µTm Scenarios, T40(M)
Relative-state identity-transparency in CTC+-unto-µTm logical-conditions of the condition of a conditional is not about nonselfsameness over passage of an objective, referential linear-time; it's about preexistent (that is: logically- and ontologically-prior to existence, i.e., the inherent coherency non-temporally-prior to the demergent decoherent) Schrödinger-memetime-independent superposition of orders of nonselfsameness. Bornian probability-wave densities may be about neo-Aristotelian potentia, Heisenbergian interactive possibilities, Popperian propensities, determining tendencies, proclivities (quoting Wiki as regards the quintessential dysunderstanding: English authors like Hobbes and Locke used the English word 'power' as their translation of Latin potentia), each understood relative to a supposedly-objective, linear-time future (neo because Aristotle's potentia was Kairos-understood [Kairos in the original was dysunderstood post-hylomorphically as propitious-opportune-decisive moment of chronologically sequential linear-time, the magical moment for descent of divine light through, say, the lattice-logic of the leaded-glass-windowed archetypes of the cosmos-analogically-modeling cathedral, later for-- well, whatever] as vertically-construed demergent from a non-Aristotelian-logical domain [think: Tzog-chen AllBase of LH-space, our Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space], a demergence altogether independent of a horizontally-construed linear-time reference [this atemporal understanding fully grasped by Plotinus, if only partially so by Aurobindo who transported Darwin into the practice of yoga]), but that propensities-qua-interactive-possibilities take is patently not the case if the m-valued Schrödinger state-function is processed with m-valued logics, logics under which linear-time is indefinable. Teleological-attractor-pull final-cause is no less tied to the notion of an objective, referential, passing, linear-time than is efficient-cause-push; therefore, for instance -- heh-heh-heh -- not apropos superposition of m-values in state-function of Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation. We, consequently (see, for a final-cause take: Aristotle and Quantum Mechanics: Potentiality and Actuality, Spontaneous Event and Final Causes, Boris Koznjak, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 19 February 2020), hold that 3-fold topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time is the agency (demergence degenerator, not emergence generator) which accomplishes the unpacking of Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers, in closest packing array, stacked upon the preexistent (understood as given above), Musculpturally speaking, Cantus Firmus (n-voice organum, the voices moving [movement, more specifically information transmission, being a prescriptively-glutamate-etched 1T2-only-logic-alone way to cognize µTm-identity-transparency] in µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state) of MVRS, i.e., Tzog-chen AllBase. So far as our CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency take is concerned, information is in[form}ation, that is, form [in}forming in the sense of form forming within itself, not in the sense of the information-theory cybernetic definition of information (where absolute improbability equals information saturation-overload; see, for a clear exposition: What is the 'Information' in Information Theory?, Marin Vlastelica Pogancic, Towards Data Science, 27 February 2020), i.e., not starting with entropy, with probability, with a communication channel, with transmission. In context of Musculpt on MVRS (not to mention Musculpt-mappings of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, to be used in defining and governing fluctuations in a quantum-composite unit of account for µTm-LETS nesting foams defined over fractal e-boundaries), abandon music theory (good offices of Maria Copeland writing for CampusReform, 3 August 2020)? Particularly that Schenkerian? Certainly not, not when Heinrich Schenker and Karlheinz Stockhausen were early advocates of orchestrating temporal harmonies over the empty spaces between tones rather than over the tones themselves -- attempting, thus, to bring the post-well-tempered, post-diatonic, post-chromatic-saturation, post-atonal, post-dodecaphonic music system analogue of the Weltanschauung, that system within which composition transpires, into non-reductionistic correspondence with Einsteinian-Wheelerian, nothing-given-shape-is-something, relativistic-spacetime geometrodynamics. Ack, aye, correspondence: the lack of correspondence between world picture and metaphysical foundations of the institutional base is, by compensatory abreaction, adjusted, uh, augmented, uh, reformulated, uh, renormalized, uh, ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) to the Correspondence Principle, where, heh-heh-heh, independent postulates fulfill the roles of ad hoc committees. This postulates-committees conflation is reflected in how the orchestrated death of the market as information clearing house unconsciously trick mirrors the slaying of the bit by the 2-state qubit which -- worse yet, even to many the horror, the horror -- is actually the n-state mu-it. Cog{native] dis[son}ance and associated bivalent damned-if-you-do/damned-if-you-don't double-binds -- as we know good offices of Gregory Bateson and studies of rat ambivalence states sustained by operant-conditioned maze-crawlers -- yield dissociative, schizophrenogenic-cum-schizophreniform, 1T2-only relative-states -- self-splitting of the individual, the group, the mass, the collective, maybe even of All-That-Is, accompanied by loss of [meme]time on part of the introspectively inept in their appreciations of All-That-Is. Looking at the COVID-19 (whatever its actual origins) response, one gets some small sense of the SNAFU order of magnitude likely to be elicited by the utterly staggering crises in this and that ever more than likely, surely approaching surely yet to come in the increasingly coherent global march up to incendiary cuspover. Hopefully the U.S. isn't suddenly woke by a lightning storm to find itself having been a sleepwalker wearing hip-high waders made in Sri Lanka where, once upon a memetime, mornings yielded burning body piles sprinkled south along the Galle Road and up the Kandy Road past Kelaniya, piles of one-memetime local officials who ignorantly inculcated functional prerequisites to onset of insurgency warfare. In our Hegelian-Mainlanderian-Nietzschean post-God is dead multiplicity -- but not in logical-value -- of the Uber[willful}menschen-unto-the-transhuman world, abolish hisstory classes (good offices of Mike Shedlock, Mish Talk, 4 August 2020)? What would be the redeeming social value in that, given the end of history having been proclaimed in the same breath as tacit insistence upon actual existence of an objective, passing linear-time, a presumed existence built into metaphysical foundations of the supposedly triumphant institutional base (long in hysteresis, currently in early stages of incendiary disintegration, cf., e.g., possibly, Beirut recently, and how many, without TopSecret SI and access to several types of nested restricted-access briefs, know anything significant about tactical-, mini-, micro-nukes? [if it was actually nukular, then a major, major threshold has been crossed])? That redeeming social value: to bring the oligarch-funded radical Left into consonance with the oligarch-funded neoconservative Right? Better to have classes on the history of academic and popular histories, and the history of historiography. I've always hated maths-as-taught, but loved history of mathematics (which I independently began reading into during my high school period in an attempt to establish some intrinsic motivation -- personal-life-immediacy relevance -- for learning maths-as-taught, rather than learning maths extrinsically-because, because I would need maths at university, because I would need university for entry into career, because career would be needed in order to get because because because ah, the imposed exterior distancing which imposes the interior distancing which which which hmmm, as a subclinical measurer-outsideobserver, I'm never in the inside, even of myself, of the my of myself, of the ). The same history preference in respect to hard and soft sciences. My I/im advocate(s) a problem-based curriculum where solutions are classroom sought (not taught) by going deeper and deeper into the histories of the relevant disciplines. Re-polish history classes, don't abolish them. By classroom-wise investigating, as a problem, why histories -- rewritten by each generation of well-funded historians-in-service-to-the-victors-in-whatever-human-endeavor according to the prevailing agenda of TPTB -- have predominantly been anti-pagan, anti-animistic, racist, misogynist, utility-of-war justifying, so on, maybe, just maybe, discovered would be that this problem is rooted in the historian's notion that historian ratiocination upon selected historical facts has no relation to the deeply held notion as to the nature of passive passing time as referentially objective-linear. Perhaps, then, some insight into the prescriptively-enculturated glutamatergic-neuronal-etching origins of memetime would accrue. How would such insight affect the historiographies within which histories are written? What is the history of time concepts, held explicitly and tacitly, in formulation of historiographies? Out of exploration of such questions inevitably there would emerge the proposition, one among many, that topologically-active operator-time is an autopoietic decomposition operator of universal consciousness (whatever one wishes to call it, Satcitananda, Tzog-chen, Holy Spirit, i.e., that to which Jung's collective unconscious points), indeed, that topo-active optime is universal consciousness in its active aspect, and that this not only casts historiography in a certain linear-time-independent (if memetime-dependent) light, but also makes possible an Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock quantum-composite unit of account for µTm-LETS nesting-foams -- a monetary system framework determining condition necessitating a non-vonNeumannian take on quantum logic. The Bohring conception (unargued, but arguably the real origin of postmodernist deconstructionism; see, for one relevant commentary with The Bohring assiduously unargued, Postmodernism and the Deconstruction of Modernism, Maurizio Ferraris and Anna Taraboletti Segre, Design Issues, 4:12, the Designing the Immaterial Society volume, 1988, pp. 12-24) is that what quantum physics is all about is how we write about what we can say about what our classical instruments can tell us about. Planck's jumpish quantum of action (veiling twistorized complex and hypercomplex topo-active optime, in my judgment) and Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function indicate that there is a microscopic world (about the concrete processes of which we can only classical-instru{mentally] infer) that is governed by generalizations of the classical principles governing the macroscopic world (such generalization being 1T2-paradoxical, linear-time-sequence-wise, in that it insists that microscopic comes temporally after macroscopic). These two 1T2-only worlds -- quantum, classical -- are unified by virtue of the fact that they are constantly complimenting each other on their complementarity -- this non-logocentric unity being a unity despite (or, perhaps, because of: one cannot be certain) inherent binary uncertainty inequalities, bivalent incompleteness, Boolean inconsistency. One non-Bohring alternative conception of all this involves holding the learned behavior passed from generation to generation as an imputed macroscopic world to be responsible for Maya and Samsara via anti-animistic, anti-pagan, prescriptive-enculturation-socialization orchestration of -- beginning in the womb -- the glutamatergic prunings at neuronal plasticity which anchor memetime and ponderable space to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains, thus establishing a kundabuffer which denies conscious access by those brains to the CTC+-unto-µTm processings engaged in by THE nonlocalizable quantum brain. Which is to say that what our kundabuffer-designed classical instruments tell us about is all about what we can say about why we write this about, rather than that about, what we have been taught to learn about. Whereas, unlearning what we have been taught to learn, thus to gain direct ontic awareness of the classical-limit-free quantum-principled-on-all-scale-levels world (attested to, for instance, by relativistic-macroquantum processes like tornadogenesis, processes that involve regimes much larger than the supposedly self-classicalizing large-quantum-number regime, as discussed to wit, e.g., in Janell Rodgers' 20 December 2018 description of the Quantum-Mechanical Systems at Large Quantum Number conference), surely necessarily must involve -- at the very minimum -- acknowledgement that nature does, indeed, process CTC+ly-unto-µTmly, and that this logic nesting-foam is the cyclotomic-demergent involutory-decomposition of ultranonselfsame really real reality (in this case, the map is the territory; the medium, the message), i.e., Tzog-chen-AllBase-most-dense-sheet of Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian MVRS, that is, 1T2ly speaking psychomorphically/hylomorphically, universal consciousness in its passive aspect. For me, it wasn't the Viet Nam war, as most people have had a tendency-propensity-proclivity to think: I began psychologically dropping-out-in-place, cognitively defecting-in-place, withdrawing countenance as an eight-year-old, circa July of 1953, standing stunned in the lobby of FLW's Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, staring at the inscrutable countenance presented by a carved ivory hole-filled ball-of-balls with a nesting of hole-filled balls inside hole filled-balls inside hole-filled balls. Dumbfounded. How did they do that? Were the sphere-separating cuts made with a curved knife blade? Wholly holy spheres within holy spheres within holy spheres. Cosmotropological metareference in design of a planetary monetary system. When e[lis}i|on, says my nonselfsame I/im selfhood. Why let that action-based man[dam}us pretend he's not en blanc sur blanc? We have here e as he or e as e; i as I or i as i? How so unsecured (why illusory securitization when variously commodity-backed?), how so very fixed-term (no memetime-passing a given) the stored-value-stack deposits on Tzog-chen AllBase, their CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency joining together being a derivatives elision of the time-shapes of self-interfering nonselfsame action quanta of total capital stock definitional of a quantum-composite unit of account. If each Gödel-numberedn Gödel-number is a Dedekind cut in Tzog-chen AllBase plate (most-dense sheet) of LH-space MVRS, then we are talking n-correct theory qua n-world-picture ultranonselfsame really real reality as THE C+-slit (slit = string of dust mote holes) experiment, an experiment which can only be accurately -- not com[pre}hended or com[post}hended -- com[ontic}hended CTC+ly-unto-µTmly, the fundament of logic being understood independent of the notion truth-value. And since the vanishingly small holes are in closest-packing array, the plate is tantamountanalog to the quantum vacuum, the numbered strings of holes when Schrödinger-memetime-independently involutorily decomposed (original Kairos-understood potentia) are tantamountanalog to Volovich fluctuating (nonselfsame) numbers, those fluctuations tantamountanalog to zero-point-energetic quantum vacuum fluctuations: everything in decomposition involute is/are nothing but changes (Heraclitus); yet, on the AllBase, nothing ever changes (Parmenides).
Because of the unverified, largely tacit, assumption that the connecting principle(s) existing between cause and effect must be singular -- principle, not principles -- and must operate in confirmation to the accommodation rules imposed by 1T2-only-logic alone, and must abide (the standard time-dependent Schrödinger wave equation of consensus quantum mechanics is a linear equation, even though the wave-function of that equation is m-valued, not single-valued) by the linearity imposed by an assumed passive, passing, referential linear-time, those of the physics luminaries who were triumphant in the paradigm conflicts transpiring during the mid-1920s chose not to consider causality-types µTm-unto-CTC+ (which do not necessarily involve an invasion, psychic and otherwise, by hidden variables, but do involve unacknowledged instrumentality of dysinterpreted and largely spurned logics, the fundament of which cannot be truth-value) functioning via Pauli operator time as active pregeometry implementers, but to, instead, hypostasize-reify statistical probability amplitudes as if they -- the probabilities in and of themselves, not the so-regarded particles of matter -- were interactive entities evolving in linear-time on a 1T2-only-alone-causal basis. Though there be nonlinear Schrödinger equations (for the latest, see: New exact solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients", Qian Guo and Jing Liu, Results in Physics, 16, March 2020) and nonlinear superpositionings calculated via Lie algebraic nonlinear-Fourier transforms, the prevailing general quantum physics focal treatment is based upon the linear, where superposition is treated as a mere matter of simple addition and scalar multiplication. Our orientation, however, involves two levels of nonlinearity and hypercomplexity such that multiple-connectedness and nonorientabilities are integral to nonlinear entangled-superposed-composite subsystem-system-supersystem dynamics.
Dynamics such as those surely associated with the coherent wave outputs of the corpora of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA molecules, the wave-function of wave-functions of wave-functions n composite constituting THE non-localizable physical quantum brain, i.e., processing-by-which being res cogitans extensa understood as distinct from, and more fundamental than, the usual psycho-socio-cultural sense of distributed cognition qua extended mind, a sense well argued by Giulia Piredda in The Mark of the Cognitive and the Coupling-Constitution Fallacy: A Defense of the Extended Mind Hypothesis, Frontiers of Psychology, 28 November 2017. People not thoroughly identified hic et nunc with definitely-space-placed and memetime-bound binary-mind don't generally choose to become engineers, physicists, applied mathematicians; consequently, collective occasions of experience have been ruled out of consensus physics and personified CTC+-extended-mind, as distinct from personified 1T2-only-inflated-mind, is not involved in quantum measurement as universal observer Q. Be aware that the very idea of equations becomes more and more ludicrous as µTm transits to CTC+ -- relative-states of identity-transparency being what they are.
But, stuck to flypaper, consensus quantum physicists have adhered, and continue to adhere, to the linear. Ah, whew! however much faced with the East, its very existence an existential denial, real reality of the real world saved once again! This consensuation cannot, and should not, be explained in terms of the physics alone because, howsoever rationalized to self-justifying selfhoods and to the physics and larger communities, the choices made were/are not based upon the physics alone. There being more war in science, more politics in science, more economics in science, more social psychology and more psychosociology in science than there is science in science, we could hardly have expected a consensus quantum mechanics that was interpreted in such a way as to outright, free of plausible denial, thoroughly quench all possibility of sustaining belief in the 17th- and 18th-century metaphysical foundations of our political economy and institutional base. The counter-Cabalistic fear and loathing of the non-selfsame numbers characteristic of neoPlatonic numerology -- a form of arithmetic metaphor no less than gematria is a form of geometric metaphor, both of which Gödel borrowed from in originating the notion of a Gödel number -- clearly was a secular-rabbinical impetus to rejection of Lukasiewicz in favor of the Born Rule. The collective unconscious, in retribution for that Rule's violation of nature and in compensatory abreaction to the involved suppression, saw to it that the WWII-initializing invasion of the homeland of Polish logics was accompanied by an explosion of Polish-logic-parodying Polish jokes (e.g., with regards to the 1T3 case: How many Poles does it take to change a light bulb? Three: one to hold the bulb, two to turn the stool stood upon). Issuing out of that war was a monetary system once again based upon a Newtonian single-valued vehicle-reserve currency, not a Schrödingerian m-valued reserve currency not a vehicle currency, and not, altogether sans reserve currencies of whatever type, a global unit of account defined relative to principles of quantum mechanics descriptive of collective, cooperative, and critical phenomena. Interesting concise histories of that issuing out of are provided by Robert P. Murphy in A Brief History Of The Gold Standard, ZeroHedge, 18 August 2020, and by Ice-9 of The Burning Platform in The Evolution of Fiat Money, parts One and Two and Three, ZeroHedge, 14-16 August 2020. While I am no advocate of a return to the classical gold standard, much less a gold-exchange standard howsoever formulated vis-à-vis SDRs or cryptos, I am, in the context of µTm-LETS nesting-foams (parenthetically: when gold bug Judy Shelton, her nomination to the FED presently stonewalled by Congress, was working in Mexico I sent her a description of this idea, but received no reply) defined over fractal e-boundaries, a believer in commodity backing, such currencies variously commodity backed in conjunction with a planetary quantum-composite unit of account founded on the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth: the only way, or by some functional equivalent, use of depleting resources could conceivably be adequately optimized in face of the gathering global crisis. Absent implementation of µTm-LETS so systemically contextualized, or some functional equivalent, it is, in my assessment, virtually certain that cuspover of the catabolic collapse (I have long used the term incendiary collapse in analogically thinking of percolation theory applied to forest-fire modeling -- as well as cascade theory, of course) essayed by John Michael Greer (see: How Civilizations Fall: A Theory of Catabolic Collapse, 2005, recently linked by the always interesting Charles Hugh Smith in Here's Why the 'Impossible' Economic Collapse is Unavoidable, Of Two Minds, 14 August 2020) will, even given all of our canniness, not be avoided. As far as my I/im (observer[s] informally educated by America somewhat as had formally and informally been the medieval celebrant and cynical skeptic Henry Adams, and with an acquired decay-type historiography reminiscent of brother Brooks') has/have been able to discern, the extent of creative thought brought by our eardrum-blisterjaxx boombox cum smartphoned planetarized monoculture to the going-critical global [eco}nomic and medico-psycho-sexo-socio-politico-economic crisis is pretty much confined to: innovating a one-We-Are-The-World, one-central-bank-banked, block-chained, fiat or gold-exchange-structured, cryptomonocurrency -- or, return to classical gold-backing and local public banking; sovereign-debt jubilee in return for actions on climate-change remediation to complement carbon tax and/or cap-and-trade schemes; geoengineering; genetic engineering to alleviate the problems largely caused by genetic engineering; a 5+Ged-IoTs-implemented, Discipline and Punish, omniscient panopticonic-panaudioconic, totalitarian planetary ultrastate -- or, radical decentralization to a global organizational monoscale; recourse to MMT and various sorts of Tobin taxes to pay for a universal guaranteed income and a Green New Deal dealt hand of renewable energy sources; multimodal various-intensity warfare as the deautomatization axel grease lubricating the necessary transmogrification; engineered-accidented-iatrogenically-induced, forced-draft-urbanization-and-mass-tourism spread plagues (one after another, a decent interval separating one from the next) and intensive GMOing-poisoning of the food chain as means to, subtly, deniably, reduce overpopulation and the percentage of elderly free riders -- or, a fundamental free-energy breakthrough which, suddenly, altogether, deus ex machina, removes the whole conundrum. Failing that, an elite abandonment of the planet. None of this is remotely in realms demanded by the situation, a successional process being brought by interventionist-fomented natural forcing and Weltanschauung dyscrasia to incendiary cuspover. O, The Shame of the Cities, the shame of the megacorps, the shame of the nation-states, the shame of the suprastates aspiring to shapeshift to an ultrastate. Hallucinogenic [econo}phantasiai aside,
Even in the singlet, doublet, n-let practice of walking meditation (the Greek prefiguration of the apocryphal Christic, Get behind thyself! you Nude Descending a Staircase so as to do a cognitive version of the MichaelJackson forward-backslide), à la pre-Socratic (by contrast to the description offered by Richard Robinson concerning the Socratic version), non-truth-value-seeking, identity-transparency imprinting elenchus (be it only via spontaneous superegoic self-interrogation by the executive brain's hegemonikon), the critical direct experiential phenomenology of epoché, withholding of assent or suspension of judgment, is not saying 'I' to, not identifying with, the thought coming into awareness from CTC+-unto-µTm-quantum-brain cosmic elsewhere (such coming in even if presumed only to be the inner talking of the 1T2-only-molecular-cellular-brain's roof-brain chatter), not allowing it to momentarily consume available cathexis, regarding it as an invading demonic, antigod, shape-shifting Rakshasa attempting to take possession of psychic libido, letting it pass on by with barely a raised eyebrow. The act of binary-mind actually doing this (Thus also sprach the contrasexual Anima: Out, damned spot. Out, I say!--One, two ) requires cultivation of an autogenic shift in feeling space such that the thought is proprioceptively felt as coming in, is sensed as coming before it arrives, thus requires an increase in the baud-rate of consciousness such that memetime-slow-down initializes and facilitates onset of inner separation qua voluntary dissociation and interior distancing into, ultimately, the infinite regress of 'I'-nesses which can only be adequately processed (without loss of [meme}time) µTmly-unto-CTC+ly and Gödel-numbered p-adically rather than [doxa}dically. Consideration that this is, indeed, the case, leads one, heh-heh-heh, to entertain the notion that the hisstorical precursor, pre-Homeric, to Aristotle's phantasia was (Platonic anamnesis accessed) telepathically communicable inner-Musculpt, quite generally, due to prescriptively-orchestrated glutamatergic etching qua tuposis, an acatalepsy to binary-mind, rather than mere Socratic memory, as Krisanna M. Scheiter has it having been for Aristotle in her Images, Appearances, and Phantasia in Aristotle, Phronesis, 57, 2012, pp. 251-78.
resources are essential to even e[con}omic activities, not only those [eco}nomic and economic. That being the case, the µTm-quantum-composite planetary unit of account
OMG, arg and ugh! yet another Mire Quotidian locked onto an asperity of dark abstractions paradoxically cloaked in the diurnal self-attribution of a hearty, orotund high-mindedness, har-har-har: more of the more-and-more-pretentious complexity But my dear sir, Mr. Subsidence -- aside sung by the choir in Sprechstimme recitative: Is this an example of complaisance-molded obeisance or obeisance-molded complaisance? -- how believable is the notion that the prevailing extremely complex, n-dimensional even, planetary conundrum, soon with ten-billion human participants, has a simple, so to say laconic, solution? A succinct, concise brief -- terse, even -- is the answer sought? Hmmm. Ah, the affectation of a disaffection for the normotic. Ack, aye, those farleftwinger comsympies who believe com[place}nces nicer than any caplaisance, and who hold that the mal[ar}key to [mend}a|city, reeducate a nation. Can't complexity be handled in the air-conditioned sub-subbasement, what wiring there necessary still is hidden under a raised floor? After all, handling complexity, keeping it off the user's back, is THE appropriate-technology Doctrine of Uses for our computing machines -- not, despite the territorial imperative, as has thus far been the very inappropriate 180-degree-opposite case: e.g., the BezosComplexifier governmentality apoplectically and antibiopolitically complexifying everything inherently simple, the motivation for which being planetarization of Surveiller et punir via solidification of control over an insecure, territoryless population. In what would have been one small step for these men, one giant leap for mankind, Keynes proposed bancor, White unitas (quoting p. 5 of Reserves and Baskets, Michael D. Bordo and Harold James, NBER, October 2011: Keynes, incidentally, was never happy about the name and called bancor along with the U.S. alternative for a synthetic currency [unitas] 'rotten bad names,' adding 'but we racked our brains without success to find a better') -- each conceived as an international non-vehicle reserve currency handled somewhat as would be the more abstract unit of account that is not also a medium of exchange to quote Note 5, p. 2 of Money as a Unit of Account, Matthias Doepke and Martin Schneider, October 2013, which provides a discussion of the idea of a dominant unit of account. But, alas, mankind did not adopt either bancor or unitas, primarily because politicians quite generally are not in the business of serving the people; they serve, first themselves, then the monied oligarchs of whatever era. The same fate befell Lok Sang Ho's WCU -- World Currency Unit, an indexed unit of account linked to real global purchasing power. The CPI-cum-median-personal-income-cum-real-global-purchasing-power indexed unit of account, which has had limited use (see Robert J. Shiller here and for a thorough explication Indexed Units of Account: Theory and Assessment of Historical Experience, NBER, Working Paper No. 6356, January 1998), would be, were it planetarized, the next big step for mankind in its eventual adoption of a µTm-quantum-composite (of the corpus of variously-commodity-backed backings of µTm-LETS currencies) unit of account (an old idea for me, going back to the late-1970s) superposedly-indexed to the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock (for me, an idea going back to the mid-1990s), planet Earth.
would, most functionally, be an expression of that which is being accounted. I maintain that that which is, most fundamentally, the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes
My dear Dr. Qusick, but don't you know that while the idea of poem considered as actively machine-tooling marionette-memetime (e.g., the geometric pattern-poem: see, referral good offices of Vladimir A. Kulchitsky, A Journey to Poetry of Geometric Shapes from the Ancient Time to Poetry of John Hollander, Mehrdad Moazami Goudarzi1 and Leila Baradaran Jamili and Bahman Zarrinjooee, Journal of Novel Applied Sciences, 3:7, 2014, pp. 771-6) may be a stab at making an adequate metaphor, chronotopology does not actually appertain to memetime née passive, passing (see: Does Time Really Flow , Natalie Wolchover, Quanta Magazine, 7 April 2020), referential linear-time, which, metaphorically, has only line shape, be the timeline Einstein-dilated in approach to absolute limiting velocity, be it Wheeler-curved in approach to absolute limiting acceleration, be it Gödel-circled in approach to absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration; a more apt metaphor, one apropos 3-fold topo-active Pauli-Paine optime (i.e., corpora of imaginary, hypercomplex, hyperhypercomplex temporal operators executing CTC+-unto-µTm logical propositions preexistent on LH-space qua MVRS, time shapes being Musculpted spatial metaphors for the involutorily decomposed logical-regimes-cum-frequency-domains thus constellated) is poem as tropological operator upon functor space. The mannered poet(ess)'s third-person conceit: lifting out of generative empathy qua participation mystique, objectifying a somewhat, then abstracting it, is, by constellated complement, an existential confirmation of the claim to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinction -- as are all drawings of distinctions -- and simulacra of the thus-instantiated 1T2-only selfhood's cultivated illusion of control, indeed, of mastery, a mastery intent upon imposition of regularity, predictability -- and thus are symmetry and persistent rhythm misassociated with deep structure, the spiritual, profundity. M-Theoretic postulation of m-time-shapes is an alternative -- non-multiverse, non-ponderable-space -- way to understand Everettian relative-state, a way referred to by Frank Tipler in his book entitled The Physics of Immortality, Doubleday, 1994, where he uses the Everettian-vonHayekian term time-shapes of total capital stock.
of total capital stock, planet Earth -- and that the unit of account in question would, most optimally, be a quantum composite
The fundamentally mistaken idea-propriocept-percept that there are selfsame localized separates-discretes-individuals with object-constancy through an objective linear-time (a learned behavior anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains by glutamate etchings at neuronal plasticity) that correlate, interact, overlap, entangle, superpose, engage in contagion, form composites (see here, section 7.3, The Fundamentals of the Physics of Composite Quantum Systems, for a good introduction, and note how exquisitely the postulates reinforce 1T2-only distinctions even when describing wipeout of those distinctions, to include the ludicrous assumption that quantum composite systems are isolated systems), is the result, not of spontaneous localization via collapse of the wave-function at clinical and subclinical measurements, but of cognitive opaqueness to the Schrödinger-memetime-independent involutory decomposition (along with decomposition of the reference space: supersymmetry, function, configuration, state, so on) that is responsible for partitionings, right down to those most simplistic, i.e., those binary -- like the ones described by the Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities. Consider Ya Cao, et al., writing Side information-driven quantum composite control for protecting a qubit, arXiv, 3 June 2019. Quoting the Introduction section: Firstly, Heisenberg's inequality limits the amount of information that measurement can obtain. This implies that two or more nonorthogonal states cannot be perfectly discriminated [emphasis added]. Secondly, there will be an undesired phenomenon, 'back-action', when quantum measurements are applied. Here we have the specter of inherent, non-disposable identity-transparency much more comfortably, less threateningly (not, by most, undesired, in my opinion-- well, at least, most in the West), treated, with a considerable sense of relief, as ameliorated by instantaneous back-action, however instantaneous still couched in a supposedly objective linear-time where within the measurement occasion is referenced, and written into 1T2-only-logical interpretation of the time-dependent Schrödinger wave equation. But what if the techno-practicum objective is not to protect a qubit? What if it is to free a mu-it, or, non-technocratically, to ascertain how that mu-it fulfills its unhampered natural functions in various contexts? Note the first words employed by Peter Hagelstein in Quantum Composites: A Review, and New Results for Models , Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, 20, 2016, pp. 139-235, to wit, quoting the first sentence of the Abstract: A composite is made up of constituent particles Binary-mind of the physicist is placed in decoherency wondering how it was that coherency could have been discovered to have emerged (i.e., linear-time evolution is an unquestioned given and co-conspirator with the constituency-type given). No entertaining the notion that undivided wholeness is the primordial state, a state taken into memetime-independent evolutory decomposition by topo-active optime. Is it any wonder that all the models of quantum composites described in Hagelstein's paper employ only 1T2-only analytics? When one thoroughly disagrees with the [pre}misses, what sense does it make to invest the lifespan increment that would be required to learn to deeply read into the given area of thought? Hence, I early on chose maintenance of incompetence with regard to probabilistic Rx(s) of quantum mechanics and truth-value-based Rx(s) of Lukasiewicz logics. So what? was and is my attitude. I'm no interested -- why should I be? -- and that includes the techno-spinoffs of the former, which I consider to be predominantly negative. Hypercomplex, imaginary, real angular-momentum cascade dynamics (by contrast, see here, section 7.4.1, Relative States and Local Unitary Transformations, where The relative vectors in general do not make up an orthogonal system but, still, even so, local unitary manipulations are allowable) executed by 3-fold temporal CURL (quantized via Penrose twistors?) as expression of topo-active optime gating of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of CTC+-unto-µTm cosmic propositions nested upon LH-space most-densely-pre-pregeometry-packed-holes Tzog-chen AllBase sheet of MVRS belies the 1T2-only simplistic up/down notion of quantum spin treated as signatory of entanglements-superpositions-composites. How many inequal non-orthogonalities are there in 90-degrees of twisting? Ninety? Or is each of those degrees fractalized, and each such fractal indicated by a J.G.Bennettian pencil of skew-parallels, the transfinite collection of the involved infinitudes constituting the index of skew-perpendicularity (the apocritical interval) actually prevailing in the binary Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities when evaluated with µTm-unto-CTC+ logics understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, rather than with truth-value-bound 1T2-only-logic alone?
thereof. There are, undoubtedly, may approaches that could be taken to progressive realization of this notion, likely not all of which are mutually exclusive. Moreover, the monetary system employing such a unit of account would be best analogically modeled upon the natural processes cycling and recycling the "that which" which the unit of account is an expression of.
