µTm Scenarios, T44(M)
The rather vague intuitions we had concerning imports of our model of the topologically-active-operator-time-mediated radiation-exchange processes engaged in by superconductant pi-electron-gas core-environment of DNA at helix-coil transition are, in certain respects, considerably discovered, fleshed-out, and detailed by Sergey V. Petoukhov in his paper entitled The system-resonance approach in modeling genetic structures, Biosystems, 139, 2016, pp. 1-11, wherein his elaboration and examples of the eight octets of triplets and their code values echoes Fernando Castro-Chavez's I-Ching-related disquisitions as provided in The Quantum Workings of the Rotating 64-Grid Genetic Code, Neuroquantology, 9:4, December 2011, pp. 728-46, and Defragged Binary I Ching Genetic Code Chromosomes Compared to , Journal of Proteome Science and Computational Biology, 1:3, 2012. I have some reservations, however. I do not say this to denigrate oscillatory approaches to biology or chrono-medicine (see: Music and the Modeling Approach to Genetic Systems of Biological Resonances, Sergey Valentinovich Petoukhov, preprint from The Information Society at the Crossroads Conference, Vienna, 19 June 2015) -- each a great advance over present-day consensus models -- but to suggest that the theory thereof would be greatly advanced were the classical notions superseded by recognition that µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency supervene (using here Petoukhov terminology) binary-oppositional 2-form resonances-as-information-conveyors in vibrosystems, howsoever many real-numbered degrees of freedom are modeled upon such resonances. This supersession would involve: substitution of null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels for eigenvectors; replacement of orthogonality with the skew-perpendicularity prerequisite to realization of Riemann's notion that the origin of charge is to be found in lines of force trapped in the topology of space; eigenvalues being understood relative to the temporal CURLs (think: hypercomplex-complex matrices) induced by 3-fold (think: non-linear Schrödinger equations) topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime: from the mid-'70s, we knew that hypernumbers beyond quaternions, even beyond octonions [note that, relative to compaction unto C+TC+, and à la aidios arithmos, It is possible to continue applying the Cayley-Dickson construction arbitrarily many times; loss of arithmetic properties, e.g., commutativity, at the higher orders of temporal CURL is consonant with loss of 1T2-only-logic laws, e.g., Law of Non-Contradiction], likely are involved, but had no opportunity to delve into this area [I tried to ask questions, but never found anyone willing to answer]; however, Sergey V. Petoukhov has made a foray into that area relative to the diversity of known dialects of the genetic code, as given in The genetic code, 8-dimensional hypercomplex numbers and dyadic shifts, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, latest version June of 2015); the identity matrix set equal to C+, not 0; tensor exponentiation cum compaction (think not of mutations, but of muT[at}ions: compaction has utility even at the 1T2-only-level of signification and processing, as, to wit, explicated in Fernando Castro-Chavez's The Digram of I Ching Genetic Code Compresses the Genetic Code into , Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 20:2, 2019) unto C+TC+ fractality involving MC+ = [non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers]C+; nature's involutory-decomposition operators-processors being those CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, not those 1T2-only alone; instead of binary-digital computers on resonances, µTm-Lukasiewiczian-analog computers on relative-states of identity-transparency. Values of genetic matrices 1T2ly-null are µTmly higher-temporal overtones qua chronotopologies (think: higher levels of the genetic language -- m-level encipherment -- specifying the myriads, e.g., environmental fit, intra- and extra-organismic, this speculation being motivated, not by the objective to advance genetic engineering as purpose stated by Castro-Chavez, but to protect against genetic engineering predicated upon the mistaken conviction that the quantum-wave properties of DNA have no substantive biological function) of the nitrogenous nucleotide-base tones (see: Symmetries in molecular-genetic systems and musical harmony, Gyorgy Darvas, et al., Symmetry: Culture and Science, 23:2, January 2012), the null eigenvalues (and the assuredly related Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes employed in Gödel numbering schemes) denoting topo-active-optime-demerged relative-states of identity-transparency classically and neoclassically understood resonances-by-radiation-exchange. In my judgment, the decisive reason why U.S.S.R. official Soviet science deemed molecular resonance theory a violation of dialectical materialism is because this theory tacitly, that is to say subliminally, raises the specter of µTm-quantum, animistic-pagan, relative-state, identity-transparent soperezivanie cum sostradanie, i.e., the Proclusian co-affection qua sympatheia (Rus: socuvstvie) qua Einfuhlungsvermogen qua amae tensor-exponentiated unto generative empathy, which always has been and always will be the foremost threat to the cultural and social and economic regression accompanying authoritarian statism. The 1T2-only-logical molecular resonance structure (that is, the weighted sum of the wave functions that correspond to several hypothetical structures for the system: hypothetical-unto-hyperthetical veiling the actuality: hypertemporal formants) is a stereochemical-theoretic way of retaining the sense of simple-identity and, in so doing, of getting around µTm-logical-relative-state identity-transparency, a way based upon BornRule dissimulation of the Schrödinger wave-function (take note of the last paragraph in the Britannica blurb, the above-given quotation drawn there from: one has to buy into the notion that arithmetic summation adequately represents superposition of m-values, which requires the assumption that each of these values unsuperposed has absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identity, an assumption serviced by interpreting the m-values of the wave-function as being amplitudes of a propagating wave of probabilities). While electrons, say, may be, uh, uh, are, observationally indistinguishable, nonetheless, the greatest concern -- facilitated by WolfgangPauli exclusion -- is to sustain their fundamental character as, in principle, having the characteristics allowing them to remain distinct such that they possess unique identity (think: cf. Find'em, fix'em and finish'em!). A move in the general direction of understanding LinusPaulingian resonance, not as Heisenbergian electron exchange, but as µTm-logical-relative-state identity-transparency, a move made on complex momentum space (topo-active operator-time mediation of relative-states of identity-transparency -- not a matter of commuting observables -- involves complex and hypercomplex angular momentum handled as three-fold temporal CURL), is made by Terry Bollinger in answer to a question about the Pauli exclusion principle and resonance, Chemistry StackExchange, 9 May 2012 -- a move deemed mostly nonsensical. To my mind: non-1T2-sensical. Consider that the quantum numbers currently singled-out have been so identified by 1T2-only-subject-object-distinction-framed observation-sans-ParticipationMystique and diagnostic analysis alone. Moreover, those numbers are taken to be selfsame and single-valued -- hence, no expressions of a possible-world logic where within the m-values of the Schrödinger wave-function are interpreted relative to (not probabilities) m-states of identity-transparency µTmly-unto-CTC+ly processed, that is by logics wherein the fundament of logic is taken to be identity-transparency, not truth-value. My personal-individual attempt to resist collective-unconscious mass psycho-induction into full measure of immersion in the mistaken existential claim to single-valued selfsameness centered upon the Prot[est}ant work ethic: my approach to labor learning -- make my living with my back so my head is free to do its own thing -- began with folding newspapers at 5 a.m., aged eleven, and evolved not as a basis for political activism, but as the foundation of movements related (walking, digging) meditative practice, which I can look back and see that the initial stirrings of which occurred whilst sitting-in on my mother's ikebana lessons, privileged interregnums circa 1953, Midori Gaoka, me aged eight, and while taking judo lessons and watching the Ashiya AFB Japanese guard corps do their daily kendo practice. Portents found in my youth: explicitly learning about intrinsic kinship and incipiently absorbing the notion of pre-subsistence. First attempts at locating, identifying, and extirpating the inherited-plus-glutamate-etched indemnities levied by possession of the birthwrong inelastic psychosociopoliticoeconomic patrimony. Such an unassailed jumble! Congeries existent untrammeled unto this day. As the willy-nilly GWOT more and more demonstrably failed, however much toasted and wassailed, the me[taper}verse (hypostasis mistakenly claimed to be everywhere and at all times single-valued and selfsame) corrupt[oc}rats of the Western powers 1T2-paradoxically initiated with a deindustrialization program an amplification of the long-extant self-weakening effort effectuated as a new culture movement, in the U.S.A. with multiple n-antis campaigns under the mass-line rubric woke -- something like the Fosterite phenom which V.M.S. encountered as a Stranger In A Strange Land -- with an intercalated anti-rightist new education movement and an American version of the Kokutai no Hongi. Backwardation through thought reform driven by agit-prop, linguistic proscriptions and prescriptions, media-mediated echolalia, name changes, deconstruction of historical narratives, destruction of monuments, inculcation of a habitual attitude of timid compliance by applying the Powell Doctrine in bringing overwhelming force to bear upon the young (e.g., SWAT team CAs to level lemonade stands and skateboard-park ramps), to include publicized recantings of verboten sound-bites uttered and MSM-covered struggle meetings held in courtrooms. A great leap backward by letting a hundred flowers wilt under the hot-housed intensity of affect-charge brought forth by digitalized panopticonic bureaucratism. Nascent covert-collectivization ReSet: You will own nothing and you WILL BE happy! -- or else. Cogitate, cogitate, cogitate! Projection, identification, projective-identification, conversion, displacement, compensatory abreaction -- individually and collectively. Decoherently hypostatize, hypostatize, hypostatize! The level of cognitive dissonance established by generation after generation saying one thing and doing another eventually becomes so schizophrenogenic that the civilization reaches criticality and abruptly succumbs to collective psychosis. Depopulation (see also here and here and here) cum rectification-onto-the-MSM-promulgated-line were added to the already well established agenda where within profit sharing between entrepreneurs and government officials was the leitmotif (run as the retrograde-inversion of China's late-19th-century self-strengthening modernization effort). The Trickster archetype has apparently been well constellated throughout the period of nascent conflict -- prefiguring outright warfare -- between America and China caught in Graham Allison's notion of the Thucydides trap (for a recent critique, see What the Thucydides Trap gets wrong about China, Lawrence Freedman, The New Statesman, 15 January 2022).
Given existence of Maderna's, uh, uh, Moderna's, 4-February-2016-filed and 7-March-2017-granted U.S. patent on the cancer-related 19-nucleotide-long RNA sequence hidden in the 3,300-nucleotide-long sequence intercalated (good offices of Igor Chudov, 23 February 2022; glance over the comment posted at the end by drew458) into the COVID-19 virus and mRNA vaccines (((note how, contrary to the likes of drew458, debunking articles never contain reference to psycho-sexo-socio-politico-econo-mil.intel context and timing, as if that contextual ag[glum}eration does not constitute omni-interactive n-factorial culpable evidence affecting evaluation of intent, and, by that as if, should not, therefore, in turn, affect assessment of the objective 1T2-only-probability of chance occurrence based on historical data (as regards the Bayesian issues involved, see Objective Probability and the Assessment of Evidence, Mark Redmayne, Law, Probability and Risk, 2, 2003, pp. 275-94 [great article but whoever wrote the url and properties of the link needs to have his head examined; if you get a view-time expiration notice at opening the link, Goggle the title, click on their link, and you'll get more view-time, humph!]; and, whilst thinking of Petoukhov and Castro-Chavez in this context, and as regards to whether presence-absence of nucleotide sequences should be evaluated solely in terms of 1T2-logical-probabilities [cf. stereochemistry of DNA-RNA] or also relative to µTm-logical-relative-states [cf. quantum-wave properties of DNA-RNA], consider Objective Probability in Everettian Quantum Mechanics, Alastair Wilson, The British Journal for Philosophy of Science, 64:4, November 2012): e.g., for one debunker, Tiny COVID-19 Gene Sequence Raises Valid Question or 'Quirky Observation'?, Mark Terry, BioSpace, 24 February 2022: answer to this question, regardless of Intro to Probability and Statistics, is not merely a matter of calculating 1T2-only-probability of combinations using factorials where sequential order does matter, i.e., a permutation qua an ordered combination; on the yang side there's the straight-up factorials and on the yin side there's the factors driving mad motivations))), it appears that private-company R&Ding, patenting, and deploying of bioweapons is now legal: so, the expectation to entertain is that our coming holocausts, as is our present one, likely are to be promulgated through out-sourcing in the private sector? The same can be said about prospective environmental-warfare strategic-offensive campaigns? Hmmm. What are TPTB the GLE (global leadership elite) so afraid of? If -- à la Chew's monadology (good offices of David M. Harrison, 2006: Quarks, Bootstraps and Monads) and the CTC+-unto-µTm-preself-subsistent bootstrapping (good offices of Natalie Wolchover, 9 December 2019: Why the Laws of Physics Are Inevitable) of self-referential-cum-self-reentrant ponderablespacememetime -- elementary particles do not exist in ponderablespacememetime but are Xmas-tree-effect-scattering (that is: appear-disappear at peppered dust-motes on most-dense sheet cum subsheets) involved in how ponderablespacememetime ontologically is, that is, is, simply is, being-Therehere, then one way to approach that how is to imagine that the unnumbering of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (i.e., those numbers numbering C+TC+-propositions bucket-of-warm-golden-dust powder-scattered as universal covering on preself-subsisting Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround most-dense BackCloth sheet and its CTC+-unto-µTm decompositional-involute sheets) is how topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time (a way of handling hypercomplex-complex angular momentum, or, in other words, the subtext to Regge behavior) logically cum ontologically brings some elementary particles into concrete existence observable via binary-mind-processed percepts instrumentally assisted. Discretes do not wholly exist ontologically-until 1T2-logic has demerged; what is being-Therehere ontologically-before that order-type-of-demergence is not in 1T2-constellated ponderablespacememetime and is not observable (observation by definition requiring 1T2-distinction between observer and observed) but is knowable via knowledge through identity-transparency relative-states µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ (as any 1T2-only-one must suppose: judging from John C. Lilly's Tank Logs, getting back in the discrete body is not only the foremost ketaminergic problem, early-on the very glutamatergic idea of wanting to do so seems ludicrous). Hypercomplex numbers would not be directly involved in numbering the warm-golden-dust (cf. Sri Aurobindo, J. A. Wheeler, Yayoi Kusama) of logical propositions (that's where Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes come in); rather, they would provide the arithmetics by which the topological operations of the temporal CURLs unfold the preself-subsisting enfold -- even unto DNA helix-coil transition, particularly as regards that molecule's quantum-wave properties under temporal-CURL-imparted twists twistor-quantized. Tzog-chen? OMG! Give me simple identity or give me death! If the efforts of Hitler and Stalin in Poland during WWII couldn't altogether, finally and forever, rid the world and Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function of m-valued Polish logics, then, in the next one, the next global brouhaha, we'll have to go to the source in Tibet (this being my decades-long-held theme -- origins: circa immediate-post-Tet-1968 Get some back from the Bear! echoings off the walls of the halls of MACV HQ as prefiguration of the Afghan sting operation -- concerning deep-structure origins of the Central Asia wars in prep for backdoor roboassault on a GreaterChina Mahayana Buddhist Bloc, a theme now starting to take on concrete-cum-conscious form: see Could Nepal Become a Player in a Future US-China Confrontation?, Barbara Nimri Aziz, Global Research, 25 February 2022): Thus Sprach the Twistor, uh, uh, Trickster, archetype of the 200-years-constellated collective-unconscious regressed event-gradient-liminality currently dark-tunnel-governing the prevailing transitional state in human affairs. Wokaganda: most of the utopians who embrace egalitarianism are failed olds over the age of sixty, the corpus of whom constitutes a huge drain on the youthful engines making the market's maximum principle an effective self-organizer, UltraMax being a state all youth instinctively strive to enter: participation in the upper reaches of maximum dis[e}gal|it/arianism. Every depopulation pogrom should institutionalize the import of this principle, by now well fact-checked. Black or white mice chasing the cat is the essence of facts from truth-value resident in a habitus established upon those practices deserving social credit, if not also Buddhological merit. CounterWokefolk: the foremost foreign model of traditional Chinese values is found in the quantum Physics of the Tao of Autopoiesis and self-organization of collective and cooperative phenomena wherein hierarchies cum heterarchies (cf. Confucianism) are supervened by holographic part-is-whole identity-transparency (cf. Taoism cum haiku). [Eco}nomically speaking, it is not necessary to altogether foreswear 1T2-only logic, as it is the lowest order of µTm-logic (think: e.g., cash, the base-state of a µTm-LETS currency unit). The non-disposable inherent conflict between opposing Newtonian forces, soft-peddled as competing interests, clearly has never been, and never can be -- not by no JohnnyLocked system of checks and balances; no [ad}vice and [con}sent mandate; no framework of countervailing powers, analogically modeled upon Newton's laws of motion; no amount of 1T2-only-logical-money-subborned bivalent the truth-value, the whole truth-value, and nothing but the truth-value lawfare, only rarely lawfair -- reconciled by means of representative governance, based upon calculation of franchise vector sums when the vector-space bases are orthogonal (cf. binary-mind insistence upon rectilinearity and near hysteria at the appearance of Analytical Cubism's diagonals), and the contextualizing economy, which uses 1T2-only-logical money cum financial instruments, even were that economy made a quantum economy where the idea of the unitary is framed in terms of 1T2-only-probabilities, i.e., sum to one. Actually, I'm not supportive of radical decentralization, all the more so the more it tends toward an abreactive-over-compensation formation of a micro-monoscale NWO by pendulum swing from a strong movement toward formation of a macro-monoscale NWO. I advocate appropriate-scale self-organizational dynamics in µTm-logical nesting-foams embodying the holographic principle by way of changing prefractal-quasifractal e-boundaries. Local potentates (like the Chinese have historically suffered in periods of decentralization) would be disempowered by the subvening authority established by open-source, decentered, e-commons computergaming-simulating-strategicplanning of the employment of µTm-LETS: i.e., emplotments of currency-unit value stacks, band-pass prefractal-quasifractal e-boundaries, varied commodity backings, µTm-processed m-valued algorithms of issuance, so on.
Reading Marie-Louise von Franz's Number and Time (Northwestern U. Press, 1974) early into my Cornell days (1975-'80) and immediately after my first delvings into Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler's encyclopedic textbook entitled Gravitation (W. H. Freeman, 1973), I kept expecting to see von Franz take the leap into postulation of active time (the term we then used), but she never did: came right up to the edge, failed to jump. Strange, I thought, as strange as Hugh Everett not plunging both hands into m-valued logics. Just think of it: Emil Post in his 1921 paper understood that-- well, to quote myself as to what I was aware of at first reading of Post's paper, circa 1975, as recently stated in T41(M) on this website:
Look at the consensus interpretation of Post's logics, as given, for instance, by Wikipedia. This interpretation is taken from Emil Post's last-paragraph-given disclaimer: But in spite of this representation 1T2 still appears to be the fundamental system since its truth-values correspond entirely to the significance of true and completely false In my judgment, this disclaimer needed to be included or (1) his Ph.D. preceptor would not have been satisfied, and (2) the paper would not have been favorably peer reviewed. But Post didn't actually believe that 1T2 is the fundamental system because, in final conclusion as the last two sentences of the paper (Introduction to a General Theory of Elementary Propositions, Ph.D. dissertation published in American Journal of Mathematics, XLIII:3, 1921, pp. 163-85 [note how few times this was checked out of the U. of Illinois library between 1950 and 2014]), he said:
We must however take into account the fact that our development has been given in the language of 1T2 and for that very reason every other kind of system appears distorted. This suggests that if we translate the entire development into the language of any one µTm by means of its interpretation, then it would be the formal system most in harmony with regard to the two developments.
Post himself never followed up on this italicized if. Nor, so far as I can see, has anyone else. As long as truth-value remains regarded the fundament of logic, indeed, of all logics, this follow-up cannot be made -- because truth-values are the language of 1T2 and only of 1T2.
Post then watched as the physicists, circa 1926, interpreted the m-valuedness of the canonical quantum equation relative to probability theory, not µTm logics. What were his private thoughts about that? Later yet, a little over a decade hence, he watched the onset of WWII and what was done to Poland. Did he sense a connection between phenomenology of the physics theories and phenomenology of the war? Did Marie Curie? Having read Chew and Gale on Chew's monadology while at Cornell, when I recently read David M. Harrison's Quarks, Bootstraps and Monads, Neuroquantology, 4:3, 2006, pp. 252-62, that which was new to me, and found highly significant, was Harrison's taking account of the fact that Leibniz was strongly influenced by Chinese Neo-Confucian thought brought back to Europe by Jesuit missionaries. While I knew that Voltaire could easily be considered the father of European Confucianism (good offices of Tae-Hyeon Song, 2014) and attendant bureaucratism, I did not know that earlier Leibniz had so imbibed and that his notion of monadal relative-state had, at least in part, Chinese origins. Fascinating, as is Harrison's raising and questioning the idea that the notion of monads is archetypal. At Cornell, with Number and Time, Gravitation, trying to feel our way into the if of Post's General Theory, and so very much more, we asked ourselves, in our parlance of that period: how can imports of violation of the Bell inequalities, circa 1964, à la Aspect et al., beginning in 1980 (for a recent account, see: How Bell's Theorem Proved 'Spooky Action at a Distance' Is Real, Ben Brubaker, Quanta Magazine, 20 July 2021), be adequately understood without the notion of [C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-] µTm-relative-state identity-transparency? And we knew that this Bell-Post idea requires that the m-valued state-function of Schrödinger's memetime-independent wave equation be understood in terms of m-valued logics (interpreted relative to identity-transparency rather than truth-value), not probability amplitudes. We also, in that period, after the 1980 appearance of David Bohm's Wholeness and the Implicate Order, quite explicitly thought (cf. the cascade models of tornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition) that the origin of the rotation in Bohm's ink-in-glycerine analogical illustration of implicate-explicate is the 3-fold temporal CURL (quantized via the Penrose twistor?) involved in active-time (which we came to understand as Pauli-Paine topologically active operator-time, topo-active optime) execution of the [C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-] µTm-propositions of Post-Wheeler pregeometry.
In our model of DNA (superconductant pi-electron-gas core-environment) non-ionizing-radiation exchange at helix-coil transition, the helix-coiling is understood as the effect of the 1st-order temporal CURL generated by 1st-order Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time ((that is, temporal CURL achieved by execution of the instruction sets encoded into Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers of Post-Wheeler-pregeometry propositions (which can be expressed as functional relations between holograms, as per Miriam Lipschutz-Yevick's brief Logic and Foundations, in Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 18:3, April 1971, p. 530, to wit, quoting: Arithmetic relations between Gödel numbers corresponding to metamathematical statements can be expressed as functional relations between holograms [which relations are themselves holographically representable]. Distinctive properties of holograms [filtering, ghosting, phase-reversal etc.] suggest potential dimensions of holographic logic; just now having found this statement, I regard it as extremely important and strongly supportive of the notion I've long cultivated as to how inner-Musculpt could be techno-exteriorized as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS currencies, such that, eventually, people would learn to think in µTm-logics, rather than merely 1T2ly about them): this model was initially developed relative to the double-helical motion of air parcels at tornadogenesis, and we [who met at the 1974 McMaster University Velikovsky Conference where Paine presented a paper entitled The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena which focused upon modeling the physics of Jupiter's Great Red Spot -- Cornell professor Douglas A. Paine doubly crucified: by Carl Sagan for this presentation and earlier by the NSF for describing what years later came to be known as acoustic analogues to black hole computers as existing in Earth's atmosphere -- which presentation attracted my attention as I was at that memetime focusing thoughts upon intra-neuronal DNA's role in the quantum substrate from which autogenic brain discharges are generated] supposed the atmospheric model relevant to DNA by the fractality principle of self-similarity across scale levels, i.e., scale invariance, the model likely having applications in general process theories as regards non-probabilistic spacetime double-helices, spiral-banded galaxies, [DNA] nebulae, comets with double-helical feeder bands, Jupiter's red spot, so on)): produced during the period of helix-coil transition are coherent quadripolar waves, each pole signifying one of the four nucleotide pairs taken triadically as genetic codons. The genetic code, construed a single-level cipher system, is understood binary-number denotable as regards the string sequences of the pairings, each pairing constituting a digitalizable discrete cipher. We quote Sergey V. Petoukhov's Appendix C. The logic holography by Walsh waves in genetic models [link added], as given in The genetic code, 8-dimensional hypercomplex numbers and dyadic shifts, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, latest version June of 2015:
The replication of DNA resembles a zipper mechanism with its teeth, which may cling to each other or unzipp from each other step by step. The work [Nie, Kleinermanns, de Vries, 2000] considers four molecular bases of DNA as individual teeth of the zipper and studyes [sic] the mechanism of the DNA zipper by means of the whole isolation of these bases so that there is no interaction with anything else. In this work the authors were able to see, in particular, the frequencies of vibrations of hydrogen bonds in molecules. The DNA zipper has a specificity: two pairs of complementary teeth exist in it (complementary bases C-G and A-T). Moreover the pair C-G differs from the pair A-T in two aspects: 1) the pair C-G is characterized by odd number of hydrogen bonds (3 bonds) and the pair A-T is characterized by even number of hydrogen bonds (2 bonds); 2) the families of triplets, whose first letter is C or G, are opposite to the families of triplets, whose first letter is A or T/U, on the criterion of the ratio of amounts of triplets with strong and weak roots (3:1 or 1:3 in Fig. 4). [link added]
The notion of logic holography is explained in text by Petoukhov. For background on this above-given statement and Petoukhov's Appendix C generally, see (1) Wiki on Walsh function; and (2) Wiki on Computer-generated holography; and (3) Computer-Generated Holography as a Generic Display Technology, Christopher W. Slinger, Computer, 38:8, 2005, pp. 46-53; and (4) A Comparative Analysis of Associative Properties of Fourier versus Walsh Digital Holograms, A. Derzhypolskyy and D. Melenevskyy and A. Gnatovskyy, Acta Physica Polonica A, 112:5, 2007 (note that the authors of [4] are from Kyiv and that the paper was presented to an optics conference held in Belgrade: in reading that in the U.S.A. today people are being told to turn their heads away and wear a surgical mask in case of Russian nuclear attack, is it outlandish to suggest that the nuke hysteria is fanned by unconscious mass ConveDDing [conversion-disorder displacing] of the fact that papers like this from Kyiv have been nuking the Anglo-American science behind the genetic engineering industry -- to include those who engineered mRNA-spike-protein vaccines -- which is in denial of the substantive biological roles played by the quantum-wave properties of DNA?); and (5) read our 1998 Vir-Fut Q-Pro: public policy implications of quantum computing article on superimposed-transparent-acetate-sheet holographic-Musculpt symorphonic planning in conjunction with the abstracts to Holographic or Fourier Logic, Miriam Lipschutz-Yevick, Pattern Recognition, 7:4, 1975, pp. 197-213 [I only now become aware of this paper, which means I fell down on the job at Cornell, circa 1975-'80]; and Modelling the mechanisms of quantum logic using the method of superimposed Fourier holograms based on the nonlinearity of the exposure characteristics of holographic recording media, A. V. Povlov, Quantum Electronics, 49:3, 2019. Now, as regards Petoukhov's statement quoted above, his notion of the Walsh-wave-qua-Walsh-function properties of DNA is related to the odd-even number of hydrogen bonds bonding the nucleotide pairs, [-1,+1] assigned to [odd,even]. This, in my judgment, is the lowest level of genetic encipherment. Again quoting the Petoukhov appendix:
In this digital Walsh-holography, objects, whose digital holograms should be made, are represented in forms of 2n dimensional vectors. Each component of these vectors corresponds to one of 2n input channels of appropriate electric circuits; the same is true for 2n output channels, which are related with components of resulting vectors. Examples of electrical circuits for logic holography are shown in the works [Morita, Sakurai,1973; Soroko, 1974]. Due to application of Walsh transformation, information about such vector is written in each component of the appropriate hologram, which is also a 2n-dimensional vector, to provide nonlocal character of storing information.
Be aware that the SFI (Santa Fe Institute) complexity-chaos model of the nk-fitness landscape (derived by Stuart Kauffman from analysis of DNA encoding processes) is likewise a binary take, i.e., that 2nk, where k denotes the number of correlations considered. Petoukhov does not employ the k-factor because, drawing from the first statement quoted, the system is studied by means of the whole isolation of these bases so that there is no interaction with anything else. I now note, having read Petoukhov, that, if 1T2-logic is employed, allowance for connectivity of the genome to its environment requires inclusion of the k-factor; whereas, if µTm-unto-CTC+-logics are employed, the k-factor is not required -- if the order-of-logical-value is understood in terms of relative-states of identity-transparency (if not, and truth-value is retained, then Mnk is the appropriate designation). Mn, instead of 2n, codifies the overtone series of higher-temporal formants as the carriers of the n-level encipherment, 2n being the lowest-level heuristically-isolated-system (internally hologramic) code of those multiply-interactive (more accurately stated in terms of internallyexternally-hologramic relative-state identity-transparency) coding-levels Mn. Given that we were modeling the radiation-exchange processes of the DNA molecule, our focus with regard to the coding was the quadriphonic, uh, uh, quadripolar, aspect of the pi-electron-gas-generated laser-like coherent waves, which in the lowest-level, 1st-order-temporal CURL, 1T2-linear-string encipherment requires quaternions, in the 2nd-order-temporal CURL, µTm-multiply-connected encipherment requires octonions, and in the 3rd-order-temporal CURL, CTC+-KleinBottle encipherment requires sedenions.
