µTm Scenarios, T30(M)
With regard to why Musculpt, as a computer software execution instruction, should be coupled to the notion of µTm-valued LETS monetary-unit nesting-foams defined over fractal e-boundaries, we, Doug Paine and I, valuing Steinerian Sensitive Chaos more than Lorenzian chaos theory of atmospheric processes, frequently, during the mid-to-late-'70s (in context of Cornell bioacoustic research to include pigeon local homing upon infrasound signatures of lake fetches, landforms, so on, and Cornell atmospheric science studies of the infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces at severe storm genesis: and here is an interesting chicken-and-egg piece on climate-and-geoengineering, civil and military; maybe at some point people will see that theta-e is more important to monitor than is the thermometer), discussed our shared belief that any authentic general theory of 1T2-process would resolve to Euler's identity cum Euler's formula -- a record of one such discussion, vis-à-vis the G.Spencer-Brownian-operator take on 3-fold temporal CURL (each such CURLing occurring at cuspover of some case of a class of process-driven divergences: think, for instance, of the divergent harmonic series at root of the real-Eulerian and imaginary-Riemannian zeta functions, and also providing inspiration for the notion Hilbert space), being viewable here. Yet, y'see, the Alpha IMs -- I'm InfraMale -- believe in centralized FED-orchestrated demand-side gush-up redistribution rather than distributed supply-side trickle-down redistribution modulated by the binary-capitalist IRR, irrealism, of the masturbatory 1T2-only selfsame magic hand. What consequently trickles through every downspout in society is the f***-you mindset. Oh, and what odious financial-architecture yield of conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD) carried out with µTm-quantum-based technologies dressed in 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian clothes! Never into the voyeur side of spectator sports, I completely lost interest in athletics upon leaving high school. There was a similar outcome, if under inverse forcing, vis-à-vis the hands-on, calculable-iff-recursive, H/L-T/F-counting, AppQuant side of mathletics. Nonetheless, I've been observant enough to realize that, while put-call-bluffy, magic-without-magic, Alpha-possessing-male, mettle-trading He thinks that I think that he thinks that ' (maniac sangfroid + brainiac numerological naiveté = bad big-bad-stick dip[low}mancy) process-drives gold[in}locks, liar's-paradoxical reflexivities of always-non-clearing, self-referential markets periodically in overshoot, this driver, whatever the corpus of signature trades, exists on the OS available to the parallel-processing econometric CPU only because such markets employ only single-valued selfsame-price information-qua-monetary units TRUTH-value processed under 1T2-only-logic alone -- thus altogether precluding market-marking price discovery of the m-valued, non-selfsame, Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, m-logical-T-for-identity-TRANSPARENCY processing thereof, and associated issuance of indicated, appropriate-scale, µTm-relative-state-dictated action-directives, micro-unto-macro over the involved multiscale organizational nesting foam(s). Gosh, not GARCH, as regards behavioral finance, even financial engineering, the M my 'I' speaks of makes no reference to hidden Markov processes, Monte Carlo simulations, Martingale betting, the adaptive Market hypothesis, or, the market deities forbid, to the Wheelerian Magic-without-Magic invisible Magic hand under saccadic masking. C. E. Shannon's see[man}tics-free cyn[burn}etics being binary-only, the 1T2ly-random may well be deterministic under some µTm-logical-value order-type(s), once the semanti[call}y-implicate hidden (from memetime-bound binary-mind) information of entropy is made Samadhi[call}y-explicate over framework determining conditions like the order(s) of logical-value employed in definition(s) of monetary units exchanged. Harmonic sound -- Ray Bryant, Chet Baker, Tommy Flanagan, Jim Hall, et al., plus, despite the classical music feel, all those currently incredible Japanese jazz pianists! -- is an essential feature of the monetary carrier of m-valued economic information. I now receive the memory image of a tiny table set in the corner nearest the stage with a small shaded lamp under which I once read the recommended readings few others bothered with. I listened to a lot of jazz in Georgetown, 1963-5, especially when living on Q Street during 1965, didn't understand a thing, still don't, even given trombone lessons as a schoolboy and a brief stint later with jazz piano lessons, but, in retrospect, I realize the enormous influence this early minimal exposure had upon my intellectual development. The inharmonicity of the sensations of tone measured in cents on a logarithmic scale, vis-à-vis Musculpt as interface to µTm-valued LETS, corresponds to a measure of the lack of alleleotropic value (the autopoionomic expression of relative-state identity-transparency) which a given transaction executes. This is one reason why the logarithmic Schrödinger equation -- specifically Schrödinger's for a harmonic oscillator -- should be of particular interest, as should be the derivation by D. A. Paine (differing from the partition-function treatment of a gas in a [harm}onic trap) of the operator-time version (first-order temporal CURL, one triumvir of topologically-active 3-fold operator-time, being related to circular polarization, and M-for-manifold under 3-fold temporal CURL looking to binary-mind like an aberrant 4-D singularity) descriptive of a pi-electron parcel (of DNA's superconductant pi-electron gas core) as a temperature-wise harmonic oscillator -- for, in all likelihood, the first authentically-µTm-logical quantum computer will have a DNA-based CPU. While it might usefully be observed that Buddhologically-discrete-time Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis is a variety of the lowering and raising ladder operator treatment, where what is annihilated and created at scale-level transforms through the harmonic spectrum of atmospheric wave motions is angular momentum, including complex and hypercomplex angular momentum, i.e., vis-à-vis 3-fold temporal CURL (involving, beyond i, j, k, also l, m, n), the analogy does not long hold because the bound Dirac ei[gen}states are 1T2ly-seen as probability densities for prospective energy levels, not as Lukasiewicz ei[do}lons of µTm-orders of logical-value, where 1T2-massenergy levels are understood as reductive markers of a ghost protocol for the involved relative-states of identity-transparency. Moreover, CTC-unto-µTmly speaking, linear superposition is implicate to the Schrödinger memetime-independent base-state made 1T2ly explicate as Jamesian-continuous-time unfolded worldline: the differentiations involved in slopes, changes of slopes, and changes of changes of slopes being contravened by indefinite integrals summed by harmonic series of definite integrals, continuous memetime, paradoxically, is, CTCly-speaking, apocryphal (baud-rates of consciousness at measurement occasions being intimately involved in selection of the order of logical-value employed). Given that it appears subsidence, at Jacobson's progressive relaxation, of the minute microsaccadic oscillations of the eyeballs (ophthalmic-scale Zitterbewegung qua jiggling Brownian-motion judder) is associated with traduction of, or into, the VRs of Samadhi states, the alacrity with which saccades shift the reference frame (see: Spatiotopic coding and remapping in humans, David C. Burr and Maria Concetta Morrone, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 17 January 2011: boy, do I wish I could have read this paper in 1973, for such a reading surely would have saved me a lot of personal travail; at that juncture, I -- secretive, stone wenchen, insolent, sullen -- had no reservation in asserting that authentic inner work -- to include walking-meditation à la trophotropic passive-concentration viewing cum ergotropically-focused gaze at autosensory observation directed upon moving-center qua motor-programs functions, e.g., using the root-pruning of trees in a nursery as a format for practice of meditation -- requires greater physical stamina than does jump school and S. F. training), possibly even the type of reference space, used at sight and visualization may shed light on the nature of the involved selection mechanisms and Luneburg's discovery that there is no localization in visual space independent of learned psychological factors, certainly those involving exercise of attention cathexes, personal and socially-structured, expositions on that light assisting in meeting the collective need to exteriorize inner Musculpt-as-maths-notation and as user-friendly interface to µTm-valued LETS. These last two links were, again, provided, with asounding insight, by Lauri Love (nsh). As regards the difficulties presented the audience by 20th- and 21st-century art music and jazz: let the eye aid the ear; the ear, the eye (and be aware that our helical-antenna radiation-exchange model of the superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA [including that intraneuronal and intra-perineural: susceptible to whatsit? one or more or all of the following, most of them being electron-temperature enhancers? -- magnetic, photonic Li-Fi, ELF, RF 5G multiRAT, microwave, ultrasonic stimulation à la, for instance, Remote Control of Brain Activity Using Ultrasound, Armed With Science, the official Defense Department science blog, DOD Live, 1 September 2010] has important features in common with the photoacoustic spectrometer). Maybe the compiler which Michael Abrash should be brash enough to hope to write is that for the temporal-CURL-generated Luksiewiczian-Musculpt manifold -- an M-theoretic complier without which µTm-valued LETS cannot possibly be fully implemented. But what is the likelihood someone with the capabilities of an Abrash will become interested in such a project? Not high, given that this website has been continuously up for almost two decades and has elicited near-zero engagement -- a few very valuable exceptions excepted. That fact is itself prefigurative as to how global-crisis cuspover almost surely will be unmet. The goop-attractor at the end of memetime bit-byte responsible for finite-ITeratable (not each-loop-targetable Iterable the interface) autopoiesis and self-organization; indeed, for all organized matterenergy: 1T2-only-entropy, an exemplary case of the unity-of-opposites which violates the Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean Laws of Distributed Middle and Non-Contradiction. Prevailing IT: that which is 1T2-only-encodable is context-free (therefore, you may forget about environmental externalities) and meaningless (hence, without regret, altogether GMOable). The statistics screw turned, and the semantics shrew was tamed: binary information wears a hoodie. Academic's Choice: protected by my [lick}tors, beat the binary market, don't [bene}fit IT with externality-internalizing µTm-in[for}MAtion. The tacit, if not altogether subliminal, saviors-from-genetic-disease-qua-GMO agenda possibly-plausibly-probably-seemingly is extinction of existing species whilst banking the genomes, so that, later, uh, Easter, that is, the geno[me}tors can resurrect GMO versions of those species they decide they like -- including their own, of course. But put no mind to weird inexpert opinionated speculations such as these, for I've undoubtedly exhibited Dunning-Kruger bias throughout my entire existence. There being, whatever Postumia may think, no nowadays Cicero, and Mutina-Trans-Rubicon not yet approached, if ever, whowhat by-love-possessed has the Further Gaul requisite to belief in the power of ideas to recant the two centuries of cognitive momentum accumulated by the collective-unconscious human-species-suicide decision? O, Decimus Hirtius, no body-in-motion I've witnessed -- only Publius Servilius! Nonetheless, one continues to do what is privately perceived the right thing simply because it is privately so perceived, uh, so privately perceived -- despite existence of Furius Longinus, pre[coc}ious member of the College of Puntoffs, Urban Praetor qua, uh post, Quaestor of Beirut, Sarajevo, Fallujah, Aleppo, so on, no homme d'affaires, no consul-advocate at the [Row}man Bar for µTm-valued LETS. Abrash would possibly benefit from becoming aware that D. A. Paine, at Cornell University during the early-1970s, demonstrated that m-valued universal physical constants (consider, in this regard, the following from Chad Orzel's 9 January 2010 ScienceBlogs piece entitled Zitterbewegung! concerning the use of trapped ions to simulate electron behaviors, e.g., one would hope, temperature-oscillaitng pi-electron parcels of DNA pi-electron gas core: its [the ion's] motion in the trap has the same mathematical form as the Dirac equation for an electron at relativistic speeds, though with a much lower characteristic velocity , emphasis added), like the Special-Relativistic absolute limiting velocity, are instrumental to multiscale relativistic-quantum cascade dynamics at tornadogenesis, so demonstrated in studies of how turbulence viewed at a given frame-rate is viewed as coherent-laminar at some other frame-rate -- and that this acoustic-analogue-to-blackhole-computing factoid relates to the m-valued overtone series of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes generated at temporal-CURL-mediated severe-storm dynamics (the spaceTIME del operator involved in temporal CURL signifying existence of nature's own delta hedging with respect to, not convertible-bond arbitrage, but energy-momentum conversion arbitrage -- and in so doing insuring that Black-Scholes continuous-1T2-only-real-linear-memetime remains delta neutral?). Heh-heh-heh! Keep in mind that vega and rho and theta and lambda are first-order-parameter Greeks, and that gamma, while second-order, is plotted in realmemetime, thus failing even to simulate the complextime involved in the second-order temporal CURL which lays the foundation for the (saccadically-masked due to absence of µTm-valued monetary units) market reflexivities fully realized only with the third-order. Selective attention and circumscribed expectations not only allow molecular-cellular brains to create 1T2-only interpretations, they are important factors inducing 1T2-only-Sorosian market reflexivities, gain fields that modulate buying and selling cum inhibitions of return both together being epiphenomenal to the employment of only 1T2-only monies, such employment blocking action-directive-relevant conscious awareness, on parts of micro- and macro-actors alike, of the µTm-valued bottom-up saliency map making autopoionomic relative-state identity-transparency sense of reflexive self-referential reentries. No binary-number-code-written quanTanalytic programmatic collection of 1T2-only algos run on a finite-iteration Turing machine can discover the imaginary and hypercomplex CTC-unto-µTm-valued Bohm-implicate in[for}ma|tion of the saliency map (having little to do with Buffeted market cap, price-to-book, beta coefficient, and the like), fashion it as Bohm-explicate, make it available to financial wizards selectively attending to 1T2-only-price discrepancies; nor can any Pacman-Piranha 1T2-only-buying-selling of binary-priced widget whatnots, or binary-rule regulation thereof, rectify inefficiencies of investment in resource conservation, extraction, allocation, distribution, utilization -- actual efficiency being alleleotropically defined in terms, including environmental externalities, of the µTm-identity-transparent relative-states which are the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, such alleleotropic definition requiring neoPlatonic, cabalistic, gematric use of non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers and their underlying Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes. I would suppose that the 1T2-gamma lack of imaginary-time reference, let alone incorporation of topologically-active 3-fold operator-time (no mere I. M. [Imp}era|tor tri[umph}ant), also applies to the whole corpus of second- and third-order financial Greeks. Under third-order (the tilting of a tilting slope: imaginary and hypercomplex shifts between orders appearing only at divergences signifying approaches to absolute limiting values) operator-time's induced twisted self-reentry-reflexivity, sensitive dependence on initial conditions is, indubitably is, sensitive dependence on entropy's strange attractor, thus µTmly-superseding sensitive dependence on 1T2-delta and 1T2-gamma and 1T2-color, i.e., the whole cohort of 1T2-Greeks. Beyond judder, persistence, strobing, there is not only spatial contraction (is it The effect of saccades on time or the creation of memetime and ponderable space by 1T2-only-glutamate-etched-neuronal handling of saccades?) at approach to absolute limiting velocity of eye movement in metrical Luneburg non-Euclidian binocular visual space to consider, but also that contraction's interface with changes in the baud-rate of consciousness (display-refresh rate being a techno-analogue thereto qua ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, thereof) brought to processing sights and visualizations (saccadic masking being, one must suppose, eye-adaptation to Buddhologically-discrete memetime and associated sequence of states of identification with 1T2-only-defined instants of the real[numbered]time line: at near-zero action-potential on the electromyograph, herky-jerky microsaccades obstruct further progressive relaxation via cramping of the extra-ocular muscles, near-zero residual tension patterns, according to Edmund Jacobson's studies, being highly correlated with associative mental processes like roof-brain chatter qua Gurdjieffian inner talking), those baud-rates differing, for one, one suspects, with the order-of-logical-value employed (there likely being, due to information overload, a type of pilot-fixation syndrome [onset countered by psychometric functions of Special-Relativistic data spatiotemporal compression, yet, ultimately involving, given an order-of-logical-value-fixated baud-rate of consciousness, loss of accustomed reference frame and associated snapover into visual instability, those instabilities associated with vertigo and tinnitus especially involved in the number the numbering issue, discussed in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 666-9: as if there actually are objective real-world coordinates not-Maya-in-Samsara! such Samsara involving prescriptively-enculturated beginning-in-the-womb glutamate etching of consensuated {transitive group action by a Lie group, heh-heh-heh} external, 1T2-only, homogenous, isotropic, ponderable space] manifest at each order-type limiting-baud-rate with its associated spatial contraction cum temporal dilation affecting receptive fields and frequency-response windows, the different sorts of Samadhi-fixation imputably being relative thereto, such that seeing the seeing [see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 662], even as being anticipatory, is said to be characteristic) and, for two, according to the given cognitive power of emotions affect-charge phasic-activated over the enveloping feeling space conjugated to the visual and tonal spaces. The photoacoustic basis of inner Musculpt clearly also involves hearing the hearing, i.e., catching, or anticipating, the sounds of no-sound (the anticipation is not relative to 1T2-only memetime and ponderable space, but is indicative of demergent how-where/how-when boggles), as Toru Takemitsu surely knew in the act of composing Asterism. Different to, different from: there is an identity distinction being-there, to and from. The µTm-how-of-it mis-seen-heard, due to prescriptive glutamate etching, as a 1T2-where-when -- indeed, this enculturated quenching of conscious access to quantum-brain processing being the absolutely-in-so-far-as-in-the-body social-structure-of-attention-cathexes origin of both ponderable space and memetime, an irruptive mising mirrored, by haptification cum concretion, in peri-saccadically-mislocated space-as-place memetime-captured by mass substitute-memory -- Mankind in Amnesia, so it has been said, no diaphainon-verition of the CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 universe. Veridicality with respect to which order-of-logical-value ordering? Approaches to µTm-modes of apprehension (apprehending being much more demanding of inner work than mere comprehending!) surely must involve attention to Tropismes (see the comment posted by Mike Puma which quotes Nathalie Sarraute). Approaches to the chosiste bare-object thing-in-itself apparently move memories into egoic-self-self-canceling retrograde-inversions vis-à-vis passive, referential, 1T2-only Passing Time -- if we are to properly credit Michel Butor. And just as it would take µTm-valued logics to adequately exchange-process strobed LETS-currency-unit valuations, so, likely, does it take conscious access to µTm-quantum-brain processing to adequately resolve strobing visual input. Musculpt, inner and techno-exteriorized: let the ear aid the eye; the eye, the ear. The A of 1823 was countervailed by the B of 1827; Brown v. Abel, the random v. the transalgebraic, being a collective-unconscious confluence, if no full-fledged Jung-Pauli synchronicity: Einstein's 1905 paper on Brownian motion was one prefiguration of the then-yet-to-arrive probability-amplitude calumny perpetrated upon Schrödinger. A 3-valued price would not speak to date-and-memetime-specified past, present, and future single-valued prices, nor would a 2-valued price speak to, say, present and future single-valued prices of the call-option warrant attached to a convertible bond: an m-valued price would have placed upon its single-valued base-state, at any given instant of memetime, a sheaf of multiple simultaneous values, each such value tagged to its own specification or indication or information domain or bundling composite or rehypothecation composite, so on. One point herein being enunciated is that the hidden (what logical-value order-type notion of negentropic pattern is being marshaled to distinguish viewable from hidden, dark-pooled or no?) factors of factor analysis of market prices indicateable by indicators should not be made financial derivatives but made m-values of the logical operators regarded as being monetary currency units, the enmonied logical operators thus made, and hence establishing the quantum character of stock market prices, being adequately processed only µTmly. Were this principle ever accepted, then the main question would be as to which, if any, existing financial derivatives should be and could be transformed into members of µTm-LETS-nesting-foam currency-unit value-sheaves -- and how, in each case, such transforms would be accomplished (clearly, in some cases, e.g., MBSs, CMOs, CDOs, involving use of fiber-bundle arithmetics). Even if 1T2-only-markets operating under the Law of One Single-Valued Price were efficient, and all known information were thus somehow magic-without-magic factored into each price, there would still be the unknown information (the politico-juridical complement being it is against the law to know the law, a Fall-of-Rome principle increasingly embraced by the 0.01-percent-in-the-know, a development not at all surprising, given the culinary constructivism of molecular gastronomy available to elite consumers of emotional cuisine, e.g., spherified juices accompanied by ultrasound-irradiated, meat-glued, hydrocolloided, flash-frozen with liquid nitrogen, flower-gel foams served on decorative edible-ink-inkjet-printed edible papers: despite the fact that governance, governors, and governments near-universally approve the poisoning of their population bases, as demonstrated by the corpus of E-number approvals, I'm one among the cohort opposed to that techno-victuals-and-grub aesthetic, one of the errant-chemical-overtly-reactive, HenochSchonlein-syndrome, Monsanto-colon, when possible E-number-avoiding, none-GMO-organics lovers) hidden in externalities (internal and environmental), information, that is, 1T2ly-entropic and not factored into each price -- absent, we note, adequate bottom-up implementation of m-valued-LETS-currency units µTmly-processed under the Law of One M-Valued Price, the m-values of that price differing place-to-place and scale-level-to-scale-level within the fractal e-partitioned LETS nesting foam, differing, that is, in reflection of locally-specific variances of the factors of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, the derivatives traded upon, and the arbitraging between, these m-value differentials facilitating (far better than does, say, carbon trading, or would Tobin-type taxes) µTm-market-mediation of maximization of efficiency and greening at resource utilization and conservation. The main reason people have been Fooled by Randomness into thinking probability is the Efficient Cause is their Godhead-introjecting egoic identification with 1T2-only logic and the associated mistaken existential claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct within a real-memetime-bound context dynamically orchestrated by entropic dissipation. One dimension of their addiction to statistics is the will-to-overpower that context, a willfulness expressed in allegorical ConveDD to a beat-the-1T2-market compulsive mentality -- be the statanalytics for exploitation of the limitations of 1T2-only markets trend-based, Gaussian, Mandelbrotian, catastrophe-chaos-complexity theoretic. If, however, what appears to binary-mind as generative dynamics is understood actually to be Schrödinger-memetime-independent CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 demergence, then the governing mentality's mindset would have a tendency -- under impress of collective psychological induction -- to progressively reorient accordingly. Failure to implement µTm-logical autopoionomy likely is one major propellant of the gathering-unto-incendiary, Romanesque, global insurgency increasingly 1T2-pitting the rural relatively-sane against the mega-urban-regional dyscrasiacs, those peripheral against those central, the lowly against the high-and-mighty granted imperium, the abysmally poor against the unconscionably supermegarich. Oh, and incidentally, it appears that the only in[defat}i[gab}le way to overcome predominance of 1T2-only-money-obsessive shrewish peevishness, debunk The Street roman-fleuve which saga-[hagio}graphs crafty, duplicitous, [en}trails-analyzing, quant haruspices, return local specificity to techno-stolen multiplier effects, progressively decentralize banking as well as the stock, commodity, options, and derivative markets -- bright- and dark-pooled, surface- and deep-structured, sunny and shadowy and black, legit and ill-legit, legal and criminal, fair and unfair -- and quench the [U(x)or|i}ous process -- facilitated by an endless cortège of consuls, magistrates, legates and tribunes, Masters of Mule (think: not only of Rome but also of The Foundation Trilogy) whinnying precious-little-precept heehaws, aediles who are slaves to the claims they make on their own cognitive baggage trains, and lo, how these honey badgers do chance the immaterial idols to their material obsessions! -- of dressing µTm-quantum-based technology in 1T2-only Cartesian-Newtonian technocracy [rein}ment is by e-commons-made-a-comitium-gamed, step-by-step, bottom-up implementation (the ongoing remapping -- mediated by molecular and submolecular processes -- of the receptive fields and response characteristics of neurons at saccades is a model for the ongoing realmemetime monetary saccadic heterogeneous remapping, treating if not altogether curing-rectifying the persistent pandemic monetary apraxia, of the M-theoretic fractal e-boundary spatiotopy cum response characteristics over which LETS currency-unit nesting foams are to be defined and for which they are to be made continuously self-modulating) of variously-commodity-backed m-valued-LETS-currency nesting-foams defined over fractal e-boundaries, so as to explicitly link neuroeconometic monetary saccadic remapping circuits to econometric behaviors, transactions in such currencies being distributively, possibly blockchain, µTm-processed (utilizing allocentric rather than egocentric-cum-superegocentric coding: i.e., no centralized Keynesian International Clearing Union) relative to the quantum-composite global unit of account (neither a vehicle-reserve currency or basket thereof, nor a non-vehicular bancor based on SDRs, other instruments, or precious metals) employed at cataloguing the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth.
