µTm Scenarios, T38(M)
Most, it seems certain, 1T2-simply-identifiable physicists (identification of ego sphere with the quintessentially human constitutes an abysmally reductive take on humanity which, apparently, a great many humans embrace, and, hence, have behaviorally man[i}fessed-up to exemplifications thereof) believe that the Cloude of Unknowyng, separating personified Him from the coercive We predicating the mistaken notion collective occasion of experience, is a probability distribution density-measure of the inherent cosmic ignorance out of which All-That-Is is emergently, indeed, expansively, generated -- which is a cognitive stance consonant with the unknowability postulate of the Sorosian take on the self-referential logic(s) of market reflexivity. Not believing that memetime is an objective, passive, passing linear-time, I can hardly embrace the emergent, the expansive, the generative -- or, sans resistance, coalesce with the identifications that go therewith. Real time, in the sense of real-numerable time, is, to my way of thinking, mere memetime, whereas vertical time (as, say, the November Steps of Toru Takemitsu), understood the frozen now moment, eternity, timelessness, is the way the memetime-bound, 1T2-only ego-function represents to itself bleed-throughs to awareness of hypercomplex- and complex-numerable topo-active optime's CTC+-unto-µTm-cum-µTm-unto-CTC+ involutory decomposition/recomposition of the MVRS, Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space. I understand something of the formulations about Big Bang, low entropy, expansion, probabilistic considerations, high entropy black holes, entropy increase allwhere [through}time [throught}i|me, but believe that that, all of it, is epiphenomenal to the insistence upon being memetime-bound, 1T2ly-separated-out, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct observers (and resultant glutamatergic anchoring of that insistence). Pre-pregeometry-speaking CTC+ly on non-orientable Tzog-chen AllBase, there are no initial conditions, or, equivalently, all possible conditions (including those 1T2ly impossible) are initial to the involutory-decomposition-type transformations induced by topologically-active third-order operator-time. But everything 3-fold-temporal-CURL decomposed is already all ready being-there on Tzog-chen AllBase of MVRS, and remains there even when decomposed (change your scale-level focus of attention cathexis in peering through an infinitely deep, say, equilateral-triangular nesting foam). Some such view as this is required if the black hole is to be understood a component of an operational amplifier in the cosmic Lukasiewiczian extended analog computer (or, by virtue of acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode emission, relative to acoustic analogues to blackhole computers in Earth's atmosphere -- an essential feature, even though infrasonic, of the acoustic ecology of tornadogenesis?). By contrast to the consensus physicist, one of the Clouds of Unknowing that early on tempo-collided with me was made of dead-of-winter, interior-of-Alaska ice fog. As a basketball player for Eielson AFB High School during the very early 1960s, I got all over Alaska to play games: wherever there was a high school. By auto and by plane and by train. There were long free periods of waiting when, often, one could wander off to enjoy the landscape. I traveled to and worked at remote sites for summer jobs. Up the Denali Highway before winter closure, tracked caribou along the Nenana. Fished. Hiked. Climbed. In winter, at Eielson, I nightly walked alone in the dead still, empty ambiance only a brief stretch away from the housing area, staring at the stars, listening to the cold-crackle tintinnabulation, enjoying the Northern Lights when they were prominent, being mesmerized by the phantasmagoria instantiated when those lights were red and green and caught by the particles of ice fog. Reading Thomas Hanslowe's Master's thesis on the music of Alaskan John Luther Adams, listening to some of it, I've revisited a sampling of that experience. A few somewhat unconnected observations come to mind. What is designated ecological listening, I would note, is integral to walking meditation when engaged in within a natural surround: sitting is not required, and attention cathexes are capable of simultaneously engaging in what could be called ecological seeing on multiple levels of the concrete-to-abstract continuum -- keeping in mind recognition that substantiality is inversely proportional to ponderability, in the words of Franklin Merrell-Wolff. Quoting Hanslowe, p. 51:
The notion of not questioning sounds clearly evokes Cage's oftstated goal to simply let sounds be sounds. More importantly, The Place Where You Go to Listen [an Adams installation art piece] describes the act of listening to environmental sounds with concentration and focus for extended periods of time
From experiences during walking meditation (which can be conducted as a kind of action-painting-happening inner Gesamtkunstwerk, all senses engaged), I've observed that most fundamentally -- vis-à-vis practice of, as distinct from merely thinking about, Husserlian reductive phenomenology -- not questioning sounds means, not only not attributing, but, ultimately in the practice, not even (generally by roof-brain chatter) registering, ascribed meanings to sounds: in walking-meditation translation through ponderable space near a construction site, for instance, one does not hear, actually and not notionally, a skilsaw, a hammer, a nail gun; one hears only a pattern of pure unnamed sounds. My evolved form of walking meditation was a natural extension of the ear cleaning leading to clairaudience induced by night movement, as the token American, along canals and tributaries of the Mekong. I read Thoreau before going to Viet Nam, and a potent aspect of my experience of the Delta was as a Walden. Hanslowe says, p. 47:
The installation [of Adams entitled The Place Where You Go to Listen] features no traditional instruments, but rather relies on the real-time sonic translations of environmental data into electronic music. Adams's use of environmental data as a guiding musical principal has important implications for our understanding
Adams's sound-sculpting aural-installation simulacrum is a pointer quite suggestive with respect to the Mus-aspect of a Muscupt mapping of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock to the MVRS. It may be observed that ecomusical sonification of landscape analogically embodies features of abstract landscapes as well as those concretely en|v[iron}mental-physical. The SFI, Santa Fe Institute, nk-fitness landscape, for instance, had its origins in analyses of DNA-transcription processes. In our submolecular model of radiation exchange at DNA helix-coil transition, the time rate of change of acceleration of nucleotide unbonding cum bonding is an important biological variable, particularly so as regards the intracellular Zeitgeber instrumental in orchestration of the functional integration of cellular processes (a principle -- when generalized to velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration of money -- instructive as to one way in which to increase the level of self-organizational competency of market sorting angels). In that context, consider the following quotation from Hanslowe's thesis, p. 42:
Nancarrow also composed music in which different tempo layers would accelerate at different rates. For example, Gann describes Study for Player Piano no. 27 as a canon in which the voices accelerate (and decelerate) at rates of 5%, 6%, 8%, and 11%
[John Luther Adams's] In the White Silence combines Nancarrow's penchant for superimposing proportionally related tempo layers atop one another with a musical interpretation of Schafer's call for a favorable signal-to-noise ratio in which sounds are clear and distinguishable.
This is analogous to an m-level-enciphered (think: quantum-wave properties of the molecule) DNA helix-coil transition as coherent-wave mapped into a multivalued articulation space. Infrasound? Hypersound? Second sound? Not only are we going deaf with human noise, in the words of Adams quoted by Hanslowe, but there also is apparently a high correlation between development of otosclerosis cum degree of deterioration of the bones of the inner ear and how much consumption there is of the possibly hundreds of mimetic estrogens qua xenoestrogens qua endocrine disrupting compounds, including MSG, we have made endemic pollutants cum food poisoners. In a well-sound-proofed isolation-flotation Lilly tank, Cage's notion that silence-is-soundful holds still: the sounds of silence therein are predominately proprioceptive rather than perceptive. The more silent (e.g., absence of roof-brain chatter) the inner Mnk-articulation space (SFI 2nk-fitness landscape being a special limiting case thereof), the farther feeling-into infinite regress of interior distance may I/im hear-peer. Cage-aleatoric-composition ego-death undertaken so as to immerse in a probabilistic cosmic i|m|per[son}al is to buy into, for instance, the mistaken consensus notion that The Book of Changes is The Book of Chances -- thus aligning with those in denial of topo-active optime. By analogy: natural Music of Changes, as distinct from that of Cage, is not Music of Chances. R.D.Laingian altogether just simply stepping out the door of the intrafamilial-group transference gestalt and into trans|per[son}al articulation space is clearly unwelcome to most -- to wit: the widespread enthusiastic embrace of the myriad forms of machine-induced depersonalization (one sort of cognitive entrapment, the phasic activation of which becoming tonic with glutamatergic anchoring -- thus making brain impairment normative) ever increasingly infecting ADLs, activities of daily life, in the prevailing psycho-regressed global Lebenswelt. Lebenswelt as Kriegsspiel and only Kriegsspiel: game-theoretically, via operations research, statistically maximizing 1T2-only-definable [alter}natives so as to probabilistically optimize choices as to those preference functions maximizing expected utilities of-- well, escalation-control options in pursuit of zero-summable psychological, social, sexual, military, political, economic pay-offs. Ah, yes, the cogification of life on Earth, the RANDition of the worker bees, the roboticization of the ant swarms: worked out right well, hasn't it, this lead-in to a post-human memefuture. There are surely dozens of items in the list of possible worst-case outcomes as to what happens to the current global civilization, and -- given how things are going on toward, at best untoward, plus the two-hundred years of built-up momentum pushing that how cum the mass psycho-projected very strange teleological attractors imprinted upon qua identified with -- it is very difficult, maybe even no longer possible, to vest belief in the proposition that what actually transpires will not be one of those outcomes, or something tantamount thereto. By contrast, as mitigation factor, son[if}i|cati|on of landscape-features, in ecomusic gradual-process compositions, is an analogue of nature's own bird-homing{able] m-valued infrasound signatures of landforms, lake fetches, shorelines, so on (possibly a part of the basis of songlines). Co-optation of reification, however much to the contrary it may appear: superimposition of m-timbre-, m-texture-, m-tempo, m-register-, m-rhythmic-layers can be apprehended as tropologically metareferencing sheets of Riemann surface, branches of m-valued function, and the like in quite a few areas of higher mathematics. It seems likely that techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as holographic user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams would be rooted in function/structure of WiFi EMspace in conformation to same of HiFi soundscape as abstracted to same of Highest-Fi on Tzog-chen AllBase of MVRS as quantum-composite superposition of astral sounds-of-no-sound associated with the various levels of Samadhi, these layers having to do with µTm-unto-CTC+ order-types of cognition and associated baud-rates of consciousness (the findings discussed in Days Gone By , John Anderer, StudyFinds.org, 21 November 2019, provide some experimental evidence as to existence of different speeds in which our brains obtain and process images ). Abstracting out, as John Luther Adams does, the deep-ecological form-essence of a cultural feature, a learned behavior transmitted generation to generation, decontextualizing that form-essence, and applying it, if only in tropes, to other areas of human experience (1) is similar in character to intertextuality, and (2) is an important factor of most creative acts, and (3) is the way best actual cultural adaptations transpire, whereas historical preservation of surface structure-function generally freeze dries, hence kills, cultural relevance as the worldline of techno-innovation extends, and (4) is the means by which authentic global metaculture (on another level of conception than are concrete cultures) can be created as a counterfoil to planetary nazification via formation of a superintrusive, uniformizing, monoculturing supranational state. In that sense, appropriation art may be considered as one of the more important saving graces in this Anthropocenic era of ongoing and impending disaster. If private 1T2-only property is theft of the multivalue at root of animistic-pagan µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, then the very notion environmental sovereignty is a chimera -- and a hoax. Only if nature were under 1T2-only-logic alone could sovereignty be authentically exercised over the environment or could the environment authentically be sovereign over its inhabitants.
I view this sequence of papers, 1977, 1998, 2008 (our multiscale, m-valued-invariants, cascade/reverse-cascade, laminated-spacetime orientation as discussed in Toward a General Theory of Process; and the reverse-cascade orientation of Cantorian Fractal Spacetime, Quantum-like Chaos and Scale Relativity in Atmospheric Flows, A. M. Selvam and Suvarna Fadnavis; and the relative-spatial-contractions cum relative-temporal-dilations orientation of Scale relativity and fractal space-time: theory and applications, L. Nottale: even though I find little to suggest that this orientation has, even yet, significantly affected consensus numerical weather forecasting or consensus evaluation of mechanisms of action predicated to the anthropogenic climate-change thesis, despite, in my opinion, the fact that the physics underlying the cascade-theoretic Paine-Kaplan multiscale, nested-grid, numerical forecast model [run on a CDC Star 100: a better version of the CDC computer, I would note, than that which ran the MACV-CICV-CDEC IDHS, intelligence data handling system, precursor to the overintrusive data-handling systems we have today] of tornadogenesis, origin circa early-1970s, prefigured-incorporated many of Nottale's basic ideas) as systems-theoretic foundational justification qua rationale for consideration of the notion that µTm-logically-processed m-valued-LETS nesting-foams would substantially enhance self-organizational competency of markets by explicitly marking the long-range correlations unmarked in markets employing 1T2-only-processed single-valued monetary units alone to price and process transactions -- were it understood that topologically-active operator-time's 3-fold temporal CURL has integer values (hence involves orthogonality's 90-degree twists) under 1T2-only-logic alone, and fractal values (hence involves skew-perpendicularity's n-degree twists, pencils of such twists subtending Heisenberg's bivalent uncertainty relations) under µTm-valued logics.
I imagine, poorly I must admit, but best I can, Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic involutory decomposition of non-denumerable, non-differentiable, pre-pregeometric, maximal atlas independent of the state-of-scale, Tzog-chen AllBase state -- justified by recourse to Zorn's Lemma qua Axiom of Choice -- of the Musculpt manifold to be a partition of unity, not only of the circle, but, properly speaking, of n-dimensional non-orientable bottles unto band unto circle, to the real interval [0,1] by steepest-descent decompaction cascade through the pregeometry CTC+ly-unto-µTmly-unto-1T2ly processable (the involved arithmetic and logical operations executed by 3-fold topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time) nesting-foams (the manifold of which, by the holographic principle, such that its boundary is a deformation retract of the manifold itself: this never being the case only under 1T2-only logic alone, or so it seems to me -- which, that being the case, would tell us something about the orders-of-value of the logics under which the holographic principle functions) of Penrose-tiled laminates into a Nash embedding, a descent involving normalization filtering such that linearly-independent, Hausdorff-disjoint, binary outputs only, and their neighborhoods, are decomposed to, on the most-reduced, second-countable differentiable form of the Musculpt manifold, with its atlases of atlases, each with its collection of charts (these charts, monetary-system-wise, representing the optimum currency areas of the base-states, i.e., 1T2-only cash, of µTm-LETS currencies; Fx transactions in µTm-LETS nesting foams transpiring at the meetings of the charts; Fx shindigs involving, in many cases, an order-of-logical-value-transpose AI-polymath operator majordomoing band-pass-fractal-boundary gate-crashers across inter-currency gangplanks, the values in any given µTm-LETS-currency value-ensheavement detailed with predicate logics). CTC+-identity-transparency axioms employed, these axioms µTmly-unto-1T2ly decomposing to normal T4 Hausdorff separation axioms and their strengthenings to completely normal T5 Hausdorff and perfectly normal T6 Hausdorff (this last most assuredly being evocative of the normotic state generative of 1T2-only monetary systems).
Grieve them? Wherefore a what-for for such a therefore? Nonplussed and gaunt, sitting back in the black watching the POlitical-hardscrabble stick-man-kerfuffle. The only salute that's ever made real sense to me is holding up a rocks glass containing Jack-ku Dan-yo. Every good deed elicits a punishment: I've long understood that antecedent-consequent to be characteristic of collective regressions. It's just that that condition gets monotonous. A little diversity in life is preferable. However, summitry rhymes less authentically with fecundity than with nullity. The next step up, they, TPTB pettifogging, believe, is described in the recent business-and-finance bestseller entitled How To Be Born Rich. Their regression-in-service-to-the-ego strategic-defensive stance: employing one or another mixed strategy in a more or less mixed economy where single-valued prices are 1T2-only processed at transactions. Humph! Since [bit}able single-valued prices are not even 2-state qubitic, and most certainly not n-state [mu}itic, the vast majority of information about the total prevailing state of the overall economy is hidden information (systemic pettifoggery), hidden because the permitted economic propositions, as regards transactions, must be stated in monetary units the logical-value-order-type (these are not probabilistic expected values) state of which is restricted to that order-type 1T2-only of all those order-types µTm-unto-CTC+ (CTC+ clearly indicating that more than simply-infinite nonlinear regression-recursive hyperplanar loopings of feedbacks-covariates are involved in market reflexivities of actually-non-zero-sum markets wherein extra-systemic externalities are present as hidden information). In such markets -- the only actual [mark}ettes there have ever been, µTm-LETS nesting-foams having yet to be implemented -- preference functions are inherently divergent but operationally normalized in being 1T2ly formalized such that a maximum expected utility can discretely be probabilistically identified (e.g., by choosing to take an acceptable pay-off -- in lieu of acknowledging the supreme value of infinite regress as functional prerequisite to the maximum systemic utility of holographic global integration by µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency of component processes, processes under quasi-servomechanistic feedbacks so far as the binary-mind is concerned). Not the real skinny, uh, uh, pith, from Pythia, eh what! When, in fact, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct preference functions cannot, any more than can absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct micro-cum-macro individual actors, exist in systems fully contextualized by internalization of externalities, i.e., systems subscribing to the holographic principle and undissembled m-valued logics, the only sort of systems actually being-there cosmologically speaking. Cultivation of illusion prefigures onset of delusion (learned a lot about that at SRA/MACV-J2 in becoming informed, circa 1968, about the enemy-strength-estimates debacle's feed-in to the statistical operations research and planning conducted in Danny G's shop located in the first-floor SI area next to the COC). The politics of policy is the agendizing of the normalization of the unnormalizable -- hence, sooner or later, always a disaster. The comprehensive µTm-comprehension of identity qua identity as metaphysical category-- uh, uh, OMG, all that ghosts-and-goblins superposition-superstition stuff! Far better that civilization cum societies be based upon dissimulated views of nature, y'see -- except that, in due course, such societies cum civilization inevitably must create a global anthropogenic crisis. Given the myriad examples of collective ConveDDs (introjective-projective conversion-disorder displacements) seen swamping Lebenswelts planetwide, and the perfectly obvious fact that flaring and venting has become the norm -- Scritch-Scratch! Scritch-Scratch! go the bivalent-logic gates localized inside the decoherent noggin -- in political [diss}course everywhere, it's not at all surprising that now, for the very first memetime, I see an article (Emissions Soar As Permian Flaring Frenzy Breaks New Records, Nick Cunningham, Oil Price, 14 December 2019) on the contribution being made to climate-shift dynamics by natural gas flaring and venting. Back during the mid-to-late-'70s at Cornell Atmospheric Sciences, we discussed absences, absences from public discourse in debates on topical issues like ozone metabolism and the anthropogenics of climate shift. The ozone-related absence was acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode hole poking: the poking of holes in the tropopause boundary allowing drawdown of ozone. The climate-shift absence was the enormous quantity of natural gas flared and vented from oil fields around the planet ever since the late-19th century. During 1986, Robert Campbell, a Canadian petroleum engineer who worked decades in the Libyan oil fields, author of the systems-theory text entitled Fisherman's Guide, in casual conversation with me made an off-the-cuff wild-assed-guesstimate as to the total quantity flared and vented up until that memetime. I don't anymore remember the actual figure, only that it was thoroughly staggering -- even by comparison to the production made by the American buffalo herds at their population peak. Don'tyaknow, I mean, well, it's been many decades now since they've hidden the real weather data -- n-variable nomogrammatic abaques -- in routine communications transmitted by intelsats! Just think of all the variables involved in inducement of changes in theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature-surface surface topologies and their infrasound signatures. Hyperbole and parody? Mayhaps.
Logical-unto-ontological-unto-existential involutory decomposition-decompaction-partition of the unity which is Tzog-chen AllBase would involve, it seems to me, demergence -- from the non-denumerable, non-differentiable, pre-pregeometric -- of Riemann-surface-like differential structures, such that the set M of pre-pregeometry bucket-of-dust dust motes is transformed into a topological manifold, of the differentiable type, which we call, on basis of its synaesthetic properties, the Musculpt manifold numbered with nesting-foams of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Using this as the heuristic analogical model for constellation of µTm-LETS nesting-foams defined over e-commons-computer-gamed and constantly changing fractal e-boundaries -- atlases and charts involved -- one finds the spatial imagination gravitating towards some radically modified central place theory as generator of the spatial aspect of the monetary-system model of nested optimal currency areas. In the µTm-LETS case, the Christ[all}er arrangement-principle K-factors would likely, just as in our General Process cascade-under-temporal-operators theory, relate to hypercomplex, complex, and real Riemann-Euler zeta functions, changeable though they would be.
Techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams, aye -- because, given prescriptive enculturation-socialization orchestration of glutamatergic neuronal pruning at learning, only a handful of users could be expected to be prodigiously at the high end of the autistic spectrum. Ain't no charcoal-gray-to-blue-black Greek projects we're talkin' here. Nosiree. Nope. Nonesuch. If the sounded-form is Gödel-numbered, is the sound tied to the form, the number, both together, both separately, some deeper deep-structure? Hmmm. Touching timbre colors the brief episode of tinnitus, so called. Chromodynamics of the imposed acoustically-modified chronotopological instant-of-the-form? Nowadays: cathexes-ensconced-in-camera alienation of visual perception (think: progeny of the "Brownie camera" setting the terms of reductive-phenomenological inner work at walking meditation) is expanded via the smart phone to depersonalization of most all interactions with the environment -- gustatory and olfactory soon to follow. If real-numbered memetime is spatialized via haptic concretion at increasing baud-rates of consciousness, such that temporal extent becomes more and more viewable like are parallel-distance alleys meeting at a spatial horizon, then temporal CURL, in those terms, would involve turning a corner in time. But, of course, memetime has no objective existence: folie à (n-1). Nowadays: paying to watch adverts, be it via cable or internet-at-whatever-G, is to buy into remolding of the bivalent-molecular-cellular brain's plasticity under impress of prescriptive enculturation-socialization, particularly so for children, each going through their series of glutamatergic neuronal etchings and neural-network wipeouts. Mankind In (collective fluid Platonic) Amnesia -- not so much beta-blocked as quantum-quenched: binary hyper[thy/me}sia yields no access to Platonic anamnesis, which is a whole nother game of Go, one µTm-logical. Collective deaugmentation of what otherwise would be spontaneous augments: the only A's wanted by TPTB palling up into a pulseracing hustle-and-bustle scrum are those A's subject to total control, à la Marvel's comic-book superheroheroines. Holographic Musculpt, being a techno-exteriorization of eidetic active-imagination, would be the psycho-projection of an augment all would already possess were it not glutamatergically etched away during early childhood. Onset of conscious awareness of µTm-relative-state: a generative-empathy center's emanations at transit into identity-transparency. Like in high combat: seeing what only some other can see, knowing what only some other can know, and other such like that.
Bristling, 'e 'olds forth on 'ow it be that fuzzy logic deals in the shades of truth largely rejected by 1T2-only lawfare. Stroppy ex-military, 'e is, isn't 'e. Blooded in the wars, what. Shouting the odds and the oaths. Grudge against the world, more's the pity? Society, more's to tell. How else be 'e believing such rot? No mere mumblety-peg; a keepsies 3D version of taw-on-kimmies knocking marbles out of a circle! Hmmm. Such clenched-up chiding, observes he regarding his detractors. The raspy conceptual absences, he thinks, speak to the likes of Soldier of Misfortune Homer Lea, always supposing one has heard of him. Ron Soodalter, in The Amazing Homer Lea, MHQ (The Quarterly Journal of Military History), Autumn 2019, recounts Homer Lea's and Kang Youwei's roles in the efforts leading up to the October 1911 Chinese revolution. Then along came Mao to facilitate a Revolution In The Revolution which, in turn, wilted, along with pedals of myriad flowers, the resultant -- TPTB schlepping mental crud having their druthers -- being: It Is Glorious For The Kleptocratic Superrich To Get Even Richer. Unfortunately, even after all that, those making squat still all too easily buy into the notion that revolution has efficacy undiminished by the sweep of hisstory as portrayed in an objective linear-time (progress, as construed in the soft-utopian view of the singular politicoeconomic worldline). Whereas all good chaps know in getting from fuzzy logic to authentic µTm-valued logic understood independent of the notion truth-value, dust motes of the bucket-of-dust being zero-points of universal action-potential, the cosmic infrastructure post-pre-pregeometry is a logical-ontological-existential tower of a tipple, the Tzog-chen AllBase tipple dripping mined-qua-mind quanta of action, the orchestrator-implementer being 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime). No Mao model. Scuppering the so-called-quantum propensities, no capitalist model neither and nother. Near as I can tell, the very idea legitimate business has become a 1T2-only anachronism. Just look at the banking sector. Why is that? I say: because 1T2-only markets have been and are being flooded with dissimulated-quantum-based technologies, which, en masse, subtly impose their defining characteristics, regardless of acquiescence to or rejection of those characteristics by the users. The notions of 1T2-only feedbacks, order from 1T2ly-random growth processes, 1T2-order from instabilities (Paul Krugman, for example, used this sort of terminology in his book entitled The Self-Organizing Economy, Blackwell, 1996: while I am obviously no great fan of the Santa Fe Institute's 2nk-fitness landscape cum complexity theory, I nonetheless found Krugman's treatment to be of considerable interest, especially in regards to how dissimulations-in-service-to-this-and-that move between disciplines) jointly constitute a wet cognitive blanket thrown over and smothering µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, which transparency is the quantum potential driving qua piloting autopoiesis of, and temporospatial self-organization in, complex systems -- systems which, m-logically speaking, exemplify Schrödinger-memetime-independent (think: topo-active optime) demergence, even if, 1T2-logically speaking, they exemplify memetime-bound emergence. Quoting Krugman's book, p. 15:
I do not think you can sum it up better than Thomas Schelling did in the title of his book, Micromotives and Macrobehavior. We feel that we have really managed to shed light on a phenomenon when we show how that phenomenon, the macrobehavior, emerges (there is one of those words again) from the interaction of decisions by individual families or firms; the most satisfying models are those in which the emergent behavior is most surprising given the micromotives of the players. What is therefore deeply disappointing about central place theory is that it gives no account along these lines. Losch showed that a hexagonal lattice is efficient; he did not show that it would tend to emerge out of any decentralized process. Christaller suggested the plausibility of a hierarchical structure; he gave no account of how individual actions would produce such a hierarchy (or even sustain one once it had been somehow created).
