µTm Scenarios, T27(M)
Repellent are hearts of the murky. Black hearts. Loathsome hearts. Flee, fly, flown the dominant cold-hearted aspiration-space, did I, long before entering high school; and, frankly, it's been fifteen years since able have I been to tolerate reading the mainstream media (except when referred there by alternative sources) or living anywheres whereth speaketh the local language doth my 'I'. Moreover, it's been a long, long memetime now since the last occasion a film saw I had I interest in beyond a possible gain of analytic insight as to changing dimensions of prevailing psychosocial pathology and/or current blackpsyche thematics. Those Hollywood types with craquelure minds, memetime-bound by prescriptive-enculturation-guided glutamatergic neuronal etching, when encountering DMT-mandated warps of memetime-rate perception (think: exogenously-induced antihomeostatic modification of normative neuronal-DNA pi-electron-parcel temperature-oscillation rates), easily convert such warps to what they regard arcana, a gaggle of DoDed and VRed objective-linear-time-travel phantasmagorias. In that 9th-Parallax armpit, uh, uh, ambit, the Game of Drones 9.0 brought to you by ConveDD Production Studios Unlimited. Think: conversion-disorder displacement. Hey, [munch}achos, chug that chugalug! The DumDums top the chart with Don't Sing Sing My Me. Hyper{boil}izing squelch in extremis, machine language by the most popular cyborg-imitative voices: so much for[mal]de}hyde that SingHah is put to shame. Doin' the bumstumble, there's a bi-polar syn[dro}me suc{cum}bed to: saddle-blocked post-ponder depression cum postprandial euphoria. [Hear}trending is the angry stifle: drowned be they by persuaders secret-shadowed or lurking in aural umbra -- aye, the reel steal, subliminal unto dysliminal. Sobbing sweaty smiles, giggling bloody tears: their schadenfreude, their pseudobulbar affect. These cursed are clear in their logic debris distributed aft and fore from middles onto the in-memetime non-demonstrable: infinitesimals and infinitudes construed sequential.
The Infinitesimal of the Third Order
From Under the Forehead
Over the Railing
(Eugene Zamiatin, WE, 1919)The shovelheaded self-litigious superego having demonstrated utter loss of troth and having been transferred -- most pertinently due to unsympathetic inveterate cum unrelenting intimations of synaesthetic encroachments upon focal points of bonding-value collegiality deemed despicable, designated detestable -- to-as the jealous god, [allelo}litigants blossomed in every field. Survival prospects for members of a species having thus reduced itself to a comic-book level of functioning aren't good. Hash-tag s***, as they say, summarizes so much of the current domineering culture's cultural product. That, I feel, does not apply to some crime fiction, contemporary and historical. Certainly not only not to An American Tragedy. Used to be Choose your poison! was joking hyperbole; nowadays, all manner of actual poisons are inescapable: making Shusaku Endo's (Scandal, English translation, Penguin paperback edition, 1988, p. 13) definition of sin quite plausible, i.e., the attempt to find a way out of a suffocating life. Prozac, therefore, must be a sin. Much of the better popular crime fiction is the best social criticism America, for instance -- the worst people from all around the planet wanna go there; always have, always will -- has had to offer itself. Frisson: quite a social service, actually. Empire (in amongst testimonials printed under leaf with the novel) said of Richard North Patterson's Silent Witness, Random House, 1996: a fascinating and horrifying portrayal of the legal system. Not to mention mental states of judges and attorneys. There is, however, in Patterson's book, little that could be construed critique of the logical foundations of the legal system, based as that system is upon the notion of logical necessity one-hundred years ago demonstrated not necessary, and eighty years ago that any product of employments of such necessity will conform to if consistent not complete, if complete not consistent, i.e., speaking of the 1T2-only-logic applied so as to compel consensuation of legalistic takes on notions like reality, proof, lie, truth, witness, fact, doubt, actual, establish, and on and on, to include brow, as in browbeating: that is, an attempt to subvert 1T2-syllogistic juridical thought processes, appeal to affect-charge, like frequently also done in openings and closings. And speaking of such logic subversion, the Supreme Court Rules Cops Can Break The Law To Enforce The Law, Matt Agorist, Activist Post, 20 June 2016. Moreover, there now exist classified laws, even secret laws secretly made secret: it's against the law to know the law; it's even unlawful for the police to know the law they enforce. Thus, the sly Irish cop with the hammy smile has an ostensorium, a monst(e)rance, sitting on the self, uh, shelf, in his office. Along the way taken by of the ever-exponentially-expanding horde of homo sapiens, the right-hand path or the left-hand path, dexter or sinister from point of view of the onward marching sword-and-shield-wielding Christian Soldier, got demoralized to unadorned one or zero, shriven 1 or 0 -- except that prudence of the juris demanded retention of the short-shrift moral denotations associated with right or sinister, distributing all middles thereto: no Middle Way, no No-Mind, no quantum animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency between absolute self and absolute not-self, these and similar deletions being regarded, at best, ephemeral apo{cry}pha. Doltish in}trans[i]gent perfidy: niggling pratfall abrogation of the spirit by finicky-fussbudget 1T2-legalismic gobbledygook willy-nilly in service to giddy evangelical statism, staid institutionalized scientism, wingdinging-to-wangle moniefied schmooze politics, nod-off puerile religiosity. The overt, objective, binary storyline is never the real story -- which can't possible-world-1T2-logically become a known knowable. Jus' skeedaddle from that ConveDD-related leitmotif? Surnuf -- if the 1T2-lawfare-and-social-capital movement is to maintain credibility. One of the main social problematics with 1T2-only-money is that it altogether prevents effective interface between market-mediated forcing functions and the instrumental inductive inferences (this is a little known but important paper by Mathew Forstater, particularly valuable if contextualized in regards to indicator measurables relative to econometric variables as well as intra- and extra-systemic externalities) informing implementation of concrete expressions of preference functions established by multiple-scenarios strategic regional and urban planning procedures (optimally computer-gamed on the e-commons) -- this prevention provisioning multiple corruption routes for those stakeholders with insider information, for commercial real estate to become a 1T2-only-money-laundering tool, so on and so forth. Moreover, any noshing one who attended high school in America knows that the snarfing law-enforcer gourmands are nothing like their stewed and truffled hagiographies, because that noshed high school attendee knows which of hisher classmate dramatis personae later went into the lawfare business. While exercising prerogative in the prevailing planetary Lebenswelt is decidedly binary, in nature that exercise may well be fuzzy at the very least, more elaborately µTm-unto-CTC. To the consensus physicist, quantum and classical, bound-from-below, ghost-insured, and memetime-defined binary-reversibility (UU* = U*U = I), i.e., unitarity, is essential to 1T2-only consistency -- and this, this, despite Gödel (and despite Heisenberg in whom position-velocity stood for what Gödel later logically-analogically handled as consistency-completeness): concerning the Lukasiewiczian, jus' forgitaboutit, as Born and wise-guy cohort so, so very conveniently did. That's some of what happens when the binary-mind comes up against µTm-nature! Non-simple µTm-identity simply can't be pinned down by any 1T2-operation. Why? For one: Planck's constant, h, is m-valued under Cantorian-fractal superspacetime. Despite all that, under 1T2-only-logic, as left to lie on the cultural floor by Lukasiewicz and Gödel, much to everyone's horror, there is no process that could transpire in a courtroom that could dissipate reasonable doubt concerning virtually anything, including many elements of open-and-shut cases with multiple witnesses, yield, absent judicious arrière-pensée, arrogant, delusory, frequently disastrous moral certainty, because sufficient diminishment of supposition to accomplish that dissipation, that yield, is in most cases altogether dependent upon unassailability of the laws of 1T2-only-valued logic, the very laws sundered by Lukasiewicz and Gödel. However rueful an observation, the very factoid of a fair 1T2-trial has always been absolutely ludicrous; post-9/11, altogether impossible, whatever the rue felt -- though few appear to rue that that juridical circumstance has become the case. Heh-heh-heh! Institutions support institutions because of the 1T2-intersection of their formative Venn-diagramable binary-values, values now studied in the new science of values. If there is currently a mass moral certainty of collective moral insanity, both that certainty and that insanity are resident-evil, har har hardy har, apposite in identification with 1T2-only logic and resultant clinging to the notion of a classical limit -- not in habitus with some simile of inapposition vis science qua science or an abysmal absence of the religious sentiments and moral values touted by spokespersons for gelatinous institutionalized ecclesiastical establishments discretely un-m-bodied in the friable granularity of their membership corpora. I'm against education because the education we've been subjected to is largely dyseducation. I am also against de-education, a positive take on a negative: uneducation. But I'm even more against re-education, which paranoiacally is dyseducation squared (re: a re-education of the people's sense of values, from above [Peter Ackroyd quoting the Eliot of April 1941 in T. S. Eliot, Cardinal paperback edition, 1988, p. 256], this statement being an Eliotic call for effectuation of a British Kokutai no Hongi). What I am for, in a Summerhillian sort of way, is non-dyseducation, which requires the learning of a nondoing that is not not-doing but an active doing of that which facilitates passive nondoing in respect to the empty bowl that can authentically receive the fruits of Platonic anamnesis. The failure of logic to support law was one reason for ada[man}cy of the consensual snap judgment yielding the probability amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function (rather than employing then-available Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics for the interpretation), that snapover being a primary catalyst to onset of the WWII-battle of the War of the World. Reduxations of reduxed redux -- and always about the exact same deep-structure issues! Median response, almost a hundred years later, to the logic-no-longer-supporting-law thesis is revulsion, and that's integral to why the War of the World continues ongoing, plus a why for compensatory abreactions like regression to Sharia law, to Old Testament punishment, to Nazi-style Christian justice. Not exactly a vegan's regression to passed lives -- but, when you think about the pasts of lives Conscience does not reside in the domain of [con}science. Even though the dot.com bubble got pricked, the got.con blimp continues to balloon. Proclivities being macro-quantum propensities, there is no indicator to be found of any prospect of change with respect to all that. The Freudian complex cum the Jungian archetype acting like mass centers vis-à-vis event gradients, the 1980s [man}i[fessed} a [red}o{lent] shift from an ostentatiously biophilous to a tentatively necrophilous U.S. society -- maybe even of the whole global civilization -- for it was during that decade that explicit awareness of the utter failure of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung trickled down to the John Doe's of the planetary population base. Entropy of, say, market sorting demons, better regarded angels, is baud-rate-of-consciousness dependent, i.e., is consciousness-state-specific, relative to levels of self-organizational competency: the slower the market actors' baud-rates, to include techno-amplifications, and by quantum composite the markets themselves, the greater the amount of hidden information -- if entropy be regarded the so-called natural logarithm. But what if nature's actual natural log is not about memetime, but about topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time, and is, thus, to the base M, rather than e, as in Mnk, nk being the exponent of interest, not merely n, k for correlation-coherency being where the holographic principle enters the world-picture? Then, the hidden information is not merely a function of consciousness state, but also of the order-of-logical-value employed to process Mnk-related functors. Time over time, not time after time.
Ain't necessarily
Synchronicity![Fore}ver, not for(eve[ning])r: ontologically-[be}fore the ver, the vertical of demergence, of cyclotomic involutory decomposition CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2. Dronings upon dronings delirium, vibrations, jim-jams, [he}be-geebees convulsions: that be entry into forever. The operator-timed, µTmly-valued Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock is the negentropy of that stock, its various existent Tantric-Schrödinger-memetime-independent arrangements; or, alternatively, heh-heh-heh, the entropy of that stock is its various 1T2ly-possible memetime dependent alternative arrangements. Schizos lose memetime, and so do saints; the difference is: schizos have no memory of the lost loss, while saints have no memory loss. Paraphasia qua jargon aphasia: derailment of [1T2-] thought and/or speech cum writing by subsidiary associations, syllables, words, phrases, concepts, notions, mere ideas. That's what assimilation to µTm is all about! That's what implausible inference in mathematical discovery, solution backwards analyomenos, analogical methods in design of architectural design systems, identification of strange attractors informing disjointed incrementalism (the attractor carried as a mantra over -- John C. Lilly's cogitate, cogitate, cogitate -- back of the mind) at urban planning is all about. The random and the chaotic as predicates of hidden-information-as-entropy are relative to consciousness-state (observation being only one of the involved faculties), and the spacetime-foam nest that state is attached to qua identified with: for any given LSTD (limited spacetime domain), finite collection of LSTDs, infinite set thereof, there is findable some logical-value order-type and some collection of value arrays of m-valued universal physical constants associated with some consciousness-state (including those associated with collective occasions of experience) rendering the random and the chaotic null and void at every degree Kelvin (hypertemperature being [the phlogiston-like amniotic fluid of time] the temporal-CURL spin component of Pauli-Paine operator-time [quantized via Penrose twistors?], ergotropic consciousness being the set of all such temporal-topological operators, i.e., those operators demerging Lukasiewiczian pregeometry to geometrodynamics, the trophotropic being the collection of their counter-operators). The real-world is Schrödinger-memetime-independent; the material-Maya qua Plato-shadow world collective projection of the Lebenswelt is memetime-bound: the distinction qua boundary qua horizon between real and virtual [as in particles and parcel-pairs] is dependent upon the consciousness-state of the observer-participant [his position in being-in-itself] and the order of logical-value employed. Living it in the experience, empathically in-and-to the experience qua experience, is, to those identified with 1T2-only-logic alone, altogether (Law of Distributed Middle) different from living it out, abstracting one's self/other-attributed 1T2-egoically-selfsame selfhood out of the experience qua experience: 1T2ly-remunerative 1T2-lawfare (they even managed to largely sidestep the 1T2ly-remunerative in the UnionCarbide-Bhopal out-of-court-behind-closed-doors settlement, so one must wonder who-what received what little was actually disbursed) is, while there as if present by simulacra, altogether out, psychologically speaking, and inherently incapable of re-creating for the jury in as in actually was. Hence, 1T2-juridical judgment cannot possibly (this being a 1T2-logical necessity) be authentically informed judgment; it can only be one or another degree of supposition orchestrated (unconscious, subliminal, partly conscious, fully conscious) by prior [pre}judice (and jury selectors are acutely aware of this framework-determined condition, a condition easily regarded itself a pre-crime). Patterson's novel, like most crime fiction, like most fiction not avant-garde art fiction, engages in precious little analysis, providing a phenomenological account in a manner designed to inculcate a state of identification by reader with characters. Nonetheless, were there an inclination to discover just how dissolute identification with 1T2-logical Necessity (for Choice) can be, analysis of the declassified Kissinger memos would be instructive, as would be speculation as to what mental states could have produced such a dreadful condition of logical rigidity as that on display in those memos -- not to mention the issue as to how so many Best-&-Brightest could have bought into that so-unRight Stuff. The tutted thrash-out of alfresco governance in the nation's capital experienced its last breath of fresh air during-- what, the pre-Wilson period, or was it pre-Lincoln? Is the sugar all? Perishing, ya'all say? Sod on yer. Suitably abashed? All and over, nevermore. And as to the B-&-B way down the hoohah-scale near the bottom of the decision tree, there are so many special forces nowadays, by comparison to back in the day, it is hardly possible to regard them as being all that special -- especially, perhaps, the likes of our Rambeau Stallions, the real American victorymen, those authentic zealanders. And that even as the guv has taken recourse to rent-a-goon creep shops! Resource war, that frivolity being the B-&-B resource allocation mechanism they can unmitigatedly put trust to. It's very unlikely that the global 1T2-economy, which requires unending growth simply to organize allocations, could survive a flattening of the population-yield curve: just look at current discourse on geriatric Japan and speculation as regards China's faltered future. So long as 1T2-notions of developmental sustainability, all oxymorons, are clung to, whatever the nonsense rhetoric, mitigation of overpopulation will not be permitted. Just ask: how could the debt spiral be sustained absent unending population expansion? If the people won't cooperate, then that expansion will be accomplished by artificial means, and, perhaps all the better for that -- so TPTB believe. As regards the 1T2-only-market, employing 1T2-only-money-and-financial-instruments, as allocation mechanism, well just look at TV's offerings (compared to relatively-non-commercial internet HDMIed to a TV monitor) over the last half century to get a good feel for how ineffectively 1T2-only-market capitalism promotes realization of, for instance, techno-potentialities. For one, relative to TV, competition within the supply-and-demand dynamic has no capability to overcome dictates of the oligopolistically-distributed blackpropaganda-psywar department. Radio Catinat in D.C.-no-Washington? You bet. All else is one or another form of blackpsyche. All hat, no cat. Subtractable rivalrous culture of psychological violence, ad extremum. As regards strategic planning of allocations, the 1T2-only-discretionary distributive-algebraic CHOICE for resource-war fighting cum set-theoretic occupation, with vectorial forces that include dual-counterpart surrogates, inherently involves fuzzy-logic rheostat tuning (black-propagandized as a Non-Zero Clintoning of the mini-max) to a low level of differential control over events and certainty of a high level of integral blowback -- both the low and the high of this calculus being desired or not to partials according to fluxions of long-term objectives, goals, and interests selected by preference functions tacitly incorporated into the command economy primitive difference-equation set employed on the projective-syndication route to actualization of a transcendent totalism (Abelian trans-al-jabr, Cantorian transfinites, Lukasiewiczian CTC, quantum this, quantum that, et cetera, having by now so thoroughly destroyed the 18th-century Weltanschauung underpinnings of the prevailing institutional base with which they are totally vested-identified, totalism is their inescapable collective compensatory abreactive projection) unimagined by 1984 crossed into a Brave New World order. N. H. Abel's 1823: an able initialization of The Downfall of the Fallen Rebel Host, i.e., glutamatergic 1T2-only-valued logic. Winnable double-gangbanger, [clone}able-surrogate, counterpart, proxy warfare-of-the-world(s) is an ensemble-behavioral, collective-cooperative manifestation of far-from-equilibrium complex systems which the standard vonNeumann-formalized, Bohr-critiqued interpretation of the Everettian relative-state interpretation disallows, disallows because thermodynamic constraints prevent effective constellation, under passive-memetime reference, of authentically-identity-transparent keiretsu-coalitions -- hence, the compensatory-abreactive obsession with formation of a globalized institutionalized Lebenswelt beyond borders (assumed to be inherently only 1T2ly inside-or-outside), and the back-reactive splitting-off of the archetypal shadow-surrogate to attack the metric of the man{i}fold new world order hisher instigator-funder-trainer-supplier is attempting to establish, this attack too, too appropriately using memetime duration as Clausewitzian time by an analogy as a factor of forces to subvert the very framework determining condition, i.e., 1T2-only-definable memetime, without which thermodynamic constraints cannot be invoked to prevent animistic-pagan µTm-identity-transparency. As regards Injun Cuntry then, and its recent and present-day surrogates, always to me (a onetime PA Boy Scout collector of found objects like Injen arrowheads) it has seemed advantageous, as regards Know thyself!, to learn as much as possible about the what out of which I issued: quoting and suggestively modifying Allan W. Eckert's elaborately researched and, hence, very informative book, That Dark and Bloody River, Bantam paperback edition, 1996, p. 454:
They were Indians [infidels], and that was all that mattered. His hatred of the Indians [infidels] had always been strong, ever since he and his brother Jacob had been captured as young boys. It had grown stronger when his brother George had been killed by them three years ago. Now, however, it had become intense, dominating his mind, filling him with an obsessive lust to kill Indians [infidels] whenever and wherever an opportunity came. There was, so far as he was concerned, ample justification.
Several weeks ago a party of Indians [infidels] had killed his father
When forced-draft urbanization to one or another Endopolis (a Cloud9 Bucky-balling of the Lebenswelt Ice9ed through the 9thParallax?) and economic free-fire zones don't generate enough refugee tides to stoke Thermidorian reaction, then thermodynamically-hot-fire zones and medically-hot zones are resorted to. The assiduousness of dishonesty, and the resoluteness of deception, sternly lying behind forced-draft urbanization: how could the mendacious [mend}a[city}? Ah, yes, the deep way and the savage way: are they not the Devil's dictums qua diktats, no comedies oh-so-divine? And how very, very Torquemadaesque! reeking stench and hideous dirge, if one attends to VDOs taken at revolutionary-chromodynamic resource-war loci. [Aye!}rack'em, then it'll be Eye-ran from too long tryin' ta scope'em out. And when that doesn't work -- O, such conniptions! -- fester locus of the oil-gas pipeline biz conund, having moved from CA to the ME, will git [Lib}yeah! and real [Sear}eeeUS. Otherwise, the Hun will remain leashed to the Bear, which portends a snapping, a far-from-equilibrium phase transition to a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating the whole Mahayana Buddhist Bloc (a Venn-diagrammatic union of all those culturally predisposed to a Lukasiewiczian take on Tzog-chen AllBase-state of Hilbert function-space, functional schemata ontologically preceding those structural according to that predisposition). If it all goes off the wire, large numbers likely will be rolled up. Omigod, not another NED said! I got interested in this type of consideration of the legal system while doing a 7th-grade (or was it 8th?) English class (Mr. Higgins, Ypsilanti H.S.) book report, written and oral, on Anatomy of a Murder. Mr. Higgins was laudatory in front of the class and gave me an A+ on the written part: this display got me attacked by several older Triumph motorcycle gang members-bangers, a fight into which a Puerto Rican stepped with his winkle-picker pointed-toe zapatos puntudos and saved my butt, which, not only automatically placed me with the Puerto Rican Bloc, but greatly focused my interest in the subject matter of my book report. Though he phenomenologically portrays it, Patterson does not analytically go into the supposition that, more fundamental than war-prep (the hard kind, the business/law kind, the third kind, i.e., idea creation by one-ups[academic games]manship, the most reliable MO by which to become one of nature's generative cellular automata), the prevailing raison d'etre of youthful competitive sports (the boy-girl projective-identification transference game included among them) is to seek existential confirmations absent because of a lack of alternative role models within the isolated nuclear family, isolated, that is, from what once was a viable extended family system. In such nuclear circumstances intra-familial transference dyscrasia (one reason, I imagine, why, in Japan's rural areas, egg-white-and-harigata mizuage was traditionally orchestrated by the Shinto priestess in the local shrine cum temple: this, even with a still-intact viable extended family system where within Amae-style empathetic approach to authentic identity-transparency [more than I Feel You in every stone -- though that's certainly getting there] was quite elaborate! parenthetically, I am well aware that my m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian gaijin-take on the Japanese notion of sacred space, ma, as a stand-in for Tibetan Tzog-chen AllBase qua Tantric Schrödinger's m-values that are actually µTm-processed, neglects the aestheticism so integral to Japanese ontic experience; but, then, I believe that much in the way of Japanese rule-abiding art-forming behaviors cum perceptions cum apperceptions plus associated feeling-toned judgments and affect-charges emerged as endogenous-glutamatergic suppressors of demergent, esoteric, endogenous-ketaminergic, trance-mediated Shinto animism qua authentic identity-transparency, such that primitive Shinto could be made to conform to the strictures imposed by hierarchical Confucianism and institutionalized Buddhism -- just as was also done to esoteric Taoism) is inevitable because psychological-temperamental-physical-type differences between parents and children establish role-model incompatibilities irresolvable within the context they arise. Moreover, the normative cum ideal cum expected cum legally-[man}dated sexual mores portrayed in Patterson's novel (somewhat outstripped by widespread teen and preteen exposure to internet porn since the novel was written, as documented in, for instance, Children as young as seven are sexting, research finds, Sarah Cassidy, Independent, 25 March 2015; there is also the issue of ever increasing exposure to mimetic estrogens), while shading back into origins of the Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion, have only played out strongly for maybe five-hundred years in European-derived cultures alone, then, later, predominately so. Something of an anomaly in human experience. Well after WWII, for instance, in northern Thailand, there were many communities in which an unmarried 16-year-old girl was considered virtually a spinster. Teeny-bopper emotional exsanguinations, then running off to Hollywish to find Zenerenity? Weird -- but just plausible, I guess. If post-adolescents are ill-equipped to emotionally handle sexual experience, that is because they have been (for some perversely persistent purpose, conscious or not, pertinacious for sure: not to embellish, this is the birdsong-cum-star-clock-learning temporal window most threatening to a 1T2-bound society, for the hormone flood preps the person for endogenous-ketaminergic experience of authentic identity-transparency, the most fundamental challenge to the institutional status quo as it has reigned since the advent of patriarchy some five-thousand years ago) psycho-socially programmed to be thusly incompetent. A profanation without prevarication. Suppression of immediate-post-adolescent sexuality is one step removed from the ultimates (not speaking here of superheroes) with regards to origins of mass warfare, i.e., for one, suppression of direct ontic experience of µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency, to which we can be certain rise of the Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion strategically contributed. No real ENIGMA: I Love You, I'll Kill You. All's fair in the love of war, eh. Or: Oh, for Tristan's sake! and O, for the love of death! Isolde's Liebes-Tod. Defavoritized by disaffirmative action: acceding to being memetime-bound is sufficient cause for a my bad Mea Culpa -- temporal CURL being the ablative case of operator-time, that case with an instrumental meaning. Aye, right, the oinking of MonoKuRoboo echoing out of the velvet prison, the full catastrophe, love is-of-plus pain and the whole damn thing, a song of truth and semblance caught in a scrap of memetime filled with lines of light -- if, that is, half of man is wo-oh-oh-man. Heh-heh-heh!