Are fractal dimensions, fat tails, black swans (see: Black Swans and fractals: a better way to understand financial markets?, Davide Pannetta, Ph.D. diss., Libera Universita degli Studi di Bolzano, 2012, posted 5 February 2013) aspects of what is 1T2ly-construed when binary-mind self-object-observes the patterns drawn by the µTm-pencils-of-skew-parallels bundling 1T2ly-null null vectors in Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space? Is long-range [spatiotemporal] dependence a 1T2-only-veiling of coherent µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (m-valued contingent variables galore, but 180-degrees decoherently distinct, heh-heh-heh, from a Markov process of dysconnected events, howsoever the Markov dysconnections may be prohomeostatically connected by Hidden-Markov-Model contingents 1T2-algorithmically probabilizable: no matter the degree to which multistrategy is involved in deployment of the output generated by employment of HMM algos, still not M-theoretic, m-valued, µTm-processed)? Is multi-fractal trading time a 1T2-only take on the 3-fold temporal CURL demerging the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock? Similarly to those animistic-pagan populations which had no memetime reference in their languages before contact with Western higher cultures, my other-I-am believes all events demerge Schrödinger-memetime-independently, and that all so-regarded-linear-time-reference-framed patterns are [re}cognitions imposed under the ontologically-prescriptive-qua-1T2-generative constraints incumbent upon beginning-in-the-womb enculturated-socialized glutamatergic reduction of the Cantorian cardinalities of logical-value order-types consciously available, such that that 1T2-only is the only such order-type routinely employed. Current attempts to institute techno-substitute-memories by various means of implantation are not merely integral to neonazification-by-globalization unto a new MWC (monoscale world coercion: the age-old apophthegm, The Emperor's mandate stops at the village gate, is an affirmation of the efficacy of local autonomy and a nod to decentralization advocates), they are also tacitly motivated by the monometrical compulsion (it is on the level of tacit dimensions that neurotic obsessions, compulsions, phobias of millionaires and psychotic OCPs of billionaires originate) to freeze-frame the memory-function aspects of glutamate-etched neuronal plasticity responsible for the logical-value-order-type reduction inducing mass-mediated conviction in 1T2-only-memetime. From Being To Becoming, indeed! Dissemblers admit to their dissimulations no more than bond-jammers admit to the losses they foster no more than white-collar criminals admit to the crimes they commit no more than intel agencies admit to their subbed-out knuckle-draggers cum snuffers. Absent prescriptive enculturation-socialization, would potentially ongoing proheterostatic neuronal plasticity be largely restriction enzymed to a handful of preadolescent neuronal-pruning qua neural-network-wipeout events? Since quantum mechanics was dissimulated by the LBI (leveraged buy-in) executed by the 1926-kneejerk consensuation-embrace of the Borning-room-birthed probability-amplitude pattern-[re}cognition tacitly induced by the anticipatory 1918-Russellian-logical-atomism anti-pagan-animism monist-mannerism phobia-misconstrual of the soon-to-be-rigorously-codified 1921-Lukasiewicz-Post m-valued-logics put placed upon m-valued variables and state-functions, it is no surprise that runaway (from SFI/LosAla, MIT, Berkeley/LLLs, Princeton/IDA/WSEG, so on) quantum physicists should have brought their dissimulation of Schrödinger into their financial-instrument-innovation malfeasance, the Zorba-the-Greek full catastrophe thus initialized yet to be completely realized. Ah, bespeaking over the counter in me[tasta}sizing bas{ket]s of floating-rate notes, variable-rate mortgages cum MBS bundles, price-fluctuating credit-linked notes qua CDSs. Beyond velocity-related momentum-overshoot: whereas an inflation-deflation accelerationist cacophonous controversy peaked in economic discourse during the 1970s, when dropout physicists and mathematicians carried their frustrations with the bizarroworld of quantum mechanics and Cantorian cardinalities into ConveDDs as financial instrument innovations qua complex securities (see Brett Maverick Musser, in Energy, Money, and the Destruction of Equilibrium, ExtraNewsfeed, 26 February 2017, with considerable savvy quoting Paul Romer writing in The Trouble With Macroeconomics, Stern School of Business, NYU, 14 September 2016: economics has had a 'considerable observed regression since the 1970s' yet hides behind mathematical elegance and authority ), no time-rate-of-change-of-accelerationist controversy emerged in discussions of the market reflexivity constellated by self-referential Klein-bottle reentry. Romer's is a hilarious parodying paper, deeply appreciated, with analogous applications far beyond mere macroeconomics -- though, toward the end, it deteriorates to a near-defense of the 1970s science-court idea (I'm not a complete disparager, however, even given that I am no strong believer in objective science and associated norms; my position, to me, is analogous to: just as personification gets the Bhakti-yoga chela-shishya into the spiritual phenomenologies earliest, but cuts off access further along, so active imagination can transform any art music, any jazz, into program music, but later denies deeper engagement). Command-economy-supporting fitted-qua-filtered, calibrated-qua-rescale-renormalized data sets cum data-generating-algo insertion of FWUTV, i.e., facts with unknown truth-value (shades of MACV-HQ enemy-strength-estimate data fabrication in support of the command position) modeling-simulations (very impressive anime-unto-VR, I am sure), no doubt an accurate characterization, still, I don't fully concur with some details of Romer's portrait of the nature of the since-the-1970s regression because, in my judgment, the identification problem regards simultaneous-variations, which Romer focuses upon, authentically moves toward better-and-better handling only µTmly-unto-CTCly, a judgment entertained since I hold that orders of logical-value, not just 1T2-only truth-value (the notion truth-value being glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular 1T2-only brains psycho-socio-culturally severed from conscious access to processing by the µTm-quantum brain), are involved in m-order-covariance, and that the de[re}normalized un[mono}scaling problem, matrix-wise, is Mm^nk (k for correlations, expanding to non-uniform, non-random, multi-variant copula functions [what Schrödinger's Tantric yoga practice was all about during the snowed-in period in which he wrote his famous equation], the values of which are divergent to transfinite cardinalities at critical-state phase transitions where processing undergoes autogenic shifts 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC), not 2m^2, or SFI's 2nk, for, quite frankly, selfsame-number-assuming derivations-calculations carried out according to 1T2-only rules of arithmetic, trigonometry, algebra, calculus, matrices, tensors, and so on, have less and less interested me ever since I began thinking meteor{o}logically about micro-unto-meso-unto-macro [autopoi}onomics. Not so surprising, this thought transition, when meteorologists are well known to quant activists as superlative analysts of energy sector supply-demand dynamics -- you know: slopes, changing slopes, changing changing-slopes, changing changes of changing changing-slopes n -- unless µTm-valued logics impose a necessary-and-sufficient limit upon how twisty this twistor-quantized sequence of twist-classes in fact is. Then there is: [Quant}us, forgodsake! as [meme]Time is the Enemy (by Quantic). The relative of relative-value trading in a 1T2-only-logical market employing only single-valued-currency valuations necessarily is pair-betting relative[state], the whole µTmly-Everettian-relative-state econometric universe of value remaining Bohm-implicate in each such trade -- and when highly leveraged to boot, howsoever is VAR-1T2-only-hedged is that not to raise and call the fractality-infinite-regress implicit in the fat tail covertly carrying the hidden-information quantum-composite µTm-relative-state price regime signified by self-referential-reentrant non-orientable-reflexivity contagion manifest on the action-directive level tacitly driven by changing time-rates-of-change-of acceleration? No 1T2-DSGE model, but a µTm-Dynamical non-Stochastic General far-from-Equilibrium process, uh, memetimely speaking, that is -- m-variate-vector µTm-autoregulation (like DNA relative to pi-electron-parcel-temperature oscillations), well beyond fuzzy-logic autoregulation, I speculate, uh, uh, I mean autoregression, of course. Heh-heh-heh! Think: non-1T2-only-rational µTm-logically-valued µ(x) expectations concerning third-order-dynamical reflexivities-driven Prigoginean phase-transitions in µTmly-unto-CTCly-efficient markets. A compensatory overweening, imperious, cocksure algorithmic mega-obsession with high-frequency-trading of re-re-re n-reinsurance (a kind of iterative-Bayesian-inference updating where posterior probabilities are progressively non-zero-hedged over wishful thinking with regard to hidden information altogether unobtainable in 1T2-only market economies) is a characteristic in profiles of those memetime-future-fixated and scared out of their wits with failing Weltanschauung confidence and phantasmagoric Great Expectations, µ(x), which have submitted to negative-number multipliers. One of our thought-models for the sounded-Hilbert-space-type Musculpt manifold over which the time-shapes of total capital stock would be catalogued and constantly updated by operator-time-type employments of a µTm-quantum-composite unit of account is infrasound signaturing in Earth's atmosphere (Paine-Kaplan studies of which during the 1970s having been kind of like speech-recognition analytics applied to historical data sets relative to severe-storm-genesis dynamics as regards m-valued [Hilbert-spacable overtone-seriesed] acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures of manifold theta-e-temperature-surface transforms mapped by good offices of, in contrast to S-R algos, not probability functions, but 3-fold temporal CURL at complex and hypercomplex angular-momentum cascade); another, the analogous radiation-exchange process by which genetic codons, reacting by way of self-organizing pi-electron gas core dynamics in response to ambient field fluctuations at DNA helix-coil transition, are signatured with self-generated coherent morphogenetic emanations read by various phase boundaries. It could almost accurately be said that operator-time and temporal CURL are about transmission cum manumission of time-in-itself, rather than transmission of this-or-that somewhat 1T2-only-forwards-or-backwards in time, or, in other words, about ontogenetic stages in demergence-creation of the impression of memetime yielded by sensations of space change. Sitting alone all night -- identified with the ergotropic-hyperfocus state and not in a state of trophotropic diffuse concentration -- on a SkySpot alert pad waiting for the signal to embark upon a SLARed radar-controlled and Red Haze infrared-equipment-assisted bombing run along the Milky Way trail: changing coherent m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode (infrasound) signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces (qua manifolds) at 3-fold-temporal-CURL-mediated complex and hypercomplex angular-momentum cascade through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions in tornadogenesis -- a scaled analogue of the quantum-gravity signature of the multiscale wormhole-mesh nesting-foam readable in (µTmly-patterned, not 1T2ly-patterned -- because the implicate pregeometry demergently informing explicate geometrodynamics of ponderablespacememetime is Lukasiewiczian and independent of the notion truth-value, not Boolean truth-valued) modulations of gamma ray bursts and associated light polarization, as well as induced fluctuations in X-ray wavefronts. Musculpt chronotopology: a Riemann-surface multi-sheeted, skew-parallelizable, projectivizable, Lukasiewiczian Hilbert hyperMan[i}fold nesting-foam of nonorientable polytopes, the Tzog-chen-AllBase universal covering surface of which is eternal-now presence, beginningless and endless, altogether memetime-independent. The issue of meshworking µTm-LETS currencies has long been stonewalled by externalities. Heh-heh-heh! What was needed was a C-zer0-zer0-engineered postmodern update on Agent Orange to shrivel up the Clinton-Congress-fertilized digital weeds kudzuing Wall Street, The City, Marunouchi-Otemachi, Bankenviertel, et cetera; what we got instead, by ConveDDed compensatory abreaction, was and is Monsanto's glyphosate poisoning of the food chain. By way of redress, the process of implementing nesting foams of µTm-valued-LETS currencies defined over fractal e-boundaries as the distributed-qua-cloud registry of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, could-should-would be understood a chronotopological hyperform of top-down-viewed relative-value capital structure ar[bit}rage -- in the µTm-LETS case: AppliedResearch[µ}it|rage with respect to the corpora of bottom-up-viewed nesting foams superposed as the manifold µTm-quantum-composite planetarized [autopoi}onomy.
As an all-too-obviously-athletic-even-mathletic, if tall-svelte-not-anabolic-steroided musculature-identified, ex-SF-Medic-trained progressively-high-autodidactic (never in my life looked more than a day for a job, and never deigned-fill-out a job application, let alone take a blood- or lie-detector test preliminary to working, uh, that is, with the exception of a year in Santa Fe, N. M., fruitlessly seeking a menial job, the blondish applicant a fluent speaker of English competent in high school math, each of these attributes a considerable liability to a job seeker) WASPy onememetime-D.C.-no-Washington voluntary-as-a-quietly-made-statement down-the-socioeconomic-ladder pick-and-shovel-labor tree-nurseryman (then-available, i.e., whilst ma-and-pa businesses treating plants as living beings still miraculously persisted in face of end-of-season-dead-on-the-tarmac-and-bulldozed-under-McDonaldsization, best-choice-of-the-whole-world job for the explicitly-Buddhological, 10-7, moment-to-moment, day-in/day-out, year-in-year-out Gurdjieffian practice of moving-center Zen-s[word}maker meditation: I mean, who now seeks, let alone finds, GOOD WORK facilitative of Everettian-vonHayekian relative-state identity-transparency?), who weekly witnessed, beginning in the late-1970s, reception of NewMexico- cum Arizona-P.O.-box-return-addressed letters offering infrawar-forced busloads of undocumented Salvadorian-Guatemalan (absolutely superlative gardeners, I can expertly mouthpiece, given the generation-upon-generation, even genetic, expertise at eco-adapted subsistence farming -- and very nice people I, by personal contacts, certify in advertising endorsement) farm laborers at a fraction of the minimum wage, a circumstance that, facilitated by immigration lawyers, progressively displaced black-lives-that-should-have-mattered (i.e., many of whom had in their youths picked non-GMO cotton and/or worked tobacco fields) relative to the cheap-labor servicing of the interests of the one-percent. Ha-hah. Hah-hah-hah. My other-I-am has a lot of interest in what they, TPTB, are, almost none in who they are. By ConveDD, catalytic converters to mass induction of 1T2-only-pathological collective behaviors. Olympics-order obsessives. Smokers of schmooze. Screwers-of-the-fixed-commission stropping the wranglers wangling for pol-influence, honing their flim-flam-manly taste for surpassing the Joneses, hooking them upon whopping earnings-on-spread and yearend boni: how to manage the managers, a sub-discipline of Pandering-the-Populace. What a life! is The Good Life. Cookie-cutter minds bricked-up into the 1T2-cubicals of BigBank com.mil culture; whereas, at the very least, nature is a gray-area manager, like in fuzzy logic, and more probably a full-blown truth-value-free µTm-manager. If the keiretsu is a postmodern ConveDD of the identity-transparency ritually maintained by traditional gift-signifier exchange-practices, e.g., trading sacred cloths, then the color revolution is a ConveDD of the leveraged buyout: privatizing a country, a country of countries. For lawyers -- their researchers, PIs, and M.D. examiners -- the only difference between workmen's-comp claimants, car-accident patients, and corporate-person victims of hostile takeovers is the amount of fees to be made. Not only are the wankers of finance common-good purblind, either/or logic mandates systemic driven-sulky-horse blinder-blinkers as regards awareness cum acknowledgement of corporate-commons-social needs not bound to corporations' stockholders. Not interested! even in face of Spaceship Earth clearly becoming Easter Island. When the whowhatit which people all over the planet vote-in/vote-for is scrutinized, not only is knowledge that Franchise-is-Fraud reinforced, but concurrence with the collective karma to come is catalyzed. The incommensurability between what I saw as a mil.brat and what I heard of what I was told set me in quiet back-reaction quite early in life; nonetheless, not until the tenth grade, upon accessing non-school libraries, did I slowly begin to build a real picture of U.S. history, surely among the worst which the horrendous human saga has to offer. Growing up with the exposure I had, it didn't take me, an 18-year-old, many months after landing in D.C. as one of eighty AU-SIS incoming students, late-August of 1963, to suspect that a career spent kowtowing to socially-conferred role attributions, the identified occupants for the most part deranged (Paul Craig Roberts is an excellent diagnostician and a good pathologist, but never devoted much attention to the study of etiology), was no more the life for me than would be that devoted to a military career. Using a single-valued Mm-money-machine, based on the EMperor's µTm-quantum-tech dressed in hand-me-down 1T2-only-Cartesian-Newtonian not-all-that-smart e-clothes, to take for free everything that strikes their fancy around the planet simply by printing USDs, by QE, by ZIRPFE, by FEDerated asset inflation cum paladin asset confiscation is no longer good enough to satisfy their habituated glutamate-etched pleasure centers; they insist on being paid by their victims for what they steal for free, and they want to be adulated as Savior for creating and maintaining this deist SonTFather New-World-ordered 1T2ed thou-shalt/thou-shalt-not binary coercion. If they don't get the worship they demand, their warships, under the false-flag-justification mists suffusing Papa's transference Platonia, will launch Big-Swinging-Dick DU-projectile rocket attacks, their dead-bee-ConveDD drones will Strike Back at all existential denials construed, they will take their mil.exercise ball and go home, eXecute an embargo, enforce sanctions, and maybe even tactical nuke'm for their own failure to adequately juke'm. Even the nowadays-policymakers of the apocryphal Free World, it certainly seems certain, have so succumbed to the decades of black self-propaganda that even they don't even know, even perhaps don't even suspect (how deep into SpecOps records archived long before digitalization, e.g., once shelved in the restricted area of the JFKSWCS Library, would they have had to have delved-into to have been into On The Road To Find Out? and, like when the OSS X-2 CI docs were destroyed, how much cleaning up was performed on the already-well-[in]san[e]itized?) that U.S.-directed ROK-perpetrated CI-ops (a euphemism) against the North conducted in the North precipitated the preemptive 25 July 1950 strike against the South. Moreover, studies, however assiduous, of the Soviet archives, expurgated and non-expurgated, are very unlikely to have been altogether informative in that respect -- though one must contemplate that the current DPRK leadership has surely not unlearned actual facts of the actual historical case (see, for instance, Who Really Started the Korean War, Justin Raimondo, AntiWar.com, 28 July 2013 reposted 19 April 2017). Is the decades-ago-forecasted nascent Greater-China qua Mahayana-Buddhist Bloc (here is the first piece I've seen written by other than myself speculating as to why the occasion may arise when Japan would no longer be within the U.S. defensive perimeter) rubbing its palms together at the prospect of U.S.-policy forcing? On the wings of eagles, not those of doves? The greatest threat to me has always been modern technology -- and only minimally of the mil.cop.crim.terr types, despite the Age of Arm|age[dd}on having persisted since the mid-19th-century. Armies of jackals led by sheepy careerists! I don't believe copyrighted scientific papers have socially-redeeming value like open-source public nudity arguably has: such papers have exploitation value which can only be transformed by making their publication a public service -- just as the internet can only be redeemed by making it an open-source public utility funded by monies currently devoted to militaries. In this context, I must inform, remind, whatever the case may be, that that SF-generation -- my generation, my one-memetime buddies! -- which created (irrespective of the Malaya-Emergency-grad who managed to MTOE-cum-TDA-manage navigation of the super-convoluted TAADS, that being the kind of misattribution they're always do-doing) SAD-SOG Delta Force was the most informed such generation vis-à-vis all subsequent generations. But incontestably not the most competent: my then-self-initiated FortSam rod-and-gun-club Browning Hi-Power practice surely was nothing, absolutely nothing, compared to nowadays VR-qua-killhouse over-and-over training -- not to mention all the techy-stuff not publically publishable. Just ask my close-SF-Medic-class-friend, Lawrence N. Freedman (an authentically-brilliant guy, and no, as no one then held, fried man, though misspelling was a commonplace), were he still alive. This is my relative-state paying-my-survivor-due-diligence to one-of-my-dead, most-identity-transparent, never-to-be-forgotten, other-I-ams -- like it or not! Freedman was awarded the Intelligence Star in the same chapel that my sister and brother-in-law (another authentically-brilliant guy) were married half a century ago, Larry, as was that whole SF-Medic class, in attendance. Veracity of information is always echelon-sensitive! the critical echelon most often being in the midlands. Full-blown-psychotic lemmings-over-the-cliff species suicide or food-implemented industrialized mass murder on a planetary scale: take your pick. Why a suicide which is murder -- and two-hundred years of built-up momentum? Fear and loathing of loss of conviction in the false claim to non-existent, single-valued, non-quantum simple-identity. The very idea that any aspect of nature, any of its identity-transparent µTm-relative-states -- [per}sons, plants, animals, land, genomes -- has actual decoherence sufficient to simple-ownership, can be 1T2-only-denominated property of personal persons, corporate persons, government agencies, institutions transnational is, CTCly-unto-µTmly speaking of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, suicidally murderous, murderously suicidal. It was during this late-'70s juncture, overnight, it seemed, that the, 9/11, uh, uh, the 7/11 next door to Hills Nursery West on the horribly-built-environmental way to Reston (immiserating metroplexes, indeed! and corruption-designed, the subdeviders infraveloping the landscape rather than decentralizing the socio-politico-economic mindscape) suddenly filled up at 7:30 a.m. with two dozen patrons, and I was the only person, including the overwrought Bangladeshi clerk, who spoke understandable English. Being a nonbeliever in efficacy of 1T2-only governance, assuredly consigns one to utter skepticism as regards necessity of public binary-affairs, Boolean-decision science, Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna statecraftiness. Mac{hi}nations within the retinue of political-class personages befalling the planet subsequent to advent of 18th-century rationalism are virtually indistinguishable from machinations within the cavalcade of royals throughout the European Dark Ages: a strong indicator as to the level of incompetence brought to governance-by-man{age]ment within human systems, by whatsoever cortège, throughout the whole of his story. But what can be expected, given officialdom's socially-conferred egoic-role attributions with which personas identify? Heh-heh-heh! Impertinent appurtenances -- skulking, funereal scolds, really, if occasionally pallid -- each with hisher Special Assistant for Reputation Management. And thus sprach superegoic-He unto egoic-them: Let there be a thousand privatized Carcers to cancer the 2nk-fitness landscape! Unfortunately, Be Bamboo! is a survival-strategy theme most can't reckon into the status of a meme. The degree to which Americans have bought into 1T2-only either/or politics is exemplified in the polarity exhibited by two recent assessments of Mr. Wilson's War (that war, not reviews of the book by that title which I read during my senior year of high school, circa spring of 1963): A Century Ago Woodrow Wilson Took America Into WWI: Blame Him For Communism, Fascism And Nazism, Doug Bandow, Forbes, 6 April 2017; and How 'Mr. Wilson's War' Shaped the World Order, Arthur Herman, National Review, 6 April 2017. Yet another Basileus of the Isgreed dynasty? Given that many, if not most, goods nowadays are not good, intelligent people quietly just simply stop buying offending items, as organized boycotts are so easily interdicted. What is fought for nowadays is which vision shall capture peri-saccadically mislocated memory, all future histories of the biosphere, given governing human inertias, having become more or less nugatory -- petrowar being one form of the alliance jockeying preliminary to presently-incipient PW1 (planetary war one) which, in full florescence, would dissipate a large amount of the oil and gas resources at issue. Those who really want to authentically know whowhat, beyond themselves, the terrorists actually work for should look at the targeting policies chosen, and those policies not chosen, by them. On the apparent other side, complementing the healthcare racket are precrime policing and the K&T (knock and talk: see, for instance, Death at Your Door , John W. Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute, 27 March 2017) tactic, these latter two simply being domestications of the post-DesertOne JSOC (and what surely must be its functional equivalents to the Greek Projects) PhoenixGlobal pogrom and the S&S (snatch and snuff) Stuff clearly routinely practiced ever since initialization of the various CT programs in Viet Nam during the late-1950s. The injustice of attainder, having recently been billed as legit, was writ large in the GWOTing of Phoenix. As regards this domestication, flash forward, appraise "Standing Rock Documents Expose Inner Workings of 'Surveillance-Industrial Complex'", Alleen Brown and Will Parrish and Alice Speri, The Intercept, 3 June 2017, and compare the CORDS-ICEX role of PIOCCs and DIOCCs to the surveillance-industrial-complex role of fusion centers -- and think about how prevalent was, for instance, personal score-settling at establishment of designated targets. Thrills, revenge, spite, frustration, rage, sheer orneriness, sexual thrall. The random-number generator of the emboli responsible for the aberrance of the mass lesion which is the collective binary-mind. When the various, and ever more numerous, militaries, state and private, impressed and mercenary, citizen and careerist, split against themselves, as inevitably they will, then shall one future history be separated from the rest. At least many of the political leaders of Rome were periodically put in harm's way by the wars, including autoimmune dyscrasias, they created, having been themselves required to take to the field with their legions, or lose their authority. Some of the sicker people on the planet have been setting the human agenda for generations, and have continued so to do unto this day. Despite continued synoptic rise and unabated mega-urban growth, no intelligent well-informed person can presently assign a small probability to the notion that TPTB have long been effectuating their low-intensity long-term Final Solution to the overpopulation problem. In a relative-state context, the Sins-of-This-World stay in this world? Dependent Origination in one mind-moment, one-mind moment, is the µTm-Everettian baisis for the Doctrine of Karma, m-simultaneous incarnations being the supreme version of cosmic solipsism. Unbridled hedonism being an abysmal regression of be-here-now, Attend! Attend!, reversion of cathexes from identification with the object, being-in-itself ontically placed upon Schrödinger-memetime-independent m-valued state-function, uh, that being the case, then spiraling through many loop-quanta of elliptical 1T2-self effacement is the only route of entry by which to gravitate upon µTm-relative-state identity-transparency: kowtowing before personification of a transferred superego function simply won't do it. Those who doubt that TPTB are capable of planning far ahead would do well to read of War Plan Orange, circa 1890, and be aware that Robert McNamara was a fire-bombing assistant to Curtis LeMay. The predominant persistent behavioral profile, extreme income disparity, slavery and virtual slavery were, taken as a composite, one thing during the rise and fall of Rome when the human population of planet Earth was relatively so very small (making the Roman holocaust of infidel peoples -- who ultimately sacked Rome -- percentage-wise quantitatively worse even than those of the modern and postmodern eras, so far, that is), technological incursions upon nature minimal, and instruments of war trivial weapons with which to assault the geo-bio-atmo-magneto-sphere; quite another matter today: no expiation could adequately propitiate the Gods, even for what has already been done these last 300 years. Says they, TPTB: rude-boy counterfactuals are clapped-out noise, not a postman's information. 'A' caused 'B' and 'B' caused 'C'. End of story. Details, however fuzzing, don't change that fact, which is THE fact. Americans are interested in facts, not details; that's what makes the U.S. so great. A nation don't need to big itself up when it's got the facts on its side. Uh, uh, sir, yessir, pardon me, sir, but it seems most unlikely that the functionaries (guv.edu.mil.corp) will ever consciously identify their worst enemy, their by-far-most-competent foe: unexpurgated relativistic-µTm-quantum mechanics of natural processes and the actual techno-basis of many of the instrumentalities of coercion, subjection, imprisonment, war, famine, epidemic, holocaust, genocide, occupation which those functionaries routinely employ and mistakenly believe they can indefinitely cloak effectively in Cartesian-Newtonian clothes like 1T2-only patent and copyright laws written by henchmen paladins to service, not creators and innovators largely acting as receptive agents of µTmly-collective-unconscious-as-infinite-sets, but corporate 1T2-only [per}sons. Cloaking in such clothes is a failing, and certain to altogether fail, clinger strategy, given the degree to which innovation in the world of high finance has been a back-reactive, compensatory-abreactive monotonic function of ever more thorough experimental verification of the bizarre-to-binary-mind aspects of quantum-relativity physics -- a virtually-psychotic psychologically-regressed function propelled by group-mind-mediated inordinate ConveDDing.
M.C.ing man and nature, the manhandling of nature, the nature of man: We are the best -- Ba-Boom! -- brightest -- Ba-Boom! -- and biggest -- Ba-Boom! -- success in history of the planet, and we are going to stay the best, brightest, and biggest! Unfortunately, this declaration having tacitly set the agenda, little of real interest could be found in [con}spectus of Innovate Finance Global, The World's Leading FinTech Conference, London, 10th-11th April 2017. However huge be trepidation at contemplation of the task, greatly increased efficiency at non-renewable-resource securitization, conservation, and utilization requires radical reduction in magnitude of the mania factor in fad-production of redundancies and in consumption of unnecessaries. [De}dip{so]mania vis-à-vis 1T2-only-subject/object relations: never wanting much is to never want for much: possessive objects (possessive by projective-identification) are an enormous burden, a huge inner drag, an anchoring drift-net. One of the Boomer babies, I've been a waterfalled hyperMillennial wallflower all my life, as regards the Ms' spending and saving behaviors described by Charles Hugh Smith in Millennials Are Abandoning the Postwar Engines of Growth: Suburbs and Autos, Of Two Minds, 11 April 2017. However, different subsets of Ms exhibit late-Weimar-youth profiles I do not share: a penchant for socialism, a liking for the military life, an embrace of the Intel agencies' agendas, a nationalistic normotic creed. With my µTm-quantum-[autopoi}onomy observations, I'm not suggesting that the nesting-foamed fractal-e-boundaries upon which µTm-LETS currencies would be defined would change as frequently as, say, high-frequency funds change their briefly-held assets, although it seems plausible that some indicator-fine-grain-tagged values stacked (such µTm-currency-unit-value-sheaving not completely unlike how sliced 1T2-only-CDO tranches are priced according to relative-state correlations [k-values] between them, the collateral in the µTm-LETS case being Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of factors of total capital stock) upon a given µTm-LETS currency's base-state could so rapidly change. Going short or long on the value of some value in composition of a given commodity-backed µTm-LETS-currency-unit value-sheaf would help tune the µTm-quantum-composite which is that unit, thus making for more accurate registration of the time-shapes of the capital stock signified by the µTm-currency in question. Systemic risk involved in utilization of such monetary schemata would be minimal in a radically-uncentralized, bottom-up-implemented, subsystem-system-supersystem, tiling-pattern-multi-sheeted, nesting-foam-composite framework with µTm-processed, m-valued transactions being one among the framework-determining conditions. Quantdom -- fortunely for few, unfortunately for most -- has been µTm-quantum-dumb. The action-directive aspect of the m-values placed upon currency-unit base-states is a non-moral-upbraiding fundamental mechanism with which to facilitate movement in a de-this/de-that Taoist-non-doing fashion. I remember meeting an ex-Army-buddy esquire-type, a counsellor-pleader-solicitor-advocate, in San Francisco whilst he was attending a bankruptcy-attorneys' conference on the ongoing savings and loan crisis -- and sitting in for a day listening to them debate Resolution Trust Corporation strategy and tactics as regards handling of the non-amortizing loans properly identified as having long-since defaulted (for the larger context, see here). That evening over a fine filet, asked what I thought, I said that it sounded to me like they were in process of creating the preconditions for the next much bigger crisis. Asked why and how, I was clearly incomprehensible, hence altogether unsuccessful at explaining why the billions and billions and billions in bad-loan-bundling-securitization gambit would become tantamount to disinformation prefigurative of all manner of misallocation, laxity, moral hazard, and so on, because the bundling would inevitably be bungled, that financial innovation being a ConveDD, a conversion-disorder displacement, sans fiber-bundle arithmetics, of the µTm-valued-logics suppressed by PCPing (re: politically correct physics) Schrödinger's m-valued state-function into being regarded a mere matter of probability amplitudes, those amps being analogous to price-quantified speculation that this-and-that tranche-slice will/won't piecewise default, make a quantum jump down to a lower energy level. Rather a monetary-system-embodied µTm-processed time-shapes registry for the global autopoionomy's total-capital-stock resource base, or the nth-swapping of swaps written on a CDS written on the mezzanine tranches of a cross-category synthetic hyper-CDO? -- multilateral loans, central bank loans, bank loans, thrift loans, credit-card loans, loan-shark loans, bundled or not, supposedly being important factors in resource-qua-massenergy-utilization equations. The problems with fractional-reserve lending are the avariciously-driven inverse-size of the fraction required and the gluttonously-driven direct-degree of megaoligopolization in finance and banking -- stock-jock boiler room, CDO chop shop, black, dark, simply off-book, commercial, investment, commervest, semi-sovereign, sovereign, suprasovereign. And too few of Kimba-in-the-Woods!
