µTm Scenarios, T43(M)
Reading Complex Geometry of Nature and General Relativity, Giampiero Esposito, arXiv, 15 November 1999, it occurred to me that, obviously, a time (actually memetime) orientation on Musculpt manifold, M, is globally defined as a weighted (think: gravity and [meme]time, no less than [meme]time and entropy, are mutually defining in closed systems framework determining conditions as currently construed?) non-degenerate bilinear-form (the past --> future branch of past <--> future, zero = the binary-mind's present) by a [meme]timelike vector field; Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time, quantized via Penrose twistors, however, in executing decomposition-demergence of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space of M), involutes n-form chronotopologies (cf. Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock) by twistorized (hypercomplexified Wick rotations, cuts and pastes, à la temporal CURL twistor-quantized) fibrations of null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels (corpus of the involved sets of zeros = the eternal now, i.e., these demerged zeros are indicative of the existence of µTm-eidolons of the Parmenidean Condition -- nothing ever changes -- extant only on undecomposed C+TC+-CommonGround, Tzog-chen AllBase, most-dense sheet of Musculpt manifold, M), µTm-processed such that distinctly identical, qua non-selfsame, points, lines, planes, 3-forms, n-forms unsuperpose decoherently from n-skew non-selfsame CTC+-heavenly objects through µTm-order-types of Heisenberg-uncertain purgatorial objects (cf. the AnalyticalCubism-type percepts experienced by those in various relative-states of identity-transparency at animistic participation mystique) to heuristically absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct simply-identifiable 1T2-earthly objects. Bipolar-minds (the whole twit-'n'-caboodle of twat-OM[lets}nots composing corpus of the global leadership elite) of those superidentified with bivalent logic (e.g.: judging from his papers and opeds, Milton Friedman; judging from his declassified memos, Henry Kissinger; judging from his take on self-referential propositions, George Soros) exemplify the cognitive habitus responsible for the currently accelerating n-dimensional planetary crisis (absent the supposed classical limit, the quantum-relativistic collective-and-cooperative-behavior-facilitated superintegration of the various spheres of Earth -- most notably, magnetospheric, crustal and core dynamics -- would mean that it's not climate change but far-from-equilibrium planetary phase shift) derivative of the pathological Weltanschauung-Lebenswelts-Umwelts self-referentially created and blackpsyche imposed by bipolar-minds lavishly engaged in ConveDDing (conversion-disorder displacing) by projective-identification at subject-object-level transference. If p,q are distinct points on M, then the logical-value order-type over M must -- if distinctness-being-there is held altogether well-defined -- be that 1T2-only alone: the conception of spacetime in-on-by M support is thus limited to (+,-,-,-) frame-field tangents-tessellations with Lorentzian metric (for background and an interesting thesis, see: Is the Lorentz signature of the metric of spacetime of electromagnetic origin?, Yakov Itin and Friedrich W. Hehl, arXiv, 6 January 2004: cf. our speculation as to the active time-cum-skew-perpendicularity origins of charge) that is Lorentz-parallelisable (see: Some topological and metrical properties of the space of Lorentz metrics, Pierre Mounoud, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 15, 2001, pp. 47-57) -- simply-connected transforms of which being bilinear-[meme]time-bound -- of a connected Hausdorff manifold of open-set complexity to the mth power (this m involving Cantorian cardinalities); the J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelisable geometrodynamics, the µTm-pregeometry, the CTC+-pre-pregeometry of which availing the orders of complexity-hypercomplexity higher than those of spacetime tangents-tessellations whereupon those higher orders, µTmly and CTC+ly, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame points are, by relative-state identity-transparency, undefinable (the bucket of dust got wetware creamed unto a smooth gloss); connectivity is m-multiple; orientability is n-degrees of zero (hyper the KleinBottle reentries through 360 degrees).
I feel that a µTm-LETS monetary system should be empirically based upon an authentic analogue model of natural form-in-process. Further iatrogenic interventions into nature designed to rectify a planetary phase transition, which iatrogenic interventions (e.g., electron-temperature enhancements via phased-array upper-atmospheric heaters and anthropogenically-altered atmospheric gas ratios: both together changing magneto-, iono-, atmo-spheric response characteristics to the real, complex, hypercomplex angular multimomentum [momenta as derivatives of all operator-time-related Musculpt framework determining conditions, i.e., not merely of the memetime coordinate] cyclically cascaded to Earth orb by the solar wind) are largely responsible for, is a poor strategy. The monetary system, along with fulfilling its traditional functional requisites, should behaviorally inculcate -- with market action directives -- the constraint-field-theoretic Taoist non-doing which facilitates Earth's capability to prohomeostatically self-regulate. Where I would go if I could go -- but, of course, I can't, not having the wherewithal. So, I string together elicited semi-connected thoughts, in the hope that, later, the features of the barely perceived pattern congeal into an edification as I repeatedly circumambulate personal journal entries and slowly increase how much I understand of the papers (employed in the role of Rorschach projection screens) I read as recurrent encounters with ununderstood terms in differing contexts eventually generate the sudden insights transforming ununderstood unknowns into understood knowns. Dogged due diligence. If µTm-LETS is the goal, it doesn't make sense to let go. Best to keep such journal entries short, so as to retain a sense of the fragmentary, staccato character of the incoming insights, however low-grade the surges that be their auras. Is the double-helix, on whatsoever scale level, component of a screen-grid-type ambitwistor relative to the quantum-wave dynamics -- wave-trace velocities, waveforms, frequency-response windows, intensities-strengths, so on -- of the involved field (cf. the pi-electron gas core of DNA)? On complexity to the mth power -- numerical neighborhoods overlapped unto superpositioning with the associated non-selfsamenesses -- Musculpt manifold, M, with myriad projective tangent spaces in relative-states of identity-transparency, is the 1T2-logical n-supersymmetries supertwistor double-fibration picture expanded to an n-fibration picture via µTm-processed J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels? Remember that Penrose did not place Lukasiewicz-Post µTm-logic on The Road To Reality. So remembering, my I/im isaren't much of a fan(s) of abiding by conventions of 1T2-only-logic alone, and associated proof theory, in deciphering C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2<<
>>1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ world picture. Instead of fields, bundled bundles of bundles! ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) to WallStreet bungled (no use of fiber-bundle arithmetics) bundling of bundles of n-rehypothecated MBSs, a financial way of suppressing the explicit appearance of quantum non-simple identity, economically incarnate as non-simple ownability, when quantum-based technologies are introjected to 1T2-only [mark}ette dynamics. Mixed boundary conditions! not only those 1T2-only alone, i.e., in or out, here or there, that is, the or-boundary, which is not the and-boundary of this-and-that type, the pseudofractal e-boundary of 5T9-order-type (do e-boundary logical-value order-types reflect given Maxwell field strengths, the corpus of such strengths corresponding to µTm? think: topo-active optime operating, i.e., 3-fold temporal CURL, by an n-component [mu values, not two values] spinor calculus on n-dimensional spin space demergence-precursor of the classical field, in conjunction with skew-perpendicularity, as origin of charge), say (the boundary logical-value order-type must be conformal to the corpus of indices of ensheavement upon µTm-LETS-currency-unit base-state of any given µTm-LETS currency in the nesting-foam), being one this of that type of boundary proposed over which µTm-LETS currencies are to be defined, the logical-value order-type of these e-boundaries changing covariantly as to modulations of fine-grain tagging superposed upon currency-unit base-state.
If, on Musculpt manifold, the future-pointing unit [meme]timelike normal to a [ponderable]spacelike three-surface is the 1T2-only demergent involute, topologically-active operator-time decomposed, of a temporal pencil of skew-parallels µTmly processed, what becomes of timelike under demergent 3-fold temporal CURL, and what becomes of spacelike under remergent 3-fold temporal CURL of spatial pencils of skew-parallels? Both likes poof out, such that the temporal found object be memetime, and spatial ponderability be found unfounded -- the two being essentially conflatable, uh, uh, convertible, at 3rd-order scale-relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables (i.e., those self-referential m-values at which involutory Heraclitus is found to be in two-spinor soldering form identity-transparency with anti-involutory Parmenides)? Do ketaminergic OBEs in NDEs make apparent some of this spinorial-form (text with edifying graphic animation good offices of John Duffield, 26 March 2015) stuff, such that a participation mystique-type soldering conviction arises holding that absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct incarnations on [meme]time-pencil normals are -- on view of C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround most-dense sheet of the Musculpt manifold's m-logically-valued reference space -- ontic instantiations of conflated placetimeperson quantum-composite states of identity-transparency (i.e., 1T2ly speaking, logic intersections qua conjunctions of demerging Purusha and remerging Prakriti, a notion William Blake thoroughly understood and provocatively depicted)? Since all this is age-old Perennial Philosophy thematics, when N. H. Abel's general quintic Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr came on the scene during 1823, there was, it may be supposed, immediate subliminal recognition as to the imports, and the collective unconscious began to back-react upon the metric of those imports, suppressing them. This suppression, it is apparent, yielded constellation of regressed-archetypal event-gradients (archetype-in-itself a mathematical relation-structure, e.g., akin to the Regge lattice of a given curvature-configuration event gradient) of the collective unconscious, gradients synchronistic with patterns of external events, suggesting that, possibly as early as the mid-19th century, certainly by onset of the Franco-Prussian war, a collective-unconscious decision for human species suicide had been taken: Give me simple-identity or give me death! As the suppression intensified and the regression deepened, conversion-disorder displacements (ConveDDs) became more plentiful and gravitated upon the techno-ConveDD. Super-reactive individuals appeared who had deeply identified with regressed-archetypal imagos, this super-identification state making them, by catalyzed mass projective-identification, into transference figures -- the collective transference dynamics (Eight-Fold Anima-Animus Way [the four psychological functions introvert-extrovert expressed] to the transference from unconscious spinor algebra -- spinning so intense, can't sleep without one foot hanging off the bed and kept flat on the floor -- to subliminal spacetime geometry, a psychosomatically-doubled tetrad affine setting) allowing these figures of intense regression to accumulate inordinate personal energy-tensored libido, pull, power and/or discretionary financial resources. This gravitational pull, this libido, this power, these resources, by dictates of the super-identification state and the transference dynamics, can be deployed only in service to the regressed (cf. regression in service to the SUPRAego) collective-unconscious event-gradients, thus enslaving the person wielding them, confining that person's cognition to the domain of collective regression identified with, and the more the deployments made the more rigid the confinement becomes -- which has, of course, by the constellated transference dynamics, collective consequences in terms of both internal and external event-gradients.
Assessment as to relevance of technical details encountered in background reading is problematic when our µTm presuppositions are radically divergent from those 1T2. In our view, C+TC+-logic conformal-invariant maps of pre-pregeometric whatnots (non-simply-identifiable, non-selfsame fixed points in those C+ Cantorian cardinalities of logical-value order-type relative-states of identity-transparency configure pre-pregeometries of smoothness types -- structures of infinity -- utterly indistinguishable, we can be sure, to binary-mind) are, by operator-time unpacked qua specification of components of the left-hand C+, CTC+-logic conformal-variant smoothnesses, which, by further involutory-decomposition demergence, are µTm-logic conformal-variant pregeometry eidolons (structures of zero: e.g., J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels) of the 1T2-only-logic conformal-invariant geometrodynamic objects (e.g., twistors, spinors) by which spacetime geometry is ontologically demerged (demergence: no mere cosmogenic quicksand suck-down). By our take, topologically-active-operator-time-executed decomposition-demergence C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 involves 3-fold temporal CURL, quantizations thereof demerging Penrose twistors, the quantization process taking temporal CURL into spinorial spatial curl -- all of which logically and ontologically (logic in this view being more fundamental than ontology) precedes 1T2-only existential predication of the ponderablespacememetime-Maya-take on Musculpt manifold (loop-quantum gravity and superstring theoretic formulations conforming [if not conformal] to the BornRuled bivalent-it from bit interpretation of the Schrödinger wave-function, it may be supposed, appertain to that 1T2-only predication). Regardless of the logical-value order-type involved, the actor (a 1T2-only-derived signifier we here conflate to non-selfsame identities in relative-states of identity-transparency, be the gradient of the contracted identity stuffed into a Bianchi shoulder holster or a Ricci ankle holster, heh-heh-heh) of acting with del on equation-- whatever (for an example of this manner of writing, see Complex Geometry of Nature and General Relativity, Giampiero Esposito, arXiv, 15 November 1999, top of page 34) is, in our sense of a quantum-of-action-based cosmology, Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time, topo-active optime, executing logical propositions numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Note that Esposito in the above-linked paper, page 37, goes from Lorentzian space-time to Riemannian four-space to complexified space-time, the latter of which originates from a real-analytic space-time with real-analytic coordinates xa and real-analytic Lorentzian metric gL by allowing the coordinates to become complex . Allowing. WhoWhat in nature is the allower? Physicist-in-nature? Nope. Presumably, in this supposedly-objective-linear-time-bound scheme, these geometric-object transforms have no impetus or impluse, no rational basis, and are mere chance occurrences, held to be likely, probability being a field composed of probability waves, chance thereby raised to divine status (this notion of Chauncey-the-Gardener being-there being well based on precedent, the precedent that high likelihood must be the case [cf. the picture painted by Cynthia Chung in yet another edifying article] if prevailing asymmetric socio-politico-economic patterns of role stratification and financial wherewithal are to remain in effect). We, however, hold more likely Schrödinger-memetime-independent transforms from hypercomplex to complex to real -- cut-twist-reenter-paste -- real to complex to hypercomplex, these demergence-remergence transforms being functors epiphenomenal to focal changes (not chances) with respect to logical-value order-types executed by Pauli-Paine topo-active optime. Also notable on Esposito's page 37 is the observation that, with regard to Riemannian four-space, the timeframe is incorporated into a smooth and positive-definite section of the bundle of symmetric bilinear two-forms on M -- whereas we hold that this 1T2-only-processed bundle and the memetime-bound line of its positive-definite section are involutory-decomposition demergents of the µTm-processed bundled bundles of J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels of nonlinear n-forms on M, our Musculpt manifold. Moreover, in Esposito's view, there is no reality to the complexity allowed by complex numbers, for quoting pages 37-8, it is not possible to define reality of tensors at complex points, since the conjugate tensor lies at the complex conjugate point, rather than at the original [real-numbered] point. Reality arbitrarily conflated to real numbers and only the real numbers. All else being imaginary? That's very John von Neumann, and one of the ways in which he validated weather modification -- by keeping meteorology bound exclusively to real-numbered space-time (no Paine-Kaplan complex angular momentum cascade allowed).
Since -- absent conscious access to sonic-visioning inner-Musculpt, for one, not having availed ourselves of assistance in that regard from the bottle-nosed dolphin -- we think 1T2ly about what µTm-unto-CTC+-logics must be like, rather than think in those logical-value order-types about this-and-that and All That Is And Is Not, our penchant is that of 1T2ly regarding qua cognizing the cosmic hypercomplex-imaginary-real-numbered n-KleinBottle nesting-foam -- a penchant likely inculcating many misconstruals which likely facilitate many misapprehensions. To 1T2ly (and memetemporally) separate involutory decomposition-demergence from recomposition-remergence (cf. spontaneous localization-decoherency separated from spontaneous fusion-coherency: proving unobservability of unobserved superpostions at macroscopic scale levels is complex, as shown by Non-interferometic test of the continuous spontaneous localization model based on rotational optomechanics, Matteo Carlesso, et al., New Journal of Physics, 20, August 2018, particularly, I suspect, were the cylinder studied [see Carlesso's fig. 1] the rotating roll cloud with double-helical air-parcel feeder-bands which Cornell tornadogenesis specialist Douglas A. Paine modeled, a modeling effort which gave rise to his notion of the topologically-active-complex-time handling of complex angular momentum) is to, for instance, 1T2ly misconstrue a four-complex-dimensional complex Riemann manifold as a complex space-time, when, µTmly speaking, memetime, misconstrued a 1T2ly-objective (versus subjective) linear-time, is ontologically-not-yet, and this is not only because, quoting Complex Geometry of Nature and General Relativity, Giampiero Esposito, arXiv, 15 November 1999, page 38, no four-real-dimensional subspace has been singled out to give it [the four-complex-dimensional complex Riemann manifold] a reality structure; hence, no real-[number}able passive-passing-referential linear-time available, meaning that the complex manifold cannot be a complex space-time, complex passive-passing-referential linear-time having no reality structure, which is not to rule out, say, Paine's topologically-active-complex-time handling of complex angular momentum. The misconstrual is primarily because the mathematician-physicist, in 1T2ly-taking himself to be selfsame and absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, projects the ego-sphere into out-there as a Riemann-sphere, and in so doing builds-up a cosmology real to complex, and, thus, by "lateral mental cleavage", discounts the building-down of cosmology (speaking, that is, 1T2ly in the rubric of ego-sphere-identified mathematician-physicists). So, how does Paine's topologically-active-complex-time handling of complex angular momentum enter the Riemannian-manifold picture? What is the point-set known as a topological manifold? What is a Riemannian manifold (good offices of Mark van den Bosch, Bachelor thesis, Leiden U., 7 December 2018)? What is a tangent bundle of a differentiable manifold? About what does study of tangent bundles tell us (hard to say, according to the linked answers), other than how to further abstract the abstraction? The best answer I've seen is with regard to the cotangent bundle regarded as the phase space of a pendulum, described here. Note the appearance of the cylinder again. Quoting:
The state of the pendulum is determined by its position (an angle) and its momentum (or equivalently, its velocity, since its mass is constant). The entire state space looks like a cylinder, which is the cotangent bundle of the circle. The above symplectic construction, along with an appropriate energy function, gives a complete determination of the physics of system. See Hamiltonian mechanics [which substituted a momentum focus for a velocity focus]
Now, consider this cylinder to be driven, à la Carlesso CSL, continuous spontaneous localization, such that it vibrates and rotates, the driver being complex angular momentum in cascade delivered by, in the tornadogenesis roll-cloud case, double-helical feeder-bands of air parcels undergoing harmonic temperature oscillations. The entire phase space -- of CSL, the scaled-quantum harmonic oscillators, the double-helical feeder-bands, the rotating cylindrical roll cloud -- involves complex-tangent-cotangent-space bundling (cf. not parallel transport, but skew-parallel transport, the bundles involved being null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels), as stated in atmospheric physics terms, following explication of the recognition that (quoting the Spacetime Del Operator and Temporal Curl section of our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper):
from the aforegiven description of the cascade process, we have found that an additional degree of freedom [hereupon enters the complex geometry] must be available to this system in order for it to escape [cf. The Black Hole War: My battle with Stephen Hawking to make the world safe for quantum mechanics, Leonard Susskind, Little, Brown and Company, 2008] an otherwise inevitable infinite concentration of vorticity, kinetic energy, and mass within its finite spatial volume. The traditional view has been that friction would literally dissipate such a problem. But we have seen empirical evidence, such as that offered in the previous section, which suggests that natural systems have a far more elegant solution to the problem: i.e., the generation of coherent (acoustic) waves, which originate from the cascade of kinetic energy through the hydrodynamic spectrum.
This phase space is not of the 2nk fitness landscape variety indigenous to chaos-complexity theory, but an Mnk articulation space, the M of this artspace indicative of the presence of the m of µTm, i.e., those logical-value order-types required to process the m-superposed higher-temporal formants of the emitted acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes occasioned by the involved species of gravitational collapse, i.e., an acoustic analogue to blackhole computing. Chart domains on smooth-manifold geometric objects are more general, more abstract, than LSTDs (limited spacetime domains), but, nonetheless, no less 1T2-only abiding, in being locally Euclidian, than are LSTDs. Under µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, e.g., on the artspace mentioned above, where neighborhood overlaps take on µTm-states of superposition, the simple-identity of points-positions and the numberings thereof imposed by coordinate frames, which the fact of being locally Euclidian requires, is not extant -- suggesting that Musculpt man[i}fold, M, is not, strictly speaking, a manifold of second-countable topology (qua absolutely-in-so-far-as-separable): it could be a nat[no|us}fold, a nature[nous}fold where upon nature's we(s) do the folding, a natnousfold of nth-countable topology considering that non-selfsame numbers number the involved µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency of charts of the atlas.
We're not talking here chance as 1T2-only cause-push, and certainly not as strange-or-not teleological final-cause-pull attractor constellated by mass identification with projected collective superegosphere. What is the cosmic rationale for supersystem-system-subsystem quantum-composites, non-simple identity of components and component-processes as framework determining conditions of the cosmic condition? They are functionals insuring adequate functional integration -- logical-value order-types being functors ambient to these functionals. This is accomplished by the electron, say, behavioral profile described with the second-order (nonlinear) Schrödinger equation, carrying holistic information about the total state (corpus of internal relative-states) of the system of which it is a part (the identity-transparency being signified by the superposed [non-probabilistic] m-values of the state-functional -- the third-order state-functor speaking to non-orientability altogether of part-whole relations [the 2nd- & 3rd-order wave equations are discussed in the Quantum Theory Under Non-Linear Reinterpretation for Biological Systems section of our 1980 paper on autogenic brain discharge as spontaneous localization in quantum measurement]). Considering the monetary unit as analogous to the electron as information carrier, what would be an authentically efficacious monetary-system rationale for the non-simple ownability invoked by mortgaged-backed securities (MBSs) and their rehypothecated bundled bundles (1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-order)? Well, certainly not by how they were actually justified at their invocation: pull more money into the mortgage market by pseudo-securitizing less and less secure loans -- handling the complexities involved with assistance provided by the dissimulated-quantum-based infratechnologies exercised by quants. The rationale would be to enhance self-organizational competency of the market and to further functional integration of the economy as a whole. I've said that the bundling of financial derivatives was bungled because the bundling was undertaken without recourse to fiber-bundle arithmetics. The way to assimilate the outstanding financial-derivative overhang of the global economy to µTm-LETS nesting-foam n-surface of n-surfaces, and to renormalize that overhang, is with treatment (Rx) of financial-derivative space via its tangent-cotangent fiber-bundles on n-surface monetary submanifold of Musculpt natnousfold, M. Speaking relative to topological spaces, their sets with topologies, in the locally-Euclidian monetary submanifold of Musculpt natnousfold, the 1T2-only cash submanifold is a 1-surface and the superposed n-valued-cum-m-processed ensheavement (upon cash base-state), i.e., the n-high stack of fine-grain-tagged indicator-measurables, is a not-locally-Euclidian µTm-processed n-surface. The e-commons, m-scenarios, computer-gamed value stack placed on public-bank issued µTm-LETS currency-unit base-state is a fiber-[bundle}able formalization of the non-simple ownability invoked by MBSs -- only in the µTm-LETS case, the non-simple ownability can internalize to market action-directives extra-systemic externalities, and, in so doing, enhance self-organizational competency and functional integration by (1) attaching more n-scale-relative information to the exchange unit moving at various velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of acceleration through markets, thus more finely articulating action directives, and (2) facilitating formation of a quantum-composite (all variously commodity-backed, not only gold and silver, µTm-LETS currencies included; commodity derivatives fiber-bundled here) planetary unit of account (no vehicle currency as reserve currency; indeed, no reserve currency: even of the bancor or unitas or SDR types) capable of indexing, to the n-surface of n-surfaces, the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. Alternatively, an attempted power-take-off by programmable 1T2-only-processed, cashless, 1-CentralBank, 1-[Cry}ptoCurrency -- the programming being global-leadership-elite dictated -- is, by definition, one framework determining condition of a hypertotalitarian New World Order (for relevant discussion, see Money, Funny Money, and Crypto, Alasdair Macleod, LewRockwell reposting from Goldmoney, 5 November 2021) -- an order with increasing likelihood, considering the drift, one component of which is indicated by the fact that, in the 200-years War of the World, the WWI battle involved extensive use of chemical weapons, the WWII battle involved use of atomic weapons, we've recently had the first global-scale deployment of a human-targeted biological weapon, and there exist indications that the next incremental step will involve space-based environmental warfare.
I hate to be so contrary, or rather more accurately, so psychoanalytic, but, hey: What's up, Doc? Reader beware. Much, if not most, science, these days, has become little more than blackpsyche misdirection, e.g., for a particularly pellucid example, investigations of genetic markers, under the continued misassumption of the validity of the Central Dogma of the molecular biology of the gene (see The Central Dogma Is Empirically Inadequate No Matter How We Slice It, M. Polo Camacho, Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11:6, accepted 31 March 2019), as a way of shifting the social structure of attention cathexes away from the intentional poisoning of the food supply: this sort of misdirection is easy for funding sources to implement as they pick and choose amongst submitted research proposals, and researchers quickly learn which R&D agendas are setting funding choices; so, quickly, following injection of a new centrally-dictated theme-to-be-made-R&D-meme, there is not much in the way of filtering that funding sources must engage in (especially so given that Ph.D.-preceptor transference-figure gurus must get the research of their candidate chelas funded [this regressed type of guru-chela relationship being one form of anal-stage orthopsychiatric therapeutics for the unfocused-anxiety-ridden aspirant curled-up in a hierarchically-ordered institutional placenta: the primary focus, nowadays, being on the elimination side of trophotropic movement away from or toward nourishment-energy], and, in Japan, they are also obliged to find jobs for their postdocs). On a much more abstract level, consider endomorphism cum isomorphism cum automorphism cum homomorphism cum homeomorphism cum diffeomorphism -- and homeomorphism versus diffeomorphism. In the context thus set, formal definitions of an embedded submanifold (good offices of Mark van den Bosch's discourse on the Riemannian manifold and associated concepts in his Bachelor thesis, Leiden U., 7 December 2018) involve there being a homeomorphism of the submanifold onto its own image and the inclusion map itself being an embedding, these definitions rigorously rendering essentials of the egospheric projective-identification endemic to binary-mind: Umwelts of the prevailing Lebenswelts of the dominating bivalent Weltanschauung codify collective identification with preimage in premergence, the most devolved condition of Maya. Speaking in terms of decomposition, derivation is 3rd-, 2nd-, 1st-order derivatives in demergence, the functors, functionals, functions involved being characterizable as topologically-active operator-time executed pushouts (see here the discussion of the mapping cylinder X -- and think of this in terms of Paine-Kaplan nested-grid, cascade-theoretic, numerical, forecast model of tornadogenesis, the complex-spacetime mapping cylinder concretized as a roll cloud being readied for the 90-degree twist which concretizes that between imaginary and real) of paired maps or pushforwards of tangent vectors from one submanifold to an embedded submanifold; speaking in terms of recomposition-remergence, the inverse is the case, with pushbackwards of cotangent vectors: this being an orientable bivalent account, the bifurcation being nonexistent when the cancellation incumbent upon the non-orientable involutory nature of the Schrödinger-memetime-independent case is considered. Going from the 1T2-defined-processed manifold to µTm- and CTC+-defined-processed natnousfolds involves not only the projection maps -- from M to the reals; from M to the complex numbers; from M to hypercomplex numbers: these maps smooth, except that they break at scale-relative absolute limiting values of velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration viewed as space curves on 1-surface of n-surface of M -- but also the topo-active optime, temporal CURLed, cranking of the screw through helix-coil transition pushout cum pushforward, the tangent-cotangent-vector bundles becoming null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels (the involved secret embedding angles surely regarded by binary-mind as synonymous with dumpy no-tells, the motels being the pencils: not exactly a genital-stage formulation, what! heh-heh-heh).
One important matter molecular biologists hide -- and hide from ostrich-like, by hiding submolecular biology from themselves [a few exceptions to this are starting to come online] -- is that each DNA tri-nucleotide codon, by quantum harmonic oscillators and nonlinear Schrödinger equations, is under topologically-active operator-time's 3-fold temporal CURL, this doubled trigram forming one of the 64 archetypes, uh, uh, codons {hexagrams: speaking in terms of neoPlatonic numerology, biquaternion x octonion = 6 (3 + 3 reading frames) cross 4-spacetime, the board of this (It from bit) black/white-beadgame of Gµv, uh, uh, 2nk Go that is, being 3-space subject to stress-energy (Tµv)µ,v = 0,1,2,3 } in peptide sequences. Topo-active optime as µTm-pregeometry logical operator is the Schrödinger-memetime-independent effector of memetime-bound so-called natural selection which [tran}spires, not on the 2nk-fitness landscape (The Eliotic Wasteland of Moses' Shil. Oh! He Whose It Is -- and, by invoking muTm, we intend no slur upon 1T2-priestly MUshites) of probabilistic memetime-bound chaos-complexity theory, but -- 3-fold temporal CURL ontologically preceding advent of memetime -- in an Mnk-articulation hypercomplex-complex space; articulation, because the m of µTm signifies the multiple relative-states of identity-transparency extant as the higher-temporal formants resident in the 64 codons in peptide sequences (see, for discussion of 4 x 4 x 4, The Quantum Workings of the Rotating 64-Grid Genetic Code, Fernando Castro-Chavez, Neuroquantology, 9:4, December 2011, pp. 728-46). These submolecular framework conditions of genetic molecules -- nucleic acids -- constitute further (see The Central Dogma Is Empirically Inadequate No Matter How We Slice It, M. Polo Camacho, Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11:6, accepted 31 March 2019) caveats concerning the Central Dogma of molecular genetics. And how large the number of such caveats! considering that m can take on the value of any finite number. The iso-, endo-, auto-morphism universally covering -- by µTm-relative-state identity-transparency -- the involved distributed specificity is a tiling composed of unit J.G.Bennettian distinctly identical Regge-latticed skew-polytopes, the multiple sheets compacted to the equilateral-triangular qua hexagonal paved MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. This MVRS can be regarded as the I-Ching's order of Higher Heaven, i.e., Higher = non-bivalent, referred to but presumably lost during prehistory of the text of the Book of Changes, which is not the book of chances. One can also presume that the original yarrow stalks (for casting the oracle) were understood to be pencils, cf. J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels, their pattern of fall symbolically denoting the field of the time -- that's active time, mind -- resident in the constellated higher-temporal formants à la 3-fold temporal CURL. The frequency beat-down funnel delivering ambient (intraorganismic and extraorganismic) radiation to the pi-electron-parcel-gas core of DNA is a collection of functor-functional-function pushforwards of tangent vectors from submanifold to nested submanifold, down, down, derry down (through the 64-grid?) to the pi-electron-parcel harmonic temperature oscillator. During the 3rd-to-2nd-to-1st-order-temporal-CURL nested-grid cascade -- through the beat-down funnel -- of hypercomplex-complex angular momentum carried by the beaten-down ambient radiation's higher-temporal formants, the bundled µTm-logical pencils of skew-parallels (carrying scale-relative relative-state identity-transparent functional-integrative information) regress-deconstruct-decompose-demerge to bivalence as the tangent-vector cylinder does its final tilt-and-coordinate-transform into the cylindrical coordinates apropos critical-temperature, replicative, helix-coil transition. So, there is the chordal verticality and the horizontal movement of the chords, i.e., the chordal harmony of the harmonic temperature oscillators at helix-coil transition. Chronic exposure to non-ionizing radiation (think: e.g., non-normative paradiddle on the involved fractal drum) shifts the natural frequency of the oscillators. Can these shifts, in due course, sum to the critical threshold for an activation of exonucleases targeted upon frameshift-mutation recombination, e.g., that associated with COVID-19 (if it exists, and if not, then relative only to the vaxx spike protein, the intercalated HIV codon sequence, so on and so forth -- if you can find the list of ingredients for the vials of this lot and that lot) novel-strain DEmergence? Proofreaders, hah! those exonucleases. Iatrogenic nosocomial diseases -- unintended harm, a term thrown around a lot these days, being good for a great guffaw -- originating in what has become that biowarfare theater-hospital known as Earth orb.
