µTm Scenarios, T31(M)
Squares finding square-roots bow and scrape androgynously, bra Phi|Psi ket, they do, don't they, B&S before hazard, before the deeply-rooted almighty probability amplitude -- having, by now over generations, consumed all those mimetic estrogens and phthalates, rot of Earth's fat-tailed cornucopia having been chemically and genetically engineered. Why was there such a panic over Analytical Cubism and Cubistic poetry? Those horrid diagonals! Singly-logically-valued simple-identity, In, on any scale level, i.e., any of its, that is, such simple-identity's, multiples, heh-heh-heh, is a (that's singular, mind your you, uh, not plural, my I means) diagonal surrounded by zeros, by naughty numskulls, that is. Corpora of the collective tacitly seeing into the future, what. Back to infancy -- before all those prescriptive glutamate prunings? DADA and the diagonal, along with Surreal clocks, taken altogether as one was simply more than the average individual could stand the impacts of. T[0}talWar, in recursive winces, was/is probably the only realistic option for such like, as regards any viable possible-world-logic attempt to succor a collective unconscious gone batty-watty. Telekinesis: µTm-processed m-valued-LETS-blockchaining tech, don't y'think? Heh-heh-heh! Not too likely, given the pandemic of link rot which makes the internet generally a very poor medium for serious Kunstwissenschaft as essayed upon by Robert Williams (Journal of Art Historiography, Number 1, December 2009). Given its twigging arpa.mil.guv cum stapo.intel cum Gman.specage entrapment origins, and the dishevelled -- several jars down, a punky demitasse copped here, another there, a bit of kip under the lids -- mind-states of its conceptualators and civilianator-privatizors and commercialators, hardly suprising is the fact that the 1T2-only internet has gone to spunk relative to its potential, and surely will go to absolute ditz as it gets centered, deneutralityated, Cloud-Nined, and DNA-Nebulated -- like TV never having left the breast three-quarters of a memetime-century along. Knowing Beyond 1T2-Only Logic is disbarred, uh, disallowed to the prescriptively-enculturated-socialized, self-altering, molecular-cellular brain -- except when conjugated to quantum Turing machines operator-time entangled via temporal CURL (1T2-paradoxically the ultimate in stereotactic localizers!), and then only to chrono[µTm}ance a couple of seconds into memetime-future. On judgment of my I/i, for many, what they, the squarers of moduli, have (e.g., China's unbreakable ciphers from space, c/o Yu Fei of Xinhua, 10 August 2017) is not actual quantum processing, only a faster form of parallel 1T2-processing (that's why the term quantum Turing machine is employed). Once they can do the stop exercise (achieve the status of non-commuters) not only with regard to polynomial time, but with respect to memetime-in-itself, then they really will have something quantum-relativistic: certainly not your average individual; rather, medically enhanced elite super-workers (documented by Monica Torres at Ladders, 9 August 2017), the new name for slave laborers, white-collared On A Blue Monday, or no. Not only those autistic-savant domesticates who draw upside-down, but also inside-out! The prevailing corporate-ego-written program for memetime-future of humanity unto transhumanity unto posthumanity (parenthetically, during period of prefiguration, there were a few living-dead amongst the dead of the dead-1950s): stimulate the simulators and peripherals in lieu of acknowledging existence of the nonlocal µTm-quantum brain. Grow up! Get an education! Get a job! Find a wife! Father children! Be a good provider! That's a horribly destructive lifestyle choice on a planet with 5-billion-plus too many people. Carambola fecundity. Do you live in a place where it is still possible to see a bee? Uh, I mean see a bee and not wonder if it is actually a surveillance drone? Proprieties -- proprietary to the oligarchs' oligopolies -- given redeeming social value by judiciary platitudes backed up with varieties of lethal weapons -- use of which threatened, deployed, employed. Many thoughts that come in upon one, one would not choose to own -- or to own up to. So, what is their origin? In part, surely, the black psyche laying down a cognitive blanket, an oil spill upon the waters, water in this case being neuronal protoplasm and extracellular structured-Wasser. The NWO which TPTB seek to [man}u{fact]ure is one with well-defined and well-bounded ones only, where no one has agency without techno-aug[men}ts and collective occasions of experience have been systematically usurped for employments servicing only THE ONE. They, TPTB, in their inadequacy, intensely need (compensatory abreaction to the existential threat presenting as quantum non-simple identity) their ego-imprinted control mania to sculpt (with iatrogenic monotonic exogenous interventions upon a multiscaled, multidomain-structured, µTm-quantum composite in no wise adequately conceptualized by concatenations of the arithmetic operation known as multi[pli}cation) malleable 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains; they most assuredly do not want direct conscious access to Musculpt output of THE µTm-quantum brain. A fondrière de mousse of partly dead human clingers! Bogged down in the muskeg of an institutional science suborned to extra-scientific corporate agendas and navel-gazing self-interested government policies. A monosony of logic which the AmerikoAngloEuro no[men}klatura and their left-behind Left loonies -- both of these subsets of The Clingers deploring the exemplary fact that nature is autopoietic and self-organizing -- identify themselves with. Fritzed and sidling into the dark mall of their imagined future. Mayhaps, the Twilight Struggles noted by JFK have run through the night-of-the-generals and are now poised to strike the soon-to-be-sizzled dawn. To the contrary, what actually needs to be notated-in-depth, logic-depth, and numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, is the interval, the empty aural-astral space between the tones, the shapes, the neurons, the forms; it is in-there, in the pregnant equipotential surface, actually, via pencils of skew-parallels, a, as discussed by Christophe Letellier and Otto E. Rossler, hyperchaotic folded-towel (e.g., theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface and its m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signature) diffeomorphic enfold (A C-infinity diffeomorphism with infinitely many intermingled basins? à la Alistair Windsor), where 3-fold autopoietic operator-time, at reverse cascade, stacks the bijections into sheaves and lurks painterly, sculpts, brings plastic arts into confluence with neurocognitive complex chaotic maps (hiding the µTm-unto-CTC Unconscious As Infinite Sets) and fractal drums, composes the satin-flow essence impelling the god-breathed theopneustos-hero-heroine to hisher Até, a numinous ionized breathable pneumonic gift, The GIFT exchanged whilst hidden in the shadows praised, the revered penumbra, that sacred covering surface, whatever name is placed upon the hyletic-psychetic continuous essence ontologically preceding the discrete existence of attractors: the quantum potential, the prana, the chi, the ki, the pneumatikos, the ruach, the ichor, the zero-point energy of CTC-unto-µTm relative-state identity-transparency. HFT (High Frequency Trading) is a prefiguration of parafinancology's GWH (Great White Hope): a quantum-computerized algorithmic speculation-trading-investment regime reliant upon remote viewing, remote hearing, and distant telepathy (currently ConveDDed -- conversion-disorder displaced, that is -- to myriad forms of legalized financial-banking-insurance fraud). The Chinese perspective on adaptational behaviorist control of dynamical properties of subsystems of an equilibrium-referenced, 1T2-only, nonlinear-financial chaotic system is provided by Guoliang Cai and Juanjuan Huang in A New Finance Chaotic Attractor, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 3:3, 2007, pp. 213-20. A complement to Alois Riegl's relative-state as the enfolded-implicate Kunstwollen (a Musculpted plastic-eidetic a priori; a metempirical im[man}ence which may be pictorially troped) chaotic attractor? Kunstwissenschaft Ur-problem (i.e., earliest, original) as memetime-bound and 1T2-formalizable may be quasi-valid for the post-Homeric West alone; however, [psychophysisches}logistically speaking LeibSeele/PsycheHyle-ontologically-yet-indistinguishably of both East and West simultaneously, the earliest (discounting self-reentrant third-order dynamics) ontologically-precedent cosmoUr-state is Schrödinger-memetime-independent CTC-and-higher-unto-µTm MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space, aka multi-sheeted Japanese ma with sheets interconnected via operator-time) most-dense-sheet Tzog-chen AllBase. Parenthetically, it can be observed that Autogenic Training's passive acceptance has a lot in common with Riegl's-cum-Schopenhauer's will-less attentiveness as the foremost route of entry for the boxman to the governing strange attractor. We note that, in the Cai and Huang treatment, the 3rd-order dynamics associated with self-referential reflexivities, non-orientability, and reentry are not considered. This absence is not a good sign as regards probable style of governance executed by a Greater China incorporating Japan qua a Mahayana Buddhist Bloc aligned with a Germano-Russian Bloc (in this regard, see Peter Schwarz's comments here, and fast forward to US, Japan, Australia, India 'Quadrilateral' alliance takes shape against China, James Cogan, WSWS, 14 November 2017 [be aware that the Japan part, far and away and defenseless largely due to Atoms For Peace, likely will be ephemeral, as the Pacific strat-defensive line, in the event of onset of an actual long-running hot war, would quickly become ANZ-Hawaii-Alaska, the critical oceans being South Atlantic and Indian, India becoming the most important supply depot and base area, the U.S. East Coast once again becoming the munitions manufacturing hub]). Passed HISstories being all-but-made-up and significantly refabricated by each generation of scholars-in-service to Ah, we have a Pivot To Asia in response to a Breeze From The East. A cold tart for sure, an eked-out tad of a strategy, which, from the beginning was known would not actually be wrought for myriad wretched reasons. Nonetheless, rolling and rerolling an icy boulder up a steep slippery slope covered in snow. Relevant to this GreaterChina-GermanoRussian-alliance thesis, which I began elaborating during the late-'60s unto early-'70s on the basis of largely intellectural-history considerations, are the military issues raised by Graham Allison (Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, May of 2017) and, flashing forward, Michael Beckley (The Emerging Military Balance in East Asia: How China's Neighbors Can Check Chinese Naval Expansion, International Security, 42:2, Fall 2017, pp. 78-119, available online from 1 November 2017). I haven't the access, the expertise, or the prolonged study time on the specific issues involved to credibly critique either of these. However, I would like to quote an AU-SIS professor, Joshua Rovner, who cites both in his article entitled Thucydides and the Long War Problem, War on the Rocks, 4 December 2017, quote him in support of my decades-old thesis as to where the line of the strategic defensive in the Pacific theater of a Planetary War One will quickly settle in the event of a non-planetary-holocaust (nuclear, environmental, EMPed, anthropogenically pandemic-induced, so on) prolonged PW1: In the event of a dissappointing start to a war in Asia, U.S. forces could retreat to the sea As unlikely as a prolonged such war is -- given that there is no reason whatsoever to assume things now are in any way substantially different than Daniel Ellsberg says they were during the early-'60s: U.S. Military Planned First Strike On Every City In Russia And China and Gave Many Low-Level Field Commanders the Power to Push the Button, Washington's Blog, 6 December 2017. Quoting Ellsberg: They were insane. As for me, the foremost lesson I took away from an AirForce-brat childhood, including high school on a SAC base, my time as a student of international relations in Washington, D.C., and experience of the Viet Nam war was: It's crazy to try to reason with insane people. Throughout that period, I kept asking myself, Why are they insane? I'm still, half a century later, seeking better understanding of the factors involved in the answer, which I arrived at (consider the impacts of Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr), to that question. The so-called Best And Brightest are least adaptive -- because they've bought in; otherwise, the swot-up grinds wouldn't have been so designated. Saw that ever so clearly as an AU-SIS student, circa 1963-5. Jammy dweebs, brother muckers frittering away, rolling steamy MacAdam along a fo'rested path, arrows pointing the way to mortal spaces, final places, terminal islands. Leaving adulation of the piss-elegant, goombah-knuckledragger unattended, the transnational neocon-cum-neoliberal cohort disconsolately scurrying about like a so[mme}lier whose wine has just been scathed. Crumbbums of the upper crust of the financial pie: clearly a wonky socius psychiatrically challenged and in need of continuing care -- regressed collective-unconscious event-gradients being what they are. I for intelligence of the IQ variety gets trumped by, kowtows to, the full spectrum of obstreperous negative emotions, particularly panicked aggression at projective-identification in face of existential threat to the beliefs introjected into Umwelt, individual and collective. Root of the episodically fulminative global hysteria which has been the War-of-the-World plaguing us since the mid-19th century: simple-identity, In, aside, the fair-witness-amanuensis to my µTm-Iambes says that, were the worldview construct explicit over 19th-century higher mathematics and 20th-century physics taken straight up, undissimulated, thus removing the endemic schizophrenogenic double-bind, there would be no Weltanschauung basis at all for existing institutions and their framework-determining conditions, conditions such as single-valued monetary units 1T2-only processed, crypto or no, and associated financial chaotic attractors. In respect to the question as to long-term utilities of ConveDD-generated hard-and-soft technologies, ask (via good offices of Adam Tooze at Prospect, August 2017 issue): are self-correcting intercentralbank swap-lines a ConveDD of superstrung quantum-gravity loops, the conversion and displacement being due to the double-binds imposed by the in-denial state with regard to, and consequent suppression of, 3-fold temporal CURL? A banking system made into a Peace Corps to the ultrarich. If 1T2-only property were not theft of the multivalue, and 1T2-only laws were not µTmly criminal, would laws-of-lands off-loaded to blulice enforce the false claims of a few thousand usurpers and a few hundred corporate [per}sons to own virtually every physical and cognitive thing, genome, natural and engineered process on the planet, in the near-abroad space, on the Moon, Mars ? All that claim-jumping 1T2-only money, all but a pittance discretionary income -- what is it, especially if come into, grown up under? It's a cognition killer! Just look at, for instance, the level of intelligence brought to philanthropy by those utterrich choosing to do good. They appear unable even to find competent m-scenarios strategic planners. Bottling-out, they are, aren't they; however carnivorous, no hovering bluebottle drones, what. Billions brought to medical propaganda, i.e., peace-corp[e}rationed MEDCAPs; dabbling in geoengineering under the mistaken tacit assumption of a classical limit; digitalizing defenseless highschoolers; smart cities in the desert, likely to be dry-throated and deserted like those inspirational Chinese ghost conurbs; helping to foster color revolutions and anything else a proprietary would sponsor; mightily gifting the supercomputing megadivergencies delivering shake-and-bake higher enculturation to those willing to put a hyperlien on their yuppie years. The official most representative being, perhaps, the central banker, Dr. Injustinian Concopius, the guiding principle of whom is frequentism in provision of corporate welfare payments. Underpinning a growth-obsessed (no entrepreneurial autopoiesis or self-organization absent the expectation of unending growth) political economy is a memetime-bound monetary system dedicated to suring up a faltered notion as to what constitutes the nature of logic -- binary Grundbegriffe (system of fundamental concepts), be it that of Panofsky or Kolmogorov, being the etiological basis of the prevailing endemic cognitive septicemia. Embrace of The Book of Changes rather than The Doctrine of Chances involves, minimally, awareness that The Book is based upon rotatory binary logic (to wit: the Tai-Chi symbol) in which Yin becomes Yang and vice versa, whereas The Doctrine is based upon lineally-recursive binary logic where Yin is Yin and only Yin and Yang is Yang and only Yang, and never may the twain meet. Even in the orders of Higher Heaven associated with The Book is the logic 1T2-only, howsoever rotatory. Perhaps this was the real origin of conflict between the Tibetans and the Chinese, for the base-state of Tzog-chen, beyond doubt, is logically µTm-unto-CTC-and-higher, Tzog-chen denoting, minimally, a phase space upon-within which a noumenon, understood a 1T2-only-thing-in-itself cannot authentically Da-sein, i.e., be-there as a simply-identifiable selfsame phenomenal human being would wont. The probability of one is 1 iff the probability of zero is 0: this is the binary-logic excluded-middle basis of probability being tacitly regarded-handled as cause by acausal interpreters of quantum mechanics and molecular biology. Not surprising then that we have a chain-of-command-commanded, post-market-funded, supramultilateral-megabank-matrix swapishly maintained by macroprudential 1T2-only-fiat-dollar creation altogether unrelated to any system of global resource assessment and tagging. Not only questionable (see: Tooze) is the thesis that this financial Pm-matrix (Pm = perpetual motion) machine would continue to fly in face of the fallout from an East Asian financial crisis, but also whether it could conceivably maintain through the gathering planetary resource-depletion crisis, ecological crisis, climate-shift crisis, so on -- this latter ponder being a particularly critical question since the Pm-matrix's currency creation-swap mechanism insures massive misallocation (indeed, dissipation) of global resources. Not only was Earth economy Clintonized, the planet was Gored with a 1T2-only-market approach to staunching climate-shift dynamics, a Peace-Prized approach founded upon the misbelief that Earth's atmosphere subscribes to a classical limit. Nugatory et nullité, eh what. Believing Engel an angel went out of style with Summer Things, it currently being well into Fall. Riding Row[sin}ante, however, does have its attractions -- if the love object is forgotten to the thrall of entering the oligarchy's Horse Heaven.
Prescriptively-enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically-anchored rubricators suckling ideologies rubefacient and long bereft of milk; robustiously swilling rubious pinkness of the over-tender dawn; basking in the rubiginous sunset of their world. Jobs Americans won't do: what a hoot. Jobs Americans are no longer allowed to do. Obviously, the free-fire-zone forced-draft-migration facilitated by Iran-Contra was an integral aspect of the Reaganomics-initiated transform of the U.S. political-economy, the transformation, that is, into the oligopolistic oligarchy which that PE has, by now, become. Vicars of vice rafting rapids of affect-charge, impulse control never a matter of concern, acquiescent victims, they are, aren't they, of a version of that age-old rope-a-dope strategy adopted by Muhammad Ali and the counter-GWOTers who've successfully sting-induced a commitment to millions of $/sec for decades. Do the insurgent terrorists get a kickback from the military-industrial complex? Asura-attachments to terror-states of affect-charge are transference figures seen in the flesh by means of projective-identification. The question in any given such hallucinatory case is: what is the missing component, the functional inadequacy, the quality-in-lack generative, by compensatory abreaction, of the projection identified with? Parenthetically, regards Europe, an early, 1992, statement succinctly summarizing one of the many gathering current EU sentiments: New threat of terrorist attacks. Maybe that will keep the tourists away (expressed by a Donna Leon character, Death At La Fenice, Pan paperback edition, p. 132). Is the whole of GWOT simply a matter of such tulpas and tulpamancy? I worked pick-and-shovel landscape labor most of my employed adult life -- in large part because the involved tasks balanced my intellectual life and provided an excellent day-in/day-out monkish context for inner work. But a memetime came when I could no longer get hired as a laborer because I spoke English as a native, I was obviously at least a high school graduate, I was not an illegal, I was an unpierced white with no tats. Since I was not a shave-headed mule with a knurled skull, my hooves were not hobnailed, my ankles were not hobbled, my arms were not spavined, I was clearly not ginning on drugs, my head was not spinning around above my shoulders -- what was so wrong with me that I would want to do an honest day's work? Hiring such a person was absolutely too great a risk. There was no tellin' what he might do. Just for the record, I provide a brief account of the work history within which I put to good use the kata-mode of learning which I assimilated-internalized as a child in Japan (observing daily kendo practice of the Ashiya AFB Japanese boundary-guards, taking judo lessons at the base gym, sitting in on my mother's ikebana instruction, watching the village potter, tagging along in the rice fields with the honey-bucket man, talking with koto-playing Obaasan about the yama-no-kami and other such Shintoist local lore, playing a number of Japanese childhood learning games with my village peers). First pro bono work: planting rice and pulling weeds, Midori Gaoka, Ashiya-mura, kita-Kyushu, circa 1954-5, aged nine and ten. First paid job: paperboy, aged 12, beginning 5:00 AM rolling papers, working out of a magazine-and-newspaper-and-smokes-and-candy-and-backroom-porno shop, Sewickley, PA, near the YMCA where I tumbled on the mats most days. Paperboy, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Paperboy, Gull Lake, Michigan. Bagger of groceries, commissary, Eielson AFB, Alaska, circa 1960: big money for a kid. Two months building log cabins at then-remote Birch Lake, Alaska: bigger money. Helper to swing-scaffold painter of DEW Line radomes: much bigger money. Concrete laborer, Eielson AFB flight line, contractor under penalty clause if late finish, thus enormous overtime: very much bigger money. Grader of grain (I was good at basic arithmetic and elementary algebra) and loader of trucks at a feed mill near Yellow Springs, Ohio. Reader-cataloguer of FBIS Bulletins at AU's SORO. Ironworker's helper working high steel in Cleveland with Russian immigrants and native Americans. Domestic staff cum babysitter, wealthy household, Georgetown, Washington, D. C. Rodman, tying steel rod for concrete pours, Dayton, Ohio. Rock-quarry operations; Airborne school; Special Forces medic training; intelligence analyst at Psyops Group, JFKSWCS, Ft. Bragg; field intelligence, TID, 525th MIG, Mekong delta; surgical tech, Camp Zama Hospital, Japan (while recovering from wounds sustained in the Delta, pulled into the OR to assist during flood of wounded from the battle of Dak To, Kon Tum, RVN); targets analyst, CICV; strategic intelligence analyst, SRA/J2-MACV-HQ: U.S. Army, circa 1965-8. Non-union electrician wiring new tract homes, Northern Virginia. Carpenter's helper. Assistant to Architect-cabinetmaker. Jackhammer operator. IBEW apprentice, Washington, D.C. Nurseryman and landscape laborer, understudy of elderly Japanese gardener and 5th-degree black belt in judo-jujitsu, McLean, Virginia, cum student of ikebana, President of the American Ikebana Society and second to the master, Ikenobo School, Kyoto. Radio dispatched taxi driver, Northern Virginia, all radio calls and locations given in alphanumeric code, all prospective rides bid upon in code over the radio: very difficult job to learn well, make money at. Student of an Old-Master's-paintings restorer at the National Gallery and university studio-art/art-history professor. Student of a pianist, dodecaphonic-composition-and-Sprechstimme vocalist cum university music professor. Researcher cum ghost writer for a clinical neurologist, Falls Church, Virginia. Nurseryman, landscape laborer, garden designer, Arlington, Virginia. A year in assistantship to an elderly Italian stone mason who had spent decades working on the National Cathedral (throughout my younger years, I was almost always imprinted upon one or another of self-selecting old men and a few such old women). Pro bono research assistant to an atmospheric physicist, Cornell University. Helper to a metal sculptor cum college art professor. Various pro bono work in Canada, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Viet Nam. Medical transcriptionist, Beverly Hills, CA.
Ah, the morally certain and the morally impossible (not to mention the morally insane): my I/i wonders as to the µTm-order-of-relative-state of these Kantianisms! And is the relative-state of/between moral and physical, as regards 4D geometric probability, a case of self-similarity with psycho-physical parallelism? Or are J.G.Bennettian pencils of [µTm] skew-parallels involved? Heh-heh-heh. Does the Bennett pencil have some relation to the Lefschetz pencil qua fibration where degeneration to acquired singularity is epiphenomenal to demergence to decoherence under µTm-unto-1T2-only? Oh, those critical zero points -- and sets thereof! Geometrizing probabilities is indisputably yet another normotic way to exorcize qua normalize divergences -- oh, the indigestible exigencies of the Cantorian! and particularly so at absolute limiting values of dynamical variables, where divergence/convergence marks the given relative-absolute limit -- so as to keep at bay the topotwists into animistic-pagan m-connectivity and nonorientability executed by 3-fold temporal CURL. Einstein so disliked the nonorientabilities of Lukasiewiczian-logical self-reference (too hard, it is, isn't it, to believe he and Gödel never talked Lukasiewicz -- or that M.Curie never mentioned L to E) that he assiduously avoided investigation of absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration. Somewhat concurring with Einstein, they, the clingers, don't like localized, 1T2-only, molecular-cellular brains of mice and men as such brains are (given by nature with, in the human case particularly, prescriptive enculturation-socialization glutamatergically anchored), but, equally well, they don't want to acknowledge THE nonlocalizable µTm-quantum brain with its internal orders-of-relative-statenesses. One good reason -- 1T2-only to be sure -- for obsession with probabilities and their amplitudes. Another good reason is to keep Cabalistic-gematric m-valued numbers, e.g., empowered primes, locked away in their CUBE -- available only to the likes of Gödel who fully assimilate the Lukasiewicz-dissimulative purposes which he served. Whoopse! But the 1T2ly-selfsame-number-Dedekind-cut is not the Kantian-µTmly-noumenonical number-in-itself. The Tree of Life of any given number is totality of the logical-cascade of values constituting numinosity of its utter numinosum (almost properly contextualized in Marie-Louise von Franz's Number and Time, almost because she did not take the final step into recognition of time as active topological operator) -- i.e., somewhat modifying Chapter One, Verse Four of Liber AL vel Legis, every number-in-itself is infinite by virtue of its µTm-unto-CTC relative-stateness and thus is altogether identity-transparent, a fundamental principle, a functional prerequisite, of the Cabalistic numerology operative in The Unconscious as Infinite Sets manifest over THE nonlocalizable µTm-quantum brain. Too bad Matte Blanco was not into Lukasiewicz, for, had he so been, he would then have realized that the logic of unconscious processes is not to be found in a supposed 1T2-logic of Cantorian cardinalities, but in the µTm-unto-CTC order-types of logical-value thereof understood independent of the notion truth-value -- and certainly not in probability-as-cause or in probable causes 1T2-only juridically definable or no. For instance, heuristically-perfect probabilistic equivalence does not equal µTm-relative-state identity-transparency -- and not only because an event is not necessarily equivalent to an entity, there being a Schrödinger-memetime-independent Pauli-Paine-operator-time-executed decompositional-involutory spectrum distinguishing these two Kantianisms: nonselfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of pre-pregeometric Borel sets; pregeometry as µTm-calculi of propositions, Regge-lattice-superstrung and quantum-looped geometrodynamics, spacetime physics. Allowing, that is, that cosmogenetic decompositions of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (please do not mistake such numbers for tropological signifiers of p-zombies, for they are no mere metareferential tropes) be classified as events in the Schrödinger-memetime-independent cascade unto-into decoherent entities -- all such Aristotelian taxonomies being order-of-logical-value dependent over the nonorientableness-to-openness-to-closedness spectrum. And this spectrum has practical physical-probable applications: e.g., tacitly mapping single-valued bureaucratic-banking-finance-monetary variables only upon boundaries of high-probability practical-certainty is a testament tantamount to a denial of the existence of those higher-valued logics permissive of non-simple identity, reflexivity, reentry, nonorientability, the absence of which in institutional formalizations (as regards J.G.Bennettian framework determining conditions) dictates many of the negative attributes of the systems such institutions employ.
It's the subliminal [cog}native dis[son}ance one-and-more has/have really to worry about, y'know. That's one reason why my I/im has/have been loath for a long period to write down its/their systematically-dredged-up-via-self-observation thoughts concerning politico-military cum geopolitical affairs. Having long situated myself vis-à-vis those domains of human activity as would a classical-physics non-participant observer, I/i found intriguing the following inner monologue attributed to a character created by James Lee Burke (quoting Feast Day of Fools, Pocket Books, 2011, p. 13):
The compulsion to kill was in the gene pool, he thought. Those who denied it were the same ones who killed through proxy. Every professional executioner, every professional soldier, knew that one of his chief duties was to protect those he served from knowledge about themselves they all belonged to one long daisy chain: They were creatures who came out of the womb's darkness and briefly saw the light before their mouths were stopped with dust and their eyes sealed six feet down. As a consequence of his beliefs, he remained a witness and not a participant.
Soft Rightard liberalist or hard Leftard utopianist, regardless, 1T2-only brain with middle well distributed; both sides-poles enslaving; all real alternatives findable only over the logically disallowed non-binary in-between. The business model of search engines like Google is, in and of itself, censorship; no less so than was WWII-era EEI (essential elements of information) having been Control-Data programmed into the MACV-IDHS (intelligence data handling system) precursor to Google. VCI (Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure) D&Ded to D (diagrammed and discussed to death) and what TPTB made of all that effort was a dumb turkey named Phoenix. One slippery slope: the family that prays together stays together; the family that plays together stays together; the family that preys together stays together; the family that slays together stays together. Because life is a contact sport, not just On Any Given Sunday but on virtually any given day -- there being so many Natural Born Killers amongst us: flashing forward to 1,516 mass shootings in 1,735 days: America's gun crisis -- in one chart, The Guardian, 2 October 2017. The function of dystopian visions booked and/or filmed is to promote what is purported to be condemned. TPTB and their blackpsyche writers, producers, directors: they love what they hate! And they clearly hate what they love: being invited onto the Hollywood prod's antimacassars-draped casting couch, posters of promassacres films hanging on the wall behind, one would have thought off-putting, wouldn't one. Hmmm. Small price of admittance for the opportunity to receive tens, maybe hundreds, of millions of dollars for helping to make blackprop for TPTB? When one looks at what most people choose to devote their attention, energy, allotted memetime, money to, that what has to be placed right up there with the most fundamental of fundaments responsible. Nowadays, it's hard to phantom logic of the executive decision to pass large amounts of military-grade arms to local police units -- especially considering what happened to the police and their families during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. But don't worry, be happy; when it happens, if it happens, it's likely only gunna be a way ta git boomboxed outta Compton onto Beverly's hillocks. Ain't that right? Anyone who has stood guard mount on Smoke Bomb Hill has a fair idea as to what would be required to raid an armory located there. Anyone with a CI background knows that (1) the global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system and its supraordinate agglomerations must be rubbing its-their palms together with glee at the prospect this decision will become a planetarized precedent, and (2) the necessity for that insurgency to achieve success at military proselytizing in order to facilitate autopoietic phase transitions will have dropped down a notch or two on the priorities measuring rod. So, what is the actual rationale here? Is it to be explained by collective unconscious gradients? Again quoting Burke's Feast Day, this memetime page 62:
[It, them, he, she -- the cellular automata of the CU -- belonged in] the place in the collective unconscious where most demons had their origins. If evil was actually a separate and self-sustaining entity its manifestation was in the nationalistic wars that not only produced the greatest suffering but always became lionized as patriotic events.
