Logics of tensor strain in co-Tangent bundles over a general Manifold
for Musculpt by VirFut Q-Pro

µTm Scenarios, T39(M)

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

While TPTB (virulent residuals of the corpus of a mutant monophyletic cladus which was the resultant of a zoonotic jump, circa: lost to the sands of memetime) are most certainly ever more afraid of the masses they've mockingly scammed in echoes over the generations, and, despite the fear of becoming pillars of salt, keep looking over their shoulders at the behavioral phenomenologies of the French Revolution and at the post-Soviet-revolutionary hunting down of the White Russians, they are much more afraid of their own minds, of the suppressed inherent properties of their own minds, which, by processes of the collective unconscious, are being more and more viromically techno-ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) into unnaturally emergent inordinate instruments of oppression exhibiting high infectivity -- no mere pips, spots, minor disorders which are encomiastically covered over in the telling and echolalia retellings, incorporating palilalia and coprolalia, where malignant enations are misperceived, by projective-identification-at-ConveDD, and misrepresented, by MSM bullhorns, to be benign e-nations. Beating one's self with one's own cane. Wah-wah! is the feedback -- the B-Team briefback gushing forth from sufferers of PID, persistent indurate dithering. O, those encomiasts who subtexturally ballyhooed, thus facilitated, stock buyback policies of propriety united-front [com}panies by attacking their subcontractors' insisted-upon subcontractual algorithmic rule-sets, sets which were unceremoniously dumped -- buybacks being the introjection salient on the other side of the twist-and-shout eversion-qua-ineversion of the initiating nonorientable projective-identification at market reflexivity. Just one of the myriads of proximal causes of the mass of mass psychological transference behaviors riding collective unconscious event gradients and determining how the human species governs its march into synoptic critical-state cuspover. Stock buybacks -- being a reinvestment in simple, non-quantum, selfsame, singular-as-opposed-to-multiple identity -- fly in the FaceBook of the I-am-me-and-only-me-violating financial derivatives, especially those related to the “me(s)”, or rather “mine(s)”, of mortgage bundling, a bungled bundling done sans fiber-bundle arithmetics. They've, the stock-buybackers, [qua}shed it, uh, the corporate [per}son, because of the fear of “qua”, uh, uh, the fear of the non-selfsameness of the selfhood revealed by the infinite regress in self-conscious my(s) of the myself-iteration attendant upon introspective uncritical self-observation, a self-observation therefore spurned; of the fear, moreover, of the involuntary dissociation terrorizing them, which their other-I-ams, unbeknownst to their ego-function, conflate to non-selfsameness. They'd've done better, wouldn't they've, if the maths-physics wizzzes employed to do the algorithmic programming hadn't been those who dropped away from the morass which institutionalized quantum physics became by embrace of Unnatural Born Rulers. This financial “happenstance” is a psycho-complement of the omnipresence of, if not the omnipotence of, identity politics. Identity politics is collective compensatory-abreaction trickle-down, to the masses, of the affect-charge elicited in the cognoscenti by µTm-logic's quenching of the logic Law of Identity, a quenching which has for some memetime been bleeding arterially into theoretical physics. Indeed, the Trickster archetype in action, what! 2019 nCovid, eh, as product of the ConveDDing of ConveDD, even if -- à la Georg Groddeck's The Book of the It and The Meaning of Illness (most astutely discussed by Lazslo Antonio Avila in “Georg Groddeck: originality and exclusion”, History of Psychiatry, 14:1, March 2003, pp. 83-101) -- that novel coronavirus clade was naturally emergent, but especially so if lab-produced, and, moreover, if, additionally, its pathogenicity, infectivity, and virulence are facilitated by radiation-delivered, especially pulsed-radiation-delivered, deleterious impacts upon immune-system functions mediated by DNA-pi-electron-parcel frequency-response-window (and its “overtone series” of windows in the frequency funnel, windows marking heterarchic m-identity placements as regards molecular, cellular, organ, organism) conformance to the 1T2-only-logic Law of Identity in establishing [immuno}logical self-marking (this stack of frequency windows being a quantum-composite submolecular marker-in-service-to-functional-integration for self-tolerance subtending the genes-in-service-to-functional-specificity for immunologic self-marking of “The variable immunological self”, Emily S. Venanzi, et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 105:41, 14 October 2008). The current fulmination in emotively-driven suppression of non-selfsame selfhood, according to my reading of hisstory, had its origins in the dissembling of N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr as being an “Impossibility” Theorem, followed by dissimulations as regards infinite sets, Axiom of Choice, Lukasiewicz logics, Schrödinger wave-function, and the gathering mass hysteria as evidence has accumulated in support of non-selfsameness-in-identity-qua-identity -- and as the dissimulations have undergone ConveDDing as psycho-platform for innovation of so-called-quantum-based technologies, technologies spawned via a doctrine of uses-in-service-to-totalitarian-purposes, purposes themselves regressively instrumenting compensatory abreaction to the terror elicited in the normotic's back-reaction on the metric of non-selfsame selfhood misbelieved to be radical psychological dissociation, this misbelief nowadays being ConveDDed to the “social-distancing” revision of “minimum permissible distance in personal space” (a 1/f-type measure in feeling-space of the strength of felt presence of identity-transparency: a member of the group gets up and leaves the room and it feels like a planet has been wrenched away from the solar system). It don't take those who walk a crooked mile; if the Involution Sri Aurobindo wrote so much about could be ConveDDed into the Laws of Manu, then think, for instance, of gain-of-function research (good offices of harvard2thebighouse, 23 March 2020) as a ConveDD of the logical-value order-type nesting-foam. Manhandle maths and the collective unconscious takes care of the rest. So, to our way of thinking, hawking the beginning of memetime (where imaginary-numbered time is considered a passive dimensional reference like is real-numbered memetime: quoting Stephen Hawking, “So real time would still have a beginning… [and] the way the universe started out at the Big Bang would be determined by the state of the universe in imaginary time”) are actually the logical-value phases and the logical-value vectors of n-dimensional (Stern's is 2D, but can be “…generalized, if necessary, to n-dimensional space”: quoting page 412 of August Stern's Quantum Theoretic Machines, Elsevier, 2000) AugustSternian matrix logics (Stern's is logic, singular -- even as regards the Lukasiewiczian, which is described 1T2ly) employing the Regge-lattice calculus to demerge -- uh, that's Schrödinger-memetime-independent involutory decomposition via operations of 3-fold topo-active optime upon configuration space of nesting-foam, no mere 3-dimensional temporal reference -- m-place logics of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) all the way “down” to the 1T2-only metric geometries of relativistic geometrodynamics. With the proviso that Stern's take on m-valued logics is that of fuzziness between T and F, certainty and uncertainty, degrees of conditional probability -- not, like is ours, CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency (which states require n-dimensional matrix logics, the Gödel-numbered Gödel-numberings within these matrices, I imagine, necessitating Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes). So, to my mind, Stern's matrix logic (which I've only just begun to read into, good offices of the references thereto contained in Diego Lucio Rapoport's papers), as presented by Stern, is one case among those prevailing of 1T2-thinking about what m-valued logics must be, not of thinking in m-valued logics (see pages 28-9 of Stern's Matrix Logic and Mind, North-Holland/Elsevier, 1992, where he states in so many words that that is the case: quoting from page 28, “…classical binary logic, the logic we actually use to describe multivalued logics”). Topologically-active operator-time, I i[ma(n)}gine, could be handled as non-Hermitian matrices (constructed of J.G.Bennettian “pencils of skew-parallels” which eschew orthogonality), where 3-fold temporal CURL carries out C-'n-Z, cut-and-zip, operations -- that's not, for those in the know, S-'n-S ops -- across levels of the logical-value order-type nesting-foam, which are as zero-to-infinity one-to-the-next as regards their bases, eigenvectors, eigenstates, Eigenforms, all derivative of the Urforms on Tzog-chen AllBase of MVRS, logical derivatives being built into 3-fold optime as the temporal CURLs executing the blow-up ops (two orders of non-linearity to the Schrödinger equation, no scaling normalization of the wave amplitude [good offices of Lisa Zyga, “On the origins of the Schrodinger equation”, Phys.org, 8 April 2013] in order to convert nonlinearity to the linear), as viewed from “perspective” of the 1T2-only memetime-bound mind.

Glommed together blackpsyche was shuck-and-jive back during the 1950s; now, it's full on stuff-the-hive. Praise the Lord! -- and thanks be given to our consummate hornswogglers. Gadzooks! what they do do: speak disingenuously in whispers and carry fungo bats behind their backs. What's't? Whenever, as a child, I'd ask a verboten identification question of my mother, she'd answer, “It's a wee-wah that grinds smoke.” The most hinky je ne sais quoi: Nietzsche's das Es; Groddeck's It; Freud's Id. Quoting Lazslo Antonio Avila quoting Georg Groddeck in “Georg Groddeck: originality and exclusion”, History of Psychiatry, 14:1, March 2003, page 89:

…[the It, i.e., the unconscious-to-egofunction that lives us, which the egofunction arrogates into its most-mistaken existential claim, to wit: “It is I who live life!”] may set up conditions in which the pathogenic agent becomes effective, if it considers an illness will serve a purpose.

One sort of the sociologist's Symbolic Interactionism, the “dialect” utilized being BodySpeak expectoration/incorporation by Body Knowing's mimesis of projective-identification? Ahem, and golly, mus'ent forget the social psychologist's “participation inconsciente”: this term is accurate, not in its technical scientific sense, but as regards the egofunction's arrogation. Being far more heretical than a resurrection of the “terrain theory” (see: “Coronavirus Crisis Reopens 150-Year-Old Controversy”, Karen Selick, LewRockwell, 20 April 2020), is the Groddeckian aetiological notion a case of the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy: precedence mistaken for causation? A reference to remedial medicine's diathesis: the tendency to sustain onset and course of a given disease? A veiled application of the homeopath's notion, miasm: an inherited predisposition (a generation-to-generation-passed-on frequency anomaly [see: "A New Theoretical Approach to the Homeopathic Law of Similars", co-authored with Julia Jus and Douglas A. Paine, Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 88:3, Autumn 1995, pp. 126-129] carried by the higher-temporal formants [thus, an exemplar as regards “anticipatory systems” which, via topologically-active operator-time, transcend Rosenian encodings of passive referential memetime] of the DNA molecule's pi-stack-enveloping pi-electron-parcel gas core-environment which receives and radiates encodings at radiation exchange)? Or is it the case that, while post hoc ergo propter hoc is a 1T2-fallacy, that fallacy is, more fundamentally, a trope metareferencing memetime-independent, acausal, involutory-decomposition of CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2? Phew. A logical-unto-physical, thus logophysical, prescinding which is cosmogenetic: one multiply-hypertwistored sort of “less is more”. TPTB certainly don't suffer from cognitive presbyopia, which draws into question the assertion that they are, themselves, anticipatory biological systems engaged in “forward activation” of their environment. Hypertrophy of the sympathicus, mayhaps -- all the while as the moral sense falls into phthisis. Crossing a line with the first killing. Those who by miasmatic diathesis have not long engaged in systematic (e.g., create a record of autogenic verbalizations and conduct traffic analysis thereupon) self-observation, who are, thus, introspectively inept, have no basis upon which to embrace Groddeck's “Unconscious Factors in Organic Processes”, which, as a thesis, is a special case of the involutory, simplicial-homotopy-theoretic (I “intuitively”, if most overreachingly, presume -- given a complete lack of technical competence: the revolutory exactly recapitulating, null-timelike homotopically [see: “Are Causality Violations Undesirable?”, Hunter Monroe, arXiv, 20 March 2010], the involutory; and the unit interval of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, is seen to be a modularity, an analogue to the primitiveShintoist ken unit length of ensheaved sacred-space ma, a nesting into orders of hypercomplexity, not merely the real interval [0,1]; and the logics employed at mappings of the nested transformations are CTC+-unto-µTm, not merely 1T2-only) “decomposition-demergence from the Tzog-chen AllBase backcloth [good offices of Johnson Jeffrey writing Ronald Atkins] in material processes” thesis. I've long thought -- quoting my personal journal, circa October 1965, as incorporated into Derek's Journal, our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, page 281:

Quitting college to go to Viet Nam. From every approach to the issue, I have come to be opposed to American involvement in that war. Two years ago I was undecided. No more; I have read enough and seen enough in this city to be firm in my convictions. But something deep and strong inside tells me that the real and hidden content of the American psyche is playing itself out over there. That which remains unresolved, which is pushed into the unconscious, there to fester, is always and automatically projected. This applies to the collectivity no less than to the individual. Psychological contents, once projected, are lived out as physical events. America in Viet Nam is such a case. It is so palpable I can almost taste it! I have been reading and rereading Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul (required this semester for "Problems in World Politics") in order to better understand the feeling about this. But I haven't got a clear picture yet. One thing is sure, though. That which really drives the American psyche is showing its true colors right now in Viet Nam. The best way to understand and measure a person is to watch him perform in high stress situations (Is that not what we are taught in studying group dynamics, right here in SIS?). Well, I say the same applies to a collectivity, a national corpus. If one wants to understand America, look at what it is doing to Viet Nam. I am an American. I want to understand myself. I have to go to Viet Nam. How could I justify protecting myself from the laceration? What is it that Kazantzakis says? In order to be a true modern man, a contemporary Odysseus, one must keep the thought of death constantly before the mind and free oneself from everything: philosophies, religions, political systems. I sense this war will strip me bare of the last vestige of naive faith in contemporary political systems. Would that not be a great service to my interior development?

-- that this notion of Groddeck's applies no less to the collective unconscious than to the personal unconscious, no less to the pandemic cum epidemic than to the individual's illness. That being the case, there are many aspects of popular culture which can be read as if dream imagery in order to gain access to contents and event gradients of the collective unconscious, ConveDDing (conversion-disorder displacement) being one of the primary means employed to “set up conditions” by which pathological states of the socius may be made to serve unconscious “purposes”, that which is thus made unconscious being rationalized into conscious purposes-not-the-actual-purposes. It's interesting to contemplate the circumstantial evidence associated with onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in this light.

The most curious -- hence, the most revealing -- aspect of our current conjuncture is that even the advocates of alternative political economies do not tap into the long-extant Lukasiewicz logics, higher mathematics, and theoretical physics of self-organizing systems cum collective and cooperative phenomena in their “search” for models of what they hope will replace the system they diagnose to be defunct. Curiouser yet, mathematicians and theoretical physicists refrain from generalizing the involved principles into the social sciences. Curiouser and Curiouser is the fact that, while those principles have for decades been generalized into the most abstruse of general systems theories, they remain well separated from the realms of systems practicum. This circumstance, I take to be Groddeckian: an outgrowth of the mid-19th-century human-species-wide collective-unconscious “decision” encapsulated by “Give me simple-identity or give me death!”. Give me identities which surveillance can verify. Find'em, fix'em, and finish'em, by God! The corollary: by personification at projective-identification of/with suprasuperego, they, TPTB, think they are in control of the process; actually, the process controls them. The unconscious buffers are unbridgeable. Nullification of the above-specified “decision” is possible only by a bringing-into-consciousness of the etiology of the pathogenesis leading up to that “decision”. The suggestions of our alternative thinkers regarding replacement systemic conceptions remain abjectly Cartesian-Newtonian, even as they attempt to springboard off of so-called-quantum-relativity based technologies, e.g., energy-intensive and highly-dissipative (solving meaningless problems merely to accomplish “secure and anonymous” transfers) mining of block-chained, distributed-ledger, P2Pable, global-monoscale cryptocurrencies, central-banked or no. If it is Groddeckian, it is by definition regressed (the immane actual Heart of Darkness is no monstrous concrete occasion, no atrocious immanent spaceplace), for being an “unconsciously projected” (something of a redundancy in that a psychological projection, in order to be a projection, must be unconscious to himher who projects) product of suppression. Well-buffered appears to be the case even at the abstruse level of systems theory: whereas Gotthard Gunther approached µTm-relative-state identity-transparency with his notion that “polycontextures” involve distributed selfhood (Diego Lucio Rapoport, “Klein Bottle Logophysics, Self-reference, Heterarchies, Genomic Topologies, Harmonics and Evolution”, Quantum Biosystems, 7:1, November 2016, p. 62), CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency presumably involves a C+ly-deep HyperKleinBottled heterarchical metaDomainStructure, with nested subdomain-KleinBottles being chronotopologically “blown-up” qua foamed in “sheets” (demonstrations as to a lack of lamination layers being reliant upon 1T2-only logic alone, in like manner as SFI chaos-complexity theory is prescriptively 1T2-only due to the “fitness” landscape being 2nk, not Mnk, a prescription noted by Hans Primas, as per Rapoport, “Klein Bottle Logophysics…”, p. 66, and B. J. Hiley, "Aspects of Algebraic Quantum Theory: A Tribute to Hans Primas", in From Chemistry to Consciousness: The Legacy of Hans Primas, Harald Atmanspacher and Ulrich Muller-Herold, eds., Springer, 2016, pp. 111-125) Riemann-surface-like bridged by good offices of 3-fold topo-active operator-time involutorily decomposing Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers on Tzog-chen AllBase of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. The emphasis here is placed upon From Macro to Micro (without forgetting the µTm-“self”-cancelling retrograde inversion). Violations of the 1T2-only-Law of Non-Contradiction, e.g., in the asymptotic case, “A is absolutely not-A”, are tautologies in some one or more µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-type(s), and function for that/those order-type(s) in manner(s) analogous to how the tautology, e.g., “A or not-A is the case”, functions for 1T2-only logic. To reduce this way down, our abjectly Cartesian-Newtonian alternative thinkers continue to think much more by “or” than by “and”. Logopsychic anvil cum cookie-cutter for beating out and molding where's-the-beef nothingburgers? [Demo}crazy: no participatory pantisocracy wet-dream (good offices of Simon Court, Wordsworth.org, 2 September 2015), no glass-bead-gaming noospherical noocracy, no more-votes-for-the-snooty epistocracy (contrary to David Estlund's 2003 “Why not…”, this latter is not by me recommended when higher education has become higher enculturation). The actual best and brightest of several generations having dropped out and never returned, the result is kakistocracy cum “khakistocracy” (regards this latter see: “'Courage Never Quits'?”, Danny Sjursen, TomDispatch, 9 April 2020)? O, mein Gott! and each with multiple cognitive com|or[bid}i|ties. What dichotomy, what either/or, does the hot-money Tobin-tax notion (see: “Tobin tax: could it work?”, Helmut Reisen, OECD Observer, May 2002), for instance, attempt to extirpate? Local internal necessities versus global exigencies? For a most excellent analysis of the current status of this specific “versus”, regards FED-qua-USG-domestic-bailout-megadebt-generation downer vs. the global upper of massive planetary liquidity provision, see Alastair Crooke's “Revolutionary Times and Systemic Collapse -- 'The System Cannot Handle It'”, Strategic Culture Foundation, 20 April 2020. The Tobin notion is a micro case of the macro Triffin dilemma (see: “Triffin: dilemma or myth?”, Michael Bordo and Robert N. McCauley, BIS Working Papers, No. 684, 19 December 2017)? Getting far more alternative, one can observe that decentralization-unto-localism (see: “The Future Must Be Decentralized and Localized”, Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg, 20 April 2020) is a systemic-monoscale case no less than is centralization-unto-global totalitarianism. If I had to choose one or the other, I'd choose localism. No contest, obviously. But that binary-choice-test question is man[duh}tory (regards, for instance, à la Rapoport, Primas on SFI), not a natural; the natural is multiscaled µTm-LETS nesting-foam. The following extended quotation from Diego Rapoport (“Klein Bottle Logophysics…”, pp. 63-4) is offered by way of illustration:

The elaboration of physics in terms of the topology of spacetime started with the Dutch school of geometrical and topological methods in mathematical physics initiated by Schouten (who also introduced in topology the notion of clopen sets, i.e. sets which are both closed and open) and his assistant van Dantzig. Their work led to developments (van Dantzig, 1934; Post, 1962) which later appeared as the claim by Rosen's identification of the contrast between exact and closed differential forms (related to the integration of local and global phenomena), as the basis for a “revolution”… The relation of topology with the global difference between closed and exact differential forms is topologically embodied by the manifold of the system, through the so-called Poincare duality theorem of the cohomology of differential forms, which is valid for both orientable and non-orientable manifolds (Ranicki, 2014; Tu, 2008). It allows to study this difference between local and global phenomena and structure in terms of homology theory. The homology theory is based on decomposing the manifold by simplices made of polytope decompositions of manifolds (i.e., polygons, polyhedrons which are constructed from lines, triangles, tetrahedrons and so forth) and what matters is their connectivity (Ranicki, 2014; Tu, 2008). They stand for the relational networks indicated by Rosen. Thus, both for the homological structure as the relational network suggested by Rosen, and the de Rham cohomology of differential forms, the Inside/Outside duality is sidelined for another image-schema which is no longer dual, in the sense of this divide. It is related to the possibility of extending local relations with global ones, which lies at the very core of Rosen’s proposal. Indeed, a closed one-form can always be locally written as an exact form, but the possibility of extending this to the whole, i.e., making it global rather than local, hinges on the topology of the space, viz. number of connected components, holes and twists (the latter called the torsion subgroup). In fact, Bohm and Hiley proposed a notion of pre-space in these topological terms, which fall to oblivion (Bohm and Hiley, 1980). This approach is also crucial to pattern recognition, through the revelation of patterns of higher-dimensional data (Tenenbaum, 2000; Wang, 2012), which led to the identification of the Klein Bottle as the metaform of pattern recognition (Carlsson, 2009). So it is a qualitative issue of the integration of the global and the local, not categorizable in terms of the Inside/Outside divide.

Well, though trying to read into the area, I know next to nothing about cohomology theory; yet, I have no trouble recognizing the relevance of Rapoport's statement to the 1T2-only political-economy issue of decentralization-unto-localism versus centralization-unto-global-totalitarianism. Admittedly, early on I learned something about how internal and external source/sink terms facilitate systemic self-reentry through connectivity of one with the other at advent of tornadogenesis, and, surely, this exposure helped prepare me to think beyond “the Inside/Outside divide”, but, nonetheless, I still have to wonder why, if not a Groddeckianism, the findings of cohomology theory (which, along with theory of information storage on a hologramic plate, are certainly applicable, once generalized under Lukasiewicz, to modeling of Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense sheet of MVRS upon which a quantum-composite unit of account for multiscaled µTm-LETS nesting-foam would be defined) remain largely separated from thought about systems practicum.