Natural systems employ nonlinear, m-valued-function (think: multi-directional), multi-sheeted Riemann-surface-type covering, particular-unto-universal -- not linear, 2-valued, shortTlong-binary-processed, short coverings (and short squeezes at high SIR, short interest ratio: is the name MacDude or MacDud?). Lukasiewicz-Post-µTm understood independent of the notion truth-value: ana[the}MA to those mistaking Aristotelian truth for Platonic beauty. Elementary particles have not only-real momentum investment and are not simply on-or-off, or fuzzy-logically therehere -- they carry (not mere probability amplitudes) relative-state, synoptic-hologramic information about total subsystem-system-supersystem composite state(s), i.e., the µTm-unto-CTC-unto-[Ts-of-higher-cardinal}infinitudes in which All-That-Is is Sakharov-multi-sheet-universe sliceable into [w}racked Tranches (tranches like are, say, sliced from CDSed (i.e., Credit default swaps activity heats up, Philip Stafford and Joe Rennison, Financial Times, 4 February 2016, if the FT allows the link to link!) synthetic CDOs of CDOs of CDOs -- except that, in this financialization case, however masterfully blythely heedless and blithely euphoric, every aspect involved is 1T2-only, hence only shortable or longable), and concerning what those sliced laminations' identity-transparent Lukasiewiczian correlations are, these µTm-correlations en masse largely constituting the quantum potential for autopoiesis and self-organization. The whole bedraggled entropic [s}watch of Benoit-denigrated 1T2-absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct-egoic notions as to the nature of Nature is 1T2-paradoxically broad-spectrum symptomatology of mass-motivated-qua-herded confirmation bias, e.g., for example, the anti-animistic-paganism preference for illusory non-correlation qua the disinter{twin]ement shooing away staffed-up participation mystique (eminently signifiable with a compensatory-abreactive twin-pairing synchronicity? one 2T2 might Ask a nest thereof), a quaint-quant preference-prejudice deeply involved in etiology and pathogenesis of the 2007-8 meltdown. The belief-ensemble perseveration incumbent upon early-onset collective-dementia, especially if Care-V-elled 73-billion times over, is far worse than mere belief perseverance. To be is to become ideologized: thus spake-sprach-spoke a forked-tongue green-spanning FED as it hid from the quant ConveDDing -- of glutamate-etched-physicist-dissimulated relativistic-quantum mechanics -- achieved by the financial engineering which analogically assimilated to econometrics µTm-quantum-based technology 1T2-stunted in having been gaffe-prone-subjected (Turing's suborning by war being an exemplary case) to institutionally-imposed Cartesian-Newtonian cretinistic prescriptions and proscriptions. Was it the Battle of [Iss}us which spawned I[am}be of Imp? Well to consider, however, in casting about to assign blame, is that it is the great mass congregating the hog trough which regresses archetypal event gradients of the collective unconscious into 1T2-discontinuous wild-leaping Newtonian non-linearities, and that logicians cum mathematicians cum physicists cum financial quants, among other intellectuals, are subject to resultant behavioral gradients just like everyone else. The whyhows and whenwheres that such 1T2-discontinuities arise and transit to cuspover are natural phenomena, human registrations-mentations -- unconscious and conscious and the fuzzy-sets betwixt and between, as construed by binary-mind -- being relative-states of externality-non-permitting Nature in all itshershis third-order dynamical, µTm-unto-CTC-unto-[Ts-of-higher-cardinal}infinitudes, non-orientable, self-referential-reflexive-reentrant, Schrödinger-memetime-independent, demergent hyparxical ableness-to-be. The paradox that a universal wave-function must include conscious-unconscious observer-participants that it cannot include because participant-observers must be external to the wave-function to observe it as they must is paradoxical only because of persistence in the misbelief that pregeometry is a 1T2-only truth-value-bound logic of propositions, not those identity-transparency-valued and Gödel-numbered-Gödel-numbered µTm-unto-CTC-unto-[Ts-of-higher-cardinal}infinitudes. It is by psycho-induction that the overwhelming mass of hog-trough regressors subliminally elicit clinging behaviors from the likes of a John A. Wheeler. The neoliberal monoculturing of planet Earth these last four decades: a Strum-und-Drang night-sea-journey nazification by compulsive overvetting in compensatory abreaction to voracious overbetting -- in dark pools, no less! How possibly could a converted psycho-displacement of a dissembled probability-dissimulation have successfully achieved what is still absolutely necessary, i.e., psycho-sexo-socio-politico-economic integration within the collective psyche of the imports of the techno-artifacts spun off by inescapably-Lukasiewiczian, multiscale, relativistic-quantum mechanics-cum-organics? Fat-tailed (1T2-only-hidden µTm-relative-state correlations) Gaussian-margins called, such calls signaling that far-from-equilibrium-thermodynamic borrowers (through the nested-multiscale-money-meshwork) from Nature's prime broker of negentropy must restore the real energy-momentum imbalances their borrowing has inculcated -- if complex and hypercomplex angular-momentum cascade (µTm-processed, with assistance from acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, by 3-fold temporal CURL) through margin accounts is to be avoided; if no such restoration, then severe storm genesis. Discussed at Cornell throughout the mid-to-late-'70s, details of such analogical thoughts were clearly Off The Beat of the corpus of prevailing mass projective-identifications. Uncritical of the shared mistaken assumptions predisposing popular histories -- and most academic histories in the post-WWII era -- policymakers no less than the masses have little idea how historical events actually originate: the reigning conception is all on the surface; deep-structure, the level of authentic determinants and attractors, is altogether disregarded, scoffed at if mentioned (Doesn't make much sense, frankly), unsuspected by most participants, most of whom have never heard of, let alone read in the raw, for instance, C. G. Jung. Misbelievin' in 1T2-only rationality of humans and the human systems they create (all to the contrary deemed irrational, pathological, perverse) is so strong that it pervades even avant-garde psychiatric texts like Ignacio Matte Blanco's The Unconscious as Infinite Sets: An Essay in Bi-logic; thus, like Gödel, like Penrose, implicitly relegating Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics to the [real}m of Polish jokes (so as to conceal actual origins of WWII, for instance). How many [Po}lacks does it take to change a light bulb? Three: one to hold the bulb and two to turn the ladder. This is a collective-unconscious-mediated metaphor for cascade theory of tornadogenesis written in cylindrical coordinates, and also for quantum properties of DNA helix-coil transition, 1T3-logic standing in for the whole of µTm-unto-CTC logics, the bulb-Sun being the source of solar-wind-conveyed angular momentum cascading down the scale-level ladder of atmospheric wave motions, or, in the DNA case, the bulb signifying the radiation exchanged as the nucleotide-pair rungs replicate with turning -- tornado touch-down having been a widely invoked (e.g., The Quants by Scott Patterson) metaphor for the stepped-down, del{ever]aged, operator-executed unwind of the light of Boolean-bulbed rationality during lightning-shocked storming of the 2007-8 markets. But naturally, µTmly speaking Nature's language, that is, storms are normative, fulfill essential functions -- and the polymorphous, not perverse; non-simple relative-state multi-identity, not pathological. A decade after the mega-standard-deviation deviant event, there's still not much chance that 1T2-only deterministic chaos, 2nk complexity theory, binary-logical fat tails, black Boolean swans will take the cognoscenti far at design of a system-composite actually accommodative of µTm-quantum-based technology, no matter how well shrouded that Marvel be in Aristotelian-Baconian Cartesian-Newtonian vestments. Since the 2007-8 meltdown mirrored the 9/11 WTC meltdown which mirrored the LTCM meltdown which mirrored the Black Monday meltdown, it seems -- rejection, by non-relativistic-quantum quant scientistic classical-limit imprinters, of Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis aside -- that there would be little profit from disputing the DDx-notion that liquid ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements, were deeply involved in etiology and pathogenesis -- and that replacement of the software drivers inducing the ConveDDed demolitions must be integral to any effective long-term Rx. For instance, currency carry-trade investment-lending profits made across value and interest-rate differentials are servants of 5-star-global-monoculture uniformization which steals local multiplier effects and quenches locally-specific adaptive responses to multiscaled and patchwork changes of circumstances -- most importantly for survival on a grossly overpopulated planet, changes in environmental-externality-type circumstances. The viscosities involved in µTm-LETS-currency-unit value sheaves and in LETS-currency nesting foams, without imposition of blanket restrictions on repatriation or invocation of Tobin-type taxes, would dampen the hot-money flows involved in carry-trade exploitation and likely other types of cross-foam do-nothing arbitrage which quench system adaptivities, foster unwarranted-qua-parasitic income disparities, and magnify the damaging 1T2-only forms of high-k-value correlations which foster strong determining tendencies for movement toward critical-state snapover into septicemic contagions. If the elementary particles, i.e., monetary units, of a quantum [autopoi}onomy are to facilitate similar levels of self-organizational competence (including of internalized externalities: flash forward and see The Looting Machine Called Capitalism, Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy, 25 April 2017) as those achieved by nature, then they, the monetary units, too, must carry hologramic m-valued information about total system state(s), information that is µTm-logically processed. However, second-order dynamics, even were those dynamics µTm-processed, simply can't capture self-referential, non-orientable, self-reentrant, reflexive, collective-and-cooperative behaviors of identity-transparent quantum-composites -- which, in a 1T2-only human-systems framework can snap to participation inconsciente and even raw-fear-driven fat-tailed contagion (were, that is, one inclined to reference only to 1T2-only-Gaussian curve and copula functions in arriving at the assessment motivating the making of such a parenthetical statement of reservation). A nuanced portrait of µTm-processed third-order dynamics would be required for adequate capture. Skittish, panicked, clamped down, cinched up -- and not by circumstantial surface-structure dynamics: those running from their own shadow-archetype doppelganger-figure in this post-Planck-Einstein era have only their attachment to the Enlightenment to blame. O, for Clockmaker's sake! jus' attack the panic, whydon'tya? Ah, tornadogenesis-by-butterfly-wing-flap, that'll do it, that'll save the classical limit. All outside the Newtonian-domain NWS-forecast model is pernicious, is pathology, is lacking in the oh-so-precious precedence relations apropos the commonest of laws. But why this allegiance to a thief, memetime, to perceived projected-pattern in his story? Zhang-Zhung! all ye wed unto Graeco-Buddhological proselytizing. Corruption of words due to lost insight as regards 3-fold operator-time: Buddha = Uddu = 0-del-del-0 -- though, really, it should be 0-del-del-del-0 = Udddu = (B{u])dd([d}h)&. Given virulence of the collective unconscious opposition to the recent re-arising of third-order dynamics, is it any wonder that the Buddhas of Bamiyan were destroyed and holographically resurrected? But, the protest goes, Cantor's cardinalities, where a part can be cardinal-equivalent to its whole, even contain the whole of which it is a part, that silly stuff came to Cantor during his seizures, probably as mathistic notions in numerological metaphor for the [per}sonal God he could not, as a trained mathematician, count[e}nance [per}son|if[i}cation of. And the overworked observation that there is a physical correlate to that Cantorian word salad -- in that a broken-off piece of a holographic plate contains all the information contained by the whole plate because projection of the image using only the piece projects the whole image -- is gross exaggeration, if not mere bunk altogether. That piece-projected image is fuzzy, therefore can't contain all the information of the whole-projected image. But -- the rejoinder rejoined -- it should not be forgotten (1) that both images are processed and displayed to consciousness by 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched under impress of prescriptive enculturation-socialization (moreover, Cantor's seizures may have been abreactions composed of autogenic discharges induced by sudden conscious contact with processing of the µTm-quantum brain), and (2) that the technology employed to project the holographic images dedicates the holograms to the visible spectrum, does not superpose either a hypersounded acoustic hologram or an acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode hologram. What does µTm-unto-CTC-unto-[Ts-of-higher-cardinal}infinitudes Nature apprehend as a hologramic quantum-composite? And what does that apprehension have to say about techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-valued LETS?
Perhaps the best way to understand meaning of the term relative-state identity-transparency is via Bell's theorem, circa 1964: no matter how far removed in spacetime the particles may be, an alteration in the state of one particle of a 2-particle-entangled system is instantaneously registered by the other, without violation of Special Relativity's proscription of superluminal velocities of transmission of information. This theorem has found experimental support. Particle entanglement involves non-simple identity, an identity-transparency in violation of the 1T2-logic Law of Distributed Middle and the 1T2-logic Law of Non-Contradiction. The direct immediate import of Bell's theorem is that µTm-unto-CTC-unto-[Ts-of-higher-cardinal}infinitudes of Lukasiewicz logics (understood not in terms of truth-value, but in terms of relative-states of identity-transparency) must be employed to interpret the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, not probability amplitudes. The hidden variables associated with the quantum potential are Borel-set-bucket-of-dust prepregeometric and Lukasiewiczian pregeometric, as well as so-called temporally and spatially nonlocal, indeed, altogether ponderablespace-cum-memetime independent: no spooky action at a distance is involved because no information transfer is involved (only a change of the involved order-of-logical-value). If, furthermore, Everett's relative-state formulation is reformulated relative to an m-valued Lukasiewiczian understanding of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, then the relative in relative-state would not refer to a preferred-basis one-to-one m-valued-function-branch-correspondence (opaque to the observer due to memetime-bound thermodynamic-entropic constraints) between schizophrenic splitting observer and universe splitting into multiverse, but would denote an animistic-pagan jellyfishized Lukasiewiczian omni-transparency of 1T2-only Boolean-identifiable identities within this one-and-only super-non-orientable universe with Cabalistic premicrophysical memetime-independence, i.e., a p-braned, Wheelerian-superspace world knot requiring for its characterization non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers and Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes, such that the universal wave-function is wave-effect-calculable iff Lukasiewiczian.
No observer is a non-participator standing in a single-valued state relative to a corresponding single-valued branch (1T2-only-memetime-boundedly treated as a his-story branching) of All-That-Is -- and the contention that the opposite claim conforms to all observations is hokum, for that claimed conformation is actually only the case as regards all observations deemed legitimate by falling within purview of those definitions sure to confirm the desired conformation, e.g., observations made by the participant-observer in this-or-that/that-and-this altered state(s) are [man}dated illegitimate-by-definition, despite existence of many-valued logics interpreted just so as to define away legitimacy. Anti-animistic-pagan, identity-transparency-nixing, preferred-basis de-bridging of the branches of the Riemann surface covering the m-valued Schrödinger state-function is epiphenomenal to the prescriptively-enculturated-cum-socialized reductive notion that pregeometry is only 1T2-only-logically-valued propositional calculus. In Lukasiewiczian conception, where psychoneuroimmunological variables are conjugated to the Hamiltonian operator of the entangled subsystem-system-supersystem composite state-function at subclinical and clinical measurement, decoherence does not transpire, leastwise not in a passive-referential-memetime definable only by employment of 1T2-only logic. Decoherence demerges through Wheelerian superspace Schrödinger-memetime-independently via Abelian-E.T.Bellian decompositional involutes, by, that is, veiling, by the dropping away of logical-value order-types from the reference space of system-composite state-function -- the demerger being topologically-active 3-fold operator-time; deleveraging sell-off unmergerings aside, the human expression being glutamatergic neuronal pruning and associated quantum quenching, autogenic brain discharge activity being involved in spontaneous localization and fusion, not by non-unitary collapse (under 1T2-only processing) of the m-valued state-function to single-valued, and its reconstitution, but by decomposition-recomposition of the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert reference space, de-re being critical-state prepregeometric-unto-pregeometric-and-vice-versa transitions, i.e., ontologically prior to the geometrodynamics which is ontologically prior to spacetime physics. I have little doubt that a rocket ship can be built to fly me to the moon using 1T2ly correct and extremely accurate measurements that are µTmly incorrect and inaccurate unto CTCly exceedingly incorrect and inaccurate: that's one of the features of multiply-connected non-orientable non-selfsameness in this one-and-only multiply-connected non-orientable non-selfsame universe. Doublethink is a reductionistic, implicit, perhaps subliminal, parody of µTm-unto-CTCthink, and -- given that Orwell was castigating doublethink as being psychosociopolitically disastrous -- a clinger's affirmation of identification with the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction, validity-utility of which Orwell at least subliminally sensed, if not actually comprehended, had been brought under serious challenge by m-valued logics and, subsequently, Schrödinger's m-valued state-function. In the Borning room, 1T2-only truth-value was saved from euthanasia in hands of quantum specops mechanics, this saving a violation of nature reflected via compensatory inversion in the Ministry of Truth's identity-of-opposites minitruths-actually-infratruths, e.g., truths are lies, war is peace, submission is triumph. The main purpose of the Born Rule and the Copenhagen Interpretation having been to keep quantum mechanics from subverting the classical limit in description of reality, just imagine J. A. Wheeler's reaction upon having, in 1974, a Cornell meteorologist describe to him acoustic analogues to black holes in Earth's atmosphere -- polite dismissal -- and later, 1977, receiving from me, under a Cornell letter-headed cover letter, a paper describing a macroquantum account of tornadogenesis involving topologically-active complex and hypercomplex quantal operator-time -- even more polite dismissal. And just consider the subliminal forcing involved. How is a leading edge of a civilization which has for several thousand years destroyed pagan animists wherever they have been found to respond to the thesis that the logics tacitly underlying animistic-pagan participation mystique qua contagion are essential to a correct understanding of the Schrödinger wave-function? With unilateral non-dominant ECT, burn the CNS of each heretic, fire him up along with his cuckoo's nesting-foam for substituting a god's-eye view of All-That-Is-And-Is-Not for the prevailing, dominant, superegoic bird's-eye view! That has been the fulminator's non-theological take on physics as a consensuating enterprise in support of enculturation-socialization. However, memetime-bound, 1T2-only, non-theological physics -- in denial of The Case, i.e., to once again repeat, µTm-unto-CTC-unto-[Ts-of-higher-cardinal}infinitudes-valued Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert space, from which Tzog-chen-qua-Taoist-qua-Tantric-Schrödinger-AllBase Leibnizian-preestablished harmony, universally, if invisibly to binary-mind, covering decoherent disharmony, demerges by beginning-in-the-womb glutamatergic neuronal etching qua neural-network wipeouts and associated quantum quenching of subclinical and clinical autogenic discharges under impress of prescriptive enculturation-socialization mistakenly assuming inherent non-resolvable conflict -- is largely responsible for the psychopathology of modern life, an inordinately virulent pathology increasingly physical as the geo-bio-atmo-magneto spheres deteriorate more and more due to the postmodern Lebenswelt unrelentingly slime-mold-elaborating itself. BigBodies: BigEgo, BigCon, BigGuv, BigMil, BigWeapon, BigSpy, BigCommo, BigPhoenix, BigCop, BigAcademo, BigScience, BigPsyop, BigOil, BigShip, BigDotCom, BigBank, BigTrader, BigQuant, BigConglomo, BigCar, BigMed, BigGeno, BigPharma, BigChemo, BigAgra, BigFood, BigStore, BigProlFood, BigFisher, BigMetal, BigMine, BigStone, BigConUrb But, per the above, what sorts of harmony and disharmony? During October of 1977, I was staying in the Kubiak (author of BBT, big-body theory) household in Kyoto when the reply from Wheeler arrived in Ithaca. I had gone to Kyoto at the invitation of Wolfgang Luthe to present a paper on autogenic brain discharge activity to a world congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, a paper containing an initial sketch of our application of the atmospheric what is now referred to as the acoustic analogue to black hole computing solitonic-geonic-pi-electron-parcel-gas-core-dynamical model of DNA radiation exchange at helix-coil transition. Doug Paine read Wheeler's letter and sent it on to me in Kyoto, but it never arrived at David Kubiak's house. Later, Paine recounted the letter's content: Wheeler said something to the effect that he was unfamiliar with the equations of atmospheric science, but, nonetheless, felt that the atmospheric science community would be relieved were the exotic features of quantum and relativity physics not brought into the classical field of meteorology. He had apparently not picked up on the import of m-valued universal physical constants. One certainly was prompted to wonder about Dr. Jason and Associates. Flashing forward, here's an interesting expose as to certain denied assets in the forcing of climate change not identical to global warming. Does Hawking speak for NATO Advance Studies Seminars, unLtd.? It's curiouser and curiouser that, almost 40 years later, Wheelerian devotee Elizabeth A. Rauscher in the constants discussion following her 2014 lecture entitled Universal Scaling Laws in Quantum Theory and Cosmology, YouTube posting 31 October 2016, does not consider m-valuedness. Interdependency of universal physical constants, i.e., their dependent origination in one-mind moment qua one mind-moment: that's the sort of thing µTm-relative-state (which ain't mere collective whoodling like pigeons and cops) is all about, and why such constants are m-valued -- rather than actually variable over memetime, continuous creation transpiring (bucket of dust) pre-pregeometrically and (Lukasiewiczian calculi of propositions) pregeometrically ontologically-before ponderable-space-cum-memetime is.
