µTm Scenarios, T3(M)
How much more interesting to be far more interested in the few ideas people discover than the multitude of facts they create! One reason why Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics have been so spurned, so dissimulated is because they so undermine, so trivialize the literary imagination, the poetic sensibility. Knower, known, knowing: if authentic knowing is a cloud of unknowing which knows no knower or known, mere decollation of declensions -- so as to undermine the law of non-contradiction -- by the literary imagination in service to the poetic sensibility is strictly trivial, set beside the transfinite order-classes of logical-value dust in Bose-Einstein condensation to clouds unknowing. In-here is out-there, says Psyche to Physica; out-here is in-there, says Physica to Psyche: in generative empathy, mood is mode and mode, mood. And synaesthesia is cross-modal correlation whenever and wherever the mood strikes its phenomenological mode. Thunder is anger; anger, thunder: by projective-identification, by personification. And if not, if this persistence of time in psychologism is unwarranted residual dualism, what then of the bare percept, the bare propriocept, which can only be a bare propriopercept? Maybe, as Proust once said of things past, trees are immobile only because we take them to be selfsame in taking ourselves to be selfsame. Hearing the meaning of the sound is not only not hearing the sound, it is not hearing the sound baring the sound free of semantic attributions. Even pure pattern recognition cannot be absolutely distinguished from pure pattern imposition -- unless awareness is not open to the CTC-valued Lukasiewicz logics over synaesthetic Musculpt logically and ontologically prior to mood is mode and mode, mood. No trespassing: selfsame is never self-referential; once started, no stopping.
If you doubt inner Musculpt, the best I can offer is a brief quotation from the introduction to Unbounded Wholeness: Dzogchen, Bon, and the Logic of the Nonconceptual (Anne Carolyn Klein and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Oxford U. Press, 2006) referring to practices of Bon Dzogchen students employing the Kusuli system (p. 11): Kusuli students use simple methods to examine whether thoughts have color, shape, or location. I would add to this list: musical tone, taste, smell, timbre, movement, topological transformation (morphallaxis). All being form-level-of-language properties of inner synaesthetic Musculpt morphemes (which, it can be noted, sometimes spontaneously appear as flashes in awareness at the very instant [ksana] of autogenic discharge [Kairos] or during extended autogenic abreactions: this has been very well documented in the clinical literature of autogenic therapy going back to Weimar Germany). Unlanguage is itself language: the unspeakable form-language underlying all speakable languages. Unlanguage does not deign communicate (information exchange); it functions by non-simple-identity incorporation-entanglement (reductionistically regarded telepathy, by virtue of retaining the notion of simple-identity): synaesthetic Musculpt morphemes simultaneously appear in multiples over brains in long-range phase correlation. I do not know what the Kusuli methods are, but I am reasonably certain that stabilization of the flashes into relatively prolonged periods of awareness requires, by whatever deep relaxation technique employed, attainment of zero action-potential of the pharyngeal and extra-ocular muscles (residual tension patterns of which are intimately involved in facilitating associative thought: principle underlying eye-movement reprogramming). Roof-brain chatter, associative and inferential thought, must cease if free-form morphemic (morphofunctional) polymorphic awareness is to be cultivated. Other aspects of what is required involve stripping (spoken)languaged-meanings from moment-to-moment perceptual and proprioceptive awareness (cleanse the doors of perception) by focusing attention cathexes upon the pure-pattern level across the full spectrum of received (enculturated) input categories: autogenic shift in giving carte blanche to the brain. In Carthusian contemplation (sitting or walking) by inner-counterwork attempt, for instance, by proprioceptive scanning to determine location of the inner-voice at roof-brain chatter and watch its movement in response to its being watched. Best done in a natural environment (not a built environment) where percepts are not loaded with (spoken)languaged-meanings (and therefore are easier to fuzz-out to the pure-pattern level: such fuzzing-out being a step toward fuzzy logic which is a step toward µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics, their own sort of currency). The trained naturalist, subjected to taxonomies, tenet systems, axiomatics, and so on, is at a great disadvantage, of course. What happens when inner-voice moves out in front of the forehead? At the edge of subliminal sound-awareness resides the mental monkey whose enculturated task is identification; at the edge of peripheral vision resides the mental monkey whose enculturated task is identification (thus is the world [word-wor{l}d] which enculturation constructs by glutamate flood maintained): whenever/wherever these monkeys speak (languaged morphemes: Snake! uh, ah, stick) return awareness to the unattributed pure-pattern level -- over and over and over. Carry pure-pattern as a mantra is carried, and in due course changes in the abstract properties of perceptual modalities (say, space articulation: step down from a tight foyer into a room with a high ceiling) and proprioceptive ideomotor responses (top of the head lifts off at taking the step down) will flash (e.g., deemed sukshma vidyut; vaidyutananda) form-language signifiers (e.g., deemed tejorekha; tejomaya rupa) as evoked-potential for animistic identity transparency: form-language is the unlanguaged language of Nature. Shade, shadow, chiaroscuro, idioretinal light: each photismically ignescent (e.g., deemed chidghana). The real iggy! This is the concrete phenomenological level of discourse on such subjects that interests me; metaphysics alone is generally an indicator of mere speculation.
Just as there is She-Who-Must-Be-Believed, i.e., the one-and-only woman (seen in A{ma}terasu's mirror during the last scene of The Moon of Hoa Binh), with all the sexual ambivalence-fear that connotes to those in simple-identity (and this cosmic circumstance by no means constitutes a gay manifesto), so there is but one Musculpt morpheme, all other morphemes being but the forms of the form of this one-and-only morpheme: in its utter idealism, pure unadulterated substantialism by self-birthing from within as decompositional involutes (the Platonic regular polyhedra being merely pointing-to signifiers of the underlying symbolic-interaction performatives, so to speak). Directly viewhearable, tastesmellable, touchable in feeling-space-place; abstracted, only insofar as enworded. Color-music wave-function of the forms of the form of the one-and-only Musculpt morpheme does not collapse, just as in the relative-state interpretation: the very nature of unbounded wholeness. I recommend the short films of Jordon Belson, particularly Samadhi (1967) and Chakra (1972), for brief ponderable entrée into universal-semantic domains (these images can also be seen finger-painted into the clinical records of autogenic training practitioners). Belson himself, I believe, à la Kusuli praxis, synaesthetically perceived thought (not merely perceived-thought) in terms of multiple color-music morphemes (apropos of the memetimes, as set by Church and Chomsky: Talmudic, as opposed to Cabalistic, generative universal grammar, i.e., generative extension by recursive iteration over a corpus of basic meaning-units; calculability, according to [the]Church, being iff recursive) he termed hieroglyphic-ideographic and may be related to what Husserl deemed ideal matters and moments of matter (matter here having only the most tenuous relation to the matter studied in physics and chemistry). But like so many others, Husserl conflated the conceptual with the inferential; and even today, in treating Lukasiewicz logics as functionals over the primes, there is a tendency to regard such functionals in inferential terms -- which, of course, is exactly wrong. Since no world (word wor[l]d) could possibly be real -- wave-function of the universal grammar of ideal matters never collapsing -- the question is not how particulars generate authentic knowledge, but: do they? Particular forms of the form of the one-and-only Musculpt morpheme are out of this world (word wor[l]d) -- and not only literally.
Interface Metaphors and Signal Representation for Audiovisual Performance Systems by Golan Levin
This thesis proposes an investigation into the development of software environments that enable the simultaneous performance of moving image and sound. The goal of such systems is to provide easily apprehensible yet extremely malleable environments for creative expression and self-discovery. Current systems for audiovisual authoring have little or no knowledge about gestural data, and employ interaction metaphors and interface devices that substantially constrict the space of possible results. The proposed works will introduce new metaphors and new technologies for mapping between the dimensions of an audiovisual simulation, and signal representations of gestural information captured from a variety of physical interfaces.
Thesis Proposal for the degree of Master of Science in Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Original 5 November 1999, Revised 11 December 1999.
Hey there! Check out these bibliographic references:
Adrien Bernard Klein, Color-Music: The Art of Light. Crosby, Lockwood & Son, London, 1927.
A. Wallace Rimington, Colour-Music: The art of mobile colour, New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1911.
Whoa! Ever run across those? M-logically-valued monetary units will never be fully implemented without efforts such as this, proposed by Golan Levin. When I made a similar verbally delivered proposal (far less technical) to my Music Composition IV instructor in 1972, I was tentatively redirected to dodecaphonics (away from the Noh dan-mosaic vertical time of Toru Takemitsu's November Steps and Asterism and Munari by Munari), then deemed a subversive was I, and basically regarded as off my rocker (without mention having been made of avant-garde notions of money, which had been in my head since a confluence of PSSC-Physica/honors-Oikonomia gave rise to form-language forms of the sacred-space morpheme {ma}root-homonym[ono{ma}topoeic] in grappling with topological notions of multiple-bank credit expansion during my senior year of high school: 1962-3). On to the 1958 Brussels World Fair and Formalized Music (I read in 1971 the 1971 version of the 1962 text -- so I understand): Iannis Xenakis, a Romanian fighter in the Greek resistance and civil war, who, after all that, wasn't about to be deflected into normotic music by careerists like Honegger Humph! and Milhaud Hmmm! Messiaen synaesthesia in Turangalila (cosmic love play) by simultaneous stacked themes over the layered-transparent of Rice Pereira's transcendental formal logica of the infinities being quite another matter of moments. SoundScapes of OceanicTantra played upon sheaves of Riemann-surface coverings, universal and particular. Following Xenakis, also just back from the wars, I refused to submit to the double irrelevancies of diatonic Harmony 101. Externalized Musculpt medium unavailable, personal computers a decade away, facing a mainframe indenturing to some computer center, I moved on to five years of loose association studying tornado genesis; so, upon hearing that one of Jordon Belson's and Henry Jacobs' Vortex Concerts had been performed at the Philips Pavilion in Brussels during 1958, along with Varèse's electronic poems, I just had to look into touch-down design of Xenakis' upside-down vortices. The Pavilion was the FORM of the forms of his one-and-only meta-music morpheme: Metastaseis in its utter idealism, pure unadulterated substantialism by self-birthing from within as decompositional involutes (the Le Corbusier modules being merely pointing-to signifiers of the underlying symbolic-interaction performatives). Condensed aleatorically in conformance with the prevailing Zeitgeist -- and assuredly not by Bose-Einstein condensation to non-simple identities -- out of clouds of sound particles defined over the Dirac form of the Schrödinger equation, interpreted -- not by relative-state, not independent of time, not in terms of Lukasiewicz logics -- to probability amplitudes by Copenhagen interpretation, the Vortex inversions standing as Pavillion-Philips waves were meta-stable by collapse-functions, not by involutes over the supersymmetry alaya allbase, A{ma}terasu's ma: ma gyur pa, ma bral, tshad ma (sacred space unchanging, sans separation, totally authentic). Betwixt-n'-between the convexities, however, were counterspace concave optimizations of Luneburg non-Euclidian psychometric distance functions in the neighborhood of an infinity, no mere regress, actual orders of infinitude. Musicologists took this as reduction of the content of actual music. Professors of architecture took this as reduction of the content of actual architecture. And I agree -- insofar as the von Neumann formalism is employed, insofar as placed in Dirac form, insofar as m-valued logics are scorned, insofar as Fifty years too late for fledged species survival and they still are only dabbling with the collective enterprise of getting out of lower-mind function! Belson and Xenakis, exemplars of the dead fifties; the collection dead then, the same pluralistic subset dead today. Doesn't seem to me I have interests in protecting their dead interests -- so, I've never had an interest in that; indeed, who can even wish them well? Never do anything non-normotic! Except on the level of operational intelligence, if not functionally brain dead, severely impaired (glutamatergic disconnect between the brain-contained-by-the-brain and nonlocal quantum substrate). Total trivia -- even, or especially even, what for which written up in the history books. Can talk, that is the stock and trade, but have nothing to say; the power they have stays with the position once they leave. And the money, of course, being big, is bad -- there being no such thing as big good 1T2-logical money. Even yet, a global counter-flashover event could be created relative to implementation of µTm-logical money -- though it is clearly (uh, likely: don' wanna be no extremist) already too late to prevent anything in this manner. What a counter-flashover could do is affect the post-transition stable state; which is likely the best that now can be hoped for. A species so focused on the standard of living (quantity of things in life) it is unlikely to survive.
Musculpt is a move away from this She-Who-Must whatever, any such She-He. My spiritual practice (being one of those Schelerian resenting men) has always been a reach to total iconoclasm: against religion in any form, including science. Not simply against the church, against the sangha, against transmitted method, against the very notion of a lineage, against institutionalization of practice, against religious images. Personification of the non-selfsame, however abstractly purveyed, however derivatively notated, is to impute selfsameness to the non-selfsame; this is the foundational algorithm of belief, the religious root of binary objectification-subjectification duals, and the bottom line on glutamatergic neuronal etching of the brain-contained-by-the-brain. First-Men extinction will have spawned Last-Men extinction spawning yet more First-Men extinction by imposition of this process: personification. Even in the most etheric of numinous religious traditions, e.g., Tibetan Bon, the infinitely non-selfsame is treated as selfsame by personification: Samantabhadra (Unbounded Wholeness, p. 224). Personification constellates a complement of brain discharge processes because it is a cut, a radical severance of non-simple, nonlocal quantum substrate into discrete binary particular, the brain-contained-by-the-brain. With the prescriptively enculturated cut, numb-ering phenomenologies occur, rites of passage, and these have inevitably been deemed spiritual in nature by religious hierophants, and, by unfounded attribution, subsumed as discretionary exponential powers to the forms, functions, and practices of the community of belief collectively introjecting the nonselfsame in personification. And by reversal, in spiritual practice, when toying with stitching the cut, phenomenologies again occur, rites of counter-passage, and these, too, have inevitably been deemed spiritual in nature by religious hierophants, and, by unfounded attribution, subsumed as discretionary exponential powers to the forms, functions, and practices of the community of belief collectively introjecting the nonselfsame in personification. The introjective-projective identification-personification is a logical operation (collapsing the index of logical-value) yielding ontologies and epistemologies in service to sociopolitical agendas codified as sets of dominance relations in violation of that which they pretend to represent -- representation itself being the greatest of pretensions.
Several ifs, ands, and buts. I chose ephemeral art forms for obvious metaphorical reasons -- cuisine, flower arranging, gardens -- and when I subsequently got into drawing, painting, and music, I self-canceled the product as its sole purpose was practice (benison of the psychological bleed-back). Keep the product, lose the bleed-back: being collapsed to existence. No exceptions. I had zero career aspirations, for I had learned in my student days at AU-SIS, and through various interfaces with the Washington SuperElite, that the only real leverages over you are your aspirations. Set aspirations aside and something real might actually be accomplished. That being the case, getting into trouble, one never returns to the failed institutionalization, as no solutions could possibly reside there, those institutions and their occupiers being responsible for the failure. Human species can't find extra-institutional means? -- nothing, and so be it! as Oriana Fallaci once said. Our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, became deemed finished and has survived so far because of external intervention and due to the fact that I was not the only person involved. But I produced little mainly because I got sidetracked too early into understanding. For instance, Golan Levin's Master's thesis proposal may be right in maintaining that contemporary interfaces (GUIs) are based on metaphors, as are relations between sound and image, but, if there is to be real progress, this cannot remain the case for long -- particularly relative to a Musculpt composition platform (gestural instrument of that platform being the human body in motion, its internal light externalized to HGUI-input (HoloGraphic User Interface). Why? For the simple fact that the Unified Science movement (see: Encyclopedia of Unified Science; relatively rare, but you can find my copy in the library of Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania) of the 1920s and 1930s did not fail; it was rejected because, if science had become unified, science would have ceased to exist -- and there would consequently have been no WWII and no holocaust of the Jews. For whatever reason, Levin did not mention Scriabin's color organ or how he defined colors over notes, notes over colors. This definitional (i.e., metaphorical) approach to the problem became the sole approach (setting the terms of reference for Kandinsky's pre-WWI On the Spiritual in Art and even Schoenberg's pre-WWI S-matrix-prefiguring methods in dodecaphonics: both artist and composer wanted to avoid mere form-games in absence of naturalistic post-Renaissance, post-diatonic signifiers: their only idea as to how to do this was by a generative tropology of definition-imposition recursion: very Talmudic, not at all Cabalistic, regardless of how much numerologized), and this Scriabin approach remains the sole approach because the notion of the necessity of metaphor was never seriously challenged -- thus saving the human species from suffering Unified Science (if not saving it from suffering other things). Exemplified in juxtaposition of Plato's theory of forms and Cantor's theory of sets, the conception of an underlying grammar of form in process cannot be brought together in a 1T2-logic frame (as Gödel, for one, apparently hoped, all the while appropriately dumping on logical positivism). The relation is not one of metaphor, but of isomorphism (best captured so far by the Regge calculus, where n-dimensional lattices notate spacetime curvature configurations); it is not to be defined, rather to be discovered and then created -- but not on any ponderable level: logically, topologically, chronotopologically, ontologically, and epistemologically prior (in that order of march) to perceptual and proprioceptive primitives. That's why form-language semiosis underlies universal grammar of speakable-language-type languages (and is encoded into the nonlinear-time-shapes of quantum wave properties of superconductant intra-nuclear neuronal and intra-mitochondrial perineural DNA (the mitochondrial case being so deeply involved with glutamatergic etching of the brain-contained-by-the-brain upon severance by psychic surgery [i.e., prescriptive enculturation] from quantum substrate).