Quantized -- as I have long vaguely imagined (vaguely, for not having been able to read well into the technical literature on the subject: during the second half of the '70s, I perused and perused the relevant quantum-gravity material I found in the Cornell library system, which was written under the assumption of so much reader prep I couldn't get a toehold; by the '90s, “popular accounts” had become much more accessible) -- via Penrose twistors, topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time would be understood a 3-fold corpora of [de}mergence and [de}composition ontological operators implementing CTC+-unto-µTm-logical operations codified as Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers arrayed upon a logical-matrix lattice strung in skew-perpendicularity with strings that are J.G.Bennettian “pencils of skew-parallels” (as we, Cornell atmospheric scientist Douglas A. Paine and I, had envisioned by the end of the '70s) -- not as binary-mind would have it, a matter of generative geometric grammars constitutive of the material girls of our materialistic world. Generation and constitution are apropos the retrograde-inversion, i.e., a Schrödinger-memetime-independent reverse-cascade remergence cum recomposition, µTm-unto-CTC+, “Gunther many-positional-valued logics” (see: Diego Lucio Rapoport, “Klein Bottle Logophysics, Self-reference, Heterarchies, Genomic Topologies, Harmonics and Evolution”, Quantum Biosystems, 7:1, November 2016, pp. 43, 66, 70), as I now imagine good offices of Rapoport, likely having a “place” in descriptive treatment of re[com}position (positionality progressively delocalizing in the logical-value-order-type march µTm-unto-CTC+) -- Heraclitian demergence-remergence being involutory and memetime-independent, hence, memetime-wise simultaneous; these two, demergence and remergence, cancelling out, leaving perpetuality (not virtuality) of the CharlesMusès-hypernumbered, Parmenidian, twistorized-light-ray, null-matrix kernel (see: Rapoport, “Klein Bottle Logophysics…”, pp. 60, 69: also relative to twistor quantization of temporal CURL via skew-perpendicularity of “pencils of skew-parallels” in connection with, quoting Diego Lucio Rapoport, the “…question of the null operator in Matrix Logic in terms of twistor fields related to torsion…”, “pencils of skew-parallels” being defined by J. G. Bennett through the medium of null vectors, this manner of definition bringing to mind G. Spencer-Brown's “The value of the crossing made again is not the value of the crossing” [as regards the financial crisis, see note 70, p. 243 of “Eroding Boundaries…”, Marc Amstutz, in The Financial Crisis in Constitutional Perspective: The Dark Side of Functional Differentiation, Poul F. Kjaer and Gunther Teubner and Alberto Febbrajo, eds., Hart, 2011: I would note that financial derivatives like bungled bundlings of MBSs, fabricated sans fiber-bundle arithmetics, do not so much “erode” boundaries as engage the binary-mind in malapropisming µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency as if those states, unimagined by the fabricators, were merely a dissolution of whole-integer, 1T2-only, in-or-out-type boundaries] and the nilpotent whose self-multiplication = 0, which is a condition, to quote Rapoport, “…basic to the creation of quantum jumps…” [p. 60], jumps, I would suggest, effectuated by topologically-active operator-time via temporal CURL: no mere metaphor, temporal CURL, for, as Rapoport says, “…TIME operates as a metamorphical operation…” [p. 68], i.e., time operates on space to generate form, more accurately, to DEMERGE form), pre-pregeometry-wise the intersections of which (a preponderablespace no-thing which is, substantively speaking, the whole megillah) being unconstellated “dust” motes of Wheelerian Borel-set “bucket of dust” qua (not cum) photismic SriAurobindoan “warm-golden dust of Supermind” qua YayoiKusaman photismically-generated polka-dot environments endophysics-like topologically explorable (unscathed by the psychiatric establishment, just imagine the physicist she could have become!). Technologies of the “4th industrial revolution” simply aren't being used relative to the above-described -- were the contrary the situation, the holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams would be the likely entry move. Creation of non-destructive technologies, non-destructive in their production and utilization, requires a world-picture in close conformity to actualities of nature qua nature; science, altogether too obviously, has not provided that world-picture. Quite the contrary -- and therein lies its most profound culpability for the current “state of affairs”, planet Earth. This abominable circumstance is the prevailing case qua condition not only because of the surface-structure factors widely noted: i.e., all derivative of mil.pol.econ conflict-unto-competition. The Groddeckian backstories on this (good offices of Douglas Valentine, who should know that the large-scale Facebook-prefiguring-database computer he refers to was physically placed in the CICV-CDEC building complex located adjacent to the GVN-JGS compound [still, 2020, a major military facility] out near Ton Son Nhut AFB, thus was jointly run by the US-GVN militaries, not the CIA [though they had their own much smaller, largely CAS-agent-report-generated, computerized data base], and that the Google-prefiguring search software was called the IDHS, intelligence data handling system) and this (good offices of Whitney Webb, as regards psycho-neuro-immuno-techno-fascism) hinge on the same largely-unconscious deep-structure instrumentalities as do the Groddeckian backstories on, for several examples, the post-WWII-KoreanWar-VNwar-era conflict between John C. Lilly, M.D., and the mil.intel-set -- a big be[he}moth thoroughly identified with ephemeral he[gem}on(l)y -- over the R&D agenda cum techno-applications doctrine-of-uses that was to prevail in the neurological sciences, i.e., as regards operative criteria of judgment and MOs to be employed as well as the objectives to be achieved, that conflict, and those of this and this. General characteristics of the resolute march to cuspover have been starkly apparent for decades, and nothing has happened during that period to fundamentally alter the expectation set. Moreover, basic beliefs of the 19th-century anarchist cohort -- property is theft, law is criminal, governance is incipient mass murder -- are much more difficult to debunk nowadays when examples of such have played out in actual experience: the means by which extreme net-worth disparities have been brought about; the fact that those means are substantially legal; the way episodic mass warfare was Newtonian-nudged into instances of total-war flashover and how these high-intensity conflagrations constellated low-intensity armed-conflict dissipation of resources as the perpetual lot qua rot cum one of the preferred MOs of [hu-hu-hu}manity. That's crazy. But such a level of craziness can't be explained by the usual suspects, the cardinal sins. Under massive impress of blackpsyche, mass confrontation bias, as it always does, heterohypnotically transformed into mass con[firm}at|i|on bias. Hopefully not setting an enduring precedent, during Weimar Nazification almost a century ago, jewridic decisions instantiating juridicule came in a plethora, exscalpatory collective behaviors providing no exculpatory evidence of benign intent. Nowadays, the derivative people-sniffing sur[veil}lance is not only an oxymoron, it's a moronic ConveDD (coversion-disorder displacement) of the massive environmental data gathering required to internalize en[viron}mental externalities by tagging indicators to values stacked on base-states of µTm-LETS currency units. The dominant very-strange teleological attractor, from which many other attractors derive, is absence altogether of Homo sapiens (in conformity with the mid-19th-century collective-unconscious “decision” for species-wide self-cancellation, such existential revocation itself a ConveDD of the specter earlier raised by Abel's 1823 “Impossibility”-Theorem-existence-proof-for-trans-al-jabr prefiguration of the progressive resurrection of animistic-pagan µTm-non-selfsame selfhood). Social distancing long predates advent of COVID-19: pandemic-panopticonic-surveillance-insured absence of secure communications, even face-to-face (amongst those sans full-face transplants, à la Face/Off which is a typical example of the technohysteria by which prospective µTm-relative-state identity-transparency is mass-culture ConveDDed, endowed, and processed) in many locations, means that, independent of other reasons, authentic interactions between people are much rarer today than they once were. Not only the spy: no one, anymore, is able to come in from the cold. Biohazardous [hu-hu-hu}mans need to become, don'tyathink, not only less human, but altogether humanless, entry upon that (largely designed by the collective unconscious) course being via intrafamilial psychological distancing, sexual distancing in the workplace, social distancing in the commonweal's die Wohnflache qua der lebensraum, the virtuality of haptic distancing via telepresence in cyberia phase-shifting unto utter contactlessness: no better Rx for feared and loathed µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, “masses of connected sensors” being the prospective replacement species. Early on, bollixed up -- indeed, scotched -- by no-simpatico, high-hatting dinks jerking myriad chains and coming in like ramrodding gangbusters. And their progeny. Zuckered: it has all along seemed to my me that “one” -- heh-heh-heh -- had to be pretty 1T2-self involved, not to say naive, to voluntarily use MoSoSo -- given the collective consequences built up from all the way back to military origins in Injun Cuntry where micromanagement from command helicopters was found inadequate. Dys[mis}mean|ants geezing up on the juicy power stab sicced-qua-sicked upon futzy, succulent, saftig suckers set to OD on schmaltzy blackpsyche. Anomie: as if already big-toe tagged, lividity of the socius trending to the postmodern, uh, uh, the postmortem. Sociality, the life of which was taken: a decedent by extreme decadence. There ain't enough rousting beat cops, rankling SWATs, police field-forces, National Guard, soldiers to brace everybody everyday (the Nazis, I learned at SORO, never had better than a 1-to-80 occupation-troop-to-population ratio); moreover, such bracing would violate social distancing conventions finally put into effect by good offices of the hepcats of horror, so the electronic embrace is the default population-control setting. The unconscious agenda: by way of turgid binary-mind, implementation of whatever it takes to prevent quantum-based technologies from sociopolitically and economically analogically-embodying authentic µTm-quantum principles of autopoietic and self-organizing systems. Given how poorly surveillance algorithms have done at ascertaining what this I-am likes in music, my I/im can just imagine how abysmal GlobalPhoenix precrime algos will be -- even with preperpetrators being written in as “anticipatory biosystems” by the encoders, some small number of whom likely to be leakers wearing black-and-blue rat jackets (continuing cognitive march along well-trod grooves laid down in the corpus of hisstorical phoenix pogroms). Wintle, why don't we? Stagger and reel. Wriggle. Given TPTB -- with regard to: proof of venue being the result of a straightforward research task; proof of life, a convoluted chore with outcome likely unspecifiable -- oligarchy hobnobbers hunching huddles with indictees, no mere goniffs gone groovy as they would have us believe, surely cheapsky billionaires that stave off forever the paying of tradesmen, many clearly weekend hopjackers, we have the currently prevailing decision-science paradigm holding that deceit is an essential first principle of the highest form of government. In our world today, it's the legal crimes, e.g., pressing the wa-wa pedal controlling jaggedness of the volatility-index trace, that exact most dearly upon society their [ledger}de|mans. Charles Hugh Smith has recently posted an insightful assessment (though I believe that entrance upon actual full-blown cuspover is still a fair number of incrementings-up away) of the current condition of our collective condition (focused on the U.S.; thus, sans many exacerbating factors, e.g., no mention of the likely coming inability to cover interest payments on the mighty mass of foreign-currency-denominated loans which tiger economies have used to force feed their cubs): see "Why It's Different This Time, Part 2: This Isn't Just Another Crash", ZeroHedge, 6 May 2020. Few salutary effects can be expected by good offices of the [pan}ache personalities of the global leadership elite: to all appearances, not a single one of them has cognitively entered the 20th century, let alone the 21st. When one looks at the ideas articulated, the policies advocated, it is clear that TPTB are not just talking their books: they are also expressing the states of consciousness cultivated, the levels of intellectual attainment characteristic of their Umwelts. Not no nooby [no}vices, that's fo'sure -- these jabberers. Likely, they'll start issuing bench warrants on ideational absconders any day now. Real good at jump melodies, they are -- in face of autochthonic crises; their specialty, though, the base refrain. Reacting to the vibrations emanating from their hyperchaotic cogitations, How-how! I wipe my brow with folded-towel diffeomorphisms. Be gone! with your n-fractal basin boundaries, they prey. Hmmm. Wound all too tight, are we? Well, there are windings-up, and then there are windings-up; there are foldings, and then there are foldings. Hey, maybe we should try reeling in a mu-it of reality via a statement derived from D. A. Paine, as given in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, pp. 717-18:

Looking back over the history of theory in the field [of atmospheric science], one had to realize that there hadn't been a really major theoretical contribution since Ertel's “potential vorticity theorem” -- and that had come in 1942! This theorem was a synthesis of all the classical conservation principles (i.e., mass, momentum, and energy) into one mathematical statement. Ertel focused our attention on the fact that all atmospheric energy transformations can be characterized by the three factors governing solenoid intensity: the changing stability of the column, the changing rotation of the column, the gravitational acceleration. Each of these factors, of course, in order to be properly characterized, has to be referred to a reference state. A decade later, Iraundegui began a consideration of Ertel by noting that Wilhem Bjerknes' classical work gave the first substantive mathematical description of meteorological processes by centering attention on the physics of solenoid intensity. Iraundegui went on to abstract the three central factors in Ertel's theorem and in so doing found a marvelous parallel in the formalism expressing the importance of solenoid physics to both the electromagnetic and hydrothermodynamic domains. He pointed out that meteorology is ultimately interested in the number of turnings around a point of an air parcel. This is exactly parallel to Faraday's concept of a solenoid! But, unfortunately, during World War II meteorologists abandoned the use of constant height geometries in favor of constant pressure geometries. In constant height geometries the solenoidal importance is explicit as a term in the equations used; whereas in using constant pressure geometries, no term of solenoid physics appears -- but it is, nonetheless, operating in the ongoing energy transformation process.

Does this tell us anything about the famous “divergence error” associated with Richardson's PE set -- the fact that a large-scale disturbance is subject to “having the heat turned up”, to suddenly having acoustic waves [coherent states] make Swiss cheese out of the previously simply-connected structure of spacetime? You bet it does.

These were the sorts of thoughts Paine had as a Penn State Masters candidate leading up to his arrival at the notion of three orders of temporal CURL, circa ~1970. That's Jose Garmendia Iraundegui mentioned above, whom, Wiki tells us, was a researcher in meteorology and medicine. Another suspect interdisciplinarian! Quoting Meteorological Abstracts and Bibliography, Air Force Cambridge Research Center, 5:1, January 1954, p. 30:

Garmendia Iraundegui, Jose, “Aplicaciones fisicas de los solenoides y de las celulas triescalares”, [Physical applications of solenoids and of three dimensional cells.] Revista de Geofisica, Madrid, 11:43, pp. 219-251, July/Sept 1952. Generalizing Ertel's vorticity theorem for any vector A, the theory is expressed in several forms for all continuous media. The particular cases of irrotational movement, a continuous medium, with a fixed direction and in the solenoidal form are developed and applied to the theorems of THOMSON and V. BJERKNES and, finally, to the case of a viscous fluid and to electrical, magnetic, sound and ray movement and to propagation of electromagnetic waves. The mainly mathematical treatment is amply supplemented by models and vector diagrams.

Now, in this context (so far as I'm concerned, two specific contexts: onset of tornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition), let's hear from Diego Rapoport once again (“Klein Bottle Logophysics…”, p. 63):

…the d log form -- actually d log (z-a), with z a complex variable and a complex number is crucial to the Cauchy Integral Formula of Complex Analysis, as counting the contour winding number, i.e., the number of turns of the winding path around the singularities of the function being integrated. Furthermore, this formula allows to produce information of an analytic function on the Inside relative to that of the values Outside [emphasis added]… [think: aha! the role of internal and external source/sink terms relative to the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics, AND of -- as we did by natural-system analogical modeling beginning in the mid-'70s -- the problem of internalizing externalities via transactions involving market operators, i.e., m-valued prices m-logically processed]

Yep, there it is. But more there is, much more. Ack aye, Cauchy's differentiation formula and the holomorphic functions about which I know little more than the basic ideas. Infinite complex first-order differentiation and first-order temporal CURL? Hmmm. Consider that the disk doesn't really close under complex first-order topologically-active metamorphical operator-time, doesn't close like it does under memetime regarded an objective linear-time: the disk starts to Slinky, uh, to helix-coil. “The Cauchy integral formula states that the values of a holomorphic function inside a disk are determined by the values of that function on the boundary of the disk”, good offices of Brilliant, with an edifying simple diagram. In the DNA case, on the plasma-bottle boundary of the helix-coil; in the tornadic case, on the wall of the tornado. Holomorphic, then, by Cauchy, is holographic, in the sense of the holographic principle. Oh, yeah. And give this gem a look-see: “Thermodynamic holography”, Bo-Bo Wei and Zhan-Feng Jiang and Ren-Bao Liu, Scientific Reports, 5, 19 October 2015. Quoting the introductory section:

In this article, we establish that the holographic principle holds in thermodynamics, for a finite but arbitrarily large system. We prove that the partition function of a finite physical system is an analytic function of all the physical parameters on the complex plane, and, according to Cauchy theorem, the partition function in any region on the complex plane of a physical parameter is uniquely determined by its values along the boundary.

Another outgrowth of Paine's long-ago lectures in China on the cascade theory of tornadogenesis? According to our 1977 “General Process” paper, the quantities conserved, indeed, the order-types of the conservation laws obeyed, vary as to the partition function chosen through which to view the supersystem-system-subsystem composite. This goes back to atmospheric acoustic-analogues to black holes, circa 1974. For me, this goes back further to the Viet Cong political infrastructure tacitly mapping functions, bureaucratic functions, internal to a given TAOR, tactical area of responsibility, on the boundary of that TAOR, circa 1968. As regards foldings qua foldings, as distinguished from windings qua windings, and the two together, we again quote a statement in our novel derived from Paine's thoughts, circa very early 1970s (Vol. 1, pp. 719-20):

But what was actually filtered out of view? Acoustically modified gravity waves. The mixed state; the superposition; the read on the connection between density and limiting values of controlling variables. Infrasound. The compressible physics. Oh, no. Here we go again! That old problem with compressible and incompressible that Maxwell stumbled over. What is happening here? For lack of the concept of “limited spacetime domains” things are not being properly sorted out. We need the assistance of the demon again. It is not the disturbance itself that is propagating at the speed of sound, but that the changing signature of the atmospheric mass dynamic is propagated as infrasound. The incompressible rotational wave gets trapped! A vanishingly small portion of the pressure perturbation disappears from view -- in the ever watchful eyes of standard meteorological instrumentation -- when the incompressible rotational wave begins to break. Kinetic energy and vorticity are concentrated within ever decreasing spatial and temporal dimensions -- and simply run out of flat Newtonian absolute space and time. Turbulence… or so it seems to the observer embedded in the system. But the wave space began as incompressible! What happens when limiting values are reached? A PATHOLOGICAL (HEAVENLY?) twist takes place and the continuing dynamic is rotated vertically as an irrotational compressible wave: infrasound. Coherency arises out of turbulence! But this can only be seen in the absence of filtering. It is this process of trapping and twisting (axes of rotation) that the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations maps, not the hydrodynamic motion fields themselves. This is a process intimately involved with tornadogenesis which indicates the presence of changes of spacetime curvature: formation of creases, for instance. The Maxwellian analogue does not describe these curvature changes, of course; that requires twistors!

This is the curvature-related case as viewed from the perspective of the “blowup” which occurs at the absolute limiting acceleration. Diego Rapoport, in more general terms, terms not specific to tornadogenesis, expands upon the curvature-related, taking it into the non-orientability qua self-penetration of the given limited spacetime domain case -- expands, in our terms, as viewed from the perspective of the “blowup” that transpires at the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration. The above-given is spoken as if memetime were actually an objective, passive, passing, referential linear-time. Rapoport, in that given immediately below, steps beyond such a glutamate-etched conventional view of time: quoting “Klein Bottle Logophysics…”, p. 68:

In Matrix Logic this becomes the point of departure for the whole theory by revealing the non-orientable embodiment of this logic -- and of quantum mechanics with which cognitive statements and quantum statements are indistinguishable (Stern, 2001; Rapoport, 2011a). In terms of torsion in the cognitive plane, it is embodied in the representation of the non-orientability of above which can further be represented as superposition states. Now let us examine rotations, of which TIME can be alternatively represented as the 90-degree rotation on the cognitive plane (Stern, 2001; Rapoport, 2011a), or still the transformation of the positive real axis to the positive imaginary axis as represented in the Riemann sphere, where the former axis at reaching infinity, i.e. the North Pole, a 180-degree twist changing the orientation occurs, to connect with the positive imaginary axis pointing to the origin, as described in note no. 4 (Rapoport, 2013). Indeed, M = TIME + SPIN, with SPIN given by the Pauli matrix of rotation in the normal direction z to the cognitive plane. Thus, M is a logophysical vortex given by the sum of two such vortices producing thus the non-transitivity of neural networks and their abandonment of the 2d-plane, as claimed by McCulloch. As a logophysical operator it generates the “circular” causality which is pervasive to Nature. Operator TIME introduces timing as related to intentionality…

Hmmm. The twisting axes of rotation effectuated by topologically-active operator-time, the twist-and-(infrasound)-shout occasioning tornadogenesis finding self-similarity in intraneuronal DNA helix-coil transition whereupon coherent waves are radiated from the molecule as mitogenetic radiation. “Anthropogenic” signifies much more than impacts made, by whatever means, upon the motion fields themselves; it also involves disruptions via engendered alterations of the normative values of parameters governing topo-active optime's capability to trap and twist axes of spin. Mutational breakaways are not required; simply slowings-down or speedings-up can yield highly nonlinear outcomes -- particularly if those gradational changes transpire near absolute limiting values of dynamical variables of given limited spacetime domains.

Like meteorology, intelligence analysis is, in part, about forecasting. Abstract from the data functional patterns represented geometrically, say; compare the geometries; then go back to the data with awareness of something -- say the rhyme and reason of boundary changes (for example: in the case of the VCI, the Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure) -- one could not have been aware of had one not compared the geometries. Then, maybe, by envisioning something like VirFut Q-Pro, make the geometries foldable into the polytopes and simplices of (like was the VCI, hierarchical-unto-heterarchical) decomposable multi-sheeted man[i}folds, manifolds being the 1T2-only case. Douglas Valentine's “arc” (arc of the pandemic spread of Global Phoenix and associated technologies), while geometric, is not a rainbow, and no pot of gold will be found at its end -- more like a lightning bolt under that “arc” (the “arc” being, in that case, a portion of the quadratic graph of y = -x2 + 1). Valentine's “arc” is a signifier of a macroscopic strategic sweep intuitively “recognized” by projecting out and selecting the apparent most likely propensities (like those of the Popperian interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function) from amongst the field of mere proclivities. We do not know, from Valentine's analogical comment, whether this “arc” is on the reals or on the complex numbers -- or, indeed, whether it is 3-adic, even p-adic. Under the likely mistaken assumption that the “arc” is a geometric representation of a single-valued function (thus passing the horizontal- and vertical-line tests, and therefore of no interest vis-à-vis µTm-processed m-valued LETS nesting foams defined on fractal e-boundaries [conceived 3Dly as Chinese boxes inside boxes; more accurately, as, citing Vrobel, Diego Rapoport says, Russian-dolls-inside-dolls “fractal Matryoshkas cybernetics”, chronotopologically speaking, memetime fractalized, à la “Fractal Time, Observer Perspectives and Levels of Description in Nature” {in our “General Process” paper, we distinguish levels of conservation laws due to LODs}, Susie Vrobel, Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, 4:16II, 2007, pp. 275-302, thus predicating “…a nested, temporal fractal, whose structure changes with every boundary shift we perform. Boundary shifts occur when we change the assignment conditions…”, à la Fractal Time: Why a Watched Kettle Never Boils, World Scientific, 2011 {think: VCI boundary assignment shifts according to the changing environment of the combat correlated with alterations of internal bureaucratic variables à la the holographic principle}] as potential countervailing “force” to play out of the “arc”), it seems to me more likely to be the logarithmic inversion of, say, an exponential curve rather than an exponential curve itself. The Cartesian cut-up of a governance framework, in its many particular variants along the political-spectrum Mobius strip from anarcho-capitalism to anarcho-syndicalism (anarchism, which is not the autopoiarchism I embrace, is being resurrected these days), has been paradigmatically dead for well over a century, so it's not at all surprising that most intelligent people have for quite awhile been avoiding entry upon its service. Sea birds don't make nests on ships going down to storm. And when the medieval aspects of civil law codes of those many nation-states never authentically bought into the democratic philosophy are considered, how likely is it that humanity will survive the coming travail brought upon itself by its massive assault upon nature? Institutions going into discombobulation at this very moment; after the totalitarian interregnum, discorporative incendiary collapse -- somewhere down the memetime line. Autopoiesis of the insurgent is always prefigured by advent of the counterinsurgent. Determining EEI criteria (essential elements of information) for selecting the propensities from the field of proclivities, thus detailing the “arc”, requires going beyond mere intelligence analysis into analysis of intelligence -- including, most especially, intelligence of mass mind. This change of orientation -- intelligence analysis into analysis of intelligence -- generally comes when it is recognized that the reality is: policy determines intelligence production, not vice versa. The governors of our all-too-mortal mutual motor: a wuss 'e was, 'e was, 'e was… [I}on into i|m[pre}cation+++. Direct current-affairs [A}nodes--- they ain't. Mal[i}son upon mal[i}son upon mal[i}son into the objurgations occasioning fratricide. Sex fits to satiate power throbs? One type of existential confirmation confirms the other: both resident in the 1T2ly-false existential claim to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct-antianimistic-antipagan simple-identity. Contrary to 1T2-only-lawfare and popular sentiment of binary-minds, and looking at what financialization-via-TuringMachines has wrought, it seems obvious that a correct appreciation of “moral turpitude” would hold the sexual component to be a third- or fourth-order derivative -- nilpotent insofar as unleveraged-consensual, post-adolescent, non-violent, safe-sex practiced as far as is possible. The solemn repudiation of a Solomon is the wont; that received, a mere forswearing, an abjuration itself later recanted. By the memetime The Extermination Next Time arrives on the scene -- demerged from the collective unconscious under tutelage of heavily regressed-infantilized-archetypal behavioral gradients -- handling orders-of-magnitude-greater numbers than were the cases associated with WWII, chemically synthesized meat will have been well readied, however subliminal be the impetus, as a plausible-denial vehicle veiling chemically confabulated MakeRoom's Soylent Green. I spent three years living in rural Cambodia reading into what, during 1968 at SRA/MACV-J2, I failed to accurately forecast; this Khmer sojourn done as an aid to contemplation as to what very strange attractor has replaced the missing pot of gold at the end of Douglas Valentine's “arc”. So long as the mass of Homo sapiens (deeply implicated in dynamics of the human collective unconscious, it can be observed) remains dysinformed (consider the incineration of virtually all OSS X-2 CI and OSS-MO documents whilst keeping the OSS R&A documents so as to give the impression that the R&As were all there were, as well as this, and this, and this) as to what actually transpired immediately before, during, and immediately after WWII, more importantly what the surface-structure origins of that war were, more importantly yet, what the deep-structure origins were, there is no possibility whatsoever of forestalling The Extermination Next Time. Once a person's psyche has been blackened with hagiographies, heshe cannot arrive at an accurate assessment as to the actual nature of the prevailing conjuncture, to what lengths this and that will be taken. Ridding the planetary economy of cash (see here and here, and for a piece on a related issue see here), for instance, will not be seen for what it is: the current functional equivalent of Iambe, uh, IMB, uh, uh, IBM (a misnomer, considering m-valued POLISH logics) providing punch cards (“punch” being one of the Trickster archetypes' euphemisms for the SFer's “take a tap”) to Auschwitz. Why, why, OMG, how can you believe that, you Montanist, you? They wouldn't do that! Not the Western liberal democracies. Hmmm. So it goes, the usual naivete of the oh-so-well-self-metaprogrammed normotic vamping on bloody blackpsyche. Certainly not, wouldn't do it, that's for sure, not progeny of those Europeans who promulgated the South and North American genocides, the slavery and nature rape that great nations were built upon. Not them. Nope. And they certainly wouldn't carry the 19th- and 20th-century versions of nature rape up, up, and away into the wild blue yonder, thus altering with electron-temperature enhancements -- e.g., hot auroras, HAARP, 5G, and the latest, i.e., “Turning Solar Into RF And Beaming It To Earth”, good offices of B. N. Frank, Activist Post, 7 May 2020 -- Earth's frequency-response characteristics to solar-wind-conveyed real, imaginary, hypercomplex angular-momentum inputs to atmospheric dynamics, crustal and core dynamics (think: for instance, exacerbation of the inflammation which is the Ring of Fire), and coherent pulse-code-burst terrestrial-to-solar backtalk, would they?

On general principles alone, we can be sure that the following was not a “Confucius say”; indeed, it was a “Gurdjieff say”: “Make Moon in yourselves!” for you are “food for the Moon”. It's unlikely G. had cryptocurrencies in mind whilst enjoining this imperative -- but, who knows, he was a Remarkable Man. While I have nothing against space exploration and settlement and mining, I recommend that our dissimulated, regressed, infantile science be upgraded to, at the very least, the puberty level of conception before we despoil the surround of Earth more than we already have. Democracy having been made de[mock}racy having been made demo{crazy] having been made de[merde}crazy, as de Tocqueville forecasted, it is not at all surprising that the first things left behind by humans to mark claim on the Moon were bags of their offal (see: “Who's Protecting the Moon?”, Nina Beety, Global Research, 12 May 2020). These leavings, clearly, are collectively a prefiguration of the behavioral profile humans intend to carry into their ET colonialism. One of the more important reasons why, good offices of Laurence A. G. Moss, Cesky Krumlov, CR, was thought, circa 1992-6, to be the perfect location for a paradigm demonstration project vis-à-vis µTm-LETS (as an alternative privatization scheme to that materializing under flash capitalism's [oligarch}ization) was because it is a walled medieval town, thus making definition of the currency on a fractal e-boundary concretely viewable, therefore relatively easy to understand. One could say something similar about the Moon: set off as it is, it's another perfect location for a paradigm demonstration project vis-à-vis µTm-LETS. Rather than selling off the Moon in 1T2-only currencies whereupon externalities are not internalizable, institute µTm-logically processed m-valued Moon money whereupon externalities are internalizable. Moreover, this LETS currency could be not only defined on spatial-fractal e-boundaries, but also upon memetemporal-fractal partitions (see: “Fractal Time, Observer Perspectives and Levels of Description in Nature”, Susie Vrobel, Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, 4:16II, 2007, pp. 275-302). Placing m-ensheaved Schrodinger-state-function values upon base-state of a LETS currency unit, transactions in multiples of which are µTm-logically processed, these values defined over fractals of a band-pass fractal-spatial e-boundary, not only can internalize externalities, but makes possible potentially unlimited modulatory subtlety in response to changing circumstances (these modulations being open-source, VirFut-Q-PROed-m-scenarios-qua-n-future-histories, computer-game simulated on the e-commons as participatory-democracy consensuation procedure); likewise, defining such ensheaved values over fractals of a memetemporal-fractal e-boundry makes possible, not only the exquisite timing which high levels of functional integration demand, but also permits potentially unlimited subtlety in modulation of velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration of money. In working with this monetary scheme, it likely will be found that demergence -- CTC+-unto-µTm (memetemporally, maturation understood maduration qua maduracion; whereas, CTC+ly speaking, [ma}duration, ma being the primordial Shinto word for multi-sheeted-cum-time-bridged sacred space) -- by the temporal-CURL-type actions of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, quantized via twistors, is how fractal memetime is 1T2ly constellated as immanent.

