflective of the hologramic part-equals-whole property predicated by the Cantorian cardinalities covering Riemann-surface-type fractal nesting-foams of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert spaces. There is another point regarding this I'd like to clarify in my awareness which I first observed concerning the final form of Everett's dissertation, later with regard to how Penrose chose to interpret his notion of the twistor, then relative to how logics supraordinate to that 1T2 have been interfaced to quantum mechanics. In each case, the theory has been form-fitted to existing experimental data. I've always felt that designing new theories to fit old facts doesn't make much sense, as the old facts arose by design of experiments (and spun-off technologies) based on the old theories which the new would supersede, thus significantly nullifying the experimental facts the new theory is being form-fitted to. Better that the new theory not be form-fitted, that it generate its own experimental designs, and that old and new facts be evaluated in the [after}math of this process. The pivotal transitional statement in Everett's dissertation, preceding recourse to the von Neumann formalism (which probably was a result of Bohr's critique), i.e., that objects in our experience always have definite positions, does not hold up well in face of the experimental findings associated with Luneburg's (Special Relativity related) theory of binocular visual space where localization is not achievable independent of learned behaviors. In some sense, we are already there -- nullifying the need for space travel. Penrose's notion of the twistor does not incorporate Pauli-Paine operator-time, or Lukasiewicz logics, and Lukasiewicz logics are not interfaced to quantum mechanics via A.Karpenko functors and Gödel-numbering schemata. This is not to suggest so dramatic a change of Weltanschauung as to altogether buy into Pirandello's It Is So (If You Think So), but clearly there are sub-clinical as well as clinical dimensions to all measurement occasions (which, in fact, include all sentient occasions) -- and that was the underlying theme of our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement.
One of the many counter-materialism things the double-failure of state communism demonstrated is that communism stripped of utopian socialism, and thus stripped of an adequate inner-work (regards: Gurdieff, Ouspensky, Nicoll, Bennett, et al.) component, is without psychological foundation, criticism/self-criticism not even remotely filling the bill -- double-failure, because utopian socialism, itself, was unable to inculcate and sustain an adequate inner-work environment. Within whom there are no autopoietic brief instances of [higher-qua-µTm}self-remembering, there are no minute endogenous-ketamine spurts and associated autogenic discharges. It takes a long life and many shocking occasions of utter incredulity to reach any real understanding of just how screwed up the human species is, and has been. Check out the defining characteristics of prevailing public discourse, reflective of the states of mind producing them: echolalia, perseveration, repetition compulsion, paraphasia Don't let anyone fool you with their zigzagging telltale soul-stir: it's the regression-in-service-to-the-1T2-ego (that regression, a violent, infantile, reductive imitation of µTm-identity-transparency) which the flintheaded dunderdick warlover loves; all the heartfelt patriotic-remainder is mere black self-propaganda on a [tattle}tail's flippant base-state of introspective incompetence. A spleeny peevish, splendiferous in his irascible deceptive splenetic. Consonant with the full fist of Clint Eastwood's Italian cowboy: for a few dollars more and more and more and Preferential access to the full resource-base of the planet for three-quarters of a century, virtually free preferential access since rebarbative Nixon cum myrmidon Henry the Terrible nixed Bretton Woods One. And look what's been done with all that! Put in the Roman context, the Holy Roman context, the Brit colonial, the Soviet, the Nazi, the state Shinto, CI SMIRKS one after another, still, certainly this is among the greatest travesties of all memetime, frog-marching humanity into a planetary conundrum of many dimensions and unparalleled proportions. Those counseling optimism are those grasping elbows to force the frog-marching, their cohort comrades counting cadence whilst goose-stepping backwards. It is very likely they, the Cs&Cs, Clingers and Coercers, are profoundly mistaken about the nature of the processes they persist in aggravating: this form of nature engagement being the worst, the most catastrophic, demon seed from which kudzu superpowerdom germinates. Reliant upon type-A qua class-A high mesomorphs whose sole domain of competence is coercion, psychological and physical, petty popinjay projection of nearly-subliminal preadolescent fantasy material governs their every assessment, each plotline they fabricate, all their proactive initiatory salients, their defensive knee-jerks, strategic and tactical. How many hundreds of millions have been sacrificed to this psychologism, this temperamental-physical type? How many billions more will there so be done in? O, ye, the whisperers of the scandal school, just send me word from the rendition gulag. It could justifiably be argued the real Nazis (their progeny being our currently prevailing oligarchs) won the WWII battle of the War of the World -- but kept that fact a secret held amongst themselves. Of the ten percent likely to survive coming cuspover, most will be in the age bracket [10-18], most of them not as of cusp-crimp forced-draft refugee-immigrants from the land, virtually none at the center, most at the periphery -- and that is one subliminal reason why that age group is identified as a target category (see, for instance: Preventing Violent Extremism in Schools, Office of Partner Engagement, FBI, January 2016: in this i-and-only-i-pod age, the American Kokutai no Hongi having been promulgated by subtler means than a national proclamation), thereby creating what they, if such can be believed, actually believe preexisted their actions and that they are justifiably opposing, as was and is the case with every dimension of the still-gathering so-believed-to-be GWOT. Vernadsky's noosphere (picked up by Chardin) qua cloud qua matrix qua meshwork qua botnet, web-connected brain nanobots, according to Cursevile, will edit single-level non-quantum 1T2-genetic code as if it were Boolean wetware of the Cyberian nexus itself. Won't that just be evolutionary! Brain nanobots Once upon a memetime, I asked John C. Lilly, progenitor of the first implantable cortical electrode, for advice as to how to deal with those who might be more than passively opposed to our DNA ideas. He said that he'd found getting whatever it was into the public domain was the effective Rx. I said that then they'd just change the name and venue of their program, take a different techno-tack. He was not sympathetic to this rejoinder, feeling it to be too pessimistic; whereas, I felt it to be only judicious realism -- etiology and pathofunctional dynamics having had several centuries to gain a head of steam, build momentum. Maybe my generation is the last one where the lifelong one could, with efficacy, taking a tacet from on high, silently-inwardly intone: screw them and their fate, tied as it is to affirmation of belief in the notion of a classical limit, which they deservedly bring down upon themselves; they may be able to control my body, but they'll never control my cognition; moreover, why bother arguing with them in their logic about processes their logic inherently cannot accommodate? Authentic creativity -- as distinct from mere innovation within a given time-shape techno-regime utilization of total capital stock -- is deeply, inner-Musculpturally, involved with collective-unconscious-mediated Platonic anamnesis (i.e., all learning is Schrödinger-memetime-independent remembering: incidentally, I do not embrace the notion of successive incarnations, or Ouspensky's exact recurrence, tied as each of these ideas is to passing, passive, real-numbered memetime) over the Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers-qua-prerecordings enciphering universal-covering-surface of MVRS (m-logically-valued [Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert] reference space) Tzog-chen AllBase. AI speculative overreach is pellucid when considered is the notion that the mnemonic-encoded assembly-language MIPS-instruction-set level of processing via CPU of a binary-Turing machine is by no means equivalent to an individual-personal unconscious; nor is noospheric cloud-matrix-mesh-web-network equivalent to a collective-transpersonal unconscious. Only once calculable iff recursive, finite iteration, and 1T2-only logic is transcended will any talk of a machined approach to Platonic-anamnesis-mediated creativity be appropriate, whatever 1T2-Penrose may think. Suffering Hollywood-MSM-abc xyzPop lowbottomization? Succor thyself this electoral [see}son with the necessary evil projections of binary-batty-brained D.C. Comics. Esther's bleak house of a memetime future makes rewriting memetimes passed a blast, and the popular hisstory industry a boomer: will the real evil empire hybrid pulleeeasse stand up. Should one live relative to the cosmos or relative to the prevailing Lebenswelt, when forced into a binary-logic choice between the two? Is good will hunting really efficacious? Whatever the negative immediate personal consequences, in terms of the larger µTm-aspects of living in the cosmos, it doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to live a life at a lesser level of comprehension than one is capable of imagining. I was eight-years-old when exposed to the identity-transparency exemplary of animistic Shinto (no pictures here of our out-landish Midori Gaoka house, quite a stunning abode, which I [re}viewed forty years later; and here; and here, yes, I certainly did travel to-and-from Ongagawa (train) Station and surely, not surly, swam in those 1953 river floodwaters, Coach Pappy Austin's river-house having been almost swamped, lady pearl divers being the REAL adepts, crystal clear in my memory, the beach where they marshaled forces being a local locale I frequently biked to, swam from, despite the jellyfish, and found again upon return in 1990; and here, dad's assignment to Ashiya not permitting concurrent travel of his dependents, we arrived by troopship well after all this), sixteen when given an independent study course in topology (re: Mr. John Moore, Eielson AFB High School, Alaska, circa fall semester of 1961: what a teacher!), so my non-orientable choice, when I