Our mathematical model of superconductant p-electron gas core of DNA emerged during studies, and multiscale numerical modeling, of tornado genesis. One discovery (not metaphorical definition) made during the early-1970s (finding its way into publication only with MOON) was the isomorphism of superposed sound and form (the Lukasiewiczian overtones to image primitives, à la Husserliana of eidetic reduction). Just as DNA gas core produces quadripolar waves which emanate from the molecule carrying in their four quads all the information contained in the four-nucleotide-pair sequences, so, in an unfiltered, unrenormalized, fully-accelerative relativistic-quantum atmosphere, quadripolar acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes radiate from rippling plasma sheath of tornadic vortex, that She-Who-Must This acoustic-wave signature is not isomorphic to any viewable atmospheric measurable, but is isomorphic to a third-order abstraction, a type of constant entropy surface -- the given infrasound-signature corresponding on a one-to-one basis with a given highly-convoluted curvature configuration (see: MOON, Vol. 2, p. 323, for an example meticulously hand-plotted during the early-1970s, the acoustic-wave signature being recorded on a microbarograph array constructed by the Neurobiological Behavior Laboratory, Cornell, and used primarily to study local homing of carrier pigeons by the infrasound signatures carrying them) of the constant entropy surface in question. This surface is transcendental to temperature; it is transcendental to equivalent temperature; and it is equivalent potential temperature (a lens through which greenhouse warming might well be viewed, were the models not filtered for acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes: a filtering that turns an isomorphism into a metaphor). In this atmospheric-DNA case, colors are not over notes, notes over colors: colors are in the intervals between hearable sounds: steps of tonal space, not in tonal space, à la Victor Zuckerkandl getting beyond Heinrich Shenker to track on prerequisites to Nature's day-in/day-out Musculpt -- what is hearable being largely a matter of the order of logical-value employed by the hearer.
Traditional Western logic is a codification of brain impairment: there is no distinguishing the two on an electrochemical basis. Heidegger -- following Husserl's debunking of Cantor following the circulus-krikos of The Logic of Hegel (dialectic of which is a literal reduction of Lukasiewicz-Gödel reflexive self-reentry, made {[a]theo}sophica{logia} by material Marx) -- has Truth as Beauty of Eulerian correspondence between the idea and its object (brain not contained by the brain [quantum substrate] and its [d]emergent brain contained by the brain): projective identification in transference, an automatic electrochemical event at suppression-regression sublimation-civilization. Someone like Heidegger, who, contrary to Hegel, believed in 1T2-being-with-others, not µTm-being-in-others (spiritus sanctus animus = Erdgeist being-there). No monads about it. Faith in the bad: mut, mat, mok: mitsein. Thought as monadic restriction of p-adic consciousness, and if restriction of consciousness, not consciousness, and maybe not even conscious of unrestricted sense (sensus sensatus sensibilis). Abstractum, concretum; generalis, particularis. Pars, pars, pars. Correspondence, no-correspondence. Co-respond, no-(not)thing permitted. No-holopars. Sedere, sittan, sizzen, sitten: pro sit-in as a prop up. Prop(o)sition :: pro-position: any statement that can be determined to be determinate (true or false: no A not-A). No congruence with the indeterminate aesthetic continuum, Cantor's C. To be being-being-being by being-in-itself flinging itself as being-for-itself no-(not)thing being-for-self: Being become Truth (equal brain impairment) no Aristotelian synolon. Self-reentry of the brain contained by the brain upon, over, into, within its quantum-substrate m-logically-valued reference space-place -- Jordon Belson documents -- hyparxis, ableness-to-be-being-in-itself by third-order temporal curl (which, by strange circulus-krikos non-orientability, chronotopologically precedes first-order temporal curl: whenwhere precedes precedes, there can be no precedings in the proceedings). Each number is infinite: a Jewish rule rejected by most Jews familiar with the 163 rules of The Rules of Orthodox Judaism (brain contained by the brain). Anti-Semitism is not necessarily anti-Semitic; it could be anti-Rabbinical and pro-Cabalistic: all too Jewish. Being and Time. Being and Nothingness. Being-in-time :: being-in- no-(not)thingness. Jordon Belson documents the inner counter-work. Joe Goode looks through Rice Pereira's layered-transparent of the transcendental formal logica of the infinities is number each -- if he only knew what he knows one Tornado Series at a time, at-a-time, atatime In occult nature there is no argument. Belson images can't be seen: there is no seeing a hearseeable. Cage sound can't be heard: there is no hearing a seehearable. Taxonomy of Samadhi, when polemics become apologetics, is rather like reading a Jackson Pollack sans the drip (quantal Latter Rain ladder pouring over gyrus postcentralis), absent the action of active time (P-ackic stand-in operator over p-adic screening of reference-space place). Synaesthetic cinerama all-around tease tingle taunt. Belson pulled out of Pollack: it's all there on the reference space; permanent = ephemeral, dynamic = static (with crossover time). Cathexes over Lukasiewiczian orders of logical-value as chronotopological invariants treated as Samadhi taxonomies: 1-to-10, each number infinite. Pull the number out of the Pollack screen. Who painted that?
I remember exactly when I stopped reading a book. Just back from Japan, 1956, it was the end of the summer right before I entered the sixth grade when I got a job as a paperboy in Pittsburg. Morning paper. Climbed out of bed at 3:30 a.m., threw on clothes and black high-top sneakers standing over the first-floor vent of the coal-stoker in the basement, and rode my bike down to the news-and-magazine shop to roll my papers for the day, which had to be delivered by 6:30 a.m. Not easy; lots of hills to pump up with canvass bags of rolled papers slung all over the bike and the back. And you had to be a damned good thrower to hit the porches; otherwise, you'd be off and on your bike and never get done. Threat of rain, rain: plastic bags and rubber bands; an extra half-hour of rollin'. Snow: that was when it got real tough. Big breakfast, then off to school. The rear of the shop where the papers were rolled was also a hang-out place late in the day, other boys rolling the afternoon papers: smoke cigarettes, read, blabber, bet the numbers or the horses. Regular stop by the numbers runner. I was a reader. There were lots of paperbacks around and I was always reading five or six of them. I don't think, after that, I ever read a single book at a time again. Doing so became an anathema; I eventually regarded it as a destructive experience. Later, I came to believe Nature, herself, never bothered to read The Book of Nature. Thematic unity, linear development, syllogistic presentation. Simultaneously reading multiple books allowed your brain to escape all that; better than skipping around in a book. I had just come out of a wet-rice hamlet, Midori Gaoka, Ashiya, kita-Kyushu where animistic Nature was nurture and nobody ever experienced a syllogism or its consequences, so reading a book was just not convivial to the state of mind I found myself in. I didn't understand it too good, but that's just what I did. Only much later in life did I become a numbers runner: Gödel numbers knowledge mule.
Check this out on the state of Nature from Pat Buchanan's syndication (The War of All Against All, 1 December 2006):
Iraq seems to this writer less a classic civil war, like the Spanish and the Russian civil war between Reds and Whites from 1919 to 1921, than a version of bellum omnium contra omnes, the war of all against all. That is the Latin phrase Thomas Hobbes gave to human existence in the state-of-nature thought experiment he conducted in Leviathan.
And here is another thought experiment, this time from James Lovelock, yet one more Enlightenment-fundamentalist Britisher steppin' to with Thomas the Hobbes (The Revenge of Gaia, Basic Books, 2006, p. 27):
The unstable mathematics of unconstrained competition and predation among living organisms is not unlike [and here is the thought experiment] the behaviour of the unruly, often drunken, mobs that gather in the city centres at night. The constraint of a strong community confident in its power and backed up by an effective police force once gave quiet and stability, but it has gone and often chaos rules. Gaia itself is firmly constrained by feedback from the non-living environment. Darwinists are right to say that selection favours the organisms that leave alive the most progeny, but vigorous growth takes place within a constrained space where feedback from the environment allows the emergence of natural self-regulation.
No Lovelock scientist, steppin' to with Hobbes, generalizing bellum omnium contra omnes as human existence in the state-of-nature to the state of Nature itself -- projective identification in psychological transference, that is -- could entertain any orientation to quantum mechanics other than (Revenge, p. 161):
It took the discovery of the utter incomprehensibility of quantum phenomena to force the acceptance of a statistical more than a deterministic world
And carrying this back to animistic wet-rice habitats, we have a very, very British account of Chinese history ta look to, ta learn from -- Mao, The Unknown Story (Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, Jonathan Cape, 2005, pp. 46-7):
Luckily for Mao, the Nationalist Party did not require such high standards of theoretical correctness. In February 1926 [year of the discovery of the utter incomprehensibility of quantum phenomena as probability amplitude] his patron Wang Ching-wei appointed him a founding member of the Nationalists' Peasant Movement Committee, as well as the head of the Peasant Movement Training Institute, set up two years before with Russian funds.
It was only now, when he was thirty-two, that Mao -- assumed by many to this day to have been the champion of the poor peasants -- took any interest in their affairs. Under Mao, the Peasant Institute churned out agitators who went into the villages, rousted the poor against the rich, and organized them intopeasant associations.
Understandable as British history of China, perhaps, but one must assume subterfuge or total loss of intergenerational memory for a one-time 14-year-old Red Guard (Jung Chang) not to know that a wide range of village voluntary associations existed for thousands of years in wet-rice villages throughout Chinese-influenced Asia, which means they must have existed in China too, and preexisted amongst Chinese villagers before Mao's efforts organized them into 'peasant associations'. Anyone with even the most cursory exposure to the nuts-and-bolts documents (not policy documents: little more than pro forma recording of party chapter and cellular criticism/self-criticism struggling, an attempt to psychologically greenhouse commune-induced identity incorporation) of underground apparats in insurgency-onset would know that only a few of the dozens of categories of village voluntary associations were created de novo by the apparat, and those few late in the process of bringing up the insurgency. Attempts to create de novo at the outset would have been a left-wing infantilism of the first order, and surely a grave strategic error, on a par with the disastrous attempt to implement soviets in 1930s Viet Nam during the Popular Front period. The preexistent associations in Chinese villages were infiltrated, subverted, and eventually coalesced into a national front; most functional new associations were created after the coalescence when the situation was well in hand. What Jung Chang and Jon Halliday encapsulate as organized them into 'peasant associations' was actually merely little more than a stoking of the crowd to the lynch mob -- which Mao, by Chang's and Halliday's own account, an account clearly developed over a selective hunt for hatchet-job handles, backed away from during the late-1920s. Given the vast historical gradients orchestrating Chinese affairs between the two mega-death world wars, gradients transcending backwater China -- thus, far transcending the individual purviews of and effective control over by violent, autocratic, survivor personalities like that of Mao: riding waves at storm, mast broken, no paddle -- one has to take pause at his prescience and insight relative to the stoking-the-mob disasters created by the pandemic left-wing infantile-disorder contagions so in command of late-1920s China. Where does the prescience and insight come from? It comes from the collective gradient, of course, which is unconscious and archetypal. Be sufficiently a non-doer, get the cup empty enough: epiphanies occur, click-ins occur, synchronicities occur, flickers of a sixth sense occur, so-called good luck occurs. All on the gradient, the frequency domain. And what were these preexistent voluntary wet-rice associations if not, en masse, a repository of animistic algorithms, a collective psychological reference space over which animistic identity transparency was arrayed -- animistic identity transparency, in technical terms, being the quantum relative-state of the population corpus living very close to Nature, if not in a state of Nature, surely no bellum omnium contra omnes. For thousands of years, the Emperor's mandate stops at the village gate prevailed, and the main function of the village elders was to stand before that gate as a band-pass filter protecting integrity of the internal anarchism sponsoring spontaneous self-organized social order at behest of the potential delivered by the animistic identity transparency arrayed over the village voluntary associations living very close to Nature. Infiltration and subversion, obviously, would have destroyed all that -- had it not been for the fact that all that was already largely subverted by monetarization of the rural economy (by 1T2-logical money, I would add; a type of money INHERENTLY antithetical to µTm-logical animistic identity transparency) under impress of several centuries of Western (i.e., Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian) incursion: Lovelock scientist, steppin' to with Hobbes (Smith and Associates). It was only after the British East India Company began force-feeding opium to Chinese, for instance, that the worst excesses of the Tokugawa Shogunate, for instance, were perpetrated: nails that stick up, don't get beat down; their heads are cut off for instance, for instance, for instance And one just has to wonder, given how inescapably a China suborned to Newton, Locke, Smith, and Associates is a levering force over seesaw climate-shift pivot, whether or not failure of Mao's Cultural Revolution -- failure a virtual inevitability, since Confucianism has always beat out Taoism through Chinese history -- was the straw that broke the camel's back relative to Lovelock's prediction (Revenge, p. xiv):
We are in a fool's climate, accidentally kept cool by smoke, and before this century is over, billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the artic region where the climate remains tolerable.
Inchoate masses geegawing on the seesaw: now you see it, now you don't.
Reading a book subverts self-organizational repertoire of the brain, separates conscious interface of the brain-contained-by-the-brain from its non-local quantum substrate by imposing thematic unity, linear development, syllogistic presentation. Stream-of-consciousness, y'see, was beginning of bellum omnium contra omnes in literature -- anathema to, particularly, suburbanite and exurbanite over-consumers. The initial conditions and boundary values Lovelock scientist needs if he is to solve his Newtonian differential well-formed formulas and the various classes of difference equations -- poor peasant, rich peasant, and beyond -- don't sit so good with the highly indifferent identity transparencies inherent to quantum relative-state, though the prevailing superposed relative-state fulfills at a much higher level of self-organizational competency all the functions mistakenly attributed by Lovelock scientist to constrained space and feedback and self-regulation. Two-hundred years of mass hysteria over this thematic evasion dissimulating every related issue -- quantum self-organization by electron-transport processes politicized to free radicals subdued by anti-'occidents' taken in Szent-Györgyi/Pauling vitamin mega-doses opposed by an AMA ill advised as to quantum biochemistry -- and people still think there is greater than a ten-percent survival rate possible by techno-solution! When, in service to thematic evasion, the Lovelock scientists filter, rescale, renormalize their climate models to get rid of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes -- the signatures of µTm-logically-valued quantum processes, Earth's atmosphere -- does that mean the non-linear-discontinuity crunches will come sooner than expected? The buck to the back of the head, though, is that all claims to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct must be Let Go (by theory and practice of detachment according to Zen, perhaps) if benison of quantum critical-state collective and cooperative phenomena are to be realized by human corpora living very close to, if not in, the state of Nature; otherwise, that horrid tragedy of the commons will -- free-riders, riding as they do on absence of identity transparency -- put on its high-top black tennies and sneak up behind you and clobber you with yet one more instance of bellum omnium contra omnes.
Color-music is derivative (and, in fact, doesn't actually exit); thus, no route of entry into Musculpt. Colored-hearing, colored-touch, and the like are markers of transitional whipstall. Making any argument here violates the logic which is the case, so the drawing of inferences is irrelevant; yet, stating the case as the case is not the case one wishes to state. But just for the sake of state-case, the observation can be made that self-referential open awareness of unbounded wholeness is not an adequate verbal referent to the state-case; that it has been taken to be so is likely a consequent of socio-political impacts upon brain function. A more adequate inadequate verbal referent would be: self-reentrant self-referential open awareness of unbounded wholeness. By more-than-metaphorical mapping to nested cardinalities over point-set signifiers, Lukasiewiczian self-reference twists over into self-reentry at interface between Cantor's denumerable and non-denumerable, aleph-null and C. Orders of reentry over clouds of Cantor dust transcend C as clouds of unknowing (absent Musculpt as Art-Science of the Old Ones, for unknowing does not capture the knowing of not-knowers: some sort of approach to this falling under the rubric Kunstwissenshaft or allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft: general science of art). Newton's and Helmholtz's color-tone wheels and other such cosmogonic mandalas qua philosopher's stones qua bronze-drum tympana can be regarded cosmological clocks suggestive of the notion of operator-time. Wheels spin, and this is exactly what operator-time does: impart a spin moment (at relative-absolute limiting nested values of m-valued universal physical constants: minimum time, speed of light in vacuo, minimum distance, and so on -- in that order). Newton's wheel expressed the law of sevens as codified in the diatonic scale; he drew his color theory in the space between the tones, literally and figuratively -- his most elaborate prefiguration of Einstein (however much Enlightenment fundamentalists tried to get the colors to sit on the tones). Spin the wheel fast enough and you get white noise/light as the music/cinerama of the spheres. Systems of correspondence, the notion of correspondence being the very idea of a mathematical function: system of the world of simple-identities in absolute space and time. Eulerian correspondence requires correspondents. Spinor is the more accurate depiction. Rotational time rate of change of acceleration, acceleration, velocity of the (Penrose) twistor: white noise/light decomposes to correspondence between correspondent complements. Chromodynamics of the instant, ksana. The color of time's own music: timbre stack is time changes! Kairos, the exact moment of descent. Correspondence, not by higher-dimensional spatial form; by chronotopological invariants: form of those forms! When the electromagnetic spectrum is bent back upon itself under three-fold operator-time -- as Newton metaphorically nearly intuited by alchemical symbolism in closing his color-tone correspondence into a wheel -- no orientable closure is obtained: that spectrum Klein-bottle-reenters itself in non-orientable fashion as acoustically-modified gravity waves, superconductivity being the transducer. No GUTS in linear-memetime. DNA is a laddered double-helix only as first-order operator-time, a decomposition product of higher-order chronotopologies orchestrating the quantum wave properties out of which the molecule is a time-lapse concretion. State, were it distinguishable from case, would have full-blown synaesthesia no cross-modal correlation, as there are no distinct modes to place in correspondence: there is MODE of unbounded wholeness. Simple-identities do not correspond-up to non-simple identity. No such fusion. The state-case does not exist under first-order temporal curl, let alone under linear-memetime.
