µTm Scenarios, T37(M)
In Quantum Music Volkmar Putz and Karl Svozil expressly invoke the m-worlds interpretation of logically-bivalent Everettian relative-state and its m-[logically-monotonic]minds complement (good offices of Michael Lockwood, the paper hereby linked and the book cited in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh), thusly:
Pointedly stated, a truly quantum music never renders a unique listening experience -- it might not be uncommon for part of the audience to hear different manifestations of the quantum musical composition made up of all varieties of successions of tones. For instance, one listener may hear Mozart's A Little Night Music, K 525, whereas another listener Prokoviev's Le pas d'acier, Op 41, and a third one would enjoy a theme from Marx's Autumn Symphony (1921). We could perceive this as quantum parallel musical rendition
This interpretation is by conformance to the Born Rule -- as Putz-Svozil explicitly mathematicize the aleatorics of chancy quantized probabilistic tones, octaves, scales as viewed through binary, orthogonal basis-vectors notated in 0s and 1s. Note that the quantum parallelism invoked by Putz-Svozil is not J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism null-vectoring non-orthogonalizing identity in diversity, sameness in difference, finite infinitudes, and other such violations of the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction. Why is it that CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency is not compounded of m-1T2-only-absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 'I's? any more than compounded of m-1T2-only-absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct worlds? Howsoever glutamatergic neuronal etching be involved, CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency does not in any way presuppose or predicate 1T2-only multiples, be they aquatint, woodblock, lithograph-- whatever. Answer: the notions asymptotically yielding 'I'-ness, identity qua identity as a metaphysical category, selfhood, sameness transform as logical-value order-types are transited by ontological march into existential onticity -- i.e., that memetime-independent march by which 3-fold operator-time topologically acts on space to generate holographic Musculpt form (1T2ly cognized as materiality). In inner Musculpt, there is feeling-space place and transformations thereof by MIMOs with I/Os that are multivariate (good offices of Danielle Collins, MotionControl, 7 February 2018: I actually got into this, no kidding, circa 1970 or '71, laboring on upgrading under-floor wiring of the Forrestal Building's mainframe computer room as an IBEW apprentice employed by Johnson Controls) and, so it has seemed to me, µTm-processed: that's how apprehension of synaesthetic Musculpt in witness to, say, an intense conversation about abstract conceptual subject matter, instantaneously, in the colored-sounded-form presenting, in the memetime-freeze-frame gestalt delivered to egoic awareness, encapsulates -- stack-of-etched-upon-clear-acetate-sheets-taken-as-a-whole-like for those JoeGoode looking through -- the m-superposed directions (think: Kalusa-Klein temporally enCURLed [loop-quantum gravity having to do with temporal curl] cum Calabi-Yau spatially compacted [3-fold temporal curl inducing 3-holed manifolds of myriad types under µTm-logical-relative-state identity-transparency] qua Bohm spatially n-foldedly enfolded) which the march of the conversation could conceivably take. But the color-field congealed, light-sound interactive, fragrant, in some cases tactile and taste-polymorphic gestalt-form presented is not semantically read with the five senses. Somehow, the synaesthesia, in being endogenous-ketaminergically synanesthetized, delivers semantic registrations as feeling-tones arrayed in a feeling-space where felt distance is independent of measurable distance. Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, is a functor space cum feeling-qua-state space. Techno-exteriorization of inner Musculpt as mathematical notation is a functional prerequisite to creation of a user-friendly interface to variously-commodity-backed, µTm-LETS-currencies-nesting-foams with quantum-composite global-unit-of-account mappings of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, upon the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS -- this bring-upable-only-from-the-bottom-up monetary system being necessary for a best effort attempt to adequately meet the demands being levied by the ongoing anthropogenic yield which is The Fading Home of 'Homo Sapiens' , Andrew Glikson, Global Research, 15 August 2019. But there are the spoilers streamin' folk in other directions. Diss me and you'll miss me, so sayeth the Lord -- and so echoeth lords of house and yard. The sociophobic potensiphonic and oh-so-janky craunching of pretensiphonic [EU}phoria having by now almost completely run its course, and the [US}urpationary ergotic (all the probable action sequences are statistically equivalent) [US}ufructuary asymptotically approaching the stochastic retrograde-inversion strange attractor known as unstable over-extension, it is not surprising that the dominating economy is comprador-class-gifted away and dominant problems go unaddressed.
Twenty-aged, me I/im was, 'e was, when turned 'is bleedin' back on all
That, 'e did, now didn't 'e, and, no salt pillar, never looked back, never
Iotaed, not 'im, one measly regret, neither --
Despite thems what mighta
Cared, 'cause, to 'im, it don't mean nothin'.Don't mean nothin' means so FUBAR (fucked-up beyond all recognition-repair-recovery) thar ain't nothin' can be done 'bout it; hence, if no meaning is to be found, then don't look and don't ask. All those who still believe in expectation-of-unending-growth as the organizational engine par excellence can hope for a staged peaceful reindustrialization of America, whereas those who have otherwise concluded -- and in substantiation of my long-ago-first-made assertion that Give me simple-identity or give me death! was the actual subliminal impetus to the consensus knee-jerk-reflexive interpretation of the import of N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility Theorem, and that this snap judgment by the experts, in trickle-down, constellated mass induction of a collective-unconscious decision for a love-locked human-species suicide -- nowadays clearly see that any and every conceivable attempt to promote survival of Sapiens is-are being systematically criminalized. It's post-postVietNamsyndrome long been pellucidly stab-in-the-back-legend apparent that the unannounced path actually chosen, if still barely emergent, has been an infra-tech-driven-surveillence-society-and-social-credit-score-facilitated emergency national mobilization far more elaborate and all encompassing than either that which followed 7 December 1941 or that earlier embraced by the socialist-oriented Weimar youth movement, economic travail and identity-politics dyscrasia being cultivated aspects of the mass-induction funnel. O, how those unkempt motleys -- be they double-digit midgets or miasmatic oligopolistic oligarchs -- do crouch-to-conquer, what! Aye, those pecuniary-celeb geniuses putting their dysbegotten billions worth of peltry to work at furthering -- putt, putt, putt -- our type-zero civilization's iatrogenic interventions into solar-terrestrial interactions: raises the hackles on our shackles, eh, even if my I/im don't say so itself. Ack, aye, each TheOne comes from a family, 'e does, a family of monoparametric aleatoric variables, m'lad. Semblants becoming resemblants by identifying themselves with socially-conferred role attributions, no doubt. In the most pristine of all them probability-determined -- heh-heh-heh! -- contexts, [Markov-enchained-stochastics}free freedom means memorylessness -- and this n-borne-ruled interpretation is, thus, a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of omnipresent timelessness, insofar as Julian Barbour is correct in his thesis that passing, referential, linear-time is epiphenomenal to Turing-machined memory-trace tickertape -- a freedom-means meaning indubitably consonant with DARPA's intent (in conjunction with employment of the MSM's gaslighting OWI-OSS/MO-inspired-cum-R&A-document-enschooled blackpsyche perpetrators-propagators as first-tier agents of influence in the effort to arrive at total [cog}native, ideational-cum-emotional, control) to effectuate substitute memories, indeed, to develop the capability to altogether wipe memory, thus to produce those woked to their idiotological indentureship (to streams they might otherwise not have chosen).
When even Crumwelling trickle-down's
Dissipative efficacy begins to fade,
Peremptory EOs, with attached Brutusizing
IEDs, become normative to the dicktatorial
Oleogarchs Tippencanoe in Cheat,
As herveyors are wont to dodo.
O, don't Mau[mau}mee, Englaize me,
Master Mono[go}he|lah-lah-lah,
You blackpsyche-jobber,
You hired mind-claimer,
You[go}i|he-ne-ne you!When, during 1971, I read Iannis Xenakis' book Formalized Music whilst taking Music Comp IV at George Mason U., I immediately resonated with how his automated quantized-music composition methodologies generate acoustic modulations of spatialized formal concepts architecturally employable in structures like the Philips Pavilion at the 1958 Brussels World Fair. That general notion strongly, for me, evoked inner Musculpt dynamics and freeze-frames. The probabilistic-stochastic details of Xenakis' methods, however, fell on deaf ears because his Markovian deaf[in}it|ions and procedures correspond to no aspects of my experience of inner Musculpt. I did take note of his mention of algebra outside-time, which could be construed a reference to what I call the trans-al-jabr which N. H. Abel's 1823 so-called Impossibility Theorem -- as regards the general quintic -- is in actuality a 1T2-only existence proof for. However, Xenakis has little to say about this atemporal algebra, which I saw then, and continue to see, as derivative of Irene Rice Pereira's layered transparent qua Sakharov-multi-sheeted The Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite. For Xenakis, all sounds are an integration of grains , which is to say tones seen as notes (see here for an excerpt from Maria Anna Harley's 1994 McGill U. Ph.D. dissertation entitled Space and Spatialization in Contemporary Music , Moonrise Press, 2016, which briefly encapsulates Formalized Music's exposition of this subject) -- hyletic data qua Novikov dust, corpuscles, phononic quanta -- emergently cellular-organized into clouds, sheets qua screens, n-dimensional vector spaces, function spaces. This may well be the case for consensus-Copenhagen-interpreted quantum music, but likely not for relativistic-quantum music -- particularly if Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function be interpreted with the corpora of m-valued-Lukasiewiczian transcendental formal logics of the infinite CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency which there are of this one and only non-selfsame universe. Replacing the Schoenberg-matrixing total control of the Grundgestalt (good offices of Devon Asia Burts, An Application of the Grundgestalt Concept , Master of Music Theory thesis, U. of South Florida, 2004) basic shape of tone row and harmonics of linear counterpoint of often implosive-introverted dodecaphonic serial composition with the BornRuled stochastic wave-functions of algorithmic composition -- as if, whatever the statistical thermodynamics argument made, often explosive-extroverted aleatoric complexity were more hearable than deterministic complexity, sans the eye aiding the ear as is the case with inner Musculpt and, presumably, with the holosonic-holoscopic acoustic-visioning involved in DolphinSpeak. The tool required for Musculptural memetime stretching qua SpecialRelativistic dilation is endogenous ketaminergic increase in the baud-rate of consciousness (there occurs onset of multivariate-information overload and pilot-fixation-syndrome qua Plexiglas-wall-plus-tunnel-vision-unto-fugue, if the baud-rate increase does not exceed the increase in information density, a density increase that may be heftily hypered by bleed-throughs to awareness of supra-1T2-valued-logics processings) -- 3-fold topo-active optime acting only at absolute limiting rates, rates of rates, rates of rates of rates. In inner Musculpt, tonal space is not a space of tones but, as Victor Zuckerkandl (see his Sound and Symbol, Pantheon, 1956) and Karlheinz Stockhausen intimated qua trended toward (e.g., sound surfaces heard as time planes and moment form: see The Post-Webernians and the Moment Form sections of Part IV: Beyond Realism -- Fundamentals of Negative Syntax of Montage, Realism and the Act of Vision, Victor A. Grauer, 1982), a space of the spaces between tones -- and, in my sense of it, it is not on the tones, but on those spaces, that µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency ensheave in integrative coherence (insofar as absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct egospheric self-attributing one looks from 1T2 up through the layered transparent; the inverse being the case for demergent involutory decomposition). Ah, yes, Fluxus in the chance performance of the performance of chance, such as in youthful Yayoi Kusama's NYC period, wherewhen it might as well have been microsonics of the auditory scene spread over a happening bathed in the black light corpuscular polka-dots of inverse music's counter-signification. M[i}mi|c/k>ed in the Mnk-articulation-space feeling-toned integrets of the KICH, Kyoto International Conference Hall? In non-state, primordial-Shinto sacred-space -- Maaaaa. . .h -- ensheaved-spatial planes (acculturated to plains of the Pure Land in assimilated Buddhological space) are bridged (Riemann-surface like) by active-time functions (Kami). Toru Takemitsu transmutated, uh, acoustically modified, the ensheavement to the dan (segments, as in stepping-stone steps, by double entendre, understood nesting-foam stairway steps) of November Steps (Debussy-like mosaic of harmonies planted there upon), the spatial sheets becoming time planes of wave-raked Zen gravel bed transposed to auditory scene, whereupon -- in, say, Munari by Munari regarded as the pinnacle of Impressionist temporal drip music (as distinct from Expressionist spatial drip painting) -- he metaphorically Ryoanji-placed the stones of microsound, i.e., sound quanta. For comprehensive treatment of this subject see Curtis Roads' Microsound, MIT Press, 2001. One decontextualization-precontextualization-recontextualization (re: constellation of [inter}textuality amongst Lebenswelts) practice in walking meditation is to focus hearing-intent upon sound pattern independent of the aural units of meaning (change sonic morphemes into sonic phonemes) elementally involved in pattern constitution by recognition; another, to constantly imagine the given visual-space triangular-view expanse as screen-gridded so as to psychosensorially highlight and challenge the linear-perspective lines thus lifted to apparency in the landspace walked through. Based upon extensive such actual practice, not just thinking about what must be involved, my I/im µTmly maintains that only from habitus of the 1T2-only-definable memetime-bound ego complex identified with the friably-granular stand{points] cum Husserlian-horizon vanishing points do the bivalent laws of probability appear to govern dynamically the properties of bare-sound objects (acoustic quanta stripped of semantic adherence, shorn of tropes), their syntactical clouds and complexes, their logophysics topos, branes, embedding manifolds. Abstracting out of heard-sound experiences, e.g., the racket of gunfire, suppressing the feeling-tones (associated with higher orders of logical-value) along with the affect-charges elicited by those experiences,
Xenakis realized that such sound events could be musically shaped by procedures leaning on the laws of probability in the same way as a gas or cloud would Xenakis' notion of sound cloud was born at this time. ((quoting from the exceptionally well-written and informative Stochastics and Granular Sound in Xenakis' Electroacoustic Music, Agostino Di Scipio, in Proceedings of the international Symposium Xenakis. La musique électroacoustique / Xenakis. The electroacoustic music, Makis Solomos, ed., Université Paris 8, May 2012))
How thoroughly stochastic-cum-probabilistic shaping of ensembles of acoustical quanta corresponds to the currently prevailing Weltanschauung's world picture as differentiated from deautomatized, de-enculturated, de[socio}lied, de-glutamatergically-etched bare realities of the base-state of Tzog-chen (the Tzog-chen AllBase of MVRS is, not only Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian, but also J.G.Bennettian) is another issue needing to be addressed if inner Musculpt is to be authentically techno-exteriorized as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams. Schoenbergian-unto-post-Webernian multiple serial lines of aural droplets set in polyphonic parallel motion, along with Xenakian sound-cloud atlas: these do not analogically model in music (1) superstring theory, where the process elemental component is a vibrating Pythagorean pitch-ratio string, not a democratic Democritusian individualist particle, and not a string of particles, or (2) [1T2ly-null}-vectored J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels. The dusti of objects sonores cum photismic Turrellian Bindu shards elicited by Ganzfeld effect -- as in Sri Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind -- are no signifiers of material dust motes qua elementary particles (for these Borel-set elements transcend the 1T2-only-dicothomy of hyletic/psychetic), but are, collectively, the Wheelerian bucket of dust ensemble of supraGaborian logons (a closest-packing of miniscule, disjoint, J.G.Bennettian-pencil of skew-parallels-drawn [invoking the non-selfsameness in the non-simple identity underlying Gaborian-Heisenbergian uncertainties] skew-cubes as projected-reduced-collapsed [qua spontaneous localization] into memetime-frequency space with orthogonal coordinates, not higher-order skew-perpendicular coordinates) numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers via utilization of the Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes, surely employing a hypercomplex version of the Euler-real and the Riemann-complex zeta functions -- or so it seems to me. What does geoengineering advocacy make so mortifyingly embarrassing a public display of? Well, uh, uh, a-hum. If tycoons, oops! typhoons can take out Fukushimas, why shouldn't Fukushimas take out typhoons? Heh-heh-heh! Associated with severe storm genesis, particularly so with tornadogenesis, are vertically-propagating acoustically-modified (i.e., coherent, like in lasers and laser-projection of holograms) gravity-wave modes, i.e., collectively the infrasound which signatures theta-e, equivalent potential temperature, surface topologies, and are, in all likelihood, the informational components of the atmospheric case of acoustic analogues to blackhole computing. What sorts of objects sonores does atmospheric Gaia hear when engaged in blackhole computing? Dennis Gabor asked a similar question in Acoustical Quanta and the Theory of Hearing, Nature, Vol. 159, No. 4044, 3 May 1947, pp. 591-94. Quoting one complete paragraph:
What do we hear? The answer of the standard text-books is one which few students, if any, can ever have accepted without a grain of salt. According to the theory chiefly connected with the name of Ohm and Helmholtz, the ear analyses the sound into its spectral components, and our sensations are made up of the Fourier components, or rather of their absolute values. But Fourier analysis is a timeless description, in terms of exactly periodic waves of infinite duration. On the other hand, it is our most elementary experience that sound has a time pattern as well as a frequency pattern. This duality of our sensations finds no expression either in the description of sound as a signal s(t) in function of time, or in its representation by Fourier components S(f). A mathematical description is wanted which ab ovo takes account of this duality. Let us therefore consider both time and frequency as co-ordinates of sound, and see what meaning can be given to such a representation.
Wellll, the meanings, a plurality of plurals, we give the memetimeless-infinitudinal Fourier description (real, imaginary, hypercomplex) relate not only to 3-fold, topo-active, Pauli-Paine optime, but also to the CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-(this m-state mu-itic, not 2-state qubitic, skew-cubismic, logonic spectrum is intimated, but in essential meaning altogether missed, by the interval between Gabor's infinite number of 'yes's' and 'no's' and Dirac's impulsive just simply yes or no: the m-state mu-itic Lukasiewiczian quantum of information in Fourier transform requires not only the addition of complex and hypercomplex terms, but also J.G.Bennettian skewness, if remergence of logical-value order-types is to be understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency: note the retrograde inversion involved)-relative-states of identity-transparency inculcated at Schrödinger-memetime-independent operator-time effectuated demergence of Bohmian quantum potential. My immediate thought is that the notion of skew-facets of skew-cube logons (consider this in context of cuboctahedral tessellations of bridged Riemann-surface-sheet planes, good offices of Yang-Hui He's and Mark van Loon's Gauge Theories, Tessellations & Riemann Surfaces, arXiv, 17 March 2014) might well shed some light on just how fine-grained is the fine-grained frequency-domain discrimination engaged in by pi-electron-parcel harmonic oscillators of superconductant pi-electron-gas core of DNA. Fine-grained enough to allow quantum-based technologies to be designed to stay out of all biologically-active memetime-density-cum-spectral-density response windows? The harmonic oscillation modulator is optime-effected Bohmian Q, not a probability pulse. Quoting Gabor:
If alpha equals zero, the elementary signals become simple harmonic oscillations; if alpha equals infinity, they turn into the delta function and its derivative [What about the derivative of this derivative?] If the cells are infinite in the time direction we obtain Fourier analysis; if they are infinite in the frequency direction we obtain an expansion into delta functions, that is to say, the function s(t) itself. [Intimating higher-order time, even topo-active optime?]
Quoting Di Scripio:
Notice that for sigma equals infinity, the elementary signal equals a harmonic oscillation (periodic function, sine or cosine), while for sigma equals zero, the elementary signal becomes a delta function, a pulse signal, the shortest imaginable change, known as the Dirac function.
I see Gabor's real constant (re: duration/band-width), alpha (Di Scripio substitutes sigma and inverts the relations signified by alpha), a real sign indicative of a complex temporal curling -- corpus of values of which specify the interval between harmonic oscillations at zero and Dirac's delta-function at infinity -- as an invisibility cloak for Lukasiewiczian orders of logical-value understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency: a hypercomplex amplitude factor would change the rectangular logon cell into a box and J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels would change that box into skew-cubes, the geometrical correlates of logical m-valuedness. And, musically, all this higher-order stuff takes place on spaces between the tones, not on the tones themselves -- howsoever mathematicized (the random being an m-valued function of the memetime step [cf. dan], ponderable-space length scale, order of logical-value with which the observer-unto-participator-unto-altogethersame is identified, on the, uh, DNA-wise, now, non-stochastic-cum-non-probabilistic multivalued and µTm-processed gas dynamics transpiring in the spaces between the single-valued codons, not on the codons themselves). The Pereira layered transparent is, musically, layered sound tracks, the Riemann-surface-like bridges between sound planes being established, not by overlappings of probability density functions, and not only at branch points of m-valued functions, but also by intersections of Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes employed at Gödel numbering of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of facets qua tessellations of skew-cube logons. The representational yield of this (given infinite state space and non-discrete time process, i.e., 3-fold topo-active optime) would not be self-similar to an n+1 vector-dimensional Markovian-chained transition-probability matrix, the confutation being dependent upon awareness of there being µTm-unto-CTC+, not only 1T2, logics involved -- information types, thus, not being limited to that most abjectly reduced sort characteristic of heat engines and speakable languages, insofar as Lukasiewicz logics supraordinate to that 1T2 be understood independent of the notion truth-value and in terms of quantum-nonsimple, m-state mu-itic not 2-state qubitic, relative-states of identity-transparency. Note in this regard that Gabor observes that:
Expansion into elementary functions is in general a rather inconvenient mathematical process, as they do not form an orthogonal set.