was able to understand it, was foregone, uh, prefigured. Castigate individuals? Nope -- only insofar as there be willful conscious intent to use mass transference dynamics for nefarious purposes, an extremely rare event, as that level of insight generally precludes such, few such magic markers ever having been brought into existence, as they violate psychological dimensions of Heisenberg, i.e., that which is self-observed is changed in the act of self-observation. In due course, however, by unconscious mass transference dynamics, pre-crime algos will be used just as was the Phoenix Program during its Viet-Nam-war early days prior to its globalization (grudge settling, payback, removing the non-corrupt, the competitor, so on). Needs, needs, needs to kill! Humph. Not the least 1T2-bit surprising that -- as this or that fulmination of THE normative collective psychosis elaborates, capability to achieve sanity being a historical rarity -- the piddling patriarch progenitors' own, their children even, should increasingly be cast as classed with the canonical projective-identification figure: the enemy near-beyond out-there in-heard-by-echo in-here. Why? Because the mass pathogenesis is rooted in 1T2-patri-familial transference dyscrasia secondary to suppression of cognizance of µTm-output of THE quantum-brain nonlocal wave-effect processing which does not credit 1T2-distinctions like out-there/in-here, this distinction being a symptom which the pathofunctional projective-identification attempts to cure itself of. Those vehicles subverting authentic relative-state identity-transparency and associated spontaneous social order: the several military-intel-police castes, the various sorts of gangs, the ethno-religious clans, the business cum academic cum fraternal cum press cum game cum esoteric clubs, the fratri-patri-cide-sublimating countervailing-forces political parties cum governmental institutions cum media conglomerates cum NGOs cum PACs cum ad hoc committees of myriad sort. I've never much liked cars or car cultures, but it took me quite a while to figure out why: the interior of the auto, the POV, the privately owned vehicle, is identified-with, less so concerning ragtops, as signifying private space, even personal space with its minimum permissible distance; the skin of the vehicle, as ego-sphere analogue. Given how surely and strongly these projective psycho-physical correspondences must subvert the capacity for ontic experience of identity-transparency, how could any car culture manifest a significant degree of spontaneous social order? Levels of market-mediated autopoietic and self-organizational competency -- now that's something else again. Sorosian market reflexivity is a contagious disease only with employment of 1T2-only-markets, where the fractal-nesting-foam (African fractals, tribal Southeast Asian fractals, others, those modern, those that could have been, but haven't been, yet even now could be, implemented) and non-orientable factors involved in catalyzing infinite-correlation-length self-organized criticality have no explicit signification: i.e., where supply-demand allocative dynamics are mapped upon 2nk fitness landscape, not within Mnk articulation space. Whilst rise of patriarchy may have come shortly after domestication of the horse and rise of the associated private property notion, at that point still greatly diluted by gift-exchange of signifiers of animistic identity-transparency, How private? not yet congealing as a logical-value-order-type issue, actual etiology of archy-qua-archy (as distinct from any member of the corpus being capable, now and then, of taking a trance-reading on the collective need) likely was the Last-Glacial-Maximum-induced-PTSD-facilitated agonistic glutamate flood mythologically [man}handled by substitute memories and corruption of words in storytelling ultimately recorded as old testaments concerning the subsequent global-warming period. Recent advances in our understanding of neurotransmitters, and neurohumoral metabolic processes in general, offer us better insight as to why this corpus of mass behaviors indubitably was the case: glutamatergic anchoring of prescriptive enculturation-socialization quenches (in the biochemical-biophysics sense) conscious awareness of the µTm-quantum-brain processing prerequisite to direct ontic (re: Husserliana) prehension of the hologramic relative-state identity-transparency subtending spontaneous social order -- the likely-induced determining tendency toward such being one factor auguring for efficacy in implementation of µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries according to properties specified by the holographic principle. This is not, in my opinion, to fall into the, by now well-proven useless, NoamChomskyesque moral upbraiding, exemplified in Wilhelm Röpke's response to Hitlerian nazification. Quoting the Collectivism and the Termite State section of Wilhelm Röpke: The Economist Who Stood Up to Hitler, The Ethical and Economical Price of Liberty, Richard Ebling, EpicTimes, 29 February 2016:
Yet in Röpke's view the market by itself was not enough. The humane society required going beyond supply and demand, to the construction of an institutional order that incorporated the market in a wider social setting. The market economy needed strong ethical moorings to give a sound moral foundation to market order.