Unfortunately, I did not run across Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond's paper, Towards a Proper Quantum Theory, Dialectica, 30:2/3, 1976, back in those good ol' Cornell days, though I certainly wish I had because it would have lent some authoritative support to the notions we had by then arrived at. We, too, had concluded that THE universe is altogether quantum-relativistic, classicality being, say, Maya -- and we had arrived at this conclusion studying so-regarded classical systems like those of Earth's atmosphere. We took a revised Everettian stand, embracing much of Fröhlich, rejecting, like Leblond, the multi-worlds interpretation of the relative-state formulation; but, unlike Leblond, we saw the multi-aspect resident in the m-valuedness of Schrödinger's state-function not as memetime-evolving into superpositionings, but as the basis from which Lukasiewiczian demergence decomposes a passive-referential memetime psycho-security hook anchored to the molecular-cellular brain by, in present-day understanding, prescriptive glutamatergic exercises in plasticity. While the basis states on the Tzog-chen AllBase are fully Cantorian in logical-value order-type, the traditional-to-double-slit-experimenting-binary-mind, spin-up/spin-down, two-state quantum system (which theoreticians of the quantum measurement problem have been fixated upon) is a demergent conditional brought into ephemerality by decompositional involutes established by Lukasiewiczian logical operations effectuated by temporal CURL. Topologically-active 3-fold operator-time is-are not to be conjugated to the Hamiltonian total energy operator acting as a memetime-evolution generator; op-time qua-cum temporal CURL is-are to be considered precursors to the Hamiltonian, in effect replacing the Hamiltonian. This, we believed, is most easily verified by studies of tornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition: by the mid-1970s, quantum-relativistic Paine-Kaplan cascade qua spontaneous localization qua decoherence theory cum computer modeling of tornadogenesis was detailing treatment of the severe-storm environment as quantum mechanical and routinely on a 1-km grid forecasting (from historical data sets) formation of tornadoes 12 hours in advance (for context, check out the relevant papers cited in Michael L. Kaplan's CV). Spontaneous localization-fusion is (the so-regarded two transpiring tantamount to simultaneously, making the Parmenidean functionally equivalent to the Heraclitean) not by memetime-forward reduction of the wave-function and memetime-backward reconstitution of the wave-function, or vice versa, howsoever consensus physicists would have it, but by memetime-independent decomposition and recomposition of the universal (Riemann-surface-type) covering of that m-valued function: the memetime-bound entropy issues associated with memetime-reversal are, therefore, not in this respect relevant matters. Moreover, under 3-fold operator-time, micro-meso-macroscopic superpositioning, as a defining property of the base-state of Tzog-chen, involves two orders of nonlinearity; thus, under 3rd-order (which is ontologically-before the 2nd and 1st orders) temporal CURL, branch bridges are not Lukasiewicz-logically (no preferred basis, a matter of the F.Merrell-Wolff high indifferenceof Schrödinger jellyfish) ontologically-yet 1T2-only preferred-basis severed, the Platonia-string-strung superspace-world-knot landscape-bubble-memories being nesting-foamed Klein bottles and higher-order self-reentrant polytopes of the Cabalistic Greater Maze. It was hard to escape awareness of this landscape in contemplating the sacrality attributed to acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode signatures of landforms and lake fetches whilst living several long stone-throws from higher-than-Niagara-cascading (Chief)-Taughannock Falls, near Trumansburg near Ithaca, the base area of the falls being a ground-state meeting locus for tribal articulations and ritual gift exchanges over generations upon generations upon generations. Primordial animistic-pagan human beings had abundant ontic experience of macroscopic superpositionings for thousands and thousands of years, residuals persisting in pockets well into the modern era, until quantum quenched by the classicality imposed by prescriptive glutamate etching of the 1T2-only-IBEs, in-the-body-experiences, largely codified by increasingly-musculature-identified post-Homeric Greeks. Unfortunately, I did not run across H. D. Zeh's paper, On the Interpretation of Measurement in Quantum Theory, Foundations of Physics, 1:1, 1970, back in those good ol' Cornell days, though I certainly wish I had because it would have lent some authoritative support to the notions we arrived at a few years after publication of his paper, although there are substantial differences. As I see it, the fundamental problem with both Everett's derivation of the Born Rule and present-day decoherence (no such word for preferred basis whilst I was at Cornell) theory, propounded on the back of Zeh, is that both plausibilities (plausible only, due to, e.g., the time-reference for decoherence time being memetime, not topologically-active operator-time as is the case for our derived minimum time for spontaneous localization in pi-electron-gas-core dynamics of DNA at helix-coil transition) are predicated upon the unfounded (e.g., the notion that there exists, uh, that there could conceivably exist, complex quantum systems unentangled with their environment such that they could become entangled and thus lose m-valued information [an oxymoron in and of itself], transit over a lapse of memetime from coherent to decoherent, become single-valued and 1T2-only processed, when the very notion denoted by the choice to employ the word entanglement memetime-belies the fact that m-valuedness is THE factor distinguishing quantum systems as being quantum-like, thus indubitably making environmentally-unentangled quantum system an oxymoron -- unless, of course, Schrödinger's always-and-all-ways-infinitely m-valued state-function [i.e., there is no state-function not the universal state-function] is differentially processed 1T2ly-unto-µTmly-unto-CTCly-unto-[Ts-of-higher-cardinal}infinitudes, the reverse memetime-independent logical march being the demergent essence of what is currently referred to as the process of arriving at decoherence, decoherence theory being a compass-pointer version of the classical deist clockmaker-made Enlightenment universe-of-discourse so facilitative, then and now, of Empire, that self-congratulative, patting-oneself-on-the-back-for-uplifting-the-native, state of the nation-state congealed around mass projective-identification with personified Godhead and in quantum-Darwinian [see: Relative States and the Environment: Einselection, Envariance, Quantum Darwinism, and the Existential Interpretation, W. H. Zurek, arXiv, 2007] complementarity to selfish-gened social Darwinism, many of the progenitors having sown wild oats in the Manhattan Project, the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, Los Alamos, the bomb being, of course, THE exemplary world component inducing decoherence: what better targets-analyst self-justification for the local information transfers achieved by the evolutionary natural selection accomplished by repeated use of redundant tactical nukes?) belief-assumption that the normatively perceived-cum-instrumented world of the middle scale levels is effectively-objectively real-numbered-space-and-time classical, not neuronally-anchored collectively-consensuated normotic folie à deux n, i.e., Buddhologically, Maya. The notion µTm-logically-valued relative-state identity-transparency does not predicate multiple 1T2-only-selves anymore than it does multiple 1T2-only universes of multiple 1T2-only multiverses of an over-memetime spatially-expanding 1T2-only megaverse: it predicates selfhood non-selfsame m-times over, the m-times, heh-heh-heh, having to do with m-valued, i.e., memetime-independently-stacked-value, universal constants, physical-only only under 1T2-only logic. Preferred-basis-broken-bridges-between-branches relative-state fast-and-furious gets its thermodynamics-proscription on inter-branch commo first and foremost from being memetime-boundedly 1T2-logically-valued relative-state -- and, consequently, regards any notion of identity qua identity not 1T2-only-definable as metaphysical externality to physics proper, physics thus being considered 1T2-only, just as the notion qubit, quantum binary information unit, [imp}lies. Pretty simple-minded, really, such insistence on patently-projected egoic-simple-identity being the only permissible physical identity. The Oxfordian suring-up of the Born Rule, by Ph.D.s with 1T2-only-operational intelligence, so as to reNewtonian-enforce the notion that 1T2-only-egoic-self interest is the systemic driver of market autopoiesis and self-organization, not the quantum potential resident in memetime-independent-Abelian-E.T.Bellian-decomposable identity-transparency, certainly makes Bohm-explicate one initial Bohm-implicate motivation for knee-jerk rejecting Lukasiewicz m-logics and snap-to embracing n-probabilities relative to Schrödinger's m-valued state-function in depiction of microphysical processes. Carrying Theater of the Absurd not only from the modern to the postmodern, but also into physics, there is established the quintessential rhubarb tautologically resident in the claim that m-valued superposition, coupled to entanglement-with-the-(in their formulation only the near-abroad)-environment which is what m-valued superposition is, is responsible for the appearance of 1T2-only, I-am-me-and-only-me, selfsame, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identity, and definitely not for multivalent identity-transparency (the being-there ontology of such being: A is absolutely not-A m-times over, whereupon, at Dasein-higher-Cantorian-cardinality Ts, So-totally-right-on! Nothing ever happens equals Put-it-there! Everything is nothing but happenings, because all the decomposition products posing as happenings are always already being-there on the highest-logical-value-order-type most-dense-sheet AllBase): the No way!, that's what monogamous, memetime-bound, binary-mind does to Tantric Schrödinger's m-valued copula function, in the specific snowbound Schrödinger case, that function as to the implicate enfold 1T3ly processed and unfolded-explicated under the 3-fold temporal CURL which topologically-active operator-time Tantrically snakes from ketaminergic non-orientable Ouroboros-reentry qua reflexivity unto glutamatergic break-danced Existentialist separatism. AI being a ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) techno-embodiment of a collective psychological projection in-denial-prompted by unacknowledged gathering evidence that binary-mind of mankind is artifice, an artificial intelligence created by neurological anchoring of prescriptive enculturation-socialization, uh, given that ConveDD, higher logical-value order-types are ConveDD-handled, out-there and not in-here, as split-off universes of multiverse(s) or as discharged world components of a one-and-only universe. One more epicycle in the unrelenting effort to save the classical limit, anti-animism, anti-paganism, the Western tradition, the Washington consensus, so on. Physics backdrop as psyops blackprop: stacking, not logical-value order-types, but dissimulations upon myopias. Ignoring Piaget. Ignoring Luneburg. Ignoring metabolism of the neurotransmitters glutamate and ketamine. Debussy, you see, rejected objective linear-time, not because of direct experience of anything to the contrary, but because he happened to hear Balinese gamelan. Nobody, you see, least of all a crazy like Alfred Jarry, had direct immediate experience of visual gestalts like those represented in Analytical Cubism, because that stylistic innovation grew out of passing exposure to African art -- despite Husserlian reductive phenomenology depicting the apparently discrete object-gestalt as a superposition of an infinitude of object-horizons. No one, so it is said, could actually have the baud-rate of consciousness Special-Relativity-requisite to ontic awareness of that memetime-independent process of spontaneous fusion -- let alone coherently speak about it, it being Bell-unspeakable according to the consensus interpretation of quantum mechanics. However, however seemingly similar, the cinematographic horizons of Husserliana are not the same as bridged branches of a Riemann-surface-covered m-valued function. No matter how much into decrepitating multi-minds mentalism, no Dr. [De(side)rat}us [Erase}mi|us, that's for sure; otherwise, he'd have embraced µTm-logically-valued identity-transparency. There is no separate observer! A signal experience in the integral yoga, or with endogenous ketamine flood at, I would suppose, NoMind-accomplished ZaZen. The qubit is an oxymoron! Information never flows! Uh, that is, µTmly-unto-CTCly-unto-[Ts-of-higher-cardinal}infinitudesly speaking in identity-transparent mu-its. Why would info flow when it is Tzog-chen-AllBase-holographic-plately always already herethere? The most salient aspect of the measurement problem is that the distinction drawn between measured and measurer, observed and observer, is epiphenomenal to employment of only 1T2-only logic -- moreover, independent of m-valued logics, under 3rd-order temporal CURL there is ontologically-still non-orientability (only ontologically-subsequently, with the 2nd-order, has multiple-connectedness demerged). The determining tendency of a strange attractor does not teleologically locate the does in memetime-future, but on (oh, so many hows-seen-as-wheres-whens boggles!) a given tends to among all those tends tos which collectively constitute the decomposable Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space. The vonNeumannian psycho-physical parallelism which disallows m-valued pencils of skew-parallels -- despite the m-valuedness of Schrödinger's wave-function? Humph! Mind is hyletic; matter, psychetic: to the mth-state of universal consciousness. Only under 1T2-only has the hyletic fully demerged from universal consciousness (which is supraordinate to psyche no less than to matter) by decomposition operations of topo-active operator-time. Most physicists, it seems certain, are most opposed to allowing consciousness (particularly non-localized, universal, µTm-unto-CTC-unto-[Ts-of-higher-cardinal}infinitudes-quantum, psychetichyletic consciousness, AKA Parmenidean Satchitananda qua, by Abelian-E.T.Bellian decomposition involutes, Heraclitean Turangalila, in Jungian terms the human collective unconscious [i.e., consciousness, that is, not discretely originated by a self-attributing ego-complex] as one among the many subsets of, 1T2ly-speaking only, consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on the m-logically-valued reference space; consciousness in its passive aspect, the space acted upon) into the world-picture because, and pretty much only because, were it so allowed entry, then they'd have to -- in immediate experience, in their mundane pedestrian lives, that is -- deal with the inescapable psychological-perceptual-apperceptual imports thereof, a task for which their education has ill-equipped them. Implicit plausible-denial-type theories, blackpsyche [pro}pounded with explicit plausibility arguments, must, therefore, be purveyed. I believe that in the period before Everett submitted a written dissertation prospectus, he was unfortunately influenced by peers and [pre}ceptors such that his early interest in the 1T2-paradoxes of self-referential propositions was inadvertently quenched sufficiently that he never closely looked at Lukasiewicz logics relative to the measurement problem; nor, so far as I know, have the many many-mindsers. Uh, uh, relating facts 1T2-only, Simon says and don't you know that His [Ma}jesty, despite the sacrality of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian Ma, has expressly forbidden OMG! the CMB -- cosmic microwave background -- is what Lukasiewiczian pregeometry and Borelian prepregeometry look like to the binary-mind! Without an effective-objective classicality, they, the new physicists and TPTB, could not justify all the psycho-doings required to maintain their habitual state of consciousness, such maintenance being required, in turn, as subt(l)e[n}dance to all the justifications they fabricate for their nature raping, their economic oppressions, their political suppressions -- the drawing in of externalities-to-physics as explanation of physicists being considered illegitimate because, as we all know, physics is not politics or warfare. In this, the 200-years-running latest fulmination of the endemic clash of civilizations, the twain of which never shall meet, they've covered every base, and smugly so, but, nature not buying in -- Earth's atmosphere being no decoherent effectively-classical domain (the constantly-memetime-changing m-valued acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode signature of a constantly-memetime-warping theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature constant entropy surface may be regarded an AIC, algorithmic information content, measure supra-physically µTm-logically pregeometry-processed memetime independently) and coding in radiation-exchanging (i.e., given that non-locality does as non-locality is, super-supra-physical prepregeometry and supra-physical m-logically-valued pregeometry-monitoring of the higher-temporal formants of the quantal-algorithmic-information-content-state of the DNA molecule relative to its embedding environments extending to the center of our Milky Way and beyond unto Whoopse! the Klein-bottle reentry) genomes being no 1T2-only-processed single-level encipherment -- in all probability-amplitude their covering will in due course have dire consequences.
Thank you, Ruth Rhoad, for posing the following in the context set by your reference-link to Rachel Aviv's article entitled The Trauma of Facing Deportation, The New Yorker, 3 April 2017. The condition described in the article, Uppgivenhetssyndrom or resignation syndrome, appears to have certain ketaminergic-anesthetic coma-like features in common with aspects of catatonia, non-convulsive status epilepticus, catalepsy -- though by no means is identical to any of these. Like a Stranger in a Strange Land going catatonic upon being confronted by the government, and, heh-heh-heh, coming under threat of having to, at some point, write Mark Twain's Letters From The Earth! I quote your message:
It seems to me that the phenomena of mind transmission in Dzogchen is a particular instance of intentional and intensified entanglement. This, (possibly poetic) gloss on the word entanglement raises the (possibly metaphoric) question of whether intentionality has a specific effect on the kind of awareness we humans can develop about the dynamic of entanglement. How do you understand intention in the human psyche?
This is a question about deep matters which you raise in very interesting fashion. I know from my youth, when I still had sufficient consciousness force (Aurobindo's term) to effectively regularly engage in various meditative practices (e.g., the pick-and-shovel labor involved in bonding with and borrowing from the trees being root-pruned: a consciously-elaborated metaphoric contemplation of neuronal plasticity), that, when in a bright-light state (the term employed by Wolfgang Luthe in clinical studies related to the practice of Autogenic Training), appearance of any inkling whatsoever of intentionality instantly dims the light, and that acknowledgement of separate-self existence (e.g., saying 'I' to an incoming thought, incoming, that is, from elsewhere, i.e., one the various fields of the collective unconscious, such a thought as this is a spiritual phenomenology I am experiencing, along with the accompanying egoic emotive flutter) altogether quenches the state. There is, experientially, a distinction between actively-innervated ergotropic intentionality and diffuse-awareness, passive-acceptance trophotropic intentionality, the former glutamatergic and the latter ketaminergic. The trophotropic does not quench the (coherent?) bright-light state. I-1T2-think-therefore-I-quantum-quench that the social structure of attention cathexes, prescriptively glutamate-etched upon the corpus of involved brains, thus inducing massive predominance of ergotropic innervation, and very little of what is pejoratively attributed to, say, rural Thais, for instance, i.e., watching the grass grow, is -- the huge imbalance, that is -- deeply involved with what quantum physicists imagine is the carrying through of a time-evolving, however short, process of arriving at decoherence, and which really is an altogether-memetime-independent reduction in the logical-value order-types employed at registration-mentation. Ergotropic intending, As long as you live in MY HOUSE, MY will will be done!, is a highest-order violation of nature, which unsuccessfully seeks to sunder the (1T2ly: omni-interactive) µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (a non-propagative understanding of mind transmission of inner Musculpt) which, according to my understanding, is the AllBase state of Tzog-chen. Ergotropic particular instances of failure of pedestrian empathy are far less grievous than is the blanket modernist-postmodernist collective failure of generative empathy. Memberships of holistic (higher threshold to blocking conscious awareness of entanglement) societies presumably have more latent-subliminal engagement with µTm-quantum-brain processing of relative-state identity-transparency than do societies wed to individualistic existential claims. Shifting from the former to the latter can be traumatic with lots of residuals, particularly if such a transition is forced during the maturation period prepubertal-to-postpubutertal, as I can personally attest, having arrived in a hyper-holistic, Shintoist, wet-rice hamlet of rural kita-Kyushu, aged 8, circa 1953, and then being ripped out of that intensely nurturing sociality and thrown into Pittsburg, aged 11, circa 1956. Aged 8 to 11, the very period of the last glutamatergic neural-network wipeouts! As depicted in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, I experienced paresthesia rushes, tinnitus, syncope, derealization Plexiglas-wall states accompanied by tunnel-vision-onset petit-mal psychic auras of near-blackouts, spatial contractions, time-warps, auditory hallucinations, so on, with slowly diminishing intensities and increasing duration between episodes -- as I progressively discovered how to get behind these phenomenologies and make use of them -- unto and through my mid-to-late twenties. A valuable learning experience with regard to fundamental questions, I eventually realized. Like decomposition-reduction of Great Space to itself/not-itself, the bouncing of the predator's ball between Wall Street, Wacker Drive, Amphitheatre Parkway, Wilshire cross Santa Monica, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Capitol Hill knows no end and has no beginning -- therefore cannot be 1T2ly finite-iterative Turing-machined, howsoever Gödel-numbered. It is fascinating that Stephen Blaha's Metatheory of Physics Theories (well contextualized here by Slavoj Zizek, circa 4 August 2014) explicitly rejects multi-universe interpretations disallowing interactions between universes, then goes on to define Gödel numbers of axiomatic theory without noting that interactions between universes of multiverse would require for representation Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers of axiomatic theory, and that, if fundamentals are neither objects nor relations between objects, then the Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers would have to be fully Lukasiewiczian, cum with Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes thus employed, in order to capture the order-types of non-simple-identity-non-selfsameness involved. Given that context, one can easily imagine (with a little help from complex imagyons?) existence of a Lukasiewiczian hierarchy of positive-Babinski-cum-positive-Bell's disorder-types!
WHAT the wooooorld neeeds NOW is synthetic humans based upon (introjected) intelligent design under assumption that quantum-wave properties of DNA have no genomic significance and that the genetic language is a 1T2-only-logically-valued single-level encipherment in no way involved with complex and hypercomplex operator-time. I wonder what sonic-visioning, Musculpt-equipped, flotation-tank-wandering, bottle-nosed dolphins think about that. Moreover, the same scientistic-engineering mindset, when dot-mil-turned-upon geopolitical dimensions of monetary-system framework-determining conditions (e.g., order-of-logical-value of monetary units employed), as well as framework structure and functional dynamics, looks for a return of the gold-exchange mechanism, this in[car}nation relative to a small basket of yellow-brick-road-dominating vehicle currencies rather than, as on last occasion, a single vehicle-reserve currency understood a single-valued monetary variable 1T2-only-logically market processed and central bank manipulated -- a mere basket of such currencies tied to gold alone, to be done in context of a converging-on-criticality many-dimensioned and over-determined crisis planetarized unto superintegration, to be done, that is, despite the omni-transforming massive infusion of µTm-quantum-based technologies mainlined into the global economy since 1971! Flashing forward, we note that tying 1T2-only Bitcoin to gold in a Shari'ah-compliant, blockchained OGC, OneGram Coin (see: Shari'ah-Compliant Crypto Gold: Could Islam Be Preparing for a New Reserve Currency?, Shannara Johnson, HardAssets Alliance, 25 May 2017), is a teensy-weensy step for mankind in the right direction, but remains well off the mark absent variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS nesting foams and a quantum-composite planetary unit of account.
How stop [re}lying when the BIOS, drivers, rootkit, firmware, registry, and the given proxy in any specific case are all resident in the collective unconscious and at the mercy of regressed archetypal event gradients? Seriously understand the collective compensatory-abreactive conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD): beyond surface-structure, e.g., ramped-up taxes, flyaway interest rates, Nixon-caused so-called OPEC-induced inflation, beginning during the mid-'70s, the greed-decades' M&A defensive measures against hostile bids by corporate raiders were and remain a mass-constellated compensatory-abreactive ConveDD of the Strategic Hamlets Program, the circle-the-wagons CIops, the hearts-and-minds psyops, the PacMan-Phoenix elimination cum poison-pill neutralization, and the Airborne golden-parachute deterrent, all of which had just mortifyingly culminated in utter failure vis-à-vis Viet Nam; and, on the other side, junk bonds of the dacoits being the financial equivalent to the [hero}in junk-bonding facilitative to founding and funding of proprietary initiatives. Among many others, additionally: contingency fees, absent detailed m-scenarios contingency planning; retainers paid to The Firm as attorney-equivalent to, and prefiguration of, CDS-type insurance; slime-mold consolidation into BigBodies through diversification by M&A. The subject subjected to a bear-hugging first parley, the question not asked is: is 1T2-lawfare, in fact, subject to the law, uh, to the laws of µTm-quantum nature? Bleak Uootch! roach 'otel chock-up wit' yoar viral worms 'n yoar nasties, malwares and such others. They, of reputed acumen, adopted a view of nature constructed just so, just so as to justify and facilitate exploitation of nature. Displaying ineffectual eptitude at exacting crippling global forfeitures, eagerness over the top at prosecuting planetary penalties, profligate to the engorged and parsimonious to the starving, thrown-around-weight out of all bounds set even by gluttony, fulminatingly tripped-up at convulsive-compulsive promotion of the 1T2-only-selfhood brought under existential threat by maths-science-engineering creation-discovery-application: aspects of supercorp/superpower-juggernaut compensatory-abreactive behavioral profile played out by gravitating upon full-spectrum dominance through total control of 1T2-only-information. Rough justice exacted through aspects arcane: 1T2-only processing of CMO-sliced MBS-tranched loan bundles in-principle generalized to CDOs linked to CDSs, where non-quantum simple-identity, hence simple-ownability, is lost with the initial bundling and more and more n-lost with each tranching, slicing, linking, and where, furthermore, the local multiplier effects are n-lost over the n-increments of simple-identity-loss due to the associated spatial displacement from local locales to 1T2-only-processing only-notionally-localizable quantum-based-tech-incarnated money-centers globally, centers tracking on becoming cloudy with mesh-worked skyspace. The only way to smooth the rough justice meted out relative to the local-community-generator of the securitization process is to fiber-bundle-arithmetic the m-valuations composing the initial bundle and process their further manipulations µTmly in just the way nature does over laminated-modular Cantorian-fractal spacetime, such that the profit-skim taken at each increment of manipulation-modulation pays back a fair share to the generating local communities. Vast amounts of 1T2-only-money were made via technology provision and servicing, myriad sorts of fees, interest, buy-sell spreads, arbitrage, the selling of insurance and its derivative equivalents in bringing up and maintaining centralized globalization; vastly, vastly more 1T2-unto-µTm money would be made decentralizing globalization by transforming 1T2-derivatives into fractal-e-boundaried nesting-foams of variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS currencies, providing the required technology and its maintenance, developing the associated financial instruments and services, and in bringing up a global quantum-composite unit of account which codifies in its branches the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. But look, by contrast, here in the Epoch Times, Why the Chinese Yuan Won't Be the Reserve Currency, Valentin Schmid, 17 May 2017, at what the real experts are thinking! Why, for one instance out of many, thinking globally and acting locally-to-globally, single-value-price commodity A, say oil, in only another commodity B, say gold, when each commodity A Z can be relative-state-priced in every commodity AB Z by means of a quantum-composite unit of account -- thus providing to micro- and macro-actors alike finely-graded information about changing synoptic state, and, hence, very likely improving the level of market self-organizational efficacy? Moreover, this should be done for Earth and stay-behinds whether or not an overpopulating humanity sets about colonizing the galaxy.
Musculpt is computer-instruction-ease for Music-Sculpture, a term Doug Paine and I came up with in 1975 at Cornell as regards the acoustic signatures of the operator-time-induced changing form of a certain type of mathematically-designated abstract temperature-surface involved in computer modeling of the genesis of severe local storms -- understood as being in analogy to the tinnitus-signatured changing complex-photismic-color-field topologies subjectively experienced in various deep concentration-contemplation states (Doug was fascinated by how certain meteorology data displays are virtually indistinguishable from brain scans). With B.Pascalian autoregulation of the RoofBrainChatterer's inner talking, Musculpt automorphically demerges by ASTERISMs heard in color-field photisms evolving dynamic polymorphs codifying semantic gestalts capable of decomposing to syntactical structures: ASPECTS of what E.Swedenborg called angelic speech? Will those who play 2D-only 1T2-only-valued Chess ever make the transition to nD-µTm-valued Go? Not so long as they mis[anthro}pically continue -- by introjection of projected personified 1T2-godhead -- to believe cognitive self-regulation involves acts of will-intentionality ergotropically superego-enforced. Probably only A Beautiful Mind AIed of mu-itic-ANNs will Pass 1T2-Go (see: AI wins as Google algorithm beats No. 1 Go player, PHYS.org, 23 May 2017) and successfully make THE transition; unless, that is, inner Musculpt is techno-exteriorized as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting foams. As regards Schrödinger, a good place to start would be with Marianne Freiberger's website Schrodinger's equation -- what is it?. Approaching Lukasiewicz, you might first try Wiki's Many-valued logic page and then Grzegorz Malinowski's historical treatment beginning with When is a Logic Many-Valued. The subsequent links provided on the What is the Schrödinger equation? site are very good, particularly the discussion of the wave-function part of that equation. Be aware that my interpretation of this equation (an interpretation involving Lukasiewicz logics and time as active operator and the necessity for the equation to have two levels of nonlinearity) is not to be found anywhere else, so far as I know. Be further aware that my interpretation of Lukasiewicz logics in terms of identity transparency also is not to be found anywhere else, so far as I know. You might try not trying to grasp each new concept as you come to it, but just make it an unknown seen and heard in the given context, and, when again and again encountered, add to the relevant memory gestalt the additional seens and heards, until the unknown progressively becomes as known. That's the method I've always employed, a method somewhat analogous to m-valuedness itself.
