µTm Scenarios, T35(M)
Perpetual [now}here is knowhere, not nowhere. Aye, if only the cognoscente would take cognizance of that memetime-independent involutory decomposition (actual habitus of conscience undetermined by [con}science) which the Laws of Manu, and other such ilk, ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) into the sanctity accorded patrilineal descent of patriarchs named as gatha-poésied along-through-over a supposedly objective lineal-time (such as the gatha poeme naming generation indicators for the progeny of Minh Mang, Emperor of Viet Nam). Higher-order operator-time concealed by the ConveDD. Ack! Quoting Toru Takemitsu from memory of the jacket notes to the LOVE album release of November Steps along with Messiaen's Turangalila Symphony: There is a time difference between Tokyo and New York, i.e., a difference in the very notion of what time is, in the Tokyo version that which bridges November Steps, that is, n-steps between sheets of the dan mosaic mapping over m-sheeted ma, i.e., sacred space -- Shintoist, Taoist, Buddhological, howsoever designated. When, pretty much planet-wide, the most intelligent of a generation decide to be non-participants, the wrest-from-you effect is [deva}stating -- if never accurately diagnosed. And, I reckon, the classical limit residual of the perseverant ConveDD may be terminal: knock the tar out of you-the-punch-drunk it will, won't it! For the verrry FIRST time, Sapiens' Aristotelian peripeteia, as -- not that given in [Anti}gone; that collective in Pro[go}ne: so, so, so -- mass Platonic anagnorisis, comes at planetary cuspover, a memetime conjunction when escape from knowledge of how utterly mistaken (good offices of Patrick J. Buchanan) a species can be about virtually everything is no longer possible (good offices of James Howard Kunstler). Failure to properly decipher the cosmic notarikon (thinking in concrete application: the refulgent glisters of electric spoonerisms, e.g., those employed by the Vietnamese to get around the French-colonial censors) in using the wrong methods, in taking the wrong path, the wrong route; indeed, in being routed for having so done. Curb your orotund clamoring mouth, you pompous bub, you! so say their surveillance algos. One reposte being: Ah, yes, the percipient in quotidian laconic asperity. In those having focused a career on a hoped-for voluminous festschrift, no wonder the suppressed anger implicate in disappointed resignation. By contrast, those disabused during preadolescence -- hence insufficiently prescribed-proscribed by glutamatergically-anchored enculturation-socialization at neuronal plasticity -- of belief in foundational scriptures of, say, the In[car}nation, are free to entertain mu-Umwelts by trying on these-and-those persona-overcoats. Mock-mock them whats reveres institutionalization of authority resident in kakistocratical dominance-by-the-dumbest progressively structuralized via an ever-increasingly citified unitarian federation of amoral memetime-bound moral-upbraiders (by contrast, in my view, Noam Chomsky is a moral memetime-bound -- so bound by the allegiance he pledges to the generative -- moral-upbraider who has little other than old ideas about what to do about it all; an interesting article in this regard is Chomsky's Unearned Prestige, Eric Zuesse, Washington's Blog, 4 January 2019: incidentally, Walter Lippman's 1922 book Public Opinion, which Zuesse centerpieces, was one of very many on the Recommended Reading List and discussed in seminar during Elspeth Rostow's American Civilization Seminar I, AU-SIS, Fall Semester, 1963; and I should add that being two-and-a-half-years privy to Elspeth's intellect, in and out of seminar, was quite a benison bestowed, and not at all to be disrespectful, but I also learned from her, more by osmosis than analysis, something of the OSS-mentality, very useful to me once I reached Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ, for I was literally surrounded by ex-OSS, living in the Georgetown household of one such, often private-restaurant lunching with a few such "old Asia hand" veterans of the China theater then researchers at SORO where I clipped FBIS Daily Reports relevant to counterinsurgency studies and researched a long paper on the Strategic Hamlets Program for George L. Harris' Human Behavior Seminars (I was found acceptable and invited to the Chinese lady's private-restaurant lunches because of my early-to-mid-1950s military-brat childhood in Japan), periodically meeting a female ex-OSS-MO-type for dinner at Gusti's, a lady I much later learned, during a visit to Winter Park, was a friend of Archimedes Patti). One of those mu-Umwelts is that of the Luddite who embraces technology per se (see What the Luddites Really Fought Against, Richard Conniff, Smithsonian Magazine, March 2011), but rejects the values expressed in selection of the Doctrine of Uses employed to determine applications choices made since birth of the industrial revolution. Tarnation! Zeak. Sub[lim}ated, if not to say sub[ju}gated, imagination. Among the many mistaken notions sundered by animistic-pagan µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency is the federalistic account of E pluribus unum (hardly the principle of identity-in-diversity demerged via J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels). In a quantum system founded in nonlocality, the center is everywhere (a principle idiotically ConveDDed to a borderless world), not least, by the holographic principle, at the periphery on the boundary line's functorial mapping which contains, on that line, all it encloses. Is it any wonder then -- given that these principles are for the most part still confined to the squalor of regressed archetypes governing event gradients in the collective unconscious of long-faced Anthromacaque-In-Chains, uh, uh, Hercules-In-Chains (by habituating to in-the-body-experience through identification with musculature, as is suggested by the argument made in Shigehisa Kuriyama's The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine), as not particularly distinct from 1T2-only-love enchained Andromaque-In-Unrequited-Daisychain -- that identity-dyscrasia has infected most sectors of the current globalized ever-more-megaurbanizing civilization, most especially subsectors of that sector claiming to be the sole center? Oh, be those damned who question the very notion of Conciliation With America! Of what are these chains afettering us so so very hu-hu-hu-manly. What is the condition of The Human Condition? Soren Kierkegaard asked that question. Here is his answer, drawn from a draft of his Either/Or (which I read during the fall of 1963 whilst writing my frosh thesis for the AU-SIS dean entitled The Predicament of Existentialism, wherein I made challenge to the notion of precedence relations -- logical, ontological, temporal -- in denying validity-utility of binary opposition between the Platonistic Essence precedes existence and the Existentialist Existence precedes essence by reference to F. S. C. Northrop's The Meeting of East and West, quantum theory, and Gödel: it would take more than a decade for me to become aware of Lukasiewicz and Post), a passage apparently not contained in the published version, but given in Kierkegaard's Literary Figures and Motifs, Tome I, Katalin Nun and Jon Stewart, Routledge, 2014 (page numbers systematically removed from the Google-provided excerpt, as well as the ability to copy text for quotation purposes: to my mind an egregious fundamental assault upon the principle of intertextuality, which has been a functional prerequisite to human intellectual development):
And so am I, while the whole world cannot bind me, yet bound and raving in my chains, and I am bound by a chain that is unreal and yet is the only thing that can hold, just as the chain that the Fenris wolf was bound with was braided of things which did not exist (can be elaborated), and which still was the only chain that was able to hold that monster, thus am I bound in the unreal and yet real chains of my dark imagination.
Nowadays it is much easier than it was for Kierkegaard to identify the nature of the unreal real fetter: the memetime-bound, selfsame, simple-identity glutamatergically anchored to the molecular-cellular brain by prescriptive enculturation-socialization orchestration of neural-network wipeouts qua neural pruning at neuronal plasticity -- an enchainment facilitated by uniformizing technologies deployed under conditions of forced-draft urbanization. The shame that is evinced in the city mould, a built surround where appellations govern object relations, where the apocryphal wholly-possessable thing-in-itself is heralded as simply-identifiable binary exemplar, where m-logically-valued participation mystique is banished to high-rise-correlation behaviors understood responsible for financial panics. Obeisance in abeyance! decry the authorities on obedience, this lambasting censure voiced with all the declamatory fervor of rappers entering the break-danced rapture of parodic pastiche upon the putative perils of the top[o}logical approach to relativity physics. Looking at the techno-regimes (one and more of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth) that mil.indust.acad 1T2-only-capitalist complex has assiduously applied itself to producing in the post-Renaissance era, the binary-mind's form of the entrepreneurial syndrome is arguably a behavioral gestalt we could well have done without.
What discretionarily has become the MoSoSo-forced Normative degree of 1T2-only-egoic self-involvement Utter lack of attuned sensate situational awareness Cultivatedly clumsy crustal sociopathic inconsideration Is staggering: Not surprising, this hateful smart-phone-normed degree Is now Achingly, tantamount to an anti-sociality decree Incorporated into definition of the PC-demand Levied upon each and every pratfall underling Flummoxed by the bipolar cast double-bindsWhile infra-innovation is unquestionably primarily motivated by prospective acquisition of 1T2-only-logical money, authentic creativity is not: huge income differentials are very [detri}mental to human welfare in general, the commonweal, biospheric survival, persistence of Spaceship Earth. What, then, will happen at peripeteia? Won't catch me saying it. I haven't, wouldn't, and never will say what I actually believe will happen at global cuspover -- and beyond.
Freedom, river-rover borne, of our Huck EveryBoy Allwheres tolerated no more, panned and banned The line has been toed -- towed, even -- for so long Into direst of breaches driven, the ten billion will beAddressing etiology and pathogenesis instead, we note that the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy begins the Introduction section to its article entitled "Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory", written by Steven French, latest revision dated to 3 August 2015, with the following:
It is typically held that chairs, trees, rocks, people and many of the so-called everyday objects we encounter can be regarded as individuals. The issue, then, is how this individuality is to be understood, or what constitutes the principle of individuality. This is an issue which has a very long history in philosophy. A number of approaches to it can be broadly delineated.
We might begin by noting that a tree and rock, say, can be distinguished in terms of their different properties. We might then go further and insist that this also forms the basis for ascribing individuality to them.
That being initiation of the discussion, I have little real interest in the remainder (pretty much exclusively devoted to the elementary particle scale level). Why this semi-indifference? Because, in aligning itself with imports of the notion of a classical limit, the discussion totally ignores the vast bulk of human experience, all that experience up to the beginnings of codification of binary logic some two-thousand five-hundred years ago, as well as the residuals of animistic participation mystique persisting in many cultures long after that critical period in Greek hisstory, even unto today amongst varied groups around the planet. As I have suggested on many occasions over the years, consideration should be given to the following characterization of the Vietnamese peasants' Weltanschauung which persevered in face of Western assault as late as the WWI-period, a characterization written by the French ethnologist, Giran, at that memetime juncture, the terminology employed anticipating that later appearing in discussions of quantum mechanics (the French-language ethnographic tract quoted by East-and-Southeast-Asia-cultures scholar Nguyen Khac Kham, Kham's translation to English, as given in Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam, Saigon, Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations, 1970):
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese.
In logic and set theory as we have known them, µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency is defined out of existence at the outset. Just think of it, what is kosher, that is: a relation is understood a property that assigns truth values to each universe of a multiverse, uh, uh, rather, that is, to be more succinct, to the components of a k-tuple, the tuple and each of its components, each in and of itself, being understood as being selfsame. Higher-logically-valued, hence non-Everettian, relative-state is very-non-well-founded, what, but not anti-foundational given Tzog-chen AllBase, such that x = {nxm}. The project to make µTm-unto-CTC+-valued logics 1T2-consistent never captured my imagination. So-called contagion qua Lucien Lévy-Bruhl participation inconsciente, in a certain sense upgraded in C. G. Jung usage of participation mystique (the best piece, by far, I've seen on this subject is Jung and Lévy-Bruhl, Robert A. Segal, Journal of Analytical Psychology, 52, 2007, pp. 635-58), and in some pre-WWII medical dictionaries called generative empathy (considered a symptom of psychopathology) is a state familiar, I would guess, to most long-term practitioners of walking meditation (if not of the various forms of sitting meditation). I, quite obviously, as distinct from both Lévy-Bruhl and Jung, maintain that the world qua world actually works the way the quantum-relativistic-animistic-pagan primitive thinks it does, that the primitive utter disregard for the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction conforms in every respect to the dictates of µTm-unto-CTC+-logically-valued-relative-state identity-transparency, so conforms once logical-value is understood independent of the notion truth-value. J. G. Bennett and R. L. Brown wrote the following in 1956, Appendix III, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. I, Hodder & Stoughton, pp. 507-9 (I first read this during the fall of 1963):
By classical we designate all geometries, Euclidean and non-Euclidean, metrical and non-metrical, in which the entities represented are assumed to be identical to themselves. Notwithstanding all the developments in affine and non-Euclidean systems, classical geometry has remained tied to its primitive purpose of earth measurement in which the question whether or not an entity can be both same and other does not arise. If we are to set our ontology free from the limitation of single-valued existence we require a geometry that will enable us to represent situations in which each entity can be more than one thing at once.
Since adding a null-vector to a finite vector leaves the latter unchanged and yet such that when projected it appears to be different, we can recognize in the pseudo-Euclidean geometry the required properties
In this appendix we shall give the outlines of the geometry of an n-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean manifold and show that it possesses the properties required. [In my imagination, I construe this manifold as the most-dense Tzog-chen AllBase-sheet -- the degrees of freedom being logical, not spatial -- of [Mu}sculpted multi-sheeted ma, i.e., the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space.]
Bennett-Brown use null-vectors to construct pencils of skew-parallels with which they construct (in resonance with Analytical Cubism's attempt to capture an object from perspective of multiple simultaneous Husserlian horizons) skew-parallel figures. In discussing diversely identical such skew-cubes, they observe:
Now, in each pencil there are 2n-1 members and therefore a pencil of opposite edges with m degrees of freedom confers m . 2-ln degrees of freedom on the skew cube as a whole.
Ever since the mid-'70s, upon first reading of Emil Post's famous paper giving a rigorous account of µTm-valued logics, I've thought of the Bennett-Brown m as requiring Post's mu if coupling and exchange is to be more adequately memetime simulated, simulated because coupling and exchange are 1T2-ways of construing memetime-independent µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. But note that the lattice theory of Post algebras does not incorporate the diversely identical by employment of lattice bones made of pencils of skew-parallels: old havens having failed, new havens are sought. Some sense of the direction of development at such simulation (where the m of m-valued logics is Post's m, not the Bennett-Brown m which, in my judgment, requires Post's mu) is provided in Multiple-Valued Logic in VLSI: Challenges and Opportunities, Elena Dubrova, Royal Institute of Technology, Kista, Sweden, 1999 or later by bibliography. As to the condition of my case, I am more than a mere perceptual relativist; I am also a proprioceptual relativist: both µTmly so, i.e., the permitted mu-corpus of percepts and propriocepts is prescriptively culturally-sociologically selected from the m-corpus possible, and thence anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains by glutamatergic neural network prunings at neuronal plasticity. During a 1993 public presentation before UCLA by Timothy Leary, Laura Huxley, and John C. Lilly, a young lady in the audience asked how she could experience the state of consciousness they were talking about. Lilly jumped in with: Take a general-anesthetic dose of ketamine. There was a momentary hush at this no-no, before the presentation continued, the lady's question going otherwise unanswered. Anyone privileged to study Lilly's extensive Tank Logs, as was I whilst surveying his private scientific archive for Studio Garage, for Dentsu, Inc., for Pioneer Corporation, can hardly doubt that the antidote in the brain to glutamate, i.e., endogenous ketamine, facilitates direct ontic awareness of µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency. The vitamin-K-subculture's prominent term of reference is ketamine bond. The sensed bodily boundary is experienced, with full ontic reality-value, as quantum-relativistic-boundary-without-boundary: the binary-logical distinction between perception and proprioception altogether deautomatizes such that, for instance, her foot is experienced as my foot and my foot experienced as her foot. A variant upon the early-childhood, Mommy, Mommy! Smell my nose! upon driving by an Alabama cane-sugar processing plant. Also largely ignored or debunked are Piaget's findings regards appearance of object constancy during stages of cognitive development, and Luneburg's findings regarding relativity-physics psychometric distance function mediation of localization in binocular visual space. Exogenously introduced glutamate and ketamine presumably intervene into the involved neurotransmitter metabolisms (primarily at the electron-transport-chain qua/cum charge-transfer-complex level, particularly, I suspect, as regards intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA, as well as by processes transpiring in DNA's pi-electron gas core-environment?), but this is not a popular subject amongst physicists investigating the primitive identity of elementary particles, especially, perhaps, amongst biophysicists studying electron transport chains and charge transfer complexes (let alone radiation-exchange processes transpiring in pi-electron gas of helix-coiling intraneuronal, particularly mitochondrial, DNA [Are 5G microwave beams located right dead in the middle of the collection of discrete DNA frequency-response windows? Given the principle of nonlocality, prevailing so-called quantum-based tech -- supposedly embracing S's cat -- must be of a psychopathically-regressed form, if, good offices of John P. Thomas, 20,000 comsats are required to exercise it!]; and very, very much let alone the m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes associated with tornadogenesis). This is to suggest, relative to French's discussion of identity and individuality, that 1T2-only primitive thisnesses, that is haecceities (see, for discussion of definitive non-qualitative property as necessary and sufficient to individuality: Medieval Theories of Haecceity, Richard Cross, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2014), are actually not primitive, i.e., not on the base-state of Tzog-chen, that is, the universal covering surface, or Tathagata-garbha storehouse-qua-matix of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space; they are of the mth demergence of µTm-nonselfsamness: A is not-A m times over; A-as-somewhat (as quidditas, as whatness that is isness in its thisness, heh-heh-heh) is µTmly not self-identical, not identical to itself-not-itself (that the it of itself must indicate individual or not-individual, not both-and at the same instant of memetime, is the somewhat tacit 1T2-only assumption carried into Identity in Physics: Statistics and the (Non-)Individuality of Quantum Particles, identity of the author not revealed, nor is any other publication information provided); it is J.G.Bennettian diversely identical in its non-self-identity, and geometrically so by means of null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels, such that, ontologically speaking, as apocryphal being-in-itself is in its isness, not 1T2-self generative qua autopoietic, but demergent as expression of the quantum potential resident in µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency. If orders of relative-state identity-transparency are simply matters of common natures (in sense of the term as used by French, where nature is essentially undefined), then those natures are matters of logical-value order-types of non-instantiable characteristic modes of non-localizable subsistence, not of phasic subsidence or of field-theoretic substance -- the notions phase and field, however memetemporally and ponderablespatially multidimensional, being insufficiently general to encompass the m-logically-valued understood independent of the notion truth-value. Cases CTC+ly-common would be those transcendentally (that is: with regard to trans-al-jabr, which N. H. Abel, circa 1823, provided an existence proof for) subsistent, not cases of transcendental individuality (be it substantive individuality or mere label transcendental individuality: see, for an excellent discussion, Why non-individuality, Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart and Decio Krause, no date or other publication information provided). The notion of the act of permutation, as commonly understood, being memetime bound (not as a functor of topologically-active operator-time), is particularly 1T2-only, and, when applied via the Schrödinger equation whereupon the state-function is interpreted according to the probabilistic Born Rule, measurement probabilities remain unchanged such that the Indistinguishability Postulate pops out. That's 1T2ly-indistinguishable, mind! Were, however, the state-function understood CTC+ly-unto-µTmly, not probabilistically, permutation would be considered 3-fold-operator-time-accomplished demergence-most-reduced, and what is 1T2ly indiscernible would be discernible nonselfsame subsistent suchness under some logical-value order-type supraordinate to that 1T2. The discernibility of indiscernibles! What would such nonselfsame suchness look like? Surely that would depend upon, for one, the logical-value order-type apropos the given case. Analytical Cubism likely gives some impression as to lower-order cases; but, again surely, whatever the case, it indubitably must include the state of the participant-observer, not only of the object-system, such that cases supraordinate to that 1T2 will be instances (speaking of operator-time!) of collective occasions of experience by nonselfsame suchness of nonselfsame suchness. Counting is, of course, of decreasing value to the establishment of discernibility as the order-of-logical-value supraordinates, because numerical self-identity qua selfsameness diminishes by leaps, nesting state to nesting state. Qua this, qua that, qua Thou-Art-That. Qua, the conjunction: as being. Quanumbers, quasets. Thus, the demergent thusness of undemergent suchness -- such suchness as mapped over universal covering surface of Buddhological space (the T employed to µTmly distinguish orders of logical-value, which orders, in Cantorian-cardinality realms, are CTC+ly indistinguishable; T, that is, meaning, not truth, but transparency, more profoundly, Tathata). In exhibition of a W.-V.-O.-Quinean level of identification with 1T2-only-logic alone, rejected as quashable is the CTC+ly-unto-µTmly nonselfsame sub/ob-qua-psychetic/hyletic subsistent which is, in and of its nonselfsameness itself, heh-heh-heh, a quaset of not-1T2ly-well formed-whatnots quanumerable by nonselfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Everything is qualitatively superconnected, is superquaed, that is, with everything else, overdeterminedly so, but what is generally missed, most egregiously so by the debunkers, uh, by those, that is, who insist upon quantifying every relation between everything and everything else, is that only one level of connectedness, that most superficial, is 1T2-logical -- propositions on those levels not most superficial paradoxically appearing to binary-mind relative to one or another mere quale (that's why, for two instances, synaesthetic Scriabin and Kandinsky fruitlessly sought objective rules correlating colors-with-sounds and colors-with-shapes). THE µTm-quantum brain inputs to its prescriptively-enculturated-socialized, hence kundabuffered qua quantum-quenched, 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains as best it can, with whatever stand-ins it can find, qualia (good offices of Frank Jackson, date and other publication information not provided, but, by JSTOR, The Philosophical Quarterly, 32:127, April 1982, pp. 127-36: rapidly skim Section 4 of this excellent paper, as the way the posting site works the reader is timed out and can't get back on before heshe has enough memetime to study much of the paper: it's amazing to what lengths -- consider the url -- administrators go to make the internet ever more dysfunctional and scientific information ever more exclusively for compliant insiders only, this drift, two decades ago, having been sufficient indication that the juncture had arrived for me to stop writing with intent to seek publication), 1T2ly held to be epiphenomenal, being the only available receptor fields for inputs of logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2. We're speaking here, as regards whatsoever scale level, of CTC+-unto-µTm no-things, uh, uh, mu-objects, that is -- urelements, in contrast, being demergent only at the logical-ontological level which is under 1T2-only alone: we get the corpora of categories of mu-objects by de-gamelaning the Kontinuum. Everyday pedestrian objects, i.e., prime-evil urelements, are in part, heh-heh-heh, the result of our having learned and neuronally anchored visual dominance as regards imagination no less than perception qua/cum proprioception. Again, Analytical Cubism probably provides some insight. At walking meditation, it is whenwhere (by increase in the baud-rate of consciousness) memetime slowdown and ponderablespace perspectival shortening set in that Cubistic percepts-propriocepts begin to appear to awareness (consider in this regard Does Newtonian space provide identity to quantum systems?, Decio Krause, arXiv, 9 January 2018: he concludes no), presumably as the n-Husserlian-horizons of any given urelement of the visual field begin to become simultaneously cognized (facilitated by Musculptural synaesthetic cross-modal correlations between sensory dimensions?). This, obviously, could not transpire so long as there is absolute 1T2-distinction between perception and proprioception. When proprioception begins to bleed into perception (ketaminergically speaking, the walking meditation correlate to the exogenously-introduced-ketamine my foot becoming ontically indistinguishable from her foot, this transition being indicative of one mode of entry into the various states of identity-transparency), there is initialization of an OBE, an out-of-the-body experience, the functional prerequisite to simultaneously cognizing n-Husserlian-horizons of any given urelement of the visual field at generative-empathic interlock with the physical surround, i.e., onset of the participation mystique without which µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency cannot be ontically realized to immediate awareness.
