µTm Scenarios, T42(M)
Our Makers, the Lords God of our Fathers: BellTele, GElect, CarSteel, FordMoto, StandO, GFood, UFruit, StanVac, so on. The currently constellated AI-attractor, reset-pulling national techno-nazification to itself: one we-are-the-borderless-world planetary central bank, by administrative fiat issuing a single, 1T2-only-processed, single-valued, fiat CBDC (central bank digital currency) tied to an SCSS (social-credit-score system) accessed by smart-phoned MoSoSo (mobile social software) with all cellular activities and geolocations logged-for-analysis to a cloud-distributed, integrated-centralized IDHS (intelligence data handling system) linked to myriad IoT (internet of things) surveillance-sensor types, all data and analysis generated accessible to various APPS (automated precrime punishment systems). Generalized symmetric decomposition (good offices of Evan S. Gawlik and Melvin Leok, Interpolation of Symmetric Spaces via the Generalized Polar Decomposition, arXiv, 21 May 2016) foiled in directorates brought forth by a GorkyProspekt-type overlook. Under cyclotomic eigendecomposition of a matrix of measured values (calculations of which would be required for µTm-LETS nesting-foam m-valued-price discovery, indicator-measurables being fine-grain tagged to manifold-valued values stacked upon any given involved currency-unit base-state, the currencies of the corpus of µTm-LETS being variously commodity-backed and manifold-valued interpolation-operator-qua-3-fold-topo-active-optime functorially mapped upon the domain-colored, Everettian-vonHayekian, Musculpt manifold of the time-shapes [hypercomplex-imaginary] of total capital stock planet Earth), mitigation methods, e.g., eigenvalue truncation near the noise level, in my judgment, veil logical-value order-type transitions (pencils of skew-parallels being null-vector defined, what is skew-parallel under a given order-type is noise-of-zeros under lower orders of logical-value), noise in the lower-valued order-type being music in the next higher-valued order-type (think: John Cage) on Musculpt manifold: what is required to mitigate the mitigation is to make the logical-value order-type transition. The Conference-of-Birds stacked themes of birdsongster Olivier Messiaen's Turangalila Symphonie (an Indic audio envisioning of cosmic love play) are metaphoric treatment of logical-value order-type ensheavement, and the ondes Martenot's periodic appearances are suggestive of the need for logical-value order-type transitions to [re}solve noise to music: this resolution cannot be accomplished unless the logical bivalence of the [7-valley]-diatonic-cum-[12-valley]-dodecaphonic systems are altogether left behind, à la suggestions of ondes Martenot. The fundamental reason why cyclotomic polynomials and cyclotomic fields and attempts to prove Fermat's Last Theorem (think: integer values of the n exponent) are of little help in developing semantic and syntactic treatments of cyclotomic (Hah! and there were those -- and clearly still are -- who firmly held to the belief that dividing the circle and resultant n-roots of unity have nothing to do with the temporal-CURLed cascade of hypercomplex-imaginary angular momentum at tornadogenesis, not to mention the pencils of skew-parallels-organized shear involved in setting-to tilt of roll cloud) decomposition-recomposition qua demergence-remergence (i.e., involutory) of logical-value order-types C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 is that the notion of number (selfsame) involved in the former proscribes the notion of numerical identity qua identity (transparent) -- i.e., each given number being in Cabalistic-NeoPlatonic µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, being in, that is, numerical relativity in Gawlik-Leok parlance -- which is inherent to the latter. Ah, rejected-suppressed atmospheric Musculpt, à la the colorization image, not of the theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface itself, but of the overtoned, m-valued, acoustically-modified, gravity-wave-mode signature thereof at Severe S. Weather's acoustic analogue to blackhole µTm-information analog processing. Obsessive commitment to this proscription is assiduously maintained because it is near-universally believed (if in some cases only tacitly, whilst another belief is professed publicly and even to the self) that our glutamatergically-etched neuronal anchoring of proprioceptive-perceptive experience of body-selfhood and objective world is the pinnacle, the true bill, the palpable skinny, the one-and-only, the real deal -- no more-comprehensive comprehensions being-therehere to comprehend by virtue of the myriad undiscovered non-selfsame number types available µTmly-unto-CTC+ly.
In respect to the Gawlik-Leok program (see: Interpolation of Symmetric Spaces via the Generalized Polar Decomposition, Evan S. Gawlik and Melvin Leok, arXiv, 21 May 2016) to -- at generalized systemic involutory decomposition -- achieve structural preservation by contravention of escapage in decomposition cases, e.g., discretization (the most common type being dichotomization, the involved error being reduced until it is negligible for the bivalent purpose of the transference process) of a continuum (cf. General Relativity's Regge calculus as geometrodynamic sub[tend}dance of CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2), under arithmetic operations wherewhen domain values escape the circumscribed target range, and by rectification of memetime integrators that produce invalid spacetime metrics, via use of interpolation functions, my I/im observe(s) that: (1) demergence involves deleveraging identities to derive lower-order derivatives of the interpolant; and (2) remergence involves leveraging identities to derive higher-order derivatives of the interpolant. If structure is function automatized, then: (1) 3-fold topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time (topo-active optime) is autopoietic automatization operator; and (2) 3rd-, 2nd-, 1st-order operations, executed in this sequential pattern, demerge function into structure; and (3) in the precedence relations of the march of demergence, higher-order derivatives, always and all ways, ontologically precede lower-order derivatives -- this circumstance not being strange once non-orientability of cascade/reverse-cascade, understood as a whole, is considered; and (4) in the terms of remergence, the retrograde of the demergence march is the case; and (5) the Lie triple 3 neutral elements veil existence of 3-fold topo-active optime; and (6) this veiling conceals the fact that the corpora of interpolation operations and associated lemmas and renormalization devices (e.g., truncated approximations, excommunication of spurious components, the discarding of trivial actions) is sub[tend}dance of the collapse (not only of the Schrödinger wave-function, a collapse from function to structure via memetime-instantaneous automatization of the reduced state) in processing power from CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 under execution by good offices of 3-fold topo-active optime (this execution not being resolvable in the purview established by identification with memetime).
Adopting-adapting, for our Musculpt-cum-µTm-LETS purposes, Gawlik-Leok terminology. In our sense of demergence cum remergence, the term interpolant has tropological double-entendre metareferents: interpolating and interpreting -- Ack, aye! the latter being awkward, objectionable, scurrilous for challenging objectivity of the objective world. Why? Because the manner of interpolations chosen (cf. DNA sugar-phosphate-backbone (not pi-electron-gas) conductivity states: intercalation yin-donors vs. pendant yang-donors) is effectuation of a given interpretation, that is, more specifically, of a given form of decomposition, of a given Turangalila in Musculpt symformphonie. Moreover, exercises of scalar-valued shape-functions within a given domain are descriptive of transposes of sounded-forms in Musculpt symformphonie on a given logical-value-order-type sheet of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) as translated to the space of Lorentzian metrics, signature (3,1), by the ponderablespace-cum-memetime-bound binary-mind (that horseholder, dogtrotter, equerry for TPTB our GLE-purveyors of n-disagreeablenesses, e.g., ConveDDing, i.e., conversion-disorder displacing, frequency-response windows on equilateral-triangular-qua-hexagonal tiling of sheets of MVRS to the frequency-specific, sonic-triggered, hex-crystal explosive of EE, Eagle Eye, heh-heh-heh: one hopes that consensus-science denial of biorelevance to the quantum-wave properties of DNA -- for one, frequency-response windows -- was not initialized and has not been maintained so as to reserve those properties to military uses). Stepping down the step-function of the ladder of decomposition, Schrödinger-memetime-independent fixed points of the involutive automorphism (pre-pregeometry bucket of ['warm-golden'] dust: the only fixed points that are unalterably utterly fixed as ultimates, within that bucket there being no notion of motion definable such that relativity of reference frames could establish habitus of being-there) constitute the C+TC+ Platform, BackCloth, CommonGround, Tzog-chen AllBase, involutorily non-orientably self-reentered fromtotofrom localization landscape. In the stepping up the step-function of the ladder of recomposition, our µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency is a quintessentially relativistic notion and the most likely bridge concept whereby QM, quantum mechanics, and GRP, general relativity physics, [cum}mute, uh, oops, commute to a GUTS -- that's not [qua}mute -- so commute to, iff the commutators-operators (in the present scheme, interpolators) are [C+}nary unto [m}nary unto [2}nary: round and around and around the non-orientable hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam by good offices of topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time (topo-active optime) executing the instruction sets codified as Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers of deletion (bar-I) and insertion (I) interpolators. Bar-I, the inverse interpolation operator executing demergence; I, the interpolation operator executing remergence. Componentwise cum elementwise polynomial interpolation (I = insertion for remergence; bar-I = deletion for demergence). Multiplicative bar-I, sub i, supra 3, i.e., that is, 3-fold topo-active optime; multiplicative I, sub i, supra 3, i.e., that is, 3-fold topo-active counter-optime. Ah, the span of null vectors defining a p-dimensional pencil of skew-parallels (see: J. G. Bennett's The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, Appendix III, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. I, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956) used to draw (think: G. Spencer Brown) the p-dimensional polytope (in momentum space made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes?) domains, the fixed points of which are numbered (à la Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes) with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, which, by good offices of 3-fold topo-active optime, bar-I and I delete and insert. Keeping in mind that spatial dimension, polynomial degree, differential-order of bar-I, and logical-value order-type are not to be conflated, shape-functions acting on temporal-spin-glass-(think: N. A. Kozyrev: the random disorder of spin-glass transparency is 1T2-bound, whereas under orders of temporal CURL, this randomness would have µTm-orders of transparent orderliness, order-disorder being order-of-logical-value dependent)-on-sheet domains of multi-sheeted MVRS -- domains equal to p-dimensional-polytopes given by scalar-valued tensor products of polynomials of degree k -- one asymptotically obtains, according to dictates of bar-I, a family of discrete elements with the Lorentzian metric (3,1), iff a binary filter is employed, e.g., the Kronecker delta function cum comb. The densest grid, that on C+TC+-sheet; the coarsest grid, that on 1T2-sheet. The family of Gawlik-Leok interpolation operators may be a relatively concrete case of the more abstract set of all temporal operators (3-fold Pauli-Paine topo-active optime being one notion thereof, or there within) on the MVRS. Not only matrix values at corresponding degrees of freedom, but also logic-lattice values at corresponding logical-value order-types CTC+-unto-µTm. Ack, aye, laws of form conforming to the law of landscape: if integrated density states are each actual by µTm-relative-states of ID-transparency (tight-bindingness being a 1T2-only surrogate thereof). Hmmm. Well, yes, speaking of integrated states, doing one's bivalent-logic best to be a non-participant observer to the fuzzy-logic degree most consistent with one's best effort to find the µTm-logical framework determining conditions of a better way than yet have we found. Instead of a selfsame-integer torus for the localization landscape (see The Landscape Law for Tight Binding Hamiltonians, Douglas Arnold, et al., arXiv, 9 January 2021: see Figure 5, p. 16, for an excellent evocation of the image portion of an inner-Musculpt colorized sounded-form), with non-selfsame integers, we would have a Klein bottle for the localization landscape (localization, as generally understood, is a 1T2-only notion; this notion, however, likely has µTm correlates). Truncating the eigenvalue-mu's march to plus-infinity where length scales tend to zero (in the tornadogenesis and acoustic analogue to blackhole computing cases, this march and tending-to are modified, not renormalized, by the creation of coherent, [mu}itically-overtoned, acoustically-modified-gravity-wave modes) would yield, not a pre-pregeometry point-filled and pregeometry logical-latticed black box containing the localization landscape (a variety of the Mnk articulation landscape) for evaluating, from the Hamiltonian (a surrogate for 3-fold topo-active optime, which Prigogine, et al., argued should not be conjugated to the Hamiltonian operator), the IDS, integrated density of states (a 1T2-only surrogate for µTm-relative-state ID-transparency), but a J.G.Bennettian skew-cube drawn of null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels, i.e., a black box of a block cube which is µTmly non-selfsame inside a non-selfsame-integer Klein bottle signifying just-simply-being-in-itself non-simply being-therehere. Numerical Relativity: the µTm-relative states of a given non-selfsame number. A null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencil of skew-parallels is not the same as a null interval or null worldline whenwhere the metric tensor = zero, because ds2 = 0 is 1T2-only [process}able and the pencil of skew-parallels can only be processed µTmly: the pencil, not only violates spacetime separability (a violation which occurs at the speed of light whenwhere dilating memetime stops and contracting ponderablespace in the direction of motion poofs out: topologically-active light moves), but also n-furcates selfsameness of identity qua identity (thereby being cognitively irresolvable to binary-mind, i.e., never to hove into view of the memetime-bound egofunction). Minkowski spacetime man{I/im]fold (uh, uh, unfold into the simply-identifiable I am me and only me accomplished by the Cartesian-cum-Dedekind cut) being the 1T2-only asymptote (recognizing an open door wherewhen seen, effectively holding down the floor) of the CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 decomposition-involute (a nesting-foam, the absolute limiting velocity being scale-relatively m-valued such that each and every worldline is a null worldline on some logical-value-order-type sheet, such as that 285T426) is the fundament as to why no stable 1T2-only, general, 3-D algorithm employing numerical selfsameness as a tacit assumption can memetime-dependently (to quote Gregory B. Cook and Saul A. Teukolsky, Numerical Relativity , Acta Numerica, 8, January 1999, pp. 1-44) evolve Einstein's equations with black holes wherein, whereupon, wherenear blackhole holographic-enprincipled information is understood monostately it from bit- cum twostately it from qubit-like, rather than multistately it from [mu}it-like such that numerical relativity (e.g., a universal physical constant, say, the speed of light, is authentically [number}able only with a non-selfsame number, a number the identity of which is itself/not-itself µTmly-many multiplicative-interpolation-operator product-times over; not 13 and only 13, simultaneously like a quantum superposition -- not sequentially like a variable -- also, say, 31, 23, 48, 39, 42, 156, ,n) macroscopically expresses microscopic µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. Regardless of scientific field, it seems, the consensus schemata employ renormalization devices as bulk processors applied to the nesting-foam decomposition-involute as a whole, rather than applied over and over and over (the linked paper was written with atmospheric science people in mind, people not generally well read into quantum-relativity physics; conversely, John A. Wheeler's reaction to the paper was prefaced by the statement, I am not familiar with the equations of atmospheric science) after escapages of this and that and another sort initialize [inter}nest-cascade events resulting in one and another and another sort of spontaneous reduction, the number of these far-from-equilibrium transitions depending upon the partition function imposed on the whole involute by this, that, or another observer-state -- there being a putative observer-state/object-system dichotomy due to the consensus schemata having been elaborated by memetime-bound binary-mind. Anyway, this µTm-relative-state-identity-transparency [orient}at|i|on was so far off the beat back during the 1970s that it never even made mention in the Off The Beat section of Science News. Nowadays, it's even farther afield, despite the fact that many papers have appeared in the intervening period suggestive of aspects of µTm-relative-state -- papers which, unfortunately to my view, inevitably veer off, thus remaining on the beat. Nonetheless, I find these papers, insofar as I can understand them, edifying, as they help me develop my very rudimentary sense of the technical details, most of which will remain far beyond my ability to assimilate.
Reading the following from Cornell's Gregory B. Cook and Saul A. Teukolsky, extracted from pages 10-11 of their January 1999 paper entitled Numerical relativity: Challenges for computational science, Acta Numerica, 8:1, pp. 1-44, it occurs to me that, implicitly suggested therein, there is a GeneralRelativity way to construe Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime). Quoting:
To solve Einstein's equations, we must find a metric that satisfies (1.32) at all spatial locations for all time. The metric we are looking for exists on a 4-dimensional manifold but, interestingly enough, Einstein's equations do not specify the topology of that manifold In general relativity, we are solving for the geometry that defines what the divergence operator means
In addition to changing the spatial coordinate system, we are also free to redefine the temporal coordinate. We can redefine the time coordinate so that the shape and embedding of 3-dimensional constant-time slices vary throughout the 4-dimensional manifold
Given that general relativity is a 4-dimensional theory, a natural approach for solving the equations might be to discretize the full 4-dimensional domain into a collection of simplexes [think, à la Paine-Pensinger: nested-grids, air parcels, pi-electron parcels] and solve the equations somehow on this lattice. A discrete form of Einstein's equations based on this idea was developed by Regge (1961) (see also Williams and Tuckey (1992)). While considerable efforts have been made to implement numerical schemes based upon this Regge calculus approach, they have not yet moved beyond test codes
It may be that topo-active optime executes logical operations specified by Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers -- numbering intersection points and bones of µTm-unto-CTC+-logical facsimiles of Regge lattices -- containing instruction sets as to initializing memetime-independent ontological processes that cascade down to ultimately become redefinitions of the memetime coordinate so that the shape and embedding of 3-dimensional constant-time slices vary throughout the 4-dimensional manifold, à la Cook and Teukolsky contextualized as given above. These precursor initializing processes would involve the temporal CURL aspects of topo-active optime as those aspects are reflected in (à la the temporal-spin moment of N. A. Kozyrev) spin networks and spin foam and spin glasses. Indeed, ever since reading Paine's well-used copy of Misner, Thorne, & Wheeler, Gravitation, during the fall of 1975, I've believed that, not only is the Regge calculus the core of the correspondence between Jung-Pauli archetype-in-itself-sponsored synchronicity and Einstein GeneralRelativity curvature-configuration-sponsored homomorphism (time operates on space to generate form), but also that the Douglas A. Paine handling of orders of complex angular momentum at tornadogenesis as orders of temporal CURL is very suggestive (in spite of the differences between hydrodynamics and General Relativity mentioned by Cook and Teukolsky, p. 10) that temporal CURL may be quantized via Penrose twistors (families of which, in touchdown, may be constitutive of spin foam, heh-heh-heh! -- which is not to forget the red bucket of dust picked up off the OKLA plane by each twirler during chromodynamics of the memetime instant of the touchdown, a highly affect-charged instant powerfully captured by Joe Goode in his Tornado Series collection of aquatint etchings, 1991, good offices of Fia, Inc., Kyoto). Hmmm. Well, whatever. But it does appear, however, that research on the Regge calculus (for best pedagogical account, see: Introduction to Regge Calculus for Gravitation, R. R. Cuzinatto and C. A. M. de Melo and C. Naldoni de Souza, arXiv, 1 April 2019) approach to discretizing geometrodynamics is going in that general direction, to wit, such as: (1) Eugenio Bianchi and Leonardo Modesto, The perturbative Regge-calculus regime of Loop Quantum Gravity, arXiv, 11 December 2007; and (2) S. J. Gabriele Gionti Spin Foam and Regge Calculus, Proceedings of the 3rd Galileo--Xu Guangqi Meeting, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 23, 2013, pp. 363–372.
Six months into the COVID-19 pandemic, magnetogenetics still had no demonstrated plausible mechanistic explanation, that is, according to Michael G. Christiansen and William Hornslien and Simone Schuerle writing A Possible Inductive Mechanism for Magnetogenetics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's bioRxiv, 17 July 2020. In this article, they propose such a mechanism for magnetogenetics (an informative popular account of magnetogenetics is provided by Mo Costandi in Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour, The Guardian, 24 March 2016) based upon stochastic resonance (white noising the system) induced by ferritin, uh, that is, the fusion of ferritin with a transient receptor potential vanniloid [TRPV1] channel protein , whilst denying that mechanical and/or temperature cues alone, absent stochastic resonance, can provide adequate explanation. We believe that our model of DNA radiation exchange processes supports the proposed Christiansen-Hornslien-Schuerle explanation, in that the stochastic resonance they describe would override the natural unaugmented frequency-response-window-specific mechanism we describe in an Illustrated Terminology Glossary written up in 1985 at the request of Wolfgang Luthe, M.D. Extracted quotations from three glossary entries are provided below by way of explaining the natural unaugmented mechanism we propose:
17. Coherent waves. Coherent waves maintain their intensity by having their energy focused into a small area. The coherent waves we associate with the DNA molecule are acoustically modified, meaning that the propagating medium actually serves to amplify and channel their energy into narrow layers of absorption [very narrow, indeed, if the pi-electron gas core-environment of DNA is superconductant; the same principle applying to DNA's EM-field-response characteristics, suggesting that it may be possible to design quantum-based technologies to stay out of biologically-active windows: once, during the 1990s, I described these ideas to an electronics manufacturing company CEO, and his response was, I'm surprised you're still alive, promoting such ideas] in the surrounding environment. In the molecule's transition from its normative to its critical state, coherent waves are generated which carry the signature of this transition to the surrounding environment. The absorption of these coherent waves at discrete phase boundaries (e.g., the cell membrane) releases sufficient energy stored at these boundaries which, upon entering the DNA molecule, catalyzes its return to the normative state.
18. Modified quantum frequency structure of the DNA. Coherent waves consist of an ensemble of wave fronts whose speed of propagation is called the wave trace velocity. In a given transition from the normative to the critical state, a number of different wave trace velocities may initiate energy absorption at a number of different phase boundaries. We are hypothesizing that the DNA molecule, by means of these wave dynamics, exercises some control over the cell membrane's active transport system and, in so doing, orchestrates the functional integration of cellular processes. Any disturbing factor that disrupts the temporal parameters governing the generation or propagation of the waves, functions as stress in the system and modifies the information exchange with the molecule's environment. Coherent waves emitted by the molecule that would incorrectly specify the phase boundaries and consequent energy transport would (1) not catalyze the molecule's own cyclical transition, and (2) would not promote functional integration of cellular processes.
36. Radiation exchange process. The quantum mechanical process by which information from many sources on many different scale levels is received, processed, and re-radiated by the DNA molecule. By this means, the biological clock, constituted as the DNA transcription rate, is hypothesized to set the subordinate clock, constituted as the cell membrane diffusion rate, by rate-limiting the flow of free electrons in the membrane's active transport system. This radiation exchange process represents a non-equilibrium thermodynamic control system based upon quantum mechanics. It adds an integrative dimension to the specificity of function simultaneously determined by the combination of stereochemical pathways and the tendency of any biochemical system to move toward thermodynamic equilibrium.
Apparently, even before theoretical codification and experimental verification of a plausible mechanistic explanation, great progress has been made over the last two decades at insuring that magnetogenetics becomes medically operational, as illustrated by vaccine delivery of genes by employment of magnetofection, i.e., magnetic-field-enhanced transfection of nucleic acid into target cells. As an illustration of this progress, see papers selected from 2002 and 2014, to wit: (1) Magnetofection: enhancing and targeting gene delivery by magnetic force in vitro and in vivo, F. Scherer, et al., Gene Therapy, 9, 2002, pp. 102-9); and (2) Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine, Fatin Nawwab Al-Deen, et al., Methods in Molecular Biology, 1143, 2014, pp. 181-94). Indeed, the progress has been so great that
It's not so much that the J.G.Bennettian skew cube has null-vector-defined and pencils of skew-parallels-drawn n-Ghost-ProtoCalls one behind the next, enfolded in non-viewable, operator-time-CURLed up, compacted dimensions of Calabi-Yau manifold, M -- these Ghost-ProtoCalls imagined to be in the non-interactive, it from bit m-universes of the multiverse of the multi-worlds interpretation of Everett's 1T2-only-relative-state formulation of QM; rather, it takes CTC+-unto-µTm classes of logical operations (each operation, à la Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes, codified in a Gödel-numbered Gödel number) executed by Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time to glutamaterically decompose-demerge the non-simply-identifiable p-adically-perfect Platonic p-cube on C+TC+ Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround to the simply-identifiable 1T2-only cube in the binary-mind's identification-interpolation-renormalization space, i.e., Lorentzian metrical (3,1) Minkowski ponderablespacememetime. This reduction-demergence is a memetime-instantaneous collapse of supersymmetry space (mirrored in state-function understood 1T2-only and memetime-bound) because it transpires altogether Schrödinger-memetime-independently ontologically-before (cf. pre-pregeometry unto pregeometry unto geometrodynamics) ponderablespacememetime physics is, that is logically-ontologically before autopoietic Being-in-itself has become automorphic Becoming (insofar as verb tenses have meaning in such context). In great detail, Indic-Tibetan philosophical terminologies can be authentically mapped over every aspect of this demergence (indicating what about our historical picture? indicating what about origins of the notion of number? selfsame counting numbers emerged first from efforts at weights and measures, or was it altogether different, a demergence of some sort?), including the yantric-tanmantric simplex-lattices (logic lattices demergent to geometrodynamic discretization of ponderablespacememetime curvature configurations) of the Regge calculus, particularly so if the Regge bones be understood as being J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels (Musculpturally: polyphonic-plainsong-chant songlines cum river-navigation songs) and the polytopic vertexes qua intersection points of the C+-curvature Musculpt manifold, M, those singularities where the infinite curvature is localized, be understood as being blackhole information processors of coherent, m-valued, acoustically-modified, gravity-wave modes. All memetime-bound incarnations (apparently viewed by the Indian psychiatric establishment as indicative of me[tem}psychosis: see The mystery of reincarnation, Anil Kumar Mysore Nagaraj and Raveesh Bevinahalli Nanjegowda and S. M. Purushothama, Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 55, Supplement 2, pp. 171-6, January 2013; retracted by the Journal in 2015) of a transmigration circumambulation down here are simultaneously being-there up there in C+TC+-chronotopological eternity, the only down-here-located, door-in-the-floor-type, non-orientable entrance portal to which is the ketaminergic, everpresent, memetime-present, 1T2-only-definable instant. Neglecting the fact that C+TC+-relative-state identity-transparency dictates that there is, speaking in terms of ultimates, only one Real-'I'. One can have all the individual freedom one desires (global reset permitting, of course -- and, if one has been clinically magnetogeneticsized, one stays off fast maglev bullet trains and somehow manages to shield oneself from the G7 behavior-mod Internet-of-Beings satellite-gunned radiation bath), so long as one cultivates identification with memetime-bound binary-mind.
Draw a distinction, indicated G. Spencer Brown in his book, Laws of Form, which explicated the calculus of indications. Alright -- but what sort of distinction, drawn on what medium, by whowhat? There are C+ logical-value-order-type distinctions to be drawn on C+TC+-AllBase by topologically-active operator-time (Pauli-Paine topo-active optime) ontologically-before the very idea of drawing a binary distinction becomes plausible. Adopting and adapting the descriptive terminology employed in Introduction to Regge Calculus for Gravitation, R. R. Cuzinatto and C. A. M. de Melo and C. Naldoni de Souza, arXiv, 1 April 2019 (this is a wonderful paper: in 1975, when I first became interested in the Regge calculus and the Penrose twistor, the only way to become exposed, I suppose, to accessible material concerning each was admittance to one and another graduate-level seminar, an admittance not available to me): on the Musculpt manifold, M, likely incorporating orbifold chord geometries, equipped with C+TC+ framework determining conditions (to use a J. G. Bennett term), the bundle of Regge bones formed of touching polytope edges, is, not only a polyphonic fiber-bundle songline by virtue of indicating an m-valued identity-transparent boundary-without-boundary-at-infinity (standing wave, regards acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes), but also a collection of J.G.Bennettian p-adically-dense pencils of skew-parallels (these pencils themselves null-vectorial bundles skew-parallel to the unity vector parallel to the bundle of bones) by virtue of geometrically representing superposed logical-value-order-type propositions numbered with non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers, the instruction sets codified therein executed by topo-active optime via the temporal CURLing of the 1T2ly-null vectors, that CURLing reductively read by binary-mind as a rotation-transposition of the components of the unity vector. What is parallel transport under 1T2-only-logic alone is nthly-skew skew-parallel transport under µTm-unto-CTC+ logics. A sounded-form motif in tone-colored-µTm-unto-CTC+-Musculpt-chromodynamic symformphonie is composed of coordinate-free invariants of synaesthetic differential forms? Was the graphic music notation of, say, a Toru Takemitsu, an attempt to grasp this notion of motion on the way to find out Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams? Given that it is the skew-parallelism that geometrically captures the non-simple identity characteristic of quantum mechanics -- Heisenberg uncertainty being derivative thereof, and a 1T2-only-take on a µTm property -- à la µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency, this pencil of skew-parallels handling of the bundle of Regge bones is a quintessential feature of QG, quantum gravity. First-order topo-active optime executes, and first-order temporal CURL conducts, the skew-parallel transport of p-adically-dense pencils of skew-parallels around the bundle of Regge bones. The second and third orders orchestrate, respectively, multiple-connectedness and non-orientability. While homotopy equivalence classes involve deformation paths, this is epiphenomenal to use of 1T2-only-logic alone and consequent restriction to the real interval [0,1], an interval construed as filled with selfsame numbers and only selfsame numbers; none of this is the case under the µTm-unto-CTC+ logics of relative-states of identity-transparency (which are not equivalent to equivalence classes). The rotational-loop holonomy group at a base-point qua vertex on a decomposition sheet of M is the demergent 1T2-involute of topo-active optime's actions on M. In footnote 9, p. 12, Cuzinatto et al., say:
It is noteworthy that h [holonomy of a total rotation around a joint of edges] is an operator; it acts upon A [vector in rotation] generating its finite rotation around a given vertex. This fact implies that the set of all possible holonomies around the vertexes of a simplex manifold form a group of transformations.
