Logics of tensor strain in co-Tangent bundles over a general Manifold
for Musculpt by VirFut Q-Pro

µTm Scenarios, T36(M)

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

In “looking at” the multiple lamination sheets qua LSTDs (limited spacetime domains), and domain structures thereupon, implicit in the Paine-Kaplan nested-grid, complex-angular-momentum cascade, numerical-forecast model of tornadogenesis, we naturally speculated about multidimensional Gaussian-qua-normal-qua-bell distribution qua curve in regards to changing values of variables appearing thereon; and when m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes were brought into the world picture, given that these modes almost most assuredly are µTm-processed, we speculated about existence of n-dimensional Lukasiewiczian m-valued-logic-processed Gaussian distribution (it may well be, we thought, that µTm-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value obviate the necessity for four and more spatial dimensions to represent multivariate normal distribution, particularly if forcing were understood relative to topologically-active operator-time, not relative to passing, passive, referential memetime, a suggestion which does not necessarily altogether nix utility of the hyperspheres-cum-eigendecomposition spatial interpretation: degrees of freedom conceivably could be mapped with properties of music, colors, aromas, so on, as proposed actually done in Inner Musculpt with cross-modal correlations between sensory “dimensions”). However, given the cascade model's employment of active time, our speculation was not actually about probability distribution of values of variables, a 1T2-only statistical-stochastic take, but with regards to long-range phase-correlations between the absolute limiting values of dynamical variables definitive of the ponderablespace grid-lengths and memetime steps which the various atmospheric slices take on when values of critical dynamical variables diverge to infinity cum converge to zero at measurement (measure on phase-correlation, according to this notion, is not denumerable with a selfsame number, because such correlation is a matter of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, selfsameness being definable only in the limiting 1T2-only case), thus constellating multiple initializations of temporal CURL (suggesting presence of complex multivariate normal distribution) during tornadogenesis; later, also with respect to DNA pi-stacks at shift to Curie temperature in onset of replicative helix-coil transition. Since, however, we were not speculating about value distributions on slices, but distribution of the laminate partitions themselves, as constellated at cascade by topological actions of operator-time, we ultimately guessed that distributions of c, c' and c'' -- absolute limiting velocities, accelerations, and time rates of change of accelerations -- are of the natural-log type, which drew our attention to the primes, zeta functions real, complex, notionally hypercomplex, and, relative to µTm-unto-CTC+, speculation concerning alternative Gödel-numbering schemes on MVRS, a hypothetical Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space, which purportedly undergoes involutory eigendecomposition under logical-cum-topological actions accomplished by 3-fold operator-time. When, 30 years later, I read (see, for instance, “Recipe for Disaster: The Formula that Killed Wall Street”, Felix Salmon, Wired, 23 February 2009; and the more recent “The Gaussian Copula and the Financial Crisis…”, Oxford U., June 2016) about the failure of quantitative modeling relative to forecasted behavior of the multiple slices qua tranches of financial market waterfall/reverse-waterfall-qua-cascade/reverse-cascade structured collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) of asset-backed securities, I thought, well now, reversion to the n-D bell curve didn't happen because of hidden variables: (1) tiling and nesting partitions of the global economy are being systematically stripped away by many factors operative in the globalization process, such that econometric cascades/reverse-cascades are trending towards becoming mono-step step functions, and (2) given that much reflexive/cross-correlative internal-to-the-market information, as well as extra-systemic-externality-related information, is hidden by the choice to use only single-valued-only monetary units at pricing, the n-D CDO bell curve is real-world-implicate m-valued-logically processed, not only explicate-1T2-valued-only processed, and (3) this hidden feature is doubly hidden because, in creation of CDOs, the bundling of bundles did not involve employment of fiber-bundle arithmetics, which only under µTm-unto-CTC+-logics could approximate to a full representation of the n-D cross-correlations manifest as correlation lengths snap to infinity as cascade to far-from-equilibrium phase-transition ensues. If we speak of the Gaussian copula and alternative copula functions in terms of complexity theory's “2nk fitness landscape”, and revise this landscape to incorporate Lukasiewicz logics understood relative to identity-transparency, not truth-value, this revision yielding an Mnk articulation landscape, k in both cases indicating the total number of the various sorts of correlations operative (see: “The Hidden Correlation of Collateralized Debt Obligations”, good offices of N. N., U. of Oxford MSc thesis, 13 April 2009), then Oxford argues that one of the major causes of the 2007-2008 financial crisis was cooking up values for k as a way to promote increases in the values of n, the numbers of loans bundled in the various tranches of the CDOs issued and rehypothecated, and themselves bundled for more rehypothecation (justforgetaboutit! as regards synthetic CDOs sinthesized, by backroom demimondaines in the haut monde, of bungled bundlings of credit default swaps). Awl-heck, Zek, yet again whapped and immiserated by the scourge of rage-cowing boiler-room/bucket-shop denizens with sufficient tech-wreck savvy to come off credible! Why Billy Tom, high-school guard to my forward, you insisted that 22 be the number on your basketball uniform's jersey. I tol' you 21 brings down the house, but, if you will remember, you simply wouldn't listen. Nope. The liars havin' poked her stock's market once too often in consuming their vanities, she threw open to the barbarians gates to The City, at the occasion of which the predators' balls should have shrunk. Ain't hunky-dory: that herky-jerky, hurly-burly, topsy-turvy tumultuary. Clem tol' me it may well be that that ain't necessarily so, but, then again, you and your'ins may consider them people ta be quintessentially human or not human A-tall: take your binary-minded choice -- if you can muster the psychological wherewithal to exercise actual choice under the blackpsyche impress currently prevailing. Shazam! Sam: gold-rush mentality post-structuralized into its aftermodern in[car}nation. Straight out of Clampdown! Wherever you go around this world, the worst of the bottom end are those who excelled at compliance education and persisted longest in higher enculturation, worked ever so hard, done what they was tol', who thus became uppermost of top earners -- with the usual few exceptions, of course. Well, actually, in my case, at a certain point of saltation I found that being a native English speaker with reasonably good diction had come to preclude me from anymore getting the kind of pick-and-shovel work which facilitated my form of inner-work practice, so I decided instead to retire, move through Buddhist societies, write a novel. Since I've done my best to keep a good supply of earplugs and to live as much as possible in societies where I do not speak the local language, even better where I can't read the script, and have found that this behavior has a profound salutary effect on quality of inner-state, and, moreover, have avoided chain stores and chain restaurants whenever possible, having no conscious awareness of ever buying anything as a result of being subjected to an advertisement, I am very unlikely to turn off the AdBlocker integral to my anti-virus program so as to gain better access to the content production -- largely blackpsyche -- only maybe one-percent of which an intelligent person would attend to independent of ulterior analytic motives. And since I have made less than a dozen phone calls in the last 20 years, I am highly unlikely to be upset about deplatforming from surveillance-state MoSoSo providers like Facebook, Twitter, so on, were circumstances ever to force me into becoming a SmartPhoner. My observation (based, contrary to the copula-function model, on the notion that no amount of 1T2-concatenation of arithmetic operations of multiplication and addition actually links all the links there is between univariate and multivariate: success at that necessarily involves µTm-unto-CTC+-concatenation via superposition as revolutory eigenrecomposition: classes of copulation are not limited to those binary; nor, being demergent, are they generated) is that, in addition to Oxford's take, 2 is actually M, and that when market action directives are predicated on taking M as 2, and market framework and framework-determining conditions, e.g., order of logical-value (not only 1T2-only) of the processing of the m-valued (not only 1-valued) monetary units employed, are structuralized in conformance thereto, not only will expectations be mistaken, but also that µTm processing of higher and higher values of k is precluded, thus insuring crisis results from self-organized criticality, not self-organized criticality yielding far-from-equilibrium phase-transition to a higher level of self-organizational competency. And oh how much we owe all this to the cohorts of 1T2-identified Laputa scientists and quant pathletes -- certainly no [m}athletes! Probabilistically speaking, if global insurgency indefinitely protracts, the martingale doctrine in counterinsurgency strategy -- doubling down on the space and time variables -- brought to GWOT-by-whatever-name 100-percent insures counterinsurgent failure by resource depletion or the financial precursors thereto. Tacitly compensating for their consciously unacknowledged and subliminally unwanted noncompact support, “Miserable malarky! Boring bunkum!” abreact those opaque to the m-valued logics of Non-Zero. In Mad[is}on massteria, goin' after the miscre{ants] with the whack-an-Awhole facecard-facebook tactic, such a way that meanwhile the whole kittenkaboodle of by-god-sufferin' bystander collaterals might as well theirowndamnselves be in the hoosgow, all the difference there is. Fiddlesticks! Outtahere lickety-split, by gum. Criminy cricket! Oops, too late. Dah, if it ain't da General Hisveryself pleezin' us ta git finished with it A-sap. Got up on the wrong side of the bed, he musta. But then I been tol' in order ta git outta the wrong side ya gotta climb over the other person or persons. Ain't that right, Zek. The biggest problem, though, has been once again well demonstrated, this time during the period post-2008: there has been, and is, no tolerance for even small changes to fundamentals of existing systems, e.g., in the immediate aftermath of WWII, efforts made for the small fundamental change to a non-vehicle reserve currency -- Keynes' “bancor”, White's “unitas” -- were unreservedly squashed. Does this -- world war required to make small non-fundamental changes -- suggest that humanity will not make it to the ecowar phase, that it will be stopped dead tracking in resource-war phase? Changes currently contemplated, deemed a “reset”, will most certainly magnify the most dysfunctional features of the monetary, financial, banking systems. What the brood which is TPTB want is a single optimum currency area encompassing the whole planet; a single, cashless, single-valued, singly-logically-processed vehicle-reserve crypto-e-currency; a single commercial-investment bank of issue with no human employees, that bank non-localizable in the space between 50,000 G5+ satellites; they the sole stockholders in that bank. Single, single, single is the mantra: Give me simple-identity or give me death! Well, fine, matter of choice: throw one's lot to what TPTB want, why don'tya, if one so wants, heh-heh-heh -- That Dark and Bloody River having long since New Frontiered itself to That Dark and Bloody Planet. Nowadays, psychopathic clingers, dressing dissimulated-quantum-based technologies in Newtonian clothes, relentlessly, just as was the case during waning of the Ptolemaic Weltanschauung, drive all formats of the existing institutional floor mat -- which is inextricably bound to long-since-abandoned 18th-century metaphysics -- into chaotic behavioral hypercycles.

Memory serving, the first occasion upon which I heard the term “frequency-response window” was in Special Forces Training Group, Ft. Bragg, circa 1966 -- from a friend going through the SF radio operator course. Informal “cross training” -- as I was in the medic course. Steve Coleson pointed me in the right direction with his insistent monologues. It was not long after this, as described in our 1994 novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, that I began thinking of DNA as analogous to an antenna -- so, I take heart from “DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields”, M. Blank and R. Goodman, International Journal of Radiation Biology, 87:4, April 2011, pp. 409-15. Next hearing of the term was at the McMaster University Velikovsky conference in Hamilton, Ontario, circa June of 1974, where Cornell specialist in tornadogenesis, Douglas A. Paine, frequently used it in conversations we then had. The notion had been an integral part of his thought since the late-'60s -- and became central to our 1979 mathematical model of the DNA radiation exchange process mediated by pi-electron parcels in free-electron gas of DNA. I recently -- for the very first time -- Googled with a variety of word combinations to see what the world is saying these days about the subject of frequency-response windows. So far as I could tell, not very much -- insofar as the never classified and the unclassified literatures go (only the very, very few have more than WAGs as to what exists in the multitude of classified literatures variously held around the planet). But I did come across this very interesting article: “'Biological Windows': A Tribute to W. Ross Adey”, Marko S. Markov, The Environmentalist, 25, 2005, pp. 67-74. Scanning Google, this item caught my attention not only because of the word “windows”, but also due to the name W. Ross Adey. Toward the end of February 1986, upon reading an article reprinted in the Bangkok Post referring to Adey criticizing Robert O. Becker's then recent book The Body Electric (there had been several phone conversations between Ithaca and Syracuse concerning the possibility of research being done in regards to experiments suggested in our DNA paper), I wrote to Adey a brief description of our DNA model, cited the publication information, and suggested, on the basis of that model and the experiments briefly described and recommended at the end thereof, that research on biological responses to EM radiation would greatly benefit by looking at the range of shifts in velocities and accelerations of biological processes directly linked to genetic transcription as surely to be variously elicited by alterations in ambient radiation frequency, amplitude, waveform, intensity. I remember when I sent this letter because we were staying in the home of Shlomo Angel in Bangkok; Solly read the letter, commenting on my gall at suggesting to Adey a line of research. There was never any response from Adey. Perhaps he did not receive the letter. Gall or not, and given that I have not been in a position to keep on top of the literature, I had to wait a long memetime, indeed, four decades, 1979 until 2019, to discover this series of papers: (1) “Do electromagnetic fields interact directly with DNA?”, M. Blank and R. Goodman, Bioelectromagnetics, 18:2, 1997, pp. 111-115; quoting the Abstract:

Recent studies on DNA have shown that large electron flows are possible within the stacked base pairs of the double helix. Therefore, gene activation by magnetic fields could be due to direct interaction with moving electrons within DNA. Electric fields as well as magnetic fields stimulate transcription, and both fields could interact with DNA directly.

and (2) “Electromagnetic acceleration of electron transfer reactions”, M. Blank and L. Soo, Journal of Cell Biochemistry, 81:2, 26 March 2001, pp. 278-83; quoting the abstract:

In all three reactions studied, EM fields accelerate electron transfer, and appear to compete with the intrinsic chemical forces driving the reactions.

and (3) “Electromagnetic acceleration of the Belousov-Zhabotinski reaction”, M. Blank and L. Soo, Bioelectrochemistry, 61:1-2, October 2003, pp. 93-7; quoting the abstract:

The acceleration varies inversely with the basal reaction rate, indicating that the applied magnetic field and the intrinsic chemical driving forces affect the same electron transfer reaction. The amplitude and frequency dependence of the EM field interactions are also consistent with interaction during electron transfer. A mechanism based on interaction with moving electrons offers a way of explaining the ability of EM fields to stimulate gene expression, in particular the stress response, since electrons have been shown to move in DNA.

Now let's see what we had to say about all this, including the stress response -- chronic stress in particular -- during the early 1980s, in a terminology glossary prepared at request of Wolfgang Luthe with respect to our paper “Autogenic Discharge: Quantum Biological Considerations” which I presented at the 6th Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Montreal, August of 1981:

38. Frequency Window. Characteristic signature of radiational frequencies absorbed and emitted by the molecule.

14. Fundamental Temporal Parameters of the Cellular DNA. This is a phrase designating the periodic oscillatory properties which serve to distinguish different histological classes of DNA molecules. A given class is defined in terms of a temperature difference (see: Figure 3). Each class has its own unique normative and critical temperatures involving the molecule's transition from the bonded to the unbonded state (see: physics of collective and cooperative phenomena). To describe these transitions we envision a parcel of free electrons (excited electrons unattached to atomic structure and able to move in relation to the molecule) whose oscillations are alternately excited and dampened within a field of radiation. The equation describing this activity focuses on the aforementioned temperature transition (see: Figure 4). It specifies the parcel's temperature relative to this transition and its first and second order time rates of change between the two temperature extremes. These three temporal parameters are analogous to the definition of an object's position at a given time and its velocity (time rate of change of position) and acceleration (time rate of change of velocity).

12. Intracellular Zeitgeber. There are two interrelated sectors of research on the nature of biological clocks. One sector focuses upon varying environmental factors such as electromagnetic fields and photoperiodicities which can entrain or synchronize internal cycles such as the circadian system. These environmental forcing factors are called Zeitgebers or time-givers. This research raises the question of how the highly variable periodicities of the environmental forcing functions translate into the quasiregularity of biological rhythms. The second research sector attempts to answer this question by investigating possible clock mechanisms wholly contained within the organism, e.g., cell membrane diffusion. This research raises the question of how the internal clock is able to vary its periodicities in response to its changing environment. The hypothesis we are proposing attempts to answer both of these questions by describing a mechanism by which the DNA molecule can alter its rate of genetic transcription in response to variations in an impinging radiative field. The rate of DNA transcription (which has sometimes been proposed to be the master biological clock) is described as being governed by two factors: (1) the frequency of the impinging radiation, and, (2) this radiation's ability to excite or dampen the natural frequency of vibration of an oscillating parcel of pi-electrons associated with the quantum structure of the DNA molecule. It is this varying, radiation dependent, internal frequency of parcel oscillation which we call the "intracellular Zeitgeber". In proposing a quantum approach to the biological clock problem (see: Figure 1), we are treating the environment and the embedded organism as an "infinity of clocks within clocks" (David Bohm, WHOLENESS AND THE IMPLICATE ORDER, p. 104).

32. Radiation the Molecule Receives From the Environment. The frequency structure of the molecule's environment is extremely complex and constantly changing. Moreover, it is multivalued (e.g., in t = 2s, for every value of t there is not a single unique value for s, but many values). There is the immediate environmental sheath of the molecule which incorporates the ensemble of pi-electron parcels; there is the intracellular environment; the whole organism; the organism's environment. Each of these environments, existing on a different scale, is capable of contributing components of information affecting the molecule's behavior. The crucial simplification of quantum mechanics to the understanding of this problem is to focus the attention on the characteristics of an elemental oscillator (in the present case, the pi-electron parcel) rather than attempting a spatial description of the extreme complexity of the radiational field. In the present model, the pi-electron parcel may be viewed as existing at the mouth of a frequency funnel (see: Figure 7). In the broadest part of the funnel, i.e., the environment of the organism, the informational content of the radiative field will have the least correspondence to the frequency window of the parcel. That is to say, the natural frequency of oscillation of the parcel will be given in units which are orders of magnitude different from that of the organism's environment. At deeper and deeper levels of the funnel corresponding to scale levels closer and closer to that of the parcel, the informational content of the respective radiative fields will be progressively shifted toward those frequencies capable of exciting and dampening the oscillations of the parcel. The phrase "progressively shifted" is important because the characteristics of the molecule's immediate environmental sheath are as much a function of the molecule's activity as the molecule's characteristics are a function of the environment's activity. They are reciprocally determining and in a constant state of mutual flux. The sheath exists to transduce information into a form the molecule is able to read, just as the molecule performs the functions of transducing information into a form the environmental phase boundaries can read. The practical scientific importance of this concept is that experiments involving in vitro DNA molecules can give rise to frequency response characteristics significantly different from what they would be in vivo.

36. Radiation Exchange Process. The quantum mechanical process by which information from many sources on many different scale levels is received, processed, and re-radiated by the DNA molecule. By this means, the biological clock, constituted as the DNA transcription rate, is hypothesized to set the subordinate clock, constituted as the cell membrane diffusion rate, by rate-limiting the flow of free electrons in the membrane's active transport system. This radiation exchange process represents a non-equilibrium thermodynamic control system based upon quantum mechanics. It adds an integrative dimension to the specificity of function simultaneously determined by the combination of stereochemical pathways and the tendency of any biochemical system to move toward thermodynamic equilibrium.

33. Rate of Nucleotide Bonding. This is the speed at which genetic information is processed by the DNA molecule through the breaking and remaking of chemical bonds between nucleotide pairs (building blocks of nucleic acid). In the present model, interest is focused on a temperature difference and two time rates of change of that difference (see: fundamental temporal parameters of the cellular DNA). Imagine that the bonding energy is contained within a room, the dimensions of which [think: size of frequency-response window] are set by this temperature difference. The door to the room has a lock which represents the structure of the molecule. In order to release the energy stored in the room the lock must be turned and the door opened. The radiative field is like a ring filled with keys. If one or more keys fit the lock, the unique turning rate of each fitted key will determine a given rate of nucleotide bonding. At the critical temperature, the energy used in maintaining the nucleotide bonds is radiated (through coherent waves) to the surrounding environment as the bonds are broken. This is like opening the door to the room. More technically, the energy involved in maintaining the nucleotide bonds is alternately given up to, and then restored by, energy exchanges involving the surrounding environment. In this context, it is interesting to speculate that the more complex aspects of the genetic language (e.g., grammar, syntax) may involve the relationship of nucleotide sequences and the "key-like" attributes of the radiative field. There may be meta-rules determining the "fit" of a given recombinant with a given environmental context [I currently speculate that it will be decades yet again before the real critical variable -- time rate of change of acceleration -- vis-à-vis n-level genetic encipherment is investigated].

17. Coherent Waves. Wave fronts that do not interfere with one another, the pulses of which are like soldiers marching in step on a rope bridge. If the timing of the soldiers' steps resonates with the natural frequency of the bridge's oscillation, the two motions reinforce one another. Coherent waves maintain their intensity by having their energy focused into a small area [think, in the superconductant case: vanishingly thin frequency-response windows, thus making feasible the possibility that communication technologies could be designed to stay in between biologically-active windows]. The coherent waves we associate with the DNA molecule are acoustically modified, meaning that the propagating medium actually serves to amplify and channel their energy into narrow layers of absorption in the surrounding environment [it is no mere coincidence that an atmospheric physicist formulated relative to DNA this notion and that concerning vanishingly thin frequency-response windows, nor that, flashing forward, this should become a big issue relative to implementation of 5G, as discussed in “Will 5G Undermine Weather Prediction?”, Cliff Mass {a Cornell physics student understudy of Sagan at the time Paine taught meteorology there} Weather and Climate Blog, 18 May 2019]. In the molecule's transition from its normative to its critical state, coherent waves are generated which carry the signature of this transition to the surrounding environment. The absorption of these coherent waves at discrete phase boundaries (e.g., the cell membrane) releases sufficient energy stored at these boundaries which, upon entering the DNA molecule, catalyzes its return to the normative state.

34. Genetic Transcription. The communication of genetic information by the breaking and remaking of nucleotide bonds (see: rate of nucleotide bonding), where one macromolecule serves as a template for another. Associated with this stereochemical aspect is a radiation exchange process wherein the order of the nucleotide sequences is read by the radiation field (see: biostatic, biodynamic field) and communicated to various phase boundaries. The stereochemical transcription fulfills the requirements of functional specificity, while the radiational transcription fulfills the requirements of functional integration. Functional integration of cellular metabolism can only occur through virtually instantaneous information exchange. This exchange requires a multiplicity of inter-connected phase lockings carried out by quantum processes. Imagine a well with a chain and pulley device for lifting the water (see: Figure 8). The cups on the chain represent discrete quanta drawn from the bonding energy of the molecule. The spacing of the cups along the chain is determined by incoming radiative frequencies capable of exciting the pi-electron parcel. Excitation of the parcel is equivalent to movement of the chain. The chain represents the coherent waves carrying the quanta of bonding energy to various phase boundaries represented by the buckets. The wave trace velocities are sorting factors which determine the amount of energy and its partitioning among the various phase boundaries. The phase boundaries are coupled together in such a way that their absorption of energy from the coherent wave triggers the restoration of the bonding energy as the molecule returns to its normative state.

18. Modified Quantum Frequency Structure of the DNA. Coherent waves consist of an ensemble of wave fronts whose speed of propagation is called the wave trace velocity. In a given transition from the normative to the critical state, a number of different wave trace velocities may initiate energy absorption at a number of different phase boundaries. We are hypothesizing that the DNA molecule, by means of these wave dynamics, exercises some control over the cell membrane's active transport system and, in so doing, orchestrates the functional integration of cellular processes. Any disturbing factor that disrupts the temporal parameters governing the generation or propagation of the waves, functions as stress in the system and modifies the information exchange with the molecule's environment [electromagnetically-induced chronic stress of this sort is, of course, of greatest concern]. Coherent waves emitted by the molecule that would incorrectly specify the phase boundaries and consequent energy transport would (1) not catalyze the molecule's own cyclical transition, and (2) would not promote functional integration of cellular processes. Another way to evaluate the disturbed vs. non-disturbed conditions of the molecule is by making a comparison between the pi-electron parcel's frequency of oscillation and the impinging radiative frequencies (see: Figures 5a and 5b). A healthy situation is when the oscillating parcel responds to a proper set of the incoming radiative frequencies. An unhealthy situation involves a frequency shift of the oscillating parcel, which (1) causes it to respond to an incorrect set of incoming radiative frequencies, and (2) causes it to be unresponsive to the proper set of frequencies.

20. Frequency Regime. The frequency dependent properties which determine a biological entity's energy exchange with its environment. Because the frequency of the electron parcel is governed by three factors -- the mean temperature, stability, and density of its environment -- any process that disturbs one or more of these factors can result in a shift of the parcel's natural frequency of oscillation (see: Figure 6). These shifts, in turn, will change the parcel's response characteristics. An example of a process that could disrupt one or more of these factors is microwave impingement destabilizing the parcel's environment by adding heat [think: the amount of heat required to disturb the parcel's normative rate of temperature oscillation; we do not herein refer to the amount required to cause a genetic mutation]. Reestablishing the correct parameters would involve extracting heat (or disorder) from the environment, thus returning stability. In these terms, the fundamental role of autogenic discharge activity would be to remove heat or disorder from a malfunctioning process which is alien to the body's homeostatic requirements. In what has been said above, we have focused on the pathological aspects of the process, but it must be understood that the same changes act as control factors in governing the normal metabolic activities of cell function. It is only when the changes in mean temperature, stability, and density exceed certain critical values or are inappropriately timed that these changes become pathogenic or antihomeostatic.