Be aware that Paine-Kaplan energy-momentum-cascade theory (not to mention the physics behind the numerical forecast model, and its code-written computerization as per Kaplan, M. L., and A. L. Gooden, 1977: A multi-scale numerical model of tornado-producing local storms on CDC's Star 100 computer, Proceedings, First International Conf. on Mathematical Modeling, St. Louis, MO, ASCE, IMAC, SCS, IV, 2269-2282) of tornadogenesis (that's vortex formation) has yet, all these years later, to enter snoozing -- miscreant mopes mauling the molls and the marks, or is it mugs malling with their muggles? think of the holographic classical horizon as demerging to one or another haggard meninx: the molecular-cellular 1T2-brain has three -- mainstream meteorology: consensually speaking, pathogenesis of severe local storms is, essentially, a local-heating-driven bear-trap snapover, not a function of complex (think: imaginary time) angular-momentum commo exchanged between, largely, the Sun and its Earth -- such that, were the non-consensual-not affirmatively definitive of the actual case, pathofunctional aspects of greenhouse warming would resolve to, not the warming itself, but to modification of gas-ratios-determined frequency-response-window characteristics, cum phased-array electron-temperature enhancements, cum iatrogenic bulldog-snooper alterations imposed upon the said Sun-Earth commo and the unsaid ensuing magnetostratotropospheric cum crustal cum core-related dynamics. Which is also not to mention the at-'furious' infinities, cascade-model initializing, 3-fold complex-hypercomplex temporal-CURL-generated acoustic analogue to black hole computing aspect, with its holographic-principle-like acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode signaturing of the manifold theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature-surface curvature configurations, which Paine identified and described, actually using the term black hole (it wasn't then necessary explicitly to state rotating and charged, let alone presently to raise the issue of acoustic-analogues to near-extremal black holes -- were the extant tornado heuristically confined to adiabatic physics, as if without temperature at some analogue to degree zero Kelvin), during the early-mid-1970s, highly relevant to the presently-prevailing iatrogenic-climate-shift debate, yielding, post-NSF-report, as per Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pp., (1) for all intents and purposes, persona non grata status with the NSF (one hell of a way to lose an academic career, among much else: this, this, for a guy who, as a Bay-Village child near-neighbor close-friend of the Sheppard family, successfully weathered, with residuals, all the trauma of the Sheppard murder case), and, four or five years after the NSF debacle, 1977, if I rightly recall, (2) scathingly affect-charged dismissal from a post-doc student assistant, when a polite query regarding thoughts on implications of this topologically-active-operator-time-involved atmospheric physics was sent to Stephen Hawking. Paine and Kaplan had been producing work on the involved notions since the late-1960s -- publishing refereed papers since 1972, e.g., Kaplan, M. L., and D. A. Paine, 1972: A Macroscale-Mesoscale Numerical Model of Intense Baroclinic Development, J. Appl. Meteor., 11, 1224-1235 -- well-codified enough (see: Kaplan, M. L., and D. A. Paine, 1974: The quasi-hydrostatic modes of gravitational adjustment and their implications for the operational numerical forecasting of severe local storms, Colloquium on Subsynoptic Extratropical Weather Systems: Observation, Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction, NCAR, Melvyn Shapiro, Coordinator, II, 498-510: incompatibility of quantum mechanics and general-relativity physics is insured by maintenance of belief in a classical limit, perseverance therein serviced by clinging to single-valued logic and single-valued universal physical constants; if massive objects like collapsing stars exhibit quantum mechanical properties, why rule out macro-quantum objects with relativistic properties inhabiting the atmosphere of Earth? how many ways can one imagine the notion of a classical limit being violated? as, during 1975, I worked my way through Doug Paine's copy of Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler's huge 1973 Gravitation tome, Paine and I often discussed why the best place to study principles of quantum-gravity in scaled/acoustic-analogue-form is tornadogenesis) by the 1975 Severe Local Storms Conference to cause an outbreak of fist fighting in the back of the room. Under Cantorian-fractal spacetime (i.e., no consideration given to topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time), Einstein's c and Planck's h, for two instances, each are infinitely m-valued (all of the values of c being less than or equal to, all of the values of h being more than or equal to, the given constant's cosmological value) relative to the fractal partitioning of the geometrodynamic nesting foam. Existence of differing partitioning algos complexifies the superspacetime case to mm: my contention is that nature processes all this via employments of µTm-valued-logics pregeometry (which we must understand independent of the notion truth-value). Uncertainty of uncertainty (the delta of uncertainty being no inverted reflection of the delta of Venus, so long as Freud is rejected): Heisenberg 1T2-uncertainty is demergent from µTm-pregeometry and geometrodynamic pencils of [gluonic] skew-parallels, i.e., m-valued superstrings µTmly processed, appearing to binary-mind as zero-point motion, cum spreadout-everywhere-allwhen non-locality, cum non-simple-identity qua, more accurately, the participation mystique of relative-state identity-transparency (this last being the foremost [m-valued] functional prerequisite of the perceptual-proprioceptual experience of the animistic pagan, experience which the glutamate-etched binary-mind altogether ontically rejects, suppresses, ridicules). Ah, 1T2-complementarity: dim-light individual photons going through the double-slit experimental apparatus appear to randomly appear at single given points on the screen because the observer-state component of the experimental set-up includes psychoidentification with single-valued/binary 1T2-only logic as one of the definers of that observer-state (a circumstance reflected in Luneburg's experimental characterization of binocular visual space, i.e., that there exists a psychometric distance function precluding localization independent of learned behaviors, this Luneburg discovery, in turn, obviating the need for the second, vonNeumann-formalism, half of Everett's famous paper on relative-state). Fuzzy logic, understood as truth-value gray-scale in the real interval [0,1], is a logocentric model of the fuzziness-directly-proportional-to-wavelength take on the Heisenberg 1T2-position of the object-system which is Luneburg localizable to instrumental-observer-state via a prescriptively-enculturated-socialized binocular-visual-space psychometric distance function glutamate anchored to molecular-cellular binary-brains which do not contain THE µTm-quantum-brain (that brain to which fuzziness is indirectly proportional to the value-order-type of the Lukasiewicz logic employed: µTm-positions cannot exist in a real-numbered space). Another definer of observer-state is the baud rate of consciousness or the flow rate of memetime, which John K. Harms identifies with the visual metabolic rate induced by the rate of ATP production by the mitochondria of cells of the visual cortex (see: Time-Lapsed Reality: Visual Metabolic Rate And Quantum Time and Space, The International Journal of Systems and Cybernetics, 32:7/8, 2003), which is determined by the rate of helix-coil transition at mitochondrial DNA transcription, thus dependent, according to our model, upon quantum-level variables involved in DNA radiation exchange processes. Not only is there, à la Luneburg, no localization in ponderable space independent learned behaviors, there is, à la Harms, no universally available objective linear-time. The baud rate of consciousness, and hence of memetime, is personal and variable according to state, one of the component processes determining the given state being the order of logical-value employed. Beyond the m-valuedness of Planck's constant, it is the spin components of topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time, i.e., 3-fold temporal CURL, which correlate to hypertemperature (belying a Planck memetime, a special case of the 1T2-only-definable memetime which the Second Law of Thermodynamics cum natural-log entropy are dependent upon, and, due to the relativity of absolute limiting values of dynamical variables, the energy-availability distinction qua boundary qua horizon between thermal and quantum jitters) and insure that at every degree Kelvin there is some (functional equivalent to) absolute zero (i.e., a degenerate ground state, that is m-valued, for some limited spacetime domain, there being no hidden single-valued 1T2-only-processable information, but hidden m-valued µTm-unto-CTC-processable information, quantum tunneling being a type of renormalization restorative of single-valuedness, as per Degenerate ground state and quantum tunneling in rotating condensates, Qiang Du and Martine le Berre and Yves Pomeau, arXiv posting, 7 September 2012) permitting a scaled analogue to the superstate, where within there is a perfect match up of entropy generation with negentropic drawdown (the quantum no-cloning case being restricted to the 1T2-only-logically-valued order-type alone, the CTC-order-type being Planck-length phobic and superstring- plus holographic-principle friendly: not a good idea to think of m-logically-valued pregeometry, understood independent of the notion truth-value, as demerging to the 1T2-bit, but as through the bit, that bit being fractalizable; it's the saddle-block-fevered binary-mind that transforms nesting foams of quantum step-functions, covered by universal Riemann-surface coverings, into the notion of irreducible units; Planck-distanced bit or no, there or not-there isn't it!) via Klein-bottle-like reentries, there being an infinitely deep nesting foam thereof. Planck's 1900 quantization cum Einstein's 1905 photoelectric-effect model, where x < 1 = 0 qua hv >> kT, not only resolved the ultraviolet aspect of a then-prevailing catastrophe theory, it was a physics model of the 1T2-only-logic Law of Distributed Middle (re: x < 1 = 0), and, being that, thereby tacitly anticipated and apparently dissipated (at what tacit cost? subliminal permission for the quantization-type of truncation-renormalization of the involved divergence escaping conscious awareness of the fact that tends to infinity always marks an order-of-logical-value quantum jump as regards superposed multi-mode Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes, which, when numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, signify temporal operations demerging µTm-pregeometry to geometrodynamics, thus guaranteeing, for instance, that DNA harmonic temperature oscillations of pi-electron-gas-parcel ensembles at helix-coil transition will emit m-valued coherent-mode temporal-encodings of mu-it-type genetic information µTmly processed at receiving phase boundaries according to properties of the holographic principle) the threat Lukasiewicz logics would soon pose (logically infinite-valued includes logically infinitesimally-valued) to egoic identification with binary-mind and that mind's insistence that quantum mechanics and general relativity physics never the twain shall meet in an undistributed middle disbarred by the notion of a classical limit: hence, self-similar, scaled, acoustic-analogue versions of quantum-relativity principles cannot possibly be involved in dynamical meteorology and certainly are not communicable there from to other of the Earth sciences. The first time I expressed an intimation of this basic idea was before I met D. A. Paine, relative to questioning the school-book version of a limit in the calculus: Is going to the limit the same thing as undergoing a logical transition of some sort?
The Limit of the Function
To Cross Out Everything
(Eugene Zamiatin, WE, 1919)Oh, how they hanker for the last number! In Calculus I, I was criticized by the instructor for raising too many fundamental questions, thus disrupting class presentations. I dropped the class, and what math I learned from then on was acquired outside of classrooms. When the computer voice in Einstein's elevator takes on numinous attributions, multiple-choice is evaluated only with regards to 1T2-only logic. Iconoclasm having been a well-established hallmark even before I became a research assistant of Cornell's meteorologist, D. A. Paine, I carried into that research, for better or for worse, the belief that any scientist who would waste memetime and resources upon production of 1T2-pristinely logical and elegantly written papers couldn't possibly be a person of interest to me, a onetime SRA/MACV-J2 counter-terror-type -- the finished plastic-art work, scientific paper, art-music piece, art-fiction novel, so on, being largely a self-deluding concealment, howsoever 1T2-e-valuated to popular acclaim. In this context, I note that Diego Lucio Rapoport (my only real divergence from Rapoport is as to how Lukasiewicz logics are to be interpreted), in Klein bottle logophysics: a unified principle for non-linear systems, cosmology, geophysics, biology, biomechanics and perception, Journal of Physics, 437, 2013, provides a complex-numerable, projective-geometry/topology account of infinite divergence under torsion which corresponds to my decades-old assertion that in the limit there is a change of logical-value order-type (infinity thus becoming a logical-value-dependent idea), a notion I have maintained is required if the unity-by-diversity attributed by J. G. Bennett (a onetime Brit intelligence analyst) to pencils of skew-parallels is to be processed (I read Volume One of Bennett's The Dramatic Universe before [November of 1963] I went to Viet Nam [perhaps my immediate superior at SRA/MACV-J2, Jon Saphier, will remember picking me up in front of Samuel Weiser's Antiquarian Books, 734 Broadway, NYC, sometime during 1970 or '71, when I purchased Volumes 2, 3, 4] and carried an awareness of his, Bennett's, treatment of skew-parallelism into my analysis of the pejorative parallelism, widely commented upon by academics, most elaborately by those of MSUG, seen in Viet Cong infrastructure dynamics, particularly as exhibited by functional element mappings over changing boundary-values: needless to say, the conclusions reached by me were not assimilated to any command position on any issue, strategic or tactical). Derivatively, it can be noted that point-of-organization, by analogy to retinal center, was gnomonically cum conformally ConveDDed, i.e., conversion-disorder displaced cum personified (an unconscious process), to chiefdom, emperorship, kinghood, big-man management (think: Alexandroff one-point compactification qua circle-the-wagons renormalization; were prime ends wagon circles around primes, I would find this very interesting vis-à-vis Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic demergence via Alexander.Karpenko functors), clan-caste-club being a ConveDD of the, to quote Rapoport in the above-linked paper, asymptotic hyperbolic discontinuities of the real plane, superposition of which, as an m-valued function, the Riemann surface bridges, such that such discontinuities can be malapropism-handled as if tantamount to single-valued. Not only is 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time Maxwell's angelic demon allowing perfect efficiency in shifts between magnetic and electric field quantitites, that infrastructural hypercomplex operator is the active-agency accomplisher of the sort of topo-transforms Rapoport describes. On a personal note, reading Rapoport all these years later has been staggering: there is no area Paine and I identified as needing to be looked into which Rapoport has not pursued -- and which we would have attempted to look into had the funding not suffered a cut-off. Nice to see, authentically so, that the collective unconscious insures -- as regards non-regressed constellated contents -- that one's (tis, generically speaking) efforts really aren't required beyond empty-cup registration. And, over the decades, it (not tis) has been interesting watching the human species acting as if none of this were known. Popularly regarded as: eight o'clock low, the left-hand path all goosey-lucy. Screw that unified-art-science Kunts{wissen}shaft laser-Esperanto dreck! is the expression they, hackles up, seek. Heh-heh-heh! and Ho-hum! From the aperspectival perspective of CTC, 1T2 must seem like cognitive whiteout -- by, that is, analogy to interior-of-Alaska winters, circa 1960-'61 -- and the reverse equally so, CTC seeming to 1T2 that CTC could only be a continuous gray uniformity: real ontic insight and detailed exploration almost certainly requires techno-exteriorized inner Musculpt as mathematical notation. During the 1970-'74 period, pre-Paine for me, when I was focused upon synaesthetic-eidetic-holographic inner Musculpt, and daily engaged in my particular form of the practice of walking meditation plus the painting of music (as described variously in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh), I became aware that the n-dimensional non-linear perspective inner Musculpt employs uses movement cum topo-transform as stand-in for linear-perspective depth, i.e., degree of freedom. The warped passages of the solitary-walking meditator! Imagine my surprise at much, much later (upon reading Leonard Susskind's account [The Black Hole War, paperback edition, p. 417] of Maldacena's treatment of anti de Sitter space) learning that this principle is integral to the holographic principle. This, I believe, is a huge lead-in to development of techno-exteriorized inner Musculpt as mathematical notation, a functional prerequisite to learning to think in µTm-valued logics, rather than about such logics by employment of 1T2-only logic. Moreover, one of Doug Paine's favorite metaphors, as any of his student's will remember, for the energy-momentum cascade process involved cooking of the soup contained in a [War}hol soup can -- the very same metaphor later independently used by Susskind per Witten. Quoting my personal journal, circa very early-1970s, reproduced word-for-word as Derek's Journal in our novel, published 1994, extracted from Vol. 2, pp. 582-5:
Dear Liana [re: per Oriana Fallaci, {because of her anarchistic commitments, Rizzoli avant-garde art connections, and the frequency of her visits to National Police Headquarters, Saigon, RVN, in a failed attempt to learn something significant about the Viet Cong political Infrastructure, i.e., their employment of an age-old animistic, low-tech, version of the holographic principle to overcome a massive disparity of contending force-structures} to whom I was, beginning during the very early 1980s, brainstorming thematics of The Moon of Hoa Binh, a decade of letters, contents of which were variously reproduced in the novel, and per the jungle-tangled liane found in Viet Nam, the name given, upon writing the novel, to the personification of my Anima]: When you first began talking [a high-form of roof-brain chatter] about our consciousness being 2-dimensional, I was skeptical. Surely, I felt, we are 3-dimensional beings. Since then, however, I have come to an agreement with you; this change of opinion is related to the fact that I've been studying metric geometry
We normally assume that we can visualize 3-dimensions. But actually, we can only visualize 2-dimensional change in a 3-dimensional reference space. The 3rd dimension is merely a backdrop for our 2-D imagination. We cannot directly visualize a bending of 3-dimensions because we have no visual 4th dimensional reference. Before, when I was discussing the need to develop a theory of higher-dimensional non-linear perspective, I was thinking that it was necessary to discover how to represent 4 or more dimensions as movement within a 3-dimensional representation space. But it is now apparent to me that it is with the 3rd dimension that we must start, not the 4th
Does this distinction between the intrinsic and extrinsic methods of characterizing a surface suggest something to us to consider in relation to our attempts to imagine a non-linear perspective? Riemann later generalized Gauss' idea of the metric to n-dimensions. And Einstein used Riemann's geometry in general relativity theory. But the fact remains that our visual imagery is extrinsic; we always reference the image to a higher dimension. Is there a reason why our visual imagination is extrinsic? Why are we unable to represent to ourselves an image intrinsically, without external reference? The intuition I mentioned earlier is in relation to these questions
Consider the possibility that time and space are relative concepts: the next higher dimension is time-like with regard to the lower dimensional space. Hence, the 4th dimension would be time-like for a 3-space; the 3rd dimension, time-like for a 2-space; and the 2nd dimension, time-like for a 1-space. The higher dimension would always manifest itself as the possibility of movement or change in the lower dimensional framework. Could the reason for the extrinsic nature of our visual imagination have to do with how we are consciously related to time? Because of our relationship to time, we find it necessary to represent to ourselves an image always referenced to the next higher dimension? If our conscious relationship to time changed in a prescribed way, would it be possible for us to apprehend a 3-space object in an intrinsic fashion? [italic in original] I have been trying to glean a little understanding of The Non-Singular Cubic Surfaces (B. Segre).
No mere hyletic materialist, dialectical or otherwise, therefore interested in more than only-physical theory of, 1T2ly speaking, complex-hypercomplex hyletic-psychetic data of quantum-measurement occasions, clinical and sub-clinical, any superstring mT[he]ory I'd be superinterested in would be µTm-unto-CTC processing, that theory's infinite degrees-of-freedom, i.e., hyperspatial, D-brane laminated, sheave-stacked dimensions, being holographic-principle-foreshortened-compacted by 3-fold temporal CURL acting as demerging operator, operations of which expressing µTm-unto-CTC propositions numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers over Alexander.Karpenko functors on the primes. Memetime-bound stochastic entropy, Boltzmann statistics? Hidden 1T2-bit information? From the single-valued 1T2-only-take (and its Dirac cum D-brane dualities), entropy is the hidden m-valued, µTm-processable, information. My bet is not on the bit or qubit, but the mu-it of µTmable temporal-CURL-type processors, topologically-active temporal CURL (time m-dimensions? perhaps, but 3-fold temporal CURL is not 3-D memetime; it is three distinct orders of active topological operations on space) and the act of Calabi-Yau compactification of spatial dimensions being intimately related (as regards the counting of windings, their effects on charge and mass, which Paine and I often discussed, consider the following from our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper, the section entitled Atmospheric Analogue to Maxwell's Equations: In a manner reminiscent of Euler’s topological studies of connectedness, we are finding that the bridgework to seemingly diverse disciplines of the physical sciences is built upon the concept of solenoid intensity. One scientist we know of, [Jose Garmendia] Iraundegui, published details from his dissertation in 1952 [do a search for Iraundegui in Meteorological Abstracts and Bibliography, January 1954] which asserted that the fundamental relationships between such diverse areas as electromagnetic theory, acoustic and atmospheric dynamics, and the physics of viscous fluids could all be interrelated through the abstract vehicle of solenoid physics tied to a potential vorticity theorem). Certainly, for one, it is market mu-its, not mere econometric bits, that are most hidden from macro- and micro-actors trapped, without the µTm-paddles Lukasiewiczian monetary units could provide, in the self-reentrant non-orientabilities of market reflexivities. That's µTm-processed m-valued monetary units (the given LETS currency itself functioning as a band-pass fractal drum) defined, anti-de-Sitter-space-like, on Escher-limit-circle infinite fractal e-boundary-without-boundary, which, as a Koch-curve-space-fill-type horizon, is Schrödinger-cat-like there/not-there for being but nowhere-dense percolation clusters of [no}thing-holes between Cantor-dust motes, and not actually crossable for having an infinitely deep laminated horizon, but apparently crossable in inverse proportion to magnitude of the indices of the logical-value order-types employed by the given involved crossover operator -- the 1T2-in-or-out border being the most crossable reductive limiting case; the CTC-boundary-without-boundary, the most uncrossable asymptotic case: for whatsoever logical-class of crossover operator engaged with either case. Calling the principles of quantum mechanics the logic of quantum mechanics is one way -- a psyops displacement technique, whether outer-directed or inner-directed -- to keep at bay the existential threat to simple-identity which Lukasiewicz logics represent. When each segment, however short, of a depth-length has infinite measure, that's tantamount to having no measure at all -- under 1T2-only-logic alone, that is. Numerical-value divergences as well as functional asymptotic turnarounds indicate existence of hidden (from 1T2-only mind) µTm-logically-valued order-type pregeometric transitions. But these are very, very scary! Chance would be a fine thing, to quote Ian Rankin's Set in Darkness, Orion paperback, 2000, p. 38. Oh, and à la Punkey Rankem, the Self Abusers of Simple Minds made Dizzy-by-[Adrena}line: loathe-to-lose bottom-feeding Hollywood's low-down leitmotiv, uh, Stupid is funny!, has long since migrated to arch K Street cum wry Wall Street, both shipwrecked upon an island of associations during a night sea journey across a stormy stretch of the collective unconscious. Up the bog, down the bog: no bloody way! That's wackybac stuff, 666 Nonesuch Street, perversely thrawn unto obscure, even techno-projected into Thrawn's StarWars compensatory-abreactions. Trance-facilitated, animistic-pagan, relative-state resurrection of involutory-decomposition devolution ain't exactly revolution then, is it now, Missy? More like simple Reinstatement, I'd wager, were I to best please the oddsman. Nonetheless -- intraventions having been displaced by interventions having been displaced by hitlerventions -- even the classical-limit-baaalievin' progenitors of the holographic principle, unlike the tensegrous (local tension continuously distributed, by omnipresent subliminal animistic relative-state identity-transparency, to the whole framework) cytoskeletal Viet Cong political Infrastructure (an application of, by contrast to Gordon Pask's 1T2-interactions-of-binary-actors theory, a tacit EPR-type quantum notion of governance, that is, governance not based on local-existence rent seeking? -- though there were myriad forms of transactions rent seeking), don't see practical applications of blackhole computing, a poofy notion, what, demerging to the decision science or the dismal science of dosh. Numinosity of place, i.e., identity-transparent µTm-participation-mystique, noun-into-noun-displaced to a bung]a[low-management thug's nuttering natter to pride of 1T2-placement, elevation qua promotion, noun-into-[gerund}noun positioning of persona: a de-holo{gram}ization of the commonweal, Old Hen, an erection of the coop's binary-borders where boundaries-without-boundary once mediated autopoiesis. Relentless migraines issue forth under the pounding re[dunder}ant rePERCUSSIONs: no real attempt to [re}fuse the confusion. Being Relegated to Rendition, what -- no retention, let alone redintegration. Burled -- and furled into cognitive rondavels, logged onto Optimus Pride. A Muzak throwaway it is, catching the shuttering decedent unawares. It's governance qua governance what's the poison -- the extortionate goals, the goading, the goons, the guns, the gaols. It'll be thataway 'till donkeys, 'till doomsday, won't it, Love, 'till donkeys fall foul of weeds, develop double chins. I couldn't be bothered to be world-weary scunnered, whichever way the spiral queues itself into the national Cherry Orchard. So many noughts, a retinue of gobbling turkeys giving thanks for Thanksgiving, no umbrage taken. When hardscrabble, Injun-cuntry, non-simple-identity, inherently-unbombable, non-simple nonlocality shock-slaps cheeky-bulldog 1T2-face-plates, rage-red high muckamucks compulsively knee-jerk compensatory abreactions as Puff-the-Magic-Dragon, daisy cutters, space-filling saturation bombing, CBU pepperings, micro-climate shifting MOABings. And, moreover, people are highly reactive to any suggestion that they are highly reactive, particularly if there are reasons given. It's µTm-pregeometry that breathes fire into 1T2-equations. Taking an authentic peek over the Husserlian horizon of animistic non-simple identity can be, likely will be, terrifying. D. A. Paine periodically witnessed in the classroom such peek-taking descend upon awareness. Sitting in the back, I could feel the panic, with its jitters, pervade the atmosphere -- and thought that 1T2-egoic clingers, who become obsessed with suppression or depotentiation of what the peek revealed, likely would develop mental and/or physical problems. What happens to a society, a whole planetary civilization, when such problems become pandemic? The involved rush of paresthesia jitters can even affect-charge non-Western societies like postwar Japan: Yayoi Kusama took a very big peek at the polka-dot, bucket-of-dust pre-pregeometry of multi-sheeted animistic-Shinto ma sacred space, and look what assessment of her resultant state she bought into! Uh, uh, 1T2-bias-change learning is not my I/i's gig! Antipodal 'I/i' is a binary misnomer, but a more accurate signifier in being a step away from the apocryphal selfsame 'I' and toward the actual m-'I' case. Forced by neurotoxic glutamatergic anchoring of prescriptive enculturation-socialization, i.e., early-onset Alzheimer's (see: New Clues Show Out-of-Control Synapse Pruning May Underlie Alzheimer's, Jordana Cepelewicz, Scientific American, 31 March 2016), cum the demergent layer-viscosity of associative processes involved in the event gradients (see: Michael Nielsen's The Vanishing Gradient Problem, January of 2016, as extracted from Nielsen's book entitled Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Determination Press, 2015) set up and maintained by archetypes-in-themselves qua mathematical-relation-structures of the collective (from 1T2) unconscious qua (from CTC) the Pure Land universal consciousness, I/i must pragmatically believe in, i.e., ontically embrace, the 1T2-world-construct science describes and my senses engage due to the programming, by synaptic-neuronal-perineural pruning and accompanying µTm-quantum quenching, I've been struggling against since, presumably, some stage of cognitive development reached whilst still in the womb -- but that does not mean that I/i, having somehow (painted DEW-Lined tropopaused-and-scattered commo radomes as an Alaska high-school kid) attained to a high-gain high-frequency troposcatter link, authentically believe in actuality of the 1T2-world-construct science describes. One of the signal, heh-heh-heh, ideas, integral to the numerical forecast model as detailed in Kaplan, M. L., and D. A. Paine, 1977: A multi-scale synoptic-dynamical model of tornado genesis, Preprints, 10th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Omaha, NE, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 307-314, Hawking related (and I now know also Leonard Susskind related, à la The Black Hole War, circa 2008), was succinctly stated in our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper, in the section entitled Spacetime Del Operator and Temporal Curl, to wit:
We note from Eq 9 that the total time rate of change of i-cap, j-cap, and k-cap components of relative vorticity is forced by the solenoid, divergence, and curl of friction terms when the analytic perspective remains embedded within a particular spatial atmospheric volume defined by the x,y,z-coordinate system. However, from the aforegiven description of the cascade process, we have found that an additional degree of freedom must be available to this system in order for it to escape an otherwise inevitable infinite concentration of vorticity, kinetic energy, and mass within its finite spatial volume. The traditional view has been that friction would literally dissipate such a problem. But we have seen empirical evidence, such as that offered in the previous section, which suggests that natural systems have a far more elegant solution to the problem, i.e., the generation of coherent (acoustic) waves which originate from the cascade of kinetic energy through the hydrodynamic spectrum.