Light-color/sound-tone are not complements (even by analogy to the quantum complementarity sense) so much as skew-parallels (again, a mere analogy, but a better one, and one pointing in the right direction when bundled into pencils of skew-parallel fibers providing unidirectional stirring to intracellular coacervate phase, slip-streaming cytoskeletal microtubules, and lasing the optical fibers of externalized holoMusculpt dome-projectors). No Newtonian Optiks! Beyond Goethe's color theories. Pigmented color-music is especially not realizable (though the brain-contained-by-the-brain always tries to correlate any binary, any pair presented to it, particularly A and not-A). Art-Science methodology-technology: lasered colors mixed over space between the tones; hypercomplex, to say the least, as all such mixing is in a whole lotta twistin' goin' on and twist and shout! generation of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes like in the DNA case (which lyrics + dance of the loosely coupled dyads in monadic mote clouding the Lal Ded allbase dance floor came on the popular culture scene, regressed form, of course, just after the double-helix appeared and the quotation given below was published into obscurity). Music is not between-the-tones (though Zuckerkandl-Stockhausen of tonal space, not in tonal space is the right cognitive move); Musculpt is between-the-tones, and, truth be told, between the colors. Color-music: same or other; same and other; same or/and other; same or/and other to the Lukasiewiczian mth case, not mth degree? Post-Renaissance scientists embodied middleclass percepts, propriocepts, aspirations, meanings, values, beliefs, wants, habits in physical theory by projective identification in transference and thereby created preconditions for total war and anthropogenically-assisted climate-shift dynamic. Musculpt is against the very identity of the middleclass normotic-science scientist, clinging to the security blanket of his classical limit.
By classical we designate all geometries, Euclidean and non-Euclidean, metrical and non-metrical, in which the entities represented are assumed to be identical with themselves. Notwithstanding all the developments in affine and non-Euclidean systems, classical geometry has remained tied to its primitive purpose of earth measurement in which the question whether or not an entity can be both same and other does not arise. If we are to set our ontology free from the limitation of single-valued existence we require a geometry that will enable us to represent situations in which each entity can be more than one thing at once. (taken from the Appendix to Chapter 15, The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, J. G. Bennett, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, p. 506).
One must note that the appendix title is poorly phrased. On page 509, it is noted that This Appendix is due to Mr. R. L. Brown. Bennett, apparently, recognized the importance of Brown's thought in this area, but was unable to fully incorporate it into his own Systematics (the mode of thought of which is in many ways incompatible, as the non-simple identity invoked by the appendix does not lend itself to the 1T2-logical inference employed in Bennett's Systematics, which body of the multi-volume magnum opus explicates) -- so, appropriately, it was placed as an appendix. Bennett had previously co-authored with R. L. Brown (and M. W. Thring) a paper on unified field theory in higher-dimensional Euclidian space (Unified field theory in a curvature-free five-dimensional manifold, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 198, 1949). This was an early example in a rash of such papers which flooded the physics journals, especially of Eastern Europe during the 1950s, Poland in particular. Which is very interesting -- the Poland in particular -- Poland being the place of origin for Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued logics, the logics of the diversely identical, to employ the term coined by Brown-Bennett which should have been used in the title to their skew-parallelism appendix (which does not mention m-valued logics). Brown obviously developed his take on skew-parallelism over the notion of Clifford parallels, without mentioning that fact in the appendix, just as the focus on five dimensions in the 1949 paper was clearly a take on Kaluza-Klein 5-space which had been around since just after WWI. In both cases, however, Brown clearly had reservations concerning the standard meaning attributed to the concepts, and, thus, how they were initially formulated. I get no impression that Clifford and those who today employ fiber-bundle arithmetics, algebras, and calculi (highly cultivated by Russian mathematicians, presently amongst the leading Lukasiewiczian logicians -- a fact not incidental to the fact that Russian physicists, to much consternation in the West, were applying Einstein's Special Relativity to dynamical meteorology from the WWI era, and thus may have the potential for greater insight into the prevailing climate-shift dynamic than scientists elsewhere) have been inclined to challenge sacrosanct Western notions as to the fundamental metaphysical properties of identity qua identity -- which is precisely what Brown-Bennett set out to do in their appendix. Kaluza-Klein 5-space is obviously not curvature-free (indeed, it allows Maxwellian EM theory to be at least partially Einsteinized) given that its 5th dimension is curved into an itsy-bitsy loop (of quantum-gravity) in just such a fashion, it is said, that we can have no direct awareness thereof. Brown-Thring-Bennett clearly thought we could have awareness of it (likely in an altered state of consciousness) so they uncurled the tiny loop over flat Euclidian space and in so doing found themselves embroiled in what they called anti-time -- which is not negative time, i.e., simple reversal of linear-time (as conventionally conceived). To my state-case, Brown-Thring-Bennett uncurling quantum-gravity loop to anti-time is a marker of the presence of topologically-active hypercomplex-imaginary operator-time, which, in application to field theory, becomes temporal curl (and uncurl): this is exemplified in how the spatial del operator becomes a spacetime del operator (transcending Hamilton's quaterions; requiring Cayley's 8-tuples and Grassmann algebras). Active time, no mere reference-framework condition. Unfurling quantum-gravity loop by temporal operations at quantum measurement autogenic discharge into superstrings twistorized into fiber-bundles gauge connected by superconductivity transducer into diversely-identical skew-chronotopolgies of Cantor-dust clouds electromagnetically trapped-charged in Riemann-surface topologies of manifold space, motes of which are numbered with numbered Gödel numbers into Lukasiewiczian propositional logics. Musculpt of the diversely-identical Riemann spheres as above, so below.
Given a choice -- as they all actually have had -- whether to become Van Gogh or his brother, the art critics choose to become the brother. Money always sets the agenda; thus, if you follow the money, you do not set your agenda -- be the money your own or that of someone else. Once I understood that (senior year of high school contemplating multiple bank credit expansion vis-à-vis PSSC quantum physics), I started to attend to the topological and, later, logical properties of the very idea of money (and, soon thereafter, an undergraduate's junior year, abandoned whatever money-motivated aspirations I might have had to follow the money). Store of value, as exchanged in exchange of hau (i.e., animistic identity transparency) by ritual gift exchange -- treated most fundamentally by Maussian general theory of the gift -- is in cosmogonic metaphor to the topological principle of invariance (cf. Giorgio de Santillana's and Hertha von Dechend's 1969 Hamlet's Mill, that mill, depicted in alchemic etchings fascinating to C. G. Jung, as rotating and twirling intersecting stones, i.e., cascading axes of spin in repeated flip-over, its own sort of money mill) and extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz propositional logic. Collapse the logical-value order-type of the very idea of the money employed from µTm all the way down to 1T2 and the imposed condign agenda-spectrum punishment is abysmally circumvallated by scrimshandered (existentially-carved scrimshaw) chessmen, as Cloud Atlas would say it with percussion, bassoon, and flute in program-music analog to greenhouse warming moving to cliff-hanger climacteric. It should by now be apparent to all that the agendas set by 1T2-logical money are inherently genocidal, ecocidal, and planetocidal. And in following 1T2-logically-valued money, the critics, art- and art-music, never enter the proprioceptive, perceptual, and cognitive hyperspaces and chronotopologies of the painterly plastic artists and the clinquant composers they choose to critique. The READYMADE, readymade by prescriptive-enculturation-induced glutamatergic neuronal etching, reduced by critic-interpretation (i.e., by the glutamatergically-etched normotic brain) to the found object which popped up as popular-culture ikon-worship during the Sixties-throwback to the Teens and early-Twenties. This, its own climacteric, given that the two Marcels -- Mauss and Duchamp -- during roughly the same period capsulated histories of their respective fields of interest in the post-medieval period.
There were attempts to explore the implications, of course -- all pretty much stopped DEAD in their tracks by the semantic debaissement (a psychological state, chronicled by C. G. Jung, induced by devaluation of value with respect to whatsoever domain of value) perpetrated in wake of those following the money, mostly. Art in the Age of the Great Spiritual reduced to mere spiritualism and theosophy by those incapable of entering the requisite proprioceptive, perceptual, and cognitive hyperspaces and chronotopologies.
Brown-Thring-Bennett clearly thought we could have awareness of it (likely in an altered state of consciousness) so they uncurled the tiny loop over flat Euclidian space and in so doing found themselves embroiled in what they called anti-time
Here -- trying GUTS in 5-space -- we have a major marker, a giant clue to pre-WWI art and art music -- enclammed as it may be. Quoting a paper on active-time logics in homeopathy I once penned:
Kandinsky's book, On the Spiritual in Art, maintains that given geometrical shapes can only be certain colors; a triangle, say, must be yellow. Mondrian came to declare that in representing reality a painter must use only perpendicular relations and panes of pure color. The shapes of Ellsworth Kelly, once saturated with color, define their own spaces. Did these artists somehow intuit (via Goethe-like properties of light) that the time-logics of self-forming are color-coded? Cognitive paths described in Rice Pereira's book, The Nature of Space, A Metaphysical and Aesthetic Inquiry (into The Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite), led her to paint in what she called the layered-transparent. Joe Goode looks through in most everything he paints. Frantisek Kupka, by 1913, had painted a spontaneous LOCALIZATION. No wonder Marcel Duchamp asked himself something like: Of what use is mere painting to a mind attempting comprehension of a multi-leveled universe READYMADE as if single-leveled by enculturation, where every constant object found and every other is a phenomenologically-constructed LARGE GLASS reflecting a peculiar identity into Mallarmé's anterior sky via his windowpane, or even the WINDOWS of Delaunay which open onto a new reality of discrete action in uneven measures?
Delaunay's overt references to the quantum theory in Chevreul's color theory, or not, were these people crazy? A triangle can only be yellow? Why, I know for a fact that there are red triangles, having seen them with my very own eyes. These people had to have been crazy! Was Kandinsky talking dollars and cents or was he talking making sense and the senses? Color complements and quantum complementarities? Was Kandinsky offering us a wave statement, not a wave equation? As regards autogenic brain discharges, wave equations are derivative of wave statements -- and, clearly, Kandinsky, a surpassing talent at colored-hearing, likely also a sufferer of taste polymorphism, and a shapetaster and colortoucher -- surely knew this. Are qualia truly subjective? Kandinsky, Mondrian, the practitioners of Orphism, et al., believed otherwise. To a consummate shapetaster, a triangle could only be yellow, say -- and this was no subjective judgment, as far as the shapetaster and his cohort were concerned. How could that be? What would it mean? That's what they tried to discover at the Bauhaus, for instance. If you take the responsibility upon yourself to kick one signifying term after another out of the Academy of post-Renaissance naturalism, until there are no more, then you seek the meta-semiosis underlying those signifiers as the basis, not of a new paradigm, but as synergistic integration of the resultant post-paradigmatic Weltbilt. This started in earnest, in fact, soon after Tristanakkord (4-note half-diminished 7th chord leitmotivisch -- sharp, sharp over-over base-clef dyad -- Musikdrama Tristan und Isolde fur die Harmonik der Romantik) was written. Aural Integriert: fractal idolons -- eidolon-idols of the tribe, the tribe authentically in animistic identity transparency -- of the form-integrets Derek of MOON saw-heard, shapetasted, ambling through the KICH, Kyoto International Conference Hall, exemplar of the Japan Style, the original of which, to which the Bauhaus owed so much of its inspiration. Oh, the imperfections of modern music! Musical form being temporal -- indeed, in chronotopologies -- and form in post-Renaissance chordal harmony being in horizontal movement of chords, not in static verticality of the chords themselves, the chromaticism ululated by Tristanakkord impulses, arcing integriert over the score, shattered the structure of Western logic, not merely the logic of Western structures. Western brains-contained-by-their-brains have yet to recover, and likely never will recover (having already fought a Franco-Prussian war and two world wars in abreaction of the PTSD induced by Tristanakkord and its precursor in Abel's Impossibility theorem). Far worse a despoiler than that Luciferian tritone diabolus ever was to 9th and 10th century organum. Not even to mention diagonal tritones. Just try to think of it! Oh, to adapt modern praxis to ancient music! Abel's theorem not only demonstrated existence of, but also necessity of, mathematics transcendental to algebra, a mathematics of transcendental domains full of multiformities, not only Gaussian uniformities of the complex variable. Selfsame simple-identity lost forever. People were aghast. Impossible! Impossible! Impossible! We must, simply must find new geometries, more dimensions. Retain simple-identity by removing non-simple attributes to other dimensions: that's it; that'll do it. A solution! But a solution requiring constant work and revision as discoveries evermore pile in upon wretched brains in cognitive overload, denial, recoil, resolved to revenge.
Kandinsky was a lawyer who, in Russia, created an institute of synaesthesia which never got far; only after the institute failed did he seriously turn his hands to painting. Most interested in entering the requisite proprioceptive, perceptual, and cognitive hyperspaces and chronotopologies. Late bloomer as a practicing plastic artist. Kandinsky knew that cross-modal correlation between sensory dimensions -- colored-hearing, for instance; each day of the week its own color -- only passes for synaesthesia. Cognitive phase transition in whipstall. The spiritual in art had to be in the aesthesis which is amodal, ontologically and epistemologically before sensory modalities are. So, think of it. Just as fast as the normotics are trying to put everything back into Pandora's box opened by Abel in 1826, the avant-garde is trying to pull those same things out into the light of day. Qualia. Hmmm. Remove them to other dimensions so as to produce the appearance of simple-identity? Or is it actually in the inverse? Are qualia the only ways -- however poor -- non-simple identity can be represented to monads, those entities simply-identified with their modalities, their sensory dimensions? In the presence of other worlds, like Swedenborg -- but no direct awareness of the fact for normotics, short of the requisite seizures? If so, how so? There had to be a semiosis, and that's what Kandinsky, Mondrian, and many others went in search of.
Episodically, probably from the last ice age, animistic amodal qualia were put back into Pandora's box. We call this putting back the rise of civilization. But if ontogeny recaps phylogeny, then prescriptive enculturation through Piaget's stages of cognitive development likely recaps the rise of civilization. Neuronal etching of the brain-contained-by-the-brain by glutamate Flood as the Noah's Ark of civilization. Which surely has not been a good thing, ontogenically and phylogenically. Productive of no all-equals-all pantisocracy, but a lock on Hobbesian all-against-all. The Lukasiewiczian µTm-logical, nonlocal, non-simply identifiable quantum substrate of the brain-contained-by-the-brain is the repository of amodal qualia civilization stuffs back into the box. BoxMan and XBOX -- indeed, the various prevalent fads in suicide of simple-identities -- are appropriate collective projections as planetocidal consequences of this stuffing become imminent. Non-simple quantal identity-transparency represents itself to discrete brain, the peripheral device, as modal qualia. Husserl was an ambivalent Epimetheus in history of all this: he suppressed significance of Abel and Cantor, and along with Russell tried to prevent appearance of a Lukasiewicz, yet gave us the eidetic horizons of an object by a practice more mere thought than practice named by the name of its opposite: reduction. The brain, having become restricted by socially-imposed aberrations of its neurochemistry, to the 1T2-order-type in logical processing, can no longer directly represent to awareness the nonlocal, non-simple attributes of reality, including the lowest of higher dimensions. Who sees songlines these days? Statements to the effect that a triangle can only be yellow, that reality can only be represented by rectilinears and pure colors, that movement (including horizontal movement of chords) in a lower dimension represents correlation in a higher dimension, that tones have their corresponding colors, that timbres programmatically represent classes of physical objects -- all such Platonisms -- were attempts to semiotically codify Musculpt sans the requisite medium. Holographic Musculpt is the amodal-qualia semiosis of the quantum substrate allbase of the peripheral device deemed the discrete brain -- once known, but no longer.
My art-music explorations of synaesthesia (or synesthesia) were not conducted because I am a natural-born synaesthete (or synesthete) -- I am not -- and not because I studied Kandinsky and Schoenberg. I was propelled into this area by an aspiration to more deeply understand my propensity to engage in projective-identification at transference (initially in the man-woman romantic love context; later, in regards to the more abstract and transpersonal subject-[physical]object level of transference). The synaesthesia I have experienced came mostly during my late-20s and early-30s when I was intensely studying studio art and music composition, regularly engaging in walking mediation and tree-digging self-observation (for lack of a better term), and several other categories of facilitative practice -- and this experience only appeared when I was in highly concentrated states of consciousness. There were never for me fixed correlations (e.g., always a given color for a given tone), nor were types of synaesthesia separated in experience one from another (e.g., colored-hearing occurring in isolation from shape-hearing in isolation from taste polymorphism in isolation from tactile-color in isolation from ). I understood the synaesthesia as a concomitant to entering the state of deautomatization incumbent upon reversion of attention cathexes back upon themselves with sufficient concentration while simultaneously retaining prolonged focused absorption in aesthetic problem solving (e.g., at figure drawing with the purpose to penetrate the nature of the transference; at painting music in order to explore shape and time, time of shape, time-shape; at contemplation of some mathematical issue larger than a mere puzzle while in walking meditation in inner-separation from the physical act of walking). The notion of correlation I contemplated was not between sensory dimensions, but between the representation spaces of those dimensions: the cross-modal correlations and de-phasings were given directly to awareness as interfusion of the hyperspaces or their disconnection: visual space, tonal space, feeling space, configuration space, various number spaces, and so on. I had had some of this as a child in Japan; and later, beginning in immediate post-adolescence, with what I called my Plexiglas wall experiences. And, before going to Japan, I had for a short period been a sleepwalker, which is a certain kind of preparation for walking meditation. Retrospectively, I think these experiences were responsible for my focusing on the skew-parallelism appendix to J. G. Bennett's The Dramatic Universe when I ran across it in 1963 (age 18) in Samuel Wiser's bookstore in NYC. Somehow, without understanding the math, I strongly sensed there was possibly an explanation of my experience contained in this appendix. I flashed on it; there was a major subjective electrical surge telling me this is important. So I bought the book, a big expense for me at the time. Later, the synaesthesia came not by slow emergence but by abreactive discharge, an egress just the way a celestial body appears from occultation: dynamic polymorph color fields associated with tones congealing into a Belsonesque moving, flowing, topologically transforming shape, whereupon all dimensions have semantic attachments or tags. I called this music-sculpture, later Musculpt (as if a software instruction code: Cornell meteorologist Douglas A. Paine shortened the term as used in conversation between us during 1975 on analogy to instructions in the cascade-theory tornado-simulation model like well Navier-Stokes integration: EXECUTE; PBL subroutine: EXECUTE; Conv parameterization: EXECUTE). MUSCULPT went along with INITIATE, NEGATE, EXECUTE, write OUT, read IN, LOAD The tornado is music-sculpture on the planetary scale: at the most-simplistic level, a roll cloud tilting into a funnel radiating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (infrasound).