Remediation. Zazen adepts -- stoked on endogenous-ketamine-flood antidote to prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-suborned neuronal pruning and associated quantum quenching at half a dozen prepubertal glutamate floods, those socius-metaprogrammed neurotoxic floods, inculcating the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinction between internal and external, object constancy, 1T2-only selfhood, and so on, beginning in the womb -- likely would not concur with Vrobel that “…embodied cognition should be taken as the starting point when we contemplate basic notions such as time…” (see: “Fractal Time, Observer Perspectives and Levels of Description in Nature”, Susie Vrobel, Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, 4:16II, 2007, p. 277: note that Vrobel endorses the normotic, glutamate etched, standard, collapse-of-the-wave-function, egoic-40Hz-LOD interpretation of QM). In my case, it was OBEed experiences of a few of the various nownesses and spatial contractions (childhood induction to animistic-Shinto “participation mystique” whilst running free along Midori Gaoka paddy dikes, peripubertal onset of “Plexiglas wall” cum telescoping -- jerk, jerk, jerk -- experiences, Mekong delta combat contextualizations of time-slow-downs and spatial dislocations, at much-practiced concentration in self-observation during prolonged sessions of walking meditation) that cued me to “active-time” intentionalities as topological operators upon multi-sheeted ma, “Great Space”, and allowed me to resonate with the roles D. A. Paine assigned to 3-fold temporal CURL at cascade-theoretic numerical-forecast modeling of tornadogenesis (later applied to the quantum-harmonic-oscillator LOD of the radiation exchange processes transpiring during DNA helix-coil transition, e.g., of Musculpting intraneuronal DNA). I would hasten to point out that mixed-state “embodied cognition” (i.e., sans cognition of THE nonlocalizable, pure-state, wave-effect quantum brain) as “starting point” 1T2ly-contradicts the collapse-of-the-wave-function interpretation of QM, because, under this interpretation, the “starting point” is pure, unsullied, universal consciousness (i.e., 1T2-rotational-Taoistically speaking, in its TaiChi active Yang aspect, the set of all topological operators [that is: 3-fold operator-time] on base-state of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, and in its TaiChi passive Yin aspect, the space acted upon) which is logically-, ontologically-, and temporally-“before” collapse into embodiment. According to the bivalent rotatory rules of Chinese Tang-style poetry, if the dog goes out, the cat must come in (under plandemic border closure, this rule is ignored, for no dog-cat in/out is the new rule, and, if visa extensions are not granted, then the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction is also ignored: you can't leave, but, oh, you can't stay). Practitioners of Tang poesy, no less than Cartesian-Newtonian physics, apparently, did-do not recognize that natural laws, e.g., those of conservation dependent upon external/internal divides, are relative to the nesting-nested partitioning algorithms employed (the main distinction between these algorithms being: order of logical value informing their rules of formulation). This applies not only to the ins and outs of space, but also to the external time versus internal time distinction, hisstorical controversy over which is detailed by Jan Hilgevoord in his very informative paper entitled “Time in quantum mechanics: a story of confusion”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 36, 2005, pp. 29-60. Quoting our 1977 “Toward a General Theory of Process” paper:

The usual procedure in dealing with processes that manifest a negentropic development is to allow the negentropic process to grow at the expense of its embedding LSTD [limited spacetime domain]. In this manner, the larger system is seen to increase its entropy, while the embedded system's entropy decreases. The only difficulty with this concept is that it does not recognize that any given process can be viewed from all three perspectives outlined above. Depending upon the scale perspective adopted, a system can be viewed as closed, open, or self-reentrant. Every system is simultaneously closed, open, and self-reentrant because it can be validly viewed from any of these three perspectives. The class of LSTD corresponds to the scale perspective adopted, and is defined thereby. We are free to choose whatever perspective we wish depending upon the analytical purposes we have in mind. But the dynamics we discover are relative to the perspective adopted. Any given LSTD is composed of a hierarchy of LSTDs at a smaller scale level. Each of these smaller domains is in turn composed of a hierarchy of smaller scale LSTDs, and so on. In fact, any given LSTD is composed of a denumerable transfinite set of smaller scale LSTDs. Depending upon the scale perspective adopted, we apprehend a given LSTD, a finite set of LSTDs, or a transfinite set of LSTDs. Therefore, it becomes apparent that any given process simultaneously manifests this threefold characteristic and can, therefore, only be adequately described with multivalued propositions.

Which is to say that any given internal time is external for some LSTD or set thereof, and vice versa -- which throws a different light altogether, one heterarchical and m-logically-valued qua µTmly relative-state, upon the confusion manifest in Hilgevoord's story. Apparently, Prigogine made a move in this direction of thought. Quoting Studies on the Structure of Time, Rosolino Buccheri and Vito di Gesu and Metod Saniga, eds., Springer, 2000, p. 11:

Therefore to the question: does time exist if there is nobody to perceive it? Prigogine's answer seems to be the following: since evolution [hence, existence of time requires Darwin?] implies the presence of an "external" time and a constant increase in complexity, the presence, before or after, of thinking beings, product of the (external) time but endowed with individual internal measure of it, is assured [Darwinian time guarantees: "I think, therefore I am"]. The irreversibility of a process implies, therefore, the existence of both the "external" and the "internal" time (proper of the system involved in the process), the latter having a structure that evolves with the complexity of the system itself. We are still left with two different concepts of time.

A curious and interesting game that can be played using this argument is the following: what we have called here external or mechanical or subjective time, relating it to the perceivable environment, external to us and from which we get energy for our life, could also be considered "internal" to the environment itself if the latter is considered as a larger system evolving toward a higher level of complexity.

Of course, the Prigoginian take does not embrace involutory-decomposition, µTm-logical-proposition-executing, topologically-active (for a treatment of time as “discrete dynamical variable”, definition of which involves the difference between external and internal time, see “Quantum Properties of a Field with Time as a Dynamical Variable”, Hou Yau, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2017, 10106, 33 pp., hal-01313464 as posted to arXiv: good set of recent references to papers considering various approaches to operator time) Pauli-Paine operator-time as external time, which, for Prigogine continues to be an objective, passive, passing linear-time parameter handled as a real-numbered referential dimension. Prigogine concurred with Pauli's rejection of Pauli operator time, rejected on basis of the supposition that it must be conjugated to the Hamiltonian operator, which is bounded from below, negative values of total energy, which Pauli operator time would generate, being considered meaningless. For a dynamical-variable-type treatment of Pauli operator time truncating-squelching these negative values, as well as two other treatments, see “How to Introduce Time Operator”, Zhi-Yong Wang and Cai-Dong Xiong, Annals of Physics, 322, 2007, as posted to arXiv. Pauli-Paine topo-active optime is not, however, a self-adjoint (one of Wang's and Xiong's treatments abandons self-adjointicity) operator-observable; indeed, it is non-observable to the memetime-bound 1T2-only-logic-psycho-identified observer; would not be conjugated to the Hamiltonian; its involutory-decomposition operations would be quantized via Penrose twistors (one of Wang's and Xiong's treatments involves quantization of temporal operations); is predicated on the notion of scale-relative and LSTD-specific m-valued universal physical constants such as Planck's constant, which appears in the Hamiltonian; the negative values of total energy having to do, 1T2ly speaking, with counter-temporal operations upon identity-transparent-participant psychetic data in counterspace, such dualities disappearing with contextualizations established by µTm-unto-CTC+ logics understood independent of the notion truth-value.

Along with John Cage of 4'33" For Piano, circa 1952, and long-sat Zen monks, circa floating in atemporality, I thoroughly disagree with Ernst Poppel's notion of “now” (read from the German and interpreted in English by Susie Vrobel in “Fractal Time, Observer Perspectives and Levels of Description in Nature”, Susie Vrobel, Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, 4:16II, 2007) as being the integration of meaningful events into perceptual gestalts: on the rare occasions my I/im has/have authentically fulfilled the imperative “Be here now!”, that fulfillment has been achieved by the much-walking-meditation-practiced stripping away of naming, then of registering, learned meaningfulnesses enculturated-socialized and glutamate-anchored, the involved ketaminergic deautomatization revealing bare pattern altogether uninterpreted. As soon as interpretation restarts, the sense of embeddedness in the various (µTm-unto-CTC+, as the baud-rate-of-consciousness increases sufficiently to leave mere memetime-slowdown behind?) nownesses fades, the bright-light (if not Sri Aurobindo's, then that of Autogenic Training?) state dims, the breathed-in satin-flow-essence thins and dissipates, the “float” crashes, Whomp! as, so it may be supposed, endogenous ketamine flood ceases. There is a very big difference between a somewhat something being regarded by the 1T2-only 40Hz ego-function (uh, uh, what's-his-face; you know, the twittering mug whistling Dixie, simply-identifiable, and seeable all over Facebook; a swish-swish-swish 'e is, isn't 'e, wishin' and hopin', a vine clinging to and climbing along dead branches of an expired Weltanschauung, the teleological attractor strangely located in what has long since passed) as present, which Poppel may well capture, and I/im being consciousness-without-an-object in one or more of the nownesses.


Not to scare the begeebers out of the squarejohn gene jockeys, weather modifiers, climate-change inducers, geoengineers, cyber-cum-bio-cum-environmental-cum-space-warfare practitioners: de-enstupidation. Chaotic, 2nkly-fit butterflies are two-winged, logically-bivalent, single-valued-identity takes on µTm-unto-CTC+-processed, multi-valued-identity, subsystem-system-supersystem composites holosynoptically in synergistic CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state nonorientable (J.G.Bennettian “apocritical interval” of skew-perpendicularity equals nonorientability “hypergenus” class of g-dimensional complex projective space?) identity-transparency (add “musculpt” and “transpar” to the “union” and “intersection” and “complement”-qua-“difference” operations if you want to ketaminergically get from “here” to “therehere” and “back” in trans-al-jabr of sets). Involutory-decompositional cum revolutory-recompositional changes of time-step and grid-length (these changes executed by 3-fold topo-active optime, uh, topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time) nonorientably (even self-cancellingly) transform coherency into turbulence and turbulence into coherency: Cornell meteorologist D. A. Paine illustrated this aspect of the cascade theory of tornadogenesis by employment of manipulations of films of severe-storm onsets. The whats that are being dynamically “man|i[pu}lated” in the atmosphere by atmospheric processes (discussed in our 1977 “General Process” paper, which Paine, for some reason [because Victor P. Starr had recently published several articles in Nature?], decided to submit to the journal Nature, a poor choice (as suggested by “How Huxley's X-Club Created Nature Magazine & Sabotaged Science For 150 Years”, Matthew Ehret, ZeroHedge reposting from Strategic Culture Foundation, 16 May 2020), as it turned out: regarding 1st-order topo-active optime's temporal CURL, explicated in “General Process”, I quote Diego Lucio Rapoport, “Klein Bottle Logophysics, Self-reference, Heterarchies, Genomic Topologies, Harmonics and Evolution”, Quantum Biosystems, 7:1, November 2016, p. 63, to wit, “…the velocity one-form of a viscous fluid is generally a non-exact torsion, whose differential produces the vorticity [as the fluid's curvature]”, bracketed explication in original) are fractal dimensions of internal memetime and internal ponderable-space of LSTDs (limited spacetime domains, each of infinite genus at crest of the breaking wave, à la Victor P. Starr) partitioned out in parquetried laminations nesting-foam-wise according to the ensheaved-qua-superposed values (scale-relative absolute-limiting values being LSTD defining) of m-valued universal physical constants, e.g., Planck's quantum of scale-relative functional-equivalents to “action”, and Einstein's speed of scale-relative functional-equivalents to “light”, “selection” of the specific simultaneous value-stack of each of these constants in particular cases executed by [e]revolutory-[de]recompositional, 3-fold, topo-active optime (per above, yielding n-foldedness of space qua matter, as exemplified in turbulence of the breaking wave as described by Victor P. Starr in his “Hydrodynamical Analogy to E = mc2”, Tellus, 9:1, 1959, which was, but no longer is, findable via Google search engine, nor is it listed in Academic Tree's “Victor P. Starr -- Publications”, though it is listed in the ResearchGate catalog of his publications while at MIT). Our thesis, in “General Process”, is that different classes of collections of LSTDs -- on the closed-to-openness-to-selfreentrant spectrum (regards non-selfsame µTm-selfhood [I/im in “participation mystique” with each sheave of the “ray of creation”] as Schoutenized [attention drawn to Dutch school contributions to topology of spacetime by good offices of Rapoport, “Klein Bottle Logophysics…”, p. 63], i.e., as a clopen [closed-open] set, the 1T2-boundary of which is the empty set [upon which J.G.Bennettian µTm-pencils of skew-parallels are defined via null vectors, likely regarded by some as related to Jan Schouten's “perversors”, heh-heh-heh!]) -- i.e., single, finite, transfinite, abide by different conservation laws, and even, in the transfinite case, permit temporal non-orientability (an interesting discussion of which is provided in Time: It's Structure and Role in Physical Theories, Peter Kroes, D. Reidel, 1985) in conformance to global time-reversal invariance, whilst finite collections permit multiple-temporal connections, and the single-closed LSTD abides by memetemporal orientability. While CACE (changing anything changes everything: regards the COVID-19 forecast model example, good offices of ZeroHedge, 18 May 2020) is a 1T2-only-logic algorithmic bugaboo in software systems design, CACE is indubitably the nature of the case in real-world heterarchical systems manifesting µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, such that, given the 1T2ly-in-or-out-whole-integer-boundary-eroding (see: “Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems”, D. Sculley, et al., Google, Inc., 2014 or later by References) strong-to-hyperstrong entanglement, com|part[mental}i|zation via separation of concerns surely does not appear, which means that on the limiting CTC+-AllBase there are no externalities to internalize. Note that µTm-entanglement can be 1T2ly-construed as n-correction cascades (the function of real, complex, hypercomplex angular momentum carried into cascade dynamics by solar wind?).

Oh, speaking of the Devil! (and meaningful coincidence qua Pauli operator time paulied into Pauli-Jung synchronicity) as reverse-cascade terrestrial-to-solar backtalk: how many ways to interpret backwardation of cosmic rays (see: “UH professor's Antarctica discovery may herald new model of physics”, University of Hawai'i News, 10 December 2018) are there, other than as BornRule-sustaining-cum-Boolean-logic-sustaining evidence of the existence of a Wheeler-Bohr-subverted-Everettian 1T2-only parallel universe (see: “No, Scientists May Not Have Discovered Evidence Of Parallel Universe Where [meme]Time Flows Backward”, Jake Anderson, theMINDunleashed, 19 May 2020; reposted on 20 May 2020 by ZeroHedge under what was apparently the original title, “Scientists Discover Evidence of Parallel Universe Where [meme]Time Flows Backward”) -- CTC+ ways, or only those µTm? Whenever experimental evidence is logged challenging the dominating worldview construct which the prevailing Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base is analogically founded upon, there is rise (wars, stock market crashes, pandemics, terrorist attacks, so on) in the general level of collective hysteria commanding Homo sapiens' resolute, if by varying time-step, march onward toward critical-state cuspover. The bivalent-i of my I/im wishes, doesn't yours, that those regressed animistic-pagan-Hominini collective-unconscious event gradients (quoting Matthew Ehret-Kump concerning the “…many who choose to see history merely as a sequence of linear events determined by 'practical decision making'. The failure to recognize higher organizing principles shaping humanity's collective experience as a universal process has blinded many historians…”, in “Tomorrow's Arctic…”, Strategic Culture Foundation, 19 May 2020, reposted to Global Research on 21 May 2020; though I hold this historiographic notion to be an accurate characterization at much deeper levels than Ehret-Kump explicates) would make up their minds as to whether it's going to be AngloAmerican forced-draft urbanization or KhmerRouge forced-draft de-urbanization. Maybe we need to shift our perseverance and resolutely seek -- by reversing the involved large corpus of ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements -- some “forward guidance” from the keiretsu-like “cozy connections” aspect of the heterarchical anticipatory supersystem-system-subsystem/subsystem-system-supersystem composite we find ourselves participants in. Such a warranted unremitting seek, that is, given that, under “Asian”-like-cronyism anticipatory of forward guidance cum socialization of losses, neoliberalism has transited to patriarchal (even if denied and claimed to be merely Buddhologically gathalic, as in the gatha poem naming the royal patriarchs and their progeny) neoConfucian-social-credit (actually social-discreditation: à la Munzenberg-Lenin, always call the thing by the name of its opposite) -score algorithmic governance qua surveillance capitalism under paternalistic MMT and anti-[Not}tale monoscale cryptocurrencies as interims prefiguring a single central bank's single digital currency, the wholeEarth being deemed the most-optimal optimum currency area -- this whole dissimulated-quantum, technology-facilitated, institutional transform, itself, being an ensemble of ConveDDs ConveDDing the suppressed post-quantum-relativity Weltanschauung and its prospective analogically-modeled institutional base. Consider that the relativistic-quantum, Paine-Kaplan (the full CV, going back to the late-'60s, with the critical early Paine-Kaplan papers listed, is no longer posted online), energy-momentum-cascade-theoretic, time-step-and-grid-length-nested, numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis, circa in the works as early as 1968, was a quantum-measurement “resolutions dependent” relativistic “scale transformations” computerized forecast model before, a decade-and-a-half or so before, the scale-relative fashion of Laurent Nottale, Paine-Kaplan in part based on the notion of scale-relative values of m-valued universal physical constants, such as the absolute limiting velocity, a cascade-theoretic numerical forecast model with anticipatory accuracy 12-hours in advance on the 1km-grid when run on USAF-cum-NASA then-super computers with then-available (just as dopplerized-10cm-wavelength-radar data on tornadogenesis began to be logged) historical data sets, a model not made operational by the NWS with real[meme]time data because… Now what could the actual (conscious-to-subliminal-to-altogether-unconscious) reasons have been? Hmmm. Among others, for experimentally demonstrating numskullery of the “classical-limit” shield protecting 17th- and 18th-century liberalism and its subsequent neoliberal excrescence -- governance and man[age}mance having become no less rackets than is war, with the truly staggering level of incompetence amongst banks, credit card companies, e-mail providers extending even to dysfunctional mere sign-in procedures, a degree of ineptitude insuring utter inability, were the prospect ever actually to arise, to competently implement anything remotely like externality-internalizing µTm-LETS nesting foams mapped upon fractal e-boundaries?

Fractal womance. As our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, elaborately depicts, the protagonist, Derek Dillon, long ago anticipated what now could be deemed a neuropsychiatric interpretation of environment-anticipating Robert Rosen, hyperincursive Daniel Dubois, fractally scale-relative Laurent Nottale, Penrose-LSTD-entiled and Cantor-sat Mohamed El Naschie -- with the addition of topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time and heterarchical µTmly-identity-transparent two-torus, uh, 2torqueus, otherself reentry-- oops! that's a 2-holed torus; rather, then, two orientable double-covered Mobius bands, the connected sum of which being the nonorientable-- criminy! no, no, it's two projective planes as nonorientable Mobius bands, isn't it, the connected sum of which yields a nonorientable Klein bottle. To wit. At electric onset of the man-woman level of the transference, when the correlation length snaps to e-infinity and “good vibrations” jell due to complementarity of exchanged projective-identifications, “across-a-crowded-room” mild ponderable-space contraction cum memetime slowdown register as throbs of feeling-space because vibrational interference of two anticipatory particles, uh, two corpora of DNA-pi-electron-gas incursive harmonic oscillators, uh, two supersystem-system-subsystem composites -- composites normally in slight endotemporal incommensurability, each with their own unique personal psychometric distance function governing access to the Lorentz-contraction property of Luneburg binocular visual space --induces geodesic fluctuations of the proximal-immediate spacetime neighborhood as a new LSTD, limited spacetime domain, encapsulation tile is established: yielding affect-charged eigenformal endoanticipation whereby the teleological-attractor “pull” [re}solves, by torsion of topoactive optime, the cause “push” into eigenstate-present shock waves, thus violating the mistakenly supposed “classical limit”, belief in which is sustained by the tacit assumption that the universal physical constants apropos material guys and dolls and umm-urrs are monoscale single-valued, not scale-relative m-valued ensheavements.

Ever more doesn't necessarily come teleologically to us from the Evermore, no matter what those lads at Livermore think. Lost the plot, they've, those toffs. Humph! Wankered down, what. And not only that lot. Take the bint over there, for instance, a plonker, no doubt, but the bee's knees with a wasp waist. Wicked, she is. Wouldn't mind a right kerfuffle with her: flicker-noise conveys chaotic signals emanating from her fractal structures, what. You can just hear it! As the m-verse turns, eh -- mate. And bloody badly these days it does, doesn't it. Right-O: liminality of the trudges isn't luminal by deautomatization-in-service-to-the suprasuperego, is it, for blackpsyche-induced disorientation during the currently imposed rite of passage drudges the cogitation. Peeyew! Farshtinkener goons trawling and wangling, gabbering to death, shushing, then lowering the boom -- that's the slippery SOP gone to a miserable MO. Can't let nothing non-PC get through. Being liminal by simultaneously occupying both sides of a boundary, cf. blackhole computing, not only kicks aside Kierkegaard's Either/Or, it is, more fundamentally, a violation of the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction, suggesting that atmospheric acoustic analogues to blackhole information processors are of the Lukasiewiczian analog variety, a thesis not easily doubted whilst standing there, looking up, watching a double-helical-feeder-band-fed roll cloud develop, and wondering, à la Victor P. Starr, as to the n-holed tori at foamy e-infinite-curvature-crest of the breaking wave (not to mention knotted nonorientables, à la, for instance, “Knots and nonorientable surfaces in chiral nematics”, Thomas Machon and Gareth P. Alexander, PNAS, 110:35, 27 August 2013, pp. 14174-9). Hmmm. The higher the order of logical-value employed, the less differentiation between (my definitions and my usages of these terms since Cornell days of our writing of our “General Process” paper) scale relativity (properties of form-in-process are scale specific, that is, are relative to the given chosen scale), scale co-variance (properties of form-in-process are covariant within finite sets of scales, i.e., are indifferent to scale differences within the given set chosen; multiplication by scalar factor don't change nothin'), and scale invariance (irrelevance, to form-in-process, of scale differences over the full infinite range of scales, i.e., justforgetaboutit!)? How could that 1/f be the cosmic case, noisy or no? Logical-value order-type relativity? Tacitity of nature, its latency, the enfoldment which is unfolded in Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergence by good offices of 3-fold topo-active optime? Spacetime scales are latent in the stacking-levels of logical-values ensheaved upon pre-pregeometry bucket-of-dust-mote points of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) most-dense-sheet Tzog-chen AllBase? What is the collective wont, if not the explicitly stated want, is to find a post-quantum-relativity GUT Weltanschauung which leaves the Cartesian-Newtonian Lebenswelt cum derivative Umwelts intact (to save classical rationalism, see: “Endophysics -- Descartes taken seriously”, Otto E. Rossler, in Inside Versus Outside, Harald Atmanspacher and Gerhard J. Dalenoort, eds., Springer, 1994, pp. 153-161). During the Viet Nam war, Americans were often perplexed by Vietnamese-provided directions. “Two kilometers left of the monument you will find what you seek.” The Americans, unaware that left-right is reference-framed from point-of-view of the animistic object, not from that of the egoic subject, took a left when they should have taken a right. Poincaren-Einsteinian relativity theory's denotation in use of the word “relative” is referenced to the observer, hisher perceptions, more precisely, to the 1T2-only Franko-German egofunction-sans-eigenfunction of the observer, not to the system qua system under consideration. The exophysics Poincaren-Einsteinian 1T2-only observer (seeking hisher take of the patrimon[e]y of the patri[arc}hate) is no quantum of a participator; only those I/im logically supraordinate to that 1T2 are system participants by µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency. Those I/im CTC+-logical are absolutely-in-so-far-as-indistinguishable (A is absolutely not-A) from the heterarchical supersystem-system-subsystem composite, not through IBEed-glutamatergic projective-identification-governed observation, but through OBEed-ketaminergic pagan-animistic utter-identity-transparency (rhyme and non-binary-reason of the traditional Eastern mode of instruction). Identity-transparency within the socius profoundly affects communication: no need to spell it out. Actual endophysics is speakably 1T2ly read on the interface-“reality” (wall of Plato's cave) as Heisenberg uncertainty, which is underlaid by unspeakable µTm-skew-perpendicularity.