Having, circa November of 1963, read J. G. Bennett's null-vectorial pencils of skew-parallels Appendix III to Vol. 1 of his magnum opus, The Dramatic Universe, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, explicating a geometry of the diversely identical (to wit, quoting that appendix: By 'classical' we designate all geometries in which the entities represented are assumed to be identical with themselves If we are to set our ontology free from the limitation of single-valued existence we require a geometry that will enable us to represent situations in which each entity can be 'more than one thing at once'), read without much understanding, but with elaborate electrical shock of recognition that this mathematics somehow provides a key to comprehension of the animistic-Shinto states I experienced as a child living, circa 1953-6, in Midorigaoka, Onga-gun Ashiya-machi, Fukuoka-ken, kita-Kyushu, Japan (believe it or not, once a very beautiful place: rice fields and Verdant Hills, i.e., midori gaoka, covered in wild camellias [prefiguring my many years working as a gardener {mother's maiden family -- of the town of Greencastle -- name having been Baumgardner: tree gardener} in the nursery named Hill's Camellia Gardens]), and having with considerable assiduity searched at every opportunity for a deeper grasp, from the memetime in Cornell's Mathematics Library, circa 1975, when I read Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics, my take has been thoroughly Putnamic-- well, insofar as the following goes, and no further. Quoting: Quantum Logic in Historical and Philosophical Perspective, International Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP):
According to Putnam's famous paper [i.e., Is Logic Empirical?, Hilary Putnam, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 5, pp. 199-215, 1968, reviewed and critiqued in Is Logic Empirical?, Guido Bacciagaluppi, Centre for Time, University of Sydney, 26 May 2007]: Logic is as empirical as geometry. We live in a world with a non-classical logic he concludes that classical logic is simply mistaken
But, of course, Putnam's take on what that non-classical logic is is not my take. The so-called normal state's normotic consciousness qua 1T2-only processed experience of an imputedly-objective macroscopic object-world is prescriptively-enculturated cum glutamatergically-anchored (experientially conjugating Edmund Jacobson to Sri Aurobindo, it can be easily understood why flatlining on the EMG gives carte blanche to the brain for ketamine-flood-initiated OBE, exit from utter identification with the 1T2-only absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct body being a functional prerequisite to thinking in µTm-logics by contrast to 1T2ly thinking about µTm-logics) learned behavior to which quondam-authentic animistic-pagan-participation mystique-type propriocepts-percepts didn't-won't conform (be aware that Diederik Aerts looks for quantum properties in macroscopic objects like Bose-Einstein condensates [see his: Quantum theory and human perception of the macro-world, Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 2014], whereas Paine-Kaplan found quantum properties in dynamical processes like tornadogenesis): that is to say, the bulk of human experience over the eons did not conform to the cognitive dictates currently embraced, and with which the vast majority of physicists are, even after more than a century of quantum mechanics, apparently identified -- try as they may, try as they do to save as much of the classical as can be done with each new reformation of the formalism of quantum mechanics. Ask: Why are subjective contents of the so-called normal state of consciousness taken by physicists as indicators of objectivity? The epiphany, however much psycho-skids are put on, of an ineluctable stoppage, a moment out of time, induces, for himher identified with binary-mind, a cyberpunk chill running down the spine. Diffidently submitting to mass psychological induction, saying 'I' to the stream of consciousness, hence no inner-separation, no increase in the baud-rate of consciousness, consequently immersion, Time After Time, in real-numerable linear-time, idealized as la durée, rules out Aldous Huxley's realization that Time Must Have A Stop, time so stoppable being memetime and only memetime -- time stoppages at absolute limiting velocities being matters of topologically-active operator-time and first-order temporal CURL. New York, New York! O, the societal impacts of the cognitive desiccation resultant from glutamatergic etching of electron-transport chains: free radicals just doing what comes naturally. Abolish STEM -- science, technology, engineering, mathematics -- as white culture, or jettison the dominant Doctrine of Uses imposed on STEM because that doctrine is a malapropism, uh, a malappropriation, uh, a maleficence, uh, a malfeasance? It's easy enough to understand the unconscious deep-structure origins of the do-away-with-STEM movement, given magnitude of the dissembling of mathematics and physics in the period since the dissimulation of Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr, dissimulated as being an Impossibility Theorem, that two centuries of dissembling coupled to the gathering apparent magnitude of the ever more viewable global crisis. I don't suppose neuroman[t]ic porkers -- hu-hu-human and piggish -- will be deemed sociologically kosher any memetime soon, presumably musk to the dismay of those with elan. Check out n-billion-dollar-funded socialDarwinian 2nk Ultra, the rugged epigenetic landscape fit for Boolean mappings of miscreants like cloud-computed Cyberia-to-brain-implanted substitute memories, multiple 1T2-only universes, uh, that is, surrogate EgoSpheres, replacement [Id}imperatives, PC misbeliefs -- these techno-invasions being ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements due to suppression-hence-regression) of how coherent outputs of THE µTm-quantum-brain processings appear to come in upon -- from cosmic elsewhere -- decoherent, localized, collapsed-selfhood idealegos chimerically anchored to bivalent molecular-cellular brains: the new Manhattan Project being the making of [male}v[i]olent hypotheticals into virtual realities of refashioned-Umwelt-composite NewWorldOrdered Lebenswelt. No doubt, in due course, they'll be using for wireless computer-brain interface, not an implanted chip, not the ATP factories, but the higher-temporal formants of intraneuronal intramitochondrial DNA molecules. The closest surrogate to the orientation we rather amateurishly attempted to outline in our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, elaborated on a much more sophisticated technical level it goes without saying, is the theoretical perspective originated by Diederik Aerts (I obviously fell down on my pro bono job at Cornell, for I did not, during the late-1970s, discover existence of Aerts' predoc papers on subsystem analytics, listed in the linked bibliography, and bring them to the attention of Prof. Paine, papers certainly essential were Paine's Maxwellian treatment of double-helical air parcel motions at cascade dynamics in tornadogenesis to have been transposed into Schrödinger form, a task we were discussing strategies for accomplishing at the memetime, circa 1980, funding for research projects and grad students dried up and I left Cornell) as described in Aerts' Quantum particles as conceptual entities , Foundations of Science, 14, 2009, pp. 361-411, as posted online at arXiv, and also in Quantum interference and superposition in cognition (posted online via arXiv), in Worldviews, Science, and Us , D. Aerts, et al., eds., World Scientific, 2011. When CTC+ ways of being-there in this one-and-only universe are available, why did Homo sapiens some thousands of years ago choose to almost exclusively restrict itself to the 1T2-only way alone? This fixation because of a haptification of space and concretion of time attendant upon domestication of the horse? Hmmm. Doesn't seem an adequate explanation. Before that, full-blown authentic participation mystique had to end with the appearance of a territorial imperative. Imprinting on totem animals? And there could not have arisen a territorial imperative had not a kundabuffer been glutamatergically etched and anchored to largely block conscious access to the µTm-unto-CTC+ processings engaged in by THE nonlocal quantum brain. Of particular interest, circa late-'70s, to cascade theory of supersystem-system-subsystem cum subsystem-system-supersystem interactions, in regards to a Maxwellian --> Schrödingerian transpose and Aerts' analytics, would have been Aerts' thought on formation of composites. Quoting the quantum logic article in the IEP once again:
It was shown, in a non-separability theorem by Aerts [provided in The One and the Many , Ph.D. diss., Brussels Free University, 1981], that when trying to repeat the classical procedure of taking the tensor product of the lattices of the properties of two systems, to obtain the lattice of the properties of the composite, the procedure fails [5, 6, 8, 57, 125, 126]. Attempts to vary the conditions that define the product of lattices have been made but in all cases it results that the Hilbert lattice factorizes only in the case in which one of the factors is a Boolean lattice, or when the systems have never interacted.
I would speculate that the reason why this non-factorizability vis-à-vis Diederik Aerts' theorem is so is because there is no actual such thing as a 2-system quantum-composite cum 2-state qubit. All quantum composites are C+-system composites, each such system simultaneously in C+-relative-states of identity-transparency, the C here indicating the Cantorian continuum, 2-to-the-aleph-null mysteriously equal to aleph-one [the 2 here, to my mind, being suspect]; indeed, there is only THE C+-system, involutory decomposition to and thru µTm-order-types of quantum composites being the foremost result of Platonic amnesis: the most fundamental case of Mankind in Amnesia, thence and hence subjectively locked onto IBEed (in the body experienced) identification with the classical macroscopic object world. Slapdash head crash splash, postcrash cash cache gnashed, be it ash Wednesday, ash the week long, ah, yes, whatEVVVER as regards the aged eagle, but, O lads, why should the aged vortexual gyrfalcon stop circling about the closing spiral of levels of the [gy}rational psychotransference, down, down, derry down unto the subject-object level where the Six-Fold Way (three of ponderable space; three of topo-active optime) reveals itself to be eight (the octonions). Don't Mean A Thing? Ask the Duke. Language nesting of object order-types -- the Indic-thought take: concrete particulars unto general cases unto generals of general cases unto ; or the vonWeizsacker-Reichenbach Ur-alternatives take: objects, yes-no questions about objects, such questions about such questions -- is a reflection of µTm-unto-CTC+ processings: only holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt could allow binary-mind a modicum of access such that that mind is enticed onto The [µTm-unto-CTC+] Road to Reality. Not until well into this projection project (don't rule out the psychological-projection dimension) will it become possible to define the elements of the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of the involutorily decomposable so-called projection operators (i.e., really the always being-there logical propositions) on Tzog-chen-AllBase most-dense-sheet of LH-space qua MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space). Quoting the quantum logic article in the IEP once again:
As Heisenberg remarks, it is not clear at first sight which kind of ontology would underpin these modified logical patterns [i.e., twitting, smartalecky, Wiseacre degrees of truth under wisenheimer abandonment of the 1T2-only Law of Distributed Middle]; the main concern in the project [being that] of finding a logical system associated to the algebraic structure of the theory. [Italic added]
But note that arithmetic, algebraic, set theoretic, and logical operations (e.g., the addition and scalar multiplication used to define linear superposition) are all based on simple-identity, i.e., assume the 1T2-only Law of Identity as being applied to operands: so, the real main concern should really be, not finding a logical system, but finding operators capable of actually operating on the non-simple-identities of m-order-types predicated by µTm-unto-CTC+-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. Arithmetic has long since been done for (a fact overtly suppressed beginning in 1936 with the vonNeumann-Birkhoff account of quantum logic) as a descriptor of actuality (actuality understood, at the very least, in the hylomorphic sense): evincing appearance whilst veiling putative reality. An F. H. Bradleyan in the T. S. Eliot vein -- i.e., not considering the 1T2-only Law of Non-contradiction to be itself a generator of mere appearances, and regarding classes of appearance as degrees of reality (this being a Bradleian prefiguration of the fuzzy logic interpretation of µTm-valued logics) -- even though having debunked autohypnotic ritual as portal to and entrepot of participation mystique, would, nonetheless, de[clam}a|tory at the drop of a black hat. Parenthetically, whilst contemplating non-selfsame numbers as operands, just think of fear-driven collective unconscious forcing: e.g., cancellation culture's demonization of arithmetic as an excrescence of white culture. 2 + 2 = 4 is racism!: a right-out-there, perfectly clear, overt statement not made in run-up to WWII. Why? Because the suppression-regression (of the ramifications of the inadequacy of arithmetic) was not then nearly so elaborated as it is today. This is an example of how regressed-archetypal mass behaviors are always DEMERGED via prescriptively enculturated antihomeostatic dysfunctions of extended mind. Operators-operations-operands not in conformance with the 1T2-only Law of Identity will not be algebraic; they will be apropos trans-al-jabr. Their discovery: this is a project which I have for long argued cannot be significantly carried forward until inner-Musculpt is holographically techno-exteriorized as mathematical notation (a project that would be greatly facilitated by the learning of sonic-visioning dolphin-speak). I don't know what those operator/operations are. Possibly I could have discovered them in the 20-year-long period during which I had varying degrees of access to inner-Musculpt, aged 15-35, but I had no clear precise idea of what I was looking for and the computerized biofeedback equipment that would have been very helpful simply was not available to me. Axioms become postulates-cum-theorems become hypotheses in a post-paradigmatic Weltbild built down, derry down CTC+ly-unto-µTmly-unto-1T2ly (a selfsame paradigm-qua-paradigm being possible only under bivalent logic) -- and vice versa, when processed in reverse order (unto the utter non-selfsamenesses utterly precluding the paradigm-qua-paradigm). Look at the axioms of QM compared to Peano compared to those half-tongue-in-cheek, but only half, provided in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 668, to wit: A number is a value which is not in all cases equal to itself; Zero and infinity are both numbers; The immediate successor to a number is not necessarily a number (it could be a hole, which is not zero or infinity); One value of that immediate successor of a number which is a number is always zero or infinity or both; Any property belonging to any number belongs to some value of every number. Bradley was on the track leading eventually to something like this, on that track before Planck's quantum of action was codified, before appearance of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, before Schrödinger formulated his m-valued state-function, before two thematically-related world wars were fought. Quoting the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Francis Herbert Bradley, 22 February 2017:
Chapters II and III -- respectively entitled Substantive and Adjective and Relation and Quality, are uniquely Bradleian, alarming in the breadth of their implications, and have caused intermittent controversy ever since. In generalized form, Bradley's contention is that relations (such as greater than) are unintelligible either with or without terms, and, likewise, terms unintelligible either with or without relations
It is clear that his views on relations are both highly controversial and central to his thought. In view of this, it would appear a serious tactical error on Bradley's part to present his arguments so sketchily and unconvincingly that even sympathetic commentators have not found it easy to defend him, while C.D. Broad was able to say later, Charity bids us avert our eyes from the pitiable spectacle of a great philosopher using an argument which would disgrace a child or a savage (Examination, p. 85). [On from there to the types of criticism brought to bear and how those criticisms have been criticized: note that greater than is a relation atrociously implicating the arithmetic operations addition and scalar multiplication, the m-logics of n-state superpositionings being no less substantive {à la pre-pregeometric, quality-free, psychetichyletic data-substance, Borel-set arrayed in buckets of dimensionless warm-golden dust motes} than is arithmetic-algebra, than is geometry, than is mechanics, even memetime hisstories, thus, subscribing to Greek substantialism rather than Collingwoodian-Popperian insubstantialism.]
To wit: one-and-a-quarter century after publication of Appearance and Reality, Bradley's efforts in this regard (i.e., concerning the inadequacy of arithmetic and classical logic) are still denigrated. Bivalent-logic explication is inherently inadequate, as Bradley made a very big effort to emphasize -- however much he may have missed the mark, however much he looked back at 19th-century logic. Holographic Musculpt as maths notation is minimally required. Being in participation mystique is required. Thinking in µTm-valued logics is required. How likely is it that the human species will consciously reintegrate what it long ago knew and lived and enculturated relative to the involved? Factoring in human nature, a near-vanishing probability amplitude is the expectation value I've long embraced in WAG-answering that question -- the myriad secondaries, tertiaries, quaternaries are clear-channeled evidence enough for my mind of that value being the correct value. The big question preoccupying me at the moment is: Will buying one of the 80-million 5G-equipped iPhones coming on markette, and registering it (i.e., submitting a DNA sample and getting the required array of shots) for warranty, mean that my DNA frequency-response windows cum coherent-radiation signatures will not be among those that the 5G satellites irradiate Earth with? Heh-heh-heh! For, surely, almost half a century later, it must be the case that enough is known in classified circles to build the system that selective. But maybe buying an iPhone won't be enough; perhaps I'll have to buy and register the full collection of IoTs-equipped appliances and smart clothing to be deemed altogether exempt from having the multilevel-information qudits (see: Quantum Information Processing in the Frequency Domain, H.-H. Lu, et al., Optics & Photonics News, December 2019) of my quantum lattice of subspaces of the Hilbert-spatialized frequency domain iatrogenically induced via a Hilbert-transform convolution (for instance, my corpus of DNA-histological-type frequency-response-windows could be considered a trackable-graphable social network à la Feng Ji and Wee Peng Tay, as described in their A Hilbert Space Theory of Graph Signal Processing, arXiv, 16 September 2019). The graph of greatest interest may correspond to a nesting-foam of upside-down Bub's (see: Quantum Mechanics without the Projection Postulate, Jeffrey Bub, Foundations of Physics, 22:5, May 1992, pp. 737-54) decomposable umbrellas (a given umbrella's fan being not of Boolean subalgebras, but of µTm-subalgebras) each with m-handles (composed of hypertwisted fiber-bundles of pencils of skew-parallels) and n-spines (composed of pencils of skew-parallels), but such umbrellas obviously not constructed relative to the 1T2-only truth-valued Law of Bivalence; rather, relative to sheaves of M-Theoretic p-branes where each m-handle is an Alexander.Karpenko functor of Lukasiewicz logics (interpreted relative to relative-state identity-transparency) over the primes, and the topo-active-optime (supplanting a necessity operator) demerged n-spines of propositions are p-adic Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of the strings of zeros (supernumerating holes) given by a hypercomplex version of the Euler-Riemann zeta function -- the only authentically distinct whatnots in this scheme being the factors employed to form Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of the propositions on Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense sheet of LH-space MVRS. So what? Unfortunately for us all, indeed, for the WholeEarth, technocratic dyscrasiacs choose to orient themselves to the coherent undividable wholeness of ALL THAT IS with prescriptively-enculturated-glutamatergically-etched Utilitarian-Pragmatic Doctrine-of-Uses preference functions, functions selecting (from what they modal-logically construe the poset of possibilities) only probabilistic bivalent decoherencies. Following in footsteps of the progenitors (the legends developed to cover those chosen to bring up megacorp proprietaries play down traits that would, smack-dab, reveal the selection criteria) along the royal road to perdition, thus sprach the NeighborhoodWatch block-party chairperson: While 'muther' has yet to become more than marginally a swearword-- Hmmm. Well, what, we deemand, do you mean by 'my child'? Why, the very thought is treasonous, a crime against humanity! Ack, aye, one expressed conundrum issuing out of the physicist-cohort's binary-extended-mind's mass projective-identification of-with 1T2-only-definite values of µTmly-indefinite properties, the psychological projection formalistically codified as projection operators on the Hilbert space subsidence of F. S. C. Northrop's indeterminate aesthetic continuum -- 1T2ly-indeterminate, that is. Whereas, actually, the 1T2ly-contradictory qua contradictory does not, repeat not, exist 1T3ly 2T3ly 3T3ly 1T4ly µTmly because 1T2-contradiction has no definability there-being. Modally speaking, ALL THAT IS CTC+ly-possible qua being-there on Tzog-chen AllBase of LH-space MVRS is actually actuated-incarnated by involutory decomposition in-under-by this, that, or another µTm-logical-value order-type, there being no altogether-in-so-far-as-definite material whatnots (actually swarms of swarms of swarms ultimately of holes) except in-under-by the 1T2-only order-type alone: there are no probabilities-propensities about CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency of THE IT, all actuatables all ways always all ready already being-there absolutely-in-so-far-as-indistinguishably on the base-state of LH-space MVRS. Stasis decomposed (involuted) is dynamics; dynamics recomposed (convoluted) is stasis: 6-fold topo-active optime/counter-optime is(are) the necessary and sufficient composite trans-al-jabr (bi-octonionic) decomposition-recomposition autopoietic operator(s) -- 1T2ly speaking, that is. Heh-heh-heh!
I sincerely doubt that anyone, especially the most pig-headed, ever makes it through physical demands laid on during Special Forces training without adopting-adapting a personal set of autohypnotic-induction techniques -- the easiest and most widely used being rhythm entrainment -- even given that that term is never employed and that, for the most part, the adoption-adaptation is done subliminally: this is the beginning of the induction funnel to the states of consciousness experienced in high combat, widely testified to under the currently prevailing rubric SF satori and generally, in my opinion, misconstrued as an especially high adrenalin high. Fight-or-flight adrenalin-rush proprioceptive phenomenology is starkly distinguishable from phase-shift run-up to an OBE -- ultimately associated with an NDE, or not. Endogenous ketamine flood. Fell through the ice of Gull Lake, Michigan, removing an ice-fishing shed too late in the season, aged 14: had my first NDE when I came up, knocked head on solid ice, and couldn't find a way out (ice broke up at a nearby large creek entrance I swam toward; got out thataway, the water's entrance being an exit for me). Walking solitary on the ice shelf off Nome, Alaska, circa 1960, I climbed up on a pile only to discover that just beyond me there had been a shift with ice breakup. Rope slip whilst working swing-scaffolds, aged 16, when a painter's helper engaged in painting a radar dome on the DEW line. During a period, aged 18, of working high steel as an ironworker's helper, The Flats, Cleveland, with a group of Native Americans and Russian immigrants, whilst seconded for a week to a wrecking crew, I snagged a boot on a nail, fell in the hole, but threw my arms out and caught them on crossbeams, pendulumed back and forth, and after what seemed a lifetime, managed to swing to one beam and pull myself up. Caught between two drunk and disgruntled ARVN-soldier cockfight-bettors, the loser with intent to use his BAR, Vi Thanh, Chuong Thien Province, Mekong delta, RVN. Coming under fire as the token American on night missions floating the Mekong, circa 1967. Ditto, night missions, assigned as the token American on a dagger team. On from there: the list is long. As regards mere OBEs, I couldn't possibly count them: onset of psychic-petit-mal-aura inductions to my Plexiglas wall-cum-looking-through-the-wrong-end-of-a-telescope-cum-near-fugue experiences, beginning immediate post-puberty, immediate post-return-to-the-ZI-from-Shintoist-Midorigaoka, circa 1956 (continuing, with decreasing incidence, into my late-twenties; Musculpt-related, through my mid-thirties): [after}math of the induction being a shorter or longer period involving time warp, spatial contraction, seeing events an instant before they get here (e.g., on the basketball floor), seeing oneself from above or from elsewhere. This is not adrenalin; this is ketamine: hence, my eventual use of the term endogenous ketamine. Believe it or not, I was unaware of Karl Louis Rewi Jansen's March 1997 paper (The Ketamine Model of the Near-Death Experience: A Central Role for the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor, Journal of Near-Death Studies, 16:1, pp. 5-26; critiqued by Rick Strassman in Endogenous Ketamine-Like Compounds and the NDE: If So, So What?, ibid., pp. 27-41) until a few days ago, the present day being 12 September 2020: at the request of John, I surveyed John C. Lilly's personal scientific archive for the Pioneer Corporation during 1993. In conversations, including briefly about my assertion of the necessity for an endogenous ketamine, Lilly never mentioned to me alpha-Endopsychosin, and I don't believe he'd heard of it by that memetime, 1993 (though it was discovered in pig brain during 1985, to wit: Evidence for an endogenous peptide ligand and antagonist for PCP receptors, P. C. Contreras and D. A. DiMaggio and T. L. O'Donohue, Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, 192, pp. 495-8, 1 January 1985; and isolated in human tissue during 1993, to wit: Isolation and Characterization of an Endogenous Ligand for PCP and Sigma Receptors From Porcine, Rat, and Human Tissue, Patricia C. Contreras, et al., Sigma, PCP, and NMDA Receptors, National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Monographs, 133, NIH publication, 1993: scroll down to the last paper on the list). Similarly, in correspondence and in conversations with Autogenic Training progenitor, Wolfgang Luthe, he never mentioned anything related to endogenous ketamine, though discussions of bright light states during autogenic abreactions would have been a primary candidate for such a mention. Ketamine hydrochloride (to suppress the induced altered state, cocktailed with the benzodiazepines, e.g., Valium qua diazepam; note that [as a factor of kundabuffer?] the Brain makes its own version of Valium, scientists discover, Bruce Goldman, Stanford Medicine News Center, 30 May 2013), synthesized in 1963, reportedly the most used general anesthetic during the Viet Nam war, and recently adopted for police work, ostensibly to handle excited delirium syndrome (ExDS) and prevent the associated sudden death (dosage first and foremost depends upon concentration of drug in solution: if the concentration is high, the dose likely will be stated in micrograms; low, in milligrams: judging from John C. Lilly's Tank Logs, some of the dosages mentioned in this article seem to my non-authoritative, inexpert, unprofessional judgment to be verging on heartslaughter). Self-medicated extreme insou[cia}nce is not high indifference: the ever increasing cognitive deficit of the normotically brain-impaired has delivered dominance-by-the-dumbest in a kakistoidiokleptoadvance toward absolutist totalism implemented via infratech made available good offices of infrascience. I wonder how many battlefield-related deaths are due to ExDS. Here is a real war story: the progenitor ideas that eventually gave rise to our 1979 model of DNA radiation exchange processes (independent of Paine's mathematical modeling of the double-helical flows of air parcels involved in tornadogenesis) came to me (medical background: dropped out of Special Forces medics training during the last week, having been near top of the class throughout the whole course; an astute observer, during OJT at Fort Dix Army Hospital, during rounds on wards, I identified a case of undiagnosed Lymphogranuloma venereum superimposed upon diagnosed syphilis, which IDing, when lab verified, astounded the doctors) when I was in battlefield-related ExDS. During late-1967, took multiple fragment wounds, most damagingly a testicle wound, due to utter stupidity and incompetence of an American, out-of-shape, straight-leg, field-grade officer (despite the obvious -- i.e., that, if bloomin' idiots create the war, it can't be expected that other bloomin' idiots won't be running it -- eliciting no mere conniption fit over a failure to act by a Vetmanese officer of the Vetmanom army). No post-surgical shock (operated on with a saddle-block, sat up watching the operation; having assisted on much surgery at Fort Dix and assiduously studied the 1958 edition of The NATO Handbook of Emergency War Surgery handed out at SFTG to medic trainees, talked with the surgeon and nurses about the procedures as the shrapnel was removed), but, after a short period on the ward, developed a very high temperature, WBC count off the charts, delirium tremens (exacerbated by on-and-off the bed due to nightly mortar attacks). The DDx involved everything conceivable, including falciparum malaria; the ultimate consensus Dx being FOUO, fever of undetermined origin. I knew that all the secondary symptoms I was experiencing, and the lab findings, were due to a surpassing rage, and nothing but unmitigated rage -- suppressed rage in my case, almost catatonic, between saddle-block-fevered delirium phases. But I couldn't understand such a high fever (covered in ice packs) and such a high WBC count (like that associated with systemic septicemia). The common factor -- for rage, fever, [auto?]immune reaction, delirium, micro-seizures -- seemed to me had to be genetic (see, for a similar conclusion: Excited Delirium and Sudden Death: A Syndromal Disorder at the Extreme End of the Neuropsychiatric Continuum, Deborah C. Mash, Frontiers in Physiology, 7:435, 13 October 2016, to wit, quoting the abstract: The similarity in the behavioral symptoms between extremely agitated psychostimulant abusers and unmedicated psychiatric patients suggests that a genetic disorder [emphasis added] that leads to dysregulated central dopamine transporter function could be a precipitating cause of the acute delirium and sudden death) and that WAG launched my thinking upon conductivity properties of DNA. When, a week or so later, the rage state suddenly collapsed, triggered by an unsolicited act of concern-sympathy-kindness on part of one of the ward nurses, the temperature and WBC count went back to normal in a matter of hours: years later, having in another context learned something of ketamine-glutamate metabolism, this abrupt return to normal cultivated my conviction that there is endogenous ketamine (see, for context: Neurochemical models of near-death experiences: a large-scale study based on the semantic similarity of written reports, Charlotte Martial, et al., Consciousness and Cognition, 69, March 2019). Having now read Jansen's March 1997 paper, I have to amend my use of endogenous ketamine to endogenous mimetic-ketamine substances that bind to the PCP site of the NMDA receptor (see, for a graphic depiction of this distinction, Figure 3 in Ketamine Pharmacology: An Update , Georges Mion and Thierry Villevieille, CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 19, 2013, pp. 370-80), thus antagonizing the agonist of neuroexcitotoxicity at flood: the neurotransmitter glutamate, namesake of the glutamatergic model of schizophrenia discussed in From Revolution to Evolution: The Glutamate Hypothesis of Schizophrenia , Bita Moghaddam and Daniel Javitt, Neuropsychopharmacology, 37, 2012, pp. 4-15. Chronic unpredictable stress is the dominant leitmotif (consider, for instance, that as many as 59-million people have been displaced by the GWOT [see: Creating Refugees: Displacement Caused by the United States' Post-9/11 Wars, anthropology professor David Vine and students at American University, Washington, D.C., Watson Institute of Brown University, 8 September 2020] and that, over the last half century 2/3rds of the planet's wildlife has been lost [see: World wildlife plummets more than two-thirds in 50 years , AFP, 11 September 2020]: no fair witness can sincerely believe that the gathering storm can be survived by more than ten-percent of we-the-gatherers [most survivors likely being in the 10-15 age range and located at the periphery in spots where residual memories of subsistence agriculture are still strong] via bivalent transforms of the existing institutional base; considering how long and difficult Brexit has-been/still-is, not only is it stupendously obvious how utterly non-adaptive to environmental changes are our abysmal governing institutions by comparison to the most dysfunctional of anthropogenically-deranged natural systems, but a near-zero expectation value must be placed on the estimate of human capability to implement the real-memetime-fluctuating fractal e-boundaries which full-blown µTm-valued-LETS nesting-foams require if they are to be mapped over changing Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth) of the presently prevailing Lebenswelt, stress that redounds thru Umwelts into psychoneuroimmunopharmacology of modern life. Thank the Charites, particularly Pasithea, that Ketamine rapidly reverses stress-induced impairments in GABAergic transmission in the prefrontal cortex in male rodents, Sriparna Ghosal, et al., Neurobiology of Disease, 134, February 2020 (be aware that the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, gama-aminobutyric acid, is the antagonist-antidote to the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate). That's male rodents of the Homo sapiens variety no less than those Dipodidae, my I/im presume(s). As regards the psychotomimetic effects of ketamine in the glutamate model of schizophrenia, it is informative to observe that, generally speaking, glutamatergic equals automatization cum actively innervated ergotropic autogenic shift, whereas ketaminergic equals deautomatization cum providing nourishment (also a moving away from the deleterious, a kind of neuropsychological defecation or vomiting) trophotropic autogenic shift. The larger the number of shibboleths introjected to Umwelt (that is, the more [detri}mental black propaganda eaten); the more the inner-voice is arrogated; the more rigidly, the more obsessively, the more compulsively, the more normotically identified-with is the prescriptively-enculturated-cum-socialized and glutamatergically-anchored 1T2-only egofunction (The Inimical includes injurious human imprinting on pernicious bivalent-logic gadgets): the more dyscrasiac (i.e., the greater the number of, and the more resolute, the NAFR, neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance, and associated neuropharmacological impairments) will be the response to that egofunction's ketaminergic deautomatization and the deautomatization of the automatized subordinate functions it has nominal voluntary control over -- most particularly so, i.e., dyscrasiac, as regards the inescapable separation from the egofunction's Greek-instigated muscle-bound total immersion in IBE, in-the-body experience, if ever there is to be conscious access to outputs of the µTm-processings of THE nonlocalizable quantum brain. Consider that a µTm-(cf. relative-state identity-transparent participation mystique)-autopoietic-cum-self-organizing system has a low decision-need, therefore a low egofunction-need, sociologically a low executive-brained leadership-need (thus, eliminating facebooked face cards doesn't really accomplish much of strategic value). In that context it is notable that Ketamine helps neurons regrow lost connections, Alla Katsnelson, Chemical and Engineering News, 97:15, 11 April 2019. Having in such manner raised the issue of logical-value order-type, I am no longer here talking primarily about the molecular pharmacology of ketamine (as an aside, I should note that one of my pro bono side jobs [one way to get a free education] involved taking stacks of clinical-neurologist-selected patient files and developing theses based on their similar contents and writing papers for journal submissions based thereupon), but of its submolecular-quantum pharmacology (fMRI studies are an approach to such considerations, to wit: The Effect of Ketamine on Electrophysiological Connectivity in Major Depressive Disorder, Allison C. Nugent, et al., Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10 June 2020) -- my supposition being that glutamatergic etching at neuronal plasticity is not limited to pruning of synaptic connections, but, when prescriptively orchestrated, is also associated with antiheterostatic alterations of electron-transport processes and the functions thereof (e.g., those mediating access to higher-logical-value-order-type processings: deep-form deracination). How my species is approaching crash-and-burn has never interested me nearly so much as why. Inculcating anti-participation mystique: growing up as an Air Force brat, I, by osmosis, early learned (father having been one of the young B-17-bomber pilots depicted in the novel and film 12 O'clock High [Gregory Peck] and a Korean-war-era progenitor of the Air-Sea Rescue plotted in the novel and film Ashiya Kara no hiko [Yul Brynner and Richard Widmark]) that one of the gravest failures of an officer is identification with his men, likewise the corporate executive with his employees, ditto the special service operator with the indigenous tribals he is sent out to train and deploy. Quantum non-separability cum entanglement cum teleportation (good offices of Lindsey Valich, Phys.org, 19 June 2020) experientially corresponds to animistic-pagan, say, archaic-Shinto, endogenous-mimetic-ketaminergic identity-transparency cum µTm-relative-state participation mystique cum telepathic communication of inner-Musculpt -- telepathic communication in quotes because, given authentic µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, there is no tele, no pathic, and no communication about it (a notion that doesn't process if it is believed that All-and-Everything is simply a matter of motion). My foot is her foot, plain and uncomplicated: that's one trivial example of the sort of direct ontic experience which the social-psychology-cum-anthropology term participation mystique (being but an improvement upon participation inconsciente) denigrates. Uh, uh, 1T2-indiscernability is not identical, heh-heh-heh, to 8T33-indiscernability, for instance -- both of these cases being discernable under some order-type(s) µTm-unto-CTC+. Oooh! the frustration: That numbskull has always been a contrariety, and there is simply nothing practical he is capable of doing. They're still making best efforts to innovate quantum analogues of classical habitus; from these endeavors derives the infernal Doctrine of Uses governing employments of 21st-century infratechno-base -- plus military-industrial (nowadays academic, medical, agricultural, investigation-security-policing, insurance, investment, speculation, et cetera, are veritably industrialized) considerations, of course. The quintessential exemplar: Menwith Snooper -- fish-eyed, elephant-eared, anteater-nosed. Even the more astute (e.g., epitomized-emblematized in the depictions elucidated here and here) still do not see the deep-structure etiology absent rectification of which no surface-structure remediation can substantively redirect the long-ongoing process of pathofunctional elaboration. Returning now from the digression to explication of the root source, the prime mover, the principle inducement of the frustration, how could the involved psychophysiological state (meaning: foot is foot is foot; that's sementics for you!), i.e., maximal entanglement (see: Holographic Quantum Error Correcting Codes, Tanisha Bassan, Hacker Noon, 3 August 2018), to say it 1T2ly, be understood independent of Lukasiewiczian quantum logic (for the paraconsistent interpretation, see: Paraconsistent ideas in quantum logic, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara and Roberto Giuntini, Synthese, 125:1, 2000, pp. 55-68) comprehended relative to (holy inconsistent) CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, truth-value not being imputed to be the fundament of logic? The involutorily-decomposed, demergent hierarchy of such relative-states of identity-transparency -- being preexistently CTC+-compacted on Tzog-chen AllBase of MVRS, and despite being logo-onto-nomo-mereo-logically potent -- is Maya, the very idea that there are, independent of demergence, decoherent, separable, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct whatnots that entangle, itself, being Maya (for discussion of other considerations concerning the hierarchy topic [posetted and otherwise], see: Interpreting Quantum Entanglement: Steps towards Coherentist Quantum Mechanics, Claudio Calosi and Matteo Morganti, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 14 September 2018). Compaction on AllBase: by C+, there is (1) exhibition of symmetry (a,b can divide each other) and irreflexivity (part is whole) by virtue of numerical non-selfsamness; (2) mereological nihilism prevails by supra-Ced relative-state identity-transparency; (3) there are no topoi because the AllBase is acategorical (no identity arrow); (4) non-nomology prevails because laws can't be taken as true, due to truth-value not being a fundament; (5) by relative-state identity-transparency, every object is an m-state portmanteau; (6) the AllBase is a clopen set where the null set is the all set. Lattice logic on AllBase: the universe is not an analogue of the neural network (see: The world as a neural network, Vitaly Vanchurin, arXiv, 4 August 2020); the neural network is an analogue of the universe (see our paper entitled: Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, circa 1980)-- well, of Tzog-chen AllBase of universe. The process-oriented tale of the dynamical quant (in respect to helix-coil transitions, for instance: chronotopologies of DNA nebulas, double-helical cometary feeder-bands, double-helical air-parcel trajectories in tornadogenesis, and genomic phase transitions being full-fledged quantum structures) is resident in 3-fold topo-active (think: inconsistent, logically-nonlinear, Musculpted, supracategorical topoi) optime demerger-decomposer as effectuator of CTC+-unto-µTm propositions and predicates numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Somewhat parenthetically, multiple-scenarios strategic planning based upon the Aristotelian modal square of opposition -- thus generally limiting the number of scenarios considered to four -- obviously would need superpositioning ensheavement via Lukasiewiczianization in order to be useful in the late stages of implementing µTm-LETS startups. Higher-logically-valued order-types, µTm-unto-CTC+, are not the same as 1T2-only-logical order-types based upon quantified variables (modal operators); that is to say, for instance, that there are CTC+ order-types of first-order-qua-predicate logic. Concerning quantum semantics: J. G. Bennett used the term apocritical interval relative to the diversely identical in a way that elicits from me association with Prof. Chiara's notion of the dimension of the space of meaning. In such context, let it be considered that µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency is the LH-space qua MVRS nesting-foam realm and extent of daCosta-Krause non-reflexive quantum logics (see: Non-Reflexive Logical Foundation for Quantum Mechanics, Newton C. A. da Costa and Christian de Ronde, Foundations of Physics, 44:12, December 2014; and Quantum Mechanics, Ontology, and Non-Reflexive Logics, Decio Krause, University of Rio de Janeiro, 2018) -- but, in my judgment, it must be acknowledged that reflexivity is a term denoting a 1T2-only notion of self-reference of that selfsame self understood only as absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, there being under µTm-unto-CTC+, infinities of infinities of other sorts of selfhoods (numbers included) to which an expanded notion of reflexivity applies. Indeed, µTm-unto-CTC+ orders of logical-value types, 1T3 2T3 3T3 1T4 µTm CTC+, involve nesting-foams of reflexive self-referential propositions regarding relative-state-identity-transparent non-selfsame selfhoods -- J.G.Bennettian hyparxis, qua ableness-to-be, chronotopologically understood denoting any process extant via the non-orientable self-reentries demerged-effectuated by third-order topo-active optime, effectuated, that is, with the nonlinear, unbounded MV-effect algebras which would generalize the MV-effect-algebra generalization of MV-projection operators. Quoting: Quantum Logic in Historical and Philosophical Perspective, International Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP):
In the 1974 Congress [of the American Mathematical Society] Manin proposed as one of the new set of problems for the next century: we should consider possibilities of developing a totally new language [italic added] to speak [italic added] about infinity
During 1974 at the McMaster University Velikovsky conference, Cornell tornadogenesis specialist Douglas A. Paine and I began discussing a new METAlanguage designated as holographically-techno-exteriorized synaesthetic inner-Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation. We did not see-hear such Musculpt as a new set theory because the new rediscovered language is more about the unspeakable in quantum mechanics than the speakable, and not only about one numerical value, infinity, but about number qua number per se, including the numerical non-selfsamenesses of µTm-unto-CTC+ order-types and the myriad physices thus demergent -- and ontically engagable, absent prescriptively-orchestrated glutamatergic pruning cum anchoring.