As a fair witness, bare-phenomenological, auto-sensory-observation report, I can offer the following account of the autogenic abreactions I experienced mostly during my 20s and 30s (similar details being available from many autogenic training practitioners, and lavishly recorded in the clinical literature): I personally found two papers to be of special benefit: W. Luthe, A. Jus, and P. Geissmann, Autogenic State and Autogenic Shift: Psychophysiologic and Neurophysiologic Aspects and Wolfgang Luthe, The Clinical Significance of Visual Phenomena During the Autogenic State both in W. Luthe (ed.). Autogenic Training: Correlationes Psychosomaticae. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1965. Also of great benefit to me relative to this realm of experience was a long visit with friends of my parents during the summer after my senior year of high school, where the woman was a psychologist specialized in treatment of schizophrenic children, especially by analysis of their artwork: I received daily discourse on psychological implications of drawings and watercolors. Generally, in my case facilitated by tree-digging self-observation and walking meditation, there was a petit mal aura of some sort announcing presence. Very gentle pressure-tingling paresthesias about the head (type, location, movement, and intensity varying from case to case); or the subtle sense that someone is behind me; or the unsolicited sudden awareness I am here self-remembering, lasting momentarily; or the hearing of my name being called, when it is not being called, at least in the consensual world; or a sensation like the ears popping at attaining altitude, with a receding of self-apprehension proprioceptive awareness into subjective depth where, for instance, sounds are removed and seem to be coming from farther away than their obvious source visually appears located (initiation of de-phasing auditory space from visual space); or sudden unexpected registration of vivid color well beyond normal day-to-day color awareness, jumps off the page of life so to speak with day-glo startle; or taking a sip or biting into something familiar and tasting the wrong thing; or turning and looking at a face and seeing it differently than it is known to be, where the subtle differences capture the psychological state of the person. The list is long, with well more than a dozen types of such auras, variations within each type. None of this leads to a daymare; though, perhaps, a dayglow. Presence has simply been established, availability. One can shake it off by getting out of the absorbed state, or one can go with it. Going with it generally allows (give carte blanche to the brain, as is said in autogenic training) a subtle shift in time-rate perception, where everything (particularly in the external world) seems to be happening a bit slower than usual (subjective registration of an increase in the baud-rate of consciousness). Onset of photisms (the most common form of autogenic discharges, and the most frequently experienced by most every practitioner): golden, or hot-white, or blue spots of light appear in the visual field (day or night); or a change in the quality of the ambient light, brightening or dimming; or multi-colored lattice flash, an anastomosis of intersecting lines over a color-field, the line-inosculation generally of one color, more rarely two or three (eyes open or closed); or a color-burst spin-wheel lasting a fraction of a second; or sudden polarization of the light, as if one had put on this or that color of sunglasses with which to view the natural surround; or any of these can be elicited, in presence of the state, by an unexpected sound of abrupt onset or light-shade transition if walking, for instance. What has just been described is emptying-head stuff: the facilitating absorption is autosensory, self-observational in character, not simultaneously aesthetic problem-solving focused. If, however, so focused (and this correlates with content of Wolfgang Luthe's last book, Creativity Mobilization Technique. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1976), the standard autogenic abreaction will take on added dimensions. The dynamic, polymorphic color field does not transform, as in the standard autogenic abreaction, into a natural scene with a storyline thematically related to the chief complaint (such thematic orchestration hypothetically provided by a centrencephalic safety-discharge mechanism related to Wilder Penfield's CIS, Centrencephalic Integrating System) but congeals into the inner visualization of a transforming 3-D colored form associated synaesthetically with the other sensory dimensions: sounds, smells, tastes, tactile responses. Eyes open, this is given on the edge of subliminal awareness, a kind of sounded ghost-image; eyes closed, it jumps into full eidetic clarity. Sixth sense, I suspect, involves this form being fully subliminal with bleed-back to awareness of some of its imports (meanings). And I can make the unwelcome observation that those truly adept at high combat have access to such bleed-back and that this access is part of the allure of war. This synaesthetic form is an epistemological-semantic gestalt: it represents all-that-is concerning the given aesthetic problem, and the relationship of any-that-is to all-that-is. As any line of thought on the nature of the problem is pursued, dimensions of the form change (different sound, new smell, change of shape, shift in some aspect of a given color, an electrical surge over a portion of the body) in such a way as to capture synaesthetically the meanings associated with that line of thought. The form may represent, for instance, the form of a complex piece of music, such as Oliver Messiaen's Turangalila Symphony, which has as many as seven simultaneous stacked themes (can't remember exactly; listened to this many, many times during my synaesthetically most-active period, 1969-75; other favorites of the period being George Crumb, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Toru Takemitsu, Anton Webern). Only a very highly trained musical sensibility can authentically separate out these simultaneous Messiaen cosmic-love-play themes in awareness -- and which such sensibility can simultaneously hold the full complement of separated themes in awareness while listening to the symphony? My guess is, with the rarest of exceptions, only a synaesthetically-equipped such sensibility! Most easily done if each theme is a different color, but also helpful if each is a different smell, a different taste, a different characteristic tingle. A taste of this comes when a given leitmotiv causes a shiver to go down the spine: like elicited, for instance, by the vong co series of falling tones for the Vietnamese aficionado of hat cai luong renovated opera. And most helpful if the sounded-form epistemological-semantic gestalt of the symphony has the full complement of synaesthetic dimensions: music-sculpture. The colored-sounded-form tasted, touched, and smelled in shape-shifting as the symphony is played, its many dimensions representing the logical march of the various formal aspects of the piece. Thorough familiarity with this formalism, one suspects, would allow a Mozart to hear only a few bars of a Mass, just enough to receive the form and note the basics of the logical march, and later to write down (transcribe the form into note-notation) the complete composition from hearing only those few bars. Indeed, in my opinion, 20th century art music cannot be fully grasped, unless sculptured; 20th century plastic art cannot be fully grasped, unless musiqued. The complexity of the subject matters treated is just too great for the unaided ear, too great for the eye unaided. Moreover, again in my judgment, higher-valued Lukasiewiczian logics of Schrödinger wave-function superposition cannot authentically be used absent Musculpt encoding of the numbered Gödel numbers of its higher order-type propositions.
Given this autogenic-abreactive experience, I never seriously considered cross-modal correlations (such as those studied by L. E. Marks, On Colored-Hearing Synesthesia: Cross-Modal Translations of Sensory Dimensions, Psychological Bulletin, 83, 1975: I prefer to use synAesthesia because to me this a matter of aesthetics, with the sensory phenomena being subordinate, derivative, secondary) as anything but a preliminary to deeper processes. Given that the whole notion of functional localization (which Penfield had started mapping by open-brain research on epileptics) was beginning to break down by the late-'60s, and mechanisms of action of neurotransmitters were by the the mid-'70s becoming recognized to involve electron-transport processes, and electrons in transport surely partake of the quantum principles of nonlocality and non-simple identity, I did not doubt that there is a non-binary-logic aspect to synaesthesia, however much cross-correlations may delineate over cortical maps. By Albert Szent-Györgyi's ideas on the role of electron-transport (Introduction to a Submolecular Biology, 1960) I began to think of the synaesthetic form, the epistemological-semantic gestalt, as pre-cortex, indeed, pre-brain, and involved with the nonlocal quantum substrate (of cortical and subcortical processes) of which the brain is a linear-time-lapse projection -- for certainly elementary particles, and their characteristic properties and behaviors, are ontologically prior to the atoms, molecules, and cells which constitute the brain. This conviction that the synaesthetic form is of the quantum substrate increased enormously when I learned about neuronal etching by glutamate flood, and that endogenous ketamine is the antidote to glutamate. Doubts began to flee like pigeons from a belfry at first ring of the bell. Activity of glutamate under prescriptive enculturation of Piaget's stages of cognitive development etches (removes) the capacity for direct conscious µTm-logical Lukasiewiczian readout from the quantum substrate Schrödinger wave-function superposition, which begins to reestablish itself under influence of increased titers of endogenous ketamine produced with prolonged practice of whatever discipline facilitates transit of the brain deeply enough into the trophotropic state to initiate ketaminergic restoration of the lost readout capacity. Were this the case, obviously, there would be great complexities involved. The reductive phenomenology bare-perception readout resulting from concentrated practice of Husserliana, for instance, would surely lead one's eidetic abeactive cinerama not only into the realms of Jordon Belson's films and Messiaen's symphonies, but also the layered-transparent of polytope networks over which Gödel numbers are numbered to µTm order-types of Lukasiewicz propositions.
A three-sequence dream (night of 19-20 December 2006). First sequence: I am with a little girl listening to Franz Shubert's Trout Quintet on the stereo, explaining how music conveys movement in space. During the Quintet's introduction, I act out triumphal motion suggested by triplet rhythmic figures. In the concluding variation to the forth movement, I ask her to see the trout appearing and disappearing by hearing the rising and falling tones: Picture the fish waving the water, I say. Shubert brought the trout into the Quintet from a song he had earlier written. What color is it? Red, of course: cutthroat trout. Can you see the red? The little girl asks: What do the three tones mean? Second sequence: A young woman named Hadroni is preparing for a footrace in the Asian Games. She decides to take advantage of a congenital anomaly. As the race begins, she kicks the runner in front of her, who, in turn, knocks her down, grabs her left leg and twists it three times: the three twists turn the leg all the way around, 360-degrees. The crowd and judges are aghast. For her behavior, Hadroni is not allowed to participate in future races. But she rejects this ruling and resolves to participate anyway. Third sequence: I am sitting at a table with the little girl's middle-aged mother. We are trying to figure out what the three tones mean. There are three rows of numbers written on a large sheet of paper, each number row representing the meaning of one of the three notes. Tonometrics: cents calculations and logarithmics of intervals between tonal frequencies. Do the numbers number the tones or between the tones? Is the meaning in the tones or the space between the tones? Is the interval a distance or a logarithmic twist? We can't figure it out. I say to the woman that this is something I studied a long time ago, but never got the chance to use. Someday, we might be able to do a Musculpt composition, I proclaim. She smiles indulgence.
Interpretation: In the first sequence, the little girl is a figure from the unconscious, my Anima. Indeed, the Anima is presented at three stages of life, a stage in each dream sequence. The numbers 2, 3, 5, and 7 -- the first four primes (a quaternity signifying psychological completion) -- are prominent. Stereo = 2. Triplets = 3. Quintet = 5. Stereo + me + girl + Shubert + triplets + Trout + red = 7. Triplets imparting motion is a reference to 3-fold temporal curl and associated topological operations on space. In the second sequence, the name Hadroni refers to a class of elementary particles, the hadrons. Hadrons have two legs: fermionic and bosonic (the baryons and the mesons). Twisting the left leg (the baryons?) three times to 360-degrees is another reference to 3-fold temporal curl (also to the three quark-pairs, i.e., three order-types of temporal-curl and un-temporal-curl?). The arrow of time turned back upon itself into a logarithmic unit circle (360-degree twist) to the base e: in quantum mechanics, positive-negative frequency splitting (two legs?) refers to time and its functions. Hadroni, Anima as young woman, because of her congenital anomaly (the runner from India just flunked her gender-characteristics test!) is told she can no longer join the races. This is a reference to the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Fermionic hadrons (the left leg before subjected to 3-fold temporal curl?) or baryons obey the Exclusion Principle. Bosonic hadrons (the left leg after subjected to 3-fold temporal curl?) or mesons do not obey the Exclusion Principle. Hadroni, after being subjected to three twists, resolved not to obey. In the third sequence, Anima as cosmic mother oversees the attempt to understand the meaning of the triple operator, thus to answer the question posed by Anima as girl-child. The question was posed in relation to music. Cents (the sense or meaning of it?) signify measures of musical distance, frequency ratios, logarithmic units: acoustic logarithms. Reference to acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes: infrasound? The meaning is hidden? Not on the tones, but in the interval between? Hadroni's positive-negative frequency splitting gives rise to the functions of time. Number rows. Prime numbers in rows? Prime numbers raised to appropriate powers (by twisting?) arrayed in a row = Gödel number = signifier of the meaning of a proposition. Gödel numbers put to music? The proposition indicated by a Gödel number is in syllogistic march of recursion along the arrow-of-time line. In Gödel's Proof the line of syllogistic march was turned back upon itself -- like the prime numbers which are its factors -- thus violating the 1T2-logic law of non-contradiction, i.e., no A is not-A. This violation -- where A becomes not-A -- requires not only a turning back upon but also a twist, like in creation of a Möbius Strip, a one-sided band. Gödel numbered temporal curl's twist which is imparted to space? If so, in doing so -- proving that consistency and completeness cannot be proved within the rule-system defining the system-itself being considered -- he illustrated time as logical and topological operator. Which is to demonstrate that passive reference-frame linear-time is an artifact of socialization (by glutamatergic neuronal etching at prescriptive enculturation?). Moreover, consistency and completeness has to be found outside the system in question, which is to say any such system: the Riemann surface of order-types is unboundable. Gödel numbers numbered to Cantor's C. Musically speaking, the Gödel number of the propositional meaning is the factors (the cents or sense) over the interval, not on the tone. And each such interval, by Gödel's Proof, is a twisted loop of frequency splits revealing the logical functions of topologically active operator-time. Something to do with Kaluza-Klein loop-dimension? Moving from sheet to sheet, sheave by sheave, over the Riemann surface map and its numbered-Gödel-number numerical coverings means -- logically speaking -- the proposition goes not only in a syllogistic line, but simultaneously in all directions of the hyperspace: meaning is in every which way but loose! A given proposition would be a complete Musculpt symorphonie! One afterthought: Stereo + me + girl + Shubert + triplets + Trout + red = 7. SMGSTTR. Reshuffle. TTGMRSS. T = Time. G = Gödel. M = Möbius. R = Riemann. S = Space. Put a T and an S on each end, rather than two T's and two S's, and the head of the letter sequence can twist around to eat its tail leaving behind a codon triplet by self-canceling.
I am not a strong believer in meditation of any sort. It is useful to ask: Why have the world's institutionalized great religions so strongly advocated (to put it nicely) meditation? Along with Sri Aurobindo, I rank efficacy of meditation (efficacy for what?) below that of contemplation below that of concentration in self-observation. Gurdjieff had a similar assessment. Walking meditation is the stock term, and people are familiar with it, so I have employed the term for what I did for many years, but what I actually did while walking was not so much like the meditation described in Mt. Athos Philokalia (Greek Orthodox monks apparently are not so much into walking as fighting these days!) or similar to Zen kinhin (often simply riding on zazen) and did not involve the attention to breathing at The Heart of Buddhist Meditation (for which I went to Sri Lanka On the Road to Find Out) so much as ambulatory cultivation of a Laingian divided self, Gurdjieffian inner separation, Aurobindoic voluntary dissociation, schizophreniform concentration in Jacobsonian autosensory, autoemotive, and autocognitive observation (riding on the back of no form of sitting). Moreover, I did this not only walking at the same time each day (with attention paid to other aspects of rhythm entrainment and phase-advance inside the envelope of associated Luthean autogenic brain discharge) but daily often for ten hours per day, day in and day out, year after year while root pruning or transplanting large trees frequently alone at the farm sometimes under a piece-work-driven speed-of-performance requirement. The one form of sword making I found still available as good work in America as late as the early-1980s. Of course, I started on this soon after returning from Viet Nam, with the spirit learned in Special Forces Training Group, while working for an 83-year-old 5th-degree black belt in jujitsu trained as a horticulturalist and bonsai master in late-Meiji Japan (an anarchist thrown out of Japan during the Taisho era and put in a special concentration camp for dissidents inside a concentration camp for Japanese in America during WWII). Unsolicited and without exogenously-introduced drugs, sitting on the floor looking back at oneself sitting in the chair, one definitely starts to contemplate multiple connections in binocular visual space at Luneburg limiting velocity and limiting velocity of cognition of percepts (i.e., limiting baud rate of that state of consciousness) under Lukasiewicz m-valued logics of quantal non-simple identity. Probably the most accessible accounts of GABA and glutamate and ketamine and dopamine involvement in all this are to be found in James H. Austin's books on Zen neurology published by MIT Press: Zen and the Brain (1998) and Zen-Brain Reflections (2006). But one has to maintain a healthy skepticism about these accounts because Austin maintains a far too unhealthy neutrality concerning the agendas and biases involved in the differential psychopathology research, particularly on ketamine: model psychosis, schizophreniform psychosis, derealization, dissolution, near-death, merging, oceanic unboundedness, loss of the time sense under the rubric of ordeals. Which time sense is that? You call that real? Near-death of what? Ordeals for which I? Oh, the ego-I. That must not be the same I as Whitman's other I am, eh. If readable in Leaves of Grass, why not trees? From the account provided, it appears likely that M.D. Austin, unlike M.D. John C. Lilly, has not self-injected ketamine, certainly never in so systematic a fashion over so many years as exhibited in Lilly's Tank Logs. Taking a sub-anesthetic dose is quite different from taking a heavy anesthetic dose in an isolation/flotation tank, with immediate-post-emergence piggy-back injections to study the Tell me this: Do you think self-observation is possible under a heavy anesthetic dose of ketamine? A mite of propranolol HCL, don't want no migraine hallucinations like Yayoi Kusama, ha-ha-ha! uh, oops! sans the Valium, of course. That would take a little fearless living, don't you think? SSS: special service stuff for SF medics! Ego-identified careerist neuropsychiatrists actually investigating ketamine? Heh-heh-heh! And you wonder why I wonder why Tantric Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function was not interpreted with Lukasiewicz m-valued logics -- and why that resulted in world war. I don't wonder; I'm pretty sure I'm sure I could be quite certain: Prajnaparamita. That must be out there with Nagarjuna beyond the excluded middle and the excluded ends, or maybe between the ends the middle is distributed to. But don't you just wonder why Russell Targ and J. J. Hurtak, while all absorbed with Nagarjuna's 4-valued logic, have nothing to say (except a derogatory sentence on the most superficial interpretation of fuzzy logic: p. xx) about extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz propositional logic and how that might bring about The End of Suffering [by] Fearless Living in Troubled Times (Hampton Roads Publishing, 2006) particularly if applied to the realm of monetary units? And Lukasiewiczian logics have been on the scene for the better part of a full century! The End of Violence in violence, more like (i.e., reading a superconductant-DNA wave-signature from a satellite).