Not only was Leibnizian infinitesimal psychophysical Monadologia ((see here for a discussion of Leibniz's take compared to that of Bilfinger vis-à-vis the concept of preestablished harmony, a notion explicit on C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround, that [ur}iginal most-dense sheet of BackCloth fromwhereupon is quenched the notion that involutory decomposition is a matter of degrees of the vague, the fuzzy, in numeration -- numerical non-selfsameness, by contrast, involves part-is-whole relative-state identity transparency: quoting Britannica on Leibniz's preestablished harmony aka relative-state: When a change occurs within a single monad, every other monad in the universe spontaneously reflects this change, in other words, no need to publish, particularly in the peer-reviewed journals and the MSM)) at least in part influenced by neo-Confucianism, but Leibniz's discourse on binary numbers was at least in part inspired by exposure to the mathematical language of I-Ching clerochronogeomantic divination (turtle-shell plastromancy made into a superordinate). Confucianism -- Weltanschauung analogically-tropologically metareferenced to institutional base via the cosmological correlative -- in overlay upon the more fundamental Taoism: progress or retrogression? A particular case of what, inspirationally at least, could be postulated as a general semiotic principle -- if the notion language were expanded to include those languages unspeakable, e.g., the natural language which is the semantics of quantum mechanics; the multilevel-code language of genes; the form language [the most inspired on this subject being Lancelot Law Whyte, whom I read in the early-1970s; on this issue specifically: The Next Development in Man, New American Library, the 1950 edition of the 1944 original, and Accent On Form, Harper, 1954] which is embodied as form-in-process -- is that speakers-readers-writers of different dialects of Chinese, say Cantonese and Hakka, who cannot verbally understand each other, nonetheless can communicate in great complexity via the Chinese ideographs which speakers of the various Chinese dialects use in common. I think of inner-Musculpt as being analogous in this fashion to Chinese -- well, in a much more general universal-metalanguage way -- to how ideographs function relative to the collection of Chinese dialects. By technical analogy, think µTm-sonochromologohologramic. The Chinese writing system, like, for two other instances, Egyptian hieroglyphs and Sumerian cuneiform, is 1T2-logographic: each word is represented by a single ideo-and-otherwise graph (in modern version, so I have been given to understand, this may extend to several words per ideograph). As regards inner-Musculpt, each conceptual gestalt, I speculate (this needs to be studied using as language lab a biofeedback-equipped, computerized, isolation-flotation tank with holographic draw-paint/display system), is represented by a single sonochromologohologram, the apparent shape-shifting of the Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered colored-sounded-form (that's the form-signifier seenheard from perspectives of different facets of its Husserlian horizon) of which symbolically represents its relative-states of identity-transparency vis-à-vis other conceptual gestalts and the part-is-whole whole conceptual-gestalt plenum. Confucianism -- Weltanschauung analogically-tropologically metareferenced to institutional base via the cosmological correlative -- in overlay upon the more fundamental Taoism: progress or retrogression? In order to advance the cause of avoiding subjugation by a centralized bureaucratic oligarchy, the appointed officials of which are well-schooled as to the instruction sets provided in the modern and postmodern dystopian lit-film classics, e.g., The War of the Worlds, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Brave New World, Neuromancer, The Matrix, Johnny Mnemonic, Minority Report, Oryx and Crake, Elysium, and the like, it would be of benefit to contemplate Sarah Allan's The Shape of the Turtle (cf. the why of turtle-shell plastromancy, cracks being an element of catastrophe theory) -- the T[ur}tle which is the T0tem guardian of the Garden of the Master of Nets and T0tem escort of the body gods [see the woodblock prints drawn from the Perfect Scripture of the Great Cavern, good offices of Shinh-Shan Susan Huang, Picturing the True Form, Harvard U. Press, 2015, p. 30, which, memory serving, are also pictured in The Secret of the Golden Flower] of the m-valued Master on-upon Schrödinger-memetime-independent Descent-Ascent from-to the Great Ultimate [see The metaphysical symbolism of the Chinese tortoise, Alan Wei Lun Chong, Master's Thesis, Nanyang Technological University, 2018] void-vacuum -- that ur-(not: you are)-tle with the axis mundi vertically riding upon its hexagonally net-tessellated shell, à la Saigon's Turtle Monument, circa 1967 [memory again serving, this monument was rebuilt after the damage done to it during Tet-'68, apparently redesigned by someone not attuned to the metaphysics, as the turtle was no longer there following remodeling], relative to constitution of the surface universally covering Musculpt C+TC+-manifold. My experience of MACV-HQ, coming on the back of the exposures concomitant with a military-brat childhood and the exposures accompanying my experience of D.C.-no-Washington as an AU-SIS-student live-in-servant of one of the onetime-OSS Georgetown high and mighty and of SFTG and of JFKSWCS and of TID/525thMIG and of CICV, was sufficient unto the decision that I would henceforth want no job a college degree was prerequisite to: the higher up the organization, so I had concluded, the more thorough is submission to the omnipresent cognitive programming -- conscious, subliminal, altogether unconscious. This decision, made while still at MACV-HQ, freed me up considerably several years later when I returned to college on the G.I. Bill. I sought no degree, only to develop my underdeveloped functions (à la Jung's theory of types), cared not a midge about grades or requirements, didn't take the tests, took courses primarily in areas I had low natural aptitude for: dance, music, studio art. I dropped my Harmony I class because, erroneously or not, I came to believe that the programming of my hearing would reduce, or even quench, my conscious access to inner-Musculpt. I dropped my Calculus I class because I couldn't embrace the idea of limit being taught: I thought that in the limit of approach to pos-neg infinity or zero some sort of logical operation transpires. This attitude on my part contributed to my decision to drop Intro to Computer Science because, though I was familiar with some of the arguments, the idea that 2 to the 0th power = 1 was hard for me to swallow, and the idea that 0 to the 0th power = 1 was impossible for me to swallow, given my conviction that some sort (I hadn't at this point heard of m-valued logics) of logic transform occurs in the limit of approach to zero. The basis of the Turing Machine seemed to me, recently back from MACV-HQ, a perversion of nature embraced as a consequence of submitting to the expediences imposed by total war. Does 0 to the 0th power = 0? I doubt it, as neither 1 nor 0, in this context, come into clear focus -- in some contexts, zero even equals infinity. And now, this very day, I'm unable to bring into focus what exactly-concretely-physically is signified by Sergey V. Petoukhov's use of the words complex and vector in the text of The genetic code, 8-dimensional hypercomplex numbers and dyadic shifts, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, latest version June of 2015, even though I do clearly see that his uses of these words refer to analogies drawn between properties of dyadic-shift algebras descriptive of DNA-RNA coding dialects and modified properties of quaternion-octonion algebras as commonly understood. Why, for example, do the coding-dialect transforms from linear representation to multi-cellular embeddings on planar representation involve going from the reals to complex-hypercomplex numbers when these transforms could just as well be represented solely in terms of the reals? A possible reason why relates to our use of the words hypercomplex and complex in context of our model of DNA radiation exchange at helix-coil transition: as regards, that is, properties of the spaces within which dynamics of the quantum properties of the molecule lie. Impinging-radiation-induced changes in the velocity of helix-uncoiling-coiling replication have to do with real-numerable changes of slope upon Cartesian representation expressed as alterations in orientation of the lay of the molecule in space, and, as the scale-relative absolute limiting phase velocity of the involved limited spacetime domain domain-structure (re: geodesic curves living inside moduli spaces?) is approached, the slope changes involve Lorentz boosts. Quaternion algebra here. As the counterforce to the pressure gradient term, b in our model, aka the gravitational acceleration, changes due to alterations in impinging radiation, the curvature of the complex plane changes, even dimples (heuristically, unto the case of multiple connections forming as the scale-relative absolute limiting acceleration is approached, that scale-relative limit projecting as the functional equivalent to the Riemann-sphere point-at-infinity). Octonion algebra here. Under ambient-radiation-induced time rates of change of acceleration, the curved-dimpled complex number plane becomes, at the scale-relative absolute limiting-rate value, a non-orientable surface. Sedenions here. But the forces involved are not actually forces; they are, according to our model, 3-fold Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime, a way of handling hypercomplex-complex angular momentum cascade-truncation) acting as the logical operators effectuating involutory decomposition of C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2. In polar coordinates on the Riemann sphere -- i.e., lengths and argument angles -- the temporal CURLs expressing topo-active optime evoke Euler's formula and Wick rotation cum winding numbers, each highly relevant to cascade theory (Wick rotation, à la temporal CURL, and winding numbers relate to the discussions of Iraundegui; Euler is found in Conversation Four: for complex current discourse on related subject matter, see Instantons, Euclidian wormholes and AdS/CFT, Thomas Van Riet, arXiv, 21 April 2020, the relevance seen in the following statement, to wit, When a field theory is Wick rotated to Euclidean signature and contains axion fields, an interesting phenomenon can arise: The Euclidean energy-momentum tensor can source negative Euclidean energy [poof! there evaporates Prigogine's reason for opposing Pauli operator time] An action like this is typically a truncation of a larger system. Imagine that this system does not have couplings, at the classical level ). Be aware that, quite obviously, as regards involutory decomposition of C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm, Tzog-chen doesn't want (illegitimately personifying here) hypercomplex cum complex numbers to be classically 1T2ly elegant or classically 1T2ly well-behaved.
When, during 1996, I wrote Can Planning Be a Coherent Free Market Behavior? (a rehash -- composed at put-up-or-shut-up invitation by members of the UC-Berkeley StratPlanning mafia recently consulting to the NESDB of the Thai Prime Minister's Office -- in Adolph Lowe's terminology of ideas about how urban, regional, and natural-resources planning objectives could be effectively interfaced with market mechanisms), I was not trying to resurrect comprehensive planning, central or otherwise, and certainly not command economic planning (quite the contrary, me being very much not of the governmentality, and a strong believer in disjointed incrementalism and tactical improvisation informed by registration as to the existence of attractors, strange and otherwise, as means to implement outcomes of multiple-scenarios strategic planning aided by employment of VirFut Q-Pro run on a Lukasiewiczian analog processor), or was I thinking of fomenting stakeholder-oriented conscious capitalism (no gem of a stratagem, largely a mere ploy, if not a ruse, to divert attention away from the need to fundamentally alter the logical properties of money and market mechanisms so as to make them consonant with the principles upon which quantum-based technologies are founded, technologies in greater and greater flood upon us, corporate persons, stock and bond markets, regulatory agencies), or imagining the institutionalization of ESG (environmental, social, governance) criteria-informed ethical investment strategies driven by direct-indirect guilting into expansion of concern unto psychological introjection of market externalities from the natural surround cum Lebenswelts to our Umwelts, that introjection, from among the many, which most drives the intent to induce -- by moral-suasion impacts of investment vehicles (e.g., SRI ETFs socially responsible investing exchange traded funds and SIBs social impact bonds) and the promise of yielding betterment of corporate public relations gambits -- alterations in corporate behaviors (strongly reinforced by system fundamentals, those markette machine-language-level-established determining tendencies, the logical properties thereof being most substratively-cum-axiologically formative) in service to the profit motive and stockholder value. I was fully aware that human experience with utopian socialism and national communism and national socialism has thoroughly debunked the notion that moral upbraiding (even guilting backed by threat and injudicious demonstrations of the use of lethal force to the tune of millions and millions dead by various means, including extra-judicial execution, starvation, disease, war) is effective at eliciting substantive changes in 1T2-self-overinvolved 1T2-self-interested-unto-1T2-self-obsessed human behaviors. I argued, and argue, that evolution of the long-built-up prevailing WholeEarth crisis coupled to advent of quantum-based technologies necessitates redefinition of the logical properties of monetary units and machine-language-level processing engaged in by the market sorting engine, such that the value (translatable into an m-valued price, i.e., 1T2-base-state-cash, possibly someday effectively quantum-cryptographic-protocol taggable [see: Optimal counterfeiting attacks and generalizations for Wiesner's quantum money, Abel Molina and Thomas Vidick and John Watrous, arXiv, 17 February 2012], with open-source e-commons computer-gamed indicator-measurable-cum-externality-tagged superposed e-values µTm-ensheaved upon the currency-unit base-state of each of the myriad variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS currencies -- more likely Lukasiewicz-analog than digitalized-two-state-qubitic -- in the currency nesting-foam articulated with a quantum-composite unit of account, no reserve currency, vehicle or otherwise) of any given economic whatnot -- property, labor, credit instrument, financial derivative, so on -- is a measure of its ability to integrate the subsystem-system-supersystem-suprasystem quantum-composite constituting the global economy. This was and is a programmable (from below) currency idea issuing out of my early-1963 stop-action-flashover recognition of common feature between m-valuedness of the state-function of Schrödinger's time-dependent quantum wave equation (high school senior year honors PSSC physics class) and the m-valuedness implicit (but needs to be made explicit à la market dynamics) in the credit instrument which is the multiple-bank-credit-expansion process (high school senior year honors economics class). This notion of programmability is substantially different from that (programmed from above) promulgated by TPTB the GLE global leadership elite, wherein the ability to coercively top-down dictate Pavlovian-Skinnerian puppy-dog-training behavioral-modification of market microbehaviors -- by manipulation of incentives and sanctions tied to a surveillance-capitalism private-public-sector-effectuated SCSS social-credit-score system -- is hidden behind discussions focused upon digital-currency API application programming interface, DLT distributed ledger technology, blockchained and timestamped record keeping, wherein programmability is reductively defined as automated behavior of money achieved via a computer program (see, for instance, What is programmable money?, Alexander Lee, FEDS Notes, 23 June 2021). By now, in the prevailing planetary conjuncture, it should be patently obvious, even foregone, to most everyone that TPTB the GLE Celestial Masters (with their Supreme Purity Sect-like insistence upon facebookable, single-valued, whole-integer, non-quantum, nazifiable simple-identity) are unconcerned -- no remorse-contrition-penance -- by the whole-integer-numbers of premature deaths caused by their policy prescriptions and ensuing actions there based upon, as the oligarch interest setting the multilateral and transnational goals setting specific objectives is overarchingly serviced by the intent (unconscious to subliminal to conscious-publically-in-denial) to pogrom 5-billion-plus from the overpopulation problematic -- this, this!, despite TPTB the GLE's masteredly obsession with virtual reality's imputed prospective triumph over death and the genetically-engineered resurrection of extinct species (Don't worry, be happy, we'll bring'em all back!), a behavioral profile consonant with the early-divisionist-chaos-era 3rd- and beginning-4th-century-C.E. Three-Kingdoms-and-Western-Jin-emergent Taoist-elite obsession with achievement of immortality and the ability to raise the dead. What, anyhow, was so great about Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper? For some history related to this question, see Satoshi & Company: The 10 Most Important Scientific White Papers In Development of Cryptocurrencies, Nina Bambysheva, Forbes, 13 February 2013; and Bitcoin's Academic Pedigree, Arvind Narayanan and Jeremy Clark, amcqueue, 15:4, 29 August 2017. My answer, not theirs: not much, when considered from perspective of general systems theory updated by the quantum mechanics of collective and cooperative phenomena, as well as from that of the holographic principle (whereby bureaucratic-cum-metabolic variables of a given administrative-autopoietic domain may be mapped upon smart boundaries, thus facilitating a higher level of self-organizational competency -- as is the case, for instance, in organic systems employing principles of submolecular biology). Quantum spatiotemporal non-locality ontologically precedes advent of 1T2-only homogenous-isotropic spacetime: a µTm-pregeometry predication upon geometrodynamics under the holographic principle. This extends even to [eco}nomics: non-simple identity, non-simple ownability (think: e.g., rehypothecated and rehypothecated and rehypothecated bungled bundles of bundled MBSs), non-simple spendability. Any given case of negentropy dissipation involves free-energy draw-downs across all nesting levels of the cosmic nesting-foam, and where the principle of reciprocal maintenance is violated the crime involved falls into a hierarchy: crimes against the biosphere, the troposphere, the magnetosphere, the solar system are far more despicable than crimes against bees, robins, pigs, humans, bears, wolves, so on and so forth. I find it rather like a Freudian slip that the so-regarded quantum-based technology known as cryptocurrencies relies so much upon the Newtonian notion of absolute time (along with digital signatures and proof-of-work scheme) to achieve non-quantum-cum-non-relativistic simple-identity of a financial transaction: i.e., the self-deception which is memetimestamping, one garment of the Emperor's new clothes. While this plays well from perspective of the 1T2-only-egofunction projectively echoing the single atom or single particle P2Ping (simply-identifiable peer to simply-identifiable peer) the single atom or single particle, it conceals from awareness the spatiotemporally-non-local and non-simply-identifiable autopoietic and self-organizing quantum dynamics of collective and cooperative phenomena (the best piece I've read on this subject since studying mid-'70s at Cornell Cooperative Phenomena, H. Haken and M. Wagner, eds., Springer, 1973, which, memory serving, contains a fascinating article by Fanchon Fröhlich [I'm not exaggerating how much I read at Cornell: 40 hours a week in the library system minus lunches at the Cornell dairy, several hours a night in the tractor barn: five years running, no other university-related obligations, good offices of Professor Douglas A. Paine; plus a decade of 6 winter weeks of paid vacation good offices of Jerry Hill, Hills Nursery, Arlington, VA, spent in the Library of Congress, Georgetown and George Washington U. medical libraries, and the National Library of Medicine following ideas and photocopying articles which I read during evenings over the rest of the year], is Fröhlich Condensate: Emergence of Synergistic Dissipative Structures in Information Processing Biological and Condensed Matter Systems, Aurea R. Vasconcellos, et al., Information, 3:4. 2012, pp. 601-20). That aforementioned revealing Freudian slip is consonant with the regrettable fact that the corpus of Bitcoin-like cryptos is regarded as decentralizing the global financial-cum-monetary systems: whereas, in actuality, total shift to use of such currencies would yield a monoscale system, which would be a considerable centralization of the currently existing financial-monetary system. P2P is decentralizing only from the 1T2-only-egofunction's perspective, not that of system qua system -- let alone that of subsystem-system-supersystem-suprasystem quantum-composite subject to the holographic principle. A Bitcoin-like fiat currency regime would make adequate address to the ever more ramified n-dimensional global crisis even more unlikely than it already is (why? for one, by veiling scale-specific information through doubling down on surety that the currency unit in which prices are denominated does not in any way mark and carry information about this and that sublocal-local-superlocal economy [not to mention externalities, internal and external]; and, furthermore, by constant subliminal programming of the mistaken presumption that -- conforming to the 1T2-only Law of Distributed Middle -- there exists only P2P and the global economy, nothing in between, that is, nothing but a planetary [dys}eco|no|Mnk beyond borders, borders being only 1T2-only understood). I've never been much concerned to assimilate the 1T2-logical mathematical details of the many areas of interest, or details of the various 1T2-takes on what µTm-unto-CTC+-logics must be indicative of: many people have done that and where has it gotten us as regards adequate address to our anthropogenic planetary crisis? Nowhere. Things keep getting worse and worse: this being just more evidence that the corner will not be turned until we learn to think in µTm-logics about natural processes, not 1T2ly about the probability dissimulation of µTm-logical processes in nature. That learning how would be greatly facilitated by daily use of a µTm-LETS-nesting-foam monetary system, not by use of Bitcoin-like cryptocurrencies or CBDCs. In that context, it is well to consider that designs of the computer games used to computer-game the many µTm-LETS currencies should themselves be continuously open-source e-commons computer-gamed. In view of that assertion, there is an interesting piece of criticism of cryptos to consider, as provided in On The Longest Chain Rule and Programmed Self-Destruction of Crypto Currencies, Nicolas Courtois, arXiv, May 2014. I observe that Satoshi Nakamoto's choice to use rather meaningless cryptographic puzzles at energy-intensive mining (rather than what would be highly meaningful computer gaming in the context of µTm-LETS currencies interfaced to VirFut-Q-Pro-assisted m-scenarios stratplanning) was poorly done, in that the puzzles are apparently not sufficiently meaningless as to preclude the fork where two equivalent solutions are found. The further choice to use the longest chain rule to decide between the two solutions is functionally equivalent to (1) the mining process having a probabilistic character, the choice to interpret Schrödinger's m-valued state-function via the Born Rule; and (2) the way the most-likely scenario is chosen for implementation in consensus m-scenarios strategic planning exercises; and (3) how memetime-bound thermodynamics is employed in Hugh Everett's 1T2-only-relative-state formulation to insure that the individual universes of the supposed m-verse cannot communicate with one another. Getting around to play along.
The main takeaway from a side-by-side reading of Fröhlich Condensate: Emergence of Synergistic Dissipative Structures in Information Processing Biological and Condensed Matter Systems, Aurea R. Vasconcellos, et al., Information, 3:4. 2012, pp. 601-20, on Fröhlich and Prigogine with our three papers posted here and here and here could very well be that Paine and Pensinger take much more seriously than do Fröhlich-Prigogine-Vasconcellos the founding Planckian notion of quantum mechanics: i.e., it is not necessary or sufficient to forecasting that the spatial field, the transforms of its population changes, be modeled in detail (e.g., as is done in Vasconcellos, et al., eq. [1] and amplifications eq. [2] through eq. [16]); what is necessary and sufficient is description of a fundamental oscillator, its pumping and damping, its radiative response (in the Paine-Pensinger model, the pumper is 3-fold [levels of nonlinearity and complexity] Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time -- not conjugated to the Hamiltonian operator, but replacing it). To the Paine-Pensinger understanding, the Krylov jolting (quoting Nonlinear higher-order hydrodynamics: Fluids under driven flow and shear pressure, Cloves V. Rodrigues, et al., arXiv, 19 September 2021, to wit: In the absence of a proper way to introduce such effect, one needs to resort to the interventionist's approach, which is grounded on the basis of such ineluctable process of randomization leading to the asymmetric evolution of the macro-state), uh, uh, ConveDDed to Jolt, that quenches memetime-reversal symmetry is the glutamate-flood prescription altering the autogenic brain discharge at spontaneous snapover to 1T2-only decoherence. By extension of this notion to the spatial component of LSTDs (limited spacetime domains) with their smart phase boundaries, the most pellucidly simple-minded way to be in-denial (that is: engage in suppression and consequent regression) of the holographic principle is to be committed to a borderless world.
So, why-0-why the shock and awe? [Bag}daddy-0h at the poles? Well, l0l with that! Approaching -- even above -- 0. Check out the temps: 'Unthinkable': Scientists Shocked as Polar Temperatures Soar 50 to 90 Degrees Above Normal, Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams, 20 March 2022. Why are the poles heating faster than the belly of the beast? Manmade (earliest, 1971? see, for an excellent review article: Artificial Aurora Experiments and Application to Natural Aurora, Evgeny V. Mishin, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 5 April 2019) electron-temperature-enhanced, suprathermal, hot auroras are shape-shifting -- south no less than north? They are m-valued and m-logically-processed theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature surface-topology warping? For some background, see: Why the northern lights and southern lights don't always look identical, Vicky Stein, PBS, 31 January 2019. And how is the hypercomplex and complex angular momentum ((handled as 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, the most significant temporal CURL entered upon at the scale-relative absolute limiting memetime rate of change of acceleration: a darkening of the cosmological constant's dark energy [see The Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy, P. J. E. Peebles and Bharat Ratra, arXiv, 16 July 2002], a micro-physics reflection of that constant quintessence being m-valued, that is, not single-valued, and µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ processed; moreover, note how multi-valued Abelian anyonic complex unit-norm phase factor encapsulates the notion temporal CURL)) carried by the solar wind, and injection-cascaded -- through the nested scales of atmospheric wave motions -- into crustal and core dynamics affected by this anthropogenic-hot-aurora behavior? Common Nightmares, more like, I'd venture. Which is, parenthetically, not to impugn any specific notion of time, particularly not that of helix time, as embraced by, say, the Thais, Thai helix time being an approximation to 1st-order temporal CURL (see the section entitled The concept of 'Helix Time', pp. 149-51, in Sacred Mountain: Interpretation of Sacred Place in Thailand, Waranan Sowannee, Ph.D. dissertation, Silpakorn U., 2009: the discussions of Thai sacred place -- complex layers, overlapping spaces, blurred boundary, virtual space -- suggest how attuned to modern higher mathematics is traditional Buddhological space). Having been schooled in the presence of Cornell's dynamical meteorologist and tornadogenesis specialist, D. A. Paine, as I've been saying since the late-1970s -- this assertion being based on a great body of work accomplished by a large number of researchers --, far-from-equilibrium phase transitions visit all extrema: local and global maxima and minima -- even, the extremely normal. As regards homo Sapiens Sapiens' ever-amplifying climate-shift-correlated resource wars, there have been some fairly close approaches to local maxima, but, admittedly, as yet no decisive thrusts toward a global maximum -- though one must observe that the projected GGR, Great Global Reset (this transmogrification not directly driven by anthropogenically altered response characteristics to solar-wind-cum-space-tornado carried hypercomplex-complex angular momentum), is very likely to provoke such a thrust. Down, down, derry down you five-billion-plus-superfluous, you! Hah, that'll do it -- so TPTB the GLE feel, they not being into natural-attrition facilitating processes-properties-policies. Few of us have been caught pacing the quantum vacuum, starring into the void -- and those who have generally were committed. Directed consternation, judging by the hyssteroarical record, more or less justifies reciprocity, such that the consternation be reflected back to those doing the directing: e.g., for one amongst a vast number, persistent directed outrage at the Rape of Nanking evokes hisstorical memory of all those thousands beheaded for writing affect-charged seditious poetry, howsoever inspired that poesy may have been -- not to mention those thousands executed in late-Tang simply for being able to write poetry of any sort (Huang Chao's action in Chang'an, circa 781, as noted in Pre-Modern East Asia: to 1800, Patricia Buckley Ebrey and Anne Walthall and James B. Palais, Houghton Mifflin, 2006, p. 108). Just think of what the social credit scores of those poets and poetesses must have been, eh what! So far as I know, Buddhism didn't make it all the way from Sarnath to Sogdiana. Cultural diffusion, while widespread, did have its limits: Kul[turk}reise. Vague circles, bound by BLURRED boundaries-without-boundary (that is: AdS fractal [sightseeing good offices of Ugo Moschella, Seminaire Poincare 1, 2005], where the limit of evaporation of discretes is C+ly unreachable: belying the principle holographic-principle idea that all the digitalizably-discrete photonic 3-space information is digitably mappable [the best description I've seen of how this is accomplished is given by Tung H. Jeong in Fundamentals of Photonics, Module 1.10, Basic Principles and Applications of Holography, 18 September 2013] to 2-space boundary-without-boundary without undergoing logical-value order-type transforms 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+, this without being why the binary-mind sees blurry fuzziness when projection is through the part, not the whole, of the holographic plate, the binary-mind disallowing to itself such logic transforms). These boundaries (no great walls, except in the Chinese case and that of cellulose-glucose-polysaccharide-bearing plant cells) were assuredly porous, but only once crisply formalized {0,1} could they take on managed band-pass capabilities -- extra-systemically-imposed iatrogenic management orchestrated by deliberative bodies of True Bones, if there ever were such like, not being one of the functional prerequisites to self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries (self-organized exchanges expressing as homeostatic-equilibrium phase transitions punctuated by periodic, non-disruptive, heterostatic, not-so-far-from-equilibrium, non-equilibrium transitions): the so-called Plasmahauts -- or, perhaps, the even less concrete, Plasmalemmas. Plasmahaut more or less = membrane plasmatique. Not exactly Hautschicht, or skin layer. These names signify points of controversy as regards hisstory of the theory of cellular metabolism -- particularly on the electrochemical level of conception (think: e.g., the uxorilocal marriages forming the pi-electron parcels which collectively engage in coherent behaviors at emergence of synergistic dissipative structures within Fröhlich-condensate domains like that of the hypothesized radiation-exchanging superconductant pi-electron gas core-environment of DNA at helix-coil transition). If the holographic principle is taken at face value and understood as applicable self-similarly across scale levels ((like braiding anyons being self-similar scale-invariant analogues of helix time; of non-probabilistic spacetime double-helix [be aware that J. L. Synge's argument, in Magic Without Magic: John Archibald Wheeler, circa 1972, that an electrodynamic double helix would dissipate is based upon the assumption that the Schrödinger m-valued wave-function is to be interpreted relative to probability amplitudes, not m-valued logics; see here for discussion of double-helical max-entropy path integral; moreover, reading this and this and this in conjunction is-- well, edifying]; of a double-helical galactic feeder-band; of the spacetime diagram of a binary star system; of the DNA nebula; of a double-helical cometary feeder-band; of space tornadoes [see: Auroras From 'Space Tornadoes', Alan Macrobert, Space & Telescope, 27 April 2009]; of double-helical tornadic air-parcel feeder-bands; of the DNA helix-coil transition; of the )), it must be supposed that the long persisting hisstorical contention between membrane-pump aficionados and cellular bulk-phase advocates (for an astute presentation, see Coherent Behavior and the Bound State of Water and K+ Imply Another Model of Bioenergetics: Negative Entropy Instead of High-energy Bonds, Laurent Jaeken and Vladimir Vasilievich Matveev, The Open Biochemistry Journal, 6, 2012, pp. 139-59) is misnomered in a number of ways, because that principle indicates that all the information in the bulk phase is mapped on the cell boundary-without-boundary qua Hautschicht qua membrane plasmatique qua Plasmahaut qua Plasmalemma as the fluid-mosaic membrane changes its constituents -- the holographic mapping making its band-pass properties electrochemically much smarter than a pump driven by lock-and-key-effectuated molecular processes controlled by random heat motion. Description of the holographic mapping of bulk-phase information to Plasmalemma clearly must involve transcendence (that fuzzy-set-inclusion theory is inadequate for use by social scientists is stated up front by Michael Smithson in Fuzzy Set Inclusion: Linking Fuzzy Set Methods with Mainstream Techniques, Sociological Methods & Research, 33:4, 2005) of fuzzy sets and the fuzzy logic thereof understood relative, not to relative-state identity-transparency, but to membership-inclusion (the membership function defining a fuzzy set being a mapping from the universe of the fixed set of all fuzzy sets to a fuzzy subset thereof: see New Measures of Inclusion , Nicolas Madrid and Manuel Ojeda Aciego, conference paper for 24th ECIA, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2020): transformation of the 2-element set {0,1} unto insertions into the real interval [0,1], with inclusions mapping a given [0,1] insertion to another such insertion. However, while C+TC+ virtue-[all}ity of anyonic Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround is a pointless topology, it is not pointless in the pedestrian demotic sense. [Die}adic {each,other}; n-adic 1Tm {one,another}: [an}other already intimating the loss of utility of set-theoretic constructs as 1Tm goes to µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+. The notion of grade-of-membership/inclusion of elements does not even approach codifying (see: Set Theory: Constructive and Intuitionistic ZF, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2019) these collections of states involving, as they do, elemental non-selfsameness and holographic part-whole/part-part identity-transparency: in interpreting there exists to mean we can construct not enough attention is given to identifying identity principles such that µTm-and-higher-logical relative-states of identity-transparency are conferred ontological status as distinct from existential status. No matter how many times restrictions are restricted concerning the classical notion set, the classical notion element of set remains insufficiently restricted (an especially cogent discussion is provided by Mamoru Shimoda in A Natural Basis of Fuzzy Set Theory -- an Overview, Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, 13:1, 2004, pp. 59-70). The fractality of boundary-without-boundary (the compaction has order-type C+) on Anti de Sitter space is hologramic (a most accessible treatment is provided by Leonard Susskind in his book The Black Hole War, Little, Brown & Co., 2008), involving, in the limit ((of a logical-value transformation: call this an Abelian anyonic [as regards their arising only in two dimensions, see Physicists Prove Anyons Exist , Stephen Ornes, Discover, 13 December 2020] global phase shift? [see Ruben Verresen's brain hurt comment here next to last] involving, demergently-speaking, C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-sans-1T2 logically-valued relative-states of identity-transparency, which, being m-valued, do not conform to either Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein statistics)), loss of a spatial degree of freedom. Bulk phase under µTm-LETS -- given that indicator-measurables (including externalities) would be fine-grain tagged to value-stack sheaf-structure placed on currency-unit base-state (think: the tiers of Buddhological cosmology modeled by Borobudur: the best discussion of Sacred Mountain as the Archetype I've read is that provided in Waranan Sowannee's dissertation, linked above) -- would be a matter of political-economy, not merely economy, as the market sorting angel (demon, surely, to those stakeholders wishing to acquire-retain vested interests in violation of the fundamental allelotropic notion of value, i.e., a measure of the quantum potential responsible for the self-organizational capability to integrate the subsystem-system-supersystem-suprasystem composite) would self-organize fulfillment of some of the functions traditionally allocated-legislated to effector organs of command regulation.
