µTm Scenarios, T29(M)
Though I've nothing against 1T2-logic, only 1T2-only-logic, I've always hated living in a place named after somewhere else, or on Oak Avenue when all the street trees are maples: prevarication is largely derivative of the distributed middle. But not only rat in an engineered maze at a bifurcation. Darwinian natural selection of non-adaptive micro-mutations, Spencerian ideal as survival of the fittest with social-Darwinian reality as dominance of the dumbest, vonNeumannian zero-sum games: epiphenomenal of the 1T2-only-logic laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction. The notion of m-separate incommunicado worlds-universes does not come out of n-relator relative-state, but out of thermodynamic-constraint considerations which are tied to real-numbered, linear, 1T2-only memetime, within which all connecting principles are thought to function. However, if the quantum-of-action pushes along the S-Bahn horizontal of a hyperFeynman diagram, the operator-time generator of that action demerges along the K-Bahn vertical, for all memetime is contained in each Kairos-instant: Jacob's Ladder, Tree of Life, Ray of Creation, Involution-Devolution, so on, transpiring Tantric-Schrödinger memetime independently -- which independence Plotinus explicitly noted, if not Sri Aurobindo. All-That-Is always Is, all ways being-in-itself n-relatorily down and up the abstract-concrete CTC-continuum, giving subtraction ontological precedence over addition, insofar as orientability is insisted upon. Information, IMHO, unlike that of Wiener-Shannon, is not negentropy-probability, because entropy-negentropy cum probability, as construed by Wiener-Shannon, are indefinable absent 1T2-only memetime, i.e., indefinable under hypercomplex and imaginary Pauli-Paine operator-time. If CTC-unto-µTm, understood independent of the notion truth-value, is acknowledged to be of the case, then information cannot be only hyletic or psychetic data -- and, contrary to von Neumann's proclamations on mind, pregeometry cannot have physicality sufficient to be restricted to existence in real-numbered spacetime. Consciousness-without-an-object, being-in-itself-without-a-subject, but no objective qua objective existence without truncation to 1T2-only-logic alone. Information qua [in}formation, i.e., as regards pre-pregeometry as a Borel-set bucket-of-dust, is hyleticpsychetic data knowable and unknowable according to its order-of-logical-value and that employed by its knowers-unknowers cum combinations thereof, be they biological-otherwise cum combinations thereof. Binary-mind cannot [count}enance non-transmissible information, information already all ready always and all ways being-therehere. As regards n-relators, IMHO, the ménage à trois-generated (had the mindset of conventional-science physicists not filtered for particle triads and obsessed over particle pairs, before moving on to particle n-tuples -- O, those dastardly strip-bar daisy chains -- would it have been psychosociosexologically possible to have excluded m-valued logics from interpretation of the m-valued state-wave function, and would Dr. Strangelove, by ConveDD [conversion-disorder displacement] at compensatory abreaction, have had the impetus to have positively gushed and looed over the prospect of wargasm?) original memetime-independent Tantric-Schrödinger equation is not actually a wave equation, not even of a standing wave due to waves-in-superposition; the Schrödinger equation becomes a wave equation only when 1T2ly reduced to memetime dependency. Personally, I/i n, heh-heh-heh, find the [id}ea hilarious that it takes memetime for the Schrödinger equation to evolve elements of a superposition -- and that unity can only be maintained by squares! -- and, farthermore, heh-heh-heh, reductive collapse of the wave-function, not in consensus view decomposition of the supersymmetry space, is instantaneous. Who would have imagined people could believe such as that? Daft tangle, aye, but a wee figary we expect peaceably to put [ass}under with a good helping of the mesoscopic wheedle and a bit of the renormalization bully. No Effing Forest, eh, well-ordered, what, alphabetical, ruled straight to a line -- and, mind, Gowd blimy! no diagonal. Don't be setting yer pretty head into a dither of worry, lass, be rent with the concentratedly oblivious, err, to the internal system state, that's the good fettle, now. Transfinite-valuedness of the state-function (1T2ly speaking: non-selfsame n-times over; capable of moving in an infinitude of different directions simultaneously; in n-positions at a given instant of memetime: the critical state is the base-state, a state where length of the correlation length measured on a Koch curve is infinite, because ponderable space has ontologically-yet to be demerged from pregeometry by operations of three-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time) can only wave its independence when subjected to memetime: thus, does the spherical wave come into existence as a forfeiture. Three-fold: what's the accelerant? Well, uh, duh Ah! Evidentiary is in the logic of the beholder, so to speak, all the basic notions employed being, y'know, 1T2-only formulated -- A or not-A, guilty or not-guilty. So, anything that may be said is CTC-unto-µTm cum µTm-unto-CTC as imagined-deduced-seen-induced through 1T2-only-logic. Thus, for instance, arises the 1T2-paradox that, upon demergence, m-valued absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration ontologically precedes absolute limiting values of acceleration and velocity, a 1T2-contradiction of the definitional logical march. In other words, this logic circumstance just doesn't jive with the 1T2-definitions of fundamental concepts, memetime-bound that they are -- memetime itself being indefinable absent 1T2-only-logic, the involved notions of selfsame instants, simple-directionality, so on. However, surely, from perspectives of CTC and µTm themselves, the bottom line on accelerants is the root Zeitgeber, Pauli-Paine operator-time itself. All along, since N. H. Abel's 1823, who among TPTB prevailing wouldn't have hated to have had it explained? Non-selfsame CTC-unto-µTm cum µTm-unto-CTC states are mixed, superposed, condensed only as Nazified goose-steppers on a rope bridge, uh, uh, that is, as understood 1T2ly to have had discrete, purified-identity, initial state, memetime-bound probability greatly facilitating such com[p|re}hension, thus keeping heretical mystical (to binary-mind) stuff out of it, indeed, if need be, all the way out into many divorced non-communicating 1T2-only-universe-others. The Department of War procurement budget and designed-in cost overruns, bidding fraud, revolving doors, subcontractor kick-backs (all the reasons why my father was glad to be retired from the Pentagon), Homeland Security expenditures, big-bank bailouts, ZIRP, QEing, covert inflation by more and more disposables, better and better built-in obsolescence, less and less quality control, fostered cheap labor invasion, down-sizing, off-shoring, subbing-out, robotization, industrial-ag diminishment of the nutritional value of foodstuffs, et cetera: rob-in-hood in retrograde-inversion backwardation-boondoggle, i.e., dedemocratic socialism for the One Percent (particularly the ~1.1428571428571E-5% thereof cum the family with net worth five times that of the Gang of Eight combined) made possible by all-volunteer pol.mil.spy mercenary HUMBOT forces, public and private, supplemented by quantum-based cybertech, AIBOT forces, drones, micro-unto-nano swarms, so on. There was a large billboard sign near the campus in Berkeley, autumn of 1968, stating: We Don't Need Another Hero! No garden-variety heroes, that's for sure. Needed for commensurate compensatory abreaction were, and are, magical-derealizing SUPERheroes to succor the suffering American collective ego squished unto mortification by its inability to realistically prevail against the psycho-socio-politico-economic and military implications of the unstoppable ongoing Quantum this, quantum that! Weltanschauung transformation quenching virtually everything American culture and most Americans held, and ever more neurotically hold, dear -- the normotic state of consciousness deeemanded in order to be regarded normative, beliefs, values, self-image, attitude toward nature, national aspirations, interests, goals, objectives. Superheroes in compensatory conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD) of suppression of awareness of the consequences of, say, superconductivity of pi-electron gas core of DNA or of superconductance of hydrothermodynamic properties associated with limited domains of Earth's atmosphere (a natural process in principle not at all, of course, heh-heh-heh, disturbable by the long-discussed battle mirrors cum lenses qua LDALs, referred to here, vectored by employments of MASS -- mesoscale atmospheric simulation system -- as deployed within computerized mobile battlefield management environments): whether such ConveDDs are to be classified symptoms of collective psychosis or of mass neurosis should be left, I would imagine, to professional shrinks. Anything, oh anything, Dear Lord, to keep m-valued logics away from the m-valued state-function, such that the functions of nation-states and their supraordinate agglomerations can be persevered in. Generation after generation dies off, yet, contrary to what Planck expected, the old worldview construct remains the foundation of the institutional base, a circumstance, indicating presence of pandemic regression-in-service-to-the-1T2-only-ego, in principle reconstellating and intensifying in much more elaborate form the stalled-Weltanschauung-shift preconditions for the once-upon-a-memetime catholic European Inquisition. How many tens of millions did they kill back then in those Dark Ages? How many hundreds of millions will they kill in the memetime-presently-going-to-cuspover fulmination? Three reasons to anticipate U.S.A.-discorporation dynamics will greatly differ from what were U.S.S.R.-collapse dynamics: (1) Marxism in many respects was a rejection of the by-now-200-years-dead Weltanschauung, whereas the 18th-century rationalism informing present-day USG functions and institutional structures is its very embodiment (as a perfect example of D.C.-no-Washington-insider psycho-projection, look to Tom Clancy's Red Rabbit, pp. 347-8, the Berkley paperback edition, 2003:
People -- even intelligent people -- believed all manner of impossible things. It was sure as hell true in Moscow, where the rulers of this vast and powerful country believed in a political philosophy as out of tune with contemporary reality as the Divine Right of Kings. More to the point, they knew it was a false philosophy, and yet they commanded themselves to believe it as though it were Holy Scripture written in gold ink by God's own hand. . .);
and (2) when U.S.A.-cuspover comes, there will be no welcome alternative paradigm proffered to the replacement killers rising to ascendency; and (3) blowback from accumulated Middle East karma is shared with European countries and Great Britain, but the stored-up Latin American karma is viewed as being almost exclusively that of the U.S.A., thus much more tightly channeling the yet-to-cusp blowback. Moreover, deploying weaponized affect-charges, what else besides this would they not be able to afford if they weren't just printing the money? That's a very big motivator, user habituation inducing the need for ever larger-dose expenditures. Blowback is the implicate karma made explicate. The HUAC McCarthyites abhorred all hidden variables, a mindset David Bohm learned about much too thoroughly. The principle at issue here is collective conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD) at group-herd-pod-pride-troop-clan-caste-club projective-identification in mass transference: like you-know-who writ large, so SUPER{collectively}egoic that his-their Hitler complex always knows best, even when it doesn't. Hey, ultra-cool, man, a slam-bang thrill ride, terse, relentless, packed with ergotropic actions undertaken by manned-up 1T2-only proactive actors. Pure Hollywood. One could easily view a left-behind at tribulation rapture as that fine man on the integral path of least action taken atemporally through a sum over histories never incarnate, or view the latter physics formalism as being a ConveDD of the former religious belief, 1941 having been for the U.S.A. 11/12ths of a pre-trib-rap year, WWII battle of the War of the World. Impure idealism, eclectical materialism, permissive subjectivism, uncritical realism, decrepit Kantianism, analytical negativism: the projection postulate of quantum formalism is a ConveDD of the projective-identification in transference which, once upon a memetime and on unto today, quenched application of Lukasiewicz-Post to Schrödinger's picture of the semantic import of his namesake's state-function, even to the extent that a linguistic interpretation can be understood to prohibit the Schrödinger picture. Sphericity (think: hypercomplex and imaginary and real angular momentum relative to 3-fold temporal CURL quantized via Penrose twistors and demergently instituted by topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time) of memetime-independent state is an eidolon of the nesting foam of Riemann surfaces implicate as the universal covering of the MVRS (Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space qua, relative to T-Schrödinger, Tzog-chen AllBase qua Heaven in Taoist and Confucian parlance) which it, i.e., the sphericity eidolon, tropes (think: in spherical Mnk articulation space, k-values take on Cantorian orders of infinity as, i.e., due to the fact that, relative-states of identity-transparency are overdetermined and superintegrated, k indicating correlations qua states of entanglement, entanglement being a 1T2-type word). Everett, in his initial notion of relative-state, got the memetime-independent Schrödinger equation exactly right, but, and this was his first mistake, he applied that initial notion to the memetime-dependent equation; not, however, that bad of a mistake in his 1957 paper, until, that is, the fundamental transition in his paper is made with the statement that in our experience objects always have definite positions, his second, and very bad, mistake. This statement was THE premise for the second half of his paper, and an uninformed assertion qua claim, as object constancy and determinations as to localization in visual space are both learned behaviors accomplished via beginning-in-the-womb prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-modulated glutamatergic neural-network wipeouts qua neuronal prunings and associated quenchings of direct conscious ontic access to the µTm-valued processing of THE quantum brain. Incidentally, there's quite a lot in Peter Byrne's book on Everett -- The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III, Oxford, 2010 -- which I couldn't buy into (although Everett may not have been very physical, he did occasionally stop off at Hill's Nursery West, not far from his home, for long contemplative walks). For instance, (page 17, the paperback edition): the stunningly oxymoronic: 'All the soul's vast measure is/ a flowering abyss'. Measure-abyss, hmmm. On a Koch curve? I guess Byrne never heard of The Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite (self-published in 1966, reprinted in a short run by the Corcoran Gallery, a copy of the latter having been handed to me by a onetime Corcoran School of Art student) explicated by one of Corcoran-schooled author of the excerpted poem Katherine Kennedy Everett's (KKE's) contemporaries (painting), i.e., Irene Rice Pereira. Alexander.Karpenko Lukasiewiczian functors over the primes, just as Karpenko himself has said, demonstrate that truth-value cannot be the fundament of logic, whereas states of identity-transparency may well be (an archaic-Greek Substantialism which, by Byrne's portrait, KKE likely would have liked). Since the youthful Everett was irresistibly attracted (Byrne, p. 26) to pondering looping recursive statements (revealing choice of terminology to denote self-referential reflexivity, basis of m-valued logics) and Cantorian infinite regress, isn't it interesting that, like Lukasiewicz's absence from Penrose's The Road To Reality, there is no mention of Lukasiewicz by Byrne as having entered Everett's awareness? How actually-smart have been the Best-&-Brightest genius-brilliants who have chosen -- kowtowed, via projective-identification, to judgments made by their transference-figure Ph.D. preceptors -- the wrong notions to master in all their complexity? If Everett ever drew Lukasiewicz to Wheeler's attention, in all likelihood he received the same super-polite dismissal Wheeler gave tornadogenesis specialist Douglas A. Paine after a public lecture delivered at Cornell when presented with the discovery of acoustic analogues to atmospheric black holes, and to me with regard to the notion of m-valued universal physical constants m-logically pregeometrically processed and geometrodynamically expressed by pencils of skew-parallels as the deep-structure underlying the Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities. Every leak has a leaker lever attached to it as likely to wedge-pin the recipient as the subject(s) of the leak. IMHO, entropy is not the natural log, eexponent, of the number of arrangements of the elements of a given corpus of 1T2ly-definable discretes, i.e., the implicate information hidden in the unobservable details, hidden, that is, in part due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Pattern recognition is involved in distinguishing negentropy from entropy, and not only in context of the supposedly-objective linear-time definitionally involved in the Second Law of ThermoDYNAMICS. Since I take spacetime pattern recognition derivative of geometrodynamics as order-of-logical-value dependent over pregeometry as µTm-calculi of propositions, I regard entropy, not as the natural log of the number of arrangements of the elements of the given corpus, but as Mexponent, M indicating the involved logical-value order-type, the exponent being Complexity Theory's nk, n indicating the number of arrangements of the components of the given corpus, k indicating the relative-state identity-transparency implicate over the given corpus. Lukasiewiczian-Everettian relative-state identity-transparency (an archaic-Greek Substantialism which, by Byrne's portrait, KKE likely would have liked) on the Cantorian-deep nesting foam of Riemann surfaces universally covering the MVRS is the base-state ontologically-before temporal precedence relations are-herethere. Forget the second half of Everett's paper -- the influence, really, of Wheeler, Bohr, and von Neumann upon Everett's initial pristine inspiration: Bohr and von Neumann, in my estimation, were the worst (those responsible as distinct from proximal perpetrators) of the worst bad guys of the 20th century -- culpable for the multi-worlds misinterpretation of the relative-state formulation. Except under the 1T2-only glutamatergic radical reduction, the in-the-Existentialist's-separatism-and-1T2-minded measurer (plus the 1T2ly-programmed instrument and the measurement-like 1T2ly-construed interactor) does not split into multiples upon subclinical and clinical measurement occasions qua observations cum proprioceptions, because, under CTC-unto-µTm pregeometric logical processing, the sphericity of state of being-in-itself is already all ready always and all ways being-therehere.
A Joe Goode looking through of any given (energy-momentum cascade) super{im}position, even of images lined-out, and/or dot-matrixed-in, à la Borel-set-pre-1T2ly-construed-pregeometry, upon stacked sheaves of clear acetate sheets, and receiving, registering, processing the 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian-composite image thereof does not in any significant measure capture the sense of µTm-quantum-composite at temporal-CURLed, chronotopological phase-superposition because, in the Cartesian-Newtonian {im}-case, relative-state identity-transparent dependent origination in one-mind moment, one mind-moment of heuristic elements and component processes on Tzog-chen AllBase is altogether, heh-heh-heh, missing. Listen to the hawker's woodblock-tapped-out folk-idiom-motif-ostinato phrase-rhythm Cantus Firmus formalizing S.E.N.S.'s A City of Sadness. This is a listening through pulled out of the note-matrix such that it cannot be missed, even by the unschooled ear: one of the higher forms of historical preservation, wherein semantic import of tradition is not frozen in I/ice-9ed memetime and placed in a museum, theme park, human zoo, historical trust, so on, but recast into living-culture contemporary media, molds, missions (though it must be admitted that popular culture no longer exists; it ceased to be generated and transmitted in most developed-economy societies at the memetime of the WWI battle of the War of the World: what there has been instead is the 3-Ms, manufactured mass mind; the judgments, feelings, likes, passions, so on, which people attribute to themselves, indeed, take to be most personal, take as signifiers of their unique individual identities, are largely not self-generated, come from elsewhere; awash in ignorant blowhards and other forms of socially-conferred role attributions -- Senators, Congressmen, CEOs, CFOs, ministers, chairpersons, et cetera -- mistaken to be persons, the population, people that is, have become so obsessed with fabricating meaning in their lives that they rarely do anything meaningful). Even so, the aural super{im}position involved, much more explicit than the super{im}positions manifest in, say, Olivier Messiaen's Turangalila Symphonie, only in the most abjectly reductionistic manner tropologically metareferences the sens, uh, sense of µTm-quantum-composite. This circumstance, as regards Messiaen, was one reason why I gave up studying music composition, circa 1974, saying to my instructor that instrumental -- and electronic, as currently existing -- music, despite the efforts of a Stockhausen, even, is inherently incapable of edifying, non-super-reductive, tropological exploration of relativistic-quantum Weltanschauung and ongoing elaborations thereof. As regards evolution of musicological system analogically modeling-codifying changing worldview construct, the effort ceased -- with a few exceptions like Iannis Xenakis and musical orbifold analytics of n-note chord space exhibiting fractality in musical distance measures -- in rough synchronicity with the 1915 appearance of Einstein's signal paper on General Relativity. Diatonicism, chromaticism, atonalism, dodecaphonism, aleatoricism instrumental music simply cannot adequately explore, say, 3-fold temporal (not [man}i{m}fold spatial) CURL, which is no mere matter of memetime changes. Though lots of enchanting, interesting, beautiful music has been written and/or performed since 1915, it has been largely Weltanschauung irrelevant. And the tech-explosion in m-media has not even seriously facilitated an attempt to approach µTm-Musculpt as mathematical notation, a functional prerequisite to Weltanschauung relevancy [and user-friendly interface to m-valued and µTm-processed LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries: hopefully not as excruciating for most as is the piano for Keith Jarrett :-) check out his version of Concierto de Aranjuez independent of the Miles Davis version] in this period of planetarized existential crisis. Make merit, m'man, be smart about NewTech uses, don't go off on a global cryptoMONOcurrency e-tangent! If one can no longer believe in belief, deductive and/or inductive proof, there is still knowledge-through-identity -- iff, that is, relative-state identity-transparency is being-therehere. The only entry upon MahaSamadhi CTC-Allware is through the 1T2-Tori dissembling for the Great-Nihil Nowhere-terminal ruse. Even so, excepting man{i}pulative functionaries exercising usurped [man}dates, double-timing it through each and every passage is the norm, the identified-with 1T2-only-memetime interval-span all{ o}tted being felt too short for mere strolls. As regards matters of moment -- that's planetarized, now! -- none of the U.S. pre-election/post-election issues people have been, slash are, obsessing over interest me in the least. Reading the MSM's headlines is enough to get pricked by their blackprop smallpox and thus vaccinated: so, no need to delve-in for interlarding: my I/i reached that conclusion upon returning from VN in 1968 and making the attempt to again regularly study the WaPo and the NYTs, as earlier I had done when an AU-SIS student. Beware! Attend! Attend! the God-I/i n that terminates for memetime-future crimes-sins which never transpire, but were Hollywood-blackpsyche-droolingly-obsessed Resident Evil genetic to ancestors never punished for the crimes-sins not committed, though carried in DNA m-mantras as frequency-anomaly m-miasms. Heh-heh-heh! Flash forward and cross Watchdog Discovers Toy Dolls Are Recording Your Conversations And Uploading Them To Police, Claire Bernish, Activist Post, 12 December 2016, into Three-year-olds can be identified as criminals of the future, Tom Whipple, The Times of London, 13 December 2016. Then take note of 'Smart' Tech Sex Toy App Reports Back To Manufacturer How It's Used, Catherine Frompovich, Activist Post, 16 December 2016. Only the most nefarious uses of high tech innovation (like leading the world in creating new forms of Ebola and ISIS emPOWERment) are of real interest to TPTB. And most imagine Rex 84 as something that might actually be made operational some memetime nearly now and not so far away -- not as having been Global Phoenixed in slow motion beginning immediate post-WWII, the targeting ID-categories almost imperceptibly dilated over decades. Never having been a believer in the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna nation-state, I could not cultivate serious interest in state[is}tics. My preference has long been for m-utilities, i.e., m-valued preference functions µTm-logically processed, as distinct -- heh-heh-heh!