Logics of tensor strain in co-Tangent bundles over a general Manifold
for Musculpt by VirFut Q-Pro

µTm Scenarios, T28(M)

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

Let the eye aid the ear; the ear, the eye: a principle embodied in inner Musculpt (no reference here to DIRAC “time stretching” and “pitch shifting” in the music synthesizer sense, but maybe to the antihomeostatics of such manipulative interventions upon the quantum-wave properties of DNA pi-electron gas core [I will be attempting to grok something from these three references relative to Dirac “crossover time”, between LSTD, limited spacetime domain, apparent fractal dimension and asymptotic fractal dimension, for a long memetime, heh-heh-heh, to come: here and here and here]: I cannot describe inner Musculpt in words, nor do I know how it works, only that it does; the “relative to research” section of our 1993 “Tank Proposal” describes one means by which insight could be developed, learning sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak would be another, as could be EscherFormDance, circa 1996, in SmartDanceWear, initialized for me in Old Delhi, circa 1980, not during modern dance class, George Mason U., 1973). Some small feeling for the involved assist at separating out stacked thematic material can be gleaned by watching the cinematographic accompaniment to M's m-sheaved Turangalila Symphonie, available on YouTube. Of course, a wholly abstract Belsoneque cum Whitneyesque cum LeGricesque, et al., visual Rx (which, inner Musculpt-wise, comes spontaneously at autogenic shift to the trophotropic state) would provide in that respect much greater assist -- a split-screen combination of the two, concrete-abstract, à la Nguyen Quynh, who produced the artwork partitioning our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, would ease entry to the altogether abstract. Empathizing abstraction, abstracting empathy. Turangalila (cosmic love play) of µTm is involution/devolution qua cascade/reverse-cascade qua demergence/remergence qua localization/fusion of the coherent/decoherent cum condensate/granular cum continuous/discrete cum abstract/concrete -- these binary polarities being reductive 1T2ings of the CTCly-sheaved at Tantric-Schrödinger memetime independence (ah, Quartet [calling] for the End of [meme]Time: think of Debussy's famous statement as a member of an audience, to wit, “Let's leave; they're starting to develop”), the cosmic-whole homeopassive symformphonie zero-point-being-there in infinitesimal-pulse code-burst. Yet,

Iron tiremen all
of Lance and Fanion
and Guarding the monk's dorter
Upon their polished poles
the Oriflamme
of Big Bodies Binary

seeking secular theosis in “high combat”, off aboard motorized destriers to Edessa, Antioch, Tyre, Emmaus they take themselves, these oily crusading mercenaries (a standing professional military, no less than a privatized out-sourced military, is a mercenary military) do, in their slipperiness still attempting to replicate success of the First Crusade -- despite m-stacked LETS fractal-e-boundary-without-boundary (don't you just love the new 1T2-borderline shinkeishitsu economy still, despite all, being globalized! as per, see, for instance: “Becoming Japan…”, Economic Cycle Research Institute via Zero Hedge, 20 July 2016) nesting foams being the only potentially adequate global counter-terror strategy (as a preadolescent child in mid-1950s Midori Gaoka, Ashiya-cho, kita-Kyushu, I saw much that inculcated emotional “understanding” that Morita shinkeishitsu was the inevitable outcome of Western-imposed denial of direct ontic access to animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency, but it took me 30 years of hard inner work to find the means to put that “understanding” into words furthering my own understanding, if not that of others: sorry about that! -- and when, as an eleven-year-old, I was snapped back to psychological separatism in the good ol' U.S. of A., it was immediately apparent jollifications evoking the pagan-quantum-relativistic were altogether suppressed, especially, perhaps, at the various Feasts of Fools-borne-though-Ludgate, the Miracle Plays having been secularized to comic books). It doesn't take a onetime JFKSWCS MiddleEast Intel analyst plus SixDayWar OB mapmaker/boardkeeper/briefer cum Go Team member. Who, given even modest familiarity with WWI-era history of the Middle East and ensuing consequences thereof, in particular with the long-practiced, thus accomplished, alacrity of specious British lie-led legerdemain -- facile-type-two Speedwell Lawrence of Arabia, the quickened legerity of the alert mind, facile-type-one celerity of a well-primed body, upstanding like all race[me}s of the Figwort clan, adeptly carrying off a quintessential case of speciosity -- could be at all surprised by the aspirations of an ISIS and its intense animosity towards the U.K., France, and to a lesser degree, Germany? A multi-valued world, not a multi-polar world, is what goes wanting. Yes, I know that the hope is to find other planets -- no longer greener grass, other continents and peoples and civilizations -- to oil, soil, and spoil, but we're not talking here of a monetary system based upon queen-gold derived in part from taxes on Jews -- so, the generalized opposition to µTm-valuation (A scorn be laid upon licentious polyphony!) clearly has origins deeper in the collective psyche than that realm which elicited Freud's account of the psychopathologies of everyday life. We've all been made [mid}evil to one degree or another, [mid}evil royals: under constant sur[veil}lance; every purchase recorded for posterity; more and more wards of the state, subprime to prime, particularly so as to the uppitiest one-percent who receive low, no, or negative interest-rate loans to buy bets, derivatives, actual assets, the 1T2-only-values of which are continuously pumped up by iatrogenic state interventions. Control-control-control (think high-mesomorph freaks who have bad trips: this control-freak obsession is not adequately explained by money grubbing, power hunger, search for sexual thrall, which are mere symptoms) being the ultimate source of anthropogenic discombobulations, it will not be more-and-better control that prevents human species extinction under catastrophic blowback from those discombobulations. Male progeny of I{ant]he and her hatchety hubby: one would positively die, wouldn't one, simply shrivel up and expire, had one intimately to live with such as those, those Bésigue-obsessed trick-makers! Big boys rejecting oblique emotions and those subtle, and thence unquailingly courting the prickly brambles of memetime's overgrowth, Virginia creeper crawling bushy fill of the groovy vale finically claimed by Chronos, the three-CURLing god not wishing to record that sorry stake, but relenting. Pondering peregrinations of sunstroked skinks! This, this, is their mantic oracle. Just contemplate the fluffed-up shabbiness of their gouty ideas, indeed, of their encrusted i[deal}s! thought rashly she, scarfing down scorn as if scones with tea, lap sitting under hat, benched in park. I think it's divinely prefigurative, don't you, deary, that the powers that be NeoCon are -- as old Col. Ogden would have said -- falsifying enemy strength estimates in that Hillary vs. Trump national libellation war -- no marvelous marriage, that -- campaign PAOs, public affairs officers, as if practicing their scales, pouring black-rain eludes out upon keyboards and touch screens. Today's Letters Close initiate false flags (fuzzy-logic operations, not is/not-is logic gates), discreditation ops, pretend coups, and the like. IS-Mop (infiltrate, subvert, misdirect) [con}tricks qua stings qua entrapments: knowin' full well there's at least one thing the Thais are much better at, nonetheless, bein' NGO-flown from Bangkok into Itsadambul, still, expecting one of its famous hardcore parties, she did, didn't she, only to find, instead, an airy-fairy Ur-dog fake-up. In spite of Codified Canon and Justiciars, scrofulous Suffragans all, become we, and without effective Cautioners. Soon to be once again bound Bondmen and Villeins -- requiring internal travel visas to move around -- in vassalage to the Fealty Echelons reestablished by the Overlording Regnal one-tenth-of-one-percent, repulsive slommacky slumps, by will-to-power more than willpower all puffed up, planning and pontificating and plundering from behind Deco desks in this and that The Office of… Missing only are the Crown-ups. Over-identified with the object projected, as if ideological espousal is to espouse a transference figure. Norwerth Immentia, The Pariah of Odlanlos, Resident of Blundeville, weds Bigoda Monologustus! Constantly rubbing the weal of the soul of Wall Street, excoriating excommunicates immundi for apperceiving existence of bare objects, ah, yes, they kept innoggination-coronation -- solemnized with the usual celebrated calumnies, with satirical proppieces in the decentered Political Warfare Department MSM's blackpsyche “political terrorism” output, service sung in sirventes crooned by We-Are-The-World divas. Price-gravitational autopoiesis having fallen flat, the markets red-lined in psycho-physical [dud}geon -- those acerbic and those perspicacious, in their acidic sarcasm, bright with noise, blustering [intro}it and bruiting about as to their resultant lots.

O, the insufferable
Of contumely-sufferance:
Those without suffrage
In the markets --
And thus scuppered

Like in Me[die}val memetimes, the low-order cognition of magnates, prelates, paladins, inch-etched rulers of every sort, however aided by many-eyed streets, insures predatory governance by calumny through dominance of the dumbest. The “Camelot” attributions made to JFK's presidency pellucidly, if subliminally, captured the fact that by then, just as Alexis de Tocqueville had forecasted, self-governance had once again in human history deteriorated to rule (the “Ask not” speech being exhortation to service the state) -- unified-command centralization and Weberian uniformity making rule more efficient, but sundering the pagan-animistic relative-state (the “Round Table” having been a cultural lag thereof, a regressed residual) responsible for the autopoiesis and self-organization essential to environmental adaptation. Done re-landscaped the NOW offices now and again. “Who'd ya say we're ta see?” “Surely one of the more virulent of politicos, oh-so-social: the body language of a stand-up violinist playing Rockmanoff, an' jus' another a them glad-handing hobnobbers.” “What ya think we'll be told?” “Certainly not the truth, but the particular lie chosen contains its motivating truth behind: 2T2 logic.” Apoplexia strangely unassailed by the affect-charge Lidocaine-HC superegoed into excretion. How appropriately Freudian that a “Dick Act” (1903) birthed the federated National Guard! As regards so-called “apocalyptic fear mongering”, it's not particularly acute to forecast that America may soon cease to exist, for the America referred to ceased to exist some memetime ago; moreover, were real accuracy wanted, it would be observed that that America never actually ever existed. For an interesting account of one of the involved aspects, see “Policing Was Militarized from the Start”, William N. Grigg, Foundation for Economic Education, 15 July 2015: resurrection of the Confiscation Acts; post-CivilWar Reconstruction as prefiguration of the nation “building” supposedly undertaken in places like Iraq and Afghanistan (I was aware of these and other correspondences at SORO [Special Operations Research Office] during 1963-5, SFTG [Special Forces Training Group] during 1966-7, and SRA/MACV-J2 [Strategic Research and Analysis] during 1968). And I agree with commenter “Radical Marijuana” (RM) when heshe opines that “War Is Coming And The Global Financial Situation Is A Lot Worse Than You May Think”, Michael Snyder, Zero Hedge, 16 July 2016, is “another gross understatement”, that “The human species' technologically driven civilization is headed towards committing collective suicide”, that MAD 1T2-only-money and MAD holocaust will not be deterred by 1T2-only-rational “deterrence”, a judgment with which Paul Craig Roberts likely would at least in part agree, as per, for instance, flashing forward a bit, “Armageddon Approaches”, Institute for Political Economy, 22 July 2016. That suicide: some turkey is sure to be involved in it, as essayed in “The New Middle East: Exit America Enter Russia”, Ghassan Kadi, The Saker, 18 July 2016. The nearly 200-years-old collective unconscious “decision” for human species suicide (rather that than embrace of µTm-valued non-simple identity and associated psycho-socio-politico-economic repercussions!), in all likelihood, will not be reversed and its gathered complex angular momentum (as per, for instance, Diego Rapoport's handling of neurocognitive Klein-bottle reentries in regressed functions of prescriptively-enculturated glutamate-etched brains) will override any prospective such-“deterrence” that may -- as a prohomeostatic residual of the state prior to mass onset of corporate “criminal insanity”, to use the words employed by RM -- attempt to hobble the onrush toward the self-constellated regressed-archetypal strange attractor which the collective suicide bomber has “chosen”. Contentiously unresettled issues, such as how Schrödinger's indefatigable m-valued wave-function is to be interpreted, are not actually decided -- all smiles rigid, the dust flying -- on the basis of assailable empirical considerations; rather, their institutional mandates are determined by collective unconscious event gradients -- bric-a-brac data being selected and man{i}pulated in whatever fashion required to service the insistent demands made by those plush gradients. Enclosed by a ginger jar, cloisonné cognition no rococo Musculpt could magnify -- layered before being fired as hard as porcelain, run through by unseemly seams of bronze. Ah, the end of the WWI-battle of the War of the World, and the moment fell, along with its music, into its sent{i}ments, those of L'Histoire du [Sold}at, and lay where it fell, in the trench which distribution-of-the-middle had gouged. Having had enough of enough is to not yet have had enough? Quoting a character, circa 1918, as portrayed in 1973-Nobel-Prize-Laureate Patrick White's The Aunt's Tale, 1994 Vintage paperback edition of the 1948 original, p. 168: “We have destroyed so much, but we have not destroyed enough. We must destroy everything, everything, even ourselves. Then at last when there is nothing, perhaps we shall live.” The collective-unconscious collective-suicide “decision” was resolved into consciousness by the end of WWI, even if the when and the why and the wherefore of it had yet to be ascertained. Which grand Self-Interestedness is not trying to create and/or maintain its own “co-prosperity spheres” qua “communities of destiny”, so on -- each and all such designators being euphemisms for dictatorial centralizations of the already long since over-centralized? Those [per}sons with no control over their own minds, who are at the mercy of the roof-brain chatter which prescriptive-enculturation-guided glutamatergic neuronal prunings inculcate, become, by ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement), control freaks committed to 1T2-egoic monotonicity, centralization, uniformity, streamlined command, so on and so forth. The main “creative”-ministry function of Hollywood hokum generally, television particularly, and the talk-radio and mainstream-media and group-therapy-TV decentralized-blackpsyche-propaganda industry specifically has been homogenization by horripUlation and, lately, by ever increasing obsession with infrasex and mayhem, pasteurization trending toward oxidation-reduction. Got milk? If, with piquancy, you want to call it that. Consider the collective-unconscious event-gradient residuals of Richard-the-Lion-Hearted-King-of-England's Third Crusade, circa 1191, ordered beheading at Acre of approximately 3,000 children, women, and men. No truck with such? Prefer Sam Trapchak's Lollipopocalypse? Jazzin' it up, aside, O, aye, right: turkey brilliance and pig genius, I e'spect. No-'count NeoCons yellin' to their e-gadjets, smart phones fo' dumb people, gittin' oft scotch-tape free fo' talkin' the cat up the tree ta stalk the squirrel, tellin' the cat where's where. Wantin' fo' somethin' differ, are ya? A kook suppressant? Tweren't none never had, weren't one ever would… couldn't noughta been… mebbe shoulda, though. O aye, feather dust thy Code of Heraldry and be oft with ye and yurin to thy towering Fifth Avenue Trumped-up donjonish solar, whilst us baileymen (this America you have to love, right?) polish handles of the keep doors, scrape mud oft the palisade, rake the motte, bucket down the stoop, feed the carp in the moat, prune trees in ForHEst Park, spread the chequered cloth up and down Wall Street. We'll Twitter the First Shrievalty ShireReeff as to any slanderer of the Magnates deservething amputation of the tongue. On crimes of revenue, mum be we: best left be those to BIshopHORic EcclesIastic ADjuDICKation. The grievous crimes of lowfolk violating the ForHEst Laws of the Park, we know to be subject to Trial by Art of the orDEAL: loser men hang; fallen WOEmen burn. Whilst Cistercians have their ewes and Carthusians their own hands, HEarth girls be damned, say we. And we kneel to [mono}poly -- that oxymoron -- of the Word best employed only to glorify Corporation, Bank, State, Military. Oh, and Science, of course. Turbid thoughts pawing turf, snorting spume into cold air claimed to be room -- i.e., maneuver space at Congressional [cock}uses; party CONslaves; blood-over-the-board meetings; military debriefing brace-ups, no brief-backs allowed; faculty head-wringers. There is no class of techno-innovation that, on balance, has not been willfully turned to negative purpose or is without deleterious secondary effect. The internet, for instance, is superbly fulfilling the promise of its mil.net origins in having become, foremost, a surveillance-entrapment mechanism prefiguring the mass pogroms sure to come and certain to dwarf any such yet seen, thus making µTm-valued LETS, Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to LETS nesting foams -- and so very much more -- all but impossible; consequently, in large measure, sealing the fate of humanity. The internet is also becoming more and more a commercial abortion, the twisted clothes hanger being the falsified notion of creativity embodied in 1T2-only copyright law, back-reactions upon the metrics of which too will feed the expanding categories of the recruitment base for global insurgency. As one of my slapstick SFTG buddies acted out during a 1966 training exercise: “We have come to do battle for the City of Balaora, uh Bailaora, uh Valaora!” And even I, at the time, did not comprehend the reference. NT, who once taught at Universiti Sains Malaysia, and spoke enough Bahasa to be mistaken for Indonesian in Malaysia and from Java in Bali, had to explain it to me. What We Most Need Now, heh-heh-heh, is another Charlton Heston, uh, uh, El Cid! even if Hillary at age 27 was no Sophia Loren. Thumbing the mob, mobilizing yet another chromodynamic smart-mobbing. O, to be kartors of tons of ash. A wuss 'e was, if ever a wuss there was. I've long found it a matter for contemplation how it can be expected that a civilization which super-rewards its malingerers, cheats, liars, frauds, murderers, mass murderers, and basically screws all the rest, should be widely loved. As all this transpires, I more and more reduce participation, become increasingly indifferent as to outcomes. Don't mean nothin'! as we used to say. Of what conceivable utility speaking with the willfully uninformed thoroughly in denial? Pootling around all tatty in mind, finally getting quashed they will, won't they. Personally, from perspective of contemporary awareness of some of the implications of the CDEC-CICV-MACV IDHS (intelligence data handling system) created in Saigon back in the day, leaning into the pillow and watching this whole thing relentlessly elaborate itself has been, well, “most entertaining and especially educational”.

With regard to the Soviet period of the still-prevailing Afghan war, is the U.S. a honey bee or a yellow jacket? Origins-of-the-war-import of the “Get some back from the Bear!” basso continuo figured-bass (think: “transference figure” subtending all supraordinate tactical-improvisation variations, including those of the KissNix algebraic variety) that became an ostinato (the obstinate Chaconne qua Grounde basis) harping the halls and first-floor snack bar of MACV-HQ in aftermath of the Tet-'68 offensive is amplified by the vectoring of Task Force 74 from the Gulf of Tonkin to the Bay of Bengal, as described in “In 1971, the U.S. Navy Almost Fought the Soviets Over Bangladesh”, Sebastien Roblin, WAR is BORING, 20 July 2016. The honey bee dies from execution of a sting, whereas the yellow jacket… And I continue to be amazed that people are still “shocked” by top-down manipulation of “intelligence” products, as clearly indicated by “Shocking Report Finds U.S. Military Consistently 'Distorted, Suppressed, Or Substantially Altered' ISIS-Related Intel”, Zero Hedge, 14 August 2016. There are costs, e.g., conflating Heartland-pivot to Asia-pivot. Here (“Brazil's Banana Scoundrels Will Now Win Their Olympics”, Pepe Escobar, Strategic Culture Foundation, 27 August 2016), however, is someone who understands the strategic importance of the South Atlantic vis-à-vis China. And here (“Assessing the Russian Military as an Instrument of Power”, The Saker, Unz Review, 25 August 2016) is a plausible Intro to Russia Nowadays. I generally skim articles and closely read commenters' comments (a hangover from how I oriented to coursework at AU's SIS). Doing so, I've found little to support the MSM's contention that there is significant “sympathy” in the West for Putin. What there appears to be, and what the MSM clearly misnomers, is intense, deep-seeded antipathy for what America has done to the planet since, at least, Wilson's signing of the FED activation law, taking the associated decision to over-there the U.S. into WWI, and at Versailles and elsewhere pointedly, in points, insuring self-determination of constantly repositioning banksters and their oligopolistic cohort in snuffling run-ups to 1929 and 1939. And here's again another related “and”: And now, for the first instance I've seen independently reported, my decades-old culture-based forecast thesis, i.e., U.S.-policy-forced formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China Mahayana Buddhist Bloc, is observed by Pepe Escobar to be concretely materializing on a monetary cum econogeopolitical basis, denoted by Escobar, in “The Whole Game Is About Containing Russia-China”, Sputnik News, 29 August 2016, as BMB, Berlin-Moscow-Beijing. Why, really, has the hysterical U.S. policy formulation process been, over decades, yielding a forcing of this bloc-chained materialization? Because of the ConveDDs (paranoid disorder displacement cum mono-unto-poly symptomatic syndrome somatization-disorder qua conversion-disorder displacements cum somatoform bodymod dysmorphic disorder cum functional neurological symptom disorder, so on) involved in collective 1T2ly-bi-polar fulminations incumbent upon refusal to consciously integrate the “loathsome” psychosexual, socio-politico-economic, monetary and legal system consequences of “Quantum this, quantum that!”. The so-called Greatest Generation of Americans, patter lines pervading the planet, may have by geo-happenstance been predominant on the winning side of the WWII-battle of the War of the World, but that generation's Great-Depression-youth-inculcated and war-survivor-induced security-fixation needs suburbanized the ZI and, à la dour men in gray flannel suits, domesticated the WholeEarth in such fashion as to altogether preclude any actual address whatsoever to the factors of what has by now become a “global crisis”. Listen you'ns, ya'wl shouldn't hadn't oughta ta have, not rightly, y'know. Bein' real hellers an' all, don't surprise none, though -- no, not hardly. O, bring me your dregs/ Send over thy lees/ Give up only the lonely/ Keep the luckless louse/ The lame lost, the lazy loser/ All lily-livered lice. Well… so, then, what'll it be, bud? Another serving of Vs & G -- vittles and grub -- or is it the whole planetary casserole you'd be awantin'? One question the collective unconscious eventually will work out its answer to is: What sort of retribution shall be meted out to the class of [per}sons responsible for the several-hundred million extra-judicial killings that have been variously perpetrated during the post-1945 period due to the undue perpetuation (a perpetuation set to further perpetuate itself supraordinately, as explicated by, for instance, Brandon Smith in “The Central Banks Are Now Ready To Launch Their 'Brave New World'”, Alt-Market, 31 August 2016) of the institutionalization of the 200-years-dead Weltanschauung. Why, Heaven's Gate and Hell's Bells! Behold the piquancy, the visage, of THE mythotypic character of the financial-drama genre, Hisself a veritable idiom amongst a vocabulary of binary-“disspiration” idiots, all [diss}ire cum [dis}sire found whilst pondering upon the backwardation plunged down between two legs of the graph of the latest W-S bull. Humph! So many somehow thought the Korean and Viet Nam wars were actually about communism. Contrary to John 8:32, the truth has not set us free; indeed, belief in forked-tongue, 1T2-distributed-middle, truth-values has enslaved us to a wealth of projective-identifications.

