µTm Scenarios, T41(M)
So far as I can see, there is no justification for believing that any at the same time qua any simultaneously, howsoever gussied up, exists in-time: its existence is outside passing, passive, referential linear-time, which time is actually memetime; outside in the sense of being consequent upon synchronicities (as understood by binary-mind) chronotopologically established by 3-fold topo-active optime (topologically-active operator-time). This proscription carries over to the atemporal nature of logical-value order-types (if there were only dual and not-dual, then the logic thus predicated would be-- what: a binary translogic in service to transhumanism, that trans- taking the human as being just your everyday pedestrian biodegradable?) and their relative-state-identity-transparency supersession of the truth-value-bound logical theory of probabilities cum karmically-active [Popperian] propensities, a modernist reincarnation of Buddhological sankhara (be aware that Lukasiewicz, circa pre-WWI, prefigured by decades Popper [hence and thence informing the Sorosian notion of market reflexivities], as regards, not only the logical theory of probability [1910] foundation-stoning the Born Rule, but also the Popper-popularized hypotheticodeductive account of the scientific method [1912], as noted by Peter Simons in Jan Lukasiewicz, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 6 June 2014). Practically speaking relative to realities on the ground today (we've all long been under the Spectre of the WEF -- and its precursors), given how elaborate normative legerdemain has become in pedestrian activities of statesmen, the state, banksters, megacorps and their executives (it'll be defalcating peculate, we've only seen them doing), if and only if COVID-19 was, indeed, a long-planned pandemic, then it could only be considered reasonable to attempt to arrive at a logic-of-probability assessment of the proposition that U.S. and Canadian facilitation of Chinese COVID research was a legend-building aspect of a discreditation sting operation whereby, in [after}math of outbreak, the Chinese could be credibly blamed for origin of the plandemic virus. But perhaps one would have had to have been a onememetime personnel assignee of Psyops Group, JFKSWCS, to come up with such an unfoundedly bizarre suspicion as that, eh. Too bad the Husserliana influencing Lukasiewicz was inductively insufficient (certainly not on a par with Asiatic positivism) to prompt him into altogether abandoning the notion that the notion truth-value is THE fundament of logic. Invalidity of the several forms of the Law of Non-Contradiction at logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2 is largely involved with the at the same time not being an in-time simultaneity (not only due to simultaneity being relative to a frame of axes, an Einsteinian fact dictating that there is no motion per se, only co-motion: those In Search of Lost Time generally have been either hard drinkers of mezcal or DIDerers, sufferers of dissociative identity disorder sans conscious access to the µTm-logics required for adequate processing of the involved m-valued state function-functional-functor). If light has no memetime, which is the case at its speed in vacuo, how then can there be superluminal velocities relative to the perspective of light, when velocity is defined per a memetime referent, e.g., /sec? There can't be. If universal physical constants are m-valued under m-valued logics (only µTmly designed experiments designed by those thinking in -- not 1T2ly about -- µTm logics could altogether substantiate or disprove this thesis), and if memetime dilation is a scale-relative principle whereby each and every LSTD (limited spacetime domain) has its own absolute limiting velocity, i.e., its own light, then, for LSTDs arrayed on a lengthless Koch curve (note that a 3D Koch curve has no volume, as per The Koch curve in three dimensions, Eric Baird, Fractal Geometry, May 2014), at any given velocity less than the speed of Einstein's light, there is some LSTD within which that given velocity stops memetime relative to dynamics, heh-heh-heh, transpiring, heh-heh-heh, therein. Aldous Huxley got it right when he noveled Time Must Have A Stop -- for memetime not only must, it does, have a stoppage (indeed, C+ stoppages). But what is this stoppage if not a marker of the initialization of 1st-order temporal CURL (which can occur at all scale levels of LSTDs Koch-curved)? Apparently, according to the account provided by Peter Simons, Lukasiewicz initially embraced, then rejected, truth as timeless, a judgment consonant with Husserl's Rx of time as given time -- both beliefs facilitating a probabilistic take (not an identity-transparency qua entanglement qua common source-ground take) on the µTm-logical-values supraordinate to those 1T2, practically speaking numerable to the rational interval [0,1]; this take being tantamount to a cellular-automata-type embrace of the Existentialist-cum-transhumanist notion that existence precedes essence (think: Aldous Huxley's Ape and Essence, rather than Essence and Ape) and conjoint rejection of the pagan-animistic Indic-Tibetan-Platonist notion that essence precedes existence (e.g., implicit in the idea, heh-heh-heh, of Tzog-chenAllBase qua CommonGround), the most fundamental notion supratending Schrodinger-memetime-independent involutory decomposition by 3-fold topo-active optime of m-valued wave functor-functional-function; whereas, the greater notion yet, inculcating Adi Shankaracharya's and Franklin Merrell-Wolff's High Indifference, is based upon challenging the very idea of the ultimaticity of precedence relations logical, temporal, ontological, existential [in that order of precedence, heh-heh-heh, iff the temporal be understood topo-active optime]). Precedence relations absolutely don't exist at all only on C+TC+ Nirguna-AllBase (cf. Brahman without attributes) where all 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ propositions are already all ready all ways always in the infinitely-infinite density of ensheaved-superposed compaction (i.e., C+TC+ where, despite the tamas of binary-mind, infinity is zero and nothing ever changes à la Parmenides) of the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers numbering the pre-pregeometry bucket-of-dust most-densely-packed motes uni[form}ly triangularly dot-matrixing the Musculpt manifold, M, universally covering that hyperhyperhyper (3-order-classes of temporal CURL) KleinBottled AllBase CommonGround. Not exactly palatable to the modernist, postmodernist, and postpostmodernist transhumanist, eh. Warm-golden-dust motes, m'squire? Novikov dust, y'say? Photismic Kusama dust? Cantor dust? Analyze that, bub. Hmmm, ConveDD that, why don't ya, m'lord. Turned the planet into a prospect apposite of-- D&F, despondency and forlornness. Even so, these days, of Lovers in Paris. O, what them dustmen done done! Dear me and gee-whiz golly, yes. Djeetyet? Yeah, yous. D&F conjugated by the food poisoning, uh, uh, processing, industry to our GMOed, glyphosate-infused, antibiotics-dosed, steroid-goosed, molecularly-nanofactured, DU-irradiated, microwave-heated Vs&G, victuals and grub. Aye, us. Usins bein' GMOed with recombinant mRNA engineered under the highly suspect assumption that the quantum-wave properties of nucleotides serve no biological function, least of all in regards to radiation-exchange processes. Waa-lah! the Containment Policy in biology. OOOOO-RAH! Copy what? Well-- uh, it appears a distinct, not distant, near-term possibility (so far, only a possibility) that the long-forecasted shift from long-drawn-out multiple-mass to collective psychosociocultural cytokine storm qua autoimmune dyscrasia (a pejorative term which my other-Iambe coined for its own internal use in 1970 at the Georgetown University medical library whilst it read into literature on anti-DNA antibodies) will be in synchronicity with a covariant mass-unto-collective physical hypercytokinemia, now that we're all being made into GMOs (so said, in so many words, in the VDO entitled Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People Will Start DYING A Few Months After The First mRNA Vaccination, LewRockwell, 13 January 2021) with modified mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. So, by The Book of the It, in which direction is the COVID ConveDD arrayed -- psycho to physical or physical to psycho? Or is it <<<>>>? And voila! the Boxman-formulated Containment Policy in physics keeps dynamical meteorology and climate science constrained within a classical limit-bound box. Underestimating the underestimation (see Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future, Corey J. A. Bradshaw, et al., Frontiers in Conservation Science, 13 January 2021, with long list of linked references; and Phoebe Weston's popular account, Top scientists warn of 'ghastly future of mass extinction' and climate disruption, The Guardian, 13 January 2021) due to the way adherence to the supposed classical limit predicates 1T2-classical integration, rather than µTm-unto-CTC+-quantum superintegration, of Earth's various nested spheres, spheres each with its own nesting-foam (the very property of nature, spurned [think: Lukasiewicz's rejection and Everett's banishment, discussed below -- and Soros' market reflexivity-related misbelief that the m-orders of self-referential propositions are indicative of unknowability] by the WEF, which our global monetary system must be reset to analogically model, if ever we are to optimally respond to the planetary crisis we have so ignorantly induced)? Hit, we've been, with nano-PEGed toothpaste and vaccines; pegged to ground with closures, unemployment, lockdowns; slated for GOKW, God only knows what. Despite interminably-episodic echolalia-type declarations of commitment to the principle of logical consistency, dedication to derailment of thought processes and associated paraphasia on part of our great communicators has yielded cognitive-MIG-welding of superegos to neural nets devoted exclusively to-- well, fickleness. The FED blanched, staggered, then opposed the twist-and-shout which JFK employed to fund a modernist-updated-Turner-Thesis-justified shift from the old frontier to The New Frontier, which shift generalized the Containment Policy unto the Third World in places like Ladakh, Tibet, Congo, Viet Nam; yet, later, our esteemed, de facto communist, central bank embraced every manner of monetary licentiousness in support of the financially ultra-deleterious handover -- of the spacetime variable in the equation of state codifying the imbalance of forces -- definitive of the declaration of a GWOT. The binary-mind's adherence to the Maximize Fickleness Rule in applying a parody of bivalent logic to policy-planning boards and ad-hoc-committee mortars -- lemma, lemma, lemma pounds its pestle -- is etiologically epiphenomenal to what terror? The terror instigated by Lukasiewicz-Schrödinger? Policy effector organs on The New Frontier used sham anti-communism as shtick euphemism for the generalization of the old frontier's holocaust of pagan animism to the Empire's farthest reaches with programs like forced-draft deruralization to strategic hamlets, CT terrorist squads, free-fire zones -- the whole CI smorgasbord: this cornucopia -- later further generalized (by the doofus double-digit midgets who stayed in after April of 1975 to apply to farther-pavilions-yet their squad-leader-level lessons learned from the war) in application to externalities spread over the Whole Earth, and which, later yet, was brought to bear upon internalities as Global Phoenix was brought home to roost -- being supplemented evermore by fusion to quantum-based infratech R&Ded relative to dissimulated quantum mechanics. By promptings from the collective unconscious, as quantum entanglement (ConveDDed to the entanglements of quagmires) was further and further experimentally substantiated, it became more and more difficult to maintain dissimulation-to-probability-amplitudes of the m-valued state-function of Schrödinger's canonical wave equation, a dissimulation employed to suppress application of Polish m-valued logics to m-valued pagan-animistic-qua-Tantric Schrödinger. Even the binary invasion of Poland, and the whole of WWII, had, apparently, been inadequate pogrom of Lukasiewicz and his ilk (ConveDDed to you know whom). So, a new pogrom (and its ConveDDs), obviously much expanded, had to be initialized, promulgated, and institutionalized. Incendiary collapse of the dominating species: That's Entertainment, folks! Are you not entertained? The more circuses, the less bread required, what! And so long as nonlocalizable-quantum-brain, regressed-archetypal, collective-unconscious event gradients (the general case of asura sankhara: i.e., the µTm-quantum-wave correlates of the regressed, prescriptively-enculturated, 1T2-automatized, glutamatergically-anchored neural networks manifesting formations, dispositions, indeed, predispositions, predilections, proclivities, Popperian propensities) are wholesale discounted, people will remain every 1T2-only byte as mystified by the planetarized random coordination of the infratech-driven facilitation of the blanket shift to ever more elaborate forms of totalitarianism as they are by µTm-unto-CTC+ EPR entanglement qua relative-state identity-transparency. Already in the infratech birth canal: AI-implant-assisted click-track for a mind! As contravention to all that disjointed dyscorporation of the socius, notationally representing (actually used) n-place m-nary logical connectives (not just those nowadays actually used, i.e., only 1-place and 2-place) qua functors qua Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics (mapped over the primes, such that µTm-unto-CTC+ propositions can become numbered of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers), as they appear in complex decompositional deductions from superposed-layered-transparent general hypothetical to concrete particulars that can be inductively evaluated, requires holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation. While alphanumeric, symbolic, (e.g., parentheses, arrows, dot-over cum dot-under, dot sequences, caret graphemes, hash marks), and graphical schemata (e.g., matrices) may be notationally adequate with regard to unary and binary functors, not so with the m-nary: therefore, as nature has, let the ear aid the eye, à la inner-Musculpt, which is symformphonically unwritable, unprintable, unreadable, unspeakable, unsingable, but is holo-per[form}able. As quoted by Peter Simons, linked above, section 5.3 More Than Three Values, Lukasiewicz in 1930 said, paraphrasing, that he believed only the 1T2, 1T3, and CTC+ logical-value order-types have philosophical significance. This sentential judgment, heh-heh-heh, was based upon Lukasiewicz's notion that logical-value is rooted in truth-value as THE fundament of logic, with degrees of possibility (cum probability) being the modal interpretation of those values 3 to infinity. It's been a hundred years now that we've corporately known, at least subliminally, that truth-value is not THE fundament of logic. Eighty years ago -- fifty years ago with thirty years to think about it -- even Lukasiewicz couldn't deal with the loss of truth as most fundamental, couldn't fully embrace its being tied to 1T2-only-logic alone. So, how does the collective unconscious handle such a corporate condition of being in denial? Compensatory abreaction by ConveDD: public forum truth telling (not truth-value in logic) has been made a criminal act, even as officials come out and say in so many words what most of us have long known, i.e., that they simply must lie. Clearly, they can't help but lie (self-justified, no doubt, as being the only way they can help themselves -- to a helping). Like Lukasiewicz, my I/im see(s) no calculus of indications predicating existence of supertruth. However, that rejection axiom does not extend to existence of SUPRAtruth -- or, for that matter, to the rejection axiom with extensionality to axiomatics itself, given that proof theory fails in its assertions across state-specific semantics manifest on different logical-value order-types understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency. Even though Lukasiewicz regarded the degrees of possibility between 3 and infinity as being without philosophical significance, we now know, à la fuzzy logic, that they have practical significance when understood as signifying degrees between off and on, e.g., in the regulation of Japanese refrigerators. My assertorial (because, justified by appeal to oriental-positivism-type induction, proofs have no semantic validity across logical-value order-types and the states, psychological and otherwise, they signify; moreover, apodixis of laboriously-arrived-at axioms is no longer self-evident, for which self, 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+, is to process the evidence?) judgment (most readers don't like my sentences), based largely on early limited access to apodicticity of Asiatic-positivistic states, is that 1T3-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-types may be understood relative to the modality relative-state identity-transparency, where the variable-functor connectives involved are n-place-cum-m-meaning Alexander.Karpenko functors over the primes used to number factors of m-state propositions Gödel numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, and the decomposition/recomposition operator is 3-fold topo-active optime. The transitional passage bifurcating Everett's 1957 relative-state paper, where he asserts that objects in our experience always have definite positions, is the definite place where he definitely should not have kowtowed to his preceptor's preceptor, his preceptor, and his peers by handling the definitive indefiniteness of the m-valued state-function, not only not as indicative of probabilities (cum Lukasiewizian possibilities), but also not by pushing the m-valued indefiniteness away into m-split-off universes thermodynamically incommunicado. Fleshing this out, we can take note of the fact that Lukasiewicz, following most notably Frege and Husserl and Russell, rejected any psycho[logic}ization of logic. Consequently, the internal system states indicated by the logical-value order-types which Lukasiewicz rejected as being without philosophical significance (and -- it goes without saying, so far as logicians are concerned -- without psychological significance), Everett and his interpreters banished (those very same order-types being indicated by the m-values of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function) to the outermost outer as a multiverse composed of universes thermodynamically mandated as being incommunicado. By such means were Lukasiewicz and Everett, and their cohorts, able to avoid having to consider the ditzy infinitesimality of the normal state of consciousness' 1T2-only-egofunction cognition relative to the total holoverse of µTm-cognitive states there are available but which are suppressed by the impress (and associated quantum quenching) which prescriptive enculturation-socialization makes upon glutamatergic etchings (beginning in the womb) at neuronal plasticity. The actual modality of Schrodinger m-valuedness is holotropically internal to the one-and-only-one universe internally entangled as µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of identity-transparency -- all those states having philosophical significance, indeed, practical monetary (not to mention meteorological and genetic) significance vis-à-vis nesting-foams of variably-backed, variable-functor-articulated µTm-logically-valued fractal-drum LETS currencies defined over band-pass quasi-fractal e-boundaries ( suprasupraLETS, supraLETS, <<<>>>LETS <<<>>> subLETS, subsubLETS ), nesting-foams compacted, via a quantum-composite unit of account (cf. Tautologies of the infinite-valued system Lsub-aleph-null are contained in those of all finite-valued systems), upon AllBase qua CommonGround of the Musculpt-manifold universal-covering space of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth.
My I/im protest(s) the notion that social heterarchies are new (contrary to title, Jay Ogilby concurs, as to wit Heterarchy: An Idea Finally Ripe for Its Time, Forbes, 4 February 2016). Heterarchy became the most prevalent organizational form in human societies with rise of role specialization (hubs, gatekeepers, and pulse-takers: à la the DNA of social capital) as the dedicated shaman-shamaness supplanted the shaman(ess)-for-a-day-type socius (for a reference thereto, see Julie Dash's film Daughters of the Dust) cum polity where within each member was capable of a trance reading of the collective need at any given conjuncture. Thus were social silos born (of cortical silos), later to be symbolically borne on the back of the domesticated horse as incarnate of patriarchal predation. Prior to advent of social silos, there was the heterocommons (cf. AllBaseCommonGround: the notion I've advocated is not identical to heterarchy; therefore, I've avoided use of the term) maintained by quantum-brain-facilitated participation mystique with the natural surround as dependent-originator qua incubator of the psychosocial relative-state identity-transparency (Buddhologically, compassion; anthropologically, Einfuhlung-reinforced trust cum reciprocal mutual dependence qua amae) glutamatergically anchoring the bonding values tropologically metareferenced by design criteria embodied as design features and iconography of the handcrafted artifacts-apparel of daily life (hence, artifacts as multi-utilities in carrying, mantra-like, phylacteries vectoring the social structure of attention cathexes, such that the index of coercion required for maintenance of social cohesion remained at low ebb), foremost artifact multi-utilities being notably the soul cloths conveyed in ritual gift exchange (glutamate etched to mere omiyage, ang pao, Christmas gifts, golden parachutes, transaction rents, influence peddling, protection rackets, embezzlement, skim, grift, and so on) as signifiers of mutual identity incorporation (i.e., nixing separate 1T2-only-selfsame identity), that incorporation itself a signifier of the relationship forms qua relation structures qua, logically speaking, µTm-relative-states superposed as the AllBaseCommonGround (triangular-qua-hexagonal network tiling patterns on, say, soul cloths and bronze drums, metareferencing that BaseGround on the pregeometry level of conception, regards Musculpt manifold; triangular-qua-hexagonal dot-pattern arrays troping the Wheelerian bucket of dust qua Aurobindo warm-golden dust qua Kusama Polka-dot pre-pregeometry level of conception, regards Musculpt manifold). Consequently -- given how participation mystique with the natural surround incubates always all ways transitive (((unto non-orientable in every degree of freedom: even the simplest case, mere correlation, carries a modicum of transitivity insofar as the processuality [for discussion thereof, see: Towards a heterarchical approach to biology and cognition, Luis Emilio Bruni and Franco Giorgi, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 119:3, December 2015, pp. 481-92] of every higher-than-the-last-higher order-type of relative-stateness involves some level [re: heterarchical embeddedness of different layers] in reduction of the Law of Identity, this reduction undermining the claim of each variable to be tantamount to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly-single-valued -- unless we are speaking here of non-selfsame-self self-correlation))) psychosocial µTm-relative-state identity-transparency -- high levels of spontaneous social order and systemic [eco}nomic self-organizational competency are incompatible with rapacious exploitation of nature.
Boundary of cosmic dome as Shell of the Turtle Pattern on The Shell signifying heterocommons Tympanum of bronze quasi-fractal drum as boundary Circling interlaced-triangular helices signifying fractality Helix-coiling phase-transitioned Sound production indicating boundary-without-boundary River navigation poems sung out, detailing articulation landscape Boundaries in sacred space more heard than seen Sense of ever-changing band-pass fractal boundaries: Not map-conditioned Not line-like
As Warren S. McCulloch described in A heterarchy of values determined by the topology of nervous nets, Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 7, 1945, pp. 89-93, with three neurons organized in dromic circular array (cf. Janos Szentagothai, Architecture of the Cerebral Cortex, in H. H. Jasper and A. A. Ward and A Pope, eds., Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies, Little, Brown & Co., 1969: corpora of six-set ensembles of dromic three-neuron circular arrays yield the hexagonal silos in cellular architectonics of neocortex), there is superintegration in circularities in preference that transcends analysis by employment of 1T2-only-logic alone. Quoting McCulloch: Circularities in preference [think: Lukasiewiczian self-referential propositions] instead of indicating inconsistencies, actually demonstrate consistencies of a higher order [think: Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types] than had been dreamed of in our philosophy. How many diallel-crossed (diallel used, not in the genetics sense, but as McCulloch uses the word) ORDERS of dromic circularities (more accurately and far more complexly: Ouroborosian, Lukasiewiczian-self-referential, m-reentrant, hyperKleinBottle non-orientabilities) Gödel numerable with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (cf. the circularity employed to accomplish Gödel's Proof) are there in human brain, given the large number of neurons (ten to the tenth power) there within? Is it µTm-order-types or CTC+-order-types? I was surprised that Heinz von Foerster sent my me a thank you note for Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge, coauthored with Douglas A. Paine, Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, 3:4, 1977-8, pp. 325-35. Well-- having once worked for Johnson Controls as an IBEW apprentice, my I/im had an abiding interest in second-order controls -- whowhat controls the controls, controls the controller of the controls, so on -- and having, for years, systematically practiced concentration in self-observation (notably in walking meditation and the digging of trees), my I/im had an abiding interest in the observer of the observed system, the observer of the observer, so on, such that my I/im had an abiding interest in the cybernetics of cybernetics, the cybernetics of the cybernetics of cybernetics, so on -- all with full realization that infinite regresses are the nature of the case, should not be (à la cascade theory of tornadogenesis) renormalized, and indicate initializations of self-referential logical-value transforms executed by topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) as self-reentries. Later, well after receiving the postcard from von Foerster, upon face-to-face meeting at Georgetown U. Medical School with a friend of von Foerster, Roland L. Fischer, editor of the JASC, amidst the ensuing discussion I realized that Fischer must have related to von Foerster an idea I had communicated to Fischer by mail during the JASC editorial process: i.e., some -- whichever -- words to the effect that in the limit, convergent and divergent, there is not found some specific value but, rather, a µTm-logical-value order-type transition and associated self-referential reentry. We discussed this notion further at Georgetown and Fischer observed, I've been aware of Lukasiewicz's m-valued logic, but, frankly, haven't known what to do with it. During this conversation, I was directed to read Warren McCulloch. So, how many ORDERS of dromic circularities are there in human brain. McCulloch said: a large but finite number. Consider the diallels, which internectively superintegrate dromic trigrams, as being constituted of J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels qua µTm-fibrations. Consider those diallels as indicative of topological reentries via temporal CURL. Consider that such diallels are under 3-fold order-types of dynamics, those dynamics of the third kind yielding hyperKleinBottle reentries into function-functional-(Alexander.Karpenko)functor non-orientabilities. The number of diallels is not finite (and, 1T2-only paradoxically, therein lies origin of THE quantum brain's continuous m-valued universal state-function cum functional cum functor) because each evoked higher-order of logical-value invokes its own relative-state of identity-transparency, each of these higher and higher relative-states being further and further removed from obeisance to the Law of Identity, such that, at the unto of µTm-unto-CTC+, entanglement is sufficient unto, not only non-denumerability, but also to utter non-discreteness (hence, no longer only cellular-molecular brains). As regards that notion, and keeping in mind that traditional Chinese medicine is based upon a system of correspondences (in no small part with variations in weather), I will be trying to get better than the most superficial understanding of higher sheaf theories and the (infinity, n)-category of correspondences of the continuum, C, discoursed upon in Higher Sheaf Theory I: Correspondences, German Stefanich, arXiv, 5 November 2020. Moreover, what is the likelihood that the genetic processes responsible for evolution of such brains are based upon a single-level-cipher code physically embodied only spatially only on the molecular scale level? The odds are very high that the probability amplitude of the current consensus regarding the molecular-only biology of the gene doesn't conform to the Born Rule, whatever the evens imply. Also to consider are the higher-temporal formants of the quantum-wave properties of DNA, intraneuronal and otherwise: Eternity, folks, found waiting on Track 5. My take on consciousness is much more abstract than is provided to us by current neuroscience. Bivalently construed: consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operations on BaseStateCommonGround of MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space); consciousness in its passive aspect is the MVRS operated upon. What C. G. Jung regarded the collective unconscious is roughly universal consciousness; what is commonly regarded consciousness is actually demergent inconscience resulting from topologically-active operator-time stripping logical-value order-types off of BaseStateCommonGround (i.e., the Christmas-tree effect). The metaphorical two-dimensional grid of neurons supporting an integrated three-dimensional structure (good offices of Andreas Kluth, What is Consciousness? , Bloomberg, 25 January 2021) posited by the Integrated Information Theory of consciousness, is (1) an extension of McCulloch's notion as to the topology of nervous nets and (2) is based on a probabilistic take on the operation of binary logic gates delineating the mechanisms in a state and their cellular-automata-type higher orders (see Figures 1 and 2 in From the Phenomenology to the Mechanisms of Consciousness: Integrated Information Theory 3.0, Masafumi Oizumi and Larissa Albantakis and Giulio Tononi, PLOS Computational Biology, 8 May 2014. But what I see as being the case is different in many respects from extensions of 1T2-only McCulloch heterarchy in which the finite corpus of diallels is connected to the network plane to form a torus. Third-order dynamics has the torus itself a KleinBottle. Moreover, each diallel -- being a pencil of skew-parallels with each fiber of the fibration of each pencil carrying a topo-active-optime-demerged logical-value order-type of the µTm-corpus of order-types -- is itself a KleinBottle under third-order dynamics. The whole topological structure is, then, action-potential-wise, a hyperKleinBottle (see the many papers by Diego Lucio Rapoport on this); and, quantum-wave-properties-wise relative to Schrödinger non-linear state-function-functional-(Alexander.Karpenko)functor, a hyperhyperhyperKleinBottle. And how was it that direct ontic awareness of these self-reentrant-heterarchic logical-value order-types was suppressed, pruned, cut off, glutamate etched, kundabuffered? Then, historically speaking, with formation of social silos, as fixation on 1T2-only-logic (Aristotelian syllogistic and TaiChi-rotational) stabilized, conscious inner-Musculpt access to heterocommons was progressively lost to the bulk of humanity.
Nominalist vs. Platonist
Allopoietic vs. autopoietic
Other-directed vs. inner-directed
Um-hmmm, Occam, uh, uh, occayThree-thousand years of alpha-male-led progressive brain impairment resulting in the current anthropogenically-induced megacrisis, Earth orb? For three millennia HE-avatar thinks 'e's the chest-pounding HE-man-CEO gorilla of Intellectual History, unLtd., 'e does, doesn't 'e, when actually 'e's little more than a cognitive slick sleeve what's coded to a philosophical flat line in Flatland Lebenswelt. Nowadays, like some other flatling dystopians, 'e sees the whole hu-hu-[hu}man species circling the drain in about a 'undred years. Pretty optimistic, what! Bubkes, nothin', zilch, zero on offer from his coffer. Huddling and hunkering, killing memetime -- ruffled pelmet draping 'is binary mind, so much hidden from. No Wobbler, not 'im. No-Sir-Ree-Bob. UNLESS-- 'e can impose 'is triumph of the will. Root-cause-analytically speaking and surface-structure-wise (via the dream-contents-like orchestration provided by regressed-archetypal collective-unconscious processes), the Born Rule interpretation of Tantric Schrödinger's m-valued state-function -- coupled to the notions of a classical limit and of single-valued universal physical constants bivalently processed -- softened monopoly capitalism's commitment to the 1T2-only Law of Distributed Middle, this softening being a recoil from, and a staunching of the full measure of, unvarnished imports of µTm-Lukasiewicz, a recoil-staunching eventuating in the de facto nationalizations of national socialism; whilst, deep-structure-wise, that Rule prevented many utilitarian applications of m-valued Polish logics, e.g., post-Weimar and pre-invasion-of-Poland, jurisprudentially making all evidence state's evidence, so as to sustain lawfare's commitment to bivalent logic and only bivalent logic. And what the worrrrld needs now -- lah-dee-dah: never have fessed up to dumping the patient -- is zero-point-driven power take-off with a one-world cum one-bank monoscale cry[pto}currency. Heh-heh-heh. No nesting-foams and no p2p lateral articulations to undermine the block-chained chain of command. Alternatively, we have: What is needed is a multi-organizational network to support the seamless exchange of information laterally in a heterarchy among hierarchies. So says Karen Stephenson of NetForm, Inc., Neither Hierarchy nor Network: An Argument for Heterarchy, Ross Dawson blog, 2009. Establishing unfiltered relations with nodal points as locations of maximal unselected-cum-unanalyzed raw data flows, collaborators create embedded communities of practice, the corpus thereof being what can be called a virtual organization, aka a heterarchy. The heterarchy is the quantum-composite AllBaseCommonGround compaction (numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers) of the logical-value order-type hierarchy (cf. the blue network in Karen Stephenson's Figure 2: that network represents an approach to this idea); it is the complex mandala projected to the floor of the cosmic cathedral by the divine light (e.g., value) cascading through the leaded-glass arabesques (e.g., LETS currencies as band-pass fractal drums qua meshwork-entangled quantum-composites of externality-tagged ensheaved values µTmly processed) of the (frequency-response) windows opening to the externalities coming in upon, invading, the empath standing in the everywhere center in the midst of conditions below the (Musculpt) holographic projection dome of Heaven. Trust (see Quantum Theory of Trust, Karen Stephenson, Financial Times/Pearson, 2006, for a discussion of double-helix management: but trust presupposes entanglement and entanglement presupposes participation mystique with non-orientable AllBassCommonGround) comes with direct ontic awareness (high-lighted consciousness) of identity-transparency (think: the cultural lag by which Japanese business people want to form relationships of trust altogether sans legal contracts), such conscious awareness being rooted in µTm-processing -- and is only theoretical, hypothetical, pretended to, hot-housed sham-empathetic under 1T2-only processing alone. High orders of self-organizational competency come with non-orientabilities, not under mere signed graphs with single and/or double arrowheads, information transmissions through ponderable space over memetime, feedbacks positive and negative. Mortifyingly embarrassing to be hu-hu-[hu}man, given the forms of governance cultivated over the last-- what? Three-thousand years? The systemic rhadamanthine, not just the managerial rhadamanthine. Phoof! The prevailing anagramic notion of bureaucratic reform, a mere reordering that is actually believed to be the [re}vamping whereby: The System Worked! The best communities of practice are unstructured, ungoverned, unled, not based on models, and, therefore, are not designed networks, but arise spontaneously in response cum back-reaction upon organization failure, a spontaneity promoted by framework determining conditions -- not structures -- which inherently facilitate autopoiesis, rather than arise via allopoietic induction by man[age}ment-[man}dated performance metrics and efficiency reports and notions like prescriptively imposed EEI, essential elements of information, and the like as regards regulatory devices. Here's a concrete example of what could have been, but actually wasn't, an American leaderless Flat Army (good offices of Steve Denning and Dan Pontefract): intelligence analysts at Strategic Research and Analysis (SRA), MACV-J2, MACV-HQ, RVN, did not rely only on the official distribution system for transmission of intelligence information because some of the critically important information (bureaucratic minutia) which they needed for the sorts of traffic analyses they were doing was not officially deemed important and, therefore, was not translated and disbursed (look, for instance, at the sort of captured enemy documents Daniel Ellsberg chose to include with the Pentagon Papers: what SRA regarded largely Viet Cong self-propaganda); these SRA analysts, therefore, personally visited the Combined Document Exploitation Center (CDEC) on a regular basis, some even daily, forming personal relationships with the translators, and particularly with the supervisor who made translate/no-translate decisions many times per day. That way, face-to-face related, SRA, outside proper channels, was able effectively to laterally connect up, directly interact, and make BOLOs for certain types of intelligence information, and often got translations before they entered official distribution channels, and received some items which never entered those channels. The translators informally taught the analysts VCI (Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure) terminology and codes; the analysts informally taught the translators (particularly those translators temporarily plucked out of CDEC to assist in important interrogations, e.g., of high ranking captured cadre or chieu hoi) VCI organizational algos and concepts. Much of the product that issued out of this community of practice was never assimilated by the command, or was outright rejected as contrary to command guidance -- i.e., had strategy implications that were disconcerting and did not fit force-structures arisen independent of prevailing circumstances and/or were found politically unacceptable -- or was perceived as being in conflict with inaccurate or falsified assessments earlier made public. Waste a life in-fighting: be a bureaucrat; indeed, nowadays, be a careerist in any field. Though SRA analysts, at the time, circa late-1960s, were unfamiliar with the terms heterarchy and complex adaptive systems and scalar hierarchies (see: The Spontaneous Origin of New Levels in a Scalar Hierarchy, Stanley Salthe, Entropy, 6:3, June 2004, and compare it with the detailing of a specific concrete process provided here and here), that which those terms denote is precisely what they were studying a concrete example of, particularly in mapping details of the country-wide, massive, far-from-equilibrium, year-plus-long, omni-transforming, systemic reorganization (an example of autogenic shift to self-organized criticality) which the VCI underwent in preparation for (more accurately: which culminated in) the Tet-'68 offensive. The VCI exhibited many properties beyond those of a mere generic hierarchy (see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, for lengthy discussions and elaborate documentation of the specific mechanisms involved), even those of a extensional-scalar-hierarchy subsidence of an intensional-hierarchy (see Towards Cross-modeling Between Life and Solid State Physics, Ron Cottam and Willy Ranson and Roger Vounckx, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 31 May 2016, and compare it with the detailing of a specific concrete process provided here) overlay (note that SEE uses the word overlay relative to intensional hierarchy), when considered -- rather than ignored or denied, as generally was the case in the command -- that often observed was the fact that VC units cut off from their opcons acted as if they were still receiving orders based on altered circumstances in the larger context of the changing environment of the combat. Animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency is not clairvoyance or clairaudience as no information movement is involved. What (e.g., that highly non-linear) is of limited 1T2-only memetime-bound predictability may well be quite predictable under some logical-value order-type µTm-unto-CTC+, even when mediated by the collective unconscious and unperceivable (see the Towards Cross-modeling paper linked above for discussion of perceivability) insofar as binary-mind is concerned. The verticality of hierarchy is asymmetry to planar mind. The laterality of heterarchy is asymmetry to the hierarchically identified. The latter asymmetry was subliminally embedded in the Dongsonian from Hokkaido to Ca Mau? Think, for instance, of the symmetry breaking which is tropologically metareferenced in the Zen aesthetics of Japanese flower arranging, bonsai, and gardening. Think of the multi-sheet model of Japanese ma, sacred space, and of the Novikov-dusted Sakharov multi-sheet model of the universe. In the preprint abstract to their paper, entitled Heterarchy (in: A. Marciano and G. B. Ramello, eds., Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Springer, 2017), Edwin Dekker and Pavel Kuchar say, heterarchical governance is like plate tectonics Since multiscaled, nested-grid modeling of 3-fold (including 3rd-order-dynamical self-reentry at each interscale cascade event) operator-time-mediated cascade of hypercomplex, complex, and real angular momentum likely proximally (cosmically speaking) originates in our Sun and enters crustal and core dynamics, planet Earth, I would argue that that Dekker-Kuchar observation on heterarchical governance is more than mere simile, and reflects upon the ways in which normative parameters of that cascade could be anthropogenically-iatrogenically altered (similarly with respect to a different example: how chronic-heavy-intensity-emf-pollution assaults on DNA fractal antenna overwhelm the frequency funnel mediating the very-low-intensity normative frequency-response specificity of the molecule's pi-electron gas environment and shifts the temperature oscillation rates of pi-electron parcels, i.e., the quantum-wave signifiers of radiation-dependent immunological self-identity and intracellular Zeitgeber). Can any of us fully imagine just how deleterious is being collectively in denial of the µTm-unto-CTC+ implicate orders of the interior of markets, internal and external, as regards their handlings of internalities and externalities? How to rectify this? Well-- uh, the m-valued variable µTmly processed, a variable like, for instance, the price of a product, item, good. Not, for example, an m-valued price in the sense of the salesman setting the unmarked price differently to each customer according to how wealthy the salesman supposes the customer to be; the item, thus, having an n(x)-type m-valued price, the m-values of which sequentially manifest at various puts spread over a period of memetime. Rather, m-valued such that the given marked price simultaneously incorporates, say, $12.95 and 3 blues and two A-flats and a square and a monochord tone color, each of the non-traditional indices of the price having been tagged to a measurable, e.g., an economic indicator, a sustainable development indicator, an environmental externality, a place of residence signifier, a quality of life indicator, so on. All the non-traditional indices must be e-tendered to make the purchase -- as well as the $12.95 in cash, cash being the base-state of the given µTm-LETS currency. One throw-over of the corpus of polities will be when Global Gulag in Cyberia goes solar with Moonmines and Marsfarms worked by autonomous-bot-managed cyborgs and residual-human GMOs. Alternatively, if we want a smart monetary system that, on the level of framework determining conditions, substantively facilitates states of spontaneous social order, we need to establish, à la by analogy, for one, to Warren McCulloch, value-stack ensheavements on µTm-processed monetary units, where those stacked values are correspondences-tagged to bureaucratic functions-functionals-functors holographic-principle mapped on the changing quasi-fractal e-boundaries over which µTm-LETS-currency nesting-foams are defined.
