µTm Scenarios, T45(M)
By Lauri Love stated comprehensively, and much more succinctly than I've been able to accomplish:
[Here is a] good example [Yapese stone money] illustrative of your musings on the potential for emergent systems of value exchange to evolve in a naturalistic and decentralised manner to subsume complex[ly interactive] value systems through a synthesis of economics and cultural lore in the practice of the ritual exchange of values endowed symbolically with superposed significances and chains of duty and obligation Despite the endurance of the wild west/frontier phase of cryptocurrencies currently encumbered by grift and hype cycles, I remain stubbornly optimistic about the potential for their eventual application in the elaboration of complex hypostasis for integration of valuations across fractal boundaries to explicate an m-logically-valued reference space of dzogchen in the praxis of participatory economics as distributed quantum holographic computation enacting multiple scenarios strategic planning through the reflection of reflections / interpenetration of potentialities.
I have been musing -- since following Lauri Love's prompting and link-referrals to look into the literature on Yapese rai stone money -- that whilst the transactional µTm-LETS-currency subsystem-system-supersystem [mu}itic MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) quantum-composite would be an analogue to material processes described by sets of nonlinear Schrödinger's qubitic equations, it would only be an analog were the value-ensheaved-µTm-logical-currency-unit transactions handled via Fourier transforms and superposedly processed by Lukasiewiczian analog computers. But, as we have learned from Predicting quantum-accurate electron densities for DNA with equivariant neural networks, Alex J. Lee and Joshua A. Rackers and William P. Bricker, Chemrxiv.org, 2022 by references:
Despite advances in methodologies and computing power, however, the broad application of quantum modeling to biological systems of interest remains hindered by the steep computational scaling of solving Schrödinger's equation. Large biological macromolecules such as DNA typically consist of thousands to tens of thousands of atoms or more, making them far too large for traditional quantum calculations
a recent DFT [quantum Density Functional Theory] study was able to model a full turn of A-DNA in a vacuum environment at the hybrid functional level. But given the steep scaling of DFT, calculations on larger DNA structures would be extremely costly if not unfeasible. [Therefore, they turn to alternative machine learning approaches sans the solving of Schrödinger's equation.]
Lee-Rackers-Bricker speak of the linear Schrödinger's equation where upon the m-valued wavefunction is interpreted relative to the probabilistic Born Rule. One wonders how alternative machine learning approaches complexed to Lukasiewicz analog µTm-processing of Fourier transforms of m-valued-LETS transactions would fare relative to the steep, steeper, steepest computational scaling surely involved in 3-fold-operator-timed nonlinear Schrödinger's equation and sets thereof, the involved m-valued wavefunctions interpreted, not in terms of the probability amplitudes of the Born Rule, but relative to relative-states of identity-transparency, the propositions of which being numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Although the distributed ledger instantiated by memetime-stamped blockchain technologies guarantees tracking of transactions that is seamless and incorruptible, prevents multiple spending of a given simply-identifiable 1T2-only-definable currency unit, and ensures that the [single] value [of the unit] is known and [simple] ownership is indisputable (quoted phraseology drawn from Banking on Stone Money: Ancient Antecedents of Bitcoin, Scott M. Fitzpatrick and Stephen Mckeon, Economic Anthropology, 7:1, June 2019), this contributes nothing to solution of the foremost problems facing hu-hu-[hu}man|ity at its current conjuncture, all of which such problems have to do with the commons and the fact that the 1T2-only-logical markette in[her}end|ly cannot process properties of CommonGround whereupon quantum non-simple identity abounds. This is the area of study -- collective and cooperative quantum phenomena -- in which A Beautiful Mind might have made major contributions had the non-dominant side of its 1T2-only-molecular-cellular brain not been electro-shocked into misbegotten submission, a submission precluding attempts to register existence of µTm-quantum-brain processing, and relative to which the Quantum Dot Lady might have made more insightful artistic renderings had she not been mislead into believing herself insane. Ah, the he[gem}only which TPTB the GLE (global leadership elite) seek to maintain! Distribution across peers arrayed on a global monoscale is, relative to systems-theoretic functionals-functors, not at all the same as decentralized; decentralized would require the peers to be arrayed on a surface-structure multiscaled subsytem-system-supersystem quasi-fractal nesting-foam self-cancelled according to the deep-structure boundaries-without-boundary extant via the holographic principle: hologram <|<|< AdS >|>|> phase-front reconstruction <|<|< CFT >|>|> holograph. The blockchain cannot in any way be accurately construed an expression of the holographic principle. Quoting Jo Lindsay Walton, Bitcoin and stone money: Anglophone use of Yapese economic cultures, 1910-2020, Finance and Society, EarlyView, 2022, p. 57: The iteration and expansion of this principally numeric [the solving of meaningless number-theoretical puzzles defined over mempool, a term which nowadays could be considered illegal, i.e., gendered, well, at least in Hindi] narrative [i.e., storyboard of Bitcoin blockchain distributed ledger] is a relatively automated process and not a particularly suitable arena for the staging and adaptation of cultural values and norms. But, if the Bitcoin golden nonce 1T2-only-numeric problems qua puzzles to be solved were computer-game stepped up (think: BreakDance becomes EscherFormDance) to palimpsestuous (Walton's provocative term, in this case used relative to the writing over of computer-gaming memory stores) [re}solving and [re}solving and [re}solving the always and all ways mutating µTm-logical multiple-scenarios strategic planning conundrums involved in stacking values on base-states of µTm-LETS-currency units, then the staging and adaptation of cultural values and norms relative to the various corpora of Kulturstaat cultural resources cum the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock and problematics of depleting natural resources, overpopulation, anthropogenic climate-shift dynamics, so on, would become the goose that lays the golden nonces. One choreographic aspect (think: bee-waggle dance and Yapese intra- and inter-village stonemoney-cum-identity-exchange-cere{money] oral transmission dance as described in the Yap Dance section of Yap Day: Cultural Politics in the State of Yap, Toru Aoyama, Occasional Papers No. 34, Kogoshima U. Research Center for the Pacific Islands, 2001, and, as regards the inner work qua yogic aspects of Yapese dance as spiritual practice, see 'Becoming Beautiful in the Dance': On the Formation of Ethical Modalities of Being in Yap , C. Jason Throop, Oceania, 79:2, July 2009) of EscherFormDance would be the encoding-notation (think of techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as maths notation whilst considering The perpetual 'present' of dance notation, Victoria Watts, Ekphrasis, 2, 2014, pp. 180-99) in dance movements of insights as to functions and forms of inner-Musculpt obtained through attempts to learn sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak and by human-research-pod use of the computerized, biofeedback and holographic-display equipped, isolation-flotation Lilly tank. Dance choreographic encoding being integral to oral transmission of the Yapese stone-money distributed ledger, one wonders as to how thoroughly participation mystique states of consciousness and conscious access to inner-Musculpt iconography suffused the processes involved. As regards dance floor grid matrices for mapping the motion trajectory of each dance figure (see the fascinating, if complex, paper entitled Learn2Dance: Learning Statistical Music-to-Dance Mappings for Choreographic Synthesis, Ferda Ofli, et al., IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 14:3, June 2012), I would suggest, not the usual affine square matrix, but, for their tropological value, two skew-parallel-troping modern triangular-tessellated mandalas: (1) the E8 Petrie projection depiction of demergence C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2; and (2) the visualization of AdS metric and its compactification remergence 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+. Ack, aye, the branes of polytopes (elaborately portrayed in color here by graces of Luca Romano). Conjugacy classes, with the orbits of the group acting upon itself being a pretty strong focus on the left-hand-side of the T-for-transparency of 1T2, are, by entente cordiale, suggestive of hidden (from view by binary-mind) µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency (where in the world?), but not very suggestive, particularly insofar as the conjugal relation is restricted to the monogamous on the basis of 1T2ly-orthogonal unitarity. Similarity classes portending isomorphism classes are more suggestive, but still, not all that suggestive, there being continued reliance upon 1T2ly-orthogonal unitarity. And, folks, plotting determinant rotations and translations and symmetries of the waggle groups hiding from the temporal CURLs of Pauli-Paine 3-fold topologically-active operator-time -- GL(n); SL(n); O(n); E(n); SO(n); U(n); SU(n); Sp(n); and the infinite dimensional Lie groups -- BreakDanced cum EscherFormDanced over dance-floor phase-space matrices! But, be cognizant: all of these waggle groups conducting inside elongated funnels, tori, whatsoever, are 1T2-only-logically orchestrated. How could we possibly think in, uh, uh, being-there conducted in, all those waggles µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-logically orchestrated -- THAT art thou real world, so it seems to my I/im -- without the aid of techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation? What multi-utilities would be serviced by existence of such tropological metareferences? The further the Weltanschauung world-picture veers off from this or that codification of cosmological autopoiesis and self-organization, and the more tropes thereto are stripped away (down, down, derry down with the Empire of Signs!) leaving behind cosmodissonance and inability to satisfactorily accomplish group-individual self-definition (even under 1T2-only-logic alone), these two (i.e., dissonance-inability) yielding existential anxiety, separatism, anomie, with consequent schizophrenogenic double-binds, that having become the case, the broader the thin-blue-line must be, qua the more the coercion required, to maintain social order -- the functional prerequisites to, and framework determining conditions for, spontaneous social order having been prevented from constellation-formation or/and banished. Consider The Great Reset to be the Prologue to the Rule, an invitation to the sacred path pioneered by TPTB the GLE, and executive ordered by Acts of Supremacy and associated First-, Second-, Third-, ,n Suppression Acts supported by the recruitments guaranteed by various and sundry enfeoffments granted to the already superrich oligarchs cum lumpen-capitalist aristocrats.
O, the whips of wind on Saltaire
Night in gale
Poundings upon hull, peltings of sleet
Riding a six-meter into
The void aheadD'[i]men|sion hither, thither, and yon?
Though this wind be one a'bearing
Despite the bangings, of bearings it has none
Not in hither, not in thither
And, by God, not in yon, notherParish thought: can't see abbey, priory, basilica
No cracking good, old son: all have had to cry off!
Aye, always have done, have so done, have done so
Cath[e]draw: the nunnery's convent recording it pal[imps}est
Having often witnessed travel to Malice-upon-Transference
Throwing up a haboob by way of disinformation dispersal
The opposite of apposite, dear sir!(Theory of) ritual gifting (which practice, under Westernization, deteriorated to omiyage and ang-pau qua hongbao), be it of soul cloths, stone money, whatever, deep-structure indicated-indicates identity-exchange qua identity-incorporation, acts thereof signifying cosmogonical identity-transparency and its special-particular cases, these calculated acts of indication-signification intentionality being leveling mechanisms nixing 1T2-only-logical mine/yours cum ours/theirs (which is not necessarily to nix µTm-logical mine-yours cum µTm-logical ours/theirs, µTm understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency: 1T2-only-values = politicoeconomic qua [not cum] power entooling; µTm-values = psychosocial and environmental [not en}viron}mental] dispensation-apportionment). One thing the WEF doesn't get in pompously proclaiming that You will own nothing [because we will own everything], and you WILL be happy [or else] (some might regard the involved not-so-funny WEF dystopian-socialist CBDC-money as being more like stoned money than stone money) is that David Graeber's social currencies would have their full habitus in the m-values internalizing externalities (economic anthropology's reciprocity is a poor substitute for the Gurdjieffian Law of Reciprocal Maintenance) and ensheaved upon the base-state of µTm-processed LETS currencies defined over quasi-fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary, currencies articulated in nesting-foams, the various commodity backings there for valued relative to a universal quantum-composite unit of account and mapped (no Secretariat of Quantum State required!), à la Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, upon C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround MotherHouse most-densely-value-stacked dot-matrix sheet of the MVRS-CosmicBoard-BackCloth, these mappings transforming J. L. Lindsay's topologies of wealth into chronotopologies of wealth. The Bitcoin scaling problem vis-à-vis size of blocks-in-ledger is not the same as the problem of establishing multiscale µTm-LETS nesting-foams defined over quasi-fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary -- trivial by comparison, actually. The notion of 2-coincidence of wants applies to markette internalities; the notion of n-coincidence of wants applies to externalities of the commons: the markette indicated by this statement being that which employs only single-valued monies in transactions 1T2ly processed. Single-valued non-quantum simple-identity may be regarded a bearer asset; m-valued quantum non-simple-identity is not sufficiently anchored as to bear bearer[able}ness (m-valued identity as bundled and µTmly processed can be considered distributed; m-valued identity as unbundled, hence Mer[Curia}l, and CTC+ly processed is not sufficiently anchored as to bear distributed[able}ness). Reducing the notion of identity qua identity as metaphysical category to a function of mere hashpower and/or its earlier analogues has always been epiphenomenal to use of single-valued exchange units only; in ritual gift exchange of, say, soul cloths, e.g., Ulos ni tondi, the identity exchanged cum incorporated was, at the very least, distributed. Anonymized-transactional-history-1T2-Bitcoin transparency to public scrutiny is far and away from the µTm-relative-state identity-transparency that would be accorded the framework determining conditions of m-valued-LETS nesting-foams via internalization of externalities by indicator-tagged values being ensheaved upon base-state of a given LETS currency unit, transactions with which being µTm-logically processed. Cultivated relationships of trust (think: e.g., the cordiality afforded by the cross-shareholding embodied in the horizontal keiretsu) are needed to just the degree that systemic µTm-relative-state identity-transparency is absent (Dial M for-- whatchamacallit, for uh, uh, the MICIMATT Complex?); 1T2-only-lawfare-enforced contracts are needed to just the degree relationships of trust are absent. Registering proclamations of the WEF's Dicastery of Woke Evangelization, we can suppose that no grace reform will be involved in the WEFcuria's jurisimpudence at officiation of what, conjugated to 5G, plausibly could become die (COVID19-cum-[Mod]mRNA) Endlösung (considering that some of our most-pecunious advocates of medical-cum-VR life extension give indications that they may construably be against capital punishment for the serial killer and for plausibly-deniable forms of mass murder of the moral majority: note that the linked article draws its conclusions without even a mention of DNA, let alone that molecule's quantum-wave signature and the radiation-exchange processes its wave properties engage in). The End of Violence? Oh, the HO-HO-HO of them sociopoliticoeconomic serotonins! And, gosh, all our black self-propaganda analogues to the fluoxetine-paroxetine-sertraline SSRIs. The forms of collective ownership hu-hu-[hu}man|ity has hisstorically experimented with are not µTm-orders of quantum-non-simple ownability, which are not the same as 1T2ly-simple non-ownablenesses. HashHouseHarriers stopping over at HackerHouse: catch thy breath, eh what! How long must we await solution to the tragedy of the commons exemplified in the garbage-blocked oceanic annihilate? Until formalism becomes substantivism; substantivism, formalism? Following Wilhelm Worringer, empathetically embrace abstraction; abstract empathy? With the post-WWI momentary first appearance of TheAffluentSociety apparition (requiring blindered neglect of The Other America), the abundance of scarcity had purportedly been overcome, at least in one society; whereas, in reality, the scarcity of abundance was becoming ever more amplified with further elaborations of forced-draft urbanization due largely to discorporation of the family farm and associated evaporation of the extended family, and with consequent post-WWII greater and greater disparities of income and net worth the more globalization of financialization advanced despite efflorescent planetarized wars on worldwide poverty and hunger (these wars in the post-VNwar-era transmogrifying into Global Phoenix promulgated with various MOs). The actual deep-structure cause-push/attractor-pull: nobody never did know, and likely won't, nother. A few of the many ways to quench potential conscious access to µTm-relative-state identity-transparency: FaceBook as substitute for face-to-face; social distancing complexed to telepresence; lockdowns; internal travel visas; infrasex. Not exactly titillating or scintillating: Maui's oceanic Tantra having abased itself and shape-shifted to a debased oceanic sublime devolved via techno-avilissement (place tropes having been subsumed by The [unplace] Matrix) to the diminutive disheartening (see Fluidity, Shift and Bloom: Understandings of an Oceanic Sublime in an Age of Ecological Collapse, Fiona Edmonds-Dobrijevich, The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 4:5, 2010). I've never been able to determine whether it's [God}ought or [Go}dotty should I be for a'waiting. Creative products (e.g., die direct accusative assaulting der incidental dative: Kunstwissenschaft artscience methodology technology), being largely facilitated into concretion by good offices of the collective unconscious, are not simply-creatable, and not being so are [Anima}istically in[her}end|ly not 1T2-simply-ownable. The foremost Bar preventing quantum-[eco}no|sociological barrier penetration: 1T2-only-logical jurisimprudence.
The details of this paper, Learn2Dance: Learning Statistical Music-to-Dance Mappings for Choreography Synthesis, Ferda Ofli, et al., IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 14:3, June 2012, are to me more than merely staggering, stunning in fact, leaving me utterly flabbergasted, in that -- if dance figure (motion unit) is changed to instantaneous shape of colored form, whereby orbifold chord geometries and musical topos may be found to be transitional notions between dance figure and instantaneous shape of colored form -- described therein are the requirements for what the initial software package must accomplish in order to begin an evolution-through-use-type process of holographically techno-exteriorizing inner-Musculpt as form-in-process formlanguage, maths notation, and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams. That is, to be more specific, here we have spelled out many of the functional and structural prerequisites to the software package for the computerized, biofeedback-and-holographic-display-equipped isolation-flotation Lilly tanks to be used by an EsherFormDance pod attempting to learn the sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak of the bottle-nosed dolphin. The pod's intensive (think: the stress-oriented training of SFTG) group work with EscherFormDance and DolphinSpeak would facilitate emergence of some early levels of µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency within the pod (think: so-called SF satori) which would, in turn, facilitate demergence of more and more elaborate autogenic brain discharges cum autogenic abreactions in the tank productive of conscious access to inner-Musculpt that, the contents of which, that is, could be approximated-reproduced-stored for analysis by means of the dance pod member's use in the tank of CAD software and biofeedback (as regards one modality, an appropriate non-militaristic, not-totalitarian use for the mind-reading technological capability currently being developed for other purposes). I would not be an advocate of µTm-LETS absent an extremely friendly user-friendly interface that evolves through use -- evolves like a natural language -- covariantly with gathering complexity of the monetary system as additional values are ensheaved upon the base-states of the units of given LETS currencies. I would also be opposed to µTm-LETS if the open-source e-commons computer-gaming of the m-scenarios strategic planning of the origination and ensheavement of the additional values were not done up with all the bells and whistles that attracts those in their early-teens to computer games. But, obviously, it will not be me who produces such software, formalizes such stratplanning, develops such µTm-LETS computer games. Early on, my focus of interest was placed upon the big picture, strategic research and analysis, not the actionable intelligence from which tactical maneuvers are initiated. I knew this focus came with a major drawback: I'd never learn enough about any specific aspect to accomplish any particular thing. But that was alright with me, as I had no aspirations to accomplishments: I sought answers to some fundamental questions which arose very early in my life -- e.g., what are the meaning and implications of the non-ordinary states of consciousness I experienced as a child living in rural Japan; for instance, were these states the origin of my period of direct conscious access to some low level of elaboration of inner-Musculpt? -- and which I later learned are intimately related to larger questions posed relative to numerous areas of research-thought-action. I have looked into particulars of specific areas, but never deeply, as what interests me is the connections between areas and what those connections can reveal vis-à-vis the fundamental questions posed. As regards connections between areas, for instance, Ofli, et al., found that they had to go to second-order dynamics (think: transit from linear to nonlinear Schrödinger equations) because the boundary values imposed, by limiting the model to first-order dynamics, prevent realistic integration of dance-figure sequences. Quoting their text:
angular features are generally discontinuous at boundary values due to their 2pi-periodic nature and this situation causes a problem in training statistical models to capture the temporal dynamics of a sequence of angular features. Therefore, instead of using the static set of Euler angles, we use their first and second differences computed with the following difference equation where the resulting discontinuities are eliminated by the following conditional update Then the 44-dimensional dynamic motion feature vector is formed
In other words, they had to transit from opaque in-or-out boundaries to boundaries-without-boundary if one dance figure was to flow naturally into the next, this being, to my mind, a tipping of the hat to existence in nature of relative-state identity-transparency. This feature of the Ofli, et al., model is also consonant with our idea that µTm-LETS currencies should be defined over quasi-fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary, not 1T2-only in-or-out boundaries. In our model of general process, we go to third-order dynamics so as to take into account the self-referential (µTm) propositions orchestrating the self-reentrant reflexivities characteristic of quantum subsystem-system-supersystem composites (whereas, by contrast, Soros would have us treat market reflexivity in terms of self-referential propositions taken to signify -- by analogy to Heisenberg's dyadic 1T2-only-uncertainty --The Unknowable).
Ferda Ofli, et al., in the Conclusion section to Learn2Dance: Learning Statistical Music-to-Dance Mappings for Choreography Synthesis, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 14:3, June 2012, state the following:
The performance of the proposed framework strongly depends on the quality, the complexity and the size of the audiovisual dance database [think: which, in the µTm-LETS case, would have to be built from the bottom up to insure quality]. For instance, higher-order-gram models can be integrated in the presence of sufficient training data, to better exploit the intrinsic dependencies of the dance figures. Currently we employ only bigrams (with n = 2) to model intrinsic dependencies of the dance figures. This choice of model is mainly due to the scale of the choreography database that we use in training [of the modeling algorithms]. We also note that, in our experiments, the bigram statistics proved to be sufficient for the current state of the framework
We define a dance figure as the dance motion trajectory corresponding to a single [music] measure segment. The choice of measures as elementary music primitives simplifies the task of statistical modeling and allows us to use the powerful HMM [hidden Markov model] framework for music-to-dance mapping. However this choice can also be seen as a limiting assumption that ignores higher levels of semantics and correlations [think: cf., e.g., higher levels of the genetic code/language carried by the acoustically-modified, coherent, harmonic-quantum-wave output of the pi-electron gas of DNA-RNA at replicative helix-coil transition] which might exist in a musical piece This current limitation of our framework could be addressed by using, for example, hierarchical statistical modeling tools and/or higher order -grams (with n > 2). Yet, modeling higher levels of semantics remains as an open challenge for further research.
To illustrate how little has been the progress I've made since the late-1970s, I extract quotations from pages 580-82, Vol. 2, our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, the quotes reflecting contents of blackboard conversations which transpired in Douglas A. Paine's Bradfield Hall office, Cornell University, circa 1977:
the key letter indicates the depth of the nest, indicates, that is, the tableau used to encipher the plaintext letter because of the nested multiple tableaux, its polyalphabetic Involutory transformations? Lester Hill? The decomposition of the triangular grids, if arrayed on a Riemann surface, is the geometrical equivalent of Hill's transformational involute [see discussion of avalanche effect qua cascade in Advanced Hill Cipher Handling the Entire Plain Text as a Single Block, V. U. K. Sastry and Aruna Varanasi and S. Udaya Kumar, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 1:4, Nov-Dec 2010: consider why this might be interesting in context of complex angular momentum inputs to the global atmosphere cascading through multiple levels of wave motion at tornadogenesis], only it's also polyalphabetic because there are n-nests, each representing the covering surface of an n-gramic monalphabetic substitution And the parallelogram tableaux can become an ensemble of Hill matrices Even the modulo computations are workable vis-à-vis the Riemann surface Self-inverse ciphers, involutes The structure of the reflector! The wormhole mesh? Perforated sheets: core positions stacked on top of each other. The wormhole mesh? Letter tables written in cycles. Group theory Order of the three rotors: i, j, k. Initial settings of the three rotors: l, m, n. Operator time? The triangular grid as reflector. This polyalphabetic cipher nest is an m-valued analogue to our Brownian wave statement Which means that transfinite substitution sets can be stated simply with an m-valued wave function and processed with field-effect computing Polyalphabetic ciphers are rotational in nature, so Each tableau corresponds to a rotational operator, a particular outcome of a temporal operation! the first order temporal curl is monalphabetic; the second, finite polyalphabetic; the third, transfinite polyalphabetic. Active time is the operator that changes the alphabets and the order of value of the spacetime cipher? with the third order comes the non-orientability N-dimensional polyalphabeticity, itself, is not a model of m-valuedness, nor are monalphabetic n-grams, but polygraphic polyalphabeticity is a model of m-valuedness. Each n-sheet provides the tableau for an order of polygraphic value, an order of relative-stateness: 2-, 3-, 4-, ,m-digit. And the composite projects to the reference space as the universal covering surface
Mien Gott! exclaimed Ilse. What is an n-gram?
It's a type of cipher replied Derek, where you encipher n-letters so that the result depends on all taken together [note that n-gram models are criticized for not being able to represent unbounded dependencies, that's n-grams under 1T2-only logic alone; in the CTC+ case, quasi-fractal-unto-fractal cum boundary-altogether-without-boundary relative-state identity-transparency, unbounded dependencies very likely could be adequately handled]. This all-togetherness is quantum mechanical in nature. The identity transparency of elementary particles works like that; it's called relative-state.
The lack of progress since 1977, I could explain away by excuses such as: stigmatization and withdrawal of funding; the exposure and library access that would have been catalytic to extension of the ideas had evaporated. Instead of striving to rigorously extrapolate the ideas, I co-wrote a novel, the act of which was used as a vehicle to organize full spectrum of the ideas in my much too diffuse awareness of them -- never mind a real codification cum rigorous explication, the context for development of such being altogether absent, i.e., not successfully re-created by me, despite multiple efforts to do so. Why is it that, circa June of 2012, n-gramic all-taken-together modeling [of] higher levels of semantics remains as an open challenge for further research? Take two together, and another two, and another two n-times over, then add these two-togethers together: the result, no less than that obtained by use of the Born Rule to interpret m-valuedness of the state-function of Schrödinger's wave equation, sustains the entrenched intellectual-emotional paranoiac-compulsive commitment to, qua identification with, the Western notion of individualism, monotheism, monogamy, monoculture; whereas, in taking all-together in one fell swoop, the result evokes, rightly or not as binary-mind construes: collectivism, polytheism, polygamy-polyandry, the multicultural, paganism, animism, spiritualism, invasion, possession, the face-ripping dissociative psychoses as understood by the psychiatric establishment, so on and so forth. O, caparisoned in n-persona overcoats! Grumble-grumble. Grouse-grouse. One example of the ConveDDing (conversion-disorder displacing) of taking-all-together: the widespread use of sports analogies-similes-metaphors relative to warfare accurately reflects the main function of, particularly team, sports: psychoprep for war. Whoa, Buddha on a bike! True Lies have become sacrosanct because that is the way of the Trickster archetype of the collective unconscious: in logics µTm-unto-CTC+ (rigorously codified and lied about since 1921), 1T2-only truth-value is a lie. What is suppressed, not consciously assimilated and integrated, becomes regressed and is automatically behaviorally expressed as orchestrated by the Trickster. The expression will not be 1T2-logically connected to that which is suppressed: the connecting principle is that of dreamforms in dreamtime (involving The Unconscious as Infinite Sets CTC+ processed, not 1T2ly so). When evolution of the Weltanschauung slays the metaphysical foundations of the institutional base, and the fact of this is denied by sundry means across the board in every field of human activity, this fact-in-denial is suppressed, pushed into the collective unconscious, there to fester. In this circumstance, people professional or no, and particularly the leadership elite, go bonkers. Hence, any etiological statement about collective psychosis based primarily on conscious forcing functions is out to lunch: it would not be psychosis were it not mediated predominantly by unconscious factors.
During some ill-defined period of my youth, I vaguely began the process of reaching full conscious clarity as to distinguishing between meaning in my life and meaning of my life: the former was mostly found in relations with others; the latter, in identified life-pattern thematics (since I had begun keeping a personal journal, good offices of Mr. Higgins, teacher of my seventh-grade English class, and continued on with it, somewhere along the timeline I began to notice recurrences, even early on, mostly positive inner transitions occasioned by outward quitting of selected activities [e.g., had many more merit badges than required for Eagle Scout, but didn't bother to acquire one of those that were required for the award] -- strongly castigated for this -- deemed by me no longer edifying, or by outright failed projects -- strongly castigated for this -- generally located somewhere out there in Lalaland; questions as to orchestration of leitmotivs highlighted by good offices of the journal were eventually largely attributed to the interface between the personal unconscious and archetypal event gradients of the collective unconscious, and as to orchestrator attributions, these were largely bequeathed to theology, an area I've never cultivated much interest in). Snapover into full conscious clarity as to this in-of distinction vis-à-vis meaning came with the trauma-of-recognition (initial psychogenic shock and resultant period of debasement, forced upon me by a crisis in relations, and accompanied by considerable self-imposed psychosuffering) associated with the sudden insight -- enlightenment, it is perhaps best characterized as -- that most of the habitual factor variables, behaviors, beliefs, feelings, recurrent emotions, preferences, avoidances, so on, which I take as identifying me as a unique individual [per}son, are actually mere variances knee-jerked under impress of the subliminal programming delivered by prescriptive enculturation cum socialization (feeling this depersonalization in concrete instances -- by seeing their hetero-hypnotic and subsequent-consequent self-metaprogrammed origins, graces of John C. Lilly's Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer -- over and over and over ad nauseam is not the same as intellectually acquiescing to the notion thereof), hence are substantively collective in nature, not at all authentically individual, and certainly not by any criteria of evaluation unique. That being so, where does that leave my me? Certainly not definable under 1T2-only-logic alone! I have found that people I've talked with can have extremely negative reactions to hearing this sort of thing said. So, I pretty much keep it to myself -- heh-heh-heh. It's much easier on everyone to simply ask: Is my (Whitmanesque other-Iambe qua Emersonian over-soul) I/im nothing but the intersection of Purusha and Prakriti? Hides ontic phenomenology of the immediacy of the case. Somewhat earlier, as a senior in high school, I had read Albert Camus' The Stranger (later believed to signify 1T2-only separatism) and The Plague (later believed to signify collective psychosis) -- and made early forays into the philosophical orientation informing these novels. Having grown up a military brat, never in one place for long, and even between cultures (Western-Asian; civilian-military), I had long considered myself persistently in the position of being a stranger; being the son of a onetime B-17 pilot, scrimmaging b-ball with B-52 and U-2 pilots, Eielson AFB, Alaska, right after the Gary Powers incident and during the Cuban missile crisis, it took no effort whatsoever to persistently feel presence of the plague lurking there just off stage. Resonance with Camus' notion of the Absurd became one level of my engagement with life, a resonance which has never altogether abated: this level is with regard to Weltanschauung, Lebenswelt, Umwelt. Superimposed upon that is a level having to do with an imputed nature-in-itself, bare reality: this level, in my case, had personal origins before that of the Absurdist level, origins in rural Japan, the hamlet of Midori Gaoka, circa 1953-6, aged 8 1/2 to 11 1/2. Consciously, my subjective experience of Japan, after being returned to the ZI, Zone of the Interior, was largely forgotten through junior high and high school (somewhat rekindled by a reading of F. S. C. Northrop's The Meeting of East and West during my freshman year of college); whereas, unconsciously, that experience abreacted as psychogenic Plexiglas wall and associated dissociative phenomena which I was able to keep pretty well hidden -- though it greatly conditioned, subliminally, the spectrum of interests I pursued, the orientation taken to those interests, and the choices made as to my discretionary reading material. To this day, I regard the paddy-field cum verdant-hills Midorigaoka subjective experience as one of generative-empathic nature immersion (cf. relative-state identity-transparency), not as one of acculturation to things uniquely Japanese (many aspects of which I certainly became aware of, but I never became a Japanophile). It was the animistic participation mystique with the natural surround -- by no means unique to the traditional rural Japanese -- that captured my focus of attention. Memories of the contents of this body of experience resurfaced in a flood upon arrival some years later in the Mekong delta, circa 1967, rice harvest period. So, by the time I got back to the ZI from my interval of involvement in the Viet Nam war, I had a well-cultivated 2-state superposition (good offices of Alireza Manzari, Nature in American Transcendentalism, English Language and Literature Studies, 2:3, 2012) concerning psychology and metaphysics of life engagement: the bottom plane being Absurdist; the superordinate, Immersionist. This is, of course, and I eventually became aware of it as being so, on the supraordinate level, a kind of Hawkeyesque pagan-animistic-quantum extension of Emerson-Thoreau (Emersonian words: bare, infinite, transparent; Thoreau's higher truth of the mind of the universe being, actually, higher than truth-value), and, on the Absurdist level, a kind of Existentialist modification of the sociality aspect of early-19th-century American Transcendentalism, a modification denigrating prescriptive enculturation (and, as I now know by good offices of Joe Pearce via David Spillane, how that prescription orchestrates glutamatergic anchoring at neuronal plasticity). In Joseph Chilton Pearce's The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, I found supporting arguments for maintenance of this attitude of denigration. Getting around Alaska quite a bit during the very early 1960s fanned the Immersionist orientation into ascendency, but that ascent couldn't well sustain itself once I was removed from Alaska (I tried to stay with the considerable assistance provided by sourdough Paul Connell, the Homestead Act then still being intact, but, not being 18, parental signature on the Homestead application form was required, and not forthcoming) -- and the older I get the more the absurd seems to dominate awareness of the behaviors engaged in by the socia cum socius cum socium and their quantum-composite. This is the sort of music that helps me drive the sense of absurdity back to where it belongs.
DNA coding and Gödel numbering, Argyris Nicolaidis and Fotis Psomopoulos, arXiv, 30 September 2019: great paper! -- and some such as its central thesis was assumed to be naturally so by us in speaking of coherent quadripolar waves (one pole for each of the four nucleotide pairs) being generated by pi-electron gas at critical-state-cum-replicative helix-coil transition, and wave-effect processed such that the higher-temporal formants (mere Layers of Nowhere insofar as binary-mind's take on chronotopological sectors and sections of temporal-CURL's rotation-generated hyper-tori are concerned: God-body Disconnects of The Water and the Well) of the genetic language involve holographic-Musculpt-symformphonie manifolds, the corresponding lattice structures of which, their nodes and bones, that is, are numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-logical genetic propositions cum predicate formulas. So-- what is a Gödel-numbered Gödel number? Insofar as I've been able to discover, Gödel-numbering schema are currently used only for 1T2-valued propositions (to include axioms) and relative to 1T2-valued predicate logics. I can't even find discussion of Gödel numbers of Gödel-Dummett fuzzy-logics (plural, as a particular such logic is defined by restriction of the truth-value range available, one range of those ranges existing in the real interval [0,1]: see Gödel-Dummett Predicate Logics and Axioms of Prenexability, Vitezslav Svejdar, in O. Tomala and R. Honzik, eds., The Logica Yearbook 2006: Proceedings of the Logica 06 International Conference, pp. 251-60, Philosophia Praha, 2007: see discussion of prenex here) propositions cum predicate formulas. A Gödel number is a composite number, so Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers relative to µTm-unto-CTC+ propositions would be orders of composites of the composite Gödel numbers (µTm-unto-CTC+ being understood relative to order-types of relative-state identity-transparency, not relative to truth-value). The closest thing I've found to anything like that is given in the ResearchGate discussion of Jason Hadnot's question, to wit:Do the axioms of a system get turned into a finite set of composite numbers? Hadnot says:
does a series of Gödel numbers fit into something like a collection of generating functions. The Gödel numbers realized by the generating function are the Gödel numbers for an infinite number of axioms. For example, 1/(1 - x)^2, is the generating function for 1,2,3,4,5, the whole numbers, or 1/(1-x)^3 is the generating function for 1,3,6,10, 15, the triangular numbers. These are not Gödel numbers since not all of the numbers in these sequences factor into the product of all primes less than a given prime where each prime is raised to a given number.