25. Superconductant. The original understanding of the meaning of this term was derived from the behavior of helium cooled to within a few degrees of absolute zero. It was discovered that energy exchange at these temperatures occurs with perfect efficiency because of the lack of random molecular movement. In a metallic coil cooled to near absolute zero, the electrical current will flow unabated because of the absence of resistance in the conductor. Any substance observed to have these properties is called superconductant. In the present application, the meaning of this term is expanded to include those cases at temperatures far removed from 0 degrees Kelvin, such as room temperature and physiological temperatures (see: reference level temperature). The system in question is able to exchange energy with its environment without loss or degradation of its informational content because in these systems resistance has been turned to the advantage of the information exchange process. In the case of the DNA molecule this occurs in the following manner: normally the process of energy exchange is occasioned by an onset of various vibrational modes determined by the stereochemical structure of the molecule. The kinetic energy of these vibrations is dissipated by viscous frictional processes. However, in the superconductant case, the increase in frictional dissipation maximizes the flux of free energy into the molecular environment, the critical values of the mean temperature, stability, and density having been exactly matched and properly phased at all scale levels of the system. One way of characterizing the essential difference between energy exchange processes that are superconductant and those that are non-superconductant is that, in the superconductant case, all the random activity in the molecule's immediate environment before the onset of superconductivity becomes highly phase-related, which is to say, that all the vibrational characteristics of the system become well correlated.

In the technical exposition of our DNA model, linked above, there is an equation for the fundamental frequency of the pi-electron parcel. Pointed out is the fact that the inverse of this frequency defines the minimum time for spontaneous localization (by our conception, this would be the 1T2-only-definable memetime readout on 3-fold operator-time's decomposition of the supersymmetry space, not collapse into single-valued decoherency of the m-valued coherent state-function). This 40-yearold notion finds resonance with recent investigations (see, for instance, “Microwave-stimulated superconductivity due to presence of vortices”, Antonio Lara, et al., Scientific Reports, 5, 2015: note the informative list of references) of relaxation times and quantized flux in superconductors -- the term “vortices” being employed relative to quantized flux. It is by no means incidental that the senior author to our DNA paper was a specialist in the mathematical modeling of tornadogenesis. As far as I can see, not having access to Blank's papers beyond the abstracts, the case remains that the only microphysical treatment of how these processes transpire is our superconductant-pi-electron-parcel-gas model. And that is 40 years old! Lots of luck to all yousguys who look forward to decades of living under 5G.

The physics informing the Paine-Kaplan cascade model of tornadogenesis involves an atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations -- only, the difference being, two levels of nonlinearity are added such that there is first-, second-, and third-order Maxwellian dynamics depicted as underlying aspects of the demergent energy-momentum cascade process, as well as the notion of three classes of singularity cum functional equivalents thereof corresponding to first-, second-, and third-order Maxwellian dynamics. These orders being complex-amended in that, in the absolute limit, the ensuing topological operations of the involved orders of temporal CURL are carried out in complex and hypercomplex numerical domains. The 1T2-only-logical, simply-connected, first-order Maxwellian dynamics fails at scale-relative (i.e., relative to the given LSTD, limited spacetime domain) absolute limiting velocity upon entry to singularity. The µTm-logical, multiply-connected, second-order Maxwellian dynamics fails at scale-relative absolute limiting acceleration upon exit from the n(n-1)nth -- heh-heh-heh! -- wormhole. The CTC+-logical, non-orientable, third-order Maxwellian dynamics fails at scale-relative absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration upon topological transform of the n(n-1)nth Klein bottle (of the Klein-bottle nesting foam) to a point in the Borel set “bucket of dust” constituting the Tzog-chen-AllBase warm-golden dust which is pre-pregeometry numbered with nonselfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Quoting our 1977 “Toward a General Theory of Process” paper:

As the ongoing cascade progresses through the hierarchy of scale levels, it invokes a sequence that involves an initial collapse of topography followed by the formation of a new topographical configuration. This sequence is repeated over and over as the cascade progresses from one level of hierarchy to the next. The terms deautomatization and automatization capture the essential features of the two stages of this repeated sequence. The initial structural configuration is deautomatized by the topological operations of the temporal curl. The state of deautomatization is essentially a state of turbulence which is a necessary prerequisite to the quantal action carrying the process to a more complex structural regime. Once the topography has collapsed to a singularity (the intersection point of the spin axes), automatization sets in and begins to generate a new topographical configuration (through multiple twistings of the axes of spin). This repeating sequence is the manner in which spacetime domain replication proceeds.

Fundamentally, the cascade is a crisis founded upon the concentration of kinetic energy and vorticity within ever decreasing spatial and temporal dimensions. It is likewise a crisis of mass densification, as the concentrated core of dense fluid heads toward a type of gravitational collapse within the hydrodynamic spectrum. Indeed, with the descriptions afforded by the u, v, and w-momentum topographies, it can be seen that a parallel topographical collapse is occurring, wherein the frequency of the ensuing waveform transcends the limited-spacetime-domain of atmospheric dynamics. This means that the physics of the ongoing process must be measured in fractions of Hertz and fractions of kilometers, where an acoustic phenomenon (infrasound) emerges as the dominant waveform. It is this varying “song”, played polyphonically upon the fixed acoustic-wave signatures of local landforms, which Cornell’s Neurobiological Behavior Laboratory has recently demonstrated that homing pigeons use for local navigation. Acoustic waves, viewed from this perspective, are the shorthand notation for enfolding three-dimensional divergence and three-dimensional vorticity going to singularity and being forced to “propagate” without sufficient spatial “room” to allow for a continuing angular momentum cascade.

This being the case, we are called upon to re-define space and time as the elemental dependent variables necessary for outlining the essence of the scale interaction process. We, therefore, do away with the seven dependent variables of the previous equation set and derive an even more basic set founded upon the fundamental premise that time actively operates on space to generate form. This premise, we believe, will eventually be experimentally evaluated within the tornado's spacetime-gate architectonics, where acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes ripple the walls of this cosmic vortex which interfaces hydro-thermodynamics with electrodynamics, plasma physics, relativistic-quantum fields, and quite likely processes of fusion and particle creation.

“This repeating sequence is the manner in which spacetime domain replication proceeds.” Hmmm. If, in a universe subscribing to the holographic principle, “As below, so Above” is thus dictated, then it appears that these principles of complex and hypercomplex angular-momentum cascade at tornadogenesis may well be highly relevant to current cosmological discourse on the universe's initial singularity and the current phase of universe accelerated expansion. But I note that in S. I. Kruglov's “Nonlinear Electromagnetic Fields As a Source of Universe Acceleration”, arXiv, 8 April 2016, his use of the term “maximum acceleration” is not explicitly stated to be the absolute limiting acceleration of second-order Maxwellian dynamics. I further note that in “Cosmological Effects of Nonlinear Electrodynamics”, by M. Novello, et al., arXiv, 10 October 2006, there is no discussion of a “maximum acceleration”, let alone an absolute limiting acceleration. Fundamentally, this is because, while Einstein's relativity considers an absolute limiting velocity, it does not actually address an absolute limiting acceleration, nor does it consider an absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration. Memetime dilates to a stoppage and space contracts to a poof-out-in-the-direction-of-motion at the absolute limiting velocity. It would seem reasonable enough to ask what happens at the absolute limiting acceleration and the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration. These were questions necessary to arrival at cascade theory of tornadogenesis. They may also be useful in arriving at a notion of how the universe demerges from its cosmological Planck (length) “backcloth”, to use the term employed by Richard L. Amoroso in his book entitled Universal Quantum Computing: Supervening Decoherence -- Surmounting Uncertainty (World Scientific, 2017). This backcloth is alternatively characterized as a BigBanged “Planck barrier covered by a stochastic foam” (see: “Examining the Existence of the Multiverse”, James J. Hurtak, et al., in The Physics of Reality…, Richard L. Amoroso, et al., eds., World Scientific, 2013, p. 373) or as an “11(12)D hypertiling of topologically comoving hyperstructures” (see: “The Origin of CMBR as Intrinsic Blackbody Cavity-QED Resonance Inherent in the Dynamics of the Continuous State Topology of the Dirac Vacuum”, Richard L. Amoroso and Jean-Pierre Vigier, in Gravitation and Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale, Richard L. Amoroso, et al., eds., Springer, 2006, p. 30). The least cosmological units (LCUs) of which the backcloth is supposedly composed qua tessellated are envisioned as being orientable strings-branes-fields (see the diagrams provided on p. 79 of Amoroso's Universal Quantum Computing and p. 4 of “What is Love? The Physical Cosmology of Spiritual Union”, Richard L. Amoroso, Noetic Advanced Studies Institute, Santa Monica, undated), the role of a single-valued bar-h being central to the involved harmonic oscillators (these oscillators not understood relative to topologically-active operator-time, an understanding fundamental to Paine-Kaplan cascade modeling). I note that in his discussion of the cosmic-holographic physical backcloth of love, Buddhological compassion, identity-transparency between 1st- and 3rd-person singular, i.e., between self and other, Amoroso does so in conformance to the dictates of dualistic 1T2-only-logic alone: there is no mention of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, let alone such logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. This is a 2-state qubit like making the stock market's binary-computer-driven quant speculator base his algorithmic trading on the equation Alpha = Love, when we all know post-2008 that this cannot be The Truth because George Soros told us so: there are, according to Soros, self-referential (unstated by Soros: bases of logical-value order-types) market propositions process-driving reflexivities making financial Alphaville inherently unknowable due to this econometric analogue to Heisenberg uncertainty. I would modify that by saying: inherently unknowable to the binary-mind identified with Alpha defined as The Truth which is definable only under 1T2-only-logic alone or as the m-valued comprehended 1T2-only as shades of gray between T and F qua 0 and 1. This unknowability interpretation of Lukasiewicz by Soros (preventing advent of m-valued monetary units µTmly processed likely by Lukasiewiczian analog computers) is covariant with Amoroso's statement (Universal Quantum Computing, p. 62) that “…QIP [quantum information processing] has not and cannot be achieved beyond a few qubits by continuing to utilize the nonphysical mathematical representation of qubits on a Bloch sphere in Hilbert space as its basis”. This statement is made in context of presenting a new notion of what, in my opinion, is misnomered as a “multiverse” (what I see instead is a single universe that may be processed with µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-types to a given proposition, the involved logics supraordinate to that 1T2 understood independent of the notion truth-value). Quoting Amoroso (Universal Quantum Computing, p. 65):

The multiverse paradigm introduces a revolutionary structural change in the universe. The Hubble sphere, HR represents only an observational limit, not the physical limit as in Big Bang cosmology. Fundamental multiverse space is a complementarity of a new absolute 12D space and our observed E3/M4 relational spacetime. Multiverse cosmology has nonlocal holographic-like properties entailing a Multiverse of a potentially infinite number of nested relational Hubble-type domains, each with different fine-tuned laws of physics and complete causal separation from our 3D Euclidean, 4D Minkowski, E3/M4 realm [16]. The additional compact subspace dimensions, Nc [17,18] hypothesized as compactified in the initial Big Bang event are not a subspace of our E3/M4 domain, rather in multiverse cosmology E3/M4 is the subspace of the 12D superspace.

I thoroughly agree with this, except for use of the term “multiverse”, and redeployment of the 1T2-Everettian-cum-thermodynamic notion of “complete causal separation”, and that I would say that the “observational limit” represented by the Hubble sphere is also the logical-value order-type processing limit established by the 1T2-only ego-sphere encapsulation imposed by prescriptive enculturation-socialization orchestration of glutamatergic neural etching at neuronal plasticity, an encapsulation which cuts off conscious access to the µTm-processing engaged in by the nonlocalizable quantum brain. I would also point out that Amoroso's notion as to the nature of the “backcloth” (which I call the Tzog-chen AllBase of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space), with its LCUs (least cosmological units), is conceived exclusively on the level of memetime-bound (cf. Amoroso's “emergence” and “comoving hyperstructures” -- even though he says the backcloth is “atemporal”) geometrodynamics, whereas I understand the backcloth as being constituted on the levels of bucket-of-dust pre-pregeometry and pregeometry-as-Lukasiewiczian-calculi-of-propositions, with topologically active operator-time effectuating the Schrödinger-memetime-independent logical demergence -- through logical-value-order-types-constellated ontological-domains noncognizable by binary-mind except as trick-mirrored Platonic shadows on surface of the egoic Hubble sphere cum Bloch sphere -- to geometrodynamics and spacetime physics.

Goosing technical ineptitude, as popular mind of the climate-change skeptic inevitably does, if it's not understood, it's to be got rid of, eh: these days, this is the self-revelatory tacit subtext to much politicoeconomically-motivated counter-environment anti-science. The generic worldline of onset-lead-up to far-from-equilibrium phase-shift exhibiting highly nonlinear hysteresis (see, for example: “Abrupt Non-Linear Climate Change, Irreversibility and Surprise”, Stephen H. Schneider, OECD, 2003), there can be no progressively-worse-getting (i.e., lineal-functional march) data-readout of system-evolution worldline (not the same as functional relations between variables within nonlinear equation sets), a systemic hisstory process-property generally insisted upon by popular mind of the climate-change skeptic as the only real evidence indicative of, for instance, “global warming”, better “climate change” -- both terms being misleading, in that temperature up-ramping may not be the most important variable (altered “frequency-response window” may well be: consider, for instance, “Impacts of Changing the Atmospheric Composition” section of “Mathematical Modeling of Climate Change”, Naomi Hamermesh, Bryn Mawr, 5 May 2010, as an example of the typical focus taught: alteration of fancy-e qua absorptivity/emissivity-induced change of surface temperature, not also of induced changes of the global atmosphere's response to the real, complex, hypercomplex angular momentum carried to Earth by, say, the solar wind) and “change” does not convey the full-sense essential-property meaning of “shift”. Take note of the variables employed in the equation sets displayed in the two following basic accounts of the rudiments of climate change mathematical modeling: “The Mathematics of Climate Modeling”, Eunjee Lee, MIT, 13 February 2008; and “Climate change: Does it all add up?”, Chris Budd, +Plus Magazine, 13 June 2016. Now look at the primitive equation set displayed here and the explanation provided as to why the following statement was made:

This being the case, we are called upon to re-define space and time as the elemental dependent variables necessary for outlining the essence of the scale interaction process. We, therefore, do away with the seven dependent variables of the previous equation set and derive an even more basic set founded upon the fundamental premise that time actively operates on space to generate form. This premise, we believe, will eventually be experimentally evaluated within the tornado's spacetime-gate architectonics, where acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes ripple the walls of this cosmic vortex which interfaces hydro-thermodynamics with electrodynamics, plasma physics, relativistic-quantum fields, and quite likely processes of fusion and particle creation.

How much do we actually know, really, about the ongoing climate shift dynamic? What is the absolute worst thing that ever happened to hu-hu-human[woe-man}ity? The atom bomb? Atoms For Peace? Too early to tell? The automobile -- given the deleterious effect it's had on urban-suburban-exurban design, air quality, health of organisms, climate? The digital PC? The 5G smart phone? Too early to tell? What about 1T2-only logic? The explicative answer is: Humph! Won't buy that. Hell no. Ain'ta gunna. Brought down with the devil's grip, I'd be, I would, wouldn't I. Contrary to this in-denial which has become an insolent stone-winick refusal, there is rapidly growing evidence that there is no aspect of any Lebenswelt, human and otherwise, on this septic orb that the severely brain-impaired nazifier participants in the increasingly virulent collective psychosis are not subverting by expression of their hysterical commitment (a collective unconscious “decision” taken by mid-19th century, largely in back-reaction against N. H. Abel of 1823, by now becoming fully conscious: Give me simple-identity or give me death!) to rid Earth of organic life. In hosing a society with black propaganda, the propagandist knows the messages promulgated are propagandistic; with black self-propaganda, however, there is no such cognizance and the self-metaprogramming propagandist believes hisher dissemblings have verisimilitude to the cases message-mongered upon. While the former is integral to political warfare offensives in cold and hot wars as well as in low-intensity forced-assimilation-type acculturation, the latter is involved in how regressed collective-unconscious event gradients are transmogrified-in-service-to-the-corporate-ego into man[i}fest in[car}nation (a fricative ConveDD-kind [conversion-disorder displacement] of incomplete neutralization by autogenic neutralization [thematic repetition, good offices of Jose Luis Gonzalez de Rivera, of that being resisted by, say, thematic evasion, e.g., ConveDDing nonsimple-identity by evading the logics thereof] via a kind of plosive voiced obstruent devoicing imposed upon de[plat}formed unsuppressed and hence unregressed sonorant archetypal figurations Musculpturally facilitative of synchronic more than diachronic parallelisms, thus of Plato's transcendental demergent teleology more than Newton's immanent generative eu\tax[i/o}logy). Scrunching Collingwood and restoring insight with Thucydidean historiographic substantialism, what! Most assuredly it wouldn't be necessary, and likely not sufficient, uh, uh, that is, it won't shouldn't couldn't willn't require induced depullulation -- with mission creep or that goes off the wire -- by a mad billionaire or by a NWO cohort thereof or by conscious intent of TPTB, or via an actual plan of the NWO-types.

Are Gabor “logons” the limiting case reduction of what could be called “lukons”? Regards DNA as topologically-active-operator-time-induced quantum harmonic oscillator, we observe that 3-fold temporal CURL -- being complex-plus-two-hypercomplex expressions of the actions of a topological operator -- has no 1T2-only directly readable real-numerable physical signal in the Gabor sense, and, therefore, is without finite 1T2ly-ponderablespace-representable bandwidth and 1T2-only-definable-memetime duration; indeed, in terms of the Gaborian-Shannonian information content (cf. logons-bits), relative to acts yielding temporal CURL, zero = infinity. If, by virtue of superconductant pi-electron-parcel-gas core-environment, the higher-temporal properties of the coherent waves emitted by DNA carry µTm-unto-CTC+-logically-valued information, then the information content of these waves will not subscribe to the Gabor uncertainty principle determining the closest distinguishable frequencies. Since we speculate that the underwater substruction iceberg -- to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle 1T2-only viewable-cum-processable tip -- is skew-perpendicularity (the orthogonality con[ju}gate to J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism, “pencils of skew-parallels”, and the “figures” they “draw”, being processed by nature with µTm-unto-CTC+ logics: you get conned because the orthogonality condition of the binary coordinate frame is bogus as regards real, imaginary, hypercomplex -- electric charge, for instance, having its origin in what is hidden from 1T2-only-processing observers), we similarly speculate as regards Gabor uncertainty. According to our idea, each oscillating pi-electron parcel emits a coherent wave packet, the quantum-composite of the corpus thereof constituting a wave train carrying m-state-superposed information µTm-unto-CTC+ processed. Nature, thus, not having logged onto 1T2-only logons, 1T2-only bits, and 2-state-only qubits will have, it seems to us, infinitely greater distinguishability abilities than those circumscribed by Gabor's 1T2-only representations. Gabor's logon Fourier space is a cellular MN landscape, whereas complexity theory's fitness landscape is an nk space. Since the order of logical-value is taken for granted to be 2, the 2 is not explicitly given as in 2MN and 2nk denoting the maximum amount of information transmissible. The actual maximum for natural nature, we believe, is Mnk/unit memetime (giving nature the capability to distinguish between almost vanishingly thin DNA frequency-response windows, and plausibly giving us the possibility to stay between biologically-active windows). This suggests that the Gabor logon and the Amoroso LCU (least cosmological unit: this evokes for me the ken unit length” [good offices of M. Salim Ferwati and M. Alaa Mandour, March 2008] of traditional Japanese residential architecture by which the tatami mat “cellular” tiling of the AllBase floorspace-grid was delineated, the best account being Heinrich Engel's The Japanese House, A Tradition for Contemporary Architecture, Tuttle, 1964, a copy of which I once owned and assiduously studied) would minimally have to be revised to accommodate m-state quantum information units or “mu-its” and their associated “lukons” as quanta of m-valued information, these lukons constituting the “elementary information cells” (these “cells” in this case in a 3D representation being null-vector-constructed and “pencils of skew-parallels”-drawn “diversely identical skew-cubes”: see Appendix III of The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, J. G. Bennett, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, p. 508: one would suppose that this would require skew-cube-integrable functions involving multicomplex numbers) of the Lukasiewiczian “Fourier space” of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, whereupon the frequency-band quantum numbers would be the non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers numbering Alexander.Karpenko functors specifying properties of the µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of identity-transparency (signified by the k in Mnk; whereas the k in 2nk denotes merely correlations) carried by the signal employing the given lukon quanta of m-valued information. Moreover, if logic is reduced to information theory stripped of semantics à la Claude Shannon devaluation-of-value, and qualia uniquely characteristic of each logical-value order-type understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency are disallowed, then binary-numerable electronic logic gates, bitic and qubitic, could cellular-automata-like generate the structural properties of µTm-unto-CTC+ logics -- but how much would these sorts of simulacra tell us about the actual CTC+-unto-µTm-demergent universe with its m-semantics and m-qualia? Abnormal n-dimensional singularities correspond to semantic-qua-qualia hiatuses between logical-value order-types -- hiatuses that can be quantum-tunneled at absolute limiting values of dynamical variables (e.g., baud rate of consciousness -- judging from the various levels of Samadhi heuristically testified to and taught) definitive of the state-functions characteristic of the given logical-value-order-type domains µTm-unto-CTC+. And how much would this generative grammar of µTm-unto-CTC+ facilitate initialization and elaboration of m-valued-LETS currencies, transactions of and between which are µTm-processed relative to the demergent semantics of Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth? In our take on a µTm-LETS monetary system, price = composite signal strength of the collection of the various overtone frequencies of the given m-valued-LETS currency, the signal strength at each frequency determined by a “bank” of band-pass filters, transactions in the given currency µTm-processed with mu-itic analog computers employing m-state-superposed Lukasiewiczian-quantum logic gates (which are altogether distinct from 1T2-only con[ju}gates). The planetary unit of account, being a quantum composite of all the many m-valued-LETS-currency units, Earth orb, transactions across currencies would require determination of stacked stacks of signal strengths by banked banks of band-pass filters, each m-valued-LETS currency itself -- being defined over a pre-fractal e-boundary -- an approximation to an indicator-measurable-externality band-pass fractal drum commodity-backed by its unique e-commons-computer-gamed commodity basket. Each frequency of the overtone series of the given currency unit -- Lukasiewiczian-Gabor representing in Fourier monetary space a “lukon” value of the unit's value ensheavement stacked upon the 1T2-only-processed base-state, i.e., single-valued cash -- being fine-grain tagged to an indicator-measurable-externality, and this circumstance being the case with each m-valued-LETS currency, planet Earth, the quantum-composite of all these composites more and more closely approaches a frequency-domain map, of the reigning Everttian-vonHayekian “time-shape of total capital stock”, planet Earth, as the µTm-LETS monetary system elaborates and bottom-up fleshes out currency-unit value-stacks.

I quote Lauri Love (nsh) as he conveyed a referral to Richard L. Amoroso's book entitled Universal Quantum Computing: Supervening Decoherence -- Surmounting Uncertainty (World Scientific, 2017):

Clearly there are strong parallels here to Doug Paine and your own notions of temporal curl and its quantization and your key insight that Heisenberg uncertainty/indeterminacy is merely the shadow of the temporal operators responsible for skew parallelism.

Yessiree, Bob: 1T2ly as branes; µTmly as well-ordered classes of J.G.Bennettian “pencils of skew-parallels”. Amoroso's notion of dimensions versus my notion of logical-value order-types: kind of like honking at Bangkok and then banging on Hongkong -- keeping the spoonerism, spurning the alliteration. Quoting Amoroso (Universal Quantum Computing, p. 160):

The causal structure of these conditions reveal an inherent new UFM [unified field mechanics] “action principle” (not a 5th force, but an ontological “force of coherence” of the UF) driving self-organization and providing a basis for applying Feynman's synchronization backbone principle. Attempts by the few researchers for a synchronization backbone [in our terms, the Tzog-chen AllBase of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space], should at best [I would say: at the very least] be called “bi-local”; when as we shall show the symmetry for synchrony is an inherent component of HD brane topology. Operationally a new set of transformations (beyond the standard Galilean/LorentzPoincairé) ontologically describe how to surmount the quantum condition… [essentially, Heisenberg uncertainty] …(supervening decoherence during both initialization and measurement) by an acausal energyless topological brane interaction.