Booking it along the ring, across the field, throughout the q-deformed Heisenberg algebra; keeping all related physical data on the down-low; for control purposes, holding back on the real skinny. Whichever, howsoever, each and every Phoenix, local and global, must be figured for the ultimate in score-settler platforms -- and the IDHS data-input sorcerers, uh, sourcers, with their fairly arbitrary criteria-of-judgment EEI, are the critically vulnerable peripherals, poor vetterors of the CAS (controlled American source) tipline -- for do these peewits really care about their info being AIO (all in order)? From what my I-am learned during the Viet Nam war, and has thus been able to read-in concerning the post-Vietnam warfare it's read about, it/such is highly probable that even most of those directly involved have had little idea qua appreciation as to how bad it all actually has been post-9/11. Beginning with the war in Sri Lanka, with which my wife Nha Trang and I had a brief encounter, the killing of practically-physically-probably-certain noncombatants (depending, to be sure, upon how the boundaries of probable-certainty with regard to enemy-strength-estimate-polynomial factors are defined and redefined and redefined, of course, à la Brown-Rooted LBJ, West-more-land, CICV-POLOB, Sam Adams, 60 Minutes, and all that), rather than the overt opposition, has progressively become the foremost aspect (good offices of Thierry Meyssan, VoltaireNet, 22 August 2017) of low-intensity (again, a relative term -- relative to whose perspective?) war-fighting strategy employed by all contenders (good offices of Anand Gopal, 5 May 2015). This is, most certainly, a psychopathic residual of WWII Nazi-Brit-then-Yank area-bombing technique, U.S. atomic-bombing technique, Cambodia-saturation bombing technique (flashing forward, I find Andre Vltchek's Cambodia's Twisted History. Promoting Washington's Interpretation of the 'Khmer Rouge Genocide', Global Research, 5 December 2017, most interesting, given his interpretation of the involved events, on account of his not asking what caused the hysterical U.S. bombing of Cambodia which caused, or was itself largely, that holocaust: the common reaction to my immediately-above-linked article has been, So what, since Shawcross' Sideshow, everyone knows the bombing caused the holocaust, whereas my article actually addresses what caused the who of the bombing to bomb, not what caused the holocaust, the answer to what caused the cause being a certain type of ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement), but, as residuals often are, is even further regressed than were the precedents, in that noncombatant body count, infrastructure destruction, cluster-bomb-unit seeding, depleted-uranium dusting, chemical [mist}ification, sooner or later contamination with gases, particulates, nuclear fallout, biologicals (plausibly at some juncture to become widely spread over computerized battlefields mobile-MASS [mesoscale atmospheric simulation system] managed if, for instance, contents of the following article were given a high-reliability rating: US Military Bio-labs in Ukraine, Production of Bio-weapons and 'Disease Causing Agents', Goran Lompar, Global Research, 24 August 2017, contextualized, as regards genotype-specific smart biobombs and stealth viruses [deliverable in toothpaste nanoparticles?], by Ulson Gunnar with his article entitled Defending Against the Next Generation of Bioweapons, New Eastern Outlook, 29 August 2017), wide-area near-abroad and far-abroad population dispersal are no longer 1T2-only-rationalization-type means to dubiously justified ends, but the sole goals-in-themselves (in terms of the nested hierarchy of objectives-goals-interests) -- the human interest having progressively become (in mounting subliminal back-reaction upon the animistic-pagan metric of N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr): Give me single-valued simple-identity or give me death! Since, since Abel, science has more and more confirmed that nature's coherent omnium-gatherum does not abide (only decoherent psyches do that) non-µTm-quantum 1T2-only-identity qua identity, collective-unconscious event gradients have more and more (Paul Craig Roberts goes some distance to reinforcing my conviction that the earliest 19th century battles of the War of the World include, along with the Crimean war, the American civil war qua war of secession [despite there having been so many liberation-rebellion-mutiny struggles early in the century easily classifiable as Kulturnation qua Kulturautonomie qua Staat der Autonomen {autopoietic} Gemeinschaften-Ninjo conflicts], given that state's rights is an anti-federation nod to local autonomy, which is the closest approach 1T2-only Cartesian-Newtonian/Lockean-Smithian cum extrinsically motivated Ge|sell}schaften-Giri systems can come to the µTm-quantum, part-IS-whole, relative-state, identity-transparent holographic principle; the 1996 documentary film entitled The Money Masters provides a good account of the Jeffersonian-Jacksonian-Lincolnian-Bryanian take on the monetary-banking-system etiology of the American civil war, a good bit of which I was unaware of at memetime of first viewing, even though I had written a long paper on the Hamilton-Jefferson debates on the national debt and prospective central bank for Elspeth Rostow, AU-SIS, circa early-1964, a paper she did not like because I argued that the then-prevailing pre-quantum-relativity Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung did not allow for a Jeffersonian development) delivered to homo sapiens its/their/our 1T2ly-most-regressed either/or wish: Give me death!
Can axiomatization actually establish syntactic provability as adequate justifier of the claim to semantic validity? I believe that, while this may be the case for 1T2-only-logic-type logics, it is not the case across-between-bridging logics of logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2. Even though the common sense of the use of infinitary (see, for instance: Infinitary First-Order Categorical Logic, Christian Espindola, ArXiv, 5 January 2017, best read, in my opinion, accompanied by Alice Coltrane keying-harping most purely into Turiya) is relative to infinitely long binary expressions, not infinitary logically-valued expressions, I still wish I could significantly assimilate contents of Espindola's paper as regards Gödel numbering and sheaf theory. O, the categorification undergone when µTm-unto-CTC-morphism-temporal-CURLings -- of mu-Cat infinitary operands -- transpire as the Californication which is, indubitably is, relative-state identity-transparency! M[align}ant collective obsession, or obsessive IDic identification with IDiotic collectively self-inflicted malignancies? Maybe Hee-Haw! oughta intercalate Heh-Heh-Heh! Speak numbly, they do, don't they, of transparent IDs, those ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) of ID-transparency, that condition of cognition available to most only on the battlefield or in the desert. Quoting James Lee Burke, Feast Day of Fools, Pocket Books, 2011, p. 258:
you could see through time into the past and maybe even touch it with your hand. That's what happened when you went inside the desert and were absorbed by the rocks and the layers of warm air rising off the sand. You became part of a place where there was no past or future and where all things happened at the same time.
I suspect that Gödel-numbered Gödel numbering across logical-value-order-type sheaves, sub-sheaves, pre-sheaves is very important to how electro-surged inner-Musculpt topotransforms of sounded-forms can holographically display to consciousness the full memory corpus flashover concerning a given subject or sense-[pre}sent an encapsulation of the full set of binary-logical extensions from a given argument. This purportedly Lukasiewiczian inner Musculpt is seemingly quite different from simply sculpturally formalizing the topos (good offices of John Baez, 3 June 2017), more accurately, the Grothendieck topos, of tonal relations of a given piece as Tonempfindung and/or Tonvorstellung (good offices of Thomas M. Fiore, no date given). Hear this!: an inspired, wonderful collection of pieces composed by Lucia Hwong (recently made available online) which I first heard by good offices of Philip Bailey (there's no denying I've had a few Meetings With Remarkable Men), whilst staying at John's Place on Maui, Oceanic Tantra in the background; P also introduced me to S.E.N.S.'s A City of Sadness, the haunting woodblocks echoing out-of/into my childhood memory bank, one-yen coins banked in that 1890s-built House of Sleeping Beauties I occupied, circa 1953-'55. Later in life, visitations upon the Kurama Fire Festival (just up the rail line from our house in Ichihara) drew me into evocations of childhood occasions participated in in-and-around Midori-Gaoka, Ashiya-cho, kita-Kyushu, or as Google would now have it: Midorigaoka, Onga-gun, Fukuoka 807-0131 (there is no website that in any way evokes memory of what Midori-Gaoka ["verdant hills" echo of my Pennsylvania-family heritage in "Greencastle"] was like in 1953, even though, during my last visit to Midori Gaoka during 1990, I found many echoes of my youth there, and even immediately met people who knew of my family's 1950s' residence in Midori Gaoka -- for whatever reason a memory of such should have persisted so long), in my subsequent experience only reminded of by walks in the mountains above Lijiang, Yunnan years and years ago, before so much of what has recently befallen Naxi Lijiang, the flora being same, not only similar, to the eye of a twenty-years-going gardener -- and how very, very much were these memory-evoked by Lucia Hwong's Dragon Dance! Almost into a swoon, the music eliciting every smell the child had long ago fallen before. Where Lucia Hwong got this exactitude of emotional resonance is not exactly clear to me, maybe it came from her genes, but more power to her! Maybe people, even Japanese people, don't understand, or don't want to understand, how very, very different it was, even so late as the Korean-war era in most-conservative rural Japan. And don't get confabulated over the China-Japan issue! -- as pentatonic scales are pentatonic scales, whether heard in China or Japan. Or Viet Nam. The last time I heard those wooden blocks rhythmically rendering street-vendor messages was during early-1993 in the lower-working-class section of Saigon in which we were then living, a section within which I also last heard a shaming grievance chant poetically delivered in the still of the night for all to contemplate. How many acknowledge how very much is lost in one, only one, intergenerational transition? And how little of actual value is actually gained! On the internet, inframind is absolutely overt, whereas in days of old one had seriously to search and ponder so as reliably to discover realities of median state, homo sapiens. If membership has to do with specific cases and classes of simple-identity, collections, sets, cutups, breakdowns, shards of glutamatergically-etched and kiln-dried cognitive clay, [ram}parts of memory-made, and thus electrochemically-induced, memetime, then space-based notions as to truth-values, taken as a corpus, may constitute an edifying approach to nonlocalizable µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency (much better than probability amplitudes, what!). Consider in this context what I've long called the how/where boggle: the seeing of a how as if it were a where. In a sense, that's really what the quantum physicist's decoherence accomplishes. Since the binary-mind cannot see µTm-relations, it topotransforms-transliterates-ConveDDs the hows of µTm-metabolic pathways into 1T2-only wheres, wheres that are memetime-bound. That way the binary-mind can at least place such hows in the cloud of its own unknowing. Kandinsky, in working with the spiritual in art, by way of an attempt to ascertain the rules that should come to prevail in post-post-Renaissance-Realism non-objective art, found himself arguing from generalizations of synaesthetic experiences that certain geometric shapes should be only certain colors: the shapes and colors signifying wheres and the synaesthetic experiences being autosensory allusions to spiritual aspects of hows. Until reading John Baez, I did not know that in the topos type of category, to use Baez's words, truth is not a yes-or-no affair: instead, we keep track of 'how' true statements are, or more precisely where they are true. Not exactly the same, but sufficiently close to elicit the notion that topos may be an efficacious approach to gathering insight relative to the higher categorical nature of how/where boggles -- and how to techno-Musculpturally (think-hear-visualize-imagine-feel: the temporal-CURLed morphisms-modulations of n+[square-roots of minus-1 and plus-1]imaginary and hyperimaginary-D graphs of sounded-forms) get 1T2-wheres back into their µTm-hows, a kind of getting that may be tantamount to a spiritual form of traveling, i.e., OBEed self-teleportation -- and may have direct application to µTm-LETS pragmatics via, not a 2-dimensional 'exchange law', but as regards the µTm-exchange-unit horizontal-and-vertical convertability morphisms of morphisms of morphisms, potentially overcoming the dualities of Abelian categories (think of [1] the infinitesimal-information-carrying nilpotents employed in definition of J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels, and [2] of the monetary-value sheaf stacked on the base-state of any given currency unit of the involved LETS currencies, values that are tagged to measureables-indicators which are relative to commodity-backings µTm-quantum-composite-unit-of-account mapped, à la Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of Alexander.Karpenko functors, over a Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian reference space codifying the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, time-shapes, taken altogether, in µTm-relative-state, vis-à-vis planet Earth, which, by autopoietic operations analogous to those conducted by Pauli-Paine operator-time, descend to value stacks on currency base-states), uh, conversions between LETS-currency tiles on a given scale-echelon and between tiles on different scales-echelons. There needs to be n-publicly-owned-central-banks-of-issue, as many as there are m-valued and µTm-processed LETS currencies, each with its own real-memetime-modulated e-commons m-scenarios computer-gamed indicator-measurable-based algorithm of issuing; there being such radical decentralization of vehicle currencies defined over nested fractal e-boundaries, each fractal-drum/band-pass currency area qua tile independently setting/changing its own interest rates and fractions for deposit-insured public-banking fractional-reserve lending (private depository-cum-investment banks can set their own rates and fractions, but go without deposit insurance and absent publicly-funded bailouts) -- algorithmically instituting such alterations according to e-commons-gamed measurements made upon changing circumstances -- would not be problematic. These nested-LETS currencies need to be variously commodity-backed (e-commons computer gamed within each such currency area) if the corpus of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, is to be booked as quantum-composite basis of a planetary unit of account, that quantal unit being the foremost functional prerequisite to adequately meeting the prevailing n-dimensional global crisis. Yet, what we get instead is the ICOing of 392 cryptocurrencies, currencies monoscale on p-length-only (p = planetary) and 1T2-only, currencies sans fractal-entrapment capabilities because not mapped upon fractal e-boundaries according to lemmas of the holographic principle: hehstupidos playing subcritical over a 2nk fitness landscape because binary-digital finite-iteration Turing machines issued out of the War of the World conjured in psychopathic back-reaction to N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr; numbskulls eschewing high-k-value correlation-length-snapping-to-infinity at self-organized supercriticality over an Mnk state space because non-simple µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency scares them into the collective-suicide self-metaprogram hypothesized by John C. Lilly.
It be the Christian music what say, Don't weep! Don't mourn! Such lack of concern for those left behind, this attitude on part of taxi-dancin' pre-trib-rappers who can't see humans seein' end of this century! Personally, I saw the coming calamity's inevitability in my youth: that's one reason I successfully avoided fathering kids. Now: I'm too old and free of material encumbrances to have vested interests exposed to outcomes -- and most people one meets are so 1T2-self absorbed as to be deserving of the karma they create for themselves. I certainly wouldn't say I ever got near unto being into high indifference, maybe just the state of being indifferent to indifference. No more with the Cabalistic water torture, Schleppen; it's the fire next time: spraching yet another commandment, thus yakked Yahweh, head rapper-scrapper of the secular 1T2-only rabbinate. Absently sighing whilst speaking pointedly, as if to Yonder -- blue, wild: Now, Ukiah, you knows so very well that However big becomes the gusher, Helliburden ain't no blusher. Momentarily held standing like a stanchion, the coffin filled with flag-draped dissemblings slips into the dark waters and begins its night sea journey. Ain't no gheed-up, pepper-bellied rice-burner gunna twitter my token, uh, tokhes, uh, tush! Yur eeeder width us or yur again' us! Hunerd-precent one ways or da udder. Yep, do think on it. Ponder upon the panders involved. Mankind ain't no murderer 'cause he/she done been drived out a paradise; them kills be for fear, fear of the µTm-dynamics of reentry. O, taday's MassMind of the late-17th century. SayLemmaic: His own thoughts were more intelligent and wily than he was (James Lee Burke, Feast Day of Fools, Pocket Books, 2011, p. 156). But concentration in self-observation is just the first step to voluntary inner-separation and what Gurdjieff called not saying 'I' to 'em, uh, to thoughts that is, thoughts dysclaimed as owned, and which, according to Aurobindo, come from elsewhere -- carrying infinitesimals of information. Contact with that elsewhere is lost once the apocryphal 'I' is invoked. The dogged-perseverance-at-seeking-moral-clarity-aspect of any authentic act of fundamental creation: not in the American Way of innovation, or on the declivities of the Man[i}fest Destiny of the mess[i}anic narc[is}sist, so why study on it? This [cog}native circumstance is particularly egregious since the most important aspects of creative thought are unconscious. Our thoughts: our foes. The worst spoiler: conscious tape-looped roof-brain chatter. Will we ever git shut of it? Not likely -- especially so given cell phones, smart phones, neural-implanted Matrix nodes sitting in a sports bar ding-batted on Sat-locater MoSoSo, her mouth made into a crimson boutonniere, eyes speckled terrazzo Reading spiritually-oriented literature like Sri Aurobindo's Collected Works is a great way to practice inner separation from cognitive functions (a genuine functional prerequisite to the diminution of roof-brain chatter), an easy way because chocked full of reminding factors, phylacteries. A cooling sensation over the forehead is the first symptom. More difficult to make and maintain the inner separation -- no phylacteries -- is via establishment of habitus within the reading of popular fiction, but more rewarding if successfully accomplished because such literature is designed to inculcate states-places-memetimes of identification, just like are glutamatergically-anchored components of Lebenswelt. But, as Aurobindo essayed, memetime evolution can be made an ally. As the discrete Buddhological notion of the passing-type reference frame has it, memetime is full of holes, i.e., when conjugated to the free-space-type reference frame, m-valued gravity-wave-mode induced permittivity punctures facilitating the quantum tunneling by means of which those µTm-equipped -- via warp-speed baud-rates at cognition of percepts-propriocepts? -- can peer upon the Beginningless Beguine. Nilpotent critical points in sacred space, ma, Samkhyaic intersections of Prakriti and Purusha, functor-wise very strange attractors linked by Regge-bones-like Gunas (according to John Woodroffe's The World as Power, in the original meaning: strands or threads) into Tanmatras (arrangements, i.e., logical lattices handled, in operator-time-accomplished concretion of [meme]time, as Yantras). Sighanaughta, Noh bodies of animistic-pagan m-sheeted primitive-Shintoist ma -- and don't cast no dadburned glance back, you dirty little sinarchists, uh, synarchists, y'all. What terrifies the control freak (prone to bad trips on any psychedelic drug) into ID-hysteria-unto-gene-therapy and neuroscience assaults upon decoherent brains, as well as propels him/her into all manners of rage-driven psychophysical violence, murder, mass murder, genocide, ecocide, planetocide, star wars, is not the inability to control his/her own mind; his/her implacable real enemy is metaphysical-mathematical-scientific support for his/her insuppressible subliminal awareness that there is no authentic simply-identifiable 1T2-him/her to have a his/her own mind to own, no such private property controllable or uncontrollable, that his him and her her each are merely the corpus of pregeometric and puppet-superstrung decoherent ghost protocols predicated by demergent swarm intelligence. The ego-I's 1T2-hardpan is easily dusted-up by [asura}ic devils gone aswirl CURL upon CURL upon CURL: hide themselves, by good offices of the Trickster archetype, in the Cercle Sportif they do, don't they. Counting points of V (view, variety, whatever!) made by that particular algebraic variety, whilst forgetting mu, the Möbius function -- not to mention the muTm of Post-Lukasiewicz. Talk about ConveDDs! (conversion-disorder displacements): maths morphism-morphed dysfunctionally to this and that -archy and -poly. The Type-A, high-mesomorph, 1T2-only-ego ideal: a transitive monoidal pre-order, if my I/im ever saw one; a monomorphism with kernals yielding zeros. Could be that µTm-identity-transparency is a stealth virus infecting conjugacy classes of 1T2-only inner automorphisms. My, such hidden group dynamics! O, how that Master-of-Reads -- an existential qualifier eschewing superfluous existential quantifiers and exhibiting a strong preference for right action at temporal CURL -- does involute moves over his remnant wracks and kei quandles, wreaking conjugation upon self-distributive groupoids and their automorphic sets! The Cyclotomy revolving door: primality proving the multivariate endomotives of self-maps with primitive nth roots of unity, those of particular culpability being pth, which is to say p-adic, the recurrent zeros encircling the circle of unity. Is that [man}dala or [mag}dala of whom-which-what is spoken? Like congregants of Fate riding hobbyhorses on a merry-go-round, ears tilted to the steamy whistles of Calliope. Quoting Burke's Feast Day of Fools once again, p. 251:
The totality of a man's days eventually become a circle rather than a sum, and one way or another, he always ended up at the place where he had begun.
Now, quoting from among the last sentences of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 678:
The breeze blows through my hair and an old woman smiles at me over a head of kale. Silence lies on the land heavy and viscous as an oil spill. Then two jet fighters take off from the Self-Defense Forces base and scream directly overhead, disturbing the mood of repose. A few moments later, an afternoon blurt of bugle wafts across the air, interdicting pastoral purposes with its martial murmur. God! his whole life after Ashiya seemed to be captured in this instant: his struggle with the imposed social structure of identity in Western cultures, why he finally became a gardener, the extraordinary turmoil brought upon him by experience of the Viet Nam war. Somehow, the events of his life took on a compelling karmic quality; all the interior psychological issues of contention had been there riding heavily upon the shoulders of a nine-year-old boy as he climbed this hill to watch the flying boxcars lift off the flight line for their journey to Dien Bien Phu.
Contrary to ecclesiogenic-DSM (ain't it just great that mental disorders, like dissimulated quantum mechanics, are mere matters of statistical diagnostics!) diktats of the psychiatric-establishment extension of the nation-state system, monadically-bootstrapped projective-identification -- superegoic projection, that is, under the Chewed-up (good offices of David M. Harrison, no date provided) 8-fold way of the transference -- to a personified godhead is a symptom of psychosis, individual and collective, while direct communication with that projected transference figure is the foremost infraction presumptive to commission of the heresy used to professionally 1T2-only-rationalize embrace of the stakes involved in renormalization (to cognition glutamatergically anchored under exercise of prescriptive enculturation-socialization) by non-dominant-unilateral ECT-burnings of the CNS. And, bub, if the so-called conspiracy theorists have gotten it right, a big if but a plausible if, then a myriad of slow, low-grade means are more plausibly deniable then are a few of the hard type, thus, theoretically, making a planetarized depopulation project likely workable without eliciting unmanageable blowbacks. In what I now regard my youth, I spent 40 hours a week for five years researching physics-related issues of dynamical meteorology and one thing that accrued to me as a residual of that assistanceship is that I am greatly entertained reading the Comments sections following articles posted to the internet descriptive of severe weather events. Stratospheric electron-temperature enhancements; weather manipulations; various sorts of geoengineering; poisoning and GMOing of the food supply; cloud-computed, internetworked, kill-switchable, neural implants; refusal to construct electronic devices such that they stay out of DNA's superconductant-pi-electron-gas-mediated, hairline-wide, biologically-active, frequency-response windows Make your own list. This myriad coupled to the global monetary reset: cashlessness; mono-scaled, block-chained, we-are-the-world e-cryptocurrency linked to gold; increasingly negative interest rates; making private ownership of physical gold illegal and severely punished; explosive rise in the value of gold following its successful global confiscation; continued progressive stoking of the ever-increasing global inflation All that's necessary to see how dysfunctional 1T2-only monies are is to look at the mega-quantity of discretionary funds currently existent on the planet and simultaneously at the continuing general drift of the global crisis unto cuspover conjuncture; what these monies can do, all they can do and are doing, is make matters worse. Most in the way of aid, grants, matching funds, institutional loans, charity, awards, prizes, scholarships, fellowships are neoimperialistic, agenda-driven, prescriptive, postscriptive helping to set up the collective behavioral gradients governing effectuation of glutamatergic neuronal plasticity, the process by which the corpus of normosis memes is inculcated and subverts life expectancy of homo sapiens. So, under the plausible if, what is a plausible percentage-target in global overpopulation reduction? Fifty-percent? Hmmm. Personally, if this is, indeed, THE PROJECT, a big if but a plausible if, my I/im think it will be no more successful than was the top-down instrumented Soviet decision to jettison Eastern Europe. The in[stru}mentors will lose control of the process they've initiated. My forecast WAG, first made during the late-'60s, is that, played out over cuspover, there will be a ten-percent human survival rate.
Binary-mind analyses of the uncountable myriads supraordinate to the binary; no appropriate-order-type analytical employments of the µTms-unto-CTCs-and-beyond in their own rights sans reduction to what is seen through 1T2-only-colored spectacles. The periphrastic, action-based-sociology, object-as-subject, 1T2-hidden-identity-fetishization passive voice is memetime-bound entropic (hidden information) dyssemblance as regards 1T2-apparently synthetic, but actually µTm-demergently involuted, µTm-unto-CTC-identity-transparency -- though passive acceptance be the foremost 1T2-window open-upon/through-which-to-approach states of µTm-relative-stateness. Having learned of that dissimulation during the early-1970s via Progressive-Relaxation-and-Autogenic-Training-made generalizations of autohypnotic devices earlier employed during Special Forces training and earlier yet at playing high school sports, I, quite frankly, haven't been interested enough in current treatments of multivalued MV-algebras, categories, topos, groupoids, so on, to attempt to significantly read into them, because I don't accept the interpretations of MV-logics used in development of those treatments, Rxs which-with-of-regards-concerning, in my judgment, each indubitably being an id-inspired ex[orc}is|m of pagan-animistic modalities of cognition-comprehension, such MV-logics interpretations as: truth degrees; truth possibles; truth propensities; truth proclivities; truth probables; truth unknowns; truth unknowables (the Sorosian take on non-equilibrium-econometric automorphic-tropes, i.e., the self-references involved in market reflexivities); truth undefineds; truth indeterminates; truth overdeterminates; truth compounds; truth combinations; truth-nonsense meaninglessnesses; truth-contagious internals. Of all of these, at least as regards the given in-quotes title, the last named, i.e., Dmitri A. Bochvar's internal logic, B3, also known as three-valued nonsense logic (like the nonsense of a 3-phase generator?), para-this/para-that (see, for instance, Bochvar's Three-Valued Logic and Literal Paralogics: Their Lattice and Functional Equivalence, Alexander Karpenko and Natalya Tomova, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 21 October 2016: Google search Bochvar's internal logic to find clickover to a downloadable complete version, URL concealed, however; in passive voice, that's hidden), is the closest to wholly-truth-value-independent µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, states which are not equivalent to Everettian 1T2-only-relative-state.
A 1T2-algebraic variety may be a µTm-analytic manifold -- in that what appears a singularity (attractive or no: complex-numbered imaginary-time is involved here, as understood by Divakar Viswanath and Sonmez Sahutoglu in Complex Singularities and the Lorenz Attractor, arXiv, 30 July 2009, more specifically by complex and hypercomplex Pauli-Paine operator-time, even more specifically by 3-fold temporal CURL, as detailed in the physics behind the Paine-Kaplan multiscale, energy-momentum-cascade, numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis, physics which has remained back-channeled for never having successfully penetrated the square semantic-potential barrier erected in the cognitive-state space of atmospheric science with 1T2-only Lorenzian butterflies obeying a supposed classical limit) to the binary-mind may appear a transparent bridge to the mind accessing the appropriate µTm-order-type processing. And this relativity likely applies to monetary currencies. The m-value-stack placed upon the µTm-logically-processed LETS-currency-unit base-state could be considered a multifunctor, with the band-pass fractal-entrapment property being an expression of the existence of restriction morphisms of the involved presheaves, the specific restrictions chosen establishing the type of fractal e-boundary (consider that the range in types of fractal-basin boundaries is greatly expanded when viewed through µTm-valued logics, not only through that 1T2-only) of the open set of currency units constituting the given LETS currency.
Obviously, the biggest problem as regards application of category theory to value-stack on µTm-LETS currency unit is the identity axiom holding forth to the effect that there can be one-and-only-one identity morphism for a given object: this axiom being tantamount to restriction to use of 1T2-only logic alone -- particularly so if the given object is identified with, i.e., is indistinguishable from, its identity morphism. While, despite my marked tilt to Buddhological monetarism, I would not go so far as to suggest that a LETS currency unit value stack is a tulpa, i.e., this is not about tulpamonetaristics, I do note that J.G.Bennettian (null-vectored pencils of skew parallels) difference in sameness is disallowed by standard econometrics and prevailing monetary theories, external-cum-internal selfsameness of identity qua identity being enforced by the binary-logic Law of Non-Contradiction. Though, reading the following from the tulpamancy site linked immediately above, I have to wonder if the LETS currency unit base-state is the host and the m-value stack, Lukasiewicz-self-referentially µTm-processed, is actually monetarism's foremost tulpa (unshared weights in a locally-connected convolutional network pretty well characterizes the LETS value stack referred to, were the logical-value order-type involved not limited to that 1T2):
Tulpas themselves are clusters of dissociated processes that have associated with each other to the point that they become self-referencing partitions of memory, which become more and more self-referencing as time goes on and they accumulate their own experiences. And hosts themselves are no different -- hosts are their own cluster of processes and memories associated with each other, simply another self-referencing partition in the same brain with a unique sense of self, albeit the one that was there first.
However, 1T2-paradoxically (isolation being µTm-unto-CTCly impossible), any I/im who have closely studied John C. Lilly's (general anesthetic dose of ketamine in the isolation-flotation tank) Tank Logs will doubt the following tulpamantic assertion: Awareness especially is impossible to observe aside from your own. Being unable to distinguish I-foot from thy-foot is a characteristic awareness-experience of those multiples in ketamine bond -- whether exogenously (injection) or endogenously (Zazen or the like) induced. Is there anyone alive on the planet today who comprehends the magnitude of the difference between modernist and pagan-animist proprioception-perception-cognition-comprehension? Even standard allegory theory (more detail provided by nLab here), in that it restricts relations to those binary, can be of only small assistance at detailing formulation of a quantum-composite planetary unit of account rooted in µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (1T2ly approached in the convertibility of elements listed on the Periodic Table) and the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock -- though power allegories may provide greater guidance. Clearly, Cartesian 1-category equipped with relations is of far less LETS utility than would be Lukasiewiczian L-category equipped with µTm-relative-state identity-transparency.