This transformational group is a 1T2-only-logic take on 3-fold topo-active optime's corpora of involutory-decomposition actions upon C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround of M. Ack, aye, the gravity of it all, the hairy-scary psychosexosociopoliticoeconomic imports which the prevailing institutional base needs to conceal if it is to survive. And, O, the ogival pianissimo undulations, curved one way, then another, of those psychologically bent by having been given sinecures: how such giving affects disjoint populations. This sort of thing, this notion of demergence, my I/im imagine, is of interest to those who aspire to live deep, rather than to live full and/or long. But in days of yore, pre-Vedic possibly even, the general-systems-cum-cosmic involutory decomposition described above (the, perhaps, second-best non-mathematical treatment of The Involution [the best likely being Plotinus' Enneads, wherein it is explicitly handled as memetime-independent], an aspect of the perennial philosophy, was provided by Noel Winter in his book Pan-Gnosticism: A Suggestion in Philosophy, a copy of the first edition of which [Transatlantic, 1895] I ran across in the stacks of Cornell Library during the fall of 1975; this discovery came after I had already read Sri Aurobindo's megatome The Life Divine, the central subject of which is The Involution, Aurobindo's being perhaps the third best non-mathematical treatment) was, by binary-mind, decisively hierarchized sans the identity-transparency aspect, and then purposefully conflated with the social realm so as to yield the rigid caste system codified in the Manusmriti, wherein the Creation of the World section was expostulated, so far as can be ascertained, given all the changes made to the text, relative to memetime handled as an objective linear-time (Aurobindo continued this apparent Indic tradition, or modernization of the actual Indic tradition -- e.g., descent of Sri Aurobindo's light as probably mischaracterized by mixed-in bits and pieces of Darwinian evolutionary theory which is thoroughly memetime-bound), a type of time definable only under 1T2-only-logic alone. Art and Technics all the way down to today, where non-convivial tools are ever more engaged in consigning homo Sapiens to Cyberia: the Great Reset, orchestrated by the myriad ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) generated by projective-identification on the subject-object level of the collective transference -- Nature being the transference figure. Certainly no Great Awakening. Down, down derry down to the soft caste systems of modern economic memetimes, systems currently being yet again hardened, this psycho-fulmination by e-distributed MOs, plausibly even by some of the blockchain technologies (for discussion of this issue seehear the VDO entitled Blockchain Could Be the Foundation of the Digital Prisons of The Great Reset, Derrick Brose, Activist Post, 29 July 2021) interfaced to 1T2-only oracles and 1T2-only smart contracts -- all this in lieu of the radically-decentralized µTm-LETS-ensheaved currency unit fine-grain-tagged to indicators-measurables. Hell-bent for Gucci leather to virtually realize metaversical postcyberpunk dystopia. Me[me}tics of obsessive-compulsive collective-unconscious propagation of ideational identifications has been a focus of the minds of my I/im ever since first reads of C. G. Jung, circa 1963. Conspiracies don't have to be fully conscious to be conspiracies; indeed, as regards motivations, most conspiracies are undoubtedly forced in large part by collective unconscious drivers-attractors. Per[son}all|y, my I/im have long acted, by virtue of a corollary, under the presumption that so-called individual creativity is a hubristic arrogation, and that actual cases -- as distinct from mere innovations -- are registrations made from the collective unconscious wherewhen egofunctions have been sufficiently stilled as to allow the degree of emptiness prerequisite to the descent and formation of the pearls of creation; moreover, forsooth, to the degree egofunctions do not rear-up and molest the incoming registrations, to the same degree are those pearls constellated as actively engaged and will soon -- independent of external-world means of communication -- appear to conscious awareness of other discrete localized minds. The Snow Crash of the Bicameral Breakdown accompanied the OBEed-multivocal-to-IBEed-egofunction-monovocal-roofbrainchattering, glutamatergic, µTm-unto-1T2 phase transition cum neurostate-function reduction qua collapse which preceded by a long shot appearance of the specialized shaman, and by an even longer shot, domestication of the broken horse. This was downfall-cuspover initializing devolution of homo Sapiens. Down, down -- derry down. The derailed-paraphasic echolalia inherent to exact-repetition-type in[car}nations is hell on wheels. The patterns so stark, the traffic so heavy, conclusions drawn from pattern analysis and traffic analysis are compelling, even when lack of resources dictates that these analyses are merely impressionistic, e.g., that -- as distinct from the fully-conscious, money-grubbing, power-hungry, infrasex-enthralled, cardinal-sins-besotted surface-structure cause-pushers, most circumstantials of which are obvious -- the partially-unconscious, surface-structure, chaotic strange attractor (who ever heard of a pitchfork, supercritical or no, with only two prongs?), presumably a neurochemical-reaction Rossler attractor, is quite clearly identifiable: one planetary central bank issuing a single, global, 1T2-only-processed, single-valued, fiat, panopticon-equipped cryptocurrency; one We Are The World, transnational, social-credit-scoring, techno-authoritarian, psychopathic government; one company for the WholeEarth; one company store for the GlobalVillage; one stock-bond-derivative exchange with 99-percent of global assets owned by the 0.00025-percent; a trans-to-posthumanist planetary population reset-reduction of five-plus billion (Prove that you are a robot) achieved not through natural attrition. As to whether or not this surface-structure attractor will ever be closely approached, that is another question, one involving behaviors of cusp-catastrophes. Deep-structure cause-push/attractor-pull is another matter yet again. Since I've not been interested in making money off exploitation of the gathering collective tragedy, I've never focused attention cathexes upon the task of forecasting details of the march to cuspover. So far as I can see, the term sustainable development has been no less an oxymoron than professional ethics. Pretty soon, given all the m[i}me|tic estrogens out and about, in order to become a power broker, the aspiring agent-politico-financier will have to have big knockers and big knackers! While run-up to cuspover may be a Long Emergency (COINOPS to keep the index of duress in ADLs just below the threshold of activation -- ops like QEing, ZIRP, the Rx's of genetically-engineered diseases, the COVID-19 giveaways, so on -- whilst simultaneously instituting actions that carry, small step by small step, the Great Reset forward, can surely long draw out the PREtribrap period of the transformation), the far-from-equilibrium phase transition, like all such, will very likely be a snapping -- whatever self-deceptions Sixties-counter-culture naiveté, wishful thinking, wish-fulfilling dreams choose to cultivate and persist in. Having been virally cadged, what! Then what? Deliquescing and, O Gawd, poignantly entering susurration trepidation. Shur'nuff, matey! The CDC/FDA have now explained in so many words why the electron-microscope-taken pictures of COVID-19 viruses must be computer-enhanced images of computer-modeled simulations of such like: see Jon Rappoport quoting assessments-statements recently released to the public by the CDC and the FDA in his article entitled CDC/FDA Confess: They Had No Virus When They Concocted The Test For The Virus, LewRockwell, 30 July 2021. The CDC withdraws the green-light blessing it had earlier placed upon the RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, and the FDA explains (note the well-tested psyops ploy of separating the connected, here divvied out by two distinct, geographically-removed agencies), to wit, a quote of the FDA, with Rappoport-provided explanatory intercalations:
During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation.
For a number of colorized, very computer-enhanced, electron-microscope pictures of cultured-in-the-lab COVID-19 virus clumps, pictures taken in the laboratories of the bioweapons research facility located in Ft. DeTrick, MD (a favorite stopover of my pappy for a T-bone in the O-Club: mighty good steaks, memory serving), see: COVID-19 Under the Microscope, MicroscopeWorld, undated. For an unenhanced, straight up, actual and unadorned electron-microscope micrograph, see Caution in Identifying Coronaviruses by Electron Microscopy, Sarah E. Miller and Cynthia S. Goldsmith, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 31:9, September 2020, p. 2223. The pictured micrograph was presented in another peer-reviewed paper as being a micrograph of COVID-19 viruses, but the follow-up paper by Miller and Goldsmith explains why this claim is mistaken. Electron microscopy of SARS-CoV-2: a challenging task, Cynthia S. Goldsmith, et al., Lancet, 395, 30 May to 5 June 2020, explains the difficulties involved in identification of viruses by use of electron microscopes. So, it appears that the photos we've been exposed to depicting a single COVID-19 virus as being a spiked sphere, like a WWII-era floating mine, are clearly computer-graphics-created simulacra as computer modeled by the virologist cum graphic artist. Which is not to say that the virus is known not to exist. It's just that the colorized, computer-enhanced, 3-D-appearing, electron-microscope-taken pictures are blackpsyche used to manipulate public apprehension as regards an anthropogenic disease, and, forsooth, are black self-propaganda, as much of the medical establishment itself has clearly internalized this imagery. However, the recent revelations, and the recent discoveries concerning incidence distributions, add plausibility ammunition to arguments that, conceivably, there is no COVID-19 virus, arguments such as that made here by PCR on 2 August 2021. And now we also have evidence that antibodies naturally generated in response to COVID-19 exposure are qualitatively better than those generated by inoculation with mRNA vaccines (boosting vaccine administration with booster shots quantitatively increases antibodies numerically but not in the breadth of their neutralizing activity, i.e., with regard to emergent variants). Quoting Antibody Evolution after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination, Alice Cho, et al., BioRxiv, 29 July 2021, to wit: the signal statement is, Lines 31 to 33: We conclude that memory antibodies selected over time by natural infection have greater potency and breadth than antibodies elicited by vaccination. The subordinate statements are, Lines 28 and 29: Between prime and boost, memory B cells produce antibodies that evolve increased neutralizing activity, but there is no further increase in potency or breadth thereafter. And Lines 34 to 36: boosting vaccinated individuals with currently available mRNA vaccines would produce a quantitative increase in plasma neutralizing activity but not the qualitative advantage against variants There is, in my judgment, some obscurational wording employed, which I have removed for clarity: those who doubt this judgment should read the article and reach their own conclusion. But my greater interest in this article resides in Lines 249 to 254:
There are innumerable differences between natural infection and mRNA vaccination that could account for the differences in antibody evolution over time. These include but are not limited to: 1. Route of antigen delivery, respiratory tract vs. intra-muscular injection; 2. The physical nature of the antigen, intact virus vs. S protein; 3. Antigen persistence, weeks in the case of natural infection vs. hours to days for mRNA. Each of these could impact on B cell evolution and selection directly, and indirectly through differential T cell recruitment.
I think this is an inadequate explanation of the qualitative difference in antibodies yielded by natural infection vs. mRNA vaccination. The qualitative difference, in my conception, between the naturally-generated and the vaccine-generated has to do primarily with differences in the quantum-frequency-domain regimes of the two -- as outlined in our 1995 paper entitled Quantum Biophysics of the Homeopathic Ozone Effect. Readers of this paper will note the correspondence between the above given account of involutory decomposition and the paper's explications leading to the conclusion that, to wit, quoting the last paragraph: The invariants of the frequency space itself define the regime by which specific stereochemical processes are integrated spatially and temporally!
Celebs and other glitterati have long been effectively banned from pedestrian public-place spaces; now, there are those who wish to extend that effectiveness to most journalists, medical doctors, academics, scientists, impoliticians. Of all the many fatal flaws (clearly we are not the Last of First Men, as surely there was at least one Men before us, the Vedas, for one, being remnants of something very sophisticated) possessing homo Sapiens, one that stands out particularly strongly is the fact that our species has always chosen to allow megalomaniacs to set its agendas, determine its fate. Soon, the public will be indefinitely banned from public-space places -- if the global leadership elite (GLE) has its way with droned-autonomous-robotic enforcement of telepresence-only by cloud-computing-delivered n-metaverses. Having graduated from empty pretense to unabashed unvirtue signaling of immoral correctness as consummate expression of GLE normosis, like the mindless arrogance with which the MarineCorps general incrementally accomplishes his ascent from his desk chair, the miens which the GLE proudly exhibit bespeak-- hubris. Superconductant levitation of the hyperinflated 1T2-only magleved egofunction: as if this were an authentic transubstantiation unto C+TC+! C+, ,humph! The universal covering for the conversion-disorder displacement (ConveDD) is: hubris. Note that the requirements for semilocally simply-connected and locally pathwise-connected violate the pagan-animistic-quantum imports of Bell's 1T2-only-Theorem concerning local hidden variables, the notions local and nonlocal being radically separated by the Law of Distributed Middle. Be aware that an equilateral-triangle-qua-hexagon-related universal-covering problem continues to be, despite progress, unresolved. Our C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround cannot be a 1T2-only universal covering because of: (1) its full embrace of relative-state identity-transparency does not abide radical separation of local and nonlocal; and (2) this Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround is a hypered hyperKleinBottle wrapped in an equilateral-triangle-qua-hexagon-tiling meshwork. From the quark symmetry pattern (3-Queen Square 1T2ly-Fabered off as stand-in for null-vector-defined µTmly-skew Cube, what -- heh-heh-heh!) to the cellular architectonics of the cerebral cortex to the metric geometry of convoluted theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature surfaces of Earth's severe-storm-plagued lower atmosphere to the metric geometry of the phased-array-radar-induced magnetic mirrors of Earth's upper atmosphere to the Regge calculus version of Einstein's equations for the gravitational field in sidereal space, we find equilateral-triangular-qua-hexagonal meshwork tilings. If the principles governing hypercomplex, imaginary, and real energy-momentum cascades through these nested-grid meshworks were found to deeply challenge fundamentals of the Weltanschauungs that have traditionally supported the 1T2-only-egofunction's claim to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame self-existence, would it be surprising to find that awareness of this challenge, once registered, is immediately suppressed, then veiled with substitute memories (Mankind In Amnesia), and, having been suppressed, becomes sufficiently regressed as to generate compensatory abreactions in the form of collective ConveDDs, ConveDDs intensely orchestrated by a hubristic GLE, one such ConveDD being psychotogenesis of the prevailing (equilateral-triangular-qua-hexagonal) graphene doctrine-of-uses? What? What was that? What doctrine, say you? As every sketch artist knows, graphite is not inherently n[e}far|IOUs. But graphene is another matter -- even type of matter -- altogether. The cascade, remember, is down, down, derry down. Down to what -- other than 1T2-only-alone and teleprompted? Consider (referrals to the following links good offices of Julia Jus) an in-depth portrait: Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of origins and mechanisms, Lingling Ou, et al., Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 13:57, 2016. Quoting the text:
Due to their exceptional physical and chemical properties, graphene materials have been widely used in various fields, including energy storage; nanoelectronic devices; batteries; and biomedical applications, such as antibacterials, biosensors, cell imaging, drug delivery, and tissue engineering
GFNs [graphene-family nanomaterials] can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues by penetrating through the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, and blood-placenta barrier etc. and accumulating in the lung, liver, and spleen etc
The toxicological mechanisms of GFNs demonstrated in recent studies mainly contain inflammatory response, DNA damage, apoptosis, autophagy and necrosis etc., and those mechanisms can be collected to further explore the complex signalling pathways network regulating the toxicity of GFNs.
Be aware that this review paper was published half a decade before Orwell City made the urgent announcement (25 June 2021) that COVID-19 is caused by Graphene Oxide introduced by several ways into the body. Quoting the article:
Like any material, graphene oxide has what we call an electronic absorption band. This means a certain frequency above which the material is excited and oxidizes very rapidly, thus breaking the equilibrium with the proliferation in the organism of the toxicant against our natural antioxidant glutathione reserves. Precisely this frequency band is emitted in the new emission bandwidths of the new 5G wireless technology.
Theara TruthNews subsequently published (11 July 2021) an article claiming that COVID-19 vaccines contain graphene-oxide, a magnetogenetically-active substance. Further discussion is provided by Mike Adams in Graphene-based 'neuromodulation' technology is REAL , Natural News, 19 July 2021. Think: G6 = fruition of the IoT; G7 = fruition of the IoB, internet of bodies-beings (depending upon the orientation taken to the Leib-Seele-problem). Moreover, consider Environmental Effects of 5G, Internet of Things, and Small Cells on Birds, Bees, Trees and Climate, B. N. Frank, Activist Post, 4 August 2021 (provides a long list of linked technical references sorted by category), relative to this and this. Graphene-Based Magnetic Nanoparticles for Theranostics: An Overview for Their Potential in Clinical Application, Teresa Lage, et al., Nanomaterials, 11:5, 17 March 2021, provides a depiction (Figure 1.1 Graphene-Based Magnetic Nanoparticles Configurations) of a sheet of hexagonal graphene decorated with graphene-wrapped (ferrite-containing) magnetic nanoparticles to accomplish functionalization of the sheet. Graphene is also used in weather modification. See Figure 1. Representative chemical structures of the samples investigated of Ice Nucleation Activity of Graphene and Graphene Oxides, Thomas Hausler, et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 2018, pp. 8182-90, for depiction of various functionalizations of graphene and graphene-oxide sheets. To me, these functionalizations evoke the notion of numbering vertices of decomposition sheets of C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers -- only, I regard the doctrine-of-uses guiding the graphene-dysfunctionalizations as a psychotogenetic regression, not merely as a resultant of the solution to a regression equation. O, this ConveDD occasioning COVID-19; oh, such ConveDDs in general! Introspective competence is so low, the resultant tacit high-anxiety-of-the-existential-type uncompromisingly mandates life-long obsessive-compulsive outer-directed behaviors designed to garner existential confirmations, confirmations confirming the mistaken claim to simple-identity of the sort surveillance capitalism was created to verify (along with earlier attempts to so verify). Not only the 3rd, but even the doppelganger is regarded as signifying an Mnk-Wasteland -- so feared is the [mid}evil 1T3-tritone [Mu}sculpturally rung out by the diabolical quarking of the 2-state Bell inequalities (for interesting commentary, see Is the Moon There If Nobody Looks: Bell Inequalities and Physical Reality, Marian Kupczynski, Frontiers in Physics, 23 September 2020) altogether quenching locally-hidden m-valued variables µTmly processed. Probabilistic [proto}calls defining experimental models, what! Give me simple-identity or give me death! Specializing in scarification-by-grue, evil palpable in their sensibilities, when it becomes completely undeniable that math-and-science discoveries made by maverick individuals have utterly and unalterably destroyed the notion that simple-identity is a possible real condition (no mere Maya) of being-in-the-world, the death they, the GLE, will choose is that of the collectivity, the collective being the only way their 1T2-only ratiocination can construe the non-simple-identity (which they, having failed to parce, figure to be their foremost existential threat) predicated by µTm-participation mystique: this is the rhyme and reason of trans-to-post hu-hu-hu[man}ism. Since the 70s, I've serially alienated potentially simpatico parties by holding forth with the assessment that, though conceivably a number of scenarios could be formulated whereby the gathering global crisis does not go to cuspover, arguably, convincingly, none of these scenarios are realistic -- given the 200-years of built-up momentum (during this current fulmination of the age-old conflict between 1T2-only individualism and µTm pagan-animism) and the fact that deep-structure cause-push/attractor-pull remains thoroughly unconscious to all but the very, very few, and that that circumstance dictates that the best strategy is to prepare nascent structures designed to immediately step into the post-cuspover cognitive void cum institutional breach. The overwhelming response to that theranostics has been: Well, if it comes to that, then it's all over.
My I/im hashave all ways been nonplussed when always it comes to the 1T2-arithmetic-additive characterization (check out the plus sign in the first equation given in Superposition, Quantum Addition and Quantum Coherence, Arun K. Pati, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, 2 May 2018) of superposition (if a single 1T2-only-definable memetime instant self-superposes and entangles with a ponderablespace position [see How Time Dilation Affects Quantum Superpositions, Igor Pikovski, et al., 2Physics, 13 September 2015], how reasonable is it to suppose a given found-instant is selfsame and simply-connected, lineally even, to other such instants and that such superpositionings-entanglements are adequately characterizable with 1T2-only-logic alone?) -- being, as I/im in[here}n[t}ly are, nonbelievers in the objectivity of memetime. When memetime-future is perceived as being behind, don't look back, Get Behind Thyself!, don't mon[u}mentalize spontaneous reduction-of-state into a bivalent, it-from-bit, presidential pillar of salt, this MichaelJacksonesque-backwardization diddybop is choreographed upon the Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers (aka: divine names) of the bonds-nodes of polyhex lattice of the graphenic-AllBase flooring the hyperKleinBottled Promised Land (see Topological Symmetry Transition between Toroidal and Klein Bottle Graphenic Systems, Mihai V. Putz and Ottorino Ori, Symmetry, 12:8, 27 July 2020) of CTC+-cosmicKabbalahistic breakdance, a Turangalila-sefi:rot emanated down, down, derry down -- 10 being a numinous-arbitrary mystic-heuristic stand-in for the C+-nesting-foam of logical-value order-types -- via Platonic amnesis by Schrödinger-memetime-independent evolutory decomposition, as fancifully enacted by the memetime-bound binary-mind. Teleologue: the bivalent armpit attractor, uh, uh, the 1T2-ambit of the µTm-unto-CTC+ blackhole-acoustic-analogue attractor. Be aware that the [teleo}LOGICAL strange (i.e., fractalized) attractor -- God, as se|man[tic]al|ly renditioned in the picayune [par}lance of chaotic complexity theory -- is yet another way to keep µTm-unto-CTC+-LOGICAL-relative-state identity-transparency (i.e., unio mystica) at bay.
Speaking here pre-pregeometrically, pregeometrically, geometrodynamically, not so much relative to ponderablespacememetime-bound, carbon-based, material-girl lifeforms, or just plain ol' carbon-sub-this-or-that, involutorily-decomposable, C+TC+-processing by topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) execution of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, n-dimensional, graphenic-lattice-wrapped, hypercomplex-hypered, hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam: echelons and their many surrogates are not, as a corpus, a conspiracy, no matter how persistently the global leadership elite (GLE), by subliminal existential guilt, paradoxically dictates to Hollywood that they are echeloons that must be made self-canceling. Their various spin-this-spin-that dictations considered, it must be admitted that GLE mentations do, yes do, have an edge to them -- a Möbius zigzag edge, 1T2ly construed (see the figures provided in Spin states of zigzag-edged Möbius graphene nanoribbons from first principles, De-en Jiang and Sheng Dai, arXiv 0712.1862v1, 2007 or later by References). Somewhen in my mil-dot-brat boyhood, brought up amongst one of the many types of bureaucrats, educated each time I was taken out of the ZI as to how dangerous is the world off shore, I stopped thinking of institutional malfeasance as a mere matter of ineptitude and began thinking of it as an expression of intrinsic malevolence. Just to add a little topical hebephrenic disorganizing wordsalad here: How many AnastasiaNikolaevna claimants is the hu-hu-[hu}man species likely to have when, aye when, coming cuspover breaks down upon it? When -- that's an ontological when, not a memetemporal when -- 3-fold (3rd to 2nd to 1st, cosmic Klein bottle considered) topo-active optime executes G-numbered G-numbers of C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-logically-valued propositions, then -- that's an [onto}logical well, righto, got that already, have you, ol'chap -- hypercomplex and imaginary temporal CURLS circumambulate base points of decomposed Riemann-surface-like, graphenic-system, flat-mesh-fullerene sheets. In detailing temporal-CURL circumambulations, are nested-closed bucky onions (looking at the handicraft displays in the lobby of the FLW-designed Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, circa July 1953, I, an eight-year-old, became transfixed by a hole-drilled, carved ivory ball, with balls cut inside of balls cut inside of balls nested therein, transfixed, ostensibly because I couldn't figure out how they'd done it, but maybe, just maybe, the fixation was about much more than, How could they possibly have done that?) found at vertices of fullerenes qua polyhexes cum graphenic tori and Klein bottles, and, by Stone-Wales rotations, are nested n-member-types of ring-built polytopes substituted for the nested B-onions as logical-value-order-type decomposition (from perspective of C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround, topo-active-optime-effectuated decomposition is accumulation of the spontaneous localization of defects: for an account of a provocative recent positioning-of-localizations finding, see Graphene quantum dots with Stone-Wales defect as a topologically tunable platform for visible light harvesting, Tista Basak and Tushima Basak and Alok Shukla, arXiv, 15 June 2021) memetime-independently transpires -- that's an [onto} --? Quoting the well-voiced summarizing abstract to Topological Symmetry Transition between Toroidal and Klein Bottle Graphenic Systems, Mihai V. Putz and Ottorino Ori, Symmetry, 12:8, 27 July 2020:
this newly conjectured topological similarity between the two kinds of graphs [toroidal lattices and Klein bottle cubic graphs] transfers the translation invariance typical of the graphenic tori to the Klein bottle polyhexes with size LC greater than or equal to LC [LC = length of the cylindrical edge], making these graphs vertex transitive. This means that a [1T2-only-logical] traveler jumping on the nodes of these Klein bottle fullerenes is no longer able to distinguish among them by only measuring the chemical distances [but maybe so by noting their µTm-relative-states -- were this traveler µTm-logically-ratiocinating -- even though the notion distance evermore loses definability as µTm goes to CTC+, and this definitional loss particularly so if his traveling involves close approaches to memetime-construed, scale-relative, absolute limiting velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of acceleration, those m-valued absolute limits initializing the actions of topo-active optime] thus, speculative hypotheses may be drawn, particularly relating to the computational topological unification (that is, complexification) of the quantum many-worlds picture (according to Everett’s theory) with the space-curvature sphericity/roundness of general relativity {the ()-intercalations are in-text, whereas the []-intercalations were added by the editor of this website}
Our notion as to the required most fundamental complexification of Everett's theory has, from the mid-1970s, been: carrying 1T2-only-relative-state up to µTm-unto-C+TC+-relative-states of identity-transparency (which states are not merely same-ol'-same-ol', i.e., sans distributed middle, 1T2-[0,1]-fuzziness). As regards 1T2-only memetime-bound takes on distance variables (think: administrative segregation) of the dynamics transpiring within polyhex (qua graphenic) systems, consider the following interior monologue extract drawn from reflections of John Connolly's detective character, to wit, quoting the crime novel, The White Road, 2002 Coronet paperback edition, p. 125:
I recall the honeycomb created by the imperfect layering of history, the proximity of what has gone before to what now pertains, and I begin to understand. We are trapped not only by our own history but by the histories of all those with whom we choose to share our lives.
The relative-state appertaining, however, is µTm-logical, not 1T2-logical. One reason (this reason being a piece of evidence) we know that this is so (and I've waited since 1975 to read this statement as having been made in a peer-reviewed paper; disappointingly, though, there is no mention of µTm-processing) is captured in the following quotation drawn from the Abstract to Cracking the barcode of fullerene-like cortical microcolumns, Arturo Tozzi and James F. Peters and Ottorino Ori, Neuroscience Letters, 644, February 2017:
Artificial neural systems and nervous graph theoretical analysis rely upon the stance that the neural code is embodied in logic circuits, e.g., spatio-temporal sequences of ON/OFF spiking neurons. Nevertheless, this assumption does not fully explain complex brain functions.