Not that what I did, and didn't do, in my life was of any consequence at all to anything, but, nonetheless, several of my major life decisions reflect upon the impacts that World Historical Actors have -- even if such impacts, given push-pull of collective unconscious gradients, have only to do with surface-structure factors -- upon little people like me. I arrived, as a high school student, at the Alaska SAC and U-2 base, Eielson AFB, one month after the Gary Powers incident. That summer, and later, I scrimmaged basketball at the base gym with U-2-pilot friends of Powers and overheard a lot of their unexpurgated discourse on the subject. To say the least, I was shocked that “The President lies!”, more shocked than many others, maybe, because of the programming associated with my, probably unusual, military-brat upbringing (young pictures of John Wayne and of my father are difficult to distinguish, as many people on the streets of early-1950s L.A. discovered in mistakenly seeking autographs, but only 10-percent of my father's B-17 cohort survived, not a real-world-feature that John Wayne had in any way actually actualized: so, as a child, who was it the mostest, John Wayne or my father, by which I was most subjected to diminishment?). Try, if value is perceived therewith, to comprehend the personality impact of having been, not only a member of that surviving 10-percent, but a shot-down lost-and-presumed-dead, never captured by the Nazis, Resistance-shuttled through occupied France, and, months later, back-to-Dover type of guy -- not to mention a “hiding-in-the-wings” and later-to-become mother who weathered the involved awareness of “lost and presumed dead”, an awareness that was repeated on subsequent occasions. A psychologically astute son doesn't miss much as regards the residuals of such-as-that -- and, early-on, sets about trying to “get to the bottom of it”. “Butterfield 8” could, at that time, have been, but wasn't, our Bellflower party-line connect-up. That “The President lies!”, along with several other “revelations” beginning at the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, circa Summer of 1953, strongly undermined my trusty orientation, and I never again took anything at face value: eight years old at the memetime this commitment was solemnized. While at AU/SIS in the three months prior to the JFK assassination, there was much scuttlebutt aired at SIS Teas concerning realities of the October 1962 Cuba Missile Crisis that challenged popular understanding (nothing was said about a JFK-nuclear-first-strike doctrine, but it was known that it was known, contrary to what the larger public knew, that the U.S. SAC and Missile Command greatly out-force-structured -- i.e., nuclear-warheads-and-delivery-capacity -- the U.S.S.R. [a subject of considerable interest to me, having recently lived for two years on an Alaska SAC base and swing-scaffold painted DEW Line radomes for a summer job], thus radically modifying paraded parameters of the confrontation, greatly reducing what the actual dangers were from what the perception was that was managed to the public), and I was almost thrown out of SIS for publicly challenging Mac Bundy, at an SIS Dinner, over his role in the Diem-Nhu assassination. That period was also the beginning of my awareness -- a student-to-business intern returned from Santiago had much of a revealing nature to say -- of the degree to which student organizations worldwide were being used as precursors to what later became Operation Condor. A year later, I focused a lot of attention on Kennedy issues as a result of living across the street from Teddy and Joan, and putting their kids, along with my charges, on the bus each morning to National Cathedral School and St. Albans. Without going into details on that, I can say that my reaction to “The CIA's Involvement in Indonesia and the Assassinations of JFK and Dag Hammarskjold”, Greg Pulgrain and Edward Curtin, Global Research, 22 July 2016, a very interesting article, is: JFK and that Dulles, who was not the “Dull, Duller, Dullest Dulles” (you had to grow up in the right set), were two sides of the same coin, the former more subtle than the latter, it is accurate to countenance. The timing is somewhat an issue, but a book has a fair lead time, so I do not hesitate to point out that the book by Walter Laqueur and Leopold Labedz entitled Polycentrism (Praeger, 1962) was on the recommended reading list for Abdul Aziz Said's “Introduction to World Politics”, Fall semester, 1963, AU-SIS (I remember this because I put most of my effort into recommended readings, assimilating required readings by skimming-osmosis, picking up lecture material in student-to-student discussion, and “dissipating” much of my time on associated independent research at the myriad sources the city then had to offer -- an orientation to SIS I learned from my Potomac Palisades housemates, the “Two Chucks”, Chuck Kegley and Chuck Robinson, and, subsequently, significantly due to good offices of my other housemate, Mike Meisenburg, generalized to exploration of fundamentals, never ever after subordinated to lesser considerations, whatever the cost which is the price that must be paid, quite often exorbitantly so, in proportion to the level of creative departure made, particularly so be that departure exorbitant, as my friend Doug Paine painfully learned), so, it is hardly credible that JFK, as suggested by Pulgrain and Curtin, was unaware of the Sino-Soviet split because Allen Dulles kept the fact of this development from him. Nothing I then picked up from my co-student friends living-in in Spring Valley and along upper Foxhall or learned during 1966-7 while at SFTG from those putting on marshal demonstrations for parties at RFK's Hickory Hill, or later, when working at Beeches Nursery a block away, could by any measure mitigate that assessment. Nonkei and Maruko Ishiyama (among the finest people I've ever known: he, a fifth-degree black-belt who devoted one of his last years, amidst his mid-80s, to yelling at me, Airborne-qualified and SF-trained! about my poorly articulated “moving center”, a man of anarchist bent, thrown out of Japan during the Taisho Era for his activist actions; she, stunningly beautiful daughter of a French naval officer cum banker and a Japanese Lady, hence a half-caste universally poorly regarded, however much a part of the Tokyo monied elite, thus hankering to leave: both full of first-hand stories of “Democracy-Movement” Japan, Internment-Camp America, and answer-any-question about Zen aesthetics after a period of due mutual consultation) ran Beeches Nursery, which was located in the shadow of the CIA compound. Julia Helms was a great gardener, among much else, and Nonkei made her a lovely Japanese-style garden that was densely planted and very difficult to maintain. I was elected to periodically service that garden, and spent many wonderful days with Julia working on that garden, and Hills Nursery, for which, following the death of Nonkei, I later worked, picked up the maintenance “contract” (really a favor to a very special person, Julia: Jerry Hill, a wonderful man, was just the sort of person to do something like that; when he first hired me, he vaguely understood that I was using root-pruning -- the ruto sentei type of nemawashi; nemawashi, traditionally, so far as I remember, being synonymous with ruto sentei, psychological cum spiritual-practice connotations altogether apparent -- as “some sort of Zen” and left my me alone in the field to dig trees all day, day in and day out), such that I continued with this task. Nothing I learned from Julia could by any measure mitigate that JFK-Dulles assessment of mine.

Studying Stephen Blaha's The Metatheory of Physics Theories, and the Theory of Everything as a Quantum Computer Language, Pingree-Hill, 2005: fascinating and very informative -- nonetheless, not of great relevance to my orientation, as none of the explicitly stated presuppositions can I concur to. From sampling, we may suppose that were a comprehensive study made of what little can be phenomenologically gleaned from the corpus of extant spiritual literature, it would be plausible to surmise that the only way to avoid reincarnation is to enough experience the fact that incarnation is counter-factual, i.e., be enough in Samadhi states that death is authentically experienced as Mahasamadhi (probably Tantric Schrödinger, an exemplar amongst physicists, never even got close): in more current parlance, to himher out of the Lebenswelt and back in the world, unbuckled, unbound, decoherency is a consensuated collective illusory construct induced by the imposition of rigid prescriptive memes upon the neuronal plasticity achieved with the half-dozen glutamatergic neuronal prunings qua neural-network wipeouts which transpire prenatally until onset of puberty -- subnano-swarms being what Sri Aurobindo designated “warm-golden dust of Supermind”, uh, that is, Borel-set pre-pregeometry, pregeometry being CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 calculi of propositions. I do not believe there can ever be a really viable theory of everything, TE, which would, speaking 1T2ly, necessarily be -- by ontological precedence considerations -- subsumed to a logic theory of everything, TL, because any such TL would entail some truncation-renormalization of CTC and higher logical-value order-types: all concrete man[i}festations, of which codifications constitute a class, involve some sort of reality-truncation. Which is to maintain that closure is not a property of reality, a whatnot authentically cognizable only via knowledge-through-identity (as in order-types, not degrees, of “relative-state identity-transparency”, a non-truth-value notion as to logical-value qua logical-value). I don't attribute reality-value to the memetime-dependent Schrödinger wave equation beyond being epiphenomenal to employment of 1T2-only logic. What is the rationale as to why no role is attributed to Lukasiewicz logics understood altogether independent of the notion truth-value (as made explicit by, speaking 1T2ly, direct extension of the import of Alexander.Karpenko multifunctors), i.e., not confined only to the set of reals in the interval [0,1] cum the hyper-reals? Why have these logics (for a long list of the various sorts of logics, see: “A Bibliography of Non-Standard Logics”, Peter Suber, Earlham College, 1997) not been applied to Schrödinger's wave-function, Pauli-Paine operator-time, Gödel's Undecidability Theorem, Everettian relative-state, superpositions of quantum-computer programs? Transference-based “love”, sans ontic mutual experience of identity-transparency mediated by relative-state “participation mystique” with the natural surround, makes you crazy. No Platonia haloes in the probability fog hanging about the “lovers'” mental-street lights!

Generative, recursive, cellular automative, 1T2-onic theories and universal-to-1T2-only machines have been built specifically (under both conscious and unconscious promptings) to depotentiate the Cabalistic cum pagan-animistic existential threat to scientistic Rabbinical secularism cum tripartite Fertile-Crescent-Religion dogmas of monotheistic personification and projective-identification (an egoic introjection-ConveDD-projection of pagan-animistic pantheism), a threat related to categorical fundamentals which has grown and grown since N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr, back-reactions upon the metric of this threat cyclotomically spinning off, not exactly as Spindrift benign, the battles of the War of the World as the threat has magnified -- which is not to mention exacerbating, via the involved dissimulations cum dissemblings, anthropogenicities inherent to the the control orientation of the scientific Weltanschauung. For an alternative view, see: “How the Frankfurt School Changed American Culture”, David Galland, Garret/Galland, Investment Research You Can Trust, 12 August 2016. As regards empathic intentionality at poetic personification-objectification, it can be observed that to actually possess the animistic capacity to experience ontic contents of that quantum-non-simpleness signified by metaphors of personification-objectification (e.g., “In the garden the silence swung backwards and forwards waiting for the moment to strike”, Patrick White, The Aunt's Story, 1994 Vintage paperback edition, p. 163) is far rarer than the literary conceit of merely producing such metaphors, an activity which the mind can be automatized into. When actual experience is there, the impulse to phenomenologically detail must be irresistible. Binary-mind of the physicist and binary-mind of the NeoCon are, to me, two sides of the same 1T2-only coin -- this, this! when anyone who has looked closely at a coin realizes that it has more than two sides, and an infinite number of facets to its Husserlian horizon. Psychopathic control-freaks losing control of the own minds, due to unwelcome mathematical and scientific discovery-creation, transfer, see the problem as being out-there, compulsively seek total control like McCarthy-era dodecaphonic composers. They who do not scruple to resort to “death from above” (with advent of the “orbital quantum internet”, sure to be The End of Violence, heh-heh-heh!), to raid and pillage, do not deign decry the same, when turned upon themselves in much smaller measure.

On The Lip of Insanity
Trading-in asset Abelards able
For banshee likes of Beckets
So many varlets regnant
With resolution of mercury
Wed to wax

I regard resultant constellated collective unconscious regressed behavioral gradients (see, for instance: “Growing Up Insane in America”, William Hawes, Global Research, 20 August 2016) as more powerful than nuclear weapons. Nonetheless, along with others raising the specter of The Whole Tree Gone, I would recommend to anyone seeking a dose of reality Conn Hallinan's article entitled “We May Be at a Greater Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe Than During the Cold War”, Foreign Policy in Focus, 20 July 2016, something of a review of former SECDEF William Perry's “linear, logical and impeccably reasoned” book entitled My Journey at the Nuclear Brink, Stanford Security Studies, 2015. I find these latter two sources to be of interest despite the fact that, as readers of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh will know, I have believed from the 1970s that nuclear weapons became obsolete during the 1970s, and that this circumstance in due course led to the top-down decision of the Soviets to jettison Eastern Europe, an extremely difficult process which they lost control of. At the depth of demergence to 1T2-only is the exquisitely codified Lagrangian notion of the single-valued, found in the very idea that there actually are absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct non-interacting free particles. I would guess that one major difference between Fock Konfigurationsraum and the compacted cum Musculpted MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) continuum is that a mu-it is on each point, not a qu-bit or a bit. Musculpt mu-its, the basic “elements” of non-digital quantum µTm-topocomputation, are Riemann-surfaced YayoiKusama psychogeons (as classes of Husserlian horizons) with Wheelerian gravigeonic properties incorporating those QEDed, such that superstrung self-gravity loops bridge branch-sheaves of the involved man{i}folds. The ee-ee-ee-ee-ee… photonic n-interactions associated with pi-electron gas core of DNA (a Brill-Hartle geon, on basis of the role of b, the gravitational acceleration, in derivation of our canonical operator-time-type DNA equation?) having an infinitude of infinitudes of infinitudes of memetime-ordered Feynman-like diagrams, when µTm-topocomputed under chronotopologic demergence by 3-fold operator-time, QEDly unfold the self-gravity enfold of the higher-temporal properties of the genomic encode. Once truncation lengths have been imposed, no longer is nature qua nature being explored; what is being contemplated are man{i}fold utilities -- if pretenses to objectivity be dropped -- corresponding to techno-regimed Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, which chronotopologies could be m-scenarios comprehended qua strategically gamed and µTm-processed as organic foundation for Lukasiewiczian LETS nesting foams. Not even near EUlogy! The base-state, i.e., the Tzog-chen AllBase state, is not all spin points zeroed out, but all spin points infinitied out. As regards a general state in MVRS, I've (being fully into the m-valued undissimulated to memetimed probabilities) never been able to comprehend superposition as a linear combination, because, to me, superposition appertains memetime independently to any given single particle relative to every other single particle and all composites (i.e., collective occasions of experience) thereof, the value-stack on the given single particle being a matter of infinity-order-sets of exponentiation, not of addition unto infinite sequence -- the processing of such-exponentiated single particles in memetime-bound “interactions” requiring heuristic reduction of infinite correlation length to finite truncation lengths, such that CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 logical transitions are accomplished by 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time. Not the (glutamatergic) multi-minds interpretation, the (ketaminergic) no-mind interpretation. Speaking in 1T2-only-ease, universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operations on the MVRS; consciousness in its passive aspect is the space acted upon. A thing is [no}thing given shape by 3-fold complex-cum-hypercomplex operator-time (unfolding the enfold which is the Cabalistic Tree of Life, Jacob's Ladder, the Greater Maze, whatever, understood, more elaborately, in terms of a complex angular-momentum cascade) at memetime-independent degenerative demergence by cyclotomic involutory decomposition of the Lukasiewicz-Hilbert MVRS. The [no}thing is not Platonia's foggy waving probability particle mist; it is nothing, i.e., unadulturated, hence pure, consciousness-without-an-object, the Tzog-chen AllBase state on the laminated Riemann-surfaced MVRS with all its “lights” lit. Operator-time rheostatically shuts “lights” off, and in so doing, establishes the appearance of things (a discrete cognizer of things being one sort of thing) as shape-shadow plays on the boundary-value “walls” of Plato's caves, plasmahaut fractal-boundaried-without-boundary domains on bridged sheaves. “Lights” being shut off is a way of referring to reduction of the valuedness of the memetime-independent wave-function (this valuedness represented to the binary-mind as the number of terms in the Lagrangian of the memetime-dependent wave-function specifying “possible” -- not allowed as being memetime-independent actuals -- “interactions” -- not allowed as being 1T2-ways to represent µTm-identity-transparency to the binary-mind) from orders of Cantorian infinities to those orders calculable if and only if recursive by finite-iteration machines employing 1T2-only logic -- machines like brains glutamate etched under prescriptive enculturation-socialization such that ontic access to processing of THE quantum brain is lost -- a decoherency-reduction qua reality-truncation qua re-“normalization” sufficient to the appearance of the existence of discretes, including particles. Since I attribute so little reality-value to the memetime-dependent wave equation (reality being infinitely infinitely infinitely… more logical-valuely complex -- even if over only a finite number of scale-level sheets “chosen” by anthropic characteristics of binary-only cognizance -- than ramifications of that equation allow), any so-called “quantum” computing, Hamiltonian memetime-evolution-operator based, where heuristic supposition of initial state and halting is imposed by way of avoiding acknowledgment of the infinitely infinitely infinitely… self-referential, temporally and spatially nonorientable actual case, is, to me, no quantum computing at all, which, according to my “lights”, must be µTm-unto-CTC. Frankly, I would be shocked to learn that Everett, in his heart of hearts, embraced the multi-worlds (a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of the non-simple identity-transparency resident in relative-state as quantum potential) interpretation of his relative-state interpretation any more than sagacious Tantric Schrödinger embraced the probability-amplitudes interpretation of his m-valued wave-function. Relative-state identity-transparency: “Perhaps all of you are only my shadows” (Eugene Zamiatin, WE, 1952 Dutton paperback edition of the 1924 English translation of the 1920 Russian original, p. 113. Non-selfsame µTm-valued solipsism is that [solo}psism which is holistic That-art-thou relative-state identity-transparency qua dependent origination in one-mind moment cum one mind-moment. This, I think, is the That what terrified the man in Copenhagen even more than was the Princeton preceptor. As regards the second half of Everett's famous paper: it is well known that a Ph.D. candidate will do what is required to make hisher dissertation acceptable, for sanity's sake more or less believing in what is required, and possibly, over the years, becoming very defensive about it -- so heshe can get the heck out of there. A thing is an absence, not a presence -- µTmly speaking. Binary knowledge is [ignor}ance (like the ignoring of the fullness-of-the-context that was involved in the act of separating fission out of its natural setting such that an atomic bomb could be constructed and detonated); wisdom is being in µTm-unto-CTC. Thermodynamics enters the world picture (and dynamics of DNA pi-electron-gas core cum tornadogenesis) only once depth of demergence to 1T2-only is reached, thus allowing definition of the “presence” of passive referential memetime. Hence, to my me, the fundamental is the all-ways/always there-here/then-now compacted and Riemann-surfaced enfold, the multi-sheaved Musculpt manifold, M; particulates-pixels-notes, pre-pregeometry Borel-set non-selfsame numbers (e.g., quantum numbers under m-valued universal physical constants and understood relative to µTm-Alexander.Karpenko multifunctors, not 1T2-probability amplitudes) on M; superstrings, Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of the Regge “bones” of µTm-logical-lattice-propositional pregeometry across M -- which propositions are Tantric-Schrödinger memetime-independently cyclotomically decomposed under 3-fold complex-hypercomplex Pauli-Paine operator-time, ultimately, at the most reduced 1T2-only logical-value order-type, fulfilling the functional prerequisites for constellation of memetime. In this conception, universal µTm-semantics, extant independent of the notion truth-value and resident, for one, in association with the quantum-wave properties of superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA, is cyclotomically degeneratively demerged to 1T2-grammars, 1T2-morphologies, 1T2-phonologies, 1T2-syntaxes, 1T2-pragmaticses of the so-called “natural” languages employed by those cut off from ontic access (that access: aka “Platonic anamnesis”) to processing of the quantum brain by glutamate pruning and associated quantum quenching conducted under governance of prescriptive enculturation-socialization.

As Toru Takemitsu well understood and placed on [disc}play in November Steps, musical form relative to Western diatonic chordal harmony is not about vertical stacking of tones qua notes, but about the horizontal progression of the tone-stacks, whereas musical form in the traditional monophonic East was about hearing vertically what is horizontally arrayed -- this difference analogically illustrating two distinct apprehensions as to the nature of what is regarded an objective linear “time”. Standard-model quantum mechanics continues with the Newtonian Classical-Era diatonic notion of form by regarding time-ordered Feynman-like (see Stephen Blaha's The Metatheory of Physics Theories…, pp. 21-3) diagrams as summing to -- over a “horizontal” progression of objective linear-time instants -- a time-independent-superposition Feynman diagram (path integral composites involving multiplication of probability amplitudes, not exponentiation of exponent stacks). But is real-numbered memetime all there is to time? Independent of memetime means independent of time-altogether? And what is the vertical hearing of a horizontal string of single-valued discretes tantamount to? Memory? Only memory? How is the horizontal heard vertically? By being aurally in the ninety-degree-twisted-to imaginary? By Zuckerkandl-Stockhausen hearing intersection of the silent spaces between the tones, rather than the tones themselves? No beginning to the Beguine? By falling (during a “night sea journey” from Kalabahi to Fiji) into the between of the instants, i.e., the Beguine of a “close-couples' dance”, despite the promise not to marry? By going from being in memetime to being in imaginary-complex temporal CURL to being in temporal CURLs hypercomplex? Old East Dasein relative to Being and Time? Non-reals being-in-being-there? By entering ketaminergic no-mind Satori and hearing the Samadhi no-sound stacks inside the Samadhi no-sound spaces (O, the Asterism of it all!) between the tones qua tones processed formalistically by binary-mind as a summed horizontal progression? And where the whence? Exogenous-ketaminergically speaking (see James H. Austin's Zen and the Brain, MIT Press, 1999, for discussion of endogenous ketamine flood relative to zazen), readers of John C. Lilly's “Tank Logs” (concerning the taking of the general anesthetic dose of unadulterated ketamine in the isolation-flotation tank) can surmise that there are no initial or final states, except as blood level of the glutamate-antidote anesthetic passes some lower-threshold critical-value, whenupon 1T2-only logic is once again glutamatergically mandated. Phase transition into ketaminergic general anesthesia is a snapover (in terms of the Jnana yoga aspect of inner work, one of the disadvantages of drug-induced states; to lesser degree, a similar disadvantage of meditation by contrast to deautomatization-by-concentration-in-self-observation), whenupon OBE state is identified with All That Is, with base-state of Tzog-chen, with CTC over MVRS (the m-logically-valued reference space). Since, in the Lilly case, the ketamine flood antidote to glutamate (prescriptive enculturation-socialization-leveraged glutamate floods cum glutamate-in-food amplified “normative”-blood-volume glutamate titers) is exogenously induced, it has a relatively fixed duration during which, on any given occasion, some collection-of drawn amongst a sum from n = 1 unto Cantorian orders of infinity of path integral expressions over CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 is explored, usually in abstract-to-concrete visual and aural and tactile analogue, i.e., a variant of the inner Musculpt associated to different levels of Samadhi. O, the levels upon levels of consciousness hidden inside general anesthetic unconsciousness, when not suppressed by endogenous or exogenously-introduced sedatives-cum-hypnotics cocktailing! Only as 1T2 is closely approached could comprehension as to actuality of initial and final states be contemplated as having any substantive meaning at all. Throughout most of the period when glutamate flood has not reasserted, linear-time-bound (i.e., regards memetime) connecting principles (causality, probability) have no experiential concomitants, e.g., sense of discrete identity, because all cognitive contents have explicit involutory-decomposition correlates analogically embodied in one fashion or another. History is not constellated over memory; rather, over the forgetting (i.e., the “amnesis” associated with Platonic anamnesis) which demerges being-in-itself unto event gestalts construed as becomings.

Evocations of the pagan-animistic-quantum identity-transparency said not to be, or not to be allowed, and certainly not to analogically in any form enter systematics, monetary and otherwise, or policy-formulation algorithms (a few of the more explicit among the many drawable from 1973-Nobel-Prize-Laureate Patrick White's The Aunt's Story, 1948, the 1994 Vintage paperback edition):

In the white-lit winter evening her legs grew longer with the strides she took. Her hair fell. She had increased. She walked outside a discrete world [emphasis added], on which the grass quivered with a clear moisture, and the earth rang. In this state, in which rocks might at any moment open… (p. 30)

…her hands touched, her hands became the shape of the rose, she knew it in its utmost intimacy. (p. 31)

…the landscape was more communicative than people talking. (p.32)

She rose and fell on the breathing of the tree. (p. 45)

There are certain landscapes in which you can see the bones of the earth. And this was one. You could touch your own bones, which is to come a little closer to the truth. (p. 60)

…there will be moments of passing affection, through which the opaque world will become transparent… (p. 63)

The 1T2ly-non-deterministic might in some cases be, say, 5T19-deterministic, if allowed is that the involved whatnots are non-selfsame as to the 5T19-relative-state of identity-transparency qua nonlocality (the involved Lagrangian [à la a Lukasiewiczian-Postianization of Blaha under the impetus provided by Florentin Smarandache's and V. Christianto's Multi-Valued Logic, Neutroscopy, and Schrödinger Equation, Nexis-Phoenix, 2005, focused upon m-valued identity of entity, the very notion J. G. Bennett maintained requires “pencils of skew-parallels” to draw: as regards the multi-scale, complex-angular-momentum-cascade-theoretical Paine-Kaplan numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis, consider the section devoted to the “hydrodynamic viewpoint”] having 19 interaction terms, 5 of which, at the memetime instant of measurement, are actualized and readable under 5T19-valued logical processing, i.e., in this class of cases, the reduction-truncation snaps from CTC-unto-5T19, not 1T2, and this circumstance is non-viewable to 1T2-only observers, the very notion absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct “observer” itself being 1T2-only allowable). Note that, in the Paine-Pensinger treatment (see the “Quantum Theory Under Non-linear Reinterpretation for Biological Systems” section of our paper entitled “Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement”, Cornell, 1980), the wave-function is not handled as solely linear -- and that this, vis-à-vis the “Wigner's friend” paradox, has 1T2-implications as to the nature of the type of consciousness involved in the measurement process, clinical and sub-clinical. In the voice of his face, Asian “face”, glibness of an oracle proud to be in the egoic know, no explanations proffered, just the simple single-valued-future fact stated: thus does the 1T2-only-market insider cum policymaker speak. Think of the larger contexts, deemed corpora of externalities -- if only in binary-mind terms, i.e., the double-think which, relatively speaking, is nothink. Synchronistic concomitance suborned to pack instinct constrained by 1T2-only-Lebenswelt-framework-determining conditions, thus trundling imprudent prodigality. While the object-pulls informing avarice and will-to-power may have been two of the main strange attractors inculcating formation of the Federal Reserve System, the cause-push aspect, too, was multi-factorial, at the very minimum a matter of Jung-Pauli synchronicities. The first non-objective painting executed; the dodecaphonic music system codified; the foundling “found object” of the plastic arts founded; the singular appearance of the object, found and unfound, challenged by Reductive Phenomenology and Analytical Cubism; absolute monotonicity of logic lost in Lukasiewicz; time become bendable, even stoppable; space become known foreshortenable, and not only on the picture plane of Post-Renaissance Realism; nonlocality, even, become contemplatable; why, dastardly Jew RADICalism (Relativity, Anarchism, Dadaism, Immoralism, Communism), even, attempted resurrection of pantheistic-pagan nature worship in performance of The Rite of Spring. Each of these, and others on the list, were long in coming with numerous prefigurations; so, intensity of the back-reaction cannot, in retrospect, be surprising -- nor that compulsion to establish secular “Rabbinical-Aristotelian” centralized control of the 1T2-only monetary system should have become a most prominent feature, in psycho-prep for world war, of the generalized compensatory abreaction, given how much these “Cabalistic-Platonic” creations-discoveries-innovations were construed tantamount to attacks upon Anglo-American qua England-NewEngland cherished values cum beliefs of the most fundamental order, beliefs-values largely responsible for the anthropogenicities driving the nowadays current rack-an'-ruin-nature n-dimensional global crisis predisposing to, minimally, demise of homo sapiens. And, let it be known, actual ontic experience of mere empathic metaphors of quantum-relative-state identity-transparency are, in the White treatment, and as we all already knew, on the dusty road to insanity, probably even world war. If, however, contrary to the White orientation, love-in-the-limit (well beyond mere projective-identification at the man-woman level of transference, which is more concrete than that of the subject-object level), and not only in the Western world, is a function of 1T2-ego-death-in-the-other, as Eugene Zamiatin maintained in WE (p. 127 of the Vintage paperback edition), then, under the generative-empathic quantum-operator denoted “love”, I-am-me-and-only-me is holomorphically mapped onto I-am-the-other-and-only-the-other, such that the unrequited Aquitaine-troubadourian Gnostic-Catharist [her}esy not only emotively fed the Latin “Our Lady” cum “Tragic Sense of Life” algebraic/al-jabr(ic) variety of Catholicism, but, contrary to de Rougemont's take on eros-agape, was also an attempt to resurrect pagan-animism, as well as was an early European prefiguration of Lukasiewicz-Everettian µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency.