-- from bi-utilities and their state-[man}dated probabilities cum chanceAmplitudes, wagerWaves, aleatoricClouds, PlatoniaFogs. Our Best & Brightest: warborn and borne, maxed-mini, left-brain-dominated, campus-escapee, glass-bead-game Kriegspielers imposing their inability to supersede moon-milked roof-brain chatter, as ConveDDed, upon the rest of huwomanity, Earth's bioatmomagnetospheres, nature as a whole and chief adversary in, as they like it, a zero-sum contest between combatants equally imprisoned in 1T2-only rationality -- spooky, great smoky dragon, collective and cooperative, nonlocal, delayed-choice Nash-equilibrated, non-zero, middled, relative-state, identity-transparent quantum processes not considered because precluded by the initial conditions imposed by the psychopomorphic projective-identification engaged in at game-rules writing. While construably-possible world-logics have been constructed-ela[board}ated-gamed as 1T2-hypotheticals, e.g., the SFI 2nk fitness landscape, no actualized incarnate world-game has ever been discovered wherein there are two-only players-sides, with, moreover, interests completely mutually exclusive, a world-game where within the opposed interest-mirrors do not reflexively reflect each other into recursive transfinite regress, an ontological relative-state of affairs nullifying existential claims of players-sides to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-1T2ly-distinct: this circumstance was explicitly assumed by TaiChi-whirling and rotational-binary-logic-accustomed Sun Tzu -- and never the least comprehended by Vinegar Joe or West[more}land. Inferior men in superior positions, as the I-Ching is wont to say: most everybody regularly names umpteen examples off the top of their roof-brain chatter qua inner talking, a great historically important case being Truman-Byrnes. Were the Kriegspielers' exclusions not excluded (assess: traditional, i.e., before being Westernized, Vietnamese-village-commons human chess vis-à-vis Kriegspiel blind-chess, the Viet version being an age-old Asian participatory-democratic think-learning cum consensuation-induction game, wherein 1T2ly-imperfect information, i.e., that in relative-state identity-transparent n-relator form, is assumed, old-style cockfighting, before the metal spur was imported from the Malay to Viet Nam, carrying forward the involved strategy-gaming learning-induction -- at least so supposed I, from explanations provided by the Hoa Hao Elder as translated for me by the Province Chief of Chuong Thien Province, circa 1967, CT then among the most insecure of places to have been sent by TID [technical intelligence detachment], 525th MIG [military intelligence group] {note that TID is rarely, if ever, mentioned by name}, as intel advisor to the 21st ARVN Inf Div, especially if, in part due to SF-training background, further detached, rather illegitimately, as token American on various sorts of night missions: incidentally, the IEDed testicle wound sustained in the boonies out from Vi Thanh, cum multiple frags, mostly lower limbs, that put me in Camp Zama Hospital, Japan, for six weeks after the postsurgical recovery period, 12th Evac Hospital, Cu Chi, was, despite the obvious testicle atrophy, never acknowledged by the VA, so present behavior, to wit Combat veterans with genital injuries find little help , Seema Yasmin, The Dallas Morning News, 15 December 2016, is nothing new, and yet recently discussed here; let it be known that the residuals from my wounding were nothing compared to those cases described in this article), they would know that the phenomenon doesn't determine the measurement; the measurement, the phenomenon: the µTm-pregeometry order-of-logical-value prevailing in the phenomenon crossed into the order-of-logical-value employed by the observer-participant at measurement mutually establish the order-of-relative-stateness (and, hence, the level of autopoietic cum self-organizational competency) of identity-transparency of the quantum-composite Cantorian-cosmic greater-than-a-whole which the involved component processes covariantly constellate by Schrödinger-memetime-independent, demergent, Abelian-E.T.Bellian, involutory decomposition of the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian Tzog-chen AllBase. My self-effacing attention to Elders and Chiefs having been more or less inevitable, given training received from infancy as Son-of-B17-Pilot and associated background: e.g., who, ta-taing high school, who arrived at American University's School of International Service in late-August, did not read a transcript of JFK's June-of-1963 AU-speech, wherein he acknowledged the enormous sacrifice made by the Russian people in defeating the Nazi war machine? Few at SIS, I imagine, even thus prompted by JFK, looked into related issues: e.g., the role of Nazi dysinformation plants in Soviet intel channels vis-à-vis induction of the Stalin purges, actual strategic/relative-force-structures assessment-drivers precipitating advent of the Russo-Nazi Pact (a long paper, researched, in part, by studying OSS R&A backgrounders found at the National Archives -- one mentioning the information plants -- written by me for Prof. Abdul Aziz Said), oil issues relative to the Battle of Stalingrad as precursors qua prefigurations of postwar Middle-East conflict, something I looked closely at, while at PsyOps Group cum JFKSWCS during 1967, as an intelligence analyst focused upon the M.E. in the period of run-up to the Six Day war. A JFK speech in no way, according to my read, adequately compensating for his anempathetic, strategy-blind and thus non-precognitive, responsibility for advent of the Cuban Missile crisis cum numbskull New-Frontier-generalization-of-Containment-to-the-Third-World ramp-up of Ike's brinksmanship ramp-up of the dapper True Man's macho-A-bomb-threat-doctrine initialization of the Cold War diversion of collective attention energy and other natural resources away from address to the real problems-processes threatening life on Earth. The Turkey-missile-deployment evoked-potential for something like a Cuban Missile Crisis, black-prop-facilitated by missile-gap myth creation (discussed behind cupped hands at AU-SIS teas), and spineless knuckle-under to Ike-inspired-or-permitted population-rise-up expectations, crossed into the macho-mortification qua psycho-caponization incumbent upon the Bay of Pigs precluded anything but Administration-wide hysteria in dealing with the quid-pro-quo-ask which was implicit in the Soviet deployment (assuming equal 1T2-rationality between players with completely opposed interests -- as then did binary-only operations researchers, at least those riding upon minimax saddles): my tacit write-in to the assignment given by, memory serving, Prof. Said, or one of his grad students, or possibly a dare-given task that arose from some argument which transpired at not-funded-by-Soros SORO, the AU-associated Special Operations Research Office, to overtly write the speech that might have been delivered under the circumstances by some chosen world leader -- as to which one, that I can't remember, there having been a number of similar class assignments while I was in the SIS. OSS-R&A types like Eros and Civilization and Love's Body never, however randy, got RANDed like was the Everett algo -- neither did SRA/MACV-J2 types early onto a prefiguration of the holographic principle, nor did CICV-Targets-analyst rejecters of Schelling algos (see: Arms and Influence, Thomas C. Schelling, Yale U. Press, 1967, co-conspirator with Samuel P. Huntington's 1968 forced-draft urbanization CI strategy). Economist-formulated area-bombing-strategy algos derivative of the gaming of rational moves available to binary marketeers acting in 1T2-only markets! plus the Everett recursion-cutoff algo, i.e., how to engineer an acceptable payoff, say, Peace With Honor, in a recursive game, say, protracted war, with a potential-propensity-proclivity, at least heuristically, for an infinitude of moves! (propensities being Karl Popper's pseudo-probabilistic qua expectation-value interpretation of Tantric-Schrödinger's m-valued-unto-Cantorian-infinitude-cardinalities-valued state-wave function). CICV-Targets analysts, subject to carpet-bombing cum CBU-seeding tonnage demands, scoffed at the very notion of the Everett targeting-allocation algo, particularly as regards the bombing of unbombable, non-localizable "targets" like COSVN. Winning algo, what! Louis Le Grand Prix, the particle physicist contracted by ARPA to design a hamlet defense system, and laughed out of SRA/MACV-J2 in April or May of 1968, may have been one of Hugh Everett's Lambda employees. The bi-polar's obsessive target-fixation syndrome, even when the actual target is non-localizable and non-simply-identifiable, hence, non-bombable. Commitment by targeting-policy enforcers to the doctrine of overkill was then, and surely still is, a ConveDD of the over-consumption of non-renewable resources. Public policy, at the very least on the nation-state and accommodating echelons, is mostly mass psycho-expressionism. A grimy, severely dysfunctional, failed civilization responsible for the broken Earth whose -- the civilization, that is, (by tacit personification at projective-identification vis-à-vis the collective ego and its own states) -- [fund}a{mental] [found}at{i}onal paralyzing principle is murder (mass murder, patricide, fratricide, et cetera): and its ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements), its sublimations, its countervailing forces, its adversarials, its checks and balances, on and on, all the binaries without their excluded middles. Yep, yes we are, aye, jus' one collective, collective, that is, self-amplifying, reflexive A-nip (Auto-neuroimmunopsychiatric) zombiedom, ours is, ain't it, a dead civilization walking -- given implacable refusenik compliance with PC-demands to not countenance as normative-by-bio-endowment properties of internal-system-state characteristic of endogenous ketaminergic kensho Satori (upper case and m-valued under µTm processing), as biochemically detailed in James H. Austin's Zen and the Brain, MIT Press, 1999 (lower-case so-called satori exogenously-induced being a different case, just as is high-combat-elicited SF satori -- or, at least, so would my I maintain). Heart is the hunter, black heart, because regressed, collective unconscious, archetypal, cognitive gradients are so much deeper than the subliminal that they, forensically speaking, are, as C. G. Jung exhaustively demonstrated, only consciously available via analytical psychology inference. The collective cognitive lamp gutters in ill-winds despite the tent erected by the boon-companion polyglot to protect against saving ideas misconstrued as existential threats which are to be fought shy. Predatory, apex-type-A, left-brainy, high-mesomorph psychosociopaths bent upon pumped-up, anabolic-steroid-assisted assault, ConveDD-marshaled against all and every opposed to food-crop-dosing with Agent Orange (AO) progeny and, failing that, all those opposed to dissemination of airborne-qualified hemorrhagic viruses composed of HALO-proficient jumping genetic material, RNA and DNA, ostensibly to fought with transmissible vaccines. Beyond cheap labor and bought votes, one additional reason for the Schellingesque-Huntingtonesque US-EU cum Monsanto-Bayer pushing-out and pulling-in of many millions of undocumented aliens -- ever gathering since initialization of the post-VN-war-era explosion in resource warfare and AO-related-herbicide (having spent several months in the Mekong delta during 1967, night missions as token American occasionally not far from what is now called the Tra Su Cajuput Forest, a name I somehow did not then encounter, I got out of the gardening business soon after ChemLawn moved into the greater Washington, D.C., metro area) cum pesticide cum MSG and related caponizing mimetic estrogen content of foodstuff -- may be because it is much more difficult, India aside, perhaps, to poison the un[de}ruralized pitied poor immigrant whilst shehe is still located in Third World settings where residuals of subsistence AG remain in place. Heh-heh-heh! Carl Herman, who posts frequently to Washington's Blog, doesn't quite get it: it's far worse than he thinks. Long-term concentration in self-observation to the point of breaking 1T2-self identification and attachment to simply-identifiable objects (ultimate purpose of Gurdjieffian stop exercise and practice of µTm-self remembering?), of going into abrupt voluntary cold-turkey on selfsameness, can induce -- as some of Sri Aurobindo's chelas learned -- a spinning twirl of withdrawal symptoms (convulsions and gran mal seizure, even!). Not a detox to be underestimated: the DTs of differential transit between glutamatergic 1T2-only and ketaminergic µTm-unto-CTC. Motor-mouthed George Soros (expressing regression-in-service-to-the-modernist-and-postmodernist-hyperinflated-ego-complex) is quite mistaken and woefully uninformed in asserting that logical self-reference has solely to do with the field of linguistics (anti-Cabalistic secular-Rabbinical cellular-automata-like generative semantics, maybe? heh-heh-heh!) and is not involved in real-world systematics functions, particularly as regards framework determining conditions: just look at, say, Diego Lucio Rapoport's Klein bottle logophysics: a unified principle for non-linear systems, cosmology, geophysics, biology, biomechanics and perception, Journal of Physics, 437, 2013, and citations contained in its extensive bibliography, or at the logical properties of the processing surely involved in the reflexive, self-reentrant, cascade/reverse-cascade, two-mirrors-reflecting-each-other-into-infinite-regress-fractality dynamics at Paine-Kaplan numerically-modeled tornadogenesis, had that modeling effort not been prematurely truncated during the 1970s by reflexive, self-amplifying back-reaction-upon-the-metric of psychosociosexual implications tacitly recognized and compulsively-convulsively spurned via a spaced-out ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displacement) psychoform of collective projectile vomiting, even yet potentially to be further elaborated into space-based droned wargasm. No non-institutional or institutional change-agent initiative, individually or collectively implemented, on the policy or system-framework levels can conceivably effect substantive alteration of the trajectory set by regressed (plus drugged-up, self-lacerating, lately VRed and post-human) archetypal gradients, howsoever haggard be those gradients after 200 years of unrelenting work. It's not that I am old and thus have adopted a pessimistic view; having been an 18-year-old reader of C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, I'm simply continuing to argue ideas I first elaborated during my late-teens and early-twenties. Nerve gas continuously pumped through a subway system flows around any obstacle placed in its path. The only possibility for significant positive modification of the n-dimensional fall-out from a collective-unconscious mass-suicide decision is far-from-equilibrium phase-shift on the level of framework-determining conditions, most of which are unconscious, at least tacit. Hence, I would hypothesize, have, long since, actually, that closest-packing close approach to such mass, maybe even collective, suicide is, not only unconscionably close, but more unconsciously so than consciously -- given that the deep-structure real reasons really aren't ever actually broached.
Hokay. Unnerstand, yes? No? Uh-oh! Cashlessness cannot conceivably, even notionally, heh-heh-heh, effectively redress the pandemic unbelief (if amongst some few, still subliminal) in the long-failed Weltanschauung and its analogically-modeled human-systems supersystems-systems-subsystems, that unbelief being most responsible for the near universal participation in the globalized black economy. Even so, and nonetheless, there are multiple initializations ongoing of top-down implemented cashless national cum supranational 1T2-only e-cum-crypto currencies administered by the big-bankster cohort serviced by ever more suborned, ultimately bot-only, programmers of the cloudy matrix, and by upper echelons of the intelligence-mil-merc-cop-security establishment(s) with their human and robot subordinates monitoring the state{is}tics (tic = total information control) used to fabricate enemy-strength estimates, uh, uh, to fabricate forecasts (for use by the paladins step-by-step effectuating the prospective DNA-fingerprint intelsat-autonomous-reading-plus-targeting Global Phoenix pogrom now becoming more overtly institutionalized as alt-news op-ed noted here; yea-yah, always makin' mistakes, they is, ain't they, jus' like that, don't y'know: she was a beauty operator at the Pushtan Salon, not a bloody sullen Pashtun operative! spooneristic non-adjacent metathesis is one indicator of the presence of ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement?) of future crime amongst unbelievers not enthusiastically willing to unreservedly serve the super-vested interests of the unremediably corrupt globalized garchs which constitute elements of the corpora subsets collectively known as THE 0.7-, uh, uh, 0.5-, uh, uh, 0.3- percent. As regards facilitation-elevation of the level of self-organizational competency, 1T2-only currencies have already been reduced to little more than execrable brummagem [cere}monies servicing a junketing, huggermugger, churlish, parasitic jollity and its moral-blackmailing domestics, i.e., the policy wonks of each and every field. The securitized financial state, uh, uh, the financialized security state: rather, more accurately, the state of Weltanschauung insecurity -- among those bumptious truculents identified with the divine burdens and rights that should by all be acknowledged and accorded plangent people chosen for a destiny manifest to even the most dullard opprobrious dunderheads -- [motiv}at(e)ing this collective other/same condition. The pivotal American figures meretriciously figuring in surface-structure (what Prouty and others regard comports of structural deep events, I view as subsurface, deep-structure being, to my mind, inferable mostly through consideration of intellectual history and histories of arts, maths, sciences) origins of 20th-century global violence and its residual prefigurations of the enormities yet to come fully to fruition: fluffy-minded Wilson empowering banksters vis-à-vis their War of the World and huffy-minded Truman initializing NatIntelGestapo gastropods. Huxley's Brave New World did not entertain mortal-blackmail pangenocide making the Holocaust lower case, facilitated by multiple somas like mimetic estrogens including neurotoxic MSG, herbicides engineered into food crops, floods of pesticides and fungicides, massive WiFied effusion of EM pollution abanishing the birds and the bees plus directed-cum-pulsed-EM specifically targeting frequency-response windows of DNA histological types, so on. A good argument could easily be made that McD- uh, McCarthy-era paranoia never waned, that its [proto}typics, by collective ConveDD, did a retrograde-inversion, went psychologically underground as unconscious conspiracy qua conspiracy orchestrated by the collective unconscious, where the transference-figured communist infiltrators of USG institutions like the Department of State were psycho-neuro-immunologically transmuted into, not the-then-recently-hyped JIFs, Japanese-Inspired Fifth-columnists, but the domestic CIIFs, Central-Intelligence-Inspired Fifth-columnists injected into virtually every USG institution -- the multi-sectorial entity being thus subverted always picking up the tab for its own self-subversion. Arriving at AU-SIS, August of 1963, after Mr. Moore's tutoring in symbolic logic (my difficulties therewith), topology and foundations, at SAC's Eielson AFB High School, Alaska, and my PSSC introduction to quantum mechanics at Fairborn High School whilst my father was stationed at AFLC/AFSC Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, my Ashiya AFB, Japan, childhood exposure to primitive-Shinto animistic identity-transparency sufficiently subverted what commitments I might otherwise have had to the notion then still reigning in D.C.-no-Washington that policy is 1T2-only-process-reduction of probability fog. When the emergent cashless e-crypto currencies have unabashedly failed -- for myriad systematics and economic reasons, but most assuredly because of the resultant veritable explosion in cybercrime orchestrated by the US-EU's UEs (Upper Echelons: the real task assigned to an EU Army will be to properly purpose internal security, not external security: mafias have always served at the discretion of one or another automatized governmental executive-brain no-brainer functional structuralization-localization) as a greatly expanded non-spatial operational theater, qua TAOR, Tactical Area Of Responsibility, of the world-fractionating command structures ever amplifying and geographically spreading, periphery-to-center, resource warfare -- the attempt will be made to top-down institute a 5-star-global-monoculture, Vee-Are-The-Vorld, planetary 1T2-only-cryptoMONOcurrency, eventually to be autonomous-bot administered and securitized. Will this attempt constellate the final tipping-point cuspover for onset of the virtually inevitable really hot space-based environmental-genetic PW1, Planetary War One, which is subliminally intended to be but one component of the long-in-the-works by-collective-unconscious-decision-instigated program for pre-unto-post-trib-rapt trans-humanization of planet Earth -- conscious integration of animistic-pagan, µTm-quantum, relative-state identity-transparency having long since been convulsively altogether rejected, Give me simple-identity or give me death! being the iconic tacit declarative codifying leitmotiv of the epoch?
Not that I disagree, essentially, with anything said in the documentary VDO entitled END OF USA Federal Reserve System is a Threat to Western Civilization, Financial Alerts, YouTube, 15 November 2016, but it's all so boringly so-many-times-already said, and so superficial, with nothing proposed remotely adequate to the calamity which is the actual case. No allopathic surgical ta-daa! infusion of invasive top-down-implemented resurrection of alleleomorphic regulation that is not self-[de}regulation posing as an externally-imposed regulatory regime, no policy modulation, no socioepidemiologic-impact-study-generated shape-shifting, no restructuring of framework, no political redrawing of the boundary (what kind of boundary: e.g., 1T2-either-in-or-out; µTm-fractal boundary-without-boundary?) of the market can prevent the incendiary cuspover-deautomatization denouement, epiphany for some, it must be supposed, that has been in the dominant culture's cultural birth canal for the last 200 years of Western intellectual hisstory. The circumstances actually determining-attracting qua pushing-pulling character of the governing problems are presystemic, preframework, precognitivemap -- in the same way that pregeometry is pregeometrodynamics. Despite Great-Depressionary Gödel, et al., the complete economy of mathematical principles which operations research has posited as necessary and sufficient to managing the uncertainty qua risk inherent to Heh-heh-heh! Stochastic neoclassical econometric behavior occasions, as distinct from those classic and codified in econometric behavior equations: which of these framework determining conditions is, in principle, adequate to mediating functional integration of the impacts, in principle, incumbent upon massive uptakes of quantum-based technologies -- given the bizarre principles manifest in quantum mechanics? Was financial-derivatives innovation consciously in sympathy with quantum craziness and, thus, facilitative of functional integration thereof, or was that innovative balloon indicative of abreactive unconscious compensatory back-reaction upon the metric of such craziness? One of the foremost critiques of Soviet command economics entailed derogation of the use of preference functions at planning, yet the neoclassical approach, dominating post-WWII U.S. economic policy formulation processes, enthusiastically incorporated game theory's vonNeumannic maximization of expected [1T2-only] utility, i.e., utility equals single-valued preference function and expected utility is, roughly, the preference-ranking value multiplied by the estimated probability of the chosen outcome qua payoff. Was the derogation of Soviet economic planning methodology more a psychological projection than a useful critique, given that all three -- classical, neoclassical, Soviet central planning -- had/have no truck with m-valued and µTm-logically (circa 1921 in rigorous form; a decade and more earlier, in relatively intuitive form) processed preference functions, which only Adolph Lowe's instrumental inference tentatively attempted to approach, Lowe giving no explicit recognition to the externality-internalizing (i.e., changing the nature of the boundary of the market) value of the m-valued and the m-logically-valued when sheaved upon LETS currency units tagged to regional and urban and town planning variables-measurables-indicators? The cognitive production of instru[mental}ist externalities requires the dead-kind of cut which yields a rescuing Foucaulted episteme known as the classical limit kundabuffer (quenched superconductivity of pi-electron gas core of intra-neuronal nuclear DNA?) that only neurotoxin glutamate is fully qualified to necrotically engineer via autopoiesis-by-noise: classicality of the neoCon persuasion being the worst of the lot massively in denial of All-That-Is CTCly the Thing-in-Itself µTmly being-there by temporal operations as Being-in-Itself (this being the Kantian category apropos of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock) -- a corpus of corpora which is Kantian can't-be-accessible to glutamate-etched 1T2-only single-valued mind caught in a cloud of unknowing and bound to simple-identity 18th-century rationalized and placed in personified projection as Deist Clockmaker. If you took your life-mission brief before Descent Into Hell from personified godhead, you're not only a heretic but also in possession of a cardinal symptom. One alternative to Lukasiewiczian monetary units is an important recently-publicly-adopted SS-approach to urban planning of fragile and feral cities which can't be made smart by the S&S-approach to upgrading slum infrastructure, as, flashing forward, Op-Edishly explicated by Eric London in US Army document on urban warfare advances strategy for 'contemporary Stalingrads', World Socialist Web Site, 21 December 2016. The nazification kneejerk to the stab-in-the-back myth was very much more rapid in the German case than that of us Americans. If there is any single pragmatic factor of the prevailing global-crisis gestalt that has most doomed the human species to its kismet, uh, the Global Village of Fate[ha}bad, it is absence of an effective mutual-processor interface (e.g., µTm-valued LETS nesting foams mapped over changing fractal e-boundaries as subjection of bureaucratic functions to the holographic principle) between free-market-driven behaviors and the near-universally-failed attempts made at implementing edifying regional-urban-town planning of the horribly built built-environment and its industrial agriculture extensions. The polymathic, but single-valued, vonNeumannian focus upon social economy came up with the 1T2-only notion of zero-sum game two years after knee-jerk-near-consensus embrace by the physics community of the square idea proposed by Born -- the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function -- and seven years after Lukasiewicz cum Post published rigorous codifications of m-valued logics. Was von Neumann's notion of gaming indicative of Conscious Integration or of epistemic unconscious Compensatory Abreaction -- and did, say, John Nash, turn Abreaction into Integration? Or was long-conflicted, long-suffering, Bateson-double-binded, 1T2-only Nash ultimately rewarded for insuring that transition from CA to CI was indefinitely postponed?