In characterizing relative states of base points (nodes standing for pyramidal neurons where neural computations take place) and Regge bones (the countless possible combinations of activated neurons embedded in the lattice), Tozzi-Peters-Ori adopt the term barcodes in lieu of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers and the Kabbala[his}tic divine names.
In cognitive diegetic space of a B-17 pilot's mil.brat and onetime CICV-Targets analyst, Maya and its Lebenswelt, The [Tru}man Show (which works along ostensibly Baudrillardian lines , good offices of Simone Knox, Reading The Truman Show Inside Out, Film Criticism, 35:1, Fall 2010: to my comprehension, works as simulacra, not simulation, no hyperreality involved): absence of moral qualms (morally unjustifiable but absolutely necessary) among true men and presence of various sorts of turkey shoots -- including area bombings, fire bombings, atomic bombings -- set precedents for free-fire zones and droned cleansing of a borderless world (droned cleansing being one attempt to expurgate, via ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, the domain structures [good offices of Arash Rahimi-Iman, Effects of Quantization, Springer, 24 April 2021] of LSTDs, limited spacetime domains, i.e., the nested confinement structures of ponderablespacememetime -- currently being explored relative to nano-architectures and associated quantum information theory -- integral to the quantum-relativistic, classical-limit denying, Paine-Kaplan cascade-theoretic numerical-forecast model of tornadogenesis), which precedents have, in turn, prefigured, as Global Phoenix came home to roost-- well, exactly how outlandish the ZI (zone of the interior) qua inland solutions will be remains a matter for speculation. Best to keep in mind, though -- given that regressed archetypal event gradients of the collective unconscious orchestrate (via glutamate etchings of neurons involved in the centrencephalic safety discharge mechanism, etchings antihomeostatic to a degree just short of inducing non-congenital centrencephalic epilepsy) the wampeters of granfalloons such as the GLE, global leadership elite -- how electrifying band-of-brothers mad minutes and national red moments can be, don'tyathink. Heh-heh-heh! Particularly, my I/im i-[ma}gine, in the coming CDC endorsed, circa 26 July 2020, uh, recommended, uh, just possibly to be promulgated humanitarian settings (good offices of PCR, 10 August 2021) qua green zones and allied police drone-swarms (good offices of Brad Bergan, 26 April 2021) era -- the egosphere extending out from the body to the crucial distance, the (curtailing participation mystique) minimum permissible distance in proxemic personal space, that is; this in[car}nation-confinement-structure Les being a length which has been lengthened by mandate of social distancing and instructed preference for telepresence, face-to-face being confined to FaceBook and other IDHS, intelligence-data-handling-system, data bases -- whenwhere gallows humor extended into mortuary humor very well may come to dominate social interactions. By contrast, relative-state identity-transparency: while the kissing number of equal-size unit spheres grows exponentially with increasing dimension in Euclidian space, the problem of ascertaining this number with unequal-sphere packings becomes intractable; more so yet, in non-Euclidian spaces. Add to this picture non-selfsame J.G.Bennettian unequal skew-spheres (radii down to the limiting distance) and the kissing number increases without bound in each dimension -- including the first, that dimension in which the closest-packed pickaninny instants of linear-memetime are arrayed: as kissing number increases, it becomes harder and harder to sustain belief in memetime-translation symmetry (what breaks this symmetry [see Broken Time Translation Symmetry as a model for Quantum State Reduction, Jasper van Wezel, arXiv, 21 December 2009], is it spontaneity or topologically-active operator-time, topo-active optime?) and the memetime-defined Second Law of Thermodynamics dictating the incommunicado status of the 1T2-only universes of Everettian 1T2-only m-verse -- as the logic employed to construe identity of the spheres goes from µTm-unto-CTC+. Now factor in the domain-structure chronotopologies decomposed-demerged by 3-fold topo-active optime. Since even inherently n-state qubits don't like to be made to act like 2-state bits, just imagine the reaction of C+-state [mu}its to being manhandled qua quenched into up-or-down-only configurations! And just try to imagine the pathogeneses initialized by such manhandlings-quenchings of THE quantum brain, prescriptively-enculturated-cum-socialized pathogeneses glutamatergically anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains.
Energy-momentum-cascade-driven, many-body-localized, 1T2-only l-bits (conserved local operators) demerged Schrödinger-memetime-independently from nesting, relatively-synoptic, CTC+-unto-µTm [mu}its (memetime-translation-n-state-asymmetric, holographic-principle-abiding, nonlocal operators) -- this wordsalad being a restatement of quantum-relativistic, classical limit-denying, Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of phase-boundary-[in}formed tornadogenesis, many-body tornado families constituted of n-air-parcel-packing-geometries-phased, localized containment structures [plasma-bottle domain-structures, leak-proof except for reverse-cascade, pulse-code-burst, vertically-propagating, m-valued, acoustically-modified, gravity-wave modes], the restatement made à la On the phase structure of driven quantum systems, Vedika Khemani, et al., arXiv, 22 August 2016 -- provides an explanation, speaking analogically, as to how variably-commodity-backed µTm-LETS-currency nesting-foams, e-commons m-scenarios computer-gamed (transactions in which mapped to a distributed-ledger MVRS [m-logically-valued reference space] cloud atlas of quantum-composite-unit-of-account-calculated variations in Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes [think: Pauli-Paine-topologically-active-operator-time-demerged chronotopologies, or, in the current rubric, time crystals, as discussed in Eternal Change for No Energy: A Time Crystal Finally Made Real, Natalie Wolchover, Quanta Magazine, 30 July 2021] of total capital stock, total capital stock being a concretization of the zero-point ontological [think: pre-pregeometry unto pregeometry unto geometrodynamics unto ponderablespacememetime physics] reservoir of energy-momentum drivers), would prevent emergence of the disordered fragmentation which a purely-local-decentralized, monetary-cum-financial-cum-economic framework would very likely entail.
Here is the 1T2-only-dual Give me simple-identity or give me death!-cross, uh, -crux, uh, benignly speaking, -object found in a most provocative dynamical setting. Quoting On the phase structure of driven quantum systems, Vedika Khemani, et al., arXiv, 22 August 2016, the Eigenstate Order section:
Traditionally, phase transitions at non-zero energy densities are considered in the framework of quantum statistical mechanics, signaled by singularities in thermodynamic functions or observables computed in the T > 0 Gibbs state.
In the Paine-Kaplan quantum-relativistic, classical limit-denying, multiscale, nested-grid, energy-momentum-cascade-theoretic, numerical-forecast model of tornadogensis, appearance of singularities (divergences to infinity) in hydrothermodynamic functions operator-time-initialize temporal CURLings (see our 1978 paper The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, section entitled The Resultant Limited Atmospheric Domain Wave Equations) at interscale cascade events (involving far-from-equilibrium phase transitions), larger scale unto smaller scale until a collapse crisis ensures occasioned by reverse-cascade discharge of pulse-code-burst m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (see our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, especially the section entitled Spacetime Del Operator and Temporal Curl). The processes described by Khemani, et al., and Paine-Kaplan exemplify the principle of self-similarity across scale levels. Khemani, et al., go on to say:
Work on MBL [many-body localization] has led to the realization that this viewpoint is too restrictive -- instead the MB eigenstates and eigenvalues can directly exhibit singular changes as a parameter is varied. Such transitions have been termed eigenstate phase transitions.
What is nowadays termed eigenstate phase transitions (see, for a review article, Eigenstate phase transitions and the emergence of universal dynamics [cf. a general theory of process] in highly excited states, S. A. Parameswaran and Andrew C. Potter and Romain Vasseur, arXiv, 27 April 2017) were understood by Paine-Pensinger relative to atmospheric cascade dynamics as toggles between logical-value order-types µTm. But since even the quantum-relativistic aspects of atmospheric cascade dynamics were consensus-wise, peer-review-wise verboten, beyond the Pale, terra incognito, indeed, incomprehensible, it was clear that the Lukasiewiczian-Postian-logics aspect, in unorthodox interpretation, could not possibly be discussed in the classroom or in any paper one hoped to see published. Khemani et al., go on to say:
The passage from ergodicity to localization is an example of an eigenstate transition undetectable by standard ensembles -- it can take place at T = infinity and yet the individual MB eigenstates are sharply different in their entanglement properties, with the eigenvalue distributions exhibiting different statistics.
This undetectability and consequent reliance upon the infinity singularity as indicator of the autogenic shift at question is because the analysis is predicated upon assumed validity of the probabilistic Give me simple-identity or give me death!-BornRule that quenched a Lukasiewicz-Post understanding of the m-eigenvalues of the state-function of the Schrödinger equation. If, however, the probabilistic interpretation were spurned and those simultaneous m-eigenvalues were interpreted relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, then the T = infinity delta-function spike-impulse would be detectable by ensembles as actually being a fractal comb under n-logical-value order-types, n depending upon the partition function chosen for employment in a given instance.
Wiki has the following (which conforms well to the more technical material I've read on the subject) to say about the time crystal:
these oscillations generate no entropy [i.e., violate the laws of thermodynamics] Time crystals do not violate the laws of thermodynamics: energy in the overall system is conserved, such a crystal does not spontaneously convert thermal energy into mechanical work, and it cannot serve as a perpetual store of work. But it may change perpetually [i.e., eternally] in a fixed pattern in time for as long as [this for as long as 1T2ly-contradicts in perpetuity, so is µTm logic implicit in the 1T2-only characterization of so-called time crystals?] the system can be maintained. They possess motion without energy -- their apparent motion does not represent conventional kinetic energy [yes, it represents what, in 1977, we designated connective massenergy, a lesser non-conventional type than what we designated configurational massenergy].
Let's turn to that 1977 paper, "Toward a General Theory of Process", Section 8, entitled Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Complex Angular Momentum Cascade:
The macroscale of any LSTD re-enters its own structure via the microscale, while simultaneously undergoing the reverse cascade (i.e., the upward cascade mediated by -1/c partial/partial t, the negative branch of the temporal curl). This is diagnosed when there is established a critical limit to a local time tendency which, in turn, activates the nonlinear internal source/sink terms, which are then coupled to re-entry through the external source/sink terms. The simplest conservation statement, consisting of a local time tendency tied to the spatial advection terms, is directly related to the velocity field within this dynamic. Furthermore, we found that the internal source/sink terms relate directly to the accelerational field, while the external source/sink terms relate directly to the time rate of change of acceleration
Depending upon the scale perspective adopted, a system can be viewed as closed, open, or self-reentrant. Every system is simultaneously closed, open, and self-reentrant because it can be validly viewed from any of these three perspectives. The class of LSTD corresponds to the scale perspective adopted, and is defined thereby. We are free to choose whatever perspective we wish depending upon the analytical purposes we have in mind. But the dynamics we discover are relative to the perspective adopted
Three questions immediately arise. How can we understand that a given process manifests a state to which the entropy principle is not applicable? How can any system, especially the system at the scale of the cosmological limit, be self-reentrant? In such a framework, what happens to the conservation of mass and energy? The first two questions will be considered in the next section within the context of multivaluedness. The probable answer to the question regarding conservation is more easily approached: m and E are conserved within a given LSTD; m' and E' are conserved within a finite set of LSTDs; m" and E" are conserved within a transfinite set of LSTDs.
So, is a time crystal any more a time crystal than the COVID-19 virus is a COVID-19 virus? As regards the COVID-19 virus not being a COVID-19 virus, consider (1) No Record Found, Christine Massey, Fluoride Free Peel, 18 August 2021, wherein it is detailed by document quotations that 94 institutions and offices in 24 countries/jurisdictions have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever; and that viral pseudosupersepsis is possible is suggested by (2) Influenza Pseudoinfection, Burke A. Cunha and Paul J. Lee and Francisco M. Pherez, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 30:11, November 2009. The psychodynamics of mass hysteria (in the current fulmination, the bottom line on etiology being: the largely unconscious Give me simple-identity or give me death! mass compensatory abreaction to the hugely accumulated weight of evidence supporting the thesis that the actual case is µTm-relative-state identity-transparency) are complex and largely terra incognito to mainstream 1T2-only-bound neuropsychiatry and medicine. Circa early-November 1967, RSVN, I succumbed to pseudosupersepsis (one symptom: fever so high, kept continuously packed in ice for several days; one lab finding: WBC count off the chart) following a testicle wound, this pseudosupersepsis due to surpassing internalized rage and nothing but internalized rage, the symptoms and lab findings disappearing a few hours after a trivial event dissipated the rage state: the final Dx after everything, including falciparum malaria, was incorporated into the dDx and all ruled out by lab tests, was FOUO, fever of undetermined origin. It was between sessions of heebie jeebies, delirium, fugue that the basic ideas for my contribution to our paper on DNA radiation exchange processes came from the collective unconscious to my then-well-emptied me. As regards the time crystal not being a time crystal, consider that Bill Jones says:
It's a time crystal -- because that's a layman's term. We don't have time crystals in physics. We have resonant structures and systems. Some of these resonate in a very narrow band of frequencies. These can be used as time bases.
And in atmospheric processes-systems-structures with superconductant hydrothermodynamic properties and DNA with superconductant pi-electron gas core-environment, the narrow band can be supernarrow. In context of the above mentioned etiological factor, Give me simple-identity or give me death! compensatory abreaction, consider that the satanic is righteous empathy-function reduced to psychophysics degree-zero, collapsed deeper than mere decoherency, down to There, that there where anti-events beyond the Pale of event horizon are blackholed by memetime running backwards. This hell is not the void, which is a BackCloth zero-point-energy reservoid, uh, uh, reservoir, but the self-righteous 1T2-only logical-value order-type alone, by temporal CURL centrifuged out from µTm. Spinning, spinning, spinning unto not-so-benign paroxysms of vertigo, tinnitus, spinning inside the head, the self-spinning approach to the dissociative-fugue's loss of all sense of selfsame egoic-self identity. O, the fear of loathed changelings (good offices of D. L. Ashliman, U. of Pittsburgh, 1997), the oversoul(good offices of Jale Erfani Namin, et al., APA sixth edition, October 2019)-spirit world made an underworld: terror expressed in tremblings that approach high-temperature-induced heebie jeebies. Out, damned spot, out, I say. One, two, -- then 'tis time [and only memetime what can do it]. Out, you µTm you, out, I say -- out of in-here to out-there, out to multiple socially-distanced incommunicado universes, this outing being psychologically protective iff those universes, contrary to or despite Everett, be somehow detectable (and detectable they very likely will be). On Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround most-dense-sheet of [Buddho}logical space, sacred space Ma, the MVRS m-logically-valued reference space covering hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam, C+TC+-relative-state identity-transparency qua Buddhic compassion involutorily (i.e., unfolded and enfolded by 3-fold hypercomplex-imaginary topo-active optime and topo-active counter-optime via linked internal and external source/sink terms) decomposes down, down, derry down through nested Samadhi state-spaces of generative empathy, empathy, fellow-feeling unto the Fall into isolated egospheric in[car}nation (squashed 3-sphere or no), which, the right sort of psychophysical hole being found, can satanically devolve into the sort of blackhole hell (an own-recognizance release from the cosmic enfold) which Stephen Hawking early on (before Hawking radiation, and well before embracing squashed 3-spheres, holographic [probability!] distributions, and, in spite of Hawking imaginary time, eternity as an infinitely-extended memetime misconstrued an objective linear-time, this misconstrual despite the temporal-CURLed Wick rotations involved in involuting hypered hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam) mistakenly imagined to be the nature of the criminal case: a pure sink, no information amp, processor, transmitter. It has to be admitted that Hollywood Freudianism coupled to complementary State-War-Navy globaloney outperforms those analytical programs available off the shelf in dollar stores, that the godawfully-glutamate-etched brutal mindsets of police-field-forces ex-NCO cops trump the prevailing paddy-wagon conception of govemance introjected from the Vetmanese war for domestic application (mild), only to be projected from the ZI to the Afghan war and the ME wars, and, then again, in mirror-inverted form, introjected back to the ZI for domestic application (less mild, think: characteristic multiplier of a helicoid Riemann-surface 1T2-monodromy, as distinct from a µTm-polydromy), this repetitive process of projective-identification at transference being one classical limit violating man[i}fest|ation of Gaston Floquet's periodic linear differential equations as descriptive of quantum-sociological psychophysical automatic transmissions, which, essentially, à la time crystals, while dissipating no libido perform no useful inner-work. Like the moon, a harmonic oscillator in a periodic-biogravitational-field driver. One positive outcome produced by the COVID-19 pandemic-oscillator in a periodic-biopsychopathical-field driver -- with regards to the human species finding a way to avoid utter oblivion as the current global crisis marches toward incendiary cuspover -- is that the top level of the managerial class in every category of institution the world over has incontrovertibly demonstrated itself either not read-in or a trans- unto post-humanist enemy of the species. Obviously, that demonstration will not carry much weight in terms of collective behaviors of the mass of humanity, but it will carry some weight. Much of the day-in/day-out tactical back-reaction-on-the-metric-type forecasting, vis-à-vis the micro-level of the goose-stepping to cuspover, engaged in by the talking heads of the alternative media is either mere wishful thinking or self-protectively-veiled exhortation of the masses.
If C+TC+ is Heaven, then 1T2 is Hell. I read Post before I read Birkhoff-vonNeumann, circa 1975, Cornell Mathematics Library. Quoting myself, this website, T41(M):
Look at the consensus interpretation of Post's logics, as given, for instance, by Wikipedia. This interpretation is taken from Emil Post's last-paragraph-given disclaimer: But in spite of this representation 1T2 still appears to be the fundamental system since its truth-values correspond entirely to the significance of true and completely false In my judgment, this disclaimer needed to be included or (1) his Ph.D. preceptor would not have been satisfied, and (2) the paper would not have been favorably peer reviewed. But Post didn't actually believe that 1T2 is the fundamental system because, in final conclusion as the last two sentences of the paper (Introduction to a General Theory of Elementary Propositions, Ph.D. dissertation published in American Journal of Mathematics, XLIII:3, 1921, pp. 163-85 [note how few times this was checked out of the U. of Illinois library between 1950 and 2014]), he said:
We must however take into account the fact that our development has been given in the language of 1T2 and for that very reason every other kind of system appears distorted. This suggests that if we translate the entire development into the language of any one µTm by means of its interpretation, then it would be the formal system most in harmony with regard to the two developments.
Post himself never followed up on this italicized if. Nor, so far as I can see, has anyone else.
And it's been 100 years, 1921 to 2021! My uncensored reaction to The Logic of Quantum Mechanics, Garrett Birkhoff and John von Neumann, The Annals of Mathematics, 37:4, October 1936, pp. 823-43, circa 1975, as recorded in my personal journal notes and two decades later reproduced in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 751-2, was:
One truly must wonder at the extraordinary lengths the mind is willing to go in order to avoid looking the multivalue straight in the face. Here, it is recognized that quantum logic has some relation to projective geometry, but where is the Riemann surface stack? Though some doubt is cast on the utility of Hilbert space, where is the recognition that every point in the referencing phase-space is multivalued, that translation across a single-valued sheet is projected as a static lattice to the multivalued referencing function space? How strange that they should invoke the concept of a logical lattice but not view it as a true point-set topology! Similarly, they use involutory relations and the concept of skew-fields, but the multivalue screaming in the background is completely ignored. Dropping distributive laws for two-valued propositions, indeed! Can laughter be suppressed? These missing recognitions are not ignorance speaking; they are expressions of psychological dread. And this paper, summarizing a decade (at least!) of collective psychoneurotic posturing, was published three years before the first actions were taken in the inevitable avalanche of consequences.
Birthings of ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) are incubated in cognitive pseudocyesis: B/vN-1936 is the deep-structure etiology to the surface-structure Nazification, whilst Karl Popper's post-WWII critique of B/vN-1936 stands between the two resurrecting etiology of the pathogenesis, pushing the social structure of attention cathexes along into another fulmination driven by the same deep-structure psychoinducers. The quantum mechanics I've personally embraced is genuinely without the observer (KP, pp. 7-44, Quantum Theory and Reality, Mario Bunge, ed., Springer-Verlag, 1967) -- and no less without the objectively-given object-system. Our C+TC+-relative-state identity-transparency is well beyond Catuskoti not-this/not-that 1T4-neti-neti, so well beyond, in that the notion truth-value is not regarded a fundament of logics supraordinate to that 1T2, that mere mention of the very notion subject-object is an occasion for cosmic laughter. In formal logic, the algebra is defined on the set of truth-valued binary variables and a propositional calculus applies this algebra to objectively-given object-systems with experiments designed to give 1T2-only up-down, on-off, in-out, yes-no outcomes mappable as numerical values contained or not contained in this or that interval of the real number system, these interval outcomes concatenated and analyzed according to the rules of the formal logic used to generate the whole conception. During 1962-3, when I was a senior in high school, my father was assigned to AFSC-AFLC, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. I took PSSC honors physics that year and was exposed, even Sunday lunch at our house, to some of the physicists doing research at Wright-Pat, got to try out a bit, maybe even a logic-bit, in an experimental flight simulator, so on and so forth. When, via the PSSC course, I was offered a partial physics scholarship to U. of Cincinnati, I had had enough exposure to back away from it, knowing I wanted no part of the Shut up and do your sums! technocratic focus I was being offered entry to; instead, I chose to study international relations, which turned out -- I should have known this ahead of the direct exposure, being a perceptive mil.brat! -- to be entry to Shut up and support the policy!. Well, even at Cornell, somehow I did not become aware -- thus, fell down on the job of doing research for Prof. Douglas A. Paine -- of Karl Popper's 1968 paper entitled Birkhoff and von Neumann's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Nature, 219, 17 August 1968, pp. 682-5 (memory serving, on this date, I was in transit between Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2 [where it was Shut up and support the command position!] and Arlington Hall Station). Only now, in running across Flavio Del Santo's An Unpublished Debate Brought to Light: Karl Popper's Enterprise Against the Logic of Quantum Mechanics, arXiv, 2019, do I become aware of it.
Looking to find out if, in evolving theory, close approaches to µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (hereafter: rS-iT) are yet being made, I Googled, Are there fuzzy sets wherein each element of a given fuzzy set is fuzzy?, and found Fuzzy Elements in a Fuzzy Set, Didier Dubois and Henri Prade, IRIT, Universite Paul Sabatier, 2005 or later by References. Even though fuzziness is not transparency, this is getting much closer. Even though the fuzziness of the element in relation to the fuzziness of another such element, and fuzzy sets thereof, are 1T2ly processed, not Lukasiewiczian-analog µTmly so, still, it's a strong move in the right direction. Moreover, the last sentence of the Introduction section states: A full-fledged mathematical development is left for further research. Alright! Given that order theory investigates the intuitive [i.e., the prescriptively enculturated and glutamatergically anchored -- amongst those not subjected to puberty blockers {are these blockers one expression of the collective unconscious compensatory abreaction to suppression of awareness of the fuzziness of fuzzy elements encountered during AsDL, activities of daily life?}] notion of order using binary relations [italic added], my I/im can only hope that full fruition of the semantic web is achieved by holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams. Two functor-prerequisites: (1) n-ary relations under the µTm-logics of rS-iT; and (2) infinite-arity relations under the CTC+-logics of rS-iT. So, I asked Google about theory of infinite-arity relations and took note of the mathoverflow question, Is there a model theory assuming a language that allows for relations and functions of infinite and even uncountable arity?, (good offices of Hans-Peter Stricker, 22 February 2011). Well, all sorts of reasons are offered as to why such theory is not nice and not being nice, not popular. In his 23 February 2016 answer, Ioannis Souldatos (an appropriate last name for one having interest in the study indicated) draws attention to the study of the infinitely deep languages M-sub-infinity,K (K indicative of an algebraic number field?) and refers to Model theoretic results for infinitely deep languages, by Maaret Karttunen, which I found in a 2009-re-edition-version of the original publication in the Proceedings of the Finnish-Polish-Soviet logic conference (Polanica Zdroj, 1981), from which I quote the second paragraph:
In the infinitely deep languages the definition of satisfaction is given by game theoretic means. The fact in N-sub-K-lamda-formulas we allow limit branches, i.e. branches the order type of which is a limit ordinal, brings about many unpleasant semantical features. One of these is the possibility of giving several different definitions of satisfaction. To avoid these inconveniences we restrict the original N-sub-K-lamda hierarchy by demanding that the order type of each branch in every formula tree is a successor ordinal. Thus we obtain a subhierarchy M-sub-K-lamda, which much better suits our model theoretic considerations.
First off, in terms of the model I've been hoping to discover ways to flesh out, I'd reverse Karttunen's use of N and M, such that N is a subhierarchy of M -- this reversal of denotation taken in readiness for the J.S.Bell-unspeakable infinitely deep languages being elaborated under, not only 1T2-only-logic alone, but also under logics µTm-unto-CTC+, in which simultaneously-n-different different definitions of satisfaction would be considered nice qua pleasant (the choice of satisfaction [finding that which is sought where it is sought -- by analyzing, say, Popperian propensities, the OpenSociety's take on the quantum-probabilities dissimulation of µTm-processed m-valued Schrödinger state-function?] as signal parameter, I find interesting, if somewhat perplexing). I note that order type branches is suggestive of Riemann surface branching and hence of one way in which multivaluedness is subsumed to single-valuedness (note that a multivalued function is regarded as being adequately treated in being handled as a serial binary relation: Wiki does much better with this sort of material than with, say, this, which predisposes to thorough underestimation of the value of this), i.e., by bridging the branches, and that the we restrict is indicative of the renormalization used to get rid of different definitions of satisfaction: so, even in the context of infinitely deep languages, effort is made to suppress quantum-non-simple pagan-animisitic identity (arguably the identity-type of the origin as branch point) in its many evocative participation mystique-type guises. Such renormalizations, in my judgment, are instrumental, deep-structure-wise, to onset of mass psychoses: e.g., the menticidal psychotic insight, offered by the Born Rule, precipitated activation of psychogenic triggers to somatic pathogenic priming in run up to the pre-WWII fulmination of the endemic chronic mass-mental disease (my main idea for therapeutics having long been J.G.Bennettian-skew-parallel to the parallel polis Rx of Vaclav Havel, i.e., these skew-parallels being house-of-cards nascent structures -- like codification of, and priming for initialization of, the functional prerequisites to establishment of the framework determining conditions for implementation of µTm-LETS nesting-foams). Having not gotten very far with Maaret Karttunen, it occurred to me that what I really need to understand is how the µTm-pregeometry-level logic-lattice is related to the geometrodynamics-level Regge lattice of ponderablespacememetime-curvature configuration, for this is the way to get at how operator-time involutorily decomposes from the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, the moving, shape-shifting, Musculpted, sounded-forms changelings to be employed at representing the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, the distributed ledger for the varied commodity backings of µTm-LETS currencies. The best piece I've so far found somewhat related to all that is Classical Logic and Quantum Logic with Multiple and Common Lattice Models, Mladen Pavicic, Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2016. Well, I immediately got side-tracked because I'd never before seen a list of axioms for quantum logic (14 of them, few of which I could make much of) which are different from the axioms of quantum mechanics per se (which don't much interest me, as they are based on the probability interpretation and pertain to closed systems only). Beyond axiomatics, what interests me most about this Pavicic paper is encapsulated by a statement given at the end of the abstract, to wit:
there is one common nonorthomodular lattice that is a model of both quantum and classical logic. In technical terms, that enables us to run the same classical logic on both a digital (standard, two-subset, 0-1-bit) computer and a nondigital (say, a six-subset) computer (with appropriate chips and circuits). With quantum logic, the same six-element common lattice can serve us as a benchmark for an efficient evaluation of equations of bigger lattice models or theorems of the logic.
Hmmm -- a six-element common lattice. Leaving aside, for the memetime moment, the notion of a fuzzy element, the critical six, for me, relative to Musculpt on MVRS-manifold, are 3 of topologically-active operator-time and 3 of ponderablespace. What happens to the Regge lattice under 3-fold topo-active optime instead of with the passive time dimension of Einstein's field equations?