The liminality (membrane, no-membrane; phase-boundary, no-phase-boundary) of bacterial communitas (both definitions provided by Cyborg Anthropology) and synergistic conjugation with corpora on nesting scale levels, steganographic impulses abseiling-rappelling down and jumared-ascenders-climbing up ropes, cords, strings, fibers, definitely is something to investigate, cogitate upon, especially, perhaps, relative to the human intestinal microbiome and impacts upon the enteric nervous system. Is bacterial culture the corpus of learned behaviors transmitted from generation to generation? Heh-heh-heh! Take note as to how her[it}age, her belay device, is notated: it is patrimonio culturale, not matrimonio or unimonio or polymonio or multimonio or monomonio. Is this not car[i}cat|ur|istic undersight? analogous to how the legislated legalistic rights of corporate persons cum Petri-cultured state agglomerates are [EU}ph[l]emistically deemed moral rights -- for the partitioning algorithm is imposed by choice as to logical-value order-type employed, such that, in non-real-numbered real reality, not only is the center everywhere, but the trope, the turning, is everywhenwhere, like the identity-transparent truths of µTm-unto-CTC topoi, were the topos allowed access to higher logical-value order-types. Heh-heh-heh! Wish I had, but, unfortunately, I never bothered to transcribe the Luang Prabang conversations with Douglas A. Paine (e.g., raising the issue as to whether this of 1987 [be aware that Paine -- who as a late-'60s PennState grad student studied the global effects of atmospheric detonations of nuclear weapons, and as an early-'70s NYSU-Albany Ph.D. candidate developed, in conjunction with Michael L. Kaplan, a complex-angular-momentum {think: Penrose twistor theory as the means for quantization of 3-fold temporal CURL: Master Memetime may be a tempus, the dull, duller, dullest Secretary of State for War we've ever had, but topologically-active operator-time is none such} cascade, numerical-forecast model of tornadogenesis which altogether rejected the notion of a supposed classical limit, i.e., genesis of severe local storms involves macroscopically-scaled principles of quantum mechanics and mesoscopically-scaled relativity physics such that local storms, volcanism, tectonic activity, Earth's core dynamics are deeply involved with the manner in which Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere receive, process, and cascade solar-wind-conveyed impingements of complex angular momentum -- certainly understood far more during the mid-'70s about the range of potential cascade-related impacts of what later became known as HAARPy-type iatrogenic interventions-manipulations than anyone cited in this 2014 VDO, not to mention Dr. Loot Bucks, CFO of InterPrize Unlimited, a leveraging venture capital partners enterprise; indeed, during 1975, Paine ceased attending Cornell University Atmospheric Science faculty meetings because he had become sick and tired of again and again and again contending with Cornell's then leading expert on upper atmospheric dynamics, not Carl Sagan, problems with whom were less technical and even more irritating], see page 13, was/is a disinformation-misdirection plant, given how phased-array blanketed was the U.S.S.R. beginning during the early-'70s, and if so, does that support the thesis that collapse of the U.S.S.R. was not primarily economically driven and forced from below, but a matter of a top-down-taken decision to jettison no-longer-strategically-required-to-garrison Eastern Europe, a decision with consequences in implementation over which control was lost), or Paine's Vientiane and Nong Khai disquisitions, or my Lijiang etudes and Kunming reflections, nor did I feel inclined to complete what could have been the New Delhi IIT reports, the Mahasarakham papers, the Nakhom Phanom naked fanny meditations, the Phnom Penh papers, the Kampot papers, the Bangkok conversations with David Spillane (the last our-man out of Kampot during fall of our Khmer palindrome), the Nha Trang papers, the Vung Tau contemplations. Ebb and flow (floating through the Rung Sat Special Zone's wondrous waterscape) of commitment to REcord. Other than providing the opportunity for practice at de-identification, one good thing about the best of popular fiction is the one interesting observation made every hundred or so pages, e.g., if a man tries to put all the lessons he has learned on a road map for others, he might as well dip his pen into invisible ink (James Lee Burke, Feast Day of Fools, Pocket Books, 2011, p. 507). Alternatively, if hope is to be the last straw clung to, then let such hope be that the Great Age of Organized Religion (including the religions of institutionalized science and inappropriate mega.guv.mil.com.edu.org) is passed into memetime-past and therefore-thereby humanity improbably manages to survive coming cuspover. Five-star global monoculture of the prevailing planetary civilization is built upon a foundation of cognitive detritus, mental rubble never even properly tidied up, let alone removed. NewPhys, SatCom, and NewEcon globalization have expanded The Coliseum to encompass The WholeEarth where small wars, GWOTs, financial meltdowns, catastrophic accidents, epidemics, and geoengineered "natural" disasters are staged as entertainments for the hoi polloi of New Rome -- even though the "mishaps" and "engineering" transpire, in large part, subliminally. With a preponderance of the population corpus relating to the foremost agent of its destruction -- the current institutional base supported by a black propaganda effort founded in repetition-compulsion cum echolalia: that effort is a wonderment, resplendent, refulgent; gleaming, despite the moral CA[tar}acts obscuring the clear vision falsely claimed, thus denying efficacy to the collective actions taken in the cognitive commons -- as if it were an existential confirmation, the necessary phase transition in whipstall for nearly two centuries, many of the mistaken convictions at issue prevalent for three millennia, and consequences of collective action based on pathological Weltanschauungs having reached the stage of major impacts upon the natural surround, what chance is there of actually completing the necessary phase transition? Passing up the pasticceria for the, ah uh, pesticceria: fascinating, isn't it, how many are the m-modalities into which the same ol' 1T2-falsehoods have been fastidiously fashioned as monomanical fads. The Tripartite-Fertile-Crescent-Religion, Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean-Nietzschean, modernist-postmodernist, Last-And-First-Men, MiddleWay-excluding, 1T2-only-logical march: matricide, fratricide, patricide, genocide, deicide, genocide, ecocide, genocide, planetocide Personification of the inflated superego placed in collective projection is not my idea of I-Am-that-I-Am (not: That art Thou) hyparxis (i.e., the nonorientability instituted via third-order temporal CURL), or any other ultimate (say, the state of consciousness signified by the word Jerusalem: at least the Pure Land is explicitly understood a state of consciousness, whereas the Promised Land was transduced to a nation-state) ConveDDed via the psychological transference, to include Father-Knows-Best, be He wrathful or compassionate. Standing as witness in the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, summer of 1953, eight years old, and the subsequent three years of experience in Japan, inculcated a healthy skepticism as to the benisons offered by The Good Life and inoculated me as to rose-colored-glasses assessments of the state of the world -- thus, I always subsequently imprinted on underachievers, dropouts, sourdoughs, mountain women, the like, not out of sullen ingratitude to the larger community, but for having listened to what these ne'er-do-wells had to say, and realizing that their reflections were the best commentary I had run across. In my immediate-post-VN era, the fall of 1968, rather than The Light from a Burning Bush and miraculously etched Tablets (think: Father-Knows-Best-guided glutamate etching of the neocortical neuronal sheets composing the canonical church, a kind of trompe l'oeil stuccoing of the perineural sealing of the molecular-cellular 1T2-only brain), on my trips back from Manhattan Beach to Long Beach I preferred sojourn time, spent detouring at The Lighthouse in Hermosa Beach, listening to Mose All[is}on sans tablets of sheets, indeed, without notational mosaics of any sort. This article, Bacteria Use Brainlike Bursts of Electricity to Communicate, by Gabriel Popkin, Quanta Magazine, 5 September 2017 (note that changes of fluid boundaries between bacterial communities are electronically negotiated in the manner of association-induced plasmahaut phase-boundary modulations), brought to my attention by Lauri Love (nsh), is a very interesting account of fascinating research into communication between bacteria and between bacterial communities -- or should we say societies? This terminological question arises for me because, in reading Popkin's article, I couldn't help thinking of Albert Victor Espinas' book of 1877: Des sociétés animales: étude depsychologie compare. According to my thesis (why is this thesis, if correct, significant? because no 1T2-type remedy proposed, or conceivably proposable, including ProposablePricing's 1T2-only prices, even begins to address the actual etiology) concerning the deep-structure origins of the War of the World (a thesis lavishly addressed at multiple locations on the present website, so I will not repeat it here), the human corpus is, among much else, presently revisiting the experience of mass identification (e.g., that psycho-state imprinted upon so-regarded entelechy of the nation-state setting itself against the Kulturstaat, aka nation qua nation: note mention of boundary fluidity and criteria for negotiated boundary changes being internal-system-state bureaucratic variables, thus suggesting tacit embrace of the holographic principle; note also the discussion of osmotic transfer across boundaries and associated identity incorporations) with 1T2-only-modeled anal-stage-regressed [male}factor forms of collective and cooperative behaviors (considering the Unconscious As Infinite Sets, µTm-unto-CTC when fully integrated), a deleterious social-structure-of-attention-cathexes induced beginning in the latter half of the nineteenth century (see, for instance, On what condition is the equation organism-society valid? Cell theory and organicist sociology in the works of Albert Espinas [1870s-80s], Emmanuel D'Hombres and Soraya Mehdaoui, Sage Journals, 25:1, 19 February 2012), and preparing in the utopian-socialist concourse the way for Fabianism and Leninist-Marxism with its Stalinizations and Maofications, and, via Prussianism's fixation on correspondences between social bodies and biological bodies, for onset of the Nazification process, a process presently undergoing a planetarized resurgence cum reset. Not to be misread, I should say that I think the described bacteria-communications research is wonderful and likely to have many positive spinoffs -- I just have to view it in this Espinas-type context. Not least because I find the brainlike analogy to be difficult to adequately assess, in that nerve cell function is taken as the lens through which to interpret the experimental findings, and nerve cell function is understood exclusively relative to the ion-channel/pump notion of cellular equilibrium, no consideration given to Gilbert Ning Ling's (interesting qua passing strange how his papers linked in Google searches are still rarely reachable; I was able to read his long rather difficult monographs during the mid-'90s only via personal communication and snail-mailed copies: my exchanges with Ling concerned how the notion of association-induction, think horizontal keiretsu, for instance, would be modified were the involved submolecular chemistry understood relative to a Lukasiewiczian µTm-logically-valued interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, rather than in terms of the consensus probability interpretation) structured-water (which I first became aware of reading Albert Szent-Györgyi back during the mid-'70s) qua liquid-crystal cum plasmahaut notion of non-equilibrium cum heterostatic cell functions, i.e., the association-induction hypothesis cum polarized-oriented multilayer theory, very lucidly summarized and expanded upon here by Mae-Wan Ho, with whom I had some exchanges regarding the Paine-Pensinger model of DNA radiation-exchange processes (her premature death having been a great loss to humanity and the biosphere in general). I've never been able fully to pole-vault onto either side of this membraned-issue 1T2-only-wall in theoretical biology, basically because I came to think the channel-pump characterization has largely to do with functional specificity and that the association-induction characterization has largely to do with functional integration -- overlapping redundancies largely in error-correction modality. The swinging oscillations from pole to pole between the discrete orientation (think: receptor-specific quorum sensing) and the continuous orientation (think: potassium-ion signaling via diffusion waves) in theoretical characterizations has to me the earmark not only of the glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched binary-mind, but also the history of fulmination-rest periods in memetime-evolution of the Niall Ferguson War of the World beginning, according to me, mid-19th century -- which is not to mention, as described in Popkin's article, that the amino acid glutamate is a nitrogen food source driving Lebensraum expansions of bacterial societies structured-up into biofilm manifolds. Chicken and egg synchronicity: pandemic forced-draft urbanization and research focus upon bio-structuring-up. Quoting Popkin's article: When an electrical impulse jolts a neuron's membrane, specialized channels open Being interested in the quantum-wave properties generated by the pi-electron-gas core of DNA, I ask: What is the origin of this impulse? And is structuring-up (look at the sources funding this research) its sole purpose? I am really sympathetic to the search for better understanding of how functional integration is achieved, but, being equally sympathetic to the need for structuring-down, I flashed on the functional-specificity analogy that would treat µTm-LETS monetary units as signaling molecules qua carriers of action directives triggering specified collective behaviors once a quorum qua critical state is reached. Prevailing 1T2-only notions of fractal-drum-perimeter entrapment and firewall-designed (1T2-paradoxically, one of Ling's favorite similes in explication of his anti-wall theory is the Great Wall of China) operational criteria-rules are mathematically formulated as matters of sequence, not µTm-logical-value-processed m-value sheaves algorithmically construed as band-pass criteria fine-grain tagged to indicator-measures qua/cum externalities of the bulk phase. I first became aware of the 1T2-only principle involved here in learning of the passing of a pin-pulled-spoon-still-in-place pineapple grenade around a circle of stoned Mike Force µFm-operators. Heh-heh-heh! Speaking here of the Josephus permutation qua problem, aptly made a firewall simile by Daniel Levin, The Last Ember, Macmillan, 2009, p. 43:
A security dilemma in computer database protection. Most firewalls are built to secure a digital perimeter by eliminating unauthorized codes. The Josephus problem arises when an unauthorized code detects the firewall's pattern of elimination, and can constantly avoid being eliminated each time.
Does this apply to the perimeter of a fractal drum? Consider the bi-directional Josephus permutation as presented here (good offices of Toshiyuki Yamauchi and Takahumi Inoue and Soh Tatsumi) and here (good offices of Masakazu Naito and Sohtaro Doro and Daisuke Minematsu and Ryohei Miyadera). Now, what about this permutation in n-directions under µTm-processing? That would be more like what I believe actually transpires on the perimeter of a fractal drum under advisement of the holographic principle -- and what any given µTm-processed m-valued LETS currency mapped over fractal e-boundaries would progressively become more and more like.
ZIRP (zero interest rate program) propagandistically held by some to be extendable unto memetime-forever, i.e., this contention being heuristically tantamount to postulation of an econometric kind of eternality, has been just one algebraic variety of the woo-dop doo-whoopse smackdown cum suckup of-from The Local, and transfer of the loot to the MoneyCenters, with their schizotaxic-schizotypal banksters, their split executive-brained CEOs, their financial-wizard MixMasters, their PolHacks, their POlice, their private-military paladins. Subvert the person! Kill community! Destroy place! Each a polarizing ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement), a pumping up of the enraged Quantum this, quantum that! attitude taken toward the weirdness at collective and cooperative quantum behaviors suggestive of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. If (as testimonials gathered from participants in high combat support) the necessity of bravery is a favor qua benison gifted by luck and the possibility provided by circumstance, then fuzzying up (as degrees of potential surprise in a theory of hints) the plausible belief that probability is a measurable cause, given a universe of discourse, U, the distribution of necessity-cross-possibility (i.e., the probability of possibility, given probability as measurable cause) is a functional(nXp) from MU to [C, C+] such that necXpos(alpha) = µ and posXnec(omega) = m. Heh-heh-heh! The neurosociology of macro-cross-micro symbolic interactionism: on the neurocosmo-semantic level, µTm-relative-state is meta-referential tropes (click here for Hebraic examples), each indecipherable in itself, conveying meanings readable only on their symbolic interactions, as referenced to memetime passing -- deeper meanings being resident in their Schrödinger-memetime-independent Cabalistic Tree-of-Life superpositions. Cloud-chamber freeze-frame networks are the Yantras (more technically, see here); m-valued superpositions of the Schrödinger wave-function, the Mantras; µTm-unto-CTC logical-value order-types, the logics of encryption/decryption written out in non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Spielraume -- leeway, wiggle, play, maneuvering space -- is one of the reasons for advocating the retention of 1T2-only-fiat cash, i.e., the base-state of variously-commodity-backed m-valued and µTm-processed LETS currencies; a currency state without which the involved quantum economies would be too viscous, even if they didn't altogether freeze up -- the value-sheave tagged to indicator-measures adding, not only processing costs, but viscosity adequate (like that of intracellular structured water) to the slowing-unto-staunching of hot-money flows. The same can be said regarding low-fraction fractional-reserve banking and low-interest at lending. Speaking of indicator-measures, what is the measure of any given case of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency? There is no such Lebesgue-Hausdorff-measurable measure since ID-transparency is not a generative function of unions -- fractal, finite, countable, non-denumerable; it, the transparency, is the initial and eternal condition -- signified to the binary-mind always and all ways by flames undying no matter where they may be moved, i.e., infinite sojourn time -- from which ID-opacity Schrödinger-memetime-independently demerges into Maya-Samsara by CTC-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 decompositions-disjunctions, which, ergodically speaking, no quantity of 1T2-integration by unions of microstates uniformly distributed can Poincare-recurrence-1T2-self organize a return to, ID-transparency not being a function over memetime. Gurdjieffian higher-valued-selves self-remembering requires an R.D.Laingian simply step through the door CURLing away out of the memetime theater of the absurd into µTm-Platonia's durationless perpetuality, which is not 1T2-Virtuality in perpetuity. There is no Hercules Herculean enough to clean out the enormous quantity of august crap which has accumulated as staples of the mass mind supportive of the barnstormed Western consensus, a general consensus however much the details are contended over. It must be supposed, for those ketaminergically seeing through bright-light states analogically modeling everlasting flames, that no matter where they look they register in ontic immediacy the poverty of prevailing notions as to fundamentals, that poverty, epiphenomenal to reliance upon 1T2-only-logic alone, being the result of obsessive-compulsive cultivation of the projective-identification occasioning the ConveDDed transfer of contents-figures-leitmotivs properly inner-implicate to the outer-explicate, and, in the transduction process, of the former being reductively concretized into regressed forms of the latter, durationless, altogether memetime-independent, eternality, for instance, being misconstrued indefinite extension of memetime forevermore.
I wish to have a before-the-reading place of reference from which later to review my reaction to B. J. Hiley's paper, entitled Time and the Algebraic Theory of Moments, arXiv, 10 February 2013, referral to which was provided by Lauri Love (nsh). Following is the notation of a recollection of the thoughts which passed through as I read the first paragraph of Hiley's Introduction. I have yet to read any further, nor have I yet viewed the VDO of his lecture, entitled Towards a quantum geometry: groupoids, Clifford algebras and shadow manifolds, circa May 2008. Pauli nixed his own notion of operator time (a nixing to which Prigogine later concurred) by concluding that a temporal operator is impossible because it would have to be conjugated to the Hamiltonian, the total energy operator, and this cannot be the case because the Hamiltonian is bounded from below (cannot take on negative values, negative total energy having no meaning, no physical correspondent). In our 1980 autogenic discharge as spontaneous localization paper, we used inverted Brownian crosses (operator-time, to us, denoting the agent [not merely a function over space A to space B, a function understood a measurable] actively effectuating pregeometry logical operations upon the topological geometrodynamics which ontologically-become ponderable as spacetime curvature configurations and their quantizations: so, actually, we understood operator-time as ontologically prior to what the Schrödinger equation represents and, thus, to the Hamiltonian) to indicate counter-temporal operations (having no relation to anti-matter for not being indicative of memetime-reversal) which we identified as being psychetic in nature, temporal operations being hyletic in nature (this notion given in thoughts concerning the heuristic modeling of a psychosomatic system appropriate for explorations of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics). Negative physical energy was, thus, characterized as positive psychological energy. Nowadays, the plausibility of Pauli-type operator time is being resurrected on the basis of arguments that the Hamiltonian is only semi-bound from below. What we began to understand during the mid-to-late-'70s (issuing out Doug Paine's studies of the atmospheric processing of the m-valued properties of vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode bursts [involved in an atmospheric special case of what came generally to be called acoustic analogues to black hole computing] associated with tornadogenesis, the mathematics of which we later applied to DNA helix-coil transition) is that the whole issue of bounded-from-below is chimerical, epiphenomenal to reliance upon 1T2-only logic alone (i.e., belief that pregeometry is the binary calculus of propositions, not the collection of those calculi µTm-unto-CTCly logically-valued) and associated Cartesian orthonormality. Value spectrums are not only neg-pos and 90-degrees to one another, except under 1T2-only-logic alone. Quantum operators and, thus, quantal operator-time, consequently to reliance solely upon binary logic, are stuck with self-adjointivity as a pale substitute for the non-orientability actively effectuated by the reentry produced by third-order temporal CURL (this can pretty much actually be seen as tornadoes form: the roll clouds, the tiltings, so on). Scaled application of quantum-relativity principles to modeling tornadogenesis required adding two levels of nonlinearity to the Schrödinger treatment (written in Maxwellian form in the atmospheric model because of the utility of cylindrical coordinates with respect to tornadogenesis), yielding second- and third-order operator-time, cum 3-fold temporal CURL, such that the self-reentrant aspects of the process (note, in this account, that third-order dynamics are not addressed, as we were at that point, 1978, still hoping that these ideas about operator-time might find publication) could be directly handled and employed as initializers of imaginary and hypercomplex cascade dynamics of the Paine-Kaplan computerized nested-grid numerical model.
Clearly, even many avant-garde physicists are still seeking a materialistic-solidity way around Luigi Pirandello's WWI-era conviction that It is so! -- if you think so and the, for instance, Vietnamese peasant's age-old conviction, characterized thusly by French ethnologist Giran during the WWI-era (the French-language ethnographic tract quoted by East-and-Southeast-Asia-cultures scholar Nguyen Khac Kham, Kham's translation to English, in Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam, Saigon, Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations, 1970):
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese.
The purely-objective-decoherent-solid-matter-committed physicist-seeking is a good part of the corpus of reasons why memetime is not consensually affirmed as the parameter or operator mistakenly designated an objective linear-time. To me, it is memetime-Maya plus three-fold operator-time logically-topologically acting at absolute limiting values of memetime-designated time rates of change of accelerations, accelerations, and velocities, such limiting values determined in a context in part set by m-valued universal physical constants processed by CTC-unto-µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. The Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock (think: reflected in the Hamiltonian) of this one-and-only universe are relative-state dependent, these states being themselves dependent on the order of logical-value demerged to, echoes of 1T2ly drawn distinctions persisting as memetime-independent emergences only a short distance up the µTm-unto-CTC-logical-value ladder. Nonetheless, very informative is the fact that Basil Hiley's paper, entitled Time and the Algebraic Theory of Moments, arXiv, 10 February 2013, begins with a discussion of two-thirds of Musculpt -- shape and color, but not also sound -- followed by invocation of a limit-definition of the notion temporal moment, a definition of considerable relevance to the concept of a minimum time for spontaneous localization. Of particular interest is that minimum time for spontaneous localization associated with the superconductant pi-electron-gas core of intraneuronal DNA, variations of which are deeply involved with rates, rates of rates, and rates of rates of rates of helix-coil transition (and the shape-shifting consequent thereupon), Zeitgebers, and baud rates of given states of consciousness. It should be noted that Hiley's explication of two kinds of time is a very, very interesting expansion upon ideas broached in correspondence which transpired between David Bohm and J. G. Bennett during 1962-3, wherein Bohm's notion of multiple types of time was compared to Bennett's notions capsulated as time, eternity, and hyparxis -- a correspondence as yet unpublished, so far as I know, but a transcript of which I was able to read by good offices of Anthony Blake, quoted from and commented upon by me here, the subsection entitled Three-Fold Operator-Time (Trikaladrsti-tapassiddhi: T1, T2, T3), relative to distinguishing subtle differences between Bennett, Bohm, Aurobindo, and the Paine-Pensinger employment of 3-fold operator-time in modeling DNA pi-electron-gas-core dynamics at radiation exchange processes transpiring during helix-coil transition. Limiting time (parametric or operator) to two kinds, it should be countenanced, is sufficient to exclusion of self-referential reentry, thus adequate to the disbarring of µTm-unto-CTC-valued Lukasiewicz logics built of self-reference, this disallowance being necessary to the shoring up of the binary-logical probability-wave interpretation, even when the conscious intention is ostensibly the offering of alternatives not, in the final analysis, tantamount to the Copenhagen interpretation. Writing as I read -- as I always do: that way I get a raw record to look back upon, engage in traffic analysis to identify evidence of the presence of predisposing complexes, so on, rather than one cooked. Of course, I consider that several thousand years of recorded meditative experiences indicates that Hiley's considering the precise time to be ambiguous within some interval deltaT = t2-t1 is a consideration of ambiguousness insufficiently elaborate, in that the duration of the present moment of memetime -- as glutamatergically anchored, under prescriptive enculturation-socialization, to the molecular-cellular brain -- the now, that is, directly varies (thus conforming to the principles of Special Relativity) as to the baud rate of consciousness of the involved state of consciousness, a rate which itself varies as to the order of logical-value tacitly employed by the involved conscient (All-That-Is being the most conscient of conscients: 1T2ly speaking, if self-referentially so: consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all logical-topological operators on Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space; consciousness in its passive aspect, the space operated upon) -- there being no such as parametric objective linear-time. It is not difficult to see depths in the origin of the puritanical Nazi obsession with purified identity (see Richard Sennett's Chapter One, entitled Purified Identity, in The Uses of Disorder, Knopf, 1970), identity homeopathically diminished to utter selfsameness: idempotence requires pure functions (freedom and nonlocality are in violation of purity) in referential transparency (not identical to identity transparency), and, if impure, that their multiple values be discarded. Invariance under operational transformation is sought in monotonicity of identity -- wheresoever's it can be construed. Be aware that W. V. O. Quine's Word and Object, MIT, 1960 (which I closely read during the mid-'70s while at Cornell), is the quintessential essay against the bare object, i.e., the Indic-Buddhological notion that glutamateric prescription, neocortically anchored, can be meditatively stripped from perception-proprioception, a stripping which implies concurrence with Aldous Huxley's [meme]Time Must Have a Stop when the baud rate of 1T2-only consciousness reaches its absolute limiting value. Hiley's choice to begin his logical march into an algebra of temporal instants with Eddington's notion of idempotency, rather than to logically devolve to it, at the outset rules out application of m-valued Lukasiewicz to interpretation of m-valued Schrödinger. These observations do not mean that I disparage the project to create a single-valued algebra of memetime moments, for I am sure that such an algebra would be of great utility in amplifying the understanding Piaget has given us as to how the stages of cognitive development unfold from the way Euclidian invariants (the preponderance of Piaget's explication is spatially oriented) inform psycho-motor intelligence in the pre-adolescent child. Quoting from Tranche 11 on the present website:
When glutamateric blockade of NMDA receptors is established, by whatever means, post-traumatic stress induced endogenous ketamine flood, say -- and prescriptive enculturation definitely qualifies as a traumatic stressor -- what happens to the internal mental representations Piaget talked about as being behind cognitive development? Relative to space, these representations Piaget regarded as Euclidian invariants. The child learns these invariants in process of attaining to perception of object constancy, for instance -- also in learning what can be called subject constancy. This transpires at about the same time the child accesses the universal linguistic grammar, according to Chomsky's notion, so as to very rapidly acquire whatever language he happens to be in the language environment of. But we know from the experiments of optical physicist Luneburg that binocular visual space is a non-Euclidian metrical space, not a Euclidian space like Piaget assumed, just the sort of space used in Einstein's General Relativity theory, a space with what Luneburg called a psychometric distance function, a limiting velocity related to maximum angular velocity of eye movement, and a Lorentz contraction in the direction of movement of any object translating within the visual space and approaching its limiting velocity. It is by glutamatergic etching of neurons and neural networks (selective nerve cell death) that Piaget's Euclidian invariants are imposed on the child's brain during the forced indoctrination carried out during prescriptive enculturation. Blockade of the NMDA receptors, if sufficiently elaborated and/or prolonged, restores many of the properties of perception prevailing before object constancy and subject constancy were learned. Piaget's Euclidian invariants are set aside as the subject enters a non-Euclidian metrical space with a distance function variable according to not yet well understood psychological factors and subject to all the rules of Special Relativity, and probably many of the rules of General Relativity. These rules have a lot to do with topology, with Montague's Grammar. In trying to make a map of the elastic (what A. Sakharov called metric elasticity) spacetime domain entered upon, the subject might find soft sculptures very efficacious, as apparently does Yayoi Kusama. Word salad might help, as old systems of naming no longer suffice. Drawing bold arrows between staganographic coded text taken from newspaper clippings, as John Nash apparently did, might be of considerable assistance in discovering the grammatical rules of permitted thought in the spacetime domain entered upon.
As regards fractalizing-discretizing-instantoning logically-topologically-active operator-time, I look to Penrose twistor theory as the most likely means by which temporal CURL may be quantized -- quantized (relative to the quantum of action µTmly defined, not only 1T2ly so) in a two-orders-of-nonlinearity-ontologically-preceding-that-linear context of Schrödinger-memetime-independence, and m-valued universal physical constants, the memetime-independent value arrays of each scaled to the Riemann-surface sheaves (unfolding the FlatLand-enfold being the responsibility of Platonic cosmic anamnesis) laminating the Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space which operator-time automorphically operates upon. According to this [orient}ation, there is no classical limit and virtuality of gazzettino of the classical world (which AlphaDads, most particularly, are insistent upon projectively identifying with, whether or not they cultivate imPURE thoughts) is in the [cog}nescience of the cog[no}scent|i (i.e., little access to the intuition function, intuitive understood in the Jungian sense, not the call-the-thing-by-the-name-of-its-opposite sense of the physicist) cum glitterati, uh, uh, the slow-baud-rate Cogitate-cogitate-cogitate! (as John C. Lilly was wont to say) [COG}nizers, whichever CAMERA chosen by MEGAN and FANTOM, Layla and Majnun, Isolde und Tristan. Heh-heh-heh! This is not psychetic idealism, solipsistic or no. The non-virtual Realitat is being-there in its being-in-itself (hyparxis CTC+ly understood literally as ableness to be, not 1T2ly interpreted as repetition or recurrence over eternally-extended memetime) -- we just have hardly at all an inkling as to its character, being as glutamatergically anchored to the binary as we are. How many I/ims were there at that Briefing For a Descent Into Hell? One and only one? So, in course of one's ADLs, during walkabout, at R1, R2, R3 Rn, R = re[cog}nition, whowhat is being recognized in any given such occasion of epiphany? An Other-I-Am, is himherit? Recognitions involving cognizance of µTm-realitive, uh, uh, relative-state identity transparency? For this, this, Vengeance! -- uh, justice, that is -- is mine, so sayeth the Chief Secretary Suupreme of Two Truth-Values, sayeth, that is, to the wraiths wrapping themselves in wicked sophistry. Despite All-That-Is (i.e., the hyparxis-persistent Parmenidean whole hole which is always and all ways every Heraclitean vacuum boundary-fluctuation of every reduction-veiling distinction -- CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 -- demergently drawable: matter being nothing but the operator-time-imparted geometrodynamic shapes of nothing, empty spacetime, that is) being enfolded upon the implicate, I do not place a highly reliable rating upon the prophesies of chronomantic Sibyls, because the enfolder-unfolder -- 3-fold counter-operator-time/operator-time -- is only vaguely correlated to dynamics in referential transparency with memetime passing, largely a pure function of the SkyNet-noosphere (the USAF version being a ConveDD, a conversion-disorder displacement thereof) linking complex-embedding archetypes of the collective unconscious -- changing linkages between intersubjective subsistent forms-swarms (cum objects qua things) establishing the collective-unconscious event gradients upon which the best of Sibyls take their trance readings (in primordial memetimes, the initiatory act of governance as the specialized sha[ma}ness-shaman usurped the power of the people wherein anyone could be the trance-reader-of-the-day). Reading the literature on endogenous-ketaminergic Satori or John C. Lilly's Tank Logs (exogenous ketamine taken in isolation-flotation), there can be little doubt that the most primitive propriocept-percept is that of identity qua identity (being being-in-itself, not I-am-that-I-am; being <<<>>>, not [><, <>]), from which reductive CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-distinctions, truth-valued or no, may be drawn. So, though Bohm's implicate order predicates algebras-calculi of, for him, generative enfoldment-unfoldment (for me demergent unfoldment-enfoldment: get that? that, 1T2ly speaking, hyletic spontaneous localization = the unfold and psychetic spontaneous fusion = the enfold), I do not believe these maths (standing between pregeometry and geometrodynamics) will be most reliably discovered-built relative to properties of memetime-construed-an-objective-linear-time, the UrGod of the ergodic hypothesis in economics (don't miss the comments) no less than in statistical dynamics, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics (the Incas, for instance, rejected the ergodic hypothesis as applied to naked-eye astronomy, and went on to mount a war against memetime), whatever one's take on Sin (the old theonym for Maxwell's demon; the new name being Schrödinger-memetime-independent Pauli-Paine operator-time, as codified, for instance, relative to pi-electron gas core dynamics of DNA, which they [Mads Peckerwood, the pudknocker with spam-in-a-can for a 1T2-only brain, and his cohort] now plan to ConveDD -- absent considerations of the exponentiations of nonlinearity at m-valued holomovement -- into a weather-controlling StarWars wand) as spawned by Enlil and Ninlil, themselves produced from [Nihil}ego by part[hen}ogenesis.