Day-in, day-out! up-the-organization, budmarsh-backstabber-boys-established anomie-ambiance of biz-guv-mil-coppery-spookation: the Good Life in the Great Society, so say the Burra-Sahibs. No goody's gnawing sense of oppression at existential guilt for being among soon-running-on-to ten-billion spoor leavers, anxiety-fraught despoilers, club-wielders fulfilling dictates of the territorial imperative, dhooli-riding ghazi-devotees doing pujah at the temple of the 1T2-only-[monie}key business which yields the [poly}tics aplenty played by the no-good boxwallahs and their Jung-i-lat Sahib. My I/i has long thought that the survival instinct (à la George Edgin Pugh's 1977 thesis as to genetic encoding of the Will To Species Survival: The Biological Origin of Human Values) eventually will (despite my imputation as to a 19th-century collective unconscious decision for species suicide in largely-subliminal reaction to imports of N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr) force de-dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-wave function and yield quantum-based-techno-forced µTm-understanding -- but that, assuredly, that that will be very late in coming, partially because of all the quantum-techno-based weapons systems development engaged in by government-owned physicists trying thus, by demonstrated utilities, to verify to themselves validity of the Copenhagen Interpretation or to pretend that A-cum-N-bombs dropped-tested are not also detonating in an infinite number of multiworlds. No magical waaa-laah! No poetic and lo! Why? Acoustic-blackhole physics degree-zero when it comes to having an ear for the cosmic bassplayer's astral-sounded, weaverbird lay down of the Cathedral's CTC-Cantus-Firmus mantra, Tzog-chen AllBase qua sub-substructure Commonage qua Cabalistic floor-plan yantra qua branch-bridging zenana-nautch-girl Choreographic module map, the universal covering from which all µTm-unto-1T2 scaffolding-performers demergently decompose-deviate cum mesoscopically-incarnate as brackenfellers. In a universe CTCly-unto-µTmly permissive, cause-push/attractor-pull and the n-connecting-principles betwixt and between do not 1T2ly-predicate predestination any more or any less than they do free will. There is no sustaining the myth of an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct ego-function absent the making of an arbitrary Dedekind cut, the imputing of an either/or Boolean boundary, a Newtonian limit to the infinite regress (anavasta dosham) by which the observer claims ontological-existential separation from the object-other, be it/shehe objective or subjective, uh, uh, that is, that quantum-measure-problem-resolving separation only by which validity-utility of the experimental method can be maintained as absolute rather than as merely an apocryphal: thus is an objective classical limit resolutely insisted upon, clung to regardless of consequences, atmospheric in particular, so as to protect the hyped unassailability of subjective immediacy at normotic 1T2-only awareness -- even, perhaps especially so, when Shapleyed-stochastic, ahistorical, randomized gaming (as e-commons computer-gaming of the value stack to be placed upon given µTm-valued LETS currency units would involve, not only m-scenarios strategic planning, but also cooperative n-person differential [state-function variables evolve according to specifications provided by differential equations: in our µTm-problem, the case would involve non-nondisposable-conflict-assuming relative-state-function variables and Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergence of the involved memetime-dependent relations described by the relevant differential equations] games, see Shapley Value in cooperative differential games with random duration, Ekaterina Shevkoplyas, St. Petersburg State University, no date given, for brief discussion of random time-instant, hazard rate-ratio-function, maxmin solution, feedback Nash strategies, out-of-coalition players, et cetera, but no mention of the Homicidal Chauffeur of the nuclear trigger -- and ask how much value the 1T2ly-calculated Shapley Value for pollution-cost reduction and nonrenewable resource extraction would be in any effort that might demerge with regard to the tagging of indicators of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, to the m-values stacked upon any given currency unit traveling within µTm-LETS nesting foams mapped over changing fractal e-boundaries and ledgered to Alexander.Karpenko functors on the Gödel-numbered cross Gödel-numbered m-logically-valued reference space AllBase: is not the total-info-control new-tech surveillance capability appropriately cum best utilized only when turned upon nature, particularly planet Earth, as facilitation of means to implement µTm-valued LETS as propitiation qua self-regulation?), uh, Shapley randomized gaming is employed to dissemble authentic µTm-Tantric Schrödinger memetime-independence. This dissimulation qua suppression, like all such, has become regressed, and, hence, has automatically been ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced), by good offices of vonNeumann-Morgenstern zero-summed market operators cum Nash non-zero StratPlanners, to derivatives-driven economic-warfare-modeled MONOcurrency notions such as, O-so-appropriately, the recent demonization of the Cashmir-float-house monetization (black economies grow where-when megabureaucracies founder and dysfunctional monetary systems flounder in the resultant ocean of dissent: myriad ways will always be found to subvert the My-Will-will-be-Done! dunce-doings characteristic of the case: see, for instance, The 'Black Money' Backlash: These Are The Illegal Workarounds To India's 'Cashless' Chaos, Zero Hedge, 23 November 2016) of the forced-draft-deruralizing, Monsantoed-neo[colon}ized, Indian, enteric subcontinent. Aye, as India joins the rush of Brit-related societies into greater totalism with more state-sponsored corruption. National e-only-money is but one step in the Ice-Nine process (flashing forward to 11 December 2016, I note that someone else, Sridhar Chakravarthi Raman, has also seen the Cat's Cradle analogy, as per India's 'War On Cash': The Demonetization Blitzkrieg. The 'Ice Nine' Solution, Global Research -- if contextualized somewhat differently) by which monoscale-rescaling renormalization is to transpire, thus freezing-up metabolic-pathway behaviors not conducive to trickle-up-only, i.e., that which is countervailed in the involutory decomposition transposed-transliterated by the Vedic patri-priesthood of post-matri-tribal India into an immolation of Purusha, a self-burning oxidation-reduction out of which inexplicably, thus miraculously, issued the caste system's frozen hierarchy, a hierarchy sans the energy-momentum cascade/reverse-cascade dynamic, an m-PHASIC-activation oscillator which Sri Aurobindo, in The Life Divine, called the Involution-Evolution: the standard, memetime-bound, probabilistic, monoTONIC-activation-only interpretation of quantum mechanics is a repeat performance of this possibly-Aryan-(qua-Nazi)-induced Hindu travesty, so it should be of little surprise that a priesthood of crypto-e-MONOmoney should be arising relative to what may well become a world-consuming immolation, Bollywood to Hollywood, polar bears to penguins, initiated by Kshatriya arms and fanned by Brahmanic breath. No mere dilatory will be permitted to besmirch me! thus seeeth-seetheth-sayeth Samsonius Agonistes maladium degenerescencia antidopaminergic dementorum predatorius dominatrix un catatonica perseveratum inducementa. The induced mass [his}teria 1T3ly-sheheze imputing a Siberian Candidate correlate to Harvey's McCarthyite role? Heh-heh-heh! With silent celerity sans celebrity, raising no susurration from the [damn}ascened crowd: hardly the effulgent thrum and clatter of The American Way. Prospective cabinet fixtures, cracking good: bedizened and bedecked geomorphs making smooth visual transitions at every photo-op despite encarnadine dysconstruals fanned by the MSM's repining punkah coolies. Bait-and-switch is one variant of the Lenin-Munzenberg MaxMin Principle -- promise the max, deliver the min -- which prefigured the zeroed-out vonNeumann MiniMax Principle. Given that it is generally understood, post-Snowden, that, between them and their Special Relationship, the NSA and the GCHQ hack everything on Earth, what other entities -- the Iranians? the Chinese? the Cubans? the Grenadans, the Anonymous? the ISISians? the AQ&Aians? the Saudis? -- besides the NSA (on behalf of the ODNI and its ostensibly subordinate CIA) hacked the DNC? If, say, and I'm not saying it did, in the normal course of its 24/7 activities following the examples set by the NSA and the GCHQ, a foreign power -- Oh, of course, the Ruskies! -- acquired culpatory, inculpatory, exculpatory evidence as regards, say, the DNC, would it be legal, according to the USG's current application of its laws extraterritorially, for that foreign power to conceal such evidence? Moreover, is it legal for USG agencies to conceal evidence of quasi-illegal and outright illegal activities on part of the DNC, its candidate and foundation? If so, and it may well so be, does that make the 1T2-only-lawfare legal system, and its outlawing of the undistributed middle, illegal? When staying in the Trump International, don't neglect to take the short skip over for a visit to the International Spy Museum. Self-eating dysvirtuous cycles role-on ouroboros-like until they discorporate into Cantor dust; there is no staunching them. Will they, the reigning Viceboys, draw rein at any of their interloperly-forced bifurcations, those splitting-aparts yet just barely visible through the mists? Doubtful, doubtful indeed, howsoever many momentary wrigglings parading as temporizing prevarications -- given the determined bullheadedness crossed into the huffy-minded ignorance as to what actually motivates the affect-charge driving their actions, whatever manner be those actions consciously rationalized. Come what may, they'll keep on truckin', so they will. It's dying to do, they've been. Aye, hardly a lad not a Kafir or a faker-Fakir in that lot, what. But-- alt-preparations could conceivably be assembled about critical nodal points upon which the dust particles could settle into the micro-infrastructure upon which a replacement could found its arising, thus minimizing intensity and duration of the chaos at dissolution qua cuspover. O, the criminally insane who-what govern the planet, at foundation, primarily by means of murder, in hard and soft forms! Whomever is ushered into the cabinet of Dr. T., the door surely will be locked behind them. In their binary game of tic-tac-toe, where X they win and 0 you lose, the only actual game of state-function is that not played. Nothing, and so be it. Adieu, said, and says, my other-I-am. Even though, via my Japan-learned amplification of the imprinting approach to learning, I figured out early-on that no deschooling-diseducation can fully dissipate the effects of a dyseducation, my I/i notes that this antimatter, uh, uh, anticash for instance matter is an example of why I have argued that implementation of m-valued and µTm-processed LETS nesting foams mapped upon fractal e-boundaries (where the 1T2-only-order-type of the money would remain cash) should be undertaken bottom-up, not top-down (see, for instance: When Money Dies -- India's Demonetization Is A 'Massive Manmade Disaster', Jayant Bhandari, reposted to Zero Hedge, 25 November 2016: Zero Hedge being, in my JFKSWCS-PsyOpsGroup-graduate judgment, the best money-finance-econ site on the internet, a site 1950's-style-demonized by black-prop, portmanteau-WaPo as a Proletkult, Salat-Olivier qua salad-russe, white-prop-dysinformation organ) so as to work out the bugs, such that the consequences of the inevitable mistakes are played out only at the smallest scales and, thus, can be resolved by acting locally while thinking globally.
Gaming notions, even nowadays, with very few exceptions, so far as I can see (note, for instance, that Arnis Vilks does not mention Lukasiewicz logics in considering Logic, Game Theory, and the Real World, Handelshochschule Leipzig, No. 73, 2006; nor does Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy in its piece on Logic and Games, last revised 2013): memetime-bound, stochastic-cum-recursive, n-player expectation sets generated by pure or mixed (1T2-only rational cum randomized -- in even cooperative, non-zero-sum game-cases with hidden information where Nash equilibria are non-construable) strategies arrayed on grouped, rectilinear, 2 n-dimensional tic-tac-toe-like box-matrices, not superimposed, à la VirFut Q-Pro, upon sheave-collections of transparent acetate-overlay sheets so as to, looking through, obtain, JoeGoode-like, some semblance of the Everettian time-shapes which the involved techno-regime-dependent utilities qua preference functions express. Somehow, this notion of transparent sheaves is related to factor congruence and factor-transparent sheaves, but not, apparent to me, in the way described by Arthur Knoebel in Sheaves of Algebras Over Boolean Spaces, Birkhauser, 2012, as what I am talking about involves Boolean spaces only as the most reduced limiting cases, and the involved Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic decomposition of the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, i.e., m-logically-value reference space, while a matter of reduction, is a reduction involving sheaf-non-congruence rather than factors-on-sheaves-congruence alone, a reduction, not unrelated to a retrograde-inversion of actually-practiced Husserliana, where higher-value-order-types are progressively lost). Not only do Sorosian market reflexivities see to it that equilibrium point (dynamically related to relative absolute-limiting velocities) minimax saddles are actually multiply-connecting (qua cooperative, qua Nashy) cuspovers (dynamically related to relative absolute-limiting accelerations), but the 1T2-only information carried by currency units, as currently defined, sees to it that µTm-information about Tantric-Schrödinger-memetime-independent-state-function states of the whole system (internalities and externalities) are hidden from market participants, such that those cuspovers, more thoroughly understood, are hypertwisted reentries (dynamically related to relative absolute-limiting time rates of change of accelerations) productive of non-orientabilities -- active, 3-fold, imaginary-hypercomplex, Pauli-Paine operator-time, and expressed temporal CURLs, demerging Everettian-vonHayekian "time-shapes of total capital stock" being the most cogent way to codify the involved notions.
Consider perfect-1T2-only-logician, n-player (e.g., the Viet Nam war: VC, NVN, red Lao, red Khmer, Russia, China, SVN, US, Laos, Cambodia, ANZ, South Korea, Thailand, Okinawa, the PI, so on), non-cooperative, non-zero-sum, recursive, non-equilibrium (despite Shapley cum Everett algos) games, where strategies of other players can only be guessed at (e.g., the Nixon-Kissinger crazy man poker-player bluff-randomization: a raise that could be evaluated with the theory of Games for the Strategic Influence of Expectations, Lluis Godo and Enrico Marchioni, preprint, 2nd Workshop on Strategic Reasoning, 2014, which considers Logics for Lukasiewicz Games with Expectations), with a very, very long list of hidden-information types (e.g., Tonkin Gulf incident; false-flag assaults, assassinations, terrorist acts; black and white propaganda; known unknowns, relatively unknown knowns, unknown unknowns, fuzzily-known knowns to this or that player, like presence or absence of tactical nukes in-country, infiltration rates, infiltration and commo-liaison routes, enemy strength, number of moles successfully placed; so on and so forth), where all players are playing the same game and agree on the rules (e.g., not the Viet Nam war: wherein the US was playing, say, Cartesian-Newtonian American football and the VC were playing, say, a cloud-chambered, hide-and-seek, now-you-see-me-now-you-don't quantum-relativistic version of redoubt-cum-city-encircling Go no aspect of which ever actually entered awareness of American policymakers: we note, as regards SFOBs, the much observed fact that Everett's Col. Blotto, though he supposedly won every battle, never did win the recursive protracted war, and, as regards, cities, the fact of the successfully completed, country-wide, far-from-equilibrium organizational phase transition achieved by use of the Tet-'68 offensive as a strange attractor thereto). We have here, from the VC perspective on Tet-'68, an implied, if only tacit, game-theoretic approach to organizational dynamics as being far more Taoist than Confucian during the war, far more Confucian than Taoist afterwards. In my judgment, [city}fied Confucianism was no expression of inherent sociality, but a veil for the hierarchy of corruption and a countervalence to the Taoist moral economy of the peasant imprinter upon nature's identity-transparent relative-states. No support found there for truth-value being accorded absolute value -- or being the object of zero-summing. Just like the Swedenborgian Doctrine of Uses, of, that is, use-value, which contravenes the 1T2-only notion of truth-value as fundament haunching cognitive hunkers to a mere squat, and a doctrine -- perhaps almost as thoroughly as Cabala (Catholic no less than Jewish) and neoPlatonic non-selfsame-numbered numerology -- evoking resonance with the identity-transparent-states-related senses of 1T3 µTm-logics subtending the inner Musculpt which Swedenborg experienced and deemed to be angelic speech. O, such blather! However caparisoned with wit. Taradiddles diddle do, aye. Even if corking -- though of badly formed soppiness, what. Thus sprach the naysayers to those accustomed to blanking out, more elaborately, the habitual perverse polymorphic speech issuing from monosyllabic minds stuffed with a [post}possessing fishy hodge-podge of whiffy [me}grims and agonistic [my}graines. The MSM's, mainstream media's, blackwhitegray prop-poop, plus induced censorship of the alt-media, will facilitate the gathering global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna nation-state system, and its supraordinate agglomerations, in the same fashion that the GVN's banning of all literature about the VCI (Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure) facilitated the VC-NVN's superlative organization-phase-transitional march to victory at national-liberation war. The MSM's manufacturing of normotics is one step into a post-human universe of experience. Radio Catinat cum Radio Tu Do rumor mills are always greatly facilitated by government expurgation and fear-induced self-censorship. The only authentic Rx for propaganda is not censorship, but intellect brought to thought. Thinking simultaneously with reading, listening, viewing -- a modicum of voluntary dissociation required thereby, which only a very few cultivate -- is necessary if black propaganda is to be recognized. TaiChi-rotational 1T2-only logic is better than Western-syllogistic 1T2-only logic, given that when there is only an either/or choice between only freedom and slavery, freedom inevitably turns into slavery -- and when the vote only permits a decision between only disaster and catastrophe, well As for myself, even my other-I-am couldn't really get into dialectical thought, given that only three values amongst m-such are allowed -- and those-only being only Western-syllogistic-1T2-only-logically processed! Anyone predicating individual or group actions in the tacit assumption that concrete behaviors of this or that sort can significantly alter the collective unconscious event-gradients deep-structure responsible for the prevailing-accelerating-cusping crisis-disaster-catastrophe hasn't assimilated much of 20th-century deep thought, little of which has been applied to analytical assessment of 20th-century mass behaviors. And, O, the truculent swaggerers shouldering the base burden of STRATPLANS and CONOPS they know not the [psycho}logical origins of. Stepping away from the government's official narrative, the derivative military's command-position-controlled story, the doubly-derivative MSM's tale -- KTO ECTb KTO, who is who? Who the insurgent, who the counterinsurgent? The insurgent strategy: though most everyone will know deep down what the foremost surface-structure causal factor of the crisis is and what should be done about it, the preeminent consideration, i.e., glutamate-etched 1T2-egoic self-interest -- bring on the porcine-fed-yeast-synthesized Haraam MSG! -- will prevent action being taken by all but those Halaaled and under point of the sword. Ja, stuck with Lala Bad! Well beyond caponization of the Japanese, à la W. David Kubiak, is renormalization-by-truncation of homo sapiens via myriad mimetic estrogens! Good health is an enemy of the state: it's long been known that good mental health is thus; only in recent decades has it been concluded by TPTB -- hard for me to imagine these people, in all their crotchetiness and spying only what they expect to spy, have actual lives: more like introjections of collective regression -- that good physical health amongst the masses also is so. Ah, the black-prop value of colluded interests amongst the global billionaire class: if it takes a 50-billion-USD Japanese qua Saudi SoftBank-Son high-tech investment in America to generate 50,000 jobs, how much would it take to get the missing 94.6-million back into the U.S. workforce? Too big to change? Or is it not so much a matter of job availability as foundered belief amongst all but the newest of immigrants? Now, reverse this application reversal of vonNeumann-Morgenstern's WWII-written book on theory of games and look at the market dynamics originally modeled by principles elucidated in that classic text, principles which have been regurgitated endlessly since. The individualism-dependent and identity-opacity-assuming idea that cooperative behavior exists only in presence of external forcing (e.g., contract law), where chest-thumping displays plus actual aggressions (subverted bidding practices, kick-backs, bribing, initialization of leveraged buyout procedures, murder, military actions, so on unto the sum of all torques, howsoever spun by the black-prop MSM spinners: actually, the published-posted alt-media-news-site blacklists were giftings, as with help provided by those lists I found informative sites I hadn't earlier run across) are deemed self-enforcing internalities potentially yielding Nash equilibria upon which changes in strategies of the n-players (i.e., specifically the case where one makes a change whilst the others hold constant) yields no advantage, leads to somewhat of a confusing picture since external-externalities qua external source-sink terms (internal-externalities qua internal source-sink terms here left aside due to their Klein-bottle-type non-orientabilities) are by definition outside the binary-boundary of the 1T2-only market, thus oligopolies (one coalition only in a given supposedly-competitive realm), though the dominant feature of the globalized planetary economy, are by many regarded in principle illegitimate, though legal, while, to others, keiretsu (contract-free relationships of trust) are illegal, though more legitimate by virtue of arising via a relative minimum of the external forcing ostensibly inimical qua dysfunctional to the autopoietic cum self-organizing 1T2-only market supply-demand-dynamical sorting angel qua magic hand which is purportedly rooted in non-cooperative competition amongst 1T2-egoic-self-interested, profit-only-motivated, localized, simply-identifiable, single-valued individuals (and corporate persons, however many subsidiaries they might spin off yet keep in certain respects internal), accessing but little synoptic information, and free of collective-and-cooperative-quantum relative-state identity-transparency. Moreover, equilibrium-preventing collective behaviors like Sorosian market reflexivities qua contagions, where correlation lengths heuristically go to infinity, cannot, by the above-given considerations, be deemed classically cooperative, let alone quantum-cooperative, in character (not only tacitly contemplated in Viet Nam by virtue of the widely-experienced age-old animistic states of participation mystique qua identity-transparency, but also in, say, Pakistan, as per, for example, Quantum Cooperative Games, A. Iqbal and A. H. Toor, Electronics Department, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, 21 August 2001, a date, we note, just prior to onset of hybrid-warfare gamesmanship, recursively non-[decre}mental [thus differing from aggrieved, angry, Angrezi Brexiteers] and quantum-tech-facilitatible games wherein coalitions are deemed to yield no advantage iff contextualized relative only to 1T2-only symmetrically-cooperative sociality, whether or not those autopoietic-self-organized coalitions are mis-viewed, via psychological projection, as non-flat-managed, devolved, franchised spinoffs ripe for subverted employments designed by realitat-Westerners imbued with Utilitarianism-Pragmatism) -- when they quite obviously actually are such, and, moreover, are also markers of the presence of hidden (imperfect only to 1T2-only-economic actors) µTm-valued information untagged to prices because the 1T2-only-valued currencies (be they cash embodied, e-embodied, crypto-embodied), in which prices have been and currently are stated, cannot carry the µTm-valued information, hidden yet still-there, actually responsible for the low-level competency of 1T2-only-market-mediated collective and internally-arising-by-the-quantum-potential-resident-in-relative-state-identity-transparency cooperative self-organization of extractions, allocations, value-addings, distributions. Let it be noted that formulation of finite-valued Lukasiewicz Games, Enrico Marchioni and Michael Wooldridge, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May 5-9, 2014, Paris, which involve every continuous piecewise polynomial function with integer coefficients over [0, 1]n, certainly is a major step in the right direction with respect to the e-commons gaming of indicator cum value tags to be sheaf-stacked upon each given m-valued currency unit employed in µTm-processed LETS-currencies nesting foams (one way to democratize AI and shift it away from being dominated by mil.guv) defined over fractal e-boundaries (the involved Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes, thus differing from the standard interpretation employed by Marchioni and Wooldridge), yet there remains much to be accomplished if exteriorized Musculpt-as-maths-notation is to be created and is to become a user-friendly interface thereto.
Was it possible to be in attendance at AU-SIS, American University's School of International Service, during the early-mid-1960s and not to have heard of Harold Kuhn or to have read neither stag-[masque}ra(i)der Hermann Kahn nor his critics, e.g., Anatol Rapoport? Maybe -- if one picked one's elective courses exactly right, and altogether neglected the recommended reading lists for the required trans-disciplinary, team-taught seminars and courses like Problems in World Politics, Foreign Policies of the Great Powers, Theory of the International System, so on. Not so incidentally, the group dynamics cum role playing cum art-of-the-deal study section of the required four-semester Human Behavior seminar did not deign fail to include assigned readings-discussions of the Nash [Bar}gaining Theorem -- though it did not go deeply there into. AU-SIS: the first two years of problem-based instruction were where the education lie, the last two years being simpered-out Georgetown.ed-like in the intent for socialization of cognition; with a scutter uttered and a sorrowful sough, an aggravated chirr and an abject coo, I drooped-out late into the first semester of the third year, never to return. As was so graphically illustrated five years before the 1997 collapse of the baht, in the multiple-scenarios strategic planning exercise conducted by the NESDB (National Economic and Social Development Board) of the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand, the scenario by majority vote thought most likely is inevitably a function of that preference function deemed most preferable, thus making such exercises tautological qua [tout}alogical in the same fashion as is game theory when maximum expected-utility is defined as idempotent with highest estimated probability-amplitude crossed into the maximum preference-ranking implicitly determined by Newtonian-vector-summed majority vote of the non-quantum-cooperative gamesters: the infamous 'scenario C', which forecasted a foundering of globalization, and various effects thereof upon Thailand, was found least plausible -- even though a command decision was made to leave out of the written-up scenario, as being too inflammatory, expectation of a collapse in the value of the baht. Quite clearly, an analogous gaming-planning outcome has informed the prevailing-by-lacuna disjointed-incrementalist approach -- adapted as the paraphasiac babblers' form of strategic extrapolation? under the by-now-well-established tradition of governance by scandalmongering descant, by the PACing and counter-PACing, the ganging and counter-ganging of the body politic-and-corporate according to the self-fulfilling explicit Newtonian assumption of inherent and non-disposable conflict? -- to policy formulation-implementation with regard to classical-limit-veiled and macro-quantum-cascade-forced abrupt climate shift (Pepto-Bismol, yep, that oughta cure the indigestion induced by Quantum this! Quantum that!: talk about ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements!), the shafting of Earth's EM envelop, day-in-day-out human-instigated-by-mass-murder species extinctions, overfishing-in-service-to-the-overpopulation, overuse of chemicals and fertilizer and antibiotics in industrial AG (agriculture de[anima}ized and de[pagan}ized, the traducers still trying to reave that reft from, uh, that is, trying to stamp out every last echo of The Rite of Spring) and food processing-delivery, rampant deforestation, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. There is no denying that mass murderers, holocausters, genociders have always been able to find rationalizations for their work. In daaafense? Killing the kidneys and bleeding the bowels by way of countering Monsanto: gorging on glycyrrhizin and carvacrol -- along with psyllium, bentonite, and activated charcoal. And why, most fundamentally, is the mil.mind anthropogenicity so virulent, the daisy-chained gen.bio.con so extraordinarily MinMind regressed (with respect to cascade theory!), uh, that is, more specifically, with regard to the hetero-to-homozygous mut.chain.react massed CA, combat assault, on nature via CRISPR-Cas9-GMOed ConveDDing, repeat ConveDDing, of µTm-valued relative-state IDENTITY-transparency? Thank lucky stars that my I has accumulated no bad karma in that respect! D'ye ken the rumpus rung up to a mighty muddle -- unnecessary, unprovoked, and counterproductive in the extreme? It might well be suggested that the tacit credo of the currently-prevailing quantum-decoherent physicist is, sans the involved personification-by-projective-identification (quoting M. M. Kaye's The Far Pavilions, Penguin paperback edition, 1979, p. 72: one can't possibly get a comparable appreciation of the current AfPac war from reading Dryasdust's historical accounts of the two 19th-century British Afghanistan incursions as is that provided by this novel):
Thou art Everywhere, but I worship thee here:
Thou art without form, but I worship thee in these formsAnd, as the initial precept, my I would add:
Those cognitively impounded by absence of active and/or passive resistance to enculturation-socialization (and associated quantum quenching) of glutamatergic neuronal plasticity will not, obviously, acknowledge surety that memetime-boundedness begins in the womb with the first prenatal glutamate-flood-induced neural-network wipeout. The 1T2-only rational: I-am-me-and-only-me idempotently-cum-egoically self-obsessed cum self-interestedly abstraction fixated and empathy blind, or, in other words, suffering [Sick}under [Dull}con, i.e., latter-day neo-Alex-the-Great. [Psycho}logical identification with 1T2-only logic yielding attention-cathexes capture by the mistaken existential claim to the selfsame simple-identity [man}dating (think random time horizons and stochastic-feedback Nash equilibria) that utilities be defined solely in terms of internalities, and the associated lack of facility with the µTm-modes of cognition-comprehension facilitating superpositioning of scenarios cum expected-utilities such that external externalities -- however long they stick to the program, raising twenty or a hundred, the 0.5-percent won't win free of those despicable farangs, feringhis, gaijins, infidel Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock qua chronotopologies generated by 3-fold-active Pauli-Paine operator-time qua times out of memetime -- could be internalized to the market so as to become factors in definition of utilities, and such that µTm-valued-LETS-monetary-unit-involved processes could become foremost in public policy gaming-planning-implementation. Nature-embedded, realitat-type, alleleotropic utilities qua preference functionals can only be authentically defined relative to internalities plus externalities cum indicator-measurables qua quantum operators cum subjective preference functions µTm-mapped upon the Tzog-chen AllBase Alexander.Karpenko functors which are, autopoionomically speaking, µTm-logically-valued prices -- a better way, I'd bet, and to which my supply-and-materiel-troubleshooter father may have concurred, to solve allocative problems (regards: Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth) than are the logistics applications of Everett-linear-programming-Lagrange-multiplicative-algorithm-determined 1T2-only-valued prices, prices understood relative only to the real numbers (a formulation inapplicable to Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock and underlying temporal CURLings). Everett never got his gaming integrated with his quantum formulating! because of his lack of interest in Lukasiewicz. Consider that vonNeumann enMADened, non-cooperative cum competitive, zero-sum stakes are 1T2-only; Nash-equilibrated, externally-enforced, cooperative-competitive, non-zeroed-out stakes, while ostensibly 1T2, actually are µTm, fuzzily understood relative to [0, 1]n; Lukasiewiczian-Everettian, identity-transparent, relative states are µTm-supraordinate-to-1T2 understood independent of the notion truth-value, where cooperativity is enforceable not by mandated contract law, or by command application of linear-programming optimization techniques, or by diktats of other external externalities, but via externalities internalized as J.G.Bennettian framework determining conditions like e-commons computer-gamed order-of-logical-value of the LETS currency units employed. The Shapley value -- a significantly subjective measure of power distributions-amplitudes, given that probability judgments are differentiated-data/noise-determined perceived-probability assessments -- being useful for categorizing, say, comparative advantages, legitimate and illegitimate, of stakeholder coalitions, uh, that is, insofar as qualia are found heuristically quantifiable (think of, say, Kandinsky's On the Spiritual in Art, where he says things like: a triangle must always be yellow), e.g., with respect to fundamentals, chromodynamics of the instant at µTm-ization of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth (the hypertemporal actual-geoidal figure of Earth), by means of the Penrose-twistor understood as instrumental in quantization of temporal CURL. Crazy? Maybe so, but perhaps not, if µTmly cognized relative to the symorphonies of Musculpted VirFut Q-Pro, which I should have named Mu-Pro, muitic projection, as distinct from Q-Pro, qubitic projection (maybe that mistake was why four years of living on the West L.A., Santa Monica, Brentwood Saltair-intersection was so unproductive, despite various strategic meetings, in promotion of the notion). We have, here, only to think of the Germaine Dulac initiated integral cinema movement (prefiguration of the Unity of Science Movement? I was an avid reader of the Encyclopedia of Unified Science during my Cornell period, and a sufficient frequenter of the Cornell Cinema Program to become aware of the time crises that may constitute Meshes of the Afternoon) of the 1920s to realize how little expanded has been the structuralist metaphysics of Expanded Cinema (I first read this book in 1973 at George Mason U. and later, mid-1990s, had intense discussions of its content whilst living in Santa Fe) over the last century (the prime movers assuredly being averse to anything construable as facilitating a movement toward Musculpt-as-maths-notation) -- certainly an effect of the states of consciousness cultivated by involved personalities, not really a question of money, institutional constraints, government and deep-government and deepest-government interventions into black-prop-production details.Thou art Alltime, but I worship thee at this particular instant of memetime
No, no, I can't take responsibility for this way of thinking. At most-inflated, I've been an amanuensis-only to the actual progenitors expertisimo: Doug Paine, Mike Kaplan, and their graduate students -- and Cong Huyen Ton Nu Nha Trang, my most overall-insightful guidance councilor and facilitator. I have only been able to stick doggedly with it, pursuit of unleveraged implications, that is, because I've not been in the system, because I am a wild card, an extra-systemic interested party not subject to the sorts of stresses, threats, discreditation ops those with actual expertise inevitably suffer in the prevailing conjuncture. Free lunch, for me, comparatively speaking. Who else has been given five years of totally unfettered (Paine-facilitated) access to the resources of Cornell with absolutely zero of the obligations and constraints normally incumbent thereupon? Nonetheless, still, I am not a person with technical expertise in any of the involved disciplines (the main thing I learned in Special Forces medics training was to make every effort to objectively assess my limitations), thus there has been, and is, little of real significance I could have done, or can do. Moreover, it is not important that those with professional knowledge of little known paradigm conflicts step forward; what would be of importance is their finding ways to get done the types of studies needing to be done which are not being done. I know, from those interactions with really knowledgeable people granted me, that I don't even have the knowledge required to identify what those studies might be. Nonetheless, having been, by fortunate circumstance, vouchsafed a modicum of exposure, there is the obligation to blunder forward as best I can according to whatever inner lights I might gather, for whatever little value there might be in such an effort. Really -- the complexity of the myriad subjects involved is staggering. So, as regards Keith Bowden's Huygen's Principle, Physics and Computers, International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 27 (1-3), 1998, pp. 9-32 (again, thanks be to Lauri Love [nsh] for drawing this extraordinary paper to my attention), what if 2M with respect to [0, 1]n à la Marchioni-Wooldridge Lukasiewicz Games -- where, under 2M, it is considered that there is no probability assignment, but CTC-unto-µTm relative-states of Pauli-Paine operator-time-decomposable, qua imaginary and hypercomplex temporal-CURLed tearing operations of, Schrödinger-memetime-independent identity-transparency -- rather than 2X with respect to [0, 1] in a supposed objective-linear-time evolution of a succession, of whatever that recursive iteration is considered to be? Under CTC-unto-µTm comprehended independent of the notion truth-value, Bowden's span(xi) would be defined as the set of all memetime-independent actual (not possible) values of xi for all memetime-independent actual (not possible) values of the other variables. Memetime dependence would converge into observability as logical-value (and Grassman-Hiley simplicial complex cum progressive mesh demergence, M0 Mn cross HC H1, à la Progressive Simplicial Complexes, Jovan Popovic and Hugues Hoppe, Carnegie Mellon U. cum MicroSoft, no date given, but, by references, subsequent to 1997, where demergent constellation of a Piagetian-constant-object, simultaneously viewed spherically [not to mention from perspective of pi-electron-parcel point source inside DNA's free-electron gas-core cylinder], by concretion of memetime [thank you Barbi Hammond for the insightful time-forms explication], on an Analytical Cubism walkabout, that is, requires definition, CTCly, of HC Husserlian horizons in terms of Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types: think holographic inner Musculpt, where color, shape, sound are the primary bases for indexical elaborations of semantic gestalts, e.g., µTm-valued prices) order-types progressively fall away from conscious apprehension until only the 1T2-order-type-and-simplicial-correlate remains available to ontic awareness, the dropped-out order-types remaining only as tacitly given. Have we here, with 2M, a transitional state as regards subsequent activation of fractal-e-bounded Mnk nesting foams countervailing the spontaneous-localization decompositional-involute vis-à-vis implementation of µTm-logically processed m-valued LETS monetary-unit fractal drums? Where, à la Bowden, what is under 2X the backward-shift operator, z-1, is, under Mnk (relative to, not [0, 1]n, but Alexander.Karpenko functors over the state space within which a hypercomplex Riemann Hypothesis would be located), the Schrödinger-memetime-independent instigator of the reverse-cascade spontaneous-fusion relative-state quantum-potential, and can, à la Bowden, be extended to indexing on (continuous or discrete) space relative to value-sheaving upon any given m-valued LETS currency unit, thus assimilating that instigation -- of the contagion (high values of k on SFI's 2nk-fitness landscape) driving Sorosian market reflexivities -- to e-commons-gamed µTm-pricing algos, such that synoptic µTm-relative-state heretofore-hidden information about market-determining conditions is carried into content of Adolph.Lowe-type action-directives prompting micro-actors, no less than those macro. Understood relative to Klein-bottling D. L. Rapoport, what an amazingly different way to understand phase boundaries relative to Bohm-Hiley-formulated pi-electron gas core of DNA and higher-order Maxwell, among much else, e.g., boundaries of theta-e surfaces at Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis and climate-shift dynamics.