Specious ain't necessarily spurious -- however ampliative by logical abduction (in simile: an abduction like extreme net-worth disparities are incumbent upon the middle-distributing economic abduction induced by financialization and associated endemic legerdemain, e.g., the utterly obvious fact that ~0.00% loans are distributed to the top 0.01-percent whilst the middle class pays 17.00% on their credit-card balances). Not ex falso quodlibet (from falsehood, anything [follows]); rather, sequitur contradictio ex omnibus (from contradiction, everything follows): insofar as goes ontological remergence (of the Tree of Life) unto non-orientably being ontological demergence (by involutory decomposition of CTC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround). Principle of Explosion: distributed middle, non-contradiction, simple-identity superseded qua sub-ceded. Synoptic metaDeed of Cession (in simile: like declaration of GWOT ceded control over the space and time variables!). Real reality, CTC+ly-unto-µTmly processed, is/are trivial [multi}world(s) -- to binary-mind; 1T2-only-reality, Maya -- Buddhologically speaking. Subjunctive mood: I wish it were not so! Whereas, my I/im know(s) that such would-that-type were as past subjunctive; such that subjunctive Passover clause-yields: if it were not so. Then what? Resurrection of participation mystique? A 1T2ly-for-sure, unreal, parting-of-the-seas clause-hypothetical: if one of my I/im were your you. Howsoever much compatible with cabalistic numerology, it ain't so. Hain't happened yet, but could, would, might -- iff. Heh-heh-heh! Conditional statement, wherein first clause, spoken, enunciates an incorrect, past-tense-subjunctive, made-up make-believe. Note that passovers into identity-transparent 1T2-only-counterfactuals, technically speaking, are memetime-bound in being unreal conditions in the 1T2-only-definable past, present, future. That's pragmatic Utilitarianism for you! Uh, uh, that is, in postmodern theories of practice under concretion of time. Whereas, my I/im has found that expert use of convivial tools (e.g., the picks and shovels of Diggers) presupposes inner-separation escape from memetime-bound egosphere into the infinite regress of identity-transparent, implicate, non-selfsame, selves-observing I-nesses. A bivalent counterpossible involves a 1T2-only counterfactual containing a Boolean-impossible antecedent and a past-subjunctive were (see Between the Actual and the Trivial World, Maciej Sendlak, Organon F, 23:2, 2016, pp. 162-76). Well-- just for those who conceal an exceptional percipience, IMHO, the CTC+-unto-µTm trivial world is not at all trivial; at the very least, keeping it regarded trivial was instrumental relative to deep-structure cause-push/attractor-pull (more a whatdunit than a whodunit) vis-à-vis origins of the WWII-battle of the 200-years-war-of-the-world. And that battle, having deep-structure-wise resolved nothing, the factors at issue were driven deeper into the socio-cultural marrow, there to fester, only to emerge later -- pellucidly today: the carnival of fools indulging the islandia of disinclined but subtly-coerced post-pubescent dollymops, the up-against-the-Wall gambling dens, the political freak show as[sail}ants, the -- as a reenactment of nazification, this nowadays-memetime planetarized and vastly more virulent for having access to much more elaborate infratech equipage. Ever more ramified by a meme-managed (think: conceptual jugglers and ideological acrobats, them bleedin' gits and bloomin' louses) consensus reality quite obviously crowdsourced; it being controversial as to whether dumb-mobbed or smart-mobbed. In compensatory abreaction, doubling down on the Boolean, howsoever group-dynamics conflicted between the constituents of the given preferences: the heterosexual conjunct; the polymorphous-perverse disjunct; the P-iff-Q gay<<>>les bi-conditional; the so-ons-and-so-forths. Look at the venn diagrams, for goshsake! Since the emergence and evolution of quantum-based technology has been foundered upon, oops!, founded upon, the probabilistic dissimulation (excluding application of m-valued logics to Schrödinger's m-valued state-function) of quantum mechanics, indeed, considering the supposed classical limit, of physics as a whole, chemistry, biology, so on, that technology is, quintessentially, infratech, an infratech boisterously showing its true colors today in the prevailing doctrine of uses which strongly favors planetarization of omnipresent-omniscient-omnipotent totalitarianism. While, proximally, that doctrine of uses is very likely to reign supreme, this is a circumstance that cannot long persist because the involved scientific dissembling means that the anthropogenic interventions into nature inevitably will be iatrogenic: the notion of collective agency in a successful Sorelian general strike cum popular insurrection is, not only a myth, but utter fantasy, even were it to be bitcoined, but the fact that nature bats last is inescapable, and this fact is sure to determine outcomes as planetary far-from-equilibrium phase transition goes to criticality at cuspover when correlation lengths snap to infinity. Regarding (this regard being due to the fact that post-pagan prescriptive enculturation cum glutamatergic neuronal anchoring has confined logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2 to the collective unconscious) CTC+-unto-µTm as cosmological Trivial Pursuit, heh-heh-heh! Consider that counterfactual counterpossibles are apropos countertemporal operations (walty t[roll}ops!) in counterspace -- under all logical-value order-types CTC+-unto-µTm: this is a notion (involving the 3-fold-temporal-CURL-interlaced polytonicity inherent to logic nesting-foams) we arrived at over 40 years ago. Comic book society? It's also a baseballer's world we live in: nature's bat, heh-heh-heh! The forms of the financialization dyscrasia are set by ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements)? Real-complex-hypercomplex angular momentums carried by the solar wind as nature's bat; SolarWinds' trojanized Orion updates as ConveDD of that bat? Having chosen geoengineered Gates logic over Lukasiewicz-logic gates, change the global atmosphere's response characteristics to those 3-fold angular momentums with phased-array-induced electron-temperature enhancements and anthropogenically-modified gas ratios, and normative values of the cascade parameters which those momentums [acu}inject into Earth's crustal and core dynamics are altered such that a Lukasiewiczian solar-terrestrial conveyor of m-valued wave-effect information is transformed into bivalent swings of a Boolean bat? Is the topology of L-sub-aleph-null really so simple as to be confined to the [0,1] interval of the real line (a confinement [unconsciously] established so as to prefigure the Born Rule -- and, thus, to prevent application of Lukasiewicz to Schrödinger)? Just try to imagine what would happen to monetary theory and systematics, political economies, governance practicum, prevailing regressed psychodynamics and sexuality of the socius, the still not unified sciences -- well, everything, really -- were (past subjunctive) Lukasiewicz logics freed from their topological imprisonment. From perspective of the LimitedSpaceTimeDomain nesting-foam explicit in the quantum-relativistic, Paine-Kaplan, multiscale, nested-grid, cascade-theoretical, forecast model of tornadogenesis (unfortunately, Kaplan's full CV is no longer posted online, so the Severe Storms Conferences preprints related to this computer model are no longer publicly registered), it is very likely that Lukasiewicz logics topologies are not confined to the fuzzy topological spaces which [0,1]-based truth-value-duality theories delineate -- despite the considerations (so far as I can understand them) detailed in Fuzzy Topology and Lukasiewicz Logics from the Viewpoint of Duality Theory, Yoshihiro Maruyama, Studia Logica, 94:2, 2010, pp. 245-69. From what little I can glean reading the abstract (note that I have long distinguished between imports of truth-value-based structural properties and the semantic imports of relative-states of identity-transparency), it appears that with Lukasiewicz semantic MV-topology for MV-algebra and its application to Lukasiewicz propositional logic, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 33:1, 2017, pp. 377-87, Li Zhou and Jialu Zhang (the latter is associated with the College of Mathematics and Finance!) have gotten on the track leading to a detailing of the CTC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround most-dense sheet of the Musculpt manifold's MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) with their N-compact notion of a zero dimension Hausdorff MV-topological space (which, I would add, can be decompacted, demerged, involutorily multi-sheeted-Riemann-surface-wise decomposed by the logical instrumentalities performed by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time).
I came away from a reading of Maciej Sendlak's Trivial World paper reinforced in my conviction that truth-value is not the fundament of logic -- and that that fundament is relative-state identity-transparency: ratiocination upon the trivial world (aka base-state of Tzog-chen CommonGround qua most-dense sheet of Musculpt manifold of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space) in terms of truth-value-derivative rules of inference is counterproductive, in that such cogitations diminish insight as regards counterfactuality, counterpossibility, counterspace, countertemporality (temporality here understood as denoting 3-fold topo-active optime, topologically-active operator-time). All along, from follow-up upon first reading of Post's 1921 paper, circa 1975, I have failed to understand how inference rules derivative of 1T2-only-logic alone can justifiably be deployed in efforts to establish completeness proofs for propositional logics supraordinate to that 1T2, i.e., those µTm-unto-CTC+, or, even more suspiciously so, to establish consistency proofs for set theories under CTC+ logics. Indeed, the very idea that these inference rules and associated proof theories have any authentic relevance to any aspect of µTm-unto-CTC+ logics seems to me ludicrous, even a neurotic clinging behavior. Duh-duh: smiley, comicbook-apped binary-minds gone psychoideogramically emojistic! Just like the physicists cling to writable maths notation in face of the unspeakable in quantum mechanics. Look at the consensus interpretation of Post's logics, as given, for instance, by Wikipedia. This interpretation is taken from Emil Post's last-paragraph-given disclaimer: But in spite of this representation 1T2 still appears to be the fundamental system since its truth-values correspond entirely to the significance of true and completely false In my judgment, this disclaimer needed to be included or (1) his Ph.D. preceptor would not have been satisfied, and (2) the paper would not have been favorably peer reviewed. But Post didn't actually believe that 1T2 is the fundamental system because, in final conclusion as the last two sentences of the paper (Introduction to a General Theory of Elementary Propositions, Ph.D. dissertation published in American Journal of Mathematics, XLIII:3, 1921, pp. 163-85 [note how few times this was checked out of the U. of Illinois library between 1950 and 2014]), he said:
We must however take into account the fact that our development has been given in the language of 1T2 and for that very reason every other kind of system appears distorted. This suggests that if we translate the entire development into the language of any one µTm by means of its interpretation, then it would be the formal system most in harmony with regard to the two developments.
Post himself never followed up on this italicized if. Nor, so far as I can see, has anyone else. As long as truth-value remains regarded the fundament of logic, indeed, of all logics, this follow-up cannot be made -- because truth-values are the language of 1T2 and only of 1T2. Moreover, Post, for not having abandoned truth-value as fundament, and for not having followed up, never realized that CTC+ is the fundamental system from which all others derive by involutory decomposition, or more comprehensively, that there is no fundamental system because the 1T2ly-cum-µTmly-cum-CTC+ly-non-orientable hyperhyperhyperKleinBottle is the topology of the logical-value spectrum (not logical-value hierarchy, and not logical-value heterarchy).
Cudgelled, hence dysarticulative, minds grudgingly acquiesce, then engage in internal-considering so as to cultivate the self-justifying notion that the idea, the act, the belief, the plan, the whatever had all along been theirs. Dualistic-doctrinal-AngraMainyu acrasin, an Asuric-psychic form of cyclic-AMP catalyzing the libido functionally prerequisite to the crowdsourcing of lynch-mob formations. Homo Sapiens imprinting on slime mold aggregations. Can that imprinting be globalized via dissimulated-quantum, infratech-instituted commo? Sho' 'nuff, y'all! Omnipresence of ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) is the chief feature symptomatic of NCD, narcissistic civilization disorder, i.e., a terminal protracted illness endemic during this IE, Improvident Era. People aren't stupid: in general, they see it when they believe it -- and they believe what inconveniences them least in the immediate and the short-term. Insofar as my I/im espy, nothing of real consequence about homo Sapiens has changed since Herman Melville wrote Billy Budd, Foretopman. And, actually, the same rendered judgment can justifiably be extended as far back as the advent of bivalent-logic lawfare and associated suppression of animistic-pagan participation mystique. Indeed, the episodic fulminations of anti-animistic mass hysteria have by now become a saddlebacked crescendo of mimetic enfeverment (good offices of Paul Gifford, Love, Desire and Transcendence in French Literature: Deciphering Eros, Routledge, 2016) quantum tunneling collective psychotic breaks. So, it's not at all easy to become upset by the apparent spectrum of most likely scenarios to follow upon coming cuspover of the current anthropogenic conjuncture. As an oversensitive, ectomorphic mil.brat, I early-on arrived at many mistaken opinions, opinions clearly expressions of a bucking insolence -- opinions I quickly learned to keep to myself. The burden of command: shoulder-packing high pathology. One such. The penchant for formulating unacceptable opinions, and sequestering them to prevent renormalization, predisposed to the habit of originating outlandish forecasts, also closely held. Decades later, I run across a succinct statement, to wit (see Why Russia Is Driving The West Crazy, Pepe Escobar, ZeroHedge reposting from The Asia Times, 13 February 2021):
We may be fast approaching the point where Great Eurasia's Russia will present Germany with a take it or leave it offer. Either we build the Heartland together, or we will build it with China -- and you will be just a historical bystander. Of course there's always the inter-galaxy distant possibility of a Berlin-Moscow-Beijing axis. Stranger things have happened.
of what, primarily on cultural considerations, I began forecasting (at JFKSWCS, Ft. Bragg and at SRA/MACV-J2) during the late-1960s (earlier intimated whilst contemplating Prof. Abdul Aziz Said's AU-SIS theories course lectures relative to perspectives essayed by C. G. Jung): a Mahayana Buddhist bloc aligned to a Germano-Russian bloc squaring off in back-reaction against the metric of the international system imposed by the Anglo-American horde. Writing this down, I remembered the first session of Said's Introduction to World Politics course, Fall Semester 1963. No lecture. Blue books were passed out for a test. What is truth? was the sole question. Said left the room. The celebrated answer next session was: Truth is relative. Every other student wrote out lengthy answers. But no one observed that truth is indefinable in the writable-speakable language in which it is stated, this being the case as per Gödel's incompleteness theorems and Alfred Tarski's undefinability theorem. Quoting Wiki:
The undefinability theorem shows that this encoding [cf. Gödel numbering] cannot be done for semantic concepts such as truth. It shows that no sufficiently rich interpreted language can represent its own semantics. A corollary is that any metalanguage capable of expressing the semantics of some object language must have expressive power exceeding that of the object language. The metalanguage includes primitive notions, axioms, and rules absent from the object language, so that there are theorems provable in the metalanguage not provable in the object language.
In my judgment, long held, this same sort of restriction applies over and over and over to the nesting-foam of logical-value order-types µTm-unto-CTC+ understood, not in terms of truth-value degrees, but relative to relative-states of identity-transparency (also, for but one example, to nested conservation laws, as mentioned here). Number the numbering! as stated in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. II, page 666? Since object language semantics can't be Gödel numbered, does that mean semantics of the given metalanguage relative to its given object language cannot be numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers? My I/im, with habitus in µTm, don't think so. To paraphrase E. Hemingway relative to the dark continent of the collective unconscious (specifically as regards seeing what is believed): A thing is true at 1T2 and a lie by µTm. In thinking about truth as primitive, undefined predicate in this context, I don't much worry about Russell's paradox concerning the universal set of all sets including itself because, so far as I can see, the C+-AllSet on Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround is not a set (cf. bucket) in the sense of a collection of discrete whatnots (cf. dust), and because discrete and continuous, like every thing else, are, under third-order dynamics, non-orientable notions. Holding this insolent opinion, not only was the doubting of truth-value as the fundament of logic reinforced by a reading of Sendlak's Trivial World paper, but also by a reading of Greg Restall's Arithmetic and Truth in Lukasiewicz's Infinitely Valued logic, Logique et Analyse, NOUVELLE SERIE, Vol. 35, No. 139/140, CONTEMPORARY AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH IN LOGIC: Part II (Septembre-Decembre 1992), pp. 303-312, where a facsimile of truncation renormalization is employed to demonstrate that Peano arithmetic formulated in Lukasiewicz's infinitely valued logic collapses into classical Peano arithmetic. Numerical non-selfsameness disallowed. Now, had this been cited as a first-order-predicate-logic case of involutory-decomposition demergence CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 where each expression of the formal languages associated with CTC+-unto-µTm were assigned distinct encodings qua Gödel numbers mapped upon an N-compact cum zero dimension Hausdorff MV-topological space, à la Li Zhou and Jialu Zhang (not at all likely given that Zhou & Zhang wrote a quarter of a century later than did Restall), then I would prick up my ears but still not be overly interested because undefined (indeed, indefinable?) truth predicate (by contrast to relative-state identity-transparency) would be so temporal CURLed by 3-fold counter-operator-time by the memetime it reached CTC+ it would have turned and turned and turned into a pool of ghee, just like tigers faster and faster and faster rush around the Axis Mundi and eventually melt to butter. States, discrete and continuous, don't melt. The Bookmaker's rush has ha? Nah. Opening life's book is to decompose the reference: Genesis as involution tropologically metareferenced in yantric topologies of the mantric garland of letters. O, the axiom schema of unrestricted 1T2-only truth-valued incomprehension! And the postulate of inherent 1T2-inconsistency, what! Inducing mass febrility. Feel the paresthetic frisson circling the spine, lemony on the tongue? A curse upon the palate: taste polymorphism. Note the blown-pupil mydriases of all those with the thousand-yard stare? Gazing acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode-rippled squamous walls of a psychological vortex, they could believe themselves to be, were they in the know: concretion of the Kruskal diagram of the Kerr solution of the Schwarzschild black hole. And oh those unphysical regions and null Kruskal coordinates (good offices of Jose P. S. Lemos and Vilson T. Zanchin, Rotating Charged Black String and Three Dimensional Black Holes, Departamento de Astrofisica of the Observatorio Nacional Rio de Janeiro, 1995 or later by references) of the rotating, DNAform, cylindrical black hole! What could their unphysical-null denotations connote? Certainly not viewed vernal, that axiom schema of incomprehension, that inconsistency postulate. The last two sentences of Post's dissertation (circa 1921) intimated the correct understanding of the import of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function (circa 1925), but the knee-jerk consensuation of the probabilistic Born Rule (circa 1926) was tantamount to a reinvocation of Post's immediately preceding disclaimer sentence, thus reinstating 1T2 as the fundamental system. Given the relentlessly-developed momentum for Weltanschauung transformation built up in the collective psyche between 1823 (N. H. Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr) and 1925, information-overload-disease-induced mass snapover embrace of the Born version of the disclaimer was a psychic derailment prefiguring a consequent of enormously destructive magnitude -- the straw that broke the camel's back, the butterfly initiating chaos, the trigger event with regard to deep-structure origins of the big-band-era's collective schizophreniform psychotic break, aka WWII. Postwar, Everett's initial take (the unadulterated first half of his 1957 dissertation) on the relative-state formulation was tantamount to an attempted resurrection-investigation of Post's last two sentences (of his 1921 dissertation), but the second half of Everett's dissertation was the functional equivalent to Post's disclaimer sentence, an Everett-under-impress-duress dissembling which yielded the schizophreniform multi-worlds interpretation of the unadulterated relative-state formulation. We have yet to sustain full measure of the consequent of this 1957 dissembling which was merely a modified reiteration of the 1926 dissimulation. Heisenberg's 1T2-fundamental-system uncertainty-inequality dualisms (circa 1927) are consonant with Post's disclaimer, whereas J. G. Bennett's pre-Everett, null-vector-defined pencil of skew-parallels (circa 1956) was tantamount to an attempt to provide a geometric embodiment of the import of the last two sentences of Post's dissertation. The 1T2-uncertainty veils CTC+-unto-µTm, this unto being plunging qualitative Kairos to quantitative arrowing Chronos. Quoting McKinley Valentine: The world takes a breath, and in the pause, before it exhales, fates can be changed. However, each moment is a Kairos moment. Utsuroi: the exact moment of descent through multi-sheeted ma, sacred space. The 90-degree twist into/out-of topo-active imaginary time is a removal-invocation of the uncertainty in 1T2-only dynamics, but the whole 90 degrees is not jumped in one fell swoop; it's fibrated of µTm-unto-CTC+ skew-parallels. In a sense -- structuralized by properties of autogenic discharge in non-localizable quantum brain -- the 90 degrees of temporal CURL between Kairos and Chronos contains, in its fibration, the whole of memetime, past to future: this feature being the most subtle aspect of CTC+-relative-state. Hence, Plato could maintain that all learning is remembering: anamnesis. The other three quadrants of the Circle of Operator-Time have to do with multiple-connectedness, non-orientability, and AllBaseCommonGround.
What's truth got-ta do wit' it? All right for some, guv. My I/im fear that subliminal minds of MSM exemplars and their pet politicos have foolishly taken Scharp farishly all too literally (but that's how collective unconscious-by-definition ConveDDs -- conversion-disorder displacements -- work, in this case luxated from the logical, the epistemic, the ontological to regressions socio-politico-economic): Replacing Truth, Kevin Scharp, Oxford U. Press, 2013 (more concisely in a paper published earlier: Replacing Truth, Inquiry, 50, 2007, pp. 606-21). While I agree with Scharp that truth has only utilitarian-logical value (see David Ripley's 20 June 2014 review posted by Philosophical Reviews; and, more extensively, Scharp on Replacing Truth, Andrew Bacon, 5 October 2016), in disputing the notion that CTC+-unto-µTm can be 1T2ly accounted-handled-subsumed, I approach differently the problem of arriving at what should-does replace 1T2-only truth-values at logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2. And speaking of ConveDDs: The Replacement Killers for assassinating documentary truth that lies! Exactly opposite of Scharp, I maintain that, in adopting µTm-logics, the replacement concept should be classically inconsistent; indeed, it couldn't help but be so; and, further, that, in demergence from CTC+-unto-1T2, the replacement states nested in the heterarchy of logical relative-states are inconsistent one to another, notions of logical validity, soundness, accommodation, contraction, transitivity, so on, being state specific -- if, indeed, they apply relative to all relative-states. The 1T2-argumentative would thereby have only very restricted pragmatic utility: thus, Scharp's idea of ascending and descending (in his replacement concept, i.e., ADT, ascending-descending truth) is formulated relative to the T-schema (good offices of Stephen Read, Discusiones Filosoficas, 11:17, 25 October 2010) of 1T2-only-logical argumentation, whereas descending (demergence) and ascending (remergence) in my idea of the replacement concept (relative-state identity-transparency) is formulated independent of argumentative schemata and relative to knowledge-through-identity (Oriental positivism) with the relative-state of identity-transparency in question (this being so profound an expansion of the inductive basis of the T-schema of Tarski semantics as to be a different theory altogether: see The Semantic Concept of Truth , Alfred Tarski, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 4:3, March 1944, pp. 341-76). I could have become aware of this truth-conceptualizing area of thought subsequent to attending a Cornell public lecture given by Saul Kripke, circa, memory serving, 1975, entitled Time and Identity (about enduring-in-memetime unshareable properties of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct [I read at this juncture Hubert Benoit's Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen, wherein this term is coined] objects with simple-identity: the lecture being misadvertised on campus as entitled Time and Eternity), had I followed up by finding and reading Kripke's paper Outline of a Theory of Truth, The Journal of Philosophy, 72:19, 1975, pp. 690-716. But I didn't follow up and I didn't then read this paper because I -- by then into 3-fold operator-time and non-simple identity relative to Emil Post's µTm-valued logics -- found Kripke's lecture rather inane and without new perspectives on the subject addressed. Moreover, Kripke professed, even upon repeat, not to understand a question from the floor as to whether or not possible worlds and their modal logics predicate a post-paradigmatic Weltbild. I understood this question, and would have further asked: does such predication, were it the case, mean that times past, being paradigmatically imposed fictions, are changeable, and, if so, are such like changes the only efficacious ways in which we can authentically modify our (glutamate-etched: it was too early to have been aware of this at the time of Kripke's lecture) identity constructs? As an extension of that question, I might also have asked myself: is CTC+-unto-µTm nonbeing-into-being demergence, involutory decomposition, the dropping of logical-values and their order-types out of view, out of ontic awareness (M-maundering down, derry down, to the 1T2-only scintilla), what, 1T2-paradoxically, Bergson inversely designated with the rather vague anthropomorphizing term Fonction Fabulatrice, a tenebrous euphemism if not an obscure EUph[l]emism (see: Life, Movement, and the Fabulation of the Event, John Mullarkey, Theory, Culture & Society, 24:6, 2007, pp. 53-70), the mythologizing function which misattributes intentionality to nature (nature being an unconscious collectivity, and, there being, according to Occidental positivism and analytical philosophy, no collective occasions of experience, the collective unconscious couldn't possibly have intensions, particularly so because unconscious intentionality is an oxymoron, heh-heh-heh)? To my mind, Bergson's Fabulatrice is really a [con}fabulation (substitute memories: Buddhologically, lower-mind consciousness is not a stream; there are gaps through which, with memetime slowdown, escape can be made to higher-mind; but these gaps can also be filled with confabulated memories provoked by overlearning of blackpsyche); whereas the actual fabulation function is ontologically-when, non-orientably, 1T2-being becomes becoming nonbeing µTmly-unto-CTC+ly, this becoming nonbeing being a heterarchy of self-unto-nonself-applicative transparency predicates. But, of course, I didn't then so ask myself. And, nowadays, because I believe that µTm involves order-types of self-reference qua reflexivities qua, 1T2ly speaking, liar's paradoxes, these order-types involving state-functions-functionals-functors (cf. three orders of dynamics, of operator-time, of temporal CURL, of conservation laws, et cetera) of the identity-transparency characteristic of participation mystique-type modalities of comprehension (µTming-unto-CTC+ing Everett's 1T2-only relative-state), I am not much interested in theories of truth designed to avoid 1T2-semantic paradoxes. Moreover, my understanding of identity transparency (a violation of the Law of Identity) is quite different from that given it in philosophical logic -- insofar as I've been able to discover. Consider the following drawn from Liar's Paradox, Section 4.1, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 12 December 2016 (links added):
One important way to motivate non-classical solutions is to appeal to a form of deflationism about truth. Such views take something akin to the T-schema to be the defining characteristic of truth, and as such, not open to modification (see, e.g., Horwich 1990). Most strictly, so-called transparency or "see-through" or "pure disquotational" conceptions of truth (e.g., Field 1994, 2008; Beall 2005) take the defining property of truth to be intersubstitutability of A and [the truth predicate of the name of object A] in all non-opaque contexts.