Though algebras of the multivalue derivative of a Chinese Theory of Falling Shadows (when, during the late-'70s, Doug Paine toured China with a scientific delegation, there was great interest expressed in the Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of severe storm genesis, e.g., lake-effect snow storms, as he presented it in lectures made along the way -- this enthusiasm being in considerable contrast to the reactions seen in the U.S.A.: was this distinction the result of cultural biases?) seemed, from perspective of logically-topologically-active-operator-time-induced and complex-hypercomplex-angular-momentum-qua-temporal-CURL-carried cascade dynamics, like it could be just the thing, and while clearly, at least for the purposes of m-valued-LETS currencies µTm-logically processed, some MV-algebra is required, surely not these MV-algebras (I've found Daniele Mundici's papers on Lukasiewicz to be most enlightening), these BCK-algebras, these BCI-algebras, nor quantumMV-algebras with idempotents inducing product decompositions, given how idempotency is synonymous with I-am-me-and-only-me selfsameness fraught with ergodicity -- whatever fuzzy ideal TPTB might wish to [pur}sue with a little help from their law firms and their firm laws. Actually, speaking in terms of ontologistemes instead of epistemes, from hishersits altogether aperspectival non-truth-value-as-the-fundament-of-logic take, my I/im finds this notion of the so-called algebraic semantics -- that's semantics now! -- of Lukasiewicz logics outright laughable. The fuzzy-logic supposed degrees-of-truth imputed to the real interval [0, 1] qua [false, true] conjunctive T-norms generalizing 1T2-logic conjunction cum intersection in no ways simulate the authentic µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency physically modeled by holographic-plate part-whole equivalency, where fuzziness at projection using only the part is due to the 1T2-only visual-cognitive processor employed. With categories, allegories, topoi, MV-algebras, QMV-algebras, and algebraic semantics of Lukasiewicz logics each, in one way or another, defined at the ourset as tantamount to the binary, it's not hard to see origins of the Western and West-imitating purified-identity prurient obsession-compulsion making identity-transparency opaque to 19th-century Romanticism (excepting Baudelaire's "Les Fenetres" and the like: one of the most damaging policies ever perpetrated by humanity upon itself has been the willful stripping of authenticity of cosmological, environmental, even trade-related metareference from names), 20th-century Existentialism, Logical Positivism, Modernism (those challenging objectivity of linear-time excepted, e.g., late-Debussy, Takemitsu), that Postmodernism not explicitly rejecting the Law of Non-Contradiction: the clinging behaviors associated with being in denial of anything and everything threatening justification of commitment to the notion that truth-value is the foundation of logic. Separation anxiety concerning the threat of having conviction in existential separatism removed from one's Umwelt. Weltanschauung wise: collective dependent personality disorder compensated by collective independent personality disorder. Ah, yes, being in denial of being in denial! leading to compensatory abreactions like state Communism, Nazism, state Shinto, diminished-MAO de[mock}rat|ic 1T2otalitarianism fed by 1T2-only lumpenCapitalism. Heh-heh-heh! Mistakenly or not, I've for decades had the impression that the axiom earliest most doubted by Lukasiewicz as eliciting the notion of m-logical-values to a given proposition was that of logical necessity, a blanket term (think: Linus) encompassing all rules of inference not labeled as to which order-of-logical-value it-they is-are apropos and restricted to, e.g., modus ponens cum modus tollens. The idea that there are universally applicable rules of inference, and, hence, uh, therefore, uh, well, applying one of those universally applicable rules of inference, universal fallacies (a variety of falling shadows!) exist, is necessitated, uh, Oops!, by the binary-mind's will to heuristically simplify reality such that simple-identity can be portrayed as the base-state of whatsoever case, thus providing a fundamental existential confirmation to the 1T2-only ego-function fraught with the Existentialist 3As: Anomie-induced non-specific Apprehension yielding cosmostatus Anxiety. Under that cosmopsychosociosexological circumstance, there is no possibility that µTm-relative-state identity-transparency could be given credence as logically-ontologically-existentially prior to truth-value -- not least because there could then be no authenticity accorded real-valued bounded observables and, thus, Uh-oh!, another of those inferentials, no logical necessity that logical variables operationally transform such observables into truth-values. So, Whoopse!, yet another of those inferentials, were that the case, what would there be for logic to do? However 1T2-uncertain Heisenberg's indeterminacy was/is, inalienable truths are confined to memetime-bound (think, say, velocity vs. position at time t) observables subject to the subject's cognitive binary-order-of-logical-value: this is supersignificant not least because, and this is a µTm-certainty, a Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base cannot adequately manage quantum-based technologies, especially when those technologies become more and more deeply (e.g., blockchained hyperabnormalization by rescaling to a global monoscale and tracking upon mandating a planetary monocurrency monocommodity-backed, all of these 1T2-only travesties justified with the rubric disintermediation [right along with chaos and complexity theory, yet another veiling of µTm-relative-states, such that high-k-value-correlative self-organized criticality is prevented, for disintermediation quenches, à la Albert Szent-Györgyi's account of the pathogenesis of cancer, functionality of falling shadows]; and how could anything substantively different be expected when battlespace -- for the various war ministries, however elaborate be their polygons and polyguns -- is, all these years later, i.e., post-Tet-'68, still being misconstrued a Newtonian absolute) interfaced with systems natural, infrastructural, monetary, economic, political, social. Borne off is the cognizance of himher in terror denied, terror at prospect of the loss of the false claim to be (using Hubert Benoit's term as given in Let Go!) absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, yet this terror unacknowledged still sets every sent[i}men|t0 t1 t2 t3 (real memetime + 3-fold imaginary and hypercomplex operator-time), still predisposes every action, every reaction. Blockchaining needs to be roped to, not only µTm-valued LETS nesting foams, but also the multilevel-marketing business model. O, aye, the disintermediation of operator-time-cast falling shadows cascading through the nested-grid system established by automorphic Abelian-E.T.Bellian involutory decomposition of the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. The sense of immortality enjoyed by youth is not so much due to lack of experience as to lack in build-up of neurotoxins, including those psychosocioeroticopathic, rafters in the roof of the set of all roofies, which quench access to direct ontic awareness, by THE quantum brain not contained by molecular-cellular brains, that Memetime is Maya!. Facts always lie because an eidolon on the MVRS must shadow-fall all the way from CTC+ through µTm unto 1T2 to become an unassailable fact. The AI/ia (Anthropogenic Interface, iatrogenic) to nature is the kicker because nature's CTCly-superintegrated synergies cannot at all be encompassed by Descartes' Spawn and Voltaire's Bastards, µTmech[no}crats identified with 1T2-only-logic alone. But the prevailing global situation at closer-and-closer approach to the up-and-coming planetarized conjuncture is far worse than that: by compensatory abreaction of their groupoid, TPTB have been compulsively employing quantum-based technologies dressed in Cartesian-Newtonian clothes to sure-up 17th- and 18th-century notions of political-economy cum governance whilst parading this effort as being tantamount to proof that the less complex can, indeed, perfectly well manage the more complex, even if this calls for generous doses of totalism -- it just takes a little bit more memetime for it all to come together. The big question is, of course, what happens to the motivic functions (quoting Peter Schneider, who interestingly addresses the motivic zeta function, as regards an aspect of the numerical basis of what Bohm-Hiley-Pribram called holomovement: the class number formula is some kind of a highly nontrivial local-to-global principle, or said differently: the zeta function transforms the relatively simple local information it is built out of into a rather deep knowledge about the global arithmetic) governing collective behaviors once de-groupoidification sets in? One does have to wonder, doesn't one, as to how deep -- heh-heh-heh! -- the ConveDDs actually go.
There is much in common between the perspectives essayed by C. Baumgarten in his paper entitled Minkowski Spacetime and QED from Ontology of Time, ArXiv, 28 June 2017, referral to the link by good offices of Lauri Love (nsh), and the arguments given by Paine and Pensinger in, for two instances, Toward a General Theory of Process, circa May of 1977, and The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, circa September of 1978, though much of what Baumgarten says lies latent as tacitly understood, or vaguely recognized, or inexplicitly assumed by Paine-Pensinger. One of the commonalities is encapsulated by Baumgarten's statement that If, in the following, we speak of time then it is always understood as a rate of change. The difference is that Paine-Pensinger speak of time also as rate of rate of change and rate of rate of rate of change, and, moreover, understand the geometrodynamic effects of these orders of changes as indicating the presence of orders of topological operators existing ontologically-behind the rates, rates of rates, and rates of rates of rates -- 3-fold complex-hypercomplex temporal CURL occurring at absolute limiting values of the involved variables. Another of the commonalities is encapsulated by Baumgarten's statement that Hence we can say that physics is irresolvably committed to time, i.e., to continuous change [Heraclitus] and to constancy [Parmenides]. However, while agreeing with Baumgarten that there must be a fundamental level, Paine-Pensinger do not concur with Baumgarten's statement that Whatever a physical theory considers to be fundamental must essentially be representable by quantities. In the Paine-Pensinger conception, the reference space, which is the root of all rods, the source of invariant standards for measurement, is an MVRS, an m-logically-valued reference space, the logical-values thereupon being CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states, pregeometrically immaterial, and the qualia out of which all quantia by logical operations and, derivatively, temporal operations, demerge. Baumgarten, as with most physicists, uses the word emerge where Paine-Pensinger would say demerge. Moreover, Paine-Pensinger treat 3rd-order dynamics, i.e., rates of rates of rates of change as ontologically prior to 2nd- and 1st-order dynamics, i.e., rates of rates and rates -- which makes no sense, so long as the analytic perspective is tied to memetime-bound 1T2-only-logic alone, wherein the fundament is considered truth-value, not memetime-independent CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency which is more fundamental than the logical-precedence relations from which truth-value-related rules of inference are derived. Temporal CURL involves orders of imaginary time, to employ Hawking's term, though with an active sense not a part of Hawking's notion. The plane of imaginary numbers is modeled as involving, at multiplication, a 90-degree twist, and a twist of only 90-degrees, no other degrees, to the numbers numbering the real-number line, this only actually being the supposed case most fundamentally because each such number, real and imaginary, is construed as being selfsame, itself and only itself, not as being a µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state of each other number and the set of all numbers including itself, a not due to the mathematician-modeler employing 1T2-only-logic alone. Why else Russell's paradox, set-builder notation, the theory of Russellian types, if not, most fundamentally, to keep numbers selfsame -- thus sparing oneself the consequent travail of coming to terms with numerical, and, derivatively, psychological, identity dyscrasia? Hence, the collective unconscious gradient subtending the mass recoil into demands for purified identity. Take Five interminable hellacious slogs!, as the societal asphyxiation imposed enhances thrills of the transferors, no less than those of the transferees, at Bolero-like run up to climactic collective-conjuncture criticality. Were, however, µTm-unto-CTC+-valued logics employed, operator-time's temporal-CURL-twist would be understood as manifest, not only at every degree kelvin, but also at every phase angle around circumference of the imaginary Wessel-Argand complex plane mappable from the Riemann sphere plus a single point at infinity, there being two points at infinity on the real number line; hence, 1T2ly speaking, it is the secular-Rabbinical qua anti-Cabalistic branch cuts (without which objective-linear-time evolution of the Hamiltonian operator [eq. 1 as given in Baumgarten's paper] of quantum mechanics could not transpire: consider implications of the fact that, for Paine-Pensinger, the total energy involves a third-order Hamiltonian as given in a nested wave statement [the zero and infinity discussed here are relative to the complex plane], not a wave equation, a statement provided by the paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, circa September of 1980) of the 2D complex plane which insure that µTm-logics are excluded from the complex argument and the hypercomplex argument, for, quoting Wiki as linked immediately above, Before we can treat this [m-valued] relationship as a single-valued function, the range of the resulting value must be restricted somehow (Roger Penrose mentions in his book The Road To Reality that in graduate school he doubted these branch cuts should be made, but nowhere in his book is Lukasiewicz mentioned as being on the road to reality: public class MappableExceptionWrapperInterceptor.around @Override). Exclusion squared: the excluded m-values were excluded such that m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, would not be applied to interpretation of the m-values of the Schrödinger wave-function -- even though this was no Jung-Pauli synchronicity, even though because the involved collective unconscious gradients span back to Abel's Impossibility Theorem and beyond, well beyond, deep into memetime passed. On the perfect, hyparxically-dense-in-itself, set-of-all-sets-including-itself, pre-pregeometry MVRS, it is the sheet-creating confidence-tricked branch cuts that institute the falling-shadow demergence ultimately responsible for the decoherence which is memetime-bound, single-valued, selfsame simple-identity Maya -- this cutup being a self-limitation-of-the-whole way to experience the m-valued as if single-valued. The mountebanked distribution of values stacked on m-valued universal physical constants (as distinct from variables) such as absolute limiting velocity is vis-à-vis partitioning boundaries of the nesting foam (which, by the Anthropic Principle, can be algorithmically chosen by the collective unconscious As You Like It according to It Is So If You Think So) in involutory decomposition. Another commonality between Baumgarten and Paine-Pensinger is encapsulated in this statement written by Baumgarten:
However we shall argue in this essay that and how the conjugate concept of spacetime -- namely the energy-momentum relationship -- and Maxwell equations emerge in an algebraically simple and elegant way from a reinterpretation of Eq. 1 [the time-dependent Schrödinger equation], i.e., from a proper distinction between those quantities that change and those that stay constant.
Paine arrived at the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations -- at heart of the physics underlying the Paine-Kaplan multiscale energy-momentum-cascade model of tornadogenesis -- in part by understanding that the energy-momentum cascade leading to tornadogenesis is winding-numbered, Faraday-coil-like, twisting-collapse of spacetime into itself until, apparently, classical Newtonian space runs out -- and that which prevents this crisis reaching full-blown criticality is summarized below, quoting Paine-Pensinger as linked above:
Thus, as the largescale wave train alternately excites and then suppresses the surface flux of diabatic energy, quantized packets of free energy are introduced into the limited atmospheric domain.
The external gravity wave train then goes on to organize the subsequent release of diabatic potential within the limited domain. By thus synchronizing the introduction of energy into the LSTD [limited spacetime domain] through its lower boundary, the sensible heat realized during the production of precipitation within the storm environment serves to sustain and amplify the planetary boundary layer pressure perturbation associated with the external gravity wave train. This, in turn, manufactures momentum at the larger lengthscale which exactly compensates for the loss the system suffers through external friction. THE INVOLVED EXACT COMPENSATION IS THE NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR SUPERCONDUCTANCE of hydrothermodynamic properties.
As memetime phase-advance transpires, operator-time-induced perfectly-in-phase energy-momentum transfer and energy-momentum dissipation, a process of information conveyance, ensues -- and, given that vertically-propagating m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes are involved (think: spacetime-collapse<<<>>>energy-momentum forth-and-back Fourier transforms), this process is one example of what has been called acoustic analogues to black hole computing. How are these m-valued acoustic modes processed by Earth's atmosphere? That is the question that put Paine-Pensinger onto a search for the answer to: How should Lukasiewicz be understood relative to 'atmospheric black holes'?. That is the way they said it during the mid-to-late-'70s at Cornell. That at which to look were (we're speaking m-valued here with respect to Fourier overtones) infrasound signatures of curvature configurations of theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature surfaces. Pensinger said, music-sculpture. Paine corrected him and said, Musculpt.
There should be no confusion between Lukasiewiczian CTC and Deutschian-Lockwoodian CTC (closed timelike curve), whatever entity rides the curve, photon or human. Climbing Jacob's µTm-Ladder toward CTC, as soon as arrival on the 1T3-rung is made following departure from that 1T2, memetime construed an objective linear-time is Left Behind (even if the double-helical tail of the involved comet is a feeder-band, no mere passive wake-vortex). Under 1T3-unto-µTm, the discrete temporal instant is indefinable, is no longer the same as itself, selfsame, itself and only itself, idempotent. So, even though 3rd-order operator-time accomplishes the topological transition from non-orientability to orientability, and the 3rd-order counter-temporal operation reverses this topotransform, no concatenation of CTCs will ever accomplish the transit from 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC. Moreover, it is the 2nd-order temporal operator which introduces multiple-connectedness within the context of orientability and the 1st-order temporal operator which introduces the simple-connectivity prerequisite to selfsameness in identity qua identity. While I might kill my grandfather whilst on a closed memetime-like curve (a quintessential Western notion, suppressed impulse to frat-mat-patricide being, according to OSS-R&A's Love's Body, the foundational sublimation principle out of which democracy emerged), under CTC, I am my grandfather, and so very much more (a quintessential Eastern notion, m-bodied in the ancestor cult).
What I find most important about both Hiley and Baumgarten, as given in their above-linked two papers, are their moves to Get behind thyself!, uh, more specifically, behind the geometrodynamics behind Minkowski spacetime. Authentic indifference is dreadfully difficult to achieve, even harder to sustain, it being engagement simultaneous with absence altogether of projective identification, of psychotropic syzygy, of the knotted 1T2-only-bonds binding subject and object. The Gnostic Gospels' cum Pistis Sophia's Get behind thyself! Permission to Ascend (good offices of Arthur Fanning, a onetime dust-off-medic helicopter pilot with an interesting About the Author) pregeometrically µTm-unto-CTC+ may have been the original heretical which Matthew 16:23 transformed into Get behind me, Satan. By means of such quenching does institutionalization proceed. Those who make no false claims are recognized only by those who can so recognize. Aye, that they will. May my I/im have your leave to go, YourGrace, uh, YourExcellency, uh, YourEminence? O, the orphans we were for the remainder of that cosmic day finalizing one great age of last men, men so self-identified and consumed by socially-conferred role attributions as to be of numerable face placed in registry of the planetarized recognition book instituted on behalf of the oppressors bent on mono-this/mono-that in compensatory abreaction to quantum-this/quantum-that. Yet, they, Hiley and Baumgarten, both get behind in conceptual contexts chosen as prominently memetime(construed objective linear-time)-bound and understood exclusively with 1T2-only-logic alone -- and Baumgarten even wants to get rid of the square-root-of-minus-one, the imaginary without which there could be no tornadogenesis and no DNA helix-coil transition! And no similar phenomena on other scale levels. This get rid of is a slippery slope on a currently-constellated collective-unconscious regressed-archetypal event gradient with political-economy pathways. For instance, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin only appear decentralizing; that deception because, being monoscaled, they are but a few extra-systemically-imposed algos away from supercentralizing (there is an obvious explanation for why Putin, et al., are not interested in the Polish logics assiduously studied at Moscow State University: flash forward and see Authoritarian Cryptocurrencies Are Coming, Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg, 17 October 2017: my only demurral from this article is based upon the conviction that the blockchained distributed ledger was institutionally created or subbed out with the authoritarian objective in mind: the µTm-valued-LETS-currencies notion qua seed idea, no technical expertise in any of the involved fields having ever been brought to it, has no problem with CBDCs, central bank issued digital currencies, so long as such currencies are µTm-valued, the values tagged to CBDCs are operative only on the central bank scale level, and these CBDCs are part of the nesting foam of e-currencies defined over fractal e-boundaries -- it being likely that even in the very best case scenario some facsimile of the nation-state will persist as a cultural lag) and being totally dependent upon continuous integrity of a global panopticonical smart-grid. Girl, uh, uh, Grid Interrupted? Ryan McMaken astutely essays on this subject in In a Cashless World, You'd Better Pray the Power Never Goes Out, Mises Institute, 10 October 2017: in nesting foams of µTm-valued LETS currencies mapped upon fractal e-boundaries, cash would be the 1T2-logical base-state upon which the indicator-measureable-tagged m-values would be e-stacked; given that M&A phenomenologies have made banks a persistent bane of existence for depositors, and that the banking system itself more and more becomes yet another form of embezzlement, I'd vote for altogether separating investment banking from depository banking, and for making depository banks public banks within a monetary context set by nesting foams of µTm-valued LETS currencies. Currently-existing cryptocurrencies: the wrong way around the complex-hypercomplex bernhard oops, I mean, uh, barnyard? In his dissertation of 1854, thereabouts, Bernhard Riemann panopticonically developed the bird's-eye-viewable Riemann-surface static representational way -- not dynamical Musculpt -- such that m-valued functions, by means of branch-point cuts cum bridgings, could be handled as if single-valued, whether the complex-hypercomplex plenum be viewed a Riemann sphere, a plane mapped there from, a function-space-filling enfold of n-dimensions. This was consonant with the Zeitgeist of his period in back-reaction upon the metric of the myriad subtle imports of N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr qua Impossibility Theorem. Hardly credible -- given what people freely choose to prioritize in lifeline and the gap between what they say they [be}live and what they live they [be}lieve -- is the belief that a population corpus which, seventy years on, has still to figure out the deep-structure cause-pull origins of its last world war will somehow miraculously avoid inflicting upon itself and its surround yet another global total war. When the ancient Greeks embraced polar distribution of the Middle Way, i.e., rejected relative-state identity-transparency and made in-the-body experience normative, they simultaneously established the Backgrounds-of-Western-Civ meme of overcompensation, for they did not merely identify with the body, they identified with the body's voluntary musculature, and in so doing somaticized rabid muscle-beach individualism. The planetary policemen, the global special service operators, the cosmic chiders: cases of virulent ass[in}i|NITy qua as[sin}i|NITy. Oh, those rosaceae personas wearing a flush of word rash -- polished, pink, punky, an overlay sprung upon papulo-pustular affect-charge driven deep by morbidity of additive Umwelt buried in multiplicative Weltanschauung casket. Functions of multivalued complex-hypercomplex variables (Baumgarten argues that only real-numbered single-valued functions of variables can be COMs, constants of motion) may be the universal physical constants critical to critical-superstate phenomena, µTm-relative-states between the involved m-values being responsible for the requisite exact compensation perfectly in-phase resonance exchanges necessary and sufficient to such superstates. Indeed, that is what Paine-Pensinger believed, but never had the opportunity to develop the required technical knowledge of the involved areas of higher mathematics or to obtain the technological access required to take the static representational way into Musculpt as mathematical notation, holographic techno-access to dynamical Musculpt, in their opinions, being a functional prerequisite to authentic application (like that accomplished by 3-fold operator-time for, for instance, Earth's atmosphere) of µTm-unto-CTC+ Lukasiewicz logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, to adequate processing of m-valued complex-hypercomplex variables -- and functions, functionals, functors thereof. Geoengineering is another pathway on the get rid of slippery slope of regression, renormalization, found ways to limit the range of values attributable to found objects, branch cuts, rescalings, truncations, so on. As regards iatrogenic interventions into Earth's atmosphere, some of the recommended readings can be found here and here and here and here and here (1991 being a critical year) and here (interesting notes given at the end). If Milan Kundera rightly maintains that it is gestures that use us as their instruments, as their bearers and incarnations (Immortality, Faber and Faber paperback edition, 1991, p. 8), and, in that respect, my I/im, speaking 1T2ly, believe he is correct, then, similarly, µTm-validly hypostasizing, we do not use logical-values, they use us, we do not employ collective-unconscious archetypal gradients, they employ us, we do not deploy operator-time, operator-time deploys us, we do not make measurements, measures make us -- insofar as the 1T2-claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct is marshaled, insofar as Thou art not That is believed, such that 1T2-distinction between universal consciousness and its instruments is entertainable absent involutory decomposition, absent Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergence.
Memetime immersion by introjection to Unwelt has many deleterious effects/affects. One good property of the cell phone I spy is that all those with compulsion to exteriorize roof-brain chatter are not doing so at me. Under memetime, like a pinball, one (the one-and-only one takes oneself to be) gets bounced around and slapped around until, in the end, one falls through and returns to the repository. And nowadays the heavy-duty bungee-cord strap tie-downs with hooks constraining n-algebraic-varieties of psycho-physical movement are getting shorter and shorter: e.g., I've been forecasting since intel days, Saigon, circa 1968, that a memetime will come when Americans traveling in the ZI (zone of the interior) will be required to acquire internal travel visas and make registration with the local-precinct police for overnight stays (consider that elaborate mission creep was explicitly in the minds of those who wrote, if not all those who voted for, the Real ID Act: Why residents of some American states may soon need a passport for domestic air travel, James Draper, UK Daily Mail, 17 October 2017). PID (Psycho-Identification), one kind of inflammatory disease cum neurogenic decapitation (the SSU, special service unit, DECAP Team being a ConveDD thereof), with the single-valued simple non-quantum identity required to define and number the instants out of which memetime is fabricated WILL not be superseded, not by the binary-bureaucrat mentality. Give me simple identity or give me death is the governance creed -- and it WILL not be transgressed upon! This disallowance extending even to the quantum-based technologies which binary-bureaucrat employs in an attempt to sure-up validity of pre-NewPhysics-Weltanschauung-justified institutionalization of the socius. Most certainly excommunicated are m-valued monetary units, µTm-logically processed (like is every superintegrated, autopoietic, self-organizing, quantum process employed by Nature: the model humanity should be imprinted upon).
Addiction to addition: bigger better.
Generative Weltanschauung cum Umwelt.
In a manner aplomb.
Sententious declaration, what --
Regards its imports unto impertinent
Eccentricity and e[men}da|tion.Reassemble to resemble;
Reconstruct to imitate, simulate.
So many e-pox, one can hardly keep count.
But no subjective 9-enlivened Schrödinger cat:
'I'n['i'm}'i't|ably, I am un['I'que}ly
Me and only me, 'I'dem[pot}ent.
O my, such did[act}ic [convict}ions.Known in the heart of hearts? Hardly!
Falling to the BB of the BBs --
The binary brain of binary brains.
O, aye, counting they are,
Counting predecessor [para}gones,
Those rumpled memetime moments,
Those instantaneous minimum times
Sequenced into their countably real-numbered
Line tying posteriority to posterity.While Dichtung, uh, well, the best poems,
May be temporal operators,
No mere memetime machines,
Wahrheit, uh, well, truth-values,
Certainly are not memetimestoppers:
An authentic intra-inter-subjective stoppage,
A stop-exercise freeze-frame still,
A psycho-ideographic snapshot
Requires more than an 'I'-phone camera
To paralyze the roof-brain chatter
Robbe-Grillet slays upon acrostics of minutia.Is accomplishment of that [epi}gone
A job for an unsuitable woman
Or is it a suitable reference to
O, yea, jogging for Job. So right!
A species going headshort to daisy pushing --
And some feel that would not be such a bad.Cascaded-energy-momentum power of the falling shadow is in the µTm-invariants carried through demerging transforms, i.e., dynamics of the plunge from habitus upon the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), that Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space being the realm of the Sonnengott of whatsoever ethnic ascription. It could optimistically be adduced that higher mathematics and theoretical physics are gravitating upon µTm-logically-valued Musculpt, but that is unlikely; more plausibly, the latest offerings are continuation of the long-running ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) project. Hubert Benoit's absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct: the unnecessary which is deemed absolutely necessary -- the Existentialists' Absurd being the m-valuedness of the found-object demerged to apparent simple-location on the Large Glass, the m-valuedness being a multiformity reductively ConveDDed (the con in neocon does not actually trope conservative, members of that cohort being Olympics-class competitors in the sport of internal considering; it tropes the con of ConveDD more authentically than the con of confidence man) to battlespace calculi articulating actions on the multi-domain battlefield of hybrid warfare, e.g., DoD and PaCom need a coherent and comprehensive planning effort both to prepare for the upheaval caused by climate change and to seek competitive advantages the situation may present, Timothy McGeeham, Commander, U.S. Navy, writing A War Plan Orange For Climate Change, U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings Magazine, October 2017, a statement made under the mistaken tacit assumption that Earth's atmosphere subscribes to dictates of the supposed classical limit. One has to consider that commitment to the notion of a classical limit -- this overdetermined commitment extant on the basis of many extra-scientific rationalizations -- may have led TPTB to intentionally amplify unintentional anthropogenic climate shift for a long list of econopoliticomilitary reasons under the wildly mistaken belief that they know enough to control the cascade -- involving also superintegrated volcanism, plate tectonics, core dynamics -- effects of their iatrogenic-intervention amplification.
Nature in its µTm-unto-CTC+ness is no 1T2-simplicity, as Ockham's razor, especially if applied to logical-value order-types and associated number systems, would have us believe. Wasn't, nosiree, childhood motion sickness that set me against car culture (derivatively, the single-valued COMs -- constants of motion -- physicists are attached to); it was the psychology of the involved id[i}O|pathy that turned my stomach: the sickening projective-identification predicating the state of auto-attachment. Absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2-ego sphere-function projected to sacrosanct, car-capsule, private domain; car-capsule persona -- its features, style, price tag -- introjected to Umwelt as integral, even essential, to personal identity. And, moreover, that whole psychosomatic excrescence setting terms of collective behaviors and their products, e.g., properties of the built environment, in the Lebenswelt: in[car}nation. The exemplars riding in stretch limousines, of course, take the whole disgusting national thing to the nth-degree in believing that His{story] is nothing less than an account of God unburdening Himself through his vehicles, i.e., Them-in-limo. Contrary to dictates of the ConveDDed car-culture metaphor, elementary particle interactions are bootstrapping, mnemonic-cosmogonic qua ontogenetic means by which ponderablespacememetime is, not becomes, e.g., these interactions between elementary particles are of ponderablespacememetime not in ponderablespacememetime, and if, as C. Baumgarten maintains (Minkowski Spacetime and QED from Ontology of Time, ArXiv, 28 June 2017), elementary particles have no material identity, then the non-material identity, that is, the dynamical structure of the [their] variations, i.e., the patterns of [their] motion must predicate a somewhat of some sort to that presumptive their. No their? Only a the? Patterns of motion of nowhat? No. The not-nothing no-thing which is an elementary particle is a geometrodynamic shape given to empty ponderablespacememetime. Given by whowhat? Certainly not UN Habitat and Google UTOPIA and Saudi MegaBuilders -- or the involved ConveDDs and back-reactions thereto! By the [logo-topo}logically-active post-pregeometry-cum-pregeometrodynamics whatnot named Three-Fold Operator-Time (think: Trikaladrsti-tapassiddhi on the cosmic level), universal consciousness (unconscious to Western psychology) in its active (speaking 1T2ly) aspect. Satcitananda at Turangalila! Sorry about that to all yousguys what can't stomach Hindoo terminology, but the fact is: none of fundamental NewPhysics is authentically new in fundaments (and back-reaction on the metric of that fact, that's part of the origin of the presently prevailing planetarized culturosociopoliticomilitary dyscrasia playing out n-dimensionally over the technosphere, to include the realm of monetary systematics). Ask, for instance: If elementary particles are nothing but the geometrodynamic shapes of nothing imparted by temporal operations executed upon m-logically-valued pregeometry, what, forgodsake, is Wheelerian, bucket-of-dust, Borel-set, pre-pregeometry? That from which the smart-dust ConveDD (good offices of Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles, undated) is derived? Sri Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind converted and displaced (good offices of a sit-down comedian), regressed and subhumanized (by the techno-ConveDDing of the radiation-exchange processes of the pi-electron gas core of intraneuronal DNA), such that that dust, that powder, can be introjected as material particulates and physically projected into cyberspace matrix as Cyberia's IoT? Repeating the half-century-old old saw: We had to destroy humanity, the bioatmoionomagnetospheres, the planet itself in order to save them.
Judging from Basil Hiley's lecture Towards a quantum geometry: groupoids, Clifford algebras and shadow manifolds, circa May 2008, it definitely seems that he is approaching the notion of topologically-active operator-time, and even that he senses that operator-time's quantization would be handled relative to the Penrose-twistor cum Dirac-spinor formalisms (be aware that temporal CURL expresses complex and hypercomplex angular-MOMENTUM cascade initialized at absolute limiting values of dynamical variables, e.g., according to the Paine-Kaplan numerical-forecast model, at onset of divergence in process of tornadogenesis). Moreover, Hiley, in observing that a given X under transform is spread over all Ps when generating shadow manifolds, somewhat tacitly recognizes the necessity of µTm-valued logics. Another way to say the above is to state that what Hiley needs is the notion of logo-topologically-active operator-time and Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value in order to bring his notion of enfold to fruition. But, from my take, there is something else fundamentally awry with his explication. For the West, beginning decisively with the Greeks, generative combinatorial atomism has been the most fundamental attack upon the pagan-animistic identity-transparency resident upon the Elysian Plane continuum which incarnates discretes via Schrödinger-memetime-independent involutory decomposition. Idempotency, however associated or commutated, cannot generate authentic m-valued non-selfsameness. Multiplicative 1T2-identity is not, indubitably not, µTm-relative-state identity transparency; nor is unity of the unital qua unitary qua unit sort. Hence, a Clifford algebra subject to the unital associatival condition is of little assistance, however much incorporating hypercomplex numbers, at comprehension of quantum non-simple identity. Hiley tacitly approaches recognition of this framework determining condition by raising the issue of information arriving from the future -- meaning that the future ontologically-already is always and all ways all ready, i.e., exists eternally, simplicial-Platonic-formsly, on the Elysian Plane from which the Elysian-Fields shadow manifolds are decomposed. Memetime is how CTC+-unto-µTm involutory decomposition is understood when processing of information is limited to 1T2-only-valued logic alone. A how-as-when boggle! Information arriving from the future is a 1T2-way to understand that a given X under transform is spread over all Ps, each such case constellating a given shadow manifold unfold of the Elysian-Plane enfold. The shadow manifolds are not generated like are secular-Rabbinical generative grammars, for they are Cabalistically all ready being-there already on the universal covering in µTm-relative-state, each X spread over all Ps, this Resident Evil (from perspective of 1T2-only-valued-logic alone) being the Riemann-surface-like multi-sheets which are the shadow manifolds, which, when involutorily decomposed by 3-fold operator-time, and radically reduced by subjection to 1T2-alone, constitute-constellate onticity of what most physicists regard intuitively-given space-time, actually ponderablespacememetime.