This is not Gödel-numbering Gödel numbers in my sense (see the last scene, the tape-recorded autogenic-abreaction description given at the very end of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh), but it is an astute looking in that direction. Nothing else I've seen, in searching for insight, comes nearly so close as Hadnot's statement. My conviction on this issue has been that it involves, à la three-fold temporal CURL, three orders of Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes (concerning the Riemann-surface-ensheaved µTm equivalence classes to given prime numbers, see: Characterization of Prime Numbers in Lukasiewicz's Logical Matrix, Alexander S. Karpenko, Studia Logica, 48:4, 1989, pp. 465-78) as the generating functions Hadnot seeks. It may be that Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers are not, strictly speaking, Gödel numbers, but extensions of the basic notion of numbering logical propositions cum predicate formulas. I don't claim to understand details of this, as, quite frankly, I don't -- though I'm still learning, little by little. Then there is the calculable iff recursive issue. At this point I glean almost nothing from On the Complexity of Computing Gödel Numbers, Vasco Brattka, Leeds Computability Days 2022, 21 May 2022, but it's the most focused piece on the calculability issue I've run across, so I hope soon to find a route into it. Seems to me, nonetheless, given the infinitude properties of the µTm-unto-CTC+ cases, that finite iteration digital computing is inherently incapable, to include 2-state, ,n-state qubitic quantum computing, whereas wave-effect Lukasiewiczian-analog computing, using standing-wave surfaces (as well as J.G.Bennettian skew-cubes cum skew-polytopes) as the elementary information units, may at some memetime-point become fully capable. There is also, relative to µTm-unto-CTC+, the none-selfsame-number identity-transparency issue, where, in the limiting case, each prime number is every prime number as dictated by the holographic principle expressing on boundary-without-boundary of the standing-wave-surfaces-skewcubes-skewpolytopes-elementary-information-units employed at Lukasiewiczian-analog computation. Somewhat extraneously, I was surprised and greatly interested to learn that Piaget modulated his basic ideas about cognitive development in childhood under the influence of Gödel's work (see: Piaget's neo-Gödelian turn: Between biology and logic, origins of the new theory, Jeremy Trevelyan Burman, Theory & Psychology, 26:6, 2016, pp. 751-72) -- and I was not surprised to see no mention of Piaget's notions being affected by consideration of Lukasiewicz logics. Given my personal history in rural Japan as a preadolescent (i.e., during the period when prescriptive enculturation-socialization most strongly affects glutamatergic anchoring at neuronal plasticity under neural-network wipeouts), a Lukasiewicz connection to cognitive development seems to me to issue out of childhood experiences of nature deep-immersion states (countervailing prescriptive enculturation-socialization). Recommended in this regard are: Linking the nonmaterial dimensions of human-nature relations and human well-being through cultural ecosystem services, Lam Thi Mai Huynh, et al., Science Advances, 8:31, 5 August 2022; and Aesthetic and spiritual values of ecosystems: Recognizing the ontological and axiological plurality of cultural ecosystem 'services', Nigel Cooper, et al., Ecosystem Services, 21:B, 2016, pp. 218-29 (the latter paper being of considerable interest with respect to axiological dimensions of the m-scenarios strategic planning issues involved in e-commons computer-gaming the stacking of indicator-measureable-tagged values upon base-state of a given µTm-LETS-currency's currency unit).
Very likely there are facets of All That Is which are authentically-rigorously codifiable under CTC+-unto-µTm-valued logics (and geometrically so by employments of null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels where with geometric figures can simultaneously be themselves and not-themselves n-times over, and, by extension, can simultaneously exist and not-exist n-[ghostly]times over) comprehended relative to relative-state identity-transparency instead of truth-value (utility-validity of which, truth-value, that is, is confined to bivalent logic with and without the Law of Distributed Middle), and unpacked by Pauli-Paine 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) functioning as logical-operator performative, which clearly (concentrate-in-order-to-constellate with respect to the depixelation subliminally transpiring on the inner-image screen where autogenic-abreactive discharge of steganographically-encoded quantum-chromodynamic PCFs -- polymorph color fields -- are always on photism-display) are m-aspects of math-physics-reality not authentically-rigorously codifiable under 1T2-only-valued-logic alone: this clearly being reflected-suggested-intimated in bivalent Heisenberg uncertainty as well as bivalent Gödel incompleteness and non-consistency and undecidability (e.g., conferatur Gödel undecidability with respect to Cantor's continuum hypothesis, Turing's halting problem, the Emil Post correspondence problem, the Hilbert Entscheidungsproblem, the lowest-energy spectral-gap problem [think: Gaplessness is involved in formation of pi-electron parcels in DNA's free-electron-gas clouds? and Does gaplessness involve boundary without-boundary-aleph-infinities-deep between states, thus taking 1T2-extremal entanglement to CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency?: origin of these questions was Jane Suffling's exclamation of epiphany, There are gaps!, made circa 1972, Wedderburn Station, VA, such an epiphany coming, surely, because Jane grew up in the intellectual ambience of Oak Ridge, TN], and possibly [probably?] the Yang-Mills existence and mass-gap problem). Most exemplary, under this 1T2-valued-logic-alone non-codifiability is the state of identity-transparency itself -- such as that which may well exist between nucleotide-pair codons of DNA. For modeling with respect to this may well exist, see Quantum entanglement between the electron clouds of nucleic acids in DNA, Elisabeth Rieper and Janet Anders and Vlatko Vedral, arXiv, 23 February 2011. Quoting excerpts from the abstract to this paper:
We model the electron clouds of nucleic acids in DNA as a chain of coupled quantum harmonic oscillators We show that for realistic parameters nearest neighbour entanglement is present even at room temperature We find that the strength of the single base von Neumann entropy depends on the neighbouring sites, thus questioning the notion of treating single bases as logically independent units [think: µTm-relative-state identity-transparency]. We derive an analytical expression for the binding energy of the coupled chain in terms of entanglement and show the connection between entanglement and correlation energy, a quantity commonly used in quantum chemistry.
Compare that to the following excerpt from the abstract to our 1979 paper, A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, pp. 333-41, concerning the role of DNA's pi-electron-gas clouds in mediating the molecule's radiation-exchange processes:
The status of superconductivity is described as being represented by a radiation-induced harmonic oscillation of a parcel of pi-electrons between the reference level and critical temperatures. A set of field equations is used to describe the information exchange process mediated by a coherent wave phenomenon.
Hopefully Rieper, et al., have never seen a copy of our paper (hard copies of which have long circulated in S.E. Asia), for, in that case, their model would lend a great deal of elaborately explicated independent support to the basic thesis of our paper -- and possibly add considerable information-insight to resolution of the problems involved in finding ways to conduct the experiments suggested at the end of our paper. Rieper, et al., cite Extremal entanglement and mixedness in continuous variable systems, Gerardo Adesso and Alessio Serafini and Fabrizio Illuminati, arXiv, 9 June 2004 -- a paper presenting results of studies of extremally entangled mixed Gaussian states of infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces for fixed global and marginal generalized entropies -- as contextualization for their nearest neighbour entanglement finding vis-à-vis DNA base-pair codons. Adesso, et al., begin by stating that:
The degree of entanglement (i.e. the contents in quantum correlations) as well as the degree of mixedness (i.e. the amount by which a state fails to be pure) are among the crucial features of quantum states from the point of view of quantum information theory. Indeed, the search for proper analytical ways to quantify such features for general (mixed) quantum states cannot be yet considered accomplished.
Our perspective on this subject has been that the 1T2-only-fuzzy-degree of entanglement is one aspect (actually, the binary-mind's takeaway), and only one of many, of the order-type spectrum of µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of identity-transparency, each such n-modes (think: e.g., m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes) relative-state encompassing n-variables, including, e.g., correlation length and correlation energy, and subscribing to Mnk articulation space (M = logical-value order-type; n = number of component processes involved in the given case; k = number of self-organized-criticality correlations between the n component processes involved). In this conception, extremal entanglement would be a criticality-made approach to one aspect of CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, as conceived 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+; conceived CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, identity-transparency would be the reference-state condition on MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space.
I'm sure it didn't come to me so stealthily as succinylcholine-induced heart failure, but it's nonetheless pretty much lost in mists of memetimes passed: origin of the association I've long had between Gödel numbering and the Jungian archetype-in-itself (upon which contents of the collective-personal unconscious gravitate) as Whiteheadian mathematical relation-structure subtending collective-unconscious event gradient (and later -- upon reading the Misner-Thorne-Wheeler thick tome, entitled Gravitation -- lattices (re: the Jungian complex matrix composing the archetype) of the Regge calculus: Gödel-numbered nodes and bones). Likely, memory serving -- and this is only so good as memory serves 60 years later -- the arising in my mind of this association had to do with simultaneously reading C. G. Jung's Modern Man In Search of a Soul and Ernest Nagel's and James R. Newman's Gödel's Proof, circa Fall Semester, 1963, AU-SIS, in researching the required Frosh Thesis for the Dean. There is also a vague memory, possibly wrong, of meeting and briefly chatting with Nagel at the National Teach-In Against the Vietnam War, Sheraton Park Hotel, May 1965. There was an evening seminar-room session few attended in which Henry Morganthau and Stanley Hoffman debated W. W. Rostow. I knew Elspeth Rostow from taking four semesters of her American Civilization seminars at AU-SIS. She introduced me to the three debaters, and it may have been at this seminar-room session that I met Nagel. There is also a vague memory of get-togethers in a house overlooking Rock Creek Park where Jungian psychology was discussed. It may have been at this session of the Teach-In that I was invited to join these get-togethers. This was the beginning of the process by which I eventually concluded (similar to my notion that N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem on the general quintic equation is an existence proof for trans-al-jabr: this idea came to me whilst reading Eric Temple Bell's The Search for Truth and Men of Mathematics and The Development of Mathematics, circa very early 1970s) that Gödel's theorems are existence proofs for non-selfsame numbers and trans-truth-value logics. Jeremy Trevelyan Burman in Piaget's neo-Gödelian turn: Between biology and logic, origins of the new theory, Theory & Psychology, 26:6, 2016, pp. 751-72, makes excellent statements there with regards to, about which relevant observations may be made, to wit:
By building on the Liar Paradox -- typically presented as, simply, this statement is false -- Gödel was able to use his numbering technique to set up a self-referential contradiction: If this statement is true, then it is false. This corresponds to an arithmetical impossibility (i.e., 1 = 0).
Wellllllllll, while I haven't had anything to say about 1 = 0 (or, for that matter, 2 + 2 = 5), I have postulated that 0 = infinity with respect to the C+TC+-logical identity-transparency of null-set qua all-set. Under 3rd-order topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) -- due to the involved self-referential self-reentries extant C+ times over -- source <<<>>> sink isare non-orientably indistinguishable. And again to quote Burman's Piaget-Gödel paper:
The discovery that such a claim [i.e., 1 = 0] could be proven afforded a peculiar conclusion: truth and proof are not formally identical. This was then generalized: not every statement can be proved to be true or false, within the system that contains it, despite the completeness of that system's methods.
Gödel showed, in other words, that every formal system above a certain degree of complexity is afflicted by undecidable propositions. (This was demonstrated by his first incompleteness theorem.) Furthermore, if such a system claims -- of itself -- that it is complete and consistent, and thus not internally contradictory, then it also suffers from the Liar Paradox and is therefore necessarily incomplete and inconsistent. (This was demonstrated by his second incompleteness theorem.)
The value of a formal logical framework is that it enables the valid inference of truth or falsity about a conclusion drawn from a set of propositions that are themselves known to be either true or false, but without reference to the content of the claims represented (i.e., if you have trustworthy methods, the rest follows necessarily).
This last statement, The value of a formal logical framework , I maintain has validity-utility only with regards to 1T2-only-logic alone, that logic with or without The Law of Distributed Middle. Absence of The Law of Non-Contradiction under logical-value order-types C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm, these logics understood not relative to truth-value but to relative-state identity-transparency, is another matter altogether. Transcend truth-value as the fundament of logic and memetime-bound Intuitionism is untenable: mathematics in general, logical propositions cum predicate formulae, are matters of discovery, not of creation. Truth and proof, while not formally identical, are, upon any demergent of C+TC+ except that 1T2, largely irrelevant -- the former being undefinable; the latter, unconstructible because always and all ways subject to supersession. Uh, 1T2-only-logically speaking: form follows function; structure is function automatized; semantics demerges to grammar; structure remerges by deautomatizing to meaning. Which is to assert that the holographic power set of the multiply-self-reentrant logical-ontological-epistemological-existential heterarchy-hierarchy is that non-orientable collection of identity-transparent dimensionless points, numerable with non-selfsame composite numbers, demerged-remerged memetime-independently under 3-fold topo-active optime/counter-optime.
A century and a quarter later, the intellectual establishment seems still to be asking: Where To Begin? It appears that most of the innovative work concerning What Is To Be Done, with regards to how to handle externalities (intrasystemic and extrasystemic: rooted in 1T2-only-logically-defined property and property rights, actors, lawfare principles and practices), relates to developing methods to arrive at alternative indicators (economic, sustainable development, quality of life, those many directly related to ecosystem services and cultural ecosystem services, so on), how to flesh them out, prove their effectiveness when integrated into policy formulation procedures employed by policymakers, governmental and corporate. While these efforts are not at all to be denigrated, well-worked indicators being a functional prerequisite to whatsoever manner of internalization of externalities, one finds little innovative thought -- beyond calls for various types of government intervention, each of which, and all taken together, have long since proved themselves inadequate, ineffective, inefficient, easily corrupted: policy changes; new institutions; better legislation; more and different taxes; more and different subsidies; government instituted credit-trading systems, such as carbon credits; improvements in government agency regulatory activities; more permissiveness with regard to individual and class-action lawsuits involving negative externalities; uniformization of rules and centralization of their enforcement, e.g., the SCSS, social credit score system -- as to how the newly formulated indicators are to be interfaced to economic processes in general and market mechanisms in particular, not to mention monetary system fundamentals. As regards uniformization, see What Are Ecosystem Services? The Need for Standardized Environmental Accounting Units, James Boyd and Spencer Banzhaf, Resources for the Future, RFF DP 06-02, January 2006. This sort of standardization is especially required if there is to be one single-valued We-1%-Are-The-World planetary digital currency, transactions in which are 1T2-only processed. Whereas, under multivalued LETS-currency nesting-foams (which could localize decision need virtually to the water-shed scale level), transactions in which would be µTmly processed (base-state of LETS-currency, i.e., cash, transactions being 1T2ly processed), Boyd-Banzhaf standardization would undermine the capability of LETS to capture specificities of localities, integration under µTm-LETS being achieved via a quantum-composite (i.e., all included, not just the basket of a few) unit of account codified with an m-valued planetary state-function analogous to Everett's universal state-function -- this unit of account being employed at MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) mapping of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth. One stumbling block to arriving at authentically representative preference functions as an early stage in processes of consensuation developed to select adequate, efficacious, compelling alternative indicators has been Kenneth Arrow's Impossibility Theorem (note that this Impossibility Theorem is 1T2-paradoxically also known as the General Possibility Theorem: see Tranche 8, halfway down the page, for discussion of this), which is succinctly characterized by Nigel Cooper, et al., (Aesthetic and spiritual values of ecosystems: Recognizing the ontological and axiological plurality of cultural ecosystem 'services', Nigel Cooper, et al., Ecosystem Services, 21:B, 2016, pp. 218-29) with the following statement, given on page 226: impossible to devise an aggregation of individual preferences that satisfies certain minimal procedural standards. This limitation seems to my I/im to be rooted in imports of the word individual, these imports being epiphenomenal to use of 1T2-only-logic alone. Something similar can be said about John Nash's equilibrium notions as to how to overcome the problematics imposed by non-cooperative zero-sum games at decision making. This something similar involves the Leninist black propaganda principle codified as Call the thing by the name of its opposite, as applied in game theory to cooperative vs. non-cooperative: so-called cooperative games are those involving government intervention, i.e., coerced, enforced cooperation, e.g., by imposition of 1T2-only-logic-formulated contract law, instead of by self-generated, i.e., autopoietic, empathy-based relationships of trust conducted with uberrimae fidei (utmost good faith) sans contract, one case of spontaneous social order; so-called non-cooperative games are those absent such coercion-enforcement, i.e., those in which autopoiesis (self-creation) transpires. What is the referent determining the use-meaning of these co-op/non-co-op terms? The whatnots playing the game or that somewhat controlling the game? Aside from questions of Ogden-Richards' meaning of meaning and relative to Wittgenstein's Vorstellungen take (imagistic: i.e., use-variations in the mental-image-constellated meaning, the image considered to be private [good offices of Horst Ruthrof, Language, Vorstellung, and meaning as use, Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, 10, 2011] qua glutamatergically automatized-etched; cf. inner-Musculpt considered to have, by good offices of participation mystique, the potential to be ketaminergically non-private, e.g., in high combat seeing something one cannot see but which someone else in the half-team can see) on meaning-use, it is the meaning of Nash's [per}son as game player, a meaning couching Nash equilibrium (good offices of Charles A. Holt and Alvin E. Roth, PNAS, 101:12, 15 March 2004, pp. 3999-4002), that places [per}sonal Nash proximal to individual Arrow in regards to saving the soft sciences from being successfully invaded-inundated by hard-science accounts of long-range coherence and cooperative behaviors in material systems: instead of indivisible, uh, uh, individual [per}sons as players, each with a preferred strategy, the game-board payout matrix calculated 1T2-logically, extendable to fuzzy players (e.g., corporate persons with interlocking directorates) employing fuzzily-ownable financial instruments (e.g., hypothecated and rehypothecated bundled bundles of MBSs) each such player with a preferred strategy amongst an agreed fuzzy-set n-aggregation of m-valued preferences thereof, transactions initialized thereby and executed therewith being fuzzy-logic processed; instead of all that and following a successful dreaded Quantum-this, quantum-that! invasion, we would, minimally, have interfused synergistic dissipative structures as players -- viz. Herbert Fröhlich on cooperativity -- in far-from-equilibrium, open (i.e., incorporating extrasystemic externalities) bosonic systems. Non-minimally, free of the consensus probability dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function, we would have quantum-animistic-pagan participation mystique (mere symbolic fantasy emanations according to Wikipedia) qua µTm-relative-state identity-transparency in the establishment of preference functions in decision-science applications. Cooper, et al., more or less raise the issue of participation mystique (see the excellent discussion provided by Mark Winborn, and be aware that I, being no nebbish, carry the notion beyond denigrating Wikipedia, Levy-Bruhl, and Jung, beyond 1T2-only-logical subject-object-level-transference-generated projective-identification, beyond Jungian concretism, in that to my mature understanding of my childhood Shimenawa-shock [i.e., sudden indicatory recognition as to import of the denotative fiber-bundled twistors braided into the emblematic rope, that recognition eventually evolving into the symbolic fantasy emanation, heh-heh-heh, hypostatized as the twisting axes of spin at topologically-active operator-time-induced first-order temporal CURL tokenized in DNA helix-coil transition and with double-helical feeder bands at tornadogenesis; cf. the string-theory length of rope strung above entrances to Shinto shrines] experience of animistic-Shinto modes of comprehension [cf. Yagi Mariyo], the participation in the mystique not being one-to-one, person-to-person, but always and all ways, in conformance with the holographic principle, mediated by the part-whole identity-transparency which involves conscious access to, minimally µTm-logical, quantum-brain processing) with respect to the natural surround when making the following statement, given on page 223:
Spiritual conceptions typically affirm the oneness of people with nature, a creature among the creation or the experience of a deep connectedness. Alongside this there may be a recognition that humans have a distinctive role within nature as, likewise, other creatures have (each species having a distinctive ecological niche). Part of the distinctive role of humans is a lively moral awareness that means human interactions with the world can never be morally neutral, but are under judgment: does this interaction contribute to the flourishing of the whole?
Hmmm. While numinous, certainly not noumenal. The putative ascription of sacrality to the flourishing of the whole: dissing disarticulation and rule-regulated deontology in ethics, be that ethics subject to scientistic instrumentalism or no. The Cooper, et al., take sounds a lot like our allelotropic theory of value (for discussion of this concept, see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 540-6), it does, doesn't it. Not merely of each other, but, more comprehensively, of one another. Consilience, as a jumping together, being a memetime-bound 1T2-understanding of C+TC+-pregiven identity-transparency on Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround. [Eco}nomic value as a µTm-logically-tokenizable measure of the contribution made to the flourishing of the whole. An alternative, not only to Marxian use-value theory, but also to consequentialist (another calling the thing by the name of its opposite) deontology: generative-empathic µTm-relative-state identity-transparency spontaneously yields right action. Given constellation of the part-is-whole holographic principle, how could it be otherwise? Ethical behavior as expression of intrinsic internal necessity in its purist case is emphatically -- not rule-regulated, superego-conscience [per}son|ified, Moses-extrinsically driven-imposed -- epiphenomenal to direct ontic experience of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency, aka Buddhological compassion, which is an elaboration of, say, the generative empathy attributed to Meher Baba, who reputedly got welts on his back when witnessing a cow being whipped. Cooper, et al., page 226, suggest that a plurality of discourses will need to be maintained right up to the point of a decision being made: m-scenarios VirFut Q-Pro computer-gaming of the fine-grain tagging of indicators to values stacked upon µTm-LETS-currency-unit base-state would go a considerable distance to fulfilling the decision need thus identified by Cooper, et al. This may be of no interest to financial-predation signal jammers, to traders trading on insider information, to P&D churners, to dark-pool FUDsters, to the new traders working in off-WallStreet chop-shops qua boiler-rooms, and to bond jammers cum mortgage brokers of the SM, Square Mile, but it should be of interest to those hoping to bring finance and economy fundaments into conformation with post-quantum-relativity Weltanschauung -- so as to reduce the index of FUD, fear-uncertainty-doubt, currently paralyzing ideational competency (this paralysis being a minor PTSD factor involved in undermining the level of killer-T-cell titers). Recent responses to the institutional sitzkrieg and the WEF initiatives have involved recourse to Weapons of the Weak: e.g., quiet quitting and the shedding of workplace friendships. Childhood's End came when breadth of the gap between evolving Weltanschauung and static metaphysical foundations of the dominant institutional base reached disjunctive criticality: the resultant explosions, which are ongoing, came one after another, each more elaborate than the one before. In our planetary civilization, where -- despite the exceptions that prove the rule -- no bad deed is unrewarded, and no good deed goes unpunished, puberty-blocking chemicals have been deployed to place Childhood's End in a state of denial. Gender dysphoria has been the foremost means by which the Woke folk have unconsciously ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) imports of the m-valued logics of identity transparency. And with 200-plus mimetic estrogens accumulating for a century from industrial and agro-industry pollution to help this particular ConveDD along, how could gender identity disorder (a special case of what I've called generalized identity dyscrasia) have been avoided? O, these trying Kafkaesque memetimes!
The set of indicators altogether missing is that concerning human services to ecosystems (not the same as stewardship, a soft form of control by iatrogenic interventions: as regards the stewardship involved in creation of GMOs and use of ionospheric heaters, it's hard to arrive at a WAG as to which is likely to yield the most negative consequences: maintenance of the fiction that the quantum-wave properties of DNA have no significant biological function or continued embrace of the fictive classical limit -- assumed by climate modelers and climate-shift skeptics alike -- which prescribes that Earth's macroscopic atmosphere is a classical Newtonian domain?), as distinct from ecosystem services to humans. This lacuna is due to the fact that indicators have been formulated under auspices of the academic mode of production in Western and Westernized academia, not by those with an abiding reverence for the psychology and social anthropology underlying The Moral Economy of the Peasant (James C. Scott's characterization being that of a non-animistic-non-pagan Western academic). The absent set of indicators would be formulated from the point of view of the animistic object, not from perspective of the egoic subject -- 1T2ly speaking, of course. Were we µTmly speaking, then the left out and nowhere to be found indicators would be formulated relative to the relative-states of {object : subject :: subject : object} identity-transparency tacitly given in states of participation mystique to archaic, and even to significant degree in traditional, animistic-pagan modes of comprehension. Genesis of one of the earliest formalizations -- an old testament to hegemonic predominance -- of the notion that ecosystems are separates there to service humans is found in the Bible, Gen. 1:27-28. Dominion theology according to Genesis: have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the Earth. See Rethinking Dominion Theology, Theodore Hiebert, Direction, 25:2, Fall 1996, pp. 16-25, for Mennonite reflections upon the various interpretations of this God-given-[pre}dominance mandate. But not just in the Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion, also in Renaissance and post-Renaissance science, as aphoristically voiced, for instance by Francis Bacon in his Novum Organum, to wit (as drawn from the excerpts provided by the Hanover Historical Texts Project): Knowledge and human power are synonymous, since the ignorance of the cause frustrates the effect. For nature is only subdued by submission, and that which in contemplative philosophy corresponds with the cause, in practical science becomes the rule. The rule of science is to be established by acts of subduing until nature's submission is obtained. This Baconian-logic-conforming (that logic not to be altogether conflated with the inductive Baconian method: see A New Logic: Bacon's Novum Organum, Elodie Cassan, Perspectives on Science, 29:3, May-June 2021, pp. 255-74) aphorism, circa late-Renaissance, i.e., some memetime shortly prior to 1620, in not departing from the bivalence of Aristotle's Organon, strongly suggests that the New Logic, however thoroughly rejecting stupid{us] of the syllogism and focused as it is on nature, in Bacon's words, quoting Cassan quoting Bacon, that is, really to slice into nature, does not in any significant way relinquish the intent to establish and maintain mastery over nature. Inherent to 1T2-only-logic is the dualism establishing separatisms of every imaginable sort, including the de-mersive separation of humanity from nature (with the overtly implied impetus to control that which is, at the very basis of the logic employed to de-merse, designated as other, the mere existence of which is a denial of the supremacy of self, a supremacy introjected from the superegoic projection of personified godhead -- and therefore other must be subdued, if not vanquished, for mere existence of other implies, syllogistically, denial of the one omnipotent God). The schizophrenogenic-double-bind human (love-hate cum love-to-hate/hate-to-love) condition under 1T2-only-logic alone: other as field of experience by which self may discover and explore its own potentialities; other as limitation on the potentialities self-attributed, one of the foremost being the claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct-and-autonomous. O, the ambivalence of I-ness standing before other-ness! Near-death experience of a rat in a maze transfixed at an n-furcation (as rats in nature don't usually find themselves in mazes, this artificial situation is a behaviorist evoked-response cum catalepsy-response experimental model of the human condition under 1T2-only-logic alone, where, at bi, ,n-furcations [think: cf. LGBTQ, ,n], the logic employed imposes necessity of choosing one path forward in linear-memetime; rather than -- with, say, VirFut Q-Pro, µTm-valued logics, m-valued exchange units -- memetime-simultaneously, under topologically-active operator-time, taking n-paths [be aware that it has been experimentally demonstrated, thus far, that objects even as large as small molecules can be localized at more than one spaceplace at a given 1T2-only-definable instant of memetime]). PID: pandemic indurate dithering. Power games, existential confirmations-denials. The notion of humansystem services to my mind associates most personally (family name on mother's side: Baumgardner, i.e., tree gardener; most of my adult working life having been spent as nurseryman, landscape laborer, garden designer; while at Cornell, having with Doug Paine worked an orchard planted during the mid-1930s with 25 varieties of apples) to Johnny Appleseed and most elaborately to Taoist non-doing, Native American sacred landforms, the Japanese aesthetics of shibui (Lauren Prusinski's "aristocratic simplicity" doesn't quite do it for me; to my understanding, shibui and other such Japanese terms are not actually describable in words but learnable-as-felt during a prolonged period of aesthetic instruction -- e.g., gardening, bonsai, flower arranging -- by repetitive questioning: Kore wa nan desuka? over and over and over, always the wrong answer until, suddenly right, by having somehow subliminally acquired the requisite feeling-into), the latter three of which, in days of yore, issued out of the states of immersion denigrated in academic social anthropology as contagion qua participation inconsciente and in Jungian Analytical Psychology as participation mystique. One simply has to wonder as to how big, by compensatory abreaction, of a contributory factor is 1T2-logic suppression, and the myriad psychosociological ramifications thereof, of social anthropology's contagion in etiology and pathogenesis of epidemics-pandemics-pandemonia when relative-state identity-transparency is constellated in the collective unconscious, constellated, say, by efflorescence of the various heresies ravaging the late High Middle Ages before the early Late Middle Ages bubonic-plague years (1347-51), by the advent of quantum weirdness pre-WWI, by formalization of m-valued logics pre-WWII, and nowadays by theoretical physics formalizations as to CommonGround, BackCloth, hyperKleinBottle cosmologies, so on.
During approximately 15 years of intermittent employment as nurseryman, landscape laborer, Japanese-style-garden designer-constructor (planting thousands of trees, tens of thousands of plants), I certainly mowed many lawns, and even for some years an apple orchard, but I never became The Lawnmower Man, nor was I ever an aficionado of VR technology -- though I felt that, if VR-tech and mind-reading tech were to be employed, one of its right-use uses would be in conjunction with biofeedback in a computerized cum holographic-display-equipped isolation-flotation Lilly tank as part of the process of techno-exteriorizing and evolving-through-use-like-a-natural-language inner-Musculpt as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS-currency nesting-foams. So, accordingly, here, by my view, we have an important right-use use of VR technology: Dissolving yourself in connection to others: Shared experiences of ego attenuation and connectedness during group VR experiences can be comparable to psychedelics, David R. Glowacki, et. al., U. of Bristol Intangible Realities Laboratory and Isness-D Node Network and ArtSci International Foundation and Rachel Freire Gallery of London, 2021 or later by an extensive list of References to recent research. The only reservation I have with regard to this is to note that full-blown relative-state identity-transparency surely must involve the whole whole, not just interpersonal dimensions of one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many functions, but µTmly-unto-CTC+ly-universal state-function-functional-functor holographically incorporating the natural surround, that surround being the all-ways-and-always-being-therehere mediator of authentic (not merely hot-housed) identity-transparency. The neuropharmacological inversion of a concomitant to Glowacki, et al., is the following article on DIED: Looking for the Self: Phenomenology, Neurophysiology and Philosophical Significance of Drug-induced Ego Dissolution, Raphael Milliere, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 23 May 2017. Quoting the summary abstract: Data from self-report questionnaires suggest that three neuropharmacological classes of drugs can induce ego dissolution: classical psychedelics, dissociative anesthetics and agonists of the kappa opioid receptor (KOR). While these substances act on different neurotransmitter receptors, they all produce strong subjective effects that can be compared to the symptoms of acute psychosis, including ego dissolution. In so stating, and despite postulating that DIED consists in the disruption of subpersonal processes underlying the 'minimal' or 'embodied' self, i.e., the basic experience of being a self rooted in multimodal integration of self-related stimuli , Milliere in particular, neuroscience in general, denigrates the vast bulk of human experience -- experience rooted in the various animistic-pagan states of participation mystique -- accumulated and collectively processed over the last 300,000 years, denigrates it as symptomatic of acute psychosis. This, this, when -- as one considers how small is the collection of 1T2-only-logical-possible-worlds by comparison to collections of µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-possible-worlds -- it might well be thought that the actual acute psychosis is incumbent upon the basic experience of being a self rooted in multimodal integration of self-related stimuli. Alongside F. S. C. Northrop's The Meeting of East and West, I read Sartre's Being and Nothingness during my Existentialist period, aged 17 to 20, and compared his notion of pre-reflective self-awareness, a phenomenal awareness sans the subject-object distinction, to states I experienced as a child in Midori Gaoka. What I thought then, and think now in somewhat more sophisticated terms, is that there are orders of the phenomenal superordinate to subject-object dualism which collapse all the way down, by concretion (that's semantic decompositional detailment from C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround, not semantic entailment via significations attached to generative cellular automata), to the pedestrian Lebenswelt-Umwelt-imposed Maya of ordinary reality -- and that the yama no kami, the fox spirits, and all the rest I was told of in Midori Gaoka, signify those other orders of the phenomenal, conscious access to which requires Taoist-non-doing the doings which block registration of the µTm-logical processing engaged in by the nonlocalizable quantum brain (of the non-embodied no-self whole whole hologramically identical to the part of the whole). But what we have now are people (explicitly or subliminally having sought and found their policy guidance in Rev. 12:12?), who are cognitively locked into European 17th- and 18th-century mindsets, institutionally imposing consequents of their mental-emotional limitations upon a global civilization which has been evolving a post-quantum-relativity Weltanschauung whilst imperiling life on Earth with Cartesian-Newtonian-based technology that has outlived its usefulness and with quantum-relativity-based infra-technology dressed in C-N clothes and based on dissimulated Q-R theory (for one, dissembled by insistence upon a classical limit). Has COVID-19-plus-vaccines been one in a series of heaven's-gate pre-trip-raps (Hale Bopp-ity bop-bop-bop!), with the WEF-instigated trib currently in the works being the platform for post-trib BBB, i.e., top-down build back better a pop-depleted (Jonestown as the global village) NWO more efficient than that the incompetent Nazis were able to imagine? Without rules, we are nothing: TPTB the current GLE (global leadership elite: the fraxious inside-the-beltway palookas master-baiting Podunk-on-Potomac, takers of the Hypocrisical Oath, being our foremost exemplar-arteeestes of the ploy known as adroitness-in-bamboozlement) have the same psychological profile as The Lawman. There is no possibility whatsoever that The Lawman has the introspective wherewithal to tolerate, let alone embrace, µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency and the logical imports thereof regarding the role of rules in dynamical systems. The well-PACed pol's understanding of deterministic chaos seems to be that if heshe creates chaos then hisher determinations will automatically follow. I've considered myself an optimist in WAG-believing since the late-1970s that there will be -- not a few breeding pairs located at the poles -- a ten-percent human survival rate at coming cuspover, most of those in the age range 9-17 and located where there is strong residual memory of the techniques of subsistence. Hardly optimistic! it might be said. Well, not so little so in context of a belief that back-reaction upon imports of N. H. Abel's Impossibility-Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr constellated by the 1850s a collective unconscious decision for human species suicide: Give me simple-identity or give me death! And, further, note that Climate Endgame: Exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios, Luke Kemp, et al., PNAS, 119:34, 1 August 2022, does not question the idea of a classical limit and does not consider the proposition that the macroscopic atmosphere of Earth subscribes to the principles of quantum and relativity physics. When, during the early-1980s, Cornell meteorologist Douglas A. Paine attempted to get his thoughts on the implications of atmospheric angular-momentum cascade theory for climate change dynamics published, the resultant, after the imposed revisions, poorly reflected his thoughts on the matter. And he never tried to get across his actual thoughts, which involved not simply climate change, but (me making a stab at it here) what might be called a shift in the tonic baseline for planetary homeostasis involving all the spheres -- magnetosphere to magnetic core -- of Earth, given the omni-interactivity and superintegration incumbent upon a quantum-relativistic atmosphere, dynamics of which are overdetermined by hypercomplex-complex-real angular-momentum cascades (origins largely based in solar activity and solar-wind conveyance of the angular momenta, frequency-response characteristics of Earth to those momenta subject to iatrogenic-anthropogenic interventions, e.g., changes of atmospheric gas ratios) understood as reflections of the temporal CURL expression of Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time. Do whatever it takes to hide from that bullbeggar hobgoblin, what, a position that is thoroughly embraced by TPTB in France and Canada, to wit: Great Reset: French Govt to Recruit 3,000 'Green Police' Over Climate Change, Peter Caddle, Breitbart, 21 August 2022; and Trudeau installing weapons armouries, interrogation rooms for Ministry of Climate Change, Keean Bexte, The Counter Signal, 23 August 2022. What memes and behaviors are the involved police-field-force troops actually to be suppressing? An occurrence similar to what happened to publication of Paine's climate-dynamics ideas appears to me to have occurred with regard to a theory of carcinogenesis, a theory resonant with the submolecular theory of Albert Szent-Györgyi and our treatment of DNA radiation-exchange processes involving m-valued quantum-wave properties of the molecule. Note that the abstract to the 2004 CERN-posted version of I. C. Baianu's paper entitled Complex Systems Analysis of Cell Cycling Models in Carcinogenesis is focused on m-valued Lukasiewicz-logic algebraic handling of n-interactive processes, while the abstract to the published 2011 Nature Precedings version contains no mention of m-valued, of Lukasiewicz, of n-interactive. Where-what-who is the boogeyman? That bugbear is the µTm-relative-state identity-transparency that pops out of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function rightly understood sans probability amplitudes. And this bugaboo is finding support not only in research on psychedelics and VR -- Scarrrrrry! -- but also in O, the horror, the horror (in Conrad's The Heart of Darkness directed against imperialism in particular, humanity in general; in the film Apocalypse Now transposed to denigrate pagan-animism directly, and participation mystique by implication) of the order-types of self-reference built into µTm-unto-CTC+-valued logics understood, not in regards to truth-value, but relative to relative-states of identity-transparency. Self-Reference and Chaos in Fuzzy Logic, Patrick Grim, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 1:4, November 1993, is very suggestive as to existence of the higher-valued-logic order-types of self-reference concomitant with µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency, and which, if being-there, certainly must be involved in dynamical fundaments of nonlinear-quantum systems and relativistic systems conforming to the holographic principle. Grim's presentation is restricted to the fuzzy-logic interpretation of Lukasiewicz, but, still, what is to prevent extension of the basic idea he explicates? as described in the summary abstract, to wit:
Within that [fuzzy] logic, self-referential sentences exhibit properties of fixed point attractors, fixed point repellers, and full chaos on the [0,1] interval. Strange attractors and fractals appear in two dimensions in the graphing of pairs of mutually referential sentences and appear in three dimensions in the graphing of mutually referential triples.