What was/is ([ah-ha!}bombshelled at epiphany during the late-'60s; fleshed out during the early-'70s) the Paine-Kaplan energy-cum-angular-momentum cascade theory cum numerical forecast model (from historical data sets reliably forecasted tornado outbreaks up to 12 hours in advance on a 1 km grid: the reader is invited to guess why the National Weather Service and the USAF chose not to test run this model with real memetime data after it was so successfully run on USAF and NASA mainframes relative to stored histories) of tornadogenesis about, if not the amplification of waves by extraction of angular momentum from a rotating flow? to quote the abstract to a Perimeter Institute lecture entitled Black Hole Superradiance in a Bathtub Vortex, Antonin Coutant, 15 June 2017. Theo Torres, et al., in Observation of superradiance in a vortex flow, arXiv, 19 December 2016, state that (until their experiment) Even though this phenomenon, known as superradiance, has been thoroughly analyzed in several theoretical scenarios it has never been observed. Curiouser and curiouser that all these decades later, when Googling tornado superradiance, what comes up are optical nano-tornadoes (see: Plasmonics with a twist: taming optical tornadoes on the nanoscale, Svetlana V. Boriskina, arXiv, 7 May 2014), not those of Earth's atmosphere which, being superradiant and observed there to be (think: the generated and well-documented [[e.g., A Sound Way to Spot Tornadoes, Earth Sciences column, Science News, September 21, 1996: be aware that this was independent confirmation more than twenty years after acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes were found by Paine-Kaplan to be a fundament of energy-cum-angular-momentum cascade at tornadogenesis; also be aware that while acoustically-modified gravity waves remain trapped within the LSTD -- limited spacetime domain -- of tropospheric dynamics, the pure acoustic modes, which exist as a multivalued aspect of c, the atmosphere's absolute limiting velocity, are free to propagate vertically toward the ionosphere, accounting for the replication of the cascade process observed above tornadic storms, another cascade theory fundament confirmed twenty years later, to wit, Red Sprites and Blue Jets: High Altitude Optical Emissions Linked to Lightning, D. D. Scentman and E. M. Wescott, EOS, 77:1, 1996]] set-valued qua m-valued [the principle value being a renormalization and no part of the argument of Paine-Kaplan cascade theory] acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes qua infrasound-pulse-code bursts, sound waves in a moving fluid, Hawking radiation from the acoustic horizon, cascading sound cones) are in gross violation of the supposed classical limit (note in Boriskina's title the same ol' same ol' paranoid notion that tornadoes need to be tamed, even those nano -- rather than understood and adapted to, e.g., by exquisitely choosing locations for built environment once spontaneous localization of tornado touch-downs is more thoroughly comprehended). I wonder why that lacuna -- atmospheric tornadoes don't come up following upon the Google -- continues to be the case. Given what the academic mode of production has yielded over the last 200 years, i.e., probable NDE of Earth's biosphere -- with few exceptions, wherever the look is cast, at whatever, evidence is strong that the dumbest among us have once again prevailed: not to save, to enslave. Same-same why as the why of biosuperconductivity more or less dropping out of the unclassified literature around 1980 (soon after publication of our superconductant DNA paper) only to recently struggle into a reappearance (e.g., Possible superconductivity in brain, P. Mikheenko, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 32, 18 December 2018, pp. 1121-34; think: superconductant pi-electron-gas core cum rotating-cylinder cavity-superresonances of intraneuronal and intraperinural DNA as source of amplification of the generated coherent waves)? Contraposed to THE altogether-nonlocalizable quantum brain is neuro[de-man}tics R&D: on the threshold we are, aren't we, of WiFi-BMI neuromodulating brain modems (good offices of Whitney Webb, The Last American Vagabond, 4 May 2020) for remote control of bodily functions, including movements, and the inputting of cloud-computed cognitive contents, including substitute memories, and the outputting of active innervations and actual-memory stores; plus vaccine[possibly also toothpaste]-route-of-entry-delivered genome-altering nanoparticles and synthetic mRNA protein modifiers (good offices of Raul Diego, MintPressNews via ZeroHedge, 18 September 2020); and on and on, judging from the protagonists' unstinting and oh-so solemn, oh-so emphatic declarative ass[ever}at|i|ons. The repetitive blip-blip-blip of messages thrown at the www.user whenever online are stress-inducing, low-grade existential threats, in sum one of the guns constantly held to the head; so, just try to imagine what having a 24-7-365 brain modem will be like. There being no plausible doubt to give benefit to, clear-channeled are the crimes-against-Earth-orb (locked-on to commission of crimes against the solar system) actual motivations of the proponents of the No-Lives-Matter, antiorganicist, Give me simple-identity or give me death! movement which has gathered much momentum since the mid-19th-century collective-unconscious decision for Sapiens suicide: obviously, by compensatory abreaction, introspectively-severely-impaired, egofunction-identified (good offices of Caitlin Johnstone via LewRockwell, 17 September 2020), binary-minds imprint upon techno-embodied transhumanism as their foremost instrument for achievement of postbiospherics, planet Earth. Douglas A. Paine, whilst teaching atmospheric science at Cornell, periodically observed that nature always has close at hand the solutions to mankind's worse problems, if only blinders were removed and peripheral vision (cum lateral thinking) were employed. A half century later it's getting hard on to too late, as Noam Chomsky among others clearly recognizes. Paine obviously felt that tornadoes are a repository of such solutions (good offices of Alex Kimani, OilPrice, 15 September 2020). He also argued that DNA pi-electron-parcel-gas superconductivity means that biologically-active frequency-response windows are nanonarrow, thus affording the opportunity to design our electronic and communications systems so as to stay between those windows. No small matter-- uh, to those few concerned with biospheric welfare. I would add to the Milestones timeline for Superradiance (see the book by that title coauthored by Richard Brito and Victor Cardoso and Paolo Pani, Springer, 2015): 1968-- Douglas A. Paine, a Penn State Masters candidate in meteorology, brainstorms active time (at the end of our 1978 Hydrothermodynamics paper, Paine credits a fellow student thusly: Anton Chaplin, a co-graduate student enrolled in Dr. John Dutton's radiation course, did a term project in which he mathematically referenced an air parcel to a temporal, as opposed to a spatial, level. The last decade for the first author has been spent in pursuit of the implications of this statement) relative to complex angular momentum in the context of tornadogenesis (this was a year earlier than, quoting Superradiance, p. 3, Penrose shows that the existence of an ergoregion allows to extract energy and angular momentum from a Kerr BH and to amplify energy in particle collisions). Somewhat parenthetically, 1968 was the year in which William L. Pensinger at SRA/MACV-J2 helped discover the VCI's use of what later (in the field devoted to theorizing about blackhole information processing) became known as the holographic principle in their, the VCI's, tacit (in my judgment, virtually instinctual on basis of age-old, indeed archaic, identity-transparent animistic practice whereupon some local boundaries were acoustically established and aurally maintained via bronze drums [one such being The Moon of Hoa Binh] and, primordially, stone xylophones sited under energy-momentum cascades, i.e., waterfalls, and Red River songlines were employed as navigational mnemonics) mapping of bureaucratic variables of internal system state upon their, the VCI's, changing boundaries: if POLOB/CICV's actual enemy-strength estimate couldn't get past (good offices of Ray McGovern, Consortiumnews via LewRockwell, 21 September 2020) the muckling muck-a-mucks' censorship, how could this much more significant finding (just think of the implications for decision science as instrumental to every sort of political economy -- even that algorithmic) get past the dippy DIP? not to mention that this finding was classified Secret for the next quarter century, and when made public in our novel garnered not the slightest interest. What does active time qua operator time have to do with blackhole superradiance? Quoting Wiki's piece on the Penrose process by which blackhole superradiance transpires:
Inside this ergosphere, the time and one of the angular coordinates swap meaning (time becomes angle and angle becomes time) because timelike coordinates have only a single direction (the particle rotates with the black hole in a single direction only). Because of this unusual coordinate swap, the energy of the particle can assume both positive and negative values as measured by an observer at infinity.
This swap of meaning (actually swaps, plural, as per the first-, second-, and third-order transforms illustrated in our 1977 paper on general process) is exactly what active-time's temporal CURL topo-actively accomplishes [meme]time after [meme]time (so far as the zero angular momentum observer at infinity is concerned) -- heh-heh-heh! -- at the sequence of inter-scale cascade events during the process by which tornadogenesis is largescale-to-smallscale inculcated -- according to the Paine-Kaplan nested-grid model. We note that possibility of the appearance of negative values of the energy was enough for Pauli (later, Prigogine) to reject his own idea, i.e., operator time -- the appearance of such negative values being considered meaningless, impossible. Our thoughts on the negative energy associated with ergospheres, tornadic and otherwise, cum vacuum extraction, and analogues thereto, were codified here relative to the measurement problem. Another milestone: 1974-- D. A. Paine and Michael L. Kaplan maintain that there are black holes in Earth's atmosphere -- the notion involving vortex-pumped severe-storm-generated acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, i.e., infrasound, hence, in current parlance, sonic blackhole analogs (see, for instance: Realization of a sonic black hole analog in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, Oren Lahav, et al., Physical Review Letters, 105:24, December 2010, as posted to arXiv) qua acoustic analogues to blackhole computers (see Black Hole Computers, Seth Lloyd and Y. Jack Ng, Scientific American, April Fools' Day, 2007): see D. A. Paine and M. L. Kaplan, The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 1974, 140 pages: according to Paine's testimony, due to this report, Paine became persona non grata at the NSF -- with, I would add, career-destroying, eventual life-destroying, consequences). Quoting from our 1977 General Process paper:
Fundamentally, the cascade is a crisis founded upon the concentration of kinetic energy and vorticity within ever decreasing spatial and temporal dimensions. It is likewise a crisis of mass densification, as the concentrated core of dense fluid heads toward a type of gravitational collapse within the hydrodynamic spectrum. Indeed, with the descriptions afforded by the u, v, and w-momentum topographies, it can be seen that a parallel topographical collapse is occurring, wherein the frequency of the ensuing waveform transcends the limited-spacetime-domain of atmospheric dynamics. This means that the physics of the ongoing process must be measured in fractions of Hertz and fractions of kilometers, where an acoustic phenomenon (infrasound) emerges as the dominant waveform. It is this varying song, played polyphonically upon the fixed acoustic-wave signatures of local landforms, which Cornell’s Neurobiological Behavior Laboratory has recently demonstrated that homing pigeons use for local navigation. Acoustic waves, viewed from this perspective, are the shorthand notation for enfolding three-dimensional divergence and three-dimensional vorticity going to singularity and being forced to propagate without sufficient spatial room to allow for a continuing angular momentum cascade.
This being the case, we are called upon to re-define space and time as the elemental dependent variables necessary for outlining the essence of the scale interaction process. We, therefore, do away with the seven dependent variables of the previous equation set and derive an even more basic set founded upon the fundamental premise that time actively operates on space to generate form. This premise, we believe, will eventually be experimentally evaluated within the tornado's spacetime-gate architectonics, where acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes ripple the walls of this cosmic vortex which interfaces hydro-thermodynamics with electrodynamics, plasma physics, relativistic-quantum fields, and quite likely processes of fusion and particle creation.
Quoting our 1978 paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere:
In summarizing these approaches to superconductant physics, we have found that the relevant atmospheric equations have their exact analogue in Maxwell's equations when we employ two aspects of time ordering. This has been accomplished by separating the dynamics of the atmosphere into two vectorial fields described by the geostrophic and ageostrophic velocities. The geostrophic field contains vortices measured within an incompressible (isentropic) frame of reference which is alternately charged and discharged of energy-momentum by the ageostrophic field of motion. This compares favorably with Maxwell's mathematical description of an idealized incompressible fluid, which he believed to be subject to a species of (internal) friction invoked to explain the relationship between electric and magnetic fields.
Time dictates accelerations in the relativistic-quantum approach, thus yielding an equivalence principle which equates the physics of acoustic waves to the physics of gravity and electromagnetic waves.
One is led to the conclusion that an explanation of the synchronized cascade of quantum potential below the subsystem (molecular) level would employ the Maxwellian equation sets to explain the unusually active thunderstorm phenomena observed during the test period. This should be developed during future investigations of superconductant, limited atmospheric domains.
Concerning second-order temporal CURL at absolute limiting accelerations, e.g., for Earth's atmosphere, for the universe, consider the discussion of a critical acceleration parameter presented in Entropy and Gravitation: From Black Hole Computers to Dark Energy and Dark Matter, Y. Jack Ng, arXiv, 25 October 2019. As regards how active time qua topologically-active operator-time is codified relative to atmospheric dynamics (these papers, being about atmospheric processes, are necessarily written in the terms of meteorology, not elementary particle physics -- though further investigations likely would involve the latter), we again quote our 1977 General Process paper:
We note from Equation 9 that the total time rate of change of i-cap, j-cap, and k-cap components of relative vorticity is forced by the three-dimensional solenoid, divergence and curl of friction terms when the analytic perspective remains embedded within a particular spatial atmospheric volume defined by the x,y,z-coordinate system. However, from the aforegiven description of the cascade process, we have found that an additional degree of freedom must be available to this system in order for it to escape an otherwise inevitable infinite concentration of vorticity, kinetic energy, and mass within its finite spatial volume. The traditional view has been that friction would literally dissipate such a problem. But we have seen empirical evidence, such as that offered in the previous section, which suggests that natural systems have a far more elegant solution to the problem: i.e., the generation of coherent (acoustic) waves, which originate from the cascade of kinetic energy through the hydrodynamic spectrum.
To mathematically codify this point of view, we add a gradient in time to the traditional gradients in space to define a first order spacetime del operator:
And on from there to second- and third-order spacetime del operators, three orders of temporal CURL, and 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime). In the Wiki piece on Penrose process, quoted and linked above, it is stated that the assumption is made that conservation of energy still holds. Relative to the roles of higher derivatives in extraction from vacuum, or analogues there to (for recent discourse on the physical interpretation of higher derivative terms relative to a draining bathtub vortex, see Higher-derivative analogue Aharonov-Bohm effect, absorption and superresonance, M. A. Anacleto, et al., International Journal of Modern Physics A, 20 July 2020, as posted to arXiv on 19 June 2020), the Multivaluedness, Self-reentry, Non-Orientability, and Hyparxis section of our 1977 paper has the following to say:
The statistical theory of thermodynamics is based primarily upon considerations developed from the perspective of a given LSTD, while the questions we have raised regarding entropy and self-reentrant systems arise in the context of a multiplicity of LSTDs [limited spacetime domains].
In the traditional view of physics, because the work is independent of the path followed between two points A and B, the force and field are considered to be conservative. If the potential is V, then VB - VA has a definite value (i.e., is single-valued) because the field is conservative. Cascade theory, however, suggests that this conservation is relative and restricted to the closed system under consideration. When free interaction between LSTDs is considered, the closed conservation is lost and a higher level of conservation comes into play. The quantities considered under closure, when considered from the multiscaled perspective, lose their single definite values and take on multiple values relative to the spacetime scales from which they are viewed. The larger multiscaled system is non-conservative of closed system quantities and conservative of those quantities characteristic of its own multiscaled framework. Under self-reentry even the multiscaled quantities will not be conserved. From the point of view of self-reentry, only those quantities characteristic of self-reentry itself will be conserved.
It is with dot and double-dot quantities, i.e., higher derivatives, and the associated orders of topo-active optime, that open and self-reentrant systems are characterized. Moreover, according to our lights, the calculated rotation speed required for onset of Penrose superradiance differs when only real angular momentum is considered, when complex angular momentum (à la first-order temporal CURL) is also considered, when hypercomplex angular momentum (à la second-order temporal CURL) is also considered, when hyperhypercomplex angular momentum (à la third-order temporal CURL) is also considered. We speculated during the late-'70s that the picture will also differ when complex and hypercomplex and hyperhypercomplex angular momenta are treated in terms of topo-active optime quantized via Penrose twistors. As regards the yet to be accomplished project to develop a Schrödinger-form higher-derivatives treatment of the real-, complex-, hypercomplex-, hyperhypercomplex-angular-momentum (qua topo-active optime quantized via Penrose twistors?) cascade process at atmospheric-tornado genesis, I found most informative Sofia Ferro Freitas' discussion of her Schrödinger-like wave equation given in the section of her thesis devoted to Dynamics of Acoustic Holes (in Acoustic Black Holes and Superresonance Mechanisms, Master of Science thesis, Technico Lisboa, October 2017). Still, despite all the insights gathered since the '70s, I feel that a real major leap forward will not be made absent development of Musculpt as mathematical notation, particularly the Mus part in relation to acoustic analogues to Lukasiewiczian blackhole computing.
In contemplating what, if any, impact a glutamatergic-1T2-only-processed-measurements-facilitated consensuation of a sans-classical limit, quantum-cum-relativistic, macroscopic atmosphere (not to mention measurements processed ketamine-like-ergic-µTmly-unto-CTC+ly) likely would have upon our understanding of climate-shift dynamics and angular-momentum-cascade-induced superintegration thereof with crustal and core dynamics, it is edifying to consider that pre-WWI Russians so early had already applied Special Relativity in meteorological theorizing and that the pre-WWI avant-garde so early had Pounded out a propounded All MOMENTUM complementary Vorticist aesthetic. No mere spiraling down, derry derry down, that, eh what! Heh-heh-heh! Soon thereafter, that vortex propoundmentation was followed by T. S. Eliot invoking (this invocation may not have been altogether independent of Lukasiewicz-Post, given Eliot's relationship with Bertrand Russell and Russell's elaborate back-reaction on the metric of concerns raised by the nascence of the m-valued logics that would blast onto the intellectual horizon near immediately post-termination of WWI) degrees of truth (see: Peter Ackroyd's T. S. Eliot, 1984 Penguin paperback, p. 69) as a means, in my judgment, to avoid actual embrace of the animistic-pagan philosophies his Harvard Sanskrit studies (good offices of Cleo McNelly Kearns, T. S. Eliot and Indic Traditions, Cambridge U., 1987; thanks be to David Spillane for drawing this book to my attention) had placed before him, to wit: Eliot's 1916 Harvard Ph.D. dissertation entitled Experience and the Object of Knowledge in the Philosophy of F. H. Bradley, published during 1964 by Faber and Faber (reviewed by Richard Wollheim, Analytic Philosophy, 5:3, October 1964). Subsequently, in hands of the Postmodernists, vortex all but became urtext. Consider textural glutamate, eh what! In a cultural climate where sloganizers get most all of the credit (shared with one-word-sentence-cum-one-sentence-paragraph writers) and mass fundamentalist Tripartite-Fertile-Crescent-Religion moral panic has become, with advent of transhumanism, mortal panic, a climate where there is a dearth of intrafamilial (where there is still a familia) alternative role models and where alternative reinforcers are systematically removed by design of the black propagandizers proffering ataractic soothe, how could enforcement of non-quantum simple-identity not have become a collective obsession? Going from Nazi obsession with purified identity to hyperNazi obsession with IDHSable, FaceBookable, GlobalPhoenixable, drone-targetable non-quantum simple identity: that's one major neuropsychiatric phase transition made post-WWII. Endogenous glutamate flood; endogenous ketamine-like flood: aye, mind-altering drugs in both cases, it must be acknowledged. Inability to, when and where we choose, voluntarily generate endogenous ketamine-like flood: what does that tell us about the condition of our condition? High combat in lieu of zazen? Hmmm. No wonder we are collectively forcing the prevailing anthropogenic global conundrum to cuspover conjuncture! The ever more foundering-by-discombobulation-induced-by-introjected-quantum-based-technologies 1T2-only banking system and allied financial institutions, crypto[monoscaled}currencied or no, and their complicit employees, having been made, en masse, one of those foremost of effector organs of the rapidly coming-in-on-us omnipresent-omniscient-omnipotent (personified superego transference-driven into projective-identification at ConveDDing, i.e., conversion-disorder displacing) totalitarian neuromancy, not many are able to shun their cowboy Americanness and its globalized surrogates sufficiently to become authentic expat denizens of biospheric demimonde with actual habitus, planet Earth, i.e., those in sympathy with those actually living by local economies in not being employed by staatsnationen, multilateral supra-staatsnationen, or multinational megacorps, their subsidiaries, their outsourced delocalizers (globalization being a ConveDD of quantum nonlocality, all ConveDDs, by definition, being regressed pathologies). I'm not against technology per se, measurement-problem-related technologies included; I'm against the moriton-vaquero-cowboy-jackaroo-gaucho-buttero-gulyas Doctrine-of-Uses, derivative of domestication of the horse, that tames nature, harnesses it, runs it into the ground (see: The Dying Planet Report 2020, Robert Hunziker, CounterCurrents, 23 September 2020: however competently effectuated by our kakistocratic incompetents, no greater deployment of binary-logic-based systems could conceivably reverse what binary-logic-based systems have wrought). In contrast to the guvment-adopted, cyberpunky, simple-identity-identified egofunction's binary-dataspace-ConsoleCowboy-algorithmic approach to drone-rectifying planetary death rattle, my I/im observe(s) that the identity-element and identity-qua-identity-as-metaphysical-category (the latter understood as being quantity cum quale) are not identical and should not be conflated. Autopoietic decomposition operators precede the roles of internal-system-state operators relative to memetime-bound-production rules, e.g., the operators of arithmetic operations like addition and scalar multiplication. Given my axioms -- provided in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 668, to wit: A number is a value which is not in all cases equal to itself; Zero and infinity are both numbers; The immediate successor to a number is not necessarily a number (it could be a hole, which is not zero or infinity); One value of that immediate successor of a number which is a number is always zero or infinity or both; Any property belonging to any number belongs to some value of every number -- for trans-al-jabr over Tzog-chen AllBase of the LH-space of Musculpt manifold, a function, functional, functor can indicate a state, but that indicator, e.g., the state-function, is not the state indicated or an operator in that state. Identity-qua-identity, being a state not the indicator of a state or its internal operations, does not require an element or Wheelerian-hand-drawing-itself reflexive automorphic function, or, for that matter, any indicating indicator or internally-operating operator to be being-there in being-in-itself, being-in-itself being a decomposition-constellation state (decomposers, to repeat, being logically, transalgebraically, ontologically prior to decomposition-constellation state) cosmically available only under 1T2-only-logic alone. And if abysmally-reduced 1T2-only-identity does not so require (i.e., identity element, automorphic function), how so very, very much more does hyparxical CTC+-identity-transparency not so require. Subliminally-consensuated (enculturated-socialized) collective set and setting (see: Constructing drug effects: A history of set and setting, Ido Hartogsohn, Drug Science, Policy and Law, 3:0, 2017, pp. 1-17): consciousness-state set à la glutamate-ketamine cum order of value of the logic employed and properties of the measurement-occasion setting (subclinical, i.e., perception-proprioception, and clinical, i.e., scientific experiment) to include, not only the 1T2ly-prescriptively metaprogrammed object-system/measurement-apparatus, but also arrangements encompassing µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of identity-transparency (these arrangements, disconcertedly con[cock}ed multiples -- so binary-mind has it). Re-creations of the formalism of quantum mechanics designed to recapitulate the experimental findings which the 1T2ly-prescriptively metaprogrammed object-system/measurement-apparatus has repeatedly produced hardly can be construed a research strategy likely to yield the breakaway insights plausibly prerequisite to reversing what binary-logic-based systems have wrought upon a death-rattling planet. Our beloved 1T2-only objective reality (more or less saved by the Born Rule) is a factor pool shaping placebo responses in the socius, the polity -- and bafflingly drawing forth pre-self mass[meta}programmed self-destructive comportments based in collected identifications introjectively pulled together as Umwelt-proclaimed-to-be-[per}son. Whenever I see page after page of mathematics, I know the discourse is of small consequence. This circumstance is analogous to security classification in protracted war, where the counterinsurgent not only can win every battle and lose the war, but, the more battles won, the more certainly is the war lost: actionable tactical intelligence of small consequence receives much higher classification than the strategic intelligence most determinative of the ultimate outcome of the war. If the prevailing global conundrum is, indeed, The Long Emergency, then it is analogous to protracted war -- and the highly technical is equivalent to the tactical. Whether or not this orotund [ani|ma}d|version be considered pompous criticism, clearly, most moderns and postmoderns -- particularly Western, but not exclusively so, as to wit: Yayoi Kusama -- are taught to suppress (sublimated in Kusama's case) the early stages of onset of a man|i[fest}at|i|on of sonorous inner-Musculpt which initializes with tinnitus-accompanied point-set photisms elaborating to geometric-pattern flashes, then color fields becoming dynamic polymorphic forms, such photismic phenomena being regarded hallucinogenic neuropsychiatric symptomatology (which in some cases they may well be): one techno-concomitant of this suppression likely is neuroimaging, the setting of which I suppose would pretty much quench Musculpt elaborations beyond the dynamic-polymorph stage of onset.