Therefore, spectrographic creation of partial sound portraits is the methodology preferred -- and availability of this method is the conscious reason why the invisibility cloak remains a cloak. The stacked-themes complexity of, say, Olivier Messiaen's "Turangalila Symphony", is an attempt to tone-wise simulate compassionate-qua-identity-transparent cosmic love play, but, however much the music exists in tonal relations, the average hearer, if not also the highly trained ear, hears the tones far more thoroughly than the relations. Techno-exteriorization of inner Musculpt would allow the eye to aid the ear, direct attention cathexes to the spaces between the tones, and would thus help reveal the higher-logical-order relative-states which thematic ensheavement as musicological analogue of superposition attempts to simulate. Without this exteriorization, there is no possibility of an authentically user-friendly interface to the µTm-LETS nesting-foams required for a best effort attempt to adequately meet the demands being levied by the ongoing anthropogenic yield we face.
If, as I believe, nonorthogonalizing (deorthogonalizing from the egoic perspective) 1T2ly-null-vector-defined skew-perpendicularity is geometrodynamically a substruction of quantum field due to topo-active optime demergence-concretion of pregeometry CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 relative-state identity-transparency, then removing infinities that appear in model equations, removing by recourse to noncommutativity (or the various renormalization methods), is equivalent to hiding from the many imports -- the third time is likely not to be all that charming! -- of nonorthogonality, a hiding which explains why non-Abelian qua non-commutative Lukasiewicz is preferred (for instance, see the linked A Conceptual Construction of Complexity Levels Theory in Spacetime Categorical Ontology: Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology, Many-Valued Logics and Dynamic Systems, R. Brown and J. F. Glazebrook and I. C. Baianu, Axiomatics, 25 June 2007) over commutative Lukasiewicz, and how this preference function functions to suppress the corpus of cognitive states tacitly grouped together as participation inconsciente qua participation mystique. One wonders how long it will be until Lukasiewiczian higher levels of genetic-code-encryption are contemplated relative to the quantum-wave properties of DNA resident in the molecule's pi-electron-gas dynamics, a notion Paine-Pensinger entertained as early as the mid-1970s. Perhaps only by consideration of DNA's radiation-exchange-mediated participation mystique with its multiscaled (think: the beat-down in the frequency-delivery funnel) environment will the foremost Lukasiewiczian semantics (µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency) finally be arrived at. Given the suppression of quantum genomics occasioned by rise of the genetic engineering industry, full-blown, non-dissembled, Lukasiewiczian-quantum genomics is likely still to be long in making its effective arrival, even though important steps are being taken in that direction, to wit: non-Abelian, non-distributive, n-valued, Lukasiewicz-logic-algebraic, nonlinear-dynamical, functor-of-category-theory models of intragenomic subtending interactomic processes (see in this regard, Quantum Genetics and Quantum Automata Models of Quantum-Molecular Evolution Involved in the Evolution of Organisms and Species, I. C. Baianu, AFC-NMR & NIR Microspectroscopy Facility, College of ACES, FSHN & NPRE Departments, University of Illinois at Urbana, 31 March 2012). Much to my regret, I failed to discover on a timely basis Baianu's paper A logical model of genetic activities in Lukasiewicz algebras: The nonlinear theory, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 39:2, March 1977, pp. 249-58; had I so discovered, we likely would have linked his I = [0, t] segmentary notion to our operator-time-formulated canonical equation and the time-frequency-domain experiments suggested at the end of our 1979 paper, linked above, and felt justified in mentioning our conviction regarding m-logically-processed quantum-wave properties of DNA -- if not gone further into the counter-force to the pressure gradient term qua the gravitational acceleration and its import concerning acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. The aforementioned model appearances of infinity mark initializations of topo-active optime's temporal CURL, suppression thereof being essential to maintenance of identification with the encapsulated egosphere (not the unencapsulated ergosphere apropos -- especially considering the 3-fold-temporal-CURL way of handling real and complex and hypercomplex angular momentum, à la Cornell's tornadogenesis specialist Douglas A. Paine's very undumb mid-1970s [yes, that's the correct memetimeframe, as per: Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pp.: quoting the then-near-fatal statement, Blackbodies and black holes exist within the spacetime frame of atmospheric dynamics ] model of sonic black holes in Earth's atmosphere and associated emission of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes -- of blackhole computing, good offices of Ovidiu Racorean, Spacetime manipulation of quantum information around rotating black holes, Annals of Physics, 398, November 2018, pp. 254-64) with its acoustic analogues, good offices of Matt Visser, Acoustic black holes: horizons, ergospheres, and Hawking radiation, arXiv, 1 December 1997) and associated memetime-boundedness. The more general treatment, which I am only beginning to access, concerning applications in Lukasiewicz logics of biodynamics can be read into via Complex non-linear biodynamics in categories, higher dimensional algebra and Lukasiewicz-Moisil topos: transformations of neuronal, genetic and neoplastic networks, I. C. Baianu and R. Brown and G. Georgescu and J. F. Glazebrook, Axiomatics, 16, 2006, pp. 65-122. And more general yet, in Lukasiewicz-Moisil many-valued logic algebra of highly-complex systems, Ion C. Baianu and George Georgescu and James F. Glazebrook and Ronald Brown, in Brain. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, Special Issue on Complexity in Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, B. Iantovics and D. Radoiu and M. Marusteri and M. Dehmer, eds., ISSN 2067-3957, Volume 1, July 2010.
The biggest problem (amplified greatly by the takeaway from The-Ego-and-Its-Own, I/in^m, in walking meditation where near-VR-quality impress of the haptic upon EENT greatly facilitates generative empathy with the natural surround, this not being synonymous with quasi-pre-egoic over-empathetic excessive immergence: identification being a state that passively just happens, empathy being something actively done; this distinction being analogous to that between emotive affect-charge and feeling-judgment in the Jungian sense) my I/in^m hashave with prevailing interpretations of Lukasiewicz logics is that all these interpretations are in one way or another, and more often than not more than one way or another, referenced to 1T2-logic, not to CTC+-logics. In generative empathy, the subjectn^m and objectn^m do not merge; they re-merge from having been demerged! The base-state is not referenced to discretes, but to the skew-cube-polytope continuum out of which Cantor dust is cut-sung. Unfortunately, and contrary to the cosmic case, psychological habitus of the logician is placed in single-valued bivalency, and from there Lukasiewicz logics are evaluated as to how they modify bivalence. This makes the prescriptively enculturated-socialized, indeed blackpsyched, and glutamatergically-anchored normative state of consciousness the arbiter of logic, an ar[bit}ration nature certainly does not abide by, let alone countenance. The logic connectives qua operators are Boolean-1T2-only binary operators, even when concatenated to µTm-logics, concatenated in order supposedly to amount to higher-order operations: it's not done in the other logical-unto-ontological-unto-existential-precedence direction, i.e., involutory decomposition -- let alone in skew-parallels of that direction (all of which such parallels would be null, so far as 1T2-only ratiocination is concerned). This is the case even when the operands are multivariate, for then handling is by one to the next, by this to that thusly concatenated, however long the required iteration, the required recursion, even when these to those and these these to those those (the object-operand conforming to the 1T2-only Law of [non-quantum simple-]Identity, requiring selfsameness, being the same as itself, not being simultaneously selfn^m-othern^m -- and certainly not µTmly-unto-CTC+ly non-selfsame, i.e., infinitely-infinitely J.G.Bennettian diversely identical, and most certainly not being in pagan-animistic VNese-peasant cum African-fractal cum Redskin part-is-whole [authentic generative empathy is never part-to-part; it's always mediated by excessive immergence -- heh-heh-heh! -- in the whole] holographic-Cantorian states of participation mystique contagion with the natural surround, totem objects of whatever sort, the ancestral lands, the non-ownable commons, the corpus of such beings-in altogether subverting the wholly-ownable property qua principle of the ultimately-synaesthetic-and-µTm-logical-Einfuhlung-Amae-nixing [for background, see The Complicated History of Einfuhlung, Magdalena Nowak, Argument, Vol. 1, February 2011, pp. 301-26; and as regards the Japonismed Nihongoing of generative-empathy prescriptively-enculturated, socialized, and glutamatergically anchored to The Japanese Brain and its national polity {{the primordial circulation-for-specific-ends of shinki, i.e., quantum potential, uh, uh, the god-spirit, sustained almost into the modern era by the kami-oroshi trance-possession cults, got shitsued by the bakufu [in}tent of the Shogunate and by sheenkeysheetsueing Westernization-qua-statification of primitive non-state Shinto}}, see Japanese Enryo-Sasshi Communication and the Psychology of Amae: Reconsideration and Reconceptualization, Yoshitaka Miike, Keio Communication Review, No. 25, 2003] capitalist notion of property, a notion in non-conformity to the anarchist principle stating that [1T2-only] property is theft). Note also that definition of the fuzzy set is rooted in 1T2-only logic (membership function valued in the real interval [0,1]), as is fuzzy logic (logical-values of variables arrayed in the real interval [0,1]) itself (both of these logics -- simply-1T2, fuzzy-1T2 -- being still predicated on the pre-pre-axiomatic baseless contention that Tarski extensionally-correct convention-T, truth-predicate truth-value, or some functional equivalent, is the fundament of logic, not non-selfsame relative-state identity-Transparency Tzog-chen-T). The baselessness assertion is a rejection of the philosophical position Wiki-given as Some philosophers view the concept of truth as basic, and unable to be explained in any terms that are more easily understood than the concept of truth itself, in that, were interpretation of Lukasiewicz logics referenced to CTC+, not 1T2, it would be Pluralist-wise understood that there are C+-types of truth, each derivative of its own unique relative-state of holographic identity-transparency-carriers of the quantum potential for autopoiesis and self-organization via (largely non-observable, enfolded, implicate: given that 1T2-only-information and 1T2-only-definable memetime signifies so small a possible horizon length [good offices of K. Worthmann, Estimates of the Prediction Horizon Length in MPC: a Numerical Case Study, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 45:17, 2012, pp. 232-37] of those possible lengths apropos µTm-unto-CTC+-information-definable topologically-active operator-time -- which is not to mention the Husserlian-horizon number associated with each given such state, i.e., how many the state allows simultaneous registration of, a kind of measure of how out of body-identification the given OBE is) supersystem-system-subsystem, internal-system-state, 3rd-order-dynamical, self-referential/self-reentrant reflexivity (think: MPC [model prediction control] closed loop, e.g., regards Sorosian market reflexivity). In quantum-nonsimple, animistic-pagan µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, everyone is everything else, and each one is Cantorian-holographically everyone -- simply-identifiable one being factive only under 1T2-only-logic alone. Quite obviously, by even 1T2-only-logic alone, µTm-unto-CTC+-Einfuhlung, at the CTC+-generative-empathy level of elaboration, cannot be made an objective-science factor of cognition because µTm-unto-CTC+-Einfuhlung that generatively elaborated altogether obliterates the subjectn^m-objectn^m bifurcation imposed by the various VR-inducing stages of prescriptively-enculturated-socialized, and glutamate-anchored, cognitive development, particularly the learning of psychometric distance function required for localization in binocular visual space and the learning of object constancy simulacra. Overempathy: experientially, the compulsively enticed sheheit-which-must-be-pushed-back imploding object seemingly autonomously pre-oedipal-phase-like coming in upon a one with thin-skinned porous egosphere due to this, that, and other types of unfortunate pre-to-peri-pubertal experience corpora generally in the realms of child-parent transference phenomenologies (these unfortunates a downside of the isolated nuclear family, even more so-down if family fragmented: for one, lack of alternative role models to imprint upon during critical learning periods like that for, say, the learning of birdsong). Overidentification: wherewhen mass projective-identification at collective transference becomes overdetermined and autocatalytic by eight-fold-way (see C. G. Jung's volume devoted to The Psychology of the Transference) positive-feedback-driven reflexivities arrayed over man[i}fold of mass projector, (Hitler-type, Manson-type) transference-figure identifier with regressed archetype, pathofunctional collective unconscious event-gradient (argued in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh and here). Empathy theory (restricted to the case of a so-regarded absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct individual engaged therein), as developed by Western academics sans direct ontic experience of what they have pejoratively referred to as psychic contagion, participation inconsciente, participation mystique, is, IMHO, pretty much apropos only of the 1T2-only level of elaboration. Empathy at orders of elaboration supraordinate to that 1T2-only are, virtually by definition, collective-occasions-of-experience -- as that's what quantum-non-simple relative-states of identity-transparency are all about. Why else would corpus of participants in the current fulmination of the long-running pandemic collective psychosis be so fixated upon its post-human strange attractor, singularity, fixated via its myriad forms of infratech, if not to vanquish the gut-wrenching terror (projected onto you-know-who; that projection being identified with by you-know-whom) induced by the specter of psychosexual-sociopolitical-economonetary institutionalization of quantum-nonsimple, animistic-pagan µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency? The protagonists of hisstory, once psycho-identified with regressed collective-unconscious transference figures (cf: the gods of Greek mythology, say) constellated by mass projective-identification and group-mind-instigated ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements: all[e}gories heavily pathofunctionally regressed), have no minds of their own, no discrete psycho-complexes matrices through which to exercise judgments not dictated by the prevailing regressed-archetypal event gradient. O, praise Thee and Thou for Thy ill[o}cut|ion|ary [in}tent: that of the introspective incompetent free of aestheticizing almost as much as of synaestheticizing. Heh-heh-heh! Semantic forensics conducted according to Kokutai no Hongi (banned by Big Mac in accord with the cardinal principle that Re[member}ing is subversion!) in the plural, uh, uh, cardinal principles of these and those national polities. Insofar as Julian.Barbour memory-trance tickertape constellates memetime, this attack on re[member}ing is, ConveDD-speaking, an understandable compensatory abreaction to the specter of topo-active optime: ain't nothin' so blamed bad as homespun sobriquets institutionally made maleficent memes -- to include glutamate-anchored memetime. Semiotic cleansing and genetic cleansing as ConveDD precursors to a new and different human-GMO fulmination-version of the long-constellated need-need-need! for purified identity. It remains to be seen, I suppose, how much in the way of making merit one will obtain by receiving a high social credit score. If there is no psychologism dimension to the hisstorical analysis, no extrovert intuition and introvert feeling-into involved, that analysis can have little actually to do with his story, which is overwhelmingly vectored and strange-attractored by his [psycho}logisms. Explorations of higher-valued logics and Einfuhlung obviously involve encounters-of-the-mth-kind with boundary-related issues. I see 1T2-logic and its -isms as the abysmally most reduced case in involutory decomposition of CTC+-logics: if that is indeed the proper take, then the interpretive referent should be CTC+, not 1T2. The most inspired paper I've seen reflecting on this issue is: How Quantum Logic Differs from Classical Logic: Following Distribution through Two Interpretations of Boundary Mathematics, William Bricken, November 2000, where, note, under 1T2-only-logic alone, there are only two directions of rule application, (+,-); and positive and negative involutions signify cascade and reverse cascade dynamics, demergence and remergence; and pervasion (boundary semi-permeability) is an intimation of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency cum CTC+-unto-µTm unto the abysmally most reduced case, i.e., absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2-only-identity-opaqueness. Assume Bricken's Rx. Assume his most important conclusion, as per the final section of his above-linked paper:
The single important difference between CL [classical logic] and QL [quantum logic] is that the atomic adjacency rules of QL do not generalize, thus breaking all concepts of rearrangement of elements, including associativity, commutativity, and distribution.
Where does this single important distinction (think calculus of indicative markings of boundary distinctions in regard to G. Spencer-Brown's raising of temporality with the value of a crossing made again is not the value of the crossing in contrast to Bricken's time-independent atomic duplication where the value of duplicate sheets is the value of the sheet) come from? It comes from violation of the 1T2-only Law of Identity which [man}dates simple, purified identity as the only permissible notion of identity qua identity as a metaphysical category -- as applicable, that is, to the elements involved in all concepts of rearrangement of elements. What Bricken designates as atomic blocking (adjacent orthogonal sheets block) is derivative of this violation. How might topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time be involved in violation of the Law of Identity? Let there be C+-polaroid-sheets in C+^C+-phase-orientations of the memetime-independent M-theoretic universal-covering-manifold ensheavement qua stack. C+^C+-phase-orientations because on each of the C+-possible (memetime-independently: actual) slices-qua-sheets there are C+-possible (memetime-independently: actual) cuts of the 360-degrees of phase-angle available, such that the orientation is (not randomly in one or another such) always all ways, these all ways being in relative-state. In wave-dynamical terms, each of these nonorthogonaling ways of all ways is a skew-perpendicular, each such skew-perpendicular itself a pencil of skew-parallels -- that is, fractally deconstructing CTC+-unto-µTm-logical Schrödinger-memetime-independent m-valued wave-functional dynamics. In this 3-fold topo-active optime conception, it is not light that is being polarized but the chronotopological variate: elliptic-unto-circular-unto-linear -- the yield being, not an objective linear-time, but memetime (iff the set of all topological operators on the reference space, and the reference space itself, constitute universal cognizance). I would suggest that under CTC+-unto-µTm-valued logics, the elements of all concepts of rearrangement being in C+-states of relative-state identity-transparency, all concepts of rearrangement are state-specific, and that -- giving due credit to the reflexive self-referential reentries of 3rd-order dynamics -- the states of this state-specificity are themselves in relative-state identity-transparency, and, furthermore, that to detail this, non-selfsame numbers are required, not the least significant of which being the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers apropos orders of logical-value supraordinate to that 1T2. I fully agree with Bricken when he says: CL [classical logic] notation assumes linearity and thus adjacency. I over-agree with Bricken when he maintains that pervasion is a fundamental property of logic, in that I maintain that pervasion -- as intimation of µTm-unto-CTC+-quantum-nonsimple identity-transparency -- is THE fundamental property of logic superseding G. Spencer-Brown's notion of distinction-indication-mark which supersedes the notion truth-value. I cannot agree with Bricken's stipulation that duplication is the porosity asymptote of pervasion, except in the asymptotic case of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency where A is so absolutely not-A that part is absolutely whole sans all 1T2-cognizer fuzziness when that case is holographically projected (pervasion thus, to 1T2-mind's-I, becoming perversion). I disagree with Bricken's idea that there exist, in face of quantum nonlocality, adjacency rules of QL [quantum logic] -- though I observe that embrace of the Born Rule makes adjacency in QL more plausible. I ask: to which lights of the C+ lights -- understood ontocosmogenetic-nesting-foam-on-sheet scale-dependent-absolute-limiting velocities -- does quantum boundary logic apply? Only to Einstein's light? At absolute limiting velocities, the sheets themselves are twisted out of relative polarization. Call this imaginary, if such call so pleases. What happens at absolute limiting accelerations? Multiple connections between sheets? Call this hypercomplex. What happens at absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration? Nonorientability within stacks? Call this ultracomplex. Do these classes of complexity not apply to the case, the logics of the case? From 1T2-only-takeaway, they may be Calabi-Yau enfolded and Kalusa-Klein temporally enCURLed.
I've learned a lot from reading the earlier-mentioned Joao Carlos Correia Palminhas' Lisbon University Institute Masters dissertation entitled The Degrowth of Consumption as an Economic Strategy and looking into some of his links and references. For instance, quoting Palminhas (p. 61) quoting Harvey Neo:
As the concept of pricing lies at the heart of environmental economics, valuation of environmental costs and benefits, through direct valuation, contingent valuation or hedonistic price approaches, is an important feature of the former.
Lifting price incentives as policy instruments to the next level, the easiest conception to grasp is the fusion of m-incentives to a single-logically-valued price for product, service, labor, instrument, such that the currency-unit value would logically be 1Tm, m dependent upon how many indicator-externality-commodity-tagged values are e-ensheaved to the currency base-state (i.e., 1T1-only cash). This means that any one of the stacked values is sufficient to the purchase-payment of every type of value stacked; more elaborately, under 2Tm, two are required; more elaborately yet, under 3Tm, three are required; so on and so forth unto µTm, the asymptotic case for any particular µTm-LETS-nesting-foam currency at any given e-commons computer-gamed occasion being mTm. Aggregate behaviors being the foremost policy interest. Or, if greater specificity is required by this and/or that particular scenario of the m-scenarios open-source e-commons computer gamed relative to the given µTm-LETS monetary domain, one or more specific value(s) on the left side of the T would have to one-to-one match the corresponding value(s) on the right side of the T. Economic actors of every sort would have to do something, stop doing something, modulate doings and nondoings in order to acquire stores of the values stacked on the currency base-state. As close as you like; as dense as you like: where there are as many indicator-measurables (hundreds identified already?) cum externalities cum potential-currency-backing commodities as you like. All of this could be processed with Lukasiewiczian analog computers and made user friendly with holographic Musculpt as the interface. Logo-selbstorganisierend M-ergy complement of ecological emergy (see Embodied energy analysis and EMERGY analysis: a comparative view, M. T. Brown and R. A. Herendeen, Ecological Economics, 19, 1996, pp. 219-35) complement of empowering energy. Speaking of m-powering, one of the little known, suppressed even, power-analysis-cum-capability-analysis facts of the Viet Nam war is that a major means by which the Viet Cong overcame the enormous imbalance of forces they faced was by means of an application of the holographic principle, a principle then yet to be discovered: they altered their geographic boundaries (the GVN-US used fixed borders with few of the many properties of boundaries) frequently in response to the constantly changing environment of the combat, and as their flexible boundaries got bent the bureaucratic variables they enclosed-contained shifted (near-automorphically, near-algorithmically, near-autopoietically [de novo created role-stackings and infrastructural ensheavements were involved], near-self-organizationally) accordingly -- which is to say that those variables were mapped on those boundaries, and done so so exquisitely that wholesale reorganizations were easily and quickly accomplished, even when the extent of reorganization was countrywide, indeed, across the whole domain of conflict, in- and out-country, and throughout all embedded echelons , e.g., the 1968 Tet offensive having been the pretext required for the undertaking of such a massive multiscale reordering, which, once successfully completed, shifted the synoptic balance of capabilities (not forces) in favor of the VC, the actual offensive itself being something of an afterthought (see our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh for detailing and documentation, the raw data primary documentation provided by nuts-and-bolts bureaucratic minutia contained in captured documents, indexing numbers of novel-cited documents given in text of the novel, these documents selected from the large number that were subjected to traffic-analytic metadata decipherment by SRA/MACV-J2, earlier POLOB-CICV, decoding of alphanumerics a task largely undertaken at CDEC). In my judgment, the fury induced in TPTB by Tet-'68 immediately translated (as heard reverberating the hallways of MACV-HQ) into the get-some-back-from-the-bear Afpac sting which fanned embers into the flames of global terrorism, thus precluding significant takeaway from the principle of mapping bureaucratic variables on boundaries, such that mass-surveillance Thin Thread and Trailblazer and the like were developed rather than the data collection and traffic analysis required to map Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, on the metaboundary universal covering surface I deem to be the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logicially-valued reference space. Analogy being the heart of Lukasiewiczian-analog-computer machine language, one wishes to ask: can µTm-LETS-currency-defining, band-pass, prefractal-unto-fractal e-boundaries in nesting-foams have holographic-principle-mapped upon themselves all the µTm-LETS-currency (skew-polytopic Gaborian-logonic) fractal drums they contain? Certainly the near-abroad of such boundaries does not exactly constellate what has become known as blackhole computing. Yet, there are what has become known as acoustic analogues to blackhole computing -- such as that information processing accomplished by Earth's atmosphere with m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. Uh, as Paine-Kaplan strongly intimated during 1974: m-valued information creation near walls of tornadoes -- and, soon thereafter in subsequent discussion, the µTm-valued processing thereof (see Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pp.). While the atmosphere engages in such processing, virtually all atmospheric scientists have yet to adopt this decomposition analysis methodology employed by nature. So far as I am aware, none of the hundred-plus climate models thus far created violate the assumption that Earth's atmosphere abides by the supposed classical limit; nor, in other words, that any of these models view the macroscopic atmosphere as subscribing to scaled principles of relativity physics and quantum mechanics. One thing seems certain: elaborate implementation of µTm-LETS nesting-foams would require that geopolitical borders be re-understood as fully possessing the properties of boundaries -- if in regards to certain properties only in principle, analogically, mathematically.