And what is to prevent these sentences, pairs thereof, triples thereof, ,n thereof from being Gödel numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers? The possibility of a Nothing! answer to that question is suggested by the contents of two papers written by Dmytro Taranovsky: Extending the Language of Set Theory, arXiv, 20 April 2005; and Reflective Cardinals, arXiv, 14 December 2016. The Extending paper discusses logic that allows some self-reference but with limitations to prevent loops and infinite regress [it is shown that] levels of infinitary logic correspond to levels of almost self-referential logic and levels of constructible hierarchy Taranovsky's limitations correspond in my mind to the self-referential-order parameters defined by a set of motifs and matching rules (restricting full-blown hologramic part-whole identity-transparency) described in Self-Referential Order, T. Aste and P. Butler and T. Di Matteo, arXiv, 23 May 2013. Quoting the summary abstract: where there is no ideal, reference, template structure [i.e., no Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space], each sub-portion of the whole structure can be taken as reference for the rest and the system can be described in terms of its parts in a self-referential way. Some of the parts carry larger information about the rest of the structure and they are identified as motifs . Though Taranovsky's notion of almost-self-referential formulas is based upon an extension of set theory such that Tarski's theorem on the undefinability of truth is superseded, thus retaining the notion truth-value as the fundament of logic, not distinction, and not identity qua identity, still, the notion that levels of logic correspond with levels of self-reference congeals well with our understanding of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency. In the Reflective Cardinals and Supercompactness section of the Reflective paper, Taranovsky says: In this section, we use reflective cardinals to argue for existence of supercompact cardinals, and propose an axiomatization of reflective cardinals using supercompact cardinals. I should note that the argument is not conclusive. Supercompact cardinals probably exist, but we are not sure. Unquote. To my mind, were supercompact cardinals to exist, they would exist on C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBase qua CommonGround most-dense sheet of the cosmological BackCloth, and they would exist independent of the notion truth-value. Supersession of the orientable constructible hierarchy to the non-orientable hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam would likely involve removal of the almost from almost self-referential such that the restrictions preventing loops and infinite regress were nullified. Were Louis H. Kauffman's Knot Logic, arXiv, 2012 or later by References, contextualized to 3-fold temporal CURL of Pauli-Paine topo-active operator-time, considerable aid would be provided to efforts to understand the imports of order-types of self-referential logics -- and likely would help immensely with holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt.
If I think of 1T2-only G. Spencer Brown's Draw a distinction! (see Louis H. Kauffman's discourse on Brown's Laws of Form) as involving C+ Schrödinger-memetime-independent superposed Takemitsu steps ((i.e., steps of the dan mosaic ensheavement: the monotonic function-form of the East is a sacred-space matter of vertical stacking in THE mind of composer-performer-listener, whilst the West's triadic structure-form is derivative of the horizontal movement of chords relative to musicological ponderablespacememetime: in November Steps, Toru Takemitsu correlated East and West via the micro-mosaic forms of Debussy's macro-mosaic construction of orchestral textures, which was a special case of octonionic, uh, uh, octatonic, inversely symmetrical collections of pitch relations in 20th-century art music composition which emerged in the crisis following chromatic dissolution of the classical diatonic system musico-analogically modeling the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung)) for Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) to demerge via execution of logical-ontological-existential operations, then I can cognitively place, as supercompacted, Louis H. Kauffman's treatment (videre licet: Knot Logic and Topological Quantum Computing with Majorana Fermions, arXiv, 26 January 2013) of the Majorana fermion, a particle that is its own anti-particle and interacts with itself either to annihilate itself or to produce itself (think: Debussy-Takemitsu inversely symmetrical relations), within the Musculpt manifold's MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. The binary-mind, with its slow non-relativistic baud-rate-of-consciousness, regards the C+ steps as spontaneous localization by memetime-instantaneous collapse of the wave-function, this regard because of being memetime-bound and thereby without quantum-enbrained, Musculpted, ontic-cognitive access to the topo-active optime aspects of form [in}forming. Speed up the baud rate and, as memetime slowdown approaches dilation-cuspover, adumbrations of the CTC+-unto-µTm steps, by which a 1T2-Brownian distinction demerges out of relative-state identity-transparency, begin to appear to awareness (to my understanding, this is where Buddhological discreteness -- John C. Lilly's cogitate-cogitate-cogitate, the dash-gaps appearing with memetime slowdown being fall-throughs by which entry upon direct ontic awareness of quantum-brain processing can be initialized -- as distinct from Jamesian stream of consciousness comes from, whereas modern treatments have written James over Buddha, which is to paint C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround with an opaque film of 1T2-logic: cognitive cataracts, eh what!). In this context where infinitary logical-value order-types are understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not the truth-value apropos 1T2-only-logic alone, the temporal CURLed loops of knot logic would express as a self-reentrant nesting foam of self-referential propositional reflexivities numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numberings. Self-referentiality relative to intuitionistic logic and PA-provability (i.e., the Peano Arithmetic axioms tongue-in-cheek half-parodied in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, page 668), as evaluated in Self-Reference Upfront: A Study of Self-Referential Gödel Numberings, Balthasar Grabmayr and Albert Visser, arXiv, 12 August 2020, does not enter into this picture where self-referentiality, expressed as relative-state identity-transparency, has C+ order-types numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numberings (whereas Grabmayr-Visser consider only one order-type of self-referential Gödel numbering referenced to truth-value, à la the Gödel code of A(t)). Nonetheless, I learned a lot about Gödel-numbering schemata from reading this paper. Then there is, by contrast, the full classical-revival back-reaction calling for wholesale excision of self-reference (the logic version of setting Planck's constant to zero and the speed of light to infinity), to wit, e.g., Structural Reflexivity and the Paradoxes of Self-Reference, Rohan French, Ergo, 3:5, 2016. As suggested by inclusion of the paper in the bibliography to our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, somememetime during the late-1970s at Cornell, I read -- well, tried to read, having got caught up on some of the longer symbol chains adduced -- Francisco Javier Varela Garcia's (until reading Wiki, I did not understand the abbreviation of his name) discourse on an extension of Spencer Brown entitled A Calculus for Self-Reference, International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 5-24 (see also Louis Kauffman's March 2021 lecture Life and Work of Francisco Varela), whereupon I was most taken with the Self-Reference and Time section in which it is observed that Brown links self-reference (aka the self-cross which is a second-degree equation) to the origins of time and notes that this leads to inconsistencies in Brown's Calculus of Indications, but, nonetheless, that the self-cross can be viewed as an oscillation in time tantamount to an introduction to frequency-domain-type models. This was viewed by Paine and I as being very interesting -- but we'd already had much to do with active time (later understood to be Pauli-Paine topo-active optime), and had read Emil Post on µTm-valued logics, which we'd come to understand relative to identity-transparency qua quantum non-simple identity. So, our construal of all this was quite different from Brown-Varela. The inconsistencies we understood to be indicative -- heh-heh-heh! -- of the veiled presence of µTm-valued logics -- not merely of a Varela third value. Veiled presence wherein the veiling hides [pre}misses: i.e., the veil sustained by engagement in enthymematic argumentation. Moreover, the oscillation in time was assimilated by us to Planck's fundamental oscillator, description of which provides a means to escape necessity of detailing the spatial field (this being Planck's most insightful breakaway idea) in order to make memetime-bound predictions (the higher-degree self-crosses being indicative of the presence of 3-fold Schrödinger-memetime-independent Pauli-Paine topo-active optime, which carries the m-valued information making possible decomposition of memetime-bound predictions absent detailing of the spatial field). In our estimation, Brown's Laws of Form, in proving Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras, 1T2ly-demonstrated that the notion distinction is more fundamental in logic than is the notion truth-value. To us, this bivalent demonstration was Brown's great achievement. Since we couldn't prove it -- particularly as we had doubts as to proof effectiveness at 1T3-unto-CTC+-logical-value order-types understood independent of the notion truth-value -- we postulated-axiomitized that the notion identity qua identity is more fundamental in logic than is the notion distinction, and thus couched our comprehension of Lukasiewicz-Post logics relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-values in the real interval [0,1], whatsoever the semantics placed upon those values. Accordingly, contextualized to C+TC+, no logical-value order-type has an iota of provability strength, logical necessity being altogether unnecessary; only in regards to decompositional-involute collections of order-types subordinate to that C+TC+, where logical necessity demerges, does the notion provability-strengths have substance. Faced with C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm, and still holding to the fundamental referent, truth-value, there emerges the strong tendency, so far as I can see, toward gushing forth with epicycles upon the logical bivalence that must be maintained at all costs -- Give me simple-identity, or give me death! -- if the essential properties of the prevailing institutional base are to be sustained, and if the currently normative collection of psychological Umwelt-identifications plus their Lebenswelt-projections are to remain unscathed. The full panoply -- to include m-valued degrees-of-truth Gödel logics; truth-functional-connected Kripke semantics; weak-truth-validative paraconsistent logic -- of interpretations is characterized and evaluated by reference to truth as THE fun[dad}mint of logic, not relative to quantum non-simple identity qua relative-state identity-transparency as the fundament of logic in which the issue of contradiction/non-contradiction does not arise and the logic principle of explosion is normative due to the givenness of non-selfsameness, to include that of numbers (this being easiest to countenance in the case of non-monotonic, self-referential, Gödel-numbered Gödel numberings, the polytonicity of these numberings expressing order-types of self-referential reflexivity). Arithmetical self-reference (see: Self-Reference in Arithmetic, Volker Halbach and Albert Visser, The Review of Symbolic Logic, 2014; and Self-Reference and the Languages of Arithmetic, Richard Kimberly Heck, Philosophia Mathematica, 15:1, February 2007, pp. 1-29) -- geometrically, self-reentrant non-orientability -- to our minds is not about provability/non-provability (a quintessential 1T2-only issue-property) or truth/falsity; rather, it's about non-selfsameness in identity: the higher the order-type of self-reference cum self-reentrance, the greater the loss of the I am me and only me I am me and only me. Heh-heh-heh! of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, the greater the remergence, the more ramified, complex, multifaceted the prevailing part-whole-transparent hologramic state of relative-state identity-transparency -- as applies to numerical selfhood no less than the hu-hu[hu}man metapsychological claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct.
During 1977 (memory serving), the modal-logic logician cum possible-worlds semantician, Saul Kripke, gave a public lecture to Cornell misadvertized around campus as entitled Time and Eternity. Just as I arrived at the lecture site, there was a lot of laughter over the fact that the actual title was Time and Identity. What self-respecting philosopher of mathematics, those-these days, would be caught lecturing on eternity? The subject of either title would have been of considerable interest to me (eternity re: the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space; identity re: µTm-relative-state identity-transparency) independent of the lecturer being Kripke, for whom I would have attended regardless of the subject to be addressed. But I was disappointed. By then, my I/im waswere well into the notion of 3-fold active time (later deemed: Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time, i.e., topo-active optime), Emil Post's µTm-valued-logics-take on Lukasiewicz logics, an interpretation of those logics in terms of identity-transparency, an interpretation of Everettian relative state based in topo-active optime, and the µTm-logical order-types of self-referential reentry conceived as transpiring under 3rd-order dynamics -- the identity-transparencies comprehended as ontically-experiential consciousness-states of participation mystique (be those states found in the Indian Country of Turner-Thesis Wild West or in the Injun Cuntry of West-More-Land's Vietnam-war free-fire zones). The notion of time Kripke expounded upon was basically that of memetime understood an objective linear-time, with the notion of identity being that single-valued as 1T2ly-processed. Whatever the possible-worlds thus semantically permitted, nothing helpful there for me. And my reaction likely would have been similar had the lecture been about truth in logic. I was not interested in self-referential modifications of truth or how 1T2-only non-paradoxical truth-value can be sustained under the assault carried out by propositional-cum-arithmetic self-reference; not, to the contrary, but, to the altogether elsewheres: given my take on µTm-logical-valuedness, I was secondarily interested in self-referential modifications of 1T2-only-closed identity-opaqueness (think, regards these modifications: e.g., the facets-of-Husserlian-horizon-superposed, not fragmented, perspectives of Cubist poetry: consciousness of the reader, like the viewer of an Analytical Cubist painting, meditatively lifting out of the state of memetime-bound in-the-body fixed-perspective-point identification), not the properties of that identity construed the only identity-qua-identity as logical-cum-numerical-cum-metaphysical whatnot, the primary interest being placed upon involutory-decompositional demergence of the semantics of form in process of collapsing identity-transparency to identity-opaqueness (think, regards this demergence: e.g., the Dadaist poem being not so much a cut-up as posey in analogue to one form of cryptographic steganography, accomplished by deletions of, say, verbs, connectives, articles. I shied away from Kripke, no less than from Kant and Husserl, for being unable to embrace ponderable space and memetime as a priori, as innate, though, as I later learned, they surely are made inherent by prescriptive-enculturation-socialization orchestration of glutamatergic anchoring which begins in the womb -- be they given as objective or subjective by sensation or intuition. Similarly, I was unable to embrace the notion that the harmonic scale is innately given. The crisis of the 20th century: Leonard Bernstein saw dissolution -- hyper-chromaticism unto atonality -- of the key-signatured diatonic system and the Schoenberg-Stravinsky -- dodecaphonic-neoclassical -- polarization of responses to that dissolution as somehow -- correlated with, reflected in, analogous to -- mirroring the massive violence of the 20th century, this correlation-reflection-analogue mediated by processes of the collective unconscious in just the manner by which language meanings and music meanings are fused by the collective unconscious into a (Kantian transcendentally ideal?) transcendental realm of superintegrated meanings (see: Bernstein's 1973 Harvard Norton Lectures, numbers 5 and 6). I have only just now seen-heard these Norton Lectures, but during the same period as they were given, whilst taking -- circa 1972-'74 -- music and art courses (to include Music Appreciation: 20th Century; and, due to a paper I wrote for that course on the concepts of time in Takemitsu's November Steps, I was invited into Music Composition 4, a course for graduating Music Comp majors, a course focused upon 20th-century composition techniques) at George Mason University, I was reaching conclusions similar to those of Bernstein -- as can be seen in dialogues contained in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh (Wilfrid Mellers' Caliban Reborn: Renewal in Twentieth-Century Music, Harper and Row, 1967, is another place to find observations made which are consonant with aspects of this Bernstein thesis). I, however, extended the notion of mirroring to the crises in higher mathematics, logic, and physics (which Bernstein surely must have been aware of, but chose not to address in his Norton Lectures; though, he did, however, briefly discuss the crisis in poetry), the higher-maths crisis (a crisis I came to believe had origins in the collective unconscious back-reaction against nascent imports of N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility Theorem on the generalized quintic equation, which, in my judgment, leads not only to Cantorian infinite sets, Axiom of Choice, Lukasiewicz logics, but also to the positing of non-selfsame numbers) being that from which the others derive. Meaning, as I've long believed, that no actual solutions can or will be found to the derivative crises, including those of institutional dyscrasia and massed violence, until the ongoing crisis in higher mathematics is authentically resolved. Bernstein felt that the harmonic scale is innate. If he actually meant by innate, rather, inherent by beginning-in-the-womb glutamate etching of 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains, then I agree with him. But if he meant genetic, encoded into DNA, similarly as to how Noam Chomsky holds that a generative universal grammar is encoded into DNA, then I demur -- for I believe that the quantum-wave properties internal to the (intraneuronal and intraperineural and germ-cell, as with other histological types) DNA molecule generate emission of coherent-qua-acoustic waves on the basis of operator-timed pi-electron-parcel quantum harmonic oscillators, not on basis of the harmonic scale qua scale -- the emission spectra of the various DNA histological types not being construable as constitutive of the well-tempered, 12-stepped, harmonic scale. In Norton Lecture number 6, Bernstein elaborates a parallelism between language and music as regards surface structure and deep structure whereupon he theorizes existence of an abstract semantics that transcends the disjunction language-music qua words-notes (and, in his take, implicitly, Chomsky universal-grammar juxtaposed with the musical semantics generated from the harmonic scale). This is similar to ideas that emerged from my experience of what I call inner-Musculpt, except that the fusion is of sounds (not necessarily notes) and topological forms (music-sculpture), this inner-Musculpt (with stacked cellular motivic structures-mosaics, photism flashing sculpturally, often as fractal images, and, were I capable of analyzing it in the manner demonstrated by Bernstein, incorporated into superposed phrase structures with embedded rhythm sets in polyrhythmic nesting-foam) devolving to polyphonality of the utterance act in natural languages and literature inner polylogue (in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, these two are suggested by the identity-transparency of the main characters). Bernstein treats the fusion domain of the abstract semantics with the drawing of a circle; while, to me, this circle signifies the enormous corpus of topological form dynamics as meaning signifiers which demerge to something like what Chomsky refers to with the term universal grammar (so this would be a demergent, uh, uh, that is de-generative, grammar -- not one generative). But we hold that Musculpt exists in the natural world -- e.g., the higher-temporal formants of DNA at helix-coil transition, and in Earth's atmosphere at, for instance, tornadogenesis (viz. acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode, i.e., infrasound, signatures of theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature-surface manifold configurations) -- not only in the human mind.
The most fundamental reason I've believed that the harmonic scale -- and even the harmonic overtone series extending into quarter-tones and micro-tones -- is not genetically innate, but may be glutamatergically inherent, is due to quantum non-simple identity qua m-logically-valued non-selfsameness qua µTm-quantum relative-state identity-transparency and associated quantum-gravity non-locality (whereby interval location is not simply-localizable on, say, a string, or the double-helix of a DNA molecule, or a cylinder of air in Earth's atmosphere: e.g., just as the small molecule -- it has somememetime ago been experimentally demonstrated -- can be at more than one ponderablespace-place location at a given 1T2-only-definable instant of memetime, so the numerical interval, and so the musical interval -- such that the length of the Pythagorean string [and of the M-Theory superstring] is not the length of the string). Indeed, under CTC+-logics, there is no sense whatsoever in speaking of string length, of regular partitions of that non-existent fractally-evaporated length, of a harmonic series based in equipartitioning that may be equi-qua-well-tempered to the 12-stepped and circle-of-5ths-cycling and diatonically-controllable harmonic scale cum Grundgestalt tone row of dodecaphonic composition. This length may also (at the same instant of memetime) be that length, this interval of this-that length also that interval of that-this length, such that whatever regular series be associated with a chosen regular partitioning of a logical-value-order-type-imposed length of the CTC+-lengthless length is but one of a superposed C+-collection in the nesting-foams (plural) constituting the C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) BackCloth, the non-selfsame interval numerable with non-selfsame n-times-over-Godel-numbered nth-level-self-referential Godel numbers (because of reference to the MVRS reference space supercompacted AllBase, self-referential reentry is the inverse-spiral-form remergence-generator of non-selfsameness qua identity-transparency). Acoustic analogues to gravitational holograms: e.g., does deep-structure subtext of the quantum-brained sonic-visioning of the bottle-nosed dolphin encompass these non-selfsame numbered numberings? How much is our human Lebenswelt their dolphin Lebenswelt; how much our human planet Earth their dolphin planet Earth? Gravitational holograms? What say -- say you, say me, always and all ways together, naturally? Can't tell ultraviolet from infrared? Violations of local quantum theory? Lukasiewicz-Post-logic-processed m-valued J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity/parallelism subtending the 1T2-only Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities? See by me, see by you, see always all ways together, naturally: just the abstract to Gravitational Holography, Scott Thomas, ResearchGate, October 2006.
On basis of my, admittedly very elementary, decades-ago experience of inner-Musculpt ((Stephen McAdams' Spectral fusion, spectral parsing and the formation of auditory images, Ph.D. dissertation, McGill U., January 1984, is of great importance to whatever efforts that might emerge to techno-exteriorize inner-Musculpt as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams, despite the fact that he treats Musculpt as metaphor [see The Auditory Image Metaphor section, beginning on page 11] and does not provide a phenomenological account as to the image appearances from photism flashovers unto color-field washes unto dynamic polymorph forms, as is available in, for instance, the visual phenomena sections of Autogenic Training clinical records, many of which were compiled by Wolfgang Luthe during the period he was associated with McGill U. Medical School)), I have long believed that speakable languages are glutamatergically-etched-under-orchestration-by-prescriptive-enculturation-socialization molecular-cellular-brain degenerations (involving involutory decompositions of self-reentered-hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam unto the 1T2-outthere/inhere dichotomous) of unspeakable quantum-brain µTm-unto-1T3 colored-sounded-form languages (1T3-speakable Aymara containing residuals of the 1T3-unspeakable). Natural languages are, accordingly, highly unnatural. I do not regard this observation as having been intuited, even in the Jungian sense of the word. The meaning attached to uses of the words intuition and intuitive and intuitional in logic-maths-physics-related discourse are very nearly the opposite of what in Jungian Analytical Psychology is attributed to the intuition function, which, in JungSpeak, would place those logic-maths-physics-related uses in the realm of the sensation function. Therefore, I (an aficionado of UC-Berkeley's Paul Feyerabend's Against Method epistemological anarchism, particularly as regards Anarchistic-Dadaistic-Surrealist violations of the 1T2-only consistency condition) say [de}generative semantics, not generative semantics in the, say, UC-Berkeley's George Lakoff sense, as per, say, his paper entitled Toward Generative Semantics, circulated circa August 1963 but published only in 1976, Syntax and Semantics, Vol. 7 (notice how the deep structure of even generative semantics is, essentially, an amalgam of war departments promulgating existing wars, prospective wars, imaginary wars, and observe, further, that even the severely war-wounded, say a Feyerabend, find themselves surface-structure suborned by this fact of the mode of the academic mode of production which has long persisted). More elaborately, as regards [de}generative semantics, on ensheaved Musculpt manifold, see[man}tics is C+TC+ly pregiven (all meaning being-there function-functional-functorially on the AllBaseCommonGround most-dense sheet), [sin}tax and pho[no}logy being unspeakable involutory decompositions CTC+-unto-µTm unto the speakably-1T2, with its speakably-1T2 semantics, syntaxes, phonologies, 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) presumably abiding by topology-type transformation rules in unspeakably executing non-selfsame self-referential Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (numbering logic-lattice nodes and bars, intersections and bones) of logical propositions expressing self-reentrant J.G.Bennettian-C+-skew form [in}forming unto n-skew-forms-forming -- that so, there being no actual objective linear-time (the memetimeMaya thereof being epiphenomenal to employment of 1T2-only-logic alone, and, beginning in the womb, glutamate anchored to molecular-cellular brains by periodic synaptic prunings [and associated quantum quenchings of conscious access to µTm-logical analog processing] under orchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization: for the normotic establishment-consensus normalizing-take on socially-redeeming glutamatergic neural-network wipeouts, see: here: these prunings and this consensus take thereon being generative of a wealth of techno-ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements). Regards non-selfsame, self-referential, Gödel-numbered Gödel numberings: on a C+-deep hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam, each number is -- at some reentry -- every other number. Though there are, of course, many similarities, I am saying something quite different from Leonard Bernstein's innate universal grammar of musical metaphor (see his Harvard Norton Lecture number 3) and Eduard Hanslick's sonorous forms in motion (good offices of Eric Sams, The Musical Times, October 1975, pp. 867-8), as well as from Friedrich von Schelling and the frozen [meme] time of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and 1st-century-BC Roman perfect-proportions architect Vitruvius (good offices of Daniel K. S. Walden, Greek and Roman Musical Studies, 2, 2014, pp. 124-45) on the phrase, uh, uh, phase transformation which is architecture as frozen music structurally transitioning to music as liquid architecture. Each of these comparative analogues -- made by Bernstein, Hanslick, Schelling, Goethe, Vitruvius -- being tacitly based in 1T2-only-logic alone, whereupon musical-necessity = beauty is an analogue of logical-necessity = truth. In this respect, it is interesting to compare Bob Hale's the essence of the logical functions argument (see: The Source of Logical Necessities, Chapter 5, of Necessary Beings, Oxford U. Press, 2015) to Bryan J. Parkhurst's explication of Heinrich Schenker's Kantian teleo-hermeneutic-diagrammatic argument (think: the teleo being one way of evoking the role played by AllBaseCommonGround) as given in Making a Virtue of Necessity: Schenker and Kantian Teleology, Journal of Music Theory, 61:1, April 2017. According to my comprehension, on C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround, necessity is altogether unnecessary, true-false objective tests have completely discorporated under the remergence which vivifies all traces nullifying uglies (e.g., with respect to the speakable: wanna in place of want to) by which beauty is bivalently discernable. It, whatsoever it is, is already all ready being-therehear, uh, therehere, logically-ontologically-before involutory decomposition is -- so, the notion necessity has no relevance for having no consequence. Imputing, that is: all worldlines being Maya, i.e., derivative of 1T2-only-definable memetime miss taken to be an objective linear-time. And miss taken not only due to suppression of 3rd-order-dynamical non-orientable hyperKleinBottle reentries; also, by suppression of the memetime-independence imports of superpositioning qua layering. Relative to layering, Leonard Bernstein speaks of super surface-structures as embodying super order-types of ambiguity, whereas µTm-unto-CTC+ posits super deep-structures, and Sri Aurobindo's mantric poetry implies existence of the m-valued logics of identity-transparency. Frank Lyons, in his The Architecture of Nothingness, whilst critiquing Bernstein's handling of metaphorical meaning in music, says but if we remember that meaning is always the fruit of a subject-object relationship, we will remember that it will always be personal to the individual. Franklin Merrell-Wolffian consciousness-without-an-object by fiat disallowed. Thus sprach binary-mind in its claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, to use Hubert Benoit's term from LET Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen. The two sections of Elizabeth Martin's Architecture as a Translation of Music, Princeton Architectural Press, 1994, I best liked are Layered Relationships and Computation and Composition, in the latter of which she quotes Aristid Lindenmeyer, presumably from his book The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants, to wit: The essential differences between Chomsky grammars and L-systems [link added, good offices of immersive engineer Jordan Santell, 9 December 2019] lies in the method of applying productions. In Chomsky grammars [link added] productions are applied sequentially, whereas in L-systems they are applied in parallel and simultaneously replace all the letters in a given word. I note that, at higher levels of I. Rice Pereira's layered transparent (of her 1966 The Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite), the productions would have to be applied, not merely in parallel, but drawn with J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels. Martin goes on to observe that Music, especially computer music, will have much to teach the new liquid and gravity-free architecture. Architecture, in turn, will provide music with its greater challenge: its emancipation from sound -- and therefore linear time More poppycock than you can shake a stick at? My I/im don't think so (as suggested by VirFut Q-Pro). It'll be a walk through, walkabout, michiyuki-bun: music, that is, as spaceplaced. Martin goes further yet, onto a description of the advent and numerics of archimusic (a special case of the potential concretions of the more abstract music-sculpture, aka inner-Musculpt as holographically techno-exteriorized). Spatialization of music is not the same as the Gebserian haptification of space and concretion of time, nor is the operator-timing of space the same as outright atemporalization to The World Without Time (see: The Illusion of Time, Andrew Jaffe, Nature, 16 April 2018, reviewing Carlo Rovelli's discourse upon The Crumbling of Time) -- unless the involved phase-structure transformations be comprehended (circa 1908-12) AnalyticalCubismly relative to the C+ facets of the Husserlian object-horizon ketaminergically-OBEed simultaneously all-points-of-view-equally-correct à la µTm-unto-CTC+. Snouting about with Dr. Rootle, we can observe that quantum mechanics' postulation of an objective linear-time (see: Postulate 3, pp. 7-9, Lecture Notes on the Theory of Open Quantum Systems, Daniel A. Lidar, arXiv, 21 February 2020) is tantamount to proscribing m-valued logics (rigorously codified circa 1921) of relative-state identity-transparency as interpreters of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function (circa 1925), because the linear-time instant ((even when there is an infinite number of them, as in the Dyson-series-time-ordering [see: equations 22 and 32, pp. 5 and 7, The time evolution operator as a time-ordered exponential, UCSC, Physics 215, Winter 2018] case where passive, passing, referential linear-time postulation is taken unto the pedestrian notion of eternity as n goes to infinity, a convergent timeline presupposing a Big Crunch and that Time Must Have a Stop)) is definable only under 1T2-only-logic alone, thus making probability interpretations (1926 onwards) of Schrödinger's m-valued state-function inevitable, these probabilistic interpretations being attempts to save the logic Law of Identity subtending 1T2-only causality which requires simply-identifiable antecedents and consequents, the two not being conflatable by any sort of melding. I fell down on the job at Cornell, circa second half of the '70s, in not finding Weimar Culture, Causality, and Quantum Theory, 1918-1927: Adaptation by German Physicists and Mathematicians to a Hostile Intellectual Environment, Paul Forman, Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, 3, January 1971. Forman admits to being adversarial relative to the cause of protecting or retrieving causality, this, in my judgment, flavoring, with the taste of bitter collective neurosis, the popular hunger for wholeness -- e.g., embodied in the Vitalist, even Bergsonian lean, to bourgeois Weltanshauungsliteratur, specifically the lebensphilosophisch -- as having predisposed to the later-developing collective psychosis. This flavoring diminishes the sense of civilization-wide omni-crisis, making whatever actual crisis there was appear particularly, if not uniquely, German. If so, then again in my judgment, this psychic circumstance was because German-speaking peoples did more than any other to prepare the collective psyche for the syntheses required to functionally integrate the factors ((despite the foremost factor being advent of Polish m-valued logics, not mentioned, memory serving, by Peter Gay and Fritz Ringer, or Paul Forman: I didn't find out about infinitely-m-valued Gödel fuzzy logics [good offices of Saeed Salehe, arXiv, 20 August 2020], circa 1932, until long after I left Cornell in 1980, that 1932 paper not being translated into English until 1986)) driving the crisis (in the current fulmination arising largely from imports of N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr), and when the whole civilization back-reacted, put its feet down, started to skid, went into full-spectrum denial of the relative-state-identity-transparency wholeness tacitly constellated by Abel and actively suppressed by the impossibility takeaway, the resultant suppression generated a regression that hit the Germanic peoples particularly hard, given the integrative constellations made by them early-on and subsequently civilization-wide blocked from actual fruition, a blocking that continues unto this day, and much more amplified than it was a century ago. Forman, p. 26, quotes Fritz Ringer by way of downgrading reality of the crisis, by way of suggesting that it was a hot-housed Germanic phantasm, a modern Erdgeist come down from the Hollentalspitzen:
Throughout the Weimar period, it was often said in academic circles that a crisis was in progress. No one felt the need to define the exact nature of this crisis, to ask where it came from or what it involved In any case, the crisis existed, if only by virtue of the fact that almost every educated German believed in its reality.
That this was written so late as 1969 and favorably quoted a couple of years later is-- disappointing, if not to say depressing. For just one of myriad points that could be made concerning The Twentieth Century Crisis, as Leonard Bernstein called it in his 1973 Harvard Norton lectures: if objective linear-time is an illusion, it must not be the case that time must have had a start, and, if so, how likely is it that there was a Big Bang? Consider Eric J. Lerner's The Big Bang Never Happened, Vintage Books edition, 1992. Not speaking here of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki big bangs. Speaking Gamow expansion; pejoratively, according to Hoyle, the Big Bang by which an objective linear-time began (for interesting history of this, see: Big Bang: the etymology of a name, Helge Kragh, Astronomy & Geophysics, 54:2, April 2013). And before that BB there was well, that was, temporally, perhaps even logically and ontologically, in the hands of God. The Time in Between the zero and the one of [0,1] of real-numbered timeline is easy to understand by the solitary walker of leylines, of songlines, by those doing bad time; it's the optime out of mind beyond the bra[c]kets that's terra ignota. The early-20th-century advent of formalized m-valued logics of relative-state identity-transparency has presaged the biggest change in human cognition since in-the-body experience became normative for large swaths of the population base, this state-space shift trailing generalized embrace -- approaching 3 millennia ago -- of bivalent modes of thought. Following upon the early-21st-century 9/11, GWOT, COVID-19 wakeup calls, more and more commentators are in one way or another identifying and elucidating the mutually-reinforcing logic-maths-physics, performing and plastic arts, literature intellectual-conceptual precipitators-reflectors of the crisis -- politico-economic, geopolitical, climatological, ecological; indeed, n-dimensional that it is, affecting every sphere of Earth down to its magnetic core. One example of that more and more, a case in point specifically related to the Big Bang theory, is Is the Age of Big Bang Cosmology and the 'Science of Scarcity' Finally Coming to an End?, Matthew Ehret-Kump, Global Research, 3 September 2022, which comes around to arguing a holistic lebensphilosophisch. One project, were it to be undertaken, that would address many aspects of the crisis, is implementation of µTm-LETS nesting-foams with techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as user-friendly interface. The proposal closest to that which I've seen is Emanuel Pastreich's The Democratization of Money, Global Research, 8 September 2022. But, alas, what has been received in return for the gathering insight of that more and more? Recreations, that are no re-creations, of those irrevocably fixated on the fact of being caught [down}on i[dent}if|i|cation with a collective cerebral cadence. Maundering-maundering-maundering. Pondering endlessly on cogitate-cogitate, cogitate zeugmata cum cogitate-cogitate, cogitate-cogitate syllepses. Blethering in a dawdle, nattering twaddle. Skullcapped policymakers -- however much brainpanned, conked, nappered -- claiming, nonetheless, to be exercising their plunderheaded 1T2-only cortices. TPTB are certainly acquiring their pots of gold, but they are far and away from finding the end of the rainbow. Per[son}allied, I'm not a Vitalist or a Mechanist: my I/im isare no believer(s) in organized religion, let alone globally-institutionalized religion -- to include TechnoScientism. Gives my me the all-overs. As alternatives to Pastreich's reach (past the 4th, ,nth Reichs), we have the Russia-China initiative (good offices of Alasdair Macleod, 8 September 2022) versus the USUKEU (UsuckyU) retrenchment (good offices of Mark Jeftovic, 8 September 2022).