What Amoroso refers to as a “topological brane interaction”, we speak of in terms of null-vector defined J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism and skew-perpendicularity, the “new action principle” effectuating the “brane interaction” being topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time. The way we see surmountal of quantal uncertainty is by reverse-cascade and counter-temporal operations, such that from 1T2-only “perspective” there are infinitudes of “uncertainties” supratending Heisenberg-Gabor uncertainty, uncertainties removed one by one at each logical-value order-type transform µTm-unto-CTC+. Topologically-active 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time acting in cascade by effectuating Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered propositions CTC+-unto-µTm and unto those 1T2 propositions simply Gödel numbered, in Amoroso context, might be deemed the invariants (see Universal Quantum Computing, p. 170 for discussion of this topic) supraordinate to the Casimir invariants, those supraordinate invariants commuting with the generators (3-fold temporal CURL) of those boosts (an excellent discourse on velocity boosts is provided by D. E. Soper in “Galilean Boost Symmetry”, U. of Oregon, 4 April 2011) to absolute limiting values of velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration. Consideration of the algebraic contextualization of Casimir invariants suggests that there may be a relation between operator-time as invariants and Alexander.Karpenko functors of logical-value order-types of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes. I found myself thinking of the existence of such a relation upon reading Alan Rendall's (presumably) reflections entitled “Casimir invariants”, Hydrobates, 13 July 2009. Quoting the posting:

…there is a natural embedding…

As a consequence of the universal property… [Casimir invariant, C] …it is possible to define an object rho(C). This is an operator on V [vector space] which commutes with all elements of the image of rho. If the representation is irreducible then this implies that rho(C) is a multiple of the identity…

There is a theorem on the structure of the centre of the universal enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra which is associated with the term “Harish-Chandra homomorphism”. It can be used to list the number of elements required to generate the centre and their orders as polynomials in basis vectors of the Lie algebra. The number of these generators is the rank of the algebra.

I am thinking of Alexander.Karpenko functors as elements of the exponentiated-rank, rankn, of the µTm-algebra. I note in passing that the author of Hydrobates asked himself why he found probability theory so difficult (see: “The probability space as a fiction”, 12 February 2019); whereas, I asked myself in high school why I found symbolic (1T2-only) logic so difficult. Eventually, I came to understand that this “difficulty” had origins in my childhood exposure to “participation mystique”-type “primitive”-Shinto modes of cognition and comprehension -- modes in which self-other, subject-object, inner-outer, so on are not absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. There can be no discrete selfsame observers to engage in acts of observation under logical-value order-type processings of the one-and-only-one universe, uh, uh, errr, processings supraordinate to that 1T2, that is -- 1T2 being the only such order-type permitting definition of a distributed-middle (think, for instance, of the enormous worldwide income disparity trending thereto) dualistic distinction qua Cartesian-cut between observer and observed cum self and other cum subject and object. Order-type processings µTm-unto-CTC+ specify a “rastor” of states of quantum-animistic-pagan “participation mystique” (George Crumb, beholding to Frederico Garcia Lorca, groked this, as can be heard in Ancient Voices of Children). Note that the causal separation and the out-of-phase relation between separate universes of a multiverse, as argued by Richard Amoroso, 1T2ly-contradict Amoroso's characterization of the non-separatism-love informing the physical cosmological properties of the holographic multiverse “backcloth” to the fabric of anthropic reality as he describes them. No Turangalila (cosmic love play) Symphony in this type of multiverse, apparently, if the 1T2-logic-only Law of Non-Contradiction is obeyed by multiverse. This logical situation is the same as that in regards to the atemporal backcloth and the time-bound thermodynamics of our everyday pedestrian world of experience. An enormity of geometric complexities is apparently required to remove the 1T2-contradiction. Quoting Amoroso as regards the “arrow of time”, Universal Quantum Computing, p. 77:

…the arrow of time arises from continuous-state spin-exchange dimensional reduction compactification by an uncoupling recoupling process during deficit angle production during parallel transport of topological charge around the close-packed cosmological least-units tessellating spacetime. That mantra is a lot to swallow and is addressed more adequately in [3].

It is worth noting that the process described here by which an objective arrow of time arises has many features similar to what 3-fold operator-time is said by Paine-Pensinger to accomplish in demergence -- except that passive, passing, referential linear-time, according to them, is actually only memetime. Proceeding as directed to [3], which is The Holographic Anthropic Multiverse: Formalizing the Complex Geometry of Reality, Richard L. Amoroso and Elizabeth Rauscher, World Scientific, 2009, the earlier version of that statement is provided on page 45, and the reader is directed to Chapter 5. Moving on as directed, and reading end to beginning as I often do, I first take cognizance of the notion stating that there are 3 time dimensions among the 12 dimensions postulated. Quoting p. 145:

String theory states that “matter resides on the 3-brane and gravity is free to pass between”. With duality/mirror symmetry this would take care of 6D. There are three time dimensions in HAM [holographic anthropic multiverse] cosmology leaving three for the quantum or anthropic potential for a total of 12D.

I immediately wonder as to whether this indicates 3 separate objective linear-times or one 3D volumetric objective passing time.

I have now jumped to the beginning of Amoroso's and Rauscher's Chapter 5, “Formalizing the Ultimate Geometry of Reality: Dimensionality, Awareness and the Arrow of Time”, in their book entitled The Holographic Anthropic Multiverse, linked immediately above. With this jump I learn that “arrow of time” and “time dimension” are to be differentiated, for, while there are 3 time dimensions, there are 5 arrows of time. It's hard to resonate with much of the detail in Amoroso's model if one can't accept a number of his basic hypotheses and assumptions. Quoting pages 103-4:

Current thinking suggests that there are five arrows of time, four physical and one psychological; in this chapter it is suggested that all arrows of time are a function of the phenomenology of the observer which calls for a reformulation of the basis of physical theory [this statement, following the semicolon, I thoroughly agree with]. Incorporating this assumption into scientific epistemology requires a “continuous-state anthropic multiverse” entailing an additional set of transformations beyond the Galilean, Lorentz-Poincaré groups of transformations and a description of the correspondences reducing to the current standard models of particle physics and quantum theory.

Uh, hmmm, excuse me, “reducing to the current standard models”: this I cannot at all agree with, as it gives far, far too much credit to contemporary physics. As educational as it is, one thing glaringly apparent from reading Amoroso, something I already knew, is that there is no aspect of prevailing physics, not to say all of modern-cum-postmodern thought and application, not HAMstrung by utter psychological identification with binary logic. Given infinitudes of infinitudes of logical-value order-types with which to process the hypercomplex geometries of reality, reality surely is at least infinitely more elaborate than 1T2-only physics has even begun to imagine -- such that the current standard models, with their destructive technologies, should not be allowed to be that to which new formalizations must be reducible. Further quoting page 104:

…the spacetime backcloth is a dynamical process of the inherent selforganization. We consider this fundamental backcloth to be a form of Dirac covariant polarized vacuum [4,5]. The dynamical surface of this vacuum is purported to be a zero point field. In this context the arrow of time is defined as a locus of events conjoined with the continuous transformation of this spacetime… At this fundamental level the vacuum structure is stochastic and quantum fluctuations of vacuum radiation [7] randomize the momentum distribution of particle coordinates and by the uncertainty principle there is a continuous fundamental ambiguity relating to any direction for an arrow of time.

It seems to me -- somewhat following the logics implicit in Wheeler's notion of cosmological self-referentiality, more closely the role Diego Lucio Rapoport (scroll down and check out the dialogue section) gives the cosmic HyperKlein bottle -- that the “backcloth” must pre-pregeometrically (“bucket of dust”) and pregeometrically (Lukasiewiczian calculi of propositions) altogether ontologically precede geometrodynamics (even on the HyperKlein- and Klein-bottle levels), just as geometrodynamics must altogether ontologically precede spacetime physics (1T2ly Heraclitian-speaking, that is): µTmly Parmenidean-speaking, not “it from bit”, but “mu-it from MVRS” (m-logically-valued reference space, where all movement is already all there implicately “contained” in the static Platonia scheme given as Gödel-numberings of Gödel numbers unpacked by 3-fold operator-time: the Being more and more a Becoming as a function of loss of the cosmic consciousness of greater and greater “echelons” of logical-value order-types, a purpose-full self-limitation of the whole which is teleologically restored, uh, that is, 1T2ly Heraclitian-speaking). If I be to go: set store by many a times, not a one. Patricia Curd quotes a relevant fragment from the poetry of Parmenides, to wit “…mortals, knowing nothing, wander, two headed…” (“Thinking, Supposing, and Physis in Parmenides”, Etudes Platoniciennes, 12, 2015). That's not µTmly headed, like the many-headed Lernaean Hydra or the many-snake-head-haired-Medusa Gorgon head stigma: we most owe Heracles and Perseus for our ego-invested psychological identification with binary logic. As regards the stochastic attribute of the Amoroso conception of the “backcloth”, I can observe that in their descent to Wall Street -- named after a wall that apparently could not abide the holographic principle -- the MathTypes and the PhysicsGurus were Fooled By Randomness not only because they ignored The Black Swan with a fat tail, but, more fundamentally, because they mistook m-valued for probabilities and m-logically-valued self-referentialities for random walkers (unlike George Soros, who deemed self-referential market reflexivities as The Unknowables). I found it a meaningful coincidence that existence of Brownian motion was discovered the year after publication of N. H. Abel's 1T2-only existence proof for µTm-unto-CTC+ trans-al-jabr, a proof demeaned as the Impossibility Theorem. One way to escape dualism without returning to polywhateverism (to include, say, Robert Dahl's “polyarchism”, however limited an expression this is of authentic µTm-participation-mystique via bureaucratic variables mapped on changing prefractal e-boundaries according to the holographic principle, implementation of which, as tacitly demonstrated by the Viet Cong political infrastructure doesn't even require IBM Selectrics, let alone quantum computers -- a little known fact of the Viet Nam war described in our novel relative to a Bronze Age fractal Drum of Peace: Dahl's relatively dull notion interestingly critiqued in “Polyarchy & Participation: The Changing Democratic Theory of Robert Dahl”, Richard W. Krouse, Polity, 14:3, Spring 1982, pp. 441-63) is to monocrop monism: make one of the two poles the monopole; reduce, say, psyche to hyle, mind to matter. Quoting Amoroso's and Rauscher's HAM, p. 107:

…because mind in HAM cosmology is completely physical; all the arrows of time are likewise actually “physical” and can be investigated…

By this means -- resurrection of hylopathism -- a modicum of objectivity is returned to the 5 arrows of time and their 3D quiver; thus, is the observer relativity relieved of hisher ultimate responsibility for the origin of time, such that there is a supposed complementarity between the 5 objective physical passive-referential linear-times and a subjective physical-mind passive-referential linear-time. Anyone (many of our billionaires, apparently) who thinks humanity will escape the corpora of dilemmas it has created by means of the long prevailing and continuing trajectory in 1T2-only science-and-technology has got to be nuts. “Show me a [1T2] fact and I'll show you a [1T2] lie!” did not escape the MSM and pol[i}tics, then migrate over to [pol}lute physics; quite the contrary: just as bad as the cinema, where the enormous falsifications of history promulgated for over a century by Hollywood are, to say the very least, mortifying embarrassments to humanity, particularly as regards those directly involved. What has been achieved? Most of us are bond slaves once again! Ah, yes, all those volunteering to be 5G-bound with blockchain to a lonely we-are-the-world 1T2-only cryptomonocurrency. What insight! What foresight! What knowledge of the history of mathematics, logic, physics. Why darling, one just loves to have one's ads personalized, doesn't one. And all those who don't care about the surveillance capitalism (good offices of Katie Fitzpatrick) described by Shoshana Zuboff. But it's a pipedream to believe that surveillance capitalism can be rolled back or transformed or suppressed without curing its cause, removing etiology of the pathogenesis -- a miasm which is a simple extension of what caused the Cambodian holocaust: fear and loathing of quantum-animistic-pagan non-simple identity and its underlying polyvalent logics. Find'em, Transfix'em, and Take'em: that'll Nix'em. There ain't nothin' complex that ain't simple -- the right means applied.

With gathering concentration at walking-meditation practice of withdrawing from capture-by-the-object of the libido of attention cathexes -- an “active imagination” visualization of the “pulling back in” of the libido dissipated by projections made on the subject-object level of the transference, the level where the most egregious aspect of the Cartesian-cut transpires as learned, via prescriptive enculturation-socialization euphemistically cum neoDarwinianally designated “the environment”, with the learning of “object constancy”, a constancy in all likelihood axonally arborized and glutamatergically etched at neuronal plasticity, the pruning increasingly understood from the late-1960s (“blooming and pruning” in service to Piaget's stages of cognitive development: see, for several informative sources: “The neural basis of cognitive development: A constructivist manifesto”, Steven Quartz and Terrence J. Sejnowski, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 20:4, January 1998, pp. 537-56; and “Developmental Changes in Cognitive Control Through Adolescence”, Beatriz Luna, Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 37, 2009, pp. 233-78; and “The developing brain: From theory to neuroimaging and back”, Eveline A. Crone and K. Richard Ridderinkhof, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 1:2, April 2011, pp. 101-9: or maybe it's more like “quenching-restriction/pruning and blooming” where the quantum quenching very likely associated with multiple prunings of the “over-abundance of neuronal synaptic connections” restriction-enzymatic-like largely eliminates conscious access to CTC+-unto-µTm, thus fixating 1T2-only and accompanying Kantian categories informing Piaget's stages of cognitive development, whilst blooming facilitates learning within the boundaries to knowledge established by automatization of these categories: categorical deautomatization white-noises out all unit-root trend-stationary drifts) -- there is nonlinear entry upon memetime slowdown and ponderablespace contraction by increase in the baud-rate of consciousness toward the absolute limiting velocity of the normative state established by the above described means (in this context, and thinking about coherency and values of fractional anisotropic diffusion [measure of the degree of 1T2-only fixation?] of water in brain, à la Luna, I found it interesting to do my best to contemplate imports of “Propagation Speed of the Maximum of the Fundamental Solution to the Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation”, Yuri Luchko and Francesco Mainardi and Yuriy Povstenko, arXiv, 13 January 2016). This memetime slowdown cum ponderablespace contraction gives rise to an autocorrelation phenomenon (phenomenologically detailed at multiple locations in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh): initially presenting as a deja vu feeling; more elaborately, as a sensation that an event is being seen a memetime instant before it happens (a pregnant sensation relative to “Predictive feedback to V1 dynamically updates with sensory input”, Grace Edwards, et al., Scientific Reports, 7, 2017?); at greater memetime slowdown, as a flashover-photism appearance of what intuitively is understood an ostensible afterimage presented as a foreimage; with further elaboration yet, presentation of AnalyticalCubism-like qua Husserliana-like superpositions thought indicative of OBEed nonlocality on part of the unit-root observer-selfhood having autodifferenced multiply, such that hisher identity fractality, generally hidden inside the ego-function's Umwelt-introjection-established “unit circle”, has become conscious. Direct ontic experience of this process (entering the stillness at The Center of the Cyclone, as John C. Lilly metaphored it) profoundly disturbs commitment to the consensuated preference function 1T2-only-circumscribing reflexive bilinear forms orthogonal with respect to functions over algebraic fields of scalars or unimodular over algebraic rings of homomorphisms (actually polymorphisms, surely, given origination via Buddhological codependencies). It goes without saying that I have little sympathy for the corpora of projections eliciting (1) the corporate-executive qua military-staffing qua state-govenance-as-inhibitory-control model of brain function, and (2) for the franchising model of phase-transitions of political infrastructures in autopoietic insurgencies self-organizing by metabolic throughput across boundaries subscribed to the holographic principle, and (3) the “corporate person”, adoption of the very notion of which was clearly an assimilative-acculturative ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of animistic-pagan “participation mystique” -- in modern terms, µTm-relative-state identity-transparency implicate in N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem. Indeed, lineally-dependent-type correlations fade into the background of concern and concordance (see, for instance, “Multivariate measures of concordance”, M. D. Taylor, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 59:4, December 2007, pp. 789-806: I-BoxMan take note of the n-dimensional cube, In, where I = [0,1], approach and think of the J.G.Bennettian skew-cube “drawn” with null-vector-defined “pencils of skew-parallels”, skew-I deeply fractalized, chronotopological operations upon which being µTmly processed, for, to me, 1T2-only-functional dependence by bivariance as cumulative and survivalist, à la Harry Joe, “Multivariate Concordance”, The Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 35:1, October 1990, pp. 12-30, is not authentically generalizable to the nth-case of multivariance independent of logical-multivalence) by nonlinear multivariate functional codependency, as a signature of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, draws one in closer, tightens one's focal length, gives one a shallow depth of field sharpening cathexes with respect to indices of logocentrism involved in any particular case. Actuaries (cf. “Copula”, no name provided, Stanfordphd.com, 2014 or later by references) and specialists (cf. “A Copula Statistic for Measuring Nonlinear Multivariate Dependence”, Mohsen Ben Hassine and Lamine Mili and Kiran Karra, arXiv 1612.07269, 2016 or later by references) in intra/inter-systemic copulation find this important enough to try to 1T2ly-understand it -- despite the unleashing role one sort of copula played in the 2007-8 financial crisis. Returning to the logophysics cum physics of it all, were an attempt made to mutually modify our temporalCURLish take and that of Rapoport crossed into that of Amoroso, an important question would be: how is it that temporal operations unpack Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of CTC+-unto-µTm-valued propositions such that the skew-parallelism cum skew-perpendicularity supratending 1T2-uncertainty demerges as geometrodynamic topological interactions of branes? Another: what are superstrings, strings, branes under µTm-valued logics (comprehended relative to µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-value) rather than under only truth-value-comprehended 1T2-only-valued logic?

Aye, so am I reminded. And -- oh, yes, of course. How could my I/im forget? The widely held belief in “random peripatetics over continuous time” (cf. The Quants, Scott Patterson, RANDOM House paperback edition, 2010, p. 38): convertible-bond rBITrage, statistical rBITrage, portfolio insurance, so on. But, sir, what is 1T2ly-random, Gaussian or no, may not be 6T34ly-random (what does this tell us about [1] the perfect information claimed by the Efficient Market Hypothesis {{{no undercurrent; acoustically-modified waves OverCs CTC+ly, heh-heh-heh!}}}; and [2] the arbitrageur's “Law of One Price”, cf. The Quants, p. 36, not the Law of an M-Price; and [3] the potential utility of µTm-processed m-valued monetary units and pricings therewith?) and continuity/discontinuity of passing, passive, referential linear-time, actually memetime, is a function of the baud-rate of consciousness relative to the absolute limiting velocity of the given state space identified with. Asking myself should I exploit flaws in the system -- the system needing to be logophysically upgraded -- in order to get money to further efforts to upgrade it, I never received a positive answer: detailing a better way takes money, but the means employed determine the end achieved. It's puerile to naively believe ends justify means. Bad 1T2-money can't generate that µTmly-good. The unconscionable stratifications of leverage in bungled-bundled bundlings of financial derivatives rehypothecated to the nth-layer is to my mind a Sturm-und-Drang ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of the strung-and-braned hyperKlein-bottle nesting foam numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of CTC+-unto-µTm-logically-valued propositions. The IoTs ought to be radically localized in conjunction with variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS currencies defined over pre-fractal e-boundaries; whereas the 1T2-only base-states, i.e., cash, of such currencies should be RFID-transpondered (surveillance capitalism's social-credit facial-recognition bookies ConveDD this to Find'em, Transfix'em, and Take'em) so as to make e-measures of velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration of monies include cash flows, accurate measures (as imputed by our operator-timed canonical equation for its quantum harmonic oscillators, in all likelihood superconductant pi-electron-parcel gas of DNA is the most sensitive microwave sounder, planet Earth, to include what's been placed in its atmosphere) of these dynamical variables being essential to quantum-composite universal-unit-of-account (regards: e.g., cosmological least unit, unit length and memetime step for dimensioning limited spacetime domains, functors polymodular over hyperKlein-bottle nesting foams of skew-figural polymorphisms) mappings on MVRS -- the m-logically-valued reference space, a Parmenidean case of T-immobil -- Tzog-chen-AllBase-backcloth of Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth (those time-shapes so mapped as Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers numbering motes in the “bucket of dust” spread across the pre-pregeometry AllBase). It's not so much the 1T2-only-money which they -- celebs various, CEOs, speculators, so forth -- make for what they do; it's what they do for the 1T2-only-money they make. Scamming the skimmers; skimming cream floaters off top of the scammers: why wouldn't they believe Finger-you!-F***-you! society produces The Good Life? Rope-a-dope S&S, Snatch-n-Snooker stuff. Cartoon-Comicbook-Crazyclay-Coloringbook Culture. Half Clown? More than half, I'd say. Prepubertal was I, when learned I did, didn't I, that arguing with collective psychosis is an errant fool's errand: standing there in the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, circa 1953; the next year sitting perplexed at the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombing site memorials, a waterboy for the base football team. I can't remember when there might have been a period in my life when I believed what I was fed about the so-called good intensions driving mistakes, overreach, overreaction, villainy, tyranny, i.e., that these “good intentions” actually are good intensions -- unless where I been were so paved. Many years after my 8th, circa 1953, I learned I had always wildly underestimated the incidence of brain impairment (for the latest indicator, see: “The World Is Getting Increasingly Dumber, Study Finds”, ZeroHedge, 23 May 2019) -- virtually pandemic of late. One example of derivatives thereof: subjects of the libertarian take, good offices of Jim Quinn, as offered in “US vs. THEM”, The Burning Platform, 19 May 2019:

The staggering number of corrupt prostituted sociopaths occupying positions of power within the government, corporations, media, military, churches, and academia has created a morally bankrupt empire of debt.

These sociopaths are not liberal or conservative. They are not Democrats or Republicans. They are not beholden to a country or community. They care not for their fellow man. They don't care about future generations. They care about their own power, wealth and control over others. They have no conscience. They have no empathy. Right and wrong are meaningless in their unquenchable thirst for more. They will lie, steal and kill to achieve their goal of controlling everything and everyone in this world. This precisely describes virtually every politician in Washington DC, Wall Street banker, mega-corporation CEO, government agency head, MSM talking head, church leader, billionaire activist, and blood sucking advisor to the president.

A characterization of gyrating minds glommed on the goopy gibberish of wish-fulfilling-dream ensheavements, these dreams being compensatory abreactions to a lot of deep-structure stuff altogether unconscious to the dreamer. It should be observed, however, that “sociopathic” and “psychopathic” are words too small to employ when the reality referred to is actually collective psychosis, a condition written throughout the hisstorical record of human behaviors. For a further similar testimonial, we quote Paul Craig Roberts' “The Assange/Manning Cases Discredit Humanity”, Institute for Political Economy, 20 May 2019:

Wherever one looks at the behavior of Americans today, from airline flight attendants to police to national security advisors and secretaries of state, one sees people devoid of moral conscience, integrity, compassion, empathy, and self-control.

I remember thinking exactly that sitting next to Elspeth Rostow in a small conference room at the Sheraton Park Hotel “first national teach-in against the Vietnam war” listening to her husband debate Hans Morgenthau and Stanley Hoffman. The American spontaneous localization of the ever more planetarizing -- shinkeshitsu and hikikomori being aspects of the Japanese version -- behavioral syndrome referred to by Quinn and Roberts had its origins in the closing off of the government immediate-post-JFK-assassination, ramped up considerably after 30 April 1975, became prevalent from the early-1980s, reached omnipresence by good offices of 9/11, GWOT, 2007-8, spontaneous fusion of financialization with telecom-qua-surveillance tech cum the reaching of cusp catastrophe in non-humanoid/humanoid tooling-roboticization and the human roboticization incumbent thereupon. Informative it is to couple Quinn's and Roberts' assessments to one of the many, in my view rather too optimistic, left-liberal-academic takes, in this case good offices of Jared Diamond as interviewed by David Wallace-Wells, New York Magazine, 10 May 2019:

I would estimate the chances are about 49 percent that the world as we know it will collapse by about 2050.

A diamondic WAG, what! Scope in upon the surface level of the pathogenesis account generating the DDx, and notice the lack of focused Rx prescriptions: nothing more than hand-waved vague generalities. A second example of derivatives of amplified impairment is found in the fact that, just as many amenity migration sites around the planet have been trashed, so the planet as a whole: dephylogeny follows deontogeny, so it may be said -- and, moreover, THEM made and will make a miniscule fraction of the money they would have, had they done it right. Wanting to be seen epic, they started yet another of their wars, and another, and another. Were they eventually to arm[aged}don, they would discover what the law enjoins-- uh, uh, the Law of Insufficiently Large Numbers, that is. Fortunately, but unfortunately in this and similar cases, collective unconscious event gradients set the boundaries within which conscious processes are constrained to transpire. How, therefore, could the present case be a case substantively other than the case it is? Reactivity to subsubliminal impress predisposes even details of behavioral syndromes. Since discovered necessity of trans-al-jabr, demonstrated by N. H. Abel in 1823, there has been development after development after development demanding phantasmagoric [re}cognition of logic qua logic, a thorough logophysics recasting of basic science, of governing Weltanschauung, Lebenswelts, Umwelts, of fundaments (“framework determining conditions”, good offices of J. G. Bennett) underlying the wholesale-imposed Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna institutional base, consequently of psychological, sexual, social, political, economic conventions, as well as of orientations as to doctrine of technological uses. Not to mention radical revision of the very idea of money, its logical properties -- not merely a substitution of e-money for cash, and techno-alteration of the means of exchange. My writing has frequently been accused of a white-noisy word-salad lack of interest in communication: that is to my mind l'écriture at the zero degree (good offices of Jeanne S. M. Willette, arthistoryunstuffed, 22 November 2013) because this is the informed beyond-limitations-of-language way to indicate away the overt and tacit Structuralists' identification with the categorical binary -- just as acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode analogues to blackhole computing µTmly zero out 1T2-only physics. Most compromised by 1T2-only-physics-degree-zero is the traditional notion of identity qua identity as a metaphysical category. In midst of the imposed pandemic deautomatization, impacting cherished religious beliefs across the board, an imposition strongly resisted by bulk of the population everywhere on the planet, a collapse behavior syndrome, hence generative of all manner of regressions and compensatory abreactions, the behavioral malapropisms-malignancies (leaving aside, as they did, the need, need, need to torture, and the atrocities of the greatest unnecessary of unnecessaries: war as our primary generator of technological advancement) cited by Quinn and Roberts are rather mild, it must be observed, relative to what can be expected down the memetime line, given that, with 200 years of momentum having been built up, the resistances are not at all likely to abruptly abate.