The article entitled Quantum coherence via skew information and its polygamy, Chang-shui Yu, Physical Review A, 95, 042337, 25 April 2017, in insisting upon strong monotonicity, implicitly conforms to chaos-complexity theory's notion of self-organized criticality man[i}fessed at high-k-value correlations on the 2nk fitness landscape, rather than the superstrong polymorphic tonicity implicate at high-k-values in the Mnk articulation landspace as M goes µTm-unto-CTC+. Consider that the monagamy, that is, the entanglement in a multipartite system cannot be freely shared by several subsystems, is epiphenomental to definition of qubits relative to 1T2-only logic, rather than employment of mu-its defined relative to µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. Coherent q-skew information entangled into pencils of skew-parallels writes µTmly-unto-CTC+ly such that the monotonicity of monogamy is dependent upon operator-time-driven cascade unto fractal entrapment wherein curvature flattens to such a degree that even Newtonian absolute space appears to run out relative to initial and boundary conditions imposed such that the equation sets can be solved using 1T2-only-rules of accommodation. The non-observability of discretes subject to chromodynamic confinement, discretes that clump together to form groups, argues that coherence is not an absolute quantia, therefore not wholly mensurable, qualia being integral to its very nature. Why does color confinement so argue? Because the Regge slope is an m-valued constant such that the collection of involved Regge trajectories are skew to each other, i.e., form a pencil of skew-parallels, this pencil drawing the equilateral-triangular quark-symmetry tiling pattern as a nested-grid triangular-vortex-lattice universal-covering of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) out of which shadow manifolds (corresponding to a sequence of incompressible states?) decompose at operator-time executed demergence. Do tornadic plasma bottles and pi-electron-gas cores of DNA contain nature-manipulated Abrikosov vortices? Are magnetic flux tubes-ropes associated with thin superconductors one case of pencils of skew-parallels? Obviously, q-skew information as understood by Chang-shui Yu, i.e., quantum skew information which characterizes the contribution of the broken observable (basis) and the density matrix of interest, while permitting, according to Yu's explication, polygamous (and also polyandrous? his being a fully-binary qubitic notion of superposition) entanglement, is not the same information carried by pencils of skew-parallels by which µTm-valued non-simple relative-state identity-transparency appears to the binary mind to be conveyed. There is no actual conveyance, transport, transmission, propagation; there is simply change of logical-value order-type, which, when processed by 1T2-only logic alone, is understood as being movement.
While, as I have previously stated, it seems to me that blockchain software conceivably could be of some utility to µTm-valued-LETS-currency fundamentals, in order for that to be the case the very notion of a block and the concept of a chain would have to undergo, not only reverse engineering, but retrograde-inversion -- this necessity because, clearly, the blockchain is the latest ConveDD tacitly (ConveDD is by definition unconscious) designed (regards that old saw maintaining that what is Divine, uh, uh, unconscious, cannot be designed: hardy be the Har-har-Hardy-har -- despite presence of collective-unconscious archetypal gradients, regressed or no) to bury imports of Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr. Has, given the supermassive collective-libido investment exhibited over nearly two centuries, anything substantially substantive transpired since the early-19th century that has not been a ConveDD? Obviously, I don't think so. And call this a theory of unconscious conspiracy if you will! Heh-heh-heh. Look at the prevailing intelligentsia's Ivy-League notion of distributed-supraordinate-to-decentralized as graphed here, good offices of Lou Kerner at HackerNoon. Is this, or is this not, a Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean-AngloSaxon ConveDD of the import of the inherent properties of quantum-based technologies before they are patented in C-N-L-AS personas? How, in THEIR, TPTB's, conception, does the P of P2P man[i}fess quantum non-simple identity? Doesn't: P understands himherself P-and-only-P no matter how so much MoSoSoed and blockchained and GPSed. Faux-quantum, the dissembled dissimilative, is characteristic of today's quantas of psychosociopolitocomilitary action. To authentically Quant Us or not to authentically Quant Us, that is THE question. Store of value -- in contrast foremost to unit of account and to a lesser degree medium of exchange -- as a property of currencies doesn't much interest me, for it is defined over memetime and is, thus, fundamentally Maya, a veritable con, tantamount to a systemic confidence game, as Lou Kerner says, if not so in particular cases for longer or shorter periods. Inadequate thought is given by the talking heads in the MSM as to distinction between perspective of the system qua system and that of the discrete actor within the system. Store of value, store of value, store of value! What sort of value? Binary-value alone -- which the progenitors of financial derivatives have ineptly tried to delocalize, for actor-in-system benefit alone, using quantum-based technologies dressed in C-N-L-AS personas. One just gets sick of hearing of it, like one nauseates -- the younger the better -- upon the love-story-not-love-itself told over and over in one great novel after another, where the Nobel-recipient author describes the stereotypic 1T2-only-behaviors of projective-identification at man-woman/woman-man anima-animus/animus-anima transference actually believed to be love-itself, there being no awareness whatsoever of animistic µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. The distributed ledger of the blockchain needs, from system-qua-system perspective upon levels of autopoietic cum self-organizational competency, to account, not the exchange of binary-only-values alone, but of authentic quantum-composite values, µTmly stacked on base-states of e-currencies, crypto or no, defined over nesting-foamed fractal e-boundaries (think of any given band-pass µTm-LETS-currency-fractal-drum as being in analogue to polymorphous-perverse polygamous-polyandrous chromodynamic confinement), base-state cash RFIDed or no, and if RFIDed, then done so for the purpose of a direct measure of velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration of the cash component of monetary dynamics. Supersystem-system-subsystem quantum-composite value being alleleotropic (of each other) in that, being authentically-quantum composite, it expresses the µTm-relative-state identity-transparency stored upon the Gödel-numbered-Gödel-numbered Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) and decomposed by 3-fold operator-time to quantum-composite unit of account registry of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, this X spread over all Ps-cum-all Ps in each X-type holographic information, which is not simply P2P, being required to creatively meet the gathering n-dimensional global crisis.
Responding to the following observations:
Thought I would bring it to your attention in case there is any parallel or connection with your thoughts on skew-perpendicularity as a non-reductive route towards understanding Heisenberg uncertainty and those regarding the curvature, connectedness, and orientability transformations undergone during transitions between states of experiential consciousness. My own interest was sparked by phenomenological observations of this latter variety during an extended state of altered consciousness during which the algebraic, topological, logical, and ontological interconnections were notable. A specific positive empirical observation was that upon remerging with memetimespace 3+1 Euclidean outrojected environment/space there was strongly marked hyperbolicity in the perceived space that decreased in correspondence with the return to a normal mode of consciousness data processing. Parallel lines diverged and parallelograms had sharpened, extended corners. I wonder if this corresponds in any way to your own experiences in voluntary dissociation towards altered conscious states, which I recall included observations regarding shifts in perspective (as taken to be the behaviour of parallels and vanishing points) that accompany entry into jhana/samadhi/etc or the eventual regard of the base-state of Tzog-chen aka m-logically-valued universal reference space.
Most of what I've experienced in these realms began to fade off during my late-30s and was pretty much altogether gone by my late-40s. So, whatever I have to say is a reach into memory. I take it that the hyperbolicity you refer to is perceived with respect to the whole expanse of the visual space. I do not remember having registered awareness of hyperbolicity specifically with respect to the whole visual space. I do remember what I characterized as trick mirror images (like images in convex or concave mirrors in a Fun House) with regard to some tableau setting within the expanse of visual space. If I tacitly registered hyperbolicity of the whole visual space without so recognizing it as such, it would have been during walking meditation while splitting off a portion of awareness as focused upon registrations in the peripheral visual fields. We compulsively fixate upon such registrations until we can name them as consensual knowns, thus dissipating potential threat to coherency of the Lebenswelt -- whereas such registrations can be attended to as entries-exits from-to elsewhere. I found that as soon as any such inner separation conducted by a given sensory faculty is engaged in there is simultaneously a memetime warp and ponderable-space contraction of one type or another. It is like in consensus perception there is no distinction made between the perceived visual space and the feeling spaces superposed upon it or enfolded within it. During walking meditation, these would separate out in abrupt unanticipated ways, e.g., walking down three steps from a hallway into a large room and the sense of expansion becomes felt as explosively expansive, way out of proportion to the visual perceptions accompanying the movement between the two spaces: one becomes, via the feeling function (which C. G. Jung says is an aesthetic judgment faculty), hyperreactive to elements of space articulation, such that a feeling space distinct from visual space is ontically given as being-there, having been pulled out of superposition or enfoldment. The feeling-space aspect of visual perception seems to me more related to qualia than to quantia. If ever once Amongst Women -- or is it actually consciously engaged with the Anima? -- then no longer in devaluation, in depreciation, discounted is Ewigweibliche = the eternal-feminine sponsor of feeling-space apperception. Derivatively, is real-world Jung-Pauli synchronicity Kundera's novelistic poetic coincidence laden with actual experiential meaningfulness on the order of a psycho-ideograph like that seen in a stop-action freeze-frame delivered to awareness at epiphany as alerting, tinnitus-accompanying, Analytical-Cubist, Musculpt, photism-like flashover imago, the associated be-here-nowing electrical-impulsive phylactery coursing down and hitting soles of the feet? Alfred Jarry would probably have thought so. The notion that feelings, plural, are involuntary, are imposed from without, I believe, arises epiphenomenally from: (1) feeling spaces being in superposition or enfoldment, depending upon the position taken by a given being-in-the-world attribution relative to the Lebenswelt; and (2) taking identity qua identity as being solely of the 1T2-only variety; and (3) conflating emotion (affect charge) with feeling (aesthetic judgment), these two being only marginally related. It may be that hyperbolicity accompanied the perspective-lines convergence-divergence I experienced, but that my attention was not to that aspect. These experiences came whilst I was daily drawing and painting from the model (frequently also trying to draw and paint music). During my daily walking meditation sessions at that time, I would visualize a screen-grid (Alberti, Piero della Francesca, Durer and others used actual screen-grids during the Renaissance to work out the conventions of linear perspective) as if placed between my eyes and the scene through which I was walking. It was during these active imagination visualization excursions that the viewing-point tilts-relocations and imagined perspective lines converged-diverged -- such dislocations being accompanied by radical shifts in the sense of personal identity, experiences of generative empathy, the like. So, the hyperbolicity may have been there and I just did not identify it as such because my attention was otherwise focused. The human face is a major signifier of distinction, an acute identifier. So it is not surprising that superposed multivalence is most clearly seen when uniqueness of the face is subverted: the experience of looking at a portrait and seeing many faces flash one after another (this is a typical experience on psychedelics but simple meditative candle gazing upon a portrait using the peripheral vision is adequate to the same sort of flashover). The more frightening occasion would be to look in the mirror and naively experience this phenomenon for the first time, particularly if the image quality is eidetic. I think that the experiences I had along these lines are the most superficial of early-stage entry upon µTm-valued perception (it being very much more difficult to perceive than to conceive). Ontically, I was never able to get very far into it. I was frightened off -- for I had no way to understand what I was experiencing. Likely, had I elected to go more deeply without real understanding, it would have been quite dangerous, maybe disastrous. Better understanding began to come with the five years of research I did at Cornell with Doug Paine.
I found the following search statement, provided by Lauri Love (nsh), to be thought provoking: while looking into any theoretical links between the hyperbolicity of a space and the degree or quality of superposition or more general coherent or non-selfsame effects in the collective dynamics of the objects or subjects construing the space. From my perspective on Lukasiewicz, the fuzzy-logic interpretation of the notion that the corpus of logical-values possible-available (right-hand-side of T) to a given proposition are signified by the countably-infinite spectrum of numerical-values in the real-number interval [0,1] as, in turn, signifying a collection of discrete shades of gray makes fuzzy-logic 1Tm not µTm, because, in such logic, a given proposition does not switch on more than a single shade of gray (left-hand-side of T indicating how many values permitted, in this case 1, of those possible-available) in any given single operation: this is because the fuzzy logic interpretation of Lukasiewicz, while spurning the Law of Distributed Middle, retains the Law of Non-Contradiction. Moreover, the meaning of any given single operation is, in major portion, extracted from the modeling of passive, passing, referential time on a linear display of the real numbers, the same display from which the real interval [0,1] is extracted, thus establishing a correspondence, if not an identity, between linear-time instant and fuzzy-logic logical-value (as well as 1T2-only-logic logical-value understood truth-value, not shade-of-gray-value). This making logic of memetime and memetime of logic is one reason why I doubt adequacy of number-system signification as to meaning of logical-value. While -- noting that the real interval [0,1] is holographically identity-transparent with the whole real-number line -- much of this, if not all, is not necessarily arbitrary, it is very likely tacitly analogically modeled upon dynamics of glutamatergic neuronal etching qua neural anchoring cum quantum quenching conducted under the impress of enculturation-socialization. Not so parenthetically, the corpus of psychopathologies which constitutes accelerationist (good offices of Andy Beckett) h+-unto-bot++ transhumanism (good offices of Meghan O'Gieblyn) cum posthumanism (good offices of Luca Valera), anarcho-syndicalist or anarcho-capitalist, is in compensatory abreaction to the fear, the loathing, the dread elicited by largely subliminal collective awareness as to existence of trans-al-jabr (think: 1823, Abel on the quintic) and its various spawn, the most threatening of which being m-valued logics (published in rigorous codification, 1921). Quoting Milan Kundera (Immortality, Faber and Faber paperback edition, 1991, p. 236) on the metapsychology of obsession with the notion of immortality-in-memetime:
The gesture of longing for immortality knows only two points in space: the self here, the horizon far in the distance; only two concepts: the absolute[ly-in-so-far-as-distinct] that is the self, and the absolute[ly-in-so-far-as-distinct] that is the world. That gesture has nothing in common with love, because the other, the fellow creature, the person between these two poles (the self and the world) is excluded [by the binary-logic Law of Excluded Middle] in advance, ruled out of the game, invisible.
So, what of all the logical-values in mu of muTm disallowed under 1Tm-fuzzy-logic? They are null values to any given proposition of fuzzy-logic. Since the Law of Non-Contradiction so disallows, those values have to be sent off to elsewhere, perhaps as incommunicado universes of 1T2-only-cum-fuzzy-logic-processing-Everettian multiverse -- for, if they were allowed to be in communication in the manner of quantum composite, their relative-state would involve identity-transparency, which, in turn, according to the above-given scheme, would make each temporal instant on the time-line non-localizable thereupon, which, in turn, would severely undermine, among much else, the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Are those null values to any given proposition of fuzzy logic predicative of null potential as indicative or not of Bohmian quantum potential, of null angles as indicative of superposed phase angles regarded angelic or not, of null vectors as involved in definition of Bennettian skew parallel identical or not to quantum skew? Bohm illustrated his notion of enfolded, which may be one sense of the word null as herein used, null relative to some reference state, measure, coordinate framework, constant, with an ink trace swirled into a viscous fluid until invisible, then swirled out until again visible. While edifying, how edifying is this illustration? Does enfolded-unfolded, being a spatially-and-passing-timely-bound notion really get at the heart of the matter, i.e., the meaning of 'null' as herein used? What about contextualizing enfolded-unfolded relative to non-Euclidian geometries? Wouldn't that capture, for instance, J. G. Bennett's conception of skew-parallel as he and his associates defined it using the notion null vector? No. Because Bennett's sense is different from, say, Clifford-parallel. To get Bennett's sense -- a geometry representing identity as identical to diversity -- every degree of curvature, all non-Euclidian geometries, would have to be simultaneously extant on any given portion, chosen as small as we like, of an illustrative manifold of such geometry; otherwise, there could be no authentic analogical representation of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. That's one reason why the Mus of Musculpt is required if this ever is to be detailed. The sculpture and its geometric properties, to whatever dimension, Euclidian or non-Euclidian, cannot adequately so represent. The full meaning of 'null' as herein used is not in topology qua topology, its transforms and invariants -- even with topos of music conjugated thereto. C-A-T qua cat, the word, denotes a somewhat altogether without taking recourse to description of its sculptural properties and time evolution. The sounded-colored-forms of inner Musculpt, as I experienced them, their topologies and transforms, recolorings, frog-cicada-like symphonies -- symformphonie -- are more like C-A-T qua cat than the spacetime geometries, function spaces, phase spaces employed by physicists. Why should this be of any interest at all? Just as the notion field turned out to be insufficiently general to meet requirements of successful GUTs, trans-al-jabr may be required for adequate Rx of Schrödinger's C-A-T qua cat. Multivalued MV-trans-al-jabrs CTC+-unto-µTm processed (requiring for their authentic elaboration -- not a 1T2-only dissimulation -- techno-exteriorized Musculpt as mathematical notation), yielding MV-algebras 1Tm-fuzzy processed, yielding MV-algebras 1T2-processed, yielding Clifford algebras 1T2-processed, so on, may be required to detail Schrödinger-memetime-independent involutory decomposition-demergence such that comprehensibility comes to the question as to how decoherent diversity is identical to coherent identity-transparency, e.g., Alan Watts' God playing hide-and-seek with herhimself.
The various articles on the Qualia Computing website are quite stimulating. I suppose I will be working my way through them. The discussion of hyperbolicity and various links suggest some connections. I have long argued that Stuart Kauffman's DNA-analytics-derived 2nk fitness landscape of the Santa Fe Institute chaos-complexity-theory model of self-organized criticality (even when onset of frequency correlations is stimulated, e.g., long-range phase-correlations induced by ingestion of psychotropic drugs: laser-like consciousness amplification by drug stimulated initialization of electron transport chains and associated quantum-wave dynamics) is a 1T2-take on µTm-unto-CTC+-logically-valued processes. Similarly, I've said that I believe the blurriness (perceived by a memetime-bound viewer) of the whole image when a hologram is projected, not with the whole holographic plate, but with only a piece thereof, is due to 1T2-only processing of visual information essentially µTm in character (the plate is, synoptically, a 1T2-record of light-wave interference-superposition [not probability-wave superposition], which, when broken, requires a µTm-unto-CTC+-processor to pristinely access the embedded-enfolded Cantorian whole-wholly-in-the-part property). By analogy to 2D-unto-2.5D-unto-3D processing of visual inputs, it seems likely that use of a 1Tm-fuzzy-logic visual processor would reduce the degree of blurriness. Why? Consider that each fuzzy-logic shade of gray logical-value signified in the real interval [0,1] is the logical-blur-percept functional equivalent to a visual 2.5D blur-percept. Now think of the progressive changes in perceived blur across the different equiblur zones (see: Conceptual model of human blur perception, Kenneth J. Ciuffreda and Bin Wang and Balamurali Vasudevan, Visual Research, 47:9, April 2007, pp. 1245-52, as posted to the ScienceDirect website) along a parallel-distance alley as somewhat getting at the sense of J. G. Bennett's pencil of skew-parallels and the concomitant Paine-Pensinger skew-perpendicularity (see: the Multivaluedness, Self-reentry, Non-Orientability, and Hyparxis section of our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process) of lines-of-force and equipotential surfaces (think, for instance: flux tubes). Were the visuals associated to all of the above contextualized in the special-relativistic, non-Euclidian, Luneburg model of binocular visual space, the hyperbolicity at issue would be recovered. Further consider (quoting from an answer to the math.stackexchange question What is the relationship between hyperbolic geometry and Einstein's special relativity?, 18 September 2013) that:
A vector whose quadratic form is positive is said to be time-like. So points of the hyperbolic plane correspond to time-like vectors, with scalar multiples of a vector representing the same point. Likewise, a vector whose quadratic form is negative is called space-like. So a line in hyperbolic geometry corresponds to a space-like vector, and all its multiples.
These chronotopological Special Relativity (not even necessary to go to General Relativity, where the issue is even more elaborate, i.e., Klein-bottle-like) multiples (think, for several instances: the nesting foam of Hiley shadow manifolds, the Chinese theory of falling shadows, and, specifically with regard to Earth's atmosphere, the vertically-propagated m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes produced at tornadogenesis, so much a part of the Paine-Kaplan cascade-theoretic forecast model, about which I observe: oh-so-too-very bad homo-sapiens-survival instinct neglected to prevent the stomping-squelching-stanching of this model with its various multifarious imports) are indicative of the m-valued variables requiring µTm-unto-CTC+-valued processing, if we are to have any verisimilitude to the actual case. It's a strongly good bet that, as Luneburg maintained, there is no localization in visual space (the explicitly stated belief that there always is such localization having been the tipping point in Everett's paper from which he produced the paper's self-cancellation exposition whereby 1T2-relative-state can be found experimentally indistinguishable, due to non-communicability between universes, from the standard probabilistic interpretation of QM: i.e., he found a way to discount the experimental evidence for quantum non-simple identity-transparency, as rather too consensually discussed in Quantum Mechanics Is Putting Human Identity On Trial, Amanda Gefter, Nautilus, 19 November 2015, an interesting discussion even if absence altogether of a classical limit, the µTm-logic-replacement for probability-amplitude interpretation of m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, Lukasiewiczian pregeometry, and pre-pregeometric bucket of dust goes unconsidered, consideration of which would radically alter the arguments presented in the article), independent of (prescriptively-enculturated glutamatergically-anchored) valuations placed within the psychometric distance function, not only because of Lorentz contraction at approach to the limiting velocity of eye movement, but most fundamentally because of the above-noted, related scalar multiples. Identity-transparency is not identical to identical, not even self-similar to identical, let alone selfsame to identical. Identical means indiscernible, indistinguishable, interchangeable, a selfsame self same as any another cum all anothers, heh-heh-heh, selfsame self cum selves, were their such, uh, oops, uh, uh, were there absolutely-in-so-far-as-such 1T2-only absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selves -- except, perhaps, by simultaneous (assuming there is absolutely-in-so-far-as-such) positions in space or time or spacetime. But when the 1T2-only-object in question is only localizable upon instantiation of a 1T2-only-observation executed by 1T2-only-brains and cognitively-linked peripherals and hearable-viewable instrumentations (think how useful Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation would be!), imagining-hearing such objects to be, at some given memetime instant, absolutely-in-so-far-as-confined, uh, I/i mean probably confined, errr, uh, probabilistically, so to speak, confined, to given boxes, or err, LSTDs, limited spacetime domains, is, indubitably is, rather challenging, especially so, perhaps, to those whowhats when in their various Samadhi realitive-states, uh, uh, relative-states. The infinite values (once the probability dissimulation-hyperbolic, uh, uh, hyperbole, is altogether cast aside, it can be seen that that infinity is a lot of part-carried information about the state of the whole and partitionings thereof chosen as small and as large as liked -- though it must be admitted that the claim to individualism, even to individuation, and the 1T2-only-logic account of market-mediated entrepreneurial autopoiesis and allocative self-organization suffer rather severely, heh-heh-heh!) of the Schrödinger wave-function -- sans the probability-amplitude interpretation -- understood relative to Lukasiewicz logics, means that each, say, electron, is unique, in so far as that infinite stack of Schrödinger-wave-function values is appraised-processed with 1T2-only-logic alone, if only because two or more electrons cannot occupy the exact same point in ponderable space (assuming that a given such point is absolutely-in-so-far-as-selfsame) at the exact same instant of memetime (assuming that a given such instant is absolutely-in-so-far-as-selfsame), even if they, the electrons, were absolutely-in-so-far-as-localizable by 1T2-only-observation alone. If, however, that infinite stack of Schrödinger wave-function values is appraised-processed with µTm-unto-CTC+-valued logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, the state tantamount to 1T2-only-identicalness, and the alternative-interpretation concomitant-1T2-relative-state which is incommunicado qua in-isolation, is Maya-stripped such that the whole whole of all-that-is is holographically wholly in every part-particle, this whole-part, and thus part-whole cum part-part, relative state being a Suchness such that identity-transparency to the mth-degree of nonselfsameness (meaning that each part which is, indubitably is, the whole whole wholly in the-itself-of the part -- µTm-relative-stately speaking -- carries overdeterminative information as to synoptic state of the whole, indicative information that could, for instance, be stacked upon each monetary currency-unit base-state as m-values fine-grain-indicator-tagged) is the quantum meaning of quantal non-simple identicalness, the infinitely-faceted face of each electron superposed on every other such electron face, this superposition, when viewed with 1T2-only-logic alone, being seen as one face after another holomovement-flashing like the Wheelerian-qua-Regge-lattice Christmas-tree-effect unto infinite sequence unending, unending given that this effect is transpiring on non-orientable context, and that, thus, µTm-unto-CTC+ly understood, the uniquely-face-booked identities flashing are, collectively, a tiger chasing its tail, uh, its ponderable-world-line-cum-proper-memetime tale, around the logic-tree, T, unto Bohmian Butter-Enfold, i.e., BE, uh, Be being aka the absolute limiting memetime rate of change of acceleration, 1T2ly speaking.
If a group-unto-mass-unto-collective-viewing-point dislocation takes place, a snapping which appears to be in motion, the tendency to vastly overcompensate will be very strong, perhaps overwhelming. The single-valued ego-function doesn't like Schrödinger's m-valued (think: over-toning auditory hallucinations or, say, acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-modes as involved in an acoustic analogue to black hole computing) wave-function; moreover, the ego sphere (an even-dimensioned sphere without disconnected fibers, surely [good offices of Jason DeVito, 1 September 2012]: isn't it the corpus-callosum that mediated breakdown of the bicameral mind and, thus, establishment of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfhood with its conscious ego functions?) insists upon cutting up the Riemann sphere such that the m-valued can be handled as if single-valued: hence, the egoic position is to view both space and time variables from localized perspectives alone. Virtuality, then, e.g., with respect to virtual particles, is seen by the ego-identified as having to do with the relatively non-localizable -- in time no less than in space -- whereas, from the CTC+-unto-µTm-demergence perspective, the virtual is the localizable. Thus, the notion of a minimum time for spontaneous localization of what to the ego-function is Schrödinger-m-valued. This consensus minimum time has to do with probabilistic decoherency snap-over contextualized relative to memetime construed an objective linear-time, rather than Schrödinger-memetime-independent Lukasiewicz-logical demergence under 3-fold operator-time. This being the case, what does it mean, therefore, that some, many, most (?) advocates of privately-issued, 1T2-only, P2Ped-DistributedLedgered-scalarfielded-qua-monoscaled crypto-e-currency blockchaining (a regressed binary-monetary analogue of the Schrödinger-m-valued electron-transport chain, mediator of the charge-transfer complex essential to Albert Szent-Györgyi's beta state [see this brief summary of his book entitled Electronic Biology and Cancer, a summary written by the author himself], that state preventing cancerous runaway growth) wish to institute e-residency cum virtual citizenship (see: Welcome to E-stonia, Eric Schnurer, U.S.News, 4 December 2014; and Catalonia Considers Separate Digital Currency and E-Residency Program, Lester Coleman, Cryptocoins News, 28 October 2017), ways to delocalize The Local with its local knowledge base? Just think of how well the human body will function once smart-dusted and nano-chipped such that borders will hardly matter! What kind of borders: 1T2-only or µTm-fractalized? Does delocalization intentionality mean that Cryptos, those indefatigable blockchain advocates, are pro-cancer, that they want to even more Big-C the global economy than it already is -- using the blackpsyche rubric naming scalarization decentralization (see the interesting analysis by Vitalik Buterin, instigator of ethereum, but I would suggest that delocalization is not identical to decentralization, add Lukasiewicz to the logic discussion, and point out that political decentralization of the platform is easily overcome by the authorities once scalarization has been achieved, architectural decentralization less easily overcome but still overcomeable), thus applying the hallowed Leninist principle of calling the thing by the name of its opposite plus an application of the Willi Munzenberg (an interesting 2007 piece by Helen Szamuely, though, being no anarcho-capitalist libertarian, I could hardly agree with many of the observations made) binary-distributed-middle, i.e., the minimum-maximum/maximum-minimum program (mentioned in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 32) of promising one and delivering the other? In regards to collective unconscious event gradients, blockheaded blockchaining of e-residence and virtual citizenship may become, via compensatory abreaction, unintended regressed consequences of the suppression of Albert Szent-Györgyi's work in sub-molecular biology. Under µTm-processed m-valued LETS-currency nesting foams (and what population size and geographic area should a tile of the tiling pattern on the smallest nest of the foams encompass? consider, for instance, If American Federalism Were like Swiss Federalism, There Would Be 1,300 States, Ryan McMaken, Mises Institute, 31 October 2017) defined over fractal e-boundaries, however, optimum currency areas -- monetary-fractal-drum analogues to charge-transfer complexes -- would-plus-could allow, as I've long ago discussed, what might be called a limited, non-invasive, non-iatrogenic version of virtual citizenship in two respects: (1) some of the m-values indicator-tagged and stacked upon the given µTm-LETS-currency area's currency base-state would have no local reference, as would the base-state itself, therefore being free of fractal-entrapment features; and (2) in ongoing m-scenarios strategic computer-gaming of the currency-unit value stack, non-resident virtual citizen netizens could be allowed to open-source LETS-game on the local area e-commons for the given nesting-foamed optimum currency area, but their plays would not be logged in the same effective fashion as would be those of resident citizen currency gamers. Existing cryptocurrencies, for now with fixed ceilings; fiat as regards backings, for now; permissionless, i.e., not fiat as regards a government-forced legal tender within given e-boundaries -- until the Exchequers, the Treasurers, the Burgermeisters decide to take them over, remove the code rewriting of the client core from consensuated smart-mobbing. Already is some impetus developing toward moving in on that takeover, for not only are there now hundreds of high-energy-consumptive cryptocurrencies, soon there will be hundreds, even perhaps thousands, undergoing chaotic bifurcations (euphemistically: forks, one of which described in For fork's sake! Bitcoin Core braces for another cryptocurrency split, Thomas Claburn, The Register, 8 August 2017) inducing altered algos and the inflationary lifting of ceilings that once were. Why ban (good offices of Charles Hugh Smith, 30 October 2017) the eminently embraceable? Moreover, as regards anonymity-confidentiality, it seems to me that if a program can be written that allows distribution in cyberspace of a ledger and its verifiers, a program can be written allowing discovery cum compiling of the cyberspace metric of that distribution and its verifications. I also observe that the bundling engaged in by the crowd-sourced miners does not, like the bundling of financial derivatives similarly does not, employ m-valued fiber-bundle arithmetics when configuring collections of transactions into blocks, i.e., lists, and blocklists into chains of blocklists -- cryptocurrencies, like financial derivatives, dressing quantum-based technologies in Cartesian-Newtonian personas. It can further be noted that the hash-function number the miner finds to add to a given blocklist is not an authentic Gödel number or a Gödel-numbered Gödel number -- existing cryptocurrencies being single-valued unlike the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function essential to the basic properties of the technologies, were those technologies employed in unmolested fashion. Hence, all the very-energy-expensive clearing-house cum securitization work done by the miners finding small enough meaningless hash-function numbers -- by contrast to meaningful Gödel numbers -- while serving platform functions serves no larger subsystem-system-supersystem function relative to the real economy and its interfaces with the natural surround à la the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth.