The graph-paper-line layout upon which the floor plans of the great Gothic cathedrals were plotted was affine-orthomodular of the square type; whereas, the sacred-space-gematria screen grid, upon which the Mason drew his cosmos-analogue-modeling magic diagram for dimensioning the cathedral with a unit-length quantum, was, more likely than not, in conformance to conventions of Pythagorean-neoPlatonic sacred geometry, equilateral-triangular qua hexagonal. It was upon this 2-D graphenic polyhex-lattice magical floor, this AllBase-analogue CommonGround, that the Divine Light, screened through archetypal, colored, leaded-glass (frequency) windows, shown, revealing on the floor inscriptions of the shadowed, ghostly soul-forms of Divine Ideas projected -- i.e., complemented-lattice demerged by order-reversing involutory decomposition -- into the incarnate world; and this seen, this scene, was a heard Musculpturally audio-mirrored in chanted, enchanted, Gregorian-plainsong texture wherein the ground-base ostinado qua slow-moving cantus firmus qua CommonPlace (see page 27, The Musical Shape of the Liturgy, William Peter Mahrt, Church Music Association of America, 2012) De Profundus, the liturgy of the spiritually-uplifted dead-to-this-world, registered aurally through contrapuntal parallel-moving-songlines filtering, this movement picked up in the sway of the wholly-in-sense dispensing bronze censors. In our post-postmodern world, however, this hexagonal-graph CommonPlace orthomodularity, instead of being used as mass facilitator of inner spiritual development, is ConveDDed, conversion-disorder displaced, into profane, mass-injury-inducing infratech, such as the polyhex-latticed and sheetable graphene-oxide (see Figure 2, Atomic and Electronic Structure of Graphene-Oxide, K. Andre Mkhoyan, et al., Nano Letters, 9:3, 2009, pp. 1058-63) -wrapped nanoparticles apparently incorporated into mRNA vaccines (a more active variety of graphene, where oxygen-containing functional groups on the graphene oxide are increased, to quote the 27 September 2020 Shanghai National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology Co. Ltd. patent application entitled Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier), injuries possibly induced as detailed in Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles , Lingling Ou, et al., Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 13, article number 57, 2016. To get a real feeling for the topology of the Divine-Light-demerging cosmogenetic conception analogically embodied in the metaproperties of the Gothic cathedral, have a look at Figure 1. Unfolding procedure of Brillouin zones for a triangular lattice , page 2 of Anomalous transparency in photonic crystals and its application to point-by-point grating inscription in photonic crystal fibers, Tigran Baghdasaryan, et al., Scientific Reports (Nature), 8:1, April 2018. The multi-sheeted, colorized, photonic band vortex diagram well captures, in spirit, the Divine-Light-demergence frequency-funnel. And think of leaded-glass windows when appraising Figure 2. Isofrequency curves for the triangular lattice , page 3. Several other of the figures in this paper, particularly Figure 3. Modeling propagation of the focused Gaussian beam through a triangular lattice , page 4, also uncannily capture the sense of the Medieval's (those opposed to Henry and Brooks Adams's discourses hold that this is mid-evil's) conception of the Divine Light pouring through a nested-grid system at cosmogenesis. Pre-pregeometry point sets in equilateral-triangular (Pascal's triangle) qua hexagonal array on nested-grid sheets, the Gaussian normal distribution piled up below the collection of grates (see Pascal's Marble Run, good offices of Karl Sims). A major problem is how to model these grates as pregeometry CTC+-unto-µTm-lattice-logic gates. Another major problem is how to model the relation of these logic-lattice grates-gates to the 1T2-only geometrodynamic Regge lattices of ponderablespacememetime curvature configurations. Solution to this latter problem is a functional prerequisite to holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams. Good offices of the stockbroker father of an SF buddy, half of my pay while I was in Viet Nam during the war (I arrived in-country just as my onetime B-17-pilot father finished his Tour of Duty in VN: one of my uncles, too, and one of their boyhood and lifelong best friends were flight-crew survivors of the 97th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force, USAAF, the experience itself and being a survivor thereof, clearly having had a strong impact on the personas worn into later life) was automatically invested in the stock market. I liquidated this holding soon after return to the ZI, however, in part because I needed the money, in part because from then on I made efforts to avoid war profiteering, profiteering on the pilfering of natural resources by paying for them with the exorbitant privilege of simply printing money, profiteering on off-shoring, on slave labor, on uh, on uh, and on and on. I was 26 years old, working as an IBEW apprentice for Johnson Controls on the under-floor wiring of the mainframe-computer room in the Brutalist Little Pentagon, i.e., the Forestall Building, when came the NixonShock default on the value of global inflation post-WWII, which was the shutting of the gold window, that is, removal of the differential in price between monetary-reserve and commercial-commodity gold established by the system. Ah-ha, the blade falls, thought I upon reading about it in the WaPo -- ah-ha because of having been fully aware, at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, circa post-Tet-'68, that prolonged induction of economic-monetary stress was a major factor, clearly stated in many captured documents, of the war strategy pursued by NVN-VC. David's stone: the major factor in the way the war was won. On and about the quinquagenary, 15 August 2021, fifty years later, there were lots of articles brought forth on the 1971 closing of the gold window of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange system and its transformation into a petrodollar system. Still, the best piece I've read on the subject is Michael D. Bordo's National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 23189 entitled, The Operation and Demise of the Bretton Woods System; 1958 to 1971, February 2017. But note, even in this best piece, the Viet Nam war is mentioned only in passing (which is one example of the veiling, suppression really, of the reality of the way the war was won, a veiling that predisposed to the immediate-post-Tet-'68, knee-jerk, collective will to Get some back from the Bear! in AfPak, and, later, a naive declaration of GWOT, which ceded to the global insurgency control of the space and time variables, a major factor motivating the protraction of that insurgency was and is induction of economic and monetary stress, another factor being access to effortless expansion of the recruitment base as the worldline of conflict extends -- no matter how thoroughly this or that member of the counter-insurgent GLE, global leadership elite [composed of high-class night-riders, accompanied by their knuckle-draggers and gunbulls, backroom-officiating jukejoint nation-states and supraordinate agglomerations thereof], may convince herhimself that heshe is using the insurgent for herhis own purposes: actually, the self-aggrandizing GLE is, by thorough identification with introjections of the projections made at collective transference, utterly under the control of regressed-archetypal event-gradients of the collective unconscious, and this invasion by contents of the unconscious is the source of its-their's paranoiac compulsions and the contagion thereof, contagion unto pandemic). Chitchatting chirpily, each wobble-dobble a self-directed Auteur director, what. Right! By compensatory abreaction to the fear and loathing of the demons imploding upon the Umwelt: self-proclaimed ubication taken as essential to, indeed, as definitive of, personal identity! Having lost Ariadne's thread of sanity to the found lies of psychotic insight, it's simply not possible that they, members of the GLE, could discover a way out of the multi-storied lying-to-self maze they've placed themselves in. Best to lose it in the R&D foci of utilitarian pragmatism. Given the motives and criteria of judgment: development of what surely will be -- consequent upon the prevailing doctrine of uses -- more of the infratech making people feel like residents of the exurbs of one of those never-occupied Chinese megacities. Since learning about asymmetry as a child sitting-in on my mother's ikebana lessons, circa 1954, Ashiya-machi, kita-Kyushu, I've been, not only Against Method, but also disparaging as to efficacy, indeed, the very idea of, leadership. Leader right us? Hmmm. More like: leaderitis. Heh-heh-heh! Many of America's great generals during the period of the Persian Gulf war and subsequent GWOT, early-on in their careers, after they had punched the CIB ticket, finished out their Viet Nam war engagement staffing at the battalion level, and thus garnered little hands-on learning about the strategic aspects of the war until they attended the Command and General Staff College, the Army War College, the National War College, so on, where the On Strategy teachings were derivative of the suppressions that had been enforced by the Director of Intelligence Production, MACV-J2. But the consequents that issued from David's-stone-having-been-expertly-cast were not limited to the Viet Nam war, the drawing of the Soviets into Afghanistan, and initialization of GWOT; a multitude of residuals persist unto today, and continue to gather mass and momentum -- and, arguably, there is no impetus, and no viable idea of how, to rectify the conundrum, brake the self-driven wheel. A portion of my therapeutic orientation, à la the cosmogenesis model discussed above: just as every Brillouin-zone qua tile qua optimum currency area on every sheet of the µTm-LETS nesting-foam should have its own public central bank, thus appropriate-scale decentralizing the monetary system, so corporate persons should be stripped of their bogus personhood, for only actual persons in corporations have innovated, and corporations should therefore not be legally permitted to own patents and copyrights, neither of which should be long-lived, given that the actual responsible agent for creativity, less directly, innovation, is the collective unconscious. This suggested Rx, analogically based upon a cosmological model, has strong resonance with the German banking system, which would make µTm-LETS more easily implemented there than elsewhere. Moreover, I note once again that, largely on basis of cultural-predisposition considerations, I've forecasted since the early-1970s that when the current fulmination goes to cuspover (think: PW1, the planetary-war-one battle of the 200-years-long War of the World) it will be a Germano-Russian Bloc which aligns to a Greater China: consider in that regard, Wither Germany?, Francis Lee, ZeroHedge reposting from The Saker, 24 August 2021. I've not argued that ways out of this are not available, µTm-LETS being a possible, only that those ways are extremely unlikely to be taken.
The effects of the secondary low-energy electrons (LEEs) described in Expanded view of electron-hole recollisions in solid-state high-order harmonic generation: Full-Brillouin-zone tunneling and imperfect recollisions, Lun Yue and Mette B. Gaarde, arXiv, 12 June 2021, if the LEEs be considered stand-alones independent of the primary LASER irradiation, have so much in common with our conception of DNA radiation-exchange processes, as described here and here (in terms of the antihomeostatic effects described in this illustrated glossary, consider Low-Energy Electron Damage to Condensed-Phase DNA and its Constituents, Yingxia Gao and Yi Zheng and Leon Sanche, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22:15, 23 July 2021, specifically the Mechanisms of Action of LEEs and Induced DNA Damage section which describes extreme cases of the effects described in our terminology glossary), that Lun-Gaarde's account of high-harmonic generation (HHG) easily can be viewed as providing considerable inspiration concerning the microphysics subtending our topologically-active-operator-time-construed quantum-harmonic-oscillator canonical equation. This applicability, despite the fact that the pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillations described in our model relate to DNA's electron-gas core-environment, not the sugar-phosphate backbone à la pendent and/or intercalation donors? The secondary question here, in my mind, is whether or not the notion that the nucleotide-pair ladder rungs function analogous to a beam power tube's screen grid is valid to a degree such that the Brillouin zone concept is applicable to propagation of temperature waves in the molecule's electron gas (ditto with respect to the double-helical air parcel flows in tornadogenesis understood a quantum-relativistic process).
Since I did not have direct contact with the computer -- search requests were sent to the computer tech types who performed the search and the next day or several days later you'd get some kind of response, generally not real helpful -- I wanted to verify my secondhand-knowledge memory as to the device's type -- CDC 6600 or not? the same type as the Naked Fanny computer for Big Mac's electronic battlefield located in Nakhon Phanom, Thailand? -- so I Googled MACV IDHS computer, (IDHS = Intelligence Data Handling System) and found a link to C. Michael Hiam's book A Monument to Deceit: Sam Adams and the Vietnam Intelligence Wars, ForeEdge, 2014 -- which I now was able to substantially read online. No verification found of my 6600 speculation as to memory serving, but for sure an entertaining book. I found myself laughing quite a bit. Lots of memory details came back. Yet another book on this topic that completely misses the point -- well, many points. THE point missed being that enemy strength was not THE strategic variable. Sam thought that had the correct enemy strength figure been communicated properly through channels, the U.S. would have won the war. He repeatedly made that contention during my several visits with him at his Leesburg farm -- on one occasion in extended conversation whilst helping him treat his cows for pink eye, which I thought was apropos. This was a highly erroneous supposition informing Sam's whole orientation to strategy issues. My understanding, circa early months of 1968, Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, the unit that had been CICV-POLOB (Political Order of Battle: a spin-off from Col. Gaines Hawkins' CICV-OB [Combined Intelligence Center Vietnam, Order of Battle] section) before being moved to MACV-HQ where it could be closely watched over, was that by summer of 1967 it was known that, if every full-time person was counted, enemy strength was approximately 600,000, and considerably more if counted were part-timers who would reliably show up when called upon. This from conversations with a Captain assigned to OB-POLOB-SRA, who had arrived in Saigon during 1965, worked under Hawkins, and who, by early-1968 was the individual with the longest running personal history of engagement with the nuts-and-bolts of actually doing the maths and statistics of producing the enemy strength estimate. But, so far as I then understood, the command position on the enemy strength figure did not come from OB-POLOB-SRA; it came from the Inconsequence Division, as we in SRA referred to Danny Graham's CIIED, Current Intelligence, Indications and Estimates Division, located downstairs from SRA in the restricted SI (sensitive intelligence) area, the tank, of MACV-HQ. So, essentially, the actual work done on estimating enemy strength was simply ignored, or lost within the cockamamie pecking order of the command -- however one prefers to characterize it. Gaines Hawkins was gone by the time I arrived in SRA -- from, initially, TID-525th MIG (Technical Intelligence Detachment, 525th Military Intelligence Group, and CICV-Targets -- a few weeks before the Tet-'68 offensive -- so, I couldn't possibly have an impression of him, except by hearsay. Nonetheless, if the following quotation attributed to him by Hiam (page 142) is accurate, then I would have to say that he was much too focused on military OB and strength, thus neglecting POLOB, to grasp the actual strategic issues involved, to wit, quoting Hiam who incorporates into his assessment two direct quotes from Hawkins:
During the summer of 1970 Hawkins sat in a little straight-backed chair [in the Pentagon] with sheaves of old Viet Cong documents in his hands. The documents told of a defeated enemy organization, an organization that during Tet had been shattered, its most dependable leaders killed, its guerrilla and local forces decimated, its administrative services in disarray, and its hierarchy engaged in mutual recriminations. [That was Hiam's assessment of Hawkin's assessment.] Hawkins read on and on with mouth agape. He realized, Our armed forces had literally kicked the shit out of the Communists during Tet. The term is overworked, but they were in a state of emotional trauma. They were ready for mopping up.
So, what were these old Viet Cong documents Hawkins was reading? Post-Tet-'68, presumably. Not yet old by 1970. Clearly, he was not reading nuts-and-bolts documents, the administrative minutia, which, analyzed en masse via traffic analysis, tell the tale as to what actually happened, not what people say happened. He was reading VC policy documents, the sort of fluff stuff Daniel Ellsberg chose to include in his Pentagon Papers. These documents are largely internal criticism/self-criticism -- phe binh and kiem thao -- the function of which is largely ritualistic with psychological objectives much more than policy-related objectives to the practice (like in utopian socialism, a public form of self-observation as collective meditative practice). This is where the words disarray and mutual recriminations come from. In no way providing an accurate objective portrait of the state of the system. I say, Clearly, he was not reading nuts-and-bolts documents. How can I know that? Because such documents could not be analyzed at CIA Langley or in the Pentagon. Why? Ask: how could Hawkins, from document studies made in the Pentagon, know that most dependable leaders [were] killed during Tet-'68? He couldn't possibly, because names, AKAs, in the captured documents are not given, they are referred to with alphanumeric codes, codes that are frequently changed. This is also the case for units, sections, elements, so on. Occasionally, in the translations (done at CDEC, the Combined Document Exploitation Center), the translators would include known AKAs and element names with the alphanumeric codes used in the Vietnamese-language documents, but not often, and those so done were frequently out of date. That's one reason why analysts at SRA were over at CDEC on virtually a daily basis talking with the translators: to keep up to the minute with what was known about the designatees of the changing codes. This could not be done at Langley or the Pentagon; so, only in Saigon could the nuts-and-bolts documents actually be analyzed by traffic analysis. But the CIA analysts located in the Norodom Complex of the U.S. Embassy never went to CDEC, so they never did traffic analysis on nuts-and-bolts documents, either; they, too, relied on their readings of phe binh and kiem thao documents. I could go on and on with these sorts of observations, but it's half a century later, so what's to justify such. Moreover, anyone really interested can read our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh to find out a little more. The most interesting aspect of VC institutional behavior I found was frequent changes of their boundaries and the associated tacit mapping of bureaucratic variables thereupon, a behavior which anticipated discovery of the holographic principle whereby the boundary contains all the information in the space circumscribed. This, I have over the years attempted to pursue implications of.
In the Introduction section to his paper, Orthomodular Logic, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 20:25-27, 1974, pp. 395-406, Gudrun Kalmbach observed that, The OM-logic is, however, incomparable with other generalizations of classical logic like intuitionistic, Lukasiewicz- and Post-type logics. In fact, the only common extension of each of these with the OM-logic is the classical logic. This commonality is obviously because the OM-logic (which has been adopted cum adapted as being the algebraic lattice-logic of quantum mechanics) is, by definition, a 1T2-only logic -- ortho indicating that the two defining values of THE logic form an orthocomplementation, a straight and proper (ortho) relation of opposites which completes-perfects (complements) THE logic. I draw attention to this statement by Kalmbach because it pristinely exemplifies one of the major dissimulations employed to keep m-valued Lukasiewicz-Post separated from Schrödinger's m-valued state-function: i.e., use of the word extension. Classical 1T2-only logic alone is not an extension of Lukasiewicz-Post-type logics; it is a reduction, the most reduced logical-value order-type thereof. Be aware that lattice in the context of algebra and logic and number theory is not necessarily a lattice in the common (geometric: the Hasse diagram is not a true point-set topology in, say, the fashion of a Regge lattice, more like a line-and-block chart, which fact is problematic if the objective is to discover how topologically-active operator-time transforms pregeometry logical lattices into geometrodynamic Regge lattices) sense of the word (algebraically-numerically even a simple interval can be deemed a lattice); it's just a word for a whatnot with a number of defining characteristics, a word chosen as a designator, when other words would have done as well, a word like field is merely a word and ring is merely a word as employed in abstract algebra (take the collection of properties constituting basic arithmetic and challenge axioms, remove definers, and, voila, a sequence of more and more general algebraic structures comes into being). Another related dissimulation -- at least what I classify a dissimulation -- is exemplified in the basic thesis of John Harding's paper Decompositions in Quantum Logic, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 348:5, May 1996. Quoting the Abstract:
We present a method of constructing an orthomodular poset from a relation algebra. This technique is used to show that the decompositions of any algebraic, topological, or relational structure naturally form an orthomodular poset, thereby explaining the source of orthomodularity in the ortholattice of closed subspaces of a Hilbert space.
But note that in the exposition the Orthomodular Law is first stated as a given, the specified ortho-A-perp and the oplus direct sum thereof rolling the involved poset onto the plane such that the modularity is explicitly defined on the collection of closed subspaces of Hilbert space. Moreover, the decomposition is conducted only by ordered-pairs, not by ordered (pairs, triplets, quadruplets, ,n) such that the ortho-perpendicularity is understood the terminal decomposition involute of nth-degree J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity (which we have maintained subtends full-blown Heisenberg uncertainty, not just the binary variety formulated in the uncertainty inequalities). In the latter case, that [2,3,4, ,n), the habitus of quantum mechanics involving, as it does, 1T2-uncertainty, nonlocality, non-simple identity, would be in state spaces µTmly supraordinate to those orthomodular and on non-selfsame J.G.Bennettian-skew polytopes, not on the selfsame rational polytopes of axiomatic quantum mechanics as traditionally construed (see, for an interesting hexagonal analysis: A Characterization of State Spaces of Orthomodular Lattices, Frederick W. Shultz, Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A), 17, 1974, pp. 317-28, where It is shown that every rational polytope is affinely equivalent to the set of all states of a finite orthomodular lattice, and that every compact convex subset of a locally convex topological vector space is affinely homeomorphic to the set of all states of an orthomodular lattice). Not our µTmly sweetened cup of tea, what! So, what's what, according to our take, as to assessment of details vis-à-vis the Birkhoff-vonNeumann conception of quantum logic? The notion identity-qua-identity as a metaphysical category logically and ontologically precedes the notion distinction because there needs be a somewhat (BackCloth, AllBase, CommonGround) within which the drawing of a distinction-between can be accomplished. G. Spencer Brown in his book Laws of Form demonstrated that the notion distinction is more fundamental in logic than is the notion truth-value. And since I have long held that identity-qua-identity is more fundamental than is distinction, I have submitted that the notion of relative-states of identity-transparency is the fundament of logic, not the notion of truth-values (truth-values being apropos 1T2-only-logic alone). This submission as to the fundament of logic entails as disjunction (in the common demotic sense of a parting of the ways) with Birkhoff-vonNeumann, in that our contention as to the nature of quantum non-simple identity, i.e., that it involves states of relative-state identity-transparency (cf. states of generative empathy unto Einfuhlung [see, for excellent commentary: From 'Einfuhlung' to Empathy , Joanna Ganczarek and Thomas Hunefeldt and Marta Olivetti Belardinelli, Cognitive Processing, 19:2, 2018, pp. 141-45]; Buddhologically, states of compassion manifest on the samadhi-state continuum), dictates violation of the general modular lattice equivalence justifying the thesis that all weak inequalities (cf. what of the Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities?) can be handled as if equations, i.e., to wit: s entails t iff s intersect t = s (see page 3 of The Third Life of Quantum Logic: Quantum Logic Inspired by Quantum Computing, J. Michael Dunn and Lawrence S. Moss and Zhenghan Wang, arXiv, 14 February 2013). This cannot be as so stated because the object-constancy-violating identity-qua-identity of s is non-simply non-selfsame instantaneously by superposition of m-values (of Schrödinger's state-function) and sequentially m-valued under the memetime-bound-dynamics reading of Schrödinger-memetime-independent involutory-decomposition, thus exhibiting µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency, µTmly, with the whole whole of which it is a part, CTC+ly, as part which is, indubitably is, indistinguishably the whole whole, such that no distinctions are drawable on the C+TC+ most-densely-packed BackClothCommonGround Tzog-chen AllBase. Something similar is the case with the notion dimension, which, due to the quantum non-simple identity involved in essential nonlocality, cannot be a monotonic valuation, be the notion dimension integer or fractal, this non-monotonicity entailing the necessity for employment of non-selfsame numbers if adequate characterization is to be accomplished (I have long entertained-maintained that holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation is a functional prerequisite to such accomplishment). In light of considerations such as these, we contended, in our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper, that the binary uncertainties formulated in the Heisenberg inequalities are subtended by a non-monotonic modularity of LSTDs, i.e., limited spacetime domains, the multi-subworlds of this one-and-only world, if you will -- i.e., non-orthomodular, such that the Birkhoff-vonNeumann negation of a subspace is the set of states that are 'orthogonal' to every state in the subspace (see page 2 of Dunn-Moss-Wang) is violated by involvement of full-set skew-perpendicularity (logical-proposition-wise, µTm-unto-CTC+) as drawn by non-selfsame J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels, the modules involved being non-selfsame skew-polytopes, not, à la Frederick W. Shultz, simply-identifiable rational selfsame polytopes.
Their subordinate functional elements so conflicted as to be engaging in cellular autophagocytosis, dead Cartesian-Newtonian institutions walking, staggering, standing. Can, say, nation-states die of exsanguinations? Dawdling campus putterers, sufferers of the screaming abdabs, their eurhythmic cogitations shot to bipolar smithereens, panties all in a wad, have driven out the closemouthed smart shooters, most of whom these days have Chinese, Eastern European, Middle Eastern names, a few from India, South America, Russia. Ours has never been to reason over whys; our responsibility lies solely in hows, wheres, and whens. Dysregulation capture, orchestrated by the global leadership elite (GLE): OMG, encrypt-stuck in viscous meshworking cyberspace lattice -- and no matricing a way out! The demergence unfold, though, à la Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes, is a cosmic-exile-way out of the empyrean OpSec (operational security) enfold and involves, so my I/im believe, 3-fold (instead of the 3-dimensions of momentum employed by Birkhoff-vonNeumann) topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) executing the ComPro (communications protocol) logic switchings on C+TC+ Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround (function spaces cum phase spaces cum Hilbert spaces being down the ontological heterarchy from this functor space, insofar as hypered hyperKleinBottle reentries are neglected for the heuristic purpose of explicating second-order framework determining conditions sans consideration of the non-orientable third-order) required to decrypt qua decompose qua factor extremely large non-selfsame numbers into their sets of prime-component ensembles, the involved prime components being the elements of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of the pregeometry propositions descriptive of the component processes codifiable as the geometrodynamics (representable as changing curvature configurations qua Regge lattices) informing ponderablespacememetime physics. With respect to the remergence enfold, think of the cognitive bleed-over from 3-fold topo-active counter-optime as unspeakable-unsingable, colored, inner-Musculpt lingua universalis being holoexteriorized as mathematical notation holosynthesized in Q-computer-generated µTm-logical-orbifold symformphonie algorithmically inputted as the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers numbering µTm-unto-CTC+-logical latticings of 1T2-logical Regge lattices of colored-sounded ponderablespacememetime curvature configurations. The standard consensus qubitic notion of Q-computing with 0 and 1 as orthonormal computational basis states was thus construed so as to be compatible with guilty/not-guilty, uh, uh, oops, an unmentionable (particularly so, as this either/or is not applied to the fallacious GLE composed of undistributed in-betweens: functional morons, inebriant maintenance sozzlers, infrasex adepts, hemisemidemineutrals, psychopathic sociopaths ; even more particularly so, perhaps, with the up/down either/or, as, under 1T2-only capitalism, war profiteering cum pandemic profiteering are market action directives), with, that is, the probabilistic interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function (R&D conducted under this dissimulation yields infratech; assessment of natural processes, e.g., how solar-terrestrial interactions engage with Earth's various superintegrated spheres in midst of climate-shift dynamics, conducted under this dissimulation yields a normotic's take) and the Born Rule as well as with the memetime-bound-string constitution (not a, say liquid, optime-higher-temporal-formants-enfold constitution or a, say plasma, optime-higher-temporal-formants-wave-effect frequency-funnel constitution) of the register in the Turing machine (see, for discussion of this topic: The Third Life of Quantum Logic: Quantum Logic Inspired by Quantum Computing, J. Michael Dunn and Lawrence S. Moss and Zhenghan Wang, arXiv, 14 February 2013: in their treatment, orthonormality is retained even with n-qubit registers and Cm complex vector spaces). They use big-C to indicate complex; I use big-C to indicate the Cantorian continuum. Given that we do not embrace the probability interpretation, the Dunn-Moss-Wang extension of Birkhoff-vonNeumann cannot be our idea of Q-computing. As regards finite, circuit-effectuated, µTm-digital Q-computing, the [mu}itic skewabnormal computational basis states would be mu and m; as regards transfinite, wave-effectuated, CTC+-analog Q-computing, the [aleph}itic skewabnormal computational basis states would be C and C+.