Frequently, when an American said both sides, there would be a Vietnamese tendered correction: all four sides (GVN, US, NLF, Hanoi). The former predicating 1T2-only logic; the latter, 1T4 logic, i.e., evocative of Chatuskoti. Simple, as soon as yer get's, er, gets, the way of it: which I did long ago, and well should of, er, have, upon noting that the MACV-CICV-CDEC IDHS, uh, intelligence data handling system, had become the model for revamping libraries, and for information storage and access generally, economic considerations being a mere symptom; too bad Bowden-cum-Popovic-Hoppe were not available at SRA/MACV-J2 (originally POLOB, political order of battle, name-changed to Strategic Research and Analysis after the enemy strength estimates controversy and physically moved from the CICV compound to the MACV-HQ building so as to keep POLOB under thumb: compare this Newsletter rewrite to Derek's paper as given in Vol. 2 of The Moon of Hoa Binh), circa 1967-8, so as to have provided the opportunity to investigate how thoroughly the VCI's, uh, the Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure's, tacit-by-animistic-identity-transparency (implicitly µTm-logically-valued as ontically experienced) application of the holographic principle (the principle scaled, that is, under m-valued universal physical constants, such that there is a Cantorian hierarchy of limiting distances, not only that at the Planck length -- a notion which a Hawking grad-student responder emotively back-reacted upon the metric of, circa 1977) conformed to details of the principles elaborated in these two papers, as to, that is, how bureaucratic variables and functions operative in a given mil.pol.econ domain can be mapped upon changing boundaries thereof, thus greatly facilitating fulfillment of those variables'-functions' levels of bureaucratic self-organizing efficacies. This is a study, unfortunately, likely never to be done, despite continued existence of the CDEC Archive. Ever wonder why CNN is so into promoting advent of a world beyond borders? By gum! such is the gun -- but takin' orders and receivin' support from wigbig deskdwellers committed to the Code o' Blarney et Globaloney? Hah! -- and Nah! No wonder the Hollywood scribes is projecting that the avengers will be splitting against themselves -- though e'en a flash-point rift may n'ver occur, ex'ept in, uh, if'in it t'weren't for retrospective analysis, the paranoiac obsession-compulsion with homeland security being a collective and cooperative compensatory-abreactive ConveDD of relative-state ID-transparency, i.e., the Bohmian Q-potential ministering to the Q-bee's Popperian Plenipropensity, uh, Pleniproclivity, uh, Plenipotentiary, uh, Plenipestilentiary, uh, Plenipustulentiary. Are scabby scutts, that bunch -- and no mistake, Laddie Wee, they're a wretched lot in shabby sculls, aye, paddling saunters over drafty emotional plains and pelagic cognitive expanses in blimey states daft as those o' the dumb and sightless. That's damned dashed and certain, e'en to the cavilers. Virtually every aspect of current world, particularly American, culture fed to the populus is an abysmal regression of 1T2-only logic, the lowest value-order-type there is -- except for the likes of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, which grudgingly allows for a third value. Ney, that lot, TPTB, that is, are not intent upon their own individual C'est magnifique! suicides; such is the magnitude of their tacit existential guilt and consequent unbethought loathing of the multivalue that, subliminally, they are thoroughly committed to suicide of the whole species, and, into the bargain, destruction of as much of the biosphere as can be accomplished. Heh-heh-heh! Don't see much about potential efficacy of boundary changes, given the constraints thereupon written into existing political systems -- though MISH, for instance, does seem to clearly recognize importance thereof, as per Mega-Regions: What If We Redrew State Boundaries Today?, Mike Shedlock, MishTalk, 25 December 2016. Is defining borders 1T2-only, either/or qua in/out, and independent of the holographic principle's boundary-without-boundary, then going beyond such Cartesian-Newtonian simple-lines-in-the-sand-identities into borderlessness-altogether, just one aspect of destroying the village in order to save it, of winning every battle so as to lose the War of the World? Pretty good odds on that! to anyone having acquired a general familiarity with the 20th-century histories of physics, chemistry, and biology. If so, then better blackprop those histories, eh and what, remove them from public consideration, don't y'think. Aye, to those'uns what hayn't adequately demonstrated compliance, so's ter speak, those'uns with naught in the way of institutional affiliation, access to scientific information has been, and is being, step-by-step deeenied. Consider this geomorphing loss-of-detail process as a psycho-driven ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of the complementary alpha blending where, During the blending process an alpha value is specified for each LOD [level of detail] which determine transparency of objects [italic added], a non-simple-identity ghosting effect becoming apparent at close approaches to the object-other, à la projective-identification at subject-object and interpersonal levels of transference. I didn't get the opportunity to closely study the second half of Bowden's paper (devoted to understanding Schrödinger relative to topological tearings vis-à-vis the holographic principle by which the content of a space is mapped on its border) because both the site version and that downloaded to my hard drive were blocked to me after I'd opened the downloaded copy a couple of times. Guess from now on I'll have to immediately print out those papers to which access is granted. Once they, TPTB, come to fully realize that all their prevailing-global-crisis-related problems resolve to Weltanschauung autoimmune dyscrasia, whereby products of maths-science-techno creation-discovery-innovation have become, and will increasingly become, autoantibodies to the 200-year-dead-yet-still-walking political-economy institutionalization, they will see to it that all actually-useful general access shall be shut down and that the hazing hoops to jump through in order to demonstrate PC-compliance shall be ringed in fire -- thereby sealing fate of homo sapiens at coming cuspover cum vertex splittings cum surface tearings cum spontaneous localization of the m-valued and µTm-logically-processed time-shapes of the micro-macro-quantum Schrödinger state-wave-function for magnetoatmobiogeospheres, planet Earth (consider that there are m-valid, if 1T2-contradictory, interpretations of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function, those-that chosen as appropriate to a given case depending upon properties of the domain-of-consideration and the intentionality brought to it). Understand (understood as a maths imperative-injunction like G. Spencer Brown's Draw a distinction) geometry-decompression qua splittings-tearings to smooth visual transitions of mesh-metamorphosing geomorphs as tertiary to (2) Husserlian horizons defined in terms of calculi of CTC-unto-µTm-valued propositions as Wheelerian pregeometry, and (1) vertex-vortex point-sources-sinks (take note of the fact that Victor P. Starr's Hydrodynamical Analogy to E = mc2, Tellus, 9:1, 1959, a paper very early-on informing Douglas A. Paine's orientation toward the modeling of tornadogenesis and suggestive of the higher-order versions of the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equation set for electromagnetism, is an application of Huygen's Principle stated as every point on a wavefront is a source of wavelets, or, in the words of Lauri Love, any system can be finitely many sources on an arbitrary boundary enclosing the system, a general holographic principle of informational exchange allowing subsystem-system-supersystem identity-transparency and cascading composition/decomposition ) in terms of Wheelerian Borel-set pre-pregeometry bucket of dust qua Aurobindoian warm-golden dust of supermind. The issue of measuring a closed boundary-as-Koch-curve, and associated Cantorian cardinalities, needs to be explored with respect to boundary-without-boundary and Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergence. Understand geometrodynamics (the PSCs, progressive simplicial complexes, on this level being made of, for instance, Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes, as commented upon in Derek's bibliographic annotation to Berggren, K. F., Quantum Phenomena in Small Semiconductor Structures and Devices, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XXXIII, 3 March 1988, given on page 751, Vol. 2, of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh) in terms of CTC-unto-µTm-logically-valued Regge-calculi-type M-meshworks formulated according to the Regge superlattices cum superstrings characterizing superposed spacetime-curvature configurations (for a 1T2-only evocation of this notion, see: Warner Allen Miller's The geometrodynamic content of the Regge equations as illuminated by the boundary of a boundary principle, Foundations of Physics, 16:2, February 1986, pp. 143-169, and note that the boundary of the boundary is identically zero, i.e., boundary-without-boundary, e.g., the fractal e-boundaries to be employed with µTm-valued LETS nesting foams), where topological changes (qua vertex splittings cum surface tearings) are executed under Topological Torsion and Topological Spin (R. M. Kiehn, Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, 32: 2-3, 2007) induced by topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time via 3-fold temporal CURL quantized by means of Penrose twistors. I take away from my reading of Ulrich Mohrhoff's Probabilities From Envariance (Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, no date given, but, by bibliography, subsequent to 2004) -- envariance being described absent mention of Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value -- that Schrödinger-memetime-independent correlations are THE fundamental in quantum mechanics, such being, in my view, relative-states of identity-transparency. All of the above-given, I hypothesize, are involved in tornadogenesis and climate-shift dynamics -- maybe even as regards the electric heartbeats of dust devils (anyone having once viewed Joe Goode's extraordinary heartfelt-from-childhood Tornado Series aquatint etchings, some of the cobra-drop-downs being depicted red with dust, cannot doubt the connection: when viewing these prints for Naomi Togashi's Kyoto-based Fia, Inc., which had commissioned them, I was thrown into a profound dissociated state, which I counteracted with Aurobindoesque mantric poetry recital, ending with a number count-down -- at the cusp-count, the smoke detector above my bed, where I [who, throughout the previous day, had inevitably been misconstrued -- perhaps due to my habitual, all-but-forgotten, SF-learned swagger, so easily again and again and again kneejerk-slipped into at any adversarial occasion -- by then-Japan-bashing-hysteric locals as a Nip-Protecting bodyguard] lay sleepless in the penthouse of the Shangri-La [art business] Hotel, Santa Monica, dropped from the ceiling like a tornado, and the fire alarms sounded throughout the building -- only to later learn that, when the dissociated state had come on, one of the biggest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history was then transpiring in Goode's native OKLA, et al., and I even refused to carry the prints back to Japan, fearing an aircraft electrical-system crash, but relented at the last moment, whilst standing at the gate, as the dissociated state finally receded). Talk about psychic contagion!
During 1980, Everett received a copy of our paper (written at personal request, made in Georgetown University Medical School, of Roland Fischer for Wolfgang Luthe's guest editorship of the Journal of Altered States of Consciousness: the journal went bankrupt just before that issue was to have come out), entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement. He never commented upon it, probably never did more than leaf through it, then trash-canned it, likely because it reeks of mentalism, psychobabble, new-agey consciousness crap, and is not technically formulated. Having earlier, from Cornell, communicated with Wheeler, I knew ahead of memetime that that would be Everett's reaction -- wrong as it was. A reaction going back at least to Husserl's kowtowing to judgment of his preceptor, Kronecker: psychologizing mathematics! was and is the charge. Moreover, according to von Neumann's understanding of the scientific Weltanschauung, the psycho-part of psycho-physical parallelism must be formulated as existing in real spacetime -- that is, real-numbered spacetime. So -- this sort of Realism requiring the reals -- according to vonNeumannic non-psychologization of mathematics, imaginary and hypercomplex numbers are relevant only to matter, to the material girl and not her psyche. That's the down-to-earth approach to ground states, psychetic and hyletic -- a kind of strange notion, if mind is emergent from matter, unless, of course, material substance, hyle, is teleologically drawn to mind as a strange attractor, this condition inducing existence of an emergence which is devolution, in that the complex, which incorporates the real, would emerge by reducing itself to the simple. So, even the Realist can't escape [de}mergence in attempting to formulate the notion of an objective-linear-time-bound [e}mergence. And embedded in this non-escape is the derivative notion of the reduction of the wave packet at observation, such that m-valued non-localized matter reduces itself to a single-valued localized state under influence of an observer-state system with a psychetic component which must be defined by employment of the real numbers only. That influence again looking very much like a strange attractor; hence, the anthropic principle wherein the single values of universal physical constants (assumed, thus prescriptively ruling out m-valued such constants) are those just such as to set up the universe's event gradients as converging upon us, the attractor (in projective-identification with the Great Attractor non-orientably the First Cause), we humans, uh, more specifically, 1T2-only-egoic, single-valued awareness restricted to Reals (who among us, once glutamatergically etched, whatsoever the inner-counterwork efforts made, even given Gurdjieff's superlative leads, can ever get really free of this?), even though the material world requires Imaginaries! Trying to think about -- as John Nash discovered cum suffered consequences of -- the measurement problem without being able (or being prevented from) to think in, not about, CTC-unto-µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value (apropos only of the 1T2-order-type alone) -- a thinking in most certainly requiring at least tacit conscious access to inner Musculpt as mathematical notation: a somewhat not contemplated by those mechanophiliacs suffering father-figured superegoic self-blandishments in roof-brain-chattered row-and-rig, NAFR-orchestrated [qua brain-antagonizing forms of resistance] in contravention to promptings of the centrencephalic safety discharge mechanism so as to keep intact the intrapsychic Anima-Animus transference dynamic essential to the ConveDDs writ large into technological forecasting and its Lilly-like self-metaprogramming of R&D agendas, as per, for instance, The Dark Side of VR, Joshua Kopstein, The Intercept, 23 December 2016 -- is laughably ludicrous, even though prescribed in 1926 by collective kneejerk embrace of Born's probability interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function, an interpretation implicitly-unto-explicitly rejecting Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics (rigorously codified and published by 1921), this rejection forcing the multi-worlds misinterpretation of Everett's relative-state formulation, as given in the first half of his 1957 paper. However technical, and by whatever means data is separated from noise, the 1T2-only-mathematical exegesis of whatsoever thesis, as regards the measurement problem, is, and ever will be, laughable.
Linear has never seemed to my me conceivably crowd-wise, thus linUS has never appealed -- anyMORE, heh-heh-heh, than have decomposed-superposed I/i n pomsets allowed themselves to be bothered by sequences in general, be such additive or multiplicative, subtractive or divisive, real or imaginary or hypercomplex. It's subliminal suspicion that 'I's are superposed that really scares the dickens out of people: all those superposed 'I's in-here, under relative-state identity-transparency, are all those supposed others out-there, a most basic violation of the Rule of Binary Boundaries Only -- beyond borders so to speak, only without the 1T2-self-protecting projective CNN ConveDDing -- this violation of only-1T2-only bespeaking, as nature fundamental, a solipsism laterally distributed nonlinearly (orthocurrence tensored A cross B cross n, à la Othocurrence as both Interaction and Observation, Vaughan R. Pratt, Stanford and Tiqit Computers, 9 January 2005), and in phase angles of depth via the imaginary (including Hawking imaginary time?) and the hypercomplex (including topologically-active 3-fold [think of the self-reentry which the 180-degree rotation implies] Pauli-Paine operator-time? state change being most generally expressed as temporal-CURL-induced rotation in a vector space). Scaaary! And when that is linked to all the yet-to-be-imagined number-system types there surely are associated with the infinitudes of infinitudes and infinitesimals of infinitesimals of CTC-unto-µTm logical-value order-types understood independent of the notion truth-value, well, HoloMoly! if not Marvel's Holy Moly, for just try to think of what that means relative to cosmology! Cloud of Unknowing (the negationis cross the negativa of the apophatic yields, contrary to sense of the way of denial qua the way of mutual exclusion to express sequence, direct ontic bare-object awareness of the dropping away that is the essence of Abelian-E.T.Bellian involutory decomposition which is non-orientably Tantric-Schrödinger-memetime-independently covariant qua simultaneous with the additive kata mode of self-organized [com}position, qua spontaneous fusion, over ma, sacred space, uh, kataphasis, that is), indeed, however much that irks the I-am-me-and-only-me ego complex (eliciting an egoic rant in Derek's Journal as expostulated in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh). But, then, as regards linUS with Linux, my 'I's have been around a rather diverse set of lynch-mob environments, so the notion of smart-mob snapping has never my me Newtonian nudged. Actually, on the basis of that, and being a Psyops Group, JFKSWCS, graduate, I've no objection to making overt what has long been covertly de rigueur (magnetic traces of which, during the VN-war period, stored on the Big Island which, contrary to the opinions of some, is not the Pure Land), no objection to, that is, for instance, advice and consent with regard to, and the passing of, the (1T1, i.e., the compensatory [to appearance of µTm] back-reactive regression of 1T2 where only lies are true: uh, is that true to life in this asymptotically-regressed era, as in the modal possible-world-logic thereof consistent and complete, Kripke Unbound! despite Godel?) Ministry of Truth Act, for, were TPTB, mind-bound specialized that they are, to fully nationalize the blackpsyche industry, then those propagandized would no longer be directly paying for production costs of, plus profits from (ostensibly absent if nationalized and costs covered by the taxpayer), the propaganda propagandizing them. Heh-heh-heh! Whatever the factions might call themselves -- the Greens, the Means, the Leans, the Demos, the Repos -- they're just parts of the ARP, the American Regressive Party. Moreover, and to my mind directly derivative, I've nothing against crypto-currencies per se -- just against institutionalizing those single-valued, 1T2-only processed, and mono-scaled (which could only make even worse the 1T2-only-monitized 1T2-only-lawfare system involved in regulating the 1T2-only-monetary system): such institutionalization being (particularly if central-banked) a veiled attempt to flat-manage-from-above a renormalized-by-truncation-cum-squashing planetary economy which is inherently m-scaled, m-tiled on any given scale, and logically-self-reentrant qua internal/external-source/sink-divergence/convergence non-orientable across sets of scale levels by virtue of µTm-logically-valued market reflexivities. Mu-itic (not qubitic) encryption of the band-pass fractal-drum-type LETS-currency-unit value-stack-sheaved synchronization tokens (condensation pomsets thereof subject to self-organization via orthocurrence and concurrence, concurrent events being distinguishable as to the involved non-Turing-machineable logical-value order-types understood independent of the notion truth-value), thus encoding factors of the Gödel-numbered Gödel number of the indicatored (that is, indicated, a problem in, quoting Manthey, linked below, how actually to both discover and label collections of events ) Alexander.Karpenko functor located on the MVRS-mapping (i.e., re: m-logically-valued reference space qua Lukasiewicz-Hilbert space) of the temporal-CURL-mediated Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth? Prime factor the multiplied Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (many-to-many number-to-symbol and collections of symbols and numbers of symbol collections; tantamount to one-to-one only on the most dense sheet under CTC) of Lukasiewiczian propositions mapped upon Alexander.Karpenko functors over CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 sheaved-and-bridged, Regge-latticed, universal-covering-Riemann-surface-stack, relative-state-MVRS, Mnk-articulation landscape. Embedded therein is the discrete logarithm problem (much discussed between Paine and Pensinger as regard the hierarchies of c's, c-primes, and c-double-primes as given in our General Process paper) of identifying the nested-grid step-function chosen by which the cascade of codons demerges over the µTm-logically-processed multivalued propositions encrypted (which, in Lukasiewiczian LETS nesting foams, would never be 1T2-only-reduced). Analyze that! Ascertain the semantic senses of the non-selfsame numbers thereof as exercise in synaesthetic [cosmo}logy. 5eye/5fing.aicorp.intel.mil dominance of prime research funding undoubtedly vectors explorations in the wrong direction. Though the system qua system (interested only in aggregate behaviors) would know, individual transactions, even to the meta-preprogrammers and programmers, would remain private, like cash, even when employment is made of e-monies, the transactions of which are otherwise uniquely identifiable and traceable -- in the e-crypto-LETS case, the crime problem being greatly reduced because no transaction involving sheaved monies would transact absent a value-stack match requiring Musculpted shape-color-sound-represented (this is the level upon which participatory democracy should be conceived!) wage, salary, investment, location, so on indices-inputs, depending upon the indicators (the currency-unit-tagging of indicators being, most generally, the Brownian marking of co-exclusions) chosen for sheaving and the logical-value order-type(s) of the involved LETS currency domain(s) bound by band-pass fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary (so-called-black hats being no better than the so-called-white-hat national security agencies at breaking mu-itics on a memetimely basis, no matter how 1T2-fast their probability-phasic so-called-quantum computers become). On the parts of most in deferencium un surfeita to TPTB (many of these powers being strong advocates of single-valued dualistic-logic-tech singularity where AIed-binary-bots outsmart the prescriptively-enculturated-cum-socialized glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched molecular-cellular 1T2-only brains of cowed homo sapiens), there is no suspicion at all that there is a back-channeled collective unconscious backstory to market reflexivities -- let alone that the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of that multi-storied man{i}fold should be explicitly tagged to currency-unit logical-value stacks, such that the level of market self-organizational competency is autopoietically lifted bottom-up by bootstrapping techno-concomitants of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth (if, that is, it's not already too memetimely late): instead, by, by-definition psychopathic, ConveDD, they intend an insecurity-state Internet-of-Things to surveil all the wrong things (how very, very brain-antagonized compensatorially abreacted that is!), i.e., not the measureables required for initialization and ongoing real-numbered memetime updating of an e-commons-gamed fine-grained tagging of indicators to a Lukasiewiczian monetary unit nesting foam cum phase web (in the µTm-LETS case, block renaming being m-valued, not only 2-valued, and where within, the semantic imports of higher-order state quantum-composites are not reducible to collections of lower-order state quantum-composites = identity states [and their transparencies] do not reduce to places or structures-on-places, however much structures are supposed automatized functions, identity qua identity, à la G. Spencer Brown, subtending both functional and structural distinctions drawn), where, à la Distributed Computation as Hierarchy, Michael Manthey, Aalborg U., Denmark (let it be known that the Government of Denmark declined to fund the next step in implementation of a paradigm demonstration of µTm-valued LETS in Cesky Krumlov, soon enough after collapse of the USSR, following upon a preliminary demonstration-m-scenarios strategic planning exercise conducted, good offices of Laurence A. G. Moss and Douglas Webster, by the NESDB of the Thai Prime Minister's Office, because the CK-grant requested was too small to consider, thus quenching a prospective seed-idea-level alternative to the flash privatization schemes then being implemented, and that, after that, the Open Society people couldn't understand what we were talking about, similarly, after that, for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund: thus I initiated the m-valued LETS website by posting contents of letters written over a decade to the Office of George Soros, just as the writing of The Moon of Hoa Binh had earlier been initialized in a decade of letters addressed to Oriana Fallaci primarily because of her ideational exposure acquired, via Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, during visitations to the National Police Headquarters compound in Saigon: the Alice-inspirator of The Moon of Hoa Binh died as a result of his wounding near Go Vap, and my father's and mother's house, during my father's immediate-post-VN period, was located near Burke, great pizza, incidentally), arXiv, 1 February 2008 (an extraordinary and exceptionally clearly written paper, again drawn to my attention by Lauri Love [nsh]), µTmly-logical J. G. Bennett pencils of skew-parallels back-channel the co-occurrences codified via the fiber-bundle arthmetics of the Clifford algebras of the Clifford-parallelism backstorying the 1T2-only indeterminacy, 1T2-only uncertainty, non-demonstrable 1T2-only consistency, and 1T2-only incompleteness by which the probability-amping dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-wave-function was midwifed in the theoretical physicists' borning room and, unfortunately for us all, once kneejerk consensuated, moved into the keeping room. It is no less nice to know that there is a way to look at sequence and see hierarchy than it is to know that there is a way to look at hierarchy and see hologram. If it weren't for perspectives such as these, I'd certainly be Almost Blue.