I have yet to make much headway assimilating William Bricken's elaborate boundary mathematics-cum-logics (see here and here and here) extensions of G. Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form (which Brown used to 1T2ly prove Sheffer's five independent postulates for Boolean algebras and in the process demonstrate that the notion distinction is more fundamental than the notion truth-value), but I can already see that these Bricken extensions -- if themselves extended into m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, such logics employed to interpret Schrödinger's m-valued state-function, rather than the Born Rule being so employed -- are essential to techno-exteriorization of inner Musculpt as mathematical notation and user friendly interface to µTm-LETS currencies. Envision environmental externalities internalized (good offices of Fabricio Eidelwein, et al., Internalization of environmental externalities: Development of a method for elaborating the statement of economic and environmental results, Journal of Cleaner Production, 170, 2018, pp. 1316-27; see also, for a sense of the state of the art at implementation: Environmental Sustainability -- Internalization of Environmental Externalities, Gabriela Piciu, Journal of Contemporary Economy, 2:4, 2017; in Sustainability and externalities: Is the internalization of externalities a sufficient condition for sustainability?, Ecological Economics, 70:10, 15 August 2011, pp. 1703-06, Kostas Bithas answers, No -- unless the environmental rights of future generations are insured, and I would observe that the best way to include memefuture generational needs in memepresent decision making is by fine-grain tagging of ensheaved values, of µTm-LETS currency units defined over prefractal-unto-fractal e-boundaries, to the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, employed at variously commodity backing of µTm-LETS currencies [note that Piciu states that the biggest problem facing internalization attempts is absence of the necessary information: this is one reason why µTm-LETS must be brought up from below; that's the only way the requisite information can be generated], and which time-shapes are mapped to the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, upon which the quantum-composite planetary unit of account is defined) by blackbody absorption to the boundary of the given µTm-LETS monetary domain, the very same boundary upon which -- by analogical application of the holographic principle -- internal variables are mapped, not the least the corpus of these corpora of variables being bureaucracy-qua-governance related. Boundary structures? Gödel-numbered Gödel boundary-numbers? Are the m-values stacked on a given µTm-LETS currency unit base-state thusly ensheaved on the currency domain boundary, that is, on sheaves restricted to that boundary? For an illustrative case showing that such does, in fact, mathematically exist, see Microlocal Sheaves on Pinwheels, Dogancan Karabas, arXiv, 21 October 2018, p. 16, where it is said:
Consider the stratification S of the disk (with boundary) consisting of a point and an arc in the boundary, and the interior of the disk. Then S is a regular cell complex Indeed, Modk(S) does not capture all the sheaves which are locally constant when restricted to the boundary and vanish in the interior of the disk.
Beyond the notion that sheaves can be restricted to the boundary of a disk, I do not know exactly what this statement means (except to imagine that the true story of the vanishing of the ensheavement is due to a reduction of µTm to 1T2). Learning to read deeply into such a paper would require a commitment which may not be justified by my purposes. Nonetheless, it is a very stimulating statement, particularly were one to topo-active-operator-time and temporal-CURL contextualize the pinwheel disk to the area of a cross-sectional cut through a tornado or tropical cyclone: the boundary-restricted n-sheaves then could be (à la Cornell meteorologist Douglas A. Paine and Cornell's Neurobiology Labs, circa mid-1970s) involved in production of m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, this sensible infrasound production (good offices of David A. Schecter and Melville E. Nicholls, Simulation and analysis of infrasound generated by severe storms, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129: 4, April 2011) being Doppler-radar visible on the tornadic wall as undulations qua ululations, Lukasiewiczian analog computers being required to µTmly process the manifest informatik contents. The 1974 Paine-Kaplan model of the creation of m-valued acoustically-modified inertial-gravity-wave modes by tornadoes strongly suggested presence of Lukasiewiczian information processing within Earth's atmosphere (understood 1T2ly, designatable as a case of the recently named sonic black hole computing), if the wave-function be not interpreted via probability amplitude methods, S-matrix and otherwise (this reinterpretation would necessitate revision of Robert M. Wald's understanding of the imports of the state-vector resulting from Hawking-radiation particle creation: see Wald's On particle creation by black holes, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 45:1, February 1975). While Wald concluded that, quoting the last sentence of his abstract, Thus, black hole emission agrees in complete detail (i.e., not only in expected number of particles) with black body emission, his understanding did not lead to the same conclusion as that of Paine. Quoting our 1978 paper The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere:
The reader will note that we are taking the unusual step of defining a thermodynamic concept (Stefan-Boltzman Law) at the system level: the air parcel, composed of a subsystem of gaseous molecules, does not call to mind the traditional interaction of molecules constituting a liquid. However, this step, invoking a superfluid approach to atmospheric dynamics, will directly link the thermal exchange of energy achieved between the localized domain structure (parcel) and the limited atmospheric domain exhibiting quantum properties. We are thus hypothesizing that blackbody physics must be an integral part of all superconductant processes. We, therefore, seek to mathematically describe the manner in which the quantized signal, or time of transition from To to Tc, is communicated from subsystem to system to supersystem. To capture the essence of superconductance, we, therefore, assume that spontaneous localization at any one of these three levels is synchronously tied to spontaneous fusion of the signal into the next higher level. This hypothesis as to the function of time ordering in the interplay between the subsystem (molecular), the system (air parcel), and the supersystem (limited atmospheric domain) will lend itself to several empirical tests
This orientation was also found useful in modeling of the radiation exchange processes engaged in by the DNA molecule and its environment.
Dead of winter, 1961, standing alone on a frozen Bering Sea off Nome, awe-struck by the Asterism-whistle accompaniment to the autogenically discharged infrasound signatures of vivid color-field dynamics generated by auroral arcs -- Musculpt naturally cold, no less than phased-array hot. The no-sounds of sound complementing the sounds of no-sound. More to the point, the infrasonic hole inside the unit-circle moon. Make Moon in yourselves! as Gurdjieff exhorted. The Taoist center in the midst of conditions, the Center of the Cyclone, the holes in the hierarchy of vortices and subvortices of the tornadic storm carrying Dorothy away to Oz, the hole through which was rab[bit}ed Alice into Wonderland. As, to my understanding, directly implied by William Bricken's account of the beginnings of boundary mathematics in iconically-notated logics: identity qua identity as a metaphysical category logically precedes the distinction drawn, which logically precedes truth-value. Though altogether unmarked, without distinction, the Consciousness-Without-an-Object-registered contentless space of a void yet has identity: it is that it is, in the non-dual Transcendental-Formal-Logic-of-the-Infinite sense of I am that I am, complement to the negation of the negation, the unnameable, not to be directly looked upon, indicated only by Masks-of-God-type tropes such as those scripting emperorhood and kingship as empty-center generators-attractors of vacuum-fluctuation event gradients, by indirect reference iconically signified in the (Han, Kanji, Hanja, Han Nom) ideograph depicting a gate to hold the Moon, i.e., the all-containing (Dongsonian equilateral-triangular-meshwork-nesting-foam fractal-tympanum MOON) boundary-without-boundary plas[ma}haut[e] of ma, the primordial-Shinto sacred space assimilated through acculturation to Buddhological representation space. Recognizing that Bricken points the way and, thus, not to be opprobrious, but, from perspective of the 3D, dynamical, colored, sounded forms of m-valued, analog inner-Musculpt, uh, from that perspective, unary-unto-binary, quasi-digital Brownian crosses and Brickenian parens are both abjectly reductive, howsoever much iconic. While the essence of pure mathematics and logic, of The Spiritual in Art, of the design of the design system in architecture, of the music system as analogical codification of Weltanschauung may be resident in reductive signification, it is not in habitus upon abject reduction where essential features of syntax and semantics are suppressed. Beethoven's reference (see J. W. N. Sullivan's Beethoven, His Spiritual Development, A. A. Knopf, 1927: during 1970, I inadvertently ran across a dusty copy of the first edition on a back shelf of a used bookstore) to flowing forms as the intellectual content of his music with which only the few have intercourse evokes the sense of inner Musculpt. Just as access to inner Musculpt makes somewhat understandable how Mozart, as I believe he surely must have been able, could listen to a small part of a long complex piece and the next day, note for note, write out the whole composition (see here and here for relevant discussion of Mozart's documented extraordinary pattern-recognition abilities and eidetic memory function). Ridiculous, for memory, however photographic-eidetic, could hardly serve? Maybe not. A single inner-Musculpt symformphonie freeze-frame Cantorian-holographically captures, is sonic-visioning of, the complete piece -- just as the complete symformphonie quantum-mechanically, µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-stately, signifies the identity-transparency of an infinity (at the very least, all varieties of successions of tones) of nonorthogonal pieces. Inner-Musculpt presents as a back-channel given, as a spatial enfold, as a temporal enCURLment. No explanations are provided as to how it works. It's suddenly there -- or not. Like Satori supposedly is. There as meaning saturation-overload approaching pilot fixation syndrome. My engagement with it peaked during my late-20s to my early-30s -- fading from there. No opportunity ever became available to deconstruct it, to discover its semantic-unto-syntactic demergence qua decomposition involute. Its rules, operators, objects, conventions. The meaning comes spontaneously, with appearance of the gestalt flow -- where that flow is understood as an always there, generally subliminal, substrate form of forms informing the semantic content of its transliteration, i.e., the verbal-symbolic representation. Though I did imagine how a deconstruction might be accomplished (and I'm now learning more about that from reading into Bricken) by a human pod in stress-oriented training at the learning of DolphinSpeak sonic-visioning, with smart-dancewear-enhanced practice of EscherForm dance, with access given to biofeedback holographic-display in an isolation-flotation tank with computer-enhanced capability for near-real-memetime holographic-display-output analysis. That inner-Musculpt might be communicable and a universal semiosis was driven home to me as I heard a non-Aymara-speaking anthropologist describe how, when being spoken to in Aymara by a member of the Andean priesthood, he experienced an inner phantasmagoria of color fields, forms, sounds, and that, miraculously, this phantasm somehow conveyed to him understanding of what the priest was saying. Does Born-ruled, 2-state-qubitic quantum pseudo-telepathy (see Quantum Pseudo-Telepathy, Gilles Brassard and Anne Broadbent and Alain Tapp, arXiv, 22 November 2004) become m-state-muitic authentic-telepathy when the m-valued state-function of Schrödinger's memetime-independent wave equation is its full-logic corpora µTm-unto-CTC+? Unfortunately, I was unable to elicit more concrete phenomenological details -- how did the meanings appear to awareness? verbally? in his native tongue? nonverbally, as sequences of feeling-tones? -- for he had experienced this but once and had apparently not been sufficiently detached as to introspect upon it. QBL, quantum boundary logic, you say? Humph! Scram! you jet-setting shock boundary-layer interactionist, you. But, sir, you accept definition of 1T2-only monetary units on in-or-out borders, so why reject µTm-monetary units defined via QBL on boundaries-without-boundary? One might, sir, flash upon centrality of the case, i.e., that classical and neoclassical econ's 1T2-only commoditization of social relations and green capitalism's 1T2-only commoditization of nature's processes are not the same as µTmly monetizing lowest-order relative-states of identity-transparency heretofore treated as extra-systemic externalities. The case has even been made supposedly demonstrating that unending economic growth (in part requiring unabated population growth?) can be transubstantiated into being a driver of enhanced environmental quality by shift to a 1T2-only-information-based economy (and off-shoring of materials-intensive forms of production?). Short of cyborg-managed massive robotic mining of Moon and Mars coupled to scalable fission-powered off-planet heavy industry and atomic-worm-drive space-freight trains, a major cold-fusion breakthrough giving elaborate access to mutability of the elements plus zero-point-energy taps seem likely required for growth-driven substantial environmental quality enhancement. Which is not to mention necessity of the wholesale intellectual reorientation regards the notion entropy which 3-fold, topologically-active operator-time-effectuated, 3rd-order-dynamical, CTC+-self-referential, self-reentrant nonorientability orchestrates. Early on, 1972-'75 -- as a gardener, once influenced as a highschooler by Silent Spring, then, later, post-VN-war, reading 2-inch-thick texts on plant propagation, Organic Gardening, The Futurist, World Watch Institute reports, so on -- I became aware that the agonistic conservative cohort monkey-mouthed belief in self-organization whilst not actually being true believers, and regarded Daly's daily-steady-state hypothesis as a [her}man idea. This was almost half a century ago, mind. Immediate post-'75, at Cornell, I came to doubt the necessity of taking only a 1T2ly-closed Georgescu-Roegen take on entropy, and, even of adding to that take a µTmly-open Prigoginean take on entropy, when I became aware of Lukasiewician self-referential, Klein-bottle-type self-reentrant, CTC+-nonorientable systems theories. And speaking of self-referential reentry, if self-observation is to be reduced to exercise in mere memory (uh, QBL-structured eidetic-memory functions of boundary layers?), memory contextualized to Julian Barbour's time as memory-trace epiphenomenon, what then does that tell us about the relation between universal consciousness-without-an-object and 3-fold topologically-active operator-time as quantum-composite QBL operators? Techno-exteriorized holographic Musculpt used for inner development, not for exterior envelopment and neoslavery? Humph! so say oh-so many. Social-credit-score-system-induced top-down-coerced, uh, hmmm, ROBOT managed (Lovecraftian cosmic indifference ain't Merrell-Wolffian high indifference, not to mention the far lesser PCR-insouciance where the equanimous deteriorates to the blasé: good offices of Geordie Rose as channeled by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News, 17 September 2019, aboveboard castigating the AIs, abridged intelligences, intent upon roboticizing the abusive conservatorship of a soon to be quantum-computer-cyborgated population base) dematerialization of the ma[tear}ial world's material girl's e[con}om|ic materialism coupled to decoupling production from materials and energy consumption detrimental to environmental quality by 5+Ged energy-intensive IoTs AIenced robotic increases in engineered efficiency and energy-intensive blockchaining of the financial transactions involved in allocative and consumptive behaviors: computer-brain-interfaced looking at the sustainability problem through trans-unto-post-human, rose-colored, smart contact lenses? The billions of humans they'll (those locked-on to exercising applications of the postmodern Turner Thesis) void-up -- Boogaloo, baby! -- through the sidereal vacuum to other worlds will solely be VR-surrogates of dead men walking if not of the long-since deceased. Tenor rapidly running out on repayment of the karmic debts accumulated over generations and held by the cosmic Repro Man, kvetching found no more effective than ranting, increasingly likely is U.S. recourse to one or another version of Warrenian local-knowledge-override central-government command-accountable capitalism (good offices of Max Gulker, ZeroHedge, 17 September 2019) based upon the command-helicopter micromanagement model pioneered during the nation-building war in Viet Nam. The command-helicopter crew is participatory-flat-management phobic as one expression of foaming-at-the-mouth sociophobia (good offices of Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg, 16 September 2019). Hip-hoppy post-bop going head-to-head: it's the to part in which most lost is the melodious. BADBADNOTGOOD. Sure 'nuf da worstest dang thig I ever done seed. Bollchocks! they say. Nonetheless, I would suggest that ground-zero centrality of the necessity to rethink the unthinkable is an unconscious compensatory abreactive ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of the pandemic refusal to consciously rethink the unthinkable which bivalent logic holds multivalued logic to be. The greatest mind-controller of all memetime has always been the Trickster archetype of the collective unconscious -- with hisher plethora of regressed and regressing synchronicities. The ablative case sans in[shrew}mental meaning. Anyone seriously looking, not only at the massiveness of currently prevailing mass hysteria and its fulmination loci, to include institutions of various types in lands around the planet, but also at thematic contents of hysterical displays, not least those of the psy[cop}athy, cannot escape belittling the collective behaviors hisstorically recorded as having been associated with early stages of ramp-up to WWII: manifestations of collective psychoses are much more elaborated today than they were during the early-1930s -- and given that the current fulmination is thoroughly planetarized, not localized to pockets, the pathogenetic march-of-onset period likely is much longer than was that of run-up to the WWII-battle of the Two-Hundred-Years War of the World. Beyond the classical scientistic mindset and its tightly coupled militaristic mindset, next most responsible for the gathering global crisis are sufferers of OCSS (obsessive-compulsive shoppers syndrome). Reliance upon growth in illegitimacy of 1T2-only lawfare and the Trickster archetype's supply-side trickledown led to bourgeoning debt as compensatory abreaction to ever-widening divergence between increasing infratech-driven productivity growth vis-à-vis supply of unnecessaries and whipstalling of the wage growth required by the great number of over-consumers (the small number of hyper- and ultra-consumers' net worths having, in the circumstance, obviously greatly expanded) to continue ramp-up of the purchasing of the ever-growing variety of infratech-innovated unnecessaries necessary to sustained exponential growth in GNP brought to market by adage hucksters, hucksterism being omnipresent in this [Ad}Age and nearly omnipotent so far as sufferers of OCSS are concerned. Getting back to Bricken, going borderless is just as bad, maybe worse, than relying solely upon 1T2-only, either/or-qua-in/out-type borders alone, whereas µTm-boundaries are of the in-and-out-type, in that in these respects a property is in, and in those respects that same property is out -- and that's for selfsame properties. Then there are the hypercomplex cases of µTmly-nonselfsame properties; moreover, then there are those ultracomplex, regards CTC+. Physical geopolitical borders versus band-pass fractal e-boundaries. Regrettably, institutions are conceived much more as architectures than as processes: to wit, line-and-block charts. Boundaries as walls between scales of scale nests. The geopolitical is rooted in the psychosocial cum the economonetary. Gemeinschaft-Gesellschaft cum ninjo-giri cum amae-unto-Einfuhlung tending to generative empathy tending to the Buddhological compassion which is µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. Boundaries as thresholds. Appropriate rate thresholds, appropriate scale thresholds -- and the intra/inter/extra-systemic impacts of exceeding them. Décroissance (degrowth) at which of those Club of Rome limits to growth? Tree-Hugging Breathairian Degrowthers Unite! Sloganizing opposition to the strong-type of sustainable consumption doctrine. The resource rights complement to human rights cum animal rights cum cetacean-bird-fish-insect-plant rights. Exchange of hao (identity reciprocity) at ritual gift exchange. Ah, the fuzzy boundaries of Buddhological space. Staatsnation versus Kulturstaat versus Kulturnation. Eco-adapted partitioning by fluid watersheds. The µTm-logical map of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, by which Lukasiewiczian property rights should be defined, would be, in one respect, by superseding 1T2-only alone, an opportunity-cost plot. Rigid versus flexible boundaries. Flex boundaries µTmly exhibiting [eco}nomic elasticity, i.e., sensitivity to environmental variables, like are GilbertN.Ling plasmahaut and BruceLipton cell membrane as information processor. Holographic-principled boundaries. Quantum boundary logics, plural in respect to those µTm-unto-CTC+. And what of the QBLs of atmospheric LSTDs (limited spacetime domains) in regards to superconductant exchanges of hydrothermodynamic properties? Is it believable that people who believe in inherent unpredictability because the classically-limited atmosphere has butterflies in its guts, could create climate shift models that make accurate predictions -- particularly when those butterflies constitute a 1T2-coverup of µTm-processes? The degree of superintegration of Earth's spheres likely is far higher than currently entertained, QBLs most certainly being involved in the plasmahaut dynamics separating these spheres. Ah, yes, boundary changes, VC boundary changes: shades of yesteryear, pouring over the distribution piling up on my desk located in MACV-HQ. When -- returnee to no Minuteman's large land-grant bounty for services honorably rendered -- early-fall of 1968, only weeks back from the Viet Nam war, back, that is, from acute awareness of CICV's cum SRA/MACV-J2's cum CDEC's IDHS, I heard word, good offices provided by Deirdre Campbell, of Jack Dwosh's proposal to laser-interactively float cubes of light over tables in a Las Vegas casino, I saw this -- Click! -- as intimation, via externalization of what I would later call inner-Musculpt, of the possibility of developing a non-insurgency-type techno-counterforce to what was sure to evolve after Phoenix came home to roost. That techno-counterforce having never been realized, and its advocates having been rendered solitary as elk in a human-challenged 2nk-fitness 5G-landscape, the nefarious new infratech, while tactically superior, does have, though, a strategic downside: as those inclined to insurgency, and those protecting against same, clearly are acutely aware, when the thin-blu-line has fully bloated into a National-Police-Field-Forces line, the risk to this-nation/that-nation of actual insurrection will have greatly increased due to myriad small arsenals having been peppered hither and yon all across the fitness landscape. One has only to think of what happened to the police and their families in China during the Cultural Revolution. Best to keep in mind, moreover, as the French Existentialists were wont to point out, no revolution has ever sustainably put power in hands of the people; political and social control has inexorably returned to the monied (I would say: 1T2-only monied) elites. Wisdom, whilst employing decomposition analysis methodologies, maintains constant awareness that cosmological involutory decomposition is the means by which real-world Maya-Samsara is VRed. If, as Franklin Merrell-Wolff held (commentary provided by Thomas McFarlane, True Nature, 31 July 2006), Substantiality is inversely proportional to ponderability, then very likely all possibilities of being-in-itself coexist -- but not in thermodynamically isolated multiple universes, VRs, parallel memetimes: not in any sort of concrete incarnate form. They coexist on levels of beingness CTC+-logically-prior to, not only memetemporally-construed precedence relations of being-in-the-world, but also prior to the ontological precedence relations of involutory decomposition executed by topo-active optime, i.e., topologically-active operator-time. Consider, for instance, Alexander Ya Temkin's On Quantum Mind Theory of Clairvoyance, NeuroQuantology, 12:1, March 2014, pp. 156-58. Does topo-active optime's µTm-unto-CTC+-quantum clairvoyance permit the VirFut Q-Proing of, not memefuture crimes, but the time-shapes of memefuture synergies? The infinitely infinitudinal complexity involved in authentically achieving a condition of strong sustainable consumption seems to me to preclude governance -- only mechanisms facilitating self-governance could conceivably work. I've always thought it best to focus efforts on what I believe might work, however unlikely to be implemented, rather than on what I know won't work, but is likely to be implemented. Disjointed incrementalism; tactical improvisation; adaptive environmental management; modulation of human systems designs; well-tempering the flexing of elastic, fractal, band-pass e-boundaries; constant alteration of value-stacks ensheaved upon µTm-LETS currency units, the currencies of which defined over fractal e-boundary nesting-foams; recurrent, short-memetime-step, holographic-principle-analogical remappings of bureaucratic variables on changing e-boundaries: unrepresented, dedelegated, direct-democracy means to participatorily implement nest-specific, real-memetime shifting, open-source, e-commons computer-game modeled-simulated-VRed, m-scenarios deliberative-democratic stratplanning. No plebiscitic mere popular referendumed e-voting on Initiative ThisThat and Proposition Whatever. All those memetime-bound bivalents in want of, and desperately seeking, a perpetual relatively-steady state of exponential un[eco}nomic growth scoff at Daly zero-growth targeting and raise war hackles at the very notion of threshold-seeking negative-rate-of-growth targeting under auspices of wave-guiding quantum-potential manifest as µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. The ultimate neuropsychiatric and socio-technical monetized lock-in, maintained by blackpsyche-facilitated cognitive abaissement (evaluable with Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory), expressed in myriad ConveDDs -- from which psycho-sexo-socio-politico-econo dots edu.ngo.com.gov.mil identifications-fixations-clingings derive -- is to the prevailing techno-regime constellating one of the myriad Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Why-- consubstantiate them assemblages, what! Aye, the Washington Consensus on the Neoliberal Synthesis was substantially-unconscious senseless back-reaction to the trickledown having finally pooled amongst the dumbest who dominate, uh, that's trickledown of understanding as to how thoroughly 19th-c. higher mathematics and early-20th-c. logic and physics obliterated the 17th- and 18th-c. metaphysical assumptions without perceived validity of which constitutional democracy and capitalism have no raison d'etre. Inexistence, m'lawd, inexistence. In hysterical compensatory abreaction to their induced loss of conviction, TPTB imprinted on Casanova crap-table doubled-down on a martingale bet placed upon the failed system which empowers the badest of bad apples and the most moronic of type-A authoritarian personalities.