If processor processing be heuristically confined to 1st- and 2nd-order dynamics, the register space of a digital (can't be actually-digital if the propositions processed be semantically understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency) Lukasiewicz-Post µTm-quantum computer would be a multi-domain Riemann-surface-like nesting-foam qua superlattice-of-lattices-of-sublattices of boundary-without-boundary-circumscribed-but-not-altogether-closed subspaces of Hilbert space? And what of the Lukasiewicz-Post algebras of such a computer, a computer processing -- by spontaneous fusion -- relative to µTm-relative-states of quantum-non-simple identity-transparency? Incidentally, speaking of fusion, use of the word disjunction to designate logical union, I always (well, beginning in an independent study, with Ben Ray Smith and David Leblanc, course in Symbolic Logic, monitored by Mr. Moore, Eielson AFB High School, Alaska, circa 1961) thought of as being a collectively-embraced anti-animistic, qua denaturing, Freudian slip -- this thought I later surmised was due to my childhood exposure to animistic modes of comprehension whilst gallivanting the rice fields below Midori Gaoka (verdant hills), Ashiya-machi, Onga-gun, Fukuoka-ken, kita-Kyushu, 1954, period of the resupply of Dien Bien Phu from Ashiya AFB via hand-off to CAT in Ha Noi. And -- digressive paraphasic derailment here -- speaking of denaturing, consider denatured GreenMonkey-cum-Bovine-cellular DNA/RNA cum viral-RNA nucleotide-soup inactivated-RNA vaccines. Pandemic profiteering aside, if promulgators-purveyors of the BigPharma-produced consensus medical model of COVID-19 were to endorse therapeutic use of nitric acid nasal spray, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin, then there would be calls for explanations as to exactly how -- mechanisms of action other than, say, opening cell-membrane glutamate-gated chloride channels -- these medicinals suppress COVID-19 -- and research into that, if confirmatory, would draw the consensus BigPharma-model into question on a fund[a}mentalist's level. Hmmm. I don't know much of anything about all this, but, more than half a century ago, I did learn in SF medics training all the lab procedures, including dark-field analysis, required for use of the SF airborne-deliverable medical lab. How well does the centrifuge (see the Cell lines and Virus culture and titration sections of Assessment of inactivation procedures for Sars-CoV-2, Heidi Auerswald, et al., Journal of General Virology, 102:3, 8 January 2021; and Virus Isolation from the First Patient with Sars-CoV-2 in Korea, Wan Beom Park, et al., Journal of Korean Medical Science, 35:7, 18 February 2020; and Isolation and characterization of Sars-CoV-2 from the first US COVID-19 patient, Jennifer Harcourt, et al., bioXriv, 7 March 2020: and note that the claims to electron-microscope identification of COVID-19 viruses are expertly challenged in Caution in Identifying Coronaviruses by Electron Microscopy, Sarah E. Miller and Cynthia S. Goldsmith, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 31:9, September 2020, p. 2223, and in Electron microscopy of SARS-CoV-2: a challenging task, Cynthia S. Goldsmith, et al., Lancet, 395, 30 May to 5 June 2020) separate out by molecular weights nucleotides of different origins? Separate out as well as do the wave-trace velocities cum frequency-response characteristics of their composite quantum-wave properties? Since, in the non-classified literature at least, our molecular-biologist genome-specialist genetic tinkerers blanket deny substantive biological significance to these quantum-chemistry wave properties, we began in the late-'70s to entertain the thesis that the probability-wave-dissimulation of the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function, which dissimulation denies applicability thereto of m-valued Lukasiewicz-Post logics, has predisposed to the tinkerers' genetic-engineering infratech -- which should never have been developed until those quantum-wave properties were thoroughly explored, or if so explored in classified research, not reserved to military and other predatory uses. That extended aside having played out contrary to the infratech[no}crat's introspectively-incompetent raciocinator mindset qua emotively-blind cogitation -- little or no awareness of inner-Musculpt; no registration of photismic-cum-electrical-surge promptings from the collective unconscious -- we return to the finite µTm-quantum computer. The component-wise construction of the algebras thereof can't be defined relative to the Boolean unary and sentential operators, because the variables, and even the constants, operated upon within logical-value order-types 1T3-unto-µTm are not simply-identifiable discrete whatnots authentically numerable with selfsame numbers (meaning that the primitive symbols, terms, variables, constants, formulas, proofs of the formal theory underlying these algebras, defined for employment at calculation of the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers numbering the lattices of the logics' nesting-foams, can't be extensions of the Boolean unary [and, or, not] and sentential operators; to the contrary, those Boolean must be abject reductions of those Lukasiewiczian-Postian). The most-primitive autopoietic operators would be those acting upon C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround. What are these? Certainly not and, or or, and not not -- which presuppose atomistic selfsame discretes, i.e., embrace the mistaken classical claim that objects are absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, to use the term Hubert Benoit coined in Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen. Likely, they are topological operators like untwist, unpaste, unfold, uncut. Not merely the down-the-line, qubitically-processed, orthonormal-2-dimensional, Abelian anyons, the ontologically and logically prior mu-itically-processed skewabnormal-C-dimensional Abelian allons on C+TC+ Musculpt manifold! Before making speculative remarks on quantum analogues of classical objects, Dunn-Moss-Wang address intrinsic entanglement, to wit, quoting The Third Life of Quantum Logic: Quantum Logic Inspired by Quantum Computing, J. Michael Dunn and Lawrence S. Moss and Zhenghan Wang, arXiv, 14 February 2013, page 13:
The many-anyon state is a state with topological order. Topological order is an internal, dynamical, non-local pattern of many-anyon systems characterized by intrinsic entanglement. In quantum mechanics, entanglement is defined with respect to a tensor decomposition of the relevant Hilbert space, which amounts to a measurement. In a topological state, the ground state manifold has no natural tensor decompositions. Therefore entanglement of topological states is intrinsic -- a salient feature of topological order.
Entanglement is something discretes can do; it's down the line of decomposition from µTm-relative-state identity-transparency -- not to mention those relative-states CTC+ly identity-transparent. Measurements require measurers -- less absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly, measurers-participators. And it can, parenthetically, be observed, heh-heh-heh, that quantum 1T1-objectivity-sans-subjectivity qua quantum 1T1-subjectivity-sans-objectivity is not the same as the Self/less induced by transhumanist infratech delivery of immortality-in-memetime. Observer-participant-state is also a non-selfsame quantum-object selfhood, I/iC+, by inner-separation at -- at qua at progressively more and more so, there being less and less memetime lapse with heightened memetime warp as baud-rate of attention-cathexes-flashby increases until -- concentration in self-observation: my body, myself, the self of myself, the self of that self ostensibly unto µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency (tantamount, it may be supposed, to Samadhi-state continuum at close approach to Nirvanic AllBase). No mere wordsmithy's rumination on philosophical cud. Dunn-Moss-Wang carry the probability interpretation into their consideration of the quantum Cantor set, and thereby miss out on our µTm-unto-CTC+ collection of the logical cases of The Case. To µTm-quantum-wave-function modify Dedekind, good offices of the quotation provided, page 15, by Dunn-Moss-Wang, non-selfsame numbers are a means of apprehending more easily and more relatively the identity-transparency of whatnots.
Just as it is not necessary to embrace details of Immanuel Velikovsky's theses as presented in his 1950 book entitled Worlds in Collision and in his 1982 Mankind in Amnesia in order to receive what he most fundamentally offered, i.e., release qua detachment from uniformitarian presuppositions to Weltanschauung and cosmology, so, too, it is not necessary to embrace details of Olaf Stapledon's theses as presented in his 1930 book entitled Last and First Men and in his 1937 Starmaker in order to receive what he most fundamentally offered, i.e., release qua decentering from the anthropomorphism vectoring consensus human-centered historiography. Circa 1975, I rejected, for instance, the integristic personification (by projective-identification at transference) unfortunately [un}evidentially adduced (i.e., resurrecting the anthropomorphism ostensibly quenched) by Starmaker's muddied essay on Schrödinger-memetime-independent IDD, involutory-decomposition demergence. I also rejected the Last-and-First-Men-notion that memetemporal-present-day hu-hu-[hu}manity is First Men. In Last and First Men, Stapledon portrayed each Men as having had their FFF, fatal-flaw fixation qua chief feature, an FFF responsible for hesheits' near extinction, the remnant few breeding pairs at the poles spawning the next Men before themselves passing on. That Men extant over the last some-thousands of years, the Kali Yuga (note how old and how persistent is personification, and the notion of simple-identity-qua-simple-identity as metaphysical category predicated thereby, in this case, the geomantic-acupuncture-sword wielding demiurge-savior Kalki, avatar of personified godhead Vishnu; and be aware that introjection of the projected personification is one of the psychic dysfunctions that places the mindset on the regressed-archetypal collective-unconscious gradient transforming primordialist [e.g., Julius Evola's 1934 Revolt Against the Modern World , a copy of the 1995 English translation sent to me in Nong Khai, circa 2003, by David Spillane in Chiang Mai] participation mystique into purified-identity-seeking fascism [be the totalitarian phase transition initialized from the religiopolitical right or the religiopolitical left], e.g., in the case of Julius Evola's belief-system devolution), of which our current homo Sapiens may well be the last, has, according to my admittedly-unprofessional assessment, an FFF chief-feature total identification with simple-identity, the mistaken existential claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct (the separatism generator of normotic self-alienation, as divorced from Durkheimian social normlessness, and schizoidal internal anomie, as divorced from the devaluation of socially-valued standards), an erroneous claim one way or another carried into virtually every unfounded fundament of successive and coexistent pathological Weltanschauungs, most elaborately into that Weltanschauung which is Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean, and only seriously challenged by discovery of quantum-non-simple identity, a discovery subjected to so much dissembling that the involved dissimulations can easily be viewed as, among other collaborating egregious salients, having been a trigger for onset of the WWII battle of the 200-years War of the World. Who has the right to decide when and especially how the herd needs culling? Our self-elected Elect? Those 1T2ly exhibiting bi-polar tendencies and, thus, most suffering from metanoiaphobic autoimmunopotentiation; and, moreover, colluded with dreck-purveying agit-prop inflammasomes infiltrating myriad reacting solubilizing moieties, e.g., PACs, NGOs, Showa-like kenkyukai policy institutes? Those most low of binding avidity, hence spurning authentic high-affinity interactions, all the while claiming to be dense with pattern recognition receptors, yet undertaking policy initiatives that stimulate insurgent formation of natural killer cells? Given the crossing guards put in place, e.g., QEing, nothing as yet has done a critical-event-threshold crossing vis-à-vis cuspover climacteric. Regarding a policy of culling, rubbish-theory maths inverted in order to reclassify treasure as trash: as a onetime -- because of SF medic training, briefly recruited during late-1967 when the ORs were overwhelmed with wounded from the battle of Dak To -- surgical tech, U. S. Army Hospital, Camp Zama, Japan, I have no doubt as to how hard it would be to plausible-deniably mass induce OpMong silent heart attacks by global administration of half-a-dozen milligrams of C14H30N2C4, suxamethonium chloride. Rapidity of onset and virulence of the mass psychopathology are measures of the divergence of Weltanschauung from metaphysical foundations of the institutional base: the greater that div, the greater the largely-collective-unconscious cognitive dissonance and the greater the likely violence involved in converging back to consonance. Stupidly or not, I've been making major life decisions on the basis of that formulation ever since first readings into C. G. Jung, circa 1963, and subsequently quitting college, circa 1965, on The Road to Find Out a deeper comprehension of the etiology of the pathogenesis. Understanding is poor as to how deep the deep-structure of current events is -- and what that implies about how useless are surface-structure rectifications. Deep-structure etiology unchanged, event gradients will, like water in a rocky stream, find a way. Today, that div is far greater than it was in run-up to WWII. Indicating what, about severity of the likely consequents? Hollywood sangFreud of the GLE's, global leadership elite's, members is so elaborate expectation is high that they would have at least -- of all the phenomenologies of projective-identification at transference on its many levels: man-woman, interpersonal, subject-object -- made conscious their projections-- but, alas Hmmm. Apparently, lying to the Elect -- liars all -- is a worse crime than collusion in instigating planetarization of democide by infrateched zaibatsuization of EarthOrb facilitated by pandemic-induced shutdown. Every intelligent, attentive person -- including island-owning and bunker-building members of the GLE -- knows that the odds are good, based on the historical precedents of 1789 and 1917, that a Great HuntDown is likely to transpire during coming cuspover, the big question being: what will be the trigger? Triggered by actual mass man[i}fest|at[i}on of the possible severe side-effects of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination coupled to ambient 5G+ radiation impacts upon DNA-RNA, impacts denied, ignored, altogether dismissed by maintaining that DNA quantum-wave properties have no substantive biological function, genomics being a molecular-scale-level matter only? But how easily do irradiated anti-mRNA antibodies slide into being anti-DNA antibodies à la, say, SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus, or just de-specify their targeting criteria such like as to become plain ol' generic autoantibodies? But, perhaps, COVID-19 is just one of the test pandemics and there is memetime lapse yet before the big one. Or triggered by runaway mass starvation brought on by loss of control over processes put into top-down motion by the attempted Great Reset from nation-states to network states cum crypto-claves (good offices of Mark Jeftovic, ZeroHedge, 7 September 2021). Or triggered by calculated miscalculation leading into the space-based, environmental, robotic, PW1, Planetary War One, battle of the 200-years War of the World, which I've long asserted (largely on basis of consideration of cultural-set relative to present-day hu-hu-[hu}manity's FFF) will be a remnants-of-the-BritishEmpire faceoff with a GermanoRussian Bloc aligned to a GreaterChina Mahayana Buddhist Bloc, and, if not a planetary nuclear holocaust, India being the base area for backdoor CA on China, the major sea battles being fought along supply lines in the South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, the U.S. reindustrializing largely in the New England, the Western Pacific projected as quickly becoming a Chinese lake (this assertion about reindustrialization, which I've made for decades, I now, for the first time, see discussed in The Emerging American Industrial Policy, Keith B. Belton, American Affairs Journal, 5:3, Fall 2021). Or triggered by the piling up of unanticipated geoengineered natural disasters, the lack of adequate forecasting due to underestimation as to the degree of superintegration of the various spheres of Earth, this underestimation secondary to compulsive clinging to the mistaken notion of a classical limit, this clinger behavior epiphenomenal to the probability dissimulation of the m-valued state-function of the Schrödinger equation preventing proper application of m-valued Lukasiewicz-Post logics? The disallowance of m-valued Lukasiewicz-Post as interpreter of m-valued Schrodinger is so thoroughly paranoiac-compulsive that even memetime moments are to be handled as probability fog projected sideways from the arrowing timeline, but not, quantum-mechanically speaking, as 2-sided-coin-tossed Boolean probabilities; m-valued Lukasiewiczian [as distinct from the last two sentences of Post's 1921 paper] probabilities mapped upon the right-side-open memetime interval [>>>) of the future-as-hisstory understood as temporal interpretation of the closed real interval [0,1] understood the binary-number interpreter of 2-valued-only logic -- minus the Law of Distributed Middle in the m-valued-logic case of 1T2-only logic. Quoting from the abstract -- where it is most succinctly stated -- to The logic of the future in quantum theory, Anthony Sudbery, Authur Prior Centenary Conference, Oxford, September 2014, last revised 3 June 2016:
According to quantum mechanics, statements about the future made by sentient beings like us are, in general, neither true nor false; they must satisfy a many-valued logic. I propose that the truth value of such a statement should be identified with the probability that the event it describes will occur I construct a lattice of future-tense propositions, with truth values in the interval [0, 1], and derive logical properties of these truth values given by the usual quantum-mechanical formula for the probability of a history.
Hmmm. As regards regression in probability of a history, we can observe that the contention over how to count COVID-19 cases did not have its origin in the Viet-Nam-war controversy over the correct enemy-strength-estimate number; ever since-- certainly the Korean war, every number officially employed has in one way or another been man[u}fractured. And that condition of the condition of our condition goes back to the World-Wars-era conundrum over how to understand quantum numbers; which, itself, signified the condition of our condition that went back to N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility-Theorem existence-proof for trans-al-jabr. I thoroughly and unqualifiedly agree with the following statement made by Vic Christianto and Florentin Smarandache (U. of New Mexico, Gallop), to wit, quoting the abstract to their book entitled Multi-Valued Logic, Neutrosophy, and Schrödinger Equation, Hexis-Phoenix, 2005:
The book is motivated by observation that despite almost eight decades, there is indication that some of those paradoxes known in Quantum Physics are not yet solved. In our knowledge, this is because the solution of those paradoxes requires re-examination of the foundations of logic itself, in particular on the notion of identity and multi-valuedness of entity.
Yet, I cannot embrace their embrace of 1T3-only -- true, indeterminate, false -- neutrosophic logic in application to the m-valued state-function of the Schrödinger equation as having provided the required re-examination of the notion of identity and multi-valuedness of entity. My understanding of what I know to be my knowledge of what is knowable about the neutrosophic Rx of the Schrödinger equation is as follows. Real reality is the way we know it to be in our normal state of consciousness employing 1T2-only-logic alone; what we don't know in that state can't be known because it is inherently unknowable due to the nature of real reality, not to any epistemic limitations on our part; therefore, anything whatsoever we find we don't-can't-couldn't know is of a third-logical-value kind definitely knowable as unknowableness, as indeterminateness, as uncertainty, as a diffuse fuzziness. And so, you see, the only difference between the classical and the quantum is that what classically was unknown is quantum mechanically inherently unknowable: it's simply that simple, and we can go about taking care of business with the Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean metaphysical assumptions underlying our institutional base intact because nothing essential in our Weltanschauung has changed in the transition from the old physics to the new physics. Moreover, that's down to details as to how the single-valued Newtonian laws of motion were replaced by the multi-valued Schrödinger wave-function. How that provides the required re-examination of the notion of identity and multi-valuedness of entity seems to me to require a third-logical-value definitely knowable as unknowableness. As distinct from the 1T3-neutrosophic take, we posit Postian (the last two sentences of his 1921 paper) µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency in lieu of truth-value-derived notions of logic (have a look at Smarandache-Christianto's Appendix 2, Summary of bibliography of non-standard logics, descriptive of 28 such truth-value-derived logics). Juxtaposition of our 1977 and 1978 papers with An Interpretation of the Wave Function as a Cohomological Measure of Quantum Vorticity, R. M. Kiehn, 22.Pair (bivalently appropriate?), 13 August 1998, cited by Smarandache-Christianto, is instructive, particularly if Kiehn's characteristic sets of tangential discontinuities among the solutions to the Schroedinger equation be understood indicative, not only of solitons on vortex filaments, but of the µTm-logically-processed J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels subtending Heisenberg's 1T2-uncertainty inequalities. However, we do not maintain that quantum mechanics resembles classical dynamics; rather, that there is no classical limit such that classical dynamics has, in fact, always and all ways been quantum mechanical. There is no relationship between classical and quantum; there is only µTm-unto-CTC+ quantum. The classical dissimulation, glutamatergically anchored, is Maya, the illusion generated by employment of 1T2-only-logic alone.
I started to have derealizing, time warp, spatial contraction Plexiglas wall experiences, tunnel-vision, near-fugue, bend-over-and-put-my-head-between-my-knees states soon after return to the U.S. from Japan. Sewickley, PA, circa 1957, aged 12: photisms, color fields, ringing in the ears. Petit mal harbingers of access to inner-Musculpt? But it wasn't until the very early 1970s, taking modern dance, trying to draw and paint music, that I suddenly recognized, and clearly articulated to myself, that my verbal thought processes must always have been tacitly underlain by colored-flowing-sounded forms -- only made conscious, in my case, in deep states of concentration on theoretical material, in thought or conversation. Though I had learned of steganography in reading David Kahn's book The Codebreakers during early-1968 whilst at SRA/MACV-J2 (the copy owned by Capt. Kelly Robinson), somehow it did not occur to me until much later, during the mid-1980s, that the subtending of verbal thought by inner-Musculpt could be steganographic. But, until recently, I never saw a pretext, heh-heh-heh, upon which to pursue implications of that possibility as regards the apparent substratum. Now, however, it appears that Musculpted-image-steganographic principles could possibly shed light on how topo-active operator-time (topo-active optime) decomposes logic lattices into Regge lattices. Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-propositions steganographically embedded in animated Musculpt-colored-sounded-form symformphonic inner-cinerama. Hiding an image in an audio file; hiding temporal-CURLed higher-order-topo-active-optime formants (resonance frequency filters as regards inter-nest involutory decomposition) in the image of a sounded-form; inner-Musculpt as steganographic light-sound-interaction-device-generated symformphonic metalanguage.
On the first morning of the Fall Semester, 1963, the 80 members of the entering freshman class assembled to receive welcome from the Dean, Ernest Griffith, of the School of International Service, American University, Washington, D.C. I can't remember his exact words, but I remember my understanding of the gist of his message, and my reaction to it: study hard and you will be able to join that group of elite policymakers who set the agenda for our great nation and the world at large. Couldn't care a whit, what! so others in the class clearly felt about this greeting. The big hope of the aspirant: tooling a financial bowser right into the center of the global leadership elite. My reaction was that of recoil -- and a certainty that I would quit long before the four years of undergraduate studies were completed. I wasn't explicitly thinking fascism, or the JFK Ask not what ; I was emotionally reacting as a teenaged military brat who was so very sick to death of being told what to do by people regarded as not too awfully smart that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with telling others what to do. Leadership is anathema -- consequent of poor systems design, even. But I did study hard, and I did learn a lot at AU-SIS, until I quit half way through my third year: it took that long to leave because I knew the magnitude of what I was giving up. One of my favorite books of that period was recommended reading in Elspeth Rostow's American Civilization seminar: Daniel Boorstin's The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson, 1948 edition. I was definitely on the Jeffersonian side of the Hamilton-Jefferson debates on the national debt and creation of a central bank; indeed, I regarded myself as more Jeffersonian than was Jefferson; whilst no advocate of Existentialist separatism and associated psychological individualism, I was for relative local-ensemble autonomy versus state's rights against sanctity of a federated national government -- and this, in part, on basis, not of anarchism, but of what I had learned in high school PSSC physics class about the quantum properties of natural processes. Indeed, I argued in a paper for Elspeth on the Hamilton-Jefferson debates that there was nothing in Cartesian-Newtonian 18th-century rationalism capable of supporting the Jeffersonian persuasion sufficient to carrying the day against Hamilton -- that that had to wait upon advent of the Planck-Einstein New Physics a century or so later. She didn't think well of that paper, but then why should she have, given how dissimulated quantum physics was and is -- dissimulated so as to squash its implications for political economy of the socius. That nazification of the New World in Hamiltonian variety has only grown and grown is well argued in juxtaposition of How America Abandoned Decentralization and Embraced the State, David Gordon, Mises.org reposting to LewRockwell, 6 September 2021, with The Rise of Economic Fascism in America, Thomas DiLorenzo, a June 1994 article in The Freeman reposted to LewRockwell, 7 September 2021, with 'Personal Carbon Allowances' Pushed To Fight Global Warming, Wesley Smith, reposted to ZeroHedge from The Epoch Times, 14 September 2021. O, the humongous misallocation of resources on a resource-depleting planet -- in but one of many categories: surveillance and related informatics, to include the suborning of GIS systems. Instead of monitoring the measurables required to implement fine-grained tagging of indicator-measurables to the m-values to be ensheaved upon the base-state of a given µTm-processed m-valued-LETS currency unit (one of the many such units there needs be planetarized), vast bulk of the staggering global resource commitment to surveillance and associated processing is overwhelmingly devoted to the proprietary requirements laid down by the myriad security-industrial complexes (indeed, mini-conurbations in some cases). Add to that resource misallocation the energy density of blockchaining crypto-monoscale-currency transactions as sham decentralization, howsoever P2Ped, and-- gee-whizz and gosh! The permutations of all this since the days I was briefly a Targets analyst (CICV-Targets, circa early-1968) are mind-bending when considered are the primitive areal nature of the aerial photography of those days as well as the lack of computerized analysis -- not to mention, on the other side of the ledger, absence of the currently prevailing, in many respects largely counterproductive, command-economy-type operational micromanagement by realtime telepresence. So identified with socially-conferred role attributions-responsibilities as to be near totally oblivious to the natural surround: such personas as this, we want making public policy as humanity attempts to survive coming cuspover of the accelerating global crisis? Those preparing for the near-inevitable Great HuntDown would do well to remember that Hitler, too, had a bunker for his Eve. Possibly due to visual dominance, decentralization is generally thought of pretty much exclusively in terms of spatial organization, echelons being defined primarily relative to geographical areas. How well would that geo-derived focus work in an eco[no}me and institutional framework profoundly infiltrated by quantum-based technologies when quantum mechanics, as David Bohm succinctly characterized in Wholeness and the Implicate Order, is about clocks within clocks within clocks (think: more precisely, 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, and associated temporal CURLs, i.e., Trikaladrsti-tapassiddhi)? Beyond borders, in terms of the pedestrian geo-derived notion of decentralization, means a monoscale system -- and the achievement of planetary organizational monoscale is an objective shared by the radical decenterers (local only) and the radical money-center centerers (global only). But note that P2P-cryptocurrency advocates and CBDC advocates both go for the global-only monoscale: each intent upon Cartesian-Newtonianizing dissimulated-quantum infratech. Whereas unvarnished Schrödinger is M-theoretic all the way, including a multiscale nesting-foam. Schrödinger's m-valued state-function for a part carries holistic information (i.e., µTm-relative-state-type information) about the overall condition of the whole whole, whilst the single-valued function for the part does not: µTm-relative-state (quite different from 1T2-Everettian-relative-state), no synoptic effect of self-interestedness, is the animistic-pagan participation mystique, quantum-potential, magic-without-magic, actual invisible hand responsible for the capitalist market's allocative self-organization, but the self-organizational competency of that market mechanism is low, very low by natural-system standards (even if growth-expectation value is high: motility of economic peristalsis indicated by the velocity of money, as reflected in GDP/M1 or M2), when single-valued monetary units are employed. Explications provided in Ernest G. McClain's The Myth of Invariance: The Origin of the Gods, Mathematics and Music from the RG Veda to Plato and Ron Eglash's African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design, and the iconography on Dong Son bronze drums, strongly suggest that the notion of the band-pass fractal drum was integral to the multi-SCALE primordial cosmologies, and analogically modeled in music systems, land-use schemes, bronze-drum-beaten-out boundaries-without-boundary in sacred space, so on, thus tacitly reinforcing latter-day insurgent insistence on maintenance of cell integrity (counterinsurgent team integrity was lost in 1965, contributing to my decision to quit SF during the last week of Dog Lab). Failure to establish optimum-currency-area integrity at implementation of µTm-LETS currencies (the indicator-measurable-tagged-value ensheavement placed on currency base-state establishing these currencies as band-pass fractal drums) defined over quasi-fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary (such boundaries violating the 1T2-only-legal principle of complementarity whereby jurisdictional overlaps are barred) would largely sacrifice self-organization by resource exchange across plasmahaut-type cellular boundaries, perfect synchronization of far-from-equilibrium negentropic inputs with entropy generation being the necessary and sufficient condition for high-temperature superconductivity, any move in that direction improving self-organizational competency of the market allocative supply-and-demand dynamic.