There is an interesting statement made by Manthey in the latter portion of his distributed computation paper, linked above, that should be commented upon in light of the Paine-Kaplan nested-grid, cascade, numerical model of tornadogenesis as it relates to Paine and Pensinger, circa 1978, The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, to wit, quoting Manthey:
computing has long rested on the assumption that the behavior of a computation was independent of its physical substrate, but the complexity results from quantum computation show that something important is missing. Looking at the matter hierarchically, the issue is whether/how can one descend through levels from a macroscopic description to a microscopic one and arrive at quantum mechanics. What Penrose in effect argued is that if you use a function-composition hierarchy -- which has a hand and glove relationship to Turing's model -- you’ll never get there.
Paine realized (at least as I understood it: I can only speak of how I understood what he realized, this level of address pushing beyond the low-level of my comprehension of the mathematical complexities-technicalities involved: he continuously found an amazing array of simplified analogies by which to try to elicit my comprehension, an effort made given that the role I found myself in was to do library research relative to the ideas he was working on) that -- once it is understood that the whole hierarchy is quantal due to the relativity of absolute limiting values of dynamical variables cum the m-valuedness of universal physical constants, e.g., limiting velocities scaled to the domains of consideration, and that topological transforms of the vector spaces involved involve the quantal actions of 3-fold temporal CURL -- this problem evaporates, particularly if it is understood that the processing is m-logically-valued (a notion he declined to go into in the classroom or in submitted papers [though our research on that aspect continued, however limited by my limited capabilities] because, he felt, that would be over the top, given that the atmospheric science community had yet to assimilate his relativistic-(macro)quantum approach to tornadogenesis, an approach itself sufficiently discombobulating as to elicit fistfights at severe storms conferences). Moreover, as I understood, he understood, and the data supported, the notion that perfect phase-correlation between internal-external source-sink-term eigenvectors/values at temporal-CURL-mediated cascade -- responsible for the superconductive property -- removed the specter of infinite compaction-collapse crisis, a removal he identified as due to what later became known as the acoustic analogue to black hole computing vis-à-vis the m-valued properties of the blackbody physics of absorption and emission of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (i.e., infrasound), as studied in theta-e (equivalent potential temperature) surface signatures and their topological transforms by absorption-emission of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (surfaces and transforms thereof which he began in graduate school to arduously draw by hand, there not yet being the CAD capability).
Bedded upon -- it's definitely indefinite, not personal, i.e., one's-rather-than-its (its, in this context, not so incidentally, 1T2-paradoxically signifying Gurdjieffian inner separation and a state of non-identification) -- one's back, Stay with the vertigo, plant the sole of one's foot flat on the floor so as to keep that floor down there as a referent-state AllBase plate [kata}loging crosses of Riemann-surface bridges: too µTm-minded for the identified-with, tape-looping, fugued-in, 1T2-only narrows, uh, uh not just another user with superabuser status, not to mention the nationalization of persecution mania by that whole chest-thumping user cohort. Looking Backward: e.g., through Gödel through Escher to Bach, and thus drawing wrong conclusions about the animistic-pagan m-valued, inducing a conclusionary state strangely resonant, I've noticed, with those counter-Shinto Japanese emotionally engaged with Weltanschauung of the West only unto a Liszt listing of the informing affect-charges. For a primer, ask if the tale is a cometary drift-net or feeder-band. A 1T2ly-coherent picture of [de}Coherence is dependent upon Abelian-E.T.Bellian involutory-revolutory decomposition-recomposition of ma, sacred space, CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC not being chronotopologically self-reentrant like the Escher-like state spaces which operator-time topologically operates upon: non-commutative Gödelish (not Gödelian) déjà vu cum déjà vécu all over again is one non-thing, i.e., 1T2ly-requiring-accelerative chronotopological multiple-connectedness, but the third-order, 1T2ly-requiring-time-rate-of-change-of-the-accelerative chronotopological Bachish (not Bachian) non-orientability due to temporal self-reentry, could be 1T2ly-processed only as highly incoherent decoherence. Memetime, being non-commutative, is not only 1T2-only, but also second-order and Prigoginean-open-systems bound: third-order self-reentrant-systems dynamics is not processable by the memetime-bound; it, à la Proclus: On Plato Cratylus, is the Parmenidean take on hyparxis, ableness to be being-in-itself by virtue of its relative-state identity-transparent quantum-potential implicate-explicate/explicate-implicate self-[in}forming cum-actually-qua other-[out}forming, the involutory-revolutory dynamics transpiring ontologically-before spacetime is, before even geometrodynamics is, on the pre-pregeometry and pregeometry levels of ception. In-de cum de-re cum in-out meta-metastases being 1T2-only-explicatory residuals, of course: temporal operations on space generate form by expressing logical-value transposes, they are not those transposes themselves. The single orbiting electron as probability cloud is the electron as prescriptively-enculturated-socialized glutamate-etched 1T2-only mind can only imagine it; and when a 1T2-only-processed observation of that electron is made, the electron's state-function conjugated to the state-function of the observer collapses to the single-valuedness that 1T2-only mind can only imagine at a single instant of 1T2-only-definable memetime. None of this, however, is the case for CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC CosmicTConsciousness mind imagining and interacting with, via topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time, a single orbiting electron in this one-and-only universe, absent a classical limit, with its m-valued universal physical constants, its domain-relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables, its skew-parallelisms and skew-perpendicularities, its fractal geometrodynamics, its µTm-pregeometry, its bucket-of-dust CTC-pre-pregeometry, its Tantric-Schrödinger-memetime-independent logical-ontological demergence-remergence from/to Tzog-chen Lukasiewicz-Hilbert m-logically-valued reference space AllBase (quantum jumps being due to the laminated multi-sheeted character of this MVRS), Abelian-E.T.Bellian involutory-revolutory decomposition-recomposition being a Heraclitean movement which is, à la Parmenides, no movement at all because All That Is decomposable is/are always already all ways all ready therehere. Hu-hu-hu-mans, in reducing themselves to 1T2-only, a reduction automatized-structuralized in denial of functionality to µTm-valued animistic-pagan cognitive modalities, thus de{men}tedly distinguishing themselves from the natural surround, are the artificial intelligencers, such that their notion of techno-singularity is not merely a backward looking but, by ConveDD, a retrograde inversion of the case.
Quoting Jayant Bhandari's India -- A Lot Of Pain For No Gain, Zero Hedge, 1 January 2017:
India must ideally get heavily decentralized. India's tribalism is entrenched and unchangeable, which is creating massive pressures to devolve India into its natural constituents, namely tribes. This will happen. The earlier the underlying forces are recognized, the less painful the process will become.
That urgency especially so, I would additionally espouse, if, as long forecasted, Brazil, South Africa, and India are critical to the coming PW1 (space-based planetary war one: if such a nano-bot war is to be protracted, fought with mininukes not maxinukes, environmental weapons, and all the rest, the U.S. must pull back in its multinationals and reindustrialize its New England, thus enlivening the Atlantic supply lines to its main prospective base area, India) pitting U.S.-Commonwealth against a Germano-Russian Bloc (that's joint, not collective as is so far the opposition's call) aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan, such criticality indicating that it should not be at all surprising to find consonant developments (however dissimulated by applications of the litotes-like calling the thing by the name of its opposite: see here and here for interesting related reflections) early-appearing in important parties involved -- be those developments orchestrated by the conscious, the subliminal, the collective unconscious, combinations thereof. There is virtually no process transpiring on the planet today which is not, at least in part, geared toward making such a war an inevitability, institutionalization of the various forms and degrees of recruitment-base enslavement being a fundamental functional prerequisite thereto, particularly as regards the hardest-to-enslave-or-kill populations long subject to forced-draft urbanization by economic-free-fire-zone inducement -- and this has been the case for many decades. It is not only Indians' increasingly generalized duress, Monsantoized food peril (Indian farmers used to sow what they reaped!), totalitarianization prefigurative to PW1-base-area prep (interesting in this strategic context is Norbert Haering's article entitled A well-kept open secret: Washington is behind India's brutal experiment of abolishing most cash, norberthaering.de, 1 January 2017, and Peter Koenig's India, Death by Demonetization: 'Financial Genocide', The Crime of the Century, Global Research, 20 January 2017, and Jayant Bhandari's India -- On a Downward Spiral, Acting Man, 23 January 2017) that should be considered relative to decentralization urgency (Richard A. Werner's Shifting from Central Planning to a Decentralized Economy: Do we Need Central Banks?, ProfessorWerner.org, 15 January 2017, provides instructive preliminaries to entertaining the notion of Lukasiewiczian monetary-unit nesting-foams); there are also the Indian's uniquely-positive, still-quasi-extant, set-and-setting functional prerequisites to µTm-LETS implementation. Hocking us hockachininks, those hokking and kvetching politician grifters, those politicized fecockteh gangstas. Awright, awready! Hakn-a-Tshaynik. Oh, and then we must suppose you don't like She[con}o. You prefer [His}panic? Damn YankHes! Now that cash is being cashiered, the language itself is near to being severely diminished; already-lost and soon-lost words include: Chases, Madisons, Clevelands, O'Henries, Franklins, Benjamins, C-notes, Grants, Jacksons, tenspots, fins, bones, spondilicks, so on. Given that America has long -- after '71, no new ounces, uh, no nuances, in the system -- had virtually free access to most of the resource-base of the [plan}it -- and look what has been done with that exorbitant privilege! -- it nowadays, as the fiat-dollar system comes under increasing threat, naturally would be To Have and Have Not; whereas, for most of those in the rest of the world -- no progeny of B&B -- it has always been: Haven't and To've. In a world beyond borders, hatecoppers hard onto landcandy, dis hood and dat hood, usin' the BIS, the World Bank, the regional development banks, the IMF, the Big Banks, and the UN for cover. Constant parsing of the handouts, making legato into staccato, however rhythmic, is not euphonic. If -- in diatonic pieces -- emotional content is largely conveyed by chromatic notes, what does that suggest about the relation of 1T2 to µTm in Musculpt symformphonie? Psychological eptness has been so deficient amongst econometric theoreticians that they've never had the requisite introspective competency to want to internalize externalities! As Above, So Below-superposition dysunderstood as the serially-entangling daisy-chained -- heh-heh-heh! O, be gone! thy disruptive huggermugger contagion: self-referential market reflexivity. A scourge be upon thee of such high k-values! Nevermore! nevermore the chaos of deep subjectivity so feared by the As Below, So Above-Anima-ridden, ergotropic type-A, feeling-function-being-the-inferior-function, high mesomorph, up-the-organization, other-directed, iron-lifting, anabolic-steroid-pumped, clan-caste-and-clubbed extrovert. On the strategic defensive, abstract out of composite empathetic interlock into the externalities only from which valid measurements can be made. Our 1T2-only-rule-riding market self-organization, construed as elaborated-valid-measurement-autopoiesis, heh-heh-heh, is misunderstood via embrace of postulation-does-as-postulation-is; whereas, it is actually the µTm-quantum potential (see, for instance, Physical Computation and [Skew-]Parallelism, Keith Bowden, International Journal of General Systems, 27:1-3, December 1994, pp. 78-83: why is this U. of London professor's work so hard to gain online access to?) inherent to relative-state which, if unmolested, is responsible for high-competency-level spontaneous order. Thus sprach quantum mechanics de-dissimulated! If material culture is a ConveDD of the prevailing comprehension of nature, then, in my view, the pinnacle of human knowledge-understanding-wisdom as regards All-That-Is was reached, so far as presently can be ascertained, in pre-Vedic tribal India. Keeping that notion in view, however strange it may be on the surface, every confidence should be given to the expectation that the species will surely find means to stretch out collective death thrall as long as possible. The indomitable feet frozen into cognitive pack ice. Independent of specifics of the activities of the involved Agencies, 1T2-only governance is the worst criminal enterprise there has ever been, back to the ancient Greeks and beyond -- and nowadays not because 18th-century 1T2-only-rationalism supposedly was, and still is being, skipped over, à la John Kozy's "Civilization at a Standstill", Global Research, 3 January 2017, as if that rationalism were not THE informer of the MARVELously regressed comic-book mind maleficently steering human destiny.
Regardless of what the cynosures of statistical materialism may like to think, and whatever the dialects they speak, exact repetition of the experimental setup and outcome(s), within the given probability-distribution-determined range, is utterly impossible in a non-orientable Cantorian-fractal spacetime where all measurements are made on Koch curves: the greater the exactitude sought, the more thoroughly the 1T2ly-representational referents, including the 1T2-initial of initial conditions and the 1T2-boundary of boundary conditions, simply do not exist, even as an imaginarily-conjugated grayscale-smeared-and-smudged probability fog. Heisenberg uncertainty is epiphenomenal to certainty of this CTC-pre-pregeometry and µTm-pregeometry imposed framework determining condition, as well as of the various sorts of skewnesses which exist between chosen binaries where/when middles are not distributed and contradictions not proscribed. And that's, for instance, one why of memetime as distinct from an objective linear-time -- and of Luneburg's psychometric distance function designation of memed definite position cum of Piaget's cognitive development unto, qua prescriptively-enculturated glutamate etching of, object constancy. Just as every something is nothing but nothing-given-form -- Pauli-Paine operator-time-thrice-folded empty memespacetime -- so also is all material physicality simply mathematics, 1T2ly speaking, demergent-remergent from/to the CTC-Musculpt-manifold Tzog-chen AllBase universal covering splashed with a pre-pregeometry bucket-of-warm-golden-dust-of-Supermind Borel set (the issue of the ontologically-demergent appearance of µTm-dust on CTC-manifold is related to the question as to 1T2-only-truth of the ContinuumHypothesis [i.e., that there is no non-countably-infinite continuum of the real numbers] or 1T2-only-truth of negation-ContinuumHypothesis [i.e., that there is a non-countably-infinite continuum of the real numbers, possibly because, for one, each such number is non-selfsame], it having been 1T2ly-demonstrated by Gödel and Cohen that, like particle-wave duality, both of these thats are 1T2ly-true, hence construably challenging validity of the 1T2-logic Law of Non-Contradiction) superstrung and Regge latticed (Indic terminology can authentically be placed upon all the terms used in this statement [which John A. Wheeler {1T2-only-pregeometric schizoid of a desk-driving A-bomber cum cold-warrior} apparently recognized, revealed by even a cursory reading of the mega-tome Gravitation], as readily seen by a close reading of John Woodroffe's booked collection of WWI-era essays, The World as Power -- however unfortunately that collection was so named by whomever). Speaking 1T2ly, and neglecting the hypercomplex self-reentrant non-orientability which nullifies the irreversibility-reversibility dualism man{i}fest over simply-closed and simply-open systems, microphysics cascade-demerges Tantric-Schrödinger-memetime-independently from the macrocosm; the macrocosm does not memetime-snap-emerge at measurement-interaction from the microcosm, however much it appears so to 1T2-only egoic-cognition -- such demergence requiring, not only µTm-pregeometry, but also two orders of non-linearity to the Schrödinger equation, as suggested in our 1980 paper, Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, where we address Everett, who, in the second half of his famous 1957 paper, used vonNeumannian formalism to subvert von Neumann's axiomitization of the Copenhagen Interpretation, an axiomitization wherein von Neumann, essentially, made what he had already long since concluded his 1T2-only axioms. The probability-wave qua probability-amplitude qua probability-distribution interpretation of Schrödinger's state-function, vis-à-vis the double-slit experiment, was the Witch Bull of the Twentieth Century! The essential µTm-relative-state identity-transparency feature of the animistic-pagan experience (its realism, its positivism) of the world is quite similar to that of Schrödinger's rejected Jelly World, in his words all contours having become blurred (see discussion in Peter Byrne's The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett, III, Oxford U. Press, 2010, pp. 99-101 of the paperback edition, section title: Schrodinger's jellyfish), that is boundary-without-boundary, as pre-WWI-characterized in attribution to Vietnamese peasants by the French ethnologist Giran (the French-language ethnographic tract quoted by East-and-Southeast-Asia-cultures scholar Nguyen Khac Kham, Kham's translation to English, in Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam, Saigon, Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations, 1970):
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese.
This boundary-without-boundary Schrödinger Jelly World (which Viet Minh cadres cum the Viet Cong [Political] Infrastructure, VCI, analogically devolved to a tacit application of the then yet to be rigorously codified holographic principle by mapping internal-system-state bureaucratic variables upon frequently changing boundaries of their CommandTControl [T understood signifying tree, not truth] domains: see our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh for detailed documentation of this phenomenon much studied at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2) is what the French and we Americans could not [count}enance -- and thus, by ConveDD, attacked with forced-draft urbanization, Rome plows, agent orange, napalm, thermite, WP, carpet bombing, CBUs, daisy-cutters, Puff-the-Magic-Dragon, so on and so forth. The current fusion-food fad -- goat's-testicle fruit eggroll stuffed with feta and dipped in fermented fish sauce served with a Bombay Saphire martini, olive also stuffed with feta -- is one among myriad ConveDDs engaged in by those suppressing Being John Malkovich, yet subconsciously identified with the animistic-pagan identity-transparency contagion signified by their tats and piercings. Not hard at all to understand why, flashing forward, the First Cause of the Cambodian holocaust would be, half a century later, seeking repayment of the loans made to His palindromic Prime Mover, Lon Nol -- once the cause of the First Cause is comprehended: the ConveDDed attempt to slay the m-valued and m-logically-valued psycho-socio-politico-economic imports of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function, that function pervading Injun Cuntry. No, nope, nodda: not the human condition so much as the continued condition of the condition of Washington-consensus policy-wonk humans that does not augur well relative to survival-rate expectations at global-crisis cuspover. In this respect I've taken inspiration from my brother-in-law, Fred Belau, onetime S.F. Medic, longtime Medex extraordinaire, who, in his seventies, several back and knee surgeries gone by, is still traveling into the central highlands of Viet Nam on pro bono medical missions. It is not quantum measurement that is actually inexplicable -- if Realitat and Wirklichkeit of the whole history of 19th- and 20th-century EuroAngloAmerican civilization is ignored; more's the pity: it's been a long shlep, capiche? -- but how it could have been the case that Schrödinger most especially, among so many others, ignored the overwhelming importance of Lukasiewicz (however his logics are interpreted) to making sense of the Jelly World most humans have lived in these last couple of hundred thousand years of memetime. What is registered by man and machine is dependent upon the order-of-logical-value employed -- such employment having glutamaterically collapsed (i.e., with regard, 1T2ly speaking, primarily to cognitive components of observer-state function, not vis-à-vis object-system state-function) over memetime µTm-unto-1T2-only, likely beginning with rise of the specialized shaman, solidification of patriarchy, domestication of the horse. However much ego-debilitating, how the scientist man[u]fact}ures a description is not how nature Tantric-Schrödinger-memetime-independently fabricates reality, which is not real[it}he -- the demergence (roughly descent as understood by µTm-Iam[blich}us and not by 1T2-Porphyry) of decoherence by temporal CURLings (via, at cascade, hypercomplex and complex conjugate rollovers onto the reals, among other sorts of operator-time-executed twists, cuts, tearings, pastes, reentries, so on) being hidden in the complex-number-modulus squaring involved in the scientist supposedly obtaining probability qua probability from state-function regarded, and handled as, probability amplitude qua density distribution (hence, in our take, the notion of active-time density [quantized via Penrose twistors?] and the associated notion of hypertemperature). Uh, that is, CTCly-unto-µTmly speaking, there is no next position, or whatever, of an electron or any other whatnot, micro or macro, hence no next probability qua probability, next being a notion indefinable ontologically-until demergent-1T2 glutamatergically man[u]fact}ures memetime-bound binary-mind and thus memetime, the temporal envelope within which the time-dependent Schrödinger equation is written. The whole shmear, so to speak, is an infinite-D, cum CTC, tropologically-Musculpted, and well-braned, configuration space. The predicated CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 causality principles, plural, are rather better (i.e., making for a much more interesting universe) than is hypostatizing 1T2-chance (in hypotaxis to CTC-unto-µTm-causalities blindness) as a quasi-physical field of reified probability waves propagating 1T2-only-deterministically. Generic CTC-unto-µTm relative-state identity-transparency (i.e., superintegrated and overdetermined non-simple identity) logically and ontologically precedes demergence of the 1T2-observer and the 1T2-object-system mistaken by the Copenhagen cohort as being memetime-boundedly Tantric-Schrödinger-described as becoming instantaneously entangled (i.e., correlation lengths snap to infinity) as a composite state at sub-clinical and clinical measurement occasions (one of the main purposes of Tantric practice being to overcome, heh-heh-heh, the likes of the Boleroesque [snapover instantiating at the criticalTCurie state] Copenhagen Witch Bull Interpretation of entanglement which was in short order emergent from the double-slit experiment). Shut up, with your goings on like that about the Copenhagen gang -- those dysdiscerning, coincidence-makes-things-happen guys operating with squared handles, and, gee, the skinny is, with Ms. Cuchicu Coo serially entangling arm-over-arm homomorphically-homeomorphically one 1T2-one to another 1T2-one. It's not existential reason that follows from logic, y'know; temporal operations ontologically-follow from: that's deep non-stuff tsuris, not easy to schlep, even for the kolboynicks among us. So very, very solly, Dr. Mathmanis. What Everett missed concerning the universe being always perpetually, and all ways independent of propagations, entangled with itself is that what is 1T2ly-deemed entanglement is relative-state identity-transparency rooted not in spacetime, not in geometrodynamics, but on the CTC-pre-pregeometry and µTm-pregeometry levels of universal hyparxis, the one-and-only-one-universe's CTC-being-in-itself. That µTm-way which is the 1T2ly-observed electron's wend way is not the CTC-way which is THE WAY of Tao on the base-state of Tzog-chen. The issue of multiverse (i.e., many 1T2-only worlds 1T2-only separated by thermodynamically unbridgeable branchings -- or not so separated) versus one CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-universe appears to be emerging in the demimonde of set-theoreticians, as, to wit, Joel David Hamkins' Harvard public lecture of 19 October 2011, entitled The multiverse perspective on determinateness in set theory, posted to YouTube 29 June 2013 (again, my thanks to Lauri Love [nsh] for drawing this lecture to my attention), where the notions countability and well-foundedness are treated as being relative to the set-theoretic model qua universe employed, there being always findable an embedding qua accommodating model-universe modifying the nature of those notions as apropos of the embedded model-universe -- and I would add, as was explicitly stated in our 1977 General Process paper with respect to sets of relative absolute limiting velocities, relative absolute limiting accelerations, and relative absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration, that the rules qua natural laws related to a given such limit, finite sets of such limits, and transfinite sets of such limits differ according to these three classes. Geometrodynamics of the laminated-and-tiled memetime frames and ponderable-space domains man[i}fest over the Cantorian cardinalities of step-functional relative absolute limiting velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of accelerations. At 21.26 minutes into his lecture Hamkins directly addresses the issue multiverse vs. universe in context of multi-valued logics:
Another way to view the forcing extensions is as the classical projections of a multi-valued logic approach to set theory. That is, for any complete Boolean algebra B, we may undertake to do set theory using B-valued truth. This leads directly to the concept of B-names as sets, and to the B-valued universe VB. The projections of VB to classical models via an ultrafilter U subset B are in essence the forcing extensions. In this way, the set concept of a forcing extension by B is simply a classical projection of the corresponding multi-valued set theory.