What, then, is central place theory? It is not a causal model [just as quantum mechanics provides no 1T2-causal model].
If organization qua negentropy is equated to 1T2ly-recognizable-pattern formations alone, then necessarily missed are levels of self-organizational competency which are order-of-logical-value dependent: macromotifs involutorily decompose to microbehaviors, cascading level to level -- and invisibly so to binary-mind, until written out on the 1T2-only-level alone. Archetypal µTm-macromotive (mathematical relation-structures in service to operator-timed functional prerequisites) proclivities in Platonia ontologically prefigure pedestrian 1T2-only microbehaviors in normotic Flatlandish Anomieville. Non-strictly -- as distinct, heh-heh-heh! from un-de-strictly -- speaking, there is no simple-self organizing system, even as regards the non-orientable, self-reentrant, non-selfsame universe. Is the universe governed? Is it even theoretically governable? My answer is: no. Why then must our Lebenswelts-cum-accommodated-Umwelts be governed? In the cases of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, there can be no classical possible-world-logic rationality, i.e., man[i}fest as pursuit of self-interest, because, in those cases, the supposed extant absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct ego-spherical selves are actually 1T2ly-indefinable no-selves. Group dynamics of such no-selves not only cannot, by definition, involve unilateralism, they also cannot involve Schelling-conflict-strategized non-zero-sum cooperative bargaining -- given that the notion µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparent no-selves requiring communicative give-and-take is no less nonsensical than such no-selves being Guantanamo{able] incommunicado. No wonder more and more middle-fingers' benefits are being bestowed at multiple places around the planet upon those imposing 1T2-only governance from sessions held in their howffs! One of the biggest inefficiencies the human species imposes upon itself, a macrobehavior implemented with an ever bigger price tag, profoundly impacting the corpus of inefficiencies involved in, say, climate-shift dynamics, and so very much more, is imposition of bivalent on-or-off rules -- fuzzy logic has yet to sufficiently escape Japanese refrigerators as to take up residence in the various parliaments of crows and legislatures of rooks -- of micromanaging iatrogenic interventions into ADLs, activities of daily life, these interventions little more than government hassling-pestering, the myriad small-print, if printed at all, agent-effectuated regulations that have no rhyme or (even 1T2-only) reason other than petty harassment. Just as the explosive expansion of inclusions of MSG as food additive came immediately after understanding of glutamate metabolism in the brain was worked out, i.e., the role of glutamate flood as neurotoxic agent in enculturation-socialization at neuronal plasticity, so, explosive expansion of governmental micromanaging came immediately after generalized sudden understanding amongst TPTB of how thoroughly quantum-based technologies threaten viability of the prevailing binary institutional base.
Topo-active quantal optime ain't about bein' clocked everwheres (good offices of Tim Hope) you be goin'! Aye, always assuming there is in the one-wheeled-car park a last defensible space going, eh. Ah, yes, the single-wheeled-[cha}riot trope for temporal CURL (see: The Myth of Invariance, Ernest G. McClain, Nicolas-Hays, 1976, p. 35). Must not forget that Platonic weddings (see: McClain, p. 29) instrumenting µTm-relative-state identity-transparency are not monogamous, in that they are always mediated by immersion in the whole-- of nature. Which takes us to the fractal drum of Siva (see: McClain, p. 44), exemplar of the holographic principle whereby the tympanum compacts all the information constellated within the whole drum. No edge city this drum, what! I've resided near four Garreauian mega-urban-region boomburb edge cities -- Tysons Corner, Rosslyn, Reston, Century City -- and in none of these cases has Privatopia administration resulted in bureaucratic functions being mapped upon the edge of the given edge city. Negentropy throughput across smart, band-pass, fractal boundaries, i.e., quantal plasmahauts, is a foremost principle by which biological autopoiesis and self-organization transpires. The edges on which edge cities bind are not smart boundaries, let alone holographically-smart boundaries. And they cannot be such so long as our monetary system employs single-valued currency units 1T2-only processed. Only once the currency unit is scripted as a band-pass fractal drum -- quantum mechanics rightly understood with µTm-logics, not probability amplitudes, an understanding which requires embrace of topo-active optime -- could fractal e-boundaries, over which µTm-LETS-currency nesting-foams are defined relative to quantum-composite unit-of-account mappings over Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth (Russia is starting to experiment very vaguely in this general direction, if only on the wrong scale level of the nesting-foam: see Russia's Central Bank Is Now Testing Real Asset-Pegged Stablecoins, Helen Partz, Cointelegraph, 26 December 2019), become smart enough to increase their levels of autopoietic and self-organizational competency to the point where the holographic principle begins authentically to manifest in systems with complexity on the order of that currently extant in, say, the U.S. financial system -- thus automatizing much that is currently incapable of actualizing (see, for instance, the film entitled Ghost Exchange, review good offices of Maximilian C. Forte, Zero Anthropology, 29 January 2019), e.g., effective real-memetime regulation of financial markets, including those functioning on the microsecond memetimestep (think 20,000 price changes for a given stock within the period of 1 second: it takes a Zeitgeber like 3-fold topo-active optime to regulate the chromodynamics of such an information-filled instant). The uptake of quantum-based technologies into the financial infrastructure, and ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) of the underlying physics principles into financial-instrument innovations, has been enormous in the post-WWII period, yet the notions of governance have remained essentially Cartesian-Newtonian, a recipe for-- whatever word one might choose to put upon it: failure, disaster, catastrophe. Tapping orders of magnitude more deeply into nature and trying to regulate the consequences of that activity with principles analogically modeled upon understandings related to a much more surface comprehension of natural processes: not at all possible to work well over the long haul.
Given the explicit separation of worlds and the (likely implicit even to the trance medium) multiple locations and times of each ancestor as plotted on relativistic Minkowski diagrams, ancestor worship is one way to codify moment-to-moment direct conscious awareness of the 1T2-only-logical-(Western syllogistic or TaiChi rotational) Everettian relative-state interpretation of quantum mechanics. Moreover, generation after generation after generation (plotted on the applicate) of terracing Mt. Merus (plotted on the ordinate) and paddy-diking the planar Buddhological spaces of valleys (plotted on the abscissa) for wet-rice cultivation, with the sophisticated irrigation systems involved, conveys, as transmitted learned behaviors, considerable tacit topological insight concerning phase space, nested-grid multi-sheet models, and tiling patterns on covering surfaces (just look at, for instance, the designs on body-covering sacred cloths of Southeast Asian ancestral weave). Quoting our paper entitled Multivalue, Nanoimmunity, and the Genesis of Metaculture:
The French ethnologist, Giran, writing before World War One, offers us a provocative portrait:
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese. (Quoted in Nguyen Khac Kham, 1970 [Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam. Saigon: Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations]).
Here we have a characterization of animism, of contagion, of, if you will, identity transparency. But is this notion of non-singular, non-selfsame identity non-scientific? It is non-Newtonian, certainly, but with equal certainty is it consistent with quantum physics in general and the biophysics of the quantum wave properties of the DNA molecule in particular. Even the vocabulary of this ethnographic portrait produced in 1912 [actually, I now believe this portrait was produced in 1904, only four years after Planck's paper on the quantum of action, long before the sort of terminology Giran employs entered discourse on the meaning of quantum mechanics: Paul Giran, Psychologie du Peuple Annamite, Ernest Leroux, Paris, as recently made available on the internet by ForgottenBooks.com] evokes the discourse of contemporary physics with its peculiar terminology: spontaneous fusion, relative-state, chaotic dynamics, collective and cooperative behaviors, entangled states, reciprocal maintenance, instabilities, non-simple identity, multiply-connected, and so on.
As regards identity transparency distinguished from attachment qua projective-identification on the subject-object level, Yasunari Kawabata made some Zen-aesthetics-based observations in his Japan the Beautiful and Myself (as translated by William S. Whorton and Piyachit Tadang, P. Press, Bangkok, 2004). Interpreting the 13th-century poem entitled Winter's moon from midnight to dawn, Kawabata comments, p. 12:
In these 31 syllables Myo Ei says, instead of taking the moon as my friend, I, myself, who look at the moon, become the moon, and the moon having looked at me becomes me, and thus, sinking into nature, I become one with nature.
Sitting in meditation in the Zen temple's pre-dawn darkness, the priest's heart's clear brightness is thought by the moon to be its very own brilliance.
And more metaphysically, p. 27:
[In Zen meditation] one only sits without moving and without speaking, with closed eyes for long periods of time before entering the land of non-conceptual thinking. The ego is abandoned and becomes NOTHING. This NOTHING is not the no-thing of lack of existence nothing of the West. On the contrary, it is rather the universal spirit of the inexhaustible, infinite, open, freely interconnectedness of Life itself.
How can All-and-Everything be appropriately designated NOTHING? On the most-dense tiling-patterned plane of multi-sheeted Mt. Meru, i.e., the pre-pregeometry Tzog-chen AllBase sheet, all interconnectedness-intersection points of the Bucket-of-Dust are all ready already being-there ontologically-before involutory decomposition (the gradient of the characteristic potential function is the memetime-bound portrait of this Schrödinger-memetime-independent involdecomp) of the nested-grid system ensheavement, such that the mass of materiality (General Relativity speaking: empty spacetime, i.e., no-thing, given shape as curvature convolutions) becomes (Being into Becoming) only by the dropping out of view of interior points after interior points after interior points of the nesting-foam: the more ontic the found-object thing-in-itself is, the greater the loss of NOTHING and the more that something is a function of convolutions of no-thing. Maya in Samsara: the hard object of projective-identification is a function of ignorance; fund[a}mentally, the logical bivalence yielding immergence within the Lebenswelt drawn of subject-object distinctions. Returning to the phase space mentioned above, consider the following from Paul Krugman's The Self-Organizing Economy (Blackwell, 1996), pp. 31-32:
how does one visualize a landscape that changes over time? One answer is a historical atlas: a sequence of maps that traces out the changes. In some cases it may be possible to do a bit better by drawing a kind of temporal relief map in which the time dimension, and thus the evolution of the landscape, is more or less imperfectly represented
So what do you do. Anyone who has worked on formal models of dynamic systems knows the answer: you try to draw a picture of yet a third landscape, a phase space in which each point summarizes the position of the system at a point in time and in which the rules that govern the system's evolution are translated into laws of motion of that abstract landscape.
Phase space representations of dynamic systems are extremely common in modern economic analysis.
When, during early-1968, I focused my attention on the CICV/AA, Combined Intelligence Center Vietnam, Area Analysis, section's unordered chocked-randomly-into-folders gazetteer of maps in Viet Cong terminology, the collection of which depicting the history of VC boundary changes, I was not explicitly thinking about phase space as a collator of the gazetteer's import (though, surely, on a subliminal level, basic notions of topology must have been guiding me since I had done my best in 1962, as a high school junior, to work my way through an introductory textbook of topology in an independent study course preceptored by Mr. Moore, Eielson AFB High School, Alaska). While stationed at CICV/Targets, in my free time, I put those maps into time-ordered sequences per the involved geographies. Later, when reassigned to Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, I suddenly had an epiphany as regards what Krugman designates the rules that govern the system's evolution: the boundary changes were a function of the changing environment of the combat, such that the bureaucratic variables involved in provision of what Clausewitz called the whole litany of subsistence and administration were mapped upon boundaries as accommodators of that litany. Properties of the bureaucratic variables changed simultaneously with, and in high correlation to, specifics of the changed boundaries. The administrative contents of TAORs, tactical areas of responsibility, and their nesting domains, were effectively mapped on the changing boundaries, thus greatly streamlining reorganizations demanded by the changing environment of the combat. This was an animistic prefiguration of what later, in the higher reaches of theoretical physics, became known as the holographic principle (good offices of The Guardian's Stuart Clark, Lost in space? , 31 January 2017): however tacitly, the animism version of this principle grew, in my judgment, directly out of generation after generation of experience with the Buddhological sacred-space topology of wet-rice cultivation. Note that Krugman says of phase space: each point summarizes the position of the system at a point in time. This is phase space by reference to Newtonian absolute space and time, not by reference to relativistic Minkowski spacetime, where each event has n-temporal and n-spatial locations. Be aware that no matter how many phase-space variables are considered, each variable with its own coordinate, each given point in the n-dimensional phase space Krugman employs is single-valued, i.e., has simple-identity, is selfsame, is the same as itself and not simultaneously not-itself-to-the-nth-degree. Relative-state identity-transparency, necessarily a matter of m-valued variables, is by definition ruled out of Krugmanian phase space, where, in Krugman's words, p. 33, the individual units must be discrete (neurons either firing or not) ; that is, not only must the variables be single-valued, so must be the logic employed at transformational processing: the either/or dictates conformance to the bivalent Law of Distributed Middle. Speaking of Krugmanian phase space relative to Mt.Meru-type function space, in the latter case each point qua function represents the march of a multivalued variable (n-shadow-point values, each corresponding to a given level of the nesting foam) and transformational processing employs m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and in terms of non-selfsame relative-state identity-transparency.
Ack, aye, you refer to the algorithmic-trading-bot throw-ins reliant exclusively upon the 1T2-only-logic Styrofoaming in glia-analogue the financial action-potential high-frequency discharging within the AI-enhanced, bubble-wrapped, polycentric, brainiac controller of our ever more unreal economy: recidivism of the no-dones cum over-dones is taking over, what! so say our gigantic, omnipresent, ganglionic-opticonic, CPUed, compound-eying invigilators. [Curio}user and [curio}user: C&E, Cusstombs and Ex[his}i|on, agents con[his}skating fore[fit]yours -- but notice how rarely this ledger[dam}main is done to the rich, and how rare that rarely is sustained by the super-cum-hyper-cum-ultra rich. Given the pandemic ad[dick}i|on to linear-memetime [hiss}tories, Old Sod, it's hard to WAGtiment when the temporal envelop goes cuspover: pushing the double-ended whaler out, gone midnight, surely; possibly well into the wee hours already (contemplating, that is, temporal CURL quantized via Penrose-twistor whirligigs). Near as dammit, it's said. There have been viable alternatives, so magnanimously sayeth the Primordialist to the Traditionalist pro[dig}ally yearning for memetimes passed. All such alternatives ignored, of course. Submitting to declutterization. Slouching and sneering the glams-gone-all-punkered-and-goth. Collective projective-identification employed so as, with brio, to self-dissimulate the unconscious pursuit of penitence vis-à-vis the ontological guilt, the moral wounds not mortal (etiology of the most persistent form of PTSD, curable only by uninhibited embrace of the obvious implications of the iniquities responsible for the moral injuries), the existential angst sustained by compliance to prevailing normotic behavioral gradients. Mass, not merely class, normosis, what. Ouch! riding the crest of that saddleback -- as pulled along the hyperpotential functor to the strangest of strange attractors, i.e., as regards the mid-19th-century collective-unconscious decision for human-species suicide. Globalized collective obsession with simply-identifiable IDs gone fuguey mass psychosis under ConveDDing, conversion-disorder displacing, of the fear and loathing, indeed the terror, evoked by the m-valued logics of quantum non-simple identity qua relative-state identity-transparency. O, how TPTB do self-justify their subterfuges-in-service-to-the-false-claim-to-discrete-selfsameness! A goss she is -- and he, no less. Got the boak because of the plethora of sanctimonies spuriously spouted? Gone-to-cack poohbahs writing in E coli poo their regaling e-cultured blackpsyche upon spontaneously-generated-enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically-anchored walls of mass mind. Their VR-simulacra seems fun[e}real to me, particularly when the walls of their tunnel vision are holographically projected. The main lesson I took back from my experience of the Viet Nam war is that it is crazy to engage insane people with logically-argued fact-based analytics. The main lesson I took away from my experience during Cornell days is that my Viet Nam war lesson applies to science as well: a perspective embraced by Gail Tverberg in Scientific Models Too Often Prove Whatever The Grant-Provider Wants Proved, ZeroHedge reposting from Our Finite World Blog, 5 January 2020. The main lesson I took away from my experience as a medical transcriptionist is that findings on physical exams are variables dependent upon which lawyer commissioned the exam: the patient's, the insurance company's, the Workman's Comp Board's, the prospective employer's. These lessons, in retrospect, are not surprising, given how much inner work and voluntary suffering is required to overcome the mass of self-metaprogramming we engage in to reinforce the prescriptive enculturation-socialization we are subject to. Once born and raised a mil.brat, altogether ridding oneself of the induced mindset is a task couched in infinite regress; once through Special Forces Training Group, abandonment altogether, as regards life in general, of the special service operator's mission-bound cognition is a task unlikely actually to succeed. And that's one of the rubs, eh. Initial conditions having tacitly been found wanting due to Schrödinger-memetime-independence and nonorientability under 3rd-order topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime), hisstorical contingency became hyssterical contingency, and, given The Tacit Dimension, more fools them by sufferance hardly anyone has developed insight as to the actual etiology and pathogenesis of the ensuing mass-unto-collective prolonged schizophrenic break, though symptomatology has been obsessively fretted over in the alternative media. What is the transmission mechanism? is a 1T2-only memetime-bound-cum-locality-referenced question. The µTm-unto-CTC+ states of identity-transparencies are expressions of the orders-of-value of the logics of systems: these states require no transmissions; they non-simply are just being-there. How, for instance, do stem cells differentiate? By what means does a chemical Turing morphogen tell cells what to become, i.e., speaking 1T2-only-logically alone, how are the genetic instructions conveyed? By the when, where, and how so of on-or-off gene expression-slash-repression elicited billiard-ball-like via thermodynamically-determined random motion of signaling molecules chancing upon the correct cell receptors so as to input their specific messages at the correct memetime instant via signal transmission pathways? And what is the self thus self-organizing itself -- when it has yet, memetemporally speaking, to become what it is to become? And think of this all the way back into the mists of early-memetime. War is peace; instability, order; randomicity, structured arrangement? Consider that temporal self-organization, for one, is not rooted in memetime; rather, it manifests via the higher-temporal formants of topo-active optime: the exemplary case being the quantum harmonic oscillator which is the pi-electron-gas core of DNA (from the 1T2-only-logical take, subject to environmental perturbations and generating coherent waves carrying all the information contained in the nucleotide pairs as answer-back: ostensibly extrinsically motivated; yet, µTmly speaking, intrinsically autopoietic under topo-active optime where, in the terms of econometrics, Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock enter the functor-space picture, and where superstates are matters of the phase lockings consitutive of [in memetime-bound parlance] µTm-relative-state having gone to full-blown CTC+-identity-transparency). Considering, that is, quantum nonlocality being, quite obviously, no basis for a nearest-neighbor knock-on diffusion-of-reactions model of morphogenesis (higher-temporal formants of the coherent waves radiated by superconductant pi-electron-gas core of DNA, described by the canonical equation of our topo-active optime model, establish a chronotopological quantum-composite which functions as if it were a morphogenetic field?). Quoting Paul Krugman, The Self-Organizing Economy, Blackwell, 1996, p. 49:
a seemingly disorderly and complex process of fragmentation [think: spontaneous localization by Schrödinger-memetime-independent involutory decomposition] (which is random growth with a minus sign) produces a simple order of a power law, and the exponent of that power law contains important information -- in this case [a shattered Grecian urn], incredibly, it turns out to reveal the shape of the original object.
And in the case of fractal drums, it's hearable shapes! Musculpt manifold. Three-fold topo-active optime is temporal CURL exponentiated. Those exponents (particularly when µTm-logically pregeometrically fractalized via the skew-perpendicularity on the geometrodynamics level which underlies the spacetime physics of Heisenberg uncertainty) are related to the exponents of the power laws Krugman refers to, such that what 1T2ly appears to be random minus-signed growths actually are CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-memetime-independent-involutory-decomposition per[co}lation-cascades (each time-shape regime having its own unique critical state determined by the values of its absolute limiting velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration) of chronotopologies on Tzog-chen AllBase of MVRS (the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space). Shape-shifting is by exchange of exponents on topo-active optime (form-in-process of changing acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature surfaces being a good example, belying the supposed classical limit, in the mid-range of scale levels). Quoting our 1978 paper entitled "The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere":
The inverse of h*/CpT yields .13 Hz, the theorized fundamental frequency of the vertically-propagating infrasound. These acoustic waves amplify exponentially as they propagate into the upper atmosphere, because of the decreasing density with respect to height. This gives insight into the means by which tropospheric dynamics are coupled to the ionosphere by the quantum signal. It also provides quantitative guidance to evaluation of the risks ground-based transmitters, high-energy lasers, and man-made hot auroras pose to processes involved in ozone metabolism.
Nature raising tails of neckties towards the fast-moving incoming roll cloud, a cloud-atlas type not yet, still precuspover, one sort of super[ann}u|ated conveyance. Think: acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode-catalyzed mode lockings across scale levels extending percolation depth at cascade of solar-wind-conveyed hypercomplex, complex, and real angular momentum (qua temporal CURL effects of 3-fold topo-active optime) such that geophysical superintegration (severe storm genesis, crustal and core dynamics) is facilitated. In this context, it is worth noting that our point has long been that, if the nonlinear accelerator is responsible for persistence of business cycles (good offices of Richard M. Goodwin and his income propagation multiplier-accelerator model, as elaborated upon by Serena Sordi and Alessandro Vercelli in Discretely proceeding from cycle to chaos on Goodwin's path, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 17:4, September 2006, pp. 41-36), then the memetime(W.Jamesian continuous or quantized as Buddhological discrete; differential or difference)-rate-of-change of the resultant higher-order-exponentiated accelerator self-oscillator-steering unto self-reentrant nonorientability (the speed/acceleration/time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration-of-adjustment parameters being the baud rate, rate of rate, rate of rate of rate of economic-system consciousness) is responsible for self-referential market reflexivities which are processable only with µTm-valued self-referential logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to relative-state identity-transparency. Consider that, quoting Sordi-Vercelli:
The multiplier [essentially and necessarily dynamic, to quote Goodwin, as quoted by S-V] is interpreted by Goodwin as a mechanism of propagation of income that determines the equilibrium value of aggregate income on the basis of the structural constraints of a monetary economy. [p. 417]
To our lights, the greatest structural constraint of a monetary economy is the order of logical-value involved in definition of the money employed. The multiplier, obviously, is not, thus, merely a matter of the psychological propensity (even understood in terms of 1T2-only-qua-2-state-only-quantum Popperian infinite sets-of-slopes propensities, change-of-slopes-qua-multiple-connections predilections [nowadays demonstrated in the lab up to the computer chip scale level, to wit: Physicists just Achieved Teleportation Between Computer Chips for the First Time, Manuel Garcia Aguilar, TheMindUnleashed, 1 January 2020], change-of-slopes-reentering-themselves-qua-nonorientabilities proclivities) to consume. Nature spoilt for choice at reduction of the wave-packet? Not under CTC+-logics! Again quoting Sordi-Vercelli:
The accelerator completes the representation of the propagation system by introducing a second feedback [i.e., induced private investment in technology by way of reaction to changes in consumption] between variation of income and expenditure. [p. 420]
Properties of the technologies involved in the accelerator drive may themselves be viewed as structural constraints of a monetary economy, particularly so when properties of currencies are directly dependent thereupon. As given to our understanding: under the accelerator, exclamation points in the regime of punctuated equilibrium become so close together that the equilibrium state becomes one of persistent far-from-equilibrium; under time-rate-of-change of the accelerator, the exclamation points become identity-transparent and the persistent far-from-equilibrium state becomes one of persistent non-equilibrium. Of course, this is a spatial description of the reverse cascade, a retrograde inversion; on the other hand, speaking 1T2ly, topo-active-optime effectuated involutory decomposition Schrödinger-memetime-independently takes CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state-identity-transparent non-equilibrium into 1T2-only equilibrium amongst absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct whatnots. What of this is made econometrically visible is dependent upon the orders of logical-value upon which the currency units employed are defined (and hence the dimensionality of microeconomic action directives price-delivered to market participants) and through which transactions are processed.