Back to a question earlier raised: how is it that temporal operations unpack Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of CTC+-unto-µTm-valued propositions such that the skew-parallelism cum skew-perpendicularity supratending 1T2-uncertainty demerges as geometrodynamic topological interactions of branes? Such unpacking and repacking (insight-as-to requiring “analysis logo situs” with respect to “logotopos” and their decomposed chronotopologies) and such interactions of branes, I believe, per our 1980 paper entitled “Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement”, transpire Heraclitus-like between THE quantum brain and its myriad 1T2-only brains, All That Is the universe-in-itself remaining Parmenides-like unchanged, the unpacking and repacking being memetime-boundedly understood as spontaneous localization (either as collapse of the m-valued wave-function to a single value or as involutory decomposition of supersymmetry space, strung & braned or no) and spontaneous fusion. “Between THE quantum brain and its myriad 1T2-only brains”: this is one reason why I assert that the bottle-nosed-dolphin-cum-biofeedback-in-the-isolation-flotation-tank-cum-EscherForm-dance-pod-assisted development of holographic techno-exteriorization of inner Musculpt as mathematical notation is a functional prerequisite to gathering authentic insight as to µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-types. The demurral: I say, old chap, deserves he does, doesn't he, a good ol' smackingdown, what. Pummel the mutt, Mort! The retort: Too anti-establishment counterculture NewAge for our professional mathletes and even for exemplars of softphysicsdom? If so, embrace of that “too” is a major display of identification with the prevailing deleterious doctrine of technological uses driving implementation of the 19th-century collective unconscious “decision” for human species self-annihilation currently conducted, in part, under the rubric “transhumanism”. Exemplifying the various sorts of 1T2-uncertainties, what punches out the random walk, the Brownian motion, in the most general abstract sense, is the µTm-infinitude, indeed, the CTC+-infinitude-of-infinitudes of implicate-information supraordinate in logical-value order-type to that 1T2-only “carried” (most astutely: demerged) by this or that means into whichever dynamical regime focused upon. Another reason for techno-exteriorization of inner Musculpt is that the supra-Boolean information-objects-expressions carried by the higher temporal (re: 3-fold operator-time) formants cum envelopes (and their extraction) of the quantum wave properties of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA pi-electron gas (the molecule's emitted coherent waves constituting the reference beam for the neural-hologram aspect of inner Musculpt?) are extremely likely to be directly involved in the aforementioned unpacking and repacking. An econometric analogue to this packing issue is found in the EMH, efficient market hypothesis. Much to the chagrin of those running money, uh, 1T2-only loot, according to the notion of logical-value order-types of information integral to the idea of µTm-valued-LETS nesting-foams, the EMH's perfect-information-price thesis is infinitely wrong, in that a 1T2-only-logical price inherently cannot encompass the infinitudes of µTm-information supraordinate to that 1T2 -- this “cannot” being reflected in the [mark}ette's up-or-down-only property and its wholesale exclusion-from-consideration (thus denying existence of inter/intra-systemic integration, correlation, coherence, synergy) of intrasystemic and extrasystemic externalities, information which could-should can-only-authentically-be signified µTmly, and which could be incorporated into m-valued market price µTmly processed. Topological spaces where the points of open sets are Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes, e.g., our Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space (I consider topological spaces where the points are functions, e.g., traditional 1T2-only Hilbert space, to be lower-order spaces, i.e., farther down the demergence spectrum), may have some useful prefigurations in topological models of unwitnessed (qua undistributed) polyadic, i.e., CTC+-unto-µTm, Gödel logics as distinct from witnessed (qua distributed) monadic, i.e., 1Tm, Gödel Logics (good offices of Matthias Baaz and Agata Ciabattoni and Norbert Preining “SAT [satisfiability] in Monadic Gödel Logics…” [provides discussion of “topological types of logical-value”] in Logic, Language, Information and Computation, Hiroakira Ono and Makoto Kanazawa and Ruy de Queiroz, Springer, 2009) and topological models of paraconsistent (truth-value gluts) and intuitionistic (truth-value gaps) interpretations (good offices of Can Baskent, “Topological Semantics for da Costa Paraconsistent Logics…” in New Directions in Paraconsistent Logic, Jean-Yves Beziau and Mihir Chakraborty and Soma Dutta, eds., Springer, 2016) of Lukasiewicz logics -- except that, to our understanding, the pivotal factor for interpretations is not truth-value as the fundament of logic; rather, logical-value order-types understood relative to CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency (via G. Spencer Brown's Laws of Form, distinction is more fundamental than truth-value; identity qua identity as a metaphysical category -- not merely as equality, identity element cum function cum relation cum graph cum so on -- in our judgment, is more fundamental than distinction). The technical elaboration provided in the sort of work cited immediately above is impressive -- but, in terms of my orientation, such elaborations fall into the “So what?” category. Why this kind of material remains of incidental-marginal interest to me: so long as every apparent advance is in one way or another resolved back to categories associated with 1T2, no authentic insight as regards µTm will be forthcoming. With respect to monadic Gödel logics, acts of buying into preference functions indicative of 1Tm instead of µTm are essentially expressions of religious convictions derivative of the Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion sustaining existential threats from math-logic-physics discovery, be those convictions only tacit on part of the mathematician-logician -- for unmolested µTm connotes, be the connotation only subliminal, animistic-pagan identity-transparency qua “participation mystique” with the natural surround. The satisfiability in 1Tm Gödel logics, addressed by Ono, et al., transcends 1T2-only-Gödel-Turing undecidability, the involved incompleteness suggestive of the higher-logics implicate to the various sorts of 1T2-uncertainty: Heisenberg uncertainty, Gabor uncertainty, the time vs. space uncertainty in M theory (good offices of Tamiaki Yoneya, “String Theory and the Space-Time Uncertainty Principle”, arXiv, 30 March 2001), the uncertainty relation for the coordinates in noncommutative geometry and quantum field theory where accurate position can only be determined for one coordinate. The latter two, space-time and coordinate uncertainties, are perhaps most relevant to the issue of the demergence of skew-parallelism/perpendicularity, particularly as concerns our operator-time-formulated equation (consider that “Well-known applications of the rising and lowering ladder operators in quantum mechanics are in the formalisms of the harmonic oscillator and angular momentum”) for a quantum harmonic oscillator, with regard to which “Probing Uncertainty Relations in Non-Commutative Space", Pritam Chattopadhyay and Ayan Mitra and Goutam Paul, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 25 May 2019, may be of considerable interest, given the following statement drawn from the Abstract:

We also derive the reverse uncertainty relation for product and sum of uncertainties of two incompatible variables for one linear and another non-linear model of the harmonic oscillator.

Keeping in mind, of course, that “two incompatible variables” signifies 1T2-only uncertainty of whatsoever sort. In this noncommutative cum coordinate cum M-theoretic uncertainty context, and relative to the Pauli-Paine notion of topologically-active operator-time, the following statement, drawn from “Space-Time Uncertainty and Non-Locality in String Theory”, George Shiber, georgeshiber.com, 17 February 2017, is of great interest:

…we shift the world-sheet coordinates… to the role of dynamical variables via the reparameterization…

The shift spoken of would be with regard to repacking, reverse cascade, remergence. Whowhat is “we”? In our take on demergence-remergence, the “we” is topologically-active operator-time. Very stimulating with respect to a Heraclitean-dynamical envisioning of demergence-remergence is to regard the MVRS Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense sheet covered by a spread-out “bucket of dust” as a non-smooth interface of the sort characterized in “Alternating Coordinate-Momentum Representation for Quantum States Based on Bopp Operators for Modeling Long-Distance Coherence Aspects”, Ezzat G. Bakhoum and Cristian Toma, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, where a quasifacsimile (“quasi” because “dynamics of quasiprobability” is not what topoactive operator-time is about) of skew-parallelism manifests via the Bopp operators which is “related to certain inner dynamics of the wave function” (in our view, these “inner dynamics” are a reflection of µTm processing of the m-values, not of long-distance correlation between probability amplitudes). Were this interface the spawn of DiegoLucioRapoport hyperKlein-bottle nesting foam, chronotopologically conceived (Gödel CTC, closed timeline curve, being an evocation of 2nd-order Pauli-Paine operator-time; chronotopological hyperKlein-bottle, of 3rd-order Pauli-Paine operator-time: time rate of change of acceleration is rarely explored because to do so would be to subvert the randomicity assumption underlying thermodynamics, molecular biology, and quantum physics, as is well illustrated by the fact that Arthur Young designated 3rd-order dynamics as “control”, this realization making possible his engineering of the rotor for the Bell helicopter; we speak, however, of topotransforms onto nonorientability initializing at scale-relative absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration), then demergence-remergence/demegence-remergence… CTC+-processed to the nth case could be construed a facsimile of “Superpersistent currents and whispering gallery modes in relativistic quantum chaotic systems”, Hongya Xu, et al., Scientific Reports, 5, 11 March 2015. Indeed, it may be the case that this manifestation of the Aharonov-Bohm effect is the resting mode of DNA pi-electron loop-quantum gas (the emitted coherent waves being acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes?) in between critical-helix-coil-transitions to the superconductant state, given that “…DNA loops are likely to define functional units as well as topological domains…”, as stated by M. Roberge and S. M. Glasser in the Abstract to “DNA loops: structural and functional properties of scaffold-attached regions”, Molecular Microbiology, 6:4, February 1992, pp. 419-23.

If, in a nonorientable holographic CTC+-logical universe, “the center is everywhere” (see, in terms of Sloan Digital Sky Survey, if not James Turrell's “Skyspace”, David H. Weinberg's “The Center is Everywhere”, arXiv, 23 September 2012) and, according to the holographic principle, the everywhere of that universe is mapped upon its µTm-boundary-without-1T2-boundary (for nonorientable without boundary, see: “Reeb graphs for shape analysis and applications”, Silvia Biasotti, et al., Theoretical Computer Science, 392, February 2008, pp. 5-22), then any given reference point, V=0, for electric potential is every reference point for electric potential, and any given superposition involves every superposition, the n-exponentiated-exponentiation of superposition yielding null-vector-defined (null insofar as 1T2-only processing is concerned; nonetheless, µTm-unto-CTC+-logical vectors processable by Lukasiewiczian analog computers [unfortunately, John W. Mills' 2008 paper, entitled “The nature of the Extended Analog Computer”, is no longer viewable in full, only the abstract: such suppression being one aspect of the goose-stepped coherency brought to the collective suicide project]) skew-perpendicularity of lines of force and equipotential surfaces (the origin of charge, à la Riemann's “lines of force trapped in the topology of space”, change in topologies being executed by topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time at scale-relative absolute limiting velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of accelerations) understood relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency (not understood with truth-tabled 1T2-only logic). Of considerable interest in this regard, but certainly not identical to J.G.Bennettian “pencils of skew-parallels [cum perpendiculars]” or identical vis-à-vis the temporal CURL involved in effectuation of Pauli-Paine operator-time, is “Divergence and Curl Operators in Skew Coordinates”, Rajai S. Alassar and Mohammed A. Abushoshah, International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 5:3, June 2015. Also very suggestive, but again not identical, are the 1T2-only fuzzy-logical graded neurological potentials discussed by Wanda G. Webb in “Neuronal Function in the Nervous System”, published in Neurology for the Speech Pathologist, 2017, posted to the internet by ScienceDirect, where it is said:

…graded potentials usually must summate either in time (a number of graded potentials occurring on the cell membrane at once) or in space (a number of graded potentials occurring at the same point on the membrane) to generate a signal strong enough to generate an AP [action potential].

An econometric analogue to this quantum superposition of neuronal graded potentials (a “maniac”-unto-“brainiac” superposition which, in the organic case, I speculate is severely restricted due to quantum quenching being associated with prescriptive enculturation-socialization anchored to brains by glutamateric etching at neuronal plasticity) would be found in the ensheavement of values stacked upon the base state-space of an m-valued monetary unit µTmly processed -- were a Lukasiewiczian LETS monetary system defined over fractal e-boundaries ever actually implemented. Money matrix and “framework determining conditions” of existing markets being forced to conform to 1T2-only-logical definitions, rules-laws, expectation sets, there is established (1) utility to probability-based assessments, and (2) being, by “separation of concerns” in the prevailing Bayesian belief model of market fundamentals, at the mercy of extrasystemic factors defined out of the purview of market processing (except by melts -- down-or-up only, as is dictated by the 1T2-only constraint). While this makes for a nice game, the 1T2-only-money machine's resource depletion and environmental degradation trajectory spells its own incendiary demise largely by preventing internalization of externalities, an internalization which cannot be accomplished so long as the notion of a monetary unit is, by definition, made to be a single-valued variable. Load-the-boat quants who like to arb inefficiencies ought to love µTm-LETS nesting foams, as exploitable inefficiencies would expand exponentially to include failures to adequately credit environmental externalities µTmly-internalized to the market: double-down quants as inveterate tree-huggers sitting at their desks in NYC, London, Tokyo, HK, Chicago -- though there'd be fractal-e-boundary viscosities, protective of local multiplier effects, to quantum-barrier penetrate. Capital-structure arbitrage (Master Thesis good offices of Oliver Berndt and Bruno Stephan Veras de Melo, U. of Lausanne, 2003) transubstantiated relative to Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth, eh, what! Relative-value arbitrage (good offices of BarclayHedge) trading into the µTm-logically-valued-relative-state identity-transparencies of holographic-principled fractal-e-bound markets internalizing environmental externalities. Whoopse! Oh my, have I walked into a strobed-black-light busker happening on a tony sidestreet all painted up taupe and hung with tassels? One-to-one, not n-to-m, Gaussian-copula correlations between bundled tranches -- within given MBSs, CMOs, CDOs, CDOs-exponentiated, synthetic CDOs -- are used as the 1T2-only-processed means of single-valued-pricing slices and of pricing CDSs and CDS-bundles thereupon (for one before-2007-8 discussion, see “Pricing Tranches of a CDO and a CDS Index…”, Dezhong Wang and Svetlozar T. Rachev and Frank J. Fabozzi, Statistik, October 2006; for one post-2007-8 discussion, see the MS Thesis of Elizabeth Ofori, entitled “Pricing Tranches of Collateralize Debt Obligation…”, U. of Calgary, December 2017): the involved non-simple identity of the properties cum securities non-simply owned could be based upon authentic quantum relative-states. However, fiber-bundle arithmetics for vectoring market action directives (re: action potentials) are not employed in creation of CDO, and the like, product spaces; hence, there is no base state-space of CDO bundling to maintain localization of multiplier effects and risk confluences as non-locality ensues as ownership of loans-mortgages is transferred to money centers. And the so-called measures of the correlations do not in any way read authentic relative-states. Like a dodecaphonic retrograde inversion of the conspiracy to designate facts as conspiracy theories, using CDSs as the basis for correlation pricing of CDO tranches is, tacitly, a quintessential application of Bayesian belief modeling. International regulations on permissible risk do not address the locality/non-locality issue: so much for regulatory efficacy. Full-blown econometric quantization cum bundling cum slicing of loans -- MBSs and so on -- authentically incorporating non-simple identity, non-locality, and relative-state identity-transparency would require the “framework determining conditions” that would be put in place by implementation of µTm-LETS nesting foams defined over fractal e-boundaries. Being no believer in local or non-local hidden variables theories (despite insisting upon the non-separability of entangled systems which cognitive states of “participation mystique” give direct ontic awareness of), I hold forth with the notion that the 1T2-only-definable observer hides from the m-valued variables. In face of the horror, the horror presenting as quantum-this/quantum-that and relative-here/relative-there and Lukasiewicz and Gödel and Heisenberg and seemingly on and on, hence, clearly, their own minds they can't even control, they must, simply must, control something: thus, by compensatory abreaction, rent seeking relative to existential confirmations (easily viewable in the fact of econophonic language having become utterly potensiphonic in its emphasis upon power, indeed, supremacy), the re-arising of the nazification process, this memetime on the planetary scale-level: given, for several, the privatization of ET colonization cum the gene hacking industry cum the chemical agriculture industry cum the food poisoning industry, the clear intent is abandonment by a few humans and their pets of a dead planet. That'll sure as heck git rid of animism like nothin' else has, eh Zeke? I began suspecting this during the early-1960s as a onetime childhood visitor to Hiroshima-Nagasaki and as an AU-SIS student reading the massive rigidities of the D.C.-mindset (and the consequent blackprop generated; whereas, Hollywood is more about psychoprep); I became convinced of it by the late-1970s studying atmospheric processes with Cornell's Douglas A. Paine. Though voicing this assessment was found to be unproductive because it inevitably elicited numskull cum moral-cowardice cum suppressed-hysteria denial reactions (the full spectrum upon which I, a proximal witness, ODed during the Viet Nam war era), still, that suspicion and that conviction had profound influence on my major life decisions. But, even Jem Bendell's enlightened assessment, i.e., “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy”, Institute of Leadership and Sustainability, 27 July 2018, commented upon by Chris Martenson in “They've Stolen Our Future! Collapse is in the cards”, Peak Prosperity, 21 May 2019, contains no suggestion that Earth's atmosphere may not be a classical domain and that warming may not be the only pivotal factor nonlineally driving the climate's anthropogenic far-from-equilibrium phase transition. “If you don't altogether abandon hope, you'll never understand atmospheric dynamics.” Dumb stares of incredulity were all that statement ever received. However, hope is inextricably tied to memetime, and the quantum-relativistic atmosphere employs topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time, a fact the memetime-bound binary-mind can't abide. Tacitly expressing conviction in the grievously mistaken notion of a “classical limit” and typical of single-valued-variables-only Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean-soforth grievance governance defined over 1T2-only-construed in-or-out boundaries is the targeting of small-potatoes off-shore bank accounts of individuals, whilst ignoring the megahyperultra accounts of off-the-books-accounted off-shored entities of AmericaJPCiti-WellsChaseMellon-FirstWhatover-Nationalwhatever. If the wish is to retain the Gaussian copula tantamount to an n-dimensional bell “curve”, each point has to be m-valued, such that there is “curve”-behind-“curve” and “curve”-upon-“curve” in manifold nesting-foam, no probabilities signified, for depth-height-breadth crossover-time is indicative of µTm-unto-CTC+ processing at scale-relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables. Argumenting µTm-unto-CTC+ notions by following 1T2-only rules of logical accommodation couldn't possibly explicate authentically. If thinking with 1T2-only rules about µTm-unto-CTC+ logics by employment of 1T2, 1T3, 1T4, 1T5,…, logics, the whole spectrum of monadic Gödel logics, fuzzy logics, paraconsistent logics, intuitionistic logics does not capture being in the state space indicated by each Lukasiewicz logic 2T2, 2T3, 3T3, 2T4, 3T4, 4T4, 2T5, 3T5, 4T5, 5T5,…, so on and so forth unto CTC+, understood independent of the notion truth-value, how then could 1T2-only hierarchical dynamic Bayesian models actually model the processes supposedly under investigation? Considering the manner in which event space is given general formulation as regards subjective probabilities at Bayesian inference, it is straightforward to point out that the multivalue is sitting there in view without being adequately incorporated. Quoting Wiki on Bayesian inference, as linked:

Each model is represented by event Mm (what is “m” here? its range and its meaning are not obvious) [the question-observation given in parentheses is in the original]. The conditional probabilities P(En | Mm) are specified to define the models. P(Mm) is the degree of belief in Mm.

I say that the little “m” subscript signifies the hidden-from (hide and no seek) Markov variables, actually µTm-logical-value order-types stacked within-upon each and every event's m-valued state-function, dissimulated to probabilities and Born-rule dissembled to probability amplitudes. In context of CTC+ demergent unto µTm unto 1T2, understood relative to, not truth-value, but µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency, I would modify da Costa's encapsulating statement, to wit, “quantum superpositions are contradictory existents” (drawn from “The Paraconsistent Approach to Quantum Superposition Reloaded…”, N. C. A. da Costa and C. de Ronde, PhilSci Archive, 2015 or later by References, p. 4) to: quantum superpositions are 1T2-contradictory beings-there on the pre-pregeometry CTC+-Tzog-chen AllBase state-space. I would argue that stripping the Undistributed Middle as well as Non-Contradiction from interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function, not only would shove Born aside, borne away on a stretcher made of a Markov blanket strung on Regge bones, but would very greatly much further scramble the “Copenhagen omelet” (see “Unscrambling the 'Copenhagen omelet' in paraconsistent terms”, Debayoti Gangopadhyay, in Handbook of the 5th World Congress on Paraconsistency, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 13-17 February 2014) into the animistic-pagan “participation mystique” contagion which is the ontic proprioceptive-perceptual readout of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. But even this would be insufficient because there is no such thing as an absolutely-in-so-far-as-random variable (it's The Book of Changes, not The Book of Chances: the pattern of yarrow-stalk fall is according to the field of the time, i.e., the given prevailing chronotopology). Even so accomplished a quant as Jim Simons, founder of Renaissance Technologies, holds this to be the case: quoting Scott Patterson quoting Simons, The Quants, p. 113 of the RANDOM House paperback edition, 2010: “Patterns of price movements are not random”. The traditional cardshark having become a postmodern cardsharp doesn't alter the fact that the variables hidden from are no more single-valued than they are random, thus belying the long in vogue allegiance to pair-wise and triplet hidden Markov processes and “Dynamic Bayesian Networks” (good offices of V. Mihajlovic and M. Petkovic, U. of Twente, Netherlands, 2000 or later by References) -- hierarchical (lecture good offices of Angie Wolfgang, Penn State U.) and flat managed. By contrast to hidden Markov processes, the Tzog-chen AllBase state-space of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) and their demergence exhibit perfectly robust memory: therefore, there is no memory of abiding the memorylessness of the Markov property (memetime, relative to atemporal Platonia, good offices of Julian Barbour, being largely a matter of memory wheels: ya mata raja bhana sata gam done up in binary numbers, run together, wagons circled; see also the tonal structure of Trang Minh's poem of multi-identity in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh). Instead of “conditional independence” on MVRS Tzog-chen AllBase, there is unconditionally-dependent origination (even so, given that most people do no “inner work” and cultivate as their normatives excremental states, it's rewarding to distance apart as much as possible without making display of that habitus) and persistence by “atemporal (i.e., altogether sans memetime) instantiation” (this subject is interestingly addressed in “Identity Through Time and Contradiction”, Mathieu Cornelis, in Handbook of the 5th World Congress on Paraconsistency, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 13-17 February 2014), such that the involved non-selfsame identity state violates the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction to the CTC+-order-type case, that is, this is the condition of the condition definitive of completeness in CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. On the AllBase there is no memetime-bound cause and no memetime-bound attractor, is-ness being the nature of the case: involutory-[re}volutory decomposition-recompostion by topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time prefigures 1T2-only causality-teleology. The CTC+-Tzog-chen AllBase state-space is indisputably absolutely-in-so-far-as-trivialist, in that, purely in terms of abstract symbolic logic, all “things” being-there are “true” despite CTC+-orders of self-referential 1T2-only-contradictions being incorporated there within (“true” in quotes because truth-value is the fundament of logic only when higher logical-value order-types are 1T2-only interpreted: in other words, on the ultradialetheic AllBase, all contradictions are “true”, each of which in some superposed logical-value order-type, were truth-value true for all logical-value order-types; thus, in my judgment, pre-pregeometry and pregeometry logotopoloy cannot be focused upon invariants at logotransformation; rather, upon classes of variants thereupon). In 3-valued paraconsistent logic, the third value is “both” or “neither”, this being, so far as my take is concerned, a 2T3 logic; in 4-valued paraconsistent logic, the fourth value is “don't know and don't care”, this being, so far as my take is concerned, a 3T4 logic: it's hard to see what, after “don't know and don't care”, 5-valued, 6-valued,…, µTm-unto-CTC+-valued logics could signify if truth-value (not relative-state identity-transparency) is, indeed, the fundament of logic. Graphical models cannot adequately represent properties of the AllBase state-space, given that any one pre-pregeometry dust mote of C+ such motes is, indubitably is, the whole space of motes, each of which is of the CTC+-logical-value order-type, and numbered with a non-selfsame Gödel-numbered (well past Cantor's continuum) Gödel number. As in involutory demergence CTC+-unto-µTm, subtraction of infinity from infinity, good offices of Pete L. Clark, is “not well defined” -- which means that the answer in such cases is all of the above and all of the below, as in “As above, so below”, that is, the answer is a non-selfsame number, processable only with CTC+-unto-µTm-valued logics of relative-state identity-transparency. Atemporal instantiation supervenes memetemporal instantiation (for the contrary view, see “Four-Dimensionalist Supervenience”, Thomas Sattig, in The Language and Reality of Time, Thomas Sattig, ed., Oxford U. Press, 2006), for “looking up” the reverse-cascade remergence involves beginning with differential diagnostic reasoning in the lower Flatland [real}Ms melding into “knowledge through identity” as preternatural ascent of Mt. Analogue transpires.