Well-- while I can see the see-through as transparency -- like a stack of larger-and-larger-scale-meshwork-inscribed acetate overlays overlies the most-dense sheet of an equilateral-triangular meshwork -- in not agreeing, I don't really see the 1T2-logical necessity of the natural-language focus whereupon object-name/name-object is understood as defining property (i.e., is diagnostic) of truth -- unless truth-value is merely a linguistic utility function of logic-restricted-to-the-bivalent-order-type-alone. Our finical logic-traditionalists seek affective status orgasmus in globalization of truth consistency (which, unbeknownst to them, would lead [by analogy to hot money flows in a monoscale-crypto-e-currency monetary system sans fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary] to an unmitigated spreading akin to the epileptiform discharge), but find only cognitive anorgasmia, in that insistence upon the standard premises and application of the accepted rules of accommodation yields paradoxes. The major difference between Scharp's notion and mine is that Scharp replaces truth in order to get rid of paradoxes and I replace truth because nested paradoxical self-referentialities are essential features of the nature of the case: my Taoism-extended position being that of m-dia[let}he|ism, where the species of dial[e}theism involved is sans truth-value (replaced with relative-state identity-transparency) for all logical-value order-types supraordinate to that 1T2. The base theory of logic should be the most all encompassing, which is to be elaborated in the terms of CTC+, not those 1T2. The stronger theory (superstructural, not substructural) should more thoroughly express CTC+, not 1T2. Residuation may be a logical non-necessity; proof systems, irrelevant. The obsession with fabulating syllogistic functions, functionals, functors has been, and is, due to prescriptively-enculturated and glutamatergically-anchored facilitation of cognitive imprinting upon the egospheric modes of comprehension initialized and concretized by the Greco-Roman exclusive identification with musculature-identified IBE, in-the-body-experience. Strapping scrappers strapped, what! How ya doin', bub? I was much surprised to find that Robert Monroe (good offices of Thobey Campion, Vice, 16 February 2021) apparently never connected up OBEs, out-of-the-body-experiences, with Husserliana, Analytical Cubism (O, how so under-credited has been Alfred Jarry's contribution -- clearly, aspects lost to history, even), and quantum-brain analog processing via multivalued Lukasiewicz logics. Nonlocal ketaminergic OBE involves Cubistic objectivesubject-cum-subjectiveobject processing of n-facets seen simultaneously from n-perspectives -- i.e., that which is processed has as many imagoes as the processor has logical-value order-types (necessitating state-specific sciences) -- even if 1T2-only-cognitive-preset of the OBexperiencer filters µTm-superpositionings. A period of clinical death is not required for an NDE, near-death experience; psychogenic shock can be elaborate enough to induce the full range of symptomatology (good offices of Reed Tucker writing on Bruce Greyson's soon-to-appear book After, New York Post, 20 February 2021) expressed by an NDE, including an OBE. Indeed, etiology of the psychogenic shock need not be negative in character: conceptual understanding of no-self state(s), cf. I am nothing but the intersection of Purusha and Prakriti!, will not produce an OBE; however, sudden deep emotional recognition (think: thinking in connected sequences, even overlays, of feeling-tones) of actually being in a no-self state (cf. Selbsmord bright-light state) can come with psychogenic shock elaborate enough to elicit an OBE. A great shock at the concrete phenomenology of the state, even when the process of getting there is long and elaborate (say, five years of perseverance at daily practice: one hour of progressive relaxation, particularly of the extra-ocular and laryngeal muscles; one hour of walking meditation; eight hours of practice at inner separation and self-observation whilst using the digging of trees alone in the field piece work as the context, and one to three hours of the same each night whilst using as context the reading of Sri Aurobino's and C. G. Jung's Collected Works; weekend periods of attention manipulation practices whilst drawing from the nude and painting music composed by Toru Takemitsu). Forsaking kin and clan? Well-- not actually; more a reforegathering. One class of no-self states incorporates the corpus of selfhoods internalizing non-selfsamenesses: the self that is non-selfsame is simultaneously others -- insofar as simultaneously has Schrödinger-memetime-independent meaning. In ancient Jain dharma, svadravya meant selfsame; paradravya, non-selfsame (in modern usage, paradravya is conflated to another's property, with paradraya meaning adultery). Ack, aye: vestiges, residuals, cultural lags. O, woe is my me over the bluffness of the elite, a bluffness established in compensatory abreaction to the insouciant mass of the masses. Think of how deep-structure of the run up to the WWII battle of the 200-years-War-of-the-World is nowadays being repeated in more elaborate form. The means to be employed to effectuate stakeholder capitalism under the WEF reset are analogous to electro-convulsive shock treatments by comparison to µTm-LETS transactions as analogous to autogenic brain discharges (the standard Autogenic Training exercises were first publicized the year the Born Rule was knee-jerk consensuated, 1926; whereas, electroshock therapy was first employed the year before the Nazi invasion of m-valued logic, uh, uh, Xcuse me, of Poland, 1938; moreover, since Schultz later collaborated with the Nazis [good offices of Jurgen Brunner and Matthias Schrempf and Florian Steger, Johannes Heinrich Schultz and National Socialism, Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 45:4, 2008, pp. 257-62] to effectuate programs antithetical to autogenics, we have an exemplary case illustrating the inductive power of collective psychoses). Ask: why would anyone wish to replace truth? The standard reason is unreason: rigorous pursuit of truth yields true lies (True Lies: kind of like Polish jokes unconsciously parody m-valued Lukasiewicz logic), inconsistency, violation of the Law of Non-Contradiction, paradox. The reason I find is that truth and falsity have little to offer by way of explaining spontaneous fusion, quantum non-simple identity, Bose-Einstein condensation, entanglement, nonseparability, non-Markovianity (see Entanglement, non-Markovianity, and causal non-separability, Simon Milz, New Journal of Physics, 20, 2018) -- even when post-selection, common cause, renormalizations of various sorts, the Born Rule, fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic are embraced. Negative emotions, internal-considering-type thoughts: they abominate the cosmic hyperKleinBottle with their seeding presence! Any actual intellectual content becomes mere cortical appliqué. The priggishness of the cockamamie fundamentals is just so too obviously dissonant with pagan animism, if not so much so with animistic paganism. Dem Mau Hong or die Hölle, a rosy night club in war-torn Saigon or a hellish strip bar in affluent 21st-century Berlin? During the current (thinking long-term here) extended period of fulmination, tears -- Abel's Impossibility Theorem, Cantor's transfinite sets, Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics, Schrödinger's m-valued state-function -- in The Truman Show's egospheric projection dome (i.e., the Lebenswelt) have been papered over. Why stonk me if I ain't stonkered! Victim of The Dictum: stipulating this, specificating that. O, how those oh-so fastidious, if not altogether finicky, MSM reporters -- very picky as regards facts fussily assembled, indeed, post-selected: missighted and insightless MSM blackpsyche being thoughtcrime incitement -- turned thriller writers do strive to achieve unputdownability. If only they had done, instead of had done so, when they had so done. Corky cukes for cerebral cortices. Unevenhandedness: a cultivated habitude filled with attitude altogether intolerant of insolence. Raggedly rapscallions and nervy nerds. Is Truth now infralogic or dysapparent by The Death of Logic (good offices of Matthew Piepenburg, GoldSwitzerland, 22 February 2021)? My me started getting into the logic operations rather early. I think my insufferably insolent I/im was aged 7 or 8 when it first asked: why do they say All present and accounted for, sir instead of All present or accounted for, sir? Roll up your mouth! dear Agatha (I so often had to say to my Anima). Mollified, we are, aren't we, by life in our bivalent-jurisprudential culture. Instead of using the new technology for, say, tagging measurables-externalities in quantum-composite superposition to µTm-LETS currency-unit value-ensheavements, we get-- what? Receive lately any alarming warning-type e-mails from your nanobionic spinach? If so, I hope you haven't choked on the carbon nanotubes in your salad. Just as during 1968 some in SRA/MACV-J2 could see disaster likely if boundaries of the Viet Nam war were expanded, but could not foresee a holocaust, so, in 1975, some could see the expanse of coming genetic engineering, but could not foresee a decision to GMO the whole human species in one fell swoop. Prion induction is one of the risk factors involved in this wholesale hu-hu-[hu}man GMOization, as documented by J. Bart Classen in COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and Risk of Prion Disease, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 5:1, 18 January 2021, pp. 1-3. When, during the mid-'80s, I first read in Science News of mRNA encoding of prions, I asked myself: independent of ionizing-radiation and chemically-induced mutation, is etiology of prion disease somehow, in part, involved with exogenously-induced anti-homeostatic shifts in the ternary quantum dynamics of DNA helix-coil transition, as portrayed in our three-fold-temporal-CURL-written canonical equation descriptive of DNA radiation-exchange processes? Today, I still ask (quoting A brief history of prions, Mark D. Zabel and Crystal Reid, Pathogens and Disease, 73:9, December 2015): other than with genetic engineering, by what means, how is it that normal, host-encoded PrPC can misfold into a pathologic form (PrPSc) to cause prion disease in susceptible hosts (and is susceptible [miasm tarted up as diathesis] a black-box term for inherited DNA frequency anomaly)? Maybe it's not only mRNA codons encoding a pathological form. Ambient radiation can alter velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration of helix-coil transition of DNA at replication, these alterations altering dynamical properties of the mRNA encoding of protein synthesis. Accelerations bend the diagonal straight-line graph of a given velocity. Change normative values of these dynamics and bent out of shape a protein may become. There are also reasons to believe (see, for instance, Dustin Nemos' YouTube interview of Ginny Silcox, cf. 45:47) that electromagnetic pollution may alter cellular phase-boundary permeability, thus rate-modulating absorption of the modified messenger-RNA delivered by some vaccines employed against COVID-19. Given the progressive, mass brain-impairment -- pandemic blackpsyche; air pollution; electromagnetic pollution; computer-smartphone overuse; mercury in fish; substance abuse; anabolic steroids in meat; double-bind contamination; antibiotics-saturated industrial agriculture; toxic chemical residuals in food; thinning of the ozone shield; genetically-engineered disease vectors; GMOed grains; deteriorated nutritional value of eatables; irradiated foodstuff; hot particles in food; depleted-uranium dust contamination; lock-down enhancement of the preexisting conditions existentially known as alienation and anomie epiphenomenal to separatism; omnipresence of mimetic estrogens and free glutamic acid and MSG; so on -- there really has been no actual opportunity to prevent dominance-by-the-dumbest-among-us. Chronic severe stress, immune system compromise, paresis. Humph! Blanket lockdowns (not fine-grain articulated) by way of unconsciously-mediated compensatory abreaction to the generalized lockup in a collective form of mental palsy. That's bivalent logic for you! Is The Politics of Experience the identity politics of the dumbest among us? Is non-quantum simple-identity The Bird of Paradise, or is that bird µTm-relative-state identity-transparency? Temporary states of bodily dissociation, discretionally embraced by my Divided Self, I/im, are not the dissociations of involuntary conversion-disorder displacements (ConveDDs), individual and collective. Are all properties sufficiently discretizable as to be treatable as members of sets, or corresponding to subsets-sets-supersets? Or is it that some properties are supraset-theoretic. While second-order existence assumptions may be essential to self-definition of my me, theories of properties or sets -- beweisbar, or nicht B -- are not determinative of the identity-transparency of my I/im in participation mystique with the natural surround (e.g., when digging trees alone in the field). Reading into the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on Axiomatic Theories of Truth, I learn that truth is generally found to be a second-order predicate, not only a metalinguistic-- uh, uh, being second-order, can't be element; has to be set, well, more likely, property, though I can't quite see the correspondence between property and set that places each in second-order-predicate status, along with their apparent correspondent, truth. When adding axioms to strengthen the truth predicate (as it is very weak without doing so), these axioms are known as reflection principles. The process of adding these principles can be iterated to infinity (like as could Ptolemaic epicycles). One, heh-heh-heh, wonders what the relationship is between the Global Reflection Principle -- where provability is established as necessary and sufficient to second-order existence of truth -- and the behavior known as ConveDD on its second-order manifestation (i.e., relative to collective behaviors). How many recursions of reflection are required to close a theory may be taken as indicative of its index of departure from 1T2-only-logic alone. All uncountably infinite conjunctions over uncountable, ,uncountablen uncountably infinite languages are equivalent to, correspond to, numerically signify (taking into account non-selfsame numbers) CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency? In this scheme, T is a non-unary predicate symbol (signifying transparency), because <<<>>>, the articulation symbol, incorporates not merely unary succession (this not being due to existence of non-selfsame numbers expressive of relative-states of identity-transparency: with non-selfsame numbers, countably infinite and uncountably infinite meld). Even when propositions are understood as being propertyless objects, still, little insight is generated vis-à-vis the nature of Consciousness Without an Object, i.e., utterly unsullied universal consciousness over N-compact Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround. If inner-Musculpt is to be taken as the base theory of relative-state identity-transparency (the notation for the theory is the theory itself -- despite, or because of, non-selfsameness), then all sentences qua colored-sounded-obi-forms as names of propositions of exteriorized-Musculpt symformphonie must be denumerable with non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers countably uncountable 1T2ly speaking.
Gödel-denumerate the Gödel-number enumeration of the uncountably superdensely-packed point cloud on the Musculpt manifold's N-compact Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround? Dense as you like, I'd say. M-motes of superdense, pre-pregeometric, Wheelerian bucket of dust numbered with selfsame numbers --> farinaceous countably infinite set of discrete points? Superdensity of Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind numbered with non-selfsame numbers --> the silky uncountable infinitude of a smooth manifold, of an Abelian M inside an Abelian M inside an Abelian M, ,n, all self-reentered? Of those importunately uxorious upon big-body -- consider the following on the scale of war machines a century ago (William Boyd, Waiting for Sunrise, Bloomsbury, 2012, pp. 309-10):
[He was] beginning to feel a mild nausea as he tried to take [in] all this amount of work [It] went on and on [i.e., the whole litany of subsistence and administration, in the words of Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz] And this was only one department of the War Office. And there were thousands of people working in the war office. And this was only one country at war. The Directorate of Movements would have its equivalent in France, in Germany, in Russia, in Austria-Hungary He began to feel dizzy as he sat there trying to conceptualize the massive scale of this industrial bureaucracy in the civilized world, all directed to the common end of providing for its warring armies. What gigantic effort, what millions of man-hours expended, day after day, week after week, month after month
-- funding sources who have also proprietorially taken ownership of p-branes: sardonic eyes bristling tongs of tetchiness. This number-the-nondenumerable-numbering proposition being a disembarkation point for our dull 1T2-only transhumanists: death scares them to bits, if not bytes. Light of the binary-mind is subfusc, gloomily mournful, when confronted with existential denials of the superegosphere's claim to absoluteness. Life for many of our most revered is sufficient somnifacient: keeping in mind that long before advent of FaceBook Gurdjieff maintained that manwokind is asleep, it can hardly be doubted that there is every manner (good offices of Madhava Setty, How Does Anesthesia Work? We Still Don't Know , Collective Evolution, 1 March 2021) of postpartum mental fog, likely CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 states thereof, most of us most of our lives in the 1T2-density state, with even more dense (good offices of Nasir Malim, Scientists inch closer to explaining the mysterious 'brain fog' symptom of COVID-19, ABCNews, 3 March 2021) states mediated by such like as cytokine storms and cerebral floodings by megakaryocytes (and one has to wonder whether or not being PEGged [good offices of Julie Beal, Ronavax Roulette , Activist Post, 3 March 2021] contributes to the enfogation). Both abstraction and empathy, as well as transcendence of that dichotomy, are required for authentic apprehension: all levels concrete to the effervescent evanescent, and their non-orientable articulation. Once inducted during preschool, kindergarten, elementary school into putting things in boxes, using rulers to draw straight lines, templates for curves, apples and oranges, birds and bees, giraffes and zebras for introductory category theory, it is very hard, indeed, to undo Piaget's stages of cognitive development sufficiently as to register inner-Musculpt and to µTmly think in the feeling-toned complexes accompanying Musculpt symformphonie. Inner-Musculpt is not a language; it's a metalanguage. The form in symformphonie is not geometric; the phonie not musical. The sculpture in Musculpt signifies something beyond geometry, beyond topology; the music in Musculpt signifies something beyond sound, beyond the aural. Musculpt is not sequential, not memetime-bound: a single given sounded-form can capture the whole syndrome of possible directions (think: skew-parallelism) a given intellectual conversation may take, the full lengths of all the n-furcation-tines of a given m-fork. The sonic-vision imago-gestalt elicits non-verbal cum non-symbolic understanding as-by-thru feeling-tone complex, articulated affect-charge (cognitive shape charge), petit mal aura. Still sitting here generation following generation, immobile a century after the WWI-battle of the 200-years-war-of-the-world, still waiting for sunrise -- the whole civilization placed on a stopper train bound for Oblivion? Half mad, my arse. Thruppence to the wind, guvnors of this civic are, now aren't they. Grosvensor's cuff: wantin' what they 'aven't got. Rely on that, lads. One set of consequents from back-reaction against denumeration of the uncountable enumeration: IDic escape valve opened to EGOic insistence upon suppression of participation mystique. A few of the consensuated 1T2-takes as regards µTm-processes: (1) probabilistic BornRule interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function; and (2) the determined indeterminism of the Chaos butterfly; and (3) local heating characterized with single-valued variables 1T2ly processed, instead of cascade characterized with m-valued variables µTmly processed; and (4) single-valued monoscale national currencies 1T2ly transacted and single-valued monoscale crypto-e-currencies 1T2ly transacted, instead of m-valued multiscaled LETS currencies defined over fractal e-boundaries and µTmly transacted; and (5) mixed reality (good offices of Microsoft sets stage for mixed-reality future, AFP via yahoo!news, 3 March 2021) by techno-ConveDD -- conversion-disorder displacement -- of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. The Paine-Kaplan multiscale-cascade, numerical-forecast model of tornadogenesis is based upon a butterfly of sorts, just not the capricious chaos butterfly. Energy-momentum cascade through the spectrum of wave motions in Earth's atmosphere, complex angular momentum handled as temporal CURL. Via solar-to-terrestrial interactions (good offices of A. D. M. Walker, Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Geospace, CRC Press, 2004), by the memetime magnetohydrodynamic (good offices of Paul H. Roberts and Patrick H. Diamond, Encyclopedia of Energy, 2004) properties in Earth's magneto-iono-spheres become, by cascade processes, hydrothermodynamic properties in the troposphere, the butterfly has long since done its work at orchestrating meso- and micro-scale atmospheric physics. We are not speaking here as to the origin of a consensus, local-heating-induced, classical-limit-type tornado, but one quantum-relativistic. More vindicatory support for the Paine-Kaplan cascade model (take note of the large energy and momentum deposition into the ionosphere despite otherwise extremely quiet conditions; the extremely quiet conditions proviso has import for the solar-terrestrial-cycle argument [good offices of Luke Eastwood, ZeroHedge, 3 March 2021] against anthropogenic climate change, import relative to anthropogenically-induced shifts in the global atmosphere's frequency-response characteristics via altered gas ratios and phased-array-induced electron-temperature enhancements): A space hurricane over the Earth's polar ionosphere, Qing-He Zhang, et al., Nature Communications, 12, article number 1207, 22 February 2021. Winkling out the-- truth (heh-heh-heh), what! Paine: ground up and spit out in the USA. Embraced during his lectures (much the same as those delivered at Cornell) given as one member of a scientific delegation sent to tour an opening-up China? Douglas A. Paine did not suppose that Earth's atmosphere solves systems of partial differential equations in quite the way we do -- by imposing initial and boundary conditions (good offices of Svein Linge and Hans Petter Langtangen, 31 October 2019) so as to select a set of unique (note that this is analogous to spontaneous collapse-localization of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function) solution functions from the infinite infinitudes thereof. One of the boundary conditions as a function of time? When the cascade process repeatedly employs -- at each inter-scale cascade event -- temporal CURL executed under 3-fold operator-time? Atmospheric Musculpt: e.g., µTm-processing of the m-valued infrasound signature of a constant-entropy-surface topo-configuration (for instance: the acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signature of a given theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface). Is this component process part of an atmospheric language or of an atmospheric metalanguage? Inner- and atmospheric-Musculpt both CTC+ly work with the whole collection, infinite infinitudes, of solution functions? Yes, I can see it: the topologist's moue transformed into a theory of absences, of holes. Homology and cohomology are glances in this direction of working with the whole whole?
Gödel developed Gödel numbering as a theorem-proving device deployed relative to the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction. The involved self-referential circularity generated a bivalent relation tantamount to an inequality in the field of logic -- that of consistency vs. completeness -- analogous to the binary Heisenberg inequalities in the field of physics. But what if the objective of the numbering scheme is formulated to be that of numbering the order-types of self-referentiality in Postian-Lukasiewicz logics CTC+-unto-µTm? How then would the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers be formed? So, having studied a popular exposition, Gödel's Proof (Ernest Nagel and James R. Newman, NYU Press, 1958), in preparing my frosh paper-for-the-Dean, Ernest S. Griffith, AU-SIS, circa fall of 1963, the paper preceptored by one of Abdul Aziz Said's grad students, and having posed these questions to myself decades ago, I've long been looking for studies employing alternative Gödel-numbering schemes. Haven't found much of real use to me yet. Hmmm. Wavicles. Closed discrete numbering of the open continuous anti-discrete topology of the CTC+-relative-states of participation mystique with Lady Nature? And what would Lady GAGA have to say about that? Reducing all such to the singing of Greene Sleves ruched of sheaves, no doubt: dittye of ye Ladye. Gödel numbering of orbifolds? Of orbifold chord geometries? Of orbifold geometries of e-music? Of Hebrew alphabet letter topologies? Of Sanskrit and Arabic curves? Scratch writing systems dominated by vertically and horizontally symmetrical elements, surely. We're not here exactly discarding the bare binary-digital neuronal brain, in preference for the bare bivalent-analog perineural brain, so much as discounting that brain with glutamate-anchored prescriptively-enculturated inherent -- heh-heh-heh! -- preferences (good offices of Michael Price, Why written languages look alike the world over, Science Magazine, 16 November 2017). Just think of how scary the diagonal of Analytical Cubism was found to be. Far more frightening than was the fuzzy in Impressionism and the bucket of dust points in Pointillism. Look to the logographic writing systems like ideographic Chinese? Look to Cabalistic gematria (Hebraic, Greek, Christian) for inspiration? Dr. Blinker, Prof. Laidlaw, given how µTm-unto-CTC+-logical inner-Musculpt presents phenomenologically to ontic awareness, more likely is the supposition that the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers must number notational elements (properly speaking: component processes) that exhibit superposed, curvaceous (once upon a memetime analogically metareferenced by ogives -- Gothic-architecturally, frozen polyphonic-Musculpt cumulative-frequency polygon of Lady Nature's omnium-gatherum curvilinear salmagundi?), oblique unto skew-parallel-diagonal asymmetries. And think of writing systems per se as having devolved from inner-Musculpt, devolved as µTm-cognitions collapsed to that cognition 1T2-only alone, collapsed as conscious access to processing by the quantum brain was (progressively, abruptly: both?) pruned-unto-pollarded by prescriptively-enculturated glutamateric etching: this being perhaps the worst of all inertia-driven path-dependent behaviors homo Sapiens has engaged in (1T2-only processing alone cannot possibly cope with complexity of the demands made by a µTm-unto-CTC+ world-surround, be that world real, bare, virtual, projected, the ensemble of complex and hyperncomplex projective varieties divine-light cast cum superposed through the CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 leaded-glass lattice-logic onto the C+-space floor of the cosmic Gothic cathedral). Observations concerning, and questions to seek answers to regarding, the Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers on N-compact Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround. The factors of the involved Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers are to signify Musculpt sounded-forms? Or are those sounded-forms themselves to be numbered with full-factored G-numbered G-numbers? What are the autopoietic operators for inner-Musculpt? How are these operators G-numbered? In the most general case, what are topological operators? Components of spatial analysis functions? In the most general case, what is a topological operation? A behavioral feature of a classifier (good offices of Janis Osis and Uldis Donins, Topological Unified Modeling Language, ScienceDirect, 2017)? Hmmm. As regards topological operators, I'm thinking more of active time, operator-time, temporal CURL: themwhats acting (operators = functional components) upon space and counterspace to effect change (operation = behavioral feature). But I think the actual sense of it is not quite like we would like it to be. As earlier mentioned: the sonic-visioning imago-gestalt elicits non-verbal cum non-symbolic understanding as-by-thru feeling-tone complex, articulated affect-charge (cognitive shape charge), petit mal aura. The representation space for inner-Musculpt is feeling space -- or so it seems to me. This feeling space cannot be Euclidian or non-Euclidian, cannot be metric (where numeric distance between points is paramount) or even, when you get right down to it, manifold (in which the neighborhood of a point is Euclidian). Nor can it be orbifold, locally a finite group quotient of an Euclidian space, i.e., a generalization of man[i}fold which is by definition locally-Euclidian. Orbit manifold -- orbifold -- is one way to suppress acknowledgement of temporal CURL? In feeling space, the measurable numeric distance can remain unchanged while the felt distance implodes (generative-empathic crashing-in-upon-my-me lurch into participation mystique) or explodes (dissociative tunnel-vision distancing): this is more like topological space (in which closeness is defined but, generally, cannot be measured by a numeric distance, to quote Wiki; for an accessible focused presentation of this notion see Closeness without distance, GoodMath/Badmath, 19 February 2014; for a more technical discussion, see How does the topology of a space describe the closeness of an open subset of a given set X?, Mathematics StackExchange, 24 April 2020, wherein it is stated that in general spaces the situation is much more complicated [than in metric spaces with their open-balls conception of disjoint neighborhoods] and there are a lot of different separation axioms stating how much reasonably you can ask two points to be distinct). Be aware that in Eucldian spaces identified points means points glued together: this is not the same as relative-state identity-transparency wherein the state of the whole whole and the state of the part are the same state. Note that the notion referential transparency ignores multivalued functions (not to mention multivalued logics). This is an undersight that is being overcome at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran, to wit, with studies of quantum query algorithms as described by Salman Beigi and Leila Taghavi in Span Program for Non-Binary Functions, arXiv, 30 May 2019. Demergent CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency could be heuristically construed as the fine-graining of the collection of separation axioms modifying pure unsullied topological space. Uh, uh, CTC+-unto-µTm: how does topologically-active operator-time relate to memetime as regards sets of sets of sets of nonlinear partial differential equations, partial differential equations, differential equations, difference equations? Whereas, by contrast, Hodge numbers (here is a paper I'd very much like to be able to at least sort of read, but know I will never bring that much to it: On the Construction Problem for Hodge Numbers, Stefan Schreieder, arXiv, 25 April 2014) in Hodge's conjecture run in lineally-combined algebraic cycles, which by logic-analogy expresses as µTm-unto-CTC+: more and more and more solution functions simultaneously processed as inversion of less and less and less solution functions simultaneously processed under boundary-value selectivity? Anti-derivatives and derivatives. But-- hmmm, integrals of algebraic functions can be transcendental numbers. Replican't and replican? What does that tell us? Inner-Musculpt can't be properly category-theory codified because the identity-arrow loop (think: the self-gravitation of a gyon?) in definition of category is cancelled by the relative-state identity-transparency apparent in Musculpt symformphonie. Which is to say: 1T2-paradoxically, µTm-unto-CTC+ order-types of self-referential reentry (think: hypernKleinBottle?) are ingresses upon states of non-selfsameness by virtue of the CommonGround, i.e., relative-state identity-transparency on Tzog-chen AllBase. Quoting another article I'd like to be able to read more thoroughly (especially the section entitled Localization and Its Discontents), i.e., Eugene Lerman's Orbifolds as Stacks?, L'Enseignement Mathematique, 56:2, 2010, pp. 315-63: Since groupoids are categories, their morphisms are functors. As regards the Musculpt case of n-category under CTC+-unto-µTm logics, I would suppose that these functors are Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes (that's Alexander.Karpenko functors, not Nikita.Karpenko functors, though the latter may be involved as regards relative-states of nested LSTDs). Euclidian identity defined as: distance between is zero. Group axioms include the Law of Identity. Group axioms include invertibility. Ring, field, Abelian group, group, modulo. There is quantum implicate de-demergence wrapped into explicate Newtonian-Euclidian demergence as modding out C+ times over: that is, a identical to b (modulo c), the except for c taken to the C+th power. With identified meaning glued together, i.e., closest packing equals closed: the closed Cauchy sequences. In Paine-Kaplan energy-momentum-cascade nested-grid modeling of tornadogenesis (which inverts Bohr's correspondence principle in the sense that classical calculations must agree with quantum calculations -- depending, of course, on how quantum calculations are understood: ask why, during the late-'70s, Paine shifted his focus to solar-terrestrial interactions; was that because the global atmosphere's response to solar cycles can be anthropogenically altered?), quanta of macroscale complex angular momentum (an important class originating within our Sun) Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomically (at divergence of critical variables, interscale cascade events handled via temporal CURL) converge through smaller and smaller LSTDs (limited [ponderable]space[meme]time domains) until trapped at the limit, just like in the closed Cauchy sequences -- except that this atmospheric black hole self-cancels (some where within the 1-km grid, into which the forecast model's resolution capability does not penetrate) by radiation of m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (cf. acoustic analogue to blackhole computing, the involved CPU being of the Lukasiewicz analog type employing Postian-Lukasiewicz logics µTm-unto-CTC+). There is a multiplicity of non-orientabilities involved, and the convergence may be a uniform convergence, where the distribution of scale-levels in the nesting-foam is log related (log-logistic, log-normal, log-log-normal?) relative to a hypercomplex zeta function over the primes -- the primes that would be used to Gödel-number Gödel numbers of the order-types of self-referentiality µTm-unto-CTC+. As regards these primes, consider likely imports of the self-cancelling mentioned above as concerns the fact that, quoting Wiki's entry entitled p-adic number, The field Qp [of p-adic rational numbers] is also given a topology derived from a metric, which is itself derived from the p-adic order, an alternative valuation on the rational numbers. This metric space is complete in the sense that every Cauchy sequence converges to a point in Qp. Assessed relative to this completeness statement, the atmosphere's Cauchy-sequence self-cancelling is one reason why I feel that there must be a hypercomplex zeta function, not only Euler's real and Riemann's complex zeta functions. Moreover, we probably have therein provision of faithless functors (re: Alexander.Karpenko functors?) to p-adic Hodge theory. Now, again quoting Wiki, this time on higher category theory, to wit: n-morphisms between (n-1)-morphisms gives an n-category. Morphisms of morphisms of morphisms, ,nth state. Isn't the identity-arrow loop in a category a morphism of self-reference, i.e., a 1-morphism? Is the state of selfsameness insisted upon by the Law of Identity lost with iterations of the identity-arrow loop, such that µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency ontologically-become on Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround? Iterations of the identity arrow, thus construed, violate the principle idempotency underlying the sham sense of simply-identifiable, single-valued, selfsame 'I'-ness. Idempotency is one principle allowing the nonlinear to be handled as if linear. This is of no small consequence considering the idempotent superposition principle, idempotent correspondence, the idempotent semi-ring, and idempotent analysis, i.e., the idempotent calculus which is A branch of analysis based on replacing the usual arithmetic operations by a new set of basic operations (e.g., such as maximum or minimum). This case being a variation on minimax-rescaling normalization making the nonlinear linear, e.g., foliated linear, which should be considered alongside (1) the n-sheeted Riemann surface whereby an m-valued function is handed as if branched into a bridged collection of single-valued functions, and (2) the sheaf cohomology (keeping in mind that the category of sheaves is a category, the definition of which involves prescription of simple-1T2-only-identity alone, i.e., the identity-arrow loop). Aye, and speaking of correspondence principles! How much was the quantum correspondence principle a synchronistic (both immediate pre-WWI) ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of the Munzenberg-Lenin maximum and minimum 'theory', i.e., promise the maximum, deliver the minimum (a theory cum principle cum tactic widely embraced nowadays by red billionaires) -- or how much Munzenberg a ConveDD of Bohr, or both ConveDDs of a common festering core? The tacitly-held identity-arrow-loop morphism, ,n, which is subliminally felt to be hidden-implicate-deepstructured in absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct idempotent (the self-reference executed via self-observation of my body, my self, the self of myself, ,n) identity, is feared to be -- and passionately loathed by the community of snarkers -- µTm-unto-CTC+ order-types of dissociation, such that -- Poof! -- not just individualism, but the very per se existential claim itself -- I am me and only me! I am me and only me! I am me and only me! Therefore I am existent just as I am! -- is fatally impugned: not I am that I am!; rather, not-Iambe that Iambe hypertwist Iambe that not-Iambe. Not-A is absolutely A; A is absolutely not-A. O, woe is my me! Is theory of orbifold chord geometries a suppression of the identity dyscrasia felt to be lurking (by trans-al-jabr animistic-pagan violation of the Law of Identity via the m-orders of states of participation mystique which N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility Theorem was an existence proof of) in the orbi of the orbifold, a suppression by subjection of identity-arrow-loop morphism, ,n to structuralization with the chordal harmonies of the diatonic-musicologic analogical-codification of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung? Note how, from the get-go, by definition, axiomatically, all the above maths prescriptively proscribe µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (think: concentric spheres of sonic gestalts bronze-drummed into the natural surround as boundaries-without-boundary, as discussed in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh), which is tacitly seen as potentially subverting the ideology committed to psychological identification with formal linear combinations (think: how the Laplace operator [second-order nabla putting curvature on scalar field] engages in blobs [local extrema à la closeness sans distance] and edges [closures that close via boundary-without-boundary] detection by comparison to that differential operator which was the Organization Section chairperson at each echelon of the VCI [Viet Cong infrastructure], who engaged in defining and effectuating impulse response [so as to reconcile the little picture with the big picture: part-whole relative-states of identity-transparency in the µTm-unto-CTC+ cases] by tacitly, hence autopoietically, mapping transformed bureaucratic variables upon regions of rapid intensity change of resource-sem[i}per[me}able administrative boundaries set in functional flux due to alteration in demands made [e.g., supply and materiel] by impresses of the changing environment of the combat [a paradigm demonstration as to how most efficiently to autopoietically self-organize resource allocations in response to burgeoning global depletions and climate change?]). The more astute are finally starting to see deep-structure origins of the current anthropogenic planetary hypercrisis as extension of that which precipitated the two-hundred-years War-of-the-World (for a very good instance, see Leviathan Mobilises for Decisive Battle, Alastair Crooke, LewRockwell reposting from Strategic Culture Foundation, 16 March 2021), but still do not see (except as expressed with vague terms like scientism and logocentrism) the deeper psycho-regressed deep-structure etiology as resident in higher mathematics and logic (e.g., that discussed above), then in dissimulated theoretical physics, and then in the ever more abundant infratech produced by infrascience. While Dostoevsky and Jung, as Crooke points out, clearly saw how collective dissociation from meaning (a meaningful life, meaning as having habitus in nature) spawns devaluation of value (and the myriad consequences of that), Freud of Civilization and Its Discontents and Marcuse of Eros and Civilization didn't see the deeper deep-structure of the pathogenesis as having arisen within maths-logic-physics; therefore, they exacerbated intractability of the conundrum by reinforcing sublimation of regression into regression-in-service-to-the-1T2-only-collective-ego by means of ConveDDs, techno and otherwise. Longing for memetimes passed, nostalgia, backward-looking anger that does not look far enough back, nor probe far enough below the surface, is a major feature of the process by which techno-ConveDDs are produced. No need to look further for root cause of the GLE's (global leadership elite's) obsession-compulsion vis-à-vis surveillance civilization. Give me simple-identity or give me death! Of late, the comedy of identity penned in Schrödinger's state-function, indeed, scored into his wave equation, has been nationalized by those people whose ideology, self-definition, vested interests are most threatened, and has been turned by them into a state-sponsored three-handkerchief melodramatic farce. If violence is employed to breakback society, society will subsequently de-deconstruct itself violently. Breakpoint outcome of planetary reset is largely prefigured by the fact that the logical-value-order-type choice made (bottom line on proscription of maths unentertained for being unwanted), under which axiomitizations have been conducted, was rooted in long-cultivated suppression of animistic-pagan participation mystique with the natural surround, and further prefigured by the associated fact that, while dissimulated science is adequate to creation of destructive infratech, it is altogether incapable of facilitating functional integration with the natural surround.
It must be the case that the introduction of Polish notation (expressions written sans brackets) is a Polish joke, in that it is put on a par with explication of m-valued logics in citing what Jan Lukasiewicz is best known for. Moreover, and possibly along the same line, why would Lukasiewicz, after rigorously codifying µTm-valued logics, have devoted so much effort to axiomatization of 1T2-only logic? Because he had a Catho heart? This behavior was a cultural lag of his Catholic heritage? Of course it was: so, being more interested in Thomist Attempts to Prevent Adequate Interpretation of Lukasiewicz Logics, I'm not particularly put out about not having access to Polish Attempts to Modernize Thomism by Logic (Jan Woleriski, Studies in East European Thought, 55:4, December 2003, pp. 299-313). Parenthetically, clearly, one of the factors on the current scene auguring against the optimism embodied in the WAGged conviction that there will be so large as a ten-percent human survival rate at cuspover is existence of the industry controlling publication of scientific, technical, and academic materials. In this Lukasiewiczian context, take note of Stephen Wolfram speaking in Logic, Explainability and the Future of Understanding, StephenWolfram.com, 6 November 2018:
it implies, for example, that there's a possible form for p dot [dot = Nand] q with 3 values for p and q, whereas there's no such thing for logic.