Not only am I an absolute relativist -- conceptual, perceptual, proprioceptual, moral -- being a way-over-the-borderline (borderline understood boundary-without-boundary) personality, I believe we have much empirical evidence that there exist classical-limit-nullifying relative absolutes like m-valued universal physical constants, e.g., scale-relative absolute limiting velocities (in the atmospheric case, optico-acoustically productive of infrasonic gravity-wave modes) qua m-lights (which light can travel only 60 miles?), µTmly processed in natural systems (and that when, for instance, the ongoing climate-shift dynamic goes to cuspover, these relative absolutes, recognized or not, will have played an overwhelming role in orchestration of the involved dynamics). The encompassing of higher and higher orders of logical-value does not involve drawings or drawings out of further binary distinctions, nor fuzzying out (see: Fuzzying of probabilistic methods, Joseph G. Gaskin and Christos C. Chamis, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999) cum making ever more subtle those distinctions 1T2ly drawn; such encompassing does not even involve progressive undrawing qua erasing of duos of binary polarities or braces of 2-state qubits, however subtly drawn they may be; what is involved is more and more nondoing of the distinctions nonetheless held in the wave-effect logic-gate (like Shintoist multi-sheeted sacred space, ma, is a gate to hold the moon) nesting-foam of the mu[it}ic logical-value order-types encompassed. This nonetheless-held having-not-having habitus (one reason why the state of self-observation is not a state of retroflexion; another having to do with memetime dilation at increasing baud-rates of consciousness as THE quantum brain grants access) has parallels to how primitives think, to the properties of the savage mind, to how their taxonomies are constructed, where, with all the onticity provided by the 5-senses and contrary to the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction, a person-place-thing can be, actually be, itself-not-itself simultaneously, wherein Cantorian-cardinalities-qua-holographic part-whole identity-transparency non-conflictedly abide(s). The collective occasion of experience (Google is near unto useless for any serious work, as, come back the next day, even an hour later, and a given query can produce a different read-out, such that hypertexting relative to Google has no actual utility), which many physicists reject as having reality value, is involved -- this COOE being direct ontic experience of représentations collectives, be such ketaminergically resident in THE quantum brain or glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular brains. As regards origins of these representations, it is well to remember that under µTm-unto-CTC+-orders of logical-value, holographically speaking (the broken piece of a holographic plate contains all the information contained by the whole, if a bit fuzzily so when accessed by 1T2-only ratiocination alone), individual is collective no less than collective is individual. Primitive peoples, in my framework of beliefs, are not prelogical; they are supralogical, if logic be supposed 1T2-only; moreover, they fully embrace the µTm-unto-CTC+ logics of the Unconscious as Infinite Sets, if the unconscious be supposed universal consciousness. The project (see, for instance, the Quasi-set theory: logical aspects section of Separability and Non-Individuality , Decio Krause, Federal University of Santa Catarina, August 2005) to delineate distinctions between quantum m-atoms (nonselfsame things) and classical M-atoms (selfsame objects) is so obvious an attempt to shore-up the notion that there exists a classical limit, one simply must entertain the hypothesis that this effort is a direct response to attempts being made to apply m-valued logics to interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function. What if were it not for our Maurrasien-oriented Babbitts crawling all over the supposed need for more in the way of top-down hierarchical order and exercise of invasive authority rooted in the various forms of violence -- this need a projection from their knee-jerked response, habitual state of fear and loathing, and lack of ability to control their own minds in being ever more confronted, in most cases only tacitly, by the assault on selfsameness presented them by quantum-physics-ever-less-dissimulatable?
Please stand up all yee from Middlesex: That's the fear-frought Brought sickly by he unto commiseration of ID-transparency in L-logicsIMHO, the real origin of patriarchy is the always-in-projection untieable My Ty She contrasexual Anima (not to [men}tion the mimetic-estrogenated An[i}mu|s of the shemale cum manashe, particularly as fomentresses of collective identification mystique), i.e., that in-here which the psychological-function-unbalanced can only subdue in the as-if-out-there: those obsessive vis-à-vis rendition, uh, uh, retention, of the Aristotelian classical, of Baconian individuality, of single-valued selfsameness of the sanctity accorded all-mighty ego-in-projection as monogamous, uh, monotheistic, Godhead, ought to Those ultimately responsible have always been the most culpable, far more so than the proximal perpetrators, and, hence, the worst humanity has produced. Take note of the fact that the sociology and psychology and sexology and neurochemistry of identity-transparency is rarely discussed in the same article with the physics of identity-transparency: Schrödinger, for instance, never produced an article specifically about this subject even though he was obviously simultaneously investigating the first three named aspects in practicing sexual Tantra during the very occasion within which he wrote his quantum wave equation; Schrödinger did, however, intersperse (see: Schrödinger and Indian Philosophy, Michel Bitbol, Cahiers du service culturel de l’ambassade de France en Inde, Allahabad, August 1999) in his philosophically-oriented books, particularly Mind and Matter (Cambridge U. Press, 1958), general discussions of identity-transparency, without offering much in the way of practiced-introspective-assiduity-produced phenomenological particulars of whatever ontic experiences of the various states thereof he might have had. My minor demurral from Bitbol is that I would wager that what most interested Schrödinger -- certainly what should have -- in the books of Lafcadio Hearn were, not the accounts of Buddhism, but those of Shinto trance-possession cults and the circulation of ki there within. Act[u}ally, Percival Lowell had more to say (good offices of Nobuyoshi Saito) about this than did Hearn. Modernist translation of ki is by one or another variant of subtle energy; whereas, I, a quondam and continuing understudy of whatever is found to be involved, believe the original meaning related to what can now be designated temporal CURL, the manner in which topologically-active operator-time would appear in the Schrödinger equation, were the m-valued state-function of that equation understood relative to µTm-unto-CTC+ logics, not probabilities, and the means by which sheets are bridged in Riemann-surface-like (m-sheets are required to represent the m-valued function bridged at its branch points) m-sheeted ma, the sacred space of animistic Shinto. What I have asked all along (explicitly from first reading of Emil Post on µTm-valued logics during 1975 in Cornell's Mathematics Library; less explicitly from my first back-reaction against symbolic logic in 1961, independent study course, Eielson AFB High School, Alaska; implicitly from my childhood exposure to animistic-Shinto modes of comprehension, Midorigaoka, Onga-gun, Ashiya-machi, Fukuoka-ken, beginning in 1953) is, If non-quantum simple-identity is so fundamental, why, therefore, is truth-value still generally considered the fundament of logic? And I concluded quite some memetime ago that the answer to that question goes a long way towards providing insight regards the deep-structure origins of the War of the World within the rabidly anti-Rousseauist War Against Nature (EMFly, perhaps most crucially: some interesting photos here, whether or not they indicate the presence of m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes being µTmly processed by Earth's atmosphere, the planet's storming voice thrown as if it were a collection of consorts of tibles selected from the shawm-noise family on down to sets of crumhorns and base racketts). In descending order of wicked, iniquitous turpitude: crime against Earth; crime against magnetosphere; crime against atmosphere; crime against ecosphere, crime against biosphere, crime against geosphere; crime against humanity. Heshe of diffident temperament cultivating desiccation of affect-charge, are we? Critically hyper or hyper-critical? Can't tell, eh. Hmmm. Self-consciousness is not the same as self-observance: the former, a form of self-impalement; the latter, a back-stepping in fulfillment of the exhortation to Get behind thyself! Can't do that, what! Ah, aye, the [Husser}liana of immersion in time-as-a-given; the Berg[son}isms of la Durée, a feminine ideal found in duration, almost as if such were a catholique found object -- as maybe it is, just one more Campbell's Soup Can. How can there be a moment out of time when there are no [mo}ments, or, perhaps, [mom}ents, ontologically-before memetime is? The reason glutamatergic physicists never observe non-symmetric, nonselfsame, ketaminergic states is the utter identification of those physicists with 1T2-only logic and all the représentations collectives derivative there from -- were they not thusly identified, they would not use the word observe. Before post-Renaissance naturalism in painting, the development of linear-perspective, the Cartesian-Newtonian mathematization of space and time, pictorial space on the picture plane was as flat as was Earth, and the 'I', largely a creation of the observing eye, was sufficiently in abeyance that the same human subject could appear multiply (no mere FaceBooked multiples of a surveillance-state prosopography) within a given picture frame where no portrait of memetime-lapse was depicted (consider in this context: The Subject in the Scene of Representation section of The Subject in/of Art History, Whitney Davis, The Art Bulletin, 76:4, December 1994, pp. 570-95). Practitioners of the aesthetics of Japanese pictorial space, that space being based upon Shintoist, nested, multi-sheeted, sacred space, ma, have never fully taken to heart linear-perspective, or, for that matter, the extrovert observer understood absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct from -- i.e., as a non-participant in the being of, and certainly not as identity-transparent with -- the split-off apparent object apparently observed. One Husserlian-reductive-phenomenology-type exercise practiced at walking meditation relates to the subject-object level of the transference (somewhat parenthetically, I never personally much liked the parent-child level of the transference from the child's position; so, I figured I'd like it even less from the parent's position), where the cathexic libido vested in projection as object is subjected to HubertBenoit-type inner counterwork such that that libido is visualized as pulled back, from each object focused upon, into the self-observing 'I'-construct, the me, no less that the it-from-[mu}it, being understood as nothing more substantial than the intersection of Donald Williams' the occurrence of an essence and George Santayana's the essence of an occurrence (good offices of Annalisa Barrasso, linked below) -- Indic speaking: Prakriti and Purusha. Emanuel Swedenborg addressed this issue at some length as is described in The Intellectual Repository of the New Church (July/Sept. 1817), New Jerusalem Magazine, No. 25, 1842. These ideas of Swedenborg were very powerfully brought to my attention, with quotations recited at length from memory, by David Richard Simons (to whom our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh is dedicated), circa 1966, during Special Forces medic training, SFTG, Ft. Bragg, N.C. Quoting the Repository:
This brings us to the still higher identity of the real and the ideal of being and thought; according to which there is no form without a substance on which it exists, and no substance without a form in which it exists. Both are distinguishably one (distincte unum). This philosophy of Schelling and Hegel is to be found quite simply, but much purer, in Swedenborg, in the words (S. A. de Div. Am. stanza 14) Where there is esse there is also existere: one is not possible without the other; for esse is by existere, and not without it and inasmuch as the one has place with and not without the other, it follows that they are one, but distinctly one
When this walking meditation exercise is conducted with efficacy, Analytical-Cubist-type multiple-horizons-simultaneously-viewed apprehensions of the apparent object begin to appear to egoic-awareness-in-diminution. Be aware that I have long since chosen to write stylistically in the mode of the contents being written about -- as those contents cannot be lineally cognized and codified, hence the need for holographic Musculpt as maths notation. The orientation to this identity-transparency issue most compatible with the notion that identity and its transparencies is/are the fundament of µTm-unto-CTC+-valued logics supraordinate to that 1T2-only is provided by fiber-bundle arithmetics as a way to make rigorous metareferential tropes (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article by good offices of Anna-Sofia Maurin, June 2018; see also: Trope Bundle Theory, Annalisa Barrasso, University of L'Aquila, posted September 2015; and Tropes and Dependency Profiles , Robert K. Garcia, American Philosophical Quarterly, 51:2, April 2014, pp. 167-76) as expressing the levels of logical-value order-types (if the fuzzy-logic notion degree is replaced with state, then the metareferential trope can embrace µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state, and T, not signifying truth-value, but transparency: an infinite collection of infinite regresses in compresence [compresence qua compresence is in ontological Bohm-implicate supraordinance in the sense of Platonic anamnesis unto the remerged-compacted most-dense sheet, i.e., Tzog-chen AllBase of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space], which, most assuredly, is the nature of the case, and not to be suppressed-renormalized-rescaled, because it is only at divergence, remembering that the Cantorian-fractal nesting-foam is as dense as we like, that operator-time operates, and, therefore, the appearance of divergence is diagnostic) underlying the various relative-states of identity-transparency (higher orders non-instantiable insofar as instantiate is in reference only to 1T2-only memetime and 1T2-only ponderable 3-space; but note that the non-multiply-instantiable and non-multiply-locatable desiderata of tropological particulars does not apply to the C+ly-bundled bundles of trope bundles (ConveDDed, conversion-disorder displaced, to financial derivatives as bungled bundles of MBS bundles) Gödel-numbered-Gödel-number denumerable relative to Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes, and that the logical-value order-type of the universal, general-of-generals, bare thing is found only on the CTC+-Tzog-chen-AllBase most-dense sheet of the MVRS from which concrete particulars demerge by logical-value order-types dropping out of view relative to universal consciousness, dropping out under logical-unto-topological operations executed by 3-fold operator-time), where the bones of the lattice theory of µTm-unto-CTC+ algebras incorporate bundled trope bundles the geometric correspondents of which are the J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels underlying Heisenberg indeterminacy.
A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility (good offices of D. M. Armstrong, Cambridge U. Press, 1989), with possible worlds construed relative to truth-value and argued in 1T2-only-logic alone (see here and here for succinct statements), cannot possibly account for the µTm-unto-CTC+ arguments of the adicities (most significantly as regards the Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers on Tzog-chen AllBase, the p-adicities of Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes) of properties and relations and instantial variances, local and nonlocal -- regards neighborhoods; precincts; high-mesomorph, type-A, toxic-primate-city cityscapes; mega-urban regions; whatsoever, heh-heh-heh: under quantum nonlocality is here actually there, or is it merely being-there? -- and ensheaved (see Trope Sheaves: A Topological Ontology of Tropes, Thomas Mormann, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 3, 1995, pp. 129-50), cum properties of relations, cum relations of relations, so on and so forth. The only way to achieve a finite distance measure, a finite memetime interval, indeed, a finite number is to suppress fractals, such that measuring rods lose their Koch-curve property and are heuristically regarded as if absolutely straight in a world altogether free of skew-parallelism and associated m-valued logics. This having been done, and quantum nonlocality also suppressed, then absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct spatiotemporal individuation of objects and subjects can be experimentally substantiated. However, if predication of the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct so-regarded object, inner and outer, involves no infinite regress, no non-orientable reentry, no circularity, no self-reflexivity, it is no authentic component process of systems coinherent to nature qua nature and resides solely in the apocryphal domain instantiated and concretized by consensuations employing 1T2-only-logic alone. Individuals and properties are subvenient by demergence; universals and relations are supervenient by remergence. Kantian categories of our understanding. Hayden White's tropological metahisstorical precedence relations (for a short introduction, see here, good offices of Todd Presner). Emile Durkheim's représentations collectives. C. G. Jung's archetypes of the collective unconscious: regressed or no. The perfect ideas resident in Platonic forms, good offices of Robert C. Koons writing on Aristotelian hylomorphism in Metaphysics, 21 May 2018: if inner Musculpt, when made conscious, so obviously employs figural idealism, does it also subliminally use a higher order of 3-space parametric mapping to 2D-sheet as described in Conformal Geometry and its Applications on 3D Shape Matching, Recognition, and Stitching, Sen Wang, et al., (note the international cooperation in development of facial recognition technology), IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29:7, August 2007, pp. 1209-20. As regards demergence: the natural universals are pre-givens; the nurtured particulars, invented via processes of consensuation. As regards remergence: the natural particulars are pre-givens; the nurtured universals, invented via processes of consensuation. All That Is within Klein bottles within Klein bottles within Klein bottles; hence, µTm-unto-CTC+ mind-dependence-into-independence qua psychetic-hyletic-discernability-into-indistinguishability. The tropes of linguistic tropology are the same tropes as the tropes of trope-bundle theory: just think of the polyphony of the helix coils of the DNAs of neuron and genome. Temporal CURL is the esse of material tropos in existere, i.e., THE trophotropic-turn agent prefiguring all extra-institutional agents of change. Think turn of phase as differentiated from turn of phrase. Are idealistic genetic nominalism cum nominalistic genetic idealism encoded via m-valued m-level ciphers in the higher-temporal-qua-chronotopological quantum-wave properties of DNA, and µTmly processed at helix-coil transition relative to bundled trope bundles? Given the given coinherent non-orientability (think commutative supermanifolds? good offices of Jeffery Morton posting on toposes at Theoretical Atlas), the universally-irreducible primitive-property particular is the CTC+-relative-state relation on most-dense sheet (relative to the decomposed µTm-sheets, I'd really like to understand more of this paper: Fundamental groups and finite sheeted coverings, L. Javier Hernandez Paricioa and Vlasta Matijevic, preprint submitted to Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 27 May 2009) of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, from which all lesser logical-value order-types of relative-state relation memetime-independently demerge by involutory decomposition under good offices of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. Here we have Mertzian-like ( only relations-inter-related as the basic elements of physical reality, quotation drawn from An Instance Ontology for Structures , D. W. Mertz, no publication information provided) tropes (constitutive of no mere Merzbau) as being CTC+-unto-µTm-relative states, thus not Everettian relative-state which is 1T2-only alone; hence, states of ambiguity as distinct from disambiguated states of affairs or dispositions (see the Dispositional Trope Ontology chapter of Meinard Kuhlmann's very informative June 2000 Ph.D. dissertation, Universitat Bremen, entitled In Search of an Ontology for Quantum Field Theory). Speaking pre-critically, µTm-relative-states are trope-structures of metaphor, i.e., relations of similitude, more profoundly of self-similarity; whereas, CTC+-relative-states are trope-structures of the synesis of synecdoche, i.e., isomorphisms of identity-transparency. Schrödinger-temporally-independent CTC+-coinherence unto operator-timed (generating the moments of Husserliana) µTm-concurrence unto memetime-bound 1T2-only-concrescence. Tropos by temporal CURL turn-agent as logical-value order-type dependent: in quantia, no less than in qualia; in nonselfsameness, no less than in self-identicality. Tropes and their derivatives: tropes = figures by semantics; memes = figures by function; schemata = figures by structure. Caught in non-recursive, non-sequential, simultaneous me[temp}sychosis they are, aren't they, laddy. Aye, there is, isn't there, one's posits regards universal exemplifications, what. In a swivet, those swinish swinks, eh. O, that ol'-time memetic mimesis! I would I were when I will, if I could. Trope-bundle theory if All That Is is tropic in trope space: just think, for instance, of the-- OMG, stacks of metathetical double-decompositions of the doubly-stacked, widely found to be mysterious, counterintuitive, and unscientific! Hmmm. Ockham's mid-evil razor has been, hasn't it, one means by which humanity has cut itself off, it has, from nature, that somewhat which abides largely through the principle of omnium-gatherum. Despite being facile, they've stolen a march on Spikier than ever, what. Turning hubristic folie en masse into collective delusional syncope. I was gunna say. The over-compensating polar swings of hisstory dictated by identification with 1T2-only-logic alone. Brooding preoccupations never dragged, kicking and screaming, into the light of conscious awareness: the all-important is what people think they don't think. However ancillary is thematization to her[men}eu|tics, functional specificity and functional localization are not necessarily homomorphic. Not to employ the irony trope, and all jocularity aside, the Swedenborgian Doctrine of Uses and their correspondences -- (quoting Swedenborg's Divine Love and Wisdom)
The uses of all created things ascend by degrees from last things to man
All uses, which are ends of creation, are in forms, which forms they take from substances
(for interesting commentary, see What Do American Pragmatism, Swedenborg, and Zen Hold in Common?, John S. Haller, Jr., Swedenborg Foundation, 17 June 2016) -- reflect strongly, you know, on Hayden White's The Content of the Form (Johns Hopkins U. Press, 1987), Swedenborgian uses being contents that are in forms. Due to the regression imposed by suppression, via the narrativity of individual and collective autogenic abreactions, the CSDM, centrencephalic safety discharge mechanism, engages in thematic orchestrations, i.e., emplotments, so as to repeat over and over the strongly resisted (e.g., the thematic evasion type of NAFR, neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance) tropological content of the form of the particular abreaction of autogenic brain discharges required to dissipate the particular case of PTSDed and holographically-stored records of stress and return the involved altered quantum properties (while I am no advocate of medically-impressed exogenous electromagnetic fields, I nonetheless recommend Zap: How Electric Therapy is Curing Navy SEALs of PTSD ", Patrick Tucker, Defense One, 19 January 2019), e.g., intraneuronal-DNA pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillation rate, to normative values. Yes, the tone poem generated at helix-coil transition, a poem bespeaking the universal nature of discharge phenomena. L'identité du poème. Under binary-logic alone: factitious-fictitious; factoidal-counterfactual. Given the 1T2-only Law of Distributed Middle as pre-given, truth-value and its fuzzy degrees in logic qua logic is/are, obviously, made up -- just as Giambattista Vico said as regards truth of knowledge concerning human affairs and Hayden White said of hisstorical truths. Truthmakers, being wed also to the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction, cannot live in a world embracing µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency; hence, if the truthmakers be rainmakers, the rain made will always be denominated in 1T2-only currencies. Under such framework determining conditions, to employ J. G. Bennett's term, I've all along been lawed out, for what I sought were the menial physical labor jobs that are most easily made into contexts within which concentration in self-observation can be practiced. I found that these jobs in the U.S. became increasingly unavailable to those who speak grammatically correct English, and would not be long lasting to those capable of applying high school algebra to real world problems like determining the required length given this and that constraint. If visual dominance in perception and verbal dominance in ratiocination, then, surely the linguistic conditions of possibility for experiencing the world are tropologically delimited (Introduction to Tropics of Discourse, linked above, p. 40). An historicizing relativism -- where diachronic is as diachronic does -- when the child talks herhimself into appropriating the world, and the nation-state's media appropriates the words through which children talk up the world's concretion. And not to forget prescriptive enculturation-socialization via Hollywood historiophoty. Piaget's stages of cognitive development; White's stages of figurative language acquisition; Rostow's stages of growth. Politicos purport to provide vouchers (just remember US-assisted inculcation of flash capitalism in immediate post-USSR) for safety of the polity, yet vouchsafe self-serving backroom deals euphemistically designated compromises. Their interest is in being in charge, and the usurped wealth that goes along with it; whatever said and done suggesting otherwise is most likely legerdemain in the ledger domain, pure and simple. If an m-valued and µTm-processed LETS monetary unit defined on a cloud computed-and-projected fractal e-boundary-without-boundary is a band-pass fractal drum, then it is also a quantum-economy trope-bundle understood according to the above-given stipulations. A parsimonious ontology predicated, this does not. The m-values ensheaved upon the base-state of the given currency unit, being fine-grain tagged to indicator-measurables including those relative to environmental externalities (these e-commons, m-scenarios, computer-gamed, chosen uses being the content of the form of a particular µTm-LETS currency), are signifiers of relative-states (up and down the nesting-foam of currencies, across the modular map of currencies on a given scale level, and by internalization to market processing of environmental externalities); hence, according to the above, tropes (in modular trope theory [see Two Ways to Particularize a Property, Robert K. Garcia, Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 14, 2015, pp. 635-52], relative to LSTDs, the limited spacetime domains of modular spacetime), the total stack of which on a given unit constituting a bundle requiring, in full-fledged exchange implementation, µTm-processing of transactions therewith within and between currencies. It is my contention that the surveillance capitalism (for a good introduction to the exposition provided by Shoshana Zuboff, see 'The goal is to automate us': welcome to the age of surveillance capitalism, John Naughton, The Guardian, 20 January 2019; surveillance capitalism [while certainly not foreseeable in detail, was nonetheless prognosticated in general terms well before advent of the PC; when I realized that the only [per}sons who'd be reading my stuff were computer programs, I ], in my estimation, is compensatory abreaction to the prospect of authentic quantum economies, by regression of capitalism according to principles of CoinOps, as facilitated by MACV-CICV-CDEC IDHS [intelligence data handling system], privatized and planetarized as subtending Global Phoenix: anatomizing the socius by way of atomizing the psyche, an MO embraced by nation-states, multinationals, multilaterals, transnational agglomerations, the global oligarchs) imposed by privately-owned proprietary government agencies (what motivates the apparent naivete which supposes the involved companies, and some NGOs, had extra-governmental origins?) can be effectively ameliorated only with (were it not impossible to get legislatures and party committees to pass a New Prohibition, this occasion as regards certain classes of data harvesting, likely such enactment would amplify hacking into mil.intel.cop.gov which would continue to collect the data, and a New Prohibition would likely also greatly facilitate commercial dimensions of the darknets of the Deep Web) µTm-valued-LETS nesting-foams (which would involve monetary-system applications of overlay networks, a right-use alternative to ICGovCloud-Azure-JEDI) understood in terms of trope-space topologies and transforms. The most direct pragmatic monetary application of trope-bundle theoretics likely would be with respect to details of the articulations of particular variously backed µTm-LETS currencies to the universal quantum-composite unit of account (such a unit having long since become an urgent need, as per, for instance, Chris Martenson's Collapse Is Already Here, PeakProsperity, 25 January 2019) defined over the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Implementation of µTm-valued LETS would encourage automorphic shift to data collection-and-analysis types supportive of e-commons computer gaming of the taggings to currencies of stacked indicators-measurables, and to those types of C&A required to initiate and maintain the changing commodity backings of the currencies, as well as to initiate and maintain, on the basis of those backings, a quantum composite unit of account mapped over the times-shapes of total capital stock. These days, as Martenson points out, there are no realists not crackpots. While one has at least to raise an eyebrow at the very existence of CEOs of corporations that specialize in killing off their customer base, there is, then, the other side. Ah, the putative chicken-catch-a-Tory liberators populating the morbid sterilities of affluent societies de[clam}a|Tory of their sexually-tormented pabulary anxieties and sociality-alienating dissolute anomies, liberators blithely offering up pure pablum and fomenting reverse-cascade, bottom-up and trophic (see, for instance, Extinction Cascades and Catastrophe in Ancient Food Webs, Peter D. Roopnarine, Paleobiology, 32:1, Winter 2006, pp. 1-19), whilst avoiding like genus Ebolabvirus the self-laceration inherent to the voluntary suffering prerequisite to the subduing of 1T2-only selfhood, a substrate-undoing necessary if a substantive change of the collective course is to transpire. Post-extinction guilds of GMOed infrasex inferiors and disaster-taxa may be the only hope as subnetwork scale level upon subnetwork scale level is stripped from planetary organizational dynamics, otherwise and human -- not even to mention what should be done: increasing the complexity of the geometry of resource webs by, to again repeat, implementation of m-valued and µTm-logically-processed LETS nesting-foams defined over fractal e-boundaries and mapped upon the manifold Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth.