The most basic observation that can be made about the supposed “classical limit” is that its main function is analogous to that of a security guard at the shopping mall: protect the goods; keep the bads at bay ((sustain perseverance in the notion of 1T2-hierarchy [[example: the “central dogma” of molecular-only genetics]] whilst driving back into shadows the accumulating experimental evidence [[consider relativity of the “noise”-conveyor of extractible “hidden m-valued information”, µTm-processable, as almost demonstrated by flicker-noise spectroscopy, which treats “…the correlation links {as regards the k in 2nk; the hidden information being with respect to the M in Mnk?} present in sequences of different irregularities, such as spikes, 'jumps', and discontinuities in derivatives of different orders, on all levels of the spatiotemporal hierarchy of the system under study as main information carriers”: quoting page 1 of “Review of Flicker Noise Spectroscopy in Electrochemistry”, Serge F. Timashev and Yuriy S. Polyakov, arXiv, 2006 or later by References, this quote drawn to my attention by Vrobel's use of it]] of “omni-interactive” [[quoting Bucky Fuller, among many others; whereas Timashev and Polyakov ask, “Is it possible at all to extract information from the noise in view of the fact that any complex system, especially natural, is characterized by virtually infinite dimensionality…?” and answer, “…presence of chaotic behavior in spatiotemporal dynamics of complex natural systems does not require the effective number of dynamic variables needed to fully describe the system to be large [13–18], which disproves the statement that it is a priori impossible to get an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of complex objects. In reality, in spite of the visible chaoticity of time V(t) (t – time) and space h(x) (x – coordinate) variations in measured dynamic variables, there is some order related to scaling phenomena in the dynamics and structure of natural systems on different levels of their spatiotemporal hierarchy. It is the latter circumstance that leads to the low effective dimensionality of the resulting problems and opens up opportunities for developing practical methods to analyze the dynamics and structure of complex systems”, as stated on page 3 of the above-linked]] µTm-unto-CTC+-heterarchy)). Illustrations of the larger assertion? Without the classical limit: (1) gene jockeys couldn't credibly maintain that genetic hacks are discrete black-light-strobed happenings (Hey there, Zeak, Zeek, and Zeke, howyadoin'? It had to huv happened, don't ya think, accidentally on purpose, heh-heh-heh! [accidents can be repurposed, y'know] at Dee-trick or Wu-haha-han or X-Marks-the-Spot, as an event, not as one of the many nonlocal quantum phenomena consequent upon all that's been done at, what, [hun}dreads? of facilities worldwide since, well-- before WWI?) altogether localized and without involvement in collective and cooperative behaviors with critical-state thresholds, affecting, via quantum-wave properties, whole genomes, cellular phase boundaries, and, frequency-funnel-wise, the environment of the organism; (2) weather and climate engineers couldn't credibly maintain that electro-pollution, phased-array, WiFi, 5G+, full monty of EM commo and weaponry do not, via electron-temperature enhancements, alter normative values of frequency-response windows and associated m-valued variables across total spectrum of the heterarchical nesting-foam, highlights of which include Earth's core dynamics (consider: “The Mysterious Anomaly Weakening Earth's Magnetic Field Seems to Be Splitting”, Peter Dockrill, ScienceAlert, 26 May 2020), DNA's pi-electron-parcel-gas-mediated radiation-exchange dynamics, the atmosphere's window function as regards solar-wind-conveyed real, complex, hypercomplex angular momentum cascaded through the atmosphere's spectrum of wave motons into Earth's crustal and core dynamics. And, on top of the “classical limit” substrate, we have blackpsyche nations. Omnipresent surveillance to enforce PC-ness has corrupted mind travel even more than that overland, onsea, inair. Like all things governed by 1T2-only monies, long before outbreak of COVID-19, package tours, mental and physical, destroyed not only quality of travel, but substantially damaged the sights and sounds of sites to which tourists travel for visits. When corruption is recognized as, not only the foremost ma[nag}er of institutions, but also as their designer, it has become apparent how unnatural and inept the informing paradigm has, all along, been -- nature being the only source of effective analogical models. Ack, aye, to Hawkeye: plausibly deniably guvment created-owned-operated megacorps and superNGOs. Close as can be ascertained, not only is there no authentic attempt to actually deal with problems of the near-universally-acknowledged global crisis, there is no sincere intent to make an attempt. These days, who trusts the brain trust? The competence level has reached such a low ebb, doubt must be strong amongst the many as to capability of TPTB to realize diktats of the mid-19th-century collective unconscious “decision” for human species suicide. Though the planetarized leadership elite is doing everything it can to achieve this end, likely it will be only partially successful. Get behind me, Satanic egofunction! Be abaft of thyself, sir! My body, myself, the self of myself… Stand in the door! Yes, that door. Sicher, mein Sergeant! A tacit dimension of Husserl's account of internal time consciousness is the unstated assumption that the 'I' experiencing time is singular with awareness exclusively derived from 1T2-only processing alone -- this, in my judgment, conforming to the Husserlian program to preclude what became known as m-valued logics so as to protect numerical selfsameness from the challenges presented by Cabalistic and neoPlatonic numerology. Susie Vrobel in “Fractal Time…” carries forward this tacit dimension -- and my I/im agree that the involved assumption aptly characterizes the actual case insofar as glutamate etching and anchoring at neuronal plasticity is thoroughly orchestrated by prescriptive enculturation-socialization. To my understanding, the fundamental 'I'-ness (the “Bride”) is not the egofunction localizable (by concentration in self-observation) “down here” at “the back of the head” (with endogenous ketaminergic onset of OBE, leaving the head by petit mal paresthesia tingle on, and then over, postcentral gyrus); it, the “Bride”, is on the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) AllBase, from which the multiples are demergents-from-the-fundamental, i.e., the egofunction being last in the sequence of topo-active-optime unfolded on-sheets-undertones-inharmonics-deresonances -- that AllBase being signified by the upper window of the “Large Glass” of “The Bride stripped bare by her bachelors, even”. Since I've been asked, I can speculate that there are, presumably, all sorts of 'I's denoted by I/im -- the various sorts distinguished largely by their window-function type, each of which, in claiming 'I'-ness, strongly to weakly to zilchly zeros-out awareness of generative-empathic CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. In support of this notion, I quote from “Hidden Perspectives in Emergent Structures Produced by Neural Networks”, Raymond Povloski, in Simultaneity: Temporal Structures and Observer Perspectives, Susie Vrobel and Terry Marks-Tarlow, eds., Wspc, 2008, pp. 286-91:

Perceptual completion, multistability, and hysteresis imply that conscious perceptual experiences may be special cases of the [quantum-critical-state collective and] cooperative phenomena that generally underlie biological pattern formation… descriptions [lying beyond the subjectivity barrier] might fit self-organized patterns that are embodied completely within the dynamics of the neural network. In the models described below, meta-neural cluster states [as regards the 'I's of I/im?] correspond to measurements each neuron makes on clusters of neurons. Since each neuron's state partially determines one or more cluster states, and is determined by its input cluster states, cluster-cluster interactions governed by cluster states occur through the network dynamics… Each neuron computes the products of the states of the neurons belonging to all N clusters of the network… In effect, the architecture and dynamics (update rule) of this simple network creates a lattice of clusters and their states. Several generalizations of this basic model have been studied, differing mainly in the type and number of hidden cluster state patterns that can be generated… 3. Hidden Order in a Network of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons

That's the 1T2-only LOD, level of description. What are the µTm-unto-CTC+ LODs? Oh, I see. Not interested in the higher-logic LODs. Well, that's only to be expected, of course. I didn't live in rural Cambodia for three years of reading into the holocaust primarily out of concern for what had passed: I was contemplating the psychogeneses of collective pogromatic snapovers. Despite the lack of higher interest: relative to other-I-am-be's as “Leaves of Grass” and meta-data ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements qua concretions, of meta-neural identity-transparency states, contemplate prefigurative imports of the sort of meta-clusters discussed here and here as conjugated into the perspectives outlined here and here. Planetarized railroading: does it take a conscious “control conspiracy”? While Paul Craig Roberts appears to have a very good surface grasp of what has long been transpiring, he leaves a lot to be desired was regards deep-structure cause-push cum attractor-pull (p.s., I've been wearing a surgical mask for months -- the first time since, given my SF training, being called upon to give up my crutches and function as a surgical tech, Camp Zama Army Hospital, Japan, during the overwhelming flood of wounded brought in during the Battle of Dak To -- and consider doing so a very reasonable minimum precaution). When -- in back-reaction on the metric of N. H. Abel's “Impossibility”-Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr, the part-whole identity-transparency found in Cantorian transfinite sets, the Axiom of Choice, Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics, Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function and all the associated “quantum this, quantum that!”, clopen sets, so on and so forth -- those in the know largely No!ed with “Give me simple-identity [and the illusion of self-control, most especially control over one's own mind, that goes along with it: fulminators and frothers-at-the-mouth being prominent amongst those uptight enough to be paranoid about the specter of psychic invasion by the higher higher-faculties, who, upon two tokes on a Big-O, snap into a bad-tripper's psychotic break by panic over loss of the ability to sustain the pretense to mental self-control, this experience inducing, by compensatory abreaction, embrace of mind-control technologies, uh, uh, to control the minds of others, that is, these sorts of [per}sons disproportionately overpopulating the many mil.guvs, the various gestapos scattered worldwide, the fundamentals of this-or-that persuasion, the antidowist confusionists, et cetera, et cetera, and et cetera…] or give me death!”, that partially-altogether-unconscious, partially-subliminal, partially-conscious cohort-“decision” having bled down to the ever increasingly techno-uniformized pan-mono-cultured masses of the global overpopulation base, the obsessive-compulsive fixation on defending the illusion of self-control serviced by regression-in-service-to-the-egofunction was seamlessly ConveDDed into a panhuman plandemic demand for socio-politico-economic top-down total control of the environment, the adversary, the other, the spouse, the genome, the very definers of the “human condition”, the-- whatever: [hu-hu-hu}mans, having pandemically themselves voluntarily become normotic robots, naturally enough wanted robotic surrogates as companions; thus was autopoietically initiated an intracompetitive transnational “Manhattan Project” exploring the means to achieve the veiled-but-clarifying long-term objective to rid the Lebenswelt of the scourge known as organic life. Tah-ta and tootle-loo.

In early high school, usually late at night when I did my discretionary reading, I began studying together in a given period several judiciously selected books, lickety-split jumping between them frequently as a means to break and combust trains of thought, such that the ideas the books contained would bounce off one another in unexpected ways: the summer after my senior year, reading David Rapaport's 1958 translation of Heinz Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation, good offices of a friend of my mother, a psychologist specialized in childhood schizophrenia working at Eastern State Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, I came to understand that this practice induces a kind of ideational deautomatization of considerable value to brainstorming. A decade later, 1973, studying art and music at George Mason University, still engaging in this practice, whilst thus reading a group of works, including Iannis Xenakis' Formalized Music, Jacques Hadamard's The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field, and Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology of Internal Time Consciousness, I seriously balked -- on basis of my own “mental-stacking” experiences at concentration in self-observation (circumscribed contextualizations including: practice of inner-separation from the act of reading Aurobindo's and Jung's Collected Works; at using Kimon Nicolaides' methods at drawing the nude; under immersion at the painting of music, mainly Takemitsu's; during Akido lessons [Rx for lower-back syndrome]; separating from moving-center functions whilst digging trees; in midst of various practices at walking meditation; handling floral materials during ikebana lessons); the m-valuedness of Schrödinger's wave-function qua theme-ensheavement as implicit in Xenakis' quantum-physics-analogous compositional techniques, even though he persevered in a probability-wave interpretation of Schrödinger; Hadamard's characterization of snapping into a state where multiple concepts are simultaneously held in mind at the epiphany which is the instant of creative illumination -- at Husserl's notion of a linear-time (i.e., “horizontally” represented relative to sequential unfolding-emergence) “extended Now”. To me, retention of past and protention of future are “vertically” stacked, like are Schrödinger's m-values, in a skinny instantaneous Now, not horizontally extended in a fat-style bloated Now. Husserl's “extended Now”, justified by analogy to incorporation of the anticipations necessary to recognition of a musical tune, rather than a mere series of notes, is analytical, not the result of actually-lived practiced self-observations made at listening (apparently Husserl never actually lived the “living present”, only thought about what such living must be like); indeed, this Husserlian “observation” concerning the now-ness properties of Now is not only culture-bound and music-culture-bound, it's largely well-tempered-bound -- as those who have “carried” (like a mantra is carried) Cage's 4' 33" and “musique concrete” and noise music into their practices of engaging “found sounds” at walking meditation eventually realize: any sequence of sounds can be heard as pure pattern, “bare” when internal enunciation of enculturated meanings (e.g., “That's the 'noise' of a rotary hammer”) “coming in on one” are not allowed to register, are not “said 'I' to”, are allowed to “pass on by” unacknowledged, thus thereby any collection of bare sounds can become a tune, a motif, a melody, even though there are no diatonic or modal learned (even assimilated by osmosis) conventions to generate specific anticipations-by-protention, thus no supposed “bloating” of the “duration of the present moment” into an “extended Now” of a so-called “specious present”. To my understanding: for the memetime-bound mind, duration of the present moment is related to the baud-rate of consciousness, which the “40 Hz hypothesis” (see the “Gamma Frequency” section of “Oscillatory Correlates of Visual Consciousness”, Stefano Gallotto, et al., Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 7 July 2017) codifies for the normotic state of consciousness. As regards the time-step variable (related to “…the shutter mechanism that is inherent in the background 'noise'…”) underlying the baud-rate of consciousness, see: “Proposed Cortical 'Shutter' Mechanism in Cinematographic Perception”, Walter J. Freeman, Understanding Complex Systems, January 2007. J. M. Blackledge and A. K. Evans and M. J. Turner, in their book Fractal Geometry, Woodhead, 2002, somewhat concur with my takeaway, with major differences. Quoting page 176:

Husserl assumed that the subject generates time by nesting events in an extended now. This claim that the subject generates time in this way is a fallacy, however, because the notion of the consciousness of the present, the Now, already assumes a succession, which must take place against the background of frame time. Another level of description must be assumed as a frame time in which these successions can take place. This frame time cannot be observer-generated, as the observer is himself embedded in this frame time.

As to the origin of passive, passing, referential, linear-time, I found Husserl rather confusing. Right at the beginning of his book, memory assimilated to the Now serving, heh-heh-heh, he uses the term “given time”, which I could not see as subject-generated, i.e., as autohypnotic rather than heterohypnotic -- unless “self-given to the self”, which is not so stated. A translation problem? Mayhaps. Yet, Nicolas de Warren notes in his book Husserl and the Promise of Time, as given on page 190:

As Husserl writes, “The given time-field, which is always something filled, is surrounded by an empty time-horizon, which belongs to the essence of time-consciousness as a potentiality of an empty component of consciousness, which can become fulfilled in chains of remebrances” (Hua XXXIII, 71).

Further discussion of Husserl's ideas in this area is provided by Lanci Rodemeyer in The New Husserl: A Critical Reader, Donn Welton, ed., Indiana U., 2003. Quoting page 128:

Keep in mind that Husserl considered the notion of a mathematical “now point” only a fiction, but that after rejecting the notion of a “now point” in his earliest works, he began to introduce the notion of a primordial impression, or Urimpression. The latter term is also an abstraction; however, it is an abstraction of the “moment of actualization” rather than a mathematical abstraction from a “series of now points”. Interestingly, the appearance of the term Urimpression (and Urempfindung, primordial sensation) coincided with Husserl's introduction of the terms “protention” and “retention”, a fact that might help us understand how the primordial impression is an abstraction of a whole “living present” -- the constituting activity of protention, Urimpression, and retention -- rather than an abstraction from a geometric time line. My intuition “now” necessarily extends “forward” into the immediate future, as well as “back” into the just-past. My experience of “now” is not at all of a point (nor of a primal impression), but instead already contains aspects of it which are futural and past, namely, protention and retention. While this explanation of the extended now and its protention clearly involves intuition, however, this interrelation is mentioned without in-depth explication.

The same, in my judgment, should be said of Husserl's explications, which are analytic rather than fair-witness recountings of phenomenological autosensory-observational livings-in, à la, as taught in Edmund Jacobson's electrophysiology lab and described in his paper entitled “On Meaning and Understanding”, The American Journal of Psychology, 22:4, October 1911, an indispensible resource to anyone wanting to become adept at self-observation. I believe that genesis of Husserl's “extended Now” was motivated by tacit-unto-explicit rejection of simultaneous-multiple-awareness states, of I/im, of prospective m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, and so on; by, moreover, tacit-unto-explicit embrace of the idea that the infinite regress of selfhoods experienced by inner-separation within the lived present of self-observation is a matter of retroflexion -- when it isn't even [re}flexion, although it might involve reflections. Fear of dissociation -- e.g., the dissociations “seen” in possession cults, and in just plain old pedestrian pagan-animistic “participation mystique”. Note that Husserl's formulation of the notion “extended Now” came (1893-1917) just as dementia praecox was being defined and transited to schizophrenia by Pick-Kraepelin-Bleuler, and during the gestation period of Lukasiewicz logics. It is my contention that prescriptive enculturation-socialization-orchestrated glutamatergic neuronal prunings, beginning in the womb, of the subject's 1T2-only molecular-cellular brain generate the cognitive buffers responsible for memetime-bound cognition. What is referred to above by Blackledge, et al., as a passive “frame time” reference (not, to my mind, merely “the amount of time it takes to execute or render a single frame”, i.e., the time-step involved, not merely, that is, if reality transcends the movies, which nowadays may be hard to imagine), I believe is actually 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. There is nothing to prevent an infinite regress in levels of the frame times (not of instants) that certainly must subtend memetime if memetime is to be; whereas, three orders of topo-active optime are necessary and sufficient to operation of a KleinBottling cosmos demergingremerging the form of forms-in-process. A bivalent-logic chicken-and-egg problem: What is COVID-19 if not DNA? Why, RNA, of course (same for HIV). But what came first in a KleinBottling cosmos? DNA or RNA? And how much are the radiation-exchange properties of DNA those of RNA? Topo-active optime ConveDDed to well-orchestrated discombobulation ops?

Dey ain't be no capitalists;
Dey be stumblebums flimflamin'
Da system: NeoCons, Hedgies, Globalizers.

When the basic principles of a Weltanschauung, those principles underlying the institutional base, are demonstrated mistaken, and the intellectual elite dissimulates the involved findings, thus preventing coherent codification of an adequate new Weltanschauung and a viable new institutional base, awareness of the worldview-construct discorporation and the legerdemain eventually bleeds into subliminals of the masses who go bonkers for not understanding the actual origins of the disintegration and its impacts upon their psychological states and activities of daily life. To regressed-in-service-to-the-ego, memetime-bound binary-minds, regressus ad infinitum “seems quite impossible”; temporal finitude is an imperative (memetime must have a start or there can be no “efficient” cause, no personifiable projectively-identified godhead; memetime must have a stop or the Second Law of Thermodynamics, memetime, and the closed system could not be mutually interdefinable); discrete and continuous are absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct Kantian categories [man}dating existence of 1T2-only-definable instants of arrowheaded memetime's continuous line. One thing is near certain about the memetime near-future: many scientific and philosophical controversies will be all but (the recalcitrant likely won't survive) resolved the hard way as nature instructs [hu-hu-hu}manity as to how utterly mistaken its conventional views have been. On The Tacit Dimension, 3-fold topo-active optime is repugnant to many because [red}integration -- Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1974 edition: (1) “revival of the whole of a previous mental state when a phase of it recurs”; and (2) “arousal of any response by a part of the complex of stimuli that originally aroused that response” -- elicits the specter (O those Satanic “cross-tropological emplotments”!) of a subversive Sixth Column (to complement the JIFs, Japanese Inspired Fifth Columnists), in that the 6, 3 of space and 3 of time, require 8, i.e., the octonions, not 4, i.e., the quaternions. How very confusing! Maybe a topo-active-optimed bi-[qua}turn|ionic interpretation of octonions will save the day! As Homeric memetimes closed out and in-the-body experience became normative by muscle-bound Spartaic extirpation of THE quantum-brain's facilitation of “participation mystique”, active-temporal 3-foldness was Athensically transmogrified to the past-present-future prescriptively enculturated and glutamatergically anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains. Heh-heh-heh! Yes, infinite regress is a fallacy under bivalent logic; in Nagarjuna's memetimes, and even before, this was known to be so, and considered indicative, in Hindi, of a nothingness, Anavastha -- though Vedanta insightfully distinguishes between “valid” and “vicious” infinitudes. But what of infinite regress under µTm-unto-CTC+ logics and all the number systems undiscovered which employments of those logics are sure to reveal?

The material concerning the electromagnetic theory of the universe presented in Arnie Benn's video lecture entitled “The fractal Physics of Nature”, YouTube, posted 27 May 2020 (referral good offices of Lauri Love), is enlightening and thoroughly fascinating. I would like to make a comment on that lecture relative to what I learned from five years (1975-'80) of forty-hours a week conducting library research (unofficially and pro bono) for Cornell's tornadogenesis specialist, Douglas A. Paine, and in regards to some of his ideas and opinions as expressed to me in our many and varied conversations. The first attention grabber reacted to upon walking into Paine's office in Bradfield Hall were two huge photographs hung side by side, one of a spiral-banded hurricane and the other of a spiral-banded galaxy, the two essentially indistinguishable. Comment: it is unfortunate that Benn is unaware of the role Paine's formulation of the “atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations” (see the section so named here and the section named “The Relativism of Absolute Limits” here, as well as several preprints [listed in the complete version of Michael L. Kaplan's CV, now again available by clicking “download”] from AMS severe local storms conferences of that era, the 1970s, also, for contextualization, our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh) played in the Paine-Kaplan multiscale, nested-grid, numerical-forecast, cascade model of tornadogenesis, and how this analogue was involved in the origins of Paine's notions of m-valued universal physical constants and topologically-active operator-time. Paine knew nothing of Pauli's notion of operator time when arriving at the idea that “active time” (it was only later -- when, in response to a query from me concerning his thoughts on Paine's notion of active time, Prigogine sent me a preprint mentioning Pauli's idea of operator time -- that we adopted the term “operator-time”) is involved in the tornadogenesis process under the guise of the complex and hypercomplex angular momentum carried to Earth by the solar wind and cascaded through the atmosphere's scale-spectrum of wave motions, injected into Earth's crustal and core dynamics, with near-instantaneous answers-back via the upward flux in lightning bolts and vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. Paine believed that, and had much to say about how, controlled-nuclear-fusion-reactor research could benefit from studies of how tornadic plasma bottles remain leak-proof as a result of far-from-equilibrium-exchanges qua energy-momentum cascade processes. His details on this were mathematical, and though he explained them to me on several occasions, the mathematics was over my head and I only got the drift of them. Forty-some years later, I can't recall anything of value concerning the conversations in which the explanations were provided. Paine had a sizable box of his unpublished work; I have no idea what happened to it after his death. Given these ideas of Paine, it is not hard to see why he was opposed to phased-array-radar-induced electron-temperature enhancements of Earth's upper atmosphere, hot auroras, magnetic mirrors, so on. Indeed, Paine thought that, possibly, an explanation for why the cascade model's forecast capability failed, at the 1km gird-length, involved the fact that electromagnetic contributions to vorticity were not incorporated into the model. Upper-atmosphere physicists at Cornell could have contributed much to an effort to rectify this limitation of the cascade model, but their orientation was so “geoengineering-oriented” and, thus, so contrary to Paine's orientation, that that prospect was found to be completely unworkable. Contributing to this conflict was Carl Sagan, largely exercised through his students. Paine had applied his ideas about an atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations to creation of a mathematical model of how the “great red spot” massive hurricane on Jupiter might have formed (Paine had a sizable box of his unpublished work; I have no idea what happened to it after his death), and lectured on that model, under the title, “The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena” (see here, listed at the very end under “Supplementary Papers”), at the 1974 conference, “Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System”, held at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Paine was intensely censored by Sagan for having done this -- and the charge of pseudoscience exacerbated the conflict with the upper-atmosphere physicists. The academic conflict involved became sufficiently intense that Paine eventually quit attending faculty meetings. Moreover, publication of our DNA paper was greeted with dismay by Cornell chemists as Sagan's students showed it around introduced as being a further instance of pseudoscience. “Acoustic-analogues to blackhole computing”, to use current parlance, in Earth's atmosphere (1974 NSF report: see Kaplan's CV under “Edited Contract Reports”: note that this was just before fractals came on the scene and just before particle creation by black holes was described by Stephen Hawking), a model of the genesis of Jupiter's “great red spot” (1974), a topologically-active operator-time model of DNA pi-electron gas (1979): three strikes and you're out.

I didn't even pass Go in being taken back to Cornell days by Louis H. Kauffman's lecture (referral good offices of Lauri Love) entitled “Non-Commutative Worlds & Discrete Physics”, YouTube, posted 3 May 2020. Paine and I took lunch often at the Cornell Dairy across and just down the street from Bradfield Hall. Great Lebanon baloney on rye! Kauffman's lecture was lunch with Paine at the dairy. Click here for examples of four such lunches. Quaternions, pi, i, e, del, del cross, all the turns and twists and goings in and out and out and in involved in tornadogenesis. I think that if the section of our “General Process” paper named “Spacetime Del Operator and Temporal Curl” is thought on, it will become apparent that what Kauffman describes must have been explicit and well thought out in the mind of Paine. In the Paine case, the discretes that Kauffman refers to are, atmospherically speaking, air parcels (temperature harmonic oscillators), and DNAly speaking, pi-electron parcels (temperature harmonic oscillators). One can look at this linked diagram of “first-order temporal curl” and see Kauffman's discussion of commutators as explicitly embedded in it. But in order to get a tornado, nature takes ijk to lmn, everything dotted and double-dotted, as represented by the second- and third-order spacetime del operators discussed in the “Topological Connectivity and the Cascade Concept” section of our “General Process” paper. One can think of I/i in relation to Kauffman's lecture; then one can think of I/im as an extension of Kauffman's lecture. This leads to the recognition that there are three order-types of Maxwellian equation sets (each with their own associated physics), and, when understood sufficiently abstractly, generalizable to atmospheric dynamics as the “atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations”. The highly complex details of how this works out in the atmospheric physics was extensively programmed into the computer forecast model run on USAF (on one running of the model, a chunk of NORAD database was wiped out: this caused an attitude problem with respect to the “attitude” of the model, heh-heh-heh!) and NASA mainframes, and was summarized in considerable mathematical detail in the severe local storms conference preprints written by Paine, Kaplan, and grad students. Consider that this second-half-of-the-seventies period was the heyday of the chaos butterfly. Presentation of one these papers at one of these conferences was inflammatory enough to deteriorate into an n-factored fist fight.