To mathematically codify this point of view, we add a gradient in time to the traditional gradients in space to define a first order spacetime del operator
Hypercomplex second- and third-order spacetime del operators, and associated 3-fold temporal CURL, are later introduced to explain the self-referential reentry aspects (regards, for instance: coupling of internal and external source/sink terms, and, with variable flows, the mass pump up/down and flow-speed increase/decrease; more generally [there being, by special relativity, no 1T2-only-definable-memetime simultaneity], establishing non-orientability between apparent and actual horizons, which are infinite in number [thus consonant with Jaroslaw Pykacz's notion that quantum objects are expressive of infinite-valued Lukasiewicz logic] and dependent upon the particular spatial atmospheric volume the observer localizes, almost like is the case with the horizons of Husserliana variety) of the cascade process. Regarding memetime as a flow-rate-malleable objective-referential linear-time, an utterly simplified, inaccurate yet heuristically edifying, way to think of this is: the Minkowski proper-memetime world lines-fronts-domains of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (a prominent m-valued aspect of the case, considering infrasupraposed undertones and overtones: to include the undulations of the wall of the tornado, these coherent undulations in all likelihood µTm-logically-processed, even though entropic to 1T2-only observer-participants), those atmospheric waves which accomplish the most efficient transfer of massenergy-momentum within atmospheric dynamics (the wave phase velocity governing the crossover between non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic physics), are sound-like, whilst other atmospheric waves are to one or another degree memetime-like -- sound being the atmosphere's light, i.e., its absolute limiting velocity. Any atmospheric propagation approaching the speed of sound (this approach involving gravity-wave-mode Doppler shift qua red shift) trends toward the singular, dilating memetime and contracting space in the direction of motion, the account of which, cum approaches to the absolute limiting acceleration and the absolute limiting memetime rate of change of acceleration, involves three orders of spacetime del operator and associated temporal CURL. According to our 1977 General Process-take, c-double-prime, the absolute limiting memetime rate of change of acceleration, equals plus-or-minus the square-root of E-double-prime over m-double-prime: at double-primed absolute limits, non-orientable reentries occur, such that what appears to 1T2-observer-participants as exponential expansions (on the cosmic scale presently thought to be accounted for by dark matterenergy qua a cosmological constant) are to µTm-unto-CTC-observer-participants nested Klein-bottle reentries. In my view, anti-gravity positive cosmological constant qua dark matterenergy qua cosmic horizon signifies hidden, to 1T2-only-observer-participants, µTm-unto-CTC-logical processing at the 1T2-so-regarded largest scale, infinite regress, boundary-without-boundary, Klein-bottle reentry where the veriest large non-orientably reenters itself as the veriest small, such that Cabalistic non-selfsame numbers are required for mappings, large or small being an artifact of 1T2-only-logic employments -- by self-similarity across scale levels, however, a cosmic horizon µTmly-unto-CTCly exists at every scale level, as does, from 1T2-only-take, the large-small reentry: The Center of the Cyclone is EverywhereAllwhen; all nested LSTDs (bound-without-bounds Limited SpaceTime Domains) are, by the holo{gram}ic principle and properties of Cantorian transfinites, the STD qua STD (and this cannot be authentically detailed absent techno-exteriorization of inner Musculpt as mathematical notation). Non-Musculpted, 1T2-only maths don't much interest me. One of D. A. Paine's mid-1970s standard lectures relative to tornadogenesis explicated what happens when the cascade model's time-step and/or grid-length is altered. Differences between what is available to alternative observer-participator states (including their baud-rates of consciousness, i.e., their cognitive shutter speeds, directly proportional to Chit-Shakti of Satchitananda, heh-heh-heh, the energy of consciousness or chi as commonly understood, turbulence-chaos-entropy unto laminarity-coherence-negentropy being a function thereof: over the long haul, the attention to scutwork ploy is the best non-participant trophotropic Way to ketaminergically facilitate authentic inner-work, glutamatergic kowtowing via ergotropic cognitive engagement at any echelon with the dominance-of-the-dumbest being a real quencher) in relative states of motion are one way in which µTm-pregeometry is demerged by operator-time to geometrodynamics and thence to spacetime physics; another, the m-valued universal physical constants that are pregeometrically µTm-processed. In a universe on a space-filling Koch-curve-type measure qua nested grid-length cum memetime-step reference frame, manifesting doppler-cum-red shifts, even [no}thing has no simple-location, ponderablespatially or memetemporally, for simple locations non-simply do not exist, being µTmly-spreadout over All-That-Is CTCly being-therehere. Call the tornado-emitted acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (part of Paine-Kaplan cascade modeling from at least 1972) Paine-Kaplan radiation, a scaled cum coherent version of what later become known as Hawking radiation. For many other similar papers by the progenitors of the cascade theory of tornadogenesis, see the publications lists provided in Michael L. Kaplan's CV. No googolplexic-switching 1T2-brain required: what the well-entrained physicist uses the word intuitive to denote may be regarded by others as an end-product of demergence consciously available via anamnesis and/or by glutamatergic induction beginning in the womb. Apparently, 3-space is glutamate anchored to molecular-cellular 1T2-brains no less than is passive, passing, 1-D, referential memetime. Moreover, the tornadogenesis-(re: double-helical air parcel feeder bands)-derivative Paine-Pensinger model of DNA radiation exchange processes has not entered mainstream biochemophysics, let alone bioengineering. This can particularly pellucidly be seen in this single-level/value-predicating statement -- Once each essential gene's function is identified -- drawn from Scientists Create Tiniest Life Form Yet, Not Sure What It Is: As the gene manipulation industry grows, a breakthrough reveals how little we know about DNA, Eric Roston, Bloomberg, 25 March 2016. As regards Diego Lucio Rapoport's excellent state-of-the-vortex-theory discussion ("Mobius strip and Klein Bottle Genomic Topologies, Self-reference, Harmonics and Evolution", Intellectual Archive Bulletin, August 2015), observe, however, that there is no actual plasma-type bottle (re: pi-stacks cum pi-electron gas core) associated with the logical, algebraic, numerical, tonal DNA Klein bottle he describes. Genetic encryption is still regarded single-leveled and, essentially, single-valued -- no consideration at all given to quantum processing of quantum-object-oriented genetic information, let alone to Pykacz's infinite-valued Lukasiewiczian quantum processing. No potential breatharian energy extractor is suspected of mtDNA quantum-wave dynamics coupled to ATP factories. Whereas, in our model, blackbody physics (as explicated in our 1979 DNA paper), relative to harmonic temperature oscillations of pi-electron parcel-pairs, plays an important role in DNA radiation exchange processes, including the generation of coherent waves, properties of which being holomorphically matched to qua conformally mapped from nucleotide-pairs at sequencing (as it, the blackbody physics, does in tornadogenesis relative to air parcels composing double-helical feeder bands [a perhaps-over-simplified way of referring to properties of first-order temporal CURL], and radiative emission by tornadoes of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes). The frequency-response-window cum frequency-of-emitted-coherent-waves differentials between DNA molecules helix-coil transitioning in differing histological cell types is dependent upon the critical temperature's dependency upon mass. The involved quantum biophysics is in some ways analogous to the principles governing the gas-bag-with-vibrating-boundary guts of a photoacoustic spectrometer. While the single-valued spatially-based DNA fingerprint is the fundamental, the emitted coherent DNA voice-print overtone series contains higher-level, m-valued, µTm-quantum processed temporal-encodings likely available to some facsimile of a laserlight/sound-interactive listening qua eavesdropping device attached to a µTmly-capable signal processor (i.e., handles MPSK, multiple phase-shift keying where signal-phase m = µ, and processor logic gates are µTmly phased). As regards the genetic information spontaneously localized (over a minimum memetime for cascade of the involved temporal operations to register with a 1T2-only-logical observer) to the boundary of the pi-electron-gas plasma bottle, though the single-valued fundamental can be resolved from the µTm-processed higher-level m-valued, the reverse is not possible because m-valued decision-logic trees (particularly those including different numerically-m-valued/m-logically-valued order-types) are 1T2ly-irreversible -- this being one reason to suppose the holographic principle presupposes-presuperposes the m-valued/m-logically-valued: the iatrogenic glutamatergic intervention qua renormalization truncating logic to 1T2-only creates the thermodynamic-illusion-Maya of passive-referential linear-memetime irreversibility. Simulacra qua Maya: this has been the known case -- until suppressed in the post-Renaissance West -- since, at the very latest, advents of Vedic Idealism, Platonism, Taoism, Buddhism -- most likely well back into the primordial shestory of prehestory. Real m-valued information is a demergent decomposition residual of imaginary m-valued information, which is a demergent decomposition residual of hypercomplex m-valued information -- the Abelian-E.T.Bellian decomposition operator being 3-fold temporal CURL, all the unmemetimable while, heh-heh-heh, as the cosmic processor is Abelian-E.T.Bellian-cyclotomically utilizing µTm-valued pregeometry, which is the information domain, a domain ontologically prior to demergent-there-from geometrodynamics, ontologically prior to demergent-there-from spacetime physics. it seems that on a scale a hundred billion billion times larger than the Planck scale, nature repeats itself (Susskind, The Black Hole War, paperback edition, p. 423). But not only a nuclear-scale analogue! Under m-valued universal physical constants and µTm-logically-valued processing, by in-principle self-similarity over temporal CURLed Cantorian-fractal spaces, acoustic analogues to blackhole computing at every scale level: the two easiest for experimental studies being those of tornadoes and DNA molecules. The linear-memetime-bound binary-mind can find no better way to dissipate the existential threats to the ego-ideal, which Lukasiewicz logics, m-valued universal physical constants, and Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time represent, than flushing µTm-pregeometry down black holes. O, anything, anything dear ClockMaker, but submergence of individualism in the participation mystique which is animistic-pagan µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. That sysop is a walking webisode: µTm-quantum portmanteau-identity. Sub{sit}ence be banned! As regards µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency, what is the question? Well, one correct question is not as to how one body can be entangled with another, or how one body can be zero-point jingle-jangle-jitter-spread-out over the whole universe, but as to how the laminated (most fundamentally, the laminations are pregeometry logical-value order-types), uncountably infinite, CTC-logical, AllBase, nesting-foamed boundary-continuum can appear to have [de}spread-disentangled itself to separable-localizable corpora of hypothetically-countable 1T2-logical discretes, and -- here is the correct question -- How can those apocryphal 1T2-logical discretes be with Mankind in Amnesia of that Tzog-chen AllBase, how can those discretes not be instant-by-memetime-instant engaged in Platonic anamnesis, how can they not have direct ontic access to holographic inner Musculpt, how can they be that unenlightened? The ultimate tragedy associated with ongoing resolute resistance to consideration of µTm-quantum objects (Lukasiewicz-infinite in lieu of 1T2-or S-matrix-infinite or $-matrix-infinite: is it black hole in a box [see: On the Observability of Quantum Information Radiated from a Black Hole, Mark Srednicki, arXiv posting, 10 July 2002] or, heh-heh-heh, blackhole-acoustic-analogue in a tornadic plasma bottle? -- this bottle being a remarkable window into the world of quantum gravity, blown up in size and slowed down in frequency, so that the Planck distance becomes not much smaller than a proton uh, uh, not much smaller than an air parcel: think of the Planck length as one m-valued universal physical constant, as Leonard Susskind almost does, quote drawn from The Black Hole War, paperback edition, p. 432 -- [with, as we speculated in 1975, erumpent laser-like coherent-pulse-code-burst inversion-"pencils" {see the YouTube VDO entitled "Coxeter discusses the math behind Escher's circle limit", posted 26 December 2010} bursting forth from the center of Escher-limit-circle tornado top, irruptive cascade itself, in these terms, being a retrograde inversion: in those days, a Circle Limit III poster, among others, was attached to the classical horizon of Doug Paine's Cornell office]) at all scale levels (there being no binary-logic-saving final brane, small or large -- this or as regards number, scale, dimension, so on, being a binary-only misnomer -- through which to impose single-valued limits, classical, nuclear, at whatever scale; though, as a heuristic exercise, such renormalization impositions obviously have their utilities as regards iatrogenic interventions of various sorts) may be far greater than we were able to imagine in 1977. Holo{gram}ically speaking (re: the plate qua-cum the boundary), the part contains the whole, if only fuzzily to 1T2-observer-participants; CTC-unto-µTm-logical-quantum-mechanically speaking, the part, in expression of properties of Cantorian transfinites, may contain infinitely more than the whole of which it is a part; as regards the nesting foam, the nested may contain more than its immediate nesting container: containment is a 1T2-bound notion. Consistent theories, cum their 1T2-possible world-logics cum their worlds, don't interest me; I look for theories, logics, worlds where 1T2-consistency is impossible: these are known, by Gödel, to be possibly complete, and, by Lukasiewicz, very likely to be µTm-valued. Fuzzy logic is less an interpretation of Lukasiewicz than a model of the µTm-validity of the 1T2-fallacy of undistributed middle; models employing actual Lukasiewicz logics also incorporate µTm-validity of the 1T2-fallacy of contradiction. Syllogistic-propositional, 1T2-rule-abiding, logically-necessary arguments as to what µTm must be like inherently cannot capture what logical-necessity-free µTm actually are (pregeometry demerging by operator-time elementary-particle-zoo morphologies? quantization of temporal CURL via Penrose twistors being a 1T2-ization of a 3-fold quarky-gluonic chromodynamic [trigramic-hexagramic] operation, hence a renormalization, but that renormalization may be one step by which Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergence transpires). When the correlation length snaps to infinity (classes of infinities that are problematic under 1T2-only-logic [even with probability-amplitude sums] are only natural under µTm-unto-CTC-logics which match infinities-of-reference with infinities of logical-operator-value; moreover, under 3-fold operator-time in µTm-unto-CTC-logics, string theory likely would not require 10 or 11 or 26 dimensions, compactification being in lieu of, or a kind of renormalization of, Lukasiewicz understood independent of the notion truth-value; and, since special relativity mandates, not only dilation of memetime, but compactification of ponderable space in the direction of motion as the absolute limiting velocity is approached, and temporal CURLs occur at the m-values of absolute limiting velocities, accelerations, and memetime rates of change of accelerations [as per our General Process paper, linked above], there is an immediate connection between dimensional compactification and operator-time as memetime-independent demerger of µTm-pregeometry) at the critical PierreCurie temperature, that's not a matter of propagation, propagation of forces or whatever, or back-propagation, but of Schrödinger-memetime-independent de-demergence, 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC (think: nested classes of conservation laws, as per our General Process paper), back to all-ways/always there-here relative-state identity-transparency, a transition not a memetime-bound spontaneous fusion of the branches of the m-valued wave-function, but a supersymmetry-space coalescence written back into temporal operations expressing µTm-pregeometric logical operations. Under Schrödinger-memetime-independent third-order temporal CURL, the microscale infinite ingress non-orientably reenters itself on the macroscale: how becoming is being by hologramic part-whole relative-state identity-transparency. Set the context: in all likelihood there is nearly as much classified science out there as unclassified, so one just has to wonder as to what are the actual governing paradigms, what is the prevailing conscious Weltanschauung, seeking control over human cum geobioatmomagnetospheric destiny. During the mid-to-late-'70s at Cornell, I thought Riemann right: origin of charge as lines of force trapped in the topology of space: topologically-active 3-fold operator-time, memetime-independently qua demergently incarnating (not 1T2-discretes memetime-emerging condensates) µTm-pregeometry, geometrodynamically superposes m-skew-parallels into pencils thereof, thus yielding negative and positive charges (as briefly discussed in our 1977 General Process paper). But after our 1980 Autogenic Discharge as Spontaneous Localization at Quantum Measurement paper, I increasingly came to believe that the various classes, sub-clinical (collective unconscious, personal unconscious, subliminal) and clinical (egoic consciousness, instrumentally-enhanced consciousness), of measurements made during perception, proprioception, apperception, active and passive imagination, so on, to include well-designed instrumented experimental tests, all involve demergence to 1T2-binaries cum rectilinear relationships due to the -- what I now understand to be -- high-titer glutamate floods molecular-cellular brains are subject to made normative over the last 5,000 years or so by prescriptive enculturation-socialization, i.e., this aspect of observer-participator-state being instrumental in Riemannian-trapping by [1] positing the notion of force under the 1T2-assumption of simple-identity, and [2] from a 1T2-only-take, consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), the passive aspect of universal consciousness (active and passive, from the µTm-unto-CTC-take, being non-orientable). All along, I've felt that this scheme cannot be detailed by finite-iteration binary computers or written notation: techno-exteriorization of holographic inner Musculpt as mathematical notion is required to adequately handle µTm-unto-CTC logics as interfaced to natural systems (and full-blown Lukasiewiczian LETS). Many presently-prevailing physics notions, I imagine, could fit with this general schema, but that has not interested me decisively because I've always felt the memetime-presently-prevailing, largely-physics-determined Weltanschauung so profoundly mistaken as to be of only marginal value to my foremost personal quest, the search, that is, for understanding as to how the incarnative wheel (understood by me as µTmly-unto-CTCly non-sequential), which the Buddha, among many other greats, spoke of, is escaped. I've found the collectively-chosen anthropogenic eco-atmo-suicidal techno-spinoffs, engendered by post-Renaissance science cum engineering, off-putting, rather than transfixing, despite how the current Lebenswelt coerces from us their embrace, no practical alternative any longer being available to mass of the much overgrown population corpus.
Will America become great again by perseverance in its clinging to ever more elaborate institutionalization of the 200-year-dead (1823: Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr) Weltanschauung? Can American foreign policy be substantively altered absent implementation of an authentically new global monetary system? For the bulk of people well met, the conventional view on most anything is their considered view -- and any challenge is experienced as an existential denial. I was several years a SOG operator; I had a top secret clearance, and even I cannot read your stuff! It's upside down, and it makes me nauseous: that's a message I received more than a decade ago. Why repeat any of the myriad fact-based counter-arguments? I won't. Only will I cite the recent This Is What Happens Behind Closed Doors When U.S. Presidents Meet With Fed Chairs, Zero Hedge, 11 April 2016. Ethical strain has a wide range of cognitive utilities, particularly if prolonged. And absence thereof Our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, was dedicated to a SOG KIA, one of my best friends, this life. Bo Gritz wrote the commiseration letter. My continuing pursuit of the most general why of that death, and so many other unmemetimely deaths, uh, my never will I forget, is no mere obsession, as many have pointedly imputed, but a subsequent lifelong commitment to finding a better way as regards the more fundamental of the fundamentals.