Well, finally (and too bad I did not encounter this book ten years ago, not the least so I could have drawn it to the attention of Douglas A. Paine, in respect to contents of our discussions conducted during the mid-1970s relative to the m-valued aspects of atmospheric cascade processes and the theoretical extensions we then began to entertain), there is the great value of Smarandache et Christianto, such that, for the first memetime, I find a relatively accessible account of much I had heretofore seen only in highly technical papers, papers providing accounts of interpretations of m-valued logics which I was unwilling to devote the effort required to more deeply contemplate because I did not give enough credence to the assumptions underlying those interpretations, credence, that is, sufficient to justify the required investment -- our, Paine's and mine, “real-worlds” references being, for me alone, monetary system fundamentals and organizational dynamics of insurgencies and autogenic brain-discharge dynamics, for us both, tornadogenesis, radiation exchange at DNA helix-coil transition, and the frequency-response characteristics associated with climate-shift dynamics. From my take, logical-value is not a gray-scale, degree, percentage -- color being a more useful analogy, given that colors are wave-effect and qualias, and considering participatory aspects of measurement occasions, clinical and subclinical -- as to what I refer to as quantum-relative-states (not syntagma substance individuelle, saussure, et cetera) of pagan-animistic identity-transparency (which we can perhaps surmise from George Crumb's Ancient Voices of Children) are semantically irreducible to truth-values, all concatenations of which are derivative of the reigning knee-jerk psychological identification with 1T2-only, which is mistakenly understood to be the fundament of all logics (why reduce imports of Lukasiewicz logics to attempts to “fix” the problems associated with bivalence?). “We walk against a united world, asserting our dividedness”, thus sprach Henry Miller. But we shouldn't -- considering the us of WE, no less than The We of Us. Moreover, inner Musculpt is inherently coloristic, to include musical colors and timbres (Musculpturally, shape of the heard “image”: consider the infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces at tornadogenesis). For millions of memetime years homo sapiens tacitly used inner-Musculpted m-valued logics (and, even as late as the Andean Priesthood, for instance, telepathically “communicated” therewith -- “communicated” in quotes indicating a misnomer, given identity-transparency); only in the last several thousand, a glutamateric reduction to that logical-value order-type 1T2-only. Differing from Smarandache et Christianto, I believe interpretation-utilization of m-valued logics should not be limited to non-standard analysis over the neutrosophic hyperreals, especially given that 3-fold temporal CURL, the demerger-decomposer, requires imaginary-complex and hypercomplex numbers, and that Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition of the Tzog-chen AllBase state of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) involves the trans-al-jabrs Abel provided an existence proof for in 1823. Though, Hooray! to Neutrosophy for allowing, not only undistributed middles, but also for being inconsistency tolerant unto the “limit” of allowing as valid dia{let>he}ist true contradictions, CTC and higher-Cantorian logical-value order-types involving myriads of such well beyond mere countability of selfsame numbers. This Abelian-E.T.Bellian take on the Postian take as to Lukasiewicz lends considerable weight to the interpretation of Tantric Schrödinger stated as, “The square of the wavefunction of Schrödinger equation as the vorticity distribution (including topological vorticity defects) in the fluid”, S et C, p. 43, the “fluid”, given a multi-minds take on the, by personification, Gurdieffian one “Real-'I'”, being the “satin-flow essence which 'I' breathe”, ichor, Sri Aurobindo's “light”, substance of the state of Grace, “warm-golden dust of Supermind” (not its ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, to mere malware hackable, exogenously-controlling “neural dust” qua “smart dust” eventually linked to data-fusion companies as one functional prerequisite to the pogroms sure to come) -- if allowed are Pauli-Paine operator-time and the Paine-Kaplan model of cascade dynamics at vortex formation, which describes “…how the classical dynamics could be treated in 'quantum mechanical' way”, S et C, p. 43, as regards the special case of tornadogenesis.

Given the explicitly-stated Bohmian-nesting formalism, the Aharonov-Bohm effect is tacit to our superconductant model of radiation exchange at DNA helix-coil transition due to the complex phase being an expression of the temporal CURL (think in spirals: frequency beat-down funnel servicing the frequency-response window) codified in the canonical pi-electron-parcel harmonic oscillator equation; similarly, with respect to tornadogenesis (permitted to quantum treatment by m-valued universal physical constants, i.e., constants internally ranked, à la Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition relative to cohomological infinite Abelian groups, particularly the Prufer p-group in respect to Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbering and Alexander.Karpenko multifunctors, over the multi-sheeted universal covering of the MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space), where the contribution made to relative vorticity (the Riemann-surface covering space of, not the tornado qua tornado, but of the complex-angular-momentum-cascade process by which tornadogenesis transpires, being equivalent to the punctured complex plane, where each point has infinitely many arguments, a fact of great significance to interpretation of the m-valuedness of the wave-function of the Schrödinger wave equation) may be an important factor in tornadic localization as measured within the 1-km grid square. By way of greater focus, in the atmospheric-cascade case, the minimal surface at issue, à la R. M. Kiehn's “An Interpretation of the Wave Function as a Cohomological Measure of Quantum Vorticity”, 13 August 1989, is the theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface along with its vertically-propagating m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode qua infrasound signature (a real hole-puncher relative to the tropopause boundary [think: the hole-related origins of homology theory and homological chain complexes, their boundaries and the, say, in the atmospheric case, solar-wind cum climate cycles they are subject to and anthropogenically modifiable via, for one, gas-ratios alteration of frequency-response characteristics, and, for two, a shift in Earth's frequency response window to solar-wind-conveyed complex angular momentum by phased-array-induced hot aurora and/or satellite-injected plasma, as described in “US Air Force wants to plasma bomb the sky using tiny satellites”, David Hambling, New Scientist, 9 August 2016] and the real-numbered physical analogue to the puncturing of the complex plane). As regards the failure of the Paine-Kaplan tornadogenesis forecast model to be predictive within the 1-km grid square, consider this from R. M. Kiehn:

As a vortex represents a rotational mass with angular momentum, and as the quantum hypothesis asserts that the elemental unit of angular momentum must be of the order of Planck’s constant, it should not be unexpected to have the continuum theory of fluids fail at some small scale dependent upon some constant angular momentum unit.

The parallels between Paine-Kaplan-Pensinger and R. M. Kiehn are so thorough -- even including vortex-pair parcels and solitons and "spin-pairing of electrons in the discontinuity of the Fermi surface" and high Tc superconductivity -- as to be difficult to miss or dismiss. Moreover, though Kiehn presented this paper during 1989 and revised it during 1998, “…the point of departure is due partially to a serendipity event (1976), whereby during the study of problems in topological evolution, it was discovered that a certain complex mapping would convert the two dimensional time dependent Schroedinger equation exactly to the format of a viscous compressible Navier-Stokes fluid.” But it's more complex than that -- actually, two levels of hypercomplexity more complex, i.e., vis second- and third-order operator-time. Quoting our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, p. 715:

A strange twist in Maxwell's ideas had always been disturbing. In using his approach, you treat the system as though there are no compressible components; and you go for the most elegant, simplified description of the mapping of the rotational elements being exchanged between two fields: electric and magnetic. But what you end up obtaining is a coupled equation set descriptive of an acoustic wave which requires eliminating all but compressible physics. This incompressible-compressible reentry in the logical structure of the conception! Paradoxical, to say the least.

The following 15 pages of our novel address this issue. Several years before 1976, Paine-Kaplan had developed an application of the Schrödingerian mapping (explicitly assumed, but mathematically handled as the “atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations” [consider this with regard to the notion that Aharonov-Bohm effect applies, not only to electrically-charged particles, but also to vortically-engaged air parcels], the Maxwellian format being more appropriate than the Schrödingerian to the double-helical air-parcel flows within Kelvin-Helmholtz billow clouds, an analogue, when extended, in which both incompressible and compressible figure, the “complex mapping” involved being relative to complex-hypercomplex 3-fold temporal CURL: think, for instance, of temporal-spin coupling; flux quantized in spatial-CURL-free high-Tc superconductant loops due to temporal-CURL-induced phase-alteration; high-Tc superconducting wave-function m-valued under 3-fold operator-time, such values understood relative to the µTm-logics of relative-state identity-transparency?) in the form of a very accurate numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis, which had by then, the mid-1970s, been run, using historical data sets, on both the USAF's and NASA's then fastest mainframes. Paine was convinced -- by a fistfight in the back of the room at a Severe Storms Conference, swear words scrawled in red magic marker over papers submitted for peer review, John A. Wheeler's super-polite dismissals face-to-face after a public lecture at Cornell and later in response to mail contact established by me -- that efforts put into developing a Schrödingerian treatment of the physics behind the forecast model would be wasted -- let alone going publicly, i.e., in the classroom and in submitted papers, into the m-logically-valued aspect: being so “Off The Beat”, he might find himself committed! Moreover, a well-considered opinion that the climate-shift dynamic had likely become irreversible by the mid-1950s, certainly by the mid-1970s, did not strongly motivate what was sure to be an unwelcome effort nearly impossible to fund, i.e., develop a Schrödingerian Rx. Behavior mod applied to atmosphere of Earth orb began during the 1940s (doubters can easily avail themselves of “Climate Engineering And Polar Meltdown, How Long Has It Been Going On?”, Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch, 23 December 2015; and along the same lines is “Geoengineering And Greenhouse Gases, The Toxic Tug Of War”, same author, ibid., 10 September 2015) as the Rad Lab lit up at MIT and John von Neumann became the leading meteorology computerization whizz advocate of weather engineering. Must one be as ignorant as a Sark and Oozy of naive belief in a “classical limit” to implicitly maintain that the “butterfly effect” has only deterministic-chaos, no atmospheric science cause-push, connotations, e.g., effect of “electron temperature enhancements” and other means of altering the global atmosphere's frequency-response characteristics vis-à-vis the solar-wind-carried complex angular momentum which cascades through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions and is injected into Earth's crustal and core dynamics? Scotch solar radiation management! Paine stopped attending faculty meetings largely because his perspective was so Divergent from that of the upper-atmosphere guy that the resultant constant unpleasantness became too bothersome an energy diss{I/i}pater. Since guvments and their militaries provide most of the funds for Earth sciences R&D, even for unclassified research there has always been an implicit gag order in place as regards anything found not to be politically correct or not properly aligned with the prevailing top-down perpetuated paradigmatic consensus. Loss of belief in efficacy of governance long predated birth of the PC, let alone advents of the internet and MoSoSo. A lie does not have to be consciously intentional to be a lie: most lies are facts, and there is no 1T2-fact not a lie. Why, really, did so little come of this body of cascade-theory-related thought and associated model runs? one might well ask. Why did biological superconductivity more or less drop out of the publicly available literature around 1980? Atmospheric superconductivity never entered the world picture, largely due to imposition of the notion of a “classical limit”. A question that transcends atmospheric physics: Why this “classical limit”, which is imposed upon meteorologists by dictates of the larger physics community? A certain belief has long effected my “attitude” toward interpretation of the meaning of Tantric Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function: I do not believe the actual happening ever actually happens. Never-wases what never will be has-beens. There is no such as a 1T2-event, even in the Lebenswelt heuristically separated from its natural context, only consensuated [pre}text that there is. Even given the 1T2-principles of “the scene”, the principals on the scene can't know what really happened because there is too much they can't possibly know. It's not as if more than one letter is needed to distinguish between psychopathy and psy-cop-athy: attempted assault by a police officer. The higher-ups not on the scene receive too little raw data (even if remote viewing-listening from their “command helicopters”) and too much “analyzed” selected-data to ever know what really happened. Those best placed to best know are intelligent low-level persons located at positions of maximum raw data flows -- but it is a rare occasion when such persons are so located, and even then a so-called objective 1T2-event has to be guess-worked into probabilistic existence. Too many become screaming mimis in the cognitive clutch when ego autonomy suddenly discorporates, is redacted -- in the kill zone of a psychological ambush site, say, uh, that injun cuntry kill zone being the m-valuedness of the quantum wave-function -- and compensatory abreaction (sense of existential threat converted to murderous rage projected onto transference figures and/or classes thereof, thus-collectivized in order to conceal the fear, dread, loathing of non-simple identity, the rage, say, laddering-up [beginning 25 April 1961] to justification of a nuclear first strike impulse [were that impulse ever given into, say, by employment of tactical nukes, then all power plant nuclear waste stockpiles would quickly become actionable targets] following the unspeakable mortification and demasculinization incumbent upon the Bay of Pigs failure, 17 April 1961) sets in with JamesEllroy vengeance -- pounding-headache-inducing one-cathexis-sentences and one-sentence-paragraphs drecky roof-brain chatter -- out-USATodaying USA Today's portrait of the U.S.A. today. The very prospect of there being no such as actual 1T2-events is bloodcurdlingly terrifying to those memetime-bound and identified with ego-autonomy: they, those, them, uh, uh, a “one” each and every, just have to have a probability interpretation of Schrödinger's cat; otherwise -- just try to imagine -- moment to moment daily life would be nothing but a bad trip, pure ketamine with no valium to suppress the “hallucinations”. Might as well be on a near-lethal dose of the hallucinogen ayahuasca whilst staring at cold-case crime-scene apparitions. They'd each be, the powers that be, that is, CatherineDeneuve-caught in repulsion-revulsion. Hornswoggling 1T2-capitalisto scattergun cognizers thinking they think in 1T2-jackhammer syllogistic! But study the abstract properties of their now-declassified memos. Satanism, uh, statism, that is, is it? Crime and punishment: a self-driving Tai Chi 1T2-rotational logic-wheel. Crime is made psychophysiologically possible by suppression of direct ongoing ontic awareness of ketaminergic µTm-identity-transparency via prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-guided glutamatergic neuronal pruning and associated quantum quenching, the guidance initially provided by well-indoctrinated parents and later orchestrated by the coercive means synonymous with church-school-doctor-company-police-state-military. The overwhelming omnipresence of n-level transference dynamics in these institutionalized ADLs, a kind of mass imprisonment, is more than sufficient to forestall the will to procreation -- children in the prevailing deteriorated sociality greatly magnifying that omnipresence -- not to mention there being at least several billion too many homo sapiens on planet Earth. Quoting Kiehn:

The original application by this author of these ideas was to the problems of generating topological defects and disclinations in a fluid [2], using a quantum picture to generate a raison d'etre for the onset of turbulence in terms of “vortex pair production”. In recent times, the focus of attention on high Tc type II superconducting films has reversed the situation to where again a hydrodynamic perspective is being used to model quantum phenomena. The key feature in the application to superconductivity is that the distribution of vorticity corresponds to the penetration of the B field into internal regions of the superconductor. In a planar system these topological defects are “holes” in the otherwise perfect superconductor, and are described by deRham period integrals representing quantized flux.[3] The technology and experience gained from almost seventy years of quantum mechanics should be applicable to the hydrodynamic problem of viscous compressible flow [see our 1978 quantum take on tornadogenesis], and visa versa, the experience of viscous compressible rotational hydrodynamics should be applicable to quantum problems [see our 1979 hydrothermodynamic model of DNA radiation exchange], because the transformation between the two systems of partial differential equations is exact.

Word-search “exact” over our paper entitled “The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere”, circa 1978. There are nine uses of the word “exact” to characterize the various “exacts” associated with complex-angular-momentum (think: Penrose “twistor” as quantization of the temporal CURL, and the Bohmian quantum potential resident in Everettian µTm-relative-state as being something like enstrophy under temporal CURL as well as spatial CURL) cascade (chained homological chain complexes: not unrelated to potential application of blockchain technology to µTm-valued LETS nesting foams defined on fractal e-boundaries, the geopolitical strategic importance of which is discussed by Simon Black in “Four more mega-banks join the anti-dollar alliance”, Sovereign Man, 24 August 2016, and, flashing forward, “Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Revolution in Banking?”, Ellen Brown, Web of Debt Blog, 16 September 2016: I am no advocate of a We-Are-The-World bitcoin defined over Riemann sphere of planet Earth or even of central bank bitcoins defined on 1T2-whole-integer-national-boundaries, because the further centralization and the further removal of spatially-referenced information, added to the orders-of-logical-value truncation subtending Sorosian market reflexivity, would grievously undermine what little self-organizing competence there remains to market “sorting angels”: those who believe that, once 1T2-only-blockchains-of-1T2-only-blocks technology is centralized via central bank adoption, and usurpation by an IntelSat-controlled-DNA-targeting-drone-fleet-equipped supratransnational We-Are-The-World-Gestapo OpenchainAdministrator of the distributed HyperEverLedger, so on, uh, that there will be no transactions taxes imposed upon every 1T2-only-bitcoin-signed transaction will find “Blockchain is the most disruptive invention since the internet itself -- not just in finance”, Martin Hiesboeck, Digital Doughnut, 6 April 2016, to be of considerable interest, despite the fact that generalized-blockchaining riding on back of bitcoining, coupled to smart-metered-and-cloud-computed internet-of-things, is potentially the greatest facilitator of the superstate yet conceived; also of interest is what the Bank of England has to say on this subject, i.e., one-step-removed-from-top-only, not even top-down-implemented, bitcoin, and indubitably not bottom-up-implemented µTm-valued LETS nesting foams, as per “Central bank digital currency: the end of monetary policy as we know it?”, Marilyne Tolle, Bank Underground, 25 July 2016, with many edifying technical and semi-technical links, which, to my mind, do not demonstrate that fractional-reserve lending and/or usurious interest rates, P2P or no, as what constitutes P and not-P, while Administrator virtual-ruled, would have to be real-world enforced on a monetarily borderless planet once BIScoin was issued, cum mafia-modeled or no, would necessarily be prevented, thus pretty well altogether removing the viscosities modulating unbridled cascades) leading to tornadogenesis. Copied-in immediately below are two such uses:

Thus, as the largescale wave train alternately excites and then suppresses the surface flux of diabatic energy, quantized packets of “free energy” are introduced into the limited atmospheric domain.

The external gravity wave train then goes on to organize the subsequent release of diabatic potential within the limited domain. By thus synchronizing the introduction of energy into the LSTD through its lower boundary, the sensible heat realized during the production of precipitation within the storm environment serves to sustain and amplify the planetary boundary layer pressure perturbation associated with the external gravity wave train. This, in turn, manufactures momentum at the larger lengthscale which exactly compensates for the loss the system suffers through external friction. THE INVOLVED “EXACT COMPENSATION” IS THE NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR SUPERCONDUCTANCE of hydrothermodynamic properties. It is but a small leap to realization that charge is not the only property capable of superefficient conductance. Solitons and superfluidity are, indeed, other such cases. (Italic and bold in original)


The alteration in the geopotential field contributed by the realization of the full (positive) diabatic potential generates an inertial mass characterized by a CRITICAL kinetic energy. This is exactly counterbalanced by the diabatic energy released within the quantum signal generator (convective squalls). The involved “exact counterbalancing” is characteristic of superconductant transport of hydrothermodynamic properties of a system. (Italic in original)

Kiehn's is an extraordinary paper, the details of which I wish Doug Paine had had the opportunity to mull over -- particularly so given that Kiehn, as did Paine, invokes a case of m-valued universal physical constants (the case of absolute limiting velocity), in exactly the same way as did Paine in identifying “critical kinetic energy”. If there is a technical reason why those takes on Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function more insightful than the standard probabilistic take have had so little effect upon activities engaged in by the scientific community, it is due to absence in theoretical models of the infinitely dense hierarchy in the m-values of c (see our account as given in “Toward a General Theory of Process”, circa 1977), the absolute limiting velocity -- and of every other universal physical constant -- allowance of which would quench the collective ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, responsible for the post Wheeler-Bohr-vonNeumann multi-worlds misinterpretation of Everett's pre-Bohring cum pre-vonNeumannized relative-state interpretation, thus allowing all the superposed “other worlds” incarnate man{I/i}fess status in this one-and-only world, an Rx (of the ConveDD) rejected so decisively because its allowance would resurrect the pagan-animistic Weltanschauung with such verisimilitude as to shock even a Tibetan Bon tulpa qua Buddhist nirmita non-techno-exteriorization of (always BeingThere-here/then-now, but glutamate-etched and quantum quenched, such that conscious access is denied by prescriptive enculturation-socialization) inner-Musculpt-as-maths-notation (this rejection of the prescribed therapy being THE explanation for why it is virtually impossible to find any current activity the human species is engaged with en masse that is not facilitating implementation of the collective unconscious “decision” for self-ANN{i}hilation, this “decision” itself a compensatory-abreaction-type ConveDD of the rejection of the rediscovery of m-valued non-simple identity implicit in N. H. Abel's 1823 “Impossibility Theorem” existence proof for trans-al-jabrs). Quoting Kiehn's discussion of “drag crisis” at “vortex pair production”: “The mass equivalent energy is to be computed relative to the limiting speed, which in this case is the speed of sound”, and in the atmospheric case, that of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, i.e., the infrasound that ripples the walls of tornadoes (independently experimentally determined long after Paine had explicitly factored awareness of this into the physics underlying the Paine-Kaplan cascade model of tornadogenesis), among much else. As Kiehn says: “…the maximum enstrophy occurs near the walls and the energy density is given by the expression E(wall) = …”

Oh, the paladins servicing the rooks ensconced in the high-risen crannies strung along Wall Street! All those moribund counterinsurgents -- resolute in opposition to the ever-expanding recruitment-base sargasso for disestablishmentarian global insurgency (flashing forward to the latest official threat of illegitimate legitimatized state violence, an insurgency AKAed as “weaponized populism”, this in a context where, over the last several generations, all around the planet, the dregs of the population base has taken over the highest positions because the actual best and brightest have understood that you don't volunteer for leadership positions in bad wars, defunct institutions, corrupt professions, oppressive regimes, so on; and flashing forward to the latest scary quasi-non-guvie, à la Institut d'études politiques de Paris, massive, eurowide, civil war prognostication implicitly auguring for increase of top-down control, control, control) against the decrepit institutional-base analogically modeled upon the 200-years-dead Weltanschauung normotically clung to, via [his}sing sardonicism stacked upon hissing sardonicism always executed with Faulksian “dog-toothed fippery” Birdsong, by The Unbudgeables in their anchorite-like commitment to exploiting, for short-term gain of this or that subset, the current iatrogenic planetary crisis organized over the last three centuries under auspices of the institutionalization they, the clingers, continue to cling to: presence or absence of a dissembled agenda to create a planetarized totalitarian state, still, whichever, handing the time and space variables to the insurgents on a platter by pursuit of an indefinite Global-WOT, so obviously self-defeating in regards to the financial cum monetary-system aspects of war fighting, i.e., that self-designed or negligently-induced foremost aspect by which the U.S. was beaten in Viet Nam, can be adequately explained only by presence of collective unconscious forcing functions (see, flashing forward, for instance, “Documents Show U.S. Military Expands Reach of Special Operations Programs”, Nick Turse, The Intercept, 8 September 2016: wrath has its ring of thorns, its halo limit, its crown cap; no inculpates, them, these ghouly goons; one weem team and another sent out to noose the bads, yet further loosing ill winds upon lands afield, lands near away; how many brothers, like that of Lenin, are currently being killed on instructions issued by the prevailing Tzararchy?) -- who wish to build walls should be aware that the very existence of their walls attracts the maximum quantum autopoietic potential for far-from-equilibrium self-organizational phase transitions, the very processes they should most wish to staunch (rather than, as they have done, adapting the FBI's counter-mob Worst-Who'dlamb-targeting strategy under the FaceBooked FaceCard rubric, and under conflation of organized crime with self-organizing insurgency). But, hey, again flashing forward, whatayaknow. After nearly half a century, a few scholar types are identifying (see: “Does Killing Terrorist Leaders Make Any Difference? Scholars Are Doubtful”, Max Fisher, The New York Times, 30 August 2016, but apparently HRC is not, as this is her outspoken thesis as to how to finally and forever take down ISIS) some of the many reasons why Political Order of Battle analysts at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, maintained that the Phoenix Pogrom was massively counterproductive -- and must certainly have felt the same when subsequently, after that war's ending, Phoenix was gradually globalized and generalized. Quoting Eugene Zamiatin's WE, Vintage paperback edition, p. 139:

No, the Walls stand erect. Here they are! I can feel them. And that strange feeling of being lost somewhere, of not knowing where I am -- that feeling is gone.