The 1T2-only-logic Law of Excluded Middle, aka Tertium non Datur, literally “Third Not Provided”, C. G. Jung turned around into what he called the “transcendent function” (explication provided in linked text good offices of Sue Mehrtens), essentially, the third (a signifier stand-in for all of the higher-valued logics) that is normally not available, which, when made available, becomes the resolving, the reconciling, the integrative factor, that factor making unconscious material available to full light of consciousness and mediating its functional integration there into (I agree with this insofar as “unconscious” be understood universal consciousness and “consciousness” be understood egoic consciousness). Gotthard Gunther expanded this integrative factor into what he called “polycontextures” (see, for insightful discussion of this, Diego Lucio Rapoport, “Klein Bottle Logophysics, Self-reference, Heterarchies, Genomic Topologies, Harmonics and Evolution”, Quantum Biosystems, 7:1, November 2016, p. 66), which may, more deeply construed via a Lukasiewiczian take on Hugh Everett, be understood the µTm-relative-states (no mere fuzzy degrees, no screened dot-product halftone grayscale shadings) between altogether CTC+-continuous non-existence and 1T2-only absolutely-in-so-far-as-discrete existence (couching it by means of a binary categorization scheme), these states transforming a mere top-down hierarchy into an omni-interactive, multiply-selfreentrant heterarchy (the reverse of this transformation having been, by psychopathic ConveDD [i.e., conversion-disorder displacement], at all memetimes everytime, orchestrated by the criminally-insane priests-in-hoods qua robber barons qua oligarchs, and eventually imprudently codified into the Manava-Dharmasastra, the Laws of LawGiver [Man}u/[Ma}nu, certainly not m-a|nu except by ConveDD, and their myriad functional equivalents, the transformation always transpiring long before the codification into documents of jurisimpudence: Manu and caste, as with all such, will be debated forever relative to Varna System and all the rest, but it is hard, given the strong, almost Aristotelian, emphasis placed on categories, the gunas being but one example, in Hindu thought, to effectively dispute the notion that types existed even before the Vedas were sung [1T4, 2T4, 3T4, 4T4-interpretive Catuskoti, to my mind, having been even in Vedic memetimes a cultural-lag deteriorization of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency -- but note that the involved Catuskoti functions are reliant upon the contraposing of binariable categories via use of binary-logic operations], types frequently referred to in the Laws of Manu which crystallized into castes [introduced by the Aryans, or defacto predating] of a social hierarchy, not a heterarchy, a hierarchy, even where within socioeconomic mobility between levels [including up Jacob's Ladder] is allowed, being no heterarchy). Diego Rapoport says, “Klein Bottle Logophysics…”, p. 64, that “…what matters is the connectivity…”. Deconstructing connectivity, Susie Vrobel in “Fractal Time, Observer Perspectives and Levels of Description in Nature”, Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, 4:16II, 2007, interprets Husserl's “extended Now” as being a nested structure and provides the following explanatory analysis, pp. 287-8:

If we had no memory of the preceding note and no anticipation of the next one, we would only perceive a succession of isolated, uncorrelated notes. However, as we are able to perceive a tune and not just a succession of isolated notes, we must assume the Now to be extended and provide for both succession and simultaneity. Reiterated nestings of successive overlapping and simultaneous events within the Now generate a nested, fractal structure. This is true for any perception of change: We have to assume a nested structure of the Now to explain our ability to perceive a tune or any other time series as a meaningful entity.

I therefore assumed a nested structure of the Now which contains overlapping events which add the dimension of simultaneity to that of succession. Without simultaneity, no before and after relations, no correlated succession, would be conceivable, as simultaneity creates the framework time which connects otherwise isolated events into a before and after relation. Husserl failed to show that time is created by the subject. However, his nested model of the Now remains convincing. Below, I shall describe how the observer, although he does not generate time, does, through his choice of nestings, generate the structure of the Now.

While the tune example may be adequate to explain nesting horizontality (think: succession overlaps) with regard to a passive-referential linear-time, I do not think, as earlier stated, that the musical analogy is sufficient to generate nesting verticality (think: simultaneity sheaves) relative to what I hold to be prescriptively-enculturated and glutamatergically-anchored memetime. Does simultaneity create temporal-nesting-verticality or does temporal-nesting-verticality create simultaneity -- or, speaking of Jung's “transcendental function”, are temporal verticality and simultaneity synonymous vis-à-vis Schrödinger's memetime-independent wave-equation? Focus on Vrobel's statements, to wit “…simultaneity creates the framework time…” and “…overlapping events which add the dimension of simultaneity…”. “Déjà vu all over again” is the fundamental proposition here? As internal Eigendynamik? “Eigen dynamics” I take to be a technical term for self-interaction, i.e., internal connectivity such as in the I/im which is ponderable not out-there in 3-space but in-here by concentration in self-observation. “Imputing” such interiority to, say, electrons (see, for example: “The quantum origin of inertia and the radiation reaction of self-interacting electron”, Peter Leifer, arXiv, 12 August 2011: quoting page 2, “…space-time relationships and geometry for quantum objects should be reformulated totally at any space-time distance [italic added as a reminder that the 'classical limit' is a dead concept] since from the quantum point of view such fundamental dynamical variables as 'time-of-arrival'… and a position operator… representations are state-dependent… Therefore space-time itself should be built in the frameworks of a new 'quantum geometry'” [this geometry based on the substrate of Heisenberg uncertainty, that is, J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism cum skew-perpendicularity µTm-logically processed, inertial state of body-in-spacetime, i.e., its identity, being non-selfsamely m-valued? think: levels of conservation laws mean levels of “self-conservation”!]) of a pi-electron gas -- and gaining measures of their temporal signatures as, say, written into our operator-time-based canonical equation descriptive of DNA pi-electron-gas-mediated radiation exchange during helix-coil transition (note that velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration in our model is of temperature change of a pi-electron-parcel quantum harmonic oscillator, with associated deformation of the parcel à la mechanism of action of photoacoustic spectroscopy, not of the parcel's spacetime translation; hence, the parcel is treated as an “internal detector” of radiation impingement in the Leifer sense of the term: one could easily conclude that phased-array-radar electron-temperature enhancement in Earth's atmosphere is a ConveDD of this suppressed-for-various-reasons aspect of DNA “Eigen dynamics”). I believe that the nesting-foam is due to Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergence via involutory decomposition of the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, a demergence accomplished by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (which notion is an unpacking of the blackbox term “framework time”). There is no objective, passive, passing, referential, arrow-headed linear-time for the corpora of 1T2-only-logic-identified observers to “generate” -- heh-heh-heh! -- from 1T2-only-logic-definable instants, extended or no. There is memetime glutamate-etched and anchored to molecular-cellular brains, and there are quantum-brain-bleed-through intimations of temporal verticality experienced as what Maurice Nicoll called Living Time; and then, heh-heh-heh! there is 3-fold topologically-active operator-time demerging (by implementation -- the cosmic software instruction being: Musculpt! -- of logical propositions lattice-structured throughout the CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-logical-value-order-type nesting-foam constituting the MVRS) changes of ponderable space such that the “sense” of temporal succession emerges (awareness of spatial changes -- sound waves, even, are space changes: ask if superposed overtones are topo-active-optime demergent or memetime cellular-automata-slight-of-hand emergent? -- being the only way we experience passage of memetime). Solely in context of memetime regarded an objective linear-time is connectivity a matter of propagation; it is in regard to this “regarded” that superluminal (indeed, infinite) velocities are sought as explanatory of nonlocality (a 1T2-pondered-ponderable-space way to process memetime-and-ponderable-space-independent µTm-relative-state identity-transparency). Aren't ya jus' sick ta death of it? Quantum this, quantum that! Analyze This, Analyze That! Connectivity, as in multiply-connected, is a 1T2-way to cognize µTm-relative-state identity-transparency; the nonorientable is a 1T2-cognition-way to collapse CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency to a single category of types, i.e., topological genus; gravitation-as-spacetime-curvature-qua-geometrodynamics is a 1T2-only read on CTC+-unto-µTm-effectuating 3-fold-topo-active-optime quantizable by good offices of Penrose twistors. Why else would connectivity, correlation, high k-values on the SFI nk-fitness landscape and in the stock markets be regarded criminal, corruption, “contagion” (mass ConveDDed, à la The Book of the It, to, say, the various COVIDs experienced throughout the blow-up-derivative-driven era of financialized globalization of surveillance capitalism)? Internet telepresence -- as ConveDD of exchange of hau, i.e., identity-transparency, at face-to-face ritual gift exchange -- prefigured social distancing in a civilization that came to regard connectivity as corruption, whilst, all the while (think: “extended Now”, heh-heh-heh), in regressed compensatory abreaction, cultivating as many forms of corruption as could be found. The social disintegration incumbent upon the consequent individual's-immersion-in-cognitive-dissonance be damned! was and is the largely subliminal attitude cultivated by the explicit-unto-tacit transhumanist global leadership elite cozied into their [demo}spat parties. Monkeyhammer the hoi polloi! Immediate post-adolescent “Find'em, feel'em, fuck'em, and forget'em” CoinOps ConveDDed to “Find'em, fix'em, and finish'em”. Calling for revolution on back of prefrontal coital dysfunction, NoLivesMatter transhumanism delivers a [con}- rather than a [re}-volution, this travesty for having no new actually-effective ideational analogues of non-dissimulated new Weltanschauung-Lebenswelt-Umwelt to offer. Whereas, on basis of multigenerational residuals of “participation mystique”, the VCI made a low-tech attempt to instrument institutional heterarchy à la the proposition that the, quoting Rapoport, “Klein Bottle Logophysics…”, p. 62, “…differential forms expression of dynamic systems can be further understood as a relational activation/inhibition information network with different hierarchical levels”. Levels heterarchical when understood -- through the experiential lens known as “contagion”, uh, uh, “participation mystique”, that is -- Riemann-surface linked as expression of CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Who, this late in hisstory of the still dominating Weltanschauung and derivative institutional paradigm, believes that MajorityRule is an effective decision-science algorithm? Better than would be consensus building by m-scenarios, open-source, computer-gaming simulacra on the e-commons, findings discovered there through effectuated by operators-indicators-measurables fine-grain-tagged to the value-stack-state-function superposed upon base-state cash of the m-valued monetary unit, transactions (block-chained or no) with which -- in and between LETS currencies (crypto or no) defined upon changing fractal e-boundaries -- are µTm-logically processed? My speculation is that, via intra-neuronal and intra-perineural DNA pi-electron gas, protention and retention are ensheaved in the higher-temporal formants of the pi-electron-parcel quantum harmonic oscillator's m-valued wave-function, these formants being demerged by Schrödinger-memetime-independent 3-fold topo-active optime, as depicted in the canonical equation derived in our paper as written on DNA radiation exchange processes. The simple does not generatively emerge the complex; by involutory decomposition, the simple is demerged from the complex. Cellular automata, according to our take, are memetime-independently CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 demerged to; they are not memetime-bound emergers -- but, quite obviously, this is not plausible to the memetime-bound binary-mind. Vamoose! with such garbaaaage, demand the prevailing technocrat “visionaries” expressing their Nietzschean Will to Power by monkeyhammering the hoi polloi (clammy palms downturned, they, the masses, crouch -- and therefore do not conquer), all the while as they, those with The Vision, exercise thorough identification with transhumanism, an expression of mass psychosis verging on, embracing even, the criminally insane, a collective state induced by progressive disintegration of the Weltanschauung, a theoretical-cum-experimental-discovery-driven fastidious deconstruction that began in earnest with back-reaction against imports of N. H. Abel's 1823 “Impossibility” Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr. Relative to that deconstruction, flash forward and read Cynthia Chung of Rising Tide Foundation writing the surface-structure treatment, i.e., discussing the Trilateral Commission's overtly conscious perceived need, circa 1975, for a “controlled disintegration of society” (this controlled disintegration being a perfectly exemplary case of the mass ConveDD): “The Enemy Within: A Story of the Purge of American Intelligence”, Strategic Culture Foundation, 14 June 2020. Ah, the Grand Bamboozlement, torquing tough. Self-subversion, not by questioning validity-utility of the foundational shibboleths which have remained valid and useful despite massive change of conditions, a wealth of discoveries and creations, but self-subversion by not adequately questioning failed foundational shibboleths such that effective adaptation to massive change, to discoveries and creations, is prevented from actually transpiring: triumph, not of the will, of The Clingers! Those of the Sanctimony, hoodwinkers in designer camies, camouflage not a jot of their conflation of the “space of contention”, “battlespace”, “environment of the combat”, each with its own unacknowledged defining properties. Don't get my disparagement of the technocrat wrong. I'm not opposed to smart, smart, low-rise, garden cities, as distinct from dumb, smart high-rise, mega-urban regions -- were the commo and surveillance technologies to take advantage of the superconductant property of DNA pi-electron-gas to stay out of the, consequently hairline-thin, biologically-active frequency-response windows; were the surveillance tech used, not for population control, but for the data gathering needed to fine-grain tag indicators to values of the value-stacks placed upon the base-states of µTm-LETS-currency units; were the indicator taggings m-scenarios computer-gamed on the e-commons; were the myriad µTm-LETS currencies variously commodity backed, the global unit of account being a quantum-composite of all these currency myriads, such that global resource use could be minutely tracked and the various utilities thereof employed at a self-organized level of competency much higher than heretofore acheived (instead, by ConveDD, TPTB are going to expend enormous amounts of precious resources 24/7 tracking the moment-to-moment movements of 7-plus-billion people); were all involved databasing, gaming, programming, processing open-source; were Musculpt-as-maths-notation developed and made into the user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams. Set against Musculpt, we have theme parks, hisstorical parks, battlefield parks, art museums… It's one thing to commune with a painting or a sculpture for an hour; quite another, dozens of art works in an hour. Museums, humph. Much worse, yet: package-tour visits to museums. When, finally, Rubbish Theory is employed to demonstrate that vacuous art works created by those unengaged with the complexities of Weltanschauung-Lebenswelt-Umwelt promulgation cum maintenance cum transformation are worth nothing more than the dirty-money value spuriously placed upon them by Weltanschauung-Lebenswelt-Umwelt regressors, with no actual interest in art as actualizer, as demerger, as concretion operation, will anything change? Will inner-Musculpt be allowed once again to demerge into conscious awareness, this memetime facilitated by holographic techno-exteriorization? Will 1T2-only-dirty money, crypto or no, be cleaned up -- along with its quadrillion-and-a-half dollars notional in financial derivatives, many of which bundled sans fiber-bundle arithmetics -- and transformed into µTm-valued-LETS nesting-foams? Or will the oligarchs in control of the [demo}crazy parties of our world see to it that monkeyhammering of the hoi polloi transpires at the next level -- the level of the “smart” megaurban regionalization which is ballyhooed as conveyor of the New Freedom in the New Post-Racist Society engendered, oops! sorry, good offices of [hu-hu-hu}man GMOing (as regards the m-level higher-temporal formants of DNA codons predicated by our topo-active-optime canonical equation descriptive of DNA pi-electron-gas dynamics, flash forward and consider, “A Gene-Editing Experiment on Human Embryos Went Horribly Wrong”, Victor Tangermann, NeoScope, 18 June 2020: how many of these horribly-wrongs have transpired over the decades whilst GMOing veggies, viruses, so on -- and gone unpublicized?), of course? Knuckleheads that stick up get pounded back down. Pile drivers for the ingrates! raised up from the dirt by trickle down (a ConveDD of demergence). Pipe-dreamin' color-devolutionary reds-in-hoods and their strack-[uni}formed-SS inamoratas. You perfidious big, bad wolf, you, appearin' from The Lower Depths: my, how rubouts do become you. On the nonorientable political-Mobius-band spectrum, anarchosyndicalism and panfascism are made adjacent: the heistmen cometh; then, cut-twist-and-paste, The Iceman Cometh. This “attitude” riding as a broadside-essaying chip on my right shoulder does not make me anti-tech, only (1) resolutely opposed to the Doctrine of Uses identified with by the oleaginous global oligarchs rolling in dirty money, and (2) Against Method, their method, for one, the surveillance capitalism method of “emerging” dirty money. Smart smart-cities would know that they are comic-book dumb, as nothing designed and constructed by human agency will ever approach the levels of autopoietic self-organizational competency routinely exercised by nature, which, heterarchically, always functions all ways CTC+ly-unto-µTmly-unto-1T2ly. The best computer-brain-interfaced 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains, howsoever ketaminergically unbuffered to THE nonlocal quantum brain, can hope for is µTm-functionality at autopoietic self-organizational competency. A shift, autogenic or techno-induced, exclusively to CTC+-functionality (tacit goal of the ultra-inflated, godhead-imprinting egos of the criminally-motivated and warfare-activated transhumanists) would be altogether OBEed discorporation qua MahaSamadhi, and, not only transhumanistic qua post-trib-rapt, but thoroughly counter-concretion and quite literally out of this world.

Living for several years at the intersection of Brentwood, SantaMonica, WestLA and working one block off Rodeo Drive in BH, one heard a lot about “star fuckers” and very little about how HW stars are purple-people-eaters, screwers of The People in taking huge payments from The Establishment for helping to dysinform -- gobblegook whooshers, yuk-yuk! -- and misdirect The Masses by assisting in the massive effort to keep them saturated in blackpsyche (to include just enough films not conforming to this MO such that plausible deniability is maintainable). That's so completely obvious nowadays as to be generally acknowledged tacitly, if largely unspoken -- given the explicit formalization of relations between HW and dot-edu and mil.intel and Silicon Valley. For the most part, people who haven't been there (e.g., SRA/MACV-J2, where enantionymic, call-the-thing-by-the-name-of-its-opposite, Janus-word-expectorating Willi Muenzenberg was well known: see here and here for recent essays upon) just don't understand -- and it's HW's job to see that they never understand -- that the mission is never the mission, the objective is never the objective, the agenda is never the agenda. What people protest is never the actual protest, the, uh, real mission, objective, agenda of the protest. Because the protestor doesn't know that there is no such thing as spontaneous mass action, spontaneous insurrection, however much it may appear so -- howsoever these days smartphoned and MoSoSoed -- heshe doesn't realize that heshe has been planned and organized, long planned and deeply organized. Nor does heshe know that once heshe has fulfilled hisher assigned role, heshe and what heshe believed to be the mission, objective, agenda will be abandoned (Muenzenberg-Lenin: promise the most, deliver the least), that heshe will be targeted, even, by those unknowables who long planned and deeply organized, targeted for having been protestors. Alastair Crooke writes about this here (ZeroHedge reposting from Strategic Culture Foundation, 13 June 2020) and Mike Whitney writes about it here (“Do Deep State Elements Operate Within the Protest Movement?”, The Unz Review, 13 June 2020), both sticking to surface-structure etiology and pathogenesis, strangely enough neglecting to point out that during certain periods in places like Saigon, for an instance familiar to me, X-number of grenade attacks transpired everyday and even so close as the next street over life continued pretty much per usual. Unless there is total bombed-out devastation, people eventually adapt -- so, it will be hard to get over-excited unless and until reports appear that the military is internally disintegrating (what little I knew of the Vietnam-war-era case was gleaned from [1] scuttlebutt received whilst I was in the Army, and this was very little since I ETSed summer of '68 and development of disintegration began post-Tet-'68 and elaborated for the most part after 1970, and [2] postwar talks with vets, and [3] a reading of Self-Destruction, The Disintegration and Decay of the United States Army During the Vietnam Era, Cincinnatus, W. W. Norton, 1981 -- uh, that is, before reading a very informative article by Joel Geier entitled “Vietnam: The Soldier's Revolt”, International Socialist Review, 9, August-September 2000) and/or mil.command fragments and resultant groups of units square off against one another. I won't believe America is finished until they destroy Tabasco the way they did Levis (my 35-year-old boot-cuts, which I still wear, never were a match for the real thing, which ceased to be manufactured when they began using preshrunk fabric): Tabasco, the last American product with integrity? Of immediate concern: despite the intolerable pre-COVID-19 level of day-in-day-out, indeed moment-to-moment even, overt and covert coercion imposed by intent and utter incompetence via collusion between the banking system and the tech-megacorp mil.intel proprietaries, one thing inadvertently made widely available over the internet with the posting of a wealth of old movies is the opportunity to observe in detail the degree to which star-studded HW has, from its beginnings, been a regression-in-service-to-egos of robber-baron oligarchs. Ah, and speaking of beginnings-- For instance, who can make a believable case that George Washington, say, obtained his enormous, unconscionable land wealth by other than massed moral turpitude? And how has the fact of this turpitude and its progeny psychosomatically infected the body politic? Back to the earliest days of emperorship and kinghood, of PMs and presidents, of financial Masters of the Universe, the chicken-and-egg question has been, “Did the government create the oligarchs, or did the oligarchs create the government?” Under 1T2-only-logic alone, and contrary to quantum mechanics, even as com[pre}hended under the Copenhagen Inter[pre}tation, se[man}tic import is largely a function of the partitioning of whatnots into A-bunches and not-A-bunches with subtending categorizations of the members of the memberships, all such members being considered selfsame and only selfsame. Not surprisingly, therefore, as the global conundrum has ramified over the last half century, nothing unanticipated has transpired, e.g., something intelligent happening somewhere in the world. One of the greatest problems with the foremost alternative-“solution” notion -- which is: globally decentralizing to a local organizational monoscale -- is corruption in its myriad forms. Existing local apparatuses, worldwide, would have to be purged and thoroughly refashioned. My WAG is that, were the total monetary value of local corruption summed for the whole planet, that figure would utterly dwarf the summation figure for total global corruption at the province-state and national and supranational levels. Even the teleprompted have gibberished in Freudian slip “Pax Americana” as “Pox Americana”. Hagiographic accounts of de[mock}raisies have always been scamming cover stories; institutionalizations of the Newtonian-Lockean-summation-of-forces franchise, capitalist front organs. No wonder Left-Right-and-increasingly-Center have congealed and decided to ditch the whole Cartesian-Newtonian thing whilst simultaneously rejecting Lukasiewiczian-quantum-relativistic perspectives in favor of 1T2-only-algoed, autonomously-weaponized, surveillance totalitarianism à la Huxley-cum-Or…O-well-to-the-nth-degree, to the nth-degree, to the nth-degree with neuromancer technology implementing the Phoenix brand of partially-privatized counterinsurgency as normative mode of kleptocratic “governance”. My I/im couldn't never per[son}ally cotton to massed-package nanny-tourism; so, by extension, affection for the nanny-state just never materialized. Boo-hoo-who? There's nothing one can think of which people won't do, and there's a lot one can't think of which they will do. All the academics I knew were filled with enthusiasm for Bill Clinton's run for the presidency; whereas, I was disparaging -- because I knew well the sort who studied international relations at Georgetown during the period I was a student at AU's SIS, circa 1963-5. Many SISers were out and about all over that town, not religiously attending classes like the Georgetowners, not demonstrating compliance as exemplars of conformist education, not spitters back of what was spit at them -- thus, they, the SISers, got eyes and ears full. Virtually the whole entering SIS class in 1963 intended to take the Foreign Service Exam after graduation. By the end of the second year, that was down to around twenty percent. Not surprising, then, that Georgetown graduates took over Foggy Bottom. And not surprising, thus, what the consequences were for American foreign policy. The effects of Clinton-facilitated CentralBank-government-created moral-hazard-in-service-to-megacorps-plus-onepercent are not limited to financial spheres: cultivation of that hazard grants permission to lie, steal, rape, kill -- as expectation of serious blowback is minimal, given privatization of profits, made or stolen from the private or public sectors or via exploitation of externalities rightfully resident in the commonweal and/or nature, and socialization of loses, whatever they might be, including getting caught out. Those with no tolerance of skulldrudgery turn to skullduggery, e.g., to financial derivatives, especially MBSs bundled sans the fiber-bundle arithmetics required to approach adequate handling of the transition from Newtonian-simple to quantum-nonsimple ownability. And with the latest engineered (unconsciously-to-subliminally-to-consciously) worldwide circumstance having ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) econofinancial globalization into viral pandemic, the magnitude of the privatization/socialization has gone astronomical. Lordy, lordy: such dependencies! O, the one-percent utterly dependent upon the post-WWII-imposed international monetary system rooted in mass murder and slavery (regards the latter, see “One in 200 people is a slave. Why?”, Kate Hodal, The Guardian, 25 February 2019; and “When Europeans Were Slaves…”, Jeff Grabmeier, Ohio State News, 7 May 2004). Hardly reeking regret: futzing about with it, huh, y'might say. Rue the day, they don't. Unh-uh. No cigar. “Suppressed” -- dissembled as “sublimated” -- functional equivalents to MFWs (multiple fragment wounds), maybe: no moral injuries sustained by them, the One Percent, nosiree. One form of responsibility for mass murder: making decisions as to imposed (especially blanket imposition, rather than fine-grained-differential imposition) collective responses to epidemics cum pandemics on the basis of partisan political considerations, not medical realities cum life-threatening aspects of economic and healthcare-delivery consequences of decisions made. If the American MSM.guv COVID-19 storyline is correct (not the quasi-CCP scenario, i.e., [1] release -- whoopse! that was Hansford, wasn't it -- accidental escape of the virus was from Fort [De}trick somememetime prior [beginning of the year?] to the July 2019 shutdown of the biodefense labs located therein; and [2] a decision to transfer the blame and use the accident for political purposes was made; and [3] the spring-and-summer-and-fall-2019 cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed as flu), then, considering that the U.S. population is short of four times that of Viet Nam, four times Vietnam's COVID-19 deaths gives the number of deaths the U.S. might conceivably have had given a better collection of policy responses than those actually implemented, that's zero (even though there were many direct flights from Wuhan to Cam Ranh -- good offices, among others, of my father, who oversaw the USAF supply-and-materiel aspects of the CamRanh-PhanRang building project), for four times zero equals zero, at least that is the case under 1T2-only-logic alone. Even under such circumstances, it is certain that all but the very, very few amongst the corpora of mils.cops.intels mainstaying the planetarized oligarchical oligopoly will toe the line, do their best to tow it by effectuating Global Phoenix (even if the police were not responsible, as the Medical Examiner's Autopsy Report clearly indicates, in the specific case of George Floyd), howsoever thoroughly circumstances dictate the orders they receive (or so they will so construe) -- even though they are amongst the ninety-nine-percent subjected to consequences of the moral-hazard-created permission to lie, steal, rape, kill. Since this is a fact of life lived amidst homo Sapiens, actual appearance of authentic cuspover is likely largely up to nature's wrath occasioned by the CAs (combat assaults) made upon her; moreover, given the infinitude of nonlinearly-related variables involved, that cuspover is unlikely to be accurately anticipated, especially so, given further, that most of the critical variables are altogether unmonitored and their relations unmodeled. One non-nature variable possibly of some importance is the millions upon millions of those trained in military affairs, many with elaborate combat experience, some still with connections in the militaries, critically to the CI corps, or to those overseeing the myriad poorly-defended arms caches dispersed hither and yon around the planet, even, as unbelievable as it is, to police field forces. Decades ago, well before sojourning for holocaust study in rural Cambodia, I rhetorically asked, “Who can imagine the reality of several billion people simultaneously snapping into unbridled mass hysteria?” Having witnessed up close and personal several tiny instances (one such: George Lincoln Rockwell Sturmabteilung following precedents established by K3 hangers, Pinkerton strikebreakers, Father Coughlin's anti-Semitic preliterate Neanderthal knuckle-draggers, Gerald L. K. Smith goons ministering to evangelistic hate) of the literally “magnetic” power of lynch-mob-type collective psychotic-breaks, I knew I was incapable of so imagining. But I (with a background of three months of nights working the ER as an SF medic trainee) had no trouble imagining that critical-state, correlation-length-snaps-to-infinity psychic contagion (if not the collective case of EXD, excited delirium qua mania qua catatonia: see, for an excellent discussion, “Excited Delirium and Sudden Death…”, Deborah C. Mash, Frontiers in Physiology, 7, 2016) -- particularly so in the current era of mass commo, internet, MoSoSo, mass prescription of and dependency upon neuroleptics as well as the other widespread abuses of Big Pharma cum Street Pharma -- could move at warp speed, far faster than spread of a viral pandemic, maybe even faster these days than those responsible can reach for the off-switches to enclouded-5Ged mobile-plus-internet. Another of the m-scenarios imaginable, one I've thought a short way into during various periods going back to the late-'60s, is a non-full-blown-nuclear-holocaust third world war -- thought into mostly on the basis of cultural considerations. GreaterChina aligned to a Germano-Russian Bloc versus US-GB and the once British Commonwealth nations of Canada, ANZ, South Africa, India -- India being the base area for the assault on China's backside, its GreatWalled historically greatest vulnerability (an amphibious assault on China being hard to credibly imagine, end-runs and all that considered, even were it possible to keep Taiwan and Japan out of a GreaterChina longer than a few weeks following outbreak of such a war, given, for one, the length of cross-Pacific supply-lines, and, for two, Japan's huge vulnerability due to nuclear stockpiles peppered all over the country at its many Atoms-For-Peace Fukushimas, wherein the western Pacific would become a Chinese lake and the US line of defense would be ANZ-Hawaii-Alaska: Japan at some point in memetime, possibly before outbreak of the war, realizing that seaborne oil can't be relied upon, whereas petroleum from Russia can so be). America would have to reindustrialize, which would transpire mainly in the Northeast, from whence the supply-line to India would for the most part originate. The naval war would be mainly south Atlantic and Indian Ocean, making Brazil and South Africa of great importance, secondary only to India. According to the involved thesis, the several-thousand-years cultural long line of cause-push cum attractor-pull in conflict generation has been with regard to suppression of pagan animism, the latest fulmination initiating with the back-reaction upon Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr, whereupon a series of developments transpired culminating in the BornRule suppression of m-valued Polish logics in application to interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function (effectively quenching recognition of animistic-pagan µTm-relative-state identity-transparency in natural processes). This being the collective-unconscious deep-structure casus belli for WWII, it is not surprising that kick-off of the war involved the invasion of Poland, homeland of Lukasiewicz logics. I've long forecasted that similarly -- since Tibetan thought, in its own terms, provides the most elaborate Weltanschauung embodiment of cognition rooted in employments of m-valued logics, even if only tacitly so -- on the basis of unconscious factors, Tibet will be a major locus of conflict at onset of a third world war. Zamir Awan's article entitled “The cause of tension between China and India”, The Saker, 15 June 2020, is interesting to contemplate in context of this scenario.