In due course -- there being no actual classical limit; there being macroquantum dynamical meteorology; there being holographic superintegration of the various spheres of Earth: what and how many, for instance, are the n-body-problem factors amping-and-damping magnetic-core turbulence, and extra-systemic acausal consequents thereof, uh, uh, that is, assuming magnetic weather does not PCly subscribe to the supposed classical limit, and that there really is cascade of solar-wind-conveyed real-complex-hypercomplex angular momentum most astutely handled, in Paine-Kaplan comprehension, as 3-fold temporal CURL? -- nature will make a definitive demonstration that the probabilistic quantum physics which physicists have used to create infratech is not nature's very own quantum physics. Think this contrary notion hasn't been, and won't be, opposed tooth and nail? Fist fights in back of the room at severe storms conferences? That's 1970s stuff! Nowadays, given Global Phoenix Nor would the physicists' physics be much improved were it to thoroughly place itself within fuzzy set theory and under processing by the rules of fuzzy logic. Quoting a particularly cogent passage from a very stimulating paper entitled Frontiers of Logic -- Fuzzy Logic: Can Aristotle and the Buddha get along?, Ronald C. Pine, Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia, p. 532:
Supporters of fuzzy logic say that probability is a cop-out, an example of ivory tower faith-healing, a tactic of philosophical ostriches sticking their heads in the sand afraid to face gray reality. We can't ignore that gray reality happens all the time. Probability is the timid measuring of the likelihood of something happening; fuzzy procedures measure the degree to which it is happening. Quantum physics is gray reality big time. The whole universe is in every part; to a degree each object is in every other object.
I would whole heartedly agree with this -- except for the to a degree part. Heh-heh-heh. These degrees are not-degrees; they are µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states, a wholly different matter from shades of gray, like, I imagine, are levels of Samadhi. Each such state is a complete CARDINAL WAY to experience THE universe of experience, a CARDINAL WAY with a specific ordinality of its terms of logicality. Cardinal-ordinal: in mathematics; in databasing. Bosons high, fermions low in this cyclotomic, operator-time-executed, cascade/reverse-cascade dynamic of logical-value order-types involutory-unvolutory decomposition-recomposition -- as 1T2ly codified even when Cabalistically understood Schrödinger-memetime-independent by, say, a Plotinus writing Enneads (if there is insistence upon objectifying the role of memetime at quantum measurement, the rules of traditional 1T2-only logic must be resolutely defended as absolute, particularly the Law of Non-Contradiction; otherwise, individuality of the memetime instant is indefinable because a well-ordered sequence is unavailable because selfsame numbers are unavailable). Asian philosophies and religions are now back-interpreted as exemplifying (even originating) fuzzy logic. I, for one, however, do not see, for instance, any gray in the Tai Chi symbol; I see a rotational binary logic, where A can do a flipover into not-A and not-A can do a flipover into A, the quantum dot in each indicating the propensity to flip over into its opposite, by good offices of topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time's temporal CURL. If quantum mechanics be about the propensities of probabilities, heh-heh-heh, as Karl Popper thought, then those propensities are for 3rd-2nd-1st-order-active-time operating on space to demerge form. What, in canonical Taoism, is contradicted by the center in midst of the conditions is the Aristotelian Law of Non-Contradiction, not the Aristotelian Law of Distributed Middle, as is easily missupposed by those believing that the center is not everywhere (that is: those believing in, for instance, Bradleyan finite centers, not dimensionless Boscovichian point centers of action arrayed in Borel sets [qua Wheelerian bucket of dust as pre-pregeometry qua Sri Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind qua Jane Robert's SETHian coordination points which I learned a lot about over the phone and since Trumansburg is near unto Elmira, therefore could not rightfully be ignored] on the nested decomposed sheets of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, contextualized by the holographic principle and trope as µTm-relative-state, the nondenumerable-infinite cases CTC+ being heuristically compacted on the most-dense-sheet Tzog-chen AllBase): in that sense, postmodernist literary criticism is Taoist, not Fuzzyist. Even so -- that is: even if we can't attribute origins of the fuzzy-logic misdirection to the metaphysicians of the East -- we didn't have to wait until 1920-21 (the Lukasiewicz-Post fuzzy truth-values take on m-valued-logic [pro}positions) or the 1965 (Lofti A. Zadeh's Information and Control article) advent of fuzzy set theory to see a gray world invoked. Before T. S. Eliot wrote The Waste Land (1922), he wrote a dissertation. As regards Eliot's June of 1916 Harvard Ph.D. dissertation, entitled Experience and the Objects of Knowledge in the Philosophy of F. H. Brady, Peter Ackroyd says (T. S. Eliot, 1988 CARDINAL paperback edition of the 1984 Hamish Hamilton original, pp. 69-70):
He [Eliot] begins with immediate experience: lived truths are partial and fragmentary and the experiences of the Bradleyan finite centers are mad and strange but, paradoxically, they are all that can be known to be real: All significant truths are private truths. But we are compelled to think and behave as if this is not so and, in order to combat the extreme relativity of such a position, Eliot postulates degrees of truth which help to create an objective world in which the cruder and vaguer, or more limited, is somehow contained and explained in the wider and more precise. The purpose is to reach beyond the miasma of private experience and construct a world, or rather an interpretation of a world, as comprehensive and coherent as possible
The hypothesis which supports this attempt to find a larger context is that of a world of absolute order, the Bradleyan absolute truth. But Eliot affirms -- and this is where his own scepticism is most corrosive -- that the Absolute is established only upon an act of faith.
This call by Eliot for faith in absolutism by means of a fuzzy logic was, not so coincidentally, written during the WWI-battle of the 200-years-long War of the World. Existential-anxiety-cum-existential-guilt-induced imprinting upon the miscreant, compensatory-abreactive, impossible notion of absolute order (ConveDDed, conversion-disorder displaced, to, nowadays, the supersubsociality incumbent upon the Law and [1T2-only] Capital Movement's capitalization of lawfare, to, more fundamentally, the striving for superegoic absolute control over 1T2-only-selfhood and its projection to the Anthropocene's war upon the nature of nature, as MVRSed in nature's Book of Secrets misanthropically 1T2-only cast as external and internal) etiologically fosters the Existentialist's (Christian and otherwise) Absurd, with its presenting symptoms, like standardizing what shouldn't be and not standardizing what should be, the same should-shouldn't behavioral syndrome with regard to the drawing of distinctions, e.g., attributing veracity to the claim that there exists a classical limit, and, therefore, the inability to clearly distinguish weather from climate (good offices of Andrew Glikson), such that existing knowledge of the dynamics of far-from-equilibrium phase-transitions -- which involve amplified fluctuations exploring all available extremes, as any dynamic meteorologist with sand, i.e., one specializing in dynamical meteorology as a foundation for the study of climatology, would know -- is not applied to climate-shift assessment by the in-denial subset, the MSM, the preponderant popular imagination. Reminds me, as a bomberpilot.son cum mil.brat cum war.vet that I could hardly have missed the fact that Carson McCullers' Reflections in a Golden Eye paints one rather poignant portrait of the officer corps which promulgated the Viet Nam war. Staged a [per}verse hoo[ten}anny, they did, didn't they: however poetic the try, still man[i}fess|ly demotic and hectoring -- exasperatingly so, what. A sardonic yet sanguine, proselytizing resemblant, a mere flippancy parsed as a function, 'e was, wasn't 'e -- that lowest of field-grades. Paranoiac avoidance of the psychiatric establishment's lunatic fringe for fear of provoking a diagnosis of moral insanity. Even to those assigning objectivity to memetime dating schemes, it must be apparent that the Original Sin initiating the Anthropocene had a lot more to do with stealing fire from the Gods than with the sexual preferences of our first pomologists. Anyone who thinks there is some possibility that planetary cuspover will be avoided simply is not paying attention. Is there an institution on the planet not resolutely committed to human species suicide? Has there been, since early into the 19th century? The biggest real question is: Will nascent forms-in-process be put in place prior to onset of cuspover, forms capable of minimizing death-toll percentages and facilitating rapid-onset post-cuspover vectoring of autopoiesis and self-organization onto viable paths? Moreover, even given that The [1T2] World Is Not Enough, the policy wonks, the funding administrators, the CIOs, the venture capitalists see to it that a wealth of escapist literature is produced: consider in this linked listing, for instance, p. 76, Axiomatizations of quantum actions, by Sonja Smets, where The 'moral' is that quantum physics does not require any modification of the classical laws of Propositional Logic . M being the Mother-archetypal -- no S.cross.M[are}so, not to mention M[or}on|s -- [S}tereotypic 1T2-only female prototype bureaucrat, The One just has to [S}nicker at [S}he[nanny}guns of the Trickster archetype relative to the m-eidolons of the Schrödinger's Cat Question: Am I Five or Am I Six? Woo-ka-SHAY-vitch logics are not extensions of Boolean-valued logic; Boolean-valued logic is the abject nth-degree reduction of all the logics there are operating upon this world: so, Lukasiewicz logics should not be cognized via transforms qua redefinitions of Boolean terms, conventions, operations, et cetera. Each of us is a Schrödinger cat, alive and dead m-times over: direct ontic awareness of this the case was, in days of yore, normative, as was OBE -- that is, possibly so memetime-early as yore before the stealing of fire and rise of the specialized shaman(ess). That referred-to direct ontic awareness was the origin of the reincarnation doctrine and practices of ancestor worship -- both of these being extremely reductive in subjecting Schrödinger's cat to memetime-boundedness, this [subject}i|on being a [diss}em|bling [adult}e|ration of the originating ontic experience. But the reality is more complex even than being exponentially dead-and-alive: that cat is also simultaneously this cat; it's a distincte unum m-times over, and this highly-non-well-ordered state is in part, heh-heh-heh, permitted by the relativity-physics preclusion -- memetime being what it is -- of objectively discernible simultaneity across 1T2-only-identification-inducing reference frames.
In hip-hop aspersion, animato -- bafflingly, aye
Rhap[sod}y 'e did, didn't 'e now.
Strictured 'im into metanoia: can yer fault a man
Fur that, fur animum advertere?
A callused man with coveted cachét as an
Anima[d3}version|ist bridd O so metathetical?It's interesting to note what these days is stigmatized as criminal; and, moreover, to observe that the value of truth in logic continues to be held absolute in this era when white lies, damn lies, and all the grades in between overwhelmingly predominate and are officially deemed justified, even necessary: Lukasiewicz implication valuation function = min(true, true -alpha +beta) cum Lukasiewicz negated implication valuation = max(false, false +alpha -beta). With regard to the Lukasiewicz logic arrays (a big positive step, if not a complete step, away from Old Quantum Physics) employing this function min-true/max-false, it is the second term in the reversible [0,1] cum [1,0] real interval (I note that the Lukasiewicz implication operator a implies b = min{1,-a+b} had its advent in 1979 by J. Pavelka, brought to my awareness good offices of Fuzzy logic or lukasiewicz logic: A clarification, Sukhamay Kundu and Jianhua Chen, in Ras, Z. W. and Zemankova, M., eds., Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, ISMIS 1994, Lecture Notes in Computer Science [Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence], Vol. 869, Springer, Berlin and Heidelberg, and posted online to Communications Approximate Reasoning, 9 June 2005, an advent which transpired when the Paine-Kaplan relativistic-quantum numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis was being aired and dissed at severe storms conferences and when our model of DNA pi-electron-gas-radiation-exchange process appeared, wherein, in respect to both the atmospheric and submolecular cases, 3-fold temporal CURL is the analogue to Lukasiewicz implication operator, but not with regard to the [0,1] real interval) that is worked up fuzzily for approximate reasoning, aircon and refrigerator control circuitry, artificial neural networks (ANNs), operational control of swarms, and so on into the list that just gets longer and longer. The most detailed and easily followed description of how this is done in hardware and compiler which I've seen is Area-Efficient Implication Circuits for Very Dense Lukasiewicz Logic Arrays, by Jonathan W. Mills, Technical Report No. 339, Computer Science Department, Indiana University, November 1991. The patent application for the involved Lukasiewiczian implication circuits (see, for background, Implication in Fuzzy Logic, Philippe Smets and Paul Magrez, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 1:4, October 1987, pp. 327-47) can be viewed here. Further developments employing these arrays, involving multigrid and multilevel methods analogous to cascade/reverse-cascade nested-grid logical-ladder dynamics (exemplified in Paine-Kaplan model of tornado as acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode qua atmosphériques dans la Musculpt analogue to blackhole computer [statement of which by Paine got him effectively designated persona non grata with the NSF: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system. D. A. Paine and M. L. Kaplan. Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 1974, 140 pp.], wherein 'empty space' computes such that something is computed by implementing 'nothing', the involved black box fundamental logical operator from which all others derive being explicitly out-of-the-box as topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time [scaling by the slope of a curve of Lukasiewicz logic function and the slope of the slope and the slope of the slope of the slope unto reentry and nonorientability] in the guise of 3-fold temporal CURL as incorporated into our canonical equation for a harmonic quantum oscillator), are described in 'Empty Space' Computes: The Evolution of an Unconventional Supercomputer, Jonathan W. Mills, et al., Computer Science Department, Indiana University, May 2006; and in The Nature of the Extended Analog Computer, Jonathan W. Mills, University of the West of England, 2007 or later by bibliography. Be aware that the boundary-value problem associated with the holographic principle and the solving of systems of partial differential equations (handled in the extended analog computer with conductive plastic foam, which I believe eventually will be used in nesting-foam ensheavements as processors of ensheaved-unit µTm-valued LETS currencies mapped upon changing fractal-e-boundary nesting-foams) is directly viewable in the acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode ripplings of the foamy wall of the tornado (Paine predicted this a decade before it was actually observed) and, I would note, demonstrable in the way frequently changed operative bureaucratic variables of a given AO, area of responsibility, were tacitly mapped by the Viet Cong political infrastructure upon frequently changed administrative boundaries. I would further observe that Paine's atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations fits precisely the bill of Mills' notion of analogy as replacement for algorithm vis-à-vis the extended analog computer, and that this Paine analogue would be the place to start with a detailed comparison of the digital, Paine-Kaplan, multiscale, nested-grid, supercomputed, complex-angular-momentum-cascade, numerical, forecast model of tornadogenesis with possible analog alphabets of the physical processes (such as infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces, which, beginning in 1975, we began referring to as atmospheric Musculpt) actually undertaking the computations involved in genesis of the severe storm.
Very strange, indeed, was it that T. S. Eliot -- who held the Existentialist-separatism-like notion that the real is only to be found in the purely private (i.e., a John-Paul Sartre-type No Exit thesis), and, in remedial response to that imputed separatism condition (generative-empathic experiencing the experience of another is absolutely denied) of the case, postulated degrees of truth which one must suppose, given that he had been a student of symbolic logic, he regarded as confined to the realm of the purely private arrayed in the undistributed middle between A and not-A, self and other -- should have employed the term objective correlative (emphasis to be placed upon objective) in essaying upon Hamlet (as noted by Peter Ackroyd, T. S. Eliot, Cardinal paperback edition, 1984, p. 106). Not too long after Eliot's use of this term in The Sacred Wood, 1920, participants in the Weimar youth movement -- denied (by a disassociation of sensibility [another Eliotic term] imposed by the rise of modernism) direct ontic access to the participation mystique once found in the Erdgeist -- strove, via compensatory abreaction, to reestablish the objective correlative through the vehicle of projecting entelechy onto the nation-state as Vatererd (or perhaps it actually was Holy Roman Empire as Vaterland: see Alastair Crooke's Suddenly Europe is an Open Question -- 'A Nazi EU?', Strategic Culture Foundation, 11 February 2019, as reposted to ZeroHedge) with which a state of transference is established (projective-identification with the authority figure as surrogate of archetype facilitating the involved libido-laden process). Another take on the private-public, individual-collective, separate-fused 1T2-only dichotomy involves the issue of bounded noise, and the constraints it imposes upon computational power. As John Cage so musically-cum-endogenous-ketaminergically Zen-koaned upon (prepared piano being parody of renormalization; the silent performance, focusing attention on presence of ambient noise that can be heard as music if attributed meanings are stripped from the pure patterns of the heard sounds, being a be-here-now injunction to mathematically visit there exists), even in biological systems construed pinball machines located in a cosmological crap game, what is and is not noise, what is and is not bounded are matters determined by the order of logical-value m-ployed to e-valuate (which is to choose the partitioning favored, grid-length and memetime-step in many cases: correctly change the grid-length and memetime-step and what appeared to be turbulence then appears to be coherent motion). Econometrically speaking, what is and is not an externality (here we have one area for creative application of fuzzy logic) is a matter of choice, choice as to how framework is to be partitioned, partitionings being determined by framework determining conditions, e.g., the order of logical-value chosen and built into the monetary system employed. O, ack! Wracked in being wacked with racks and more racks superposed and ensheaved! What shall be done, oh what shall be done with Quantum this, quantum that!? If noise packets themselves are the critical processor elements (e.g., the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes filtered from consensus meteorology forecast models by re-scaling, filtered because they are 1T2-only-considered to be noise), and self-organization-by-noise transport across (fractal) phase-boundaries of LSTDs (limited spacetime domains: no filters placed upon the metric space of the involved domain structures, filters, that is, placed so as to yield single-valued measurements only [the other existing filtered-out values being designated noise], all universal physical constants, for instance, being understood m-valued at any given determination, this circumstance being tantamount to absence of a classical limit and presence of null-vectored [null, like noise and bound, being order-of-logical-value relative within the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space] J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism [the geometric correspondent to the ontologically-nonselfsame distincte unum, logically speaking, µTm-relative-state identity-transparency] as underlying explicator of 1T2-only-Heisenberg indeterminacy) is what is processed, then, assuredly, the order of logical-value responsible for designating the elements and the process as being noise is an order one or more orders lower in value than those elements and that process (consider in this regard: Study of noise influence on self-organization phenomena in chaotic neural networks, M. J. Ogorzalek and Z. Galias and A. Cichocki, Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 15 May 1996, posted to IEEE Xplore on 6 August 2002; and the more recent study explicating some subtleties of influence differentiating between intensity, amplitude, and frequency by Yuangen Yao, et al., entitled Impact of bounded noise on the formation and instability of spiral wave in 2D Lattice of neurons, Nature Scientific Reports, 7, 21 February 2017). Be aware that constants of integration would, on this view, be m-valued relative to integrations performed on the n-levels required to insure functional superintegration of, say, biological organisms. Moreover, Bennettian skew-parallelism dictates that pi, i, and e, even, would be m-valued relative to the skewness of the pencils of skew-parallels employed in drawing relevant distinctly identical geometric constructs (especially important relative to the geometrodynamics subtending spacetime physics). The computabilities of the n-µTm-order-types of machines supraordinate to the 1T2-only Turing machine are not bound by 1T2-only-definable bounds (to include conservation laws). When, across phase boundaries, the perturbation caused by what is lower-order-regarded noise is exactly compensated by what is higher-order information (the involved G.SpencerBrownian crossing executed by good offices of 3-fold temporal CURL), then supra-Turing computation transpires Schrödinger-memetime-independently. The result (insofar as result can be understood supra-1T2ly), to be sure, is not outputable in Turing terms, only in terms of the higher-order logical-value order-type, which is altogether incommensurable with any other such order-type (this logical incommensurability being the actual [diva}gation condition of nature to which the 1T2-only-Everettian relative-state formulation refers in memetime-boundedly and 1T2-only-thermodynamically establishing non-communication between in-memetime splitting-off universes of a multiverse). The judgment above described was reached on our part in concluding that there exists, when not disrupted by iatrogenic interventions (the bone of contention between Paine and the upper-atmosphere types at Cornell, which became problematic enough that Paine ceased attending faculty meetings, circa 1976), superconductance of hydrothermodynamic properties of Earth's atmosphere. Our orientation to these issues contrasts with that of Mills, et al., given in 'Empty Space' Computes as per quoting the Computability and Measurability section:
the effects of even infinitesimal noise on Cantor-set-encoded analog computation was later formalized by a proof that in the presence of bounded noise no analog device exceeds the computability of a Turing machine [11].
All physically-realizable models of analog and digital computability appear to require some notion of bounded instantaneous precision. In a Turing machine, the value in any cell on the tape is zero or one, for an instantaneous precision of one bit (although the tape may store very long, and thus precise, sequences of bits produced by the computation). In the EAC [extended analog computer] and other analog models of computation, the measured value of any setting, constant or output variable at any instant ranges from one bit to at most 24 bits. One approach to using a single output value as the result of the computation is to define a filter on a compact space centered on a measurable value [3]. Many computations might be hidden in the space near this instantaneous value, but only one rational approximation would be accessible to the user via a finite measurement. This does not violate the uniqueness imposed by the extremely well-posed constraint of the EAC, but only points out that we cannot distinguish between many unique outputs.