Relativity physics is classical, i.e., local-realistic, to the quantum physicist iff consideration is not given to what transpires logically no less than topologically vis-à-vis ponderable space at 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-order absolute limiting values of dynamical variables, the values at which complex and hypercomplex temporal operators are initialized (ask, for instance: what happens when real-numbered memetime dilation and real-numbered ponderable-space contraction are maxed-out at the absolute limiting velocity -- other than the fact that memetime and ponderable-space length-in-the-direction-of-motion are both together snuffed out?). The asymptotic case of CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency -- i.e., unlimited amount of high grade entanglement, the word entanglement indicating choice of vocabulary determined by habitus having been placed within conventions of 1T2-only-logic alone -- is that maximus due to the nonorientability extant at 3rd-order absolute limiting values of dynamical variables, these orders themselves (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) construed as a result of habitus having been placed within conventions of 1T2-only-logic alone. Howwhenwhere 1T2ly-prove-demonstrate-construct onticity of (can't use an article for a collective occasion of experience) µTm-unto-CTC+ whatsnot/somewhats? Particularly since -- heh-heh-heh! -- quantum mechanics is logically and ontologically before relativity physics is, which is logically and ontologically before classical physics is -- speaking in terms of pre-pregeometry, pregeometry, geometrodynamics, and so on, which tells us something about futility of looking for GUTS on a single ontological level. Linear, that's linear, mapping = operator. Bounded = continuous operator. Unitary operators correspond to orthogonal matrices. Every 1T2-only-logical Hilbert space has an orthogonal basis. Operator norms in specifying the positive-only size of bounded linear operators, that's positive as opposed to negative, presuppose employment of 1T2-only-logic alone. What, say you, was the real origin of unitarity and normosis as mathematics and physics imperatives? Why, you closet deconstructionist, you! No, really. Sir, my answer: again the Trickster archetype at work with yet another Synchronizitat. Figgered that much at least, myself. Take note, sir, that orthogonal transformations DO NOT AFFECT the two-norm (quote good offices of psu.edu lecture entitled Orthogonal Matrices and Matrix Norms, p. 2): that's the very same 2 as the 2 in 1T2 -- and this is no mere coincidence, for it is a meaningful coincidence. Whilst surely tittering and chortling, in an early direct application of the long drawn out linear transformation of the orthogonal Euclidian-normed social space of upright British theological Utilitarianism into the orthogonal Manhattan-normed social space of upright American secular Pragmatism (which philosophically culminated simultaneously with rise of the New Physics: considering the role of the French Bureau of Longitude in colonization of Indochina, reading Peter Galison's Einstein's Clocks and Poincare's Maps: Empires of Time [not to mention those empires mapped] side by side with Siam Mapped by Thongchai Winichakul is very instructive as to how geopolitically important [involving long-distance synchronization of clocks] it is that the current conventional notion of time not be undermined by recognition that passing, passive, referential memetime is a glutamate-anchored prescriptive socio-politico-neuro-psychiatric construct which facilitates the illusory sense of control over changes by placing a linear measure upon them), it was, by memetemporal calculation, in late-1778, the newly proclaimed nation not yet having won its independence by force of arms, that onetime surveyor and mapmaker, massive land usurper and oligarch, George Washington, formalized that particular U.S. foreign policy most persistently persevered in: beyond West-more-land County, within the unstable contested fuzzily-bound band known as the frontier, a band by imposed circumstance de facto belonging to no one (see Table 9, Asher-Vieu relations, in Borders, frontiers and limits: some computational concepts beyond words, Sebastien Gadal and Robert Jeansoulin, European Journal of Geography, 125, 2000), beyond the 1T2ly-in/out fiat border generally designated the cusp ridges of linear crest-divide of a mountain range or by choice of a river, deep into Indian country, aye, out thar, search and destroy, burn every village. Why, by George -- uh, uh, the Other George, we must suppose -- the schnooky general, most certainly inveighing and sighing, indubitably initialized downheaval, a veritable cascade, his chief acolytes snickering guile-with-a-beatific-smile. Now, now: hold on. Just that he did, didn't he, now. Can't be bivalently denied. He, his very self, [injective}surjective-qua-bijectively took on the mantle of time evolution itself, by identifying himself with (introjecting to his Umwelt) the Lebenswelt's socially-conferred role attribution of a unitary operator (generalized: U*U = UU* = I; and, I suppose, this also applies to S*S and even U*S), sir, an operator surjectively bounded by Declaration and Appointment to operate on Combat's function space (the set of functions between the two fixed sets known as 'win' or 'lose') so as to preserve the inner product threatened with taxation without representation by normed functionaries (expressible as the square root of the inner product of the 'I' and the 'myself') with well-defined non-negativity. There we have it: unitarity and normosis. In continuous real-numbered memetime, orthogonal boundaries have many utilitarian-pragmatic uses, e.g., in 1T2-only-logical-signal processing, as testified to by, for two instances, information-space-wise Orthogonality is superiority in piecewise-polynomial signal segmentation and denoising, Michaela Novosadova and Pavel Rajmic and Michal Sorel, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 6, 25 January 2019; and image-reconstruction-wise Optimal Orthogonal boundary filter banks, Ricardo L. de Queiroz and Raghunath Rao, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2, 1995. Similarly useful is federation, uh, unitarity, uh, the unitive and its paras, to wit: Smooth Orthogonal Signal Extensions for Paraunitary Tree-Structured Filter Banks, M. E. Dominguez Jimenez and N. Gonzalez Prelcic, no publication information provided, 2001 or later by references. But functions, functionals, functors under µTm-valued logics at concretion by topologically-active 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time are not injective, surjective, bijective, as these categories are involutorily decomposed unto the demergent-as-ontic only at the ontological level under 1T2-only-logic alone. Orthogonality is basically (especially as to basis) insistence upon Cartesian coordinates, even to the nth-dimensional case, and this is derivative of insisting upon 1T2-only-logic alone; non-orthogonal skew-perpendicularity (our 1977 extension of J. G. Bennett's 1956 notion of pencils of skew-parallels: on a personal note, I observe that I, as an 18-year-old during November of 1963, was able to epiphany-like flash on Bennett's Appendix III to Vol. I of The Dramatic Universe found on the shelf in Samuel Weiser's Antiquarian Books located on Broadway in NYC, wherein skew-parallelism is explicated, as being of signal importance because of three factors: [1] exposure as a child romping Midori Gaoka paddy fields to animistic-Shinto identity-transparent modes of cognition {{I note that the second paragraph of the below-linked Hawking-Hunter 1996 paper's Introduction section provides a mathematical formalization exactly equivalent, conceptually identical, that is, to the archaic Shinto notion of multi-sheeted sacred space, ma, with time connecting the sheets, or as stated by H-H, We can define a timelike vector field t-super-mu, which we interpret as connecting corresponding points on adjacent hypersurfaces -- as construed in modern Japanese rendition; whereas, I believe Japanese cosmogenesis mythology reveals that the actual archaic case involved the idea of time as actor, a notion of active time which H-H inexplicitly suggest in chronotopologically stating that, The family of two-surfaces {B-sub-t} then [[this then, to my calculation, requiring a higher-order time or some involutory-decomposition context or both]] foliates the three-boundary B, B signifying the timelike boundary}}; and [2] independent study courses in symbolic logic, topology, and foundations of mathematics under tutelage of Mr. Moore, junior year, Eielson AFB High School, Alaska; and [3] an introduction to quantum mechanics provided in PSSC physics, senior year, Fairborn High School, Ohio) is basically insistence that, whatever the case, there are simultaneously (the intense acrimony of our 1977 communications with Hawking's postdoc commo-handler related specifically to this simultaneously issue) n-Cartesian-coordinate-systems-to-the-nth-case, each skew to the others (think: Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space), and this is derivative of insisting upon µTm-valued logics in every case. An elaborate and sophisticated 1T2-logical handling of several specific cases of the non-orthogonal is that of S. W. Hawking and C. J. Hunter in The Gravitational Hamiltonian in the Presence of Non-Orthogonal Boundaries, arXiv, 27 August 1996. Hawking and Hunter relinquish the requirement that the spacelike hypersurfaces Sigma-sub-t intersect the timelike boundary B orthogonally. Hawking, apparently, began contemplating this possibility (pointed out in the 1996 paper thusly: although the effect of non-orthogonal boundaries has been considered, for example in [4]-[8], where the action is modified in order to account for joints or corners where the boundaries may be nonorthogonal ) as early as 1979 with The Path Integral Approach to Quantum Gravity, in General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, S. W. Hawking and W. Israel, eds., Cambridge U. Press, where "complex spacetime" is employed to explicate "indefiniteness of the gravitational action". Given that intent at purposing experiments cum models cum simulations greatly predisposes what is discovered and what is consciously registered of what is discovered, it is legitimate to ask, in the context of acoustic analogues to blackhole computing where within, arguably, the principles involved are much more accessible than with astrophysical black holes and as involved in spacetime foam: is the tropopause boundary (not to mention the stratopause and mesopause) of Earth's atmosphere a non-orthogonal boundary exemplifying µTm-logical skew-perpendicularity? Temperature differential being the critical defining feature of this boundary, a positive answer to this question is less plausible were the notion of temperature restricted to average kinetic energy, than if the notion of temperature also were to include what may be designated hypertemperature, i.e., the spin component of topologically-active complex and hypercomplex operator-time, a composite 3-fold operator-measurable relative to temporal CURL (i.e., m-tilts of the memetimelike boundary relative to the spacelike hypersurfaces, the m being the same m as in Schrödinger's m-valued state-function and the m in Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued logics). A major difference, as I see it, between H-H 1T2-non-orthogonality and Bennettian µTm-skew-perpendicularity is that, for H-H, the Hamiltonian tilting term, H-sub-t, vanishes in the time-independent case, whereas, for Bennett, all values of the Hamiltonian tilting term co-occur, that is simultaneously, in the memetime-independent case (comprehensible only under µTm-valued logics understood in terms of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, not of truth-value). The meaning I give time-independent is, not a linear-time-frozen-instant take-solution-state, but as denoting [what}ever, heh-heh-heh, as altogether unconnected in every way with the notion passing, passive, referential, linear-time-actually-a-meme. Moreover, H-H even remove the Hamiltonian tilting term in the time-dependent case with the statement:
If the two-surface is time-dependent, as it can be on the boundary at infinity, then H-sub-t will in general be nonzero. However, this term will cancel when we subtract the action of the background, as detailed in the next section. Since the action must be independent of the way in which we choose our boundaries to intersect [I hold the opposite of this unexplained must; otherwise, I couldn't advocate employment of µTm-logically-valued LETS currencies defined on non-orthogonal, band-pass, prefractal-unto-fractal e-boundaries or utility of holographic-boundary mappings of bureaucratic variables], we see that a [single-leveled-time-evolution, I would point out] Hamiltonian treatment of the action will not work unless we include a background subtraction to remove the tilting term.
I view the H-H background spacetime (no less than Amoroso's 1T2-only backcloth covered by a stochastic foam), responsible for the background subtraction, as being the Lukasiewician-Hilbertian MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) as cognized through the dense transpiration fog exuded by identification with 1T2-only-logic alone. Besides ozone drawdown into the troposphere and NOx upwelling transport into the stratosphere exacerbating ozone-layer depletion, what happens when skew-parallel pencils of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, burst-emitted vertically from tornadoes, poke holes in the tropopause? Are 1st-, 2nd, and 3rd-order Hamiltonians (including Hamiltonian tilting terms) involved in the resultant µTm-logical processing, uh, that is, in the processing engaged in by an atmospheric acoustic analogue to blackhole computing? What could such processing be involved with? Modulating, channeling, timing, rates-constants-cum-rates-limits-altering the effects of severe-storm-generated gama radiation bursts (see: The impact on the ozone layer of NOx produced by terrestrial gamma ray flashes, E. S. Cramer, et al., Geophysical Research Letters, 44:10, 28 May 2017, pp. 5240-5) as regards the ionization processes catalyzing NOx's chemical breakdown of O3? Modulating incidence, channeling, timing lightning bolt ionizations? What effects do bubble-lensing ionospheric heaters have on these dynamics? Do these effects magnify the shift in natural-frequency response-windows (response, that is, to solar-wind-carried real, complex, hypercomplex angular momentums) of Earth's atmosphere, a shift induced by anthropogenic butterfly-effect alteration of atmospheric gas ratios? How do ionospherically-bounced HAARPy microwave bursts affect these processor dynamics? Are the solar-wind-carried angular-momentum messages (not operated upon by optimal orthogonal boundary filter banks, but by non-orthogonal boundaries), which are cascaded through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions and injected into Earth's crustal and core dynamics, fundamentally altered by HAARPy bursts? Upon what thresholds does that alteration become dyscrasic? Were Cornell's lower-atmospheric physicists arguing against the lean of Cornell's upper-atmospheric physicists about this during the mid-to-late-1970s, just as the ENMOD proscription proclamation was promulgated? Somewhat parenthetically, perhaps, is fad-frenzy BODYMOD a mass-mind introjective compensatory abreaction to ENMOD, no less than a ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) compensatory abreaction to suppression of quantum pagan-animistic µTm-relative-state identity-transparency? And if this is mass-mind back-reaction on the metric, what of that of TPTB? [Norm}ma|lady? Exhorting, snarking, thwarting so as to impose overwhelming omnipresent BEHAVIORMOD by operant conditioning gone ballistic, gone MAD. Schnitz it! is the imperative dished out by those spanceled with lacuna-on-the-brain magnified by blackpsyche-induced aeroelastic flutter of the gray matter. Would you rather have bureaucratic variables holographic-principle mapped upon non-orthogonal e-boundaries over which are defined µTm-LETS nesting-foams e-commons m-scenarios computer-gamed or Next Generation Law: Data Driven Governance and Accountability Based Regulatory Systems in the West, and Social Credit Regimes in China (Larry Cata Backer, Social Science Research Network, 30 July 2018) enforced with required-by-law computer-brain interfaces and facial-recognition-capable cum DNA-emitted-quantum-wave-signature-recognition-capable autonomous AI-enhanced drones equipped with phaser microwave weapons systems? As I live and breathe hunkering in the hubbub, there is no doubt what my choice is.