“Is you is OR is you ain't?” that is the question, uh, the one all them physicists like to ask of Schrödinger's cat. If the number field, à la Volovich, can undergo quasi-pregeometric quantum fluctuations (see: “Geometry, pregeometry, and beyond”, Diego Meschini and Markku Lehto and Johanna Piilonen, arXiv, 10 August 2006, pp. 21-2), how is it that the finite number of numerical constituents of the number field, i.e., the [invo}loved numbers, have their identities regarded as precluding nonselfsameness? Being a screedwriter, no HW screenwriter, I'd say: because [man}dated is the imperative that logically-necessary numerical nonselfsameness violates the simple-identity which the egofunction must have if it is to exist as the root-kit repository (which guvments want megacorps to automatically scan on a scheduled regular basis) of the individualistic normal state of consciousness, absence of which is terrifying to the introspectively inept. OR as 1T2-only Igor V. Volovich says it in “Number Theory as the Ultimate Physical Theory”, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications (p-Adic Numbers), 2:1, 2010, p. 84, to wit:

…it is natural to believe that the number field on which a theory is developed is also the subject of quantum fluctuations. This means that apparently the usual field of the real numbers is realized only with some probability and in principle the probability exists of the occurrence of any other field [of which there may well be C+ under CTC+-valued logics].

Check out the papers in their myriads. How much more oohed-and-aahed than already is the case can one become by shock-and-awe displays of 1T2-only-notational virtuosity? No bons mots for chicanes pigeonholing the m-logically-valued in probability nests. Rather, to my mind, the “numerical quantum-fluctuations effect” indicates that, µTmly speaking, every number is m-valued; and, CTC+ly speaking, every number is infinitely-valued: hence, what we are couched in (the pre-prespace backcloth universally covering a cosmic sideboard?) is, not only Abelian trans-al-jabric (existence proof for, relative to the quintic, circa 1823), but also, like the reals and the complexes, not actual number fields (just plain ol' algebraic-unto-trans-algebraic fields, even though their constituents be numbers, and algebras-unto-trans-algebras-over-fields, even if because their products be not bilinear and their identity elements be nonselfsame under n-ary operations) -- howsoever cyclotomically decomposable via involutes. Division by zero excluded in the definitions; division of zero a logical imperative, if ketaminergic CTC+-nonexistence is to be topo-active optime demergable by cyclotomic involutory decomposition to glutamatergic 1T2-only absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly existent simulacra. James Ellroy, Perfidia, 2014 Penguin UK paperback edition, p. 53: “Time is a nickelodeon.” Think so? Well-- acting as Musculpt decomposition operator, it must be understood. And the nickel signifies? An eigenform denomination of [division}able zero-point fluxion? Hmmm. In purporting that time operates only at relative-absolutes, i.e., absolute limiting values of LSTD (limited spacetime domain) dynamical variables, those limiting values being scale relative, not scale invariant like the non-limit values, e.g., absolute limiting velocity -- Earth's atmosphere, for instance, having its own “light” -- absolute limiting acceleration, absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, we hold that all fundamental physical constants, including cascade-nesting-foam constraints, e.g., Susie Vrobel's “prime structure constant” (not to be confused with Sommerfeld's electromagnetic fine structure constant) à la Planck's absolute-limiting-distance constant (see Vrobel, “Fractal Time, Observer Perspectives and Levels of Description in Nature”, Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, 4:16II, 2007, pp. 290-91, the “Temporal Natural Constraints” section), are m-valued, actually C+-valued, and handled by nature with CTC+-unto-µTm-logically-valued processors. Each chosen nest, therefore, of any given nesting-foam may be regarded as being C+-nesting-foam deep; hence, time operates, from some scalar's scale-level-takeaway, at all velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of acceleration, if, that is, the so-regarders be not identified with 1T2-only-logic alone: nature, in its CTC+ness, it appears, draws no fine-structure distinction between mathematics and its nonselfsame selfhood -- all things and all no-things, speaking 1T2ly, considered; and LOD, level of description, in our sense, not being reduced to mere spacetime-fractal scale-level perspective, but being primarily, that's not exclusively, a matter of logical-value order-type.

Well, yes, it's quite clear, isn't it, that it must be admitted that my “perspective” on fractalization of time is, not only [operator}ized, but largely 180-degrees opposite from that of Susie Vrobel, as given in her “Fractal Time, Observer Perspectives…”, in that I would say that an “interfacial cut” (her term) based upon the 1T2-only-Cartesian cut (which she doesn't explicitly state) collapses the state-function of participation to “mere” observation; whereas, she has it that loss altogether of an interfacial cut yields collapse of observation to “mere participation” as the whole world is introjected to Umwelt (which, once upon a memetime, e.g., 1901, to Richard Maurice Bucke, was known as Cosmic Consciousness, cosmic comprehension surely being [think: knowledge through identity] intralocution, not involving interlocution). It's surprising to me that in her discussion of the “extended observer” (her term) no mention is made of the social psychology term “participation mystique”. Indeed, she refers only to psychiatric-patient deviants, not to whole animistic-pagan cultures which have constituted, it can be “observed”, the bulk of human experience over the eons, deviants who experience loss of “mineness” (Vrobel using a Metzinger term) in respect to a body part -- such disownment Metzinger deems to be “neglect”; whereas, I would point out that such partial OBEs are characteristic of endogenous ketamine floods qua various Samadhi states, the natto and rice of zazen, even of walking meditation, and occasionally reported as being experienced during the involutory-cyclotomic exit-phase spiral-back-down into glutamatergic normosis from an exogenously-introduced general-anesthetic dose of ketamine sans cocktailing with one or another hypnotic. Can't distinguish between “her” foot and “my” foot, not to mention-- well, hmmm; can't draw a distinction between my shoulder and the tree I'm leaning against, such that it's hard to pull that body part out of the tree; floating dark canals gaping google at the stars, listening intensely to frog-cicada symphony, can't stop my back from being the boat deck I'm lying upon? Was this lack of the 1T2-only-egofunction's “mineness” claim the case for the girl who fell asleep riding on the back of a water buffalo and didn't fall off? No modangaru, this girl; no modern girl needing sensation-function sensitivity training workshops, smelling lessons from an incense guru. No mere callow gosling, nother. Was some variant of this buffalo girl's no-mind Zen mindlessness, uh, uh, minelessness (a heresy to individualistic capitalist liberalism, a heresy even worse than is the claim that “property is theft”), responsible for the state of the totem-identified (there is evidence that fairly elaborate experience of this identification was not unusual a few generations ago in, for instance, Thailand) American Indian who was able to run through a dense forest on a moonless night without knocking himself out for having collided with a tree? If Maurice Nicoll was able actually to instantiate “living time”, then perhaps those who were in authentic “participation mystique” with the natural surround were able actually to hypostatize internalization of “living quantum logic” (not to be conflated with “Quantum logic is alive…”, Michael Dickson, Philosophy of Science, 68:3, January 2001). Otto Eberhard Rossler: endophysics in theory. What about as lived? Unspeakable no less than speakable. Jusforgetabout universal grammar (UG) of speakable languages: universal semiosis (US) of Musculpting eigenform language bioexpressed not on the level of genomics, i.e., not on the LOD, level of description, of genes (for discussion of LODs relative to UG, see “Parameterization Without Parameter Fixing”, Hubert Haider, in The Parameterization of Universal Grammar, Gisbert Fanselow, ed., John Benjamins, 1993, pp. 2-3); rather, expressed within the m-level-encipherments which are the higher-temporal formants of DNA pi-electron-gas dynamics (inner-Musculpt being construed as the user-friendly “interpretive interface” between UG, uh, rather, US, and the cognitive capabilities of THE nonlocalizable µTm-unto-CTC+ quantum-brain). Schoenberg and Kandinsky (An Historical Encounter, Konrad Boehmer, ed., Harwood Academic, 1997) temporarily changing places (the composer painting; the painter composing) was an attempt of each to push their experience further into foundations of “living Musculpt”. However, according to my lights, there is no natural correspondence between color and shape (cf. a correspondence assumed by Kandinsky in the writing of his On the Spiritual in Art) and no natural correspondence between color and note-cum-tone (cf. Scriabin's “color organ”): each of these was an attempt to arrive at a universal aesthetic “grammar” by definitional means. But, in fact, there are no demergent natural representational universals on this LOD, level of description. What universals that may memetemporally emerge within a given Lebenswelt emerge through use; they are not defined into existence; rule definition comes after the fact of conventionalization within a given population corpus (I would argue that this applies even to computer graphical interface development, in that the programmer's defining representational tool kit is selected from the much larger emerged-through-use representational tool kit enculturated to the Lebenswelt). After a public lecture he gave at Cornell, I asked Noam Chomsky what he thought the relation is between elements of a generative universal grammar and C. G. Jung's archetypes of the collective unconscious. He said “Probably a lot”, but stipulated that he was unable to read Jung. Interesting answer. Not the archetypes, I felt and continue to feel, but the archetypes-in-themselves as “mathematical relation-structures” (cf. A. N. Whitehead's Process and Reality) qua symbolic markers of CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency demergent through the LOD nesting-foam (no mere gallimaufry jumble, untidy collection, medley, pile of things, one may “reasonably” hyposthesize) via 3-fold topologically-active operator-time's execution of propositions on Tzog-chen AllBase of Musculpted MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, µTm-unto-CTC+-propositions numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Prime numbers are pollywogs aswirl! Tzog-chen AllBase is cosmic bedrock; topo-active optime the rock crusher spewing forth Dedekind cuts wedged through fractal fault lines fissuring the logic laminates shadowing walls of Plato's caving quarry. Quoting the Introduction section to “Quantum Cognition based on an Ambiguous Representation Derived from a Rough Set Approximation”, Yukio-Pegio Gunji and Kohei Sonoda and Vasileios Basios, arXiv, 2015 or later by References:

As Arecchi demonstrates [32-34] the operation of the observing apparatus is equivalent to the operation of monitoring a Wigner distribution [link, good offices of R. F. O'Connell, arXiv, 22 September 2010, added]. The reported time coding implies a Wigner non-local measurement that stores and reads data in a global rather than a serial local fashion [think: Vrobel's “extended observer” which, to binary-mind, is lodged in the collective unconscious].

Instead of Musculpt as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS (one way to accustom binary-mind to “making-conscious” global reads), however, we get enormous resources poured into development of technologies like those pictured here, and, covariantly, we get The Transhumanist: thoroughly psycho-identified with comic-book memes introjected to Umwelt immediate post-adolescence. Horseholder and legman for intellectual hisstory in hock to a two-hundred-years-dead Weltanschauung walking: the Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion proclaimed death of the µTm-Gods; Nietzsche proclaimed death of the 1T2-only-God; The Transhumanist intends to make of HimHerItself The Replacement Willer-Tiller-Griller-Spiller. Internal measurement -- under CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, not in accordance with the Born Rule probabilistic interpretation or Everett's 1T2-only-relative-state formulation -- is the lowest expression of topologically-active operator-time (Wignerian universal consciousness [unconscious to egofunction] in its active aspect being the set of all topological operators on the MVRS -- 1T2ly speaking) as involutory decomposer; external measurement is the highest expression of topologically-active operator-time (Wignerian universal consciousness [unconscious to egofunction] in its active aspect being the set of all topological operators on the MVRS -- 1T2ly speaking) as revolutory recomposer (for the contrary behaviorist-cum-conventional-neurologist view, see, for instance: “How necessary is the unconscious as a predictive, explanatory, or prescriptive construct?”, Claudia Gonzalez-Vellejo, et al., Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37:1, February 2014). Take cognizance of the fact that, relative to THE quantum-brain, a discrete, unextended observer is not necessary. And speaking of necessity -- that logical, that metaphysical, that nomological -- we may (“must” would imply an unnecessary necessity, howsoever modally Kripkesque: Cornell once misadvertized a Saul Kripke public lecture as titled “Time and Eternity” when it should have been “Time and Necessity”, a lecture I attended because of the misprint posters) consider that logical necessity 1T3-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ has not to do with truth-value accommodation, not even with interno Konsistenc, internal consistency, but, as Kandinsky intimated with his take on inner not-just-when-you-dig-it, innere Notwendigkeit, with internal necessity. Given CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-nesting-foam on MVRS (the many “worlds”, the multiple “universes” of the so-regarded “m-verse”, are the oodles of kaboodles in the nesting-foam, the n-LSTDs, limited spacetime domains, tiled and fractally laminated), internal-versus-external measurement is artifact[u}al, an ill[u}sion -- for external is internal and internal is external under all logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2-only, the state of internal-external identity-transparency being a matter of relative-states µTm-unto-CTC+. Not only is in-far-enough out, and out-far-enough in, back-far-enough is at the end, and forward-far-enough is at the beginning. Vrobel does not discuss relativistic time dilation explicitly in terms of absolute limiting velocity, has time “bent” (her term) due to a single-valued “prime structure constant”, a least distance, not an absolute limiting acceleration, and does not have time at all circular-ouroboros-selfreentrant at absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration (for an analysis of, and argument against, Gödel's notions of the circularity of, and “ideality” of, time, an analysis which does not consider topologically-active 3-fold Pauli-Paine operator-time, see “On Becoming, Cosmic Time and Rotating Universes”, Mauro Dorato, in C. Callender, ed., Time, Reality and Experience, Cambridge U., 2001). In discussions of LODs, levels of description, Vrobel makes no mention of m-valued logics, not only if only to dismiss them as reducible to that 1T2-only. This “no mention” conforms to the precedent set by Garrett Birkhoff and John von Neumann in their seminal 1936 paper on quantum logic. Quoting “Quantum Logic in Historical and Philosophical Perspective”, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, C. de Ronde and G. Domenech and H. Freytes, introductory section, first paragraph:

This [Boolean] algebra is consistent with the discourse about both classical and relativistic phenomena, but inconsistent in a theory that prohibits, for example, giving simultaneous truth values to the following propositions: “The system possesses this velocity” [think: scale-relative m-valued universal physical constants, e.g., absolute limiting velocity] and “The system is in this place.” The proposal of the founding fathers of QL was to replace the Boolean structure of classical logic by a weaker structure which relaxed the distributive properties of conjunction and disjunction. [links added]

Why would a John von Neumann so into control-control-control -- e.g., weather modification qua engineering -- not dissimulate µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, a principle cum collection of states which augur(s) strongly against iatrogenic interventions? Simply 1T2-only-alone speaking “identity-transparency”: equivocation, ambiguity, polysemy, amphiboly, ambiguous grammar as regards fundamental units, component processes, those tough little tykes aka elementary particles; not only “participation mystique”, but even “identity transparency” bespeaks a modicum, more than a mere nod, of kowtow to the bi-valent, for were the ketaminergic CTC+-state speakable -- likely so only by projection-operator transference to Musculpted Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space -- then glutamatergic binary-mind would short out, fail altogether to comprehend by completely ignoring the “effect-operator” (is µTm understood relative to relative-state identity transparency the next step beyond “effect algebras” as per the historical discussion provided by David J. Foulis, “A Half-Century of Quantum Logic…”, in Quantum Structures and the Nature of Reality, Diederik Aerts and Jaroslaw Pykacz, eds., Springer 1999, page 7?). All these years later, learning more about orthomodularity, I (an aficionado of [requiring n-nions, not only quarternions and octonions?] µTm-J.G.Bennettian “skew-perpendicularity” [whereupon the distinction between real and imaginary is not only a matter of 90-degree twists only -- however much one might regard those twists as feminine, as friendly, as girlfriend-like] as the hypostasis subtext on 1T2-only-Heisenberg uncertainty -- the Heisenbergian take on uncertainty “necessitating” ORTHOmodularity and only that modularity which is ortho!) stand by my reaction at first reading, circa 1976, Cornell, of Birkhoff-vonNeumann (I first read Bennett's appendix on “pencils of skew-parallels” over the weekend of Thanksgiving 1963, six days after the JFK assassination), a reaction transliterated into a “protagonist written” annotated bibliographic entry provided in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 750-51, circa 1994, to wit:

One truly must wonder at the extraordinary lengths the mind is willing to go in order to avoid looking the multivalue straight in the face. Here, it is recognized that quantum logic has some relation to projective geometry, but where is the Riemann surface stack? Though some doubt is cast on the utility of Hilbert space, where is the recognition that every point in the referencing phase-space is multivalued, that translation across a single-valued sheet is projected as a static lattice to the multivalued referencing function space? How strange that they should invoke the concept of a logical “lattice” but not view it as a true point-set topology! Similarly, they use involutory relations and the concept of skew-fields, but the multivalue screaming in the background is completely ignored. Dropping distributive laws for two-valued propositions, indeed! Can laughter be suppressed? These missing recognitions are not ignorance speaking; they are expressions of psychological dread. And this paper, summarizing a decade (at least!) of collective psychoneurotic posturing, was published just three years before the first actions were taken in the inevitable avalanche of consequences!

I'm not so sure that the power set's, uh, uh, the power elite's counter-distributivism ain't an orthomolecular, uh, uh, orthomodular financialization ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of Birkhoff-vonNeumann relaxation of distributivity -- or is it vice versa? To the distributed, uh, uh, extended, observer, the advocate of distributed ledger, the distributed owner of bundled and rehypothecated MBSs, Harry Homeborrower or commercial, anti-distributivity is not simply an old-boy, down-home “What we've got here is failure to communicate” like with the Wheelerization-Bohrification of the m-universes of Hugh Everett's initial intuition derivative of his “adolescent” fascination with the self-referential propositions at foundation of Lukasiewicz logics. Adjust bore, please, on the cognitive pump-scattergun. Failure to communicate, Second Law of Thermodynamics dictated or no, translates to, or, rather, is a translation of, closed subspaces of Hilbert-space. Representational realism requires closed theories of closed subspaces. This is the vonNeumann formalism adopted, under Wheelerization, by Everett after uncritically (ignoring Piaget's findings on “object constancy” and Luneburg's on the role of “psychometric distance function” at localization in binocular visual space) observing that objects in our experience always have definite positions: by means of this formalism, the second half of his famous paper largely depotentiated the first half, and allowed him, now a graduate student, to sidestep application of “his 'adolescent' fascination with the self-referential propositions at foundation of Lukasiewicz logics”. But note that all subspaces of H-space need not be closed: that's 1T2-only Hilbert space. Now, think of µTm-unto-CTC+ LH-space (our Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space). Given µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, not much of a proportion of the subspaces of LH-space could be closed, eh. The most accessible succinct treatment of this area of physics I've found is the “Quantum Information: Preliminaries and Notations” section of “Quantum Temporal Logic: from Birkhoff and von Neumann to Pnueli”, Nengkun Yu, arXiv, 1 August 2019. Quoting Yu's Introduction [link is mine]: “Projective operators in a Hilbert space correspond one-to-one with the closed subspaces…” Quoting Yu, subsection 2.3: “Operations on closed quantum systems can be characterized by unitary operators.” I find the notion “closed quantum systems” to be oxymoronic. Why? Quoting section 2, “From apprehension to judgment…”, of Gunji, et al., “Quantum Cognition based on…”:

As long as an observer stays outside of a universe of observations [emphasis added] and retains a non-invasive role any objects within this “universe” can be described independently of the observer, and their properties can be defined without being influenced by the act of observation.