The Introduction section to Louis H. Kauffman's Knot Logic -- Logical Connection and Topological Connection, arXiv, August 2015, contains the following (as modified by the contents enclosed by my brackets):
we see in this example [0 = (-1) + (+1), where we have 'topological entities (the two curls) that behave like +1 and -1 moving apart from one another'] how a continuous [cf. CTC+] process can have discrete [cf. µTm] consequences via discrimination of an [1T2] observer [and/or the µTm-unto-1T3 precursors thereof]. It is the topological observer who isolates the two curls and regards them as discrete entities separate from the continuous background [cf. C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround most-dense sheet of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, BackCloth] Or we can think of the process (going backward) as a tale about how two independent discrete entities can interact continuously and cancel each other out might not [this] be somehow analogous to the way a particle and antiparticle interact physically to return to the vacuum!
Consider this Kauffman formulation in comparison to the G.SpencerBrownian wave statement for an autopoietic process given in the Appendix (and its Table 1) to our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement (think: Kauffman's It is the topological observer who isolates the two curls ). The Brownian wave statement, and its decomposition-recomposition involutes, are also discussed in our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 334-44. In making the Kauffman-to-Brownian-wave-statement comparison, construe Kaufman's two curls as tacitly indicative of the temporal CURLs associated with Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time and topologically-active counter-operator-time discussed relative to the wave statement. By reference to Hassler Whitney, Kauffman traces existence of the two curls back to 1937 (one year after Stanislaw Jaskowski proved Gödel fuzzy logic countably-infinitely many valued, thus authentically relegatable -- not relegable, as in demote -- to the real interval [0,1]), from which we may well-infer that the notion temporal CURL, likely was hiding, good offices of the Trickster archetype, in the collective unconscious, peeking out tacitly, from the period of close approach to onset of WWII in Europe, an onset foist forward in attack upon the homeland security ((nowadays soon to be based upon compulsory non-fuzzy-AI-enforced-simple-ID-opaqueness exploited by good offices of CBIs -- computer-brain interfaces: see Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy, Presidential Action, The White House, 12 September 2022; and, for an interpretation by a onetime Pfizerite, Biden Executive Order: 'Americans must surrender all human rights that Stand in the way of Transhumanism', Legitgov, 13 September 2022)) of the Lukasiewicz logics upon which Gödel fuzzy logic is based: see On regular closed curves of the plane, Hassler Whitney, Compositio Mathematica, tome 4, 1937, pp. 276-84, wherein the deformation theorem and crossing points of curves are rigorously explicated relative to differentiable functions of the closed interval [0,1] with values in the Euclidian plane. Note that -1 and +1 (à la Kauffman) appear in our Autogenic Discharge Appendix under square-root radicals; hence, the vector plane of our interest is that operator-time temporally CURLed into the imaginary (and the vector space of our interest involves two orders of hypercomplexity beyond the imaginary). Is it Everett multi-worlds? Is it Kripke possible worlds? Is it Lewis possible worlds? Is it one of the other notions of possible worlds? Or is it C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency of the one-and-only-one [viz. (-1) + (+1) = 0] hologramic world, 0 signifying the unknotted knot qua the un-not(ed) not of the whole holistic hole, wherein (-infinity) + (+infinity) = the sets of wonderfullered-hypercomplexed Riemannian 0s identity-transparent to the C+ of C+TC+-AllBase numbered with non-selfsame, self-referential, Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers?
At the beginning of Weimar Culture, Causality, and Quantum Theory, 1918-1927: Adaptation by German Physicists and Mathematicians to a Hostile Intellectual Environment, Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, 3, January 1971, Paul Forman makes a succinct statement as to his research-methodology approach and the involved informing notion of causality, to wit, quoting pp. 3-4:
it seems to me that the historian cannot rest content with vague and equivocal expressions like prepared the intellectual climate for, or prepared, so to speak, the philosophical background for, but must insist upon a causal analysis, showing the circumstances under which, and the interactions through which, scientific men are swept up by intellectual currents. Such an analysis may be either psychological or sociological. That is, it may either consider the mental makeup of the individual scientists concerned, stressing previous intellectual environments and conditioning experiences as determinative of present attitudes, or, on the contrary, it may ignore these factors, treating present mental posture as socially determined response to the immediate intellectual environment and current experiences. I have chosen the latter course, and sought a model in which certain field variables and their derivatives at a given place and time are regarded as evoking corresponding attitudes. Though it may seem harsh to stress the social pressure and ignore the emotional pain, though it may seem unsatisfactory to break off our explanatory endeavors at the level of the individual decision, nonetheless I do think the sociological the more general and fruitful approach.
Having found my way into this area of historical analysis upon first reading (circa Fall Semester, 1963, assigned reading for Intro to World Politics, Abdul Aziz Said, AU-SIS) of C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul (which provoked thoughts as to the possible involvement of transference-related phenomena in facilitating Nazification of the Weimar Republic), my orientation to methodology and causality fell primarily into the realm of psychological analysis, the sociological aspects of causation being considered derivative. Moreover, as regards the psychological, the most fundamental causal factors were taken by me to have habitus (heh-heh-heh!) upon their residence in regressed archetypal processes of the collective unconscious. Another book Prof. Said required we read was A. J. P. Taylor's The Origins of the Second World War (Hamish Hamilton, 1961: see the excellent review by T. S. Tsonchev, published in The Montreal Review, March 2010). In my reading, Taylor's notion that Hitler functioned by tactical improvisation, not by a detailed comprehensive strategic plan, jelled well with the idea that transference dynamics (personal and collective) were instrumental in production of the Nazification process. These ideas about psychological origins of WWII elaborated somewhat during my period of involvement in the Viet Nam war. I saw clear evidence that subliminal fear of quantum non-simple identity (Find 'em, fix 'em, and finish 'em!: trying to separate the bad from the good with coerced population movements, e.g., the strategic hamlets program, free-fire zones, forced-draft urbanization) and nonlocality (hysterically bombing the inherently unbombable: subliminal fear of the psycho-socio-politico-economic imports of quantum nonlocality caused the hysterical bombing which caused the Khmer Rouge collective psychotic break expressed in the sociological actions constituting the Cambodian Holocaust) strongly vectored collective behaviors of policymakers and U. S. forces in that war, this evidence focusing my thought upon origins of quantum mechanics, its interpretations, the impacts it had on German psychodynamics during the period of run-up to onset of WWII. So, what is the nature of the collective unconscious within which those German psychodynamics transpired? My biggest expenditure (half my personal net worth at the time) during first years back from the Viet Nam war was for purchase of two encyclopedic sets of Collected Works: the black set from Princeton U. Press of C. G. Jung and the cream-colored raw-silk-bound set of Sri Aurobindo. Switching back and forth, I worked my way through them -- benefiting in different ways from each. Further insight -- beyond Jung's conception of the unconscious -- came in 1975. My immediate superior in Saigon at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, Jon Saphier (he received a direct commission as an intelligence officer in Viet Nam after his stint as a dust-off combat medic), prior to entering the Army had gotten a Masters in PPE at the London School of Economics -- and still had a bank account in London. He got me a copy of Ignacio Matte Blanco's The Unconscious as Infinite Sets: An Essay in Bi-logic, Gerald Duckworth & Co., Ltd., London, 1975. Soon after reading this book, in the Cornell mathematics library I ran across Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics -- and thence forward categorized Blanco's notion as being infinite sets under 1T2-only-logic alone, thus stamping my realization that those same infinite sets of the unconscious also exist collectively under 1T3-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-logics. This view of Jungian archetypal processes of the collective unconscious contextualized my understanding of the import of G. Spencer Brown's 1T2-only Laws of Form, and his demonstration that the notion distinction is more fundamental in logic than is the notion truth-value. Again, thanks due to Jon Saphier: in 1969, Jon was teaching Viet Cong (Political) Infrastructure (VCI) dynamics at the Intelligence School in Ft. Holabird when I found out about Spencer Brown's book, concerning which we were greatly interested, given that our SRA-induced fascination with the correlation between Viet Cong boundary changes and changes in VCI administrative apparatus (a prefiguration of the holographic principle as discovered in black hole information theory) predisposed us to be interested in an algebra of distinctions qua indications qua boundaries, an algebra of the changes thereof. Jon used his London bank account to purchase for me a copy of Laws of Form, London: Allen & Unwin, 1969. So, are the laws of form also under 1T3-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-logics, not just under 1T2-only logic alone? This is an important question, not only as regards regressed-archetypal collective unconscious processes involved in facilitating the Nazification of the Weimar Republic, but also relative to holographically techno-exteriorizing inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams. Archetypal processes (normative and regressed) of the collective unconscious (Weltanschauung givens), the personal unconscious (projective identifications, neuroses, and latent psychoses), the subconscious (beliefs believed not believed), the subliminal (registrations unattended to), the conscious mind (registrations attended to, introjections to Umwelt, and beliefs believed believed): the chain of psychocausality, more to less causal. Subconscious and subliminal pretty much conflated, confused together in common parlance. In this respect, we note that Paul Forman, linked above, interestingly quotes, pp. 28-9, footnote 60, Ernst Troeltsch quoting Ernst Barthel, circa 1925, saying that the quality of the phenomena [of whatsoever sort] and their mutual connection lies in a region of noncausal (nichtkausal) harmony, which is to be grasped only by the intuition. Barthel speaking here relative to, and against, the prevailing 1T2-only notion of causality. Noncausal harmony, in my judgment, is a black-box term troping Barthel's subconscious, in that Lukasiewicz-Post logics (circa 1921) he tacitly believes he does not believe in, tacitly because he very likely has not registered existence of L-P logics. We fill in the black box: our notion of this so-called nichtkausal is that µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ -- use of the pejorative so-called because there is no reason, 1T2-unto-C+TC+, to believe that 1T2-causality is the only causality there is; indeed, there surely are, minimally, µTm-types of causality superordinate to that 1T2-monovariate-unto-1T2-multivariate (higher-valued logics are not matters of the number of variables to a given proposition). Our notion as to imports of µTm is not a matter of the paranormality of the logically paraconsistent taken to the mth-degree; it's a matter of the relative-states of ID-transparency characterizing the holographic conditions of the condition ruefully designated by the term participation mystique which, in our conception, does not, most fundamentally, refer to psychological states or somatic qua material states (psychetic or hyletic data) or to mixtures of the two, for, once leaving 1T2-only, there is no actual authenticity in speaking through dualistic oppositions, dualistic categories being understood Maya. So, to what do these participation mystique states refer, stated positively, not with not(s)? In Buddhism that what is called suchness. By his appeal to intuition, we can be pretty sure that the good Privatdozent Barthel had, in 1925, a lack of awareness of L-P logics, or had chosen to ignore their actual purports, or had chosen to embrace suppression of those purports by interpretation to shades of gray, a suppression facilitating the 1926 probability dissimulation of the m-valuedness of the state-function of Schrödinger's 1925 quantum wave equation. To my mind, the probability interpretation of the m-valued state-function was the Witch Bull of the 20th century, and the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to Origins of the Second World War (that interpretation of the state-function still prevails and the situation thus inculcated is very much more fraught today than it was during the late-1930s). Now, I do not, with Oswald Spengler, regard CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-demergent decomposition of C+TC+-AllBaseCommonGround as destiny qua Schicksal because this notion -- destiny -- is focused exclusively on the point of view of prescriptively enculturated-socialized, glutamate-anchored, memetime-bound, in-the-body-only per[son}s, and, extended, by extrapolative personification, to cultures, societies, nation-states, each with their own individual entelechy (understood the vital force guiding self-organization: nearly a dozen recent publications come up upon Goggling 'entelechy' in Weimar culture but I find I can access none of them). Memory serving, nowhere in Spengler's The Decline of the West (the waning West's pratfall being much more apparent today than it was in the summer of 1918) can one find a non-black-boxed account of Schicksal. And, asked, I would have to define entelechy as the Bohmian quantum potential resident in µTm-relative-state identity-transparency -- as regards all cases of autopoiesis and self-organization, wherever found: the Faustian West didn't sell its soul, à la Spengler, to technics in the sense of Louis Mumford's Art and Technics; it sold it to infratech based in dissimulated quantum-relativity theory (I see the devolution qua abatement of the West as resident in its failure to affirm its own discoveries in higher mathematics and physics, a massive Linus van Pelt clinging behavior on part of mathematicians and physicists and philosophers of science, this failure generating all sorts of enfeebling ConveDDs -- conversion-disorder displacements -- which have bled down to the soft sciences, the arts, and from there into society at large). All Hail! to those among us with Staatssekretar mentalities. The writing and filming of techno-dystopias has been a plausibly-deniable way to promote the infratechnologies purportedly disparaged: the writers-publishers-producers-directors-actors-actresses love those technologies! because they identify with the techno-ConveDDs of the psychological functions being suppressed. Anyway, to my I/im, karma explicitly has to do with higher-logical orders of causality, whereas fate and destiny are black-box terms.
To a onetime Strategic-Research-and-Analysis political-order-of-battle analyst, calling a valuer cum sorting demon cum mover-distributor of stolen goods a fence (under [de}fence of secrecy) is instructive with regards to cellular-insurgent autogenesis and self-organization (analogous to biological cell autopoiesis and self-organization) by resource exchange (cf. sodium-potassium pump active-transport through semi-permeable membrane) across changing (hence fuzzy, if altering frequently enough relative to some temporal referent) boundaries (these being analogous to biological e-plasmahauts). A boundary is said to have only two sides, regardless of the dimensionality of the space enclosed (i.e., by line, surface, polyhedron, [n-1]-dimensional facet; none of the boundary-related issues which the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy considers violates this notion). A boundary with n-sides would have to be drawn with a J.G.Bennettian pencil of n-skew parallels in respect to an n-skew polytope within state-space cum phase-space under MVL (multi-valued logics) nesting-foam. A boundary-altogether-without-boundary would be a C+-sided fractal boundary (which likely would function as a strange attractor relative to a resource-exchange process moving toward self-organized criticality). The type of boundary my I/im isare interested in for currency areas of µTm-processed m-valued-LETS currencies is that frequently-to-constantly changing, n-sided, quasi-fractal e-boundary-almost-without-boundary upon which indicator-tagged currency-unit value-stacks (cf. ensheavements of Alerce shingles once used as money) can be defined. These e-boundaries would be established in spatial-scale-level nesting-foam such that the transparent boundary (if the binary-mind's 1T2-only boundary-point definition is problematic, imagine boundary-point definition under the participation-mystique-mind's, say, 7T12-logic) of a given currency area be understood as an n-dimensional (relative to Musculpt manifold: infinite-d) abstract polytope ((cf. the transparent-face depiction of a 4-d polytope; the Joe Goode looking through the cascade events depicted in his Waterfall Series of paintings [quoting Goode: this idea of looking through something was more important than the image itself] relative to the transparencies of VirFut Q-Pro relative to energy-momentum cascade theory)), i.e., the boundary can be usefully looked at, for chosen purposes, as a line, a surface, a polyhedron, an n-d configuration. In such a currency-system scheme, the indicator-measurable tags to µTm-LETS currency = boundary conditions; the values of these tags superposed upon base-state of the currency (i.e., 1T2-only-processed cash) = boundary values. As the boundary conditions (viz. holographic-principle mapping of internal bureaucratic variables upon the boundary; thus, by automatizing chosen functions, reducing decision need and bureaucratic bulk) and boundary values (viz. internalizing extra-systemic externalities) are changed (by the consensus-generating mechanism of open-source e-commons [cf. deautomatizing] computer-gaming of m-scenarios virtual-futures projective simulations) the currency-area boundaries would move, change their configuration. Work relevant to this issue of moving boundaries is being done; see, for two examples: Boundary tracing and boundary value problems , Michael L. Anderson and Andrew P. Bassom and Neville Fowkes, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 5 June 2007 (unfortunately, I can only access the abstract) and Moving boundary identification , Ji-Chuan Liu and Ting Wei, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 19:8, 2011, pp. 1139-54 (contains helpful explanatory color graphics). The calculus of variations as applied to boundary-value problems is also relevant to this moving-boundaries issue. The closest approach I've yet seen to that above-described µTm-LETS-required type of boundary comes with the definition of boundary conditions derived in Analysis of Boundary States of Multi-state System by Direct Partial Logic Derivatives, Elena Zaitseva, et al., in V. Yakovyna, et al., eds., Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications, ICTERI 2015 Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 594, Springer, 27 February 2016, which describes a scheme wherein analysis of the topological properties of MSS (multi-state systems) is undertaken. Zaitseva, et al., observe that:
there are four groups of methods for MSS analysis that are based on different mathematical approach: an extension of Boolean models to the multi-valued case, the stochastic process as Markov process, the universal generation function methods and the Monte-Carlo simulation techniques According to these [Boolean] methods MSS is represented and defined by the structure function. This function is defined the conformance of the system performance level and components states. As a rule for the structure function definition and representation is used Boolean functions. [The structure function is a dependency relation between states of individual components and the level of total system performance.]
Thus, there are i components, j component performance levels, s component states, and x component state vectors with x being the state vector. There are also total system reliability states, where 1 = perfect functionality and 0 = complete failure. The n-boundary-conditions of the total system are understood as system failure conditions. The Boolean methods are applied thereto. As regards analysis by direct partial logic derivatives, essentially, in my summation of the mathematics employed: if such & such + so & so + this & that, ,n, then 1; otherwise, then 0. This is a filter-type renormalization algorithm (with passive, passing, referential linear-time embedded in the worldline of the dependency relation deemed the structure function). In introducing MSS performance models, the authors say that:
The typical Binary-State System allows evaluating only two system states as functioning and failure. Other states, for example, as partly functioning or functioning with restrictions are not analyzed in case of Binary-State System use. But extra states and performance levels in the mathematical model dramatically increase size of this model and computational complexity of its analysis. Therefore the MSS has not been used intensively in reliability analysis.
As an initiative to overcome this circumstance, Zaitseva, et al., introduce the:
interpretation of the structure function as the MVL [multi-valued logic] function [which allows use of] the mathematical approach of MVL in the analysis of the MSS structure function. In [an earlier Zaitseva paper] the application of Logical Differential Calculus for MSS reliability analysis has been proposed. The Logic Differential Calculus is used for analysis of dynamic properties of MVL function and this approach can be applied for analysis of dynamic behaviour of MSS that is determined by the structure function.
This is outlined in the above-linked paper and more fully explicated in Reliability Analysis of Multi-State Systems based on Tools of Multi-Valued Logic, Miroslav Kvassay and Elena Zaitseva and Jozef Kostolny and Vitaly Levashenko, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia, presented to IEEE EUROCON 2015. With the structure function viewed-defined as a MVL function (number of system states = m, not 2 only) there is allowed gradual stepwise component degradation, by [s - l] steps. The authors say:
if m1 = m2 = = mn = m, then the system is recognized as homogeneous
Based on the properties of the structure function, two different classes of systems can be recognized: coherent and noncoherent. In what follows, we will assume that the system is coherent
The interpretation of MVL involved here is essentially that of fuzzy logic: system reliability-performance existing on a sliding scale, not just either perfect functioning or complete failure. Dynamical treatment of the MVL structure function is complex, involving integration of direct partial logic derivatives (part of logical differential calculus), manipulation of logical operators, notions like truth density (a fuzzy-logic-like idea where degrees of functionality-efficacy-utility, understood relative to truth-value, are arrayed in the real interval [0,1]), structural importance, criticality importance, so on. Computation of truth densities involves use of the multi-valued decision diagram (MDD). The authors say:
MDD for representation of the structure function is a graph structure consisting of two types of nodes: sink (terminating) nodes and non-sink nodes. The sink nodes are labeled by numbers from 0 to m - 1, and they agree with the possible states of the system. The non-sink nodes represent individual system components. If a non-sink node corresponds to component i, then it has mi outgoing edges that are labeled by numbers from 0 to mi - 1, and they correspond to individual states of the i-th component. Finally, the MDD has one root node.
Reference to root node has me thinking of bucket of warm-golden Borel-set dust motes on AllBaseCommonGround of most-dense sheet of Musculpt manifold. Notice that the word edges is used. The MDD graph structure suggests to me polytope representation of boundaries, and thus I can see this MVL reliability analysis scheme developing toward depiction of the type of boundaries required for µTm-LETS-currency nesting-foams. However, notice also that the term individual system components is used: analyzing influence of a given individual system-component on another given component or state or specified overall-system state on the entirety of total-system activity. Components are considered absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, i.e., individual, exhibiting non-quantum simple-identity, not µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency. I find that this individuality assumption 1T2ly-contradicts the notion that a coherent system is being analyzed (scroll down to the Viktor T. Toth comment as to Is there any boundary where quantum mechanics turns to classical?). For many reasons (not least for belief that µTm-logical J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels subtend the 1T2-logical Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities) being no believer in the classical limit, I see coherent behaviors as being exhibited by many supposedly, but not actually, classical systems, e.g., during tornadogenesis, in stock market behaviors. This is scary stuff: Give me simple-identity or give me death! This is why, predominantly, filter-type renormalization algorithms are employed to insure use of Boolean functions. When it gets too complicated for the bi-polar, zero-summing, binary-mind to process, there is information-overload-induced framework-fixation-brain-freeze snapover and resort to the war of attrition, there arises, due to misbegotten target templates (see: Target templates: the precision of mental representations affects attentional guidance and decision-making in visual search, Michael C. Hout and Stephen D. Goldinger, Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 77, 2015, pp. 128-49), the command-position equivalent to pilot-target-fixation-syndrome with hysterical compulsion to bomb back to the Stone Age -- 8 million tons worth! (how is it possible that some people actually believed that LBJ personally picked more than a few of the myriad involved boxes set down?). Duck you snooky Hook, you -- you, you Fosterite, uh, uh, Pfizerite! Binary-mind-designed systems have individual system components; the contention that natural systems have such components is a psycho-projection of the binary-mind. Those aware of what a West-more-land war of attrition involves -- no authentic strategy; just indiscriminate killing of as many as it takes to get the opposition to capitulate -- are not surprised when the perpetrator of such, having internalized the precedent, generalizes (e.g., Phoenix globalized, then brought home to roost in the ZI) the principles-tactics-[force}structures involved to prospective solution of problems of world civilization not directly involved with what traditionally has been deemed warfare -- a behavior exhibiting dimensions of sociological autoimmunity. It has become very likely that TPTB the GLE (global leadership elite) will establish and institutionalize a planet-wide, satellite-borne, panopticonic, prison monoculture: initialization is already well established. Development and implementation of µTm-LETS is a way of decomposing CBDC-SCSS (central bank digital currency cum social credit score system) into something benign, non-oppressive, efficacious with respect to the n-dimensional anthropogenic global crisis.
[G}localization (think: the informing paradigm for creation of once-upon-a-memetime FGCC, First Global Community College -- just one small piece of the whole hologram in violation of the 1T2-only Law of Non-Quantum Simple-Identity; click here for explanations of the holograph projected from one small piece of hologram as image-processed by binary-mind, and seek to imagine, by comparison, what is seen by nonlocal µTm-relative-state quantum-brainmind ketaminergically-OBE-all-around-processing the corpus of facets of the Husserlian horizon of the object imaged). When the fund[a}mental basis of a system is dividing inherent, nondisposable conflict (cf. 1T2-polarity and the Law of Undistributed Middle) against itself (viz. the equilibrium sought in countervailance; the checks and balances expected by separation of powers: political analogue to Newton's Third Law of Motion), by definition, the only harmony possible is The Harmony of Illusion. Contrary to insistences of those identified with bivalent logic, in the collective psychosis known as war, there is no I, only we. And this is not solely the case of those caught in midst of high-combat mad-minutes, but also -- perhaps particularly so -- of the decision-makers, i.e., those [per}sons so utterly identified with socially-conferred role attributions that their official cogitations inevitably are totally aligned with regressed-archetypal collective-unconscious event-gradients: regardless of what they think they think, there is no authentic I-ness there to be found. And that is why (by compensatory abreaction) they are hysterically reactive to anything suggestive of the m-valued. To such people -- even those less identified, less permeated with internal considering -- what manner of reference is to be made to that state(s) demergent (no mere generative, cellular-automata-like, emergent property) upon well-practiced inner separation? Real-'I': so as to minimize [re}coil of their egofunctions. By good offices of childhood experience in Midori Gaoka revanchist from elementary school age, when first encountered in high school I thought calling logical union by the name disjunction a revealing Freudian slip -- and when soon after arriving at Cornell, circa 1975, I learned that John von Neumann thought quantum logic a Boolean logic with weak distribution of disjunction, this seemed to my me, with a hearty laugh of incredulity, a deepening of the Freudian slip. Further to boot, by similar token, I've never been able to think of that which is a complement as a negation: more an existential confirmation than an existential denial. My understanding of demergence as involutory decomposition of Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround resembles the dualistic (entelecheia soul-form versus material-body substance) Aristotelian-Thomistic (good offices of Michail Peramatzis and James Madden) hylomorphism-descent scheme, except my I/im (pantheistic communitarian Diggers become long-winded Ranters with some populist Leveller sentiments) hold that there is no dualism -- Heraclitus (1T2-consistencies, à la matter) being a decomposition, no mere synthetic compound, synchronic or diachronic, of Parmenides (1T2-inconsistencies, à la form), by God! on virtue of there being sliding-glass doors in the walls of the room of reason; which is to say infinite-state psyche{tic]hyle{tic] [mu}its, not just that, according to Google, 'qubits' can exist in a state of both one-ness and zero-ness in what is called a [two-state] superposition -- due to no mere Aristotle's Syllogistic, demonstrative or axiomatic: (1) on C+TC+ most-dense sheet of CommonGround of MVRS, m-logically-valued-reference-space BackCloth, the psychetic data and the hyletic data (cf. Wheelerian bucket of dust) are not ontologically-yet distinguishable (cf. Sri Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind, more properly Supramind); and (2) the hylomorphic 1T2-undetermined is actually CTC+-unto-µTm types of determinisms; and (3) the hylomorphic 1T2-contradictory is actually CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states; and (4) the hylomorphic 1T2-non-identical is actually CTC+-unto-µTm non-selfsame states of identity-transparency; and (5) truth-value is the fundament of 1T2-only-logic alone, the lowest order of Aristotelian hylomorphic descent; and (6) to speak 1T2ly, heh-heh-heh, topologically-active complex-hypercomplex operator-time executes the logical operations instrumenting the memetime-independent demergence-descent/remergence-ascent by densely-stepped step-functioned ((in this regard, I am trying to glean something, even if only a little, from a very complex monograph, trying to glean particularly so because I have regarded µTm-LETS currencies as band-pass fractal drums defined on e-boundaries, drums in µTm-relative-state and arrayed over nesting-foams, the varied commodity backings of those currency drums quantum-composite-unit-of-account mapped to a complex-hypercomplex-dimensioned MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, in terms of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, time-shape propositions numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers: Zeta Functions and Complex Dimensions of Relative Fractal Drums , Michael L. Lapidus and Goran Radunovic and Darko Zubrinic, arXiv, 23 August 2016)) involutory decomposition-recomposition (deformed-enformed, not merely disinformed-informed). The indicators-measurables ensheaved-stacked-superposed as m-values upon the 1T2-only-base-state cash-value of the currency unit would, among much else, internalize from the Commons to markette mechanisms extrasystemic externalities, thus subtly modulating in locally-varied chosen ways how is understood private Property as Natural Right (see, for hisstory and some interesting observations: Property as Natural Right and as a Conventional Right in Constitutional Law, Bret Boyce, Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, 29:2, 1 March 2007). These currency-unit value stacks could also, as open-source e-commons computer-gamed, in conjunction with quantum-composite universal unit of account cum varied commodity backings and the MVRS mapping of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, largely obviate political-economy expressions, if not geopolitical dimensions, of Natural Right of Conquest cum coup d'etat cum color revolution (see Rights of Conquest, Discovery and Occupation, and the Freedom of the Seas: a Genealogy of Natural Resources Injustice, Petra Gumplova, Isonomía: Revista de Teoría y Filosofía del Derecho, 54, 15 March 2021, pp. 1-36), not to mention the colonialist and Haushoffer Natural Right to Growth and more Lebensraum. The supposed Natural Right is based upon the supposed Natural Law. If, however, as my I/im hold with, there is no actual classical limit, then (here we go with the if-then of syllogistic logic) whatever physical 1T2-only natural laws there may be must be nearly inconsequential to reality-beyond-Maya, given how many more µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ natural laws there surely must be. This is but one way to cast doubt upon efficacy of fusing ethics with 1T2-only natural law, a fusion as wasis done by, say, Aristotle and Aquinas, and their ideational descendents. Moving on: the notion of spontaneous localization by collapse (not by decomposition of the m-logically-valued supersymmetry space) of the wavefunction at quantum measurement wherein, instantaneously, the multi-valued snaps to the single-valued, is a modern version of the Aristotelian hylomorphic metaphysical architectonic, the synoptic dualism of which abides by the polarity established by cosmological application of the 1T2-only-logic Law of Distributed Middle: the snapover must be instantaneous because there can be no in-betweens, all such having been logically proscribed, or, in the case of Everett's multi-worlds interpreters, transferred, by psycho-projective-identification, to out there, to the other, to other worlds each incommunicado with all others, each in a state of existential separatism-alienation-anomie, each in the rocking-back-and-forth oscillation-stereotypy of unresponsive schizophrenia catatonia. Knee-jerked consensuation of Born-ruled probability-wavicle in-between-ness as a Chancy somewhat-determiner was, in my judgment being-there, a Witch-Bull banishment of threats to the (anti-pagan, anti-animism, anti-participation mystique) Aristotelian-logic Law of Identity foundation-stoning Western in-the-body-only individualism and associated superego-personifying monotheism, OBEs being reserved to THE [per}SON. Tantamount to stating: Give up causality to the degree we have to -- thank God for the classical limit -- but, For God's Sake!, never sacrifice Aristotle's Law of Identity. Give me simple-identity (panopticonically enforced from the command helicopter or the satellite if need be: the current Enfrightenment re[in|car}nation of the 18th-century Enlightenment) or give me death! Flight From Woman (i.e., the physicist's Jungian anima): the worst of all possible worlds, of all modalities, would have been invoked by interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wavefunction relative to Lukasiewicz-Post m-valued logics understood in terms of relative states of empathic identity-transparency, not abstract-analytic-symbolic truth-values. O, woe is me, we need a Strong Leader! The probability-wavicle as the (deep-structure) bundle that broke the camel's back in regards to origins of WWII. For one take on surface-structure origins (not necessarily my own take, and certainly not as regards some points), see American Pravda: Understanding World War II, Ron Unz, The Unz Review, 23 September 2019.