What a bunch of bunk! Apocryphal ethics as moral-impulsed SUPERego will-power qua little-godling-introjected-from-the-projected-personified-godhead will-to-power (à la Nietzsche, à al Hitler) self-imposed, not percept-propriocept-quality inculcated by inner counterwork to glutamatergically-anchored prescriptive enculturation-socialization. Real ethics, real morality, issues spontaneously from direct ontic prehension of hologramic relative-state identity-transparency: it is not effectuated by Triumph des Willens, be the willpower marshaled individually or collectively. Röpke offered no notion of a mechanism by which the desired end is to be achieved. Not a psychological mechanism -- beyond criticism/self-criticism; not a political-economy mechanism; not a monetary-system mechanism. Stuff-it! More sublimating Freudian, superego, father-figure stuff -- riding on 1T2ly-traditional father knows best family values, values of the 1T2-independent rural community, communitas local to the given-German in-group, sociality derivative of Erdgeist identifications, so on -- not altogether removed from the archetypal identification instrumental in facilitating Hitlerian mass-transference dynamics. No distinguishing between µTm-Einfuhlung and 1T2-identification. By such myopic means-unseens was the EU conglomeration agglomerated at promptings of states united during a mistakenly-rationalistic age when-which such was far, far more understandable than in the post-WWII-battle period of The War of the World -- and the consciousness-state they have established habitus within is intent upon planetarizing the very same [a-bom(b)i}nation. Would the Oldest Living Confederate Widow [who] Tells All concur? I wonder.
The m-nadology I'd support is multinadology, not monadology -- because I imagine the primordial not as many holistic simple hyletic-psychetic substance whatnots coming together over memetime as composites to generate complexity, but the manifold plenum of the m-logically-valued cum m-valued substantive demerging by Schrödinger-memetime-independent Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic decomposition (involving µTm-valued pregeometry operations, Pauli-Paine operator-time, temporal curl, topological geometrodynamics, so on) unto the appearance of binary-nads which, when further examined, turn out to be (via Cantorian fractality, the holographic principle, and third-order dynamical reentry qua nonorientability) the manifold plenum substantive itself, non-simple identity and non-locality being essentials, whether the decomposed-via-composites -nads be construed cybernetic cellular automata, particle-like, string-like, loop-like, brane-like, polytope-like, so on, combinations thereof -- this epistemological [elude}sion, epiphenomenal to Empiricism insufficient, having extruded the illusory by an arbitrary ontic drawing (glutamatergically anchored to the molecular-cellular brain in stages of cognitive development) of a distinction between the hyletic and the psychetic. It has long been, since the mid-1970s, my belief that there is no such, on any scale level, as antecedent-consequent memetime evolution by cause-effect; the illusion that there is is epiphenomenal to use of 1T2-only-logic alone; the probability-amplitude qua propensities notion is an attempt to finesse Schrödinger's re-discovery of memetime-independent demergence as reflected in his atemporal wave-related codification, this finesse supported by clinging to the classical-limit notion, a clinging persevered in by persisting in the mistaken belief that universal physical constants are single-valued and processed under binary-logic alone. Events are 100-percent demergent. Adhering to cyclotomically demergent decompositionism, I therefore cannot embrace either Chomskyan generative or Piagetian developmental approaches to the innateness qua Nativism contrasted to Empiricism debate (for brief accounts of these two, see here: I would observe, for instance, that not only is the social structure of attention cathexes glutamatergically anchored, so is infant preferential looking time, glutamate etching of enculturation-socialization qua neural network wipeouts beginning prenatally, this 1T2-inculcating prenatality being demergently precatory to what it is emergently probative of, i.e., as later demonstrated in Straight Edge Preschool, Line Up Elementary, Hupt To Junior High, All Too Grim High -- and both these attentions are likely related to, as regards tonic activation, the prevailing minimum time for spontaneous localization operative