Forced-draft urbanization, in "peace and war, may not be good for species or planet, but it's most excellent for landalienators, Big-Ag, speculators, developers, Big-Chem, Big-foodprocessors, GMOers, the banksters, so on, to include guvies-with-info, with, that is, prefigurations as to memetime futures. When have public officials ever serviced the public, not only the official? No psycho-socio-politico-economic environment within which non-binary-logical monetary units could have thrived, could now thrive: see, for edification, Institutionalized Lying , David Stockman, Contra Corner, 18 April 2016; and Eric Hunsader: The Financial System is 'Absolutely, Positively Rigged', Adam Taggart, PeakProsperity, 18 April 2016; and Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed, Alex Pfeiffer, The Daily Caller, 19 April 2016. But not only the West: the logical foundations and metaphysical justifications for governance qua governance -- economic and political, West and East, new and old -- were, and ever more thoroughly are, irrevocably sundered by 19th-century higher mathematics, 20th-century physics, the evolving 21st-century techno-base; moreover, because of clinging to binary logic and the classical limit, the scientific characterization of the accelerating global crisis, as well as the technologies being developed and deployed to meet that crisis, are, in all likelihood, gravely mistaken cum misbegotten in ways we are currently unable to imagine. What deeper source than the objectifying Observing-Eye qua 'I' and its 1T2-instruments? Experimental details, quotidian; theoretical patterns, all too Rorschached. Whether consciously acknowledged or not, the non-binary-logic properties of quantum-based technologies continue to exist and produce their effects, if primarily via collective behaviors, e.g., gravitations on the Matrix, smartmob effusions, whether or not those effects are dressed in binary-personas by expanded patent laws and other such 1T2-legalistic overcoats increasingly founding the feeling-artifice of post-postmodern society where The Word ontologically demerges affect-charge which demerges propriocept which demerges percept which demerges feeling-toned aesthetic judgment -- rather than well, the functionally-balanced, non-projective march is quite obvious. Doin' a skunky, ain't up for thinkin'. Banjaxed. Then, back to the office listenin' to Good Riddance thumpin' a piece through the speaker in Einstein's patented elevator. Art 1T2-law slash 1T2-art law: heh-heh-heh! Gallery-dealer dealt. Moreover, how so very eponymous, signing for Tzog-chen AllBase! The very notions 1T2-only-copyright and 1T2-only-patent altogether preclude the µTm-modes of cognition (empty-cup-Platoanamnesis-type accessings of the collective-unconscious µTm-AllBase) essential to, even if only subliminal unto semi-conscious, authentic creativity -- these binary-legalisms insuring that most mere innovation will be controlled by only the licensed corporate [per}son, a reductionistic structure achieved by collective ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement. Let THEM keep 1T2-innovation! as wo[hum }a/nit/y takes back µTm-creativity. Barmy eejits tucking into the daft classical limit shibboleths as if they were baloney sandwiches, using a cognitive gantry, i.e., probability amplitudes, to lift authentic-µTm out of Weltanschauung play. As the worldview construct utterly disintegrates -- diatonic to chromatic to atonal to dodecaphonic -- ordinary objects laugh, tee-hee-hee, pitch pity and scorn, accuse, Sprechstimme behind the back, prefigure the collective madness to come: febrile-ascending stage, circa 1900 to 1913, vis one of the saddle-block fulminations. Back then, they perceived themselves as having suffered through a disintegration out-there, not as having themselves produced in-here, by what they regarded their highest faculties, that very disintegration. No different are we -- even with the potential for hindsight. The µTmly-infinite regress belies the 1T2-Watcher's so-regarded-invulnerability standing before the object-world and the world of the half-object: one psycho-dimension for the instituting of surveillance society (for one interesting take on the history of it -- a vast P-and-SIN op, i.e., protect and snuff if necessary -- in the U.S. of A., see From Red Scares to Orange Alerts , William N. Grigg, Foundation for Economic Education, 11 July 2016). If someone should tell you your shadow sees you, sees you all the time, would you understand?: Eugene Zamiatin, WE, p. 82 of the Dutton paperback edition of the 1924 English translation, circa 1920 in the Russian original. The half-object (for a very good recent summary account, see the linked: The Matrix of Modernism: Pound, Eliot, and Early Twentieth-Century Thought, Sanford Schwartz, Princeton U. Press, 2014) stands-in, reductively so, within binary-mind, for the whole of µTm-unto-CTC-logics (for background, see our TimeWaste of Half-Objects [this brief piece is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but only partially so: myriad diatheses qua miasmic-biographic factors, not to mention those which, by cosmic-genetic Klein-bottle-type non-orientability µTm-reentries, homeopathic cum astrology-wise, conspire to select those persons strategically placed -- archetypally-placed by promptings given during that virtually-unacknowledged collective-unconscious more-or-Lessing Briefing For A Descent into Hell, which we each and every undergo and, hence, each and every are selected and, ergo, each and every undergo Descent, the Briefing consciously resurrected by each and every to one degree or another -- and given extraordinary Gurdjieffian reciprocal maintenance responsibilities, which, µTmly-speaking, are fulfilled, i.e., regards the strategic opportunity incarnation presents, by each and every to this or that order-type, as regards this Haysous-Descent-kind Bennettian framework determining condition {{to which each and every is/are sub[born}ed by the very nature of existence qua ex{is}tence which is becoming-hiding-from-itsrealself-as-being-in-itself}} long since [under}stood by whole cultures even, being one aspect of the actualities of Abelian-E.T.Bellian Schrödinger-memetime-independent cyclotomic demergence as a cosmogeneticqualogical principle which each and every F. H. Bradley finite centre {{having properties, in my judgment rather unlike those Borel-set pre-pregeometrical, e.g., those of Boscovich-L.L.Whyte point-centers of action}} is subject to, this [non|con}ception being the devolved-human dimension of the fractal-e-nesting-foamed cosmological base-case of boundary-without-boundary holographic principle, which principle carries massive ethical imputations: what is presently consciously construed life {{Is There Life On Earth?}} is small potatoes compared to actual life qua life -- or that thus-so-said is what my just-so I/i so sing-songingly believes]; and T. S. Eliot, Peter Ackroyd, Hamish Hamilton, 1984; and T. S. Eliot and Indic Traditions, Cleo McNelly Kearns, Cambridge U. Press, 1987: amidst my travels, I lost track of this last reference, until recently). For animistic circadian cognizance, poetry is rhythm-grounded in being place-poesy. Content Lost is not descriptive of the state of the solitary walker for meditative practice, by contrast to that of our 20th-century style-obsessed literary wanderer -- pathofunctionality of stylistic focus being resident in a shedding of the existential threats which the clinger to institutionalization of the dead Weltanschauung recognizes in contents not displaced via projective-identification. Animistic identity-transparency presupposes much more than mere Bergsonian quondam intellectual sympathy. Interestingly, perhaps even revealingly, Ackroyd's text suggests that Ackroyd achieved no real intimation of Eliot's engagement with higher-valued-logic validation of the 1T2-Fallacy of Undistributed Middle, as handled in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad under the rubric half-object as given in interpretive translation qua transmogrification. Ackroyd's closest approach comes in comment upon Eliot's Harvard dissertation of 1916 (see page 69 of the 1988 Cardinal paperback edition): Eliot postulates 'degrees of truth' which help to create an objective world This is a position on the 1T2-Fallacy of Undistributed Middle (taken by a person who shared a London abode with Bertrand Russell) consonant not only with the notion of half-objects, but also with the fuzzy-logic interpretation of self-referential µTm-valued propositions -- propositions then, 1916, being rigorously developed by Lukasiewicz -- and still, today, the reigning interpretation (the half-object notion being the more suggestive with respect to an animistic-pagan, participation-mystique, Everettian-relative-state, identity-transparency interpretation of such propositions, because violation of the Law of Non-Contradiction is also directly involved in the notion half-object, not only that of just the Law of Distributed Middle as in the fuzzy-logic case -- Lukasiewicz's starting point having been even more thoroughly anti-1T2, i.e., altogether challenging the very notion logical necessity). And, by way of animadversion: George Soros later, following in the footsteps of Eliot-the-Llyods-Banker cum Nobelled-if-not-thus-ennobilled, peeked over the horizon of the m-logically-valued, characterized in the Soros case as market reflexivity, recoiled in dismay, then, again like Eliot who was all too appropriately an editor of the Egoist and contributor to The Monist, lapsed into a control-oriented back-reaction to that glimpsed upon the peek taken during student days. I didn't take Symbolic Logic from Bertrand Russell when I was aged 26, but I did take it, along with two others, as an independent study course, fall semester, junior year of high school, aged 16 -- and, because of my childhood non-analytic, experiential exposure to animistic Shinto, had grave difficulties validating to my own mind the 1T2-Law of Distributed Middle. When, the next year, I received an introductory treatment of quantum mechanics in honors PSSC physics, I almost consciously grasped that the probability-waves somehow sustained the 1T2-Law of Distributed Middle -- and this near-grasp greatly unsettled me. That unsettlement bled into my struggles with multiple bank credit expansion qua fractional reserve lending -- its own kind of ineffable -- as explicated in honors economics, which I took simultaneously with PSSC physics. In muddled fashion, I am sure, I raised the parallel I espied with both the physics and economics teachers, but neither of them heard anything worthy of attention in what I had to say. Nonetheless, this noted parallel was, years later, the seed idea instigating origination of the notion of Lukasiewiczian monetary units (which would not only be monetary fractal drums but also monetary half-objects). Smaze-mouthed smarmy small clothes,/ How smart soever they self-consider:/ Smiercase cheese! My best courses, senior year of high school in Ohio, were English and Latin, read voluminously from the town library, a frequent weekend visitor to Antioch College's then-very-active Drama Department amphitheater (when, two decades later, I found it supporting knee-high weeds, my many wonderful specific memories thereof were besmirched) -- living, as usual, in the basement bedroom, I never turned off the light before 2 a.m., up at 7 o'clock (thus a poor basketball player that year, not only due to being persistently tired, but also because, having been accustomed in Alaska to racehorse ball -- man-to-man full-court press plus fast-break on every turnover -- I never psychologically adapted to the set-up style imposed by the Ohio coach: didn't fit my skill set, or the way I had learned to get out of my this-I into my Whitmanian other-I-am, in part by good-offices of Leaves of Grass). While in Lexington, Kentucky the following summer, visiting with my mother's lifelong friend, a lady psychologist specialized in art-related Dx and Rx of child schizophrenics, I was periodically quizzed with randomly selected readings from an anthology of English poetry and could always accurately identify the period, frequently the author -- but, after high school, I never again devoted much concern to poetry (except as an element of the intellectual history central to my primary interest), which I never really tried to write, though occasionally found fun to play at without giving attention to elements of craft. Eliot was aware of the half-object before taking Russell's 1914 Harvard course, Symbolic Logic, and apparently made no issue of such Indic objects -- or was cavalierly dismissed by Russell, who had by then twice essayed so as to shunt aside the specter of higher-valued logics, then just appearing on the scene, and their holistic continua: Principia Mathematica (1910-'13, re: type-theory's debunking of the notion general set) and his lectures on Logical Atomism (term introduced in 1911). It took all the way 'till 1979 for the essence of the Sixties to manifest embodied as my favorite popular song of the era, the Logical Song -- this long-deferred appearance itself being a perplexing anomaly. What presently predominates: the redundancy of personified-'I' which was projected as authoritarian Godhead-Absolute during transition from poly- to transference-driven, single-valued-monogamous, middle-exclusionary-fixated, anchor-of-the-drowned mono-[the}ism, uh, deism, uh, thyism, uh, thouism, uh, thisism, uh, thatism -- returned in assiduity as the binary-logic introjected without insight as to the actual interior origins, thus a case of the dissolvent. Any trophotropic peace terrifies the ergotropic ego, thus is shunned. Ah, yes, the Fog of Mercury now pervading San Francisco, fumigating a desiccated affect-charge; once upon a memetime, a city for flowers in your hair, such was then that conurbation's inner landscape. So it has gone, and continues to go. Having very actively spent the period mid-1963 through late-1965 in Washington, D.C., what I then learned there absolutely was sufficient to insure that I would never participate, even to the degree of voting; so, over half a century later, I find myself considerably amused by the sorts of so-so-subsidiary issues people continue to fret over. Authority, command, threat, imposed order, hierarchy, exogenous control, algorithms, routines, rituals: 1T2-abreactions compensatory to absence of conscious access to inner-Musculpt-mediated collective resonance and associated approach to µTmly-authentic animistic-pagan identity-transparency with the natural surround and, by good offices of that consciousness state, thence with the 'other'.
Susskind's (The Black Hole War, Little, Brown, 2008) natural-log account of the notion entropy is the best I've ever encountered. Very clarifying -- and I've heard-read many accounts over the decades. Lots of relevance to economics. One class of hidden-information-as-entropy is missing information, information missing on purpose -- like the information parameterizing swervy Sorosian market reflexivity, amongst which is information, not inherently unknowable as Soros maintains, but arbitrarily designated extra-systemic externality, so designated because, otherwise, it would add dimensions of algebraic variety to motive which are transcendental -- not in subsidence -- to profit. The notionally quadrillion in 1T2-derivatives is the natural-log entropy of the prevailing neo-liberal-financialized economic system, which, in actuality, is hidden (from 1T2-micro and 1T2-macro actors) m-valued, and tacitly µTm-processed, information which is multiple-bank-credit-expansion delocalized by exponentiated qua m-re-pledged qua m-re-used rehypothecation and associated multiplier-effect displacement to money-center econo-Matrix-nodes (the bottom line on increasing globalization of impoverishment). Credit derivatives ride on the back of other derivatives, hence their centrality, such that Fannie and Freddie exposure (see: U.S. Government Is Now a Major Counterparty to Wall Street Derivatives, Pam and Russ Martens, Wall Street On Parade, 21 April 2016) to credit default swaps was, by devolution, only the tip of the iceberg of real-world F+F derivative exposure. There is no resolution -- let alone trust -- of this financialization-mega-crisis qua economic black hole independent of making the hidden-µTm-entropic (to 1T2-viewers) information pellucidly available to micro and macro actors, i.e., transposing financial derivatives into Alexander.Karpenko functors (hence my suggestion that Putin sally over to Moscow State University) numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (hence mu-it processable), a making-somewhat that can only be achieved by implementation of m-valued monetary units µTmly-processed. That said, while I totally agree with John McMurty's life capital notion of economic value (see: Beyond the Empire of Chaos: Building Ecology into the Economy. Life Capital Value, Base and Measure, Global Research, 18 April 2016), in my rubric, an allelotropic theory of value (somewhat detailed in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994), I find, however valuable and astute his diagnosis, that he does not offer an idea as to the prospective means by which such a notion-of-value could become a framework determining condition of economic behaviors.
Our arguably plangent and surely in-an-un-non-egregious notion demergence is a diffident sort of lugubrious [diva}gation-unto-cosmic-pusillanimity of the pedestrian qua quotidian. The, 1T2ly speaking, subjective correlative inhears near-telepathically via a shared idempotent inner Musculpt in periodic accompaniment to animistic-pagan µTm-identity-transparency qua participation mystique qua psychic contagion occasionally trending toward the clairvoyant; this state being in high contrast to the dissociative sensibility enCHAPPIEd on unfriended Existentialist 1T2-separatism, 1T2-alienation, 1T2-anomie. Spawned in The Word, no tolerance for [blast}phlemy of the void informed by the deep face of darkness, digital or analog. Nowadays, cellularized MoSoSo-mentality in full spate: ah, yes, another writhen roof-brain chatterer, childishly talking hisher 1T2-infraworld into ex{is}tence, i.e., far from being-in-itself. BH>>GE: so many bad-hat functionals, there's too few good-egg functors left to universally cover. Eponymous exequies laconically conducted as if contemplating a staged resurrective-progressive re-exergonic full-face transplant of a thoroughly defaced self-effacement -- however, one can hardly see assuaging value in that: though T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets were named for places, they were not actually about the places named.
The horror, the horror of place
intelligence of place
Manifest by those recoiling from touch
Within the cocoon established by
Long-length minimal permissible distance
Of their personal embraced spaceMeaning saturation overload, that intelligence of place -- far, far more than ego-idealed, 1T2-only, street-cultured, I can do it!, glutamate-etched, predominantly ergotropic brains can credit. Asperity in accretion, orotundity aside, Unass from the unassimilable! you exilic E&Eist. Poor advice. In what (what sort of puncta-relational space, say?) would the entity in superluminal flight proceed when-where real-numerable ponderable space snuffs out in the direction of motion at the absolute limiting velocity at the same time, heh-heh-heh, as passive referential memetime evaporates? The 1T2ly-inchoate animist's sacred wood is bois d'aloès (Aquilaria malaccensis), a whiff of which, as Buddhist monks well know, dispels all pretense to 1T2-odored, uh, ordered objective certainty. Being hide-bound and existential-anxiety ridden by a denied and thus aggravated cum aggrieved Jungian Anima-personification-of-the-unconscious and of the relatively-unavailable psychological functions (in projection) may express as regression-in-the-service-of-the-ego (see Revisiting Ernst Kris's concept of Regression in the service of the ego in art, Danielle Knafo, Psychoanalytic Psychology, 19:1, December 2002, pp. 24-49: given my correspondence with, and Cornell discussion with, Margaret Brenman-Gibson [Hypnosis and Related States: Psychoanalytic Studies in Regression, with Merton M. Gill, International Universities Press, 1959, {the linked review reveals The Biologist's rather limited take} was one of the premier reads of my youth, the explicated theory of deautomatization of 1T2-ego functions leading me directly to search out and find out about the µTm-functions of autogenic-abreactive inner Expanded Cinerama], I could probably bring something to a reading of the full text of this article, but, alas, I will not fulfill the access requirements) such that the anti-animism, anti-paganism, anti-Rousseauism placing the inner-voice of the Anima in denial is conversion-disorder displaced to a suppression of elaboration of inter-psychological engagement at sexual intercourse by attention-cathexes fixations upon physiologic-cadence-cluster patterns and associated feeling-toned judgments stacked upon variations in emotive-qua-affect-charge as drive-activation locked onto the strange attractor, orgasm, which release, when fully potent, invokes apparently-glutamatergic 1T2-fugue (i.e., contradiction and distributed middle completely disallowed, particularly as regards identity qua identity: for most of us, unconsciousness clearly is much the preferred choice) as escape valve, escape from entry upon the likely-ketaminergic (paradoxically, given that the correct dose of ketamine induces general anesthesia) psychological black hole (the paradoxicality undoubtedly having to do with the nature of the horizon) leading to direct ontic experience of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Up-brought and down-wrought by con{naive}ance of The [Ani}ma -- transferred from, projected upon: MOM-the-Introjectoress. Non-non, return depreciated -- not to my appreciation, come to that-art-thou; demergence from multivalent AllBase is nay-nae-no being-in-the-word, yea becoming before the 1T2-word is; thus, ne'er neigh unto declamatory catholic AnaBase, ascent of that decent not having the sound effect of the requisite interior ride. Strange as it may seem, by contrasexual inversion, Louise J. Kaplan's Female Perversions, Penguin, 1991, sheds considerable light on this -- largely peculiar to those reared in The Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion -- predominantly male affliction transference-communicated to the female involved in what is frequently not an equation, like that of Tantric Schrödinger, but an inequality like that of Heisenberg. The poetic diagonalization of The Obliquities on display in Cubist prosody confound the binary mind with the implied infinitude of facets resident in Husserliana of each and every object's horizon, which only µTm-pencils of skew-parallels can adequately sketch.
Thoughtfigments, adze-chipped
regards any object
Horizonfacets, looked upon
Distinguished in awareness?
Chastisement due thesefuges?
None bullied
None shudderedThe experimentally demonstrated (so far with regard to elementary particles and small molecules) Schrödingerian ability to -- like Marianne Moore's 'jerboa' who could be in two places at once (Peter Ackroyd, T. S. Eliot, Cardinal paperback, 1988, p. 196), by which I assume Eliot, in his letter, meant M.M.'s Part terrestrial,/ and part celestial, not By fifths and sevenths,/ in leaps of two lengths,, i.e., not the 575-77 of hokku-haikai -- simultaneously (with respect to a given reference frame not considered fractalized) exist at n-locations at the same memetime instant is much more a function of m-valuedness, nature's µTm-valued processing, and complex-plus-hypercomplex temporal CURLs than of two kinds of space. M.M.'s jerboa hopping-Dipodidae-violates, as regards demergence-emergence, the classical limit, an ontic violation which the modernist poetic sensibility experientially facilitated far more than has, even unto today, sensibility of the theoretical physicist. But woe be unto WHOHER what actually accesses µTm-processing of the subject's m-valued wave-function and begins to trash 1T2-logic via direct ontic apprehension of the object's Husserlian horizon. These attainments are integral to the mainstream psychiatric definition of hysteria: The most famous of Freud's hysterical patients, Anna O., acts like a modernist poem when she acts as if she were in two places at once, and sees objects in two perspectives simultaneously (Peter Howarth, The Cambridge Introduction to Modernist Poetry, Cambridge U. Press, p. 20). Are Finnegan's wake-vortices drift-nets or cometary feeder-bands? After Duchamp, after Schoenberg, after Joyce, after Eliot, there should have been µTm-Musculpt -- but, instead, largely because of the probability amplitude found-object discovered in the Borning room and the back-reactive return-to-Classicism reinforcement of the miscreant reliance upon the mistaken notion of a classical limit, there was yet another grand battle in The War of the World. Eliot's was a task consignment not filfulled, not, in my inexpert opinion, well discharged by The Wasteland, the guilt for not-doing more or less expiated with Four Quartets: the poet-essayist never gave up trying to raise to full consciousness the formative issue collectively deep-sixed, dirt piled on ever since N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr; individual existential guilt having largely been introjected-unacknowledged-collective guilt, a personally-taken-in burden. Impercipience charts one way to handle once-constellated (Sanskrit studies), later suppressed (Catholic conversion-displacement) animistic-pagan, µTm-quantum, relative-state identity-transparency: turn it into a comedy of identity (Ackroyd, p. 312). Onetime-budding-Sanskrit-scholar Eliot got himself wrong in calling himself Old Buffer full of humbug (Ackroyd, p. 240); despite promptings elicited via the Sanskrit studies, he had, by not-doing, been a young buffer, in the Gurdjieff sense, with regard to that Continental cultural salient which could have successfully countered the Russellian-logic elaborations which facilitated the probability-amplitude misinterpretation of Tantric Schrödinger -- probability and statistics obscuring the Musculpt cum mantric rhythm-dictions and cadence-meanings µTmly at Lukasiewiczian habitus over bridging patterns of m-valued Schrödinger-memetime-independent wave-functions on the universally-covering Riemann-surface maps implicit in the Paine-Pensinger temporal-CURL-type model of the m-valued quantum properties of DNA at helix-coil transition qua radiation exchange, a decades-old idea still not carried forward (one of the liabilities of such a life as chosen by me is absence of circumstances within which the ideas presenting could thoroughly be investigated and properly elaborated -- but that failing is also due to the inherent limitations of the sort of thought processes I came to adopt by not sufficiently overcoming dictates of my Jungian-psychological-function cum Hippocratic-Galenic-Keirseic-temperamental cum Indic-Sheldon-physical-qua-somatotype typologies, i.e., intuition-sub-thinking plus melancholic-sub-phlegmatic plus ectomorph-sub-mesomorph, with an undue emphasis upon introversion). By contrast to the post-Vietnam-war opera-buffa Senecan-dramatick 1T2-recitative monologues, the Socratic 1T2-elenthesis dialogues, the character-µTmly-identity-transparent n-logues amateurishly attempted in The Moon of Hoa Binh, there were the masterful post-WWI-Eliotica calls for, the expatiations upon the hieratic, inhumane, enmasked, neoClassic, authority-ordered requirements of, 1T2-clarity of [dog}mouth, uh, uh, [dog}ma (certainly not of the multi-sheeted sacred-space ma of the Nipponese, or even of the multi-sheeted Riemann-surface Rx of the m-valued function) just before appearance of Tantric Schrödinger's m-valued oceanic tantra 1T3 n ménage à trois polyrhythmic wave equation (speakable rhythms being not nearly so interesting as those J.S.Bellian-unspeakable), when Stravinsky had so recently desiderated transition from prewar lascivious polyrhythmic Rite of Spring to the relatively-staid retroversioning with which end-of-that-war L'Histoire du Soldat prefigured Mussolini's rise. Serial philandering, female no less than male, is just plain ol' 1T2-stuff; parallel philandering now, that's closer to µTantricm -- but still well off the mark, about which we have no real idea. Heh-heh-heh! If T. S. Eliot applauded both Rite of Spring and M's Black Shirts, was the former done by E's Anima, the latter by her Animus (see: the Eightfold Way described by C. G. Jung in The Psychology of the Transference, the same Jung which Eliot never read [Ackroyd, p. 297] and whom Pauli mislead concerning Pauli operator time, first-order only)? For did not Eliot, in Animula, identify Real-'I' with Dante's l'anima semplicetta (the infant soul) of Purgatorio and Godhead with SuperEgoed control, discipline, restraint, sublimation, detached Russellian 1T2-objectivity (see: T. S. Eliot and the Christian Tradition, Benjamin G. Lockerd, Fairleigh Dickinson U. Press, 2014)? A great (I! I! having been mistaken for I/i, µTm having been suppressed and hence regressed) time, heh-heh-heh, was had by all hollow me n, uh, men, in preparing the way for the next one, barely hearable neoThomThom beat on a tin drum rising yet again so as to make marshal cadence by crescendos of sound, fury, light -- JustSoStories framing the desired case as nowadays neoCONCONCONed. There presently is, however, with historical precedents, one behavioral profile that makes building the adherent-base so easy for the NeoCons who wish for preemptive nukifractionation of China: the ghettoblaster mouth and mindset of so many Chinese at home and abroad; that whuuuthering blah whilst ingenuously spouting drivel-blather about their 6th-sense of social responsibility. Evangelical Grace Reform -- provider of my Sunday School lessons -- recruitment. No provoked potential, only evoked assent. The right belief; the right definition; the right accommodative thought process; the right action -- mistaken for right this, right that. A-then, ae-um Their Dx-causes were-are actually mere effects -- to speak in the terms of the 1T2-logic they brought-bring to the notion forensic-[patho}logical origins of this war, that war. Ah, yes, the Moses psychosis proPounded upon, out from, that ol' ecclesiastic drum inspiriting Christian soldiers. When Freudian etiology stealthily invades the pathologies of everyday life, contents become so infantile that the only ordered recourse is a strategic style-offensive, however much such may offend sensibilities of latent higher-order potentials. Eliot -- admittedly mystified, indeed, permanently perplexed, by the Indic-half-object ( left him only with a sense of 'enlightened mystification', Ackroyd, p. 47), put off by Goethe (I can't stand his stuff, Ackroyd, p. 316), and surely also repelled by the Germanic poetry in general of the Erdgeist-half-object (no mention in Ackroyd's Eliot biography of Rilke's Ding-Gedicht object poem) -- as taciturn, laconic, choleric as any other of the [living}stone explorers. Being in denial is mere preliminary to conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD): is there anything at all that can be done to help peoples, whole peoples, so utterly [con}founded by their own discoveries as to the nature of nature that the chief feature of each has become engagement in mass ConveDDing? Having over and over read C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, I quit college in 1965 to go to the Vietnam war specifically (as stated in my personal journal on the occasion of this decision) to try to gain sufficient insight as to answer my-then-prevailing-facsimile-to this question. Those e-[men}dations of the heart selective of a good flight path, through the vortical horizon which humanity has created for itself, clearly are not achievable by any 1T2-[algo}rhythm runnable on a Turing machine, or any 1T2ly-possible-world-logic confabulation thereof, the inextricable we/they-binary legacy of war being hardwired into the Aristotelian-Thomistic-Baconian-Boolean logical necessities with which the involved digitalized [0,1]-only iterations comply.