I can fully agree to this as regards syntactic properties of sets, because µTm-unto-CTC-valued logics may possibly be structurally fabricatable by concatenations executed within the 1T2-only Boolean universe, but, in my judgment, there is no way the semantic import of a higher-valued-logic proposition can be authentically expressed by any concatenation of propositions in lower-valued logics, though the higher-valued logic contains all the imports of its embedded lower-valued logics; thus, all proofs, as regards semantic imports, are order-of-logical-value bound, and there is no universally applicable proof, not only because there is no largest large cardinality of logical-value order-type, but also because in the limit of any given infinite sequence is some logical-value-order-type transition, and when such infinite sequence is a sequence of infinite sets, in the limit of that sort of sequence is non-orientable reentry such that numerical non-selfsameness is a framework determining condition. Independent of the beliefs of many, Einstein included, under Everettian µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, there is no Benoitian absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct Boolean either/or distinction Brownian drawable between single and ensemble -- distinction being a function of the order-of-logical-value involved in state-man[i}fess|station: I/i n cum It/it n implicate memetime-independently, explicate 1T2-only-memetime-dependently. Number and Time as Marie-Louise von Franz almost knew -- and understood relative to the Axiom of Choice and the issue of contructability. As Hamkins notes, there are models of negation-ContinuumHypothesis that are demonstrably set-theoretic, i.e., there exist continuums which exhibit properties of discreteness -- even when assessment is conducted only with 1T2-only-type ratiocination. Under CTC-valued logic understood independent of the notion truth-value, there exist large cardinalities of non-selfsameness of a given number, possibly even of a given natural number in some set-theoretic notions of natural number: this identity-transparency is what quantum relative-state is most fundamentally an expression of.
Since the mid-1970s, I've believed that it was Einstein's first wife who received the epiphany ultimately productive of the Special Theory of Relativity, that this intuitive flash would have come Musculpturally and have been verbally communicated in a cryptic statement triggering a series of recognitions on Einstein's part -- acknowledgement to himself of the actual initiating epiphany with regards to time dilation and spatial contraction being soon suppressed by Einstein, and altogether forgotten as the emerging theory was worked in relation to existing sociology-of-physics requirements, the elevator-in-free-fall (cascade without all the complex and hypercomplex temporal CURL and acoustic analogue to blackhole computing acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode rigmarole) Gedankenexperiment progenitor of the General Theory coming along in due course. I've believed this ever since learning of the existence of Lukasiewicz logics, logics which Polish speaking Marie Curie could not have been unaware of and certainly must at least have mentioned in the various get-togethers of her peers. I cannot conceive the receiver of the said Musculpt epiphany not going on, beyond dilation cum contraction, to entertain the non-orientability associated with absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration and the self-reentrant non-simple identity consequent thereupon. Hence, I cannot conceive that receiver as having advocated Einstein's orientations to quantum mechanics. I have believed something similar regarding Everett's relative-state: the initiating epiphany would have come to Everett -- not one of our grousing routine stultifiers -- Musculpturally, likely in contemplation of n-ary relations qua/cum n-body problems -- i.e., their logical, topological, ontological imports. Later -- in working up the breakthrough intuition, discussing its verbal and notational transposes with peers, his preceptor, his preceptor's preceptor and their peers -- essence of the epiphany was lost, forgotten, as if it had never been there, such that the final resultant theory was found to be functionally equivalent to the theory the initiating epiphany had in fact actually superseded (the perfect outcome for Wheeler). The easiest areas, according to my judgment, within which to observe experimental results of µTm-relative-state are atmospheric cascade dynamics leading to tornadogenesis and radiation-exchange processes at DNA helix-coil transitions. Moreover, to my understanding, spontaneous localization qua decoherence at subclinical and clinical observation results from brain discharge activity under conditions of glutamatergic quenching, CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, as orchestrated by prescriptive enculturation-socialization -- the spontaneous-fusion nesting-foam of Samadhi states arising ketaminergically, 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC, via autogenic discharge activity orchestrated into abreactions via the CSDM, centrencephalic safety discharge mechanism, according to Luthe's conception, or by relative-state properties of the quantum brain by Lukasiewiczian neurological conception. Frankly, I've never personally encountered a quantum physicist who has done any of what would be required to access the quantum brain; hence, all the difficulties with the measurement problem -- if my not-having-met is representative. An adequate wave-functional treatment of observation would involve, so it seems to me, pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillations within the free-electron gas core of intra-neuronal cum intra-perineural DNA at helix-coil transitions under 3-fold temporal CURL during autogenic brain discharge activity. Classicality memetime-independently demerges from the CTCly-self-entangled qua superposed universal state-function in manner directly analogous to how Piaget's stages-of-cognitive-development-learned discrete constant-object demerges from the superposition of an infinitude of Husserlian phenomenological object-facets cum horizons. Unfortunately, none of the principles, including Bohm and Pribram, with the exception of Wolfgang Luthe, found the superconductant DNA model or the Paine-Kaplan cascade model (including the microphysics of helix-coiling air-parcel trajectories at tornadogenesis) matters of interest when drawn to their attention.
Unmolested Everettian µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (T understood signifying transparency, not truth, and, derivatively, tree, i.e., logic tree, demergence involving Platonic amnesis as to so-called splits, so-called branches, so-called superpositionings, the atomism connoted by these words indicating a backfacewards take, amnesis denoting a dropping out, a co-exclusion, a veiling, a reduction, a loss as to utilization of inherently available logical-value order-types; as per equivalency of the Parmenidean CTCly-composed Nothing ever changes and the Heraclitean 1T2ly-decomposed Everything is nothing but changes, consider Jan-Markus Schwindt's Nothing happens in the Universe of the Everett interpretation, arXiv, 31 October 2012): not hardly, uh, uh, indubitably not, expressed in the screw-you-very-much sociality of the dominating-culture ergotropic-glutamatergic etching which is 5-star-1T2-only-world monomaniacal mono this, mono that dyscrasia. Speaking of the synoptic logical imprint upon the ontology of cosmology, temporal operators, champing at the bit of the 1T2-brindle, effect lesser and lesser valued logical-value order-types as partitionings of the nesting-foam deeemergent from the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically valued reference space (MVRS), 3-fold temporal CURL involutorily Abelian-E.T.Bellian decomposing the categories nonorientable, open, closed in expression of the set-theoretic transfinite, finite, single. It's not that the macroscopic classical realm eeemerges over an objective linear-time from the microscopic superposed-quantum realm, emerges, that is, either as multi-decoherent-1T2-worlds or multi-decoherent-1T2-minds (we ain't misbehavin' if it's a multiverse of memetime-bound 1T2-only universes of incoherent cellular automata programmed by single-level-enciphered, algorithmically-random, personalistic instruction sets with consistent histories at oxymoronically treating syzygy with the environment as interferential decoherence, not, that is, as a blackbody-mediated, radiation-exchange process involving an analogue to blackhole computing with coherent, m-valued, acoustically-modified, gravity-wave modes -- which is not even to mention the Lukasiewiczian aspect of syzygy); nor is it, rather, that classicality of the macroscopic sets the framework conditions over which quantal properties of the microscopic emerge: both of these considered to transpire on a mono-leveled hyletic and/or psychetic substantiality. Michael Lockwood's glutamatergic many-[1T2-]minds interpretation (so-called quantum parallelism actually being J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism, the skew-modifier being largely responsible for what Bennett designated identity in diversity and what I call the identity transparency incumbent upon CTC-unto-µTm; see Derek's bibliographic annotation with regards to Lockwood's Mind, Brain and Quantum: The Compound 'I', Blackwell, 1990, given on p. 803 of Vol. 2 of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994) of Everett's well-worked-over relative-state formulation is in stark contrast to the ketaminergic Zen well-worked-under no-[1T2-]mind interpretation of the CTCly-continuous-infinity cardinality (cardinalities higher than Aleph-null Buddhologically disallowing absolute continuous-discrete distinguishability: 1T2ly-demonstrated by Gödel cum Cohen, and as regards slow-baud-rates Jamesian stream-of-consciousness in contrast to Buddhological sequence of discrete identifications at fast baud-rates of consciousness: ask what are the aleph cardinalities under logical-value order-types greater than 1T2, e.g., what happens to the well-ordered criterion?) on the MVRS. The actual case involves memetime-independent demergence and remergence of m-leveled substantiality over an abstract-unto-concrete continuum, the general-of-generals unto the particulars-of-the-particular -- and vice versa. Everett-derived decoherence theoretics, and SFI complexity theory of self-organized criticality with its nk-fitness landscape, do not much improve upon Everett's quantification of correlation, in that all three explicitly posit that n-ary qua/cum n-body relations-processes are strictly binary-only-logical (even if 1 be superposed upon 0), the nk being 2nk not Mnk. It is under the taken value of M in which temporal operators demergently partition (i.e., untangle the so-called entanglement, superposition, condensate, composite, so-called due to the continuum being the base-state, not the atomistic discrete; no initial independence of part-particles because, due to nonorientability, no initial condition; factor in here The Twisted Isomorphism of Michael Manthey's Distributed Computation as Hierarchy, linked above, particularly, noted by Manthey, as applicable to Maxwell's equations and D. A. Paine's Atmospheric Analogue to Maxwell's Equations) the nesting-foam [passive, referential]memetime-independently, change-of-t = 0. Taken herein implying no [per}son|ified discrete polymorphous perverse unisex taker-unto-decoherence playing hide-and-seek with HIMHERHERHIMself, for, speaking 1T2ly, Wigner-like: universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on the MVRS; universal consciousness in its passive aspect, the space operated upon. Understand universal consciousness as roughly equivalent to the Jungian collective unconscious. Moreover, to my I/i n's mind(s) at least, relative-state is not idempotent with correlation-understood-contagion: same, uniform, undifferentiated, is not required, e.g., same memetime, same direction, same pattern, waveform, intensity, magnitude, frequency, velocity, et cetera. Samenesses are first-order correlations in an m-order state space (there being 3-enfolded synoptic classes of such orders manifesting invariants within each of these classes; and, as well, nested classes of conservation principles involved: factor in here Joel David Hamkins, linked above, and consider that Everett's 1T2-only notion of relative-state does not include sets-of-discretes of the higher cardinalities, where, as Hamkins explicates, discretes and continua are not absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinguishable, and where, furthermore, alephTalephly speaking, any given part is the whole, indeed, where that part in being the whole whole is infinitely more than merely the mere whole, this framework determining condition predicating self-reentrant nonorientability and numerical non-selfsameness -- and since this circumstance refers not to infinite sequences, but to sets, the notion of relative-state in fully-fleshed conception is necessarily altogether independent of a supposed objective linear-time within which no higher cardinality is constructible in the time allotted to any construable constructor); that is, an authentically-µTm-quantum computer would not Deutsch-straddle multiple 1T2-worlds, it would compute across the m-valued function-functional-functor bridgings of sets of stacked Riemann-surface branch-sheets of the universal covering (factor in here the latter sections of Keith Bowden's Huygen's Principle, Physics, and Computers, linked above, crossed into Popovic's et Hoppe's Progressive Symplicial Complexes, linked above) of the involutorily decomposed Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian CTC-MVRS qua Tzog-chen AllBase. Contrary to the physicist's claim -- Everett's in particular with the pivotal statement of his famous 1957 paper, to wit, that the position amplitudes of macroscopic objects always have a definite single value (a statement altogether, and underlined, directly denied in Everett's unedited hand-written draft, as discovered by Byrne, and quoted on p. 146, note 5, The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III, Oxford paperback edition, 2012, thus apparently casting major life-wrecking aspersion upon Wheeler-Bohr-vonNeumann, et al., for redirecting Everett away from the unsullied imports of his initial epiphany) -- for most of 200,000 years of memetime, the population corpora of animistic-pagan societies lived in a trophotropic-endogenous-ketamine-flooded ontic lifeworld of smeared-out, unspeakable, Musculpted objectsubjectssubjectobjects where features of µTm-Satori are normative givens -- such a Lebenswelt being a much closer approximation to THE WORLD than is our current 5-star-world-monoculture Lebenswelt fraught with 1T2-intentionalities vis-à-vis the µTm-cascade of conversion-disorder-displacement-orchestrated anthropogenicities. Critical thresholds waiting in the wings, not least as regards genomic quantum-composite syzygy with the environment (think: not only of the 98%-dark-mattered nucleotide-pair sequence, but also of the in-denial state relative to the m-valued quantum-wave properties of µTm-processing DNA) and frequency-response characteristics of the quantum-relativistic atmosphere of planet Earth. Slurping the cognitive Kool-Aid proffered by our ubiquitous latter-day ascensionistic corp.guv.edu.mil.prop cynosural-narcissist JJs, Jim Joneses, systemic-mutation-denying gonadal synthetic twits and patented HGP-Write 3D-printed godling-humanoid wannabes stoked on the narcissistic supply of fetishized techno-employments determined by mass ConveDDs expressing regression-in-service-to-the-collective-ego-complex in back-reaction upon the metric of an unwanted, if self-generated, Weltanschauung transition in much prolonged, Icarusian, tail-down whip stall.
Sleeping amongst slayers having dispensed with rationality questions and gorging on closed immersions of schemes during interludes between battles of their War of the World. Ah, yes, the self-defining scoundrelly-fickle unevenhandedness of hammy conniving cons exploiting fully-justified alarums to finicky nefarious purpose. Chummy distempered ingrates! Their sin-killer eyes have seen the fury of the coming of the horde -- O, that dread hoard, quencher of e-CON oh-me. Despite professed belief, they've allowed their Boolean truth-values to go marching on right over the horizon where the hates of graft are known all too well. Gawkers or hawkers, that is a question. Slinky-skink sneaky. Slimy backslappers, zap-zip! Phishers of men. Once their life survey as Segre-mapped over MVRS (ConveDDed to the Utah archive) is analytically assessed, will they rise from the dead, à la the generative-empathic, identity-transparent, ketaminergic experience-of-the-experience-of-an-other some memetimes available in near-death at high combat? Surrealistic mechanics, à la Berthold-Georg Englert's, et al., Surrealistic Bohm Trajectories, Z. Naturforsch, 47a, 1992, pp. 1175-86, I would suggest, are indubitably not 1T2-only, at the very least are µTm, and quite possibly involve the CTC-unto-alephTaleph. Consider that, If we are to set our ontology free from the limitation of single-valued existence , the identity in diversity, predicated by J. G. Bennett (The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, Appendix III, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, pp. 506-9, which I studied during the fall of 1963, well before I went to the American war in Viet Nam) to pencils of skew-parallels, is -- indeed, must be -- due to the null-vector (null in the Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean sector of superHilbert space) projective rays over the complex and hypercomplex numbers needed to define CTC-unto-µTm-logically-valued diversely-identical rays in Lukasiewicz-Hilbert space, that is, the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, i.e., the sacred-space Ma of Shinto and the Tzog-chen AllBase explaining much to be found in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, i.e., Bardo Thodol, that is, speaking in terms of inner Musculpt, Liberation THROUGH HEARING During the Intermediate State. Maths never being just maths, O, the horror, the horror -- those wages of karma! Speaking 1T2ly-alone, what is regarded entropy under one order of logical-value may well be regarded information under another -- and this principle cum its inverse applies to sets, and sets of sets, of orders of logical-value. The axiomatic Born-rule-projection, at subclinical and clinical measurement, from 1T2-only Hilbert space to memetime-bound probabilistic phase space is authentically a collective psychological projection, a psycho-projective-identification in service to sublimation cum regression of CTC-unto-µTm by mass conversion-disorder displacement of implicate properties of pregeometry concretized to phase space via 3-fold temporal CURL (the preferred basis being the quantized qua Penrose-twistorized complex and hypercomplex angular-momentum-imparted time-shapes implicate in the reference space which topologically-active operator-time Musculpturally orchestrates cascade transforms between) at subclinical and clinical autogenic brain discharges subject to prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-modulated glutamatergic neuronal etching. Personally, heh-heh-heh, my I/i n have never experienced the [deee}sire to fabricate models portraying sublimations-regressions as actual ontology-cosmology: observer states cohere only 1T2ly; the infinitudes of infinitudes of infinitudes of other states of collective-unconscious universal consciousness acknowledge notions of number unimaginable to the 1T2-bound. The Cloud of Unknowing is altogether relative, in sense similar to that Everettian, i.e., relative-to-the-1T2-only-branch-projectively-identified-with, in this case relative-to-the-ontically-prememetime-cum-pregeometrodynamic-branching-demergent-µTm-order-of-logical-value-identified-with (whereas CTC-unto-alephTaleph relative-state is wholly hologramic-Cantorian, i.e., part is whole; indeed, part contains whole). The Vietnamese peasant not only demonstrated the limited utility of the Everett algorithm applied to escalation-control options (and associated target-set alternatives, with their relative-to-the-myriad-involved-variables damage-function kill ratios Lagrange-multiplier forecasted by employments of the integer-stepping Everett algorithm), that same peasant did so by ignoring a fundamental assumption largely imposed upon the Everett fascinated as a teenager by nonorientable self-reference (the basis of Lukasiewicz logics): i.e., that in the corpus of our [coercive our, we, us] observations there is no such to be found as the Schrödinger-rejected jellyfish universe. Everett got derailed after the fashion in which Turing had earlier been derailed. A note of encouragement to all those who abhor alliteration: let it be known that even pronghorn forbearance forgives feints and follies of the foolish. Thank our lucky stars (14 houses, 2-mil-US$/month in living expenses for one such) that we have cartel-state critics of the keiretsu-state critic of stateless animistic-primitive Shinto. Binary logic severities un-damned! O, how they savor her evinced finical, matronly, pack-rat-hoarding get-and-chattels aux Cognitif, as if du [men}tation state were actually a postmodernist de la place. W(HIM)ila's impulsive bi-valence embraced! Thus, not contemplated: instigators of mass murder at industrialized warfare, instigators like, say, the indecent exposure law, and the tacitly associated classical limit following sharp upon, the probability-amplitude interpretation having been our most recent Witch Bull, are more responsible for travail of coming cuspover than are most other identifiable agents of influence because of the cognitive proximity of such instigators to suppression of pedestrian access to direct ontic experience of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Though a strong believer in efficacy of uncommon sense, I'm all for populism and the popular sovereignty of the populist, especially when the over-populous population has some idea as to how actually to achieve what would be popular. This pol.band, that pol.band wallowing in their own slops, out of undifferentiated existential pique making standoffish displays of lachrymose claustrophobia, seeking more and more of West-more-land's Lebensraum, that steamin' ol'time pressure-release singsong bouncin' bobbin. Hard to maintain in memetime: Platonic anamnesis of the non-selfsame Self. Rarely hashave my I/i n had trouble nodding off at the brink of a blinking wink, uh, this being particularly the case ever since the stress-oriented training sustained on Smoke Bomb Hill. Less so than is single-valued binary-unisexual SamSara, assuredly; but is still the m-logically-valued, Maya -- alephTalephly speaking. Given the garish degree to which we humans in general cling to the 1T2-only-stranglehold upon identity qua identity, barricading behind so-self-involved a self-involvement that there is no plausible prospective mitigation of the karma derivative there from, is sympathetic compassion, for subjects of the at-[cusp}over tribulations certain to be captured as rapture, in any way justified? These astringent days, as in eras passed, though no good deed goes unpunished, most bad deeds clearly do. As once, apropos The Turner Thesis, was loudly said: We know what you are, and there is no expectation whatsoever that the genocide will cease. Were the human species (which is currently pandemic-pan[demon}ium-subject-to endemic-chemical-EMF-induced brain impairment: there's no evidence, heh-heh-heh, that Agent Orange and related compounds currently flooding the ambient surround are deleterious -- at buoyant guv.org-endorsed titer elevations -- to health of the biosphere's population corpora, don't y'know) intelligently to transit its self-generated coming cuspover (a possibility near unto being an oxymoron), most everything it's currently doing, and believes it believes about the nature of nature, would have to be fundamentally changed, a highly unlikely prospect when collective unconscious event gradients predominate in vectoring the large patterns of human behavior -- and those archetypal gradients (the meta-level of kakureta kata, sort of like the magic hand, kakureta-te, of the market) are highly regressed, i.e., reduced to 1T2-only by virtue of ConveDDing at mass projective-identification in transference. Mayhaps sturdy, if splenetic, snappish, surly cracklers, yet, mettle cuffed and cosseted, they intentionally poison their progeny during the critical growth-maturation period, an illicit act of vittling which the kids eventually will figure out transpired. Even now, still rather early into the pan-self-genocide (see, for instance, The British Government Colludes with Monsanto. Crimes Against Humanity and Ecocide, Colin Todhunter writing Rosemary Mason, Global Research, 27 January 2017), even the superrich inclined to try cannot eliminate AgentOrange-like pathognomonic-chemical-residue titers from the food (food and poison trending upon being made synonymous) they consume (opposition to prol-food being one reason why Kelly L. Robinson, recently back from SRA/MACV-J2, did an early-1970s master's thesis on a hypothetical-prospective intended community in then-sufficiently-isolated-as-to-grow-certified-seed Bella Coola Valley, British Columbia, with its fiord head still supporting the sensitive nearly-extinct native oyster -- and why the two us traveled there overland during the winter of '71-'72, only to be told by George Draney that a Japanese-invested sulfite pulp mill was being planned for the area; and why I later went to Naxi Lijiang, Yunnan, unfortunately just before its similar level of certified-seed-type isolation and totally-organic agriculture were brought to their ends) -- the best achievable case being, with considerable effort on part of their, the superrich's, personal staffs cum detox consultants and the staffs of the super-expensive restaurants they patronize, reduce their chem-residue intake and tox-baseline. The dominant agro-industrial base, and many aspects of the whole prevailing industrial base, would have to be radically altered, if not to say substantially rolled back, in order to markedly affect in a positive manner this evolving circumstance. Over the last 200-memetime-years of Weltanschauung dyscrasia, the academic mode of production has progressively become virtually equivalent to charlatanry. So, in developing a personal subjective strategy of inner-counterwork to intensification of the condition of this intellectual-history condition (though I can't embrace his positions on many issues, an interesting critique of the way quantum mechanics is taught is to be seen here, good offices of Scott Aaronson), I have, for instance, used tactics like, say, when physicists, for example, employ the word intuitive, which has nothing to do with, in Jungian terms, the intuition function, I read-hear the words normotic, 2-normed, prescriptively enculturated, glutamate-etched or when seeing-hearing the word deregulation, I understand that it actually means centralization of corruption. I've also been aware that, while once-upon-a-memetime-passed physics principles were analogically mapped into econometric theoretics, quite some memetime ago retrograde-inversion set in such that the tacit and not-so-tacit assumptions of 1T2-only-market economics became framework determining conditions for affectively-charged conceptual commitments of physicists engaged in paradigm confrontations ostensibly endogenous to physics. Regards secular-Rabbinical disallowance of holo-Cabalistic-gematric-neoPlatonic cum animistic-pagan non-selfsame numbers: insistence upon universality of the 1T2-only truth-value-bound Law of Non-Contradiction not only makes for memetime-stitched frequentist consignment to psychological identification with the I-am-me-and-only-me ego-complex as THE incarnate-qua-experiential preferred basis, it also deletes Tzog-chen-AllBase-rooted cognizance of virtually all of mathematics and The World as predicated by CTC-unto-µTm, thus precluding all time-shapes of total capital stock except those Boolean. Arguments not circular have no relevance to 3rd-order physics. Moreover, the only way to really protect, i.e., insure they are 1T2-only decoherent, your measurements (see, for instance, Entanglement, scaling, and the meaning of the wave function in protective measurement, Maximilian Schlosshauer and Tangereen V. B. Claringbold, arXiv, 7 May 2014) is to temporally extend them unto memetime eternity. Soon after arriving at Cornell, I realized, in early-1976, memory serving, while reading D. A. Paine's copy of The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, edited by Bryce Dewitt and Neill Graham, Princeton U. Press, 1973, that one of the topo-logo-things Everett did not remember (re: Platonic anamnesis) is that even the universe (not to say a multiverse) is not isolated from itself (i.e., cannot be separated from Gurdjieffian self-remembering due to nonorientable enantiodromic self-reentry, i.e., 3rd-order physics processed under CTC-unto-µTm-valued logics expressing through 3-fold temporal CURL, where the macroscale self-referentially reenters itself via the microscale, and the microscale via the macroscale) -- regarding dynamical meteorology primitive equation set, see external and internal source-sink terms, macro- and micro- being relative supersystem-system-subsystem set-theoretic (think: David Hamkins) signifiers, as discussed in our General Process paper, circa 1977. The M of the M-theory of the multiverse could just as well be a stand-in for markets as for myriads, given the covariance in states of physicists and economists relative to psycho-identification with 1T2-only logic. Whereas physicists need to realize that their myriad 1T2-only universes are epiphenomenal to employment of binary logic alone, M having actually to do with µTm-logical-value order-types (understood independent of the notion truth-value) of this one-and-only CTC[and higher cardinalities]-universe, economists need to realize that the M for monetary theoretics actually capable of enhancing the level of market self-organizational competency has to do with µTm-processing of m-valued LETS currency-unit nesting-foams: only utterly fractalized, third-order markets (those functioning beyond inflation/deflation-type dichotomies and capable of issuing reflexivities-codified action-directives relative to memetime rates of change of acceleration of money) utilizing µTm-valued LETS can internalize the externalities at issue in the currently-going-to-cuspover global crisis. Keep your rucksack packed. Can't dance, say we, and Charlie don't surf. Right. Bring out the hot-money HE: in some monetary AOs, according to Werner, bank lending creates 95+% of the money supply, and in many central-bank TAORs as much as 2/3rds of credit creation is for environmentally-unsound counterproductive asset purchases productive of inflation of the asset-price variety, that inflation type most servicing the One Percent complicit in, and directly culpable for, the above-noted bad deeds. Not only is scarce money and savings a hoax (noted above as essayed by Richard A. Werner in a most-excellent must-read article), given the mutability of the elements, there is no absolute resource scarcity, but there are relative-states of scarcity within (chronotopologies of all resources included) given techno-regime-determined Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock. Further echoing Werner's quantity-of-money-and-credit-rationing theory, consider timing, amount, and allocation (to whom, for what purpose) of newly created monies vis-à-vis credit-creation cum algorithms of issuing relative to the µTm-LETS nesting-foam step function: spatial distribution within the foam according to the fractal e-boundaries over which µTm-LETS currencies are e-commons-computer-game defined; sectorial distribution modulated by the changing stacked values of a given µTm-price (to include a given µTm-wage and a given µTm-interest charge), these indicator-fine-grain-tagged stacked values internalizing externalities so as to self-quench extraction of non-market-processed benefits and, in aggregate relative to relative-states of total capital stock (a quantity issue, even if given as time-shapes), to promote self-organization of short-side quantity adjustment of rationed markets. First-order markets: talk clearance; second-order markets: talk efficiency; third-order markets: talk autopoietic and self-organizational competency. None of these immediately-above-given in-quotes dynamical functionalities ever actually achieved, only to greater or lesser degree -- depending largely upon the framework determining conditions extant, e.g., the logical-value order-types of the monies employed. Given the resource-depleting-established need for a global catalog (fussbudget to some, perhaps) of the time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, it is well to wonder if the preferred basis (no Musculpting reference here to M-Base jazz as it is so far, so far as I know) for a given µTm-LETS MVRS-decomposition-product currency is necessarily pure, heh-heh-heh, bullion (for an especially informative discussion, see BullionStar's [1T2-only]Bullion Banking: Part I -- The Mechanics And The Players, reposted to Zero Hedge, 7 December 2016, and here for Part II -- The Risks And Concerns, 15 December 2016) or if the backing should be any locally-ascertained (by e-commons computer gaming) optimum real-numbered mixture of commodities, the latter being the obvious choice if an increasingly accurate such cataloging (composed, ultimately, of complex-and-hypercomplex-numbered, acoustically-modified, i.e., coherent, pure-state-superposition combinations forming the fiber-bundled base-state of the ever-increasingly-more-accurate-to-the-case global-qua-unphysical composite unit of account, physical relative-states, pejoratively misnomered interference, between Lukasiewicz-cum-Alexander.Karpenko currency functors over the Musculpted [think: undifferentiated aesthetic continuum, CTCly nondenumerable] currency function-space requiring axial subjection to temporal-CURL-induced skew-perpendicularity of the phase-angles-of-the-twists which complex and hypercomplex numbers signify, orthogonality-only in Hilbert space having been lost in transition to twistorized [re: quantization of temporal CURL] Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space) is to be attained.