In quantum mechanics, physical magnitudes are treated as self-defining, uh, self-referential, uh, self-reentrant, ah! self-adjoint operators, that's a passive number as an active operator, mind you, passive as active because simply-identifiable selfsame object-system magnitudes do not exist until cognitively processed by this and/or that [batch}lor(s), uh, uh, operator(s), in one and/or another, ,n observer-state(s)? That is a question, not a statement. The transcendental preexistence of any observationally found [object}I've magnitude is you're[in}all-infinities on C+TC+-Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround of laminated-qua-Pereira-layered-identity-transparent LargeGlass(diaphanous)BackCloth? Another question which is no statement. The IreneRicePereira (see: I. Rice Pereira: Vision Superceding Style, Judith K. van Wagner, Woman's Art Journal, 1:1, Spring-Summer 1980, pp. 33-8: this is downloadable) transcendental formal logic of the infinite on C+TC+-Tzog-chen most-dense sheet cannot be altogether Kantian because Kant retained ascription of (1T2-only, fuzzy or not) truth-value to his notion of transcendental logic as distinguished from his notion of general logic (see the illuminating study by Theodora Achourioti and Michael van Lambalgen entitled A Formalization of Kant's Transcendental Logic, The Review of Symbolic Logic, 4:2, June 2011: I would suggest that the precursor logics to the geometric logic which Achourioti-Lambalgen identify with Kant's general logic are drawn out with null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of n-skew-parallels). Not incidentally as regards the context of a Pereira transcendental formal logic domain, in quantum mechanics, the Delta-of-Venus join (think: universal covering of the double-split-mono, uh, double-slit-mono experiment de[mono}strating inherent duality) signifies the Bride, uh, uh, the [supre}mum, that join of closed-linear-dense-finite-complementary subsets-subsections-subsequences-subspaces of (countably-infinite set of basis vectors with corresponding coefficients qua coordinates) Hilbert space -- not, it should be noted, H-space -- which allows fuzzy eigenvalued states, and thus is not the same as the disjunction understood relative to crisp Boolean truth-values. Our interest is in those Hilbert spaces (of Musculpted Hilbert manifold) subscribing to the J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels law and associated family of skew-parallel functions-functionals-functors, not those Hilbert spaces subscribing to the parallelogram law and associated orthogonal family of functions. Adjoint qua adjunction. Merriam-Webster: conjoin means join together separate entities for a common purpose; adjoin means attach to, connect with, communicate with, link to. What later ((1900, Planck's constant, which implies the quantum-of-action; 1905, Einstein's quantum of EM wave; 1925, Heisenberg's formulation of QM; 1925, Schrödinger's m-valued wavefunction; 1926, Born's knee-jerk-consensuated probability interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valuedness; 1926, Heisenberg's 1T2-uncertainty principle regarding pairs of measurements understood to be implied by non-commutativity; 1929, Bohr's quantum of action; 1929, John von Neumann coins the term Hilbert space; 1939, the habitus of m-valued Polish logic is bi-valently [think: the onomatopoeic mischief of Trickster-archetype parroting] attacked and bifurcated, and for that and associated travesties Poland now, 2022, seeks 1.3-trillion USD in reparations from the agent of one of the involved valences)) became Hilbert-space-axiomitized-by-von-Neumann appeared on the scene during the first decade of the 20th century. Explicit part-whole identity-transparency precursors: 1874, Cantor's first proof of the uncountability of the real numbers; 1888, the Dedekind-infinite set (a proper subset is equinumerous to the set containing it) is proposed; 1891, Cantor's diagonalization proof for existence of uncountably-infinite sets (where, even, however hard to 1T2-only countenance, a proper subset can be more numerous than the set containing it: indeed, that subset can be an infinite collection of surrogates of the infinite set containing it!). See here and here and here and here as illustrations that, despite properties of the hologramic plate, part-whole identity-transparency remains unto this very day unacceptable to many. Was Hilbert space constructed in the way it was, constructed-axiomitized under subliminal forcing, such that it would contribute to the suppression of µTm-quantum-animistic-pagan identity-transparent participation mystique, and to make identity-qua-identity reducible to a matter of set-theoretic inclusion? Each pedestrian binary-mind knows what fuzzy demotically (not fuzzy-set cum fuzzy-logic technically) means; not so, non-selfsame identity-transparency qua generative empathy qua Buddhological compassion. Why so? Because, by definition, 1T2-only -- that's one of two, not both simultaneously -- binary-mind cannot experience non-single-valued existence; in the binary-mind, a state of existence must be itself and only itself, not itself and not-itself simultaneously: that mind is always and all ways localized to a single instant of purportedly-objective linear-time at a time, not located in n-times at a given time. Why is arithmetic multiplication a matter of times; quantum superposition, of atemporal arithmetic plus -- this plus, when superposition is regarded as a time-dependent formation, not as being time-independently pregiven, and thus signifying, not the existence of, but the being-in-the-I/im-not-selves-of-its-itself of the transcendental construed as personifiable? Three times four is twelve. Three plus four is seven. Why is multiplication plural (given the aversion to location in n-times at a given time) and addition singular? Why is times signified by x; plus, a cross? Hermaphroditic self-adjoint, self-adjunct, self-addjunk. Why not self-timesjunk? Why is the time-independent Schrödinger equation considered a codification of a process fixated at a given instant of a purportedly-objective linear-time, instead of being altogether unrelated to such passive, passing, referential, deistic time-on-a-God-directed-line? The codified pure state (think: Nazi insistence upon purified identity, a mass-formation compensatory abreaction to the identity-transparency clearly implied by m-valued Polish logic): a ray (of [H}ope) in Hilbert space. Why would those coming off once having sung praises of the Erdgeist abreact against identity-transparent participation mystique? There's that Trickster archetype again! How much is the Trickster built into the foundations of consensus quantum mechanics? Physical magnitudes treated as self-adjoint operators that do not commute under multiplication, i.e., a physical magnitude has no commutator and therefore is no motor, has no quantum potential in and of itself for being the it, and only that it, of itself -- no µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, that magnitude, eh or what. Operator-timed Mnk articulation is reduced in chaos-complexity theory to 2nk sensitive dependence upon a purportedly-objective, passive, passing referential linear-time. This reduction is a reflection of the way quantum probability-densities are conflated to possibilities-interacting-with-possibilities such that they constitute probability-wavicle determining tendencies which, collectively, do not quite invoke (reflection-only here) the cause-push causality and/or attractor-pull teleology of the fractally-strange attractor found object-oriented in deterministic chaos. The values stacked-superposed on a magnitude (the stacking transpiring over a set of purportedly-objective linear-time instants) are eigenvalues of that magnitude's selftimesjunk operator, each such m-valued magnitude-operator having its own(ed) associated m-valued eigenstate. Does pair-non-commutativity generate memetime (for exposition of this notion, see Non-Commutativity and Physics , Ali H. Chamseddine and Alain Connes and Walter D. van Suijlekom, arXiv, 22 July 2022) or does 1T2-only-definable-memetime generate non-commutativity (consider that non-commutativity of self-adjoint operators-measurables dictates that quantum-magnitude pairs cannot memetime-simultaneously exist prior to observation because 1T2-only Heisenberg uncertainty is subtended by J.G.Bennettian n-skew-perpendicularity [does n-skew-perpendicularity contextualize the most 'quantum' 45-degree angle between two states explicated in Non-commutativity and Local Indistinguishability of Quantum States, Teng Ma, et al., Nature Scientific Reports, 4, article number 6336, 11 September 2014?])? Pairs of observations (what about triplets, quadruplets, ,n?) cannot be made simultaneously due to existence of the observed Principle of Non-Commutativity of Observed Observations. Oops! Can observations be observed? Can the observation of observations be observed? Maybe so, but if so, that must be part of the unspeakable part of quantum mechanics. The tropological-metareference capability of speakable language, à la Wittgenstein, has a glutamatergic condition of the ergotropic condition of its condition into infinite regress (propositions concerning objects; props concerning props concerning objs; props concerning props concerning props concerning objs, ,n) in similar fashion as does logically-self-referentially self-reentered ketaminergically-diffuse concentration in self-observation (good offices of Hubert Benoit's Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen: the awareness of my body; the myself aware of the awareness of my body; the self aware of the myself aware of the awareness of my body, ,n). The object becomes a ghost, the body becomes a ghost, in similar fashion as does the length of a Koch curve the more closely it is measured. It has been said that these ghosts do not have truth-values, and that the way to understand the import of this do not have is to regard it as fuzziness. Why a matter of inclusion such that fuzzy inclusion be deemed to be the case? Well, that's the glutamate-etched binary-mind for you! Every binary-mind knows But the logical must as coercively predicating deductive necessity-qua-necessity is not actually [necessitation}able, because, again à la Wittgenstein, any interpretation of logic involves presupposition of an encompassing logic -- and I would extend that encompassment from 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ unto the C+TC+-AllBase most-dense sheet whereupon all deductions, independent of truth-value, are pregiven qua Kant-Pereira transcendental.
In the judgment(s) of my I/im, itthem being contra-anti-psychologistic, the conceptual apriority qua given-ness (particularly how 1T2-only-definable ponderable space and memetime are regarded as being, not out there, but, quoting Wiki, rather as pure forms of human intuition, this notion being designated the transcendental aesthetic) of the so-called categories of our understanding in Immanuel Kant's (1T2-only-logical) investigation of what he called transcendental logic (for a most accessible account, see the draft of Max Edwards' University College London, Master of Philosophy thesis entitled Kant's Transcendental Logic, no date given but 2012 or later by contents of the bibliography) is a veiling-dissimulation (i.e., deemed empirically real [i.e., not Buddhologically construed as Maya] but transcendentally ideal, to again quote Wiki) of the basis in prescription from which enculturation-socialization operates to orchestrate the beginning-in-the-womb series of glutamatergic neuronal prunings qua neural-network wipeouts and (as I assert -- that's assert, no claim beyond that being made -- by consideration of extensions of this) associated quantum quenchings (most strategically in intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA molecules) involved in what Piaget called the stages of cognitive development in childhood -- the overall effect of which is to block conscious access (cf. that hamper being what G. I. Gurdjieff called a kundabuffer, a restraint-privation-limitation which Kant regarded as permanently non-removable, but which endogenous ketamine flood, e.g., brought on by long-practiced adept zazen meditation [see James H. Austin's Zen-Brain Reflections, and his earlier Zen and the Brain, MIT Press, 2006 and 1999], suggests can be removed: the various stages of Samadhi in some respects reversing the Piagetian stages of cognitive development) to the µTm-unto-CTC+-logical processing engaged in by the non-localizable quantum brain. Be aware that objective validity as truth-value related (apt, evaluable, demonstrated) is altogether chimerical under µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logics comprehended relative to relative-state identity-transparency (thus independent of truth-value as taken to be the fundament of logic). Cognitive preoccupation with the (adopting Edwards' terminology) prediscursive a priori Kant called transcendental, which to my me means that Kant regarded what we now [k}now (à la, for one, Piaget) to be truth-valued, 1T2-only-logical, Euclidian-invariants automatized, prescriptive enculturation-socialization orchestration of cognitive development glutamatergically anchored to localized molecular-cellular brains as constituting the transcendental. Strange notion, that, what! Reductive as all get out, eh. Moreover, given Pauli-Jung synchronicity (the idea Wolfgang Pauli arrived at in lieu of operator time [arguably a formulation created-discovered via a case in the exercise of the Kantian synthetic a priori judgment], a concept he, Pauli, originated, then rejected) as acausal connecting principle, each instance of such fraught with significance qua meaning, it is problematic to regard the notion cause as an exemplar of conceptual apriority, as does Kant. Extending this line of thought, we can observe that superposition being considered by the quantum physicist as a metaphysical pathology is replicated at a nesting scale-level (that is, a scale-level that could be construed as superposed, uh, were the supposed classical limit found to be chimerical) by the meteorologist regarding tornadogenesis as a pathological process: this internal-considering type of regard being, it seems to my me, a mental automatism derivative of evidentiary fixation (despite the quantum measurement problem, and the supposed classical limit being eminently questionable, evidence is still somehow, e.g., collapse of the statefunction, treated as objectifiable in this or that modality) upon the scheme that runs from physics to geometry to pregeometry-as-slightly-nonclassical-calculus-of-propositions to pre-pregeometry as bucket of dust (i.e., remergence) to the exclusion of the inverse (i.e., demergence). This automatism is Kantian in character (not in nature). The play-out of remergence (think: topologicaly-active-counter-operator-time-executed synthetic apriority) more precisely stated, according to my I/im's m-valued lights: 1T2-absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct localizable memetime-bound identities to µTm-logical time-shape identities to CTC+ universal identities codified in the universal wavefunction to C+TC+-AllBase states transcendental to the very notion identity-qua-identity. The idea that ponderable space and memetime are not out there no less than causality is in here was revivified in the neo-Kantianism of the American (military-staffing command hierarchy vs. decentralized flat management) Civil War period and subsequent decades. That neo-Kantianism predominated in German philosophizing from the Franco-Prussian War through WWI (for hisstorical accounts thereof and explication of how the neo-Kantian differed from the Kantian, see the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) is likely not incidental (construable as a constellated Pauli-Jung synchronicity concretized-instantiated -- i.e., demerged -- from the gradients manifest in collective-unconscious regressed-archetypal processes) to origins of those wars -- given, for several instances, the French penchant for cum reliance upon rigid logicality even when attacking logocentrism and the fact that the hedonic calculus of British Utilitarianism is opposite to deontological Kantianism (recommended is: Are Utilitarian/Deontological Preferences Unidimensional?, Michael Laakasuo and Jukka Sundvall, Frontiers in Psychology, 17 August 2017) which does not well comport with the American slight-of-hand notion of truth manifest in Pragmatism. As regards the recent neo-neo-Kantian revivification of Kantianism, see, to get a feeling for it, the briefs provided in (1) Andrew Chignell's and Peter Gilgen's review of Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy, Rudolf A. Makkreel and Sebastian Luft, eds., Indiana U. Press, 2009; and (2) as regards Kant's philosophy of mind, the statement made by Matt McCormick; and (3) as regards Kant's political thought, the Abstract to Jacob Huber's LSE Ph.D. dissertation entitled Kant and the Global Standpoint, 2017. O, Lordy, not again. Yet another resurgence of German philosophy -- and, horror of horrors, of the German orientation to historiography. Historical laws and such like that, humph! Wave theories, cycles. Greek substantialism once more rearing up with its ugly Gorgon head. Thus sprach the no longer so neo, but persistent, new conservatives. Are the neoConservatives simultaneously Woke She[man}ese long knives? Wouldn't that be something! Metaphysical, brain-mind, and political neo-neo-Kantianism has been bad enough -- all that mind-in-the-clouds idealistic-idealism bunk -- to those with a pragmatic-utilitarian-conservator mindset, but when applied as interpreter to current avant-garde physics-cosmology-- well, something simply must be done about it. We in Our World are nothing but VR-program simulacra being run in a 2-state-qubitic quantum-computer analogue distributed over Transcendental Ideal Never Never Land? Come on! How is a Woke, anti-cabalistic, up-up-and-away-from-liberalism, secular-rabbinical, neo-conservative neo-Confucian to credit that thought crime in the global SCSS (social credit score system)? Consider the neo-neo-Kantianisms Bohm-implicate in the bivalent-computer jinxes-whammies-hoodoos of Silas Beane and pals at U. of Bonn: The Measurement That Would Reveal The Universe As A Computer Simulation. Then there is extant Geraint Lewis' Alert: you may be living in a simulated universe, The Conversation, 3 December 2012. Maya revisited by cosmology in Samsara? Oh my, my Buddha! The really astute statement made by Geraint Lewis in his above-linked Conversation article is: The unimaginably powerful computer that hosts our universe may operate in ways we cannot even think about. Think in, not 1T2ly about: µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+. Whether these self-referentially self-reentered logical-value order-types be understood as constitutive of perdition, or as the steps of Jacob's Ladder. Lewis cites Michael Moyer's Is Space Digital?, Scientific American, 1 February 2012, regarding the notion of a multi-sheeted BackCloth to ponderable space. This paper describes an experiment designed to detect Wheelerian bucket of dust pre-pregeometry. How much can data from Moyer's experiment, bivalently processed, reveal about the identity valences of the dust motes constituting the bitlike structure of space? And how little it will tell us about the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes compacted upon the most-densely-stack-packed BackCloth sheet (the simulation of this which I've proposed involves creation of a planetary quantum-composite unit of account for a myriad of µTm-LETS currencies in conjunction with the various commodity backings of those currencies mapped to an MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, in terms of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth). More is said about the context of such an experiment as Moyer's in the recent (Monday, 2022 -- heh-heh-heh) New York Times article by Dennis Overbye entitled Black Holes May Hide a Mind-Bending Secret About Our Universe: wormhole-in, information-out is that mindbend. I say, old soul: if you really want to get bent, consider blackhole acoustic analogues in Earth's atmosphere, à la Cornell tornadogenesis numerical-forecast-modeler, Douglas A. Paine, circa early-1970s, and as written into an NSF grant report before Hawking radiation came on the scene. Don't wanna hear about that! Nosiree. Jus' back off. By back-reaction on the metric -- itself a kind of ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement -- of all this neo-neo stuff, the neocons, Confucian and conservative, want to make monomorphic end[O}morphs out of all of us: ConveDDing their collective superego-personified-as-godhead to omniscient-omnipotent panopticonic SCSS. Back to Germany, the insufferable progenitor of the simple-identity-undermining neo-neo stuff -- that undermining, a tacit subversion of the type of identity being imposed by planetarization of the SCSS. The latest on my decades-old, circa 1960s, thesis that the U.S.A. would force formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc: Pepe Escobar's Michael Hudson: A Roadmap to Escape the West's Stranglehold, The Cradle as reposted to LewRockwell, 7 October 2022; and Will Germany sink the EU?, ZeroHedge, 11 October 2022. Surface structure: gas and oil; deep structure: well, the above-given only touches upon it.
If, back during the early-1970s in the just-outside-the-495-beltway bedroom communities, you (by way of offering the assessment of a onetime AU-SIS and SORO and JFKSWCS and TID/525MIG and CICV-Targets and SRA/MACV-J2 analyst) observed that the so-called petrodollar is actually a nuk[you}lardollar -- a moment of stunned silence and freeze-frame in the raising of cocktail glasses -- born of and borne by Nixon Agonistes' madman nuclear-specter-cum-Samson-complex strategy projected from the NVN Bombing Survey into the worlds of planetary monetary warfare and financial black ops, you were written off as a hyperPTSDed Vietvet surely to become homeless and die choking on your vomit in one of the SE's Alleys of Eden. Nowadays, in the era of MMT (ultraKeynesian Modern Monetary Theory), it is much easier to see that unlimited USD printing can continue on and on because the dollar is backed by the globally-forward-deployed U.S. military and, most decisively, by neoConservative cultivation of extreme uncertainty as to whether or not US-NATO will execute a nuclear first strike when sufficiently provoked (viz. Russian tentativeness at employing BagDad-style shock-and-awe in response to U.S. initiatives in Ukraine, S&A [no less than GlobalPhoenix S&S stuff] being an exorbitant privilege reserved alone to the possessor of that vehicle currency which is simultaneously the foremost international reserve currency). If, back in 1963 as a high school senior simultaneously taking PSSC physics and honors economics, whilst covariantly struggling to comprehend Schrödinger's multi-valued wavefunction and multiple-bank credit expansion, the open-to-the-collective-unconscious, subliminally prefigurative (as a substitute notion to that underlying what would eventually become the nuk[you}lardollar) idea -- to wit: if the accelerated elementary particle can carry multi-valued information, why can't the accelerated monetary exchange unit? -- came in upon your you, and that you voiced the idea to your teachers, you were written off as a diffuse associative thinker incapable of the focused concentration required for authentic inductive-deductive thought. Smart, but no self-discipline, being the judgment rendered. So, delving into the involved realm of ideas, probability-cum-statistics interpretations of Schrödinger's wavefunction aside, if the so-called observables of quantum mechanics are not processable by the inductively focused binary-mind, are they actually observed by the perception-proprioception-assisted focused binary-mind? My I/im diffusely and laterally think(s) not. Only µTm-unto-CTC+-mind(s) could observe-and-process µTm-unto-CTC+ observables. Stated more quantum-econometrically, were µTm-mind properly engaged: instead of Birkhoff-vonNeumann projection in Hilbert space (qua ray in tensor-product space) as quasi-1T2-only proposition, null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencil of skew-parallels (qua symformphonic leitmotiv on Musculpted Hilbert manifold) as µTm-proposition in MVRS m-logically-valued reference space, the collection of such pencils-leitmotivs forming the Greater Maze as a nesting-foamed skew-perpendicular lattice (i.e., no orthomodular lattice). Imputed thereby is: the product space of the factor-lattice codification of the quantum-composite logical structure of fine-grain-articulated Hilbert state spaces of the indicators-measurables superposed upon base-state of the given µTm-LETS currency unit. Thus, we would have the omni-interactivity of the operational indicators-measurables -- that interactivity signified by their values being stacked-superposed within the µTm-LETS-currency-unit value-ensheavement, exchanges with such m-valued-statefunction currency units being processed by Lukasiewiczian analog computers -- conforming to an [eco}nomic analogue to Aerts' Non-Separability Theorem (see Compatibility and Separability for Classical and Quantum Entanglement, Diederik Aerts and Christian de Ronde and Bart D'Hooghe, arXiv, 8 March 2005; and Forms of Nonseparability and Related Philosophical Consequences, Vassilios Karakostas, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 35, 2004, pp. 283-312; as well as the earlier cited Quantum Holism: Nonseparability as Common Ground, Jenann Ismael and Jonathan Schaffer, draft version dated 16 December 2014, published in Synthese, 197, 9 September 2016, pp. 4131-60). Is it that quantum domains are actually classical (for an argument to this effect, see On the Common Logical Structure of Classical and Quantum Mechanics, Andrea Oldofredi and Gabriele Carcassi and Christine A. Aidala, arXiv, 21 June 2022) and Boolean-valued (for an argument to this effect, see From Boolean Valued Analysis to Quantum Set Theory , Masanao Ozawa, arXiv, 7 February 2021), or is it that classical statistical-mechanical domains are actually quantum domains? If the latter case (for an argument to this effect, see The Violation of Bell Inequalities in the Macroworld, Diederik Aerts, et al., arXiv, 14 July 2000), and the binary-mind can't observe or process it, is that -- goshdarnit! -- why the consensus dynamical meteorologist and his climatologist cousin believe Earth's atmosphere to be a classical domain? Can air parcels helix-coiling into the roll-cloud environment at tornadogenesis maintain separability if there is superconductance of hydrothermodynamic properties associated with the involved limited atmospheric domains? And what of the non-separability of the m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes signaturing a given theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature-surface configuration at vertically-propagating tornadic pulse-code burst? Could such atmospheric music-sculpture be classical? Or is it that there is, in fact, no classical limit?
The VCI needed a synoptic organizational phase transition, and saw that it was achievable; the project they chose with which to facilitate the omni-transforming, all-echelons, many-boundaries, country-wide transition was the year-and-a-half-long process of organizing for launch of the Tet-'68 offensive: autopoietic phase transition successfully completed by the moment before launch. In its economic assault upon the infidel, radical Islamic fundamentalism needed a bland macroscale organizational phase transition, and saw that it was achievable; the project they chose with which to facilitate the transition was provocation sufficient to elicitation of the infidel's Warraghiyagey n-nation declaration and promulgation of a grand arrant GWOT with its involved ever-increasing financial commitment incumbent upon errant planetarization of the strategic offensive's spatial variable and eternalization of the strategic offensive's temporal variable. Were there here and now a desire to change the doctrine-of-uses guiding the corpora of interrelated developments productive of quantum-based and bio-geo-engineering technologies, a will, that is, to move the whole hubristic thing
Joan Blondell certainly would have decried Nightmare Alley raised to higher and higher powers. Given that the quantum properties of DNA-RNA and Earth's magneto-atmo-sphere have been reserved to totalitarian panopticonic and resource-cum-environmental-warfare applications (e.g., COVID-19, 5+G, HAARP) and to instantiation of the transhumanist folie a plusieurs -- that's deux, ,n Lasegue-Fairet induced delusional disorder -- ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of the mid-19th-century collective-unconscious decision for human species suicide -- Give me simple-identity, or give me death! -- it is only to be expected that TPTB the GLE (global leadership elite) should seek, find, and effectuate various means (already, whilst still putting in place insurrection management tools, a fairly long list) to rid the planet of the vast bulk of the unnecessaries, i.e., those not counted amongst the One-Percent given by Divine Right the ex|or[bit}ant privilege which is life.
into a different applications direction, then there would need be a project expansive enough to facilitate such a phase transition. I have suggested (beginning during the mid-1970s, as could be attested to by Douglas A. Paine and W. David Kubiak and Karl Bareis and Ruth Rhoad) that that project, or a significant part thereof, might well be implementation of variously-commodity-backed, m-valued LETS-currency nesting-foams, transactions within and between which being m-logically processed, that implementation carried out bottom-up (not by a top-down-instituted WEF reset) in conjunction with evolution-through-use of holographically exteriorized inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to that µTm-valued, non-orthomodular, skew-polytoped, quasi-Hilbert-lattice-structured, L(H), monetary system with quantum-composite universal unit of account and commodity backings functorially mapped to an MVRS m-logically-valued reference space as distributed ledger of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet (hopefully not comprehensive planette) Earth. What I have long been saying I believe to be the contextualizing case is same but different, well, similar yet fundamentally different -- most basically by making no reference whatsoever to the notion truth-value, and by not seeking to make quantum logic explain determinant monotonic observations -- from non-reflexive quantum logic (see Newton da Costa on non-reflexive logics and identity, Becker Arenhart and Jonas Rafael, Metatheoria, 9:2, 2019, pp. 19-31: I've used the term identity transparency since high school in the Sixties putting words on states experienced as a kid in rural Japan during the Fifties, and connected that term to Everettian relative state cum Post-Lukasiewicz µTm-logics from the mid-1970s), dynamic quantum logic (contemplate the Smets-Baltag actions as relations between states relative to Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time as employed in quantum-relativistic cascade theory of tornadogenesis, for instance), quantum computational logic (see Quantum Computational Logics: A Survey, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara and Roberto Giuntini and Roberto Leporini, arXiv, 6 May 2003: Dalla Chiara, et al.'s, statement that meaning is identified with the quregister logical structure is similar to our the notation of the music-sculpture is the music-sculpture itself, one distinction being that meaning and probability-value are still attached to one another in QCL, whereas we substitute µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency for the probability interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued statefunction), paraconsistent quantum logic (see The Paraconsistent Logic of Quantum Superpositions, N. da Costa and C. de Ronde, arXiv, 13 June 2013: regarding superpositions as Law-of-Non-Contradiction-ignoring µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency ensheavements, we resonate with the Costa-Ronde idea of a paraconsistent first step towards a different type of understanding regarding quantum superpositions), each of which has been extensively elaborated on a technical level, while what I have had to say is not at all technical, primarily a bunch of assertions based mainly upon my limited experience of inner-Musculpt. I don't have the training required to produce a technical elaboration, and I don't even believe an authentic technical elaboration is possible absent holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt. So, it doesn't seem at all plausible that developments in this area will move in the direction of what I imagine to be the case. Nonetheless, I will continue to ruminate about that case as best I can, simply for the edification value and because it is the right thing for me to do. To wit, as regards not trying to make quantum logic explain determinant monotonic observations: yes, my I/im know(s) that the notion of ketaminergic out-of-the-body simultaneous viewing of the infinite set of facets of the Husserlian horizon of an object is impossible for the binary-mind to countenance -- and flies in face of the BornRule, each facet, modally speaking, being structurally analogous to one of the state-attributing propositions descriptive of the object, and corresponding to a probability amplitude that reduces to a value-attributing proposition upon an observation processed by the glutamate-etched binary-mind, movement all around the object involving dynamical states processed under dynamic quantum logic. Give me simple-identity, or give me death!: that, in my judgment, became, several decades later, the collective back-reaction-upon-the-metric of implications of N. H. Abel's 1823 general-quintic existence proof for trans-al-jabr, a proof deemed an Impossibility Theorem. But consider the principles behind the technologies heralding quantum teleportation (the linked Quantum teleportation expands beyond neighbouring nodes, Martijn Boerkamp, PhysicsWorld, 25 May 2022, describes menage a trois relative-state identity-transparency, i.e., still using 2-state qubits even at the triplets level) of hologramic information by use of the entangled nonseparability of states in respect to ketaminergic OBEed simultaneous viewing of the infinite set of facets of the Husserlian horizon of an object (the observer doesn't have to move all around spatially, if the requisite information is hologramically part-whole identity-transparent and quantum teleported). The glutamatergic closed subspaces of the Hilbert lattice, L(H), of a given molecular-cellular brain may be, by ketamine flood, opened to µTm-unto-CTC+ n-state mu[it}ic, as differentiated from 2-state qubitic, inputs from the non-localizable quantum brain, these inputs representing an intimation of the Law-of-Non-Contradiction-rejecting C+TC+ deep-structure of superposition (the 1T2-take on non-commutative measure-in-pairs ignores the triplets, quadruplets, ,C+ logical-depth of the skew-perpendicularity-cum-skew-parallelism actually there ((think: how interesting the way in which Bub elaborates his notion of projector spread-outs as acute-angularly-arrayed spines of fans qua umbrellas whilst retaining supposition of orthomodularity, a supposition which would evaporate were the L(H) drawn with m-handled J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined pencils of n-skew-parallels: see page 742, the A Hilbert Space Theorem section of Quantum mechanics without the projection postulate, Jeffery Bub, Foundations of Physics, May 1992)), but glutamatergically suppressed, in the Bell-state measurement occasion understood by us to be mediated by subclinical autogenic brain discharges, the glutamate-flooded brain of the non-zazen-adept physicist being part of the observer-state cum measurement-apparatus). Remove the glutamatergically-anchored Luneburg psychometric distance function and the Gurdjieff kundabuffer maintained by subclinical autogenic brain discharge activity and direct ontic apprehension of the superposition transpires (in terms of what it looks like, consider photism flashovers uncannily appearing like Analytical Cubist images, one category of which I long ago began calling psychoideographs because of how cannily they capture internal states of observed object-others). This can, for the properly oriented -- as revealed by examination of John C. Lilly's tank logs -- be momentarily experienced by exogenously introduced ketamine flood in the isolation-flotation Lilly-tank, and that's one reason why a computerized, biofeedback-and-holographic-display-equipped such tank would greatly facilitate efforts by an EscherFormDance pod learning bottle-nosed-dolphin sonic-visioning to evolve-through-use exteriorized inner-Musculpt as maths-notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS currencies.
The idea of nature's topologically-active-operator-time-executed demergent C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm relative-states of self-reentrant cum self-referential identity-transparency (excluding from nature 2-state Schrödinger's-cat superpositions, by the [un}virtue of their being epiphenomenal to the reduction imposed by the prescriptively-enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically-anchored binary-mind of the molecular-cellular brain kundabuffered from direct conscious access to the C+-levels of m-valued processing engaged in by the nonlocal quantum brain) maintains, as a corollary, that haecceity (Wiki: thisness the irreducible determination of a thing that makes it this particular thing) of objecthood is restricted to the 1T2-logical-value order-type alone, that the half-object of T. S. Eliot and Indian metaphysics (for context of the notion half-object, see pages 26-7 of the 2016 U.C.-Berkeley Ph.D. dissertation entitled Snake's Tail: Modernism and the Paradox of Self-Reference where Jeffery Scott Blevins discusses the Solipsism section of Eliot's dissertation wherein there and here and three and the third man are analyzed such that the point is made that a conscious self-remembered-cum-other-awareness taking account of the fullness of the dyad is actually to invoke a transcendent third which is deemed a half-object), uh, uh, that's the, I mean, the non-reflexive quantum-logician's so-called thin object (see Fundamental Objects without Fundamental Properties: A Thin-object-oriented Metaphysics Grounded on Structure, Valia [All}or|i, in Probing the Meaning and Structure of Quantum Mechanics, Diederik Aerts, et al., eds., World Scientific, 2020), i.e., a non-individual entity-without-identity, synchronically (that's superposed) is actually simultaneously infinitudes-of-infinitudes of relative-states (the metaphysical status of the non-individual entity) of All-That-Is (this condition of the case being my idea of what unitarity ought to mean), and diachronically is various topo-active-optime-sorted subset-mixtures of those C+[U}all relative-states, the 1T2-only subset-mixtures being the haecceities of objecthood, a hood which is epiphenomenal to prescriptive enculturation-socialization. In terms of µTm-LETS nesting-foams, and as regards commodity-backings mapped into Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, there is the supposition that in m-logically-valued reference space MVRS-[mu}register-distributed-ledger there exists n-dimensional, skew-parallel-perpendicular, axial time-pencils (see Wiki on pencil-bundle) handled by Pauli-Paine 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. There's far more to All-That-Is than the corpus of Horatios dares admit. That corpus' sacrosanct 1T2-observed-processed properties of objects, elementary and otherwise, are not 1T3, 2T3, 3T3, 1T4, 2T4, 3T4, 4T4, ,µTm-observed-processed properties of objects, thick and thin, half, quarter, eighths, n. Ack, aye, Hawkeyes all, they are, them Ho[ratio}s, don't y'know. Yep, considering themselves the inescapable, ineliminable, indispensibles of the socius: identification with the collective superego complex long since placed in projection. Whereas my I/im have for long been acutely aware of the n-guns pointed at my head: e.g., in the Lebenswelt they have created, it has become impossible any longer to functionally conduct ADLs without use of PC and/or smartphone (with the drench of assaults which possessing these in[stru}mentalities, being possessed by them, inescapably entails); this being one of the myriad guns pointed at my head, the coercion involved on virtually a moment-to-moment basis profoundly affects my motivations, valuations, attitudes, the n-chips on my shoulders, so on and so forth. It took 200 years for the identity dyscrasia to trickle down from the mathematicians to the hoi polloi: in 1823, sublimated collective hysteria amongst higher-maths adepts deemed Abel's existence proof an Impossibility Theorem; the suppressed hysteria continued through genesis and elaboration of transfinite set theory and the Axiom of Choice unto Born's 1926 probability-rule dissimulation of the m-valued Schrödinger statefunction, a function in concurrence with the Cantorian-infinities demonstration of part-whole-identity of indiscernibles, in that, Lukasiewicz-Post µTm-unto-CTC+ly speaking, the collapsed value of the statefunction is in relative-state (and, on C+TC+-logical-value order-type view, is, indubitably is, that thisness-state) to the all-values-wholeness of the whole statefunction; the more-surface hysteria continued through discovery of hologramic part-whole correspondence unto physicist-logician acknowledgement of inherent nonseparability and involved logics thereof; the by-now-blatant collective hysteria cum identity dyscrasia continues its trickle-down instantiation unto inducing popular-culture mass-formation psychosis with highly-regressed, ConveDDed (conversion-disorder displaced) symptomatology, e.g., the proposal that the mother telling her six-year-old daughter that she is a girl -- one case of gender-affirming care -- be charged, 1T2-lawfare-paradoxically, with commission of a felony against the 1T2-only statefunction, uh, uh, that is, against the multiple functions of the single-valued, simply-identifiable nation's-state.
One dimension of the deep-structure etiology of what in the current fulmination is now being called (summary account by good offices of Margret Kopala, When the Whole World Goes Mad , C2C Journal, 12 July 2022) mass-formation psychosis ((no surprises here for those who decades ago read Gustave Le Bon's study of the popular mind, Wilfred Trotter's reflections on instincts of the herd, animism-defending William McDougall's thoughts on the group mind [during the late-1970s, W. David Kubiak introduced me to the works of Le Bon, Trotter, and McDougall], Freud's Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego; see narrative of and bibliography to our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, circa 1994)) being that natural systems, absent the supposed classical limit, according to our account, are on every scale-level, as well as finite and infinite collections thereof, C-sorted, C+-order systems, there being a corollary holding that the notion there exists entities without identity, i.e., such as, viz. non-reflexive quantum logic, the case is either identity or not-identity, as regards synchronic and/or diachronic circumstances, to wit, no in-betweens as to identity, that is, no µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ relative-states of identity-transparency (only by the C+TC+ order-type is identity-qua-identity as metaphysical category all-to-gather indefinable), is epiphenomenal to the cultural lag, uh -- ah, shucks! -- well, the logical lag, of deeming two-sorted, first-order systems as the only systems existent, or, perhaps more accurately, as the only, or the primary, systems of serious interest, uh, scientific-philosophical interest. Our idea as to in-between states, not degrees of identity (identity not being a quantity of which there is more and less, but a matter of qualia-distinguished states) suggests that, for instance, the identifications and ordering of the elementary particle zoo has been based upon a preference function dictated by cultural-logical lags, and, were that prescriptive preference abandoned (certainly involving endogenous ketaminergic deautomatization of the prevailing glutamate-anchored prescriptive enculturation-socialization), other elementary particle identifications and orderings would become codifiable; indeed, the very notions particle, elementary, wavicle, string vibrators, so on, likely would be found lag-born, lag-borne, and lag-bound in this, that, and other respects. Just bear with me, as I haven't, derailment of thought, paraphasia-like, forgotten the mass-formation psychosis this blurb began with. Evolution-through-use of techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as universal metalanguage, maths notation, user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams is proposed to be a functional prerequisite to the above-Rxed endogenous (i.e., sustainable, not subject to habituation and exogenously-delivered dose increases, as per John C. Lilly's tank logs) ketaminergic deautomatization, for, otherwise, the Kantian categories, the constitutive reason, carried by speakable languages could not be overcome such that the logical-inference rules and arithmetic-operator fundaments of mathematics, largely determined by the bivalence preference function, could be superseded by admission of those collections of categories, rules, fundaments found apropos logical-value order-types 1T3-unto-C+TC+, order-types understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-value. Now, back to mass-formation psychosis. Notions concerning identity-qua-identity as metaphysical category changed from those the population corpus is in habitus to, such changes apprehended consciously or subliminally or a mixture thereof, are generally received en masse as the most profound of existential denials (this being particularly so for anti-animistic, anti-pagan polities), so extremely profound a dissing that amongst those [per}sons deeply identified with socially-conferred role attributions (cf. TPTB the GLE global leadership elite) and the identity exultations thus conveyed as existential confirmations, justification by whatsoever ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of every manner of atrocity is easily found warranted in order to quench the changed notion of identity (whether or not it is consciously understood what it is that is the deep-structure motivation for whatever it is that is being done).