Ever-more sussed, snitchy grass-ups to TPTB, exhorting the hoi polloi with the slogan Pint-pullers of the world unite!, aren't likely to satisfactorily resolve the current global conundrum. Not least because of Ol' Burt havin' long since put the fear a God inta the errant KentStaters. Nowadays, that's them GMOed, glyphosated, extracted, and soon to be evaporated. Presently looking at another Whig-the-dog, chicken-catch-a-Tory interregnum to feed upon, it is well to closely gander how the Weltanschauung is transiting -- even if the Lebenswelt ain't, due to the hiatuses within oh-so-many Umwelts. That being the case, there are several quotations taken from Klein Bottle Logophysics, Self-reference, Heterarchies, Genomic Topologies, Harmonics and Evolution, Diego Lucio Rapoport, Quantum Biosystems, 7:1, November 2016, pp. 1-73, to which I would like to draw attention. Quoting Rapoport:
time far from being a linear external parameter, will appear to be related to a logophysical operator associated to the Klein Bottle's non-orientability. [p. 14]
We are in complete agreement with this notion as it is exactly how we characterized 3rd-order temporal CURL at the end of our Toward a General Theory of Process paper. Rapoport once more:
As for the underlying logophysical agency supporting this closure [self-referential Klein Bottle reentry sustaining unity in coordinated diversity, to use Rapoports words, or, in our words, unity which demands diversity for its very realization] it can be identified with the TIME operator [p. 15]
Orders of self-referential reflexivities being of the essence of pregeometry m-valued-logics propositions, Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value are hereby called into constellation. Again quoting Rapoport:
TIME operates as a metamorphical operator. It converts the positive real axis to the positive imaginary axis, and the negative imaginary axis to the negative real axis. This allows the reentrance of the blown-up system on itself through a transition that enable as cycle of recreation of the system, and particularly, in the case of thermodynamical systems to reenter through negative entropy values following the divergence of the entropy of the non-linear evolution. [note 11, p. 68]
This statement of antitransitivity (the conversion being not actually a matter of binary relations) is exactly tantamount, heh-heh-heh, to those given transeuntly here and here and here, and, I would note, as lavishly demonstrated with historical-data-set runs of the Paine-Kaplan numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis. Neglecting, that is, the J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined skew-perpendicularity underlying the Heisenberg uncertainty relations and the pregeometry CTC+-unto-µTm-logics under which such geometrodynamic skewness is demergent. Once again quoting Rapoport, this time at length:
M = TIME + SPIN, with SPIN given by the Pauli matrix of rotation in the normal direction z to the cognitive plane. Thus, M is a logophysical vortex given by the sum of two such vortices producing thus the non-transitivity of neural networks and their abandonment of the 2d-plane, as claimed by McCulloch. As a logophysical operator it generates the 'circular' causality which is pervasive to Nature. Operator TIME introduces timing as related to intentionality in the sense of Aquinas (Rapoport, 2011d) into neural networks. Yet, the original model of Pitts and McCulloch in terms of dual logic, requires a global synchronization which is not the case (Legendy, 2009). Rather than a global synchronization a dynamic task-oriented synchronization appears to be the case (Legendy, 2009). A HyperKlein Bottle(s) logophysics appears to naturally support this, since heterarchy and partial hierarchy is their case. Kaehr and von Goldammer: within any domain the hierarchical principle holds and the multitude of domains are combined by the principle of heterarchy, systems structured in this way allow an interplay of coordination (heterarchy) and sub ordination (hierarchy). It is the distribution of qualitatively different domains which has no equivalent in classical logic where a single basic domain is classified in types, categories, worlds, etc. This is the fundamental difference between McCulloch's conception of heterarchy and that of the so-called 'radical constructivism' [note 11, p. 68]
Consider this given immediately above from Rapoport in conjunction with this amplification note to our Toward a General Theory of Process paper. It should be observed that the notion of heterostasis developed by A. Harry Klopf (Brain Function and Adaptive Systems: A Heterostatic Theory, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Special Reports, No. 133, 3 March 1972) is an evocation of heterarchy. Rapoport elaborating further upon HyperKlein Bottle and heterarchy, to wit:
openness [the heterodyne beat-down through the frequency funnel] to the heterarchical environment is the nature of the HyperKlein Bottle and its coding of genomes as embodying the environment and its diversity [p. 16]
Our notion has been that the higher temporal formants of the quantum-wave properties of DNA's pi-electron-gas core-sheath, at radiation exchange during helix-coil transition, are instrumental for insuring environmental fit, no less than facilitating adaptive functional integration (by permitting expression) of micro-mutations (most of such being non-adaptive -- hence often repressed -- and/or pathogenic). Consider yet another quotation from Rapoport. Speaking of the Pauli matrix representation, he says:
This null matrix corresponding to the null operator in this logic can be realized by light rays in a twistor representation. [note 11, p. 69]
Contemplate this statement in conjunction with our speculation -- time operates on space to generate form -- that 3-fold temporal CURL is to be quantized by means of the Penrose twistor. The following excerpt from a sentence of Rapoport elicits a final observation I would like to make here:
the non-dual logophysics which decurs from its generation of non-orientability as is the case of the Klein Bottle [p. 16]
I note that Rapoport's use of the word decurs is similar to my use of the word remerges, as in, for instance, remerges from onticity under the counter-temporal operations [which are not tantamount to memetime reversal] of 3-fold topo-active optime. I view cyclotomic involutory-decomposition demergence into onticity as memetime-independently transpiring 3rd-to-2nd-to-1st-order, optime actively effectuating the logical-value-order-type transition CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, this direction of logical-ontological-existential precedence relations indicating that the calculus notion derivative is inadequate within logical-value-order-type contextualizations supraordinate to that 1T2-only. Of course, Rapoport's treatment of these subjects is, in many respects, far more elaborate than what we were able to manage.
Gimme, gimme, gimme. So say our human greedy algos. Just try to imagine their post-human surrogates! Financial-casino primate city, money-centered mental hunchbacks huckabucking it into the gambling top tiers, then all going into a circle-the-copcars hoodle so as to repel the pity-the-poor-immigrant hoi polloi. For instance, actual climate-shift dynamics used as one justification for the planet's various Siberias being glulagged into one giant Cyberia. Why the Future Doesn't Need Us, Sun Microsystems' Bill Joy, Wired, 1 April 2000 (typical postmodernist title, given his argument). Post-human cybernetic totalism's feral final solution targets the whole hu-hu-human species? Nay, all life on Earth. Snookering the snookers, what. Hardly the best done template for an optimal entrepreneurial socius in an economy functioning at a high level of self-organizational competency. Will blockchained Bitcoin and the like take care of this? The currently prevailing cashless, fiat-cryptocurrency world (good offices of Ashley Viens of Visual Capitalist, ZeroHedge, 6 December 2019) is Beyond Borders native to its internal system state; each cryptocurrency is defined upon the same two boundaries: the covering surface of Earth and humanity's militarized, collective-egoic, Riemannian, 5+Ged noosphere. Even were non-central-banked cryptocurrencies gold-backed, they could not propel markets into the realms of self-organizational competency exhibited by organic systems where autopoiesis and self-organization are functions of the holographic principle and resource exchange across smart boundaries. Had an authentic gold standard actually worked well, there likely would not have been a WWI-battle of the War of the World, no post-WWII-battle BW1-gold-exchange system VietCong-LBJ-Volcker Nix[ed]on (good offices of Joseph T. Salerno, Mises Wire, 19 December 2019), thus invoking the BW2-petrodollar system currently under great manmade-cum-natural stress. The currency backings required are various, myriad, and relative to Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Think of the cyclotomic-involutory-decomposition demergence hierarchy as upside-down Mt. Meru, the base-plate of the inverted pyramid being the operator-timed, logophysical, percolation theoretic, sand-clock, Pascal-triangulated, most-densely-packed CTC+ sheet, aka Tzog-chen AllBase state space, and the point of the pyramid being a µTm-processable m-valued currency unit (the 1T2-only cut of the unit's ensheavement being cash) within a fractal-e-boundaried optimum-currency-area jigsaw-puzzle-tile LSTD (limited spacetime domain) of the nth-sheet of Lukasiewiczian-LETS nesting-foam. Now, because internal and external source-sink terms engage in non-orientable reentries, think of Mt. Meru, not only as a Klein Bottle (autocatalysis from a 1T2-memetime-bound perspective; non-simply just being-therehere-hyparxis from a CTC+-aperspectival knowledge-through-identity-transparency take), but as a HyperKlein Bottle where within, due to omnipresence of the holographic principle, hierarchical relations are radically superseded by the synergies coordinated via heterostasis as strange attractor on heterarchy of the Musculpt manifold, M. What I'm looking for are ways to identify the self-organized optimum µTm-LETS currency areas which have long existed unacknowledged -- and constantly changing -- at the sub-supranational, sub-national, sub-provincial, sub-county, sub-megaurbanregion, sub-megalopolis, sub-city scale levels. Consider the following statement and footnote as given by Paul Krugman during a discussion of Fourier-series frequency-window decomposition as applied to the modeling of edge-city formation, The Self-Organizing Economy, Blackwell, 1996, pp. 80-81:
we imagine a city in which the distribution of business can in fact be described as a regular, sine-wave fluctuation around the average density. How can we do this when even the Fourier series representation gives us a city with many fluctuations at different frequencies? As long as the fluctuations are small, we can approximate our model by a set of linear equations; and as long as we can do this, we can, as it were, partition our metropolis into a set of independently evolving shadow metropolises -- one with a wavelength of 40 miles, one with a wavelength of 20, and so on
To be more precise: any sinusoidal fluctuation around the flat equilibrium turns out to be an eigenfunction of this dynamic system; its growth rate is the associated eigenvalue. And the whole process I am describing is precisely one of representing a dynamic spatial model as a partial differential equation, whose solutions are all sine and cosine functions.
Even if the fluctuations are small, the shadow conundrums (qua conurbations) do not evolve independently (envision a stack of holographic plates as transparent acetate sheets where the waveforms thereupon can be Joe-Goode looked through such that the view is one of a superhologram), nor do the long wavelengths fade out (e.g., atmospheric infrasound bursts amplify with height) as the short wavelengths do not do little or nothing (e.g., phased-array electron-temperature-enhancement inductions of hot auroras). Let's hear from the cascade-theoretic, Paine-Kaplan, nested-grid, numerical (sets of simultaneous nonlinear partial differential equations) forecast model of the severe-storm densification-intensification-growth leading to onset of tornadogenesis. Superseding the primitive equation set and moving more deeply into rhyme-and-rhythm of the involved dynamics, we quote our 1978 paper, The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere:
If one considers the multiplicity of quanta which we have now identified from a single fundamental frequency (i.e., the external gravity wave train, the vertically-propagating internal gravity waves, the microeddy introduction of free energy packets, et cetera), then an intriguing picture emerges which will require a reinterpretation of Schrödinger's wave equation. A given fundamental frequency of an oscillating parcel represents a state (i.e., relative-state, in the full Everett-Wheeler-Graham sense) of interaction between the limited atmospheric domain and a given level of its embedding hierarchy. All the whole integer packets of quantized energy and angular momentum are quanta arising from the superposed subsystem-system-supersystem composite. And the description of the total configuration of oscillating parcels, each represented by a given eigenvalue having real and imaginary components, is a deterministic description of the result of all possible interactions of the LSTD with its embedded subsystems and embedding supersystems.
Likewise, the complex nonlinear wave interaction, both within and outside the embedded domain, must be represented by superposed eigenfunctions having real and imaginary components. Each process carried to its limit generates sets of quanta which serve to interconnnect all involved domains. This interaction is currently described as if it were a probabilistic wave function tied to a single (linear) view of time. But what if Schrödinger's equation were re-written, as we have demonstrated with the equation set of Maxwell, to include two ordering functions of time (one being nonlinear)? Would we then begin holding the entirety of such multivalued, complex, mathematical values and functions in view so as to encompass the vistas offered by a hierarchical-holographic, relativistic-quantum theory?
Now quoting our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper:
We note from Eq 9 that the total time rate of change of i-cap, j-cap, and k-cap components of relative vorticity is forced by the three-dimensional solenoid, divergence and curl of friction terms when the analytic perspective remains embedded within a particular spatial atmospheric volume defined by the x,y,z-coordinate system. However, from the aforegiven description of the cascade process, we have found that an additional degree of freedom must be available to this system in order for it to escape an otherwise inevitable infinite concentration of vorticity, kinetic energy, and mass within its finite spatial volume. The traditional view has been that friction would literally dissipate such a problem. But we have seen empirical evidence, such as that offered in the previous section, which suggests that natural systems have a far more elegant solution to the problem: i.e., the generation of coherent (acoustic) waves, which originate from the cascade of kinetic energy through the hydrodynamic spectrum.
To mathematically codify this point of view, we add a gradient in time to the traditional gradients in space to define a first order spacetime del operator
This is the first step toward formalizing time as topologically-active operator on space, and distinguishing such time from memetime otherwise regarded an objective linear-time. One way to think about the nature of topo-active optime is as analogue of the operator employing memetime-discretization methods (good offices of Hans Petter Langtangen, Simula Research Laboratory, U. of Oslo, 2016) of solving nonlinear partial differential equations: the higher-temporal forms of the Maxwell and Schrödinger equations, incorporating operator-time, in effect, solve sets of simultaneous nonlinear partial differential equations (not so much for us as for form in process). Once more from the Superconductant Exchange paper:
Term 3 on the lefthandside of (17) appears in the role of a work term wherein the expansion-contraction of the parcel as it traverses [between the reference-level temperature and the critical temperature] represents a means of information exchange within the limited atmospheric domain. This is a type of carrier function which contributes no component to the actual information exchanged, but does define the extent of this domain In this manner, an active temporal parameter partitions the spatial reference frame, or, in other words, the fundamental frequency of the oscillating parcel functions as an ordering principle by establishing limits of the involved spatial domain.
The question I'm posing to myself is: once higher-valued logics are fully acknowledged as definitely involved in relative-state of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Fourier decomposition, how exactly does the temporal operator establish changing boundaries of limited domains upon which nested internal system states are mapped according to the holographic principle? Answer to this question would be required for initialization and maintenance of µTm-LETS currencies defined on nesting-foams of fractal e-boundaries. I imagine a research strategy involving studies of emergent memetime-evolution models like those described by Krugman plus studies of demergent operator-time models using input shapes (see: Creating Personalized Jigsaw Puzzles, Cheryl Lau, et al., Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 2014 or later by References: simulation runs being made in search of the abecedarium of root visual geometrodynamic-cum-geomantic autopoietic involutory decomposers for each member of the collection of changing µTm-LETS-currencies OCAs, optimum currency areas) drawn from stylizations of the letters of the Hebrew and Sanskrit alphabets (these languages regarded as universal semiotic corpora, after the manner of Stan Tenen and John Woodroffe, licit letters and some licit words of which possibly originally inspired by ideaesthetic experience of gematric-yantric visual onomatopoeia à la the bouba-kiki effect), then looking for match-ups between the two rectilinear strategic approaches as regards infinite-figure irregular tessellations on 2D representation space, à la jigsaw genesis and solution (see: Genetic Algorithm-Based Solver for Very Large Multiple Jigsaw Puzzles of Unknown Dimensions and Piece Orientation, Dror Sholomon and Eli David and Nathan S. Netanyahu, ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 1191–1198, Vancouver, Canada, July 2014, posted to arXiv on 17 November 2017). The input piece sets (think: collections of LSTDs) for utilization by the genetic algorithms would be generated from the input shapes abecedaria. Relative to µTm-LETS nesting-foams, the initializing puzzle image employed (at open-source human-agency-e-commons m-scenarios computer gaming of initialization and maintenance) would be a depiction of the prevailing geopolitical-administrative map, the superimposed jigsaw tessellations being, not a laser-cut of that map, but an articulated universal-covering concretion WiFi-executed as a fractal-e-boundary mesh-network. One can imagine all sorts of SkySpace art tropologically meta-referencing this meshwork, thereby enhancing the user-friendliness provided by the Musculpt interface to µTm-LETS.
One of the Lorenz-heretical aspects of the computerized Paine-Kaplan, cascade-theoretic, nested-grid, numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis, circa 1970s and 1980s, is absence of renormalization of divergence to infinity within the diagnostic set of simultaneous nonlinear partial differential equations employed. Diagnosis of such divergence initializes temporal CURL, the means by which energy-momentum cascade from nesting to nested scale levels is orchestrated. No believer in chaotic Lorenzian atmospheric dynamics (see The discontinuity problem and 'chaos' of Lorenz's model, Soucheng OuYang, Kybernetes, 27 [6/7], August 1998, pp. 621-35: quoting the abstract, Lorenz's model should be restudied questioningly), Cornell meteorologist Douglas A. Paine, during the late-1970s (can't remember the specific year), was a member of a scientific delegation which traveled around China conferring and lecturing. Paine lectured on the physics underpinning the cascade model of tornadogenesis. Upon his return to the U.S., Paine told me that there was considerable positive interest (a wealth of probing questions from the floor) in cascade theory by Chinese scientists, thus starkly contrasting with the situation in the U.S. Similarly to the case of my extensive 1980 discussions of the cascade model with M. P. Singh's (note that Springer wants personal info even to view the nothing of a preview, and wants 35 bucks to read the biography: what sort of crime is this to be classified as, given the impact which this sort of thing has on prospect for survival of humanity through coming cuspover?) group at IIT, India Institute of Technology, New Delhi (I met Singh at an all-India quantum chemistry conference held at IIT [my inadvertently having happened upon this conference shortly after publication of our DNA paper was apparently found disturbing by the FBI] and the Cornell connection was a big facilitator), plausible as it may be, there is no way I could possibly know whether or not Paine's lectures in China sowed a seed that eventually flowered as Beyond Nonstructural Quantitative Analysis -- Blow-Ups, Spinning Currents, and Modern Science, Yi Lin and Yong Wu, World Scientific, 2002. While pre-poststructuralist post-postmodernist Chinese Taoist materialism (painting Lao Tzu with a PhotoShopped Engelsian airbrush) conveys no more veracity and/or nature-verisimilitude than did postmodernist Marxist dialectical materialism (clearly, however accurate, the foregoing is as racist a statement as claiming that glutamate is a neurotransmitter one role of which is to function as a neurotoxin executing neural-network wipeouts: going alpha to get at the alpha will probably soon be hormonally impossible, given all the mimetic estrogens clogging binding sites of cells of organisms frequenting Wall Street -- and anyone who doubts that the exploding incidence of the estrogen-titers-increasing [quoting M. S. Zia, et al., on MSG's effect upon serum estrogen: It induces uterine fibroid ], mimetic estrogenic [quoting Brian Finan, et al., as regards estrogen delivery: addition of a C-terminal lysine amide to serve as the estrogen attachment site. Additionally, to maximize GLP-1 potency, we introduced glutamic acid at the 16th position ] neurotoxic MSG in foodstuffs of all kinds has become a population management, dumbing-down, wimping-up, gynecomastia-induction tool would do well to contemplate the level of blackpsyche ineptitude practiced by CNN: commission a MedLine dump from the National Library of Medicine on MSG research and see how many hundreds of abstracts implicating MSG in how many diseases you get for a $200 dump, a $400 dump, so on), still, the implied panhylism (the antecedent-consequent 1T2-order of determinism reduced to being derivative of properties of materials' structures) in critiquing the linearization of the nonlinear is of very considerable utility -- even if it does not recognize, in remaining wed exclusively to 1T2-only logic, be that logic TaiChi-rotational qua enantiodromic, that chaos-complexity theory is a 1T2-only way of cognizing µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. Because of relative-state identity-transparency, the m-observers aspect (hence, by Special Relativity of reference frames, each event having n-spatial-positions and n-temporal-instances of occurrence) of the Minkowski diagram is just a 1T2-way of cognizing qua covering over qua hiding from the µTm-unto-CTC+ logics of the non-localizable ketaminergic quantum brain, thus consigning those logics to the collective unconscious-as-infinite-sets. Parmenidean nothing ever changes is the CTC+-Schrödinger-memetime-independent take; Heraclitian everything is nothing but changes is the 1T2-only-memetime-bound take. And then there's all those takes in between. Ack, aye, the CTC+ perpetuality of all possible-world-logics of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes induced by 1st-order topo-active optime; the µTmly-cyclical Gödelian CTC, closed timelike curve; the 1T2-logic inculcated via 1st-order topo-active optime as prescriptively enculturated-socialized to the memetime which is glutamatergically anchored to the molecular-cellular n-brains of m-observers. Under the perpetualities of self-reentrant 3rd-order dynamics there are, by definition, no initial values to choose from through which to arrive by employment of the calculus at solutions to equations: wave equations are useless so far as 3rd-order temporal CURL is concerned. Wave statements (see Section 6 and associated Appendix of our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement), however, are a different matter, 1T2ly-solvable wave equations being deeply embedded there within the statement nesting-foam. Not only is turbulence memetime-step and ponderable-space-grid-length dependent under 1T2-only processing, order/chaos itself -- as general-notion-incorporator of the specific cases of turbulence, eddy motions, irregularities of structure, memetime-defined entropy, Brownian motion, so on -- is order-of-logical-value dependent: no matter what sort of disorder posited, there exists some logic of the myriads involutorily decomposable from CTC+ under which that posited disorder is the epitome of order. On CTC+-Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense-sheet state space of Musculpt manifold, there is no, repeat no, Laws-Of-Form distinction drawn -- not least between order and orderlessness (disorder becoming more and more plausible as ontological demergence [in I-Ching yarrow-stalk-toss lattice-lay-in-the-field-of-the-time terms, not two-sided-coins-toss-Book-of-Chances terms, from the hexagonal lattice of Upper Heaven to the equilateral-triangular lattice of Lower Heaven], under 3-fold topo-active optime, approaches 1T2-existential memetime-bound immanence). I dropped Calculus 101 after being told not to ask fundamental questions because that antisocial behavior disrupted presentation of class material. What little I subsequently learned about the calculus I got on my own. I questioned most the very idea of convergent and divergent limits. The notion of a limit seemed to me a focal case of neurotic phobia, of thematic evasion (in the Autogenic Training terms I was at that juncture of my life intensely studying: the thematic evasion type of NAFR, neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance), of a hiding-from. My opinion was that the limit doesn't actually exist because something changes, and that that change is a focus of fear and loathing, a somewhat over which killing is justified, a source of mass hysteria, one of the main reasons why mass warfare transformed itself into total war (pagan-animistic participation mystique qua participation inconsciente, psychic contagion, possession, identity-transparency are subliminally signified by this change [Don't you dare disrespect the uni! is about as far into this universal constant as the prevalent low level of introspective competence allows]: if the ultra-rich exploiters-of-the-flaws-in-the-existing-institutional-base global leadership elite, being well ragged, wishes to retain warfare as egoic extension of eco[no]mics, then it should pay for its wars itself, no public funds directly or indirectly should be devoted to war as a private enterprise, the thus-unblockchained public-sector funds should then be used to pay for public utilities like open-source publishing of scientific papers, an advert-free internet, public transportation, internalization of environmental externalities via µTm-LETS nesting-foams, and so on). I didn't know exactly what that change was until several years later in the Cornell mathematics library when I ran across Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics: in the limit, the order-of-logical-value changes (which means virtually everything changes) -- and by that memetime ([re}cognition of me regards this issue was firmly established during 1975) I knew how that change was executed. By topo-active optime -- temporal CURL relative to domain structures (which structures only become material ontologically-when demergent upon the 1T2-only-logic-order-type level alone: Maya in Samsara; unfortunately, Bertrand Russell's anti-nuclear stance did not quantum-jump scale levels and back-reactively change hisstory so as to preempt his logical atomism). It takes a whole lot of shiftiness, renormalization legerdemain, to so long remain in denial -- of m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency -- in facebook of the m-observed n-locations/times of each single event booked on the Minkowski diagram (one such event being the birth of you; another, the birth of me), of the m-valued Schrödinger state-function, of the m-variables m-observed of the partial derivative and partial differential equation (heuristically freeze-frame m-1 m-observed variables so as to heuristically study the one that's left, heh-heh-heh!), of the 1T2-only-absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinction m-drawn between the simultaneous and the sequential equation set, between continuous and discrete time, function, integral, probability distribution. Function continuous-at-a-point (if limits aren't Mexican beans jumping between logical-value order-types) -- and especially so if that point is infinite discontinuous unbound. Heh-heh-heh!