In reading through Hydrodynamics of Holographic Superconductors, Irene Amado and Matthias Kaminski and Karl Landsteiner, Journal of High Energy Physics, 6 May 2009, I couldn't help but think of Doug Paine's statement, Blackbodies and black holes exist within the spacetime frame of atmospheric dynamics -- this statement encapsulating the cascade model of what are nowadays known to be sonic black holes as existing in Earth's atmosphere, and associated emission and vertical propagation of m-valued (and µTmly-processed) acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode pulse-code bursts which punch holes in the tropopause facilitating drawdowns of ozone into the troposphere -- in Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pages, as well as The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, multiply rejected for publication circa 1978, descriptive of a 2nd-order phase transition, along with Toward a General Theory of Process, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, multiply rejected for publication circa 1977, including description of a 3rd-order phase transition. Clearly, the information lost (see: Hologram Within a Hologram Hints at Fate of Black Holes, Charlie Wood, Quanta Magazine, 19 November 2019) in a blackhole information processor is that concerning the decomposition product known as memetimeponderablespace, i.e., that 1T2-only -- but even that that should be recoverable because it is the lowest order of µTm (ah-hah, The Awful Truth: truth-value is the 1T2-limiting-value of µTm-logical-value), µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency never being altogether lost for being pregiven (ontologically pre-Pauli-Paine-operator-time executed demergence) on C+TC+-AllBaseCommonGround of compacted multi-sheeted Musculpt manifold, M. So-- only just these last few days having run across the term holographic superconductor, I am studying Introduction to Holographic Superconductors, Gary T. Horowitz, arXiv, 17 February 2010. Trying to catch up -- although details of the math and physics are above my pay grade, had I ever received remuneration for any of my rudimentary efforts along these lines. The following are inchoate thoughts, but I wish to get them down as an aid to further contemplations. I have recently found a paper that sheds some light on what to Doug Paine and myself was a mystery: we knew ((see here and look at the role of the gravitational acceleration, g, in derivation of the nonlinear Pauli-Paine-operator-time-employing canonical equation; see here and look at b, which is g in the DNA context, and which we designated the counterbalance to the pressure gradient term, this designation being made so as not to conflate our model of pi-electron-gas-mediated DNA radiation exchange processes with papers then being written about so-called biogravitation and mitogenetic radiation)) gravity was somehow involved, but exactly how was altogether perplexing. That paper recently found is: Conductivity of higher dimensional holographic superconductors with nonlinear electrodynamics, Ahmad Sheykhi and Doa Hashemi Asl and Amin Dehyadegari, Physics Letters B, 781, 10 June 2018, pp. 139-54. Look at the role of b (denoting strength of the nonlinearity) in this paper. Now, consider a related paper: Asymptotically (A)dS dilation black holes with nonlinear electrodynamics, S. Hajkhalili and A. Sheykhi, arXiv, 15 January 2018. Search strength of the nonlinearity and look at (p. 4) the role of beta (representing strength of the electromagnetic field). The roles of A. Sheykhi's b and beta are the inverse of each other -- relative to mass of the system. As beta goes to infinity, the system locks onto linearity. As beta goes to zero, the system moves into strong nonlinearity, i.e., high values of b. The Sheykhi b and the b of our DNA radiation exchange paper do not denote the same thing. Are they, however, somehow related? Our discussions of superconductant processes in both the cascade model of tornadogenesis and radiation exchange at DNA helix-coil transition involve spiral behaviors related to conservation of angular momentum (a mass related quantity, hence gravity related, hence spacetime curvature related) altered by rate of change, rate of the rate change, and rate of the rate of the rate change. The canonical equations derived in these discussions (derivations of a fundamental oscillator, not a detailing of the spatial field) involve 3-fold topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time (topo-active optime). O, those damned torqued twirls! Twirl = angular analogue of linear impulse. Show me your impulse and I'll show you mine? Particularly in the complex and hypercomplex cases! The basic notion behind Paine topologically-active Pauli operator time is that active time operates on phase space to generate the geometrodynamics by which change of form (in memetimeponderablespace) informs. Is the reference mass of Sheykhi's b and our DNA b the mass, M, of the field source? If so, is this because of an operator-timed gravitoelectromagnetics? We knew that a more complete account of topo-active optime requires two quaternion spaces, i.e., octonion space -- but had no opportunity to pursue this intimation. Is the relation between the Sheykhi b and our DNA b explicit only under an octonionic treatment -- whilst remembering the roles of those damned torqued twirls? Consider Angular momentum and torque described with the complex octonion, Zi-Hua Weng, AIP Advances, 4:8, 1 August 2014, wherein one of the two quaternion subspaces is used for the gravitational field, the other for the electromagnetic field. What, in this context, is topo-active-optime-driven form informing (decompositional involute of C+TC+ AllBase) and form unforming (recompositional devolute of C+TC+ AllBase)? Googling higher dimensional holograms and angular momentum one finds a path to High dimensional orbital angular momentum multiplexing nonlinear holography, Xinyuan Fang, et al., Advanced Photonics, 3:1, 1 January 2021, wherein cascaded frequency-domain harmonics are used as separate orbital angular momentum (of a beam) channels in multiplexing-multicasting of optical communications (here, I immediately thought of the µTm-logical higher-temporal formants qua multilayered-holographic-chronotopological-meta-boundary-without-boundary [meta insofar as 1T2-only processing is concerned] of the quantum-wave properties of the DNA nucleotide-pair codons -- and wondered as to what subsystem-system-supersystem-suprasystem information those wave properties encode). This wondering led me to Metasurface angular momentum holography, Hoaran Ren, et al., submitted to Nature Communications on 26 November 2020; as well as to Polarization-Encrypted Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexed Metasurface Holography, Hongqiang Zhou, et al., ACS Nano, 14:5, 29 April 2020 (here, I immediately thought of atmospheric Musculpt -- were the OAM of the vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave-modes signaturing theta-e equivalent potential temperature [meta]surfaces factored into one of the quaternion subspaces). Well, that's a whole lot to absorb, and, as I've said, these are only inchoate thoughts I wish to get keyboarded digitally-down, derry down, down as an aid to further contemplations. The far greater problem than is development of the science is to figure out how to make it impossible for the severely-brain-impaired 1T2-only oligarchs to syndicate for their nefarious purposes uses of bastardizations of the associated tech. I note that, not all, but the preponderance of studies relevant to my thematic addressings have been made in Russia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and China. This circumstance is supporting evidence for my suppression-of-µTm-relative-state-identity-transparency theme as to deep-structure origins of the 200-years War of the World. Esoteric, occult Buddhism, having been early on largely squelched, Buddhologicized Shinto (e.g., Shinto kami given Buddhist names) cum Shintoized Buddhism (e.g., Shinto shrines owning Buddhist temples) paved the way for modern-nation-state Shinto (as distinct from Shintoized centered mon[o]archism), which was Shinto Westernized. Just saying. One example. I guess Gaga-ko got her name from gagaku in those celebration rites of fertility observed at planting times. Heh-heh-heh! The portrait of animism as being defined by the idea that spiritual forces animate inanimate objects is the popular-culture portrait, a kind of comic book depiction altogether ignoring relative-states of identity-transparency qua states of participation mystique, trance-induced or no, and their non-bivalent logics. Whereas Taoism analogically modeled the social order on the natural order, Confucianism, by processes of projective-identification, reversed this modeling relation so as to justify kinghood-emperorship and associated centralization-bureaucratism. Nowadays, technocratic neofeudalism, greatly amplifying the predilections (as distinct from the e-lections) of European Confucianism, by use of the ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) has imagined a totalitarian robobiopsychosocial order based upon the probabilistic dissimulation of quantum mechanics and a molecular biology-genetics-neurology in denial of the substantiality of m-logically-valued submolecular processes; then projects the involved dissembling of the Lebenswelt-Umwelts into formulations of the Weltanschauung; then again, moreover, uses this politicized science to assess the prevailing states of natural processes, and confabulates policies based thereupon. Then, once again, attempts to implement these mistaken policies with a Cartesian-Newtonian-Voltaire[Con}fusion institution-corporation base greatly subverted by massive infusion-intercalation of dissimulated-quantum-based technologies. So, we now have the One-Mind-League Washington Consensus (for some history of the origins thereof, see The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden's Presidency, Matthew Ehret, Unlimited Hangout, 26 March 2022) opposed to the No Mind League (not, obviously, to be understood in the Zen sense). Following the Nine-Hundred-Eleven Proclamations there were the Nineteen Injunctions used to squash the COVID [panda}monium and to auger against hu-hu-hu[ma}nity's long hisstory of patricide-fratricide-regicide-democide, uh, uh, that is, to prevent that hisstory from resounding in oligarchicide. Hoping to techno-regulate everyone's behavior -- indeed, proprioceptive-perceptive-cognitive experience -- far more minutely than has been that of a monk confined to temple grounds (the temples used in Tang China to store population and tax records). Oh là là: du, de la, de l', des. The rules for French partitive articles under LGBTTTQQIAA? Now that it is politically incorrect -- against the law, even -- to say boy-girl, woman-man, female-male, masculine-feminine, LGBTQ2+ being [man}dated, just imagine what's happening in first-year high-school French classes all across the land. Heh-heh-heh! America's McCarthyism never really evaporated; it just went into subsidence and expanded its purview; moreover, it was nothing new: one of many fulminations of the Puritan witch-hunt mentality, a cognitive set insistent upon purified identity, that insistence upon the 1T2-only-selfsame being 1T2-paradoxically an essential defining feature of national socialism. Purified-identity-seeking is the raw subsurface-structure of the cooked surface-structure centralization-seeking which is the dominant theme of the whole of human geopolitical hisstory: the genocidal holocausting of peoples opposed to hieratic-hierarchical bureaucratizing federation-centralization. Planet wide, from the days of beginning specialization: the first arising of the career shaman. That arising initializing the loss of capability of every one to be the shaman(ess) du jour by taking a trance reading on the collective need. The Hague-Geneva-enshrined notion jus in bello (as I -- a USAF-brat childhood, born son of a USAAF B-17 pilot, Flag Day 1945, two months after the strategic area-bombing campaign against Germany ended -- argued to Prof. Abdul Aziz Said, Intro to World Politics, AU-SIS, fall of 1963, having recently lived through the Gary Powers incident and the Cuban missile crisis while residing in an Alaska SAC base and scrimmaging basketball with U-2 and B-52 pilots) is an attempt to justify war as a legitimate policy option, thus adding impetus to, and perpetuating, warfare, as that conventional notion (good offices of Scott Ritter, Aprils Fools Day 2022) has nothing to do with the realities of war -- certainly not since the American Indian wars; particularly not so since advent of revolutionary wars, people's wars, insurgency warfare, the war of the flea, Maoist guerrilla warfare where the civilian population is a combat arm, the sea in which the revolutionaries swim (think: single-valued, non-quantum, simple-identity is rarely verifiable); and undeniably was not so in mid-20th-century total war, a level of warfare intensity where within one metabolic process contends against another and reduction-unto-decimation of economic wherewithal is the ultimate war-outcome-deciding military objective, that wherewithal being largely in the hands of the civilian population performing the combat activity known as economic production. How did I come to think this way? For one: when I was at AU-SIS, circa 1963-'65, Prof. George L. Harris led the team-taught, problem-based, 4-semester, interdisciplinary seminar named Human Behavior I-IV. During the late-1950s, he had headed-up the teams which wrote Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) country studies on Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, North Borneo-Brunei-Sarawak, and later, 1962, for the Foreign Area Studies Division of Special Operations Research Office (SORO), the U.S. Army Area Handbook for Vietnam. Via discussions with Prof. Harris, and by his good offices studying library holdings and delving into the HRAF card boxes at SORO, perusing holdings at HumRRO, and reading into the personal library, filled with all sorts of impossible-to-find stuff, of Bernard Fall located in his office at Howard University, I assimilated the research methodologies adopted by Project Camelot (PC) whilst researching and writing, circa 1964, a long critical analysis for Prof. Harris of the Strategic Hamlets Program in SVN compared to the Briggs Plan employed during The Emergency in Malaya (Sam Adams' comment upon reading a copy of this paper a decade-and-a-half later was: My God! I'd barely even heard of Vietnam by then). Thus did I become aware of the agenda motivating PC (see How the West Was Won: Counterinsurgency, PSYOPS and the Military Origin of the Internet, part 1 and part 2, The Cogent, 4 March 2022) and (as I later learned at SFTG, Psyops Group, in the JFKSWCS Library, TID/525MIG, CICV-Targets, SRA/MACV-J2) so very much more. It would not be too wrong to say that genesis of the notion of e-commons computer-gamed µTm-LETS nesting-foams involved, in part, an attempt to imagine an antidote to the agenda informing PC.
Militarily schooled and geopolitically astute; still, GWOT-down and ceded the spacetime variables to the opposition, they did, didn't they: the actions of expansion and protraction. Whilst on a Riemann sphere instantaneous indefinite expansion of the AO may invoke spatial contraction in the direction of movement, loss of an explicate dimension to implicate compactification, this is unlikely to transpire by declaration of global war. Quite the contrary: dissipation, rather than compaction. Does the timeline dimension, by time dilation, become effectively finite in length with the action of protraction at insurgent/counterinsurgent warfare? Understanding the time dimension of spacetime as real numerable and analogous to the spatial dimensions (concretion of time), rather than as an additional generic degree of freedom, is misleading; as is illustrated by the answer to the question, Is time dilation a form of dimensional compactification?, wherein it is stated, the time dimension, which is generally considered to be infinite. A malapropos assignment to make time an additional spatial dimension, with simply a change of sign on metric designation (+++-): Taoist Maoists tacitly understand this, even if staffers to West-More-Land and the Republique du Viet Nam JGS didn't. Why must time be minus-signed? By Special Relativity, the speed of light is a constant; given that that is the case (quoting Drew Henry, physics Ph.D. candidate): The minus sign, then, insures that the speed of light is real instead of imaginary. ((If Drew Henry's most insightful long comment doesn't appear, as it may not, I've found, chock it up to the rotters running the internet!)) But what if, as we believe, Special Relativity is by nature exponentiated such that there is a relativity of absolute limits, say, as regards, for instance, the absolute limiting velocity. Universal physical constants m-valued, scale-relative, and µTmly processed. Then, Earth's atmosphere, for instance, would have its own absolute limiting velocity, its own light, invoking all the rules mandated by Special Relativity. But time would be imaginary, maybe also hypercomplex, and it would have CURLs. If causality is taken to be objective-linear-time dependent (thermodynamic-time-arrow asymmetric; symmetric time being problematic for causality), then, on a fundamental level of consideration, we do not embrace it, uh, the causality -- as the causality we predicate is due to t = 0 topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime, a notion of time in and of itself not subscribing to fuzzy logic, but which executes the instruction sets of Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers of C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-logically-valued propositions, no fuzzifications-defuzzifications directly involved in such executions), where t is understood to be memetime, not a supposed objective linear-time. We view decomposed-incarnate observables as evolving in t > 0 MEMEtime (quasi-Heisenberg picture) and pregiven superposed-state vectors as demerging to decoherency under 3rd- to 2nd- to 1st-order topo-active optime (quasi-Schrödinger picture), these orders constituting a family of non-unitary operators, a family not generated by the t-independent Hamiltonian, but altogether replacing the Hamiltonian. Since, in this scheme, the m-valuedness of the state-function is not understood relative to probabilities, but relative to m-LOGICALLY-valued relative-states of identity-transparency, orthogonality cum orthonormal basis (very abnormal skew-perpendicularity being involved -- involved, even, in the origin of charge) and unitarity are operative only on the 1T2-only-order of logical-value where, and only where, physicality is pristine, i.e., crisply realizable -- All-That-Is involving µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ more than 1T2-only-pristine-physicality (for a contrary world picture, see Nature of Temporal (t > 0) Quantum Theory: Part II, Francis T. S. Yu, in Quantum Mechanics, Paul Bracken, ed., IntechOpen, 2020). Asymmetric MEMEtime (compactifcation-decompactification of such time involving not change in the overall length of the whole heuristically-complete timeline, so supposed by analogy to spatial dimension, but in the baud-rate of passing, this rate and rate of rate and rate of rate of rate being the degrees of freedom signified by the word time, not additional spatial directions) may be considered to be fuzzy-set cum fuzzy-logic subscribing (the point instant expanding, i.e., dilating, to instant encompassing longer and longer intervals qua strings of the real-number line: see, for a discussion of fuzzy time, The Master Equation and the Pauli Equation in the Fuzzy Time Model, Aleksey M. Avdeenko, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 6:2, February 2018) as approaches are made to scale-relative absolutes, whereupon, in the limit, heh-heh-heh, imaginary and hypercomplex temporal CURLs are initialized. We argue -- going beyond even an m-valued coupling constant -- that 3-fold temporal CURL is necessary and sufficient to far-from-equilibrium negentropic energy-momentum-cascade drawdowns, multiple-connectivity, and nonorientability. While our notion of topo-active optime does involve three degrees of freedom in addition to the dimensions of 3-space, these are not passive, passing, referential dimensions like is the real-numbered, negative signed, MEMEtime dimension. That more temporal degrees of freedom are necessary, and that it is possibly the case that quantum dynamics emerges as a consequence of a second time dimension, as well as do holographic representations, is argued by Jacob G. Foster and Berndt Muller in Physics With Two Time Dimensions, arXiv, 25 January 2010. We feel that it is possibly the case that holographic gravitohydrothermoelectromagnetics demerges as a consequence of 3-fold topo-active t = 0 optime decomposing the Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered pregiven pre-pregeometry C+TC+-Tzog-chen-AllBase-CommonGround-BackCloth of Musculpt manifold, M.
Not only do we now have, à la Foster and Muller, a proposed second memetime dimension, there is also doubling down on the 1T2-only-egofunction's psychological identification with the usual-everyday memetime dimension [under}stood in mature temporal cognition as an objective, passing, passive, referential linear-time, such as is done in Stephen Jarvis's ebook Holographic Time (Google Play, June 2021), wherein the term holographic time is used to denote the collection of memetime measurements construed as demonstrative of the universe's sheath-boundary with holographic properties (not time qua time, i.e., time-in-itself, as having holographic [chrono}topological properties). Of course, the contention that pedestrian linear-time is mere learned memetime transmitted from generation to generation is disparaged by the preponderance, even by most thoroughly familiar with Piaget's and subsequent studies of cognitive development (i.e., such development being largely prescriptive enculturation-socialization programming, a quantum-brain-quench-type [Albert Szent-Györgyi's 1960 Introduction to a Submolecular Biology provides the best account of quantum quenching as disruption of intermolecular electron-transport processes, e.g., in the case of the brown bruise that appears on a banged-up banana] programming which is glutamatergically anchored to the 1T2-only molecular-cellular brain at neuronal plasticity during multiple neural-network wipeouts qua neuronal prunings which transpire in the [intrauterine, puberty] memetime interval) during early childhood, specifically, of particular interest in this context, the acquisition of passing time sense and the memetime-related notion of object permanence qua constancy (a notion of duration being prerequisite to that of objects persisting, the subordinate notion persisting being a time-bound idea: apparently young children learn duration estimation by being forced to pay attention to it, to quote Sylvie Droit-Volet, Children and Time, The Psychologist, 25, August 2012; personally, I'd like to know at what age my I-eye was forced to pay attention to object location in such fashion that that I-eye acquired an eye for the psychometric distance function of Luneburg non-Euclidian binocular visual space (I've only now run across what is to my me yet another confirmative, a report of Luneburg-confirmatory experiments: Depth, size and distance in stereoscopic vision, John Foley, Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 3:4, July 1968, pp. 265-74) making localization in visual space possible, and, henceforth, would not be inclined to question validity of Hugh Everett's pivotal assertion that In our experience objects always have definite positions, pivotal in that this attestation-asservation was the transitional statement bifurcating [no collapse of the wave-function vs. vonNeumann collapse, handled in a manner such that thermodynamics dictates that the two are basically equivalent, given that universes of the m-verse are incommunicado: this being argued under 1T2-only-logic alone, where it goes un-understood or unacknowledged that the 1T2-aspect of THE universe is such a small part of µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-logical reality as to be, in the scheme of things cum no-things, negligible] his famous 1957 paper entitled 'Relative State' Formulation of Quantum Mechanics). In my judgment, the forced to involved in prescriptive enculturation-socialization of memetime-sense cum object constancy is also the case with acquisition of subject constancy, i.e., that is, a persisting selfsame, singular -- non-doppelganger, indeed non-m-ganger -- selfhood sans all sense of generative-empathetic relative-state identity-transparency (Buddhologically speaking: compassion), to wit: Now, Johnny, you just stop that! Stop calling yourself Robbie. You know very well that this Robbie is just an imaginary friend! Quoting the summarizing abstract to The Development of Temporal Concepts: Learning to Locate Events in Time, Teresa McCormack and Christoph Hoerl, Timing & Time Perception, 8 December 2017:
Early in development, very young children are unable to think about locations in time independently of the events that occur at those locations. It is only with development that children begin to have a proper grasp of the distinction between past, present, and future, and represent time as linear and unidirectional.
Phenomenological accounts of the contents of childhood experience ontogenically-before acquisition of linear-time sense and object constancy and subject constancy (often regarded a mere dream world) are hard to find (the first sentence of the Introduction section to The Development of Temporal Concepts: Linguistic Factors and Cognitive Processes, Meng Zhang and Judith A. Hudson, Frontiers in Psychology, 5 December 2018, states the unjustified presupposition, Time is an essential dimension of the universe.) -- unless one supposes that accounts of the various Samadhi states (apparently endogenously ketaminergic in the case of, say, Zen Satori; the quasi- or pseudo-Samadhi states being exogenously ketamineric in the case of, say, the states indirectly-implicatively documented in John C. Lilly's Tank Logs) have value as analogous to that early childhood experience.
Since torque and impulse on angular momentum do have something to do with time, even though the time dependency appears to disappear in quantum mechanics (read Yamina Achkar), how outlandish is it to suggest that Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) is a way of handling complex and hypercomplex quantum-spin angular momentum cascade (quantum at all scale levels, there being, in fact, no classical limit, and universal physical constants, e.g., absolute limiting velocity, being m-valued) -- or, more accurately, that torque and impulse of quantum-spin angular-momentum is a 1T2-way (read Biswajoy Brahmachari on pure phase and note that he does not note that there are so-regarded proper and improper eigenvalues of the m-valued eigenfunction qua wavefunction) of handling topo-active-optime executions of Gödel-numbered-Gödel-numbered µTm-propositions via temporal CURLs applied to pencils of skew-parallels as tilts through skew-perpendicular pure phases (µTm-octonion algebra substituted for 1T2-quaternion algebra)? In thinking about quantum-spin angular momentum as being complex and hypercomplex topo-active optime's temporal CURLs, be aware that the sense of classical spin does transliterate well to the sense of quantum spin, even when it is not acknowledged that the field concept is insufficiently general (see here [particularly the comments of Ulrich Mutze and Vikash Pandey] and here [quoting DrDu: An electron is not a point particle but a quantum field. This makes it harder to say what is actually spinning] and here [take note of the Wick-rotation discussion and think of temporal CURL in that context]) -- though there are retrogrades disputing that assertion (see The exact meaning of the angular-momentum and spin operators in quantum mechanics, Gerrit Coddens, HAL Open Science, 11 September 2021; and Ehrenfest Theorems, Robert Gilmore, Drexel U., 29 October 2010 [while merely getting the drift, still, though it's all about the probability interpretation, which doesn't much interest me, what I find most interesting is the Multilevel Systems section, reading into which I am amazed to find that The quantum dynamics of an n level system can be described by a hamiltonian that is linear ; moreover, I hope that the blank space after 7 Conclusion is a posting lacuna, not indicative of lacuna-on-the-brain]). As regards the standard notion of complex angular momentum (sans all thoughts of temporal CURLs and 3-fold topo-active optime as set of generators), I'd like to try my luck at reading a paper not available to me: Realizations of generators of complex angular momentum, Shuchita Bora and Harish Chondola and Balwant Singh Rajput, Canadian Journal of Physics, 68:7-8, July 1990, pp. 599-603. Spin-up/spin-down is relative to a chosen axis, and where the logic employed to assess output of the measuring apparatus is 1T2-only; but, if the chosen axis were a null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencil of skew-parallels (kind of like attaching a fiber bundle to a twistor, but here the bundle would be µTm-logically-valued, not 1T2-logically-valued), and the logic employed to assess output of the measuring apparatus were µTm-unto-CTC+, then the spin state of the electron, say, would be a horse of many colors (involved, as it is, with the measurement problem) reflecting in the given case, the involved corpus of relative-states of identity-transparency (sort of like expanding in increasing powers of the coupling constants, but here we're talking identity, not force). Since each such spinor would be non-selfsame, arithmetic addition could not be employed to fabricate spin networks, the line between having to go from each spinor to every spinor in the CTC+-assessed cases (and, holographic-principle speaking, on C+TC+-most-dense-sheet AllBase CommonGround each point would be every point), with each such line representing some infinitude of logical-value order-type; presumably, the µTm-assessed cases would have to do with subcategories of the sub-logical-value order-types. Whereas Penrose interprets the Wheelerian infinity to the cth power times infinity to the dth dimension as indicative of continuous variation in fields and functions (see Adhemar Bultheel's review of Penrose's 2016 book Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe), we interpret the infinity signs as being indicative of the m-valuedness of Schrödinger's state-function being understood in terms of µTm-unto-CTC+ logics, not probability amplitudes. In terms of ontological demergence, such spin networks (if the term still applies) would fall between pregeometry as CTC+-unto-µTm propositional logic and geometrodynamics. From the late-1970s (see the last paragraph of 8: Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Complex Angular Momentum Cascade in our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, where we state Is the twistor of Roger Penrose actually quantization of temporal curl? The various types of elementary particles may correspond to quantized aspects of temporal topological operations on superspace and find a natural system of classification on that basis ) we felt that quantization of the temporal CURL would involve application of the Penrose twistor (I've never been able to read much into the mathematics of twistor theory, a great deal of background being assumed on part of the reader, few of the terms involved being defined in text -- though nowadays there are some popular accounts available), except that the required twistors would be under m-valued Lukasiewicz-Post logics, not 1T2-only-logic alone. This is not the same as reducing the number of extra dimensions in string theory (we are not interested in canceling divergences as they correspond to initializations of cascade events and shifts between logical-value order-types) by placing strings in the four complex dimensions of twistor space (I'm trying to read into Edward Witten's Perturbative Gauge Theory as a String Theory in Twistor Space, arXiv, 6 October 2004, where I find most interesting the section entitled World-Sheet Supersymmetry which contains the statement that The gauge field B and auxiliary field D combine as part of a vector multiplet in superspace, whose field strength is a 'twisted chiral superfield' ; a pencil of skew-parallels could be a µTm-logical vector multiplet; a twisted chiral superfield could be a 1T2-only handling of temporal topological operations on superspace). Moreover, there would be no focus upon reproducing the findings of 1T2-only probabilistic quantum mechanics, as those findings would be restricted to the lowest logical-value order-type of µTm. More and more we see ontology being tacitly subsumed by physics, twistor theory possibly being classifiable as a lite version of ontological subsumption. A more vigorous version of such subsumption is seen in Emergent Sasaki-Einstein geometry and AdS/CFT, Robert J. Berman and Tristan C. Collins and Daniel Persson, Nature Communications, 13, article number 365, 18 January 2022, a popular introduction offered here, where gravity is viewed as emergent on the holographically-compacted boundary of the universe as a torus. This notion corresponds to our idea of dynamics under 2nd-order topo-active optime, the 3rd-order involving holographically-compacted hyperKleinBottle boundary. The word emergent is generally understood to indicate emergence in passive, passing, referential linear-time, t > 0, understood an objective dimension. In such context, time-domain holography, to our minds, would be of equal importance to spatial holography. We, however, employ the word demergent to indicate appearance by involutory decomposition, t = 0, under 3-fold topo-active optime (which does not involve passive, passing, referential MEMEtime) execution of CTC+-unto-µTm pregeometric propositions (which would ontologically precede twistorized-string-theoretic processes). The ultimate holographically-compacted boundary, to our way of thinking, is the C+TC+-most-dense-sheet Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround. Hence, we would be greatly interested to read Brane Tilings, Kristian Kennaway, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 22:18, 12 June 2007, pp. 2977-3038, were it accessible, but, of course, our greatest interest would reside on hyperKleinBottle envolupers and only secondarily on toric quivers. O, those subsumptions, how they do discombobulate! And set in motion all sorts of subordinate processes. The popular well-being advocated by populists being a massive threat to 1T2-only markets, perhaps it was inevitable that the OS of TPTB the GLE (global leadership elite) -- original sin being their operating system -- should have been placed in psychological projection as OAS (so-called original antigenic sin, i.e., immune imprinting) which, complexed to ADE (antibody dependent enhancement), ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displaces) American foreign policy in the post-WWII era: no matter what form the recursively generated irritant takes, the response is always the same ineffective knee-jerk (see, for a popular account, AIDS-Like 'Chronic Covid' is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ, Igor Chudov, Igor's Newsletter, 10 April 2022, and for the rigorous science, Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination, Katharina Roltgen, et. al., Cell, 185:6, 17 March 2022, pp. 1025-40; and The Vaccine Death Report, David John Sorensen and Vladimir Zelenko, September 2021, 52 pages, for an in-depth account of where this has left, and leaves, the vaccinated). And, whilst rectifying the imports of physicist subsumptions, there is, of course, the aristocrats' explicit prebendal allotments written as tax-code loopholes, and the relatively non-viewable subterranean prebends of the insider-trading and publican-tax-farming super-to-ultra-rich prebendalians: CEOing of pseudo-private government proprietaries; right to indirectly collect taxes via FED asset pumping, QEing, ZIRPforever, and resulting inflation; corporate-socialism bailouts; pubpriv-revolving doors; the permitted legally-bucket-shopped Ponzis and pyramids involved in rehypothecating rehypothecation to the nth-power on bungled bundlings of bundled financial derivatives; and the court-appointed grift fostering the piracy by the Pharisees running the [demo}crazy parties. Oh, the exorbitant privilege usurped by the inflated 1T2-only-egofunction in so easily-peasily claiming mistakenly -- with its imperative Draw a distinction! and derivative calculus of indications -- the distinction of being absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. And how that arrogation by the Umwelt has been projected into formulations of Weltanschauung and generalized into every facet of the Lebenswelt! Since post-quantum-relativity physics is so thoroughly decimating to the egoic perspective on physical reality, the collective ego has set about remaking nature (e.g., genetic-cum-geo engineering) in its own image, whilst mandating that the socius unreservedly embrace that pathological reset -- in this context, the prospect of praetorian rule is so very succulently seductive, given the ease with which a TIAed censorate can be omnipotently effectuated, testamentary injunctions and sumptuary regulations promulgated and enforced. One thing nowadays acutely needed is not, indubitably not, self-rectification, but rectification of the very notion of selfhood as experienced 1T2ly-unto-µTmly: thus to staunch the prevailing mutilation of the higher selfhoods and their relative-states; this mutilation, with its referred pain, being a bodymod-mirrored beingmod debasement which is done in order to demonstrate tributary subservience and filial devotion to the reigning corpus of shibboleths.