The EAC rule, explained by Mills, et al., that is, no two outputs connected to the same input, monetarysystemwise, no two or more values [indicator-tagged to externalities qua measurables] connected to the same currency unit employed at pricing, reinforces the above mentioned filter, such that this rule = single-valued, i.e., the 1 of 1T2; whereas, regards, say, implementation of a µTm-processed m-valued-LETS currency system, the corresponding rule would have to be mu outputs connected to the same input = mu-valued, i.e., the mu of µTm. If right uses are in forms, as Swedenborg maintained, than any monetary system capable of optimally mediating responses to a climate-shift phase transition would have to be in the form of the natural process interfaced with. Related here, I note that the EAC's virtual-light visual-configuration interface, described in Section 4 of 'Empty Space' Computes , permitting the user to interactively 'sculpt' an exemplar configuration as the analog computer's analogue to digital assembly language coupled to a compiler for semantic specialization are the closest approach I've become aware of to holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS currencies. We quote -- relative to m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (mode being in analogy to logic gate required to µTm-process a given type of m-valued-LETS transaction) -- a relevant portion of our hydrothermodynamic paper, linked above, thusly:
The two orders of magnitude variation in the drag coefficient allows the moist primitive equation model to feel the real-world influences of microeddies which fall within the numerical grid spacing. Although these microeddies within the planetary boundary layer represent a localized positive viscous and entropic process, the view of their role from the perspective of the entire limited atmospheric domain is that of a negentropic (negative viscous) process. Eq. (32b) describes the simultaneous negentropic dynamic which serves to supply a diabatic potential to the domain Thus, as the largescale wave train alternately excites and then suppresses the surface flux of diabatic energy, quantized packets of free energy are introduced into the limited atmospheric domain.
The external gravity wave train then goes on to organize the subsequent release of diabatic potential within the limited domain. By thus synchronizing the introduction of energy into the LSTD through its lower boundary, the sensible heat realized during the production of precipitation within the storm environment serves to sustain and amplify the planetary boundary layer pressure perturbation associated with the external gravity wave train. This, in turn, manufactures momentum at the larger lengthscale which exactly compensates for the loss the system suffers through external friction. THE INVOLVED EXACT COMPENSATION IS THE NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR SUPERCONDUCTANCE of hydrothermodynamic properties. It is but a small leap to realization that charge is not the only property capable of superefficient conductance. Solitons and superfluidity are, indeed, other such cases.
When the bound becomes unbound, marked by appearance of divergence, e.g., of an energy-momentum imbalance, cascade is initialized -- carried out from logical to ontological levels, i.e., from pregeometry (as µTm-valued calculus of propositions) to geometrodynamics, by topologically-active operator-time executing logical operations, and carried out from ontology unto 1T2-only instantiation as spacetime physics by 3-fold temporal CURL.
So far as I know, there have never been authentic attempts to actually internalize externalities (this background by good offices of Nora Goodwin, OpinionSur, 52, December 2007), environmental or otherwise, to the market mechanism: I do not, unlike Jeffrey Frankel (see: Market mechanisms for regulation: Cap-and-trade and Obamacare, VOX, 27 February 2014), consider, for instance, cap-and-trade an authentic attempt to internalize -- iatrogenic regulatory interventions, e.g., institution of a government-mandated cap, affecting the supply-and-demand dynamic and the catallactics of price signals via, say, taxing, legislated assumption of externally-generated costs, lawfare-forced assumption of externally-generated costs, not being, to my mind, actual internalizations, but, rather, non-autopoietic, non-self-organizing, extrasystemic impresses upon the market mechanism. Why no such internalization? Using a term employed by Goodwin in the above-linked piece, externalities cannot actually be authentically internalized independent of internalization of the meta-externalities determining the framework-determining conditions of the market and the market's relational properties, conditions and properties like the order of logical-value of the monetary units employed and the nature of the boundaries upon which monies are defined. Meta-externalities are largely deleterious consequences of prescriptively enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically-anchored mindsets establishing what are to be deemed forbidden functions and what are to be deemed preference functions (those Gaston Bachelard obstacles épistémologiques desperately needing those ruptures épistémologiques which are likely never to come, it, by now, being too late, attempts at zeroing the hedges having been largely ineffective at subduing Bull-headedness) like preferences for single-valued variables, as are existing prices, over m-valued variables; for bi-ary dichotomies over m-ary multichotomies; for in-or-out either/or boundaries rather than holographic-principle boundaries-without-boundary; for less or more over less is more; for prices that go only up-or-down rather than prices that also move on a collection of diagonal rays; for determination of a single-valued unit price rather than determination of the valence of the price unit to be used by the market supply-and-demand dynamic, a dynamic viewable not as diagonally-crossed simple curves but as diagonally-arrayed pencils of skew-parallels µTmly processed in transactions denominated in m-valued monetary units (such market-mechanism decompiler's [across nesting-foams] cum transcomplier's [between currencies on the same echelon] right use would not involve expunging lower-order logical-value order-types, to include the lowest order, that of cash). An authentically-internalized negative externality (1T2ly a cadge; µTmly a fully-justified global entitlement) will function as a systemic constraint (of a positive externality: as welfare gratification of the socius) which the market mechanism itself organizes the operations of. One way to state the problem of internalizing negative externalities is as a CSP, a constraint satisfaction problem at the assignment of values to variables, the assignor in the economic case being the market mechanism µTm-processing transactions denominated in m-valued monetary units (see The tractability of CSP classes defined by forbidden patterns, David A. Cohen, et al., arXiv, 9 July 2014). Cohen, et al., recognize the utility of higher-valued logics relative to CSPs. They consider a 1T3 logic {T,F,U}, where U means undefined or unknown, and determine forbidden relative to U in terms of decision-problem decomposition into subsets such that a dichotomy can be established, or not. Note that tractability revolves around Boolean satisfiability, where the assignment of values to variables such that a set of constraints are satisfied involves only single-valued variables, even though a higher-valued logic is considered on the boundary between tractability and intractability (this binary distinction being understood solely in Turing machine terms, whatever the memetime complexity involved in particular cases, those of especial interest relative to stages of implementation of µTm-valued LETS nesting-foams being on the border between NP-complete and NP-hard). More information concerning this is provided in A Dichotomy for 2-Constraint Forbidden CSP Patterns, Martin C. Cooper and Guillaume Escamocher, Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2012; with background and larger context discussed in Constraint Satisfaction, Logic and Forbidden Patterns, Florent Madelaine and Iain A. Stewart, U. of Durham, 2006 or later by bibliography. We note that the Entschei[dungs}problem is of no interest to anyone interested in the later stages (relative to quantum-composite-unit-of-account mappings over Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock) of implementing decision-free µTm-LETS nesting-foams, decision-free, that is, insofar as decision be understood as constrained to behavior of logical operators cum decision procedure algos productive of only yes or no, T or F, answers. Nature doesn't give objective tests, particularly T-F tests. Relative to µTm-LETS, the forbidden patterns will be automorphically fractal-drummed, band-passed, fuzzied-out, and in a constant analog condition of self-organized flux. In advocating that there be established changing fractal (actually pre-fractal) e-boundaries upon which µTm-valued LETS nesting-foams be mapped, thus making those plasmahaut qua autopoietic-operator-type boundaries subscribe, bureaucratically speaking, in significant measure to the holographic principle, I cannot easily be mistaken for favoring Great Walls as the solution to CSPs wherever they might be imagined to exist -- Israel-Palestine, the Balkans, the trans-Caucasus, farwest China, the no-go zones of the EU, the American Southwest. Regarding the U.S.: it is pretty well undeniable that immigrated, economically-motivated, wanna-be assimilants are the primary means by which the American oligarchs have, from birth of the nation (many if not most particular cases of the nation-state system and its supraordinate agglomerations as a dysfunctional, indeed destructive, form of organization originated in territorial aggrandizement, genocide, slavery, nature rape, and unconscionable population growth), always subdued the repeated nascent emergences of initiations of an authentic reform cycle. So, how is it that so many appear to imagine that unmodulated immigration will facilitate reform of a system that has become robinhood-reversed, a system prejudicially servicing the Uberwealthy, wiping out the distributed middle, and squelching the Untermenschen -- or is there actually some other collective, mass, group agenda, wholly tacit or marginally conscious? The 1T2-only market e[con}omy has such a low level of self-organizational competency that, not only is the perception of unending growth in capital formation required simply to insure allocation of resources, but also necessary is unabated population growth. Which is not to mention how abysmally poor that market is at modulating incentives and divvying up rewards. Due to the unrelenting accretion of un[plan}gent dysenervation, societies, indeed whole civilizations, are misdirected by the pus[ill}animity of class-and-position-induced reckmore overconfidence on part of the cognitive low-end which gravitates upon the grotesquerie of politics and agonistic government work. Where's the mystery in the circumstance that some of the worst people homo sapiens has ever spawned want to control what is said about them and what they do? One corollary is the transhumanism aspiring to rewrite Men Without Art (Wyndham Lewis on T.S.E., et al., by good offices of Dennis Brown writing 'Light into a Dark Place': Literary Criticism in ) as Art Without Men. No brindled bristles jacked back Mohawk style over the crown required as signification of a one-track mind. Psychiatry is inherently an abuse, just as war is inherently a crime: neither can be chocked up to typical Soviet-cum-American behaviors. As my I/i observed some memetime ago, while there certainly can be debate as to when the transition occurred -- the Renaissance; the industrial revolution; onset of the War of the World, whenever that was; August of 1945; the mid-1950s recognition of oncoming Silent Springs -- there can be no doubt that Murder in the Cathedral has long since become accompanied by Murder of the Cathedral. Clearly, the deep structure of the metapsychology of the awe encompassing much prolonged moral panic (good offices of Stephen Davies, American Institute for Economic Research, 12 February 2019) has been and is opaque to most participants, particularly the powers that were and TPTB. Considering the Rutherford Institute's list of anti-democratic salients, clearly there is an S4 dustup bedeviling us: hotel-motel-tollbooth-prolfooddrivethru-fillup surveillence-forever-stored is prefiguration of the long-predicted (SRA/MACV-J2, circa 1968: actually, I saw it coming in the really big changes manifest in D.C.-no-Washington, circa 1963-5) internal travel visa. We weren't stupid: something like 90-percent of the 1963 AU-SIS entering freshman class intended to take the Foreign Service Examination; two years later, that intent profile had slipped away and was registering only in the realm of 20-percent. Who got the most experience of D.C.-realities, those studying IR at Georgetown or at AU-SIS? I find myself in pretty good agreement with J. H. Kunstler's assessment of AOC's Green New Deal and the Trump Wall, except that I think people would be disappointed by outcomes were the sound proposals of the Green New Deal actually implemented. For instance, the reticence with which, uh, indeed, the taci[turn}ity brought to retrofitting Glass-Steagall since G-S was Clintonized, expressed in PAC-induced logrolling by legislators (complement to the bungled bundling of financial derivatives: i.e., bundling of closest-packed pork-barreled gift-economy assistance, consideration, support, favors, dispensation, approbation, cooperation, indulgence, largess, obligement), is all inspiring, given how infra-physics (think: bundling without fiber-bundle arithmetics) has so very technologized and derivativized the monetary system that a return to G-S likely would not return the good ol' days: techno-get-arounds would run rampant. O, the irrecoverability of the status quo ante in a memetime-bound context. Memetime-in-itself, that is memetime qua memetime, may -- largely mediated by moving center tape loops -- engage, as P. D. Ouspensky thought, in exact recurrence; but recurrence in memetime cannot be exact primarily due to preponderance of those who ignore, or never register, the lessons of hisstory. As is typical of human collective behaviors, Marxism came to fruition -- if the involved transition could be called that -- in Russia at the very moment no scientifically educated person could any longer seriously entertain it: without even mentioning Lukasiewicz, advent of General Relativity on the back of Special Relativity and QM. The trickle-down cumulative effects of this well-established-by-WWI nonbelievability were overwhelming as regards eventual collapse of the U.S.S.R. -- Afghanistan and all the other reasons given in academic and popular hisstories being minor contributory factors; the various forms of U.S.-and-allied intimidation postponing the inevitable by decades. State socialism, Nazi and Communist, cum utopian socialism, hard and soft, have long since proven themselves inadequate to the human condition in general, which fact altogether disparages their supposed utilities in respect to the massive human predicament associated with the current rapidly gathering planetary crisis (e.g., inadvertently weaponizing climate by very advertently weaponizing weather: ah, for the wind and the clouds -- when complex-and-hypercomplex angular-momentum cascade dynamics are unmolested). The hisstorical consciousness of a James J. or a T. S. E. (Ulysses cum The Waste Land <<<>>> hisstorical concretion vis-à-vis art fiction and poésie), not to mention that embedded in Hegel-Marx dialectical awareness (application of a non-Taoist-rotational recurrentist 1T2-logic), along with the épistémè-0-logical (historical, but non-temporal, heh-heh-heh!, which, indubitably, is not to say subject to the operations of the CTC+-unto-µTm compiler cum the µTm-unto-CTC+ decomplier) consciousness of an M. Duchamp (The Large Glass <<<>>> semiotic deconstruction vis-à-vis the plastic arts), which were not directed toward recoverability of the status quo ante, but, whether they fully realized it or not, to presaging as yet unfulfilled post-paradigmatic nonselfsame Weltbilds unrealizable in 1T2-only terms, whilst verifying the Relativity of the Momentism predicated by the Impressionism implicit in every codification written over each particular occasion, failed to note that the generator of that hisstorical consciousness is the 1T2-only, however fuzzily deployed, ratiocination of molecular-cellular-organismic automata subject to the orchestration delivered by a series of glutamatergic neuronal etchings cum submolecular quantum quenchings, an orchestration imposed by the prescriptive enculturation-socialization conveyed by that very same hisstorical consciousness. Since, to our [under}standing the AllBase-state of Tzog-chen, meaning is CTC+-unto-µTm pregiven cum Schrödinger-memetime-independently demergent to syntactical structure, any attempt to create it, meaning that is, de novo must fail. O, the horror, the horror (that Pound cut from The Waste Land: Ackroyd on Eliot, p. 118) at discovery that the 1T2-0nly eg0-sphere is vacuous, an eid0loon of the Great Nihil, the doctor's empty cab[i}net. Consider that -- quoting, paraphrasing, manhandling, mangling, manacling The logic of quantum information flow, Alexandru Baltag, Oxford U. Computing Lab, 10 April 2005 -- we may, if we consider QM to be exclusively about 2-state-0nly superp0sings, after considering the weakest of preconditions on relational compositions R, consider all possible subsystems, given by subsets I included in N of indices. A state s is said to be I-separated if it has a well-defined I-subsystem, i.e., if is of the form s = (lots of, of course, I-subscripts and exclusive-or symbols, oops! tensor-product symbols). From there, we get definitions of (I-)local component and (I-)local action R and of a there exists on an RI on I-local states and a state entangled according to R. All of this, it seems to my me, done just so, such that the essential modicum of the demotic sense of I can be preserved as well-serviced in face of nonlocality, B-E condensation, the putative imperative that m-valued logics be used to interpret m-valued state-functions. In the language, we must say entangled, fused, condensed, thus tacitly predicating the notion that the base-state is one of Existentialist separatism, atomism, particularity, not one of the preexistent condition of the frangible, the breakupable -- not to mention one of the unbreakable wholeness broken only in the illusion which is denoted Maya. One wonders how far along we would get, were we simply to replace qu- with mu-, substitute skew-parallelism for orthogonality of states, exchange the two orthonormal base vectors for n-null-vectored pencils of skew-parallels, stop conflating set with system, start regarding quantal action as a function of topologically-active operator-time. Not very far, probably, because these substitutions, these stops and starts, are not much more than mere binary flipovers in an attempt to grok what multivalent actually means as a pregiven meaningfulness. One more pastiche on the foibles of the polytics of dysgovernance enacted by twits twitting on Twitter? Maybe so, analogically speaking. Ah, yes, bristling at prattlers broaching blither, spitting forth their smatterings of smatter, galumphing mouthings of glibber. If you are a not-one, why would you really care; why wouldn't you just simply quit? -- so asked readership of The Egoist as the 20th century was pushed out of the birth canal -- serious literary mags like The Egoist and The Monist (offering their blathering rants at just the moment when multivalent logics were rigorously codified) being prefigurative of so very much in the way of the compensatory abreactions dawning on the Hairy Ape squatting just Beyond The Horizon where Mourning Becomes Electra -- anima[mad}version being what she-it is. Imagism in poésie assimilating Symbolism in Mannerist consumption of the graphical art-music score as topos approach to Musculpting mathematical notation such that thinking in µTm-logics, rather than 1T2ly about such, becomes user friendly. The dissimulations of physical theory have been bad enough; when you add all the dissemblings of those dissimulations, well Boxman certainly hasn't come up with a 1T2ly-null-vectored J.G.Bennettian diversely-identical skew-cube -- though, recently, there have been Musculptural approaches thereto. Consider the NeuCube development environment crossed into interactive 360-degree light field autostereoscopic 3D displays as presented here and here and here and here. Contextualization relative to Merleau-Ponty, Gebser, Husserl, Ellul, Heidegger, Mumford, Peirce, and McLuhan is provided in Sang Ho Kim's 2002 University of Oklahoma Ph.D. dissertation entitled Embodiment, Technology, and Communication: A Phenomenological Exploration of Communication in the Technological Milieu. Were I to try, I could not praise this dissertation enough. For instance, the following paragraph (p. 4) echoing Swedenborg's Doctrine of Uses as stated in his Divine Love and Wisdom (All uses, which are ends of creation, are in forms, which forms they take from substances ):
Some people who regard technology as a mere tool frequently repeat this cliché: Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Ellul (1964) warns there is danger in this kind of reasoning, because it leads to the attractive notion which would apparently resolve all technical problems: that it is not the technique that is wrong, but the use men make of it. Consequently, if the use is changed, there will no longer be any objection to the technique (p. 96). However the problem is that the use of technique is ontologically inseparable from technique itself. The being of technique is its use.
While I fall into the pessimistic technophobe class (ostensibly that subset made up of techno-assessors and -forecasters, my case being wholly of the amateur variety), I am somewhat different, in that I do not believe that technology must be of the Cartesian-subject biased viewpoint with the vast array of negative consequences implicate there from. The whole of chemistry, for instance, could be rewritten in terms of sound waves -- including the chemistry of genomes. Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function could be rightly understood -- in terms of m-valued logics, instead of with 1T2-logically-analyzed probabilities. Quantum computing could be mu-itic not qu-bitic, mu-stated instead of 2-stated. Analog computing could authentically be built relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, instead of being build relative to a gray-scale fuzziness attributed to the distributed-binary-middle in the real interval [0,1]. When offered an Outline of a Theory of Practice, just look at its 1T2-only doxa, and try to ascertain if those doxa are Platonic or Aristotelian, whether they were demergently constellated by épistémè -- or not. Oops! There we go again. Can't hardly get away from the glutamate-etched and anchored binary-mind we've built into our [tech}nics and introjected, now can we. The words in and is need a little work in this context, for uses, which have teleological ends, are strange attractors as regards techniques; and techniques, as causal factors, form as they inform, inform as they form.
In responding to the material presented in Sang Ho Kim's dissertation, I first observe that the notion of a Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, with most-dense-sheet Tzog-chen AllBase, is not the same as Martin Heidegger's notion of standing reserves, whereupon, to quote Sang Ho Kim, p. 5, When everything becomes standing reserves or an endless resource, people and things will no longer be understood as having essences or identities, not the same even though, in implementation of µTm-LETS nesting-foams, Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock would be mapped as demergent there from. What's so different? Heidegger's notion of disaggregation and reaggregation is memetime-bound (Existence precedes [in an objective linear-time] essence, if there even is such a dread whatnot as essence), whereas demergence is Schrödinger-memetime-independent (Essence [logically and ontologically] precedes existence, under the mistaken assumption that, speaking in terms of ultimates, there are actually such as precedence relations) under the operations being-there of topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time. Qualitative time, to use Jean Gebser's somewhat misleading attribution, does not execute higher-temporal operations in linear-memetime, the latter being a, beginning in the womb, prescriptively enculturated-socialized automatism glutamatergically anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains, anchored, that is, during neural etching at neuronal plasticity. One has only to look at the field of synthetic biology to become aware of how topical this issue currently is: see, for instance, Standing Reserves of Function: A Heideggerian Reading of Synthetic Biology, Pablo Schyfter, Philosophy and Technology, 25:2, 2012, pp. 199-219. Of all the infernal gall! the impositions made by the prevailing chosen framework determining conditions. Even with quiet assurance, if there be no bloomin' luck, it won't be loverly; unmoored it'll be, won't it. Given existing anti-historiographic historiography serviced by rampant blackpsyche, the past ain't what it used to be, and thank God we've been able to achieve that, so say they, TPTB along with the Yogi bear. Presence of which -- these Clingers, that is -- as disgusting as is the metapsychology of car culture: the way enclosed auto surrogate of ego-sphere is introjected to Umwelt, and from that psycho-platform has fostered-- oh, is the list indeed long. Our in[car}sir|ating [con}urbations, for instance: the fact that the built environment the [plan}ette over is so grotesque, horrible even, actively anti-ecological, sociologically reprehensible, aesthetically repugnant -- the list of negatives I'm reading from goes on and on -- is largely due not so much to their corruption, a minor player, but to what has been their clung to foremost designer, i.e., movement and accumulation of 1T2-only money. Another resultant of their fixations is the fact that the ambient radiation environment of Earth has been radically altered since the WWII advent of radar, a fact which militates strongly for the notion that this circumstance is at least a contributing etiological factor in the gathering pandemic of species extinctions -- and much more than a minor factor if our model of how DNA processes impinging non-ionizing radiation is in the realm of reality. Offered here is a cautionary with regard to contemplation of such concerns. Be aware that the cognitive distance perceived at endogenous ketamine flood of The Space Between this and that defines the correlation length at issue in distinguishing µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency. Consider: permittedTpossible qua focusTfield qua speechTsilence qua µTm-unto-CTC+. To [present}iate or to [pre}sentiate, that is a cardinal question in the practice of walking meditation, where the foremost objective of inner-separation and self-observation (i.e., by heightened sentience, voluntarily accepting, at self-remembering, psychological insertion cum a walking-in the dissociative regress, à la Hubert Benoit, of my body, myself, the self of myself ad infinitum unto utter diaphaneity -- which is the royal road to cognition in µTm-unto-CTC+ logics) at ongoing perception-proprioception is instant-to-instant maintenance of realization of the consensuated-constituted nature of the constellated claim to, à la Hubert Benoit, an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct introjective Umwelt-selfhood as being ontic within a consensuated-constituted Lebenswelt cum Weltanschauung -- which is to impute that individual object-consciousness is to be understood a demergent instrument of, à la Franklin Merrell-Wolff , universal consciousness-without-an-object, which, 1T2ly speaking, in its active aspect is the set of all topological operations on the MVRS, and, in its passive aspect, is the space acted upon. I didn't read into Gebser until 2005, I believe, when David Spillane sent me a copy of The Ever-Present Origin. Not too long after that I had a few things to say about the differences between Gebser's thought and mine. I briefly recap here. Gebser's five structures of consciousness as mutationally emergent by evolution in human history, I do not embrace, but what I entertain is CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 states memetime-independently demergent (from the Ever-Present Origin qua MVRS), higher-order to lower -- and return. In my judgment, the aperspectival is unformulatable absent techno-exteriorization of inner Musculpt as mathematical notation by which feeling-toned ratiocination can transpire in µTm-unto-CTC+-logics, not merely 1T2ly about them. What Gebser calls an irruption of qualitative time, I regard as the operations of topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time as concretized via 3-fold temporal CURL. Gebser's diaphaneity, in Sang Ho Kim's words, p. 40, a transparent recognition of the whole, not just parts of the structures of one's personhood, I regard as part/whole cum whole/part identity-transparency demergent under operator-time as CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states. To me, what Gebser calls synairesis, more precisely synairetic diaphany, denotes an OBE state of consciousness, at, say, walking meditation, whereby awareness is, so to speak, all-around, such that the infinitude of facets of the Husserlian horizon are cognized all-at-once. To me, what Gebser calls systasis is what memetime-bound systematization becomes understood as, when comprehended relative to the various intensities of the spin components of operator-time (regards, that is, hypertemperature) brought into concretion by 3-fold temporal CURL. Gebser's perception of Diaphane (transparent luminosity) corresponds, in my take, to what I designate direct apprehension of what long ago became, for those [per}sons gravitating upon what has become the normative, the pre-experiential inner-Musculpt which should now as thoroughly as possible be techno-exteriorized to holographic-Musculpt-as-synaesthetic-maths-notation (in part, perhaps, to dissipate the Gebserian gibberish gathered about discourse upon Diaphane: quoting Sang Ho Kim, p. 60: which cannot be realized by merely seeing, hearing or feeling and which, to be sure, One can neither hear, nor show, nor see but which is heard, displayed, seen, and becomes the living presence of wholeness through the flesh of body ).