While there certainly are degrees of discernment, and there may well be degrees of discernability, of a given state of identity, to lights of my I/im, identity-qua-identity as metaphysical category of constitutive reason has no degrees, and thatthose I/im would argue that the involved notion of identity-transparency-as-a-matter-of-qualia-of-state applies to the entities, thin and thick, of mechanics, quantum and classical absent the supposed classical limit, were Schrödinger's m-valued statefunction understood relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-logical relative-states of identity-transparency, not of the probabilities of a determinant truth-valued value: bivalent-truth-value-based science, thus, whatever the particular such science -- quantum-relativity physics, genetics, meteorology, so on, causally, statistically, probabilistically formulated -- may-can-could-should-must be regarded as the workings-out of the subject-object-level psycho-transference identifications with the psycho-projective instantiations of glutamate-anchored prescriptive enculturation-socialization. In that manner, one particular Everettian-vonHayekian time-shape of total capital stock techno-regime has been selected from the C+-many such that are deep-structured in nature: there is no thing as that called scarcity, except as regards logical-value order-types self-imposed by human mind, and the projective play-outs of that self-imposition. While I find Valia Allori's account of a thin-object-oriented metaphysics grounded on structure informative, indeed edifying, still, being against identification with 1T2-only-logic alone, I reject scientific realism as it currently stands and embrace scientific psycho-projective-identification as the correct metaphysics of science as it is today. The thin-of-properties-object notion, to me, is, similar to Allori, about structure, but, in my view, the structure is that of which the statefunction is an expression, the m-valuedness of that function (actually, also functional cum functor: two levels of nonlinearity involving multiple-connectedness and nonorientability) being an expression of the µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ structure of the MVRS m-logically-valued reference space of the Musculpted Hilbert manifold (that structure being one of logic, which, demergence-wise, precedes the ontological which precedes the existential), 3-space thick-objects being epiphenomenal to the inconscience involved in restricting subclinical (i.e., perception-proprioception as prescriptively enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically anchored) and exper[i}mental measurements to the 1T2-only-logical-value order-type. The structure Allori proposes is structural relations encoded into the laws of nature and these laws are revised by her into effective laws which are different ways in which the same (kind of law) can be implemented. We describe something akin to effective laws in our 1977 General Process paper, and regard their different ways as dependent upon how self-reentrant subsystem-system-supersystem composites are parsed (a measurement-occasion action [involving subclinical autogenic brain discharges] implemented by topo-active optime: consciousness in its active aspect being the set of all topological operators on the MVRS) but more fundamentally upon the order-of-logical-value employed at parsing. In demergent self-limitation of the whole by execution of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (as density has to do with rate of change, this 3-foldness indicates exponentiated time-densities of the chronotopological field, cf. Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock and associated techno-regimes, the current global crisis, even the overpopulation problem, being largely due to anthropogenic self-confinement to the memetime-bound time-shape and associated techno-regime), the logical determines the empirical; in remergent self-reestablishment of the whole by execution of counter-topo-active optime, the empirical determines the logical -- 1T2-logically speaking, we should say, of the unspeakable, that is of the C+ly self-reentrant cum self-referential cum non-orientable cosmo-whatnot which is synchronically C+TC+ly being-therehere. Putting emphasis on demergence leads to the notion of Maya; while the more-encompassing take would put equal emphasis on demergence and remergence, on recognition that self-reentrant nonorientability of these two residuals of 1T2-only ratiocination is likely the better fit to the actual case. Arithmeticization and self-referential Gödel-numbering schemes presumably are involved in characterization qua modeling of this cosmo-whatnot (a Wee-Wau that grinds smoke as my mother used to say of whatnots not to be spoken of: rather a Taoist transmission from ma [sacred space] to child) -- absent truth-theories, given our substitution of relative-state identity-transparency for truth-value as the logical fundament. I continue to try to glean something from Self-Reference Upfront: A Study of Self-Referential Gödel Numberings, Balthasar Grabmayr and Albert Visser, arXiv, 12 August 2020, which is way beyond my ability to read into in detail, but from which I can get small takeaways. For instance, it appears to my me, given the context of µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logics understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, that monotonicity of self-referential Gödel numberings (e.g., the Gödel-number of a set is larger than the Gödel-numbers of its subsets) would not be construed a desirable property. Why? Because numerical simple-counting-order of number strings is not possible under µTm and higher logical-value order-types of identity-transparency: no given self-referential Gödel-number could be selfsame. Doting upon the dotted-'I' of the egocomplex, hah! And, wah-lah! we have an obvious ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of man[i}p[u}lated identity-transparency. Not to mention the pathological -- so says the meteorologist believer in the classical limit -- leak-proof-plasma-bottle tornadic vortex skipping in high dudgeon. Oh, Buddha, is this the dark side of nuclear fusion (good offices of Giuseppe Cima, The Seneca Effect, 17 October 2022), the dotting and double-dotting of E = mc2? Those Gödel-numbers, as arithmetic objects, would be thin, thinner, thinner yet, ,C+-thinnest? But that's monotonic, right? Or would they be relationals (somewhats sans properties, where there would be C+ types of the category of objects [that] lies between indiscernibles and individuals: see The Rise of Relationals, F. A. Muller, Mind, 124:493, January 2015, pp. 201-37), in the sense of relative-states, uh, that's relative-states of identity-transparency, a somewhat different notion of somewhats from that of Muller? The hisdershesis effect, what: O, those legs, uh, uh, lags! So little au[then}tic sentiment, altogether free of presentiment. Lags-- hmmm. But that's monotonic, right? The non-selfsameness indicated by self-reference: the referrer to the referent-selfhood, like in concentration in self-observation carried into infinite regress, à la theory and practice of detachment according to Zen. That's [it}all, folks! Can't say 'a' quantity when the identity-transparent somewhat isare involved. Is the them{it] plural or singular? How now brown cow(s)? Quantity as qualia-of-state? Switcheroo to you too, all ye Looney Swoons! going into status epilepticus upon encountering animistic-pagan sortals with respect to numerical participation mystique (not to mention topo-active optime as sorting angel, uh, uh, regards dotting and double-dotting). Scare-city! the involved assault on the 'I', on pronouns in general, gendered or no. This calls fo' [nu}clear. An' flee dat city dey did. Inta da backout. Dis dark dreary windy night dem dad-blame snot-noses -- accursed fools dat dey are -- done got da whole dang pack a-barkin' pure uproar at dis-n-dat tree standin' still, but creakin' in da forest, an' all hell's like as not ta bust ever' which way but looser than loose. Can't legitimately use 1T2-only logic to parse µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ somewhatstates-unto-whatnotstates. That's the case, bub. Pure-state Quant or pure-state quale? No quantquale mixed states? No qualum mechanics in quantum mechanics? Hmmm, our meaningful use of words like 'all', 'most', 'several', 'some', 'one', 'two', etc. presupposes (to draw on Muller drawing on Gottlob Frege drawing on ) glutamate anchoring, neuronal prunings beginning in the womb, of memetime-bound, 1T2-only prescriptive enculturation-socialization. To me there is nothing to agree to or disagree with as to the arguments put forth by Muller and those he reviews and critiques, as the whole discussion is based upon utilization of 1T2-only-truth-valued-logic alone and my orientation to utter indiscernability is the C+TC+-logical-value order-type understood independent of the notion truth-value, while I regard what is called the Leibnizian indiscernable as a weak, 1T2-bound notion of what is actually µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-relative-state identity-transparency. Moreover, the arguments against Leibniz rooted in consideration of quantum mechanics all assume a probability interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued statefunction as means of suppressing the µTm-unto-CTC+ interpretation of that m-valuedness, the Born probability rule having been explicitly knee-jerk consensuated expressly so as to suppress the Leibnizian and all other animistic-pagan-Erdgeist-related challenges to the metaphysics underlying the dominating atomistic-individualistic psycho-socio-politico-econo-military institutional base (i.e., that science, as consensuated, particularly as regards the measurement problem, is a psychological projection catalytic of identification in mass formation). O, how thoroughly is spin-up vs. spin-down epiphenomenal to measurement-occasion employment of 1T2-only-logic alone! Upsy-daisy, whoopse, downsy-daisy, aw-shucks! and ahem, null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian n-skew-parallel pencils in n-skew-perpendicular arrays (nature's omnegadrium does not square well orthogonally -- heh-heh-heh -- with Occam's pars[i}mony razor) contextualizing spin-states-cum-glasses disallowed by resolution exclusively under memetime-bound, 1T2-only linearity proscribing the 3-fold temporal CURLs and their involved µTm-twistings, CTC+-multiply-connectings, C+TC+-self-reenterings (sloughed off as arbitrary spin states). And subliminally-to-consciously (remember: Schrödinger was practicing Tantric sexual yoga when he wrote the canonical equation for what became the Born-borne QM dissimulation) a suppression of Buddhological compassion-qua-identity-transparency, in and of itself a strong reinforcement of the psychosociopath profile of TPTB the GLE global leadership elite (consciously, subliminally, unconsciously pursuing a 3-pronged strategy?: get rid of the bulk of old-one unnecessaries; eliminate 5-billion-plus [see the last sentence in The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset, F. William Engdahl, Global Research, 25 October 2022: content of this article being old stuff to any attentive person who came of age concomitantly with publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, for me, a senior in high school, father stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB, Sunday lunch at our house with scientists doing elaborate flight-simulator research that could be regarded a precursor to VR development] in such fashion as not to elicit insurrections; trans-humanistically suicide the whole hu-hu-[hu}man species). Immediate post-N.H.Abel: Give me simple-identity, or give me death! Use of the word entangled 1T2ly-presupposes preexistence of discernability; whereas, use of the term relative-state µTmly-unto-CTC+ly-presupposes preexistence of, not indiscernability, but states of identity-transparency -- C+TC+ utter indiscernability being the Tzog-chen-AllBaseCommonGround state from which synchronic demergence transpires by topologically-active operator-time-executed dropping of logical-value order-types out of view. When sufficient inconscience is man[i}fessed, logically-ontologically-then comes existential spacetime and matterenergy.
Many of the U.S. government-NGO-corporate domestic and foreign policies pursued in the post-1975 period can be characterized as substantively being involved with globalization of the failed tactical and strategic notions applied during the Viet Nam war: this planetarization was especially easily achieved given suppression of what was understood at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, circa 1968. The ideas Douglas A. Paine developed at Cornell during the 1970s concerning Earth's atmosphere as a quantum-relativistic domain, DNA radiation-exchange processes, and associated general systems concepts existed before 50 years of anthropogenic manipulation of Earth's upper atmosphere, before many genomes were trashed, and when electromagnetic pollution was substantially less than it is today. It is hard to get one's head around all that appears to have been lost due to rejection almost half a century ago of Paine's ideas. Not to mention failure to apply the general systems concepts to monetary theory and actual monies. Those ideas as they existed during the mid-1970s were substantially different from the then prevailing ideational surround; whereas, not so much today. Yet, the many papers of recent origin I've been directed to, and found on my own, which resonate with (and are more technically elaborated than) aspects of those 1970s ideas of Paine are for the most part marginal to the central thrust of the current consensus paradigms. As an example, we quote the initial summary statement from the Introduction section to The Violation of Bell Inequalities in the Macroworld, Diederik Aerts and Sven Aerts and Jan Broekaert and Liane Gabora, arXiv, 14 July 2000:
This article investigates the violation of Bell inequalities in macroscopic situations and analyses how this indicates the presence of genuine quantum structure. We explicitly challenge the common belief that quantum structure is present only in micro-physical reality (and macroscopic coherent systems), and present evidence that quantum structure can be present in the macro-physical reality. We also give an example showing the presence of quantum structure in the mind.
We -- as doubters of the supposed classical limit, particularly as regards atmospheric processes in general, most specifically relative to cascade dynamics at tornadogenesis -- wholeheartedly agree with the conclusions expressed in this statement. As regards details of the Aerts, et al., arguments made in text, we offer a few suggested extensions. Let me first assure everyone that the Jungian anima-figure in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, given the nom de guerre, Liana, and who often spouts HusserLiana and various quantum-thises/quantum-thats, has absolutely no relation whatsoever to Liane Gabora. What I've been saying about chaos-complexity theory's nk fitness landscape, i.e., that the nk is 2nk and that the actual case is Mnk (2nk = local realism; Mnk = nonlocal surrealism cum analytical skew-cubism) can likewise be observed concerning the Pitowsky generalization of the Bell inequalities (as presented by Aerts, et al., as linked above, to wit immediately following eq. 12 near the bottom of page 6, where it is said that the classical correlation polytope is the closed convex hull [composed] of all 2n possible vectors [which are elements signified by numbers in the real interval] {0,1}n. In our view, this 2n would actually be Mn and the closed convex hull would be a nesting-foam of M-hulls topologically fashioned (by topologically-active operator-time) into Ma[try}oshka dolls one enclosed inside the next n-times over. But here, in our scheme, the M would not, like in the Pitowsky generalization, be part of the definition of a Kolmogorovian probability space; rather, of an MVRS m-logically-valued reference space wherein relative-states of identity-transparency [pre}vail due to null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of n-skew parallels (underlying Heisenberg uncertainty) being arrayed according to the requirements of n-skew perpendicularity (underlying the Riemannian idea about the origin of charge as lines of force trapped in the topology of space). Superposition signified with arithmetic +, entanglement signified with the logical and-meet-in[f}i|mum cum the set-theoretic conjunction: both of these are con[son}ant with the 2n conception of the closed convex hull but not at all with C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency demergent through Mn MVRS -- and no extension of bivalent-logic-conforming arithmetic-cum-set-theoretic operations could be adequate to the Mn MVRS case. Be aware that the co-incidence codified-formalized in violation of the Bell inequalities, surely must have, much earlier than Bell's appearance on the scene, been the primary basis for Pauli's contribution to formulation of the idea of Pauli-Jung synchronicity (i.e., meaningful coincidence), a conception, so far as I know, originated after Pauli had rejected his own original idea named operator time. The + and the infimum of the 2n conception are couched within the diachronic memetime-dependent Schrödinger context, not that of Mn synchronic memetime-independent demergence by Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time execution of m-valued-logic operations (whatever those logical operations might be). Aerts, et al., hold that, rather than Heisenberg uncertainty underpinning violation of the Bell inequalities, it is the potential for different actualizations that generate the violation (page 16 of the above-linked paper). Given my µTm-relative-state-cum-pencils-of-skew-parallels (as underpinning Heisenberg uncertainty) take, I would say that it is the simultaneous instantiated reality, not mere potential, of Mn identity-transparent actualizations that demerge the violation down so far as to the 2n case. Aerts, et al.'s, portrait of nonlocal quantum mind (the more abstract the contents of consciousness, the more nonlocal) as given in the Quantum Structure and the Mind section of their above-linked paper re[son}ates strongly with our conception of THE nonlocal quantum brain as engaging in Lukasiewiczian analog computation µTm-unto-CTC+ -- and the inherent capability of the organism to obtain direct ontic awareness of this superposition-type, surrealistic-cubistic processing were the glutamate automatization-unto-anchoring of 1T2-only-prescriptive enculturation-socialization deautomatized-unto-eliminated by endogenously generated ketamine floods. Absent such spiritual cleansing, suppressed (i.e., not depotentiated by autogenic brain discharge activity) collectively-entangled memories of trauma-stress-anomie-alienation (prescriptive enculturation-socialization being a potent form of coercion, it induces stress, indeed, trauma: see our discussion of "stress and temporal ordering") are one basis of the collective-unconscious regressed-archetypal (archetype-in-itself = Whiteheadian mathematical relation-structure) event gradients etiologically in[stru}mental at pathogenesis of mass-formation psychoses and associated diseased worldview constructs (e.g., those scientistic-infratechnic-transhumanistic). And if -- there, in fact, being no such as the supposed classical limit -- violations of the Bell inequalities exist in classical domains, e.g., those of Earth's atmospheric and crustal-core dynamics, what reason is there to maintain that THE nonlocal quantum brain does not involve atmospheric and geomorphologic-cum-core dynamics? A belief that it does so involve was once elaborately elaborated by the Chinese, among other animistic-pagan peoples. Ask: what percentages of ancient texts on Chinese medicine were devoted to atmospheric and geomorphologic forcing functions, those functions understood as (Eulerian) correspondences (relative to, say, epidemiology and pandemiology)? Ask: has a mass-formation psychosis been involved in causation of climate change; and/or have climate-shift dynamics been involved in causation of a mass-formation psychosis? Ask: are A-bombs, geoengineering, EM pollution, ionospheric heaters forms of psychic surgery anthropogenically-iatrogenically intervening into the workings of THE quantum brain? We own the weather! As a combat arm? Under the control of battlefield management software? Hmmm. There are more and more of those out and about who more or less say: us'ns here 'bouts, on dis side, subjected ta da globalized free-fire zone, been thinkin' forced-draft urbanization planetarized ain't X-actly ta our likin', so's dee-dee, beat feet, do a little E&E shuffle! Gone, baby, gone, we is -- one way or t'other (listen to the last selection in the mix). By contrast, along with my me, try to imagine if externalities could be internalized absent relative-state identity-transparency. Then queue up on the short line of those contemplating how those who have a vested interest in not seeing externalities internalized would regard the notion µTm-relative-state identity-transparency were they to become aware of it. My binary-mind, caught up in a 1T2-only-markette dynamic by use of single-valued monies, transactions in which are bivalently processed, i.e., ensnared in a 2n-econometric modality, would likely have a preference function for the shortest path, the orthogonal path, to individual ultraenrichment; however, were my other-Iambes sightseeing whilst on a packaged group-tour of the commons (be aware that in pre-colonial Viet Nam some villages had for hundreds of years devoted as much as 80-percent of their land area to the commons as psycho-socio-economic securitization -- and imagine the consternation at having this abruptly removed-to-the-already-superrich by French authority-under-force-of-arms), my I/im likely would at least entertain efficacy of acutely short-circuiting the orthogonal path with skew-perpendicular µTm-LETS exchange-unit embodiments ([eco}nomic charge transfer complexes) of the Mn-econometric modality.
My I/im can't decide whether this is parody, the work of the Trickster archetype of the collective unconscious, or a lame Trojan horse for µTm-transactionally-processed, m-valued-LETS nesting-foams (heh-heh-heh!): the BIS's -- Bank for International Settlements' -- "mBridge". Probably it's just that the bank likes the block-and-chain aspect of the blockchained multiple bridges. The BIS's mOnotonic mBridge has the horizontal mIssionary position well accorded, but the vertical stacking of the mSheeted, mOnetary-Riemann-surface, function-functional-functor space upon which µTm-LETS nesting-foams would be branch-point bridged and band-pass fractally entrapped is altogether missing from the BIS's rather sophomoric conception: 1T2-only-transactionally-processed, single-valued, mOnoscale, mBridged CBDCs (central bank digital currencies). Clearly the much-voiced savvier beeves concerning the bank's limited monetary systems notions are of no interest to the BIS: against Aerts, et al., the bank wants its abstractions to remain exclusively in the domain of local realism (1T2-paradoxically without local currencies), thus precluding, for two examples, internalization of externalities and holographic-principle mappings of internal bureaucratic variables upon boundaries-without-boundary of monetary LSTDs, limited spacetime domains. Not for the BIS: µTm-processed m-valued-LETS-currencies defined over quasi-fractal e-boundaries in quantum-composite relative-state, these currencies thereby being relative fractal drums, à la Zeta Functions and Complex Dimensions of Relative Fractal Drums , Michel L. Lapidus and Goran Radunovic and Darko Zubrinic, arXiv, 23 August 2016. Whilst BIS econometricians have informed themselves as to blockchains, they apparently are not keeping up with recent developments in applied mathematics: they do not contextualize the blockchain's (the blocks of which being easily construed compact subsets of fractal Euclidian spaces) relative distance zeta functions to the bounded fractal strings which are contextualized to the relative fractal drums over which µTm-LETS currencies would be defined in nesting-foams numbered (à la Self-Reference Upfront: A Study of Self-Referential Gödel Numberings, Balthasar Grabmayr and Albert Visser, arXiv, 12 August 2020) with self-referential Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers primed via real-complex-hypercomplex geometric zeta functions of complex dimensions of arbitrary multiplicity, m greater than or equal to 1, this m understood relative to Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes.
My me thinks it may be useful to my selves to try to pull as much as possible out of tacit dimensions and explicitly describe how my other-Iambes go about trying to read a 1T2-disquisition like Zeta Functions and Complex Dimensions of Relative Fractal Drums , Michel L. Lapidus and Goran Radunovic and Darko Zubrinic, arXiv, 23 August 2016, which my I/im obviously cannot understand much at all as regards details on a straight-up normal read-through. This is a much extended essay, pushing toward 100 pages, with myriad referrals made to terms defined in a long list of references, the dates of which span half a century; given that so many definitions of employed terms are deferred to referenced papers and books, the content lacunarities of the self-similar cognitive spaces of my I/im -- be they rational, real, algebraic, transcendental, whatever -- require that my various other-Iambes Rx these terms as unknowns handled Musculpturally, i.e., as up tones, down tones, this or that hue, a warp here or a warp there, a twist-over or a twist-under, so on and so forth, the number of these decreasing significantly only as I am able to access the definitions provided in the 7 pages of references (however, I am finding that Adam Richardson's June 2022 Ph.D. dissertation, entitled The Complex Dimensions of Space-Filling Curves, is very helpful here). Ah, yes, my µTmly-non-selfsame I/im which may be sufficiently self-conformal as to be self-similar enough as to being-therehere identified with the complex dimensions of my nowhere-this/nowhere-that Boxman I-ness. Trying to µTmly imagine the complex-hypercomplex box dimensions of J.G.Bennettian n-skew cubes drawn with null-vector-defined pencils of n-skew parallels cum n-skew perpendiculars. Well, be that as it may, first of all, when I seriously commit myself, I do my best to read the words into the symbols (obviously, I will be about this task in regards to this Lapidus-Radunovic-Zubrinic disquisition for quite some interval of memetime) by whatever active imagination means that become available. As I recognize repeated occurrences of notions that trigger a recognition of some sort (since I have much practice at inner separation in reading -- which I began during reading of Sri Aurobindo's and soon thereafter C. G. Jung's Collected Works, circa 1970-5, these two encyclopedias used as forums for nightly practice of concentration in intellectual center voluntary dissociation complementing daily practice of concentration in moving center voluntary dissociation at the digging-cum-root-pruning of trees alone in the field -- such that part of the attention is directed to proprioception, these queued recognitions are generally cued by electrical surges of less or more intensity depending upon the subliminal-qua-other-Iambe felt importance of the given recognition: this-Iambe always supposes its intuitions arise as intrusions undertaken by other-Iambes more open to contents of the collective unconscious), I catalog these into queues and flip back and forth in the text to study the various contexts in which a given notion recurs. As I do this over and over as the recurrences of a given recognition pile up, a visualization process spontaneously begins (i.e., the split-off-by-inner-separation proprioception elaborates). Such as, with this notion: the complex dimensions of the boundary of a compact subset of Rn, and how this might be related to complex dimensions of Cantor dust, Wheelerian bucket of dust, Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind, instances of Pauli-Jung synchronicities, manifestations of Joycean epiphanies. The complex dimensions of the real numbers? Hmmm. This made me realize I'd never really tried to think my way into the nth-power of the real number line. How many µTm-recognitions can be expected from the readings of a 1T2-discourse? An explicit-unto-foggy-in-depth image appears as to n-orthogonals. Attempts to see into the dense fog yield color fields. Attempts to see what the color fields might signify yield sounds. I wonder if the colors signify subsets and the sounds compactions thereof. As I so wonder, a Musculpt sounded-form appears which I take to signify the complex boundary. So, of what value to me is this way of marking what is to me an unknown? I am not sure, but it is a process my mind goes through, so I accord it significance and store the memory of the given sounded-form (this would be greatly facilitated were a computerized, biofeedback and holographic-display equipped, isolation-flotation Lilly tank available), thus keep it for later reference relative to other such which appear in regards to other recurrent recognitions. The collection of such recognitions drawn from a given disquisition, being interrelated, semantically reflect one another, thus complexifying the inner-Musculpt. I do this over and over throughout reading and rereading of the disquisition, and as my comprehension improves, the sounded-forms get less foggy, change their sounds and shapes. Now, I don't suppose that I am by this method really understanding what the authors actually are saying. While I am not uninterested in acquiring such understanding (any little bit I get is well worth the effort), yet, such understanding is secondary to my real purpose. Reading the disquisition is like taking a projective Rorschach test, where each recognition is analogous to a given inkblot. I carry a lot to such a reading (that carry helps me select a given disquisition as something I wish to read). That carry also induces appearances of the recognition inkblots. Generally, I do not have a well-defined, well-ordered catalog of my carry in regards to any particular case of reading a hard-to-penetrate disquisition. If I can see a pattern to the recognition inkblots, that gives me some insight into my carry -- which is of considerable value for assessing my reading, as well as further developing coherency of the carry. So, my foremost purpose is development of the coherency of my carry. In this case of reading into Lapidus-Radunovic-Zubrinic, linked above, the carry is a heavy load: my accumulated ruminations as to, in chronological order, (1) thoughts [whilst coming in and out of delirium, with high fever and very high WBC count and likely immune system changes, post surgery for MFWs received, in infuriating circumstances, from an IED, Mekong delta, circa 1967] concerning DNA superconductance as partly explanatory for how a state of surpassing rage could produce such whole-body symptomatology, later vaguely elaborated as to heterarchical biomorphogenesis and concerning an m-logically-valued reference space for quantum properties of autogenic brain discharges, and (2) the dynamics of the multi-echelon VCI, Viet Cong [political] infrastructure, and (3) multiscale, nested-grid (think: tapestries of complex dimensions?), cascade theory of tornadogenesis, and (4) the properties of what could become µTm-processed m-valued-LETS nesting-foams. And meromorphic extensions of these four concrete cases of multiscale processes. Distribution of scale-levels in the nesting-foam (relative in some manner to distribution of the primes? think partition zeta functions?); the canonical heuristic model; the variations on this model as to specific cases of naturally occurring multiscale systems. Would it be helpful to posit a neuropsychiatric cabinet of cognitive drawers to put all this in? Euler real zeta function; Riemann complex zeta function; hypercomplex zeta function. Relative distance zeta functions; relative torus zeta functions; relative Klein-bottle zeta functions. Closed; open; self-reentrant qua self-referential. Single; finite set; infinite set. Integer; quasi-fractal; fractal to hyperfractal. And as regards Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround: non-self-identical; C+ cardinalities; strong to maximal hyperfractal. If some subsets of my I/im properly get the gist of this, once the multiset µTm-LETS nesting-foams were defined over quasi-fractal internetworked e-boundaries, then there apparently would be distance, partition, and geometric zeta functions involved in specifying topologically-active-operator-time-induced geometric realization of monetary relative quasi-fractal drums (i.e., the µTm-LETS currencies), the (geometrodynamic, frequency-response-windowed, band-pass) transactions within and between which apparently to involve autopoiesis (derivative of the quantum-potential resident in µTm-relative-state) of the spectral operators which establish market action directives. The vague-cloud-atlas, dynamic-polymorph, pastel-hue-changing, complex boundary congealing into a double-ended dory twisting over into a convex hull twisting over to reveal a contained smaller convex hull, twisting over to reveal a yet smaller convex hull, flash, flash, flash over and over with these revealing flashovers going and going presumably into infinite regress, each flashed twist-over of the nested, null-vector-defined, pencils of n-skew parallels-constructed convex hulls involving an acute-angled rotation of the twisting axes of spin, the bleed of blue-pastel-hue-changes accompanied by Asterism-like tonal modulations. Lapidus-Radunovic-Zubrinic essential singularities of the distance zeta function are the zeros on the nesting sprays-tilings-tesselations which are identical to the infinities on the nested sprays-tilings-tesselations? This assertion may be wrong, but entertaining the association to the linked Brownian wave statement gives another tap into contents of the Lapidus-Radunovic-Zubrinic argument, even though later the association is likely to be amplified or modified or rejected as a result of surveying contexts in which the convex-hull-animation recognition recurs. Does the Macroworld infinite regress of Aerts-Broekaert-Gabora convex hulls evoke, in some sense, the infinitude of Lapidus-Radunovic-Zubrinic transcendentally infinite-quasiperiodic relative fractal drums in which infinite sequences of essential singularities, along critical lines in complex dimensions, are employed at RFD construction? If so, better keep that fact under wraps, as we are learning that attributions of an infinite number of dimensions that share the same space with our world is, in one application of the decimation method, being deemed -- by TPTB the obsessively-back-reactive-against-non-simple-identity GMOed-cum-GMOing trans-cum-post-humanist GLE, global leadership elite -- a symptom of high-profile level three terrorism. I guess my ear-plug-achy ears and mute-button-cramping finger places me on some list of the med-establishment branch of the CI-corps of the state security apparat. And that calls for a little Mongolian-fado exorcism in the form of the Sanskrit mantra Om mani padme hum by good offices of Daiqing Tana. Don't want anyone to suspect that Earth's atmospheric acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-modal (qua cosmic mantras) theta-e-equivalent-potential-temperature-surface-signaturing Musculpt abides by principles of relativistic-quantum physics and is thereby µTm-logically configuration-cum-state referenced to infinite-dimensional, Pauli-Paine-3-fold-topologically-active-operator-time-shape-shifted, Hilbert function-functional-functor spaces (think: topo-active optime cf. spectral operators on fractal drums productive of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes at induced phase transitions in a fractal medium defined over the MVRS m-logically-valued reference space of a Musculpted Hilbert manifold): that might present a problem for the upper-atmosphere-physicist writers of EISs (environmental impact statements) concerning anthropogenic use, this last half century, of phased-array ionospheric heaters, one of the means by which we have come to own the weather (and, very likely, climate-shift dynamics and associated ecocide). The superheterodyne-like beat-down frequency funnels qua cones -- operative in the frequency-response windows of the frequency domain -- abstract out to the cone property of relative fractal drums at given points? The primes numbering non-singular points on sprays form nested-grid tesselations (qua-yantras) through which energy-momentum cascades transpire? Just think of what could be achieved, the power, the sheer power we could have in our hands, were we to use phased-array-forced electron-temperature enhancements to drive magnetic reflections through those cascade channels by superposing prime-number-configured (and numbered with Gödel-numbered self-referential Gödel numbers? each order of self-reference denoting a type of non-selfsameness by positing an other to the given order of selfhood) magnetic mirrors-traps-pyrotrons upon those spray-form tesselations, their carpets and tapestries! Why, we'd feel like we were Gods. Heck, we'd become the Gods, hurling thunderous lightning bolts as dragon-current Kundalini-cascades. Wouldn't that be something.
Twelve-thousand years of sedentarization establishes habitus, a condition predisposing to, not only uninhibited population growth, but also selection of cognitive routines and the intergenerational prescriptive enculturation-socialization of fixed opinions that go with those automatized routines. A bloody ODD old bloke, 'e is, what. Defiantly opposing objectivity of pedestrian linear-time! Calls it memetime, 'e does, doesn't 'e. Oppositional defiance has long since been a disorder not tolerated, lads. And better off 'e are for it, 'e are, aren't 'e. Hmmm. One riposte: given the increasing likelihood that a 10-percent human survival rate at coming cuspover is too optimistic, anyone not suffering from ODD is doing hisher 2-state qubit at increasing the odds that that amping likelihood comes to pass. The scientific method of supposedly fencing off a chosen variable, supposedly holding all others constant, then iatrogenically altering the fenced-off, yields infratech like fenced-off atomic-fission- and nuclear-fusion-reactor energy generation unembedded in multiscale, indeed fractal, energy-momentum-cascade dynamics -- something which never occurs in nature. Moreover, such fencings-off give rise to a pathological Weltanschauung and derivative Umwelts, in neither of which is relative-state identity-transparency adequately accounted. Nowadays (benefiting from reading into The Oscillatory Behavior of Relative Fractal Drums Associated with a Class of Space-Filling Curves, Adam D. Richardson, UC-Riverside, 2 December 2021: one potential application might be enhancement of Doug Paine's double-helical 1st-order-temporal-curl-induced model of air-parcel flows into the epsilon-tubular neighborhood of horizontal roll-cloud fractal drum undergoing 2nd-order-temporal-curl-induced topological tilt into the vertical at tornadogenesis, acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode oscillations rippling the wall of the resultant vortex), I suppose that use of the partial derivative symbol to denote sequential realization of a fractal set implies involvement of an objective, passive, passing, referential linear-time, which is indefinable under the 1T3-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ logical-value order-types -- the real-numerable, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, selfsame instant having no existence there under. Appraising the process fractal, the fractal set, the ordinary fractal drum, and their analytic extensions relative to 3-fold topologically-active operator-time might be found more fruitful than appraisal relative to what is actually memetime. Passive, passing, referential memetime is by us held to be a foremost aspect of Maya, an aspect mass-formation hetero-cum-auto-hypnotically evoked and glutamatergically anchored under employment of 1T2-only-logic alone. In discussing 3-foldness of active time (i.e., later designated topologically-active operator-time qua topo-active optime), it was asserted, circa 1976 or '77, memory serving, that subsystem-system-supersystem composites are simultaneously closed, open, and self-reentrant (therefore subject simultaneously to different conservation laws, invariants, symmetries, absolute limiting values, so on) due to the fact that we can choose subsystems as small as we like (for explication of this notion, see our 1977 General Process paper, the last three sections entitled Topological Connectivity and the Cascade Concept cum Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Complex Angular Momentum Cascade cum Multivaluedness, Self-reentry, Non-Orientability, and Hyparxis), thus partitioning the composite according to our whims (which whims include the chosen order-of-logical-value employed at exercise of those whims). This appeared to be the statement that most elicited the scathing response from the person handling Stephen Hawking's correspondence. We weren't well read into then existing literature on theory of fractals, but we, in stating the above, were aware that the real, complex, hypercomplex angular-momentum cascade at tornadogenesis has fractal properties. Having by then become aware of Emil Post's µTm-valued logics, a fractal set thereof, we felt that fractals would be more fully understood if viewed in terms of µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, rather than through the lens of truth-valued 1T2-only-logic alone. This aspect may not have been foremost in Doug Paine's mind -- when, then, during faculty meetings, he opposed the upper-atmosphere-physicists' advocacy as to use of ionospheric heaters, opposed, he did, on basis of what this use likely would do to cascade dynamics -- but surely the fractal aspect was one important consideration, as it suggests likelihood of amplifications via extensions qua analytic continuation (think: e.g., the 3-fold aspect) not at all explored given the commitment to a supposed classical limit and identification with 1T2-only-logic alone. And I am certain that Paine never brought into these argumentative, blood on the table, faculty meetings the notion of atmospheric acoustic-analogues to blackhole computers, and their possible disruption by ionospheric heaters (acoustic black holes in Earth's atmosphere being an idea -- along with the subtle suggestion that the best place to explore quantum-gravity is Earth's atmosphere -- which some years earlier, 1974, memory serving, he had raised in an NSF grant report and been severely censored for having done so, and during the same memetimeframe, a bit earlier, I think, had been off-handedly dismissed by John A. Wheeler during a conversation Paine had with him after a public lecture given by Wheeler at Cornell: this, like the CICV-POLOB-SamAdams enemy strength-estimate bru-hah-hah, happened before I arrived, so, in both cases, I got the real skinny, not in the face, but from the horse's mouth), a notion nowadays much written about, as in, for several examples, to wit, "We address an interesting question in the present paper that whether the acoustic gravity can be applied as a tool to the study of regular black holes", quoting the first sentence of the Abstract to "Acoustic regular black hole in fluid and its similarity and diversity to a conformally related black hole", Chen Lan and Yan-Gang Miao and Yi-Xiong Zang, The European Physical Journal C, 82:231, 18 March 2022; and "Scrambling time for analogue black holes embedded in AdS space", Qing-Bing Wang and Ming-Hui Yu and Xian-Hui Ge, The European Physical Journal C, 82:468, 21 May 2022: think of "scrambling time" relative to our model's "minimum time"; and "On the geometry outside of acoustic black holes in 2+1-dimensional spacetime", Qing-Bing Wang and Xian-Hui Ge, arXiv, 15 July 2020. Not to mention that Paine, circa early-1970s, before writing the atmospheric blackhole claim into that NSF report, and effectively being declared persona non grata by the NSF as a consequence (contextualize this relative to having adamantly opposed use of ionospheric heaters and having voiced to Wheeler), was well aware of the vertically-propagated acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode pulse-code-burst reverse-cascade-answerbacks at tornado touch-down injections that may not be altogether unrelated to the fact that a "Black-hole analogue works like a laser", Tim Wogan, Physics World, 15 October 2014. Half a century is a long period over which to have persisted in doing the wrong thing: perseverance does not further.