When faced with the enormity of the ignorance our global leadership elite is so proud to make public display of, the best response is to participate as little as personal circumstances permit -- as there is no doubt (given how overwhelmingly cause-push/attractor-pull collective unconscious event gradients set the synoptic behavioral gestalt) that, whatever is done, the thing, whatever it in fact is, will run its course over and around whatever small obstructions may be in its path. That's The Inevitable when societies, indeed, whole civilizations, succumb to the mass hysterias symptomatic of collective psychosis, a succumbing consequent upon cognitive-dissonant, double-bind-induced, chronic-stress-fed, long-term absences, fugues, lacuna-on-brains as regards etiologies and pathogeneses. For one of the myriad instances to choose from: hisstory was so OWI/OSS-MO jacked that we don't even have a good picture of what actually happened during WWII, let alone real insight as to causes, and especially not awareness that there was a deep-structure to the causation-teleology. Historiological-qua-historiographic Substantialism trumped by so-called Historical Realism to the extent that historiology was mandated obsolete by Soros guru Karl Popper and philosopher-historiographer, R. G. Collingwood. Humph! If readers of Sideshow understand that arclights on the menu were causes of the Cambodia holocaust, how many understand that those causes had a cause (I lived in rural Cambodia for three years by way of facilitating my ruminations upon absence of quality in the bit of mercy to be found in the planetarized Lebenswelt we've willfully inculcated) -- and that that cause was deeply related to deep-structure etiology of WWII? Nonetheless, despite the impetus to nonparticipation, there is such as making preparations for those few conjunctures -- critical memetime periods, opportune moments for action: Kairos being indicative of topologically-active operator-time which acts only at so-regarded absolute limiting values of dynamical variables, this action misconstrued in the calculus as being simply a passive numerical value) -- at which effective action can be taken. We're talking here perception management as regards, say, the difference between differentials and derivatives, functions and numerical values? Consider, for instance, Joachim Blatter (U. of Konstanz, where there is a Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour) writing Beyond Hierarchies and Networks: Institutional Logics and Change in Transboundary Spaces, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, 16:4, October 2003, pp. 503-26, where it is concluded that the mobilization of emotional symbols as consensus-building action ought to be more deeply appreciated. This idea directly links to the orientation I have taken: consensuation (no bargaining up a threat-negotiated Art of the Deal) through Well, that's unassailably obvious, now that you can see-hear it so clearly, isn't it VirFut Q-Pro, m-scenarios, strategic, Musculpt-as-user-friendly-interface computer-gaming simulacra of, for instance, initialization and realmemetime ongoing maintenance of µTm-LETS nesting-foams defined over fractal e-boundaries mapped on Musculpt manifold -- the emotional component having enhanced psychological-function balance (cf. C. G. Jung's Psychological Types) because use of Musculpt-as-maths-notation precludes function over-specialization, e.g., disproportionate reliance on the thinking function or the feeling function and concomitant catalysis of the exchange of projective identifications between representatives exhibiting one or the other of these two unbalanced states (a commonplace of the commons seen daily on display in the news and on the blogs). It takes a memetimeless function to constellate an autonomic system; thus, we must suppose that a memetime-bound function is, 1T2-paradoxically, a functional prerequisite to establishment of a voluntary system (deep totalitarianism, a somewhat we face the prospect of nowadays, being an unlimited regression thereof). Absence of real reality vis-à-vis the notion limit (due to unacknowledged quantum jumps between orders-of-propositional-value in the logics employed) precludes the possibility of there being uniqueness of solutions (i.e., single-valuedness) as regards the equations of systems of, say, nonlinear partial differential equations: all solutions are, thus, acoustically modified after the fashion of m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, of, moreover, the m-valued state-function of Schrödinger's wave equation. Therefore, a really real forecast cannot be well posed not only because, by 3rd-order dynamics, there can be no initial conditions (thus no instabilities thereof for butterflies to wing-flap into chaos), but also because µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state dictates inherent absence of uniqueness, an absence definitive of pagan-animistic identity-transparency. How really real the forecast depends on the order of logical-value employed, the most really real being CTC+ whereby Parmenidean nothing ever changes is perpetually the case. Systems of nonlinear partial differential equations have, in their independent variables, less and less residual memetime and ponderable-space reference, i.e., they tropologically have metareferences apropos purer and purer mathematics, as µTm remerges to CTC+, by far the greatest single departure being between 1T2 and 1T3. The notion of m-valued universal physical constants µTm-unto-CTC+ processed by nature is not hard to grasp in this context where the CTC+-preorder qua Tzog-chen-AllBase state-space is indicative of the highest level of functional integration. Think of the C of CTC+ relative to the C which is the additive constant of integration of the general case of the indefinite integral of a function on a simply-connected domain: C has n-values; indeed, C has C, actually C+, values, each such value (which could be m-valued) expressing a given-with-choice-of-initial-condition(s) antiderivative of the function at issue (initial conditions like, say, choice of one of the dust motes of the bucket of dust cast across the covering covering the space of representation). Except that: (1) this applies only to dynamical systems heuristically bound to 1st-order transitions alone (i.e., those under 1st-order topo-active optime conflated to memetime) where simply-connected domains exclusively prevail and initial conditions are possible; and (2) multiply-connected domains must be accounted in 2nd-order dynamics; and (3) non-orientability and consequent lack of initial conditions must be accounted in 3rd-order dynamics; and (4) 3-fold topo-active optime not conflated to memetime must be accounted with complex and hypercomplex functions; and (5) the limit must be understood an N-hole through which a jump between orders of logical-value transpires by good offices of temporal CURL. Consider (looking bottom-up from habitus placed within 1T2-only 1st-order dynamics) each antiderivative value of the constant of integration, C, as indicative of the state-space sheaf of one order of logical-value, of the 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ nesting-foam thereof constituting the Musculpt manifold, M. Since M is a multiply-self-reentrant HyperKlein Bottle, there is no sheaf not a preorder of some collection of sheaves, the state-spaces there upon mapping the involved set of relative-states of identity-transparency encapsulated by the involved orders of logical-value 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+. None of this will be taken into account when they, T(prevailing)PTB, establish their distributed ledger (sans a quantum-composite-unit-of-account mapping of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, and various backings of µTm-LETS currencies based thereupon) for their transaction-blockchained, single, beyond-borders, we-are-the-world, monoscale, 5+Ged, cashless, cryptocurrency global monetary reset-into-hell (good offices of Adrian Zmudzinski, CoinTelegraph, 23 January 2020) when drone-and-intelsat meshworked to the up-and-coming (good offices of Mike Elgan, FastCompany, 26 August 2019) omniscient, robotized, monolithic, autonomous, planetarized (good offices of Ryan Gallagher, The Intercept, 12 July 2019) social-credit-score system run by dissembled-dot-gov proprietary-start-ups what achieved monopolistic-monopsony (good offices of Glenn Fleishman, FastCompany, 7 June 2019) status. Nowadays, the interpersonal correlation-length at self-organized criticality has done a MoSoSo-flipper and is thus inversely related to minimum permissible distance in personal space, and the memetemporal window of opportunity for vibrational resonance has been all but slammed shut due to the ADD-mentality imprinted upon on part of both/all parties. No corporate parachutes for us'ins. Stand in the door! Even were intrasystemic externalities adequately troped with transaction-rent Tobin taxes and/or conversion-disorder displaced with financial derivatives, still, the abject failure of 1T2-only-eco[no}mics to internalize extrasystemic environmental externalities would be sufficient to constellate collective-unconsciously-mediated compensatory abreactions. Episodic projective exteriorizations complementing persistent introjective internalization: escapage-induced stoppages (good offices of ZeroHedge, 24 January 2020 and David Cyranoski, Nature, 22 February 2017) interspersed with toxin-introjective-GMOed cum mutation-amplifying-via-antibiotic-overdosing agri-industrial poison-food man[u}fracturing exiterprise. That's bivalence for you, folks!
By market-reflexive µTm-self-referential autonomic reentries, non-orientable every which way but loose: there is/are no function (independent, heh-heh-heh! memetime, sub-0; dependent variables, sub-0); moreover, the initial-value/boundary-value differential equations in higher dimensions are families of equations -- and most interesting to us proposing fractal (in a both-endedinfinite regress there exists no actual mini/max) e-boundaries for µTm-LETS-currencies nesting-foams, the fractional calculus (I'm not so sure I wish I had undergone what would be required to follow details of the arguments presented by Quiping Li, et al., in Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Initial Value Problem of Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, ID615230, 8 July 2012). Sans the 1T2-only, distributed-middle, non-contradiction assumption of uniqueness, not only is there no general existence theorem for the initial-cum-boundary-value problems of systems of nonlinear differential equations, when a non-autonomic system's corpus of state variables includes a temporal signifier (fixed-pointless 3-fold topo-active optime replacing integral as operator), then, in 3rd-order dynamics, there is no existence, period, of any initial/boundary values whatsoever. Hail Parmenides for comprehending the autonomic import of self-reentrant non-orientability. O, that loss of control-freak freakiness. Argh! How I loathe, how I fear where did that which has suddenly appeared, whatever it is, come in on me from -- OMG, invasion, possession! -- its domain of origin the subliminal, the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious? Months and years memetime-later going back to do inner-work traffic analysis upon per[son}al journal entries, seeking patterns of self-censorship amongst numerous other patterns potentially discernible, is a type of analogical imprinting upon 3rd-order nature -- such imprinting considered to be essential to the spiritual cleansing prerequisite to accessing state vectors definable only with self-referential propositions employing logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2-only. In desperately seeking sustainable insight as to symptomatology of one's own neurosis as means to penetrate the parameters of collective-normotic march into mass psychosis, uncritical concentration in the infinite regress of self-observation (which, being fraught with all sorts of numerical instabilities, has no closed-form expression, thereby conforming to N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr concerning form-informing-type whatnots which the normotic always wishes could be transformed into one or another closed-form) upon more and more un-self-censored cognitive outputs to conscious awareness (originating from where? the subliminal, the personal or collective unconscious) is the royal road, bibliotherapy being a useful facilitator, compactor, memory-dumper. Seeking these patterns in the personal journal record of autogenic verbalizations entices the inner-worker to acts of discovery, i.e., to making discoveries as to how-to methods to overcome introspective incompetence. Associations at associative thought being tells, one does not suppress memories, one discharges them. During my early-1960s studentship at AU-SIS I shared a house in Potomac Palisades just down river from Brookmont-espying-CIA (Carolina Place, several small blocks from overlooking Chain Bridge); then moved to Q Street in Georgetown as a universal-observer-Q student live-in household-staff member (from where I, in my white '57 Chevy Bel Air Turboglide, accompanied the kids under my oversee, made deliveries/pick-ups, dropped people off, et cetera, to the homes of Oh-So's, e.g., the Spring Valley Bundy's, the Upper Foxhall Dillon's, the Lower Foxhall Perle Mesta's, so on); had a girl friend who lived in a third-floor walk-up on Columbia Road in Adams-Morgan near what a decade later became Vietnam-war-combat-photographer-vet Bill Paley's Biltmore Ballroom. Soon after my Vietnam-war stint, as an IBEW apprentice I helped build a number of the K Street high-rises that house PACs and lobbyists. The bad karma accumulated from that labor probably doomed my next incarnation! No Bill or an Indictment, whatever, that'll be the Real Skinny from Jury Grandest, howsoever the per[funct}or|y pre[sent}ment courts its Su[per}i|or. Imminent immanence could not be at issue; there'd be no pulling a cognitive immelmann, no chance of mitigating immitigable immittance. That is, if I escape the latest bioengineered escapee. Heh-heh-heh! Jus' joshin' a spoof, y'know, on blackpsyche outputs of suborned pop-fict and guilded Hollywood-screen writers. Recordation of bad deads, uh, uh, deeds, all too often gets swept under the rug -- the rug on the judge's head, heh-heh-heh. Y'all don't really believe, do you, that NIE Board analysts-crunchers get deferential when they refer to their differential equations sets generative of their predictive algos? Nah, no matter how many cerebral files riffled, my over-coated other-I-am persona jus' can't entertain it, groused one of that I-am's other other-I-ams, pulling off his carbon-fibered N95 mask. Catapulting calculations, more like, today's C&C I-am concluded, uh, as a way, that I-am felt, to stampede the competing intel agencies, each with their own anti-generative-empathetic narcissistic, distributed-middle, mini-or-max, scientistic-atomistic-individualistic socius. Ack, aye, each member deviated by prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-induced truncation errors at preadolescent glutamatergic neuronal prunings, errors that subsequently grew exponentially from this and that Sierpinski point (see A classification of points on the Sierpinski gasket, Ali Deniz and Mustafa Saltan and Bunyamin Demir, Applied Sciences, 10, 2008, pp. 73-80: a paper, which I can't follow very far, I ran across whilst seeking inspiration as to how involutorily-decomposable Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers might number dust motes of pre-pregeometry bucket of dust at contraction of being into becoming) of the relevant cerebral contraction function. Mental stability, stability of supposed equilibria in cognitive behaviors, what, that is the issue here. Quoting Beyond Nonstructural Quantitative Analysis -- Blow-Ups, Spinning Currents, and Modern Science, Yi Lin and Yong Wu, World Scientific, 2002, p. 36:
The essence of studying the problem of stabilities is to find out how to make unstable problems to become stable so that these problems can be fit into available mathematical tools. That is, these studies are trying to fit natural phenomena into theoretical and artificial tools, instead of trying to explain the Tao of the nature.
I have long maintained that this fit-to type of collective behavior exhibited by the academic cohort is exponentiated (think Lyapunov exponent: my contention is that the trajectories represented by J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels, which nature processes µTmly-unto-CTC+ly are psycho-neurotically fit to 1T2-only processing by the 1/t memetime-wed Lyapunov exponent which is a quantity that characterizes the rate of separation of infinitesimally close trajectories, cum a measure of a system's sensitivity to changes in initial conditions and the principal criterion of chaos, SFI complexity cum self-organized criticality, rotational instabilities in fluids and definitely no example of the hydrodynamic analogy to E = mc2, Lorenzian atmospheric dynamics, so on and so forth -- this fitting-to having been an expression qua ConveDD [conversion-disorder displacement] of the collective emotional fit elicited by appearance [about the same memetime the Lyapunov exponent was first explicated] of pagan-animistic quantum-non-simple identity [think: 1T2ly colliding eigenvalues indicating actuality of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency], a fitting-to which conceals the skew-parallelism/skew-perpendicularity subtext of the 1T2-only Heisenberg uncertainty relations) when it comes to logic: µTm-unto-CTC+ are all ways and always made to fit 1T2-only. Moreover, as regards the human subset of natural phenomena, this exponentiated effort of the academic cohort is itself exponentiated -- the terror induced in the introspectively inept by specter of the multivalue is so great. As pointed out by Yi Lin and Yong Wu, well-posed equals existence, uniqueness, stability. I would point out that the requirement of existence expresses being in denial of the fact that (contrary to the Existentialists and sabai-sabai with the Platonists) being ontologically precedes existence, that uniqueness demands simple-identity only which is only 1T2-only definable, and that the memetime-bound rules out being by considering only becoming.
It was not my remit to get far into details of the atmospheric processes involved, others were doing that, but to search out, in whatever field, references to work conceivably related to implications of the general properties of the energy-momentum cascade process (think: solar-wind-carried real, complex, hypercomplex angular momentum) being studied, i.e., that involved in tornadogenesis as conceived and computer simulated in Paine-Kaplan cascade theory. So I never knew specifics of the DBUs (see: Examples of Parabolic Problems with Blowing-Up Derivatives, Tomasz Dlotko, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 154, 1991, pp. 226-37) -- derivatives blow-ups qua gradient catastrophes with more than quadratic growth of f with respect to the spatial gradient, e.g., sound-speed gradient with blown-up change of height in atmosphere, à la, say, the reverse cascade of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes rippling walls of, and vertically emitted by, tornadoes -- initializing in the numerical forecast model temporal CURL (that is, no renormalization qua quasilinearization of nonlinear partial differential equations with singularities by interventions involving transformations of variables) at cross-scale-level cascades/reverse-cascades, i.e., the specific derivative coefficients, terms of functions and solutions blowing up, going to singularity. I can speculate, however, that had this research continued well into the 1980s and beyond, one thing to issue from it may well have been work along the lines of that of Victor A. Galaktionov and Enzo L. Mitidieri and Stanislav I. Pohozaev, to wit Blow-up for Higher-Order Parabolic, Hyperbolic, Dispersion and Schrödinger Equations, CRC Press, 2014. Except that commonalities in types of higher-order nonlinear-evolution partial differential equations would not have been sought in their special quasilinear degenerate representations but in the classes of manifold changes induced by topo-active optime at initialization of cascades (temporal CURL in the downward cascade being, in one way, analogous to the inverse of the algorithm executing the blowup of a photographic image) through the meshwork nesting-foam where the multi-sheeted domain of existence contextualizing the equation sets is considered m-valued and Riemann-surface-like, m-logically-valued (such that the Musculpt manifold's infinitely-near points [the new constellates, minimally, a curve for each point of what ontologically-was the old] on most-dense Tzog-chen AllBase sheet are signifiers, not only of stacked-on-a-point blow-ups [memetime viewed as repeated], but of µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-state identity-transparency), tessellated of LSTDs (limited spacetime domains), and, under 3rd-order dynamics, is HyperKlein Bottled. It seems to me that, while the null-vector-defined µTm-logical J.G.Bennettian pencil of skew-parallels may be 1T2ly construed the collection of all lines intersecting the line at infinity, topo-active-optime-wise the memetime-independent µTm-Bennettian pencil may relate, via quantization of temporal CURL, to elliptic-space memetime-bound 1T2-Clifford parallels in the general twistor (see Fig. 6, descriptive of the congruence of null lines, in Dzhanibekov effect -- Part 2, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, Ark's Blog, 5 January 2017) -- even though Clifford's, Penrose's, and Dzhanibekov's constructions are 1T2-only formulations. One thing I'd very much like to know is whether or not Infinite many blow-up solutions for a Schrödinger quasilinear elliptic problem with a non-square diffusion term (good offices of Carlos Alberto Santos and Jiazheng Zhou, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 62:7, 2017, pp. 887-98) are µTmly-memetime-independent simultaneous, 1T2ly-memetime-dependent sequential, or 1T2ly probabilistic.
Another way to address that (i.e., Schrödinger-infinitely-many blow-up solutions) is to ask: what is the relationship between ponderable-space scale-level nesting-foam and memetime-step nesting-foam and logical-value-order-type nesting-foam in theory of general process? Is the precedence relation from logical to temporal to spatial? In the sense that (good offices of Jacob A. Belzen and Antoon Geels, eds., Mysticism: A Variety of Psychological Perspectives, Rodopi, 2004) structure is function automatized, function is structure deautomatized? Heinz Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation, which I read the summer after my senior year of high school: handed to me by a friend of my mother's, a lady psychologist specialized in the treatment of childhood schizophrenia. And 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (temporal CURL being the back story on spinning currents) is the autopoietic, automorphic, automatization agent accomplishing the involutory decomposition of function into structure? Is it FLW's form follows function or the geneticist's sequence-to-structure-to-function paradigm (good offices of Ambrish Roy and Alper Kucukural and Yang Zhang, I-TASSER: a unified platform for automated protein structure and function prediction, Nature Protocols, 5:4, April 2010, pp. 725-38)? But then the very idea of a protein fold is not well defined, and the relation between molecular structure and function is not well understood -- which is not even to mention the relation between structural articulation and functional integration (see, for instance: Exploring the structure and function paradigm, Oliver Redfern and Benoit Dessailly and Christine Orengo, Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 18:3, June 2008, pp. 394-402). Quoting Redfern, et al.:
There have been several recent attempts to define a protein fold [6][Sippl] or question whether it is even realistic to seek to partition the protein universe at the fold level [7]. However, it appears that regardless of how structural novelty is defined, significant structural change often mediates divergence in functional properties, particularly in the very large, diverse superfamilies that tend to dominate the sequenced genomes [8]. Currently, the precise mechanisms by which this occurs are difficult to fathom given the sparsity of data.
Our 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (temporal CURL being the back story on 'spinning currents') we've long thought may have some clarification value as regards defining a protein fold and what dictates (quantum wave-properties of DNA-to-RNA-to-protein) its configuration. Consider the following from Beyond Nonstructural Quantitative Analysis -- Blow-Ups, Spinning Currents, and Modern Science, Yi Lin and Yong Wu, World Scientific, 2002, p. 47:
when one looks at nonlinear evolution equations, since discontinuities appear within finite periods of time, the structures, automorphic to those initial values, are destroyed. So, it is meaningless to talk about automorphic long-term behaviors of nonlinear evolution equations.
If, shedding memetime-boundedness and embracing topo-active optime, all initial values are considered always and all ways (considering roots complex, hypercomplex, hyper-hypercomplex, et cetera) actual on Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense sheet of MVRS (Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space) of Musculpt manifold, the choosing of given initial values being just that, a matter of choice, a voluntaristic participatory exercise in reduction of multiple ontological levels (such bucket of dust pre-pregeometry and CTC+-unto-µTm-pregeometry levels ontologically preceding topo-active-optime-instrumented-as-logical-operator structural-cosmogenesis involutory-decomposition unto geometrodynamics and spacetime physics) to one level of being-thereness, i.e., that 1T2-only alone (see, for instance, Dualism, Platonism, and Voluntarism, Sean O Nuallain, ed., Cambridge Scholars, 2016, as reviewed for Amazon by Cynthia Sue Larson), howsoever complexity-theoretically that single level be tessellated, then the general case of the constant of integration is value-stack-wise m-valued, not temporal-sequence-wise m-valued, and the multiple choice as to how this condition of general-process metastate is to be interpreted appears as a three-way juncture: (1) probabilities, or (2) m-universes, or (3) µTm-unto-CTC+-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. If the primary interest is vested in obtaining and keeping 1T2-only money and power, then memetime-bound prediction is of the utmost fixation: science, commerce, finance, governance. Contemplating the various nonlinear-evolution political discontinuities man[i}fessed during the interval of the last several decades-- hmmm. Are executive functions of brains analogically modeled on government, or is it vice versa? Popped they is! Gone garish, those governors. Pursing the purser, PAC purchases perch pouty, no longer actually schlepping the burdens they commit to. Mentally dialed back to yesteryears, yearning for memetimes passed. If state-variable equilibrium requires t to approach plus-infinity, I imagine we humans have yet to witness any equilibrium state whatsoever. As regards blown-up dependent variables, however, and their transition thresholds, now that's a matter of different matters altogether. One thing we know for sure: memetime never approaches plus-infinity; for, were it ever to do so, it would not be a meme, all maintainers of memes having beamtimes determinate of finite lifetimes. So, in the memetime interval construed [zero, plus-infinity) the notion that nonlinear evolution of a state variable, even one single-valued, can be continuous and gradually stabilize into an equilibrium state is predicated upon the contention that memetime is, not a prescriptively enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically-etched meme anchored to localized, 1T2-only, molecular-cellular brains, but an altogether-objective, brain-independent, passing, passive, reference-framed, perfectly linear, unbent measuring rod. Whereas, topo-active optime, being a universal effectuator, no mere rod, insofar as it is brain-dependent must be so relative to THE nonlocalizable CTC+-unto-µTm quantum brain, that brain's intraneuronal cum intraperineural DNAs being DNA's nonlocalizable quantum-wave properties, those waves containing all the information encoded by nucleotide-pair sequences, and those sequences' m-level-enciphering higher-temporal formants. A whole lot of genomes out and about in the myriads of overtone series there are in All That Is in µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency (spatial nonlocality being more an expression of relative-state; temporal nonlocality, of identity-transparency: personally speaking, subject and object, subject and subject, you and I cannot be in a state of participation mystique, holographic-principle mediated by imprinting on the natural surround, so long as we are in denial of our essential OBEed spatial and temporal nonlocality). One wonders as to critical thresholds for onset of nonlinear blow-ups qua discontinuities qua transitions in the corpora of nonlocal quantum-genomic processes set in motion by local genetic-engineered iatrogenic interventions -- and what the local blowbacks of these nonlocal transitions might be. One wonders especially so given how little collective behaviors can conceivably be 1T2-only understood -- even by absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct experts monitoring this and that epidemic, experts certain that identity-transparency is participation mystique actually participation inconsciente. Been wondering about that ever since before our 1979 model of DNA radiation exchange processes was printed out (have a look-see at our operator-time formulated, nonlinear-evolution canonical equation). It has long been our opinion that it is by discontinuous blown-up singularities and subsequent transitions that DNA-emitted coherent waves acquire the genetic information encoded within stereochemistry of genomes. Concerning periodic-transitional absorptive net (total) transfer blown-up transforms at the nonlinear evolution which is DNA helix-coil transition, we quote our 1978 paper entitled Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge, Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, 3:4, 1977-78, p. 332:
consider the pairing of cytosine-guanine, guanine-cytosine and adenine-thymine, thymine-adenine in the replication of the DNA molecule to be associated with the two field quantities If the biostatic field exhibits the net (total) transfer of energy associated with the coherent wave phenomenon -- either in its positive or negative modes -- then one nucleotide pairing (say A-T or T-A) is associated with the absorption of energy out of the biodynamic field. On the other hand, if the biodynamic field exhibits the net (total) transfer of energy associated with the coherent wave phenomenon -- either in its positive or negative modes -- then the other nucleotide pairing (say C-G or G-C) is associated with the absorption of energy out of the biostatic field. The coefficients c in (1a) and (1b) represent the phase velocity of the coherent wave pattern associated with the (100%) efficient transfer of energy between the biostatic and biodynamic fields.
Not only can tornadogenesis be Lorenzian-1T2-only-regarded an error-value spiral of explosive growth, a mental-set-of-regarding which hides, or hides from, blown-up multi-valued state variables in µTm-relative-state superintegration wherein all externalities are internalized, an overdetermination which disallows the heuristic freezing of all values of dependent variables except one vis-à-vis so-called solving of nonlinear partial differential equations, but, if our 1979 quantum model is on The Road To Reality, so does DNA helix-coil transition, such that the multi-valued quantum-wave properties of DNA, multi-level encipherment, and µTm-processing are hidden, or hidden from. Given how thoroughly in denial have been the molecular-biology authorities throughout the period of the rise of radar, telecommunications, and the genetic engineering industry concerning biological roles for the quantum-wave properties of the genetic molecule, Weeeaaarf of Zuuuuurf and Zoooxk and Zaaaat, as great a concern as this Weeeaaarf is, cannot be the worst offense as regards pushing towards a possible DNA-wave-properties collective-behavior critical-state-transition threshold vis-à-vis all the genomes there are on this planet, not when many GMOs are created per day in the large number of labs there are which are spread out all over the Whole Earth.