Why-how, as a child, did I so easily assent to µTm-relative-state identity-transparent Shintoist modes of cognition -- which I experienced as present in the air whenever those modes approached, sensible in the natural surround as a thickness (this thickness a petit mal auric prefiguration? a prefiguration of the dissociative Plexiglas wall that recurrently appeared after I was, aged eleven, removed from Japan, the appearance a compensatory-abreactive concretion of the consequent lack of access to those Shintoist modes, there no longer being subliminal facilitation provided by the enveloping socius)? Easy assent because, even before I was taken to Midori Gaoka as an eight-year-old, I had had experience of non-selfsame selfhood and associated identity-transparency -- as an episodic residual of being a military brat. My earliest memory is of a severe thunderstorm (San Antonio, circa late summer of 1947?) which was indelibly linked in my awareness to a traumatic departure from a duplex-perambulator companion, the daughter of one of my mother's best friends. Change of station. I sensed that I would never see this girl again. She, thus, must be dead. My awareness of her death was profoundly disturbing. What could she be feeling now that she was dead? I silently wondered about this and much more throughout our trip to the next station. Then it occurred to me that she must be thinking the same of me: thus, I must be dead. I certainly felt dead. And it bothered me that no one seemed to notice how different I was as a dead person. I was not the same as myself, and nobody cared! She, too, must be suffering this, this very same. We are both dead -- and therefore are the same. We can't be separated, not if we are both dead. These were the feelings that could not then be put into words. Echoes of this NDE periodically transpired as installments of my youth peeled off -- or so it seemed to me, the son of a pilot. Selfsame: a self indistinguishable from itself. Separation as near-death experience. Platonic amnesia of BookedFaces in focus upon the Book of the Dead: <<< x,y >>> elements of NDE, x and y are 1T2-paradoxically NDE-indistinguishable. This is the view for those cognitively embedded in the given NDE-subsystem. For those psychically located in the nesting system, however, x and y selfsame and absolutely-in-so-far-as-utterly-distinguishable. Ah, and what of the view made available by the nesting supersystem, and were that supersystem made a system to yet another superseding-nesting supersystem? As spontaneous fusion enfolds nesting upon nesting, there is always some choosable partitioning such that subsystem-indistinguishable is system-indistinguishable is supersystem-indistinguishable. Moreover, by retrograde inversion, uh, that is, by autopoietic involutory decomposition of LH-space MVRS, as spontaneous localization unfolds the nested within the nested, there is always some choosable partitioning such that supersystem-distinguishable is system-distinguishable is subsystem-distinguishable.
O, the persistent impudent impertinence, the effrontery, of those stone-winnick insolents who insist that precedence relations -- logical, ontological, temporal, linguistic -- always and all ways must front, even if only tacitly, every formulation: so must nature feel, sitting there in herhisits stolid solidity. The misdirection given by prescriptive enculturation and glutamatergic neuronal anchoring of memetime is only an echo of the encompassing misdirection, which is embrace of the analytic-philosophic, pairs-of-classes, supervenience-by-differences notion precedes (whereas our notion is demergence of High Indifference, indifference maps being CTC+ laid out within a C+-factor-pool, multidimensional, pyramidal, windowed articulation-space [for inspiration as to the formalism, not so much the application, I look to: The Multi-Dimensional Indifference Maps, Mario Arturo Ruiz Estrada, SSRN Electronic Journal, May 2009]; All That Is And Is Not being-CTC+ly-there, how could there be anything but indifference?): pre-pregeometry as bucket of dust (for interesting related discussion, see: The 'Great Struggle' Between Cantorians and Neo-Aristotelians: Much Ado About Nothing, Milos Arsenijevic and Miodrag Kapetanavic, Grazer Philosophische Studien, 76:1, January 2008, pp. 79-90: on the continuum which is the Musculpt manifold, is it the tones-notes themselves or the horizontal-vertical ratios-intervals between the tones-notes? depends upon whether, in your Myth of Invariance, you're going up or down Jacob's Ladder qua the Ray of Creation, heh-heh-heh!); pregeometry as calculi of µTm-valued propositions understood independent of the notion truth-value; geometrodynamics drawn with pencils of skew-parallels; ponderablespacememetime physics. It is not that difference is in logic: e.g., draw a distinction. This 1T2-Laws-of-Form orientation, when seen in Lukasiewiczian context, is initialization of involutory decomposition; undraw-a-distinction being the retrograde inversion (retrograde required if the processes of drawing and undrawing are construed as transpiring in passing, passive, referential memetime). Emanuel Swedenborg: Where there is Esse there is Existere; one is not possible apart from the other it follows that they are one, but one distinctly [italic added]. Having been born and raised in Bryn Athyn, PA, David Richard Simons quoted this to me in conversation whilst we, assigned to Special Forces Training Group, were policing up pine cones in the Gabriel Demonstration Area, circa 1966, dressing out the sawdust paths with fresh cut to make the area strack, all but straightening branches on the trees, readying the environment for a dignitary visit, a strackification following the precedent set before JFK arrived to dedicate the JFKSWCS, and despite the fact that JFK had asked where all the pine cones had gotten to. Platonism: Essence precedes Existence; Existentialism: Existence precedes Essence. These are 1T2isms, as Swedenborg's commentary suggests; CTC+ly speaking, precedes is misdirection. Drawing and undrawing are Schrödinger-memetime-independent: memetimely speaking, simultaneous -- and mutually canceling. On CTC+ AllBase of Musculpt manifold of LH-space qua MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space): nothing ever changes; in CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 demergence: everything is nothing but changes -- the drawer of distinctions (actually the demerger) being 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) executing the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of propositions stacked upon CTC+ AllBase. Are these numbered numbers on the tones-notes themselves or on the ratios-intervals between the tones-notes -- or is that a silly question, i.e., a 1T2-question asked in a CTC+ environment? a 2-factor-pool (a ratio-interval is the 1-space between but 2 tones-notes) question in a C+-factor-pool articulation-space context? The multiples -- for instance, 3 and 5 and 1 in {33316255111} -- in the non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers are J.G.Bennettian distinctly identical (see Bennett's magnum opus, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, Appendix III, The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, pp. 506-9,) and Swedenborgian distincte unum (consider: infinite things in the infinite are distinctly one , good offices of Frank Sewall, The New Metaphysics, 1888: all numbers, µTmly-unto-CTC+ly speaking, being non-selfsamely infinite, given the part-whole identity-transparency explicit in the science of correspondences explicit in the relative-states of identity-transparency supraordinate to that barely implicit under 1T2-only-logic alone) qua one distinctly (which nowadays surely would qualify as exemplary of the neurodiverse, this word being the current euphemism for the mentally ill: I would suggest that Hugh Everett, III, in pushing m-logically-valued correspondence off into concretion as other 1T2-only universes, non-communicating others, even, put himself, by engaging in this ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, at great risk of sustaining neurodiversity). A distinctly identical skew-parallel square(s) -- singular and plural can no longer be considered well definable -- is J.G.Bennettian drawn geometrically, in CTC+-Laws-of-Form, by null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels. The null in this case being by reference to the n-1th, n-2th, n-3th orders of logical-value in the given nthly-skew-parallel pencil. Non-selfsame selfhood is where difference-is-same, where the order of relative-state is an indicator of the type of identity-transparency of the non-selves, i.e., the others, only by which self-identicality can be identified as the function, functional, functor (this sequence taken to the nth order) being-there: there is no being-there that is not being-in-relative-state, no identity that is not diversity, µTmly-unto-CTC+ly speaking. If the demergent 1T2ly-distinct identity qua identity is an existent by involutory decomposition of the CTC+-whole whole, wherein the part is the whole, and, indeed, wherein removal of an infinite number of parts leaves the whole whole undiminished (see Infinity: A simple, but not too simple introduction, Martin Meyries, arXiv, 21 June 2015, top of p. 8), as Cantor discovered is the actual case, then each identity, without exception, is a distincte unum -- and any possible-world-logic modality predicated upon such an excluded exception is not a world actually possible, being an example of mere Maya. In violation of the all-logics, radical distinction posited by (qua not see: i.e., A is absolutely not-A can be stated but not seen in the domain of the really real) quasi-set theory between indistinguishability and identity-qua-identity (see: Quantum Mechanics, Ontology, and Non-Reflexive Logics, Decio Krause, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2018), and employing, not classical logic without a Law of Identity, but CTC+-unto-µTm Lukasiewicz logics understood such that truth-value is regarded replaced by identity transparency, the high-solipsistic, it might be said, non-selfsame, one-and-only, CTC+-logical verseuni is a many which is only a one, a distincte unum decomposable to distincte-unum parts each of which is the distincte unum from which it demerge and to which it merge (sans memetime, no verb tense-conjugations apropos -- and this circumscription may bleed over into declensions), the involved changes being but frequency-windowed ghost imagos -- elements of Swedenborgian Angelic Speech in the language which is [cosmo}logical Musculpt -- of the unchanged. Were I to thus Marc us, I'd come, not to mollify a brute, but to underline an essential, and therefore would note that all 1T2-only ratiocination concerning Cantor Principle (see: Set Size and the Part-Whole Principle, Matthew W. Parker, The Review of Symbolic Logic, 6:4, December 2013) versus Part-Whole Principle (see: Bolzano and the Part-Whole Principle, Katerina Trlifajova, arXiv, 13 September 2019) are abysmal reductionisms in face of the µTm-unto-CTC+ logics of relative-state identity-transparency, especially so considering the non-selfsame numerosities which are numinous only to binary-mind. Krause, in the above-linked, writing on Non-reflexive logics, and Schrödinger, to wit: it is assumed that nothing can case [sic: cause] itself This assumption concerning logic in face of the field of autopoiesis wherein self-generating systems are studied? As Krause describes it, in non-reflexive logics the Law of Identity of classical binary logic specifying selfsameness, which mysteriously cannot be axiomatized, is transferred from the logic's rule framework (how rules become rules without being axiomatically predicated is not clear to me) to the language of a domain of interpretation. Ah so, Without magic, magic becomes Without identity, identity. Hmmm. How, forgodsake, can Quantum this, quantum that! be made compatible with the world as we anti-animists cum anti-pagans know it to be? What manipulative revisions (definitional, operational) of the formalism of QM will do the trick? Quoting Krause once again: we are not claiming that there is something which is not identical to itself [only] that there may exist objects in the domain to which it does not make sense to say that they are either equal or different. In this theory -- by analogy to the 1T2-only-constructed Russell's-set (see: How Bertrand Russell Discovered His Paradox, I. Grattan-Guinness, Historia Mathematica, 5, 1978, pp. 127-37) binary-logical-paradox escape valve, i.e., a heuristic on escaping from the objectionable aspects of Cantor infinite sets (see, for interesting insofar as I can follow, discussion of non-1T2-only considerations: Russell's Set Versus the Universal Set in Paraconsistent Set Theory, Ayda I. Arruda and Diderik Batens, publication info not provided, 1980 or later by References) -- as regards quasets of elementary particles, the proposition that x = y yet it can be written, it does not have any meaning in the theory. How something can be neither equal nor different and yet be a selfsame first-order-binary-predicate variable is not exactly clear to me -- though I can see how n-species of this neither-nor/and are cases myriadly so, under, that is, uh, uh, well, [diva}gating µTm-unto-CTC+ logics understood, not relative to truth-value, but relative to order-types of relative-state identity-transparency (an [onto}logical condition informing ambient-radiation-exquisitely-responsive geometro-helix-coil-transition-dynamics of wave-effected-m-level-enciphered, micro-nano[?]-narrow frequency-response-windowed [hence, we could stay out of biologically-active windows, were we ever to want to], pi-electron-gas-enveloped DNA). Consider the Krause notion of a quasi-cardinal. Quoting from Set-Theoretical Models for Quantum Systems, N. C. A. Da Costa and D. Krause, in Language, Quantum, Music, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara and Roberto Giuntini and Frederico Laudisa, eds., Springer, 1999, p. 177:
A natural question is to ask for the possibility of associating cardinals even to quasi-sets that are not sets. The problem is that since the concept of identity lacks sense for m-atoms [quantum objects], the quasi-sets that contain such objects as elements cannot be (well-)ordered. As a consequence, cardinals for general quasi-sets cannot be defined in the standard way. Even so, we suppose that every quasi-set has a cardinal, which is called its quasi-cardinal; in order to formalize this idea, we have assumed that the language of S** contains a primitive functional symbol for arity one, qcard, so that the term qcard(x) intuitively denotes the quasi-cardinal of (the quasi-set) x.
Seeking and finding some elaboration upon the above, we quote A modal logic of indiscernibility, Felipe Santos, passeidireto, no date discernible:
From the axioms of the theory Q we can form collections of m-objects which may have a cardinal, termed its quasi-cardinal, but not an associated ordinal. Thus, the concepts of ordinal and cardinal are independent, as in some formulations of ZFC proper, so, there are quasi-sets that cannot be ordered. Informally speaking, there may be quasi-sets of m-objects such that the elements cannot be identified by names [nominal number], counted [cardinal number], ordered [ordinal number], although there is a sense in saying that these collections have a cardinal which cannot be defined in terms of ordinals.
Quasi-cardinal -- as near as I can make out: I am confused by statements like, in defining the quasi-cardinal, We also define that x is a quasi-set, i.e., Q(x) if, and only if, x is neither an m-atom nor an M-atom [macroscopic object] (drawn from Hidden variables, quasi-sets, and elementary particles, Adonai Sant' Anna, arXiv, 27 March 1998, top of p. 7); confused because, to me, as regards m-atom, the notions singular and plural are not absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct; consider also, a quasi-set can have at least two distinct quasi-cardinals, all infinite and one of them countable Krause's primitive notion of a quasi-cardinal is inaccurate in QST and there does not exist an accurate definition of a countable quasi-set , so sayeth Eliza Wajch, Quasi-cardinals in Krause's quasi-set theory of quantum mechanics, conference paper for Workshop on Modern Applied Mathematics, Cracow, November 2017 -- is an early-stage approach to what I have for long designated as being a µTmly-unto-CTC+ly non-selfsame number (and which the numerical metaphors of gematria, cabala, neoPlatonic numerology were-are attempts to handle). Hence, however scarifying, we thereby, thence, maintain that Krausean M-atoms are actually Krausean m-atoms, i.e., that there is no classical limit, except as prescriptively glutamaterically etched and anchored, that all M-atoms are in µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, and that direct ontic awareness of this state of affairs has been the normative consciousness state of humanity throughout its habitus, planet Earth, with the exception of, for the few, the last 3,000 years more or less -- as to wit, implications of the following characterization of animistic-pagan participation mystique qua participation inconsciente qua contagion, as this last-given word is used in social anthropology, makes abundantly clear. Quoting our paper entitled Multivalue, Nanoimmunity, and the Genesis of Metaculture:
The French ethnologist, Giran, writing before World War One, offers us a provocative portrait:
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese. (Quoted in Nguyen Khac Kham, 1970 [Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam. Saigon: Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations]).
Here we have a characterization of animism, of contagion, of, if you will, identity transparency. But is this notion of non-singular, non-selfsame identity non-scientific? It is non-Newtonian, certainly, but with equal certainty is it consistent with quantum physics in general and the biophysics of the quantum wave properties of the DNA molecule in particular. Even the vocabulary of this ethnographic portrait produced in 1912 [actually, I now believe this portrait was produced in 1904, only four years after Planck's paper on the quantum of action, long before the sort of terminology Giran employs entered discourse on the meaning of quantum mechanics: Paul Giran, Psychologie du Peuple Annamite, Ernest Leroux, Paris, as recently made available on the internet by ForgottenBooks.com] evokes the discourse of contemporary physics with its peculiar terminology: spontaneous fusion, relative-state, chaotic dynamics, collective and cooperative behaviors, entangled states, reciprocal maintenance, instabilities, non-simple identity, multiply-connected, [extensional identity,] and so on.
For 2,500 years and more, the unassimilable (by binary-mind) percepts and propriocepts informing this level of understanding of the universe have been suppressed by every manner of travesty, up to and including genocides, such as those perpetrated in the Americas. Organized religions of every sort: We must throw off the adamantine chain which is mind of the savage! This is utterly risible, given that that statement is a binary-mind statement made in regards to µTm-modes of animistic-pagan cognition, forms of cognition presently being ConveDDed by the binary-mind into destructive technologies, in some cases, e.g., the internet, not being satisfied with destructive technologies, TPTB introspectively incompetent mental imps are destroying the destructive technologies for not being destructive enough. Lugubrious Dennises the Menace throwing one of their projective-identifications-unconfirmed-by-experience fits! Grotesquerie having become a specialty of the house, nothing can abuse them of their sacred abrakadabra pusillanimi[s]ty and mor[a]bid suspiciousness. Their utterances reveal their governing ideational frameworks, and lo, low and high, they have not cognitively made it into the 19th century, let alone the 21st. Should I ever overcome my diffident soft-shoed dismissiveness and come to imagine myself being much better pleased were the un[ass}u|aged sobs to sustain stress-induced TMJDed lockjaw, I would find myself devoted to designing a mouth guard as a therapeutic aid capable of suppressing perseveration and echolalia and paraphasia. Ergotropic: actively enervated just for the sake of being proactive, proactive simply because proactive is a buzz word adopted near universally by the extroverted, high-mesomorphic, muscle-bound binary-mind locked-on to the Pygmalion task of remaking Lady Nature in that mind's own image. Eeyorish, it must be admitted. Nonetheless, two of the many problems with this program are: (1) Earth's atmosphere is not a classical domain; and (2) unassaulted integrity of the quantum-wave properties of DNA is essential to normative fulfillment of many biological functions.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio
Than are dreamt of in our philosophy
Hamlet, 1.5.167-8Mlet? Ha! Not on your life, bub. The regressed-compensatory-abreactive assertion, in Sorosian BLMed MMT, that 2 + 2 = 5 (good offices of Ben Zeisloft of Campus Reform via ZeroHedge, 11 October 2020) hardly even nominal numbers the number-the-cardinal-numbering actual case, which is µTm-unto-CTC+-logical non-selfsame numerosities, such that, expressing inordinate, heh-heh-heh, dependence upon the ordinal-numbered order of logical-value employed, xµ! + yµ! = zC! (this equation, and the like, taken as a whole, understood as a signifying 1T2ly-non-distinct but not µTmly-indiscernible, non-selfsame, nominal-qua-naming number which, in Schrödinger-memetime-independent Musculpt manifold disemplotments [as distinct from demerging emplotments: see, for an interesting characterization of hisstory, Telling Times: History, Emplotment, and Truth, Jonathan A. Carter, History and Theory, 42:1, February 2003, pp. 1-27], would be a Gödel-numbered Gödel number, i.e., a multilevel-enciphered instruction set implementable by remerging topologically-active counter-operator-time). George Soros 1T2ly-pigeonholes the reflexivities codified by [1T2-only-self}-referential propositions as indicative of Heisenberg uncertainty, thus canceling contagion of the participation-mystique-mediated metaculture (of skew-parallel Kulturkreise), which Lukasiewiczian-relative-states (a relative-state formulation should not have had to have waited upon a postwar Everett) of identity-transparency could very well have constellated during the inter-world-war period, had not knee-jerk consensuation of the Born Rule altogether quenched the (Popperian) quantum propensity for that ensemble behavior -- and could still so constellate, sans a GlobalPhoenix-fostered transhumanist Planetary Cancel Culture Revolution. As Nguyen Khac Kham well understood (personal conversation, Berkeley, CA, 1986) in drawing attention to Paul Giran's characterization of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, code named contagion, there still exists in pockets strong residuals of participation mystique -- indeed, the organic rice I eat is grown in the old way: paddy flooded with well water, hand-planted, hand-weeded, and hand-harvested -- such that computer-brain-interface-implanted substitute memories would not be required to re-constellate the forms of cognition Giran described. Once again quoting our paper, written in Santa Fe, NM, during 1997, entitled Multivalue, Nanoimmunity, and the Genesis of Metaculture:
The French ethnologist, Giran, writing before World War One, offers us a provocative portrait:
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese. (Quoted in Nguyen Khac Kham, 1970 [Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam, Saigon: Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations; note that this pamphlet, a copy of which was handed to Nha Trang {a student of NKK at U. of Saigon, circa 1961-2} and I in 1986, is missing from the list of English language publications provided here, though some of it may have been incorporated into the listed title No. 17, Rice Cultivation and Rice Ceremonies in Viet-Nam, Area and Culture Studies, 22, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1972, pp. 141-59]).
Here we have a characterization of animism, of contagion, of, if you will, identity transparency. But is this notion of non-singular, non-selfsame identity non-scientific? It is non-Newtonian, certainly, but with equal certainty is it consistent with quantum physics in general and the biophysics of the quantum wave properties of the DNA molecule in particular. Even the vocabulary of this ethnographic portrait produced in 1912 [actually, I now believe this portrait was produced in 1904, only four years after Planck's paper on the quantum of action, long before the sort of terminology Giran employs entered discourse on the meaning of quantum mechanics: Paul Giran, Psychologie du Peuple Annamite, Ernest Leroux, Paris, as recently made available on the internet by ForgottenBooks.com] evokes the discourse of contemporary physics with its peculiar terminology: spontaneous fusion, relative-state, chaotic dynamics, collective and cooperative behaviors, entangled states, reciprocal maintenance, instabilities, non-simple identity, multiply-connected, [extensional identity,] and so on.
One of the best aids to inner separation from internal considering is the doing of traffic analysis upon entries made to a personal journal; the collective case of this would have to do with hisstory. The non-reflexive-logic-of-quasi-set-theory mappings over the experimental findings of quantum mechanics are based on taking those findings as unquestioned givens to be more deeply explained, whereas THE fundamental measurement-problem issue needing to be forthrightly addressed is that all (though there has been a recent attempt to change this, as to wit: Researchers devise a means to 'gently' measure qubit without destroying superposition, Bob Yirka, Phys.org, 4 October 2012; I note that a superconductant qubit in a microwave cavity as part of the instrumentation for making such a measurement corresponds in some respects to our theoretical employment of parcels of DNA pi-electron gas at helix-coil transition and air parcels in double-helical feeder-bands at tornadogenesis; this correspondence being particularly interesting in view of the proposed measure of the Macroscopicity of Mechanical Quantum Superposition States, Stefan Mimmrichter, Physical Review Letters, 110:16, April 2013) heretofore experimental setups have conformed to 1T2-only, and only 1T2-only, logical strictures, e.g., the instruments employed have-been/are designed such that the pointer (or equivalent) on the display (or equivalent) of the given instrument can only point at one reading at a given instant of memetime (simultaneous reading of multiple sensors [good offices of Anish Babu and Boby George, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 67:5, May 2018] and instrumental demonstration of the relationship between multiple single-valued variables are not equivalent to a multiple simultaneous reading at a given memetime instant from one sensor of a single, ensheaved-qua-superposed, m-valued variable) -- although, in Luneburg binocular visual space, localization of the pointer is dependent upon a PSYCHOmetric distance function (prescriptively enculturated qua extensional-self-metaprogrammed cum glutamatergically anchored). That condition of the measurement occasion, clinical and subclinical, means that, in our µTm-unto-CTC+ universe, all scientific experiments so far conducted have focused attention upon facts apropos the 1T2-order-type alone of all those facts apropos order-types µTm-unto-CTC+. Hidden in the black-psyche compensatory (i.e., against) abreaction (here, good offices of Elias Marat, ZeroHedge, 8 October 2020, we have an argument against paraconsistent logics being used to characterize material systems; whereas, we understand the chosen descriptor PARAconsistent as codifying a step back from CTC+-unto-µTm-orders of legitimate INconsistency, one such higher-order nesting the next lower-order) to the psycho-sexo-socio-politico-econo-monetary imports of 1T2-only-first-order-predicate-logic-sans-Law-of-Identity (not to mention µTm-unto-CTC+ logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to relative-states of identity-transparency; stricto sensu, ceteris paribus is impossible; moreover, the proper time is memetime no less than are all improper times; what cannot be, and is not, a formula under 1T2-only-logic alone, may very well be a formula mu-times-over under muTm-valued logics) is: the existential quantifier some conflated to coercive 'we'; this conflation generalized to the universal quantifier all. By such subliminal-self-metaprogramming means does the one-percent of the one-percent (for the most part transhumanist fuddy-duddy fabulists chasing after the immortalist fountain of youth ostensibly located amongst the phantasmagoria found orbiting out there in the wild blue yonder) self-justify qua bivalently rationalize its Fourth-Industrial-Revolution program to establish centralized, comprehensively planned, 1T2-only-algorithmic, preference-functioned total control (a concept first explored with multivalent Grundgestalted [good offices of Brent Lawrence Auerbach, The Analytical Grundgestalt , Ph.D. dissertation, Eastman School of Music, U. of Rochester, 2005: so far as I know, the Grundgestalt's multivalence has never been handled with µTm-valued logics, i.e., there has yet to appear Lukasiewiczian-Schoenbergian dodecaphonics as one move in the direction of codifying techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt] art music composition matrices, one prefiguration of internetworking cum cloud-computed meshworking) over the prevailing Weltanschauung by dictating what is and is not a permissible introjection to the Umwelts constellating that Weltanschauung, this dictation to be conducted through implanted computer-brain-interfaces and anchored to the body politic apparently by means of pandemonia of pandemic gain-of-function (disease-delivered via bioselfwarfare?) manipulations of myriad genomes. When impacts of the fragments of a shattered Weltanschauung disintegrate the metaphysical foundations of an institutional base, is that ignominy sufficient unto transformation of, say, founding-fathered pork-barreled oligarchy into korny kakistocratic kleptocracy into the Great American Cultural Revolution (good offices of Doug Casey via ZeroHedge, 10 October 2020)? And could this deleterious phase transition conceivably be effectively remediated absent the fashioning of a new Weltanschauung, a Weltanschauung worthy of collective consensuation?