A multiplicities-dominated, quasi-relative-point-of-view Grothendieck (think: µTm-relative-state) scheme (I now realize) starting click-click-click-vroom-vroom (that's something like what the auditory hallucinations actually sounded like) telescoping-in-presentation elaborations from back during the early-to-mid-1970s, visualized through (think: JoeGoode looking through; hearing through individuals and composite of stacked motives and themes of an m-phonic piece like the Turangalila [cosmic love play] Symphony; spying through, not a keyhole, but the superimposed images, each on a laver-laminate of a stack of transparent acetate overlay sheets; seeing through RicePereira layered transparent of the transcendental formal logic of the infinite) the Greater Maze nesting-foam of smaller and smaller (think: the quark model) equilateral-triangular qua hexagonal nets: I came to use the term wormhole mesh to refer to this nesting-foam pre[sent}i|ment. Now, reading into Adam Richardson (even though his oscillations [of relative fractal drum] are geometric-spatial and ours [air parcel cum pi-electron parcel] are temperature-temporal), I come to understand this meshwork relative to space-filling curves qua surjective maps as a sequence of continuous functions that is uniformly convergent, which yields an existent, continuous limit curve, the dusti, bucket of dust, warm-golden dust being the nested collections of points demerged from those 1T2-only-resolable to a real-numbers unit interval. The zero = infinity points collected into a multi-sheeted singularity manifold. I was not chaotically thinking of the Sierpinski gasket, but Kabbalistically of the Seal of Solomon 6-pointed-star hexagram (the tetractys cum Pascal's-triangle origins of which found to be in pre-Vedic tribal India and seen woven into sacred cloths throughout South and Southeast Asia and embossed upon Dong Son bronze drum tympana) as image of memetime-independent involutory-cascade demergence-remergence qua decomposition-recomposition, the two directions of Heraclitus algebraic movement altogether Parmenides canceling out under C+TC+ logics, which I then, back in the 1970s, construed simply as the asymptote. The points I imagined were not, as in the case of the Hilbert curve, the center of the partition (triangle, square, polyhedron, polytope), but the intersection points of the Regge bones (search Regge in Spacetime: function and approximation, Sam Baron, Synthese, 200, article number 170, 15 April 2022, for a brief accessible account provided in an interesting-context discussion: by our scheme, ponderablespacememetime demerges from MVRS m-logically-valued reference space only as topo-active-optime executes 1T2-only-logical operations of those CTC+-unto-µTm). Moreover, the functions involved were held to be multivalued such that each nested sheet was related to the others in multi-sheet-Riemann-surface-like fashion. Furthermore, each nested sheet-brane was imagined to be under one logical-value-order-type of those µTm-unto-CTC+. This notion is not the same as a multifractal system, but may be related if it is understood that the multifractal is a way of sort-of-getting-at µTm-unto-CTC+ when using 1T2-only-logic alone. I did not know how to formalize all these features of the wormhole mesh, but, given the looking-through-simultaneity involved, felt that discursive writable notation is far too reductive to be of much use, and no matter how done would hardly get us beyond a 1T2-only take as regards a µTm-somewhat (not to mention the whatnot extensions as regards CTC+-unto-C+TC+). Hence, the need to holographically techno-exteriorize inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation. Nonetheless, I find myself intrigued by, and trying to read into, 'Scheme-Theoretic Images' of Morphisms of Stacks, Matthew Emerton and Toby Gee, arXiv, 23 October 2020. For context, see Wikipedia on morphism of schemes: generalization generalizing generalizations. Trying to grok terms like: closed immersion; unramified; finitely ramified fractal; separated, i.e., having a proper diagonal; universally closed. Universally closed in a C+ly-self-reentrant universe? Hmmm. One big problem I have with all this, however intriguing, is the kick-off very notion of abstract category as involving objects linked by arrows: the objects are 1T2-only-construed as absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct (i.e., absent µTm-relative-states) and the arrows are not construed as representing µTm-unto-CTC+-identity-transparency. For my purposes, this is not a big help. For instance, a theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature-surface configuration can be regarded as an algebraic variety that has an over-toned-m-valued acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode signature which, it may be supposed, is µTmly acoustic-blackhole processed in atmospheric Musculpt reverse-cascade, topo-active-optime n-convolutionary dynamics (the memetime-boundedness of these dynamics being a 1T2-only construal: i.e., a looking at the stack [not through the stack] from the perspective of only the image that appears on the 1T2 sheet). So to speak -- about the unspeakable. These atmospheric surfaces are constantly morphing, and my I/im wonder(s) howwhat it is that involutory cascades see as look through in traversing their memetime-independent stackifications.
Studying back over my personal journal: while beating a dead horse, one can hardly recommend a devotion to lost causes, but pursuit thereof is, indubitably is, a higher calling which yields much in the way of personal edification. As readers of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh may have surmised, I am very far from being a believer in efficacy of conscious communication for effecting alterations of the psychodynamics of a deeply-entrenched and long-persisting mass psychosis. When I returned to the ZI, Zone of the Interior, from the Viet Nam war, late summer of 1968, I knew the mass psychosis I had left AU-SIS to try to penetrate had something to do with the connection between Injun Cuntry and Hilbert space. A missing link became apparent upon reading Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics: while 1T2-only-probability theory (employed in, e.g., Hilbert spaces) can characterize hidden architectonics of 1T2ly-random systems, what is 1T2ly-random may not be, say, 36T147-random. Speech-recognition 1T2-probability functions cum sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak µTm-functionals cum VirFut Q-Pro holographic-techno-exteriorized innerMusculpt CTC+ functors: the econometric information hidden from binary-minds of 1T2-only-markette actors cum [per}sons, individual and corporate. An Inefficient Market Hypothesis (not that of George Soros, à la his idea that self-reference equals unknowability): the 1T2-only markette, valuing in 1T2-only currencies, is inherently inefficient because (animistic-pagan) 1T3-unto-µTm-relative-state-information types (this being no indication that nature imitates Bamberger statistical ar[bit}rage [Rabbinical stat arb = pairwise differential statistics of myriad orthodox do-ohs bivalently analyzed; whereas, nature deals in relative-state-n-tuples µTmly analyzed, uh, uh, processed: the puts of 1T2-only-probabilities make no calls upon nature's kabbalahistic µTm-unto-CTC+-modal realities]) operative in quantum economies (the only sort of economies there are, given that there is no such as a classical limit) are not 1T2ly-visible, for being unmarked, or 1T2ly-inferrible, since, Shannon information theory aside, there is semantic cum state incommensurability between these types. This does not speak against factor models of order beneath chaos; it only maintains (sans SFI) that that order is Mnk, not 2nk, and that the logics operative therein are µTm, not 1T2-only, the fundament of those logics being relative-state identity-transparency (think: Nyingma compassion), not truth-value. This, moreover, does not speak to an equivalence to the finance academic's Sharpean beta, a 1T2-only measure of sensitivity to volatility -- beta being only one of presumably a multitude of 1T2-linkage factors (simulated by the correlation k in SFI's nk-fitness landscape) affecting an element or component process, whilst µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency presumably involves a multitude of multitudes of 2T2-such, 1T3-such, 2T3-such, 3T3-such, ,µTm-such factors. Musculpturally speaking: superpositioning of 1T2-themes (even in 2-state-unto-n-state fashion) is not the involute to decomposition of µTm-thematic materials down to the last instance, i.e., the 1T2-theme. Not to be scratchy, but, for the here-related heuristic value, think of the difference between the [onto}logical autopoietic (Exodus 3: I Am that I Am) and the existential case, as stated multiply in The Moon of Hoa Binh (I am me and only me! Heh-heh-heh.). Now, compare these two to the Chandogya Upanishad's Thou art That (Sanskrit: tat tvam asi) qua That art Thou. Whilst long cultivating its postwar zaibatsu -- government agency proprietaries, i.e., various policy companies, corporations, NGOs -- the West has castigated the Japanese keiretsu (a postmodern adaptation of traditional Japanese identity incorporation via relationships of trust signified by ritual gift exchange) based on the Western insistence upon contract lawfare and stigmatization of gifting behaviors as corruption (whereas, Western corruption has always taken on mega-proportions: think, for instance, of George Washington's land grabs which furthered expansion of his [per}son|al der Lebensraum as a fathering of the national west-more-land der Wohnflache), this castigation-stigmatization strongly suggesting that deep-structure of the habitual in-your-face resident conflict has not been 1T2-only capitalism versus 1T2-only socialism-communism, but single-valued identity versus multivalued identity. Human beings generally have been substantially unconscious as to the real [rea}sons for their collective lapses into mass murderings. Between 1972 and '74, through an out-of-print bookfinder, I acquired and read all of Eric Temple Bell's books on the history of mathematics, and, even though at that point I knew nothing of Bell's Ph.D. dissertation on cyclotomic decomposition (in the µTm-logical context, the involved m-sieve would not yield an n-dimensional, Gaussian-normal, Pascal's triangular, bell-curve-sandpile cupola of copulas), I had come to seriously entertain the notion that N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility Theorem was pivotal, not only for further developments like transfinite set theory, Axiom of Choice, m-valued logics, but that this existence proof for trans-al-jabr, in being characterized, as it was, with the word impossibility, revealed a deleterious collective unconscious gradient, which, I soon thereafter, upon learning of m-valued logics, began to suspect had led, possibly by mid-century, surely by advent of the Franco-Prussian war, to a collective unconscious decision for human species suicide, the motivation for which is summarized by the statement Give me simple-identity or give me death! The Anthropocene's governing impulse? I wasn't interested in the means by which collective suicide was likely to be unconsciously orchestrated or the timing of associated events (mostly it's people seeking to make money off the involved tragedies who cultivate such interest); I was focused foremost upon etiology and psychopathodynamics, feeling that, if I could gain some real insight thereto, I might be able to come up with some seed ideas (I did not flatter myself into to believing I was capable of acquiring the technical expertise required for actual implementation) as to how to reduce magnitude of the catastrophe. I didn't believe then, and don't believe now, that the project of collective suicide will be altogether successful, a difference of opinion with Michel Foucault, as essayed in The People Cheering for Humanity's End, Adam Kirsch, The Atlantic, January/February 2023 issue. Character actor John Wayne character-acting half-breed Hondo: End of a way of life. Too bad. Good way. My I/im Sampler of Whitmanian Other-Iambes sincerely doubt(s) that it will come to be understood in polite company that the metaversical VR-immortality sought in projective-identification by the transhumanist cohort of the Wokester set is a techno-ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency (and the implications of that transparency concerning afterdeath states). A ConveDD is a sawyer in the stream of consciousness, the head bobbing in the sway of current constituting the social structure of attention cathexes, the taproot glutamatergically anchored in mud of the collective unconscious, directly over which regressed-archetypal event-gradients course in subsidence. And now we have the White House calling out for Chinese dim sum, uh, uh, a dim sun (sunshine on a cloudy day is what they intend to stop), the metallic particle pother fulfilling a function analogous to the mRNA vaxx's nanoparticle adjuvent: that of facilitator. In the atmospheric case, we speak of processes associated with uses of ionospheric-heater-projected magnetic mirrors, the metallic cloud dissembled as solar-radiation rheostat: which very likely has already altered Earth's frequency-response window to solar-wind-carried complex-hypercomplex angular momenta cascading through Earth's multiple scales of atmospheric wave motion into its crustal and core dynamics, which momenta may be handled (double entendre intended) relative to topologically-active operator-time, the alteration evoking Time Storm. Yee-haw! For awhile, the MSM had it down to being global warming, then it became climate change, and now it seems to be shifting again, this memetime to endtimes rhetoric (see the interesting article entitled Humans v nature: our long and destructive journey to the age of extinction, Phoebe Weston, The Guardian, 25 November 2022: 56 million [90% of natives] killed by 1600 in the European invasion of the Americas, a new-to-me early date, a date I find myself wondering as to the accuracy of, given that the events that transpired along that dark and bloody river, the Ohio, came nearly 200 years later); whereas, from Paine-Kaplan cascade-theoretic perspective, sans the supposed classical limit, it has seemed not likely limited to the atmosphere and biosphere, but to be a multi-spherical far-from-equilibrium planetary phase transition, with cultural cum geopolitical cum scientific-technological forcing functions built into the anthropogenic cause-push/attractor-pull dimensions. Slouching toward Mount Tambora: this being a perspective Science News surely would have classified as being off the beat. The most-controlled substance: funding-prescribed scientific information which is classified, access restricted, proprietary, consciously dissembled, unconsciously dissimulated. I am interested in the cognitive processes, thought included, by which the scientific cum math ideas were brought into being, only secondarily in the ideas themselves; there being negative interest on my part in the peer-reviewed presentation of the ideas as if they had emerged in conformance to the conventions associated with bivalent logic and the scientific method. The plen[t]ipotentiary of nature's munificence having gone to peak everything! In the mRNA-vaxx-adjuvent case, we speak of tunneling through cellular phase boundaries. It is enlightening to view the geoengineering, not only relative to genetic engineering, but also as an application of the same MO that made the built environment into a travesty. The micro-action directives actually extant in bivalent-monetary-system economies (capitalist and otherwise: capitalism and communism, two sides of the same 1T2-only coin) have no interface with prescriptions laid down by urban and regional planning (be that planning command-planometric, comprehensive, strategic, disjointed incrementalism, tactical improvisation), so corruption prevails, yielding the travesty. A corruption facilitated by 1T2-only-lawfare and protected, ultimately, by existence of the in-the-background military threat. Despite the propaganda waves sloshing back and forth within the slop bucket of American popular culture, existence of the term double-digit midget clearly indicates how the career military has been regarded by those directly exposed. And now TPTB the GLE global leadership elite move on to forced-draft smart cities where the foremost governing criteria is establishment of totalitarian ultra-micro management, indeed, total nano-control over GMOed-human global-digital WHO-vaxx-pass particles. Quantum-based technologies dressed in Cartesian-Newtonian clothes: the pandemic identification with 18th-century rationalism is partly due to nostalgia for a period when human population of planet Earth was within the realm of reason: 1 billion in 1800. Below given is a short linked-list of recent geopoliticoeconomic analysis-speculation-oped articles echoing, or in one fashion and another consonant with, my early, largely cultural-set-(that set being more or less unconscious)-based WAG -- initialized circa Fall Semester, 1963, AU-SIS, via good offices of Abdul Aziz Said's Intro to World Politics-assigned reading of C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, and onwards from there -- qua thesis that the U.S. (driven by psychopathologically-induced back-reaction upon higher-mathematics-cum-theoretical-physics apparitions of a resurrected and reconstituted animistic-pagan identity-transparency) would force formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a GreaterChina Mahayana Buddhist Bloc, which alignment would stand off against onetime elements of the British Empire qua Commonwealth. A NOWAG -- non-official wild-ass guess -- corollary evolved (secondary to experiences growing up as a USAF-brat; AU-SIS; experiences living-in as adjunct household staff amongst the ex-OSS Georgetown political-and-policy-elite; SORO; SFTG; assignment as a Psyops Group MiddleEast OB intel analyst, office adjacent to the JFKSWCS Library, and, when the SHTF, placed on the Go Team locked in a Smoke Bomb Hill blockhouse on 3-hr-alert-for-insertion at outbreak of the Six Day War; the benefits accrued from my father's knowledge base as the troubleshooter who handled the supply-materiel aspects of the CamRanh-PhanRang project for the USAF, and subsequently retired following a disheartening stint -- at the Pentagon; TID 525th MIG; CICV-Targets; SRA MACV-J2) to include the propositions that, if there were, somehow, the great disaster of a protracted [sub}global-nuclear-holocaust WWIII (remove the [sub} and we would have the full catastrophe) pitting the neoCommonwealth Bloc against the oldAnimism Bloc, early on the western Pacific would become a Chinese lake (supply lines from the U.S. west coast and for oil located in the Middle East being too long and so easily interdicted in the era of smart weapons and spaced-based warfare) with the neoCommon's line of defense quickly coming to run from ANZ (if possible) to Hawaii to Alaska, the strategic offensive against GC being mass-mounted upon China's historically-greatest vulnerability, her partially-GreatWalled Central-South-Asia backdoor, with India the neoCommon's foremost base area and supply depot, the major sea battles being fought in the Indian Ocean and south Atlantic, South Africa and Brazil having considerable geopoliticomilitary importance, reindustrialization of the neoCommonwealth and its warfare-manufacturing base being physically located primarily in New England and England.
November 1992: The Hinge of History, James W. Carden, American Committee for US-Russia Accord, 8 November 2022. (Bush's GWOT following on Clinton's Glass-Steagall repeal following on Nixon's closing of the gold window following on LBJ's guns and butter: a sequence set in motion by the stone cast by the VC David.)
Advocating World War Three Is Just Mainstream Punditry Now, Caitlin Johnstone, caitlinjohnstone.com, 28 October 2022.
World of divides and why India may adapt a more closed economy better, Satyajit Das, The New Indian Express, 26 September 2022.
Fall for Western economies will be harder and further, Satyajit Das, The New Indian Express, 5 October 2022.
The US will join the UK as a failed first-world state, Satyajit Das, The New Indian Express, 10 October 2022.
Germany's position in America's new world order, Michael Hudson, The Saker, 2 November 2022.
Germany Arrests Dozens Suspected of Planning to Overthrow Government, dnyuz.com, 7 December 2022. (The deep-structure issues over which the WWII battle of the 200-years War of the World was fought were never resolved [see our 1998 paper entitled Echo of the Mockingbird], only driven farther into the marrow, there to fester. If condition persists, seek medical attention. Oh, okay, yeah. Uh, we've just done that.)
China Seeks First Military Base on Africa's Atlantic Coast , Michael M. Phillips, The Wall Street Journal, 5 December 2021.
China Revises Military Doctrine To Focus On Troop Deployments Overseas, ZeroHedge, 10 November 2022.
Ukraine would be 'just a warmup' for Washington -- US Strategic Command head, Lucus Leiroz, BRICS Information Portal, 9 November 2022.
'We're At The End Of A Major Era' -- Von Greyerz Warns Of $2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting To Happen, ZeroHedge good offices of USAWatchdog, 3 November 2022. (My umm-err don't much like bear-hug short squeezes :-( ! This VDO interview presents the best argument I've seen for devotion of a major effort focused upon minimizing megadeath during the post-cuspover period, an effort undertaken by people with technical expertise to develop the seed idea of µTm-LETS nesting-foams, keeping in mind that the bundling of financial derivatives did not involve use of fiber bundles such that those derivatives could be µTm processed -- this not having been done, following the physicists who followed the mathematicians, so as to avoid non-simple identity which, economically speaking, is the non-simple ownability required if externalities are to be internalized.)
Here is How WWIII is Likely to Proceed, J. Kim, ZeroHedge, 28 October 2022.
Oxfordshire County Council Passes Climate Lockdown 'Trial' , legitgov.org, 5 December 2022. (Having left Saigon in 1968 with Mekong-delta-intel-ops and POLOB-in-the-SMA [political order of battle in the Saigon metro area] experience under my belt, a considerable exposure to various means of population control, it wasn't long before I voiced a wacked-out-VN-vet statement, to wit: A time will come when the only people who can travel internationally will be government officials, corporate executives, military personnel, the superrich, and illegals. Moreover, internal travel visas will be required for movement even in places like the US of A. Nowadays, with lavish justification, it can be graciously concluded that scrubbing with the cloth woven of self-delusion has become the order de jour enforced by The Command.)
Clive Maund -- Genocide Is Their End Game, Brandon Campbell, LewRockwell, 11 November 2022.
That Dark and Bloody River, Allan W. Eckert, Bantam paperback edition, 1996. (Even more than Richard Drinnon's Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian Hating and Empire Building, U. of Oklahoma, 1997, Eckert's intimate narrative-history portrait of the Ohio River Valley, circa 1768-'99 [parenthetically, the earliest William Pensinger I know of arrived in the land of William Penn during the 1740s], for me, set into U.S. historical context the Vietnam-war-era hatchet forces, hunter-killer teams, Kit Carson scouts, CT teams, dagger teams, sat cong squads, free-fire zones, Phoenix, My Lai, carpet bombing, CBU cloud-burst seedings, agent orange, Rome plows, daisy cutters, the SamuelHuntington forced-draft urbanization driving the mass formation KhmerRouge compensatory abreaction of forced-draft deurbanization, the West-more-land cum GeorgeWashingtonian oligarchic resources expropriation impulse, an impulse conveyed to Russians during the Yeltsin period. Most fascinating to me about Eckert's account were the ludicrous criteria by which, and the manners in which, oligarchic GeorgeWashingtoning of the landscape established 1T2-only boundaries, for private person cum land-company ownership and public administration, many of those boundaries remaining unchanged to this day despite the vast changes occurring during the interregnum, boundaries about which largely-failed -- the tragedy of the commons, the monoculturing, the ecocide, the horrid built environment, so on -- planning activities have been mounted. The observation can easily be made that the great Indian chiefs had the wisdom which µTm-states of participation mystique convey, while the great land-grabber-made colonial oligarchs, filchers of the commons, had the understanding which 1T2-only operational intelligence conveys. It may well have been the case that experience, collectively accumulated in the 30-some-thousands of years between cave painting and the C.E., yielded a metaphoric wisdom that trumped mere direct understanding -- until recently, that is.)
Use of the words echoing and consonant does not imply that I wholly agree with the content of any of these articles. The nowadays-politicojuridically-[pre}valent (see: It Isn't Cognitive Dissonance; It's Doublethink, Thorsteinn Siglaugsson, a ZeroHedge reposting of a 'From Symptoms to Causes' Substack piece, 14 November 2022) doublespeak (which linguistically retains the 1T2-only-logic Law of Distributed Middle whilst eschewing the 1T2-only-logic Law of Non-Contradiction) is a regressed-archetypal-cum-Trickster-induced parody of 2T2-logic (which rejects both of the aforementioned 1T2-only-logic laws, though without explicitly logic-embracing non-simple identity, as do µTm-logics beginning with that 1T3). This parodying is especially true (heh-heh-heh!), it may-can-must be supposed, of those doublespeaks of the inner-takings, uh, uh, inner-talkings one imagines are roof-brain chattered by the split-off inner-voices of members of the dyscrasiac GLE, global leadership elite, suffering residuals of the breakdown to the bivalent bicameral-mind, a glutamatergically-anchored breakdown from µTm-unto-1T2-only-processed states of consciousness. Lackadaisical cognitive clodhoppers, what! Bivalent cogitation above all else! is especially self-attributed by the exceedingly irrational ideologue identified with this or that tenet of the prevailing Weltanschauung as introjected to Umwelt. The quickest way to end the mass formation identity discombobulation which has come to dominate the Politics of Experience is for the SCOTUS to rule that the speed of the scale-invariant Bird of Paradise, i.e., the speed of light in vacuo, is equal to infinity, and that the single value of Planck's scale-independent constant is equal to zero, this ruling to be domestically enforced by the DHS and the FBI and abroad by the CIA, the NSA, and the DOD. Heh-heh-heh! And, speaking of the cognitive dissonance which is not doublethink: Is it YouTube or ThemTube? My other-Iambe just muted a non-skippable ten-minute-advert disruption of a three-minute smooth-jazz piece. That's 1T2-only capitalism for you! Of much greater significance, here is more of that bivalent capitalism on display: A Smoldering Fuse, James Howard Kunstler, 18 November 2022; and here and here. This exponentiates the [biz}ZorroWorld of Charlie Wilson's war: just try to imagine what the next level of exponentiation is likely to involve! Whatever! whatever the WEF and G7-unto-G20 may think they think, there's no possibility whatsoever that the accelerating n-dimensional global crisis can be at all actually addressed, let alone adequately so, within context of the architectonics of the prevailing and prospective [GD}ME/IM, the 1T2-only global-digital monetary-exchange infrastructure-matrix, whether cryptos dominate, CBDCs dominate, or some combination of the two eventuates: the logical properties of the involved monies, no matter how AI-automated the trading or how rapidly trades are executed, cannot represent the superintegrated nature of the factors of the planetarized going-to-cuspover conundrum. Especially under sanction-effectuated command economics will solutions remain in the exclusion zone established by the inherently non-signifying currencies in which single-valued prices are placed upon multivalued somewhats. The k, for the correlations cum autocorrelations of nk-fitness, exponentiates M, not 2, the system of systems of systems, ,n rising to ultrasuperintegration as the snapover-march to self-organized criticality carries M through µTm unto the C+ of CTC+. And no number, phi, of 1T2-autoregressive feedback loops (e.g., GARCH) over n component processes at all simulates the m-logically-valued aspect. For instance, slicing and bundling MBSs and their exponentiations, CMOs, mortgaged-backed securities and collateralized mortgage obligations ((and on to the securitization and n-tranching of All-That-Is debt, an ABSing, asset-backed securitizing, a CDOing, a collateralized debt obligationing, which includes the student-loan scam making higher enculturation into a speculative money machine, the banks taking a healthy cut in fees for their bungled bundlings, the investors, including university endowments [think: self-referential reentry], taking the risk, student loan tranches it's no small problem as to how to legally jubilee by USG fiat as a way of buying woke votes, and even shorting CDO tranches, and derivatives thereof, with bundles of CDSs, credit default swaps, and, further, slicing and selling tranches of the CDS bundles, these tranches aka synthetic CDOs, and CDSs2, CDSs3, ,CDSsn traded in secondary, tertiary, ,n-ary markettes where bets on tranche-default-correlation mis[1T2]pricings wereare made: on the matrix but off the reserve requirement -- even without going into off-shore/off-balance-sheet trusts established by our banksters in shadow-banking tax havens; all of this facilitated by our insider legislators who own pieces of the involved bank holding companies, hedge funds, stock funds, bond bundles, convertible bonds, bond options, warrants, ETFs, fixed income whatevers, so on)), not only spreads the risk, it changes simple-ownability, that's Newtonian billard-ball ownability (think: single-valued laws of motion), into complex-ownability, that's Planckian fundamental-oscillator ownability (think: m-valued wavefunction), the latter an econometric expression of self-referential cum self-reentrant µTm-relative-state identity-transparency (which no concatenation of 1T2-representations adequately signifies-simulates: what's actually involved in the so-called tranche-default correlation [in fact: µTm-relative-state ID-transparency] is n-ary function-functional-functor menage -- not mere missionary-positioned bi-adic copulation additively daisy-chained -- which only operator-time-executed µTm-valued logics can handle arithmetically, algebraically, topologically). Think: the way it was done, without fiber-bundle arithmetics and µTm-valued logics, we were given, instead of Wheelerian magic without magic, Everettian 1T2-relative-state without µTm-relative-state, i.e., that is, so to say, correlation-(single-valued)-priced tranches of CDOs, CDOs2, CDOs3, ,CDOsn, which are not Tn(M)-(multivalued)-priced tranches. Mathlete-cum-physicist-dropout-influenced banksters acting within the prevailing fiat-currency regime econometrically generalize statistical mechanics and the probability dissimulation of wavefunctions to multivariate relations which are thus misunderstood as being 1T2-logical-multivariate-probability distributions of random variables (pairs, triplets, ,n understood as 1T2ly-additive, not as involving logical-value transitions), rather than understood relative to µTm-logical relative-states of identity-transparency. The waterfall structure of the CDO is understood as a simple fractional-loss payoff function at time t; no cascade-theoretical temporal CURLs are understood as involved in inter-tranche relations; no operator-time-effectuated twists into complex space are suspected at loss of simple-ownability-identity in process of bundling-sans-fiber-bundle-arithmetics. Complex-ownability-identity takes the mortgaged property out of real-numerable spacetime, and, by temporal CURL, plops it into operator-timed complex space. But TPTB the GLE global leadership elite don't focus their attempts at metaverse in such fashion, having no actual notion of metaculture and its potential role in functional integration of nature-human system-composite. Instead, they toy with the likes of NFTs, non-fungible tokens. Unlike what would be the case with variously-commodity-backed µTm-LETS-currency nesting-foams, few, if any, members of the elementary particle zoo of fiat financialization, being chips in a casino, signify actual elements or component processes of total capital stock, planet Earth, let alone the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock -- a signification required if high levels of efficiency at use of dwindling resources is to be accomplished (by quantum processes of self-organization). Meanwhile, rise to cuspover continues unabated with little or no preparation for the post-catastrophe state of affairs.
It's hard to see how ultraenriching investment banksters, let alone hedgy quant speculators, has redeeming social value -- not to say produces a social good -- when such ultra-remuneration undermines the low-level competency of the unmolested 1T2-only-magic hand of the market's bivalent supply-demand dynamic. Justification has largely been relative to cleaning up mis-1T2-pricings, the clean-up bringing 1T2-only prices back to the supply-demand equilibrium prices required by the efficient market hypothesis of Eugene Fama, et al., a notion, once having cachet, pretty well debunked by the events of 2007-8. Astounding wage spewage for snarkily riffling data, secretly seeking underpricings, solely self-interestedly exploiting the discoveries, eh what! Particularly so, that ultraenriching, when the computerized financial infrastructure and associated practices contributed to pathogenesis of 2007-8, thus yielding a new class of fallen angels, and the subsequent voluminous money printing which was one large factor in the list of causes of such like as this -- COVID-19 supply-side constraints and command-economy sanctions cum acts of war being other major contributors. Moreover, the low-level of self-organizational competency brought about by the 1T2-only pricing regime can hardly be separated from the purchasing power ultradysparities resident in this. No small credit should be given to University of Chicago considering the fact that when I wrote Milton Friedman about the idea of µTm-processed m-valued prices his response clearly indicated lack of awareness of the existence of m-valued logics. Unconscious mass formation ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) into ID-politics, what? As regards the specter of relative-state ID-transparency lurking in the prospect of µTm-processed m-valued prices, it could easily be argued that the junk-bonded, leveraged-buyout, raider craze (flipping companies rather than real estates) was the regressed American M&A compensatory-abreaction hostile bid to the ID-incorporation involved in formation of Japanese keiretsu. Heh-heh-heh! Practicum of an alternative computerized financial infrastructure, a metacultural noosphere, is clearly suggested by a paper (and those in its long list of references) drawn to my attention by Lauri Love: Simulating hyperbolic space on a circuit board, Patrick M. Lenggenhager, et al., Nature Communications, 13, article number 4373, 28 July 2022. If it can be done with a circuit, surely it can be done with G3, G4, G5+. I'd advocate that it be done with G5+ iff the technology be redesigned to stay out of biologically-active windows. According to our lights, it's the superconductivity state of the pi-electron gas core-environment of DNA at radiation exchange during helix-coil transition which permits such a redesign. Whilst writing our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh [moon = tympanum of a bronze drum; hoa binh is Vietnamese for peace], we did not imagine ourselves as referring to a war drum. So, jumping right into it. In the µTm-logical case of continuum spectra of the hyperbolic drum tympanum (see Fig.1, Lenggenhager, et al.), the geodesics would, according to my lights, be null-eigenvector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of n-skew-parallels, the value of n being dependent upon the given µTm-order-type of logical-value extant on the given system qua tympanum, logical-value understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency (i.e., the µTm-understanding of 1T2-entanglement) in ensembles of many-body system-composites, the waveguide (think: sorting angel) resonators (think: autopoietic operators) of which are constellated by the Bohmian quantum potential resident in the relative-state of identity-transparency given in the particular case. Under µTm, with pencils of skew-parallels as geodesics, cyclotomic decomposition of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, would involve [de}volution of nested hyperboloid-sheet tympana effectuated by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. On Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround of MVRS, under C+TC+, all the eigenmodes (of the µTmly-unto-CTC+ly understood state-function of the universal wave equation) at increasing eigenvalues, i.e., as regards [re}volution, would be superposed à la the ensheaved tympana, as well as superposed on each tympanum à la the n-skewness resident in the involved pencils of skew-parallels as geodesics. In cascade/reverse-cascade dynamics the angular momentum undergoing temporal CURL and transmitted between eigenmodes on given sheets and between sheets would, à la 3-fold topo-active optime, be complex-hypercomplex. Moreover, under µTm, the tessellation vertices (nodes) and edges (Regge bones) of the discretized hyperboloid sheets qua tympana would be numbered with self-referential Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers such that the µTm propositions executed by 3-fold topo-active optime are explicit on the logic of the lattice. In the monetary µTm-LETS-currencies nesting-foam context, it is possible to imagine concatenation of these self-referential Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers specifying bureaucratic functions, functionals, functors (externalities internalized by the µTm-properties of the monetary system) that are holographic-principle mapped to the quasi-fractal e-boundaries over which the µTm-LETS-currency areas are delineated-articulated. In this mapping-to-the-boundary-of-internal-bureaucratic-variables context, we quote Lenggenhager, et al., page 4, to wit:
We remark that the boundary sites of the present experimental realization of a hyperbolic lattice could be used to probe holographic dualities. For each eigenmode of the system, only its angular distribution [think: a 1T2-take on the skewness of null-eigenvector-defined skew-parallelism µTmly processed?] on the boundary is important (cf. the angular momentum dispersion in Fig. 2b), yielding a novel and universal one-dimensional physical system on the boundary.
Given our notions, we would have m-valued monetary-currency units (think: µTm pricing) moving over pencils of n-skew parallels as hyperbolic geodesics, the band-pass properties of the given µTm-LETS currency being realized via the waveguide resonators embodied in the values stacked upon the currency-unit base-state, transactions involving those stacked values processed by Lukasiewiczian analog computers.