Pretty myopic so many years after Emil Post's paper of 1921, if not Lukasiewicz circa 1921, wouldn't you say. Such use of p and q prefigures what logical operations can and cannot entail, and how many of them there can be. Stating axioms in terms of [p,q] assumes discretes, atoms, fragments, cells as the base state: adequate to infratech -- fossil-fueled heat engines, atomic bombs, ballistic missiles, fission reactors, biologically-invasive e-tech, the capability to slash-and-burn a planet and move on -- but not to functional integration with the natural surround. Having a starting point (this being a denial of nonorientability), and making that point axiomatics, confines logic, and hence the conception of cognition, to automata, or as Chomsky-Wolfram would have it, to generative cellular automata. The Aristotelian penchant for categorizing and naming precludes direct ontic experience of animistic participation mystique with the natural surround and mandates truth-value as the fundament of logic, not relative-state identity-transparency as that fundament. The Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion's First Cause is logocentrically codified by analogical model as the single axiom of axiomatics, e.g., that of Wolfram (discoursed upon in the paper of Wolfram linked above). By contrast, our notion of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency exemplifies a type of Relationism, but not of the Realist variety. The whatnots most fundamentally related in our Platonic-Idealist variety are no-things, not nothing, and not the thing-objects of (ponderable)space(meme)time; they are the Aurobindo-warm-golden Kusama-motes-holes-dots (numerable as factors of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers) of pre-pregeometry Wheelerian bucket of dust (density qua closest-packing of dusti on CTC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround being of n-order-types of infinity) over which pregeometry calculi of CTC+-unto-µTm propositions (numerable as Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers) are truth-value-independently constellated, topologically-active operator-time (3-fold operator-time, and associated temporal CURLs, are not to my understanding a reincarnation of medieval Tritheism, whatever be the anti-Thomist heretical implications of trivalent Lukasiewicz logic) instrumenting decompositional demergence of these propositions into the modal and predicate logics of thing-object-relations qua -- that's qua, not cum -- (ponderable)space(meme)time. If a Tripartite-Fertile-Crescent-Religion First Cause, howsoever named, is to be projective-identification-wise personified, then, surely, HE (BigBanged or no) must exist, even were He only a Final Cause, as a She at the all ways always therehere hypertwist (Ack, aye, there you are, I reckon, Mate-Matie. Good-oh. Just where I thought you'd be.) where multiple-connectedness melds into non-axiomitizable nonorientability (currently ConveDDed -- conversion-disorder displaced -- as transsexuality). Hypotheses with deducible consequences, alright! and especially so when all right; but rules of deduction posited relative to which logical-value order-type, and under which notion of value? Or is it: which sets of such order-types? The set of all such sets not containing themselves, including the all-set itself? Damned if you do, damned if you don't? Damned straight: self-reference, that ain't. Bivalent duplicitousness: not so much trompe l'oeil as trompe l'esprit. By the memetime, circa 1965, I quit college, I had reached a conclusion which I thought likely a naive youthful conceit, i.e., that most aspects of human activity involve corrupt practices -- naive or not, still my judgment, and a judgment I was determined to act upon. More than half a century later, I've found no reason, of whatever order-type, to rescind the belief that corruption has been homo Sapiens chief feature ever since the decrepitude, which is 1T2-only-logic alone, was glutamatergically neuronally anchored, the resultant impercipience being due to a kundabuffered, artificial, egospherical-carapace blockage of conscious access to THE quantum brain's µTm processing. And, OMG, is there even a well-determinable (1T2-criteria of well-determinable are hard enough to find; so, clearly, nonesuch are available for criteria of the µTmly-unto-CTC+ly well-determinables) self of the itself of the all such including those CTC+ when value is understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not truth? While this may be numinous to binary-mind, it is not to embrace Rudolf Carnap's (see: Carnap's Defense of Impredicative Definitions, Vera Flocke, The Review of Symbolic Logic, 12:2, June 2019, pp. 372-404) 1T2-only nominalist embrace of impredicativity. With respect to µTm-unto-CTC+, to what aspect of this lot does logical necessity belong? How understand inference when deduction is carried out through a spiralform of self-referential reentries, each such interface being an infinity-to-zero/zero-to-infinity nonorientability belying the notion of faced-off whatnots intered? And what sort of Aristotelian is it, anyway, who chooses to be a pusillanimous bookmaker of faces when the interface -- however so much a dissembling Cartesian-Newtonian cultural lag -- is the exemplar of cosmic sy|nec[his}m? Why not, instead of booking, choose to log, log/log, log-normal, N/logN, et cetera, the spiralformed interfaces, scale levels, order-types, sheets, each of the parameters of cosmic nesting-foam (ConveDDed into: one transaction-rent-seeking minion superposed upon the next), e.g., absolute limiting velocities of given LSTDs, limited spacetime domains? Uh, µTmly speaking: numbers standing one atop another, superposed, abnumerated; 1T2ly speaking: denumeration in branches bridged, Riemann-surface-like. The following statement, drawn from our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper:
There is a hierarchy of c-s [limiting velocities], probably represented as a linear function when ln c is plotted against the order of magnitude increases between LSTDs. This is suggested by the prevalence of natural logarithmic distributions governing material systems. Thus, by way of illustration in the atmospheric dynamic just considered
somewhat prefigured Anna D. Broido's and Aaron Clauset's critique (Scale-free networks are rare, Nature Communications, 10, article # 1017, 4 March 2019) of Albert-Laszlo Barabasi's 1999, and Mark Buchanan's 2000, probabilistic widespreadedness-ubiquitous claim as regards scale-independent power-lawed connection-degree distribution in natural systems undergoing far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, but, continuing the above-given quotation:
[calculation of c2 from c1] serves to define a new absolute limit (c2) valid for the acoustic wave spectrum. Therefore, while the acoustically-modified gravity waves described in Section 6 remain trapped within the LSTD of tropospheric dynamics, the pure acoustic modes, which exist as a multivalued aspect of c, are free to propagate vertically toward the ionosphere, accounting for the replication of the cascade process observed above tornadic storms [a fact not to be discounted as regards, say, processes involved in ozone depletion and ramifications of the use of ionospheric heaters].
If there are network nodes involved in the case of tornadogenesis, those n-connected nodes are to be found in the Regge calculus which translates curvature configurations (e.g., in this case, theta-e, equivalent potential temperature, surface topologies) into equivalent lattice structures. Take note of the reference to the multivalued aspect of c. The involved multi-valued functions (think: nonlinear quantum harmonic oscillators) would be processed by m-valued analog processors working in Mnk articulation spaces, not by bivalent digital processors of probabilistic degree distributions on 2nk fitness landscapes. On a more abstract, more logic-prelogic, level, the nodes are the motes of Wheelerian pre-pregeometry bucket of dust (thinking concretely: the Novikov dust of Sakharov's multi-sheet model of the cosmos). So, consideration of scale-relative absolutes (re: limiting velocities, limiting accelerations, limiting time rates of change of acceleration) evokes the discrete-continuous conundrum, not to mention the problem of universals. Forget, say, the velocity of money; there's nothing that moves down Radio Catinat, the rumor mill's highway, faster than classified information; moreover, in terms of politics, rumor is the reality and fact is fiction. Belt-and-Road is the Chinese version of the Freedom Highway (cf. the novel of that name by Nigel Krauth, Allen & Unwin, 1999) and the B-52 bases which the U.S. funded the building of during the late-1950s in anticipation of the elaboration (good offices of George Black, ArchiveToday, 16 March 2021, of considerable interest to a onetime CICV-Targets analyst) of its term at the Indochina war; the Chinese anticipation being that of major warfare focused on their Central Asia backdoor (the U.S. base area becoming India, decisive pelagic battles mainly being fought in the Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic). Politics nowadays having subsumed the anti-Realist art of flatus vocis, does that mean that to our tacitly Nominalist decision-science fundamentalists, the word alone having parts, that John 1:1's and the Word was God has their God down to a mere vacuous universal, an outré abstraction shorn of wooly substance, a black hole without hair (good offices of Megan Gannon, Scientific American, 21 September 2013)? As regards those black holes with scalar hair (say, an atmospheric acoustic analog to a blackhole computer, the most critical scalar field being that of theta-e, equivalent potential temperature), consideration of the nature of continua may be in order: à la Havenel and Peirce (Peirce's Clarifications of Continuity, Jerome Havenel, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 44:1, Winter 2008, pp. 86-133), are CTC+ continuities (plural) of Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround well-determinable as continua? Under which logical-value order-type are the criteria determinative of such well-determinable to be determined? Certainly not that 1T2. Iff in the limit there is no well-determinable value, but there is interface (via temporal CURL, iff constructability be a mandated criterion) to another logical-value order-type, then, quoting Havenel quoting Peirce, there are no ultimate parts to a true continuum, and there is no definability -- rather a Cloude of Unknowyng [1T2ly speaking of µTm-unto-CTC+ ratiocination, i.e., what Swedenborg called angelic thought: That nowhere bodily, is everywhere ghostly, p. 101]; better, a Cloud of Unknowability -- attributable to the C+TC+ (to wit: C+TC+ hologramically perfect part-whole/whole-part ID-transparency, i.e., no fuzziness at projection, contrary to the fuzzy-logic interpretation in terms of the real interval [0,1]; cf. Havenel quoting Peirce: all the parts of a perfect continuum have the same dimensionality as the whole) most(logically)-dense sheet qua most-common CommonGround (the cloud thus referred to being that of the binary mind, with its knower/known distinction drawn, such that knowledge-through-identity-transparency is arbitrarily excluded). And, being indefinable, nothing can be deduced from Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround by use of 1T2-only rules of inference; but, being knowable-through-identity-transparency, Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround can be demerged via cyclotomic involutory decomposition (cf. Havenel paraphrasing Peirce: a continuum is not built out of its parts but that the parts of a continuum are built out of the continuum) by use of CTC+-unto-µTm Musculpt symformphonie. Tzog-chen under µTm has ultimate parts-unto-motes (warm-gold dust being a characteristic initialization aura of the associated states of consciousness?); CTC+-Tzog-chen AllBase has no ultimate parts: this distinction is not a mere matter of spatial and temporal relations. Peirce's mode of existence of the whole, which Havenel designates synesis, is related to J. G. Bennett's notions of apokresis and apokritical intervals (quoting Michael Grenfell's commentary on Bennett's The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1: every whole has its characteristic apokrisis and Apokrisis displacement is very important. It represents a continuum from complete determinism to complete freedom), i.e., indicating the state of (1T2-only)null-vector-defined skew-parallelism (types of pencil of skew-parallels [see Appendix III, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, pp. 506-9] being the µTm-deep-structure of Heisenberg's 1T2-surface-structure uncertainty inequalities) characteristic of the framework determining conditions of a given regime of systematics, each such pencil corresponding to a µTm-unto-CTC+ order-type of logic (understood independent of the notion truth-value). As Peirce (cf. Havenel) pointed out, (1T2-only) cognition is in continuity of relations, in William James' stream of consciousness; consequently, there is no representation at any given instant (of memetime). What Peirce surely didn't point out is that as memetime-slowdown (by increased baud-rate of consciousness) approaches the stop Aldous Huxley felt (meme)time must have, bivalent cognition collapses (cf. Cloude of Unknowyng) to the frozen instant which relativistic time dilation dictates at the absolute limiting velocity, whereupon -- poof! -- 1T2-only cognition phase-shifts in snuff-out snapover to µTm-ratiocination by Musculpt symformphonie. Supermultitudinality of the abnumerable being resident, according to Peirce (cf. Havenel), in potentiality is a prefiguration of the probability-cum-propensity interpretations of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function, which interpretations saved sanctity of 1T2-logic by denying applicability to Schrödinger of µTm-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. Had Peirce had available to him this notion of m-valued logics throughout his five periods of differing takes on the notion continuum, takes which Havenel examines, Peirce likely would have seen that the different takeaways contemplated relate to different categories of logical-value order-types correlated, from perspective of 1T2-only topology, to shapelessness classes, the binary-mind's takeaway from brief flashover exposures to µTm-Musculpt symformphonie.
The paragon notion, foremost among nonpareils, missing from Peirce's (who carried memetime-bound Darwinian evolution into logic as a postulate, cf. Peirce's Clarifications of Continuity, Jerome Havenel, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 44:1, Winter 2008, pp. 86-133) conceptions of perfect connected point-continuum is topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime), embrace of which requires recognition that supposedly objective linear-time (understood a continuous stream or composed of discrete instants) is mere memetime (a glutamatergically-anchored learned behavior epigenetically and culturally passed from generation to generation); one corollary being that cyclotomic involutory decomposition-demergence C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, under 3-fold topo-active optime instrumentation of the involved logical-unto-ontological-unto-existential operations, transpires altogether memetime-independently; which is to say: unconsciously, to memetime-bound absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2-only egospheres well-buffered from direct ontic participation mystique registration of the collective occasions of experience which incarnate, however unconsciously, as immanent µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency, states by definition not identified -- indeed, not conceivably identifiable (think: the µTm-percept instantaneously encompasses the full complement of facets of the Husserlian horizon of an object, an encompassing which Analytical Cubism only hints at, and which requires OBE nonlocality to apprehend) -- with simple-IBE, in-the-body experience (cf. the early-Christian heresy known as Docetism, and its rather sophomoric interpretations). Our nonjuring docents of dolesome daedal donnée -- the grief-inducing intricate set of assumptions upon which the promulgated fictions are elaborated -- always burst forth with dolent [the}me and variations upon the same old same 'ol, yes, the nummular assertions of yet another trans-- uh, uh, transhumanist, taking upon himherself the tut-tut driver's scorn for the samlor pedaler. Oping by ConveDD a side-door of the Vedas' one-wheeled car, the identity-arrow-looping-'I' of category theory, so goes the cohort -- Borus Stushie, Gooddie Loveless, Godwin Stoush, and chums -- of the Idempotent Semi-Ring of true believers in bivalent governance on behalf of the lesser good or the greater bad: NeoCons, scrunched noses raised high by chin-ups, doing the same thing over and over because they know that nothing will thus be changed. Having imprinted upon, and having put one's imprint on-- hmmm. Howsoever much one suffers from inantiodromic Woke objurgation, to man-up steeliness, Dan, is to eschew expiation and atonement: expiation of the tacitly held existential guilt which identification with IBE entails; atonement for finding inspiration in the notions of making Jonestown into a global village and planetarizing the smallpox blanket. Carpetbagging the world began in earnest immediate post-WWII: and there's been no abjuration thereof by the Washington Consensus maintained inside the Beltway. Both Cantorian and post-Cantorian definitions of connectedness as essential to definition of continuum are 1T2-bound in that they rely demonstrably upon illustrative mappings to selfsame numbers, e.g., the rationals; but this sort of demonstration flies in the face of, quoting Havenel paraphrasing Moore quoting Peirce, the points on a continuum 'lack distinct identities', that is, they manifest non-selfsameness qua identity-transparency qua are m-valued. These non-simply-identifiable pre-pregeometry dust-mote points are abnumerated as the factors of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, whereas the denumerated factors of non-G-numbered G numbers do have distinct simple-identity. Spatial separation and relative lack thereof and lack altogether thereof are the foci of discussions on distinct identity and lack thereof. The notion of a limit comes into play, regards infinitudes (of points on plenum of continuum) and infinitesimals (of spatial distance between points on plenum of continuum). Long, long ago, in Calculus 1, when I expressed perplexity over the presented notion of a limit and concurrently stated my personal opinion that a limit is not some determinate value (reachable or unreachable) but a transition between this and that, between a something and a something else, I was told not to ask fundamental questions which disrupt presentation of class material. Well, I certainly didn't want to be a disrupter, so I dropped the class. During that period in my personal development, I didn't know what those something and something else are, just that between them is where a limit is. Subsequently, I came to the comprehension that they are logical-value order-types understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-value. Sans memetime as a fundamental referent, as a Peircean logical postulate, the limit (e.g., uncontained limit of a discrete series or contained limit of a continuous series) may be analogically construed as demergent at a spatial boundary (be it point, line, plane, ,n-dimensionality) or analogically construed as demergent at a chronological boundary (be it real, imaginary, hypercomplex, ,n-complexity), these boundaries being blurred-fuzzy boundaries-without-boundary (the boundary of the boundary is not well-determinable, e.g., the involved points are, so to speak, transparent unto translucent, depending upon the involved logical-value order-type, black and white only under the 1T2-only-order-type alone, colors coming in with sets of such order-types -- or, Musculpturally speaking, they may be Dongsonian, bronze-drum beaten by an energy-momentum cascade, e.g., waterfall, such that the fuzzy boundary is acoustically designated, as noted, for instance in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, i.e., moon = discoidal tympanum and hoa binh = peace), plasmahaut-like, phase-transition snapovers between logical-value order-types continuous (CTC+) unto discrete (µTm). Instead of, like abjuration-spell-casting Riemann-incarnate-escaping-from-Abel-transcendental by handling m-valued functions as if single-valued, via bridges (allowing a monovalent march -- hash-house harrier on a mad run through pineapple fields forever -- of the function, such that the bridges amount to majik barriers to authentic multivalency) between sheets-branches, the dust-mote points on point-continuum covering surface of each sheet-plenum are marked with Gödel-number factors, each such point an intersection of the Regge lattice covering the covering surface of the nested-ensheaved sheet-plenums, sets of such points-factors-marks forming Gödel-numbered propositions, these G-numbers transparent-sheet-to-transparent-sheet appropriately superposed, stacked one upon the one beneath it, abnumerated, such that on the most-dense Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround sheet the sets of pre-pregeometry dust-motes each are numbered with C+-non-self-identical G-numbered G-numbers of C+TC+ly self-referential propositions. Now, that is a sophomoric conception, in that cascade theory teaches us that inter-sheet dynamics, instrumented by 3-fold (mediating the closed, the multiply-connected, the non-orientable) topo-active optime, involve imaginary, hypercomplex, hyperhypercomplex temporal CURLs, these CURL-processes being a considerable amplification of Riemann's bridging intuition (such identity-transparency-facilitating temporal-CURL bridges being memetime-bound-thermodynamics proscribed in the schizoid, dissociative, splitting-apart, multi-worlds interpretation of Everett's 1T2-only-relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics).
Two-million years of metapreprogrammed hypercarnivore apex-predator {good offices of Tel-Aviv U., Phys.org, 5 April 2021} experience (enlarged {good offices of Tel-Aviv U., Phys.org, 1 March 2021} 1T2-only molecular-cellular brain, but regressive postdiluvian -- i.e., after collective onset of chronic prescriptively-orchestrated glutamate flood [ConveDDed, conversion-disorder displaced, to the biblical flood?] -- logical-value order-type impoverishment of conscious readout from THE nonlocalizable CTC+-unto-µTm-quantum brain) was brought to Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and the skunk-cabbage-perfumed, copperhead-infested, rattlesnake-plant-floriated swamp (cognitive analogue of the Dac Khu Rung Sac, that is, the Rung Sat Special Zone) circumscribed by the Capital Beltway. Thorough (relative to subsystem-system-supersystem dynamics) forswearing of apex predation would involve, among much else (I enjoyed reading David S. Walls' consideration, Internal Colony or Internal Periphery? , Sonoma State U., 1980 or later by Notes, of a specific case, Appalachia, because, as a non-union electrician, I worked side-by-side with many who daily commuted long hours from the Appalachian hinterlands to work construction in the Greater D.C. Metro Area), fiber-bundling the n-bundling of n-rehypothecated financial derivatives of derivatives of derivatives, ,n, such that the local-qua-Periphery multiplier effects embezzled by our Metropole-qua-money-centers undergo spontaneous localization to their myriad points of origin. Regards the hyperinflationary brobdingnagian billion, ,quintillion, ,decillion, ,quattuordecillion, ,novemdecillion, ,centillion multitude on dust-mote continua: the CTC+-mu-itic primi/secondo/tertio, ,n-postnumeral" (good offices of Helio Rebello Cardoso, Jr., Peirce's mathematical-logical approach to discrete collections and the premonition of continuity, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 22:1-2, June 2012), as distinct from the 2T2-only-qu-bitic primipostnumeral, is M-to-the-aleph-sub-C-power, not 2-to-the-aleph-sub-0-power. Pursuant to that consideratum, is postnumeral a Boolean way of pigeonholing the Lukasiewiczian numerical non-selfsameness first suspected via the part-whole identity-transparency seen in the diagonal-proven Cantorian infinitude? Given that temporal CURLings onto complex and hypercomplex domains may fulfill error-correcting and securitization roles in their mediations of interscale information-cascade processes, the blockchain as ConveDD of nature's own temporal CURL is not much of a reach -- especially so, given the non-SpecialRelativity-theoretic digital-time-stamping-of-blocks origins of Satoshi Nakamoto's p2p e-cash system (the e1, ,en of this e-system ignoring Nakamoto's predilection for classical Newtonian absolute time sans dilation: the chicken-and-egg problem strongly supports the contention that 1T2-only-definable linear-time is mere memetime). Distributed ledger is what we get when Schrödinger's m-valued (even C+-valued) state-function is dissimulated and the collective unconscious spawns a ConveDD, an arrogant punky posture, in compensatory abreaction to the dissembling: distributed (the 1T2 handling of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency) ledger (µTmly speaking, the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space). Funny money, eh what! The notion that in concrete processes there is a limit placed upon infinitesimality is consonant with the Paine-Kaplan energy-momentum-cascade model, in that, when the smaller-to-smaller-to-smaller, ,n process runs out of flat Newtonian space and absolute time, i.e., transcends the so-imagined classical limit, it radiates m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, modes in all likelihood processed on, not nature's own 2T2-only-qu-bitic quantum Turing machines, but nature's own m-logically-valued Musculpting analog (or/and digitally mu-itic) Lukasiewicz machines. Instead of the meaningless (one lacuna-on-the-brain in competition with other lacunas-on-brains to find the right number of zeros!) massive energy dissipation which monoscale, single-valued, 1T2-only-processed-bitcoin mining (the busyness business way to speculatively Byenance ostentation) involves, the µTm-LETS mining-equivalent tasking would be the open-source, e-commons, multiple-scenarios abductive-search strategic, VRed, computer gaming of the indicator-measureable-tagged m-values to be ensheaved (monetary system analogue of m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes) upon base-states of µTm-LETS currency units of the µTm-LETS-currencies nesting-foam -- fiber-bundled financial derivatives being denominated therein (wouldn't we prefer to have derivative transactions displayed à la creamed cabbage rather than on the BigBoard?). You want [eco}nomics rather than e-[con}omics, then create the form of the monetary system employed in analogue to a general theory of form in process in nature. Quants and FXspeculators would have adequate incentive and verdant fields to play in whilst aspiring to become Musculpted GlassBeadGame adepts, but, by framework determining conditions, would be prevented from becoming oligarchs, let alone ludicrous Magisters of the Universe of Financial Experience.
What is consensuatedly experienced as spatially-isotropic and anisotropically-memetime-bound physical reality may be heuristically entertained as nature's demergent Proof of Work vis-à-vis the Ray of Creation (the binary-mind, especially the Fertile-Crescent-Greco-Roman-Western-institutionalized -- which nowadays could also be Eastern -- collective binary-mind, is obsessed with eliminating the uncertainty metaphorically embodied as Satan's Tail, particularly when that tail is fat, and when it fosters non-orientability qua non-simple identity via self-reentry) in its most-decomposed state, i.e., Maya-Samsara (there is, not to be forgotten, also the Ray of Decreation, which is ontologically simultaneous with the Ray of Creation, thus cancelling it out -- CTC+ly speaking). The sensitive dependence of the butterfly and avalanche effects is a 1T2-way to conceal from awareness the CTC+-unto-µTm demergence-cascade where within initial conditions (initial only from a syllogistic-1T2-only-take which, by definition of the involved rules of accommodation, ignores, not only TaiChi-rotational enantiodromia, but also self-reentrant-ouroborosian non-orientability) are on C+TC+ most-dense sheet (the C+-gramic C+-polyalphabetic reflector of the cosmic cipher machine) of Tzog-chen AllBase qua CommonGround of BackCloth of MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space. Moreover, one class of divergences cum convergences, which the binary-mind insists upon renormalizing (e.g., by defining calculus limits upon the given divergences cum convergences and by rescalings to remove from view, say, m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes), transpires at each interscale cascade event, the renormalizations concealing (ConveDDed, conversion-disorder displaced, to cancel culture) the involved logical-value-order-type transitions mediated by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime: when visualizing the associated 3-fold temporal CURL, think of the rotors). Cosmologically speaking, is presence of the CTC+-BackCloth (the behind of the BackCloth, the most-dense-sheet AllBaseCommonGround reflector thereof, being, to repeat, C+TC+-logically-valued) indicated by cosmic microwave background radiation, zero-point energy, quantum vacuum fluctuations? For a lot of history and an extraordinary collection of references, see Helge Kragh's Preludes to dark energy: Zero-point energy and vacuum speculations, arXiv, 2010 or later by References. Does this BackCloth (on this subject, an interesting 40-year-old abstract; the paper still not accessible, even copy-paste made problematic: Hierarchical set definition by Q-analysis, part 1, The hierarchical backcloth; can one suppose that those still submitting to journals, when there is arXiv and such like, are solely extrinsically-motivated scientists-academics?) involve 3-fold temporal-CURL-induced folded-towel diffeomorphisms? If so, upon which fold are the black holes of Primordial black holes, zero-point energy and CMB (good offices of Sarang Zeynizadeh and M. Nouri-Zonoz, arXiv as reposted to ResearchGate 27 February 2013) found? Are the singularities of these holes pre-pregeometry bucket-of-dust dust motes? Be aware that in his 2008 film, The Dust of Time, Theodoros [Angel}opoulos only postulates two different time levels : quite an undersight for a celestial being. The real-world product cipher (i.e., the simply-identifiable object), after C+-decombines qua transforms qua cascade-demergences (think à la Zeynizadeh and Nouri-Zonoz: that vacuum energy is not constant and is decaying into the matter component ), is unassailably secure to any and all 1T2-only cryptanalysis cum hackings (i.e., to the binary-mind, the fetishized material girl sex object is indubitably simply-identifiable and only simply-identifiable), be the assaults bit-based or 2-state qu-bit-based. This thesis was discussed -- à la atmospheric processings of m-valued tornado-generated acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes and m-valued acoustic-wave signatures of theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature-surface topo-transforms, as well as relative to speculation concerning µTm-processing of radiation input to DNA and coherent DNA-wave output -- with Douglas A. Paine at Cornell during the late-1970s, and written into our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 580-82.
Selected links explaining terminology employed in descriptions of the properties and machinations of cryptocurrencies, private and central-banked, blockchained or no: regards Bitcoin mining, here and here; blockchain; proof of work; one-way compression function; compression function; cryptographic hash function; hash function; SHA-2 (SHA-2 being I-Ching modeled à la TaiChi Rot264, whereas 3-fold-temporal CURLed µTm-LETS would employ Rot3Mnk); product cipher; block cipher; block; hash; nonce. The p2p crypto-exchange network is misnomered as instituting decentralization, when what is actually accomplished is effectuation of massive transactional computational complexification (and this is done without mapping V to VC, as would be done were topologically-active operator-time employed to describe velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of money; this without being a form of filtering) so as to remove banks as third-party guarantors, and to bring about systemic-rescaling renormalization-to-a-synoptic-monoscale (currencies no longer defined on boundaries, not even e-pseudofractal boundaries, and, ultimately, it comes to pass that there is only one global currency and one global bank and one global manager -- well, at the very least, that's the strange attractor teleologically governing prevailing collective behaviors), such that all local information (as related to action directives) is removed from the planetary monetary system, a removal that quenches local multiplier effects and, in so doing, greatly reduces systemic adaptational competency qua resiliency. As such decentralized -- heh-heh-heh! -- binary-logical cryptos scale-up globally, there transpires a bivalent separation between peers and miners, this being a chaos-theoretic bifurcation point (good offices of Geoff Boeing, Chaos Theory and the Logistic Map, USC, 25 March 2015) lying the foundation for yet more self-similar bifurcations and consequent concentration of financial wherewithal in the tools of fewer and fewer. A lot is being done (see, for several examples: China's Digital Yuan Comes With An Expiration Date, ZeroHedge, 12 April 2021; and The UK Considers a New Central Bank Digital Currency , Mish, MishTalk, 20 April 2021; and The Digital Yuan Can Be Turned Off Like A Light Switch, ZeroHedge, 22 April 2021) to undermine implausibility of the scenario which maintains that full flower of the In Time depiction of a We Are The World [meme]time currency, as the final solution to the overpopulation problem, has all along (consider in this regard the global import of Richard Werner's Princes of the Yen: 2003 book, 2014 docufilm, 2020 Hugh Hendry interview; 2020 Paul Buitink Reinvent Money interview, entitled ECB wants to become only bank in town) been the (tacitly held, or explicitly elaborated amongst the core group of the GLE, global leadership elite) strange attractor pulling the development of cryptos towards itself. Surprising they can keep a focus given the other attractors operative. Members of the well-coifed pedophiliac GLE getting their fixes on Rue du Petit Pont! Heh-heh-heh. Since bulk of the discretionary resources of the planet are going into one or another of the subscenarios -- hard to soft -- of this scenario and associated geopolitical scuffles and snuffs, R&D goes relatively unfunded into other approaches to the organizational problem, to the energy crisis, to the pop bomb, to study of what actually is behind the apparent climate-shift dynamics, to the demise of species and ecobiodiversity, to the food and water shortage, so on. Will the ten-percent (a WAG) who survive be selected by the GLE, or, control lost, will there consequently be no memebers of the GLE counted among the survivors? We, by contrast, would have µTm-logical, 1T2ly-null-vector-defined, pencill\lls-of-skew-parallell\lls-drawn, J.G.Bennettian skew-cubes instead of the 1T2-block-ciphers of -- say, Bitcoin -- blockchains. Note that, already, a species of e-coin fatigue is setting in (good offices of Ott Ummelas and Stephen Treloar, Cashlessness may have gone too far in Norway, government warns, Financial Post of Bloomberg News, 23 April 2021). Uh, again by contrast, single-valued, 1T2-only processed cash as the base-state of a currency-unit value-ensheavement of any given µTm-LETS currency in the planetary monetary-nesting-foam; locally-specific m-scenarios, e-commons, open-source, computer-gaming of µTm-LETS-currency-domain credit creation and allocation, non-profit community banks and LETS-domain-specific public banks as functional prerequisites to implementation of the µTm-aspects of LETS-currency nesting-foam, the currency-unit value-stack fine-grain tagged to locally-computer-gamed indicator-measurables. As the physicists say, not crazy enough to be true? Mayhaps, but there are ways to make it crazier. Along with superposed static structures, e.g., à la Analytical Cubism or the nesting of 3-D nets into knotted n-D meshworks, there would be semantic signification via the motion constitutive of form-in-process, the motion-process instrumented [think: violins and candle light :-)] by topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) in a manner similar to how form in diatonic music is not vertically stacked à la the chords themselves, but appears as chordal harmony via the horizontal motion of chord-relative-states. It would be the topo-active-optime-instrumented motion of colored-sounded-forms, logically-algebraically-geometrically represented by µTm-logical, 1T2ly-null-vector-defined, pencill\lls-of-skew-parallell\lls-drawn, J.G.Bennettian skew-cubes, indeed, skew-polytopes, numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers that would be the m-valued-LETS Musculpt correspondent of the 1T2-only-valued, hexadecimal-numbered, monoscale-crypto blockchain. It's not trickle-down in monetary, financial, or cosmological terms that we speak of here. Be aware that the notion of demergence/remergence qua involution/evolution qua cascade/reverse-cascade is a residual of the 1T2-only mode of cognition, and that [one-way, two-way], say, compression/decompression function, is likely not the actual cosmological case; it's almost surely [n-way, ,C+-way], but GROKing that clearly would involve thinking in µTm-unto-CTC+-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, not 1T2-thinking about those higher-logical-valued order-types. It takes some Gabriel Demonstration Area experience rappelling -- cognitive rappelling -- to get the hang of the CTC+-unto-µTm-cascade, which, given 3-fold imaginary and hypercomplex temporal CURL at each multiply-connected and non-orientable interscale phase transition, is no mere bivalent hierarchy or Boolean heterarchy. If you're uptight and 1T2-identified, then it's more like Jump School: freefall until, hopefully, the chute opens at height of the least-encompassing logical-value order-type. Beware of spatial contraction at freefall fixation, of false dawns, of exterminating angels. Quoting Nelson DeMille's novel Up Country, pp. 294-5, the 2003 Warner paperback edition:
And yet, for all the adrenaline rushes and the out-of-body experiences, and the incandescent flashes of truth and light, war, like a drug, took its toll on the body, the mind, and the soul.
Note the casual mention of OBEs. Maybe, not being an M.D. or an SF medic, DeMille didn't know that ketamine was the most-used general anesthetic of the war, that OBEs are ketaminergic and not adrenergic, that OBEs are a gateway (lack of fear of dying is not necessarily a function of self-hatred, as the shrinks would have it always be; it can also, for some, be a function of knowing that that lack is a ticket to NOW) to direct ontic experience of µTm-processing of the Analytical-Cubism-like proprioceptive and perceptive gestalts characteristic of the animistic-pagan quantum-participation mystique states of consciousness traditionally in ready access to members of the Vietnamese peasantry, and likewise to members of other traditional East and Southeast Asian peasantries -- an access the residuals of which undoubtedly to this day inform framework determining conditions of organizational-algo predilections. Quoting our paper entitled Multivalue, Nanoimmunity, and the Genesis of Metaculture:
The French ethnologist, Giran, writing before World War One, offers us a provocative portrait:
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese. (Quoted in Nguyen Khac Kham, 1970 [Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam. Saigon: Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations]).
Here we have a characterization of animism, of contagion, of, if you will, identity transparency. But is this notion of non-singular, non-selfsame identity non-scientific? It is non-Newtonian, certainly, but with equal certainty is it consistent with quantum physics in general and the biophysics of the quantum wave properties of the DNA molecule in particular. Even the vocabulary of this ethnographic portrait produced in 1912 [actually, I now believe this portrait was produced in 1904, only four years after Planck's paper on the quantum of action, long before the sort of terminology Giran employs entered discourse on the meaning of quantum mechanics: Paul Giran, Psychologie du Peuple Annamite, Ernest Leroux, Paris, as recently made available on the internet by ForgottenBooks.com] evokes the discourse of contemporary physics with its peculiar terminology: spontaneous fusion, relative-state, chaotic dynamics, collective and cooperative behaviors, entangled states, reciprocal maintenance, instabilities, non-simple identity, multiply-connected, and so on.