Whereas, the actual best walleyed counterinsurgency strategy (think: SRA/MACV-J2's 1968-identification of the role played in insurgency warfare by the mapping of bureaucratic variables upon boundaries frequently altered relative to the the changing environment of the combat, this shape shifting undertaken analogically-vis-à-vis the biological principle of self-organization-by-resource-exchange-across-phase-boundaries: Oriana Fallaci made many visits to National Police Headquarters in Saigon, as did I, and she never learned a thing about this, and, later, years later, I spent a decade of letter writing to her, in process of initializing the writing of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, in an attempt to turn her on to what she did not learn, specifically as to the autopoionomy, not anarchism, general implications of what she did not learn, but alas… betting the hootch, the little rice field and the big rice field, one of those at fault, yes, was a prominent Polize[i}rat commander of the NPFF, national police field forces, no mere minor [con}stable; who, rag lost, in all tet{chi}ness couldn't see that? buzzy busybodies blowin' skew-parallel [hoo}ley lines through the cognitive murk?) is band-pass, fractal-drum-type, µTm-logically-valued, LETS-monetary-unit nesting-foams defined over fractal-e-boundaries-without-boundary, which are no Great Walls of Berlin, China, Israel, the Southwest of U.S., wheresoever. Politicos like Charlie-what-wolfed-scarfed-noshed-kibitzed-smoozed-cracked-plugged-squeaked-glommed-blinked-plucked-scrunched. Owl-eyed, glugging up apocalypticals formed upon affect-charges tongged from lava streams steaming the overwrought insolence pomposity broods. If such can validly be said of the principals -- umpteen slantheaded big-snort fubar totes, not even the brains nature gave hyenas -- what can be said of the critics (see, for instance: The Corbett Report's YouTube-captured VDO lecture entitled “Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia”, 2 December 2014, and the earlier four-part James Corbett interview entitled “Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B”, Part 1 placed online 19 February 2013) with their posted theses and calls for a reformation? Though the word “Gladio” was not used, one of the BadTolz-based 10th SFG's job descriptions, beginning in the early-1950s, i.e., run disruption-sabotage operations behind enemy lines in the event that Soviet forces were to do a walkover blitzkrieg on Western Europe, was, during 1966 at SFTG, used in classroom instruction of those living in brick mansions -- along with the Seminole wars, the Emergency in Malaya, the WWII French Resistance, so on -- to illustrate what was then being taught with regard to conduct of irregular and resistance warfare. I picked up on this reference, and remembered it, because I had earlier learned a bit about the involved counter-Soviet strategic-defensive gambit whilst hanging out and conducting research at upper-Wisconsin Avenue's SORO (the American-University-affiliated Special Operations Research Office) as an AU-School-of-International-Service student. But neither in early-'60s D.C.-no-Washington nor mid-'60s Ft. Bragg (including as an intelligence analyst at the JFKSWCS cum PsyOps Group across the street) did I hear of a “Gladio A” program effected, or to be effected, prior to a Soviet walkover -- though one can easily imagine such as having been a CIA cum NATO-CI inspired tasking associated with active measures, covert and/or false-flagged, used to suppress communist organizational initiatives conducted in immediate postwar and Cold-War Western Europe. But this “imagining” does not necessarily imply that all terrorists in Europe and all terrorist acts perpetrated in Europe during this period were “Gladio A” inspired and directed, nor that non-“Gladio A”-related terrorists and terrorism, and even those “Gladio A”-related, did not have their own agendas. Those calling for a reformation still making 1T2-only-logical Catherine wheels out of their eye-de[A}tion, despite postmodernist deconstruction of “A or not-A”? Multi-factorial processes and multi-leveled causes-attractors and multi-scenarios-strategizing actors -- evaluated by employment of a fuzzy-logic calculus: this is likely to yield the most reality-capturing portraits of earlier and presently-prevailing conjunctures. And the same, I would suggest, applies to the thesis as to existence of a “Gladio B” program, initiated by Mackinder's progeny (I was taught about Mackinder Heartland-pivot theory -- that's not Big O's EastAsia-pivot theory! -- at AU-SIS, circa 1963-4, before that during a summer visit in Lexington with a military history professor childhood friend of my parents; so, it wasn't necessary to wait out the incubation period for the far-from-equilibrium phase-transition onset qua Brooking of NeoConitis at Mass-Ave's SAIS: Scrub to it, m'baleful boy -- or lift sticks and scram! Beat feet I did, didn't I), to create, inspire, subvert, direct radical-Islamic covert and/or false-flagged actors in a Heartland-related effort to inculcate global “full-spectrum dominance”. Even under the in-the-limit thesis that the USG not only hoped for and permitted 9/11, but actively inspired, directed, and enhanced it, there is no ruling out the notion that 9/11 was a sting run on U.S.A. and Associates (a decade late, and surely a decade after immediate recognition by any SRA/MACV-J2 graduate, understanding, yet for the few, of the “baiting” begins to emerge: see, flashing forward, “US Response to 9/11 Seen as Driving Force in Spread of Terror”, Jason Ditz, AntiWar.com, 11 September 2016, though there is even yet precious little insight as to exactly what in the way of meeting autopoietic functional prerequisites the insurgent receives from successful such “baiting”, these prerequisites having been a great focus of attention at SRA/MACV-J2; also of interest in this regard is “The US War on Terror Has Cost $5 Trillion and Increased Terrorism by 6,500%”, Darius Shahtahmasebi, AntiMedia.org, 14 September 2016) in order to prompt and/or permit them, USA & A, to undertake initiatives, e.g., invasion of Afghanistan, that were, and are, facilitators to meeting functional prerequisites to far-from-equilibrium synoptic organizational phase transitions sought by radical Islam understood an autopoietic ensemble. Yes, the whole of the GWOT by analogy to the war in Viet Nam, not merely the AfPak theater, the Iraq theater, so on. Viet Nam war: a war lost not politically on the streets of America, but inside Ft. Knox where the gold-exchange mechanism of the BW monetary system was break-backed -- the economic component having been a prominent aspect of the Vietnamese communist strategy of protracted war, a component often explicitly discussed in party committee briefing documents. It has obviously been of no utility to have over the decades repeatedly pointed out that search engines with origins in the CDC-engineered CDEC-MACV-IDHS (Combined Document Exploitation Center intelligence data handling system) have been, from the beginning, programmed information filters-renormalizers. We at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, felt that, given the prescriptive command determination of EEI (essential elements of information), no one could have more effectively designed a utility to interdict intelligent intelligence analysis. Must it be believed that the “Islamic Imbeciles” (I/Is) are so stupid that they have not found ways to exploit current realities so as to advance their own agendas? Or that, having had much experience of U.S. special service operators, the I/Is have not gotten a good enough read on the personality profile as to be able to accurately anticipate U.S. reactions? The powers that be in denial of frozen light, that father complicity, that hawk phlegm along miles of memetime known to be a fluid, insisted to be fluid, to lollop longingly, throw restraint to not-winds; rather, cast reticence into the morbid stochastic mists of Platonia -- their memories, those of TPTB, having early faltered, anamnesis having been etched away in childhood glutamate floods blackpsyche-channeled by ANNs-that-can, choo-ga, choo-ga, choo-ga, ANNs that can FaceBook even the faceless feckies. Moving through the pass of morning, supporting execution of a cavalry charge on post-noon plain, fingering ingress upon cusp-rise of evening, those little engines that can, hut-hut-hut they cyclotomically how-how-howitzer along The Squamous Line. Tut-tut-tut and all that, eh what. One of the more objectionable hugger-mugger attributes of superrich the whole Earth over is that their 1T2-only wealth largely came from breaking the binary rules their callous money is used to indifferently force down dry throats of everyone else. In referring to black-on-black without mentioning white-on-white -- thus, whilst minding Ps but not Qs, being the exception that proves the not-rule -- Sibel Edmonds, paradoxically pizzicatoing counterpoint, monotonically disapproves of the discredited multivalent conception which demonstrates validity of violation… of THE accommodation rules long affirmed within societies embracing Tripartite-Fertile-Crescent-Religion culture -- non-contradiction, no less than distributed middle.

Beyond his dedication to teaching (he was the only professor I knew of who religiously spent 40 hours per week in his office with the door continuously open to his students), popularity in the larger community surrounding Ithaca was a major factor in meteorologist Douglas A. Paine becoming tenured at Cornell, for he gave many, many dinner speeches at business association get-togethers and civil societies meetings -- all of these in one way or another focused upon the interface between weather-climate and agriculture. These were not just canned talks, but were well-researched and filled with interesting material that left people talking afterwards. I read the typescript notes for quite a few of these 1970s-era speeches and hope that such notes have somehow survived -- because they strongly relate to the thesis recently aired by Charles Hugh Smith under the subtitle “The vulnerability of global food production to extremes of weather is a profound reality that few grasp” (“The Odds of a Global Food Crisis Are Rising”, Of Two Minds, 16 August 2016). Not only was Doug Paine opposed to genetic engineering of food crops because of the m-valued properties of the quantum-wave output of DNA at radiation exchange during helix-coil transition, as described in our paper on superconductivity of DNA-pi-electron-gas core, he also viewed m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams as essential to any possible adequate response (on his more optimistic days, that is, when he shunted aside his conviction that the climate shift he perceived as being in motion, splashing us towards ignominy, was by then, the mid-1970s, already irreversible, if perhaps somewhat ameliorable, despite the many-hued noise stumbling out in attempts to conceal reality of the case) to the externalities issues involved in the interface between weather-climate and agriculture, issues recently encapsulated by Smith in the above-linked article:

Returning to the Tyranny of Price: how accurately does the market price in the decline in food's nutritional value as the soils are depleted? How accurately does the market price in the future health costs of polluted water and soil? How accurately does the market price the consequences of rapidly dropping water tables and the draining of aquifers? Does price reflect the danger of key glaciers that provide water for millions of people melting away?

The answer is the market ignores all these critical factors. They are not factored into the market price at all, because the market only prices in supply and demand in the present. Nothing else is counted or calculated.

These observations pristinely apply only to 1T2-only-markets, because fine-grained tagging of indicator-measures to the m-value stack, e-commons m-scenarios-strategically gamed and placed upon each and every given µTmly-processed LETS-nesting-foam currency unit, would go a long way toward internalizing externalities such as those Smith mentions. Think Buddhist econ, not as subsistence self-reliance, but as µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparent dependent, co-arising, mutual, reciprocal origination cum “causality” cum maintenance in one-mind moment qua one mind-moment, i.e., this “causality” being the µTm-superposition demerged qua Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomically decomposed from Tzog-chen AllBase to decoherence Tantric-Schrödinger memetime-independently (for a feedback-related treatment, see Joanna R. Macy's Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory, SUNY Press, 1991) -- the exchange of such analogically-stacked monetary units I hear, undoubtedly due to childhood exposures which transpired in Midori Gaoka, as hotchiku-like à la Watazumi Doso Roshi. Moreover, the global monetary-economic system would thus profoundly take on formal properties of the natural systems to which it is interfaced, in this manner -- in the form -- facilitating adaptation to environmental shifts, anthropogenic and otherwise, and the fuzzy combos (superposition states, really) beetwixed and baatween. Hail Mar…lene, full of-- whatever. Our 1T2-only (however golden, bottomed out as regards quality of immediacy in ontic experience) financial MOghouls have dogtrotting handgladding guvie chums. KA-KA-KA! jackdaw their cribbing known associates. Yep, all such subsets are reliant upon The Great Formulator -- of stumblebum policies, jangly effecter hobnobs whistlin' [Yank}he, scat singin' blackpsyche, thus having retained veracity nadda in Earth Orb Arena cage fights. Public cloud (“public” being a blackpsyche term, thus, actually, presently: a nation-state-facilitated enstated-projective-identification) of the hang-gliding collective-ego chained-complex qua homomorphic-encrypt function, placed in projection as single-valued, selfsame, Anima-[gal}ged cum Animus-[gal}ling god{diss}head, has grievously underestimated the archetypal-integrity rectitude of collective unconscious behavioral gradients as they duck and weave complexly in broken-field runs upon strange attractors constellated as manifold gouged string-singularities by its own (i.e., that pluralized publicly-enstated ego-complex) repressive-regressive-coercive actions. What's the likelihood of a flipover in the social structure of attention cathexes sufficient to countervail the momentum built up by 200-years of mass-regression-constellated collective unconscious behavioral gradients? HolyMo! Mus' be da whanger whatta withta beat all dem W-S whangers inta detumescence. Usetabe, early-'60s, da joke was, heh-heh-heh, dat a California virgin was an ugly 13-year-old (will lose it at 14 to incest!); nowadays that'd be a 7-year-old what ain't done nothin' but sexting. Chalk that up to the censorship laws instituted on demand of the asexual pervs, laws which push 7-year-olds onto the porn sites, and those pervs' stat-rape laws aged at a year later than, pre-WWII over much of rural Asia, the age at which an unmarried female was regarded a no-hope spinster: 15. Sex-repression causality of massed warfare, that ex-OSS-R&A thesis, à la Eros and Civilization and Love's Body, is cO-rrect, so far as it goes. Where it don't go is into the intertextual subtext of sex-repression, i.e., prescriptively-enculturated glutamatergic suppression of direct ontic experience of animistic-pagan µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency. People, As-I-Live-And-Breathe-types who read the instructions on toothpaste tubes, always make characteristic mistakes, and I've seen little reason to disabuse them: e.g., during youthful martial arts lessons received in Japan, circa 1953-6, the very effective imitative kata-manner of learning became my lifelong approach to the learning of nigh unto everything, a behavior most Westerners have misinterpreted as being indicative of a lack of self-confidence specifically, a weak personality generally. Mine was an impressionistic-suggestible youth: I probably would have made a good hypnosis subject. I was most impressed by the Gurdjieffian (about whom I did not learn until 1963) content of Kathryn Hulme's The Nun's Story, which I read soon after seeing the film. “Splendor in the Grass” reinforced my rural-Japan-acquired revulsion for sex repression. I was more impressed by “Sayonara” (naturally enough, having said “sayonata” a year earlier), “The Inn of the Sixth Happiness”, “The World of Suzie Wong”, and “Flower Drum Song” than by “Raintree County”, “Desire Under the Elms”, and “A Summer Place”. Life in the µTm-omniverse un-man{I/i…}fesses to so much more than the prevailing bollixed-up civilization countenances that it is unconscionably over-the-top inordinate to imprint upon those who have sought success there within. One of the many aspects of Life-On-Earth nowadays not readily understandable is: Why have we yet to produce a trillionaire? Is that not what hybrid-clouded econogeopolitically-engineered hybrid warfare is all about? Hey, amscray! with all your m-valued-moolah nitwitery, whydon'tya, they moan, always antsy. If not that beef, then this beef. Even sapped yaps don't much quiet'em down, y'know. What they can't get is that nesting foams of Lukasiewiczian wampumpeags are not about approximate reasoning with regard to the logic of nonsense or a forensic mathematical theory of financial evidence, nor are such spoondulix qua skrilla qua simoleons about degrees in whatever theory of value (interesting to read David Graeber's Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value, Palgrave, 2001, in this context), of fuzziness qua fuzziness, of inexact concepts qua vagueness cum the partially true; they're about a modern formalization of the “hau”, i.e., “the incorporation of identity”, that once underlay omi yage, li xi, ang pow, so on, at ritual gift exchange of numinous objects like sacred cloths mapping “night sea journeys”, on “ships of the dead [-to-the-ego-complex]”, through pregeometries of Weltanschauungs decomposed to Lebenswelts, or, in other words, about the “generative empathy” (defined by the psychiatric establishment as psychosis symptom) subtending states (think: Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”) of animistic-pagan quantum-relative-state identity-transparency (interesting in this context is Brandon Smith's article entitled “Globalism Is A Barbaric Relic -- Voluntary Tribalism Is The Future”, Alt-Market, 24 August 2016: note that I do not advocate a low-tech resurrection of tribalism, nor a PW1 -- planetary war one -- as functional prerequisite to implementation of a monetary system adequate to the prevailing WholeEarth conjuncture [such adequacy, in my opinion, will not be found in a globalized gold standard], for I only observe in that regard that human-factors cause-push/attractor-pull [including collective unconscious archetypal behavioral gradients] overwhelmingly augur for such, as similarly observed by “declining return on humans”-cum-“it's easier to start a war than to forgive debt”-ViktorShvets, “global strategist to the investment bank Macquarie Group” offering a brilliant analysis of the debt-poisoning impact of quantum-based technologies dressed in Boolean clothes and “eaten” by the 1T2-only markets of our Cartesian-Newtonian macroeconomy cum monetary system, per “A Gold Standard 'Comes After War, Not Before' Macquarie Warns…”, Valentin Schmid, reposted on Zero Hedge from Epoch Times, 24 August 2016). What we have, instead, is forced-tentacular-market-“democracy” (see, for instance, as regards U.S. foreign policy, the “NED-said” portrait provided by Thierry Meyssan in “NED, the Legal Window of the CIA”, Voltaire Network, 16 August 2016; also interesting, in regards to U.S. domestic policy, is “It Takes a Village [i.e., an oligarchy] to Maintain a Dangerous Financial System”, Anat R. Admati, The Rock Center for Corporate Governance, Working Paper 219, 25 May 2016) run by long-available glutamate-etched biohybrid bots, nowadays ConveDDed to even more-artificial biohybrid robots: the oligarchic-oligopolistic slime-mold inevitability imposed by employment of single-valued 1T2-only-logical monetary units -- be they local, national, regional, or scalar like cryptocurrencies altogether without definition upon any spatial concept. Again quoting Eugene Zamiatin's WE -- which we note in 1920 described the psychodynamics of being placed under a suicidal “Plathian” bell jar, and, also, on the last page, referred to “the famous Gas Chamber” -- Dutton paperback edition, p. 14:

The State (humanitarianism) forbade in those days [during the 200-years-long War of the World, say, 1853 thru the 2050s] the murder of one person, but it did not forbid the killing of millions slowly and by inches. To kill one person, that is, to reduce the individual span of human life by fifty years, was considered criminal, but to reduce the general sum of human life by fifty million years was not considered criminal.

This collective-unconscious “collective-suicide-decision”-type (“Give me non-quantum simple-identity or give me death!”) assessment of prevailing cause-push/attractor-pull is consonant with Claudia von Werlhof's stance against the anti-lifers, the bodymoders, the biohybridizers, the genemoders, the geomoders as stated in “The 'Hatred of Life': The World System which is Threatening All of Us”, Global Research, 16 August 2016. More accurately, 1T2-only laws -- all such -- are memetime-warped slow motion collective murder-which-is-suicide qua suicide-which-is-murder, legislators, judges, attorneys being responsible-agent accomplices to the proximal-cause perpetrator-effectors (though, clearly, if not also farcically, there are no easy transitions between school-as-prison and Summerhill free school, relevant to this logic-legal-eagle theme are Five Easy Pieces concerning how 1T2-guvments have made their agents adopt the Samurai Code requiring that the head of any nail that sticks up be loped off, thus committing more crimes than do “criminals” [while at half-day work in LA, I “received” two citations in four hours for having a For Sale sign in the back window of my car, which cost me $400 on a car for which I was asking $100]: “It's Time To Imagine A Post-Police World… Here's Why Abolishing The Police Is Not A Crazy Idea”, Claire Bernish, Activist Post, 28 August 2016; and “…Six Ideas for a Cop-Free World”, Jose Martin, RollingStone, 16 December 2014; and “Ferguson and the Criminalization of American Life”, David Graeber, Gawker, 19 March 2015; and “How Much Crime Fighting Do 'Crime Fighters' Really Do?”, Victor E. Kappeler, Eastern Kentucky Police Studies, 14 May 2013; and “Judge's 'Debtor' Prison Court Throws Cancer Patient In Jail Over Unpaid Bills”, Claire Bernish, The Free Thought Project, 25 August 2016; oh, and added to these five articles might as well be White Jazz, James Ellroy's novel, and the “rumor” that the proprietary Soros Open Society Foundations' planetarized strategic offensive is trying to institute, in the U.S., nationalization, dissembled as “federal guidelines”, of local police forces [another By Gestapo Possessed to complement them what's already done been possessin' the usins-of-WE?], which have by now in effect become functionally equivalent to police “field forces” à la the coinops role assigned to the GVN National Police during the American period of the Viet Nam war, and this Sorosian offensive is altogether in line with the long-prepared-for Department of Homeland Security taking over administration, heh-heh-heh, of U.S. “elections”: like I've long said, “…à la mass assimilation to the Sampson Complex [bottle-imping Soros: “I fancied myself as some kind of god…”: ConveDDed compensatory abreaction to anti-secular-Rabbinical qua Cabalistic “Quantum this, quantum that!” plus rigorous-formalization-advent of the µTm-valued logics covertly informing self-referential Sorosian market reflexivities, Sorites-Soros paradoxically demanding a 1T2-definiteness which authentically-self-organizing markets µTmly-non-simply will not allow, the demand for a management-regulatory simulacra of definiteness being irreferentially based on a variant of the unknowable fixed 1T2-boundaries thesis concerning the Sorites Paradox and Supervaluationism's super-trues and super-falses piled into truth-value-table heaps, since µTmly-self-referential-reflexivities are said to denote a secular-Rabbinical Cloud of Unknowing with respect to Steve Roach's codification of The Magnificent Void induced by ambient market actors, micro and macro], will the U.S.… Americanize the Samson Option?”) -- murder being distinguishable from suicide only under the quantum quenching which attaches the “only” to the “1T2” in memetime-bound “1T2-only lawfare”. This “attitude” of mine is not, of course, to challenge -- God forbid! -- the 1T2-[or, not-and}-lawfare with which society indulges the so[licit}or. Prob'ly been pert'much thataway since domestication of the horse: long rise, quick fall, eh what -- this Rise-And-Fall. Them thar skeptics jus' git up your nose like so much dust! O thee, art thou not pandemic abhorrence of the blathering iniquitous staggerers populating the sloughs of bibulous political swagger, the quintessential disparager of those purveyors braggin' on LookwhatIdoneism, rummagin' ever whichaway on That'lldoitism, intriguin' on Thereweren'tnothin'elsecouldabeendoneism, such like to that -isms? Well, hey! Hey there, now, just stand down and cock an ear to a far greater real-bad-totem insanity than that succumbed to in Weimar Germany, far greater because (1) nowadays that pellucid example is available as a snorting cautionary, and (2) the feckless anti-life components of the current not-soon-to-be-burnt-out fulmination of the resolutely resilient diehard mass psychosis are far more fundamentally elaborated than they were ever contemplated to become by the slack-hammered Hitlerians, even those especially into the crazed occult. The psychological identification: what might be understood an unsympathetic-empathic, 1T2-distributed-middle-type, involuntary “bond”. Expert at manipulating manipulated 1T2-only markets, that is a mark of genius -- or of something else? Has Asian rotary-Tai-Chi-1T2-crony capitalism (etiological as to rotatory nystagmus?) ever been remotely comparably corrupted as demonstrably has been Western radically-distributed-middle-1T2-lumpen capitalism (etiological as to manic-depressive bi-polar disorder?), uh, that is, independent of identification with the omnipresent threat cloud which is black self-propaganda? The making of reputable 1T2-only-money is an activity that does not exist, because even middleclass incomes document conspiration with a disreputable monetary system -- a system base-state rooted in the mass murder inevitably associated with suppression-regression-conversion of quantum non-simple identity. The logical-values to a given proposition supraordinate to those 1T2, they, err, the whichchamajiggers qua whatchamacallits, come out of the cosmic OR[phan}age? Binary-object constancy, plastic-neuron Piaget-learned via prescriptively-enculturated glutamate-etched memory cues gouging out linearity of memetime, the continuity of which is established and hyper[thy}me//siac (regressed imitation of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, where memetime-lapsed mnemonic-1T2-only-information propagation is an infinitely reduced qua renormalized perceptive cum proprioceptive cum ideational way to remain in denial of the eidetic-animisitic-pagan µTm-identity-transparency functionally prerequisite to Platonic anamnesis) maintained by mass-mediated memory chains -- the educated-in constant-1T2-object contextualized in a homogenized state space substituting for the color fields painting µTmly-logical referential number systems melted away by the quantum quenching in accompaniment to the neural network wipeouts: if not paradise lost, then synaesthetic Musculpt lost. There are situations -- and the long-prevailing current civilizational conjuncture is one of them -- in which mission-bound commitments simply, without protest, become lifelong, however long that may be. When they were dominant, they didn't talk about full-spectrum dominance; only when the Soviets lost control of voluntary jettisoning of Eastern Europe -- disintegration of the U.S.S.R., in my opinion, being, in actuality, the first major step in the civilization-wide collapse of the whole institutionalization of the 200-years-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung -- did again-fulminating collective unconscious compensatory abreaction (Oh Francoise, it's Beyond Sane: spellb{l}indingly depraved!) once again explicitly man[i}fess to a will to absolutely-in-so-far-as-full global dominance. However, there is no possibility whatsoever that any conscious will-to-power -- real sharp cookie-cutter minds living in planned coloring-book “communities”, DaleCity kitsch gone très chic as MacCleanPotoMac -- will successfully overwhelm constellated collective unconscious archetypal event gradients sufficiently as to nullify cultural impacts of the discoveries cum creations orchestrated by the collective unconscious over the last 200 years of memetime. Every attempt will have some sort of Hitlerian outcome. Ah, Our Most Revered and Exorbitantly Rewarded Iatrogenicizers! Just as our quiet Sun quickens minutes, miles, years of light, and actively dampens the same -- arguably being capable of bringing memetime to a stoppage, were it to sufficiently storm off, its solar wind no longer recognizing Earth's anthropogenically-modified frequency response window, through which the conveyed complex angular momentum (think twistorized 3-fold operator-time) enters, and butterfly-effect drives, the atmospheric cascade of energy-momentum through the stratified spectrum of atmospheric wave motions, injecting 3-fold temporal CURL (thus modifying conservation equations, momentum equations, energy transfer between phases, bubble-growth rates, so on) at critical points around the planet into plate tectonics, crustal-dynamics of volcanism, magnetic core dynamics -- and, no longer receiving correctly parameterized pulse-code bursts from Earth by “reverse cascade”, modifies its Earth-related behaviors appropriately (discussed ad nauseum in Cornell's atmospheric physicist Douglas A. Paine's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Bradfield Hall office, circa throughout the second half of the 1970s). O, Mother of God! such a sad story implied that the impetus behind it must be fate, fado. Consider this in relation to R. M. Kiehn's 1989 account of “The Falaco Soliton” coherent structure -- as provided in his paper entitled “An Interpretation of the Wave Function as a Cohomological Measure of Quantum Vorticity” -- i.e., “…inject kinetic energy and angular momentum into a stratified fluid with a free surface…” to yield a “spin pairing mechanism” where the “contra-rotating vortex cores” are linked by a “transverse waves” propagating “1-dimensional string singularity” (think, for comparison, of the Dirac string singularity associated with a magnetic monopole) AND “If the string is 'severed', the confined, two dimensional endcap singularities do not diffuse away, but instead disappear almost explosively”. What would happen were the angular momentum injected not real, but complex and hypercomplex angular momentum understood relative to temporal CURL, not spatial CURL -- the “complex mapping” being chronotopological in nature? That “what would happen” is what the Paine-Kaplan cascade theory cum numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis is all about. But, of course, all of that is impossible, heh-heh-heh, because of the “classical limit” and the anti-animistic probability-amplitude interpretation of Tantric Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. That's all, folks! -- as we learned in spades. For it only takes 8 to get 6: the bi-quaternions descriptive of 3-space under 3-fold operator-time, i.e., 3-headed Khronos; that's why Odysseus chose 6-headed Scylla over the much more frightening CTCly-vortical Charybdis whirlpool.