The following quotations drawn from Complex Systems Analysis Of Cell Cycling Models In Carcinogenesis, I. C. Baianu, 2004, my I/im find to be of considerable interest:
Lukasiewicz Algebraic Logic models of genetic networks and signaling pathways in cells are formulated in terms of nonlinear dynamic systems with n-state components that allow for the generalization of previous, Boolean or 'fuzzy', logic models of genetic activities in vivo
An attempt to provide a characterization of genetic activities in terms of n-valued logics and generalized biodynamic state-spaces is introduced. For operational reasons the model is directly formulated in an algebraic form by means of Lukasiewicz algebras
A particularly interesting example is that of the TopGd [topological groupoid] category that will contribute certain associated sheaves of genetic networks with striking, 'emerging' properties such as 'genetic memory' that perhaps reflects underlying holonomic [classically, constraints dependent solely on position and time, which, given quantum nonlocality, would need clarification, if the quantum case were to be entertained] quantum genetic processes
An n-valued [temporal] propositional expression (NTPE) designates a temporal propositional function (TPF) Every genetic net of order zero can be solved in terms of n-valued temporal propositional expressions (NTPE)
In our case the realizability of a set of Si [S = sentence] is not simple as it was in the case of Boolean logic, neural nets. Now, it involves n simultaneous conditions for the n distinct logical values, instead of just the two values from Boolean logic. As a consequence, it is possible that certain genetic networks will be able to 'take into account' the future of their peripheral genes in their switching sequence and levels of activities, thus effectively anticipating sudden threats to the cell survival, and also exhibiting multiple adaptation behaviors in response to exposure to several damaging chemicals or mutagens, antibiotics, etc. Thus, another index of complexity of behavior of genetic networks is the number of future peripheral genes which are taken into account by a specific realization of a network. In contrast to a feedback system, this will be called a feedforward system.
However, interpreting the m of µTm as n-intensities qua concentrations is to retain the truth-value-based fuzzy-logic interpretation of Lukasiewicz-Post. Since we -- my I/im, that is -- interpret the notion logical-value relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-value, we cannot embrace any of the prevailing conceptions of Lukasiewicz algebras (in our judgment, none of the axioms given apply straightforwardly to order-types 1T3, ,µTm, considering that m-states of identity-transparency dictate there be no such as simply-A, simply-x, simply-y upon which signature operations can operate; indeed, enumerating to the ith-case is itself suspect in that, under 1T3, ,µTm, altogether-denumerably-selfsame numbers are indefinable, altogether in quotes because double entendre is involved) which we regard as the take cultivated by binary-mind of ego-'I'-ness as it thinks about what m-logically-valued must be like, rather than µTm-mind(s) of I/im thinking in m-logically-valued order-types. Therefore, we cannot believe that the 1T2-logic operations -- or, and, not -- are the genetics operations; rather, that these are likely to involve inducers of topological transformations like shifts from simply-connected to multiply-connected, orientable to nonorientable, and their order-types, e.g., how many handles. We suggest that the pi-stacks of each nucleotide pair (see here and here and here and here) in each genetic codon have m-superposed higher-temporal formants associated with their quantum-wave properties -- meaning that the genetic code itself, not just genetic networks and signaling pathways, is not a single-level cipher system -- each such chronotopological formant being logically signified by a µTm-order-type, m indicating the number of logical-values available on that formant, µ indicating the number of logical-values activated and employed in a given proposition and its predicates on that formant. These quantum-wave properties of pi-electron-parcel harmonic temperature oscillators as intracellular Zeitgebers and their nested overtone-series formants, as operated upon by topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time executing µTm-propositions and predicates -- activated via the pi-stacks of the nucleotide pairs of codons -- have primary responsibility for functional integration, whilst the thermodynamically-driven, statistical, molecular-level stereochemical processes have primary responsibility for functional specificity, overlap securitizing functionality by utilization of redundancy. Nonlocal quantum holonomic constraints likely are functions of the viscosities imposed via the wave-effect analog-Lukasiewiczian processing of the multilevel enciphered µTm-genetic propositions-predicates specifying given actions functionally dependent upon (our µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency equals structure of entangled states in composite systems: this is the cotangent-vector-bundle [actually, µTm-pencil of skew-parallels] remergence take; the inverse take, the tangent-vector-bundle demergence) n-body confluences understood as being µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, there being no such as absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct components cum component processes. In this conception, pathogeneses, including cancer, are, following Albert Szent-Györgyi, due, most fundamentally, to quenching of the m-logically-valued (cf. Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function understood µTmly, not 1T2-probabilistically) quantum processes, not due to loss of non-quantum simple-identity.
It seems to my me that the NTPEs (n-valued temporal propositional expressions) of I. C. Baianu, portrayed in several of his papers -- quoting, immediately below, his 6 August 2011 Nature Precedings paper, entitled Lukasiewicz-Topos Models of Neural Networks, Cell Genome and Interactome Nonlinear Dynamic Models (this is an extension of his 2004 paper, commented upon above, which is an extension of his March 1977 paper entitled A Logical Model of Genetic Activities in Lukasiewicz Algebras: The Non-linear Theory, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 39, pp. 249-58, which I should have found at Cornell during 1977, but didn't, and which would have greatly benefited, had I so found), which describes how
An algebraic formulation of variable next-state functions is extended to a Lukasiewicz Topos with an n-valued Lukasiewicz Algebraic Logic subobject classifier description that represents non-random and nonlinear network activities as well as their transformations in developmental processes and carcinogenesis
-- are (that's the NTPEs) SEMIcompatible with The logic of the future in quantum theory as characterized and analyzed by Anthony Sudbery (Synthese, 194, 2017, pp. 4429-53), where, quoting the succinct statement given in the abstract, it is said that
According to quantum mechanics, statements about the future made by sentient beings like us are, in general, neither true nor false; they must satisfy a many-valued logic. I propose that the truth value of such a statement should be identified with the probability that the event it describes will occur I construct a lattice of future-tense propositions, with truth values in the interval [0,1], and derive logical properties of these truth values given by the usual quantum-mechanical formula for the probability of a history.
My I/im take particular note of Sudbery's observation that future-related statements must satisfy a many-valued logic (this, significantly, gives a Lukasiewiczian interpretation to Schrödinger's m-valued state-function in his [meme}time-dependent wave equation). Baianu's model of genomic next-state functions appears to agree with this. But, Sudbery's probability interpretation of the Lukasiewiczian interpretation, Baianu's model, in representing non-random and nonlinear network activities as well as their transformations in developmental processes, does not agree with. Emphasis here placed on non-random. In assimilating to their theories Lukasiewicz logic(s), as fuzzy or probability interpreted, both Baianu and Sudbery manage to avoid questioning reality-validity-utility of 1T2-only-definable passive, passing, referential linear-time taken to be an objective reference frame. In embracing 3-fold topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time (topo-active optime) -- thus rejecting the notion that time is a reference-frame dimension like are the three of ponderable space -- this is one whenwhere within which I break company with both Baianu and Sudbery (another such whenwhere being interpretation as to what exactly it is that constitutes logical-value). The when and the where of any found whenwhere being 3-fold topo-active optime Schrödinger-[meme}time-independently demerged decomposition products (in more PC parlance: enfolded CommonGround-BackCloth unfolded [consensually: over an objective linear-time span] unto decoherent constituent components) subject to involutory recomposition, which, under 3rd-fold which is 1st-fold, are non-orientably self-canceling, every whenwherewhowhat being nothing but the intersection of Purusha-Prakriti, all somewhats being nothing given shape by topo-active optime. The classical limit being mere wherewolfing chimera, whenwheres within which to experimentally substantiate this no[t}ion are studies of DNA radiation-exchange and complex angular momentum cascade at tornadogenesis. As above, so below. While (not whilst) the [no}timepassing orientation of the Block Theory of the universe is simpatico with C+TC+-Tzog-chen decompactable most-dense sheet of MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), embrace of topo-active optime, by ruling out time as a dimension of MST (Minkowski spacetime), precludes embrace of the Block Theory, the Growing Block Theory, and Bradford Skow's Objective Becoming (excellent discussions of which are presented in Skow on the Passage of Time, Alastair Wilson, 18 June 2017, and The quantum theory of time, the block universe, and human experience, Joan A. Vaccaro, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 28 May 2018). As quoted prominently by Wilson, Skow observes that Each time is present to itself, and only to itself; but Skow does not qualify this observation by mentioning that this each time, understood a discrete [in}stant on timeline, is altogether definable only under 1T2-only-logic alone, the itselves of the each under logics 1T3-unto-µTm having myriad non-selfsame states of relative-state identity-transparency -- which is not even to mention logics CTC+-unto-C+TC+. A logical-value order-type does not invoke a perspective in any authentic sense of the word: point of view; attitude, even. Logical-value order-type, being apropos pregeometry which is ontologically prior to geometrodynamics, is much more fundamental than MST-time, and if logical-value be understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-value, then what relativity physics deems the perspective dependence of facts is derivative of the fact of µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-types. Understood in this context, with topo-active optime decomposing-demerging logical-value order-type nesting-foam CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, the sequence of n-spotlights of Skow's supertime are not our superposed higher-temporal formants, these formants being logically and ontologically prior to any ST-is that could be spotlighted. The issue of predetermination, discussed in detail by Vaccaro, is, C+TC+ly speaking relative to 3rd-fold which is 1st-fold, no issue, as the non-orientability ably removes it. Heraclitus is Parmenides hiding from himself. Single-valued Everything is nothing but changes is multi-valued Nothing ever changes decomposed. Since each and every thing is a [no}thing given shape by topo-active optime executing C+TC+-propositions numbered with non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers such that ponderablespacememetime can be, the issue of predetermination is epiphenomenal to the Maya of making claim to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct existence. No matter how much (cf. A Debate Over the Physics of Time, Dan Falk, Quanta Magazine, 19 July 2016) bivalent logic, and m-valued logic thought into bivalently, is brought to the subject, binary minds -- glutamate etched, with memetime glutamatergically anchored to their molecular-cellular brains -- will not become emotionally capable of ridding themselves of the notion that there exists objectively a passive, passing, referential linear-time. Endogenous-ketamine-flood-facilitated unanchoring and associated direct ontic access to THE nonlocal-quantum brain's output to conscious awareness surely must take as much effort as is required to go from kindergarten through a Ph.D. and postdoc apprenticeship in quantum-relativity physics -- and likely even that order of effort would require, in addition, a supportive environment, the likes of which are nowhenwheres to be found.
Speaking 1T2ly and memetime-bound, while, by Special Relativity, the absolute limiting velocity snuffs out linear-time and poofs out ponderable space in the direction of movement, increasing accelerations ever more diagonalize the horizontal straight-line plot of a given less-than-absolute-limiting velocity, the absolute limiting acceleration taking it right off the chart. Increasing time-rates-of-change of acceleration take the diagonalization back upon itself (torus), the absolute limiting time-rate-of-change of acceleration accomplishing reentry of the diagonalization into itself (Klein bottle), thus establishing non-orientability. In the realms of complex and hypercomplex configuration spaces, unto phase spaces, unto state spaces, this applies to tangent-cotangent-vector-bundle representations of complex-hypercomplex angular-momentum reverse-cascades/cascades, a form in which Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) recomposition-decomposition of MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) remerges-demerges. Under µTm-unto-CTC+ logics, the tangent-cotangent-vector-bundles would be bundlings of J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels. Absent the supposed classical limit, an absence [man}dated, uh, uh, in this case [cosmo}dated, by µTm-logic processing of scale-relative m-valued universal physical constants, e.g., the absolute limiting velocity for each LSTD, Limited ponderableSpacememeTime Domain, these notions apply to, for instance, DNA helix-coil transition under impress of ambient radiation impingement (even with regard to the 3-folds executed by topo-active optime: see our discussion of the primed and double-primed versions of Einstein's most famous equation and compare it to Fernando Castro-Chavez's remarks on the import of reordering that equation: found in The Quantum Workings of the Rotating 64-Grid Genetic Code, Neuroquantology, 9:4, December 2011, pp. 728-46). Later in that paper, Castro-Chavez quotes Brian Hayes' Ode to the Code (American Scientist, 92, 2004, pp. 494-99), i.e., to wit, that
if the transfer RNA that matches a codon is rare, then transcription of genes including that codon will be slowed. For some proteins there is evidence that such pace-setting codons help ensure correct folding of the amino acid chain.
Castro-Chavez quotes Hayes in context of having observed that differences in the pace set may reflect the number of hydrogen bonds in the variable third nucleotide pair of the given codon, which is one factor of differentiation between vertebrate and invertebrate genes. But, according to the above-given observations on accelerative diagonalization (cf. skewing, bending, folding), it's not simply pace (a given velocity) but also acceleration-deceleration involved in setting a given diagonalization angle. In our model of DNA radiation exchange at helix-coil transition, it is the radiation-induced change of the of the pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillation rate and its accelerations-decelerations that set velocity and accelerations-decelerations of nucleotide bonding -- which may be an input at determination of the values of presently unknown quantum-level variables established in pace-setting codons, variables which ramify subtlety of pace setting given by the number of hydrogen bonds, ramified as regards rates and rates of rates of protein synthesis.
Ruminating, from our I/im-notion of framework determining conditions, upon Vaccaro's (see: The quantum theory of time, the block universe, and human experience, Joan A. Vaccaro, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 28 May 2018) quantum theory of time, my me finds that it can think of the null-vector defined J.G.Bennettian pencil of skew-parallels as a QVP (quantum virtual path) qua Q-sidewalk which is a µTm-regulated treadmill, rather than a 1T2-regulated conveyor belt. Feynman's sum-over-path qua path-integral formalism would approach the notion relative-state identity-transparency were the probability amplitude calculation replaced with calculation of the Gödel-numbered Gödel number of a µTm-proposition descriptive of a QVP understood a Bennettian pencil. Virtual is virtual (physically indistinguishable in Vaccaro's analysis; distinctly identical in J. G. Bennett's terminology) only under 1T2-only-logic alone: the 1T2-Quantum VP-superposition of all possible paths, µTmly understood (which is not Hugh Everett's understanding), is the superposition of all paths, each actual under some logical-value order-type, e.g., 7T29, 18T31, 125T613, such that, the paths on all such order-types, indicated by the number to the right-hand-side of T, ensheaved as stack of transparent overlays would (JoeGoode-type looking through Irene Rice Pereira's transcendental formal logic of the infinite, the Goode waterfall-looked-through tropologically metareferencing Schrödinger-memetime-independent logical-value order-type cascade-decomposition-demergence of C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround into the RicePereira layered transparent, a block of sorts, a pregeometry logic block logically and ontologically prefiguring the geometric lattices of the Regge calculus) constellate a state-space path-portrait altogether 1T2ly irresolvable (this, to our way of thinking, as rendered in Vaccaro's analysis: all measures below the Planck limiting distance and Planck minimum time understood as having identical values of physical parameters, i.e., truncation renormalization), but emulated by how the Analytical Cubism image hyper-reductively imitates-visualizes the infinitude of infinitudes of perspectival facets constituting the inner and outer Husserlian horizons of a 1T2ly-constellated object OBEly qua ketaminergially seen simultaneously-instantaneously all around. One is not actually called upon by nature to strip away enculturated-socialized prescription sufficiently as to become able to live fully in the quantum world (possibly not possible: this may be the actual reason for Buddha's renunciation of the final stage of enlightenment until all have reached that stage; not the moral economy of Buddhological cosmogony nearly so much as a crisply-conscious affirmation of a framework determining condition) but to become able to proprioceive-perceive in the Analytical Cubism world: it is much easier to conceive than to perceive. Which is to say that, in our views -- speaking CTC+ly-unto-µTmly, iff we were so capable (what is speakable and unspeakable in Musculpt is logic-adicity-dependent) -- Vaccaro conditional-state localization and sequential ordering is epiphenomenal to collective utilization of 1T2-only-logic alone, which logic limitation is itself collectively self-imposed due to glutamatergic anchoring under orchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization governed by nefarious psycho-sexo-medico-pedagogo-socio-econo-politico-military agendas (an aspect of Vaccaro's and human experience which clearly has conditioned not only the quantum theory of time but, most damagingly, the consensus interpretation of the m-valued state-function of Schrödinger's wave-equation). The current subliminal mass (find'em, fix'em, finish'em) hysteria over specter of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency has apparently far surpassed that which transpired in pockets during run-up to WWII, has festered more deeply into marrow of the collective unconscious, and has been (Phoenix cum MEDCAPs globalized) planetarized with advent of what may have started as a viral pseudoinfection known as COVID-19 (for an exemplary piece of the ever more ubiquitous blackpsyche dysinformation cum misdirection, the corpus of which can fan mass hysteria to the level where pandemic pseudoinfection becomes a plausible consequent, see Scientists mystified, wary, as Africa avoids COVID disaster, Maria Cheng and Farai Mutsaka, AP, 19 November 2021, wherein no mention is made of the routine use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin), the demonstrably-ineffective-vaccination obsessive-compulsive-disordered behaviors mimicking the failed Hitlerite attempt to impose purified identity, this memetime the obsession with enforcing single-valued, non-quantum, simple-identity much more regressively elaborated full into the bio-identity-marker realms of psychoneuroimmunology. If this is, indeed, the actual condition of the deep-structure of the prevailing collective condition, when cuspover arrives how could the catastrophe not be orders of magnitude worse than was the catastrophe which was the WWII-battle of the 200-years War of the World?
Marco Travora has written a paper entitled, The Mysterious Connection Between Cyclic Imaginary Time and Temperature, published 16 August 2019 and posted on Towards Data Science, to which I have no access. This article title (the subject indicated, I note, being highly relevant to the climate change debate) is the first instance I've seen suggesting recognition of a deep structure we described during the late-1970s: a notion pulling the language of thermodynamics into the language of time, the Second Law and memetime being mutually defining (no mere claque, however, a word or phrase borrowed from another language, e.g., speaking of naked singularities-without-hair, Why heshe's a nopansu modan garu, that's fo'sure!). I will illustrate this claim with quotations drawn from two papers Douglas A. Paine and I wrote during the period. Our 1977 article, Toward a General Theory of Process, explicates complex (imaginary) and hypercomplex active time (which we later became aware is related to what Pauli called operator time), the second-order (which may be deemed cyclic) having to do with absolute limiting acceleration, the involved hypertwisting into complex domains being defined with spaceTIME del operators (an expansion of the notion spatial del operator) and denoted with the term temporal curl. Quoting the article:
it seems appropriate to discuss some further possibilities suggested by the threefold operations of the temporal curl. The temporal curl interacts with space to generate form. It is a topological operator on space Is the twistor of Roger Penrose actually quantization of temporal curl?
Active time, a way of handling multiscale cascade of hypercomplex and complex angular momentum (and associated spinors), we regarded as being responsible for the demergence of acts of discovery: [dis}cover, to diss the covering surfaces, universal to particular, to remove them, and thus to reveal by way of decomposition involutes. An example of this occurring at severe storm genesis is mathematically detailed and analyzed in the above-linked general process article. Another example is more deeply detailed and analyzed in our 1978 paper entitled, The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, which links temporal CURL to a species of gravitational collapse, a sound analogue involving acoustically-modified (i.e., coherent) gravity-wave modes, and in so doing redefines the basic notion of temperature relative to hypercomplex and complex active time. Quoting Appendix B to that paper:
In the first-order spacetime del operator a gradient in time serves to exchange information between the real and imaginary components of the two field vectors Imaginary, in this context, designates those time-like properties of processes occurring orthogonal to the plane which represents the real component. Both planes are defined within the limited atmospheric spacetime domain. In the second-order spacetime del operator a time rate of change of the temporal gradient serves to exchange information between the real and imaginary components of the same two field quantities. In the second case, the imaginary component carries information (spin) to both the horizontal and vertical planes, which are defined within the embedding domain. To generate the wave equations descriptive of the first component of information exchange, we employ the first-order temporal derivative and expand to separate the spatial and temporal components
Quoting the body of the paper:
Note that time as invoked in these equations, rather than appearing as a passive backdrop to the ensuing dynamics, is now central and an active participant in the dynamic processes by which information is exchanged
In summarizing these approaches to superconductant physics, we have found that the relevant atmospheric equations have their exact analogue in Maxwell's equations when we employ two aspects of time ordering. This has been accomplished by separating the dynamics of the atmosphere into two vectorial fields described by the geostrophic and ageostrophic velocities. The geostrophic field contains vortices measured within an incompressible (isentropic) frame of reference which is alternately charged and discharged of energy-momentum by the ageostrophic field of motion. This compares favorably with Maxwell's mathematical description of an idealized incompressible fluid, which he believed to be subject to a species of (internal) friction invoked to explain the relationship between electric and magnetic fields.
Time dictates accelerations in the relativistic-quantum approach, thus yielding an equivalence principle which equates the physics of acoustic waves to the physics of gravity and electromagnetic waves
And in the section of the paper entitled, The Relativistic-Quantum Definition of Temperature, we find:
The macroquantum description of a superconductant domain treats TEMPERATURE AS A MAP OF DIFFERENTIAL SPIN whose temporal configuration is PRECISELY described.
Cyclic is second-order relative to linear; acceleration, second-order relative to velocity. Cyclic imaginary time, in the above-described context, would denote the second-order temporal CURL induced by second-order active time as topological operator. One big reason why this has remained un[dis}covered country is because of the continued misbelief in validity-reality of a classical limit, this misbelief sustained by failure to acknowledge scale-relative m-values (µTmly processed) of universal physical constants, a subject addressed in the above-linked hydrothermodynamics paper in the section entitled, The Relativism of Absolute Limits.
Some few currently-active economic thinkers have substantially passed over from the 18th and 19th centuries and cognitively entered the early-20th-century (sans, for instance, Lukasiewicz logics), to wit Stephen I. Ternyik, who frames economic processes in Minkowski spacetime (time understood as being real arithmetic) cum the consensus probabilistic interpretation of the m-valued state-function of the memetime-dependent Schrödinger wave equation, as per the elucidations sketched out by K-Periodicity, Space-Time Structures and World Economics, in Kondratieff Waves, Leonid Grinin, et al., eds., Uchitel Publishing House, 2012, and by The Monetary Quantum, Macroeconomics: Monetary & Fiscal Policies eJournal, 15 May 2012. Our notion of µTm-LETS nesting-foams would embrace Ternyik's framework (to include cyclical growth, were the helix-coil cascade construed relative to 1st-order temporal CURL of complex Poincare-Minkowski spacetime, the time dimension being portrayed as imaginary) on the 1T2-only-logic level of conception alone -- given the caveat-type understanding that the understandings differ enormously as to 1T3-unto-µTm, as to CTC+, and as to C+TC+-AllBaseCommonGround (it being understood that substance of these differing understandings is applicable to cosmology itself, when the 90-degree twistor which is 1st-order temporal CURL into the imaginary component be understood epiphenomenal to exclusive use of 1T2-only logic, and quantization of that CURL, 1T3-unto-µTm, be understood fractionated as geometrically represented via null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity). As regards µTm-LETS, macroscopically speaking, the Musculpted monetary system manifold, Ms, would constitute a multi-sheet-modeled multiscale nested-grid-qua-tiled system, the changing curvature configuration of each sheet (more generally, each n-dimensional laminate) -- depicted with lattices of the Regge calculus -- being a map of purchasing power (economic massenergy) imparities crossed into the velocities of the µTm-LETS currencies defined on the boundaries-without-boundary of the currency areas qua tiles of the given sheet (cf. money in motion: see for background of the analogy, Why does momentum curve spacetime in general relativity, answer by Raymond Rogers, Quora, 4 August 2021). Microscopically speaking, there would be many µTm-LETS currencies, issued by local public banks, and backed by various varying commodity bundles, these bundles articulated to a universal quantum-composite (essentially, the µTm-relative-state [which is not the Everettian 1T2-relative-state] of all the LETS currencies in the planetary monetary supersystem-system-subsystem composite) unit of account by employment of the fiber-bundle arithmetics used to configure the bundling of commodity futures and financial derivatives. Upon base-state (1T2-only processed single-valued cash) of any given µTm-electronically-processed m-valued LETS currency unit, are to be placed the multiple values of the sheaf-of-m, these m-values tagged to indicator-measurables selected on the basis of e-commons, m-scenarios, computer-gamed preference functions expressing use-value reflections of allelotropic value gradient-mapped upon the most-densely-packed nested-grid sheet of Ms -- i.e., the MVRS, m-logically valued reference space qua Tzog-chen AllBase qua CommonGround qua BackCloth -- as Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. The Law of one [single-valued] price is consequently thus replaced by the Law of one multivalued price: single-valued property is theft of the multivalue at root of the relative-state identity-transparency definitive of the quantum potential orchestrating the markette's actual invisible magic-hand sorting-demon, in point of fact the angel responsible for one and another level of self-organizational competency. The allelotropic theory of value was first seriously discussed during the fall of 1977 in Kyoto with W. David Kubiak, and later written about in our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh. Quoting that novel, sans paragraph indentations, excerpts drawn from Vol. 2, pp. 541-3:
Quantum economics! Yoshio blurted out enthusiastically. Autopoionomy, Derek suggested the central hypothesis is an allelotropic theory of value: rooted in relative-state, superintegration, overdetermination Allelotropic? asked Ilse, harping back. Yes, Derek affirmed. Allelon: of each other. Trope: a turning. Value is a measure of the three factors I mentioned: relative-state, superintegration, overdetermination. It's the quantum potential in an autopoionomy: an economic process self-organizing on the basis of quantum principles. Value is a measure of the capacity to integrate the subsystem-system-supersystem composite. A wave function would be required to represent it. Value is the index of a turning to each other; it is a metaphorical embodiment -- an allegorization -- of the 'other-awareness', as I like to say But how would it work? asked Ilse. Movement of money through the system composite is information pulling activity after itself, said Tadao. The flow of capital in pursuit of gains draws resources in its wake. It is the movement of exchange that is the information about the total structure of the autopoionomy, not the unit price itself. Capital movement creates a field of activity: resource allocation. Using the electron analogy, movement of charge creates a magnetic field which is a system of event gradients. If money stands still there is no field of activity; if an electron stands still there is no field generated. Each electron carries multivalued information characterizing the total state of the system of which it is a part; that is, the integration of the system's component processes. Self-organization results from the quantum properties of electrons, which require a wave function to describe. The single-value attached to metal and currency, said Derek, would continue to be a supply and demand determined price relation of commodities, including labor. But the weight system for the allelotropic computerized multiple values of the exchange unit would be self-regulated on the basis of preference functions and optimization criteria. Planometrics would be tied to econometrics in establishing modal micro-goals and sanctions in the market as an expression of non-equilibrium transitions in autopoionomies The multivalued exchange unit increases the information in the market. Not only a single-valued commodity price matched by specie, but a price with multiple indexes requiring for purchase also a computerized electronic exchange-unit match of identical indexes. Labor of varying sorts pays wages of various index arrays. The indexes or values of the exchange unit correspond to different categories of social needs and wants expressed as superposition in the system composite. The various weights of the index categories are governed by a macroscopic wave function. The weighted values are in a state of flux relative to the changing spectrum of social needs. These value changes are 'posted' on a continuous display. This additional information in the market -- information explicitly tied to aggregate needs -- will modify motivational patterns by adding to the array and subtly of incentives and sanctions.
There are variations on the small number of [eco}no|mic theories of value (see, for instance, Kit Sims Taylor's account in the Theories of Value chapter to his Human Society and the Global Economy, an online textbook, 2001). Memetime -- wherein instants, moments, periods are 1T2-only definable -- is prominent in these variations making them memetime-bound, thus placing a governor on the engine of self-organization such that only one level of market self-organizational competency is contemplated. The Sraffian theory of value maintains that, quoting Taylor's account, the products of labor held through time become capital The difficulty of working this conception of capital into a theory of value is in how to characterize time. Sraffia started with a hypothetical 'period of production' ; whereas the allelotropic theory of value starts with Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock on AllBaseCommonGround of Ms, stocks becoming construed memetime flows by the Schrödinger-memetime-independent operations of Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time. Alan Freeman, in his A General Theory of Value and Money: Foundations of an Axiomatic Theory, World Review of Political Economy, 11:1, Spring 2020, which discusses the TSSI, Temporal Single System Interpretation of Marx's value theory, says, page 30, that:
in society, something happens which we can call production, and something else through which members of society receive the results, which we can call distribution.