Notice that the issue of self-reference is upfront in the traditional 1T2-only-lawfare determinations that self-trading cum wash trading and stock parking arrangements are illegal: the upfrontness being explicit in the first two; implicit and contextual in the last, where questions of identity-or-distinctness are involved, e.g., when the parking attendant is a spouse or other family member. However, incorporation of quantum-based technologies (such as those employed in algorithmic trading by the quants, flash-boy high-frequency trading, blockchained mining of cryptocurrencies; as, moreover, used in the shadow-banking sector, in dark pools, on the deep-cum-dark overlay networks of the internet, by high-tech plausibly-deniable-proprietary corporations of government agencies, by elements of the shadowy parapolitical pathocratic deep state) has induced revisions of the illegality determinations regarding self-cum-wash-trading and parking -- these revisions, even though the extant technologies remain still 1T2-only and prospective so-called quantum computing is currently approached in such manner as to produce faster 1T2-only machines, with associated AI construed 1T2-only (think, for instance, of the newfound chatbot ChatGPT and its potential impact on education, education understood, not as conceived in Summerhill free school, but as prescriptive enculturation-socialization, indeed, understood indoctrination under dictates of the Woke American distributed, i.e., no single text, Kokutai no Hongi, wherein the doctrine of uses will spawn the question With this, what need for the teacher?, and later, With this, what need for the student?). But contemplate evolution, under a different doctrine of uses, of ChatGPT unto ChatGPT5.0 as integral to holographic techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt (cf. metacognitive capacities subtended by self-developed metarepresentations that inform an agent about its own internal states, a hypothesis tendered in Know thyself: Metacognitive networks and measures of consciousness, Antoine Pasquali and Bert Timmermans and Axel Cleeremans, Cognition, 117, 2010, pp. 182-90) as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS transactions and AI-bot-assisted trading 5.0 of financial instruments denominated in µTm-LETS currencies. I note that the Point-E elaboration of DALL-E (good offices of Andrew Tarantola, 20 December 2022) is a major step towards development of an interactive holographic display (intersection of appropriately phased laser beams outside the visible spectrum produce a point of visible light) for the computerized and biofeedback-equipped isolation-flotation Lilly tank which I believe to be prerequisite to evolution-thru-use of techno-exteriorized Musculpt as metalanguage and maths notation (IMHO, Elon Musk would accomplish more by focusing his attention on Musculpt, rather than upon Twitter). Point-E (see Point-E: A System for Generating 3D Point Clouds from Complex Prompts, Alex Nichol, et al., arXiv, 16 December 2022) makes possible simulation and studies of Wheelerian Borel-set pre-pregeometry bucket of dust qua Sri Aurobindo's warm-golden dust qua Jane Roberts' Sethian coordination points. As regards inner-Musculpt, I quote from the abstract to Anirban Bandyopadhyay's outline of his book entitled Nanobrain: The Making of an Artificial Brain from a Time Crystal, CRC Press, 2020 (thanks be to Julia Jus for bringing this book to my attention: I find myself initially most drawn to Chapter 2, entitled Replacing Turing Tape with a Fractal Tape: Fractal Information Theory [FIT] & Geometric Musical Language [GML]), to wit:
It will be a revolutionary journey of mankind exploring a science where one cannot write an equation, a material will vibrate like geometric shape, and then those shapes will change to make decisions. Geometry of silence plays like a musical instrument to mimic a human brain; our thoughts, imagination, everything would be a 3D shape playing as music; composing music would be the brain's singular job. For a century, the Turing machine ruled human civilization; it was believed that irrespective of complexity all events add up linearly. This book is a thesis to explore the science of decision-making where events are 3D-geometric shapes, events grow within and above, never side by side. The book documents inventions and discoveries in neuroscience, computer science, materials science, mathematics and chemistry that explore the possibility of brain or universe as a time crystal. The philosophy of Turing, the philosophy of membrane-based neuroscience and the philosophy of linear, sequential thought process are challenged here by considering that a nested time crystal encompasses the entire conscious universe.
Well, while I've been into inner-Musculpt since childhood experiences of Shinto-related states of participation mystique, Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, circa 1953-6, I certainly have no transhumanist interest in introjecting nanoenbrained biosynthetic substances as addUvent, uh, uh, adjuvant to BCI brain-computer interface -- no voluntary Neuralink for my I/im; if developed for use by the impaired, hard to see it or facsimiles thereof not being misused, given the prevailing and prospective politico-military climate. All the more so, as I ask, Everett's early interest in self-referential propositions got lost under the influence of Wheeler-Bohr and peer pressure? Wheelerian It from bit being quintessentially drawn from the philosophy of Turing. One self-referential Iambe concealing from other self-referential Iambes what it self-referentially realized: sort of like the hiding involved in off-market trading. To my mind, pre-thermal time crystals correlate with our notion of 2nd-order temporal CURL; many-body localized time crystals, with 3rd-order temporal CURL. On that basis alone, I would speculate that overcoming the 'melting' of time-crystalline order will not be achieved experimentally with 2-state qubits; only with n-state [mu}its. The same could be asserted with respect to experimental realization of body temperature (rather than a fraction above absolute zero: good offices of Keith Cooper, 'Time crystals' work around the laws of physics , SPACE.com, 11 June 2022) time-crystalline order, e.g., similar to that which we believe characterizes the pi-electron parcels of DNA's superconductant pi-electron-gas many-body-localized core-environment via operator-timed and temporal CURLed (that is: the quantum harmonic oscillator is periodic in time, rather than in space) radiation-exchange processes at helix-coil transition. Returning now to the first assertion made above, consider the proposition that protecting illegality-determinations, vis-à-vis self-trading and the like, as being lawfair has been a subliminal factor in the mass formation syndrome qua prolonged psychotic break (and its consequences) -- that is: deep-structure mass psychosis; surface-structure extrinsic fraud inflicted upon mass-mind of the masses or a subset thereof -- involved with dissimulation of Schrödinger's 1925 m-valued wavefunction (with its implications for superintegration of subsystem-system-supersystem composites), such that m-valued logics understood in terms of µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency (in this one and only universe) have not actually been considered (Everettian 1T2-relative-states being transference-projected out there, away from in here, as other worlds of a multiverse), the probability-amplitudes interpretation being preferred because it leaves 1T2-only-logic, and its psychological-social-sexual-political-economic-military concomitants, unscathed (not to mention discounting the Schrödinger-m-valued superintegration that subverts the supposed classical limit). With the fuzzy-logic interpretation of Lukasiewicz-Post-µTm having placed m-valuedness in the gray area, whatever the area of application is found to be, no surprise is involved at recognition of the ever-increasing collective perception of moral turpitude associated to violation of any of the conventions that grew up around 1T2-only logic. The identity dyscrasia currently pandemic has many -- that's m, mind you -- self-antigenic dimensions. It is illogical, heh-heh-heh, to look for 1T2-logical cause-attractor relations in symptomatology of mass psychoses: being induced and informed by collective-unconscious -- that's The Unconscious as Infinite Sets -- regressed-archetypal processes, the mass formation has the self-referential µTm-logics of dreams where self-reference (see Self-reference as a principal indicator of complexity, Stefan Hempel and Ricardo Pineda and Eric Smith, Procedia Computer Science, 6, 2011, pp. 22-7) can involve similes, metaphors, tropes, avatars like the Jungian Anima figure in the male and the Jungian Animus figure in the female. My I/im would expand the m-self-reference (i.e., containing a term denoting [the code of] itself, which is to say self-reference by mention) of Self-Reference Upfront: A Study of Self-Referential Gödel Numberings, Balthasar Grabmayr and Albert Visser, arXiv, 12 August 2020, to µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-order-types of self-reference (with implications for µTm-lawfair). Notice that the Grabmayr-Visser elementary numbers (0, S, +, x) of their formalized language that describe the logical and arithmetic operations employed in Gödel numbering are basically the same as those employed by Gödel in making his proofs by using self-reference-as-a-1T2-[fall}a|cy to disprove 1T2-consistency-completeness. But would these 1T2-logical and 1T2-arithmetic operations be those to be employed in the numbering with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTmly-unto-CTC+ly-unto-C+TC+ly self-referential propositions? I do not see how this could be so. This demurral on my part relates to Jason Hadnot's 4 August 2021 question regarding the numbering of axioms in Gödel-numbering schemes. One tacit axiom is numerical self-sameness. Another, related but not so tacit, axiom is that there exists elemental discretes that are logically and arithmetically manipulable. Going from set-theoretic context to fuzzy-set-theoretic context to probabilistic fuzzy-lump-theoretic context (see (Quantum) Space-Time as a Statistical Geometry of Fuzzy Lumps and the Connection with Random Metric Spaces, Manfred Requardt and Sisir Roy, arXiv, 13 February 2001) doesn't really help solve this problem. The fuzzy in these disciplines is defined by a gray-scale (in the real interval [0,1], just like the various fuzzy-logic interpretations of Lukasiewicz-Post µTm-logics) membership function: it's truth-value construed a bivalent-binary matter of inclusion/exclusion, a degrees-of-membership notion that does not coalesce well with m-valued logics understood relative to µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Fuzzy is not good enough, as it's the set-lump that's fuzzy, not the element-qua-element of the set-lump, even if the single element be treated as a set-lump. Under the logics of relative-states of identity-transparency, there are no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct somewhats-discretes to be set-included-cum-lumped -- only non-selfsame identity-transparent whatnots in this or that order-type of relative-state. Note that Bandyopadhyay's Nanobrain avoids the necessity for algorithm or programming, relying instead on 3D shape playing as music. This suggests to my me, as my me's engagement with inner-Musculpt has all along suggested to my me, that the non-selfsame elementary numbers of the operations to be employed in numbering with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (e.g., of the vertices and bones of hyperbolic drum tympana; of the higher-temporal wave-property formants of the genetic language, starting with the Gödel numbers of DNA nucleotide-pair sequences, à la DNA coding and Gödel numbering, Argyris Nicolaidis and Fotis Psomopoulos, arXiv, 30 September 2019) would be µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-Musculpt operations, not 1T2-logic-arithmetic operations. And I have long believed that discovery of what those Musculpt operations are would be greatly facilitated by use of a biofeedback-equipped, computerized, isolation-flotation Lilly tank with interactive holographic display.
I found interesting and informative the lecture on the Penrose tiling given by the Perimeter Institute's Latham Boyle entitled The Penrose tiling, self-similar quasicrystals, and fundamental physics?, Fields Institute, Low Regularity Physics and Geometry Seminar, 10 August 2022 (reference to and link provided by Lauri Love). Boyle's discussion of differences between periodic, quasiperiodic, and aperiodic tilings was of particular interest, specifically how, with nested periodic tilings, construction/reconstruction of the nesting-foam can be accomplished from large to small, but not from small to large, because, in going from small to large, there are n-partitionings available that come into conflict as the attempt is made to build up the nesting-foam. This n-partitionings available, to my mind, is one issue upon which m-valued logics make their entry. Preservation of discrete scale invariance, symmetries local and invertible, while not 1T2ly-involutory in nested periodic tilings may be µTmly-involutory. When I wrote John A. Wheeler for the first time, circa 1976, about the nested-grid system for atmospheric cascade theory of tornadogenesis and my ideas about the wormhole mesh as the most-densely-packed sheet of the nesting-foam visualized as an equilateral-triangular qua hexagonal network, he wrote back suggesting that I contact Roger Penrose who was doing rigorous work in that area. So, I wrote Penrose at that time about the wormhole mesh understood as being a compaction of the nesting-foam to a multivalued reference space where values placed on the points of the decomposed sheets are stacked on the points of the composed most-densely-packed sheet. I did not receive a reply -- possibly because the idea was not algebraically formulated or sufficiently elaborated to be of interest. But much later, when I read Penrose's The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe, I wondered if that was the only reason for no reply, as there was no mention by Penrose of m-valued logics as being on the road to reality.
I quote from the Weather on Earth section of Big bang, black holes, dark matter, dark energy and why it all could be bullshit -- an alternative explanation of how the universe works, Checkmate1711 (note that the author did not give his name), telegra.ph, 8 November 2022 (reference and link provided good offices of Julia Jus):
The electrical model [as distinguished from the gravitational model], on the other hand, sees the Earth as part of a cosmic discharge process. The drive for all our weather phenomena comes from outer space.
Be aware that the paper Douglas A. Paine -- Cornell meteorologist and specialist in numerical forecast modeling of tornadogenesis -- presented to the June of 1974 McMaster University Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System conference was entitled The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena. There was much Paine had to say that paralleled on an abstract level what I had come to believe about the quantum properties of autogenic brain discharge activity -- and these parallels are what brought us together. This presentation by Paine to the Velikovsky conference is, by contrast, what brought Carl Sagan down so hard on him back at Cornell. Mainly through students shared by the two, increasingly, Paine was unable to teach in the classroom what he actually thought. Cascade theory of tornadogenesis is rooted in the notion that all our weather phenomena comes from outer space. But not solely by the electrical model. It is on the complex and hypercomplex angular momentum cascade level, the angular momentum handled in the terms of 3-fold temporal CURL, that the drive subsumes both the gravitational and electrical models. Quoting the Spacetime Del Operator and Temporal Curl section (which comes after the section entitled Atmospheric Analogue to Maxwell's Equations) of our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process:
We note from Eq 9 that the total time rate of change of i-cap, j-cap, and k-cap-components of relative vorticity is forced by the three-dimensional solenoid, divergence and curl of friction terms when the analytic perspective remains embedded within a particular spatial atmospheric volume defined by the x,y,z-coordinate system. However, from the aforegiven description of the cascade process, we have found that an additional degree of freedom must be available to this system in order for it to escape an otherwise inevitable infinite concentration of vorticity, kinetic energy, and mass within its finite spatial volume. The traditional view has been that friction would literally dissipate such a problem. But we have seen empirical evidence, such as that offered in the previous section, which suggests that natural systems have a far more elegant solution to the problem: i.e., the generation of coherent (acoustic) waves, which originate from the cascade of kinetic energy through the hydrodynamic spectrum. To mathematically codify this point of view, we add a gradient in time to the traditional gradients in space to define a first order spacetime del operator
This is an account of what later became known as an acoustic analogue to a black-hole computer. On the nested-grid system of the computerized, cascade-theoretical, tornadogenesis numerical forecast model, the infinite concentration would be seen to arise as the angular momentum cascade transpires through grids with smaller and smaller spacetime scales, i.e., smaller and smaller unit tiles. But this infinite concentration was empirically determined not to occur. Instead, multivalued coherent waves -- the infrasound equivalent to laser pulses, specifically acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes -- are vertically propagated (cf. Hawking radiation). I would further point out that the radiated multivalued coherent-wave pulses speak to the point of particular interest made in the Latham Boyle lecture on the Penrose tiling. Quoting my earlier-made comments thereupon:
Boyle's discussion of differences between periodic, quasiperiodic, and aperiodic tilings was of particular interest, specifically how, with nested periodic tilings, construction/reconstruction of the nesting-foam can be accomplished from large to small, but not from small to large, because, in going from small to large, there are n-partitionings available that come into conflict as the attempt is made to build up the nesting-foam. This n-partitionings available, to my mind, is one issue upon which m-valued logics make their entry. Preservation of discrete scale invariance, symmetries local and invertible, while not 1T2ly-involutory in nested periodic tilings may be µTmly-involutory.
The generated multivalued coherent waves are propagated through the nested-grid system, a periodic tiling, from smaller to larger scale levels, smaller unit tiles to larger unit tiles, and we speculated that the involved atmospheric processing is m-logically-valued.
Subs|u[ma}tion, uh, uh, subsumption of the electrical model and the gravitational model by the transcendental formal logics of the infinite, aka pre-pregeometry and pregeometry (most simply stated): time operates on space to generate form. Very generally, and non-technically, speaking, if Riemann's notion that the origins of electrical charge are lines of force trapped in the topology of space is substantially correct, and if, generally speaking, Einstein's notion that the origin of massenergy is spacetime curvature is substantially correct, then it is in whatever it is (not it from bit) that is responsible for geometrodynamics, aka topological transformations, that coalescence of the electrical and gravitational models is to be found. Ontologically-before superstrings and quantum loops are being-therehere, active time, as topological operator, aka complex-hypercomplex operator-time, fills the bill as agent responsible for geometrodynamics, the space operated upon being the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. The operations executed by active time so as to produce topological transforms are logical in nature, and constitute the modal [de}ductions possible and necessary within the transcendental formal logics of the infinite, and, cascade -- as cyclotomic decomposition of always all ways being-therehere MVRS --, via temporal CURL, by way of explicating the implicate layered transparent formal structure, C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm, of the logics transcendental to that 1T2. In context of these ideas, I've found reading into Steven James Bartlett's Critique of Impure Reason: Horizons of Possibility and Meaning, Autograph Editions, 2021, to be quite stimulating. Beyond his discussions of the differing orientations to modal logics (possibilities and necessities) taken by C. I. Lewis and Jan Lukasiewicz, substance of my demurrals from Bartlett's ideas is suggested by (1) my question: Is there an ultimate transcendental, i.e., pre-,pre-,pre-, ,C+, or does the non-orientability incumbent upon the reentry (the transcendental reentering itself through the immanent) dictated by 3rd-order dynamics preclude -- heh-heh-heh! -- such an ultimate?; and (2) regarding Bartlett's Section 5.4, my observation that: the ticket is removing agency, intention, action, and volition, not just from theory of reference, but foremost, and most importantly, from immediate ontic experience, by not saying 'I' to AIAV, this non-doing being the gateway -- Japanese ma sacred space, a gate to hold the Moon, uh, uh, e.g., the moon of Hoa Binh -- to no mind, i.e., no bivalent mind. G. I. Gurdjieff: Make moon in yourselves! The voluntary depersonalization involved in not saying 'I' to is obviously not a form of akrasia (lack of self-control) or acrasia (disinhibition) or cognitive dyscrasia, though prolonged cultivation thereof inculcates voluntary dissociation, which is not anything that the 'I' DID, uh, that's, well, dissociative identity disorder (and one can't find anything on the µTm-logics-of-relative-state-identity-transparency relative thereto: grok just why that is). Mankind in collective dissociative fugue: that's plausibly-reversible amnesia as regards Platonic anamnesis. Dilation of the memetime instant (memetime slowdown by increased baud-rate of consciousness) of Gurdjieffian self-remembering is a functional prerequisite to Platonic anamnesis of [mu}itically superposed I/im-higher-selves, this increased-baud-rate dilation necessitating the inner separation required to not say 'I' to incoming thoughts (à la Sri Aurobindo regarding roof-brain-chattered inner talking as encompassing a corpus of demonic asuras intent upon psychotropic invasion and possession), the requisite inner-separation being sustainable only by differential relaxation of the small extraocular and laryngeal muscles to near-zero action-potential (residual tension in these two muscle groups carrying, according to Edmund Jacobson's electromyographic studies, the associations tape-looped and expressed as roof-brain chatter). Physicists who do not cultivate voluntary dissociation have no GUTS. Heh-heh-heh.
Going for the GUT, the latest track for ruling out [1T2-] paradoxical states, a track encapsulated by the slogan cum rubric history matters (the rubric aspect involving use of Feynman's path integrals as a substitute for Schrödinger's-m-values dissimulated), is expounded upon in Physicists Rewrite a Quantum Rule That Clashes With Our Universe, Charlie Wood, Wired, 10 December 2022. So, in getting around the limitations imposed by unitarity (which is epiphenomenal to the probability-amplitude dysterpretation of the m-valued statefunction of Schrödinger's memetime-dependent equation), they choose to remain memetime-bound (not focusing on the meaning of the m-valuedness incorporated into Schrödinger's memetime-independent equation), and locked-on to homogenized isotropic ponderablespace (no laminations of LSTD tilings, uh, limited spacetime domains, 1T2ly reflecting fractality of the reference space: making a more and more accurate distance measurement on a Koch curve, how does that work out?), these two choices mandating, if not altogether dictating, conformity to an expanding universe in conflict with straight-up orthogonal unitarity plotted on a circle, an expansion that can be reconciled with unitarity by carrying the circle to a sphere, by, moreover, adding more and more spatial dimensions to the Hilbert space representation of the infinite number of possible combinations of the infinite number of probability amplitudes a quantum somewhat can possibly exhibit-occupy -- this glutamatergic choice for additional dimensions of modal possibility being in lieu of ketaminergically ditching (cf. Satori) memetime understood as an objective, passive, past-present-future passing, referential, linear-time dimension, and in lieu of ketaminergically opting for a µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-logics interpretation of the m-valued statefunction of the Schrödinger equation in its 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-order forms understood relative to topologically-active operator-time. Taking the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, as Cantorian fractal in nature (~P probability amps over 1T2-only Hilbert space), it has to be wondered if the red shift, Doppler interpreted to universe expansion, has anything to do with the autogenic shift from µTm-relative-state to 1T2-observer-state whereupon definability of memetime becomes a modal possibility <> and a glutamatergic necessity []: that is 1T2ly speaking, so to speak, of the Lukasiewiczian conditions of basic modal logic, []P >>> ~<>~P.
The below-linked paper is no explication of a direct approach to inner-Musculpt symformphonie holographically techno-exteriorized as mathematical notation, but it is a salient projected in the general direction thereof: quoting from the abstract to From fractal-Cantorian classical music to the symphony of the standard model of high energy particles physics, Leila Marek-Crnjac and M. S. El Naschie, Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 15:3, 4 November 2019:
we believe that we were able to uncover an entire spectrum of scale invariant fractal Cantorian space-time manifolds starting from Einstein's D = 4 space-time and continuing via Kaluza-Klein D = 5, Superstring D = 10, Witten's M-theory D = 11 and Vafa's F-theory D = 12 to reach some tantalizing connections to the standard model of high energy particle physics as well as Arnold Schoenberg's twelve tone music. Our quantitative mathematical analysis depends in a crucial way on the golden mean number system of E-Infinity theory which implies not only a real possibility of a theory of everything unifying all fundamental forces, but goes also far beyond that, suggesting a unification of facts and values, i.e., Science and Art, encompassing music, poetry and philosophy.
Given that the connections made here are striking, even so, I do not feel that the matrices employed in dodecaphonic art music composition are adequate to holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt; inspiration in that respect is more likely to come from: Iannis Xenakis' 1963 Formalized Music (the musical form of a piece composed thereby [see pp. 6-11] constituting the basis for the architectural form of the Philips Pavilion at the 1958 Brussels World Fair; studies in the Topology of Musical Data, Ryan Budney and William A. Sethares, Journal of Mathematics and Music, 8:1, 19 October 2013 (particularly of point clouds, an important aspect of Xenakis' formalization); the points and bones, tiling tessellations, and superimpositionings of Dmitri Tymoczko's orbifold chord geometries; Euler's equilateral-triangular qua hexagonal nesting-foam Tonnetz musical-diagram toroidal-unto-KleinBottle covering space as inspiration concerning the Musculpting of Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space (see Why Topology?, Dmitri Tymoczko, Journal of Mathematics and Music, 14:2, March 2020); Tonnetz generalized to Zeitnetze time nets that may lead into the Musculpting of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock (see Generalized Tonnetz and Zeitnetz, and the Topology of Music Concepts, Jason Yust, Journal of Mathematics and Music, 14:2, March 2020); Guerino Mazzola's topos of music understood such that immanent hearable music is com[pre}hended as demerging Musculpturally from transcendental domains through the presheaf topos of the category of modules over some ring (good offices of Alan Smithee), i.e., composer as registrar; the Schenkerian-Stockhausenian notion of tonal space being composed of the empty intervals between the tones, not of the tones themselves (form as a matter of the in-betweens; music, like matter in General Relativity, being nothing given shape [by topologically-active operator-time acting through the composer ego-emptied sufficiently as to become a fair witness registrar qua amanuensis to the collective unconscious]). Indeed, space as amalgam of empty intervals resonates well with the notion that the pre-quantum particle and the pre-quantum wave may be best described as a multi dimensional zero set and empty set respectively in stringent mathematical terms (cf. null-vector defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of n-skew-parallels as geometric expression of µTm-logically-valued superstrings, these notions taken together going quite some distance toward providing a semantic interpretation of higher-valued logics, as per reference to Steven James Bartlett's discussions in Critique of Impure Reason: Horizons of Possibility and Meaning, Autograph Editions, 2021), to quote the abstract to The Hydrodynamics of Quantum Spacetime , Leila Marek-Crnjac and M. S. El Naschie, Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 17:1, 22 October 2020. This paper is so cascade-theory-of-tornadogenesis-DouglasA.Paine-like as to take my breath away! I can't remember when I first used the term music-sculpture, but that was well before I met Paine in 1974. Paine, during 1975, made the term a computer-execution instruction relative to the Paine-Kaplan cascade-theoretical, multiscale, nested-grid, numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis: Musculpt -- by reference to the m-valued acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode infrasound signaturing, of theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature surfaces, which constellates during vertically-propagated, pinch-effected, helix-form jet-ejections. I quote The Cascade Concept section of our 1977 General Process paper:
Following Prandtl's fundamental description of turbulence, we begin with the premise that macroscale momentum sources drive microscale momentum sinks by evolving intermediate or mesoscale processes. This point of view implies that macroscale data sets contain information about the evolution and structure of smaller-scale phenomena, which may be numerically simulated -- provided the governing equation set remains unfiltered with regard to accelerations (and, more elaborately, time rates of change of acceleration).
Now, I again quote from the abstract to The Hydrodynamics of Quantum Spacetime :
This new theory is anchored in the hydrodynamical paradigm first introduced by L. Prandtl in his famous boundary layer theory. In addition, the original ideas of L. Prandtl are expanded to encompass and combine with ideas from von Neumann-Connes pointless noncommutative geometry, Penrose-like fractal tiling cosmology, E-infinity Cantorian theory and the platonic golden mean number system based transfinite set theory.
While in our view fractal-Cantorian spacetime (see A short history of fractal-Cantorian space-time, L. Marek-Crnjac, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41, 2009, pp. 2697-2705) as precursor (measurement on a Koch curve, where every distance however short is infinite, thus each number numbering a distance is infinite, is still only 1T2-logical; how, then, define concepts of spatial separation under, say, µTm logics, whereunder relative-states of identity-transparency apply to shadow banking of LSTDs, limited spacetime domains?) to ponderablespace and memetime is all well and good, still, my I/im regard(s) the augmented-reality invisibility cloak as a 1T2-logical techno-ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of fractal-Cantorian space-time under C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm logics, the additional information for multi-level full-spectrum cloaking coming with the higher values of the logics superordinate to that 1T2.
Only if Time Must Have A Stop can Be here now! (good offices of Jonah Gelfand, Tikkun, 29 June 2022) be an efficacious injunction -- now being a Dedekind cut of the real-numerated-directed timeline, a cut separating past from future, a cut making-taking-arrowing dilation into a stopover gap insofar as the requisite consciousness force (to employ Sri Aurobindo's terminology) is brought to bear. It is in claiming that time has no stop (good offices of Daniel Barker, Futurism, 20 February 2014) that science is its most anti-spiritualistic. It's not that an objective, passive, passing, referential linear-time has a stop; rather, given topologically-active operator-time's 3-fold temporal CURL, it's memetime that has a stop at the absolute limiting velocity of cognition of propriocepts-percepts by glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched molecular-cellular brain of the prescriptively-enculturated-socialized binary-mind. Once upon a memetime, space was understood as existing whole; whilst, it was time that was comprehended as extending itself: so, my other-Iambes (the avatars of which apparently being made effortlessly available by alterations of intra-neuronal electron-transport processes, such that vague shadows of higher-temporal formants [Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes?] become momentarily available to consciousness of binary-mind, alterations induced -- it is now reported by our psychonauts [good offices of Justin Higginbottom, TRN, 3 January 2023: the psychonaut Lawrentz says, For my belief system, I really believe that these entities are parts of myself] -- at ingestion-assimilation of exogenous N,NDimethyltryptamine [for authoritative detailing of pharmacokinetics and mechanisms of action of DMT, exogenous and endogenous, see here, good offices of Theresa M. Carbonaro and Michael B. Gatch, Brain Research Bulletin, 126, part 1, September 2016, pp. 74-88]) wouldn't say that Einstein's relativity theory spatialized time; rather, that it temporalized space, such that each of the 3 dimensions of space, in an expanding universe, has a past, present, and yet-to-be-realized future. Putting aside the question as to what sort of whatnot this spacetime is expanding into: well, I mean, since exclusionary 2-valued 0-1 logic, and not rotational tai-chi 2-valued yin-yang logic (where 0 becomes 1, and 1 becomes 0), is required for definition of the Lorentzian-manifold subtype of the pseudo-Riemannian-manifold subtype of the Riemannian manifold used for specifying the properties of the spacetime of general relativity under the equivalence principle of gravitation and spacetime curvature (special relativity employing the Minkowski-spacetime subtype of the Lorentzian manifold), it hardly seems right to abandon the in-out duality of logical bivalence in wondering what it is spacetime expands into. That out there can't rightly be collections of zero points, can it? Uh, uh, zero points of pixelated spacetime insofar as the binary-mind is concerned -- not pre-pregeometry whatnot-points with µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logical-values stacked upon each such. And if a vacuum plenum, what, 1T2ly speaking, contains that vacuum in such manner as to maintain the vacuum state, insofar as the notion maintain requires the associated notion time, or at least duration, which couldn't ontologically-yet exist, given that spacetime expansion hasn't existentially-yet eaten the whole of the vacuum plenum which presumably exists whole like space was once upon a memetime thought to exist. It is the role of c, the absolute limiting velocity, to temporalize space: c is a conversion factor changing timelike to spacelike, locally and globally, but, nonetheless, once the universe is construed expansive, space is made timelike. Think of c as max slope in context of thinking of cascade-theoretical decomposition-demergence and recomposition-remergence relative to derivative and integral: the following-linked two discussions of elementary calculus are helpful, i.e., What does area [space] have to do with slope [time]? and Integration and the fundamental theorem of calculus. The absolute limiting velocity, c, is also a conversion factor between energy and mass: c = minus/plus the square-root of E over m (where, to our way of thinking, minus indicates presence of the memetime-independent downward-cascade-demergent decomposition of the MVRS m-logically-valued reference space, and plus indicates presence of the memetime-independent upward-cascade-remergent recomposition of the MVRS). Be aware that energy is a rather nebulous no-stuff-no-thing defined concept, where Noether's theorem ties it (good offices of Enrico Hendro) to conservation and symmetry under memetime translation, but is most simply understood as a constant of integration (good offices of Daniel Merthe), this constant expressing an ambiguity inherent in the construction of antiderivatives. Hmm, and I once thought -- digging trees alone in the field -- that my energy was my ability to do work! Demergence and remergence, in our scheme, involves 3-fold temporal CURL (which subtends Noether's time-translation-related conservation and symmetry: see our discussion of the relativity of conservation laws in the Multivaluedness, Self-Reentry, Non-Orientability, and Hyparxis section of our 1977 General Process paper. As Ethan Siegel points out in The Three Meanings of E=mc^2, Einstein's Most Famous Equation, Forbes, 23 January 2018: The full and general relationship, then, for any moving object, isn't just E=mc^2, but E^2=m^2c^4 + p^2c^2 (where p is momentum). We address this in our General Process paper (see the Topological Connectivity and the Cascade Concept and Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Complex Angular Momentum Cascade sections for a discussion in simple terms of the basic ideas involved, which, were they ever elaborated, would become highly complex mathematically) where we discuss E, E-dot, and E-double-dot relative to angular-momentum cascade dynamics in terms of hierarchies of c, c-dot, and c-double-dot understood scale-relative absolute limiting velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of acceleration of nested LSTDs, limited spacetime domains (cf. fractal-Cantorian spacetime). The p of the equation Siegel provides, like E, m, and c, would be dotted and double-dotted. In context of cascade dynamics, the p denotes complex and hypercomplex angular momentum, handled as the 3-fold temporal CURL which topologically-active operator-time induces at each critical-state scale-level transition by analog execution of µTm-logically-valued propositions which can be understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency. We are speaking here of nesting-foams in transfinites, referred to logically as CTC+-unto-C+TC+. The Planck limiting time (for discussion of origins, see What is the Planck time?, Andrew May, Space [heh-heh-heh!], 6 January 2022) obviously appertains to the 1T2-only-construed universe whereupon absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct instants of a linear-time regarded objective are definable; the same appertainment, less obviously, for the Planck limiting distance (cum Planck mass, volume: see Domino Valdano's discussion of How was Planck length discovered? for chicken and egg relation of Planck length and Planck constant; then try to imagine what happens to the chicken and the egg when it is realized that Planck's constant is m-valued under µTm-logic over the nesting-foams of LSTDs of fractal-Cantorian spacetime, there being no classical limit and all LSTDs subject to quantum-relativity principles due to J.G.Bennettian µTm-skew-parallelism subtending Heisenberg 1T2-only uncertainty) whereupon spatial separations between absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct places are crisply definable and numerable with selfsame numbers.
The µTm-LETS conception involves a number of types of nesting cum superimposition cum stacking cum superposition: (1) the indicator-cum-measurable fine-grain-tagged m-value-stack en[sheaf}ment (see, for the best intro: A Very Elementary Introduction to Sheaves, Mark Agrios, arXiv, 25 February 2022: as regards internalization of externalities by such m-value-stacks, think on Agrios' Fig. 1) on the µTm-LETS currency-unit base-state; (2) the nesting-foams of tessellated µTm-LETS-currency areas defined over changing quasi-fractal e-boundaries; (3) the holographic-principle mapping of internal bureaucratic variables upon changing quasi-fractal e-boundaries; (4) the µTm-logics employed to process the m-values stacked on currency units undergoing lateral and vertical transactions; (5) the unitas-bancor-type quantum-composite -- of all µTm-LETS currencies -- employed as the global unit of account: absolutely necessary, for otherwise some currency-unit en[sheaf}ment values would not transact; (6) the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock compacted on the MVRS m-logically-valued reference space as functors of the quantum-composites of the varied commodity backings of each and all µTm-LETS currencies; (7) the Mn, actually Musculpted Mnk, leaves-type dynamical system (quoting the link: If one reserves the term 'phase space' for the totality of all states of a dynamical system, one may say that, in the general case, the phase space is not a Euclidean space, but rather a differentiable manifold ) spatial and temporal cascade/reverse-cascade transformational foliations unfolding and enfolding as currency transactions book between micro and macro actors, local currency-area-specific distributed ledgers and nesting scale-relative distributed ledgers and the global MVRS distributed ledger -- the submersion-immersion foliation graph of the µTm-LETS subsystem-system-supersystem composite reentering itself non-orientably under 3rd-order dynamics. As regards the data gathered vis-à-vis indicator-measurables tagged to objects called sheaves placed upon µTm-LETS currency-unit base-state, I am presently attempting to read into Sheaf Theory as a Foundation for Heterogeneous Data Fusion, Seyed M-H Mansourbeigi, Ph.D. dissertation, Utah State U., 2018. Not only do internet links rot, boundaries become outdated, as per example: The Borders Between US States Are Obsolete, Ryan McMaken, ZeroHedge reposting from The Mises Institute, 7 January 2023. As regards µTm-LETS tessellated currency areas, the quasi-fractal e-boundaries of which would be changing, I am trying to ascertain what utility there is to µTm-LETS theory in the notion of cobordism. Puzzling, I've been, over the possibility that light may be shed on the idea of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock and 3-fold topologically-active operator-time by consideration of Proper Time Foliations of Lorentz Manifolds, D. H. Delphenich, arXiv, 20 November 2002. And I've found that, in the context of my focus, and even though the jelly and the logic remain bivalent, the next most interesting computer processor development after the extended analog Lukasiewiczian machine is the possibility of an infinite-iteration fractal-logic-gel processor fashioned of an ensemble of An organic jelly made fractal logic gate with an infinite truth table, Subrata Ghosh and Daisuke Fujita and Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Nature Scientific Reports, 5, article number 11265, 18 June 2015.
1T2 µTm I/im double-digit midget I/in CTC+ Tzog-chen 1 2nk
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