Readers of our 1979 mathematical model of the radiation exchange process engaged in by helix-coiling DNA likely would observe, as scary as is Martin L. Pall's medically detailed August 2018 explication as to his belief that “The 5G rollout is absolutely insane”, that that explication is developed altogether absent consideration of the soliton-like quantum wave-properties of DNA superconductant (the superconductivity property making it possible that techno-artifacts could be designed to stay out of biologically-active response windows) free-electron gas, the properties of pi-electron parcel temperature harmonic quantum oscillators of that gas, the response of those oscillators to very low levels of ambient radiation, particularly if that radiation be pulsed, the emission (mechanism of action similar in principle to that of a photoacoustic spectroscope) by that gas of coherent waves, the effects of this response and emission upon the signifier for immunological isolation, the intracellular Zeitgeber, and cellular phase boundaries (e.g., via the voltage-gated calcium channels discussed by Pall) -- impacting full spectrum of the biosphere. As to discovery of the actual etiology and pathogenesis of this “absolutely insane”, it appears that some differential diagnostic thought is required. One has to consider, for instance, along with insanity, the proposition that a multistrat, like those some of our most lethal hedge fund quant algos implement, is at work here. GMOs; DU projectiles; carpet-bombed reforestation of vast clearcuts with glyphosate-tolerant GMO monocroppings, the seedlings packaged like CBUs, the square mile after square mile regularly subject to aerial saturation with the herbicide (good offices of Judy Nelson writing “Monsanto's 'Rain of Death' on Canada's Forests”, Global Research, 16 May 2019), et cetera and et cetera. The postmodern glyphosate-update-on-dioxin as food additive (Cornell meteorologist and apple orchard owner Douglas A. Paine was told in 1975 by a Cornell pomologist, Ph.D in apple cultivation, that malathion is so safe “You can eat it for breakfast”; I also remember being one kid of the crowd thereof running and laughing and screaming through the dense cloud of DDT put out by the mobile fogger machine as it was slowly driven down the street) among all the other altogether unnecessary additives aside, there is the fact that “3M study found PFAS in food nearly 20 years ago” (see “How long has FDA known about fluorinated compounds in food supply?”, Alex Formuzis, Experimental Working Group, 12 June 2019). These practices and the like are clearly not reckless endangerment; they are clearly not manslaughter; they are clearly not mere first-degree murder. This series of “nots” is one reason why, clearly, only a well-glutamate-etched brain neurologically anchoring prescriptive enculturation-socialization could seriously entertain the expectation that when cuspover comes, as clearly it will, it won't be as bad as what was done to the White Russians in aftermath of the Bolshevik revolution. Along similar thematic gradients, though I disagree with the subtext of D. G. Rancourt's discourse on climate change as a religion, as that discourse subtexturally reflects upon questions as to actual origins of actual climate change -- as distinct from the social structure of attention cathexes thereto, and as distinct from origins of the structuring of that social structure -- I substantially agree with his assessment as to how the climate change thesis is being employed as a psycho-sexo-socio-politico-economic football (see his very interesting recent paper entitled “Geoeconomics and Geopolitics Drive Successive Eras of Predatory Globalization and Social Engineering: Historical emergence of climate change, gender equality, and anti-racism as state doctrines”, OCLA Report 2019-1, ResearchGate, April 2019, a very informative, fact-filled essay, and an excellent example of the multiple utilities of traffic analysis), all plays being made in the game tied to policies of maintenance of the “exorbitant privilege” bestowed by simple-ownership of the fiat, endlessly-“printable”, 1T2-only, vehicle-reserve currency (this, in my opinion, being surface-structure; deep-structure, again IMHO, related to fear and loathing of non-simple identity). Less acknowledged than the battering of the indigenous blue- and lower white-collar classes by the leecher-oppressor goldbricking class (the sole environmental externality successfully internalized to the domestic market has been the cheap labor pool of easily-intimidated illegal-cum-illegit-qua-deleterious immigrants numbered in the tens of millions relative to the US and the EU) is that outsourcing and offshoring of production, coupled to 1T2-only financialization and shift to a techno-trivia cum service-the-rich economy, quenched the expert class that once managed production, a quenching that brought down quality of education along with it. Indeed, in my view, the geoeconomics and geopolitics of actual anthropogenic climate change have been and are being used within the scientific community, not only in the ways Rancourt suggests, but, beginning certainly from the mid-1970s, possibly a decade and more earlier, also as a means to divert research attention and funding away from focus upon challenges to the notion that Earth's atmosphere is a “classical domain” -- such challenges shaking foundations of consensus formulations of quantum and relativity physics no less than foundations of prevailing geoeconomics and geopolitics. Which is not to mention what loss of the “classical limit” likely would do to cause-attractor modeling as to probable severity of the evolving phase shift, and the notion that warming is the only -- or, indeed, even the most important of those primary -- critical variable (for a recent raising of this issue, see: "Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide and the Solar Minimum", Renee Parsons, Off-Guardian, 21 June 2019). Absent the notion of a “classical limit”, climatologists would have to consider, for instance, anthropogenic intervention into solar-terrestrial/terrestrial-solar interaction cycles, e.g., operant-conditioned behavioral modifications of Earth's frequency-response characteristics, response, that is, to the complex and hypercomplex angular momentum carried by the solar wind, momentum that cascades through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions and likely also affects Earth's crustal and core dynamics. And -- hush-hush! -- there's all what the “classical limit” has done to protect [bio-radio-meteoro}logical weapons systems R&D. Most assuredly, no cheap-as-chips shot in the dark, this assertion, eh what! Tunnel-vision-facilitated willful-nonattention-siloed indifference taken as a mark of sophistication. The core of these challenges to the “classical limit” relates to non-simple identity, superintegration, overdetermination, coherency, criticality, superpositioning, hypercorrelation, n-body physics, partition functions on nesting-foams, collective and cooperative behaviors, hidden variables, knottedness, so on and so forth. In econometrics of the random-walkable money grid, despite developments in knot theory, looping feedback loops constitute the quant-grid-walker's prevailing notion of hidden linkages in 1T2-only markets: on a par with “The Links” all-girl rock-n-roll band performing at the hip Kyoto fusion-music club named Jittoku. George Soros called one set of such hidden linkages “market reflexivities” -- which, according to his testimony, he derived, via good offices of Karl Popper, from an uncertainty, indeterminacy, unknowability interpretation of self-referential propositions (which are at foundation of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics). If reflexivities are everywhere (see “Reflexivity Here In The Yield Curve & Everywhere”, Seth Levine, Real Investment Advice, 11 April 2019), just think of all the other sorts of hiddens and hidden-froms! How you keepin'? all this comin' down on ya. Given this sort of takeaway from '87-'97-'07, vaporware having become icefogware, no minimally informed person with an IQ of 60 or better (there are many unwarranted tacit assumptions built into IQ tests, among them the idea that all persons forced to take these tests do their best because they believe in the system enough to want to succeed in it) can seriously entertain doubts that some sort of fussbudget systemic falderal is sure to transpire at this or that memetime in the foreseeable -- if not an outright incendiary nonlinear collapse to the steel-plate decking of the machine room of the sinking ship of state. Howsoever that may be, what would be the model if those hidden from linkages actually signify, not loops, not knots however tensored (see, for instance: “Evaluating the Jones polynomial with tensor networks”, Konstantinos Meichanetzidis and Stefanos Kourtis, arXiv, 5 July 2018), but µTm-processing of m-valued information unavailable to market participants of every sort by unvirtue of monetary units employed at pricing and exchange being binary-lawfare-dictated legally tendered only as single-valued variables? A disclaimer: my motivation here is not to suggest the possibility of a quant trading system based upon diagnostics performed upon clinical symptomatology such that parameters of subclinical µTm-processing are inferred; instead, I've long (in so many words, for just over 40 years; by implication of what I said, from Honors Econ covariant with PSSC Physics, senior year of high school, circa 1962-3, Fairborn H.S., Ohio; prefiguring such thoughts, I took independent study courses with Mr. Moore in symbolic logic, topology, foundations of mathematics, circa 1961-2, Eielson AFB H.S., Alaska) suggested reformulation of market “framework determining conditions”, e.g., expansion to processing employments -- of orders of logical-value supraordinate to that 1T2-alone -- relative to m-valued monetary units, the m-values being ensheaved in quantum superposition upon the base state-space of the given LETS currency unit. Given that the usual corpora of [machi}nations -- uh, uh, all associated with forced-draft urbanization -- engaged in have not been forsworn, this may be too much to hope for; nonetheless, it's certainly one thing worth striving for: if outcomes are largely determined by forms of the means employed -- at the least, an edifying operational principle to adopt -- and given that most everything the human species does is in one way or another mediated by money, then the best way to “deep adapt” to the rapidly evolving n-dimensional anthropogenic planetary crisis would assuredly incorporate a global reset where within value superposition upon the base state-spaces of monetary units of the nesting-foam of currencies employed takes the form of superposition exhibited by the quantum wave properties of helix-coiling DNA (genetic songlines) and that described by the multiscale, nested-grid, cascade model of atmospheric cyclogenesis (acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes): in both cases, according to our lights, nonlinear superposition. The difference between linear and nonlinear superposition is hearable (consider that homing pigeons use acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode signatures of landforms, lake fetches, so on, for local homing) and Musculpable (e.g., infrasound signatures of the curvature configurations of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces). Cornell mathematician Simon A. Levin discoursed upon complexities involved (see: “Principles of Nonlinear Superposition”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 30:1, 1970, pp. 197-205) -- and left a tickler, which Cornell atmospheric scientist, Douglas A. Paine, elaborated upon and incorporated into the Paine-Kaplan numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis: in discussion of connecting functions for a nonlinear partial differential equation (turbulence being of particular interest) to which superposition principles can be applied to obtain new solutions and applied again to obtain new solutions yet again, Levin notes (bottom of page 198, just after presentation of eq. 5) that the 3rd-order operator, though not presented, “exists”. This was a takeoff point for understanding of 3rd-order topologically-active operator-time and 3rd-order temporal CURL. Our operator-time-formulated canonical equations for quantum harmonic oscillators (in both the atmospheric and DNA cases) are presented with 1st and 2nd-order operators only -- however, “the 3rd-order operator, though not presented, 'exists'”. The 2nd-order operator takes simply-connected to multiply-connected (of whatsoever orientable genera); the 3rd, orientability to nonorientability (of whatever demigenera). Graphing transactional dynamics of a µTm-processed m-valued LETS currency employing monetary units with value-ensheavement upon the unit's base state-space, where velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of money and rehypothecated collateral are considered, presumably would involve graph embedding (where the arcs are not constrained to be only homeomorphic images of [0,1] {think here of J.G.Bennettian “pencils of skew-parallels”}, just as under µTm-unto-CTC+-logics n-ary operations would not [unlike in the blockchain] be constrained to those decomposable to chained compositions of binary operations, not least because objects in the sets [not only the sets themselves] operated upon could be, not only fuzzy, but also in relative-states of identity-transparency: handling such operations would, of course, require a different sort of computer, such as that discussed in “Non-Silicon Non-Binary Computing: Why Not?”, Elena Dubrova and Yusuf Jamal and Jimson Mathew, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, no date given). One factor of the “why”: in this BenthamicPanopticonic Age of Total Situational Awareness, the situational awareness of the average SmartPhoner has fallen off a cliff -- which is not even to mention the largely missing empathy, the deemed pathological generative empathy, and the widespread total incomprehension as to the existence and meaning of direct ontic experience of “relative-states of identity-transparency”. Of course, dynamics associated with these monetary unit value-ensheavements can't be graphed in the traditional sense, but, were the appropriate conventions of signification adequately discovered and elaborated, these dynamics could be Musculpturally animated. The values stacked on the monetary-unit base state-space could be treated as weights relative to externalities, economic and sustainable development indicators-measurables, even bureaucratic variables: given that, in vector-space models of query-retrieval processes, “non-binary weights are assigned to index terms” (see “Information Retrieval”, Evelyne Tzoukermann and Judith L. Klavans and Tomek Strzakowski, in The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics, Ruslan Mitov, ed., Oxford U. Press, 2005, p. 534), we have a route to monetary-system employment of nondecomposable-to-the-binary-order-type n-ary operators. The use of partial differential equations to solve boundary-value problems is a way to map the ensheaved changeable (by open-source multiple-scenarios computer gaming on the e-commons, as distinct from the bitcoin miner's problem solving) weights to the changeable (by open-source multiple-scenarios computer gaming on the e-commons, as distinct from the bitcoin miner's problem solving) pre-fractal e-boundaries upon which µTm-processed m-valued-LETS currencies are to be defined in fulfillment of the holographic principle's dictate that contents of the state space be mapped on the µTm-boundary-without-1T2-boundary enclosing that space. “Of course” must be said a number of times in respect to the m-valued and the m-logically-valued takes: of course the required sort of multiple-scenarios computer gaming of the µTm-LETS-currency value-stack ensheavements could not employ the traditional methodology wherein “…the group [in the present case, of µTm-LETS e-commons computer gamers] fixes on just two critical uncertainties to serve as the axes of a 2-by-2 matrix. Four scenario logics are then generated from the labels at the ends of the two axes” (good offices of the “Step 5: Scenario Logics” section of “Scenario Planning and Strategic Forecasting”, Jay Ogilvy, Forbes, 8 June 2015). Why not? Use of orthogonality is synonymous with use of 1T2-only-logic and only 1T2-only logic. Regards this assertion, I recommend the text, equations and other mathematical-logical notations (not by me easily reproduced) surrounding “…in view of orthogonality of all the projection operators…”, as given on page 5 of “Quantum Supervaluationism”, Arkady Bolotin, arXiv, 16 December 2017. This paper addresses “linear superposition of two quantum states” only. In our 1980 take (see eqs. 2 and 3), we argued a nonlinear reinterpretation involving two levels of nonlinearity, the 2nd-order operator (in a manner far more sophisticated than was our discussion, the second order equation is addressed in “Derivation and Justification of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation", a lecture delivered on 21 September 2016, name of lecturer not provided) relative to open-systems dynamics, the 3rd-order operator relative to self-referential-systems dynamics: econometrically speaking, think of the 3rd order -- a kind of wizardry -- as the volatility of the volatility of volatility, i.e., that autopoietic self-reentrant operator responsible for what George Soros designates with the term “market reflexivity”. Bolotin presents an approach wherein “…the indefinite propositions, which correspond to the superposition states, lack truth-values of any kind even granting that their compounds (such as logical alternative 'either… or') can have truth-values”. It is permissible to register here that the notion of the notions “'supertrue' and 'superfalse'” retains the terms of endearment, uh, uh, reference, of bivalent logic, the more limited defining the less limited; whereas, the actual march of accommodation, the more general supratending the less general, is from CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 -- not the inverse: lower order logical-value order-types, therefore, take their terms of reference, as special cases, from those apropos CTC+. In a concluding footnote, Bolotin observes that “…binary connectives that join two sentences represented by the projection operators from different contexts have no meaning”. Connecting-functions without meaning can easily be heard, in echo, as the Sorosian notion that self-referentiality is to be understood as synonymous with unknowability. Moreover, reliance on orthogonality-alone (no skew coordinate systems; more importantly, no “pencils of skew-parallels”) of reference frames predicates the incommunicado status of the 1T2-Everettian m-universes qua m-contexts in the multiverse interpretation, as clearly stated by Richard L. Amoroso in Universal Quantum Computing, World Scientific, 2017, pages 176-77:

An essential property of the composite system C, which is necessary to produce a meaningful measurement, is that its states form a finite number of orthogonal subspaces… States of the environment that are correlated to subspaces of C with different labels, mu can be treated as if they were orthogonal.

Of course, at internalization of environmental externalities to market processing via µTm-processed m-valued-LETS nesting-foams, some values of the value stacks ensheaved upon given currency units being fine-grain tagged to environmental measurables, “subspaces of C with different labels, mu”, would not be treated as if they were orthogonal. But, of course, in the Global Olympiad's centuries-long baton-passing race to collective self-annihilation, the Wall Street crowd is using their version of crowd funding to facilitate what is apparently a new sort of initiative in the color-revolution assault upon vulnerabilities of The Periphery as prefiguration of the planetary reset (see “Libra: Facebook's Crypto Trojan Rabbit”, good offices of Tom Luongo, ZeroHedge, 18 June 2019, linking to Caitlin Long ballyhooing distributed-ledger-only-over-the-planetary-monoscale [i.e., no LETS nesting-foam; therefore, use of the term “decentralized” is an example of self-blackpsyche], single-valued, 1T2-only processed, bitic-not-muitic, monetary units, transactions in which dissipate enormous amounts of energy solving evermore meaningless, chained, blockheaded problems -- rather than using all that increasingly depleting [physical, and likely also mental] energy to solve the plethora of evermore pressing problems facing homo sapiens in its self-originated freefall toward critical-state discorporation) destined to crescendo at The Center during the early phases of culmination by cuspover. For further strategic assessment of the import of Facebook's fiat-backed, misnomered “libra” cryptocurrency, see Matt Stoller's op/ed in The Trees[on}us New York Times entitled “Launching a Global Currency Is a Bold, Bad Move for Facebook”, 19 June 2019; and Michael Krieger's blogged Liberty Blitzkrieg piece entitled “FacebookCoin is a Trojan Horse of Corporate Oligarchy”, 19 June 2019. Mining con[glum}erates will surely come to run these cryptocurrencies, and in due course those oligopolies will M&A-foment convergence to a single oligarchically-managed such. Changing payment system MO is elementary reform school behavior mod relative to authentic substantive transformation of the monetary system framework -- Jus' forgetaboutit! with regard to autogenic shift in “framework determining conditions”. If one pummeled can't pity the poor immigrant, then one savviest should pity the poor privilege-guilt sufferer employed by the metadoxxing megacorps, particularly those hegemonies in the busybody “business” given direct access to THE massive biometric database and see-through-walls global-positioning mapology hisstorical record. The light divine at end of the distance alleys of tunnel vision is the [loco}motive headhalo of the 1T2-only-ego complex in projection. Roof-brain chatter, and even conscious discourse, being largely stagenography expectorated by the collective unconscious, especially so amongst those who identify with archetypal components of socially-conferred role attributions, reading TPTB a'twittering requires -- even discounting the artistic license taken by the MSM reporting thereupon -- having at the bare minimum audited Dream Analysis 101.

The Roach With A Fork makes a fine observation in “Mind Flowers”, The Annals of Roacheforque, 20 June 2019:

Whether a fiat currency is produced by the banking system, or by some spontaneous, anonymous “block chain” of secure transactions, the units of account are really quite the same in nature, it is only how they are issued which differs. Thus, it is not so much “who” or “how” a modern fiat currency is issued, but rather “what” is being produced.

But then the article goes on to advocate a return to gold-backed currencies. An example of quantum fork bending? Not much of a “mind flower”, this gold-standard regurgitation. No intimation of bottom-up (so as to fine-grain tag the indicator-measurables necessary to value the m-valued ensheavements to be stacked upon currency base state-spaces) implementation of µTm-LETS currencies variously commodity-backed such that Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth, can be mapped in a quantum-composite (all LETS factored in) global unit of account on a referential function space in order to market mediate increasing levels of self-organizational competency at improving efficiency with which the depleting resource base of the planet is utilized cum renewed. Something in this general domain of functional modalities must be, one would think, what Nafeez Ahmed calls for in “Escaping extinction through paradigm shift”, INSURGE Intelligence, 10 May 2019. The Lukasiewiczian-LETS-currencies nesting-foam seed idea ain't no curved Laffering matter, that's fo'sure! The forked-over gold regurgitation echoes the CDO-arcade Pac-Man maze game craze (putting a touch on, was Pac-Man an introjection of the soon to incarnate solemn-man CDOs, or were the CDO gobblers in projective-identification with Pac-Man? that is the question: according to 1T2-only-lawfare, spooky action at a distance is criminal, i.e., psychosomatic battery) reemergence relative to the U.S. housing market, which is again having some difficulties (good offices of MishTalk, 25 June 2019) -- even at the highest end, where a notional ask of 350-million dollars for a “house” that couldn't possibly be a home (good offices of Liz Lucking, New York Post, 25 June 2019) is now so litter, oops, little, as 195-mil. So, waddaweget? Another regurgitated reemergence: “They're Baaack: Cerberus Revives HELOC-Backed [that's not gold-backed, mind you] Bonds That Went 'Extinct' After The Crisis”, ZeroHedge, 25 June 2019. Sin[the}tic collateralized debt obligations once again with their single-valued pricing of bungled bundling of bundlings -- sans fiber-bundle arithmetics and µTm-valued processing. Beyond surface-structure money hunger, quants help to blow up the system -- informing Weltanschauung and Lebenswelts-cum-Umwelts and scientific paradigms of which dead in the waters of the collective unconscious ever since N. H. Abel of 1823 -- not by love of the elegant beauty of maths and sciences alone. Deeper structure: with clear-cut precious tropical woods milled four-inches thick, intransitive sniggering whiz-boom simps -- clingers to failed tacit metaphysics by harboring gut-wrenching loathing and panicked terror at the mere thought of the multivalue -- pave the way firsthand to the Rio Diablo cuspover -- and the credulous follow, heads down, eyes closed, ears plugged. The Four Stooges: Automatism, Automatisme, Automatismo, Automatismus. Sane automatism? Insane automatism? Spontaneously localized from the nonlocal quantum-enbrained collective unconscious? Self-induced? Mens rea at actus reus? Hmmm. Echolalia, even. Cogitate, cogitate, cogitate… calibrate, calibrate, calibrate… correlate, correlate, correlate… compress, compress, compress…: no matter what quantity of these C's recursively engaged in, they can never carry over into even the lowest of qualitative orders of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-STATE identity-transparency. Cretinism untamed? Linear 1T2-only superposition: “Hey bro', sounds like being caught in a short squeeze ta me!” so sayeth the bivalent-quant specialist in convertible-bond arbitrage contemplating the Freudian implications of delta hedging as the single-valued price of the warrant he bought into falls and the single-valued price of the skirt, uh, uh, stock, he shorted rises. Commoditized minds wolfing Wall Street, turbocharging their glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched 1T2-only brains with leveraged-up value-neutral aspirations, identifications, obsessions, compulsions, addictions. The collective inability to be forward acting in respect to the gathering n-dimensional global crisis (good offices of Michael Snyder, “Sign Of The Times? Weather Patterns All Over The Planet Are Going Absolutely Nuts”, End Of The American Dream, 24 June 2019: he asks “Do you have an explanation for what is going on?”, and the answer is, folks, in the most general terms, what I've been saying all along, i.e., approaches to cuspovers in far-from-equilibrium phase transitions are highly nonlinear affairs where wide arrays of extremes -- including extremely normal -- are explored) and the virtually inevitable coming cuspover (good offices of Andrew Glikson, Global Research, 25 June 2019: note repeat of the prediction of the long-forecasted warming-triggered “…consequent freeze event [that] may ensue, lasting perhaps as long as two to three centuries”) is a measure of the degree of generalized commitment to pursuit of the seven traits of man, the cardinal sins, the capital vices. Bivalently looking over the edge of a multivalent blackhole whilst scorning the notion that particle creation thereby is processor output: inflammatory, autoimmune, autoantibodied, anti-DNA-antibodied BigAgraPharmaDigiTechitis etiologically ain't no mere prank. Generally eschewing, being no buy-in to the all-suffusing corporatese, in my rant, if not IMHO, the levels of Samadhi given-described hisstorically in the various treatments are heuristic, illustrative samplings of what actually is a CTC+-logically-valued collection of relative-states of identity-transparency, pejoratively qua “participation mystique” qua “contagion” qua “participation inconsciente” -- each such state incommensurate with, i.e., non-reducible to, the others; no mere matters of vaguenesses, fuzzinesses, indeterminacies, uncertainties, indefinabilities, undecidabilities, quantitative degrees of some whatever, the gray tonalities in a dot-matrix gray-scale. The µTm-valued distinctions demergent relative to the CTC+ “undifferentiated aesthetic continuum” (to use F. S. C. Northrop's term) of this one-and-only universe are qualitative (hence the incommensurability) involving qualia that are not altogether reducible to any quantitative criteria (which is one reason Musculpt as mathematical notation is necessary). The tacit [pre}miss -- actually an unverified hypothesis -- that the characteristics of post-archaic cum post-primitive cum post-pagan-animist normative perception-proprioception are synonymous with reality, i.e., the premise which informs consensus physicist assertions concerning identity qua identity as a metaphysical category, spatial localization, objectivity of linear-time, connectivity, so on and so forth, that premise, aye, that premise, predicates rejection of Piaget's findings as regards object constancy as learned behavior, Luneburg's demonstration that localization in visual space involves a “psychometric distance function”, and the BizarroBuddyBoy fact that the vast preponderance of human beings ever to have lived experienced one or another state of so-called “participation mystique” as normative. Market-making or[thog}on|ality = individualistically standing tall, independence of one di[men}sion from all others, correlation cancelling, separation of concerns, lack of dependence, unrelatedness, colloquially as irrelevance. With the increased quantum of speculation brought to theoretical value by, for two instances, the Black-Scholes model and the Gaussian copula model, a pricing system was created, subtended by a risk-management paradigm, that places 1T2-only-processable single-valued prices on bundled and rehypothecated “securitized” assets that are, essentially, non-simply ownable for having been made actually quantum-composite and implicitly m-valued, such that µTm-processing is required for authentic proper handling. Id[e}ologically and legally defining monetary units as single-valued-variables-1T2-only-processed cuts off the market's supply-and-demand dynamic -- a dynamic insuring the capability for mediating entrepreneurial autopoiesis, self-organization, self-correction: i.e., the mysterious magic-without-magic so-called “invisible hand” with its “finger of God” -- from its actual mechanism of action (that “mechanism” being the fundamental autopoietic operator qua issuer of market action-directives) which is the wave-guiding quantum potential resident in µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, a potential concretized as the temporal CURLs of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. Driven by developments in quantum-based technologies, bundling and rehypothecation and blockchaining and fiat e-cryptocurrencies -- indeed, even the heretofore structurings of corporate persons -- may be viewed as having been and presently are failed attempts to integrate to markets the non-simple identity conveyed by the quantum potential, failed because those attempts were made on the level of framework, not the level of “framework determining conditions” such as order of value of a given price and order of logical-value of the processing of transactions employing such given prices. The bundling and rehypothecating takes orthogonally-modular components (cf. “component processes” understood via “separation of concerns” being amplification of one way to conceptualize the case of orthogonality -- financial instruments being these days, as modeled, bivalently computerizable) into “skew-perpendicularity”, thus establishing high k-values on the money matrix's 2nk-fitness landscape (epistatic correlations, k, tend toward exponentiality as n, the number of such “securitized” assets, tends toward increasing without bound in their rush toward a self-organized criticality misunderstood under 1T2-only-logic alone) sans provision of an Mnk means of handling the quantum-non-simple identities thus created. Violations of orthogonality create big problems for 1T2-only-logical algorithms, problems essentially unsolvable in bivalent-logic terms (Hearing from just beyond the horizon, aye, e[man}ations of God's fully-dressed Harley Davidson Ultra Classic Electra Glide revving for a pop-pop. . .pop-pop romping and stomping!). One approach to that big problem of “concept interactions” (not to mention “participation mystique” qua relative-state identity-transparency qua Buddhological compassion) is to seek means by which programmers “…be given maximum freedom of combining different language concepts under the greatest possible impression [italic in original] of orthogonality” (see: “Orthogonality in Language Design -- Why and how to fake it”, Stephan Herrmann, Berlin Technical University, SemanticScholar, 2003 or later by References: signifying a state of desperation in face of the omnipresence of µTm-unto-CTC+ Uberbestimmung and Superintegration which prevailing models for the “most part” -- heh-heh-heh! -- deny existence of?). Since there are non-orthogonal concerns aplenty, the 1T2-only question is how to accomplish “Separation of non-orthogonal concerns in software architecture and design”, Holger Giese and Alexander Vilbig, Software and Systems Modeling, 5:2, June 2006, pp. 139-169. Even so, having assimilated these decomposition and recomposition MOs, one still might well ask, for instance, “What is the difference between orthogonal and non orthogonal channels in wireless channels like ZigBee?”, Rahul R. Lanjewar, ResearchGate, 2 February 2014. Revealing bunch of responses, eh. One of the more stimulating papers I've run across in this area states that “…the orthogonality is not necessary for multi-channel design in WSNs [wireless sensor networks” (see: “Design of Non-Orthogonal Multi-Channel Sensor Networks”, Xing Xu and Ji Luo and Qian Zhang, IEEE, 2010 International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems). The adjustor described as responding to selected monitored-changes, it may be noted, is pretty course-grained. Another similarly stimulating paper is an earlier one, and with respect to wireless networks per se, to wit “Partially Overlapped Channels Not Considered Harmful”, Arunesh Mishra, et. al., Proceedings of the ACM SigMetrics Conference 2006, where, in the concluding statement, it is said “…in this paper we only consider a restricted set of partial overlap, primarily in context of discrete channels… An interesting future line of research can be in exploring how partial overlap can be exploited in designing continuous channels”. One wonders how the notion “skew-perpendicularity” of lines of force and equipotential surfaces -- under µTm-valued logics, associated 3-fold topologically-active operator time, and 3-orders of temporal CURL relative to two nonlinear levels of the Maxwell and Schrödinger equations -- would interface with this future line of research: in context of Lukasiewiczian analog computing. And if the DNA receiver is part-and-parcel of nature's WSNs? And if the DNA transmitter is part-and-parcel of nature's wireless networks?