When algebraic analysis (and all of its derivatives in each and every field of inquiry and application) yields the statement, Such-and-such contradicts so-and-so, therefore there does not exist any solution to this-and-that, the import of this statement must be qualified by the recognition that the notion contradicts strictly speaking applies only under 1T2-only-logic alone, where, and only where, the Law of Non-Contradiction is unambiguously definable: under all the myriad other logical-value order-types composing CTC+ (and associated myriad types of number) the conclusion there does not exist is relatively nonsensical (according to which µTm-relative-state under which that conclusion is reached), because, supraordinate to 1T2-only, there is no syllogistic elimination, no monotonicity, no monovalence, no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinction drawable between existence and non-existence. Such purportedly absolute distinctions exist only in the mind of the bipolar, well-prescriptively-glutamate-etched, normotic, memetime-bound beholder. Normotic introspective incompetence (horizontal mental cleavage, all the more elaborate when dumbbell built [cf. Robert S. de Ropp in discussion of somatotonia and W. H. Sheldon's typology] -- qua monotonic horizontal mind which passes the horizontal line test [good offices of Alex Federspiel] in its insistence upon the one-to-oneness of Love in the Western World [read Irving Singer, in Strangelove, The New York Review of Books, 28 January 1965, on Denis de Rougemont's Agape-imprinted intentions: In these tensions he hopes to find the identity of a person], i.e., no Erosian I-thou participation mystique always and all ways mediated by holographic-principled identity-transparency with the natural surround) is partly responsible for the existential malfeasance which characterizes the state of being memetime-bound. Not for him/her so bound as to regard any other state as being an altered state: m-valued functions of complex and hypercomplex state variables of higher-order nonlinear-evolution systems µTmly processed by topo-active optime. A whit and a mote, a mote and a whit over and over again-- uh, cognitive echolalia, repetition compulsion, perseveration, habitual internal considering, all indicia of the neurohumoral coterie commanding the amoral economies of our many dysfunctions. The normotic believes he/she is simply-identifiable and wholly in control of his/her own mind, that he/she is not continuously subject to data dumps from elsewhere into conscious awareness. Anyone who has made the slightest attempt to prolong stoppage of roof-brain chatter qua inner-talking knows that this is not the case, that the act of saying 'I' to (good offices of G. I. Gurdjieff) mental contents, attributing self-origination to thoughts thought, is an unwarranted arrogation epiphenomenal to inflated ego-function (as an eight-year-old military brat living in immediate post-Korean-war Japan, I began to find the body language of the arrogance insufferable -- but quickly learned to conceal that reaction): we are always being invaded by subjective contents from elsewhere -- likely multiple elsewheres. Indeed, full recognition of this fact -- such that, with increased baud-rate of consciousness, incoming thoughts can be sidestepped, can be watched as they pass on by -- was held by Sri Aurobindo (testimonial can be found in his Letters on Yoga) to be the foremost (ketaminergic) functional prerequisite to experience of Nirvana. By µTm-relative-state identity-transparency being a fundament of being-into-becoming and of the once-become-into-being (subject of Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine), this introjective internalization of externalities (as the binary-mind would have it) is innate always all ways. And it doesn't take a one-time Psychological Operations Group assignee to reach that conclusion. Sustained traffic analysis upon roof-brain-chattered subjective contents reveals that memory (conscious and subliminal) cannot be the sole, or even primary, origin. The dump does not come from memetimes passed or memetime futures; the dumpster-elsewheres are not here-or-there: they are imaginary, that is (employing only heuristically an actually illegitimate spatial metaphor, illegitimate absent the notion chronotopology) rectilinear to memetime-thought-to-be-objective-linear-time, insistence that such (meme taken as objective) is so, in part maintained by the contention that there is no dump to mind, no invasion, that the ego-function is absolutely-in-so-far-as-in-control, that consciousness is quintessentially per[son}al, a flowing willed stream contextualized in an objective linear-time. As the world turns, the nooses slowly tighten. If one can enough circumscribe one's awareness, unreservedly embrace the illusion that one is one and only one, that own mind is actual and actually 1T2-only ownable, if one can enough suppress symptoms of moral injury, constrict one's aspirations into a materialistic bottleneck, then one can be one of those in the New High of 90% of Americans Satisfied With Personal Life (good offices of Justin McCarthy, Gallup, 6 February 2020: of course, becoming a dissident in a surveillance state by being dissatisfied is not exactly recommended) who enthusiastically participate in the distractions in service to avoidance-unto-denial. Quoting a particularly astute observation made by Gregory R. Copley of Defense and Foreign Affairs in Brace for a Global Crisis in 2020 as reposted by Oil Price, 4 February 2020:
As very real crises begin to emerge, what is significant is that urban societies tend to avoid all consideration of them and turn to the distractions of belief systems, particularly climate change politics (which is separate from actual climate change science). These drive internal societal passions, but paralyze capabilities to deal with actual strategic challenges.
Yet, however astute this observation in normative terms, still, it is all surface-structure generated, the actual drivers of the anthropogenic (the initial values of the nonlinear evolution of the prevailing state of affairs are in human mind, and subject to discontinuities qua blow-ups qua utter destruction of those values no less than are nonlinear evolution equations similarly subject to) strategic challenges being sufficiently unaddressed as to strongly support the assessment that deep-structure is altogether unconscious to the analyst. The calculus of Newton and Leibniz, perhaps especially so when tensored to Einstein's employments, has well served the 17th-and-18th-century-European-formulated imperative to exploitatively intervene into nature as thoroughly as ways can be found to do so, increasingly nowadays so as to improve nature, make right what nature got wrong, bodymod her, and in the process myriad technologies have been created, some outright infratech destructive, most with extrasystemic destructive blowbacks which the still-Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base prevents redress of, absent creation of secondary and tertiary blowbacks. But, assuredly, the calculus will be clung to as if it were more important than survival of the human species. How much faith should be put in IQ tests reliant upon culture-bound mathematics? I've argued for over four decades, since assimilating my first awareness, circa 1975, of m-valued logics and their dissembled suppression vis-à-vis non-application to m-valued state-function of the Schrödinger wave equation, that the human species does not have the cognitive, and especially affective, wherewithal to consciously consonantly integrate the inescapable imports, in their undissimulated forms, of those logics into Weltanschauung, Lebenswelt, Umwelts, mathematical and scientific paradigms, legal and political and economic and monetary and financial and social systems cum institutional bases, psychological notions, sexual behaviors, medical models and associated practices, educational formats, and so on and so forth. There is absolutely nothing anywhere on the current scene to suggest otherwise. During the period 1975-present, I informed by mail many academics and other professionals in a variety of fields concerning these cascade-theoretic and m-valued-logic ideas, and there has never been a positive interested response. I naturally enough take this to be a powerful indicator -- though I am certain few if any others would concur with that judgment. O, those savourless insipids who crave the vapid ISOed and QAIed social interactions made available by 5-star global monoculture. Humph! The worst of people always do extremely well in the worst of societies, the worst of civilizations. That said, indeed, the whole global human population base is currently reacting to planetarization of surveillance state, commercial-cum-bankster stalking-geolocating (requiring your hackable phone [cf. Don't Get 'Juice Jacked' , ZeroHedge, 9 February 2020] to be involved in every transaction just so they can geolocate you for posterity: for decades the U.S. has been ramming globalization down the throats of 7-billion people, and when some U.S. banks are questioned about their requirement to return an ID code they send to your phone which must be physically located in the U.S.A. to log-on to their internet banking site and to accomplish bill-pay and money-transfer, they hypocritically say, We are not equipped to service depositors who live abroad -- similarly so with some credit card companies), massive personal data snooping-gathering-storing as if the human collectivity were studiously imprinting upon behaviors of the German population during the early-1930s -- except that the current situation is far worse in every respect. The product of Steve Jobs' creativity and the cell-phone innovation, even neglecting the involved assaults upon good health, have increased many fold the index of coercion in ADLs, activities of daily life. Zoo[not}i|c, unlike are RNA viruses, e.g., HIVed new coronavirus binding-site key-projection? Mayhaps, but I doubt it. Anyone who believes the prevailing planetary circumstance will not go to cuspover, and that the foam-up -- of the breaking wave, where correlation length snaps to infinity yielding resultant blow-up (in its Hydrodynamical Analogy to E = mc2, good offices of Victor P. Starr, Tellus, 11:1, February 1959) -- will not produce two orders of magnitude in human losses greater than those of WWII is deluded or oblivious or insolently in denial of what their SecretSharer knows to be the case. What's most not understood -- heh-heh-heh! -- IMHO buffered so as to simulate a semblance of control, is that the main players throughout the 200-years-long War of the World did not know that their actions were governed largely by deeply regressed collectively unconscious event gradients, that they, the main players, arrogated to themselves decision making power which they did not, in fact, possess, and, hence, could not have possibly exercised -- and that that metapsychological circumstance is even more the case today than it was earlier in the War of the World (for interesting related commentary, see: Beyond Ukraine: America's Coming (Losing) Battle for Eurasia, Danny Sjursen, Antiwar.com, 6 February 2020). Ack, aye, how the clingers do cling to their hypo[thy/me}sia. M. N. Gordon, while providing a believable forecast, suggests that the meretricious main-player crumb-bums are not actually dumbos, and that only hindsight reveals the participants mere imbeciles on parade (see: The Triumph of Madness, Economic Prism, 7 February 2020). Whereas I think that, once they have utterly identified with their socially-conferred role attributions, they cease to exist as discrete psychological entities to such a degree that they are completely at the mercy of the involutory decomposition of the massively regressed archetypal salients. Would that it, the War of the World, had actually been and still is all cause-push/no-attractor-pull, all surface-driven/no-warped-archetypes-involved -- then, rather than run its course, whatever that may be, the collective psychosis would, perhaps, be treatable, lacuna-on-brains being not so massive, not so vacuous. No matter what is done on the level of surface-structure, so long as deep-structure factors are not adequately addressed the catastrophic inevitable is sure to transpire. No Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean-Smithian institutional base -- be it any of the various forms of democratic capitalism-unto-socialism, this or that secular-unto-theocratic totalitarianism, anarcho-capitalism unto anarcho-syndicalism -- can effectively organize and govern the psychological, sexual, social, political, economic, monetary, financial, military fallout derivative of wider and wider employment of quantum-relativity-based technologies: the more simple cannot effectively govern the more complex. Howsoever Schrödinger's wave-function be interpreted -- especially if in terms of probability amplitudes -- rule by recourse to rules that never do, could, or will fit changing circumstances (particularly if the rules be defined on, for all intents and purposes, fixed boundary conditions), because the one-size-fits-all-rule (except as regards the 0.1-percent, of course: see Capitalism in America: How a Dismal Decimal is Robbing Americans Blind, Jon Hellevig, The Saker, 16 January 2020) change-procedures are just too darned cumbersome, uh, uh, that is to say that rule-regulation absolutely cannot manage well (no better than central-committee-or-dictator fiat) a civilization inundated by quantum-relativity-based technologies yielding, for instance, asymptotically speaking, high-frequency trading. While Newton, Smith, Locke and Associates cum their progeny clearly liked/like the processes of self-organization, the logic they employed/employ in using the calculus to do their vector sums and find the values of their derivatives (yielding not even Gesamtkunstwerk simulacra, let alone authentic inner and/or outer Musculpt) consigned/consigns the resultant self-organization to a very low level of competency: they could/can not even internalize extrasystemic externalities, let alone intersystemic externalities like imbecile double-digit midgets, transaction rentiers, errant oligarchs, monopolists, monopsonists, oligopolists, keiretsuers, so on. Whilst on Gödel's memetemporal closed timelike curve (CTC), if one were to look far enough out into ponderable space, one would see, not only the beginning, also where the beginning is the future; but, since G's CTC is not self-reentrant, one could not see that, if one were to look deep enough into outer space, one would see into inner space, and, if one were to look deep enough into inner space, one would see into outer space. One in quotation marks because it's one thing to have the me taken out of me during a psycho-active-drug trip -- since retention of some sense of control is inherent to a situation of known cause, self-initiated, and of known limited duration; quite another, when such absenting is spontaneous and the resultant state is known to be a fundament inherent to the nature of things actually no-things.
If a 1T2-only universe in a grain of sand (good offices of Brandon Keim, Wired, 7 November 2007), then a CTC+-multiverse on a holographic plate, i.e., the hologram: the smaller the broken piece of a holographic plate, the higher the order of logical-value at processing required to view the whole image without fuzziness? How ironic would that be relative to the fuzzy-logic dysterpretation of Lukasiewicz logics? While each grain on the plate is logically bivalent (good offices of Paul King, Quora, 10 February 2013), the superposed-wave-interactive laser information-encoding (and projective deciphering), being "spread out" nonlocality-wise over the whole plate, is not. In terms of prospective µTm-LETS currency units, the cash-1T2-only-base-state of the currency unit would be analogous to the hologram's binary grain, and the µTmly-processed-m-value-stack ensheavement upon the currency unit's base state would be analogous to the externality internalizing wave-interactive laser information-encoding. Is this the quintessential immanent illustration of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency (not of absolutely-in-so-far-as-discretely-embodiable identity-transparency as understood by exogenous-ketamine-stoked binary-mind, à la Blade Runner 2049), and of Lukasiewicz logics understood altogether independent of the notion truth-value? Beyond a 1T2-only-rea[son}able doubt? Isn't that oh-so pulseracingly Hitchcockian, RodSerlingish? One has only to look at the scrunching and shuddering these sorts of rhetorical questions elicit-- uh, just like infrasound ripples the walls of tornadoes. It took two decades to independently rediscover that the acoustically-modified (qua coherent waves, like in the laser light used in encoding/projection of holograms) gravity-wave mode qua infrasound aspect (think: acoustical holography and atmospheric Musculpt via some facsimile of holographic acoustico-optical trapping [good offices of Asier Marzo and Bruce W. Drinkwater, Holographic Acoustic Tweezers, PNAS, USA, 116:1, 2 January 2019, pp. 84-9] of ice particles, dust motes, ions, charges, so on -- which is not to mention infrasound signatures of theta-e constant-entropy-surface topologies) of the Paine-Kaplan cascade-theoretical model of tornadogenesis is correct, and on that basis they, TPTB, can now anticipate tornado touchdowns by several minutes (this ability has become sufficiently well known that it has even reached Wiki) -- whereas, according to Paine's testimonial to me (circa June 1974 at the Pensée McMaster University Velikovsky conference: see, at the end of this linked webpage in the list of supplementary papers, The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena, Dr. Douglas Paine, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, a presentation that irked Carl Sagan to no end), the Paine-Kaplan numerical forecast model using historical data sets run on USAF and NASA supercomputers repeatedly, with various outbreaks, provided accurate forecasts 12 hours in advance on the 1-km grid, that model never having been put online with real-memetime data. But, apparently, TPTB still don't get the basic idea of cascade theoretics, let alone temporal CURL and all the rest of the involved physics (see current NOAA speak here and here). And what direction have TPTB chosen to take with their several-minute-anticipation-type knowledge? This patent application pretty well answers that question: US20030085296A1, Hurricane and Tornado Control Device, 2 December 2001 (note that the sound employed is not infrasound). The very sort of iatrogenic-orientation Paine most feared, augured against, and did his best to explain why he felt that way. Why such a counter-Pain(e) collective choice? Keep quantum-relativity physics out of the middle scale levels, however blurry boundaries between those levels be! Keep m-valued logics tied to truth-value and far away from Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function! Give me simple-identity or give me death! Pathogenesis of chronic collective existential anxiety? Pathogenesis of acute mass hysterias absent actual etiological agents? The full spectrum of mass symptomatology must be appraised if back-reaction upon the metric of the involved physics is to be understood relative to psychosocial-politicoeconomic, indeed, sexual, imports. Those imports being only vaguely conscious, but subliminally potent. Top-down-imposed-and-instrumented, distributed ledger (with no block-chained surveillance-society backdoors possible, eh), We-Are-The-World, monoscale, crypto-one-currency. O, how very small a step is One Small Step for Mankind, uh, uh, taken by the iconic governance agent, Mr. Hideous Ignominy, that step being from a one-currency planet to a one-brain (good offices of Francis Heylighen and Marta Lenartowicz of the Global Brain Institute, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, January 2017) global state (this step signifying a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of THE nonlocal quantum brain, which, apparently, most localized molecular-cellular brains greatly fear). Casus belli, even, so far as its implementers are concerned -- that [cause}us being prosecution of grievous mentily harm? Scrubbing the harmhoods, what! That's the measure of this one-size-fits-all centralization max, is it? Six ways from Sunday loaded for bare monentarization as planetarized QEing goes ultra; hell bent for heather blooming red in the troughs between the swells of the clay-tile-roof universal-covering of 1T2-only-market dynamics. No groking fair witness, no honest broker to be found amongst the confabulating hardscrabble deal artists. When how elaborate is the blackpsyche produced by the bestseller-thriller-writer composite author(s) and the film industries (When you write a novel, you live in it -- even in your sleep. What sort wants to live in blackpsyche novels? When you act in a film, direct a film, you live in it, I imagine. What sort wants to live in blackpsyche films?) is looked at, the janky self-propaganda-ineptitude of MSM pettifoggeries, however lawyerly on this or that occasion, is glaring by comparison. No less than the military-industrial armaments sector, the proprietary origins of the high-tech mega-corps suggests something similar must be the case in the financial sector. Ah, yes, surveillance-dot-com/bank/med/edu/state. The commercial use cum justification for the panopticonically omniscient personal data gathering and storage is, dang it, cover for the actual intended employment? Low social-credit-score sanctions moving from the private scrum to homeland effecter organs, the whole bevy gravitating upon Phoenix-gone-domestic pogroms-to-come (good offices of Jamie White, Infowars, 15 February 2020)? Were that the case, and I certainly don't know that it is, then no absolvement and no expungement, no pontifical absolution, even if there were the full-- uh, allocution, uh, uh, a granted Plea of Allocutus! Population degrowth should be by natural attrition, not by pogrom, not bioweaponized, not by weathermod famine, so on. Couple that to the globalization of a soft version of the Hitler-Stalin forced-labor concentration camps associated with free-trade areas and economic-cum-warfare-forced mobility of cheap, supremely-manipulatable, near-slave labor plus surveillance states (Is 1T2-only governance no less a racket than is [1T2-only-state}-instigated mass warfare?) to keep it all together, and then the notion that the control-freak totalitarians won WWII is not hard to reach. A more accurate takeaway, however, is that the deep-structure origins of the War of the World have yet to become conscious (see Danny Sjursen, The Long Shadow of WWI and America's War on [Descent, uh, uh--] Dissent, Antiwar.com, 21 February 2020, for interesting related commentary), if they ever will, that the factors of this deep-structure (the sum total of which, being unconscious, is automatically projected onto transference figures, be they individuals or corpora) still determine the regression (good offices of Peter Dizikes, Explained: Regression analysis, PHYS.org, 16 March 2010) qua regression (good offices of Hermioni N. Lokko and Theodore A. Stern, Regression: Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Management, The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, 17:3, 2015) of collective-unconscious event gradients such that the play-out of thematic repetition with minor variations and new instrumentation is the foremost orchestration methodology being imposed via the self-generated autophagic pandemic dyscrasia to which the human species succumbed two centuries ago, the course of which has saddle-block-fever unfolded by each fulmination being more elaborate than the one preceding. By the holographic principle µTmly-unto-CTC+ly understood, each of us who has not taken the necessary and sufficient effort to surmount at least the surface-structure of his/her per[son}al neurosis is a contributory culpable component facilitator of the collective dyscrasia, since, as a broken-off piece, he/she contains all the spread-out-encoded information contained by the collective corpus (cf. The Unconscious as Infinite Sets relative to the diagonal proof set-theoretic correlate to holographic part-whole identity-transparency), information, that is, which is projected upon, uh, by identity-transparency already therehere, the phase boundaries of the relevant LSTD, limited ponderablespacememetime domain. The part is the whole! (CTC+ly spoken, holographically spoken) violates Husserliana, in that the glue holding together the set which is the intentional horizon (visually, the collection of anticipated, say, for example, instantaneous point-of-view shape profiles one receives of an object in walking around it; musicologically, the corpus of anticipated standard modulatory schemes and return-to-the-tonic in diatonic composition) of a multitude of experiences of a person-object-process is a shared sense of identity through time (Christian Beyer, 2016, Stanford Encyclopedia), i.e., the glue is the object constancy early-childhood learned, prescriptively enculturated and glutamatergically anchored, in Piaget's stages of cognitive development, across the spectrum of those experiences, as well as all possible experiences thereof. That glue also involves the psychometric distance function of Luneburg binocular visual space, a non-Euclidian space conforming to relativistic principles disallowing localization except as learned behavior. Not by any stretch is this amenable to µTm-relative-state identity-transparency! Consider the infinitudes of infinitudes of Husserlian Abschattung qua profiles to any given object relative to the multiple positions employed at 7-parameter 3D-image capture (good offices of Vishnu Thachapilly, Quora, 4 August 2017) in so-called 7D hologram technology (good offices of Kalsoom Tahir, Mustakbil, 8 February 2018) where, quoting the two linked pieces, the hologram is captured from a large number of positions that surround the scene or subject of the hologram A 7D hologram is like having a bunch of photographers surrounding a subject and If we differentiate between 3D and 7D hologram technology then the main difference is that 7D hologram is captured from a large number of positions that surrounds a subject or whole scenario. Since multivalently being Altogether-Without-Objects is tantamount to being in infinitudes of infinitudes of different positions simultaneously, i.e., being in Schrödinger-infinitely-m-valued nonlocality qua spread out over the whole Tzog-chen AllBase plate, Consciousness-Without-An-Object is not in-the-body experiencible in 1T2-only terms, i.e., by a singular-binary mind. Husserliana, being in essay against the uprising that is m-valued logics, denies the existence of such spatially-and-temporally-nonlocal consciousness -- no such as OBEs, what! -- as, quoting Danilo Saretta Verissimo, Husserl's theory of perceptive donation according to profiles, Psicologia USP, 27:3, 2016, p. 522:
The appearance of everything that is puts the perception in the center of this philosophy dedicated to investigate the universal a priori of the correlation between the subjectivity and that which appears.
When couched within Husserliana -- e.g., Husserl's analysis of internal time consciousness, an analysis which begins by stating that memetime is a priori a given, a Kantian category of indexical understanding -- even the transtemporal is memetime-bound, as, to wit, again quoting Stanford Encyclopedia's Christian Beyer:
we have to look upon intentional acts as momentary components of certain transtemporal cognitive structures -- dynamic intentional structures -- in which one and the same object or state of affairs is represented throughout a period of time during which the subject's cognitive perspective upon the object or state of affairs is constantly changing
Transtemporal to me means altogether without reference to memetime, even without reference to topo-active optime, like, for instance, is the time-independent Schrödinger equation in its undecomposed infinite-valued fullness properly m-understood only with truth-value-independent µTm-unto-CTC+ logics. Indexical Husserl implicitly, and consonant with the probability-amplitude-cum-propensities interpretation of m-valued Schrödinger wave-function (which does have something to do with the physics of holography), takes higher-logical-value order-types as indicative of possible facts, possible angles (good offices of Jay Dyer, Jaysanalysis, 20 September 2010), possible worlds, the Husserlian notion of possible, as in possible futures, the future memetime instants in which one might walk around a given object-other, say, being memetime-bound and 1T2-only absolutely-in-so-far-as-definable. Husserlian intentionality is, thus, 1T2-only-bound. As such, there must be, relative to possible worlds, a 1T2-only universal horizon (good offices of Horizon: Studies in Phenomenology) comprised of all 1T2-only partial horizons, all such horizonality lying in latency (good offices of Kristjan Laasik writing for PhilPapers), this latency being, actually, a black-box term used to suppress recognition of the existence and involvement of µTm-unto-CTC+ logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, such that the full import of the Analytical Cubist bleed-through of µTm-orders of cognition is veiled by holding that only one Abschattung qua esquisse qua profile can be perceived at a given instant of memetime, it being given a priori that there can be no such as memetime-altogether-independent awareness. However, the field-of-the-given is to be found in pre-pregeometry bucket-of-dust psychetichyletic data, data not 1T2ly processable. Suchness of the Husserlian object-as-such doesn't exist, as object existence and object constancy are absolutely-in-so-far-as-definable only in 1T2-only terms alone, suchness-as-such having its being-in-itself, heh-heh-heh, upon, and only upon, holographic CTC+ Tzog-chen AllBase state plate-- oops, uh, state space, the involutory decomposer, topo-active optime, being the functional equivalent to the holographic reference beam.
Response to a translator's question concerning the below-given passage from The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, p. 50:
Ride once again into the passion of Aquinas on the saddleback of William James' present. The world-time of any cosmological neighborhood is projected as an operational composite of the interior-times of the entities constellating that neighborhood. Learn that! Learn that! But this is child's play: lessons for an egg. What is the relation between the world-space and the multiplicity of interior-spaces? Interior-times to interior-spaces? Visual space? Auditory space? To the neighborhood? YOU ARE AN EGG! yet to undergo eclosion: no larva, no pupa, no adult. MIRROR FOR A DRIFTING WRECKAGE WHICH IS YOUR OWN FRAGMENTED AWARENESS. Finnegans Wake, indeed! Is that wake a drift net or a feeder band? Ha!
This interior-multilogue passage in italic is a statement made by one of Derek's inner voices, the voice of one of his other-'I'-ams, speaking to him, excoriating him. The statement is like a message from the unconscious and, thus, comes in a form almost like something that might be heard in a dream. This passage can be regarded as an example of drip-painting words into a verbal-associations picture, rather than presenting a discursive exposé: the reader may free-associate meanings according to what he/she brings to the picture. This is a service provided to the reader in that the proffered picture only minimally preprograms his/her experience, yet holds forth a somewhat circumscribed cognitive field upon which the reader's projective-identifications -- less or more concrete -- may be screened. Thus, the reader has an opportunity to ponder upon things he/she might otherwise not have so done.