Any suspected dis{pair}ation inculcates
In desperation
The Lord of the FilesThe real skinny on the whole megillah, no side dish of sugared cornpone and cream off top of the milk bottle: however much the stone-winnick insolence-ooze involved in origin of the notion, there have emerged so many dimensions of coercion with advent and pandemic multiplication of WorldWar-born-and-raised finite-iteration binary computers that the plot of their overall utility function must be assessed as altogether occupying the left-hand negative quadrant. Avoidance of the next next one (see, for instance: The case of the missing nukes and a disappearing US mission in Asia, Peter Lee, Asia Times, 20 April 2016) is Musculpt-dependent, were such actually to be actualized. Imposed compacts, like social contracts, are, in due course, always broken, if only by outspanners: priggish saturnine sanctimonies, they are, what, excruciatingly begrudged, or not. Gilding the gelt and having resolutely thrown out outer-darkness externalities, the horror, the horror of discovery, discovery that is, that all remaindering are inner-darkness internalities. Now, relative to monies sanctified in exponentiated µTmly-allelotropic values-- well, that's a difference equation never to be integrated. With regards to an m-valued planetary unit of account, µTm-processed over variably n-deep LETS nesting foams (which would not nullify existence of national currencies), factor in the n-variables associated with a multitude of financial-derivative particulars -- and, there, we would have it. Heh-heh-heh! A way to approach optimization of market allocations on an over-populated and resource-depleting planet. An altogether different idea about e-money is involved here than that contemplated, via ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, by many of those simply-identifiable non-half-objects 1T2-localized to Wall Street, as per Inside the Secret Meeting Where Wall Street Tested Digital Cash, Matthew Leising, Bloomberg, 2 May 2016 -- mass mobilization and metastasization of 1T2-blockchains, absent LETS µTm-nesting foams, being just the sort of fermentative quantum-quenching behavior Albert Szent-Györgyi described in detail in his submolecular biology and e-theory of cancer: it will, in all likelihood, exacerbate many of the systemic problems associated with 1T2-only market reflexivity-contagion, 1T2-only globalization, 1T2-only hypostatization-decontextualization (for an alternative view, see: Psychological Metaphor and Financial Crisis in Southeast Asia, IBPP, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 19 December 1997) qua hypothecation-delocalization by 1T2-only financial derivatives, and will preclude the possibility which e-money presents with respect to internalizing externalities (internal and external) to market processing and adequately marking the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. The subliminal Musculpt -- in lay latent within choreography grid-space upon dance floor of even the most pedestrian of non-tonal-language vocalizations -- demergent from base-state of Tzog-chen, requires, by way of antidote to the forging of an era of Art Without Men, techno-exteriorization (by Escher-form human dance pods in-water learning sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak, bee-danced-out cum Gurdjieff-movements-danced-out cum Indic-danced-out cum Sufi-danced-out cum break-danced-out in holographic display via computer-processed smart-apparel-biofeedback output depicting states of µTm-identity-transparency attained by the given pod well-practiced within biofeedback-enhanced flotation-isolation ThinkTanks) as mathematical notation, if µTm-valued [men}tation is to become consciously elaborated and user-friendly enough to support implementation of full-blown µTm-valued (there is no contesting the observation that the 1T2-only-market supply-demand processor-allocator services only the lowest of low-end [logical] values) LETS nesting foams, a functional prerequisite to adequate monetary marking-plus-allocation of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Techno-exteriorized holographic Musculpt as maths notation and user-friendly interface for conduct and recording of transactions in µTm-valued LETS currency units would be a modernized version of the Glass-Bead-Gamed wampum belt. Relative to these quantum-economy time-shapes, think of the prediction-value of metapattern at data-shape in bioinformatics, where the fine structure of the noise (consider the deconstructionist notion of self-organization by 'noise') is demergent via µTm-pregeometry and temporal CURL (this fine structure being noise only to 1T2-only observers qua non-participators) -- prediction-value, that is, as very interestingly explicated in General Relativity Theory Explains the Shnoll Effect and Makes Possible Forecasting Earthquakes and Weather Cataclysms, Dmitri Rabounski and Larissa Borissova, Progress in Physics, 10:2, April 2014, and as amplified by Diego Rapoport in Mobius strip and Klein Bottle Genomic Topologies , linked above. Also claimed is predictability of stock markets. Weather cataclysms? Uh, like, say, tornadogenesis? Note that memetime-bound, 1T2-only simply-identifiable observers are the sort who require notions like faster-than-c-signals, super-luminal observer, frozen light, instant displacement, deterministic quantum teleportation of qubits, EPR channels -- all µTm-blind, according to my lights. No having sallied over to the Department of Logic, Moscow State University.
Out of the fat{u}ities
Induced by fed{it}erated
QEing + ZIRPing
Coupled with the fatuities of
The ecclesiogenic syndrome
Sprang forth the horrorifics
Having lain dormant
-- excepting fulminations --
In the miasm
Which fed[is}he|d
Wilsonian Democracy's
Evangelistic impulse:
1913's Bradleyiac Reality
And its AppearancesAs a resonant reader (during the early-1970s) of Henry Adams' Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, it is clear to me that Mother in the Cathedral was transmogrified to Murder of the Cathedral.
The Aboriginal topographic songline metric, demerged in Dreamtime (if, in Musculpt, the notation of the heard-sound is the sound itself, then, in Dreamtime, "the tracks are the landscape", but, is what we regard the landscape-only only the landscape qua landscape, or is it one of the dreamscape-metrics of the µTm-base-state of Tzog-chen? see: Gaming Cultures and Place in Asia-Pacific, Larissa Hjorth and Dean Chan, editors, Routledge, 2009; the gaming of gift-conveyed non-simple-identity, hau, i.e., the sacred cloth, as exchange value, has a long herhistory in Asia-Pacific, this herhistory being a profound precedent for the computer-gaming of the value-stack to be placed upon any given µTm-LETS monetary unit [swarm wisdom may be required to bootstrap m-logically-valued LETS, but, immediately, Rick Falkvinge's Swarmwise, CreateSpace, 2013, would become an obstacle to effective computer-gaming of the value-stack]: absence of this gaming is, via collective unconscious processes, abreactively compensated by the RTS-type of eSports); the Bushman click-languages of the Kalahari San; the holographic, multidimensional living image, in sound, which is the Sami Yoik; the sonic-visioning of DolphinSpeak short-click still-image capture language; the m-level, higher-temporal, CURL-biosemiotics-encoding carried by the harmonic-oscillator-gestalt (see the canonical harmonic wave equation to our model of DNA radiation exchange processes, as given in A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-41), coherent-wave songline of DNA at helix-coil transition, one of nature's applications of St. Augustine's theory of music (I would link to a very interesting paper on this topic, but Google blocks access to the operative pdf url): these are the best lead-ins we have to the universal semiosis which is inner Musculpt (regressively ConveDDed -- conversion-disorder displaced -- to eavesdropping mind-decoders, whatever the scientists involved may think they think) on-over-in MVRS, the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space, Tzog-chen AllBase, ontopoiesis being a matter of subtraction, not addition. Cabalistic sound-shape, as The Word, as The Garland of Letters, is light-form at one of its other absolute-limiting values. Note here, the very important hierarchy of Planck constants statement made by Finnish physicist Matti Pitkanen. He speaks explicitly of one case of m-valued universal physical constants, which set includes the speed of light in vacuo: other than from those around Douglas A. Paine, the present instance is my first experience of a physicist embracing this m-valued notion, if only in part. Light analogues, i.e., scaled absolute limiting velocities, exist at every scale-level cross memetime-step. If 1T2-only-definable-memetime (see for interesting reflections: Time, Timeless Logic and Self-Referential Systems, Gotthard Gunther, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 138, 1967, pp. 397-406, but note that only passing, passive, referential linear-time is considered, not topologically-active operator-time, which is not a time operator understood as a quantum measurable, as per, for instance, in Relativistic Internal Time Operator, Ioannis E. Antoniou and Baydyanath Misra, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 31:1, 1992, pp. 119-136; be aware that Prigogine rejected Pauli operator time understood a quantum measurable specifically because conjugating time to the Hamiltonian operator would yield negative values of E, whereas experimental results now suggest such conjugation is necessary, as per On the Significance of a Recent Experiment Demonstrating Quantum Interference in Time, Lawrence P. Horwitz, arXiv, 10 December 2005: quoting Horwitz to this effect, the time variable t must be adjoined to the set of standard quantum variables If the quantum theory is to remain symplectic in form, the variable E must also be adjoined) poofs out at the absolute limiting velocity relative to its 1T2-bound observer-participator-system, how super-solidified does memetime become relative to the 1T2-object-system when light is frozen? Frozen light (regards DNA radiation exchange, think of the corpus of nucleotide pairs as something like the screen-grid in a beam power tube) qua light captures, for the memetime-bound binary-mind, electronically-induced identity-transparency (think of crystal power as a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, but a displacement with a sound, i.e., coherent, scientific basis, heh-heh-heh!) as well as the Alexander.Karpenko-µTm-functors matrix-encoding for noise-immune-transmission of information (see, of particular interest, Bioinformatics: Matrix Genetics, Algebras of the Genetic Code and Biological Harmony, Sergey V. Petoukhov, Symmetry: Culture and Science, 17:3-4, 2006, pp. 253-291; and High-throughput Imaging of Self-luminous Objects through a Single Optical Fiber, Roman Barankov and Jerome Mertz, arXiv, 22 May 2015), even that 1T2-only-valued. Back during the 1970s, we speculated that hypernumber arithmetics-algebras are required to rigorously codify the notion of the second- and third-order temporal CURLs which the Paine-Kaplan numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis and the Paine-Pensinger model of radiation exchange (qua generation of coherent waves which carry all the information contained in nucleotide-pair sequences) at DNA helix-coil transition predicate. Regards general process: quiet codes of silence in the architecture of infra-cum-hyper-sounded forms. Regards DNA pi-electron-gas core: boundary-without-boundary of the core a minimal surface, thus partially explaining, per Rapoport, the canonical equation being a harmonic equation? Petoukhov's use of hypernumbers in codification of genomic matrix algebras and their fractal expressions is very stimulating in this regard. Since we view temporal CURL (changing axes of spin, imaginary and hypercomplex shifts, and associated spinorial behaviors, inducing sort-of black holes, i.e., acoustic analogues, which Paine understood during the mid-1970s, to his considerable detriment) as active topological operator Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomically decomposing Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), there may be insight gained by looking at patterns of m-valued coding redundancies (i.e., most primitively, a given amino acid signified by multiple triplet-codons; more complexly, for instance, Cubism-like fractalized-identity along matrix diagonals: considering the likelihood of M-level genetic encryption relative to environmental radiation-inputs and involved nesting of biological clocks [more accurately time-givers à la temporal CURL, and, in the DNA case, temperature oscillation rates, rates of rates, and rates of rates of rates of pi-electron parcels of free-electron gas core], think Mn-dimensional hypercomplex numbers over Mnk articulation [as distinct from 2nk fitness landscape] space) on genomatrices through the lens of Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes and relative to the sets of zeros that would be associated with a hypercomplex Euler-Riemann zeta function. Petoukhov speaks about primes on genomatrices here. How environmentally-forced changes in pi-electron parcel temperature oscillation rates relate to hydrogen bonding processes is an interesting question in this context. In the terms of autogenic discharge as spontaneous localization at quantum measurement, I would suggest that autogenic shift involves m-adic shift of the genomatrical block structure (specifically as regards intraneuronal and intraperineural mitochondrial DNA), with transit to p-adic shift being involved in the critical-state phase transition (i.e., helix-coil transition at the critical Curie temperature). Quoting Pitkanen's A possible explanation of the Shnoll effect, Matpitka, 7 December 2010:
the relationship between p-adic physics and quantum groups emerging naturally in TGD [topological geometrodynamics] based view about finite measurement resolution, the relationship of the hierarchy of Planck constants (in particular the gigantic gravitational Planck constant assignable to the space-time sheets mediating gravitation) and small-p p-adicity, and also with the understanding of the experimental implications of many-sheetedness of space-time in concrete measurement situations in which the measurement apparatus also means non-trivial topology of the space-time.
Much of this applies directly to the Paine-Pensinger model of DNA radiation exchange and the Paine-Kaplan multiscale, nested-grid, complex-angular-momentum-cascade (think: spin angular momentum and transitions in spin-foam networks over quantized fractal spacetime) model of tornadogenesis (see, for instance, our quantum-theoretic account: The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, circa September 1978). Think of the frequency-funnel beat-down to the given frequency-response window, for example: this is frozen-light-demergent-resultant of temporal-CURLed cascade to the most-reduced 1T2-case. As regards Alexander.Karpenko functor coupled to some cases of Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbering schemata, have we µTm, µ and m Fourier-transformable Euler totatives, i.e., relatively prime? Does µTm-heterarchy yield temporal-difference learned A.Harry.Klopf-heterostasis (see: A. Harry Klopf, Chess Programming, 16 November 2015; a copy of his 1972 Wright-Patterson Air Force Systems Command Heterostatic Theory ms. was handed to me in late-1977 or early-1978 after a Roland Fischer public lecture delivered to the Georgetown University Medical School, and Klopf and I had a brief personal exchange following my reading, a reading conducted in context of Paine-Kaplan's cascade theory and as our DNA-radiation-exchange ideas developed); 1T2-hierarchy, homeostasis? This, this, as cosmic-brain-scan histograms (including those atmospheric) indicate, à la the Gaussian-distribution-breaking Shnoll effect (the Paine-Kaplan cascade account of tornadogenesis is a massive documentation of this effect), randomicity qua turbulence being a relative notion vis-à-vis memetime and ponderable 3-space, relative, that is, to memetime-step and spatial-grid-length in non-critical transit to critical-state phenomena (beginning in 1975, Paine showed films in classroom of the generation of atmospheric acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes where time-step and grid-length were altered such that turbulence became, as the class watched, laminar flows: a fundament underlying the predictability over and over demonstrated by the cascade computer model using historical data sets; think of the Matpitka measurement situations in which the measurement apparatus also means non-trivial topology of the space-time) -- more fundamentally, as regards the logical-value order-type employed in observer-participator state of observer-participator system at measurement-as-autogenic-brain-discharge? The non-superimposability property of enantiomerism, as well as diastereoisomerism, 2 n, very likely strongly relates, demergently speaking in terms of point-chiralcenters-of-action, to the semantic uniqueness of each logical-value order-type, i.e., no meaning-resolution qua meaning-translation qua Musculpt-transliteration to any concatenation of other logical-value order-types -- precedence relations at demergence-remergence, regards logical-value order-type and temporal CURL, yielding, by topological operations expressing as geometrodynamics, the memetime-steps and ponderable space grid-lengths, without which particles, atoms, molecules could not be distinguished. Most Gödel numbers, not to mention Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, are too long-big to 1T2-algorithmically process -- but this may not be the case for nature, for Musculpting, µTmly-processing, nature, where the elements, the numbers, processed, i.e., Musculpted, are manifold continua. P-adicity renormalizes infinite series. Renormalization is a veiling, a reduction, an establishment of the possibility and presence of falsehood; it is how Maya is made. The natural numbers are not the given; they are the Fourier-transformable beat-down -- in the case of the primes, via Alexander.Karpenko functors -- the Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition of non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, i.e., of, that is, cosmic propositions, which in other (note that this notion cannot submit to the established admissibility criteria, either those of Rogers or those of Friedberg, both of which are 1T2-bound -- even though relative to only partial-computable functions, calculable being understood as iff recursive) Gödel-numbering schemata may not be specific only to only the primes. Number the numbering! the concluding injunction of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, the moon of peace, that is. I know that, have long known that -- but the Gödel-numbering gematric formalism employed by Gödel (Russellian cogitation relative to this type of numbering schema has merely been 1T2ly-resolute in its attempt to de-Gödelize Gödel), for his purposes, cannot be the formalism sought here. I struggle to penetrate some distance The Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves, Daniel Huybrechts and Manfred Lehn, Universitat GH Essen and Universitat Bielefeld, 1996, in an attempt to garner further comprehension. That sought number-the-numbering formalism almost certainly is to be found in the pregeometic lattice-logic underlying a p-adicized Regge calculus (the piecewise linear approximations would be p-adic renormalizations) which transforms spacetime curvature configurations to Regge lattices: J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels (since Bennett had been writing on unified field theory in 5-dimensions, I would speculate that his idea of pencils of skew-parallels is similar, not same, to Clifford parallels described by versors on a 4-sphere, Bennett's null-vectors and nilpotency being, according to my schemata, null-nil only under the 1T2-logically-valued order-type) understood as the bones or strings or edges, the pre-pregeometry bucket of dust points being the spin foam-network nodes over which operator-time qua temporal CURL effectuates topological operations. Acoustic signatures, or their analogues, surely are involved: the way acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes signature atmospheric theta-e surfaces, equivalent potential temperature surfaces -- hypertemperature being understood the spin-component of Pauli-Paine operator-time. Renormalization qua renormalization, in the most general case, is how Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergence transpires -- yielding Maya. The definition of (universal, pure) consciousness offered, from a 1T2-only perspective, in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, is: Consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all temporal topological operations on the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space); consciousness in its passive aspect is the space acted upon. Very interesting in context of such a definition is the paper by Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu entitled Spin as Primordial Self-Referential Process Driving Quantum Mechanics, Spacetime Dynamics and Consciousness, NeuroQuantology, 1, 2004, pp. 41-49. I would suggest that aspects of Hu's and Wu's qualitative model may well have their microphysics embedded in the quantitative aspects of our (complex + hypercomplex) temporal CURL(demergent as quantum spin)-type superconductant DNA model of the pi-electron gas core-environment of radiation exchange processes at helix-coil transition of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA molecules as subclinical and clinical autogenic brain discharges transpire as spontaneous localization in quantum measurement.
The Material of an Idea
The Zero Rock
(Eugene Zamiatin, WE, 1919)Hu and Wu cite a paper by Robert M. Kiehn entitled An extension to Bohm's quantum theory to include non-gradient potentials and the production of nanometer vortices (the given url to which is no longer operative), which, vis-à-vis the context of D. A. Paine's work on tornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition, may be of considerable importance -- particularly so given that some Bohmian notions are explicitly stated as premises for our 1979 DNA paper. Consider, in such regard, that the notion the absolute square of the wave function as vorticity distribution of a viscous compressible fluid (Hu and Wu summarizing Kiehn's argument) strongly relates to Paine's formulations (elaborately documented via data analysis undertaken by Paine-Kaplan and graduate students), à la Jose Garmendia Iraundegui's earlier work in this area, linked above, regarding 3-fold temporal CURL and the relative vorticity equation, i.e., formulations explicated in our 1978 paper concerning a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties, also linked above. We, as should be clear, do not so much attribute quantum probability to missing information as to the excommunication of logical-value order-types supernumerary to that 1T2.
Not to why the reason I should die in doing: now, that never really appealed -- no more than this and that ask-not-what. Such words iterated and reverberated across back of the mind as my me was medevaced over the Delta and out of its position with TID, 525th MIG (Technical Intelligence Detachment, 525th Military Intelligence Group). Oh, aye. They're about makin' mookie, aren't they. A bit rude, yes. Mmmphum. After MID, War Department General Staff; Big Mac's G-2 macarthurii; the KLO cum Matthew Ridgway's SHAPE G-2 bunkerii; West-More-Land's MACV-J2; the get-some-back-from-the-bear Afghan and subsequent debacles (would the Soviets have gotten well started and been so brutal without U.S.-stimulated Meiji financial support for Lenin, Wilson's dysdecision to enter WWI, Western invasion and aid to the Whites; and how long would the Soviets have persisted absent active Western opposition over the decades [consider in this regard George Kennan, NATO and Russia in the 21st Century, Nell Crumbley, Nextgen, 22 September 2014; and NATO's Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow?, Uwe Klubmann and Matthias Schepp and Klaus Wiegrefe, Spiegel, 26 November 2009] -- and how much did all that postpone, even preclude, adequate human address to what is now designated the gathering n-dimensional anthropogenic global crisis?), how could anyone still be cursing cooking of the books (see: She Spoke Up About Cooked ISIS Intel. They Booted Her -- For Cursing, Nancy A. Youssef, The Daily Beast, 9 May 2016). Just contemplate all the various nowadays-forms of intelligence data laundering (e.g., the terms-redefinition game) and parallel construction (e.g., command-position/analyst-position) there are these crazy days of the human late-summer! Have they, the superanalysts, yet to learn that intelligence accuracy at estimating enemy intentions, strength, and capabilities is top-down-intimated-information determined on the basis of political criteria? Walk-in, prescriptive-policy-formulation algos do not determine information-utility functors-override of functionals-override of functions? When bureaucratic functionality is sytematically subverted from above, e.g., top-down imposed intelligence misassessment, for whatever corpus of reasons, communities of practice spontaneously come into being simply because there is no pride, pleasure, or meaning to be found in a job poorly done. Such a community arose in Saigon during the second half of the 1960s within CICV, MACV-J2, CDEC, and the physically proximal South Vietnamese JGS. As far as my 'I', then assigned to SRA, Strategic Research and Analysis, knew, membership of this community did not include any of those working in the Norodom Complex at the U.S. Embassy or those working in the National Police Headquarters compound (and this 'I' would have known because it periodically visited with those in both). During one of my long afternoon walks with Sam Adams at his Leesburg farm during the period of run up to the Westmoreland-vs-CBS trial, I said that, as bizarre as it may appear, he had tacitly been a member of that Saigon community even though he didn't at the time know such existed. He laughed at that assertion. Thing is, much of the product of this community, for obvious reasons, never got into the formalized intelligence distribution channels (for details, see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994). Does this tell us something about the level of competency Utilitarianism and Pragmatism bring to governmental non-flat-management systems? Our non-prime, composite, square-free phone number in 1951: BEllflower 9858. Capt. Pensinger's residence, Larry speaking. During one of the last conversations I had with my JohnWayne-lookalike B-17-piloting cum supply-and-materiel logistics-super-trouble-shooter father, he, in exasperation, confirmed that he, if not all of the Greatest Generation, had no idea at all what WWII was really all about (my myriad conversations over the years with his post-Vietnam-syndrome Real-'I' were extraordinarily educational to me -- thus, absolutely no depredations intended). Cross James Ellroy into Allan W. Eckert and you get a wildly different portrait of America than that drawn by Daniel J. Boorstin conjugated to Vernon Lewis Parrington. Tired of being futzed with, woozy from munching on globaloney? As to surface-structure cause-attractor push-pull, try reading a Russian take: Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, Yuri Rubtsov, Ollie Richardson, trans., Fort Russ, 14 May 2016 posting of the 2009 Russian original. Or this American take: The End of the American Empire, Chas W. Freeman, Jr., War On the Rocks, 11 April 2016. Ask not if the endless war will ever end; ask how likely it is that the human species could bypass a WWIII-starwars battle, of the going-on-200-years-running War of the World, when the deep-structure-origins causes cum attractors of the WWI and WWII battles of that endless war have never been identified, let alone addressed. War isn't a disease; it's one of the symptoms: Peter O'Toole in The Stuntman. What side of the WWII battle was the Greatest Generation on -- I mean really? Consider the following concerning the Fichte-psychofit, relative to my take on deep-structure origins of The War of the World, i.e., regards Abel-of-1823, and all that (see: Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 16 January 2014):
To posit (setzen) means simply to be aware of, to reflect upon, or to be conscious of; this term does not imply that the I must simply create its objects of consciousness. The principle in question simply states that the essence of I-hood lies in the assertion of ones own self-identity, i.e., that consciousness presupposes self-consciousness (the Kantian I think, which must, at least in principle, be able to accompany all our representations). Such immediate self-identify, however, cannot be understood as a psychological fact, no matter how privileged, nor as an action or accident of some previously existing substance or being. To be sure, it is an action of the I, but one that is identical with the very existence of the same. In Fichte's technical terminology, the original unity of self-consciousness is to be understood as both an action and as the product of the same: as a Tathandlung or fact/act, a unity that is presupposed by and contained within every fact and every act of empirical consciousness, though it never appears as such therein.