Grundgestalt: the basic shape of the soil of the soul, the first cause, the strangest attractor, the fundamental why, the AllBase, the base-state of Tzog-chen, the manifold ground state, M -- to those bound to the memetime line, the basic shape of the row, of the tone row enlivening the sequence of major life decisions. Most of us don't elect the bell jar, go headlong into a disagreed Lebenswelt, embrace the Buddha of suburbia, uh, uh, Cyberia, finally disappear into the cosmic computer at behests of ECCO, what John C. Lilly named Earth Coincidence Control Office, that cosmic-clock wielder of the zodiacal Dedekind scythe cutting Riemann's sphere into the 12-partite horrorscope chief-featuring each of us with lattice-logic conjunctures plotted upon Platonic regular polyhedra made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes. Boggle the mind, they do, don't they, flies of the Lord, those m-values stacked on each bucket-of-dust point on the most-dense sheet covering M, the Musculpt manifold. How-Where boggles; Who-When boggles: ontological µTm-hows 1T2-experienced as existential wheres; oversoular µTm-whos 1T2-experienced as personified whens. That's Samsaratic cyclotomic-decomposition demergence unto the Mayatic decoherence of the Asura Realm for you! The Schumacher suppression misconstrued Schumacher compression! The notion that the [quantum source] generation of the [coherent pure] quantum state [infinitely many] is a process without memory (quoting Quantum source coding and data compression, Denes Petz, July 2001: a wonderful paper I wish I could follow more details of) is (1) tantamount to Schrödinger memetime-independence 1T2-paradoxically linked to independence of the states of the state, and yet, due to the transition-probability interpretation placed upon the m-many, this generation is (2) subject to transformation into a decoherent mixed state, a transform subject to error generation -- and to error suppression to conditions of relative fidelity, which is a primary focus of quantum information theory under the assumption of discrete-only alphabets, not continuous Musculpt-type significations. With introduction of iterative treatments of entropy, the pure-mixed transform is memetime bound. Thus is a suppression of what is logically Mn unto what is logically 2n: = {t1,t2, tk} construed a compression. Oh-so-divine cosmic multilogue polyphonie: string a set of such flies-of-the-Lord-value-stacked warm-golden-dust points on one or another of M's brains, uh, uh, branes, to get a Musculpt proposition into its flux tube. The number of the monophonic melody of strung out points in the tube is a Gödel number; numbering the values on each value-stacked point Gödel-numbers the Gödel number unto it yields the number of the polyphonic melody chanting the given flux tube. Rejecting the choice option to choose a cosmic Axiom of Choice permitting to the cosmos the choosing of infinite sets, rather than infinite sequences with limits, is equivalent to a man[i}fessed rejection of the cosmic reality of the omni-interactive, of full-blown µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Only by transcendence of the limit to the sequence, a transcendence found in the transfinite set, is µTm subscripted to CTC such that holographic part-is-whole relations are fully in pristine immanence (as distinct from slunky Im[man}ence). Ill1T2logical, potato-knish-head, cosmic witticisms aside, doubtlessly. As Boolean-encrypted-data-based bitcoin, for instance, lavishly demonstrates, 1T2-only, decoherent, distributed P2P-processing of the movements of transaction-created single-valued monies (or exchange units like m-state mu-itic [rather than 2-state qubitic, the simplest conceivable quantum system: use of "Qubit ASIC Miner" is, it seems to me, appropriation-art-misnomered use of the term qubit] elementary particles) is vastly too energy consumptive. Given existence of the term bitcoin mining hub we can all be suitably impressed by just how distributed distributed is as distributed does is. Is there a Mores-and-Mores Law as to parabolic growth in energy consumption for bitcoin transactions as the meaningless-problem solving-task becomes more and more complex as more and more miners jump in as more and more approached is the supposed ceiling on transactive creation of coins? Likely so. And that's one reason why nature chose µTm-valued (not probability-amplitude) processing of Schrödinger's m-valued state function vis-à-vis total-energy-operator extractions-depositions mapped over the MVRS, the m-logically-valued [Hilbertian] reference space, a sort of Lukasiewiczian-encrypted-data-based distributed ledger exhibiting holographic properties in the accounting of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock -- and why it, i.e., nature, demerged this set of principles even unto Earth's atmosphere as, say, the acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode embodiment of acoustic analogues to black hole computing. An illustration as to just how hard it is to cease being memetime bound is the fact that Tantric Schrödinger blockchained the Hamiltonian, the total energy operator -- rather than found its m-time-shapes. Nature, which has long since in-principle solved -- were there only a sufficient number of fair witnesses -- all the technical problems mankind faces in its currently amplifying anthropogenic global crisis, guffaws at the tantamount-to-deaf-dumb-and-blind (1T2-only takes-assessments on-of the µTm-unto-CTC+: just think, for one, how many undiscovered types of number systems there surely are) geoengineers who try to tell it-her-him how to behave. The idea that constants-of-motion mathematical constraints are single-valued, e.g., the mass-specific relative angular momentum involved in cascade dynamics at tornadogenesis, hence, by Noether's Theorem, differentiable-symmetry-of-action conservation enforcers of only one order-type, discounts the notion that different orders of relative-stateness (single closed system; finite set of open systems; transfinite set of non-orientable self-reentrant systems: see our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process) involve different time-densities (a memetime-bound-way to construe orders of temporal CURL) and, thus, modify the temporal translation symmetry under which the total energy operator is conceived to act upon the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function -- this discounting prejudicing understanding of the time-independent Schrödinger equation as being apropos a stationary state, rather than descriptive of the Tantric context within which cyclotomic decomposition-demergence transpires. I per[son}ly find it most instructive to place the 1926 Born Rule (the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to deep-structure origins of the WWII battle of the War of the World) at the beginning of the sequence BIS (1930), ESF (1934), IMF (1945), EMF (June of 2018?) when considering binary-logic Pavlovian positive-negative reinforcement of single-valuedness within the social structure of attention cathexes vis-à-vis the gold-confiscation precursor to the Roosevelt-Morgenthau-White-Mikesell-ESF establishment of the relative currency values (the reductive 1T2-only econometric equivalent to µTm-quantum relative-state), that were to be initialized immediate postwar, arrived at on basis of non-economic and non-financial considerations, relative values later forced down throats at Bretton Woods using the cooked-up (shades of the Vietnam-war-era enemy-strength estimates boondoggle) economic-financial rationales which Ray Mikesell, the White assistant assigned to do the cooking, had fabricated, as all but forthrightly described in Mikesell's memoir entitled Foreign Adventures of an Economist, U. of Oregon, 2000. A cognitive fug, risen from the century-and-a-half-ongoing War-of-the-World cesspool, clogs the collective mind such that design criteria for tools inevitably are utterly non-conviviality oriented -- despite the efforts of Ivan Illich. Even being Against Method hasn't helped, contrary to the hopes of Berkeley anarchist Paul Feyerabend. As my I/im read(s) the history, 1T2-only capital(ist) markets and monetary systems came out of, not the identity-transparency which sacred-cloth, for instance, ritual gift-exchange (think: regressed to cultural lags such as ang pao, omiyage, the Christmas present, transaction rent) of StoneAge economics signified (even the MarshallSalhins picture of the 400,000-year-long deterioration which was the rise of the nation-state doesn't get anything like the full measure due to neglect of the terrible loss involved in the quenching of CTC-unto-µTm cognition down to that 1T2-only alone: good offices of Steven Mithen and James C. Scott), but, uh, uh, and always will come out of, the barrel of a gun -- so, frankly, were it µTmly arranged that serial entrepreneur-rapists (figuratively and, apparently, literally) were, by framework-determining conditions like the order-of-logical-value of the monetary units employed, unable accumulate billions of USDs worth of assets on basis of their creatively-accounted ledgerdomain, distributed or no, decided to take their Type-A balls and go home, stopped entrepreneurializing because million-USD incentives are too small to bother with, that same my-I/im would hardly lapse into mellifluous multivalent lamentations, Musculpturally luciferous or vengefully viruliferous, especially so since differential contractions are essential if a significant portion of humanity is to survive coming cuspover.
Treble topoacty optime -- uh, 3-fold topologically-active operator-time -- since it is ontologically-after pregeometry is and ontologically-before geometrodynamics is, would not, it seems to me, be properly conceived as conjugated to the Hamiltonian acting upon the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, but, by demerging decomposition-involutes, would be understood productive of that wave-function. In, well, at least acoustic analogues to black hole computing -- as I imagine them -- collapse is not a poofing-out-qua-disappearing-altogether act, out, that is, of isotropic ponderablespace and straggling memetime, but, considering the logical and ontological contextualization of ponderablespace and memetime, like a pulled-into-a-stretch slinky returning, under dictates of Lukasiewiczian-pregeometric logical operations instrumented by counter-3-fold operator-time, to its most-dense state, all the -- absent the simile here -- µTmly-valued involutorily-decomposed branes enfolding back into the CTC+ly-valued most-dense sheet of the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert MVRS, i.e., m-logically-valued reference space (an enfold of [quasi-Sakharov pre-universe in an infinitude of collapses and explosions]-multi-sheeted Riemann surfaces to handle the m-valued functions, functionals, functors of the involved m-valued variables; plus, that enfold enfolded with µTm-unto-CTC+-[quasi-Novikov]-dusted nesting-foams of tiling-patterned gridding-branes; inter-sheaves and inter-branes m-bridged by bones under variants of the rules elaborated by the Regge calculus for translating n-dimensional lattices into curvature configurations, i.e., the Regge aspect being proximally-foundational to geometrodynamics). Were that the case, the algebras of ontological unfoldment-enfoldment, it seems to me, would inform as to how operator-time instruments (turns a how into a where, a who into a when -- and vice versa) Lukasiewiczian-pregeometry calculi of propositions articulated by Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers -- and vice versa. Schematizing the schemata, it would be sort of like putting Hiley and Baumgarten and Blaha together in a Lukasiewiczian context understood independent of the notion truth-value.
It's only right, proper, and turnabouts of fair play, don't you think, that -- since prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-channeled glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated µTm-quantum quenching, missing out zilch it is disingenuously claimed, has been making mice brains of gunge-chucking human molecular-cellular 1T2-only brains -- by justified (the stated research agenda, what) compensatory abreaction, human-brain components should be employed to upgrade mice brains -- for how else could the Sons of MouseHeighty be given the credit which DizzyWord feels they deserve? Moreover, if MouseMan can do it, why not Hu-hu-huMan? Chipper 'e is, isn't 'e? The mightier he might be able to become, the more programmable will be his programmed life of enslavement to mega-corporation cum superstate. Actually, one whole of a lot worse, ever and forever: whole equals hell having took the fancy in their lexicon. Uh, there are handfuls and handfuls, but, specifically here to note, that's Sir Richman Cuttingham-Slice, Her Eminence Ponce du Grand Prix, Dr. Anthoney Wyck Lies, Chanceloress Victoria Maude Fortune-Nope, Professor Doctor The Rector House Steed Wimpcestershire, Colonnel General Rodney Rulellen Shatrollencoff sharing a bubonic vacantion at Himpole-on-Mer, each in their own big stick for having too rightly gone kibosh. Dead Man's memeTime: maybe we're half ten; optimistically, half nine. Knotting on his fill at a locked gate, Old Frumpton hid in the park, picked a dilly wanting a shaft to bury at the wall for wapping, one diversion following another. PID: post-traumatic indurate dithering. Half ten, half nine: it all depends on details of the Chinese theory of falling shadows. Shadow-archetype-positioning gnomon (indicator qua pointer for directing simplices) emblazoned by Sri Aurobindo's (coherent) 'light' (this boundary-valued scale-relative absolute limiting velocity and associated minimum memetime for spontaneous localization generated by intranuclear-neuronal DNA superconductant pi-electron gas core?) suffusing neural cliques where lacuna-on-the-brain turns out to be hyperspatial in n-dimensional Platonic polytopes (link to: Cliques of Neurons Bound into Cavities Provide a Missing Link between Structure and Function, Michael W. Reimann, et al., Frontiers of Computational Neuroscience, 12 June 2017) of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes, uh, just possibly light-sound interaction devices in resonant cavities, warm-golden dust clouding the emittance phase space (see the very last section) mapping of the hyperspace wherein neural holograms are projected: once one has learned how properly to inner-attend (that is: antenna switch on), if a photism flashover and/or electrifying paresthesia, autogenic discharges, no mere shorts qua shockers, accompanies an idea coming from Elsewhere in upon one's you, one's me knows -- depending upon how elaborate the photism, how intense the paresthesia -- how important -- actually, to what level of generality -- is the idea one has become empty enough to receive: one of the subtle synaesthetic aspects (i.e., multimodal integration of sensory dimensions via topological music-sculpture: see, for instance, A Symmetric Approach Elucidates Multisensory Information Integration, Arturo Tozzi and James F. Peters, Information, 8:1, 4, 2017) of the algebraic topology of inner Musculpt which, by invocation of the MV-algebras of ontological unfoldment-enfoldment, once upon a memetime, so seems it likely, was telepathically shared via long-range-phase-correlation (the identity-transparency-mediating third-order temporal operator, of Trikaladrsti-tapassiddhi, Aurobindo characterized as telepathy) as the basis of spontaneous social autopoiesis and autarkical self-governance. Is it likely that MV-algebraic Hiley shadow manifolds will be discovered in the resonance cavities of neural cliques such that µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-state identity-transparency is found to mediate the psycheparous in habitus upon Tzog-chen AllBase, aka Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert m-logically-valued reference space? That could hardly be beyond cosmic consideration.
A peaky trifle, laddy, those goshed-out gills bespeak, what. To resign or [re}sign, that is the pro[verb}ial query T(archetypal)PTB in charge of collective-unconscious event gradients perennially address to themselves. Wooson-unto-your-likes-Under-Edge! Shouldn't have done, poor fellow, shouldn't have done. Chinese boxes, old sport, out shine Little Gridding; aye, that they do, and do quite thoroughly, I should say. And when shadows fall into those boxes, O lordy, what a fall that fall doth be -- for surely it is the falling shadows of CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 temporal CURLings which direct the simplices that attract the neural cliques (good offices of Longnian Lin and Remus Osan and Joe Z. Tsien, Organizing principles of real-time memory encoding: neural clique assemblies and universal neural codes, TRENDS in Neurosciences, 29:1, January 2006) with their binary-logic coding units. My I/im demurs only -- but these are substantial demurrals -- with regard to the fact that the prototypical model of MV-algebras is based on the real interval [0,1], and with regard to the project to align fuzzy set membership with probability concepts with random sets and uncertainty relations, and with regard to the notion that truth-value is the fundament of logic. Studies of transfinite multiedges of multigraphs of the multidimensional multilayer network-of-such-networks doesn't quite get at what the operator-time induced chronotopological case would be with respect to Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock -- econo, eco, neuro, or cogno --, those time-shapes being in µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-state identity-transparency. No reference is made here to community-across-memetime or community-activity structure of memetemporal networks -- even where Kruskal decomposition of involved tensors is similar to tearing to pieces (good offices of M. Marder, et al., Theory of edges of leaves, Europhysics Letters, 62:4, 2003) unto establishment of fractal boundaries. Full-blown mapping of the time-shapes of total capital stock upon MVRS Tzog-chen AllBase (the most-dense sheet of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert m-logically-valued reference space) so as to obtain, say, an authentic µTm-quantum-composite universal unit-of-account for a fractal e-boundary-mapped Lukasiewiczian-LETS currency system is a supertask requiring employment of transfinite-state (holographic part-is-whole, wave-effect processing) Zeno-machines (see: Zeno-machines and the metaphysics of time, Augusto Andraus, Unisinos Journal of Philosophy, 17:2, May-Aug 2016, pp. 161-7) like likely is, for instance, the superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA.
One where wherein which I differ from Andraus' notion of Zeno-machine is with the following statement, a statement made by me: It is not under the multiple connections induced by physics-degree-zero spacetime collapse at absolute limiting acceleration, but under the topological-geometrodynamics-degree-zero non-orientability co-extant with absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, that Turing-machine computability having become quantum-Turing-machine (as understood by Stephen Blaha as given in The Metatheory of Physics Theories, and the Theory of Everything as a Quantum Computer Language) hypercomputation becomes µTm-unto-CTC+ relativistic-Schrödinger-memetime-independent hyperMETAcomputation, i.e., infinite steps (hear the vertically-arrayed dan mosaic of Takemitsu's November Steps: time in primitive Shinto having been understood the functional bridges between the m-valued stacked sheets of ma, sacred space), not lineally-[seg}mental increments, in no, repeat no, memetime, a type of time relativistically indefinable such that µTm-definable, topologically-active, Pauli-Paine quantal-operator-time is tacitly predicated. Considering that the physical physics of All-That-Is is not all that is being-there to All-That-Is It occurs to me that µTm-relative state (µTm-indexed states, as differentiated from those CTC+-indexed, involving selfsame countables, i.e., discretes of finite or infinite collections) 1T2-only [ratio}cin|ated, [cog}nized, [con}strued would seem to be equivalent to data-base hyper-cross-referencing: each to each, each subset to each other subset, each to all, all to each, uh, ah -- insofar as all can be 1T2-considered an each of some sort (the set of all sets not including itself?). Yet, this 1T2-only take altogether misses the point that (even to some extent under fuzzy-logic comprehension), beginning (from the egoic standpoint) with the 1T3-logical-value order-type, the µTm-order-type states indicated signify classes of identity-transparency differing in kind, not merely in fuzzy degree, from 1T2-only-definable countable selfsame discretes. Transmissive propagation is a Heraclitian 1T2-way of understanding Parmenidian CTC+-indexed identity-transparencies. Heraclitus is, indubitably is, Parmenides-altogether-deconstructed via logical-value-order-type involutory decomposition -- concretized in operator-time-induced cascade wherewhenby ponderablespacememetime ontologically demerges unto existential-ontic palpability. Normative Hellenistic Heraclitian in-the-body experience is, essentially -- by contrast to normative pre-Homeric Parmenidian out-of-the-body experience --, largely a matter of the play of residual tension patterns. Demergence: consequent of the buildup of neural-clique sandcastles; remergence; consequent of the melting away of neural-clique sandcastles? Could be. Particularly so were the autogenic brain discharge understood relative to spontaneous localization and fusion at measurement qua observation, subclinical no less than clinical. Cogitate, cogitate, cogitate (good offices of John C. Lilly, given in a left-behind hand-written note entitled Mantra Demystified); demerge-remerge, demerge-remerge, demerge-remerge : 1T2ly speaking, universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on the MVRS, i.e., the m-logically-valued reference space; consciousness in its passive aspect is the reference space operated upon. The debunking of Whorf-Sapir-Lee, for instance, as regards pre-Western-acculturation tenseness irrealism and non-lineal Weltanschauung codification -- a debunking which neglects to consider 3-logically-valued Aymara, and languages in all likelihood µTm-valued, like Dolphin, archaic Bushman sound, archaic Hottentot click-langauge expression of African Fractals, which is not to mention the sounded-form-in-process language named inner Musculpt -- I dismiss as part-and-parcel of the Perfect-People, secular-Rabbinical, anti-Cabalistic, iff-recursive, cellular-automata, Chomskian-generative program to denigrate the involutory decomposition which is foundational to animistic-pagan modes of comprehension.
Oh, good-oh! -- if not good on yer. Utterly and completely, wouldn't yer say, dot-guv, or is it completely and utterly -- err, not to engage in redundant echolalia, that. Personification, projective-identification, conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD), perseveration, is it, we speak of here? Here, uh, amongst the eternity-blind who imagine eternity as unlimited extension of the arrow of memetime (which is not to mention Dr. SmArmy's augmented eternity, heh-heh-heh!), the eternity-blind being complementary to those with shorting-out short-term memory faculties. It seems to my me that the short-term-memory-loss Nolan-time of the film Momento has some relevance to Basil Hiley's algebra of moments constructed via a limit process (think: minimum time for spontaneous localization?) formative of a duron (an extended moment [epiphany?]), which might be regarded an atom, no particle or quantum, of memetime (to my way of thinking about 1T2-only definability of the properties of a timeline) -- particularly so, in context of McTaggart's distinction (discussed by Andraus) between momented and momentless referential passing-time handled as, uh, uh, regarded as, parameter, not operator. Short-term memory (essential to acknowledgement of the existence of passing time and registration of differing time-rate perceptions, each with their own state-specific durations of defining moments) and object-constancy are intimately connected faculties. Apparently, it takes approximately 4 postnatal months of learning for these faculties to first appear in limited elaboration at cognitive development of the child. If, as Hiley's paper argues via consideration of inconstant quantum objects, time has a thermodynamic origin, does that mean thermodynamics has its origin in learned short-term memory (attuned to durons) decoupled from its intimate connection to object constancy? From my orientation to 3-fold topologically-active operator-time plus the Maya of memetime, that has long been pretty much my belief. According to this (call it mine, WLP's, to the degree it is unwelcome) set of notions, what the Hiley-type algebra of moments is approaching is an authentic MV-algebra of the quanta of 3-fold temporal CURL, which -- these quanta involving temporally-induced geometrodynamic torques -- would inform the manner in which the 1T2-only Penrose twistor describes accomplishment of the quantization. To complete the full infinite-stepped climb altogether Tantric-Schrödinger-independent of finite memetime is one thing; to complete the full infinite-stepped run in finite tenseless memetime (à la Andraus' definition of a moment-independent Zeno-machine, under the assumption, of course, that there is no relativity-theoretic absolute limiting acceleration and associated topotransforms of isotropic and homogenous, even if filled with elasticities, normotically perceived ponderablespacememetime), quite another. The latter case of infinite-stepping reeks of the trans-to-post-humanist, inflated-superego-sphere-projected-to-personified-godhead-identified, creationist agenda of manufacturing immortality in 1T2-only-egoic memetime: We had to kill the human in order to save it. No Exit, what. For Dieu EST mon droit they clearly believe. Meet yer intelligence super, won't yir, sir: Wil[helm}ina A. G. Wellborn-Wryly -- A. G. for Always Gal[liv}ant|ing. The self of myself, however, since early into a sandy mil.brat childhood, well, it's despised being braced by a cold shower, attempted to reject as histo-incompatible the memes it's found parasitically attached to its me, and, being a bioconservative, has positively loathed, daaarling, most of the uses to which MEMS cum NEMS will be put. Getting at the gawm in the gormless gen, the hateful real skinny, that is, isn't it, and Looking Backward from memetime-future histories, it weren't long before skulls twere made into roll-top desks, the drawers containing chip sorts. O, those drawers, those Chinese boxes, those LSTDs, i.e., limited spacetime domains of laminated state space in wodgy nested wadge: the mews, HER mews, those of Hana-ogi the cat, one of Schrödinger's Not-Dead-Enough cats, surely. Destiny lay natty on the tweed of its 2nk fitness landscape, lay like an inversion settled upon cosseted habitus of a fog bank. Smelt of, and smelling of, boilt t'death Chinese cabbage, stumbled and stumbling obsessive compulsions of the tatty Last Of First Men were, are, and will be NAFR (neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance) collectively orchestrated by the thematic avoidance override, an orchestrated override to a degree of regression as to have become impervious to the teleological pulls of the strange-attractor known as the CSDM, the Centrencephalic Safety Discharge Mechanism. As any competent actuary should be able to tell you: That's prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-channeled, glutamatergically-etched, neuronal plasticity for you! And no mass-coercion-actuating-Soma-type digital pill (good offices of Pam Belluck, First Digital Pill Approved , New York Times, 13 November 2017) or in-the-body renormalization cum hacking of genes (see: US scientists try 1st gene editing in the body, Marilynn Marchione, AP, 14 November 2017) could conceivably resolve this imperviousness to the CSDM! Not killing the human in order to save it would involve, no further amplification of competitive displacement, but a monetary-financial-autopoionomic system capable of facilitating organization and allocation absent unending growth (µTm-LETS nesting foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries, with associated quantum-composite-unit-of-account mapping of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth? which it is to be hoped would appeal to an Agnieszka I. Plonka and a Ronald-Peter Stoferle: the best of what we will get instead, from our Nobel laureates, is simple-minded codswallow, like what Joseph E. Stiglitz calls a third approach: ah, their pitiful pith provideth for us a moment to mourn that which could have been of great moment, yet which went into subsidence despite, or rather because of, their having been so earnest to, so intent upon -- given their maddingly bad and mad motivations -- all the wrong machinations), thus supportive of differential economic contractions and population reduction by birth control and natural attrition, rather than by amplifications of the intentionality-components of the processes involved in mass poisoning, organic clearing with enhanced radiation warheads (as to the question of probability of use, consider the following statement made in The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036, Development Concepts and Doctrine Centre, the UK's Ministry of Defence: The ability to inflict organic destruction, while leaving infrastructure intact, might make it [a neutron bomb] a weapon of choice for extreme ethnic cleansing in an increasingly populated world), low-intensity-unto-hybrid-unto-total-unto-space-based autonomous-cyberized superweaponed robowarfare, the miniaturizing of the pol-drones' UAV-death-from-above ConveDDing of involutory-decomposition demergence, consequences of the owning of Earth's atmosphere, the weaponization of economic-financial-monetary free-fire zones and associated forced-draft mega-urbanization, pandemics, anthropogenic climate shift, so on. The theme avoided is repressed, only rarely authentically sublimated, becomes regressed, and is ConveDDed via projective-identification, this inversion being obsessively and compulsively objectified psychologically as mental paraphasias and perseverations, socially as fads and fetishes and media echolalias, physically in, say, the implements of mass warfare issuing out of psychopathically-vectored choosings of design criteria, technologically as software and hardware simulacra of the very thematic contents being paranoiacally avoided. In the case of the War of the World, kicked off by back-reaction upon the metric of N. H. Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr (experienced by The Repressors as an Impossibility Theorem), the avoided thematic contents have, over the subsequent two memetime-centuries, resolved to µTm-relative-state identity-transparency.
It should be noted that the Paine part of Pauli-Paine operator-time, as that term is used here, is distinct from simply Pauli operator time with operator understood as denoting merely quantum observable, most especially in that tornadogenesis specialist, Douglas A. Paine, did not view the Hamiltonian (we do not eliminate Planck's constant-reduced from the kinetic energy operator of the Hamiltonian, but view it as m-valued relative to classes of LSTDs, as we similarly do absolute limiting velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration) as having an absolutely continuous spectrum filling the entire real line, to quote Eric A. Galapon, Self-adjoint Time Operator is the Rule for Discrete Semibounded Hamiltonians, U. of Philippines, 13 November 2001; he, Paine, viewed it, the Hamiltonian, discrete (3-fold temporal CURL imparts geometrodynamic complex-hypercomplex torque in quantal jerks) plus semibounded (re: LSTDs, i.e., limited spacetime domains 1T2ly-bound, but, in terms of higher-valued logics, in µTm-relative-state identity-transparency with other and all LSTDs), and also relative to two orders of nonlinearity referenced to the complex algebraic field and hypercomplex (re: remergence), in the sense of Muses hypernumber, trans-al-jabr cum metadimension without which 2nd- and 3rd-order temporal CURL could not transpire by means of the topotransforms effectuated by 3-fold operator-time. Moreover, insofar as self-adjointicity presupposes numerical selfsameness, identity-opaqueness, finite simple-dimensionality only, orthonormality (rather than cylindrical and spiral-form coordinate systems), and treats operator-time as a functional map, especially a linear map, rather than an active topological operator concretizing Lukasiewiczian logical operations, the characterization Self-adjoint Time Operator is unrelated to the Paine part of Pauli-Paine operator-time.
When universal physical constants are m-valued (sociologically: wearing many 'hats') relative to classes of LSTDs, i.e., limited spacetime domains (very stimulating in this respect is The quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators, Xiao-Liang Qi and Shou-Cheng Zhang, arXiv, 11 January 2010), temperature and scale-level restrictions on topological order are logical-value-order-type step-function lifted, particularly so seen to be when quantum-adiabatic yet thermodynamically-diabatic transitions between geometric phases and patterns of long-range entanglement (i.e., identity-transparency) are understood µTm-unto-CTC+ processed such that explicate heterostructural hierarchy-state chains-of-'command' (my first introduction to this realm of notions came, circa 1968, in studying the Viet Cong political infrastructure's multiple CsOC, m-hat-wearing autopoietic-operator cadres, and bureaucratic-variables-mapped-upon-boundary-values exhibition of what later became known as the holographic principle) are found implicate composites exhibiting µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. It may be that the Aharonov-Bohm effect self-similarly affects both tornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition. Note that the operator-time-incorporating canonical equations of the Paine-Pensinger treatments (papers linked above) of both cases are descriptive of quantum harmonic oscillators (air parcels, pi-electron parcels). Skew-perpendicularity (see the Multivaluedness, Self-reentry, Non-Orientability, and Hyparxis section of the paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, circa 1977) of equipotential surfaces and lines-of-force, in the Paine-Pensinger potential-field view, demerges, by geometric-phase eliciting cyclotomic decompostional involutes, the µTm-logical anyonic charge-fractality within topological quantum computers (think: µTm-processing of fiber-bundle arithmetics) like the rotating tornadic plasma bottle and the helix-coiling pi-electron gas core of DNA. In these contexts, I find the groundstate triangular vortex lattice phase (see: Quantum Phases of Vortices in Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates, N. R. Cooper and N. K. Wilkin and J. M. F. Gunn, arXiv, 30 June 2001) and the Hofstadter butterfly (see: Hierarchy of Hofstadter states and replica quantum Hall ferromagnetism in graphene superlattices, G. L. Lu, et al., Nature Physics, 10, 1 June 2014, pp. 525-9), of particularly stimulating interest vis-à-vis tiling patterns on the Tzog-chen-AllBase most-dense sheet of the MVRS, i.e., Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert m-logically-valued reference space.
What if Basil Hiley's algebra of moments, with deltaT = t2-t1, err, 1T2ly speaking, t1-t0 -- micro-, nano-, femto-second duration of this, uh, uh, 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-sounding acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode-embodied duron dependent upon condition the condition is in, state the state is in? -- were related via temporal CURL to tenses, uh, err, tensors of moments of inertias (remembering that the Paine notion makes of operator-time a topological-geometrodynamic complex-hypercomplex multi-torquer)? Consider the moment-of-inertia inertia matrix with respect to µTm-processed J.G.Bennettian skew-parallel multiple axes in a pencil, angular momentum transfers being chronotopologically represented by a degree-three tensor with l-cap, m-cap, and n-cap basis vectors involved in defining 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-order temporal CURLs. This is simply a restatement, using other words, of the formulation provided by Paine and Pensinger in The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, circa 1978, see equations 20a through 22b, n-cap being discussed in the Topological Connectivity and the Cascade Concept section of their paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, circa 1977. The Paine-Kaplan, complex-angular-momentum cascade (the proximal geometrical-phase butterfly-wing-flaps transpiring inside our Sun, uh, on our Sun's parameter space, changes thereupon conveyed by the solar wind and anthropogenically modifiable once received by Earth's atmosphere and in macroscale-energy-momentum-imbalance-initialized cascade), multiscale, nested-grid, numerical forecast model of severe-storm-cum-tornado genesis was built around these, as well as other, especially solenoidal, concepts and yielded the conviction that the macro-quantum-relativistic tropospheric atmosphere is dynamically, not merely integrated, but superintegrated after the fashion of a quantum-composite, with processes of the magneto-iono-bio-geospheres, mantle and core of Earth. If this view is substantially correct, how would that being the case modify the assessments provided in Upsurge in big earthquakes predicted for 2018 as Earth rotation slows, Robin McKie, The Guardian, 18 November 2018, and Changes in the Earth's rotation and low-degree gravitational field induced by earthquakes, B. Fong Chao and Richard S. Gross, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 91, 1987, pp. 569-96, and How El Nino temporarily slows the Earth's rotation, Scott K. Johnson, Ars Technica, 6 May 2014, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here?