The hydrodynamic 1T2-take on emergent decoherence (see “Decoherence demystified: The hydrodynamic viewpoint”, Kyungsun Na and Robert E. Wyatt, Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, U. of Texas, arXiv 0201108, 2002) tacitly assumes memetime an objective linear-time, whereas the hydrodynamic µTm-take on demergent decoherence explicitly treats 3-fold operator-time as (no mention made here of “objective-subjective”, this drawn distinction being only ontologically-after decoherence has Schrödinger-memetime-independently demerged to 1T2-only becoming) active pregeometry-decomposer. It is unfortunate that in developing a generalized set of measures with respect to “Hierarchies of geometric entanglement”, Physical Review A, 77:6, 2008, Massimo Blasone, et al., did not employ J.G.Benettian “pencils of skew-parallels” and µTm-valued-logics mu-its, as distinct from mere 1T2-truthy qubits, for to have done so would have been to link spacetime geometry measures with the pregeometry-as-Lukasiewiczian-calculi-of-propositions-understood-independent-of-the-notion-truth-value, out of which such measures of relative-state identity-transparency are demerged by the quantal action of operator-time, Aharonov-Bohm “nonlocal interference” being a 1T2-way to assimilate pregeometric -- hence (temporal-CURL-enfolded qua implicate) ontologically pre-geometrodynamics cum pre-spacetime physics -- µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Moreover, the harmonic oscillator manifesting a (J.G.Benettian null-vectored skew-parallel qua temporal-CURLed Calabi-Yau) geometric phase in Massimo Blasone, et al.'s, “Dissipation and quantization”, Physics Letters A, 287:3-4, August 2001, treatment as to origins of zero-point energy is referenced to a reputedly-objective passive passing discrete-single-valued-tau-stepped memetime, not handled under active Pauli-Paine operator-time as is done in the canonical harmonic-oscillator equation derived in our treatment of radiation exchange by superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition, and in the physics behind the Paine-Kaplan complex-angular-momentum-cascade-theoretic nested-grid (and variable memetime-stepped under the operations of operator-time tacitly hidden in the 1T2-only-darkened depths of Einsteinian Special Relativity) numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis. Be aware that the dissipation term in the Hamiltonian is epiphenomenal to the temporal CURL incumbent upon the quantum potential resident in the nonlocal and Schrödinger-memetime-independent (therefore altogether without reference to “Dirac time” ontologically-“until” demergence to 1T2-only “is accomplished” heuristically) global relative-state identity-transparency spread (think: the Fuerth cum Paine “imaginary diffusion” subsystem-system-supersystem, far-from-equilibrium, viscous dissipative hydrothermodynamic rewrite of the Schrödinger equation, negentropy-borrowing “de-fusion” being a demerged-to-1T2-way to cognize µTm-identity-transparency: full-cognizing CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, and vice versa, requiring the aid of holographic-techno-exteriorized inner Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation, this being why I've never really tried to achieve competency at written-notation means to "speak" about the unspeakable in quantum mechanics -- and why, at George Mason University, before meeting Paine at the McMaster University Velikovsky conference, in taking Music Comp 4, I chose not to follow Prof-urgings to devote myself to a career in music composition, which would have derailed my attempt to pursue the “larger picture”) across the hierarchies of geometric entanglement, as Alexander.Karpenko-functor mapped, and Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered, over AllBase-state of Tzog-chen m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian reference space. What is patently 1T2-only-indefinable, e.g., physical meaning of the wave-function of the Schrödinger equation, may well be eminently CTCly-definable, e.g., relative-state identity-transparency. Those who go from ponderable-space “whence” cum memetime “thence” unto “hence” perhaps ought to consider relative statuses vis-à-vis the logical, ontological, and temporal precedence relations supraordinate to existence of the 3-space reference -- and nullity of such relations under fully-undeCAUMposed CTC. Just look at the Critual memetemporal windows specified under variant measure tau-sub-C, i.e., correlation time, (and note that our operator-time canonical equation specifies three orders of tau as active time-differentiators of time differentiations) specified in the correlation-function C-equations relative to Critical-state Dirac “crossover time”, windows where within correlation lengths and correlation times 1T2-memetime-paradoxically snap to infinity at onset of the critical Curie temperature (see: Crossover-Time in Quantum Boson and Spin Systems, Gennady P. Berman and Evgeny N. Bulgakov and Darryl D. Holm, Springer, 1994). It is especially interesting to compare the similar roles given tau in section “3.1.1 Generating 1/f noise by sets of telegraph processes” of “Decoherence in qubits due to low-frequency noise”, J. Bergli and Y. M. Galperin and B. L. Altshuler, New Journal of Physics, 11, February 2009, 1/f noise coming in pink flickers halfway between white and brown, with calculation of the various rate dependencies of “average transparency of various relations” as given in “Resonant tunneling in the presence of a two-level fluctuator: Average transparency”, Yu M. Galperin and Nanzhi Zou and K. A. Chao, Physical Review B, 49, 13728, 15 May 1994, and both with the roles given to tau (carrier function), tau-dot (multiple-connectedness), and tau-double-dot (non-orientability) in the canonical equation of our treatment of radiation exchange processes (in terms of logical and ontological precedence relations, correlation operators associated with tau-double-dot understood prior to those with tau-dot prior to those with tau, orders of differentiation being 1T2-ways to cognize Lukasiewiczian-HilbertSpace operators engaged in Tantric-Schrödinger-memetime-independent CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-demergence from Tzog-chen AllBase). Though emotivity be pooling in the mud of [dis}pond, I/i agrees with all them other-I-ams what beelieves [dees}pair is the greatest sin on GGE, God's Green Earth -- µTm-unto-CTC being what Them is. The wind through the shutter of my room in our house, Midori Gaoka, Ashiya-cho, kita-Kyushu, circa 1954, made a sound exactly like that of them giant ants, waking me up screaming for a week after I saw that movie at the Ashiya AFB theater.

So long as glutamatergic facilitation of neuronal plasticity is manipulated by 1T2-only-prescriptive enculturation-socialization, binary molecular-cellular brains will have no means of sufficient conscious direct ontic access to µTm-processing of THE (nonlocal) quantum brain such that quantum paradoxes and quasi-paradoxes (which truth-value-retaining neutrosophic logic wishes to treat as involving percentages of indeterminacy cum super-indeterminacy, in lieu of the plain-old-fuzziness involved in degrees of undistributed-middleness or the probability amplitudes of Cantorian-types of actual-authentic infinite regress of projective-identifications in dasein-being-there at being-in-the-world-under-memetime-boundedness, being-in having super-truth only with regard to 1T2ly-possible-worlds and other modals of modal logic and the Cantorian countably infinite variables of Kripke semantics [which has to do with “time and identity”, not, as misprinted in campus advertising for a mid-1970s Saul Kripke Cornell public lecture, “time and eternity” as distinct, one supposed, from the big-banged sempiternality of 1T2-only-necessary truth as distinct from the eternality of µTmly-non-cum-un-necessary supra-truth, inference not necessarily being inferable: when, after the lecture, I asked him, wff-wff-wff! what his semantics could teach us about post-paradigmatic non-simple Everettian-Lukasiewiczian relative-state identity-transparency as per the time-independent Schrödinger equation, the shaking genius-level nervous tension of identification with production of thought forms led to a stuttered flummox in response, and a quick passing over to the next question]) could be seen for what they are: epiphenomenal to psychological identification with 1T2-only logic, the memetime and ponderable space dependent thereupon. Persistence of this psychoneuroimmunological condition is coterminous with perseverance at implementation of the mid-19th-century collective-unconscious “decision” (see, for instance, “How likely is an existential catastrophe?”, Phil Torres, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 7 September 2016), manifesting as a brash of archetypal gradients-attractors buffeting us baffled moths, for mass suicide (“What a bore, this presumptuous buffoonery,” says heshe, to which I respond, “Right, your jury on this might still be out, but mine returned a verdict 40 years ago”) of homo sapiens (and associated ecocide: see, for instance, “'Half The Forms Of Life On Earth Will Be Gone By 2050' Biologist Warns Of 'Climate Instability'”, Zero Hedge, 3 September 2016; as regards the short shrift incumbent upon far-from-equilibrium climate-shift phaseover, Bryan Dyne provides an excellent brief summary update, though with no mention of the complex-angular-momentum-cascade-dyscrasia-inducing and frequency-response-window-modifying electron-temperature enhancements involved in our iatrogenic interventions into the electromagnetic properties of Earth's various spheres, in “Warming of Earth proceeding at unprecedented pace”, World Socialist Web Site, 3 September 2016), symptoms of which are now pandemic (including the lesser known: “Modern life is killing our children: Cancer rate in young people up 40 per cent in 16 years”, Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph, 3 September 2016; also “Rising Stroke Incidence in Young Adults…”, Yannick Bejot, et al., Journal of the American Heart Association, 11 May 2016). Killing off the young whilst prolonging life extensions by iatrogenic means and dreaming of AI-implemented immortality: great strategy, what! Here is one reason for adoption of µTm-valued LETS monetary-unit nesting foams: the species is so strongly obsessed with 1T2-only monies that breaking that obsession with µTm-valued LETS (for which optimization-2nk-landscape-tunneling D-Wave quantum computing would be of little use, because the last thing fully-implemented mu-itic m-state µTm-valuedness would wish is “quantum annealing”, i.e., a form of renormalization which “'tunes' qubits from their superposition state to a classical state”, that state glutamaterically etched, under supervision of prescriptive enculturation-socialization, which disallows even mere 2-state, both 0 and 1 simultaneously, superpositioning, howsoever many superpositionings of such 2-superpositioning might be “put on” a D-Wave chip going forward with the currently prevailing orientation to AI) would seriously undermine efficacy of the aut{ar}chic prescriptions orchestrating neuronal plasticity by glutamate etching qua neural-network wipeouts and associated quantum quenching, and, thus, around the non-orientable re-bend, would promote the cause of establishing monetary-system viability of an M-theoretic Mnk Musculpt man{I/i}fold. Go Tell The Dolphins, not the Spartans! But there may not be much memetime left for that, at least in the case of Pacific dolphins, if, that is, NOAA is to be believed. Ask membership of Tursiops truncatus how close their language is to the genetic language-display emitted via DNA's coherent wave-output. Musculpted sonic-visioning time domains, frequency windows, waveforms, spectra just like superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition: see, “Dolphins recorded having a conversation 'just like two people' for the first time”, Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph, 11 September 2016, and “The study of acoustic signals and the supposed spoken language of the dolphins”, Vyacheslav A. Ryabov, St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal: Physics and Mathematics, 21 August 2016: a slap in the face to behaviorist criticism of anecdotal cognitivism. And as regards Yalie Huynh Sanh Thong's thesis (see: “Mother's Tongue and Slang. Why and How Thought, Language, and Culture Began”, parts 1, 2, and 3, Journal of Unconventional History, Fall 1990 and Spring 1991) as to an “onomatopoetic root homonym”, i.e., ma, meaning “sacred space” in Japanese (to me: Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, Tzog-chen AllBase), origin common to all human-speakable languages, see Sarah Knapton's discussion of research conducted at Cornell's Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, the same lab under an earlier, 1970s, name that conspired, à la Bill Keeton et al., with Douglas A. Paine to investigate acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, i.e., atmospheric infrasound, most specifically as regards pigeon local-homing by infrasound signatures (uh, uh, songlines?) of landforms, lake fetches, so on, in her article entitled “Humans may speak a universal language, say scientists”, The Telegraph, 12 September 2016, and in the paper discussed, to wit “Sound-meaning association biases evidenced across thousands of languages”, Damian E. Blasi, et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, online preprint, 12 September 2016. Bill Keeton was one of the few who had sympathetic real insight as to the Weltanschauung importance of Doug Paine's physical-process-immersed work, and as Keeton's theoretical perspectives were strongly relevant thereto, Paine wished to sit in upon several of Keeton's course offerings. As this would not have been exactly kosher for another professor to have done, I was elected as the surrogate sit-in -- an experience I greatly benefitted from, sharing my detailed notes with Paine, this making for very interesting conversation during rides back to Trumansburg each evening. Those seeking “purified identity” via Mazdayasna-type cum Manichaean-type antinomies (“You are either for us or against us” -- for that is the kiddy shallows to which our 1T2-only-obsessed brain impairment confines the us of we, progeny of the twin-brother doctrine fathered by the infinitude of passive, passing, objective linear-time) -- like later did the Nazis, and now do their NeoCon progeny -- the Puritans, say, moved to the “savage's” wilderness from “civilization” in Europe so as to institutionalize their particular brand of intolerance: that false truth-fixated mindset continues to pervade NewWorld cum NewWorldOrder ratiocination even unto today -- the inertia plus momentum built up by intergenerational transmission of the involved glutamate-etched cognitive dyscrasia being sufficiently powerful as to suppress deviance from the path thus established. So long as truth (Zoroastrian asha = truth as 1T2-only order: how strange is it, the Law of Threes suppressed within the Law of Sevens, that Obama should have made a Yasdanist-Zurvanist deal with Iran?) is falsely attributed to the notion truth-value such that that notion remains considered the fundament of logic, there can be, for instance, no sane response to the abrupt climate shift dynamics we have instigated by myriad employments of 1T2-only logic alone: the attributed paradoxical/quasi-paradoxical nature of combinatorial processes involving the so-called separated off quantum world with the so-called separated off non-quantum world “arises” epiphenomenally due to truth-value-based takes as to the meaning of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, consequent dogged retention of the idea that universal physical constants are single-valued, continued positing of a hypothetical “classical limit”, each of which prevents adequate assessment of quantum-relativistic accounts of atmospheric processes. Fixation upon ergodicity-type-only (memetime-dependent) decomposition is a way to ignore operator-time as Maxwell's “angel” as well as to ignore superposition, both violators of the ergodic; fixation upon two-processes-only superposition is a way to ignore µTm-valued logics. Complexity theory's “nk fitness landscape” being in actuality, if generally unspokenly so, a 2nk landscape, it can be observed that the spoken D-Wave optimization landscape case is also one 2nk, this D-Wave 2 being an Eros cum Agape AND-type 2 rather than a separating the weeds from the tares OR-type 2; n signifying the number of bodies involved; and, threading a swank through cognitive canyons, k, in this quantum sort of complexity, denoting the number of 2-state superpositions qua so-called “quantum-composite long-range phase-correlations”, not simply nonlinear-Newtonian-dynamics-type correlations at self-organized criticality. Ghee-[will}takers! they be cosseting The Magnificent Emptiness, ridin' plosions of hee-haw right on inta upper echelons of the global E-liiites RoundRobbin' pyramid scheme, all the while thinkin' they're climbing Jacob's Ladder so to be wuthered upon The Gates of NeoCon Heaven from where they can fund the latest AI egress, ANNs occultation, ConveDD transit to self-annihilation. They have their D-[ruth}ers, and I/i have mine.

One of the many open questions to my mind is as to whether or not multifaceted Quantitative Easing -- beginning with JFK's “Twist & Shout!” manner of funding The New Frontier generalization of the Containment Policy into the Third World (over which he had a brouhaha with the FED, a private institution about which presidents are never supposed to speak, we all understand), followed by the chosen manner of funding LBJ's “guns & butter” VN-war cum Great Society -- was consciously strategized from the get-go as THE plausibly-deniable means to scuttle the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange-mechanism constraint on U.S. policy vis-à-vis reaching what now is called “full-spectrum dominance”. The fact that American oil-conglomerate CEOs were publicly attacking the gold-exchange mechanism during the period of JFK's campaign for the presidency suggests that the notion of a petro-dollar then lay latent in policy-formulation nether land. One simply must suspect that that subset of the class of all normotic establishmentarians, including themselves, suffering sesquipedalia verba loquacia (I fulsomely disagree with the proposition that the primary purpose of writing is to communicate with the reader, for the actual purpose of creative writing, be it non-technical or technical, is to utilize a tool-process facilitative to getting empty enough to allow the collective unconscious to communicate to the writer: what the reader my consciously think of the result is immaterial, for it is on the collective unconscious archetypal level that substantive human-behavioral change is orchestrated), and advocating “culturally-sensitive sustainable development”, as once taught at the East-West Center, University of Hawaii, via a “civilized capitalism” -- heh-heh-heh! there being expectorated from those normotics no viable concrete ideas as to how to achieve such an econometric “Mission Civilisatrice” -- which will remain that 1T2-“economic cannibalism” which always, in due course, becomes self-consumptive, uh, uh, that is, to reference the autocannibalistic case where autophagy has gone autosarcophagic. For an excellent account of the factors (the correlation between formation of “free”-trade areas and debt spirals being foremost) involved in this inevitable “has gone”, see Thad Beversdorf's “The Matrix Exposed”, First Rebuttal, 5 September 2016. Note, however, that, in distinguishing between “corporatism” and “capitalism”, Beversdorf makes no mention of µTm-capitalism as distinguishable from 1T2-only-capitalism. Origin, for me, of the path leading to the notion µTm-logically-valued LETS monetary-unit nesting foams came during my senior year of high school, circa 1963, whilst simultaneously taking Honors Econ and PSSC Physics, which experimentally taught an introduction to quantum mechanics at the high school level, when simultaneously attempting to grok “m-bank credit expansion” qua fractional-reserve lending and the m-valuedness of Schrödinger's wave-function, the two of which seemed to me subtly, but powerfully, connected, even though it was only later that learned of fractals. Since high school, then, I've always doubted that credit expansion processes in quantum economies, certainly those employing µTm-valued monetary units, necessarily would proceed in the same manner, with the same consequents, as those in Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian-Boolean economies -- because the various sorts of credit, cum the various sorts and rates of interest, in µTm-valued LETS nesting foams, could be placed relative to different indicator-measure values stacked upon the base-state of any given such LETS monetary unit, after the fashion that Schrödinger's m-values are superposed upon, and carried by, say, electrons, one type of quantal exchange unit, be they D-Waved or no. While fuzzy-clustering and fuzzy-regression obviously go together, stacked fuzzy-preference functions aren't necessarily all that fussy.

Mike Shedlock (in “Escape Velocity Challenge to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard”, Mish Talk, 8 September 2016) quotes Pritchard thusly: “The eurozone needs a quantum leap in the nature of policy…”. But Pritchard does not understand how right he is as regards the required “quantum leap”. Nor does he comprehend that the shift necessitated by ever-increasing uptake of quantum-based technologies demands no mere policy revision, but utter alteration in “framework determining conditions”, e.g., relative to logical properties of monetary units employed, which is even more fundamental than mere change of framework. It was much easier for Ignacio Matte Blanco to countenance The Unconscious as Infinite Sets than as employing µTm-unto-CTCly-infinite logical-values to a given proposition. Permit, as the latter case would, so pellucid an evocation of pagan-animism? Of quantum relative-state identity-transparency? People in general, the highly educated in particular, attributing only spirit superstitions as understood by the modern mind, scoff at the notion that identity-transparency has anything whatsoever to do with paganism or animism. Nonetheless, quoting East-and-Southeast-Asia-cultures scholar Nguyen Khac Kham (Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam, Saigon: Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations, 1970) quoting (NKK's translation) French ethnologist Giran's characterization, written before WWI, of the quantum-relativistic Weltanschauung of the Vietnamese peasant not suborned via subjection to a French-lycée education or that provided by the Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc and its modernist-education progeny:

…everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese.