This same identity in difference of original self-consciousness might also be described as an intellectual intuition, inasmuch as it involves the immediate presence of the I to itself, prior to and independently of any sensory content. To be sure, such an intellectual intuition never occurs, as such, within empirical consciousness; instead, it must simply be presupposed (that is, posited) in order to explain the possibility of actual consciousness, within which subject and object are always already distinguished. The occurrence of such an original intellectual intuition is itself inferred, not intuited.
Identity in difference being precisely what J. G. Bennett (in Appendix Three to Vol. One of The Dramatic Universe) ascribed to the pencils of skew-parallels requiring for processing µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value -- an appendix which I encountered during November of 1963 and immediately recognized as staggeringly important to my eventual understanding of the animistic-Shinto states of consciousness I had experienced as a military-brat child living in rural Kyushu. Setzen, please entertain, is glutamatergically anti-ketaminergic-ZaZen, uh, uh, and one could opine similarly with regards that whole screed. Who was on the binary-'I'-side, and who was fighting whom -- given the context of Lukasiewicz m-valued logics and Schrödinger's m-valued memetime-independent wave equation? If the realities of intelligence production, and their deep-structure raison d'etre, are not yet learned by the superanalysts, why the nugatory institutional memory, why the absence of adequate learned behavior transmitted from generation to generation qua culture? Is part of the answer to be found in How Schooling Leads to War, Dan Sanchez, 10 May 2016? As an AU-SIS student, I knew the Alpha Tau Omega military attaché qua personal assistant to JFK and, thus, had some awareness of the early history of the NSC, was a student of the Wife of Rostow, Sunday-brunched with my Georgetown babysitter charges at the Spring Valley Bundys. What I saw and heard in my late-teens greatly affected my assessment of many things. The education I was receiving, for instance. It became increasingly clear that institutionalized higher enculturation largely services the state, warfare, inappropriately-scaled endeavors, techno-fixations ana[the}ma to Earth's various spheres and the best interests of humanity. Consequently, I've been all for communities of practice as education foundation -- like in Europe during the Middle Ages. But that was and is heresy. Why you you you fabulator you, you troubadourian Cathar, you Albigensian perniche, blaspheme. Be upon thee a Sentence of Anathema. Be thou accosted, [war}shipped, chatelained, holocausted. O, Schism! The rent apart of Rhyme set against Rhythm. What we most need now is a strong leader, a Restoration of ducal Authority over the Demesne. On God's Business, frame an Interdict, relegate to Subjection. Swear fealty, they will, won't they, Duress being of sufficient Magnitude, fealty, that is, to binary Objectivity, to the State unnatural, to cooked Sociologies, to rule-ridden Bureaucracies, to 1T2ly-magical markers, uh, uh, Markets.
When, as appears almost inevitable, vigilant resolve means that the McLuhan global village becomes Fall{u}jah and must be destroyed by a fury of the phantoms in order that it be saved, binary logic will once again have found itself wrecked upon the shoals of µTm-self-reference, a functionally-integrative global property of nature's All-That-Is which cannot be assimilated via the anti-hologramic 1T2-only logical-value order-type. Reason is not killed by passion; Re{a}son kills himself in distributing all middles to bi-polarizations and in disallowing every diktat [contra}dicting his own dictatorial dictations. The omniscient God's-eye postured upon pinnacle of the sociopolitical pyramid signifies, not only omnipotence of the 1T2-only-valued almighty dollar, but also seals the corporate fate in an apotheosis of bi{camera}l governance, i.e., sur[veil}lance society. Searched and searched have I, but never did I find any reports of a historical persona construable as having been more disparaging of this dysivilization than ontic engagement early on inclined me so to become. If slave-mass illegals generate enormous windfalls for the pot-boiler oligarchs, mobish cartel bosses, grifter guvies, immigration lawyers, a copocracy on the make, is that circumstance in any significant way new? The Light having been frozen at twilight's last gleaming over glam of NewYorkshare, NewLondonistan, NewNewHaven, all those world-over new havens for the pitied poor immigrant from long-forgotten and recently forgotten village massacres, the leadership elites of the proximal perpetrators of the involved forced-draft conurbations, whatever the elevation of their self-adulation, among the very worst very public persons ever to have populated this planet, authors of the private comment at this or that CNN-celebrated indiscreet moment of transition within an all-too-private [cock}tail party qua board meeting uh, uh, actually, heh-heh-heh: has discovery ever been made as to what favorite [super}delegated Re{a}son order-type by which queen-president-minister could possibly be understood psychologically localized qua reduced enough as to be sufficiently-candidly private as to be functionally distinguishable from the archetypal collective-unconscious event gradients merged to in process of persona fashioning as to be, in turn, considered absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct individual personhoods? A very low-p p-adic probability amplitude involved in that wavy equation, what! There are residuals and then there are res[ID}U]als. Women and children first is a residual of tribal preference functions catalyzed by the then prevailing fact that an ever-increasing size of the population base greatly advanced the clearly visible probability amplitude relative to corporate survival. And just as clearly, today, that behavioral guideline is a pathofunctional preference, its implied inverted action-directive having been pioneered first by area bombing and later by the still-rising crescendo of terrorist assaults brought to bear upon public space and later yet by myriad programs of mass poisoning (as per, for example, clearly implied by the article entitled Germany Buys Monsanto -- and Sells the TTIP to Europe, Peter Koenig, Global Research, 25 May 2016; moreover, a supranational bank may be a provider of leveraged-buyout funds for this private deal, as explicated in Monetary Lunacy: The ECB Could End Up Funding Bayer's Purchase of Monsanto, Zero Hedge, 25 May 2016: the thrust of this sort of coercion leads inevitably -- absent near-term onset of PW1 -- to police forces and militaries endogenously splitting against themselves [one anticipatory reason for roboticization, and, down that road, the struggle for control of the robotforces, later by them], just as has been seen inculcated by exogenously-driven interventions conducted across the Middle East and Central Asia, with, as I've argued since the late-1960s mostly on a cultural and historical basis, many unexpected results, e.g., a Germano-Russian Bloc [MEpetrowar being a pre-PW1 attempt to prevent this formation] aligned to a GreaterChina Mahayana-Buddhist Bloc by hook and crook and realism as to a reliable source of oil and gas incorporating Japan [consider the targeting-criteria determinant, here and here, vis-à-vis the non-utility of Eisenhowered-atoms-for-peace Japan to the U.S. in early play-out of all-out war with China], as, again, I've forecasted since rise of the petrodollar [Yom Kippur war issues being small potatoes compared to the oil revenue losses indefinitely extended due to closing of the gold window and associated devaluations of the dollar denominating oil transactions, recycling of petrodollars being an open secret reported at the time by, for instance, memory serving, the likes of Gary Null writing for Penthouse magazine, many of those early articles of his not posted to the internet: who, with ears raised, working inside The Beltway, did not understand this? and I was then only a mere gardener to the Georgetown, Foxhall, Spring Valley, McLean, Potomac, Embassy Row elite, a gardener in service to Jerry Hill, THE carriage-trade provider since WWII, myriad conversations with him being superlatively educational, my me being a gardener very adept at garnering engaging conversations with the SuperStar customers, having some memetime earlier cast aside participation in the construction of K Street office buildings as an IBEW apprentice to become a gardener at a small fraction of my prior wage; by nowadays, if not before, the have-actiondirective-will-travel legacy of Abdulaziz hadhas donewas been FEDerated!], the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean, absent a massive exchange, taking on much greater strategic significance than the Western Pacific, rebuild of U.S. heavy industry transpiring in the northeast, Brazil and South Africa being of great importance, India [see here and here and here] being the supply terminal for a backdoor assault on China where it has always been most vulnerable, supply lines across the Pacific being too long, the line of defense rapidly becoming Australia, Hawaii, Alaska :: having earlier taken full advantage of six months of free access to the Ft. Bragg Special Warfare Center Library, working at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, first half of 1968, it was not at all strange that such brainstorming theses should have spontaneously materialized in acrimonious debate amongst our unruly cohort, such creativity most often transpiring over Ba Muoi Ba and Kobe [except at the SF Club in Nha Trang, not available anywhere else in VN] beef BBQ [exclusively tendered to those in the know, i.e., friends of the right sort, that sort being those ensconced within the GVN's JGS compound] at Nguyen Cao Ky's VNAF Officer's Club rooftop terrace restaurant, located only a short relatively-pleasant walk from the MACV-HQ compound and overlooking Tan Son Nhut taxiways) -- however unpalatable realization as to those realities may be. If total war is the only means by which binary-brain sanity can be maintained in face of ever greater revelations as to µTm-quantum this, µTm-quantum that!, then (a memetime then) if not this way, then that way will a route be found to the strange attractor constellated in the collective unconscious by projective-identification at mass ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements (defining properties of Reichskristallnachts and similar Pogromnachts can take on all sorts of variants under diverse ConveDD impulses): once propulsions driving the impulse to kill reach their critical states, a way will be found, if not this way, then that way. Consider, for instance, NATO Says It Might Have Grounds [the hacking of Hillary's illegally located e-mails] To Attack Russia, Eric Zuesse, The Saker, 15 June 2016. If so, if that really is sufficient grounds to initiate Planetary War One, PW1, does that mean that the alldaylong, everyday Gov.commHQ plus NSA hacking of everything and listening to everyone, including various world leaders, constitute a collective-defense-provision violation such that postemptive war against NATO by all-and-every is justified under international law? As we know from run-up events prefacing onset of WWII, imposed disarmaments (e.g., Germany, post-WWI) and leveraged disarmament agreements (e.g., the Five Powers naval forces limitation Treaty of 1922) can be etiological precursors to a War of Dismemberment, intranational no less than international. Worldwide, of the various identifiable subgroups of voting corpora, more than one need substantive systemic change much more than others, but those in greatest need are generally overwhelmingly for status quo candidates and referenda outcomes. This, I think, is not only an effect of subversive education, pervasive media psycho-prep, false-flag SSs (scare stagings), exploitive films, so on, but also of residuals echoing through the mass subliminal, residuals of the mid-19th-century collective unconscious decision for human-species suicide -- one major question being whether or not there will be a reversal of that, by now very well expressed (one self-referentially has merely to think of the War of the World as anthropogenic buffer to resolution of the anthropogenic behaviors creating the n-conditions auguring for human species self-obliteration, an obliteration to include that generated via works of the saviors from genetic disease, uh, uh, X-Men preppers, as per, for instance, In Search For Cures, Scientists Create Embryos That Are Both Animal And Human, Rob Stein, NPR, 18 May 2016: a compensatory-abreactive conversion-disorder displacement, i.e., ConveDD, type of [transgenetic high-tech update on mid-evil chimera] attempt to overcome man/anti-man dualism? of C and anti-C? CTC, from vantage of the pres[byte}ry, being height of the heretical, a Platonic anamnesiac trace of the RAM of e-knock, that RAM being the foremost object of attack by The Avengers: in service to what salient factual collective psychocircumstance are so many sequels to blackpsyche films required?), near-universal subliminal preference placed in conscious denial. Uber{men}schen updated: racism ConveDDed. Give me immortality or give me death! What they strive for is a simulacrum of immortality; actual objectively-eternal life, not the mere pseudo-eternality of the memetimely immortalized. It's always interesting to learn something about how people are presently processing their prevailing obsessions. The stylistically-all-business luncheon menu says $13 for a martini made with Gilbey's gin. The waitress says that two olives will add $2 to the price. The martini arrives in oversize stemware, the gin and vermouth proportions reversed from what once was the normal, each olive stuffed with blue cheese and a sliver of jalapeno pepper. That's culture on the Brentwood-SantaMonica-W.LosAngeles line these days! -- well, just before 9/11 anyway, when I was working in B.H. one block off Rodeo Drive. Slip me that pigskin, m'man! is no longer apropos only of American football, as we learn from Will humans be cloned in space? NASA wants to grow body parts [including interspecies thick skin] on Mars, Jon Austin, the UK Express, 15 June 2016. Think: [sow}anthropodermic so[wanth}robodermis. Probably, as regards my case, some Hussite hussies in ancestral background -- though, likely, no ashes stuffed into a Hog Maw and, thus bloated, floated down the Hudson. We've all long since become kamikaze cherry blossoms, don'tyaknow, given how noble The Nobility of Failure has become. The fusion of animal and man was clearest, though, in the head , John Connolly, The Black Angel, 2010 Hodder paperback edition of the 2005 original, p. 176. Dear Dr. Headinreich: on basis of the principles of Rubbish Theory, the [ad}bot and the [ab}bot having fled into His Instruction Set, an epoch of The True Believer always follows upon [deva}station of the fundaments [under}lying a falsifiable Weltanschauung, an epochal phase transition false-dawn initialized when more plenteous belief than ever before is (re)invested in the Church of the Assumption of Value as to that which has been irrevocably sundered, the ideational host having autoimmunologically eaten itself. Separation of Church and Market was hard fought; separation of Church and State, harder fought and less successful; separation of State and Market, hardly fought, even by the wariest. O, that craven abusive, that insolent humiliate! Abel, N. H. Abel. To have dawned an impossibility theorem, indeed, an existence proof, spawning so much tintinnabulating tinnitus, nauseating dizzy wheel, a a falling off the world. Ugh, the spinning! And those Abel-demergent, cyclotomic downfalls! My mathematics, the only firm and immovable island of my shaken life, this too, was torn from its anchor and was floating, whirling: circa 1920, Eugene Zamiatin, WE, Dutton paperback, p. 96. Non-selfsame number-smiles cascading sugar-syrupy over pancake sheaves of hidden values -- entropy to the 1T2-bound, negentropy to µTm-unto-CTC. Right. I say, old chap: father from Quercy near Cahors, mother from Blois near the Vexin boundary; they met in Limo{U}sin? How very splendid of them! Such a lovely syllogism. And pagan-animistic quantum-relative-state identity-transparency having been cum being a condition of logical articulation qua affinity was cum is annulled on the grounds of consanguinity -- the ConveDDing of contumelious Poly[chron}icon (think: insufferable Trinitarian operator-time qua three-fold temporal CURL) justifying the involved logical debridement. God save our squabbling pipsqueak suzerains in their blundering overlord of bureaucratic feudatories. Oh, those mass ConveDDs -- one class of your most basic Transformers -- inculcating, as they do, collective-impulse-control issues. Were a person somehow able to momentarily exit to a mental space outside the ConveDD complex ensemble, what degree of mass psychopathological-servicing would that person attribute to such films? Oh, so you say that a Sartre-type No-Exit is the case? Well then, with Conrad, pick your preferred nightmare. Quoting Connolly once again, p. 234:
his desk was scattered with illustrations, all of them taken from books written after 1870, and most depicting variations on the Black Angel [uh, uh, ConveDD of the phasic black angle inducing constellation of pencils of skew-qua-m-valued parallels µTmly processed such that the Rule Of 1T2-only Truth-value is fatally undermined?]. He had never quite understood why there were no depictions prior to that date.
Why 1870? Because The Origin of Satan (Elaine Pagels, 1996) as-per cum relative-to The Occult Roots of Nazism (Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, 1985) had, from the ConveDDing involved in the black back-reaction upon the cultural metric established by N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr (derivative of which is so much of the modern aspect of higher mathematics, to include transfinite sets and Lukasiewicz logics), by memetime of the onset of the Franco-Prussian battle of the War of the World, trickled down to the level whereupon manifest incarnate effects of repressed-and-hence-regressed collective unconscious material, expressing as mass behavioral gradients, were well-archetypally-constellated via devices such as bulk of the Great Books of the East being translated into European languages and the Tristan-Akkord having been written. Genidys. Ratchet up genetic racket(s), whydon'tya! Pendant-donor pile-drivers that they are, clearly, one of their objectives is to genetically engineer herbicide-tolerant humanoids whatwho secrete glyphosate from their sweat glands. Raise the hand not tied behind your back if you are thoroughly disenchanted with those of rare-earth attitude receiving 10-figure pieces of infantile-phantasmagoric prime 1T2-techno over-optimism. Reversal of that collective-suicide decision is a very unlikely unlikelihood, not least because of how inescapable is the plethora of imbeciles voluntarily Alzhammering their 1T2-only brains on new-tech gadaboutgettotry. Thank the gods that FUBAR is sure to be the chief feature of post-cuspover onset of decoherent phase transition to dregs of functional integration. I've never put much confidence in 1T2-ratiocination, but I've always thought the experimental method a great way to exteriorize a Weltanschauung. According to my opinion, anthropogenicity is an Edge of Tomorrow ConveDD of cosmic µTm-self-reflexivity, temporal-CURL expressed, but suppressed, and, hence, 1T2-regressed as projected under collective subject-object-level transference: undoubtedly there are really great actors-actresses out there, but do they have any insight as to the role their acquiesced-to roles play in facilitating effectuation of collective unconscious decisions? Not only was The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson not his to lose, that particular case of the general Quesnayan Physiocratic fantasy never actually existed as a post-Columbian world of fact, being largely an [arti}fact of data cherry-picked by those polemicizing against The Hamiltonian Persuasion, but even more adamant in their anti-animism, the O-so-common Common Core made the Common Cause: 18th-century rationalizing (and its present-day residuals) altogether precluded re{son}ance with the heathen-savage supra-Physiocratic precept well stated by Allan W. Eckert in That Dark and Bloody River, Bantam paperback edition, 1996, p. xxxvii:
the land they [the colonial powers] were so grandly claiming was occupied by scores of Indian tribes and subtribes who didn't feel required to make claims; they knew the land belonged to no one; it was a gift of their god Moneto to His red children, but not as a possession. Rather, it was a treasure in trust, given to them only to use wisely and well and then to pass on to future generations in as natural a state as when they received it. They could not comprehend the ownership of land as the whites owned things. They were merely the guardians of a deeply revered trust
Any Tecumseh who may yet arise relative to the prevailing global crisis will have arisen 200-years-plus too late -- as did Tecumseh himself. The Jeffersonian Physiocrat never bought into essentials of the above-stated treasure in trust -- which I learned from the exemplary lives of Karl and Ginger Bareis to distinguish from the aesthetic ethos of Japanese gardening, particularly of the Tokyo type. Post-1500 intertribal conflict-slaughter went incendiary in just the manner by which percolation theory characterizes spread of a forest fire, once sparked. The white man's ownership, therein above noted, is of the 1T2-only-logically-valued order-type alone; alone, because the infinite number of [proper}T states not owned or not-owned (qua now, not-now; won, not-won; own, not-own: a perimutel trifecta where within the vigorish massively predominates), which only µTm-unto-CTC can signify, went wholly unsuspected by the introspectively-inept, glutamate-flooded colon-invaders. Nor did the 1620s-onward-slavers learn anything over the next two centuries of African Fractals, those very same fractals required for the fractal e-boundaries upon which µTm-valued LETS currencies (monetary fractal drums) would be defined. Whole of the nation and its vast off-shore empire is naught but spoils of war claimed as owned in wake of long-knifed assaults by the She[man}ese (Eckert, p. lxiv). During the mid-1750s, the Governor infra[pro}claimed dominion of Virginia extended Potomac-mouthed West-more-land (county) all the way to the South Seas, incorporating the island of California (Eckert, p. xxxvii and note). A hundred years later, the dreadnaught Old Ironsides cannonaded the Port of Da Nang for refusing trade under the naught dreaded, i.e., an early version of forced-draft-globalization-unto-TPP (the unnatural intent of our Latter-day Shemanese NeoCons being to strip away all residuals of scale-interactivity by collapsing the eco{no]mic nesting-foams to a mono-level, this persistent insistent intentionality being a ConveDD of the apocryphal collapse of the wave-function, the memetime-independent Schrödingerian m-valued being intolerable to all cat-despising anti-animists bought into The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating and Empire-Building, wherever Injun Cuntry surrogates might be spontaneously localized during a given period of beamtime). Speaking of the 1850s, specifically of 1846-8, consider present-day autochthonous cum retrobutionist revanchism unto unrelented irredentism: notice that WiKi does not recognize Return America to Mexico! as a case thereof. Auh aye, the 1T2-self determination adamant in its Wilsonian Doctrinaire reincarnation of the 1848 largely-failed Spring of Nations -- a déjà vu all over again so so-very insistent, just as µTm-Lukasiewicz logics reached rigorous codification. The fact that Polish Catholicism could not embrace the Polish logic of Lukasiewicz, subliminally addressed in Polish jokes, was not incidental to the collective unconscious processes re[spoon}sible for what happened to Poland during WWII. Constellation and repression are powerful mechanisms orchestrating collective behavioral gradients. And some commentators even perceive (see: Inside the Secret Super Majority that Decide Election 2016 & War with Russia, G. H. Eliason, The Saker, 15 June 2016) a profound connection to identity politics of the 2016 U. S. presidential election. But the synoptic situation is supermore critical-state today than it was in 1939, because µTm-quantum non-simple identity has received so much experimental support since then, has made its way deeply into the techno-base, and, in principle, stands solidly against the institutional algos caustically culpable for anthropogeneticity of the rapidly accelerating n-dimensional global crisis. When contemplating the enormous bulk of the mass mayhem instigated over the millennia by the Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion, there are found no hunting grounds upon which to protest the claim that the attribution savage heathen was (and is, with regards to present-day stand-ins) an exemplary case of the psychological projection. Habit-formed automatized properties of the coerced glutamatergically-etched we are always 1T2-projected to-as they -- or it. Projective-identification is inescapably epiphenomenal to 1T2-only-bound apprehension cum ratiocination. Parenthetically, there is no physicality to absolutely-bare reality: the more virtual the matter, the closer it is to being an eidolon of pregeometry. Hypostatization (re: reification fallacy under 1T2-only logic) is just another word for µTm-demergence! Cabalistic genesis: there is no being of a becoming absent the full corpora of factors involved in Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition, cyclotomicity having long since been glutamatergically misnomered as to days. If the existent cannot exist without geometrodynamics, and geometrodynamics without pregeometry (µTm-calculi of propositions), and pregeometry without pre-pregeometry (bucket of dust lattice-logiced via stringy bones [Connolly's Black Angel bone-sculpture being a ConveDD of this aspect of nature] of the Regge calculus, propositions thereof being numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers by means of Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes), and pre-pregeometry without the energy of the zero-point energy of the fluctuations of vacuum fluctuations, then existence cannot exist without existence of the non-existent, which must have types of existence differing from that of the existent: Being-in-itself autopoietically self-demerges Is-ness, which is demerged under operator-time to becomings. Consider Eugene Zamiatin's portrait of one character's discovery of the veracity of Gurdjieffian inner separation vis-à-vis issues concerning Gurdjieffian Real-'I' (We, 1952 Dutton paperback edition of the 1924 English translation of the 1919 Russian original, pp. 57 and 61):
I look in the mirror. And for the first time in my life I see clearly, precisely, consciously and with surprise, I see myself as some him! I am he. From there (this there is at once so near and so infinitely distant!) I look at myself -- at him. And I know surely that The real I is not he Which I am I?