Furious, inexorable, thoroughly inexecrable rage-against-the-1T2-only-machine -- techno-psycho-socio-econo-politico-academic-military-industrial -- inescapably depresses killer-T-cell titers and inflates WBC counts, this persistent immune-system response being one sort of compensatory abreaction: can such incompetency-overcompetency take on epidemic, even pandemic, proportions? Certainly seems so, looking at temper of the times, uh, uh, of the memetimes, that is. This assertion is an example of second-childhood-onset-Alzheimer's senile ravings? Mayhaps. Like, I suppose, those spastic expectorations of Victor P. Starr (The Hydrodynamic Analogy to E = mc2, Tellus, 9:1, 1959) and (good offices provided by William Bricken) of Charles Sanders Peirce (regards his existential graphs, thanks be to John F. Sowa) and G. Spencer-Brown (Laws of Form which, while denigrated by the logician establishment, as Bricken points out, as being just another representation of Boolean algebra, still, in 1T2-only-proving Sheffer's postulates for that algebra in the iconic manner he did, demonstrated that the notion distinction is more fundamental than the notion truth-value, thus opening the way [Bricken pervasion being a way-stop along this tao] to understanding Lukasiewicz logics, plural, in terms of µTm-unto-CTC+-order-types of relative-state identity-transparency, just those logics required to rightly comprehend Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, nonlocality, entanglement, Bose-Einstein condensates, spontaneous fusion, so on). Nonetheless, one Rx prescription for rage and ravings is: inner-Musculpt, iconic colored-sounded forms-in-process of informing, may be consciously (not by ConveDDed, conversion-disorder displaced, unconscious projective identification on the subject-object level of transference) techno-exteriorized as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams boundary-logic mapped according to the holographic principle upon band-pass, non-orthogonal, prefractal-unto-fractal e-boundaries superimposed upon changing commodity frontiers (see: Commodity Frontiers in Historical Capitalism, Jason W. Moore, 24 December 2016), watersheds, growing zones, ecological niches, so on, all those partitionings required to bottom-up accurately catalog the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, such that an authentic commodity-referenced quantum-composite planetary unit of account can be progressively ever more thoroughly brought into use. Musculpt manifold universal covering surface of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), by Cantorian-holographic part-whole/whole-part identity-transparency, contains, and is contained by, C+-nested holographic-boundary-without-bound-qua-bound-without-boundary [re}pre[sent}at|i|on <<<>>>-voids, CTC+-unto-µTm-logically operable, regards relative-state identity-transparency, under drawn m-valued distinctions signified by iconic tokens, such as (from perspective of a visual-dominance habitus): the many photismic, colored, point-set arrays autogenically discharged to visual field; the wide range of colored fractal-pattern flashes lightning-bolted into awareness; the myriad hues of colors of color-field washes egg-breaking from post-central gyrus across the brow into the eyes; the various dynamics of presentation these washes are subject to; the infinity of polymorphic forms the color fields may crystallize into; the collection of transformations these polymorphic forms may undergo. These forms being accompanied by subtle aural tonalities at various levels of elaboration, such that the Musculpt becomes symformphonic, one speculates that the sounded-forms-in-process subscribe to the conventions, in their most general formulation (no art music, including Takemitsu's Asterism, I've heard sounds like the astral-aural aspect of inner-Musculpt, which I imagine most directly corresponds to intrasubjective sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak, a language likely, by analogy to emitted quantum-wave dynamics of DNA pi-electron-gas core, exhibiting orders of higher-level semantics/encipherment well beyond anything currently suspected) explicated via musical topos theory (but this is to be ex|per[i}mentally confirmed via Lukasiewiczian analog computing in biofeedback-interfaced-to-analog-music-synthesizer-interfaced-to-holographic-display-dome-equipped isolation-flotation tanks used by human EscherFormDance pods learning sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak), different symformphonies each having their own barcodes even (good offices of William A. Sethares and Ryan Budney, Topology of Musical Data, Journal of Mathematics and Music, 8:1, 2014, pp. 73-9: the correspondent of these barcodes relative to the notion of genomically-encoded universal semiosis may be resident in the higher-chronotopologies of the pi-electron-gas quantum-wave properties emitted by intranuclear cum mitochondrial neuronal and perineural DNA molecules in response to the changing impingements of ambient radiation: Takemitsu once said relative to November Steps that the composer picks out the signature individual note heard amongst numberless sounds, this numberlessness, to my understanding, being the aural aspect of the warm-golden dust qua kami dust suffusing sacred space, ma, that emptiness-silence discussed in The Concept of Ma and the Music of Takemitsu, Jonathan Lee Chenette, Grinnel College, 1985). Indeed, one may regard Chenette's analysis of Takemitsu's musical embodiments of ma (see, for instance, Ma: Place, Space, Void, Gunter Nitschke, Kyoto Journal, 16 May 2018; and the extensive website entitled Ma -- The Japanese Sense of Place) as in all respects, detailed even, being accurate descriptions of applications of William Bricken's definitions stated as the foundation of boundary logic. Existence of void qua vacuum is unsullied cosmic declaration of universal consciousness-without-an-object -- 1T2ly speaking, the passive reference space thereof; universal consciousness in its active aspect being the corpora of sets of all logical-ontological-topological-temporal operations thereupon. In this context: descent of the kami is demotic treatment of involutory decomposition; the kami themselves, involutes; the autopoietic decomposition operators, depicted via personification in the cosmogenesis mythology associated with A[ma}terasu (luminous heaven, the romaji Ama represented in hiragana by two bound characters; etymologically in Chinese the A of Ama is somewhat controversial in that, appropriately enough à la the Bricken pervasion of quantum-boundary logic, it may have been a voiceless resonant initial). Riemann-surface-like multi-sheeted m-valued function-space, ma, the bound stacked void-sheets connected by hashi -- bridges -- at, following Riemann, branch points of the, in particular cases, involved functions. Hashi in Chenette's interpretation applied to Takemitsu is interval of waiting where within connexion-meanings subjectively rise into awareness: waiting interval, a period of passive, passing, referential, real-numbered linear-time. Such time notionally connects the sheets. And this notion is neuropsychologically correct insofar as the referent linear-time is understood prescriptively-self-metaprogrammed-and-glutamatergically-anchored memetime. This, to me (caveat: insofar as I can ascertain from reading Japanese commentary written in English or translated into English), is the modern demotic treatment -- including the way in which archaic esoteric Shinto terms are understood by the Western-science-influenced modern Japanese mind. Imaginary and hypercomplex topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time as connector of the sheets is, however, altogether a different notion (in archaic Shinto carried almost into the modern age: esoterically embodied qua transliterarted in the circulation-for-specific-ends shinki of the kami-oroshi trance-possession cults) -- this being the notion I believe archaically correct and in conformance with the cosmogenesis mythology, considering how an empty center, to wit The Hidden Gods in Japanese Mythology, Hayao Kawai, Eranos Yearbook, 54, 1985, pp. 397-426, is heterogenically qua alleleotropically expressed à la Bricken quantum boundary logic.
In our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, the term psychoideographically authentic is employed to capture something of what William Bricken says as given immediately below, and also, moreover, to connote that (µTm-unto-CTC+?) which is inner-Musculpturally presented qua given but is unspeakable in any natural language. Quoting Bricken, Boundary Logic From the Beginning, p. 5:
The dilemma we face is coming to understand how the familiar conversational logic embedded in language is equivalent to iconic forms of boundaries. We must also come to understand why the iconic form is so much more efficient than the symbolic form.
With inner-stop onset of access to inner-Musculpt flashovers (with increased baud-rate of consciousness, there is memetime slowdown, such that the sequential stream of consciousness Buddhologically discretizes, the void between and behind the frames always being an available option), a verbal readout comes in (Musculpt only presents if there is a deep state of inner-separation from cognitive functions, a state facilitated by near-zero action-potential differential relaxation of the extra-ocular and laryngeal muscles) as an additional aural overlay that does not subvert understanding that the inner talking descriptor-disruptor (in due course, a quencher) provides only a very inadequate take on semantic contents of the Musculpt symformphonie momentarily made available. The sort of Musculpt occasions giving rise to the psychoideographically authentic neologism, was not one of intense intellectual conversations (though this sort is the most frequent type of Musculpt occasions in my experience), but of what might be called auric engagement: suddenly, even without petit mal prefiguration, the image (generally of the face, facial recognition infratech being a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, thereof) one receives -- of a person located on the far side of a crowded room, at the next table, sitting across from one -- flashes into an Analytical-Cubist-like imago where all the distortions (due to OBEed simultaneous multiple viewing points -- as seen in a phase-space transpose of generative-empathic feeling-space?) of features graphically capture that person's inner state (this being a very early stage of generative-empathic ingress upon ontic access to µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency?). As I've stated before, I believe it likely that Alfred Jarry experienced this stage of ingress upon the µTm-processing of THE quantum brain, and that he thus catalyzed advent of Analytical Cubism. It is well to remember that the Chinese ideograph iconically denoting ma is verbally stated as a gate holding the Moon -- that's the gate, first and foremost. Demotic personification-cum-ConveDD transmogrified -- via regressed concretion (Gebserian concretion actually being, not of memetime, but by good offices of topo-active Pauli-Paine optime) -- gated Moon (Moon = Dongsonian bronze drum tympanum with the cosmological model cast into it: pre-pregeometry bucket of dust, iconic representations of pregeometry propositions, geometrodynamic equilateral-triangular meshwork nesting-foam) to Sun Goddess Amaterasu (i.e., luminous sacred space: from Chinese Taoism to Japanese Shinto, the gate became by acculturation the radiant, perhaps by association to halo; hence, to the physical Sun -- and the subtle denotation of logic [in the Chinese case: Taoist TaiChi-rotational 1T2-only logic] was suppressed): one can only speculate that raison d'etre of this cosmological transgression, like so many others, Confucian Three Obediences and the Laws of Manu and the Born Rule for three instances, was psycho-sexo-socio-politico-economic suppression-regression-oppression. The gate corresponds to the Bricken-boundary-logic boundary qua enclosure by which the representation-qua-state-qua-function-qua-phase-qua-reference space is set up-off-down as ontically being-there -- that gate-boundary-enclosure, by Bricken reckoning signifying the logical-necessity notion known as implies, an axiomatic notion Lukasiewicz fairly well doubted in process of arriving at rigorous formalization of the idea of m-valued logics. From omnipresent, All-that-Is-Isness-in-Itself, CTC+-MVRS (Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space) Tzog-chen AllBase (the ultimate case of the Gebserian ever-present origin of the Bohmian implicate), all involutorily-decomposable implications are already all ready always and all ways being-there before the very Platonic idea of logical-unto-ontological-unto-temporal precedence relations demerges cum remerges via amnesis and anamnesis (think: superposed real, imaginary, hypercomplex phase-spaces paths of driven oscillation with spread-out-allwhere energy-chirp correlations effecting the fiber-bundle bunching of the helix-coil-transitioning Shinto rope strung over the entrance portal to sacred space of the temple), becoming into memetime-and-ponderable-space existence being a matter of Platonic forgetting which incorporates, in the most reduced 1T2-only case, JulianBarbour memetime-as-memory-trace-retrieval. Platonic unforgetting, anamnesis qua unre[meme}bering, involves relinquishment of memetime-as-memory-trace-retrieval, a voluntarily-suffered sacrifice-purification-cleansing which is a granting of neuropsychological carte blanche which facilitates elongation, if not stabilization, of the state Gurdjieff referred to as the SELF-remembering distinct from identification with the dualistic ego-complex/sphere and associated attachment to the bound 1T2ly-in-the-body state (a prescriptively-enculturated and glutamatergically-anchored learned behavior). States not referenced to the 1T2ly-bound state: quantum-composite µTm(supraordinate to 1T2)-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency. With a Taoistic-rotational ChuangTzu-Says-type proposition, James Howard Kunstler has encapsulated recent particular instances -- WaterGate, IranContraGate, UkraineGate, RussiaGate, WhistleGate, InquiryGate -- of ConveDD-concretion-personification of logical implication legally implicated in bricked-in boundary qua enclosure (You're I'ther wit' us or again' us) by the following statement with which his piece entitled Do You Have a Lisance For That Minsky?, ZeroHedge via Clusterfuck Nation, 5 October 2019, is begun: Sometimes, if you open up a big enough gate and stand in the void, the gate will swing back and slap you on the ass . D.C.-no-GateCity: the significant portion of the species spread out around the planet secretly and not so secretly rooting for national self-immolation is, clearly, waiting with baited breath -- without realization as to what the [end}emic Samson complex implies. We even see, nowadays, suggestive of which turning we approach on the way to our planetary civilization's incendiary cuspover, discussions of insurgent insurrection not contextualized by national liberation struggle, to wit: Asymmetrical Warfare and 4GW: How Militia Groups are America's Domestic Viet Cong, Sam Jacobs, ZeroHedge via The Daily Bell, 4 October 2019. Then there are the New Weapons and the New Tactics , portrait thereof good offices of The Saker, The Unz Review, 2 October 2019, developed on the back of the Military Keyesianism [which] Marches On, Joan Roelofs, Counterpunch, 3 October 2019, developed on the back of techy-revolutions-driven financializations (good offices of Carlota Perez's Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages, Edward Elgar, 2003: a penny borrowed is a penny earned), developed on back of the surface-structure-obsessed baka Ameko Pragmatist techno-imprinting in service to the posthuman hu-hu-humans, a condign retribution for perseverant violation of nature, whom we are to be ancestors of (as per, for instance, Doug Casey's Doug Casey on the Biggest Change in Human History, LewRockwell via Casey Research, 7 October 2019). That said, I must admit that I couldn't more disagree with George Monbiot if I were Robert P. Murphy and I couldn't more disagree with Robert P. Murphy if I were George Monbiot (see No, Capitalism Doesn't Threaten Humanity, Robert P. Murphy, Institute for Energy Research, 1 October 2019): a hundred years after rigorous explication of m-valued logics by Lukasiewicz and Post, neither M nor M understand how very low is the level of self-organizational competency demonstrated by 1T2-only capitalist markets. Yah: in commutation for the suppressed self-doubt occasioned by the in-denial state assertively embraced via resolute avoidance of deep-structure wherever it lurks in ambush. Ack, aye, the hyperKeynesian-superHitlerism incubus emerging from the mass-psychosis incubator now easily recognized as a chrysalis spun and mortared of techno-ConveDDs. Blackpsyche accelerators producing psychosomatic strange-compactor stranglelets in the collective unconscious. The [cleave}to-qua-clinger myriads who devote whole lives to cultivation of the smallest portion of human cognizance! the supraordinate remerged portion suppressed under the rubric human potential -- this potential, regressed due to the suppression, being the substance out of which techno-ConveDDs are fashioned. So, upon what shall blame be placed for inducers of the m[a]litiatic sociopoliticoeconomic salient? Religion, education, science? If institutionalized religion is as Marx claimed, the opiate of the people, then arguably, by 1T2-only implication, the self-unfulfilling prophesy known as institutionalized education (stalking by an individual of another individual is a crime; stalking by a nation of an individual or of another nation, a policy: I cognitively, internally, that is, good mil-dot-brat that I was, spit the bit and sloughed the bridle due to suppressed rage at the metaprogramming imposed during the late-'50s and early-'60s, so I find I can't even begin to imagine what likely is the reaction of today's students to the inordinate magnitude of coercion they are currently subject to) is arsenic cut with valium in the lunchroom's pint of milk and institutionalized science is pure cyanide in the Rad Lab's plastic-bottled mimetic-estrogenated drinking water. What the glyphosate update on dioxin is is still being debated; possibly, in the sodium salt version, a ConveDD of the FED's attempts to regulate growth of this and that econophysics variable (or maybe FED action is a ConveDD of glyphosate's weed-crop lethality and Untermenschen carcinogenicity). Along with corruption-as-governance, the cosmological class of transmogrifications appears to have been, whatever types of justifying blackpsyche were employed in particular cases, the only sorts of human systems management Homo sapiens has ever actually employed. If the dumbest and the worstest always float to the top of the institutional toilet bowl, whyfore art thou O Mr.Smith-going-to-D.C.-no-Washington so insistent upon supposed efficacies of 1T2-only in[sit}u|tionalization? The exponential growth in incidence of false flags of various types -- not only actions, also hidden proprietary origins of oligopolistic combines, categorical discreditations by entrapment ops such as hidden proprietary origins of, well, today, NGOs, dark web, software, websites ultimately to be taken down such that the publicity generated by the takedown serves well as blackpsyche mass metaprogramming, so on, the [vari}ants being virtually numberless -- since, well, hmmm, for several examples, the pre-WWI advent of the Axiom of Choice, of Analytical Cubism, of the found object, and, postwar, of m-valued logics and the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, uh, the exponential growth in false flags since those days highlights the ConveDD as mass behavioral compensatory abreaction to suppression of the actual imports of discoveries/creations perceived as threats to prevailing Lebenswelts and their constituent Umwelts.
William Bricken's writings are extremely informative. The most edifying I've yet looked into is Iconic and Symbolic Containment in Laws of Form, IconicMath, December 2009. I would, however -- being a Musculpt aficionado well aware that tonal languages quasi-pictorially written ideographically are obviously closer to Musculpt than are non-tonal languages cursively written in script -- advocate a somewhat different program. The experimentally demonstrated Luneburg theory of non-Euclidian, metrical, binocular visual space -- i.e., no localization in visual space independent of a variable psychometric distance function prevailing due to the existence of Lorentz contraction at approach to an absolute limiting velocity of eye movement -- supports not only the Gebserian principle of diaphaneity and the Bricken description of quantum-boundary-logic pervasion qua semi-permeability, but also the notion that there are scale-relative absolute limiting values of 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-order dynamical variables with associated relativistic topological and logical actions on timelike and spacelike properties, such that every measurement, on whatsoever the scale level, has associated with it a measurement problem scale relative to the quantum measurement problem, or, in other words, every measurement is participatory, collective-unconscious consensuated, and made on an implicate Koch curve. One way to appraise this non-orthogonal boundary condition is: the null-vector-defined skew-perpendiculars subtending the Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities, logically speaking µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency, are not the same as equivalence classes, because the very idea of equivalence presupposes distinctionesses as apropos the base state, whereas CTC+-unto-µTm- identity-transparency does not so presuppose. Consider that the rather pejorative (darkness, obscurity, ambiguity, inscrutability, obliqueness, murkiness) meaning of "nebulosity" is closely tied to the 1T2-arity alone. In sounded-form inner-Musculpt, notation of the piece is the piece itself: thus, without distinction, [syn}tax is se[man}tics -- no synthetic-man kind need be involved. The notion of identity-transparency appertains, not only to lack of distinction between two or more objects, but, also, in 3rd-order dynamics, to absence of distinction between inner and outer (a non-orientability sort of like how traditional Japanese residential architecture made the garden another room of the house, a transparency principle picked up by Frank Lloyd Wright and made integral to his Usonian house designs: an idea I believe could-should be incorporated into design of design systems themselves). I'd argue -- having engaged in a wee bit of backchannel reconnoitering of the involved rat lines via some extended cognitive LRRPs -- that developing iconic calculi as replacement for, or complement of, symbolic calculi relative to truth-value-bound (Michael Lynch's Truth As One and Many, Oxford U. Press, 2009, in making truth-value unbound and tying it to coherence and correspondence moves in the direction of maintaining that the fundament of logic is, not truth-value, not distinction, but identity-transparency: truth lies, when displaced from 1T2 to µTm, according to the identity-transparency interpretation of the semantic import of logical-value -- and much of our current politico-economic behavior is a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of this fact) 1T2-only logic, categories, algebras, functions, so on, then modifying these iconic formalisms so as to embrace, say, principles of quantum mechanics and/or m-valued logics is unlikely to reach fruition, because, as I see it, no such modifying can be adequate to the case: i.e., there is, in my judgment, no generalization of 1T2 that captures actual semantic imports of 1T3 (semantic and experiential distinctions between these two being matters of kind not of degree, matters of state not of gray-scale tonality, there being unique qualia associated with each, as immediacy in engagement with specific ontic phenomenologies of participation mystique clearly indicate), let alone of the infinitudes of imports of the myriad logical-value order-types, µTm-unto-CTC+. I hold to this opinion despite Suszko's reduction whereby, in 1977, it was bivalently-only proved that every structural Tarskian [emphasis added] many-valued propositional logic can be provided with a bivalent semantics: forty years later, it appears that Suszko's reduction has become the standard orientation with regards to quantum computing, to wit, for example, the scaling-up to n-arity gates via reductively-proved correspondence and consensuated unitarity as given in Interpolation Methods for Binary and Multivalued Logical Quantum Gate Synthesis, Zeno Toffano and Francois Dubois, in Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography, UPMC, June 2017, Paris, France. Scaling-up. Humph! I've long argued that the iconic capturing has to be accomplished in the opposite direction, the cascade-demergence direction: CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 (because 1T2ly-generated categories of understanding do not suprasume those µTm-unto-CTC+; whereas, CTC+-categories of understanding do subsume those µTm-unto-1T2). Based upon experiential considerations (e.g., childhood exposure to animistic-Shinto modes of comprehension having subverted my ability to uncritically embrace symbolic logic in high school due to affect-charged instinctive recoil from the laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction), I long ago regarded symbolic capturing in this respect in a jus' forgetaboutit manner, as these 1T2-only-laws, and their fuzzy abrogation, appear altogether to preclude such capturing: the involved level of reductionism (by employment of one-dimensional strings of tokens, to use Bricken's words, which are very well contextualized by Sybille Kramer and Anita McChesney in Writing, Notational Iconicity, Calculus: On Writing as a Cultural Technique, MLN [i.e., Modern Language Notes], 118:3, April 2003 [German issue], pp. 518-37) is simply far too great, i.e., abject reductionism. The visual space of inner-Musculpt is n-dimensional; the aural space of inner-Musculpt is n-dimensional. Orthogonality of diatonic chordal harmony may be regarded as reducible to one-dimension (while chords are represented vertically, chordal harmonic form is found in linear-time-referenced horizontal movement of chords, a movement no less linear than that of the monophonic melody) when the well-schooled ear's heard sound is 1T2-only-logically processed into the single-valued (the 1 to the left of the T). Musical sound freed -- from the constraints of diatonikos-diatonique-diatonic 5-2 and 2-or-3 and 7note-6major/6minortriads-1tritone and 12major-12minorkeysignatures conventions -- and processed µTmly, must, it seems to me, have as many formal dimensions as the given self-reflexive cognitive capability permits (self-referential reflexivity-reentry via concentration in self-observation, to my judgment, potentially involves far more than merely the 1T3-logic that Gotthard Gunther, in Information, Communication and Many-Valued Logic, argues is the case: I decline to give the bibliographic citation because the copy function is blocked on this document; moreover, I also reserve to my other I/im {these multiple 'I's not, to my mind[s], authentically representable by the intermediate truth values between min and max in the real interval [0,1], as given in m-valued Gödel-Dummett fuzzy propositional logic: see Note on Inter-Expressibility of Logical Connectives in Finitely-Valued Gödel-Dummett Logics, Vitezslav Svejdar, Springer, 3 May 2005} my observations as to the limitations of Gunther's reductive notion as to the nature of the self in his understanding of self-reflexive). This is no small matter, defining properties of identity qua identity as a metaphysical category being the deep-structure issue at cognitive center of the ongoing Two-Hundred-Years War of the World. Not just identity politics. Obsession with non-quantum simple-identity: fingerprints; Find'em, Fix'em, and Finish'em; DNA fingerprints; FaceBook; RF-IDs; facial-recognition tech; the full spectrum of bio-identifier infratech emergent; so on -- and drone targeting therewith. Banks, credit card