While I find Peter N. Tanguay's brave paper, “The imaginary unit i as the temporal directional component of the complex position vector”, Physics Essays, 28:2, June 2015, very stimulating in and of itself, as well as suggestive of lead-ins to our notion of three orders of spacetime del operators and temporal CURLs, I do not feel this to be the case because of sympathy for the concept of reality which is his takeoff point for regarding -i, i as indicative of the direction of time (forward and backward, respectively). Reality does not one-to-one correspond with 1T2-only-physicality, the latter -- whatever a material girl may think -- being a consensuated construct rooted in object constancy and in-the-body experience as prescriptively enculturated-socialized -- beginning in the womb -- learned behaviors glutamatergically anchored to neuronally-pruned and quantum-quenched 1T2-only-accessing brains. This has nothing to do with making a living, you say, with survival? I would insist that it does, indeed, have a lot to do with moment-to-moment ADLs, activities of daily life: environmental awareness (today, especially important to collective survival, I dare say) is dependent upon situational awareness, which is 1T2-paradoxically dependent upon “self-remembering” (this was not taught in SFTG, Special Forces Training Group), which is dependent upon cultivation of inner separation by self-observation, which is dependent upon voluntary dissociation into the infinite regress in autosensory-observation 'I's, which is dependent upon unmitigated embrace of the multivalue (as regards both variables and propositions). Even if, or rather especially because, functionality is undoubtedly Eulerian (Ph.D. dissertation good offices of Olov Viirman, Karlstad U., see pp. 13-17: keep trying, an excellent dissertation, “The function concept and university mathematics teaching”, but the link is flaky: here today, gone tomorrow, back again the day after tomorrow: Whom does the technograil serve, anyways?) cum Dirichletian -- i.e., a matter of covariate systems of correspondence, such as those which constitute traditional Chinese medicine, which did not radically separate itself from dynamical meteorology and dynamical geomorphology --, mathematics (particularly of the higher sort) does not closely approximate to 1T2-only-physicality; which is not to say that µTm-unto-CTC+-physicality has no intersection with reality. In the realms of politico-military economy, a non-complimentary complementarity to the consensus epistemological-ontological conflation is, speaking surface-structure, the fact that the original and ongoing GWOT was and is resource warfare using the nom de guerre “counterterrorism”; deep-structure-wise, anti-animism-paganism stoked by the quantum non-simple identity which the distributed properties of insurgent-terrorist organizational dynamics serve as subliminal phylacteries of (which, relative to McArthur land reform and Vietnam-war-era coinops, used the nom de guerre “anticommunism”): all this (including anti-comsymp McCarthyism) having once been and is being a prime example of collective ConveDDing, conversion-disorder displacing by black[self}psyche-fanned mass engagement in projective-identification at psychological transference on its various levels. Always supposing there's forever been a plenitude of [imp}eciles wanting a place in the idiocracy, why, thus, should we be surprised that most of he, uh, uh, the, crimes committed against humanity (war qua war being but one) over the millennia, not to say against the bio-atmo-magneto-spheres, have been perfectly legal?-- so, so much for lawfair, even for the most common of 1T2-only-common laws. Under the 3rd-order operator: there is no prospect of a beginning; hence, no possibility of an end. Having once been a somber coinops-intel-type exposed to the IDHS, intelligence handling system, from well before its inception I've regarded the internet business model as anathema, its early-perceived negative potential now clearly seen actualizing in this (good offices of Danny Taggart, “Everyone's Got a 'Surveillance Score'…”, The Organic Prepper, 28 June 2019) currently operative scheme, the obvious harrying agenda being to interface that scheme with biometrics of whatever sort, DNA fingerprints, facial and heartbeat recognitions, mind-reading tech, brain-implanted electro-shocking/memory-changing-chemical-injecting micro-unto-nano chips, and elaborations of unscupperable libra (for further commentary on the libra launch, see “Is Libra the West's response to China's payments empire?”, Three Body Capital, 29 June 2019; and “It's No Bitcoin: Facebook's Libra Currency is Tied to Government Currencies”, Ralph Fucetola, Mises Wire, 28 June 2019) and the like into a 1T2-only, singular, global, vehicle-reserve (good offices of Charles Hugh Smith, “Could a Cryptocurrency Become a Global Reserve Currency?”, Of Two Minds, 27 June 2019) synoptic-monoscale cryptocurrency. Why do I feel libra is unscupperable? Because, from its very beginnings, Facebook has been the quintessential exemplar of the obsessive collective-unconscious compensatory abreaction to quantum non-simple identity and the µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics supratending that quantum-composite. This Nazi-emulating insistence on purified simple-identity is an abreaction that has been gathering steam since dissimulation of the import of N. H. Abel of 1823, and there is no abeyance indication anywhere currently viewable. Frances Coppola's 30 June 2019 Forbes article, “The Real Threat From Facebook's Libra Coin”, hits the nail on the head. Quoting Coppola: “…Libra is in reality a vehicle for bringing about Facebook's wider aim of becoming the standard setter for digital identity”. Further elaborations yet of the manifest internet-business-model scheme have already been prefigured relative to probable, if not prospective, downright bloody wars and their coinops: the likelihood of gushes of ethnic cleansing with genetically-engineered bioweapons having been publicly well bandied about -- our thanks to stroppy Hollyrude, one film, maybe more, has even been made on the subject of preventing such --, how elaborately genome-specific have become non-lethal-at-“low-rheostat-settings” electromagnetic weapons is likely unknown outside classified R&D circles around the world, one catching the other up, I dare say. Brought forth a firth, the queen's fairy 'e did, now didn't 'e, laddy. If one hasn't been confined to a bed amongst the maimed and the mutilated in a field hospital subject to nightly rocket attacks, or hasn't experienced something functionally equivalent, on what moral authority could one possibly base a claim to competency as to a decision for war? Mandelbrotian policy wonks -- the habitus of their swinging seat superstrung with fiber bundles tied to the distributed-middle branches of a bifurcation in the Tree of Life -- wildly ping-ponging over the infinite-regress abyss of the undistributed middle, all the while protesting too much that, really, they truly are non-zero types who believe in noncompete agreements, cannot deep-six their identification with 1T2-only logic because they simply don't want to, that identification being their most cherished existential crutch, the foremost support for their false existential claim to be, as Hubert Benoit has it being according to Zen, “absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct”. Nowadays, glinting photismic concurrences as flashes of muTm percepts-propriocepts elicit electrifying neurogenic surges of fear that one is losing one's 1T2-only selfhood and merging with the m-valued maddies: the best Rx for that being to eat even more MSG and other EDCs. I attribute greater significance to synaesthetic percept-propriocepts than mere indications of the presence of function-type “covariate systems of correspondence” between sensory dimensions; rather, eidolon-spirit-image-qua-epiphaneia-man[i}fest|ation bleed-throughs to 1T2-only-egoic consciousness, these bleed-throughs indicative of the implicate presence of µTm-quantum processing. The mature user-friendly computer interface to elaborated µTm-processed m-valued-LETS nesting-foams would be built around holographic-techno-exteriorization of synaesthetic innner-Musculpt. Of the many cloud genera available, they, our 1T2-only-policy makers, inevitably choose: cirrus fibratus duplicatus. Their algebraic fields produce a most fundamental market-maker bot shouting the odds: orthogonality. Being no HAL, even the Mahwah processor can't micro[see}cund -- hah-hah-hah! -- Lukasiewiczian trades. Just another wee-wah that grinds smoke! Action-based sociologies of conditioned-response behavioral finance crossed into glutamate-etched 1T2-only-neuro economics cannot alter this fact or in any way justify policymaker cognitive bipolarity. The same duality as yet one more FlashBoy high-frequency pinger of trading purse seine nets located on the cumulonimbusing dark web (“opaque finmeshworks” more accurately than “dark pools”), a pinger with predatory algos (good offices of Lance Abel, Quora, 15 March 2018) to insert? Ah, the inevitable unenviable. Of course! The eagle or the mole; the foxy hedgehog or the Harley HOG; the pith or the pendulum. I'd get rid of the “or” by going Lukasiewiczian understood independent of the notion “truth value”; only by value stacking can the “welfare effect of financial trading” (good offices of Streewise Professor, 5 April 2014) be enhanced sufficiently to facilitate intelligent response to the n-dimensions of the gathering global crisis. So how does Tanguay help us with that? My cognitive set coming out of a problem-based curriculum, I always ask some facsimile of that question. He helps by providing a lead-in to technical elaboration of the conceptual architecture required for rigorous development of a quantum-composite global unit of account wherewith Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth, can be mapped over the MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space, a successful outcome to such an effort being a functional prerequisite to substantive amplification of efficiency at use of a depleting planetary resource base. How would TPTB be with that? Welllll-- hmmm, Ms. NIRP and Ms. ZIRP (good offices of MishTalk, 2 July 2019) exemplify, as if we need more indicators, the metaphysical heights to which the global leadership elite have pulled themselves up by the bootstraps: the pinnacle principle governing their strategic offensive against anthropogenicity being “Get while the gettin's good” (clear imp[lie}cation of zirpnirp forever). All of it pish, what; Cock-Ups, Inc. Buggered if they even know about m-valued logics: Milton Friedman apparently did not. Incidentally, Judy Shelton was one of the many non-responders when, two decades ago, she was sent information about the notion of variously-backed m-valued-LETS currencies (I pinged her soon after reading her 1998 book on reforming the international monetary system, a book I found in the Eden corridor book stall, HCMC). If under 1T2-only-logic alone, -i, i signify forward and backward passive-referential linear-time (what I regard as actually being memetime), what does i signify under µTm-unto-CTC+-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value? Higher-order roots of -1 relative to temporal CURL? Our notion of topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time: “time operates on space to generate form” (a kind of way of understanding the import of “clock-and-shift matrices”, the involved circular shifts being an aspect of the quantization of temporal CURL via employment of the Penrose TWISTOR and echoing Wigner “time represented by a rotational operator”?). We supposed that negative energies be not related to memetime reversal; rather, to countertemporal operators (inverted “crosses” in G. Spencer Brown notation): this is consonant with Tanguay's discussion of Wigner's Theorem and is an argument against Prigogine's rejection of Pauli's notion of operator time as conjugated to the Hamiltonian, rejection on the grounds that negative energies have no meaning. Rudolf Karl Luneburg experimentally demonstrated (1) that the process of localization in binocular visual space has psychological as well as Lorentz-contraction components, and (2) that we each live in our own binocular visual space as a result of having personal and varying “psychometric distance functions”. Might we each also live in our own personal memetime, the direction of your memetime in complex configuration space being “the vector direction for time” somewhat J.G.Bennettian skew-parallel to mine (“skew-parallel” as regards Bennett's 1T2ly-null vectored “diversely identical” and Benoit's “identity-in-the-difference”: concerning context of Benoit's term, see Judy Bruce's “Musing” of January 2018)? Soren Petrat's and Roderich Tumulka's “Multi-Time Wave Functions for Quantum Field Theory”, arXiv, 24 January 2014, lends support to this idea which I first voiced quite some my-memetime ago. All this suggestive of a formalization of temporal observation of space, which is the complement to synaesthetic “spatial observation of time” or, in other words, perception of the circular “geography of time” (see “Temporal sequences, synesthetic mappings, and cultural biases: The geography of time”, David Brang, et al., Consciousness and Cognition, 19, 2010, pp. 311-20: under the 3rd-order temporal operator, not only simply-circular, but Ouroboros non-orientable by Klein-bottled self-reentrance)? More precisely: 3-fold operator-time (and the involved operator algebras) involutorily decompose the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS such that the impression of memetime-bound 1T2-only-physicality reigns under 1T2-only-logic alone. To repeat, does i then, well, rather, the higher roots of -1, under CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, signify the operator-time involuted skew-parallelism/perpendicularity (1T2ly read as uncertainty-indeterminacy) involved in form informing? As regards the sheet-stacked multicomplex number domains, Cn is 2n-dimensional -- which leads us directly to, not only nonlinear Maxwell and nonlinear Schrödinger, but also n-dimensional Maxwell (see: “Generalized Maxwell Equations in Higher Dimensions”, David Eelbode and Matthias Roels, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 10:2, February 2016, pp. 267-293: I hope someday to be able to actually follow at least some details of this paper) and n-dimensional Schrödinger (see: “On the vortices for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in higher dimensions”, Wen Feng and Milena Stanislovova, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 5 March 2018: another paper I'd like to be able to follow in detail) under generalized Clifford algebra over the multicomplex numbers and Banach algebra over the p-adic numbers (re: Gödel-numbering Gödel-numbers on the MVRS relative to Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewics logics over the primes as entry to specifying features of the autopoietic decomposition operators and their algebras) -- were these algebras made amenable to Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value.

Since the notion “observation” presupposes [observer, observed], this dualism [man}dates “a Boolean orthonormal measurement basis” (seems to me orthonormotics wouldn't bother with building non-orthonormal instruments) incorporating the logic laws of non-contradiction and distributed middle (good offices of Timothy E. Eastman and Michael Epperson and David Ray Griffin, Physics and Speculative Philosophy, Walter de Gruyter, 2016) derivative of the employment (by cognizers-observers-measurers, clinical and subclinical, subjected to prescriptive enculturation-socialization glutamate-anchored, at neuronal plasticity, to molecular-cellular brains which have repeatedly been, beginning in the womb, neurally pruned -- and quantum quenched with respect to conscious access to quantum processing: one property of quantum brain being something of a microwave resonator, by virtue of intraneuronal DNA having a superconductant mu-itic pi-electron-parcel gas core-environment, a “bottle” subject to phase transitions [good offices of Fiona MacDonald, ScienceAlert, 4 February 2017] between opacity and transparency?) of bivalent 1T2-only-logic alone, the fundament of which is truth-value, not the more fundamental G.SpencerBrownian “distinction” or the more fundamental yet “identity” qua identity as metaphysical category (as in the µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency of “participation mystique”, the pagan-animistic quantum state of “knowledge through identity [transparency]” qua the generative empathy exemplifying-expressing Buddhological compassion). Hence, the unreduced quantum hyleticpsychetic whatnot, while not observable by any glutamatergic observer, is knowable qua knowable by non-observers qua non-doers (in the Taoist sense of “non-doing”) employing µTm-unto-CTC+-valued logics (understood independent of the notion truth-value) to ketaminergically process perceptspropriocepts not reduced to object/subject<<<>>>other/self dualistic terms. All this being -- framed this way, that way, and the others -- over which Sapiens has been episodically gutting itself ever since end of the last ice age, and over which it may just -- Last-and-First-Men-wise -- self-terminate, Terminator or no. With regard to this ding-dang thing, I guess it's only to be expected that post-Maoist, anti-Taoist, Chinese [Con}fusion|ism (techno-assimilating to Western totalitarianism in updated imitation of Showa Japan) should take the lead in the current, largely Western caused, fulmination. [Hu-hu-hu}man devolution: what was once an M-multisensor, fully capable of cognizing k-cross-correlations between n-sensory dee[men}sions, is now increasingly a mere m-monosensor. The assumption of decorrelation is very much overwrought, if 2nk is actually Mnk (noise, 1T2ly speaking, being all M supraordinate to that 2; sources under increasing M at [re}volution being ever less “absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct”). Basic facts these were, uh, are, m'lud-- aye, insofar as even prodigal facts can be facts, no mere scoobies in an ordinal sequence of scooby-dooby-doos running off unto their infinite[si}mal|ity: Aaand awaaay we go! Basically it's by (anti-)involution, which is antidistributive, that orientable directionalities in transposition by permutation of n-element sets of n-term conjugate collections in polynomials arise. How, then, is this effected by logical operators in transit CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 -- and return? The MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) is an anisotropic inhomogenous “medium” which -- under autopoietic temporal operations constituting a CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-logical non-normed division algebra sans unitarity (can't divide a vector by a norm that doesn't exist by virtue, uh, uh, virtuality, of skew-parallelism cum skew-perpendicularity) -- automorphically transforms in involutes of decomposition into an ensheaved octonionic-valued signal space? Elaborations (in so little that I can follow them; good offices, nonetheless, of Rafal Ablamowicz and Bertfried Fauser) with respect to elliptic space Clifford parallels (“Through each point outside a given line… there pass two Clifford parallels to the given line”: Encyclopedia of Mathematics) in quaternionic-Clifford algebras cum octonionic-Grassmann algebras, however much pieces of work, don't quite fill the bill (my other-Iam is inSPIREd and would like to see what, if any, of Yung-Chow Wong my nn-enplaned I/im can understand) levied by µTm-processed J.G.Bennettian “pencils of skew-parallels” (I note, however, that prior to penning his appendix on null-vector-defined [consider the null dust solution] such pencils, Bennett had co-authored a paper on unified field theory in 5 Euclidian dimensions, so one might speculate that origins of Bennett's idea may in part have come from consideration of Clifford parallels in PG(5,R), real projective 5-space: good offices of Dieter Betten and Rolf Riesinger) -- much less account for the relation of those pencils to topologically-active 3-fold operator-time. If, however, motes of Gödel lamdadust cover every point on Clifford surface, the Gödel metric may be one aspect of a route to such operator-time via the CTC (closed timelike curve) projected to the universal covering surface as nesting-foam of hyperKlein-bottles, each dust mote, and sets thereof, numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (regards Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes), these numbered numbers specifying action directives (regards topologically-active 3-fold operator-time) relative to decompositional (consider the Bel decomposition) involutes CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2. Hmmm, the mid-19th-century collective unconscious “decision”: heaving ho and setting sail in a dark grotto; readying up the ship of the dead for a night sea journey. Non-polarized, spatially-white noise is these days increasingly ana[the}ma, especially if not decorrelated and if temporally coherent. Orthonormotics thinking they are orthonormal. Humph! And doing so when nature's norms are as off rectilinear kilter as Analytical Cubist diagonals drawn with “pencils of skew-parallels” relative to Husserlian horizons. Ack, aye, and my-O-my, whirligig-for-a-witness strobing black light on evidential discovery at life's universal-crime-scene happening -- nowadays, brains of instigators increasingly suffused with Styrofoam, wrapped in airheaded PVC bubbles, energized with near 200 varieties of mimetic estrogens. And some cases the invigilator being a she, the Jungian Animus ain't magnanimous. Not to mention “skew-perpendicularity” betwixt and between lines of force and equipotential surfaces under µTm-valued logics. Relative to cuspover of the accelerating global crisis, of current most critical import is, relative to atmospheric physics and quantum biology of the gene, we have, relative to Maxwell's and Schrödinger's equations: degrees of nonlinearity; orders of complexity-hypercomplexity; dimensions cum degrees of differential form; orders of logical value; index of multivariableness; orders of hypercomplex-multidimensional Q-MUSIC (see “Quaternion-MUSIC for Vector-Sensor Array Processing”, Sebastian Miron and Nicolas Le Bihan and Jerome I. Mars, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 54:4, April 2006) at color-image processing (as employed in Vir-Fut Q-Pro?). Whoopse! The last item doesn't belong in that list. Or does it -- Musculpturally speaking? During late-1968, I was told of a proposal for a Las Vegas casino lighting scheme (never realized) where a block of light was to be floated above each table by intersections of laser beams above and below the visible spectrum. This resonated with my experience of inner Musculpt and initiated thought about projection of colored abstract holographic polymorphs independent of concrete reference and wave-interaction storage plate. I initially imagined a dome with embedded fiberoptics; later, it was suggested to me that the directionality issue could be handled with multiplexing. Hence my interest in estimation of DOA (direction of arrival) with vector-cum-quaternion-MUSIC (multiple signal classification) algorithms (for background, see “Uni-Vector-Sensor Dimensionality Reduction MUSIC Algorithm for DOA and Polarization Estimation”, Lanmei Wang, et al., Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 19 November 2014), especially with respect to the hypercomplex multidimensional cases -- those cases from whence inner-Musculpt comes into awareness by decompositional involutes. Moreover, I think the “MUSIC” acronym has the flavor of a synchronicity with “Musculpt”.