None of the above. Personification: not magna{n}imous! Maybe magna{me}mous. What is personification, really -- in context of Schrödinger-memetime-independent Abelian-E.T.Bellian demergence by cyclotomic involutory decomposition? It's regressed (grim, grimy, dank murk) projective attribution of this 1T2ly-simple identity to That µTm-unto-CTC. If death, then dexter (innocent); if life, then sinister (guilty): that, that they made a hammer of witches; those who had violated the strictures of 1T2-only were judged by a corruption of this-not-That which had been violated. Beyond the psychoSEXological dimension are those geo-socioeconomic and politico-military. It is all too easy to view the Crown's fraudulent usurpation of Indian lands and formation of massive-landfraud companies by the likes of George Washington (a progenitor of the search-and-destroy, scorched-earth, burn-every-village-and-planted-field sweep) and Ben Franklin as having provided precedent-inspiration to those end-of-history Americans (their associates and progeny: see, for instance, The Dreadful Kagan Clan -- Hillary's Warmongers in Waiting, David Stockman, Contra Corner, 20 May 2016) advising Yeltsin as to efficacy of the flash-capitalism, instantaneous-privatization scheme which created the post-Soviet oligarchs and precluded step-by-step implementation of any framework at all like that designated µTm-valued LETS nesting foams: this humongous Russian misdirection was perpetrated over what may have been the biggest opportunity the human species has had, or ever will have, to reverse its mid-19th-century collective-suicide decision. Which is not to mention parallels to the looting of Greece, itself a pregnant prefiguration of lootings yet to come. G. Washington and his supercilious subsequents were no exceptions to the fact that the corporate will has always had to bottom-feed the human cesspool to CIC their bogus bureaus onto coercive assimilation, fraud, outright larceny, downwrong scotched-earth, massacre, localized holocaust, decoherent genocide gravitating upon ergotropic ecocide. Nowadays, ever since Nixon unilaterally nixed BW1, thus defaulting on the value of post-WWII global inflation, oil has been, to them, free for the printing of dollars; yet, they have not been satisfied with that; they've chosen to engage in all that noted above so as to steal what they've been getting for free, all the while complaining that others do not pay their fair share of the costs of perpetrating such horrors. Dawning of clarity as regards that assessment initialized for me whilst developing MidEast OB at JFKSWCS during the six months of run-up to the Six Day War, Nixon's nixing putting the icing on the cake. What nuclear option would U.S.-Samson employ were The Kingdom to use the Treasuries weapon in such fashion as to constellate an actual existential threat? For what class of occasions were M&Ms (modernization and miniaturizations) purchased at a tantamount trillion in nominal petrodollars? Surely no antigen-antibody specificity was involved exclusively relative to maintenance of MADhatter stoppages regards Russia-China, not given that environmental weapons systems appear to have evolved, appear to be evolving. Wealth-by-fraud-et-al. as the foremost engine of capital formation is the whole story of human eco{no]mics: a finite-iteration algo running on a binary financial-machine with built-in obsolescence guaranteed by the [no}eco framework determining condition which is the 1T2-only-valued monetary unit. Nature will put paid to all that -- not least because glutamate-etched binary-minds orchestrate iatrogenic interventions into µTm-quantum domains, e.g., genomes, magnetoatmobiogeospheres, so on -- if a PW1 massive exchange doesn't first do it. The odds-on favorite: continued denial and perseverance furthers vis-à-vis prevailing systemic fundamentals -- unto the bitter Samsonic end (which will not require particular Sons of Sam: BigBoy Superpowers Don't Cry-yai-yai, they don't cry -- they jus' ). How many population corpora in recorded history have catalyzed so much pandemic multi-directed hatred as has the currently prevailing World Culture? To what depths of collective psychopathology must such corpora sink in order to fulfill prerequisites to such an achievement? The magnitude of security arrangements which significant public events held virtually anywhere on the planet currently entail is one inversely-proportional measure of those depths.
Gauche kicked-in normotic
Pols passing for normals
All whilst hitting nick
Taking to glutamate nods
-----no Sense to hike up a SkipOne need not go so far as to embrace the degree of political incorrectness articulated by James Petras in Clinton and Trump: Nuclearized or Lobotomized? The Road to Nuclear War?, Global Research, 18 May 2016, to realize that Hillary Clinton's exposed speech to Goldman Sachs (see: Hillary Clinton's Full 'Speech' To Goldman Sachs, Zero Hedge, 24 April 2016) largely substantiates the thesis that Wall Street financial innovations have a collective unconscious psychopathic impetus, specifically a ConveDD of the dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function away from m-valued logics and onto probability amplitudes, this ConveDD being discussed at numerous locations on this website. Just think of how Sorosian market µTm-reflexivities, excluded from all middle classes by fixation upon inputs to the 1T2-Taylor-Rule, have, by inducing compensatory abreactions, FED projective-identification as to the I-am-Me-and-Only-Me Godhead Complex! What 17th- and 18th-century mental obturation inculcated perseveration of the ludicrous notion that persistent employment of middle-exclusionary binary logic could conceivably foster and sustain middle-class inclusionary constitutional democracy? What does existence of mass ConveDDing as deep-structure/process origins of the War of the World mean? It means that right collective decisions cannot, indubitably cannot, be made: a spanceled species idly grazing, ears up about all the wrong sign. John von Neumann maintained that scientific theories of mind must regard mental functions as resolvable to entities existing in real-numerable space -- thus ruling out a good swath of physical theory as being thus involved. Mind-funk lit. Stick that shtick! Ellroy perfidia: altogether lowbottomizing, as was the wont-of-the-way those WWII days, and as is the way-of-wants today -- topsy-turvy, at least in L.A., on the Saltair borderline of Brentwood, Santa Monica, West Lost Angles, uh, uh, Westwood. The wont to create wants is called karma, which has yet to be fully visited upon deserving collectivities, nested and nesting. Anomie, unfocused existential anxiety, fear, converted and projected as loathing, challenge immunological self-markers, his{ta}mine the flesh, [under}mine pliable neural plasticity by subverting the ergotropic neurotoxin glutamate. I decided in high school that anyone with a mentality capable of tolerating an election campaign was no one I'd ever want representing me: indifference to democracy of the representative type; over more than half a century subsequent, I witnessed nothing that inclined me to alter that youthful read. No matter who wins, people and planet lose: in my judgment, there has never been an exception, not anywhen in the memory-trace mists of Platonia. Nonplussed personally, subtracted even, I've never envied the $700-dinner amenity lifestyle, mostly because the phobic-compulsive paranoids at the top, who you'd have to interact with, with the a[men}able neurasthenic Odd Number exception, I would guess, are the worst people on the planet. Woo-woo to you, too! Mr. WistyWarhy. Reefers to bunk her; roofies to punk her: that's one of their algos. The will to power [atro}city. Subject subject-and-object to set theoretic factorization and the basic idea comes across. The µTm-LETS nesting-foam discussed here is not their nesting-foam: forced-labor camp inside internment camp inside concentration camp inside prison camp, and thus a world without borders but full of 1T2-walls. Think of the physicists' decoherent as being emergently precoherent, not only as being the demergent normative scatter-shot state of prescriptively glutamate-etched normotic dipsy-doodle habitués. Ripples fumes of muscatel, 'e does, don't 'e, that whiner mind. Others believe epigenetic processes mediate intergenerational propagation of such decisions as that mentioned immediately above. See, for instance, Does Our DNA Carry the Memories of Our Ancestors?, Iona Miller, Here Be Dragons, undated: while I may disagree with many of the particulars, the gist of this paper is quite interesting. Speaking most generally, my I/i really doesn't believe that mind -- discrete-local or continuous-synoptic, conscious or unconscious -- relies on the science of mind for guidance as regards how to function. The thing about reflexive, hologramic, self-referential, non-orientability is that it is merely the 1T2-dynamical lead-in to µTm-unto-CTC identity-transparency. Just try to imagine what CTC involves as regards nature qua nature! O, from being 'I' and not-'I' at the same instant of memetime, I again became an 'I', an againe-'I', an 'I/i n' which my me knows cannot be a Zamiatinian 'WE', a coercive 'we', that is, which has no place for my me, a 'me' not recognizing being 'I' and not-'I' at the same instant of memetime as indicative of a non-coercive 'we' simply because the primordial binary Brownian imperative, Draw a distinction!, must be Benoitly drawn absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly, if a memetime instant is to be definable, and thus does my me ascertain THAT (a fit subject for a novel, in and of itself) unexponentiated-to-the-mth-power 'I' and not-'I', no less than 'I' or not-'I', cannot be the inherent-enfolded 'we' which, in order to be non-coercive, must already, logically cum ontologically before binary definability of the memetime instant is, have hyletically incorporated the prospective 'they-thats' predicate-derivative which only the binary order-type in logical-value, the lowest such order-type, that is, can fully constellate THERE (a fit subject for a novel, in and of itself). Perhaps all that is explained in the novel entitled OF, not the novel entitled IF or the novel entitled THAN and/or THEN. Z's WE, in the dystopian spirit of Olaf Stapledon's later but roughly contemporary, 1930, Last and First Men (eventuating to Aurobindo-projected Supermind), we observe, is not so much a satire written on Soviet collectivism as a likely-accurate after-The-Two-Hundred-Years'-War-of-the-World (late-19th to late-21st centuries) future history prophetic of the Lebenswelt horror spawned by the post-trib global state for which so many of the cowardly currently yearn. We note that Z forecasted a 20-percent human survival rate at cuspover (more optimistic than our 10-percent forecast, i.e., two tenths of the population of the globe did not die out and the 0.2 which survived: p. 22 of the Dutton paperback edition, Russian draft written by 1919 and first published in English translation during 1924, one year before Tantric Schrödinger formulated his m-valued wave-function, and two years before Born fostered suppression of Lukasiewicz m-valued logics by fomenting the probability-amplitude interpretation of the m-valuedness characteristic of Schrödinger's wave equations, both the memetime-independent and the memetime-dependent versions, a suppression which likely was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back as regards deep-structure origins of WWII). Reprise, reprise, reprise: is this what Hollywood emulates? A geegaw in the cap of The (psyops) Seducer, that Trickster archetype: two centuries of swoony saddle-block war fever, despite persistent broiler-brain rumors of ultimate human species self-defeat. Mass ConveDD: the inZane aZylum writ large as Garden of the Normotic Mainstream, NM. The collective unconscious: a cracking supermind, that visceral underbelly, that magnum of n-folds penciled in skew-parallels upon fans of the m-sheaved, that universally-Riemann-covered Grand, if ungracious, silk-working Guignol of gradients gloriously expressing moduli spaces of strange archetypal attractors localized as back-tracks from transfinite sets of asymptotic points-at-infinity, back-tracks mapping through higher dimensional algebraic varieties, back-tracks which only Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered and Regge-latticed CTC-unto-µTm-valued logics could adequately process and resolve in Platonic anamnesis of the Schrödinger-memetime-independent dwelt which is The Greater Maze of back-channels, back-channels 1T2ly-construed cloud-chamber messagings heard through probability gas -- or seen as dead-talk, faint-trace, night-sea-journey whisperings CURLing temporal sparks in the knighted chaos which is talk of the talking dead. From Cabalistic Tree of Life, operator-time is leaf-fall sound waving coherently to the void. Right! says he. The frok you [look}in at? is the shout. Himbe Hhb, i.e., does head lolls of OxyCon from a tin, uh, uh, 'hillbilly heroin' to the likes of you, Iambe. What my I/i has to say about Nagarjuna's 4T4-logic (see: Nagarjuna's Refutation of Logic [Nyaya] Vaidalyaprakarana, Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, Motilal Banarsidass, 2004) is THIS (a fit subject for a novel, in and of itself): That art thou is much more accurate than thou art That; most accurate is Thats art thou. Call cosmic-solipsism pantheistic-Thats God, if willeth thou, but Thats -- a stand-in for CTC -- only personifies-objectifies by demergent decoherency-unto-1T2, i.e., Tur[n]ang[le]a}lila (the cinematographic portrayal of the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France's 2008 performance of Olivier Messiaen's Turangalila Symphonie is wonderful in and of itself), uh, Alan Watts' God playing hide-and-seek with himself (rather than throwing dice with Niels Bohr in Copenhagen). In doing so, the than becomes a then -- standing enantiomerism on its head in a frequency-beat-down funnel, so to speak, thus permitting superposition by left-right identity-transparency qua nonorientability. One profound language-form regressed-residual of this is a chirality-derivative of age-old Vietnamese-peasant animism: traditionally, folklore-wise, in distinguishing left from right, the Vietnamese, in some situations, referenced to the object, not to the subject; in others, to the subject, not the object. Is Fichtean self-identity a single-valued-functional yield of Kantian-I-think-self-consciousness on part of selfsame ego sphere? My I/i thinks not. Just because I think I am does not mean, therefore, that I am self-identical, single-valued, or selfsame (and that fact goes largely unconsidered by mono/poly-clonal-antibody qua singular-multiple-epitope theory [both antigenic determinants and antibody-paratope/B-cum-T-cell responders considered to have no quantum-wave properties and, hence, to be self-identical, single-valued, selfsame, this internal considering being due to sole employment of the restriction enzyme known as 1T2-only logic] adherents contemplating properties of the micro[bio}me swarm vis-à-vis immune-system function and [auto}morphic forms of [allelo}pathogenesis involving self-antibodies). This nonselfsameness largely being the case because the 1T2-Leib-Seele problem is demergent from µTm-Geist-Leib-Identitat: out far enough is in; in far enough, out -- of a holon-universe-as-universal-eversion -- iff 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time cascade-cyclotomically temporally-CURLs the evert complexly-hypercomplexly through non-orientable configs. Ach, O, aye, parity inversion of the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct achiral is an identity transform, but we must ken it cannah be accurately said that this Cartesian-coordinated dimensional flip-over bespeaks identity-transparency, for that requires 2 n non-selfsame I/i n entities under µTm-unto-CTC-valued logics expressing, operator-time-wise, via imaginary and hypercomplex temporal CURLs, there being, despite the transference (involved projections being of the gnomonic variety, originating from center of the ego-sphere, spanning outward to the flat space which is how the tangential other is experienced, properties of whom are more and more dissimulated the farther they are projected from touching-points) pretensions liturgically cultivated under the romantic-love rubric, no actual authentic one-to-one identity-transparency except as mediated by Cantorian-transfinite, hologramic, part-is-whole relative-state.
Speaking Z
In Corridor
Of Reversed Telescope
My Me died
Through Glass
AlleywaysNot only is Schrödinger's cat memetime-wise-simultaneously dead and not-dead, the and is exponentiated to the mth power. Charge-conjugation, parity-inversion, time-reversal CPT-symmetry is rather a good guffaw wherewhen twistorized operator-time is seen, not only to execute such transformations, but to trap stringy lines of force in Cantorian-fractal laminations of ponderable space, thus being responsible for charge creation and EIT (re: roof-brain-chatter symptomatology in glutamate-pruned, 1T2-only, molecular-cellular lacuna-on-the-brain, not to mention phononic-photonic acoustico-optical Musculpt analogues to interacting resonant modes between such [often-toroidal, potentially Klein-bottled] microcavities and resultant hysterical contagion at appearance of a transparency window, see What is- and what is not- Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency in Whispering-Gallery-Microcavities, Bo Peng, et al., ArXiv, NSF and U.S. Army Research Office, no date given), electronically-induced [identity-]transparency (as regards [think by analogy to pre-pregeometry Borel-set holes] formalized mode-expansion by spatially-non-local relative-states at limited-time-domain measurement, see: An Analog of electrically induced transparency via surface delocalized modes, Xiao Xiao, et al., the journal Nature's Scientific Reports 5, article number 12251, 21 July 2015), to include that of the lynch-mob variety, along with its induced lamentations, be they nuclearized or lobotomized into existence. Which political-economy's population corpus privately, perhaps secretly, maybe even in some cases only subliminally, pleads not for transfiguration via the all-permitting, all-transforming war, just as a 9/11 was once gleefully anticipated with hand-rubbing savor -- privately, secretly, subliminally -- for all that such an event would make possible? How, for instance, could we possibly do without updated 21st-century gestapos to counter the coming explosion in use of weapons of the weak, given that we are stuck, via voluntary perseverance at prolongation, with governance by institutionalizations of a 200-year-dead Weltanschauung being aggressively subverted by inherent properties of the quantum-based technologies ever increasingly deployed to shore/sure-up pre-quantum institutional algorithms? Moreover, given the individual cum group cum notionally-collective preference -- conscious unto subliminal -- for dissimulated quantum mechanics (think: suppression of Lukasiewicz logics, understood independent of truth-value, in preference for probability amplitudes), on what basis could compassionate leave of the senses elaborate sufficiently as to embrace sympathy for those entering the self-established karmic gyre (and corporate karma is only the 1T2-causal factor; the really potent aspect being the gorgon-headed corpora of regressed µTm-unto-CTC strange attractors established and fed by the mass ConveDDing of plug uglies: both, i.e., push and pull, concretely manifesting à la surface-structure-modulated cycles [think: surface delocalized modes])? Find here a compound non sequitur? Push, uh, curry favor: Brit-colonial corruption; pull, ah, soy flavor: American GI-perversion. Answers: none, couldn't, none.
Thirty-five years or so of memetime having by now passed away, it was utterly impossible for me not to have lapsed into boisterous laugher upon encountering Philip Ball's DNA Waves Don't Wash, chemistryworld, 10 July 2013, an op-ed written upon DNA waves and water, Luc Montagnier, et al., arXiv, 23 December 2010. Of great importance here is (again I thank Lauri Love for the referral) Experimental Evidence That Specific Photon Energies Are 'Stored' in Malignant Cells for an Hour: The Synergism of Weak Magnetic Field-LED Wavelength Pulses, Lukasz M. Karbowski and Nirosha J. Murugan and Michael A. Persinger, Biology and Medicine (Aligarh), 8:1, 2016: note the discussion of experimentally-induced LTP (long term potentization) pattern relative to theoretical contents of our papers, to wit A New Theoretical Approach to the Homeopathic Law of Similars, William L. Pensinger and Julia Jus and Douglas A. Paine, Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 88:3, Autumn 1995, pp. 126-9; and Time-Logics of the Quantal Base State in Homeopathic Potentization, same authors, same journal, 90:2, Summer 1997, pp. 77-88; and Quantum Biophysics of the Homeopathic Ozone Effect, William L. Pensinger, unpublished, 1995 (see also, for a more elaborate exposition, Lukasiewicz-Gödel Encoding by Schrödinger-Samaropa [superposition] over Kun Gzhi [quantal allbase] at Homeopathic Potentization, William L. Pensinger, unpublished, December 2006). The strong correspondence between basic features of our model and contents of the following from Karbowski-Murugan-Persinger is striking:
such matching between field strength and resting membrane potential would facilitate the cohesive or condensate effects within all the cells to behave as a single unit [parenthetically, consider how inflammatory this formulation is relative to prevailing ideologue-commitments vis-à-vis political economy, psychosexuality] the 1,000-fold increase in photon emissions noted in the present experiments would have primarily involved electrons or their movements within coherent domains.I would further note that potentially-conscious subliminal inner Musculpt is deeply implicated in the following Karbowski-Murugan-Persinger statement:This LTP pattern facilitates the formation of the aggregate cellular substrate that synthesizes or alters synaptic spines. The spatial patterns of the volumetric distribution of these novel spines in the brain are considered the physical correlate of memory formation.
Consider that prescriptively constructed speakable Volapuk cum Esperanto, et al., (Esperanto reputedly being origin of the name Soros, and one origin of the nowhere-in-nature fractal-border-less world-construct aspiration accompanying that name: shallow is callow) were infantile regressions compared to Scriabin-Kandinsky, synaesthetic-Musculpt Kunstwissenschaft, J.S.Bell-unspeakable, universal semiosis µTmly-encoded by properties of coherent DNA-emitted quantum waves, a semiosis holographically techno-exteriorized-through-use as mathematical notation, just as any naturally-speakable language organically use-grows. If it weren't for the politics of commo, IT, surveillance societies, genetic engineering, sickcare, agribusiness, weather engineering, climate shift dynamics, and the postmodern technology of mass warfare, one would think that thirty-five years would be sufficient for registration of the existence of the 1979 paper entitled A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, pp. 333-341 -- which provides a mathematical model descriptive of exactly how (concerning specificity relative to biological clocks and immunological signifiers, see here) coherent DNA waves, carrying all the information contained in nucleotide pair sequences, could be generated by the molecule in response to ambient radiation impingement (the Karbowski, et al., paper linked above strongly implicates, maybe even supports, our idea that these coherent waves communicate with great specificity genomic-clock-immune information to plasmahaut phase boundaries, that chronic modification thereof is pathogenic, that restoration, by abreactive autogenic brain discharge, of the natural values of the involved variables is of considerable therapeutic value). It was easy enough to dismiss as understandable that a Cornell chemistry professor, a few months after publication of this paper, should have dismissed it with the comment, How can a well-trained scientist come up with such off-the-wall theories?, this assessment having been tendered to a student simultaneously taking courses from him and Cornell specialist in tornadogenesis, Douglas A. Paine. Most of the very few readers of this paper, we eventually surmised, did not read it closely enough to realize that the superconductivity being described therein has nothing to do with pendant donors cum intercalators, or, indeed, sugar-phosphate backbone; it has to do with the pi-electron gas core of the molecule. Not until a public lecture on the model delivered to Tsukuba University in 1990 did that surmise become a known: questions fielded from the floor and after the lecture confirmed the suspicion, and doubly so, since the answers provided seemed to have little effect as regards redressing this misconception, even when specifically articulated. Moreover, the notion that the coherent waves generated by DNA might not be electromagnetic simply could not register with the questioners. Before addressing a few details, I will quote the introductory section to Diego Lucio Rapoport's Möbius strip and Klein Bottle Genomic Topologies, Self-reference, Harmonics and Evolution, Intellectual Archive Bulletin, August 2015:
As for the mathematics [re: genomatrices] advocated by Petoukhov [see the above-given discussion and link], they reveal algebraic codings of genomes using structures which are also common to quantum mechanics and to several areas of physics which may appear at first consideration to be unrelated to genomics
In this question-of-unrelatedness-issue regard, consider The Cancer Cell Plasma Membrane Potentials As Energetic Equivalents to Astrophysical Properties, Michael A. Persinger and Robert M. Lafrenle, International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, 36, 2014, pp. 67-77 (most interesting to me is discussion of temporal structure and Shared angular momentum is [as] a proposed mechanism for excessive [from the 1T2-only logically-valued qua 2nk-take on self-organized criticality] correlation or entanglement between systems over space). One of those unrelated areas of physics happens to be tornadogenesis: according to D. A. Paine's early-1970s account, and, thus, by the complex-angular-momentum-cascade-theoretic Paine-Kaplan numerical forecast model, air parcels double-helix their ways into the severe storm environment. Paine's mathematical model of this far-from-equilibrium process, and its wave-effect encodings, described in his accounts of The atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations -- derived by reversing the hydrodynamic analogy Maxwell used to derive his electromagnetic field equations -- became the foundation for our thoughts on the radiation-exchange aspects of DNA helix-coil transition. This, I might add, is an example of how well-trained scientists come up with paradigm-bursting theories. As regards the possibility that the coherent waves generated by DNA at helix-coil transition are not electromagnetic, or not only electromagnetic, I quote from our Superconductant DNA paper:
where the inverse distribution of pi-electron density in the environment multiplied by the pressure gradient between levels is exactly counterbalanced by b.
What is b? In the DNA paper, we called this the counterforce to the pressure gradient term. We used this terminology because we thought that, otherwise, the paper would not be published. In the atmospheric case, b corresponds to the gravitational acceleration. Acceleration in the canonical equation of our DNA model relates to temporal CURL. We did not include third-order temporal CURL (relative to time rate of change of acceleration and topological reentry) in this account (already discussed in an earlier, 1977, paper) because we thought that would be over the top, and likely also to preclude publication. Be aware that some years earlier Paine had been, to say the least, severely censored for using in an NSF report the term atmospheric black hole to refer to what much later become known as acoustic analogues to black hole computing. Were we knowingly to raise the same bugbear in the DNA context? In the event, the reviewer, a close reader, raised intelligent questions, which we answered with appropriate changes, and the DNA paper was then immediately accepted for publication. I should let it be known that Paine was convinced that some facsimile of cold fusion transpires in tornadoes, that this plays a major role in Earth-to-solar backtalk by coherent-wave microburst, and that he did not wish to get into this because of the certainty of StarWars misuse. As regards details, well, unfortunately, Doug Paine died in obscurity some years ago.