The prevailing human-species-wide fulmination of refusals to assimilate the case, whatsoever the given case in question, is due to the fact that the notions of reality arrived at for 2,500 years by employments of 1T2-only logic have crashed and burned -- and exemplifying that fact is the case that that logic, as revivified during the European Renaissance and applied by experimental science, is responsible for initialization of the Anthropocene. The ultimate consequent of 1T2-only experimental science in the hands of the abject systems of governance hu-hu-hu[man}ity has [man}aged to man[i}fest quite plausibly is production of a dead planet. After approximately 300,000 years of commodious living on this planet without threatening life supports, it only took 2,500 years of prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-orchestration of neuronal plasticity at neural-network wipeouts to sufficiently quench conscious access to the µTm-quantum brain and glutamatergically etch and anchor the binary-mind to molecular-cellular brains of H. sapiens, sufficiently such that the Anthropocene extinction emerged. Failure of 1T2-logic (and simultaneously a prefiguration of Cantorian mathematics, holographic part-whole identity-transparency, Lukasiewicz-Post m-valued logics, fractal boundaries without boundary, so on) was strongly intimated (constellated in the human collective unconscious) by N. H. Abel's 1823 theorem (also Ruffini, 1813) on the general quintic equation, a discursus deemed in consensuation as the Impossibility Theorem which was, maddeningly, an existence proof for trans-al-jabr. Comminution of the binary-mind of mankind began in earnest likely by the 1850s (think: the Crimean war, and Russia seeking to protect the Orthodox in Crimea and Palestine) and certainly by onset of the Franco-Prussian war (Descartes' logic assaulting the Erdgeists, forcing their entry into the in-or-out-binary-logical-boundaries-defined Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system, a boundary-value problem Poincare, as president of the French Bureau of Longitude, assiduously addressed, as is discussed in Peter Galison's Einstein's Clocks, Poincare's Maps; as to how the French Bureau of Longitude subverted boundary-without-boundary-informed Buddhological sacred space and forced binary in-or-out boundaries down Southeast Asian throats, see Tongchai Winichakul's Siam Mapped). Undoubtedly by the 1870s, the mantra carried in the subliminal of European man was: Give me simple-identity or give me death! (this refusal to assimilate nature's actual case amounting to a collective unconscious decision for human-species suicide; whereas most of the emergent myriad subroutines have been, and will be, more or less consciously elaborated). Roger Penrose, for instance, does not find m-valued logics on his road to reality, and is thoroughly committed to the so-regarded classical limit. How much is this commitment actually dependent upon the science involved? This does not find and this thoroughly committed are mutually supportive: single-valued universal physical constants processed by single-valued binary logic are required to keep Heisenberg 1T2-only-uncertainty (in accuracy of measurements made on pairs of physical quantities) confined to small length scales and relativistic spatial contraction and time dilation to cosmological space and time scales (the mid-levels, where measurements ostensibly don't change the measured, remaining Cartesian-Newtonian). Multivalued universal physical constants µTmly processed invoke limited spacetime domains (each with, for instance, their own scale-relative absolute limiting velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of acceleration: at the values of which temporal CURLs are initialized and order-of-logical-value transitions are made), domain structures, spacetime laminations, and absence of Planck's limiting distance and time -- both of these limits being defined relative to single-valued universal physical constants 1T2-only processed. A classical limit assumed, Earth's macroscopic atmosphere is deemed a classical domain without a scale-relative absolute limiting velocity (therefore, not conforming to the principles of Special Relativity) and without a scale-relative Planck's constant (therefore, for instance, the air parcels helix-coil irrupting into the severe-storm environment at tornadogenesis are not subject to Heisenberg uncertainty). No exotic physics transpires inside the tornado, let alone at mere macroscopic cyclogenesis! So, while the shockwave generated this past January by the Tonga volcanic eruption was super spectacular and left people awe struck, it was not something into which one would look for further insight as regards fundamental physics. Atmospheric shockwaves are, after all, traveling at the speed of sound or no, classical phenomena. As a graduate student in atmospheric science at Penn State, circa late-'60s, tornadogenesis specialist Douglas A. Paine was involved in modeling shockwaves emanating from the South Pacific atmospheric nuclear tests and mapping the consequent global dispersal of radioactive particles. What he took away from that shockwave modeling effort was factored into his formulation of the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations, his understanding of the m-valued properties of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes traveling at the atmosphere's absolute limiting velocity, how shockwaves alter topologies of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces and the infrasound signatures (think: atmospheric Musculpt) associated therewith, how the integrated composite of these processes is multivalued information as to how superintegration of Earth's various spheres has processed the hypercomplex and complex angular momentum carried by the solar wind and cascaded through the various scales of wave motion and injected into Earth's crustal and core dynamics. But, of course, the Earth's atmosphere being a classical domain, none of that could actually be happening. EarthSystem is a mechanical system, pure and simple; it is not an information processor -- and certainly not a Lukasiewiczian analog processor or an acoustic analogue to a blackhole information processor. It does not receive information from the Sun; it does no back-channel answer-back informing the Sun as to the prevailing states of its state-functions. All that is pure anthropomorphism: Gaia-love-unlocked hogwash. Earth answer-back to the Sun, were it to exist, would not affect the Sun's µTm-relative-state with, say, Neptune; anthropogenic alteration of EarthAtmosphere's frequency-response characteristics, vis-à-vis solar-wind-carried hypercomplex and complex angular momentum inputs, has no extraterrestrial effects on the µTm-relative-states prevailing amongst members of the solar system -- the solar system being a mechanical system pure and simple, not an information processor. Paine and Pensinger met at the McMaster University Velikovsky Conference, where Paine delivered a paper about Jupiter's giant red spot entitled, The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena and Pensinger was carrying a copy of one of Wolfgang Luthe's books on autogenic brain discharges. Too-long-prevailing uniformitarianism died a natural death even before Carl Sagan passed on taking his science court idea along with him. One could appreciate Velikovsky's efforts even as one rejected details of his thesis, for catastrophe theory has obvious application to astrophysics, no less than to theory of chemical transitions, weather and climate dynamics, ecological phase shifts of watershed areas, collective behaviors in stock markets, so on. The last things this planet needs today are globally-distributed ledgers of the myriad sorts of interventionist iatrogenic behaviors which have undermined integrity of the natural systems supporting life on Earth -- block-chained and time-stamped, mirroring the locked-down prison societies envisioned, and even further condemning humanity to memetime-bound modes of either-or comprehension. What is needed is a tessellated nesting-foam of locally-specific ledgers (a chronotopological atlas being the proper use of memetime as a utilitarian reference frame) of total capital stock, planet Earth, under each Everettian-vonHayekian time-shape techno-regime (these time-shapes demerged by topologically-active-operator-time-execution of µTm propositions). Given the time-shape prevailing, of all the resources (a term definable only relative to a given time-shape) there are in this world, only a few are inherently nonlocal in character -- and even their efficient utilization would not be enhanced by bookkeeping done solely on a global monoscale, P2P or under servers and/or cryptocurrency exchanges. A financial system that elides locally-specific information even more than is already the case will amplify magnitude of the cusp catastrophe already becoming visible through mists of the gathering collective hysteria. Only a tiny, tiny fraction of what orchestrates human collective behaviors ever becomes conscious; it is terra incognito to binary-mind, and not a[men}able to burned-down 1T2-only char[act}erization. Voles, stoats, and sloths: twenty-five-hundred-years of Confucian high jinks -- moral upbraiding; prescriptive enculturation-socialization, glutamatergically-etched and anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains; rigid role stratification, despite the mobility occasionally accorded a very few commoners by the exam system; brutal punishment for non-compliance to the given imposed travesty -- stands behind the currently-evolving techno-form, i.e., the SCSS, social credit score system. No mere internet innovation, however edifying, will subdue the momentum built up during those two-and-a-half millennia. If and/or when a space-based PlanetaryWar-1 battle of the Two-Hundred-Years War of the World, aka WWIII, comes, as is increasingly likely, the publically-accessible internet surely will be kill-switched, and what remains, militarized. Techy payment systems won't be required when bulk of the population is quarantined and/or press-ganged into [imp}ressed labor. When the elite fleas jump the ship of state and flee to their lux bunkers during the Great HuntDown, the likely collective reaction will be to extend them every assistance in their efforts to emulate the pharaohs. Even if European Confucianism fully embraces the SCSS, and the USG develops its own version (long foregone given origins of the WEF [good offices of Johnny Vedmore, Unlimited Hangout, 10 March 2022]; moreover, an IoB, internet of bodies, is just the sort of techno-ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, one would expect to issue from introspective incompetents subliminally confronted with µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, Andy Warhole having been a picture perfect expression of American high culture), still, answer as to the question, Which group, nation, coalition gets to set the parametric values determining the particulars of the inequities which the new monetary system will codify?, certainly will not be found peaceably (good offices of Rabobank's Michael Every, ZeroHedge, 19 April 2022). In conceiving an alternative to the American-imposed system, Sergei Glazyev angles for creation of an EAEU (Eurasia Economic Union) single-valued, 1T2-only-processed (in his terminology, à la good offices of Pepe Escobar, Russian Geoeconomics Tzar Introduces the New Global Financial System, ZeroHedge, 16 April 2022; and in Glazyev's own papers and interviews as posted here and here and here), digital-national-currency-basket, aggregated-index, accounting currency with a commodity harness involving approximately twenty exchange-traded goods, with an incorporated index of prices for those goods, a currency issued to participating countries based on a predetermined formula -- this general notion following the American playbook (SheerPost, 4 April 2022) in more ways than those identified by Ellen Brown. Note how one, of the class of parametric variables, is to be determined. Quoting Glazyev as provided by Escobar: The weight of each currency in the basket could be proportional to the GDP of each country (based on purchasing power parity, for example), its share in international trade, as well as the population and territory size of participating countries. A level playing field there, what! No inequities built into that framework, eh. In giving her capsule history of how the Bretton Woods system was established, Ellen Brown does not mention that the exchange rates of other countries were prescriptively command-set (think: predetermined formula) against gold-on-central-bank-demand-for-the-dollar-at-$35/ounce, not in relation primarily to economic considerations, but largely by whim (even as regards a given country's role in WWII) of a few fortuitously located USG officials -- and these rates were pretty well command-set months before the Bretton Woods Conference began. The ability to put this over was determined by force of arms. Everything about the BW system, including the $35 valuation, was determined by force of arms. The global reserve currency, post-WWII, has never been backed by full faith in anything or credit due of any authentic sort; it's been backed by what comes out of the barrel of a gun, the bomb-bay door, the nuclear-missile-carrying submarine. While Glazyev's retention of the nation-state scale level is better than basing the monetary system on a borderless world global monoscale (such as is done with the Bitcoin-like cryptocurrencies), it is this feature that most insures an inequitable system, a feature that would be altogether superseded with implementation of LETS nesting-foams defined over changing quasi-prefractal e-boundaries, and with definition and utilization of a quantum-composite (think: m-valued state-function) unit of account µTmly processed. That's the way organic systems handle their information exchanges. Why not us? Are we not organic systems? Whilst recently demanding payment in rubles, Russia has said that it is not in the business of giving away gas and oil for free. But the USSR and Russia have been providing resources free to the USA ever since at least 1971; indeed, they've been paying the US to take those resources for free. That is what a vehicle currency (or basket thereof) as international reserve currency is all about -- most thoroughly in fiat, to a lesser degree if backed. White's unitas and Keynes' bancor were both feeble failed attempts (unsupported by force of arms) to avoid that monetary system feature: they were non-vehicle-reserve-currency proposals. Keynes' clearing union was a better-yet failed proposal. Such a bonanza, one just had to wonder if the foremost goal for America in the Viet Nam war was to break the back of BW1. Could the oil company executives, long bemoaning the BW system, have been that smart? For Abdul Aziz Said's Problems in World Politics course, AU-SIS, circa 1964, the student had to pick a world leader, state a circumstance, and write that leader's speech given in response. I chose Charles de Gaulle and his mortification at the role assigned France in the post-WWII world order. I remembered having watched him stride behind JFK's caisson. Just as I recall exactly where I was when I learned of the JFK assassination (entering AU's Letts Hall, hearing the news from the speaker located in the ceiling above the entrance doors), so I can visualize exactly where I was when Nixon announced closing of the BW gold window (owing no small debt to actions of De Gaulle): watching Bonanza on TV in my next door forward-observer-Vietnam-vet neighbor's living room, Sunday night, 15 August 1971. The VC-cast stone hit the only temple held dear, but Goliath merely staggered, shook it off, brought his force to bear. That Sunday night not only did the US default on the total global value of post-WWII inflation, but declared that henceforth it would take for free whatever resources it wants, and subsequently, with activation of the petrodollar system, it insured that it would be paid to take for free whatever it wants. Glazyev's commodity harness is a vast improvement over the fiat system and the likes of gold and silver standards, but it just doesn't go anywhere near far enough. I see nothing in the discourse on new monetary systematics that offers the slightest possibility to authentically address the plethora of global problems locked onto in our rush to incendiary cuspover. The quasi-prefractal boundaried-without-boundary currency-area tessellations to the n-leveled LETS-currency nesting-foam need always to be changing in adaptive response to the all-ways altering economic Mnk articulation landspace, and the planetary atlas of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock needs to be bottom-up mapped through the nesting-foam, the changing currency commodity backings varying by local specification from one LETS currency area to the next, prices not set but discovered via commodity futures, otherwise there will be no real possibility to maximize efficiency of use on a resource depleting planet moving decisively into multi-systemic crisis. In a less imperfect world, Qortal would be the platform through which 1T2-LETS nesting-foams (rather than a mere corpus of monoscale cryptocurrencies) would be built bottom-up (see the Sayer Ji interview of Jason Crowe for a discussion of the many admirable aspects of Qortal), going µTm as the holographic-Musculpt interface reaches maturity, as the kinks are trial-and-error worked out in the smallest scales, and as Lukasiewicz analog machines become available.
A Chinese government representative states the obvious: no one wants a third world war. Or-- is it obvious? It may well be the case that these assessments -- here and here and here -- are highly overoptimistic, naive, surface-structure appraisals as to motivational factors, goals and objectives active in the current global situation; collective-unconscious deep-structure teleological attractors going completely unaddressed. What people think they think is largely mere rationalization; whereas, what they think they don't think is overwhelmingly cause-push/attractor-pull efficient. With so many strongly supporting their local democidal regime (consider in this context: SARS-CoV-2 vaccination can elicit CD8 T-cell dominant hepatitis, Tobias Boettler, et al., Journal of Hepatology, available online 21 April 2022: that's autoimmune hepatitis, mind you), it's hard to gainsay the notion that there exist event gradients driven by a collective-unconscious decision for H. sapiens suicide. Always impulsively imminent, filial piety ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) and kowtowed to all transference-figure surrogates -- eminent men, generally: godhead, emperor, king, PM, president, commander of occupation forces -- concretized to stand im{man]ent for each and every organ exercising centralized authority (the dominant tacit assumption in calculating probable alliances early into a third world war being that the icing glaze spread thinly over the multilayer cultural cake by Big Daddy occupation authorities will determine choices even under circumstances of existential challenge: hah! how likely is that?). By emulation, 1T2-paradoxically (given the nature of identity under The Eight-Fold Way of Big Daddy transference dynamics): Give me simple-identity, or give me death! OMG, nonlocality -- even seen through the lens of the Born Rule as canned chance -- is merely projected spatial Platonic shadow of pregeometry µTm-relative-state identity-transparency! Dum-da-Dum-Dum! -- that darned tree-of-life demergence what, by autopoietic bachelor operators, even, unravels her cosmic knitting: by miscegenation, the Bridegroom stripped so bare (good offices of Jack Burnham) as to becometh the Iceman (good offices of Mufeed F. Al-Abdullah). Deference to the requirements of subordination: having grown up a military brat, I, in general, have no problem with that. The question is: to what is one being asked to exhibit spiritual obedience? The Up/Down Office of the Department of Bivalence which works hand in glove with the Geoengineering Works Progress Administration? The human species being what it is (li distorted by bad qi), the worst (corrupt song) people doing wrong have generally been the most wildly successful. Big bunch of imbeciles -- a whole series of politicians down through the ages -- empowering criminally insane dogs-on-scent identified with regressed archetypal figures and event gradients of the collective unconscious. It is not necessary to look at the obsessive-compulsive psycholock made upon the bivalent systems theory informing McNamara's electronic battlefield to see a criminally-insane level of imprinting upon binary logic: read Kissinger's declassified memos; study an oped piece or an essay written by Milton Friedman. Isn't it becoming curiouser and couriouser how 1T2-obsession-compulsion more and more gives rise to all manner of monisms and ever more intense strivings to achieve global monoculture? Indicating just how wrong they are? When those who are not too smart nonetheless know that they are wrong, they enforce an orthodoxy to convince themselves that they are right: a[post}asy promoted by the censorate, especially amongst the population corpora located in the myriad [sat}rapies. Self-convincing planetarized, what! O, those remonstrances tendered by the Dunning-Kruger hamstringers regressed in service to the prevailing institutional bias! Amidst all the quashing fall-due-raw, pliancy disesteemed; the dunning of debt-loaded dullards; hoorahing of the doxxers amongst the MSM's jongleurs, those unwilling to apostatize. Evidence of an actively engaged deep-structure? Hmmm. I have no formal education, professional training, expertise in the involved areas: therefore, no claims to competence have been made. This has been stated repeatedly. But that does not mean I have not tried to read into and think about disciplines the import of which have directly impacted my life. Consider the following drawn from the mid-1970s period of the protagonist's personal journal, our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 282-3:
Consider for a moment the following quotation from Luneburg's paper [The Metric of Binocular Visual Space, Rudolf K. Luneburg, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 40:10, October 1950]:
These observations are concerned with the thesis that there is no absolute localization even in binocular vision. A given physical configuration provides no immediate visual clues which could determine localization and absolute phenomenal size of the sensed configuration. Localization and size are determined by other non-visual psychological factors, in particular, by the intellectual experience of the observer.
Depending upon such factors, the same physical configuration may be seen in different locations and different phenomenological sizes. Vice versa, entirely different physical configurations may give rise to the same visual sensation.
Now this specialist in physiological optics was no product of the hippie generation. He wasn't a freaked-out Orientalist. He didn't ride into the halls of medical research on the running board of '60s pseudo-science. This paper was published posthumously in 1950! That was back in the reactionary halcyon days of unprecedented prosperity, regression, and repression. And I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to discover that the publication of this paper was occasioned by some mighty strange associated events in the cosmological neighborhood of Luneburg's optics lab.
Now let us hear from Hugh Everett, III (Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 29, No. 3, July 1957):
This indefinite behavior seems to be quite at variance with our observations, since physical objects always appear to us to have definite positions. Can we reconcile this feature (sic) wave mechanical theory built purely on Process 2 with experience, or must the theory be abandoned as untenable? (emphasis added)
Dr. Everett wrote this only a few years after Luneburg's paper was published -- and he wrote it only a few miles away from the optician's lab. The lab was at Columbia in NYC and Everett was at Princeton!
This was no casual remark Everett flippantly slipped into his paper, without due consideration. The statement was a central assumption upon which the bulk of the paper hinged. In the beginning of the paper, he presented us with a wholly consistent, complete, purely wave mechanical, and deterministic -- please take note: deterministic, just like J v. N's conception of state independent of observation -- formulation of quantum theory called Process 2. This was an absolute stroke of genius! Only trouble was, if Process 2 was really correct, physical objects would not always have definite positions. What could that mean? It could mean that the object-constancy might not be what we have always thought it was. Well, this conclusion was quite assuredly not at all acceptable. What could be done about it? That's what the rest of the paper was about: how to get around this glitch. (Alan Turing, of course, twenty years earlier had achieved the exact same thing by disallowing from his consideration an infinity of symbols. Identity transparency is a very scary thig, y'know).
After much complexity, circumlocution, discussion of repeatability postulates, help from J. von Neumann's notation and terminology, the central feature of getting around the glitch become apparent: the world is schizophrenic (constantly splitting) but no observer can ever be aware of that fact because the various branches of the wave function have total lack of effect of one branch on another Thermodynamic constraints insure this.
Well, all I can say is: Thank God they have kept time straight again! What would we do if we didn't have the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics to resort to every time we get into trouble. We might have to think about operator time, about objects that don't stay where enculturation puts them, about Piaget's findings in regard to how and when the child learns object constancy, about what Analytical Cubism was really about about about. The fact that the two above given quotations exist unconnected in the literature is not so much a reflection on EWG [Everett, Wheeler, Graham] as it is a piece of profound social commentary -- or so it seems to me.
The best supporting actor for Everett's claim that physical objects always appear to us to have definite positions is the horse, the fact that the free-ranging horse does not run into that tree located in a definite position out there on the south forty any more often than we do. But it may not be that simple. Is the horse born with a sense of object constancy, or must heshe learn it just as human children must. Is there a horsey psychometric distance function sharing some critical features with the human psychometric distance function? What effects have 5-thousand-years of domestication had upon even wild horsey perception-proprioception? Enhanced interspecies communications may well be critical to development of a more and more accurate world picture (my interest in this regard lies primarily with the bottle-nosed dolphin and hisher Musculpt sonic-visioning capabilities; techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation being essential, in my judgment, to thinking in m-valued logics instead of 1T2ly thinking about them and what they must mean). Denial (denigrative attributions being such like as [1] the primitive's contagion with the natural surround, as [2] animistic-pagan participation inconsciente) is so big a factor these days in shunting collective behaviors because whatever is attributed to the Weltanschauung spirals down prime imports unto the [per}son's Umwelt wherein the claim (nearly universal in the West and the Westernized modern-cum-postmodern world) to be absolutely in so far as distinct and selfsame is paranoiac-compulsively protected in the limit to the utmost utter -- psychogenic shock being the paramount consequent suffered by the introspectively inept when confronted with the reality, primo and foremost, of generative-empathic µTm-relative-state identity-transparency qua Buddhological compassion. Except for plus and minus -- plus or minus when designating plus the principle value -- multivalued functions have historically only grudgingly been regarded as actual functions; rather, as whatnots discovered primarily by analytic extension onto the complex-number plane, which whatnots are more or less treated as linked collections of single-valued functions -- whereas, logical-and-ontological-precedence-wise, single-valued functions are decomposition demergents of multivalued functions. Quoting the Complex Functions piece posted on complex-analysis.com:
A multiple-valued function can be considered as a collection of single-valued functions, each member of which is called a branch of the function. In general, we consider one particular member as a principal branch of the multiple-valued function and the value of the function corresponding to this branch as the principal value.
This, as described by the quote, is basically what the Riemann-surface handling (bridging of the branches such that a continuous serial march through all the m-values can be accomplished) of m-valued functions did to defang THE MONSTER (GBes, in How to understand multivalued functions in terms of Riemann surfaces, Mathematics Stack Exchange, 4 years ago, captures it well: Riemann surfaces become handy for multivalued functions because they help you to 'transform' a multivalued function into a univalued function.). Over and beyond objects with no definite placedness, there is the much more scary condition -- the horror, the horror -- of the introspective incompetent's condition, i.e., that observer state is no less m-valued than is object system. Skree-skree! Skree-skree! Rats off the Lebenswelt treadmill, into the Weltanschauung maze. Quoting our 1996 paper entitled Echo of the Mockingbird: Why Postwar Historiography is Anti-Historiographic:
After the Riemann surface, it was much easier to forget that there is a fundamental difference between the notions of identity associated with multiformity and uniformity. Single-valued identity implies that an element or entity is singular, selfsame, self-identical, the-same-as-itself -- and that there is absolute distinction, an identity opaqueness, between separate entities. Multivaluedness, on the other hand, implies multiple selves, interior dissociation, collective properties, hidden aspects, group behaviors -- and that distinctions between entities cannot be absolute, that there is identity transparency.
Everett's 1957 relative-state-formulation contention that the various branches of the wave function have ' total lack of effect of one branch on another ' draws attention to the recent mounting of the ever more assurgent denial of m-valuedness (the preference is strong to treat the multivalued function as a serial, not simultaneous-parallel, binary relation and/or to select one of the multiple values as the principle value in the same fashion that one of the multiple scenarios of m-scenarios strategic planning is selected as the most likely scenario to which comprehensive planning is then applied ((think: control, control, control; more accurately: egofunction in control, control, control of [con}fabulated selfsame selfhood)), the branch cuts implied by Everett's contention being chosen by convention to give simple analytic properties) and associated non-simple identity as having habitus in quantum mechanics (normalizing the wavefunction being, essentially, proscription of quantum nonlocality and quantum non-simple identity: see Normalizing a wave function, what does it mean?, PhysicsForums, 22 February 2011). Indeed, m-valuedness of the state-function is nowadays even altogether denied (see Why do wave functions have to be single-valued?, Physics Stack Exchange, 4 years ago; and, as regards acceptability of wave functions, see Write the condition for physical acceptability of wave function, Brainly, 18 January 2020; and concerning the conditions for well-behaved, realistic wave functions, see Concept of Wave Function, Career Endeavor, February 2016). Mudasir (the last commenter, circa 11 April 2020) gives THE reason from which all the other conditions of acceptability derive: It is so [i.e., single-valued] because in case it is multi-valued then it will lead to different probabilities of finding the Particle at given point of space at a given time which is not possible. The BornRule probability-amplitude interpretation of the m-valued wavefunction is -- surface-structure speaking -- required in order to retain validity-utility of 1T2-only logic and only 1T2-only logic, thus to disallow application of Lukasiewicz-Post CTC+-unto-µTm-valued self-reentrant-cum-self-referential logics to interpretation of the m-valued wavefunction as indicative of relative-states identity-transparency. Deep-structure speaking? Hmmm. Consider that it's the 3rd-order, nonlinear, memetime-independent Schrödinger equation specifying the m-valued eigenfunction-superposition of plane waves at each point in the spread of energy potential (see Physical meaning and derivation of Schrödinger and Dirac equations, Spyros Efthimiades, arXiv, 2005 or later by References) covering the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) that characterizes The Physics of Immortality. As regards 3rd-order dynamics, I have an observation to make about an aspect of Brent Follin's discursus on What does Schrödinger's equation actually describe?, Quora, 1 year ago (scroll down until reaching Follin). Quoting Follin:
we can expand U(dt) in a Taylor Series in dt, which is a calculus trick that says when the argument is small, any smooth function looks just like a polynomial:
U(dt) = 1 + Jdt + Kdt2 +Ldt3 *
Now, if dt is really small, then dt2 is even smaller, and so on for any values of the operators K and L, etc, we can pick a dt small enough [in the limit, as dt goes to 0] that the only (not totally inane) term that matters is Jdt.