Sorry, I stopped believing in fearless leaders even before I arrived in Vetnaaaaaam to take a testicle wound because of the fear of one of my leaders. The price paid is always proportional to the creative potential of the cognitive breakaway. Let practical considerations stand in the way? Not hardly! Not the SF way. If it is impractical, so what? Do it impractically, then. Nowadays, I never trust facts, don't believe in evidence, for facts and evidence not only are always changing, but have no meaning unless interpreted, and all interpretations we know of rely upon a given logical-value order-type out of a continuum infinity thereof. Against Interpretation is the very least one can be post-Planck, post-Einstein, post-Lukasiewicz, post-Schrödinger, post-Gödel -- absent Vir-Fut Q-Pro. Even if Einstein, and to a lesser degree, Gödel, tried to put the genie back in the plasma bottle -- or to hide the genie in fallout from atomic detonations. A technology, even a whole technological regime, is an interpretation by projective-identification at the subject-(physical)object level of transference (an artifact of the 1T2-logic order-type). And, until recently, the role of any given culture was to impose interpretation upon interpretations like technologies (macroartifactual and/or microsoft). Increasingly, however, for the past four-hundred years, cultures have been forced by the coercively-imposed metaconventions of the economic system -- particularly the logical properties of the monetary units employed -- to themselves adapt to uniformizing technologies, an ill-considered and deleterious role reversal undoubtedly responsible for the present transcarrying-capacity, resource-depletion, ecological, and climate-shift crisis, planet Earth. Refusal to abandon attachment (in the full Buddhist sense) to facts is not only culpable for a century and a half of megadeath, there is not yet the slightest indication of a reversal of the pathoLOGICAL role reversal, and that is a chronomantic prefiguration of the highest order. It's the Book of Changes, not the Book of Chances, and given the prefigurative relationship between predisposing Westernized interpretations of the I-Ching (made well before Watson and Crick appeared on the scene) and the present consensus interpretation of genetic codons as single-level ciphers, it is quite obvious we can read the fate of our species in the 1T2-logical dysterpretation of changes as chances (with a little help from yet one more Cornellian, Johnson F. Yan [DNA and the I Ching, North Atlantic, 1991]), rather than adoption of active µTm-logical-operator operator-time as superconducting genetic chronomantic.
One can easily imagine Stephen Hawking as a student peeking over the edge of the event horizon and wrenching back in horror from the perceived identity dyscrasia glimpsed within -- given that fleeting bloody Weird's immediate metaphysical and psychological implications. Particle creation near black holes could be viewed as another peek-and-wrench, as could passive imaginary time. How many Holydays for The Fertile-Crescent Religion -- with its subsects, sects, and three supersects -- celebrate ethnic acts of violence and/or sacred places of vengeance regained or to be regained? Only at The End of Days would such Holydays come to an end. According to the faithful, Times -- occasionally even mad minutes, hours, the Hour -- have their Place Names and jubilee ritual markings, most of which could by some be considered imaginary. Then there is Swedenborg's, Times there [in the spiritual world] are qualities of state. Quantum state? David Bohm said that quantum mechanics is a theory of clocks within clocks within clocks. Clocks-as-waves and waves-as-clocks as functions superposed -- subset, set, and superset -- to system composite (Jewish-Christian-Muslim Jesus returning by some twisted self-referential temporal loop). The uniqueness of Planck's treatment of radiation resides in the fact that prophecy no longer requires a detailing of the spatial field; necessary and sufficient for prediction of behavior is characterization of the properties of a fundamental oscillator (clock within clock within clock, i.e., dispensation within dispensation within dispensation): behavior and the time-names of places, for space has been swallowed by time. Dispensational premillennialism in certain ways prefigured Planck -- as a kind of Schoenberg retrograde inversion (thought provoking in this regard is Behavior and the Place Names of Time by Bernard S. Aaronson, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 9, 1966, which is a paper more or less about what is professionally considered schizophrenic cognition and its markings). One can contextualize by considering that the multi-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics -- the most fully clocked interpretation, for there is no permitted collapse of the wave-function composite clock to some localized spatial place -- has been widely regarded as a schizophrenic view of reality (if few have gone so far as to say that it is a schizophrenic's view). In this interpretation, each time the universe observes itself it splits into unbridgeable parallel personalities: the very definition of hysterical dissociation into multiple-personality disorder (not exactly schizophrenia, even though the property of parallels being unbridgeable is due to the rules of thermodynamics). Loss of time is involved. Time is lost to one personality by presence of another. Maybe so much time is lost to presence, there being so many personalities, none is left (or so little left that, given a slow baud-rate of consciousness, it can't be caught and placed in the registry: baud-rate of consciousness is not the same thing as speed of thought: see, for instance, The Speed of Thought: Investigation of a Complex Space-Time Metric to Describe Psychic Phenonmena, Russel Targ and E. Rauscher, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 15:3, 2001). Note that presence in an other (a very good account of generative empathy, i.e., directly experiencing another's experience, say, Being John Malkovich -- itself regarded a symptom of schizophrenia) is equivalent to loss of time (as many of us know directly from the petite morte of the fully-potent sexual occasion). But Einstein's Special Relativity and its demonstrations clearly indicate that there is no universal presence amongst competing reference frames within a given universe, let alone among a multiplicity thereof -- your universe or mine (not your time or mine)? The schizophrenic's place-naming of time is a retrograde inversion of Planck, for time has been swallowed by space. But what if space and time (like matter and energy) somehow, on some ontological, topological, or logical level, are non-orientable like a Möbius strip, a Klein bottle, and their higher-dimensional polytope equivalents? Sounds pretty imaginary, doesn't it? Or maybe imaginary sounds are involved, i.e., coherency of complex temporal operations on space. It's not hard to see how people might get confused, how they might refuse, become Refusniks, start, by displacement, place-naming times instead of time-naming places -- and, if they become really frightened, start marking times place-named, marking times at sacred places with mad minutes, hours, the Hour.
I read a great deal. Most of what I choose to read I would characterize as informative. I find almost nothing to read that is interesting. If it is published by a mainstream publisher, indeed, a legally-licensed publisher, how could it be actually interesting? Those who present themselves as 1T2-rational, objective, informed never have anything interesting to say: whatever the concrete contents presented concerning whatever subject, like a Hollywood film, the half-dozen or so standard arguments are offered in justification of the institutionalization of the dead paradigm. Variations on a theme are simply matters of the surface shapes-of-style: new shapes recognizable by old logics drawn on the standard modulation-set receive adulation of the self-proclaimed innocents. Echolalia is symptomatic of severe psychological difficulties, if not serious brain disorder. When this symptom becomes the preeminent characteristic of collective cogitation everywhere on display in the publik house, rewarded by staggering sums, one must entertain the likelihood of generalized brain damage by vectoral and/or chemical and/or radiological and/or psychosomatic pathogenesis. Etiology is a far more difficult matter. Even strong advocates of one or another new paradigm candidate never have interesting ideas as to how that paradigm is to be analogically generalized into economics, politics, sociology -- or how collective (and resultant individual) psychological transforms are to be initiated and practically carried through. No real therapeutics for collective brain impairment on the counter -- just Big Pharma over the counter and Big Mob under the counter and Body Mod by appointment only. The best of that on offer is internetworked P2P technoprojective-identification at collective smart-mob transference-regression in service to the MoSoSoed telepresent egopeer (psychogenic displacement from egosphere). But even in that chorus of echoed verbiage teleported by microwave burst, the commons-concept of the prophesized electronic commons is conceived largely in terms of the dead paradigm notions of simple identity, passive time, and isotropic space. Any authentically new notion would be misapperceived through the lens of these yet-to-be disinherited mistaken categories: just as Einstein mishandled the breakthrough insight handed him by his Hagar. Passing for sane has become all too easy on planet Earth! Amongst the plague of plenty is a plethora of moral exhortations, nowadays more and more deteriorated to pathetic pleading. Approaching two centuries is a long memetime to be sitting on a dead paradigm, hiding out in its deteriorated institutionalization, so long, in fact, that if an actual new were not branded insane, were not regarded a cult, it could not possibly be crazy enough to be true as some physicists once were wont to say. Hiding without seeking longer and longer makes what is required for the finding more and more crazy. If there are universals in his story, then one of them certainly must be that the perpetrator is never the responsible agency. Fundamentalisms of this and that sort all over the planet seek to impose, by one or another form of coercion, this or that old institutional algorithm. Even globalization is an organizational idea pulled out of the century before last, rightful End Times of the dead paradigm and its world. The responsible agencies, who are virtually never perpetrators, are the best and the brightest who have produced no notions over two centuries for actually analogically generalizing to economics, politics, and sociology any of the competing new-paradigm notions they have arrived at. Dead-ended into a state of collective deautomatization a couple of hundred years, whist quality of everything out-sourced from nature, nurture, and the newborn becomes ensinked upon mental mire, does have its term limits -- however much that idea is derided by 1T2-logical mind in a µTm universe C-130-gunshipped, WPed, and napalmed into a Puff-the-Magic-Dragon world on the edge of climate shift and well past ecologically-balanced carrying capacity. Appearance of the myriad classes of fundamentals with their cults, terrors, and mind-controls marks that dispensation provided by the deluded-and-debilitated best and brightest. One brain lesion fighting another, nihilism is a realistic assessment -- and realistic assessment is the only thing capable of producing an effective treatment for the disease.
Absolutely. Redemptive utopia (religious or secular) in a Memetime construed an objectively real, passing, passive linear-time is not only a fool's errand but a wildly ridiculous tilt. Hamlet's Mill, maybe; certainly not Don Quixote's wind{M}ill. In a quantal universe existential only by decomposition in mathematical involutes, where elementary particles are not in spacetime but part of the process by which spacetime is? In a relativistic universe which is nothing but nothing-given-shape? Just as press reporting of the 1968 Tet offensive was right for all the wrong reasons (the right reasons having never become public knowledge because that requires too much knowledge of spontaneous insurgent self-organizational dynamics which too closely resemble the animistic Weird of quantum mechanics: a circumstance denied by virtually everyone who has studied virtually no captured VC bureaucratic nuts-and-bolts documents and has struggled through virtually no papers on quantum physics), soooo o apocalyptic Fertile Crescent Religion may be right for the wrong reasons. The Second Coming, the Third Temple, the Fifth Seal, the Seventh Advent, the Ninth Book, the Eleventh Chapter, the Thirteenth Tribe, The Seventeenth Dispensation, the Nineteenth Tribulation. Law of Threes: particular, general, general case of generals. Ark of the Local Covenant, the Planetary Covenant, the Universal Covenant. Introjective ingathered indwelling: primes stacked on a sacred point according to the 613 Commandments de-line-ated by Maimonides. The prime-number line-band distribution of the Riemann Hypothesis was a mathematical expression of Biblical prophecy (just as was Pascal's Triangle qua Pythagorean Holy Tetraktys point-set inscribed within a Schrödinger-superposed, atemporal, logarithmic Involution-Evolution, Greater Maze spiral which yields the binomial distribution and the triadic DNA-codon I-Ching trigrams, sand-grain percolation through which yields the Gaussian normal distribution sand-pile Temple Mount). Truncating this Temple Mount, of course, in an attempt to renormalize it, creates all sorts of irreconcilables. In actuality, the I-Gene Cube of Johnson F. Yan is a cube of Clifford skew-parallel fiber bundles; it's a diversely-identical nonselfsame skew-cube of fiber-bundle arithmetics tensored and strained by Abelian trans-al-jabr. If the unfolded cube is a Cross, as it is, and the Mystic Crucifixion involves the Cross being Platonically unfolded (by the topological operations on sacred space, {M}a, performed by three-fold operator-time) from an Octahedron enclosed by interlaced Tetrahedra composed of Fermi surfaces and Brillion holes, then what quantum-relativistic, percolation-theory, chronomantic distribution does that yield? Answering that question requires access to non-ordinary logics and inner Musculpt, an access traditionally (post-glutamate-flood) available only by prophetic lucid dream. That being the case, I have no trouble with the notion that the prophetic progenitors scripting The Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion intentionally preprogrammed its self-cancelling discorporation and called the process Redemption to make it palatable. The only way a beginning can escape its end is in not becoming a beginning by recognizing that no objectively real first place exists, that all places are prime factors of numbered Gödel numbers strung across a hypercomplex zeta function in imaginary-time lattice. This recognition -- requiring a modicum of High Indifference -- indubitably is The End of (passive, passing, real, linear) Time. The very point of the Davidian branch of the M-valued function arking the Mth Bridge over the Multi-sheeted Riemann-surface Manifold-Mount of M-Theory is to sanction the three-fold twisting of the world axis at his story's dénouement. Topological folding by twisting axes of temporal-spin (the Vedic one-wheeled cars imported into the Levant in days of yore). Bolero ending in omega-point Rapture sets to program music his story as recorded in the revealer's book, even though premillennialism often becomes a Great Disappointment to some: the Thirteenth Labor of Hercules come to be the Twenty-third Embarrassment. Fertile Crescent Religion linear view of history rising diagonally or logarithmically to a climax: soft utopianism, as opposed to the hard communist variety. If -- as Immanuel Velikovsky almost knew -- it was known to the prophetic progenitors that somewhere along the line it inevitably would be discovered that time has no line, then it only makes sense that they would have written that into the script (maybe even, by gematria, into structure of the cursive itself, by Pythagorean point-set topologies, straightedges, and compass arcs amenable to sand-table metaphysics) with all the usual tragedy-comedy-drama: the religion will come to the end of its days, someday. And if the B-believin' faithful can't identify their identity anywhere in Riemann's sacred band absent a linear-time reference frame, then they might, like Samson, become Refusniks and seek ways to impose their frustrations on the representation space around them. And if science grew up in the same cultural milieu, the same configuration space, then scientists, too, might engage in self-similar behaviors -- and might even be the ones who discover that time has no line. Of course, the scientists, being the best and the brightest, would probably be pretty good at dissimulation.
You would like to know what caused onset of glutamate flood historically? The Father of all Deluges? Hmmm. One could first observe that this onset is likely synonymous with The Origins of Patriarchy and male-centered religions, be they religions of personification by projective-identification at transference, or not -- a far more likely thesis than domestication of the horse, which is counterintuitive re: semantics of the rise of male dominance. But one must admit that this idea, too, is a bit ambiguous, as glutamatergic action has properties of estrogenic mimesis. Moreover, absolute 1T2-logical psychogenic gender distinction was likely induced by The Flood (taxonomies of the Ark being suggestive of the onset of Rabbinical mindset) as, indeed, was processing of memetime as if an objectively real linear-time. There is much evidential support for this assessment. I've been making variants of this general assertion since the early-1970s in relation to suppression of sub-clinical autogenic brain discharges and the quantum effects upon psycho-neuro-immunologic processes of such suppression. By the time Sagan died of the Cornell disease, it was fairly widely understood that Uniformitarianism is universally mistaken. And the evidence for that continues to accumulate. My WAG is that historical memetime-onset of glutamatergic neuronal etching under dictates of prescriptive enculturation and associated suppression of sub-clinical autogenic discharges followed upon some Velikovsky-type global catastrophe. I never believed the details of Immanuel Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision, but I have also never doubted the general principle that far-from-equilibrium phase shifts operate across all scale levels of All That Is -- which necessarily must involve A Theory of Celestial Influence being integral to any general theory of process. As to whether or not a Law of Sevens and a Law of Threes form the basis of an adequate Catastrophe Theory (a catastrophe being a discontinuity in an equilibrium surface, a singularity in an equipotential surface), I really couldn't say with any great conviction, but the notion does have a lot to recommend it as at least an evocation. Any such theory does not seem more than merely evocative absent elaborations under the various order-types of Lukasiewicz logics -- a judgment which includes contemporary notions in the field of Cosmology involving acceleration, but no time rate of change of acceleration, and no relativistic absolute limiting values of either. If m-universes are apparent under acceleration, what is apparent under time rate of change of acceleration? If memetime as real-number linear-time in one universe stops at the absolute limiting velocity, what stops at the absolute limiting acceleration and at the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration? These, too, are very good questions, questions that can be experimentally investigated across any chosen collection of scale levels of All That Is, say the gap between 617 and 619, two place names of time. Looking out-there on a Möbius strip in a Klein bottle back to the beginning in-here must get rather more than merely hyperbolic under the various order-classes of absolute limits and their associated logical, topological, ontological, and existential twists, don't you think?