Not to be merely confutational for confutation's sake, I find myself thinking that the italicized conditional is, not an example of hyperbole, but of incongruity, impracticability, unattainability. Flashing back to 1977, I draw several quotes from our “General Process” paper and linked notes:

Depending upon the scale perspective adopted, a system can be viewed as closed, open, or self-reentrant. Every system is simultaneously closed, open, and self-reentrant because it can be validly viewed from any of these three perspectives…

The collapse of a measure is the sign of a new partitioning imposed by the observation-operations of action in quantum measurement, the means by which Maya is consensually simulated by subclinical autogenic brain discharges. In order to truly comprehend the act of quantum measurement, it is necessary to understand that spontaneous localization takes place in the electrochemistry of the cerebral cortex as spontaneous autogenic discharge decomposing the multi-valued frequency domain into single-valued information arrayed on the multiple cortical sheets first mapped by Szentagothai. What we consensuate as single-valued reality is simulacra! The information cascading from one subsystem-system-supersystem partitioning type to another is the as-if decomposed complement of nonlocal exchange-forces. As the given measure collapses and the singularities are formed, the exchange occurs as an information discharge. Collapse is essential to efficient information transfer through the infinite closed-to-openness hierarchy of superposed types composing this one and only universe…

Since, by virtue of multivaluedness, any process can be validly viewed from each of our three perspectives (that of the unprimed, the primed, and the double-primed), we cannot escape the conclusion that any given process simultaneously manifests the three distinct entropy states listed in Table IV -- depending, of course, upon the perspective from which the process is viewed…

This circumstance, to my way of thinking, is the main reason why m-valued logics understood relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency are indicated. I, moreover, find the notion “linear-time properties of quantum systems” (in his Conclusion, Yu refers to work of M. Ying, et al., on this subject) to be minimally a misnomer, more accurately an oxymoron. In my view, quantum systems -- being, at the very least, paraconsistent -- do not submit to 1T2-only logic, the logic only under which linear-time, i.e., memetime misconstrued an objective measurable, is definable; were quantum systems so to submit, e.g., via introjection of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, they would no longer be full-fledged quantum systems, only quantum systems as understood by quantum systems mistaking themselves to be non-quantum systems. Quoting James Ladyman's review of Identity in Physics: A Historical, Philosophical, and Formal Analysis, Steven French and Decio Krause, Oxford U., 2006, posted to Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 11 June 2007:

One could be forgiven for thinking that the law of identity is so fundamental that no interesting formal logic or mathematics could be possible without it, but one would be wrong. French and Krause show how to build a (highly non-trivial) “non-reflexive quantum logic” with a semantics based on Quasi-Set theory. Hence, the law of identity, like the law of the excluded middle and the law of non-contradiction, is shown to be, at least in principle, dispensable; it seems that none of the three most fundamental principles of classical logic is sacrosanct. [links added]

By transmigration, Ben Franklin's binary-mind may very well have rapidly reincarnated in m-souls (one very late example clearly being Matthew J. L. Ehret, to wit, “Benjamin Franklin and the International Dimensions of 1776: How an Age of Reason Was Subverted”, Strategic Culture Foundation, 4 July 2020), but many of the foundation stones of his 18th-century rationalism were prevented a Christian resurrection by the ramifications of N. H. Abel's 1823 theorem on the quintic: “Kill the 18th-century dead!” (to, good offices of Kenneth Herman, adapt Gertrude Stein's famous exhortation) said that existence proof, a proof consensually deemed an impossibility theorem. Quoting “Quantum Logic in Historical and Philosophical Perspective”, Part 2, first paragraph: “…there are states related with both a property and its negation called 'superposition states'.” It should be pointed out, but generally isn't, that only 2-state superpositions under only 1T2-only logic involve a property and only its simple-negation: 1T3ly-unto-CTC+ly in regard to n-state superpositions, this is manifestly not the case. Skittering on the output gravel turned up by cognitive stoop labor. Further, the orthonormal basis of Hilbert space cum orthogonal projection operators in and of themselves preclude application of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics (understood relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency) to interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function, thus algebraicizing and geometrizing necessity of the probabilistic Rx which is the Born Rule remedial therapy applied to the Schrödinger allopathy: whereas, null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian “pencils of skew-parallels” in skew-perpendicular arrays defined on LH-space (our Musculpted MVRS) would be eigenformalized via the set of zero vectors of a non-vonNeumann operator-cum-observable (and via the 1T3-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ participatesands-qua-analysands which are non-participatable-qua-non-analyzable to 1T2-only whatnots). Flummoxed, thence decamped whilst offering the riposte: “My dear fellow, but don't you know…” -- burbling on. Stews you, yessiree! Ack, aye, a [cog}native couturier -- undoubtedly from AspBent. “Humph!” is all my I can say, however much that I might like my reaction to be gussied up: Schrödinger's cat got my tongues! Ain't no baffler -- µTmly viewed. Ah, comes my Other-I-Am to the rescue, the m-perfect ([M, M] = M, in presence of universal perfect central extensions -- [m-many]-to-[m-many minus 1] correspondences made explicit by non-binary operators, of course: i.e., 3-fold topo-active optime, with resultant temporal-enCURLed 3-covers; central extensions generalized to general extensions of this, good offices of Dipendra Prasad, circa 7 February 2015, my Other-I-Am vaguely imagines) CTC+-“warm-golden-dust”-mote non-orthomodular modules Kusama-doting-upon-cum-dotting-over Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense sheet of LH-MVRS (in lieu of vonNeumann closed subspaces of binary H-space).

What kind of space does prespace prefigure? Aristotelian cosmological hylomorphism transubstantiated -- according to our lights -- uh, uh, transformed, that is, into the quantum-relativistic cosmological “holomorphism” subtending the Bohmian holomovement: the Parmenidean static-preexistent, always all ways therehere, prepregeometic, CTC+ actual, i.e., the hyleticpsychetic “bucket-of-'warm-golden'-dust” data (these motes numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers) modularly arrayed on the Tzog-chen-AllBase universal-covering-surface (configured of J.G.Bennettian “pencils of skew-parallels” in skew-perpendicular array: Platonia is a “shadow” of this?), most-dense-sheet of LH-space, our Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), Schrödinger-memetime-independently cyclotomically-involutorily decomposed by 3-fold topo-active optime into the pregeometry ontology (Aristotle's “potentia” [see: “Aristotle and Quantum Mechanics…”, Boris Koznjak, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 19 February 2020] understood the corpus of µTm propositions signified by the “bucket of dust” -- not via Heisenberg as the corpus of interacting “probability waves”: see “Taking Heisenberg's Potentia Seriously”, R. E. Kastner and Stuart Kauffman and Michael Epperson, arXiv, 16 March 2018, and ask why no mention is made of Lukasiewicz logics relative to failure of the 1T2-only Law of Identity) and on into preexistential Heraclitian-Pythagorean geometrodynamics, yielding (nothing mass-matter-wise, i.e., empty ponderable-space, given shape by topo-active optime is, indubitably is, aliquid ex nihilo nihil fit, something -- and vice versa by negative-temporal operations) the pedestrian existential 1T2-only simulacra-in-becoming experienced by those whose glutamate etchings at neuronal plasticity are well orchestrated by prescriptive enculturation-socialization. Hence, our use of the term “selfsame identity” is not restricted only to the Aristotelian 1T2-only sense understood as the-same-as-itself through passage of objective linear-time (think: Piaget's “object constancy” learned early in the prescriptively enculturated-socialized “stages of cognitive development” glutamatergically etched and anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains); also, in the sense understood as the-same-as-itself at a given instant of memetime, i.e., not not-itself-multiple-times-over at a given instant, as is the case in CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (through the memetime-construed ages ontically experienced by the vast majority of humans who have ever existed, those, that is, in “participation mystique” with the natural surround). It can also be observed (especially so, perhaps, by once-upon-a-memetime Targets analysts who hated to site daisy cutters and Arc Light strikes) that The Dusting of Potentia is being ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) by the USAF as a mini-nuke-capable 4.0 upgrade on orthomodular area bombing, the spooky Puff the Magic Dragon, the CBU.

Having been a flack-catcher most all my life, I imagine that, were they aware, I'd now be [die}gressed by the wachte auf Volk for Mau-Mauing as truant MMT (modern monetary theory) and associated policy prescriptions (in lieu of, say, nesting-foamed, µTm-processed, m-valued LETS currencies, the value-stack on a given currency unit fine-grain tagged to indicator-measurables, these currencies defined over fractal e-boundaries, these currencies variously commodity-backed, transactions in which calculated with a quantum-composite unit of account and distributed-ledgered upon an m-logically-valued reference space mapping of the Everettian-vonHayekian “time-shapes of total capital stock”, planet Earth) -- bubble creation and perpetuation at prefigurational approach to full-blown (take note of the gargantuan numbers itemized in the linked article entitled “To Hell in a Hand Basket”, David Stockman, LewRockwell, 14 July 2020) GreenNewDealed MMT being, in my estimation, the stalking cat placing a dead squirrel on foot of the bed of the Master of the Universe. What we have here, folks, are financial hambones ballyhooing free markets whilst facilitating the oligopolies sucking the soft marrow out of the real economy's ham bones; Perfidia's pestilential combination-locked minds of politicos haranguing the hoi polloi; across the less-and-less salty, cold, dark ocean, EU|ph[l]em}izing of the econometric nesting-foam with bureaucratic-bunk viscosity, this clinger's inertia a substitute for the functionally-integrative viscosity µTm-LETS nesting-foams would be in slowing down the velocity of merely-speculative, testosterone-mimetic, uh, uh investment-mimetic, hot-money-flow econometric malapropism qua malinvestment. Wall-to-wall and bumper-to-bumper, what! are the hogs hogging negentropy at nature's feeding trough. Both-And: “Time is running short to brace for impact”, Chris Martenson, PeakProsperity, 10 July 2020, is the best article I've seen on the deteriorating situation in the not very swift, gullible US of Brobdingnag (Plan A transiting to Plan B rightly named good offices of D. Stockman). Both-And: all these HIV-onwards RNA viruses both bioweapons research facilitated and instantiated acts of nature. Genetic engineering doesn't denature RNA or DNA-RNA interlocks. EM-cum-chemical pollution, phased-array hot auroras, iatrogenically altered atmospheric gas ratios alteration of the atmosphere's frequency response characteristics, iatrogenically altered atmospheric ozone metabolism, present and proposed efforts at climate engineering. Maintenance of the supposed “classical limit” suppresses awareness of the overdetermined actual extent of superintegration operative in natural-systems dynamics. Quoting from the “Systemic Mutations” section of our paper entitled “Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge”, Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, 3:4, 1977-78, to wit, speaking relative to Richard B. Goldschmidt's critique of the neoDarwinian notion that accumulation of non-adaptive micromutations can sum to an adaptive macromutation:

The present conception does not deny that random mutations occur but suggests that under special circumstances systematic mutations can occur… We may speculate that one manner in which systematic mutations may occur is to suppose that the in vivo DNA molecule possesses a superconductant core in association with a coherent wave phenomenon which is fundamental in insuring the functional integration of cellular processes. Were this the case a disruption of donor-acceptor relations would likely disturb the state of superconductivity and disrupt the reliable transmission of genetic information…

Previous research has centered upon the spatial configuration of nucleotide sequences. It seems reasonable to suppose that these stereochemical relations are primarily associated with functional specificity. That being the case, we envision that the time rate of change [as well as acceleration and time rate of change of acceleration] of nucleotide sequencing is associated with functional integration. In order to elaborate upon this concept we postulate two field quantities designated as biostatic (STATIC) and biodynamic (DYNAMIC). In the following equations… [for our elaboration of this in terms of a heterochronic, topologically-active operator-time-based, canonical equation descriptive of the radiation-exchange dynamics of the hypothesized superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA, see our paper entitled “A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA”, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XV, 1979, pp. 333-41] …To elaborate upon these equations consider the pairing of cytosine-guanine, guanine-cytosine and adenine-thymine, thymine-adenine in the replication of the DNA molecule to be associated with the two field quantities [taken together, quad-modal via their positive and negative modes]…

…the hypothetical superconductant status of DNA, described by the equation set, points toward a functional integrative role manifest as acoustic and electromagnetic wave phenomena in association with the DNA replication process. The acoustic and electromagnetic wave phenomena would be the “signatures” of the changing dynamics of the mass configuration of the DNA molecule exemplified by the changing nucleotide sequences. The superconductant status would arise as a result of the synchronous relationship between the acoustic and electromagnetic wave phenomena with the internal mass dynamic…

Now, holding the RNA virus in mind as the antigen of concern of the antigen-antibody reaction (specifically, a pre-agglutination-unto-complex stage of that reaction), quoting from the “Autoantibodies” item of our “Illustrated Terminology Glossary”:

This present theory of the quantum wave structure of the DNA molecule and its ability to transduce genetic information into biostatic/biodynamic field fluctuations (and to receive such information) may be suggestive of an extension to the clonal-selection theory [of antibody formation]… it may also be possible, assuming the quantum wave structure of DNA, for systematic mutation to produce [antibody] clones de nouveau specific to a given antigen. The unique wave structure emitted by the antigen would become part of the radiative environment of the lymphoid cell DNA, the environment which is necessary for DNA replication and can influence DNA structure. That antigen may, indeed, emit waves is suggested by the fact that exposure of sensitized lymphocytes to the specific antigen is associated with increased DNA synthesis by the cell. The time rate of change of twisting (replication) of DNA is directly related to variations in the radiative environment of the molecule.

According to this theory, it would be wise to consider the possibility that the disappearance of antibodies to COVID-19 (this link is to “Scientists Discover That One Big Assumption That Everyone Has Been Making About COVID-19 May Be Dead Wrong”, Michael Snyder, ZeroHedge, 13 July 2020) may be related to the disappearance of a given antigenic radiative signature under impress of a changing radiative environment as the recovering patient moves around in our ever more EM-polluted conurbations. Early in on one of the tracks leading to our theory of DNA radiation exchange, in the Georgetown University Medical Library, I happened upon translations of studies conducted in the USSR analyzing the high correlation between sunspot cycles and SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) outbreaks. The reading of these papers elicited thoughts asking how radiation impingement might induce formation of the anti-DNA antibodies symptomatic of SLE. So, that bio-focused “Both-And” digression aside, so far as I can see, recent efforts of the physics community, e.g., conceptually probing a supposedly bottomless zero-point energy pool, cannot be construed as support for validity-utility-efficacy of MMT's ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) thereof, i.e., the claimed access to an infinitely deep zero-point-interest pool. And, I would suggest, the same sort of incredulous assessment applies to the projection of our most probable future -- as envisioned, and apparently instigated, by the WEF, World Economic Forum. See “World Economic Forum: The Institution Behind 'The Great Reset'”, ZeroHedge reposting from Steven Guinness (other interesting articles posted here), 12 July 2020, for a brief summary account of the WEF scenario (not that m-scenarios are actually being seriously considered by TPTB 1T2-only cognizant -- and certainly not m-scenarios considered under µTm-valued logics, howsoever those logics be interpreted). The following statement was made in our 1977 “General Process” paper:

…it becomes apparent that any given process simultaneously manifests this threefold characteristic and can, therefore, only be adequately described with multivalued propositions. [emphasis added]

Over the last four decades, the closest perspective I've found to that observation is essayed in “Can Many-Valued Logic Help to Comprehend Quantum Phenomena?”, Jaroslaw Pykacz, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 54:12, 2015, pp. 4367-75, but note that this suggested applicability is memetime-bound in that it applies only to memetime-future (a somewhat which, while approachable, is actually unreachable, not altogether unlike are probabilities: this suggestion being consonant with transhumanists-seeking-virtual-immortality-in-memetime [echoing the, good offices of William Sullivan, Inca's war-against-time efforts to stop time in order to avoid the forecasted catastrophe] being a ConveDD of the suppression of Schrödinger-memetime-independent revolutory remergence under 3-fold countertemporal operations?). However interesting this could conceivably be as regards our WEFed most probable future, I see no evidence that the 1T2-only-sloganic thought of WEF-entrained eggheads transcends groupthink leveraged by regressive event gradients of the collective unconscious, transcends, that is, sufficiently to have based strategic planning on Pykacz's Rx of Lukasiewicz. Tucked away in John C. Lilly's personal scientific archive was a handwritten note maintaining that “Cogitate-cogitate-cogitate” is a “Demystification of Mantra”: nowadays, given the WEFish fixation upon “Control-control-control” and “Centralize-centralize-centralize”, we are certainly learning once again, Weare-weare-weare, aren't we, that, re:hisstorical-figures speaking, no level of venality and stupidity is unreachable by humanity's incessantly objurgating, most predatorial leadership elite. Touched, as it were -- as a group? What is the deep-structure impetus to a one “We Are the World” currency for a one supranational global surveillance state? Why this fixation upon collapsing the socio-cultural-cum-politico-economic nesting-foam to a decoherent single scale-level, a scale-level [man}dated to be classical in nature and upon a techno-denatured monoculture man[i}fold qua Vernadsky-Chardin noosphere? Answer a question by asking a question? Yep, and here is the implications-for-Why-why-why-laden-questions question: “What if quantum physics worked on the macroscopic level?”, authored by University of Geneva, Physics.Org, 25 July 2013. What if? Then we would have, for instance, “The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere”, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, circa September of 1978. This unpublished paper, the senior author a Cornell professor and specialist in tornadogenesis, essaying a case of macroquantum dynamics blatantly violating the supposed “classical limit”, even when submitted to a German journal, did not escape having the recognizably same peer reviewer as it assuredly would have had had it been sent to an American journal. Ack, aye, psychological-transference dynamics: ubiquitous, aren't they, and so under-appreciated for their contribution to the hisstory of science. In complementary relation to U of G, it may be observed that experimentally demonstrating existence of quantum objects and/or discrete (or wave) quantum effects are not the only ways in which quantum mechanics may be discovered and confirmed manifest at macroscopic scale-lengths such as those of Earth's atmosphere; quantum mechanical principles may be ascertained to operate systemically at macroscopic length scales. The focus on objects and effects is induced by the well-funded techno-driver. There are other motivators, however much they may recently have fallen away. Engineering faster binary computers that will be employed by the world state for nefarious purposes is at the bottom of my list of reasons to learn more about macroquantum systems. Increasing the human survival rate (indeed, minimizing damage to bioatmomagnetospheres, crustal and core dynamics) at coming cuspover is high on the list, efforts with regard to which are severely constrained by the blinders attached to the “classical limit” in conjunction with the curb-attached ball-and-chain circumscriptions imposed by the blackpsyche-purveying mindinvaders and censorious beliefguards that have sprung up like kudzu following a mourning rain. Why nowadays are there more and more such jacks-in-mental-boxes? Doubt that there is gathering steam a serious move to remove the “classical limit”? If so, see here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here -- for a few exemplary examples. The notion that quantum mechanics applies to all scale-levels is raising its terrifying Gorgon heads, those heads being the scale-relative m-values to given universal physical constants like the limiting velocity, the limiting distance, the minimum memetime. There are, of course, those “reserving judgment”, as seen, for example, here. Given that quantum mechanics extant at human scales, e.g., in Earth's atmosphere, would utterly destroy the classical metaphysical foundations of the global institutional base, there are unconsciously-mediated mass-unto-collective compensatory abreactions about in the land, spread out over the planet. And no, MMT is not, repeat not, an outgrowth of quantum economics -- quite the bivalent contrary. Moreover, MMT is no econophysics extension of M Theory, hence no violation of the supposed “classical limit”.

A self-observed pileup of roof-brain-chattered random thoughts on a rainy day, thoughts running together as witness-uncensored so to form a stream of consciousness; this stream, thus, clearly indicating that the involved self-observation state is insufficiently concentrated as to ketaminergically initiate memetime slowdown, the endogenous-ketamine-flooded limiting case of such slowdown being a fall between the instants into WonderLand, NeverNeverLand not being “located” in an eternity “localized” at the end of memetime: there are, y'know, other motivators, such as those driving a striving to inform foundational principles of some plausible planetary monetary system conceivably adequate authentically to demands of the currently evolving n-dimensional global crisis. But this is impossible! Their Brilliances can't even keep straight what language in which one habitually seeks answers to websearches. Even their sigh-in, oops! sign-in procedures don't work well -- leading to denials of service, loss of credit card accounts, lock-outs from online banking, so on and so forth. How could they possibly handle µTm-valued LETS nesting foams? Good question. And the answer is: check out how they are purposed. Regards ConveDDing, conversion-disorder displacement: so much of this is simply because separatist living in the doltish, normotic [mind}space-state-place is utter drudge, intolerable. Attend to the interface! to that which connects the complex to the simple. Read into “de Rahm cohomology of differential forms”, cohomology, homology. Get accustomed to backwardation -- more elaborately, retrograde inversion: Plato's reversive intellectual eikasia (imagination) and inversive intellectual eikasia combined -- of the accommodation schemata of the prevailing (result of enculturated-socialized glutamate-etching) modes of acceptable cognition. Hmmm. Before there were spoken languages, there was clairvoyant communication of inner-Musculpt: an exemplary interspecies case having been that between dolphins and humans. Physicist clingers to variants of Realism, and, failing that, those making efforts to retain some semblance of Realism, were and are most responsible for the prevailing global conundrum as it has evolved from the mid-19th century right up until today: not very Realistic, this realism -- as it is turing, uh, uh, turning out, eh. In compensatory abreaction, rankling imperiously: though sending out aircraft carriers to launch haymakers is poor counterforce tactics to employ for interdiction of biting gnats, it's apparently SOP on basis of a concurrency of minds with regard to-- hmmm, je ne sais quoi. Gone blooey, what! Ellroyish violations of the PC which, in many I|m[pane}led jurisdictions, now are deemed felonious thought crimes, so deemed as to veil-- hmmm: ruts twirling in a mass whorl, butane-fueled Eastern Establishment debutantes filling ranks of the post-coital-cum-post-partum depressive New Left; scare tactics rooted in threats of imprisonment alongside built bobbies, anabolic and steroidal -- bumfuck shitheels heavily invested in Recksall Pharmaceuticals, no doubt, real buckeroos from Himbucktoo's mimetic-estrogen mines -- jejunely surveilling their taunt corners of the uni, winking at doofus blottos inching out their pitiful bye-byes. Sallying along on a memetime-waste shilly-shally. One bad apple and all that rot. No cashdowns anymore? Humph! No cigar, bub! Sedulously soliloquize parodistically? To what end? Looking for indicators of the imminent crashdown, the proximal smashup, the coming mashup? Hmmm. HE alreadly called in? Well, then, skeeeeedaddle. Do the E&E shuffle. Beat feet. Di di mau! For my part, even participating so little as my I/im [do}does, still, and always have done, I regard the whole of left-brained Cyberia as the muzzle of a handgun held to the temple of my right hemisphere -- and how could that “attitude” of mine not have all along been the case? given my 1968 awareness of the CDCed MACV-CICV-CDEC IDHS (intelligence data handling system) and the clear-if-back-channeled prefiguration it was as to how civilization was to be criminalized, uh, uh, computerized; Cyberia, a half century later, having become, good offices of Global Phoenix [he}come-home-to-roost, a vast entrapment scheme -- the internet business model rooted in the 1T2-only global monetary system -- composed of myriad rackets run by legalistic-oligopolistic criminal enterprises in large measure government proprietaries. The upscut is having a consumer's yen for 1T2-only scoots = mulah, backed or fiat, cash or crypto, in lieu of eco-adaptation-facilitating muTm-sacredcloths signifying hau, identity-transparency, at ritual gift exchange: M{odarn] Finance. Relative to that, a job of work to do isn't acknowledged by the feckless, those hellhounding up a hubbub, all rucks in a ruckus mayhemming the din of bedlam. The adage addled of this ad age simpatico with-- deconfliction is obviously no part of the agenda. What use, by feint, mouth wide, is going slackjawed? One-incomplete-sentence paragraphs: ah, the automata producing recurrent niggling fractals -- public discourse having gone to flabbergassing. Giddy at being the analysand attending the internet-surveillance wingding. Reviews are great; ever-so-snazzy peer previews, however, stifle progress of science because they all too often are farcical getups, expressions of transference dynamics, even when lammed-back done supposedly double-blind. Writing, the performing arts, all the arts actually -- power things, really (no less than is science vis-a-vis nature); the practitioner takes control of people's minds, determines mind contents, if in detail only momentarily so, and if only generally so over the long-term. More and more ding-farmers becoming sidewalk-shitters where once upon a memetime a-flower-in-your-hair was mandated by song. Oh, the lesser offences -- pernicious practices; scams of every sort; intentionally, by design, producing inferior products in coerced market conditions where a monopoly producer has conspired with a monopsony wholesaler at price gouging: the list of egregious SOPs is a long one -- of the revered corporate monoliths; oldsters so inclined can remember back and see what sort among high school classmates became business majors in college, later successful corporate drones. And how many of the linebacker beat-her-up types dating soon-to-be elementary education majors became cops so as to avoid eventually wearing perv jackets? I won't believe America is finished until they destroy Tabasco the way they did Levis (my 35-year-old boot-cuts, which I still wear, never were a match for the real thing, which ceased to be manufactured when they began using preshrunk fabric): Tabasco, the last American product with integrity?

Not speaking here of the relational transitivity of operational commutativity, e.g., associativity, be that relational transitivity reflexive or not, non-exponentially reflexive or no. What does the word “order” signify in definition of commutative operators, say [multi}plier and addition operator (is that “[add}ier” or “[plus}ier” or “[sum}ier”?), or under these operators as is the case in classical physics, a physical magnitude being the multi[plic}and or the [add}end? “Order” in those definitions signifies before-and-after? Is that with respect to ponderable space? To an objectively referential linear-time? Must the binary notion “order/disorder” -- as in, for instance, negentropy/entropy, or, here, is the proper “order” of these terms entropy/negentropy? -- always predicate the spatiotemporal, e.g., spatial arrangement, temporal sequence? In (good offices of Leonard Susskind's definition as given in his The Black Hole War, Back Bay paperback edition, 2008, p. 131n; whereas our cascade notions regard entropy as also order-of-logical-value dependent and scale-level-partitioning dependent, hence, as having endophysics-functor properties, not only as being an exophysics functional) “The entropy is log to the base e of the number of arrangements” (i.e., entropy is an exponent of a purportedly single-valued constant which is an uncountable number heuristically convergent, at the limit of an infinite number of counting steps [think: say, scale levels, or “cuts”, as in “Dedekind cuts”, or dan in the Japanese, as in Toru Takemitsu's “November Steps”-trope-qua-reference to sacred space, ma, ma being m-sheeted, the sheets connected by time], to a single value), the word “arrangements” generally refers to selfsame spatial arrangement, but could, I imagine, also refer to selfsame pattern of appearance/disappearance in a temporal sequence (think: Christmas-tree effect, with bivalent LEDs heuristically on-or-off instantaneously by good offices of the right choice as to time-step, or, that is, the baud rate of time passage), given an objective, passive, passing, referential linear-time. Not “temporal arrangement”, we can be sure -- for that would require an n-dimensional time, not merely a curvilinear time-line? Is “order”, as in counting ordinal numbers, objective-linear-time independent? Pre-spatial? If so, and those cases, or that case if time-independence be fused to prespace, are/is defined as utterly “abstract”, how is that “abstract” contextualized, how do we understand, if not its “existence”, then -- whoopse! -- its being, if not its being-there? Are we speaking exophysics-wise and/or endophysics-wise as to the [con}text of that utterly “abstract”? -- and does that “and/or” appertain to such [con}text? Probably doesn't altogether so appertain if considered are the “(quasi) identities” -- this term indicative of a sneaking-suspicion-type adumbration of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency when “infinitary join operations” are permitted? -- in the “lattice of subuniverses” (think: that m-leveled lattice as ma-like, particularly so if the intersheet temporal joins of the archaic Shinto notion of ma were, in the original animistic conception, understood topologically-active operator-time-effected “join operations” in the reverse-qua-“upward”-cascade, revolutory-remergence case) portrayed in “Lattice of fuzzy subalgebras in universal algebra”, Takashi Kuraoka and Nobu-Yuki Suzuki, Algebra Universalis, 14:35, 7 June 2002, pp. 223-37 (but note, regards the above-made comments on ma, that “infinitary join operations” clearly implies that the preexistent state is atomistic cum Heraclitian and that “going forward” is a matter of fusion operations, not that the preexistent state is Parmenidean, i.e., entirely intact, perfectly total, constantly perpetual and that “going forward” is a matter of involutory decomposition operations -- not to mention the idea that these two may be bivalent takes as to a whatnot indefinable under 1T2-only logic alone). Answers here could be essential to understanding of the notion “order” in definition of commutative/non-commutative -- and whether or not, heh-heh-heh, this bivalent distinction applies to arities supraORDINATE, heh-heh-heh, to that binary, those arities finitary and infinitary. Quoting Hein van den Berg's Kant on Proper Science, Vrije Universiteit, 2011, p. 235:

Traditionally, the notion 'order' is employed when discussing the order of nature. Wolff, for example, construes the notion 'order of nature' as referring to the “rules, in accordance with which changes in nature occur and corporeal things are composed.”