Development of pathological Weltanschauungs by cooked collective projective-identification, rather than by raw collective introjection of fundaments of the natural surround, is a civilization-defeating process, instances of which are peppered throughout hu-hu-[hu}man hisstory. Our current fulmination -- kicked off, to pick an indicator of initiation, by the Impossibility-Theorem-consensus dissembling of N. H. Abel's 1823 general-quintic-equation existence proof for trans-al-jabr: the Give me simple-identity or give me death! interpretation constellating a collective-unconscious decision for human species suicide -- has its etiology, not in failure of logically-bivalent Cartesian-Newtonian world-picture and derivative Lockean-analogically-designed institutional base, but in the collective choice to dissimulate imports of creations-discoveries in higher mathematics and theoretical physics by means of rationalization via projective-identification such that presumed validity-utility of the foundational metaphysical assumptions of the deeply challenged Weltanschauung could be sustained -- this dissimulation seeding mistaken paradigms in many scientific disciplines, R&D of infratech based thereupon, scientific legerdemain in efforts to shore-up and sustain the mistaken paradigms, consequent mistaken assessments of natural processes such as degree of superintegration of Earth's various spheres. Consider, for instance, the fact that The Bit Player calculated probability of his hot-tip, itty-bitty bet half a century after m-valued logics entered the cultural birth canal. What ideational monarch did he serve? Diving into the collective unconscious can be associated with cognitive barotrauma if introspective incompetence is not first overcome with long-term systematic practice of concentration in self-observation. Moreover, not wise to place confidence in alt-media-produced wishful-thinking-governed forecasts deployed as subtle incitement. Mass-communications-facilitated feeding upon the wealth of expert academic lying involved in the process of attempting to counter worldview deterioration broke the brain-blood barrier protecting (from harebrained schemes such as the various forms of totalitarianism) the population corpus of one society after another, scuttling belief systems essential to competency of the prevailing institutional base, thus magnifying conflict in most every area of human activity. In how many areas are our great saviors creating the problems they are ostensibly trying to solve or [re}solve? Not least, our revered thriller-cum-filmscript writers contriving terrorist actions that terrorist actors have not themselves entertained. By this pathogenesis was the 200-years War of the World generated, a war which we are not through with yet. Advent of GMOs and the COVID-19 conundrum signaled decisive shift from a system that did not want healthy people to a system that doesn't even want unhealthy people. O my, look! Investors are pulling out of CRISPR-cas9 :-( over discovery that it induces chro|moth[rip}sis. See Chromothripsis: Bad news for gene editing, Claire Robinson, GMWatch, 22 September 2021, for a popular account; Chromothripsis as an on-target consequence of CRISPR-cas9 editing, Mitchell L. Leibowitz, et al., Nature Genetics, 53:6, June 2021, pp. 895-905, for the technical account. How come it took so long for this to be discovered? Ask not if 1T2-only-logical money played a substantial role in fostering the fiction that µTm-relative-state-quantum-wave properties of nucleic acids have no substantive biological functions. This is not only an issue for WiFi and 5G: also with regard to intraorganism and intramolecular processes. How long is long-range phase-correlation under µTm-logical Schrödinger wave-function versus under 1T2-logically-probabilistic Schrödinger wave-function? And what about accuracy in engineering of mRNA for COVID-19 vaccines? Where there's an infratechnical problem engineering DNA, nonesuch exists for the engineering of RNA? Now that we are all regarded as non-fungible tokens by the global leadership elite (GLE: what can be said about this self-reproducing cohort -- members of which should be IDed with parasitic numbers -- that authentically captures the order of malignancy it represents?) and made subject to the rubrics of their whims-- hey, what say, voluntarily down that path? Cognitive-malware-insertion-induced cortical-computer-virus immune escape? Contrary to the recruitment-base-expansion-strategy expectations cultivated by the GLE, what thereby produced is psycho-socio-politico-economic-antibody-dependent enhancement of the efficacy of, and expansion of the ranks of, antidisestablishmentarian countertranshumanists. Back off! you pathopsychoimmunosociology, you. Ack, aye, negative expectation values of the governing variables. As a matter of fact, fuzzy logic has been decisively rejected in the public policy sphere where insistence upon The Law of Distributed Middle is sacrosanct and vigorously applied: the middle being shifted overwhelmingly to the 0-net-worth pole; only a picayune diddly jot being moved to the 1-tenth-of-one-percent pole. Used to be raisons was The Breakfast of Champions, nowadays it's raisins. The following from James George Jatras, It's Later than You Think, Ron Paul Institute, 16 September 2021, could have applied to me, the Air-Force-brat son of a bomber pilot and a onetime AU-SIS student:
When I started out, I did so consciously following in the footsteps of my father, a career Air Force officer and fighter pilot, and my father in law, a career agent in the old Immigration and Naturalization Service. After law school and a bit of flirting with the FBI and CIA, I ended up at the State Department, as a commissioned Foreign Service Officer.
Except that, emerging from nascence in 1963 (via first readings into C. G. Jung juxtaposed with close enough contacts with a few of the GLE of the period: seeing intimate details of their lives, this, this, is what I would have to aspire to were I to become, say, an FSO?) and in large part inducing the major life decision to quit college in 1965 (lesson assimilated by osmosis during a mil.brat childhood: don't take a leadership position in a bad war, resign commission instead; ditto, in a disintegrating civilization), I had reached the conclusion that, again quoting Jaras:
This brave new world [the chaotic Lebenswelt and deteriorating naturliche Welt], my young friends, is your world. This is not something that is going to get fixed by the next election, or any election, by a new political party or movement, or by a convention of the states to write new Constitutional language for our Executive, Legislative, and Judicial authorities to ignore or pervert like they do the current language In the end, my young friends, the impact any one of us can expect to have in the face of world-historic trends before which the fates of nations and empires fly like leaves in the autumn winds is vanishingly small. Already baked into the cake will be, I believe, hardships for you that we've become accustomed to think only happen to other people in other countries far away, not seen here since the Revolution and the Civil War, or maybe in isolated instances during the Great Depression
Nowadays, one must wonder as to whether or not collective-self-metaprogrammed activation of prodrug suicide genes encoding centrencephalic-system-targeting transformative enzymes is involved in production of the mass behaviors creating evolution of such circumstances (see discussions of suicide programs as provided by John C. Lilly in, memory serving, Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer and The Center of the Cyclone). Instead of following a career, any career, I decided to devote my energies and meager resources to a search-and-destroy mission vis-à-vis deep-structure etiology of the case well characterized by Jatras. I, of course, at that early juncture, knew nothing of suicide programs or suicide genes; nonetheless, I did fully understood that I might not be able to make even a small dent in the conundrum, but, however much above my pay grade, how could I ground my life in a lesser chore once the situation had been assessed in that fashion? Twenty years old, decisions like that are much easier to make than twenty years later. Many fewer responsibilities, for one thing. As regards popular promulgation of the dissimulations, Tom Clancy, of course, would never have written a counterterrorist thriller entitled Dead and Alive because Schrödinger's cat does not purr its signal processing when stroked with the highly discontinuous Dirac comb function. O, all that trans-al-jabr of those n = minus-infinity sum positive-infinity. And the tending-to-infinitely-small width of the frequency-response windows of, say, bio-temp superconductivity! One important issue involved in this 200-years-long Weltanschauung discombobulation -- a disconcertment muddle trending to foggy stupefaction, and persisting due to perseverance of the clingers -- is that of underlay-versus-overlay, a binary distinction having tech-infratech prefigurations. Build down, i.e., decompose, or build up: this or bivalently dichotomizes the nonorientable involutory. Bifurcation so executed, useful as it is to the binary-mind, is not natural, is no property of nature. It is a projection, an infraself-property automatically (automatic because that which is suppressed inevitably becomes regressed, is thereby shape-shifted, is psychoimmunologically identified as infraself-unto-[non}self, and is, therefore, banished-expelled-expectorated as a projection) attributed to nature. Down is essence-precedes-existence Platonism; up is existence-precedes-essence Aristotelianism, scientism, Existentialism. Down is also Cabalistic, gematric, manifold topological; up is also Rabbinical, atomistic, cellular-automorph generative. To escape this unnatural bifurcation, challenge the very notion precedes -- logically, ontologically, temporally (as I did for the required preceptored Frosh Paper for the Dean, AU-SIS, circa 1963: a challenge-an-axiom that led directly to the entertainment of the notion of active time and then to topologically-active operator-time, topo-active optime). Consider in this context, for instance, Transparency Overlays and Applications, Melissa Chase and Sarah Meiklejohn, CCS/AMC (Computer and Communications Security/Association for Computing Machinery), 2016. Quoting the abstract:
We present the abstract concept of a transparency overlay, which can be used in conjunction with any system to give it provable transparency guarantees, and then apply the overlay to two settings: Certificate Transparency and Bitcoin. In the latter setting, we show that the usage of our transparency overlay eliminates the need to engage in mining and allows users to store a single small value rather than the entire blockchain.
Note that the word transparency as used by Chase-Meiklejohn means not covered over, publically viewable, and refers to a property or condition of a system as being present in operations such as verifying the simple-identity claim made by a user; whereas, the term identity transparency refers to the relative-states of non-simple-identity systemically manifest. Chase-Meiklejohn created their transparency overlay via a formalization of ordered lists (based on tacit consensus that memetime is an objective linear-time) which they call a DLC, a dynamic list commitment. Quoting the paper, as extracted from several locations:
a DLC can be thought of as a generalization of a rolling hash chain or hash tree, and serves as the foundation for our construction of a transparency overlay We define a dynamic list commitment (DLC), which allows one to commit to a list of elements in such a way that (1) the list represented by the commitment can be updated only by having new elements appended to the end [just like is the case with passing time, where insertional cancer of the memetimeline is precluded by 1T2-only-logic-abiding definition of the nature of an instant], and (2) given just the list commitment, one can efficiently prove both the append-only property of the list and that a given element is in the list. One common example of a DLC is a hash tree, and in particular a Merkle tree, in which the root hash acts as the commitment and one can use the hashes of intermediate nodes to prove the above properties Our basic formalization is similar to the definition of a tamper-evident history system
One assumption of this formulation being the simple-identity of the elements (largely disallowing spatial contraction; prescriptively selecting single-valued currency units, transactions involving such processed 1T2-only), and another being that memetime is tamper proof (e.g., time dilation disallowed), thus applying classical Newtonian absolute space and time to a quantum-relativistic-based technology (electron-employing computers, the internet), an application which cloaks the technology in a techno-persona violating its essential properties and sets the stage for carrying that violation into overlay-upon-overlay build-ups there from (exacerbating the Weltanschauung discombobulation, amplifying the misassessments of natural processes, so on). Monoscale single-valued cryptocurrency units, even without overlays, are, of course, in and of themselves, techno-persona clothiers, hence, collectively, a form of infratech. In the build-up-type of modeling, even build-down-decomposition is understood in a build-upable way (whereas, in CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, there is no recursive iteration of 1T2 that yields calculable CTC+ understood a collection of semantically-differentiable relative-states of identity-transparency: this Impossibility Theorem, heh-heh-heh, being exponentiated when, heh-heh-heh, the KleinBottle-reentries associated with 3rd-order topo-active optime are considered), as illustrated in Overlay Networks for Peer-to-Peer Networks, Andrea W. Richa and Christian Scheideler and Stefan Schmid, publication venue not provided, 2016 or later by references, to wit, quoting the section entitled The hierarchical decomposition technique:
Consider the space U = [0,1]d for some fixed d greater than or equal to 1. The decomposition tree T(U) of U is an infinite binary tree, whose root represents U. In general, every node v in the tree represents a subcube U' in U, and the children of v represent two subcubes U'' and U''': U'' and U''' are the result of cutting U' in the middle at the smallest dimension in which U' has a maximum side length. The subcubes U'' and U''' are closed, i.e., their intersection defines the cut. Let every edge to a left child in T(U) be labeled with 0 and every edge to a right child in T(U) be labeled with 1.
Since the root represents U, recursive iteration of the basis states is generative of the full expression hierarchically decomposable -- so, overlay, really, is, in such cases, merely a matter of adjudicating man[age}real issues in systems exhibiting low levels of self-organizational competency due to being formed of simply-identifiable pseudo[monas}tic (false units, jiggambobs, thingamajigs) discretes (Law of Distributed Middle in [0,1]-root application), to being memetime-bound and processing with 1T2-only-logic alone. I note, however, in the Richa-Scheideler-Schmid discussion of the overlay networks based on the continuous-discrete approach, that their depiction of the overlap-portraying dynamic de Bruijn network evokes a sense of the Mnk-extendable (as distinct from the 2nk-bound) Gurdjieffian enneagram which may illustrate the cycle (the temporal CURLed circumambulation of a coordination point: like an SDR -- not so much a Surveillance Detection Routine as a Special Drawing Rite relative to quantum potential) induced by 1st-order topo-active optime as numerically signified by the recurring decimal qua fraction, possibly indicative of the presence of a fractal (where, notably, relative to relative-state identity-transparency, some numbers, Cantor sets, that is -- as regards the notion of non-selfsame numbers -- have more than one different repeating decimal expansion: see Fractal Sets and Dimensions, Patrik Leifsson, dissertation, Linkopings Universitet, Sweden, May 2006, the bottom of page 28). What, essentially, according to current treatments, changes in going from the bit to the qubit, from classical logic to quantum logic? Compare the above-quoted Richa-Scheideler-Schmid statement of the classical Peer2Peer-picture to the following quantum Particle2Particle-picture, as given in The Third Life of Quantum Logic: Quantum Logic Inspired by Quantum Computing, J. Michael Dunn and Lawrence S. Moss and Zhenghan Wang, arXiv, 14 February 2013 (some of the math symbols being changed into equivalent words):
The qubit is a quantum bit. Unlike the classical bit, 0 and 1 are just two of infinitely many possible states of the qubit. The state of a qubit is the superposition (linear combination) alpha0> + beta1> (where alpha, beta are complex numbers representing amplitudes -- amplitudes squared give probabilities). The state of a qubit can be described as a vector (alpha, beta) in the two-dimensional complex vector space C-squared. The special states 0 and 1 are known as the computational basis states, and form an orthonormal basis [not a J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined-µTm-pencils of skew-parallels basis] for this vector space Quantum registers contain qubits (quantum bits). The 2-dimensional space of the complex numbers C-squared = C-cross-C can be thought of as a quantum register containing a single qubit, and all the pairs of complex numbers in it are then thought of as states of that qubit. The n-qubit register C-squared-to-the-nth-power can then be defined inductively as C-squared cross C-squared-to-the-nth-power-minus-one , i.e., C-squared cross C-squared cross, ,cross C-squared (n-times). It turns out that unlike the analogous case with classical logic, the logic of the n-qubit register is generally different from the logic of the 1-bit quantum register, and indeed the logic of the n-qubit register is always different from the logic of the m-bit quantum register when m does not equal n [does this last bit tell us something about the semantics of µTm-valued logics?].
The essential difference is the 90-degree twist onto the complex-number plane. What, specifically, is it that effectuates this 90-degree twist from Cartesian-Newtonian classical simplicity to Planck-Schrödinger quantum complexity? I have yet to find a succinct statement of the consensus formulation which directly answers that question of agency: the Wick rotation is characterized only as a method, a method of finding a solution (by use of imaginary time and involving harmonic oscillators, like, for two instances, is done here and here, only operator-time in these cases is made topologically active relative to the involved harmonic oscillators). To my understanding, and speaking 1T2ly: viewed from the overlaying-enfolding take, it's 1st-order (imaginary) topo-active counter-optime; viewed from the underlaying-unfolding take, it's 1st-order topo-active optime effectuating the inverse transform. Then there's 3rd- and 2nd-order (2 orders of hypercomplex numbers) topo-active optime and counter-optime -- the two orders of which taken together really alter the Weltanschauung, especially as pregeometry-understood to be KleinBottle-reentered-nonorientably executing CTC+-unto-µTm/µTm-unto-CTC+-logically-valued orders of self-referential propositions. Differing from Dunn-Moss-Wang, in our view alpha, beta do not represent amplitudes; alpha, beta, ,C+ represent µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency.
Is bivalence the ontological flaw in ratiocination and, derivatively, in the ratio[sin}nation-state and its supraordinate agglomerations? Just as N. H. Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr was consensuated-denigrated as an Impossibility Theorem, so, clearly, the Clingers would have J. G. Bennett's Heisenberg-uncertainty-subtending, null-vector-defined, skew-parallelism-based notion of non-selfsame identity be regarded tantamount to a violation of the Nullification Proclamation of general systems theory as construed in the decision sciences (abate, abrogate, indeed, annul dissociative identity disorder in the collective occasion of experience called politics; anyways, just ain't nonesuch there to be found, no how, say the Clingers -- and certainly not in the framework determining conditions of the inductive-Baconian basis states of Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean institutional ground). That annulment, that's the only way FaceBook can keep at bay the interior distance wherein established is habitus of the µTm-faces of Eve. O, such a deity! yon permanently impertinent, indeterminant termagant. Flight From Woeman continues in various guyses! By studies in human time, memetime-bound, one-way-street, smooth-noodle maps don't interest my me nearly so much as invertible folded-towel diffeomorphisms, each sheet between folds a µTm-nuance plenum. Numerical plots in feeling-space-places (predominantly on the distaff side -- nowadays a greatest-generation designator found to be rooted in political incorrectness -- as essayed, in Exhaled Spirals by Linda J. Shepherd, 15 June 2018, a perspective that would benefit by recognition that the chaos and complexity theories are 1T2-takes on µTm-spirals involutorily exhaled-inhaled) on multi-sheeted Musculpt manifold require nuanced musical codification. Judging from Ernest G. McClain's The Myth of Invariance and Pupul Jayakar's The Earthen Drum, this enumeration was likely accomplished in primordial yugas by a mentality steeped in identity-transparent, generative-empathic participation mystique, a steeping we've long since been glutamate etched out of under dysorchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization. I do not believe that a post-postmodern form of the required numbering-of-the-numbering can be accomplished by any iteration of Markov chains (the Markov source blockchaining the anatomy of dependence, its determining tendencies, its matrices of @[ma}e.ru), as has been the predominant approach (see here an essay on Markov models and hidden Markov models, HMM, as applied to music -- music composition being the most interesting app, e.g., reported upon in Iannis Xenakis's Formalized Music: a 1958 pavilion [en}spired, but hardly up to the funky hard bop of the era). Why not by Markov recursion? The Markov property that the transition probability depends only on the current state cannot be embraced because, given a generative-empathetic feeling-space predicated upon µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, (1) the Markovian assumption of regularly-spaced discrete instants does not allow for the Special-Relativity spatial contraction and memetime dilation experienced by the empath as the object comes crashing in -- misapprehended by binary-mind as demonic vamped invasion cum possession -- at initialization of interlock in transition to this or that state of participation mystique; and (2) discrete memetime instants of a timeline are definable only under 1T2-only-logic alone; and (3) the feeling-toned affect-charge elicited by a musical tone is no less dependent upon what is expected to come after (such as: resolution to the tonic) than upon what has come before, and this conditioned-response expectation value of an attractor is a function of the whole structure of the music system (e.g., the diatonic system with its key signatures) within which the given piece is composed. Quoting the C7_algorithms piece linked immediately above:
The HMM allows us a probabilistic map of observed states to states internal to the model (hidden states) The forward probability calculation is based upon the lattice structure [the nodes = states; numbers on connecting lines = probabilities of transitions] The key is that since there are N states, all the possible state sequences will remerge into the N nodes no matter how long the observation sequence.
The author(s) point out that the probability of any given observation heads exponentially to zero as time, t, goes to infinity. Rescaling normalization is recommended as rectification of this convergence/divergence singularity problem. We, however, hold that the singularity marks existence of a logical-value-order-type transition. Instead of a probabilistic map, µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency! Speaking in terms of internal-Musculpt, this is an example of sounded-form qua aural-image steganography. To our understanding, the hidden in hidden Markov model actually, howsoever tacitly, refers to the 1T2ly-unresolvable µTm-relative-states of the whole whole, which feeling-toned affect-charges provide the binary-mind limited access to; whereas, a Mary-mind, uh, uh, that's an m-ary mind, would have elaborate generative-empathic access.
Order of relative-state identity-transparency is not a matter of following-on relationship, as is the case in the transition-tabular MC, i.e., Markov Chain (Andrei Markov's 1906 paper on chaining was a prefigurative essay against the non-sequentiality of superpositional Picasso-Braque Analytical Cubism, circa 1909?), and the Hmm, i.e., Hidden Markov Model, is not found in: 0th-order = all followings-on are random; 1st-order = B follows A with a certain probability; 2nd-order = C follows B follows A; 3rd-order = D follows C follows B follows A; nth-order = n items follow one another in prescribed sequence, the followings-on transpiring according to discovered or designated probabilities. Our µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state ID-transparency is not a matter of sequence, but of logical-lattice superposition, of ensheaved imprinted transparent overlays (conceived spatially and/or temporally [actually, if temporally so, then that would be atemporally], depending upon purpose). The dot clusters qua lattice-line-intersection coordination points are like were the Vietcong's LBNs -- coded Letter Box Numbers for dead drops, in this case drops from nesting lattices to nested lattices -- and the skew-parallel lattice-line vectorial pencils of Hilbert space subspaces are like superposed fiber-bundled courier routes, the coded Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of the routes being the classified-courier orders (on such hyped-up orders was how we, in TID/525th-MIG, got around RVN, circa 1967). Our µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state ID-transparency is not linear-time bound, but Schrödinger-memetime independent, i.e., involutory demergence/remergence of order-types in µTm-relative-state is not accessible to the memetime-bound binary-mind (increased-baud-rate-of-consciousness-facilitated Passover through the Special-Relativity funnel of memetime dilation and ponderablespace contraction is a functional prerequisite to conscious registration: that is, endogenous-ketamine-flood out-of-body-Exodus antidote to glutamatergic in-body-identified-enslaved cognition is required). Following upon a decade or so of utter obsession with complete control in dodecaphonic-music-composition taken to total serialism (cf. Jack Plants' notion that serialism is in direct correlation with the world wars as explicated in his paper entitled Serielle Weltanschauung und Serielle Musik: Serialism, War, and the Project of Modernity, 8 January 2018), algorithmic e-music composition prefigured by half a century rise of the policy parvenu's commitment to algorithmic e-governance via CBDC (central bank digital currencies), a globalization policy locked-on to the strange (nearness-qua-closeness isn't spatially definable for being memetime-bound) attractor of a planetarized single, single-valued, singly-logically-processed, monoscaled, e-fiat CBDC -- all users panopticonically surveilled and heavily autonomous-bot monitored cum manipulated by algorithmically-specified, surface-structure-focused-ANNized-AI-guided-knowledge-based-systems-[anal}ized-metadata-derived syndromes of constraints cum injunctions cum instructions qua production rules (permissions do not compute), fitness functions of the involved genetic algorithms being limited to those that express only upon the 2nk-fitness landscape (whereas, µTm-relative-states of ID-transparency make expressions upon the multi-sheeted Mnk-articulation Ma-space). Pumping strange and hooting dangerous, petty pernicious political hankers expressed with quirky screw-crank co[que}try by parvenir and worn-out decision-makers alike: ably bivalenced, their re[son}ings, what! Looking up to the Lords Proprietors of our Common e-House. [Anal}izing metadata of all e-commo; recording all e-commo; monitoring all; real-memetime censoring all; geolocating all users all the memetime, storing records thereof, and enabling drone targeting of intelsat-read DNA-radiated waveprints; deleting and implanting memories via hardwired CBIs, computer-brain interfaces; deleting and implanting thoughts by EM-field pulse-code-burst CBIs: one among many transhumanist not-so-hidden MCs. By my late-20s, I'd concluded that the actual case is always much worse than I am capable of imagining; in all the years since, there's been very few instances where this principle has turned out to be wrong. An optimist 'I' of my Anima, Iambe, holds, Beating the man with his own cane: use a Hmm to defeat a Hmm! See, for instance, the graphic depiction proffered on the homepage to our µTm-LETS website. A pessimist 'I' of my Anima, Iambe, holds that since, in my long-held belief, etiology of the 200-Years War of the World is rooted in the near-totally-unconscious cognitive pathogen which is suppression of animistic-pagan, µTm-quantum, non-simple identity (Give me simple-identity or give me death!: what people think they think is unimportant; what they think they don't think sets up the whole collective behavioral gradient), and each fulmination of the mass-unto-collective hysteria qua folie à deux to the nth power (this, obviously, is not the shared psychosis referred to here), generated by the suppression and consequent regression, has been far more elaborate than the one preceding, I've for decades asserted primacy of the scenario maintaining that the collective psychosis (site referral good offices of Julia Jus) will run its course until species all-but self-eradication, the near-term not-quite-fully-conscious objective being to eliminate as many as can be done without inducing insurrection, the baked-in in[send}i|ary cuspover being perhaps so short as a decade. By analogical modeling upon invariant-preserving topological transformations, dodecaphonic music composition proceeds by manipulation of 12-tone invariants revealed by, say, interval-preserving and/or pitch-class-segments-preserving transforms of the Grundgestalt, the basic shape of the tone row (what operator executes the transforms?), the superego-inflated composer (godhead established by projective-identification on the subject-object level of binary-logical transference) assumes the cosmogenesis-inducing role of topologically-active operator-time, even so, when altogether unaware of topo-active optime. All this is done by means of 1T2-only-logic alone and the contexts established thereby, e.g., simple-identity of, not only the note, but also the tone of that note (Martin Heidegger, even, in Identity and Difference, circa 1957, never transcended this pre-Schrödinger, i.e., before 1925, limitation; compare this poor performance to J. G. Bennett's account of diversely identical skew-cubes in Appendix III to Vol. 1 of his magnum opus entitled The Dramatic Universe, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, pp. 506-9); the measure of an interval is construed as existing in integer-dimensional aural space, not on a Koch curve where, the more accurate the measurement attempt made, the more the measure evaporates; a single-level pre-compositional matrix is employed (inversions and retrograde-inversions thereof set side-by-side), not multi-sheeted matrices in transparent overlay superposition; the tone-row sequence (and total control equivalents) is explicitly a serial array, thus understood as being passive-passing-referential-linear-time bound, such time taken to be objective, not glutamatergically anchored as memed, this unexamined assumption on part of Schoenberg transpiring synchronistically with Pauli's postulation of operator time, his rejection thereof and origination with Jung of the notion synchronicity. In Western music, harmony and dissonance are defined relative to repetition; in the East, as Takemitsu pointed out with the dan mosaic of November Steps, relative to superposition: as he was quoted on the jacket notes, There is a time difference [different concepts of time] between Tokyo and New York; in archaic Shinto, time was that which demerged-connected the multiple sheets of sacred space, Ma). Think of Karlheinz Stockhausen's New Morphology of Musical Time (good offices of Christopher K. Koenigsberg, Mills College, December 1991), e.g., time field, as being in one respect similar to Marie-Louise von Franz's Number and Time, e.g., psychic field as cosmic Zeitgeber: both went right up to the edge of invoking topo-active optime, but did not take the leap. Moreover, the Schoenberg-Pauli synchronicity was also in synchronicity with the Lukasiewicz-Post rigorous formulation of µTm-valued logics -- ignored-rejected by Schoenberg no less than by Born, this rejection being secular-Rabbinical qua anti-Cabala in nature. Some of this predisposed to the WWI-battle of the 200-years War of the Word, uh, uh, World (there have been those maintaining that word is world, well, in the beginning, at least, cf. John 1:1); some, to the WWII-battle of that war. The preGrundgestalt, premotivic dodecaphonic atomic-fundament is the selfsame, single-valued notion of pitch (A = A, and only A: the 1T2-only Law of Identity; A is absolutely not-A, m-states over: the µTm Law of Identity-Transparency), a prefiguration of the simple-identity-preserving BornRule handling of the m-valued Schrödinger wave-function (even when the function in question is descriptive of, say, the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes qua the m-valued infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces at tornadogenesis, or of the m-valued auditory signatures of the form gestalts of inner-Musculpt symformphonie), the BornRule itself prefiguring the aleatoric open-form of God does play dice chance-music composition. Permutational serialism was a musical embodiment of the echolalia which collectively expressed as the blackpsyche content of political discourse in the globaloney-suffused post-WWII world order. The Christic Get behind thyself! is a call to the witness-state cultivated by voluntary inner-separation, and its deepening through concentration-in-self-observation, which deepening is 1T2-paradoxically a functional prerequisite to direct ontic experience of µTm-logical non-selfsame self-identity, a collection of identity states Gurdjieff pointed to with the term Self-remembering (or so I've come to understand). PTSD quenches the capability to carry the witness-state in the manner a mantra may be carried during, say, walking meditation (this collapse in carrying capacity -- how long can the PTSDed maintain Self-remembering? -- may involve glutamate-flood-induced disruption qua quantum-quenching of intraneuronal, intermolecular electron-transport processes: clan, caste, club, federation, incorporation compensate the introspective incompetence preventing formulation and implementation of adequate framework determining conditions). O, the incomprehensibility, the incoherence, the uncertainty, the meaninglessness! Down, down, derry down: hysterical atonality transiting to histrionic dodecaphonism transiting to the objectivity of permutational serialism. Escape from powerlessness -- not least, as regards one's own mind -- into the simulacra of control, control, control which artistic endeavors allow! Total information domination and the final solution to the well-ordering problem. Yes! Art (and politics) as regression in service to the ego, as, that is, neurosis trending to psychosis. Normotic reactivity to omnium-gatherum of the alienation-anomie-devaluation-of-value-induced traumatic-stress condition of modern, postmodern, post-postmodern life shifted PTSD from epidemic to pandemic to endemic status. My I/im don't hold with the notion that war trauma causes collective psychosis, or that collective psychoses cause wars, nor that the two form a self-driven wheel; rather that, by KleinBottle-like reentry, the two are one, indistinguishable, 1T2-only political economy being war by other means, and then there's the war between the sexes -- and related to a third, the deep-structure, which is not so much the suppression of quality at eros in civilization as the subtending abysmal regression of µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency.