This may be the case under 1T2-only-logic alone, but, if the m-values of the state-function are processed µTmly-unto-CTC+ly, then, in the limit of snapover to 2nd-order dynamics there is transpose to µTm-logic and to the multiply-connected, and in the limit of snapover to 3rd-order dynamics there is transpose to CTC+-logic and the nonorientable -- thus Jdt would hardly be the only term that matters (for a detailed discussion of 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-order dynamics, see our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process). Trying to techno-ConveDD (conversion-disorder displace) this 3rd-order as digital immortality of the Jdt-bound absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame egofunction, à la, for example, the film Transcendence, is not only silly, I mean really silly, given the amplitude of the unfounded conflation involved, but is an enormous misdirection of resources on an overpopulated resource-depleting planet, not least collective attention cathexes within the corpus of attention-span collapsing 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains -- a psycho[patho}logically-driven misdirection the magnitude of which is indicative of the depths to which fear, loathing, cowardice have burrowed into the subliminal in back-reaction upon the imports of the multimind (that's not multiminds) aspect of the µTm-unto-CTC+-logic interpretation of the m-branched Schrödinger state-function. After asserting that in our experience objects always have definite positions, Everett in his famous 1957 paper found a way to derive the consensus probability interpretation from his purely wave-mechanical formulation. Frank J. Tipler, in a different way, a way which contravenes the consensus view of nonlocality and entanglement, accomplishes something similar in his 11 July 2014 paper entitled Quantum nonlocality does not exist, PNAS, 111:31, pp. 11281-6. Quoting from the Conclusion section to the paper: The main difficulty that many physicists have with the MWI [multi-worlds interpretation] is the required existence of the analogs of themselves. These analogs (actually, analogues) are surrogate 1T2-only-selves that supposedly exist in each of the supposed split-off universes (which -- each universe being a branch of Schrödinger's multivalued wavefunction -- have total lack of effect of one branch on another : how very, very convenient, eh! for the empathy-free sociopath's sense of psychological well being, considering all those analogs evermore splitting off, piling up in state space) of the supposed multiverse -- according to the 1T2-multi-worlds interpretation of the 1T2-relative-state formulation. The MWI pushes all the scary stuff associated with m-valuedness out there Beyond the Horizon into incommunicado universes where it can't hurt us, uh, uh, that is, can't challenge the mistaken claim of the egofunction to absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame existence. The MWI proscribes animistic-pagan participation mystique with the natural surround of this one and only universe; it proscribes µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency in this one and only universe, right here and now, OMG good offices of Philip M. Bromberg, an oblique slue shuddering the frame of binary-mind -- not so much replacing the doppelganger with the m-ganger, each ganger being construed a 1T2-selfsame discrete in-the-body identity, as replacing opaquely-bound me-and-only-me with transparently-bound by boundary-without-boundary tessellated-OBEed me[it}thou and multilevel-ensheaved other-Iambe (the values of m-valued bar-h determining branch points?). Unrecognized, even by Tipler reinterpreting Bell, is that the notion information transfer -- even were there superluminal velocities -- is just the 1T2-Cartesian-Newtonian way in which the opaque sphere of the selfsame ponderablespacememetime-bound egofunction explains to itself the pregeometric CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency prevailing amongst the multiple entities constituting this one-and-only universe. So-called quantum computing. Heh-heh-heh! Even in the linear equation, the Schrödinger state-function is infinite-valued (Gawd! the horror, the horror -- resurrecting, from the subliminal, collective back-reaction-upon-the-metric of [imp}lications predicated by Abel's Impossibility Theorem), not 2-valued, and, properly understood, µTm-processed, not merely 2T2-processed. What natural system, not facebooked to binary-mind, employs 2-state superpositions? There must be a couple of them somewhere! How could those whatnots (the type-A stiff-necked meso-endos have become blusterous no-necked endo-mesos!) who cannot stomach multiple scenarios -- most working-stiff public-sector planners, one must suppose -- possibly ever assimilate the multiple-valued logics of relative-state identity-transparency? What there is of that out there is tied to the fuzzy-logic (think: graded preferences) take on µTm, as we see exemplified in A multivaling planning and control, SRI International's Alessandro Saffiotti and Kurt Konolige and Enrique H. Raspini, Artificial Intelligence, 76, 1995, pp. 481-526. From our relative-state identity-transparency take on the logical-value fundament in CTC+-unto-µTm logics, this is not much improved by Lukasiewicz Games: A Logic-Based Approach to Quantitative Strategic Interactions, Enrico Marchioni and Michael Wooldridge, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 16:4, article 33, September 2015, because all of the five variations of Lukasiewicz logic employed retain the notion truth-value as fundament, thereby not allowing, for example, in multi-agent games non-agent-conceived players, i.e., players are construed as absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, in no ways identity-transparent, and this tacitly given status profoundly prefigures the nature of preference and utility functions, payoffs, so on. Absent most (except the obvious religious dimension) all sense, indeed suspicion, of deep-structure cause-push/attractor-pull intellectual-cultural (as distinct from geopolitical, economic, technological) hisstory of the current rise toward incendiary cusp catastrophe, there is no impetus to arrive at a better solution than that Cartesian (cf. Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy, circa 1641; but Cartesian is merely a generic designator term, as is well argued by Christia Mercer in Descartes Is Not Our Father, New York Times, 25 September 2017) regression resident in calls for a resurrection of -- not to say a nostalgic longing for the past in -- The Peace of Westphalia (1648). In reading Steven Patton's The Peace of Westphalia and it Affects on International Relations, Diplomacy and Foreign Policy, The Histories, 10:1, article 5, 2019, it is instructive, as regards the presently prevailing conjuncture, to note that the Empire had lost about a third of its population before compromise became a feature of the negotiations.
The Inspire Institute's Uziel Awret has written a fascinating paper entitled Holographic Duality and the Physics of Consciousness, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 15 March 2022, which discusses the unexpected relevance of the AdS-CFT (Anti-de-Sitter space cum Conformal Field Theory) account of quantum gravity to considerations concerning the nature of consciousness. Fascinating as this is, I have two major demurrals. Quoting the Structural Mismatch Problem subsection:
Consciousness is roughly attributed two kinds of properties: phenomenal character, common to all conscious states, and representational content, specifying the difference between such states.
The phenomenal character consists of properties common to all conscious states, including the feeling that there is something it is like to be conscious, or that consciousness is given to a self, or to itself, or that it is directed, or transparent to introspection, or that it is self-affirming. The representational content refers to the difference between such states.
But, it can be noted, there are no-self-states of consciousness-without-contents -- collected together under the heuristic designator Nirvana -- wherein acknowledging or saying 'I' to the awareness of or registering as 'here' rather than 'passing on by' of a content like Ah-hah, so this is a something it is like to be conscious! is to quench the state. Parenthetically, a somewhat is a better choice of terminology than a something. Indeed, in the above-given depiction is to be found one way in which such state ends: the registration of this sort of a somewhat content is tantamount to nascent reappearance of the embrace of selfhood, i.e., there is invoked in the feeling-space presence of a registerer of the registration (but this is a self-cancelling nascence of selfness, in that, if there is registered a registerer of the registration, then there is nascent awareness of the predication of a registerer of the registerer, and a registerer of the registerer of the registerer and so on ad infinitum after the fashion of AdS-boundary-without-boundary fading away and away and away -- in this case of the egosphere boundary). This registerer, and hisher surrogate analogues, isare rejected and the content moves away; but the level of consciousness force (to adopt the Aurobindo term) prerequisite to the state has been weakened by the initial registration. Thus, is an oscillation of registration and rejection set in motion, with bigger and bigger swings until the given no-self-state of consciousness-without-contents is altogether quenched by inflow of contents. There are many depictions of the onsets of states such as this and their dissipations provided in Sri Aurobindo's Collected Works, particularly his Letters on Yoga. Those familiar with Aurobindo can also see these states and dissipations thereof implicit in John C. Lilly's Tank Logs wherein the process of return to in-the-body identification is oscillatory, superintegrated coherency flowing and ebbing as long-range correlations are fragmented to become those short-range, and those short-range (Can't sensorily distinguish her foot from my foot!) to the egofunction's claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct (to employ Hubert Benoit's term drawn from Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen, George Allen & Unwin, 1962). The other major reservation my I/im have regarding Awret's paper is with the notion that holographic correspondence is a duality, a dual constructible with bijections. To my other-Iambes, this notion is epiphenomenal to the use of 1T2-only-logic alone. Acknowledging absence of a supposed classical limit, acknowledging the superior competence of an m-valued Lukasiewiczian interpretation of the m-valued Schrödinger wavefunction, and acknowledging presence of scale-relative-m-valued universal physical constants, the bulk phase would be a 1T2-only domain and the AdS-boundary-without-boundary would be a structuralization of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency, the n-jections (between d <--> d-1) involved being one-to-many/many-to-one qua part-into-whole/whole-into-part (regards this into there is a however: on C+TC+ Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround most-dense covering of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, whole-is-part/part-is-whole, wholepart inseparable and indistinguishable), fuzziness at holographic projection using only a piece broken off the hologram plate being a consequent of in-the-body-identification 1T2-only-observer-state processing. According to our cascade-theoretic take, the wave interaction-superposition recorded on hologram plate is not adequately modeled by use of 1T2-only-logic alone; µTm-unto-CTC+-logics, understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, are also required. Under out-of-the-body µTm-unto-CTC+-observer-state processings, not only would the fuzziness disappear, but the object in bulk phase would be all-around-cognized (full collection of facets of the Husserlian horizon simultaneously registered as logically superposed: wholeness of the separable, definitely-localized, selfsame object in this sense requiring a logical-value superpositioning of the discretes constituting the all-aroundness property in bulk phase) after the fashion suggested on 2-d picture plane by Analytical Cubism (a mode of proprioception-perception-apperception likely first experienced in modern form and communicated to the avant-garde-art demimonde by Alfred Jarry -- the archaic animistic-pagan form having been captured by, for instance, African sculpture and masks). Getting what I can out of Exact holographic mapping and emergent space-time geometry, Xiao-Liang Qi, arXiv, 10 February 2022, it seems to me that elementary particle physics is finally beginning to catch up to Paine-Kaplan multiscale, nested-grid, quantum-relativistic, cascade theoretic, forecast modeling of tornadogenesis. Given acknowledgement of an absence of a supposed classical limit, acknowledgement of the superior competence of an m-valued Lukasiewiczian interpretation of the m-valued Schrödinger wavefunction, and acknowledgement of the presence of scale-relative-m-valued universal physical constants, it is reasonable (even 1T2-reasonable) to suppose that the renormalization group flow correlated to holographic duality and MERA (quoting Qi: space-time dilatation is included in the conformal transformation group. The boundary flat space is mapped to the conformal boundary of the AdS space, and the emergent dimension perpendicular to the conformal boundary has the physical interpretation of energy scale. The RG flow of the boundary coupling constants become the bulk equation of motion related to a relation between holographic duality and multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz ) isare the elementary-particle scale-level self-similarity expression of a general-process feature expressing on the scale levels of Earth's atmosphere as energy cum hypercomplex-complex angular-momentum cascade dynamics (the much more technical treatments were provided as preprints to severe local storms conferences, 1973-77, and are found listed in Michael L. Kaplan's full CV, e.g., Kaplan, M. L., and D. A. Paine, 1977, A multi-scale synoptic-dynamical model of tornado genesis, Preprints, 10th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Omaha, NE, Amer. Meteor. Soc., pp. 307-314) -- with associated acoustic-black-hole-analogue processing and emission of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes that signature theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface topologies. This signaturing evokes for me, quoting Qi, the correspondence between a finite temperature boundary and a bulk black-hole geometry. In the atmospheric case, acoustic analogue to black hole information processor. A detailed treatment of this correspondence is provided in Thermal geometry from CFT at finite temperature, Wen-Cong Gan, et al., arXiv, 19 May 2016, wherein a most accessible account of continuous MERA is given along with diagrammatic details (whereupon, I note that the disentanglers would correspond -- in our handling of hypercomplex-complex angular-momentum cascade as transpiring via 3-fold orders of temporal CURL -- to CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 propositions executed by topologically-active operator-time, such that long-range coherency demerges to short-range coherency demerges to full-blown decoherency.
Frankly, I don't see any conflict between our perspectives (and here and here and here) on superconductivity of pi-electron-gas core-environment of DNA (intranuclear neuronal cum mitochondrial intraperineural) and superconductivity of structured (nanostructured?) water in intracellular microtubules of neurons as essayed by P. Mikheenko in his paper entitled Possible Superconductivity in Brain, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 32:5, May 2019, a 2018 preprint available via arXiv. Mikheenko notes that the superconductivity described by William A. Little in Possibility of Synthesizing an Organic Superconductor, Physical Review, 134:6A, 15 June 1964, involves electron-electron interactions (tight-binding approximation between electrons in the spine and those on the side chain) as distinct from BCS's electron-phonon interactions. This is compatible with our notion of pi-electron parcels, but, according to derivation of our operator-time-related canonical equation, the emitted DNA quadripolar coherent waves (containing all the information carried by the nucleotide-pair sequences) may somehow involve a gravitational component, possibly phononic acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode like, with the higher-temporal formants (think: 3-fold temporal CURL) of these waves (which may raise the issue of AdS-space/CFT properties being involved) suggesting that genetic information encoding may incorporate environmental markers, such that fullness of the genetic code may not be a single-level cipher system 1T2ly processed, but an m-level cipher system µTmly processed. Superconductivity of DNA pi-electron gas does not preempt superconductivity of water in microtubules, or vice versa. Something similar -- no incompatibility -- can be said about Is it possible to predict electromagnetic resonances in proteins, DNA and RNA?, Irena Cosic and Drasko Cosic and Katarina Lazar, EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics, 3, article number 5, 23 May 2015, as well as Irena Cosic's earlier paper entitled Macromolecular Bioactivity: Is It Resonant Interaction Between Macromolecules?, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 41:12, December 1994. Superconductivity of the pi-electron gas does not preempt conductivity or semiconductivity (a charge, moving through the macromolecular backbone) of spine qua backbone.
Judging from the literature review provided by Amani Al Jamal in his paper entitled The Impact of the Holographic Principle 'Build the Whole into the Parts' on Organizational Performance, Management Studies and Economic Systems, 5:3/4, Summer & Autumn 2020, pp. 127-36, some elements of the private sector are making efforts to assimilate and analogically apply aspects of recent departures from the hundred-plus-years-old new physics -- although one must admit that this effort tends toward being exhortative mumbo-jumbo and moral-imperative-upbraiding-promulgation hoodoo, in that little in the way of concrete structuralization of the involved principles is actively being conceived and promoted. However, cultural lags, like the old and out-dated notion leadership (were we given SOS on the QT, i.e., self-organizing systems based on quantum theory of collective behavior and Cooperative Phenomena, the requirements of the case could be summarized by, We don't need another hero!: text message on large billboard created by Barbara Kruger and located just off the UC-Berkeley campus, circa fall of 1968, memory serving of an effort at desperately seeking a onetime-SEAL friend -- who had served in the Rung Sat Special Zone -- in hopes of getting help at finding a large double-ended dory to ketch rig), are tenaciously clung to in applications of self-organizing-systems theories, and even phase-spaced complex-adaptive-systems theories (thank you, SFI; see, for an exemplary instance, Complexity Theory and General Model of Leadership, Bahman Nasir Zenouzi and Ali Dehghan, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 12:21, version 1.0, 2012). By contrast, it is apparent that the public-sector imagination remains thoroughly identified with 17th- and 18th-century modes of cognition, manners of modeling, senses as to what constitutes systems and processes (if not 2,500 years of Chinese Confucianism and 250 years of European Confucianism), even when formulating notions as to how best to employ the quantum-based technologies flooding the scene globally -- as we can surmise, regarding monetary system fundaments, by reading, for a few examples, Artificial Currency Units: The Formation of Functional Currency Areas, Joseph Aschheim and Y. S. Park, Essays in International Finance, No. 114, Princeton U., April 1976; and a debate between Robert Mundell and Milton Friedman entitled One world, one money, Policy Options Politiques, 1 May 2001; and An inquiry into the suitability of various regions sharing a common currency taking explicit account of each economy's size as well as symmetry of shocks, Adrian Nixon Foster, Ph.D. dissertation, University of New South Wales, January 2009 (no cognitive space for local fractionation of currency areas); and What Role Will Crypto Play During 'The Great Reset?', Raoul Milhado, CoinTelegraph, 19 August 2020; and Gaining momentum: Results of the 2021 BIS survey on central bank digital currencies, Anneke Kosse and Ilaria Mattei, BIS Papers No. 125, Bank for International Settlements, May 2022. Why the perseverance at putting the new wine of quantum-based technologies (even cryptos: single-valued, 1T2-only, monoscale, fiat currencies; transactional MOs and record keeping aspects being incidental compared to these features) into old -- 17th- and 18th-century -- bottles? The deep-structure (largely unconscious: speaking of the general case, therefore rectification efforts made with regard to conscious factors have historically had little efficacy) motivation is surely highly complex and ramified, but let's consider, for illustrative purposes, one central factor: fear and loathing of quantum non-simple identity (tropologically eliciting a crawling sensation on back of the neck by association to animistic-pagan participation mystique), the terror involved sustaining insistence on existence of a classical limit (which -- superordinate to psychosexosociological factors -- protects integrity of the metaphysical principles informing justifications for 17th- and 18th-century notions of the political economy and monetary systematics codifying the prevailing institutional base). So far as I know, Cornell meteorologist Douglas A. Paine stopped writing up his ideas for public consumption after the editorial travail involved in publication of A climate hypothesis describing the solar-terrestrial system as a frequency domain with specific response characteristics, Eos: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 64:26, July 1983, which he felt the published form of which no longer well captured his thoughts. I wasn't there, so I don't know what editorial changes were involved, but he later described to me his frustration -- without going into the editorial details. But I have no trouble imagining -- even if I cannot actually know for sure. For one, quoting the first sentence to the abstract: A climatological model of the earth-sun system based on an analogy to Planck's law of quantum mechanics is developed. Analogy? Read the Planck's Law subsection to our 1978 paper, entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, and tell me if it seems possible that Doug Paine would, of his own accord, have used the word analogy. The classical limit clinging behavior being an unassailably sacrosanct psychological defense mechanism, atmospheric expression of Planck's law simply has to be, editorially speaking, a mere analogy. D. A. Paine, however, certainly did not believe that the atmospheric-scale-relative version of Planck's law is merely an analogy. Existence of non-existent natural laws, e.g., the classical limit, is insured, first-and-final-cause wise, by military wherewithal. A forecast I -- beginning in 1963, a reader of C. G. Jung: good offices of reading assigned by AU-SIS's Abdul Aziz Said, -- began making, based on my assessment of, primarily, cultural-set and intellectual-history factors (collective unconscious event gradients carried thereby), during the late-'60s to early-'70s: Anglo-American actions will force the appearance of a Germano-Russian Bloc, a formation coalescing in early days of a PW1, planetary war one, i.e., WWIII. Once I became aware, circa 1975, of m-valued logics, I doubled-down on the likelihood of that forecast actually having legs. People scratch their heads: What the hell does m-valued logic have to do with any of this? And I imagine they'll still be scratching their heads well after they've crossed the event horizon. The surface-structure whyfore of U.S.-Ukraine is that U.S. control over Russian resources would preclude formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc and deny China access to those resources? If so, U.S. policymakers, no less than those Russian, may regard the war in Ukraine as involving existential issues: a very dangerous situation for H. sapiens and Earth's biosphere-atmosphere. The seat of m-valued logics was the kickoff site for WWII in Europe; there is risk of a repeat performance. The situation is certainly becoming fraught, to put it mildly: as essayed in Financial War Takes a Nasty Turn, Alasdair Macleod, LewRockwell reposting from GoldMoney, 6 May 2022; and The Great Currency Reset and Why Europe is Trapped, Tom Luongo, Gold Goats 'n Guns, 4 May 2022. The Replacement Killers, these new monetary system ideas: no new system that retains a single-valued currency unit that is 1T2-only processed, can possibly promote survival of what anthropogenesis has brought down upon itself -- yet to reach apotheosis.
Well, in view(s) of my I/im, the suppression (of m-logically-valued Lukasiewicz-Post in application to m-valued Schrödinger) and consequent regression (Born Rule and collapse-as-consensuated -- double entendre intended -- of the wavefunction: this 1T2-logic-saving dissimulation of the case being the model-attractor -- i.e., the collective unconscious collapse-type event gradient created by the Trickster archetype and the archetypal Shadows -- for the incendiary world-order-institutional-collapse which TPTB the GLE, global leadership elite, have for decades been assiduously preparing) have become extraordinarily ramified -- and that ramification is one reason why the institutional base has been decisively moving into a state of dyscrasia (for one: the notion that the currently prevailing framework has to be bankrupted, smashed up, crumbled, so, subsequently, it can be three-B'ed, built[thesis] back[antithesis] better[synthesis], is hardly distinguishable from the dialectic-three of dialectical materialism, particularly when advocated cum implemented by a materialistic GLE dedicating itself to transhumanist eradication of the hu-hu-[hu}man condition: if contemplating depopulation as a trans-goal in conjunction with VR-immortality for the GLE, consider this and this and this). Ack, aye, rejecting the Law of Sevens; focusing exclusively on the Law of Threes! Heh-heh-heh. Pretty subtle psyops, but not so subtle that all but the few onetime assignees to Psychological Operations Group, JFKSWCS, would be unable to parse it. Just look (e.g., Moving Away From Chronological Time: Introducing the Shadows of Time and Chronotopes as New Understandings of 'Narrative Time', Anne Reff Pedersen, Organization, 16:3, May 2009, pp. 389-406) at how elaborated the elaborations have had to become in order to convince I-and-me cum self-and-others that escape from topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) and the µTm-valued Lukasiewicz-Post logics of animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency (i.e., participation mystique) has actually been accomplished: not only the spatialization cum haptification (making cognitively graspable and/or sensorially palpable, this making made highbrow by deeming such a metaphor) of a supposedly objective, passing-passive, referential linear-time, but also its conflation with non-relativity-theoretic light so as to arrive at notions like foreshadowing and sideshadowing of time, time itself, time, that is, as understood in the pedestrian sense. Like in memetime-bound (consider as regards regarding supposedly objective, passing-passive, referential linear-time as a meme: The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Psychological Arrow of Time, Meir Hemmo and Orly Shenker, The British Journal for Philosophy of Science, August 2019), bivalent approaches (not those Riemann-surface ensheaved, operator-timed, m-valued, and µTm-processed, e.g., VirFut Q-Pro) to strategic contingency theory (when, during June of 1968, Tran Van Dac told me that our line-and-block charts of VCI organization give the wrong impression as to how the organization functions, I was befuddled and prompted to seek a deeper level of understanding; too bad I hadn't read A Strategic Contingencies' Theory of Intraorganizational Power, D. J. Hickson, et al., Administrative Science Quarterly, 16:2, June 1971, pp. 216-29, before debriefing rallier Lt. Col. Dac: this paper offers a multivariate explanation of each subunit's task, its functioning, and its links with the activities of other subunits -- as, I might add, in the VCI case, tacitly mapped upon changing boundaries of subunit AOs), m-valued logics are reduced to multiple unrealized (but plausibly realizable) storylines qua scenarios, one of which will actualize (in the fashion of collapse of the m-valued wavefunction of the time-dependent Schrödinger wave equation). That way: simple-identity is retained; the functional elements of polyphonic organizations (see: Towards Polyphonic Organization, Mary Ann Hazen, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 6:5, December 1993, pp. 15-26; and Polyphonic Organisations, Niels Akerstrom Andersen, Dept. of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School, MPP Working Paper 13/2001, December 2001) are definable as binary codes, such reflexive self-referential autopoietic elements being related to one another by bijections; the actual chronotopologies associated with 3-fold temporal CURL, e.g., Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes, induced by topo-active optime execution of CTC+-unto-µTm-logically-valued propositions are reduced to the binary-mind's passive-passing-time categories (look at types of time and adjectives as given in Forms of Time and the Chronotope of the Novel) designated chronotopes; chronotopes can be used to introduce boundaries cum barriers (see, for an example drawn from comedy, if not from the cosmic Divine Comedy: Crossing chronotopes in the polyphonic organisation: Adventures in Experience, Paul Sullivan, et al., to include two coauthors from BBC R&D, Tamara - Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 13:1-2, March-June 2015, pp. 55-65) between voices in different spaces of the 'Polyphonic Organisation', thus shattering, heh-heh-heh, the logical-value order-types of relative-state identity-transparency. Consider that the reflexivity of the relatively self-contained self-referential autopoietic cell, indeed, heuristically closed in the Maturana and Varela conception of autopoiesis (for a discussion of this in context of Gareth Morgan's Images of Organization, see bottom of page 157 of the review of Morgan's book by Matthew J. Lambert, III, Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 6:2, 2009, pp. 156-8), is not involved with self-referential propositions, and certainly not with order-types µTm-unto-CTC+ thereof. In states of participation mystique rightly understood, such self-referential order-types of relative-state identity-transparency are apropos the whole whole, the cosmic whole, all-that-is-and-is-not, and only apropos the autopoietic cell insofar as that cell abides by the holographic principle. The mereological notion of proper parthood, i.e., that the whole is not a part of itself (cf. discussion of the axioms of mereology vis-à-vis Russell's paradox), is the case only under 1T2-only-logic alone, not in relative-states of identity-transparency µTm-unto-CTC+ which go to mereological gunk (a revealing word choice). On C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround questions of wholes and parts do not arise, which is akin to Against Parthood (good offices of Theodore Sider, in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, 8, 2013), but not by postulation of elementary particles as absolutes, by affirmation that, on the pregeometry C+TC+ domain of logical-value, part is, indubitably is, whole. As my 'me' [dys}curses my 'I': But bivalence wouldn't be altogether jettisoned, even as regards m-valued-LETS-currency units µTmly processed! Cash would remain single-valued and 1T2ly processed -- and, likely, it would not be defined on the scale level of LETS currency areas; rather, on larger scale levels. And, necessarily, the quasi-pseudo-fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary of µTm-LETS currency areas would have a 1T2-component: this is where it really gets interesting. Some voices of the polyphonic organization surely are single-valued, whilst others surely are m-valued. So, in the d-dimensional bulk-phase function-space map where chosen (i.e., open-source computer-game simulated on the e-commons) bureaucratic-organizational variables-functions are k-jectively projected to the d-1 dimensional fractal e-boundary-without-boundary there would be both monotonic and multitonic functions involved in the multiway merge (see: Networks for sorting multitonic sequences, Joel Seiferas, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 65:12, December 2005, pp. 1601-6) to the phase-field model of the µTm-LETS currency areas and their continuous transforms. This holographic map would carry bureaucratic organizational functions into µTm-LETS-currency-unit value-stack ensheavement, thus reducing the need for exercise of regulatory authority. In such context, A Phase-Field Perspective on Mereotopology, Georg J. Schmitz, AppliedMath, 2, 17 January 2022, pp. 54-103, could become essential to creating a launch pad. But note that the phase-field is 1T2-only, and the µTm-LETS-currency-unit value stack requires an e-boundary-without-boundary with Riemann-surface-like properties and band-pass capabilities.
I say Riemann-surface-like because the Riemann surface doesn't actually do it -- no more than does Hilbert space. The bridged, multi-sheeted, Riemann-surface treatment of m-valued functions is under 1T2-only-logic alone and what has been required all along is that such functions be treated under µTm-unto-CTC+-logics comprehended relative to relative-states of identity-transparency. Hilbert space is a normed, inner-product, metrical, function space of simply-identifiable, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, selfsame vectors and what has been required all along is a J.G.Bennett-Lukasiewicz-Post space of pencils of skew-parallels wherein domain structures are skew-parallel polytopes (all such under µTm-unto-CTC+-logics could be 1T2ly-regarded as empty-set metric spaces, given that the skew-parallels representing non-simple geometric identity are 1T2ly-null-vector defined). But these requirements have been and are absolutely unacceptable to our cognoscenti for many reasons: for one, nonlocality and non-simple identity are bad enough under 1T2-only-logic alone and have to be contained with the BornRule and a classical limit; so, just imagine the horror, the horror of compounding that bad µTmly-unto-CTC+ly. Rictus at the specter of variegation. O, rived by the [ex}actions of FearView. Faintheartedness to the forefront as trans-unto-post humanism seeks egoic immortality (BCIed in VR) as compensatory abreaction to the impresses of compounded non-simple identity. Why, why the very prospect of µTm-unto-CTC+ is enough to drive egofunctions of TPTB the global leadership elite -- those living above the clouds apotheosizing themselves as this or that Exponential M, as, that is, this or that Master of the M-theoretic Multiverse -- criminally insane. How could a pathogen be reliably designed to target (check out the bit concerning migratory birds provided near the end of the linked piece) a specific population group if gene edits are not only-locally-specific; how could a population group, say TPTB the GLE, be gene edited so as to be immune to a specific designer pathogen if gene edits have nonlocality by way of DNA quantum-wave properties? If gene edits do not have simple-identity, this lack by way of their m-valued functions being µTmly-unto-CTC+ly processed and transcriptionally regulated, what surety is there that their potential jumping bean properties remain in the TFRs of the genome where placed by our pro[sell}it|izers-saviors from genetic disease?
Our take on pregeometry (see sections 9 and 10 of our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process) was what I now would characterize as a conflation of Wheeler, Sakharov, Rovelli, and Volovich, where the conflation heavily modifies all four. Having studied the textbook Gravitation by 1977, we were aware of John A. Wheeler's notions of pregeometry as a bucket of dust (rejected by Wheeler because, with the Borel set dust, ultimately, that is on the most-densely-packed sheet [all subsheet points superposed to points thereon], each point is every other point, a violation of the 1T2-only-law of identity and a counter argument to it from bit (for an interesting in-depth discussion, see The Tao of It and Bit, Cristi Stoica, arXiv, 24 August 2015): a rejection I reject as regards pre-pregeometry [and even, perhaps, as regards all electrons the same electron, à la Feynman], because this violation would be the actual case under the C+TC+-logics of relative-state identity-transparency) and, alternatively, as the calculus (relational rule set) of 1T2-only propositions (as noted in section 10 of our paper linked above, we viewed pregeometry as the calculi of multivalued propositions). Also from Gravitation, memory serving, and mentions in some other Wheeler publications the titles of which are now by me forgotten, we were aware of Andrei Sakharov's notion of pre-universe (see The book of the universe section, good offices of Sidney Drell and Lev Okun, Physics Today, 43, 8, 26 [1990]) and of his multisheet model of the universe (more depth beginning in section 4, good offices of B. L. Al'tshuler, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk in English, 161, May 1991). But our notion of pre-universe was not set to t = 0 or to t < 0; our notion was irrespective of t taken to be a learned behavior (much memetime later understood by us to be glutamatergically anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains prescriptively enculturated-socialized qua kundabuffered from direct access to processing engaged in by THE nonlocal quantum brain). Sakharov theorized baryon asymmetry and dark matter as related to the pre-universe as CPT reflection of our universe, whereas we saw a nested hierarchy of classes of conservation laws and dark matter as related to countertemporal operations and associated counterhypercomplex numbers. Moreover, our multisheetedness was not that of Sakharov, who envisioned an infinite series, in t > 0 and t < 0, of expanding and collapsing universes congealing out of and disintegrating to Novikov dust (not identical to Wheeler's pregeometric bucket of dust Borel set of nested subsets of dimensionless points numbered by, say, the Cantor set in the real interval [0,1], the sum total of which could be considered the pre-pregeometry foundation for modeling our 1T2ly-pathological well-unbehaved MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space -- except for the fact that Cantor dust is not considered under C+TC+ logics, each dust mote in that case being itself/not-itself superposed C+ times over, a modeling so considered auguring for it from [mu}it instead of it from bit or it from 2-state qubit). Only the psychosexually-regressed binary-mind fixated on double slits gives nature only T/F experimental tests. There is also n-multiple-choice tests where, for any given question, there can be m-correct answers evaluated µTmly. Our multi-sheets are understood altogether memetime-independent, and as undecomposed, pregiven -- simply Dasein-being-there (compacted to C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround) by Hyparxis-ableness-to-be -- without origin and existing in nothing (something being nothing given shape: a Bon-Tibetan-Indic Nibbana upgrade on the a priori geometry of Kantian transcendental idealism, universe cognized in universal statefunction not in particular egofunction). Our sheets: no rubber sheets sustaining random fluctuations which require a preexistent objective linear-time of long duration to spontaneously generate complexity. We, therefore, fully embrace Carlo Rovelli's imperative to Forget Time, arXiv, 27 March 2009, without, however, as does Rovelli, resurrecting a supposedly objective, passing-passive, referential linear-time, given that we hold such to be mere memetime, and, instead, focus our attention upon topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime: the giver of shape by instrumenting geometrodynamics via execution of m-logically-valued propositions concerning relations between m-valued variables -- such as, for instance, Schrödinger's m-valued statefunction -- that is, propositions numbered with non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers). Number the numbering! as exclaimed in our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 665, in order to Gödel number m-valued propositions arrayed in logical-value order-types (multivalued)µTm-unto-(multiply-connected)CTC+-unto-(non-orientable)C+TC+. This brings us to Igor V. Volovich's Number Theory As The Ultimate Physical Theory, CERN, July 1987, wherein p-adic numbers (think: primes being constituent factors of Gödel numbers) are considered the fundamental pregeometry entities. Wiki, in giving a one-sentence treatment of Volovich, says that the rational numbers themselves undergo quantum fluctuations. A pregnant idea from our point of view (if radically reinterpreted), but I do not find it in Volovich's paper, or in the one-page treatment of Volovich provided in Geometry, pregeometry and beyond, Diego Meschini and Markku Lehto and Johanna Piilonen, arXiv, 10 August 2006. What is found is quantum fluctuations of the number field -- the field (abstract algebra), not the numbers themselves. What precisely such fluctuations might be is not clear to me. What is clear is that they cannot be pre-time (t is involved in the definition of quantum fluctuation), let alone be part of the pregeometry to geometrodynamics. So, in our notion of pregeometry, we have on the nesting-foams of MVRS non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, in lieu of the numbers themselves fluctuating (think: fluctuations are memetime-bound veilings -- i.e., inability to resolve -- of numerical non-selfsameness). This non-selfsameness being the result of the given number being numbered C+ times (think: topo-active optime) over, under the µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logics superposed in the nesting-foams. Moreover, we have classes of invariance involved relative to m-valued propositions concerning the linear and two orders of nonlinear Schrödinger equations -- which reflects upon Igor Volovich's observation that the usual Schrodinger equation is not invariant under a change of number field Nested classes of conservation laws. Somewhat parenthetically here, it can be observed that the 1T2-only-law of non-contradiction is violated to the C+ order-type of self-referential reentry on the MVRS. I find myself asking: What are the laws of immobility (Parmenides) and how does apparent motion (Anaximander-Heraclitus) [de}merge there from? Other notions of pregeometry seemingly could find a place here -- with caveats. Such as, relative to C+TC+-relative-state identity-transparency on C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround, the emergence from quantum entanglement of spacetime geometry , à la Bulk Entanglement Geometry without a Boundary , ChunJun Cao and Sean M. Carroll, arXiv, 7 December 2017. The main caveat: implications of the word entanglement give ontological precedence to independent discretes which become (this become presupposing an objective linear-time) in some sense linked, joined, correlated. Therefore, we do not use that word entanglement, preferring instead the memetime-independent notion of superposed-whole-part relative-states of identity-transparency µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+.