Ach, aye, just so: clearly Hawkeye of cognitive spheres desiderates, 'e does, doesn't 'e, as 'e expatiates upon the eschewal of the pedestrian in the quotidian. O, how very perspicacious of him: jolly good and right toe, what! Well, back then, maybe: I'll give you that. These days, however, it's hardly a mere matter of empires and civilizations: a great species never destroys itself without until after it has destroyed itself within. Quoting Peter Ackroyd's T. S. Eliot, 1984 Cardinal paperback edition, pp. 155-6:
What Eliot has done [in formulating some kind of neo-Thomism as a complement to the Clark Lectures he gave at Cambridge during 1926 as part of his work on 'The Disintegration of the Intellect'] is to introduce a specifically Christian dimension and so to enlarge Maurras's secular and nationalistic myth, without losing the Maurasien sense of discipline and hierarchy
Here was a man who had witnessed in his lifetime the beginnings of the disintegration of European culture, but who saw the sources of that disintegration as lying much deeper [in the pre-experiential substruction?] than did those, for example, who thought it might be repaired by the political manoeuvres of such bodies as the League of Nations
That was at least in part the inspiration behind the New Criterion [a Leninistic-Munzenbergian calling of the thing by the name of its opposite] which resumed publication in January of 1926 under its joint patronage. In a leading article for the first number Eliot explained that what he still called a literary review would espouse the principles of classicism which embraced a more severe and serene control of the emotions by Reason.
When Eliot looked in the mirror did he see the Max-Born new-criterion rule ruling in 1926 that classical 1T2-only Reason be saved by probabilities from the horror, the horror of m-valued logics (Lukasiewicz, 1920; Post, 1921) being employed to desiderate and expatiate upon Schrödinger's m-valued state-function and, by extension, nation-state function?
If Japan once was an Empire of Signs (good offices of Colin Marshall, Los Angeles Review of Books, 31 December 2016), as Roland Barthes thought, then it appears that America has increasingly become an Empire of Data in service largely to for-richer-not-poorer (good offices of Nomi Prins, TomDispatch, 26 February 2019) Masters of the Universe of 1T2-only-enframing discourse. Memory serving, I first analytically employed the term global insurgency during the late part of 1968, which was within a few months after leaving Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2 and separating from the U.S. Army. No unexplainable forecast, given I'd argued, at SRA during early-1968, that any territorial expansion of the war in Viet Nam would be calamitous. Now, here it is 50 years later (will continued suppression and lack of address to the many causes of the planetarization of insurgency produce globalization of the supercritical state which manifested in Cambodia and Rwanda?) and, for the very first time, I encounter that term in print (see The 'disintegration' of global capitalism could unleash world war 3, warns top EU economist, Nafeez Ahmed, Insurge Intelligence, 21 February 2019; in From Integrating Capitalism to Disintegrating Capitalism. Scenarios of a Third World War, MPRA, 7 January 2019, Gerhard Hanappi, the European Commission economist referred to by Ahmed, uses the term severe military explosion which Ahmed transliterates as global insurgency without violating the intended sense of Hanappi), as used by a European Commission official. It took the Vietnamese more than 50 years of organizational work to initiate an effective insurgency, and it looks like, with the new commo-tech somewhat ameliorating difficulties caused by the expanded geographical extent, the global insurgency is on track with that memetime frame, the European Commission's use of the term severe military explosion qua global insurgency marking advent of effective initialization. Yet, what the terrorists have done, and all they will ever do, is add their component to the myriad of forcing functions driving the global nazification phase transition -- their accomplishment in no small measure due to those designing their targeting policy decision algos being tantamount to morons duped by the nazifiers. All those Pounding pud upon Tablets of the Moses psychosis beware the Invasion of the Mind Snatchers, thieves engaged in obliquely castigating the senses which are sins to them what's fideistically rejecting animistic-pagan participation mystique. Their -- those Universe Masters, that is -- best in the best of times by their best and brightest. Yuk! Reject this sumarongi, that sumarongi elucidating the exigencies of assuagement brought to a newly demerging Weltanschauung which makes them feel as if they were mere put-upons. Their old still-prevailing world-picture's enworlding prescriptions and proscriptions (orchestrating glutamatergic neuronal etching) [man}date that Providence is Blind Chance -- that is, according to the Copenhagen Interpretation and the Born Rule, no less than to statistical thermodynamics and chemistry governed thereby. To Gestell (good offices of Juho Rantala, Medium, 29 August 2018) 1T2ly is to be in the world there, there from whence the introjects emerged by projection to enframe the Umwelt, not to be in-here µTmly on the boundary-without-boundary exemplifying participation mystique, the holographic principle, and Cantorian part-whole identity-transparency. This particular techno-regime, that particular techno-regime [jest}telling, uh, uh, [Gestell}ing, this and that Everettian-vonHayekian time-shape of total capital stock, planet Earth, into a Heideggerian standing reserve by means of transactions computed in µTm-quantum composite unit of account mapped over Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space): this cannot be implemented without µTm-LETS currencies being variously commodity backed. While no sincere doubt can be entertained that these Masters, as buyers, embrace ingress, egress, and regress in property law, likely also ingress and egress as regards packet processing by binary-logical digital computers, it is very unlikely that they ever, at walking meditation, attempt ingress upon the infinite regress of dimensional accrual egressing to the voluntary dissociation which undoubtedly is a functional prerequisite to cogitation in µTm-unto-CTC+ logics understood relative to identity-transparency, not truth-value. By any accentual measure, the rhythm entrainment involved in such walking meditation is transpositional over the circumambulatory motoricity of the constitutional taken. Despite that benison, they, TPTB Masters, have chosen to trade endogenous ketaminergic telesthesia in a µTm-logical, nonlocal, holographic universe for binary-techno telepresence, invasive smart-phoned surveillance telepathy, and implanted-brain robo[tele}pathy cum robo[tel}esthesia (good offices of Jack Corrigan, Defense One, 18 February 2019) on the battlefield of life which they are resolutely trying to transcend -- even if the techno-utopian Amazon wants a trillion humans (good offices of Dave Mosher, as reposted by ZeroHedge from Business Insider, 27 February 2019) to exploit in labor colonies spread out over the solar system, and expects to achieve this on the back of a dissimulated quantum mechanics, belief in a classical limit, and with guidance provided by a wretched molecular biology of genomes miscreantly maintaining that the quantum-wave properties of DNA molecules have no biological significance. Ah, for an inchoate ignoramus' love of the putative! It's not that the club-wielding savage's Territorial Imperative has been replaced by the technological imperative (good offices of Daniel Chandler); rather, the new TI has been extrojected from, then superimposed upon, the old TI, such that the psychosociopoliticoeconopathic obsessions-compulsions manifest in the earlier sublative are ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) to the later suprastructive in amplified intensity, there being an exponentiation of the obsessions-compulsions involved. Habitus having long since become rooted in the binary-only mode of comprehension, practice cum technique has been restricted to that most reduced-cum-reductive modality, which, in turn, has determined the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock selection made by the resultant prevailing techno-regime, the selected time-shape constituting the aura (see Art After Aura, J. L. K. Hannan, Utrecht U., 2017, for interesting reflections on the art-specific use of the notion) of the involved increasingly autonomous techno-regime. It was once, 1952, possible for Lewis Mumford to write Art and Technics (which had a big impact on my thinking, circa 1973, George Mason U.); nowadays, it would have to be, not Technics and Civilization, 1934, but Binary Technics and Its Civilization -- given how thoroughly 1T2-technics qua 1T2-technics, in and of itself, has taken over all of the decision sciences. Maybe even those hard and soft as well. Heh-heh-heh! Moreover, the clearly expressed intent of TPTB is to project [per}son|hood via AI onto an internet of [per}son|if[i]ed things, thus altogether transferring volition, hence culpability for the calamities sure to come.
Thanks (Lauri Love, nsh) for the long and stimulating e-note. Your e-mail commo got me back into the literature a decade ago, and has pretty much kept me there. A wonderful benison gifted, as I was languishing and envisioning the rope for doing so -- though it must be admitted that almost all of what I've found that resonates involves by the end of the found-object paper the usual copout as pioneered by E. Post in 1921. Oh, praise thee, praise thee the various Carey&Quirk sublimes (as a superb, even surpassing, counterpoise to the reprehensible techno-utopians essayed against by Sang Ho Kim -- were, that is, the Artist to liberate the Scientist from the bivalent-digital abscess, uh, obsess, such that she could fully realize Musculpting m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode signatures of landspace articulations and theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface topologies -- see Slipstreamkonza Semiotics: Towards a Telemimetic Sublime in the Data Landscape, Christina McPhee, Naxsmash Group Productions, September 2004) delivered -- in praxis of quantification hysteria at vampiric techno-fixation -- to those, most elaborately men, suffering horizontal mental cleavage. I guess I won't be able to stay away (variables hidden and hidden and hidden and hidden, apparent only to the 0! = 1 sham {0} set o[pos}sum?) from e-mail exchanges concerning these subjects. I agree that there appears to be no one whose work is more resonant with our orientation than that of D. L. Rapoport. Beyond the points of contact you mention, there are, among others, his reflections on atmospheric processes and DNA. Pretty amazing, really. I suppose he is still teaching in Argentina. Too bad we all couldn't have spend a week together in, say, a country onsen north of Sapporo (sans Fukushima, of course), snow banks halfway to the sky, steam a'rising in puffs, passing a localized bottle (the superordinate sake never leaves the LSTD, limited spacetime domain, in which it is produced), the best of the best rice has to offer, huffing and puffing, slipping away and back from and to the HOT hot-springs inflow ports servicing the sulfur pool. Taking lead from the experiences you mention: I've found that a retrieving of the concrete ontic phenomenology (this retrieving being the royal road to interlock with promptings from the the unconscious via the subliminal) of the originating experience of a new-to-me idea is very easily lost, almost immediately so after the event, unless practiced attempts (premetaprogrammed dreaming, à la J. C. Lilly; autogenic verbalization qua channeling; journal entries; doodles; so on) are repeatedly applied to such occasions as may arise so as to develop the giving carte blanche to the brain ability to accomplish and retain a reductive phenomenological portrait of the given experience -- and, if so done well, thus to facilitate coming attractions (access to holographic Musculpt in a biofeedback-equipped isolation-flotation tank would greatly help with this, I suspect -- particularly if recorded and periodically reviewed à la traffic analysis). As described in the last section of MOON, beyond working with visualizations of the pulling out of larger and larger scale levels of equilateral triangular tiling pattern by the dropping of SUPERPOSED points from view (whilst working as an assistant to artist, sculptor, Ithaca College art professor Gary Wojcik AccuFabing spectacular Wojcik-designed spiral staircases at the very moment Paine's and I's mathematical model of the radiation exchange properties of DNA pi-stacks was being brought together: Gary possibly would remember even today our many conversations, even arguments, over the noise of his welder-machining and my Metabo-grinding, about the myriad imports of equilateral-triangular-network nesting-foams), there was My Period of Vertigo, which transpired a couple of years before I met Paine, moved to Ithaca, and began research for Paine at Cornell. Solicited inner separation (concentration in self-observation at walking-meditation-induced voluntary dissociation) was one thing; when that state spontaneously became unsolicited-at-odd-moments, it downright became unqualifiedly another thing altogether. Worse yet was the over-empathy coming-in-upon-you object-implosion-induced spinning, spinning, spinning. PetitMaling it! -- as auric prefiguration of an ET-arrival: if ponderable space is memed no less than is linear-time, then, under µTm-unto-CTC+, no matter what be the involved LSTD, we can find some logical-value order-type at which there is always criticality all ways, and the correlation length thus being infinite, there is no need to travel from there to here -- was authentically frightening. As described in MOON, I couldn't sleep unless I kept the sole of one foot planted flat on the floor -- that floor a 2D planar space, so far as I was concerned: only that symbolic flatfooted HALT! functioned as a stoppage to the spinning. In practicing Edmund Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation (later differential relaxation) regularly one hour per day for six years, in conjunction with Jacobsonian autosensory observation at daily walking meditation, and evening practice at inner-separation-from-the-act-of-reading, I'd come up against a wall I could not quantum-tunnel through: the near-zero-action-potential residual tension patterns in the tiny extraocular muscles, patterns instrumental in conveyance of the associations driving roof-brain chatter and consequent self-identification as construed equivalent to idempotent in-the-body experience. Whenever, daily, at relaxation practice, I hit this wall, a wall of pain, the vertigo would come on and then continue for hours. This recurrent spin-state persisted for months (but wasn't revealed because I was living alone during that period) until resolved to the tonic, uh, tonic activation, that is, which was comprehension as to the necessity for numbering the numbering. Later, from Paine and studies of cascade-theoretic approaches to forecast modeling of tornadogenesis spin-up, I learned of, not simply axes of spin, but twisting axes of spin. What a RELIEF that was! Circa 1975. Why a relief? Because it is likely that hyperuntwisting of hypertwisted axes of spin is how lower-orders-of-logical-value demerge and hypertwisting of twisted axes of spin is how remergence to higher and higher logical-value order-types transpires. Penrose twistors being involved in quantization of temporal CURL? So, yes, as you say, tensor networks (see Quantum Tensor Networks in a Nutshell, Jacob Biamonte and Ville Bergholm, arXiv, 31 July 2017: but note that they seek solutions to Boolean formulae with singular value decomposition) of spin axes likely are an aspect of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, nesting-foamed ensheavement (see Entanglement Renormalization, G. Vidal, Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 220405, 28 November 2007: but note that, while Paine proposed that the layering scales logarithmically by unit length for modular dimensioning of LSTDs, the objective of cascade theory was not to disentangle to an effective site by employment of the rescaling form of renormalization, but to forecast consequences of convergent internal-supersystem-system-subsystem-state entanglement triggered by radiative delivery of complex angular momentum of extraterrestrial origin, e.g., via the solar wind; there having been no attempt made to factor in radiative deliveries of terrestrial origin, such as that associated with the electron-temperature enhancements involved in anthropogenic creation of hot auroras, microwave SatCom, 5G, so on). In the multiscale, nested-grid, cascade model, the grid length becomes smaller and smaller, sheet-to-sheet, as complex angular momentum cascade ensues. In recomposition (qua reverse cascade) of the MVRS, however, the space between points on sheets, sheet-to-sheet, gets smaller and smaller in the opposite direction, becoming the least on the most dense sheet (where the greatest number of logical-values is stacked upon each point on the sheet). This circumstance suggests the nonorientability of a Klein-bottle topology for the reference space. I have a vague memory of having encountered this paper (Rotating cylinders and the possibility of global causality violation, by Frank J. Tipler, Physical Review D, 9:8, 15 April 1974: incidentally, it was from a sentence or two in Tipler's book, The Physics of Immortality, that I first learned of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock), or one on a similar topic, during the mid-to-late-'70s: since the superconductant model was written in cylindrical coordinates, we looked for papers about rotating cylinders (no less than for any to be found on spactime double-helix). We didn't feel that CTC (closed timelike curve) is a pathology, anymore than we felt that a tornado is a pathology. Moreover, we didn't think that design of an experiment was required to demonstrate CTC-pathology, for, once one asks what happens to Maxwell's equations in respect to rotating cylinders (like the roll cloud precursor to an upstanding tornado), it is possible to see that CTC is something of a trope for topologically active 3-fold operator-time, as involved in, for instance, tornadogenesis. According to our notion, circa 1980, negative values of the energy (Hamiltonian operator not bounded from below) have to do with countertemporal operations upon counterspace. And one way to imagine an infinite cylinder is as a Klein bottle. One could even hold that CTC is something of an eidolon of CTC+ or an artifactual referent thereto -- particularly so of the eternal time-machine type of CTC (Gödel's 1949 version is of this type: CTC always all ways), as discussed in Type III Spacetime with Closed Timelike Curves, Ahmed Faizuddin, Progress in Physics, 12:4, October 2016: but note that it is one of the non-eternal-types of CTC, the Misner space, that is preferred for being construed less pathological, i.e., less in contradiction to the 1T2-causality notion conjoined to the 1T2-linear-time notion, as the CTC forms in linear-time. What's the point? An element of van Stockum dust? An element of Gödel lambdadust? An element of the Novikov dust involved in the spatial-metric elasticity of Sakharov multi-sheet model of the universe? An element of Wheelerian bucket of dust Borel set as pre-pregeometry? A mote of Sri Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind? A locus generative of spinor waves? An 'I', oops, eye, of the absolute future spiral-banded with null geodesics. An axis of circular cusp of an absolute future formed of CTC null curves on a flooring 2D planar Misner space? But note that the frame fields of all CTCs include the passing, arrowed, passive, referential, linear-time parameter -- understood objective, not memed. Since the CTC is understood a CTL, a line, a timeline that is not self-canceling, even if the topology of the contextualizing manifold involved is nonorientable, the timeline thereon or there within, if it is not of an eternal-time-machine type, is itself orientable in the sense of having arrowed direction of a single phase, in not being twistable and thus free of sides to be made indistinguishable. Is the disk space inside the circular cusp of absolute future on a 2D Misner space a sheet of the decomposed-demerged MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space? If so, it can only be the most reduced sheet, and iteration of such sheets cannot recompose qua remerge the MVRS because linear-time (objective or memed) is indefinable (discrete instants cannot be absolutely distinguished: under µTm-relative-state identity-transparency of instants, each CTC is internally n-exponentiated to [CTC]n) on sheets supraordinate to that 1T2. If, however, the fuzzy logic cum fuzzy set interpretation of Lukasiewicz is brought to the timeline, then, perhaps, as each sheet is generated at remergence to the most-dense sheet of the MVRS, linear-time becomes progressively less and less distinct, fuzzing out until, poof! (as Aldous Huxley asserted in one of his titles: Time Must Have a Stop), it's gone -- or discrete instants progressively merge, sheet-to-sheet, until the continuous timeline of James' stream of consciousness is emergent: those who attribute objectivity to memetime may wish to consider these two speculative takes. As you observed in your e-note, Kron diakoptics (thank you for drawing this to my attention) cum domain decomposition methods are likely to have some model applicability with respect to Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition cum demergence of domains of the MVRS. But note that in diakoptics subproblems can be solved independently before being joined back together to obtain an exact solution to the whole problem, and in domain decomposition that The problems on the subdomains are independent which makes domain decomposition methods suitable for parallel computing. If MVRS ensheavement involves nested superpositions, this independence assertion is not characteristic of the case; moreover, if an objective of the modeling effort is to understand consequences of convergent internal-supersystem-system-subsystem-state entanglement, then disentanglement under an independence assumption -- by renormalization, diakoptics, domain decomposition -- will not be sufficient to accomplish the objective. Furthermore, these subproblemings and subdomainings do not at all involve a hierarchy of logical-value order-types (utterly compacted on the most-dense sheet), which is the essential defining property of Schrödinger-memetime-independent MVRS demergence. Be aware that the theory of MPCs, multi-point constraints, particularly as applied to thermal and field-strength cases, may be, in the context set by CSPs, constraint satisfaction problems, of some use, not only relative to defining µTm-valued LETS currencies on changing pre-fractal e-boundaries, but also in modeling value-point positionings across sheets of MVRS ensheavement. This has to do with the filling in of pre-pregeometry point sets, and the structuring of such sets and their lattices. I thank you again here for drawing my attention to the theory of lifts (note the discussion of base points) to universal cover. Deck transformations appears to be another way to refer to this body of theory. Starting to read into this subject matter for the first time, I find myself particularly interested in the action of universal covering deck transformations group and most especially in lifting a group action to the universal cover. Why this focus of interest? Because in cascade theory it is topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time, specifically, relative to domain structures, 3-fold temporal CURL, which accomplishes transformations from one nested-grid sheet to another. Temporal CURL I have suspected to be more or less of a general rubric. In quantization of temporal CURL (by means of Penrose twistors?), there may be identified a group of autopoietic operators which carry out specifics of involved transforms (perhaps this is where analytic continuation, which you mentioned in your e-note, comes in, where the action of the operators transpires complex times: see Analytic Continuation of Operators -- Operators acting complex s-times, S. C. Woon, arXiv, 31 July 1997). Temporal CURL executes complex and hypercomplex twists: therefore, the appearance of i, e, and pi in the lifting group example, linked above, is very provocative. It may be that on-sheet numberings involve the reals (contrary to the questioner, I don't totally understand it now, nor do I expect I ever will), while it is between sheets in the flag of subspaces that complexity and hypercomplexity are involved -- likely even the hierarchy of multicomplex numbers. In that respect, I note that the figure depicted in On a generalized Fatou-Julia theorem in multicomplex spaces, Vincent Garant-Pelletier, U. of Quebec, no date given, reminds me of the classical-tetrabrot stupa array peppered over ancient Cambodia. And thanks for the last two messages containing quotes from and links to Richard Amoroso's work, with your comment: Clearly there are strong parallels here to Doug Paine and your own notions of temporal curl and its quantization and your key insight that Heisenberg uncertainty-indeterminacy is merely the shadow of the temporal operators responsible for skew parallelism. I will follow the links and read into Amoroso. I would observe that more threatening than Heisenberg uncertainty to those who wish to classicize QM, so as to revalidate the metaphysics of the 17th- and 18th-century institutionalization still largely dominating human affairs, are m-valued universal physical constants (such as h-bar, the angular momentum [for very interesting commentary, see the points made by Lubos Motl here], in the Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities, that inequality most interesting to our complex-and-hypercomplex-angular-momentum-take which treats the hypertwists involved as being imparted by topologically-active operator-time, imparted, that is, as 3-fold temporal CURL, being the energy-time inequality), those constants processed under m-valued logics understood relative to identity-transparency, not truth-value, and geometrically signified, in the vein of Analytical Cubism, by the J.G.Bennettian diversely-identical skew-cube constructed with pencils of skew-parallels formed of null-vectors, the scalars of which are complex and hypercomplex, and algebraically speaking may involve nilpotent transformations via triangular-shift matrices, with complex and hypercomplex entries, in a flag of subspaces, the linear operator, T, globally nilpotent only under 1T2-only logic.