Inattention to unconscious processes, e.g., by ignoring thematic contents of dreams, is one solemn repudiation of I/im: consequently, not-see the Holy Sea upon which night-see journeys are launched. She may have realized that she was misplacing me amongst Some [old white] American Men when, whilst she was disparaging John Lennon's naiveté, I referred in a political-warfare context to the ever-more-accumulating domestic and global USG karma, for Gloria Emerson scoffed at this Buddhological reference by way of attributing naiveté, of a different sort from Lennon's, to me as well. Hmmm. Birthed on Flag Day of 1945 by the wife of a B-17 pilot. Yup. Baring the cross born to bear can be an enormous lifelong task -- deconstructing the nature and dimensions of that cross. But first is the discovery, the recognition, that one bears a cross born with to be ever borne. Our eminence greases {Dey analies ever'thing, don't dey. Same old same-ol' in neoteric-tech bottles; not an authentic new idea generated by the lot. How is my other-Iambe to rule out the thesis that already there exist figures of the global leadership elite who are chatbots? Spouting urtext of the J-see Keywanee!} and grouchy roustabouts -- even so late (the state-function of 2-billion years of memetime being in process of collapse) as we are into the struts and frets of Last and First Men (this link being to the best review of Olaf Stapledon's novel of 1930, a perspective on the cosmological cascade being provided in his Star Maker of 1937, both of which I read during the summer of 1975 soon after arrival in Ithaca, New York) upon the stage (made into a movie last year, review good offices of Guy Lodge, Variety, 7 March 2020) -- have a lot of trouble, despite their sound and fury, assimilating this Giran-Kham characterization of the Weltanschauung-cum-sensorium of the natives. Tussles? Anyone can see that the global hostility industry is riding high on all the various national forms of QE. And how long it takes for even the least of the lesser infractions to come out! Say, a violation of the terms (so far as would be seen by many) of the Ampo toso (good offices of Zachary Kaplan, Anti-Americanism in Zengakuren 1957-1960, Studies on Asia, Series IV, 2:1, March 2012). We now have Benjamin Brimelow, for the first time I've seen, noting (see How the US considered helping France nuke , Business Insider, 18 March 2021: I first heard of the nuke offer at AU's SORO, Special Operations Research Office, circa 1964) that the C-119s which Civil Air Transport pilots flew to airdrop-resupply Dien Bien Phu were not CAT aircraft but were provided by the USAF. Still, though, no mention made that these planes were loaded with supplies at, and flown by USAF pilots from, Ashiya, AFB, kita-Kyushu, Japan, flown to Hanoi, handed over to CAT pilots, then flown back to Ashiya by the USAF pilots for reloading of supplies, and back to Hanoi, so on until the resupply effort was given up with fall of DBP. As a 9-year-old kid who watched waves of these C-119s take off and return, and who, searching for swords and other left behind war paraphernalia, sneakingly explored the off-limits caves at the base of the Ashiya, AFB, flight-line, I was told stories about the Tonks by some of these pilots, and given presents bought in Hanoi by Lt. Harry Phelps, with whom I helped build a scale model of a B-36, miniature gasoline engines and all. I've been reticent regards the rubbing of noses in, as Giran characterized it, this idea of contagion: since my mil.brat childhood, I've never doubted the maxim No good deed goes unpunished; so, I didn't have to wait until in my forties whilst reading John Grisham's The Client to internally disparage the 1T2-only lawfare of our 1T2-only Lebenswelt. Dear Dr. Diddly Squat, Where's the bilk? Notice it's named Bitcoin, not Qubitcoin, and certainly not Muitcoin. The Roadrunner units, the CT teams, the SatCong squads were coalesced into Phoenix, which received input from the MACV-CICV-JGS IDHS-precursor of Google. This was a paradigm demonstration found so inspiring that -- on basis of the precedent set by failed McNamara being given the World Bank (the ComprehensivePlanner moral hazard that prefigured onset of kakistocratic regulatory moral hazard, a process that builds upon itself yielding ever more dominance by the dumbest) -- Phoenix Global Central was established to get some back from the Bear. And that worked so well, Phoenix was domesticated as the backchannel subtext of TIA and LifeLog (history of which, good offices of Whitney Webb, The Military Origins Of Facebook, ZeroHedge, 16 April 2021). MoSoSo, surveillance capitalism, and 1T2-only monoscale cryptos being coconspirators behind the obvious superficial motivators-rationalizations of these totalitarian developments, and the social structure of attention cathexes being fixated thereupon, the deep-structure dimension is hardly at all conscious, and, if mentioned, generally poo-pooed: i.e., denial of service qua blocking of access to µTm-relative-state quantum non-simple identity-transparency and the organizational-algo predilections such access would facilitate (the surface aspect of the deep-structure being compensatory abreaction to failure of find'em, fix'em, and finish'em -- be the finish'em part attempted with strategic hamlets, free-fire zones, saturation bombing, CBUs, daisy-cutters, napalm, WP, Puff-the-Magic-Dragon, airmobiles, Rome plows, agent orange, attack helicopters, Phoenix, smart bombs, DU projectiles, CBN, whatever). One of my personal-best big takeaways from the Viet-Nam-war experience is that, when confronted with collective psychosis, facts and rational discourse have absolutely no efficacy whatsoever. Symptomatology of the psychosis (in the case of US, manifest destiny syndrome, perhaps) is not just a thought thing, anomaly, incapacity; it's also emotional-proprioceptive cum qualia-sensory-perceptive: looking at green, sufferers see red, actually see red, not pretend to see red so as to achieve the slated outcome of a stratagem. Why the inordinate paranoiac compulsion driving such doctrine of techno uses as mandates R&D of supersonic nuke-capable missiles, DNA-fingerprint-reading-capable UAVs, and droning solar-powered laser-weapons-mirroring global hawks?
When you think you've plumbed the depths of fear, when you've gotten to a place at the end of the tunnel, where it can't get any more narrow or any more black, a place where you no longer have the capacity for fear, in a little corner of the tunnel where you laugh at death, you discover a secret room with the greatest fear of all: inside that room is yourself. (Nelson DeMille, Up Country, p. 433)
And then, in order to get some sleep, one leg has to hang over the edge of the bed, and the sole of that foot has to be held flat on the floor, has to hold the floor down to stop the spinning, spinning, spinning of the rotating solution which makes pelucid time's CURL in the chromodynamics of the instant. Only once that is GROKed does some insight begin to demerge regarding the nature of I/im. The wide-sweep-of-hisstory speaking, the present fulmination has gathered force, dissimulation to dissimulation, beginning in the early-19th century with Abel's Impossibility Theorem, and asymptotically culminating in the current condition of our condition: We Live In An Age With Absolutely No Intellectual Foundations, good offices of Michael Every, ZeroHedge, 20 April 2021. [Cog}native moorings frantic to put a hold on something, cancel anything, everything. Ack, aye, hellaciously atilt is the narcissistic, bipolar, psychosociopathic identification with the ergotropic 1T2-only egosphere's insistence upon the Law of Simple-Identity (ah, about abut one cannot reprise! consequently, for instance, by compensatory abreaction to the involved suppression, collective unconscious orchestration of bombing-the-unbombable, say COSVN, is a ConveDD of identifying the unidentifiable). The 200-years-War-of-the-World is autoimmune dyscrasia, humanity self-annihilating, homo Sapiens tapping itself out. The 0.01-percent are parasites and scavengers exploiting this effort to effectuate collective suicide; whereas the force majeure has been composed of all those who have chosen life patterns and aspirations that maintain and reinforce the institutional base responsible for the dyscrasia. Scrummy bait for the sharks, what: Untermenshen place their faith in men, kowtow before the naves' lesser altars.
Decentralized -- heh-heh-heh! -- autonomous -- heh-heh-heh! -- organization CURATORS -- heh-heh-heh! Miners hard-fork distinguished from peers, and curators (good offices of Andrew Quentson, Are The DAO Curators Masters Or Janitors?, Cointelegraph, 12 June 2016) hard-fork distinguished from miners and executors hard-fork distinguished from curators and the politburo hard-fork distinguished from the central executive committee The criticisms (good offices of Peter C. Earle, Programmable Digital Currencies Are Weaponizable Money, American Institute for Economic Research, 24 April 2021; and here via Investopedia Cryptocurrency definition; be aware that no system can altogether staunch criminal activities, only minimize the impetus thereto) leveled against programmable-digital currencies, especially programmable CBDCs (central bank digital currencies: depository current accounts in CBDCs are objectionable because they prefigure central banks becoming the only banks -- i.e., monoscale banking at the national level only -- and abused depositors would not be able to move to another bank when fed up; thus, without competition, there would be no constraints upon abuse except by poorly-effectuated 1T2-only-money-driven 1T2-only lawfare, a monetary-institutional condition which could only further enhance existing psycho-sexo-sociopathic governance), do not apply to the µTm-LETS currencies that would be in the µTm-LETS-currency nesting-foam <<<>>>, despite the fact that these currencies would be programmable cryptocurrencies. Why these criticisms do not apply to µTm-LETS: because of (1) the base-state (i.e., the most reduced state) of a µTm-LETS-currency unit would be 1T2-only cash (that is, the µTm-LETS monetary system would not mandate that cash be abandoned, but protocols of given µTm-LETS currencies would specify what sorts of transactions for which cash alone would be insufficient, and what sorts of work would be compensated in cash alone); and (2) these currencies (defined on pseudofractal e-boundaries) would be local (on, say, a Koch curve, local has no absolute definition) LETS currencies whatever their scale level in the monetary nesting-foam <<<>>>; and (3) the local, open-source, e-commons, m-scenarios computer-gaming (strategic, with associated gaming of implementation measures [largely the currency-unit value stack] by simulations of tactical-improvisation via disjointed incrementalism) of the factors involved in the programmability (i.e., no curators, and mining-without-miners instead of magic-without-magic); and (4) the fact that the value ensheavement on each monetary unit of each µTm-LETS currency can make the corpus of chosen programming variables and protocols orchestrate action-directives as subtly (no longer so grossly as the bivalent-logical binary-variable-cum-function-functional-functor up/down, profit/loss, buy/sell, so on) as is the subtlety of the computer-gamed strategic preference functions publicly simulated every which way until participatory distributed choice (this is where the basic idea behind proof of work and distributed ledger would be employed relative to µTm-LETS, not by solving meaningless mathematical problems) is gamed out; and (5) µTm-LETS could only be brought up bottom-up because the information required for implementation is locally-specific and can only be updated locally -- even if verified-authenticated-consensuated and stored in distributed fashion; and (6) as the µTm-LETS monetary system is brought up bottom-up and more and more elaborated and the indicator-measurables-related local-data databases become more and more extensive (git'r'on, bub!), the value-stack-on-currency-unit (framework determining conditions that would monetarily structuralize generative empathy via internalization of extrasystemic externalities) could get higher and higher, thus leaving on-or-off 1T2-only processing behind, even eventually leaving behind fuzzy-logic grayscale programmable applications, so as to employ µTm-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to relative-state identity-transparency, which is the full expression of the distributed ledger only upon which can an authentic quantum-composite unit of account be defined. Bivalent-logical DLT, distributed ledger technology, as distinct from the memetime-bound 1T2-only blockchain, howsoever much a move in the right direction, is, nonetheless, a psychological avoidance mechanism, a diversion of the social structure of attention cathexes, a ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) which submerges, and substitutes for, conscious integration of µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of identity-transparency which are the conditions of the condition (en masse Buddhologically referred to with the technical term compassion) on Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, nature's own most-distributed ledger (cf. making merit via exercise of generative empathy), a ledger acknowledgement of which was altogether blocked by knee-jerk consensuation of the BornRule suppression of m-valued Lukasiewicz-Post logics as interpretive lens for comprehension of the imports of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function. Hardscrabble (cf. solving an arbitrary mathematical puzzle , good offices of Investopedia, the Proof of Work entry) armamentaria of the blockchain's chaining of monetary systematics to 1T2-only-definable memetime: rules that move the memory , memory being the ergotropic origin of such time (cf. Julian Barbour, in the terms of Platonia), and, moreover, blocks in blockchains as cryptographic keys that move memory , these keys being, thus, à la the tie to 1T2-only-definable memetime, single-valued, hence, inherently incapable of handling m-valued Schrödinger state-functions (these latter two quotes were taken from Investopedia, the Hard Fork entry). Memetime obviously has pragmatic utilities, one of which being how the memetime-sequential order of the blocks of blockchain prevents double-spending of a given cryptocurrency unit. However, were µTm-LETS implementation to become more and more elaborate (each variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS currency in relative-state to the others as mapped on nonlocal-MVRS-distributed ledger of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, via a quantum-composite universal unit of account) such that higher and higher logical-value order-types were employed at transactional processing of value-stack on currency unit base-state, then the issue of non-simply-ownable derivative of non-simple-identity qua I/im qua SecretSharer cum secret sharers (think of how bungled bundles of bundled MBSs were mishandled via application of the consensuated financial-derivative protocol which mandates absence of employment of fiber-bundle arithmetics) would become a matter of considerable importance (a matter inherently not processable by binary-mind, and one of the reasons why Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface is required). One example -- à la Earth's atmosphere (and possibly of signal importance, not only as regards tornadogenesis, but also as regards climate-shift dynamics) -- of nature's own Musculpt cryptographic signatures, qua hashes, is the m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signature (sound-biting buzzworld: any thus-given such wave-packet being a polymorphism-type signal object in one of nature's own µTm-unto-CTC++ encapsulation-lite boundary-without-boundary OOPs) of a given theta-e, equivalent potential temperature, surface topology (think: relativity of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of sounded-forms, rather than relativity of size). Going beyond the memetime-bound, we note that IOTA's hash function is called Curl, but this is hardly an authentic reference to spatial curl, let alone to the temporal CURL of topologically-active operator-time, nature's own hash imprinter upon MVRS. Full-blown µTm-LETS would be an analog-cryptocurrency system, not a digital-cryptocurrency system -- given Musculpt as user-friendly interface (keyworlds searchable instead of by keywords) and machine language and processing carried out via Lukasiewiczian-analog computation. We've had digital currencies ever since banks and central banks computerized their ledgers. The differences between programmable-digital-, digital-, virtual-, and crypto-currencies are described here via Investopedia in the Virtual Currency entry. Hmmm. Moving away from Taxus, are you, bub? Encryption algos and cryptographic techniques: elliptical curve encryption; public-private key pairs; hashing functions. Beware of emulating the Christian activism which transpired in Alexandria of yore, so as not to set up structures vulnerable to the EMPing of a planetarized Library of Cloud Atlas. It may be, were µTm-Lets actually implemented (a remote possibility, the small probability of which is sufficient -- given how big the collective benefit would be -- to keep me knocking my head against the wall) and elaborated, that the properties of blockchain, sans the memetime stamping, as a vertical stack (see Investopedia, the Block Header entry), would be used in the e-commons computer-gamed mining of the value-stack to be placed on the base-state of currency units of any given µTm-LETS currency.
Unfortunately, there are not many members of the Church of the Earth -- a church my I/im joined as an eight-year-old: the post-VN syndrome attributed to my me began, not in the Mekong delta, but running wild through kita-Kyushu rice fields, circa 1953. After nearly 70 years of contemplation, in my considered judgment, the unacknowledged foremost obstacle to persistence of human species is, uh, uh, lawfare's 1T2-only right or wrong, the worst of all single-digit fidgets beloved by double-digit midgets, and the preeminent Dedekind cut distinguishing legally sane from illegally unsane. If the population bomb and associated resource depletions are to be met through natural attrition, rather than by mass murder of one sort and another and another and another (many such sorts have been tried since denigration of Abel's theorem of 1823 as being an Impossibility Theorem and the tacitly accompanying Give me simple-identity or give me death!), then self-organized (((cf. µTm-relative-state identity-transparency being the quantum potential {no mere Newtonian Q-ball dispersal} which is the deep-structure of the market's invisible magic hand, that quantum potential {our Q depends, not only on the second spatial derivative of the amplitude [good offices of Paavo Pylkkanen, The Quantum Potential -- Classical or Something Entirely New?, Fetzer-Franklin Fund, 28 October 2017], but also -- as we've been saying since the mid-1970s, and as Bohm intuited in February 1962 correspondence with J. G. Bennett -- upon environment-introjecting, e.g., in DNA radiation exchange, 3-fold temporal CURL, this introjecting schema [form informing: to quote Pylkkanen {{to wit: Could it be that the psi-field is literally 'in-forming' or putting form into the activity of the particle, rather than pushing and pulling the latter mechanically?}} and our General Process paper {{to wit: We speculate that the role of acceleration changing with respect to time, which results in form informing (topological changes in the orientability of equipotential surfaces), will be of increasing interest to meteorology in the next decade}} by way of underlining Louis Sullivan's notion that "form follows function" which, it could be said, W. L. Wright carried out as "form is function" automatized] being the exact point I made in a letter to Bohm covering a copy of our 1979 DNA paper, a letter to which there was no reply} which is effectuated by the sound designer cum sorting angel, i.e., topologically-active operator-time {uh, topo-active optime is the µTm-deep structure of de Broglie-Bohm 1T2-only-surface structure Q; that is, topo-active optime executes dictates of the Bohmian active [actually CTC+-unto-µTm] information {{good offices of Paavo Pylkkanen, Quantum Theory, Active Information and the Mind-Matter Problem, February 2016}} carried by pregeometry Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of CTC+-unto-µTm propositions: cf. our Brownian wave-statement as regards Leib-Seele Problem} -- keeping in mind that all of stereochemistry, not least, good offices of The COVID Blog, 28 April 2021, engineered mRNA {soft entry upon the path to GMOed slave labor pool?}, could be rewritten in the terms of acoustic waves, and contemplating what that may imply))) [eco}nomic nogrowth-unto-degrowth is a desirable teleological strange attractor to cultivate. Parenthetically, I write it analogically to the form in which the cogitation demerges -- this being mentation facilitating acclimation to Musculpt symformphonie. In a synoptic nogrowth-to-degrowth global economy (pockets of growth and pockets of degrowth converging on composite nogrowth-to-degrowth), viscosities on hot-money flows (e.g., µTm-LETS nesting-foam and bank transaction fees) are desirable adjuncts to the programmable market sorting-angel-m-valued-state-function wave-guides which value-stack-on-currency-unit (this value stack potentially correlatable to orbifold chord geometries, though I wouldn't want to tie µTm-LETS to the diatonic system which analogically-musicologically models 1T2-only Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung) would constellate (the piloting engaged in by µTm-processing of the involved m-valued variables would -- like Arthur M. Young's control on rotor of the Bell helicopter: to wit the way a helicopter functions is a demonstration of the orthogonality of control (the third derivative in calculus) and acceleration (the second derivative), good offices of Joan Schleicher quoting Young in Encountering the Theory an excerpt from cum paraphrase of Young's Nested Time -- transpire mostly by modulations of the time rate of change of acceleration of money [the type of helicopter money I advocate], but also by modulating velocity and acceleration of money, money warm-to-hot). Gross modulation versus subtle: e.g., think of negative interest rates, heh-heh-heh, on retail depositors as the greatest recruiter qua recruitment-base expander for global insurgency since the U.S. garrisoning of the ME (an overt psychological projective-identification), intelligence agencies worldwide being proprietaries of the megacorps and NGOs. Ah-hmmm. And then there's FED-follows-China onto the Path of Decimation, i.e., [memetime-programmable CBDC, ,TimeCurrency final solution to the population problem]. Roarooom-roarooom! Raring to-- OMG. Reset to concentrate the concentrate (good offices of Alexandra Bruce, An Overview of the Great Reset , Forbidden Knowledge TV as reposted to LewRockwell, 23 April 2021): sort of like the shake-up inducing homeopathic potentization of less and less and less, fewer and fewer and fewer. Instead of the Design 101 less is more, more and more for less and less, fewer and fewer. In terms of collective behaviors of the global leadership elite, what benefit does doubt bestow? A given agency's (there being many classes thereof) rules are not well-integrated with those of another -- this being one of many systemic organizational failures indicating the median level of cognitive function collectively cultivated -- such that subjected [per}sons are caught in myriad Batesonian schizophrenogenic double-binds, a condition of the corpus that feeds back into the aforementioned median level of cognitive function. The computer-gaming earlier referred to and mentioned below would tend to somewhat alleviate this persistent problem. And speaking of the perennial, the only way I can make sense out of sad, tragic, horrible hisstory, the fact that the good die young and awful of carnivores has always risen until it floats on top of the institutional wastewater filling the sociopoliticoeconomic toilet bowl, is by supposing that homo Sapiens' most profound discoveries, most creative thoughts, have never been recorded in hisstory, or, if they have, they've been so done in so highly dissembled a fashion as to be unrecognizable relative to the original. The µTm-LETS monetary system should not be comprehensively pre-planned; it should evolve through use as brought up and elaborated bottom-up (no need, then, done that way, for systemic-crisis creation [e.g., Tet-'68, WTC, COVID-19] to facilitate global reset, and no risk of systemic meltdown with trial-and-error debugging across the local scales) via e-commons, m-scenarios, computer-gaming of tactical improvisation implemented by disjointed incrementalism. It may be found that the lower levels of the monetary nesting-foam are best community-banked and public-banked, whilst the upper levels are best non-banked and altogether distributed. Well it is to acknowledge that scale-independent functions can coexist along with those scale-dependent, coexist in the same hierarchy or heterarchy or hyperKleinBottle metaform. Moreover, it may be found that lower-level intra-level transactions are best bank-mediated, whilst inter-level transactions and upper-level transactions are best handled by DLT, distributed ledger technology.
The Hegelian intersubjective structure of Spirit (good offices of Robert Sixto Sinnerbrink, Metaphysics of Modernity: The Problem of Identity and Difference in Hegel and Heidegger, Ph.D. dissertation, U. of Sydney, 14 September 2001, Chapter Four, p. 138) suggests that identity-qua-identity on the level of essences cannot be as Hegel 1T2-only maintained, to wit, Sinnerbrink quoting Hegel in his 2001 dissertation, Chapter Four, p.148:
Everything is in its self-sameness different from itself and self-contradictory, and in its difference, or contradiction, it is self-identical.
See why Musculpt as maths notion is needed! Indeed, essential identity-qua-identity on Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround most-dense sheet of MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), by relative-state identity-transparency, quasi-qua (quasi because the subject-object distinction is 1T2-only-bound) the intersubjective structure of Spirit, must be C+ly non-selfsame (order upon order upon order of [Cantorian-diagonal-proof proved] whole-part identity-transparency, in non-conformity to the dictates of the 1T2-only Law of Identity) -- and if and only if C+ be pseudo-comprehensively comprehended via 1T2-only-logic alone can allness of the whole whole be construed subject to enantiodromia that is not a decomposition involute, cyclical circularities and nonorientable reentries being internal to the Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic decomposition (that's why -- uh, the internality qua implicate qua enfoldedness, that is -- the form of forms is hypered-hyperKleinBottled, not merely KleinBottled), which decomposition involute is mere Maya, C+TC+ly-speaking. Construing the decomposition involute solely in terms of 1T2-only logic, then regarding this reductionistic notion as cosmological model was instrumental in the establishment of rigid role stratification, caste hierarchy, clan-club in/out dynamics as sociological analogues by which coercive governance rose up to strike down the participation mystique mode of cognition characteristic of pagan animism. Postian µTm in terms of identity: m = identity states demerged; mu = identity states actualized. Per any given logical-cum-ontological proposition! Down, down derry down into the post-PostModern: regression-in-service-to-the-corporate-ego (cf. The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis , Academy of Ideas, 24 April 2021: corruption of the collective waiting-there mempool -- substitute memories being-there is one factor in generation-to-generation generation of mass-unto-collective psychosis -- transpires in part via blackpsyche corruption of words: thus sprach a onetime JFKSWCS Psyops Group Specialist) via pass Go to enter virtual identities as techno-ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of quantum-composite animistic-pagan µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Quoting Piotr Cofta, Confidence, trust and identity, BT Technology Journal, 25:2, April 2007. p. 177:
Potentially, the shared question of identity and trust can be addressed by the concept of virtual identities [16, 17]. We experience growing virtualisation of our physical and digital space, where new concepts are hiding the complexities and constraints of underlying layers while imposing restrictions of their own Identity can also be virtualized so that layers of identities can be built on top of existing ones, mashing and transforming them into new forms of identity.
Be aware that the prevailing discourse on trust and identity is exclusively couched in 1T2-only-logic terms (for a comprehensive treatment of the trust aspect, see: William Thomas Harwood's Ph.D. dissertation entitled The Logic of Trust, U. of York, August 2012: of particular interest is the discussion of Boolean networks for bipolar argumentation vis-à-vis Galois connections, a 1T2-only way to approach, or more likely tacitly distance from, µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency), and, contrary to the uncertainty principle, is locked onto achieving absolutely-in-so-far-as-certain verification of single-valued identity -- despite the quantum-based-technology-forced advent of virtualized layers of identities noted by Cofta. To repeat, we're talking collective techno-ConveDD here -- and the strange attractor is 1T2-M2M, machine-to-machine economy via AIed autonomous resource planning, production scheduling and effectuation, allocation decision-making, distribution accomplishment, all facilitated by the IoT. To include, it must be added, the blockchained smart contract that excises human discretion from contract execution (see: What is a Smart Contract?, Philipp Paech, Oxford Business Law Blog, 9 July 2018). Moreover, quoting Paech:
Smart contracts can theoretically be combined and thus interact with one another in a decentralised and distributed structure, operating autonomously (i.e. without human intervention), once deployed by their programmers on the basis of the rules and mechanisms programmed into them. Such 'decentralised [heh-heh-heh] autonomous organisations' (DAOs) could even enter into new smart contracts with other market actors, creating a complex, evolving ecosystem of interacting agents linked by pre-determined, hard-wired and self-enforcing rules. They are not owned or controlled by any single person or corporation [evoking a case of non-simple identity and non-simple ownability which, I maintain, requires fiber-bundle arithmetics and µTm-logical processing to properly effectuate, i.e., functionally integrate with market mechanisms, those mechanisms themselves requiring expansion into utilization of ensheaved m-valued prices denominated in µTm-LETS currencies, an expansion in complexity that would require Musculpt as user-friendly interface]; yet they can interact with the market.
During September of 1968, I was in Berkeley, CA, and saw a large billboard located near the UC-Berkeley campus which proclaimed: We Don't Need Another Hero (cf. Barbara Kruger). Trust in leadership qua leadership having been decimated by experience (cf. The Very Notion of 'Leadership' Is One of an Abject Failure of Individual Responsibility, Gary D. Barnett, LewRockwell, 7 May 2021), M2M-guaranteed 1T2-only-distributed trust has been proffered as the only available substitute. What happens to the mass-unto-collective psyche when the 200-years-dead (1823-2023) metaphysical foundations of an institutional-base are compulsively-obsessively clung to? All of this, this avowed m-valued-quantum-based-tech facilitated single-valued-identity-verified trust-adequacy semblant, is made possible and ostensibly sufficient by employment of consensus-mechanism algorithms (each -- in imitation of the Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation checkers -- with its own version of the initiator for generation of role stratification). Proof of work: miners. Proof of stake: validators. Proof of burn: riggers. Proof of activity: signers qua decreditors. Proof of authority: pre-approved trusty entities. Proof of assignment for the IoT: microminers use quantum-based-tech to achieve consensus on a single data value in a single-valued-only data field or a single-state-only in a non-quantum simple-identity-state state space (could the unstated, tacit, strange attractor of node-subscriber-density be the authentic quantum-composite?). Untrustworthy nodes and trusty nodes and outsourced trusted nodes. IOTW's separated out witnessing pool. Data trust and communications trust. Computations trust and storage trust: SPOC (name evoking StarTrek potential?) and BOSS (great name for a distributed mechanism!). And then there is the web of trust created by Skycoin's Obelisk (a strangely masculine upright name-symbol-signifier to choose for a web! don't y'think) consensus algorithm. Is this Skycoin naming an indicator as to existence of a WashingtonMonument-type techno-ConveDD of the EastAsiatic, particularly Japanese, notion of relationships of trust, such like discussed by Michiko Yoshida in Role of Trust in Realizing a Digital Society, Fujitsu Science and Technology Journal, 56:1, 2020? Invited paper: and yet, Fujitsu, like all other high-tech concerns qua corporate [per}sons, has done hesheits utmost to help develop the techno-base-wherewithal that is targeted upon doing away with authentic relationships, relationships of trust being a subset thereof. M2M man[i}fests relations; people, relationSHIPS. Consensus decision making is another Japanese specialty that the Boolean techies have decided to M2M-ConveDD. How very Byzantine! And the techie take on consensus (unanimity minus how many is that?) is not so strict as the Japanese take: quoting Binance Academy's Byzantine Fault Tolerance Explained, the majority of participants within a distributed network have to agree . Majority (Merriam-Webster: a number greater than half of the total), like in the voting analogue to Newton's single-valued summation of forces: hardly a principle of m-valued quantum-based technology, currently-existing versions of which little manifest quantum principles of collective and cooperative behaviors, like, for instance, coherency. Not talking here a John Q. Publink notion of Q, the quantum potential. As they say: Well, you have to start somewhere! With two-state quantum superposition. Nature, however, never had a start, but had it so had, it would have started and finished with C+TC+. Believing that CTC+-unto-µTm logics are properly understood independent of the notion truth-value, I am far from likely ever to embrace The Truth Machine. In the Japanese case of consensus decision making, Nemawashi is a technique to get everybody on board right from the beginning of any proposal/decision making process: quote drawn from: 'Nemawashi' A Technique to Gain Consensus in Japanese Management Systems , Srilalitha Sagi, International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Management Studies, 1:4, April 2015 (as a gardener who was taught nemawashi and performed it for many years, I have some reservations about this paper: one does dig around the roots, but the purpose of that procedure is to expose the roots such that they can be selectively cut off, leaving large roots in several directions as anchors and sources of nourishment, the cut roots generating new shoots in the coming growing seasons, the tree being transplanted only after a number of such seasons; this practice of cutting roots evokes the stand aside box in Sagi's flowchart; and I would further dispute the balancing of various power vectors interpretation, for this nemawashi decision-making procedure arose in a society archaically, and even traditionally to a substantial extent, accustomed to a decision-free conception of spontaneous order [see the extraordinarily perceptive paper by Hayao Kawai, The Hidden Gods in Japanese Mythology, Eranos Yearbook 1985, Vol. 54, 1986], relative to which the Emperor was later scripted, the population corpus having once been in a non-bivalent-logic collective-cooperative psychological state of identity-transparency qua participation mystique, some small residuals of which still remaining). Everybody: that's unanimity minus naught.
Why do there exist acoustic analogues to blackhole computing (good offices of Qing-Bing Wang and Xian-Hui Ge, On the geometry outside of acoustic black holes , arXiv, 15 July 2020)? Our thesis in answer to this question has long (in a 1974 NSF report [Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pp.], Paine-Kaplan presented evidence as to the existence of acoustic blackhole analogues [a species of gravitational collapse], radiating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, in Earth's atmosphere, actually using the term black hole, a presentation that turned out to be career-destroying for Paine) been (think: scale independence and the mechanism of action of the photoacoustic spectroscope [the little plastic bag as blackbody-analogue set to vibrating by light impingement, the vibrations generating acoustic waves], as regards tornadogenesis [vibrating air parcel as blackbody] and DNA radiation exchange [vibrating pi-electron parcel as blackbody]): because the involved holographic information compression cum compaction, 3D to 2D (most generally, C+D to 0D) is handled with sounded-forms, where, within such handling, the quanta of geometry cum quanta of geometrodynamics are not single-valued-statistical or single-valued-probabilistic, but colored, µTm-logically-processed, skew-polytopes (drawn by null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels) with acoustic-wavelet signatures (as regards tornadogenesis, acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface topologies), i.e., Musculpt symformphonie. Given our canonical, operator-timed, nonlinear-quantum-harmonic-oscillator equation being written in cylindrical coordinates, one could easily view DNA helix-coil transition as occurring within a 2D anti-de Sitter space -- were memetime replaced with topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime, the involved 3-fold temporal CURL being quantized via Penrose twistors). Consider these statements from Frank H., circa 22 November 2011, and from Ron Maimon, circa 6 April 2012, posted to Physics Stackexchange, addressing the question as to how information is encoded on the surface of a black hole:
You might want to read the book The Black Hole War: My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics by Leonard Susskind. My understanding is that the information is encoded in the outgoing Hawking radiation but that no one knows how it is encoded. (Frank H.)
All this information may be extracted by doing scattering experiments on the black hole, shining light on it, and seeing the exact Hawking radiation that comes out. These experiments are hopeless away from an extremal limit, because the thermal nature of the black hole makes it just as difficult to know what comes out as to know what light will be emitted from a lump of coal after a laser heats it up In the extremal limit (when the black hole is charged as much as possible or rotating as fast as possible), then the near horizon geometry is AdS, and the physics is described precisely by AdS/CFT, meaning all near-horizon dynamics is described by a local quantum field theory on the AdS boundary. This map is the best hope of gaining more insight on how a black hole encodes information on the surface. (Ron Maimon)
Is AdS/CFT actually the best hope? To my lights, maybe -- with some additions. Moreover, maybe the best, i.e., most accessible, studies for gaining more insight are with regard to DNA radiation exchange processes (cf. cylindrical-gas-core coherent waves generated by pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillations as screen-gridded by the nucleotide-pair staircase) and tornadogenesis (cf. the infrasound undulations rippling wall of tornado corresponding to photoacoustic spectroscope bag vibrations). In terms of the basic principles involved, stripped of their concrete contents, I see nothing in Susskind's Chapters 22 and 23 that is not explicitly or implicitly there in Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis and our model of DNA radiation exchange at helix-coil transition. But, considering all the pol.mil (CORDS domesticated to the ZI) and geneng.pharma obstructions, it is very unlikely substantial such explorations will be conducted. Given scale-independence, theory duals are not so likely as theory n-plicates to be nature's actual case. Rather than vibrating strings with two feet stepping into D-brane stack, consider that there are Regge bones calculated from m-footed Musculpt sounded-forms stepping into the D-brane stack composed of J.G.Bennettian skew-polytopes -- each level of the stack, for quantum chromodynamics purposes, being regarded as colored, for information processing purposes being regarded as logically designated µTm-unto-CTC+, the boundary sheet being C+TC+ (aka Tzog-chen HigherHeaven AllBaseCommonGround of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space). The m-footed stepping into D-brane stack is intrumented by topo-active optime executing CTC+-unto-µTm propositions hashed with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (µTmly processed via cryptographic hash functions embodying Hill-matrix analogs of polymorphic polyalphabeticity [cf. Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes used to Gödel-number Gödel numbers], the alphabet employed composed of Musculpt sounded-forms). But this is all holographically-projected Maya from perspective of C+TC+ boundary sheet of AdS, that sheet being altogether topo-active-optime-independent and memetime-independent, clocks running faster and faster (i.e., baud-rate of consciousness) yield memetime-itself passing slower and slower until Time Must Have a Stop on the Greater Maze of mashed amplituhedrons (Regge-bones versions of Musculpt sounded-forms) superposed on the boundary sheet of MVRS. Geometry mashed is pregeometry; pregeometry unmashed is geometrodynamics. There being even an information-theoretic distinction between compression and compaction, one question is: how does the gravitational compression yield the data compaction to AllBase -- that compaction being reversible at cascade? Ontologcally-before here-and-now/there-and-then is, uh, uh, the being of being-therehere in itself, that is, has nothing to do with force field, matterenergy, power, so on: pregeometry and pre-pregeometry are about logic and prelogic. Consider: A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics, Natalie Wolchover, Quanta Magazine, 17 September 2013; and Maybe Space-Time Is Just an Illusion, Kevin Drum, Mother Jones, 18 September 2013; and Physics and Mathematics for the End of Spacetime, Nima Arkani-Hamed, String-Math via YouTube, 24 July 2016; and How To Feel About Space and Time Maybe Not Existing, Ryan O'Hanlon, PacificStandard, 14 June 2017. Don't confuse the Confucian-analogue DAO (delocalized, uh, uh, decentralized, heh-heh-heh, autonomous organization) with the unspeakable-in-natural-languages and the unwritable-in-quantum-mechanics-notation enduring and unchanging (cf. nothing ever changes on C+TC+ most-dense-sheet of UpperHeaven AllBaseCommonGround; whereas, everything is nothing but changes in Schrödinger-memetime-independent demergent CTC+-unto-µTm involutory decomposition) Dao that cannot be trodden upon, the Dao, that is, of the Dao De Jing. My focus for quite a few years has been upon the problem of how to create a monetary system (that µTmly internalizes extrasystemic externalities to the market price mechanism and holographically maps internal bureaucratic variables to the quasi-fractal e-boundaries upon which the variously-backed µTm-LETS currencies are defined) modeled upon the above-suggested general theory of process. Why this focus: whether or not the corpus of cryptocurrencies is a Trojan Horse for CBDCs (see Governments will eventually defeat cryptocurrencies, Manu Joseph, LiveMint,15 February 2021), whether or not the COVID-19 vaccination negatives (see Halt Covid Vaccine, Prominent Scientist Tells CDC, JenniferMargulis, 8 May 2021), described by Janci Chunn Lindsay, actually manifest, the prevailing conundrum is progressing toward criticality. The exorbitantly-printable, uh, uh, privileged, mil.color-supported fiat USD has more backing than altogether-unbacked TechnoAnybody-IPOable cryPTOponzi (good offices of Bilal Waqar, There Is Now More Cryptocurrency Than There Are U.S. Dollars In Circulation, Wonderful Engineering, 11 May 2021) -- the power take off of neither of which facilitates efficient use in this era of peak-everything global resources depletion.