By contrast, the numbness, the emotional disconnection, the “Plexiglas wall”, the tunnel vision, the memetime slowdown and ponderable-space expansion-contraction, the near-blackouts -- all that originated, for me, long before my period in the Viet Nam war, a decade earlier, aged eleven, upon leaving exposure to rural Japanese cognitive states and being returned to those habitual amongst Americans. How did I find resolution to such a deep-seeded personal psycho-drama conundrum? First, there was D. A. Paine's physical-model insights, then there was, miraculously, the royal lady, folklore-scholar Nguyen Phuoc Cong Huyen Ton Nu Nha Trang. To characterize my wife, Nha Trang, in the usual fashion, as an allegiant helpmate, Penelope, stand-by-her-man resolute facilitator would be, not only a gross injustice, but a travesty impuned upon a brilliant woman, a genius really, who, by her persistent schooled insightful soft-pillow criticism over decades, has done more than any other to advance the ideas worked with into some semblance deserving significant consideration. Per imports of her mother's deep practice, she never puts herself forward. Detailing her myriad contributions is not a plausible task -- and few would credit the actual degree of her insight as to technical issues, despite her Berkeley Ph.D. and many engagements, over the years, with experts in numerous fields. Absent implementation of µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary (involving applications of the sort of edgeware that Edgware Road was never intended to be a logic switch for: it's not at all likely that a Trump administration would be interested in these monetary system ideas, as-because Judy Shelton, twenty years ago, in some fashion dismissed them when, by letter and accompanying text, I drew them to her attention following my letter-exchange encounter with Milton Friedman wherein he clearly exhibited complete lack of comprehension of m-valued logics and Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”; there was no brief-back from Shelton by way of response; what is the likelihood that ardent Trumpers would be no less dismayed than have been those who, early on, were Obamaniacs? cause-push/attractor-pull being much deeper than presidents, policies, preferences), my long-forecasted formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc, a prognostication based upon consideration of cultural-history factors, e.g., Geist der Erde and the Russian peasant's ties to the land (WWI trench warfare having been a 40-million-dead Trickster-archetype-induced comedy meted out under ConveDDing of the Axiom of Choice and the specter of m-valued logics), is likely to take on econofinancogeopolitical forcing, regardless of who wins the current U.S. presidential elections, as Shedlock so presciently displays understanding of, vis-à-vis Target2 dynamics (the underlying eurozone problems this payment system is designed to resolve would be much better addressed by µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary), in “Germany's Finance Minister Blames ECB For German Trade Surplus; Why The Eurozone Will Destruct”, Mish Talk, 9 September 2016. But should the leading eurocrats -- pseudo-ebullient plush demeanors flush-enflamed fractiously by recurrent rashes of affect-chargings, heat from juddered nerves over-addled, sneezings-off of built-up steam, toot-toot-toot! -- be assigned bulk of the blame, when the physicists have persisted in dissimulating Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function as expressive of probability amplitudes (not m-values codifying relative-state identity-transparency m-logically processed), a persistence which has prevented a post-Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna institutionalization of the quantum-relativistic Weltanschauung? Given their psychological identification with the still-prevailing, centuries-old, dead-man-walking institutional framework-determining-conditions, what options are cognitively available to eurocrats except jumping their control-impulses to the next higher scale-echelon? Are the central bankers and their big-banks bankster cohort not smart enough, as Marc Farber believes -- quoting Faber as to how the central banks “could essentially monetize everything”, indeed, it could be said, are, essentially, back-channel nationalizing everything, drawn from “Dow Could Reach 100,000”, Valentin Schmid, Epoch Times, 12 September 2016: “I don't think the central bankers are intelligent and smart enough to understand the consequences of their monetary policies at present” -- or is it that their every professional thought and action is governed by collective-unconscious gradients the existence of which they deny? These PSYborg normotics execute their oft-humdrum professional lives encased in neuropsychiatric Perspex hypercubes! Virtual edges of their mind-cubical laminates radiusED into half-round mold by glutamatergic neuronal pruning routerED under perverted impress of prescriptive enculturation-socialization. The tide of memetime glutamate-flooding his toxified bloodstream leaves no man a wait, as the sailor in him is wont to almost say. Speaking 1T2ly, ain't any that ain't wrong, and that ain't right, right? Once identified with the socially-conferred role attribution, is there any remaining opportunity for independent thought? “Necessary lying” aside, an Alan Greenspan obviously believes at any given moment what he says at each such given moment, despite the projective-identifications patently involved in determining content of what is said. That hot-pink embarrassed mortification is not a byproduct of the projection involved in “Greenspan Worries That 'Crazies' Will Undermine the U.S. System” (Rich Miller, Bloomberg, 14 September 2016) is a case in point -- for “crazies” have already undermined the system, and Greenspan is one of those “crazies”. What is presently becoming a commonplace, i.e., the negative assessment as to the state of affairs across virtually every area of human activity, is an evaluation that was appropriate half a century ago: actual conditions today, I suspect, are far worse than any of us are capable of imagining -- given, for a few instances, unrelenting persistence of allegiance to the notion of a “classical limit”, retention of the idea that truth-value is the fundament of logic, near universal commitment to maintaining single-valuedness of universal physical constants, continuance accorded the anti-Cabalistic belief that nonesuch as non-self-identical numbers, e.g., Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, exist.

Brandon Smith, in “The World Is Turning Ugly As 2016 Winds Down”, Alt-Market, 14 September 2016, observes:

Add to this [the illusion of petroleum inventory draws] the latest news that Congress has passed a bill allowing the families of 9/11 victims to sue the Saudi government for their part in the attack, and you have a recipe for a dumping of the dollar as the world's petrocurrency. Even if Obama vetoes the bill, I believe a two-thirds majority of congress will override that veto.

One wonders how likely Smith feels it is that, if Saudi officials colluded with the perpetrators of 9/11, those officials were co-conspirators with, among others, some of those the U.S. Congress does not intelligently impress adequate oversight upon? And if the sue-Saudi bill gets past an Obama veto and the Saudis retaliate by dropping the petrodollar bomb, how likely does Smith feel it is that, under a Trump presidency, if, indeed, thinking in Smith's vein, a 2016 election is allowed actually to transpire, Congress would demand steps be taken to insure that the Saudis follow Saddam and Gaddafi? And if… on and on with the ifs that are held to subvert any and all ontological proofs. Few protested the “exorbitant privilege” the U.S. conferred upon itself, as its due, in the Bretton Woods monetary system -- justified to itself by recourse to the perks which the “inordinate privilege” of leadership (Oh, woe is me, carrying this whiteman's burden, even were I not white!) is felt to bestow and thus must be endowed -- until those privileges were grossly abused, beginning with the twist-and-shout of the JFK presidency, undertaken to Meke out advances upon the New Frontier, advances the FED was then loath to take. Nowadays, despite all its efforts over the last several decades, the U.S. faces the prospect that, with the failure incumbent upon the even greater abuse the petrodollar reincarnation of Bretton Woods became, it will lose all the privileged access to global resources it has enjoyed -- and likely would have continued to enjoy for quite some memetime had it not become so abusive. That being the case, will the post-pivot post-[Obama}nation (think, as per, for example, “Obama's Ungraceful Exit from Air Force One, America's Ungraceful Exit from Asia”, Joseph Thomas, New Eastern Outlook, 13 September 2016: line of defense becoming ANZ-Hawaii-Alaska) U.S. voluntarily accept rough equality with other nation-states, or will it fully embrace the Samson complex so as to escape psychosocio-sexual, financial-monetary, politico-military, scientific-mathematical consequences of embracing µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value?

Not very partial to current do's and digs, him, umm, that he what is now, HE -- as we used to say in The Forces, those contemplating imports of SF satori (lower case). Riding a squirty pipe through tight tubes of [Lund}on, what sort of di[jest}if-and-only-if works upon consumption overstuffed of post-ModernTimes with their downpours of virtual simulacra, their cascade of non-denumerable stuff, all their 1T2-only techno-victuals drizzling mimetic-estrogen film upon the Plexiglas facades, the Husserlian horizons, of the bowels of the glyphosate-drenched, glutamate-etched, and quantum-quenched? A broody fearsome species, monochrome but not nearly nugatory, staring goggly at the mess of shit befouling the coup's floor, wondering over the billions trapped in the chicken factory and dreaming of the crackle that simply must be available in as-yet-by-homo-sapiens-unspoiled other climbs. Obsession with the archetypal gradients delineated as human biosuperenhancement cum botsupraordinalreplacement is cause-push/attractor-pull for materialization of compensatory ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of the suppression plus regression of µTm-identity-transparency and associated collective-unconscious “decision” for human species suicide. Quite frankly, as regards erlebt living of life and its myriad involvements, uh, its Lebenslage conditionalities, I very much prefer, all things considered, Lebenswelt, b.p.c. to Lebenswelt, a.p.c. (personally, heh-heh-heh, I/i am loathe, given my dissing [dys}unbelief in the notion of a “classical limit” and my characterization of Abel's theorem of 1823 as an existence proof, to call CTC-unto-µTm “transcendental”, let alone reference such to a “transcendental EGO”) -- before and after the (egoic) personal computer. Over and over it has been said, and thus must be conscious, that “Europe committed suicide in 1914”, as by, for instance, A. N. Wilson commenting upon Robert Musil's unfinished, three-volume novel of 1930, '32, and '43, The Man Without Qualities (qualities, not to mention the qualia of relative-states of identity-transparency, having been neural-net wiped out with glutamatergic prescriptive pruning of neurons at plasticity), in the article entitled “Reading the mind of pre-war Vienna”, The Telegraph, 14 May 2007; whereas my I/i, on the other hand, maintain that, during the 1820s, Europe unconsciously committed itself, and the species as a whole, to committing suicide when it chose to view N. H. Abel's breakaway of 1823 as an “Impossibility Theorem” rather than as an existence proof. So waltzingly 1T2-self-involved, oblivious to all lives not their own, insensate to life itself -- even. Unlike the mega-brain of free-in-the-forest trees (name on my mother's side, Baumgardner, and having worked as a tree gardener for nearly two decades, I do not doubt Peter Wohlleben's assertions, with the reasons given: actually, if one feels the need of a guru with respect to the practice of concentration in self-observation vis-à-vis the “moving center”, on the basis of six years of 10-hours-per-day experience, I can recommend trees as capable of fulfilling that job description), so neuronally root-pruned by the greenhousing effects of prescriptive enculturation-socialization-governed glutamatergic neural-network wipeouts, can't distinguish metapreprogramming of the human biocomputer from preference functions authentically defining of a “me”. Then there are socioeconomic surface-structure accounts as to origins of The Great War, such as Jacques R. Pauwels' recent The Great Class War, 1914-1918 (a moot theme; which population subsets inevitably are made cannon fodder? all warfare is class warfare), reviewed by Kim Petersen in “There is Nothing Great about War”, Dissident Voice, 25 July 2016. People have a basic human right to sleep in the beds they make for themselves; I've never entertained the intent to deny that privilege to anyone, nor, so far as I can remember, have I ever delivered a strafing on that subject. I do not hesitate to point out, however, that there are not only many causes and strange attractors, but also many levels of causation-teleology with respect to origins of mass warfare -- those deep, no less than those surface. I've never received the impression that anyone has seriously credited my account as to deep-structure origins of The War of the World. One can speculate as to why this is so. To me, complete absence of response is support for the thesis being ignored. Acknowledgement would fundamentally change the notions of responsibility for that long-running catastrophe, notions which have been promulgated by the historians, most of whom have rejected the idea, on the basis of attacks made upon Greek Substantialism in historiography, that there are psychological causes of human-created historical events. Life, 1T2-and-1T2-only, despite the momentary satisfactions of borrowing, is ultimately as meaningless, uh, uh, as meaningless -- as is, that is, the thermodynamically rundown entropic, being-unto-becoming run out over fatigues one after another -- as the physicists say is the memetimely one-way street which is the orientable universe 1T2ly-containing such life. Time stutters and stoppages in tunnels, looked at through the wrong end of a telescope, long ago -- beginning immediate post-adolescence -- convinced me that there is no objective linear-time subtending the existential “living time” which is simply memetime, a conviction in no way impugning the notions of Pauli-Paine 3-fold operator-time and Penrose twistor as quantization of temporal CURL. These stutters and stoppages, I suspect, early on put me upon a path leading to recognition that there must be logics supraordinate (which is not, to me, transcendental, all such orders being implicate, embedded, nested unto the most-dense, all ways and always being-there, sheet, i.e., the AllBase state of Tzog-chen) to that 1T2.

The µTm-quantum relative-states of animistic-pagan identity-transparency: those I/i can see as being apropos of Tantric Schrödinger's memetime-independent Siamese cat, not the fuzzy logic cum neurtrosophic degrees-of-death qua percentages-of-indeterminacy apparently apparent in the [-0, 1+] interval of the hyperreals [-anarchosyndicalists, anarchocapitalists+], when, actually, the “spectrum”, even in that heuristic interval, is a spatially and temporally CURLed Möbius-stripping twistover. Lucia Hwong's “House of Sleeping…” whom no dragon current can awaken? Memetime dependency is a decoherent scaremonger -- for how is it possible to fear something if nothing is expected. Collateral co-optation: sangfroid swagger lost to a species pinioned by psychological induction, by weight of The Clingers in their insistence upon a squeamish wait-and-see. [Wonder}stuck by the phantasmagoria delivered in exercise of the creator subset's wanderlust. The get-down punky, enrapped, holocaust-style, post-trib-rapt, breakdancer skinheads; those weekend-warrior, dope-pushy guys recreationally dressing themselves in designer-camie, cargo-pocketed pedal-pushers; the would-be-Neanderthal-resurrecting Asiatic honeys with their red-hair-metareferential trope appropriate to the Empire of Signs; the bodymoders unconsciously opting for primordial identity-transparency, but overtly settling for tats and piercings: discounting the yous and usins of WE, these, these, are our leading non-normotics in this transitional epoch, most suffering lifeshock, shellshock writ large, it might be said. Normalcy: the psychological-state of 1T2-consciousness embraced by acquiescence sans concurrence; that induced-psycho-state collective-ego writ large as a nation-state system in syzygy with a renormalized Age-of-Enlightenment classicism where citizen-subjects now submit without admitting they so do. It was supposedly well-demonstrated by the Stalin-Mao-Castro case that command economies don't function well, so why is more-centralization the dominant near-universally-embraced civilization-wide approach taken to addressing the gathering n-dimensional global crisis (see, for a capsulated account of an interesting thesis on this subject, “'Romanticism and War': Contextualising a Theory of Interpretation”, T. P. Wilkinson, Dissident Voice, 15 September 2016)? My answer: it is felt by our latter-day Cro-Magnons that the enormous-capacity superfast-and-rapidly-getting-faster-endlessly New Technologies are putting paid to lessons mistakenly taken from the Stalin-Mao-Castro case, such that the autopoietic and self-organizing functions of markets are very soon no longer to be needed. I, to the contrary, say that that could only become the case iff resources generally, humans in particular, were altogether removed from economic processes -- and memetime reference was completely abandoned. LETS, µTm-valued, go unconsidered, given how thoroughly such currencies would re-invoke animistic paganism, and leash theoretical physics to yet another doggone heresy.

Contextualizing evolution of democratic national socialism over the last half century: the Bitgold component of the 1T2-only-logical Petro-SDR or the mu-itGold component of commodity-backed µTm-valued LETS nesting foams? that is the question. O, those with the temerity to seek to superstring in[car}nations of “the greatest leader on Earth” -- and, they would have it, within the solar system, the milky way, this universe, the multiverse. Heh-heh-heh! Derivatives-driven ConveDD (fetishized, subject-to-object somatized, conversion-disorder [spatial] displacement) of non-disposable risk (bond/derivative-jammer alienation, anomie, anxiety, depression, frustration, tension, stress) from local to money centers by bungled bundled bundles of collateral endlessly rehypothecated (associated with losses at smaller scales, to “players” at larger scale levels, of local multiplier effects), and, by QEing, from money-center megabanks to central banks, and, likely, via systemic conversion of the IMF-non-vehicle-non-reserve 1T2-SDR into vehicle-reserve e-currency and the 1T2-only-blockchaining of SDR-denominated transactions, from nation-state central banks to a mono-scaled, planetary, I-and-only-I-am-the-world mega-computer e-sorting demon involves multiple levels in the loss of spatially-related economic information, information which once was tagged to action directives operative in market mechanisms (this loss itself a ConveDD or quantum nonlocality) facilitating, however low the level of competence, autopoietic and self-organizing economic processes -- this being a critical information loss vis-à-vis any possible adequate address to the n-dimensional global crisis, where greatest density of the monetary information space (most dense sheet, quantal AllBase) should be at the watershed(?) level. Rectify this! Hmmm. Moral upbraiding, whether by verbal assault or [boy}cott, could not possibly hack it, because that tactic is directed only at the surface structure of the problems it hopes to see [re}dressed, no address being given to the underlying fundaments. All this detriment being an exercise in the NAFR-entailing (neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance) ecclesiogenic syndrome and its authoritarian secular-clerical hah-hah: PACed, electoral-college, 1T2-pecuniary, spiritual-obedience-demanding “democracy”. The Great-Mother-of-OldEurope-dissing rise of the tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion was undoubtedly one of the most, if not the most, destructive “development(s)” in known human history: those who came first were most responsible; those last, most reactionary. The first of Last Men, or the last of First Men? Panhylism/panpsychism cum hylozoism/hylopsychism are epiphenomenal to exclusive employment of 1T2-only logic, these two cases of the dualistic mode of comprehension being deeply involved in the dysunderstanding and dissrepresentation of pagan animism as having been focused upon a spirit worshiping idolatry -- not, as it actually was, (what is now called “quantum relative-state”) identity-transparency (modern formalized representation of which requiring Musculpted hypercomplex Musean holors µTmly processed: for a comprehensive Rx, see Theory of Holors, A generalization of tensors, Parry Moon and Domina Eberle Spencer, Cambridge U. Press, 1986), the actual basis of what is dissed as “psychic contagion”, “participation inconsciente”, “participation mystique”, “possession”, “folie à deux writ large”, so on. If the first modern Crimean war (discounting pre-Ottoman-Empire, pre-Kievan-Rus' state, first-millennium Khazar-Empire conflict) dethroned the Concert of Europe, and thus was the first battle of the War of the World, will a revenantial second Crimean war demise the European Union and initiate the last battle of the War of the World? Given history of Crimea, Turkey is automatically involved in any Ukraina qua Kiev-Sebastopol-axis cum BlackSea conflict, nowadays Turkey in Syria, that is, thus, via ISIS, et al., also Iraq, Iran, so on. And on what basis could the argument be made that the fundamentals presently at issue, if only unconsciously so, are not still the animistic-pagan principles informative of Tengriism? What Crimea was to Russia being analogous to what Kuwait was to Mesopotamia -- the Brits having been primary discombobulators of both cases, which U.S. ConNeoCon policymakers tooth-and-nail continued (when “mistakes” -- e.g., in wake of KMAG-advised ROK-CI active-measure provocations conducted in the North, Dean Acheson's 1950 statement that South Korea was beyond the U.S. line of defense and, in wake of Kuwaiti provocations, a similar statement made in July of 1990 with regard to Kuwait by Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs John Kelly -- are policy-consistent over decades and decades, what is there to suggest that the “mistakes” were actually mistakes, rather than closely-held policy, even if the “letters close” never become public?). The infantile surrealism and magical realism which is realpolitik as nowadays commonly practiced! I mean, who wouldn't be dead set against activist trees and dogs knife-wheeling, uh, uh, wielding, turned upon their under-indulgent owner's prolixity. Had one ever been up close and personal to a WP (white phosphorus) laydown, one wouldn't regard its use as “controversial” -- nor hold the use of napalm to be so considered. But do consider the CBU (cluster bomb unit: think of C. G. Jung's association experiments with respect to the complex mosaic derivative of any given archetype) UXOs (unexploded ordnance) embedded in the rich soil of the collective unconscious, some of which concretely incarnated and detonated as the post-fall-of-the-Shah Carter Doctrine and associated military plans cum the Afghan-Soviet-sting-initialized Brzezinski-reincarnated Heartland-WorldIsland cum geographical-pivot strategy qua NeoCon full-spectrum-dominance (a ConveDD of the compulsion for total dominance of one's own mind in face of “quantum this, quantum that” weirdness and, even more threatening, advent of µTm-valued logics) agenda. Is use of the oil-price weapon against Iraq (adeptly-deftly handled by onetime JFK-LBJ Press Secretary Pierre Salinger [in Secret Dossier: The Hidden Agenda Behind the Gulf War, with Eric Laurent, Penguin Books, 1991]: Army contingency plans for a possible U.S. invasion of Iraq were drawn up, circa 1982-4, early in the period of the Iran-Iraq war), then Russia, on a par, or not, with use against the U.S. of the withdrawal-from-the-petrodollar weapon -- when, due to virtually unconstrained ability to “print”, oil price, down or up, is largely irrelevant to the issuer of the foremost international vehicle-reserve currency denominating petroleum transactions? Par or not, clearly, on the cause-attractor archetypal collective-unconscious-gradients level, fixation of the social structure of attention cathexes upon such conflicts is part and parcel of regression-in-service-to-the-will-to-collective-suicide -- as such conflicts insure nothing substantive can be done relative to the very much larger n-dimensional planetary crisis. Inside the beltway, scary clowns have been on show for decades; so, it's hardly surprising that they should eventually be parodied. Government and institutionalized religion, including the Church of Science, created the circumstances within which the collective unconscious made its “decision” for human species suicide. The fuzz, immigration bureaucrats, bank managers, bill collectors, CEOs, Drs. Strangelove, double-digit midgets, so on, are saber-toothed tigers, and had not the neurotransmitter-driven hormonal response Animal Planet lauds been long ago blunted by prescriptive glutamatergic enculturation-socialization-indoctrination homo sapiens would not presently be in midst of the self-annihilation jam which, aside from the globalization of slow-motion pangenocide, man[I/i}fesses to/as its prevailing ConveDDed-to (as regards the n-archetypal collective-unconscious collective case of conversion-disorder displacement, think: domain-bi…m-furcated displacement vector field, its gradient and divergence, which Diego Lucio Rapoport [cf.: “Klein bottle logophysics: a unified principle for non-linear systems, cosmology, geophysics, biology, biomechanics and perception”, Journal of Physics, 437, 2013] “handles” as non-orientable relative to Klein-bottle stretch-cum-imaginary-reentry and Möbius-strip imaginary-cut-twist-cum-paste, temporal-CURL-productive of pinch-point sources of divergence of lines, e.g., pencils of skew-parallels, of self-intersection subject to decay by shear-viscosity processes), manifestly-psychotic, AI-transhuman-cum-GMO-posthuman, replacement-killers, conjuncture-scenario, strange-attractor, psychic capture. One feels quite certain that, even yet (read, for comparison's sake, our forty-years-ago paper entitled “Toward a General Theory of Process”, circa 1977, along with that much longer paper immediately-above-linked, circa 2013), such ideas as those of Rapoport are not credited the great relevance they actually have to dynamical meteorology and climatology -- much to our extreme peril. There is a caveat, however, for Rapoport mistakenly continues with the consensus view that such-and-so-and-so a theory is indubitably “…untenable for it produces divergences in the mathematical computations…” But this is the quintessential feature of the Paine-Kaplan numerical model of tornadogenesis: appearance of these computational divergences identifies initializations of the 3-fold temporal CURL by which complex (think: Penrose twistor) angular momentum cascade events, throughout the hydrodynamic spectrum, transpire (thus, the “divergence” is computational only). Only under 1T2-only-logic, and with selfsame numbers, are memetime-bound consistent histories seen to yield calculable point particles, catastrophes, chaotic complexity, singularities; whereas, under the myriad CTC-unto-µTm order-types of logical-value to a given proposition, understood independent of the notion truth-value, and with non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers there surely would be seen… not Gödel's cyclic view of history cum linear-time travel for memes assuming the unassailability of non-quantum simple-identity well-formed-formula selfsameness (memetime travel being a 1T2-Rx of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency -- as regards the continuum of identity-states ketaminergic-immaterial-abstract unto glutamateric-substantive-concrete, about which, say, among others, direct positivistic meditative ontic experience of both spatial contraction and temporal dilation inform -- in this one and only µTmly-non-selfsame universe, non-selfsameness implicately resident as superposed LSTDs qua ambients qua environments, “super{omni}interactive” being a memetime-bound 1T2-way [predicating Heraclitus' everything is nothing but changes] to process the CTC-order-type of relative-state identity-transparency [predicating Parmenides' nothing ever changes]), as per “closed [meme]time-like curves”. Glory that! Never saw the like? What mercy be on you? “Law without law”, uh, µTm-law without 1T2-law. Invocation of the notion “wave packet” is ontological-precedence-already an initiatory Abelian-E.T.Bellian involutory decomposition in the memetime-independent laddering down from ketaminergic Tzog-chen MVRS AllBase (Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space) to vamped-decoherent-mixture glutamate-etched kerfuffle. It's easy enough to imagine several directions of research that likely would have been followed had not Paine's funding been squelched during the late-'70s, one of which involving torsion oscillatory modes such as the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes which Paine handled in context of harmonic fields, their gradients, divergences, and associated infrasound-signature-Musculpted minimal surfaces, i.e., in the dynamical meteorology case as distinct from the helix-coiling DNA case, theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces and the chronotopological torsion geometries (think: temporal CURL and its quantization over wavefront discontinuities via Penrose twistors, where the Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergence “driver” of topological torsion exterior differential 3-forms is topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time: see, for instance, “Topological Torsion and Topological Spin”, R. M. Kiehn, Annales de la Louis de Broglie, 32:2-3, 2007) they concretely signify. Memetime-independent, Pauli-Paine operator-time-“driven” demergence of pregeometrized, unBorn, sorting angel, non-Zurek, pointless state, inenvariant (Parmenidean invariance supraordinal to the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct entities presupposed by the way-down-in-demergence-snapover qua Aurobindo-Involution notion denoted by the word “entanglement”: rich commentary provided by Ulrich Mohrhoff, Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry, India, in “Probabilities From Envariance?”, other than @auromail, no publisher or date given, nonetheless much appreciated by me, a 1969 buyer and assiduous reader [optimal object for practice of inner separation from identification with “intellectual center” cathexes] of the raw-silk-bound edition of Sri Aurobindo's twenty-some-volume Collected Works) “einselection” CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 (i.e., not by collapse of the state function, but by involutory decomposition of the m-logically-valued reference space): highly relevant to relative-state takes on nature's own quantum cum blackhole cum blackbody computing -- considering “possible measurement outcomes” where the denumerable set of possibilities identified as The Possible (the involved take on Everett remaining linear, non-Lukasiewiczian, and time-shapes free) are einselected by the pregeometry order-of-logical-value-to-a-given-proposition chosen for employment at apprehension-processing-assimilation of the readings of the instrumentation revealing outcomes themselves einselected by involved observers and/or environmental LSTDs, limited spacetime domains of laminated Cantorian-fractal spacetime (Heisenberg uncertainty sustaining either/or-ness of the “classical limit” by rejection of m-valued universal physical constants and in being a 1T2-way of looking at µTm-skew-parallelism). Parenthetically, I note that, a few months after our 1979 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry DNA paper was published, I traveled to India with the intent to participate in a meta-culture design-center project conceived and attempted with pre-burst-bubble old-silk-family Japanese funding, and, whilst hanging out and exploring Old and New Delhi, inadvertently saw a sign advertising a quantum chemistry conference soon to be held at IIT, the India Institute of Technology. I decided to attend: not a smart move. There were few non-Indians there, so I stood out -- and thus met the Chairman of the Atmospheric Sciences Department of IIT, who was attending. His applied maths Ph.D. had been done at Cornell, and he -- a strong supporter and inner-circle member of the Transcendental Meditation salient -- was doing the most fascinating transdisciplinary “thing” I'd ever encountered, pulling in scientists from all over the world. I described to him the work of Cornell's meteorologist, D. A. Paine. Set up the contact, as explorations of many theoretical issues, as I could understand, were being duplicated vis-à-vis Cornell-IIT. We hit it off, shared quite a number of long discussions and several exceptional meals, abroad and even at his home. Wonderful. Later, I learned, this was my introduction to the background investigators (discounting my myriad earlier contacts at district, province, and national echelons, Viet Nam war, circa 1967-'68 -- and the various “rundowns” done upon me, even in Nong Khai, so late as circa 2005, by a Lao Meo-Miao-Hmong woman lately-come-of-age in/from Sacramento: interesting MO with regard to targeting a onetime SFTG trainee qua Psyops Group qua JFKSWCS intel analyst, later a no-option, coerced, seconded from TID, 525th MIG (during 1967-8, my time, 5-two-5 was a Group; note that, in the WiKi Rx, Technical Intelligence Detachment is not mentioned, even more absent those forcefully seconded there from as isolate “ethereal presences” briefly embedded within various VNAF units on a mission specific basis) token-American attachee, night missions, Mekong delta, RVN. The C-intelligencers having earlier flashed upon appearance of our DNA paper, my IIT attendance was an “inspirator” devolving to invasive iatrogenic “variances” over the decades. If, that is, I hadn't already come to the CIers' attention, circa 1963, à la AIESEC, Senator Mundt's in-my-face-and-his-office slap down for facilitating a scheme plausibly deniably instigated by Douglas Dillon and/or subordinates. My mentors at that memetime being Stephen Lau (scroll down for the photo) and then-pipe-smoking Fred Hornbacher: these two being smarter than those they imprinted upon, in Steve's case, H.H.H. This is SCIENCE in the post-modern era! The Paine handling, of course, is not in sympathy with Kiehn's commitment to the 1T2-only arrow of passive passing referential memetime (upon first becoming aware of Kiehn, I did not read into him because this was the aspect of his thought of which I initially became aware). Were Paine found to be in verisimilitude with the nature of the natural case, just try to imagine details of the nature of the technological enormities which have been committed by The Clingers. Given that this perspective was rejected forty years ago, with considerable affect-charge, even in certain aspects by some of those closely associated, in a cognitive environment considerably less regressed than that of today, I contemplate zero likelihood of grudging acknowledgement anytime in the foreseeable future. Therefore, let it lie, lay, lain. But: “We're not meant to be doing that!” What -- and: eh, what. Conflating the different “branches” of physics, as if they were simply scale-dependent domains; believing the whole of chemistry could be re-written in terms of µTm-sound-wave (re: acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes) superpositionings (re: acoustic analogues to blackhole computing), rather than, as it is currently written, in terms of 1T2-particle interactions. Sound molds substance; not substance, sound. The sounded-form. Musculpt. Given massiveness of the foremost ADF, assessment-distorting-factor, i.e., continued commitment to the notion of a dynamical-meteorology cum climate-shift assumed “classical limit” (and the falsification of nature which is molecular biology dissociated from submolecular biology, particularly as regards the GMOed trashing of the DNA of myriad genomes), an open question in my mind is as to the thesis that there is the possibility, which cannot be altogether discounted, that the natural-world aspects of the elaborating global crisis will become severe enough soon enough, in interface with other aspects of the crisis, to effectively preclude final devolution to an actual full-blown apotheosis as a PW1, a space-based Planetary War One. Trillions and trillions and trillions dissipated in oil-cum-resource wars, and the globalized economy of Earth orb ConveDDed to massive dysallocation via planetarization of the JFKed-cum-DNAed twist-and-shout (coherent-wave generation at helix-coil transition) QEing (itself a ConveDD of largely-suppressed, currently breakdanced, topological geometrodynamics expressions of pregeometry as µTm-valued calculi of propositions) required to maintain the ever-amplifying oil-resource warfare. Anything that even subliminally reminds of the physics of cooperative collective behaviors, a µTm-valued critical-state fundament of quantum mechanics, e.g., between spin-coupled pi-electron-parcel oscillators in a cylindrical cavity like the free-electron gas core of DNA (see, for instance, Joseph Ngai Tan's Harvard Ph.D. dissertation, entitled “Cooperative Behavior in Cavity-cooled, Parametrically-pumped Electron Oscillators”, September 1992), is, via ConveDD, immediately attacked with the intent to rid the mind of any psychological, social, political, and economic associations to quantum weirdness (for an interesting surface-structure, econo-driver Rx, see: “Why America Needs War”, Jacques R. Pauwels, Global Research, 28 September 2016 re-posting of the 2003 article). Collective action personified: authoritarian personalities come to the fore, by processes of projective-identification at mass transference, in circumstances, circumstances, whatever their type, which are induced by collective cognitive dyscrasias of this or that variety, pathogeneses of which are etiologically rooted in adaptive failures of The Clingers in face of changing circumstances -- dyscrasias environmentally somatized as circumstances via the subject-to-physical-object algebraic variety of 1T2-only transference; external circumstances introjected, à la invasion-possession, as dyscrasias via the physical-object-to-subject algebraic variety of 1T2-only transference. The [1T2-valued] Book of the [µTm-valued] It: the plague years, the cholera years, the tuberculosis years, the flu years, the AIDS years… the War-of-the-World-psychosis centuries. Only, heh-heh-heh, by going to µTm-modes of cognition can 1T2-only transference dynamics be ameliorated, if not superseded.

