µTm Scenarios, T46(M)
I note that what constitutes the (Hausdorff condition (designated T2: i.e., that there exist distinct neighborhoods of distinct points) in definition of a topological space precludes µTm-logical relative-state identity-transparency (no Buddhological compassion found here!) and is, thus, epiphenomenal to employment of 1T2-only-logic alone; indeed, this observation applies to all types of topological space conforming to any of the separation axioms T0 thru T6. The quantum nonlocality-inseparability explicit in the m-valuedness of the statefunction of the Schrödinger wave equation clearly suggests that µTm-logical Hilbert spaces of Musculpt manifold, M, would not abide by the separability axioms. If [eco}nomic value -- in terms of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock (think: chronotopologies) -- be construed a measure of the ability to integrate the subsystem-system-supersystem composite, then representation of whatsoever given m-value in the universal quantum-composite unit of account may be indicated in the foliation of the Musculpt manifold as the plaque-chain length spanned by the µTm-valued price (the plaque chain -- a transversal of the plaques over tangent leaves of the µTm-LETS foliation -- is an upgrade of the 1T2-only-cryptocurrency [including CBDCs] block chain, block chain, that is, as embedded in the Musculpt manifold). In this conception, while memetime would be indicated in the Riemannian structure, time qua time, understood as 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (Pauli-Paine topo-active optime), would be the pregeometry logical operator memetime-independently (think: the m-values of the statefunction of the time-independent Schrödinger equation) executing the decomposition demerging the foliation. Compaction under counter-temporal operations would take the plaque-chain length to a Gödel-numbered Gödel number (numbering a pre-pregeometry dust mote of the Wheelerian bucket of dust dusting the most-densely-covered sheet) on the MVRS -- m-logically-valued reference space of the Musculpt manifold -- over which the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock would be plotted, such that every transaction on the foliation, of whatsoever logical-value, would be referenced to some time-shape of total capital stock as compiled relative to the varied commodity backings of the corpus of µTm-LETS currencies in nesting-foam foliation. As regards decomposition C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, we speak of a transversality condition involving logically and topologically demerged-immersed foliated foliations, the most decomposed being that 1T2-only. Under 3rd-order Pauli-Paine topo-active optime/counter-optime, the nested foliations are self-reentrant such that the Musculpt manifold is a hyperKleinBottle nesting foam. As regards memetime-independent counter-optime-executed recomposition, think of Gödel numbering the Gödel numbers on the suspension foliations (the transversivity in our chronotopological case would relate to the imaginary and hypercomplex folds executed by 3-fold topo-active optime at memetime-independent cascade and reverse cascade dynamics) of an n-torus; then think of the n-torus being taken to a hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam: cogitate upon this with the understanding that the involved cuts-twists-pastes are topological representations of the counter-temporal operations executing Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-unto-CTC+-valued logical propositions dusting the MVRS (cf. Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind). The MVRS, then, is the compaction of the atlases of the foliations of the hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam foliation. If this be considered a compaction of the foliation of foliated fiber bundles, then the Gödel-numbered Gödel number of the plaque-chain length transverse to the fibrations on the covering space is directly correlated to the first-return memetime which is a topological signification of the minimum memetime for spontaneous localization within the given dynamical regime, localization to the 1T2-only foliation (as viewed by a 1T2ly-separated and memetime-bound observer referencing to ponderable 3-space, not referencing to the complex and hypercomplex spaces required under 3-fold topo-active optime). It would be accurate to say, I believe, that the collective unconscious is the cosmic consciousness of the collective, direct ontic access to which is suppressed by prescriptively enculturated-socialized and glutamatergically-anchored reliance upon 1T2-only-logic alone.
There was vague awareness on my part that John A. Wheeler was into the notion of self-reference, Escher's hands drawing each other, the snake eating its own tail, and so on, but I did not know until recently that he carried self-referential reflexivity into his ideas concerning pregeometry as calculus of propositions (see: Local and Global Properties of the World, Jacques Demaret and Michael Heller and Dominique Lambert, arXiv, 22 May 1997; and Geometry, pregeometry and beyond, Diego Meschini and Markku Lehto and Johanna Piilonen, arXiv, 10 August 2006). Frankly, I'm a bit surprised to learn of this aspect of Wheeler's thought, given his polite negative reaction to our 1977 General Process paper with its discussion of the 3rd-order of three-fold topo-active optime/counter-optime (back then referred to as active time) cum out-of-hand dismissal of our contention that notions like self-referential reentry have expressions in dynamical meteorology. Wheeler's discounting of our general process ideas was disappointing: the classical limit was clearly to remain unassailable, despite physical evidence to the contrary. His letter of response arrived at Prof. Paine's Trumansburg farmstead during September of 1977 while I was in Kyoto presenting Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge to a psychosomatic medicine conference, the paper where within the notion of superconductant DNA pi-electron gas (not superconductivity along sugar-phosphate backbone, conductivity there through being studied with intercalation-cum-pendant donors) was first broached. Consider the following drawn from our General Process paper: The determined relations in the multivalued reference space would correspond to the pregeometry. Then click on the decomposable multivalued reference space link, an amplification provided in the last section of that paper when it was first posted to the internet during 1996. Incidentally, the MOON website has been on the net continuously since 1996 and the M-Valued LETS website has been up continuously since 2000.