Such an idea cannot logically be expressed without some concept of what is produced, which we term a value concept. This concept varies from theory to theory value may only arise in production [specifically not in distribution, this production-distribution dualism being epiphenomenal to reliance upon 1T2-only-logic alone]
To my mind, these notions as to value apply only to added value, the value added, via production, to the AllBase-values of the resources employed at production, those before-production AllBase-values depending upon the time-shape regime within which they are evaluated as to possible-unto-prospective uses (variation on use-value theory). Money is not a value measure; it marks value measurements with prices stated in increments-multiples of itself; these so-called measurements actually being value placements made by exercise of the supply-demand dynamic which issues micro-modal action directives via prices discovered. When quantum-based technologies become involved, it's not possible to find the exact distinction between production and distribution which Freeman postulates. Distribution is added-value creation in the sense that, by analogy to energy concepts, an undistributed product has no kinetic use-value, only potential use-value. The idea that value can only be created, and that that value-creation transpires only in production (a huge devaluation of value, in large measure responsible for production of pandemic alienation, anomie, the persistent pervasive sense of separatism), clearly rules out the notion of inherent, intrinsic AllBase-values of resources, values that can be introduced into processes of exchange, within which exchange values are discovered. Rather than a marginal theory of value (with a strong subjective psychological component) directly setting relative prices, we advocate an allelotropic theory of value setting relative prices according to the relative quantum potentials as assessed within a given time-shape regime.
Full-blown animistic-pagan participation mystique (for a brief general statement of C. G. Jung's usage, see Participation Mystique: An Overview, Mark Winborn, 2014 or later by references; for a discussion of the quite interesting distinction between identity fusion and identification with group in the theory of group dynamics, which is quite different from, and much more circumscribed than, the Jungian take, see On the Nature of Identity Fusion , Angel Gomez, et al., Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100:5, February 2011, pp. 918-33; and, for another full-text-inaccessible-to-me -- Ugh! -- article directly related, see, if you can, Fusion States, Collective [the presence of collective here is the main inducer of my special interest] Countertransference, and Mutual Dependence, Peter L. Giovacchini, Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, New York, 23:3, September 1995, pp. 411-23) presupposes scale-relative quantum-non-simple identity (for commentary, see Making Sense of Non-Individuals in Quantum Mechanics, Jonas R. B. Arenhart and Otavio Bueno and Decio Krause, in Quantum Worlds , Olympia Lombardi, et al., eds., Cambridge U. Press, 2019) qua non-selfsameness; aka µTm-relative-state identity-transparency; set-theory-wise and speaking µTmly-unto-CTC+ly, a set that does not contain itself; set-theory-wise and speaking C+TC+ly, the set of all sets that do not contain themselves. Relative to 1T2-only-emerged generative grammars cum semantics, we here have Speakable and Unspeakable in Tao Te Ching, a text written in Chinese characters, the logic predicated by which is bivalent, even if rotational by hypertemporal CURL (2 x the 90-degree twist onto the imaginaries) whereby, as illustrated in the Tai Chi symbol, yin becomes yang and yang becomes yin, A becomes not-A and not-A becomes A; hence, Taoism's emphasis on dynamics, even to the extent that a Book of Changes, the I-Ching, is formalized. Note that Speakable is not (simultaneously: becomes involves a memetime lag) Unspeakable in Tao Te Ching: that (simultaneity) would require a 2T2-logic (which is not rotational-1T2-logic). This memetime-bound restriction is stated right off, at the beginning of the text: The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal [cf. C+TC+] Tao. Why? Most fundamentally because All That Is is not itself (and only itself); it is, C+TC+ly speaking and Schrödinger-memetime-independently, the set of all sets that do not contain themselves. Moreover, referential transparency under 1T2-only logic alone does not conform to µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, in that, under those higher-valued logics, the referents (1) are not absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinguishable one from another -- be their statistical variances regarded homoscedastic distributions, probability amplitudes, 1T2-only-relative-states of n-incommunicado worlds -- and one-and-more from all taken together, and (2) the referents of the involved formal language expressions-about-them are substantively epiphenomenal to the semantics of those very expressions, and (3), establishing the self-reference of which µTm-unto-CTC+ are order-types, those semantics are substantively epiphenomenal to the relations between the identity-transparent referents of those very expressions. The enfoldment of the enfolded! Uh, uh, that is, as conceived in the ontological-remergence direction indicated by As below, so above. Speaking 1T2ly and as conceived in the retrograde-inversion case, i.e., As above, so below: the cognitive wherewithal proffering ontic awareness of this latter above-referred-to case, that is, demergent inner-Musculpt -- being the unspeakable, found, formal metalanguage we may experience as reified unto utter concretion and, by calling for its holographic techno-exteriorization, we hypostatize nearly into personal existence -- is no emergent property of localized 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains, and, therefore, has no generative grammar; rather, its semantic imports incarnate-substantiate as syntactic objects formulaically instantiating m-valued free variables according to the unfolding grammatical rules of emblematization by which Musculpt symformphonie elaborates. Before one can think of tokenizing the symbols of a Musculpt alphabet, one has to imagine what would constitute input propositional variables of the logics of Musculpt when only on the 1T2-logical-value order-type of Musculpt does there exist truth functions (on µTm-unto-CTC+ there exist ID-transparency functions). How, then, arrive at the set of propositional connectives? Further, then, how define what constitutes a well-formed formula of Musculpt? Musculpt is resident in, presumably-speculatively, the pregeometry and geometrodynamics of colorized aural-spatial topological transformations effectuated by 3-fold, twistorized, topologically-active operator-time (understood vehicle of universal consciousness). Possibly this has to do with topos theory and orbifolds under Lukasiewicz-Post logics understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency (one way to think into this transparency is via equivalence classes and quotient spaces), not truth-value (if truth-value is felt to be absolutely essential, then a derivative formulation would possibly be a notion of truth that has placetime non-locality built into it; Why, why, just squelch those T-rats barging in with their monstrous te[rat}ological dislocations! thus sprach the White King who comes forth proclaiming intuitive bivalent orthogonality the sole PC principle permitted to nature's gameboard design criteria). If the problem is how to form a formula-statement of Musculpt symformphonie, what is the algorithmic set of steps-instructions for achieving that outcome? In Musculpt, it's not an assemblage problem, not a matter of primitives (say, cellular automata) forming forms; it's one of decomposition, of form informing. So, as a starting point for the imagination, there must be at least some vague notion as to what is [under}going the logical-ontological-existential decomposition-unfoldment-in[form}at|i\on. In this scheme, one perhaps could look to topos theory (good offices of John Baez, 10 October 2021) for edification as to pre-pregeometry point-set topologies; to CTC+-unto-µTm-logics understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency (given his overt Platonism, Gödel might have been sympathetic: see On Gödel's 'Platonism', Pierre Cassou-Nogues, La Syllogistique de Lukasiewicz, Philosophia Scientiae, 15:2, 2011) for interpretations of Lukasiewicz-analog-computing models-submodels of pregeometry, it-from-[mu}it schemata digitalizable via Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes; to orbifold music structures, e.g., orbifold chord geometries (good offices of Dmitri Tymoczko, Science, 313, 7 July 2006), complexed to Regge lattices for insight as to the configuration spaces that appear in the geometrodynamics demergent under 3-fold, twistorized, topo-active-optime execution of pregeometry propositions numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. But considerations such as those mentioned above (plus, say, for instance, the fact that definition of a 1T2-only category involves an identity arrow denoting selfsameness of each of the objects collected, which thereby excludes, by fiat, states of relative-state identity-transparency) may indicate that these intricate bodies of thought developed by employments of 1T2-only-logic-alone proof-theoretic conventions have limited applicability to the problem of ascertaining the framework determining conditions of Musculpt, not least to arriving at itemization of the alphabet of symbols and sentential operators (relative to topo-active optime and groupoidal actions) to be subjected to Gödel-numbering function-functional-functor such that µTm-propositions (especially those instrumental to demergence of the geometrodynamics of Musculpt symformphonie) can be numbered with G-numbered G-numbers (the ten increments of James R. Meyer's A Simplified Explanation of Gödel's Proof constitute the most easily understood explication of Gödel's Theorems I've run across). Stumped, circa 1975 onwards, Cornell and elsewhere, as to how to go forthwith without the ability to think in µTm, only to 1T2ly think about µTm, the unfulfilled strategy emerged to employ biofeedback in computerized and holographic-display-system-equipped isolation-flotation Lilly tanks as mind-gym-lab facilitators used by a biofeedback-computer-inputting smart-dancewear-appareled dance pod attempting to discover sonic-visioning inner-Musculpt semantics-grammar-syntax-phonology whilst learning sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak from bottle-nosed dolphins. Where did this idea come from? Out of inadvertent experience developing conscious access to inner-Musculpt -- which I had recognized, upon reading (in my usual fashion, described below) Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-logics, as likely apropos µTm-mind spaces. Eielson AFB, Alaska, circa summer of 1960, having just turned 15 and resolutely deciding to learn something about the Plexiglas wall experiences I had periodically undergone ever since returning to the ZI from Japan (where I had had some childhood exposure to animistic-Shinto modes of proprioception-perception-cognition) four years earlier. There were also some strange behaviors seen about me which I did not understand and wished to penetrate. So I began to spend 1-2 hours several evenings a week after dinner at the base library reading material I only understood a small percentage of -- a reading practice I've continued with ever since. I would identify unknowns and handle them as colors, shapes, sounds that modified with each reencounter in different contexts; thus, unknowns progressively became better knowns. Over the years, this inner-encryption became more and more elaborate (peaking from my mid-20s to my mid-30s -- slowly falling off from there). And now, so many decades later, I find (the compulsive simple-identity-identification issues predicated by the very existence of Facebook aside) the following from Is Grapheme Colour Synesthesia Linked to Prosopagnosia?, Thea K. Ulimoen and Thomas Alrik Sorenson, Journal of Vision, 19:24b, September 2019:
One theory describing why people develop synaesthesia states that it occurs in response to challenging learning tasks (Watson et al 2014). That is, the main purpose of synaesthesia is to act as an aid to perceptual and conceptual understanding of complex categorical learning challenges.
And in Synesthesia and Learning , Marcus R. Watson, et al., Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 28 February 2014:
Synesthetic inducers -- the stimuli that evoke these unusual experiences -- often involve the perception of complex properties learned in early childhood synesthetes appear to be able to use their unusual experiences as mnemonic devices and can even exploit them while learning novel abstract categories.
In the Watson paper, there is a section entitled What Would Make Someone More Likely to Employ Synesthetic Associations as a Learning Strategy? which provides a list of unusual cognitive, perceptual, and personality traits possessed by synesthetes, one of which is high rates of positive schizotypal experiences (note the word positive), e.g., what I called my Plexiglas wall experiences, which are described in detail in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh.
It can be observed that Gödel's Platonism qua Idealism (transcendental or no: see On Gödel and the Ideality of Time, John Byron Manchak, Philosophy of Science, 83:5, December 2016, pp. 1050-8) goaded him on to look for a revised notion of time (see Kurt Gödel Wanted to Revise Our Concept of Time, Dan Hooper, What Einstein Got Wrong lecture series, 15 May 2020) implicate in Einstein's General Relativity, which he found in a rotating solution of Einstein's equation, a solution for an expanding-collapsing universe, a solution in our cascade concept scale-relative to galactic, cyclonic, tornadic collapsing-expanding rotations, yielding, insofar as Gödel concluded, closed time-like curves, which do not predicate exact recurrence (by Gödel, a now-event that has passed on can be re-experienced yet again as now-event, and yet again as now-event, and yet again, ,n) so much as time-reversal symmetry (though, the involved return, like that in the self-referential nature of his Gödel-number-related proofs, does evoke a sense of reenactment of the ancient cyclical notion of time, just as Gödel-numbering evokes a sense of reenactment of ancient gematria, which was not only alphanumeric but also could be mantra-yantra-Pythagorean alphageometronumeric) -- whereas, insofar as Douglas A. Paine concluded -- from his studies of the rotating solution to tornadogenesis, involving cascades of hypercomplex and complex angular momentum -- yielded the notion of 3-fold temporal CURL as induced by topologically-active operator-time. We note that Gödel's yet-again-eternal-return is toroidal, involves no 3rd-order-temporal-CURL-like KleinBottle-reentry non-orientability wherein the semantic identity of binary opposites -- e.g., say, the categories objective/subjective -- are indistinguishable, that is, speaking asymptotically, are in C+TC+-relative-state identity-transparency: for Gödel, it is not the case that if you go past far enough you go future, and if you go in far enough you go out, or, indeed, that past is future, in is out, because those categories-of-understanding are 1T2-only-bound. Actually, it doesn't even take µTm-unto-CTC+-logics to doubt cosmic authenticity of now-ness (eternal-now-ness being a Pegasus of a different mythical color) which requires for its existence passive, passing, referential memetime contextualization (for discussion of the import of neurological temporal integration windows (think cf.: our frequency response windows of intraneuronal DNA mathematically described as functions of temporal operations executed at radiation exchange during helix-coil transition) for mind-dependent now, see The Now and the Passage of Time, Mauro Dorato and Marc Wittmann, Kronoscope, 15:2, September 2015, pp. 191-213). Thinking into ideality relative to relative-state identity-transparency, we consider the following from Of Minimal Things: Studies on the Notion of Relation, Rodolphe Gasche, Stanford U. Press, 1999, page 48:
the temporality of the nonidentical same [cf. J. G. Bennett's distinctly identical] takes place in the interval between the linear and circular representations of time [cf. J. G. Bennett's time, eternity, and hyparxis], an interval that defies all representation [cf. J. G. Bennett's apocritical interval]. Unable to conceptualize this Untime (Unzeit) of the interval, unable to represent it as such, Ecce Homo stages this unheard of time as the space or interval of Nietzsche's double origin [cf. the intersection of Prakriti and Purusha].
The Aristotelian continuous-linear-arrowing representation of time is, essentially, memetime. The Heraclitian cyclical-circular-repetitious representation of time is, likely, the residual of an earlier profound participation mystique-induced recognition, i.e., of topo-active optime's temporal CURL (Unzeit, insofar as the memetime-bound are concerned). Obviously (in being tautologically bivalent by the necessity established in the logical form adopted), the existence-[ontologically and logically]precedes-essence Existentialist self-other intersubjective take on identity-qua-identity as metaphysical category is memetime-bound, 1T2-only, and ontologically demergent (the m-remptive reduced to sublative diremption) from the essence-[logically and ontologically]precedes-existence transcendental-Idealist-Hegelian logic-sense of [re}cog\n|i|T|i|on, where within, quoting page 4 of Recognition: Fichte and Hegel on the Other, Robert R. Williams, SUNY Press, 1992:
the other has no independent status. It is the result of the logical operation of negation which divides the primal simple unity [cf. by Laws of form existence comes into being as becoming by the severing of space]. Since negation is determination, the other is a determination (= negation) of the original substantial unity, or self-othering. The other is logically derivative from and subordinate to unity and self-identity. But the other is also an instrument or means to the restoration of identity. For by cancelling or eliminating the other (as negation of identity), negation of negation restores the original identity [cf. G. Spencer Brown's To cross again is not to cross].
But, clearly, in holding that unity is self-identity, Hegelian recognition is no less 1T2-only than is the Existentialist take. Under CTC+-unto-µTm, self-mediation, self-identity, self-presence, self-presentation is non-selfsame C+-unto-m-Untimes over, for these order-types of self-referential reflexivity involve CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, that is, self-reference does not abide no A is not-A, does not contain, like in the Russell-Zermelo paradox, the self of itself (iff the fundament of logic be construed ID-transparency, not truth-value). The involved notion of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency is one way of revising the fregean correlation between concepts and objects, thus not yielding yet another zig-zag theory solution of the paradox (see Russell's Paradox and free zig-zag solutions, Ludovica Conti, Foundations of Science, 26 August 2020), but definitely supporting Conti's orientation as stated below:
the extensionalist explanation that I propose blames the inconsistency on the theory of quantification and identity involved in the classical axiomatisation of second order logic, from which this theorem follows: the fault of classical logic -- whose ET [extension theory] is a theorem -- consists (syntactic thesis) in the un-restricted formulation of quantification and [non-quantum simple-]identity rules and (semantic thesis) in the correlated assumptions that every singular term must be [simply-]denoting and every function must be [selfsamely-]total.
Regards Russell's zigzag path (quoting Russell's zigzag path to the ramified theory of types, Alasdair Urquhart, Russell (n.s.), Vol. 8, 1988, pp. 82-91, page 85), The idea here is that the propositional functions that do not determine classes are all derived by a 'diagonal construction', so that they have a 'zigzag' form In other words, Russell abetted Cantor's diagonal proof in opping 1T2-only-paradoxical (but µTmly-unto-CTC+ly non-paradoxical) implications of Cantor's diagonal proof. Burning hot argument, what! Given that hu-hu-[hu}manity's Weltanschauungs, Lebenswelts, Umwelts have in recorded hisstory predominantly been overwhelmingly dictated by its obsessive identification with 1T2-only-logic alone, merely one logical-value order-type (these logical-value order-types not the order-types of Russell's ramified theory of types) out of infinities of infinities thereof, and the lowest of such order-types at that, where does that place humanity in the spectrum of being? Why -- in the post-Homeric epoch, most excessively so in the post-Renaissance West -- so intensely insist upon an utterly simplistic notion of identity qua identity? Has there ever been lawfaire? Lawfare's 1T2-only doubt has always had, and always all ways will have, a deep µTm-shadow. But subliminal fear (liminally a component of pandemic unfocused existential anxiety) of what would happen to juris-so-called-prudence were quantum-quenched collective identification with 1T2-only-logic is but one facet of the deep-structure etiology of the current mass formation (see here and here and here and here, good offices of Mattias Desmet and Thomas Casey and James Howard Kunstler and Paul Craig Roberts: it's good to know that Gustave Le Bon's 1895 The Crowd is now receiving some attention; a book I pulled off the shelf and read during September of 1977 whilst staying in W. David Kubiak's Kyoto abode, a household well stocked with judiciously chosen reading materials; note that Kunstler and Roberts choose to primarily write surface-structure; parenthetically, or paraphasically, which ever the case may be, [1] one would think that if the purpose of a so-called vaccine was actually therapeutic, it would not require an [adju}vent that cuts holes in order to give engineered mRNA facilitated entry to the cell and its internal structures, and [2] in relation to PCR's U.S.-foreign-policy observations, I note that Chinese policymakers have long since been aware that the major sea battles of a non-nuke-holocaust global U.S.-China war [a war, according to my theme asserted since the early-1970s, between a U.S.-forced-into-existence GreaterChina Mahayana-Buddhist Bloc aligned to a Germano-Russian Bloc and, essentially, remnants of the British Empire] would most likely transpire in the South Atlantic and Indian oceans, not in the Western Pacific), a formation involving many aspects of the two-hundred-years-dead-yet-still-walking (think: Niels Henrik Abel, circa 1823, for his Impossibility-Theorem existence 1T2-only-proof of trans-al-jabr, a proof which spawned Cantorian cardinalities and Lukasiewicz logics) Weltanschauung.
In µTm-LETS, [pro}fit would need not be simply-ownable, anyless than -- properly written with fiber-bundle arithmetics -- bundled bundles of MBS assets would represent non-simple ownership of [mort}gaged [proper}ties. In µTm-LETS, there would be potential uses permitting n-states of non-simple ownership cum profit (requiring an m-valued state-function to [de}lineate), the lowest such state being 1T2-only-logical either/or qua own/not-own type ownership of wholly private property with no commons-held liens placed upon it. Would-would! But, clearly (pellucid, since advent of COVID-19 and mRNA vaccines), the 0.00025-percent, and most of the one-percent, will never, throughout their lifetimes, abide substantive revision of the 1T2-only notion of identity (by processes of collective techno-conversion-disorder displacement a being's being-therehere has by now devolved to mere biomarkers of digital identity) and derivative 1T2-only-lawfare-encrusted conceptions of [proper}T, ownership, profit, the Law of one price, so on and so forth. Though they, TPTB the GLE (global leadership elite), may tolerate, even sponsor, structure-function changes to the global monetary system framework, they will not permit changes to the framework determining conditions, e.g., a shift from 1T2-logically-processed single-valued monetary units cum prices to µTm-logically-processed m-valued monetary units cum prices, the m-values stacked on a given monetary unit base-state fine-grain tagged to what had thentofore been externalities. The best piece I've read on interfacing cry[pto}currency power-take-off from dissimulated-quantum-based technologies so as to scale up local monies into a comprehensive monetary system is, by far, A Route to Commons-Based Democratic Monies? Embedding the Governance of Money in Traditional Communal Institutions, Ester Barinaga, Frontiers in Blockchain, 27 November 2020. This paper is a description and critique of the interfacing of rural Mombasa informal savings and loan associations called chamas to the Nairobi-based Sarafu community crypto-currencies of Kenya. The long list of references is a treasure in and of itself. For an example of the blackpsyche back-reaction on the metric of supposed destabilization incumbent upon the supposed decentralization induced by single-valued, 1T2-only-processed, global-mono-scale (therefore, quite the contrary of decentralizing, the currency-area boundary over which the currency is defined being the whole surface of Earth, not that of an agglomeration of nation-states like the EU or that of an individual country: thus, even more than the existing monetary system, quenching of locally-specific information, stealing of local multiplier effects and transferring them to the macroscale via a planetarization process eventually involving 5+G cloud computing IoTs wherewith subsystem- and system-level risks of systemic breakdown are transferred en masse to the supersystem-level, and, considering the cloud, the supra-system-level) cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, see DeFi risks and the decentralisation illusion, Sirio Aramonte and Wengian Huang and Andreas Schrimpf, BIS Quarterly Review, 6 December 2021, wherein the global monoscale aspect of cryptos is not even mentioned (a single planetary CBDC being one likely WEF objective of the Great Reset, uh, uh, short of, that is, the intent to use synthetic-biology engineering to redesign existing, natural, biological systems), the main concern clearly being that the intent of the so-called decentralizers is outright replacement of the existing financial power structure, suggesting that TPTB the GLE are having severe adverse reactions (not yet -- despite the engineering of COVID-19, their vaccines [unless the so-called vaccines are the superinfection of the viral pseudoinfection], the G5 iatrogenic intervention into the quantum-wave properties of DNA, and the engineering of whatever else which we have yet to learn about -- full-blown anaphylactic shock) to initiatives directed to change of framework. So, just try to imagine what their back-reactions would be to initiatives directed to change of framework determining conditions of the international monetary system. If overt attempts to change the petrodollar reserve-currency framework catalyzed destruction of Iraq and Libya; what, then, would overt attempts to change the logical-value order-type of monies, a framework determining condition, catalyze? What ramp-up in the actively-facilitated prevailing collective psychosis could we then expect? Normalization of nuclear first-use strikes, justified, even self-justified, as preemptive? The main problems discussed in Barinaga's Sarafu-complexed-to-chamas paper could conceivably be resolved by ongoing e-commons open-source computer-gaming (with all the computer-game bells and whistles brought to making m-scenarios strategic planning methodologies user friendly, fun, the sort of thing teens currently obsess over) mutualization, consensualization, negotiation of the changing particulars of the currency-unit value-stack tagging to externalities, indicators, measurables (potentially incorporating, not only quality-of-life indicators, but also giri/ninjo-cum-on'ai-oncho-ongi-onkei [good offices of Kiyohide Seki, 10 February 1971] social-obligation-type considerations as well as fellow-feeling plus love-favor-blessing-bestowal empathetic-qua-Buddhological-compassion-type considerations -- were the given community so inclined), of algorithms of issuing, of reserve requirements, of mandated principles of loan granting, of commodity backings, of currency area e-boundaries, of interLETS nesting-foam exchange-rate governing principles and parameters, so on and so forth, relative to simulations of probable outcomes of the changing computer-gamed and publically-posted (eventually in holographic Musculpt and associated plastic-art forms and performance-art symformphonies). Moreover, it is the particular values e-commons chosen and stacked on the currency-unit base-state, and the e-commons computer-gamed programmed- and metaprogrammed-in prescriptions each such value entails, the corpus of which being unique to each µTm-LETS currency, that serves as viscosity constraining intercurrency hot-money flows, to the degree chosen in the e-commons computer-gaming of each currency as assessed via the ongoing simulations. E-commons computer-gaming and associated simulations obviously must begin well before the given µTm-LETS currency is brought up into existence, if the framework determining conditions, the structural and functional properties of the framework, the specific rules to be coded, so on, are to be mutualized on the e-commons, rather than dictated by the code writers and whomwhatever might be lurking behind these nerds. Also, the more the monetary system analogically models natural-general systems properties and relies upon direct measurables in the tagged values of the currency-unit value stack, the less able will be the inevitable subverters at subverting the mutualized intents e-commons consensuated at computer-gaming cum simulation. One question I have about Barinaga's paper is why did the Danish government fund this research when -- early-on post-collapse of the U.S.S.R., before efflorescence of U.S.-advised flash privatization produced the oligarchs, a period when it was still possible to prevent this flashover from happening -- it refused a grant application for funding a second stage of work toward implementing a µTm-LETS currency (as a paradigm demonstration) in Cesky Krumlov, CR, saying that the amount requested was too small to consider? Same-same later in discussions with Soros OpenSociety, Prague; and same-same, later yet, in discussions with Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
In the case of the environmental impact study (incidentally, this being one of the factors that would be involved in computer-gaming an externality-tagged value of the value stack to be placed upon the base-state of a µTm-LETS currency unit) -- if not that of the class-action strict-product-liability lawsuit -- presumption of innocence, precautionary-principle-informed conservatism at making such impacts being judicious and hence indicated, is not appropriate. One environmental impactor is impinging radiation, of natural origins or those anthropogenic. Fascinating, and very informative, is the record of the peer review process for the paper entitled Evidence for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Communications Including 5G, Beverly Rubik and Robert R. Brown, Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, 29 September 2021. Wow! so many reviewers: must be a controversial subject, eh. One with subliminal dimensions of threat? Instead of Hobbesian bellum omnium contra omnes or the Smithian competitive each against all, we presently have increasingly All against each: one definition of collective psychosis. The markette deontological rule-based theory of self-organization generalized to molecular genetics: scratch the collective and cooperative phenomena explicit in the quantum-wave properties of the genome. Not stupid, but profoundly ignorant through assiduously cultivated introspective incompetence, the whole area of collective-unconscious-orchestrated mass behaviors being an unsub so far as members of the queue they've placed themselves in are concerned -- suppressed suspicion as to existence of that unsub cueing their rejection, rather more accurately, prompting their choice to ignore, the quantum-wave properties of the genome, and mechanisms derivative thereof. Long ago the human species gave up on evidence-based cognitive platforms because the evidence denies reality-validity, even utility, of the preferred worldview constructs; and that species simultaneously found that it can, nonetheless, create new technologies -- infratech, so what; don't mean nothin' having long since become O [cou}rant. What is detailed in the Rubik-Brown literature-search-and-analysis type paper (reportedly there are approximately some 30,000 papers in the publically available literature on biological effects of electromagnetic fields, 141 of them listed in the References section to Rubik's and Brown's paper: one wonders, given the decades of research, conducted by the many cartoon-culture nation-states, devoted to R&D of, for instance, Buck Rogers' rayguns, how many such papers there are in the corpora of classified researches on this bio-EM subject area) is analogous to class evidence found at both a murder scene and a suspect's habitus, evidence of general association, of class inclusion (e.g., soil type, fiber type), not evidence of one-to-one correspondence (e.g., crime-scene/suspect fingerprint and/or DNA match). In order for one-to-one correspondence to be evidentially demonstrated -- the cause-effect connecting principle being a special, classical limit dependent (assuming veracity of the supposed classical limit if biofunctionality of quantum-wave properties of DNA are denied; if acknowledged, then one must haggle over interpretation of the m-valued aspect of Schrödinger's wave-function, consensually understood acausally and probabilistically, holding in mind that multiplexed MIMO, howsoever multiple be the multi-ins and multi-outs, remains 1T2, the lowest order of µTm), more restricted case thereof -- microphysical modeling of ambient-radiation/biological-entity interactions is required as contextualization; and, as regards cause-effect connection, a microphysical model of the specific mechanisms of action by which the involved radiation type(s) cause(s) specific effects is prerequisite. I found small indication of real interest (mention of calcium signaling in ion channel gating, effects on structured intracellular water) in such modeling in the paper and in the record of the review process, the focus of both being on identification and assessment of statistical correlations -- so, criticism by the peers charging that no demonstration that cause-effect has been made is rather spurious, there being little possibility of such demonstration given nature of the focus, and the neglect of reference to properties of some microphysical model more fundamental (given the wide biofunctional range of correlations statistically identified) than alterations in voltage gating of calcium channels and structure of structured water (what interest and speculation there is on this comes at the very end of the review process). They are speaking in phrases when they need to be speaking in clauses. Relative to the thesis of Rubik's and Brown's paper, the radiation would not be ionizing or inductive of thermal effects as consensually understood. Our peer reviewed, heh-heh-heh, 1979 paper, and non-peer-reviewed (hence, not insured to be PC) associated ideas, present a microphysical model of DNA radiation exchange and derivative intracellular-Zeitgeber-cum-immunological-identifier mechanisms (i.e., respectively, minimum times for spontaneous localization and extremely-narrow frequency-response windows varying from one histological type to another: according to the mathematics of the model, radiation-induced changes to each of these can be quantitatively-experimentally assessed by rate, rate of rate, rate of rate of rate studies of the transcription process), a model in which so-called non-thermal effects of low-power-density ambient radiation impingement are, indubitably are, thermal, if not (leaving aside avant-garde notions of hypercomplex-imaginary topologically-active operator-time and hypertemperature defined in terms of temporal spin: see Marco Travora's paper entitled, The Mysterious Connection Between Cyclic Imaginary Time and Temperature, published 16 August 2019 and posted on Towards Data Science, to which I have no access) in the usual statistical-thermodynamics cum molecular biology sense of random molecular-atomic motion (for an extremely interesting study relevant to our 1979 thesis that DNA, in response to Fourier-component frequency-funnel-beat-down superposed-MI-radiation impingement, µTm-processes and emits MO-coherent radiation containing, via µTmed-MIMOed quadripolar-wave rollout by 1st-order temporal CURL, all the information encoded by the nucleotide-pair sequences and their higher-temporal formants, see Effective Electron Temperature Measurement Using Time-Resolved Anti-Stokes Photoluminescence, Thomas Jollans, et al., The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124:34, 28 July 2020, pp. 6968-76, a paper which strongly reflects our photoacoustic-spectroscope-like model of DNA pi-electron-parcel gas dynamics), in that what is normatively most basically affected by low levels of radiation impingement are the temperature-oscillation rate, rate of rate, rate of rate of rate of pi-electron parcels of pi-electron gas core-environment of DNA (cf., for one, the phased-array-antenna-induced electron-temperature enhancements associated with manmade hot auroras), which in turn set the rate, rate of rate, rate of rate of rate of helix-coil transition at transcription (not gross heating of the molecule or induced oxidative and/or conductivity effects upon sugar-phosphate backbone à al pendent or intercalation donors) -- any chronically induced changes to normative values of these rate-related variables being supposed nosologically diagnosed as stress inducing, grossly antihomeostatic, and inculcative of non-natural (for a discussion of the natural prohomeostatic variety, which may provide some support for our idea that immune signification involves superposed m-valued cum m-logically-processed aspects, see The immune system, natural autoantibodies and general homeostasis in health and disease, Alexander Poletaev and P. Boura, Hippokratia, 15:4, October 2011, pp. 295-8) autoimmunity, ultimately productive of anti-DNA antibodies.