If you don't have a better idea, keep your mouth shut!: that's the refrain I've heard since childhood. But if you do detail a better idea, watch out, that's when they really come down hard on you. Better ideas generally involve changes of the tacit assumption set informing framework determining conditions, to use J. G. Bennett's term. This, they cannot tolerate -- and will not abide. Though I knew-know advocates of it (some of them surrogate personas of our novel's protagonist), personally, I've never been for the institutional Long March (long march to eschatological where, neocon heaven? neoconservatives call their mirror images cultural Marxists; cultural Marxists call their mirror images neoconservatives); being an autopoiarchist, I've advocated building from below skew-parallel new framework determining conditions as support for a house of cards upon which the existing framework is to be judiciously transformed such that war, upheaval, displacement, disease, famine, loss of life are greatly minimized if not largely avoided. Largely, as it is clear that, even under the best of conditions, going from prison school to Summerhill free school can't be accomplished without some disruption, some disturbances. As regards expectations to the contrary, see interesting thoughts upon proffered by The Z Man Blog, Insurrection Then Revolution, 21 October 2020. Echoing the Eliotic notion that all creativity is based upon fundamental boredom (T. S. Eliot, Peter Ackroyd, 1984 Penguin paperback edition, p. 119), heh-heh-heh, William Lind, in Fourth Generation War Comes to a Theater Near You, Chronicles, October 2020, has supply-side war erupting because that is what bored young people like to do, heh-heh-heh. How many memetimes have I heard this theory as to the origins of war before? The extraordinarily limited and deeply regressed -- judging from their publicized utterances, their ideas as to What Is To Be Done -- cognitive space occupied by members of the global leadership elite (GLE), be they so young as their twenties, is itself, i.e., the space occupied, indicative of a form of early-onset dementia. Is this at all surprising, given the degree to which modernism systematically stripped tropological metareferences from the artifacts of daily life, even to a significant degree in the Empire of Signs? It must be admitted that F. L. Wright failed, culture-wide-wise, to bring the outside in, and take the inside out -- even if his automatics so exemplified. T. S. Eliot's notion of the objective correlative (correlative bespeaking introjection) between outer and inner (a term used in Hamlet, Athenaeum, 1919, reprinted in The Sacred Wood, 1920) was circulated through the literary demimonde at the memetime m-valued Lukasiewicz logics were rigorously codified and in the years immediately preceding consensuation of the Born Rule dissimulation of the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function; it, Eliot's notion, has objective correlation to the contemporary Pauli-Jung-synchronicity-escape-from-operator-time idea and the ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement), which is one form of the thematic-evasion type of NAFR (Autogenic Training's neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance); it also is echoed by the tropological metareference which inculcates multi-utilities (a structure, e.g., an artifact of daily life, which has multiple functions on different layers, deep to surface, of culture) within a culture. In[sin}u|end|o? O, how very obvious! Say the MoSoSo-mogul-subset of the GLE: a denial-of-service curse be placed on insinuators and innuendoers. CRT (critical race theory, a specific application of Horkheimer's all encompassing critical theory), generalized (with a little help from friends like those in the wacky wing of cultural Marxists [see Cultural Marxism's Origins , ZeroHedge, 14 October 2020 {that something would still be valid if it were proved to be false , a statement attributed to Gyorgy Lukacs, circa post-WWI, just as the rigorous treatment of m-valued logics was being first published, is, if the attribution be accurate, a quintessential example of the then-largely-tacit dissembled interpretations of Lukasiewicz, in this case by a Hungarian Marxist who was naively enunciating a somewhat that was subliminally in the air of the then-prevailing cultural Zeitgeist; consider this from Lukacs alongside the Leninist-Munzenbergian injunction cum quasi-judicial order to "Call the thing by the name of its opposite"}; see also, for a short, therefore over simplified, historical discussion and notions of current reference, New book warns of danger of Kamala Harris presidency, Max Parry, OffGuardian, 17 October 2020], those in the dingy division of postmodernists, the unglued batch of deconstructionists), uh, uh, generalized from well-founded social-science and lawfare studies to biology, physics, and mathematics (in analogy to how the containment policy was generalized to the Third World), is a crystalline specimen, even exemplar, of conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD) -- hence, subliminally mediated -- of the currently very-well-and-long-established actual case involving The Two-Hundred-Years War of the World, and a blackpsyche-delivered psyops misdirection, in that the prevailing continuation of the process of global Nazification (cultural Marxism 1T2-paradoxically being one of the two main leading edges thereof) involves a far more nuanced targeting strategy than was the case during earlier stages, i.e., the foremost strategy of those earlier stages having been mainly stigmentation, uh, uh, stigmatization, of merely Jews and gypsies, their horrendous preparation for cleansing and elimination: nowadays, high-tech versions of the breast-sown yellow Seal-of-Solomon star are being imposed transnationally, e.g., holographic passports, under-the-skin RFID implants, on-the-skin QR codes (these codes, by obvious projection, an apt analogical model of the cognitive space occupied by the GLE), smartphone apped QR codes (good offices of 21st Century Wire via ActivitstPost, 13 October 2020), bluetooth bio-surveillance tracking tags (good offices of 21st Century Wire, 23 September 2020), Gates-ballyhooed prospective COVID-vaccine laissez-passer internal-travel visas in preparation for GlobalPhoenix-executed n-category differential population management. Selling on data regarding every place stopped to and from work: hackers, scammers, bucket-shop pushers, out-call-service reps, cell-to-cell salesmen, robotic AI touts assailing the ol' computer-brain interface 24/7. Just like the Fifties diner got 86ed by pandemic McDonaldization, ECHO, the travel-tourism industry got massified, packaged, blue-plate-specialed and Amazonated; thus, both sectors became nauseatingly repulsive -- and now the residual of sole-proprietor restaurants is being COVIDized to extinction. What sane person -- independent of reactions to transhumanism -- would choose to live in the world TPTB are so intent upon imposing? Wow, what a way to expand the insurgent's recruitment base! A reasonable question: How long until a quorum is reached that suicide-by-cop is crazy -- crazy because the targets analyst only included one item in the target options survey? Clearly, there is every possibility that planetary cuspover will make the WhiteRussian hunt-down look like a parental fistfight during the last inning of the championship Little League game. Thus sprach the huntdowners: Let them indefinitely social distance in their lux bunkers! That is, if they can manufacture enough oxygen and synfood. Most all a' us safe for the memetime bein'? Mayhaps. But be aware that there is a Fifth of countries at risk of ecosystem collapse , as per Damian Carrington, The Guardian, 12 October 2020. More blackpsyche? Not likely. Despite 9/11, current fulmination of the recurrent global crisis isn't presently even making close approach to incendiary collapse-cuspover, and yet, even so, every establishment cohort, including membership of the psychiatric establishment, is DSM-5-certifiable -- given the myriad manifestations of the fathomlessly-regressed institutional obsession (Find'm, fix'm, and flummox'm!) with non-muTm, non-quantum, facebookable and retweetable, simple, single-valued identity. The agenda unannounced even to themselves: use quantum-based technologies to suppress quantum states of the socius. That'll keep psychological black holes at bay! MSM-cum-government perception management plus -- with up-and-coming CBIs, computer brain interfaces, and similarly motivated techno-innovations -- proprioception management are ConveDDs of that suppressed and hence regressed, i.e., an obvious supposition: order of value of the logic tacitly employed greatly predisposes the types of percepts and propriocepts cognitively registered for processing. The brain's global electromagnetic field (see Integrating information in the brain's EM field: the cemi field theory of consciousness, Johnjoe McFadden, Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2020:1, 22 September 2020) may include components generated by intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA (the coherent waves radiated containing not only the binary information encoded on the nucleotide-pair molecular level, but also that µTm encoded into the higher-temporal formants of those waves) -- components primarily topologically-active-operator-time (topo-active optime) integrated under logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2. Our long-held definition of actively-innervated consciousness being the set of all topological operators on space, we would not say Integrating information in space, rather than in time; we'd hold topo-active optime responsible for driving the Musculpted shape-shifting which is information integration in space. Fear and loathing of the loss of Eliotic dissociation of the sensibility (good offices of Hareshwar Roy, 20 June 2017) via direct ontic experience of inner-µTm-Musculpt somaticized (in such case the conversion would be consciously mediated) has long since induced panic-driven delirium, a normotic delirium traveling pandemically under the rubric normal -- such delirium, individual and mass, even collective. However much infinite regress is anathema to the binary-mind, it is the nature of the case in respect to concentration in self-observation (see Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen, Hubert Benoit, Weiser, 1973), µTm-unto-CTC+-nonselfsame identity, logics themselves, and, presumably, associated states of consciousness -- but not, according to our lights, of John William Dunne's reference times, where linear-time requires a reference time upon which it is measured, and that reference time requires another, and so on to infinity. Our scheme has apocryphally-objective, real-numbered, metric-tensor-eigenvalue-minus-signed linear-time as Maya, as mere memetime -- only on the lowest level of logical-value, i.e., that 1T2, does implication-entailment entail memetime-bound emplotment -- prescriptively enculturated-socialized beginning in the womb at glutamatergic neuronal prunings cum quantum quenchings, this molecular-cellular-brain anchoring being a bi-product of the population corpus engaging in bivalent self-metaprogramming, including imposition of Ankersmitian narrative substances (see, for interesting discussion, Adam Timmins' review of Peter Icke's Frank Ankersmit's Lost Historical Cause , Reviews in History, May 2012), the predications of which being embedded in culture and passed from generation to generation. There is no Dunnean infinite regress because there is no objective time dimension requiring a temporal reference for measurement; there is, however, topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time (topo-active optime), three orders -- signified with imaginary l-cap, hypercomplex m-cap, hyperhypercomplex n-cap -- of which are necessary and sufficient, the third-order, in reverse-cascade remergence yielding hyparxic (ableness to be) self-reentrant non-orientability (the word yielding, in this context, involving no imputed passive, passing, referential time dimension, the three orders specifying operators and their operations upon Musculpt manifold [the involved transforms being what we regard as chronotopology], not temporal degrees of freedom). Our take on the relation between imaginary time and real time is supported by the conclusion drawn from the arguments made by Robert J. Deltete and Reed A. Guy in their paper Emerging from imaginary time, Synthese, 108, August 1996, pp. 185-203 -- if that conclusion be slightly modified, to wit: the whole class of cosmological models appealing to imaginary time [as a passive reference dimension] is thereby refuted. Self-reentrant: the explanandum is its own explanans. Our temporal-CURLed l-cap, m-cap, n-cap each have implicit summation subscripts-superscripts indicative of the µTm-unto-CTC+/CTC+-unto-µTm self-cancelled logical-ontological hierarchy, which 3-fold topo-active optime remerges and demerges Schrödinger-memetime-independently. The involutory decomposition subscripts carry (by virtue of the nesting-foam which is Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers on Musculpt manifold à la Alex.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes) a shadow demergence imprint, a ghost protocol, a prefiguration of what the binary-mind experiences-calls the proper-time of the evolutionary world-line. This scheme has little in common with how Wick-rotated, passive, passing, referential imaginary-time dimensions have been supposed to interface with Special Relativity theory; it also has little to do with how Stephen Hawking fed imaginary time into the big-bang theory of cosmogenesis. Third-order topo-active optime beginningless-endless non-orientability obviates big-bangs and big-crunches, cosmo expansions-contractions being binary-logic-only memetime-bound notions. This is not to suggest that memetime be altogether abandoned. Memetime obviously has a wide range of pragmatic utilities. What is suggested is that memetime be kept in its utilitarian place. Ahem, sorry to interrupt, sirs, madams, but µTmly speaking, there are, indeed, actual causalities 1T3 2T3 3T3 1T4 µTm; it's just that, geometrically speaking, they're n-skew-perpendicular (however 1T2ly recondite for being bivalently null-vector defined, the n-valued obliqueness is no matter of mere irony, and no mere Clifford-algebraic wedge product [click continue reading]) to Descartes-Newton, and thus is uncertain to binary-mind. What is 1T2ly uncertain (e.g., not identical or distinct from) may well be 3T18ly quite certain, thank you very much. Ah, yes, the Karmic cycles in Samsara of a simply-identifiable whatnot taken to be contexualized in a 1T2-only-definable objective linear-time. And Moksha, emancipation. The notion precedes as regards numerical and temporal ordinalities is 1T2-bound; as regards ontological hierarchy and logical accommodation, µTm-bound; Prometheus is altogether authentically Unbound only on Tzog-chen CTC+-AllBase of Lukasiewicz-Hilbert-space (LH-space) qua m-logically-valued reference space (MVRS) spin-down-demergence/spin-up-remergence involutory decomposition-recomposition hierarchy, which, being Schrödinger-memetime-independent, is all ways and always self-cancelled: only by introjecting to Umwelt nature's own cancellation of 1T2-only selfhood can Prometheus escape the memetime-boundedness he has imposed upon himself by his hubristic transgression, to wit, ludicrously claiming absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identity. Buddhist compassion is not 1T2-only on-or-off generative empathy (i.e., directly experiencing the experience of another: an exponentiation of external considering, such exponentiation, it may be supposed, generally achieved by long practice in the cancellation of the object capture of chi-ki-libido-satchitparasparakriya incumbent upon projective-identification on the subject-object level of the psychological transference); it's µTm-unto-CTC+ states of relative-state identity-transparency. Not quantum Buddhism; Buddhological quantum mechanics: dependent origination via CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 involutory-decomposition demergence executed by topo-active optime. While in going remergent from 1T2 to CTC+, it may be the case that µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency manifest classes of systemic-cluster entanglement concentrations (see Schemes for entanglement concentration of two unknown partially entangled states with cross-Kerr nonlinearity, Wei Xiong and Liu Ye, arXiv, 2010 or later by References) exhibiting nonlocal correlations that violate some form of Bell inequality (see Interpreting Quantum Entanglement: Steps Toward Coherentist Quantum Mechanics, Claudio Calosi and Matteo Morganti, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 14 September 2018, p. 5), in respect to CTC+-identity-transparency (one property of which being that everything is dependent on everything) mapped over Tzog-chen AllBase (cf. Ishmael-Schaffer common ground as per Quantum Holism: nonseparability as common ground, Jenann Ismael and Jonathan Schaffer, Synthese, 197:10, 1 October 2020) most-dense sheet of LH-space qua MVRS (Lukasiewicz-Hilbert-space qua m-logically-valued reference space), the notions entanglement and correlation retain far too many residuals of discrete, individuated, simple-identity (i.e., à la Calosi and Morganti, p. 5, linked above: associated to a unique, well-defined state vector) to have any descriptive utility whatsoever. There are no independent entities, macroscopically just as is the case microscopically; moreover, stricto sensu and CTC+ly speaking, there are nonesuch as independent variables. In our scheme, there is no such thing as the thing-in-itself (a contravention of Hume, for see A Defense of Hume's Dictum, Cameron Gibbs, Ph.D. dissertation, UMassAmherst, 2019), and the only fundamental entity is non-selfsame (thereby no thing-in-itself) All That Is, a whatnot, and the only whatnot, which utterly conforms to the claim that fundamentality entails [absolute] modal freedom (to quote Fundamentality And Modal Freedom, Jennifer Wang, Philosophical Perspectives, 30:1, December 2016). Under supervenient CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, Hume's dictum (see, for further elucidation: What is Hume's Dictum, and Why believe It?, Jessica Wilson, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, LXXX:3, May 2010) is moot; no modal connections, no information transmission required: indeed, propagation is a 1T2-only way of saying µTm-identity-transparency. Considering that classical 1T2-only-logic, with its laws and rules of accommodation, is the most reduced case of µTm-logics, it appears that a fuller (fuller yet would require, for facilitation of thinking in µTm-logics, not about them with 1T2-only-logic, evolution-through-use of techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt [not countenanced by the speakable-language-dominated, memetime-bound binary-mind] as mathematical notation, development of which has been squelched-quenched-squenched by the pandemic choice instead for techno-Nazification, a derailment of the doctrine-of-uses that quantum-based technologies would spontaneously have generated from their inherent properties, had not those properties been dissimulated under aegis of the Born Rule), uh, uh, fuller description of the various aspects on the different logical-value order-types of the Schrödinger-memetime-independent CTC+-unto-µTm/µTm-unto-CTC+ involutory decomposition-demergence/recomposition-remergence general-to-particular/particular-to-general hierarchy (regard this as a kind of nomonet of entailment, accommodation, implication, logical necessity, nomological necessity), and its self-cancellation (squelch adduced!), would require not only Calosi-Morganti-coherentist symmetric relations of ontological dependence (italic added by way of reference to dependent origination), but also ontic structural realism, whole-is-more-than-the-sum-of-its-parts holism, and Cantorian part-is-whole mereology, applications of each appropriately modulated vis-à-vis those relevant Lukasiewicz logics supraordinate to that 1T2 and understood independent of the notion truth-value. Nature being much more into omnium-gathera than use of Occam's razor to slit hisherits own throat, the CTC+-unto-µTm philosophical orientation taken on this website is full of nomological danglers -- such danglers insofar as 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains and the binary-mind are concerned. The nomothetic, whilst not being 1T2-logically necessary or 1T2-theoretically explicable, still, please note, relies upon the notion is so, one stand-in for truth-value. When, alternatively to our orientation, supposed is that the ontological hierarchy be all 1T2-only, how so very easy to find soteriological futility in nothing but an nk-landscape of waste, versions virtual, interpretations empty of substance. Don't give a sod? Hmmm. Long ago, given a choice between harmonious spiritual realization and dissonant religious institutions, humanity chose to immerse itself in c[hur]c[his]m; recently, given a choice between techno-Moksha and techno-replacement, we've apparently inchoately opted for techno-imprisonment as prefiguration of trans-unto-post humanity. Rather presumptuous, don't y'think, for the individual to gainsay a collective (unconscious) preference for species self-cancellation: Give me simple-identity or give me death!
With few exceptions, those with high 1T2-IQs do well on their 1T2-SATs and 1T2-GREs, but their Roarshock testes, uh, uh, tests, generally awe, in that the findings on these tests indicate an inordinately normotic tilt, heh-heh-heh! Ego Psychology as a Problem for Adaptation. There's been inflection points amany in the US-transform prevarication, one of the minor ones having been when the court system, with pernicious probity, approved Gate appropriation of the graphical interface Job. Adopt[a}highway? Mend[a}city? TRAAAdition! PERRRdition! Gimme, gimme, gimme. Wanna kickback o'that? For a little history regarding why we are staring in the face a major inflection point qua phase-transition flashover, see What The Great Reset Architects Don't Want You To Understand About Economics, Matthew Eret, The Saker, 20 October 2020. Are you now, or have you ever been-- an anarchist? No, Congressperson, uh, Congressperdaughter, uh, Congressper-- uh, uh--. And in that context, the degree to which scientific lying (e.g., apparently CRISPER, uh, uh, CRISPR-Cas9 [good offices of Tina Hesman Saey, Science News for Students, 31 July 2017], is not the smart bomb it has been claimed to be: see Nobel Prize for a gene bomb, Silvia Ribeiro, The Ecologist, 22 October 2020: could the quantum-wave properties of the molecule be responsible for the unsought changes anomalously accompanying CRISPR-Cas9-effected targeting?) has been captured by 1T2-only capitalism has long since moved well beyond the Pale, and the ways in which 1T2-only capitalism-socialism-communism impel trashing of the planet are as breathtaking as any weaponized URI virus. On the Q-T/Q-T, various varieties of moral turps, whilst quashing quantum-this/quantum-that, seek refugium in the Enlightenment of 18th-century 1T2-only rationalism (see, for one recent overt example, Make America Jeffersonian Again, Pepe Escobar, The Asia Times via ZeroHedge, 23 October 2020). The forecasts I arrived at during the mid-Sixties to the mid-Seventies were based primarily on observations made (use of the word analyses would be altogether misleading) in respect to psychological, cultural, and intellectual-history factors, not so much those geopolitical and economic; thus, neither a cultural Marxist nor a neocon, I was and am a collective-psychological-cum-cultural autopoiarchist (autopoiesis denoting self-generation and self-maintenance, self-organization being an explicit lemma; the word self here indicating the full µTm-spectrum of nonselfsame selfhood-types; µTm, considering that -- 18th-century magic-without-magic invisible hand aside -- the quantum potential, i.e., relative-state identity-transparency, driving autopoiesis and Selbstorganisation is not 1T2-only definable: given this long-held orientation, I now find very stimulating Eva Buchinger's The sociological concept of autopoiesis -- Biological and philosophical basics and governance relevance, Kybernetics, 35:3-4, January 2006, pp. 360-74, with the caveat that I've advocated boundary-without-boundary [e.g., that of a fractal drum, a boundary which, when looked at closer and closer, ultimately, in the limit, heh-heh-heh, is found to be nothing but a collection of holes], non-selfsame-selfhood modification of the Maturana-Varela 1T2-only-molecular-cellular-level conception to incorporate the µTm-quantum-biology conception of relative-state identity-transparency exemplified in, for instance, the radiation-exchange processes of DNA molecules; moreover, my take on the phenomenological reduction Buchinger discusses is rather non-Husserlian, i.e., analysis light and perception cum autosensory observation heavy, such that, consequently, a world of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct objects with 1T2-only meaning-horizon is found to be no more given than is memetime, there being much oriental positivism testimony to existence of autonomy-denying participation mystique states of consciousness in approach to full-blown µTm-Samadhi-type processings of suchness-type meanings crystallized in CTC+-consciousness-without-an-object; found, too, is that operational closure is rampantly violated due to existence of a collective unconscious, µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, quantum potential, µTm-logics superordinate to that 1T2 and, with CTC+-logics, supraordinate to ordinality itself, non-selfsameness in identity qua identity as a metaphysical category, non-selfsameness in numerosity -- these being framework determining conditions which immediately come to mind; furthermore, in my take, the function-functional-functor n subsystem-system-supersystem-subsystem-system composite is not necessarily binary coded -- it can be µTm coded, as once was the case in full-blown animistic-pagan societies wherein states of participation mystique were normative and ritual gift exchange signified relative-states of identity-transparency, and could memepresently become the case with regards to monetary systematics were µTm-valued LETS nesting-foams holographic-principle implemented via indicator-measurable-tagged currency-unit mappings upon fractal e-boundaries, where own/not-own, pay/not-pay is not merely fuzzy-logic grayscale blurry but µTm-processed such that, say, bundled bundles of MBSs rehypothecated n-times-over are handled authentically in regards to the actual ownership-state of the underlying properties signified by the given MBS, thus keeping the involved derivatives tightly tied to the real economy, and its resource base, which financial derivatives notionally-ostensibly serve), uh, uh, was and am an autopoiarchist greatly influenced by Heinz Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation, which I read the summer after my senior year of high school, circa 1963, and C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, which I initially read during the first semester of my freshman year at AU-SIS, good offices of Prof. Abdul Aziz Said. Absent molestation, a socius will, on basis of inherent quantum properties, self-generate the framework determining conditions functionally prerequisite to structural self-organization -- structure, à la Hartmann, being function automatized. But, once a socius has been molested, the effects of that molestation are structuralized in the collective unconscious, à la C. G. Jung, the Lebenswelt and its Umwelts, the assumptions carried into scientific models and thence into policymaking (e.g., the notion that Earth's atmosphere is a classical domain, a notion informing the modeling of probable geoengineering impacts, to wit: As Climate Disasters Pile Up, a Radical Proposal Gains Traction, DNYUZ, 28 October 2020: gonna be kinda sad, don't y'think; lemme see; it 'twould, now wouldn't it just), the resultant pathological Weltanschauung, and the political-economy analogically modeled upon that Weltanschauung. Any attempt to transform the institutional base evolved under such circumstances of collective impairment-imprisonment, to transform it into a Summerhillian condition, will yield, initially, a period, longer or shorter, of deautomatization, chaotic in direct proportion to the severity and duration of the molestation to which the socius has been subjected. The primary way to positively modify this equation, thus minimizing the upheaveal, is to create nascent structures, a house of cards, in the period prior to onset of deautomatization, structures upon which autopoietic and self-organizing processes can inchoately congeal -- these nascent structures having characteristics facilitating establishment of framework determining conditions derivative of the inherent quantum properties which the molestation suppressed genetic expressions of. Ignoring, discounting, downplaying, devaluing the main function of science (optimally, not science as we have known it, but Kunstwissenschaft understood art-science fusion via techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation -- not Kunstwissenschaft as denoting art history) to create changing Weltanschauungs (upon which the institutional base is to be modeled and kept in consonant correspondence with), in favor of the pragmatic utilitarian techno-obsession (consider, for example, why do we need models of reality at all? There is a stock answer that 'science helps engineering' and that improves our standard of living. This is true , drawn from How Expert Worship Is Ruining Science, Pasha Kamyshev, The American Mind, 21 October 2020), is one of the most effective means to prevent positive modification of this 'equation' outlined above.
Truth-value-able pair-wise logical relations of supervenience (cf. were the ontological hierarchy only 1T2-only, remergence qua involutory recomposition) cum subvenience (cf. were the ontological hierarchy only 1T2-only, demergence qua involutory decomposition, which is not merely normotic subsumption, uh, uh, nomic subsumption) are absent in CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency on Tzog-chen AllBase common-ground backcloth, in that not only (1) if A supervene B then B supervene A, but also in that in (1) A is, indubitably is, every absolutely not-A and B is, indubitably is, every absolutely not-B (i.e., there are, on CTC+-AllBase common-ground backcloth, no one-to-one relations; every relation is many-to-many, indeed, all-to-all-identity-transparent). Then there is normotic supervenience -- yes, normotic (as distinct from, flipping over the terms of reference, the Marxist subsumption of labor by capital): that condition of normosis is clearly the whole drift plotted out by the world line of our present-day planetary civilization. An asymmetrical C&C hierarchy wherein techno-facilitated command and control ever more thoroughly, ever more exclusively, converges upon a smaller and smaller, 1T2-only-monied, overlording elite. Hard-utopian 1T2-only-Marxism is no less materialistic than is soft-utopian 1T2-only-capitalism, the main metatheoretical difference being loops (thesis-antithesis-synthesis, thesis-antithesis n, no real theory of termination as to dictating to the proletariat) to rising-diagonal line (progressing to an omega point, no real theory of termination as to unending growth in utilization of the resource base). In the current global-resource-depletion conjuncture, military is business and business is military: that being the case, the ancient Hindu caste-system evaluation of the redeeming social value of these two population subsets is yet again vindicated. Unfortunately, in the modern-postmodern world, common-cause explications of affairs -- whatever be the explicit apocryphal explanations -- in actuality generally involve hidden agendas, e.g., highly-correlated speculative stock market trading, contagion-impelled up or contagion-impelled down, triggered by hidden incidents of, inadvertent or not, inside-trader flipping of threshold-tripped algorithmic switches. This drift of our world line is frequently justified, not only by social-neoDarwinian-survival-of-the-fittest-qua-SFI-nk-fitness-landscape type arguments, but simply by reference to the order of nature (no allusion made to where soldiers and businessmen were placed in the caste-system hierarchy of functional modalities). The supposedly asymmetric, grounding dependency-hierarchy is supposed asymmetric due to employment of 1T2-only-logic alone; CTC+ly-unto-µTmly/µTmly-unto-CTC+ly speaking, the grounding dependency-hierarchy is a symmetric, two-way, memetime-independent process, and, being involutory, the symmetricity makes the hierarchy, not only self-reentrant, but also self-cancelling à la Parmenides: M-theoretically, M stands there in the form, reposes all ways always whilst containing all Musculpt symformphonies as form-in-process by operator-time-executed involutory decomposition-recomposition. Modal connection (one or more properties of two or more modes of being-in-the-world shared in common, overlapped, superposed) -- as distinct from: natural-cum-psycho-sexo-socio-politico-economic-game-theoretic law-related nomic connection; and cause-push causal connection; and attractor-pull teleological connection; and accommodation-schema-necessity logical connection; and legally-mandated jurisprudence connection; and medical-model. . . -- can be imputed to C. G. Jung's meaningful coincidence between, generally two, spatially-separated but me[me}temporally-simultaneous, events. With Wolfgang Pauli, Jung expanded this notion into an acausal connecting principle named synchronicity which, in my judgment, was Pauli's way of avoiding use of memetime-independent operator time in explication of quantum superposition cum acausal correlation cum entanglement. Obsessive utter fixation upon 1T2-only pair-wise logical relations, hence thorough identification therewith -- carried into economic and econometric and monetary-system theorizing, the design of financial instruments, the design of algorithmic-trading software, monetary and fiscal policymaking, notions of regulatory necessity and efficacy -- has modally, nomically, causally, psychoteleologically set up the circumstances within which forecasts like Get Ready For The Biggest Collapse In Human History, Egon von Greyerz, GoldSwitzerland.com via ZeroHedge, 29 October 2020, have become inevitable. Should we not sit up and take note of the set up imposed upon framework determining condtions by the prescriptively-enculturated-socialized glutamatergically-anchored imposition of asymmetry upon the grounding dependency-hierarchy ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) to external orders like the caste system, capitalist and normotic subsumptions, so on? In regards to T. S. Eliot's conversion to an adherence to the Catholic Church, Peter Ackryod refers to Eliot's felt necessity for an allegiance to an external order which will silence what he called the 'inner voice' (T. S. Eliot, 1984 Penguin paperback edition, p. 138). LOL with that! Roof-brain chatter surely can't be escaped occasion after occasion for more than a few memetime moments of self-observation cum self-remembering, so long as prevails psychic consequences of obsessive fixation upon 1T2-only pair-wise logical relations; inner separation must be elaborated, by concentration in self-observation unto the voluntary dissociation-regress prerequisite to participation mystique and associated OBEed ability to inculcate passive acceptance of µTm many-wise logical relations, this ability being synonymous with not saying 'I' to glutamatergically-etched, roof-brain-chattered, coming-in-on-me thoughts of the inner voice; thus, as memetime dilation qua slowdown elaborates due to increased baud-rate of consciousness permitting the thought to be caught before it arrives (think: what effects are there of increased rate of rate and increased rate of rate of rate?), allowing such thought-automatisms qua tape loops to pass on by unengaged, allowing, that is, the sensed location of the inner voice, i.e., postcentral gyrus, to move, with aid of the sensory-homunculus-mapping, to the forehead, thence outside the skull and into the near abroad where it recedes straining at voice throw to be heard, recedes into a merge with µTm-quantum-brain Musculpt symformphonie. In the terms of mantric poesy, Rilke's Ding-Gedicht object poem goes far further than any nk-fitness Wasteland in realizing object constitution relative to nonlinear time. Then there is the accursed, invasive, omnipresent outer voice (if you live where you speak the local language). However much we should sit up and knock our noggins to clear our heads, the likelihood of that being widely accomplished remains low -- though a window of opportunity may sooner or later briefly open. Looks like, surveillance-tracking-hacking aside, the 1T2-only-capitalist-internet-asuric-invasion-business model -- like the preceding paid-subscription-to-view-ads on cabal, uh, uh, cable TV and, before that, the TV-which-never-left-the-breast (derisive Nam June Paik and Charlotte Moorman, no mere moored ditherer, good offices of Joan Rothfuss, WalkerArt Sightlines, 25 September 2014) -- has entered upon the earliest stage in the process of destroying its own NSA-proprietary-owned blackpsyche self-propaganda organs: conditions of this condition, and the like, surely must vary greatly country to country relative to in situ servers, but the ad density on, for instance, U-T music postings, is starting to so overwhelm the content on offer people are beginning to ask, Accessing? To what purpose? I can't even enjoy my dinner. The principle clearly involved is pellucidly revealed when looking at how Hollywood's preferred target audience for not-so-subtle messaging changed from 1960-era junior-high-school viewing-cum-reading level to that of the 2000-era third grade as the Pentagon took over and began receiving VR advice from the CIA's Silicon Valley. How much lower can the level chosen be pushed without altogether losing audience? The largest propaganda assault which the evolving system must make is castigation of the biggest of the big growing inappropriacies, i.e., the tendency to drift away from non-essential use: e.g., the chaotic attractor for delivery of tribulation to e-mail-account users who don't check-in once a day is The Hours, wolfishly dureed (good offices of Alice Kurian, Luminous Reflections, 18 August 2015) and HarleyStreeted (as distinct from being LivingTime-3Ded by Harley Street's Maurice Nicoll) so as to magnify identification with 1T2-only-definable, glutamatergically-etched-and-anchored memetime, thus quenching the possibility of attention to psychological markers of 3-fold, topologically-active, quantal operator-time. Nowadays, shutting down the paraphasic echolalia of the outer voice is as great a problem as staunching flow of the junky, automatically-delivered, inner voice mail generated by the roof-brain. Don't even pause to contemplate the computer-brain-interface-driven roof-brain's conflation of outer voice with inner voice! Won't that be grand.
The only way to (individually, mass-wise, collectively, macroeconomically, cosmologically) altogether escape the n-many schizophrenogenic 1T2-only Batesonian double-binds is to m-unbind the mind by simply stepping out the door, to invoke R. D. Laing's The Divided Self; or, as the primordial Shintoist would have had it, Enter the sacred space of M-ManyLand via Ma, 'A Gate to Hold the Moon'. If the default logic is 1T2-only, then the degree of default rationality of the available inferences can only be quantified with fuzzy sets processed under fuzzy logic; but, if the default logic is one of C+-many, then there is no question of gray-shade degrees; rather, of the linear-nonlinear-hypernonlinear state-function-functional-functor n indicated by the order-of-value -- µTm-unto-CTC+ -- of the logic employed. It appears that, with results (if [this is a 1T2-true bill of particulars], then: insofar as votes mean something these days [given that, muddling through The Two-Hundred-Years War of the World, elections have meant less and less, policy-wise, since, say, Wilson -- maybe even since as long ago as Lincoln] in which Big Mac's electronic battlefield and GlobalPhoenix have come home to roost, testified to here, commented on here and here and here and here [how long are these sorts of assertions likely to persist?], the NSA-CIA's Scorecard is being Hammered into a bell curve that tolds, uh, uh, tolls for thee; sad, don't y'think, that only the very few with exposure to MACV-CICV-CDEC IDHS [Military Assistance Command Vietnam-Combined Intelligence Center Vietnam- Combined Document Exploitation Center Intelligence Data Handling System] had the slightest premonition as to what that Phoenix-related paradigm demonstration prefigured in regards to the global civilization's information-communications die Wohnflache) of recent U.S. elections, the leading alternative to variously-backed, brought-up-from-below, m-valued-cum-µTm-processed LETS nesting-foams (this decades-old Lukasiewiczian-Everettian notion promoted on our website, while having a few minor features in common with the, perhaps fanciful, recently aired so-called QFS, Quantum Financial System, described here and here, the QFS blockchain encryption coding of ballots said to be part of a Trump sting operation run on the Democrat Party machine [how long is this sort of assertion likely to persist?], is far and away quite different from the QFS so described), i.e., a modern-monetary-theory-facilitated global reset -- employing 1T2-only fiat monies, monies crypto-monoscale or no, energy-intensively mined or no, block-chained or no, central-banked or no -- has just made a major transition in applications space. Another triumph for elitist, white-racist, bivalent logic, what! Heh-heh-heh. The kleptocratic pathopath TPTB kakistocratic are on precludes use of quantum-based technology (biofeedback in the computerized Lilly tank, and so on) to exteriorize inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to m-valued-cum-µTm-processed LETS nesting-foams. In an ostensible attempt, heh-heh-heh, to overcome the energy intensivity of cryptocoin mining, all counter-panegyrics absorbed and set aside, even cryptobiomonies are afoot (see: Microsoft Patents New Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data, Kevin Helms, Bitcoin.com, 29 March 2020; and Microsoft Patent Describes Tracking Brain Activity to Mine Cryptocurrency, Adam Smith, PC Magazine, 27 April 2020; and text of the patent application here; new forms of intervention always sought, e.g., the endovascular Stentrobe CBI described 28 October 2020 in The Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery) monies which conceivably could evolve into cryptobiomemetime currencies (cf. the psychoprep film In Time) with built-in assassination algorithms triggered by, for example, failure to spend promptly enough. If a vote for _________ (fill in the blank: state Legislature, House, Senate, Vice Presidential, Presidential candidate) turns out down the line (and who could possibly know? not even the candidate, given the degree to which current campaigning is policy-discussion free) to have been a vote for the prevailing notion of global reset and for MMT and, moreover, for MMT-funded geoengineering cum an allied military takeover of the EM frequency domain (surprisingly, heh-heh-heh, no address is made to impacts on bacteria and viruses, the birds and the bees, human health, e.g., autoimmune disease in general, and, given formation of anti-DNA antibodies, SLE epidemiology in particular, so on, so on, and so on) then two rejected theses -- that (1) Earth's macroscopic atmosphere is a relativistic-quantum domain causally-modally-nomically superintegrated with magnetospheric, crustal and core dynamics, and (2) that, due to superconductant pi-electron-gas core, the frequency-response windows of the various DNA organismic and histological types are of sufficiently minute dimension (in derivation of the operator-time-construed canonical equation, it can be seen that extent of the response-window is in direct dependence upon the minimum-time measure which is inversely proportional to the degree of conductivity) as to make possible EM technologies which stay between those windows which are biologically active -- suddenly become critical matters of immediate concern. For instance, if trillions in GreenNewDeal thin-air-created debt-monies are thrown into staunching greenhouse warming and, à la a quantum-relativistic atmosphere, greenhousing is only one of the lesser factors (consider Sagan-of-the-Science-Court's pseudoscience imputations on Paine in context of Sagan's runaway greenhouse effect science as critiqued in R is the rock , Chuck Wikman, LewRockwell, 15 October 2020: Paine focused in on acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces and worried about changing gas ratios changing the atmosphere's response window to the impinging complex angular momentum carried by, primarily, the solar wind; I don't think Sagan ever read any of Paine's atmospheric science papers, though they were written only 2 minutes walk from his office) in the superintegrated climateshift-cum-magnetosphere-crustal-core crisis, then what? Will frantic travail and chaos of a deteriorating U.S. situation even before then bring forth a caretaker military junta to insure stability until something else can be worked out? Considering the plethora of such domestic postings as those few linked above, these questions and those similar can no longer be effectively denigrated as effusions of wacked-out vets expatiating expatriate drivel.