My assessment of the prolonged persistence and massed ubiquity of black self-propaganda is that it is well deserved. A case in point: The Genius of North Vietnam's War Strategy, James A. Warren, The Daily Beast, 18 November 2017. The author has scant insight in regards to the nature of that strategy and only a dearth of a sense as to the signifiers of that genius. He relies virtually exclusively upon Douglas Pike's portrait and assessment. During 1986, I spent six months of lunches at the Indochina Research Center in Oakland listening to Doug Pike marshal all the same arguments he had made in his book, Viet Cong, circa 1966, and his famous article on the 1968 Tet offensive (The Tet Offensive: A Setback for Giap, But Just How Big?, Army, 18:5, May 1968, pp. 57-61). His subsequent studies had simply been used to strengthen his earlier perspectives. [Tet}chily is the very least that can be said in characterization of the way bolshy people respond to information contrary to the campy (no overt reference to intraneuronal cAMP-dependent-pathway signal transduction) assumptions underlying their pet assessments of that offensive event. When I told Pike that, when we at SRA/MACV-J2 read his article on the Tet offensive, we had all laughed, he did not find this funny. After that deadpan, I decided not to tell Pike what Sam Adams had had to say about Pike's 1966 book. Chatting with Sam, whilst walking his Leesburg pastureland and treating his cattle for pink eye, he admitted that he had never been able to read Pike's book. He had tried many times but had never gotten far into it. I was somewhat nonplussed and asked why. His reply was, I couldn't recognize, in what he had to say, the Viet Cong I was studying daily in the captured documents crossing my desk at Langley. I told him that I had to agree, but only upon my second reading while at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV Headquarters. I first read the book during early-'67 while in SFTG, Ft. Bragg, purchased from the 3rd SFG bookstore. Maybe a bit later, while assigned to JFKSWCS and Psychological Operations Group. Can't remember exactly. All this, memory serving, of course. It was only upon starting to reread the book early into my stay at SRA/MACV-J2 that I came to the same conclusion as Sam. I finished rereading it more to gain insight into the American mindset than to learn something about the VCI (Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure) which I was then studying day in, day out, all day and well into each night. Pike based his 1966 book on several hundred captured enemy documents. Ask why he was given access to this classified material. Because it was certain what sort of portrait he would draw? I can't remember the exact number of documents. Three-hundred and something, I think. At SRA two years after his book came out, looking for indicators, we skimmed at the very least that many well-selected captured enemy documents every day, and we closely studied many more than that every week. What kind of documents did Pike use? Captured VCI-cum-military policy-briefing documents, the same sort of documents that were relied upon by Daniel Ellsberg (not referring here to U.S. policy documents) and cited in the tiny Translated Communist Documents section of the Edwin Moise Bibliography. At SRA, such documents were regarded as being records of internal self-propaganda -- kiem thao, phe binh -- criticism/self-criticism on whatever level of the party-apparatus of the civil-military hierarchy. These documents weren't taken at anything remotely like face value by the analysts at SRA. The portraits and assessments arrived at by SRA analysts and Sam Adams were based upon intensive analysis of scads and scads and scads of what at SRA were called nuts-and-bolts documents: records of all the bureaucratic minutia. Policy documents were assessed relative to analyses of this minutia. American decision makers never studied the nuts-and-bolts documents; most high muck mucks never even saw such documents. They miscreantly most relied upon their wretched CMIC Sources, their poorly-informed-translator-assisted PIC and NIC IRs, their broad-brushed INTELSUMs, their HES-fabricated-info-informed PERINTREPs. And while historians have recently been reminded of the wholesale documentary removals archives have been subject to, they likely have not at all adequately taken account of the intensive documentary fabrications with which archives have been stuffed.
In war, when everything goes to hell and stays that way on and on and on, people tend to go crazy (except, perhaps, in the intensively trained small unit with team integrity experiencing states of identity-transparency); it is at that point that strict adherence to military discipline and rigid enforcement of the chain of command are essential to maintenance of a modicum of psychological stability: structure supports function. Could this opinion have been drawn from Two Years Before the Plank, circa 1830s, not long after Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr? And one event in synchronicity (meaningful coincidence) with the Franco-Prussian war was Christian Felix Klein's finishing off of Beltrami's explications concerning Bolyai's and Lobachevsky's successful challenge of the parallel postulate, and his, Klein's, modeling of Riemannian geometry (good offices of Victoria Leffelman, but I cannot gain access to the url of her piece)? Of course, the foremost functional requisite is intelligent leadership -- often too much to hope for. But generalizing the structure and/or functional principles of military staffing to corporate management as has increasingly been done in the U.S. since at least (see, for example, two publications by Charles F. O'Connell, Jr.: The United States Army and the Origins of Modern Management, 1818-1860, Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State U., 1982; and The Corps of Engineers and the rise of modern management, 1827-1856, in Military Enterprise and Technological Change, Merritt Roe Smith [ed.], MIT Press, 1985) the immediate aftermath of the second war of independence, i.e., the War of 1812 which initiated an era of partisan agreement and national pride (this evolving state of affairs, a collective psychological complex, in the Jungian sense, is often characterized as being solely a post-WWII phenomenon, as seen, for instance, in Reinhold Martin's analysis entitled The Organizational Complex, MIT Press, 2003), and increasingly to central bank and government departmental management, and even the rest of civil society since the advent of Wilsonian Democracy, is to destroy the Lebenswelt within which civil civil society thrives. And without an adequate collective Lebenswelt, individual Umwelts lose coherency: it is then, upon such loss, that obsession with self-definition ensues, identity politics deteriorates to internecine strive, so on and so forth. However much architectural decentralization of organization and distributed networking may have followed in the wake of the rise of philosophical commitment to organizational organicism, the Masters of the Universe qua power-elite up-the-organization men in blue or gray suits, Italian made or no, or the designer jeans of the quantum-based-tech elite, left behind the one-percenters, and the one-tenth-of-one-percenters, as they swam upstream in the wake of an ever increasingly centralized financial system. Reading even the MSM only, this question assuredly would arise: is corruption a self-amplifying n-body problem, each type feeding the others? Serial gawker, serial abuser, serial groper, serial molester, serial civil-forfeiturist, serial rapist, serial murderer, serial crusader, serial R2Per, serial color-revolutionist wrecking-ball, serial interventionist, serial invader, serial ethnic-cleanser, serial genocider, serial holocauster, serial neutron-bomber: extenders of the finite iteration Hollywood remake mentality. Bing-bong, Bing-bong, Dabadaba-doo. Once they, the whole fronting lot of them, get rid of their statistical, probabilistic, linear-memetime-bound, recursive, generative, assembly-line, serialist mindset, they will discover that many natural systems engage in µTm-processing: thus-and-so forecasts a mil.brat with childhood exposure to AFLC-AFSC, the commands preceding AFMC. So, if so, it shouldn't be impossible to produce an authentic µTm-quantum computer, mu and m taking on any discrete value, mu less than or equal to m.
One of the strange-attractor-like aspects of the cascade process leading to atmospheric development, to, that is, severe-storm genesis, cyclogenesis, tornadogenesis is that a series of divergences to infinity leads to a convergence to zero. Long before learning about this, good offices of Paine-Kaplan cascade theory, I had a lot of problems as a highschooler with an independent study course in symbolic logic, problems I later came to understand were rooted in a rural-Japan-childhood-experience-predisposed refusal to psychologically embrace the non-quantum simple-identity dictated by the insupportable binary-logic laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction. Similar problems arose for me when I was being taught the notion of a limit in the calculus. The idea that the limit to a divergent infinite series is some finite-value-ascertained (see, for a recent comprehensive discussion: Attempting to remove infinites from divergent series: Hardy will hardly help, Mario Natiello and Hernan G. Solari, arXiv, 2 July 2014: fascinating! even though, in that µTm context which has sloughed off the Law of Non-Contradiction, the issue of logical consistency is of little interest, A is absolutely not-A being an exemplary case of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency) was vacuous-truth understandable to me as a mere renormalization-type accounting trick making certain that certain calculations could be calculated which otherwise couldn't be, but, all legerdemain aside, I felt that the explanations provided were simplistic in the extreme and that the sudden appearance of divergence in the modeling of a natural process indicated the emergence of something altogether new to the process. What was this new? I didn't know, and thus couldn't really get into calculus. The very idea of the limit, even with convergent series, though I understood it, heh-heh-heh, was hugely problematic for me -- even when plus and minus infinities were themselves considered limits, heh-heh-heh. Later, I first thought this new must be another identity; then I thought another kind of number system; later yet, I thought a different logical-value order-type. In the context of atmospheric cascade theory, I came to believe that all three of these answers are correct. When the value of an indicative variable diverges to infinity, Paine-Kaplan treated this event as an initializer of a subroutine of the forecast model's program, a subroutine involving a topological transform (change of identity state ) induced by complex-cum-hypercomplex (change of number system) temporal CURL. This is repeated over and over as angular momentum cascade transpires at smaller and smaller length scales and time steps until the process appears to run out of absolute Newtonian space and time (convergence to zero) -- but no full-blown black hole forms, only a tornado. Why? Because, at the critical-state threshold, an acoustic analogue to a blackhole computer is switched on as m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes are vertically propagated (and µTm-logically processed? i.e., change of logical-value order-type). I understood this pretty well by early-1976. What I couldn't understand, and still can't really altogether understand, is why there is such an inordinate obsession with renormalization of divergence-convergence, infinity-zero, division by such being 1T2-arithmetically impermissible, nonsensical, ununderstandable, indefinable -- except insofar as the standard notions as to limit are brought to bear, and infinity is regarded infinite sequence not infinite set, such that, say, the division of any number by infinity equals zero or the division of any number by zero on the extended complex plane is equal to complex infinity, the argument of such an infinity being knowable only CTC+-logical-valuedly, these Cs indicating Cantorian continua, not complex numbers (a result, relative to the atmospheric cascade convergence to zero, adding considerable credibility to the Paine-Kaplan-subroutine handling of divergence and its recursive recurrence). How unfortunately I certainly can't possibly know, very unfortunately, probably, given the nature of memetime-sensitive windows, that those few who, at the memetime, circa 1980, saw these infinity-zero reflections regarded them as bizarre, nonsensical, off the beat, requiring the question How can a well-trained blip-blip of a scientist dot-dot-dot? My personal path from childhood experience of identity-transparency states to appreciation of m-logically-valued processing passed through J. G. Bennett's account of the diversely identical by explanation as to the meaning of pencil of skew-parallels via use of null-vectors (The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, Hodder and Stoughton, 1956, Appendix III, The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, pp. 506-9: an assisted disquisition which could easily be regarded as Bennett's summary statement characterizing his this incarnation's supreme realization). Upon encountering this explication during late-1963, I immediately recognized its relevance to my childhood identity conundrum cum teenager logic problems, but could only glean a tiny bit of understanding of the maths involved. The notion of a mathematical pencil has great relevance to the m-valuedness of tornado-emitted acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, as the overtones can be represented as a pencil of circles, particularly if imaginary, where, in the representation, the pencil is the special case of a linear system of divisors in which the parameter space is a projective line, that line in the present analogy being the meme-timeline (more concretely, the ley line, heh-heh-heh, connecting tornado-touch-down points). Be aware that, contrary to the dominant proper birational orientation, the cascade-theoretical Paine-Kaplan nested-grid numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis did not engage in strong desingularization; quite the contrary: in avoiding a full-blown black hole, it was nature that did that and does that. Ask: are tornadoes blowups of the singularities that might have been due to complex angular momentum cascade? Quoting Wiki on blowing up: most procedures for resolution of singularities proceed by blowing up singularities until they are smooth. A consequence of this is that blowups can be used to resolve the singularities of birational maps. And then tornadoes emit m-rational acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode bursts as back-channel answerback? And are these answerbacks acoustic-wave signatured by theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces such that the m-values take the manifold form of pencils of curves rather than pencils of circles? Families of tornadoes could almost be thought of as extensions of the tubular neighborhoods of such curves. If so, Pauline Bailet may have shed some light on the m-valued aspect with On Two Pencils of Cubic Curves, Universitat Bremen, 15 June 2016. But what if the whole cascade process were regarded an algebraic variety vis-à-vis solution sets to the simultaneous equations modeling the framework determining conditions and the m-valued information carried by the complex angular momentum in cascade? Would something like CAD (cylindrical algebraic decomposition) be at work? But those prize-winning-physicist egospheres who, during the first three decades of the 20th century, rejected Husserliana, saw it as irrelevant to physics, felt that exterior-only observation and experimentation are sufficient to physics, postponed by at least a hundred years -- trifurcating nature so as to project and sustain the illusion of a classical limit -- adequate assessment of the multivalue vis-à-vis the new physics. Quoting Andrea Barrett, The Voyage of the Narwhal, HarperCollins paperback edition, 1998, pp. 26-7:
If I drew the scene I'd show everything happening all at once, everyone present and every place visible, from the bottom of the river to the clouds. But when I describe it in words one thing follows another and everything is shaped by my single pair of eyes, my single voice. I wish I could show it as if through a fan of eyes. Widening out from my single perspective to several viewpoints, then many, so the whole picture might appear and not just my version of it. As if I weren't there.
As if my 'I' were no-thing, nothing but the intersection of Purusha and Prakriti! But then there would be the problem upon which Analytical Cubism foundered, why it was abandoned, not followed up upon, developed: a 1T2-only processor cannot all at once get around Husserl's horizon, infinite-set faceted as it is, only a µTm-unto-CTC+ processor can do that -- such a processor not dedicated to fuzziness, and not confined to the closed [0,1] interval or employing only the t-normed logics of the expanded-superset {0,1} interval (see, for instance, Some consequences of compactness in Lukasiewicz predicate logic, Luca Spada, University of Salerno, 2008 or later by bibliography: logic compactness somewhat related to topological compactness). Containing boundary, or not, gets rather nebulous relative to the holographic principle, where upon the boundary subset contains on itself all that it encloses, whether this be understood in terms of closed-open balls or neighborhoods. Propinquity is hardly hard-on-to µTm-relative-state identity transparency, though, under 1T2-logic alone, it appears so to be. One might suppose that such relative-states trend to A C-infinity diffeomorphism with infinitely many intermingled basins, I. Melbourne and A. Windsor, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, December 2005 -- though, really, that trending is the other way around, or, rather, such a diffeomorphism would be an early stage of the Schrödinger-memetime-independent involutory decomposition ultimately yielding memetime-bound decoherency, Platonically suggesting that world and object are empathetic significations of always already being-there maths, insofar as ontological precedence relations are not CTC+ superseded nonorientably. An isomorphism in the category of differentiable manifolds is rather like, well, a bit like, Bennett's diversely identical, shouldn't it be said? Though the falling shadows notion is very interesting in this involutory-decomposition context, unfortunately falling fuzzy (implicative) ideals as investigated based on probability spaces seems, to me at least, to miss the whole relative-states point of CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 demergence. And without making that point, how are markings of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock to be incorporated within a monetary system's framework determining conditions? Without such indicator-fine-grain-tagged markings, computer-gamed on the e-commons, what we get instead from the burgeoning quantum-based technology dressed in Cartesian-Newtonian clothes is superdystopia. And surely we will also get more and more omnicide, as Robert J. Burrowes designates the ongoing Holocene qua Sixth Great qua Anthropocene extinction in his article entitled Killing the Biosphere to Fast-Track Human Extinction, Global Research, 30 November 2017. Burrowes asks: what is the origin of the responsible human violence? The nearly universal chemically-bloviated gut feeling as to whys-and-wherefores, a gloopy blow-off it is, isn't it. Burrowes' answer is: most fundamentally, suppressive-regressive-oppressive childrearing practices. I agree with this thesis insofar as it implicates 1T2-only prescriptive enculturation-socialization glutamatergically anchored to the brain at neuronal plasticity during the recurrent neural-network wipeouts which transpire during the growth-maturation cum cognitive-development period prenatal through adolescence. As regards the current fulmination associated with the War of the World, which I believe began during the mid-19th century, I argue that the omnicidal process has gone climactic because collective unconscious constellation of the multivalue, by N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr, was mass-mind back-reacted against in a most intense fashion, consciously setting in motion developments in higher mathematics, physics, technological innovation designed to squelch all imports of that constellation, particularly those in any way construable as being animistic-pagan in character. And it appears that every intersection between the binary Weltanschauung, dominant for approximately three millennia, and those higher logically-valued have been obsessed over paranoiacally until all possible-plausible-construable threats have been sham neutralized, as can be most clearly seen in the probability interpretation knee-jerk-given to Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function and the Save-the-Truth-Value interpretation placed upon Lukasiewicz logics and MV-algebras.
The Economist has produced an admirable summary (see: Time may be fuzzy. If so, the idea of causality may be in trouble, 8 June 2017) of some recent thought experiments (various papers on these being easily found via Google) concerning the nature of time and causality which are of considerable import and concretely illustrate the limitations of the notions objective referential linear-time and antecedent-consequent relations, the properties of both of which being defined by use of 1T2-only logic alone. Man's Mismeasure is mostly in the cause-effect-based attributions accorded consciousness, that is in the degree to which conscious factors are tacitly viewed as determining human behaviors, individual and collective. Pulling acts of consciousness out of collective-unconscious event-gradients is definitely difficult; indeed, perhaps even rare. I would have to suggest that Douglas A. Paine -- in arriving, as a Masters student at Pennsylvania State University during the late-'60s, at his notions of topologically-active operator-time and temporal CURL, notions inevitably leading him to regard Earth's macroscopic atmospheric dynamics as being relativistic and quantum in character -- had to have pulled out of collective unconscious gradients and in some fashion thought thoughts tantamount to the thought experiments The Economist summarizes. Moreover, Paine, along with Michael L. Kaplan, in numerically modeling tornadogenesis, went several steps further. The relativistic atmosphere is relativistic because it has its own light -- its own absolute limiting velocity. The quantum atmosphere is quantum mechanical because it has its own Planck length. This light and this length have different values from their cosmological siblings, but they function for the atmosphere exactly as their siblings function for the cosmos as a whole. This is to say that universal physical constants are m-valued, and that these stacked m-values, not a changing value over memetime, are in relative-state to one another, in some cases possibly in log\log distribution along the lines, heh-heh-heh, of the Riemann Hypothesis (good offices of C. C. Heyde, A Log Log Improvement to the Riemann Hypothesis for the Hawkins Random Sieve, Annals of Probability, 6:5, October 1978, pp. 870-75). Though I have no memory of having read Heyde during those Cornell days, which is not to say we didn't, there having been so many papers, Paine and I discussed Paine's log-log speculation (probably, heh-heh-heh, to base e; log-log regressions qua demergence of such probably, heh-heh-heh, estimating the involved fractal dimensions) during the late-'70s, but, in context of the cascade theory of tornadogenesis, our notion of prime sieves was not related to probability theory, but to regarding cyclogenesis-tornadogenesis (and even ontogenesis) as a kind of wheel sieve (visualize tornadic emission of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes in this context) plus polyalphabetic Alberti wheel encoder/decoder (air parcels, in the atmospheric case, pi-electron parcels in the DNA case, being the carriers of the carrier function). And our thoughts about temporal CURL as expression of topoactive operator-time were definitely related to this speculation about distribution functions with respect to the multiple values ontologically (not anthropocentrically) established for universal physical constants. Paine understood that existence of m-valued universal physical constants means that Heisenberg's uncertainty relations apply in principle to Earth's macroscopic atmosphere, insofar as event processing by that atmosphere is restricted to 1T2-only, making 1T2-only forecasting implausible because passive-referential linear-time is a fade-out to memetime and the selfsame identity qua identity required to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly distinguish antecedent from consequent determines an indeterminacy more certain than deterministic chaos. Meteorologist Paine was no advocate of Lorenzian atmospheric dynamics. The Paine-Kaplan cascade-theoretic forecast model of tornadogensis is based upon 3-fold topologically-active operator-time and 3-fold temporal CURL, not a so-regarded objective passive-referential linear-time, crisp or fuzzy -- and also by, for one, the notion of m-valued universal physical constants, like the value of the atmosphere's absolute limiting velocity. Full sense of this cannot be made independent of µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value as being operative in atmospheric dynamics, but Paine would not address this issue in papers because even the least-challenging notions like the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations and temporal CURL couldn't make it through the wall of traditional thought. One diversely identical, heh-heh-heh, area of comparison between Christian Baumgarten's Minkowski Spacetime and QED from Ontology of Time, arXiv, 27 June 2017, and our take is illustrated in this quotation from Baumgarten, the whole first paragraph of the paper:
Schrödinger once wrote that In Einstein’s theory of gravitation matter and its dynamical interaction are based on the notion of an intrinsic geometric structure of the space-time continuum[1]. What we will discuss in this article suggests to conjecture the reverse statement, i.e. that the intrinsic geometric structure of spacetime is based on the very notion of matter and its dynamical interaction. The idea that spacetime is not fundamental but emergent has been proposed in the past by several authors [2–12]. Some discussed the relation between spacetime and quantum communication [13]. Our conjecture results from a different, almost classical, notion of quantum mechanics, closely connected to the phase space picture of classical statistical mechanics. A significant number of publications support our direction of thought [14–24].
If the basic notion of the cascade multi-sheet model, and its inversion (think: the vertically-propagating m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes) is given ontological (i.e., geometrodynamic), logical (CTC+-unto-µTm-and-inverse logics as pregeometry) and prelogical (bucket-of-dust point-set topology) imports, then both orientations qua directions Baumgarten cites are correct, if only partially so, and, even if each is considered Schrödinger-memetime-independent, each can be understood as subtending a Heraclitian view of All-That-Is. But if -- as I did in my first-semester-freshman mentored (by a grad student of Prof. Abdul Aziz Said) thesis-for-the-Dean (Prof. Ernest Griffith), circa Fall of 1963, as all members of the entering 80 had to write -- doubted (Husserl) and challenged (Einstein) en masse are validity-correctness-actuality (unquestionably due to my childhood-in-rural-Japan experience of identity-transparency) of the notions of logical, ontological, and temporal precedence-relations, then the two orientations-directions Baumgarten cites (in Existentialist analogical parlance, which I primarily addressed in that frosh thesis: Essence precedes existence vs. Existence precedes essence) cancel each other out -- and we are left with the Parmenidian view of All-That-Is. Needless to say, while I spent an inordinate amount of time studying through all the references (including even those not referenced, mostly related to Gödel and Heisenberg and Schrödinger's wave-function) I employed, thus sacrificing relationships and destroying my GPA, even though the work on this thesis, entitled, The Predicament of Existentialism, fostered a major intellectual phase transition informing much of the rest of my life, the thesis itself did not receive a good grade. But my I/im doesn't-don't believe any MV-algebra[i}zation of trans-al-jabr demergence, remergence, the two-together-in-cancelation will much facilitate understanding independent of the availability of synaesthetic inner Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation being holographically techno-exteriorized, because no discursive-iterative, one-element-after-another mode of thought can capture-represent CTC+-unto-µTm/µTm-unto-CTC+ meanings-in-superposition. Only synaesthetic Musculpt can do that to a significant degree of signification. In inner Musculpt, one element is not substituted for another. A multiple qualia-faceted, multi-sensory-dimensioned gestalt is presented to awareness, each qualia-facet subject to synaesthetic cross-correlations, elaborations of which meta-signify, elaborations of which meta-meta-signify, and so on, the meta-meta-meta being experienced as nesting-foamed, as always and all ways being-there meaningfulnesses attended to or not as the baud rate, rate of rate, rate of rate of rate of consciousness, hence the expansion-contraction dilative [dim}ensions of the 'moment', the one-and-only moment, and its informational densities, vary.
As far as I know, Einstein never posited an absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, and only implicitly posited an absolute limiting acceleration with the Einstein-Rosen Bridge. The main problem I see with current quantum-superposition treatments (see, for non-technical statements: Gravitational Quantum Physics, Weebly, Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information Theory, 2015 or later by bibliography; and How Time Dilation Affects Quantum Superpositions, Igor Pikovski and Magdalena Zych and Fabio Costa and Caslav Brukner, 2Physics, 13 September 2015) of gravitational time dilation, apparently experimentally demonstrated in 1959, is that the term itself is dissimulative. The effect of gravitation on time is not simply dilation (though dilation may be a part of it, or, more accurately, a prerequisite to it). Why this qualification? Because gravity, according to General Relativity, is about warping of geodesics and acceleration and fictitious forces and the Equivalence Principle -- and all the dilation of time, taken as an objective passive-referential linear-time, there is, according to Special Relativity, has transpired at achievement of the absolute limiting velocity (i.e., such time stops: which makes all lights, including that of Earth's atmosphere, 1T2-paradoxically time-independent, and, according to our understanding, with c being m-valued, like other universal physical constants, such time is stopped at each velocity with respect to some LSTD, limited spacetime domain): accelerative-gravitational effects on a supposed passive-referential linear-time are other than the slowing-down/speeding-up of that supposed sort of time's baud rate, which is all there is to dilation. The reason this qualification is important (i.e., with respect to the conflation of accelerative effects on time to those of velocity) is that the notion temporal CURL is necessitated once it is recognized, and, by extension, the general idea of topologically-active operator-time, an operator-time not to be merely conjugated to the total energy operator as Pauli supposed. In the latter sections of our paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, circa 1977, we essentially state our belief that 2nd- and 3rd-order treatments of the Schrödinger state-function are with regard to order-classes of composites of LSTDs and their domain structures, that is, with regard to the superposition (more accurately, the µTm-relative-stated nesting-foaming) of LSTDs as 1T2ly represented by the multiple values of the Schrödinger state-function. Geometrodynamically speaking, J. G. Bennett's notion of a pencil of skew-parallels gets at the same issue of multivaluedness, wherein he employs null vectors relative to quaternions. In our treatment, these vectors are no longer null, but l-cap, m-cap, and n-cap, necessitating an octonionic treatment relative to 1T2-only-logical processing. Thus, we suggest that Heisenberg uncertainty, which is overtly 1T2-only-logically formulated, is the tip of the iceberg of µTmly-skew parallelism. We also recognized during that late-'70s period that for a µTm-unto-CTC+-logical-processing treatment, octonions would not suffice, that Muses' hypernumbers would be required. All these decades later, Muses' work on hypernumbers has not been embraced by consensus mathematicians, nor much elaborated upon, in my judgment not only out of pure cussedness and utter stupidity, but by back-reaction upon the metric of subliminal recognition of what would be opened up by systematic exploration of such hypernumbers. The Modern Aspect of [pretty much 1T2-only] Mathematics (during 1972, a book search service found me a copy of Lucienne Felix's 1961 book by that title) I believe to be a pale shadow of the Muscuptural qualia mathematics extant and faded before advent of Tibetan Bon and Tzog-chen, for I hold that mathematics did not evolve from the counting of objects unto abstracted-out ideals, rather that selfsame counting numbers demerged from always all ways being-there CTC+-unto-µTm-ideals on Tzog-chen AllBase.