St. Thomas Aquinas: The Unity of the Person [think: relative to your own fragmented awareness and Husserl's internal time] and the Passions, Maria Carl, Proceedings of the American Catholic Association, 86, 2012.
One of St. Thomas Aquinas's most ingenious, yet underappreciated, philosophical innovations is his synthesis of Plato's dualism and Aristotle's hylomorphism in his theory of the human person. Aquinas's view of the person expresses itself in a number of aspects of his thought. In this paper, I explore how his understanding of the passions is a reflection of his account of the unity of the human person. Just as Aquinas's view of the person reconciles elements of dualism and hylomorphism, his explanation of the passions steers a middle course between intellectualist and physicalist accounts of the human emotions and resists the reductionism characteristic of these dominant kinds of theories. Because Aquinas depicts the passions as engaging the whole person, I conclude the paper with a brief sketch of the significance of the passions for his moral theory.
Wiki: 'Saddlebacking', a neologism for a sex act.
Wiki: In mathematics, a saddle point or minimax point is a point on the surface of the graph of a function where the slopes (derivatives) in orthogonal directions are all zero (a critical point), but which is not a local extremum of the function The name derives from the fact that the prototypical example in two dimensions is a surface that curves up in one direction, and curves down in a different direction, resembling a riding saddle or a mountain pass between two peaks forming a landform saddle.
William James on Time Perception, Gerald E. Meyers, Philosophy of Science, 38:3, September 1971.
The present to which the datum refers is really a part of the past [think: saddleBACK being a play-on-words trope, or metareference, regarding this notion of the present-as-past] -- a recent past -- delusively given as being a time that intervenes between the past and the future. Let it be named the specious present, and let the past, that is given as being the past, be known as the obvious past.
James argued that time is a sensation, and the main point of this paper is to deny that claim. The concept of the specious present is explained, indicating how it clarifies the concept of the present moment. But neither it nor an argument used by Mach and James show time to be a sensation. The analysis presented here requires distinguishing concepts of sensation from concepts of temporal relations. James' view is really a theory that time-as-duration is sensed. But this assumes that the description of time as sensed is also a description of time as an objective property of independent events. This is nowhere established, and making it plausible is a recurrent problem for philosophies like neutral monism and radical empiricism.
Heidegger's Temporal Idealism, Timothy Wong, Politics and Culture, 3, 2001.
World time is the time that Dasein reckons with in order to be engaged with the world. There are four structures of world time that Heidegger distinguishes that gives world time the characteristics of having a significance as a time to do X. So in world time, which is the condition for the possibility of clock time or scientific objective time, time is always engaged in the world as the way that Dasein calculates his or her comportment with other Dasein and other non-Dasein entities. Before time is twelve o’clock (clock time) it is lunch time (world time).
Phenomenology and Time Consciousness, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Bergson, James and Husserl realized that if our consciousness were structured in such a way that each moment occurred in strict separation from every other (like planks of a picket fence), then we never could apprehend or perceive the unity of our experiences or enduring objects in time otherwise than as a convoluted patchwork. To avoid this quantitative view of time as a container, Husserl's phenomenology attempts to articulate the conscious experience of lived-time [i.e., internal time as Maurice Nicoll's living time] as the prerequisite for the Newtonian, scientific notion of time's reality as a march of discrete, atomistic moments measured by clocks and science.
Wiki: Finnegans Wake is a work of fiction by Irish writer James Joyce. It is significant for its experimental style and reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the English language. Written in Paris over a period of seventeen years and published in 1939
Wake = A watch or vigil held beside the body of someone who has died, sometimes accompanied by ritual observances including eating and drinking [by family and friends, the corpus of which may be considered the wake left behind by the deceased].
Wake = The path [of bubbles, particles, garbage ] left behind a ship on the surface of the water.
There is intentional ambiguity of meaning as regards wake as used in the passage drawn from MOON. The use of ambiguous meaning is one way to convey the idea that nothing in nature is single-valued, that all meanings are multivalued, i.e., m-valued, that nothing has simple-identity, that nothing is the same as itself, that every thing is non-selfsame.
Finnegans Wake: Commentary, Editor Eric's The Greatest Literature of All Time
Even the title is a complicated pun: Finn as in the French fin meaning end and egan sounding like again, thus forming the oxymoron end again. Wake refers to a party for the recently dead but also a joke because the dream content of Finnegans Wake takes place during Finnegan's sleep. If you find this a knee-slapper, you'll roll on the floor laughing over the rest of Finnegans Wake. It starts famously in mid-sentence: riverrun, past Eve and Adams, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to [think: saddleBACK as metareferential trope]
As here used, the indeed is itself an exclamation point. The exclamation questions, by irony, the notion that James Joyce's meaning attributed to the word wake is limited to the sense of a funeral vigil as depicted in the novel, thus suggesting that Joyce may have had some larger cosmological circumstance in mind as a deeper meaning.
Drift net: Because drift nets are not selective, many fish and marine mammals are trapped in them. Those unwanted by fishermen, such as sharks, turtles, seabirds, and dolphins, are removed from the nets and thrown back, dead, into the ocean. Drift nets are an extraordinarily destructive fishing technology.
Feeder band: In tropical parlance, the lines or bands of thunderstorms that spiral into and around the center of a tropical system. Also known as outer convective bands, a typical hurricane may have three or more of these bands. They occur in advance of the main rain shield and are usually 40 to 80 miles apart.
During my mid-teens, I imprinted upon Eugene O'Neill, with an initial reading of Beyond the Horizon -- soon thereafter, Mourning Becomes Electra drew me into first struggles with the man-woman level of the transference and all its stereotypic projective-identifications. By the end of the first semester of my freshman year of college, I understood Husserl's horizon (cf. composed of partially-conscious anticipated profiles, i.e., not generally identified as such during ADLs, activities of daily life) as being a specification of O'Neill's horizon (projected unconscious anticipated profiles partially accessed in the slumbered dreaming by which waking dreams are made). Later yet, having done my long AU-SIS frosh paper-for-Dean-Griffith (preceptored by one of Abdul Aziz Said's graduate students) entitled The Predicament of Existentialism, circa 1963 -- which effort involved reading into Husserl-Heidegger, among others -- as regards the visual component of the learned skill set, I took away more than the average volunteer from SFTG night-fighting instruction (consider that, Temporal resolution of visual information processing is thought to be an important factor in predator-prey interactions , to quote A Mechanism of Synaptic Clock Underlying Subjective Time Perception, Bartosz Jura, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 9 July 2019, where, again quoting Jura, there is an underlying mechanism of synaptic clock, with every synapse having its characteristic time unit ; whereas our take on the base-state intracellular Zeitgeber is described here, no relativity-violating synoptic clock proffered) as concerns persistence of vision in peripheral vision sans night-vision goggles. N-profiles of the object horizon? What lies Beyond the Horizon? Maybe that question signified one interphase lever-pull lifting me between my childhood exposure to identity-transparent primitive Shinto modes of comprehension and the impulse to seek out and discover the existence of m-valued logics. Lukasiewicz -- understood independent of the notion truth-value -- lies Beyond the Horizon. In endogenous ketaminergic (be aware that ketamine was the most-used anesthetic of the Viet Nam war) memetime-slowdown, persistence of vision persists due to time dilation at increased baud-rate of consciousness. N-profiles, thus, become OBEly available superposed at a given instant of memetime. I've long believed that, in the person of Alfred Jarry, this was the actual origin of Analytical Cubism. If memetime were to slow down enough, one would experience uh, uh, under the hypothesis that (like max information load at pilot fixation syndrome) CSTP (capacity, simultaneous temporal processing: good offices of Xiaorong Cheng, et al., Capacity Limit of Simultaneous Temporal Processing: How Many Concurrent 'Clocks' in Vision?, PLoS ONE, 9:3, 14 March 2014) varies with order of logical-value employed, state of consciousness, and baud-rate of consciousness whilst in that state. Hmmm. Husserl's internal times (minimally involving subjective durations, sensation-function-judgments based upon the prevailing state-of-consciousness-variable duration of the present moment underlain, in our thinking-function-judgment, by radiation-dependent, including intra-organismic radiation, intraneuronal-DNA pi-electron-parcel minimum time for spontaneous localization) of discrete somewhats Newton-Leibniz integrated into Heidegger's world time. Impersistence of vision due to repetition of stimuli (see: Brief subjective durations contract with repetition, Vani Pariyadath and David M. Eagleman, Journal of Vision, 8:16, 2008) yields alienated visual perception (cf. Eric Fromm, The [In]Sane Society, Henry Holt, 1955): a principle long since understood by producers of blackpsyche. Since the median collective baud-rate of consciousness is so slow as to maintain the [ill}u|son of a shared stream of consciousness, a shared Luneburg binocular visual space, a shared feeling-space, so on, there are myriad instances of mass defenestration via memetemporal (as regards simultaneously subitizing n-profiles of an object under memetime-slow-down, consider The temporal window of individuation limits visual capacity, Andreas Wutz and David Melcher, Frontiers in Psychology, 27 August 2014) and frequency-response windows -- and, quite obviously, this rate is slowing even more as de[mock}racy becomes ever more [mono}crazy. However cockamamie, copacetic is the whole political-economy {en(ch]i)lad|a, we, heh-heh-heh, feel -- querulous as the process of reaching consensus has always all ways been. Nonetheless, daily facing, thus, numerous bipolar, double-bind, cognitive-dissonance-inducing, Batesonesque-counterNashesque prisoner's dilemmas, it is well to [re}member that, howsoever microsoft-headed the involved Everett algorithms, Nash equilibrium in any MAD non-zero existential-confrere[ma}T(i)on game is no less 1T2-only-bound than is the zero-sum vonNeumann minimax (good offices of Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen, John von Neumann's Conception of the Minimax Theorem , Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 56, 2001, pp. 39-68) informing formulations as to the necessity for choice between prospective escalation-control options. Self-interestedness taken as foremost property of rationality is 1T2-only-bound because non-quantum selfsame simple-identity is indefinable under logical-value order-types supraordinate to that bivalent subscribing to the laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction. Mixed strategies not understood as probability distributions over pure strategies (think here of Hugh Everett), the collection of Nash-equilibrium n-tuple-points, understood as bridge-entry points of m-sheeted m-valued-functional Riemann surface, presents a radically-collapsed 1T2-only heuristic picture of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, friendship-mediated (think: mathematical definitions of friendship involving equations more likely than inequalities) cooperative functional integration being the surface-structure presentation of the generative empathy leading to authentic full-blown participation mystique. Still and all, frankly, even infinite-dimensional strategy spaces aside, I don't think any form of written notation can facilitate authentic cognitive capture of this: techno-exteriorized Musculpt is required. Howbeit so [re}membered, Platonic anamnesis likely is required to really realize that, under non-Everettian µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, the higher up the logical-value stepladder the less a Nashy problem there is with unshared utility values -- and even with November Steps, as Takemitsu said, there remains, as concerns remains of the day, a time difference [in the kinds of time] between Tokyo and New York. Being-in-world-time is being subjected to-- well, not only the projective-identifications codified by The Pentagon's Brain (good offices of Annie Jacobsen, Back Bay, 2016), but also the ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) DARPA-techno-materialized by in[car}nation, however short such actualization be of O'Neill-type horizons. In my judgment, between bivalent governance paradigms and 1T2-only business models, the meshworked internet, G-whatever, cloudmatrix will never leave the breast -- DARPA, Jason, In-Q-Tel, and Associates (circa June of 1974, I was aware that Dr. Jason was a magic-without-magic type of guy, heh-heh-heh! -- no less than those from the University of Nancago), their equivalents globally, prioritizing the virtuosity of iniquitous collective trust-memory-emotion management, i.e., cognition-steerable augments cum cyborgs commanded by autonomous drones, and many suchlike projects, all Lebenswelts being weaponized as electronic 2nk-fitness-landscape battlefields. Anathema, for one, to binary-mind of the movers and shakers ConveDDing in compensatory abreaction (the extremity of back-reaction on the eco[no}metric being imagined-depicted in The Real Reason for the Shocking New Developments in the War on Cash, Jeff Thomas, International Man, no date given): a planetary monetary system built up of µTm-LETS nesting-foams defined over fractal e-boundaries, with superposed-LETS qua quantum-composite unit of account. Superposition (of, say, complex/hypercomplex µTmly n-adic modular Henke eigenforms and their number fields, sans normalization) focused on the ideal {zero} (equals {infinity}) is not, to my mind, semisimple, i.e., a mere matter of sums accomplished by iterative employment of a 1T2-only arithmetic operator, the superposition being µTm-unto-CTC+-valent, semantic import of each logical-value order-type being irreducible to imports of subordinate logical-value order-types. More like multiplicity zero (qua, not cum, infinity) CTC+ly-unto-µTmly demergent to multiplicity one. Trying to penetrate the deep-structure rationale behind inner-Musculpt automorphic representation, beginning with Le Corbusier and F. L. Wright on modular architectures (bought The Modulor and The Natural House at an Anchorage bookstore, circa 1961; a decade later acquired Heinrich Engel's The Japanese House: A Tradition for Contemporary Architecture, and read of the ken unit length), I came to think of Musculpt automorphic forms in terms of automorphic 3-fold topo-active optime (Schrödinger's cat burglar of metaphysical-unto-physical climes) as executing the n-ary operations of the n-jective nonlinear transformations realized on multi-sheeted MVRS (Lukasiewician-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space) by which CTC+-unto-µTm logics demerge nonselfsame eigenforms into concretion of modular forms (cum haptification thereof: it's almost as if one can reach out and tap the Plexiglas wall aura initializing memetime-slow-down). Irregular shapes made out of modular forms via curvature configurations modeled with the lattices of the Regge calculus. The math is elaborate and not really exactly what holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt requires, but well worth tracking the highlights of. The best non-techy intro I've been able to find is The heck is a modular form?, Zerowensboring, MetaFilter, 18 January 2018. Quoting the highlighted answer at the end:
Math equations are often used to represent objects in the real world. In that case, there is a mathematical object that represents a real world object. However, you can also use one type of mathematical object to represent another type of mathematical object. For instance, you might have an algebraic equation that represents a geometric shape. You might have a type of polynomial equation that is equivalent in certain ways to a topological group. Etc.
A modular form is one type of mathematical object. Described briefly, it is a function over a lattice of points in the complex plane, a.k.a. a lattice of imaginary numbers. A modular form is not quite that simple it also has some other various properties about what it does at the boundaries where it reaches infinity [think: e.g., initialization of temporal CURL in cascade dynamics of tornadogenesis], and how quickly its values change, etc.
Modular forms are sometimes used to represent other types of objects in mathematics. Modular forms are actually pretty versatile in that they can represent many other mathematical objects. Why would you represent one mathematical object as another? Sometimes a problem that is difficult to solve in one representation is easy to solve in another.
Inner-musculpt automorphic forms are colored-sounded psycho-ideographs used, for multiplicity one, heh-heh-heh, to represent math equations and other mathematical objects. Indeed, one might choose, for the heuristic value, to think of a tornado as being a real-world representation of a set of partial nonlinear differential equations; in point of fact, heh-heh-heh, the representational confabulation, as noted in the immediately above given quotation, can be n-ary, the whole corpus of hyletic data being one grand Rorschach test, eh what!
Hey-ya. Been 5Ged unto a draft pick of nCOVID-19, eh? Heh-heh-heh-- such laughter iff DNA radiation exchange is not mediated by quantum-wave properties of superconductant pi-electron-gas core, and, moreover, the involved histologically-specific pi-electron-parcel frequency-response windows are not subject to radiation-induced pathofunctional shifts and have nothing to do with immune system function. Sequel to 9/11 in the disjointed incrementalism approach to incrementing-up the process of implementing the global reset? Hardly fail-safe! Not to be lost amongst the inherent ambiguities of the case are the individual and collective risks involved in choice of savage axioms (not discussed by, for instance, Itzhak Gilboa and Andrew Postlewaite and David Schmeidler in Is It Always Rational to Satisfy Savage's Axioms?, Economics and Philosophy, 25, 2009, pp. 285-96). Ah, yes, the loss of 1T2-only-internal coherence. Heh-heh-heh! Like many (for one instance, consider Caitlin Johnstone's portrait, as given here: 'e amn't no semasiologist, that's fo'sure! and, despite the MSM's agitatsiya, no Agnus Dei transference figure, neither) of TPTB, are you brain-GMO-corn{fused] into hominy grits? Hmmm. What about reintegrating at the implementation stage that which has been analytically broken? Well, looky here, ye hear, an ensheaved m-valued-LETS monetary-unit transaction µTmly processed would not be semblable to your average dissociated Everettian multiverse-in-process under schizoid constraints of 1T2-only-thermodynamic process; it-not-from-bit, i.e., non-selfsame form-in-process, would be like SIMULTANEOUS (all the factors, not just one, of the involved partial derivatives of the 1T2-only Everett Lambda Theorem [p. 507] pay off µTmly all at once) implementation of the range of consequences qua single-valued prices calculated by the analytically-breaking-down Everett-algorithm (good offices of J. P. Evans and F. J. Gould, A Generalized Lagrange Multiplier Algorithm for Optimum or Near Optimum Production Scheduling, Management Science, 16:5, January 1972: wish I could understand this better, as it surely tacitly takes inspiration from the intracellular Zeitgeber, i.e., DNA's memetime-giving pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillation rate) generalization of the Lagrange-multiplier (good offices provided by Andrew Chamberlain of Glassdoor, 10 December 2016) allocation-optimization upon utilization of n-resources to overcome n-contraints. Let's contextualize that ensheaved m-valued-LETS monetary-unit transaction µTmly processed. Lukasiewiczian-Everettian µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency (there is no suchlike as an objective property or an independent event in a CTC+ly identity-transparent-qua-participatory universe) being beyond the horizon -- the Edmund Husserl horizon, not the Eugene O'Neill horizon -- there is a transcending-Brownian-Laws-of-Form distinction naturally, i.e., by topo-active optime, drawn between form informing (speaking sculpturally) logical-unto-ontological-demergence-wise CTC+ly-unto-µTmly-unto-1T2ly and form informing (speaking cybernetically) 1T2-information-propagation-wise like recursively emergent cellular-automata see[a}bit|a Italian loves, oops!, loaves. As regards Turangalila, i.e., cosmic love play, given pre-instantiated being-in-itself eigenforms as transcending the 1T2-only function-structure dichotomy, their being-there being, thus, deeper than surface-structure and not identical to deep-structure, my I/im (ack, aye, a whole bevy of Wigner's friends, what!: consider Experimental test of local-observer independence, Massimiliano [appropriately] Proietti, et al., arXiv, 13 February 2019; and for a less technical account, A quantum experiment suggests there's no such thing as objective reality, MIT Technology Review, 12 March 2019) indubitably does-do not believe -- 1T2ly: not-A, uh, uh, that is, IMHO-not -- that Lukasiewicz logics are about calculation of denumerable selfsame discretes (consider in this regard Quantum discreteness is an illusion, H. Dieter Zeh, Heidelberg Universitat, 2010, arXiv preprint 2009: pre-pregeometry bucket of dust being another issue; moreover, under CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, distance is an illusion, such that There is no spooky action at a distance is a tautology, 1T2ly speaking, that is, keeping in mind that under 3rd-order dynamical [consider that solitons must strictly be the exact solutions of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation , as stated in the abstract to Optical spatial solitons: historical overview and recent advances, Zhigang Chen and Mordechai Segev and Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Reports on Progress in Physics, 75, 2012], n-dimensional, non-orientable reentries, e.g., that of the Klein bottle, tautologically conflated is cause to effect, effect to cause), even though the schematization Laws of Form schemata may be exclusively devoted thereto. Must remember, mus'ent we, that in our most materialistic societies one's friends can turn out to be one's enemies; the inverse, very rare. Being judicious in saying 'I' to Wigner's friends is indicated, particularly so considering Sri Aurobindo's account of personified roof-brain-chattering inner-talker asuras and necessity to let them pass on by as functional prerequisite to entry upon Nirvana (see his Letters On Yoga). Speaking to Turing cum G. Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form, Joseph Weissman says (Introduction section of Universal Computation and the Laws of Form, Fractal Ontology, 25 November 2007):
Computation is holographic. Information processing is a formal operation made abstract only by a reduction in the number of free variables, a projective recording which analyzes from all angles [think: Husserlian profiles] the entropy or information contained in the space.
Zeh, seemingly would have no problem with that, as he begins his abstract with:
the concept of particle numbers arises in the form of equi-distant energy eigenvalues of coupled harmonic oscillators representing free fields. Their quantum numbers (numbers of nodes of the wave functions) can be interpreted as occupation numbers for objects with a formal mass (defined by the field equation) and spatial wave number (momentum) characterizing classical field modes.