Consider the logical-value heterarchy as covering Klein bottle, torus and plane, those coverings established by performances of 3rd-, 2nd-, and 1st-order topologically-active operator-time -- the involved covering classes themselves embedded in the universal covering of the hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam. What, then, can be said about the nature of such coverings? Number the numbering! (an imperative episodically levied throughout the period 1973 until early-1975 -- this was before the reading of Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-logics -- by the inner-third voice, levied, that is, upon the protagonist of our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh) with respect to (in reverse cascade) Gödel numbers of 1T3-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ propositions (so many still, this late, believe in 1T2-only-Reason alone as delineating the road to reality and discovery of solutions to woemankind's problems) is sort of like a collection of higher forms (think holographic Musculpt cf. poly-cum-meta-morphic shareware, not poly-cum-meta-morphic malware) of RSA-algorithmic generation (prime number x prime number) of the large numbers to be factored in public-key cryptography -- except that Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers are no mere products of multiplication (this is not to be confused with using COVID-19 vaccines to insert polymorphic malware which interdicts multiplicative capability of homo Sapiens and, thus, shifts reproduction altogether into test-tube-baby realms where EUgenic genetic engineering is most easily carried out) and, more distinctively, being products of higher-logical-value order-types (think: Musculpt-[poly}graphic-cum-aural polyalphabeticity of superposed Hill matrices mapped over the m-sheeted logical-value heterarchy embossed upon the n-nested Alberti cipher disks being imaginarily-cum-hypercomplexly rotated by 3-fold topo-active optime, which is not the same as A Modified Hill Cipher Based on Circulant Matrices, Reddy K. Adinarayana, et al., Procedia Technology, 4, 2012, pp. 114-18), Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers do not number [mono}tonic-valent vectors (see, for the mono-case, Non-Singular Transformation Based Encryption Scheme, Sunil Kumar, et al., arXiv, 10 May 2021: quoting the abstract, we propose a novel variant of the Hill cipher based on vector spaces) in Hilbert space, but 1T2ly-null-vector-defined µTm-unto-CTC+ J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels in Hilbert space, each skew parallel in a given pencil corresponding to a logical-value order-type state of the relative-states of identity-transparency.
One problem with looking to the mechanisms by which image steganography is accomplished for help in gathering insight as to how inner-Musculpt works is that it is not words of speakable languages that are secretly conveyed by Musculpt symformphonie, but meanings that are not specific to given such languages (certainly this feature clearly indicates that what must be involved is feeling-space rather than ponderable-space, and that also involved is the fact that color-related forms of synaesthesia -- numbers, days of the week, feeling-tones, heard sounds, movements [e.g., going down steps into a high-ceilinged room lifts the top off the head and momentarily evokes inner-hearing of, say, a theme from Beethoven's Ninth accompanied by an inner wash of sky blue color field] -- transcend natural languages and distinctions there between). After many months of daily evening meditational praxis, whilst using Sri Aurobindo's Collected Works as a context for practicing concentration in self-observation and inner-separation from thoughts in the act of reading, a state was sensed (at location of the postcentral gyrus) as descending upon my me wherein the print of the text I continued to read changed -- shua-shua-shua -- from one language to another, many of which I had never seen before, yet, as I continued reading, I continued to understand the meanings there displayed. I did not understand how this could be so, but I took it as an object lesson and a puzzle I had been tasked to penetrate, if not to actually solve. Two decades later, in Santa Fe, NM, I attended a public lecture given by a Chilean anthropologist wherein he described a meeting with a elderly member of the Andean priesthood, a meeting where the priest spoke in Aymara, a language not understood by the anthropologist, but the anthropologist understood everything the priest said because, as the priest spoke, the anthropologist experienced in his inner awareness moving colored forms with sounds that somehow conveyed the meaning of the priest's words and which spontaneously transliterated to Spanish in the anthropologist's inner voice. This I took to be possibly an account of an evocation of Musculpt clairaudience-clairvoyance by means of induction to some level of ketaminergic µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (ConveDDed, i.e., conversion-disorder displaced, to VMware clustering and con[solid}ation of virtual machines? good offices of Michael Bose, 23 August 2021). By what means, this Musculpt clairaudience-clairvoyance, other than by the near useless general notion, long-range phase correlation, I haven't the foggiest. Though I remain convinced that development of significant insight as to the hows of µTm-logical inner-Musculpt will require a School of Kinesiology research project conducted by a holographic-smart-dancewear-appareled dance pod making choreographic light-pencil computer input for holographic display, learning sonic-visioning dolphin-speak, and practicing autogenic training exercises in computerized, biofeedback-equipped, isolation-flotation Lilly tanks with interactive holographic displays, nonetheless, I still feel it is likely that much could be learned about inner-Musculpt by exploring analogies to steganographic mechanisms, the most upfront such -- relative to logic-lattices as supratending the Regge-lattices of the geometrodynamics of the curvature-configuring orbifold sounded-form Musculpt articulators -- being no-see-um midges, i.e., least-significant-digit-(LSD, aka LSB, least-significant-bit)-altered image pixels, e.g., LSD-color-altered pixels (see Image Steganography Explained, Great Learning, 17 September 2020, for an excellent account). This activation of pixels is a bit, heh-heh-heh, like the X-mas tree effect or insertion of acupuncture needles. The idea of tornado-touchdown-X-mas-tree-effect skipjacks comes to mind. Acquiring skill at insertion of the restored sword must be a bit like was learning to properly perform thoracentesis in Goat Lab during the Brooke-Army-Medical-Center phase of SF medic training, circa 1966. Heh-heh-heh! Relative to 3-fold topologically-active operator-time as executor of the logical operations demerging logic-lattices to Regge-lattices (the Gödel-numbered vector lines qua classified courier orders suggestive of Gödel numbers on vortex filaments, parallel distance alleys, raster lines, geomantic ley lines, songlines, river navigation songs, acupuncture meridians?) to geometrodynamics, interpacket delays/accelerations is the most interesting steganographic mechanism (see VoNR-IPD [voice over new radio -- interpacket delay]: A Novel Timing-Based Network Steganography for Industrial Internet, Mingqian Wang and Shuai Cao and Yunliang Wang, Security and Communications Networks, Vol. 2020, 28 June 2020, for a proposed 5G application), CTC+-unto-µTm demergence involving delays, µTm-unto-CTC+ remergence involving accelerations and time-rates of change of acceleration. Relative to 1T2ly-null-vector-defined µTm-unto-CTC+ J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels in Hilbert space, each skew parallel in a given pencil corresponding to a logical-value order-type state of the relative-states of identity-transparency of the whole whole, the secret embedding angle (the example given by Wiki is drawn from a paper on steganography using skin-tone images) is the most interesting steganographic mechanism (for an illustrated example [the skin-tone paper only provides a verbal description], see discussion of Fig. 3 in Steganography in animated emoji using self-reference, Zhiying Zhu, et al., Multimedia Systems, 27, 6 January 2021, pp. 331-40). Mao liked the sea because, as a fish, he could hide therein; but when he no longer needed to hide, well Compression algorithms modify image pixels. Quoting Wiki on Steganography, the Countermeasures and Detection section: using extremely high compression rates makes steganography difficult compression errors provide a hiding place for data but high compression reduces the amount of data available to hold the payload, raising the encoding density As regards involutory demergence-decomposition-decompression, high encoding density permits the real world as noise-floor Maya. The imaginary-hypercomplex-numerable C+TC+-Tzog-chen-AllRoofCommonSkySpace is the ultimate superposed Musculpt-manifold ceiling from perspective of the real-numerable 1T2-only real-world noise-floor Maya, the µTm-Riemann-surface-like nested sheets a folded-towel-diffeomorphism-like-BackCloth noise subtendence-subsidence of CommonSkySpace Musculpt-roof. Base, ground, ceiling, roof, floor: artifacts of the employment of 1T2-logic to describe that which is µTm-unto-CTC+ and non-orientable under 3rd-order dynamics. In free space, what is up and what is down? One way to insure that the commons -- Ground, SkySpace, e, and otherwise -- continues to be usurped (consider The destruction and grabbing of collective commons, Eric Toussaint, Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate debt, 4 October 2021: and not to be forgotten are the post-Soviet, American-advised, flash-privatization schemes undertaken in lieu alternatives, e.g., that indicated by the µTm-LETS paradigm-demonstration initiative, good offices of Laurence A. G. Moss, unsuccessfully carried through, because of a drying up of funding, in Cesky Krumlov, CR: Town-sized project and that small a funding request!), and m-valued-LETS is never implemented, is by employment of neuralink DBS, deep brain stimulation, a new form of electroshock therapy (see the linked references to Implant 'zaps brain when it detects neural activity associated with irrational thoughts', B. N. Frank, Activist Post, 5 October 2021), to disallow µTm-modes of thought. This, this, despite Generalization of the Landauer Principle for Computing Devices Based on Many-Valued Logic, Edward Bormashenko, Entropy (Basel), 21:12, December 2019: note the history given as to 1T3-trit-unit processing computers, and 1T4-setun-unit processing computers, designed at Moscow State University beginning in the late-1950s). DBS is the final move by prescriptive enculturation-socialization at altogether shutting down endogenous ketamine floods? What could go wrong? Well, not much, if that shutdown is compared to the opening up (see Reverse transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues, Liguo Zhang, et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences-USA, 118:21, 25 May 2021) achieved by mass inoculation with engineered mRNA vaccines. Denigrated by cognitive-cargo lighters for having been swept into the mental hurly-burly of OldSalt-tanged alt-media headtalkers? Flamed on because holding forth as regards agit-prop: denigrating advertizing as psychoprep for blackpsyche saturation? Hmmm. But here we have yet another conspiracy theory validated by the National Academy of Sciences!
I misinterpreted the reference to Setun in Edward Bormashenko's paper on the Landauer Principle linked in the entry provided immediately above: there was no 1T4-computer designed at Moscow State University in the late-1950s. The sole reference made was to the 1T3-computer named after a small river located near the lab: CeTyHb, Setun. Some history of this 1958 computer and its upgrade is given in SETUN's Reflections, George Mason University, no date provided. Architecture and software of the Setun and its upgrade are described in Ternary Computers: The Setun and the Setun 70, Nikolay Petrovich Brusentsov and Jose Ramil Alvarez, Moscow State University, no date given. Note that the 1T3-computer was resisted even by people in the lab that manufactured it. But I would suggest that the Setun was not the first electronic ternary computer; precedence of memetime must be given to the brains of Aymara speakers, more likely to brains of the proto-Aymara speaking peoples of the Wari culture. What process(es)ed the 1T3-Aymara language (see The Trivalent Logic of Aymara, Guzman de Rojas, no date given) if not 1T3-Aymaran brains? Perhaps it was/is the 1T3-order-type of the wave-effect µTm-quantum brains of Aymara speakers that was/is the actual processor of the ternary aspects of their language, not their electrochemical, action-potentiated, bivalent-logic-gated, cellular-molecular brains. Maybe proto-Aymara was 1T4 or a higher order-type of µTm. The axiom I have long challenged is pristinely stated by Laura Spinney in her 24 February 2005 The Guardian article entitled How time flies descriptive of the handedness (similarly, the traditional Vietnamese left-right orientation was opposite to that Western, because the Vietnamese directional referent was to the animistic object, not to the egoic subject) of the Aymaran concept of time. Quoting Spinney's text: The only thing that all humans have in common when it comes to temporal experience is their brain's perceptual mechanisms. These mechanisms are anchored to the bivalent molecular-cellular brain by glutamate etching orchestrated by prescriptive enculturation-socialization; the perceptual mechanisms of those persons steeped in ketaminergic participation mystique are far and away not the perceptual mechanisms of those persons locked onto glutamatergic subject-object dualism. That the Aymaran concept of time is even more differentiated from that of the contemporary West than explicated by the handedness issue described by anthropologists is suggested by the Analytical-Cubist-type superpositions displayed in ancient Aymaran-Wari textiles: quoting Karl Cole's textile-related article The Wari, DavisArt, 8 July 2013: This highly analytical abstracting of forms has, by art critics, been compared to Cubism. Be aware that the Analytical-Cubist image is best understood relative to the facets of the Husserlian horizon of an object as described in reductive phenomenology, i.e., seeing the object from the observer being simultaneously in multiple ponderablespace places (we now have experimental demonstrations that molecules can be in more than one space-place at a given memetime instant, and there may yet be much to learn about this nonlocality property, our learning being currently constrained by the mistaken notion called the classical limit and our memetime-bound addiction to bivalent logic) or the observer simultaneously in multiple memetimes. The person in full-blown participation mystique of primordial animistic Shinto understood time as that which connects the superposed multiple facets of the Husserlian horizon (this is perhaps that notion most informing the whole of Japanese aesthetics). The connector notion of time is much more easily understood in 1T3-Aymara than in 1T2-modern languages -- particularly when considered that the that which connects the superposed multiple facets is demerging-remerging 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. If, as we believe, Maxwell's demon was more heavenly than he knew, actually an angel, necessitated, as Maxwell well understood, into existence by the maximal, indeed perfect, efficiency by which 90-degree twists between the electric and magnetic components of the electromagnetic field are made, and that angel, as we believe, was an early intimation of 1st-order topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time, the 2nd- and 3rd-orders making the Heisenberg-uncertainty-subtending J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity origin of charge as Riemannian lines of force trapped in the topology of space explicit, then we would have to embrace the Landauer principle regarding the minimum massenergy required to erase and rewrite a 1T2-information bit, as well as Edward Bormashenko's extension of the Landauer principle to include erasure and rewriting of µTm-quantum [mu}its, except that, due to the skew-perpendicularity origin of charge, orthogonality of the unitarity condition must be sacrificed as regards ternary trits and those [mu}its 1T4-unto-µTm. Moreover, since the passive, passing, referential memetime instant is definable only under 1T2-only-logic alone, there is no question of Maxwell's demonic angel qua 3-fold topo-active optime violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics with regard to massenergy transforms processed 1T3ly-unto-µTmly (see, for discussion of these issues, Notes on Landauer's Principle, Reversible Computation and Maxwell's Demon, Charles H. Bennett, arXiv, 9 January 2003: I parenthetically observe that the whole of scientific literature should be handled as Cornell University handles this archive), because the arrow of memetime and irreversible entropy generation in a closed system are mutually defining. Technically, entropy is the logarithm to base 2, uh, more accurately, to base e (see Leonard Susskind's The Black Hole War, Back Bay paperback edition, 2009, note 1, p. 131), e being a transcendental number. Just think of N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility-Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr setting the stage for Cantor's infamous diagonal proof. O woe is my me, for, quoting Vo Thanh Huan's Introduction to Transcendental Numbers, U. of Toronto, 2008 or later by References: Georg Cantor showed that the set of all real numbers is uncountable, which led to the fact that almost every number is transcendental (as the set of all real algebraic numbers is countable). The horror, the horror. Which is not even to mention the infinitudes of infinitudes of number types µTmly-unto-CTC+ly non-selfsame. And the physics that goes along with them, each and all -- insofar as each and all applies to the non-selfsame! Under the nonorientability of 3rd-order topo-active optime and the multiple-connectedness of the 2nd-order, closed systems have ontologically-yet to demerge, so the question of violating the Second Law simply doesn't arise, for possibility as to existence of memetime ontologically-awaits completion of demergence under 1st-order topo-active optime. May it please the appeals court. IMHO, the gravamen of the complaint spawning exorcisms of Max Demon is nonjusticiable even in the respondentia science court Carl Sagan attempted to bottomry hypothecate cum hypostatize by 1T2-only logical-truncation renormalization. Heh-heh-heh! Of course, on C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllRoofCommonSkyspace most-dense sheet of Musculpt manifold, none of this ontological folded-towel-diffeomorphism-BackCloth becoming and unbecoming is incarnate -- because C+TC+-Parmenidean nothing ever changes contains as a special case 1T2-Heraclitian (but unity-of-opposites affirming, Law of Non-Contradiction denying) everything is nothing but changes.
Each occasion I made efforts to read Husserl, I always quickly reached the judgment that what I was reading was not the result of actual practice of phenomenological reduction, but rather of thinking about what such practice must be like. Well, I was never able to say it so astutely as have Claire Petitmengin and Anne Remillieux and Camila Valenzuela-Moguillansky in Discovering the structures of lived experience, Springer Nature, 11 December 2018. Quoting from the Introduction section to this excellent article (referral good offices of Ruth Rhoad), from which I have taken away much of value:
Beyond the infinitely varying contents of singular experiences, this method makes it possible to identify experiential invariants which constitute the structure of the experience under study. But Husserl's Phenomenology and Micro-phenomenology differ in the process of identification of this structure. While Husserl uses a method of eidetic variation consisting in varying in one's imagination the characteristics of an experience considered as an example, in order to identify a priori and conceptually its invariant essence, micro-phenomenological analysis proceeds by iterative unfolding and refinement of the structure of the experience under study from the description of singular lived experiences.
I note that there is a strong parallel between the interview methods described in this paper and the methods described in a paper written more than a century earlier. Quoting from the protagonist's personal journal, our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, p. 270:
Instead of collecting EPIPHANIES like James J. or moral reflections in some Waldon, I propose to collect psychological fragments: more reveries of the solitary walker conducted, this time, on a methodological basis of systematic introspection. This study is to be derived from autosensory observation and is being initiated on 13 April 1964. By this method I hope to teach myself the accuracy in self-observation achieved in Edmund Jacobson's laboratory. (Or at least as it is described in his paper: On Meaning and Understanding, Am J. Psychol, XXII, pp. 553-577, 1911.) [link added]
I have no clear memory of where I first saw mention of this paper by Jacobson; probably during a November 1963 weekend visit to NYC with an AU classmate from Tribeca, leafing through books at Samuel Weiser's Antiquarian, Esoteric and Occult Bookstore, 845 Broadway. Likely I got a copy of the paper at the Library of Congress and made another copy a decade later at Cornell. Quoting Petitmengin, et al., once again, Note 5, p. 695:
Micro-phenomenological descriptions of the process of becoming aware of one's experience show that it does not consist in reorienting a focused attention from the what towards the how, observing it as an object, but through an open, receptive and bodily anchored mode of attention, in coming into contact with one's experience in order to let its awareness unfold progressively
Two observations can be made here. (1) I take it that the its of its awareness does not refer to the object as an animistic object, but to one's experience. The experience has awareness, not the experiencer? This attempt to verbally characterize ontic experience of non-duality imitates the postmodern semiotician's claim which is tantamount to: the writing writes the text, not the writer. Involved in this is the tacit per[son}ification of acts/verbs and that which non-individuated nouns signify, in lieu of, or as a way to verbally characterize, one or more of the non-dual µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency. Dyke-tik issues are involved here: place-time-situation cum personal pronouns, demonstratives, adverbs, tenses. Authentic identity-transparency violates not only per[son}al dyke-sis, but also spatial deixis and temporal deixis. (2) Relative to not 'observing' it as an object: non-self-observational immersion is accomplished (if we are to credit Hubert Benoit's Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen) by concentration-in-self-observation unto voluntarily entering the infinite regress of non-self-identical selfhoods -- my body, myself, the self of the my of my body, the self of that self, ,n. The verbatim, the preparation of the verbatim, and the analysis of the verbatim -- as with the practice of autogenic verbalization in Autogenic Training; as with the personal journal in bibliotherapy -- seems to me very useful early on in the process of actually practiced phenomenological reduction, but once the 1T2-unto-µTm divide is well breached utility of the verbatim, its preparation and analysis, rapidly falls off, as speakable languages are overwhelmingly bivalent-logic informed. Figurative usages can overcome to some small extent the bivalence lock-in which speakable languages impose, but this is of pretty limited value. That's one reason why I've argued that holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt (Musculpt symformphonie -- synchronic and diachronic -- having overwhelmingly to do with what Petitmengin, et al., refer to as the pre-reflective experiential structure) would greatly facilitate a process of re-inculcating robust participation mystique in post-postmodern forms. This exteriorization is recommended even though states of being in µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency are by definition inherently not situatable as situated in space and time, that is, in glutamatergically-anchored ponderablespace and memetime: apprehension of the Cubistic object requires endogenous ketaminergic out-of-body unsituated nonlocality, spatially and/or temporally, if n-facets of the Husserlian horizon of that object are to be simultaneously cognized as [mu}itically superposed; and this experience is that of being in a µTm-state looking back, so to speak, at what is 1T2-only designatable as object-distinct-subject. I have observed (thus exiting the lived experience) that what is sometimes characterized as the no-self experience is neither no-self (actually non-selfsame selfhood, which the selfsame self, after the fact, characterizes to itself as no-self, there being no other category yet available, that is, available to the binary-mind) nor experience (in the lived state, awareness of the state as being experienced quenches the state by reestablishing duality-as-felt: this can be caught precipitating a reinstatement, then there may be a recognition of the reinstatement, and oscillation sets in leading to a fizzle-out). The details of the analytic procedures employed by Petitmengin, et al., I will be studying to see if these procedures can help unpack Musculpt symformphonie.
Duality-as-felt: insistence upon simple-ipseity (selfsame selfhood, the quality of distinctly being oneself and only one's distinct self) within projected well-formed formulaics of the structured-image of distinction-defined subsystem-system-supersystem cum distinction-defined subcategory-category-supercategory and inversions thereof -- thus denying existence of unstructured suprasystematics and supracategorics qua post-paradigmatic supraWeltbilds cum supraGebilds (supra, here employed, being more than a mere synaesthetic matter of cross-modal correlations between sensory dimensions: see, for interesting discussion of this Welt/Ge, one of Heidegger's distinctions, Yuk Hui's The Computational Turn, or, a New Weltbild, no date provided) -- is quintessentially characteristic of the Classical and neoClassical collective identification with 1T2-only-logic alone and concomitant denial of the validity-utility of µTm-unto-CTC+ logics. The an[i}pse|ity of non-selfsame-identity identity-transparency is less a matter of the rasa (inner-taste) of values in proactive ergotropic (actively innervated), intentional, focused, intellectual feeling feeling-space than of the rasa of values in passive trophotropic (providing nourishment), diffuse, aesthetic-judgment feeling feeling-space, this latter being the means by which, for instance, presence of the quality gei is recognized, à la Japanese Zen aesthetics, if not so much in common Japanese usage (whereas emotional affect-charge is reactive, possibly aggressive even below the rage-intensity level of charge). Parenthetically, hopefully not paraphasically, it may be observed that independent of the intentional 1T2-denotations of the etymology of a word and its sentential contextualization, there are, not only relatively conscious intensional connotations, but also subliminal semantic associations that [a}mount (i.e., superpose) to bra[ket}able µTm-quantum relative states -- e.g., [per}son, wo[e]man, man[i}fested -- of the word. The recurrent ketaminergic sonic-visioning, presented symformphonically (processed µTmly-unto-CTC+ly?), casts -- not dice -- all memetimes and spaceplaces of all and everything ever given to awareness on the topic, theme, question at issue into indistinct, unstructured, sonic-gestalt-cum-image relative-states of identity-transparency (this quantum Musculpt requiring to be, not pulled out, but allowed out of the subliminal)? Colored, shape-shifting, flowing forms with sound. Schadenfreude aside, sir, this question sets the correct context, I believe, within which to read An extended case study on the phenomenology of spatial form synaesthesia, Cassandra Doris Gould van Praag, et al., Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol. 8, Article 433, July 2014. Fund[a}mental change in object-perception does not transpire without commensurate change in subject-proprioception. A voluntary interior distancing from all sense (pre-reflective and ergotropically deliberate) of per[son}al agency, according to Sri Aurobindo's phenomenological account of his first experience of no-mind cum no-self (consciousness without an object) Nirvana (memory serving, stated and reiterated in his Letters on Yoga) is a functional prerequisite for entry into that state. A sense that the contents of this Aurobindo descriptive phenomenology are endogenously ketaminergic can be adduced from a reading of John C. Lilly's Tank Logs. The diachronic narrative self (visual cognitive imprinting limited to that 1T2ly processable) is presumably glutamate etched under orchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization, such neuronal pruning-etching-anchoring beginning in the womb. The superposed, I/im, synchronic, Schrödinger-memetime-independent self is presumably ketaminergically out-of-body -- the Analytical-Cubist body, it should be added. However much the neuropsychiatric establishment would like to fully assimilate Nirvana to schizophrenia -- the neurological and biochemical markers may be hard to distinguish -- there are major differences between the lived experiences. But this is so old hat it's hardly worth revisiting. Contrary to Shaun Gallagher (see Philosophical Conceptions of the Self: Implications for Cognitive Sciences, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4:1, February 2000, pp. 14-21), who has anipseity coupled to loss of the sense of per[son}al self-agency (quoting the article, the sense of agency and the sense of ownership coincide and are indistinguishable: what better way to distance 1T2-only capitalism from being part and parcel of the etiology of schizophrenia!) as schizophrenogenic, I would call the 1T2-only narrative self the minimum self and the OBEed, full-blown-participation mystiqued, µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state-ID-transparent-with-the-whole-whole self the maximum self.