Crimminy, Cripes! ain't necessarily a smarty-pants Crips ejaculation. It might be an honest reaction to beamtime-generated cognitive gangsta crap -- wrapped in collar-tight, tails-long, boot-on-ear, spats, and polished-wid-spit pointy black high-top zip-up-the-sides with Cuban heels. Not 2-feet-white-dot/black-dot steppin' inta D-brane stack; rather, m-footed-and-n-colored break-dancin' there into! Scooching up to Schrödinger-memetime-independence, wending through statistics and probability without realizing that that scooch, that wend, are 1T2-only takes on topologically-active-operator-time(topo-active optime)-effectuated CTC+-unto-µTm demergent Abelian-E.T.Bellian involutory decomposition of C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround, demergent all the way down to 1T2-ly parqueted-laminated spacetime. Perhaps so done along these lines, heh-heh-heh: in the Lukasiewiczian case, the parts-pieces-elements -- projective lines, dimensionality, facets -- of the functor of the Grassmannian-as-scheme would be made of null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels and the representable functor of the ground state of the constellated universal object (this being-thereness connoting the 1T2ly-verboten Platonic bare object) would be an Alexander.Karpenko functor of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes employed in the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers cryptographically hashing the demergently decomposed CTC+-unto-µTm orders of Schubert-cell involutes of the C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround. In terms of the logics of spatial awareness, most of us can't progress beyond the narthex of the CosmicTCathedral. Why, nowadays? Welcome (good offices of William M. Arkin, Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army, Newsweek, 17 May 2021: is signature reduction a compensatory abreaction -- elaborated via ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement -- to the wave-effect relative-state, e.g., acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes or DNA-emitted coherent waves, signatures COVCOMM-burst-coded to, µTm-processed at, and stored upon boundaries-without-boundary-at-infinity?) to Heaven's Gate post-postmodernized. Under CTC+-unto-µTm-through-1T3 logics, understood independent of the notion truth-value, determinism-of-the-first-kind (causal-physical-nomological) is indefinable because the 1T2-Law of Identity has ontologically-yet to topo-active-optime-demergently man[i}fest from I/im, and because 1T2-only passive, passing, referential linear-time qua memetime is thereunder indefinable. But then there's all those determinisms 1T3-unto-CTC+ (with all their myriads of undiscovered types of number, none of which being mere extensions of 1T2-only complex and hypercomplex numbers). Hopefully, post-Lukasiewicz-Post logicians, mathematicians, physicists haven't joined the lawyers and M.D.s in reaching the same degree of liar-accomplishment definitive of politicians and bureaucrats. Scale-dependence can be thought of as exemplary of ponderable-space-scale origami-shape-language qua scale-independence (e.g., Scale Independence in the Visual System, Raul C. Muresan, Springer, 2003 or later by References) and associated scale invariance (e.g., Scale invariance in natural and artificial collective systems, Yara Khaluf, et al., Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14:136, November 2017) cum, specifically, memetime-scale invariance (e.g., Scale invariance in the dynamics of spontaneous behavior, Alex Proekt, et al., PNAS-USA, 109:26, 26 June 2012, pp. 10564-69) -- once the cosmological nesting-foam, CosmicTCathedral, is understood CTC+ly-unto-µTmly: e.g., universal physical constants being m-valued under µTm-logics, each given scale-nest domain of Cantorian-fractal, scale-independent-cum-dependent, laminated spacetime (I find it interesting that El Naschie sees compactification of infinite dimensions to 4Ds, whereas I would characterize this as involutory decomposition thereto, there not, to my lights, being, 1T2ly speaking, as El Naschie does probabilistically, infiniteDs enfolded into 4Ds; and I see compactification of 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ 4D information onto C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround: see COBE Satellite Measurement, Hyperspheres, Superstrings and the Dimension of Spacetime, M. S. El Naschie, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 9:8, 1998, pp. 1445-71) has its own light, its own scale-relative absolute limiting velocity, at the value of which memetime winks out relative to that given domain. O, All the Lights We Cannot See! It's not that ponderablespacememetime is on-or-off or on-and-off, any more than The Case is discrete or/and continuous, particle and/or wave -- as 1T2-only-logic alone dictates; rather, discrete<<<>>>smooth twisted and self-reentered at each and every scale-level transition across a boundary-without-boundary(at infinity), that boundary type requiring the CTC+-logics of relative-state identity-transparency to fully map the properties being-there of. The draft and drift of -- even of, perhaps even especially of, our jeunesse dorée billionaires -- global-leadership-elite-cum-Earth-orb-zaibatsu-dictated planetarization of the hallowed-like-lindens global reset pogrom, uh, uh, program, for neatening up the masses is easily perceived as resolutely set against the holographic principle in general, and the quantum-information-processing boundary-without-boundary-at-infinity specifically -- be the involved quantum principles related to cum applied to the institutional base, weather and climate, DNA radiation-exchange processes, the one-way chain-of-command and information conveyance codified as the Central Dogma (see: Does the central dogma still stand?, Eugene V. Koonin, Biology Direct, 7:27, 23 August 2012) of The Molecular Biology of the Gene (ostensibly -- uh, once widely believed, well, until CRISPR anyway -- protecting germline DNAs from being functionally and structurally molested by, say, Big-Pharma-engineered mRNAs introduced by whatever routes of entry). Mass-gravitating-on-collective compensatory abreaction, what! Given maintenance of an essentially-open-borders policy by the EU and the US, it's clear that presently prevailing styles of homeland security have yet to dictate the functional equivalent to a Heimatschutzstil ordinance. Even far afield: the long-held snicker, for instance, imputing that the Japan Style be damned. And, even down to monoscale cryptocurrencies, we are subjected to a global monoculture bias, and a shunning of the very notion "metaculture", the arising of which would require reinvigoration of cultural diversity on a planet-wide basis.
Right along with vertically-propagating-acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode-burst-producing pathological tornadoes, we have, more fundamentally, with regard to our quest to unify physics of the very small with physics of the very large, 1T2-only deep paradoxes and 1T2-only nonsensical infinities to overcome -- and, setting aside tornadoes, well to hell with unifying the quantum-gravity unification with the physics of all the scale-levels that lie in between, for we have the heavenly, and oh-so-sacred, classical limit to protect us psychosexually, socially, politically, economically, militarily from the bizarre craziness that is quantum-relativity physics and beyond. And woe be unto himherit whowhat suggests that the mathematics and physics we've created over the last 200-years of memetime has utterly destroyed (thus being double-bind schizophrenogenic, immune-system-competency challenging, and autoimmune-dyscrasia inducing) the metaphysical foundations of the institutional bases upon which all of our activities are predicated and organized -- not to mention what the associated Doctrine of Uses (which we've fashioned, embraced, and promulgated with regard to those maths, that physics) has done to other species, the natural surround, and, with genetic engineering ((arisen as a hump on the back of a false Central Dogma justifying all manner of iatrogenic interventions, not least IM injections with lab-created mRNA vaccines supposedly [since somewhen somewhere in my mil.brat childhood, I've no longer entertained over-zealousness, well-meaning naiveté, mistakes, incompetence as the explanation for so much, uh, uh, well, whatever one wishes to call it, criminality being too small a word, as Ron Unz, for one, apparently still does] to mitigate effects of our lab-created bioweapons [and anthropogenic + natural cancers] vaccines [the actual agenda behind which is unspoken for being unspeakable?] that very well may yet prove to be found to be demonstrably much much Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 [2-to-5 years to find out if any of these possibilities realize themselves on a mass basis?], Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, 2:1, 10 May 2021: the most informative paper on the subject I've read, with an extensive list of linked technical references; and, as a sidelight, I draw attention to Direct measurement of transcription rates reveals multiple mechanisms for configuration of the Arabidopsisambient temperature response, Kate Sidaway-Lee, et al., Genome Biology, 15:R45, 2014, which, the first I've seen, closely approximates, relative to mRNA, one of the experiments suggested at the end of our 1979 DNA superconductant-pi-electron-gas paper, where the operator-time[the involved temporal CURLs quantized via Penrose-twistorized Lukasiewiczian-J.G.Bennettian-polytopic Grassmannians sans likelihoods, sans probabilities, sans propensities, sans suchlike?]-incorporating quantum-harmonic-oscillator-canonical-equation-written radiation-dependent temperature-oscillation rate, rate of rate, and rate of rate of rate of the ensemble of pi-electron parcels [heuristically think: the plastic-bag vibrations on boundary-at-infinity-analogue as mechanism of action of the photoacoustic spectroscope] are mathematically specified as fulfilling the requirements of multiple mechanisms, including the setting of the speed, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of transcription, the dictation of associated biological-clock and immune-signification functions, an experiment concerning temperature as indicator of transcription rate [the mathematical relation of the two specified in the model, a specification which may also shed some light, heh-heh-heh, on how information is processed on boundary-without-boundary-at-infinity], if conducted on DNA, that could be revealing as to cellular responses to presence of COVID-19 reacting to mRNA vaccine in a changing ambient electromagnetic environment)), the very bedrock of life itself. It may turn out to be the case that, aside from the human species itself, the worse thing ever to happen on this planet was 1T2-only science funded by 1T2-only money -- uh, well, at least since the dinosaurs were done in. Personally, my I/im isn'taren't much interested in wondrous strange reconstructions of the quantum and relativity theories designed to yield as derivatives the standard interpretations and their facts, facts arrived at by experiments designed with employment of 1T2-only logic, and implemented with technologies designed with employment of 1T2-only logic (even if a given instrument costs $5-billion to build and $1-billion/year to run), the resultant measurements processed with computers designed with employment of 1T2-only logic, this processing cognitively assimilated by molecular-cellular brains glutamaterically-etched and quantum-quenched under orchestration by enculturations and socializations prescriptively designed with employment of 1T2-only logic. Humph! Glutamatergic 1T2-only confirmation bias qua µTm denial bias -- µTm understood independent of the notion truth-value. There are more things in the I-Ching's (before 2-sided coins were employed to produce an interpretation based upon spatial locality and probabilistic unitarity, the yantric lattice-logic fall of yarrow stalks, analogically and heuristically indicating the µTm-relative-state configuration of the time [no mere 1T2-only qua 2nk, Gaussian-distributed, Pascal's-triangular, cellular-automaton, hour-glass-drained, Abelian sandpile], uh, uh, chronomantically demerged, that is, by topologically-active operator-time [given the index of identity-transparency clearly extant on Arkani-Hamed master amplituhedron, uh, uh, shades of C+TC+-AllBaseCommonGround, no Rube Goldberg machine], was employed to take a reading) Higher Heaven and Dante's Earth Inferno, H, than-- so on and so forth. Bucket of dimensionless C+-valued dust motes, C+TC+-logically dispositioned (see The metaphysics of laws: dispositionism vs. primitivism, Mauro Dorato and Michael Esfeld, in Metaphysics and Science, T. Bigaj and C. Wutrich, eds., Poznan Studies, 2014; but note that, by C+TC+ and the self-reentry of 3rd-order temporal CURL, there is no initial permitting initial conditions and the configuration of point particles, here dimensionless C+-valued dust motes, has some identifying value of each mote at every point on AllBaseCommonGround, thus exemplifying the fullest expression of relative-state identity-transparency) as pre-pregeometry; CTC+-unto-µTm logics as pregeometry; amplituhedron-type stuff as multifaceted, foliated, ensheaved, higher-D geometry; all of the ontologically-preceding twistorized as memetime-independent geometrodynamics demerged by topologically-active operator-time with associated temporal CURLs quantized by twistor -- keeping in mind that in Bohmian mechanics, to quote Matthias Egg and Michael Esfeld, Primitive ontology and quantum state in the GRW matter density theory, arXiv, 7 October 2014:
the wave-function of the universe might be stationary, although the Bohmian particles are moving. (The fact that the Wheeler-DeWitt equation of quantum gravity is time-independent shows that this proposal has some physical motivation and is not just a metaphysical speculation
Further elaboration of this (meme)time-independence is provided by Michael Esfeld, et al., in The Ontology of Bohmian Mechanics, British Journal of the Philosophy of Science, 65, 2014, p. 788:
In Bohmian mechanics, a wave-function can define a non-trivial dynamics for the motion of particles without itself evolving in time. Bohmian mechanics is not hit by the notorious problem of time that plagues the usual approaches to a universal wave-function (especially in quantum gravity). In other words, the common dilemma of either having to countenance a time-dependent wave-function or facing the problem of time does not apply to Bohmian mechanics. The reason is that the wave-function does not provide the ontology of the theory. The ontology, the stuff that moves in space and time (or the geometry of space-time itself), is external to the wave-function. The latter only enters into the equation of motion for the entities posed in the primitive ontology. Hence, if one replaces the time-dependent wave-function in the guiding equation with a time-independent one, that equation still yields as output the velocities of the particles in the universe at time t. It is only that, in this case, the time is irrelevant in determining the velocities of the particles, given their positions.
Furthermore, let us bear in mind that it is possible for effective wave-functions to have a non-trivial (Schrödinger-type) evolution in time, even if the fundamental wave-function of the universe from which they are derived is stationary.
As a boy at Ashiya, AFB, Japan, after the scale-model Convair B-36 Peacemaker strategic bomber, which I helped Lt. Harry Phelps build, crashed and burned, circa late-1954, I couldn't really get into the fascination of my peers with hotrods (cf. Sewickley, PA and Ypsilanti, MI) -- Cushman Eagles and Mustangs, BSAs, and on into the custom 4-wheeled varieties -- all their chrome and special carburetors and such like. I guess that's why, after high school, I couldn't really get into classroom mathematics and physics: the obsession with creating and manipulating math hotrods and theoretical-physics hotrods. I sensed, and acquiesced to that sensing, that toying with those math-physics devices, e.g., collections of branchy-loopy Feynman diagrams, prevents Musculptural symformphonic understanding and predisposes to the production of destructive technologies.
Close readers of Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 (sorry, but they keep changing the last two digits of the url for the full text; in the event of a 404, the abstract can be found here and beneath the journal's frontpage image click on pdf), Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, 2:1, 10 May 2021 (with all of its technical peer-reviewed references, this is a downright scary paper; my personal index of risk being considerably heightened by adult-onset Henoch-Schönlein-purpura residuals, now 30 years old, of a rohypnol Micky-Finn + rat poison force-feed while unconscious + rob, foremost initial lab finding being platelet count down, down derry down, the decade-later appearance of petechiae indicative of chronic very-low-grade internal bleeding, this condition perhaps a diathesis predisposing to pathogenesis of ITP, immune thrombocytopenia, upon contraction of COVID-19 and/or the taking of mRNA vaccinations: as of 4 January 2021, good offices of Molly Walker, apparently not an official contraindication to the taking of the vaccines), might well entertain the possibility that creation and dispersal of COVID-19 and mass vaccination there against conjugated to 5+G input to DNA helix-coil transition are strong indications that passage toward cuspover of the accelerating global crisis has been well started. Implications of the details are beyond astounding, beyond breathtaking -- were the COVID-19-cum-mRNA-vaccine dyad to become a self-driven wheel. It goes without saying that only working geneticists can assess the likelihood of a such like negative development actually actualizing. Perhaps no more than was the likelihood that the atomic bomb would ignite the atmosphere. But maybe the likelihood is much greater than that. Under such eventuality, thematic contents of two psycho-prep films are potentially implicated: Children of Men and a prion-disease-driven (see, for background: A brief history of prions, Mark D. Zabel and Crystal Reid, Pathogens and Disease, 73:9, 7 October 2015) World War Z as culmination of the 200-years-War-of-the-World (deep deep-structure informed by a mid-19th-century collective unconscious decision for hu-hu-human species suicide: Give me simple-identity or give me death!). In that event, the rich and famous would be unlikely survivors, and Off Earth would be no haven, the viral-RNA-and-mRNA-introduced-cum-catalyzed anomalies having been incorporated into germline DNA by reverse transcription: Last of First Men? If the likelihood is not vanishing, what are the Saviors From Genetic Disease thinking, what subliminally drives them, as they tinker, knowing so little as they do about the genomic C+-body problem -- not to mention ignorance of the biological functions performed by the submolecular quantum-wave properties of the nucleic acids? This is all about saving lives, or making the genetically injured unimpaired? First and foremost, it's money motivated? The notional daaafence? It's primarily a matter of weapons systems development (on part of the Chinese, of course)? All of the above? That all is just surface-structure, and the real impetus is deep into deep-structure? What could that be about? Our Saviors' existential anxiety is so insistent it demands they establish absolute control over identity -- in the very idea thereof, and in the concrete -- so as to become capable of mandating object-constancy-attributed, anti-animistic, classical-limit-dictated, non-quantum simple-identity, regardless of the fundamental threats thereto posed by m-valued logics, quantum physics, fractal biology cum fractal genomics, quantum-based technologies? Seneff and Nigh present an accessible summary account of the existing peer-reviewed published technical literature on the COVID-19 vaccines, with citations provided in the extensive list of linked references. Their discussion of reverse transcriptase, retrotransposons, retroviruses, DNA incorporation of introduced plasmids, HERVs, LINEs and SINEs relative to mRNA vaccines is cogently provocative, and the most clear presentation of material related to the many violations of the Central Dogma I have read. Be aware that violation of the Central Dogma is the means by which Lamarckian inheritance of acquired characteristics transpires. Were the described negative possibilities to actualize on a mass basis, the most realistic expectation to cultivate vis-à-vis BigPharma and dot-guv and MSM response is engagement in whatever forms of dissembling can be found; and, if the mass actualization were to become undissimulatable and catastrophic, then a blackout of all public discussion relative thereto. But, if it were really catastrophic, then their blackout could become THE blackout. Hmmm, when residuals of existential guilt spawn sequelae. Psycho prefiguring somatic. Our in silico Secretaries Malmouth-to-the-nth-power don't have the introspective eptitude necessary to [whoa}man-up to a man[i}fess-up to being cases of quantum non-simple identity, however many gov.com.edu.media.intel.mil hats they simultaneously wear to work: thus, perseverance at cultivation of belief in the apocryphal classical limit is an internal necessity of these G-n-G, guys and gals (that is, our transmembrane proteins, uh, uh, transhumanist proteans with psychosociopathic PSPxxxPSP zipper motif, x = 6, in a sequence containing n-PSPxxxPSPs, heh-heh-heh), if the psycho[mimi}cry-induced autoimmune dyscrasia is to remain masked -- the psycho-masking a prefiguration of the ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) to mass somatic-masking, pandemic disease of the soma a compensatory-abreactive attempt to cure the collective psychosis, the etiological whereby of which being identification with 1T2-only egofunction, a function which must, by bivalence-logical necessity, regard other-Iambe(s)-to-the-nth-power as protean autoreactogenic putative self-antigens. Slope of the collective voice going decisively diminuendo, indicating falloff in the baud-rate of consciousness, the velocity of cognition of propriocepts-percepts. Human systems designed to inculcate-institute compliance as the foremost prerequisite to entry and promotion, mediocrity the most revered accomplishment, unquestioning loyalty the most rewarded behavior. This has been the case for so long, perhaps since the beginnings of human systems agemanment, uh, uh, management, that, along with the relatively recent debilitations imposed by environmental management -- e.g., those induced by: the myriad pollution types extant with titers of ever increasing quantity and/or intensity; more and more consumption of drugs, legal and illegal; ADLs fraught with greater and greater levels of stress; decreasing nutritional value of foodstuffs -- certainly the cognitive acuity, psychological wherewithal, emotional sensitivity, moral courage is simply not sufficiently there to effectively deal with any fundamental factor driving the species to resolutely carry the n-dimensional global crisis to inc[end}i|ary cuspover. My I/im hashave never seriously entertained the notion that this cuspover will somehow be avoided, putting mytheir hopes instead into the small possibility of minimizing loses by erecting nascent structures capable of vectoring post-cuspover developments into initialization of self-organizing processes able to adequately address some of the fundamentals responsible for making the cuspover inevitable. However snellewind quick of mind, clever, sharp, nimble, agile on an operational-thought basis, only rarely is the GLE, global leadership elite, found surreptitiously keeking out from under its carapace of tacitly held 18th-century 1T2-only-rationalist metaphysical assumptions -- assumptions fatally wounded by N. H. Abel in 1823. Following the precedent set by the Lukasiewicz-Post-excluding BornRule dissimulation of the m-valued Schrödinger state-function, the SFI nk-fitness landscape (see the kick-off: Metabolic Stability and Epigenesis in Randomly Constructed Genetic Nets, S. A. Kauffman, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 22, 1969, pp. 437-67), for instance -- exemplifying scale-independent fractal geometries, chaos and complexity theory -- is a 1T2-take (by nullification of substantive biological roles for the quantum-wave properties of DNA, genes purported to be on or off in conformance to the bivalent Law of Excluded Middle) on µTm-processed processes: a 2nk renormalization of Mnk. Visualizations of the renormalized involve use of the binary image which can be stored on a 1T2-only Turing machine (see: On the fractal geometry of DNA by the binary image analysis, Carlo Cattani and Gaetano Pierro, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75:9, September 2013). Members of the genetic-engineer cohort of the GLE are attempting to save the essence of the Central Dogma by employment of comprehensive planning methodologies to identify centrally-planned preference functions, uh, uh, gain-of-function functions, to be effectuated via subversions of the democratic processes involved in reverse transcription (which processes reverse the reverse representation -- the higher echelon represents itself to the lower -- built into the Central Dogma's chain-of-command-adumbration of totalitarianism). One very important nature of the case not acknowledged (even by those hooked on beamtime) is that memetime-independent Abelian-E.T.Bellian involutory-decompositional demergence of C+TC+ BackClothAllBaseCommonGround is not memetime-bound, cellular-automata-type iterations of a [1T2-only] fractal template (see: The Decade of FractoGene , Andras J. Pellionisz, International Journal of Systematics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 2012 or later by References) constellated in memetime (see: Evolution of long-range fractal correlations of 1/f noise in DNA base sequences, Richard F. Voss, Physical Review Letters, 68, 22 June 1992) by a superpositioning of fractal sets. To my understanding, 1/f frequency noise is not generally regarded as referring to actual acoustics (noise or otherwise, noise according to John Cage being relative to state, if, in his take, not relative to relative-state). As 1/f frequency Noise in a Communication Receiver and the Riemann Hypothesis, Michel Planat, in Planet, M., ed., Noise, Oscillators, and Algebraic Randomness, Springer, 2000, moves in the direction of so referring, too bad I can't access it -- for our understanding of DNA pi-electron-gas has its corpus of quantum-harmonic-oscillator parcels functioning as a communication receiver, and as a transmitter of coherent (i.e., acoustically-modified) waves, these waves containing all the information encoded into the base pairs, the pulse-code-burst not-on-or-off coherent-wave packets possibly numerable with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers à la Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes, the null-set of zeros of the Riemann hypothesis when taken, via temporal CURLs, to hypercomplex cases by 2nd- and 3rd-order operator-time, being lined-out over decomposed sheets of MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) via null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels. That orders of time, however conceived, passive referential in Planat's conception, topologically active in ours, are involved is strongly suggested by Planat in his paper entitled Time Measurements, 1/f Noise of the Oscillators and Algebraic Numbers, 2002 or later by References. In this genetic context, where identity-transparency autopoietically raises its m-snake-haired Gorgon head, note that revisions of the dominator's narrative concerning origins of the world wars (e.g., Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War, Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor, Mainstream, 2014, summarized here by David William Pear) do not countenance intellectual history, art and art-music history, let alone sociological cum social psychology's cum social anthropology's accounts of collective behaviors -- not to mention collective unconscious vectoring of hisstorical events. Stroking the obsessive compulsion to ban even mention of-- hmmm. Long gone are the days when everyone was capable of being the shaman(ess) du jour, capable of voluntary dissociation at being called upon by the welling up of internal necessity to make autogenic shift into deep identity-transparent awareness of the CommonGround so as to take a trance reading on the [PRE}vailing collective need (collective in this context meaning the tribal cohort plus the local natural surround, participation mystique therewith being the normative state). Given that capacity for trophotropic (antidote for the ever-more ergotropic rat-on-a-wheel character of reposeless modern life) endogenous-ketamine-flood-facilitated trance entry into the psychological black hole's deeper holographic states of identity-transparency at landing upon the Tantric boundary-without-boundary-at-infinity in coitus -- biologically facilitated by the identity-transparency involved in housing a fetus -- was most elaborated in the female, clitoridectomy, banishment or stoning for the Big A, witch burnings, the like and lesser were integral to suppression of everyone was capable, that suppression yielding regression-in-service-to-role-specialization-stratification and the ensuing inflation of the 1T2-only egofunction via popping of the generative-empathy balloon. Nowadays, CryptoCyberia's 1T2-peer to 1T2-peer in no way evokes our identity-transparent archaic roots, roots by which homo Sapiens were functionally integrated with nature. Indeed, according to David Stockman, currently existing p2p-cryptocurrencies are not even money (see Stockman's: The Cryptoverse -- Bastard Son of Fiat, as reposted to LewRockwell, 28 May 2021). By contrast, the pseudofractal e-boundaries upon which definition of µTm-LETS currencies would be accomplished require holographic deposition of m-valued Bohmian active-information (think: 3-fold topologically-active operator-time as depositor) upon boundaries-without-bounday-at-infinity, boundaries drawn with null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels, this m-valued active-information being integral to the indicator-tagging that would instrument internalization of extrasystemic environmental externalities. Privacy is a sub-issue within the identity super-issue. As regards Snowden's critique of Bitcoin's privacy failure (see: Edward Snowden's Big Problem With Bitcoin Is Privacy, Not Scalability, Rachel McIntosh, Finance Magnates, 26 March 2018 -- and his yearly reiterations), consider that, just as scale dependence prevails among some variables descriptive of a supersystem-system-subsystem composite, the fractal framework of which is scale-independent, so some factors of identity, some categories of behavior should be private, others not. This partitioning should be decided locally according to local circumstances, values, aspirations, plans, in major part during the e-commons, open-source, strategic computer-gaming of m-valued, µTm-processed, LETS currencies. Whatever the 1T2-only-monoscale-crypto dupes may think, natural systems testify to the proposition that no centrally-planned one-partitioning for the Whole Earth could possibly be more efficacious than would be a one-crop global agriculture.
In the concluding section of our 1979 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry paper providing a mathematical model descriptive of the DNA radiation exchange process, two categories of experimental studies were suggested in the following manner, to wit, quoting text of the paper:
empirical studies would need to address themselves to the time rates of change in bonding which may be mapped in terms of the DNA transit between T0 and TC [the reference-level and critical temperatures respectively relative to helix-coil transition]
the amplification of the first- and second-order temporal derivatives of (T0 - TC) should be an observable response to specific field strengths imposed upon the DNA molecular environment.
The secondary category presupposes progress having been made on the initial category. All these years later, the first paper I have seen signaling that considerable progress has been made in respect to the initial category is: Direct measurement of transcription rates reveals multiple mechanisms for configuration of the Arabidopsisambient temperature response, Kate Sidaway-Lee, et al., Genome Biology, 15:R45, 2014. I quote below summarizing statements drawn from this paper, statements indicating that that considerable progress has indeed been made:
increasing temperature raises transcript abundance primarily by promoting faster transcription relative to decay and not vice versa, suggesting a global transcriptional process exists that controls mRNA abundance by temperature A key question is whether changes in transcript abundance with changes in ambient temperature are related to passive temperature affects or represent the result of an active temperature signaling process there is no general mechanism in plants that buffers mRNA abundance against temperature changes, and increasing temperature therefore increases mRNA turnover by affecting both synthesis and decay rates Increasing temperature affects transcript abundance by active promotion of transcript rates our data shows that large changes in transcription rate are important in determining transcript abundance changes with ambient temperature, and that, on average, this is achieved by overcoming smaller, predominantly passive changes in decay rates.
I look forward to seeing the secondary category of suggested experimental studies becoming equally well progressed.
In the scheme of things I've been working with, the following thoughts have been long held, mostly as questions -- admittedly these are mere seed ideas which I've been unable to develop and to which I could find no links to lead-ins for development. In the real, 1T2-only, Euler zeta function (and double zeta function) and the complex, 1T2-only, Riemann zeta function, what whatnots can the zeros (trivial, non-trivial, full) signify? Each 1T2-logical zero signifies an Alexander.Karpenko functor of the Lukasiewicz logics over the primes, i.e., what is unregisterable 1T2ly is made null, is zeroed out, under zeta-function handling, real (trivial) and complex (non-trivial) and hypercomplex (full)? Do these orders of nullness, these sets of zeros, correspond to categories of null vectors as employed to define J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels as handled by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (quantized via Penrose twistors and deployed in, say, QED -- not to mention during tornadogenesis and radiation exchange at DNA helix-coil transition)? When Gödel numbers are Gödel-numbered under Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types, can the resultant G-numbered G-numbers signify zeta-function zeros? Could the initial zeros in Bitcoin proof-of-work hash function be treated as zeta-function zeros? Could each of these initial-zeros of the Bitcoin-type hash signify an indicator-measurable-externality tag superposed upon the base-state of a µTm-processed m-valued LETS currency unit? Could a non-probabilistic-µTm-relative-state-understood 1/f frequency noise analysis of this LETS processing be a lead-in to developing Musculpt as user-friendly interface to Lukasiewiczian monetary systematics? Could the Lukasiewiczian-analog processing of Musculpted µTm-LETS transactions be digitalized via elaboration of these above-given Fourier-transform-related numerical seed-ideas? So, over the years, I've done many searches for technical lead-ins, but found none. Now, however, I find these four papers by Ayal I. Sharon: (1) Analytic Continuation of Zeta(s) Violates the Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC), arXiv, 23 July 2019; and (2) If Riemann's Zeta Function is True, it Contradicts Zeta's Dirichlet Series, Causing 'Explosion'. If it is False, it Causes Unsoundness., vixra.org, 4 September 2019; and (3) Propositional Logic Applied to Three Contradictory Definitions of the Zeta Function, and to Conditionally Convergent Series, Elsevier's Social Science Research Network, 5 November 2019; and (4) Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) Renormalization is a logical paradox, Zeta Function Regularization is logically invalid, and both are mathematically invalid, arXiv, 14 January 2020.
Life isnae fair, as Gates states, because, under µTmly-skew-parallelism, simply-square cannae be found? But then Gates' appearance makes him seem pretty darned square! Whatever order-class of logic gates are employed at assessment. Under third-order dynamics, at 1T2-self reentry-initialization, i.e., at the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration for the given LSTD (limited spacetime domain), convergence is, indubitably is, divergence! The reals --- context for the simply-connected; the imaginaries :::: context for the multiply-connected; the hypercomplex numbers <<<>>> context for non-orientability. Self-m, not self-dual. A superwaster, growth unending be, isn't 'he: cannae 1T2-self organize without 'er. Aye, and the global leadership elite can't ken to it, they can't, can they. Since accessing higher-order nous is nunce to the GLE, my I/im ken the Days of Dourness upon us spreading out like slime mold. Aye, slimy bladderwrach for brains, theirs, eh. Gone spare and lost 'is bottle, what! In 'is puff, 'e shopped them out, didnae 'e. [Gal}loot or [gall}oot, my I/im donae no. Anyways, showed that, brought to book, their cognitive holdall's got no backboard, the AllBase-state being outwith the range of their cogitations. Purveyors of gimmicky cryptogimpcoin, one of the 1T2-only diginigglecoins good offices of Nutters Consolidated, Ltd., formulated by Dr. Dreich Grim, no doubt, a.k.a. the Mr. MOTOized Sawtoshe N. Knockyama: the gimpy insistence upon slogged-out s[for entropy]-log-proved memetime-bound s[for]imp|ly-identifiable [trans}actor transactions tendered in [sin}gle-valued currency units monotonically processed in a monoscale monetary system. That's the sort of stuff we get from brains wherein ergotropic endogenous glutamate flood has become normative to tonic activation of internal system state. Where's the bleat? Ba-ba, blah-blah. By contrast, we quote Ayal I. Sharon, Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) Renormalization is a logical paradox, Zeta Function Regularization is logically invalid, and both are mathematically invalid, arXiv, 14 January 2020, p. 4:
According to the Riemann series theorem (a.k.a. the Riemann rearrangement theorem):
By a suitable rearrangement of terms, a conditionally convergent series can be made to converge to any desired value, or to diverge.