Non-Everettian CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency is no mere matter of minimum permissible distance at closest packing in personal space. Superposition is the initial and unchanging permanent state; involutory decomposition is memetime-independent, demergence being effectuated by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. Particle a lit point -- bit from lit -- of the superdense lattice-logic nesting-foam bootstrappingly part-and-parcel, string-and-loop of how -- hows often being mistaken for wheres -- spacetime is demergently being-there. By Planck's quantum of action, as 1T2-only understood (how Bohring!), electron quantum jumps are not jumps; they are disappearances and reappearances -- no transiting of the spaces between, cosmogenesis of ponderable space itself not being CTC+ly-unto-µTmly understood a function of those disappearances and reappearances. Peek-a-boo at à gogo galore: that may explicitly be avouched. As regards internal system state, a particle, being memetimely a wave, is self-superposed -- therefore, non-selfsame; logicwise, this means ensheaved of m-logical-values which may be numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (quantum numbers being 1T2-takes there with respect to) -- each such superposed logical-value signifying the introjection of an externality itself an n-body-composite such that the numbering Gödel-numbered Gödel number propositions characteristics of the given case of CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Measurement is imposition of memetime, which is 1T2-only definable; imposition of 1T2-only, quite obviously, removes the ensheaved values from view of the measurer (yet more peek-a-boo by way of the X-mas tree effect). OBE is the ketaminergic primordial state; localization to in-the-body at a definite position in ponderable space at a given instant of memetime is learned behavior prescriptively enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically anchored. This is all very interesting vis-à-vis our thought, based upon our model of the quantum-wave properties of DNA at helix-coil transition, that all of stereochemistry could be rewritten in the terms of sound (i.e., coherent waves). No reference here to the coherence theory of truth, though we imagine that a coherence theory of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency would provide the most features of the world nature-resonant correspondence-theory interpretation of Lukasiewiczian orders of logical-value. Speaking rather to coherence in propagation (as understood in, for instance, our 1978 paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere). The massive psychological problem -- aye, TPTB appreciate the hologram and the laser far less than they do the jaguar and the quark -- which the human species has with coherency, origin of the idea circa 1801 with Thomas Young's double-slit experiment, and why decoherence theory has become so popular, is that assimilating and integrating to consciousness coherency's imports requires radical re[vision}ing as to the nature qua nature of selfhood as metaphysical category: hence, the mass ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) occasioned by suppression of the non-selfsame selfhood (tribalism is Kosher: I've long argued that µTm-Cabalistic animism, while counter-Rabbinical, sacred and secular, is not anti-Semitic but intra-Semitic) constellated in the collective unconscious by discovery of quantum coherence during the period of run-up to onset of WWII, and most especially, post-WWII, with discovery of those macroscopic quantum coherencies giving the finger to the enBOHRed supposed classical limit. Collective psychoneuroautoimmune dyscrasia. Think, as regards ConveDDing: coherency can be understood analogous to a troop of Nazi soldiers partitioned into 6X6-squads marching in goosestep across a rope bridge. Hopefully, the currently expanding female cohorts of militaries globally do not demand mul[time}gat|on wargasms, heh-heh-heh! Camus, no less than Jung, understood that neither explication nor action can staunch a plague of the collective unconscious, that it inevitably will run its course; yet, both worked against our prevailing psychic contagion (however incredulous TPTB Ananias might be by necessity of their sponsorship of our increasingly-bivalent distributed-middle anaphase, our current case -- deep etiology lost in the mists of memetimes passed -- began to clinically present subsequent to N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr, and has amplified with each new fulmination: That's All Folks! denunciate the born-again wokes in echolalia, déjà vu being all over again once again) simply because that is the right thing to do. As regards ontological precursors in demergence of THE form (I can easily conflate this demergence to what Weissman somewhat differently uses the term n-dimensional holographic cascade, as processed by nature as a holographic computer, to denote), however, it must be acknowledged that wherefores and whats come before the hows of demergence. The best general discussion I've become aware of (thanks be to Lauri Love [nsh] for bringing Weissman's paper and the LoF50 Conference to my attention) concerning these aspects of demergence is the Conference presentation given by Christina Weiss, entitled In Between Concept and Instance made available by YouTube VDO. She, contextualized to my way of thinking, implicitly discusses demergence relative to the Hegelian notion of identity and difference in the signs of logic (I would rephrase Hegel à la J. G. Bennett's skew-parallelism/perpendicularity to: identity in difference between the signs of logic) where identity qua non-identity -- i.e., unity of contradictions such that sameness of forms is found in the non-selfsameness of THE form -- logically and ontologically precedes difference. Weiss also discusses the WWI-soldier Ludwig Wittgenstein's 1918 combat-written Tractatusian form as structure-preserving metafunction, which I take to be W's prefigurative philosophical statement of Heinz Hartmann's 1939 Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation idea that structure is function automatized, the most profound treatment of this concept being that provided in Merton Gill's and Margaret Brenman's Hypnosis and Related States, circa 1959. At various locations in The Collected Papers of David Rapaport (Merton Gill, ed., Basic Books, 1967: I acquired a copy in 1971 and studied through it, so I make this observation memory serving), the relation of Hartmann's idea to Piaget's account of the stages of cognitive development is analyzed by Rapaport. So, if one wonders what the correspondence is between dimensions as degrees of freedom and logical-value order-types, 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+, one starts with the recognition that function logically precedes structure and that correspondence is the Lobachevsky-Dirichlet definition of a function. The correspondence in question most likely involves a multivalued hypercomplex function, in that the single-valued demerges from the m-valued, complex numbers demerge from the hypercomplex, the natural numbers from the real (and this may be the case ontogenetically in the human organism as well: in quoting a statement made in C. R. Gallistel and R. Gelman and S. Cordes, The cultural and evolutionary history of the real numbers, in Evolution and culture, S. C. Levinson and P. Jaisson, eds., MIT Press, 2006, p. 247, to wit, when we refer to 'mental magnitudes' we are referring to a real number system in the brain, Lance J. Rips and Amber Bloomfield and Jennifer Asmuth, in From numerical concepts to concepts of number, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31:6, January 2009, p. 629, say, The reals may be the innate system, with natural numbers emerging later as the result of counting or through other means). In context of the neural hologram hypothesis, particularly as regards memory storage, it is important that Weissman's observation, concerning the 3D-to-2D transform, that owing to a fractal mapping, we lose no information be considerably detailed. He characterizes fractal mapping as a form of compaction, i.e., as encoding a functional mapping of a series of higher dimensional points into a single lower dimensional point. Whereas, if CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency is operative in part-whole relations on hologramic plate, then, very likely also involved is a Schrödinger-memetime-independent cyclotomic involutory decomposition of a single higher-logically-valued point (m-logical-values, mu-its, stacked on a point in logical-lattice space: inspiration regarding this notion may be taken from the logical lattices described by Tom Griffin and Stephen D. Bartlett in Spin lattices with two-body Hamiltonians for which the ground state encodes a cluster state, Physical Review A, 78:6, June 2008) into a lower-logically-valued point-set, likely handled by nature-as-a-Lukasiewiczian-analog-holographic-computer via processing of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. While 1T2-only-valued logic can adequately process n-to-1 and 1-to-n multivalued functions, it requires CTC+-unto-µTm-valued logics to adequately (no normalization procedures employed) process n-to-n multivalued functions, all the more so if the n involves Cantorian cardinalities of relative-state identity-transparency. Shifting the perspective from that of the instantiated egofunction to that of pure unsullied consciousness-without-an-object, given Franklin Merrell-Wolff's high indifference on Tzog-chen AllBase, CTC+ly speaking, impredicativity is impossible. There is nothing not presupposed: essence of the notion Platonic anamnesis. Comic relief: there are as many schizophrenias as there are logical-value order-types -- and the terror thus elicited is the deep-structure etiology of the surveillance business model. Jus' sayin'. The [n-1]-dimensional boundary contains all the information held within the n-dimensional space thus bound: the holographic principle (tacitly, on basis subliminally derived from n-generations of experience in participation mystique, analogically employed by the Viet Cong political infrastructure as catalyst to self-organization by resource exchange across boundaries, cf. our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh). Ah, the perfect incontinence which is Brownian double-crossing. Aye, As The World Turns from impaired leadership to the more impaired. Well, locusts for one, and viruses too, have, haven't they, embraced the exhortation to Go Beyond [1T2-only-logical in-or-out] Borders. By fair witness, pari passu, without partiality, hand-in-hand: hardly the paranoid's style of de[mock}racy rat-raced in the post-postmodernist era. Hmmm, holographic fractal maps of 3D-objects recorded as 1T2-only distinctions drawn on hologramic platter? Or does the 1T2-only reside only in normotic-observer processing? The infinitely-long short distance to the boundary as measured on a Koch curve; or, as abides in the, beloved of fuzzy logicians, closed [0,1] real interval -- with infinite collections of self-similar such intervals nested within, and nesting without. Early on in his career, John A. Wheeler said, I am uneasy [as] I see no bedrock of logic on which quantum mechanics is founded (as recounted in the autobiographical Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam, John Wheeler with Kenneth Ford, W. W. Norton, 1998, p. 124). So, it from bit notwithstanding, pregeometry as [1T2-only] calculus of propositions must subtend relativity physics alone, not also quantum mechanics. But Wheeler didn't think of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function relative to m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and as representing µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency in a non-selfsame one-and-only universe, non-selfsame by continence/incontinence of the forms of THE form. Nor, therefore, of each particle carrying m-valued, holistic, part-is-whole, Cantorian-infinite (when Wheeler was queried regarding his assessment of our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, he responded and very politely suggested that the atmospheric science community would not appreciate exotic physics being brought into its Newtonian domain; otherwise suggesting are the many points of contact between our paper and Cantorian Fractal Space-time Fluctuations in Turbulent Fluid Flows and the Kinetic Theory of Gases, A. Mary Selvam, Apeiron, 9:2, April 2002), hologramic (each point on plate carrying the information of a given Husserlian profile of the whole image of the object captured; or somewhat like, uh, semblable, cf. Andrew Chamberlain linked above, each point on a level-curve circle of the n-variable Lagrange multiplier function signifying one of the function's partial first derivatives, this becoming much more elaborate with second- and third-order partial derivatives: think here of the spin component of 3-fold operator-time transforming Klein-bottle reentry into circle into slope) information about the state of the whole system of which it is a part -- this hologramic m-valued information of the wave-function requiring analog-Lukasiewiczian processing, if the system is to escape being fuzzied out into one big blur. Inner-Musculpt is constituted of acoustico-optical holographic forms, the significations of which are different from, not merely the sum of, the significations of acoustic holography and optical holography. Moreover, synaesthetically speaking, the acoustico-optical significations are m-enfolded/m-folded. There is infrasound and ultrasound, below the visible spectrum and above the visible spectrum: thus, there surely are infraholograms and ultraholograms. Moreover, not only are there lower- (including fractal) and higher-dimensional spaces, thus lower- and higher-dimensional holograms, ponderability is logical-value-order-type dependent, hence, there are ponderable and relatively imponderable holograms. Indeed, given the logical-value-order-type hierarchy (compacted [this characterization being 1T2-oriented] on the Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense sheet of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space), demergent distinctions are CTC+ly-unto-µTmly relatively imponderable unto absolutely-in-so-far-as-ponderable 1T2ly. G. Spencer-Brown's use of the calculus of indications to prove Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras demonstrated that the notion distinction is logically more fundamental than the notion truth-value. The notion identity qua identity, in the metaphysical sense of the suchness of a whatnot -- which may be µTmly-unto-CTC+ly nonselfsame and, thus, assurgently, beyond the horizon of any denumerable discrete -- is logically more fundamental yet than the notion distinction, this latter notion, i.e., distinction, having to do with the notion identity not in its metaphysical sense, but in its mathematical sense, i.e., equivalence of cum equality of selfsame whatnots construable cum constellatable as drawn into distinguishment qua distinction under operations executed by 1T2-only operators such as those arithmetic. Tzog-chen AllBase is qua is, which is to say that all distinctions are being-there in the unmarked state, aka the eigenform of Gebserian Ever-present Origin, a state in demergence by involutory decomposition CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 under 3-fold topo-active optime, memetime cum ponderable space being demergent only under 1T2-only-logic alone. Distinction-as-such is, thus, not given and is not irreducible (except if construed as being under only 1T2-only-logic alone). By transtemporal, 1T2-only-Everett-relative-state means identity-branching (think: memory-tree-of-life) ACROSS MEMEtime, whereby an initial selfsame identity-state of a singular whatnot becomes schizophrenogenically-cum-hysterically multiple; whereas, by transtemporal, CTC+-Lukasiewicz-relative-state means identity-transparency altogether INDEPENDENT of MEMEtime, whereby a non-selfsame identity-state of a non-singular whatnot is all ways always nondenumerably infinite (nonetheless and nevertheless, by CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 involutory decomposition via Platonic forgetfulness, this nondenumerable eigenform automorphically topo-active-optime projects into concretion so-not-funny Lebenswelt-legal yet cosmic-illegitimate legatees, e.g., you and me separate and equal, and O-so not in non-selfsame-self Platonic anamnesis. The metafunction of orchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization of glutamatergic neural pruning cum quantum quenching at neuronal plasticity is to establish a buffer between the egofunction and THE quantum brain's Platonic anamnesis. Not following here Gebser's concretion of time and haptification of space; rather, concretion by topo-active optime of (model-reality speaking) homogenous, isotropic, ponderable space and haptification therein of memetime-bound, objective, independent, discrete objects 1T2-only definable; whereas, act[u}al|ly, as noted above, (speaking beyond model-reality qua world-picture) there is no such like as an objective property or an independent event in a CTC+ly identity-transparent-qua-participatory universe. All the way down Jacob's Ladder is the fully demergent: 1T2ly speaking, fall guys and gals, insofar as there is any more (consider Transgenderism: the great delusion of our time, Patrick West, Spiked, 28 February 2020) such distinction allowable: confluence of the supersession qua demise of bivalent logic coupled, whoopse, linked, to effluent omnipresence of mimetic estrogens has been ConveDDed to transgenderism. Ach, aye, Rorschaching psychetichyletic data we are, aren't we. Corral-partioning pre-pregeometry point sets on MVRS as modular forms: 3-fold topo-active optime [tri}aging scattershot penned-up into clusters uni[vers}i|tied collegial. Think: Kusama-polka-dot photism environments qua Aurobindo warm golden dust of SuperMind qua Wheelerian bucket of dust pre-pregeometry (visual field continuous flickering dots made into migraine aura by engagement in NAFR, Autogenic Training's neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance, as per persistent-visual-noise syndrome? to wit Persistent Visual Noise (Visual Snow Syndrome), Al Mamoori Fawwaz and Moath al Horani, Journal of Ophthalmology & Visual Neurosciences, 2:1, October 2017). Aposematic coloration of the enfevered warn of the dangers we ignore to our great peril.
Surprisingly, after Brain-Mind Bulletin highlighted our paper entitled Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge, Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, 3:4, 1977-8, pp. 325-35, Heinz von Foerster sent a postcard thanking us for the contribution. I was a bit mystified (most of von Foerster's more accessible papers had yet to be published) until it occurred to me that our use of Heinz Hartmann's notion that function automatized is structure, in context of the neuropsychological theories associated with autogenic brain discharges, corresponds to von Foerster's sense of recursion. Now, decades later, reading Louis H. Kauffman's Eigenform, Kybernetics, 34:1/2, 2005, pp. 129-50, I learn much more about that correspondence. Three-fold <<<>>> operator/counteroperator-time effectuating/de-effectuating, by hyperhypercomplex-hypercomplex-imaginary temporal CURLs cum counter-temporal CURLs, involutory decomposition/recomposition of MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) demerges/remerges psychetichyletic data into/out-of the eigenforms of {{{{{ }}}}} = U memetime-bound-process 1T2ly-comprehended as coalescence of compresence via active absence (see: The Whole: Counterfeit and Authentic, Henri Bortoft, Systematics, 9:2, September 1971), the whole hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam signified by Brownian crosses/counter-crosses iff (insofar as -- if there be embrace of the fuzzy logic interpretation of Lukasiewicz logics) the take is restricted to that 1T2-only alone. Hmmm. Eigenwert, Eigenfunktion, Eigenfrequenz. If each DNA histological type has a unique natural-frequency response window as bottom-line of immunological signification of the marking of selfsame self-identification, then, as we entertained from first beating about the thesis later elaborated in A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XV, 1979, pp. 333-41, and as we've continued to feel, it's very likely that RNA frequency response windows have biological functions. One wonders whether this applies also to RNA viruses, their genotypes and haplotypes, and in the case of haplotypes, whether the biological function in question is one determinant of virulence? What about as regards the haplotypes of betacoronavirus 2019-nCoV? Discussion of contextualization is provided by Jon Cohen (New coronavirus threat galvanizes scientists, Science, 367: 6477, 31 January 2020, pp. 492-3) and Larry Romanoff (China's Coronavirus , Global Research, 4 March 2020). Ah, yes, phylogenetic trees. Hmmm. Demergence of the forms of THE form: Eigen|form, , face, , behavior, , voice, , gesture, , functor-functional-function, , state, , frequency, , mode, , space, , vector, , value. Down Jacob's Lad/Her, the order-types of self-reference in demergence, order-types underlying m-valued Lukasiewiczian logics (understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to relative-state identity-transparency), supratend the emergence man[i}fest on the bottom rung of Jacob's Lad/Her by single-logically-valued recursion: bundling the moribund into the compresent, the compresent into the moribund, the moribund into the compresent, and so on and so forth. Our take, distinct from that of von Foerster crossed into Bortoft, is that lescence logically and ontologically precedes compresence: the U qua W, universe qua world, is µTm-demergently involutory, not 1T2-generatively constructible (except as a Maya of cellular automata operantly conditioned to voluntarily assimilate to Samsara). My I/im being sign(s) of my non-simple selfhood, which, under the hood of egofunction, is/are concatenations of CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency of the forms-in-process of THE form (Eigen = individual, own, peculiar, natural, inherent, proper, characteristic). The memetime independent Schrödinger Eigenvalue equation does describe a transformation (despite being memetime independent), y'know, in our view, and speaking 1T2ly, a transformation from memetemporally and ponderablespatially unbound states on Tzog-chen AllBase to bound states localied, whoopse! localized by subclinical and clinical (i.e., two measurement classes) autogenic brain discharges (see our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement).
In response -- flam[boy}ant|ly intense, appallingly frenetic -- to stacked n-dimensional crises displaying nonlinear graphs, our cookbooking, recipe-following, dot-gov linear operators, fudging ledger domains top-down-concentrated rather than distributed, via psychophysical parallelism project into concretion the fearsome asura-culprits mirrored in their own unexamined corpora of identifications long since noshed: scarfing, then snarfing. Schnitzels become infuriated when schlammed by shiksas spritzing the shvartze, and expostulating, Shalom, my boy. Indications are: James Ellroy only skimmed the surface of the cesspool. Peeeeeyew, uh-- phew! Rhapsodomizing the droolers: twittering blackpsyche by jabberwalkytalkying via MoSoSo. Introjections of the component processes of Umwelts from the integral sums (ergo: sum [cog}i|to 1T2-only alone) constituted as the collective projective-identifications constellating prevailing Lebenswelts, do not facilitate internalization of the extra-systemic externalities driving the nonlinear dynamics befuddling these linear operators. Hinky of shtick, they ain't: avunculars imprinted on FFs, Founding Fathers, cutting-up sartorially. To them: all that psycho-babble be-- je ne sais quoi. Soon the yips be turning into fits. Anti-litigious ain't of the fare their law-unto-themselves smorgasbords. Brodied their cognition, they did, didn't they, both on abrupt stoppage and upon spinning-away recoil into a fishtail-oscillation subject to destabilizing radiation impingement, the radiation issuing from action-potentials of glutamtergically-pruned neural networks, shapings of the cutups orchestrated under prescriptive enculturation-socialization. No [fuss}budgets at the FED; plenty of fuss[bud}gets. [Con}form|at|i|on: cellular automata operant-conditioning-conned into formation by generative linguistics wherein semantics is construed to be emergent (rather than grammar seen to be demergent from semantics). When, clearly, suborning has been the marketmaker MO of choice, hardly to be expected is interest in quantum markets where denomination of transactions is in µTm-LETS currency units. When m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, not probability amplitudes, are employed with respect to the m-values of the Schrödinger wave-function, state-function, Eigenfunction, the logic-focus autogenically shifts from 1T2-to-µTm, and is no longer set upon the corpus of non-zero vectors (i.e., Eigenvectors), but upon the kernel of the transformation's mapping (good offices of Manny Condas, Quora, 30 August 2017), that kernel or nullspace being the set of vectors in the domain of the mapping mapped to the zero vectors of the involved set of zeros (think: Bortoft active absence, from perspective of 1T2-only alone). The 1T2-handling is a special case of the µTm-handling which is a special case of the CTC+-handling, these handlings having correspondence -- under the property of self-similarity within the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) nesting-foam -- to 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. What linearity there is (supraordinate to 1T2-only) to the involved mappings is found in J. G. Bennett's null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels. Note that, generally speaking, we aren't interested in the zero vector. While topo-active optime is act|ist unto act|and unto act|or, its [act}ant is not the MVRS, but geometrodynamics drawn with those Bennettian pencils. Multivalent pregeometry logical operators upon MVRS cosmogenetically precede the temporal operators implementing the demergent logophysics instruction sets. Whatever Monsanto may have thought, superseded ain't necessarily dependent upon superseeding! Three-fold topo-active optime is not to be conjugated to operator observable H; rather, it altogether replaces 1T2|operator}observable H with G, a CTC+-unto-µTm|participator-operator}observable, because, 1T2ly speaking Taoistically, universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operations on the MVRS (consciousness in its passive aspect being the space operated upon), and 3-fold topo-active optime executes that set. Since, moreover, to our manner of comprehension, given m-logically-valued skew-parallelism/perpendicularity, there is no orthogonal basis, parity-inversion is broken; and, while memetime reversal holds, counter-temporal operations are memetime-independent and unrelated to antimatter. G, thus (for interesting discussion see: Is it possible for the Hamiltonian to be non-Hermitian?, ResearchGate, 4 April 2015), being a 3-fold autopoietic operator (non-observable to observer-state systems employing 1T2-only processing alone: one reason why holographic techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as mathematics notation is required for elaborations of exploration such that thinking is thought in the MVRS, not about the MVRS) on a C+-infinite-dimensional hyperhypercomplex Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert vector-space MVRS, is non-Hermitian qua [non-self}adjoint, even if autopoietic, with broken PT symmetry (for interesting discussion see: What is physical significance of Parity-Time symmetry?, ResearchGate, 4 April 2013; much more elaborately, as regards complexification of Hamiltonians, see: What is PT symmetry? Miloslav Znojil, Journal of Physics A [Letters], 20 March 2001). G Eigenvalues are not real (for interesting discussion see: What do the eigenvalues of a non-Hermitian operator mean?, ResearchGate, 10 October 2014). G Eigenfunctions are not orthogonal: consider the idea that Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization (see the Orthogonality of Degenerate Eigenstates section of Eigenfunctions of Operators are Orthogonal, Richard Fitzpatrick, LibreTexts, 25 January 2020) does not renormalize Eigenfunctions with the same Eigenvalue in those cases where the same Eigenvalue exists under different orders of logical-value in the Lukasiewiczian-relative-state-identity-transparency nesting-foam. The angular momentum in cascade under G is hyperhypercomplex, hypercomplex, imaginary, thus commuting (a commutator rotary switch [think: Penrose twistors involved in quantization of temporal CURL], wound of pencils of skew-parallels, a switch switching in regards to the orders of temporal CURL through which charge is created [see the Multivaluedness, Self-reentry, Non-Orientability, and Hyparxis section of our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process] via stringy lines of force trapped in the topology of space by superpositionings of skew-perpendicularities of those lines with equipotential surfaces, skew-perpendicularity being the back-channel subtext on Heisenberg uncertainty: µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, an expression of virtuality) with G, but not with H.
A Borel set of warm-golden Aurobindoean dust of Eigenform fixed points, Wheelerian buckets of such dust motes, going beyond the infinite 1T2-only-recursions that supposedly generate them -- this going beyond actually, like with N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem vis-à-vis trans-al-jabr, an existence proof for the pre-existence of CTC+ly-unto-µTmly-fixed points of pre-pregeometry from which logical and algebraic recursions demerge. Russell's famous 1T2-paradox (the set of all sets not members of themselves violates the bivalent-only Law of Non-Contradiction) is an apt characterization of µTm-unto-CTC+-non-selfsameness qua pagan-animistic-quantum µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. Franklin Merrell-Wolffian knowledge through identity is demergent glutamatergic-selfsame, by Platonic anamnesis, ketaminergically deautomatizing the recursively-predicated object constancy, such that entry upon the state of consciousness-without-an-object reveals the non-selfsame from which the involutory multiverse-of-selfsames is cyclotomically decomposed. Louis H. Kauffman observes (Eigenform, Kybernetics, 34:1/2, 2005, pp. 129-50) that:
By taking a look at how the Russell set could be generated, we find that the Russell set will never be completed [think of the issues involved in the Axiom of Choice]. We find that it is possible to have sets that continue to evolve in time and that time is a necessary concept in mathematics. Only in the course of time can we conceive of a Russell set.
And, 1T2-only-consequently, since the Russell set is bound to 1T2-only-logic alone by conforming to the bivalent-only Law of Non-Contradiction, we must 1T2ly-conclude that time (actually memetime) is a necessary concept in mathematics limited to that under 1T2-only-logic alone, and with respect to number types only definable under 1T2-only-logic alone. Under µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-types, the one-to-one-correspondence aspect of the Russellian class-concept of number does not hold, µTm-preCantor-wise and CTC+-Cantor-wise, due to the involved order-types of relative-state identity-transparency predicating existence of infinitudes of infinitudes of non-selfsame number types involving many-to-many-correspondence aspects, one example being Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes. Given how thoroughly new number types alter our notions as to the nature of physical reality, there needs be no wondering as to why numerical interpretation of Lukasiewicz logics has been confined to the real interval [0,1], some suggesting {0,1}, and why the m-valued state-function of Schrödinger's canonical quantum wave equation, however much it has been futzed about with, is not understood in terms of m-valued logics unpacked, not to truth-values, but to relative-states of identity-transparency. When -- so far -- m-valued logics have been employed in m-scenarios strategic assessment-forecasting-planning, they've been reduced in import-- well, according to our non-fuzzy sans-Law-of-Non-contradiction orientation. Nonetheless, I am not altogether against the sans-Law-of-Distributed-Middle-{0,1} approach, as it is obviously an improvement over the full-Boolean take: as regards implementation of plans, consider the graded actions facilitated by the planning procedures described in A Multivalued Logic of Planning, M. Baioletti, et al., Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 141, January 2006, pp. 575-79. We note that a multivalued version of interference among actions is not considered in this model and is deferred awaiting further investigations. We suspect that this is the precise issue over which truth-value as the fundament of logic will be altogether abandoned in supersession by relative-state identity-transparency as that fundament. Be aware that implementation of m-valued-LETS-currency nesting-foams, transactions of which (that is, propositions qua subspaces of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space) would be µTm-logically processed (likely by Lukasiewiczian analog computers), would in many currencies involve solutions to non-Boolean non-fuzzy constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), in that the values ensheaved upon the base-state of a given µTm-LETS currency unit could very well be chosen (by holographic-Musculpt computer-gamed open-source participatory-e-commons m-scenarios StratPlanning) as components in application of one or more constraints -- which is not to say that fuzzy-cum-weighted CSPs are ruled out, for ensheaved values could also be chosen as components in non-Boolean fuzzy-cum-weighted application of constraints. This would involve no mere monetary reform such as that being proposed by our central-banking cohort and associated global oligarchs; it would incorporate, not only fundamental quantum-relativistic changes in the very idea of money, but also would lift the notion of institutional redesign into realms where the very ideas of governance and lawfare would no longer subtend the Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean notion of logical necessity. Consonant with this orientation are many of the perspectives argued by Richard A. Werner in Shifting from Central Planning to a Decentralized Economy, presented to the 4th European Conference on Banking and the Economy, 12 October 2017. Then there is reduced in import relative to assessment as distinct from planning per se, e.g., reduced to application to accidental scenarios and stochastics of component failures (see the Failure Scenarios Generation by Multiple Valued Logic section of Integrated deterministic and probabilistic safety assessment of the cooling circuit of a superconducting magnet for nuclear fusion applications, R. Bellaera, et al., in Safety and Reliability -- Safe Societies in a Changing World, Stein Haugen, et al., eds., Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, Chapter 271, pp. 2161-68). The superconductant magnets discussed in this paper are used to create a leak-proof plasma bottle. Douglas Paine and I on several occasions (I remember the gist, but, sadly, funding cutoffs, et cetera, details of Paine's ideas on this have long since been lost to the mists of memetime) discussed the idea that the principles involved in critical-state phase transition to superconductant pi-electron gas core (this is a topologically-active operator-time model, where the pi-electron-parcel quantum harmonic oscillator is one of temperature, not one in space as is the Dirac Zitterbewegung case as considered in A time operator in the simulations of the Dirac equation, Mariano Bauer, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 34:22, August 2019, pp 1950114-1 to -10) at DNA helix-coil transition (not to mention here the tornadogenesis case: this paper is in reference to the Paine-Kaplan topo-active-optime-based forecast model of a classical-limit-violating case of another way, a complex-angular-momentum-cascade way, to get to The analogy of many-valued logic with quantum angular momentum is then established, a statement made in the abstract to Eigenlogic: a Quantum View for Multiple-Valued and Fuzzy Systems, Francois Dubois and Zeno Toffano, arXiv, 7 July 2016) may speak to the problem of creating and maintaining a leak-proof plasma bottle -- but, we did not envision the involved m-valued principles to be matters of the stochastics of accident and failure prevention. As regards strategic planning more specifically than assessment, note that Mark E. Jeftovik's multiple-scenarios strategic planning exercise (see Welcome to The Jackpot, Guerrilla Capitalism, 20 March 2020, reposted to ZeroHedge on 22 March 2020) does not contain, on the downside, a World War 4 scenario or a World War Z scenario, nor, on the upside, does it contain a µTm-valued-LETS nesting-foam scenario. Interesting it will be to see if Jeftovik actually employs m-scenarios StratPlan methodology. I recommend development of VirFut Q-Pro with holographic Musculpt as user-friendly interface, or some facsimile thereof, as relativistic-quantum upgrade on such methodology.