As regards emittance (cf. the role of blackbody physics in our model of DNA radiation exchange at helix-coil transition) of the swirling wall of the changing extinction-well of the Anthropocene-epoch wipeout (cf. 5+G), extinction spectra are already detectable. Perhaps essential to effective rejection of the extinction [meme}timetrace for hu-hu-[hu}man|ity is non-doing whatever is required to make [a}gain conscious (I'm for reclaim-of-function R&D, not gain-of-function genetic enginerring; moreover, I'm against the military-industrial-medical-pharma-academic-intelligence [complex}us choosing the functions to be reclaimed) the sonic-visioning cum visual-hearing prerequisite to apprehension of always-therehere inner-Musculpt, i.e., the cognitive readout denotating the µTm-processing engaged in by THE nonlocalizable quantum-brain. Lifting inner-Musculpt-related terms from Derek's journal, our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh: sounded-form and sounds of no-sound inside sounds of no-sound inside sounds of no-sound, e.g., the infrasound signatures of constant entropy surfaces like those of theta-e equivalent potential temperature, and of landforms, and of lake-fetches, and of the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes emitted by the physical embodiment modeled by the phase-space-portrait domain-structure (for a provocative use of this term, see: Observation of quantum domain melting and its simulation with a quantum computer, Jaka Vodeb, et al., arXiv, March 2021, and note the discussion of domain melting of the domains in an ensemble of entangled correlated electrons) of helix-coiling-cum-cyclonic-cum-tornadic motion. Springing off autotopagnosia (see, for a good account: Some Unusual Neuropsychological Syndromes: Somatoparaphrenia, Akinetopsia, Reduplicative Paramnesia, Autotopagnosia, Alfredo Ardila, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 31:5, August 2016, pp. 456-64: decades ago I heard a couple of these terms used whilst ghost writing for submission clinical articles for an Eastern European clinical neurologist transplanted to Falls Church, VA) onto hypothetical autocogtopagnosia = the inability of a [per}son to pointedly identify the operative elements of his own cognitive topological space, a primary symptom of introspective incompetence, the etiology of which being multifactorial, the Rx involving meditative concentration in self-observation, a kind of cognitive mirror gazing -- pointing while looking in a mirror known to ameliorate-overcome autotopagnosia. One type of walking meditation involves the cultivation of associative auditory agnosia (i.e., this cultivation as inner-counterwork [see Hubert Benoit's Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen] to one domain of glutamatergic neuronal prunings under orchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization) counseled by the composer John Cage: not registering the meaning of heard sounds; hearing only the bare-sound pattern; registering only the sounded-form, the acoustic domain structure. Uh, uh, vEAR it, bub! By this inner-counterwork, cultivate visual-hearing (see: The sound of change: visually-induced auditory synesthesia, Melissa Saenz and Christof Koch, Current Biology, 18:15, August 2008, pp. R650-51) cum bottlenosed sonic-visioning (cf. apprehension of superposed form in techno-exteriorized holographic Musculpt symformphonie). In my case (ectomorph-mesomorph temperament cum intuition-thinking psychological type cum phosphorus homeopathic constitution), the inducer stimulus was primarily a concept, but not always: I practiced (consider here, Back to the future: synaesthesia could be due to associative learning, Daniel Yon and Clare Press, Frontiers in Psychology, 7 July 2014) painting music, drawing movement. Let the eye aid the ear; the ear, the eye -- so as to, among other things, move forward, from its pre-WWI whipstall, art-music-composition systematics, such that composers can non-reductively analogically model post-quantum-relativity Weltanschauung. The acousto-optic modulator at autogenic-brain-discharged inner-Musculpt is orchestrated by the CESDM, the centrencephalic safety-discharge mechanism? The information being in the modulations, not in the sinusoidal carrier, as regards the higher-orders denotated in the canonical equation of our heuristic description of the physics of ambient-radiation-impingement-induced pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillation at DNA helix-coil transition, it is appropriate to quote the Discussion and Conclusion section of Effective Electron Temperature Measurement Using Time-Resolved Anti-Stokes Photoluminescence, Thomas Jollans, et al., The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124:34, 28 July 2020, pp. 6968-76, to wit: we cannot exclude higher-order interactions between the pulses that would affect the interpretation of these measurements. Clearly, there are levels of robustness vis-à-vis robust theoretical model, topologically-active operator-time and hypertemperature defined in terms of temporal spin coming in at higher levels. Most fundamentally speaking, the transparency, T, of µTm-relative-states of ID-transparency (re: domain melting?) is a functor of the permittivity functional established by topo-active optime's temporal CURL, hypertemperature (non-thermal by the usual random-motion-related definition of temperature) defined in terms of temporal spin being a function thereof. Relative to the visual-hearing-cum-sonic-visioning-generated access to inner-Musculpt, consider the following statement from N1 enhancement in synesthesia during visual and audio-visual perception in semantic cross-modal conflict situations: an ERP study, Christopher Sinke, et. al., Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 30 January 2014:
Synesthesia is therefore not only characterized by specific synesthetic perception but rather these perceptions may be a tip of the iceberg indicating more global changes in sensory processing that are not necessary related to a specific inducer-concurrent coupling. However, up to now research on multimodal processing in synesthesia beyond typical inducer-concurrent perception is scarce.
We consider that it may be µTm-quantum processing, not simply multi-1T2-modal processing. Think, for instance, of the processing of m-valued taste polymorphism coupled to lexical-gustatory synaesthesia. Latent inner-Musculpt becomes visible-hearable via white-light photism dot-pattern and colored-fractal-image printouts to visual field unto color-field bleed throughs unto flashovers of colored-sounded polymorphic forms unto cineramas of dynamic symformphonie. As concerns synaesthesia in conflict situations, there are crisis-induced OBEs, e.g., on the battlefield and especially in the high combat engaged in by the highly trained team, which sometimes yield visualization of a synaesthetically-projected Mnk-articulation landscape where upon things are seen that cannot be seen, things heard that cannot be heard, but which other team members can see, can hear, this being a case of synaesthetically-induced µTm-relative-state identity-transparency mediated by participation mystique with the natural surround -- the Mnk-articulation landscape being transformed and elaborated in inner-Musculpt. Of course, this group-dynamics gain of function, given the context, is one of the negative varieties. As a onetime BrowningHi-Power semi-adept (Ft. Sam Rod & Gun Club, circa 1966), it has occurred to my me that gunplay is officially a properly spelled word, whereas gunwork is not: I guess that tells us something about the English-speaking psyche. O, what would Hollywood have done over the last 30 years without GWOT and its precursors? Phoenix globalized and droned, then domesticated, then bioweaponized and megaglobalized. And, concomitantly, instead of sheaf-theoretic computer-gaming of µTm-LETS nesting-foams and monetary units of given such currencies, we've had a computer-game industry obsessed with SEAL-Delta-SFTG KillHouse iconography (as regards recognition-execution reaction times to pop-up targets and related memory capacity, consider Implicit associative learning in synesthetes and nonsynesthetes, Kaitlyn R. Bankieris and Richard N. Aslin, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24:3, June 2017, pp. 935-43). Moreover, promise of the internet collapsed, and what we've gotten instead is a dragnet. We even have Google and the like, by PC editing superimposed on the popularity-contest ranking-algorithm, beginning to suffer a techno-type of anomic aphasia, Alzheimer-like word retrieval failure; maybe latent, even, is a techno-type of visual agnosia serviced by well-trained deepfake ANNs and GANs, the corpus of which being psychoprep for being sub[born}ed by the nascent MetaVerse (in lieu of domain melting and its elaboration into µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, of course: the ultimate in regressed-mass-psyche-mediated techno-ConveDDing, conversion-disorder displacing?). But there are different ways to frame sounded-form and sounds of no-sound than that intimated above: e.g., the sounded form of the unsounded divine vibration, as employed in the following quotation drawn from Theorizing the (Un)Sounded in Sikhi: Anhad, Sabad, Kirtan, Inderjit Nilu Kaur, Music in World Religions, 12:11, 16 November 2021:
The metaphors in the scriptural verses of the divine speaking and of divine sound playing in each entity of the universe indicate, I think, the ability of sound vibrations to permeate our being and transduce across binaries and realms. The Guru's sabad, as a sounded form of the unsounded divine vibration, reveals a knowledge of the divine by elaborating on the eternal truth and ultimate reality of the oneness in the universe. It removes egotism to reveal this oneness (as seen above in the verse from the scriptural page 121). The conversion of the infinite vibration of anhad to the finite audible vibrations of sabad renders it accessible to the proximate senses. It also brings it in the domain of the discursive, while retaining the affective. In the reverse direction, the vibrations of sabad in the body merge back to formless and limitless vibration. This merging back is a release of the discursive and mental-cognitive, and an attunement of the body-sensorial.
A fuller account is provided in Kaur's 2016 UC-Berkeley Ph.D. dissertation entitled When 'Unheard Sound' (Re)Sounds: Affective Listening, Ethical Affects, and Embodied Experience in Sikh Sabad Kirtan". The (re)sounding and (re)sounding and (re)sounding and, ,n sounds, heh-heh-heh, to me very much like an acoustic analog of blackhole computing: e.g., the µTm-processed m-values of the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes pulse-code burst in vertical propagation at tornadogenesis or the coherent quadripolar waves (containing all the information encoded by nucleotide-pair sequences) emitted by DNA pi-electron gas during helix-coil transition.
Ack, aye, yes, I know, the very notion techno-ConveDD -- technologically expressed-accomplished conversion-disorder displacement -- is bloody bonkers psychobabble to our revered collection of type-A high-mesomorphs suffering lateral mental cleavage. But one doesn't have to look beyond the authentically insane relative 1T2-only-monetary values the human species assigns -- cf. e.g., to profsports playessors, actressors, popdivacroonors -- to realize that our species won't do well at dealing with the planetary crisis it has created for itself by riding toward the bitter end on exported imports of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm and its clinger residuals, most notably BornRuled QM. Reducing encashed 1T2-only e-monies unto cashless global-monoscale cryptos, not to mention unto one we-are-the-world central bank digital currency, will only make the explicit dysallocations worse. TPTB the GLE, global leadership elite (bad-a bad-a boom, insider-trading stand-up dolls and guys all: just think of the congressessors and parlimentariessors): to inculcate a skirting of worst cases of the oncoming travails, they'd've had t've dumped -- duummm da dumb-dumb -- the whole lot of late-17th-century and 18th-century-Enlightenment Our Fathers soon after N. H. Abel's 1823 decimation of the C-N paradigm. Should've -- but wouldn't, couldn't: it'd've required more moral moxie than they had ter git'er down and done. Yeah, yeah, as by now we well know: making DynaDataMiners' heaven even more -- jackwebbed DragNet -- heavenly, cryptominer heavenly: planetarized state surveillance 1T2-only-capitalism in one country, uh, uh, company. Won't be, they won't, will they, delegalizing ubiquitous RFIDed smart cards of any sort, least of all swipable discount cards (shunned by swiping smart-mob smash-and-grab pilferers). Just as ambient radiation impingement provides contribution of some of the required power to the pi-electron gas of our helix-coiling DNA molecules, so too, by the techno-ConveDDing driven by suppression of acknowledgement of the submolecular biology of the gene, RF scanners wave-effect empower the antennas of our -- personal information packed, even with our DNA fingerprints -- smart cards. Once we're computer-brain-interface chipped, the index of programming and metaprogramming which we, human biocomputers, will be subject to will rise and rise and rise exponentially -- whether we remain on prison planet Earth (authoritatively proclaimed destined to become solely a vacation park for TPTB the GLE) or are cry[o}genically teleported-rendered to some asteroidal-moonscape amazonia labor camp as blockchainganged indentured cyborgs raygun-bulled by a variety of types of semiautonomous bots. Quoting the conclusion to PCR's (no Polymerase Chain Reaction involved) 16 December 2021 blog post entitled Washington Spits in the Kremlin's Eye:
Something has happened to human intelligence everywhere on the globe. Hype prevails over reality. Unimportant issues silence important issues. Truth is less preferred than illusion and delusion. Avoid reality at all cost. Pretend. Pretend.
The utter fools who comprise the governments of the world don't see what is coming.
What is coming at us on that ol' HighWay61. The dissipative dynamics of institutional relaxation at far-from-equilibrium phase transition: like in driven-climate-shift snapovers, all extremes are visited. Paul Craig Roberts definitely can't be accused of being a Dylanesque ThinMan -- Yes, because you know something is happening/ But you don't know what it is/ Do you, Mr. Jones -- as he certainly knows what is happening; whereas, what PCR clearly doesn't know is why it's happening. Quoting Observation of quantum domain melting and its simulation with a quantum computer, Jaka Vodeb, et al., arXiv, March 2021: Temporally evolving systems undergoing rapid phase transitions generate copious spatial inhomogeneities in the form of domains whose classical relaxation dynamics is universally followed. As schizophrenogenically 1T2-double-binding as oxymoronic austere Late-Baroque Rococo: bivalent, finite-iteration computers and their myriad spawn complexed to Weberian-Blauian-Gouldnerian-Crozierian-Selznickian bureaucrazies haven't made life easier, more rewarding, boosted the a[men}ities factor: they've increased the rat-race's pressure, thus densifying all information spaces, and made everything much more complex, much more subject to dictatorial controls. Interface dissimulated-quantum-based technologies to the foundering institutional-base of a 200-years-failed Weltanschauung and what do you get? Etiology of collective psychosis. Dissimulated-quantum? OMG, not only the number of number-types implied, each being a latent of some unknown unknown physics, but just thinking about, not even in, µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of identity-transparency gives herhim shivering sickness, zitterbewegung dizziness from the circumambulatory motion imposed on herhim-electron parcels by the temporal CURLs which are the hypercomplex-imaginary phase factors of topologically-active operator-time (one way of understanding quantized orbital angular momentum cascade). Just planck, uh plink, uh think of the number of hidden quantum states there are in this world! Is it µTm, or CTC+, or C+TC+? Surely, under the weight of all that, herhis I/im-magnetism suffers geometric frustration: the worst kind, don't y'think. Those damnable collective and cooperative behaviors simply must be stamped out! We fluxoids, eh, have been caught on the gamma = zero itinerant orbital for far more than a mere several decades, what. In the systems of correspondence which constituted traditional Chinese medicine, condition of the weather often was a variable in definition of the wellness-state function-functional-functor. What about magnetic weather and the cascade of solar-wind-carried hypercomplex-imaginary-real angular momentum through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions and geomantically-acupunctured into terrestrial crustal and core dynamics? O, how those tornado-outbreak skiptraces do mimic the quantum vortex creep phenomenon!
For the team-taught Human Behavior seminar (AU-SIS, circa 1964), lead-mentored by George Harris (onetime team leader of the group which researched and wrote the U.S. Army Handbook for Viet Nam), I researched and wrote (using materials made available at SORO, Special Operations Research Office, and in the personal library of Bernard Fall at Howard University) a long social-anthropology-focused assessment of the US-RVN Strategic Hamlets Program compared to the British Briggs Plan implemented during The Emergency in Malaya. Separation, localization, concentration didn't work so well in Viet Nam as in Malaya for many reasons, not least because there was not in Viet Nam a distinct racial group being concentrated into camps. One lesson learned from the Viet Nam war was that -- as illustrated by the Phoenix Elimination Program -- separation-localization-concentration is not required to implement a pogrom. Clearly, this lesson was found to be inspirational of new approaches to the ago-old problem of discorporating opposition wherever it is perceived -- high-tech new approaches, that is, rolled out as dissimulated-quantum-based technologies became pandemic and genetic engineering capabilities were elaborated and replicated across labs peppered over the planet. Even people like Paul Craig Roberts fail to understand that these new high-tech approaches do not constitute a breakaway behavior on part of the countries that have constituted the so-called democratic West (see his blog posting entitled Revanchist Nazism Throughout the Western World, 21 December 2021). Not only did people of Germanic background play a disproportionately large role in creation of modern pure mathematics and the 100-plus-years-old new physics (the two together altogether shattering the 17th- and 18th-century metaphysical principles by which the democratic institutional-base was justified), they also made elaborate early efforts in many fields to discover ways to psychologically, sexually, socially, politically, economically integrate imports of the implied new Weltanschauung. But the whole civilization -- particularly the British, the Americans, the French -- bitterly back-reacted against these efforts, suppressing all hope of functional assimilation and conscious integration. Since the Germans had vested so much aggregate libido in these efforts, the suppression triggered a collective psychotic break -- they became the psychic lightning rod for the ever more cognitively dissonant West -- the symptomatology of which manifested in compensatory abreaction as a regressed parody (good offices of the Trickster archetype) of that which was suppressed largely by Anglo-American clinging behaviors, behaviors clinging to cultural lags, to residuals of states of mind apropos views current 200-years passed on by: this, according to my thesis, was part of the deep-structure origins of WWII. The behavioral syndrome presently, circa the 2020s, prevalent (with its myriad of regressed parodying crazinesses, e.g., 2+2 = 4 is a racist proposition; gender has no biological basis) in the supposedly once-democratic West, which Paul Craig Roberts deems Nazi, is simply a psycho-techno-ramified continuation of the back-reaction, the suppression, the clinging -- only more elaborate now than was the case during the pre-WWII period because experimental science and mathematical discovery-creation have more and more, over the decades since WWII, verified principles underlying the new (full emergence whipstalled by back-reaction against) Weltanschauung which has been prevented from being analogically codified in a new institutional-base (involving, e.g., µTm-LETS nesting-foams), the justifying metaphysics of which is consonant with modern higher mathematics and new physics. As regards the craziness of not treating ambulatory patients succumbed to a pandemic disease (even if that disease were to have started, pre-availability of vaccines, as a pseudodisease, started, that is, as part of the ever more elaborating symptomatology manifested in compensatory abreaction as mentioned above), Cardiologist Peter McCullough has been a foremost opponent. He speaks eloquently here. Also most edifying are two signal papers: (1) Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection, Peter McCullough, et al., The American Journal of Medicine, 134:1, 1 January 2021, pp. 16-22, available online as of 6 August 2020; and (2) Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment for early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19), Peter McCullough, et al., Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 21:4, 2020, pp. 517-30.
The inordinate viscosity -- constitutionally imposed upon domain (as regards spatial and temporal domains, consider [1] relative to the GIS utility of fractals, On the Spaces and Dimensions of Geographical Systems, Yanguang Chen, arXiv, 2011; and [2] Wikipedia on Time Domain; and [3] the nth-order-systems introductory statement to Modelling in the Time Domain; and [4] Wikipedia on Domain Decomposition Methods: by domain structure we mean a linear-time-invariant phase-space plot) reconfiguration dynamics in politicoeconomic systems analogically modeled upon the 1T2-only Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung -- requires such a rise in the political heat driving PACs into the subterranean entangled correlation prerequisite to stimulated phase transition that all but the most inconsequential systemic environmental adaptations are effectively prevented. Domain boundaries are made walls (cf. the thick brain, uh, uh, thick brane, formed by interacting extra-dimensional factors, e.g., fields and/or the processing[s] effectuated under µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-types) with only two values -- in or out -- and there is no constitutionally-defined judicially-condoned analogue to the macroscopic quantum tunneling which mediates domain melting (as per, to wit: Observation of quantum domain melting and its simulation with a quantum computer, Jaka Vodeb, et al., arXiv, March 2021) qua reconfiguration. This situation encourages the formation of extra-judicial processes for stimulating diversely-interactive many-body politicoeconomic systems into far-from-equilibrium states such that emergent behaviors may manifest in response to indicators like, say, scientific-discovery-elicited paradigm shifts and/or technological-regime restructurings. Substantive initiatives to fundamentally alter this inordinate-viscosity circumstance have inevitably been opposed, generally driven by considerable affect-charge. The emotional armoring against authentic quantum economies and holographic-principle-[in}formed political structures (e.g., bureaucratic functions mapped upon changing quasifractal e-boundaries) clearly remains lavish. Personally, I protest the human systems management theoretical paradigm wherein human beings are compared to electrons: electrons carry m-valued information µTmly processed; whereas, non-quantum, simply-identifiable, classical-limit-obeying humans carry only single-valued information 1T2ly processed. As regards quantum domains (at whatever scale-level, given m-valued universal physical constants, e.g., scale-relative absolute limiting velocities), and in particular the nowadays most relevant, perhaps: not only each genetic-codon-trigram (3-nucleotide-pair sequence encoding single-valued information 1T2ly processed), but also even the individual nucleotide pair, have their own quantum-wave signature (one or three poles of a quadripolar -- 4 distinct nucleotide pairs -- wave), this signature being m-valued (an m-valued Schrödinger wave-function being required to describe it) and µTmly processed, such that the ambient-radiation-stimulated quadripolar-wave-output emission (some may think of this very notion as being symptomatic of quadripolar disorder: borderline [thick brain, heh-heh-heh!], schizotypal, narcissistic, antisocial) of DNA configures genetic functions, functionals, functors (cf. 3-fold temporal CURL) into a multi-sheeted phase-space-database MVRS, uh, that is, a spirited away m-logically-valued-reference-space distributed ledger matrix-meshwork-cloud, where within, under CTC+-unto-C+TC+ processing, the n-millennial-history worldline and n-corpora repertoire of memetime-future environmentally-adaptive responses are wave-effect catalogued in envelopes of higher-temporal formants. Given deterioration of the current civilization's subsystem-system-supersystem total-energy landscape, replacement of the Hamiltonian total-energy operator by involutory-decompositional 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (cf. folding function) ought to be of some interest, such that the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock can progressively be more and more comprehensively catalogued via various varying (cf. domain of the loss function) commodity backings of µTm-LETS currencies defined over changing quasifractal e-boundaries articulated in nesting-foams, a quantum-composite unit of account being employed in mappings to the global quantum economy's MVRS. Collective obsessions with probability interpretations and resource warfare, however, prevent developments along these lines. Because I'm not trying to make money off the prevailing fulmination of the interminable crisis in human affairs and am no part of the coercion apparat of the state cum superstate, I cultivate no interest in fuzzy-logic behavior-prediction algorithms (despite my long-ago interest in indicators of up-coming enemy activity: somememetime ago I received an e-mail from an intel subcontractor inquiring as to my use of physics terminology relative to Viet-Nam-war-related in[tell}i/gents assessments and asking if I would consider contributing to research concerning a computer model being developed to forecast terrorist strikes; I said I was currently more into holographic Musculpt as counterinsurgency strategy; I did not hear back). Washingtonians Washing their hands of this and that travesty-atrocity by claiming these are collateral, a financial term, collateral damage they call them; counting every damned thing they can find, however useless this moneychanger's behavior may be for reaching the objective via accomplishment of the actual task at hand; to the detriment of all others, hoarding global resources usurped by the extraordinary privilege of simply printing fiat money to pay for them: are not these three classic symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder? Looking at the dissimulated-quantum-based technology employed by surveillance capitalism and the stalking state, the strong impression arises that the Native American notion of the camera stealing the soul was extremely perceptive. Photo ops complexed to sound bites, driven to distraction, we are, by greenhoused existential anxiety and suppressed existential guilt over the collective effort to generate and maintain a garish level of mindless affluence. Oh my, my dear fellow! so sayeth the lords and ladies of our ever less [mid}evil, ever more [high}evil, futile, feuding, techno-feudal social order. But it's good (tragically it took a pandemic) that Gustave Le Bon's and William McDougall's crowd psychology and group mind characterizations (written before Popper and Collingwood expunged historiography from the hisstorian's repertoire: McDougall's The Group Mind was lost in circulation at the Library of Congress, circa 1979, when there sought in the company of W. David Kubiak, a copy soon thereafter being found via an out-of-print book service; the same can be said of several Friedrich August von Hayek publications, publications which were also unavailable at every university library I tried over the years) are finally being credited as realistic: mass formation psychosis is the new buzz term (apparently coined by Mattias Desmet), but the involved concept is not elaborated sufficiently to generate the hypothesis of a lethal viral pseudodisease (cf. hysterical pregnancy; be aware that conversion disorder was formally called hysteria) à la Georg Groddeck's The Book of the It. While this is no real achievement relative to the vast number of papers out there, by now I've thoroughly studied dozens of peer-reviewed and preprint technical papers on COVID-19 and related issues, closely skimmed many more, and read godonlyknows what number of less and less-than technical COVID-19 articles of every sort -- and I come away from that effort knowing without a doubt that the corpus of what I have assimilated in no way facilitates the ability to confidently fix upon one conclusion of the many possible in the spectrum that arcs over the following and spans between them: this is a lethal pseudoinfection wherein no COVID-19 virus exists the PEGed lipid nanoparticle vaccine-delivered engineered-spike-protein and adjuvants are the disease there is a COVID-19 virus and the vaccines contain live unattenuated virus the COVID-19 virus was engineered and escaped or was intentionally released the COVID-19 virus naturally emerged in the wild. If planet Earth is to become Chief Amazon's galactic 'Yellowstone' visited for nature-walk weekends by the chosen few living on one Elysium (how we do love the techno-toys of our imagined dystopias!) or another, it's impossible to suppose that TPTB the GLE are planning to rendition 10-billion people into permanent off-Earth residence.