Ah, corp[o}real -- and the role of rules, e.g., those Friedrich August von Hayek credited as being largely responsible for market self-organization (and which I partially, not altogether, discount the importance of in suggesting that µTm-relative-state identity-transparency is the “quantum potential” carried as entropic “hidden information” [Leonard Susskind's characterization as given in his The Black Hole War, pp. 132-33] by exchange units in prevailing 1T2-only markets, which information, if made explicit as m-values stacked on base-states of exchange units of µTm-LETS nesting-foams, would negentropically yield markets functioning on a much higher level of self-organizational competency than prevailing markets are inherently capable of). So, if the notion of "order" used to define commutative/non-commutative is a time-independent, prespatial rule system, then the involved rules are, most fundamentally, likely to be logical in nature (double entendre intentional) -- after the fashion that logical (and, or, not) transmutes to set theoretic (intersection, union, complement) transmutes to physics formalisms, straight forwardly to (classical) formalism, and, with considerable modifications, to (quantum vonNeumann Hilbert-space) formalism. If so -- i.e., "order", regards commutative/non-commutative, denotes time-independent, prespatial logical rules -- does that, 1T2-paradoxically, have something to do with why quantum magnitudes cannot be ascertained to be preexistent to observation, as held to be the case in classical physics? You bet. The Heraclitian take on Parmenidean-wise: Bad-o nullaries, what! Violating the normotic insistence upon the normal attribute of self-adjointicity: yielding the noughtary ops (so far as viewed from the 1T2-only-logical-value “perspective” alone) used in definition of J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity. Quoting "Quantum Logic in Historical and Philosophical Perspective", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Section 2:

Differently from the classical scheme, physical magnitudes are represented by self-adjoint operators on H that, in general, do not commute under multiplication. The values that any magnitude may take are the eigenvalues of the corresponding operator, each one of which comes with its associated eigenstate. The non-commutativity of operators has problematic interpretational consequences, for it is then difficult to affirm that the quantum magnitudes thus represented are simultaneously pre-existent to observation. The evolution of the state is given by the Schrodinger equation that, due to its linearity, implies the formal existence of quantum superpositions of states. The fact that states may be linearly combined forbids the use of mere subsets as representatives of propositions, they are instead well represented by closed subspaces of H.

I wonder how this squares up with Kuraoka and Suzuki, linked above. Rules consistent and complete? I wonder to what measure, heh-heh-heh, Gödel (1931) took inspiration from Heisenberg (February 1927). Howsoever all that may be, exponentiating dimensionality of the complex numbers, hyperspacing hyperspace, layering the logic, if all the eigenvalues of the operator corresponding to a physical magnitude are simultaneously actual in Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space (LH-space), then, heh-heh-heh, commutative versus non-commutative under multiplication-addition would be a meaningless distinction, except under 1T2-only-logic alone. To me, [0,1]n, or [0,1] raised to the power of any of the Cantorian infinitude-types, while perhaps apropos the orders of fuzziness of fuzzy logic, does not evoke the senses of CTC+ logics understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency. Indeed, the real numbers seem an altogether inappropriate modeling vehicle in respect to non-reductive treatments of Lukasiewicz logics, as do all systems of selfsame numbers. The wavicling non-simple identity of the double-slit experiment came on the scene in the same period as N. H. Abel's Impossibility-Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr, i.e., algebraic infinitivities -- and, in due course, this gave rise to the “identity dyscrasias” Cantorian types of transfinites numerically and set-wise embody. Uncertainty, incompleteness, inconsistency, indeterminacy also issued out of the non-simple-identity violation of the 1T2-only Law of Identity mandating selfsameness. That anti-pagan, anti-animism law: I am that I am! I am me and only me, I am me and only me, I am me and only me. Heh-heh-heh! Is YHWH the absolute first-is-last-twist-last-is-first Hidden Variable? Hmmm. No wonder so many had so much trouble assimilating quantum mechanics. But, apparently, hidden variables are no longer “impossible as a matter of principle” (see: “Von Neumann's Impossibility Proof: Mathematics in the Service of Rhetorics”, Dennis Dieks, Utrecht U., 2016 or later by References). Are there finitely more unreal observables (see: “Unreal Observables”, Bryan W. Roberts, London School of Economics, 2017 or later by References) than there are those real? Are there infinitely more unreal observables than there are those real? Are there Cantorian orders of infinity more unreal observables than there are those real? Roberts observes that (“Observables, Dissassembled”, London School of Economics, 2017 or later by References, p. 5):

Physically significant non-Hermitian matrices appeared the following May, when London (1926) derived the non-Hermitian raising and lowering operators for the harmonic oscillator [think: the operator-timed, pi-electron-parcel, quantum harmonic oscillator described by the canonical equation of our model of radiation exchange by free-electron gas core of DNA]. By December of 1926, Jordan (1927a) was actually toying with the idea of treating non-Hermitian operators as observables. Remarkably, Jordan's formalism allowed one to assign complex expectation values to such non-Hermitian operators, as Duncan and Janssen (2013, 2.4) have shown. But in April of 1927, Hilbert, von Neumann and Nordheim had identified self-adjoint operators as appropriate for ensuring that the values of energy are always positive numbers [emphasis added]. By the time Jordan (1927b) submitted a follow-up paper in June, he had given up on the idea of non-Hermitian observables idea in favour of the new dogma.

Take especial note of the emphasized passage, i.e., that self-adjoint operators, their orthogonality and definiteness, were insisted upon to insure that there be only positive values of the energy -- the very condition which Pauli used to rule out Pauli operator time, such operator time not so insuring. According to our notion, however, negative values of the energy have to do with counter-temporal operations. Plus-minus temporal operations <<< hyletic; plus-minus counter-temporal operations >>> psychetic: insofar as the logic employed <<<>>> is restricted to that 1T2-only. Not hidden variables, not hidden stacked-values of variables, not hidden information -- unacknowledged logics processing variables, stacked-values, information. No harm, no foul. More fundamentally than the chain of algebraic reasons, the non-simple identity mathematically codified in the m-valuedness of the Schrödinger wave-function necessitated that vectors employed at modeling quantum processes not be understood as being referenced to ponderable 3-space, but in reference to n-dimensional function space, i.e., 1T2-only-logical Hilbert space. However, even with the Born Rule handling of the m-valuedness, the non-simple-identity violation of selfsameness was not fully explicated, thus vonNeumann-Birkhoff modified distributivity in a sop thrown at the 1T2-only Law of Identity in an effort to retain as much of the sense of it as possible. But even that sop (taken as SOP) does not fully account for the utter disregard quantum processes have for the Law of Identity. Recognition that truth-value is not THE fundament of logic, rather, that relative-state identity-transparency is THE fundament, leads to the notion that, per vonNeumann-Birkhoff, all physical quantities must be represented by operators in Hilbert space; all operators in H-space must be represented by Alexander.Karpenko functors in LH-space, our Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. A.Karpenko functors being functors of L-logics over the primes, predicated are Gödel-numbered Gödel Numbers as the numbers numbering the fluctuating number [think: in terms of ultimates, on the base state of Tzog-chen, this would involve absolutely-in-so-far-as-non-selfsame G-numbered G-numbers] fields described by Igor V. Volovich in “Number Theory as the Ultimate Physical Theory”, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications (p-Adic Numbers), 2:1, 2010, pp. 77–87.

Look-- well, don't “look”, for it can't be seen. Not, that is, in the scene “out there”. Not by those with prescriptively enculturated-socialized, glutamatergically-etched, neuronal anchoring to this or that Luneburg “psychometric distance function” of binocular visual space. Seen, however, in inner-Musculpt, mayhaps. Consider the quantum “jump”. It's not actually a “jump”. Peter Byrne understands that that is the case. Quoting his The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III, Oxford U. paperback edition, 2012, p. 87:

Using a physical constant that Max Planck had introduced in 1900, the “quantum of action”, Bohr correctly theorized that electrons orbit in discrete energy levels (“shells”) surrounding the nucleus, while seeming to “jump” from one orbit to another -- without passing through the space between [emphasis added] -- as the atom emits or absorbs radiation.

When one jumps, one passes through the space between the upper level and the lower level, the lower level and the upper level. As Byrne notes, that's not be case with a quantum “jump”: to repeat, there is no passing through the intervening space. Poof! Instantaneously cease to exist here. Poof! Instantaneously appear in existence there. Without ever leaving herethere. So, what is that? The herethere? I think Byrne knows more than he knows he knows. Again quoting Byrne's book on Everett, pp. 83-4:

…the total wave function for the position of an electron lists all the positions it could possibly assume in its environment. Each possible position on that list is a wave function. The total wave function for the electron's position superposes (combines) the wave functions for each possible position. Conversely, this means that the total wave function can be decomposed into its constituent pieces, also wave functions… This is the mystery: when we measure the position of an atomic particle we record it as existing in a definite place, not in all the many places it occupies according to its smoothly evolving wave function. The emergence of a single position from the set of all physically possible is inexplicable, it creates a LOGICAL discontinuity [italic and uppercase added], a gap, a fissure, an interruption in the flow of the Schrödinger equation: it creates a problem.

A “LOGICAL discontinuity”. Hmmm. Sooooo, what's all that stated above? It's a 1T2-only-logic-alone way to “understand” several characteristic behaviors of CTC+-logical whatnots. People, y'know, actually believe that the characteristic behaviors constituting a behavioral profile result from contents of consciousness, and this mistaken etiological notion (1) is tacitly generalized to policies, foreign and domestic, and (2) is ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) to interpretations of the wave-functions of the wave function for a given quantum wavicle. Everett assuredly must have at some point realized that “science” stopped being primarily about science and began being overwhelmingly about military-industrial tech-R&D certainly by the memetime of the American civil war, if not by the memetime of the Crimean war. A [tiff}ket! A [trasse}bra! Tizzied, they are, by metric elasticity regarded as strained juju. Well, humph! My M Theory does not hypostasize Maya into Matter. What about µTm-logical understandings -- plural -- of characteristic behaviors of CTC+-logical whatnots? Say, as regards the quantum “jumps” gymnastic electrons perform when their atoms are subject to radiation impingement -- the electrons of DNA molecules, for instance. Since, µTmly speaking, quantum “jumping” electrons never leave herethere, that must mean that even when quantum “jumping” is “understood” with 1T2-only-logic alone, superposition remains -- there being “LOGICAL discontinuities” lurking about, disturbing the peace, so to speak -- the µTm-unto-CTC+ actual state(s) -- singular/plural being an artifact of 1T2-only-logic alone -- of the “jumpers”, such that the functional superintegration incumbent upon superpositioning is undiminished, whether so acknowledged by binary-minds or not: the dominant inclination in most every nation being not to acknowledge hide nor hair concerning biological functions of DNA's quantum properties, the surveillance-states' techno-needs being what they are, the militaries' commo needs being what they are, the genetic-engineering-industry's obfuscation needs being what they are, the electronic-industry's needs as regards the lifting higher of health-impairment levels being what they are, Big-Pharma's need to discredit cheap therapies being what it is. Howsoever all dolled up, superposition's superintegration “consequents” extend to the antihomeostatic no less than to the prohomeostatic (see here, the item entitled “Normative”, for a linked illustration). Quoting the succinct statement provided in the abstract to a fascinating paper which explores many issues we would have liked to have had the opportunity to explore (see our “A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA”, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-41), but couldn't (due primarily to loss of funding), to wit, “A mathematical model for DNA”, Alireza Sepehri, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2017, as posted to arXiv on 2 August 2018:

We show that when a DNA is damaged, its energy changes and an extra current is produced. This extra current causes the electromagnetic signals of a damaged DNA molecule to be different when compared to the electromagnetic signals of a normal DNA molecule. The electromagnetic signals of a damaged DNA molecule induces an extra current in a normal DNA molecule and leads to its destruction. By sending crafted electromagnetic signals to normal DNA molecules and inducing an opposite current with respect to this extra current, we can prevent the destruction of normal DNA.

The main difference between our perspective and that of Sepehri, above stated, is that the source of “crafted” signals we discuss is not exogenous; rather, it is the internally-generated autogenic brain discharge. Quoting our Terminology Glossary, the item entitled “Modified quantum frequency structure of the DNA”:

Coherent waves consist of an ensemble of wave fronts whose speed of propagation is called the wave trace velocity. In a given transition from the normative to the critical state, a number of different wave trace velocities may initiate energy absorption at a number of different phase boundaries. We are hypothesizing that the DNA molecule, by means of these wave dynamics, exercises some control over the cell membrane's active transport system and, in so doing, orchestrates the functional integration of cellular processes. Any disturbing factor that disrupts the temporal parameters governing the generation or propagation of the waves, functions as stress in the system and modifies the information exchange with the molecule's environment. Coherent waves emitted by the molecule that would incorrectly specify the phase boundaries and consequent energy transport would (1) not catalyze the molecule's own cyclical transition, and (2) would not promote functional integration of cellular processes. Another way to evaluate the disturbed vs. non-disturbed conditions of the molecule is by making a comparison between the pi-electron parcel's frequency of oscillation and the impinging radiative frequencies (see: Figures 5a and 5b). A healthy situation is when the oscillating parcel responds to a proper set of the incoming radiative frequencies. An unhealthy situation involves a frequency shift of the oscillating parcel, which (1) causes it to respond to an incorrect set of incoming radiative frequencies, and (2) causes it to be unresponsive to the proper set of frequencies.

We thought about the pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillation rate and the frequency-response window relative to biological clocks and immunological identity. We also entertained the notion that wave-length, intensity, waveform also likely serve biological functions, but we were unable to develop this notion. I, therefore, found to be of great interest the approach taken, in “5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells”, M. Fioranelli, et al., Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents, 34:4, “editorial” dated 9 June 2020 (unfortunately, this article, which I fortunately was able to read entire, was pulled due, presumably, to pressures applied by stakeholders), to modeling the biological role of wave-length variations of radiation impinging upon DNA. Genius for experimental design was patently involved in arriving at the means employed to graphically demonstrate existence of DNA waves, as described in “DNA Waves and Their Applications in Biology”, Massimo Fioranelli, et al., Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 7:18, November 2019: whereas, the two experiments suggested at the end of our paper are solely quantitative. More complex demonstration is described by Luc Montagnier, et al., in “Transduction of DNA information through water and electromagnetic waves”, arXiv, 27 December 2014. The only comment I would make about contents of this paper is the observation that the “coherent long range molecular interaction” discussed as being at work in structured water may involve gravitational components: this observation jells with Sepehri's cognitive march back through quantum gravity to M Theory, and is made due to the fact that what, in our model of coherent-wave generation by DNA, is designated “the counterforce to the pressure gradient term” is, otherwise designated, the gravitational acceleration. Other than the two provided at the end of our paper, the ideas we had relevant to experimental demonstration are indirect: (1) the notion that DNA's pi-electron-gas core-environment functions analogously to the “tank” in a superheterodyne radio receiver-transmitter, the pi-stacks of the molecule analogously to the screen-grid in a beam power tube (of great interest in that context is “DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields”, Martin Blank and Reba Goodman, International Journal of Radiation Biology, 87:4, 28 February 2011; amplified upon here; critiqued here); and (2) the observation that the harmonic temperature-oscillator, i.e., the pi-electron parcel, functions in a manner analogous to the mechanism-of-action in the photoacoustic spectrograph, i.e., the plastic bag that heats/cools, expands/contracts, thus, like a fractal drum, producing acoustic output when subject to wave trains of impinging radiation. Light is shed on the notion that electron parcels form in the pi-electron-gas core-environment of DNA by “The radical-pair mechanism as a paradigm for the emerging science of quantum biology", Iannis K. Kominis, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 29, No. Supplement 1, 2015, posted to arXiv, 1 January 2016. I note that Kominis takes note of the “avian electromagnetic compass” demonstrated by Cornellian pigeon lofters closely associated with Cornell professor Douglas A. Paine, coauthor of our DNA paper, and the original source of the idea of a local-homing avian infrasound-signature “compass” (a spinoff idea from our DNA ideas), the existence of which was demonstrated by Cornellian pigeon lofters. Think a second about the term “double-digit midget” (a pejorative reference to two-decade careerists). Such colloquialisms do not arise out of thin air. This one is due to the draft pulling intelligent people into the military. The all-professional military is in large measure to insure against the arising of such derogatory colloquialisms. And out of the intelligence-truncated renormalized military soldiers go forth, some of whom fill the ranks of police departments, particularly their SWAT teams. One of the reprint requests I received for our paper entitled “Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge”, Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, 3:4, 1977-8, wherein we first described our ideas about DNA radiation exchange processes, came from the LAPD. Three months after our “superconductant DNA” paper was published by a Swedish journal, federal agents were questioning my employer about me: a “routine background investigation”. Four decades later, prevailing knowledge of DNA radiation exchange processes strongly suggests that enormous damage to life on Earth has been done over the last century by iatrogenically-induced alterations of those processes, damage largely misattributed -- mistakenly in some cases, knowingly in some -- to various other causes. What cannot yet be ascertained -- there not yet being enough knowledge -- is the full extent of that damage, and the damage sure to be wreaked in memetime-future.

Waveforms of impinging radiation most certainly are of importance to biological “sorting demons”. An example was explicated during the mid-1970s whilst we were developing the ideas for our model of DNA radiation exchange processes. Susie Daniels, then a Ph.D. candidate in radiation biology doing her lab work on phytochrome and phytohormones at the Smithsonian Institution, gave me a tall stack of photocopied papers -- recommended background reading to assimilate -- among which was, memory serving, this one on the microwave auditory Frey effect (of considerable interest to Paine and I, given our ideas about infrasound signatures of theta-e surfaces in Earth's atmosphere; the m-valued properties, and likely m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian-analog processing, of the infrasound bursts generated during tornadogenesis; avionic local homing on infrasound signatures of landforms, lake fetches, so on; DNA pi-electron-parcel temperature harmonic oscillators; possible radiative triggering of inherited DNA frequency anomalies in pathogenesis of SLE and associated formation of anti-DNA antibodies; et cetera): “Microwaves and Behavior”, Don Justesen, American Psychologist, March 1975. Highly relevant to our quantum DNA model and to conductance of hydrothermdynamic properties in Earth's atmosphere are the findings described by Justesen in the following excerpt drawn from his above-linked paper:

…it is clear that simple heating as such is not a sufficient basis for the Frey effect; the requirement for pulsing of radiations appears to implicate a thermodynamic principle. Frey and Messenger (1973) demonstrated and Guy, Chou, Lin, and Christensen (1970) confirmed [sic] that a microwave pulse with a slow rise time is ineffective in producing an auditory response; only if the rise time is short, resulting in effect in a square wave [emphasis added] with respect to the leading edge of the envelope of radiated radio-frequency energy, does the auditory response occur. Thus, the rate of change (the first derivative) of the wave form of the pulse is critical factor in perception. Given a thermodynamic interpretation, it would follow that information can be encoded in the energy and “communicated”… [Be aware that the canonical equation of our model of DNA radiation exchange processes involves first, second, and third derivatives.]

To repeat: waveforms of impinging radiation most certainly are of importance to biological “sorting demons”. Justesen further noted:

Sharp and Grove (Note 2) found that appropriate modulation of microwave energy can result in direct “wireless” and “receiverless” communication of speech. They recorded by voice on tape each of the single-syllable words for digits between 1 and 10. The electrical sine-wave analogs of each word [emphasis added; think of the way our DNA model suggests that DNA waves encode the information nucleotide pairs encode] were then processed so that each time a sine wave crossed zero reference in the negative direction, a brief pulse of microwave energy was triggered.

By radiating themselves with these “voice modulated” microwaves, Sharp and Grove were readily able to hear, identify, and distinguish among the 9 words… The capability of communicating directly with a human being by “receiverless radio” has obvious potentialities both within and without the clinic.

That was the unclassified state of the art 45 years and billions of dollars in research ago. Writing of the current unclassified status of “neuroetics” R&D, Mojmir Babacek, in “Remote Control of the Brain and Human Nervous System”, Global Research, 23 January 2019 (see also here and here, all three articles providing links to informative material), observes that:

Thanks to extensive brain research, computers were taught to understand the neuronal activity so much so that they are now capable of using the activity of our brain to reproduce our perceptions. Canadian scientists demonstrated an experiment, where the computer could interpret the electroencephalographical recordings from the brain to produce the painting of a face that the subject of experiment was perceiving (see this).

In the opposite way the data, processed by the computer in the way that will make them intelligible for the nervous system, can be transmitted into the brain and produce there a new reality. When an implant is placed in the brain and connected to a camera, placed on spectacles, for people whose photoreceptors in their retina stopped working, the sight is at least partially restored. In this case the camera on the spectacles is transmitting into the implant light frequencies and the implant re-transmits them in frequencies which “understand” the neurons processing the visual perceptions (see this).

Surveying the currently prevailing -- five years ago -- unclassified neuroetics state of the art in “Making Sense of Optogenetics”, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 8:11, October 2015, Akash Guru, et al., provide the following succinct summary statement:

In brief, neurons are first genetically engineered (using a variety of mechanisms, described later) to express light-sensitive proteins (opsins). When these neurons are then illuminated with light of the correct frequency they will be transiently activated or inhibited or their signaling pathways will be modulated, depending on the particular kind of opsin that was chosen for expression. Cell type-specific expression is typically achieved with transgenic animals, viral vectors, or a combination, and spatially restricted light application allows for further refinement in targeting to specific brain regions. Light can be applied in a variety of temporal patterns in order to optimally influence neuronal function (permitting experimental control of spike frequency and burstiness, among other parameters), and may be restricted to specific short behavioral epochs. Optogenetic tools, first used to control neuronal function a decade ago (Boyden et al., 2005), have been extensively developed over the intervening years and now include a vast array of proteins that allow control of neural activity over a range of timescales, control of biochemical activity within the cell, control of multiple neural channels in parallel, and, most recently, control of neural activity in parallel with optical monitoring of neural activity.

See here for discussion of a more recent development. Whether or not this “control” impacts quantum wave properties of intraneuronal DNA, and the biological functions of those properties, is a question not addressed. However hagiographically treated by the practitioners, the oligarch promoters, the funders, the MSM: while hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of people are likely, ultimately, to benefit from edifying applications of this sort of R&D, just as likely is that billions of people will be negatively impacted, to put it mildly, by the corpus of bad-intentioned applications. I, of course, regard that whole area of human endeavor as being, deep-structure-wise, a techno-ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) driven by a flight from the undissembled, unadulterated, psychophysical imports of the advent of trans-al-jabr, Cantorian cardinalities, Axiom of Choice, m-valued logics, m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, and the ever gathering experimental substantiations of those largely-in-denial imports -- all of which undermine believability of the ego-function's false claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct and in control of its own faculties. Indeed, the ConveDDs are surely far more direct than even the few “peeking over the edge” are likely to imagine: applications of the Frey effect <<<>>> primordial-memetimes, pre-speakable language, telepathic communication of inner-Musculpt between humans and interspecies-wise, most elaborately with the bottle-nosed dolphin; at-a-distance manipulation of the body parts of an experimental subject or adversary-other <<<>>> 7,000+primordial-memetimes authentic Qigong. ConveDDing generates existential confirmations to counter the multitudes of implicit existential denials dished out by death of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna Weltanschauung. Those clutching at their own egos whilst, beyond their control, losing their grasp upon all sense of being in control of their own minds, massively engage in projective-identification -- and, by surrogate, seek control over others as succor to their sense of loss vis-à-vis self-definition. Underlying the sexual thrall of soft-raping trafficed humans, which the oligarchs are apparently addicted to, is the infantile existential psychopathology of their everyday lives. Going to the Newtonian-Leibniz limit, absolute control of the other is achieved in the act of killing himher, which demonstration of power yields the ultimate in existential confirmations. In a civilization that had not long since succumbed to abject collective psychosis and a Two-Hundred-Years-War-of-the-World, implanted, transhumanist, genetically-upgraded, GMO-fed, geoengineering, oligarchic monoscaled cryptomonetarist, neuromanced biobotic, surveillancing voyeuristic, Nazified democrazies would be certifiable. Power hunger devolves via compensatory abreaction from psychological impotence: if the state-function of the egosphere of the I-Am-This of any one of the multiples of I/im exhibits this “chief feature”, then this condition of their condition profoundly conditions the state-functions of them all. If there is anything the quantum psychology of Umwelt µTm-relative-state identity-transparency is utterly Lukasiewicz-Everett-Bohm-explicate about, it is that condition of the condition of conditions. Is there a person on the planet that does not know in their heart of hearts that that condition of the condition of conditions is going to generate a giant kill-off which is likely to degenerate into a massive die-off? Got “milk”-- uh, force-- uh, power? “Might makes right”: a paraphrase of statements made in Plato's Republic -- that's [Re}public, mind you. “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence -- it is force”: apocryphally stated by George Washington some memetime after he cut down the cherry tree; existence of the attribution in popular culture, accurate or not, in and of itself is revealing, a collective Freudian slip. In 1938, Maot[Say}dong says, shudder, shudder, spludder, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”: written into “Problems of War and Strategy”, Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung, People's Publishing House, Vol. 2, 1965, p. 131 (when, during 1966, CICV-POLOB ordered a copy from Peking, and the package containing the book arrived at the P.O. box in Saigon, TPTB counter-intelligence at MACV-HQ went bonkers: according to the then-prevailing command position, intelligence analysis is not well served by knowledge of the adversary; the dippy DIP, Director of Intelligence Production, is there to insure that intelligence gathering and analysis conforms to, and substantiates, policy prescriptions). And aaah, the “History is force” paraphrase of Stanley Fish echoing the “History as Force” of Donald M. Dozer.

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

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