Quoting Sang Ho Kim's dissertation where he distinguishes between semiosis and semiotics, p. 116:
Semiosis, which is a process of inference, is the proper object of semiotics. Semiosis is, of course, an experience that everyone has at every moment of life. Semiotics, which is the theory of this experience, is another name for logic
Surely, the logic thus named is 1T2-only logic, not those logics µTm-unto-CTC+. Decomposition by involutory cyclotomicity CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 is not, obviously, an inferential semiosis capturable in a semiotics-by-1T2-only-logic, be it by dyadic signification in Saussurean semiotics or be it by indecomposable triadic signification in Peircean semiotics or be it by use in Wittgensteinian language-game -- not least because logical necessity is less and less necessary and sufficient, even permissible, 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+. Conflation of language-game with semiosis with consciousness-structure is all but obligatory to binary-mind, that mind which regards 1T2-only logic as innate (not glutamate anchored under orchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization). Again quoting Sang Ho Kim, where he explicates the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce, p. 119:
Naturally, it can be rather confusing when we refer to nonsign as sign [that is: not-A as A]. Peirce is aware of the problem of explaining something which by nature is unexplainable.
Which is to say that any violation by nature of the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction is unexplainable. Once again quoting Sang Ho Kim, p. 110:
Properly speaking, semiosis begins because a re[present}a|men is opaque, and when the represent{amen] is transparent, semiosis becomes a blind process. ((modifications of representamen added))
This statement is reminiscent of those made by George Soros wherein he expresses his belief that market reflexivities signify the unknowable just as do self-referential propositions, and that this is a reflection of Heisenberg uncertainty. Selbstorganization Out Of nOise (not out of the quantum potential resident in µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, so-called noise being so-called random perturbations), uh, that is, what the binary-mind construes to be noise, but actually is, µTmly speaking, higher order time-shapes on fractalizations of boundaries-with-in/out-boundary: if calculable iff recursive, then, certainly, repetition is good; but, howsoever ostensibly meditative, repetition is not simultaneous, uh, uh, synonymous with art. In the alleleotropic theory of economic value, as discussed in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, value is treated as a matter of states of being "of each other", of movement toward higher and higher states of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency; alleleotropic, thus, is not to be confused with alterity (good offices of Joshua Wexler, U. of Chicago), where within, once the false claim to a 1T2-only-egoic subject -- which is supposed to be, à la Hubert Benoit, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct -- is made, the Other is staged as opaque object (i.e., the Self-Other relative-state is deemed to conform with the Existentialist principle of separatism, just as do the separate, incommunicado 1T2-universes of Everettian 1T2-multiverse construed existent by appeal to Everettian 1T2-only-relative-state). A living, breathing, sighing semioticity, 'e is, isn't 'e, love? Even though 'e can't see it unless 'e believes it, the hardest part of a paradigm shift to get is the percept part: [con}ceiving is much easier than [per}ceiving, as elaborately illustrated by the quantum-relativistic physicist's Husserlian retention and protention (sans endogenous-ketaminergic direct-ontic apperception of memetime dilation and ponderablespace contraction) of belief in a classical limit and continued supposition that there exists a 1T2-measure problem where object-system and measurement apparatus incorporating subject are absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinguishable, such that they can be mutually engaged at measurement, thus dissipating in a probability fug the anathema to binary-mind which is knowledge through identity -- that belief and that supposition both epiphenomenal to the refusal to use m-valued logic understood independent of the notion truth-value to interpret m-valued state-function.
Even authoritative critics of advocates of a solar shield ignore the likely anthropogenic effects of modifying angular momentum, complex angular momentum, and hypercomplex angular momentum delivered by, say, the solar wind, and cascaded through the hydrodynamic spectrum of atmospheric wave motions at cyclogenesis -- not to mention alterations of the atmosphere's frequency-response windows by iatrogenic modification of atmospheric gas ratios. My other-I-am would not diminish itself so far as to deign comment upon the mental competency of geoengineering advocates: as for the studious one, it's been decades since that 'I', that long since most diminished and hanging on only by a finger through a weft loop, has regarded technical papers it is allowed to access as being anything much more than sacred cloths woven warp and woof of dissimulations, misdirections, even outright lies -- and featuring, by sign-actions, ships of the dead. There's not much chance, if any, of homo sapiens escaping one or another worst-case outcome of the prevailing n-dimensional anthropogenic conundrum: there are literally dozens of indicators auguring inescapability. Even with collective dissociation (one of the more prevalent compensatory abreactions to the ever-more-rising specter which is, to the binary mind, the µTm-relative-state identity-transparency receiving more and more experimental support, even if such is not acknowledged, particularly so when demonstrating the absence of a classical limit) being viewable in The Dark Mirror, it's hard to ascertain which is the real violence comedy: that in the cinema-on-line, that in the theater-of-operations. It will be interesting to see how planetarized elaboration of social-credit-systems (looked at from a systems theory perspective on constraint satisfaction problems and multi-point constraints, clearly designed by addlepates in service to the parasitic shakedown needs prescribed in perquisition pursuals of bloodsucking authoritarian personalities) oppression (so as to keep animistic-quantum participation mystique at bay, nazification under the dissembling guise of behavioral economics in lieu of µTm-valued LETS nesting-foams) affects the global insurgency's constellated-constituency (regards, say, How much longer will the middle class politely tolerate its own destruction?, a question posed by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic, 8 March 2019) categories of the recruitment base and targeting-problem choices (once the terrorist has fully become an insurgent, media-directed acts largely cease), the ranges of these categories and choices, variables of autopoiesis and Selbstorganization, having yet barely been entered.
Ecclesiogenic syndrome parading as Politics by utterance- fatuities Delivered in the guise of polemics Actually hubristic pomposities. Ah, yes, the buoyant clairvoyant Rising like airy crystalline bubbles In a dark night of the sea By the bottle-nosed, sonic-visioned.Before clocktime was innovated during the 8th century, memetime was largely tasktime: how many horse fatigues, scythe swings, axe chops, hammer hits, hay bails, buckets, bunches, bags. In separating memetime from acts and things, and acts on things -- from operations, from topologically-active operator-time -- in abstracting it to passing-period modules that were mechanizable, the corporate human unkindly more mechanized himherself collectively and individually, thus increasing immensely the controllability factor by way of further servicing interests of the exploiting elites. Negatroid in all his nerditude walking gaslighter talk for the funsters, the gamesters, the vampiric M&Ms, media moguls. When blackpsyche messages as if it were white-propaganda turpitude does it not, being pellucid advocacy for cognitive entrapment, achieve the opposite of its intent? But then, what is to prevent the progressively more brain impaired -- each meal being a chemical assault -- from embracing most anything, including The Rise of Totalitarian Technology.
Soon after meteorologist, specialized in tornadogenesis, Douglas A. Paine, learned of the hydrodynamic origins of Maxwell's equations (quoting The Significance of Maxwell's Equations, Frederick David Tombe, The General Science Journal, 19 July 2012, p. 4: In 1861, he [Maxwell] derived equations hydrodynamically within the context of his sea of molecular vortices ), he went to Cambridge to study Maxwell's personal correspondence archived in the university library since being transferred there during the mid-1960s from Cavendish Labs. Eventually, Paine reversed Maxwell, in that the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations was integral to development of his derivation of an operator-time-type of quantum harmonic oscillator as central to the physics of the angular-momentum-cascade theory of tornadogenesis. There was much discussion as to whether or not this treatment could be recast from Maxwellian form into Schrödinger form and, if so, whether or not there would be anything gained by so doing -- relative to generating further insight as to, say, severe storm genesis and etiology of climate-shift dynamics. Had we known in September of 1978 that Schrödinger form already is hydrodynamical form As far as I know, Doug Paine never knew of E. Madelung's paper entitled Quantentheorie in hydrodynamischer Form, Zeitschrift fur Physik, 40, 1927 (submitted 25 October 1926). I certainly did not know of it until recently. It may be observed that Max Born's probability amplitude interpretation paper Zur Quantermechanik der Stoßvorgange, Zeitschrift fur Physik, 37:12, December 1926, came on the scene near simultaneously with that of E. Madelung. One was pretty much ignored whilst the other was knee-jerk embraced (a fact which, according to my lights, took world war once again into the borning room).
Due to obstruction of the substruction: By collective compensatory abreaction Acid tart and vindictive, Spitefully projecting jealousy upon the Other Of whatever stripe, subset, class, group. On the yellow scale, how are we to classify So glutamate etched of a 44-year-old cognitive cop He can't even disarm a 38-year-old felon physicist Without significant risk of being injured? Ideologue-- And, frankly, the ideology he's logged onto is. . . Exasperation paranoiacally recoiling into one of its opposites: Importunity edged with humiliation. Shafts of destruction so arrowgantly redoubled There is disparagement Of the symmetry of memetime in reversal, For calling back yesteryear Would be tantamount to Admittance of derangement.Being-there as Being-in-Itself defined by concurrently being in each and all of the eigensolutions of each and all of the eigenvalues of each and all of the eigenstates of each and all of the eigenfunctions of the state-function of the Schrödinger-memetime-independent quantum wave equation is, indubitably is, CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency of Each & All, including itself, with each and all 1T2ly-deemed being-in-the-world of linear transforms at each and all 1T2-only-definable instant(s) of memetime construed as h[arrow}ingly extended. Do the contents of these linked two papers -- What is the limit h-bar goes to zero of quantum theory?, U. Klein, arXiv, 21 October 2012; The h-bar Expansion in Quantum Field Theory, Stanley J. Brodsky and Paul Hoyer, arXiv, 19 February 2011 -- lend some plausibility support to the thesis that h-bar is scale-dependently m-valued under µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value? We note, relative to the atmospheric quantum harmonic oscillator derived by Paine, that U. Klein, linked above, says, p. 9:
The coherent states of the harmonic oscillator have been generalized to arbitrary potentials in various ways,[24] but none of these generalizations admits a clear transition to the classical (deterministic) limit.
Holding in mind that h-bar connotes angular momentum, juxtapose Brodsky and Hoyer (quoting the Abstract to Brodsky and Hoyer linked above):
We show that if the coupling and mass parameters appearing in the Lagrangian density are taken to be independent of h-bar, then each loop in perturbation theory brings a factor of h-bar.
(quoting the Introduction section of Brodsky and Hoyer, p. 2):
The binding is caused by loop momenta which are proportional to h-bar, thus changing the relation between the number of loops and the power of h-bar.
(quoting the Conclusion section of Brodsky and Hoyer, p. 6):
It is common to set h-bar = 1 since there is a general belief that the power of h-bar is given by the number of loops in the perturbative expansion [6]. In the functional integral h-bar appears in the measure exp(iS/h-bar), and the action S is usually assumed to be independent of h-bar. It is then argued that classical physics emerges in the h-bar goes to 0 limit since the rapidly varying phase S/h-bar selects field configurations for which the action S is stationary. This argument is, however, somewhat oversimplified since there may be field configurations which make S proportional to h-bar. We have illustrated this with the harmonic oscillator, whose full quantum mechanical bound-state spectrum persists in the h-bar goes to 0 limit.
with a statement derived from Paine, as given in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, pp. 717-18:
Looking back over the history of theory in the field [of atmospheric science], one had to realize that there hadn't been a really major theoretical contribution since Ertel's potential vorticity theorem -- and that had come in 1942! This theorem was a synthesis of all the classical conservation principles (i.e., mass, momentum, and energy) into one mathematical statement. Ertel focused our attention on the fact that all atmospheric energy transformations can be characterized by the three factors governing solenoid intensity: the changing stability of the column, the changing rotation of the column, the gravitational acceleration. Each of these factors, of course, in order to be properly characterized, has to be referred to a reference state. A decade later, Iraundegui began a consideration of Ertel by noting that Wilhem Bjerknes' classical work gave the first substantive mathematical description of meteorological processes by centering attention on the physics of solenoid intensity. Iraundegui went on to abstract the three central factors in Ertel's theorem and in so doing found a marvelous parallel in the formalism expressing the importance of solenoid physics to both the electromagnetic and hydrothermodynamic domains. He pointed out that meteorology is ultimately interested in the number of turnings around a point of an air parcel. This is exactly parallel to Faraday's concept of a solenoid! But, unfortunately, during World War II meteorologists abandoned the use of constant height geometries in favor of constant pressure geometries. In constant height geometries the solenoidal importance is explicit as a term in the equations used; whereas in using constant pressure geometries, no term of solenoid physics appears -- but it is, nonetheless, operating in the ongoing energy transformation process.
Does this tell us anything about the famous divergence error associated with Richardson's PE set -- the fact that a large-scale disturbance is subject to having the heat turned up, to suddenly having acoustic waves [coherent states] make Swiss cheese out of the previously simply-connected structure of spacetime? You bet it does.
It seems to me that Brodsky's and Hoyer's bound-state loops of loop momenta tied to powers of h-bar connoting angular momentum are in analogue to the number of turnings around a point in given limited domains of Earth's atmosphere at angular momentum cascade leading to tornadogenesis.
While we certainly aren't on the same page, we may be in a different section of the same chapter of nature as is Richard L. Amoroso with his book entitled Universal Quantum Computing: Supervening Decoherence -- Surmounting Uncertainty (World Scientific, 2017). Thanks be to Lauri Love for bringing this book to my attention. I've now read the Index, the Preface, and the part of Chapter 7 addressing violation of the uncertainty relations with probability = 1. I write these immediate-reaction comments as a record to refer back to after reading the whole book, so as to get a good feeling for how contents of the book will have changed my understanding. Possible correspondences noted from Index entries: Manifold of Uncertainty, Surmount Uncertainty, Temporal Shift Operator, Harmonic Oscillator, Atemporal Realm, Time Is An Illusion. There is much in the way of resonance -- with certain caveats. I quote and comment, first from the Preface.
the perceived local state is only a shadow of the HD [higher dimensional] nonlocal quantum reality (p. x)
I believe actuality of the substruction connoted in this Plato's cave reference has more to do with µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency than with HD, though these likely play a role.
the topology of the higher dimensional (HD) M-Theoretic Calabi-Yau mirror symmetric backcloth (p. x)
The word backcloth brings to mind the MVRS, our notion of a Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space. The referred to mirror symmetry, we construed as rooted in space/counterspace cum temporal-operations/countertemporal-operations.
the true synchronization backbone as part of the mirror-symmetry backcloth. (p.x)
The term synchronization backbone brings to mind the CTC+-logically-valued Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense sheet qua brane.
the current Bloch sphere rendition of a qubit must now be considered grossly inadequate and a relativistic r-qubit with more degrees of freedom is required. (p. x)
This r-qubit with more degrees of freedom brings to mind our notion of µTm-unto-CTC+ mu-its. The hydrothermodynamic properties undergoing superconductant exchange are coherent relativistic r-mu-itic information units qua m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes processed by the atmospheric case of the acoustic analogue to blackhole computing. This has long since been discovered and is slap-in-the-face experimentally hard-case verified with each tornado touchdown.
here's the rub: a conundrum still exists; the complex algebra for correlating relativistic (r-qubits) with a new class of algorithms designed for a transform beyond the Galilean-Lorentz-Poincairé cast in HD UFM [unified field mechanics] brane topology remains. (p. v)
From our perspective, not only the complex and hypercomplex algebras, but also the µTm-unto-CTC+ logics of such correlating remain -- among much else.
conformal scale-invariant mirror symmetric 'copies' of a quantum state found in the topology of the HD brane world. (p. x)
According to our understanding, these so-called copies are a 1T2-way to understand µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. Where we and Amoroso decisively diverge, according to my current miniscule read-in, is Chapter 7, quoting at length pp. 241-2:
Of primary concern at this point of our development is the Dirac vacuum inclusion of extended electromagnetic theory [47-49] which is a key element in manipulating the structural-phenomenology of LSXD SUSY [large scale extra dimension super symmetry] brane topology with a spin-exchange resonant hierarchy. The experimental design relies heavily on the utility of a new fundamental action principle inherent in the LSXD cyclical brane topology putatively driving the evolution of self-organization in spacetime as a complex system of cellular automata-like Least Cosmological Units (LCU) tessellating space [39]. Stated more directly, space, spacetime (no longer considered fundamental but emergent) and the HD mirror symmetric Calabi-Yau brane structure is an evolutionary form of selforganized complex system. The new action principle is suggested not to be a 5th force of nature per se, but a combination of the four known forces as united in the unified field (not quantized). Initially this can appear confusing because the three known forces are phenomenological in action, i.e. mediated by the Hamiltonian for phenomenological energetic field exchange quanta, whereas the topological field is mediated by an 'ontological charge' of the unified field. Which is therefore energyless by definition, albeit it acts as a 'force of coherence' in conjunction with the driving of LSXD brane conformation dynamics. Continuous evolution of the ontology is a form 242 Universal Quantum Computing of 'becoming' or merging of one informational aspect with another without the exchange of energy, as in the until now usual sense of a physical field [39]. This key UFM aspect is difficult to comprehend at first, because it is also a challenge for us to explain.
This is his approach to justifying the notion that there is interaction-free measurement as a way of surmounting Heisenberg uncertainty and supervening decoherence. The notion LCUs brings to mind our concept of LSTDs, limited spacetime domains. The notion of ontological charge on topological field brings to mind our idea that origin of the quantum potential on the MVRS is CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, geometrically speaking, the skew-perpendicularity of equipotential surfaces and lines of force arising from the cyclotomic involutory decomposition operations effected by 3-fold topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time (top-a optime). In our view, the new fundamental action principle required is top-a optime. Under top-a optime, 4-dimensional ponderablespacememetime is not cellular-automata-like generatively emergent by recursion in the time dimension it is in process of emerging (an oxymoron at best, unless a chronotopological Klein bottle is involved), but Schrödinger-memetime-independently demergent under cyclotomic involutory decomposition of the MVRS -- by top-a optime executing CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 logical operations upon nested sheets qua branes numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, this demergence ultimately quantum-quenching (and glutamatergically anchoring by orchestration of prescriptive enculturation-socialization via neuronal pruning cum neural-network wipeouts at neuronal plasticity) molecular-cellular brains to 1T2-only-experiential ontic ponderablespacememetime, a Kantian category only to cognition with brains such like etched. In our judgment, force and field are concepts too limited to be generalized into the new regime of physics that Amoroso envisions. Top-a optime is not to be conjugated to the Hamiltonian operator, the Hamiltonian being a demergent of top-a optime. Top-a optime operates via 3-fold temporal CURL. Three-fold temporal CURL dictates two orders of nonlinearity (two orders of tiltings of the twistings) to QM and the substruction of Heisenberg uncertainty -- given that h-bar proportionality between E and t denotes the angular frequency connoting the angular momentum (in the complex and hypercomplex cases surely involved in quantization of temporal CURL, likely via Penrose twistors, such that, in this circumstance, real-numbered memetime is a complete unknown). The implication of this relative to surmounting uncertainty was perhaps best said in an earlier-given entry, which I quote here:
I would observe that more threatening than Heisenberg uncertainty to those who wish to classicize QM, so as to revalidate the metaphysics of the 17th- and 18th-century institutionalization still largely dominating human affairs, are m-valued universal physical constants (such as h-bar, the angular momentum [for very interesting commentary, see the points made by Lubos Motl here], in the Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities, that inequality most interesting to our complex-and-hypercomplex-angular-momentum-take which treats the hypertwists involved as being imparted by topologically-active operator-time, imparted, that is, as 3-fold temporal CURL, being the energy-time inequality), those constants processed under m-valued logics understood relative to identity-transparency, not truth-value, and geometrically signified, in the vein of Analytical Cubism, by the J.G.Bennettian diversely-identical skew-cube constructed with pencils of skew-parallels formed of null-vectors, the scalars of which are complex and hypercomplex, and algebraically speaking may involve nilpotent transformations via triangular-shift matrices, with complex and hypercomplex entries, in a flag of subspaces, the linear operator, T, globally nilpotent only under 1T2-only logic.
On page 239, Amoroso discusses and largely rejects the notion that the Elitzur-Vaidman bomb-test type of interaction-free measurement surmounting of uncertainty can be explained by resort to the Everettian notion of multiple universes, whereby the interaction takes place in a separate universe and the measurement result is conveyed to our universe through absence of interference. This presence of a conveyance, with such absence or not, is, of course, in violation of the incommunicado condition prevailing between the universes imposed by thermodynamic constraints, one of the main features of the second half of Everett's famous paper. Relativity considerations may supervene this incommunicado condition, but, nonetheless, I concur with Amoroso's rejection, with the caveat that -- observing that Everettian relative-state is 1T2-only -- under µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency no communication, interaction, interference at measurement is required -- insofar, rather, in so little, as the 1T2-only (observer-state/object-system) notion measurement has µTm-unto-CTC+ sense. The Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities as originally understood: two sets of two single-valued variables are stated as being in inverse proportion under 1T2-only logic with the constant of proportionality, in both cases, being also single-valued. If, however, Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function be understood, not in terms of the Born Rule, but via µTm-valued logics, these logics interpreted relative to identity-transparency, not truth-value, then the single-valued variables and h-bar itself become m-valued. The uncertainty which is Heisenberg uncertainty is 1T2-logic bound; what is uncertain when construed under 1T2-only-logic alone may be quite certain, indeed, under 5T7-logic or 8T22-logic or 205T615-logic or While dimensionality of representation space may be involved, it's not so much a matter of 12 dimensions or 102 dimensions -- the CTC+ most-dense sheet Tzog-chen AllBase of MVRS may require transfinite dimensionality -- as of the order of logical-value employed at prefigurative en[frame}ment-[con}form|ation (in a positive light, think: J. G. Bennett's framework determining conditions) of the stipulation being made.
No mere Jumping Jack or M&M-theoretic Jerboa in two places at once,
A figure of inapposition 'e is, by George -- calling back yesteryear
In hopes it will answer and come right on over.
Devils in 1T2-personas chase Strange Gods.
A SUSY figure of the CTC+ly-collective unconscious, what,
Memetime reversal being transformation of consensuation.
Anyons as scions all accepted, when not acerbically 1T2-excepted.Phenomenologically speaking -- likely even in backwardation of directed, passive, referential linear-time, Time_Reversal.exe hardly being a retrograding of actual quantum time, which is top-a optime -- the Analytical Cubism modality is a transition state to inner Musculpt, itself a transition to not Eyeless in Gaza, however informative may be being yoked in syzygy with Hamlet's Mill, 'I'-less in what? Not only is there no word for it, putting a word on it, any word, snuffs being in it, being as it, being it. Being altogether out of ponderablespacememetime is altogether else, not some more-elaborate version of this: there is no such correspondence in the categories of understanding, if, indeed, there are such categories elsethere. Knowledge through identity is not The Way; it's the only way.