The closest approach I've found to our notion of C+TC+-bucket-of-dust as pre-pregeometry is De Finetti theorem and Borel states in [0,1]-valued algebraic logic, Jan Kuhr and Daniele Mundici, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 46, 2007, pp. 605-16. But this approach is not at all close. I regard it as an algebraic logic of point-set topology equivalent to the BornRule interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued statefunction: the tacit-unto-conscious intent being to depotentiate the specter of non-simple identity. For one: the t-norm binary algebraic operation rules out J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined skew-parallelism cum skew-perpendicularity ((see Bennett's essay on the diversely identical entitled The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, Appendix III, pp. 506-9, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956; quoting the first paragraph [which I read in 1963, and immediately knew it provided the first real insight brought to me as to meaning of the non-ordinary immersive states of consciousness I had experienced as an 8-11-yearold military brat living in rural Japan, circa 1953-6]: By 'classical' we designate all geometries, Euclidian and non-Euclidian, metrical and non-metrical, in which the entities represented are assumed to be identical with themselves. Notwithstanding all the developments of affine and non-Euclidian systems, classical geometry has remained tied to its primitive purpose of 'earth measurement' in which the question whether or not an entity can be both 'same' and 'other' does not arise. If we are to set our ontology free from the limitation of single-valued existence we require a geometry that will enable us to represent situations in which each entity can be 'more than one thing at once')), thus preventing logics rooted in non-simple identity (quoting the abstract to Kuhr-Mundici: Our results are applicable to any extension of Lukasiewicz logic with constants or product-like connectives; they also include in this results-applicability Gödel-multivalued algebras -- as regards our concern, that would include proscription specifically of µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-relative-states of identity-transparency) from being applied to geometry such that a whatnot-somewhat can be simultaneously (i.e., memetime-independently) itselfnotitself many times over (good offices of topologically-active operator-time execution of µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-logically-valued propositions numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers). I read Bennett's skew-parallelism essay four years before I went off to the Viet Nam war, so I carried that understanding into what I experienced there. When, later, I read Nguyen Khac Kham's translation (Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam. Saigon: Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations, 1970) of a passage from Paul Giran's 1904 (only four years after Planck's paper on the quantum of action) Psychologie du Peuple Annamite, I immediately saw its connection, not only to my childhood immersion states, but to Bennett's essay on the diversely identical. Quoting Prof. Kham's translation of Giran's characterization of one mode-of-cognition aspect of the quantum-animistic-pagan Weltanschauung:
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese.
A term only recently having come into vogue -- mass formation psychosis -- I certainly had not heard by the summer of 1953 standing in the entrance foyer-lobby-lounge to Frank Llyod Wright's Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, reacting emotionally to the insufferable arrogance of the military officers on lavish display, a child's unvarnished feeling-toned judgment that something here is fundamentally wrong. That's as far back as I have traced my attempt to discover etiology and pathogenesis of what is now called the mass formation psychosis infecting the West. I began reading into C. G. Jung during 1964, so I was familiar with Jung's notion of a collective unconscious -- and felt that most of what goes on at instigation of mass warfare transpires there well away from conscious ratiocination. The last personal journal entry I wrote before quitting AU-SIS in 1965 is the following, incorporated into our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, p. 281-2:
I'm not going to talk about this much; I am still feeling my way into it. Quitting college to go to Viet Nam. From every approach to the issue, I have come to be opposed to American involvement in that war. Two years ago I was undecided. No more; I have read enough and seen enough in this city to be firm in my convictions. But something deep and strong inside tells me that the real and hidden content of the American psyche is playing itself out over there. That which remains unresolved, which is pushed into the unconscious, there to fester, is always and automatically projected. This applies to the collectivity no less than to the individual. Psychological contents, once projected, are lived out as physical events. America in Viet Nam is such a case. It is so palpable I can almost taste it! I have been reading and rereading Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul (required this semester for Problems in World Politics) in order to better understand the feeling about this. But I haven't got a clear picture yet. One thing is sure, though. That which really drives the American psyche is showing its true colors right now in Viet Nam. The best way to understand and measure a person is to watch him perform in high stress situations (Is that not what we are taught in studying group dynamics, right here in SIS?). Well, I say the same applies to a collectivity, a national corpus. If one wants to understand America, look at what it is doing to Viet Nam. I am an American. I want to understand myself. I have to go to Viet Nam. How could I justify protecting myself from the laceration? What is it that Kazantzakis says? In order to be a true modern man, a contemporary Odysseus, one must keep the thought of death constantly before the mind and free oneself from everything: philosophies, religions, political systems. I sense this war will strip me bare of the last vestige of naive faith in contemporary political systems. Would that not be a great service to my interior development? And don't tell me that this war belongs to my generation. It is a war visited upon my generation! The sins of the father. The unconsciousness, the projected contents, the phobias are not of my generation; they belong to the generation that fought WWII.
Having written a long study of the failure of the Strategic Hamlets Program before leaving AU-SIS, by the time I left my assignment to Technical Intelligence Detachment, 525th Military Intelligence Group, in the Mekong delta due to multiple fragment wounds, I understood quite well the intensity of the phobia concerning non-simple identity as expressed in forced-draft urbanization and associated free-fire zones; by the time I left Targets Branch of the Combined Intelligence Center, Viet Nam, for Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV Headquarters, I understood quite well the phobia concerning non-locality expressed in the mistaken insistence that COSVN (NVN's and the Viet Cong's Central Office for South Viet Nam) must be, simply must be bombable. It took much longer, well after my period in the Viet Nam war, to gain real insight as to the history and magnitude of the phobia concerning quantum non-simple identity. And the fact is: this phobia dominates collective behaviors more today than ever before. When mathematics and science, the orchestrators of Weltanschauungs and institutional bases, create-discover, and more and more thoroughly experimentally verify, that one of nature's fundamental governing principles is that animistic-pagan unmentionable most feared, most loathed, the resultant compensatory abreaction manifests all the symptoms of mass formation psychosis. Consider, for instance, that Henry Kissinger was a progenitor of the NGO -- NTI|Bio -- that performed the monkeypox pandemic simulation at the 2021 Munich Security Conference. Consider, furthermore, that CORDS (no that's not Robert Komer's CORDS, Civil Operations & Revolutionary Development Support, the U.S. command element involved in administering the pacification effort, and the Phoenix Elimination Program in particular, of the Viet Nam war) is the precursor to the WHO's initiative to create a pandemic treaty involving a planetary ID qua health pass system.
I've been trying to read into Limits of Canonical Forms on Towers of Riemann Surfaces, Hyungryul Baik and Farbod Shokrieh and Chenxi Wu, arXiv, 7 May 2019, because towers {Sn --> S} of Riemann surfaces evoke my sense of the architectonics of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), and also because the following statement made in the abstract seems to be a move in the direction of advance I feel needs to be made. Quoting the abstract:
We prove a generalized version of this theorem [Kazhdan's theorem], where the universal cover is replaced with any infinite Galois cover. Along the way, we also prove a Gauss–Bonnet type theorem in the context of arbitrary infinite Galois covers [links added].
The above given statement is suggestive as to what I've been thinking and Googling as regards, whereupon I came across this towers of Riemann paper: i.e., the C+TC+ Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGroundBackCloth most-dense sheet of MVRS covering nonorientable multiply-connected Musculpt manifold, M, would be, it seems to me, an indefinitely-large-ordinality-cardinality nth-uncountable completely inseparable (but heuristically decomposable-demergeable) quint(C+TC+)hyper(CTC+)super(µTm) universal(1T2) covering space. But, really, due to the reentry, no skyrocketing pinnacle. While we might associate quintessence with a scalar field, we do not think of it as related exclusively to counterhypertemporal operations, i.e., as demerging dark matter fields, and, moreover, we see quintessence, not as a matter of accelerations, but of time rates of change of acceleration. Considering C+TC+ and towers of Riemann surfaces in terms of hypercomplex and counterhypercomplex numbers, it is easy to see that, not only are there a lot of numbers (good offices of Natalie Wolchover, Quanta Magazine, 15 July 2021), and not only does the list of relevant number types go on and on, but that the ordinality and cardinality of the number of involved functions (see, for a suggestive example, the final section, Application, of An Enumeration of Logical Functions, William Wernick, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, December 1939), functionals, functors must also go on and on. How small is the 1T2-only-consensus Lebenswelt! in the µTm-phantasmagoria of the ramified uniworld we actually live in (no need to psychototropically distance the [ma}goria, i.e., ConveDD -- conversion-disorder displace -- it to a removed schizophrenic multiverse, each uni thereof incommunicado and locked into simple-selfsameness). From my I/im's POV(s), the fuzzy-sets interpretations of Lukasiewicz-Post logics are, as a corpus, an improvement over the probability-related interpretations -- just a little bit, though. A continuum, aleph one, of shades-of-gray fuzzy sets in the real-number interval [0,1] as applied to Lukasiewicz-Post logics yields -- in the common understanding --for any given proposition of propositional logic a 1TC-valued fuzzy-truth [state}ment: this is not very helpful as regards interpretation of the m-valued Schrödinger statefunction. In my I/im's opinion, µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logics of relative-state identity-transparency (not of truth-value) better interpret the Schrödinger statefunction for purposes of understanding quantum collective and cooperative phenomena like superconductivity, superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensates, so on. It is well to hold in mind that the homology-theoretic treatment of [no}things -- holes -- is 1T2-only-logical alone, even though homological analysis of multivalued algebras cum logics of simplicial structures (how far such analysis has been carried into simplicial complexes, sets, manifolds I do not know) has been conducted (see, for example, the first page of Simplicial Structures in MV-Algebras and Logic, L. P. Belluce and Antonio Di Nola, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 72:2, June 2007). I would be particularly interested in MV-algebras and logics of simplicial manifolds à la the Regge calculus, as it seems to me that this must be involved in formalization of inner-Musculpt for techno-exteriorization as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-valued LETS. The existence of Alexander Grothendieck's (good offices of Rivka Galchen, The New Yorker, 9 May 2022) dessins d'enfants (thanks be to Jeff Petry for drawing my attention to this) strongly supports, to my mind, the contention that inner-Musculpt exists generally in the subliminal, and is, indeed, therefore, techno-exteriorizable to being mathematical notation and, moreover, when Grothendieck theory of dessins d'enfants (good offices of Pierre Guillot) is expanded to embrace the Regge calculus in n-colors and on multiply-connected cum non-orientable topological spaces (e.g., the theta-e, equivalent potential temperature surfaces of Earth's atmosphere, hand drawn by Douglas A. Paine into the late-1970s, as seen, per example, on p. 323, Vol. 1, of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh [Depiction of the total static energy field {CpT + gZ + Lw} as revealed by 291K equivalent potential temperature surface], along with their m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures [think: acoustic analogue to blackhole computing]: this being one proper place for humanity to exercise its obsession with identity tagging -- in lieu of that demanded by, say, social credit score systems and the WHO passports demanded for every who on the planet and soon on asteroids, one type of Grothendieck site), that such holographic projection will be found an essential aid at learning to think in µTm logics, rather than merely thinking about them by use of 1T2-only-logic alone (furthermore, that utilization of µTm-valued LETS will be a great facilitator of the learning of µTm-logic-thinking processes -- this learning being the foremost prerequisite to resolution of the ever amplifying recent fulminations of the perennial [compensatory abreaction to suppression of the perennial philosophy] mass formation psychosis [see also discussions of Gustave le Bon, et al., provided in our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh] that has, in its recent epoch, held humanity in its grip ever since the initial back-reaction upon the 1823 codification by N. H. Abel of the so-called Impossibility Theorem concerning the quintessence-exemplary general quintic equation). In al fresco reverie, associate to the Abel theme Franz Schubert's 1828 Der Doppelganger. Moreover: What a LULU! that Erdgeist anima popped out of Pandora's box. To throng is wrong! -- so hold forth those identified with the 1T2-only egofunction spurning The Unconscious as Infinite Sets processed by the µTm-unto-CTC+ quantum brain. Ack aye, spun off pinwheel like: the blitz. Don't make my me no never mind! Bright sparkling wit, what. Coruscating fillips here. Stertorous breathing. Egoic 2-spheres in stupendous transference with superegofunctions, 2-spheres trying to convince themselves that simple-identity has ontic existence, 2-spheres self-propagandizing by ignoring the quantum-wave properties of DNA as they raid the autopoietic mechanisms of bioidentity in their misbegotten attempts to impose a command economy upon genomes via a prescriptive engineering subliminally designed to yield confidence in a false sense of simple-self-control over their own mental faculties. Unsalvageable meteoric fall in the offing. Relative to Musculpt manifold, M, that Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (factors of which involve the primes) thereupon can be heard is suggested by Hearing the music of the primes: auditory complementarity and the siren song of zeta, M. V. Berry (M. V. not equal to Multiple Valued, I suppose), Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 45, 2012. Note that the individual primes cannot be auditorily discriminated, which suggests that the Gödel-number collection of prime factors is the lowest Musculpt sounded-form property likely to be hearable at techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt. Note, moreover, that the complex zeta function's Riemann zeros correspond to frequencies too low to be heard (by the human ear, but maybe not too low for birds who use infrasound signatures for local homing), which suggests that the zeros correspond to acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, i.e., infrasound. Which suggestion Musculpt-provocatively dovetails nicely with the holographic-principle aspect of the complex zeta function's boundary action to encode the boundary (vis-à-vis constituents of the bulk space), as discussed in Zeta functions that hear the shape of a Riemann surface, Gunther Cornelissen and Matilde Marcolli, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 58:5, May 2008, pp. 619-32. But I think, as regards inner-Musculpt and its potential to be techno-exteriorized, that the required son[if}i|cat|ion (see Sonification of the Riemann Zeta Function, Nick Collins, 25th International Conference on Auditory Display, 23-27 June 2019, Northumbria U.) is not merely a matter of spectral properties homeomorphically mapped as correspondences (e.g., harmonics, pitch, amplitude, and tempo) to an auditory-space concretion of the underlying topological space (e.g., the MVRS coverings of the Musculpt manifold, M). In my experience of inner-Musculpt, feeling-space aspects (where the feeling-toned complexes are m-valued and µTmly processed by the quantum brain: so my I/im suppose(s), as awareness on the level of bijections is absent) were involved in the conveyance of meanings. It may be that most sonifications of data are not, strictly speaking, music. A case that is (if movement types be considered to have audiovisual correlates) is the trout theme in the 4th Movement of Schubert's Trout [Quint}ette. In inner-Musculpt, the semantic domain is more to be found in the architectonics of form (think: the 1958 Phillips Pavilion concretion of pieces composed by Iannis Xenakis and as described in his book Formalized Music) than in a bicontinuous map of spectral properties to a representation space of audio correlations (e.g., described in Music and Visual Color: A Proposed Correlation, Alan W. Wells, Leonardo, 13:2, Spring 1980, pp. 101-7). The feeling-space aspects constitute one major motivation for advocating formalization of inner-Musculpt via automorphic choreographing by a smart-dancewear-appareled Escherform dance pod using computerized and biofeedback-equipped Lilly tanks whilst attempting to learn sonic-visioning bottle-nosed-dolphin speak. Inner counterwork, eh what. Counterwork to what? If glutamatergic anchoring -- orchestrated by prescriptive enculturation-socialization -- of the suppression (think: perennial mass formation psychosis) of direct ontic experience of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (think: codified in the perennial philosophy) forms a regressed-archetypal singularity in collective-unconscious state-space, then the repetitive aggregate behaviors associated with the compensatory abreaction deemed a mass formation psychosis may be considered a psychototropic monodromy group (eliciting fear of dissociation into µTm-valued identity-transparency qua generative empathy qua Buddhological compassion) and its degeneration into ramification as multiplication of fulminating ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements) spread across more and more aspects of daily life.
Com[part}mental|i|zation at multitasking is one way in which the 1T2-only-egofunction (individual and collective) likes to catalog in[sin}u|ations of µTm-ratiocination (deemed, in the collective distributed ledger, intimations of divided-self psychosis, in one dimension the terrifying clangor of chinked-together laminated mind: Gregory Bateson's 1T2-double-binds [breachings of the discontinuities man-dated -- or is it de-man-did? -- by Bertrand Russell's 1903 {be aware that Paul Eugen Bleuler defined dementia praecox in 1908, a first formal recognition of schizophrenia as a disease} theory of logical types, µTm-breachings the raison d'etre of which is to overcome the alienation from self-nature and nature-at-large imposed by the cognitive constraints placed upon imports of unrestricted use of predicate functions as illustrated by Russell's 1901 paradox, the corpus of Russell's constraints being a type-theory-way of ontically skirting quantum-animistic-pagan µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, this theoretical advance being a heading-off and preprogramming of the Lukasiewiczes & Postes whom Russell knew were sure to come] emerging when the mutually 1T2ly-exclusive begin to µTmly-meld), which Lukasiewicz-Post cogitation, in unregressed full flower, would manifest as elaborate inner-Musculpt. My conviction has become that a symformphonic shape change, of whatever variable property of a colored inner-Musculpt sounded-form, is not indicative of a geometric or spectral alteration in the proper sense; it is µTmly symbolic, in the same way that x can represent an algebraic variable processed under 1T2-only-logic alone. A folding under, a bending back, a rising up, a color-hue shift, a tone-color alteration, a register jump, a change of tempo, a pitch slide, et cetera, each take on a role similar to that of an algebraic variable. And, furthermore, these shape-shifter inner-Musculpt variables tacitly take on complex function, functional, functor relations to each other, under (from the egofunction perspective) logical-value order-types 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ or (from perspective of the collective unconscious qua universal consciousness) under CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 logical-value order-types. Value assignments as a matter of relations (the ultimate relation being C+TC+-identity-transparency); indeed, matter itself resident in assignment of value relations; no matter of fuzzy-set-inclusion definitions, of these, of absolutely-in-so-far-as-discretes blurring-out as more and more of these are incorporated -- there being no these ontologically being-therehere until 1T2 has demerged by good offices of topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime). Knowledge through identity: nix the notion of an independent observer, à la Carlo Rovelli. O, the lies perseverant -- told about truth! No cry of stones, no grip of August, no legs of March. The horror, the horror: multiformity, polymorphism. All those predicates predicated of an itself tantamount to an I/im! Objects of i type are not also subjects of the im type; subjects of the im type are not also objects of the i type. While subjects can, even may, commonly be fetishized as objects, objects can never be legitimately cognized as subjects. No participation mystique allowed in OUR logic! No animism. Connecting propositions are (), not ()m. Single-valued propositional binary connectives ((),()) preferred, n-ary ((),(),(), ,n) grudgingly allowed. WhoWhat is THE Assigner? Bi-valently speaking: universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on the m-logically-valued reference space, MVRS; consciousness in its passive aspect is the MVRS acted upon. Funnily enough -- cosmic heh-heh-heh of the Trickster archetype tousling binary-mind -- it's a wonderment! O, the fear of circularity; of the self-predicative-references made by a self-proclaimed selfsame self; of the snake eating its own tail; of the see[man}tick Klein-bottle. My body, myself, the self of myself, the Iambe of the self of myself, the myself of my Iambe's self, so on and so forth: you know, that schizophrenic word salad. Out, out, damned-- impredicative! Oh my, just call in the Outsider -- as predicator: self-observation deemed retrospection, not self-referential reflexivity. Einstein's Special-Relativity flextime has not a place in the mid-levels: no LSTD- -- limited spacetime domain -- dedicated, scale-relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables, like the speed of light. Object, predicate, predicate of predicate, predicate of predicated predicate, so on and so forth abstracting abstraction into C+ regress, the farthest interior distance from generative empathy heuristically reachable. Abstracting abstraction in the predicate calculus -- not in the propositional calculus à la logical-value order-types µTm-unto-CTC+ understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-value: thus, preserving metaphysical foundations of the essential defining features of the prevailing institutional order-type, heh-heh-heh. The governance function spaces associated with primitive communism, utopian socialism, socialism, anarchosyndicalism, national communism, national socialism, command capitalism, mixed-economy capitalism, capitalism, laissez-faire capitalism, anarchocapitalism, anarchism <<<[twist & shout]>>> primitive communism None of which have proved adequate. None of which are anywhere near up to dealing adequately with massive infusions of quantum-based technologies. Etiopathogenic induction of schizophrenic dissociation (individual and mass formation) involves, according to our notion of deep-structure logophysics -- among much else, not least, complex brain chemistry changes -- ketaminergically-constellated conscious access to cognitive effects of µTm-processing (e.g., touched by Sri Aurobindo's light) without comp[re}hension of the imports of µTm, such that there is loss of time -- memetime, that is -- without benison of, or due to absence of, the contextualization provided by insight as to the functions of topo-active optime; the opaqueness between the egocomplex 'I'-nesses (like between the single-valued universes of 1T2-only-Everettian multiverse) of I/im conforming to the dictates of demarcation imposed by Russell's predicate hierarchies of logical-yipes, uh, uh, I mean types. The µTm-modes of ontic awareness (re: relative-states of identity-transparency at participation mystique) virtually by definition involve ketaminergic OBEs, which are very scary to the rigidly egofunction identified, i.e., most every member of non-animistic peoples, moderns West and East; so scary, in fact, that the fight-flight emotional abreactions and associated biochemistry reactions in chronic cases could induce relatively permanent alterations in neurotransmitter metabolism: dopamine, serotonin, glutamate (see, for background, here and here and here). Genetic risk factors (which in our opinion involve higher-temporal-formant encodings, not merely the single-level encipherment of consensus genomics) apparently also are implicated, though causal pathways remain unexplicated. Participation mystique? Participation inconsciente, more like: Thus Sprach TPTB our current GLE, global leadership elite. My bottom! Inner-Musculpt more like algebra than the prescriptive correlative (good offices of Maureen Buja, Writing Music in Light, Interlude, 7 November 2017) of Scriabin's color organ related to the sounding circle of fifths, whether the given piece be written in modes or major and minor scales -- prescriptive when considered is whether the quantum brain uses divisions of the Pythagorean monochord or multiples of superstrings effectuated by temporal-operator algebras of C* quantum mechanics. Oh, those C+ degrees of freedom -- actually C+TC+-logical relative-states of identity-transparency. Inner-Musculpt more like algebra, but still I find edification in theories concerning the hearing of shapes, be the shapes shapes of drums, complexes, manifolds. Hearable spectral properties, no less than the speakable in quantum mechanics, may shed light, heh-heh-heh, on permissible (relative to this and that logical-value order-type) formalizations of the unhearable and the unspeakable. Quo vadis? Wither goest thou? Marching to the unstruck drum; dancing to the unplucked string; crooning to the unblown wind instrument? Is primal sound soundable? Quantum vacuum fluctuations [under}stood (the form of spiritual obedience my I/im can stand) as the sounds of no-sound (interesting to contemplate this) heard in the Emptiness state-spaces explored in Buddhological monastic practices (for an elaborate discussion of this subject, see Musical Imagination of 'Emptiness' in Contemporary Buddhism-related Music , Chow Ow Wei and Gisa Jahnichen, Kuandu Music Journal, 24, July 2016, pp. 17-38). One recurrent symbolic depiction of the cosmic Earthen Drum (advent of which historically preceded the bronze drum, e.g., the Moon of Hoa Binh as discussed in our novel, both types of drums having metaphorical aspects in the same sense that the tree of life -- think: transplantation of waveforms -- has metaphorical aspects) is the inverted Pascal's triangle (bucket of dust, warm-golden dust, so on). We know, as earlier discussed, that there exist Zeta functions that hear the shape of a Riemann surface, Gunther Cornelissen and Matilde Marcolli, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 58:5, May 2008, pp. 619-32. We know that answer to the question Can You Hear the Fractal Dimensional of a Drum? is yes (paper good offices of Walter Arrighetti and Giorgio Gerosa, arXiv, 31 March 2005). Can One Hear the Shape of a Drum?, Mark Kac, The American Mathematical Monthly, 73:4, Part 2: Papers in Analysis, April 1966, pp. 1-23. Answer to Kac's question: no and yes. No You Can't Hear the Shape of a Drum, Carolyn Gordon and David Webb, American Scientist, 84, January-February 1996, pp. 46-55. Why? One Cannot Hear the Shape of a Drum because non-isometric domains (drum heads with different shapes) can have the same spectrum (sound output): paper good offices of Carolyn Gordon and David L. Webb and Scott Wolpert, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 27:1, July 1992, pp. 134-8. But, yes, though not proved, generically, one can hear the shape of a drum, to quote the Gordon-Webb American Scientist paper, page 55. Which is to say, quoting WiKi, that for many shapes, one cannot hear the shape of the drum completely. However, some information can be inferred. Mathematically, drum-shape-hearing issues can be cast in terms of eigenvalue spectra. Quoting Drums That Sound the Same, S. J. Chapman, The American Mathematical Monthly, 102:2, February 1995, pp. 124-38: Kac's question is now the following: are two domains with the same eigenvalue spectrum (where the eigenvalues are counted with multiplicities) necessarily congruent? It has been shown that the eigenvalues do determine certain properties of D [domain], for example the area, the circumference, and the number of connected components. However, the answer to the question is in fact no. Note that mention of the involved m-valuedness Chapman chose to put in parentheses: a kind of revealing Freudian slip. An excellent summary of the involved issues and history is presented in Can one hear ? An Exploration Into Inverse Eigenvalue Problems Related to Musical Instruments, Christine Adams, Master of Science thesis, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2013. Adams observes that Kac's question was answered in the negative two years before he asked it in print -- as regards the more general case of manifolds: she discusses and cites Eigenvalues of the Laplace Operator on Certain Manifolds, John Milnor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 51:4, April 1964, p. 542. Nested sets of eigenvalues of the divergences of the gradients of the spectral outputs of the manifolds considered, where nonisometric manifolds can have the same spectrum. Somewhat parenthetically, I can point out here that in Paine-Kaplan cascade theory and computer modeling of tornadogenesis there is a nested set of divergences of the gradients, the eigenvalues of which serve, in the diagnostic computer forecast model, to initialize subroutines involving interscale complex angular momentum cascades handled via 3-fold temporal CURL. Markers of critical states involve m-valued acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces (Musculpt in Earth's atmosphere). What exactly this signaturing involves -- the area, the circumference, the number of connected components, the shape of the boundary, the overall topological configuration -- I do not know. As regards the role of Eigenvalues of the Laplace Operator on Certain Manifolds located in Earth's atmosphere, consider the following drawn from our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper:
This sequence, repeating itself over and over, of an initial momentum perturbation (or excess of kinetic energy) at a given scale length triggering a pressure or mass perturbation at a still smaller scale length, lies at the heart of the cascade process. Viewed from the divergence theorem (Eq 8), the total time tendency of momentum convergence at successively smaller scale lengths is found to originate from the interplay and appropriate phasing of the mass and momentum fields, as diagnosed through the Lapacian of pressure and Jacobian of momentum terms, respectively -- the diagnostic process being viewed as a read on the formation of singularities in, and multiple connections between, equipotential surfaces: form forming. As analyzed through the vorticity theorem (Eq 9), the resultant concentration of vorticity into smaller and smaller scale lengths is found to originate with factors described by the solenoid term , the result being seen by taking the curl of the respective pressure gradient terms in the u, v, and w-momentum equations: form informing.