This evokes for me how change of mathematical perspective can change the apparent properties of what has been brought under consideration, e.g., how rescaling renormalization, say change of memetime-step and ponderablespace grid-length, can change the appearance of coherent laminar flow into the appearance of turbulence and the appearance of turbulence into the appearance of coherent laminar flow. Extending this observation, we quote a paragraph from our 1977 General Process paper:
The usual procedure in dealing with processes that manifest a negentropic development is to allow the negentropic process to grow at the expense of its embedding LSTD. In this manner, the larger system is seen to increase its entropy, while the embedded system's entropy decreases. The only difficulty with this concept is that it does not recognize that any given process can be viewed from all three perspectives outlined above. Depending upon the scale perspective adopted, a system can be viewed as closed, open, or self-reentrant. Every system is simultaneously closed, open, and self-reentrant because it can be validly viewed from any of these three perspectives. The class of LSTD corresponds to the scale perspective adopted, and is defined thereby. We are free to choose whatever perspective we wish depending upon the analytical purposes we have in mind. But the dynamics we discover are relative to the perspective adopted. Any given LSTD is composed of a hierarchy of LSTDs at a smaller scale level. Each of these smaller domains is in turn composed of a hierarchy of smaller scale LSTDs, and so on. In fact, any given LSTD is composed of a denumerable transfinite set of smaller scale LSTDs. Depending upon the scale perspective adopted, we apprehend a given LSTD, a finite set of LSTDs, or a transfinite set of LSTDs. Therefore, it becomes apparent that any given process simultaneously manifests this threefold characteristic and can, therefore, only be adequately described with multivalued propositions [understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to µTm-relative-state identity-transparency].
A reference to this notion in the letter covering a copy of this paper sent to Stephen Hawking during 1977 apparently elicited the scathing response from one of Hawking's graduate assistants. He came down hard on lack of mathematical formulation, so we sent back a Severe Storms Conference pre-print on a certain aspect of cascade theory of tornadogenesis which was half-a-dozen pages of equations containing very few words (these pages were actually germane to the aborted prospective discussion -- but we never heard back). AllBaseCommonGroundBackCloth C+TC+ discretesmooth involutorily decomposesrecomposes to <<<>>> ConvergentDivergence <<<>>> DivergentConvergence That's the sort of hypered hyperKleinBottle stuff we get from brains wherein periodic transits to trophotropic endogenous ketamine floods have become normative to phasic activation of internal system state. Velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of acceleration are purportedly-single-valued (i.e., that convergent, of all the convergents there are in this world, 1T2-only-considered not to simultaneously be also divergent) variables of memetime-bound apocryphally-closed-system state; in a given LSTD, at scale-relative absolute limiting velocity, transit to --- m-valued variables, under 1st-order topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime), fuzzy-logic [0,1] discretesmooth processed; in a finite collection of hierheterarchically-ordered laminated-parqueted LSTDs, at scale-relative absolute limiting accelerations, transit to :::: m-valued variables, under 2nd-order topo-active optime, µTm-logics (understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency) processed; in a transfinite collection of hierheterarchically-ordered laminated-parqueted LSTDs, at scale-relative absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration, transit to <<<>>> m-valued variables, under 3rd-order topo-active optime, CTC+-logics (understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency) processed. Ontologically-before all that is the domain of geometrodynamics; and before that, the domain of pregeometry; and before that, the domain of pre-pregeometry on C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround. In the still prevailing take on atmospheric dynamics committed to the supposed classical limit, consideration, even of far-from-equilibrium exchanges, is confined to single-valued variables 1T2-only processed, be they statistically mechanical: convergence is regarded absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct from divergence. This veiling was achieved and is sustained largely by a rescaling renormalization whereby sound waves are excommunicated. True, no atmospheric waves travel at the speed of sound. But m-valued, µTm-processed, acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode pulse-code bursts at tornadogenesis are not traveling in Earth's atmosphere understood as a Newtonian domain. Those modes exist relative to the µTm-relative-state of a finite collection of hierheterarchically-ordered laminated-parqueted LSTDs, carried by 2nd-order topo-active optime to scale-relative absolute limiting accelerations (cf. atmospherically speaking, advent of acoustic analogue to blackhole information processing), under which the conservation laws apropos the memetime-bound do not apply because universal physical constants have taken on scale-relative m-values. Other, superseding, conservation laws ensue -- only to be, themselves, superseded under CTC+-logical processing, the transit to which being initialized at relative absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration. Individual scientists employing instruments designed to be read by individual scientists cannot adequately cognize systems processing 1T3ly-unto-µTmly-unto-CTC+ly -- consequently, for instance, the opprobrious BornRule generates bland blandishments and defenestrations of Lukasiewicz conducted by diminutive docents with regard to how the m-valuedness of Schrödinger's state-function is to be properly understood. If the quantum measurement problem is formulated in terms of object system and observer state (this state incorporating instruments designed to be read by individual scientists), then 1T3-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ logics (understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not relative to the notion truth-value) are proscribed with respect to comprehension of the imports of Schrödinger's state-function being an m-valued proposition. Indeed, dynamics of finite and infinite collections of LSTDs, not being authentically cognizable by individual scientists, are adequately cognizable only as collective occasions of experience, experience, that is, [in}formed of the various and myriad states of participation mystique. Knowledge through identity-transparency involves cogitations in introjections of the relative-states of finite/infinite collections of LSTDs, the corpus of such cogitations equaling collective occasions of experience of consciousness without an object cum a subject. There is no consciousness without an object that is not without a subject. OOOoooh, the dread, the fear and loathing, the terror, the terror, elicited by the ketaminergic loss of control incumbent upon even baby-satori jettisonings of the 1T2-egofunction's 1T2ly-false claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. The masses, particularly the mass of GLE technocrats, in face of the unvarnished imports of m-valued logics: suffering a topical depression, shoogling into debaissements psychic and otherwise, kangarooing from one blackpsyche misnomer to the next, listening for The Distant Echo returning as cosmic mirth expectorated by the collective-unconscious Trickster at such clinger proprioceptual-perceptual-conceptual escapist shenanigans. Whoa-ho-ho! The Hankel contour integral (which Ayal I. Sharon describes, pp. 12-13 of the above-linked paper, in recounting Riemann's derivation of his complex zeta function) of a path between positive-infinity and return to positive-infinity is a numerical analogue of the cascade/reverse-cascade process, the middle term, i.e., the circle term, descriptive of the circumambulation of the reference-space origin being indicative of the spatial effect (time operates on space to generate form) of 1st-order temporal CURL? This contour integral describes what we indicate with the upright inner cross of our composite Brownian wave statement? Yes answers to these questions seem to me to be likely, and, if so, then the cascade of solar-wind-carried twistorized complex angular momentum from Sun to injection into Earth's crustal and core dynamics, and coherent pulse-code answer back, would involve a fractal nesting-foam of such contour intervals, 3-fold temporal CURL mediating transitions between scale levels of that ponderablespacememetime foam. The sets of zeta-function zeros, signifying topo-active optime operations executing 3-fold temporal CURL (zeros arrayed on lines qua null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels, skew-parallel planes, skew-parallel 3-figures, skew-parallel polytopes -- holding in mind that, by twisted reentry, divergent infinity in one order of logical-value = convergent zero in another), illegitimate under the Law of Non-Contradiction, are permitted being-therehere on the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) nesting-foam by virtue of the illegitimacy of the Law of Non-Contradiction under µTm-unto-CTC+ logics interpreted relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not relative to the notion truth-value -- thus saving much physics, were that physics appropriately reinterpreted relative to µTm-unto-CTC+ logics appropriately reinterpreted.
Proof or disproof of the Riemann Hypothesis concerning non-trivial imaginary zeros, real part 1T2, uh, uh, 1/2, of the Riemann zeta function using the rules of 1T2-only-logic alone would be of near-zero interest to me. Moreover, be aware that the Clay Mathematics Institute offers USDs-1-million as a Millennium Prize for proving true (the word true is used, with all that implies concerning the order-of-value of the logic to be employed in the valid argument made) the Riemann Hypothesis concerning where the non-trivial zeta zeros fall, but offers zero USDs for proving that hypothesis false: this stance clearly indicates the objectivity brought to assessment of the hisstorical utilities of 1T2-only proof theory. On the personal level, my I/im reject(s) the attempts (e.g., here and here and here) to extend 1T2-only proof theory to µTm-unto-CTC+ logics, rejected because all such attempts analytically continue (e.g., 1T2-logical connectives simply-extended, thus tacitly carrying along the embedded notion as to identity of the whatnots connected, to dummies for n-ary connectives, as if selfsameness of n is unchanged, is unassailable, under all logical-value order-types) the 1T2-only notion of identity -- i.e., that identity-type which is regarded identity qua identity iff absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identity is the case -- unto µTm and CTC+, which is patently not plausible, and demonstrably so, e.g., by quantum physics and by participation mystique. Cognitive Vs-n-G sought out on this or that model's those or them Vs-n-Ws -- victuals and grub, vennels and wynds. Carping grouse! sings the chorus. Nope. Not blearily fobbed off, whingeing. Winding numbers of each spiraling through the origin on the parametric polar graph! First-order temporal CURL at interscale cascade as viewed through a cognitive lens memetime bound, that lens' boundedness being due to memetime being 1T2-only definable, because the memetime instant is discretizable only under the rules of 1T2-only-logic alone (note that play out of the zeta function numerical series is denoted by the symbol t, which is generally employed as signifier of passive, passing, referential time). The [non-truth}worthiness of the principles of logics 1T3-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+, understood relative to C+TC+-relative-state identity-transparency on Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround BackCloth dictates that passing, passive, referential linear-time be regarded mere memetime. Division by zero, infinity divided by infinity, the logarithm of a negative real number are not simply simply-undefined, but simply-not definable under 1T2-only-logic alone, whilst non-simply definable under µTm-unto-CTC+ logics -- given that, under µTm-unto-CTC+ logics, zero and infinity, a number and its logarithm are not absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. Infinity divergent in the nested domain is zero convergent in the nesting domain; infinity = zero at self-reentry -- speaking 1T2ly in terms of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfhoods. The line is not-the-line! A.k.a.: the 1T2-only line is, µTmly speaking, a null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencil of skew-parallels. As regards Ayal I. Sharon's argument, pp. 14-17, that Hankel's contour integral is in violation of the 1T2-Law-of-Non-Contradiction because it assigns above/below-the-branch-cut-line values to logarithms of negative real numbers, in my I/im's humble opinion(s) -- that s perhaps a zeta s, heh-heh-heh -- this argument is certainly 1T2ly-valid, but invalid µTmly, in that the values, 1T2ly misassigned to the 1T2ly undefinable, veil -- for lack of the conception of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency -- the null vectors employed at definition of the pencils of skew-parallels wielded by topo-active optime to demerge, via 3-fold temporal CURL, to 1T2-only-definable lines, vennels, wynds.
Some background on one aspect of how it was I gottah thinkin' thisaway. Aged 24, at a certain point in a relationship with a woman, it dawned on me that the disparity between us in perception and assessment was due not to thinking different thoughts, but to thinking differently, that is, using different types of thinking. After much mystification and [con}fusion on my part, it became apparent to me, following some voluntary suffering, that when thinking thoughts for herself, not for school and work and the like, she thought in interconnected feeling-tones, sequences and complexes and gestalts thereof. This was very difficult for me to acknowledge to myself as being an efficacious type of thinking. I thought in words, images, symbols, but not in feeling-tones (and not being musically trained, not in sounds or sounded-forms, or any type of synaesthesia). Experience of such like had never transpired in my me, indeed, had never even occurred to that me; no one had ever mentioned it to any of my I/im, so far as my Iambe could remember -- home, school, elsewhere, reading even. Feeling-tones. Humph! I hardly even knew what they were -- as distinct from, say, emotions as affect-charges. I'd experienced a lot of emotions, surpassing rage, even, but connected feeling-tomes, uh, uh, tones, as directed mode of thought? Emotion was a somewhat that happened to my me; it was not directable by my Iambe (despite that 'I'-ness being the Anima that she is!). Subsequently, reading into C. G. Jung's Collected Works, I was able to identify my psychological type in terms of most-to-least-developed functions: intuition-thinking-sensation-feeling. My sensation and feeling functions, particularly feeling, were relatively undeveloped; stunted, some clearly believed. So, I set about rectifying that psycho-condition by using the G.I. Bill to return to college to take studio art, art history, music appreciation and theory, dance classes. Areas I had largely avoided for having had no natural aptitude therein. I didn't study drawing to learn how to draw; I didn't study painting to learn how to paint; I didn't study sculpture to learn how to mould; I didn't study music to learn how to listen; I didn't take dance to join a dance troupe. During this period, I worked for a Japanese gardener and took three years of Japanese flower arranging lessons, the classical Ikenobo school. I did these studies in an attempt to bring my psychological functions into balance, and to learn how to think in directed interconnections of feeling-tones. I adapted the procedure of traffic analysis, almost second nature since SRA/MACV-J268, to the achievement of this objective. For instance, I set up for and regularly drew from the nude model using the techniques taught by Kimon Nicolaides in his book The Natural Way to Draw (check out the brief bio-statement made at the beginning of this book concerning his immersion in contour maps during WWI: given my immersion in the tacit mappings of Viet Cong bureaucratic variables upon frequently changed VC boundaries, I resonated with Nicolaides' experience). I, however, found the inner-emptying state facilitative to production of good gesture sketches more suited to my purpose of discovering and elaborating feeling-tones (are these localized to the near-abroad of the post-central gyrus, or are they authentic quanta -- with all that would imply? that was a question) than was the type of haptification of active imagination engaged in while making contour drawings. Thousands of gesture sketches in a controlled repetitive environment of expressive postures-by-model. Lay the sketches out on the floor. Identify the feeling-toned contents relative to the postures and psychological engagements with the model. Over and over and over month after month after month. I judiciously selected pieces of music -- mostly composed by Toru Takemitsu -- and action-painted in acrylic on canvass what I was able to hear. The same pieces over and over and over, often over the same canvasses, whilst trying to hear more and more and more of what was there to be heard. Daily walking meditation visualizing the natural surround through an imagined screen-grid so as to carry my localized (somewhere about the post-central gyrus) sense of 'I'-ness to the projected vanishing point identified at any given instant as introjected to the inner Husserlian horizon, as I supposed somehow happened subliminally in the cognitive act of resolving out there in the real-world picture plane an Analytical Cubist image. Outerinner/innerouter identity-transparency practiced as functional prerequisite to authentic dance-painting of music, on the road to deconstructing mathematical metaphor via holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt (now I run across: Mapping Transparency through Metaphor: Towards More Expressive Musical Instruments, Sidney Fels and Ashley Gadd and Axel Mulder, Organized Sound, 7:2, September 2003). Carrying the self-observational import of dance exercises into the physical acts involved in the digging of trees, so as to practice inner separation from moving center functions in the controlled, repetitive, rhythm-entrainment environment of The Digger. This activity was conducted for six years with as much concentration as I could muster throughout the day and into the night -- holding in mind as a stimulus the doggedness I'd learned in SFTG. Two years or so into this, I started having synaesthetic flashes while painting music -- colored sounded-forms petit-maling into the audiovisual field, as elaborations of photisms and color-fields, astral-sounded so to speak: first happened in action-painting Takemitsu's Asterism (which is apparently no longer available on YouTube). Over the coming months these flashes elaborated as carriers of feeling-toned judgments. Then, a phase-shift transpired. In states of concentrated thought -- say, during participation in an intense intellectual conversation -- the feeling-toned sounded-forms would spontaneously appear and seem to be a presentation of, would seem to capsulize, the full spectrum of possibilities into which the conversation could unfold, all the directions it could elaborate contained in a flashover sequence-complex of colored sounded-forms: inner-Musculpt. I came to realize, to suppose, that all my verbal and symbolic thought was, and had always been, underlain by a subliminal substrate of inner-Musculpt symformphonie. I just hadn't brought it into conscious awareness. But how does it work? By autogenic shift during Autogenic Training exercises, I imagined biofeedback in a computerized isolation-flotation Lilly tank equipped with a stereophonic-holographic display system and a VR-draw joy stick as a controlled environment within which to produce outputs for recording and subsequent traffic analysis as a laboratory facility designed to experimentally deconstruct cum reverse engineer inner-Musculpt symformphonie. But, of course, this imagined facility never became available to me. Now, however, decades later, I come across work done on two aspects related to the traffic analysis required to develop exteriorized inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS currencies: (1) as regards the verbal, Evolutionary Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes for Multiple Correlated Time-Varying Corpora, Jianwen Zhang, et al., National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2010 or later by References; and (2) as regards the image, Ontology-Based Semantic Image Segmentation Using Mixture Models and Multiple CRFs, Mohsen Zand, et al., IEEE Transactions of Image Processing, 25:7, July 2016. These two papers use the memetime-bound probabilistic (e.g., CRF, conditional random field) Dirichlet process model of data mining to infer-discover properties of tacitly held Bayesian-belief frameworks vis-à-vis verbal and imagistic universes. The manner in which enemy documents are captured in war is a type of Gibbs sampling. Vertical and horizontal information flows relative to chain-of-command in double-stacked bureaucracies (civil and military) involve cascades (well described in Combining Exact Inference and Gibbs Sampling in Junction Trees, Uffe Kjaerulff, arXiv, 1995 or later by References), a notion I later encountered in the Paine-Kaplan complex-angular-momentum-cascade numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis. These cases of samplings, flows, cascades constituted the context of my intimation as to this area of research. Superposing µTm-logics, whereby t-epochs are treated as stacked transparent acetate sheets Riemann-surface bridged, transforms the model into Schrödinger-memetime-independent quantum-data extraction along the lines sketched out in VirFut Q-Pro. Pixels are 1T2-techno ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) qua reductionistic takes on quantum dots BornRule dysterpreted relative to pre-pregeometry Wheelerian bucket of dust dust motes? Think: the deep blue of Autogenic Training's bright light states cum Sri Aurobindo's light? Unfortunately, this work is being carried out in the global-leadership-elite(GLE)-created planetary surveillance society environment. By contrast, in our extended view, Dirichlet-Langlands under Everett under Lukasiewicz-Post-via-Alexander.Karpenko-multifunctoriality. Per example, to wit, ambient radiation inputs (including those of intraorganismic origin) to DNA helix-coil transition: anharmonic (beat-down-in-frequency-funnel beat frequencies imposed upon the higher-temporal formants of the overtone series of the sinusoidal wave train, these formants being carriers of m-valued information µTm-Lukasiewicz-analog-processed) exterior forcing of the quantum harmonic temperature oscillator (i.e., pi-electron parcel) whereupon there exists two orders of nonlinearity to the Schrödinger equation, the m-valued state-function of which is understood in terms of relative-state identity-transparency. Moreover, per another example, to wit, in advancing the notion of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, we never conceived atmospheric acoustic analogues (e.g., cf. vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode pulse-code bursts) to blackhole information processors in memetime-bound terms. How is temperature defined relative to submolecular, uh, say, phased-array-induced upper-atmosphere electron temperature enhancements? How is entropy defined under µTm-unto-CTC+ processings (where passing, passive, referential linear-time is undefinable), the Lukasiewicz-Post logics understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency? Second sound, third sound, n-sound. Consider Zeros of L-Series in Characteristic p, David Goss, Ohio State U., 2005 or later by References (Goss' disquisition on p-adic expansions of zeros with higher orders is fascinating relative to our idea of the Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers à la Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes, and relative to ensheaved values in the value stack to be placed upon µTm-LETS-currency-unit base-state), vis-à-vis temporal CURLings about tau-ensheaved second-order zeros, third-order zeros, n-order zeros, those higher order multiplicities which never occur classically (and associated order-types of 1T2-only-null vector-defined µTm-pencils of skew-parallels). These observations impact questions regarding implementation of µTm-processed m-valued LETS currencies. What is the appropriate unit length (surely not PEG or metallic nano = 10-9 meters, heh-heh-heh) for dimensioning the modular forms setting distribution of scale levels vis-à-vis optimum currency areas in the category domain spaces of µTm-LETS nesting-foam? Are 3-fold temporal CURLings about these higher-order zeros involved in determination, under varying conditions, of optimum velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of acceleration of µTm-LETS monies? As Ayal I. Sharon points out (Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) Renormalization is a logical paradox, Zeta Function Regularization is logically invalid, and both are mathematically invalid, arXiv, 14 January 2020, p. 19): by Dirichlet series, the zeta function at s = 1 is the harmonic series. Quoting Wiki defining the Euler product: an expansion of a Dirichlet series into an infinite product indexed by prime numbers. The Dirichlet series (and the related Dirichlet L-series) under Lukasiewicz-Post µTm-logics would be indexed, not by prime numbers, but by prime-number-formulated Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (think, relative to DNA radiation exchange, of the higher-temporal formants of the overtone series of the sinusoidal wave train, these formants being carriers of m-valued information). And the Dirichlet process (cf. Jianwen Zhang and Mohsen Zand linked above) under Lukasiewicz-Post µTm-logics would have its realizations, à la Everett, understood as actual, not as distributed probability distributions. Therehere shethey isare! Zeus', uh, uh, Zeta's, Ms(s) Multiverse, puppet-dancing on superstrings in the naked-singularity-mouth of Amaterasu's (Ashamed that her actions had led to such chaos, she fled to a cave now known as Ama-no-Iwato, the Heavenly Rock Cave. With Amaterasu in hiding, the world plunged into darkness and chaos. Thus began the first winter, a hard time for a world ), uh, uh, Plato's, cave, GASlit by 4Gas, soon by 5Gas, 6Gas in the birth canal (good offices of Diana Goovaerts, U.S., U.K. team to tackle 6G, FIERCE Wireless, 11 June 2021), the Schrödinger-memetime-independent shadows on the wall -- AIed surrogates standing-in for µTm-relative-states -- not there by the holographic principle, but by the repression-induced regression-in-service-to-the-collective-1T2-egofunction ConveDDing identity-transparency (1T2-only mutual engagement [good offices of Nick Bryan-Kinns and Fraser Hamilton, Identifying mutual engagement, Behavior and Information Technology, 31:2, February 2012, pp. 101-25] being necessary but insufficient to µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency) of the 1T2-processed doppelgangers, uh, uh, CTC+-processed n-gangers (1T2ly construed as memetime-bound reincarnates) on Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround BackCloth n-hypered hyperKleinbottle (the longnecks along the Thai-Burmese border aren't Buds, that's for sure!). Ack, aye, and all this carried out in context of the GLE's GGR (great global reset). O, how those [effing}hams do bring on ill[i}nois!
Worse than the behavioral psychosexual mod MacArthur's Children were subjected to during the postwar Occupation. Appealing the cosmic dissolution (cascade-theoretical Ray of Creation, a logics-analogue of the decomposition of an absolutely convergent Fourier superposition of eigensolutions) may be de rigueur in 1T2-only lawfare, but, within the rightwing Law and Capital Movement, it has yet to be acknowledged that, if surveillance capitalism is a trafficking in low-intensity warfare and war is a racket, then its practitioners are RICOable racketeers engaged in all sorts of MickeyMouse stuff. There being no r2p in regards to the cognitive excipients which constitute our current GLE, and given that outright cancellation is morally repugnant, deranking is clearly indicated. But, buck up, for there is still hope in the world: cancel culture has yet to subvert the laws governing how to deal with The Dogs of Good Samaria.I feel weak.
We have to be careful, Abby. We must continue to live as if we suspect nothing.
I don't believe this. I'm sitting here listening to you, but I don't believe what you're telling me. This is not real, Mitch. You expect me to live in a house that's wired and the phones are tapped and someone, somewhere is listening to everything we say.
Do you have a better idea?
They both knew the importance of appearing normal, of sounding normal. They tried to engage in normal talk about how the day went, about the office and her students, about the weather, about this and that. But the conversations were flat, often forced and strained. When Mitch was in law school the lovemaking had been frequent and rowdy; now it was practically nonexistent. Someone was listening.
(John Grisham, The Firm, 1991 Dell paperback edition, pp. 199 and 262)
As regards the issue of animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency in Weltanschauung as world-picture model of Nature's Way, it should be observed -- while assessing prospects nowadays for homo Sapiens survival: assessed by those aware that they are caught in midst of the prevailing fulmination of the current epoch with respect to this perennial issue -- that nothing anyone or any group has done in the period since the last great ice age has prevented devolution to the current planetary conundrum. Clearly, this has been the case, not because people are dumb, but because our smart-alecky systems have been stupid -- those Darwinian dominant, bivalent and kakistocratic on the 2nk-fitness landscape. Hu-hu-[hu}mans who think piling merde-in-pigsty is The Way to build castle-worth-having now advocate genetically conjugating pig and human brains to gain-of-function produce the pighu brain. Surface-structure-wise, present-day, having made close approach to an unstable degenerate critical point (good offices of Marian Jenco, Detection of Degenerate Points on the Surface, Geomorphology.org, 8 August 2018) in the Mnk-articulation landspace, if not on the 2nk-fitness landscape, nascent-to-fully extant even now in some forms, psyopsed-up soft-empowered mind control is being neuromancer magnified to a degenerate maximum at origin, such that any and every variation(s) from stationary values -- (stationary largely due to net-worth polarization, uh, uh, due to, that is, the bivalent Law of Distributed Middle) identifiable in the calculus of variations, even when expanded to nonlinear Morse theory of handle decompositions, homologies of wholly no-things cyclical modulo boundaries-fractal-or-no -- isare deprecated and canceled by the command position of the consummate clingers, i.e., the GLE, global leadership elite, by virtue of their identification with the Leninist maximum-minimum program. Think locally, act globally! That's their way of handling, uh, uh, handle-decomposing unto discorporation, for instance, extrasystemic externalities. Duh. And then we have 1T2-only OOPs-constellated cryptocurrencies! Humph! Clearly, there is no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct-object-oriented, linear-combinatorial basis amongst linear-algebraic bases for supposing that the zeros of the 1T2-OOPs-predicated, of the zeta functions, of cryptographic hash functions in any way analogically signify dust motes of pre-pregeometry, let alone the zero points of quantum vacuum energy, the latter two being-therehere only C+TC+ly. However, if considered is the assertion that C+TC+-zero-energy points (for hisstorical background, see Preludes to dark energy: Zero-point energy and vacuum speculations, Helge Kragh, preprint for Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 2010 or later by References) <<<>>> 3rd-order temporal CURL <<<>>> magic-without-magic, uh, uh, quantum potential as CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency signified with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of Lukasiewicz-Post propositions executed by 3-fold topologically-active operator time (topo-active optime) as yielder of active-information transformations <<<>>> orders of zeta zeros around which temporal CURLings transpire <<<>>> in a µTm-LETS monetary system, the quantum potential analogically modeled via the hash zeros in the µTm-hash-functions generating the Gödel-numbered Gödel number addresses of µTm-LETS-currency-unit value-virtuousity ensheavements superposed upon unit base-states as tags to indicator-measurables internalizing extrasystemic externalities of the µTm-processable m-valued data map (Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock in Mnk articulation landspace) constellated at definition of the given µTm-LETS currency area qua domain-space contained by the designated fluctuating quasifractal e-boundaries-without-boundary-at-infinity in the nesting-foams of µTm-LETS currencies, currencies variously commodity-backed and PPPied as distributed-ledger-register holographic-posted in Musculpted global quantum-composite unit of account. As regards e-commons, m-scenarios, holographic computer-gaming of given µTm-LETS currencies, and given the double-stacking of (1) m-values on currency-unit base-state and of (2) the currencies themselves in nesting-foam, the transparent overlays hypostatized (not hypothesized) as psycho-ideographically authentic in VirFut Q-Pro need to be much more technically elaborated vis-à-vis theories of decompaction qua involutory decomposition-demergence via Regge-lattice nets and codescent of presheaves unto cosheaves. The best lead-in I've found on that is Local Nets and Co-Sheaves, Urs Schreiber, The n-Category Cafe, 14 November 2008, a discussion of these subjects in terms of the requirements for axiomitization of quantum field theory, QFT -- only that, relative to VirFut Q-Pro and decomposition by topo-active optime, this needs to be done under, not only 1T2-only-logic alone, but under C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm logics (the Lukasiewiczian-LETS case being µTm-unto-1T2). There are strong psychological reasons, in various ways all related to suppression of direct ontic experience of animistic-pagan participation mystique, why this Lukasiewiczianization was not done within the pre-WWI and pre-WWII academic environments, and is unlikely to be done in the currently prevailing and foreseeable (pre-WWIII?) academic environments, ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) these days -- on top of the impress ever more avidly, ever more rudely, ever more vociferously imposed by the gathering megacorporationGewinnmotiv-faschistischerStaat meld -- so greatly leveraging the academic-mode-of-production. Moreover, it's hard to overstate the paucity of new ideas found even in the alternative media. If 1T2-only fiat currencies alter cultures (see: How Fiat Money Changes Culture, Stephan Livera, Mises Wire, 23 June 2021), how much cultural mod would e-commons, m-scenarios, computer-gamed, variously-backed, µTm-LETS-currency nesting-foams elicit? And what of the changes in the banking system? While the e-commons computer-gaming (not referenda), facilitated by Musculpt as user-friendly interface, would accomplish some functions traditionally performed (consider The forgotten history of banking, Tuomas Malinen, GNSeconomics, 24 June 2021) by the system of discrete banks, thus being tantamount to a distributed banking sector, still a public bank-mint would be required for each µTm-LETS-currency domain-space in nesting-foam for issuance of that currency's base-state cash (use outside the given domain-space being possible but very cumbersome), and performance of associated depository and lending functions. The myriad of these public banks of issuance would be the new central banks wrapped into a distributed banking sector such that no prospect of monolithic control could arise (functional integration being handled by µTm-processing of the virtuousities ensheaved upon base-states of the m-valued currencies in nesting-foam), and no mistaken policy could become a systemic existential threat, too big to fail in every sector being precluded by the viscosities inherent to nesting-foams crowd-source managed from below over e-commons by Musculpted m-scenarios computer-gaming. The level of creative thinking on display in the alternative media is, for two crackerjack specimens, exemplified by: (1) expanding the notion of memetime-stamping into blockchaining; and (2) taking the simplest of encryption techniques and concatenating them into linear sequences as hash functions. On the path chosen for us'ins, the hoi polloi, The Long Emergency is slow to rise to cusp (began in 1823 with N. H. Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr), but cuspover is a far-from-equilibrium-phase-transition snapping so fast and furious as to transpire for, perhaps, no longer than a decade of memetime. Pop population reduction of, say, 5 billion, by well-rehearsed plandemic, by iatrogenic mass infertility, by a space-based, robotic, mini-nuke PW1, planetary war one. I know that the above-stated interfusion -- of QFT and framework determining conditions of a monetary system -- seems incongruous, but to me the confluence appears most natural -- if six decades belated. The seed question-cum-idea came to me whilst simultaneously studying quantum physics basics in honors PSSC physics and multiple-bank credit expansion in honors economics, senior year, Fairborn High School, Fairborn, Ohio, circa 1962-3 academic year: having concluded that the signal difference between Newton's laws of motion and Schrödinger's wave equation is that Newton's variables are single-valued and Schrödinger's m-valued, I posed to myself the proposition (likely I did this, by subliminal prompting, due to my mil.brat childhood experience of animistic-Shinto states of identity-transparency, circa 1953-6, Midorigaoka, Onga-gun Ashiya-machi, Fukuoka-ken, kita-Kyushu, Japan) that the electron, say, by virtue of Schrödinger, carries holistic information about the total state of the system at any given instant (this being a relative-state interpretation, though not one Everettian-relative-state: moreover, I didn't learn about Everett's notion of relative-state until 1975 at Cornell) and then asked myself what would an economic system be like if its currency units, à la Schrödinger, were to carry holistic information about the total state of the system at any given instant. Years after high school, reviewing in mind my struggle back then with the why of multiple-bank credit expansion, the notion occurred to me that it could be µTm-LETS e-commons gamed-out that varying fractional-reserve requirements and associated lending could be restricted to the programmable externality-measurable-tagged ensheaved values, while a 100-percent, or thereabouts, reserve requirement is ruled with regard to µTm-LETS-currency base-state and associated multiple-bank credit expansion. But, sixty years on, the decisive vectoring of our global civilization is 180-degrees opposite to the impetus required for implementation of µTm-LETS nesting-foam. Consequently, rather than embrace of outright nihilism, youthful impetuosity is any day my preference over the implacable hidebound clinging behaviors of effing old men, EOM, sporting cellular loading docks stuffed with decades of binding-site-accumulated toxins, those clingings the inexorable spawn of the sight-binding toxic overload. Not to mention binding-site locks these days penetrated by COVID-19 spike-protein-toxin keys-to-the-kingdom provided by our Saviors-From-Genetic-Disease. Snotty, aleatoric, paraphasic disputatoris -- arguing by woke-Volk echolalia for their viscous cling -- that they are, our EOM! And, not to forget the individual's man[i}fess|ations of participation in our current all-consuming collective psychotic break, i.e., the schizophrenic-word-salad character of blog-bluster style: The devilish occupation spectacularly kneel because teacher endosonographically snatch regarding a helpful perfume animated learned modem -- two days ago, good offices of ConvexityJacquelineEnsconceLorek. Chique cheek, what -- calling out one's modem in that fashion. Such Busteress- cum Buster-speak is, of course, not subject to banishment under the ever-changing rules of the Kancel Kulture Kaleidoscope. On the other hand -- bivalently speaking, that is -- promoting, promulgating, pestering for a shift to an animistic-pagan µTm-lattice logic of governance (by holographic principle and the Regge calculus, mapping bureaucratic variables onto the quasifractal e-boundaries-without-boundary-at-infinity over which µTm-LETS currencies are to be defined) is certainly not to advocate lapsing into a state of functioning mapped over [Locks}ley-line Hell, however thoroughly assailed by the lockhearted-wisemen Muckles and their muggles who have single-scenario planned a neo-fascist feudalistic cooptation-reset. The ConveDD is psycho-substitution. My best bet is that not one nonbinary LGBTQ thinks in a nonbinary logic, and only a very, very few think 1T2ly about µTm-logics. What does such low-incidence thinking indicate concerning currently constellated collective unconscious processes? Presence of the same ConveDD processes indicated by the body-mod, to include tattoos, fad? I mean, like all other 1963 frosh entering AU-SIS, I was instructed to read A. J. P. Taylor's Nuremberg thesis-disputing discourse, circa 1961, on the origins of WWII: that book was one of many on the recommended reading list for Abdul Aziz Said's Introduction to World Politics course. However, another book on Said's list, C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, prompted me to append to Taylor's theses: to wit, giving a major role in the etiology of the mass psychology of-- well, whatEVER, to how repression-driven regressed archetypal processes (to me, ex-SRA/MACV-J2, suppression of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency subtends the sex repression ex-OSS-R&A Marcuse essayed in Eros and Civilization) of the collective unconscious vector intellectual hisstory, which, in turn, vectors Geopoliticoeconomic Hisstory and Associates, e.g., massed warfare, particularly its total variety. Thus was my 'I' set on the path leading to Echo of the Mockingbird. Well, I guess this is it, hon. There exists, and here it is, folks. Hooga! Hooga! For decades, my I/im have supposed a mid-19th-century collective unconscious decision for Sapiens suicide. Give me simple-identity or give me death! A decision clearly (good offices of Mike Shedlock, Swiss Reject Climate Change , Mish Talk, 20 June 2021) endorsed by Boomers to Zoomers. Were that species-suicide decision the case, it would be largely irrelevant whether or not COVID-19 is a consciously premeditated plandemic, whether or not the vaccines are bioweapons consciously deployed as such (despite the fact that in a civilization where non-blackpsyche-tasked government figures, even -- not just our Goebbelses -- publicly state that when the going gets tough the best policy is to lie [a principle widely applied in post-WWII MSM by many of those who learned it whilst serving in OSS-MO, morale operations, and the Department of War Information], thus, as a matter of course, nothing said, essayed, op-eded can be trusted to have veracity, see, for one take on the bioweapons-op issue, here; and for a lengthy discussion as to the whys and hows of the thesis that the mass vaccination program might be driving formation of new immune-escape variants, see here). As regards my take on all that COVID stuff, I'd have to say: I believe in synchronicities, not coincidences -- particularly if the synchronicities are understood relative to topo-active optime.