It's worth remembering that 3-space plus a real-number linear-time dimension with a negative sign in front are hardly adequate for solution of the 2-body problem, let alone the 3-body problem and the n-body problem. And these bodies are all classical macroscopic objects! Now, were we to consider the Husserlian horizons of those objects which is still largely to ignore the µTm-logic n-body problem Not only near-death experience, but also the physics of ordinary bodies, leave no possibility to doubt that the glutamatergic consensuated 3 + 1 reference frame is far, far from being all there is (just as the so-called adrenergic fight-flight response has dopaminergic and ketaminergic components: denial of access to these components in ordinary life is a major precipitator of mass warfare). Quoting The Moon of Hoa Binh, (Vol. 2, p. 523):
Piaget's intention was to determine the invariants underlying the space concept throughout its ontogenetic evolution. He arrived at the notion of displacement groups based on the algebraic group of displacements in a Euclidean space. Each was considered a priori of physical reality. The displacement groups forming the idea of space were seen to follow one another successively from the sensory-motor level to the most abstract conceptions. In other words, the psychological representation of 'displacement groups' is made up of 'operations' of sensory-motor intelligence which predicate the invariants by which the infant organism maintains the identity and continuity of objects even when their form of appearance varies these 'displacement groups' (particularly their invariants) are the fundament of the space concept, and they carry over to all developmental levels of intelligence subsequent to sensory-motor intelligence. (note to: Principle Factors Determining Intellectual Evolution from Childhood to Adult Life, Jean Piaget, in Organization and Pathology of Thought, David Rapaport [ed.], N.Y.: Columbia, 1951.) Luneburg's non-Euclidean metric proves that Piaget's Euclidean invariants are simply the constant factors underlying learned behavior, i.e., artifacts of socialization.
Employing the proposition identity and continuity of objects even when their form of appearance varies is to refer to the problem Husserl's eidetic reduction and horizons of an object were an attempt to solve; the actual solution, when found, being unwanted: macroscopic-object selfsameness and continuity in an objectively real linear-time requires Schrödinger superposition of Husserl's horizons (contravening the collapse of the wave-function required for simple-identity and localization under the Copenhagen Interpretation). Picasso and Braque briefly looked at this, got frightened, and quickly moved on. The Luneburg metric referred to here is for binocular visual space, the ordinary space of everyday vision, a space very inconveniently demonstrated to be non-Euclidean (Rudolph K. Luneburg, The Metric of Binocular Visual Space, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 40:10, pp. 627-42, 1950: published posthumously after strange circumstances surrounding death of the author). And we now know that the socialization referred to is largely carried out by a series of glutamatergic neuronal etchings (Allan N. Schore, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994). So, I for
1 + do not presume to know what actually happened to the Heaven's Gate cult. Those arrogant enough to so presume are utterly identified with the 3 + 1 framework conditions as processed under 1T2-logic alone. What is happening on the discrete conscious level doesn't reveal much about the collective continuum of the cult unconscious. Reportedly, a good way to get some feel for this sort of thing was by membership in a Special Forces half-team operating in Laos under auspices of White Star (this is, of course, to convey insider information). Another likely expert was the Japanese Imperial Army soldier known as Harp of Burma. I presume discorporating members of Heaven's Gate cult did not catch the physical Hale-Bopp comet with their plastic bags, but, knowing very well that no n-bodies can possibly interact via a 3 + 1 reference frame, I do not assume I know they did not catch something, and maybe even something somehow related to the comet at issue (moving along a Möbius strip inside a Klein bottle, there is no absolute distinction between out-there and in-here, a fact that makes the psychological transference and its projective-identifications a slippery eel, indeed: the blank-out experienced, hopefully not a blackout, in trying to visualize this signifies what?). For similar reasons, I do not presume to know that the Incas lost their war against time. There are more things in the world, Jorge, than the academic presses will print.
For brains contained by the brain and only the brain, for flailed brains, brains glutamatergically etched of neuronal and perineural phased-array HGI -- HoloGraphic Interface -- with quantum substrate via superconductant DNA-mediated AM and FM of long-range phase correlations across cortices, the Szentagothai architectonics of which are numbered by the place names of time assumed by the µTm-logic wave-effect-processing frequency domain, for such brains as these sacred space, holy space, is a localizable, real and ponderable Euclidean 3-space and time a 1-space line-and-arrowhead of sign opposite to the space made sacred-holy and marked by numbered names which are numerical factors of the Name: the very definition of Idolatry. The dispensational place names of time are psychologically identified with discrete locations in geographies mapped upon secular space and between temples commemorating dynamics of the involved state of projective-identification as constructed utilizing bird's-eye plan-view, and architectural projection, and imbued by GUI -- Graphical User Interface -- metaphors with numinous attributions idolatrously personified. This, all this, and the enormous involved violence to the actual case, belies the fact that a passive 1-space treated as objectively-real linear-time is an inappropriate object for place-naming across the width, breadth, and depth of Euclidean 3-space by whatever Golden-Section or Divine-Proportion rules, laws, codes, commandments, algorithms, covenants, ordinances, conventions. Place-naming time and time-naming place clearly involves propositions of some more-complex logic, if reductive idolatry is to be avoided. These are the numbered Gödel numbers of propositions of Lukasiewicz logics of topologically-active temporal operations upon non-selfsame holographic hyperspace of the unbounded wholeness which has no nameable name by virtue of the unwriteable and unreadable (to 1T2-logic peripherals) nests of involved infinities.
I am sorry, but that is not what I am saying. I learned a long, long time ago to regard the whole human species, that's the whole human species, as a hostile occupation, and to act accordingly. In retrospect, that clearly was a well-warranted judgment made by a poorly enculturated preadolescent living in an animistic hamlet. The present fundamentalist fulmination of the recurrently inflammatory autoimmune disease, saddleback fevered, was triggered by: (1) a Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm decisively broke-backed by Niels Henrik Abel in 1826 with demonstrated necessity of trans-al-jabr; and (2) the biggest cult of them all, secular, mainstream, dominate culture -- particularly its so-called best and brightest, and their emulators -- clinging to institutionalization of the dead paradigm and simultaneously dissimulating all demonstrations of its death in whatever fashion required to maintain a classical limit. Boy! I sure put it to 'em taaaday, hon. This clinging for two centuries, which continues unabated, has been responsible for the population bomb, world wars, nuclear weapons, anthropogenic climate shift, and so on. These plagues are not alien events which have somehow just happened; they are human behaviors expressing what has become human nature. How those behaviors became human nature is one, only one, issue of interest.
Yes, I thought of that myself during the early-'70s. In a sense, Evariste Galois played Cain to Niels Henrik Abel's Abel. In a sense Galois killed Abel, and you can see that right up into contemporary theory and practice of quantum knots in application to so-called quantum computing (faster binary processing, not authentic m-logically-valued processing) -- its own sort of hangman's noose, one Heaven's Gate among many currently billed to Bill Gates. In a sense. Such readings are always only in a sense. This particular take is more elaborate than that of Daniel Quinn's, provided in his novel Ishmael, given that his interpretation of Cain and Abel is so tied to material culture and cast solely in a world story which tacitly assumes memetime to be an objectively real linear-time. Quinn also does not realize that his Leavers could not have had simple-identity, a mistaken attribution he compounds by magical-realism imputation of post-Renaissance simple-identity to primates like gorillas; or that the fall was a loss of conscious access to µTm-logical processing and associated non-simple identity at speakable-language acquisition in lieu of telepathic interior Musculpt. Quinn's 1T2-logical bifurcation into Leavers and Takers is also rather Jane-Fonda-level thinking, so one can hardly be surprised that the novel was embraced by the Turners. Comes from: Oh, Ma! Ha. But the actual deaths of Abel and Galois in relation to their maths are much more interesting than the spurious biblical comparison (except in so far as the impact of their maths catalyzed yet one more feverish, power-grip, functional posture of the cognitive hand, chain initiation for secular-followed-by-religious fundamentalist fulmination: Enlightenment fundamentalism; fundamentalisms of The Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion, with late bleed-over to fundamentalisms of the other great religions). Abel died of consumption: night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, lassitude. Galois died in a duel related to a love triangle: a variety of oriental cat fever, California rabbit fever. Both mathematicians were in their twenties, Abel late-twenties and Galois early-twenties. I've never seen an account of the course of Abel's illness, but I suspect he had a touch of primary tuberculosis with childhood tubercular pneumonia, and that the disease achieved chronicity during his early twenties, which is when the wasting away set in. This would have been a typical course. The tuberculoses are many and various, however, so I certainly could be wrong -- though it does seem likely Abel subliminally decided upon his life pattern well before entering domains of the quintic and what became designated the Impossibility Theorem. Abel, clearly a Leaver, probably did well in leaving when he did: avoidance of an inevitable beating of his head against a brick wall for the remainder of his life. And the course of his illness was a pretty good picture of what the human species, with a few notable exceptions, subsequently did to his maths. Galois, on the other hand, died of the devil's grip -- in this case, not in an influenza epidemic, but in grip of the man-woman-level of the transference, and in complete conformance with the exclusionary nature of his theory of groups, algebraic and otherwise. Galois' love triangle was not Schrödinger's ménage a trios. Denis De Rougemont's Love in the Western World (howsoever expressing the agenda of the CCF, Congress for Cultural Freedom) posits a two-against-the-world identity transparency of the passion, achievable in a memetime regarded objectively real linear-time, a Eulerian functional impossibility necessitating a tragic outcome for those lovers committing themselves to the holy quest: authentic identity transparency is holographically non-binary (mediated by ontic immersion in the whole of nature, not set against that wholeness), atemporal, and polyvalent under processing by multi-valued logics (any direct experience of which is legally defined as committably psychotic precisely because it is the most direct dire existential threat to institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian paradigm). Galois rejected the very idea of time-independent superposition even before it entered the realms of functional theory -- and most mathematicians and physicists to this day have followed his path, joining the duel become mass warfare, a virtually continuous battle threatening evermore seriously to become nuclear High Noon, each party's seconds in possession of second-strike capability. Despite the surface duals apparent here, there is only one issue: the transcendental immanence of animism, nature's non-personifiable open condition of unbounded wholeness which Western and Westernized awareness cannot abide. Any End Times imminent in continued suppression of the end of memetime as an objectively real linear-time will be Rapture free and directly related to this one issue.
You don't have to have detailed knowledge of the animistic-quantum-tribal-pagan properties of insurgent self-organizational dynamics to see that there is no plausible prevention of incendiary planetary meltdown, not because of biblical prophecy, but due to prevailing and prospective human factors, belief in this or that Rorschach over biblical prophecy being only one minor such factor. I have been saying this over and over ever since rolling on the floor in great peals of laughter reading Autopsy on People's War soon after it appeared. This policy bible of the post-Vietnam-war period was almost as mirth inducing as had been Douglas Pike's military-failure/propaganda-victory thesis on the Tet-'68 offensive to intelligence analysts then working at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV Headquarters. But in order to understand that, you do have to have detailed knowledge of insurgent self-organizational dynamics, to include awareness that self-organization is not organization in the Weberian sense, or any other modern-sociology sense. Confronted with this contravention of deeply-held expectations, Weberians and their derivative clones basically just blank-out and see little more than their own projected shadows. The most prescient observation made in The War of the Flea is that the counterinsurgent always reserves the right to win by literally destroying everything, an option, I would point out, he is not likely to be inclined to take unless he himself is brought under actual collective existential threat. This was not a factor in the Cuban revolution out of which Flea was written. Communist victory in the Viet Nam war came by delivery of actual existential threat, not to America, but to the Bretton-Woods monetary system. This was easy for those of The Nixonian Persuasion to finesse because they had always, from even before HUAC days, been opposed to the constraints upon U.S. policy imposed by Pinko White's gold-exchange mechanism. Who crashed the GearWheel's currency, anyway? That SOB who lost China! But but ain't no such thing as black currency ops, I tell you! Nowadays, with global insurgency and GWOT and atomic weapons proliferation proliferating and the post-Bretton-Woods fiat dollar so dependent upon successful DEMONSTRATIONS of military prowess in places like Iraq in order to retain the dollar confidence prerequisite to maintenance of its foremost international reserve and petrol-denominating status, Ike's Korean-war-ending credible threat to do to China what MacArthur had been relieved of duty for having advocated is again coming to the fore, as the reserved option to destroy everything slowly rises toward the surface of the U.S. policy toilet bowl. The Rules of Engagement presently imposed -- which, among many other fictions cultivated, pretend that an either/or binary-logic absolute distinction actually exists between combatant and non-combatant -- guarantee abject, catastrophic, and disseminated failure at counter-insurgency, not mere pedestrian failure, because they codify and promote lack of comprehension of non-binary, animistic, identity-transparent insurgent organization and strategy, and this is one of the larger factors on the scene insuring that the reserved option to destroy absolutely everything, likely by nuking major population centers, eventually will be taken. The Rules of Engagement have NOTHING to do with the war; they are a model in psychological projection of the counter-insurgent's own mental algorithms and cognitive limitations. One can view the whole post-Vietnam-war period as having been brought under collective unconscious thematic orchestration so as to yield circumstances that would demand acquiescence to the reserved option, MAD for multiple reasons no longer being regarded the issue it once was. Why such unconscious thematic orchestration? Republican or Democrat; Neocon or Liberal; anarcho-capitalist or anarcho-syndicalist; and all places between: no matter. Of little matter also are the sugar-coated new-age proclaimers of so-called new paradigms with old-paradigm economic, political, and social algorithms dressed in new technological clothes, mostly of a postMarxist postmodern neosocialist style still reeking of Cartesian-Newtonian rudiments and fundaments. For the whole political spectrum, psychological identification with the dead paradigm is non-negotiable. This indisposable state of consciousness -- finessed and finessed and finessed again and again since Abel's Impossibility Theorem of 1826 -- when brought under an actual collective existential threat which cannot be finessed, will resort to the reserved option. That this inevitably will happen in one fashion or another is resident in the case, the case that the trans-al-jabr explicit in Abel's theorem, howsoever misnamed, is not only possible but necessary for description of the world as it actually is. What is at issue is not simply a matter of national discorporation from above like that undertaken by the USSR. Existence of the state of consciousness itself is at issue -- a much, much more fundamental question, and that is why fundamentalists have become so engaged with it. For people who have not undertaken prolonged practice of processes of introspective phenomenological reduction, or some facsimile thereof, who are from cultures where results of such practices play no role in mollifying prescriptive enculturation and associated glutamatergic etching, i.e., the present state of most every contemporary culture, Weltanschauung and Umwelt are virtually indistinguishable: this is where plausibility of prevention goes decisively out the window of opportunity, and why I have never considered implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units and the other outlined potential related initiatives as collectively representing a preventive strategy. Where things go to once on the other side of the deautomatization wormhole: that's been my focus, and remains so. This assessment is not nihilism; it is realism. The situation is that bad. Not just the E&E shuffle when you get overrun, some idea of where to regroup after dispersal into the jungle. You doubt this? Don't take my word for it. Talk to someone who has survived being overrun. Step out the door; just look at people; look at what they are doing every waking moment.
What is the use in effectively promoting a falsehood, in being supremely successful at accomplishing an inconsequence? None, was my judgment long ago. Therefore, I have never claimed these ideas possess preventive value. Hooking interest on a false premise cannot lead to instrumental inference or efficacious action. What I do claim is that these ideas strategically interface many dimensions of the fully-in-motion (reportedly something like one-quarter-million species extinctions already due to climate-shift dynamics!) global crisis, and do so on a deep level in substantive fashion. All contemporary governance everywhere on this planet and virtually all science and technological R&D affirm existence of a classical limit. This affirmation is a mass clinging behavior, a clinging to the dead paradigm and its prescribed normative state of consciousness. As long as that clinging affirmation continues, the various models -- both hard and soft -- used to assess status and severity of the crisis will remain falsified (e.g., filtering atmospheric models of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes so as to keep Earth's atmosphere a classical domain). Adequate response is not likely, and probably not possible, under this circumstance, a circumstance itself not likely to change until after the full range of consequences has decisively constellated, thus altogether shattering apparent viability of clinging behaviors. What it appears people will and will not do before this shattering has transpired is far and away different from what they will and will not do in the post-shattering state. Present-day prefigurative action cannot be predicated on prevailing circumstances; such action, if it is actually to be prefigurative, must be formulated relative to likely circumstances of the post-shattering state, circumstances that will not be linear extensions of present circumstances. Moreover, this classical recursive statement of the case, itself, will need to be superseded if actual prefiguration is to be achieved (hence, the need for something like VirFut Q-Pro). The best of the bad options remaining is to attempt preparation of the ground so as to cut likely losses; this involves establishing strategic interface with as many of the controlling variables as possible in an attempt to prefigure a viable path through the disordered state of the far from equilibrium phase transition wherein the notion of a classical limit inevitably will be crushed. Nothing remotely like that is anywhere presently apparent or even veiwably nascent. The earlier a strategic interface is created, the better; thirty years ago, when crisis dynamics were already wholly apparent, would have been better than the year after the year after next.