Employing 1T2-only-logic alone, an orthonormal basis for the state-function (Daniel Merthe's discussion is especially clear) of Schrödinger's memetime-independent wave equation is defined; were µTm-unto-CTC+ logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, employed, there would be C+-infinitudes of bases (only one of which being orthonormal) defined for the state-function of Schrödinger's memetime-independent (timelike vectors nonorthogonal one to another) wave equation -- each such 1T2ly-null J.G.Bennettian-skew-perpendicular basis of the overall physical state-vector codifying a particular state in terms of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency, the orthonormal case denoting that condition of state, and the only condition of state, wherein the claim that an event is “absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct” from another has a formal basis. Speaking relative to processing by the quantum brain, Hubert.Benoit “divergent inner counterwork” -- good offices of Joseph Hart, UC-Irvine, no publication information provided (regards the mus-aspect of Musculpt, one might consider works of the Russian choral composer Dmitry Smirnov: discussing Smirnov's “interpenetration of melody and depth”, Alexandra Makarova says, “Spatial melody with inner counterwork of the voices is the most complicated type of choral texture”) -- amounts to an ontic walking back of the defining properties of inner-product space (“…all depends on the used definition…”). This “walking back” is directly experiential at walking meditation by C.G.Jungian active imagination upon orthogonal perspective lines, lines which snapover into [pre}spective skew-parallels (the Indic term “Tanmatra” is useful here; indeed, much Indic terminology, rightly understood, is useful here) at ketaminergic autogenic shift from ergotropic unto trophotropic modalities of brain function (see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, for numerous observations concerning phenomenological details of this shift). Taking All-That-Is as Heraclitian and 1T2ly speaking in terms of precedence relations (under 3rd-order dynamics, nonorientability is altogether the nature of the case), temporal operations effectuate orthonormalization (convergent hyletic automatization), whilst counter-temporal operations effectuate de-orthonormalization (divergent psychetic deautomatization). The Parmenidean mutual cancellation of cascade/reverse-cascade has important phenomenological repercussions: surely it must be the case that the person at the memetimeless “moment” actually in Satori is at that memetimeless “moment” unaware of being-there (the self-attribution characteristic of such awareness quenches the state). I use “convergence-divergence” in the orthonormalization-deorthonormalization context rather more physics-like (e.g., mass) than does Benoit (e.g., meaning; Benoit-“nonmeaning” to my understanding being those meanings µTm-unto-CTC+): conv = the rate of a reductionistic turning toward togetherness of logical-value order-types productive of an upwelling of mass; div = the rate of loss of that upwelled mass: this distinction being nonorientable under 3rd-order operators. Since a metric is induced by a norm, it is not surprising that the m-valuedness of Luneburg's “psychometric distance function” for binocular visual space should be experientially discoverable meditatively.

My writing has often been reacted to as if it were schizophrenogenic word salad, has been denigrated as bibliotherapy, has been called a dissociative total mind dump, has been regarded as Dadaistic lexical automatism, as channeling an asura, as autogenic verbalization at compensatory abreaction. One wonders how much each of these might qualify as Benoitian “divergent writing”. Given [poly}tics -- giving us all the boak -- having always been one [psycho}skeeedaddle bollocking another, and given the current planetary civilization's Lebenswelt being all it can be, post-traumatic stress disorder can be contracted only after death. If you don't see me for dust, pray, for my sake, it be lambdadust. Those who couldn't have been arsed willfully condemned their children's children's children, i.e., us -- and then there's those in prospect we likewise condemn. First the Khyber climb, then down the chute to cack. How's it feel, my dear sir, old chum, being one of the serial mass child condemners? Not much to expect then-- uh, power of positive thinking aside. No garden path, what. As anyone totally identified with 1T2-only-logic alone, and the orthonormalization thus induced, knows, “our universal values” is not an oxymoron. Heh-heh-heh: the schemes the schemies come up with, eh! I certainly don't begrudge China its century, but who can doubt that it's going to be the absolute pits of a century, given the resolute drift globally -- or can ignore the possibility that hu[wo-wo-wo}man|ity won't survive to see a hundred years of it? First the lion tamers agreed to the NWO paradigm demonstration of sticking their heads into mouths of the roaring lions, now the whole of [hu-hu-hu}man|ity has agreed to be swallowed by a giant whale. Noise purveyors pandering to escapists with flatfooted mentations glued to the tonic baseline. Lionizing the louche. Quoting (from memory) John C. Lilly's Tank Logs, “Cogitate, cogitate, cogitate… Demystification of mantra”. Meaning saturation overload, no mere lexical ambiguity. Semantic satiation. Deautomatization by white noise facilitating the trophotropic. Cortical inhibition of the ergotropic. Onset of “pilot” -- glammed punkers all gothed up -- fixation syndrome when the rate of data feed, the rate of that rate, the rate of the rate of that rate exceeds the baud-rate velocity, acceleration, memetime rate of change of acceleration of consciousness. This exceeding surely must occur with every database-feed logical-value-order-type transition 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+. Lilly's bottle-nosed friends accused humans of suffering sonic-visioning agnosia due to a proctologically implanted “kundabuffer” protologism pretending to transhuman neologistic status. In a manner of speaking, involutory decomposition of MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) Tzog-chen AllBase is Gestaltzerfall induced by the 1T2-only-identified-cognizer strange attractor.

There is some relation between non-orthogonal wave-functions and 20,000+ satellites of 5G (see “A Tutorial on Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for 5G and Beyond”, Mahmoud Aldababsa, et al., Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 28 June 2018) and the IoT (internet of things) upon which I, as yet, have no sort of grasp, but which I sense is important to the thesis that quantum-based tech could be designed/redesigned to stay out of biologically-active frequency-intensity-waveform response windows. Again, Daniel Merthe is of considerable help, this occasion in providing an answer to the Quora question, “How can one do perturbation theory with non-orthogonal wave functions?”. I note that he recommends “…to convert the non-orthogonal set of wave functions into an orthogonal one” via Gram-Schmidt projection operators cum least-squares decomposition process. After describing a first-order perturbation, Merthe observes that:

Going further, you will just end up with some extra terms involving the inner products of the non-orthogonal wave functions, which would be either 0 or 1 in the orthogonal case.

No big deal, nothing to be concerned about, right? However, apparently as early as 1934 this sort of discounting was disputed: “Non-Orthogonal Wave Functions and Ferromagnetism”, D. R. Inglis, Physical Review, 46:2, July 1934, pp. 135-8. Quoting the abstract: “…the usual procedure involving the neglect of most of the terms arising from this lack of orthogonality may be seriously in error”. I've found no follow-up to this observation concerning being “seriously in error”. This non-concurrence with Inglis includes a recent paper (“Orthogonality of embedded wave functions for different states in frozen-density embedding theory”, Alexander Zech and Francesco Aquilante and Tomasz A. Wesolowski, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 26 October 2015) where it is shown “…numerically that excitation energies obtained using conventional FDET [Frozen-Density Embedding Theory] calculations (allowing for non-orthogonality) can be obtained using embedded wave functions which are strictly orthogonal.” More guff from the duffers? One has to wonder, if (1) normalization is dictated by the probability amplitude-density interpretation, and (2) use of 1T2-only-logic alone dictates that, again quoting Zech, et al., “The orthogonality is built-in through the linearization in the embedded density of the relevant components of the total energy functional”, i.e., the Hamiltonian, which, according to Prigogine, if it is bounded from below, must preclude Pauli operator time which is one way to codify nonlinear Schrödinger.

Man[wo}kind's (be aware, more fool you then, that Berkeley, CA local gov now [man}dates -- uh-oh!, sorry -- as the PC denotatee “maintenance hole” in place of “manhole”, “womanhole” obviously being ever so greatly unPC, no joy asked and none given, that being the goss anyhows, harled walls of cortical modules being what they are; therefore, when this superannuated linguistic proscription is introjected by, and glutamatergically anchored to, UC-Berkeley {of that, I reckon to-- what? that only very few suffer from intellectual peckishness}, then any quotation of old text, wherein “manhole” appears, will require a [sic] following the gendered word, thus the U. at Berkeley will have caught up to the avant-garde institutions of higher enculturation already requiring such [sic]s: just the sort of attention-cathexis diversion a great university should cultivate, don't ya think, this se[man}tic -- uh-oh!, sorry -- cleansing en[gender}ed -- uh-oh!, sorry -- with the ConveDDs -- conversion-disorder displacements -- enabled by mimetic-estrogenated compensatory abreaction to the cloying m-valued-logic-facilitated quantum-non-simple-identity dyscrasia pandemic nowadays, but, as regards the present fulmination, having had first major expression in Indochina-warfare-bombing-hysteria etiology of holocaust to reassure {find'em, fix'em, and finish'em} one as to validity of one's 1T2-only-egoic false claim to possession of non-quantum simple-identity, an apocryphal type of identity currently being “verified” daily with the means available to surveillance capitalism and associated drone strikes, concerning which one had oughtta better watch out as the knuckle-dragging chibbers will thump your social credit score, the ultimate consequence of which is scarifying because binning rappers leads to-- what?) greatest creations-discoveries never actually become parts of the hisherstorical record, for being altogether lost or so dissimulated as to be unconnected to the original: a strong conviction in support of that contention is a belief I've long cultivated. Max Planck's most valuable contribution, I hold up as a perfect example: in order to predict system dynamics, it's not necessary to detail the spatial field; description of an elemental oscillator is sufficient. Temporal ordering, not spatial ordering. This was before appearance of Schrödinger's wavefunction and the probabilistic Born Rule interpretation of it. Quoting our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, concerning this contribution of Planck as understood in context of multiscale-embedded-systems dynamics:

…consider Planck's emphasis on an oscillator embedded within a EM field or wave. Rather than focus his attention on the mathematics necessary to describe the changing field, he allowed the field to damp or excite the harmonic oscillator responsible for emitting or absorbing quanta. The field intensity, with its embedded waves, gives up and absorbs chunks of energy because quantal existence requires wave superpositioning, phasing, and breakage. (Vol. 1, p. 722)

Now, relative to cascade-theoretic application of this idea to atmospheric dynamics:

…in either case -- macro- or microscopic -- is it really necessary to detail the hydrothermodynamic field, spatially, in order to predict what will happen? No it isn't. Max Planck taught us that. His insights allowed us to avoid a finely structured description of electrodynamic phenomena. He arrived at a statement that describes how an elemental harmonic oscillator is excited and damped by changes of the stability of its environment. In the atmosphere, each upward propagating volley of acoustically modified gravity waves [the foremost m-valued component process, surely µTm-logically processed], upon reaching the stratosphere, releases a plume of negatively buoyant potential vorticity. This is the formation of a discrete “packet” of cyclonic angular momentum… The packet, after penetrating the tropopause boundary, is fully capable of influencing tropospheric dynamics as it cascades to smaller and smaller scales of motion. (Vol. 1, p. 720)

A temperature signal latent in the molecular structure (at the subsystem level) has to fully transform the parcel (system level), then emerge at the supersystem level. The latter transition (system to supersystem) is akin to a signal being erased, then rewritten, at the level of field physics… (Vol. 1, p. 725)

Just as “form follows function”, spatial order (e.g., hydrothermodynamic or electromagnetic structure) follows temporal order: an elemental harmonic temperature oscillator, for instance, provides time ordering to subsystem-system-supersystem-composite dynamics. The more one can learn about spatial order by detailing the embedding-embedded spatial fields, so much the better; but, all the enormous complexity thus generated is not a necessary or sufficient forecasting tool. But this Planck principle seems not to have really registered in the hisherstorical record. Consider, for example, the spatial focus of “Frozen-Density Embedding Strategy for Multilevel Simulations of Electronic Structure”, Tomasz A. Wesolowski and Sapana Shedge and Xiuwen Zhou, Chemical Reviews, 115:12, 29 April 2015, pp. 5891-5928.

Place a Fermi gas (and, by analogue, likely other species, good offices of F. Tonielli, et al., “Orthogonality Catastrophe in Dissipative Quantum Many-Body Systems”, Physics Review Letters, 122, 30 January 2019) in a complexity-theoretic 2nk fitness landscape upgraded to an Mnk articulation (think: coherency functionals) landscape (M understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency, not to truth-value), set k = 0, set n at a large number, and (1) one begins to suspect that bosons are 1T2-fermions introjecting (from the impinging ambient field) µTm to their Umwelts, heh-heh-heh! and (2) that the orthogonality catastrophe (for orthogonality catastrophe as cure for gradient catastrophe, see: “Orthogonality catastrophe and shock waves in a non-equilibrium Fermi gas”, E. Bettelheim and G. Abanov and P. Weigmann, arXiv, 21 August 2006) is a 1T2ly-distributed middle, whereas, under M, as k marches from zero to infinity (the “orthochronicity catastrophe” in Einstein's Apple? where orthochronicity is not maintained under 1T2ly-null rotations, orthochronicity as regards imputedly-objective, passive, passing, referential linear-time being defined as equaling “…decomposition of time in regular intervals and their multiples…”), the full spectrum of skew-perpendicularity, ninety degrees to zero degrees, is explored as charge is created from “lines of force trapped in the topology of space”. In our model of superconductant DNA pi-electron gas (coupled electrons acting like bosons, this principle and associated Bose-Einstein condensation having been Nobel Prize consensuated at the atomic level, and discovered to be the case even at the level of air parcels, particularly notable as regards those parcel participants in acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode signatured theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface gradient-catastrophe cuspover foldings, as depicted in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 323, an actual plot of actual data hand-rendered during the early-1970s, displaced from North America to Japan), we used the word “parcel” instead of “pair” in order to distinguish the canonical quantum harmonic oscillator (two levels of nonlinearity inculcated by topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time, electron hypertemperature understood relative to the spin component of operator-time, i.e., temporal CURL, not relative to random molecular motion) of our model from the Cooper pair of BCS theory, because the mechanism of action in generation of the parcel differs from that of the pair: photon(propagator of the impinging ambient field)-electron-gas hypercomplex and complex and real angular-momentum-exchange interactions (see “The photon dilemma” comment provided by Maxwell on 4 November 2018) perfectly compensating frictional dissipation (compensatory abreaction? heh-heh-heh! QED: the hocus-pocus renormalization shell-game compensating effects of self-interactions qua reflexivities qua the self-reference which µTm-logics express in logical-value order-types qua the nonorientable self-reentries perpetrated by 3rd-order temporal CURL), rather than phonon-electron-interactive generation of virtual exchanges. Ever wonder why so many people have disliked The Japan Style brought to design of the KICH (Kyoto International Conference Hall)? The KICH is in animistic-pagan µTm-Shintoist violation of 1T2-orthogonality: the walls are not perpendicular to the floors. Heh-heh-heh!

Given that the Old Classical Synthesis, the Neoclassical Synthesis, the New Neoclassical Synthesis, not to mention Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models have, post-2007-8, each been murdered as memes by evidential events (hence, there is ostensibly no risk [good offices of Victor Skinner, “Senate moves bill…”, The American Mirror, 26 July 2019] of being sued for $30,000 each me[me}tic instance of spreading these meMEs-no-longer-memes: if this Congressional “preemptive [autogenic] neutralization” is, in act[u}al|ity, a ConveDD of the consensus-physics cohort's back-abreactive discharge on the metric of m-valued Schrödinger's squelching of memetime shares, then topoactive Pauli-Paine optime has authentically come of age, heh-heh-heh!), I, foolishly or not, feel free to draw attention to the fact that Charles Hugh Smith, in his recent HeterodoxEconomics degrowth piece entitled “The Planetary Insanity of Eternal Economic Growth” (Of Two Minds, 19 July 2019), raises an interesting issue with the following statement in reference to the July 2019 Scientific American article “The Ecologists and the Mine”, written by Rowen Moore Gerety, the subject of which is an agreement to partially rectify environmental externalities, an agreement causing grief to Rio Tinto's profit margin. Hu-hu-hu: mustn't tamper with those exorbitant salaries.exe (and the shocking stock distributions making corporate persons in part worker-owned by top tiers only). Quoting Smith:

Here's what these kinds of articles never say: markets cannot price in the value of non-monetized natural assets such as diverse ecosystems. Whatever cannot be monetized right now is worthless, as markets lack any mechanism to price in what cannot be valued by market supply and demand in the moment.

There is no way to fix this fatal flaw in markets, and attempts to do so are merely excuses deployed to enable the profitable exploitation and resulting ruin.

That “no way”: O, such Eighteenth-Century Enfrightenment! That's them done and gone it again: one thing demonstrated absolutely by postmodernism in finance is that “inherently”, so deemed, incomplete (even if they were “complete” in the currently consensuated sense of that term) memetime-bound 1T2-only-logical markets employing single-valued-only currency units (TPTB definition of “incomplete” = not spanning all states of nature, to say the very, very least, given availability of µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of nature), howsoever subject to academic deconstruction, are utterly incapable of self-organizing decorruption. Aye and O lordy, can't be sayin' much more, m'lad, about the effectiveness of central bank orthogonal policy shocks (just look at how well ACT has acted over the years, uh, given the chosen evolution to the current situation, that is), and dot-guv fiscal policy demand shocks, and Reagonomics supply shocks, and the legislatin' of 1T2-only lawfares, and what is achievable by the regulatory agencies regulated by 1T2-only jurisprudence and politics and revolving doors. Given that the universities have long colluded in Disneyfication of intellect (good offices of ma|a[lama}lama, “The Problem With the Global Education System”, ZeroHedge, 24 July 2019), there is little in the way of help to be anticipated from that direction. Failing to make Moon in itself, the whole corpus comprising the [hu-hu-hu}man species has kipped out, as G taught. Cracking fine, what. All the King's men go down together. Aye, the more sussed be the psychophants, the more likely to grass up the ghouls. It's been a long memetime now since education systems began to quench inclinations to engage in flexible critical thinking, not to mention creative thought à la The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field. Hard, yes, very hard, to identity when that quenching was not the case. Nowadays it may even be possible to get a Ph.D. in mathematics reliant solely upon operational intelligence, no engagement in abstract thought. I was lucky, indeed, in attending for two years (1960-'62) a tiny remotely located high school with a highly unusual transient faculty: Eielson AFB High School, Alaska. Rightly or wrongly, I self-attribute having learned something of critical thinking flexibility, not in the classroom, but good offices of Mr. Moore's willingness to mentor independent study courses: with Ben Ray Smith and David LeBlanc, Symbolic Logic; then, because I had trouble with certain aspects of that logic, mentored study on my own of Foundations of Mathematics by use of a textbook found in the base library; later yet, an introductory course in Topology. During my senior year of high school in Ohio, no independent study courses were available. I did, however, simultaneously take Honors Econ and Honors PSSC Physics (incorporating an intro to quantum mechanics). When I voiced, in context of studying multiple-bank credit expansion, an idea that was the seed from which would later grow the notion “m-valued monetary unit”, what I voiced (can't remember how exactly it was said) was scoffed at. Being a petulant teenager, I took this personally as contextualized in a long history of having my mode of thought repeatedly taken to task (which I did not then understand to be attempts to teach me critical thinking -- more like teaching conventional patterns of thought, which I thought I pretty well knew but had no affection for). A similar thing happened with physics class, where I asked too many questions about non-locality and the wave-function. Had I not been put off by these experiences, I might have taken the physics scholarship offered by U. of Cincinnati (there was also the fact that graduating from Fairborn H.S., with a father stationed at Wright-Pat assigned to AFSC-AFLC, I had a certain familiarity as to the war-related aspects of any physics career, even if a step or two removed: make a lifetime's worldline out of that?). Years later, following return from the Viet Nam war, whilst taking a Calculus-101 course, after being told not to ask fundamental questions because it disrupted presentation of class material, I dropped the course. I had suggested that the right idea of a “limit” would involve recognition as to the existence of some sort of transformation of the logic used to characterize the involved numerical march: it was then I was told not to ask fundamental questions. Several years later, in the Cornell U. mathematics library trying to find out if there might be something to this idea, I ran across Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics. Ah-ha! Snap! In the limit a transformation of logical-value order-type, logics with m-values to a given proposition, Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, m-valued monetary units at multiple-bank credit expansion. At that point, some 40 years ago, I knew that Smith's “no way” was not The Way. I had read into J. G. Bennett's thoughts on Systematics before I went to Viet Nam, so this Ah-ha! incorporated the recognition that change of currency-unit valence is not a change on the superficial level construed structure, uh, market structure, but on the deeper level construable as market “framework determining conditions”. Action directives (issued by the supply-demand dynamic; or, more likely, issuing, policy initiative-wise, out of 1T2-only analyses thereof) directed toward inducing structural changes are often iatrogenic (with regards to other applications of the same principle, possibly most especially so in the realms of bioengineering interventions: be aware that designer proteins capable of inducing cell death -- a glutamatergic function in regards to neurotoxicity -- are conceived in orthogonality: the acronym is LOCKR: Latching, Orthogonal Cage/Key pRotein; see “Designer Protein Acts as a Switch for Cellular Circuitry”, Nicoletta Lanese, The Scientist, 25 July 2019). Spoliation of µTm-“pencils of skew-parallels/perpendiculars” by normotic Gaussianity taken to the Dirac delta-function limit it is, isn't it, m'lad. Aye, to be sure, fullness of their beliefs has long since been placed in orthogonal Dirac-delta-function, shock-impulse, discrete-continuous linear-time, white-noise processes. Does this mean that one or more of the nukeyoular options has-have already been exercised by the dissers of (thanks be to Julia Jus for bringing the works of Davis and Wood to my attention) Devra Lee Davis' Disconnect (if DNA pi-electron gas is superconductant, then it's possible to design telecoms so as to stay out of biologically-active response windows) and by the sequacious timocrats touting the Technocracy decried by Patrick Wood (woo-hoo-hoo! the increasingly pandemic, scientistic, 5+G, smart-citified transhumanism is, most simply put, planetarized pretribrap techno-ConveDDed [conversion-disorder displaced] -- this excrescence being one quantum leap down from Nazified Ubermensch mass identification with, deification of, the entelechy of the nation-state as ConveDD of “participation inconsciente” with the den Erdgeistern recipients of the transference-figure-commanded psycho-action directive)? Mebbe not, but if the minority reports that there is to be persecution for memetime future crimes (re: those actions not in conformance with Smith's supply and demand “right now” and “in the moment”), then the targetings, the entrapments, the stings proactively promulgated should be, à la VirFut Q-Pro, focused upon corporate futures, uh, the doings of corporate persons, vis-à-vis the Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes [violating orthochronicity] of total capital stock”, planet Earth, time-shapes Pauli-Paine operator-time decomposable (this involutory decomposition being transverse -- heh-heh-heh! -- to vector autoregressive processes, stationary and non-stationary, not least because not a discrete time process where non-intersecting intervals are assumed uncorrelated, hence orthogonal) from µTm-quantum-composite-unit-of-account maps numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers over base-state of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. If the µTm-LETS nesting-foam processes we are here talking about were those of a solitary random walker characterized by a canonical equation with unit root, then 3rd-order differencing would be required to yield stationarity; however, we are not talking stochastics, and the involutory decomposition we refer to is not Blanchard-Quah decomposition of historical data sets, which BQing is orthogonalizing by embrace, not of topologically-active operator-time, but of orthochronicity. This observation is driven home by Walter Enders and Stan Hurn in their paper entitled “Identifying aggregate demand and supply shocks in a small open economy”, Oxford Economic Papers, 59, 2007. Quoting the abstract:

The standard Blanchard-Quah (BQ) decomposition forces aggregate demand and supply shocks to be orthogonal… This paper employs a modification of the BQ procedure that allows for correlated shifts in aggregate supply and demand.

But even the Olivier Jean Blanchard and Danny Quah paper (“The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Supply Disturbances”, The American Economic Review, 79:4, September 1989: apparently the higher enculturation offering made by the University of Houston mindset is hyperorthogonalizing and thus disallows unapproved webpages to link to this paper, or perhaps their highly-AI has scanned what I have to say as I typed it, so, dear reader, access will have to be achieved through Googling the paper's title) makes clear that Smith's supply and demand “right now” and “in the moment” only is not altogether a matter of uncorrelated perpendicularities, as, to wit, quoting p. 659:

The model makes clear that this orthogonality assumption does not eliminate for example the possibility that supply disturbances directly affect aggregate demand.

This slight lean toward m-valued “pencils of skew-perpendiculars” µTm-processed (fractalizing the 90-degree twist between the reals and the imaginaries) is of no small consequence to a global economy undergoing phase shift into exponential depletion (given the chosen techno-development-gradient-chosen “time-shape of total capital stock” locked-on and increasingly LOCKRed-down to) of the resource base of its home planet.