During the very early 1970s, an acquaintance of mine from Army days (intelligence analyst, top secret clearance, no specops deployment or training) knew enough to bring about, after leaving the Army, a FOIA-request dump of the Department of Defense computer system as regards himself as subject. What he eventually received was six running feet of computer printout. Very early 1970s! A few Viet-Nam-war-era years in the Army! At that memetime, this huge amount of data shocked me, set me to thinking, to making an attempt at projecting implications. This shock came upon my me despite its awareness that the CTteam-Phoenix-CORDS-supporting MACV-CICV-CDEC IDHS (intelligence data handling system) database-management program run, circa 1967-8, on a CDC computer (3600 or 6600, can't remember which; later, I've heard, replaced by an IBM 360; there apparently was, as I've read somewhere, in addition to MACV-J3, a Data Management Agency and a Systems Analysis Division, but I was not aware of these and suspect they came along after I left SRA/MACV-J2 and the theater and the Army) was very likely to be regarded as having been a paradigm demonstration for many ZI, uh, domestic (zone of the interior), applications, already, by the early-'70s, being seen by John Doe in efforts to digitalize library systems. My attempts to project techno-forecasting based on my wartime experience in Viet Nam were reinforced by my subsequent experience of neighbors who'd moved into, circa first months of 1969, the flat little house across the dirt road from mine (a two-storied leaning gingerbread cottage which once upon a memetime had been a stop on the underground RR) at Wedderburn Station (location of the first ever battle where an armored train was used as a weapon) just down the defunct Alexandria-to-Leesburg RR-line utilities easement from Vienna's functional equivalent to Saigon's Norodom Complex. This couple, both computer geeks, were database developers contracting-out to companies and government agencies. Probably in the first conversation, I learned that database management was the new big thing from which they were going to become wealthy. Over beers and shared meals with them and a few of their coworkers, I heard much technical scuttlebutt -- well beyond my ken, most of it, but giving me a sense of the magnitude of the probable implications. I later learned that over the next decade the programming language SEQUEL became known as the SQL database management tool (I never discovered whether or not the programming language used in the Saigon IDHS had been the prequel to SEQUEL, aka S[e]Q[ue]L, structured query language). On many occasions over the decades I've expressed my persistent per[son}al assessment that, given the normative states of consciousness assiduously cultivated, indeed, imposed by collective induction, prescriptive enculturation-socialization, taken for granite, uh, uh, granted, institutional conventions, so on, life has hardly been worth living, barely bearable, throughout my lifememetime -- and, I would now opine, that even that scintilla of worth is rapidly evaporating, no matter at what socioeconomic level a perdaughterson may find herhimself. If six running feet half a century ago, just try to imagine what it would be today -- given the internet, smart cell phones, e-mail, MoSoSo, discount cards, smart cards, RFIDed key fobs, the pandemic of RFID inventory scanners that read whatever RFID comes into proximity, LoJacking, GPS, biometrics, web-linked libraries, CCTV, facial recognition, license-plate readers, toll readers, E-Zpass, Quickpass, surveillance contracted by insurance company lawyers and the attorneys working with Workmen's Compensation Boards, web-linked medical records, web-linked diagnostic toilets, the up-and-coming computer-brain interface and other medical-implant technologies and roving in-the-body nano-transmitters, smart-phone COVID-pandemic-vaxx FASTag IDs qua entry qua travel passes, QR (quick response) codes that read when, where, and by what device the code was scanned, smart meters, keypad-fingerprint-retinal-scan entries, IoTs including even smart doorbells and other power push buttons, drones, intelsats, social-credit-score systems, surveillance capitalism, so on and so forth. If up and coming are GMO-toes (mosquitoes and tomatoes) as vaccine inoculators, why would be avoided use of similar means to insert nanobots into the body? Staggering -- as, finally, Snowden made the public explicitly acknowledge: No Place To Hide reiterated, to wit: No Place to Hide. Moreover, the culture that produced the boiler room and the bond-jammer, the poke[he]r-transfixed quant and the financial-derivative zoo, when it brought the art of the deal to D.C.-no-[Washing}ton, it didn't, unfortunately, so much dude-up as dud-down, further down, derry-derry down (as regards my half-century-old cultural-predisposition-based forecast-theme of the U.S. OCD, obsession-compulsion disorder [the frat-boy-meme find'em, feel'em, fuck'em, forget'em exploited by Epstein-Maxwell for whatever purpose, heh-heh-heh -- after what was done to Epstein, only the stupidest of jury |meme/bers could be unaware of the threat cloud -- ConveDDed, conversion-disorder displaced, to the complex indicated by the intel.state.mil complex's find'em, fix'em, and finish'em: etiology rooted in back-reaction upon the metric of the mathematics-physics revalidation of animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency], forcing formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a GreaterChina MahayanaBuddhist Bloc, consider the following recent statement made by Pepe Escobar contained in his Exit Nord Stream 2, Enter Power of Siberia 2, LewRockwell reposting from Strategic Culture Foundation, 30 December 2021: U.S. elites had been terrified of playing Russia against China because they fear this would lead Germany to ally with Russia and China ). Just try to imagine what sort of monetary system we might by now have had (authentically addressing peak everything, climate shift, overpopulation, et cetera) had all those OCD-forced horrid simple-identity-confirmation-seeking human-systems-management surveillance cum Phoenix-globalized-domesticated-hyperbioglobalized efforts gone into R&D and bottom-up progressive deployment of externalities-and-indicators-measurables-tagged µTm-LETS-currency nesting foams, holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as user-friendly interface, the currencies articulated via a quantum-composite planetary unit of account, their changing various varied commodity backings mapped to an MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) phase-space distributed ledger progressively more comprehensively cataloging the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, the surveillance efforts being devoted primarily to geographical information systems, ecological assessment, resources-management data gathering, databasing, data analysis, et cetera (post-ColdWar, the spending of governments and the businesses of war-related contractors restructuring accordingly). The idea of the exchange unit being m-valued like the electron with its m-valued Schrödinger wave-function came to me as a senior in high school, circa 1962-3, when I was simultaneously introduced to QM (PSSC honors physics) and multiple-bank credit expansion (honors economics). During the late-1960s and early-'70s, fresh back from Saigon and study of the Viet Cong [Political] Infrastructure (VCI), the fact that multiple currencies were used -- by the VCI Finance and Economy Sections at each echelon level of the reverse-representation-coordinated C&C (command and control) hierarchy (I came to understand that the line-and-block-chart characterization was grossly misleading, and later, reading Warren McCulloch, realized that this apparat exhibited some of the properties of a heterarchy) -- suggested to me that m-valued currencies in conjunction with bureaucratic variables-cum-functions being mapped upon changing boundaries (the VCI [tacitly?] did this when the fluctuating environment of the combat demanded boundary changes, a frequent occurrence; the mappings onto the boundaries I later learned were prefigurative of the discovery of the holographic principle) could conceivably be an antidote-alternative to IDHS-type databasing-cum-population-control schemata. Having presumptively preempted cognitively the starting off with a prescriptively defined (explicitly or tacitly arrived at) set of EEI, essential elements of information (in the MACV case, the databasing effort was made employing EEI imported wholesale and uncritically from WWII), through which to conduct observation, data gathering, analysis, hypothesis formulation, experimental testing, techno-R&D, establishment of a doctrine of uses, so on, I carried this mindset into my postwar musings on techno-forecasting. While the VCI bureaucratic-boundary mappings may have been made tacitly by VCI cadres, there was a robust precedent going way back in their animistic cultural history (a Weltanschauung-parallel with African fractals? a serendipitous synchronicity, not merely a plain ol' pedestrian synchronicity?): the aural projection of band-pass fuzzy (quasifractal?) boundaries by the siting of Dong Son bronze drums (somehow understood to be fractal drums, as the fractional-shells-cum-nesting-cum-equilateral-triangular iconography on many of the tympana strongly indicates: see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh for description of a particularly illustrative example found in the Museum Pusat Jakarta) under energy-momentum cascades (i.e., waterfalls). These ancient fuzzy boundaries likely were not understood relative to what we moderns currently construe as the ponderable space supporting the notion of the single-valued, selfsame, simply-ownable property derivative of a claimed territoriality, but as existing in extra-territorial, abstract, sacred space -- archaic-animistic (multi-sheeted ma in Japanese) or Buddhological (see: Siam Mapped by Thongchai Winichakul, reviewed here by Cindy A. Nguyen, 3 April 2016). As regards the band-pass property so critical to self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries (a biological principle applied in irregular warfare, where sometimes obstacles are self-created so as to establish occasions which pull higher levels of organization to themselves: think, for example, of the enticement to U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and declaration of GWOT), consider the following from A Fractal Epistemology for a Scientific Psychology, Terry Marks-Tarlow, et al., eds., Cambridge Scholars, 2019, p. 357:
Fractal boundaries are likely to be permeable to transmissions across them of certain types of materials from the space they separate as an intrinsic element of the fractal boundary.
Recent research of considerable relevance to these issues (even, especially perhaps, to the VCI case) involves the ensembles with variable structures approach, exemplified in Self-Organization and Resource Exchange in EVS Modeling, Irina Trofimova and Nicolay Mitin, Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences, 6:4, October 2002, pp. 351-62. Though permeable boundaries through which resource flows flow are not explicitly modeled as such, they are handled implicitly relative to measures of sociability, continuous phase transitions below a critical point of sociability yielding self-organization into a large number of small, connected clusters. Comparisons to percolation theory, random graphs, cellular automata, theory of self-organized criticality, SFI's nk-fitness landscape are stated. It is worth noting that all of these involve single-valued entities 1T2-only processed. In the case of µTm-LETS quasi-fractal e-boundaries, selective properties of the band-pass capability would reside in the multiple externalities-and-indicators-measurables superposed as values upon each given currency unit's base-state value, that unit being construed an analogue to a fractal drum. Exhibiting pre-COVID-19 concern about epidemic spread (presumably, à la Trofimova-Mitin, involving continuous phase transitions above a critical point of sociability), Jia Shao, et al., find and provide in-depth analysis of a modern analogue (small world boundary nodes of complex networks exhibiting the phenomenon of six degrees of separation) to the surmised bronze-drum-site-location function, as given in Fractal Boundaries of Complex Networks, arXiv, 11 April 2008. Fractal boundaries in extra-territorial, abstract, sacred space is precisely the sort of geography postulated by Yanguang Chen in On the Spaces and Dimensions of Geographical Systems, arXiv, 2011, with his discussion of geographic phase space and his notion of linear-time-invariant geographic order space. In this Chen context, construe di[men}sion of boundary, not in the terms of n-spherical topology (e.g., boundary of the bulk space one dimension less than that of the bulk space, the boundary of the 3-D sphere being a 2D surface), but more generally as generic degree of freedom, rather than relative to the particular idea, extension of the ponderable-space-basis notion directions. Moreover, according to my lights, the boundary also has a defining logical-value order-time, the usual notion of boundary-border being 1T2-logically-defined, i.e., either this side or that side, inside or outside -- not any manner of both-and, as would be the cases with higher-logically-valued boundaries-without-boundary, e.g., with fractal e-boundaries qua plasmahauts formed by J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels and/or those subject to the multiple Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes incumbent upon 3-fold topologically-active operator-time's temporal CURLs.
Chen's conception (see: On the Spaces and Dimensions of Geographical Systems, Yanguang Chen, arXiv, 2011) of real (cf. ponderable), phase, and order geographical-space types, distinguished in terms of the involved scaling exponent's applicant variable, i.e., respectively, radius (cf. form), time, rank (e.g., by fractal dimension of urban form), has helped me to somewhat clarify issues involved in the notion of the quasifractal e-boundaries upon which µTm-LETS currencies would be defined and bureaucratic variables-functions-functionals-functors would be mapped, à la the holographic principle whereby all the information contained by the given space is readable on the boundary of that space. The traditional conception of a geographic-administrative border-boundary is of a continuous line-loop of determinant length on the ground cum water, and which can be represented by a line drawn on a map projection. The contextualizing idea of space, according to Chen's categories, is that real. With the understanding and employment of fractals, the property of determinant length is sacrificed, lost, as the length of the line-loop border-boundary varies according to the length of the measuring stick employed: the shorter the stick unto infinitesimality, the longer the boundary's length unto infinity. Nonetheless, with fractal boundaries the contextualizing idea of space is still that real. The determinant-length loss, apparently, leaves the notion dimension intact, as Hausdorff dimension is defined only for metric spaces (the distance function somehow, having to do with definition of Hausdorff measure, not being subject to determinant-length loss, at least under 1T2-only-logic alone -- 2 + 2 = 4 not being racist, but certainly being against loss of determinant length) and this dimension gives nice results for fractals (to quote Topological dimensions, Hausdorff dimensions, and fractals, Yuval Kohavi and Hadar Davidovich, May 2006, p.12). Note that the Seal of Solomon is integral to the Koch curve illustration of non-integer, qua fractal, dimensions. Does this real-spatial-type contextualization also apply to constantly changing quasifractal e-boundaries? If not, precisely how would these e-boundaries for definition of µTm-LETS currencies and bureaucratic mappings relate to the fixed boundaries of traditional geographic-administrative areas as upgraded with understanding of fractal dimensions? Would quasifractal e-boundaries categorically exist somehow between Chen's geographic real space and geographic phase space category types? The fact that quasifractal e-boundaries would be constantly changing speaks to the temporal definer of Chen's phase space, while the fact that these e-boundaries would circumscribe geographic-administrative areas and currency areas WHERE many types of administrative actions and many types of currency transactions would be geographically localized speaks to the radius definer of Chen's real space. Moreover, the phase space, in representing the collection of all possible states, would be a characterization of a given Everettian-vonHayekian time-shape of total capital stock of the given geobody's administative-cum-currency area. What, then, would characterize another such given time-shape? A compact (closed and bounded) phase space under a different logical-value order-type among those µTm-unto-CTC+? And would the collection of these logically-differentiated phase spaces somehow exist between Chen's geographic-space category-types phase and order -- Chen's order space being linear-time definite qua linear-time invariant, therefore not representing Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock? One might even surmise that Chen order space has a non-compact spirit-image eidolon in the corpora of nested phase spaces under C+TC+ logics, which are altogether completely Schrödinger memetime independent. Were our imaginations to take their leads from 5+G, allow our µTm-LETS inspiration to be led down the infratech path, then, quite likely, there would needs be nodes (à la Fractal Boundaries of Complex Networks, Jia Shao, et al., arXiv, 11 April 2008) of one sort or another in projection of the standing waves constituting the constantly changing fractal e-boundaries: geostationary satellites, phased-array transmitters, EM mirrors, ground stations qua operational amplifiers, the combination. And we probably would naively assume that, were there ever to appear a collective will to implement µTm-LETS-currency nesting-foams, that that will would be accompanied by the desire to stay out of biologically-active windows (frequency, amplitude, waveform, intensity, polarity, so on; maybe even some variables beyond, say, quadripolar (as in DNA's µTm-logical, higher-temporal, hyperpolyglotic, coherent quantum-wave-properties output), specific to logical-value order-type, rather than to use those windows as yet one more aggravated-assault-with-a-deadly-weapon means of population reduction. Yep, well, toots, having gone woo-woo -- barking mad -- they take [ta}males for a fast lunch on the move, along with the salsa CHIPS patrolling Hwy 5. Heh-heh-heh! The number of nodes and their geostationary locations would change in response to, surely, a fair number of variables in a list of categories: technical, financial, resources utilizations, economic indicators, et cetera. But all of that would be completely unnecessary (for, after all, Chen's phase space and order space are abstract virtual spaces) because there is no requirement whatsoever for µTm-LETS quasifractal e-boundaries to have any sort of actual physical presence: they could be altogether virtual, the up-and-coming Facebooked metaverse (Time, USA Today, CNBC, the whole lot, have fallen all over themselves to explain what it is; here is the explanation provided by Wired to their subscribers, 25 November 2021) being, contrary to expectations, made part of an authentic noosphere (see Vernadsky's Noosphere and Slavophile Sobornost: some early concepts of field phenomena in social life, Marco Bischof, in Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology, L. V. Beloussov and V. L. Voeikov and V. S. Martynyuk, eds., Springer, January 2007, pp. 279-97: consider how this belies the surface-structure mistaken conventional consensus idea as to etiology of the collapse of the U.S.S.R.; and for an alternative deep-structure Dx, see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh), i.e., focused upon substantive concerns rather than cryptocartoons like the non-fungible tokens (see Non-Fungible Tokens: Blockchains, Scarcity and Value, Usman W. Chohan, Critical Blockchain Research Initiative Working Papers, 24 March 2021) currently nuking the art world (when boys will be boys is targeted for extinction, the incidence and virulence of men will be boys is ), these NFTs being Trickster-archetypal parody of prospective hyperpolyglotic µTm-LETS-currency-unit tokens, parody no less potent diversionary blackpsyche self-propaganda than was the Polish joke in run up to the 1939 invasion of Poland. How polar -- tripolar, quadripolar? -- uh, uh, that is, how many Poles does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: three. One to hold the bulb, and two to turn the ladder. Heh-heh-heh! This was subliminal parody of Polish logic, of m-valued Lukasiewicz logic, specifically of the trivalent Polish logic then recently suggested as being synonymous with quantum logic. And had Crick and Watson attended (it just takes a little practice at interpreting one's dream imagery) to the collective-unconscious cuing provided by this Polish joke, it would not have taken them so long to arrive at the stereochemistry of the genetic molecule -- or to realize that there is a photoacoustic, aka coherent biophotonic, quantum dimension to genetic encryption cum proteomic encipherment (a dimension outright ignored by engineers of synthetic mRNA-encoded spike proteins). When the physical findings on patient A's exam made by Dr. Q as commissioned by the lawyers representing the health insurance company are compared to the physical findings on patient A's exam several days later made by Dr. R as commissioned by the lawyer representing patient A -- not to mention the legerdemain employed to fill holes in Dr. S's OR schedule and Dr. T's misrepresentations on VA physical exam reports, so on and so forth -- is it really so difficult to understand how easily Drs. X, Y, and Z made the transition to lying about COVID-19 vaccines? Beyond Sex Desensitization Week, how much of medical school is devoted to memorization-quenching of the capacity for abstract -- as distinct from operational -- thought, and how much to compliant-personality induction and verification? End of digression. But because µTm-LETS quasifractal e-boundaries would be virtual, that doesn't mean that the technical issues associated with fractal boundaries can be put aside. A subsystem-system-supersystem composite may have some variables scale invariant and other variables with scale-relative values, e.g., scale-relative absolute limiting velocities (think: m-valued universal physical constants). That being the case, what are the determinants as to which variables would map on a given quasifractal e-boundary, and which not? According to Jia Shao, et al., properties of the fractal boundary are dependent upon properties of the nodal points contained in the space enclosed by the boundary. Points in the space are intersections of the coordinate grid (or network); coordinates represent dimensions of the space. Why must spaces have dimensionality, coordinates, points? Answer: so objects in the space can be identified as such, delineated, and localized geometrically, geometrodynamically, and visually. Hausdorff dimensions have to do with metric spaces which have distance functions specifying the distances between given points in the space according to the curvature of the space such that it is not necessary to be outside the space to make measurements upon it. According to Rudolph K. Luneburg (I've recently become aware of Office of Naval Research funded and once-classified The Geometry of Binocular Space Perception, LeGrand H. Hardy, et al., Knapp Memorial Laboratories, Institute of Ophthalmology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1954, a detailed experimental study which strongly supports Luneburg's findings), binocular visual space is a non-Euclidian hyperbolic, metrical space with a psychometric distance function (psymet-disfunc) without which points and objects cannot be visually localized. The psymet-disfunc is acquired, is a learned behavior, and, to my mind, judging from Piaget's studies of childhood cognitive development, e.g., the emergence of object constancy, it is reasonable to surmise that the psymet-disfunc is learned and glutamatergically anchored to localized 1T2-only-molecular-cellular brains postpartum and at some point in early childhood. Your psymet-disfunc is likely subtly different from mine, such that we do not inhabit exactly the same visual space or localize objects to exactly the same locations -- insofar as there is such as an absolute location, which Luneburg says is not the case in visual space due to the Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction of Special Relativity being applicable. Which is to say that the measuring rods used to measure distances between points, the distances specified by the distance function, are not of determinant length (proper length, to my mind, not necessarily being rest-frame length, but being a matter of where habitus-of-the-being, a resting-state-place, is established -- C+TC+-MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space; 1T2-only FlatLand; or any of the myriad demergent domains in between, each with an associated absolute limiting velocity), their length varying as a function of their motion, the faster the rods move, the shorter they become -- and this is something like using smaller and smaller measuring sticks to try to determine the length of a fractal curve that becomes longer the smaller the stick employed. Meaning that absolute localization is impossible, given existence of movement, and surely this must have something to do with existence of quantum non-locality. So, if simple-locality, simple-identity, and simple-motion are insisted upon, their establishment requires specifications as regards dimensionality versus non-dimensionality; rectilinear versus acute-angled coordinate grids (those drawable with null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels and µTmly handled) on squares, cubes, cylinders, spheres, n-spheres, et cetera; regular versus irregular point-sets and associated tiling patterns cum generalized non-bounded-degree jigsaw puzzles (see: No easy puzzles: Hardness results for jigsaw puzzles, Michael Brand, Theoretical Computer Science, 586, 27 Jun 2015, pp. 2-11). There is also the issue of rigidity of the non-fixed-length measuring rods, and whether or not they vibrate like strings on a cosmic guitar, producing m-valued overtone series, and so on, which may be bases for m-valued logics and their use in interpreting imports of the m-valued wave-function of Schrödinger's quantum wave equation. As regards multivariate fractal functions, think m-valued LETS currency units defined on quasifractal e-boundaries and µTmly processed; also think of the functions of functionaries who wear m-hats, these functions being mapped upon quasifractal e-boundaries. As regards continuous fractal functions, think CTC+. As regards the notion of fractal operator that maps each multivariate function to one of these function spaces, think topologically active operator-time. Quoting the abstract to Multivariate Fractal Functions in Some Complete Function Spaces and Functional Integral of Continuous Fractal Functions, Kshitij Kumar Pandey and Puthan Veedu Viswanathan, Fractal and Fractional, 5:4, 25 October 2021:
For a class of fractal functions defined on a hyperrectangle, Omega, in the Euclidean space Rn, we derive conditions on the defining parameters so that the fractal functions are elements of some standard function spaces which are Banach spaces. As a simple consequence, for some special choices of the parameters, we provide bounds for the Hausdorff dimension of the graph of the corresponding multivariate alpha-fractal function. We shall also hint at an associated notion of fractal operator that maps each multivariate function in one of these function spaces to its fractal counterpart.
From the perspective of µTm-LETS nesting foams, we might like to replace the hyperrectangle with a J.G.Bennettian skew-cube constructed with pencils of skew-parallels. This Pandey-Viswanathan paper is extremely technical and I, obviously, cannot follow the math-notated complexities beyond comprehension-of-the-general-idea level of appreciation. So sorry, as this is a paper I would very much like to understand in great detail, m-variate fractal interpolation mappings and operators, even if only 1T2ly characterized, being just what is required for further insight as regards practicum of µTm-LETS currency systems. I can and do observe that the images presented in Figure 1 of this paper are very much the sort that appear in Musculpt symformphonie of colored-sounded-forms (and during abreactions involving elaborate cinerama play out of autogenic brain discharges).
Trying to be a hale-and-hearty bushwhacking weedeater cutting through mental [man}groves, then finding a clearing and a drop-off, whooshing down, derryderry down, the cosmic cognitive sliding-board. What aspects on what geographic-space-types (Chen real, phase, order) of quasifractal boundaries are values of the µTm-LETS currency-unit ensheavement to be defined upon, and bureaucratic variables, functions, functionals, functors to be holographic-principle mapped upon, such that µTm-propositions involving the two can be processed by Lukasiewiczian analog computers? Not matters of interest to the mass depopulators castigated by Doctors-for-Covid-Ethics member, and Thai M.D., Sucharit Bhakdi, and impugned by aspiring forecasters of the ultimate play out under tacit assumption that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have the same attractor, even the same strange attractor, and are, taken together, the signal cuspover event of the coming civilization-wide disintegration, those thus castigated and impugned being members of the corpus of high-mesomorph, type-A-coercive, power-intoxicated, superego-identified, depopulating, psychosociopathic transhumanists who've rejected mere population reduction by natural attrition via shifts away from foci on: R&Ding life-extension infratechnologies; blocking planned parenthood; removal of personal choice as regards pick your own poison, your own intoxicant, your own food preferences, so on, and live or not live with the consequences; insistence upon cradle-to-grave nanny-state baby-sitting of the adults among us; proscription of life-threatening skateboards and bicycles on hawker-clear sidewalks (don't, forgodsake, let on about the involved exclusionary laws to Bangkok motorcycle taxi drivers!); et cetera and et cetera and et cetera. The thus castigated and impugned: no well-washing neuropsychiatric-fen-qua-marsh detoxifiers, what; trash-midden mires, really, those, those of ring-road-qua-beltway entrapped cathexes, they are, aren't they, those whose stagnant anti-Platonic Aristo[cra]telian-A[quin}asian-ontology-against-LSTD-graining-of-space G[nose}ology ((were the field concept a general enough notion, which it isn't, and universal pure consciousness found to be the unified field found-object, the observer-participator-dependence of space graining [think of topologically-active operator-time nested-grid modeling of hypercomplex-complex-real angular-momentum cascade: fine to coarse, regards Chen order space; coarse to fine, regards Chen real-qua-ponderable space] would be tantamount to a µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency animistic-pagan-cum-Gnostic [her}esy, a violation of the 1T2rinitarian [existence of 1T3-logic unacknowledged] bivalent-only-logical-insistence that the law-of-distributed-middle-Son -- and, by extension, the foremost effect of the socially-conferred role attributions of our churchly and secular oligarchs -- separates-intermediates all mere chelas from mystical direct contact with the projected Superegoic Transference Figure)) is dominated by an ombrogenous [mind}set, a bognitive, uh, uh, cognitive bog not fed by authentic information streams or collective unconscious currents, unless the currents are corrupted by regressed archetypal gradients generated by mass projective-identification at transference. We once burned them, those pagan-animist Jnana-yoga Gnostic heretics, at the stake; then we electro-convulsively burned their brainstems: mission creep turned the involved uncontrollable impulse to gas chambers and spike proteins. At least one among one's I/im simply must wonder, mus'ent that one, as to what is the attractor-pull teleologically engaged here. Speaking heuristically, not relative to C+TC+ MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), and not even as if from CTC+, but as if from µTm (as if as, obviously, even my I/im isare not in habitus of being-there, there within µTm), the strange attractor of interest at decomposition-demergence to 1T2 is the Cantor dust treatment of the Cantor set understood a {0,1} Cantor space. On hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam, it would be {0,1}<<<>>>{1,0} -- even if under 1T2-only alone. Note, however, that chaos theory and associated strange attractors (good offices of Pablo Emanuel writing Quora) are memetime-bound, whereas logical-ontological decomposition-demergence is Schrödinger-memetime-independently carried out by Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime). This idea suggests that spin-off to infinity -- as per Ted Wrigley writing Quora, to wit:
Repeatedly sample a large range of starting states to see which starting states seem to be permanent orbits and which fly off into infinity (often color coding by how fast the latter fly off to infinity). This works well for more difficult equations, and is used to produce fractal images like the Mandelbrot set.
-- is an initializer of interscale cascade (not merely of a color-coded fractal map, however inspiring that map may be as regards the prospect of exteriorizing inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS-currency nesting-foams), involving 3-fold temporal CURL (just as is the case in the Paine-Kaplan multiscale, nested-grid, energy-momentum-cascade-theoretic, computer forecast model of tornadogenesis, one treatment of the physics of which is available here: be aware that Paine was thoroughly familiar with Lorenz, but patently understood that the actual complexity of tornadogenesis was far more complex than imagined by complexity theory's employments of chaos theory's employments of fractals), and indicative of a logical-value-order-type transition being made. O, the convolutions of the convolutions of the involutes! Even independently of their being [inter}viewed through memetime-bound, prescriptively-enculturated-socialized-glutamatergically-etched spectacles. Moreover, to quote an extraordinary paper (another one I'd very much like to understand in detail but won't live long enough for that), Wild Cantor Attractors Exist, Hendrik Bruin, et al., Annals of Mathematics, 143:1, December 1996, pp. 97-130, it is not clear whether an attractor should attract a topologically big set or a set which is large in a metric sense. Or whether it might be that the topological attractor(s) isare the CTC+-unto-C+TC+ formant(s) of the 1T2-unto-µTm metric attractor(s) of the supersystem(s)-system(s)-subsystem(s) composite(s). The manifold-defined topological attractors are those relevant to a global quantum-composite unit of account for mapping the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth? The metric-defined attractors are those relevant to the µTm-processed value ensheavements to be stacked upon LETS currency unit base states? So, if one queries the collective unconscious for specific aspects of quasifractal boundaries relative to µTm-LETS nesting-foams, the extremely elaborate answers to questions concerning attractors and fractal maps become µTmly more elaborate. Cantor space under 1T2 becomes Cantor space under µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+. Chen order space hyperhypered! Surely, were they to hear of it, the neoInquisitors would think of this as demanding a declaration with resignation, Man, I fold, in 7-card-stud [poke}her with face cards and prime numbers wild, such gangling bangs being [her}et-I-cal behavior insofar as 1T2-only in[car}nations are concerned. Heh-heh-heh!
Well, hmmm-- I suppose a way to grasp one system of functions of inner-Musculpt is to imagine it (that system of functions, given the prominence of fractal images in photismic flashovers, involving partitioned iterative function systems and the divergence/convergence cum forward/backward cum cascade/reverse-cascade in infinite compositions of analytic functions?) as a search engine that does not search indexed keyword phrases, but keymeanings (presumably indexed in the ultimate distributed ledger by 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-logical indexing functions operating on MVRS, that is, the tessellated m-logically-valued reference space, ensheaved relative to all those logical-value order-types understood in terms of relative-state identity-transparency), meanings encoded as transformations (executed by topologically-active counter-operator-time -- up Jacob's Ladder -- understood as the ergotropic aspect of universal consciousness) of colored-sounded forms holographically memory-stored by the quantum brain, intraneuronal-cum-intraperineural DNA molecules being the sources of the coherent reference beams. Were they (our imagined intrepid human Escherform-dance pod studying-learning sonic-visioning Dolphinspeak) long-range phase-correlated, as is the case in linear-time-independent group collective-occasions-of-experience of full-blown quantum-animistic-pagan participation mystique qua relative-state identity-transparency with the natural surround, a participation introjected to intragroup dynamics (only unclosed-forms of expression being extant under CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logics, these order-types focusing our attention on infinite-length-of-any-chosen-segment, Seal-of-SolemnMan Koch-curve snowflakes and the equilateral-triangular-space-filling-covering, quark-symmetry-inducing Sierpinski seives: down-down-down unto tingle-tingle-tingle on and about the postcentral gyrus), their collective cognitive space would form an n-polygonal state-space skeleton of the turbulent mental dynamics unfolding in their boundary-without-boundary-GreatWall-semicircumscribed psycho-socio-cultural domain, resonant ideas being expressions of self-sustaining exact coherent states, i.e., saddle points in the state space (think: intraneuronal-cum-intraperineural DNA non-linear-quantum harmonic oscillators). When this is not the case, as is normative nowadays, then the closed-polygonal-chain state-space skeleton internally disconnects unto formation of a simple monotone polyline experienced as memetime Ack, aye! Boing-boing! Resound as second sound. Ball off the wall, what! A first-order temporal-CURLed time-shape is bounded by volumetric-tesseracting operator-time? Now, that's what I call a fourth dimension! Pretty complicated, that notion: dimension. Think, for instance, of the dimension of an algebraic variety considered an algebraic stack, as applied to, say, the ensheavement of values stacked upon the base-state of a µTm-LETS currency unit (beginning implementation thereof very simply, of course). Inter-current-(uh, uh, currency)-domain transactions would require values of ensheavements to be appropriately logically processed. This would involve pointwise operations upon an n-adic finitary relation. Ah, but then there is the gappiness-lacunarity of the band-pass property of the quasifractal e-boundaries separating one µTm-LETS currency domain from another to consider. What fiber-bundle-arithmetic n-tuples we have here, eh -- intimating, when m-logics are considered, null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels, each parallel in the pencil a bundle of fibers. How would that affect pointwise operations? At memetime, t, this value passes the barrier, that does not. At memetime, t, the boundary is here, and at t + 1, there. Boundary changes would frequently involve changes to values of currency-unit value-stacks. So, while band-pass prefractal (finite number of iterations-partitions) -- is it qua or is it cum? -- quasifractal (indirect application of fractal geometry: e.g., one could imagine that fractal is each parallel in the bundle of skew-parallels constituting the Euclidian pencil which is a J.G.Bennettian pencil of skew-parallels, when m-logics are considered, each parallel a bundle of fractal fibers) e-boundaries would exist in Chen real space, the processing of inter-currency-domain transactions would-must be executed relative to Chen phase space; internest-nesting-foam-scale transactions, relative to Chen order space. Hmmm. Clearly, discounting definite and indefinite articles and their order-in-sentence, spiderbot webcrawlers, in contrast to synaesthetic inner-Musculpt, have grave difficulty telling indexes the non-smooth difference, heh-heh-heh, between a fractal boundary and the boundary of a fractal, uh, uh, the containing boundary of a fractal. Your algorithm or mine, hon? Unfortunately, I have no access to the Fractal Boundaries chapter of Chaos in Discrete Dynamical Systems. To more precisely repeat an earlier made query: are fractionals of the fractal dimension of band-pass (see here and here for edifying discussions of two practical applications) quasi-prefractal e-boundaries the variables upon which the m-values of the µTm-LETS-currency-unit ensheavement are to be defined? But what sort of fractal dimension? They are n-legion. For examples of applications to urban planning practicum, see Two Sets of Simple Formulae to Estimating Fractal Dimension of Irregular Boundaries, Yanguang Chen, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 7528703, the 2020 issue; and A Fractal Approach to Identifying Urban Boundaries, Cecile Tannier, et al., Geographical Analysis, 43:2, April 2011, pp. 211-27. Maybe not fractionals of the fractal dimension. Maybe some other properties of fractal boundaries. Or maybe these value definitions should be on boundaries of basins of attraction of the fractal attractors (see: Fractal Basin Boundaries, Steven W. McDonald, et al., Physica 17D, 1985, pp. 125-53). But that gets into the phase spaces which seemingly are more apropos for the processing of currency interdomain transactions. Food for thought. Given the role resource exchange across band-pass phase boundaries plays in facilitating transitions from lower to higher levels of subsystem-system-supersystem-composite self-organizational competency (think: Chen order space), band-pass pre- qua/cum quasi-fractal boundaries, unrecognized as such, undoubtedly have existed in many circumstances: their existence can be inferred from facts like the number of terrorist groups globally has doubled in the period since the GWOT was declared (see: The War on Terror is a Success -- for Terror, Nick Turse, LewRockwell reposting from TomDispatch, 5 January 2022), this declaration (a factor in mass-personality profile-cum-persona of America's greatest generation, a factor most elaborate among those lucky enough to have survived WWII combat, a factor passed on to progeny, wasis the conviction that they arewere the most-chosen people -- this conviction profoundly prejudicing assessments, policy formulations, cultivated notions as to the objectives, goals, interests to be pursued) granting the corpus of terrorist cohorts control over the space and time variables (think: Chen real space and Chen phase space). The band-pass properties exist in real space as consciously put in place and operated by active agents; the attractors pulling self-organization to themselves are patterns in the phase space which, for the most part, are not conscious to the active agents. I certainly have no interest to revisit the war of the flea, other than to observe that, in the successful protracted war, military activities of the terrorist-insurgent are conceived, planned, and executed, not as force-structure salients in a marshal confrontation transpiring on a Cartesian-Newtonian billiard table, but as one class of instrumentalities by which self-organizational phase transitions are instigated and facilitated: terrorist groups multiply and transform into insurgent organizations; insurgents pose as operatives of pseudopregovernments; these pseudopreposturings successfully achieve quasi-status; the quasi increasingly becomes de facto; in due course, the de facto is accepted as de jure. Very likely is it that, in retrospect, it will become pellucid to most all that nothing, not even the GWOT, expanded the recruitment base for global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state and its superordinate agglomerations, and their multinational agents, than the creation, maintenance, and management of the COVID-19 pandemic. While there is no overt cause-effect connection between resource-exchange-facilitated terrorist self-organizational phase transition and the COVID-19-catalyzed supply-chain-breakdown, there is acausal-synchronistic connection. The persistent drift -- of back-reaction upon the cognitive-metrical-characteristic depicting collective recognition of the psycho-socio-politico-economic imports of 19th-century higher mathematics and 20th-century new physics -- has been ever more odious implementation of the 3-Cs: control-control-control, centralize-centralize-centralize, coerce-coerce-coerce. Thorough effectuation of the 3-Cs requires monomania (speke softly bote alle thulke spreche her blod nome and also holdeth to her countrey; kung fu a bigge sticke; toughe luv thine eneme and turne thy otthur ironklad cheeke!): monovalent logic; monolithic command structures in every area of human activity; monocropping; monovalued identity; monoscaled systems, e.g., global-scale supply chains, global-scale cryptocurrencies; so on and so forth. Since opposition to the world-order institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung analogically expresses quantum principles of self-organization extant in collective and cooperative phenomena exhibited by dynamical material systems, those persons, who are most identified with the regressed-archetypal-back-reaction, tunnel-vision-DoubleDown -- see here and here and here, collection of local Martingales being ConveDDs of topo-active-optimed cascade theory and the µTm-logical interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function -- upon the contrary, i.e., the 3-Cs, implementation thereof being subject to systemic malfunction, not least because Cartesian-Newtonian glutamatergically-etched [man}agers cannot possibly control-control-control -- as any onetime IBEW Johnson Controls apprentice should know! -- quantum-based technologies, even those infratechnoartifacts created by applications of dissimulated QM.