Discovered ConveDDs offer vivid cameos of the concealed inner life of the herd. I write this sort of personal stuff on basis of a long-embraced personal principle: the worthwhile well-examined life is memetimely re-lived in reverse, and the resultant back-channeled VR, so far as I/i am concerned, is the primary purpose of writing, drawing, painting, sculpting, composing music, even doing maths. Chivvying Through. What comes into my head gets keyboarded. Then I study it, as if it were dream content, see if I can figure it out, find the incoming-from-elsewhere message behind the fluff. Mortal remains of what? The purpose of writing is the process; that's the edification in it. Thanks especially for this referral (“CIA Secret Airline”, YouTube VDO, 15 August 2016). I note that, still, all these decades later, this story is obfuscated in many respects, not the least as regards CAT resupply of DBP. As a 9-year-old at Ashiya AFB, kita-Kyushu, Japan, I helped, over a period of many months, a young AF pilot, Harry Phelps, construct and fly a large, very-exact-replica, balsa-wood scale model of a B-36, which crashed and burned on its first flight. Soon after this event, to me, and to Harry, a considerable tragedy, I had my first awareness of the Viet Nam war, 1954, when Harry brought back to me souvenir gifts from Ha Noi and stories of the diminutive Tonks. Even before Harry's first gifting, I had observed an enormous increase of flying-boxcar departures and returns from Ashiya AFB because, living off-base in Midori Gaoka, I had often climbed through the hills and out-foxed the base border guards to arrive at the edge of the flight line to watch the activity there. Great fun for a reckless kid imagining himself into who-knows-what. Ostensibly, I was steeling cum stealing my way into the off-limits caves at the seaward aspect of the flight line, used by the Japanese Army during WWII, where I searched for war trophies, like Samurai swords. But, really, all the unusual noise of the increased aircraft traffic attracted my attention, which I couldn't possibly have missed, as I knew those hills, and their sounds, like the back of my hand, the ringing in my ears. I was deeply resonant with the way of life in the wet-rice hamlet in which I was then living as a member of the only foreign-family residents -- and emotionally upset by even the little I had learned of what was happening in Viet Nam, which I imagined another similar place, similar way of life. It took me a long time, years -- I was dogged on this because of the emotional aspect -- to work out what had transpired. Harry was not a direct subordinate of my father, who was then a supply-and-materiel trouble-shooter, just off the job of organizing air-sea rescue operations vis-à-vis the Korean war (see the time-context-displaced film: Yul Brynner starring in Flight From Ashiya), but in a way working for him, as my father organized acquisition of the materiel delivered during the re-supply effort made to DBP. The planes were loaded in Ashiya, flown by Harry and his cohort to Ha Noi, insignia changed to French in Ha Noi, CAT pilots flying these aircraft from Ha Noi to drops over DBP, then, again back in Ha Noi, insignia changed back to U.S. and flown return flight to Ashiya for re-loading, over and over. This was in violation of the 1952 ANPO security treaty (ANPO in the American version, AMPO in the Japanese version: heh-heh-heh!) between the U.S. and Japan, hence the obfuscation then, and over the decades. Thus and so, at least, had I concluded was what had transpired. This was, perhaps, an over-blown issue of my youth, as I felt myself persistently misled whenever I asked pointed questions, which my father rightly read as indicative of an “incorrect view”. And this circumstance never abated: in my last conversation with my father before he died, he refused to make any observations, denial or concurrence, as to my understanding of what had transpired (I took from this: confirmation). Which stance on his part had a huge impact upon my me: this was, and remains, a non-issue, and yet, more than a half-century later, there was persistence in dissimulation. What, then, can be expected with regard to issues of real importance? I would expect -- no, I know -- that few people would attach any importance to this story. Yet, this, and its tacit dimensions, was a major factor in the vectoring of my life-long intellectual history, a history that eventually involved my becoming fairly well informed. Analyze that!

Yes, I haven't had much in the way of sustained higher states since I left my thirties behind -- not enough “consciousness force” (Aurobindo's term) after that age to hold out against the psychological (and chemical and…) induction this civilization increasing throws up. But I also got scared off back then because I couldn't understand the dynamics of what I was experiencing. The physical theory analogies have been very helpful in that regard: too bad I didn't have adequate access to them in the critical juncture. A major bridge for me was Sanskrit scholar Sir John Woodroffe's WWI-era book The World as Power, in which he provides literal translation of many Indic philosophical terms. I found the literal translations vastly more helpful than those metaphysical, as the literal related directly, in my understanding, to modern physics and higher mathematics, which, in turn, brought increased comprehension of the consciousness-states dynamics which had scared me off. I would suggest, as regards your observation, that what identity-transparency has to say about falsity of the self is that that falsity is not an on/off affair, but rather a matter of states in actual infinite regress, not of degrees or shades of gray, the states differing in kind one from another. This identity-by-way-of-diversity qua identity-in-diversity (mathematically somewhat addressable via use of null vectors, skew-parallels, enfolded dimensions, so on) is paradoxical to standard logic, that of the either/or variety, where any given proposition has two possible logical-values (true or false), only one of which can with respect to the given assertion legitimately be the case, i.e., 1T2 logic (T standing for Truth, but I prefer standing for Tzog-chen). Mathematics involving infinitudes and thus the trans-algebraic, non-Euclidian geometries, non-Aristotelian muTm logics (where any given proposition has many possible logical-values, some number of which can with respect to the given assertion legitimately be the case, mu and m both standing for many), physics where each “individual” given variable involved is not single-valued qua not self-identical qua not selfsame qua not the same-as-itself: each of these disciplines in their own way more or less successfully addresses the paradoxicality of the identity-in-diversity characteristic of the falsity of the self. Hubert Benoit's discussions of the false claim to be “absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct”, as given in Let Go: Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen are especially helpful as regards the infinite regress aspect relative to falsity of claimed 1T2-only selfhood (the act of self-observation, in the nature of the case, immediately entering upon the infinite regress aspect of the nature of selfhood unchained and indubitably unclaimable). Having much earlier studied Woodroffe, the terminological translations provided in Anne Carolyn Klein's and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Unbounded Wholeness: Dzogchen, Bon, and the Logic of the Nonconceptual were much more useful to me than they otherwise would have been.

Thanks especially for this link: “If Deutsche Bank Goes Under It Will Be Lehman TIMES FIVE!”, Jim Willie, Silver Doctors, 30 September 2016 reposting of the 2013 article. I found the comments particularly stimulating. THIS FROM JJ, ON 27 SEPTEMBER 2016, BEING THE MOST PROVOCATIVE:

As usual Willie does not have a clue of what he is talking about. It wasn't Deutsche Bank that did the currency swaps with Greece and Italy but Goldman Sachs and at the time it was none other than Draghi who was head of GS Europe who did this. Willie like most of the alt media doesn't understand what is really happening. The globalist, wall street and corporate America is placing huge amount of pressure on Germany, France, their financial institutions and businesses to sign the TTIP. It is pure propaganda about Deutsche Bank. Recently one analyst at one of London's big banks dove into this nonsense and said that virtually all of the bank’s derivatives were actually hedged but due to the differences in the German accounting regulations they just post the total notational value and don't break down the hedges. In other wards the trades are a wash. This all started some three years back when the DOJ fined both German and French banks billions. When this didn’t work they had the NY Fed hold back the majority of their gold that both countries wanted back. When this didn't work they had US controlled NATO place troops of Russia's border threatening all of Europe with war. When this didn’t work they flooded Europe with refugees hence the crime and violence. When this didn’t work they went after Volkswagen hence the huge fines. When this didn’t work they created the false flags in Germany and France. When this didn't work they again went after Deutsche hence the record fines and the DOJ announced more German and French banks are going to be fined pertaining to mortgage backed securities that were actually created and sold to these banks by the US financial institutions. Now a sector of both German and French governments backed by their financial interests have broken from Merkel and Holland. Germany will triple its military and place troops on the streets just as France has already done. They are creating a European army not to counter Russia but the US controlled NATO. German and other EU countries has told their citizens to stock up on water and food. Both Germany and France are preparing for a total economic attack, false flags and possible war. Both have come out recently and stated that the TTIP is dead as they did not want to give up their sovereignty to US corporations. So many people like Willie post crap and don't back it up with solid facts. It is only those who sell subscriptions, market metals or have no experience in financial markets who rant about Deutsche Bank and most admit they have done no research on the matter or even looked at the financials! If the bank goes under it will not be about derivatives but a total economic attack by the globalist, wall street, the DOJ, US hedge funds and corporate America.


Actually the Bundesbank can print and does print euros as all central banks of the countries in the EU do. The euros are all identified on the currency where they are printed. When euros are taken across borders and spent in another area they are collected by the central bank in that country and then are sent back to the country of origin. When a person or entity transfer funds from one country to another, there is actually no funds sent. The sending bank marks the transaction as a debit and their central bank does the same and the bank in the country where the funds are sent receives a credit from its central bank and the funds are a liability to one central bank and a credit to another and this shows up as the Target 2 transaction. Germany is owed billions from other central banks as people and entities have been transferring capital from the south as the euro collapses. People are hoping that when the euro does finally collapses their funds in German banks will be converted into German marks. So much in fact that some German banks have started to charge customers to hold funds as the banks hope this will discourage the movement of capital into Germany!

AND THE OLD PHOTO OF DEUTSCHE BANK AND TROOPS WAS PERHAPS NO LESS PREFIG THAN POSTOP (PREFIGURATIVE THAN POSTOPERATIVE). As I've said before, I believe that Target2-type problems could much better be handled by µTm-valued LETS nesting foams. This second JJ comment makes a particularly clear statement as to how it is that the euro is an undercover deep-structure m-currency crying out for µTm-valuedness (which would allow retention of the carrying of locally-specific information), while surface-structure a 1-currency 1T2-valued.

In my piddling inexpert dilettante judgment, surly for surely not seeing the trees for the forest, the Federal Reserve system was not created as a “lender of last resort” reactionary preventative, à la the Kickerbacker Crisis bank runs of 1907, but as a “Readymade” better facilitator of the anticipatory. Marcel Duchamp's “explosion in a shingle factory”, shown at the 1913 Armory Show, 17 February until 15 March, prefigured Wilson's anticipation of the 28 July 1914 onset of WWI, codified by his 23 December 1913 signing of the Fed into law. While the Federal Reserve system may be altogether a private consortium (all the stockholders being private banks, the primary business model of which is fraud, and most, if not all, of the profits of which come there from), the USG colludes with it, forget mention here of PeeePIPing and all the rest, goosy-lucy no-mark-to-market deGAAPed instruments legalized by USG mandate, no less than it, the Fed system, for fees accrued, services the debts run up by USG-policy malformations (financial, no less than geo-politico-military). Moreover, the Fed's primary interest in state and local economies is to assist WS financial-instrument innovators (mindset set by physicist dropouts FEDup with quantum weirdness: yous and the youins yous comes from!) at fleecing by the participation-inconsciente-ConveDDing of local multiplier effects displacement-vectored to money-centered megaconurbations with “hard-to-value” non-simple-identifying/delocalizing bundles of interminably-novated bungled (i.e., sans fiber-bundle arithmetics, not to mention µTm-valued logics) bundling and their rebating rehypothecated collateral-chained rehypothecations conducted in a statistically-multiplexing fractional-reserve banking environment bent on fraud. Well more than a quadrillion notional in fees-delivering derivatives (that's a lot of fees!) ConveDDing micro-risk to macro-risk (forty-plus trillion intermediated by a single supermegaultrabank manifestly unsatisfied with projective-identifications amounting to a claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-masters-of-a-mere-galaxy!) throws the whole card house into the wind of wondering how long it can stand upon the pyramid schemata and associated slippery Ptolemaic epicycles supporting it. Particularly so when the extreme polarizations, against (“Globalization is the Demise of Humanity”, ex-WorldBanker Peter Koenig, All China Review, 7 September 2016) and for (“Backlash to World Economic Order Clouds Outlook at IMF Talks”, Rich Miller and Saleha Mohsin and Malcolm Scott, Bloomberg, 4 October 2016), are only to be expected within a 1T2-only system. Mighty stupid, but then -- as the harried not-brittle never-maudlin stroke their limoed ways to the H Street WB Building -- it's been a long memetime since homo sapiens has been non-controversially regarded an intelligent species. My O me, lesssee. No. Moresee. Quoth the late Douglas A. Paine, decades ago, then of Nederland, Colorado: “Oh, I get it. You're trying to show how plausible was the path that will not be taken.” Go figure. The biggest stakeholder in human systems development these last 5,000 years has been Corruption; of second stature, the incorruptible avarice of 1T2-only-self Self-Interest. Any substantive assault made during the period on these two stakeholders has been met with inquisition, murder, mass murder, mass warfare, holocaust, genocide. Such a species as that is going to rectify the muzzy mess it's made on this planet? Long ago, but not so far away, it was projected that those with ambient sensitivity, “situational awareness” in MilSpeak, exceedingly reduced, thus no point men, via addiction to junk music, joy-kill compu-games, MoSoSo, cloud-computed Seventh Heaven could not possibly cultivate authentic environmental concern. I/i've always felt guilty when devoting memetime to stylistic considerations when efforts during the given period could-have-been/could-be deployed in attempts to accomplish further understanding of the ununderstood. When assessing likelihood of human species survival, the likely survival rate, compare H&H and consider the preference function indicated by the fact that, for instance, Hiromi Uehara performing at Jazz in Marciac 2010 certainly didn't receive even a significant fraction of what Hillary has gotten for a single junk speech among her many such, some of which, to her chagrin, were recently made public. O, what they do at all! Chimes clink, even absent ratiocination: it's called roof-brain chatter. Plunk it down gaudily at the gloating pay-to-play presbytery. Lowing forlorns hooved by the bellowing sacristans of the 1T2-only capitalist horde. Pulp Fiction, circa 1994, being an allegory with regard to ClintonWorld -- filled full beginning 20 January 1993, initialized circa 1978 with a governorship. Inhabitation of, indeed, in habitus upon, places and memetimes of mind wherewhen the shadows cast shadows: not surprising what a Rhodes scholarship can produce, given what Cecil Rhodes was (see, for an interesting portrait, “Cecil Rhodes: A Bad Man in Africa”, Matthew Sweet, The Espresso Stalinist, 2002 presumably). In postmodern art: “place is state; state, place”. The ConveDD hereto with for the boxmen pols is not European-Enlightenment-era “place is nation-state”, but placeless “non-locality is world-state” dictatorship of the prols, uh, the 99-percent: the deeper aspect of this ConveDD is insistence upon the notion of a “classical limit” and the decoherency required to prevent overt signification, of the goose-stepping Nazi electrons manifest as coherent superconductivity, from consciously being analogically modeled to [regi}mentation of the dictated-to prols and their transhuman GMOs cum bot replacement killers, the prols themselves being the primary targets of the prospective pangenocide, Hollywood, always chalking to the line laid down, assigned the task of assimilating the prols to their WWIII-qua-PW1 fate, hopefully becoming as compliant thereto as were the Jews during WWII. A society which regards murder a cure-all -- cf: Hollywood -- could ever so easily embrace the Samson Complex, as I/i've well understood, if only in the early days on an emotional-reaction basis, from my military-brat immersion. Huxley's Brave New World got it wrong about “soma” in Rxing it as a single drug; whereas, post-1984, there have been, and are, hundreds, possibly thousands, of “somas” -- mimetic estrogens alone running to a couple hundred. The War On Drugs was/is the best BigPharma-protection op ever run. Look at all those life-riskers who exposed drug-running Iran-Contra. What did they actually achieve? Such nefarious guvment activities have been reduced or expanded in the post-Reagan period? So, where are those with the cognitive wherewithal to identify the level efficacious for authentic substantive counter-work, inner and outer (inner, with respect to the collective unconscious; outer, regards framework determining conditions)? To be found amongst the super-impaired 1T2-brains which-who have no way even to suspect full extent to which they are denied access to quantum-brain µTm-processing? Nope, not a chance in this hell. Contrary to the pretense-impression given by the such-deprived, they couldn't care a sight or a wit for each other unto one another. In due course, one supposes, they are likely to learn far more than they ever wished about quantum-relativistic principles of atmosfearic physics, the chromodynamics of hybrid warfare being another of their myriad “Q-this, q-that!” ConveDDs preventing successful assaults upon the “classical limit” dissimulation. For many generations by now, there has been a subset with the following attitude: no intelligent person would participate; let the silly stupidos (accusative masculine plural of “stupidus”) destroy themselves. This subset undoubtedly had a profound impact throughout the 20th century. Realistically speaking, what are the chances that some substantial remnant of the non-synthetic subtranshuman human species could survive absent an incendiary systemic global financial cum economic collapse and/or a PW1? That's an actual question, not a suggestion. Begod, those horrid truculent Breviary minds mooing the [regi}mentation resident in office of those sitzkrieg stalls understood to be the only means to achieve psycho-self and vehicle-as-reserve-currency daaafense! As regards yet one more Crouching Tiger episode (trenchantly dawndering down, derry down: totally laughable AnimalHouse blackpsyche [as was the Tiananmen Square boondoggle, about which no address is ever made as to what percentage of pre-TS Chinese students in attendance at U.S. universities returned to China as well-schooled agents of influence], prefigurative of a new, uh, uh, yet another new, U.S.-instigated NeoConning “Tonkin Gulf incident”: policy initiatives epiphenomenal to Neocon obsessions with FSD and TIA, “full-spectrum dominance” and “total [1T2-only] information awareness” -- compensatory abreactions to suppression of psycho-socio-politico-economic imports of quantum weirdness and m-valued logics -- are the contextual drivers effected by God's good troopers, as David Stockman, no mere mug in a jug, apparently well understands, well, as well as one not having been there can, the public infospace abulling with misinfo and dysinfo, judging by his article entitled “The Truth About the War in Aleppo”, Antiwar.com, 11 October 2016, a spake enough worthy as to pride the Lord! binary either/or lies fly, whilst the 1T2-truth remains stuck in the mud; oh, I declare to TPTB, the very scutching which the MSM ought to be given!), yes, yes oh yes, [re}lied upon surely can be prefigurations delineated by consistent decoherent histories of the MIs on both sides of each and every 1T2-only-logical equation, be it/them Boolean syllogistic or TaiChi rotational: malicious imbeciles. Their disremember, those mordants of little wit fixing the die in their caustic state (a pre-probability stand-alone [i.e., the involved must-be-renormalizable complex functions and their Hilbert space: thus, reducing a non-physical -- that is, pregeometry-wise prior to demergence of the 1T2-logical-value order-type, the lowest such type -- property of Being-in-Itself to a calculational device] ontologically prior to each nanosecond of memetime sent pre-furred to usins by the Almighty) of retrograde inversion (of the correspondaaance limit separating quantum from standard logic) no doubt mistake for authentic Platonic anamnesis. Frame the sky, the thicks would -- if they could. Afeard, the “classical limit” is their Linus van Pelt security blanket. With my ideas alone about deep-structure origins -- going back to the back-reaction upon the metric of implications of N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr (so and thus were seedlings spud-pegged into the soil from which calamity springs): I/i for one-and-more never contemplated, nor condoned, living this or any other incarnational focus solely within bounds of the prevailing notion of the calculable permitted by the known maths academically given to be the given, as why would I/i voluntarily self-commit, auto-institutionalize to the dominant Lebenswelt? -- of the War of the World have I been able to explain to myself, and apparently only myself, how so many of our “leading lights” cognitive galoots (no trouble at all separating tumbleweed from chamisa, whilst gorging on goathead) could have placed belief and self-identification in a mono-scale system having absolutely no precedence in nature, especially nature as understood by 20th-century science. The design criteria employed for virtually everything are in the basin of human cognitive function assessed over the last 10,000 years, the complexities involved in tropologically meta-referencing subtleties of prevailing Weltanschauung having been altogether abandoned by the ever-increasingly glutamate-etched mind (extra-high IQ, as measured, is a contraindicator of ease of cognitive access to µTm-Musculpt) -- which is not even to mention design criteria of given design systems. Why would anyone, even for a moment, contemplate trying to address this problem? How much real impact, for instance, did the thought orientation of so great an architect as FLW, or Le Corbusier, actually have upon the built environment slime-molding and sucking-up cum depositing scale-encrustments upon a planet regarded, essentially, as landfill? “Reciprocal maintenance” requirements -- discovered, for instance, by the ecological sciences -- have no place in design criteria for most aspects of, say, industrial production, not to say the logical properties of currency units employed in trade of the outputs from such production. Topping, topping they are, aren't they! Voting for Mayor, Senator, President Nexbinder never much appealed. Or are they over, all as once said in south-central Pennsylvania of sugar when it's gone? But when the going gets rough, the tough get going: as we learn from “The Future of the Army”, David Barno and Nora Bensahel, the Atlantic Council, 20 September 2016, critically reviewed by Andre Damon in “The 'major and deadly wars' to come”, World Socialist Web Site, 3 October 2016. Given how long ago, and how thoroughly, the U.S. Army bought into “forced-draft urbanization” (well before the 1968 COINing of the term by Samuel P. Huntington, one author of the clash of civilizations), the Pentagon VDO, entitled “MEGACITIES Urban Future: the emerging complexity” (linked in “Pentagon Warns of a Dystopian Future of 'Megacities'”, Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg, 14 October 2016), bemoaning the conurbations it endorsed and claiming for itself the Savior's role, can only stimulate one long snorted hee-haw. A onetime CICV-Targets analyst speaking here: once a tactical nuke is detonated against an enemy anywhere on the planet by any party, what does that do to the illegitimacy as targets of nuclear power plants and their fuel stockpiles, depleted and otherwise? In light of that, ask the post-Fukushima Japanese, say, what existence of so many of their Eisenhower “Atoms for Peace” plants means vis-à-vis their strategic options. How protective has AMPO actually been? A good case could be made that the species has already committed suicide, over the last 200 years, and all that remains are endgame moves. Oh, what has been done, what is being done, and what will, indubitably will, be done to keep memetime-independent µTm-logically-valued relative-state identity-transparency at bay.