companies, government agencies, et cetera, coerce people into use of ID technologies that clearly are designed to work poorly as a form of harassment-to-induce compliance-as-the-constant-mindset, can be frustrating in the extreme, sometimes create deleterious life-altering faux-pas circumstances: dysfunctional ID technologies intended to demonstrate human incapacity to deal with what technologically would be involved in implementation of an economic system substantially better than the one currently imposed. Since, on principle and for maintenance of the self-esteems of my other-Iambes, thus, so as to be a non-contributor qua non-collaborator qua non-condoner, I won't register-to-read or buy-online-to-read (both obvious forms of identity entrapment more focused than simple Google search history, and an early stage in the process of generalizing Global Phoenix to autonomous drone-equipped-with-phaser-targeting-of-DNA-radiation-signature eliminations on the basis of what people choose to read: I began forecasting this as a CICV-Targets analyst during pre-Tet 1968), by now I WAG I can only access about 50-percent of the articles I find on the internet which it seems to me I need to read in order to develop the ideas I've been working on. As we have long been asexually passing down sociocultural autosomal recessive disorders glutamatergically anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains, the tacit goal of our war fighters has become cognitive allelic exclusion (us against the ROW) carried out by application of the Law of Excluded Middle -- not creation of the functional prerequisites for implementation of an alleleotropic (of each other) theory of value based upon µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Given an alleleotropic theory of value and m-valued LETS-currencies nesting-foams (edifying are MUXviz and The State of the Art in Multilayer Network Visualization, F. McGee, et al., Computer Graphics Forum, 38:6, September 2019) µTm-logically processed, sans central banks (i.e., at the national, regional, global scale-levels qua echelons), labor being one sort of commodity (or one commodity-pricing scheme), I, along with Charles Hugh Smith, see no reason why n-types of labor could not be incorporated into the backings of a given µTm-LETS currency. Or, for that matter, memetime-m-valued-backed µTm-LETS currencies (though I'm no advocate of memetimed value-dissipation for one basic definer of a currency, as store of value is itself a value). I am, actually, a believer in total permissivity (likely involving variadic functions but not end-to-end string concatenations) in regards to backings of µTm-LETS currencies (on the road to quantum-composite planetary unit of account mappings over MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth: consider, for instance, Global modeling of nature's contributions to people, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, et al., Science, 366:6462, 10 October 2019, pp. 255-58), even that a given such currency can have an n-category backing-basket. This could only be brought up from the bottom up, and would require [pro}vision of a user-friendly interface, e.g., exteriorized inner-Musculpt as maths notation. Oh, but the way we were, and the way we are! Spiny as a teasel gig: Clinton-transformed banks having become marauds skirmishing stock markets around the planet, all such, moreover, nowadays being giggers hooked on napping scales of Mao's fish of the sea, and looking about at controllers of the various dum[i}nations, it's clear that Faith in God does not easily translate to In Good We Trust. As far as I know, first-world politicians are, alas, never subject to breach-of-promise (good offices of Elias Marat, Mexico Mayor Dragged Through Streets , theMINDunleashed, 10 October 2019) litigation. Only to be expected, I guess: running the election-campaign gauntlet without stroke, heart attack, or apoplexy is no qualification of anyone I'd want representing me -- quite the contrary. When governance is by corruption and the public has no right to observe that process of governance, businesses are run by cheats, and liar is a synonym for professional; when racked-up only to be wracked-back by engagement with the murky ongoing affray: rakish, if wraithlike, 'is powderhorn thinks 'im; 'e don't e'en think with 'is powderhorn! Lookin' ta lackadaisies for guidance! Exemplifying the moral economy of enfilading politician-sawyers! Pan[jam}drums, what! Everywhere one goes, upon most of whatever one looks into, one sees mounting evidence that more-and-more-morons has become the chief issue of our species; that being by now the well established trajectory, perhaps, as the technophiles advocate, a sans-human singularity is the best possible post-cuspover outcome. Given what IQ tests evaluate, the worst morons often have high IQs and, thus, qualify for leading roles in systems of governance reliant upon the big-man-management paradigm, constitution-based or no (see, for instance, From Constitution to Algorithms, Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform, 13 October 2019). Onward and upward, eh, into algorithmic-enculturation-socialization-prescribed glutamatergic neuronal anchoring of 1T2-only-logical operant conditionings: in Texas, bigger is better; in Asia, the louder, the more laudable. Given the widespread impulse to suppress such notions, hopefully, before viral delivery is replaced by phaser delivery, we will somehow escape gene therapy at gunpoint (for discussion of how close to that we already are, see: 'DNA-Based' Vaccines Are In Our Future: They Will 'Literally Change Your DNA', Marc Slavo, SHTFplan, 9 October 2019). Not too likely, though, such an escape, considering the decoherence-decorrelation, linear-time-arrow-as-statistical-likelihood commitment made in the one-way-process central dogma of a molecular genetics in denial of the 3-fold-operator-timed quantum-wave properties of DNA with their remote-viewing environmental-read capability and their look-ahead effect feature (see Does the central dogma still stand?, Eugene V. Koonin, Biology Direct, 7, 3 August 2012). Given our planet as a world of The Secure and the Dispossessed (Nick Buxton and Ben Hayes, eds., Pluto Press, 2016), the very fact that that context of human species response to the rapidly self-organizing, scaling-up, n-dimensional, global crisis is largely set by a biometeorology, which insists that Earth's atmosphere is a classical domain and that the quantum-wave properties of DNA serve no biological function, is likely best explained by the notion that War Is Climate Change. It's good that more and more people are seeing the surface-structure political-and-economic commonalities (to wit, e.g., 'Slipping Into Madness': The Comparisons To The 1920s And 1930s Are Just Uncanny, Michael Every, ZeroHedge, 10 October 2019) between run-up to the WWII battle and the current run-up to the PW1 (space-based Planetary War One) battle of the Two-Hundred-Years War of the World (a seeing after which there is an apparent collapse of our analytic state-functions), but, until we get our heads fully around deep-structure origins, little difference will have been made by this increased superficial insight. The scale-up orientation has a long hisstory -- and not only in regards to Lebensraums (in Bricken-boundary-logic terms, all too often, via ConveDD, 1T2-only-logic has been used to doctrine-of-discovery justify de facto transformation of found domain into dominion of dominance relations, when the only de jure transform of d-into-d is accomplished CTC+ly-unto-µTmly via 3-fold topo-active optime), resource extraction, economics, finance, and manufacturing. Once the framework of rules of signification for post-Renaissance mimetic naturalism in painting and the classical-Weltanschauung-analogically-modeled conventions of the diatonic music system had foundered due to the largely-subliminal spinoffs of N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility-Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr, mid-to-late-19th-century and pre-and-inter-world-war attempts to fill the resultant lacunas-on-1T2-only-molecular-cellular brains relied upon conjuring definitions, imagining rule systems, propounding proclamations, extending the reach of prior conventions with modifications: e.g., Scriabin's color-organ definitions; the color-shape rules essayed in On the Spiritual in Art as imagined by Kandinsky; Mondrian's #-grid-based orthogonality proclamations; Schoenberg's extensions of the diatonic through chromaticism to atonality to dodecaphonism. These ways have not produced the long sought after new synthesis, nor have their analogues brought forth a functional NWO or a healthy GUT. Not create a new synthesis: by Platonic anamnesis, rediscover what is already there in µTm-quantum-brain processing as universal derivative of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA pi-electron-gas dynamics. Only in this way could one learn to think in µTm-logics understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency instead of truth-value, and, thus, not to continue to 1T2-logically think about what µTm-logics ought to be according to the rules governing logical bivalence. DNA does it; the quantum brain does it; tornadoes do it; double-helical cometary feeder-bands do it; the DNA nebula does it. To repeat what I propose is required: relearning, uh, uh, how to cogitate-cogitate-cogitate -- to quote John C. Lilly's hand-written research note, entitled Demystification of Mantra, tucked in his collection of Tank Logs, a note I read whilst, at John's request, conducting a survey of his scientific archive so it could be assessed, placed in the public domain, and accessed by Pioneer Corporation for a project they were working on -- in sonic-visioning µTm-logically-valued Musculpt, that is, is to be rediscovered, not de novo created, and the rediscovered sounded-form language thereof thus relearned is to be regenerated through use, like a natural language grows. Required is a task and -- not a text -- a [con}text: in a natural setting (ontic identity-transparency is not experientially a bijective homomorphic linear map; it is always mediated by rhythm-entrained coherent correlation with the whole natural surround) learn sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak as facilitation of the techno-exteriorization of µTm-logically-valued inner-Musculpt as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams. A group effort is indicated, the group engaging in a practice catalytic to development of identity-transparency qua participation mystique: e.g., the practice of some form of spiritually-oriented dance, the dancers dressed in smart biofeedback-capable dancewear transmitting data to audiovisual-display and magnetic storage, such that the growing database can be algorithmically analyzed (the type of algos employed here likely to be contextualized by information-field-based organizational semiotics: good offices of Hank W. M. Gazendam, Organizational Semiotics: a state of the art report, Semioticon, 23 March 2004). Another database is to be grown via members of the dance-pod group's use of biofeedback-equipped and Lukasiewician-JonathanMills-extended-analog(good offices of Olivier Bournez and Amaury Pouly, 14 May 2018)-computerized interactive-audiovisual-display-equipped isolation-flotation tanks, wherein CAD-software-facilitated-display mimesis -- of heard-sound tone-and-timbre patterns, of presenting photisms, fractal patterns, color fields, whatever elements of inner-Musculpt which may appear in awareness -- is to be accomplished, stored, and algorithmically analyzed relative to the various modalities of biofeedback recorded. The (likely primarily traffic-analysis type) analytic algorithms are to be written in a fashion that focuses upon discovery of the semiotic properties of inner-Musculpt, this done such that Musculpt semiosis can be techno-exteriorized as holographic symformphonie. When, twenty-five years ago, I described this project idea to John Lilly, his only response was: How is it to be funded? Hmmm, by contrast to funding, nowadays, of, say, this sort (good offices of Daniel Taylor, Old-Thinker News, 16 October 2019) of total-control-oriented, unconscionably-invasive R&D -- mollified conscience no longer a matter of concern, so low have descended the normotic control-freaky powers that be. That's where the whole thing was left. And I must admit that were I asked to invest in such a project as I propose is necessary, I'd be hesitant, as I have no way to evaluate likelihood of success, the basic idea having largely come by extrapolation from experiences I had during my youth and early adulthood.
Pathocracy probably transited to psychoticracy at some point during the mid-19th century, and it's taken full length of the subsequent period for hubristic-qua-1T2-egoic personality inflation to be raised to the nth-degree: sugar ain't sweet enough! Oligarchy-called-Democracy (mebbe democracy 'thout democracy, politicos-plus-their-party-central-committee-and-upper-level-bureaucrats revolving doors [good offices of Israel Shamir, The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats, The Unz Review, 25 October 2019: if USAID was actually circuitously funding one party in the U.S. presidential campaign and Ukraine-Syria was a repeat of Iran-Contra, then it's certainly easy enough to see why organization qua organization and leadership qua leadership are increasingly regarded in the popular mind as crimes in and of themselves, by hindbrained redintegration, part revealed the whole guessed, regardless of the activities engaged in] with executive boards of, say, bank holding companies qua organized crime syndicates yielding what Snowden calls turnkey tyranny) having evolved into Principate having further evolved into Dominate as the guiding principle the world over (Sapiens becoming more and more brain impaired due to multiple causes, the species may require brain chips simply to continue to function until replaced by the AIs the post-humanists envision), we know what to expect: preeminence of non-truth-functional modal operators, and, given the associated suppression of µTm-logically-valued relative-state identity-transparency, by compensatory abreaction rampant violation of all alethic modalities, that is, of the modalities of truth as 1T2-only value. All of this being subliminal to altogether unconscious, 1T2-logical sense is, by definition, not to be made of it. In the nomological politico-mindset, all de re intensions, insofar as they are exclusively a matter of the political doxastics of the conceited reasoner, resolve to de dicto intensional statements. To their obsessively-cultivated senses of self-worth, no nomic irregularities, accidents, contingent possibilities qua human potentials, but full-blown instantiated-as-immanent metaphysical necessities, TPTB autogaslighting with self-blackpsyche, and having unabashedly introjected and then channeled the Overlords of Childhood's End -- however adventitiously supervenient to the socially conferential role attributions this may be -- are the only [meme}bers of that cohort with access to accurate self-[pro}traits depicting non-quantum selfsame simple-selves as metaphysically-nomically-naturally necessary occurrent actors with no factors, all laws, which are only 1T2-only logically-valued -- even laws of nature -- being contingent thereunto. Given that recusal is beyond the Pale, how the world ought to be according to the adscititious possibilities and subsuming necessities -- most importantly, inherent natural right and growth -- acknowledged by TPTB functioning in their epistemic modality: in the deontic modality of the Lebenswelt apropos the mass of normotics, the TPTB deistically grant permissions and those in normosis bhakti-like embrace the obligations incumbent upon the grants thus bestowed and instantiated, hence made immanent -- this making being an example of an experiential sort of inductive ex-per[i}mental proof (the habitual aspect on part of TPTB, the habituated aspect on part of the chelas, likely at least from domestication of the horse, all around the planet and up through the Brahminists, the Confucianists, the Colonialists, the Capitalists, the Communists, the Nazis, until today, being displacement of the projective-identification at intrafamilial transference dynamics yielding the policy constant whereby deceitful Great Father dictates to naive kowtowing children, thus, also, by modal generalization, indenturing hornswoggled school-aged children by way of imitative return to the indentureship of children practiced in colonial and immediate postcolonial America). Personality inflation raised to the nth-degree: normotic projective-identification having long since become so normative that normotic had to become-- well, instead of Weltanschauung being introjected from nature, we no longer merely project egoic 2-sphere to anthropomorphically personified godhead as God-the-Father, but, hubris gone wild, to the mapping-to-infinity Riemann sphere, C union {infinite}, division by infinity = 0, division by 0 = infinity, as Weltanschauung fundament (Bloch sphere orthogonality being pretty laughable relative to m-valued Schrödinger understood sans the Born Rule and in terms of the m-valued logics of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency requiring Cn-dimensional state space with m-mu-it quantum register, Mm^n, T-depth being C+-1, and each logical-value order-type [CTC+-1]-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 constellating its own primitive notion of necessity, the cascade of such necessities involving a tumbling from ontological permissiveness to existential entrapment), and, on that basis, discuss the Anthropocene's planetary phase-shift snapover (referenced to the geological-memetime scale) as if climate change were certainly that snapover's worst aspect, and that irreversibility had not certainly transpired by the 1950s -- Earth's atmosphere being a classical domain which does not cascade-transmit solar-wind-conveyed real, complex, hypercomplex angular momentum into Earth's crustal and core dynamics, and, even if there were such transmission, radioactive pollution, alteration of atmospheric gas ratios to include ozone depletion, hence shifted frequency-response windows, induced dyscrasic value-shifts of variables descriptive of Earth's normative electromagnetic properties, phased-array electron-temperature enhancements, particulate dispersals, so on, could not possibly affect that cascade-transmission. That being the consensus-science perspective, it is important to note that even the Dire Climate Change Warning in Report for Pentagon (good office of Yves Smith, NakedCapitalism, 25 October 2019) is an assessment based upon the mistaken [pre}misses that Earth's atmosphere is a classical domain and that Earth's biosphere is to a large degree governed by DNA's molecular biology, DNA's submolecular quantum-wave properties having no normative biological function. Under that dissing assessment, please be so kind as to altogether discount induced hairline shifts in Schumann resonances and their biological effects (good offices of Neil Cherry, Lincoln U., NZ, 9 August 2001), to include direct effects, as one factor among many, upon DNA helix-coil transition rates, a particular interest being intraneuronal mitochondrial DNA: I got onto this, circa 1970, at Georgetown U. Medical Center Library reading into the body of work on anti-DNA antibodies and noting Russian studies documenting a high correlation between sunspot cycles and outbreaks of SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus, further study into this general area leading to my discovery of the literature on Autogenic Training. The real climate change debate (good offices of Cliff Mass, 20 October 2019) ought to be about how to minimize losses at coming incendiary cuspover, whenever, sooner or later, that might be. Certainly, much more research on Earth's atmosphere as a macroquantum-cum-relativistic domain needs to be done -- free of military-industrial-security-complex interventions. This is prevented by myriad factors, not least the prevailing mass psycho-dyscrasia induced by the schizophrenogenic cognitive dissonance cum double-binds man[u]fact|ured by meltdown of the various classical Weltanschauungs coupled to the civilization-wide persistence in the psycho-attachment cultivated by the clingers to the various classical institutional bases, those bases themselves subverted by massive introduction of regressed-quantum-based technologies, quantum theory having been dissimulated in the borning room by subjection to the Born Rule -- indigenous, µTm-quantum, animistic-pagan, participation-mystique-type, non-simple-identity-type metaphysical necessity admitting to abject submission or being subject to total annihilation. Nature-falsifying 1T2-only-institutional 1T2-only science gave us the atomic bomb and its big brother, the warborn finite-iteration digital computer, the GMO and its cousin glyphosate, the ever-worsening internet and smartphones and their blah-blah-blah big sisters, which, if we don't annihilate ourselves first, will effectuate an enslavement the dimensions of which none of us are even yet capable of fully imagining: rah-rah-rah institutional science, ain't it just great! As regards the U.S. in this, I, being no persistent sufferer of quantum pre-image attacks, but growing up with pilots who flew supplies to Dien Bien Phu, building a six-foot-long scale model of a B-36 with one of those pilots, playing basketball at a SAC-base gym with fighter jockeys, U-2 and B-52 pilots, caddying at O-club golf courses, dating daughters of top sergeants and bird colonels, thus overhearing much idle chatter, uh, uh, I learned a great deal about the mentality of our leadership elite -- and I've said ever since my late-teens that the U.S. will never return to rough equality and purchasing power parity with the rest of the world, that, if backed into a corner, the Samson option will be the choice made. More than fifty years later, I see nothing to suggest I should alter that opinion -- quite the contrary. Since Phoenix worked so well during the Viet Nam war, and Global Phoenix has altogether staunched terrorism worldwide over the half century then to now, why shouldn't it be brought home to roost (see: With Little Fanfare, William Barr Formally Announces Orwellian Pre-Crime Program, Whitney Webb, Mint Press News, 25 October 2019)? Heh-heh-heh! The contentions that the U.S.A. is currently on the edge of a civil war and that the militia movement is America's Viet Cong are demonstrations of both hysteria and ignorance: it takes decades of astute organizational work plus adept infiltration and subversion of existing institutions, particularly intel/counterintel, to produce something on a par with the Viet Minh, and much more than that to bring forth capabilities like those demonstrated by the Viet Cong. I'll prick up my ears to assertions of imminent civil war when there are half-a-dozen terrorist attacks in D.C. per day, there once having been as many as two dozen per day in Saigon, where life continued pretty much per usual, or when USAF combat aircraft hammer Ft. Bragg. Granted that for decades the middle class and the workforce in general have been ever increasingly scrunched in a multitude of ways. Even down to details: AI-robotics, for example, needs not decimate the labor pool because such robotics makes possible sufficiently rapid, modular, and low-cost retooling as to allow very short runs -- thus permitting a revalidation and resurrection of labor-intensive and potentially spiritually-rewarding handicraft as an aspect of tropological metareference in design of myriad pedestrian objects of everyday use. Not to mention quenching one-use throwaways, built-in obsolescence, so on. This, I argued during the late-'70s into the mid-'80s relative to the design center concept. Doorknobs, for instance, could be of unique design for a given building, even a given house. But this is instinctively rejected because the multi-utilities established by tropological metareference subliminally evoke the m-valued which reminds of the m-logically-valued which should have been the basis for understanding the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, except that, so done, the specter of pagan-animism would not be suppressible, hence regressible to mil.security.complex ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements. The core of this is Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion compensatory-abreactive mass hysteria over the largely subliminal-unto-collective-unconscious recognition that ever more verification of the bizarre aspects of quantum-relativity physics yet again raises the specter of pagan-animism, and does so in such a fundamental fashion as to be an authentic existential threat. Shan't be mollycoddled, them sneaky, always hiddin' in the woods, m-values. Decimate'em, wipe'em out! Implicate, my arse. And the involved hysteria is that of a pack of wild dogs: when the melee begins, the dogs attack, not only their ostensible enemies, but, in their rabid mouth-foam state, each other and their own tails. However well-determined, inevitable, necessary, all this ConveDDing may appear to be (the march of civilization across frontiers old and new, all that squuuash, insofar as genocide, slavery, nature rape is civilization), I would point out that the author of The Varieties of Necessity, VoN, (a perfect example of how orthogonal, quaternary [not to say tetrarchia], 1T2-only, tiger propositions go round and round and round and round the Tree of Life and thus turn into the rancid ghee of unitarity), in raising the issue of a hypothetical inverse cube law and the notion of schmass whilst discoursing upon metaphysical and natural and normative-subsuming-normotic varieties of necessity, would have done well to have taken note of our discussion of second-order-dynamical m-prime connective mass-energy and third-order-dynamical m-double-prime configurational mass-energy -- the third-order, understood in terms of the CTC+-logics of relative-state identity-transparency (in VoN-speak: the cross-world identity of natural properties suprasumed by the relative states of nomic necessity suprasumed by the relative states of metaphysical necessity, as noted here), clearly suggesting, by parity of reasoning, heh-heh-heh, (good offices of Beyond Necessity, 9 October 2010, keeping in mind the analogical thought apropos Lukasiewician extended analog computing), that there is, most fund[a}mentally, no inherent necessity to the notion necessity. According to our conception, only the Cantor-dusted most-dense sheet of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), i.e., the pre-pregeometry C+-logically-valued AllBase-state of Tzog-chen, is absolutely beyond necessity (which is not adventitious contingency, but the isness of being-there in being-in-itself, cf. hyparxis understood vis-à-vis Proclus' superessential unities and J. G. Bennett's ableness-to-be, but not, our orientation being that of topologically-active operator-time, all the rest as given here concerning higher dimensions of passive, passing, referential memetime); whereas, by virtue of demergent involutory decomposition CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, there are infinitudes of infinitudes of relative-necessity (i.e., the nomological necessities upon which laws, natural and otherwise, are based; see also John F. Halpin, Nomic Necessity and Empiricism, Nous, 33:4, December 1999, pp. 630-43) classes involving the metaphysical, the natural, the normative-unto-normotic. Moreover, according to our take, while 1T2-metaphysical necessity concerns definers-qua-definors of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame identity, there also are µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of identity-transparency involved in nomic-unto-metaphysical necessities. Light and energy are interesting cases in point. Quoting, as regards metaphysical contingency of natural properties cum natural laws, The Varieties of Necessity, p. 8:
But that light has a maximum velocity or that energy is conserved strikes one as being at most naturally necessary. It is hard to see how it could be partly definitive of what it is to be light that it should have a given maximum velocity or partly definitive of energy that it should be conserved.