Greenmail segueing to redmail segueing to purplemail segueing to blackmail segueing to Cultivating the private-cabana cogitations of the pre-WWI La Belle Epoque transliterated to the latter-20th- and early-21st-century pre-PW1 period. Responsibility for the huge corpus of back-reactive ConveDDs involved fell and falls upon the beliefs, values, aspirations of elites and those who emulate them, first in Europe, then, especially after ending of the 19th century, including the U.S., then again, building from early-post-WWII, the world over and into every crevice and corner. Hardly a huckleberry, definitely a dingleberry, 'e is! eh what. Vah! no bas relief available. Aye, yer can rightly say 'is financial children's bet mitzvot got batted to the bar. Lo, sure as the night's not yer day, those stories were just-so done, they were, weren't they. Too-[Pal}my Dr. Derivative scattering HisMajesty'sWeapons: cluster-bomb units. Ah, yeh-ya, gory is the glory on the greed at Wapping Wall and in The City when Klobber sets aside 'is vaporizing carbon-fiber curling broom and picks up 'is logoed multicolor cricket bat. She's nouveau riche, she's svelte, a tangent of curves, top of the line, she is, she's my baby: an acquisition mergered, taken to wife, a holding to be sold off piece by piece. O, all hail the Lord's batman! a mower of craven swine and, yet, a piggybacker. Swallowing CBUs, what an appetite -- then bringing in Dr. Divestiture to share-out the spoil. With scrupulous impropriety, the corporaider develops ar[bit}rage support for putting in play a forced takeover bid in the same fashion that POTUS and COMUSMACV got documentary support for the command position (re: enemy-strength estimate, whatever): no orders actually given or placed, no actual threats issued, hints, blinks, steganographic utterances, legitimate information requests, suggestions that calculations be recalculated for accuracy, more and more legitimate information requests, more recalculation requests, so on and on and on. Oh, and do take cognizance as to the illegality of front-running third-market trades by placing orders off shore thru boutique investment banks, and that this practice hardly captures the meaning of 1T3-processing! T3, TTT, Tipper-To-Tippee, here's the real skinny from inside the collective unconscious: in terms of the logophysics involved, is there a significant difference between Rabbinical-1T2-ness and Thomistic-cum-Jesuitical-1T2-ness? Not so far as Cabalists have been concerned, were they Jewish or Catholic. Making judge-shopped, uh, uh, judgment-shopped, financial use of a logic, falsely alleged to be nature's own (just ask any of our unimpeachable CASsn-1, controlled American sources, uh, uh, that is, our CSsn-1, confidential sources), a logic that insists the middle be distributed to the poles (independent of the NSA and its subcontractors, thus, absent at least fuzzy logic, making insider confidential information de facto a logical, if not a legal, impossibility), in and of itself is felon and felony to any lawfair not itself felonious -- and it was 1T2-only-laws, coupled with 1T2-only-uses to which µTm-quantum technology was put, that necessitated into existence the crime which is the very presence of money centers in an increasingly borderless world where the propagandized optimum e-crypto-currency area is the more-and-more-unwhole Whole Earth. Clearly, THE crime of the last two-and-a-half millennia has been collective engagement in the confidence-gaming fraud which is 1T2-only logic. The human species should long, long ago have put a put warrant with its long position on species life extension, thus hedging the downside risk of self-annihilation by the myriad means currently available to it. Regulation with 1T2-lawfare of 1T2-only-[mark}ettes may [re}form economic-cum-financial institutional structures and functions -- but so what? There is nothing 1T2-only-markets and/or 1T2-lawfare can do to adequately [in}form human behavior vis-à-vis surviving, let along resolving, the mega-crisis which identification with 1T2-ness has brought about over the last two-thousand years. Has any 1T2-only-law ever been promulgated that did not promote the µTmly-illegitimate? It certainly by now should be evident and certain to all, even imbeciles, that the ~200-post-N.H.Abel years of 1T2-legislation, 1T2-regulation, 1T2-lawfare and associated enforcement by threat, fine, confiscation, incarceration, execution, and by direct application of massed police and military violence has done nothing, nothing, to stem the ever accelerating march into greater and greater planetarization of n-dimensional anthropogenic crisis vectored upon disaster tracking the strange attractor, catastrophe -- indeed, that these means have been foremost instrumentalities of the case. Unfortunately, price theory practitioners, altogether neglecting the urgent problem of internalizing externalities, have only rarely, and only recently as well as only superficially, gotten into the issue of logical-value order-types at pricing of value creation, focusing upon, in contrast to financialization practitioners, reduction of the rich to the poor, i.e., using frequently unspecified models to specify, quoting E. Glen Wyle writing in What is 'Price Theory'?, 29 July 2015, 'prices' sufficient to characterize approximate solutions to simple (e.g., one-dimensional policy) allocative problems. Please consider how different would be ar[mu-it}rage from ar[bit}rage (see: 'Arbitrage Is Dead' -- Commodity Traders Lament A [1T2-only] World 'Where Everyone Knows Every[1T2]thing', Zero Hedge, 22 May 2017): the econowarhorse's bit means that the internality-type price can only go up or down; mu-it means the m-price can conceivably go in Cantorian cardinalities of infinitudes of mostly-externality-type directions. This please consider does not denigrate attempts to apply fuzzy logic to, say, real estate (see: The Theory of Fuzz Logic and its Application to Real Estate Valuation, Carlo Bagnoli and Halbert Smith, Journal of Real Estate Research, 16:2, 1998, pp. 169-200), which it would heartily support as a step in the right direction, particularly if applied to MBSs, CMOs, and so on, but does suggest that such attempts constitute only a small step toward full fractal-e-boundary-mapped (potentially the most important aspect of the computational intelligence of the right sort of smart grid) monetary deployment of Lukasiewicz logics. No Undistributed Middle allowed in 1T2-only insider-vs.-outsider trading (including arbitrageur copycats and copycat copycats), a legalistic distinction -- as problematic as combatant-vs.-non-combatant, government-regulated-vs.-regulator-of-governments -- ever more robbed by InterMoth infusions of quantum-based tech facilitating total-information-control databasing vis-à-vis the RFIDing of petty purchases, the recording of all commo, the GPS-logging of the locations assumed by every party. Parasitic behaviors marshaled in sequined shimmers to restructure the corposphere-cum-corpocracy-cum-[corpo}crazy by tacit misapplication of rubbish theory (see, for instance, Liz Parsons' 2007 paper entitled Thompson's Rubbish Theory: Exploring the Practices of Value Creation) to junk bonds, warrants, debentures, and on into the elementary particle zoo ConveDDed to the financial derivatives WMD-emporium -- an America's Cup subliminally-vectored tacking-reach, through the eye of the wind unto a crossing of the swell, uh, uh, what was, immediate post-WWII, considered swell, directing the social structure of attention cathexes away from the substantive transformation actually required to functionally integrate quantum-based technologies: on the level of J.G.Bennettian framework determining conditions institute m-valued LETS-currency nesting foams µTm-logically processed. Don't believe in privatizing social production, and don't believe in socializing private production; reject 1T2-imposed inequities of the Distributed Middle and believe in appropriately µTming the full spectrum of productions.
Serioso, now: politiprop having transited to agitprop (see: Democrats appeal to military in campaign against Trump, Andre Damon, World Socialist Website, 19 May 2017; and French government prepared coup if Le Pen won presidential election, Alex Lantier, WSWS, 19 May 2017), ah, yes, the ho-hum index of the unreconstructed argot [pre}valent -- not to mention the hokum index. That calls for a C'mon!, not a come on. Best di-di, dope: at your finest battle-mad speed, clean away -- clean as far as stowage and steerage allow. Spill wind and hove to, bringing bows-on 90-degrees to the gathering collective hysteria and run affect-charge crest over affect-charge crest out through the oncoming emotional tsunami. Rather latish, shouldn't it be observed, to be seriously cultivating high expectations of truly significant thematic modulation during the last movement of Synphonique Sapienshomonium? Mon[one}mics, mnemonics: Carooooom! what's the difference? Wambling [was}trels aside, bared teeth at the barred window was as far as it ever gets: sub[son}ic wrinkles, not even a gouging athletic daughter. Subvert sabopanky-hanky is the preferred MO of all those crypto-capitalists -- right-O, never could spell hors d'oeuvre, could they? -- with ZIRP, uh, uh, zero interest in theory of self-organizing systems, let alone inquisitiveness concerning nature of the quantum-potential variables responsible for levels of autopoietic-automorphic competency (severely undermined by allowance of decoherent externalities). The internet and its progeny could have been very positive things for this scraggy species and its wholesome planet, but that possibility evaporated some memetime ago. Strike that! Given origins of the internet, that possibility was ruled out even before it materialized. Early stages of the rise to cuspover, long time passing: TPTB idiots did not use the readymade-found-object organizational nesting-foam of the disintegrating soviet superstate to provide an amenity platform as inducement to allegiant autopoietic behaviors in slowly bringing up self-organized cellular-WiFied, fractal e-boundaried, m-valued-µTm-logically-processed-LETS (Lukasiewicz being a name well known at Moscow State University), subsystem-system-supersystem, quantum-composite, monetary framework determining conditions. No, as described in How Central Banks Changed the World, Juliet Johnson, The Walrus, 11 May 2017, they had altogether different political objectives in mind, objectives they largely failed to accomplish despite a roaring success at fulfilling their banking-transform-syzygy-induction strategy. And why were TPTB unable to see the real-Save-the-Planet opportunity his-story presented them by collapse of the USSR? That story begins in 1966 as CICV-Order-of-Battle generated from below a Political-Order-of-Battle qua Strategic Research and Analysis section of MACV-J2 which factually-fundamentally challenged (but not by insubordination or overt contempt of command) the command position on just about every strategy issue of importance, a challenge decoherently crystallized down to the very small reduced-state-function issue of the enemy strength estimate. See our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh and Clausewitz speaking on time by a dynamic analogy as a factor of forces as discussed here. I agree wholeheartedly with most of the points made by Robert Cassidy and Jacqueline Tame in their Wages of War Without Strategy series, part one, Clausewitz, Vietnam, and the Roots of Strategic Confusion, War on the Rocks, 5 January 2017, and part two, How We 'Twitterized' Clausewitz and Ended Up Bogged Down in Afghanistan and Iraq, The Strategy Bridge, 20 June 2017 -- except that their analyses as presented in these articles are surface only. GWOT, indubitably an upgrade upon a long-running resource-war operational tactic -- no authentic strategic offensive; no authentic strategic defensive -- is subtending blowback from usurpative, confiscatory post-WWI British and post-WWII U.S. oil-gas policy cum [Mac}kinder mania fostered by [Ger}manic and Rushian émigré advisors plus the secular-Rabbinical, implicitly anti-Cabalistic, eco{no]mics profs whose think pieces are 1T2-paradoxically tantamount to parodies of 1T2-only logic. All this is substantially a ConveDDing (conversion-disorder displacement) to Injun Cuntry of the largely subliminal fear and loathing engendered (gender dyscrasia on back of the ConveDDing post-WWI mimetic-estrogen cum acidic-phthalate-ester flood, itself, such a ConveDD) by imports of the advent of the conjunction of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics and m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, a fear and loathing consciously handled as an anti-ABCD (Anarchism, Bol[she}vism, Cubism, Dadaism) back-reaction upon the cultural metric which 19th-century higher mathematics imposed upon New Physics. Pointillism. Ugh! Proletcult. Ugh! Dodecaphonism. Ugh! Abstract Expressionism. Ugh! Incidentally, I learned the difference between interests, goals, and objectives from Abdul Aziz Said, AU-SIS, Intro to World Politics, Fall 1963, and carried that understanding to SRA/MACV-J2, circa 1968, where, in analyzing captured enemy documents, I explicitly made the triadic transition to comprehension of the distinction between policy, strategy, and military operations. Cassidy and Tame understand what immediate-post-Tet-'68 Get some back from the Bear!, mouthed along corridors of MACV-HQ, and in the first floor snack bar, meant relative to Afghanistan. Right on! -- half a century later: stuff Point grads clearly never learned of, thus did not consider as they went on to CIC units and places and specops of the post-VN era. Did the U.S. just abruptly, six months before the Soviet invasion, begin supplying the Muj -- or were years of OSS-style creating and prepping of a guerrilla infrastructure (misappropriation of this term) required? Ah, yes, Charlie's war -- and so many others, before and after. Is a puzzlement! Touchy, fastidious, haughty, choleric complaintiffs. Bitter stitchwort sewing up befouled legislative tundra. And thus is the counter-counsel oft proffered: amity be trothed unto thee, my dear sir; plighting belief in, indeed, affianced to, the Greater Good, amicably hang fire, deign woo the skulking, troublous, irascible, churlish if caparisoned, foe, well-fed stallion though he may be. Hmmm. However overawing, a bootless gesture such would be in the local circumstance so long as the structure of presuppositions subliminally brought to global policy formulation remains intact, unchanged, unacknowledged, unidentified, actually altogether unsuspected. Even given that having to log-in, I've stopped reading David Stockman, still, I substantially agree with his strategic assessment as given in Why Imperial Washington Should Cool It on North Korea, as reposted to Zero Hedge, 7 July 2017, except that I would mention U.S. CI-advised clandestine ROK initiatives taken on the ground inside the North prior to the North's invasion of the South. I would also observe that the manic-compulsive obsessions governing the U.S. policy formulation process, domestic no less than foreign, post-Franco-Prussian war, not only facilitated paranoiac fixation of the social structure of attention cathexes upon the anarcho-(syndicalism-capitalism)-twistover in the politico-economic Möbius strip, but, post-advent of FEDated Wilsonian income-tax democracy, loopholed, uh, uh, postponed automorphic collapse of state communism by decades -- and, via facilitation of such psychopathic fixation, largely prevented homo sapiens from memetimely attention to the onrushing anthropogenic planetary crisis, actual character of which remains veiled due to maintenance of the classical limit imposed by higher-maths and physics dissimulations beginning in earnest during the 1820s. Nowadays, excepting the few like Cassidy and Tame, Hawking Dr. Strangelove, loudhailers for all users, has apparently once again become a career-advancing-tactician's well-chosen Rotarian move across the Clausewitzian uniformities of the guv.mil.com.edu Weberian-bureaucratic pinwheel. The alpha-male-interrupted, with narcissistic-yet-onanistic paranoia-in-service-to-an-inferiority-complex defended against with muscle-flexing Samson-syndrome display behaviors, is very easily manipulated into strategic blunders. Once the spatial and temporal strategic variables are handed to the insurgency on a silver platter by indefinite expansion-extension via declaration of a GWOT, the resources commitment required to maintain equilibrium expands exponentially and eventual economic-monetary collapse of the counterinsurgent becomes virtually inevitable, unless there is lapse into larger war and ensuing general mobilization, or, after a decent interval, peace with honor is declared. A level of the contention qua conflict qua war which rowers over the ROE, that the big fish in Mao's pond leave behind, don't rightly cotton to? Could be. Techno-obsession has made strategic thought a beached dodo bird. An evolutionary error? Could be. Cognitively walking the cause-attractor dogs back, reverse engineering history, has for most become bootless dog-trotting cogitation, mere repetitive looping of the single track in the mind gym. Not a question of bastard files having been taken to American moral authority -- particularly given the post-1774 history of warfare involvements WiKi-listed in, flashing forward, Robert Fantina's The U.S. Has Been At War For Over 220 In 241 Years, Zero Hedge, 8 July 2017 -- for the tactics employed in the concrete space of contention hardly at all affect the outcome determined in the hyperspace of the conflict. Yup -- or shall it be yep. In the end -- and there clearly will be an end to this clingers' behavioral syndrome -- it will have turned out that the 1T2-mega-debt-generating garrisoning of the globe (see, for instance: America's War-Fighting Footprint in Africa, Nick Turse, TomDispatch, 27 April 2017: in involuntarily, compulsively, that is, conforming to the assigned role in VC/NVN's strategy, whereby the environment of the combat is controlled, not the combat itself, the more every-battle-won achieved by RVN/FWMAFs, the closer us U.S.-types came to losing the protracted Viet Nam war on the monetary-system level; GWOT, by whatever name, is more and more monetary-system lost with each battle -- Persian Gulf war, AfPak war, Iraq, Libya, Syria, plus the myriads of lower-intensity stuff -- won, in confirmation to the global insurgency's strategy diktats) and forced-draft 1T2-mega-urban-regionalization and 1T2-mega-oligopolization-cum-oligarchization and 1T2-mega-technocratization (see: Men and machines: which is master which is slave?, Robert Henderson, Living in a Madhouse, September 2010) and planetarization of PacMan Phoenix (see: Pentagon an Eager Customer of Assassination Mini-Drones, Jason Ditz, AntiWar.com, 19 May 2017) on top of the Star-Warred-first-strike-doctrining-cum-tactical-nuking of the MADdening of mass warfare (see: The Exponential Growth of Insecurity, Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy, 15 May 2017) were suicidal obsessions (see: Chris Martenson Warns 'Humans Are Heading For Disaster', Zero Hedge reposting of the Peak Prosperity piece, 14 May 2017) of a species thoroughly ConveDD-unhinged -- collective psyche increasingly a bristle of thornbush surrounding curled-up ramparts of filthy mud blacksunbaked to cracking -- by near-simultaneous appearance of rigorously-codified m-valued logics and experimentally-verified m-valued wave-function. Evocation of pagan animism, what! This complaisant species has been in progressive prescriptive-enculturation-induced endogenous neuronarcohypnotic thrall, with associated bouillabaisse-thrush of hallucinatory phantasmagoric folie à plusieurs, ever since, essentially, discovery of the clobber club, domestication of the horse, development of the wheel? As we live and breathe, figures of fun, what! O, the powers of that Trickster archetype! Ah, the supernationalism of those advocating the supranation! How could someone like me have developed such fine-cultured realism? In 1965, for instance, I lived across the street from Teddy and Joan in the household of the JFK-Harvard-buddy, onetime OSS officer, then, 1965, chief LBJ speechwriter -- and learned a lot, a whole lot, by osmosis more than by bits and pieces of direct exposure, about D.C.-no-Washington-sub-Georgetown. A special rendition of the Limdis clearance granted Observer Q, eh. Heard of that? Exposure to just a little, a little taste: earliest stage of the recruitment ingress (recently ConveDD-projected in this form, what we get instead of Musculpt interface to µTm-valued LETS nesting foams). Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't, such recruitment. Heh-heh-heh! With several exceptions, the overwhelming consensus amongst those few witnesses exposed to the notion of m-valued LETS currency units has been: absolutely too complicated, quash proposition and suppress evidential support. Well, it must be admitted by the defense that it may be the case that a species which insistently attributes to itself self-awareness, but can't abide by any motion made to remember itself, and in contempt, and via internal considering, refuses altogether to get past itself, does not possess the cognitive capability to effectively interiorize environmental externalities to µTm-markets, and, thus incident there unto, must always remain the most destructive inhabitant of planet Earth -- as well as wherever else it might go. How do you plead, Mr. John Q. Public? Your Honoress, were I trans-1T2-self-regulative like a 25-year-old Japanese refrigerator -- God forbid! say 71-percent of us -- I'd plead the full infinitude of the neuro-fuzzy-logic spectrum of states between not-guilty and guilty.
Those few who elect to take PSYCH 101 cannot easily escape learning the textbook [psycho}logical definitions of the terms projection and identification. Rarely taught or learned at the undergraduate level, however, is anything significant about projective identification and associated introjection, nor how to distinguish that from pedestrian empathy and non-ordinary ([un}dissimulated) generative empathy, or most especially how to identify instances of the former defense mechanisms in one's own so-called-individual experience (thus quenching, at least momentarily, the involved states of regression taken as normative) -- let alone how to identify manifestations of same relative to 1T2-only-groupthink (think, for instance, of the post-Obama youth-movement imitation of the Weimar youth movement -- not in hippie-yippie style, like during the 60s, but as regards metapsychological process and content) and, God forbid, µTm-participation-mystique qua relative-state identity-transparency with the natural surround (to include others and objects not introjected to Umwelt via counterspace rotations of the eightfold way of the psychological transference, as depicted by C. G. Jung metapsychologically and in application to his contemporaneous veiled account of the late-to-post-Weimar nazification process, given in allegorical discussion of archaic man). As regards counterspace rotations, be aware that primordial, our(obo)[m]u}rustic 3-fold temporal CURL represented as three-headed-serpent god, Chronos, was biblically suppressed: for edification, see Gershon Brin's The Concept of Time in The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Brill, 2001 (a supposedly-objective linear-time notion of temporality adopted by neoDarwinian paleoanthropologists of accumulated-micro-mutations-evolving 1T2-only-brains cum daters employing, say, thermoluminescence under the assumption of single-valued universal physical constants). The most interesting aspect of the play out of these psychodynamics is that the people fighting at every level have no suspicion whatsoever that what they are fighting is not what they are fighting. It is, therefore, hardly surprising that public discourse as regards current events, foreign policy issues, war departments' strategic offensive postures cum posturings, negotiation tactics vis-à-vis attempts to reach global consensus on prioritizing interests and objectives and goals, techno-innovation rationales, impetuses to fads and fetishes, and so on, rarely, if ever, directly imputes projection to a prevailing collectively-imposed demonization or explicitly connects identification with the mass paranoiac compulsions in inverse-function relation -- and how prevailing definitions of hate speech cum crimes and levels of enforcements relative thereto vary accordingly. An exemplary case of projection (an unconscious process; meaning: the proximal perpetrators, as well as those removed yet most responsible, really believe it!) is exposed in John McCain Warns The World: 'Democracy-Destroying' Russia Is Bigger Threat Than 'Terrible ISIS', Zero Hedge, 29 May 2017. An exemplary case of introjection (an unconscious process; meaning: there is complete absence of insight) is exposed in Sperry: How Team Obama Tried To Hack The Election, Zero Hedge, 29 May 2017. In our best commentary, the closest we get to an accusation of projection, projective-identification, introjection is with use of self-terms -- styles itself, self-valorizing itself -- to explain origins of the 'reality' they fabricate for their own purposes (but this sort of explication attributes a level of conscious awareness far and away greater than is the actual case, thus underestimating virulence and intractableness of the two-dozen clinically-identified neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance, NAFR, to employ terminology of autogenic training as given in Wolfgang Luthe's multi-volume Autogenic Therapy, Vol. 6, Grune & Stratton, 1973, pp. 4-32 and here): see The So-called Resistance, James Howard Kunstler, Clusterfuck Nation, 29 May 2017. Thematic evasion is one type of NAFR. Thematic contents of Hollywood films aid and abet. Nowadays, the Western has made transition from action film to blood-plus-3-hankerchief-homudorama. Mike Shedlock reveals a case of thematic evasion in Investigating Trends in Median Home Prices: When Did Price Acceleration [i.e., inflation] Start?, Mish Talk, 27 May 2017, yet in doing so, engages in thematic-evasion-once-removed (with respect to why there was sudden amplification, post-Tet-'68, in time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration in the opportunity-cost price of holding gold-exchange-backed dollars: the denouement of VC/NVN grand strategy for winning that 30-years war, 1T2-paradoxically with great assistance from the French: it would be wonderful were the Vietnamese to factor into their monetary system plans cognizance of the VCI's [Viet Cong political infrastructure's] pioneering of the holographic principle whereupon the boundary contains all the information in the space enclosed, and cash remains the 1T2-logically-valued-order-type of the mu-monies employed, such that the global banking system is no longer regarded an e-theft machine driving payment of 100-million+-USD CEO yearly remunerations cum foremost instrument of the planetarized surveillance-industrial complex). Identify the drivers behind the circumstances yielding the Nixon decision to default on the value of global inflation under BW1, close the gold window, and devalue the dollar such that OPEC was forced to do something or massively lose out. Not only had propagandization of the Turner-Thesis-extended-across-the-Pacific failed to maintain domestic tranquility, but West-more-land had failed as a strategic-offensive posture. Kennedy's twist and shout set off the debt spiral initiated to fund the New Frontier residual of the old Turner Thesis: consequences of this whirlwind of financial motion are still 1T2ly-unfolding the µTm-enfold, and even enveloping competing cryptocurrencies as noted by Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler. Ethereum: great name for a 1T2-only, borderless-monoworld, single-valued cryptocurrency providentially subject to expropriation by the One World dictatorial Garchs at a Kairos of their choosing. Is there anything that TPTB, and their vociferous counterparties, are saying and doing which is not an exacerbation of the case? Loosemouth Sollie meets Dogmouth Soi, as Typhoons counter Hurricanes. O, even more than the Millennials, woe betides Generation Z. Pulling grift okey-dokey, which is not happening-doing a grizzly street-theater Griffin, then jumping on the back of the Fluxus-bandwagon. For the adversaries of both -- the people who've PC-thought their ways to this-and-that -- contemplation is neither a deeper form of meditation nor an Existentialist's 1T2-self-definition-thru-action; it's relitigation, with 1T2-only logic setting the terms of reference and determining permissible connectivities. O ye here, anal[stage]yzed to have historically been at this or that cell site, hear ye, hear ye: in affirmative defense, let it be known that the MSM's stipulations, post-consultations with DS representatives, are true and only true, as so helps them with their projected, personified, 1T2-only godhead, the First and proximal Cause in a probabilistic multiverse, even when due diligence at due process is indefinitely memetime deferred in the rarest of rare cases by continued continuance under suspension of the Second Law's predication of an objective-linear-time reference. As I've been explicitly stating since the mid-'70s, and fairly clearly intimated from the mid-'60s, the best strategy, bar none -- not talking tactics here -- for ending -- winning isn't an actual prospect -- The Forever War -- considering the general systems principles underlying autopoiesis and self-organization as manifest in insurgencies -- is µTm-valued LETS nesting foams. Rogged againe, they are, aren't they, inter[rog}ating the ponderable space of contention. Uh-oh, not another bungled bundling! sans the fiber-bundle arithmetics needed to 1T2ize the µTm-implicate information entropically hidden in sovereign debt. The sovereign debt that needs to be securitized is that denominated in variously-commodity-backed µTm-logically-processed m-valued LETS currencies -- an innovation altogether unlikely to be implemented any memetime before the coming debt supernova, as Charles Hugh Smith would have it, and associated PW1 jointly discorporate presently existing sovereigns and their supercorp Ubermenschen manager-masters ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) to Homo Deus (bodymod going to designer bodies going to cyber-distributed bodylessness: a techno-ConveDD of identification with IBE [in-the-body experience] and the in-denial state relative to the likelihood that OBE [out-of-the-body experience] was once normative via animistic-pagan conscious access to THE µTm-quantum brain's non-localizable [meme-temporally and ponderable-spatially] processing), whose all-AI progeny, soon enough will outdo us altogether (see also AlphaGo and Beyond: The Chinese Military Looks to Future 'Intelligentized' Warfare, Elsa Kanla, Lawfare, 5 June 2017: poor ol' John Henry done been done in againe! and this memetime the miliatry apps be front and foremost, with haptification of warfare strategizing reinforced by the focus upon 1T2-spatial Go, when AlphaGo ought to be, were it not for the ConveDDS, upgraded 1T2-unto-µTm and tasked with realmemetime gaming of the always changing relative-state linkages between indicator-measureables and the logical-values of value-sheaves placed upon µTm-LETS currencies defined over nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries) -- iff THE µTm-quantum brain remains the unmentionable it currently is and neuroimmunological functions of the quantum-wave properties of DNA can indefinitely be ignored, a highly unlikely (given likelihood that the hairline-thin superconductant-pi-electron-gas-core DNA-frequency-response windows laminate with gap-lavers the microwave cum RF regions of the EM spectrum) scenario, as we have been arguing ever since the mid-1970s when we developed a microphysical model of the involved processes. In all likelihood, the genetic code is not a single-level encipherment. If that assertion is so, the m-levels of encryption and associated µTm-logically-valued processing are accomplished in/by the higher-temporal formants of DNA's quantum-wave properties and the frequency-funnel beat-down cascade dynamics (handled by 3-fold temporal CURL) associated therewith. DNA, for instance, automatically internalizes environmental externalities, e.g., ambient radiation, to its temperature-oscillating (not non-thermal, but very sub-ionizing) pi-electron-parcel endogenous Zeitgebers which are in µTm-quantum relative-state with immunological signifiers like frequency-response windows. Relative-state µTm-logically-valued, as distinct from Everettian 1T2-relative-state, means that the part hologramically-cum-Cantorian-transfinitely contains all the information resident in the whole. DNA, therefore, does not need to seek operationally-compliance-insured prior global consensus to fuzzy-logic modulate, relative to a radiation environment changing within a tolerable parametric spread, its Curie-critical temperature for initialization of helix-coil transition: temperature auto-regulation of DNA's pi-electron-gas atmospherics is insured by the relative-state inherent to the m-valued information carried by the involved electrons, information µTm-processed by DNA's quantum-wave-properties dynamics. Similarly, were there implemented a monetary system based upon µTm-logically-valued relative-state, i.e., nesting foams of variously-commodity-backed Lukasiewiczian LETS mapped over fractal e-boundaries, and employing a µTm-quantum-composite unit of account, there would be no need to seek operationally-compliance-insured prior global consensus in order to meet the challenges posed by a changing environment, for the m-values sheaved upon each such LETS monetary unit, and tagged to measureables qua indicators, would, en masse, progressively more adequately internalize to the nesting-foam-market ensemble environmental externalities, currency utilization automatically insuring compliance.
Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock with respect to which 1T2-unto-µTm domain structure (for a discussion of mixed-state quantum domain-structures, understood relative to the Born Rule, where 1T2-only Church-Turing classical computability is understood equal to µTm-quantum computability, see here [search domain structure]; but consider that the correlation length in part definitive of domain structure has a logical-value order-type height, and that the minimum time in part definitive of domain structure is the inverse of its fundamental frequency [as described in our 1979 model of the quantum-wave properties of DNA]), which 1T2-unto-µTm LSTD (limited spacetime domain), which 1T2-unto-µTm tile on which laminate of the µTm-unto-CTC econometric nesting foam and associated demergent lattice of fractal e-boundaries? Musculpturally speaking, a natural notion as to what may constitute optimum currency areas (plural), into which, say, watersheds in some cases may factor -- a notion formulated as the minimization of functionals defined over a class of admissible domains (see Preface to: Introduction to Shape Optimization, Jan Sokolowski and Jean-Paul Zolesio, Springer-Verlag, 1992), domains of autopoionomic operators, according to my view, demergent as complex and hypercomplex skew-Hermitian sesquilinear forms [think: temporal CURL as regards the K-modules within which the skewfield-coordinate-frame rotators operate at transport of J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels?] in Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, as per the observation that, again quoting Sokolowski and Zolesio:
To solve any shape optimization problem would ideally mean to find the minimum -- wherever it exists -- of a specific cost functional over a set of admissible domains. However, it turns out that very few adequate existence results are available. In general, the existence results for such problems are obtained, provided that some unrealistic constraints are imposed on the family of admissible domains. These constraints often are not satisfactory from the physical point of view
Consider that LWQC (Lukasiewicz way quantum computing) using mu-its rather than qubits -- one gumdad bit, two gumdad bits, [qu}easy qubits, yah-yah-yah! -- would take account of the fact that while memetime is linear, Pauli-Paine 3-fold topologically-active quantal operator-time is polynomial such that nc is exponential to M, the signifier of logical-value order-type, hence the polynomial time complexity far greater than in the 1WQC case. The only way I can see to incorporate time-shapes to market-dictated action directives (thus analogically invoking topologically-active quantal operator-time) is by employment of a µTm-quantum-composite [uni}versal [uni]t of ACCOUNT: no doubt a complex-cum-hypercomplex algebraic variety (operator-time's 3-fold temporal CURL involving first-, second-, and third-rank tensors at conveyance of trirefringence to the demergent ponderable space? as per Maxwell's Equations with Accounting of Tensor Properties of Time, Vlokh R. and Kvasnyuk O., Institute of Physical Optics, Lviv, Ukraine, posted to ArXiv ~21 May 2007) of time-currency. Putin's recent interest in Ethereum I would subordinate to his unrecognized need to visit Moscow State University so as to sit in on discussions of Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes vis-à-vis their importance to creation of a quantum-composite unit of account for µTm-valued LETS nesting foams. It's the relative-state identity-transparency inherent to the µTm-unto-CTC property of quantum-composite which carries the quantum potential ultimately responsible for market-mediated magic-hand autopoiesis and self-organization. Aspects of this assertion cum conviction can be reinforced by systematic observation of subjective experience. Keeping a personal journal and periodically going back over it looking for patterns -- traffic analysis, if you will -- is helpful at sorting memory traces and their Yin-Yang logical-rotations, as well as a terrific aid to suborning factoidal cherry-picking-in-service-to-the-ego, a kind of glutamatergic renormalization underpinning several of the more prevalent types of the NAFR (Autogenic Training's neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance) sustaining the false existential claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, to use Hubert Benoit's term. Not no snoozy indignant indigent in the intellectual history of the West who hasn't realized that Greek Substantialism fell away immediate-post-WWII: it be 1T2-only-money what's the bidness of bidness, and the gub'mint ain't got no bidness stickin' its nosy schnoz in. No rumbly verbosity match won by those of wan psychological complexion, what -- wantin' ta make no fuss. Iffin ya don't git no bungling bollixin' throwed at your bumble display, you'll surely receive a phubbing (portmanteau of phone and snubbing). Be probity his name, stubbornness his game? O, Lordy, unlimber and do tell. And civilly so, as your bristly Son will hear no lies -- nohow and never. As a case in point, check out prevailing constitutionally-democratic, egoic, D.C.-no-Washington [poly}ticks: hardboiled, blunt, grippingly retold by the MSM as chiller-thriller-goth bang-slam propulsive, with blood projectile-vomited across the conference room ceiling. Hmmm. Skeptical is it? Ah, well, y'know, using the term relative-state identity-transparency (cosmic tropologic meta-"referential transparency" [as regards "declarative functional programming", i.e., not that "imperative procedural", as attributed to non-Homo Deus in Biblical Genesis] is with the MVRS [m-logically-valued reference space] ledger-registry) is rather like the John C. Lilly of Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer calling ketamine yuppie LSD. Understatement for sure, but how better characterize it? -- so he frequently asked. More elaborate than part-whole-part relations on a holographic plate, in that in animistic-pagan participation-mystique state the part, like in the infinite collection of higher Cantorian transfinite cardinalities, contains more information than the whole of which it is a part. That's why I've long argued that every limit in any calculus is an order-of-logical-value cuspover. I had enough experience of this endogenous-ketaminergic transparency in my Midori Gaoka preadolescence to speculate with great conviction that, given adequate cultural support, the state can be throughout life frequently recurrent at a considerable level of elaboration, if not altogether persistent. But, y'know, the accountancy trade having accepted a facsimile of Fuzzy logic, Laws of Accountability are now only rarely enforced. Con{fab]Unation-state, a jukebox giving spin: the Shadow archetype not following behind, in the lead! Hey, kiddo, a foreperson. On the global gridiron -- well-founded fear shaking up a clamor of protest from the cheap-labor pools servicing the rich alpha-male comprador-servers of the superrich underlings of the mighty megarich gluttonous Garchs kowtowing to the ultrarich Masters of the Multiverse -- we increasingly have a planet of the Justified Complaintiff seeking a defter Order of Protection. The dish[eve}led wearing a taint, a big red A for Angst, not Adultery -- and not for the Accounted. Do the myriads 1T2-only-self fixated deserve the karma they constellate, or not? Display wall of 1T2-egoic courage having warped then kinked then slumped, a vaunted trick-mirror [i}mage appears. OMG, 'is mentals mus' be so fragile they got knocked off the X chromosome and the neuronal-DNA wave-properties weren't able to take up the slack! Uh-oh, no attention to the m[i]mic}king, uh, uh, THE µTm-quantum brain that is always and all ways being-therehere. Hand me that brain saw, willya Earl. We gotta git control over entanglement manipulation iffin we'uns is ever ta be Homo Deus. That Dr. Patricia Boksa sure does sum it up in Abnormal synaptic pruning in schizophrenia: Urban myth or reality?, Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 37:2, March 2012, pp.75-77, doesn't she. Is schizophrenia even possible absent glutamatergically-anchored prescriptive enculturation-socialization of only 1T2-only logic? Whoa! brain pruning of the over-produced synapses (required for conscious articulation of molecular-cellular binary-brains to THE µTm-quantum-brain?) continuing throughout the third decade of life (as elucidated in Extraordinary neoteny of synaptic spines in the human prefrontal cortex, Zdravko Petanjek, et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 9 August 2011, pp. 13281-13286). What a kick down! this extension of the physical dimensions of psycho-prescription well into adult life. Oh, please EAAT me whenever you can.
Obdurately trampled down by some 1T2-only, either/or, me-or-thee regime of order and definitively dissed is functionally prerequisite to uppity, y'know. The dinosaur trampers insensate and benighted -- from µTm-aperspectival, cross-modal synaesthetic, relative-state take, a take that is surrealism to the 1T2-bound. Stuffed into disintegrating brogues, scrofulous, slatternly minds piddling around with 740 single-scale, 1T2-only cryptomonocurrencies at this stage, this near-berserker stage in transit to temperature-dependent critical-state cuspover! One more argument for implementation of µTm-LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries, given that there would be nest-and-domain-specific indicator-measureable-fine-grain-tagged values of currency-value-stack sheaves non-transferable, if only by definition of the given indicator-measureable alone, to other domains, other nests, this framework condition -- the inter-domain, inter-nest non-transferability -- being part and parcel of the Cantorian-fractal bandpass property of the fractal-drum (geometrodynamics of which are temperature controlled) character (think: fractal-boundary-articulated shape-dependent quantum confinement) of any given µTm-LETS currency, a polytypism property of hexagonal wurtzite similar to that of frequency-selective DNA histological types.
Wowzer-dowzer! dat pale horse insides all us'ins what oft done come afore, HE be appearin' apace yet againe -- in amongst a whole herd thisatime, if'n that ol' besmirched multivalue be kept down, hid where it now be. Hooves apoundin', no lollygagglin' leniency, no palaver, no skootchin' here's aboot and skootchin' there's aboot. Yessiree. Yawl hain't heard tell of 'em, them PERE{grin]ations, uh, uh PERE[gri}nations? Passing strange! Haw, gumdagmit! the DADblame stays glutamaterically installed under prescriptive enculturation-socialization inculcate the 1T2-clinger mentality. What a SITeeation we's wif' here. The 4-achy-A's -- alienation, anomie, angst, agony -- be in kinesiologic transliteration: learning how the rhythm entrainment leads into deautomatization and that autogenic state. Doggone sullenness, it be disappeared: no bon mot to place upon it. All no 'count naughts nowadays hail the eg0 projectors: car, cycle, gun. Suppressed ergotropic rage simulates septicemia, blood dyscrasia, high-degree FOUO; it's trophotropic acquiescence, passive acceptance, affirmation, regretless concurrence to an apparently inevitable near-term death what altogether vanquishes fear and spurs to an unbridled bursting forth. Dey's all willabe adancin' da Wa2She, jus' like it whar yesteryear afore the trumped-up 1T2-vector sums done been counted in homage to Mr. John, uh, uh, Locke, that is, Mr. John Locke. If only they were to know what it actually is to which they are so reactive One of the agents servicing the repression engendering the regression: responsibility for the oft aforesaid, blackpsyche, that is, 1T2-paradoxically devolves in large measure upon [saga}city: Hollywood, material presence and sagacious spirit of such woods no longer much in evidence. Why'n't close the propositions? they ask. Jack'em! Judy, that'll do the trick. Wonnerful is the one-value, don'chaknow. Starting half a century ago, my other-I-am has repeatedly said that when it goes to cuspover it will make the hunt for White Russians look like child's play. Each is born into a social contract never signed -- and that contract is only rarely ever actually fulfilled, as it violates arrogations of ill-getters of the ill-gotten which 1T2-only governance has always been designed to support. Given the mil.guv.edu origins of the 1T2-only, finite-iteration Turing machine and of the internet, in all likelihood the clandestine real history, subtending the apocryphal popular history, of advent of the PC, the World Wide Web, the mesh-worked Cloud -- largely a chronicle of the labors performed by the surviving major tech firms, to one degree or another users of slave and prison labor, many of which likely began as full-blown proprietaries or pseudo-proprietaries -- has yet to be written, and likely never will be. As the cost of living increases endlessly with the never-ending demand for unending 1T2-only growth simply in order to organize, perceived need for the living decreases at an accelerating rate -- particularly so on a planet overpopulated by approximately 5-billion people. Anyone who believes that this circumstance has not been a major policy determinant for quite some memetime is intentionally occulting himherself. In a 1T2-only economy-society-culture, where it's only up-or-down, more-or-less, richer-or-poorer, guilty-or-not-guilty -- µTm-directions being inconceivable for having been ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) to the universes of a multiverse -- the death of life, not only of livelihood, has been built in. A long-running affair. Howsoever, with Zi[ru}ma, one might kiss the rain plashing les fenetres, still, if zi is locked into a 1T2-only yellow ruum of the sacred Great Space, ma, well then, zi-ye-me-he-she, will, uh While no one living can escape passive participation, is there anything our societies have had to offer remotely worth the price of active participation? I thought not when I chucked it all in 1965. What is 1T2-government, what has it always been, if not the corpus of the worst individuals in the given society at any given memetime? It's their collective behavior, which is predominantly determined by unconscious archetypal gradients having little to do with finite causes and effects, probability and statistics, even teleological 1T2-only-chaos-theoretic attractors, however strange. All those believing that they could conceivably 1T2-only-understand how things, matters of substance, actually transpire are obviously deluded and woefully uninformed cum utterly dysinformed as to the last century of scientific discovery. Moreover, these deludes have virtually insured demise, in one form or another, of the human species and much else right along with it. Some of our most deluded delude dudes have even come to consciously and actively seek that demise believing it will be a transubstantiative post-tribulation rapture, a high-tech Cool-Aid aided catching of a comet with a fat tail construed a passive wake vortex, not a feeder band. Suppression of the m-valued quantum aspects of identity can long -- varying as to etiology -- slumber as subclinical autoimmune reactivity, before eventually breaking out (while the parameters identified by Mike Vlahos may be key triggers, triggers do not speak to deep-structure causes-attractors -- and, in not doing so, the agents of renewal are consequently incorrectly identified-construed, though Vlahos' characterization of what the renewal necessarily would involve in general terms is quite good) as full-blown molecular-cellular dyscrasia. As regards the derivative financial dimension: WBC count in excess of one-quadrillion. Inequity is not merely a matter of income disparity; more fundamentally, of devaluation of value and of stigma. I-Huckabuck devoted fifteen years of life to the shovel, cutting spade, pick, and mattock -- admittedly with the ulterior motive of inner work and due to an ancestral imprinting upon the digger -- so, I know that authentic mastery of those tools with respect to the digging of trees, no matter how smart be the practitioner, is not achieved short of five years. Just to use the shovel well in general terms relative to a variety of tasks takes no less than a year. Frankly, I value the nurseryman-gardener -- Baumgardner -- far more than the snookering 1T2-only-law-school graduate. The choice between which to save would be no choice at all. Though I grew up understanding bomber-pilot death-delivered-from-above mentality, and came to comprehend something of that accruing to the dog-fighting fighter pilot, it was the stealthy remorselessness of SF mindset which I carried into cognitive spheres where I regarded intellectual history as enemy territory enlivening the senses -- and the sixth sense. Think of the m-values in the sheaves stacked upon the 1T2-cash-base-state of the µTm-processed Lukasiewiczian-LETS fractal-drum currency as that drum-currency's eigenvalues -- each such value having a unique Musculpt form. As the fractal boundary of the given currency domain changes in response to n-dimensional environmental flux devolving upon tagged indicator-measureables articulated according to e-commons computer-gamed m-scenarios strategic algorithms, those values change accordingly, and so does the concerted Musculpt symformphonie econometrically performed as monetary system dynamics. Propagandistic pleading for indulgence of 1T2-only systemic inefficacies aside, it is easy to imagine that, as µTm-LETS implementation complexifies, like in the elementary particle zoo, many bandpass inter-domain and inter-nest conversion algorithms would emerge relative to a planetary quantum-composite unit of account made possible by nonlinear, higher-order, Lukasiewiczian interpretation of eigenvalues relative to memetime-independent Schrödinger state-function, in violation of the Born Rule -- the simplest being devolution to 1T2-cash-base-state and forfeiture of the value-stack sheaves upon decision to repatriate local investment. These bandpass, fractal entrapment, quantum confinement properties of µTm-LETS currencies would be an autopoionomic-monetaristic application of the age-old principle of local autonomy facilitative of self-organization and self-repair, to wit that The Emperor's mandate stops at the village gate, in this case a geometrical fractal slot in a bandpass microstrip-e-boundary. I could agree with Robert Muggah's thesis in Tackling global problems? Look to cities, not countries, The Globe and Mail of Toronto, 17 June 2017, if and only if the locus of focus were small cities and big towns -- as, for many reasons, the likelihood of survivors in mega-urban regions post-cuspover is small, indeed. Musculpted localizations in fractal drums (more accurately RFDs, relative fractal drums): synaesthetically hearing (think: the hyperfractals of a hypercomplex zeta function relative to Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes in the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers used to define, indeed, calculate, a quantum-composite unit of account mirroring the active time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth) the contents of spatial shapes mapped, according to the holographic principle, on their fractal boundaries. Different fractal boundaries over which given µTm-LETS currencies are defined, different Musculpt sonic gestalts -- like in DolphinSpeak. One basis for Musculpt-as-maths-notation becoming the user-friendly interface to Lukasiewiczian LETS? I think so, and this orientation reflects my personal jazz-taste, osmotically, shall we say unconsciously, taken up during the early-'60s: Cool mostly, little of Bop or Hard Bop, some of the free avant-garde assimilative of Stockhausen, to a lesser preference for Cage, not into through-composed, mass tactical improvisation upon agreed progressions, strategic riffs and vamps, no repetitive simple-loops please, no click track, some stride-like piano work, little into the standard drum set, though brushes be good, angular melodies not so much, huge voice leaps like those of Morgana King are right fine, tone-color of the trumpet more than the sax
Tragically, civil service and corporate structure-function-culture has been tacitly-unto-deliberately modeled upon the military staffing system ever since at least the mid-19th-century American civil war. Worse yet, the cognitive caissons rolling along from that juncture, over affective hill and dale like out of some midsummer night's bad dream, politico-military-corporate criteria of judgment have ever increasingly set the science-policy agenda until collective saturation by the involved sentiments has set the terms of data selection and also such that the interpretations of the selected data have all but altogether fallen under guv.mil.corp control -- meaning that prevailing scientific assessments of the current global crisis are almost surely very far off the mark. Moreover, beginning with advent of the telegraph, a broad spectrum of techno-innovations and applications choices have been warfare related, all but guaranteeing that attempts to meet the global crisis will be technologically focused and governed by the high-mesomorph alpha-male (uh-oh! given the binary-minder's stress-induced labile affect driving the monothematic 1T2-delusional cum persecutory µTm-misidentification syndrome, allostatic compensation resolutely lapsed -- due to narcissistic rage -- into atavistic decompensation: just imagine the horror, the horror associated with 1T2-simple-identity seemingly transforming, before one's very eyes by participation mystique, into non-simple-quantal Lukasiewiczian-Everettian relative-state identity-transparency) only-by-might-might-we-subdue-the-nature-of-Nature-sufficiently-to-yield-triumph-of-the-will emolumenta mindset. And here we have one of the more egregious cases yet of memetimelessly-topologically-demergent simplicial-complexial qua m-dimensional µTm-logically-valued Musculpt symformphonie being techno-ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) and turned to nefarious purposes by good offices of regressed-archetypal collective-unconscious gradients set up (cause-pushed/attractor-pulled) by mass back-reaction to the higher mathematics advent of non-simple identity-transparency, then plastic [art}ly, then [physics}ly, then µTm-quantum techno-physically: Forget Police Sketches: Researchers Perfectly Reconstruct Faces By Reading Brainwaves, Shelly Fan, SingularityHub, 14 June 2017. Surely such deep-state-encouraged research is deeply funded because of its potential contribution to full-spectrum dominance of mental functions and contents. The techno-ConveDD object -- hardware and/or software -- is, in essence, an effigy signifying the involved subject/object-level-transference dynamics. And a further downside of this downside (i.e., the binary-mind-chosen uses to which µTm-tech is put) is yes, you guessed it: Cybercriminals could soon be able to hack your BRAINWAVES , Margi Murphy, The Sun of UK, 30 June 2017. Absent the face-booking criminality-contextualized ConveDDing, this sort of technology would have been developed relative to exteriorizing -- as mathematical notation -- inner Musculpt, elaborating it as user-friendly [inter}face to µTm-LETS nesting foams, getting biofeedback into the isolation-flotation tank training environment for EscherFormDance pods, smart dancewear equipped, seeking to learn the inner states associated with the sonic-visioning incumbent upon DolphinSpeak, which is likely one dialect of THE universal Boolean-polysynthetic cum Lukasiewiczian-fusional semiosis (Eaiea and Nibuzigu and Sarus and Domila and Hymmnos being stabs at definitionally constructing the Mus-component of Musculpt, rather than allowing it to demerge [µTm-quantum-wave properties unto universal sounded-form language] through use, e.g., initially in the biofeedback-equipped isolation-flotation tank using technology like that being developed for facial reconstructions under cop.mil interrogation). Such ConveDDs are abysmal prefigurations -- and even free-riders on the cognitive aporia which is the normative state of the .001-percent. Well, Burr-my-Wick-Upon-her-Tweed, ain't that jus' ta be atappin' the comms pressel! MSM-mediated recordations, crime-cum-thriller-writer and filmmaker excrescence, PopCult barf, PopHist fabrica aside, who's the real-deal free-rider? The unemployed lazy lout or the megacorp CEO apocryphal entrepreneur concretizing collective-unconscious regressed material claimed as innovations created by individuals? As the recruitment base, categories ever expanding, for the archetypally-driven global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Boolean Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna nation-state system and supraordinate agglomerations thereof responsible for ConveDDed µTm-quantum-based technology, categories ever expanding, goes exponential, the complement of rogue elephants lose spectacularly, but, in going down, they, at the very minimum, take along with them many persons, places, things, and processes -- and all that just to keep buried in the subliminal the loathed imports of m-logically-processed m-valued state-function. What a presentment, that! The jury that's out, however grand, oughta stay there. Given such presentiments, better unpack the ol' pixilated multicam and go dark, don't y'think.
Alexander S. Karpenko has observed (personal communication, circa 2006) that truth-value cannot be the foundation of logic because the existence of Lukasiewiczian Karpenko-functors over the primes clearly indicates that, minimally, as 1T2-only logic is more and more superseded by higher-logically-valued order-types, the notion truth-value has less and less relevance to the logical-value case at hand -- an observation predicating some interpretation of µTm-unto-CTC-logical-values not understood as arrayed in the real interval [0,1]. As concerns A.S.Karpenko functors over the primes, very noticeably, when considering Lukasiewicz in context of Tarski's 1T2-only 1936 theorem proving the semantic indefinability -- within the 1T2-only-syntactic model-of-the-system -- of truth, i.e., its meaning, as employed in-the-system, one is impelled, if not logically compelled (consider that the notions logical necessity and provable are relatively, if not radically, 1T2-bound in that they presuppose logical connectives increasingly absent as µTm-unto-CTC more and more pristinely codifies relative-state identity-transparency wherein the notion connection is oxymoronic because discrete simple-identities that could be connected do not manifest; Sod all, be aware that the theory of decoherence is little more than a postmodernist update on the esoterica of Kabbalah), to regard the natural-numbered Gödel numbers -- which Gödel syntactically employed, in his modernist application of gematria, to demonstrate 1T2-incompleteness/inconsistency -- as the proband of Gödel-type numbers generally. Any given logical-value order-type constitutes at least one object language relative to its supraordinate logical-value order-types constitutive of its nesting foam of metalanguages exhibiting 1T2-Turing degrees of algorithmic unsolvability proportionate to how far removed, over the arithmetic-algebraic-trans-al-jabr hierarchy, from that object language. If the universes of a multiverse are to remain absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct and non-interactive, memetime must be an utterly objective linear-time without which the Second Law of Thermodynamics could not enforce the separatism. Ho-hum. Yawn. 'E, againe! chicked 'is wrath, uh, er, watch, what. However, there is to be considered non-1T2-Ever[et}tian µTm-relative-state in a single Schrödinger-memetime-independent universe of discourse: trador, uh, uh, traitor, for instance, is a pretty big world in a natural nationalistic language, a word semantically m-valued -- traitor to the nay[shun}AL [artificial life] security, to the NSA, to the CIA, to the DIA, to the JSOC, to the USG in general, to this or that national policy, to the national interest-goals-objectives, to the vested interests of the one-percent, to the best interests of the American people as a composite whole? -- yet syntactically reduced (in domestic CI, in common usage, even in the 1T2-legalese of common lawfare) to single-valuedness. By glutamatergic anchoring of 1T2ly-prescriptive enculturation-socialization, peripheral input/output devices, i.e., molecular-cellular 1T2-only brains, usurped a small portion of the central processing capacity of THE nonlocalizable µTm-quantum brain, thus quenching the clairvoyant-cum-telepathic aspects of inner Musculpt (techno-ConveDDed, in extended endgame of the process of usurpation, to internetworked-meshworked-cloudcomputed MoSoSo telepresence cum VR), such that the heretofore input/output devices became, from perspectives of THE µTm-quantum brain, inducers of normative criminal insanity. The masses have only themselves to blame for planetarized proletcult: Hollywood, McDonald's, Monsanto, Amazon, and everything in between. The actual reductio ad absurdum here is implied by the fact that, on qua on the MVRS, i.e., the m-logically-valued reference space qua most-dense sheet-manifold of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert-space nesting foam, the hierarchy has not ontologically-yet demerged under the operations of Pauli-Paine operator-time, nor can it ever so, not on qua on, uh, that is, in the state of the base-state of Tzog-chen. If (meme)Time Must Have A Stop, as William Shakespeare and Aldous Huxley apparently felt, then it's not the Halting Problem that's the real problem, but the Starting Problem, i.e., the origin of prescriptive enculturation-socialization which glutamatergically etched the territorial imperative responsible for topologically-active, temporal-CURLing operator-time becoming spatialized to a passive reference frame recently seen to be relativistic in nature. WAGgling-out 1T2-hypotheticals upon 1T2-hypotheticals, each stated as a proven certainty in exegesis of the demonstrably verified -- for everything nowadays is so overstated, particularly grades, that to be stated otherwise is tantamount to not being stated at all -- were the 1T2-order-type the only logical-value order-type. Tarski's proof of the indefinability of truth within the structure of the language containing it employs the notion true in order, by deployment of 1T2-only connectives, and submission to the 1T2-only laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction, to establish that proof -- a type of self-referential CURLing inherent to the Lukasiewiczian µTm-nesses nesting 1T2-only. Is not some analogue to this 1T2-CURLing also true of proof within propositional-predicate logics of each logical-value order-type with respect to its immediate nesting logical-value order-type unto CTC and beyond into the higher Cantorian (think: irrecursive nonenumerable lattices) cardinalities? The involved limitation on the scope of self-representation requires self-reference to establish validity of itself as an automorphic limitation -- which, in and of itself, tells us just how limited is utility of the notion 1T2-selfhood qua non-quantum simple-identity, i.e., limited to the 1T2-only logical-value order-type alone among the infinitudes of infinitudes of such there are. Wired to the couch by cinematographic tales of Nietzsche's Germanic Overman comic-booked-up to a phantasmagoric Superman (supermind in no way signifying the supramental). Sociopathy relative to what? Overman more 1T2-me identified than is Superman? Nineteenth-century, fundamentalist Christian, individualistic, Indian-hating, American frontiersman sociopathic relative to the Japanese shogunate's samurai swordsman tasked with loping off heads of nails that stick up? The Buddhist samurai steeped in practices of detachment -- e.g., ikebana, bonsai, Zen gardening -- entailing abstracting-out of natural Nature relative to those steeped in participation mystique, e.g., American Indians, Australian Aborigines, Kalahari Bushmen, indeed, primordial practitioners of primitive Shinto? Memetime-bound hope motivates statistical dynamics and probabilistic forecasting as means to save exclusivity of 1T2-only logic regards the prevailing tacit Doctrine of Uses. Since µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics must necessarily be, and inevitably will be (re: Gödel incompleteness-or-inconsistency of 1T2-only-systems of arithmetic employing only selfsame numbers, the whole predicate-logic issue of decidability [inclusion, or not] regards formula in signature of theory, including essential undecidability of consistent extensions, being epiphenomenal to tacit restriction to the 1T2-only-logical-value order-type), brought into questions concerning the nature of calculability qua calculability, the notion arises that the probands of Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers of the semantic content of propositions cum predicates of logical-value order-types supraordinate (i.e., corpora of metalanguages) to that 1T2 (think dependent origination of modular exponentiation over µTm-quantum gates on the fractal drum of an m-logically-processed m-valued LETS currency: multi-modular computation in Lukasiewiczian context of hyperconvex infinite subcollections; don't think n-quantifiered, superse[man}tified, higher-order 1T2-only-valued logic -- sets within sets within sets -- of non-polymorphic qua function-underloaded and non-dependent predicates, as-for-because, in µTm-LETS brought up bottom-up, the higher up the nesting foam the less prescriptive, because each higher nesting qua echelon is algorithmically a quantum-composite of its subtending nests qua echelons, thus progressively distributing action-directives, just like in the Japanese myth of origin where the highest-level operator is a decision-free signifier of composite identity-transparency, whereas in the present case that autopoietic operator is a planetary quantum-composite unit of account, a non-actor, a non-vehicle signifier of µTm-unto-CTC Everettian-vonHayekian relative-state identity-transparency) likely involve the non-natural numbers, notably, given cascade-theoretic considerations, those imaginary and hypercomplex -- particularly if such Gödel numberings are conducted in Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space (space complexity of a non-selfsame number is the mu-its, not the qubits or bits, in its representation) and the µTm-quantum wave-properties of DNA's higher-genetic (decidedly internalizing environmental externalities) propositions are enumerable with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Temporal CURL, in context of cascade theory of tornadogenesis, has to do in some respects with Intermodulation, uh, uh, is readable in congruence classes, modulus m, of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes? If so, how does the m relate to absolute limiting velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration for bubble-memory-efficient Earth-atmospheric dynamics? Certainly the modular exponentiation, c, cannot simply be the atmosphere's absolute limiting velocity, c, and the base, b, cannot simply be the gravitational acceleration, b, which in another context, quantum-wave dynamics at DNA helix-coil transition, we refer to as the counterforce to the pressure gradient term -- because it is at the third-order-exponentiated cuspover that temporal CURL initializes its twist and shout. All hail reversibly caged photoswitchable GMNs (genetically-modified neurons), 1T2-only neurons laser activated so as to effectuate optogenetic behavior modification, control, programming -- though one wonders what chronic such iatrogenic interventions will do to normative physiological values of the various quantum-wave properties of intraneuronal DNA. Of course, there will be classes of developers and users which simply won't care. Moreover, as regards non-selfsame Gödel numbers of Lukasiewiczian order-types, authentic µTm-unto-CTC-relative-state identity-transparency is, simply by presence of µTm-unto-CTC in the very definition, not bi-jective, tri-jective n-jective; it always and all ways involves All-That-Is (the whole of Lukasiewicz logics being an oracle's black box for the 1T2-only finite-iteration Turning machine?), by virtue of the higher-order Cantorian cardinalities part-is-whole wave-superposition aspect of the holographic principle: the distinction between partial function and total function breaks down with respect to Cantorian cardinalities and under the holographic principle. Sonic-visioning (holographic sight, sans the weaponizing reticle, directed to the C3 [complex, temporally-CURLed, compacted] C-Y inner dimensions, e.g., formative AnnieBessant colors, Scriabin color organ, Kandinsky's color-form correlations, clairaudient sounds-of-silence astral sounds, those Schoenberg and derivative dodecaphonist Grundgestalts incorporating timbre as tone-color Klangfarbenmelodie, so on, all such being naive due to 1T2-only-logical construal) synaesthetic-holographic inner Musculpt (most minimally composed of many-sorted structures on m-domains, each such structure with many-sorted signature: think, for instance, atmospherically speaking, of infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces) is a metalanguage, richer than any so-called natural language, in which metalanguage truth has Cantorian cardinalities worth of senses qua meanings -- which is to say truth is a notion of very limited utility, for it can mean virtually-anything/really-everything when all order-types of logical-value are taken into account. This circumstance does not 1T2ly-imply that synaesthetic-holographic (Lukasiewiczian) inner Musculpt 1T2ly-implies theory of multisets or ensheaved topoi (convention, motif) of preordered, categorical, 1T2-only monoids, for under µTm-unto-CTC there is not-multiplicity of instantiation, but hologramic-quantum non-simple identity, such that, not only can a be b or/and c or/and d , a can simultaneously be all elements of the multiset, its subsets, and the multiset itself, insofar as an itself, of the set of all sets including itself, can be predicated under the given order of logical-value employed.