In 1T2-only quantum mechanics, [sing}lets are [act}u/all|y polyphonic pluralities of total (twist-and-shout blackpsyche) spin zero, heh-heh-heh, and since the so-called spin is not a continuous phenomenon but discretely quantized, e.g., antiparallel [up, down], [-1/2, +1/2] (and, thus, there is great trepidation at (1) the exigencies that would be manifest were µTm quantum mechanics allowed in with its involved plethora, indeed, emacity, of J.G.Bennettian skew-parallel obliquities imposed upon antiparallelisms and at (2) the lost canorousness of dulcet orthogonality [think: chordal harmony plumb to the ariose line] incumbent upon skew-perpendicularity, that most abhorrently abominable of the repugnant monstrosities which a Lukasiewiczed quantum mechanics would admit to, complicating, for instance, measurement of the lifetimes of excited states of nucleosides, not to mention measurement of non-ionizing-radiation-induced changes of the polyphonic-plurality states of the DNA pi-electron-parcel gas surrounding those nucleosides), quantum mechanical conservation of angular momentum is not directly analogous to that continuous case prevailing under the supposed classical limit: therefore, for instance, in the quantum-relativistic Paine-Kaplan angular-momentum-cascade model of tornadogenesis, complex-hypercomplex-hyperhypercomplex angular momentum is handled as 3-fold temporal CURL (the CTC+-unto-µTm/µTm-unto-CTC+ Schrödinger-memetime-independent cascade/reverse-cascade process could be considered in the context of contextual hidden-variables theories -- were it given that Lukasiewicz logics be understood without recourse to the notion truth-value and relative to relative-state identity-transparency, and, moreover, that the common source of Bohmian quantum potentials is Gödel-numbered-Gödel-number resident in Alex.Karpenko-functor habitus of CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency upon Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense sheet of the m-logically-valued reference space qua LH-space). In his Introduction to The New Economics: A Manifesto, Patreon, 13 November 2020, wherein he argues that neoclassical economics has never provided an authentic account of the real economy, economist Steve Keen observes that:
rival approaches in economics are very different to divisions of thought in sciences like physics. Albert Einstein's General Relativity and Max Planck's Quantum Mechanics have supplanted Isaac Newton's physics in the realms of the very large (the Universe) and very small (the atom), but in between, Newton's equations work very well. They are fundamentally different visions of the how the Universe operates, but anyone who rejects any of these approaches in physics in their relevant realm is highly likely to be a crank, who could never get a position in an academic physics department.
Welllll, as argued here and here, the Paine-Kaplan model of tornadogenesis demonstrated from the data available during the early-'70s, and with the model's forecasting capabilities, that, at least as regards Earth's atmosphere, there is no classical limit; hence, showed that Newton's equations do not work very well in between the very large and the very small (of course, just as Keen summarizes Kuhn to explain, quantum-relativistic Paine-Kaplan data analysis and forecasting capabilities were ignored by the clingers comprising the meteorological establishment and summarily dismissed by the theoretical physics luminaries). What's the bottom line on: Why so ignore, so dismiss? Beyond the pandemic, 1T2-only-driven, low-grade-hysterical fear of I/im psychological dissociation (this suppressed terror, this sublimated horror, even though, unbeknownst to the fearer, voluntary inner-separation is 1T2-paradoxically uniting, a holistic restorer of the ketaminergic wholeness glutamatergically lost in infancy -- as is well known to those long practiced at, for instance, walking meditation, uh, well, that is, after they get over the ingress stage of having to keep a foot flat on the floor [an introjection of common ground?] in order to stop the hallucinogenic hypnagogic-hypnopompic constant sense of spinning [an introjection of temporal CURL?] whilst supine and entering/exiting sleep),
Self-limitation of the whole, cosmic hide-and-seek, and divestment of the soul Crooked skies, bent waters, and diagonal walls Correlated randomness, relative absolutes, and ineliminable limits: One, heh-heh-heh, has to maintain Residual tension patterns to remain Cognitively in the body; One, heh-heh-heh, has to, so to speak "hold down the floor" To continue as discretely localized affectively Sans generative empathy Unto "participation mystique"there is the fact that many people have good reason to loathe self-observation-state spaces. Oh, how perspicacious, heh-heh-heh, that they have come to espouse the redeeming social efficacy of She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed more than of He-Who-Desiderates this and that. Mimetic-estrogen flood aside, Bohm Bob's contrasexual transference-figure identification is unconsciously signified as Miss-May-I-Mount-You, cf. A/A = Anima over Animus; Bohm Alice's, the inversion. Congregants of the Church of the Classical Limit conjugated to members of the CCSS, Cult for Cultivation of Sapiens' Suicide. The Thermodynamic Lady and the Stereochemical Locksmith -- Undoing the Turn to Nowhere: a docudrama, romance, 3-handkerchief soap about those in opposition to 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, an opposition hot-housed in 1T2-only [de}liberation and the devotional practice of ritualistic experiments [sacra}mentally funded by institutions converted to the apostolic mission of politicized scientism. [In}spired as they are, thar's the engaged fruitlessly tryin' ta prevent Sapiens from becomin' eleventh-hour dark dancers cryin' ta da choir in a voided Cathedral of the Damned. The frightened are whistlin' inta da tenebrous, nay, da atramentous dun of a negative-sum game, callin' out,Who's thar? Show y'sel', Snowflake! Then we have the vast majority strivin' for, hopin' for, votin' for that Big RockCandy Mountain. T. S. Eliot, Peter Ackroyd, 1984 Penguin paperback edition, p. 156:
Here was a man who had witnessed in his lifetime the beginnings of the disintegration of European culture, but who saw the sources of that disintegration as lying much deeper [link added, needless to say] than did those, for example, who thought it might be repaired by the political manoeuvres of such bodies as the League of Nations [an historical idea illustrated by] tracing in broad terms the disintegration of thought as manifested in the movement from ontology to psychology [a movement which he hoped to detail in a book trilogy] entitled The Disintegration of the Intellect
As regards the contemporary expression of this long-playing record, Eliot remarked [during 1940] that 1926 was the year in which the features of the postwar world emerged (Ackroyd, p. 154). In point of fact, the global-monocultured, hubristic, anthropogenic, postwar intellectual-techno-eco-climatic-extinctions catastrophe has been, is, and will be far more momentous than were the disasters that were the WWI and WWII battles of the 200-Years-War-of-the-World. What, specifically, Eliot had in mind about 1926 is not really explained by Ackroyd, thus must be a matter of speculation. I note that 1926 was the year of promulgation and knee-jerk consensuation of the (µTm-logic avoiding) BornRule-probabilistic interpretation of the Schrodinger-dynamical treatment of the m-valued states assigned to quantum systems. O, the dark dankness of the multivalue, uh, uh, the dank darkness of the ontology of the non-selfsame: not in the Realm of the Senses, eh, but in the Realm of Unobservable Beableness, what! Observability being an artifact of the 1T2-only bifurcation establishing absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct dissociation of subject and object. Thus, with several caveats, we accept the following from Quantum Holism: nonseparability as common ground, Jenann Ismael and Jonathan Schaffer, Synthese, 197:10, 1 October 2020, p. 8:
Textbook non-relativistic [1T2-only] quantum mechanics has a fairly standard formulation, which provides a mathematically precise and -- to the best of current knowledge -- empirically accurate algorithm for calculating the probabilities of [1T2-only] observables. The quantum formalism includes rules for assigning quantum states to simple and complex systems, rules for evolving quantum states through [meme]time (Schrödinger's [memetime dependent] Equation), and rules for assigning probabilities to observables on the basis of the quantum state (Born's Rule).
What the formalism means is subject to ongoing debate
The single, single-valued, closed, 1T2-only system maps via one-to-one causal and nomic connections between non-identical, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, Heraclitian events. Ordinalities of finite sets of multivalued, open, µTm systems map via many-to-many common cause cum common ground (AllBase, backcloth) modal connections between less-to-more identity-transparent internal-system states of relatively non-identical events. Cardinalities of infinite sets of self-reentrant, CTC+ systems map via connectionless, all-to-all solipsistic, absolute identity-transparency throughout All-That-Is-Beableness by Parmenidean hyparxis on Tzog-chen AllBase. Entangled state spaces are quantum states of the m-state whole generatively viewed 1T2ly up the nomic-modal-ontological-logical hierarchy; relatively identity-transparent state spaces are quantum states of the m-state whole as decompositionally viewed µTmly down the logical-ontological-modal-nomic hierarchy: the involved states in both cases are the same states, the difference being in the spin-up/spin-down cognitive orientation of the observer-participant engaged in subclinical and clinical measurement occasions. CTC+ly non-hierarchical knowledge is knowledge-through-identity, with all views simultaneous cum superposed cum compacted on Tzog-chen backcloth of Musculpt manifold, which is equivalent to no point-of-view at all. CTC+ly, there being non-separability, there are no observers-participants and no object-systems as beables; spin states all-in-all self-cancel; selfhood qua selfhood is absolutely non-selfsame. CTC+ly, non-observable, hyparxic beableness is in being-there in being-in-itself (being-in-itself being altogether prohibited elsewhere and elsewhen) where no distinctions are drawn due to utter lack of the features that are required for definability of drawers. No magnanimity is needed, compulsory, mandated -- condign -- even on part of high-functioning schizos sporting ignominious compunctions, to grant that this take on quantum non-separability (which violates one of the sacred principles of Existentialism: the onus of separatism) is neigh unto tantamount to Indic metacosmology: a close reading of John Woodroffe's The World as Power, however misbegotten be the title choice, is sufficient there unto (see here for a brief discussion of some of the Sanskrit terminology provided in literal translation and amplified upon by Woodroffe). One reason why this Indic conception of cosmos is so sorely needed today is explained by Tim Watkins in his The Narrative Problem After Peak Oil, ZeroHedge, 8 November 2020, where within he provides a 2005-20 oil-supply-side-shock treatment of the global crisis going viral, uh, uh, vertical, at a soon-to-be-upon-us crisscross conjuncture, so going from the crisis being merely in exponential growth: fascinating how this perspective emendates shibbolethic views on origins of 2007-8 and the rationales justifying QEing, views and rationales in echolalia throughout the MSM (rating -- like during days of yore -- veracity of the CASs, controlled American sources, available to me, until recently on a 1-10 scale I gave the DR a 5; nowadays, its article selection is down to a 2 or 3 along with the exemplars of the MSM to which it links: through spring of 1965, I religiously and thoroughly read the WaPo daily, the NYT on Sunday, and the XianSciMon whenever, quite frequently, I could get to a Reading Room; subsequently, during first blush of the summer of '65, in part due to the disillusionment incurred by ODing on the DC swamp, I altogether ceased with that and never again seriously attended to newspapers). Supply-side shocks and consumer-inability-to-pay together becoming paramount is a conjuncture which dictates that the ultimate planetary macroprudential tool is CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency on enfolded AllBase understood a strange attractor facilitating realization of higher and higher levels -- µTm levels -- of self-organizational competency, the varied commodity backings of nesting-foamed µTm-LETS currencies mapped on AllBase as Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth -- topologically-active operator-time unfolding quantum-potential wave-guides on progressively more decision-free systems undergoing growth-independent self-organization. Be aware that bounded rationality and market reflexivities are blackpsyche-econospeak terminology-ways of veiling always-there µTm-properties of economic processes.
There is yet known nothing (including, I fear, The Sublime Significance of [CTC+] Nothingness, ha, ha, ha-ha) and no identified currently-active process on the worldwide scene remotely capable of stopping the ongoing horrid transformation of our planetary civilization, given from how deeply in the collective psyche the regressed impetus comes, how transfixing to the glutamatergic binary-mind be the ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) strange attractor, singularity, and the memetemporal duration over which the conserved momentum has built up -- humanism as a vaunting of human nature over the nature of natural systems going back to the earliest attacks upon pagan animism; transhumanism, a gasconading aggrandizement of machine nature over human nature's removal of itself from nature qua nature, a discounting-squared of scientific naturalism, a denigration-exponentiated of the natural order. The unwell underway prospective infraplandemically-biogeoengineered reset (kakistocratically, unintentionally, uncontrollably becoming a geomorpho-medico-psycho-sexo-socio-politico-economic disk wipeout cum reformat?) is apparently to be, not only an m-system, uh, monetary-system, remake (see The global reset scam, Goldmoney, 19 November 2020: interesting, even though I advocate varied commodity backings of µTm-LETS currencies mapped relative to Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth), but WholeEarth omnitransforming -- not, however, in a manner BuckminsterFuller Synergetics might have hoped for for spaceship Earth. In all likelihood, the ever-more-plausible holocaust 5.1234, qua global selective Sapiens genocide, will be rationalized/self-justified by the proximal perpetrators, and blackpsyche countenanced to the subject masses by those responsible, as a necessary culling directly analogous to those cullings done on BSE-diseased cows, chickens with influenza, and the myriads of Ebola pigs. Humanistic moral upbraiding egoically based upon ethical imagination informed by the command position -- be that Ten Commands or Laws of Manu or Fiats of the Muses subscribed to by 18th-century rationalists and their progeny -- is, in transhumanism, superegoically raised to the pandemic-generative level of paranoiac compulsion prerequisite to the VRed ethical fantasy -- absent Babbittian inner check, Gurdjieffian inner stop -- by which commission of TheCity-cum-WallStreet-derivative calumnies on the order of holocausted reformatting of genomes, persons, peoples, societies, cultures, indeed, the WholeEarth (pseudo-quantum planetarization of the localized Cartesian-Newtonian Coup d'Etat: lordy, Itinerant-Adjuvant-at-Large; ack aye, to be so, just so, so to be; exquisitely delicious, what, isn't that so, m' Lord), has been, is, will be bivalently endo-homojustified and exo-heteropurveyed as the highest-called phantasmagoria, blackpsyche wrested from the collective genius of the smart-neuraldusted (ConveDD of Wheelerian bucket of dust qua Aurobindoan warm-golden dust of supermind qua Kusaman photismic quantum-polkadot environments-happenings) oligarchs factor-invested in and resident upon Mont Analog by Quantum Computing Algos built. Ecclesiogenic syndrome secularized? Consider the fab fatuities of fat-style-dressed ad hoc committeemen. Aberrant, dude. Nose knows, mon. Periodically communes with the AA, 'e does, don't 'e. Alcoholics Anonymous? Nope, y'dope. Aristotelian Absolute. Hmmm. Ever since ghostwriting papers for a Falls Church (appropriate location, eh) clinical neurologist, I've viewed the DSM itself as symptom of mass psychosis. The Great Earth-Orb Reformat in chronic, degenerative, regressed-in-service-to-the-collective-ego compensatory abreaction to the ever-more-substantiated imports of Abel's Impossibility Theorem? How so very dramatick, Old Sport. Obdurately gawd shock-and-awe-full, what. Hmmm, prefaces the censorious, collaterally-damaged, inner bystander, Atta boy: give it to 'm, bub. O, Wonderous ConveDD, how our individual, personal egofunctions adore thee, thy the savior of Umwelt introjections! Imprinting upon, empathy with, immersion in: the participation mystique of relative-state identity-transparency is nonesuch as projective-identification at subject-object-level transference (the initializing projection being due to glutamatergic suppression of direct ontic awareness of the nonorientable µTm-enfoldment trifold-operator-time unfoldable). Ah, ketaminergic nostalgie de l'enfance in prohomeostatic compensatory autogenic abreaction to the catastrophe imposed upon sensibility by 1T2-only-prescriptive enculturation-socialization. Hah! Uber-hu-hu-hu-manism autopropized as transhumanism, thus, sty in the inner eye, escaping the Lukasiewiczeyezed internal necessity for Aing not-A, cog[native}ly being not-being by CTC+-order participation mystique via [comp}re|hension qua com[pre}hension qua co-M[pre}hension on Tzog-chen AllBase, CommonGround, BackCloth. M, not for Moloch; for Musculpt (man[i]fold). Encapsulating the paramount importance of the unconscious -- individual, mass, collective -- in premetaprogramming behaviors of human biocomputers (e.g., knee-jerking consensuation of the Born Rule so as to quench m-valued-Lukasiewicz-in-application-to-m-valued-Schrödinger, such that the 1T2-only-egosphere carapace is reinforced as protective covering surface defending against µTm-quantum-animistic paganism), it still can be said that what really matters is, not what we think we think, but what we think we don't think. However, the military-cum-surveillance-state-cum-precrime CBI (computer-brain interface) is soon to bring that era to an abrupt end by going well beyond mere thought readings (good offices of Paul Joseph Watson, Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will 'Lead to a Fusion of Our Physical, Digital, and Biological Identity', Summit News, 16 November 2020), broadcastings, storage data-basings into the instrumentings of thought implants (i.e., send signals back, as per to wit Army-Funded Algorithm Decodes Brain Signals, Mila Jasper, Nextgov, 16 November 2020; technically described here), thereby concretizing the petit mal schizoaffective sensation that thoughts are asuras coming in upon my me from cosmic elsewhere and making what I think I don't think fully conscious as what I think I think. And, speaking of the Devil, uh, that is the psycho-somatic origins of the regressed subversion of essentially-Cartesian-Newtonian institutional bases, how easy it is to contemplate that the prevailing U.S. double-guv ([Tru}manic/Mad[is}on|i|c) mil.civ institutional hierarchy (to wit, Michael J. Glennon's wonderful book National Security and Double Government, Oxford U., 2014) evolved as an introjection -- quite unconscious, surely; by definition, actually -- of the Viet Cong's double-stacked party.mil hierarchical infrastructure which was successfully deployed against American incursion, detailed knowledge of the autopoietic dynamics of which suppressed by the command position's diktats to the dippy DIP (Director of Intelligence Production). This enfold/unfold qua implicate/explicate format (secretly a ConveDDed corruption of [Bohm's] words?) making the overt government into something of a front organization and the franchise, sabotaged or not, into Much Ado About Nothing. And then there is the notion that planetarization of Phoenix (not to mention the IoTs being a spinoff of the IoBTs, i.e., Internet of Battlefield Things) indicates that there is a strong transnational trend to globalize this institutional double entendre via transhumanistic MOs. What is suppressed becomes regressed, and later is projected in ConveDD. Though d-guv may have begun with Wilsonian [demo}crazy, maybe even over Lincoln, or was the essence of Hamiltonian central banking, clearly it did not begin to fulminate until the JFK assassination. And speaking of MOs, consider that expectations as to the total corpora of effects of the novel [i.e., engineered] lipid nanoparticle (LPN)-encapsulated [several pandemic trials down the line, co-encapsulating smartdust MEMS motes nano-miniaturized?] mRNA-based so-called vaccines for COVID-19 are indentured to scientistic-fideistic comprehension (Oh, Why Don't You Do Right?), i.e., the faith that there is an organic chemistry correspondent to the supposed physics classical limit, a pre{sum]ed correspondent dictating that the submolecular biology of genomes serves no significant biological function. Were that faith fully justified, then there would be no risk-factors impacts to evaluate as potentially involved in subjecting the man[u}fractured, vaccine-inserted, exogenous mRNA to chronic 5G+ irradiation -- certainly no Children-of-Men-type biohazards to worry about (even RFK, Jr.'s Children's Health Defense, as per Media Hypes Moderna's COVID Vaccine, Downplays Risks, reposted via LewRockwell, 18 November 2020, speaks only of molecular-level potential severe side effects) on part of the vaccinated-qua-GMOed transhuman species of knockout meece Left Behind by those daisy-chained PreTribRappers who caught the hail-this/hail-that [co}met be-bop. A general introduction to mRNA vaccines is provided here; technical background on self-amplifying mRNA replicons, here. A discussion of immunological considerations is available here. Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman asks, Could mRNA COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the long-term?, The Jerusalem Post, 17 November 2020, stating several potential major concerns, and directing to An Evidence Based Perspective on mRNA-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Development, Fuzhou Wang and Richard M. Kream and George B. Stefano, Medical Science Monitor, 26, 21 April 2020, the technical paper discussing context of those concerns. Perusal of Wang-Kream-Stefano References, cf. the citations relative to potential risks, leads to here and, for a technical discussion of mutation rates, here (a relatively accessible account of the import of mutation rates is provided by Michael Snyder here). A popular risk-oriented discussion is offered by F. William Engdahl in What's Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine , Global Research, 15 November 2020 (some additional material concerning Romeo F. Quijano's observations, beyond the quotes provided by Engdahl, is found here [includes a long list of supporting technical references] and here and here). A provocative technical essay is COVID-19 Vaccines: 'Warp Speed' Needs Mind Melds, Not Warped Minds, John P. Moore and P. J. Klasse, Journal of Virology, 94:17, 26 June 2020. However, despite considerable effort, in none of these articles, interesting as they are, did I find anything discussed not tied to molecular-level biology. Shareholder-applauded 1T2-only-lawfare's indemnification (this word a bivalent oxymoron in that it see[man}tic|all|ly negates its own meaning so as to sublimate AND-mixing into the law I/im of subject or object) of the manufacturer (and healthcare-provider vaccinator cum employees of the dot-guv mandators?) prevents medical-expenses-recovery and wrongful-death lawsuits: not a confidence-builder, except as regards conviction as to actual existence of certain components of the Great Reset. It seems quite certain that 5G has effects upon pi-electron-gas environment of mRNA (COVID-19-vaccine engineered and naturally occurring) in skin cells, if the measurements described in Human Electromagnetic Field Exposure in 5G at 28 GHz, Seungmo Kim and Imtiaz Nasim, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 9:6, 1 November 2020, pp. 41-8, are correct (unfortunately, I cannot read this article in full here, as, on principle, I do not sign in to read; however, a non-technical synopsis, with important graphic, is presented here on Activist Post, good offices of B. N. Frank; and, moreover, the full text is available on arXiv, here, dated 26 April 2020). I note that there have been changes in ICNIRP's (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) take on the establishment of adverse health effect thresholds and exposure limit values from its 1998 Guidelines to its 2018 Guidelines. The general orientation in 1998 was summarized thusly in the section entitled Basis For Limiting Exposure, p. 496:
these guidelines are based on short-term, immediate health effects such as stimulation of peripheral nerves and muscles, shocks and burns caused by touching conducting objects, and elevated tissue temperatures resulting from absorption of energy during exposure to EMF. In the case of potential long-term effects of exposure, such as an increased risk of cancer, ICNIRP concluded that available data are insufficient to provide a basis for setting exposure restrictions, although epidemiological research has provided suggestive, but unconvincing, evidence of an association between possible carcinogenic effects and exposure at levels of 50/60 Hz magnetic flux densities substantially lower than those recommended in these guidelines.
In-vitro effects of short-term exposure to ELF or ELF amplitude-modulated EMF are summarized. Transient cellular and tissue responses to EMF exposure have been observed, but with no clear exposure-response relationship. These studies are of limited value in the assessment of health effects because many of the responses have not been demonstrated in vivo. Thus, in-vitro studies alone were not deemed to provide data that could serve as a primary basis for assessing possible health effects of EMF.
The focus in 2018 was upon temperature elevation, broken into three categories: body core temperature, local temperature, and rapid temperature rise. The local temperature measurements considered are relative to bulk tissue, not a given cell, not a given DNA or mRNA molecule -- let alone an electron-parcel in the pi-electron gas enveloping these molecules. Given that we tie frequency-response windows and temperature oscillation rates of pi-electron parcels to immune-system signifiers and biological clocks (see here and here) -- and that the PD (power density) and SAR (specific absorption rate) levels required to affect pi-electron parcels are presumably much lower than those required to affect bulk tissue -- current guidelines clearly ignore factors of considerable importance. Direct measurement of electron-temperature enhancements may not be required; the involved temperature changes may be accurately ascertained by measurements of transition memetimes.
Proclaiming this-that over and over -- chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga expressing wrongheaded ass[i}du|ity -- with the declamatory rhythm of a choo-choo train, does not great statesmen make. Strangely, we don't hear blank verse issuing from our great-communicator politicoeconomic blanks -- though much of their utterances approaches the surreal and the magically real; lost, not in literalness, they are, but in literarinesses, echolalia-intertextual by allusive tropological metareferences one MSM vehicle to another, one MoSoSo platform to the next. Like particle pairs, married political couples have no separate lives. In a Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean two-party system gone double-government-implicate-explicate-Bohmian-Planckish qua quantized by introjection of BornRule-dissimulated quantum-based technologies incompatible with 18th-century rationalism, the principle of the conservation of momentum insures that the two parties must go -- chugga chugga -- in opposite directions; hence there is a natural-law imperative, if not a moral imperative, for inculcating an m-party system. The principle of conservation of angular momentum insures that the total spin characteristic (regards yarn spinning) of the two entangled parties must be zero; hence, if there is to be substantive change, not to say authentic progress, an m-party system is indicated: resultant m-party systematics necessarily eventualizing hiatus if and only if the decision science embraced mandates bifurcative decision trees ruled by 1T2-only-logic alone, i.e., for or against, thumb-up or thumb-down, spin-up or spin-down. Single-party states, whatever the appearance given, are actually sham singlets of pluralities suppressed, the locked-up vectors insuring not stasis so much as deterioration by a pertinacious shoehorning of refractory inanition as an incalescent viral-matrix inclusion-body, bicameral or by central-committee. Moreover, not to be incorrigibly inapposite, but to strive for unobtainable objectivity, one must note that it could well be observed, based upon prevailing conditions and trends, that it may be adduced that a population taking advantage of every opportunity for importunity can hardly expect the preconditions of personal freedom to persist -- more like a moribund ignominious ending thereof. The psychological price people pay to be full-fledged active participants in our current societies is so enormous and so unrecognized as to be almost beyond belief to those with inklings of the imports of µTm-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. Consider the space-between in musicological Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian LH-space, à la Zuckerkandl cum Stockhausen: if one thinks of 1T2-logic as musico-analogically codified as the well-tempered diatonic tonal system, then the whole of µTm-unto-CTC+-logics are in between the heard diatonic notes, in between as Musculpt symformphonie -- or, alternatively stated, diatonic music (incorporating that modal) is the most reduced formphonie there is of involutory decomposition of CTC+ Musculpt. Falling between the notes requires memetime slowdown-unto-innerstop by close approach to the absolute limiting velocity (baud rate) of 1T2-only cognition (processing) of auditory-innervisual percepts. Being denied this, being in denial of it, is normative today in our spin-up or spin-down world. But consider that, binary-mind aside, axes of spin come in twistor-able µTm-processed J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels, these pencils tiltable through angles as small as we like, such twists and such tilts of spin axes being the means by which lines-of-force are trapped in the topology of space as Riemannian origin of charge. It's not only the Second Law of Thermodynamics that is tied to 1T2-only-definable memetime and closed systems. So is the very notion temperature, traditionally attributed to molecular motion, motion a memetime-bound Heraclitian notion. As regards electron temperature enhancement, what is the nature of the temperature enhanced? What, that is, when, synchronically speaking (one point in time being outside memetime, synchronic just had to be debunked in a horror film, of course), the m-valued wave-function of the electron says that that electron is simultaneously in an infinite number of places at once (not here or there, and not merely here and there, two places like Marianne Moore's terrestrial-celestial Jerboa, and like Freud's Anna [trope of analytical?] O. simultaneously seeing a given object from two perspectives, her parallel-distance alleys being somewhat consciously registered as being arrayed in pencils of skew-parallels, whereas, fully registered, the seeing would be, like in Analytical Cubism, from multiple n-many perspectives on the given object's n-facet Husserlian horizon) until observed-collapsed to a single place qua value, and even that subject to the uncertainty principle. This Schrödinger-memetime-independent M-perspective take is apparently concurred with by Jenann Ismael and Jonathan Schaffer, for, to wit, they say, there is reason to think that entangled states are generic in quantum mechanics, and that any plurality of particles whatsoever will be in an entangled state (italic in original: Quantum Holism: nonseparability as common ground, Synthese, 197:10, 1 October 2020, p. 9): this goes further than Roger Penrose's Road to Reality whereon a similar case is made but a case memetime-bound. So, such matters considered, we've said that hypertemperature has to do with the spin components of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime), where axes of spin are in µTm-processed pencils of skew-parallels. And if gravity has to do with geometrodynamics, then topo-active optime's twisting-tilting of axes-of-spin-in-pencils must have a gravitational component. We did not attempt to specify the type of coherent quadripolar waves (encoding the four nucleotide pairs: the following statement from Science Forums, good offices of Enthalpy, 11 October 2013, is interesting in this context, to wit, Gravitational waves are presently described as transverse quadripolar waves. Shall they have an axial effect? Through the axial gradient of a circularly polarized wave acting on a rotating, transversally elongated mass? That would multiply again by zero dot nothing.) generated by DNA at radiation exchange in helix-coil transition because (1) our model of superconductant DNA pi-electron-gas core-environment was elaborated by analogy to the physics of double-helical air-parcel flows in tornadogenesis, and (2) what we designated the counter-force to the pressure-gradient term in the DNA model is, in the cascade model of tornadogenesis, the gravitational acceleration. Since, in the atmospheric case, the coherent waves generated are acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, we entertained the notion that a gravitational aspect is involved in the DNA radiation-exchange process. However, we chose not to mention this in our 1979 paper (but discussion of it has been on our websites for the best part of the last two decades) so as to avoid conflation of our model with the ideas of biogravitation and short-range gravity, ideas which we had no way to investigate. So, when I ran across the recent studies (e.g., Phenotypic transitions enacted by simulated microgravity do not alter coherence in gene transcription profile, Agnese Po, et al., npj Microgravity, 5, 21 November 2019; and Comparitive Transcriptomics Identifies Neuronal and Metabolic Adaptations to Hypergravity and Microgravity in Caenorhabditis elegans, Craig R. G. Willis, et al., iScience, 25 November 2020) demonstrating that DNA is affected by altered microgravity, I was not at all surprised. Surely yet to be investigated is whether or not altered microgravity affects frequency-response windows (which we believe to be immunological signifiers) of DNA histological types and/or the DNA pi-electron-gas parcel-temperature oscillation rate (which we believe to be the environmentally responsive intracellular Zeitgeber). My WAG has long been that in run up to WWII, and particularly by the high-muck-muck overseers of WWII-RAD-lab workers, the decision was taken to save biological impacts of non-ionizing radiation to mil.intel applications. There was no interest in designing quantum-based technologies to avoid biological effects; indeed, the interest was, and is, in detailing those effects, placing knowledge thereof in security classification, and in using that knowledge for weapons systems development. And that, very unfortunately, this decision, moreover, later permitted unrestrained evolution of the genetic engineering industry by sustaining the myth that there is no such as quantum biology of the gene, only molecular biology of the gene. Now, with 5G, and vaccine-delivered mRNA-modified human GMOs, we likely will see more spurious explanations as to the various anomalies that appear on the scene, anomalies which no one could have foreseen and which have nothing to do with military ownership of the electromagnetic spectrum, an ownership claim clearly revealed here and here and here and here.