In Klein Bottle Logophysics, Self-reference, Heterarchies, Genomic Topologies, Harmonics and Evolution, Quantum Biosystems, 7:1, November 2016, Diego Lucio Rapoport paraphrases an explication provided by Nathaniel S. Hellerstein in Delta: A Paradox Logic, World Scientific, 1997. Quoting Rapoport, p. 23:
the incertitude is embodied already in the very non-dual logic of the real numbers as they appear in the infinite tail of their dyadic expansion once that dual logic is abandoned as the ontology for mathematical analysis
This statement speaks directly to why I dropped Calculus-1 when told not to ask fundamental questions because such questions disrupt presentation of class materials. I questioned the standard explanation as to the nature of a limit, for my sense of it was that there actually is nonesuch, that the so-called limit is merely a useful fiction, that in the limit something very fundamental changes, something that altogether transcends the principles of calculus (study of which re-enforces what the Existentialists call separatism, and which nowadays has been transposed to the social distancing greatly expanding the cultural variant minimum permissible distance in personal space -- well, what used to be a cultural variant). I wanted to know what that in the limit-change is. And I learned nothing credible about it, until I ran across Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics (a short version of his Ph.D. dissertation: Introduction to a General Theory of Elementary Propositions, American Journal of Mathematics, 43, pp. 163-85; this used to be online, but I can no longer find it; most of the commentary seems to have taken the disclaimer Post inscribed at the end [otherwise, like Everett later, he'd have had to have reworked his dissertation in order to get on with his life?] as the essential meaning of the paper!) in the Cornell Mathematics Library. Struggling through that paper, I suddenly knew, in general terms, what the nature of that in the limit-change is: in the limit there is logical-value order-type transition (not exactly Hellerstein, but close enough). Leaned back in my seat, I did, didn't I. Took a deep breath and fully registered that 1975 was going to be a breakthrough year for me in regards to the project I'd pursued since childhood in Japan: how can the animistic Shinto states of identity-transparency I experienced in Midori Gaoka rice fields be understood in face of the opacity forced upon me at Ashiya, AFB, and resolutely so following return to the ZI, the Zone of the Interior -- and I didn't miss the irony, if not the paradox. Humph! Zone of the Interior, indeed. To my not very well enculturated mind, having fallen between West and East, Hellerstein paradox bits must be -- not ironies, and not 2-state qubits -- eidola of the C+ order-types there are of m-state mu-its, i.e., apparitions of the ideal constituents of LOGOphysics. In the terms I've been construing, Hellerstein imaginary logical-value is a concept difficult for me to definitively place -- for I regard the 1T2-only-cognized physical world as a consensuated construct glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular brains, an anchoring accomplished under orchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization beginning in the womb, minor variations per given Lebenswelt; hence, imaginary by comparison to the bare reality of uncooked psychetichyletic data; thus, T & F would be the most imaginary of logical-values. And if imaginary be understood with reference to the complex numbers, then, to embrace the notion, I'd require C+-orders of hypercomplexity in number systems to be associated with the µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-types there can be to a given proposition. From polysemic perspective(s) of the CTC+-Tzog-chen AllBase (think: the Latin imperat, which means written as a preceding form) most-dense sheet of MVRS, i.e., the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued reference space, all real numbers are infinitely non-selfsamely identity-transparently m-valued down (think: the Latin verb imperare, as in written through the polysemy [in this case, coexistence of many meanings, not coexistence of many possible meanings], i.e., the array of stacked values on sheets of the nesting-foam, insofar as the reals are chosen for this numbering scheme) CTC+ly-unto-µTmly-unto-1T2ly (a dropping away of the superposed values) to their simply-identifiable, wholly-discrete, Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean single-valued selfsameness. The single-valued-logic Law of Identity mandating that each whatnot be identical to its simple self, and only its simple self, qua the Give me simple identity or give me death! of the 19th-century collective unconscious decision for human species suicide, anti-animistic cum anti-pagan demand for selfsameness, violating Tzog-chen AllBase state-space CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency (ontological antanaclasis by ensheavement rather than by sequence) is the Fallacy of Equivocation taken to the C+-case. O, the imaginal domain of THEIR Husserlian horizon! To Some American Men, uh, uh, some old white males I have known, riffraffy nifties with THEIR imp[e}rating Made-in-China SCSS (social credit score system) coercion-is-the-only-solution-to-any-and-all-problems agenda: responsibility for this fallacy falls upon farkakte fe[men}ist disstaffers manning rid[dic}u|lous barr[i}cad|es. The coercive we and the encompassing every are steps in the direction of close approach to the universal quantifier all, which, not so incidentally, in Pennsylvania DutchLand means zilch, zero, gone, e.g., Is the sugar all? All in KleinBottleishly being non-orientably both zero and infinity is more a mu-it than a mere paradox bit. Choice, as to modeling-perspective-embedding (where the modeler places hisher cognitive habitus, e.g., in flat-space-and-memetime embedded; in curved-space-and-Hawking-imaginary-time embedded; understanding operator time as operator-observable; understanding topologically-active operator-time as µTm-valued-logic-operator, the operations of which instrumented as temporal-CURL-induced spatial transformations) and as to logical-value order-type employed at cognition (employing 1T2-only-logic alone; employing this or that or those order-type[s] of m-valued logics), largely determines properties viewable qua cognizable. Given that calculus derivatives are memetime defined, the spacetime-embedded perspective sees material-structure-in-process as a sequential-generative-emergence march 1st-order, 2nd-order, 3rd-order (one kind of deductive explosion, given the mistaken assertion that memetime is an objective linear-time: in perpetuity, uh, uh, [in}per|pet|u|i|T, ain't nowhere's on the endless memetime line; concomitantly, the eternal now is hyperhypercomplex to that arrowheaded measuring rod); whereas, the MVRS-embedded perspective sees an inchoate Goethean-Urform-unto-Eigenform, cyclotomic-involutory, demergence-decomposition 3rd-order, 2nd-order, 1st-order (and, unless the modeler be actually state-embedded on MVRS, there is no way to know exactly what these orders most fundamentally are, because the memetime-bound definition of calculus derivative has no actuality-authenticity at logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2-only under which, and only under which, memetime is definable). Having been a gardener, landscape laborer, digger of trees most of my working life (Baumgardner the family name on my mother's side), making Japanese gardens whenever the opportunity arose, Goethe's Urphanomen qua Urform cum Urpflanze qua Urplant (see The Urpflanze, Ester Leslie and Melanie Jackson, 2010; with the caveat that my personal orientation is not sympathetic to synthetic biology), no less than his theory of colors, greatly appealed to me, particularly so given his imperat-type notion of temporal compaction (the higher-temporal, qua 3-fold operator-time, aspects of the quantum-wave properties of DNA carry 1T2-memetime futures compacted to CTC+-unto-µTm-present, not only, by radiation exchange, carry quasi-spatial µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state information on environmental fit?). To my sense of the cases of the case, CTC+-unto-µTm is not denotation of m-valued logic (singular), but of m-valued logics (plural) -- insofar, that is, as this 1T2-only-distinction can chimerically be made to hold under those higher-valued logics -- the semantic domain cum state space of each such logic being incommensurate with the semanticdomain-statespace of each of the others or any concatenation thereof: our single many-logics universe is the actual condition of the conditional which 1T2-Everett 1T2ly-dyscodified as the incommunicado status of the supposed m-universes of a supposed multiverse, i.e., the internal system state on the level of logic was, by Everett, psychologically projected, exteriorized as eversion, uh, uh, as Everettersion, via a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, the raison d'etre of the extrojection being thematic evasion, avoidance -- like also was the case with the Born Rule -- of quantum-animistic-pagan µTm-relative-state identity-transparency qua participation mystique qua contagion as defined by the social psychologist. M-verse as corpus of The Really Big Ones ([Girrr}uses), good offices of James L. Van Etten and Leslie C. Lane and David D. Dunigan, DNA Viruses , Annual Review of Microbiology, 64, October 2010, pp. 83-99: larger than DNA nebulae -- no universe-splicing-domain inteins; plenty of self-excising-universe introns. The horror, aye, the horror of psycho-contagion. Ack, aye, the financial wizzzard, once a disgruntled-quantum of the particle-physicist cohort. A dipsy-doodling doozy, 'e is, what -- with a little bit of luck, a colloquializer that's riffraff-nifty. Habitué of recidivistic MMT aficionados blah-blah-blahing yuk-yuk-yuks signifying bubkes. Innovating the algos for derivative universes rising up out of financial vacuum fluctuations. How's that panned out, eh? Brought in lots of gold reserves? Were we ever to learn -- which surely we won't -- authentic actualities of hisstory, and contrary to encomiastic popular histories effusing blackpsyche pleonasties in echolalia, as well contrary to most of those histories unpopular, e.g., Did a Vaccine Experiment on U.S. Soldiers Cause the 'Spanish Flu'?, Kevin Berry, LouRockwell, 30 March 2020, with supporting evidence from the National Institutes of Health posted here, we would have to embrace a fact unwanted: good intentions gone awry by the over-zealous making of honest mistakes, if at all part of the story, is a behavioral extreme rarity. Simply-identifiable 1T2-only [per}sons are fictions; simply-identifiable 1T2-only legal [per}sons are doubly fictional: not at all surprising, then, that programs for 1T2-only pricing of public goods cannot possibly solve the µTm-relative-state externalities (actually exon transcripts?) problem. Among those who have not read Georg Groddeck's The Book of the It -- pandemic contagion as psycho-physical eversion, and the biometric control grid (good offices of Brandon Smith, Waves of Mutilation , Alt-Market, 1 April 2020) as ConveDD of the MVRS nesting-foam -- how many suspect that, whatever the actual origins, mechanisms of action, transcriptional regulation, and promotion of increased degradation of the targets of the many viruses involved in AIDS/SARS/Corona/etc-types of RNA-viral-disease contagious outbreaks these last several decades (see: RNA Viruses , Palmiro Poltronieri and Binlian Sun and Massimo Mallardo, Current Genomics, 16:5, October 2015, pp. 327-35), uh, suspect that the putative gargantuan controlled demolition of sociality by social distancing is collective-unconscious enantiodromic compensatory abreaction to the paradigmatic specter of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency? Returning from paraphasic derailment-digression to the main theme of this short piece, we hold that under J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism, as distinct from Einsteinian teleparallelism, where, regards Bennett -- unlike the quadratic (3,1) signature in Weitzenbock spacetime -- the pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor field has an expanded-cubic (2,3) signature, 3-space and n-null-vectors plus three orders of topo-active optime, the frame field being skew-perpendicular over all n-degrees, i.e., in fractally intra-articulated pencils, to the vector-field reference of the involved fiber-bundle arithmetics. Skew-perpendicularity (in violating orthogonality and inantiomorphism having ultimate responsibility for origin of charge and subtending Heisenberg 1T2-uncertainty) is disclination within µTm-pregeometry lattice-logic. In the terms of involutory-decomposition demergence (think: hypercomplex-complex angular-momentum cascade via repeated 3rd-, 2nd-, and 1st-order imaginary-time [in this context, consider The Mysterious Connection Between Cyclic Imaginary Time and Temperature, Marco Tavora, Towards Data Science, 16 August 2019; a definition Cornell's tornadogenesis specialist Douglas A. Paine provided to me, circa September 1975: Hypertemperature is a measure of the spin component of active time, not of random molecular motion] hyperred Wick rotations [remergence by counter-such-rotations]: the action S of the path integral [see: A Mystery called Wick Rotation or can we understand the 'Action' Formalism?, Jakob Schwichtenberg, jakobschwichtenberg.com, undated] is temporal CURL, 3-fold such -- and this concept is the most fundamental innovation made in Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis, breakthrough thought coming circa late-'60s while Paine was a Masters candidate at Penn State University: see here and here for hyper-Wick rotation-written canonical equation where max entropy is replaced by perfectly in-phase negentropic compensation; but this is the 1T2-only take, whereas under µTm-unto-CTC+ no path of the path integral is taken because what is all ready already all ways always being-there by µTm-relative-state identity-transparency doesn't need to get there; 3-fold topo-active Pauli-Paine optime is a mu-it like the opposite of Wick's theorem, in that higher-order derivatives are taken completely at face value, not regarded ar[bit}rary and not reduced in any way to 1T2-only terms), we're not speaking of a 1T2ly-logical calculus of differential forms of multiple single-valued variables, but of µTmly-logical calculi of differential forms of multiple multi-valued variables. He|Ur[is}T[i}c is the Urstructural hierarchy, Goethean-Urform hierarchy being holographically cum Cantorian-fractally supraseeded in the logically-and-ontologically-prior Urfunctions of CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency involutorily decomposing to µTm-Urfunctions and Eigenforms following functions -- structure being function automatized. The entangled-strange-loop cosmology is projection of the state of binary-mind confronted with the µTm-logics of identity-transparency, no less than the porn queen's black hole without hair (think: no wick rotations) is an introjection of the quantum-gravity theoretician's rejection of the m-valued-logic interpretation of the double-slit experiment's import for m-valued-Schrödinger-wave-function diktats to teleparallelism. Heh-heh-heh! Non-orientability of projective-identification at psychological transference on the subject-object level: projective eversion = turning inside to outside; identificative ineversion = turning outside to inside. It is interesting to note that our fire-branded zealotic neocons -- ArtDeco affect-charges having reverted to those ArtNouveau -- more and more propound their wars as physicists more and more propugnate their theories. Speaking 1T2ly to the enclitic thee of the tacit prithee of the, by preference, inchoately suspicious, as distinct from those innately unsuspicious, we can speculate that the primal strange-loop circuit is composed of the corpus of abstract generals of general principles operative in collective occasions cyclotomically cascading memetime-independently in demergence by involutory decomposition into the concrete particulars (tips of inverted icebergs) of particular principles; and, since the incarnational manifestation is involutory, reverse-cascade remergence is covariant with demergence; the whole circuit being self-reentrantly non-orientable, there is no beginning and no end, and, by the mutual self-cancellation involved, everything is nothing but changes is identical to nothing ever changes. That 'tis, uh, uh, yep, the perennial-philosophy notion ballyhooed by Alan Watts: World as God playing hide and seek with Himheritself. Above is below; below, above. That art thou; Thou, that. Transcendence is immanence; Immanence, transcendence.
As I've oft stated -- my-I-the-tree-digger, that is, whose first experiences of generative empathy were mediated by trees, an old black pine, Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, later, an old white oak, Wedderburn Station, Vienna, VA -- my supposition has long been that identity-transparency, which the bulk of human experience -- i.e., animistic and pagan: see, for a Peircean perspective on animism's cognizance of the Open Whole, How Forests Think, Eduardo Kohn, UC Press, 2013 -- has over Age upon Age indisputably ontically verified, is, in the full-blown case, bivalent paradox cum ambiguity at their C+ cases. The glutamatergic idea that the high indifference (to distinctions, differences-in-themselves, classes, collections, sets, types, so on) of consciousness-without-an-object is meaninglessness (thus necessarily nonexistent by implicitly making claim to an unverifiable omniscience as to a null which is all), because meaning is synonymous with distinction, with information-as-entropy as uncertainty as undecidability, heh-heh-heh!, is a 1T2-bound notion: µTmly-unto-CTC+ly cognized ketaminergically independent of the notion truth-value and relative to relative-state identity-transparency, high indifference surely is meaning saturation-overload to those whatnots in states of consciousness with baud-rates of consciousness less than that of consciousness-without-an-object. Moreover, consciousness-without-an-object is not a single state, uh, a single-valued state, whereas the object which that state(s) is/are without is single-valued selfsame, suggesting that C+ly-pure consciousness-without-an-object holds in superposed simultaneous awareness all µTm-states of consciousness-without-an-object, the object(s) thus µTmly-being-there being m-valuedly non-selfsame. Therefore, heh-heh-heh (this pejorative guffawing because rules of inference rapidly evaporate in going µTm-unto-CTC+ until, somewheres in midst of that march, logical necessity is clearly seen to be the ruse that it is: something Lukasiewicz almost knew), CTC+ly speaking, without/with, empty/full, uncontained/contained, null/all signify bivalent meanings qua 1T2-only truth-values, truth-value losing most of its meaning even with a going over to only 2T2-only, meanings which autopoietically unto automorphically self-discorporate, self-cancel, self-annihilate at the self-referential reentry keestering, uh, uh, enfolding 1T2, ,2T2-Weltanschuuang-Lebenswelt-Umwelt into 1T3, ,2T3, ,3T3-Weltanschuuang-Lebenswelt-Umwelt unto all supraordinate logical-value order-types µTm-unto-CTC+ with their uncountable supra-bivalent meaningfulnesses, the involved uncountability most certainly constellating semantic saturation-overload for most whatnots in downward-cascade demergent concretion (self-cancelled by the simultaneous qua memetime-independent restorative upward-cascade instauration, uh, uh, remergence, self-cancelling, or a cancelling of selfsame selfhood, being a hallmark of self-referentiality vis-à-vis the eating-its-own-tail self-reentry) -- C being semicountable and C+ being altogether uncountable. No rattletrap conception be this, what! By contrast, do we yet rue the day when government became a euphemism, and retrograde-inversion of noblesse oblige became governance by euphemisms? No basis upon which mend[a}city could be metapreprogrammed into algorithmic managers of smart cities. My further supposition is that exactly what those supra-bivalent meaningfulnesses are will not be detailed by antianimistic-cum-antipagan non-synaesthetic binary-minds which do not experience such meaningfulnesses, and that these detailings will not be notated and ramified absent development and employment of holographic Musculpt as mathematical notation. The utter lack of impredicativities on C+-Tzog-chen AllBase means that no µTmly-predicated whatnot exists by topo-active-optime-enacted demergent concretion, i.e., that's all whatnots of All That Is, which is not self-referential, the selfhood of the self-referential -- regardless of what facticities binary-mind-in-Maya construes -- being CTC+ly-relative-state identity-transparent with C+-Tzog-chen AllBase from which it is demergent -- however much this state of affairs violates the 1T2-only laws of identity, distributed middle, non-contradiction. Insofar as Postmodernists embrace Gilles Deleuze's notion that Difference and Repetition are logically prior to the stipulations embodied in the 1T2-only-logic Law of Identity, I am no scintilla of a Postmodernist: the CTC+-unto-µTm-schemata I embrace, whenever my supraego can manage the noblesse oblige required to give carte blanche to THE quantum brain, propound the notion that relative-state identity-transparency logically precedes (my I/im means, duh, in DEmergence qua involutory decomposition, CTC+ logically precedes µTm which logically precedes 1T2 under the notion that logical-value order-types [that's not Russellian types!] denote incommensurate states of the nonselfsameness of selfhood, i.e., not I am that I am, rather I am that I am not; not A is A and only A, but A is A and not-A as well as A is absolutely not-An as well as A is A and not-A and all ambiguities in the interval [A, not-A]) identity qua identity (self-referential, not heteroreferential) as metaphysical category (not the same as equals in mathematics, a notion which presupposes absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct difference between single and multiple [there are two, thus heteroreferential, sides to an equals sign -- and only two sides], which distinction attributes necessity of selfsameness to singles and multiples) which logically precedes distinction qua difference-in-itself, as in draw a distinction, which logically precedes the notion truth-value. Prove it? By inferential accommodation of propositions in what order(s) of logical-value is that to be accomplished, when logical necessity rheostatically dims out rapidly with march into logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2? Before reading into Diego Lucio Rapoport, I had run across references to the work of Gotthard Gunther, with regard to 1T3-logic I believe, maybe reading Heinz von Foerster, but hadn't seen enough ideational resonance with my own orientation to justify chasing down his work. Now, on page 42 of Rapoport's Klein Bottle Logophysics, Self-reference, Heterarchies, Genomic Topologies, Harmonics and Evolution, Quantum Biosystems, 7:1, November 2016, I find, of considerable interest, the following capsulation of Gunther's ideas as involving: hyper-trans-dual logics with plural non-dual negation operators used when to characterize heterarchies he introduced the notion of polycontextures, systems of many-valued (or many position) logics which embody the formalization of different ontologies . Right on, these different ontologies being associated with different partitioning schemes vis-à-vis the case, i.e., the cosmological nesting-foam, these different partitionings being associated with different orders, µTm-unto-CTC+, of relative-state identity-transparency. Well, apparently, Gödel couldn't get into this, as his binary-mind, not his other I-ams, was looking for detailings of somewhats no binary-mind can grok (see: Gotthard Gunther: Introductory note by Charles Parsons, ThinkArt Lab , undated). Notice how Gunther focused upon identity as critical to revamping-revising -- as Gunther apparently understood it; surmounting, in the much more insightful preferred term of Rapoport -- bivalent logic, but did not see that truth-value is down the subtends-list from identity, not to mention from identity-transparency. Judging from Parsons, Gunther's characterization of the quasi-Swedenborgian distincte unum (one distinctly: think of J. G. Bennett's diversely identical skew-polytopes, and the selfhood of the non-selfsame) of consciousness and being is one way to treat the subject-object level of the transference, and Gunther's statement, quoted by Parsons, that A logic is the metaphysical self-definition of a subject is a characterization of projective-identification tantamount to recognition of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency. Moreover, Gunther's reflections upon the nature of reflection in cogitation, codified as R-levels, is a recognition of the infinite regress, to wit, myself, the my of myself, the my of that my, and so on ad infinitum (see, for the definitive treatment, Let Go! The Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen, Hubert Benoit, George Allen & Unwin, 1962), that is the hallmark of long-practiced concentration in self-observation (see, by Gunther's fellow German, Nyanaponika Thera, The Heart of Buddhist Meditation, Samuel Weiser, 1962) -- such practice being one intrasubjective means of finding ontic support for the notion that µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency constitute the myriad semantic domains, undecomposed on CTC+-Tzog-chen AllBase, of logical-value order-types, not ramifications of the notion truth-value. And boy, as regards a specific case of all of the above, it sure took Stephen Hawking a long memetime -- decades since first exposure, e.g., tornadogenesis-cascade-modeling preprints to severe-storms conferences, which I personally placed in the mail -- to more or less come around, so Gödel can hardly be reproached! Yet, Hawking's lastest(?) on this subject still didn't see the black-holy-info paradox being rooted in the restriction of information to that sort 1T2-only-bound, and he still saw both weather and black holes as information snarfers, not processors. Ack, aye, µTm-unto-CTC+ implicitly dissed, uh, disconsidered, that is; for, otherwise, Schödinger's wave-function would have to kowtow to Lukasiewicz rather than Born: the horror, the horror. Actually, the black-hole-information-paradox-problem war (see: Justin Vassel's review, Astrobites, 31 January 2014, of Stephen W. Hawking's Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes, arXiv, 22 January 2014: the reference to weather forecasting is tantamount to an acknowledgement, I guess) began before August of 1975 and Hawking's famous Particle creation by black holes, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 43, pp. 199-220 (with: Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pp., which contains the highly egregious statement that black holes exist in the spacetime frame of Earth's atmosphere; theoretical context can be explored by accessing references provided here; for developments in this war from the '80s onward, see Leonard Susskind's The Black Hole War, Little, Brown and Company, 2008) and hardly anyone knows the real origin of that holy war: atmospheric cyclogenesis in general, tornadogenesis in particular, tornadoes that create and radiate infrasound bursts. Black holes in Earth's atmosphere? Nah! Not even as involved with acoustic analogues to blackhole computing, à la m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes presumably m-logically processed with nature's versions of Lukasiewiczian analog computers? Quoting the Abstract to Hawking's misnomered information preservation paper, linked above: A different resolution of the paradox is proposed, namely that gravitational collapse produces apparent horizons but no event horizons [hence the term gray hole] behind which information is lost. This proposal is not conceived as descriptive of even single-valued-information processing, unless loss-altogether of information be considered processing. By compare-and-contrast, consider our notion as to the appearance of imaginary time qua temporal curl, as given in our 1977 general process paper:
However, from the aforegiven description of the cascade process, we have found that an additional degree of freedom must be available to this system in order for it to escape an otherwise inevitable infinite concentration of vorticity, kinetic energy, and mass within its finite spatial volume. The traditional view has been that friction would literally dissipate such a problem. But we have seen empirical evidence, such as that offered in the previous section, which suggests that natural systems have a far more elegant solution to the problem: i.e., the generation of coherent (acoustic) waves, which originate from the cascade of kinetic energy through the hydrodynamic spectrum.
To mathematically codify this point of view, we add a gradient in time to the traditional gradients in space to define a first order spacetime del operator [and the derivation of 3-fold topologically-active complex and hypercomplex operator-time proceeds from there]
This is conceived as multivalued-information processing, as, to wit, the created and emitted vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes record erasure of quanta of information (e.g., increments of complex angular momentum) on given levels of the heterarchical nesting-foam (computer modeled with a nested-grid system) and the rewriting of those quanta to other levels, transits between levels involving temporal curl.
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