in the pi-electron gas core of intra-neuronal DNA molecules, at the cellular/intercellular levels likely related to glutamate-ketamine titers ratio). During the mid-1970s, after a public lecture he delivered at Cornell, I asked Chomsky what he thought was the connection between Jung's archetypes of the collective unconscious understood mathematical relation-structures and the rule system of a universal generative grammar. He said he thought likely a considerable connection, but that he was not the one to explore it, for he simply was unable to read Jung. To me, my take does not contest existence of 1T2ly-generative grammars; it does, however, suggest that the rule system of a universal generative grammar of speakable languages demerges from the J.S.Bell-unspeakable semantic domain which is the Musculpt manifold that DNA coherent wave generation biologically constellates via THE µTm-quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains. Quantum wave-effect neural holograms (ontologically prior to phylogenesis and ontogenesis of 1T2-neurons) likely are demergent from this Musculpt manifold. Speakable languages are apropos of 1T2-only-processing of demergent events. This does not mean that there are no actual events or that empirical investigations are of no utility; it means that the events are experienced in utterly different fashions according to the order of logical-value employed at their processing: the hologramic part-whole equivalency subtending conventions of haiku poetry, for instance, being a residual of flat-space perceptual engagement with logical properties explicated by the holographic principle. Cardinalities of infinitudes of different fashions are involved here. THE reason this has been so strongly resisted is that the psychological states identified with, the belief systems held, the socialities embraced, the institutional algorithms employed, the prescriptive cum proscriptive legalisms enforced since the rise of patriarchy each and all would have been cum would be utterly sundered had been cum were verisimilitude to the actual case allowed. All-That-Is-and-Isn't (to, without the requisite processes of demergence, make a binary out of the CTC-substantive) is so enormously complex that, to me, simplicity always and all ways augurs against plausibility -- adverting to, that is, the heard-image cum-but-really-qua seen-sound schemata of inner synaesthetic-holographic Musculpt, where a given schema serves to signify the sounded-color-form modulus of a complex ensemble of nested notions (this being a form of notation, the form needed, in my judgment, to think in µTm-propositions, rather than think about them via use of 1T2 propositions), alert to attend to the schema coming as an electrical-surge autogenic discharge, the intensity of which varies directly as to generality of metaphysical significance of the given schema-of-recognition. Adequate Empiricism (ideally a balanced combination of scientific extroversion and introverted oriental positivism) plus brooding over ponderables is prerequisite to the gaining of significant Nativist access. Why? Because these practices are ketaminergic antedote to the glutamatergic anchoring of prescriptive enculturation and associated µTm-quantum quenching. What gives? That is the real Platonic anamnesis issue. The answer my I/i accepts is Tzog-chen AllBase qua MVRS, the Lukasiewiczian-Hibert m-logically-valued reference space.
The basic idea behind m-logically-valued LETS monetary units has much in common with Connectionism, except that the Connectionist weights resetting, according to my notion, is with respect to demergent properties of the logical-values stacked upon (and fine-grain-tagged to indicators and externalities) base-states (looking at systems emergently, i.e., by back-propagation, rather than demergently, the base-states of µTm-valued currencies are 1T2-cash) -- the down or up manner of looking at being a choice made when locked into, identified with, binary-logic processing, 1T2 being the Nativist end-logiodemergent term. The idea of computer gaming -- à la m-scenarios strategic planning over e-commons as precatory of the probative -- the initial weightings on value-stack of an m-logically-valued monetary unit, would be an application of a Nativist conception of Connectionism. Our account of 3-fold temporal CURL as demerging effect(s) of Pauli-Paine quantal operator-time could be understood as assimilating the Dynamical Systems Theory approach to these issues.
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