Aware that each value (qua overtone qua frequency qua eigenvalue of the divergence of the gradient, one among the corpus establishing the band-pass) stacked upon the base-state of an electronic µTm-LETS currency unit defined on a prefractal quasifractal-e-boundary (fractal entrapment and fractal band-pass are two takes on the same sorting angel: i.e., that angel being the smart e-boundary which µTm-processes m-valued currency units configured hearable prefractal-quasifractal drums: for an update on Marc Kac, whom I read at Cornell, circa mid-1970s, see Can You Hear the Fractal Dimension of a Drum?, Walter Arrighetti and Giorgio Gerosa, arXiv, 31 March 2005) would be monovariate (i.e., single-valued), and that the whole value-ensheavement carried by that currency unit would be multivariate (i.e., m-valued), I have entertained the concept that monetary transactions, both internal to and across (horizontally as regards tessellated currency areas and vertically as regards the scale-level nesting-foam) the e-boundary, would require 1T2-unto-µTm processing (1T2 for the base-state cash of the µTm-LETS currency). As regards this notion, and the idea that holographically exteriorized inner-Musculpt would be the basis of a user-friendly interface, consider Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem and Wavelet Decomposition for Image Compression, Pierre-Emmanuel Leni and Yohan D. Fougerolle and Frederic Truchetet, in Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Wilfried Philips and Dan Popescu and Paul Scheunders, eds., Springer, 15 September 2009. Though I doubt the summation notion of superposition, whereby Kolmogorov solved one on Hilbert's list of unsolved problems, because that solution ignores µTm-relative-state identity-transparency of decomposition products and is 1T2-only-bound, I nonetheless quote Leni et al., to wit, from the summary Abstract:
Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem stands [sic] that any multivariate function can be decomposed into two types of monovariate functions that are called inner and external functions: each inner function is associated to one dimension and linearly combined to construct a hash-function that associates every point of a multidimensional space to a value of the real interval [0,1]. These intermediate values are then associated by external functions to the corresponding value of the multidimensional function.
My difficulty with this is the same difficulty I had (good offices of the content of the back-and-forth argumentation which transpired during a weeklong debriefing of Lt. Col. Tran Van Dac, content of the back-and-forth focused upon the bureaucratic-cum-command-and-control imports of the boundary changes implemented around the SMA, Saigon Metropolitan Area, pre-Tet-'68) regarding the use of hierarchical line-and-block charts to characterize supersystem-system-subsystem cum subsystem-system-supersystem dynamics of the (animistic participation mystique informed) VCI, Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure -- administrative-boundary changes having been considered by SRA/MACV-J2 to be a principle indicator of offensive military activities. The best explanation-illustration I've run across as to why this use of line-and-block charts was misleading-problematic-ethnocentric, veiling the actual dynamics transpiring, is illustrated in Figure 3 of Self-reference as a principle indicator of complexity, Stefan Hempel and Richard Pineda and Eric Smith, Procedia Computer Science, 6, 2011, 22-27. Quoting the text with respect to the illustration:
once a system boundary is defined, it becomes possible to decompose a system by progressively bounding elements in the next level down. This process is made possible be a continual reductionist application of an exterior view. Reference from one outside viewpoint [think: the perspective yielding one, of an infinitude, of the facets of the Husserlian horizon of a object] allows exact decomposition, while self-reference from an interior viewpoint produces uncertainty as to the delineation of system elements and boundaries.
System elements, mission statements, job descriptions, areas of responsibility, so on and so forth were far and away not well-defined, and certainly not well-determinable -- contrary to the fact that line-and-block charts clearly imply that they are. Clingers -- to the constitutionally-cum-legislatively difficult to change bivalent boundaries (and their line-and-block-charted decompositions), a boundary-type still persisting, but originally mandated in 17th- and 18th-century Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean oligopolistic oligarchies -- are institutional antidisestablishmentarians addicted to sound bites, 1-2-3-syllable words, one-sentence paragraphs, linear expositions, so on, due to their being suffers of an introspective incompetence productive of hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia as a pathofunctional residual. Even though I realized this to a certain degree, when, soon after return from Saigon to Washington, D.C., I began studying Japanese gardening under Nonkei T. Ishiyama (Beeches Nursery, Rt. 123 and Leesburg Pike in the shadow of the CIA compound, just down the street from RFK's Hickory Hill), I carried the bird's-eye-view cognitive predisposition into my approach to design. This became a huge bone of contention, wherein, if I was ever to learn to recognize gei, and embodiments of many other notions intrinsic to Zen aesthetics, I had to emotionally, no less than intellectually, embed within the abstract space of the garden, not think of it, not feel it, as even having an exterior distinct from an interior. Points-of-view are superposed in the design process relative to seasons, stepping stones, textures, so on -- all as experienced by the viewer-within, there being no viewer-without. And farther within, and farther within, and farther yet -- down, down, derryderry down to details, to the points of view of ants and bacteria. I encountered a number of instances of self-similarity and self-reference (regarded as paradoxical, see here: to my understanding, the described paradoxes are epiphenomenal to exclusive use of 1T2-only logic) before I was able to recognize them for what they are. Handicraft display near the check-in counter, F.L.W.'s Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, circa July of 1953: pierced, lace-carved ivory ball inside ivory ball inside ivory ball unto 5 or more of them depending on size. So delicate, intricate, beautiful! How did they do that? Why did they think of such a thing? Do they mean something by it? During the coming year, on the mount middling the rice paddies of the valley, Midori Gaoka by Ongagawa, sitting beneath the sacred old gnarled red pine, rice stems blowing in the wind, rain pelting in waves, through the haze espying the camellia-blanketed hillsides and the ridges beyond where the fox-spirit protectors hide in their lairs, I dissolve into the natural surround, become the blood grass covering the heavenly mount, feel myself to be the wind, the rain, the hills, hear them speaking as my inner voices, and do not yet understand oceanic awareness as pure haiku, as introjection of the cosmic fact that the part is the whole. Near-fuguing-by-doing on the -- whump-whump-whump -- stepwise activation of the ingress controller of the interior distancing brought on by sudden appearances of the Plexiglas wall, the tunnel vision, the fugue-tune asterisms, the quicktime stretto cum memetime slowdown: by instruction of a onetime Harlem Magicians guard, learning how phylacteries like taping fingers together on the shooting hand can, by transliterating what the guard has to teach, be used to modulate appearances of the wall. Basketball floor, base gym, Eielson AFB, Alaska, circa summer of 1961: day after day practicing the dribble, moves, fakes, shots, unsuccessfully trying to learn to shoot well with the wrong hand. Intense fixation upon this daily routine a way to concentrate the reinvestment of attention to body parts in midst of repetition training of movements to be automatic, the reinvestment with help of phylacteries like an eye patch somehow establishing a modicum of control over the wall. How can splitting of the attention do this? Later, circa 1966, Ft. Bragg, SFTG, the long, long runs before breakfast each morning are easy to complete because the habit of attention splitting is used to rhythm entrain on the group stomp-stomp-stomp, and thus to induce autohypnosis. Later yet, beginning in 1970, these practices are elaborated into forms of inner separation at specific preprogrammed tasks of self-observation cultivated during daily sessions of walking meditation. At root pruning trees alone in the field, beginning circa 1972, employment of these meditative methods makes the acts involved in the act of digging into contexts for autohypnotic whump-whump-whump induction of the autogenic state whereby the regress of 'I'-nesses became more and more possible to hold simultaneously in awareness as composite echoes of features in the natural surround, the sounds demerged to the field around, the presences of the trees, the flits and flights of birds, the squirrels' climbs, the scurrying of rats, the pulsations of the ambient-space-contraction and memetime-dilation as ability to maintain the attention-splitting superposition of 'I's out-there-in-here waxed and waned. Now, folks, all follow the bouncing ball to sing this fuguing tune, that ball bouncing between infimum and supremum. Clearly, the self-similar and the self-referential are not selfsame, though they do resemble each other enough to trope, resonate, set up echoes, resound. Nowadays trying to read further into Multivariate Fractal Functions in Some Complete Function Spaces and Functional Integral of Continuous Fractal Functions, Kshitij Kumar Pandey and Puthan Veedu Viswanathan, Fractal and Fractional, 5:4, 25 October 2021, so as to acquire some understanding as to what an alpha-fractal function is (the clearest explanation I've found is provided in the Abstract to Dimensions of the Graphs of Alpha-Fractal Interpolation Functions, MD. Nasim Akhtar, 12 May 2017: alpha denotes the multivalued scale vector used to characterize the fractal analogue of the function), I became whipstalled with the following statement made in the Pandey-Viswanathan paper:
Roughly speaking, the fractal interpolation function is a continuous function g:[x0,xk] --> R that interpolates D [i.e., data] such that the graph of g, denoted by Gr(g), is a self-referential set (fractal set). Here the word fractal or self-referential is used to indicate that Gr(g) is the attractor of an iterated function system [3]. That is, roughly, Gr(g) is a finite union of transformed copies of itself.
What flummoxed me is self-referential set (fractal set) and Here the word fractal or self-referential. Regarding these two as denoting the same thing! Maybe by tropological metareference. Maybe by spatial poetics of the fractal map as distinct from fractal poem as time machine. Quantum concatenated fractal states, what! Ack, aye, the regressed-archetypal dimpling down of collective-unconscious state space (see, for context, Fractal States in Quantum Information Processing, Gregg Jaeger, arXiv, 1 August 2007) by the denting winds which autogenic brain discharges raise up at mass compensatory-abreactive formation of ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements), infratechno and otherwise (aside from the rather unfamiliar sense of diminished, James Lee Burke's use of denting -- the chrysanthemums denting in the wind [Last Car To Elysian Fields, Pocket Star paperback edition, 2003, p. 22] -- could be considered sophisticated figurative poetic usage achieved by fudging the meaning in a perplexing but provocative manner, whilst simultaneously evoking hidden semantically meaningful associative rhyme, dent-bent). The technical term for what I have been calling tropological metareference apparently is synecdochic intersemiosis (synedoche = a linguistic figuration wherein the part stands for the whole). For a brief edifying elucidation, see the abstract to the rather incredible 500-page book (some very clear explications provided in body of the text) entitled On Musical Self-Similarity: Intersemiosis as Synedoche and Analogy, Gabriel Pareyon, Semiotic Society of Finland, 2011. Please, do not be cynical about synechism (good offices of Joseph Esposito), as subversion of agapismic fiduciary synaxis in relationships of trust is in process of biting us in the collective butt, a process initiated and facilitated by the GLE, global leadership elite. Creeped, assaulted, and jackrolled by the Nietzschean Ubermensch oligarchs' knuckledraggers, lawyers, pocketed politicos, banksters, cops, M.D.s, investment counselors, so on and so forth, O, why oh why, Mr. Oligarch Man, why can't you do right?
The long wait, followed
In nightmare alley
The dark corner turned;
O, reckless moment:
Just to walk a crooked mile.Who forfeits confiscated civil assets -- assets filched by ZIRP forever, engineered inflation, QEed transfers from the HaveLittles to the HaveSoMuches whowhat don't possess a single intelligent idea as to what to do with it all? Having been birthed of, and partially enculturated by, small-rural-PA-market-town folks, and having preteened in rural Korean-war-era Japan, ask me why I've always despised the cultural ambience spawned by chain-this-chain-that, mall-this-mall-that, not to mention blockchain this and that. Prepubescent lemonade stands are, y'know, existential threats to the superrich who own large blocks of stockholder value in the zaibatsu-megacorp holding companies that control chain-this-chain-that, mall-this-mall-that. If 1T2-only property is theft of the multivalue at root of the µTm-relative-state identity-transparency which is the quantum potential driving self-organization, then Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean governance per se has been a false-flag operation. Democidal mass death by hysterical black psywar pseudoinfection? By molecular biology's suppression of submolecular biology? By the long-term post-Renaissance effects (linking The Sixth Mass Extinction , Robert H. Cowie and Philippe Bouchet and Benoit Fontaine, Biological Reviews, 10 January 2022) of the experimental method unleavened by [con}science-activated moral courage? Sustain the fiction! that genomes are simply-identifiable and completely localized, that every aspect of an engineered iatrogenic genetic color revolution, uh, uh, intervention, is totally specific and propagates only by molecular-biology means. Otherwise, how could genomes be deemed simply-ownable properties; how could genetic engineering be made a commercial enterprise? And the submolecular biology being suppressed is with regard to old modern-quantum-mechanics. By old modern-QM (as distinct from that post-postmodern) I refer to logical bivalence; monotonic identity; linear form of Schrödinger's wave equation; passing, passive, referential linear-time boundedness; the BornRuled probability interpretation (instead of the Jain-Indic Anekantavada all perspectives equally correct -- µTmly speaking). Consider that in rovibrational electronic transitions, e.g., under radiation absorption by, say, DNA, the (hypertemperature) vibrational states are actually rotational states conceptualized from different logical-perspectives, those µTm: this relates to the complex-hypercomplex rotations involved in 3-fold temporal CURL, Riemann's notion as to the origin of charge as lines-of-force trapped in the topology of space, and J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined skew-parallelism extended to skew-perpendicularity of lines-of-force and equipotential surfaces (discussion of this is provided here). SoS. System of systems. SoS in synaxis. There is no pragmatic possibility (concatentation of the 1T2-arithmetic operations, the summation operation in particular, being inadequate) to actually understand SoSSoSSoS, ,n independent of the µTm-unto-CTC+ logics of synecdochic-intersemiotic relative-state identity-transparency. The synecdochic participation mystique, of the quantum composite on C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround most-dense sheet of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, is not the mere matter of part standing for whole, but that part is, indubitably is, whole (however much this violates the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction). Many-sided Anekantavada (think: e.g., the infinite corpus of facets of the Husserlian horizon of an object) applies to the pure unsullied cosmic selfhood of All-That-Is-and-Is-Not no less than to selfhood of the egomonad. The most elaborate treatment I've seen of the infinite regress in the selfhood (the second most elaborate being Hubert Benoit's Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen: other than in my own experience of self-observation, my earlier discursive engagements were via the Gurdjieff literature and by working my way through the Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo, not to mention set-theoretic and logic discourses) is contained in The Self-Referential Aspect of Consciousness, Cosmin Visan, Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 8:11, December 2017. A thought-provoking paper. However, being an unrepentant and thorough-going Platonist, I have strong reservations about Visan's central theme as regards unformalizability of self-reference. I do not view the hierarchy of consciousness states as emergent, as Visan does. I see it as demergent, more accurately denoted a heterarchy, more accurately yet, as a hyperKleinBottle state-space-configuration. What Jung called the collective unconscious, I regard as a (ontologically-once archetypal gradients have decomposed-out qua formed) sullied demergent of pure universal consciousness (bivalently codified: consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operations on the MVRS; consciousness in its passive aspect is the space acted upon); what neuropsychology in general conceives as being consciousness, I hold to be nescience, the demergent decompositional stripping away ultimately yielding 1T2-only egoic awareness of Maya, the shadows on the walls of Plato's cave. Mathematics exists long ontologically-and-logically-before (this before being memetime-independent) demergent memetime-bound 1T2-only egoic awareness is. Selfhood is non-selfsame to the I/im-th case, i.e., is a quantum-composite of the full corpus of demergents C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm (1T2 being the most reduced case of µTm). While, for all the reasons Visan details, self-reference is unformalizable under 1T2-only logic (to include the laws of non-contradiction and distributed middle), that does not mean that the unformalizability extends under µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logics.
One observation I should like to make about the near-category (see, as regards quasigroup categories and the question of associativity: Is there a standard category-theoretic way to express a loop or quasigroup?, Mathematics StackExchange, last addressed a year and a half ago, apparently) theoretic identity-arrow-loops of self-referential infinite regress (as employed by Cosmin Visan in The Self-Referential Aspect of Consciousness, Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 8:11, December 2017) is that they could be understood as denoting the temporal CURLs involved in hypercomplex-complex 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) execution of the (essence precedes existence, in Platonic terms) C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm (these being order-types of self-reference, i.e., order-types of non-selfsameness of the Self in Visan's terms where self-reference is shown to violate the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction) logical propositions by which demergence in decomposition involutes, Schrödinger-memetime-independently, transpires ontologically-before ponderablespacememetime 1T2ly is (a notion that we submit can be experimentally verified with respect to tornadogenesis and radiation exchange at DNA helix-coil transition). But the fear and loathing, indeed the surpassing terror, subliminally induced by the very notion of ketaminergic OBEed infinite regress in the selfhood, with its myriad ramifications misdubbed schizophrenogenic by the finite-iteration-cum-1T2-only-identified neuropsychiatric establishment not acknowledging The Unconscious as Infinite Sets CTC+ly processed, is deep-structure pathogenesis of the ever amplifying collective hysteria besetting us in saddle-block fevers and episodic fulminations these last two centuries passed. Nowadays, Agent Master Baiter setting up this and that sting operation has been generalized to the corpus of governance apparats worldwide setting up COVID-19 dysinformation campaigns-cum-vaxx-entrapments. During this era wherein every improvement makes whatever it is worse than it was, one can hardly be surprised that what quite possibly was the first act 1T2-paradoxically intimating the uplift which rise to global-crisis cuspover must entail, if such actually becomes the case, may have been initiation of the GreatReSet (made easier with widespread brain fog: see Risk factors and abnormal cerebrospinal fluid associate with cognitive symptoms after mild COVID-19, Alexandra C. Apple, et al., Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, an open access communication of the American Neurological Association, 19 January 2022) by promulgation of the global biopsywar operation known as COVID-19, an operation peer reviewed and lavishly documented, as detailed in COVID-19 Vaccines: Scientific Proof of Lethality, UK-SUN, 5 January 2022: this date was a few days before the infamous garden party, attempt to throw out the PM, failure at that, the lifting of UK COVID-19-related restrictions) with over 1000 (a staggering article this is! as just skim through the titles to the papers) links to published medical-research-scientist-produced papers, the existence of which having been and still being largely ignored by clinical medicine practitioners, BigPharma, BigMedia, BigGovernment (now, apparently, with the exceptions of the UK, the CR, France, and the WHO which has recommended lifting or easing of all COVID-19-related restrictions, including vaccine mandates, on international travel: see the Temporary Recommendations numbered 6 and 7 of the Statement on the Tenth Meeting of the International Health Regulations , World Health Organization, 19 January 2022), mil.intel.cop BigBrother. Ah, yes, imminence of the long aborning ReSet to be facilitated by the PW1 (space-based, autonomous-robotic Planetary War One: my cultural-predispostion-based forecast long having been that a GreaterChina Mahayana Buddhist Bloc aligned to a Germano-Russian Bloc will oppose what is, essentially, the aligned remnants of the British Empire: for the latest analysis as regards GerRus, see Germany's pivot from America, Matthew Karnitschnig, Politico.eu, 20 January 2022) battle of the Two-Hundred-Years War of the World fought, deep-structure-subliminal-etiology wise, in mass hysterical-abreactive recoil (the psychic contagion affecting virtually all participants on both sides) against mathematics-and-science-and-technology reinstatement of µTm-relative-state, animistic-pagan, identity-transparent participation mystique as a fundament of nature -- with the clear implication that this fundament must be analogically modeled and embodied in psycho-sexo-socio-politico-economic processes-relations-systems-institutions if the new technologies, largely based thereupon, are to be prevented from destroying Life on Earth. O, woe is me, an unprecedentedly-abused market: market DID, eh what! Uh-oh, better watch out, bub, that's a market with multiple personality disorder, y'see, i.e., DID, by Sorosian market reflexivity, that bugbear discounting even the projection of equilibria stable in face of alpha-sable's fat tails. But that's just the surface-structure expression. Bertrand Russell's self-containing-self-averse abstraction-types theory -- terms, classes, classes of classes, so on, ad infinitum -- was invoked to (1) save the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction, and (2) to preclude embracing order-types of logical-value rigorously codifying nesting-foams of self-referential propositions, and (3) to banish the possibility that the ongoing re-arising of Platonism in higher mathematics and theoretical physics (check out Eric Temple Bell's astute writings on this subject) could platform and springboard a haiku-type resurrection of the heretical part-is-indubitably-is-whole (not Jesus-intermediated by abstraction-types) animistic-pagan participation mystique (which Russell perhaps sensed lurking in the Indic -- maybe even American Indian -- aspects of T. S. Eliot's thought). On Self-Predicative Universals in Category Theory, David Ellerman, arXiv, 2014, provides fascinating discourse upon Plato's Heaven, Frege's Paradise, Hegel's concrete universals, set theory's failure as a general theory of universals (mainly because, in my view, set theoreticians are addicted to 1T2-only logic with its Law of Non-Contradiction altogether precluding µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, which is not the same as fuzzy-set shades of gray; there being, qualia-wise, incommensurately different states of identity-transparency, not degrees of identity-translucence), self-adjunct functors, a brain functor (a notion that may well apply to intraneuronal-cum-intraperineural DNA radiation-exchange processes) treatment of Platonic anamnesis -- learning is remembering -- such learning, however ketaminergically out-of-body (a requirement to, like Rilke of the Ding-Gedicht object poem, grasp the plastic essence of the physical object by simultaneously cognizing the full infinite corpus of facets of the Husserlian horizon thereof), being, essentially, self-reflexive by dependence upon µTm-unto-CTC+ly self-referential propositions.
Not having attended the lecture, there is only so much I can get from the slides, as made available in (An introduction to) Topological Order, David Perez-Garcia, Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas, n.d.; nonetheless, I found them very stimulating; they prompted me into the search wherein I found A unified diagrammatic approach to topological fixed-point models [as applied to study of the topological phases -- not degrees of arc like in 3-phase-current industrial motors and not the same as solid-liquid-gas -- of matter], A. Bauer and J. Eisert and C. Wille, arXiv, 16 December 2020, and to the idea that I should consider the notion of topological order-types and topological phases in a material (not dialectical-materialist), i.e., matter-analogue, model of µTm-logically-processed, m-valued-LETS-currency, e-currency-areas-tessellated, nesting foam. From there, I found A map between time-dependent and time-independent quantum many-body Hamiltonians, Oleksandr Gamayun and Oleg Lychkovskiy, arXiv, 26 November 2020. Holding that matter is demergent, not -- however much it may be empty spacetime given shape -- an emerger, my focus is not on reverse-cascade remergence; I, therefore, wanted the retrograde-inversion of Gamayun-Lychkovskiy, i.e., the map between ontologically-CTC+-pregiven memetime-independency and the Buddhological Maya of 1T2-only-existentially-predicated memetime-dependency. This lean on my part led me to seek out an account of order parameters of the Hamiltonian (holding in mind that our interpretation maintains that the Hamiltonian is to be altogether replaced by 3-fold Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time [topo-active optime], not that -- considered and rejected by Pauli under the 1T2-only aegis provided by the supposition that total energy is bounded from below [going unconsidered being that negative values have to do with counter topo-active optime, which notion may speak directly to the Gamayun-Lychkovskiy map] -- no-fold Pauli operator time be conjugated to the Hamiltonian). In Symmetry and phase transitions: Quantum phase transitions in algebraic models, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 237, article 012014 number, 2010, Francesco Iachello defines the order parameters as the expectation values of suitable chosen operators that describe the state of the system. These being associated with phase transitions that occur as a function of coupling constants [i.e.,] the so-called control parameters, that appear in the Hamiltonian. Hmmm-- those coupling constants (think: relative-states of identity-transparency) and those so-called expectation values, according to our notion, would be processed via an m-valued wavefunction understood, not relative to probability amplitudes, but in terms of µTm-valued logics, those logics where the logical-value order-types represent the aforementioned relative states of identity-transparency. Coupling, identity-transparency, relative-state, re[son}ance. Hmmm. RVB states. Resonating-valence bonding states (for some detailed history, see: Resonating Valence Bond States in 2 and 3D -- Brief History and Recent Examples, Ganapathy Baskaran, arXiv, 21 November 2006). Spinon domain wall. Anyon superconductivity. Holon topological excitation. Local resonating moves behind spinon domain walls. Hardly Beyond Borders, as CNN and the CFR would have it. That's nature for you! Pretty complicated, I'd say. Probably don't have enough life left to me to assimilate all that. Simply, though. Valence: degree of combining power. Resonance: an increased amplitude of self-organizational competency is achieved when the mutual influence which is relative-state comes with a frequency close to the natural frequencies of the fractal-drum-type e-currency units resident within the given µTm-LETS-currency area qua domain. Within sectors (currency areas) all exchanges are to be understood as local resonating moves, as the allelotropic -- i.e., of each other -- theory of economic value defines value as the µTm-relative-state constitutive of the quantum potential for self-organizational competency. Trading across fractal-e-boundary domain walls can't be accomplished with local resonating moves. Internal necessities drive fluctuations of the internal system state. So far as 1T2-only crisp-logic control is concerned, even fuzzy-logic control. Under µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, however, there are n-states of prefractal quasifractal band-pass control (as regards the µTm-LETS currency unit, these n-states would be determined by the index of value-ensheavement chosen and placed upon base-state cash, these stacked values being fine-grain tagged to indicator-measurables realmemetime sensed-estimated): externalities are internalized; the interne Notwendigheit driving interner Systemzustand is exteriorized. This inside-outside transparency was a principle informing, via tropological metareference, design in traditional Japanese residential architecture, as well as of the natural house of Frank Lloyd Wright. Use of price controls to dampen inflationary pressure; use of currency controls to staunch the flow of hot money: abjectly Cartesian-Newtonian (see A Brief History of Feedback Control, drawn from Applied Optimal Control and Estimation, F. L. Lewis, Prentice-Hall, 1992) in this era of denoising based on Kalman filtering with constantly adapting neural network (see Estimation of unknown system states based on an adaptive neural network and Kalman filter, Christof Kellermann and Jorn Ostermann, Procedia CIRP, 99, 2021, pp. 656-61). Note that, in the consensus 1T2-only theory, long-range entanglement (think coupling, think phase correlation) is designated with the term topological degeneracy. Is this use of degenerate a Freudian slip? Animistic identity-transparency is norm violating, an anathema, a heresy to all good anti-pagans. As we see in Globalization Versus Ibuanyidanda Ontology: Confronting the Tension Between the 'Self' and the 'Other', Jonathan O. Chimakonam, Phronimon, 17:1, 2016, pp. 140-57, tropological metareference, as Ibu[any}i|danda categorical imperative complementary to the employments of African fractals, is a means to analogically embody µTm-relative-state identity-transparency recognized-internalized via generative empathy -- such elaborate [em}pathy being deemed symptom of [psycho}pathy by the psychiatric establishment servicing the apparats of nation-states. By Chimakonam's explication, Ibuanyidanda ontology offers an alternative interpretation of the third value of trivalent logic: instead of the Lukasiewiczian neither true nor false, the Chimakonian-Ibuanyidandan both true and false. I would suggest that both true and false indicates a 2T2-logic, not a 1T3-logic. Note that in Protection as a General Systems Problem [a paper highly relevant to considerations related to the band-pass property of the prefractal quasifractal e-boundaries µTm-LETS currencies are to be defined upon], Ladislav J. Kohout and Brian R. Gaines, International Journal of General Systems, 3, 1976, pp. 3-23, (the Finite-Valued Logics section), the ternary value is don't care. Anyway, whatever interpretation of m-valued logics one finds in the literature, the referring context is always to terms associated with bivalence. However, in my judgment, ontologically speaking, the reference logic is not the binary (the most reduced); it's that C+TC+ (the most all encompassing). The discussion contained in What is the relation between non-local order parameters and topological phases, Physics StackExchange, is relevant to the issue of µTm-LETS currency transactions across the pre-quasi-fractal e-boundaries to be used to define the currency areas-domains of such monies. Returning to the core issue of the order parameters of the Hamiltonian, I observe that replacement of the Hamiltonian operator with topo-active optime is not a major discontinuity in the evolution of physical theory when properly contextualized (see here and here for edifying discussions): Newtonian mechanics, Lagrangian mechanics, Hamiltonian mechanics, Hamiltonian formulation of quantum mechanics, Pauli-Paine topo-active-optime mechanics. Topological order and topological phases have to do with super-exotic-condensed states of matter. Why would I consider the fractal-drum-type monetary units (ducks wimpling backcloth of monetary-base-state plenum) of µTm-LETS currencies to be [eco}nomic monetary analogues of super-exotic-condensed states of matter? Well-- for one, heh-heh-heh, we're not speaking of single-valued [mono}tary monies, but of m-valued [multi}tary monies; and, furthermore, the exotic state of interest is the super-state (superconductivity, superfluidity), at temperatures far above absolute zero. As to why I personally might be inclined to think in this fashion: having, on my mother's ancestral side, issued from Baumie tree gardeners in Greencastle, PA, and having gone through a couple of prepubertal neural-network wipeouts (the replacement networks being quasi-ANNs adapted to mimetic estrogens? heh-heh-heh!) qua glutamatergic neuronal etchings qua "nemawashi root prunings" in camellia-beclad Midori Gaoka, aka Verdant Hills (decades later, I worked many years performing nemawashi and servicing the SpringValley-FoxHall-Georgetown moguls, EmbassyRow nabobs, and the FoggyBottom pooh-bahs for Hills Nursery and Camellia Gardens, Arlington plus Reston, VA), Japanese home islands, the animistic terms of my endearment with nature were set early on. Now, concerning high-temperature superconductivity, consider the following from our 1978 paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere:
The idea that the limited atmospheric domain bounded by the earth's surface behaves as if it were shielded from external friction is a puzzling paradox arising from our mathematical theory which needs to be sorted out. The solution to this dilemma should provide investigators with clues as to how electromagnetic superconduction can occur at temperatures far above absolute zero.