Always supposing it's possible to push through the endemic dissemblings -- laid down as if nobody'd know, ever, as if they'd be mere glints to the grazers -- looking at the horrid histories of human institutional cultures the world over throughout a scant several thousands of years, mind numbing are the displays of utter stupidity exhibited: veritable insanity of groups that should have been institutionalized en masse. Insufferable stroppy chiders, polities of paint-work-dressed stir-crazies turning to all manner of suffocating violence when their simpletons' binary-logical hampering rules and rituals were thwarted by m-logical nature, by polymorphic realities sexual, social, political, economic. Big baddies well into their maddies. Catch us up, now -- if your like can. Humanity's highest self-rated efficiency reports are relative to combat, combat with Nature. Not Wellborn, Warborne. Nowadays, politics not in imitation of Christ, but of the afternoon soaps -- very late in the afternoon. Back in the day, No Time For Sergeants; late in the day, no memetime for patience. Squeaking director's chair, squally voice: Hollywood financed by Wall Street. Not meet, it is decried, to denigrate thy detractors by attribution of the nom de guerre, oppressors: thus, stealed he his self and buried it deep -- in the subliminal. Sigh. Whatsoever aught else? asks Everyman. A hedge-fund-promoting Dodd-Frank incorporating the Volcker Rule-type prohibitions, with loopholes, on proprietary trading by depository institutions, fractal-reserve-lending or no? Agreeing with Nomi Prins, as given in her piece entitled Breaking Up The Banks Is Easier Than You Might Think, Zero Hedge, 11 June 2017 -- except that I would more strongly concur with her advocacy were it set within a public-banked µTm-logically-valued LETS-nesting-foamed context -- I, too, despite the certain global-competitiveness sacrifices and the hardships that would be imposed on the megarich and ultrarich, call for a repeal of arch-Clintonism: (1) the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 amending the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, i.e., that Riegle-Neal ostensibly formulated (ridiculously employing fixed percentages as THE regulatory mechanism, a notion of governance the simplest of servomechanism governors supersedes, and which all the subsequent legislative alterations made over decades of changes to this Act never really improved upon: tantamount to the metrics portion of the definitions-plus-metrics-type regulatory mechanism, à la R. Rex Chatterjee's Dictionaries Fail: The Volcker Rule's Reliance on Definitions Renders It Ineffective and a New Solution is Needed to Adequately Regulate Proprietary Trading, BYU International Law and Management Review, 8:1, 12 December 2011; whereas Chatterjee would shift to a structures-based 1T2-only-hetero-regulatory mechanism, I would shift to a framework-determining-conditions-based µTm-allotropic[other forms]-qua-alleleotropic[of each other]-regulatory process) to expand, but which, actually and intentionally, undermined the anti-redlining Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, and (2) the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 which repealed the Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933 prohibiting commercial banks from engaging in investment-banking activities, GLB thus facilitating the worldline of financial phase transitions involving chain banking, and group banking, and regional banking, and interstate and national branch banking all of which contributed to the financial-instrument ConveDDing (conversion-disorder displacement) of local multiplier effects and their transfer to and stockpiling within money centers, as well as the delocalization and concentration of risk from n-locales and n-scales to several e-fuzzy-qua-spread-out-everywhere money centers and a single globalized monoscale, a hugely detrimental process more and more reliant upon 1T2-techno-ConveDDs of µTm-quantum-based technologies, this last-mentioned sort of ConveDD itself a deleterious process set to be greatly magnified by embrace of 1T2-only-planetarizing cryptomonocurrencies, de[ap]preciated here and here. Whereas, in and of itself, µTm-LETS nesting foam would go far toward restoring local multiplier effects. The term 1T2-techno-ConveDDs of µTm-quantum-based technologies is a shorthand reference to my belief that psychiatric conversion and displacement can be engaged in, not only by individuals, but also by population corpora, collectivities, and that, particularly in the mass psychiatric case, the objects involved can be exterior physical objects such as technological artifacts. Specifically, this term is a reference to the idea that quantum mechanics was-is systematically dissimulated by interpretation to probability and statistics, rather than correctly understood with higher-valued µTm-logics, a dissimulation engaged in because probability and statistics saved-saves binary 1T2-only-valued logic, cum the associated psychological states plus socio-politico-economic concomitants, while µTm-valued logics raised-raise the specters of pagan-animistic identity-transparency, multi-identity, schizophrenia, spiritualism, so on. Largely an unconscious process, suppression of the µTm-logically-valued regressed it, i.e., that which is inherently µTm, converted it, displaced it to 1T2-only design criteria for applications of the physics-chemistry of technologies reliant upon quantum processes, such that resultant technological artifacts were-are physical-world projections-embodiments of the regressed psychiatric states responsible for their production. On the prevailing mass psychic gradient, staring at the Trickster archetype, always ask: What ConveDD masking what emotion masking what dread, what fear and loathing? No heads-up on display. Pipper altogether forgotten. Human cognitive inertia, whatever the biochemophysics bases, is a staggering fact: the whole human enterprise has been in whipstall for well over a century and still virtually everyone acts as if the existing institutions of human systems management -- based largely upon analogies to the 1T2-only 17th- and 18th-century classical European model of natural process -- remain substantially functional. Everyman knows that The System Worked! uh, that The System Worked! that it still works, that institutions don't fail because their framework is the right framework underlain by the right framework-determining conditions. Individuals fail, and only individuals, most often authoritarian personalities -- because, as any competent physicist will testify to, collective occasions of experience are impossible. Aren't they? Sure they are! So believes Everyman. But worked-works to what purpose? in address to which syndrome of superintegrated problems? No contemplative entertainment of the institutional defenestration cum whifferdill required. No gyrfalcon about on this cold night. What a hoot! No grudge against society? Blimey, 'e mus' be blimey, 'e is, mus'en't 'e be who 'olds no grudge again' this civilization, this epoch, this Great Age, the Last of First Men. That cheesy ol' Moon has failed to deliver enough DaddyWarbucks brilliants upon wave crests of the dark waters over which our LittleOrphan-ANNs ship-of-the-dead plies its Curie-critical Night Sea Journey. O, naught aught else but thy Amazon logic of seeking ere long a bi[shop}ric's crypto[man}tel withal to count[e}nance profits to a shimmeringly smooth global crown. Loth to lose, they are, aren't they, TPTB, daresay the choristers, to lose, that is, the ludicrous conclaim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-decoherent, yet, laughably, nonetheless intractably wed to techno-ConveDDs (e.g., that discussed in US military reveals $65m funding for 'Matrix' projects to plug human brains directly into a computer, Mark Prigg, Daily Mail of the UK, 10 July 2017) of radical reduction in µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, these ConveDDs being the infante-infanta of the neurotoxin they, uh, TPTB, have proclaimed King, i.e., Glutamate. Mouse-house! despite diligence of the duenna, Ketamine. Such ConveDDs: living in cognitive mice-ridden hice. Forming a residential tract, habitus of which is deeply tucked away in the µTm-logical collective-unconscious-as-infinite-sets, these ConveDDs can't be staunched on the 1T2-only conscious level where first-order-logical binary-calculus of propositions lies, howsoever accurately detailed qua mapped by fMRI à la, for instance, the mil.intel-funded Predicting the Brain Activation Pattern Associated With the Propositional Content of a Sentence: Modeling Neural Representations of Events and States, Jing Wang and Vladimir L. Cherkassky and Marcel Adam Just, Human Brain Mapping, 2017. No loth to the loathing of the participation mystique enfolded C-Y-like within µTm-relative-state, hence, the ConveDDs facilitating the anthropogenic assault upon the overdetermination cum superintegration sustaining ecological integrity of Earth's various spheres, consequences of this assault read in Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines, Gerardo Ceballos and Paul R. Ehrlich and Rodolfo Dirzo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 10 July 2017, and, considering the blind imposed by the classical limit, descriptively forecasted by The Uninhabitable Earth, David Wallace-Wells, New York Magazine, 9 July 2017. Having no expertise at all, and certainly not in the critically involved areas, I have no [know}ledge of where the Earth's atmosphere is at, regards cuspover of the apparent far-from-equilibrium phase transition it is undergoing; nonetheless, my Cornell exposure decades ago was enough to convince me that the classical limit is a mirage masking a dissimulation, and that, if that is, indeed, the case, then the degree of superintegration of the various spheres of Earth in response to our Sun's radiation-conveyed complex-and-hypercomplex-angular-momentum impingements is far greater than is the case understood by those in denial of the notion that quantum-relativistic principles apply to macroscopic meteorology and climatology.
By Z time I do not mean Zulu time, onetime Greenwich Mean Time, the time of the mean City of London, a carryover from colonial-imperial into neocolonial-neoimperial times; I mean ZaZened memetime qua Zip memetime, i.e., 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time, properly understood relative to the archaic Shintoist concept of active time conjugated to perfect, multi-sheeted, nowhere-dense Shintoist ma, i.e., sacred space. If there is to be a user-friendly techno-exteriorized (non-regressed, non-ConveDDed) holographic-Musculpt interface to µTm-LETS nesting foams defined over fractal e-boundaries and meta-mapped upon decomposable Lukasiewiczian Hilbert MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) cum utilizing a planetary quantum-composite unit of account codified relative to Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, then one thing that must be understood is how it is that multi-leveled, Samadhi-enstated, Belsoneque inner Musculpt expresses as coloristic-sounded form-in-process by topological operations of imaginary and hypercomplex temporal CURL (as analogically reduced-reflected vis-à-vis the human range of registration, to include endogenous-ketaminergic memetime-slowdown-to-a-stop as the state-specific absolute limiting velocity of cognition of percepts-propriocepts is reached during the practice of, for instance, Zazen, or Philokalia-type walking meditation, or Vipassana, or m-valued, m-logically-processed, aperspectival Tzog-chen open-focus, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera). To that end, I would suggest a modification to the temporal schema proposed by Mark Reybrouck in Musical Space: Mathematical Bases and Psychological Constraints, Musical Praxis, 4:1, 1998, beginning on page 9 of the post-print version, involving reservations concerning the anti-Buddhological, anti-Abelian-E.T.Bellian-involutory-decomposition, DENSE-IN-ITSELF, passive-referential notion of memetime continuum. To my judgment, the number-theoretical concept of perfect, associated with the idea of dense-in-itself, needs a closer look, for surely both of these formulations are 1T2-bound such that bucket of dust pre-pregeometry and CTC-unto-µTm calculi of propositions pregeometry are precluded. On the most-dense sheet-brane of the Riemann-surface-type universal covering of the Lukasiewiczian-valued Musculpt manifold qua topological space, all orders of logical-value are compacted-CURLed-enfolded -- insofar as the 1T2-only cognizer is concerned. Schrödinger-memetime-independent Abelian-E.T.Bellian involutory decomposition most fundamentally involves the recursive dropping-out, shutting-off, veiling of interior points to the equilateral-triangular-quark-symmetry tiling (alternatively analogically imagined: holes, wells, wires, dots unto n-dimensions passed across temporal band gaps), thus demerging the multi-sheaved nesting foam through which the appearance of decoherence man[i}fests. Reversing this demergence, climbs up Jacob's Ladder, Buddhologically-speaking, involve falling through (no sensation of punching a hole through -- though that is certainly what m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes do to the tropopause boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere at tornadogenesis, this being an interesting context within which to consider Reybrouck's notion of the pitch continuum as a logarithmic spiral) the space in the pointless neighborhood of an isolated, limit point found when the absolute limiting velocity of cognition for the given state is reached: suggesting that the points of the Borel set of dimensionless points constituting pre-pregeometry are isolated points -- CTC-unto-µTm LOGICALLY speaking. Engage the autothrottles! Adjust the climb rate, rate of change of that rate, rate of change of the rate of change of that rate. That'll do it -- as any user of the Bell rotator, any specialist in tornadogenesis, any modeler of helix-coil transition, any student of the spacetime double-helix should know. Speaking 1T2-only, the passive-referential linear-memetime continuum is, like in Mark Reybrouck's scheme, dense, i.e., on the real-numbered arrow of memetime, points can always be found between any two points: there are no gaps, no quantum holes in the inexorable temporal referent, no matter how many rings, modulo whatever, may be mapped relative to it, that referent being wholly objective, not subject to subjectivity. Everettian relative-state of the µTm-logically-valued order-type, the proper context for complex-and-hypercomplex-numbered Pauli-Paine operator-time, however, is participatory (rotational-1T2ly speaking, à la the tai chi symbol: universal consciousness [Jung's collective unconscious] in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators cum operations on the MVRS; such consciousness in its passive aspect is the MVRS operated upon) and eschews isotropic, homogenous memetime-continuum because, under µTm-unto-CTC at logical-value order-types supraordinate to 1T2, point-instants cannot be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, selfsame, yet densely packed; howsoever isolated, they are identity-transparent, modulo whatever, with some other point-instant or set of point-instants, according to the logical-value order-types involved in the given relative-state case of chronotopological identity-transparency. Function of time would be points of time plenum as the arguments of 1st-order operator-time. Spectral configurations of these arguments would be temporal functionals, i.e., arguments of functions of the functions of time, hence, 2nd-order operator-time. With the 3rd-order, operator-time carries a functional spectral configuration automorphically into itself, not as a selfsame isomorphism, but as a non-selfsame heteromorphic identity, i.e., an m-valued functor.
Here is an intriguing statement made in Mark Reybrouck's paper, entitled Musical Space, linked immediately above, page 18:
Musical substance has a dynamic character that leans upon secondary attributes that shape the unfolding of time.
Not exactly a reference to Charles Musès' chronotopology or Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes or topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time, but giving temporal unfolding shapes is pretty close to each of these. The deposition of musical substance (Reybrouck holds that this substance is in the nature of time) was interestingly addressed by Schoenberg in 1924, relative to an all-directions-permitted take on what might be called the Husserlian n-horizons of a musical object, such an object being Reybrouck's spectral configuration, a sonic gestalt's n-faceted Analytical-Cubist Piagetian object-constancy, so to speak: a notion very near to suggesting that the substance in question is m-logically-valued (it is historically instructive to consider that Wassily Kandinsky and Arnold Schoenberg, Russian and Austro-German, though briefly changing synaesthetic-places just before onset of WWI, Kandinsky composing and Schoenberg painting, apparently failed to assimilate Polish logics). Actually being what one seems to be has never seemed to me an edified life orientation. Going musically µTm from 1T2-only means, minimally, that overtone series is a gross over-simplification: not merely the dualism of overtone-Otonality and undertone-Utonality, but omni-directional Lewinian triadic relative-state. Less-than/greater-than, as the only than, taken as an arithmetic axiom, is an artifact of prescriptive glutamateric neuronal etching to 1T2-only cognition alone. A life lived in binary-only logic is a life like that of well, fill in the blank. I've never thought that Musculpt manifold (Mm) is structurally or functionally equivalent to ponderable space plus memetime or Minkowski spacetime or some 1T2ly-strung-out, bestiary (what is temporally-CURLed and compacted, enfolded from 1T2-only perspect, must, simply must, be pathological, mus'en'it? glib assurance, what, uh, to be sure, that question -- zinging the neural nets as it is, its details in idiosyncratic idiolect so characteristically idiotic), C-Y-dimensioned, er, Calabi-Yau-modeled hyperspace. Instead of the myriads e-commons m-scenarios computer gaming µTm-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, we have a plethora of half-enlivened unemployed repetitive-motion-diseased drones shooter-VDO-gamed out from hitting the fight-club transmit rocker on the control yoke. Yuk-yuk-yuk, yuk-yuk-yuk. Flight to Denmark may be indicated. Since the mid-'70s at Cornell, when, in the Mathematics Library, I first ran across Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics, I've attempted to hear-visualize-conceptualize Mm relative to Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space. During that same Cornell period, whilst working my way through Douglas A. Paine's copy of the Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler mega-tome, entitled Gravitation, I flashed on, relative to the possibility that the Mm might be formalizable, the account provided of the Regge calculus. Having earlier, while taking studio art and music courses at George Mason U., been a chela of Kandinsky synaesthesia cum color-form correspondence, I couldn't help but think of the juxtaposition of curvilinear-rectilinear and continuous-discrete displayed in his 1935 painting entitled "Gravitation" -- for the Regge calculus provides lattice equivalents, triangular-simplicial though they may be (think: n-dimensional prime-numbered-chroma of the Tonnetz equilateral-triangular tuning lattice, contextualized here), to spacetime curvature configurations, i.e., the rubber-sheeted Einsteinian geometrodynamic correspondents to variant values of Newton's gravitational force. I'd like to see the toroidal view of the neo-Riemannian Tonnetz topo-transformed to Klein-bottle nesting foam via transformations of audio data in (Lukasiewiczian) Hilbert spaces. Though Western tonal music is of no particular interest (keyed diatonic tonality: Ah, a manic monic morphism in sober space if I've ever seen one!), the spirals-array representational model developed by Elaine Chew, a virtuoso pianist, and others is of considerable interest (the inner spirals being CY-like, Bohm-implicate, and tied to Reybrouck's glutamatergically-etched secondary attributes), particularly in the Musculpt context of the cascade-theory-modeled generation of infrasound signatures to theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces at severe-storm genesis and the coherent waves produced by DNA pi-electron gas core (think: the inner spirals) at helix-coil transition. Also to consider are the spiralforms of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes undulating qua rippling whirling tornadic walls. It is a commonplace that impossible to solve problems occasionally are found solvable via the right decomposition, a decomposition yielding a corpus of solvable problems. As regards the problem of implementing a quantum-composite global unit of account over an MVRS mapping of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, the bottom-up e-commons m-scenarios computer-gaming of the designation and placement of m-values within variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS currency-unit value-sheaves (think: the musical Grothendieck topoi addressed in Ciphers and Commuting Algebras of Hilbert Spaces in Music, Terry Allen and Daniel Branscombe and Jim Bury, 5 May 2012, though for our purposes not according to the Boolean Arithmetic Operator of the Music Cipher which forms the geometry of the tone value spaces by its prime ideals, but according to the temporal CURL effectuated by 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time which demerges [from painterly-musicological pointillisme pre-pregeometry and Lukasiewiczian calculi-of-propositions pregeometry] the geometrodynamics of Musculpt manifold by dictates µTm-specified with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers read in Lukasiewiczian trans-al-jabr via employments of Alexander.S.Karpenko functors over the primes) would likely -- in context of Regge calculus -- greatly benefit from use of some facsimile of greedy algorithms and greedoids as selection algos for prioritizing indicators under conditions of HYPERoverlapping subproblems (e.g., in demergent, memoized, mutually-recursive, top-down descent parsing µTm-relative-state, that state being one in identity-transparency with each and all the others in the power set, depending upon the order of logical-value at issue). Think globally, act locally! eh what. So, Musculpt signs as functions, functionals, functors of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time temporal-CURLing the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert m-logically-valued reference space, the MVRS, such that the Regge bones, the strings, the connectors, the correlations, between the signs are Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered propositions between nodes on a given sheet and across sheets of the logical-value-order-type nesting foam. But, of course, this is only an analogical speculation, for the Regge calculus is developed with respect to Minkowski spacetime, not a Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert MVRS. In some Penrose-twistorized (twistor as quantization of temporal CURL) manner, simplicial transforms would have to become symplectomorphism-quantizations (by twistorized temporal CURL, not by energy) in Hilbert space framed relative to Lukasiewicz-understood-independent-of-the-notion-truth-value rather than relative to Boole? The Logic of [one kind of] Thought, indeed.
Mass-mediated conversion-disorder displacements (ConveDDs) have querky features, even if in certain cases Musculpturally meshwork-tiled in equilateral-triangular fashion. However Weylie the loop groups involved, to what degree this or that Observer Q is of the free-type is a non-consideration in the commuting of sentences composed of elements in a q-deformed Heisenberg algebra. Fetish-harried! by hefty Hollyrude accentuation of violence and infrasex, not to say those algebraic varieties of violent infrasex which the voyeuristic Rating Gods have consigned to low-intensity-warfare zones, sites of extraordinary rendition, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, the service academies, and so on. Oops! where's the co[respond}dance? Howsoever maximal the filtering executed by these primary completely-prime principle pseudoideals, containment and inclusion and specialization are binary order-theoretical notions tacitly predicated, congruence modulo n included, on the simple-identity assumption of numerical selfsameness: the given number is itself and only itself, not also another number or numbers, be the referent tropes of the number comparable or incomparable, sets or posets. What the number-in-itself is, its identity modality, is not a function of ordinality or cardinality, but of the logical-value order-type through which it is viewed qua conceptualized. Under n-place qua n-ary relations between non-simple-identities µTm-processed, difference is different m-times over from 1T2-only-processed subtraction. Indeed, as CTC is closely approached via µTm, difference becomes increasingly indifferent to subtraction. Please don't say too true. Is too true truer than true or just truer than false? Can't decide that without employment of, at least, fuzzy logic. Demergence being from infinite to finite, on Tzog-chen AllBase, i.e., the most dense sheet of the Riemann-surface-covered Musculpted Lukasiewiczian Hilbert MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, all numbered numbers are infinitude-cardinalities each simultaneously identified with uncountably many ordinals. Involutory decomposition, CTC-unto-µTm, unfolds this enfold unto 1T2-only-simple numerical identity. Terry Allen's and Daniel Branscombe's and Jim Bury's 2012 paper, Ciphers and Commuting Algebras of Hilbert Spaces in Music, is a demanding paper with which I will be struggling for quite some memetime. I can, however, confidently make the observation that, with Victor Zuckerkandl and Karlheinz Stockhausen, hearing placeless Buddhological auditory space aurally accessed via the intervals between the tones, rather than hearing the tones themselves, one can more deeply understand that convergence of m-valued functions under µTm-logics is different from convergence of single-valued functions under 1T2-logic.
Once a mil.brat, always a mil.brat; and, if added to that the kith and kin of once having been SF trained, then mission imprinting is transubstantiated to life orientation: possibly not a bad thing, even if the behavioral expression of internalization of identity-transparent bonding values, facilitated by habituation to self-observation and consistent cultivation of interior distance, is paradoxically viewed by the mainstream as signifying mere depersonalization and accompanying imperturbability. Learned about psychiatric conversion and displacement, I did, didn't I, the summer after my senior year of high school, 1963, staying with a friend of my mother, a lady clinical psychologist specialized in the treatment of schizophrenic children, treatment guided in part by interpretive analyses of these children's art products. Having been aware of a lot of weird stuff growing up as a mil.brat, the notion of conversion-disorder displacement, ConveDD, immediately made sense to me. Over the next two-and-a-half years as a student of international relations in Washington, D.C., I became aware of a lot more weird stuff. So much so, in fact, that that awareness factored into my decision to quit college and enlist in the Army Airborne unassigned, with the intent to volunteer for Special Forces training and go to Viet Nam. I wrote the following in my personal journal during September of 1965, not long before dropping out of college (incorporated into Derek's Journal, our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994, Vol. 1, p. 281):
From every approach to the issue, I have come to be opposed to American involvement in that war. Two years ago I was undecided. No more; I have read enough and seen enough in this city to be firm in my convictions. But something deep and strong inside tells me that the real and hidden content of the American psyche is playing itself out over there. That which remains unresolved, which is pushed into the unconscious, there to fester, is always and automatically projected. This applies to the collectivity no less than to the individual. Psychological contents, once projected, are lived out as physical events. America in Viet Nam is such a case That which really drives the American psyche is showing its true colors right now in Viet Nam If one wants to understand America, look at what it is doing to Viet Nam. I am an American. I want to understand myself. I have to go to Viet Nam. How could I justify protecting myself from the laceration? What is it that Kazantzakis says? In order to be a true modern man, a contemporary Odysseus, one must keep the thought of death constantly before the mind and free oneself from everything: philosophies, religions, political systems. I sense this war will strip me bare of the last vestige of naive faith in contemporary political systems. Would that not be a great service to my interior development?