When satellite-borne 5G blankets Earth orb, EMP-irradiating all that is living, even for the hyperrich it'll be impossible to avoid eating microwave-glitched-gene foodstuffs chased by glyphosate-laced wine, beer, whiskey. These well-pulsed people quite likely will love their 5Ged GMOs due to the blackpsyche plasmaballing (a techno-ConveDD, i.e., a conversion-disorder displacement, of EPR-telepathy) they will be subjected to. If [hu-hu-hu}manity somehow survives the avalanche of techno-ConveDDs cast down upon it by a miniscule minority, AI-enhanced humanimal-cyborg-hybrid (ConveDD of quantum non-simple identity) StarWarriors eating 5+G-GMO smartfoods and synthetic meat are sure to dominate. Most places on the planet, the built environment has been an absolute tragedy cum travesty (foist upon Spaceship Earth, that WholeEarth gifted as a “treasure in trust” in no way simply-ownable [see Allan W. Eckert's That Dark And Bloody River, Bantam paperback edition, 1996, p. xxxvii]: before advent of the European Renaissance and its spawn, colonialism, there were tens of millions of people spread over the planet adept at the practicum of ecological economics -- they just weren't Europeans); now, with their abominable smart-cities idée fixe, they, TPTB, plan to take the mega-urban-region travesty orders of magnitude into hypertravesty. Whatizzit with them, anyhows? Iffin' it tain't “Quantum this, quantum that!”, it's à la this and à la that, one ad hoc following another ad hoc, forBuddhasake! Self-organization of degrowth, the only way authentic degrowth -- good offices of Genevieve Azam, Local Futures, 11 May 2017, (see, for another interesting take: “The economics of degrowth”, Giorgos Kallis and Christian Kerschner and Joan Martinez-Alier, Ecological Economics, 19 August 2012) -- could ever transpire, requires [eco}nomic and monetary-system paradigm shifts carried out on a level of conception deeper than cooked deep-structure, i.e., via changes in raw “framework determining conditions”, such as the valences of monetary-unit order-types variously made into µTm-LETS-currencies legal-tender nesting-foams, the various notions of temporality and spatial reference employed, the processing orders-of-logical-value attributed to the various market dynamical regimes made manifest. Pursuant to the non-orthogonal intersection of fiber-bundled supply-and-demand “pencils of skew-parallels” (not mere curves: under 1T2-only, every price has 1T2ly-hidden µTm-price indices CURLed into the veiled, yet tacitly held, econometric reference space, a Calabi-Yauing of price intimated by Frank Shostak in his “Reality Gets in the Way: The Trouble with Demand Curves”, Mises Wire, 26 August 2016), there is the holographic m-valued information qua action-directives which monetary-charge carriers-units convey to micro-macro actors -- thus, altogether obviating the notions, not only of the superneutrality (i.e., memetime rate of change of money stock, to neglect of the rate of that rate and the rate of that 2nd-order rate of change, accelerations and memetime rates of change of accelerations marking multiple connections and nonorientabilities emblematic of an embrace of imaginary and hypercomplex business cycle theory on the back of RBC: consider “The Fallacy of the (Super)Neutrality of Money”, Thorsten Polleit, MisesInstitute, 23 October 2009), but also of the neutrality of money (supply of money being misconceived the signal variable, no awareness at all brought to valence of monetary units and order of value of the logics employed) at the market-“sorting angel” (this is the real, if collectively unconscious, reason why David Bohm's ideas were received so poorly in his native land, i.e., topologically-active operator-time demerging qua executing qua concretizing the “quantum potential” [Bohm Q extended to 3rd-order-derivative form: see “The Quantum Potential -- Classical Or Something Entirely New”, Paavo Pylkkanen, Fetzer Franklin Fund, 28 October 2017] resident in animistic-pagan µTm-relative-state identity-transparency: mechanism of action of the “magic hand” thoroughly unexplained, it's impossible to fully utilize that “magic without magic”) processing of the “active information” (the part Cantorian-holographically wholly codifies the information space of the whole, no less than the whole wholly of the part) involved in orchestrating negentropy extraction-allocation-production-allocation-consumption aggregate behaviors. In contrast to Mises, the herein involved notion of money holds that its most fundamental functional basis is rooted in markings of Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes [the chronotopological “Higher Symplectic Capacities” {good offices of Kyler Siegel, arXiv, 21 February 2019: one wonders what happens to non-squeezing, embedding, capacity, puncturing, so on as 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value transitions are made} yielded by Pauli-Paine-operator-time-demerged “quantum-potential”-orchestrated manifold symplectomorphisms] of total capital stock”, which total stock optimally would always be the measurable (only bottom-up determinable, thus one justification for implementation of variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS nesting-foams) upon which the total stock of monies employed would track, the other functions of money being derivative and in-service-to: call this a quality theory of m-valenced monies, transactions in which are µTm-logically processed by markettes referencing to quantum-composite, alleleotropic (meaning “of each other” qua µTm-relative-state identity transparency [each such state a quale], that relative-state being the “motor” of [eco}nomic autopoiesis and self-organization) notions of value. On whatsoever deorthogonalizing Cubist diagonal the Peach may sit in the Colander, it is all too easy to imagine the still lifes sure to issue out of belief that resource allocation has been superseded by game-info-NewGrowth economics on this exponentially resource-depleting planet, uh, uh, disassuming, that is, “far-sighted rationality”, heh-heh-heh! -- that dys[ration}al|ity being 1T2-only, of course. There is, according to the present take, no guv.centralbank “nominal anchor” (good offices of Frederic S. Mishkin, “International Experiences With Different Monetary Policy Regimes”, NBER, Working Paper 6965, February 1999) to an equilibrium-never-met -- all 1T2-only-modeled interventions being iatrogenic in an open-cum-selfreentrant, heterostatic, non-equilibrium, subsystem-system-supersystem composite dynamically “regulated” by “quantum potential”. If the emotions are brindled by unbridled expansion in production of throwaways, items with built-in obsolescence, with designed-in unrepairabilities, so on, consider a degrowth strategy (indispensible for a grasp of this idea is Joao Carlos Correia Palminhas' Lisbon University Institute Master in Development Studies dissertation entitled “The Degrowth of Consumption as an Economic Strategy…”, October 2015) involving “potential output” (measured relative to the given internal-system-state “quantum potential” [see “Bohm's quantum potential as an internal energy”, Glen Dennis and Maurice A. de Gosson and Basil J. Hiley, Physics Letters A, 379:18-19, 26 June 2019, pp. 1224-27] constellated under the prevailing time-shape of total capital stock) moves downward (given the evolving conjuncture, such moves are inevitable: best they be done intelligently, rather than otherwise) on skew-perpendiculars in response to nonorthogonalizing both natural resources supply shocks and population-contraction-by-natural-attrition demand shocks, whilst also involving potential output moves upward on skew-perpendiculars due to economies of knowledge (edu.ai) cum wisdom (techno-exteriorized-inner-Musculpt-facilitated progressive shift to thinking in, not merely 1T2ly-about, µTm-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value: no ConveDD, for being fully conscious, no product of repression, and, hence, non-regressed) enhancements, both of these [eco}nomies analogically embodied in externality-internalizing framework determining conditions of diverse, autopoionomic, µTm-LETS-nesting-foams-related institutional bases -- thus, increasing the efficiency and ecofriendliness with which natural resources are utilized.

Not so incidentally, Joao Carlos Correia Palminhas raises the same issue in a similar way as does Charles Hugh Smith in his “Planetary Insanity” piece, quoted above. Quoting Palminhas, “The Degrowth of Consumption as an Economic Strategy…”, October 2015, p. 27:

Few believe that markets can regulate the relationship between the environment and the economy. Contrariwise, market-type incentives do have a role to play. The discussion lives on what governments need to do and on the effectiveness of different kinds of policy instruments.

I would thoroughly agree, were the only kinds of markets theoretically available those Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian-1T2-only conceived, employing single-valued monetary units alone, monotonic prices (consider examples: [1] dynamic “Monotonic Marginal Pricing: Demand Response with Price Certainty”, William G. Temple and Richard T. B. Ma, Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore, 2013 or later by References; and [2] in terms of payoff uniqueness under the unduly prescriptive Law of One Price, “Pricing Kernel and Expectations Kernel”, Financial Econ 802, Albany.edu), and 1T2-only processing of transactions -- transactions engaged in by 1T2-only-lawfare-defined nonquantum-simplyidentifiable micro-macro actors -- involving simply-identifiable properties, private and public. But this is not necessarily the case -- and would not be the case were there non-ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) new technologies based upon non-dissimulated quantum mechanics understood with non-dissembled Lukasiewicz logics. Having from its inception been aware of CDEC(Combined Document Exploitation Center)-IDHS(intelligence data handling system)-facilitated Phoenix Pogrom, its back-channeling to the ZI, its space-based and droned planetarization there from, I've often thought that the bulk of Sapiens may not survive “removed” consequences of the peer-reviewing, private publication, publisher copyright ownership of, and restrictions on access to, scientific materials. Aye, gone off into Kippiland they 'ave, laddy, uh, lady, uh-- la-la. Hmmm. The opportunity cost of employing a single-valued monetary unit is the m-values which that unit might otherwise also signify were µTm-processing of transactions engaged in -- an enormous composite cost, particularly so were some of those m-values fine-grain tagged to externalites intrasystemic and intersystemic and extrasystemic (consider in this context: “The opportunity cost model of subjective effort and task performance”, Robert Kurzban, et al., Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 2013, pp. 661-726). Free of prescriptive-ontology-free “free logic”, “well-defined property rights” -- good offices of Ilya Segal and Michael D. Whinston, Stanford U., 7 August 2010, note the exclusive reliance upon logical bivalence, particularly when mathematicizing (i.e., though these rights may be bundled, the properties themselves must be distributed-middle wholly ownable [even when MBS-enbundled] by 1T2ly-absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct non-quantum simple-identities, even when shareholders are bundled together as a corporate-person “island of conscious power”) -- are deleterious of external-costs-incorporating allocative efficiency, if the mechanism of action of the market's invisible, indeed, paranormal extrasensory, Smithian “magic hand” is the “quantum potential” demerged to µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (my contention has long been that “Suszko's reduction” effecting the thesis that “…every structural Tarskian many-valued propositional logic can be provided with a bivalent semantics” is an example to 1T2ly thinking about what µTm-logics must be, not thinking in µTm-logics themselves, for, were one to do the latter, then “participation mystique”-type experience of µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency would ontically nullify validity of “Suszko's thesis”, however 1T2ly proof perfect). The foremost incentive operative in 1T2-only economies being to accumulate laminated Lockean “perpetual monopoly rents” (good offices of Matthew David and Debora Halbert, Owning The World Of Ideas: Intellectual Property and Global Network Capitalism, Sage, 2015) from non-rivalrous goods both material and intellectual, private sector via innovation cum market manipulation and public sector via transaction-rents constellated by administrative fiat, it's not at all surprising that the resultant abysmal level of sociality is in conflict with many features of the innovated quantum-based technologies: e.g., non-simple identity of property, hard and soft; non-simple ownability; distributed “localization”; remote viewing; remote touching; mind-reading; memory modification; telepresence; VR projection; intelsat-and-drone-facilitated remote bombing; multiplexing; bundling of financial instruments-vehicles-transactions-actors-channels; ensheavement; parallelism; so on. Quality-destroying innovation having become the very strange attractor most characteristic of post-Schumpeterian “creative” destruction (see "Liquidity, innovation and endogenous growth", Semyon Malamud and Francesca Zucchi, European Central Bank, Working Paper No. 1919, June 2016), it's not at all surprising that the rates of growth achieved -- directly related to endogenous rate of innovation, product variety (most generally a matter of largely superfluous features, models, colors, all such stripped of tropological metareferences and other categories of stacked multi-utilities), rate of flow in turnover of companies (via junk-bonded LBOs and M&As, et cetera) -- are as deleterious (just look at the built environments of mega-urban regions globally, with, for instance, their massive assaults on good health) as are the types of growth selected (just look at the unpriced-in external costs generated: deterioration of soil quality, acid rain, acidification of lakes and oceans, climate-shift dynamics, tropical forest decimation as distinct from the creative innovation that would be involved in a sustaining-type of managed use, and on and on). Dimwits dimming our Sun (good offices of Matt Agorist, “Harvard Scientists…”, The Free Thought Project, 3 August 2019) is a ConveDD raised to the 4th power, if considered be how planetarization of the pother analogically models the condition of their cognitive condition, how it dream-images nukeUlair winter, how it regressively tropes 1T2-only-market veiling of µTm-processed m-valued eco[no}metric information, how it self-referentially reproduces its own analogy in that actuality of the volcanic-dust simile will further alter, more than is already the case, the normative characteristics of the global atmosphere's response-window to solar-wind-carried angular momentum, complex and hypercomplex angular momentum, momentums cascade-injected into Earth's crustal and core dynamics, diminution thereof very likely being antihomeostatic. Decoupling growth from organization of economic activities is an embedded subsystemic problem; decoupling growth from carbonization of the atmosphere is an embedded systemic problem; decoupling growth from entropy production is an embedding supersystemic problem. How long do secondary, tertiary, quaternary, quinary… effects of phased-array “electron-temperature enhancements” (if an ensemble of electrons can have a temperature, can this be the case without the single electrons constituting the corpus thereof each having its own temperature? if “temperature, by definition, is the reason for heat flow” and is independent of kinetic transport, what is the “reason” of temperature, particularly what is a single electron's “temperature” reason if not the spin component of topo-active operator-time demergent relative to that electron? and if there is no such as an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct single electron to have a temperature, what does that tell us about the order of logical-value that should be used to correctly interpret Schrödinger's m-valued state-function?) memetemporally persist? Can't answer such questions as this without first understanding how the very notion “spacetime” changes under logical-value order-type transitions 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+. A progressive phase-in to µTm-processing of m-valued currency units would involve adjustments, not only to the notion of “perfect information” availability, but also to spacetime scale, thus nullifying the assumption of unfettered access to an infinite resource base guaranteed by unending exponential growth in 1T2-only innovation. Indeed, given up would have to be soft-utopian reliance upon the angel dust bestowed by “perfect knowledge”, “perfect efficiency” at investor-consumer choice over exogenous preference functions, rational “utility maximization”, the “maximum principle” per se, “far-sighted rationality”, even, per Kurzban, et al., linked above, simply-“bounded rationality” (given existence of the full expanse of the logo-spectrum, µTm-unto-CTC+) coupled to the unbounded irrationality of mass hysterical ConveDDing. Personally, reaching out on a hunt for good will by voluntarily moving down the socioeconomic scale, I and my wife, nevertheless, never wanted for anything we were wont to want. Admittedly, though, living in the lack of luxury, living out of small suitcases for a quarter century, residing in 25 places in as many years, accumulation of wants was unwonted. By acute “material flow accounting”, predominantly walking, riding two on a bicycle, we were a light touch upon “global materials extraction”. Heh-heh-heh! Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock” CTC+ly-unto-µTmly conflates stock and flow, such that asymmetrical memetime intertemporality is resident in habitus, and handled as an involutory decomposition product. One concrete focus of degrowth aficionados should be the finding of macroeconomic means to stimulate genesis of microeconomic impulses to find ways to increase the lifetimes of durable goods. Considerably less concretely, it should be recognized that if, as is patently the case, 1T2-only-chaos theory coupled to 2nk-complexity theory is a bivalent way of looking at µTm-unto-CTC+ processes, then the butterfly-wing-flap thesis is most probably probabilistic bunk. Mnk: chaos-complexity-types study variations in n; not so much in k; never in M. But what if there are critical k and M thresholds? In, say, the realms of iatrogenic genetic modification and anthropogenic alteration of the global atmosphere's response-window characteristics? There's no suggestion here (good offices of Arjun Walia, Activist Post, 6 August 2019) or here (good offices of Bryan Dyne, World Socialist WebSite, 19 August 2019) that Earth's atmosphere is not a classical domain, that it does not abide the mistaken notion of a “classical limit”. “Something is amiss”, that's fo'sure. Atmospheric physicist Cliff Mass, in his piece entitled “Is Global Warming Really An Existential Threat?”, Weather and Climate Blog reposted by ZeroHedge, 12 August 2019, says, among much else: “What do current climate models tell us? These models are run under specific scenarios of emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases…” It may well be the case that, as Mass argues, global warming does not, in itself, present an existential threat; however, as Mass does not argue, anthropogenic amplification of climate-shift dynamics very well might. The models Mass references all assume validity of the supposed “classical limit”. Thus do the ravens quash. Qua-Qua-Qua! Qua-Qua-Qua! Had Mass more thoroughly read into Paine-Kaplan cascade theory, as it evolved after he left Cornell, he might not be so confident as he apparently is that Earth's atmosphere is not a relativistic-quantum domain. CO2 emissions affect not only global warming but also, by changing ratios of atmospheric gases, the -- to repeat what was stated above -- response-window characteristics of the global atmosphere to solar-wind propagated angular momentum, complex angular momentum, hypercomplex angular momentum (think in this context of topologically-active Pauli-Paine 3-fold operator-time: topo-active-op-time-demerged supersystem-system-subsystem cascade dynamics determine structural properties), momentums which cascade through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions and are variously -- e.g., tornadoes, lightning -- injected into Earth's crustal and core dynamics. I repeatedly raise this issue as extensions of the point having been intensively discussed at Cornell during the second half of the 1970s. Are electron-temperature enhancements of far greater import than CO2 emissions to anthropogenic components of climate-shift facilitation-magnification by means of altering magnetoatmospheric cum crustal-and-core dynamical responses to solar variability? Those overtly (and those covertly combat arms) committed to protection of warfare R&D have, beginning in the early-1970s, found myriad ways to justify a negative answer to this question. Fed up with being in constant conflict with upper-atmosphere-types, in 1977 Paine stopped attending faculty meetings over this very question. During the first years of the 1980s, Cornell dynamical meteorologist Douglas A. Paine produced rudiments of a quantum model of solar-terrestrial interaction, theoretical substance of which was nixed in the editorial process -- thus quantum-quenching the model in the fashion of banging a banana on the edge of a table. So it has gone, so it is going.

In The Physics of Immortality (this title, to my mind, being one way of connoting the notion that the m-valued state-function of Schrödinger's memetime-independent wave equation is ontologically prior to its memetime-dependent involutory decompositions -- 3-fold topologically-active operator-time instrumenting the ontogenetic decomposition, the transhumanist obsession with immortality being one of the many mass ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements, in compensatory abreaction to the BornRule suppression cum regression of this Lukasiewiczian [under}standing), Frank J. Tipler (Doubleday, 1994) observes that Friedrich August von Hayek's conception, the “time-shapes of total capital stock”, is an Everettian relative-state-type of formulation. Unfortunately, neither Everett nor Hayek logically extended the “relative-state formulation” from 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+, the involved logics comprehended independent of the notion truth-value and relative to Cantorian-holographic relative-state identity-transparency. That not having been done, there was no impetus for Hayek to map back his Everettian insight upon the metrics of his prior thought so as to engage in modification of the Hayekian conception of the market as algorithmic processor (good offices of Samuel Bowles and Alan Kirman and Rajiv Sethi, “Friedrich Hayek and the Market Algorithm”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31:3, Summer 2017, pp. 215-30). A great pity, particularly if Hayek's notion of market algorithm be understood as “…'algorithm' for calling information into existence…” (good offices of Timothy Taylor, “Imperfect Information: Is It For or Against Free Markets?”, Conversable Economist, 22 September 2017) and is correct, we thus being in a position where we have to conclude that the higher the mth-order of information the market algorithm can call into existence (with m-valued monetary units µTmly processed) the more comprehensive will be the market-mediated welfare (to include sustaining environmental integrity and resilience of the renewable resource base) provided to the commonweal. But since Hayek did not map back his Everettian insight, we must agree with Jason Smith, to wit “Hayek Meets Information Theory. And Fails. Modern economic theories of prices-as-information are seventy years out of date”, Evonomics, 18 May 2017. However, we, of course, think currently prevailing information theory is infinitely-infinitely restrictively-bound to prescriptively-enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically-etched “bounded rationality”, given existence of the µTm-unto-CTC+-logical-value order-types of information there are in this one-and-only universe. Multivalued price as compactor of multivariate information; m-valued price as function of demand and supply distributions; m-valued price as measure of flows; m-valued price as detector of wave-trace velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of acceleration; m-valued price as indicator of [eco}nomic value. All of these pricinesses and an alleleotropic theory of value: generative-empathic “of each other” being a measure of the unification (not on the level of concreteness constellating national economies) of identity in diversity, of integration in specificity, via µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, these states being the “quantum potential” operator-time demergent as composite wave-guider cum gradient instigator. Despite the universities already, by the mid-'60s, having been, as Ike noted, deeply undermined by the military-industrial complex, and having gone down on a sharp mil.com.intel incline from then and there, still -- and this is an eagle feather in the headdress of the adnominal complement to the hoi polloi's indomitable human spirit -- fragmentarily, much of the detailed econologophysics of all the pricey stuff is pretty well intimated in the existing literature. Even up to approaches to the techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation, which is needed for thinking in (not 1T2ly about) µTm-valued logics, and for creating a user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams. That these foams should be regarded musicologically is strongly suggested by Gabriel Pareyon's work as described in his book entitled On Musical Self-Similarity: Intersemiosis as Synecdoche and Analogy, The International Semiotics Institute, 2011. The very same analogy qua analogy which is at theoretical foundations of the extended Lukasiewiczian analog computer? Consider in this context the musical handling of coherence, superposition, and entanglement as portrayed by Volkmar Putz and Karl Svozil in “Quantum Music”, arXiv, 17 August 2015. In musicologically contemplating mechanism of action of price as multivariate information compactor, one might consider that “Dimension reduction of a 10D synthesiser parameter space to 2D surface was achieved using Hilbert space-filling curves” (see: “Creativity, Exploration and Control in Musical Parameter Spaces”, Robert H. Tubb, Ph.D. dissertation, Queen Mary University of London, January 2016) and that this 2D surface is laid out on a multi-touch screen (see: “Sonic Zoom: A zoomable mapping of a musical parameter space using Hilbert curves”, Robert Tubb and Simon Dixon, preprint to the paper published in Computer Music Journal, 38:3, Fall 2014. No small step on the path to a user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams.

Whilst Icke ilk produce no milk, the oligopolistic oligarch's myrmidons moiling at the playing of Entspannungsmusik synthesized from human nature's territorial imperative (most clearly not that associated with Autogenes Training), rather than nature's nature, portends what? As an AU-SIS student living in and moving through SpringValley-Foxhall-Georgetown households of the foreign-policy elite, I saw much indicating, indeed, sufficient to lead me to firmly believe, that conscious factors play only a small part in motivating details of the policy formulation process. That's one major reason why I decided to directly participate in the Viet Nam war: to learn as much as I could about the (personal and collective) unconscious thematic gradients predisposing to those particular formulations of policies involving the U.S. in Indochina warfare. Having been born on Flag Day of 1945, fathered by a B-17 pilot become a career USAF officer and soon to depart for his year of Viet Nam war service, I knew I'd never really know myself without penetrating to the depths of whatever it actually was that set up those unconscious thematic gradients. A relevant YouTubed public lecture has recently been drawn to my attention: “The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities”, John J. Mearsheimer, delivered to SOAS, University of London, 21 January 2019. I resonate considerably with substance of this lecture, as far as it goes; indeed, I reached similar conclusions by the early-1970s, conclusions I wrote into our 1994 novel The Moon of Hoa Binh. With caveats: the biggest two such being that Mearsheimer's consideration of intellectual history, at least in this lecture, is limited largely to that of political theory, and his psychological treatment of hisstorical factors is restricted to those factors that are conscious. My focus has always been on those aspects which Mearsheimer has left out, as the political theory part, in my view, is surface-structure near-term tactical, the most powerful determinants-attractors being deep-structure long-term strategic and inextricably entwined-engrafted-enfolded upon-to-within larger intellectual salients and unconscious thematic gradients. Furthermore, Mearsheimer treats the pursuit of what he calls “liberal hegemony” (the soft-utopian objectives, goals, interests of which are to spread, by whatever means necessary, American-style democracy to the whole world so as to ultimately rid that world of the bulk of its ills) as having had foreign-policy-elite parthenogenesis, sans fertilization by the body politik, immediately following the 1991 collapse of the U.S.S.R., when momentary unipolarity presented the opportunity. I see the term “liberal hegemony” as a new post-NewFrontier, post-West[more}land, postmodernist bottle for old wine, that old being the missionarying cum ministering to the heathens in Injun Cuntry where Virgin Land was transubstantiated in being laid out flat in quarters by claimants, surveyed, stripped, and set to the plow in mass ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of the Immaculate Conception. Indeed, that wine has been placed in many bottles. One of the aged bouquets of the European Renaissance, it was once again fermented unto maturity back in the 15th century with the Papal Bull “Inter Caetera”, 1493, Declaration of a Doctrine of Discovery, granting claimant ownership by authority of Divine Immanence, by the natural right of growth and progress construed under the soft-utopian Christian linear view of history, by an abiding sense of manifest destiny -- ownership, that is, to most of both halves of the planet, claims being made by good offices of Church-appointed em[bizz}aries-missionaries, monarch-anointed explorers, company-dispatched colonialist land us[ur}pators, bond slaves, materialistic religious-fanatic administrators. In my view, post-1991 was just the latest fulmination to fail -- first chafe, then brace; takin' a drubbing, hopin' to be belled; bolting for the Moon and Mars -- to accomplish the expressed objectives, goals, interests. Mearsheimer clearly states that he believes the idealistic expressions are authentic statements of the actual motivations entailed in pursuit of “liberal hegemony”. It appears that Charles Hugh Smith, for one, does not embrace that belief (see Smith's “deep state” postings). To me, Mearsheimer's belief is a restatement of the old saw: evil done inadvertently by well-meaning folk who were carried away by their good-intentioned idealism. I've seen no indication that there are pure-idealist policymakers and pure-realist policymakers; each policymaker has both components to one degree or another. In a certain cohort, the idealist component is used to veil and self-justify use of the realist component; in another cohort, the realist component is bravado used to suppress self-embarrassment occasioning the secreted idealism recurrently carried subjectively forward by the idealist component. It's unconscious thematic gradients that generally carry the policymaking day. In researching at SORO, then quitting AU-SIS and moving through SFTG, PsyopsGroup, JFKSWCS, TID/525MIG, CICV-Targets, SRA/MACV-J2, I made far greater distance in the anticipated inner-transit-qua-“find-out” regard than ever I had thought I would. Being exposed to photo interpretation and having as a targets analyst awareness of BDAers running across air-dropped remote sensors in Laos, being aware of the NRO, ASA operations in Viet Nam, McNamara's electronic battlefield and its Naked Fanny computing center, being exposed as an SRA-POLOBer to CDEC and the IDHS, looking at urban turmoil in the U.S., assassinations, Kent State, so on, knowing something of the DC-psykey and the military mindset, it wasn't hard to develop an orientation as to how the technology of Coinops would be domesticated once it was carried back to the ZI. Though George Friedman's take on the Viet Nam war, as intercalated into his various strategic assessments, seems to me not particularly well informed, his Brain Bar lecture on the smart phone (entitled: “Is there a global war coming?” YouTube, 7 July 2017), in my judgment, has great veracity.

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

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