If entangled wave-functions are, indeed, actually non-factorizable except by logical-value order-type involutory decomposition, then the statement by Jenann Ismael and Jonathan Schaffer, to wit, there is reason to think that entangled states are generic in quantum mechanics, and that any plurality of particles whatsoever will be in an entangled state (italic in original: Quantum Holism: nonseparability as common ground, Synthese, 197:10, 1 October 2020, p. 9), has great import, e.g., in regards to the submolecular biology of genomes, particularly so when the coding-signaling nucleoside precursors of nucleotides are stimulated into excited states. Given the quantum-wave properties of DNA (quadripolar, and encoding the four nucleotide pairs), genomes cannot be altogether localized (the pre-pregeometry common source of particle-wave duality being a bucket of dust, the motes, numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, spread smoothly, by closest-packing, over Tzog-chen-AllBase CommonGround; the pregeometry common cause being CTC+-logics, the propositions of which being executed by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time): they, genomes, consequently, are not just responsive to changes in their environment (singular, given the nonlocality condition), they are of their environment; indeed, to considerable extent -- especially if those wave properties are not probability waves, that is, subscribe to, not the Born Rule, but to µTm-unto-CTC+ logics -- they are their environment, are eminently, indeed, [pre}eminently, so, if that subscription is m-level enciphered upon the higher-temporal formants of those quantum-wave properties. Hence, quantum nonlinear (think: the exponentially-nested nonlinear Schrödinger equations), critical, collective, and cooperative behaviors of genomes are only to be expected. Were all that the case, and a lot of it applicable to RNA as well as DNA, then how much sense would it make to send a team to a specific location to determine where a new virus originated? Escaped in [De}trick months before its shutdown, escaped in Wu!Han immediately before appearing in the city's wild market, appeared in Italy well before that, appeared in India even before that. Hmmm. Small molecules have been experimentally demonstrated nonlocal, i.e., in more than one place at a given instant of memetime, uh, uh, that is, at 1T2-once, uh, at 2T2-twice, uh at 3T3-thrice That's one phenomenon m-valued is all about! Not the double-life of Veronique or whomever, and not the n-lives thereof, either; the m-lives, as the multiplicity is resident in m-valued variables µTmly processed. Uh, uh: hmming-'n-harring inarticulacy before such as that! What about an engineered mRNA sequence in a hard-shelled viral carapace (billions of proteins, there are, OMG!), or in a vaccine-carried soft-shelled lipid carapace? Where and new would be suspect words; indeed, so would when. All genetic engineering activity, wherever and whenever, would be culpable relative to origination of a new -- given that genomes, to considerable extent, would be nonlocalizable, ponderablespatially and memetemporally. It certainly will be interesting to learn (if and when the subject is studied) what the pathofunctional effects, if any, of 5+Ged electron-temperature enhancements are on m3RNA (i.e., modified-mitochondrial-messenger-RNA); on joint action of tRNA and rRNA; on adjacent ATP factories; on electron transfer in the mitochondrial inner membrane; on electron transport chains in general; on charge transfer complexes in general (ET distinct from CT, good offices of Rafik Karaman); on the cell membrane's active transport system. So, in such a case as that, if we were to want to understand local man[i}fes|stations and e-volut[i}on|ary dynamics of epidemics and pandemics, we would have to go to Georg Groddeck's The Book of the It (regards Unconscious Factors in Organic Processes: the It being Tzog-chen AllBase qua CommonGround qua BackCloth, and its involutory decomposition under 3-fold topologically-active operator-time), because the measurement problem would be involved: that is, how 1T2-only prescription affects the panoply of determinants and attractors -- acting on the collective, the group, and the individual -- governing outcomes as processed by the binary-mind. This not being to say that there are no organic processes behind unconscious factors, which, by reverse-cascade, uh, uh, by revolutory recomposition, would most certainly be the case -- the two (cascade, reverse-cascade), actually, under 3rd-order operator-time, being nonorientable. Be aware that the notions superluminal-unto-instantaneous causation and backward causation are memetime-bound ideas: kind of like how divine causation's First Cause uses vertically-descending kairos-cascade to mitigate horizontally-elaborating Chronos. These are quite different from 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime), which is altogether -- beyond mere synchronic -- memetime-independent. Relative-states of identity-transparency in CTC+-unto-µTm order-types flesh out Ismael's-Schaffer's take on nonseparability, topo-active optime executing the logical propositions 1T2ly construed as collapse of the wave-function. That being the case, the whole of µTm-unto-CTC+ reality (Musculpt symformphonie) would be between (in the 1T2ly-construed zero-point vacuum-void spaces) the events (notes) constitutive of Maya. Relativity-theoretically speaking, the only way to get into the between (rather than suffer pilot fixation syndrome, aka target fixation, due to information overload, tunnel vision, Plexiglas wall, and consequent blackout: helping me to understand this and related states was the opportunity I had as a high school kid to use a Wright-Patterson-AFB flight simulator being employed to develop autopilot systems, a couple of the involved scientists occasionally coming to Sunday dinner) is via speedup of the baud-rate of consciousness to the absolute limiting velocity of cognition of percepts-propriocepts, such that memetime has a stoppage and effects of no-go theorems prevent passage through Go. Except that use of the term nonseparability indicates (just as does the term entanglement: entanglement designating a very well established notion by the memetime I had my first exposure, à la high school PSSC physics class, circa the 1962-3 school year) a looking at It qua It from perspective of (Alice) a and (Bob) b and a+b, instead of as (knowledge through identity) It qua It being-there logically-ontologically before separability-versus-nonseparability is positable proposition: by defining the term nonseparability in terms of the terms separable as a and b as well as the arithmetic operation +, the existence of separability is already readied, whereas CTC+ identity-transparency is SUPRAnonseparability, not SUPERnonseparability, i.e., in the being-in-itself of layered-transparent CTC+-AllBase Large Glass, there is no propoundment of discretes mergeable by the principle of nonseparability; only with progressive loss of logical-values (the Bride stripped bare by Her bachelors, even) to a given proposition does the very idea of separability-nonseparability become plausible notion of possible world. Moreover -- discarding consensus quantum formalism BornRule knee-jerk railroaded so as to quench applicability of Lukasiewicz to Schrödinger, hence realizing that 1T2-only-designed experiments 1T2-only processed (and resultant infratech artifacts) can only hide what µTm-unto-CTC+-designed experiments µTmly-unto-CTC+ly processed would reveal -- clearly, CTC+-identity-transparency is not a simple bivalent matter of separable or nonseparable, but of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states therein. More accurately yet, identity-transparency is no mere matter of states-between when-where CTC+-order-types are involved, because such involvement is nonorientable nonselfsame-self-enfoldment to C+ cases of cosmic solipsism, all betweens thus eaten Ouroboros-like. Given Lukasiewiczian-quantum formalism, common source modal connections on first decomposition sheaves of Tzog-chen AllBase would be represented by pencils of [mly-unto-C+ly] skew-parallels (substrates of Lukasiewiczian superstrings?) latticing, uh, Regge boning, between pre-pregeometry dust motes signified by Godel-numbered Godel numbers, supersets, sets, and subsets of which constituting decomposable CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 pregeometry propositions memetime-independently executed by 3-fold topo-active optime, these executions yielding geometrodynamics and, thence, spacetime physics and discretes therein. Only in the most decomposed reductions would binary terms/relations (e.g., spin states, uncertainty inequalities) appear. O, how so very unacceptable to the binary-mind in each of us screaming inwardly: Give me simple-identity or give me death! FaceBooked with all this Quantum this, quantum that! (e.g., the Aspect experiments incontrovertibly showing violation of Bell's inequalities, and now, yet more horror for the mind to deal with, A quantum experiment suggests there's no such thing as objective reality, MIT Technology Review, 12 March 2019, a popular account of Experimental test of local observer-independence, Massimiliano Proietti, et al., arXiv, 13 February 2019: which life of Veronique is Wigner's friend related to?), how is oh-so-gravidless binary-mind to force reaffirmation of plain ol' Alice + Bob? Reading portents in the lay of remnant barbequed-chicken wings at the local sports bar. How, oh how, achieve that restoration? Leadership, yes leadership. Baleful tightening of the eyebrows; [men}acing stare; minatory finger-wagging. In order to get to the top, one first has to be a[dumb}rated! It'll be: if autumn leaves must fall, let them cascade down, derry down, on your side of the fence. Preying [man}tis to be made into praying man. Tom-tom, tom-tom, tom-tom! That's your program? Not only old, white, Xian men; not only old, Tripartite-Fertile-Crescent-Religion men; not only old, [Bra}manic men; not only old, Confusion men: ehemalig, uh, erstwhile, uh, former girls of every sort having become old women who have, along the way, undergone psychosex-change operations. My I/im certainly sympathize(s) with Xue Li of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences when he castigates 1T2-only-logic thusly, Global Times, circa 8 November 2020: Based on Christian monotheism, the spirit of Roman law and Greek formal logic, Western civilization largely views problems and world order from the perspective of binary opposition. However, he would do better to recognize that TaiChi-logic (as employed by Falun Gong and state Confucians) is no less a 1T2-logic than is Greek formal logic, the difference being that binary-oppositional yin-yang-logic is rotational, thus not simply-syllogistic. In that sense, China and the West are the same side, just as earlier -- regards omnicultural impacts of Abel, Cantor, Planck, Einstein, Lukasiewicz, Schrödinger (white men all, but not so old) -- the Nazis and the Allies were the same side of anti-historiographic hisstory. Though it must be admitted that Chinese social credit is far and away different from the social credit C. H. Douglas essayed, circa mid-1930s, in his (Alice) A plus (Bob) B A+B theorem (isn't it wonderful that China is doing so well at photon[i}c|all|y increasing speed [good offices of Tom Simonite, Wired, 3 December 2020] of 1T2-only computing? sure as shootin'! good thing all the developers, East and West, still embrace the Born Rule and the classical limit, what!). Thucydides Trap aside, Will the Technocratic Coup Succeed? (good offices of Alastair Crooke, LewRockwell, 1 December 2020; also recommended is Crooke opining on Foucaultian governmentalities, transgressive infrahisstory, digressive jurisimpudence, and dyseducation pogroms in The Digital 'Iron Curtain' Descends, ZeroHedge, 2 December 2020: there are so many articles coming out now related to themes I began arguing during the late-'60s and early-'70s -- e.g., U.S. internal travel visas and no international travel except for government officials, corporate executives, and illegals: but it's always far, far worse than I can imagine -- that I am hard pressed to keep account of all such I read and skim). Succeed at what? Achieving the WEF's stated goals (for a short summary, see A Horrifying Future , good offices of Peter Koenig of GlobalResearch via ZeroHedge, 28 November 2020)? Not likely, given how kakistocratic governance has become. Well, not altogether succeed. At realizing the mid-19th-century collective unconscious decision for Sapiens' suicide (re: Give me simple-identity or give me death!)? Not likely, given how brain-impaired the species has become. Well, not altogether succeed. The MOs being marshaled and to be marshaled are well described by Ellen Finnigan in Playbook for World Domination, LewRockwell, 30 November 2020. Weapons-systems corporations, war contractors, war departments, WMD-projects agencies aside, instead of computerized biofeedback in the Lilly-tank as R&D Kusama-environment for facilitating techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-processed m-valued LETS nesting-foams, we get, not door-in-the-floor (incidentally, while assistant to Douglas A. Paine at Cornell, I lived on the second floor of a tractor barn, the only entry to which was through a push-up door in the floor, which 20 years later I came to understand was a JohnMalkovich-portal into the Paine mind), but boxman-in-the-wall (good offices of Vanessa Bates Ramirez, SingularityHub, 25 November 2020). H. Arthur Scott Trask goes so far as to compare the situation during the period of the French revolution with our current circumstances: Inflation and the French Revolution , LewRockwell reposting from Mises.org, 27 November 2020. The FirstEstate opposition to birth control comports with, gives countenance to, is an expression of back-reaction upon the metric of imports of N. H. Abel transmogrified to the aforementioned mid-19th-century collective unconscious decision for, in effect, Give me simple-identity or give me death!, an opting for Sapiens' suicide. And, apparently, the Second Estate -- hiding behind supposed eleemosynary behaviors: more like the hater's Aid As Imperialism -- is finding many more-and-more sophisticated means to effectuate that unconscious decision: e.g., picture IDs; grocery store membership cards; hologram passports; FaceBook; facial-recognition facilitated mass surveillance; ConveDDing, i.e., conversion-disorder displacing, local observer dependence, each smart phone a centrally-controlled surveillance hub [good offices of Jack Rasmus, Activist Post, 3 December 2020; see also here, good offices of B. N. Frank, Activist Post, 2 December 2020] for monitoring outputs of IoTs devices in the phone's near-abroad; pandemic-justified travel restrictions unto lockdowns; social distancing via e-mail, Skype, MoSoSo, by various means in the workplace cum enforced distance working, on the street, even in the home, via online-cum-mobile banking, as well as via drone-delivered online purchases -- all of these amounting to imposition of a regressed form of Cartesian-Newtonian non-quantum simple-identity (that separatist, identity-isolation, closed-system state Abel's 1823 theorem terminated as a fundamental ontological property: it's not even necessary to mention existence of m-valued logics as an impetus to the ever-gathering condition of mass hysteria). By kowtowing over the last couple-of-hundred years, the Third Estate has passively chosen to submit to a subterfugal stratagem which increasingly looks like what ultimately is to become hardwired collective slavery via GMOing and cyborgization. South of Hell, west of Heaven. Advice-and-Consent having long since passed by sideways into [con}sent, the involved transition comports with, is countenance given to-- well, hmmm. Were it the case that the Third Estate expresses itself via 1T3-ratiocination, but, alas, it always cogitates 1T1ly. Heh-heh-heh! Left incontinence married to Right deviationism demands the misobedience of Miz Obedience. Saving the global village in order more thoroughly to destroy it. All-consuming global megaconurbation as vast company town, then gulag, then selective-extermination camp? Spaceship Earth, indeed! Toads in the situation room, bullfrogs at the barricades.
Common-source, Alexander.Karpenko-functored, Gödel-numbered, Gödel numbers are, en masse, the source code of ontoepistemological demergence. Affordances: the m-unto-C+ of µTm-unto-CTC+, i.e., the possibilities for logical action within the logical-value order-type to which any given proposition belongs. Supra|dia[let}he|is|m, what! Verity values, being only 1T2-only definable, are not necessary under, and are not sufficient to, the µTm-valued logics (supraordinate to that 1T2) of relative-state identity-transparency. Truth-value as logic fundament left behind -- posttribrapt: m-valued Lukasiewicz, circa 1921; m-valued Schrödinger, circa 1925; PTSDed Born, circa 1926, the snapover consensuation of his Rule being the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to deep-structure origins of the WWII battle of the War of the World -- or so I have asserted. It has also been asserted that, by this assertion, I reveal myself as a deliriant, in that I retrograde-invert Born's codification as to predicting the unpredictable: Hah!'e's an 'undirected probabilistic process', 'e is, if ever one's been seen! Fear of the loss of the personality-inflation-generated claim that I am [copulative verb] that I am [copulative verb] to pagan-animistic experience of participation mystique's identity-transparency is doubled by the fear of µTm-modes of perception which, if only by 1T2-only logische Notwendigkeit qua logical necessity, are indubitably OBE-modalities synaesthetically cross-modal-unto-transmodal as regards an m-layered world, the sheets of the ma of that world arrayed over the spectrum 1T2ly-construed abstract-to-concrete (the most concrete being the most socially constructed and glutamatergically anchored). Torching the warm-golden photopsiatic dusties of Aurobindo's and Kusama's supermind, embracing the Realist's world, glutamatergically-etched and prepubertally-constituted of visual release hallucinations, experienced by virtual Alice plus virtual Bob -- he no authentic entactogen; she no authentic empathogen -- as romantically encapsulated, that is [a + b]-defined, uh, uh, a BonnetSyndromenite dyadic alternity, suffering adolescent-onset dementia, engaged in projective-identification on the subject-object level of the transference where mutual subjugation is not objective but is tacitly the objective. Alienation of I/im by one of its coparceners is how simple-self 'I'-pleaders have proceeded: this magisterial forensic dialectic being the deep-structure foundation stone of legal necessity in regards to the 1T2-only juridical notion of simply-ownable property (de facto, but not explicitly de jure, abandoned with advent of rehypothecated bundling of bundles of MBS bundles). Thus, thence, and hence, Sapiens Proselytizing Committee cultivation of judicially cognizable interests under 1T2-only lawfare has surely been among the gravest acidulous threats to life on Earth. Considering µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, alterity, the other of two, becomes m-terity, the others of m, I/im being actuality of what is 1T2ly construed self and other. Oh, the suppression of efforts to escape the inscape of feeling-space, construable as an algebraic variety of 2nk-fitness landscape with surpassing k-values that belie the 2 (the higher the number of correlations, i.e., the values of k, the more implausible that the logical processing involved is binary, and the more implausible that the number, n, of involved entities qua component processes, is a selfsame number numbering entities qua component processes absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct). Can't be [a + b]. Why? Because it's I/im, not I/in. Transdual-nondual-supradual not to be conflated with the transhuman. Other-Iambes are not split-off absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame identities; they are non-selfsame relative-states µTm-logically differentiable, thus non-existent insofar as binary logic alone is employed (loss of time to an 'I' cycling /i's bivalently construed /in is due to utilization of the 1T2-only-order-type alone, only under which memetime is definable). The articulation spaces of our 1T2-natural languages (surely even those 1T3, like Aymara) inherently can't quite register the enunciations required, were such semantics actually speakable. Holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt is required. Recognition of Noam Chomsky's poverty of stimulus these internetworked days needs to be complemented by recognition of poverty of Skinnerian evoked-response. Heh-heh-heh! Mass-wise and collective-behavior speaking, the accrued positive social yield of communities of practice (good offices of Igor Pyrko and Viktor Dorfler and Colin Eden, Communities of practice in landscapes of practice, Management Learning, 50:4, 15 July 2019) becoming emotional communities is decisively inverted onto negative domains of the 2nk-fitness landscape when emotional communities become communities of practice: in the latter case, emotics metapreprogram-unto-overdetermine assessments (which become reactions; indeed, back-reactions) and plans of action (which become affective imperatives). This decisive inversion is exactly what N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr evoked, or so I have long believed (the evocation signified by the mass of mathematicians taking his demonstration primarily as being an Impossibility Theorem, an evocation setting up echoes of self-similarly in back-reactions to Cantor, Axiom of Choice, Lukasiewicz, Schrödinger). Quoting Steven Vanderputten's (Reform, Conflict, and the Shaping of Corporate Identities: Collected Studies on Benedictine Monasticism, Lit Verlag, 2013, p. 150) very succinct summation of W. M. Reddy's French-Revolution-studies-related (review by good offices of Peter N. Stearns, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 33:3, Winter 2003) book (echoing some of what I learned from psychologist George Harris [cf. U.S. Army Handbook for Vietnam] and, for his Human Behavior seminars 1-4, circa 1963-5, researching at SORO -- Special Operations Research Office -- papers written from a psycho-socio-anthropological perspective) entitled The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of Emotions, Cambridge U., 2001:
William Reddy explores the theme [i.e., what might be described as explorations of the functional prerequisites to formation of emotional communities: see Barbara H. Rosenwein's Emotional Communities, Cornell U., 2007] by coining the term emotics to designate deeply engrained emotional habits enacted by individuals with a common set of values and a common social context. The primary purpose of these emotics lies in their power as performatives, which release a group's suffering [think: e.g., grievance chants, ancient and modern] over a situation and transform things or stations.
When emotics dominate the scene, as they do today, in order to suss out the actual official position on whatevvver from authorized authoritative statements thereof, the principle proffered proposition must be identified and subjected to inversion (downside up) and then to eversion (outside in): while memetime-bound retrograde inversion (forward back and flipped over) is necessary, it is not sufficient. Many, if not most, conspiracy theories are 1T2-only veridical paradoxes: what initially appears false, upon further examination is found to be true (there being cases discovered in differential topology, e.g., Smale's paradox in sphere eversion, cases of mighty import if, 1T2ly speaking rotationally, consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operations on space and consciousness in its passive aspect is the space operated upon). The normies are those normotics fallen psychotic who have been impressed by the global leadership elite into commission of calumnies. Is it conceivable that any whidding whim-wham not gone off into stone whinic would lower himherself so far as to take a position of responsibility anywhere in a civilization so discombobulated, so dissembling, so disorienting, so destructive as is ours? 'Caw-caw, caw-caw', go the paraphasic woices of the Knee Caulk, so the Second Estate says of the Third. However successful that blackpsyche, by now it doesn't take genius to be aware, and even post-industrialists can see, that Atlas didn't shrug; he slipped and fell, knocking his head against the edge of one of the steps he was climbing. Resultant concussion, brain contusion, and progressive increased intracranial pressure has caused illusions, hallucinations, delusions, erratic behaviors, violent outbursts, megalomania. The prognosis is grave, as the condition of his condition has so advanced that hole-sawing the skull cannot rectify the brain impairment already set in stone. In memetime present, looking at the possibility of another megamass murder in the planetary cathedral, the houses of cards burnt in memetimes past -- Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr; Cantor's diagonal demonstration of part-whole identity-transparency; Axiom of Choice; m-valued Lukasiewicz logics; Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function; so on -- must be understood as subterranean to memetime future's prefigurative houses of cards: culpability lies first and foremost with the calamitous burners. The main reason their global reset project will ultimately fail, yielding catastrophes far worse and more extra-systemic than anyone is capable of conceiving, is that the science they are relying upon has been so thoroughly dissimulated for a century that techno-spinoffs there from inevitably will have ruinous effects. For but one example: their ratio[sin}nation allows but 2 affordances per proposition as regards integration of solar-terrestrial/terrestrial-solar interactions, magnetospheric and atmospheric and crustal and core dynamics; whereas, nature's processing allows m-unto-C+ affordances to propositions concerning superintegration of those dynamics. Geoengineering and 5+Ging and hacking DNA's quantum-wave properties under the mistaken assumption of 2-affordances-only doesn't augur well for memetime future of the planet. Were it to turn out that our microphysical model of DNA radiation exchange has reality value adequate to the equations yielding accurate quantitative assessments (cf. the experiments proposed at the end of the paper), then two consensus molecular-biology unknown unknowns of subjecting engineered-mRNA-vaccinated human GMOs to 5+G-pulsed-radiation likely would be: (1) pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillation rate as environmentally-responsive intracellular Zeitgeber, and (2) the related variable, frequency-response window, as immunological signifier. Apparently, judging from the alternative media (see here and here and here), the worst-yet-currently-imaginable, conspiracy-theory scenario takes cognizance of -- among other deleterious properties, e.g., enhanced susceptibility to HIV (see here and here and here; and for a bit of the involved science, see here and here) -- vaccine-induced antibody amplification (good offices of Ann M. Arvin, et al., A perspective on potential antibody-dependent enhancement of SARS-CoV-2, Nature, 584, 13 July 2020, pp. 353-63) having been pretty well understood long prior to the co-engineering (good offices of David Wallace-Wells, New York Magazine, 7 December 2020) of COVID-19 cum mRNA vaccine, the virus intentionally released, and crossed into the psychoprep film Children of Men, such that the first sterilization step towards universal female infertility was planned as initialization of the final solution to the overpopulation problem, a solution facilitating artificially-incubated propagation of a gain[of}function-bodymod-cum-GMO-cum-cyborg-cum-[worker}bee-off-terra homo Sapiens.
Anyone who has delivered children (as I helped to do in SF medics training), tropologically understands sacred space ma, a gate to hold the Moon, as root homonym for evolution-thru-use of languages, speakable and unspeakable. Moreover, according to Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet, circa 1923:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself.When the retrocaused effect memetemporally appears to precede the receding-into-the-future cause, the two, i.e., [effect + cause], are 1T2ly conjured, and the connecting principle involves n-teleologically-strange attractors (one or more operating in a domain of 1T2ly-construed coordinated randomness), the strangeness being resident in what is actually the instauration orchestrated by topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) at Schrödinger-memetime-independent involutory recomposition of (renewal of what was torn apart from, and thereby inherently non-separable) cosmological BackCloth (the BackCloth back-light-cones of entangled relative-states, by Bell cannot be, and by Aspect indubitably are not, local qua factorizable, memetime-bound, and 1T2-logically arrayed; moreover, Bell’s theorem shows that no theory that satisfies the conditions imposed can reproduce the probabilistic predictions of quantum mechanics under all circumstances, to quote Abner Shimony, Bell's Theorem, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 13 March 2019; they are memetime-independently µTmly-unto-CTC+ly so) qua CommonSource qua CommonGround qua Tzog-chen AllBase. Half-a-dozen times a day turning head at one's name being called, only to find that no one is there, suggests that the name is metonym for the corpus of other-Iambes signaling: Get Behind Thyself so as to Be Here Now! Rotate your thought in order to turn your awareness to imaginary-time's temporal CURL. Attend to the interface, to what bridges, à la Riemann, the 1T2ly-simple to the µTmly-complex. Replacement theories renovating BornRule attachment (in the Buddhist sense) to 1T2-only-logic alone, instauring such that Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function is overstood with m-valued Lukasiewicz logics interpreted as self-referential logical-value order-types of relative-state identity-transparency, cannot possibly preserve structures of the maths heretofore employed and recapitulate the physical findings demonstrated with 1T2-only-designed experiments, the results of which are bivalently apprehended, 1T2-only processed, and used to 1T2-only R&D dissimulated-quantum-based infratech innovations. Were Sapiens to want off the currently accessed Everettian-vonHayekian time-shape of total capital stock, planet Earth, the time-shape being the foremost determinant of the techno-regime permitted to the users, then Sapiens would have to start by transiting out of the Lebenswelt Weltanschauung-constructed and preserved formaldehyde-like by utilization of 1T2-only-logic alone. Given people's identification qua obsession with money, the best way to begin such a transit is by changing the framework determining conditions of the monetary system employed: (1) from single-valued currency units, transactions in which bivalently processed, to multivalued currency units, transactions in which µTmly processed; and (2) the nesting-foams of Lukasiewiczian-LETS currencies of the new system being defined over bandpass fractal e-boundaries, rather than, as of old, over in-or-out binary borders, or their absence altogether in a borderless world of monoscale cryptocurrencies, or one We Are the World planetary cryptocurrency, mined or not, blockchained or no. The monetary-system changes currently contemplated, as, to wit, thematic contents of the mainstream (for the most part, colluded connivers in our secular clerisy's attempt to make it's apathetic laity somnambulant) and alternative medias, some such changes already being initialized, are all surface-structure oriented, framework determining conditions being ignored, going unconsidered, unacknowledged, denied even to exist. Ah, waesucks, aye, at the index of the prevailing in denial state consuming humanity! And, O what lunkheaded lurdanes there are administering our academic lupanars. Those who affectedly brandle with reel and jar at use of the terms mass psychosis and dominance by the dumbest would do well to contemplate, for instance, RFK Jr.'s Sausage Making at FDA: How Cancer Cells Got Into Vaccines, Children's Health Defense, reposted to LewRockwell, 14 December 2020. Then there is COVID-19-induced autoimmune orchitis (see: Impaired spermatogenesis in COVID-19 patients, Honggang Li, et al., The Lancet's EClinicalMedicine, 28, 100604, 1 November 2020) to further reduce male virility than has already been achieved by the flood of mimetic estrogens in food. Of particular interest to me, one who sustained a testicle wound, circa 1967, Mekong delta, RVN. Soon after returning from Viet Nam, I began investigating at Georgetown University Medical School Library whether or not my ideas concerning DNA superconductivity -- ideas that came to me in delirium state at the 12th Evac Hospital, Cu Chi -- had any reality value. While reading into the literature on anti-DNA antibodies, I ran across Russian studies documenting strong correlation between the sunspot cycle and incidence of SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus. So I began searching out what could be found on non-ionizing radiation and formation of autoantibodies, which effort started me visiting during my free time the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda. What I learned is what I brought along with me to Cornell and the writing of our DNA paper. And I bring that to concern over how 5+G-pulsed-radiation and powerful 9.65 GHz synthetic aperture radar beams (kind of like satellite-born baby HAARP pointed down rather than up: see Despite Clouds Or Darkness, New Satellite Can See Into Buildings, Patrick Wood, Activist Post, 17 December 2020) may affect COVID-19 patients, à la, for example, Autoantibodies against type 1 IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19, Paul Bastard, et al., Science, 370:6515, 23 October 2020. The leper we embrace is the non-ionizing radiation most energy-dense upon the skin. Setting aside for a moment or two the small percentage of doubt one must have that biological-weapons research played some sort of role in the origins of COVID-19 (a pandemic believed by some to be a shamdemic, by others a plandemic initiated and orchestrated by the GesundheitFuhrers), mere bafflement belies the befuddlement of all efforts to grok states of the responsible military-minded and business-oriented academic lumpers handling the requisite cognitive cargo. Lugubriousness is also belied, as there is no exaggeratedly mournful that is mournful enough. While no Luddite (as that word is commonly misunderstood), but adamantly opposed to the technological doctrine of uses (the strange attractor for which is ConveDDed [conversion-disorder displaced], hence massively regressed, pagan-animistic participation mystique qua, quantum theoretically, relative-state identity-transparency) prevalent throughout the 19th-and-20th-centuries-unto-today, I am somewhat a Spenglerian in my attitude toward civilization, particularly hyper-technic civilization (as for the rest of Spengler, well ) -- at least as especially regards antianimist-qua-antipagan civilizations-empires arisen subsequent to the staggered advent of the Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion. In retrospect, I came to understand how great a lifelong influence were the most memorable books I studied during my mid-to-late teens: Frank Lloyd Wright's The Natural House; Henry David Thoreau's Walden; Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass; independent-study-courses-chosen texts for symbolic logic, topology, foundations of mathematics; Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf; being a mil.brat falling for one and another Lavinia, Eugene O'Neill's trilogy Mourning Becomes Electra; Heinz Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation; F. S. C. Northrop's The Meeting of East and West; Henry Adams' Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres, Mentor, 1961; O. A. G. Spengler's Decline of the West in two volumes, the abridged English edition, 1962; the skew-parallelism appendix to volume one of J. G. Bennett's The Dramatic Universe (Bennett was a student of Proclus [who clearly understood that what Aurobindo called the Involution-Evolution is not memetime-bound] and his reading thereof may have provided one impetus to the formulations essayed in this appendix); C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul. No cowardly optimist, if still something of a hoper, all of that reading certainly predisposed my psycho-cultural take (which is not to altogether disregard geopolitical factors) on the origins of WWII and what those origins likely prefigure for us today. I feel no iota of personal shame, not a whit of guilt, zilch mortification at my nation-state's moral shambles because: (1) I felt all that, and got over it, in run-up to the decision to abandon all aspirations to whatsoever position of responsibility, and thus to quit college, circa 1965; and (2) it was even then clear to me that moral upbraiding, however purveyed, has little or no efficacy. The sociological aspect of the matter is subfunctional and substructural. Collective moral rectitude is reinforced when framework determining conditions are such as to foster direct ontic experience of identity-transparency qua, Buddhologically speaking, compassion. In The Collapse of Complex Societies, Joseph A. Tainter expends many words on the word collapse whilst arguing that declining marginal utility (DMU) of ever more investment in increased complexity is the root reason why civilizations collapse. I would have hoped that he had spent as many words on the word complexity, which is certainly very difficult to fully grasp the meaning of, as essayed by Murray Gell-Mann in What is Complexity?, Complexity and Industrial Clusters, Q. Curzio, et al., eds., Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, 2002, and contended to be so by the Santa Fe Institute here and by Wiki here. The excessive bureaucratic structural bulk accompanying centralization of function, and associated incompetence of those insecure lurdanes attracted to positions therein, all too often are conflated with complexity. Then there is the global leadership elite, mainly Old Buffleheaders, some rather young, with destiny especial, i.e., humbugging their [psycho}phants. Those of us inconsequentials disturbed by the attempted global-governance-cum-financial-transactions takeover, née reset, will be even more disturbed upon reading the long analysis thereof provided by RFK Jr.'s Children's Health Defense, to wit: Planned Surveillance and Control by Global Technocrats , posted to Global Research, 17 December 2020 (the described-therein DARPA-sponsored high-voltage electrical pulse for electroporation of cellular membranes and intracellular phase boundaries at administration of DNA vaccines should really be appreciated, I imagine, by DNA's quantum-wave properties and their likely biological-clock-cum-immunological-signifier correlates). Recognition of the enormous breadth of collusion patently involved is initially breathtaking, then utterly staggering. Our technocrats, with their 1T2-only-formulated doctrine of uses, have been, and are likely even more to become, so efficient at creating inefficiencies and misallocations that one can only surmise that they are most culpable of those most responsible for bespoiling Earth orb. Quite frankly, the only species I would unabashedly wish to say 'I' to would be that which leaves the planet in pristine condition before colonizing solar system and beyond. Rather than focus on such like, I've noted that, not mentioned in the above-given links, complexity assuredly is a many-valued function-functional-functor of m-valued variables, the most important of such variables being the logical-value order-type(s) of the information processor(s) employed. Were the information in overload at increased complexity binary-digital and the processors 1T2-only, then Tainter's DMU principle would be maximally determinative. However, were the order-of-logical-value of systemic information cum processors to explosively increase, then the traditional notion of complexity itself would collapse (this being opposite to collapse of the state-function at measurement in traditional interpretations of quantum mechanics). Moreover, were the logical-value order-types of the processors to become higher and higher relative to the logical-value order-types of information requiring systemic throughput, then the DMU principle would be less and less determinative. In our 3-fold topo-active optime view of n-object, supersystem-system-subsystem, vertically-and-laterally-entangled quantum-composites, the configuration space, for the state-function which, in our opinion, is BornRule dissimulated to a probability-amplitude field, incorporates l-cap, m-cap, and n-cap such that the amplitude field is octonionically complex, hypercomplex, and hyperhypercomplex: the CTC+-logical (not probability) density matrix demerges qua decomposes memetime-independently via µTm-logical partial trace operations (memetime, generally mistaken to be an objective, real-numerable, linear-time dimension, psychoidiographically emerging only ontologically-when the 1T2-only level of the ontoepistemic hierarchy is demerged to). Quoting (this is by far the best quantum physics paper I've read on the issue of non-separability qua identity-transparency) Quantum Holism: nonseparability as common ground, Jenann Ismael and Jonathan Schaffer, Synthese, 197:10, 1 October 2020, p. 19:
it [quantum holism] rules that no manifest events whatsoever are distinct.