Having long thought -- by facilitation of walking-meditation-practiced inner separation -- of the Gurdjieffian Real-'I' as the least specific object in the category of objects I/im, as multiplicative coproduct, that is, as inverted upper-case pi, no mere sum, the collection of morphisms of I/im on Real-'I' have been long regarded by my me as the I-do-ons of the [µTmly] Unfix'd yet [1T2ly] fix'd, nature-immersive, Transcendentalist-unto-Realist Walt Whitman, that Walt Whitman revealed, for instance, in his poem Eidolons of [I/im] Leaves of [by participation mystique] Grass (the reading of which in high school, my Iambe [one of my Anima's AKAs] greatly valued for its being confirmatory as to legitimacy of other-I-ams). But, please, don't be confused: other-I-ams are not variants, not one of which being an imp on Solaris, nor a deaf, boneless, lame Ebisu, not a replican, not even a replican't. The COVID-19 mRNA-vaccine analogue to the laser: the mas[co}ber, mass-action-stimulated collective-behavioral evoked-response, i.e., that response being immune-escape variants. Coherent as all get-out. Bat bomber, bat man, bat virus. What a fixation. AUMF! Total eclipse of the mind. Being a realistic Transcendentalist scion of tenant farmers and baum-gardeners, I found my Walden digging trees in ma-and-pa nurseries and working a Great-Depression-era-planted apple orchard. Douglas A. Paine's Trumansburg apple orchard. Given our multiscale-energy-momentum-cascade-nested-grid-numerical-model-informed understanding that change of ponderablespace grid-length and memetime-step can change what appears to binary-mind as laminar flow into apparent turbulence and seeming turbulence into semblant laminar flow, we, Doug Paine and I, did not countenance the notion that quantum foam is only turbulent, of probability waves or no; in our private conversations, we called, whatever it is -- not Wheelerian it from bit but it-from-[mu}it --, the wormhole mesh, and this term was short for the mappings of CTC+-unto-µTm-logics over the tilings-nets meshworked upon the memetime-independent, operator-time collapsible-compactable, cosmic nesting-foam ensheavement. Paine had briefly spoken with John Wheeler, after a public lecture Wheeler gave at Cornell during 1973 or '74, concerning the parallels between atmospheric cascade dynamics and gravitational collapse. Wheeler was politely dismissive (the term acoustic analogues to black hole computers being years away from appearance on the scene). My first letter to Wheeler, circa 1975, mentioned my reading of the big tome, Gravitation, which he had coauthered, and was descriptive of an intuitive treatment of the wormhole mesh in terms of nested equilateral-triangular qua hexagonal networks, which, memory serving, I believe I mentioned were prominent in Montcastle's and Szentagothai's laminar-modular characterizations of the columnar-cellular architectonics of the cerebral cortex. No mention was made of atmospheric analogues or Lukasiewicz-Post logics, though some thoughts on numbering scheme likely were included. Contemplating, however, without mention, digital 1T2-only-neuronal machines embedded in THE nonlocalizable µTm-quantum brain as Lukasiewiczian analog machine. In his polite, encouraging reply he suggested that I contact Roger Penrose whom he knew to be doing rigorous work on tiling patterns. But I knew -- beginning with my 1963 reading of J. G. Bennett's thoughts on the diversely identical, e.g., null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels and skew-parallel squares and skew-cubes: The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, Appendix III, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. I, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956 -- that the nested nets-tilings-polyhedra-polytopes of the Greater Maze under 1T3-unto-CTC+ Lukasiewicz-Post logics can't be drawn-configured by, indeed, can't be numbered with, selfsame, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct (using the term coined by Hubert Benoit in his Let Go!: Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen: I had then recently read the 1973 Samuel Weiser edition) whatnots; the involved involutory-decomposition-demergence cum action-compaction clearly requires J.G.Bennettian skew-whatnots and neoPlatonic-cabalistic non-selfsame numbers, umm-urr, still, all these decades later, unknown knowns, known unknowns, unknown unknowns. To be sure, all that is 1T2ly-knowable and notatable with writable symbols cum scorable graphically cum kinesiologically choreographical facilitates insight, but simultaneously obstructs developed comprehension by reinforcing identification with 1T2-only modes of cognition. The very notion of a physical field is insufficiently general, so QFT and QED can't carry insight much beyond the 1T2-only of the µTm-unto-CTC+. Nor can non-Euclidian geometrodynamic treatments of gravitational field phenomena, given that the primitive whatnots of that geometry are self-identical and absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct; nor, for the same reasons, can loop-quantum gravity and superstring theory, both being 1T2-only-logic-bound. Just as regards ADLs, activities of daily life -- without mention of total wars; genocides; induced mass poverty-unto-starvation; the Anthropocene extinction; antropogenic, whoopse! uh, uh, that is anthropogenic ecocide, democide, plandemicocide (more technical information here on GM-spike protein from Julie Beal); firestorms and nuclear holocausts of conurbations; so on and so forth -- the religiosity of binary-mind has so fetishized every aspect of the Lebenswelts of homo Sapiens -- e.g., from horror of public non-commercially-exploited nudity to fear and loathing of generative empathy, from entrenched rejection of the empathetically-constellated harmonious to embrace of supposed inherent irresolvable conflict between countervailing powers as the highest form of rational governance -- that it takes considerable effort to identify aspects of contemporary civilization not nauseating, with some aspects inductive of outright projectile vomiting. Fetishization: one of the subtle means by which to deny a collectivity access to direct ontic experience of relative-state identity-transparency; another being, by ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement), telepresence. My I/im began experiencing culture-induced nausea cum Plexiglas-wall states as an eleven-year-old, and since then the cultural dyscrasia has increased so markedly it's astounding that reasons are still found for wanting to participate. Eclectic [con}fusion concrete-monoculture ain't the same as authentically-integrated fusion abstract-metaculture. Identity-purification by monoculturing, be it of whatever type -- in agriculture, forestry, genetic engineering, eugenics (the Woke injunction to promote [A, not-A] qua [black, white] mixing unto chocolate uniformity, being a violation of the 1T2-only Law of Distributed Middle, is a ConveDD of the largely subliminal rejection of Lukasiewicz logics being understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency), worldview propoundment, so on --, is supportive of the mid-19th-century collective unconscious decision for homo Sapiens self-erasure (deep-structure existence of that decision being a thesis I've advanced). Body-mod out of existence or collective death, gone is gone. Squelching dragon currents: no me at the last repast! But who is in a position to gainsay the contention that, like a dead cat bouncing, a dead species walking is better off ignorant of the whys and wherefores of the fall. Moreover, as I've contended ever since projecting out imports of MACV-CDEC IDHS into the memetime future of information space, it won't matter because hisstory will be gone once all libraries are digitalized to Cloud Nine, this digitalization being equivalent to the fundamentalists burning the Alexandria Library. Something similar might be well supposed regarding 100-percent digitalization of money and the associated electroconvulsive execution of the banking system. Even amongst those few who think about such matters, there is no suspicion that the most vast, most de[vast}ating (a subtle enantiosemy, a contronym qua auto-antonym example of the Munzenbergian-Leninist blackpsyche principle, to wit: call the thing by the name of its opposite), conspiracies have been unconscious, have been and are, that is, orchestrated by collective unconscious event gradients initialized and driven by repression-constellated regressed archetypes (the most effective way to insure that exceeding amassed hatred surreptitiously governs collective behaviors is to not adequately address actual etiology whilst coercively suppressing overt symptomatology of the mass psychoneurosociopathogenesis): a very special case of cosmic demergence (cf. An Introduction to Marie-Louise von Franz's Number and Time, J. Gary Sparks, Psychological Perspectives, 61:4, 2018), a case accomplished by projective-identification at the binary-mind's fixation upon the subject-to-object level of the extrovert/introvert-cum-Anima/Animus C.G.Jungian eight-fold-way transference (it takes eight to get six: 8 of the bi-quaternions to get the 6 of 3-space under 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, topo-active optime). If the algebraic-geometry center -- as distinct from the plain ol' fixed-point geometric center -- is conceived to be that from which all-that-is involutorily decomposes, then projective-linear-group speaking, the center is everywhere on the edge, and the edge is anywhere the partitioning function employed puts it, there being C+ such puts available. This is a variant of the holographic principle. Algebraic variety, algebraic scheme, algebraic stack. Jus' forgetaboutit: Whowhat is responsible? Ask instead, whowhat proximal-cause effectuates the polynomially-expanded-multivalent-functional involutory decomposition-demergence: topo-active optime CURLing circumambulations about nullspace-(null only under 1T2-only-logic alone)-qua-kernel zeros which vectors-whatnots are sent to by transforms-morphisms? Involutory cyclotomic decomposition-demergence: quotients via involution, involution from CTC+-unto-µTm involving an infinite number of surgeries. Group-homomorphism-type Group actions of cyclic groups of the polycyclic type (cf. the nesting of scale-relative sets of absolute limiting velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of acceleration, i.e., c, c', and c'', whereupon ponderablespace length and memetime passage go to zero relative to the given domain-space [c], wormhole that space [c'], Kleinbottle that space [c'']) can help clarify details of how this is accomplished -- if only from the perspective of 1T2-only-logic alone, given that homomorphic selfsame identity-qua-identity fades 1T3ly-unto-µTmly in lockstep as monogenous becomes polygenous with advent of n-ary operations? A LETS currency defined, not on a fixed 1T2-only in-or-out geographic border, but on a changing quasi-fractal e-boundary would be analogous to a band-pass fractal drum: the need to administratively impose currency controls and the like by a political apparatus external to the monetary system would be greatly reduced (a sociopolitical benison, given that obsessive-compulsive control fixation devolves to demagoguery which devolves to democide, judicial and extra-judicial -- all supposing, of course, that democide is regarded unacceptable, abominably atrocious). If the LETS currency were m-valued, there being a value ensheavement quantum-superposed upon the base-state, i.e., cash, of the currency's currency-unit, each such stacked value fine-grain tagged to an indicator-measurable, extrasystemic externalities could be internalized to market sorting angels like the supply-demand dynamic, and bureaucratic functions could be mapped to the band-pass quasi-fractal boundary, i.e., the center which is everywhere on the edge, which edge is anywhere the e-commons computer-gamed partitioning function 'puts' it. Calculating m-valued transactions within a given currency domain-space would require µTm-logic processing, likely by a Lukasiewiczian analog machine employing holographic Musculpt as user-friendly interface. Calculating m-valued transactions across quasi-fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary-at-infinity separating currency domain-spaces within the µTm-LETS nesting-foam would require the Lukasiewiczian analog processing be framed within the model of involutory decomposition-demergence employed to define the quantum-composite universal unit of account which all µTm-LETS currencies would be referenced to, each such currency being variously commodity-backed and mapped to the C+TC+-unto-CTC+-MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space, that space a distributed ledger indexing µTm-relative-states understood as Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. So, modeling logical-value-order-type cum polynomially-expanded-multivalent-functional involutory decomposition-demergence is a functional prerequisite to implementation of a µTm-LETS monetary subsystem-system-supersystem-composite nesting-foam. In that context, consider Hurwitz Theory of Elliptic Orbifolds, I, Philip Engel, arXiv, 23 June 2021. Quoting WiKi on the elliptic curve: An elliptic curve is an abelian variety -- that is, it has a group law defined algebraically, with respect to which it is an abelian group -- and 0 serves as the [1T2-only] identity element. This zero is very provocative as regards µTm-relative-state identity-transparency in context of cyclic group relative to temporal CURL -- particularly so, that CURL understood as effect of agent-engine-operator of the Riemann-Hurwitz ramification of point-line-plane, ,n in CTC+-unto-µTm-demergence to the 1T2-only-definable absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identity of the discrete object. I certainly don't have signif[i}cant knowledge in any technical area, including those involved here, just the vaguest appreciation, but perhaps enough to re[cog}nize those whats which might be instructive as regards the issues of my interest, and where the limitations of those whats may lie in respect to those issues. An m-valued function involving scale-dependent c and/or c' (i.e., of the step-function values comprising the corpora of those of multiple LSTDs, limited spacetime domains) is representable with a bridged-multi-sheeted Riemann surface, but is not so representable if the m-valued function involves a scale-dependent c'', for, with scale-relative absolute limiting [meme]time rates of change of acceleration, orientability is lost and being orientable is a defining characteristic of the Riemann surface (which surface makes the involved m-valued function act like or give the impression of being single-valued). So the corpus of quotients of elliptic-curve as complex-torus is inadequate to represent 3rd-order-operator-time effectuated decomposition of C+TC+-unto-CTC+ MVRS. And that fact leads us to consideration of Topological Symmetry Transition between Toroidal and Klein Bottle Graphenic Systems, Mihai V. Putz and Ottorino Ori, Symmetry, 12:8, 27 July 2020, wherein a bridge is built between Everettian 1T2-relative-state and the geometrodynamics of Einsteinian general relativity, KleinBottle fullerenes-polyhexes in topological nano-systemic graphenic space corresponding to the universes of Everettian multiverse. Very interesting! but 1T2-only bound. Still, pregnantly reminiscent of window-functioned frequency-domain discrete Fourier transform of acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signature of constant-entropy surface-manifold, exercises in which were inspirational as regards the notion of Pauli-Paine topo-active optime. Going from point-net-logicstate to geometrodynamics of analog wave-effect processing via Regge-lattice correlate of curvature configuration. As presented via inner-Musculpt, the same sounded-form can have different meanings -- analogous to the difference between glutamatergic normative-state IBE (in the body experience) perception of the object and ketaminergic AnalyticalCubism OBE perception of the object: are the number of reductive-phenomenological Husserlian facets of the object which are consciously registered related to the order of the left side of T (glutmatergically, the 1 of 1T2; ketaminergically, the mu of µTm) as employed in denotation of the order of logical-value employed to make the registration, and the order of the right side of T indicative of the nesting grid-qua-net-qua-tiling sheet which the conscious focus (cf. levels of Samadhi) has established habitus upon? Rapidly searching through such like as Vadim Gorin's Lectures on Random Lozenge Tilings, Cambridge U. Press, hard-copy expected September 2021, especially the discourse on discrete log-gases where likelihood appears to be greatest, seeking out a comment suggesting recognition of the need to expand the analysis into higher logical-value order-types. Why overvalue, over-invest when it is clear ahead of memetime that those paths fizzle out because they constrain marches to the 1T2-only logical-value order-type?
Nothing niggles the no-account binary-mind but ragamuffin mentations: e.g., With my quantum-based techno-toys, give me non-quantum simple-identity or give me death! Running to their bidding. Their being TPTB our GLE, global leadership elite. Design criteria for subsystems of the international system have long since been formulated in service to the furthering of plunder, rape, murder by several-steps-removed good-offices-instigation of the 0.00025-percent (good offices of David Stockman, No, We Weren't All Born Yesterday, ContraCorner reposting to ZeroHedge, 4 July 2021: see the last graph). Those responsible generally are not the PPPs, proximal-perpetrator paladins. They, those responsible, draw lines, red lines, not red pencils of skew-parallels, whenever and wherever their freedom to, in complete safety, indiscriminately plunder is threatened: this line choice illustrates their relation to nature, which is by no means that of µTm-relative-state. TPTB our GLE are doing their best to get the inflation accelerator to the floor, keep the altitude high, whilst steering the planetary-rape go-cart on the poorly chosen L-path (see: Enumeration of Lukasiewicz paths modulo some patterns, Jean-Luc Baril and Sergey Kirgizov and Armen Petrossian, arXiv, 4 April 2018, and note that, whether or not Lukasiewiczian notation is employed, this sort of path does not involve a µTmly-skew-parallel trajectory where the operators executing operations defined on logical lattices are understood to be 3-fold topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time [topo-active optime involving orbifold circumambulations, i.e., temporal CURL orbits, about zeros on Musculpt manifold], these operators being generators of the sort of path-transform-patterns my I/im imagine are required to understand Musculpt symformphonie as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams). Accelerator down, leading light (keeping in mind the c, c', c'' hierarchies), they, our GLE, are, leading light into an L-excursion (see: Ascents in Non-Negative Lattice Paths, Benjamin Hackl and Clemens Heuberger and Helmut Prodinger, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Vol. 110, 9 January 2018) through the memepool glutamatergically constellated in memetime and ponderablespace. Passing, passive, referential linear-time is the introjection of a memed mentation outsourced to regressed-archetypal collective-unconscious gradients. As the Japanese have prefigured for the rest of us, those naked of shorts doing the nopantsu ByteDust kissa house-music dance in the mouth of Amaterasu-Omikami's stock-and-bond encavement will inevitably so-so-SO. Not only am I Against Method, I'm against channeling and the means employed to achieve the channeling -- particularly in compulsory education and prewar team sports and competitive sports generally -- because prescriptive enculturation-socialization channeling of glutamatergic pruning-cum-quantumquenching of brains at neuronal plasticity debilitates quality of state (CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2), that debilitation constellating the prevailing configuration of cause-cum-attractor governance of collective behaviors. Their -- TPTB our GLE -- alternative to non-simple-identity-embracing µTm-LETS nesting-foams (keep in mind that consciousness in [not merely thinking about] non-orientability -- torus superseded by Klein bottle -- is a functional prerequisite to ontic immersion in µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency): bio-scanned population registration legislation which can easily be made to mission creep into population regularization acts effectuated by mandated fiat CBDCs (good offices of Tuomas Malinen, Currency Wars: The World Is On The Verge Of An Epochal Monetary Revolution, GnSEconomics as reposted to ZeroHedge, 7 July 2021), central bank digital currencies (the corpus of which being a supersession of the financial shebeens [note: not hethens] of the shadow-banking system which was designed to escape the excisable in liquors of financialization), cum the inevitably associated universal govern{mental] stalking; and, moreover, the forced migrations associated with the economic free-fire zones, established by executive fiat, that facilitate color revolutions which enflame nascent religious-race-class antagonisms into becoming the outright hatreds driving the spontaneous segregation conducive to group areas formation, ethnic cleansing, de facto apartheid, rigidification unto a socioeconomic hierarchy tantamount to a caste system, slave labor, concentration camps, policies of mass extermination as the cognitive autoimmune dyscrasia reaches septicemic cuspover. And when we look at how US-advised flash-privatization schemata made billionaire oligarchs in post-Soviet Russia, we can understand at least one aspect of the surface-structure motivation for planetarization of collapse-induction initiatives. Dyscorporation of civilization: the new get-rich-quick Ponzi scheme (get it while the getting's good resource wars -- individual, mass, national, transnational -- having been the predominant hu-hu-[hu}man response to the global resource-depletion crisis). The foremost blackpsyche objective: transform corruption of words into corruption of worlds. When -- in retrospect, undoubtedly as a result of my childhood exposure to animistic-Shinto modes of experience -- I back-reacted as a highschooler, circa 1961-2, Eielson AFB, Alaska, against symbolic logic, I knew, however low the level of explicitness, that conjunction, negation, logical equivalence, implication were not capable of logically codifying those animistic modes of experience. And it was only several years later, upon departing AU-SIS, circa 1965, that I stopped reading newspapers because I had concluded that no information available in those sources was not manipulation of one sort or another -- and I was sick of being channeled by a collective mental illness I had become intent upon uncovering the etiology of. In a bad war, the missions are never the missions; in a national mass psychosis, the scapegoats are never actually culpable; in a civilization-wide collective psychosis, the issues are never the issues: ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) govern all. A cogent observation: nowadays there are not many things on this planet which human beings have created that anymore are not fluxyou sorts of things. The G-identified Saviors from g-disease, bioweapons threats, food shortage due to overpop have already fundamentally fluxed up life and Lebenswelts on Earth, so just try to imagine what these Saviors will accomplish in the near-term memefuture. Not the equivalent of the Spanish flu, the functional equivalent of the testy Spanish Civil War, is the plandemic strategy for rectifying (this being a surface-structure rationalization) the overpop problem. Until centralbanksters-executed bailouts, QEing, and all the other mass money creation schemata, the rackets which are mass warfare, possible wars (cruising has double entendre meanings when nuclear tipped), imaginary wars were the main means of redistribution from the poor to the rich, superrich, ultrarich -- our large-scale wars being largely epiphenomenal to 1T2-only-capitalism (1) having made forced-draft urbanization synonymous with developmen, and (2) having destroyed the extended-family system that made the nuclear family a viable foundational socius, and (3) having ruined the pre-WWII relative-to-today comity between men and women, and (4) by mimetic estrogen flood, sex-change ops, blackpsyche, mil.sex made first in the transform of homo Sapiens (per[son}ally, my I/im think that the last Sapiens of the two sapiens of the modernist first Homo sapiens sapiens should be capitalized, not the Homo part, given that that second Sapiens may be the Last of First Men in more ways than one) into an asexual species that reproduces by industrial means, the genetic design criteria of which being set so as to service the (forced mobility of forced labor) needs of the ultrarich. Whys surface-structure and deep-structure: a self-driven-wheel chicken-and-egg problem, that problem that most clearly reveals the nature of Nature's memetime-independent nature in Aristotelian infinite regress, wherein Schrödinger's cat raided the hen house and stole the egg just as it hatched. A bivalent way and a non-binary way of trying to skirt the problem: (1) root-cause (that is never reachable, no matter how many boxes are placed in the line-and-block chart) analysis (good offices of Ely Wilson, ThinkReliability, 31 October 2018; and, (2) a Lukasiewiczianization of Prolog's treatment of first order predicate logic, an L-ization so as to overcome some problems of classical logic to handle imperfect human knowledge (see: A Lukasiewicz Logic Based Prolog, Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Mathware & Soft Computing, 1, 1994, pp. 5-29), wherein logical-values are construed in terms of truth values as relative distance to contradiction. Why assume logical-values must be truth-values? Instead of relative distance to contradiction, why not relative states of identity-transparency? The surface-structure and the deep-structure of the answers to these why-questions are in chicken-and-egg-problem relationship to one other where root cause analysis is a turning-to-butter tiger chasing hisher own tail -- insofar as classical Aristotelian logic is concerned. Along these lines, heh-heh-heh, of particular interest to me, in view of our 1979 mathematical model of DNA radiation exchange processes, a model incorporating topo-active optime, is Lukasiewicz-Topos Models of Neural Networks, Cell Genome and Interactome Nonlinear Dynamic Models: Functors and Natural Transformations of Lukasiewicz Logic Algebras as Representations of Neural Network Development and Neoplastic Transformations of Tissues, I. C. Baianu, CERN EXT-2004-059, 29 June 2004 -- apparently an extension of work initially accomplished during the 1970s (my I/im wish this-I had learned of it then). Quoting the paper:
A particularly interesting example is that of the TopGd [topological grupoids of equivalent genes] category that will contribute certain associated sheaves of genetic networks with striking, emerging properties such as genetic memory that perhaps reflects underlying holonomic quantum genetic processes, as well as related quantum automata reversibility properties, such as relational oscillations in genetic networks during cell cycling [emphasis in original]
Hmmm, relational oscillations such as the temperature oscillations of the pi-electron parcels described by our superconductant-DNA-pi-electron-gas model and the coherent waves described by our model as emitted by the molecule during cell cycling. But, in apparent contrast to Baianu, to my I/im the term m-valued logics (plural) does not indicate simply existence of n-possible logical values, only one of which can be actually present to a given proposition, for, to my me, the presence-possible distinction, in being represented as left-right of T (T for, in my me's usage, Transparency in identity qua identity), i.e., muTm (think: the mu of the left hand clapping koan), signifies that any given proposition can simultaneously take on the actual presence of mu-values (thus: all[to}gather -- wu-ing, mu-ing -- nullifying -- wu-ing, mu-ing -- exclusivity of 1T2-only-logic alone) of the m-possible values of the case at hand, e.g., 5T9 or 23T38 or 106T106. So, to my me, going to n-possible logical-values is not simply to indicate existence of n-levels or n-interactions, for there might be 38 levels, 23 of which memesimultaneously interact at memetime t of given change of state (muTm)i <<<>>> (muTm)j, <<<>>> indicating 3-fold topo-active optime ( clocks within clocks within clocks cyclic inside cyclic inside cyclic ) as involutory decomposition effectuator.
Detangling (don't bother Googling this, particularly as Goo-ing is ever increasingly more dangerous to our health: see Meet Jigsaw: Google's Intelligence Agency, PrivacyToGo, Off-Guardian, 8 July 2021): no-account media muckles, highly-overpaid puppets on rubbery oligarch-manipulated superstrings, telling underpaid working scientists and medical doctors what is proper science, correct medical practice (good offices of Yahoo Lawrence Richard writing, 25 June 2021, on the deplatforming of Robert Malone, M.D., the inventor of mRNA vaccines). What a hoot! And then there is the assertion, made by a virologist and vaccine developer, that a mistake was made (see Vaccine Researcher Admits 'Big Mistake' , Celeste McGovern, LifeSiteNews reposting to GlobalResearch, 31 May 2021: The coronavirus spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream), that it was believed that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine would stay in the muscle tissue near the IM injection site, and that only the antibodies created there in that proximal muscle tissue would biotransit to other parts of the body (we are tacitly asked to assume that no one raised this issue, no testing was done on, say, the rump of a dog, even though mRNA vaccines were developed at many locations involving many people -- and over decades, given that Malone's initial generative discovery came in 1988 at the Salk Institute and the initial patents were written by him during 1988-9, three decades before outbreak of COVID-19), is so ludicrous, so obviously a black propaganda ploy, so patently a disinformation initiative undertaken to deflect the conspiracy theory that concentrations of the vaccine-engineered spike-protein toxin (no less than those concentrations from the virus itself: see the review article Potential effects of COVID-19 on reproductive systems and fertility , W. Y. Lee, et al., Hong Kong Medical Journal, 27:2, 15 April 2021) in the reproductive organs of female and male were designed-in features (of the vaccines and the virus: apparently, reliable estimates of long-term consequences to those quite immediately injured, good offices of Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News reposting to GlobalResearch, 8 July 2021, by the vaccines, as well as of the long-term collective consequences of mass administration of the vaccines, will have to wait for some years) relative to the semi-hidden agenda of population redaction, uh, uh, reduction -- kinda got conflated there, all the fuzzy-logic aerosols floating about these days -- that the assertion of there having been a mistake made is, in and of itself, darned near sufficient to confirm the thesis of the conspiracy theory. No place for amateurs!: JFKSWCS. Psychological Operations Group, circa 1967, explicitly underlined the fact that over-propaganda (impulse-control issues writ large) is one of the biggest mistakes a blackpsyche operative can make. Examples were given in testament, examples drawn from the histories of OSS-MO and the OWI. But not only amateurs, also those operatives cognitively vectored by psychological levers delivering the strong force produced by the long-handled crowbar of a collective psychosis. What are -- that is, how are they constituted -- the regressed archetypes responsible for mass ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements? During the 1974 McMaster University Velikovsky conference, Velikovsky's granddaughter came back, once again sat at the table with us, Doug Paine and I, and said: I asked. He knows nothing of a correspondence between Jung and Einstein. He being Velikovsky. I was later to learn that this was typical of the sort of response one gets back from the leading authorities -- on the rare occasions there is a response. He was talking about an exchange of letters, I presumed, whereas we had been discussing the correspondence between Jung's ideas about the structure of the collective unconscious and Einstein's General Relativity treatment of gravity. Much later, for another instance, the response I got back from Milton Friedman, to some ideas I'd sent him concerning µTm-valued-LETS currencies, clearly indicated he was unfamiliar with the idea of m-valued logics and did not know that F. von Hayek had employed the Everettian-relative-state-like term time-shapes of total capital stock. Paine and I, at the V-conference, had been discussing archetype-in-itself (as distinct from archetype-imago) as Whiteheadian mathematical relation-structure carrying strain, à la Sakharov's strain tensor cum Kozyrev's notion of time having a rotational moment to impart (a notion Paine become aware of at the V-conference -- good offices of me, who found out about it doing research in the Library of Congress -- became aware, that is, several years after employing temporal CURL in the equations of the physics underlying the Paine-Kaplan numerical forecast cascade model of tornadogenesis) and how all this might relate to Jung-Pauli synchronicities and the notion that topologically-active time induces temporal CURL. I'd explained one of Jung's departures from Freud: to Freud, the complexes are purely dysfunctional and removable with analysis; to Jung, the complexes are irremovable structural elements of the psyche which may be mapped with association experiments. I thereby imagined a complex matrix, lattices through this mesh constituting the archetypes-in-themselves (these lattices, I later -- following a reading of Paine's copy of Gravitation by Wheeler, et al. -- came to think of as corresponding to the Regge bones of the Regge calculus whereby the spacetime curvature configurations of Einstein's gravity can be represented by discrete networks). Anyway, in the V-conference discussion, we were pushing these ideas toward a codification of the Jung-Einstein correspondence we both sensed -- and were looking for whatever helpful ideas we could find. In the case of such correspondence being actually so, the complex-as-neurotic-dysfunction would be a regressed devolution of the archetype-in-itself in cascade. If the devolution is the Schrödinger-memetime-independent libido (think: hypercomplex and imaginary angular momentum handled as temporal CURL) in cascade, what is the regression? Upon what is the archetype-in-itself as mathematical-relation-structure structured as existent? Cantorian-fractal spacetime? Manifold topologies thereof? The pre-pregeometry bucket of dust of the n-verticles-points of the hypered hyperKleinbottle polyhexes of the C+TC+-order sheet-manifold of the MVRS, i.e., m-logically-valued reference space, or the collection of CTC+-unto-µTm-order sheets of the MVRS of the M-theoretic Musculpt manifold? All of the above -- as amalgamated? Might regression involve the falling away of logical-value order-types? Might this falling away involve a build-up of tensor-strain, such that a sequence of prion-like lattice-curvature distortion-snapovers transpires leading asymptotically to a ConveDD, a conversion-disorder displacement (which can concretely vector overt collective behaviors)? Consider a much more subtle level of ConveDDing than that above mentioned. By Topological Symmetry Transition between Toroidal and Klein Bottle Graphenic Systems, Mihai V. Putz and Ottorino Ori, Symmetry, 12:8, 27 July 2020, wherein a bridge is built between Everettian 1T2-relative-state and the geometrodynamics of Einsteinian general relativity, KleinBottle fullerenes-polyhexes in topological nano-systemic graphenic space correspond to the universes of Everettian multiverse. One issue this paper doesn't explore is what becomes of the discrete fullerenes-universes under µTm-unto-CTC+-logics processings. Given that µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency would be involved, such exploration would be highly non-PC and scary, terrifying, even -- to those identified with the m-valued(not probabilistic)-Schrödinger-wave-function-rejecting 1T2-only egofunction. So, were this actually so, how might the Trickster archetype of the collective unconscious handle such a case? Would it ConveDD by seeing to it that graphene oxide is used as an adjuvent in mRNA vaccines? That's the sort of practical joke the Trickster likes to play. As to whether or not hesheit actually did it, we have to turn to the experts to see if such adjuvent is practical, e.g., Jongdarm Yi, et al., Graphene oxide-incorporated hydrogels for biomedical applications, Polymer Journal, 52, pp. 823-37, 8 May 2020. As to the question of whether or not graphene oxide is in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, the positive-answer assertion is made here, good offices of Alexandra Bruce, Forbidden Knowledge reposting to GlobalResearch, 7 July 2021, on the basis of research conducted by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, who offers strong evidence for the probable presence of graphene derivatives in his Universidad de Almeria report of 28 June 2021. Interestingly, speaking from the issue of what is and what is not effective blackpsyche, I've found that I can't read the expert MSM denials that the mRNA vaccines contain graphene oxide (I would read them so as to ascertain whether or not they detail failed attempts to replicate Prof. Dr. Madrid's findings), because these debunking testimonials are blocked by the offering MSM venues to my adblocking Foxfire browser. Heh-heh-heh!
1T2 µTm I/im double-digit midget I/in CTC+ Tzog-chen 2nk
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