In order to isolate this problem, we provide a sample [for details the reader is referred to the paper]
Thus, as the largescale wave train alternately excites and then suppresses the surface flux of diabatic energy, quantized packets of free energy are introduced into the limited atmospheric domain. [link added]
The external gravity wave train then goes on to organize the subsequent release of diabatic potential within the limited domain. By thus synchronizing the introduction of energy into the LSTD [limited spacetime domain] through its lower boundary, the sensible heat realized during the production of precipitation within the storm environment serves to sustain and amplify the planetary boundary layer pressure perturbation associated with the external gravity wave train. This, in turn, manufactures momentum at the larger lengthscale which exactly compensates for the loss the system suffers through external friction. THE INVOLVED EXACT COMPENSATION IS THE NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR SUPERCONDUCTANCE of hydrothermodynamic properties.
Paine, obviously, did not consider vortices to be defects; he considered them to be information amplifiers in supersystem-system-subsystem composites processing relative-states represented as interactions between cum superpositionings of m-valued variables (not as interactions between cum superpositionings of probability amplitudes of single-valued variables). That this was Paine's notion is explicit considering the 3-fold-temporal-CURL way of handling real and complex and hypercomplex angular momentum which he employed, as detailed in Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pp., which contains the then-near-fatal (be aware that even as far along as 2008 this unmentionable was not acknowledged to have existed by Leonard Susskind in his account of battles with Stephen Hawking: The Black Hole War) statement, Blackbodies and black holes exist within the spacetime frame of atmospheric dynamics , encapsulating the cascade model of sonic black holes in Earth's atmosphere, and associated emission and vertical propagation of m-valued (and µTmly-processed) acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode pulse-code bursts which punch holes in the tropopause facilitating drawdowns of ozone into the troposphere, thus, were there growing incidence of severe storms, would increasingly contribute to the many interrelated problems described in Rockets Destroy Ozone and Cause Climate Change, Nina Beety, Global Research, 24 January 2022 (contains a lengthy list of informative linked references and suggested readings). Since, out of the little red Musk Says book, Must, uh, uh, Mush, uh, Musk has said that, because of our Sun's expansion, every species on Spaceship Earth will in due course become extinct, then, the unspoken corollary is that we might as well go ahead and leave behind a dead planet as we go about despoiling our solar system. Receiving overt or tacit public absolution-adulation for each outrage the GLE (global leadership elite) commits makes it easy for them to go on to the next. Every now and again (a pulsing like A String of Pearls exemplified during the mass hysteria manifest during the Big Band Era) frustrated phasic arousal of the GLE decides for them that there is a need to focus the unfocused pandemic existential anxiety-anomie-alienation so as to raise up the collectivity's tonic baseline and, thus, reinforce the glutamate-etched surety that Cartesian Existentialism's anti-animistic principle of I am me and only me-separatism is not for a memetime moment forgotten by any I-think-therefore-I-am-whatnot. As this manifests on a more technical level: µTm-processing, being unconcerned with probability amplitudes, does not preserve norms (established by 1T2-only-logic alone and by orthogonality): hence, its anathema status to status quo advocates. If one has repeatedly experienced the fact that things always turn out to be far worse than one was capable of imagining (e.g., in early-1968, at SRA/MACV-J2, forecasting a disaster if the boundaries of the war were expanded, I could not imagine the catastrophic dimensions of what ultimately transpired, the Cambodian holocaust), then it is not such a big leap to suppose that clipping qua stiffing -- nerve gas, psychotoinduction of placebo pseudoinfection, vaxx, whatever sort of murder beef -- half-a-dozen million folks is a much bigger contract than is orchestration of the glutamatergic etching qua pruning of the 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains of half-a-dozen billion folks by use of the marshaling of massed blackpsyche self-propaganda -- those most-hysterical hysterics directly responsible, the oligarchs (clearly, riding their financial steeds, they think of DNA-RNA molecules as their personal braided quirts) as distinct from the proximal perps, being ontological-caste-wise several steps down from the pits wherein the trafficked-cum-exploited pitied-poor-immigrant coerced-meth-ho forced-porn actoresses find themselves indentured (how many millions are subject to sex trafficking per year globally -- super-high-end to low-end, and profits totally, what, $100-billion per year?). Our GLE, even the biochemists servicing them, misbelieve that DNA-RNA have non-quantum simple-locality; I do not, and therefore entertain the notion that no virus, new since began use of viruses in genetic engineering and in bioweapons development (for context, see Scientists and the history of biological weapons , Jeanne Guillemin, EMBO Reports, 7, July 2006) specifically and in gain-of-function research most specifically, has had origins altogether free of lab influence. Throughout the ages, holocaust profiteering, e.g., free land in the New World, has been, and is, far worse than mere war profiteering. Who allowed the current crop of GLE oligarchs (who, clearly, in their youth imprinted on comic book characters) to come into existence, and who allows them to maintain their exorbitant privilege? The suburban rut being no Revolutionary Road, middleclass people everywhere are in large part responsible for their own bourgeois tragedy, their own progressive enslavement, the elimination programs -- like Phoenix domesticated -- they are becoming subject to, not because they have not engaged in insurgency, but because of the values they cultivate which determine their aspirations, and establish observable behaviors like: how they make money, how they spend money, how they choose to communicate, so on. They chose to frequent grocery store chains; to move away from patronizing diners, thus making prol-food chain restaurants possible; to make their purchases at shopping malls, chain stores of every sort, rather than at the single-proprietor stores long since tied to their communities. They chose to log on to the internet via a conglomerate, rather than a small ISP; to purchase over the internet; to use MoSoSo to twitter their FaceBookable single-valued I am me and only me identity self-attribution: all of this strongly contributed to formation of the enormous wealth-gap disparity and totalitarian circumstances currently elaborating. Who among us astutely observes these observable behaviors? Why, various types of operators servicing the financial aspirations of the GLE, don't y'think (aspirations respected, even emulated, by our bour{geo}isie). Did quantum physicists ConveDD (conversion-disorder displace) this econophysics observable-operator thing, or was it ConveDDed from QM? Is the ConveDD (theologically speaking: transubstantiation) assisted by, say, viral displacement -- or is it vice versa? Why, in quantum mechanics, is an observable represented by an operator? The explanation of this is somewhat mysterious, as are all ConveDDs. The straight-forward surface-structure answer is given in What is a Hamiltonian Operator, Physicsrread, 1 November 2021, to wit, quoting: Observable is the properties of a system that you can measure In order to measure the properties of observable, you need to perform some field operations. This operation is represented by the operator. That deep-structure of the issue is somewhat mysterious can be seen in the responses given to the Quora question In quantum mechanics, why is an observable an operator? Therein, seven years ago, Brian Bi asked a pregnant question: Why is time not an operator in quantum mechanics ? He makes interesting observations and quotes Srednicki (presumably Mark Srednicki's textbook on QFT) at length, and very interestingly, on operator time in relativistic quantum field theory. But note that Srednicki in distinguishing two kinds of linear-time (Bohm in discussion with J. G. Bennett distinguished three kinds of linear-time: Trikaladrsti) and (like Pauli long ago) in making one of those types of linear-time an operator made it an observable, not an active topological operator, like is 3-fold Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time. In the consensus treatment, were the probability amplitude interpretation sacrificed for that of the µTm-logic interpretation, the evolution operator and propagation operator approach being functionally equivalent to Pauli operator time, but don't quite make it -- and certainly don't amount to Pauli-Paine topo-active optime. Three-fold topo-active optime as replacement for the Hamiltonian operator (not conjugated thereto) would be there in the Schrödinger-memetime-independent wave equation (with two levels of nonlinearity), not to represent the measurement of an observable, but to represent the CTC+-unto-µTm-logically-effectuated ontological demergence of an observable from the C+TC+-Tzog-chen-AllBaseCommonGround: to my understanding, the Paine-Kaplan multiscale, nested-grid, energy-momentum-cascade, numerical forecast computer model of tornadogenesis is about the demergence of a tornado, not the measurement of a tornado. Even without two levels of non-linearity, the m-valuedness of the wavefunction understood in terms of Lukasiewicz logics, not probabilities, decimates the metaphysical assumptions underlying the still prevailing Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base. Misinterpreting the m-values as probability amplitudes keeps justifications for that institutional base, and the vested interests dependent thereupon, relatively intact. It is primarily for this reason that dissimulation of the wavefunction was promulgated and carried into R&D of quantum-based infratech. Derivatively, use of [uni}tarity by those differential operators reliant upon derivatives is one of the myriad examples of calling the thing by the name of its opposite; unless, that is, the thing called is what is referred to with the word [unit}arity. Yeaya, stickin' ta troot-value, dat be whut dey done t'ought. This idea as to origin of the dissembling of quantum mechanics is consonant with the explanation offered by Kees van der Pijl (States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Population in Check, Clarity Press, to be released 1 February 2022: text of the Introduction section available here) as to source and orchestration of the COVID-19 pandemic, i.e., that the new technologies (quantum-based) threaten dominance by the global oligarchs who arrived at the conclusion something had to be done to establish much tighter control. Down through hisstory, governed predominantly we've been, haven't we, by the type-A, high-mesomorph psychosociopath suffering lateral mental cleavage, to use the apt term coined by the biochemist Robert S. de Ropp: nothing has spanned the well-glutamate-etched dry coulee in his, our most-revered oligarch's, hapless 1T2-only brain. That being the typical-case profile of the GLE membership -- the corpus of which has determined our doctrines of techno-uses -- we humans have long suffered under, one could almost conclude that the biosphere, and maybe even huwomanity, would have been a lot better off had there been no European Renaissance and all that has issued from it.
What rotates the unit circle? 1st-order temporal CURL. How does temporal CURL come about? It is an expression of topologically-active operator-time. How does topo-active optime produce this expression? By executing m-valued (cf. the eigenvalues of the Schrödinger wavefunction) propositions. What are these propositions with regards to (certainly not probability amplitudes)? The relative-states of identity-transparency on C+TC+-logically-valued most-dense-sheet of AllBaseCommonGround of the Riemann-surface-like MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) universal covering of the HyperKleinBottle nesting-foam. What does rotation of the unit circle have to do with this nesting-foam? 3rd-order temporal CURL takes the non-orientability to multiple-connectedness; 2nd-order temporal CURL takes the multiply-connected to the multivalued simply-connected; 1st-order temporal CURL, in rotating the unit circle, unpacks the single values of the multivalue. Compare Bichara Sahely's Euler's Formula is the Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Quantum Physics, 29 April 2012, with our (D. A. Paine and W. L. Pensinger) Conversation Four unpacking of the G.S.Brownian wave statement, circa early-1977, regarding Euler's focus on e, i, ln, pi, the unit circle, and the trigonometric functions of rotation angles (insights derived there from having been incorporated into the quantum-relativistic Paine-Kaplan multiscale, nested-grid, energy-momentum cascade, numerical forecast computer model of tornadogenesis). Now compare the animation of Sahely's Fig. 4.1, the sin and cosin fundamental relationship to the rotated unit circle, with our diagram of 1st-order temporal CURL as presented in our May of 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process. Be aware that, during the mid-1970s, the Paine-Kaplan cascade model of tornadogenesis routinely forecasted tornadoes twelve hours in advance on the 1-km grid using historical data sets run on the USAF's and NASA's then-fastest mainframes. The National Weather Service never put it online with realtime data-- why? Certainly not least because the model couldn't possibly have been right because it violated the consensus fixation established by popularity of E. N. Lorenz's 1963 Deterministic nonperiodic flow paper specifically, and, generally, application of the just then, mid-1970s, taking hold 1T2-only-logical chaos-theory take on µTm-logical processes as applied to atmospheric dynamics (see: Chaos Theory and Its Application to the Atmosphere, Xubin Zeng and Roger A. Pielke and R. Eykholt, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 74:4, April 1993, pp. 631-44).
Back in the 1970s we knew that, while necessary, calculus and its extensions into function theories, tensors, so on, are insufficient (and I continue to suppose this to be the case, even given what I am able to assimilate from Extensions of the multicentric functional calculus, Diana Andrei, Ph.D. dissertation, Aalto U., 10 December 2021, which, though I can only get so far into it, I know to be strongly related to analysis of the unpacking of the multivalue by rotation of the unit circle -- à la Sahely, linked above -- qua unit disk under a bounded 1T2-operator generating orthogonal polynomials numerically involving n-tuples, rather than being conceived µTmly relative to J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels) to adequate characterization of topologically-active operator-time (temporal CURL initialized at scale-relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables; logical-value order-type transitions occurring at calculus limits, those infinitesimaladies: appearance of infinity or zero, not being renormalized, but indicating cascade-initialization of scale-invariant self-similar subroutines) because these calculi are referenced to memetime, whereas ontological demergence-remergence is altogether Schrödinger-memetime-independent. The calculus-related explication of topo-active optime can only point to the notion, whatever its full actuality might be -- which explication doesn't quite get it, not least because the 3rd-order comes first, relative to demergence by decomposition involutes, when conceiving topo-active optime in orientable terms (when, in actuality, orientability is violated, temporally and abstract-spatially, at the start, when, in actuality, there is no start or stop, whatever Turing may have 1T2ly-thought about halting: by virtue of the sounded-HyperKleinBottle nesting-foams forms of sounded-form, aka The Form of cosmic symformphonie). That's one reason why we extolled, as prerequisite to adequate characterization of topo-active optime, exteriorization (by assistance of the bottle-nosed dolphin teaching sonic-visioning) of inner-Musculpt as mathematics notion -- taking our lead from the atmosphere's infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces (possibly one sort of letters of the alphabet of weather notation; letters of the alphabet of climate notation yet to be identified, they having so much to do with solar-terrestrial interactions). Uh, okay, I know, having heard it so often over the decades: the pseudoheady cohort of the TPTB the GLE, exuding a heady smell, regard 3rd-order dynamics as no dynamics at all, as a kind of taciturnity, uh, uh, tacky eternity. Humph! Well-- sabai, sabai. Relax. Drop a copacetic. Sit yourself down to a benyea and a cafe sua da. Eventually the dolphins will stop finding mines and cease protecting nukular-weapons hoards. Then the real business will begin!
To avoid possible confusion, let it be known that cascade-demergence can accurately be referred to as a hierarchy iff the process is viewed through the lens of 1T2-only-logic alone (whether or not this is memetime-independent or memetime-bound is another issue), and as a heterarchy if non-simple-identity of the component processes allows superintegration-cum-overdetermination. This hierarchy-heterarchy attribution is not to speak of the reverse-cascade qua remergence, though such could be done by analogy to an inverted pyramid, or of demergence-remergence transpiring (presumably Schrödinger-memetime-independently) simultaneously, such that the two, being in phase, holographically cancel out on the Riemann-surface-like universal covering of the HyperKleinBottle nesting-foam. Were, however, this 1T2-only notion understood through the lenses of µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-logics, then the logically-invoked relative-states of identity-transparency would supersede superintegration-cum-overdetermination, thus yielding a much more complex take on the purported logosology-ontology-cosmology-existenzology (in that order, as stated, of demergence qua logical-ontological-temporal precedence). It should be clear that rotating-translating unit-circle unpacking of the multivalue, à la Sahely (and, also, à la the double-helical air-parcel motion transpiring at tornadogenesis, as regards as well the quantum-wave properties of DNA at helix-coil transition), qua unit-disk unpacking of the multivariate-multicentric under a bounded 1T2-operator generating orthogonal polynomials numerically involving n-tuples, à la Andrei, is well down the process of demergence, down at the level of logical phase transition between the µTm and the 1T2 (while 1T2 [codomain of propositional functions being a space of truth values] is the lowest order of µTm, [codomain of propositional functions being a space, the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, of relative-states of identity-transparency] it, 1T2 that is, has been made tantamount to a category unto itself by the enculturation-socialization-orchestrated glutamatergically-anchored state of identification which post-Homeric homo Sapiens sapiens have made habitus with). So, what is it (it being The Form of the forms of sounded-form-in-process), on C+TC+-logical Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround BackCloth most-dense sheet of Riemann-surface-like MVRS, that 3-fold topologically-active operator-time ((the central charge analogue in this theory, involving hypercomplex and complex angular momentum operators handled as temporal CURL: these autopoietic operators are the memetime-invariant negative-charge decomposers that are the inverses of the memetime-invariant positive-charge generators of, say, symmetry groups, electrical charge being central charge trapped, à la Riemann, trapped in the topology of space, i.e., the MVRS, due to the temporal CURLed µTm-skew-perpendicularity which is 1T2ly understood as Heisenberg uncertainty)) demerges in Abelian-E.T.Bellian decompositional involutes (unwrapped from having been enfolded, insofar as one construes a before and an after, a first and a last, the word involute denoting unwrapping or wrapping, one or the other; whereas, in our analogical employment of the term, the two could occur simultaneously as regards ontological precedence relations)? Couldn't hardly be an object, or collection thereof, this The Form, except to the memetime-bound binary-mind inquisitively subject(y)-absolutely-insofar-as-distinctly-differentiating-([dy/dx]/dt)-itself-from-object(x), and fixated upon truth-value as the fundament of logic. Duh, jus' takin' care a'bidness. Cain't be takin' no reeespon'bility fur whut dey dun be t'inkin'. Givin' deir truck ta as many as dey ken. Don't amount to a pile of peppers in a Pusan market, I'd say, being a squabbler in contretemps! Consider a superstring<<<>>>category<<<>>>topos ((reconceived-redefined relative to higher-valued logics understood, not in terms of truth-value, but in terms of identity-transparency; the term relative-state, used as a modifier of identity-transparency, however suggestive vis-à-vis Everett rethought, carrying an unsupportable residual of 1T2-only ratiocination)) characterization of The Form on C+TC+ CommonGround, The Form that's CTC+-unto-µTmly demerged as Musculpt symformphonie. Categorical Ontology I: Existence, Dario Dentamaro and Fosco Loregian, 1 May 2020, moves a considerable distance away from mere existence and towards this notion of logical-ontological [de}volution/[re}volution (volution = The Turn of the Screw, i.e., one of The Two Magics which temporal CURL incarnates). But there are major obstacles challenging naivety, inducing incredulity: e.g., even the Gödel-numbered Gödel number of the Ninth Logical Parallax of the Eleventh Dimension will not, when factored, reveal existence of a codifiable distance between apparent (ghost) point A and belated (ghost) point B when the measurement is made on a Koch curve and µTmly processed by the logical-parallax viewer-computer, localization being dependent upon the psychometric distance functions temporally CURLed (within C+TC+-Musculpt MVRS, not 1T2-Calabi-Yau man[i}fold) into the employed pencils of skew-parallels transforming category-theoretic arrows into M-theory superstrings. Heh-heh-heh! The number of superstrung dimensions, which could, speaking of bare reality, actually be C+, clearly are determined by the mathematical details (a digression: not compactified time, but time as active decompactor) prescribed-proscribed by the generation-to-generation conveyed, pseudo-control-empowering abstractions (induced-deduced from jumbles of percepts-propriocepts) glutamatergically etched, under enculturation-socialization orchestration, as latents metapreprogramming the conventions, rules, theorems, lemmas, and, not least, the logical-value order-type(s) worked with in theory building (and, for the most part, excluding generative-empathic, feeling-space-accessed knowledge-through-identity, the felt side of being within, good offices of Bichara S. Sahely). The Dentamaro-Loregian structuralist-constructivist-quasigenerative orientation to ontology cum metaontology I regard as directed towards remergence; whereas, my focus (because substantially neglected in the corpus of prevailing paradigms, this field and that field) is the retrograde inversion of their orientation, i.e., demergence qua decomposition qua degeneration C+TC+ -- downdownderrydown -- to 1T2-only, structures destructing out of The Form by topo-active-optime executed (think: the temporal CURL sorting angel Wick-rotation-twistoring through the m-settings on the µTm-logical unit-circle rheostat) regression-unto-memetime-boundedness, which involves reduction, not deduction, the lowest functional order of being being existence as an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct structure, finite sets thereof being next to the lowest, i.e., the n-1 reduced state of identity-transparency, fuzzy sets being n-2. The first-order axioms from which 3-fold topo-active optime executes degeneration-regression-reduction of C+TC+ in demergence were, from the point of view of two-valued logic, tongue-in-cheek (truth value not being extant until 1T2 is demerged) stated in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, to wit, Vol. 2, p. 668: (1) a number is a value which is not in all cases equal to itself; and (2) zero and infinity are both numbers; and (3) the immediate successor to a number is not necessarily a number [it could be a hole, which is not zero or infinity]; and (4) one value of that immediate successor to a number which is a number is always zero or infinity or both; and (5) any property belonging to any number belongs to some value of every number. Only under 1T2-only-logic alone can The Form be regarded as pregiven, because precedence relations -- logical, ontological, temporal -- taken as act[u}al in demergence and/or in remergence, simply cancel out when, under C+TC+, de-re isare understood to be non-orientable on HyperKleinBottle nesting-foam most-dense-sheet universal covering. Before and after altogether disappear due to the C+TC+ fact that there is no selfsameness, no being oneself and only oneself, no part that is not the whole. It is not that the whole is more than the sum of its parts: identity-transparency between parts is not a matter of one-to-one correspondence; it is rooted in C+TC+, whereupon each part is the whole whole and thereby each part is every part (indicating no preference for building upon dyads, ordered-pairs). Meaning that selfsame natural numbers cannot number The Form. Therefore, number the numbering: declaration rule one, heh-heh-heh! Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers Gödel-numbered, ,n denote µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ states (codifying incommensurate Musculpted meaning gestalts, inner-Musculpt techno-exteriorized as mathematical notation? and showing the limitations of the dimming rheostat simile-analogy) of numerical non-selfsameness, i.e., the multi-identity which Cabalistic and neoPlatonic numerology attempted to reveal-represent-parse-analyze. Authentic meaning (as differentiated from that born and borne by Maya) is self-evidential and stood within, not understood, as much by feeling-tone-gestalt cum affect-charge (cognitive hypertemperature) as by cold comprehension; hence, not a semantic structure out-there to be assimilated, understood, grasped. The notation of inner-Musculpt is Musculpt itself, Musculpt denoting its semantic basis: the denote is the meaning mote. Endogenous ketamine flood is the only way the prescriptively enculturated-socialized orchestration of glutamate etching can be sufficiently deautomatized as to permit breakthroughs into conscious awareness of the Unconscious As Infinite Sets, and all the ID-transparency that goes along with them, e.g., the category of all categories including itself, which, so including, is an itself-not-itself C+ times over. Not-Iambe is I am be; not, I am that I am. Back, back, I say, back into witch-brew StoneAge-economy, Maypole (the dog's foot! twisting axis of temporal spin radiating superstrung ribbons; for what, Pete's sake?) ring-around-the-rosie (humph! temporal CURL, my eye) Injun Cuntry: all-fall-down you accursed Ur-curs, you! Turn to butter, then -- racing around the Axis Mundi qua Tree of Life with your circular, self-referential T-logics curling into compaction: tiger economies, hah! Thus sprach (by deeds more consequently than by words) the hyperanthropos-Ubermensch-oligarch exemplars of the currently prevailing fulmination. I took the real-world experiential schooling of my youth to heart; it has informed my behavior ever since. As I've stated on numerous occasions: the biggest lesson I took away from my close encounter with the Viet Nam war is that it is crazy to try to converse with insane people.
Correlative-cosmology relative-state (ganying string resonance being an analogy; what about superstring sympathetic vibration? both of these being weak analogies for the involved identity-transparency) -- such as that introjected to traditional Chinese medicine (see Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine: Systems of Correspondence, Manfred Porkert, MIT Press, 1978 (I read this about the memetime I left Cornell, circa 1979-80) and the I-Ching ((understood as presenting a mathematical way of representing multiple perspectives on reality [think of the infinite corpus of facets of the Husserl horizon of an object], see The Yijing as a Symbolic Language for Abstraction, Andreas Schoter, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on I-Ching (Yijing) Studies and Contemporary Civilization, 2005, pp. 291-305; and as an m-level notation system [be aware that the genetic code and the I-Ching have mathematical properties in common], see The Yijing as a Mathematical Metaphysics, Andreas Schoter, 2010 or later by References)) -- has much in common with category theory as a cornerstone of ontology: the cosmo-correlations-relative-states are functions in the technical mathematical sense; and the correspondences between correlative cosmology and category theory are functors. In terms of the notion that archaic propitiation (directed to the gods as cosmological archetypal figures of the collective unconscious correlated to properties of the natural surround) was a means to insure ecologically-adapted collective behaviors, it might be suggested that, [eco}nomically speaking, correlative cosmological functions could be construed as indicators-measurables of sustainability to be fine-grain tagged to values stacked upon base-states of µTm-LETS currency units, the whole stack constituting a category-theoretic sheaf topos, the value morphisms, at transactions across the prefractal-quasifractal e-boundaries upon which given µTm-LETS currencies are to be defined, being functors. Note, parenthetically, that the traditional Chinese market areas (each composed of n-villages in concentric circles around a market town) honeycombing the landscape correspond to the present-day notion of a LETS currency area. While the internal logic of such sheaf topoi (including their sieve properties complementary to the band-pass properties of prefractal-quasifractal e-boundaries: see The category of sheaves as topos, a 2018 Patrick Elliott lecture, and note the monomorphism and truth-functionality involved) may be binary-Boolean-1T2 (each value in the stack being single-valued), the transactional external logic of the whole ensheaved currency unit must be µTm, by virtue of the base-state (cf. category theory site) and superposed values being, taken altogether, m-valued. These issues are addressed in two complex papers (more or less arguing retention of the notion that topos are m-logically-valued, particularly as regards the extensional-external logic) which I've found, and am trying to assimilate: (1) Disputing the Many-Valuedness of Topos Logic, Luis Estrada-Gonzalez, in Aftermath of the Logical Paradise, Jean-Yves Beziau, et al., eds., Campinas: CLE-UNICAMP, 2015, pp. 193-213; and by the same author (2) From (paraconsistent) topos logic to Universal (topos) Logic, in The Road to Universal Logic, Arnold Koslow and Arthur Buchsbaum, eds., Birkhauser, 2014: I observe that truth-conditional logical connectives continue to be employed in complement topoi. Note, in this context, that I (even independent of metapreprogrammed non-monotonic default assumptions) do not hold truth-value to be the fundament of logic, thus do not regard the morphism arrows of category theory as truth arrows, and therefore find truth-value-based arguments (e.g., Suszko's reduction) not particularly compelling in context of my purposes. Moreover, the logical connectives qua logical operators, employed in all ((with the exception of Schrödinger logics, but even there I demur on the idea that quasi-sets adequately capture the notion µTm-relative states of identity-transparency: see Schrödinger Logics, Newton da Costa, Jr. and Decio Krause, Studia Logica, 53:4, pp. 533-50, 1994; and by the same authors, An Intensional Schrödinger Logic, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 38:2, Spring 1997)) the logics (even all those non-classical which I am aware of, including Schrödinger logics, retain the notion truth-functionality) I've been able to read about are based on the assumption of simple-identity (though it appears that in Gödel fuzzy logic several of the classic logical operators are indefinable in terms of the others: see Truth Values and Connectives in Some Non-Classical Logics, P. Safari and S. Salehi, Journal of New Researches in Mathematics, 5:19, July-August 2019, pp. 31-36), an assumption incompatible with the relative-state identity-transparency notion (which outright altogether rejects the Axiom of Identity and its servitor operators) as to the fundament of logic. In our scheme, the executors of the CTC+-unto-µTm-logical connectives are 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. What those logical connectives are (being non-truth-functional, they clearly will not involve the classical logical operators), logically speaking, likely will only be adequately determined once inner-Musculpt is holo-techno-exteriorized and systematically investigated. The logical import of topological operations (good offices of Andre Borrmann and Ernst Rank, 2007 or later by References) cum orbifold modular transforms (good offices of Mattia G. Borgomi, 20 December 2014, though, in the inner-Musculpt case, the orbifolds are not likely restricted to chord geometries, as the sounds are not diatonic-pentatonic, more like asterisms -- at least in my experience) are involved here, but the imports of interest would be non-Boolean and involve J.G.Bennettian skew-parallel geometries; moreover, the whole issue would have to be considered on the meta-level, because, in inner-Musculpt, the photism-flash/aural-burst freeze-frame colored-sounded forms are presumably the elements of the propositional notation and the transformations thereof are the meaning gestalts (the involved semantics being as elicited in the given first-order logic context within which the inner-Musculpt appears to awareness): the geometry itself is not the subject of interest, only the framework.