We might call this acceleration through the spacetime domain of atmospheric dynamics an Archimedean buoyancy factor which progressively negates the roles of lambda, f, and g in establishing containment of energy within this heuristically-closed limited-spacetime-domain (the overall shape of the reading-emergent-singularities-type diagnostic cycle -- form [limiting velocity], form forming [limiting acceleration], form informing [limiting time rate of change of acceleration] -- being a relativistic-quantal domain structure scaled to limiting values of dynamic variables defining the limited-spacetime-domain of atmospheric physics). Each step is captured by the respective Laplacian and Jacobian terms within the complete divergence theorem, plus the respective components of the solenoid term acting within the complete vorticity theorem.
There are in modeling of atmospheric dynamics at tornadogenesis -- among much else -- nested grids, multivalued functions, drums of many sorts, to include those quantal and fractal, and eigenvalue spectra where the eigenvalues are counted with multiplicities. Even -- as we alluded in our novel -- a drum of peace: hoa binh is Vietnamese for peace. Adams, in Can one hear , goes on to discuss further work wherein classes of isospectral but not isometric are being discovered and catalogued, and classes of dimensional shapes, e.g., 2D tori, where isospectral must be isometric. Note that Riemann surfaces of genus 1 are 2D tori. Cladistically speaking, the total corpus of classes not-must isospectral-isometric clearly involves m-valuedness and the classes form clades -- or branches, if one so prefers. In answering the question What is the difference between Riemann surface and Riemannian manifold?, none of the responders mentioned m-valued functions! Just think of that -- the implications. In answering How to understand multivalued functions in terms of Riemann surfaces, it is observed that Riemann surfaces become handy for multivalued functions because they help you to 'transform' a multivalued function in [sic] a univalued function. Just think of that -- the implications. The implications, that is, for not only lack of understanding of severe storm genesis and climate shift dynamics, and for lack of insight as to deep-structure in etiopathogenesis of mass formation psychosis, but also for likely failure at any attempt that might be made to decode the algebras of inner-Musculpt symformphonie. Moreover, the lack of understanding brought to analyses of the quantum properties of DNA molecules, wherein eigenvalue spectra where the eigenvalues are counted with multiplicities are certainly involved in the coherent (acoustically-modified) wave output of DNA-RNA. Cladistically speaking of the DNA-RNA histological types, there are eigenvalue-spectral clades. Quoting the Conclusions and Suggested Experiments section of our 1979 paper entitled A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, pp. 333-41:
The theory further states that a specific time rate of change in the rate of bonding, or alteration in the minimum time for spontaneous localization, may result as the frequency of impinging radiation is changed. The frequency windows influencing various types of molecules would be unique for each DNA type, yet they would likely overlap. Especially interesting would be those frequency windows which are found to overlap between synthetic and naturally occurring DNA types.
What does this have to do with Can one hear the shape of a drum? Consider the leak-proof plasma bottle containing the DNA molecule's pi-electron gas to be drumsticked by irradiative impingement. Not only does this drumsticking permit superconductivity of the pi-electron gas at physiological temperatures, it stimulates radiation of the m-valued information the quantum-wave properties of the nucleotide pairs contain. How could that be? We return to the Gordon-Webb, American Scientist paper linked above. Quoting the section entitled What can one hear?:
One of the motivating physical questions for the early study of spectral theory was the theory of black-body radiation. It led to the formulation of a problem whose solution constitutes one of the earliest success stories in the subject: Given the spectrum of a vibrating membrane, can one infer the area of the membrane? Hermann Weyl showed that one can hear the area of a drumhead!
One might call a geometric shape spectrally solitary if it has no isospectral companions; a solitary object can thus be fully reconstructed (at least in principle) from its vibration frequencies, which serve as an unambiguous fingerprint of the object. [For fingerprint, think: e.g., m-valued acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode signature of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface.]
Now we again quote our DNA paper:
In general the radiative flux for a blackbody is given by The reader will note that we are taking the unusual step of defining a thermodynamic concept (Stefan-Boltzmann law) at the system level; the pi-electron parcel does not involve the traditional interaction of molecules constituting a liquid or solid. However, this step will directly link the thermal exchange of energy achieved between the localized domain structures and the DNA molecule (supersystem) exhibiting quantum properties. We are thus hypothesizing that blackbody physics must be an integral part of all superconductant processes, a hypothesis which lends itself to several empirical tests to be established in the concluding section of the paper.
The eigenvalue spectrum emitted by the DNA molecule at helix-coil transition contains not only the single-valued information of the genetic code, but also the m-valued, coherent, acoustically-modified, overtone series information where the eigenvalues are counted with multiplicities. So, what does this tell us about the MV-algebras of inner-Musculpt? Can one hear the shape of a fractal drum? Can a 1T2-only-processing one hear ? Can a µTm-processing one hear ? Can a CTC+-processing one hear ? While age 0-2 sensory-motor learning of object definite place and constancy apparently is a functional prerequisite to acquisition of a speakable language, such 1T2-learning and acquisition may be obstacles to overcome in gaining conscious access to µTm-inner-Musculpt. After a public lecture given by Noam Chomsky during the mid-1970s at Cornell, I asked him what he thought is the relation between the elements of a universal grammar encoded into DNA and Jung's archetypes of the collective unconscious. He said that he thought the relationship might be considerable but that he was not the one to investigate that because he simply can't read Jung. Earlier, during 1974, through his granddaughter, Naomi, I'd asked Velikovsky, at the McMaster U. conference, what he thought of the correspondence between Jung's notion of the collective unconscious and Einstein's theory of gravity. He said he was unaware of a correspondence between Jung and Einstein. Well, there we have it. I was thinking of the archetype-in-itself as Whiteheadian mathematical relation structure relative to complexes of the Regge bones of the Regge calculus whereby Einstein curvature (think, as regard the Jungian collective unconscious qua the Hindu universal consciousness: the SriAurobindo term consciousness force) is made a lattice logic on a Riemann manifold, that lattice logic rather like the manner in which eigenvalue spectra are discussed relative to the triangular paper-folding exegeses offered by Gordon-Webb and Chapman, linked above. It may be that the higher-temporal formants encoded into DNA quantum-wave properties are expressed in the archetypal properties of inner-Musculpt symformphonie, and that the algebras thereof speak to aspects of many natural processes, including the informatics of quantum-gravity and atmospheric acoustic analogues to blackhole computers.
Contrast the contrived concord (juddered, then embrangled -- no more than a hobbledehoy) of the franchise (an imitation of the summation of force vectors wherein unanimity is not required to establish and promulgate rules) with the spontaneous concordance (based in non-1T2ly-rational percipience) which is the relative-state identity-transparency manifest in animistic participation mystique: the former is 1T2-only-egofunction-based path-dependent wreck[on}ciliation, the concord reached being a path function; the latter is µTm-statefunction-based path-independent conciliation, the integral mystique valuated being a state function. Musicologically speaking: the former expresses as sound-full harmony based on memetime-bound horizontal movement of CORDS, uh, cords, uh, uh, chords, as exemplified by the tropological imports of, say, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony; the latter expresses as sounds of no-sound based on topologically-active-operator-time demergent vertical equilibrium Emptiness states (think: Samadhi states) wherein forms are pro forma, i.e., Maya, as exemplified by the tropological imports of, say, Takemitsu's November Steps. Are the sounds of no-sound sounding inner-Musculpt-pro-forma-forms aural transfigurations of zeta-function hearing (see: Zeta functions that hear the shape of a Riemann surface, Gunther Cornelissen and Matilde Marcolli, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 58:5, May 2008, pp. 619-32) of the shapes of Riemann surfaces (one way the nonlocal µTm-quantum brain makes itself heard by local 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains)? All of 1T2-logic is already being-there in µTm-logic; all of µTm-logic is already being-there in CTC+-logic; all of CTC+-logic is already being-there in C+TC+-logic. Logical-values understood, most generally, not as 1T2-only truth-values pellucid or fuzzy, but as relative-states of identity-transparency, permit the Gödel numbers numbering the numbers of Pascal's triangle to be themselves Gödel numbered, and Gödel numbered of the Gödel numbered Gödel numbers found at each nesting-nested scale-level of the nesting-foam of Pascal's triangles making up the wormhole mesh which is the multiply m-valued MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) foam covering Musculpt (Riemannian) manifold, M. The most foundered of the found being found objects, predicate free and 1T2-only -- like, say, the my-body of the myself. Quoting the Heart Sutra (as translated by Thich Nhat Hanh): this Body itself is Emptiness/ and Emptiness itself is this Body./ This Body is not other than Emptiness/ and Emptiness is not other than this Body. Note that is is employed, not becomes, suggesting the memetime independence of dependent origination -- most fundamentally speaking. Emptiness is Form; Form is Emptiness: this is indicates a violation of the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction. The degrees-of-truth-value interpretation of Lukasiewicz-Post-µTm predicates a fuzziness between Emptiness and Form numerically codified, not in the propositions signified by Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, but as the Dedekind cuts constituting the continuum of real numbers (see the accessible treatment provided in Views on the Real Numbers and the Continuum, Joanne E. Snow, The Review of Modern Logic, Volume 9, Numbers 1 & 2, November 2001-November 2003, Issue 29, pp. 95–113) in the interval [0,1], such that the 1T2-only Law of Distributed Middle is violated. One supposes that beginning with actual thinking in 1T3-logic, moving on through µTm, cogitation is out of the this Body referred in the Heart Sutra. Quoting Musical Imagination of 'Emptiness' in Contemporary Buddhism-related Music , Chow Ow Wei and Gisa Jahnichen, Kuandu Music Journal, 24, July 2016, p. 30:
Literally means cutting off, Chod (Tibetan: gCod) ritual requires the practitioners to cut their attachment to [the rational numbers and associated thought forms] the notion of self and to realise the concept of intersubjectivity and compassion [aka: relative-state identity-transparency], which is the core ideology of Buddhism that emphasises the mutually interdependent nature of phenomena and eradicates the egotistical framework that has essentially split self and other.
Given quantum vacuum as Emptiness on Tzog-chen, AllBaseCommonGround, C+TC+, most-dense sheet of MVRS configured of KleinBottles inside KleinBottles inside KleinBottles (consider, quoting Nondegeneracy of Coverings of Minimal Tori and Klein Bottles in Riemannian Manifolds, John Douglas Moore, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 230:2, 2007, that a parametrized minimal torus or Klein bottle in an ambient Riemannian manifold is Morse nondegenerate if it lies on a nondegenerate critical submanifold which is also an orbit for the group of isometries of the flat metric of total area one) there can be no ultimate, but nonetheless, the fullest expression of nondegenerate mutual interdependence qua relative-state identity-transparency must be on C+TC+ AllBase covering which always and all ways contains CTC+, which always and all ways contains µTm, which always and all ways contains 1T2. Now, the topologically-active-operator-time-executed demergence of CTC+ from C+TC+, and of µTm from CTC+, and of 1T2 from µTm is the degeneracy {think: dependent origination cum involutory eigendecomposition vis-à-vis SVD: I'm trying to glean something from On singular value decomposition of (skew-)involutory and (skew-)coninvolutory matrices, Heike FaBbender and Martin HalwaB, arXiv, 28 July 2019} of the MVRS: removing vertices (qua Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of bucket of dust points involved in the Christmas tree effect) from the, say, equilateral-triangular quark-symmetry-and-nesting-tessellations foam composition of the MVRS. The CNN, convolutional neural network, used in AI computer vision programs approximates to this, except that the CNN is 1T2-only, whereas in the MVRS case each submanifold is under a given logical-value order-type CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, such that there are order-types of multiple-connectedness unto non-orientabilities as regards the connection-weighted (think: the m-value weights, internalizing externalities, ensheaved upon the base-state of a µTm-valued-LETS currency unit), fully-connected, n-multilayer perceptron aspect of the ANN-type model of memetime-independent endomorphic-adjoint demergence cum remergence. The Rorschach-test-like pareidolia -- attributing semantic gestalt to a stimulus where meaning is absent -- is made algorithmic in computer vision programs: in the MVRS case, presence-absence of meaning is logical-value-order-type dependent. Where I'd be most interested in applications of AI-generating-art programs is with regard to replication and computer-memory capture of inner-Musculpt images that appear whilst using a computerized, biofeedback-equipped, flotation-isolation, Lilly tank (in context of a human EscherFormDance pod learning sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak as an aid to evolution-through-use of holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user friendly interface to µTm-valued-LETS nesting-foams). In this context, one wonders why Jack Dorsey would consider Web5 properly decentralized when rooted in Bitcoin, a global monoscale fiat currency -- rather than employing design criteria equipped to facilitate implementation of variously-backed LETS currencies defined on quasi-fractal e-boundaries. As regards the unremitting planetarization of ever increasing centralization, contrast the above-given orientation with the manner in which TPTB the global financial elite envision their preferred path-integral-function move away from analogues to Newton's laws of motion: omnipresent and omnipotent digitization. Digit: thing-of-my-jig, sayeth the Lord of Finance. The terms of bungled bundles of bundled financial derivatives: quarrying esteem from obfuscation of ensemble behaviors handled by technologies based on dissimulated quantum mechanics. I cotton to µTm-exchange, not the low level of self-organizational competency orchestrated by the 1T2-only-markette. D'ya now, old son. Per[son}ally, I'm not against digits; I just feel that those most fundamental to the required new monetary system should be Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers -- and that the CPU should be Lukasiewiczian analog, not Boolean digital.
In my, admittedly highly amateurish (therefore no claims made to validity-utility), take, as soon as commutativity and associativity are uh, lost ((think: e.g., quaternions and octonions; see also the fascinating discussion, here, as to why the Euler-real and the Riemann-complex zeta functions have yet to be expanded to the hypercomplex domains, as one would expect relative to the rotations involved in 3-fold temporal CURL, many of the problems with achieving this expansion likely, IMHO, to be alleviated under µTm-logics understood independent of the notion truth-value)), entry upon the µTm-logics of identity-transparency has been made. The numbers employed are no longer altogether selfsame and single-valued; they tend toward fullness of the m-valued: that's the numbers themselves, not only functions, functionals, functors in which they appear (such functions best visualized on the domain of a bridged, multi-sheeted Riemann surface). Actually, this condition of the condition of numbers begins with the notion of a negative of a given number, and as extended in use of exponents and radicals: x-squared equals 4; square-root of 4. Two-valued number: simultaneously plus and minus, positive and negative (link: a heh-heh-heh). Alon Amit, here (scroll way down), points out that the notion number is not very well defined, rather nebulous; rational functions, for instance, could well be referred to as numbers. So, what would it mean to process (cognitively, computer-wise) a 2-valued number with a 2T2-logic, rather than a 1T2-logic? Extend the valuedness of the number indefinitely; extend the logical-value order-type covariantly. Eventually, arrival is made at close approach to Buddhologically compassionate CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency. Proof as regards any of this is of little (not: no) interest to me. Under which accommodating order of logical-value does the proof hold? Ultimately, none. Quoting Wiki: Typically, a rule of inference preserves truth, a semantic property. In many-valued logic, it preserves a general designation. Heh-heh-heh. General designation! This modicum of preservation, if and only if many-valued logic (note use of the singular) be understood referenced to the real interval [0,1] and the fundament of logic is taken to be the notion truth-value. Given the fundament of m-valued logics understood to be relative-state identity-transparency, proof holds in some accommodating logical-value order-type not at all, ultimately none, that is, no logical-value order-type is sufficient to beyond a reasonable doubt. Regardless of the rules of inference employed, argument figures, hypothetical syllogism versus syllogism, whatever. On C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround: jus'forgetaboutit! Forget about completeness, forget about consistency. C+ is never completable, not least because of the reentered reentries involved in the hyperKleinbottled hyperKleinbottle maps it's a [poor}trail of -- due to the being-there being all at once. Buddhological C+TC+ is C+ inconsistent: that's a lot of inconsistencies. Each nesting logical-value order-type of logic is inconsistent to the order of its nested order-types of logics. Anywhere on MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) except the 1T2-order-type, it's (i.e., discovery, verification, repeatability) a matter of self-emptying sufficiently for what is being-there to register via inner-Musculpt: knowledge through identity, a knowing of unknowing -- by concentration in, not upon, the cloudy diffuse. So why argue it, why prove it? Just register it -- and document the registration. Inner-Musculpt required to register; techno-exteriorized holographic Musculpt as mathematical notation required to authentically document the registration. Given logical-value understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-value, once the 1T2-only-logic laws of identity, distributed middle, and non-contradiction are superseded under 1T3-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+, what utility is there to the basic arithmetic operations and conventions -- to include commutativity and associativity? Mere suggestiveness? That's one reason why I've long been maintaining that the logic operations performed by topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) in executing propositions numbered with non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers cannot possibly be based upon generalizations of the basic arithmetic operations and conventions. One problem is: the factors of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers can't be identified until the logical operations performed by topo-active optime in executing propositions numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers are identified: those operations are necessary to the definition of those numbers. It's a circular problem involving order-types of self-referential propositions: clearly, a problem not [re}solvable (at each logical-value order-type) by utilization of 1T2-only-logic alone. I suggest that it will be found solvable and [re}solvable in the process of holographically techno-exteriorizing inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation. Advent of the scientific method was the addition of a new dimension to the socialization of cognition (SoC being a type of predatory inclusion, involving the coercive-'we' predation). What then is the epistemological utility of that method? Mere suggestiveness? Techno-regimes are topo-active optime demerged concretions of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock as extant on the MVRS, the most densely-packed (re: pre-pregeometry bucket of dust) sheet of which is the domain over which the universal quantum-composite unit of account for variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS-currencies nesting-foams ought to be defined. Oh, Lordy: THE time problem. Time in consensus quantum mechanics (universal and absolute) versus time in general relativity physics (malleable and relative): two different takes on 1T2-only-definable, passive, passing, referential, linear-memetime? Harmonic time, quantized time, thermal time, time as entanglement, Dirac characteristic crossover time where the gravitational constant becomes time-dependent or in our scheme memetime-independently m-valued (((not to mention primordial-archaic Shinto's notion of time as crossovers between 2-D sheets of sacred space, M, uh, uh, "Ma" [sounds suspiciously like We argue that the same scaling relation also holds for typical two-degrees-of-freedom and time-independent chaotic Hamiltonian systems, as stated in the abstract to Temporal crossover from classical to quantum behavior , Ying-Cheng Lai and Edward Ott and Celso Grebogi, Physics Letters A, 173:2, February 1993, pp. 148-52; and particularly so if there are limiting distributions of unitary quantum walks -- in our terms: limited spacetime domains, the LSTDs of laminated ponderablespacememetime, definition of which found here and here -- and the temporal succession of states is modeled by the repeated action of a 'bistochastic quantum operation -- in our terms: topo-active optime -- upon the eigenspaces of the eigenvalues of the unit circle -- in our terms: on the boundary-without-boundary of the involved LSTD(s) -- à la as given in On limiting distributions of quantum Markov chains, Chaobin Liu and Nelson Petulante, arXiv, 2 February 2013]; or Toru Takemitsu's November Steps conviction that there is a time-concept difference between Tokyo and New York))): each of these is subsumed in modified form by 3-fold topo-active optime (have a look at the canonical equations given here and here). I -- having already been into the notion of active time -- found both Bergson's Time and Free Will (discovered in Doug Paine's personal library sitting next to Chardin's The Phenomenon of Man) and Husserl's The Phenomenology of Internal Time Consciousness informative, but far too dependent upon presupposition as to the granting of actual existential status to a 1T2-only-definable, passive, passing, referential, linear-memetime. Pretty well memetime-bound to be that fixated upon it, Bergson and Husserl -- not to mention the centrality of memetime-boundedness to Pierre Bourdieu's habitus as explicated in his 1977 Outline of a Theory of Practice. The practices I've practiced -- to include 20-mile runs in formation before breakfast each morning, circa 1966, SFTG -- have been geared to get out of memetime-bound states of consciousness (call it autohypnosis if you will). In my experience, registration of change is how I am aware of what is called time; that which is actively responsible for change, I therefore regard as being time: hence, active time, aka Pauli-Paine topo-active optime. Quoting Dave Harris' notes on Riemann-Weyl in Deleuze's Bergsonism and the constitution of the contemporary physico-mathematical space, M. Calamari, Deleuze Studies, 9:1, 2015, pp. 59-87:
D [Deleuze] says that Riemann saw things, any kind of objects whether empirical or a state of things, as multiplicities defined by various parameters which determine them, which makes the manifold exceed specific domains of application. W [Weyl] also stresses the many uses of the concept of manifold in the natural sciences: it can be used to define geometric entities, phenomena, states of things, sensible objects, physical systems D is endorsing this widespread implication when he says everything is a multiplicity insofar as it incarnates an Idea Here, the substantive notion of multiplicity is connected to the transcendental field of virtual Ideas (65), making it even more autonomous and irreducible, but it retains a connection to empirical determination or actualization, as a matter of the differentiation and genesis of real [spatial temporal] relations and actual terms So the Idea becomes a substantive (virtual) multiplicity, and real actual objects are produced immanently determined by the elements of the multiplicity and their differential [literally] relations or variations [rendered here as dx and dy, dy/dx, and values of dy/dx respectively]. A distribution of singular points corresponds to these relations.
This is similar to our notion of a universal state function-functional-functor on Musculpted Riemann manifold, M, operated upon by 3-fold topo-active optime, where upon real actual objects are produced immanently, i.e., demerged as decompositional involutes, except that our M is the MVRS, each sheet of which is a mapping of a given logical-value order-type C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm (1T2 being the lowest order of µTm). I regard the above-illustrated use of the concept multiplicities as representing an intuitive realization that m-valued-logics of relative-state identity-transparency are required.
Actually, even though discovery of the well-pointed 50-dimensional face space ((see: The Code for Facial Identity in the Primate Brain, Le Chang and Doris Y. Tsao, Cell, 169:6, 1 June 2017; quoting the abstract, face cell's firing rate is proportional to the projection of an incoming face stimulus other objects could be encoded by analogous metric coordinate systems (hooray! as regards decoding inner-Musculpt: Sri Aurobindo's first experience of Nirvana came -- according to his testimony, provided several times in Letters on Yoga, 4 volumes, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust -- when he stopped saying 'I' [a Gurdjieffian term] to subjective contents of mentation and, baud rate of consciousness thus increased, saw THEM, the contents, as incoming stimuli, thus was he able, being quick enough at cogitation to bring on memetime-slowdown, to dissociate from them accursed asuras; ooh-ooh, so very very scaaary: invasion, demonic possession, so on) -- and, according to our lights, this firing-rate observation made by Chang-Tsao may relate to intraneuronal DNA's time-rate-of-change, rate of rate, and rate of rate of rate, of bonding being modulated by quantitative values of properties of incoming radiation, to include photons)) of well-pointed n-dimensional neural phase space is, along with discovery qua theorizing of a multi-layer-perceptron, Hilbert-space, point-set-with-distance-function neuromanifold (see: Geometroneurodynamics, Sisir Roy and Menas Kafatos, arXiv, 17 November 2003), clearly constitute long strides forward toward the eventual task of decoding nonlocal, wave-effect, µTm-logical, quantum-brain processing, given what is obviously behind funding of facial-recognition-related research, I'm rather sorry that these manifold discoveries have been made. Were the reigning technotyranny doctrine-of-uses (this is a Swedenborg term) overthrown by, say, an effort to advance toward holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt (Swedenborg's angelic speech?) as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to AI-assisted µTm-valued-LETS-currencies nesting-foams, well, that would be a different matter altogether. Such a use-value context as we have today! For instance, one infiltrate of the prevailing doctrine-of-uses: sexual-preference bigotry (if I'm not mistaken, Big-O-try had a happier meaning during don't-mean-nothin'-VN-war days than it does today) brought on by the plastic attack upon food, water, and air. Exogenously-induced mimetic-estrogen flood, accompanied by a pristine example of mass ConveDDing (conversion-disorder displacing) of m-valued logics understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, the ConveDD (by definition, an unconscious process) being from the subliminally-constellated and mass-hysteria-magnified purported existential threat to the 1T2-only-egofunction-cum-complex posed by existence of the CTC+-logics of identity-transparency to LGTBQIA2S+ (the larger, contextualizing, ConveDD being establishment and explosive expansion of the genome trashing-[sin}the|sizing industry). For odors, the phase space goes to 1664-dimensions (see the A physiochemical odor metric section of Measuring Smells, Rafi Haddad, et al., Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 18:4, November 2008, pp. 338-44). Given how close smell is associated to memory triggers, and how strongly triggered-memories evoke feeling-toned responses, the suspicion arises that the 50-to-1664 ratio of face space to olfactory space may offer some guidance as to how many dimensions feeling space has. OMG! I've had the hardest time visualizing the 4th-dimension and now they've come up with 1664 of them! Woe is my me! And then there is the horror of the inverse specter: consciousness starts flipping electrons so as to use the brain to proclaim its existence (quoting The Meta-Problem Challenge section of Holographic Duality and the Physics of Consciousness, Uziel Awret, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 15 March 2022). This flipping specter is an imagined variant of the question I asked myself which eventually spawned the ideas explicated in our superconductant DNA pi-electron-gas paper (linked above relative to time rate of change of bonding): lying in bed post-surgery for MFWs sustained in the Mekong delta, 12th Evac Hospital, Cu Chi, RVN, circa 1967, How can a state of surpassing rage induce whole-body responses like a WBC count that is completely off the chart (they mistakenly thought I had Plasmodium falciparum, aka bad malaria) and an in-and-out-of-consciousness-delirium-causing hyperpyrexia, aka very high fever? Consciousness starts flipping because the electron is universal consciousness in demergence? Speaking 1T2ly: universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators (think: 3-fold topo-active optime) on the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space; consciousness in its passive aspect is the reference space operated upon -- à la Riemann's notion as to the origin of charge, i.e., lines of force (think: J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined µTm-logical pencils of skew-parallels-perpendiculars) trapped, good offices of 3-fold temporal CURL, in the topology of space. However thick memetime may be in a given case (consider the notion that conscious processing has a temporal thickness or depth, which underwrites inferences about the consequences of action. This necessarily lends inference a purposeful and self-evidencing aspect that has the hallmarks of consciousness, as stated in Am I Self-Conscious? , Karl Friston, Frontiers in Psychology, 24 April 2018, side by side with the phenomenological observation that saying 'I' to the contents of mentation immediately quenches the ketaminergic state, yielding a fallback into body and binary-mind), and whatever the concept script employed, given that 1T2-only awareness is glutamatergically-etched nescience of universal consciousness C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm, directing experimentation exclusively to measurement of the physical effects of nescience must be considered a rather limited granting of scientific mandate -- especially given that the duals of dualism (e.g., TaiChi rotational [naive trope in reference to temporal CURL?], Abelard syllogistic, first-order predicate logic) don't exist 1T3ly unto C+TC+ly. Insomuch as the measurement apparatus is construed as incorporating human brains and awarenesses, the nature of the measurement problem in transphysics (beyond institutionalized standard-qua-consensus quantum-relativity theory) seeks to understand the nature of the physical world and its stateplace in universal consciousness qua collective unconscious -- insofar as introspectively incompetent (i.e., 1T2-only introspection with temporal thickness) binary-mind is concerned, that is, that mind which altogether ignores demergent identity-transparency cum relative-states, and reductively treats their echoes as emergent entanglement of ontologically-given discretes (generative entanglement following explicitly anti-Cabalistic cum secular-Rabbinical generative grammar, heh-heh-heh; when, actually, the generative is concerned with the remergence side of involutive decomposition -- 1T2ly speaking, of course). Forasmuch as the architecture of neural nets is layered, à la multi-layer-perceptron, just thinking about that fact, one finds oneself, the pedestrian oneself of the mundane one of the I/im, in a state of wonder -- shock and awe -- at how massively so many egofunctions with temporal thickness have bought into global monoscale cryptocurrencies as model for a new planetary monetary system. Nature is no instructor! We know better. Indeed, we are confirmed by symmetries of the duals established by our ConveDDed projections of the social structures of attention cathexes onto nature as prevailing Weltanschauung: e.g., gender determines bi[olo]gical sex -- iff gender were demergently understood CTC+-logically unto µTm-logically, which it is not.
During the five years I was at Cornell as Douglas A. Paine's unofficial, pro bono, research assistant, mid-to-late-1970s, I did not seek out technical meteorology papers (though I did my best to read quite a few such, those felt to be especially important: assisted reading, actually, Paine answering questions as to why he felt this and that was important). D. A. Paine, a specialist as regards tornadogenesis, read a great deal in the atmospheric sciences area: his usual perusals, plus students were always bringing in photocopies. My mandate was to look further afield for theoretical resonances to cascade theory and to keep Paine informed as to what I was able to find. So, I am still not searching out technical meteorology publications, though I occasionally look into a few selected areas of interest: e.g., acoustically-modified internal-inertial gravity-wave modes (per recent example: Inertia-gravity wave scattering by three-dimensional geostrophic turbulence, M. A. C. Savva and H. A. Kafiabad and J. Vanneste, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 916:A6, 2021), particularly as vertically propagated in inverse cascade (any higher-temporal portraits of the m-valued aspect? use of m-valued logics in analysis?); sonic black holes and emission (per recent example: Rotational superradiant scattering in a vortex flow, Theo Torres, et al., Nature Physics, 13, 12 June 2017) of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (in Earth's atmosphere?); cascade-theory-related notions (any catch-up yet to be found -- these decades later?). On one such Googling, I ran across Geostrophic Adjustment and Inverse Cascades in Rotating Stratified Turbulence, Peter Bartello, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 52:24, 15 December 1995. Quoting the Conclusion section:
In this study a Fourier-space normal-mode point of view is adopted in an effort to investigate the cascade properties of rotational and wave modes While it is clear that the emergence of structure, in the form of long-lived vortices, affects the quantitative predictions of cascade phenomenologies it is argued that they remain qualitatively useful as conceptual models. With the results of the present study it now seems appropriate to tackle the physical space formation of coherent vortices and, more importantly, their interaction with the wave field and wave breaking
I certainly am glad that Paine never read this paper. I got nauseous, almost threw up: exacerbated cum exasperated. Probably no reflection, don't y'think, on the author, who does not cite Paine or Kaplan as regards cascade theory and its computerization (see Kaplan, M. L., and A. L. Gooden, 1977: A multi-scale numerical model of tornado-producing local storms on CDC's Star 100 computer, Proceedings, First International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, St. Louis, MO, ASCE, IMAC, SCS, IV, 2269-2282) as a multiscale, nested-grid, numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis. Most of the cascade-theoretical Paine-Kaplan papers were severe local storms conferences preprints, circa 1973-77 (to include: Kaplan, M. L., and D. A. Paine, 1977: A multi-scale synoptic-dynamical model of tornado genesis, Preprints, 10th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Omaha, NE, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 307-314), papers never fully published -- so, likely, Bartello never heard of them: before his time, what.