In our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper, we treat absolute limiting velocity as completely definitive of what it is to be light (human visual spectrum being irrelevant; EM properties related to derivative natural necessities) and identify the absolute limiting velocity of Earth's atmospheric LSTD, limited spacetime domain, as being atmospheric light, which we hold to be a scale relative absolute limiting velocity which imposes scaled Special Relativity on dynamical meteorology. Incumbent upon this notion of atmospheric light is speculation that the speed of light is m-valued (generalized as a fundament of our one-and-only analogical universe: no universal physical constant is single-valued, for all universal physical constants are m-valued relative to given LSTDs and classes thereof), and since we, making quantum measurements in a participatory universe with m-valued universal physical constants to include the Planck length under CTC+ logics, can partition LSTDs as small as we like (this is what µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state is actually about, not multiple distinct 1T2-only universes incommunicado by dictate of the memetime-bound Second Law of Thermodynamics), that there is an infinitely-cum-fractally dense nesting-foam of relative absolute limiting velocities (m-[ma}hikari, y'mightsay: no matter how resolutely a natural necessity is squenched, it will always find some form in which to reappear) imposing Special Relativity. Similarly with regards to relative absolute limiting accelerations and relative absolute limiting time-rates-of-change of accelerations, thus imposing General Relativity and beyond General Relativity across all scale levels of the nesting-foam. We, furthermore, speculate as regards the Cantorian infinitely-cum-fractally dense nesting-foam that there are nested classes of conservation laws relative to isolated (closed single), multiply connected (open finite collection), and non-orientable (self-reentrant infinite collection) systems on coverings (branes, whatever) of the nesting-foam, this hierarchy of conservation laws suggestive of, from the 1T2-only set of mind, modal surrealism and 1T2-only-impossible-worlds-logics (all these so-called worlds superposed-qua-interfused [that is, undefused, except to the anti-pagan-animistic binary mind] in this one-and-only CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 universe). Scareeeeeeeee, eh. Ghosts and goblins, double walkers, indeed, m-walkers, spirit possession, ancestor worship, sacred landforms, dreamtime instead of memetime, songlines, ley lines, geomantic power-points [ConveDDed to PowerPoint], all that superstition stuff we finally and forever got rid of by a myriad of burnings-at-the-stake and burnings-of-the-stake with unilateral non-dominant electroconvulsive therapy and the soon-to-arrive brain chips and brain-computer interfaces and mil.security.complex de dicto at-gunpoint gene therapy (see, for instance, New CRISPR tool has the potential to correct almost all disease-causing DNA glitches, scientists report, Sharon Begley, STAT, 21 October 2019) sans consideration, in service to 5G+ imperatives, of DNA's quantum-wave properties. Uh, uh, creating DNA glitches CRISPR is to correct? Establishing demonstrative control over genomic identity -- its erasures and rewritings -- being the level of existential confirmation required to reassure the self as to its selfsameness in face of the imports of the m-valuedness of Schrödinger's state-function and Lukasiewicz's logics? And perhaps 5G+ imperatives are in service to, uh, well, given the involved wholesale microwave assault across the board on all biospheric genomes, in service to, well-- pretty hard to explain (consider: Western Insanity and 5G Electromagnetic Radiation, Claire Edwards, Global Research, 23 October 2019), don'tchathink? Specter of a re-arisen pagan animism scary enough to elicit a mid-19th-century collective-unconscious will to species suicide of Sapiens? Scary enough to elicit collective hysteria on the world-war level of elaboration? Of course, China being the world's leader in applications of infra-quantum infra-tech, fear and loathing of dead-Weltanschauung-as-institution-slayer has obviously escaped the confines of the Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion, as suppression of Falun Gong clearly indicates. Specter of a post-quantum-relativity re-arisen pagan animism scary enough to elicit collective hysteria on the space-based planetary-war level of elaboration?
If a µTm-logical relative-state is exemplified in an R[q-bit}rary non-compact notation representing a set of ordered n-tuples, what then is a given relative-state of identity-transparency? An R[mu-it}rary compact [de}notation whereupon autography is CTC+ly synonymous with allography? Identity-transparency being the base state, it's not a matter of spontaneous fusion; it's a matter of absence of [de}fusion, of Taoist non-doing, of the null-state of topo-active operator-time (achieving this null-state is what TimeWaste is all about, à la the aperspectival all equally correct null-vectors at definition of J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels). Were inner-Musculpt appraised CTC+ly-unto-µTmly-unto-1T2ly via holographic techno-exteriorization and appropriate forms of analysis, presumably only under 1T2-alone could there be involved a phonemic tone row or/and a phonetic alphabet or/and a finite sculptural alphabet of elemental shapes, for, reversing the orientation, as cognitive march transits from µTm toward CTC+, synaesthetic cross-modal correlations between sensory dimensions become more and more elaborate, and, consequently, disjointedness, finite differentiation, individuation of symbolic-cum-iconic tokens (terminology good offices of Sybille Kramer and Anita McChesney, Writing, Notational Iconicity, Calculus ) become less and less plausible in each nesting state constellated by the given logical-value order-type. If notational iconography of writing 2-Dly represents epistemic things that cannot be verbalized, condensed painterly pictorial iconographic coloristic n-D Musculpt all the more so, and µTm-unto-CTC+-such-n-D Musculpt all the more so yet. In Musculpt symformphonie, the notation of the piece is the piece itself, which is its organically-modulating sonic-visioning form, for, in Musculpt, semantics is in the nature of form in process. Quoting Kramer and McChesney, p. 527, most aptly of non-tonal languages:
Notational visualization makes the form of language visible.
This form can only be seen by disregarding something else. The textual representation of language ignores, first of all, the musicality of speech that is part of the tonal aspect. The artistic practice of the ancient Grecian musiké still embodied the unity of word, tone, rhythm, dance, and gesture. The intervention of alphabetic writing divided the musiké.
This intervention transpired at the end of the so-called Dark Ages of ancient Greek hisstory, circa 8th century, BCE, and may have been synchronous with in-the-body experience becoming normative as identification with musculature elaborated. I have, of course, never believed that the bottle-nosed dolphin has an acoustic-signal-type language (quoting Kramer and McChesney in this context, note 18, p. 527: for Saussure, actual sounds are not a part of language ); my contention has long been that their DolphinSpeak language is one of synaesthetic sonic-visioning (consider the recently experimentally demonstrated vEAR, good offices of Jasper Hamill, METRO, 28 March 2019), like Musculpt (at the minimum, hearing shape [not a matter of mere metaphor, as more or less maintained by Nelson Goodman in his The Sound of Pictures section of Languages of Art, Bobbs-Merrill, 1968], seeing sound, such that the language is not one of sound or form or even of sounded-forms per se, the so-called symbolic-iconic-token aspect transcending these categories, or, rather, that these categories are lower-order decompositions of the epistemic things actually constitutive of dolphin language). I also suspect that their, dolphins, that is, enculturation-socialization processes do not, so severely as do humans, prescriptively govern (thus, for instance, suppressing the inherent capacity for synaesthesia) glutamatergic neuronal pruning-aka-etching plus neural-network wipeouts (an undue process mirrored in current 1T2-only lawfare) plus, presumably, associated quantum quenching (that extinguishment confining ensnared bivalent phalanxes of prescriptively apportioned cognition to mendacious defiles wherein denial of cosmic solipsism is covariant with affirmation of a multiverse composed of a rentier godhead's Riemann-spherically mapped 1T2ly-bound turpitudinal cocoons of the cosmic capsule hotel), thus proscribing direct conscious access to functions of THE quantum brain (degree of fuzzy pathology-impairment assessable in the real interval [is, couldbe]), such that the logical-value order-types of dolphin linguistic processing transcend that 1T2-only alone. If this is, indeed, the case, research on dolphin language (good offices of Dylan Lyons, Communicating With Dolphins , +Babbel Magaine, 29 August 2019) based upon human natural language analogues will yield an anthropomorphic picture (good offices of Adam Wernick, Baby dolphins babble , Public Radio International, 13 June 2019) of dolphin communications and cognitive processes.
The way the world is reposed in bare reality is always all ways compacted on the most dense sheet of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), i.e., CTC+-AllBase state of Tzog-chen as un-decomposed-involutorily by de-enfolding 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. But since this condition of conditions palindromically applies to All That Is being-there in being-in-itself, including so-called cognizer [dys}cernably distinct from cognized, no itself-in-being, there-being, is that All. It doesn't take Harmonics-class trained hearing to be ear-set, or Studio-Arts-classes trained sight to be eye-set, or Kyoto-Incense-Smelling-class trained olfactory sense to be nose-set, or Sensitivity-Training-class trained tactile sense to be touch-set, or Wine-Tasting-class trained palate to be tongue-set, or MarshalArts-qua-Kinesthetics-qua-Dance-class trained motion sense to be bodyknowing-set: invidious perceptual defense (see: Perceptual Defense and Filter Theory, Neville Moray, Nature, 191, 26 August 1961) mechanisms (concerning their presence and the ConveDDing, conversion-disorder displacement, thereof, about which I learned quite a bit whilst briefly an analyst assigned to CICV-Targets, uh, Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam, Saigon, circa 1968) -- protective of the prevailing consensus on reality cultivated by those believing selfsame Weltanschauung-paradigms-Lebenswelts-Umwelts metaphysically and nomologically necessary -- are prescriptively enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically anchored beginning in the womb, thus making 1T2-only (syllogistic cum rotational) processing insuperable absent prolonged engagement in adequate practices designed to retrograde invert aspects of Piaget's glutamatergically-anchored stages of cognitive development. However, this does not mean that there is no bare reality, or, history of yoga and the like given due consideration, that close approach to ontic knowledge through identity therewith cannot be made, particularly in pagan-animistic societies where one or more of the nm-states of participation mystique are normative. Chronotopologically speaking, reposition of bare reality is in the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, this one-and-only 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ universe -- classes of these stocks, their modalities and modal logics, being all equally correct skew-perpendicularities of All That Is. If, therefore, [eco}nomics is to be rooted-tree grounded in hypercomplex-complex-real reality, its unit of account must be a mu-itic quantum-composite of those time-shapes, planet Earth, as exemplified by the variadic functions (so far as I can see, as regards an autopoionomic operator's apply function for n-superposed [oper}ands, no mere sequential hedges, actually the Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics rooted-tree-mapped over the primes deployed in the requisite Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers) employed in defining commodity backings of the currencies composing µTm-LETS nesting-foams -- a type of unit of account altogether precluded by chartalist-transiting-to-neochartalist MMT, modern monetary theory. However necessary such a unit may be to ameliorating damage of the prevailing planetary phase-shift, and its coming cuspover into full flower of the Anthropocene, there is little chance, if any, even judging by monetary-economic-financial considerations alone (good offices of Alasdair Macleod, Goldmoney, 31 October 2019), that framework determining conditions resembling those of µTm-LETS will actually be implemented. Local governance, even, having gone brasstructured so as to brasservice brasstakeholders (for one class of examples, see Eric Boehm's A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41 , Reason, 6 November 2019). Banking on permawar (good offices of Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., talk given to Mises Circle in New York City, 14 September 2012) is, of course, opposed to base-state reality; therefore, central-banked economics (good offices of M. N. Gordon, Acting Man, 1 November 2019), in precluding possible-world logics, cannot be [eco}nomic. Contemplating death of globalization's third wave (good offices of ZeroHedge, 2 November 2019), one wonders how salutary, for forecasting 1T2-only-market dynamics, would be Elliott wave theory -- corrective waves understood relative to autogenic discharge phenomena as underlying salubrious aspects of crowd psychology -- if that theory were -- given that, quoting Investopedia, According to the theory, both impulse and corrective waves occur over all scales and timeframes as components of a hierarchical fractal -- to embrace µTm-processing of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. During the late-'70s, I began arguing to several of the progenitors of the green movement in Japan that realistic assessment demands embrace of There's no hope of prevention, that odds are high that the planetary phase-shift became irreversible during the 1950s (seventy years later, still channeling spirits of both the Descartes and Newton who absconded with conscious access to the quantum brain, uneconomic economists bemoan, out of both sides of their mouths, decreasing population growth rates and ZIRP forever, whilst 11,000 scientists endorse a GHG-driven climate-change emergency and push for subzero population growth [see: World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency, William J. Ripple, et al., BioScience, 5 November 2019], this schizoid double-bind being magnified by the medical-cum-techno establishment inveterately pursuing life extension into AIing imaginary-numbered immortality of the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, 1T2-only, non-quantum simple-identity [Give me simple-identity, or give me death!: this, the unconscious import of collectively processing N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr as being the Impossibility Theorem?] facially recognizable and facebookable by surveillance state, as recommended by Nick Bostrom in the 2018, Future of Humanity Institute, U. of Oxford study, v.3.46, entitled The Vulnerable World Hypothesis, Russia already freezing bank accounts {good offices of [your]NEWS, 6 November 2019} of those in political opposition), that activities directed toward prevention are thus, ipso facto, very likely superfluous on basis of natural processes alone, vastly more so given the realities of involved human factors (especially so, perhaps, considering the resoluteness of the inclinations of normotics antireestablishmentarianistically vectored with regards to Church of the Earth), and that efforts are best directed toward putting in place nascent structures, even be they but houses of cards, that can help catalyze autopoietic-cum-self-organizing processes and vector such toward some minimally efficacious level of functional integration in the immediate post-cuspover period. Each occasion I've made that argument, the consensus in windrows has been: No one will go for that; you have to be positive, maintain an aura of optimism. Sad, but apparently the case.
What does it mean for dynamical meteorology and climate science that the hydrodynamic Einstein equations (see: Hydrodynamic representation of the Klein-Gordon-Einstein equations in the weak field limit , Abril Suarez and Pierre-Henri Chavanis, arXiv, 8 December 2015; and From Fluid Dynamics to Gravity and Back, Shiraz Minwalla, The Institute Letter, Princeton IAS, Summer 2014; and Breaking Open A Black Hole: The World's Most Dangerous Experiment, Haley Zaremba, OilPrice, 3 November 2019) are déjà vu all over again for me, and not so for those unfamiliar with early-1970s-to-mid-1980s Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis, to include their thesis as to creation of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes near tornadoes cum the clear-channel implication that Earth's atmosphere engages in processing by acoustic-analogues to blackhole Lukasiewiczian-analog computing? All over again with the déjà vu because this is straight out of the late-1950s. My, oh my! how long things take to register. And how the moiling usufructs instigated by the counter-transference psychopathologies of Ph.D. preceptors can persist for decades -- contextualized in the corpora of tactics employed by offices of strategic influence, tactics exemplifying symptomatology of the collective hebephrenic schizophrenia induced by fear and loathing of the non-simple-identity imports of Lukasiewicz logics. Victor P. Starr's "Hydrodynamical Analogy to E = mc2" (Tellus, 9:1, 1959). Note that speed of light to the third power, i.e., absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, is not required for this analog. Beyond referring to the speed of light going to infinity, Suarez-Chavanis employ the fourth power of the speed of light, i.e., the absolute limiting absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, which we argue, in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, is bivalently-qua-orthogonality-wise meaningless, as third-order dynamics takes multiple-connectedness into nonorientability (a fourth-order-dynamical nonorientable nonorientability being, at least 1T2ly speaking, a null notion, one which may speak to a Lukasiewician take on J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels/perpendiculars as implicate-geometrodynamic under[lay}laminate of Heisenberg indeterminacy). But this was strongly intimated as early as 1958 in Judith Blankfield's U. of Illinois Ph.D. dissertation (see: Einstein's equations and classical hydrodynamics, with G. C. McVittie, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2:1, January 1958, pp. 337-54; we did not know of this paper when penning The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, September 1978; for an earlier analogous discussion of a perfectly electrically conducting hydromagnetic circumpolar vortex, see Hydromagnetic Model for the Solar General Circulation, Peter Augustus Gilman, Ph.D. Dissertation, MIT, June 1966) where it is observed that, to wit, quoting Blankfield-McVittie:
The question arises: what equations of classical theory would be obtained if one starts with metrics whose metrical tensors have more complicated forms than the simple type traditionally assumed? A partial answer to this question has been provided by one of us (MCVITTIE 1956b). Assuming an orthogonal metrical tensor of a somewhat more general form than that commonly used and an energy tensor appropriate to a perfect fluid, the equations of motion and of continuity of classical hydrodynamics were arrived at. Moreover the procedure led to solutions of these classical equations in terms of indeterminate functions, one of which was shown to be the gravitational potential for the self-attraction of the fluid [this, in our DNA paper, we called the counterforce to the pressure gradient term, as we thought that calling it by its real name would preclude publication of the paper]. Incidentally, it may be remarked that it is possible to solve the equations of classical hydrodynamics in a very general manner in terms of indeterminate functions directly and without the use of general relativity (FINZI 1934; WHITHAM 1954) though the physical interpretation of the resulting functions is not entirely clear.
Hmmm. Does the physical interpretation of these indeterminate functions (our thoughts on this, which will not be gotten by joining Facebook or Google, can be found here) speak to a Lukasiewician take on J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined 'pencils of skew-parallels/perpendiculars' as implicate-geometrodynamic under[lay}laminate of Heisenberg indeterminacy?
Most certainly I do not know an invariant fraction of what I would need to know even to know what must be known in order to read with full understanding beyond the Introduction section of An Expansion Formula with Higher-Order Derivatives for Fractional Operators of Variable Order, Ricardo Almeida and Delfim F. M. Torres, The Scientific World Journal, 2013, article ID number 91437 -- though I will strive to learn more, not least so as, hopefully, to be able to read deeper than repeated-skims-looking-for-hooks into Numerical Solutions of a Variable-Order Fractional Financial System, Shichang Ma and Yufeng Xu and Wei Yue, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012, article ID number 417942. What higher-order derivatives mean depends upon that to which the involved functions refer. The usual discussion of higher-order derivatives is with reference to real derivatives restricted to the real axis, not those defined on the complex plane; whereas, for derivatives with respect to 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (in our conception, a µTm-participant, not a 1T2-observable, for memetime regarded an objective linear-time is the 1T2-temporal 1T2-observable; not to be conjugated to the Hamiltonian total-energy operator; not understood relative to expectation functions; not a memetime-related operator, for topo-active optime ontologically precedes memetime; not purported to be an idealization of a memetemporal, passive, referential clock, to wit Ideal quantum clocks and operator time, Walter Gessner, 2013 or later by References) two orders of hypercomplexity are required. Starting at the beginning, we have So what is the derivative, after all?, UBC Calculus Online Course Notes; and move on to What does the third derivative signify?, Richard J. Mason Answers ; and move on further to Jounce then flounce and pounce, and more elaborately, Snap, Crackle, and Pop, Peter M. Thompson, Just Us Learning: each of these treatments, I believe, per the latter sections of our Toward a General Theory of Process paper, are apropos functions of the Newtonian absolute space and time of a single LSTD (limited spacetime domain), sans Special Relativity, sans µTm-quantum mechanics, sans General Relativity, sans geometrodynamics, sans pre-pregeometry carried into geometrodynamics by 3-fold topo-active optime pregeometrically CTC+-unto-µTm-wise understood. Minimum-time moves with limits on derivatives in the derivative hierarchy, while a very interesting notion, is not the same as a minimum time for spontaneous localization (by collapse of wave-function or involutory decomposition of supersymmetry space) or the last move over an infinitesimal increment onto the Special Relativity absolute limiting velocity of a given LSTD, or the last move over an infinitesimal increment onto the General Relativity absolute limiting acceleration of a finite collection of LSTDs, or the last move over an infinitesimal increment onto the postGeneral Relativity absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration of an infinite set of LSTDs. It is at these latter three scale-and-set-relative absolute limits that, according to our lights, heh-heh-heh, 3-fold topo-active optime operates -- as 1T2ly understandable: slope, change of slope, slope reentering itself (characterized by J. R. Mason, with regards to a single LSTD, as a convex-concave or concave-convex jerk). The meaning of fourth-order and higher derivatives, relative to relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables over higher-order transfinite collections of LSTDs, we believe, are µTm-supraordinate-to-1T2-unto-CTC+ understandable, and involved in how the quantum potential, which is relative-state identity-transparency, orchestrates autopoiesis and processes of self-organization. Were µTm-processed m-valued-LETS nesting-foams elaborately implemented, variable-order fractal derivatives understood via fuzzy sets (see: Solving Fuzzy Fractional Differential Equations Using Zadeh's Extension Principle, M. Z. Ahmad and M. K. Hasan and S. Abbasbandy, The Scientific World Journal, 2013, article ID number 454969) and processed with fuzzy logic likely would help with arriving at the numerical solutions required for initialization and maintenance of a planetary quantum-composite unit of account plus varied and variable commodity backings of given µTm-LETS currencies and their mappings into the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) distributed-ledgering of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. This seed-idea -- nowhere near adequately technically developed -- as to an autopoietic-cum-self-organizing monetary system is, however, to once again emphasize, increasingly no longer an expression of a possible-world logic -- even considering only surface-structure stuff like the ever more decisive global shift to utter embrace of a centrally-planned, command-economy-implemented, and coercively-enforced approach to dealing with the going-to-criticality n-dimensional planetary crisis. Da gum'ment don't do much by way a mintin' no more dese days, y'know; dat be a'fallin' ta da banksters, pert'much. Of the banks, by the banks and for the banks: Greg Hunter quoting Edward Griffin, 6 November 2019, USAWatchdog -- if one discounts the fact that fCLOs (fiat-Collateralized Loan Obligations) of a certain sort make available funding for RCOs, Regime Change Ops, which are continuation of the anti-animism wars in service to the scientistic philosophy of nature rape. If, due to the prevailing business and governance models, TV never left the breast, and all indications are, despite the magnetic diffusivity of MoSoSo, neither will the internet, then can it be supposed that neither will post-quantum-relativity physics? O, that darn Give me simple-identity or give me death! sentiment-obsession-compulsion. Not surprising that the mid-19th-century collective-unconscious decision for mass suicide of Sapiens has bled down and is now [frag}mentally entering conscious awareness of the hoi polloi (good offices of Phil Torres, OneZero, 25 October 2019). Nonetheless, the free-falling thievery chiefs of the Spermica sept of the NeoLiberal tribe have no awareness of the psychic subsidence which is their lot. Perhaps WeShirk should have taken over SoftShank rather than vice versa. Howsoever |ec[o]}static in their countergradient transports, those choking on gobbledegook are destined to be disintermediated, obsoleted, attritted by [male}fic [stag}nations man[i}fest in eddy viscosities.