The Agent_Zero-type (see the works of Joshua M. Epstein) simulacrum, such as with regard to the corpus of “generative social science”, no less than the totality of “generative linguistics”, is a cellular-automated, secular-Rabbinical, anti-Cabalistic, counter-Abelian-E.T.Bellian-demergent-involutory-decomposition, 1T2-only, back-reaction, however subliminally so, upon the metric of the Mnk existential threat which Lukasiewicz logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, poses to the LosAlamos-SFI-Bios 2nk-fitness-landscape-related, memetime-bound account of complex adaptive systems, where high-k-valued correlation-gestalt processes, e.g., coherent critical-state superconductivity, are spurned due to their unpalatable Lebenswelt imports and the fact that the involved Schrödinger-memetime-independent, µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (1T2ly-denigrated variously as generated self-organized criticality, butterfly-effected deterministic chaos, self-referential reflexivity, contagion, participation mystique, participation inconsciente, possession, so on into various paranormalities) is altogether unmanageable by employments of 1T2-only-logical systems alone. Since the U.S. military has so strongly bought into this account of self-organizing processes, is it any wonder they've done so very well in so many “places” -- Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria most notably? Heh-heh-heh! For an interesting assessment of the prevailing Syria sit.com.bat, to include “horizontal escalation” options (not the “vertical” Everett-algorithm “escalation control options” which supposedly governed KissNix bombing “strategies” during the final period of the thirty-years Viet Nam war, and touted as having led the U.S. into achieving “peace with honor”, heh-heh-heh), see “Russian Options Against a US Attack on Syria”, the Saker, Unz Review, 6 October 2016. As far as the MSM is concerned, and historian authors of official histories, of course, history of such will be a consistent history achievable by the corpus of effective cognitive decouplings quintessentially definitive thereto. The SFI-informed approach certainly has been such as to inculcate and maintain mixed-state decoherency, wouldn't y'say? And not only on the ground in the coloristic targets, also within the U.S. institutional con{glummer}nation, as explicated by Spencer D. Bakich in his book entitled Success and Failure in Limited War: Information and Strategy in the Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Iraq Wars, U. of Chicago, 2014. Note, however, that Bakich delivers no insight as to information handling within the total politico-military apparatus of the Vietnamese communists: its pioneering of the holographic principle with bureaucratic-information mappings over boundaries frequently altered according to -- tacitly on basis of age-old complex principles of adaptation derivative of the animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency, a kind of “primitive causality”, heh-heh-heh, touched upon in the AdS-CFT correspondence -- the changing environment of the combat, the non-simple identity approximated by the wearing of many hats by a given cadre occupying a given role attribution possessing implicate CURLed qua compacted “dimensions” which wearing incorporates a kind of higher-dimensional-power-law application of algebraic holography, by reverse representation superposed upon its converse, by superposition of redundant information flow channels, so on and so forth -- as personnel assigned to Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, fruitlessly essayed upon in their widely distributed and equally widely unassimilated reports, once upon a memetime declassified and stockpiled under a thick coat of dust in the U.S. Army Center of Military History.

Transits battered out over gathered memetime: third-order, second, first -- though ages have been dissipated trying to defend the arrowhead-end of the memetime line where reversal asymmetry ceases and exact recurrence begins: last out, first in; first, last. Fingermen in gray cashmere suits gone bananas, what. As far off as ever anybody should be. Right up to the borderline. Brinksmanic aggression, what Raymond Chandler in the racist idiom of the WWII-era would have had a character deem “dingy foreign policy”, which numbskull paladins actually believe to be what they call it: a “deterrent”. Enough, it'd jus' about make you fall from the second story into piggy slop. What becomes public knowledge is likely already 25-years-old and possibly obsolete; a fact, it may be supposed, that had a lot to do with the wildly mishandled implementation of the top-down Soviet decision to jettison an Eastern Europe which the high muck mucks felt they no longer needed to garrison. [Dart}mouth the umamatre of the fingermen. Assault less than mayhem, psychologically speaking. Ain't that jake. What do their paradocs prove? Their doubt? Their counterfactuality? Ah, the 1T2-consistency of their argumentatives. Mus' be. In subjunctive mood! Should not have, were it not. Not what? Dunned down. More the fuss, little the dawdle as, long ago, they threw out Burnass Sasroman -- and did so such as to scorch all ears in range. Land's sakes alive, all them big pillows and no heads to rest upon them. Poor odd fellas to be from Shambydum, eh. Money for the honey, and all that. Vultures queer, and impoverished skins they are, however richly contrasting be the plumage shades. That-clauses what ain't indicative! Most immigrants have arrived in America self-selected for immediate assimilation to the prevailing cultural essentials: a materialistic focus, preoccupation with fetishized selfhood, avarice, ambition unchained, an unbridled will to push through the feeding frenzy's established institutional algorithms cum hierarchy onto this or that top-dog snarling post, however deeply driven be that post into soiled ground. If all the racketeers' rackets are phase-angle superposed, and politics is a racket, what do we get? Hardly more than carny barkers, gaggles on the bally freezing the tip! At least to all those who attribute no significance to Pac Man's introjection of flesh-eating bacteria (responsible for necrotizing fasciitis, epidemiology of which is aggravated by climate-shift dynamics, agriculture industrialized, death of our brackish waters, so on). Realities of the dualities of the base-state -- in gray shadow or black opacity: for a particularly grievous case of the shadow manipulating the light, see “Britain's dirty secret: how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in the 1960s”, Meirion Jones, Global Research reposting from the New Statesman, 13 March 2006 -- haven't changed much. Quoting one of Raymond Chandler's cop characters with regard to the pre-WWII period (Farewell My Lovely, Penguin, 2009 Australia edition of the 1940 original, p. 242):

You know what's the matter with this country, baby?… A guy can't stay honest if he wants to… That's what's the matter with this country. He gets chiselled out of his pants if he does. You gotta play the game dirty or you don't eat. A lot of bastards think all we need is ninety thousand F.B.I. men in clean collars and brief cases. Nuts. The percentage would get them just the way it does the rest of us. You know what I think? I think we gotta make this little world all over again.

TPTB thinkin' they can endlessly jack themselves up on a lever, always tryin' ta piss in someone's pocket, they are, aren't they, our banksters, CEOs, CFOs -- with their associated inflated ego-ideals, the [non-quantum] executive brains suffering from SEBD, subclinical executive brain disease, thus unable to realize authenticity at projection of ideal-egos, hence the regression of aggression, the conversions, the displacements, the projective-identifications, the denial -- by echolalia dictating action-based sociologies to institutional execrations created by echopraxia and too big to succeed at the tasks apropos the inappropriate scale usurped: but who, anyway, in their right executive mind, would want oral sex from an ugly broad like MadOni? Is this presidential election about the 1T2-only-prices of oil and gas to those who don't print petrodollars? About how proximate be the World War Three where the best situated, for awhile, will be “glampers”, those long into glamour camping? About dollar dominance per se? About oil-gas themselves not foremost about access to themselves as primary industrial cum fuel resources or about the more and more and more 1T2-only-money they represent, soft-sold as “prosperity”(mostly for the very few), but about control of critical military resources in anticipation-preparation of-for an assumed not-so-far-away PW1, space-based, BOTonic, environmental, Planetary War One, a collective-suicidal Armageddonic final battle of the 200+-years War of the World (see, for one instance of a tap upon the archetypally-regressed aspects of the collective unconscious: “Chillingly accurate 200-year-old letter predicts WW3 and final battle against Islam”, Selina Sykes, the UK Express, 10 March 2016) being the only way to achieve and maintain the full-spectrum dominance which the Weltanschauung-severely-challenged seek in their elaborate compensatory abreaction to the diagnostic symptomatology of the associated glutamatergic brain impairment? Built right into structure of the system, if not also the framework determining conditions, as Chandler's cop almost understood (quoting from “2016: The Final Season of the United States Reality Show”, J. P. Sottile, AntiMedia, 24 October 2016):

The simple fact is the Two-Party SystemTM simply cannot cope with the complex, issue-based reality of America and the world in the 21st Century… Maybe that's why the duopoly seems so hot for a new Cold War. The only way their binary system works is if there is a common enemy to turn into America's common denominator.

Ah, 1T2-only, indeed. Where are those with the courage to attempt benevolent assimilation of the savage tribes in anal-stage infancy of race development squatting in pow-wow within the Beltway? As regards R2P, “moral force” wouldn't have the force qualifier were it not rooted in exercise of force, as all exemplary tripartite-FertileCrescentReligion soldiers have always all ways known (best done clandestinely, of course, with hidden fist, as Good SSoperators, resolute carriers of the only one-and-true flag, will not hesitate to tell you). What that Chandler cop surely at least intuitively understood: there's no getting proof-in-1T2-only-lawfare into an actual either/or, not even into actual probability amplitudes; the best that can be achieved is dis[pair}ate perceived probability. Given gun-backed imposition of Kierkegaardian Either/Or cum the determining tendency relentlessly established by the influence peddling of 1T2-only monies, has there ever been an election not a real steal? Injunction as to the imperative to kickstart the global economy, the U.S. economy, the EU economy, the Japanese economy -- to delight of unending-growth-identified (implying an identity memetime-bound yet, 1T2-paradoxically, dependent upon a world without Leibnitz-Newton limits) econoquacks -- altogether ignores the fact that, however thoroughly the social structure of attention cathexes is manipulated, real-numbered memetime (by contrast to imaginary-and-hypercomplex-numbered, topologically-active, Pauli-Paine operator-time) remains a consensuated construct epiphenomenal to employment of 1T2-only-logic alone. Where have been the non-imbeciles all these ninety-five years since µTm-logics were rigorously codified? Organization, yes oh yes, so long as it's self-organization driven by the Bohmian quantum potential inherent to Everettian relative-state non-simple-identity qua identity-transparency. The requisite quantum potential doesn't come about via non-equilibrium-thermodynamic resource exchanges of negentropy across nested phase boundaries (larger scale to smaller: this being the ConveDDed justification for taking all organization to, and only to, the largest scale-level obtainable, as has been advocated with, say, theory of optimum currency areas), but via the Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock” compacted as implicate over base-state of the MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space, qua Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert space. This is organization Tantric-Schrödinger-memetime-independent, and not requiring unending growth for its achievement -- the search for unending growth being one major factor lying behind anthropogenicity: gene-o-cide, resource depletions, “Ain't [non-'classical-limit' quantum] Misbehavin'!” anthropogenic climate-shift snapover (on geological memetime clock), pandemic ecocide and associated explosion in species extinctions, so on. Look at changing global distribution of tornado outbreaks cum touchdown points/paths to get some feel for the “classical-limit”-ignoring quantum superintegration of solar-wind-accomplished complex-(think: Pauli-Paine operator-time quantized via Penrose twistors)-angular-momentum commo to Earth orb's atmospheric-crustal-core dynamics, and Earth-origin brief-back to that orb's Solar Mother. Seeking a deeper understanding of the deep-structure of non-simple identity and its role in Paine-Kaplan cascade and reverse-cascade processes, I read through “On the Local-indicability Cohen-Lyndon Theorem”, Yago Antolin and Warren Dicks and Peter A. Linnell, publication information not provided, 10 February 2010, because of interest generated by the subsection titles -- “Moving information down a chain”, “New information generated at the bottom of a chain”, “Moving the new information back up the chain” -- and because it deals with "the hypotheses of Lyndon's (Non-Simple) Identity Theorem". It would be a gross exaggeration to imply that I grasped 10-percent of what is to be learned from this paper. Nonetheless, I read it through, as has long been my custom, and will circle back upon it and the terms it employs many times over -- because this is a useful way to enter an area of thought new to me. As I encounter again and again a given term/symbol in different contexts, I seehear a blue, a green, a particular photism flash array, a surface articulation, a tiling pattern, a packing array, a tone drone, a note gestalt, a twisting over, a turning under, a union, a division, and, progressively, the unknown subject, the unsub, becomes more knowable and enters the developing, so far as I yet know non-agglutinative (no linear-strings formed) Musculpt symformphonie (indubitably not “The Secret Language of George Soros”) by which I found judgments about that which I am trying to learn. But I am not so good at this anymore: I maxed out on the capability during my late-thirties. Been fading ever since. Still, I can say that I would prefer n-relator combinatorics developable under µTm-valued logics via n-order Taylor series expansions. No bump function cum Newtonian nudge on the complex plane can be entire, which, under 1T2-only-logic alone, precludes use of the partitions of unity restricted to the reals (hence, no nesting foams of µTm-valued LETS defined over fractal e-boundaries without boundary, thus absent compact support, are allowed). What is required rather than unending growth? No 1T2-only Either/Or-ness as to property qua property, property not private or public: µTm-unto-1T2-states of property (this in no way disallows really-private property). Look to “art law” as an initial innovator here, not for changes in the logical-properties of MBSs, mortgage-backed securities? But the greatest prevailing need is for a bottom-up, nesting-foamed accounting of the synoptic “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth: absent such ledger-domain, what is the possibility to optimally meet the accelerating planetary crisis? What Planck demonstrated in 1900 is that forecasting is not dependent upon detailing of the spatial field; identification and description of the operative case-specific elemental oscillator is necessary and sufficient: thus, in the manner of Planck essaying on world-picture vs. world, implicitly, by extension, were Everettian-vonHayakian “time-shapes” -- not merely iddy-biddy, teensy-weensy, itsy-bitsy memetime nano-increments -- given primacy over spatial cause-push/attractor-pull. I think the cultural stall reached its Max when Schoenberg and Kandinsky briefly changed places (composer modulating to painter, painter transposing to composer, each having reached a stoppage as regards their respective specializations) -- and that the involved “retrograde inversion”, quasi-Gödelian circularity, prefigured Born's probability dissimulation of Schrödinger, this last, despite, uh, uh, because of, its being an attempt to save quintessentials of the old Weltanschauung, having been, so far as the collective unconscious was concerned, the straw that broke the camel's back, thus allowing no passing of Go! and leading directly to the “jail” which was the WWII battle of the War of the World.

GWOT, under whatsoever name-of-the-moment, was and is only tertiarily about oil and gas; secondarily, about persistence or non-persistence and/or fuzzy persistence of the BW2 petrodollar. Why? Because, since 1971, the U.S. has, essentially, gotten all the oil and gas it wants, including from domestic producers, for free -- simply by “printing” dollars. The U.S. has no vested financial interest in control, per se, of oil and gas; it does, however, have enormous self-interest (in and of itself, an infra-justification) vested in the pattern of oil and gas distribution channels, this being the primary with regard to GWOT. The Syria pipeline issue, for instance, is bottom-line about which side Germany will be on when the assumed-by-all-sides PW1 (planetary war one) breaks out. The primary motive for GWOT, and associated R2P, has been and remains alliance jockeying in advance of PW1. They, TPTB, think they have, uh, their erasers that is, that their erasers have been good enough, persistent enough, to remove the writing on the wall. Cascade acoming, though, bucketing down, down, down, derry down. The darker impulses sublimated, ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced), and expressed as collective action. This is so DEEP, don't stand no earthy earthly… not if Earth has a say in regards to survival rates. And why is PW1 tacitly assumed by virtually all stakeholders? Because of everything -- the myriad of things! -- historically and presently at issue with respect to animistic-pagan, µTm-quantum, relative-state identity-transparency -- including the Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth. Can't be havin' no µTm-valued LETS nesting foams defined over fractal e-boundaries without boundary. Nope, none a that. The Road to Edgware adequate (if not Penrose's Road to Reality) is full of potholes, all of them m-valued under m-valued logics: that is the responsible-agent Real Skinny deep-structure qua collective-unconscious back-story, legend-in-the-back-channel on the reigning collective regression -- which is to say not the non-regressed archetypal, not the non-regressed mythotypic. Bloody, pommy, whinging whippets goulashing drool dribbles, grumps guttering grumbles, winging it upon the crowd, some members of which taking taps because the volumes of their thoughts weren't turned down far enough, treble and bass not properly PC-balanced. The clomping chumps detuned and unturned! No longer sufficient to dissipation of the fear, the dread, the loathing, i.e., casting rocks at the sky, turns were taken throwing packages into orbit, at the Moon, off into deep space, even a bunch of Sagan bits. The knee to the collective groin was delivered by N. H. Abel in 1823. Prisoner personas afraid to leave their 1T2ly-fabricated cells, their 3D-printed worlds, their cellular-automated mindscapes -- would-be escapees too scared of the deautomatization which µTm brings along on its freedom ride. The chuffing mob molded, fitting itself to the brash, self-aggrandizing, hubristic, garage-sale-bot misfits-in-charge thinking themselves wet-thrust godwits -- those Old Things that say “old thing”, tell me, what are they really identified with, a cathedral of reminiscence? -- leading, so it is supposed, brigades of light such as to illuminate a better world than that which nature encompasses. Soft scientists linked to hard physicists, both suborned to the Hard Alt-Right evangelically parading itself as midlands of the commonweal. These God-bothering halleluiahs afevered the jilted world, sent sound into a rot. O, the manforsaken Earth! The traught and dystraught have hardly even begun contemplating the as yet to be set out smorgasbord of consequences. Might could, never would. Politic piousness placed upon lapel as cliché, true bigots having become true believers mumbling murmurs of stock phrase even hearing aids struggle to decipher. Benastied pack mongrels shuffling, snarling at one another, lunging, nipping ear, chomping down on neck scruff, shying away from the occasional ghast kill in gutter crud left to lie: the prevailing approach to global crisis. The scutching commiTsar retting populous flax and the scrunching capitalist thug skimming the bottom for the top don't look back askance: excluded-middle 1T2-jumping beans borne by the same pod -- refusing to be µTmly shucked. Shrouding themselves cheekily in deceitful weather being pro-forma for these wimpling snufflers cultivating their intellectual cubbynests, spalls of stoned utterance spilling off riffling tongues. Not merely hucksters, hucksters extolling unbridled hucksterism. The darker impulses sublimated, ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced), and expressed as collective action. On the political Möbius strip anarcho-syndicalism melds into anarcho-capitalism yielding a distressed pink: the current era is hardly one in which to mock the Chinese, let alone to indulge a penchant for mock-Chinese chinoiserie of whatever series. Forced labor, uh, forced mobility of labor, forced by free-fire zones, hot and cold, inducing exponentiated “forced-draft urbanization”. EI, European Islam, rapidly achieving full membership in the TFCR's, Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion's, EU. All hail God's troopers, whichever the God-in-thrall-to be for whom they happen to tramp. Spookin' Tel Aviv, eh, a vivid tell that, what. How long we's all been in noncustodial incarceration, Ms. Pining Phor? quibbed the court jester, exhibiting pique no less than quibble, having frisked feeling-space of the presently reigning prevalent socius-subset what's peppering the hoi polloi with patty cake after patty cake of cognitive splooge. Git away! Mein Gott im [Him}mel, where'd that jip come from? Cow Hallow, no doubt. It hasn't required a Washington Spring for narcissi to be everywhere in evidence -- nor, for that matter, a Purple Revolution (see: “The Clintons and Soros Launch America's Purple Revolution”, Wayne Madsen, Strategic Culture Foundation, 11 November 2016). Heh! Which intelligence agency was it, do you think, for which, say, Karl Popper served as songwriter and recruiter? Certainly not one British! Not given what was done to the Bank of England -- and to what those funds have been put. Anger as induced social structure of attention cathexes: hardly a controlled substance in the prevailing beck-and-call articulation space. Just as earlier with the MSM, it now requires an inordinate period of scanning to identify something in the AMM, the Alt-Minorstream-Media, worth reading. Moreover, with the election obsession, there has been precious little of interest posted. The scourge psychic of package tourism en masse, uh, that is, of the hordes transfixed by deteriorated monuments of the mass mind, e.g., government agencies mistaken for Bureaux du Roi, and the like. Governments run by corpora of care-in-the-community case-cohort smart mobs. Don't like the “framework determining conditions”? Then curse the black night and find some way to twist on a mini-MAG-LITE. Separated off behind perspex windows, sight unseen, no further looking than the explicate historical surface, implicate historiographic deep-structure having been deemed totalitarian by nascent authoritarian personalities, TPTB have long solely formulated their strategies according to what the eye sees and never relative to what sight of seers has seen. Always back, TPTB are, this month year, that year decade: gravediggers focused on differences indifferent, selfsameness incapable of instances of self-remembering. While “Use Less, Save More” is certainly not their response to the looming approach of resource depletions, it is their ecology of mind. There having been no ifs, ands, or buts, though surely exponents, in N. H. Abel's ontological cum existence proof for trans-al-jabr, deemed an Impossibility Theorem, when nature was discovered to be in denial regarding our 1T2-tautological, reflexive-projective, personifying, transference-generated -- God willing; please God; in the name of God our Lord -- self-serving dysbeliefs about the nature of nature, our rage rose up to meet us in our war upon existential-denials-issuing nature-in-herhimitself.

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

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