A teleclone is a commo-ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of ID-transparency. With respect to ketaminergic resolution of the identity-transparency of Gurdjieffian-inner-separated I/i n, considered a self-adjoint Hermitian operator unbounded, the distance -- measured on a Koch curve -- between me and myself in inner-product space is a non-convergent infinite regress of self-observation states over sets of zeros distinct one from another according to the orders of logical-value employed in their definitions, yielding a Lukasiewiczian relativity of J.G.Bennettian null-vector classes. No cognitive teratogens involved here, though, admittedly, such a measure is currently witch-burningly pathological (particularly to those dot-guv-types who view nesting foams solely in terms of bombing-survey targeting-priority hierarchy) in that it is no monotone (not being in t, either Jamesian continuous or Buddhologically discrete), the points along its vectorial-linestring, planar-tree, volumetric-wedge, Coxeterian-polytope, higher-D-brane, et cetera, being of ontically-pre-Borel-set type, i.e., pre-pre-pregeometry, alephTalephly speaking. Wouldn't telecloning apply to currency conversions in µTm-valued-LETS fractal-e-boundary nesting-foams -- particularly if such conversions, en masse, were self-organizing maps of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock? O, but what little sagacity there is amongst the jousting PAC-and-procurement-pimp -- currying twaddlers, grumbly grumps! -- jailers of policy. And those uncaring fingertip-dragging hell-for-lycra lucrative-sinecure-appointment-seeking tabby cats! To what degree can these bit-decrementing bumpkins be done in by the discernments of e-commons computer-gaming of µTm-LETS currency-unit value-sheaves? Ketaminergic Lukasiewiczian cum Alexander.Karpenko-functor rooted-cum-branched, not glutamatergic Boolean rooting-cum-branching: the non-consciousness-without-an-object qua non-bare-perception gerunds demerge out of Schrödinger-memetime-independent self-multiplied cascades of logical-value-order-type pruning-LOSSES-qua-[object]consciousness culminating in prescriptively enculturated-socialized memetime-bound 1T2-only-egoic glutamate-etched normosis and associated ergotropic molecular-cellular-brain states. Want experimental proof? Investigate superconductivity of pi-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition and superconductant exchange of hydrothermodynamic properties of limited atmospheric domains at tornadogenesis. The Everett algorithm -- that thingee being a logistical tool, a pricing device, an allocation mechanism, a 1T2-optimization computer -- ostensibly could aid resource dynamical-cataloguing of Everettian-vonHayekian [nonlinear] time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, by placement of indicator[think: constraint]-mapped m-value price-stacks upon the base-state [think: targeted box qua cell] of µTm-logically-valued LETS currency units, particularly given that this algo handles, not only equality externality-constraints, but also inequality externality-constraints (e.g., the Heisenberg inequalities spacetime-externalizing the J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels geometrodynamically externalizing the µTm-pregeometry which nonlinear-unto-linear operator-time topologically demerges, via 3-fold temporal CURL, unto spacetime histories) -- except for the fact that the Everett algorithm is 1T2-only logical, and thus cannot authentically internalize indicated externalities. Speaking of the involved Musculpture, the µTm-processed m-value stacks placed upon currency-unit base-states would be equivalent to tone-value vector stacks triangular-nest-latticed within the sheave-stack of the bridged Riemann-surface universally covering of the MVRS, i.e., Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space.
What of the cognitive development of those early-on caught in cross-cultures, those who, consequently, did not believe much of what they were taught in their youths? The transit from identity-transparent, African-fractal, animistic-cogitation Impressionism to modern-jazz Expressionism: one of the more astoundingly creative acculturation-assimilation achievements in the history of humanity, particularly given the circumstances of dyssociality under which the accomplishment was brought to fruition. It has been a long while now that we have known that if it is consistent (as the meaning of that word is currently taught) it cannot be complete, and vice versa. Good God! Gödel aside, this circumstance exists because consistency is a dedicated principle, a principle dedicated to the Law of Non-Contradiction vis-à-vis the 1T2-logical-value order-type in truth-values; indeed, the notion complete is, for that matter, also dedicated, dedicated to countability in sets of logical-values understood in terms of discrete-only consistent-in-itself truth-value. Not being a calculating person, that aspect of mathematics and physics never interested me. Just as physics degree-zero had it that the real and only business of physicists is to discover the laws governing how they can calculate their notation of nature, so postmodernist anthropologists, in generalizing physics principles into human systems analysis, found that their only proper task is, not to study cultures and culture qua culture, but to analyze how they can write about same: these ways are not the Way -- i.e., the only way to see past the glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched neural networks of Realism. There is also CTC-unto-µTm: a [War}saw understanding brought to Vienna's logical empiricism expanded to encompass the experimental discoveries made by Oriental positivists. The finite-iteration Turing-machine halting problem is a Gödelism; that system-machine, in being selfsame and in employing only two selfsame numbers, is a sequence-spatial foundering over memetime upon the set-nondenumerability at issue in the self-reentrant, hence non-selfsame, µTm-relative-state identity-transparency disallowed to the mechanics of quanta wavicles by Born's banishment of Lukasiewicz: Turing's prewar set-theoretic orientation was stiffed, cognitively truncated -- shavetale perpetrated on a shavetail; brief-in, no brief-back -- by war-imposed renormalization, and the subsequent evolution of IT has continued that subordination to diktats supposed to be imposed by prevailing, forecasted, imagined and imaginary mass warfare. Inertia gathers momentum; we see that everywhere around us -- decade in, decade out. To boldly split that infinitive, thus scattering the precipitating tenebrous malapropos participation mystique! However much they hate us scattering so, [super}fluous animistic-pleonastic-solecistic pagan-fused participles be damned! While binary-reality cannot resist imitating authenticity of imaginary and hypercomplex µTm-models, it doesn't get very far with that particular DARPA exercise focused upon questions of ontological sub[or}di|nation (a question, heh-heh-heh, existence of sonic-visioning nuclear navies has answered: to those rum lots, going down in mass murder is much preferred over not going down at all! They alit from the ignominious: never could, never would. How thoroughly, for instance, has research into magnetohydrodynamic aspects of tornadogenesis and climate-shift phase-transition snapover been suppressed in service to needs of navies?). There are all sorts of reasons to doubt premises of Realism -- and to view that Weltanschauung relative to rampant psycho-active processes like mass-induced ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement. It's easy enough to entertain the notion that the statistical-probabilistic theory of autopoiesis is an introjected ConveDD of the self-fulfillment which is the premier defining property of the promulgators qua beneficiaries of mass warfare, who, with their binary machines, have top-down algorithmically operationalized virtually all ADLs, thus coercively instituting highly-regressed modern-day functional equivalents to traditional spirit-based rituals daily performed in, say, Bali or The Empire of Signs. For better or for worse, policy dictates intel-data collection (to include fabrication) and analysis -- not vice versa. Given that I overheard a bit about Soviet strength, circa 1960-'62, playing basketball at the Eielson, AFB gym with U-2 pilots, and learned at AU-SIS teas, circa 1963, that the missile gap was promulgated crap, and became aware at SORO, circa 1964, of ARPAs existence and of its involvement in COINOPS research, and on and on throughout military service, to include hearing, circa 1968, of the NSA and its activities from chider-ASA-types prattle-chattering over beers at Nguyen Cao Ky's VNAF Officer's Club located just down the street from the MACV-HQ compound, I'd guess that raw scuttlebutt at the critical echelon is generally more accurate than that produced by the Realism brought to top-down politicized and committee-arbitrated NIEs. Call on the off-duty butter-bar speaking his mind in private to get the real-skinny from the green machine -- as we used to say in disparaging the defanged ditsy pantywaists resident in the restricted SI (sensitive information) area located on the ground floor close unto the rocket-and-mortar-attack bunkers (incidentally, even these days, February of 2017, the site of the MACV-HQ compound is still an un-built-upon weed-covered field surrounded by commercial buildings: talk about inertia of human systems!). The main difficulty -- seen, say, from perspectives of CICV-Targets and SRA/MACV-J2 -- with applications of Lagrange multipliers, their generalization, augmentation, relaxation is the presumption that the functions involved are wholly objective and absolutely-in-so-far-as-separable from constraints thereupon (as clearly, and timely, stated in, for instance, Lagrange multipliers and nonlinear programming, James E. Falk, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 19:1, July 1967, pp. 141-159) -- this problem being epiphenomenal to employment of 1T2-only-logic alone (and altogether in neglect of the holographic principle which the Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure tacitly, on the basis of animistic tradition, applied as bureaucratic-variables mappings upon frequently changing boundaries). The Lagrange-Everett truncation-type renormalization-lamas, uh, uh, lambdas, having been conflated to force multipliers, ordinal-set force-structure cum allocation-logistical analysis was conflated to cardinal-set capability analysis -- and these two conflations facilitated, not only the JFK-generalization of the containment-deterrence policy to the Third World, but also, by analogue, fostered a misconstrual of tactical improvisation qua flexible response as fundament of strategic posture, thus making the strategic defensive indistinguishable (to any opponent) from the strategic offensive. Mistaking tradecraft for statecraft, single-valued paranoid minds, cur[mud}geon-circumscribed (think: quantum-quenched neuronal DNA) by the Lagrangian ground-zero circle of 1T2-probabilities, meeting the even then accelerating global crisis by sallying along with a dilly and a dally. Subsequently, this 1T2-only zero-sum minimax confusion came to dominate the COINOPS orientation adopted, and, later yet, became the basis upon which GWOT was initialized and is still being promulgated. This form of truncation-renormalization: tacitly a logical-value-order-type kind of denial-of-info-op. [Con}science being by definition contrary to science is likely no mere coincidence. By the operative analogy, classical 1T2-markets, y'see, are rule-regulated ada[man}tine sorting [de}mons. Wheelerian Law Without Law! was ostensibly a step beyond -- whilst remaining wed to the notion that pregeometry is 1T2-only, i.e., retaining affirmation of the logic laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction. The constraints are handled as externalities which the Lagrangian multipliers converge upon the function at issue, Everettian integer steps in relaxation to convergence being regarded as integration of the internal problem. Absent employments of µTm-unto-CTC, however, what is 1T2ly-construed an externality can never authentically be made internal: not really so strange, this attempt to internalize externalities, given how ConveDDing works, that Everett should have unconsciously found a digital (psycho-regressed) way to signify the Lukasiewicz lacuna to his relative-state formulation which denies existence of external constraints upon the universal wave-function. Not really so surprising that Everett wasn't interested in our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement" (nor, surely, would he have been interested in my once-upon-a-memetime-CICV-Targets-analyst thoughts concerning the Quantum this, quantum that! backdrop to Who Caused the Cambodian Holocaust, Anyway?). Though Everett thought brain states are internal to state-functions of quantum-measurement occasions, his idea about this was quite different from ours, Everett's being summarized by Peter Byrne, The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III (Oxford U. Press, 2010, p. 332 of the 2012 paperback edition):
Everett, of course, thought that quantum interactions left indelible traces in the environments (including, but not limited to observer brain states) of respective branches; and that physical change was not dependent upon consciousness and human participation, quite the opposite.
Not the neoCon Give me simple-identity or give me death in preventive nuclear wargasm! (today, February 2017, rising resolutely to hysterical fulmination), but Give me m-non-communicating 1T2-only-universes-I-can't-be-aware-of so as to preemptively retain simple-identity and thus prevent death of the sense of authenticity of the single-valued ego-complex at 'hands' of m-valued logics! Oh my, shall we be initializing, preemptive, preventative -- or merely retaliatory? Cosmic consciousness, uh, uh, the cosmos' own proprioceptive consciousness-of-cosmos: bah, humbug! Ain't nobody and nothing ever done had consciousness higher than that I done got. And you can take that to your stockbroker for an IPO! Much longer even yet (see, for instance, Can John Locke Save Political Islam?, Joseph Loconte, The National Interest, 14 February 2017) may the constellated Weltanschauung transition be suppressed and hence regressed! Thus sprach the Eisenhower-era atoms-for-peace techno-nerds (the consequences and effects of which they quantified with accidental Nazi-meds-type studies [ACCIDENTAL, just like the Hanford Green Run release was accidental and the radiobiochemowar studies on black Americans, Central Americans, Asians, American women {see Ellen Leopold writing here and here, cited by Byrne on Katharine Kennedy Everett, p. 263}, so on, were results of mere happenstance] conducted in the Marshall Islands on guinea-pig humans, the initial 1946 Bikini Atoll blast celebrated with advent of the bikini, designer created for A-bomb bathing), progeny of which captured command of the global economy and associated public policies on behalf of the dozen or so masters of this universe of the multiverse. Never engaging in mass-total-warfare overkill-threat-cloud blackmail, nonetheless, defensively of course, the Department of Defense developed its MADopplan strategic-defensive posture during the late-'50s and early-'60s, i.e., SIOP-62, characterized by Byrne thusly (pp. 239 and 240 of The Many Worlds ):
The center of gravity of SIOP-62 was its first strike capability. It was geared to instantaneously shoot off the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal of 3,423 bombs, obliterating more than a thousand targets and 285 million people in the U.S.S.R., China and Eastern Europe. And that damage was to come from blast effects alone; the effects of firestorm and radioactive fallout were not included in the damage calculations. When those were taken into consideration, the potential dead numbered over a billion The SIOP was supposed to enhance flexibility, but as it was designed to operate cybernetically, automatically, it provided minimal opportunity for human intervention.
How much of this orientation have the neoCons retained in dark-web utilizing -- transhuman eyes only -- a quiet back-channel of the black-budget deep state to co-opt the shadow banking system? Heh-heh-heh! Thus preventing advent of a µTm-valued-LETS accounting of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, and implementation of an associated quantum-composite (labor being one element of the composite under the alleleotropic theory of value discussed in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh) unit of account (not a vehicle-reserve currency, some reasons for the not being discussed by Charles Hugh Smith in The Problem With Gold-Backed Currencies, Of Two Minds, 22 February 2017). Optimally -- with respect to low-order fractal-reserve lending cum low-to-no-to-degrowth self-organization under sustainable resources employments -- the fractal e-boundaries upon which µTm-LETS-currency-unit value-stacks are defined would not only be movable but in motion. If the context is set by owned-world Umwelt-introjections from the level of identification established by My planet right or wrong!, then it is virtually impossible to regard the human species as being on the right side. The most valuable lesson I learned from my Viet Nam war experience: it's a total waste of energy to try to reason with insane people. Kowtow to the good cop and the incorruptible politician and the objective reporter and the fair judge and the sane psychiatrist and the altruistic businessman and the non-violent soldier oxymorons. The system works just often enough to provide chaff for the blackpsyche mills, the grist being irradiated -- or saturated with one or another -cide. Yep, their hope is placed in the Louisville-slugger's long-ball hoo-hah notion of grand strategy -- incidentally based upon the probability-and-statistics hem-and-haw concerning historical motions. A guv.mil.merc.com.media.org.edu.med institutional-base staffed by brain-impaired normotics and expressing a pathological worldview rooted in grotesquely falsified science: how well will that service their post-human off-the-offed-planet SuperStrategy? Near unto the 1T2-type of zero, my other-I-am has for decades wagered. Since an identity-transparent CTC-unto-µTm-universe is not authentically addressable in speakable natural language, nor -- according to my view -- in writable maths notation, the socialization of its cognition surely must involve techno-exteriorization of inner Musculpt as mathematical notation (until such is once again clairvoyantly shared via participation mystique) -- a biofeedback-involving socialization likely to converge primordial-archaic-traditional arts upon, and transform, art music and jazz and dance. Under animistic-pagan CTC-unto-µTm-relative-state (Everett's relative-state being only of the 1T2-only algebraic variety) identity-transparency, no information is EPR-transferred through spacetime or superspace, so the velocity-of-transmission issue is moot -- the transparency in identity qua identity being resident in pregeometry and its ontic priors (this being one aspect of our Lukasiewiczian understanding of the import of experimental supports for Bell's Theorem which contravenes the EPR-paradoxical position on Special Relativity crossed into µTmly-non-local quantum mechanics). It is always necessary to ask what level of comprehension is being spoken upon. Any taken given-thing chosen being [no}thing but nothing given shape geometrodynamically, nothing ever actually actualizes except as topologically-active operator-time expression of logical-value order-type demergence. Employment of 1T2-only-logic alone rectifies-renormalizes the memory stream as registered-stored individually and collectively, making sure that singular and plural are radically separated with the same degree of obsessive focus that snaps upon any anomaly briefly spied with peripheral vision operating under momentary lapse into lateral thinking (the gathering intent to techno-implant substitute memories being a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, relative to the glutamatergic case as it plays out under prescriptive enculturation-socialization). It was ah-ha-some realizing late one night, circa 1976 memory serving, not only that Everett's pivotal statement in his famous 1957 paper, to wit that macroscopic objects always appear to us to have definite positions flies in the face of Luneburg's earlier experimental demonstration that there is no localization in binocular visual space independent of learned psychological factors, Luneburg's finding strongly supporting Piaget's as regards the learning of object constancy, but also that, that being the case, Everett's statement in the same paper that This total lack of effect of one branch on another [due to dictates of memetime-bound thermodynamics] also [1T2-only] implies that no observer [observer status being 1T2-only-bound] will ever be aware of any 'splitting process' is such an abjectly ConveDDing, if canny, pastiche-takeoff-mélange with, cum parody-play upon, the 1950s-Existentialist-separatism asymptotic-take regards the individualism informing laissez-faire capitalism as to be altogether laughable: the actual reason the branches are treated as non-interactive separate universes, rather than as interactive Riemann-surface-type m-valued functors µTm-logically-processed, is knee-jerk anti-animism, anti-paganism, anti-neoPlatonism, anti-Cabalism. We don't burn them at the stake anymore; we burn their CNS with electro-convulsive therapy. Just ask John Nash -- or his ghost. Consistency at exposition indicates most reduced (1T2) logicality, not logicality's full fruition (alephTaleph). Quantum mechanical unitarity can only be sustained under the 1 of logical-value order-types 1T2 and beyond, i.e., 1T3, 1T4, 1T5 Under well-branched logics of higher values to a given proposition than 1T2, e.g., 3T5, 21T38, were the notion probability retained as phase space measure, the probability sums would increase beyond 100% as the values climb µTm-unto-CTC-unto-alephTaleph, such that at the higher Cantorian cardinalities part-contains-whole (but 1T2-only measuring systems would not register-observe this circumstance). It's diagnostic how even advocates of the Everett formulation, thus explicitly rejecting the movable classical-limit cut predicated by the complementarity embraced by the Copenhagen Consesus Cohort, still maintain that Earth's atmosphere is macroscopically a classical domain -- this strong stance almost surely insuring that understanding of climate-cum-geophysical shift-dynamics is fundamentally flawed to the underestimation side as regards correlation qua superintegration of involved processes, to include solar-terrestrial/terrestrial-solar interactions. When the global-crisis cuspover comes, particularly if triggered by natural events, sudden-illumination Satori as to superintegration will not result; some other explanation will be groused, the Acts-of-God subturfuge surely to play large. And it may be that also subverted is understanding of radiation exchange by DNA (including neuronal DNA) due to coherent-geonic quantum-[short-range bio-]gravity aspects being ignored. Wigner's friend intimates the participation mystique of µTm-quantum animistic-pagan identity-transparency -- intimates only, due to absence, in his account, of µTm-pregeometry and topologically-active operator-time as instrument (in the Indic sense) of universal consciousness (more or less what Jungian psychology calls the collective unconscious). Memetime and ponderable space being Wignerian cognitive constructs -- mathematically-designated space and time, as distinct from the alephTaleph-unto-CTC-unto-µTm-relative-state-predicated undifferentiated aesthetic continuum, largely constellated post-Renaissance -- velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of accelerations have ontically-pre-geometrodynamic logic properties, physical-translation velocity, for instance, in some manner correlating with order of logical-value employed, correlating with median baud-rate of consciousness, the myriad inertial frames qua branches qua I's being superposed in THE quantum brain (a 1-frame-only, flat-space, non-nesting-foam quantum mechanics being dictated by the Born Rule preclusion of application of Lukasiewicz m-valued logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, to interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function) not localizable to its atomic-molecular-cellular (spatial scale-nests being operator-time induced lapses over-in-on the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert space MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space -- 1T2ly random [but µTm-unto-CTC-unto-alephTalephly super-superencrypted] cosmic microwave background information being an existent indication of that space's perpetual pre-existence) brains. Only in coercively-consensuated glutamatergically-etched 1T2-only-Samsara is there a type of interaction not omni-interactive. As for my me, I've been a no-logoed decidedly-non-participating coerced participant ever since being daily bused from Midori Gaoka to Ashiya AFB Elementary School, circa 1953. Except in those cases where a gun was held to my head, I've never had problems with giri-ninjo conflict. Ninjo has always been my choice. Difficulties have arisen when one poorly-formulated giri conflicts with another poorly-formulated giri, and there is no ninjo issue involved. The kicker was and is topologically-active operator-time's 3-fold hypercomplex and imaginary temporal CURLs which non-er[god}ically (there being no initial conditions due to non-orientability, and hence no butterfly's sensitive dependence thereupon), and under accommodating nested-logical-value-order-type conservation principles, demerges omni-interactive CTC-unto-µTm skew-perpendicularity to 1T2-only non-interactive orthogonality. Those ZENers, who have endogenous-ketamine-flood Hubert.Benoit-overcome their 1T2-only egoic-self full-filling spurious claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, clearly ontically qua directly experience µTm-unto-CTC-relative-state identity-transparency, such that nondenumerable breakdown -- i.e., Satori -- of that claim involves sudden realization that all those uncountable 'I'-states are 1T2-unto-µTm Maya-misconstruals of the walking-stick [Ra}Men, heh-heh-heh, smooth-noodle mappings cum folded-towel diffeomorphisms -- the actual world beyond borders which CNN ConveDDs in psycho-projection at collective transference -- between any heuristic selfhood claim demergently localized 1T2ly-in-here and all heuristic others claiming to be 1T2ly-out-there: thou art That no less that That art thou by hologramic properties of Cantorian cardinalities and most humans who have ever existed have had some substantial animistic-pagan direct experience of The Case. Ontic is epistemic! -- for, speaking alephTalephly, 1-frame is demergent by temporal operations expressing CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2; whereas, speaking 1T2ly, the binary-designated observer-object altogether fractalizes under counter-temporal operations expressing 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC. If techno-exteriorized Musculpt composition systematics are to analogically codify the implied Weltanschauung, as the diatonic system did for the classical Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, then an optico-acoustic Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert space (origins of plain-old Hilbert space being found in Fourier-transformative, m-valued, musical overtone series expansions) is required, an important step in that direction having been taken with Ciphers and Commuting Algebras of Hilbert Spaces in Music, Terry Allen and Daniel Branscombe and Jim Bury, 5 May 2012 (a step remaining wed to the key-signature diatonic and the Boolean). Beyond the Tonnetz lattice is the full spectrum of electronic music pitch space, yet to be adequately categorized by the human ear to chroma equivalents by application of musical set theory; the best approach likely having been pioneered by spectral music composers. Despite the massive suppression definitive of the post-WWI period globally, there still have been dribs and drabs of good work accomplished here and there: thus there is no real excuse for lack of effort, beginning decades ago, to winkle out and implement globally some facsimile of µTm-valued LETS. The currently required analogical codification cannot possibly be accomplished on the same level of logic (the logical functors involved, e.g., Alexander.Karpenko functors, likely best explicated in context of the musicological topoi involving notions of localization explored by Guerino Mazzola in The Topos of Music: Geometric Logic of Concepts, Theory, and Performance, Birkhauser, 2002), or with the same degree of abstracting empathy cum empathizing abstraction, as was the codification which became the diatonic system; however valuable is Mark Reybrouck's musical praxis, the required codification simply can't be done in egocentric musical space (see, for instance, The Egocentric Nature of Action-Sound Associations, Nicole Navolio, et al., Frontiers in Psychology, 23 February 2016) because inner Musculpt can't be heard-seen with Cartesian-Newtonian binary-mind processing alone. While synaesthetic-musical-space perception must certainly be an aid, inner Musculpt is not glutamatergically out-there in real-numerable memetime and ponderable space; it's ketaminergically Tibetan-Book-of-the-Dead in-hear, inside the tones, the notes, beyond even mere memetime slowdown via increased baud-rate of consciousness; it's inherent to imaginary and hypercomplex µTm-unto-CTC functionalities of quantum-relativistic-brain processing.