While, theoretically, by convertibility of the elements, all things are available everywhere, the practicum of that possible-world modal logic is prevailing-techno-regime dependent upon the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, or whatever the given LSTD, limited spacetime domain, of concern may be in any particular case of attempted access to all things. If the time-shapes are dependent variables, what are the variables they are dependent upon? Well, µTm-relative-states, for one. Relative-states of what? Everett's universal wave-function relative-state is 1T2-only; hence, subject to the closed-system Second Law of Thermodynamics by that law being defined in the terms of a passing, passive, referential, memetime misconstrued an objective linear-time the instants of which are definable only under 1T2-only-logic alone, and consequently there must exist, according to the misconstrual, a thermodynamically-dictated, continually-multiplying, world-line branching of the involved m-valued spherical-wave function, thus dictating an ever-reproducing multiverse of incommunicado backup-copy universes opaque to one another (like multiple personalities suffering loss of time do not know of one another's existence) with each measurement-like interaction schizophrenogenically splitting each of us and every one-thing into surrogate selves (just think of what that does to the overpopulation bomb!); whereas Schrödinger-memetime-independent, 3-fold-qua-tri-arity topo-active-optime-dependent, logically-self-referential, self-reentrant-subsystem-system-supersystem-composite, µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-state is in the terms of relative-states of identity-transparency, with no m-verse, for all-branches-always-all-ways-being-therehere is the initial and final state(s) of the memetime-independent involutory decomposition and its retrograde inversion as mapped on the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space, the so-called multiverse as it actually is [abstract is concrete; concrete, abstract -- and absolutely so under CTC+ logics] under Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and not under classical bivalent logic alone). What are the other independent variables upon which time-shapes are dependent? Likely a fairly healthy list. Certainly, order-of-logical-value employed -- 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+. Probably a short list of m-valued (not variable-valued) universal physical constants, for another item on the healthy list. Properties of the autopoietic operators converting identity-transparency to quantum potential. The healthy list might be rather long. And actually accessing (not blowing them up), anywhere in All That Is, all things that are, surely is not a simple matter of fission-fusion under dictate of a mono-arity equation like E = mc2. E and m and c, according to our conception, are tri-arity: dot and double-dot all three. Were that actually the case, as we believe, then one would have to take with a grain of salt Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.'s 9th-cognitive-parallax, 19th-century, NewWorldSymphonic, techno-identified, silly-putty over-optimism (see his There Are No Limits To Growth, New Benjamin Franklin House, 1983) concerning life on a planet trying to support five-billion-plus too many people (for a currently contextualized account of LaRouche's position on this matter, see the informative Extinction Rebellion Climate Violence: Funded by the World's Richest People, Dean Andromidas, Executive Intelligence Review, 20 September 2019). Another reason for the grain of salt has recently been essayed upon by Charles Hugh Smith in his piece on those who opt out: Now That We've Incentivized Sociopaths-- Guess What Happens Next, Of Two Minds, 12 November 2019. But the janky jilts of the opt-outers are not only with regards to goody-two-shoes entrepreneurs (affected has been every profession, every leadership position), and that non-participator phenomenon is not of recent origin in what Paul Craig Roberts calls the utterly dumbshit Western World: it began in earnest with the post-WWI Lost Generation, gathering steam from there, with a big jerk beginning in the late-1950s facilitated by the beatnik bums who embraced the Dharma, proceeding through the hippie dropouts, and unto the ever-progressing loss of access to the actual best and brightest who voluntarily and quietly went underemployed-in-place when they didn't physically flee. The Lost Generation was lost not only because Europe committed suicide in 1914, but, more fundamentally, and why that suicide transpired, because everything significant that had happened in intellectual history between N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr and onset of the WWI battle of the Two-Hundred-Years War of the World had utterly destroyed the worldview construct members of that generation were reliant upon for definition of their Umwelts (PTSD in spades): the atomization of classical logic was strongly in the works well before outbreak of WWI; subsequently, the Lukasiewicz logics mentioned above relative to Everett were rigorously codified before Schrödinger's wave equation was written and misinterpreted (surface-structure-wise, largely due to the progressive militarization of science seriously beginning with the Franco-Prussian-war battle of the War of the World, greatly amped up in [after}math of the WWI battle of the War of the World -- and persevered in largely due to warification of computation via the 1T2-only finite-iteration Turing machine) according to the Born Rule (to mention two of the most important of myriad factors used to Kill the nineteenth-century dead!). Two personal examples of jilting the joiners: (1) something like 95-percent of my 1963 entering class at AU-SIS intended to take the Foreign Service exam upon completion of their undergrad studies, but by end of the second year of Washington, D.C., exposure most had decided that that would be a profoundly stupid thing to do; (2) during the Vietnam-war era, only the dumbest of the dumb stayed in the military after their initial term of service was completed. One big reason why the U.S. went to an all-volunteer professional military is that people do not hire those who are smarter than they are. Many draftees, and those forced into volunteering, are overwhelmingly smarter, with far better educations, than are the double-digit midgets in the higher echelons of the NCOs and the officer corps: that was the most aggravating cross-generational problem the U. S. military had during the Vietnam-war period, largely solved by eradicating the draft. And now that military veterans are being targeted by the police and Homeland Security (whilst, clearly, even the non-vet resident of the White House is regarded by the Democratic Party and the MSM as being an ODD fellow), it's hardly surprising that the all-volunteer professional military has recruiting problems -- or that a shift to GMOians, cyborgs, robots, and autonomous drones is being made (but who hires/fires and who is fired will be another conundrum once AI gets fully switched on relative to the military services). What has been the main job of the U.S. military these last few decades? Backing the fiat-cum-petro USD-underpinning of exorbitant privilege, a privilege slipping away in direct proportion to rise of the mountain of debt largely money-creation generated relative to the costs of sustaining the military doing the backing. Cui bono? Follow the (single-valued, 1T2-only-processed) money-creation bandwagon: the one-percent all around the planet. To what degree is that one-percent in actual control of the process by which the inevitable global monetary reset has been, is, and will be transpiring? To the same degree the U.S.S.R. was in control of the top-down-initiated process of jettisoning Eastern Europe? Hysterical mass-mind (even if artificially induced by pretext that greenhouse warming of the classical-limit-obeying atmosphere is the sole essential feature of ongoing climate change [just because climate-shift dynamics are being used to justify global nazification doesn't mean there is no substantial anthropogenic component to those dynamics], with unconscionable net-worth disparities, by regime change ops, by NGOing color revolutions, by a GWOT, by economically-forced-draft urbanization, by low-intensity-warfare-coerced mass migrations, by globalization of Phoenix, by social-credit-scoring surveillance societies, so on and so forth) is a wild bronco extremely hard to ride until broken in. Will the projected, rapidly evolving (see, for instance, Huw Van Steenis' The Digital Money Revolution, Project Syndicate, 13 November 2019), we-are-the-world, logically-bivalent-asset-billionaire be[he}moths' planetary-monoscale, hegemonic, 1T2-only-digital cryptocurrency (for interesting commentary upon, see Carney's Green Crypto Currency: Precursor to a Financial Meltdown, Matthew Ehret, Strategic Culture Foundation, 31 October 2019) be able to ride that bronco to an acceptance of the qubit, heh-heh-heh, sans a PW1, a space-based planetary-war-one? And, if not, how uninhabitable will The Uninhabitable Earth be (David Wallace-Wells reviewed by Mark O'Connell, The Guardian, 27 February 2019)? And, if so, how well will a probabilistic 2-state (not m-state) qubit (no Lukasiewiczian mu-it employable for mapping the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth) work at processing transactions of a single-valued global monoscale e-currency with dissimulated-quantum-mechanics-based technologies?
One way to conceive of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency is via the n-body problem in General Relativity. Everett's notion that two-body-qua-two-subsystem entanglement necessarily involves relative-state with the whole embedding system-cum-supersystem composite is a 1T2-only intimation, and only an intimation, of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Juan Maldacena's and Leonard Susskind's Cool horizons for entangled black holes, arXiv, 11 July 2013 -- briefly essayed upon by Gali Weinstein in The Einstein Rosen bridge and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox, ER and EPR: Wormhole and entanglement, My Albert Einstein, 21 November 2015 -- sheds considerable light, heh-heh-heh, if only 1T2ly so, on the abductive-cum-defeasible relation between the 2-body Einstein-Rosen bridge qua wormhole and 2-body EPR quantum entanglement. They maintain that the wormhole and quantum entanglement are the same thing, just on widely different scale levels. Cornell tornadogenesis specialist, Douglas A. Paine, and then USAF atmospheric research scientist, Michael L. Kaplan, during the mid-'70s, argued that blackhole analogues exist in Earth's atmosphere, analogues which create m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (see Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pp.): the implication being that the relation-which-is-same-thing between wormhole and entanglement exists on all scale levels of the subsystem-system-supersystem-composite nesting-foam. Paine drew this to John A. Wheeler's attention during 1974, and I did so during 1975 and yet again during 1977. While admitting that he did not know the equations of atmospheric science, Wheeler, nonetheless, dismissed out of hand the notion of atmospheric black holes, suggesting that exotic physics has no place in meteorology. My subsequent approaches to Hawking and Penrose were no more fruitful. Everett's 1T2-only-logical notion that two-body-qua-two-subsystem entanglement necessarily involves relative-state with the whole embedding system-cum-supersystem composite, in and of itself, suggests that all scale levels are involved, not just the extremely large and the extremely small. Speaking µTmly in terms of the n-body problem in General Relativity, the wormhole would be Grand Central Station (likely involving exotic matter, as noted by Nola Taylor Redd in What Is Wormhole Theory?, Space.com, 21 October 2017, and addressed as dotted and double-dotted E and m in our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper under the rubrics connective mass-energy and configurational mass-energy), not merely a channel between two black holes located in different regions of spacetime. Moreover, if quantum entanglement is the same thing on every scale level, and each and every relative-state involves the whole nesting-foam, then any measurement-interaction is every measurement-interaction -- and µTm-valued logics understood relative to identity-transparency, not truth-value, are required if actual comprehension is actually to be had. Indeed, any-is-every requires CTC+-logics for full inside-the-nesting-foam understanding via knowledge-through-identity. During the 1970s, we thought that these perspectives illuminated a bit the risks involved in weather engineering and clarified a byte the anthropogenic-chaos butterfly's capabilities with respect to climate change dynamics.
Configuration space, phase space, state space, function space, probability space, Hilbert space, Banach space What is the difference between phase space and Hilbert space? Alexander Matthew Peach provides an excellent answer, and notes that a quantum state contains much more information than does a classical state. Memory serving, during my senior year of high school, PSSC physics class was prior to honors economics class. At some point in that physics class, I came to understand just what Peach noted: much more information. Later, sitting in the econ class struggling with comprehension of fractional-reserve multiple-bank credit expansion, the stacking involved, an epiphany-like question suddenly appeared to mind. What if the information content of a classical currency unit were redefined so as to become a quantum currency unit? It would contain, wouldn't it, much more information about the overall state of the total economy of which it is a part -- thus greatly amplifying the level of competency of the price-employing invisible hand of the market. That question and that supposition put me on the path to what I now call the µTm-processed m-valued-LETS-currency-unit transaction. Consider the fact that Hugh Everett, III, as a highschooler and beyond was fascinated with self-referential propositions, the actual basis of logical-value order-types of Lukasiewiczian logics, yet he never viewed the logistical Everett algorithm through the myriad lenses provided by m-valued logics. Quoting Peter Byrne's The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett, III, Oxford paperback edition, 2010, p. 76:
Whereas game theory deals with how people make interdependent decisions under certain conditions, the Everett Algorithm tells you how to calculate a range of consequences (prices) [in original] for making those decisions in the real world when you expend a specific amount of resource to overcome a constraint.
A multivalent price consequent of the m-value stack ensheaved upon the base state (1T2-only cash) of a µTm-LETS currency unit is the quantum composite of a set of constraints qua vectorings, the m-scenarios computer gaming of which might well involve use of the Everett algorithm, were that algorithm µTm-logically-valued, not 1T2-only valued, such that it could operate upon the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. If Turning ate the apple primarily because he could find no path back to where he might have gone absent the metaprogramming he was subject to under the impress of WWII, then, possibly, Everett never found a path back to his early fascination with logical self-reference, a path which he might well have discovered absent the metaprogramming he was subject to under peer pressure and the impress of Wheeler-Bohr. Apparently Everett was never able to carry the notion relative-state into the notion his mother embraced, i.e., identity-transparency. Quoting Byrne quoting Everett's mother Katherine Kennedy Everett, The Many Worlds , p. 21:
Do you believe our minds are like islands subterraneously linked with other island minds, Mr. Crosby? Do you believe, for instance, that your own individual mind is separated only so far as it believes itself separated from a kind of group mind?
Once µTm-logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, are conceived as processing transactions denominated in m-valued currency units, Hilbert space is inadequate as the reference space for markings made in markets. Heuristically speaking as to the most general case, the required space would have to be, not only infinite dimensional, but also CTC+-logical. Along the way leading to µTm-LETS nesting-foams, topologically-active operator-time entered the picture. In that context, I find the following answer (scroll down about half way through the page) to Why is Hilbert's space useful in quantum mechanics?, provided by Aden Handasyde, to be very provocative:
Because of the existence of imaginary numbers in the complex electromagnetic wave system that is created by some degree of capacitance implying a band pass gap, which are explained also by a Fourier transform but implies the uncertainty principle because of the difference between viewing relative to infinity in space, vs infinity in time. While space is infinite time is a mess, while time is infinite space is a mess, which flows on to position and momentum. If it's measured in between, it's finite and minimally messy, or, on either end, it's infinite but rational and irrational. The square root function to provide irrationality is implied by the electromagnetic wave energy magnitudes as they cycle through phases but in 2D dimensions (Pythagorean magnitude of the 2D vector necessitates square-root function), thus Hilbert Spaces are square summable and incorporate the Axiom of Choice necessary for the Banach-Tarski situation but operate on the position and momentum uncertainty between time and space implied by the applicability of the Fourier Transform (a conversion between infinite time and infinite space or Complex Frequencies) to Electromagnetic waves.
Space-messing-up infinite time. Hmmm. Sounds like topo-active optime to me! Temporal CURL at scale-relative absolute-limiting values of dynamical variables: think infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces. See Mounodeep Chakraborty writing on amplitude zero at t = infinity. We would -- µTmly speaking and given what is between zero equals infinity and zero does not equal infinity, i.e., the consequent arrays generated by the actions of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time -- say that the middle between either end is no less messy than is either end -- messy to, that is, the 1T2-only-ego function, as messy as is an Analytical Cubist image of an object with an infinity of Husserlian horizons, an object simultaneously viewed from m-positions and/or from m-memetime instants (such viewing [the capacity for which being a norm of the full-blown identity-transparent animistic-pagan modes of cognition to which Katherine Kennedy Everett referred, and which may have existed only for the bigger-brained humans of 20,000 years ago, as per Brains 'are nearly 20% smaller than they used to be' , Becca Caddy, Metro, 20 November 2019] necessitating a severance of identification with in-the-body experience, that severance involving inner separation from attachment to the prescriptively-enculturated [packaged and sackaged for having been whackaged!] psychometric distance function of Luneburg binocular visual space, a psychometric property giving localization in spacetime an ontic sense of reality despite localization being a factor definitive of Maya in Samsara, Samsara itself being illusory by, for one, predication of memetime as being infinite due to a linear cyclicity established at the point-at-infinity of the well-bent arrow of memetime under one-point-compactification of the projectively extended real [memetime}line). Wheedling the cognitive weed planters, girding for the glamming of our giddy MMT torch singers who resolutely suppress the possibility of µTm-LETS nesting-foams by expounding upon market reflexivities understood as epiphenomenal to logical self-reference mistaken as signifier of unknowability. Even though Tantric Schrödinger largely rejected the Born Rule, he did not realize, Tantrically speaking CTC+ly, that there are no probability relations between separated systems because systems in CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency do not constitute a possible-world-logic modality: the notion qua percept-propriocept that separated systems are possible is Maya in Samsara due to ergotropic brain discharges as spontaneous localization prescriptively enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically-etched, unaccompanied by trophotropic discharges as spontaneous fusion within the endogenous-ketamine-flooded brain (no mere tabula rasa [good offices of Arvo Part]). Ack, aye, [colon}i[at}i|on of the mass mind. And this, this, facebooked in face of the fact that the cosmic time-shape capacitor involved is that capacitor in which difference is potential and where the sheets-qua-plates separated by dielectric material are composed of space-filling, null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels, the points-at-infinity of which are CTC+ly indistinguishable on the universal Musculpt manifold, the covering surface of which is the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space (to which the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, are to be mapped). Regards Samsaric me[tem}psychosis, wherein High Indifference becomes potential difference becoming difference of terms in difference equations: matter is psyche; psyche, matter -- on the most-dense sheet of the MVRS, real reality being T[auto}logical self-reference (of our one-and-only solipsistic universe) inside Ts-r, inside Ts-r, Heh-heh-heh! Ah, the per[miss}ivity, uh, uh, permittivity, of the self-capacitance of the capacitor in the high-Q resonant circuit which is the cosmic nesting-foam in a state of quantum harmonic oscillation -- as viewed through the lenses of memetime-defined transfer functions heard as common tones in simple time (good offices of John Adams). The prospective µTm-LETS currency unit is a passband of the fractal-drum constituting the analog electronic band-pass filter which is the given prospective µTm-LETS currency, transactions of which would be processed with a Lukasiewiczian analog computer, the tympanum of that drum possibly covering-surfaced with space-filling Peano-fractal microstrip (see: A Peano Fractal-based Dual-mode Microstrip Bandpass Filters for Wireless Communication Systems, Jawad K. Ali, et al., PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, 19-23 August 2012). And, yes, a user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS would be required, that being developed from elaboration of Musculpt as mathematical notation. In a further haptification of the touch screen, put a Midas Touch on your money! with holographic Musculpt you can feel (good offices of Physics.org, 14 November 2019). Close approach to techno-simulation of synaesthesia. During high school in Alaska, I loved to walk in the ice fog, wherewhen I occasionally saw brilliant red and green Northern Lights (most elaborately so in Nome, circa February of 1961, memory serving) and heard the Asterism-sounds somememetimes in accompaniment: my first appreciation of nature's Musculpt. When I later learned about synaesthesia, it occurred to me that the hearing of these auroral Asterisms was an example thereof -- until, at Cornell, I learned of infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces. I for sure now know (good offices of Auroras Make Weird Noises, and Now We Know Why, Andrew Fazekas, National Geographic, 27 June 2016) that auroral symformphonie is actual, not merely artifactual of cross-modal correlations of sensory dimensions. And let us read of what we can hear of John Luther Adams, to wit, p. 197 of The Farthest Place: The Music of John Luther Adams, Bernd Herzogenrath, ed., Northeastern U., 2012:
The use of filtered noise has become an important element in Adams's recent works, starting with Strange and Sacred Noise (1991-98) -- an extended cycle for percussion quartet. In the first and last pieces of the cycle Adams directs the players to change playing position on their snare drums to incorporate more or less noise in their tone, a natural phenomenon in which noise and signal patterns inherent in electronic transmissions follow the forms of certain fractal figures. Adams's use of the color of noise has only increased in the years following this piece: Even after the discoveries of Strange and Sacred Noise and The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies [2002], I couldn't have imagined what a profuse spectrum of colors is hidden in a band of noise (The Place Where You Go to Listen).
In The Place Where You Go to Listen Adams uses synthetic noise generators and filters to achieve the timbral sonorities of the lightscape and other geographical aspects of Alaska. Each of the sounds is the result of filtered pink noise
An effort to fashion a universal planetary quantum-composite (of the nesting-foam corpus of µTm-LETS currencies) unit of account for mapping upon MVRS Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, such that we can monetary-system-wise compose an actual [eco}nomic system capable of best addressing the n-dimensional global crisis, likely would greatly benefit from assimilation of the metamusicology of Adams's pieces. A most interesting introduction thereto is provided by Thomas Hanslowe in his 2015 Tufts University Master of Arts in Music thesis entitled Composing the Soundscape: Ecological Listening in the Music of John Luther Adams.
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