How can I be so certain? Well I do not have, and do not claim, certainty about any particular event or its memetiming, but I do feel a certain clarity concerning the general character of the present global circumstance. In order to discuss it, however, there must be agreement amongst the discussants as to the level of verisimilitude the discussion is to address. Any discussion supposing an objectively real linear-time will involve an abysmally low-level address -- which is the norm for contemporary discourse and policy formulation undertakings. As an illustration, consider the following excerpts quoted from a speech recently delivered by David Grossman to commemorate the death of Yitzhak Rabin, and reprinted in The New York Review of Books (Looking at Ourselves, 11 January 2007, pp. 4-6):
Rabin decided to act [on the peace process] because he detected, with great astuteness, that Israeli society could not long continue in a state of unresolved conflict. He understood, before many people understood, that life in a constant climate of violence, of occupation, of terror and fear and hopelessness, comes at a price that Israel cannot afford to pay.
This is complete bunk. Rabin was not astute, and his realization came way, way inappropriately late. In May of 1967, at JFK Special Warfare Center, Ft. Bragg, I, an intelligence analyst focused on the Middle East, was deemed anti-Semitic because I argued with considerable intensity that the holocaust hysteria sweeping through Israel at the time (just prior to outbreak of the Six Day war) revealed dimensions of a collective psychological vulnerability to chronic external low-grade threat that was certain to be exploited to great advantage in due course (tantamount to early prediction of intifada), and that this vulnerability was of such proportions as to draw into question continued existence of Israel over the long haul, for it would greatly predispose to misassessments and strategic and tactical errors (tantamount to prediction of what became rapidly clear: [1] in strategic error, the Israelis would tenaciously cling to the occupied territories as security-blanket breathing space; and [2] in tactical error, cross-border reprisals would become a staple of persistently reactionary, as opposed to proactive, policies: e.g., third-party nationals, i.e., ex-Green-Berets, were by 1968 being recruited at Ft. Bragg through the Jewish Defense League for such reprisal raids). Substance of the conversations about this -- rather arguments -- then transpiring at JFK Special Warfare Center, and soon thereafter at MACV-J2, were later written into The Moon of Hoa Binh, which was published in 1994. So, what is the core of predisposition to this collective vulnerability Rabin belatedly, and hence not astutely, recognized? Earlier in the speech, Grossman says:
It [Israel] would also be a place that gives new meaning to Jewish existence. A country which an important, essential part of its Jewish identity, of its Jewish ethos, would be full equality and respect for its non-Jewish citizens.
This vision was never realized, as Grossman describes. I use the quotes around my chosen summary word vision because I do not regard this a worthy aspiration, realized or unrealized -- certainly not in the period after Abel's Impossibility Theorem establishing necessity of multiformity, Cantor's diagonal proof of part-whole identity transparency in cardinality, Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics, and Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. To loudly assert Jewish existence, Jewish identity, and Jewish ethos at dawn of the Age of Quantum Non-Simple Identity -- as Zionism did -- is not only reactionary (flying back against the mathematical discovery and scientific verification of animistic non-simple identity) but is simply (i.e., simplemindedly) to constellate collective unconscious vectors of opposition to the articulated false claim (i.e., a claim at variance with the nature of Nature). The same for any other unfounded existential-claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, a claim made about the same time by the Germans and the Japanese -- among others. False existential-claims are demands for existential-confirmations which inevitably elicit existential-denials (organized by the human collective unconscious and even by Nature {Her-It-His}self). Not the least because properties of the collective unconscious exhibit the properties of transfinite sets: see, for instance, Ignacio Matte Blanco's The Unconscious as Infinite Sets (Duckworth, 1975). History of the 20th century, however historiographically conceived, howsoever memetimed, teaches us that consequences of such false existential-claims can be enormous.
That dynamics of such false claims are rabidly operational today is illustrated by the Black Hawk Down decision juxtaposed with collective hysteria over the methods of insurgency and terrorism. Beginning well before, but certainly pristinely recognizable from the advent of Viet Nam war Injun Cuntry and the inherent incapacity -- in principle -- of the counter-insurgent to find, fix, and finish the insurgent, these given-conditions of asymmetrical warfare have elicited a hugely disproportionate obsessive-compulsive, even paranoid schizophrenic, hypersensitivity-autoimmune reactivity, posing as other-directed, driven by hysteria at the threat-value and implications of the continuing and seemingly ever-mounting experimental verifications of quantum non-simple identity and associated non-locality. Insurgent and terrorist behaviors are reminding-factor irritants of the real life-or-death existential threat to the post-Renaissance institutionalization, a threat posted to human psyche by Abel, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, Schrödinger, and progeny. Wherever and whenever a reminding factor is found, it WILL BE exterminated with an extreme prejudice sufficiently extreme to mitigate the effects of the most recent experimental verification of the whatnot-principles the reminding factor reminds of: perfect illustration of psychological displacement. The psychologically compensatory, metathetical complement to this displacement is the obsession with the no 'one' left behind principle which precipitated the ill-considered Black Hawk Down decision to risk the mission by going after a downed (and possibly dead) copter pilot. In the event, not only was the immediate mission put at risk, but the whole country mission, and by recent events -- with the on-public-display obsession to Get Some Back from the Somalis carried to such levels of strategic obtuseness as to have actually physically accompanied the invading Ethiopian army: stupidity substituted for stealth and sterility -- very likely the future of the Horn of Africa. The real pilot, the person of the pilot, even the individual pilot, was a matter of little actual interest; it was the principle involved standing behind the real pilot, the person of the pilot, the individual pilot, which was obsessed over by, notably, an Evangelical Christian, counter-terror super-performer, B-believing (in the era of the pre-trib-rapt Left Behind series) Delta Forcer, which clouded judgment and sacrificed the immediate mission, the country mission, and probably one-third of a continent. The generation that created Delta Force was the last of the last generation (Charlie Beckwith with his personal experience of the Briggs Plan did not create Delta Force; he created the bureaucratic opening which allowed the last of the last generation to create Delta Force). The last generation, that is, where killed and maimed were never replaced, for that would have been a violation of team integrity, a violation, that is, of the animistic identity transparency without which high combat cannot actually be conducted -- only pretended to. Team integrity was resident in the highly cultivated collective psychological state -- the ground-state intent of all stress-oriented training -- and nothing, just nothing was allowed to violate it. The principle involved in the Left Behind pseudo-issue -- which was and is obsessed over -- was classical, pre-quantum simple identity, itself the most lethal violation of team integrity, and therefore no real issue at all were there still a Special Forces actually a Special Forces. No one left behind, regardless -- the regardless being an indication of psychopathology -- is not a defense of the one not to be left behind, but of the principle behind the one never to be Left Behind. The obsession with the one is the marker of psychopathic displacement. Back when Special Forces was Special Forces and did not receive wages, jump pay, combat pay, per diem from Department of the Army (and officers were not regarded by SF personnel as actually being a part of SF -- with the rarest of exceptions: how the hell could a figure carrying authority unrelated to actual acquired skills be part of the identity transparency which is the operational hyperfunction signified by the terms team and half-team?) there was no such obsession, and this is the deep-structure of why Special Forces was reviled by the Regular Army, and why a film like Apocalypse Now had to be made: exorcism of animistic states of consciousness, with their resident non-simple identity. The horror! The horror! The horror at the high end of the highly cultivated collective psychological state -- which so-called society simply has to expurgate -- is the fact that there is no team integrity, no team existence, no team identity, no team ethos, no identity transparency of the corpus independent of self-organized transparency with the physical surround, with Nature, and all the altered-states animistic-holographic superradiant, raptured perceptions and proprioceptions prerequisite. Hyperfunctional integration -- dance of supersynergy in instantaneous response to being collectively caught in the kill zone -- is simply unavailable under any concatenation of one-to-one, all-for-all, even all-in-all, but only when one-is-all and all-is-one by utter transparency with totality of the surround, universal wave-function OBEed ketaminergic Cantorian violations of the commonsense, self-evident Aristotelian logic of identity and existence: The horror! The horror! What was the general anesthetic most used by SF medics during the Viet Nam war?
Late in the speech on behalf of Rabin, Grossman excoriates, admonishes, and exhorts Israelis, Olmert in specific, to:
Go to them [the Palestinians] with the boldest, most serious plan that Israel is able to put forward. A plan that all Israelis and Palestinians with eyes in their heads will know is the limit of refusal and concession.
The only trouble with this is that Grossman has not the inkling of an idea as to what such a plan could be. Any such plan for non-conflicted cohabitation of a given expanse of sacred space, in principle, could not arise in context of the assumption of simple-identity -- simple-identity as applied to both the inhabitants and the sacred space. Writ large, this is a planetary problem, space of planet Earth being rightfully regarded sacred -- not only those planetary sub-spaces so designated in documents selected for inclusion in the ethnic histories regarded sacred texts of The Tripartite Fertile-Crescent Religion, a religion of personification which sacralizes simple-identity in the person of the prophet and the Godhead, thus wedding cognition of the devout to memetime regarded as objectively real linear-time (all co-factors being mutually defining under a 1T2-valued logic). The pitiful degree of non-simpleness tolerated in the extremity, and then only mediated by some priesthood, is 1T3. In order to arrive at a notion like µTm-logically-valued e-monetary units defined on Koch-curve hole-on-hole fractal boundaries tagged to externalities, such as a complement of bureaucratic variables, it is of the first priority that quantum non-simple identity be fully, and without reserve, embraced. Absent that, with Newtonian space and time upon this planet in accelerating collapse, there is absolutely no possibility whatsoever of a boldest, most serious plan being put forward, with regards to Israel-Palestine or anywhere else. There is only the inevitable nukings to await as the Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists is incremented forward to the Midnight Hour, with a little help from the quintessential Scientism exemplars insisting upon maintenance of a classical limit -- exemplars like, say, a Stephen Hawking.
Boundary-without-boundary is not-itself, non-selfsame, by self-referential self-reentered hypertwists m-times over -- which is many more times than merely Israelite crossed into Palestinian. The n-cross-n matrix in n-rectangular array -- pretty square-minded, man! Rabbinical, even. Don't forget to mark the square! Historicizing, I'll bet -- marking the square. Uniform in an anisotropic way, even if stretched, squashed. Even if an infinity sign is woven about the interstices to put a good face upon it: Cross of St. Boniface. An isomorphism-group. Preserves straightness. Keeps the origin fixed -- by all means, by any means. Whatever it takes. In the continuous case, definitely a group Lie, likely with Killing vectors. Ho-ho-ho! Isotropic, isometric, homogenous. Distribution functions identical. Permissible: linear transformations preserving structure. Homogeneity, homotopy, homomorphism, holomorphism, homeomorphism. But -- oh, God! -- the identity transformation is represented by a line disembodied! That delta. Referring to that as a delta. What sexist imputations! Such a line as that? This isn't Injun Cuntry. Or is it? How could that be? such a satanic, a feral, uh, involutional psychotic reaction as that, that demonic, uh, uh contagion. Spread out everywhere, it is. How could that have anything to do with identity? Identity, that is! The identity, say, of a number, a, uh, oh-oh-oh! of a number as a Dedekind cut. The slit experiment of the physicists: what pornographic filth! And cascades -- all cascades, even energy-momentum cascades leading to tornado genesis, infrasounds rippling the walls of this cosmic vagina -- over the rungs of Jacob's Ladder are singular -- which means oh, God! -- no longer there. The entire space is taken down, taken down into a sub-space at a dimension lower that the space taken down. Tornadic injection right into Earth's very core. Oooooooooo! Lots of OOO-ooooorigins there. Cascades are, uh, uh -- starting to hyperventilate here -- uh, inescapably, that's inescapably, are, just are singularities nested into singularities nested into singularities by linear transforms involving the identity transform to a disembodied line, a line maybe even like Riemann's line of prime Gödel-number factors. Oh, God! How can identity be in absence, rather than in presence? Absent from where; present to what? Sheet taken down into sheets into sheets over the layered-transparent of the Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite, and still no presence in the absence viewable as the identity I know just has to be there -- or, otherwise, how can I be my I? Slake off this Plexiglas wall, all these Plexiglas walls, walls of the white room of blistering light out of which there is no seeing, no seeable, nothing to be seen, soundless, no-sounds in the no-sound where identity must, just must, lurk in the corners where fractal boundaries break down, permit, simply must permit, identifiable identity embodied on the time-line drawable as a real line. Oriented. A real line, not only orientable, but actually oriented. Why orient for such determinant aesthetic continuums? I don't get it; I just don't get it. God! all these imaginaries, these frightful imaginaries, are just so, uh, so disgusting! All these zeros, sets and sets of them. If I can't fix the origin, can't have it, then no one else can, either. I'll see to that! Whatever it takes. Remove the origin. Blow it up. But, oh, God! families, that's families, of twisted functions, bundles of them. I've got to patch this up, fill in the branch points, compact it, close it down. Compact without boundary? A closed set of open sets? Oh, God! Non-pathelogical is not pathetic is it? If its boundary is empty, that must mean it ain't got no boundary, right? But it must be well behaved, compact without boundary or not, right? I'll tell you what I think. I think the exterior calculus could have a lot to do with internalizing externalities to the market such that non-identifiable identities can be made subject to the self-organized transparency prerequisite to the superradiance associated with synergistic superintegration of ecologies natural and social. And if you don't believe that, I recommend Eric Temple Bell. I mean the aspect of ETB ignored by the mathematical establishment, those really knowledgeable people who ignored his fanciful interpretations. Heh-heh-heh! ETB writing in The Development of Mathematics (McGraw-Hill, 1945) on the Abelian multiformity contraposed to the uniformity in Gaussian Rx of the functions of complex variables: no mention at all of Abel's theorem being an Impossibility Theorem. This was not anything ETB could have been really knowledgeable about because he drew the wrong impression, even though this was the subject of his 1912 Ph.D. dissertation at Columbia University: The Cyclotomic Quinary Quintic. The cyclotomic having to do with atemporal involutory cascades. But let's schematically backtrack into relevant highlights of my personal history with this, as I too drew the wrong impression, tracing the Origins of the Second World War right back to the back-reaction against Abel's theorem on the quintic:
During the late-'40s and very early-'50s, took my aunt Josephine Rockwell (née Baumgardner) -- dissolute mountain woman, bow hunter, dresser in buckskins, Diana -- as an alternative role model used for imprinting.
Induction by women as a pre-adolescent boy into identity-transparent animistic states of consciousness while living in a wet-rice hamlet, Midori Gaoka, Ashiya-cho, kita-Kyushu, Japan, 1953-6.
Received independent-study tutoring in symbolic logic, topology, and foundations of mathematics, Eielson AFB, Alaska, 1960-2, which ignited struggles with the identity transparency assimilated in Japan and became associated with Plexiglas-wall experiences and near-blackouts, fugues, that is, loss of time, lost to time.
During senior year in high school, 1962-3, while taking honors physics and honors economics, and struggling with multiple bank credit expansion, began trying to push my mind into visualizing monetary processes relative to topological transformations.
Wrote a paper for Prof. Abdul Aziz Said, AU-SIS, during the fall of 1963 on Existentialism which challenged validity and utility of the very idea of precedence relations, be they logical, ontological, temporal.
A late-fall 1963 encounter with the skew-parallelism, diversely-identical skew-cube, pencils of skew-parallels appendix to J. G. Bennett's The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, which I recognized as somehow potentially illuminating the nature of animistic identity transparency.
Night missions and near-death experiences as the token American during late-1967 in rice fields and along canals of the Mekong delta.
Study of the self-organizing properties of the Viet Cong Infrastructure (VCI) -- deeply involved with nearly continuous boundary changes -- while at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, during 1968.
Vectored onto Abel's theorem in 1971 by reading ETB's discussion of multiformity. Through a book search service found copies of two of ETB's neglected books providing especially fanciful interpretations tantamount to imputing that the whole of the modern aspect of mathematics is a Platonic development: The Search for Truth (Reynal & Hitchcock, 1934) and The Magic of Numbers (Whittlesey House, 1946).
First experiences of synaesthesia during 1972 while trying to paint music.