This rule is one death knell for the supposed classical limit and a go-ahead for relativistic-quantum dynamical meteorology and climatology. As regards Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, the partial trace as operator on C+-dimensional Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert spaces, where the basis is (not orthogonal) the infinite collection or radii of the unit circle cum sphere cum hypersphere, and each such ray is a null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencil of skew-parallels (these pencils being how the supradual [quantum cryptographic] logical values to any given proposition are geometrically represented], is equivalent to Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, on CTC+ BackCloth-CommonSource-CommonGround-Tzog-chenAllBase dropping out of view, i.e., tracing out qua scratching qua deleting sets of pencils of skew-parallels, such that CTC+ demerges (cf. a decompositional Lukasiewiczian take on decoherence) to µTm unto the case in which only the orthogonal basis remains, which is the 1T2-only case. Since, in this notion, there are two exponential levels of non-linearity to the Schrödinger equation, and the logics involved are not (except possibly in the 1T2-only case) linear logic, or, because the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction is rejected in our framework determining conditions, intuitionistic logic, the no-deleting theorem does not apply to the memetime-independent process of demergence. By definition, exploiters of every sort are locked into the hell, gold-plated or not, which is separatism, i.e., the lowest tier of the lowest level of demergent Maya. They, to a-- umm-err, failed to receive that briefing before descent into hell. There is no one-to-one identity-transparency between selfsame absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct whatnots, for example Alice and Bob, a oneness such as is held out to be an ideal by the concept of romantic love in the Western world; all relative-states of identity-transparency -- being memetime-independent involutory decomposition products of CTC+-AllBase wave-function cum configuration space -- are mediated by ontic immersion in the whole (or, in other words, subjectively speaking, by sustained vertical awareness of the Ray of Creation, an awareness initialized via cultivation of horizontal participation mystique with the natural surround, the higher higher-valued relative-states involving, not only multitasked simultaneous vertical and horizontal awarenesses, but also m-awarenesses on ontoepistemic diagonals. It may be that form-in-process as given in inner-Musculpt is a presentation whereby one sees-hears refracted shadow images of higher-dimensional polytopes where color flashes and field-bleeds, movement, shape-shifts and twists and reentries, the musical properties of sound encode, not the geometry of polytopes, their topological transforms and relations, but the semantics of form-in-process. It seems likely that such semantical encoding of such higher-dimensional whatnots would not be limited to a set of single-valued ciphers single-level deployed (like, for example, Kandinsky apparently imagined); rather, that the encipherment would be multifarious, multileveled, and logically Lukasiewiczian. I've long believed that this can best be investigated in a computerized isolation-flotation Lilly tank equipped with a holographic projection system and music synthesizer, such that the biofeedback-accoutered experiencer of inner-Musculpt could reproduce and store what shehe seeshears, so traffic analysis, for instance, could be performed on the stored record -- and so this analyzed record could be comparatively studied with data obtained relative to the sonic-visioning engaged in by the bottle-nosed dolphin. Absent the Lilly tank, we'd need mind-reading technology capable of accessing the subliminal, the personal and collective unconscious. Heh-heh-heh!
Upon Yahoo Mail sign-in there is a box to uncheck if you, your self, do not wish to remain signed in. If you forget to uncheck, then the next yahoo, an other, to use the computer to check their e-mail comes upon your account name already entered into the sign-in box and has to select and give an extra instruction so as to sign-in to their Yahoo account. No big deal, right, that little box to uncheck. But, since advent of the PC, how many such no big deal attention takers has the user had to contend with in course of the day? An ever increasing number, most of them incidental, many of them altogether unnecessary. Multiply the many per day each person is forced to deal with times the number of computer-smartphone-internet users, planet Earth. What contribution has all that made to the calamitous [Jungian] psychological debaissement (cf. avilissement, rabaissement, abatardissement, l'abaissement, affaiblissement, devalorisation, bouleversement, so on) of the social structure of collective attention cathexes, homo Sapiens? Likely an enormous contribution, possibly even unto brain impairment. Cross binary-mind of the Boolean-algorithm creators cum writers of bivalent code into 1T2-only-capitalist-market-cum-1T2-only-monetary-system-compliant business models and what do you get? Well, not only superhyper-concentration of patrimoine financier. And not only those swoozled on the infrasex thrall induced by exercise of power, the very form of psychic servitude keeping marshal cohorts actively innervated. A godawful socius, a punchdrunk polity, an offal leadership-elite selection process which works according to the 1T2-only-economics principle that excrement of carnivores floats to the top of the political-economy toilet bowl. O, the executive brains of TPTB piloting a planet -- spaceship Earth -- by disjointed rules-of-thumb, by emotics centrencephalic-core-brain-network-risen (good offices of Annalotta Scheinin, et al., Imaging the twilight zone, The Journal of Neuroscience, 3 November 2020) from the muddy puddle of subliminal-personal-collective-unconscious regression and rationalized by 1T2-only-comprehensive planning based upon policy-prescribed-cum-proscribed data gathering and it-from-bit analysis. Obsession with bivalent-algorithmic-instruction-set-parodying (just read a few of the declassified Kissinger-national-security memos or most any essay written by Milton Friedman) l'automatisme mental that blow the synoptic mission, whatever might be the manifest destiny of the mission civilisatrice involved in a given case, algorithmic-instruction automatisms like Never leave a man in the field!, no one left behind whatever the tactical, even strategic, costs (despite Triumph of the Chosen's Will to pretribrapt a silent majority of the hoi polloi groaners). A very-well-cultivated tactical awareness in no way guarantees even a modicum of strategic eptitude. Tangentiality being Shrewd Angler's supreme good in the currently favored specialty, i.e., controversialist espousal, we can only expect our techno-prophets to denunciate the very things their ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) track upon as attractors regressed-archetypally embedded in the collective unconscious. Cultivation ([de}liberation, [in}deed) of cultural cancellations (covertly equaling cadges of the multivalue, m'lord?) -- universally covered with nonsense prose, nonsense poesy being too difficult -- again very much on the rise, cognitive barbarbarbarism flat-four vectors the collective psyche from one thumper conjuncture to the next. With two-thirds of Americans embracing digital surveillance (good offices of Chris Melore, Privacy, schmivacy , Study Finds, 30 December 2020), some U.S. functional equivalent of China's social-credit-score system is foregone. Conjugate that into the WEF's overtly-stated agenda and global nazification exponentiated is a surety. Factor in the global leadership elite's covert (cf. psychoprep films such as World War Z and Children of Men) cum personal-and-collective-unconscious agendas, and the word nazification, however exponentiated, so thoroughly underestimates magnitude of the degeneracy clearly nascent that continued use of the word Nazi is-- puerile, to say the least. Individually and collectively indenturing whole lifetimes, life itself, in order to maximize access to unnecessaries -- or, rather, to continuously expand the corpus of what is defined into the category necessary. Over half a century ago, the drift toward ever increasingly all encompassing indentured servitude of the mass of humanity was viewable -- obvious, even. Washington, D. C., was open in the very-early-'60s: as an AU-SIS student, one could walk onto any floor of the State Department, except the Seventh, and speak with country desk officers who would share country assessments and position papers; one could use most any embassy's library on its own country; one had easy access to think-tank libraries. These are only a few examples of the openness. Time was often more productively spend in this fashion than in the classroom. By late-1965, however, all of that was shut down: one couldn't even get into the State Department building, let alone freely move about the place. In Viet Nam, the IDHS (the computerized intelligence data handling system) was linked to the Phoenix elimination pogrom. It didn't take genius to see, since the antiwar movement and the military both mistakenly believed that the antiwar movement was responsible for the drift and final outcome of the war, that the CI technology employed in Viet Nam would be adopted for domestic U.S. information and population management. Nor did it take genius at technological forecasting to project inevitable extensions. But if any of this was pointed out, even alluded to in casual conversation, one was deemed a wacked-out Vietnam-war veteran who at the very least should be ignored. Nowadays, we have whole teched-out generations so naive that they are not asking, What percentage of Sapiens is slated for elimination? Everlasting misanthropy it is, aye, much as my 'I' (good offices of Shayla Love, Why You Should Talk to Yourself in the Third Person, Vice, 28 December 2020) rues the day in which that condition of our condition became pellucidly apparent to my me (good offices of Ariana Orvell, et al., Does Distanced Self-Talk Facilitate Emotion Regulation ?, Clinical Psychological Science, 5 October 2020: my other-Iambe notes that distanced self-talk predicates I/im) by setting Hugh Everett, III's of 1957 down next to Rudolph K. Luneburg's of 1953 -- and taking note of the bivalent-logic contradiction between the two as regards the notion of localization in ponderable space. It's not the global crisis that's unreal; nay, it's the resolute recoil from it: what can't be faced (the advent of -- more, the embrace of -- FaceBook having been one collective compensatory abreaction), can't be optimally met. By axiomatic regression veiled as axiomatic rejection, each Affected, uh, uh, Aspected, verification of Bell drives our 4-square-defined, quartet-obsessed, 2-arrogant by twice-doubled, 4-quarters parodic, quaternionics-preferenced, orthogonality-identified
During the uncertainty of a Heisenbergian dawn Close to the Borning-room termination of Newton's night Nigh unto the never-ending round of beginningless beginningsback-reaction upon the metric of Analytical Cubist diagonals -- a counter-cultivation throwing us further into autoimmune dyscrasia. Swarming, just swarming, we are, aren't we, with MSM-introduced PEGylated-lipid-excipient-coated blackpsyche-engineered emotics! Hivesing, the only Rx which can save us is an anti-anaphylactic intracardiac injection of epinephrine-diphenhydramine cocktail. A woman with no face gives me a large bolt and instructs me to find six washers through which it will fit to form an ensheavement. But I can discover no store with nuts, bolts, washers, screws, nails in all sizes and nicely ordered in boxes and bins -- let alone a map of their shelving emplacements. Going shop to shop, I am forced to shuffle through random collections seeking the six washers, none of which do I find. At end of the day, I ask an authoritative-looking passerby, Is there anywhere a shopkeeper who has bolts and washers of all sizes in their proper order? The passerby turns and points, then lowers her head confidentially and says, Yes, of course, but you have to go to the Center for that. She then proceeds, while continuing to point, to give complex directions, so complex I suspect I will have great difficulty finding the indicated shop in the Center. According to my quantum-spot polka-photisms -- and perhaps also those of Sri Aurobindo and Yayoi Kusama: warm-golden dust and kami dustii -- the case is not A or not-A, identity or no-identity, separatism or non-separatism; nor is it simply, sans 1T2-only Law of Distributed Middle, a fuzzy-logic matter of degrees or entanglement concentrations or dot-matrix-printer densities of the photisms to a given partition, cell, LSTD (limited spacetime domain); it's a matter of µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of identity-transparency. These are mu-itiot states, not graduated shades-proportions-strengths of, cum [0,1]-degrees between, transparency and no-transparency; there is no issue of less or more transparency: the least indices of T (for transparency, not truth) and the greatest indices of T indicate identity-transparency (we are not talking here smoked glass, mirror-that-smokes, or Wheerlerian it from bit-smoke pouring out of the cosmic computer at infinite curvature). The substrate of the spectrum of states indicated (the distinctions drawn in demergent-[twist-poke-reenter]-remergent qua involutory decomposition-[twist-poke-reenter]-recomposition) is beingness: remergently speaking, uh, speaking, that is, of de-unfurlings by contrast to the infinite sequence of re-unfurlings
(good offices of Bianca Maria d'Ippolito, The Concept of Lebenswelt from Husserl's Philosophy of Arithmetic to His Crisis [à la Husserl's unfinished 1936 Die Krisis der europaischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phanomenologie, uh, that is, by the 1970 English translation, The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology in this, per d'Ippolito, tragic era of the irrationality of power: Husserl aside, the corpus of my other-Iambes asserts that the 200-years-long crisis of the European sciences is not due to a bankruptcy of the scientificity of philosophy {good offices of Emiliano Trizio, What is the Crisis of Western Sciences?, Husserl Studies, 32:3, May 2017, pp. 191-211}, but to the failed mathematicity of mathematics {e.g., deeming Abel's 1823 existence proof an impossibility theorem} and the scientificity of science {e.g., BornRuling m-valued Schrödinger}, facilitated, mid-term, by yet another fulmination of anti-pagan-anti-animist dyscrasia launched by discovery and denial of the 1T2-illogicality of the full corpora of logics], in A. T. Tymieniecka, ed., Phenomenology World-Wide. Analecta Husserliana, The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research, Vol. 80, Springer, Dordrecht, 2002, pp. 158-171)
-- being-in-some-Lebenswelt
(a given logical-value-order-typed Lebenswelt, to include its measurement-problematic physical substrate, not in any way being a degree of beingness, but its own overallity, those in the collection of which distinguished, overall, via modal logics functorially crossed into Lukasiewicz-altogether-sans-the-notion-truth-value [not into degrees of possibility, but into relative-states of identity-transparency], which is unlike Lukasiewicz's thoughts on modality, uh, even his second thoughts thereupon, because he starts off such thoughts by assuming selfsameness, an assumption whereupon animistic-pagan birth-to-death amnesia for personal identity psychogenic fugue is deleted by logic [man}date?)
unto being in the universe's cosmic solipsism of contextless being-All-That-Is-autopoietically-being-there-in-and-of-itself
(no mere thing-in-itself: in a society that references directions -- e.g., left/right -- according to perspective of the animistic object, not that of the egoic subject, there are no individual place settings at the household's dining table -- daily dinner or Last Supper)
to the CTC+-order-type of self-reentered reflexivity, each virtual self reentered actually an other, this condition of the conditions of the case, i.e., Ich-Störung, being the retrograde inversion of projective-identification at transference (howsoever represented: e.g., superstring-theoretic-enbraned-qua-ensheaved Riemann-surface-universally-covered hyperKleinBottle cum non-orientable polytope, or possibly n-knotted-loop-quantum Ouroboros-type chronotopology [the chrono-part meaning that operator-time actively induces the topo-transforms altogether memetime-independently, in other words, ontologically-before memetime is -- that is, is memed]). Certainly by the memetime (circa, June of 1975) I began doing research with Douglas A. Paine at Cornell, I did not believe LSTDs (limited spacetime domains), as containers, could hold only black and white balls; clearly, LSTDs could hold many sorts of non-balloids of various topologies in myriad colors, shape and color being only two of the attributes potentially identifiable as properties of -oids LSTD-containable. That recognition, in and of itself, precluded, for me, a truth-value (ratio of truth to falsity of definite propositions concerning an indefinite proposition about black and white balloids in a container) interpretation of µTm when first coming upon it in Emil Post's 1921 paper (to wit: Introduction to a General Theory of Elementary Propositions, American Journal of Mathematics, 43, pp. 163-85). Moreover, residuals of my Midori-Gaoka childhood induction to the participation mystique aspect of primitive Shinto modes of comprehension strongly augured against my deductively embracing the notion that LSTDs can contain only absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct (I read Hubert Benoit's Let Go! Theory & Practice of Detachment According to Zen during the same period I studied Post's paper in the Cornell Mathematics Library) selfsame -oid-like whatnots: thus, no type of the bivalent Law of Non-Contradiction could, by me, be found acceptable. Speaking in 1918 (as quoted in Jan Lukasiewicz, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 6 June 2014) and referring to a lecture of his given in 1910 (this date falling into the period in which Kandinsky and Schoenberg were attempting something similar as regards instauration of post-Renaissance-naturalism in painting and diatonic-system-informed art music composition), Lukasiewicz said,
I have declared a spiritual war upon all coercion that restricts man's free creative activity new logic [specifically that 1T3], by introducing the concept of objective possibility, destroys the former concept of science, based on necessity. Possible phenomena have no causes
All of that is-- well, logostatics. Consider that our Brownian wave-statement nest involves no commitment to eqivalential or implicational logical calculi, being reliant only upon involutory decomposition of what always is, Schrödinger-memetime-independently, all ways all ready being-there sempiternally on Tzog-chen-AllBase CommonGround. It must be realized that, in capitalism, economic objects have been predominantly construed as selfsame and wholly ownable -- those not thus easily so handled being relegated by definition into the category externality -- hence, simply-buyable and simply-sellable, 1T2-only-valued with simple single-valued prices that can only go up or down, not also sideways, and most assuredly not also along myriad diagonals. This is capitalist logostatics: overwhelmingly bivalent. Logodynamically, however, capitalism has arguably been trivalent: 1T3 dynaecono-denoting buy/sell/hold, velocity-of-1T2-only-money-wise plotting on this-or-that straight-line diagonal. Acceleration of 1T2-only-money bends the straight-line diagonal, thus carrying the economic supersystem-system-subsystem composite into nonlinear dynamics (even without admitting into consideration externalities). Memetime-rate-of-change-of-acceleration of 1T2-only money bends the bent straight-line diagonal into a self-referential Ouroboros figure, a snake eating its own fat-tail, such that the economic objects involved cannot be selfsame and absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, by virtue of (1) the econometric LSTD containing them having reflexively self-reentered, become non-orientable, and thereby moved into violation of the bivalent Law of Non-Contradiction, and (2) the part-whole identity-transparency dictated by principle of Cantor's diagonal proof and via the holographic principle by which definite contents of the LSTD are mapped as indefinites on the LSTD's boundary-without-boundary. Ontoepistemically speaking to quantum-econophysics in terms of the m-valued state-function in Schrödinger's nonlinear memetime-independent canonical wave equation, 3rd-order dynamics (on EcoCommons, uh, that is, the [eco}nomic CommonGround: a puzzlement, that underlayment that overlies, what!) demerges (this is the proper way to understand trickle down, not in the usual memetime-bound fashion) to the 2nd-order which demerges to the 1st. Nonetheless, topological operations of the temporal CURL as logic operations (understood in terms of the standard logic connectives [negation, conjunction, disjunction, so on] used to form truth tables of finitely or infinitely many truth-values to a given proposition [creation of these truth tables more or less, heh-heh-heh, a matter of renormalization via truncation]) do not syntactically, and especially not semantically, capture adequately the nature of what is misnomered EPR entanglement, unless infinite velocities (which would untruncate the truncation renormalization) are supposed as being involved in the case; only relative-state identity-transparency as THE logic fundament can do that, i.e., capture adequately. So, what then are the involved logic connectives? Fundamentally, there are none. This is so because, on CTC+ Tzog-chen-AllBase CommonGround, there are no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct whatnots to be connected; each such imputed whatnot being a prescriptively-enculturated, glutamatergically-anchored artifact of demergence (by autogenic discharge) to 1T2-only, memetime-bound modalities of ergotropic proprioception-perception-cogitation. What logicians and mathematicians and physicists use the word intuition to denote should actually be signified by words like glutamatergic and enculturate and consensuate and socialization. By the M-theoretic m-minds interpretation, no one is a not-I/im (i being an n-place unquantifiable propositional functor without fixed meanings, m) disbelieving logically-and/or-memetimely-simultaneous contradictory propositions, whatever heshe may think they think. By Abelian-E.T.Bellian involutory decomposition-demergence CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, every imputedly-discrete object possesses the properties it has been 1T2-only-logically construed as having been dispossessed of.
Given that pound-dollar money has been more or less growable on trees for the AngloAmerican Empire, hence all the oil needed, indeed wanted, could have and can be purchased essentially for free, that Empire's Middle East policies since the late-19th century have been symptomatic of a collective obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) etiologically impelled not by scarcity of the commodity. The same can be etiologically said about post-SovietUnion NATO policies, except that the OCD has in recent decades been transiting from severe neurosis to psychosis (see the 15 December 2020 YouTube VDO entitled NATO Must Be Dissolved, Richard H. Black, Col., U.S. Army, ret., for a succinct discussion of fermenting NATO, smelly as natto). Then there are those who regard COVID-19 as having biological-warfare-lab-engineered origins, the hard (intentional release) version of this conspiracy theory predicating mass murder of the third kind, so much of the MSM and Hollywood (e.g., the 2007 film entitled The Invasion) being complicit in getting superrich by producing the many varieties of psychoprep servicing mechanics of the Global Reset agenda (the ConveDDs -- conversion-disorder displacements -- involved being part and parcel of the OCD at issue). Quite frankly, even though the long-foreseen, disastrous, far-from-equilibrium, global phase-transition is still way away from cuspover, I'm not -- except on the direct face-to-face interpersonal level -- particularly happy about having lived long enough to have seen that calamitous autogenic shift reach its current level of elaboration, or happy at the prospect of being per[man}ent|ly made into a nanobot-man[i}pul|ated GMOgre bluetoothed to a surveillance-and-threat-oriented IoB, internet of bodies (good offices of Jesse Smith, Truth Unmuted, 22 November 2020). Prosecute the targets! you practical cats, you: Thus Sprach Overseers of Global Gulag. Instead of autosensory observation cum biofeedback for techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS, we get heterosensory invasion cum biofeedforward for furtherance of transhumanist technocrazy -- however much propagandistically limned in a shimmering golden corona, still, for being so spiky, morally stunted, as well as philosophically monist and socioculturally absolutist and politicoeconomically totalitarian. Incidentally, but not altogether unrelated, be aware that Catherine Austin Fitts, onetime Managing Director, Dillon, Read & Co., has described, in a 30 December 2020 YouTube VDO interview (see-hear minutes 29:00 to 34:35), a malevolent (undoubtedly deep-structure-driven by the OCD in question) top-down transhumanist low-intensity-biological-warfare-facilitated global reset form of the µTm-LETS bottom-up-generative process I graphed over two decades ago, a graphing inspired by a rethinking of the animistic application of the holographic principle which I helped document at SRA/MACV-J2, an application whereby the VCI tacitly mapped internal bureaucratic variables upon changing administrative boundaries in response to fluctuations in the environment of the combat, a rethinking and a rerethinking occasioned -- whilst I was briefly functioning as a pro bono editor and features writer for the Saigon Times -- by listening to a translation of an article in the Sai Gon Giai Phong 30th Anniversity of the Tet-'68 Offensive issue describing the Tet-'68 whereabouts and activities of Tran Bach Dang (who was, in 1998, my visa sponsor) and Tran Van Tra. Returning to the initial point made above, what then is the etiological driver of the OCD in question? Heterarchy (cf. any unit can govern or be governed by others à la Brittanica; heterarchy of values determined by the topology à la Warren S. McCulloch: for a recent treatment, see Heterarchy, Carole L. Crumley, 15 April 2014) to my photisms qua logical-values (consider that Lukasiewicz-Post µTm-values came two decades memetime-before McCulloch's notion of values) is a 1T2-only take on -- a substitution for, an instead of, a reductive treatment of -- µTm-unto-CTC+ understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency (my thesis is that increasing verification as to actuality in nature's fundaments of this principle of pagan animism is the etiological driver of the compensatory-abreactive OCD in question), not truth-value, a given condition of identity-transparency being a given comprehensive relative-state of AllEvery, Every signifying inclusion of no-things no less than of things: thus, while the archy is herethere 1T2ly-unto-µTmly, it is neither here nor there on CTC+ Tzog-chen AllBase CommonSource CommonGround BackCloth MusculptManifold universal covering of cosmic hyperhyperhyperKleinBottle. If form follows function (cf. Frank Lloyd Wright's The Natural House, a hardbound copy of which I purchased in Anchorage during the period of the 1962 double-elimination Class-A state basketball tournament, in which Eielson [300 students] was beaten in the final seconds of the final game by West Anchorage [3,000 students], after which the local newspaper said I had the best hook shot in the state, a statement possibly indirectly commenting on my habitual mental state) by function ontologically preceding structure, then a given corpus of semantic imports can be represented by many different syntactic stables, but the reverse is not equally the case: a given syntactic stable can adequately represent only one, less adequately only a few, corpora of semantic imports -- unless the infrastructure of the stable is built of J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels. Degrees of validity are not involved in this because meaning transcends the notion truth-value and degrees thereof, whether construed as finitely represented in the rational interval [0,1] or construed as infinitely represented in the real interval [0,1]. Neither µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency nor those CTC+ are representable (cf. representable functor) by the rational or real number systems as signifiers of the infrastructures of syntactical stables, thus precluding the standard way in which the factors of Gödel numbers are numbered, even when the resultant Gödel-numbered Gödel number ostensibly numbers a proposition of some µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-type. This is so because the factors of the Gödel numbers thus employed cannot themselves be signified by selfsame numbers, period -- given that what is being represented is part and parcel of states of identity-transparency, where, in the form, part is whole and whole is part. This is one reason why Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes are implicated in numbering the factors of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-unto-CTC+ propositions. Numbers that do not (logically, ontologically, even psychologically) subscribe to the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction must be employed. Logically: µTm unto CTC+; geometrically: 1T2ly-null null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels; numerically, quasets and fiber bundles and multisets are implicated, but are not really adequate because each of these remain, in their basic conceptions, tied to bivalent logic. In quasi-set theory a quasi-cardinal number is defined in terms of 2, i.e., 2qc(x), just as in SFI complexity theory the fitness landscape is defined in terms of 2, i.e., 2nk -- not Mqc(x) and not Mnk. Who is willing to wager that Congressional whoamandation of non-binary genderation is not a mimetic-estrogenated-cum-glyphosated glutamatergic ConveDD of the m-valued logics disallowed application to Schrödinger's m-valued state-function? Any Psychological Operations Group alumna, uh, alumnus, uh, uh, aw' shucks! worth herhis salt knows that propaganda, uh, propagandus, uh, uh, aw' shucks! has a non-orientable hermanphroditic twistover-reentry: make blackpsyche black enough and suddenly it snaps white, collective dissociation of the target socius no longer being a mere meme matter of belief, but of how suborned to the collective psychosis. If and only if the notion quasi-cardinal number is defined relative to logical-value order-type m rather than logical-value order-type 2 can quantum indistinguishability of the a's in category A be understood as encompassing non-selfsameness µTmly graded such that violated (think: fission-fusion convertibility of the elements under Schrödinger-memetime-independent 3rd-order wave-equation) is no a in A is a or not-a in not-A. Given that, as regards fiber-bundle arithmetics, the isomorphic and homeomorphic fibration projections between base space and total space involve preimage elements that must all look alike, implied, 1T2ly, is that there can be different classes of preimage elements, incorporating elements that are not identity-transparent over class distinctions -- unless projective mappings between base and total spaces were n-to-n rather than 1-to-n. But, even so, this would still not capture relative-state identity-transparency so well as do 1T2ly-null null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels. Even less do multisets -- wherein the notion selfsame identity is almost fully retained -- approach the idea of non-selfsame numbers. Since non-orientable Mobius strips and Klein bottles are fiber bundles, I hold that quantum indistinguishability is µTmly graded discrete-smooth (the why of particles, strings, loops, branes, manifolds) and that the full-blown case is C+TC+-relative-state identity-transparency with respect to the dust motes in the pre-pregeometry bucket of dust preimagistically universally-covering the fiberbundled Tzog-chen-AllBase CommonGround which is the hyperhyperhyperKleinBottled Musculpt manifold, M. The closest we've come to representation of non-selfsame numbers -- not very close -- are the number correspondences essayed in neoPlatonic numerology and associated Cabalistic gematria. Non-selfsame numbers can neither be non-reductively denoted, indicated, signified by symbolic script notation nor by graphic notation -- let alone arithmetically, algebraically, trans-al-jabr-wise adequately manipulated in such formats. Logical-value order-types CTC+-unto-µTm establish categories within which non-selfsame numbers fall qua demerge. Only within the C+TC+ order-type is each non-selfsame number every non-selfsame number; only within the CTC+ order-types is each non-selfsame number infinite. Within the µTm order-types, each non-selfsame number is demergent to a category of relative-state identity-transparency, categories like 1632T27453 and 63T882 and 5T21 and 1T7. Each numerical-identity horizon within each such category has multiple numerical-relative-state facets: the totality of these in a given case is the given non-selfsame number. In my experience of inner-Musculpt, I often had the suspicion that a given colored sounded-form polymorph was somehow a numerical signifier, though the transforms of that polymorph were not processed by my me -- actually, given to my passive acceptance state of awareness -- in conscious numerical fashion. What I explicitly experienced was that the involved transforms of sound-shape-color facets act, somehow, as the underlay of the semantic dimension of speakable languages -- and that this underlay vastly outpaces (baud-rate of consciousness) and greatly compacts (information density), belying altogether much of the practical utility of memetemporal sequence, what is given to consciousness via the flow of speakable language as it is provided in verbal thought processes. My I/im feel(s) justified in saying languages, even written languages, rather than just language, because, on several occasions, in especially-elaborate presentations of inner-Musculpt (in context of concentration upon mathematics-physics-philosophy discourse cum written material which was over my head), there were flashes, almost like photismic color-field cum fractal-image cum point-set autogenic discharges, of one written language after another (including math symbols and music notations, even graphic music notations), echoes of one spoken language after another, which I could not read or verbally understand, but which my other-Iambe comprehended, somehow, via these language presentations being semantically underlain by the inner-Musculpt transforms given to conscious awareness. My egoic 'I' was only an egg, was like receiving earliest exposure to a natural language whilst still in the womb: there had yet to develop any sense of the linguistic properties of inner-Musculpt. That's one reason why I intuit use of a computerized, biofeedback-equipped, isolation-flotation Lilly tank, with holographic display and music synthesizer built in, would be the best environment for cultivation of the passive-acceptance states facilitative of access to and, eventually, analysis of, inner-Musculpt on the road to developing techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as mathematics notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-logically-processed m-valued-LETS-currencies nesting-foams mapped over fractal e-boundaries (the open-source, e-commons, computer-gamed assignment of values to the indicator-tagged value-ensheavement stacked upon the base-state [single-valued cash] of a unit of a given µTm-LETS currency being a weighted-n-satisfiability [see, at the end of this link, the section entitled Many-valued logics] computational problem). My strong suspicion is that the primitive operations inducing transformations of the colored sounded-form polymorphs are not mere elaborations from the basic arithmetic operations: addition, multiplication, subtraction, division. Then there are modular forms as operations, the last noted here (good offices of Sameer Murthy, King's College London, 14 April 2014) involving a mock modular form -- in reference to canonical decomposition of the partition function -- may be of the greatest importance to automorphic orchestration in Musculpt symformphonie. But, of course, the m in this mock form does not signify non-selfsameness and associated ketaminergic (her foot and my foot can't be proprioceptively distinguished) m-colocalization (however 1T2-apparently distanced). For some memetime, I will be pondering upon (but it's way over my head) C-Motivic Modular Forms, Bogdan Gheorghe, et. al., arXiv, 25 October 2019. Wish me luck!
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