There are all sorts of unfortunate, even unacceptable, consequences of being subject to a Lebenswelt which does not permit, let alone foster, conscious awareness of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency -- confinement to memetime-bound modes of cognition-comprehension being the foremost. This particular consequence is directly related to the question of a possible log-log distribution, more properly plot or graph, with regard to the issue of m-values being stacked upon universal physical constants, an issue Doug Paine was much more into than was I, so my I-am is sure it will not be able to fully recover our discussions along these lines, but I/i will make a kind of updated stab at recovering some of it -- uh, it from mu-it, not it from bit or qubit. If, expanding upon Leonard Susskind, The Black Hole War, Little Brown paperback edition, 2008, p. 131, the entropy of a process is the exponential of mu, i.e., the n of mu to the nth power, and n is the number of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock available to the process, total capital stock most generally speaking being total matterenergy, i.e., the right hand side of Schrödinger's quantum wave equation, then what is the number that the symbol mu represents? Certainly not the 2 of the bit or of the 2-state quantum-mechanical qubit, and certainly not the e of natural logarithms. I don't know what the value is of the number which mu represents, or even that it is a selfsame single-value, real, imaginary, hypercomplex, but surely it is an irrational (decimal fraction non-periodic and non-terminating) and a transcendental (no root of a polynomial equation). Still, though, the log-log issue is relevant to consideration of distribution within the corpus of m-values on a given universal physical constant. Note that, in the log-log plot, first-, second- and third-orders are graphed as separate lines with different slopes, whereas, dynamically speaking, acceleration bends the slope-representation of velocity, and time rate of change of acceleration bends the bends of that slope. Dynamically speaking means that a time-concept is imposed upon the monomial power products which the log-log plot graphs. Each of the m-values on the given universal physical constant, according to our notion, is relative to some LSTD, limited spacetime domain and its domain structures understood chronotopologically, rather than, say, magnetically, or only magnetically. Structures as automatized functions (insofar as precedence relations are 1T2ly posited, then function ontologically precedes structure) understood with regards to state-functions contextualized relative to quantum-measurement occasions, clinical and subclinical: are not these mere pattern-re[cog}n[i}tion cog[n}i|tive-plastic-art hab{i[l]i}ments hung in hab[i}t|us upon the built neural hab[i}t|ats which prescriptive enculturation cum socialization impose upon glutamatergic anchoring at neuronal plasticity? Doug Paine, to my understanding and memory, believed something like: the separate fields of physics -- hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, so on -- are somehow expressions of the, for lack of a really specific notion, say, invariants upon transforms between distributions of the m-values stacked upon different universal physical constants vis-à-vis given LSTDs, finite sets thereof, and transfinite sets thereof. So, the log-log plots, dynamically conceived, should it be understood as actually reflecting log-logistic distributions (meteorologically, say, jet-stream flow, distribution of precipitation) with considerable skewness of heavy kurtotic tails? Possibly, were the m-values understood 1T2-only -- and the scale-level nesting-foam collapsed to a fixed single value, thus yielding rate-of-change shapes increasing initially, decreasing lately. Or maybe the log-log plots, dynamically conceived, should be understood as actually reflecting multivariate joint probability Pareto power law distributions? But no, that couldn't possibly be so, for the m-values in these probability distributions are sequentially presented in linear-time reference with respect to variables, not with respect to m-values stacked Schrödinger-memetime-independently upon constants. Should the log-log plots, dynamically conceived, be understood as actually reflecting Bode plots, i.e., frequency response graphs displaying high-pass, low-pass, band-pass properties of the involved subsystem-system-supersystem composites construed nesting foams of LSTDs. If so, how so? Consider Fourier transforms (and their operators) between time domains and frequency domains. As regards the animation provided, note that the representation is made in x,y,z-space, and confined to the cube of positive-x, positive-y, and negative-z space, where the linear-time domain spans the negative-z-axis from some negative-numbered big-banged initial time, ti, to the present moment, tp, located at the origin of the coordinate axes, tp being a moving instant, i.e., moving along the z-axis as the origin transposes in conjunction with the passing of referential linear-time represented as resident upon the z-axis. Consider that tp not only moves, but that its dimension is state dependent such that, according to Christian Baumgarten (Minkowski Spacetime and QED from Ontology of Time, arXiv, 27 June 2017): The eigenfrequency that defines the scale of the eigentime is the mass Fourier transforms between time domains and frequency domains are confined to that one expanding cubic box of x,y,z-space. What of the other cubic boxes of that representation space? Entertain the fundamental notion explicated in the appendix to our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement -- as well as the Brownian wave statement therein provided. In the terms of this model, the Fourier transforms executed by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, would span all four expanding cubic boxes of the x,y,z-representation space. The cube identified above would be with respect to matter; the neg-x, pos-y, neg-z cube, with respect to energy: these two upper cubes having to do with hyletic data in spacetime. The two lower cubes would have to do with psychetic data in counterspacetime. Positive infinity on the z-axis, 1T2ly speaking, as is spoken in the Brownian wave statement, would be tantamount to the eternal now, as indeterminate future never actually man[i}fests in the orthogonality of BoxMan's representation space. The m-values stacked on each universal physical constant would be relative to the decomposed sheets arrayed across the frequency domain which is the full representation space. But, under the twist-and-shout induced by the 3rd-order operator, the z-axis eternal now is pasted to the z-axis initial-time instant such that chronotopological Klein-bottle reentry is representative of the actual case, as discussed in the latter sections of our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process. Where on the z-axis of this well-boxed BoxMan 1T2-only reference space is the static time-point instant indicated by the time-independent Schrödinger equation? At any given Hiley t2-t1 moment amongst all such moments strung along the z-axis of the reference space? Only at tp as it traverses one Hiley t2-t1 moment after another? What is the time domain of a reference scheme (actually an algebraic-geometry prescheme intimating a non-singular analytic manifold, i.e., the m-theoretic Musculpt manifold?) such as this if not a one-dimensional storm, uh, uh, a z-wave morphism along (Spec)Z, the ring of integers, tp being the collection of Hiley durons foaming the crest of the breaking time-storm wave, durons being time-particles which, according to Victor P. Starr's The Hydrodynamic Analogy to E = mc2 (Tellus, 9:1, 1959), have measure zero? Is this z-wave compressible or incompressible? If compressible, is movement of the z-wave that wave's decompression? Is memetime a Newtonian-nudged (good offices of Claudio Paniconi, et al., Newtonian nudging for a Richards equation-based distributed hydrological model, Advances in Water Resources, 26:2, February 2003, pp. 161-178) temporal-data unzipping, a decompression, of the time domain? Parenthetically, with regards to the indicator-tagged m-values-qua-weights sheaved upon the base-state of a µTm-LETS-nesting-foam currency unit, consider this from Paniconi, et al., The forcing term is proportional to the difference between simulation and observation (relaxation component) and contains four-dimensional weighting functions that can incorporate prior knowledge about the spatial and temporal variability and characteristic scales of the state variable(s) being assimilated relative to the instrumental inference advocated and explicated by Adolph Lowe in On Economic Knowledge, Sharp, 1977. Back to the main argument. Is memetime a partitioning into partitions-of-unity by employment of a smooth bump function? If so, does that mean that all the unfolded m-values of a variable of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation are enfolded within the static time-point instant indicated by the time-independent Schrödinger equation? Is 3-fold topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time the CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-Schrödingdingdingerian nudging decompressor of the z-wave? Would that mean that the major difference between an m-valued universal physical constant and an m-valued variable is that the variable is subject to memetime decompression and the constant is not? And why would there be such distinction as this? Because the constant is part of the framework determining conditions and the variable is part of the framework? This possibility leads us into Baumgarten's analysis of the difference between constants and variables. For Baumgarten, the absence of constant rulers, i.e., rods of constant length, on the fundamental level is compensated by presence of constants of motion, these constancies being with regard to constant properties of reference objects, these objects being theoretical objects. I would suggest that these theoretical objects are on the MVRS, the Lukasiewiczian Hilbert m-logically-valued reference space. M-valuedness of a given constant relative to fractality of the LSTD-nesting-foam does not make it inconstant -- at least not µTmly speaking. I would also suggest that absence of constant rulers is primarily due to, as Baumgarten maintains, all physical constants being constants of motion which I would say are in motion on basis of the z-wave wherein 1T2-only passive referential linear-time is subject to baud-rate dilation, twisting, and reentry under impress of the absolute-limit constraints imposed by c, c-dot, and c-double-dot operative within each nest of the nesting-foam.
Ah, the miasmatic exemplar of what will be, what is, what has been: a prototype modeled on a Booby hammering -- I, I, I! -- his own head -- Me, Me, Me! Far worse than FUBAR; IBAR, Insane Beyond All Recovery. I've long thought Birdy by far the best Viet Nam war film and the high point of Nicolas Cage's acting career. Nowadays, the collective psychosis fulminating far more elaborately, Ghost-in-the-HellBot, Cat of S. or no, Scarlett's Jay or no, cerebral hacked or no, still, these current cinematographic spawn are nothing but the latest in mil.intel.Hwood personification cum projective-ID under ego-unto-superego inflation. Lend the attribution of my selfhood to that or that or that or that: not on your life, let alone my life -- so the involved heshes did not say. Considering all the ever-more-elaborate representations of violence which The Biz industry specializes in, and now that Whatever! has triggered revelations as to H.wood sexlife habituated to, will the all-but-certainly-there Manson malignancies, facilitated by the concentrated resource confiscation-dissipation which is 1T2-only fiat monies, crypto or no, continue concealed or be revealed? Despite this question, and the observation about cryptocurrencies, I'm no local-monoscale freak denying existence of encapsulated mass psychoses with symptomatologies expressed through the particulars of neighborhood covenants. In spite of the globalization of Dragonfly Eyes, their 360-degree FRPs (note that Digital Barriers are not being used to create band-pass fractal e-boundaries upon which to holographic-principle-map µTm-processed m-valued LETS currencies), and soon-to-be-deployed-cum-linked slaughterbots, and, as hard-pressed as I am becoming, I'm still optimistic and hold to my long-cultivated belief that there will be a ten-percent human survival rate at cuspover -- mostly among 10-15-year-olds one generation away from remote-area subsistence economies.
Strangely, or perhaps not so strangely, Transcendentalism having been a modestly delayed synchronicity of N. H. Abel's quintic existence proof for trans-al-jabr, attempts by mathematicians, and later by scientists, to wield the transcendent function, Jungian or no, were met with, minimally, ridicule -- if not actual use of the term supernatural naturalism (echoed recently in the stylistic conceit magical realism). This ridicule having not been inconsistent with the fact that Abel's proof was deemed an Impossibility Theorem. Residues of the Deistic in Persistence. Whilst contemplating -- back before those good ol' Cornell days -- G. Spencer Brown's Laws of Form, try as I might, I could not regard forms of the Form as goslings, let alone buccas-lutins-godlings, of God -- especially since personification was absent from Brown's treatment, even though pattern-recognition residuals of projective-identification remained. Portrait of a mid-19th-century, arctic-voyeur-amongst-the-Esquimaux, miasmatic exemplar named Zeke (quoting Andrea Barrett's The Voyage of the Narwhal, HarperCollins paperback edition, 1998, p. 319):
But he couldn't stay with them once winter lifted; he had no sense of his place and could only bring them ill luck. Her tribe was one great person, each of them a limb, an organ, a bone. Onto the hand her family formed, Zeke had come like an extra finger. They'd welcomed him, but he'd had no understanding of the way they were joined together. He saw himself as a singular being, a delusion they'd found laughable and terrifying all at once. When he strutted around, it was as if one of the fingers of that hand had torn itself loose, risen up, and tottered over the snow.
Apt portrayal of a (Spec)Z-bound Diest, oops, Deist, schemer, but what of the characterization of her tribe? Something missing there? Some critical aspect of the cognitive state-space prevailing? Consider that whales can learn to speak Dolphin. Fluently? Does that mean they, whales, can actually join in at socialization of cognition amongst the dolphin pod? My I/im -- whowhich, during the winter of 1961, spent some memetime in Nome with the Eskimos there, not that that engagement was in any way sufficient to significantly increased understanding -- think(s) the yoik, uh, the yoke, of her tribe was a cognitive application of the holographic principle dictating that identity-transparency within the group is dependent upon identity-transparency with the natural surround, i.e., the open set which is the cognitive real of her tribe is topologically indistinguishable from the imaginary complexity of the natural surround -- which is to say that her tribe was clopen, even when the cognitive processing involved is undertaken with binary-logic alone. Lost attachment to identification with memetime-boundedness defined over the real clopen interval [0,1): temporal lobe seizures, y'know. Not what my-mother-told-me; rather, told to me by the Falls Church clinical neurologist I once ghost-wrote for, circa 1980. Another pro bono gig, undertaken for the major learning opportunity presented. Spencer Brown, in an Esalen Institute workshop he gave (I read an unpublished typescript of the recorded session whilst surveying John C. Lilly's scientific archive for Pioneer Corporation), theorized that time requires something, some whatnot, to reenter itself several times: a fair definition of the idempotency of binary-logical selfsameness. To cross again is simply to have crossed. Basil Hiley, in astutely developing his treatment of Time and the Algebraic Theory of Moments, arXiv, 10 February 2013, over deltaT = t2-t1, logically a closed real interval [0,1], so as to demonstrate the thermodynamic origin of time rather than the memetime origin of thermodynamics, and after referring to passive Pauli operator time, moving on and adopting the idempotency properties of the Brownian-cross proving of Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras (apparently, under 1T2-only, there is not only a minimum time and a limiting distance, but also a minimum number of elements to any constellated system), he, Hiley, says:
But the differences of what? Just difference! We experience a flux of sensations, which we must order if we are to make sense of our world. We focus on the invariant features in that flux. What is inside? What is outside? What is left? What is right? And so on. More generally what is A, what is not-A. But the distinction A/not-A is not absolute in a world of process. In a different flux of perceptions, B and not-B may become a distinction. In this context it may not be possible to make the distinction between A and not-A. The processes are ontologically and epistemologically incompatible so that even distinction becomes a relative concept.
This is close to a 1T2-only-ordered, Deistic-forms-of-the-Form (consider The nature of form in process: a principia forma, Gene L. Porter, Philosophical Library, 1969, one of my favorites) undistributed-middle clopen, but fairly far from non-non-contradiction animistic-pagan, A is absolutely not-A, µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. As regards ontological precedence relations, does function follow form (predominantly a Western notion) or does form follow function (predominantly an Eastern notion)? Structure may not be such a problem as Hiley supposes. Automatization (demergence-localization) and deautomatization (remergence-delocalization) are Schrödinger-memetime-independent processes where within a structure is simply an automatized function (the best explication of this ego-analytical-psychology notion is provided by Merton Gill and Margaret Brenman, Hypnosis and Related States, International Universities Press, 1959: this book was one of the most important to my inner work). While referential transparency speaks to idempotence, being antecedent-consequent 1T2-only-deterministic, hence memetime-bound, it speaks hardly at all to µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Is the coherent (i.e., acoustically-modified) wave output of DNA pi-electron gas core at helix-coil transition exemplary of a 1T2-clopen state or of an identity-transparent µTm-relative-state? Does the DNA radiation exchange process employ not only the holographic principle, but also its complement via the frequency-response window? Boundary-without-boundary, (mu,m), in both directions, impingement and emission -- rather than the Brownian-cross boundary [T1,T2] of a distinction in idempotent process under the Brownian operator? In our Brownian wave statement, A is absolutely not-A is written in as 0 = Infinity, a 1T2-only handling understood as definitional of Curie-critical boundary-without-boundary inter-sheet over sheaves of the nesting-foam representation of the Riemann-surface covering of the m-values of the state-function. Is this also the case with the infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces, of the acoustically-modified gravity-wave bursts emanating from tornadoes, of the infrasound hummmmm-signature of Earth (for descriptions, see here and here), of the infrasound output from a black hole? Maybe so. Were the song-aspects of songlines simply gnomonic, oops, mnemonic, devices for retention and execution of directions, or were they inner-voiced hearable renditions of the infrasound signatures of the landform features (used by pigeons for local homing, a use demonstrated by Cornell's NBBL, Neurobiology and Behavior Laboratory, the original suggestion of this as a possibility having come from meteorologist Douglas A. Paine, issuing out of his studies of the atmospheric infrasound associated with lake-effect snow storms) on parade along The Way? O, those acoustic analogues to blackhole computers!
O, aye, and when the iatrogenic surveillance-intrusion-society roll cloud is subjected to the spatial del operator, undergoes a 90-degree twist into the imaginary domain of tornadoes, bipolar-cum-compulsive mil.intel.guv.cop becoming a family of hyper[man}ic obsessive-fixation-disordered stalkers hanging down from the microwaved, black, F(u)matrixed cloud infecting Earth's noosphere, that'll be a right awful derry-derry-dina, it will, won't it. I'm incredibly frustrated being human, says the chronically-depressed, transhumanist-Mournman, would-be-brain-chipper entrepreneur. Seeking brain-mod-tech, rather than seeking ways to stop chronic employments of cultural implants which deleteriously mod-to-[im}pair 1T2-only-brain functions. What this des[pair}ing entrepreneur calls human is exemplified in the normatively normotic inframind glutamatergically anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains automorphically split-off (the real origin of schizophrenia) from THE nonlocalizable µTm-quantum brain -- non-techno-augmentally and non-neuroprosthetically facilitative of what Sri Aurobindo called supermind, third-order functions having to do with, no tele- actually being involved, what Aurobindo designated with the inappropriately-borrowed pathetic word telepathy -- by neural pruning and associated quantum quenching orchestrated at neuronal plasticity under prescriptive enculturation-socialization conducted within denucleated nukular families, clan and caste and club, cum the nation-state, the corporation, and religions like Scientism and those such as that from which, according to his own account, this entrepreneurial would be spiritual-engineer separated so as to pursue a down-to-Earth vision of heaven. Something like the Weimar Youth Movement's Erdgeist-mediated (the Erdgeist being Goethe's Schrödinger-memetime-independent Grundgestalt-creature weaving the memeTime-Loom) pursuit of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency as if that framework determining condition were indistinguishable from the entelechy of the nation-state. Who said that the ConveDD, the conversion-disorder displacement, is not a defense mechanism? Certainly not my me! [Free}dumb and [demo}crazy have not been peak experiences of the eugenicists, the transhumanists, and certainly not of the posthumanists (see this breakaway study: Are We Reaching the Limits of Homo sapiens?, Adrien Marck, et al., Frontiers in Physiology, 24 October 2017) -- however much these two states-of-polity have become mil.intel.guv.cop peek experiences within voyeuristic surveillance societies, the power elites of which are in opposition to e-commons resurrection of the Folcgemot as the distributed Thyngstow venue from which to Musculpt-quantum-computer-game m-scenarios stratplanning of the m-valued state-functional sheaving of µTm-LETS Wapentake-nesting-foams (think: Parishings, [Ti}things, Half-Hundreds, Hundreds, so on, up to the synoptic global scale) defined over band-pass fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary. A global monetary system based upon the bitcoin model -- a currency model which rescales to a synoptic monoscale, and only a synoptic monoscale -- would be a greater disaster than has been globalization, but that's not saying much when compared to all the other disasters being readied in the cultural birth canal. Uh, uh, defense mechanism defending against what? Utah's, oops, Y'aaltah's cognitive Injun cuntry, a specter raised up to its prevailing mega(not yet ultra)-fulmination from back-reaction upon the metric of the transcendental (animistic-pagan imp[li}cations, so they, i.e., the clingers, have all along tacitly believed) demonstrated in N. H. Abel's 1823 (a synchronicity with the refounding of Restorationist Christianity in the burned-over area of Western New York State north of the Finger Lakes in significant measure by Joseph Smith, a matter of some interest to me for having received my childhood Sunday School catechism at Greencastle's Evangelical Grace Reformed Church) existence proof for trans-al-jabr. O, the pagan Greek Origin of the Ontoticism of Ousia! Ick, the inherence of the bare particular! The horror, the horror. Ontic substance in I'm[man}ence. The two primary Pluralistic Substantialisms: Plato's theory of ideal forms undergoing Schrödinger-memetime-independent (Plotinus' Enneads makes this point very explicitly, whereas Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine does not) reductive demergence and Aristotle's theory of hylomorphic categories (think: as regards hyletic data, there are all those varieties of cellular automata) undergoing memetime-bound generative recursion, that very recursion referred to in calculable iff recursive. Oh, the ontoepisteme of the quantum measurement occasion, with its uncertainties as to its intransitive objects! Aye, those 1T2-only disappearing acts, what. Not being-here, not being-there -- in their Ding an sich. Animistically identity-transparent, they are, aren't they, in their µTm-relative states. The personal knowledge resident in hypostasis is Heisenberg uncertain? And this applies to Christian contemplative prayer? Isn't the at-critical-issue Hypostasis the Third Person, the Holy Ghost? Physics says the Holy Spirit is uncertain? Well, is it any wonder that Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr (from which the new physics eventually emerged) was deemed an Impossibility Theorem? The tacit knowing (there is much in Polanyiana with which I do not concur) of the collective unconscious works in mysterious synchronistic ways, particularly within communities of practice such as those I experienced in SFTG-cum-PsyOpsG/JFKSWCS, in SRA/MACV-J2, and at Cornell. What is the Holy Ghost, if not Ontoticism's Ousia, with its pagan Greek Origin? Ah, and how back-reaction upon the metrics of both the first and second American Great Awakenings stoked the enlightened-1T2-rational Unitarian rejection of the Trinitarian assimilative accommodation of the 1T3-residual -- of µTm-pagan relative-state identity-transparency -- anathema appended to the Nicene Creed of 325 A.D.
The examples of Abstract Expressionism (AE) I've seen have not, unfortunately, been evocative of exteriorizations of the inner Musculpt which I have experienced -- or of what I imagine to be the visual aspect of the subjective experience of sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak. I do not find such evocations anywhere in the modern art corpus. AE and Color Field Painting are more like the dynamic polymorph colors which appear photismically in the visual field during the autogenic abreactions of Autogenic Therapy patients (see: Wolfgang Luthe, The Clinical Significance of Visual Phenomena During the Autogenic State in Autogenic Training, W. Luthe (ed.), Grune and Stratton, 1965), or the stress-release phenomena (sometimes mistaken for entoptic phenomena or metamorphosia-type distortions or kaleidoscopic visual truncations) of Vipassana practitioners (for interesting background information, see Arousal vs. Relaxation: A Comparison of the Neurophysiological and Cognitive Correlates of Vajrayana and Theravada Meditative Practices, Ido Amihai and Maria Kozhevnikov, PLos One, 9(7): e102990, 2014), than like inner Musculpt. This is in no way to disparage AE which seems to me to authentically capture (particularly so of the Jackson Pollock variety: for interesting commentary, see Unveiling the Unconscious: The Influence of Jungian Psychology on Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko, Amy Elizabeth Sedivi, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, College of William and Mary, 2009) the deautomatization-inducing visual-white-noise environment entered upon by those successfully resolving PTSD in processes of resurrecting records of cognitive graffiti and over and over action-over-painting them, standing back by an inner bretèche with machicolation during interludes between abreactions to view the work done on the base-states of neural pi[last}ers. With respect to ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) and projective-identification at transference on the interpersonal and subject-(physical)object levels, the collective unconscious works in mysterious ways. C. G. Jung once noted that terrorizing bee stings and swarm attacks are prevalent in the presence of persons going down into psychosis or rising up into Samadhi states. Consider that, if, at least metaphorically, lying is dying, then bee CCD, colony collapse disorder -- where worker bees stop showing up for jobbings, altogether drop off the unemployment rolls, as good as disappear without leaving a trace -- could well be a synchronicity to the lie-swarms covering so much of the disunfriendedly-clinging (MoSoSoed tweets, FaceBookings) lives of professionals throughout our going-down-into-psychosis global civilization, with local pockets of de[mock}ratic hyperswarms. As regards the prevailing current overall plan-absent condition of the condition of our present plan[net}arized civilization, actually, I don't believe I'm saying I believe that schizophrenia, or the special case of multiple personality disorder, is a social disease in the juvenile-delinquency sense of: Gee, Officer Krupke,/ We're down on our knees,/ 'Cause no one wants a fellow with a social disease. I'm suggesting that the consensus psychiatric take, and the popular imagination with regards thereto, are both exclusively based upon a 1T2-only-egoic identification preventing authentic insight as to the actual case, heh-heh-heh. Individual instances are amplifications within the collective psychosis, symptomatology of which is generally experienced as normative and only rarely regarded normotic. Inability to remember oneself, for instance -- or to stop for any appreciable period the inner talking which is roof-brain chatter. It goes without saying that there are multiple triggers to the individual instances of amplification. Trauma, for one. Not unlike SLE, heritable miasmatic-qua-diathetic frequency-response anomalies of genomes, another. And, à la G. Bateson, utter immersion in psycho-sexo-socio-politico-economic double-binds, all 1T2-only imposed, being yet another. Psycho-changes yield brain-chemistry changes; brain-chemistry changes yield psycho-changes: circular etiology cum pathogenesis -- likely with morphological changes of brains as effects of chronic-recursion-qua-positive-feedback-reinforcement-driven fulminations (hard to identify morphological changes if everybody suffers the disease to one degree or another, an opinion seemingly supported by A systematic examination of brain volumetric changes in recent-onset schizophrenia , John P. John, et al., Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine, 14:11, 12 June 2015). So long as conscious access to the µTm-unto-CTC+ universal-semiotic processing of THE nonlocalizable quantum brain (which sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak speakers may to some degree have: one reason why I think holographically-exteriorized Musculpt-as-maths-notation and as user-friendly interface for µTm-valued-LETS nesting-foams would be best developed by a DolphinSpeak-learning EscherFormDance pod training in biofeedback-equipped isolation-flotation LillyTanks, such equipping once approached by a Singapore company producing what it called the ThinkTank) is denied to individuals and their set-corpora, due to schizophrenogenic prescriptive enculturation-socialization orchestrating glutamatergic neuronal pruning and quantum quenching at neuronal plasticity, there will be group-unto-mass-unto-collective, and the associated individual, schizophrenic behavioral syndromes. Look here. Automatization is a process, not the corpus of mental automatisms presenting -- well, at least 1T2ly speaking, if not µTmly so. Sitting on a mental pouffle whilst suffering from a syndesmosis type of cognitive amphiarthrosis, an ideational symphysis, they daren't acknowledge the unknown known, that which they loudly claim to know but secretly know they don't actually know. Uh, uh, ain't the autism spectrum and the EM spectrum the same spectrum? they ask. No? But we've believed that forevarr, egg[act}ly so, jus' like them polyplonkers from Eggland do. Hu-hu-hu and heh-heh-heh. Please. That assertion was not an F(f)laggy StratProv -- strategic provocation -- though, perhaps, a TactProv, like is the norm in irregular warfare behind enemy lines, y'know. O, those paradigm confrontations. No, no! Please once more. Not economania. And certainly not the erotomania of the Infamous 97, each and all with narcissistic grandiose P-di-SO, Per[son]ality di[SOrt]er. This is serious! Ecomania, they call it -- and believe it wholly unjustified, even in face of peeking at PE, Peak Everything. Far-from-equilibrium-thermodynamic negentropic-cascade dynamics initiated and perpetuated with pulls made from below: surreptitiously tapping the till to pay the piper. Ah, a We-Are-the-World cryptocurrency, surely that is The Solution! Check this discourse out as an account of the origin of favors, as origin of the StoneAge gift economy, as origin of credit, as origin of stored debt, as origin of money -- as justification of a bitcoin-crossed-into-gold standard, and then as one argument as to why that, in the not-so-very-long term, wouldn't work: Is Bitcoin the Answer?, Paul Tustain, BullionVault, 12 July 2017 (many insightful observations made in this posting). Per[son}ally, heh-heh-heh, my I/im think(s) money had origins a lot earlier than the memetime in which the corpus of vampire bats began favoring blood to one another and the memetime in which the first two chimps -- m[on}key, one may suppose -- began favoring flavors to each other: when God-the-Father began Deistically allowing far-from-equilibrium negentropic credits to be granted by energy-momentum cascade to all His subordinate domains, and assigned 3-fold topologically-active operator-time the duty to see that this task is rightly accomplished. So, no, I -- like Tustain, but for different reasons -- don't envision a 1T2-only-bitcoin monoscale-currency GMOed to gold-only, rather than glyphosate, so as to insure reliable scarcity-with-collateralizability, as being The Answer. Why? Because that coin's mining and blockchaining, even if it were authentically distributed (cash, however created, is a much more distributed scorekeeping system than is bitcoin with its tiny exclusive subset of users serving as miners; moreover, given all the hot money kerfuffle there is on this planet, it's hard to plausibly denigrate the notion that all convertible-fungible 1T2-only national currencies these days are e-currencies -- however inimical that notion may be to cryptocurrency acolytes), is utterly dissipative, not engaged in the mapping of negentropic credits drawn on nature, the cascade of those credits by means of eco[no}my. Which is to say that the numbers involved in bitcoin mining are not Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-unto-CTC+-valued Musculpt propositions regarding deployments of capital stocks. Even a relatively enlightened article like that by Ronald-Peter Stoferle, We're Living in the Age of Capital Consumption, Mises Institute, 18 November 2017, does not include natural resources as an element of capital -- either in consumer goods or capital goods. That being the case, how is total capital stock, planet Earth, ever to be accounted, let alone Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock bottom-up (the only possible way) ledgered in an authentically-distributed ledger, such that a Doctrine of Uses (think Swedenborgian angelic speech Musculpt) could emerge from m-scenarios stratplanning e-commons computer-gamed and fed into the process of indicator tagging of the m-values stacked upon variously-backed µTm-LETS currency-unit base-states deployed up and down the fractal e-boundary-defined nesting-foam? Can't happen. Maybe, in part because of the current consensus take on dissociation and schizophrenia, it won't ever happen -- which would be a tragedy. The end achieved is in the form of the means employed. If the challenge of Peak Everything is to be best met, that will come about only when a monetary system is created that is in the form of the natural process by which the negentropy driving economies local to global is borrowed and employed in market-mediated allocations, the logical-value order-types of the monies marshaled being framework determining conditions of that [mark}it mediation.
The Bohm-Hiley plus J. G. Bennett (see the Three-Fold Operator-Time [Trikaladrsti-tapassiddhi, T1, T2, T3] section) plus Paine-Pensinger (see Equation 17) deltaT, or just plain tau, plus dotted and double-dotted, and the derivative notion that the present is resolvable to a moment, according to my other-I-am, is an artifact of Pearcean roof-brain chatter qua Gurdjieffian inner talking as conjugated to reaction times for visual and auditory startle reflexes in turn complexed, à la Edmund Jacobson's explications (the best overall account is provided in Jacobson's book entitled Biology of Emotions, C. C. Thomas, 1967), to residual tension patterns of the small extra-ocular and laryngeal muscles. Joseph Chilton Pearce wrote (Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg, Park Street Press, 1974, pp. 100-101): Roof-brain chatter makes up the bulk of one's 'mental life'. This activity filters out the present moment, drowns the primary perceptions in sheer head noise, and grounds one in a stasis of imaginary chaos. Italic added. Ask: Where does the sort of roof-brain chatter which narcissistic grandiose apex predators are subject to come from? Residuals epiphenomenal to prescriptively-enculturated and socialization-induced suppression of direct ontic access to µTm-processing at The Origin of [glutamatergically-anchored 1T2-only mega-egoic] Consciousness in the Breakdown of the [misnomered by psycho-projection] Bicameral Mind? Consider this statement from Maurie D. Pressman, M. D. (Living in the Supermind, Inkwell Productions, 2011, p. 211):
The mind is much bigger in the higher plane. This was shown in my meditation, Points of Light, Points of Potential that I discussed (page 112). There we can also see the amount of roof-brain chatter coming into the mind. While we might consider this chatter to be interference, I believe it demonstrates the vast capacity of the Higher Mind, but on this plane we are not able to keep up with it. (italic added)
This coming into (strongly emphasized by Sri Aurobindo in his Letters On Yoga, memory serving: I read these during 1970 in the twenty-some volume, raw-silk bound, Collected Works edition) is very important because there is a difference between cultivated inner dia-cum-multi-logue, and mere inner talking, as Maurice Nicoll discusses here in his multivolume Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. Nicoll's account of the cultivated inner-logue state has features in common with what has been called hypnotic resonance during heterohypnotic induction understood relative to voluntary dissociation into m-valued identity (which, one, heh-heh-heh, must suppose is best processed with µTm-valued logics). Note the hypnotist correlate to the hypnotic subject's hidden observer in Hilgard's neodissociation theory of hypnosis. Quoting Lars Kepler on hypnotic resonance, Stalker, Penguin Random House English translation paperback edition, 2016, p. 221:
When a patient is placed in deep hypnosis, the hypnotist often enters a sort of trance as well, in what is known as hypnotic resonance.
It's vital that Erik [the hypnotist] manages to differentiate between his absolutely present self, and a clearly observing self.
The observing self, in his own [the hypnotist's] personal trance, is always underwater. That's become his internal image of hypnotic immersion.
This one-sentence-paragraph style of writing, a currently dominate style in popular fiction, I note, is itself dissociative -- mirroring an aspect of the prevailing collective normative state. The cultivation of inner separation (thus facilitating direct awareness of the coming into -- which is to say directly accessing the processing of the THE nonlocalizable µTm-quantum brain) which Nicoll espouses elicits an acceleration (that is: invokes del-dot qua tau-dot) in the baud-rate of consciousness which alters the duration (duron in the terms of Basil Hiley) of the present so-called (it being a somewhat that is dilative) moment at any participatory quantum measurement occasion, subclinical and clinical -- quantum, that is, relative to the given contextualizing LSTD, limited spacetime domain (the word plane may be so understood), of the cosmic nesting-foam and its relative-absolute-limiting values of dynamical variables. Quoting from the On the Relativistic-Quantum Domain and Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics section of our 1978 paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere:
we quickly learned from these numerical simulations that the objectively-analyzed computer graphics displaying traditional field variables literally overwhelm one when dealing with such a rapidly changing, multivalued dynamic. The multiple values of the primitive variables (and their associated mathematical terms in both the diagnostic and prognostic equation sets) arise because, at any given instant of time, there exists an ensemble of wave phenomena. Each frequency window in the numerical prediction, thus, displays the simultaneous solutions to the nonlinear differential equations generated in finite time steps varying from 60 s to 1s.
When we first began generating such simulations, our goal was to develop new display techniques which would effectively synthesize these multivalued solutions in a readily discernible fashion.
Hence, the special interest taken in infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces as analogues of inner Musculpt regarded as being a form of mathematical notation. We link here an example of such a surface, plotted and hand drawn by D. A. Paine in the period before computer-generated such graphic representations of atmospheric data were commonly available. The degree to which we are not able to keep up with it is a function of this baud-rate, its acceleration and its time rate of change of acceleration, which determine the order-type of logical-value which consciousness processing is able to employ at any given deltaT.
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