It's hard to find commentary on exactly how the Casimir operator qua element, e.g., aka squared angular momentum operator (as an example of central charge? as, in our scheme, a fractal, skew-perpendicular, µTm-logical central charge relative to complex and hypercomplex angular momentum operators? regards Schrödinger equation with two levels of nonlinearity), is involved in the Casimir Effect. Quoting the questioner (8 August 2020) on Mathematics StackExchange, as regards Defining a Casimir element: The notes go on to mention the notion of Casimir element is related to the Casimir Effect in physics. However, they do not specify how I could not find anything online. Since the Casimir Effect is foremost in physical evidence (good offices of Rohan Kumar, Quora, What is the evidence for quantum fluctuation?) that quantum vacuum fluctuations exist, this cognitive vacuity is a matter of some note. Obviously, I don't follow details of the many algebraic complexities involved; nonetheless, our general scheme grants me an intuitive orientation, to wit, for whatever little value it may be worth, and speaking as a Platonic metaontological realist as regards existence of mathematics: quantum zero-point energy vacuum fluctuations -- virtual particle-antiparticle creation-annihilation -- allowed by, qua mediated by, Heisenberg Uncertainty with respect to energy-lifetime is a memetime-bound, probabilistic, 1T2-only, orthogonality-unitarity take on CTC+-unto-µTm demergence -- under 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (a way of handling the Casimir operator qua central charge qua hypercomplex-complex angular momentum operators) -- of C+TC+ AllBase CommonGround, a take where the uncertainty is due to null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian µTm-pencils of skew-parallels being involved in definition of the vector space basis cum µTm-skew-perpendicularity of lines of force and equipotential surfaces (cf. Riemann's notion as to origin of charge being lines of force trapped in the topology of space) being unresolvable by 1T2-only processing.
Hologramically speaking, there is no possible-world-logic plausibility of such as the random modality: randomicity is a function of the order of logical-value employed at pattern recognition; what has no 1T2ly recognizable pattern may well have a 125T648ly recognizable pattern, and this principle extends as far as may be liked under 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+. It's a wonder that Bohm was only exiled and that nothing happened to Pribram. The hologramic synordinance ((archaically, if not primordially -- i.e., at latest, late Western Zhou origins, circa late-9th-century BC; possibly much earlier, jigsawed together from pieces originated in demergent fashion, hex coming before tri -- the I-Ching yarrow-stalk strings [not 2-sided coins] fell chronomantically according to the ganying-string-resonant field of the time; the time-type at issue being memetime, this fall and this field having had to do with the collective unconscious context (not probabilities thereover) of conscious apprehension of placetime conditions and events as construed by the 1T2-only egofunction: nowadays it is pellucid that the field concept is not general enough to be unified into a GUTS, let alone encompass topologically-active-operator-time-executed CTC+-unto-µTm demergence of C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround)) of µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of identity-transparency (m-valued identity in inner-Musculpt could be regarded analogous to homophones in speakable languages: same sound, different meaning) is what Cabalistic-neoPlatonic numerology attempted to represent with non-selfsame numbers, ultimately with the notion that each number is infinite, that is, that each number is every number, including itself. The fuzziness, the dimness, the reduction in the number of facets to the Husserlian horizon of the object holographically projected when only a piece of the hologramic plate is used (cf. part is whole) is due to employment of only 1T2-only-logic to visually process ap[pre}hension of the sensory data received by the viewer (who is herhimself, µTmly-unto-CTC+ly speaking, not absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct from the holographic image being projected-viewed). So, if one is to live in, really live in, the hologramic-quantum world (sans classical limit-imposed lateral mental cleave), one cannot expect to do so absent ongoing proprioceptive-perceptual direct ontic experience of this and that state of animistic-pagan participation mystique, the phenomenological-immediacy content of which is radically (even ketaminergically OBEed, if sufficiently elaborated) dissociative so far as the 1T2-only egofunction is concerned. Hence, the collective unconscious Give me simple-identity, or give me death! back-reaction upon the metric of imports of N. H. Abel's 1823 general-quintic Impossibility-theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr, a back-reaction that has since then more and more, in episodic fulminations, explicitly governed mass behaviors of homo Sapiens sapiens. Those peoples against their resolute will last forced off animism and, at the point of a sword, into modern secular-nation-statehood -- notably Japan, Germany, Russia, China -- have a contrary cultural set, by comparison to those who early-on embraced the nation-state system, with regard to the simple-identity issue. This has been and is a huge factor in the chaos of prewar jockeying for critical-resources control and alliances and maintenance or establishment of monetary-system dominance. How are the outcomes of such pandemonium to be predicted? The recently innovated non-fungible tokens, once e-monetized, are likely to become the functional equivalent of oracle bones inscribed with forecasts produced by pyromantic scapulimancy, had these bones been digitized and used as a medium of exchange: chaos theory is postmodern scapulimancy, the 1T2-study of the import of µTm-cracks. Heh-heh-heh! Those buying up -- with the ultrawealth granted them by FED policies -- large tracts of land as hedges against the possibility of mistaken forecasts: enfeoffing servitors who've pledged fealty to the neofeudal deep state. Moreover, how would TPTB the GLE go about exploiting for their exclusive benefit a workforce experiencing various states of participation mystique? O, Gawd!
Expressing opposition to ontological realism
Virtual inalienability of the glutamate-anchored
Engine of 21st-century neofeudalism, the cultural loadSteamroller on the loose! running down, flattening
Glutamate-etched flaring 1T2-only-logical lawfare
Cellophane enwrapped, up against the wall rapped
Glyphosate blooded and proteomically pierced by spikesNeologismed by necessity: crapification, shrinkflation
Ultrarich, via the FED, have fed themselves on
What is essentially a new form of tax-farming
Wu of Woke wen ren has greatly furthered
Long-in-place processes of cognitive scorched earthAutonomous algorithmic-robotic-gentry-administered
NeoConfucianism couldn't help but be vastly more
Oppressive than was the Wanged original instituted by Song.Each µTm-relative-state of identity-transparency conceivably inculcates a type of mutual responsibility (cf. TOAR-to-TOAR coordination; TOAR = tactical area of responsibility) qua reciprocal maintenance -- which would not need to be anything remotely like micro-managed, regulated, administered, policed were the participation mystique state sufficiently reinforced by, say, for instance, appropriate (even ontological-cosmological) tropological metareferences conjugated to the Hamiltonian, uh, uh, to the design criteria of utilitarian objects, convivial tools, nominal ritualizations of ADLs, activities of daily life carried out with a modicum of self-observation qua mindfulness (cf. The Empire of Signs), and made second nature by, say, for instance, functional internalization-incorporation-integration of externalities to the markets of the [eco}nomy via the value-sheaf-functor stacked upon base-states of the currency units of each µTm-LETS currency defined on changing, identity-transparent, boundary-without-boundary, band-pass, prefractal-quasifractal e-borders. Better this than the constant battering [bar}rage of grand proclamations; petty pronouncements; regs and instructions; admonitions; threats; laws publicized and laws promulgated without being announced, indeed, classified laws; guides; regulations; and on and on into sticks and stones and spike proteins that we've long been pounded with. Bastinadoed by the perseverations of the perorations of the prevailing grandiloquent per[son}ages! Sound-bitten and foto-operated secular [pre}lates: the [man}date of their heaven being to rein the local [line}ages, with their fissiparous [male}factors, into the prevailing central reign.
The signs were posted everywhere: nicht Baum zu fallen. Even during WWII, when charcoal-methane/coal-gasification processes were used to fuel Volkswagens, it was forbidden to cut down trees in the forest. Being a Baumgardner on my mother's side, who, over a fifteen-year period, planted thousands of trees in the D.C.-no-Washington area, I flashed on the fact of those signs having existed in midst of war and fuel shortage -- by contrast to the clear-cutting of tropical forests under far less stringent circumstances. Memory serving, I believe it is correct to say, No AU-SIS student who took Abdul Aziz Said's 'Problems of World Politics' course -- A. J. P. Taylor being required reading -- circa 1964, and participated in the discussions, could have escaped learning that desire to take possession of Transcaucasia-Caspian oil-gas resources was a major consideration prompting Hitler's decision to invade the U.S.S.R., north no less than south. I've never believed -- given the long lead time in bottom-up implementation of such subsystem-system-supersystem nesting-foam -- that µTm-LETS would prevent, in the short-term, formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc (see, for analyses of the current level of elaboration: [1] The Crisis In Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It's About Germany, Mike Whitney, The Unz Review, 11 February 2022; and [2] Will Lagarde & the ECB Survive This Inflection Point in Geopolitics?, Tom Luongo, ZeroHedge, 16 February 2022) aligned to a GreaterChina MahayanaBuddhist Bloc; as regards the long-term, well-- perhaps the impetus to war as the main surface-structure driver motivating such formations would have evaporated, however unlikely that may be, given the array of cultural-set-in-stone predispositions prevailing relative to quantum-non-simple identity and associated µTm-valued logics of the various states of Erdgeist qua dukh zemli cum die Einfuhlung qua sochuvstviye animistic-pagan participation mystique. The bushwhacking, neo-Neo-Confusion, Woke, [hetero}doxy-suppression, Phoenix-domesticated pogrom (suppression-elimination of dis[son}ant voices, judicially and extra-judicially, qua nascent literary inquisition) promulgated in Six Scared Edits, uh, uh, Sacred Edicts and Sixty Maxims and Six-Hundred and Sixty-Six Internet Posters, being obsessed with verification of the mistaken claim to soul-steeling, uh, uh, soul-stealing single-valued selfsame identity, opposes the mappings of bureaucratic functions-functionals-functors on prefractal-quasifractal µTm-LETS-currencies e-boundaries, those mappings being collectively a kind of synarchy by monetary-system means. Some of the underlying issues were 1T2-only addressed in a paper delivered by Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen's Athanasios Karafillidis to an international Relational Sociology symposium held in Berlin, 25-26 September 2008, i.e., Networks and Boundaries (think: Canada's network of truckers, the bridge at the boundary, the trucker's PM), wherein G. Spencer Brown's cross-notation (vis Laws of Form) is employed to discourse upon the relational complexity of bald boundaries treated as events that must be maintained. H. Rider Haggard: He (in this case, rather than she: think, by contrasexual inversion, the Anima's Animus) who must be obeyed! That this subject involves issues of considerable Germano-Russian concern is illustrated by Moscow State University's Vladislav A. Shaposhnikov publishing during 1999 Mathematical notational systems and the visual representation of metaphysical ideas, Semiotica, 125 (1-3), pp. 135-42, which begins with a consideration of Kant's idea that ponderablespace and linear-referential time (cf. boundaries and their maintenance over periods of memetime) are categories of our understanding (which we know, since Piaget and the revelations about intrauterine-unto-pubertal glutamatergic neuronal prunings qua neural-network wipeouts, are learned categories of our understanding: e.g., regarding linear-time, good offices of casual conversation with Nha Trang, Chinese characters, for instance, have no verb tenses; spoken Vietnamese has no verb tenses, and those written may have been added by the Portuguese Jesuits who created Quoc ngu, the Nom ideograph containing a Chinese character plus signifier of the spoken Vietnamese thereby being absent verb tenses). Precedents for the SCSS (social credit score system) currently being globalized (e.g., Camadia of the truckers' PM has begun freezing bank accounts of those writing seditious poetry and posting it via MoSoSo, heh-heh-heh! and gadzooks!) go back at least to the 1644 advent of the [Man}chew's Qing (Ch'ing) dynasty. Currently, our Guandi, uh, uh, Grandi oligarch-begs de[man}d their chieftains' kowtows just as the chieftains de[man}d kowtows from the Untermenschen luan-a-tics. Ouch! Singularly unconscious as to actual motivations: what they think they think is relatively unimportant; what they think they don't think drives them like a [her}der. Well, we've kept a repeat of M-ow! at bay, we have, haven't we, they assert. By which they mean they've beaten back substantive applications of m-valued logics to all aspects of the Lebenswelt. Oh, fishhooks! I say. Vasko Kohlmayer, with his The West in Crisis: Civilizations and Their Death Drives, Kindle paperback, 16 December 2020, illustrates an aspect (though I don't embrace his chosen surface-structure psychological explanations) of my decades-long-held thesis that a collective unconscious decision for human species (not only the West, considering that China is leading The Way to a TheyreameBenthem panopticon planet) suicide was taken during the post-N.H.Abel mid-19th century: Give me simple-identity or give me death! It definitely looks like at least some details of that forecast are holding firm as possibilities, e.g., that the peak of totalitarian control will simultaneously be the cuspover into incendiary global collapse and initialization of a merciless Great Hunt Down dwarfing that which followed the Russian revolution. Karafillidis, in the paper linked above, investigates the 1T2ly-counterintuitive notion that boundaries and networks are equivalent (think: cell biology's self-organization by resource exchange across band-pass phase boundaries as applied by the planetary insurgency with counter-insurgent-induced, e.g., the anthropogenic COVID-19 pandemic, ever-expanding insurgent recruitment base). He holds that distinction is the basic cognitive operation. If [cog}nit|i|on be restricted to 1T2-only processing, I agree; but Schrödinger-memetime-independent CTC+-unto-µTm demergence of C+TC+ AllBase holds that identity-qua-identity as metaphysical category (not as identification of two or more whatnots as being identical) has [onto}logical precedence over the drawing of a distinction: this is why the term AllBase is more appropriate than the term CommonGround as designator of C+TC+ (C+TC+ is being-therehere logically-and-ontologically-before there are whatnots to cognitively bring into a commons). This is consonant with Karafillidis' notion of a bald boundary which predicates no presumption of pre-existing whatnots (and the existent entities demerged there from). But Karafillidis, with a little help from Brown's 1T2-only-calculus of distinctions, goes on to develop a combinatorial model of boundaries; whereas, in our [orient}at|i|on, the C+TC+ center in midst of the conditions (a la The Secret of the Golden Flower) is a continuum holding superposed within itself all value-discretes in readiness for decomposition-decompaction-demergence (the combinatorial retrograde-inversion of this being non-orientably indistinct on HyperKleinBottle nesting-foam: i.e., where one [decompositional cascade] becomes the other [combinatorial reverse-cascade] is not only not cognitively localizable, but the very idea that there is a one absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct from an other arises only ontologically-after 1T2 has demerged from C+TC+, and poofs out once µTm has initiated [good offices of 3-fold topologically-active counter-operator-time] remergence unto C+TC+). Authentic cognition of this cannot be had in 1T2-only-processed glutamatergic states memetime-bound.
While a notation system opens opportunities for expansion of subject matter noticeable-appreciable, for increased rigor of analysis, and for more elaborate communication of findings, the particular sort of notation chosen circumscribes the aspects and areas apprehensible-perceptible (see, in this regard, the superordinate expansion of the linguistic relativity of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis to the idea of notational relativity, as stated in How could the notation be the limitation?, Jeffrey G. Long, Semiotica, 125:1-3, 1999: quoting pages 30-31, cf. the prospect of µTm-LETS internalizing environmental externalities, society needs a great extension of its current abstractions for value [money] if we are to move beyond the assignment of specific value to only those things for which there is a marketplace, acting as though everything else [e.g., clean air, friendship, etc] is valueless, brackets in original). What in our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, page 307, we called a kisoku no kata, our neologism good offices of Naomi Togashi, Fia, Inc., art agency, Kyoto, a form, that is, a kata of rules, in Ultra-Structure: a Design Theory for Complex Systems and Processes, Jeffrey G. Long and Dorothy E. Denning, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 38:1, January 1995, is called a ruleform -- the kisoku no kata standing between the kata and the kakureta kata (archetype). The Brownian 1T2-only-logical cross qua mark of Spencer Brown's Laws of Form is a notation-limitation case in point, and illustrates why I have long called for holographic exteriorization (semanticization, tokenization, syntaxification: such exteriorization would be proper use of FTs, fungible tokens, those non-fungible, NFTs, being suppression-regression-driven ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements) of dynamical, shape-shifting, inner-Musculpt as mathematics notation (the foremost functional prerequisite to elaborate thinking in, as distinct from 1T2-thinking about, m-valued logics) and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams. I cannot, per example of such limitation, as regards, say, the prefractal-quasifractal band-pass e-boundaries-without-boundary required to define and demarcate µTm-LETS currencies, embrace Athanasios Karafillidis' Brownian equation for the relational complexity of a 1T2-only-logical boundary, in that the corpus of self-referential relations on the X-side of the cross qua mark denoting the boundary are, in my opinion, not -- as depicted by Karafillidis, page 10, in conformation to Brown's conventions -- contained ((containment is better addressed, even though the cross notation conceals the higher-logical-value order-types, in our Brownian wave statement given in Table 1 or our 1980 Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement paper, where each act of self-referential reflexivity logically-ontologically decomposes an order-type of non-selfsameness of the identity-transparent; and, 1T2ly speaking, the dual of each such act recomposes the selfsameness of the relative-state: Ome Teotl Mirror-that-Smokes Tezcatlihpoca or the Wheelerian it-from-bit binary Great Smoky Dragon)) by the corpus of self-referential relations on the Y-side of the cross qua mark indicating (cf. calculus of indications) the boundary -- or, if they are, then X contains Y no less than Y contains X; and, in this case, the equation goes to higher degrees, where exponentials (the square of, or second order of, self-reference, Brown reserved for the origin of memetime -- not, that is, as more likely is the case, reserved for topologically-active operator-time: this origin he explained at an early-1970s BigSur EsalenInstitute conclave attended by Gregory Bateson, John C. Lilly, et al., most of whom, by the questions asked, clearly did not understand what he was talking about: I found a typewritten transcript of this discussion whilst surveying-cataloging Lilly's scientific archive by commission of Lilly, the survey being conducted so that an assessed value could be placed upon it for consideration by the Pioneer Corporation) do not capture the actual case so well as do the states indicated by µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-types of self-referential propositions. What is contrasted by existence of the boundary is not degrees of density-fuzziness-grayness but relative-states of identity-transparency (i.e., the fundament of logic -- sans the 1T2-only laws of identity, distributed middle, non-contradiction -- more fundamental than distinction, which is more fundamental than truth-value). This notion informs our orientation to the J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels as being involved in the AllBase basis states of vector spaces under µTm logics (see our 1977 paper Toward a General Theory of Process). By contrast, the still-prevailing technocratic take on a universal representation of process (term drawn from page 171 of Meta-principles of business knowledge representation, Michael Mohammed, Semiotica, 125:1-3, 1999) involves identity of entities 1T2ly defined as being absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct and where activities are 1T2ly defined relative to a passive, passing, referential, ostensibly-objective linear-time conceived as determinative in establishing ontological context understood undifferentiated from existence and its attributes in specific cases. These bivalent-definitional consequences are not much altered by making binary logic Taoist-TaiChi rotational. No reason to wonder, then, over the fact that strategic hamlets programs (think: bamboo cheval de frise fortifications as composite boundaries) in conjunction with denial-of-service-search-and-destroy-the-nk-fitness-landscape operations, initialized by senescent, indeed blatantly senile and/or psychotic emperors, are not only modern Western anti-animistic counterinsurgency-cum-complexity phenomena; they go back at least to suppression of the White Lotus rebellion of the late-18th century. The control system is the love technocrats bring to the polity? Or is it that -- like maintained by Octave Mirbeau in The Torture Garden (good offices of Dennis Cooper); quoting the 1989 RE/SEARCH Publications reprint of the 1931 translation of the 1899 original: Murder is the very bedrock of our social institutions Murder is born of love, and love attains the greatest intensity in murder -- murder, uh, uh, mass murder, is the technocrat's ultimate expression of love? TPTB the GLE, following Harrison White's identity-and-control theory (see Donald Steiny's review of the 2nd edition of Identity and Control, Cambridge U. Press, 2008, Social Networks, 29:4, 2007, pp. 609-16), hold that existence of simple-identity be unquestionable, indeed, is insisted upon, and must be repetitiously verified throughout the day in any self-respecting surveillance society, because identity makes control possible -- control being considered the source of relationships. Quoting Michael Mohammed in the above-linked paper, page 176: controls are not dependent on relationships; rather they are the source from which relationships are derived. For the technocrat, then, love is the ultimate in control?
Drawing from his reading of Plotinus' Enneads (which I noted upon my first reading during the early-1970s differs from Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine, for one, in that Plotinus explicitly depicts involutory cosmic decomposition-demergence as linear-time independent, whereas Aurobindo, having been suborned by neoDarwinism, does not), John D. Turner in his paper Plotinus and the Gnostics: opposed heirs of Plato, page 61 in The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism, Svelta Slaveva-Griffin and Pauliina Remes, eds., Routledge, 2014, observes that Plotinus accepts the notion that spiritual beings -- the Platonic ideas as minds united with their objects of thought -- are simultaneously present in their entirety 'all together' in the Intellect Note that, psycho[somato}gonically speaking, subject-object/mind-body participation mystique is built-in, insofar as Platonic ideas of the cosmic Intellect (a euphemistic stand-in for AllThatIs, i.e., the world soul as in divisio animae, the division of the world soul's components that [logically and ontologically] precedes its composition as stated in Christina Hoenig's review of World Soul-Anima Mundi , edited by Christoph Helmig, De Gruyter, 2020) are concerned. This all together-ness I regard as speaking to the neoPlatonic-neoPythagorean hypostatization of number in the theory of universal substantiation-individuation (cf. devolutory cosmic disjunction-decomposition-demergence as linear-time independent) which the taxonomically minded Aristotle converted, indeed retrograde-inverted, into hypotaxis by conjunction-emergence (ignoring the fact that the involutory memetime-independently incorporates simultaneity of the devolute with the revolute). The involved ontological notion of number is reprised in detail by Svelta Slaveva-Griffin -- as regards Plotinus, Iamblichus, Syrianus, Proclus -- in her Number in the metaphysical landscape, pages 200-216, The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism, linked above, to include discussion of the notion of the forms of numbers, e.g., the Indefinite Dyad, attributed to Plato in his unwritten doctrines. In this regard, I would offer a hyper-Lukasiewiczian disposition as to cosmic individuation: the indefinite form of a given number is not singular (that is, for instance, the indefinite dyad form of the number 2 does not refer to the essence of two-ness), and does not exist under 1T2-only-logic alone; it takes on a different hypotaxis-type form under each logical-value order-type C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm, the number form under the C+TC+-order-type being the referent in The Book of the Law, Liber AL vel Legis, 1(4), to wit: Every number is infinite; there is no difference. Arriving at the form of a number requires, as the protagonist's inner third voice commanded in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, page 666, that Number the numbering! be engaged in: i.e., Gödel-numbering of the Gödel-numbers of the C+TC+-unto-CTC+-µTm propositions executed by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime). The number form is not the number of any particular such proposition, but of the infinite collection of proposition-denoting numbers writable in any given logical-value order-type, e.g, 728T936. As regards movement towards practicum, I draw attention to Christopher Alexander's disquisition on the mathematics of decomposition in his book Notes on the Synthesis of Form, Harvard U. Press, 1964: in taking graphs to be adequate depictions of the form, M, (not understood to be a Musculpt form) he is led down a 1T2-only set-theoretic path. Quoting page 124:
the fewer links there are between the major subsets of the decomposition, the better. Ideally, we should like to find a first partition of M where no links are cut by the partition
The need for subsets we can grasp diagrammatically calls for sets of variables whose internal interactions are very rich. The need to resolve the conflicts between the diagrams we get from them calls for as little interaction between subsets as possible. Clearly these two [illustrating lattice-graph diagrams] are compatible; indeed, they can be expressed jointly as follows.
Consider just one level of the decomposition, where some set S is to be partitioned into disjoint subsets (S1,S2, ,Salpha, ,Smu). We wish to choose these Salpha in such a way that we can invent a constructive diagram for S1 whose implications will not later turn out to be hopelessly contradicted by an independently conceived diagram for one of the other Salpha; and the same for S2, S3, et cetera. Why is this difficult to do in terms of the variables' behavior?
It is difficult because any variables which are linked exercise mutual constraint over one another's states. If we fix the values of the variables of S1, the values which the variables of the other Salpha can take are already constrained to some extent by the probabilistic links which bind them to this S1. In other words, the values which the variables of S1 take, tell us something about the values which the variables in the other Salpha can take; they give us information. The sparser the links between the Salpha, the less the values of the variables in S1 can tell us about the values in S2, etc.; the less information the links carry across the partition, the freer we are to construct a diagram for S2 once we have fixed the solution of S1 in our minds.
This orientation to the form, M, yields a starting point for mathematically modeling decomposition as described in Alexander's Appendix 2, Mathematical Treatment of Decomposition, to wit, page 174:
We face the following specific, purely mathematical problem. Given a system of binary stochastic variables, some of them pairwise dependent, which satisfy certain conditions, how should this system be decomposed into a set of subsystems, so that the information transfer between the subsystems is a minimum?
We begin by restating the conditions on the graph which represents the system, and the further conditions on the system.
We have a finite signed graph G which consists of two finite disjoint sets M(G), and L(G), where the elements of M are points called the vertices of G, and the elements of L are line-segments called the links of G, each one of which passes through two and only two vertices, and carries either a positive or a negative sign. The link is said to join these two vertices. The vertices are called the end-points of the link. Where two vertices are joined by more than one link, the links are regarded as distinct and identifiable.
On from there with a characterization of decomposition designed to suppress µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (which identity-transparency we suppose to be the proper way to understand the m-states indicated by the state function in Schrödinger's quantum wave equation). At the very least, L(G) should be composed of J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels, rather than simple line-segments. By naming his book Notes on the Synthesis of Form, the decomposition he describes has a distinct synthetic feeling about it, a bringing together feeling echoed in Mathematical notational systems and the visual representation of metaphysical ideas, Vladislav A. Shaposhnikov, Semiotica, 125:1-3, 1999, wherein it is stated on page 136:
All pure mathematics is the further explanation of the sense of the words space and time. It can also be said that mathematics examines spatio-temporal constructions There is no time as such in mathematics Time in mathematics always means only the motion of spatial elements [this being one main justification for employment of topologically-active operator-time in lieu of passive, passing, referential linear-time] The word construction is used to stress an immediate possibility to see the joining of elements produced in any mathematical activity. Mathematical theories are just constructed, built up
Musculpt, however, demerges sculpturally: i.e., by removal. Absent Schrödinger-memetime-independent divisio animae of anima mundi, the state-function cannot be understood relative to m-valued logics, leaving the time-independent Schrödinger wave equation depicting nothing more insightful than a passive-referential-linear-time freeze-frame picture, a depiction which (all too conveniently for the micks constituting TPTB the GLE) prevents codification of quantum [eco}nomics and leaves homo Sapiens sapiens inevitably failing to adequately manage dissimulated-quantum-based technologies couched in the regulatory context established by Cartesian-Newtonian eco[no}micks. Unmolested 3-fold topo-active optime sorting-angel coadjutors: demergence executors (cf. motion before motion, uh, uh, before the creation of time as discussed here) of the quantum potential responsible for market mediated self-organization, which, when made explicit by internalizing externalities with value stack on µTm-LETS currency-unit base-state, would be capable of greatly facilitating realization of [eco}nomic expressions of man-nature harmonious fengshui relative-states of identity-transparency (for extensive background on the ancient Greek notion thereof, see On The Role Of Harmonia In Plato's Philosophy, Aditi Chaturvedi, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 2018). That holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt is required is seemingly recognized by Filipe Lara-Garcia and Filipe Lara-Rosano in the A proposal for knowledge encoding through visual art section of their paper entitled Visual art and metaphors in complex knowledge representation, Semiotica, 125:1-3, 1999. The ideas expressed in this proposal are similar to, but less elaborate than, those essayed in our thoughts as presented here and here and here and here. Attempts to learn the sonic-visioning of the bottle-nosed dolphin -- by reestablishing contact with the acoustic sense as it existed before birth [good offices of Hans Frundt] and before the enculturation-socialization-programmed series of glutamatergic neuronal prunings was accomplished -- would be greatly facilitative. James Robert Brown's book -- The Laboratory of the Mind, Routledge, 2010 (this linked VDO is not a focused discussion but contains a number of interesting observations and gives some idea as to the nature of prevailing discourse in regards to this area of thought), text of the book reviewed here by Michael T. Stuart -- is edifying as regards the Platonic context within which inner-Musculpt may be considered to be set. The Mus aspect of inner-Musculpt is amplified relative to the musical Harmonia aspect of mathematical Platonism by Ernest G. McClain's The Pythagorean Plato, Nicolas-Hays, 1978.
1T2 µTm I/im double-digit midget I/in CTC+ Tzog-chen 2nk
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