Raised in [Chat}ham 'e weren't, the fellow mil.brat hallowed hollow man sitting on his [pan}ache, a wuzz of a fuzz 'e was -- if ever in the fuzz a wuzz there was. Everett's generalized Lagrange multiplier method: a 1T2-only, nonlinear Newtonian dynamical (note that a quantal sorting demon allocator is involved in DNA radiation exchange processes, such that phase-boundary registers are selected at conversion of frequency-windowed waveforms-intensities to nucleotide-pair-set codons: the single-level linearity of the m-valued Schrödinger equation effectively precludes the identity-transparent immunological nesting which underlies the nonlocality geometrodynamically expressive of skew-parallelism and the µTm-logic character of pregeometry, as we argued here in 1980, a perspective informing our take on superconductivity of pi-electron gas core of helix-coiling DNA, a notion one physicist working under auspices of the Office of Naval Research thought provocative but at loggerheads with metaphysical assumptions ideologically acceptable to the Navy), random sampler, truncation-renormalizing, ANNs simulation of utility-cost tradeoffs at optimization of complex-ramified, m-interactive allocation problems chosen to be decided in fuzzy-wuzzy top-down-bearing command-economy fashion (decidedly not how it's done collectively and cooperatively by quantum properties of the myriad DNA molecules operating in, say, the human body). The 1T2-incalculably-omni-interactive made quasi-1T2-calculable via orthogonalization to 1T2-only absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct individualistic independent egoic-variables test-assessed by quality-control algo, conclusions drawn from contents of the sampler printout thence applied by operational intelligence to the initially-given omni-interactive case -- generally with poor results (e.g., by choice used to generate escalation control options vis-à-vis the Indochina wars, not to, say, make the multipliers part of a process by which to elaborate a better notion as to what may constitute a global monetary system, that system deeply involved in price-allocating on a severely resource-depleting planet). Normal these days, decades, centuries of the collective-unconscious human-species-suicide decision: somewhere between just plain crazy and the devastatedly brain-impaired. Fleet of the street meet in a white hall as those from the fourth estate and the fifth avenue totter into a foggy bottom: don't mean nothin', for Nothin' Doin' is their name. I never could get it straight: is it the linear-memetime-bound selfishness gene or the string of selfish genes responsible for altruistic sociobiological cooperative games with Nash equilibria? If it's not -- flying into or out of Bentwaters -- a jellyfish world (and the imprecating fact that Schrödinger made a point of soundly rejecting this notion of cosmology tells us how shallowly into the deep of Tantra-as-ontic-experience was µTSchrödinger), then it's surely a swarm-of-swarms universe: only memetime recently -- not much earlier than immediate post-Homeric Greece -- has patho-1T2-only-logical simple-in-the-body experience been common to human experience. So, how could this generalized-Lagrangian branching-Everettism be a relevant starting point to targeting, uh, uh, tagging indicators-constraints-externalities to m-values stacked upon the base-state (1T2-only cash value) of a given µTm-processed LETS currency unit mapped into nesting foams of changing fractal e-boundaries bronze-drummed, à la The Moon of Hoa Binh, into crypto-cyber monetary-functor space? In the Everettian case, the programmer attempts to choose integer-multiplier values for initialization such that recursive loops are avoided as sampling run after sampling run iterates-articulates a world-line to an options-set. For the µTm-LETS case, those value arrays e-commons computer-gamed as productive of 1T2ly-recursive loops would be considered initializing with respect to the µT3ly-looping, with respect to the µT4ly-looping, with respect to the µT5ly-looping, and so on. Think here: loop-quantum gravity and, derivatively, geons -- with respect to gravitating gravidly qua autopoietically upon an m-valued price (the parallelism involved in GPU algorithmic trading being a compensatory-abreactive ConveDD -- conversion-disorder displacement -- of the skew-parallelism geometrodynamically expressing the suppressed µTm-logic pregeometry). In cascade-theoretic, Paine-Kaplan, multiscale, nested-grid computer-forecast modeling of tornadogenesis, divergence is not renormalized; its appearance in a forecast-model run initializes 3-fold-temporal-CURL-implemented inter-scale energy-momentum cascade. By analogy to this principle (actually, to its reverse-cascade application to description of the production of the coherent, vertically-propagating, acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode, atmospheric acoustic analogue to blackhole computing), then, does it seem likely that continuously-ongoing, bottom-up, distributed, e-commons, m-scenarios computer-gaming could conceivably (but almost certainly won't, given that shadow banking dark pools are a ConveDD of Musculpting acoustic analogues to blackhole computing, this and other such ConveDDs being characteristic of group behaviors cum mass actions when Weltanschauung transition is collectively stymied over a period of generations; indeed, the security-state mindset, national and supranational, being a ConveDD of this stymie, coupled to the fact of the shadow academia of consequent black research being an indentured servant thereto, all but guarantees that the transition will not be successfully accomplished, only some chimera of what is required) assign appropriate initial values, and Adolph.Lowe instrumental-inference reassignment of values, to m-valued and µTm-processed LETS currency units -- these assignments and reassignments being relative to a quantum-composite unit of account covering the Musculpted Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) representation of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth.
The objective world obviously exists! most individualistic, anti-animist, I-worry-only-about-me-not-thee-type nascent-solipsist-cosmologists feel, and the standard derivative pedestrian proclamation is That's why we have laws!: as if 1T2-only laws.guv were not subject to the [f}laws of the 1T2-only so-called natural laws by which dot-guv laws are analogically justified -- and thus are they, laws.guv, automorphically responsible for the n-dimensional circumstances demonstrating the need for themselves, i.e., those very same 1T2-only laws.guv. Oozing wrath, the witlessness of those necessarily unFair Witnesses! The foul logic-tabled self-driving wheels of governance: that's the base matrix-determinant at faulted foundation of 1T2-only egoic-self determination for you! What is required is spontaneous remission. Much more fundamentally: as regards DNA radiation exchange processes, engaged in by, among others, the corpora of intraneuronal cum intra-perineural DNA molecules, spontaneous remissions are veilings of the underlying impulsive stimulated emissions -- the stimulators of the involved quantal shifts being abreactions of autogenic discharges. It's not so much -- à la Marcuse, Brown, Fromm -- that people don't want, or are altogether afraid of, state-of-mind freedom; it's that the cognitive wherewithal is grievously glutamatergically missing due to deleterious effects of prescriptive enculturation-socialization (variously sponsored by actors located at cognitive SuperFund sites like the world famous 5-sided office building) at neuronal plasticity, missing for most, that is, even for a memetime nanosecond of divided-self inner-separation, infinite-regress-at-divided-self-observation, and especially µTm-selves-remembering qua Platonic anamnesis. Virtually all peripatetic bimbles nowadays do not contemplate ambulatory elenchus, and they are hardly walkabout-meditations involving retrograde-inversions of attention cathexes. Did all the great jazz come down to us during the dead Fifties? -- possibly the last decade when We'llbutt'em-and-Stratterror-addicted, Lo-Fi, Uptempo, Beat-Tape, ElectroSwing ecocidal, corporogenic, climate-shift dynamics could have been effectively dampened. A statement of ethos, rather than a critique of this or that particular life: in this day and age a life not devoted to lost causes is not only a life not really worth living but a tragic travesty. We are so very identified with the wrong retrograde-inversions! ALL-THAT-IS does not coalesce calculable iff recursive from atoms or quanta according to the ostensibly-objective-time-dependent Schrödinger equation; all that is indubitably itherhim aleph(s) Abelian-E.T.Bellian decomposes Cantorian-Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian-Alex.Karpenko functor space according to the 3-tiered memetime-independent Schrödinger equation (two levels of non-linearity; or think of the classical limit-less, time-independent, Wheeler-DeWitt equation made 3-leveled, the operators of that equation intimating operator-time's 3-fold temporal CURL) under the topological-operations-of-temporal-CURL (actual preferred basis, uh, uh, µTm-determinate, not 1T2-only-determinate) demerging alephTaleph-pre-pre, CTC-pre-, µTm-pregeometry unto geometrodynamics of ponderable spacetime, a decompositional involute being-in-itself always and all ways being-therehere: any whatever, whatnot, thingee not alephTalephly on the Tzog-chen AllBase referencing functor space is relatively (according to its order of logical-value) Samsara, Maya, holographically-projected shadows on the fractal-boundary-type walls of Plato's cosmic cavity photon computer or of the cylindrical-bottle-superconductant-pi-electron-gas-core (biogravito)-phonon computer of helix-coiling DNA, so on, to include tornadic plasma bottles, and indicative of a lack of sufficient Platonic anamnesis to retrograde-invert the atemporal process of demergence. The kata-way of learning-as-remembering: imitate the sensei's demonstration of the kata; No, no, no! day-in/day-out for month-after-month with no explanation, however much sought; then, a yes, also unexplained; but there is no telling what is the difference between a no and a yes; yet, upon further repetition after repetition, there mysteriously arises, with no identifiable crossover, the ability to tell the difference, even though there is no way to state how it is that such a tell occurs, or what it is. As woman-advocate cum Sufic-poet Ibn al-Faridh almost said: 1T2-ego-DEATH THROUGH µTm-LOVE IS intimation of CTC-LIFE (I studied Denis de Rougemont in 1969 by good offices of my then-recent immediate superior at SRA/MACV-J2, Lt. Jonathan Saphier; the poem is also quoted in Judith Koll Healey's novel, The Canterbury Papers, HarperCollins paperback edition, 2005, p. 94). As much as some, yellow as springing gorse, would so regard it, µTm is not H7N9. Mind-stages playered out with those passed over, not passed away -- an only-logical re-Assumption-into, according to the Tbook of the dead and the TenthBook of Plato's Republic, bethought waifs of dawns long ago drawn under. What dies with any given death, including by Mahasamadhi, is a specific case of this lack of Platonic remembering. The [poe}sie of non-orientability, CTCly-speaking to TaiChi's Yang and Yin: far enough out-there is in-here, far enough in-here is out-there; the question is What do 'far', 'out', and 'in' mean? given that spatial separation in this µTm-unto-CTC context for far, out, and in cannot be 1T2-only defined -- anymore than can dead and alive in context of Schrödinger's cat. LOL, Lord-Oh-Lordy, how [pro}found the reigning policy predicator: what we do not command, commands us; therefore, institute full-spectrum dominance (by the dumbest). Now that offensive cyberwarfare is well established, institutionalized even, it's not only dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function that prevents µTm-valued LETS from preventing a full-flowered execution of the mid-19th-century collective-unconscious decision for human species suicide. The paramount issues are that experiential and those pragmatic. Since physics since the ancient Greeks has been, and still largely is, wed to atomism, there is only a small probability-amplitude (particularly if the 1T2-only-Turing-complete blockchain is anesthetized by descaling to a monoscale, We-One-Percent-Are-the-One-World, closed-source-membership-certified-clan-caste-club-proprietary-access n-versioned, distributed-HyperLedger, CDS-backed vehicle-reserve, planetary, transNSAed cryptocurrency) that a monetary system will be implemented on a memetimely basis capable of adequately facilitating optimum allocations of non-renewables (non-renewable with prevailing and prospective techno-regimes) amongst the resource-base components of the maximally-distributed and e-commons-gamed, supra-1T2-only-HyperLedgered, Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth.
The pi-electron parcels of our 1979 at-physiological-temperature superconductant model of pi-electron gas core of DNA may have something to do with the disordered uniformity type of entanglement involved in the string-net state of matter, disorder-unto-uniformity being order-of-logical-value dependent. Schrödinger's prescriptive exclusion of a jellyfish world -- despite his being a practitioner of Tantric yoga -- surely contributed to his 1T2-only notion as to processing of the m-valued state-function of his evolution-of-state equation, its linearity and the associated orthogonality property prompting Everett's thermodynamics-based argument for concluding that the branches of the universal wave-function are, not only not entangled, but altogether non-interactive. It is the two levels of nonlinearity (and associated orders of temporal CURL) which are, according to our model, responsible for the super state of DNA's pi-electron gas core. As regards logical processing supraordinate to that 1T2-only, consider the condition of initial conditions imposed by CTC-non-orientability: think of this non-denumerable set of states as that indicated by each point in the full phase space being compatible with a starting that is simultaneously a focal instability. From perspective of the 1T2-only processor, start-is-stop and stop-is-start. Hence the equivalency of Nothing ever changes with Everything is nothing but changes. Temporal operations at cascade dynamics CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2: projecting n-dimensional hyperspheres to (n-1)-dimensional volumes after the fashion that a sphere may be projected to a plane vis-à-vis elliptic geometry, such that all parallels are Clifford-parallel (collections of such, µTmly speaking, being Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels), as in the case of, say, the Hopf fibration important to the twistor theory that may be used to quantize temporal CURL as expressed over soliton solutions to the magnetohydrodynamics involved in an octonionic treatment of cascade-theoretic tornadogenesis. It may be that more instances of the high-temperature super states of matter (including the identity-transparency exhibited in supersolid behavior) have not been found (nor, say, mitogenetic radiation viewed as possibly involving photonic matter emerging from DNA's superconductant pi-electron gas; nor, perhaps, the tornado looked at as a possible natural occasion of some analogue to cold fusion with resultant pulse-code bursts) due to Schrödinger's prescriptive preference for linearity and persistence of that preference in quantum theory (for a fascinating paper on this subject, see: On the Linearity of the Schrödinger Equation, Iwo Bialynicki-Birula, Brazil Journal of Physics, 35:2a, June 2005).
Thank you very much, Ruth Rhoad, for the referral to Jessica Benjamin's very interesting paper entitled Intersubjectivity, Thirdness, and Mutual Recognition, Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 2007. I agree that there is a lot in common between this idea, Thirdness, and what I employ the term identity-transparency to designate -- not least because I hold that authentic identity-transparency is never one-to-one, but always involves a third term, i.e., the natural surround. But these two thirds are not exactly the same. The T-notation I use comes from the mathematician-logician Emil Post. Traditional binary logic is of the 1T2-logical-value order-type: to any given proposition there are two possible values (true or false), only one of which can be the case at a given employment. In m-valued logics, the numbers to each side of the T can take on any value so long as that on the left is equal to or less than the one on the right. When people wish to break out of the binary, the dyadic, the complementary, out of twoness, three, the third, often is made a stand-in for all that is indicated by subscripts to T supernumerary to the 1 and the 2, these being designated as µTm, and, more elaborately, CTC. Thirdness, in other words, is a stand-in term for what I use CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 to indicate, m-valued logics in my judgment having been misinterpreted by logicians and mathematicians to mere fuzziness as a way of clinging to the binary in face of fundamental threat to their single-valued sense of identity, and that this misinterpretation has prevented wide application, including in the fields of psychology and medicine -- hence, neurotic-trending-to-psychotic clinger-psych has made necessary a stand-in, i.e., Thirdness, the real skinny having been rejected with fear and loathing by the authorities. Even, I would say, long ago, where, in early Christianity, the Holy Ghost Thirdness was used as an acculturative stand-in assimilator-transformer of (tacitly m-valued) pagan-animistic identity-transparency. As to the moral dimension of Thirdness, I believe that the moral economy of the peasant, and realization of moral imperatives in general, issue from direct ontic perception and apperception of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, rather than by efforts of a superegoic Will-to-right-action introjected from the egoically-transferred personified Godhead (1T3ly Trinitarian, yet selfsamely single-valued, i.e., the single-valuedness indicated by the 1 to the left of the T). I would suggest that Benjamin's use of Thirdness is such a case of reductive compaction, as, to my understanding, any two numbers placed on the sides of T indicate a state of identity-transparency, there being infinities in the varieties thereof. I do not think of identity-transparency as a oneness of two or more -- but as an expression of the principle exhibited by a holographic plate: break the plate and each piece contains all the information contained by the whole plate. The state of the part is relative to the state of the whole. Two parts are relative to each other only by virtue of their being relative to the whole (in the human-condition case, the whole is All-That-Is the natural surround). If a whole can be thus broken, is it not chimerical (i.e., epiphenomenal to employment of binary logic alone) that there are parts distinguishable from wholes, and parts from other parts? To this way of understanding, ontic experience of relative-state identity-transparency is beyond one-to-one generative empathy, where a person directly experiences the experience of another, the classic example being the raising of welts on Meher Baba's back when he observed a cow being beaten with a stick (if this term is looked up in a pre-WWII medical dictionary, i.e., well prior to Roy Schafer's 1959 paper Generative Empathy in the Treatment Situation, it will be found that this elaborate sort of empathy [as to definitions, I ran across this: The Study of Empathy, A. R. Hornblow, New Zealand Psychologist, 9, 1980, pp. 19-28] was treated as a symptom of psychopathology). I regard both empathy and identification as being, for the most part, one-to-one-type binary-logical psychic processes, the primary distinguishing aspect being empathy-as-active-non-doing and identification-as-passive-doing. My take on relative-state identity-transparency is as being akin to the social anthropologist's cum Jungian animistic-pagan participation inconsciente qua participation mystique qua contagion -- but I do not understand what is denoted by these terms as having a negative connotation, as was the case in classic social anthropology and to a lesser degree by Jung. Benjamin's discussion of rhythmicity as catalytic to entry upon the Third was very stimulating and much to my liking. I believe that the rhythm entrainment services onset of long-range phase-correlation between neurons, between neural nets, between brains -- and that such phase-correlation is mediated by the quantum properties of intraneuronal and intra-perineural DNA. But I would argue that Benjamin's continued emphasis on separate subjectivity is a cultural lag from the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung not supported by what we have increasingly learned from physics over the last century. To me, relative-state identity-transparency involves a transcendence of the very notion authenticity of 1T2-focused separate-subjectivity-type selfhood, contextualized by a Third or not: to the degree Thirdness is held to retain this notion, to the same degree, I would say, is it not consonant with µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency characteristic of animistic-pagan modes of comprehension which, at their fullest, are beyond, in every sense, it must be supposed, the claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, to use Hubert Benoit's term from Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen.
Have we hope's happy harbinger, no petit-mal stroke of an apoplectic dumb-dah-DUMP-dum? Hardly. Heads in cloud-cobwebs, the toddled-off-dubious hammering down halls in a huff, such that many of those such, and much of that to which utility is attributed, seem(s) devoted solely to detriment. The classical limit governor on the identity-transparency motor which is the Commonweal -- and a dissembler, that glutamate-etched limit. Governmental henchmen, cop highwaymen, military huggermuggers, lawyers of The Canon, as well as of Canaan's cannons backing-up that Canon. Not the dog's foot. God's bad foot! What humor, that choler -- how it, bloviating, brims the jar containing collective cognition. Irascible, orney, peevish. The mulled wine of that choleric sentiment! Mayhap or mayhaps as the case(s) may be -- not one whit, but innumerable, in witless exchanges, so would the Copenhagen Consensus have had us believe is the nature of Nature's linear intelligence (think: the linear superposition principle, uh, that's linear over memetime [his}1T2-only/story!) upon which human systems should, they know, be analogically modeled. Down the dilly of God's throat, addled with a sniveling wail, querulously puling and carping, by God's blood all rummaged to runnel and runlet, atear at toil of life torn from the enceinte established under deft blankets covering hazard and peril in phlegmatic proclamations found baseless pretension, mere denying embers however once apparently well lit. Given that D. A. Paine, from at latest the mid-1970s, believed that the hierarchies of absolute limiting velocities, absolute limiting accelerations, and absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration are in log t array, if t be understood to denote 3-fold temporal CURL (linked here in relation to log t is A Note on the Zeros of Zeta and L-Functions, Emanuel Carneiro and Vorrapan Chandee and Micah B. Milinovich, arXiv, 3 March 2015; contemplate where Alex.Karpenko Lukasiewiczian-functors-over-the-primes come into this picture: voluted valleys of a reviled-hypercomplex zeta function?), not mere linear-memetime, a comparison of the nonlinear canonical equation to our 1979 model of the superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA and Iwo Bialynicki-Birula's logarithmic Schrödinger equation should be made, as well as of the experimental tests available with respect to each. Which is not to mention the nonlinear macroquantum-relativistic cascade mechanics of tornadogenesis! Given that the t in Bialynicki-Birula's nonlinear equation denotes mere linear-memetime, not 3-fold temporal CURL (think with respect to temporal CURL: indeterminacy of time, uh, uh, that is, of MEMEtime, i.e., its diffuseness, heh-heh-heh! understanding of the relation of divergences under a given logical-value order-type to temporal CURL there over being absent, hence no awareness that temporal CURL is the basis in Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space for identifying operators, uh, uh, that is, 3-fold operator-time -- a somewhat which is much more easily studied relative to severe storm dynamics than in regards to elementary particle interactions), my best bet is that the apparent imports of his experimental results will not be replicated vis-à-vis the DNA and tornadogenesis cases. Moreover, the nonlinear equations involving m-valued variables mentioned by Bialynicki-Birula are handled as Polish-Catholic 1T2-only processed, not Polish-Lukasiewiczian µTm-processed -- hence, necessitating reduction of the nonlinearity to equivalence with probability, statistics, and 1T2-only chaos. So long as there is a glutamate-etched heuristic belief in the presence of initial conditions, one can convince oneself that the nonlinear can be handled as if linear -- except that the postulate as to existence of initial conditions is equivalent to postulation of the non-existence of a second-order nonlinearity, i.e., of the non-existence of third-order operator-time and associated self-referential reentries nullifying, µTm-unto-CTCly speaking, 1T2-appearing authenticity of starts and stops.
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