While informally engaged in studies of tornado genesis at Cornell after 1975, ran across Emil Post's 1921 paper on m-valued logics -- whereupon
Hmmmm. My use of the word atemporal, as for instance in atemporal involutory cascades, is to be understood as meaning, on the near side of the mind, sans an objectively real, passive, passing linear-time, and, on the other side of the far side of the mind, as denoting a (flat) base state out of which the (after the ontological fact) multi-sheeted Schrödinger superposition is cyclotomically (Abelian quinary quintic being but one threshold among m-thresholds) decomposed/uncompacted by mathematical involutes (meaning that the infinities are not additive, but kami dustings of hyletic motes cut away, i.e., neuronally etched to Dedekind-Gödel numerals arrayed in complex and hypercomplex Riemannian bands, from a whatnot always already here/there) -- and that this/thus is directly knowable in immediacy of unconstrained deontic/eidetic awareness. By prescriptively enculturated, collective psycho-identification with a memetime regarded an objectively-real, real-numbered linear-time, the decomposition/uncompaction is transliterated into a Big Bang (by recognition of entropic/negentropic pattern recognition mistaken as pattern recognized). I have chosen to give the preponderance of my personal priority to the question of direct awareness, and to greatly subordinate interest in mathematical codification and scientific and technological application, because, to the near side of what my I takes to be my mind when it remains on the near side by suppression of sub-clinical autogenic brain discharges with glutamate flood, it is clear that mathematics and science and technology have never been in the planetary interest and it remains an open question as to whether or not they have ever been in the actual human interest. Time dilation in Einstein's relativity may be calculated as integral of interval of path over some inertial frame, but quantization of that integral of the spacetime interval requires far greater insight into the nature of the inertial than can be obtained by retention of the notion of a passive time conjugated to 3-space (the conjugation product being regarded topologically active). Not only can one say any inertial frame, and therefore any dilation must be countably m-polyvalent to the same order of m-polyvalence as attributed to the any, hence the apparent one moving along the path is simultaneously moving at every-m velocity associated to every-m dilation, but the very notion of inertial cannot be independent of the order-type of logic employed to designate the m-polyvalence of the any of the inertial frames considered. Under Einstein's relativity, absolute distinguishability of one inertial frame from another fixes the order-type of logical-value employed to define the notion of an inertial frame at 1T2, the only such order-type under which absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identities can be identified. Moreover, under the 1T2 order-type, since any given velocity is simultaneously every-m velocity of the m-polyvalence of the any of the inertial frames considered, every velocity arbitrarily closely approaches the limiting velocity of special relativity such that the fractal phase-digit angle of the 3-space dimension of the direction of movement of the one moving along the path is always already here/there disembodied, quenched, retracted, dissolved, disdecomposed. Consider, thus, the framework determining conditions. According to special relativity, restriction of a time-defined property, velocity, allows existence of the components of spatial reference. According to general relativity, restriction of the exponentiation of the same time-defined property, i.e., acceleration, allows, by the equivalency principle, existence of material form in relative states of decompaction, but by the m-polyvalence of the any of the reference frames considered, in this case accelerating reference frames, any given state of decompaction of material form is simultaneously every state of decompaction of material form permitted by the m-polyvalence of the any of the accelerating frames considered relative to the m-polyvalence of the any of the inertial frames considered. According to the, as yet to be finished, M-Theory, when universal physical constants are understood to be m-polyvalent, restriction of the double-exponentiation of the same time-defined property, i.e., time rate of change of acceleration, allows, by the principle of the relativity of absolute limiting values, existence of framework determining conditions, but by the m-polyvalence of the any of the framework determining conditions considered, in this case relative absolute limiting values of universal physical constants, any given framework determining condition is every framework determining condition permitted by the m-polyvalence of the relative absolute limiting values considered relative to the m-polyvalence of the any of the singly-exponentiated reference frames considered relative to the m-polyvalence of the any of the inertial frames considered. But this reliance upon multiple restrictions of a time-defined property for the very existence of existence is a retrograde inversion of the case, a version constructed from the logical, ontological, and epistemological perspective of the motes cut away trying to recursively deduce presence of cut-outs.
As an aside, one can observe that all this complexity lies behind (and not necessarily as a lie) Daniel Quinn's Ishmaelian idea that the world story of the Takers is a working out of the premise that The world was made for man, and man was made to rule it. The branch of contemporary physics and cosmology devoted to the anthropic principle studies this notion in relation to the extraordinarily improbable exquisite valuation of the universal physical constants such that life could have emerged in the universe. Any even minimal variance from these values would have disallowed the appearance of life. This is a doctrine of final causes with all the characteristics of medieval teleology or the strange attractor of contemporary chaos theory. The Wheelerian self-reference involved is paradoxically the result of treating universal constants as single-valued (not Abelian multi-valued, and especially not Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued, Lukasiewicz being Abel-the-Leaver taken to the nm-th degree: Wheeler's pregeometry, by Gödel numbering inescapably involved with the valuing of universal constants, is a calculus of 1T2-logical propositions only). Paradoxically, because going to m-valued universal physical constants processed under m-valued logics (the logics of order-types of self-reference and associated animistic identity transparency, hence necessitating the numbering of Gödel numbers) is the only way the Takers' self-involved world story mirrored by projective-identification can be overcome such that the Schrödinger time-independent unbounded wholeness of Nature is permitted to the world construct: self-reference of the whole overcomes self-involvement of any part. With no heads gotten around this, how could six billion Takers find a way to do something other than taking? A cosmology, physics, creation theory, and so very much more cannot get very far when limited solely to principles characteristic of the ordinary state of consciousness -- regardless of how attached to, or detached from, that state the vast bulk of humanity becomes on a pragmatic basis. The world story is not the product of an additive process over a collection of individual members of a corpus; its reality transcends all that. In due course, that reality's hatchet man -- for all those who insist upon reality of discrete actors -- will sneak up behind you.
Here is a brief text message for Professor Lawrie Challis, chairman of the British Government's mobile telecommunications health research program. Prof. Challis believes, no one has come up with a plausible medical explanation of how mobile phones could cause disease (quoting the Professor being quoted in The Times of London on 20 January 2007 in an article entitled Could these be the cigarettes of the 21st century? 'Absolutely' written by Alice Miles and Helen Rumbelow). The question titling the article was posed to Prof. Challis (and the answer given is his) because there is now emerging evidence that a class of cancerous brain tumors, called the acoustic neuroma (generally located in the brain behind the ear used for the phone), can result from the radiation exposure of mobile phone use over a period of ten years or longer. Another article published five days later in The Telegraph, Mobile Phone Use 'Linked to Tumour' by Nic Fleming, identifies differentials in tumor probability for rural mobile phone users at five years and one year of use. Fleming's article identifies the tumor type as glioma. The critical study was apparently done in Sweden. Actually, Professor, it is not correct that there is no known plausible medical explanation; there has been an explanation in the scientific literature ever since the late-1970s. I hardily recommend our paper on radiation exchange by DNA (A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, by Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979, pp. 333-41) and a related explanatory glossary pulled together sometime later. Actually, ever since the mid-'70s, we have been arguing that the frequency response widows of DNA molecules located in different types of cells are so very narrow that were they properly mapped it would be possible to build our electronic devices and telecommunications links such that they stay out of the biologically-active windows. You know what? Not only scientists, but electronics companies, have been resolutely uninterested in this for the past 25 years. Indeed, I have even had one electronics company CEO tell me he was surprised I had not been killed. A strange behavior when -- taking the nihilistic perspective -- you consider prospective magnitude of the class action, product liability, law suits likely to result if mobile phones do become the cigarettes of the next generation. Moreover, this is one reason why I have not been advocating use of RFID technology for implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units -- at least, not until these sorts of health-related issues have been satisfactorily resolved. Given that the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry is a Swedish journal, it is not surprising that the signal study should have come out of Sweden. International health and safety guidelines are, of course, not safe or healthy, and this has been understood for over half a century -- ever since RAD LAB research on development of radar during WWII. After a public lecture I delivered at Tsukuba University in Japan on the superconductant DNA model in 1990, the audience was clearly mystified at the thought DNA could possess a biologically-active quantum substrate. Why do we need such a theory, anyway? was the underlying theme common to all the questions from the floor. Now we know one of many reasons why.
I fail to see how anyone -- even someone with extraordinary information access, say that of a George Soros -- could have arrived at a good impression of the actual severity of the present global circumstance without long advocacy of a range of unusual paradigm-challenging ideas. Watching behaviors in reaction to such advocacy across a wide spectrum of socio-economic, educational, professional backgrounds, and across multiple cultures for several decades seems a minimal prerequisite to assessment of prevailing human tolerance for adaptive responses. That tolerance index will in significant measure set the terms within which cusp events of the crisis will transpire. Advocacy of paradigm-defending ideas, however unusual, will provide little insight into this issue of adaptivity tolerance. My experience has been that, whatever the person's professional competency level and technical expertise -- or absence thereof -- no matter how long or how deep the exposure, with very few exceptions, the person remains all but unmoved. This may in considerable measure be in the nature of the ideas involved, and in order to test that hypothesis I have attempted impressionistic traffic analysis over a considerable period (which requires fairly persistent engagement in interpersonal theater and sham advocacy). The characteristic pattern revealed is that the most simplistic notions incorporating the least possible restatement of the previously held view -- leaving basic principles intact -- or the most elaborate swing over into entry upon fairytale, cartoon, moral-of-the-story, Old Testament, theme-park, Hollywood-filmmaker cognition achieve fascination level, but, even then, rarely lead to a substantive change in the way the person lives in the world. World as the stories we tell ourselves into by processes of projective identification at transference: the telling being according to the rules of binary logic, ponderable space, and memetime as an objectively real linear-time. This is characteristic of cognitive functions the upper bounds of which are restricted to operational intelligence. Insight affecting sense of identity -- and hence placement in the world construct -- is never obtained, period. When sub-threshold, non-identity-affecting changes do occur, generally they are informed by the fairytale, cartoon, moral-of-the-story, Old Testament, theme-park, Hollywood-filmmaker type of cognition: yielding largely dysfunctional change, systemically speaking, in the way the person lives in the world. This condition of mankind has become so trans-cultural, so planetary, so universal -- regardless of political commitment, religious affiliation, economic philosophy, and so on -- it not only offers insight into the prevailing state of panhuman brain, but clearly forecasts the characteristic patterns of non-adaptive response which will dominate the period of cusp events as the global system for managing human affairs moves into transitional deautomatization under forcing functions now largely out of human hands.
Nope. Concentration in self-observation to the point of entry upon voluntary dissociation does not require the monastery, the nunnery, the temple, the ashram, the Zen garden, the neuropsychiatrist's office. Moreover, these artificial environments are for, at best, cultivation of contemplation, more likely mere meditation -- neither of which helps much with voluntary dissociation. Rapid transit between states of consciousness -- autogenic shift -- is the object of most meditative techniques, the primary exception being those types of walking meditation where the walking beats against the meditation. Almost but not quite: might as well rely on drugs, sources of the most rapid of transits. Entry upon voluntary dissociation is inseparable from time-slow-down, a dilation one simply cannot get behind by induction of rapid transits. Regardless of what computer engineers -- exemplars of the binary mind -- think, fast ain't where it's at once you get your cogitation on the baud-rate-of-consciousness rheostat, an order-of-logical-value device. Click-click-click. This can only be done by stripping away the psychopathology of everyday life in midst of everyday life, not in some artificial environment. That doesn't mean you start off cultivating self-observation as a trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Schematic view of Derek's Journals, excerpted in The Moon of Hoa Binh: early-childhood fantasies about loss-as-death; cross-cultural exposures as dissociation inducers; observer-state experiences at critical moments in team sports; intense practice and experimentation with manipulation of attention in cultivating sports skills; exposure to theories of deautomatization during summer after high school; intense study of alienation, inauthenticity, anomie, phenomenological reduction in Existentialist literature; discovery of Edmund Jacobson's autosensory observation techniques; two years of stress-oriented Special Forces training, with its myriad opportunities for self-observation; some exposure to the dissociative aspects of combat; one construction-trade apprentice job after another learning hand work, not for mastery of a craft, but for self-observation practice, moving on each time habituation sets in; studio art and music composition studies used as an environment for synaesthetic explorations of self-observation; digging trees piece-work as a context for concentration in self-observation and practice in generative empathy with trees; reading while separating from the act of reading and so on. Learning to drive a radio-dispatch taxi cab and handle the bidding system over a metro map with locations designated in alphanumeric code -- while attempting to remain in observer-state. Ever heard of Lecky's theory of self-consistency? Establishing a personal history like the one just described would violate most people's sense of self-consistency, the demands of their personas. How can you live like you do? You could have a career, make some real money, take a position of responsibility. You have no vanity! You don't even know who you are! Much easier to turn to mere meditation in some artificial environment, or embrace the stages-of-life rationalization where seniors come to inner work after their cognitive capabilities have largely been dissipated. Demands of the persona: a filter on those who will and those who won't do inner work. Long ago, I learned to stop interacting with people about this. It does no good. If they are going to do it, they will discover how to do it -- by trying this, trying that, going on with it year after year after year. The making of one little discovery after another is the technique. Someone else can't make your discoveries for you -- any attempt to do so opens upon the transference, and in the context of voluntary dissociation this is terror inducing, hysteria inducing, threats issue forth, suicide attempts are made, and on and on. Now, multiply that by six billion and there appears a pretty good picture of the prevailing global conundrum: pandemic pandemonium in the making as institutionalization of the dead paradigm, still a security blanket for the clingers, goes into a condition of deautomatization.
Not what people can't see, what they are unable to cognize: beyond the cognitive horizon, not the visual horizon. No mere limit on memory. Cognates: body bound; the material as the only-real; existential separatism rooted in unremovable spatial and temporal separation, even to the extent of regarding self-observation as retrospection. Hobbled like camels: physicists, cosmologists, logicians. Hobble tied about the head like a Bedu! Nonlocality as a matter of probability-density field, transluminal fluxion propagation speed, multiply-connected space, time warp -- not m-logically-valued identity transparency. Or the failed attempts of counter-terrorist experts to imagine the varieties of no-self beyond their cognitive horizons, exclusive of their collections of cognates, outside their cognitive fields of fire. Self as memory; self in memory; self-remembering? Humph! Sitting in the negative space of a nonsite, try remembering the no-self, the hidden UNSUB, Capt. Nolo. It never occurred to them that UAVs originated in projective-identification. Incorporation of identity, not for them a Kantian category. Might as well focus on CI, the tactical level, actionable intelligence: in for a penny, in for a pound; save a penny to lose a pound; winning every battle, the shortest path up the exponential growth curve to strategic failure. Do you think this focus could be a brain-antagonizing type of thematic evasion? A neutralization antagonizing form of resistance? Nah! Does it fall to them, CT tacticians, to ask: What is the object before object constancy is learned? What is the self before selfsameness is learned? Learned. Learned. Learned. Plato's learning is remembering is not self as corpus of memories or Brentano-time as in remembering: Platonic anamnesis is a remembering of what has never been experienced by discrete experiencer. Propagation of two-logically-valued whatnots an Aristotlean-Baconian, Cartesian-Newtonian way of cognizing m-logically-valued identity transparency? See that: motion an artifact of order-of-logical-value supercession (aped by Plato as nested regular-polyhedral maze) absent conscious registration? Not acknowledged to be so by the brain neuronally etched by endogenous glutamate flood at socialization of cognition. My bet is no live operator, if Boolean, even if faster-Boolean by phase-digit processor, will still suffer some variety of pilot fixation syndrome, even when given autonomy from remote piloting -- and that this circumstance will be the actual trigger (highly classified, of course) to development of real quantum computers employing authentic m-valued Lukasiewicz logics. If you want a measure of the magnitude of the prevailing crisis, human species, planet Earth, consider that, true, for probably ten-thousand years the species did without much access to full-blown m-logically-valued animistic modes of cognition, and then one-hundred years ago m-valued logics were rediscovered and for the first memetime in ten millennia rigorously described, however superficially. End of an era, epoch, eon, aion, yuga ? How many world wars will be fought over this rediscovery?
The rise of patriarchy, likely, was more in suppression of infinite regress than in domestication of the horse. Absent the introvert's pushing away of infinite regress in the selfhood, there could never have arisen the extrovert's will to domesticate the horse: projective-identification at displacement in transference. What a conversion! All over the ancient world infinite regress was regarded a logical fallacy -- except in Tibet with the base state of Tzog-chen, ALL BASE, the m-logically-valued reference space. Firmament of the Gods. Virgin Land. Pure Land. The Garden. Paradise. Jerusalem. Reflexivity in the reciprocity of self-reference to the mth degree of non-orientability.
Forty years of failure with these ideas is no reflection on me.
Once one has learned that war is a surrogate for inner work, that if there is no inner work there will be war -- one type of collective conversion disorder -- then being a military brat potentially confers privileged access to techniques of inner work: much of what one grew up with is distorted spiritual practice, tribal rites of inner passage turned into worldly means of massed violence. With this insight, one has the opportunity to observe and re-convert. And if one finds the chance to go through the process by which a small elite military unit is trained -- metapsychological content of the experience being the accretion of several thousand years of military collective-conversion-disorder history -- then the opportunity to re-convert is all the greater. How does a child reach nascent awareness of such insight? Beyond normative military-brat witness to display behaviors, attitude formations, programming impositions on the eldest son, and so on, all well enough known, nagging doubt must be sown by direct experience if reinterpretation is seriously to be sought. A mother who actively subverts the programming impositions placed on the eldest son. Reading the treatment by American military officers of Japanese shoe-shine boys, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, 1953. Induction to animistic states by rural women, environs of Ashiya, AFB, Japan, 1953-6. Daily exposure as a nine-year-old boy to the ethos of Japanese bamboo swordsmanship exhibited in morning training sessions of the Japanese guards of Ashiya, AFB. Registration of emotional shock at recognition that the Japanese wet-rice hamlet one has bonded into must be very similar to hamlets near the Dien Bien Phu being resupplied by the Ashiya-AFB pilot one builds model airplanes with. Standing at an atomic bomb site with one's bomber-pilot father, 1955, wondering over the meaning of this silent father-son occasion. At an Alaska SAC base, the base gym, being taught by a professional, a onetime member of the Harlem Magicians, how to discover personal practices required for the learning of basketball skills -- and suddenly seeing a comparison with how U-2 pilots play with the ground effect and their pogos. Scrimmaging basketball with U-2 pilots and learning that The President lies, that he lied about Gary Powers. Experiences such as these. Not yet out of adolescence and, clearly, what one has been taught is in serious need of reinterpretation. Therein resides nascent awareness of the possibility to re-convert within oneself the collective conversion disorder.
With few exceptions, I've never finished anything I have started, because my purpose in starting was not the purpose for which whatever it was was created; at a certain point, there was a decisive divergence. I walked out of calculus class; I never returned to the study of harmony. Notation, mathematical and musical, stands in the way by imposing a degree of sequence -- be it linear or nonlinear -- not in conformation to the case. That's why I have always refused to approach m-valued logics except by Musculpt.
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