I started to see the Vietnam-war-era ConveDDs during late-'67 and early-'68 studying VC boundary changes and U.S. bombing behaviors. All the various U.S. assessments of the frequently changed VC boundaries were on a par with: They can't do anything right, so they have to keep changing their boundaries. In fact, by tacit modern analogue to ancient animistic practice, the VC had to change their boundaries frequently in response to the changing environment of the combat because they mapped bureaucratic variables of their underground political apparatus, their political infrastructure, upon those changing boundaries. This is detailed and documented in our novel. One could easily view the emergence of the holographic principle in the fields of black-hole and string-theory physics as a postwar Vietnam-syndrome-type ConveDD of archaic Southeast Asian animistic cosmogony (see, for instance, discussions of Buddhological space as given in Siam Mapped, Tongchai Winichakul, U. of Hawaii, 1997). Huntington's free-fire-zone forced-draft urbanization, the carpet bombing, the Rome plows, the daisy cutters, the Puff-the-Magic-Dragons, the myriad tons of Agent Orange, the cluster-bomb-unit seedings: each were techno-ConveDDs directed against VC applications of the holographic principle as carried out in the black holes of Injun Cuntry, e.g., U-Minh Forest, Rung Sat Special Zone, A Shau Valley. I understood the techno-ConveDD pretty well by the time I left Viet Nam during late-summer of 1968. Comprehending the techno-ConveDD, during the mid-1970s I began to state that I believed there would be a ten-percent human survival rate at cuspover of the gathering planetarization of what was sure to be an omni-transforming far-from-equilibrium phase transition. I did not produce this forecast on the basis of what is now discussed in the MSM or the alternative press cum blogsphere (e.g., bank fraud and government fraud becoming popularly understood as fraud perpetrated by the banking system and government; the banking establishment's fear that they-qua-the-burgeoning-world-government will not control the blockchain and so-called-quantum computers; the First World's depopulation fears plus loathing of the African-population-boom projections; fright at, and obsessive fixation upon, the mere financial aspect of coming cuspover-endgame by those inclined to contemplate it); I asked myself how efficacious ConveDD-produced technologies can possibly be. Many of our most revered innovators have actually been our worst enemies. Jus' say: Oh, aye, Cogburn, Deputy Undersecretary Cogburn of the AmerikoAnglo MITI, cum Dr. Proctor, Chief Proctologist in the Office of the Surgeon General. Dunno 'bout that? Howsoever gnawed be the nahs, gunna git a bol[lock}in' if'n 'e don't skedaddle. Jus' hunky-dory it is not. Fun[e}real in[vigil}ators all, spy cams biologically incarnate invigorating the 1T2-only simple-identity a superego-personified godhead apo[cry}phally [man}dated in mesmerically making faces at Tzog-chen AllBase: a pro[dig}ality of recidivisms masquerading as a scrum of disincentives to the Uberdeterminierung-Superintegration inculcated by the coherency hallmarking µTm-relative-state. The technologies which TPTB believe will save the day, being for the most part ConveDD-produced, almost certainly will be unsuccessful at carrying the human species successfully through coming cuspover. Moreover, subtending the techno-ConveDDs are several facts. Lukasiewicz logics remain dissembled. Schrödinger's wave-function remains dissimulated in not being understood with non-dissembled m-valued logics. This dissembling and this dissimulation sustain the classical limit which prevents real insight with regard to meteorology, climatology, solar-terrestrial interactions, the superintegrated relative-state of Earth's various spheres -- and facilitate three mistaken premises of genetic engineering, i.e., that the genetic code is a single-level encipherment, that the quantum-wave dynamics of DNA have no genetic-encryption significance, that radiation must be ionizing to have genetic effects. Considering the weight of all that, and more, I've long been aware that a ten-percent survival rate WAG may well be wildly optimistic. When, across state membranes and nation-state membranes, one corporate person M&A-buys another with the unstated intent to destroy the person bought, all well and good, as that sort of human trafficking has always been perfectly legal programmed quasi-apoptosis-type -- regarded non-necrosis-cum-non-phagocytosis-type -- S&S-(snatch and snuff)-stuff behavior, for what would happen to the economy, not to mention existential anxieties becoming fear quotients of the ultra-rich, were there no psychoeconoimmunological agents allowed? Use the catflap, m'boy, in going out on a kickabout to burn the night; jus' chappit, then pluck the liver, lungs, and heart, for that corporahag is, uh, well-- her tatties and neeps don't live up to her mess of haggis, and there's no right welcome upon calling her foirthe, and, er, dialing up her venal vennel. But given the invasively coercive iatrogenic nature of the IT revolution, when a tech service provider is the S&S-stuff victim, the lives of millions are impacted: sufficient cause for expropriating techy corporate persons and banishing their boards and major shareholders? Surely not, but maybe one first cause for implementation of µTm-LETS nesting foams. Whatever the nature of the blowback to the AI Thermidorian reaction to the back-reaction upon the metric of the IT invasion, upon what criteria could that blowback conceivably be decried? Aye, the last space going, what. Argonated mineral water on the Moon means LunaScaped ChemYards. But all of R2-D2's progeny shalln't need water, they shan't, sha'n't they. It'll be far better, Ol' Sod, than down here on megalopolised pandemic Earth, howsoever be done the reckoning. Ah, aye, those human transhumanists cutting a path through the AI wilderness into our posthuman future!
To my understanding, chronotopology generally, and Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes specifically, are not by any stretch the big-O-notated time complexities (or computational complexities) -- logarithmic, polynomial, exponential -- of computer science, a science which tacitly assumes an invariant, objective, linear, passing, passive temporal reference frame of non-relativistic constant baud-rate-of-flow as the universal measure against which each complexity type is gauged, a notion of time decomposable into fundamental units, i.e., instants, the identity properties of which are well-defined only under binary logic, i.e., not under µTm-order-types supraordinate to that 1T2. Bound to catch me up, even given you-hare/me-turtle; so, certainly You're Me, but not by bijective-function one-to-one correspondence between sets in memetemporal envelope, as was commonly supposed during the Romantic Period. Oops! That's the Buddha's fast-baud-rate-of-consciousness, punch-tape, discrete memetime made as sequence-of-identifications-with-spaces-between; that's not William James' slow-baud-rate streaming-consciousness-of-Ol'-Man-River memetime signified by the reals, not the naturals: now of either memetime type always being denigrated to zero, thus glutamatergically allaying the ketaminergic impulse to Be here now!. Points on memetime line : N : [0 or 1] : binary logic with the laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction; points on memetime line : R : [0,1] : fuzzy logic. Gives You of Louche the boak, that Dedekind-infinite cack-up does, does it? To be arsed, or not to be arsed: that is the eternal infernal question. Then there are the temporal CURLs accomplished by 3-fold imaginary and hypercomplex Pauli-Paine operator-time (and associated supraDedekind part-greater-than-whole infinitudes). But loops are loops only insofar as a single given order of logical-value is concerned; from other such order-types, the loop is other [con}figurations. There are no closed circuits in the intact brain, to quote Edmund Jacobson, M.D., autosensory-observation practitioner extraordinaire, not only because, despite curare, the system of reference is a neuro-muscular system. Since the extraocular muscles differ from the skeletal muscles, and it is the extraocular and laryngeal muscles that are critical to Jacobson's thesis concerning residual tension patterns and mental associations cum extensions of that thesis to considerations as regards consciousness-without-an-object (of that particular-discrete, localized consciousness available to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains or of THE µTm-quantum brain's universal, non-localizable consciousness?), I, for one, have never been certain as to the implications of Lee Birk's 1966 curare experiment (once had a brief discussion of this with John C. Lilly). Demergence under topologically-active 3-fold operator-time to 1T2-only decoherence is, 1T2ly speaking over memetime, a one-way function, but is, µTmly speaking over Schrödinger memetime independence, at least a two-way function, suggesting that, CTCly-unto-µTmly speaking, there may be supra-NP-hard NP-supraordinate problems containing the NP problems containing those P and NP-complete -- whether or not P = NP, given that both passive temporal reference and 1T2-determinism-vs-indeterminism are superseded under µTm-unto-CTC.
Probably it would be proper to say that the classical Freudian notion of conversion -- anxiety converted to physical symptoms -- is a special limiting case of a general unconscious process, in defense against a persistent chronic stressor, which involves crippling transformation of some normative-psychological functional-modalities and their transference to inappropriate bodily or external physical fields of activity; hence, conversion-disorder displacement or ConveDD. I think that this general type of conversion is part-and-parcel of collective hysteria -- a condition-state which may also involve signs and symptoms of dissociative identity disorder, dissociative amnesia, depersonalization, and complex-PTSD. In industrial and post-industrial -- particularly Western -- societies, the normative conditions of everyday life in the mainstream minimally-to-generously (depending upon the societal niche involved) fulfill the entrapment-captivity preconditions qua etiology associated with C-PTSD. With regards to a recurrent theme in my writings, the involved chronic stressor gathered dimensions, intensity, and persistence over generations: N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-algebras collectively denigrated as an Impossibility Theorem; the coming of age during the 1870s of the part-equals-whole of Cantor's transfinite mathematics; the pre-WWI controversy over the 1904 Axiom of Choice concerning well-ordering of sets such that allowance of infinite sets, as distinct from infinite sequences, in proofs became a major issue of concern; the early-20th century appearance of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, rigorously codified and published in 1921; the appearance in 1925 of Schrödinger's m-valued quantum wave-function, and the quick consensus in 1926 that this m-valuedness was to be understood as indicative of probabilities, not m-valued logics; the gathering and continuing experimental substantiation of quantum weirdness, nonlocality, non-simple identity, being in two or more places at once, being in two or more times at the same time, relativistic time dilation and spatial contraction, so on. This whole maths-science march greatly threatened, indeed, existentially threatened, the firmest foundations of Western civilization, the metaphysical assumptions upon which its institutions are based, the psychological crutches without which individualistic society cannot persist. Western mathematicians and scientists, predominantly, created-discovered all of these anti-Westernisms; hence, in a sociological sense of the term, were autoimmune agents inducing collective C-PTSD and activating defense mechanisms with increasing pathogenicity in the form of myriad ConveDDs and associated dissociative disorders -- throughout the whole period of onset (as regards the current War-of-the-World fulmination of a [ma}lady with a his-story of revertive recurrence thematically traceable back thousands of years), with virulence gathering until today. The conversion and displacement involves processes of projective-identification. For instance, the specific chronic stressor, appearance and experimental verification of quantum non-simple identity, having been suppressed, but not eliminated, by treatment of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function as descriptive of probability amplitudes, the collective insistence upon individual single-valued identity was converted to a compulsive pursuit of other states of identity (sex, drugs, rock and roll, gangs, murder, war) and displaced-projected to transference objects with which intense identifications developed: one example being identity-transparent animistic Vietnamese peasants, and their frequently unidentifiable VC exemplars. The strategies and tactics (e.g., forced-draft urbanization and free-fire zones), the techniques (e.g., carpet bombing triple-canopy jungle as attempt to wipe out headquarters that are highly cellular and in constant motion, hence literally unbombable) and technologies (e.g., cluster-bomb units to deal with a non-localizable enemy) employed were overwhelmingly determined by the obsession with which the ConveDD-governed collective hysteria -- C-PTSD-induced inability to process new information, persistent dissociative amnesia as regards certain classes of factual information, even dissociative fugue when confronted with agonistic events actual processing of which is wholly unacceptable because the whole worldview construct would irrevocably alter during such processing, so on and so forth -- unfolded its pathogenesis. The Viet Nam war case is simply one among many, in many fields of human endeavor. Additionally, ConveDDs frequently drive unconsciously-mediated processes of mass compensatory abreaction. A case in point is the American exceptionalism brought to obsession with full-spectrum dominance, regardless of costs to Americans, humanity, the various spheres of Earth: this behavioral syndrome (for historical documentation, see these two exemplary books: William Blum's Rogue State and Ward Churchill's On the Justice of Roosting Chickens: all sussing in, nay out or up, 'e is, isn't 'e, that introjecting-converting-displacing state -- 1T2-only, collective-egoic, poset nation-state) is an asymptotic compensatory abreaction to the existential threat posed -- to much mistakenly held dear -- by the ever-increasing certainty as to existence of quantum non-simple identity as a fundament of nature. Which observation is not to mention the identity-dyscrasia ConveDD sponsoring the fulminating obsession with acts of arrogation vis-à-vis the attempt at taking total control of the molecular-level serial chemistry of the grundgestalt of the genome. Oh, aye? Grass up? Right then-- no joy stepping out of the 750-mph, vacuum-tube, mag-lev pod, a bit dizzy from the intense magnetic-field-induced hysteresis sustained by me helix-coiling intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA molecules, into the pod station's Carri[age}way Restaurant serving up a well-preserved, flavor-enhanced, depleted-uranium-irradiated MAD menu of pesticide-fungicide embedded fruits, anabolic-sterioded meats, molecularly-fabricated pseudomeats, GMOed potatoes and grains and fish, hot-particle-fortified products of the sea, glyphosate-enhanced produce cooked by magnetic induction and microwaves, all to be enjoyed in a WiFied environment aurally reverbed by ambient electronic music click-tracks -- binning the rapper a matter of policy -- and the omnipresent chit-chat of cellular chatterboxes. The need for speed, uh, greed, no less than a lift in the sperm count and access to Viagra over age 40, as well as rectification of retinal lesions and deterioration of the bones of the inner ears, Rx for prostate cancer are prescriptively enculturated-socialized and physiologically anchored by glutamatergic processes. No wonder, then, the call for megabrains super[ann}uated with artificial neural networks, nets replacing those prescriptively glutamate etched and quantum quenched: given this toll, more tool they than than fool or ghoul, what. Most of my forecasts (e.g., the long-ago-prognosticated, beginning late-1960s at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Mahayana-Buddhist-Bloc GreaterChina incorporating Japan: that's them, their fences falling down under the American snowdrift, as discussed by Pepe Escobar in Imperial Folly Brings Russia and Germany Together, Information Clearing House, 1 August 2017; obviously no pithy Pythiac statement, mine, oracular and mantic, as I attribute zero objective reality value to passing linear-[meme]time and regard all Delphic chronomantic divination as the taking of readings as to collective unconscious event gradients, the Regge bones falling according to the given state of the field of the time) have been based upon reflections on what people think they don't think, not on what they think they do think -- this, because collective unconscious processes overwhelmingly set up the gradients/attractors inducing the mass behaviors strategically involved in substantive changes. Uberdeterminierung! understood relative to µTm-relative-state (not Everett's 1T2-relative-state) -- and certainly not relative to 1T2-only billiard-ball discrete causality or 1T2-only probability-wave-as-continuous-cause. That is, by CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-demergence-unto-decoherency at involutory decomposition, m:1 causal function crossed into m:1 teleological-attractor function, the combination of these two, 1T2ly speaking, being the diametric opposite of parametric dialectical determination. Which means single-sector (financial, economic, political, military, social, ecological, climatological ) forecasts are, more likely than not, bunk.
Ah yes, more throwbacks with their throwback ideas, this memetime to RFIDed-qua-nanochipped, memetime-limited currencies, a repugnant variant upon Silvio Gesell's stamp scrip idea experimented with in Austria during the early-1930s, a throwback (no RFIDing memetime-unlimited cash as the base-state of a commodity-backed µTm-logically-processed m-valued LETS currency) not to be instituted so as to enable direct actual measurement of velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration of non-e-money, dynamics of hot money being eminently measurable (results of such direct measurement likely with many indicator-type applications as regards temporal CURL and Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock at e-commons computer-gaming of variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS currencies), but so as to effect the Googled-FaceBooked-Twittered-YouTubed-Amazoned-so-on-and-so-forth (apart from the YouTube-cum-Google censorship issue, when laughing at what comes up on many, maybe most, searches, it's blatantly obvious that Google's utility has been rapidly declining) wider cultural change agenda (see: War on Cash Proposals in Australia: Microchip expiring $100 Bills, Forcing People to Keep Receipts, Mike Shedlock, MishTalk, 2 August 2017) into Chib-You!-you-measly-mark civil expropriation-forfeiture-confiscation so as to fund an unjustifiably-justified rabid totalitarianism necessitated because of -- speaking surface-structure only; leaving deep-structure causes-attractors as the unmentionables they are -- wildly inept financial, economic, banking policies implemented within an utterly inane-insane monetary system framework founded upon infantile framework determining conditions unimproved since well, since barter was superseded, all monies in use today remaining 1T2-only-logically-valued.
Gödel numbers: CTC-unto-µTm Oxen of the Sun handled as no more than the Bulls of Mithras. What exactly are [Go}del-numbered Gödel numbers -- other than Cabalistic-gematric detailings of the job descriptions, AOs, TAORs, taskings of the autopoietic operators employing 3-fold temporal CURL to effectuate the crossover from Lukasiewiczian pregeometry to Wheelerian geometrodynamics? I couldn't rightly say, not exactly, nosiree -- having been denied access, at the right age-juncture, to biofeedback in the isolation-flotation tank as one practice in attempts to grok Dolphin-speak sonic-visioning. Bizarre notion, what! The very nth-degree of associative-visual-thinker ASD -- and, no doubt, of the Asperger's subtype, eh. Oh, that 3rd-order-dynamics orthogonality-of-CONTROL need predisposing to demand avoidant behaviors! Hmmm. Let's just see about that. While it is all well and good to recognize that time (in the guise of 3-fold imaginary and hypercomplex and multicomplex temporal CURL) operates on the metadimensions of Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space to generate form (think: the hypertwists and twists prefiguring ponderable-space contraction), it should be further understood that the relativity of absolute limiting values of dynamical variables (re: time rate of change of acceleration, acceleration, velocity) insures the existence of metadimensional chronotopology (think: the hypertwists and twists prefiguring memetime dilation). Pauli-Paine operator-time draws distinctions upon the reticular universal covering of the superterranean adytum of ma, i.e., the base-state of Tzog-chen, the most dense sheet of Lukasiewiczian Hilbert MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. Oh, aye, but of what conceivable practical value? Humph! My dear sir, the decoherence defense of the classical limit is in the memetime-bound mind of the beholder, but, being quantum-relativistic, climate-shift dynamics and associated superintegrated spheres of Earth are not. If exponentiating exponents is a step in the right direction, it's not a giant step, no fly-me-to-the-Moon step. The best step I've seen so far, as regards movement toward Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers, was taken by Stephen Blaha in his chapter entitled Gödel Numbers and Physics, The Metatheory of Physics Theories, and the Theory of Everything as a Quantum Computer Language, Pingree-Hill, 2005, but, since Blaha's formulations are restricted to applications entailing the logic of Russell's and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica, those formulations of Blaha are of no considerable use with respect to our CTC-unto-µTm purposes. Does vertical exponentiation qua horizontal, product-assembly-line, times-one-after-another multiplication actually signify-model the twisted, self-referential, self-reentered, reflexivity-type multi-identity associated with µTm-valued logics? [Multi}ply is closer to m-identity than is the times connoting repetition in memetime. Gödel-numbering a Gödel number thus must mean a new formal system (new number-token assignments for each new basic sign, symbol, symbolic sign, syntagm, variable, single-valued and multivalued constant, concatenations thereof) with each order of Gödel-numbering entertained. The accusation: You don't know the [exponential] powers of your own mind! The retort: None of us know the powers of our own minds, nor can we justifiably claim to own our own minds. Ah, the rope-shock attendant upon the Shinto-braiding of tensor powers at multilinear embedding, such that even under 1T2-type embedding the bilinearity of the simple-tensor product is drawn into question. Clifford algebras and J.G.Bennettian µTm-pencils of skew-parallels, what! I've never credited the notion that product-state subsystem embedding, compositing, entanglement is extendable in-principle unchanged from finite to infinite dimensional: separability/inseparability cannot be so simple because part-whole relations radically alter as cardinalities go from finite unto those transfinite. The quantum superposition is captured by the arithmetic operation of addition? The quantum composite is captured by the arithmetic operation of multiplication? Pretty simple-minded, so it seems. Production rules: that's what Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers are all about? Anti-Cabalistic generative grammars of recursive, finite-iteration, linear-time-bound, 1T2-only Turing machines, quantum-probablistic Turing machines, entangled quantum-probabilistic Turing machines. Maybe addition captures virtuality of laminated probabilities, but certainly not emphatics of µTm enfoldments. Maybe multiplying virtualities of laminated probabilities captures their condensations, but certainly not authenticity of their non-simple identity-transparencies. The modernist sense of addition is rather a Nazi notion: top-down, the sum of the stack written under the bottom line; whereas summa totalis was summed up in the ancient world, even in Rome: written above the top line as the summit. Upward or downward, addition, like the other basic arithmetic operations, takes time, passing time -- multiplication of the multi-ply, an overt biological trope, being the most memetime associated, hence times as the meaning of the operation designated by x. How much existential authenticity is lost in verbizing the nouns superposition, condensate, composite, entanglement? Is such verbizing -- under tacit assumption that memetime is an objective linear-time which is all the time there is, not only the only time there is -- a glutamatergic cortical override placed upon ketaminergic comprehension? Is µTm-quantum relative-state non-simple identity-transparency (no mere matter of the Gang of FAAAM5: FaceBook, Amazon qua WaPo, Alphabet qua Google, Apple, Microsoft) the 1T2-multi-identity of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) ConveDDed to a multiverse? Not so, for universes of multiverse don't DIDdy-bop in and out, cycling one after another, time after time relative to memetime reference frame. That's one thing prescriptive glutamate etching can do to you: cycling of identities opaque to one another. Which direction the ConveDD, then? Indirectly addressing that question is a recent piece of research brought to my attention by Lauri Love (nsh), to wit, Ketamine modulates hippocampal neurochemistry and functional connectivity: a combined magnetic resonance spectroscopy and resting-state fMRI study in healthy volunteers, N. V. Kraguljac, et al., Molecular Psychiatry, 00 (advance posting to the internet), pp. 1–8, 2016. Quoting the abstract:
A growing body of evidence suggests glutamate excess in schizophrenia and that N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) hypofunction on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) interneurons disinhibiting pyramidal cells may be relevant to this hyperglutamatergic state. To better understand how NMDAR hypofunction affects the brain, we used magnetic resonance spectroscopy and restingstate functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to study the effects of ketamine on hippocampal neurometabolite levels and functional connectivity in 15 healthy human subjects.
Everettian 1T2-relative-state yields a schizophrenic (identity opaqueness: universe identities can't see one another due largely to the memetime-bound Second Law of Thermodynamics: no mere mouse model of schizophrenia!) multiverse emergent non-cyclically, but recursively, over memetime. Lukasiewiczian µTm-relative-state yields a single identity-transparent universe subject to the holographic principle where the universes-of-discourse of the one-and-only universe are interactive but not in/over memetime. Demergence-remergence under holoprinciple: by transfinite cardinalities, the whole is contained in the part, the boundary being that part. M-identity is not merely a multi[ply}ing of dimensions, for each identity is a whole-in-itself, not simply a degree of freedom of that self -- and that whole is identity-transparent with the lower dimensional part-boundary. Boundary-without-boundary! Are the basic arithmetic operations, exponents and logarithms, roots, factorials tensor products, even, adequate here? Is the holoprinciple only spatial -- or is that just its 1T2-form? Generative-emergent holoprinciple 1T2 cross im, where i = I/i, not the identity element of a no-change operation, yields enfolded dimensions spatial. Decomposition-demergent holoprinciple µTm cross im, where i = I/i, not the identity element of a no-change operation, yields enfolded metadimensions temporal. Demergence CTC-unto-µTm under 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time, while much like 1T2-involutory decomposition (a heuristic description for us'ins 1T2-bound), is not strictly a decomposition, whether Cayley numbered or no -- given the whole-contained-by-the-part holoprinciple involved. So, for Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-propositions are we looking at production rules or deconstruction rules? And how are those propositions to be symbolized? Clearly, between orders of logical-value, there will be variances in the choice of symbols and permutations of the symbols in appropriate deconstruction rules; there will also be variances in assignments of tokens to symbols and permutations of such assignments. Arithmetic and algebraic symbols, however tokenized, are of no use here! The autopoietic operators we wish to symbolically characterize and numerically tokenize are Musculpt operators crossing (musical) chronotopology into (sculptural) spatial topology such that Lukasiewiczian pregeometry demerges to Wheelerian geometrodynamics Schrödinger-memetime-independently -- all this ontologically-before spacetime is. Inner Musculpt (only The Five Senses?) is not like Googling pictures, and µTm seems associational only to 1T2-only cognizers. Musculpting the Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers: sounded numbers; colored signs, symbols, syntagms, words; tonal-taste polymorphisms; smelly paresthesias; so on and so forth. The OSS research base and the CBS archives may be of considerable utility: Oliver Sacks Syndrome and Charles Bonnet Syndrome. As Temple Grandin so elegantly describes (see above link on visual thinking), operational-visual-thought concepts are built up recursively beginning with distinctions drawn, going from particular specific toward the most general of general cases. Musculpt concepts are built down by, 1T2ly speaking, involutory decomposition unto 1T2ly-distinct categories. Aristotelian-taxonomic categorical-thought processes rely upon 1T2-in/out boundaries which on/off-binary-switching neurons register sharply. Relative-state identity-transparency, which inner Musculpt is adept at handling, involves ketaminergic collapse in minimal permissible self-object/self-other distance unto the utter loss of 1T2-only body boundary, a loss, or absence, characteristic of µTm-quantum pagan animism. While PDD, Proprioception Deficit Disorder (possibly involved in Pervasive Developmental Disorder), may involve loss of ego-awareness to many of the 21 senses, ketaminergic generative-empathic propriocepting-the-proprioception-of-the-other clearly involves conscious access to µTm-processing of THE nonlocalizable quantum brain -- a perspective suggesting that PDD may involve a 1T2-only molecular-cellular brain suddenly (think: ketamine flood, with awareness that ketamine-induced psychosis may be a 1T2-only-prejudicial term) accessing THE ambient µTm-quantum sphere without having the logics available for processing such inputs. It may be that explosive autistic 1T2-pushing-away is due to the implosive µTm-crashing-in of objects and others -- absent altogether a cultural environment supportive of, and instructive in, µTm-modes of cognition and comprehension.
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