Having read several chapters into Amoroso, I can't help observing that one of the commonalities sustained by each and all of the approaches to quantum computing which he describes, including his own, is God related, uh, uh, Gödel related (not thinking here of the God particle). My other-I-ams are strongly wont to note that, along with the unrealizability of unitarity (much also of interest to be found here, and, by good offices of Damiano Anselmi, here) and locality, no actual physical system is actually finitely realizable -- except under 1T2-only-logic alone, absolutely-in-so-far-as-unique selfsame temporal and spatial points being indefinable (especially if quantum dotted over branes) under logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2. What is the constant of proportionality between inconsistency and incompleteness implicate in Gödel's 1T2-only Gödel-numbering-enschemed, diagonally argued, circularity theorems? Any mathematical demonstration employing concatenations of the basic arithmetic operations suffers this proportionality relation (see, for very interesting reflections on this and related matters, e.g., why there is a need for techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation: Do Gödel's incompleteness theorems set absolute limits on the ability of the brain to express and communicate mental concepts verifiably?, Bhupinder Singh Anand, as reposted by arXiv from NeuroQuantology, 2, 2004: I highly recommend this paper even though I disagree with the argument and the conclusions) -- insofar as the demonstration is made under 1T2-only-logic alone, substructured by the notion of numerical selfsameness prescriptively enframed (no less than are the Heisenberg uncertainty relations) by 1T2-only-logic alone. At logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2, the state of any given natural number, indeed, any number whatsoever, is one or another type of Cabalistic-neoPlatonic nonselfsameness -- insofar as the foundational notion of logic be understood not truth-value but identity-transparency. Contrary to the assumption brought by all the approaches to quantum computing described by Amoroso, the arithmetic operation addition does not adequately represent quantum superposition, except as the m-valued state-function is construed as signifying preservation of 1T2-valuedness alone, by means of the Born-Rule attempt at rescuing objective-linear-time-bound unitarity. Understanding m-valued state-function with m-valued logics understood as indicating relative-states of identity-transparency entails superposition in quantum-composite being mathematically represented by an implicate re[volute}ory operation (regards topo-active counter-temporal operators) upon numbers in order-types of nonselfsameness. On the cyclotomically involutorily decomposed (executed by topo-active temporal operators: the involved representation space and counterspace being in non-orientable relation) pre-pregeometry-quantum-dotted and Regge-bone string-bridged sheets qua branes of the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), these nonselfsame numbers would be Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers in some manner conjugated to the primes via Alexander.Karpenko functors. The notion of entanglement swapping in NMR-type quantum computing, for instance -- construed possibly related to CTC-cyclical time rooted, Gödel-unwise, in logical self-reference (see: Self-Reference and Entanglement Network, Daegene Song, NeuroQuantology, 17:2, 2019) -- must be viewed as a 1T2-only-logic-alone take on what is actually µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. What is herein (see: On The Existence of The DNA Resonance Code and Its Possible Mechanistic Connection to The Neural Code, Ivan V. Savelyev, et. al., NeuroQuantology, 17:2, 2019) deemed a DNA resonance code, we have long referred to as the higher-temporal formants of the genetic language understood an m-leveled encipherment, the self-referential properties of which we construe related to topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time as written into our canonical equation for a DNA-pi-electron-parcel-gas quantum harmonic oscillator, not as linear-memetime made cyclical.
In holding that the data analyses associated with the relativistic-quantum (I parenthetically note that it is very interesting to compare our canonical equation 17, where operator-time is explicit, with Grigory Giorgadze's hypergeometric equation, where such active time is, in my judgment, implicit) Paine-Kaplan, cascade-theoretic, nested-grid, numerical-forecast model of tornadogenesis demonstrated decades ago that there is no classical limit, sanguine, indeed buoyant in a long-drawn-out bad conjuncture, I could not more agree with the second sentence, in the statement of David Deutsch given below, as quoted by Amoroso in Universal Quantum Computing , p. 38, as drawn from Deutsch's Quantum theory, the Church-Turing principle and the universal quantum computer, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A 400, 1985, pp. 97-117:
The fact that classical physics and the classical universal Turing machine do not obey the Church-Turing principle in the strong physical form is one motivation for seeking a truly quantum model. The more urgent motivation is, of course, that classical physics is false.
Amoroso, in quoting a 1982 statement made by Richard Feynman, to wit, nature isn't classical , says, p. 41, Euclidian 3-space can no longer be considered the sole basis of observation. I would rather say that Euclidian 3-space is clearly -- considering Piaget, Luneburg, the role of prescriptive enculturation-socialization in orchestrating, beginning in the womb, glutamatergic anchoring at neuronal plasticity -- a consensuation space, ponderability being learned, no less than passive, passing, referential linear-time is memetime. Which is not to mention that the observer-observed-dualist denial of authenticity to the identity-transparency in animistic-pagan participation mystique is in defense of the Born Rule preservation of 1T2-only-logic alone, a preservation shuttering cognition such that µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state is suppressed in favor of multiple 1T2-only universes. By such considerations, the wave-function |psi> = alpha |0> + beta |1> would actually be |psi> = alpha |mu> T beta |m>. As regards mu-itic, i.e., mu-{identity-transparency]ic, so-called entanglement (a memetime-bound, 1T2-only, generative, emergence-type notion): MUent |psi>|mu> = alpha |mu>|mu> T beta |m>|m>. The operators (T) executing topologically-active operator-time quite obviously are not unitary (U) operators. An isolated system evolving in time: none such exists under µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. A mu-itic quantum-gate matrix would be Mn cross Mn, not 2n cross 2n, the ensheavement of M being relative to multicomplexity (with the caveats that I do not see the multicomplex carried arbitrarily only to finite depth, and that I view each such number, not as an ordered pair, but as, given n-states of numerical identity-transparency under logical-value order-types supraordinal to that 1T2, as an exquisitely 1T2-unorderable n-tuple), and likely modifications of Banach algebras defined over fields of p-adic numbers (as a route to Alexander S. Karpenko functors over the primes and the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers numbering pre-pregeometry quantum dots on decomposed sheets of MVRS, the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space). The main reason there is no surmounting of 1T2-Heisenberg such that his uncertainty can be relativisticized to the equivalent of a classicized certainty is that the 1T2-uncertainty relations are the tip of an infinitely deep inverted pyramid of µTm-unto-CTC+ levels of what, to those whose operational intelligence is 1T2-only bound, is myopically agglomerated to uncertainty qua uncertainty. Since classical physics is FALSE, we must reject the Existentialist position on precedence relations -- existence precedes essence -- and hold that the Sartrean analoga are where upon authenticity has habitus, not upon that chimerical consensuation upon which learned object-constancy is projected, then identified with so as to establish i|m[man}ent concreteness. This is one reason why I found Jonathan W. Mills' "The Nature of the Extended Analog Computer" so stimulating, as earlier noted. Given that most human actions, engagements, commitments -- and their dramatis personae, erstwhile and current, All together, now, folks! crowded into a cognitive charabanc that appears to have no top -- conform to conventions of the Theater of the Absurd, conventions which include among their number deceitfulness of a genuinely atavistic variety, there is no possibility whatsoever that techno-ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements), e.g., 2-state-qubitic quantum computers, of falsified science will save the human species from one or another worst-case outcome of the conundrum it has created for itself, and much else besides.
Justification for belief in existence of non-selfsame numbers (even given number as objective whatnot underlying different subjective definitions thereof, e.g., a cut of a somewhat, à la Dedekind, and equivalence classes under cardinality [but see Greg Hjorth's discussion, in Cardinality and Equivalence Relations, UC-Berkeley, 5 April 2010, pp. 26-28, of turbulent action and anti-classification theorems discounting countable structures, a discussion of perhaps considerable relevance to a quantum-relativistic theory of tornadogenesis]) can be found, in part, in Gottlob Fregé's feeling that axioms of arithmetic should be derived from rules of logic -- conjugated into the fact that Lukasiewiczian logics exist, logics which may be understood independent of the notion truth-value. Quoting Steven Wagner's Frege's Definition of Number, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 24:1, January 1983, p. 1:
Frege's interest in defining number is subordinate to a dominant goal of proving the arithmetical laws. Many of these, of course, had already been established in number theory, but in Frege's view the axioms that number theorists simply assume should be proved as well Even if the axioms are entirely certain, their proof will advance mathematics by revealing mathematically interesting connections between propositions. But these connections also bear on philosophical questions about the analyticity or apriority of arithmetic. On Frege's understanding of analyticity, for example, analyticity will be shown only by a derivation of the axioms from purely logical laws.
Frege is occupied with motivating the attempt at proof, clarifying the concept of number, and arguing that the underlying theory should be a system of logic, not psychology, or (more plausibly) geometry.
The notion that the wholeness of a whole number cannot be adequately construed set-theoretically (as, say, set of all equivalent sets or, equivalently, common property of equivalent sets) is supported by Husserl's notion of nonsynthesized unity as given in his 1887 Habilitationsschrift entitled On the Concept of Number -- the sort of unity from which, in demergence, involutory decomposition Schrödinger-memetime-independently transpires (this is my notion as to how numbers arithmetically appear, how we are given them prelinguistically in subliminal Musculpt [which for most people must be raised to consciousness], thus, obviously, pre-definitionally, as objects, Kantian or no -- in their finite, selfsame, most-reduced state). This is a theory of concept acquisition, to use the term employed by Wagner, from the collective unconscious by Platonic anamnesis via Musculpt registrations (analysis -- so as to obtain concept acquisition-by-definition -- conducted by 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains being conscious bivalent rationalization of The Unconscious as Infinite Sets µTm-unto-CTC+ processed by THE quantum brain). The concept of a concept of a concept of a concept in either free creation or by reconstrual, yields, in the limit, acquisition-by-definition? Or is it analytical definition upon acquisition? Higher-temporal wave properties of superconductant pi-electron-parcel gas core-environment of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA at radiation exchange during helix-coil transition are, according to our lights, the foremost instruments of concept acquisition. In our scheme, the only a priori is Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense sheet of µTm-unto-CTC+ MVRS (the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space) -- not, say, as Frege held, 1T2-only-logic alone, with truth-value being taken as the fundament of logic. But note that Frege, in elaborating extensions as courses of value, may have somewhat anticipated T as signifying transparency with his the extension of the not self-identical and with feature-as-relation (both mentioned by Wagner, p. 16). Frege, however, clearly did not see the course of courses of value as being Klein-bottled. In my utterance not good, even though I don't say so myself. Identity-transparency being no matter of degrees more-or-less of bivalent distinction, opacity, separateness (spatial and temporal and numerical), it is a matter of alternative relative-states in polymorphic logical-value order-types -- which states are not type-theory types or alternative parsings of the 1T2-only orders of quantified-or-not element-types, contents, conditionals, forms, rules of inference. This does not mean that my registered jitsuin and my banking ginkoin and my transaction-rent mitomein hanko symbols of my name are symbols symbolizing the contents of my name alone, but more specifically of the ramified self-contents of the myselves signified, those myselves being other-I-am's which are the selves of others and object-things (introjected to Umwelt; in the collective case, introjected to Lebenswelt; world-wise and more abstractly, introjected to Weltanschauung) in states relative to my me's: e.g., 2T7, 5T11, 9T22 µTm-unto-CTC+, where, say, of 7 values pertaining to the given state only 2-gangers are actively constellated by operator-time's Christmas Tree Effect, constellated such that this state is marked with a non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel number symbolizing the name of the state of the contents signified. For Frege, equivalence = identity of content (does that mean that identity = equivalence of contents?) and contents = unstructured bearers of truth-value, to quote Wagner. For me, identity = same state. Relative-states = barers of the conditions of mutuality in which part is whole, indeed, in which part contains whole. Identity transparency = higher-order same of lower-order non-same; hence, the sameness of the non-selfsame qua-cum-viz., of the non-self-identical qua-cum-viz., of the not-the-same-as-itself which is not the same as no-self. Any higher-order given is a lower-order contradiction, a maxim -- concerning relative reasoning with and about the relatively unstructured qua not yet fully automatized (think: structure is automatized function and form follows function whether or not binary-mind imposes 1T2-forms on the µTm-unto-CTC+-relatively formless) -- likely exquisitely appreciated only via consciousness-without-an-object (contentless thought, to my way of thinking, heh-heh-heh, being approached from thinking in connected sequences of feeling-tones which become stacked as entry is made upon concentration in the diffuse). No mere polyester weave, the MVRS is not a synthetic backcloth emergent in a supposedly objective linear-time. Probly ain't contact-dermatitis-inducing 100% GMO cotton neither! Graspable, as regards parsed-and-fused semantical units of propositions, is, belying the Kantian notion of intuitive (the sense of that word adopted by physicists) categories of our understanding, order-of-logical-value dependent -- not only relative to the whole meaning of the complete proposition in its context of meaning. No matter how structured unstructured binary predicates become, they can never semantically amount to the simplest of premises or predicates in orders of logical-value supraordinate to that 1T2-only -- if T signifies transparency, not truth-value. Higher-valued compositions are 1T2ly-illusory because their objects and terms are indefinable by bivalent attributions; 1T2-valued compositions are µTm-unto-CTC+-illusory qua Mayaic qua Samsaric because the definitions of their objects and terms are nonsensical in logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2: indeed, this is a step function whereupon this semantic condition applies between any two logical-value order-types, exponentially so when order-types are leapfrogged. I would focusingly rephrase Frege's all too general theorem, to wit a statement of number contains an assertion about a concept, as provided by Kevin C. Klement in Frege's Changing Conception of Number, Theoria, 78, 2012, p. 148, to a statement of number contains a tacit assertion as to partitioning of the case, as well as, more tacitly, a choice as to logical-value order-type taken as given. Klement provides a good summation of early-Frege, viz., as provided in the following short extracts:
For Werthverlauf I understand was indicated the range of single values of a single-valued function, not the number of values an m-valued function manifests at any given point in its ranging. In my judgment, the raison d'etre of Russell's Paradox (1901) and Principia Mathematica (1910-13) and The Philosophy of Logical Atomism (1918) was to ward off the specter of a looming Lukasiewicz (1920). O the horror, the horror of those dread m-values! In the case of Frege, the warding off seems to have worked, in that, by way of reaction to Russell's Paradox (see Klement, pp. 156-9), he (during 1924-5: the same period as was the advent of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function [1925] and the Born LaPeregrinacion Rule [1926] prevention JeuxInterdits of the application of Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics as to interpretation of Schrödinger) turned away from logic as substruction of number and placed his hopes largely on geometry; otherwise, had he stayed exclusively with logic, he might have looked more thoroughly into the nature of his extensions as courses of value and his the extension of the not self-identical cum feature-as-relation, and come to challenge the notion that truth-value is the value of logic, a challenge prerequisite to entertainment of the notion of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. I've learned that, in the limit of exasperation, moll[if}y|ing the aggravation only multiplies the botheration and doesn't lead to a strange attractor's destination I'd like to establish habitus within. As long as, for instance, people remain psychologically identified with the diatonic music system, don't ask after the deep-why (what Weltanschauung does the diatonic system analogically codify?) as to wherefore they preferentially pleasure upon 18th- and 19th-century art music, there will be no possibility to implement a µTm-LETS monetary system capable of autopoietically originating and self-organizing market action-directives autogenically discharged derivative of the changing Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Just like N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem is arguably an existence proof for trans-al-jabr, so, in m-I est[i}ma|tion(s), Russell's Paradox is, 1T2-paradoxically, an existence proof for self-subsistent non-self-identicality -- i.e., the set of all sets cannot 1T2-rationally contain itself. More strange yet, to binary-mind, is the circumstance that orders of non-self-identicality are expressions of orders of self-referential propositions. Quoting Klement, p. 149:equinumerosity is a relation between concepts that can be defined purely logically (p.149)
Frege takes extensions of concepts to be objects (p. 149)
Provided we have clear identity conditions for extensions of concepts -- which Frege took for granted that we do (p. 149)
According to Frege's mature views, concepts are a species of function; in particular, they are functions whose value for every possible argument is a truth-value, either the True or the False (p. 153)
he portrayed extensions of concepts as a special instance of what he called the Werthverlauf or value range (p. 154)
Frege now defines zero as the extension of the concept equinumerous with the concept not-identical-to-self. The concepts that would fall in this extension would be those under which no objects fall.
It is well to be aware here that the Piagetian issue of object constancy being learned behavior is of critical importance to the derivative issue of how to identify a number as the same again. Russell's Paradox led Frege to reject the notion that a concept is an object (rejection of a concept being predicated of its own extension, Klement, footnote 3, p. 156, is rejection of the course of courses of value being Klein-bottled) and that number is a concept-object, a notion he attempts to recover by recourse to a geometric a priori infinity. But it hardly requires Cantor to realize that there are more m-logically-valued concepts than there are 1T2-only-definable absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct points-instants-functions-notes-objects; Cantor is required, however, as regards µTm-unto-CTC+ definables. Be aware that Frege did not reject the assumption that 1T2-only-objects are the only objects. Indeed, Klement says, on page 165, that Another option that a Fregean might consider is to recognize other sorts of abstract object -- though it does not appear that he has in mind the m-logically-valued objects given in participation mystique. The substitutivity of the probable for the actual is a periphrastic illocutionary prolixity, viz., a covert denunciation of the m-valued envisaged in state-function cum the resultant psycho-sexo-socio-politico-economic and military perlocutions. This, to my mind, is an example of the symbolic application of single-valued function to bivalent argument, f(a): Where this relation comes unstuck, as Frege saw it, was precisely at identity statements (quoting Robert May, Frege On Identity Statements, UC-Irvine, 23 October 2000, p. 2). The breakdown is more semantic than syntactical. Where many others and Frege arewere most wrong is (1) experientially, by the psychological-function (conferatur: the Jungian thinking-feeling/sensation-intuition) imbalance-generated assumption that thinking transpires only in speakable languages inappropriate to quantum mechanics qua quantum mechanics, notated or no -- not also by feeling-tones, by inner Musculpt, by knowledge-through-identity, and likely by other modalities associated with the various levels of Samadhi, to include that of consciousness-without-an-object; and (2), that linguistics has primacy as regards meaning, when in fact the uses to which speakable languages are put are most responsible (by overdetermining, with prescriptive enculturation-socialization, orchestration of glutamatergic neuronal etchings) for reduction of µTm meanings to that 1T2-only.
Anymore, absent access to peripubertal Auric auditory hallucinations, limning Petite mal squirm in shuttering onset, All shimmer of a Musculpt interlude's glistering glimmer? Cadge synchronicities, in meanings "daft" Below words' scrutinizable structures: Semantics embedded in deft cadences; Rhythms carrying fecund feeling-tones independently of Dilly-dallying diction, however masterful.To Frege and Fregean friends logical form is viewed as recursively generated by 1T2-only syntactical truth-functional-connective articulations, expressed in objective linear-time, of emergent discretes, this process orthogonally yielding a semantic domain; rather than as a pregiven semantic-functor Platonia continuum Schrödinger-memetime-independently demergent by CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 involutory decomposition into syntactical structures nested by identity-functional transparencies. Nonetheless, in his frustration, Frege, at the end of his life, seems to have supposed that something like inner Musculpt is involved in concept acquisition, for he said an a priori mode of cognition must be involved (Klement, p. 163, quoting Frege writing Numbers and arithmetic in 1924). Diamond in the rough: polish it up and you have inner-Musculpt acquisition of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency. May's very informative essay provides details as to how -- from concept-script through Foundations to Basic Laws unto Compound Thoughts of 1923 -- Frege arrived at his must be. Alternatively, we continue to have the Hamiltonian operator under the Born Rule: sorta like the specops operator operating under Rules of Engagement imposed by those not at risk, who have never been at risk and never will be at risk -- and who have little actual understanding of the tactical (e.g., terrorism) and strategic (e.g., ponderablespace, memetime, and fiat money) variables they've stupidly constellated.
A Bumbling Redintegration O, don't make me laugh so At the strong contrasts of the chiaroscuro logic Composting the entanglement equation with clerihew rhyme scheme Lugubrious A|u>|u> + B|m>|m> A [past}iche -- gnomic, if punctilious. Suppressing all pretense to theatricality via projective-identification The rarefied retinue is ConveDDed to the reified-made-demotic parthoods: Qubitic systems are mereologically supposed Superpositions of merely the 0 and 1 configurations.The burps in blackpsyche, the loci of hemmings and hawings, reveal where logical necessity fails the dithering [psyops}erator. O Lord, what haw-hawing is in these acidulous lampoons! -- be they laconic or no. Controversialist rhetorical strat[e}gums (not gems) marshaled in mathematical apologetics posing as argument of fundamental principles, so as to gong prophetic at Dogmouth Carrieokey where unsayability is no part of the prevailing Weltanschauung: theorem glaze, lemma haze -- in compensatory abreaction to the failure of 1T2-only-logic-alone adequately to underpin simple arithmetic, quantum state-function, and by extension nation-state function. No great trouble had of it? Hmmm. The enormous costs this has already entailed. The stupendous mass of negatives accomplished in human history so overwhelmingly outweighs the positives that the latter are tantamount to vanishing -- and, given that no matter what it is always ways are found to screw it up, even the positives are frequently converted to negatives.
I met Douglas A. Paine, Cornell specialist in numerical forecast modeling of tornadogenesis, at the 1974 June 17-19 McMaster University Velikovsky conference where Paine presented a paper entitled The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena. After describing a relativistic-quantum model of cyclogenesis where within it was inferred that acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes are emitted, Paine presented some calculations purporting to make plausible the notion that the persistent anticyclonic red spot on Jupiter could have, under certain circumstances, produced a mass ejection from the planet. Strangely, this presentation did not elicit much interest. My thought was that everyone was so preoccupied with all the transference dynamics enveloping Velikovsky and his chelas that they couldn't refocus on matters of substance. Since I had been intensively studying the literature on autogenic brain discharges and intrasubjectively speculating with respect to a quantum model thereof, I immediately went up to Paine and began querying him in detail with regard to the universal nature aspect of his presentation. One thing I immediately learned was that for several years he had been saying that tornadoes vertically emit laser-like coherent-wave pulses, and that satellite detection of these would require very accurate forecasting (he had even presented this idea to John A. Wheeler after a public lecture given by Wheeler at Cornell; Wheeler, however, was dismissive). I raised my eyebrows at that, and it was clear Paine understood that this gesture on my part was not an expression of doubt as to his thesis, or anything that might be mirrored therein. Be aware that Stephen Hawking's paper Particle Creation by Black Holes did not come out until August of 1975 -- by which time I was at Cornell functioning as an unofficial pro bono research assistant to Prof. Paine (which continued for five years and amounted to, for me, an extraordinary, intensive, private tutorial -- running to sixty hours a week, given that I was living on Paine's Trumansburg farmstead, and that we cut wood and worked the orchard and garden together) with the mandate to follow in the Cornell library system our ideas about discharge phenomena wherever they may lead irrespective of disciplinary boundaries, to report back daily as to my progress and to receive observations and suggestions. Well, that was a long time ago, and I never thought I'd see a discussion of a desktop tornado, but here it is: Black-hole analogue works like a laser, PhysicsWorld, 15 October 2014, and I note that the extensive list of references to the original paper, Observation of self-amplifying Hawking radiation in an analogue black-hole laser, Jeff Steinhauer, Nature Physics, 10, 2014, pp. 864-9, does not credit Paine for discovering one of nature's own acoustic analogues to black-hole computing (via the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations and acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes) on Lukasiewiczian analog machines.