Imagine the Husserlian horizon (whole-object gestalt) of an object to be composed of an infinitude of facets (the viewing-point images of the object one accumulates as one walks around the object), and each such facet to be composed of an infinitude of microfacets (due to absence of object-surface smoothness), then the feeling-toned wholeness attributed to the whole-object-gestalt horizon, mediating the sense of authenticity associated to learned (glutamate-etched) object-constancy, is analogous to a "specular highlight". If "specular" with respect to the object-constancy as a whole be understood as when the users' community is connected to itself -- as given in Satellite Communications Systems Design, Sebastiano Tirro, editor, Springer, 1993 -- i.e., is reflexively self-referential, then bundling of the bundling of internetworking bundles (think, for instance: financial derivatives) would be with respect to microfacets and facets of object horizons. Now, regard the object to be of the monetary algebraic variety. The horizon of a given LETS currency is necessarily µTm-logically-valued so as to accommodate self-communication, self-reference, reflexivity; the specular highlight of that currency is 1T2-logically-valued, this highlight being its cash-order-type. I'm still working myself through those Diego Lucio Rapoport papers I can find posted, trying to follow the details of his arguments as closely as I can, and, frankly, I must say, that Rapoport's very elaborate synthetic work is most stimulating. Were I a 30-year-old again, I'd have sold everything I owned, bought a ticket, and have been off to Argentina yesterday: that's the way I was back then. Off to Argentina, not the least because I've still not figured out aspects of Rapoport's formulations. For example, quoting Klein bottle logophysics: a unified principle for non-linear systems, cosmology, geophysics, biology, biomechanics and perception, Journal of Physics, 437, 2013, bottom of page 22:
This is quite remarkable: The form of forms is nothing else than the projection to order 1 and 2 in the space of spherical harmonics of the sinusoidal 1D signal with vector orientation that arises from the fringes of intrinsically 1D images. Of course, this is not exclusive to images, but to any such sinusoidal signal, and specifically, that arises from the fact that the orientation can not be uniquely defined on the boundary of the domains under examination, so it is about multivaluedness and superposition, which is precisely the essence of the Klein Bottle Logic and its Matrix Logic representation, and one of its physical manifestation is the lack of well defined tangential directions of wavefronts of hyperbolic partial differential equations, to which we turn further below.
Wow! This so precisely maps over import of the canonical equation of our DNA radiation-exchange model, regards coherent wave output (and of the informing Paine-Kaplan tornadogenesis forecast model in respect to acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode generation) that I am staggered. Okay, I understand how the 4-foldness of the nucleotide-pair encoding of the coherent-wave output, which we detailed, could predispose to a Nargarjuna-4T4-disposition of the involved logic, but, still, I am confounded as to why Rapoport should establish a universal 4T4-preference-function, rather than adopting a µTm-unto-CTC notion as to the nature of universal relative-state. In this context, I note that, in the multiple-scenarios strategic planning (computer-gamable to RTS, the real-time strategy of eSports), which would be required for e-commons gaming of the constellation and placement of indicator-tagged m-value-stacks upon LETS currency unit base-states, that the 4-fold logic of forcing functions planners most often choose may have a genomic basis. The natural world of our glutamate-etched perception may be a data compressed world, and that may be one aspect of what demergence-unto-egoic-consciousness is all about. Consider that notion relative to temporal discharge patterns (i.e., operator-timed by radiation-dependent pi-electron temperature-oscillation Zeitgeber of intraneuronal DNA free-electron gas core) and mixed digital-analog element capable of transmitting multidimensional information through interspike interval distributions as discussed here. Why a multiverse, rather than a universe under µTm-unto-CTC logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, à la Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes? Granted, there are problems with calculating Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers, but computer science is not yet a finished science: conceivably, nature's pregeometric Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers could be file compressed digital to analog, nature's µTm-processors processing by the handling of waveFORMS -- not digital signatures, on-off or phasic -- their composites, standing waves, holographic gestalts, none of which are, by nature, digitalized until (logical cum ontological precedence, not temporal precedence) the lowest level of decoherence is reached, i.e., that 1T2-only. I note, moreover, that Rapoport, in describing how (something not often addressed) the twist from the reals to the imaginaries is accomplished, characterizes the twist as occurring by the action of the Time operator of the Klein Bottle Logic (p. 25) -- so, Rapoport does not understand operator time, as was the case in the original Pauli conception, circa 1920s, as merely a passive quantum measurable; just as in the Paine formulation, Rapoport conceives it as actively inducing temporal CURL by way of the concretization of non-binary logical operations, i.e., this being a specific case as to how different types of precedence relations predicate one with respect to another. Aside from our 1977 general process paper, Rapoport's is the first text within which I have seen this idea so unambiguously stated, Rapoport's account undoubtedly having been arrived at altogether independently (discounting the collective unconscious). Comparison of the contents of our general process paper with the following from Rapoport will illustrate how the physics principles underlying the double-covering topological transform, which he describes and applies to geophysics, also inform, as Paine-Kaplan elaborately studied with historical data sets, genesis of severe local storms -- principles responsible for Paine making observations during the early-mid-1970s, specifically about acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, tantamount to claiming existence in Earth's atmosphere of acoustic analogues to black hole computing involving non-orientable self-referential propositions (Rapoport, p. 26):
Of course, these two modes [spherical and torsion] are well known in elasticity theory, yet, there is a most remarkable aspect that has been completely unconsidered in the geophysics literature, to the best knowledge of the author. The wave-fronts (or characteristics, in the theory of hyperbolic partial differential equations) of the equations of elasticity theory, in the linear regime, coincide with the wave-fronts of the Maxwell equations of electromagnetism (89), which themselves coincide with the wave-fronts of the Einstein's equations of gravitation, not only for a purely metrical connection (90), but one which also includes torsion, since in principle, they contribute in first-order of derivatives to the connection, while the characteristics involve second-order derivatives; in this setting, the gravitational field are given by harmonic equation. As we discussed in the Introduction, they are the fundamental signals/dislocations for the constitution of the physical world, yet they are of a self-referential nature.
Paine and Pensinger argue that third-order derivatives necessarily involve self-referential non-orientabilities. Note, also, if less fundamentally, that the canonical equation in our model of DNA radiation exchange is a harmonic equation; per Rapoport, immediately above, i.e., the gravitational field are given by harmonic equation, this is another reason, other than merely by b being the gravitational acceleration, for entertaining the possibility that the coherent waves generated by DNA at helix-coil transition may not be electromagnetic. Quantitative details of these notions, vis-à-vis tornadogenesis and DNA radiation-exchange processes, could have been exhaustively explored experimentally during the 1980s (if not then for DNA, certainly by the year 2000, as per, for instance, Measuring DNA Synthesis Rates with [1-13C]Glycine, Pei Chen and Fred P. Abramson, Anal. Chem., 70:9, 1998 [these rates, according to our DNA paper, being radiation-dependent, as specified in the canonical equation to our model]; which raises the issue as to whether or not mimetic glycine, i.e., glyphosate, alters DNA synthesis rates and thus biological clocks; for interesting related speculations, see How Glyphosate mimics our basic amino acid , Tony Mitra, change.org, 7 December 2015) but, perhaps tragically with regard to climate-shift dynamics (considering Paine's complex-angular-momentum qua temporal-CURL-related notions relative to solar-terrestrial interactions, and how these might be anthropogenically disrupted) and devolution of the genetic-engineering industry, this was -- for the many reasons speculatively explored on this website -- not done. Moon shadows and cloud shadows largely forgotten, shades of the built environment nowadays dominate staging of mass-[mind}sets. The bodymod-complementary machine-imitative voice of prevailing popular song is indicative of the collective unconscious decision to become binary cogs, rather than to consciously integrate the m-valued non-simple identity presented by THE µTm-processing quantum brain. Expressing commitment to kiboshing tawdry sinfulness and involved vile behaviors, Dr. Butt Scuttle maintains that to vouch innamorata probity in Helen A. Trollop scold, in any sticky-bun cruller, minimally calls for an HDMI splitter, the smartest of smart phones, self-referential MoSoSo algos, an appropriate length of rope, 150Mb/sec (8 bits to a byte), and a state-of-the-art TranVest monitor. In a snit, she explicatives: Va-[va}moos, stupe! Jus' scram. You certainly couldn't be putting my me on! Ass[ind]ignation. Eject TransMemory! Yep, so rife was the stank diminution, that's just what my 'I' thought it'd be ordered to do. Such a putrescible mocking impertinent! is that one, eh: sludge progenitoress of the PMV that she be, a curve incalculable, e-[turn}al via temporal CURL. What we need now is a Ministry of Truth-Value -- not of Truth, the logical-values of which are of the lowest-order-type-only (the fuzzy-logic take on Lukasiewicz being but a variant of the binary, given that the involved gray-scale is psychopathically confined to the space between real bi-poles). Science of Stupid? Is not this GNatlogue but a blackpsyche ploy designed to militate against the ever more widely embraced conviction -- as real understanding mounts as to where ultimate responsibility lies for the gathering planetary crisis -- that institutional science is, indubitably is, as stupid as institutionalized religion?
The mainstream media's overt hyper-oversell approach to marshalling their explicit blackpsyche hot-air balloon clearly has not been helping TPsTB sustain their blimp of self-interest at the expense of All (else) That Is -- people, other species, plants, places, the planet. O, ye yocking hogjaw rumdum, brodying fishtails through the spritzing, stinko, raspberry-blowing spindrift, blotto and blooey be ye, and bene-juked -- monkey-brained unto the functional equivalent of glutamic-acid-laced chop suey cum MSGed chow [me}in (Chinese-American having been the neurotoxic precursor of the fast-prol-food industry: egg-too-young being against the law, y'know). Ah, yet one more Vice-[Re}gent to the [Glori}us-God projective-identification personification, must not we all suppose? Fie on such a One as that! Oh, ye, in the New Order of White Monks, vigilant be ever of Orderique [Vita}list, for wereth thou Seneschals to fail thy faith, and wereth the Canon Eigenius II to discovereth an anti-theorem, woe be unto thee and thyn who doth wholly claimeth Holy Binary, yet doth subjecteth it to violence of the holistic. Pickled brain, unprickled. SNAFU Review! Then there is the increasing virulence of the institutional dystemper presenting to the populous as the ever amplifying anti-anarchosyndicalist-qua-anarchocapitalist (think [socio-politico-econo}MobiusStrip), anti-agorist, anti-System-D, anti-counter-economics conflated-threat cloud. Triggerwords. As regards Gov.commHQ, surely, uncentralizing is a much safer word to use than is decentralization, not to mention separation, and, God forbid, separatism. Well now, an unaccustomed outcome to a referendum: manifestation of a stumbling block on the road to a United States of Earth, i.e., by popular vote, the United Kingdom's Brexit mandate, which may or may not transpire to one degree or another over the next two years, assuming an agreement as to terms of separation (whoopse! terms of uncentralization) can be reached and approved by the European and UK parliaments (not a subsequent UK popular vote on annulment, too much memetime having passed, or divorce and restitution for false promises leading to dysmarriage, plus long-term unsanitized-QE-type [no asset backing, hence major default risk at interest-rate spikes] support payments, so on -- there, by mutual agreement, having been no real pre{N}ups, let alone M-tuples over the euro which the Brits, nonetheless, did not buy into). What is much more certain is that no actual and effective post-17th-cum-18th-century qua post-CartesianNewtonianLockean notion as to what is to be done with post-WWII Europe will emerge from the Brexit negotiations required, Maa! Maa! Maa! by the Strict Nanny treaty (I tried to download full text of the treaty, but the EU website was dysfunctional) as reformed by the Lissy treaty. Just as in 1968 at SRA/MACV-J2, whilst arguing that any expansion of the territorial extent of the Viet Nam war would have dire consequences, I was unable to imagine the Holocaust of the Khmers, so, earlier, at JFKSWCS in run-up to the 1967 Six Day War, whilst arguing that Templar-perseverance at U.S. OOPs (Outremer Oil Policies) would require greater and greater infusions of violence and monetary resources mulcted, I was unable to imagine that such infusions would led to Hospitaller-formation of ESUC, the European Sharia Union Caliphate. TPsTB, and their myriad sycophants, really have no no{shun] whatsoever as to what could conceivably replace their pre-QuantumRelativity ideas-institutions as to cum of/for political-economy governance in this quantum-technoed world they've so-self-interestedly facilitated creation of -- and this regrettable fact is the case even with regard to individual PsTB who once did Ph.D. dissertations in quantum chemistry at the Central Institute and became physical chemistry (as distinct from that psychic, per studies conducted, say, behind the Iron Curtain?) research workers. Why is that? Certainly not because of: (1) Screw the polyvalent Big 'A' for [under}minding the manmade monotonic 'A' or not-'A' laws of in|her[I}t[r]ance! and (2) Attending to tales of Abelard-et-Heloise, provisioning witness at castrate discourses upon syllogistic rationalist theory and, Goodness of God forbid, a heretical areopaganite Trinitarianism bound to transubstantiate the very Sacred Syllogism reclaimed, arthe yet tired thou; aye, thy arte; oft with thee, then, to offal Oxford: thou, thee, thy and thyn take therewith unto. As regards how the IoT (see: Internet of Things: An Overview, Karen Rose and Scott Eldridge and Lyman Chapin, Internet Society, October 2015) will further institutionalize CartesianNewtonianLockean notions as to political-economy governance within the United States of Earth, we have a ClearChannel formulation provided by Eugene Zamiatin's We, circa 1919 (p. 66 of the paperback version of the 1952 Dutton edition of the 1924 English translation):
Our gods are here, below. They are with us in the Bureau, in the kitchen, in the shops, in the rest rooms. The gods have become like us, ergo we have become like the gods. And we shall come to you, my unknown readers on another planet, we shall come to you to make your life as godlike, as [1T2-only] rational, and as correct as our own
While the forms of structuralization somewhat vary -- even, perhaps, the functional requisites to the bringing up -- between constitutional-democratic-statist, state-communist, and national-socialist codifications of the vision of a United States of Earth, impetus thereto is unitary. That impetus was well understood by Octave Mirbeau, in its general form, before the second stage (the first having had to do with the modern aspect of higher mathematics largely derivative of Abel's 1823 quintic Impossibility theorem qua existence proof for trans-al-jabr, a finding which Galois group theory in the next decade extended, as technically expostulated upon by Daniel Franz in Galois Theory and the Insolvability of the Quintic Equation, no publication information provided: a profound piece of work which I am doing my meager zeal{o}try best to somewhat grok) of back-reaction set in, one year before advent of quantum mechanics (this second back-reaction denoted by Quantum this, quantum that! disparagement). Quoting Mirbeau's book entitled The Torture Garden (1989 RE/SEARCH Publications reprint of the 1931 translation of the 1899 edition):
Really -- I honestly believe that murder is the greatest human preoccupation, and that all our acts stem from it murder is the very bed-rock of our social institutions, and consequently the most important necessity of civilized life. If it no longer existed, there would be no governments of any kind, by virtue of the admirable fact that crime in general and murder in particular are not only their excuse but their only reason for being The joy of killing has become greater and, besides, has become popularized in proportion to the spread of social refinement
This statement is not an 1899 reference only to our most recent Orlando and the like -- lots of other sorts of murder cum mass murder are implicated in Mirbeau's assessment, even the psychological kind, I would submit. Another derivative of 1823-Abel was m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, the suppression of which, by knee-jerk embrace of the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, constituted the core of the second, i.e., that physics-related, back-reaction, this recoil being instrumentally involved in advent of WWII, and, failure, post-WWII, to seek, let alone to find and implement, a post-17th-cum-18th-century qua post-CartesianNewtonianLockean notion as to what is to be done with Europe (and many other parts of the planet). What re[a}son can we find today, post-Brexit vote, to expect embrace of, say, µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries as a means to [re}found the euro and associated geo-politico-economic component processes? None, if first responses are any indication. Never could manage to feel embarrassment about lack of success, only about not trying to do what is seen and known to be highly improbable of achievement by virtue of its degree of importance and tie to potential substantive improvement in fundamentals. Don't jus' sally, you shilly-shally, right?
The Last Number
Galileo's Mistake
Would It Not Be Better?
(Eugene Zamiatin, WE, 1919)To disentangle everything at once? (WE, p. 164), the alternative being THAT DAMNED coherent autopoietic relative-state and its self-organized integral synergy: that 99-percent-populous participation mystique, that populist pagan-animistic contagion. In terms of mid-term outcomes, delivering stability is a horrible obsession to cultivate -- particularly if TPTB an agonistic cohort were again to panic, snap-over into hyper-arousal, succumb to hysterical rebound, decide that counter-populist retribution is yet again in order, impulsively take their 1T2-only-financialist ball and go home in a snit, thus once again trashing the real economy even more than it already is because their 1T2-only-asset bubble again burst in their pumped-up ruddy rubicund faces -- in midst of what should be understood, and approached as, a self-organizing far-from-equilibrium phase transition.
The illegality (even perhaps 1T2-lawfare-[un]wise) of convergent parallel-distance alleys, of slant-poesy Cubistic-diagonal rhyme lines, of walls that meet floors on this or that curve (think: JapanStyle KICH, Takaragaike), of points at infinity, lines at infinity, of the rushed-paresthesia tingle over post-central gyrus (think: descent of Sri Aurobindo's light) induced by self-observed manifold movement through such bound-without-boundary halls, rooms, domains, spaces. Dread greatest, that nihilist horror is, infinite regress in the participation-contagion selfhood of being in being-in-itself: the Gödel-numbering of the non-selfsame Gödel number of the set of all sets of all Gödel numbers including its non-self-identical self (1T2-non-computable, yet trans-al-jabr self-referentially µTm-unto-CTC-computable, even if there be no selfsame-denumerable answer available). How in the teeth, uh, wisdom-teeth paresthesias, you possible-world-logic you, could 1T2-Turing's finite-iteration gear-logic turned into gate-logic be wave-effect metamorphosed over Cantorian-fractal laminated imaginary phase spaces absent operator-time's temporal CURLs? Hampering divergence from reMNant triadic sonorities and associated functional harmonies are registral-spacing and temporal density processes jointly facilitating the ClearChanneling of inner voices -- parallel and skew-parallel, from m-perspectives, e.g., rhythm, voicing, subjective chord quality, heard altogether now, such that a given sonic gestalt, linked to colorfields forever, can signify the µTm-logically-valued. O, recoil, thou spinning tennis ball strategically cast upon cusp-edge of the massglass/glassmass November Step; storm off on a rebound through the nesting foam; interior-distance thyself.
Flamflim the bum, Stumble!
In for a peony, in for a primrose:
Having reached [ramp}age
Caught on [heat}hen [hor}nets
FaceBooked unto [smith}e-reens
Soundbiten photo-op L-roi logoprose:
1-cathexis sentences
1-sentence paragraphs
Sign of these signified memetimes!
Whir-whirUpon affect-charged intellectual engagement, sans Toru Takemitsu's Asterism-component, the J.Belsonesque autogenic-abreactive dynamic-polymorph-color-timbrefield cum photismic aspect of early-stage-elaborated, misapprehended as stifled, inner Musculpt (quoting a Kandinsky-synaesthete-like passage [see also here] from Eugene Zamiatin's WE, pp. 161 and 163):
Here is my conversation with I-330 among colors which stifled the logical course of my thoughts, red, green, bronze, saffron yellow, orange colors She left. I was alone amidst a rebellious, multivoiced commotion of blue, red, green, saffron yellow, and orange
I am not against transnational currencies, crypto or otherwise, only conceptually against transnational superstates -- so long as the currencies are quantum composites initialized as Gödel-numbered Turing machines (link to page 145 of Stephen Blaha's book entitled The Metatheory of Physics Theories, and the Theory of Everything as a Quantum Computer Language, Pingree-Hill, 2005, which provides a general statement as to all possible permutations of the order of production rules [sequences of symbols] and all possible permutations of the assignment of tokens to the symbols in the production rules: see the Amazon About the Author comment for mention of Blaha's formulations concerning quantum operator-logic and harmonic oscillator-like models) nesting nesting-foams of Gödel-numbered Turing machines (process components of fractal e-bound-without-boundary nesting-foams possibly involving quantum encryption of block-chain-data flows), and m-scenarios, participatory, e-commons computer gaming of the indicators and externalities (intra-systemic and extra-systemic) and financial derivatives to be linked to the value-stack to be superposed upon the given LETS currency base-state is set up so as to accommodate µTm-logically-valued processing when advances in the field of quantum computing make that capability available. I imagine that such a monetary system phase transition will also require advances in linguistic theory which incorporate Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation employed as a user-friendly interface, not only for ease and convenience of autopoionomic actors, but also because, while 1T2-logic can be syntactically concatenated to structural simulacra of µTm-logics, semantic verisimilitude does not hold true, for functionality of truth-value qua truth-value is veritably sundered with ascension to 1T3 and is altogether lost as values of µ and m increase in transit to CTC, Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes being understood in terms of -- not truth-value tables -- the coherent identity-transparent pure-state wavicles qua Schrodinger-wave-functions constellating as Everettian relative-states -- not probability amplitudes (see Blaha's discussion of the Gödel-numbering of entangled Turing machines [paraphasia-type writing style has its pointlineplanecube ] for relevant thoughts on this matter, though he does not go into the Lukasiewiczian aspect) -- µTmly processed.
Getting really old and dysfunctional, hence AU-SIS reminiscences: Dr. Mott warned me against over-valuation of Unamuno, uh, that irrational Platonic-Catholic Tragic Sense, even though it was M. who drew U. to my attention. Soon thereafter, I was told a cautionary tale by Dr. Abdul Aziz Said (always dressed to impress; never having contemplated giving the boot to a boutonniere): a childhood friend of his had reposed himself to desert sands; Said thought that I exhibited a psychological profile qua orientation which placed me at serious risk of a similar misbehavior. Dr. Elspeth Rostow pulled me aside to observe that my papers, while interesting, were bizarre due to the habit I had to do extra-curricular research which led me to marshal marginally-related material that obfuscated the essential issues addressed in assigned readings: I would do better if I learned to control my associational proclivities. Long after I dropped out, I came to understand the connection that these astute and accurate critiques had to-with regard to my music preferences. As a senior highschooler, when not frequenting the Antioch College amphitheater, I took every opportunity (access to the family car) to night-out at Dayton's The Boston Rocker (JFK was the Prez) and listen to the divas sing Cool-jazz laments. Later, while at AU, when Blues Alley opened in 1965, I was one of the early frequenters (I had a corner table with a lamp and would study while listening: one of my AU buddies had a night job there), whilst living, initially, on the Potomac Palisades, later on Q Street in Georgetown (across from Ted and Joan), an easy walk away. During this same period, an AF-brat old friend, Mike Newhouse was his name, drew my attention to Lisbon Fado. He had dropped out of his MIT scholarship (really smart guy, much smarter than me), enlisted in the AF, was assigned to a radar facility in Portugal, was then on leave visiting the U.S.: Fado had transformed his life (no regrets about leaving MIT), had revolutionized his habitual state of consciousness. I think he must never have came back. I was introduced to many things whilst in SFTG, Special Forces Training Group -- not fighting; fighting was not what was taught there (think about it); Sneakin' Around, though, well, that definitely was part of it -- not the least of which were recordings exhibiting the incredible jump capabilities of Morgana King. Subsequently, during 1968, in the wee-hours at MACV-HQ, when I could no longer concentrate on the docs, I'd go down to the first-floor all-night snack-bar-stand and chat-up the lady there (who had once been married to a French Army officer and also spoke fairly good English): this is when I first heard Khanh Ly va Trinh Cong Son (whom I partied an evening away with many years later). Wow! Not surprising that, while subsequently taking Music Comp courses at George Mason U., circa 1972-4, I should have flipped out about George Crumb's Ancient Voices of Children. Much later, my wife, Nha Trang, made sure that I became aware of Thai Thanh va Pham Duy. Wow! yet again. And then there was the private Sukhumvit club named Voice, circa early-1990s. More Wows! When I first walked through the door, A House Is Not A Home totally transported me back to The Boston Rocker -- or was that period of mine too early for this Dionne Warwick song?
Even though presently prevailing models predict it, There is no real evidence for a diminishing trend of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Anthony Watts, Watts Up With That, 23 March 2016. Why is that? I would guess that Cornell meteorologist Douglas A. Paine -- who was very interested in this subject and forecasted NorthAtlantic freeze-up in conjunction with global warming (consider Crippled Atlantic currents triggered ice age climate change, Eric Hand, Science, 30 June 2016) at cuspover of far-from-equilibrium planetary climate-shift dynamic -- likely would have suggested that the models do not incorporate variations in complex-angular-momentum-cascade (think: temporal CURL and Pauli-Paine operator-time) effects, which are dependent upon solar variability, solar-wind fluxions, and other factors involved in delivery to, and frequency-response characteristics of (these being anthropogenically modulatable to variants), Earth's atmosphere.
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