It appears that the cognitive global governance treadmill is reaching Heraclitian warp speed as, to wit, German State Allows Food Stores To Ban The Unvaccinated, ZeroHedge, 16 October 2021, is juxtaposed to Deaths Following Vaccination Reported in Taiwan Exceed Nation's COVID Death Total, ZeroHedge, 14 October 2021, and to a CLG analysis of an official report of the UK Health Security Agency, a report which statistically reveals that MORE double-vaccinated people die as time goes on which suggests that the immune systems of the vaccinated are progressively deteriorating, Citizens for Legitimate Government, 14 October 2021. Perhaps due to cultural-lag residuals of pre-Homeric OBEed animistic participation mystique, early in embodied hisstory of 1T2-only-logic we had Heraclitus rejecting the Law of Non-Contradiction relative to bare reality, a law which later became axiomatic to Roman law and its progeny: contradictory testimony is viewed as indicative of, tantamount to, sufficient unto the presumption of [per}jury. Up until today, this juridical cognitive circumstance continues to be the case, heh-heh-heh, despite existence of an elaborate body of discourse on fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, and fuzzy systems theory -- and the fact that the small refrigerator in the judge's office contains fuzzy logic control circuits. Not surprising, this, as fuzzy logic does not challenge the Law of Non-Contradiction, only the Law of Distributed Middle, a law embraced by members of the global leadership elite, GLE, in their embrace of surveillance capitalism (which rejects fuzzy-control systems: polite society being most impolitic in the politics and political-economy it cultivates). Fund[a}mental change in apperception of the nature of selfhood cannot transpire without commensurate change in the conception-perception (I'll see it when I believe it! perception being much more difficult to accomplish than mere conception) of object-system cum natural-surround. Fuzzy logic -- being construed relative to discrete-unto-continuous content(s) of the real interval [0,1] -- remains referenced to the bivalent as constitutive of the basis states, and in so being inherently cannot adequately represent the basis states of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency (be the identity in question that of persons, places, things, instants, components, component processes, systems, worlds -- not to mention internal system states). Discrete-unto-continuous sorting which evens things out leading -- at zazen-elicited endogenous ketamine flood and/or concentration-in-self-observation unto voluntary entry upon infinite regress of the found-subject, I/im -- to loss of self qua the no-self state, a binary-logic concealment-compaction of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency (for discussion, see the Introduction section to Temporality and the I: The Problem of the First-Person Perspective in Husserl and Sartre, Di Huang, Ph.D. dissertation, KU Leuven Institute of Philosophy, July 2020, where the above given quotes from Zhuangzi, aka Chuang-tzu, are presented as having stimulated formulation of the dissertation prospectus vis-à-vis Husserl and Sartre: to my lights, a very interesting dissertation covering in far greater depth many issues I superficially addressed in my 1963 preceptored frosh thesis for the dean entitled The Predicament of Existentialism which analyzed the defining property of Existentialism, Esse precedes Essentia, relative to Gödel and Heisenberg whereby Existere, coming forth [be aware that Esse, Essentia, and Existere are variously translated, often confused], remains construed as bound to objective temporality). Ipseity of memetime (if not of passing, passive, referential linear-time construed as objective) binds intentionality of consciousness to automatized-glutamatergic Confusion daos-of-the-Dao which are normotic-homeostatic; anipseity of topologically-active operator-time liberates consciousness from intentionality (consciousness-without-an-objective) via ketaminergic deautomatization which is transitive and heterostatic. But, O, the horror, the horror! ConveDDs (converstion-disorder displacements) of demergent-decomposition involutes, CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2: e.g., the caste system; the stratified feeder-funnel of Dante's inferno. Terror-driven surpassing rage at the prospect of non-simple identity -- conflated to absolute nihil qua total nullity qua Sartrean Being (in, and worse, as) Nothingness -- constitute etiology of the ConveDDing. Not so peculiar, not so passing strange (even if intimating quasi-fractality), these ConveDDs -- given that diversely identical, µTm-logical pencils of skew-parallels are defined with 1T2ly-null vectors. It appears that nowadays the suppressed terror-driven rage at, not the machine, hardly! but at being denied unfettered immersion in identification with 1T2-only-ipseity, is no longer merely surpassing but is approaching the phase transition trigged by reaching the limiting acceleration. Down, down, derry down into Dante's feeder-funnel where there is no limit to expressions the terror will take. Given the common etiology, it is hard to keep assessments of these four categories of the accelerating global conundrum separated: (1) the obsession with over and over and over proving to oneself that non-quantum simple-identity exists, hence the classical limit is incontrovertible, and that the involved repeated verifications can be put to the task of alleviating GLE unfocused plus focused anxiety by establishment of total control over the verified ipseity of the other, as discussed in Face Recognition Isn't Just Face Identification and Verification: It's Also Photo Clustering, Race Analysis, Real-time Tracking, and More, Bennett Cyphers and Adam Schwartz and Nathan Sheard, Activist Post, 7 October 2021; and in The Military Origins of Facebook, Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout, 12 April 2021, which doesn't trace back so far as the 1960s-and-early-'70s MACV-CICV-CDEC IDHS, the PhoenixPogrom-supporting intelligence data handling system; and (2) Cell Biology is Currently in Dire Straits, Harold Hillman, Unity Laboratory of Applied Neurobiology, 29 June 2011, due to bleed up over the past century of the probability-wave dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function, which allowed molecular biology to ignore submolecular biology, particularly the quantum-wave properties of DNA-RNA, which allowed cellular biologists to employ a long list of procedures Hillman characterizes as being unsuitable for studying the biology of living cells in intact animals and plants, which allowed neurobiology to keep non-quantum simple-ipseity sufficiently intact as to debunk the notion that 1T2-only capitalism is in[shrew}mental in the etiology of schizophrenia, as essayed here and summarized-criticized here and here (I would note that Jameson and the others, in their definitions of schizophrenia, all but altogether preclude the generative-empathic, Buddhological-compassion-instantiating µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, some of which, during pathogenesis, the schizophrenic may have experienced without the cognitive-ideational wherewithal to adequately process, indeed, for having been preprogrammed, not least by influence of the neuropsychiatric establishment, to hysterically react to contents of those anipseitic states); and (3) David DeGraw's proffering of an answer to the why -- a why more proximal than was the deep-structure why of the Cambodian holocaust and the why that is the "Echo of the Mockingbird" -- as regards the phenomenon described in his article entitled National Security Alert: Thousands of U. S. Special Forces and Combat Troops Discharged as Total Force 'Vaccination' Decimates Military Readiness, GlobalResearch, 14 October 2021; and (4) since anipseitic animistic-pagan participation mystique is not a romantic 1T2-processable one-to-one-I-to-thou-functor mapping (what's love gotta do with it?) but a functor onto and into µTm-relative-states of identity transparency with the natural surround, thou-to-the-nth being integral to that surround, the very existence of Injun-cuntry nature is an existential threat to egoic ipseity and must be wilted with Agent Orange and/or rooted out with Rome Plows -- and if that doesn't get the job done, then NACs (natural asset companies) must be formed to take ownership of the myriad aspects of the landscape ecologies of planet Earth, NACs as described in Wall Street's Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class, Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout, 13 October 2021 (principles of the U.S.-advised post-Soviet Oligarch privatization-oligopolization generalized to Earth's lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, magnetosphere, Moon and Mars and asteroids). One alternative to this unprecedented unbridled compensatory-abreaction-induced (compensating the terror brought on by the Spectre -- C = bad -- of C+TC+-quantum-relativistic hyperanipseity) introjection is precluded by the BornRule-disallowed µTm-logic interpretation of the m-valued Schrödinger state-function: i.e., an MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, mapping, via a quantum-composite [composite of all µTm-LETS currencies] unit of account, of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock planet Earth, done bottom-up by use of GIS and other surveillance technologies to assist in the databasing efforts required to facilitate m-scenarios, open-source, e-commons computer-gaming of the indicator-measurables to be fine-grain-tagged to the m-values stacked upon the base-state (cash) of the µTm-processed Lukasiewicz-Post LETS currency unit of each diversely commodity-backed such local-government-issued m-valued LETS currency in the nesting-foam thereof to be established beginning on the local scale-level where the required locally-specific data is solely available. As this framework evolves, the m-scenarios, open-source, e-commons computer gaming will become more and more capable of generating action directives -- embedded in the currency-unit value-ensheavements (in what manner programmable currencies are to be programmed is the critical issue; the secondary issue is how many such currencies are there to be: in the µTm-LETS case, nesting-foams thereof, many, many, locally computer gamed) -- adequate to addressing the various aspects of the global crisis.
Trying to apply -- amidst the AU-SIS sojourn, 1963-5; whilst meeting the physical challenges encountered in SFTG; and during the early-'70s, first years back from the VN war -- what I had learned from readings of Edmund Jacobson's On Meaning and Understanding, Am J. Psychol, XXII, pp. 553-577, 1911, I came up with something akin to the self-elicitation interview technique of autosensory observation, which I applied in several meditative contexts: (1) cultivating observer-state relative to moving center functions whilst root-pruning trees alone in the field, a kind of physical analogue to the mental process of unearthing pre-reflective unconscious contents; and (2) during daily walking meditation practicing eidetic imagination (the Jungian term being active imagination) at pulling libido of attention cathexes back from object capture; and (3) whilst, evenings, practicing inner-separation from the act of reading. I practiced these consistently for the six years I lived in the gingerbread cottage at The Wedderburn -- walking in the woods on the other side of the tracks. What is the socially-redeeming-value practical utility of this? Well, sir, whatever the pretenses be as to a Great Reset (clearly not formulated by those experiencing sequence space synaesthesia), the offensive infra-STRAT (ceding the space and time variables to the opposition, actively facilitating systemic organizational phase transitions and expansions of the recruitment base of the global insurgent) of GWOTic neoneoKeyesianism is losing big time to the gathering global insurgency against the very idea of the nation-state and its supraordinate agglomerations. These autosensory-observation practices came to be associated with attempts to deconstruct inner-Musculpt (which presumably involves a quantum-brain-produced composite of sequence-color cum sequence-tone cum sequence-form synaesthesia). And thus I came to realize that verbal elicitation-elucidation had its limitations; that's when this and this and this set of ideas about how to go deeper had its genesis and formulations began to elaborate. Of course, I never had access to any of that except a few times each in the plain-Jane isolation-flotation Lilly tanks of Craig in LA and John C. Lilly in Maui. Nonetheless, I found my reading of An extended case study on the phenomenology of spatial form synaesthesia, Cassandra Doris Gould van Praag, et al., Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol. 8, Article 433, July 2014 -- which describes employment of the hetero-form of elicitation interview technique which calls forth (compared in text to heterohypnotic induction; incidentally, the autogenic state of Autogenic Training is sometimes mistakenly characterized as autohypnotic but is electrophysiologically distinguishable there from) an evocation state permitting Husserlian eidetic reduction -- very stimulating, in that the reading called forth a number of associations. Not least: no mere evocation-state confabulation, the µTm-LETS-currency-unit ensheavement of value concurrences! Number form qua number concurrences: an ordinal number sequence -- a line or corridor composed of, or containing, numbers -- seen, by the synesthete experiencer of sequence space synaesthesia (this Markovian eidetic manifestation I'd never before this reading even heard of, let alone experienced), as occupying a precise strung-out location in extended peripersonal space. This sort of number form, upon reading of it, I immediately associated to the Regge bone (line connecting points) of the Regge calculus which gives an n-dimensional lattice equivalent to the spacetime curvature configuration specified in the tensored field equations of Einstein's General-Theory-of-Relativity update on Newton's theory of gravity. Quoting Praag, et al., p. 9, There is a suggestion that the [number] line [as corridor] functions as a reference for directing AB's [the synesthete subject of the study] gaze or attention to other concurrences . Consider a Regge-calculus-employed Gödel-numbered Gödel number, the factors of which are strung out on a Regge bone, as classified courier orders, the G-numbered G-number being that of a µTm-valued proposition (which may be an executable instruction, executed by topologically-active operator-time) -- all of this constituting a lattice-logic eidolon representing geometrodynamic quantum-gravity predication of a ponderablespacememetime curvature configuration. While living in a commune during 1971, Tarbot Vale, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, my I/im and the other-Iambe of an other experienced a folie à deux (reduced by the neuropsychiatric establishment to SDD, shared delusional disorder -- or, O-So-Social saleratus, uh, uh, Other Specified Schizophrenia Spectrum): waking up in the middle of the Starry Night, looking at SkySpace, and -- shock-running-down-to-the-toes! -- seeing the whole celestial arc qua dome covered in a ghostly lattice network (a few years later, reading Passages About Earth by William Irwin Thompson, circa 1974, I ran across a description of a similar experience, but not shared; later yet, I learned of Yayoi Kusama's infinity nets of the late-1950s, and of Agnes Martin's painterly nets of the 1960s; and much later, I learned of Janet Echelman's net sculptures). Folie-à-deux-to-the-nth-power SkySpace could be regarded as an expansive quantum-brain superposed ghostly mental room (the name given by the synaesthetic subject AB in the study conducted by Praag, et al.), which room's sudden appearance in singlet or multiplet-pod awareness may be a concrete petit-mal-type aura of the still-subliminal domains (the ghost nets, technically speaking, being domain structures) of higher-valued logics which slightly penetrate conscious awareness by signification with cross-modal translations of sensory dimensions. These limited domains, eidolons of LSTDs, limited spacetime domains (that's ponderablespace and memetime), are nested µTmly-unto-CTC+ly and remergable to C+TC+-Tzog-chen-AllRoof-CommonSkySpace, the most-dense sheet of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, of Musculpt manifold. The felt presence, descriptively invoked by the synaesthetic subject AB, is, in my experience, a petit-mal-type aura of induction -- and the sensory read-out of the felt depends upon what exactly is being initialized, e.g., [1} tingling sensation at the base of the skull qua top of the back of the neck precedes hearing one's name called with a voice the eerie-wavy quality of which suggests otherworldliness; this may happen several times over a period of minutes as precursors to onset of derealization -- a Plexiglas wall suddenly appears in the visual field (cf. formation of AB's mental room; the wall revealing a quantum-potential-barrier-established µTm-overlay upon the Maya which is the 1T2-only-framed consensus-reality world-picture given in concrete incarnate presentation) -- tunnel vision, spatial contraction, memetime warp, seeing things (photism flash in visual field) an instant before they happen, perhaps on the basketball floor, accompanied by body-knowing, a subliminal cognizance whereby one knows where one is (cf. self remembering) on the floor (cf. intimation of CommonGround?) in the space without having to look, at the basket, say (one learns to let the body take care of it, i.e., conscious engagement with the task of shooting, say, is not indicated); [2} tingling sensation over the post-central gyrus precedes the coming in (the nearby presence is felt as cued by the tingling) of a required idea one has, out of frustration, given up seeking, now sensed as being physically nearby; as the idea suddenly appears in awareness, it is accompanied by an electrical shock surge most strongly felt in the legs and feet (intensity varies directly as to importance of the idea, i.e., its generality), and it is apparent to supposition that, without this accompaniment, the idea might have passed on through -- from elsewhere to elsewhere -- without registering (a common occurrence, one surmises). It is also strongly supposed from the sensed coming-in (easily misconstrued as invasion) nature of the experience that the idea wouldn't have come had one tried to take possession of it, arrogate to egosphere its origination.
Consider that the cosmos may be far more dynamically connected than previously imagined, to quote Becky Ferreira writing Vast Strands In the Cosmic Web That Connects the Universe Are Spinning, Scientists Find, Vice Motherboard, 14 June 2021. Indeed, the dynamics of the dynamics of the dynamics may be beyond issues of connectivity into issues of orientability. Ferreira later in the article quotes cosmologist Noam Libeskind:
It [the finding that the vast-strand filaments, moving in helical motion like the DNA Nebula, are rotating, have angular momentum, vorticity] will help us better understand the important scales for galaxy formation and ultimately, why everything in the universe is spinning and how spin is generated. That is a really, really hard question to solve. It's an unsolved question in cosmology.
Oh, the nonorientable three-two-one/one-two-three self-reentered [hyper}ringing sequence-space number-form, that form which makes Gödel's merry-go-round (good offices of Dan Hooper, Kurt Gödel Wanted to Revise Our Concept of time, The Great Courses Daily, 15 May 2020) passive-passing-referential time as extra spatial dimension interesting, but not interesting enough. There is much to recommend the notion that three-fold Pauli-Paine topologically-active (hyperhypercomplex, complex, imaginary -- cut, TWIST, paste, and shout! -- imaginary, hypercomplex, hyperhypercomplex) operator-time is the agent responsible for how spin is generated no less than for the Riemannian origin of charge as lines of force trapped in the [multiply-connected important scales] topology of [ponderable]space. One of the corollaries of 3rd-order dynamics (cf. folding of the third kind by topo-active optime) on C+TC+-logically-hyperred hyperKleinBottle (the [pre}fix unfixed and [verb}ized unto [hyper}ringing what has been hyperred! which is most certainly no more hyperRed than is neoconservative argot) nesting-foam cosmology is that far enough out is in and far enough in is out. That TarbotVale folie à deux may have been an in that was far enough in to be an out! Deep space is in-here; interior distance is out-there: which belies the us[u}al bivalent notions as to matter-mind, unconscious-conscious, object-subject, thou-'I', so on. Extended mind (good offices of Andy Clark and David J. Chalmers, Analysis, 58, 1998, pp. 10-23) that µTmly-extended outside the 1T2-only molecular-cellular brain (see Thinking Outside the Brain, Matthew Hutson, The Wall Street Journal, 24 May 2021) is the ultimate horror, the ultimate horror (to binary-mind). Therefore, conclude that total-information-awareness-driven precrime infrastructure development is just the beginning of the realVRing of YouYou, the ultimate utopia. Every thing, aye everything, is a double-edged sword -- which edge employed depending on the embraced doctrine of uses, that embrace being an expression of regressed compensatory abreaction or no. Once freed-up-subliminal-mind mind-mapping software is perfected with utilization of third-person elicitation-interview techniques (the Mind Mapping Agency fusing infratech R&Ded by DARPA to MOs developed by CIA-DIA-NSA) supported by simultaneous electrophysiological measurements as well as conscious-mind reading and substitute-memory implant infratech, the whole corpus of GreatReset cultural-revolution psycho-sexo-socio-politico-economic articulation-space LinkUps of newLebenswelt will have altered the state of the state of the state utterly. Despite Dan Brown's essaying on the overpopulation problem, resolve to rectify Big Gulp escapage from the sugar-high ban set the precedent. Sunday morning brunch. Enter the corner robocafe. The pre-reflexive-mind mind-reading capability of KitchenSoft's enhanced-AI access to the satellite-borne CloudCarrier meshwork imitation of the Cosmic Web informs the roboNoWait-umm-err as to the dish you want before you know what you want. Pancakes. KitchenSoft scans your medical history for contraindications, finds none. After registering your median blood-sugar on Sunday mornings and your BMI, KitchenSoft selects short stack and informs the maple-flavored-GMO-corn-syrup dispenser to squirt the legally-allowed amount. You think nothing of this lack of ego-autonomy as every waking/sleeping memetime moment is similarly free -- free of the onus of decision ambivalence, this freedom being a benison bestowed by good offices of the decision sciences autonomously interfaced with candied-apple-topped-TIA-monolith, planet Earth. The 3rd-order CosmoLogical condition of the condition of the condition -- two orders of nonlinearity-hypercomplexity beyond the present day consensus quantum mechanics informing much infratech R&D -- is terrifying, just terrifying, to normotic ego-function. Who commissioned Dan Brown's infernal Inferno, anyhows? Something must be done! to deny 3rd-order dynamics entry to Weltanschauung, so as to deny entry to Lebenswelt, so as -- O, Lord, yes -- to deny entry to Umwelt. What Is To Be Done? This memetime around, the presence of a Strong Leader will not suffice. Where To Begin: we need anonymous autonomous authoritarian impersonality. Aye, that'll do it.
With regards to 3-fold pregeometry: C in our usage signifying the Cantor continuum, CTC+ processing must be of the wave-effect analog variety (cf. esoterically signified by the music of the [9 celestial] spheres exoterically misunderstood [[by Mass projective-identification, excre{mental] effusions of our collective super[E}go-[I}deal: the strategic-defensive promulgated by changing the definitions, by altering the numbers, in service to remaining in-denial]] as actual geometric spheres?); µTm processing, the finite Lukasiewicz-Post discrete variety; 1T2-only Birkhoff-vonNeumann lattice logic, the it from bit Wheelerian pregeometry as calculus of propositions which prefigures the geometrodynamic ponderablespacememetime curvature configurations which the Regge calculus allows portrayal of as Regge lattices. So, I'm looking for evidence of connections between these folds and this portrayal. In that connection, considering self-similarity across scale levels and that we are here talking quantum-gravity, I note from the abstract to Regge Pole Theory and Unitarity, Takashi Obara, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 44:5, November 1970, pp. 1307-11, (be aware that Regge pole theory is not about the Regge calculus and its triangular lattices) that, to wit, quoting:
the Regge pole theory is compatible with unitarity only if the Regge singularities are infinite in number. If we merely take account of a finite number of them, unitarity is justified in restricted regions We also show that the double spectral function on which unitarity imposes some restrictions can be constructed by the use of an infinite set of the parallel daughter trajectories. Therefore introduction of these trajectories can remove the difficulties between the Regge pole theory and unitarity.
Unitarity very much involving orthogonality and the binary [0,1] basis states, the I/im embracing our perspective on the µTm processing mentioned above -- which to our way of thinking expresses geometrically with J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels -- is/are very interested in the spectral function constructed by the use of an infinite set of parallel daughter trajectories, trajectories which can remove the difficulties between the Regge pole theory [of infinite Regge singularities] and unitarity. The principle(s) involved here is/are the matter(s) of interest, not the particulars. The next step down in our above-given scheme being from 1T2-only (cf. unitarity and orthogonality) lattice-logic to Regge lattices, even though Regge pole theory is basically about the complex angular momentum (one way of talking about 1st-order topologically-active operator-time) of electron dynamics, the principles, if not the particulars, may carry over to the Regge calculus portrayal of graviton dynamics. In that context, I find the work of Philipp Hoehn, The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, of focused interest, to wit: Canonical linearized Regge Calculus: counting lattice gravitons with Pachner moves, Physical Review D: Particles and Fields, 91:12, November 2014. While I am inclined to quote the full abstract, it is quite long, so I will just point to it by making several observations. Hoehm speaks of Regge Calculus dynamics expanded to linear order around a flat background. Is this flat background the 2T2-sheet idolon which the binary-mind uses to intimate to itself existence of the collection of µTm-sheets composing the Lukasiewicz-Post discrete variety of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) of the Musculpt manifold? Does Obara restricted spectral function speak to Hoehn linear order around? And are the Pachner moves induced by autopoietic operations, operations which are, more specifically, topo-active optime executions of, in hypercomplex unto complex decomposition-cascade, Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered µTm unto Gödel-numbered 1T2 logical propositions?
Juxtaposition of this article with this paper and annotated glossary is instructive, particularly when there is understanding that the paper is not about pendent and/or intercalation donors but pi-electron gas (a very-strange-lack [facilitated by what psychological mechanism?] of which understanding was aggressively foist upon my me -- which my I/im did not correct -- by a Los Alamos physicist interviewing me at one point during 1997 for a job with an SFI spinoff): (1) Claims of Microwave Attacks Are Scientifically Implausible, Cheryl Rofer, Outline.com, 10 May 2021; and (2) paper here; and (3) annotated glossary here. Hmmm, speaking of blackpsyche, and considering the current extraordinary bloat thereof, one simply must ask oneself whether U.S. Veterans Preparing for War, Citizens for Legitimate Government, 13 October 2021, is a false-flag provocation or actually what it claims to be.
In terms of mathematical metaphor, Hagia Sophia gives a pretty good (Perennial Philosophy) rendition of the cascade theory treatment of the decomposition-demergence of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) of the (celestial dome of SkySpace) Musculpt manifold (in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, signified by iconography on the tympanum, the moon, of a bronze drum), the sense of this HagiaSophia rendition well captured by Dan Brown in his novel Inferno (Corgi paperback edition, 2014). Quoting the text, p. 528:
The glistening golden cupola was often called the dome of heaven itself and was supported by four tremendous arches, which in turn were sustained by a series of semidomes and tympana. These supports were then carried by yet another descending tier of smaller semidomes and arcades, creating the effect of a cascade of architectural forms working their way from heaven toward earth.
The Greater Maze version of the Cabalistic Tree of Life is an apt mathematical metaphor for that decomposition-demergence as captured by nested Regge lattices (for an account of Einstein's General Relativity theory, à la Plebanski 1T2ly-null geodesics [cf. J. G. Bennett's null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels], of heaven spaces, heavenly objects, hellish objects, and earthly objects, see Complex Geometry of Nature and General Relativity, Giampiero Esposito, arXiv, 15 November 1999: what of the hypercomplex and hyperhypercomplex µTm-2nd- and CTC+-3rd-order geometrodynamics of nature?). Not surprising that Hagia Sophia was burned down multiple times, eh what! And, so having been, signifies the mass of post-animistic humanity's projectile vomiting at being confronted with the non-simple quantum identity inherent to nature and encapsulated by the Perennial Philosophy. Except, well, only if -- with regard to both of these -- the neoPlatonic notion of non-selfsame numbers is built into the metaphors, these numbers requiring µTm-logics for processing {even Hell-Maya [0.9999. . .,1.0000. . .] qua [0,1) being the 1T2-order-type of µTm is still filled with transcendental numbers}. The 2016 film Inferno is, of course, horrible by comparison to the novel. I've said infernal Inferno because Brown champions transhumanism in general and genetically-based population reduction in specific. When comes the Big Kill-Off -- a culling down of the Gotterdammerung of a Dichard Wagher -- will it be four billion, as suggested by Brown's Inferno, or six billion? And how likely is it that the prevailing dominance-by-the-dumbest-among-us GLE (global leadership elite: what kind of person, with what motivations, takes a leadership position in a failed civilization? for it's not as if failure hasn't long been preferred over mediocrity, as, to wit, look at the Edsel, the Department of Defense, the World Bank) will not lose control of the cull the way the Soviet leadership lost control of the top-down jetti[son}ing of Eastern Europe? By recourse to our model of DNA radiation exchange processes, I can with justified conviction assert that the genetics science currently informing theory of viral vectors (for inserting codons into genomes), conveyed by aerosol (the crux of Brown's storyline), or no, is based on: (1) the mistaken assumption that genetics involves only the molecular biology of the gene, not also the submolecular biology of the gene; and (2) the mistaken assumption that the genetic code is a single-level cipher system; and (3) the mistaken assumption that processing of the genetic code abides by the rules of 1T2-only-logic alone; and (4) the mistaken assumption that the biological time implicate to genetic transcription is an objective, passive, passing, referential linear-time frame, not Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time, the properties of which are intimately involved in immune-system function and biological-clock-orchestrated functional integration of cellular and metabolic processes; and (5) the mistaken assumption that genetic codons are simply-located in ponderablespacememetime; and (6) the mistaken tacit assumption that the quantum-wave properties of DNA-RNA do not carry higher-temporal formants embodying µTm-logical rule frameworks in nesting-foam that specify permissible/impermissible as regards [a] environmental fit, [b] micro-macro-mutational adaptation-integration, [c] properties of the ambient, including intraorganismic, radiation frequency-response-window beat-down funnel which insure submolecular stability in face of non-ionizing-radiation impingement (these properties having been reserved to classified weapons systems R&D), ,[z]. That list is surely quite a long one. Since Brown's Inferno is copyrighted 2013, it must be accounted one of the blackpsychoprep prefigurations of COVID-19 and engineered mRNA vaccines -- to which all of the six points made above likely apply. Doge of city-state quarantines [] has become dog-e of [pri}son Earth in blocking development and deployment of µTm-logically processed m-valued LETS nesting-foams <<<>>>. Since the pandemic has largely been an American project -- epiphenomenal to comic-book-culture gain-of-function R&D -- whether or not there is a COVID-19 virus, and, if there is, whether or not it escaped in China, once that recognition thoroughly sinks in around the planet, the risk brought to America will be not only domestic: the ability of America to pursue self-interested policies abroad will be undermined. [Kakisto}crazy is bad enough, but when the GLE kakis are members of the corpus of the worst humans ever to have existed (as has been revealed by current events, ack, aye, the 0.00025-percent is largely composed of psychosociopathic pimps, panderers, plunderers, and pederasts exploiting, with a little help from their quants, the flaws in a 200-years-dead-yet-still-walking Cartesian-Newtonian governance paradigm) and the tocrazy is TIAed (total information awareness) and in total control of the minutia of activities of daily life (ADLs), that alone insures that a ten-percent-survival-rate forecast for humanity at coming cuspover is fanciful. During 2000-plus years assiduously cultivating the 1T2-only Pseudologoi, humanity created few intractable problems for nature; carrying that assiduity unto iatrogenic interventions into quantum domains and unto genomic manipulations, however, has definitely done much in the realm of intractable problematics. Only the magnitude of the ensuing dyscrasia has yet to become apparent. And when one considers that -- given scale-relative m-valued universal physical constants µTmly processed -- all domains subscribe to quantum principles scaled, well, one can hardly expect readout on magnitude of ensuing dyscrasia to be subthreshold. The [loser-in-denial-that-he's-losing]'s desire to C&C, command and control, the minutia of each soldier's paraphernalia and behavior from a command helicopter flying overhead was obsession weird and counterproductive in context of the Viet Nam war -- and that counterproductivity has undoubtedly been magnified by the techno-enhancements brought to the GWOT, if judging only by the outcome of the American period of the Afghan war. Strange enough! aye. Diagnostically insane, however, when extended to the desire to C&C every little detail (see, for one discussion: Personal Carbon Allowances: Who Determines 'Good' and 'Bad' Consumption, and Who Regulates the Regulators?, Michael Nevradakis, Children's Health Defense, 20 October 2021: m-scenarios e-commons computer gaming of m-values fine-grain tagged to indicators and stacked on cash base-states of µTm-processed variously commodity-backed LETS currencies defined over pseudofractal e-boundaries in nesting-foams would avoid many of the who issues involved here) of the ADLs of each individual on planet Earth, the execution to be accomplished by effecter peripherals of a centralized TIAed computer facility enclouded and meshworked. Well beyond certifiably gone bonkers is the desire not only to read DNA waveprints from an intelsat but to realmemetime read from the satswarm every thought thought on Earth.
1T2 µTm I/im double-digit midget I/in CTC+ Tzog-chen 2nk
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