Whatever the oratorical style adopted by inner-talking at performance of roof-brain chatter -- cogitate, cogitate, cogitate! -- cognition is marred in making of itself political exhortation. It is instructive to observe the types of cognizance upon which the human species bestows its greatest-discretionary-resources repositories. Basically, a Muskrat Ramble at divvying up the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. This persistent longue durée behavior has been and is reflected in both statistical-cum-deterministic classical and consensus quantum models of natural process, where information units, superposed or not, are understood 2-state-only, linear-time bound, and confined to a single-level representation space, real or complex. Not in a holographic universe! -- well, apocryphally so, maybe. Actual complexity of real reality, however, according to our lights, is not displayable by real or simply-complex numbers, however numinous their numerosities, howsoever operative the folie à plusieurs numerosity adaptation effect cum IDD, induced delusional disorder (which can occur in many situations outside the confines of current classification systems and is not as rare as believed , to quote The nosological significance of Folie à Deux: a review of the literature, Danilo Amone and Anish Patel and Giles Ming-Yee Tan, Annals of General Psychiatry, 5:11, 2006: suggesting that, for instance, careerist orientations very often, it must be supposed, not only dictate that wrong questions are asked, but also that wrong answers are consensuated) at quantum measurement, clinical and subclinical: in respect to really real reality, linear-time evolution is chimerical for being mere memetime, there are no subspaces (There are no spaces! as Jane Suffling once exclaimed in a moment of epiphany, circa 1971), there is no unitary operator, U, transformations are C+-jective, the basis is not matrix-orthogonal but structured in C+-pencils of skew-perpendiculars (i.e., involved in substruction of Heisenberg uncertainty), superpositions are nonlinear-cum-nonunitary chronotopologies in MVRS, and every such superposition is a C+-state-functorial non-normalizable vector in a Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian C+-multicomplex-numbered, C+-logically-ensheaved MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space, the involved values understood independent of the notion truth-value), cyclotomically, in involutes, decomposable (hence, loss of really real reality) CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 under topological operations executed by 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time. The lower the order of logical-value employed at processing of really real reality the greater the index of virtuality, such that, at the 1T2-only order-type, the involved virtuality is utter Maya cum Samsara. The best the binary-mind can do to construe the nature of consciousness to its 1T2-selfhood is by making 1T2-logic rotational à la the Tai Chi symbol and by recognizing Wheelerian 1T2-self referentiality: universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operations on the MVRS; universal consciousness in its passive aspect is the MVRS operated upon. Another excellent 1T2-characterization involves curvaceous logic (hyperbolic discussion by good offices of Imants Baruss, Authentic Knowing: The Convergence of Science and Spiritual Aspiration, Purdue U. Press, 1996): Franklin Merrell-Wolff's famous aphorism, viz., Substantiality is inversely proportional to ponderability (good offices of Thomas McFarlane, True Nature, 31 July 2006). One ponderable indicator of the m-logically-valued information hiding in so-said stochastically-generated 1/f-noise hyperbola (good offices of Robert Kiely, AnalogDialogue, May 2017), information chopped so as to yield 1T2-only systems, is that most obviously scaled are scalars in nesting-foams, such that even scale-invariant self-similarities across scale levels of m-logically-valued systems have scale-relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables and physical constants dictating scaled analogues of, for two instances, spatial contraction and temporal dilation, which features have implications as regards Bohmian-pilot quantum-potential waveguides and thermodynamic sorting-demons(i.e., the operators of 3-fold operator-time's temporal CURLs effecting guides)-in-service-to-the-holographic-principle sitting on phase boundaries and sorting by wave-trace velocities, accelerations, time-rates of change of accelerations. Given that the 1/f (f for fiat) noisy monetary system for the global economy is of the 1T2-only order-type, it's not at all surprising that those mega-grifts most obsessed, hence, most memetime-bound and cognitively most confined, are preferentially rewarded by that economy with that system. A fascinating paper by Laval University's C-Rene Dominique addresses this issue: Could Noise Spectra of Strange Attractors Better Explained Wealth and Income Inequalities? , MPRA Paper No. 84182, 24 January 2018. We note that the thesis of power law insurmountability vis-à-vis persistence modes varying with both noise spectra and correlation dimensions is formulated relative to a global economy increasingly monoscaled and employing 1T2-only-processed single-valued monetary units, not relative to an elaborately multiscaled global economy employing m-valued monetary units defined over fractal e-boundary nesting-foams with transactions µTm-logically processed. And prevailing-system downers can only get worse (good offices of Marin Katusa at International Man, reposted to ZeroHedge, 31 March 2019) with so-called quantum computers of the types currently being developed for cloud processing of 5+G cum blockchaining (good offices of Ben Whittle, Cointelegraph, 30 March 2019; as discoursed upon by Akshit Sangomla, the Telecom industry did no research on health impacts of 5G, DownToEarth, 27 March 2019, impacts from the intense beam-form radiation that will be lacing Earth's atmospheric and biospheric-qua-DNA-in-full-spectrum-of-life-forms radiation-transcribing quantum harmonic oscillators, that is radiation from some 20,000 satellite-reflector complements to ground-based WiFi towers) cum IoT cum autonomous-droned Global Phoenix cum AIed-roboticized space-based-warfare platforms-and-infrastructures dissipaters of resources (including the social structures of attention cathexes) on an overpopulated resource-depleting planet undergoing a myriad of anthropogenic environmental shifts. So many are so egoically self-invested in this trajectory of planetary culture (Oliver Stone in saying we have the rapid and accelerating drift toward planetary disaster can hardly be intelligently contested: see Two Minutes and Counting, with Peter Kuznick, The Nation, 3 April 2019), along with trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars committed thereto, the only thing capable of substantively modifying the path chosen is the ongoing catastrophe reaching its cuspover -- and then, absent effective implementation of precuspover prefigurative-qua-predisposing factors, the altered state obtained at resultant far-from-equilibrium civilizational phase-shift is most likely to be an infrastate of the forthcoming global superstate with its monolevel global economy employing a We-One-Percent-are-the-World! 1T2-only bloc-enchaining single cryptocurrency (see, for interesting recent commentary: BIS General Manager Outlines Vision for Central Bank Digital Currencies, Steven Guinness, 4 April 2019; and Time for a True Global Currency, Jose Antonio Ocampo, Project Syndicate, 5 April 2019) issued by the one-and-only Bank of Earth. Given the prevailing planetwide devolution in world affairs (see, for discussion of one of many examples: China's Han Superstate: The New Third Reich, Gordon G. Chang, Gatestone Institute, 3 April 2019), surely it can't be long before someone essays the thesis that, contrary to all early appearances, Hitler, all things presently considered, actually, though long since dead, won WWII -- in that his PPE (the philosophy, politics and economics one might seek a Masters in at, say, LSE, which has recently instituted PPE at the undergraduate level) is everywhere emerging dominant. While many easily ask Where Is The World Headed? (Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy, 3 April 2019), few address the hard question: why is the world so headed as to head thataway instead of thisaway?
Peter Ackroyd, in paraphrasing T. S. Eliot writing the Preface to his 1946 Faber and Faber book entitled The Dark Side of the Moon, says (T. S. Eliot, Cardinal paperback edition, 1984, p. 272):
The world was a less moral place than it had been before the war: Germany and Japan had brought to a crisis the sickness which infected civilization, but their collapse had not cured it but left it raging everywhere.
And then, on page 273, Ackroyd, again paraphrasing Eliot, this time radio broadcasting in 1946, says:
There was a prospect ahead of centuries of barbarism which, in an interview the year before, he had already related to the coming dominance of technology.
Eliot, in my opinion, definitely got the gist of it right, without, however, penetrating to the core -- this deficiency largely due, again in my opinion, to his attending to logic (despite his personal relationship with Bertrand Russell), mathematics, and physics no more than he did while a Harvard undergrad. Today, his expectation set could easily be considered greatly overoptimistic in postulating that humanity has centuries in which to be barbaric. I continue optimistic in my belief since the 1970s that homo sapiens are too incompetent to carry to completion the mid-19th-century collective unconscious decision for species suicide, that, by WAGing, there will be a ten-percent human survival rate at cuspover -- notwithstanding such optimism being increasingly difficult to sustain. And there is no disputing Eliot's contention that techno-fixation is largely responsible -- howbeit I'm more down on the fixation aspect than technology per se. Though, clearly, technology metaprograms the programmer no less than the user, still, there is some residue of distinction drawable between a given tech[no}logy and the uses to which it may be put: the metaprogramming is not 100-percent determinative as to the doctrine of uses chosen. To wit, consider the latest in regards to the mounting agroindustrial assault on human welfare (and that of much else besides): Deadly germs, Lost cures: A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy, Matt Richtel and Andrew Jacobs, The New York Times, 6 April 2019. Researchers are concerned to localize origin(s) of the Candida auris outbreak, an outbreak most certainly related to the massive over-use of fungicides in industrial agriculture. During the 19th-century in America (I read well into this during the 1970s whilst trying to shift a 25-variety, 1930s-planted apple orchard located in upstate New York over to organic), orchards, for instance, were worked completely differently than they are today: clear plowed at least once per year, such that the trees were deep-rooted, and underplanted with, say, the buckwheat which bees love. Fruit drops did not lie under the tree to rot indefinitely, building up a disease platform beneath each tree; thus, fungus was far less of a problem, the trees healthier, and fungicides not required. Plus, there were many more varieties of each type of fruit than the few large-scale-commercially cultivated today, which fact reduced susceptibility to diseases and insect infestations. Why do the researchers believe that the C-auris outbreak had to have had one or more geographic locations of origin? Mistaken intentional and naive premises and theses of genomic science -- e.g., single-level encipherment, quantum properties of genomes are irrelevant to genetics which transpires solely on the molecular level -- undoubtedly conceal and/or dissimulate much currently transpiring around this planet. Collective and cooperative quantum behaviors, for instance -- including critical-state snapovers where correlation lengths exponentially click to infinity -- are given little credence as regards involvement in, say, the rise of superbugs, bacterial and fungal. Which is not to mention the biological implications of an identity-transparency-based, m-valued, Lukasiewiczian interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function understood as representing µTm-unto-CTC+ relative state as actual mediator of nonlocal critical-state, collective and cooperative, behavioral phase transitions. Don't even think about the higher-temporal formants of DNA's quantum-wave properties relative to n-level genetic encodings -- or how these properties are involved in transcription of the intra-and-extra-organismic environmental information contained in the radiation inputs the molecule is subject to.
Simply by looking at contents of popular culture offerings made available on WWW-dot, it is easy to conclude that our current collective life, worldwide, is lived largely in a prospect of fantasy imitating and elaborating that of the Weimar youth movement's fascination with long suppressed innewohnend Schicksal, immanent fate, i.e., the internal necessity, innere Notwendigkeit, of the part is, indubitably is, the need of the whole because the two are not absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, a sentiment corresponding to Taisho-era Japanese fascination with Jijimuge, the interfused state of part and whole long suppressed in public life. What was long suppressed, recently constellated, only to be yet again suppressed -- and, hence, regressed? Coherent spontaneous fusion, by way of insistence upon decoherent spontaneous localization (nowadays regressively -- that suppressed reemerges in infantile, often violent form -- embodied in the GPSing engaged in by the surveillance state, a behavioral derivative of the double-digit-midget Find'em, Fix'em, and Finish'em!, itself a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of the adolescent Find'em, Feel'em, Fuck'em, Forget'em!). Underlying this surface-structure suppression was and is the deep-structure suppression of m-valued logics rightly understood independent of the notion truth-value and their application to Schrödinger's m-valued state-function. Being cognizant of all this, that's why, when I use the term logical-value order-types, I am specifically referring to the order of logical-value in a given proposition, 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+; hence, the reference is to non-quantified propositional logic, not to 1T2-only-predicate logic and its higher predicate orders (i.e., regards what is being quantified), and not to type-theory types or modal logics. Which is not to say that µTm-unto-CTC+ logics could not each take on orders of predicate quantifications. In this light, with reference to the combinatorial logic of quantum computing, it seems to me that the sequence space of prospective Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) inherently could not fulfill the requirements for completeness (meaning that any employment of Banach spaces and algebras would have to involve their modification) because the sequences involved would not all be convergent in the space: that's one aspect of what non-selfsameness means -- in fact, given orders of infinity, there must be orders of non-convergence, orders likely correlated with types of collective and cooperative behaviors at critical states, e.g., autopoiesis, self-organization, and those not currently conceived. The fact that every 1T2-Hilbert space has an orthonormal basis (see also here), even with respect to spherical harmonics (atmospherically speaking: for instance, the vertically-propagating harmonic [and inharmonic] partials which are m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, modes which, given the right circumstances, can be identified as constituting superdiffusive signaturing [see: Characterization of diffusion processes: Normal and anomalous regimes, Samuel B. Alves, et al., Physica A, 447, 1 April 2016, pp. 392-401], hence filtered from prevailing forecast models by rescaling renormalization, of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces), indicates to me that µTm-Hilbert space would require m-skew-perpendicular bases (per the Mn-unto-MC+ involved logical-value order-types) for its rigorous formulation. All µTm-unto-CTC+-processable subspaces, regards systems of linear and nonlinear equations, are null spaces of those matrices involved which are only 1T2-only-processable -- to include genomic subspace and information matrix. Under Taxicab-normed 1T2-orthogonality, how much µTm-skew-parallel/skew-perpendicular so-called uncertainty is there at determination of subspace membership of m-valued elements -- particularly those in a critical state where correlation length abruptly abandons Manhattan length and snaps to one or another order of infinity? Does 1T2-only qua [0,1]-fuzzy set theory actually address this issue, an issue of semantically-incommensurate states of identity-transparency, not one of degrees of any whatsoever? Approaches to quantum computing based upon conventional Hilbert space quite obviously suppress full measure of synergistic superintegrative complexity, such that freezing all features but the one experimentally studied is fantasy facilitating engineering of scientist-denied extra-systemic pathogeneses -- and in so doing are consonant with the full realm of suppressions productive of the regressive leitmotifs thematically governing event gradients characteristic of our era.
The apparently unbounded corpus of astringent, unprim-to-grim -- quashing even! (good offices of the latest from Gary Null and Richard Gale, Global Research, 17 April 2019) -- negatives seen high and low, here and there, around and around the planet are what trickles down from bi-polar-syndrome of the Boolean-quant-mind, admitted or not, of the type-A obsessive-compulsive responsible, whatever Lebenswelt cutivated in Umwelt by His Grandiloquence, for non-convergent exponential growth in iatrogenic exploitation of the finite resource-base available via extraction by the 1T2-only techno-regime.
Regards 'isself a debonair diner-out, 'e does, doesn't 'e Which is apropos 'is neglec'oov native in[here}rance Both, and much else, to stave off the horn-rimmed Neurogenic shock occasioning trial of belief suspension Regards 1T2-only-inferential ratiocination held elegiac poésie Poeticizing upon abstractive mathematics' higher modern aspects Fixated on persona overclothes egregious, whilst notionally-soiled Underclothes contemplated be only those platonic-relationship freeHowsoever strongly all that be the case, in going beyond infratech over upon realms of µTm-technological forecasting, thus pondering upon the prospect for techno-exteriorized holographic Musculpt (exteriorized from coherent, i.e., acoustically-modified, wave-generating intraneuronal-DNA-pi-electron-gas-orchestrated painterly inner-Musculpt: if this gas is, indeed, superconductant, then telecoms need not intervene into biologically-active frequency-response windows, because the superconductant property dictates that those windows will be vanishingly thin, hence avoidable) as user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS distributive ledgering of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, when Jap karaoke is set next to rap, indeed, if you have to endure Japrap karaoke -- in Thai -- as one aspect of glutamatergically Hacking the Human (good offices of Ian Mann), be thankful for SingSong Lao and the V-Pop version of K-Pop as heard radio-wailing whilst passing through a coastal Cham village near the Cambodia-VN border.
Under a son-scalded bonnet Hides the Anima chauffeuse Empowering his tautologous talebearing projective-identifications, Hauteur of his intellectual baggage Stowed in the voluminous bootAmongst the luggage thus trunked is that confining the Born Rule of consensus quantum mechanics, a well-strapped case sitting adjacent to the B-4 bag holding the memetime-bound billiards which is statistical thermodynamics, that bag a zipped-up container sitting next to the footlocker securing Heisenberg's uncertainty inequalities. I say, dear sir, madame, is there no way to jettison some of this: so much excess carryall? Soon it will have to be stacked on the roof! Sheet of Musculpt-manifold topologically enfolded to a point? Isn't this veiling enshroud far beyond any given 1T2-only Calabi-Yau space hidden in a given point? It's jus' gotta be so: the realm of directly experiential onticity is phantasmagorically more (good offices of Joanna Hoffmann-Dietrich, Hidden Topology of Life , University of Arts of Poznan, 2009 or later by References) than most ever suspect. O yon Wheelerian pre-pregeometry bucket of dust! Ponderable in eidolon as Aurobindoic warm-golden dust of Supermind -- a take Yayoi Kusama probably by now knows; at least she should have long since abandoned the baggage of lesser, i.e., psychiatric, interpretations (so far as I am aware, my decades-ago commo to this effect never got past her Fuji Television Gallery handlers). Each higher-logically-valued-order-type quantum dot composed of a sheet of lower-order quantum dots (in reverse-cascade, a many-to-one-of-higher-order functor)? Regge-lattice nettings nested inside and across nests of the nesting-foam. Uh-oh! Ach, aye, when sitting to massive failure of the post-Renaissance institutional-base, and given that demergence is Cabalistic and the counter-Cabala formalisms, both Judaic and Catholic, of the memetime-bound generatively emergent are essential supports for in-vogue cellular automata, understandably Noam Chomsky, in admitting to me, after a public lecture at Cornell, that he had been unable to read C. G. Jung, so could not comment on the relation between archetypes of the collective unconscious and elements of a universal grammar, followed the advance of T. S. Eliot who never read into Jung (Peter Ackroyd, T. S. Eliot, Cardinal paperback edition, 1984, p. 297). O how personal-unconscious complexes at temporal CURL comport nonlocally, conjugate, self-adjunct themselves into this and that chronotopological archetype. Never would, hence, never could, get the notion quantum dot as infinitesimal S1 circle on n-sheeted M3 under 3-fold optime processed µTmly-unto-CTC+ly -- memetime-independent billiards being no part of the consensus as to Geometrical and Topological Foundations of Theoretical Physics , Luciano Boi, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 3:4, 2004, pp. 1777-1836 (a very informative article). I was slow on the uptake. It took three years -- after first reading of Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics -- before it dawned on me, circa 1978, that all the thinking about µTm only employs 1T2-only logic alone. That slow uptake may have been, in part, facilitated by Post's end-of-paper disclaimer, where he states that the 1T2-order-type most fully conforms to completely true or completely false. That statement predisposes truncation-renormalization of whatever inclination the reader may have entertained to seek a truth-value-independent interpretation of µTm. This 1978 dawn on me helped contextualize my growing conviction that reading more deeply into the literature on quantum mechanics, while surely generally edifying, would be largely, if not completely, irrelevant to the task of formalizing the notion of an MVRS, a Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space. The problems with quantum mechanics are not only the Born Rule interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function and the bipolar syndrome analogically codified by the Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities, but, much more fundamentally, by the fact that the proofs of all the theorems and lemmas in all the maths used to mathematicize the physics were accomplished by employment of only 1T2-only rules of inference qua logical accommodation -- not to mention the 1T2-only-self evident-axioms which prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-orchestrated glutamatergic etching intuitively suggests and reinforces. Any µTm-unto-CTC+ rethinking of quantum mechanics would require µTm-unto-CTC+ reformation of the maths mathematicizing the physics. It seems to me that Diego Lucio Rapoport must surely have reached a similar understanding. Since the late-1970s, I've held forth with the opinion that the required re[form}ation cannot authentically be accomplished absent holographic techno-exteriorization of inner Musculpt as maths notation, a somewhat even yet not contemplated. And now that infant-onset Alzheimer's (see Hallmarks of Alzheimer disease are evolving relentlessly in Metropolitan Mexico City infants, children and young adults , Lilian Calderon-Garciduenas, et al., Environmental Research, 164, July 2018, pp. 475-87) has become normative (quoting the article: Alzheimer's disease starting in the brainstem of young children and affecting 99.5% of young urbanites is a serious health crisis) in our most-polluted mega-urban regions, well I guess we have no choice but to turn to Google-Apple-Amazon-Facebooking of primate-corporational intelligence-industrial centralized data-basing of 1T2-only-systems biological assays to vector genomically-informed functional-medicine choices as to prevention and remediation of the anthropogenicity we each sustain on a daily basis. Among the most recalcitrant obstructers to the task of overcoming probability-as-savior-of-1T2-only-truth-value is the widely held -- as regards some aspects, hysterically clung to -- notion that selfsame identity is a given, and all the identity ever given by nature. Stefaan E. Cuypers, author of Self-identity and Personal Autonomy, (Routledge, 2001), in his contribution to Action in Context (Anton Leist, ed., Walter de Gruyter, 2007), argues on pages 236-9 that in the atomistic ontological doctrine of the separateness of selves -- both as regards the bundle theory of logical atomism, viz., Bertrand Russell, and the ego theory of Cartesian atomism -- the problem of personal identity reposes from the start on an intellectual illusion. He goes on to suggest that Peter Frederick Strawson's descriptive metaphysics, as introduced in Strawson's Individuals, be used to resolve this difficulty, such that the necessary scaffolding for such a non-atomistic architecture of personal identity can be attained which validates what we believe on instinct concerning the nature of [per}son|al identity. This mistaken attribution to instinct -- not to mention Strawson's whole Aristotelian-Kantian scheme as to universalistic inherent conceptual categories -- is so 1T2-only-ludicrous as to be deprecatorily laughable: given that the µTm-identity-transparency of participation mystique aptly, if denigratingly, characterizes the vast bulk of human experience -- all of it pre-Homer; much of it, not in the Greco-Roman tradition, post-Homer. This ludicrousness is particularly the case when participation mystique is not understood participation inconsciente but as being the elementary sense of animistic-pagan quantum-non-simple identity-transparency independent of, and ontologically prior to, any sort of sortal categorizations (for a short introduction to Vincent Descombes' Puzzling Identities, Stephen Adam Schwartz, trans., Harvard U. Press, 2016, see the review under the same name offered by Frank Knappik, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 22 June 2016: take note that Descombes insists that identity qua identity involves the notion that there is only a single selfsame thing where one might have thought there to be two, the number one being absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct from the number two under 1T2-only-logic alone -- and only alone, heh-heh-heh!). Impercipience, what! they say when I speak of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency? What impercipience? There is no comedy-of-identity melodrama predicated relative to such relative-state. O, the dominance of dualism! Indeed, substance theory even in Buddhism (I, for one, heh-heh-heh, never embraced institutional Buddhism's interpretation of interdependent origination; to me the term connotes the notion µTm-relative-state identity-transparency); theory of relative identity; theory of the object, logical psychological, numerical; theory of fuzzy-object extraction (good offices of Jayaram K. Udupa and Supun Samarasekera, Graphical Models and Image Processing, 58:3, 1996, pp. 246-61) all subscribe to the rules associated with binary-only logic. However, postulation of Alexius Meinong's incompletely determined objects, which violate the law of excluded middle definitely involves a step toward formalization of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. That incompletely determined -- 1T2-wise -- is conflated to non-existent is typical of most everything that has transpired in this realm of thought. See our brief article TimeWaste of Half-Objects for a further bit of commentary on incompletely determined objects.
The real skinny on a true bill, or blackpsyche On a false flag: that is one ineludible question. Putting a bit in curdled humanity's musty mouth Caustically leading it to the smelly soap factory. Hiding among the engaged generations, were you one Which tried, struggled even, to make a difference By designing, building, using better shopping malls? The amaroidal flavor of inexorable existential guilt -- Though surely not also that definitively pathological, As might be supposed by the unprepossessed -- lingers, As contemplated are the arguments made O so assiduous: The barkeep's private recipe for empowered Manhattans Includes, among the ingredients, a hellish dash of bitters. Always been adamantly opposed to national-statism, have you Even more so to infernal supranational-statism, no less to Anarcho-1T2-syndicalism cum anarcho-1T2-capitalism? Ought should you be, therefore, an astute autopoieticist Inveterate advocate of prospective µTm-autopoionomy.Is it really a matter of useless idiots having "lost their minds", or of them never having had minds worth losing? The trite or the tritest of the trite? Whichever the 1T2ly-reasoned inductive conclusion, the establishment -- politico-military, academic-financial, intelligence-industrial, governmental-NGOic -- should be decriminalized. Expiation through atonement? The wait would be a long one. Nonetheless, given the abruptness characteristic of far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, and the classical diatonic modulatory rules imposed by key signatures being absent, unlikely is the diminuendo of a long emergency's trail-off resolution to the sad sinphony's tonic note.
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