In our judgment, circa early-to-late-1970s, what are now called acoustic analogues to blackhole information processors, aka sonic black holes, were, and continue to be, regarded as not possible in Earth's atmosphere (Douglas A. Paine's career was greatly damaged by his claim that black holes emitting infrasound exist in Earth's atmospheric dynamics, a claim made in Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pp.), this non-existence consensus being due to the nearly unquestioned clinging to the notion of a classical limit, a clinging which necessitates treatment of the macroscopic atmosphere as a classical domain to which the principles of quantum-relativity physics do not apply -- a position not held by us, no clingers. Wiki defines a sonic black hole thusly: A sonic black hole is a phenomenon in which phonons (sound perturbations) are unable to escape from a region of a fluid that is flowing more quickly than the local speed of sound Physicists are interested in them because they have many properties similar to astrophysical black holes and, in particular, emit a phononic version of Hawking radiation (in Earth's atmosphere, this emission would be of acoustically-modified inertial-internal gravity-wave modes, aka infrasound). The flowing more quickly than the local speed of sound (this would not be recorded in the atmosphere's ponderablespacememetime, but as plotted in the phase spaces employed) issue was never broached during the controversy concerning Paine's claim as it played out during the 1970s, because the issue of flowing at the speed of sound became the cognitive barrier that could not be penetrated. This and surrounding issues -- rotational, irrotational; compressible, incompressible; geostrophic, ageostrophic; et cetera -- are discussed at length in our 1994 novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, pp. 708-28. I extract two quotations there from which specifically address the speed of sound issue:
Does this [i.e., by contrast to the constant height geometries used before WWII, in using the constant pressure geometries, as begun during WWII, no term of solenoid physics appears, a representational shift it is interesting to speculate as to the subliminal forcing functions involved] tell us anything about the famous divergence error associated with Richardson's PE [primitive equation] set -- the fact that a large-scale disturbance is subject to having the heat turned up, to suddenly having acoustic waves make Swiss cheese out of the previously simply-connected structure of spacetime? You bet it does First, sound waves were banished by Charney in 1948; then, gravity waves were similarly dealt with by him in 1955 how did Charney accomplish this banishment? What did Charney do to get rid of sound waves? He engaged in a little spontaneous localization. Richardson's PE set is not scale specific. Charney focused the set on large scale motions and thereby suppressed the spacetime scales at which acoustic wave frequencies propagate Charney did not remove the spacetime scales at which acoustic wave frequencies propagate, he merely removed them from view! What was actually filtered out of view? Acoustically modified gravity waves. The mixed state; the superposition; the read on the connection between density and limiting values of the controlling variables. [pp. 718-19]
He picked up the sheet of paper containing the comments of the second reviewer concerning his paper [link added] recently returned by the German journal, and began to read: The paper is wrong technically and also very poorly written. I recommend unconditional rejection. (1) The analogy to Maxwell's equations is specious and patently incorrect. For example, this analogue states that the geostrophic and ageostrophic velocity fields each satisfy the classical three-dimensional wave equation. With the exception of high frequency sound waves, no atmospheric hydrodynamic motion fields satisfy this equation. You couldn't be more right, thought Yoshio. The postulated applicability of these equations is therefore impossible, and the author's attempt to use a short cut to explain interaction between geostrophic and nongeostrostrophic fields is simply not believable. You couldn't be more wrong, thought Yoshio. [p. 728]
Now, I quote from our 1977 general process paper as regards the involvement of relativity-physics principles in velocity-related questions concerning existence or not of atmospheric sonic black holes.
The units of c in both sets of equations governing atmospheric and electromagnetic fields are those of speed (cm s-1), where the former c is determined by units of acceleration divided by rotation. As suggested by the parallelism with the appearance of c in both sets of equations, the atmospheric c is the absolute limiting phase speed for those waves which accomplish the most efficient transfer of energy and momentum within the atmosphere's closed dynamic regime. In the electromagnetic system, c is the speed of light, the coefficient which permits the changeover between units of electrodynamics and electrostatics. In the atmospheric set of equations, c is once again a limiting or absolute speed (of much smaller magnitude than the speed of light) which serves an identical role in the crossover between hydrodynamics and hydrostatics
Eq 11a dictates that the observed absorption of +5 x 10-5 s-1 units of macroscale kth-component spin over a 5-hr period must yield ageostrophic velocities of nearly 27 m s-1 at the end of this time span. The 30 m s-1 value of c necessary for this calculation was obtained by setting the speed of the mesoscale wave source (i.e., rotating convective cluster) equal to the observed forward speed of the mesolow. A 26.5 m s-1 ageostrophic wind vector confirming this theoretical prediction was calculated from the Huntington, West Virginia hodograph prepared from radiosonde wind data observed near the termination or breaking point of the mesoscale wave phenomena. Farther aloft, as depicted in the same hodograph of wind speed and direction versus height, a momentum shelf was simultaneously established where vertically propagating, acoustically-modified (coherent) gravity waves deposited their momentum to accelerate the geostrophic flow
Well, well, well. What is this c but a case of Special Relativity light, i.e., a scale-relative (to the given LSTD, limited spacetime domain) absolute-limiting velocity invoking, at atmospheric scale levels, the principles of Einstein's relativity. Each LSTD having its own light, which is, in this case, sounded. Scale-relative absolute-limiting values of dynamical variables, the absolute limits being examples of m-valued universal physical constants, in this case, the speed of light in sound analogue, a speed which runs a snuff film with regards to 1T2-only-definable memetime. Out of time, thus out of binary-mind, not in the sense of running out of time, but altogether outside of memetime at c (memetime slows to a stop; ponderable space in the direction of motion poofs out), the scale-relative absolute limiting velocity (first-order temporal CURL opening and shutting thermodynamic doors), at c-dot, the scale-relative absolute limiting acceleration (second-order temporal CURL), at c-double-dot, the scale-relative absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration (third-order temporal CURL) is where the atmospheric sonic blackhole-cum-wormhole-cum-Kleinbottle exists in phase space, exists emitting m-valued acoustically-modified coherent gravity-wave modes µTmly processed. Alice's rabbit hole in the Swiss cheese of NeverNeverNever Mnk WonderLandscape, aka MVRS m-logically-valued reference space, constellated as Musculpt manifold, M. My I/im ran my me back through this because it recently came across announcement of a by-now-old new discovery, to wit: New phenomenon found in internal waves: MIT team shows that waves inside oceans, air and stars are filtered and reflected by layers, David L. Chandler, MIT News, 28 April 2010. The technical paper referred to is Internal Wave Interferometry, Manikandan Mathur and Thomas Peacock, Physical Review Letters, 104, 15 March 2010. Quoting Chandler:
MIT researchers have discovered that some important aspects of these waves can be analyzed using the same techniques physicists have developed to study the passage of light This connection between the behavior of internal [inertial gravity] waves and the behavior of light had not previously been demonstrated, Mathur says. Now that they have shown the relationship, it's possible there are more connections between optics and internal waves
More connections such as -- with regard to a hypercomplex zeta function (a special case of generalized L-functions?) hearing (see here and here as suggestive thereof) the most-dense Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround sheet of sonic-visioning acoustico-optical Musculpt manifold, M, that quantum-foamed sheet of the MVRS being the sound analogue of the hologramic plate regarded an AdS-CFT scale-invariant fractal boundary-without-boundary of the bulk laminated-tessellated-LSTD nesting-foam reference space -- Can one hear the Riemann zeros in black hole ringing?, Rodrigo Aros and Fabrizzio Bugini and Danilo E. Diaz, XIX Chilean Physics Symposium 2014, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 720, 2016. As, 1T2ly speaking, the Polya-Hilbert operator may be 3-fold Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time/counter-operator-time engaged in demergent-remergent involutory decomposition-recomposition of Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround, we find the discovery that the (quoting the abstract to Physical realization for Riemann zeros from black hole physics, Pulak Ranjan Gir, arXiv, 8 March 2010) normal mode frequencies coincide with the nontrivial Riemann zeros to be very stimulating.
One of the primary reasons I attended the 1974 Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System symposium, where I met Cornell atmospheric scientist (and tornadogenesis specialist: see, for one good example, A Theory for the Conservation of Three-Dimensional Relative Vorticity which Describes the Cascade of Energy-Momentum Leading to Tornadic Vortices, Paine, Douglas A., John W. Zack, James T. Moore, and Robert J. Posner, Preprint Volume, Ninth Conference on Severe Local Storms, American Meteorological Society, 1975) Douglas A. Paine, is that I held a belief similar to that expressed by John Frederick Sweeney in his inspired essay entitled Clifford Clock and the Moolakaprithi Cube, 2010 or later by bibliography, to wit, quoting the Introduction section (be aware that descent qua demergence through to the Moolakaprithi state is an example of nested-grid Cascade of Energy-Momentum Leading to , for one, emission of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes):
Vedic Physics originates with the Vedas, or the most ancient books known to humanity, which in turn were committed to written language after millennia as an exclusive oral tradition, during the pre-Ice Age era at least 14,000 years ago. The science is highly advanced, representing a development of five to ten thousand years beyond our present level of science.
This is similar to my long-held belief, except that I thought, and think, that acoustically-based (think: mantra-yantra handlings of internal-inertial waves cum Reggebones-linebundles which can be called invertible sheaves) Vedic Physics long preceded origins of even the oral Vedas and was largely lost to corruption of words during the period of oral transmission (the actual means of earliest transmission having been telepathic communication of inner-Musculpt as maths notation: mantra-yantra being a highly reductionistic cultural lag thereof). I had read a good portion of Sri Aurobindo's Collected Works (including the English translations of his mantric-poetry attempts to bridge back to prelinguistic telepathic inner-Musculpt: my orientation to this being significantly informed by a first reading of Sir John Woodroffe's The Garland of Letters: Studies in the Mantra-Sastra) and had recently made initial studies of Woodroffe's The World as Power (good offices of Samuel Weiser's Antiquarian Bookshop, 734 Broadway, NYC) before attending the McMaster University Velikovsky symposium, and I still regard this latter-mentioned book by Woodroffe -- which relies on literal translations of many Sanskrit terms, rather than the philosophical accretions built up around them over the millennia -- as providing unique insight. In analogy to Indic and Chinese notions, Sweeney adeptly describes Clifford algebras, and much more, in a way that is pretty well accessible and provides considerable insight as to deep issues not easily groked by forays made into the highly technical literature on the involved subjects. For this, I am grateful. And in his paper entitled Clifford Clock and the Complex Spaces of the Qi Men Dun Jia, n.d., he goes into the Riemann zeta function. As regards all this, the body of involved technical literature of higher mathematics and theoretical physics is staggeringly enormous, and the ten years of maths-physics courses that would be required to reach the capability to competently read well into it I do not have under my belt. Indeed, I can only get so far into senior theses of graduating math majors, e.g., here and here, both of which I learned quite a bit from; as regards graduate-level-course-work notes, e.g., here, I am pretty much limited to the verbal content and registrations of repeated notational forms (which, in my youth, I was able to develop inner-Musculpt ways of handling, a skill that slipped away with age), as complexity of the notations quickly leaves me behind for all but the general sense of what is being explicated, so many definitions of terms the knowledge of which on part of the reader is assumed. As to whether the missing ten years of maths-physics courses would have helped or hindered my efforts in relation to my primary focus -- inner-Musculpt access cum techno-exteriorization, and their implications for this, that, and the other -- I really don't know, though I suspect hindered is the more likely. Something on that later. The Clifford clock read in one direction is cosmic demergence-cascade; read in the other, remergence-inversecascade: involutory decomposition-recomposition. In Sri Aurobindo's magnum opus, The Life Divine, this Weltanschauung notion is designated the Involution-Evolution, the cosmic emphasis being placed on the Involution (unclear whether or not this was construed by Aurobindo as objective-linear-time-independent), the yogic emphasis being placed on the Evolution (giving a Darwinian-like explication, this was construed as objective-linear-time-bound). Sweeney's Clifford-clock account could be designated the Evolution-Involution, the cosmic emphasis placed upon the Evolution (unclear as to what notion of time reckoning the Clifford clock connotes), the Involution receiving scant mention. Sweeney's substratum that consists of a range of invisible matter (black hole matter) would, according to our cosmic cascade schema, fall low on the decompositional involute just ontologically-before demergence of ponderablespacememetime and the concretion of matter as material substance cum structure. In terms of moduli-space representations of algebrogeometric objects or isomorphism classes thereof, Sweeney has functors cycling the Clifford clock righthandrule-lefthandrule. David Bohm once said that quantum mechanics is clocks within clocks within clocks: insofar as the Clifford clock can be considered a Bohm clock, the Clifford-algebras clock is just such a case. On a much higher level of abstraction than the Bohm clock? One wonders how much answer to that question is dependent upon the interpretation given to the m-valuedness of the Schrödinger equation's statefunction, whether or not nonlinear orders of that equation are to be admitted, and how the distinction between time-independence cum time-dependence w.r.t. those equations is to be understood. The laminated(think: primordial-Shinto sacred space, ma)-tessellated LSTDs (limited spacetime domains) of Paine-Kaplan cascade theory's nested(laminated)-grid(tessellated) computer model may be regarded as projective-bundle (the fibers are projective spaces) extended à la the following statement lifted from Sweeney's Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ) paper:
In Vedic Physics, space is not considered empty, but instead composed of invisible cubes, stacked side to side, top to bottom throughout the entire universe
the Clifford Clock arrangement of algebras is reflected in the system of complex spaces in which dwell the Clifford Algebras.
Compare the concentric-circles-partitioning configuration of the QMDJ model's CosmicBoard (illustrated and analyzed by Sweeney) to the concentric-circles-partitioning-etched tympanum (i.e., moon: see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, aka the configuration of peace) of a Dong Son bronze drum (and also to the site-plan layout of Plato's Lost City of Atlantis, made up of concentric islands separated by wide moats and linked by a canal that penetrated to the center: this depiction good offices of NatGeo; not a prefigurative mythologizing of big-bang cosmology, this currently prevailing Weltanschauung concept involving a cosmogenesis notion formulated in service to bivalent-egofunction identification with 1T2-only-definable memetime). These -- Atlantis, drum, CosmicBoard -- are tropes metareferencing an inner-Musculpt-manifest analogical model of harmonious governance, in the terms of QMDJ, the Golden Flower's secret found at the center in midst of conditions: on this-and-that Dong Son bronze drum, unlike on the QMDJ CosmicBoard as provided by Sweeney, there are depictions of smaller and smaller equilateral-triangular tessellations (think AdS-CFT boundary-without-boundary) suggesting fractality of the drum, thereby troping hologramic supersession of the hierarchy troped with concentric circles. Form follows Function (speaking in terms of ontogenesis): structurally, a hierarchy exists (the will to power spawned by a state of superego identification takes this circumstance and uses it to generate the age-old ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement: the ecclesiogenic syndrome institutionalized, sacred and profane); functionally, it, the hierarchy, is altogether subordinated (laicised: freed from ecclesiastical control). Cosmic laicising is, of course, [her}essay worthy of a multitude of strappado, hot coals, the rack, stake-burnings, so on. Five-hundred years of that! Then -- ever since the x-y axes were algebrogeometrically coordinated into the orthogonality guaranteeing superegoic unitarity to atomistic binary-minds -- dominance over the full spectrum of All & Everything became THE objective of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean institutional synthesis. Given that the prospective memetime-future always has, purportedly, a single-valued indelible memetime-past, they sought only those truths which can be, by them, manageably made obvious. If Vedic Physics is actually thousands of years beyond current physics, there is little reason to suspect one-to-one correspondence between elements-principles-processes of one with the other. Every attempt to see more, however, is to be lauded. Although immersion in 1T2-only maths may facilitate multimodal integration of glutamate-anchored consensus reality, that immersence may hinder µTm-logical multimodal synaesthetic codification of the encompassing reality. For a long memetime I've believed that null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels are Clifford-parallel-like; it now seems that this is not actually the case, though it is easy to confuse the two relative to projective space, and maybe even more so relative to projective bundles (see the right-hand side of Figures 1 & 2 in Characterizing Clifford parallelisms among Clifford-like parallelisms, Hans Havlicek and Stefano Pasotti and Silvia Pianta, arXiv, 9 June 2020, where the parallelisms are analyzed in regards to quaternion skew-fields). Be aware that in the context of quaternions, skew essentially means non-commutative division ring. This meaning of skew is not Bennett's meaning of skew (see J. G. Bennett's Appendix III to Chapter 15, Vol. 1, pp. 506-9, The Dramatic Universe, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956). Bennett uses the notion skew-parallel to define the non-simple-identity concept named diversely identical: meaning that the lines of the parallelism are themselves and not-themselves simultaneously, at once, such that the notion of single-valued identity is geometrically superseded. It is my thesis that logics governing behaviors of m-valued identities, i.e., themselves/not-themselves m-times over, are those µTm-unto-CTC+ understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency. Note how Clifford algebra is usually understood as defined via the orthogonal group of transformations, which immediately rules out Bennett's notion of skew. However, this may not be altogether the case as regards the symplectic Clifford algebras, where, quoting the abstract to Clifford Algebras in Symplectic Geometry and Quantum Mechanics, Ernst Binz and Maurice A. de Gosson and Basil J. Hiley, arXiv, 3 March 2012:
This algebra is essentially the geometric algebra describing the rotational properties of space. Hidden within this algebra are symplectic structures with Heisenberg algebras at their core.
I've maintained since the late-1970s that the 1T2-only Heisenberg inequalities are the surface-structure to the µTm-logical J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism-perpendicularity deep-structure. This may be found even more clearly expressed in the higher forms of rotation (think: temporal CURL; as regards DNA genetic information carrying, think of the rate, rate of rate, rate of rate of rate driven higher-temporal folding order-types of the molecule as implicated in our model of DNA radiation exchange processes) and algebraic varieties (sets of solutions to systems of polynomial equations -- I draw attention here to N. H. Abel's so-called Impossibility theorem -- depicting, say, manifolds of n-configurations) involved in the generalized Clifford algebras to which Sweeney's Clifford Clock is addressed. Important to arrival at a notion of the factors and their numberings at Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers of µTm-valued-logic propositions understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, a similar surface-structure/deep-structure relation may obtain between the Riemann hypothesis (non-trivial zeros on the critical line centered and Clifford parallel with respect to boundaries of the critical strip, 0< sigma <1) concerning complex zeta function under 1T2-only logic sans the Law of Distributed Middle, and hypotheses concerning placement of zeta zeros of hypercomplex zeta functions (consider the two papers posted here and here) under µTm-logics (see here, page 18). In the terms of fiber bundles, I suggest that each fiber of the bundle is a J.G.Bennettian pencil of skew-parallels and each parallel line of the (line-bundle-like, except that the invertible sheaf is a collection of skew-parallels) pencil is a superstring, and that this superstring is µTm-logically a Gödel-numbered Gödel number. But ever since Abel of 1823 much mischief and horror has been forthcoming in attempts to suppress constellation of this ideational drift: Give me simple-identity or give me death!
Be for, what; don't distraught.
That's an injunkshun.
O, okay: Ghee-ghee!Not pro-found:
Offhandedly [pre}poster:O|us.
Chattering antiphons, all,
Founded dumb, zero or undefined.Sipping the pro-offered wag,
Tasting savage --
Rough in relative extrema
No Georgia peach in the puss
Can repair, being locally critical.Refusing to speak of the horror in the Ninth Parallax and the Eleventh Erron[diss}ment. Only the sixth lamentation in compensatory abreaction to inns of the six unhappinesses? How many lamentations can there be in back-reaction upon the imports-metric of Abel's impossibility? Many more yet to come? No juridical rectification, only extra-judicial retribution during the post-incendiary-cuspover Great Huntdown?
Quoting Dr. Ana's Newsletter post concerning the Gariaev Linguistic Wave Genome Model relative to the unconsidered effects of pseudouridine-modified mRNA technology:
The process is simple: The picture of the vaccinated person as a healthy child before the age of 6 would be transcribed via Polarization Laser Wave Radio into a file and the vaccinated person would listen to it. This information would reset the DNA to a prior healthy state as in the quantum field there is no time. In essence, the DNA would be reversed to a time before the person was vaccinated and it would be healed by the holographic information of the healthy child genome.
Just hearing the sound-file transcription of a photograph would be all that is required? That's Musculpt methodology-technology well beyond what I've been capable of imagining. Nonetheless, I learned a lot from reading Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea's newsletter posting and the linked papers. I think what is imagined may well be possible, but I'm skeptical concerning the claim that the required technology is currently available. In 1993, we have the following, to wit, quoting Holographic associative memory and information transmission by solitary waves in biological systems, Peter Petrovich Gariaev and Anatoly Vasiliev, Proceedings of SPIE, September 1993:
It has been shown that the DNA molecule can be treated as a FPU [Fermi, Pasta and Ulam] resonator[6]. In this model the dynamics of electron density wave, distributed along the sugar-phosphate chains of the DNA is described by the non-linear Schrödinger equation. Hence, the electron density oscillations in the nucleotide structures can be considered as excitation point sources, uniformly distributed along the sugar-phosphate chain, representing a kind of a long electric line. [The citation made is: 6. V. P. Kaznacheyev, P. P. Gariaev, A. A. Vasiliev, and A. A. Berezin, 'Soliton-Holographic Genome with Collective Symmetry of Genetic Code', Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Siberia Branch of the USSR Acad. of Sciences, Novosibirsk, June1990, (in Russian).]
Wiki offers a summary of what is known about charge density waves. However, consider the following from Predicting quantum-accurate electron densities for DNA with equivariant neural networks, Alex J. Lee and Joshua A. Rackers and William P. Bricker, Chemrxiv.org, 2022 by references:
Despite advances in methodologies and computing power, however, the broad application of quantum modeling to biological systems of interest remains hindered by the steep computational scaling of solving Schrödinger's equation. Large biological macromolecules such as DNA typically consist of thousands to tens of thousands of atoms or more, making them far too large for traditional quantum calculations
a recent DFT [quantum Density Functional Theory] study was able to model a full turn of A-DNA in a vacuum environment at the hybrid functional level. But given the steep scaling of DFT, calculations on larger DNA structures would be extremely costly if not unfeasible. [Therefore, they turn to alternative machine learning approaches sans the solving of Schrödinger's equation.]
Recently, A. A. Berezin and A. V. Shmid have provided an up-to-date account of the Russian model: Interpretation of A DNA Molecule in the Form of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Recurrence Electric Resonator Possessing With Infinite Information Recording Capacity, Global Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology, 4:1, 22 February 2022. They note that Frolich was able to show that the simplest model suitable for describing longitudinal electrical oscillations in a DNA molecule is the Einstein Bose gas condensation model We had read into Herbert Fröhlich before writing up our 1979 model of DNA radiation exchange processes, and concurred that the gas model was the most likely case -- but we had a different take on that model to offer, a take inspired by the physics of double-helical air-parcel feeder bands to the roll-cloud helix-coil transition prefiguring the 90-degree tilt to tornadogenesis and the production of vertically-propagating m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes m-logically processed (and found the Maxwellian form more appropriate than the Schrödinger form for description of the processes involved). Hence, we were not concerned with conductivity properties of DNA's sugar-phosphate backbone, whereupon experiments can be designed (intercalation donors, pendent donors) to demonstrate any level of resistance or conductivity desired (insulator, semiconductor, conductor, induced-superconductor). For a comprehensive review of such experiments see: Charge transport properties of DNA, Reza Saberi Moghaddam, U. of Groningen, Netherlands, 2009 or later by references. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy has also been used to study conductivity properties of DNA (see: The study of electrical conductivity of DNA molecules by scanning tunneling spectroscopy, T. I. Sharipov and R. Z. Bakhtizin, Scanning Probe Microscopy, 2017). All of these studies, I observe, have involved experiments performed on in vitro samples of DNA backbone, not experiments performed on pi-electron-gas core-environment of in vivo DNA molecules. I have been aware of the work of P. P. Gariaev, Luc Montagnier, Fritz-Albert Popp, Mae-Wan Ho for quite awhile -- and found difficulties in correspondence with M-W Ho who was hyper-reactive to any suggestion that the Popp-Ho physics might not be altogether right on. It seems to me that if the emitted DNA waves were standard light-sound-EM waves, solitons or no, they would have been detected and consensuated well before the structure of DNA was worked out. Moreover, I don't believe that electron transport along the DNA sugar-phosphate backbone is the source of the emitted coherent waves. Our 1979 paper provides a microphysical model describing the source as a superconductant free-electron gas in harmonic temperature oscillation (characterized with an operator-timed nonlinear equation). M-W Ho out-of-hand dismissed the notion of DNA superconductivity, probably, like as with so many others, not actually reading the paper beyond the title and assuming that the proposed superconductivity is being attributed to electron transport along the backbone whereupon all the studies have been conducted. Even though our model, on the subsystem, system, supersystem levels, has much in common with the inner workings of the photoacoustic spectrometer, we never speculated as to what sort of coherent (i.e., acoustically-modified) waves the molecule emits because the derivation of the operator-time-involved canonical equation of our model suggests presence of a gravitational component undetectable with the sort of equipment used to detect light, sound, EM radiation. The boundary-without-boundary of DNA's free-electron gas bottle may have properties conforming to the holographic principle as understood in gravitational physics. So, given the physics stated in our model, I really don't know how to assess the claims made by Montagnier and Gariaev as to what they experimentally accomplished. In 1992, we have the following, to wit, quoting the Introductory Remarks section of Recent Advances in Biophoton Research and its Applications, F. A. Popp and K. H. Li and Q. Gu, World Scientific, 1992:
The discovery of biophoton emission can be traced back to Alexander Gurvich who also pioneered two ideas on the origin of biophotons that are now set one against the other. These are respectively, the hypothesis that biophotons emanate from free-radical reactions, and the postulate that the emissions come from an organized morphogenetic field at the basis of life. The two ideas were not opposed in Gurvich's conception. However, subsequent developments in the life sciences has bifurcated this once unified theory: the more mechanistic mainstream biochemical approach regards biophotons as the sign of random metabolic imperfections, while the more vitalistic approach attempts to understand biophotons in terms of the coherent states of modern quantum optics.
It is likely that the latter, more physical approach, to which most of the papers of this volume relate, will lead back to the unified field theory of Alexander Gurvich, where no contradiction exists between the local aspects of biochemistry and the holistic aspects of modern biophysics.
Recent developments in the life sciences, for instance, Prigogine's dissipative structures and chaos theory, demonstrate clear relationship between molecular events and collective phenomena. In particular, Fröhlich's idea of coherent long-range interactions in biological systems and Presman's pioneering work on electro-magnetic fields and life have bridged the gap between biochemistry and biophysics in terms of order parameters of the system, based on electromagnetic interactions which are most significant in living organization.
It appears that little in the way of fundamental theory advances have been made since then. In 2021, we have the following, to wit, quoting Biophotons and Emergence of Quantum Coherence , Maurizio Benfatto, et al., Entropy (Basel), 23:5, May 2021:
Despite the wealth of experimental results, the questions of what biophotons are, how they are generated and how they are involved with life are, in our opinion, still open.
Actually, there are two hypotheses about the origin of such emissions, i.e., the so-called imperfection theory and the coherence theory. The first one claims that there is always a finite probability that molecules randomly excited by metabolic events can decay with the emission of photons instead of radiation-less dissipation processes. The second hypothesis assigns the emission to a coherent electromagnetic field generated within and between the cells by some biochemical reactions in which, perhaps, oxygen atoms are involved. As pointed out earlier, there are several experimental evidences that such radiation is a carrier of information between biological systems, thereby playing a fundamental role for cell to cell communication. For example, the radiation emitted by growing plants or organisms can increase the rate of cell division in similar organisms by as much as 30%. This interesting phenomenon is called mitogenetic effect. [Here is cited Cellular Communication through Light, Daniel Fels, PloS One, 4:4, 1 April 2009, the abstract of which says: there is still very little known about the potential of photons for intercellular communication it is suggested that the cell populations use two (or more) frequencies for cellular information transfer, which influences at least energy uptake, cell division rate and growth correlation. Note that Fels' experimental set up blocks molecular diffusion but not types of radiation other than that photonic. Further, be aware that our model of DNA radiation exchange processes offers, in microphysical detail, an explanation as to how changes in the radiative environment of DNA effect changes in the rate, rate of rate, and rate of rate of rate of genetic transcription, the temperature oscillation rate-squared-cubed of the pi-electron parcel being regarded as intracellular Zeitgebers setting transcription speed, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration, folding of the molecule within its chromosome being related to these dynamics, changes of which change direction of motion of the double-helix undergoing helix-coil transition.]
What we were thinking during the early-1980s concerning the implications of our model is summarized in our illustrated terminology glossary.
Reading into The Heisenberg Group and Uncertainty Principle in Mathematical Physics, Recep Celebi and Kirk Hendricks and Matthew Jordan, Fields Undergraduate Summer Research Program 2015, U. of Ottawa, especially the Digging Deep into the Heisenberg Algebra and Heisenberg Group section, I am better able to follow details of the Introduction section to Clifford Algebras in Symplectic Geometry and Quantum Mechanics, Ernst Binz and Maurice A. de Gosson and Basil J. Hiley, arXiv, 3 March 2012. If J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels do, indeed, subtend the Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities, yielding a geometry of quantum-non-simple identity, a geometry that will enable us to represent situations in which each entity can be 'more than one thing at once' (quoting J. G. Bennett, Appendix III to Chapter 15, The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, p. 506), a geometry facilitating cognizance of µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, then the Heisenberg algebra made up of tuples in Real2n+1 under 1T2-only-logic indexed to truth-values must be extended to tuples in ComplexMn+[i to the nth power] under µTm-logics indexed to the relative-states of identity-transparency (à la G. Spencer Brown's demonstration, distinction more fundamental than truth-value; à la Pensinger's speculation, identity and its transparencies more fundamental than distinction). But I still say that inner-Musculpt, techno-exteriorized as maths notation, is required if thinking in such understanding of µTm-logics is to be applied to, say, the Clifford Clock whereupon each nested Clifford algebra demerges as modified under CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2.
1T2 µTm I/im double-digit midget I/in CTC+ Tzog-chen 2nk
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