The authors of the paper entitled Foliations by curves on threefolds, arXiv, 2 August 2021, i.e., Alana Cavalcante and Marcos Jardim and Danilo Santiago, assume enough on part of the reader that I am able to take away very little understanding of their paper's content. I can, and have, read some small distance into background on a few of the terms employed in text, but, nonetheless, I still can get only the general gist of the subject addressed. And yet, I note that a quadric hypersurface is a representational expression of a quadratic equation, and that our canonical equations, given here and here, are quadratic quantum harmonic oscillator equations written in terms of 2-fold temporal CURL, such that the implied quadric hypersurfaces may well be characterized in this Cavalcante-Jardim-Santiago paper, if said quadric hypersurfaces be understood relative to chronotopology, not spatial dynamics. It should be noted that, in our conception, the dynamics inducing the 3rd-order fold carry the surface into itself in the fashion of the non-orientable fiber bundle known as the Klein bottle, such self-referential reentries logically expressing as higher-temporal Lukasiewicz-Post overtone sheaves of the m-valued fibration constellating the foliation of Musculpt manifold, M. Consider this assertion on my part to be a neophyte's pitiful attempt to penetrate technical aspects of what a mature VirFut Q-Pro would entail. It is by the self-referential property of the whole whole that the identity-transparent parts holographically map on the boundary-without-boundary internal-subsystem-system-supersystem states, the m-valued statefunction of which codifying the quantum potential -- i.e., identity-transparency qua Buddhological compassion -- constellated as driver of the processes of autopoiesis and self-organization (think, for instance: magic hand of the markette, which has a low level of self-organizational competency when employing 1T2-only-monies -- crypto or no -- alone; my µTm notions of Layered Money are far and away different from those of Nik Bhatia). Then, in context of the µTm-logical fibrations of the chronotopolocal formants of DNA's pi-electron-gas quadric-hypersurface quantum-waveform foliation of foliations, the question, Why is this happening? immediately comes to mind. Karen Kingston didn't answer that question when tendered by Greg Hunter; she doesn't know why. I have no way to verify or disprove Kingston's claims to my or anyone else's satisfaction, but what she describes is consonant with expectations I've long cultivated. For decades -- ever since contemplation-of-imports, ratiocination, that is, upon my 1975 first reading in Cornell's Mathematics Library of Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics -- I've been arguing (see, for instance: Echo of the Mockingbird) that by the mid-19th century, in back reaction to 1T2-only implications of N. H. Abel's 1823 Impossibility Theorem, there was a collective unconscious decision for human species self-annihilation: Give me simple-identity or give me death! The steel door on the collective [cog}native slammer has been shut and bolted for a long, long memetime. The behavioral dynamics of collective psychosis are not governed by 1T2-only logic; they play out in a manner similar to nightmarish dream imagery, the Trickster archetype assuming the role of orchestrator. Conversion-disorder displacements and compensatory abreactions multiply like fruit flies. Moreover, ever since the late-'70s I've been adamantly opposed to all forms of genetic engineering because such engineering is based upon the mistaken notions that: (1) the genetic code is a single-level encipherment conforming to conventions of 1T2-only logic; and (2) the quantum-wave properties of DNA-RNA have no significant biological functions. Lah-dee-dah! Ain't no exiguous genetic gallimaufry -- so we'll jus' create such like on our own account by which to assume control over identity qua identity and assign it as we damn well please so as to direct evolution according to diktats of our own [omni}science. Heh-heh-heh! EM nanoparticles, y'say? 5+G, y'say? DNA-RNA pi-electron gases responsive to ambient EM fields in extremely narrow frequency-response windows? Hmmm. As regards the operator-timed atmospheric canonical equation and likely associated quadric hypersurfaces (maybe even some theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces, eh -- and their m-valued infrasound signatures), another why-type question comes to mind, particularly in view of the recent Mississippi tornado outbreaks. Why buried, the Paine-Kaplan, quantum-relativistic, operator-time formulated, cascade-theoretical, nested-grid, computerized numerical-forecast model of tornadogenesis run with historical data sets on the USAF's and NASA's then biggest mainframes, circa early-to-mid-1970s? Reliably -- so I was told by D. A. Paine -- forecasted tornado outbreaks 12 hours in advance on the 1km grid. Despite demonstrations, this model was never tested by the NWS with realmemetime data because the notion deterministic chaos maintains that such forecasting is impossible, a notion which strongly links detailing of the spatial field with efficacy at prediction. Was that the only reason why the model was buried? What's the collective-unconscious unto individual-subliminal agenda motivating the mythomaniacal obsession with chaos cum 1T2-only qua 2nk-fitness-landscape complexity theory? Landscape -- that's spatial, right. Have anything to do with how we spatially find, fix and finish animistic-pagan claims to multi-identity? Planck's greatest contribution to science: it is not necessary to detail the spatial field in order to make an accurate prediction; what is required is description of the governing elemental oscillator. Now carry unto extension that Planck insight vis-à-vis topo-active optime and temporal CURL. And further -- with respect to CTC+-unto-µTm-logical relative-state identity-transparency as the quantum potential driving autopoiesis and self-organization.
Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers are probably adequate for implementation of full-blown µTm-valued LETS nesting-foams. As regard the BigBang/BigCrunch, and analogous nested cascade-related processes of nature, understood relative to 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) -- not passive, passing, referential, linear memetime -- p-adicity, while necessary, is clearly not sufficient: complex and hypercomplex numbers raised to appropriate powers (as involves factorization, not curves, of whatever sort: Musculpted 3D colored-sounded forms, e.g., theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature-surface saddles, conformal mappings of nested vesica-piscis lenses) surely are required (lacunarity [singularities, gaps on a natural boundary: complex and hypercomplex exponentiation of the exponentiated exponent] of involved power series -- the cognitive equivalent being paroxystic phenomena of EEG [thank you Dr. Thien T. Nguyen] without loss of consciousness -- are indicative of close approach to a logical-value-order-type transition, a transition construed in 1T2-only calculus as a limit: this condition of the human condition tells us a lot about dynamics of childhood resistance to glutamateric pruning-anchoring of prescriptive enculturation-socialization, now don't it, eh what!). The quantum neurology of the self-observation-facilitated interior distance between myself and my self(ves), I/im in infinite regress, will not be explicated until the m-valued statefunctions of Schrödinger's 3-fold wave-equation set -- two levels of nonlinearity -- are explored with µTm-unto-CTC+ Lukasiewicz-Post logics understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-value. Eulerian totient function of the relatively prime (cf. simple-identity) is, therefore, of but little interest. And when one thinks about the factorization problems associated with the resultant of multiplied primes, and views those cryptanalytic problems in relation to Gödel numbers where the factors are convergent/divergent power series of complex and hypercomplex numbers, then one gets a feeling for how thoroughly nature is into unbounded rationality (and, given the C+TC+-order-type of relative-state identity-transparency, perfectly symmetrical information: the question of "perfect information" being of central importance to any prospective decision to go from 1T2-only markets to µTm markets, to wit "Perfect Information", L. J. Mirman, in J. Eatwell and M. Milgate, and P. Newman, eds., Game Theory, The New Palgrave, Palgrave-Macmillan, 1989, which, unfortunately does not consider information under higher-valued logics). Just as absolute limiting values of dynamical variables are scale relative (e.g., absolute limiting velocities), hence there exist m-valued universal physical constants; so, nested asymmetries under higher and higher logical-value order-types are more and more symmetrical -- identity-transparency being the nature of relative-state. The multiply-immersed conservatarianism (order-types of conservation laws) of C+TC+ surely is not analogous to the 1T2-harmoniousness of perfect numbers -- superposition being no simple matter of mere sums. Were truth-valued-1T2 the only logical case, then AllThatIs the case would sum to a single selfsame number -- and hologramic relative-state identity-transparency would be moot. The 1T2-only tick-down-memetime upon which the Second Law of Thermodynamics is written don't never really measure up to first-order topo-active optime, y'know, the operations of which are apparent only to cognition registering µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ pro[position}ings -- or so one's I/im, heh-heh-heh (Who One Is can't be ascertained 1T2-only: in truth-values, [me}ontologically speaking, that is, heh-heh-heh!), must suppose, AllandEverything considered. Perspicacities, uh; proclivities, uh; Popperian propensities, uh -- probabilities having been the choice made: 1T2-only nature may subscribe to the Law of Parsimony; µTm nature, not so. Memetime-bound, so-called-quantumcomputers -- conceived relative to the probability dissimulation of the m-valued wavefunction -- might eventually be able to crack all 1T2-only encryptions, but they definitely won't decipher those encryptions µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+, these being the sorts of decrypts/encrypts cum decomps/recomps nature employs by means of 3-fold topo-active optime. While prime numbers (and correlated 2-state "quantum coins") may yield perfect secrecy insofar as bivalent-logic processors are concerned, why would nature so limit its processes? Can't even talk the talk, let alone walk the walk (Aye, 'e's a singular subalgebroid iff'in my I/im ever done seen one!): cryptomoney talks bivalence, whilst solitary walkabouts on boundaries-without-boundary spout the multivalue. Pythagorean Platonist qua Gnostic Hellenist that I am, I view the cyclotomic involutional BigBang decrypt as the cosmological case of amnesis; the [re}volutional BigCrunch recrypt, as anamnesis.
As a preface, let it be stated up front that our notions of (1) the roles played by the collective unconscious in arranging and staging memetime-bound historical processes, (2) Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time, and (3) Musculpt were not in any way initialized by drug induction (link: George Gessert reviewing Marcus Boon's The Road to Excess, Harvard, 2002). Nor do we believe that these notions began a process of schizophrenogenesis (though the following statement exhibits a lack of understanding of the relations between voluntary dissociation and µTm-valued logics, to wit, the mystic does not lose his sense of self completely; he retains his first-person perspective because otherwise the experience could not be experienced or reported, confidence in such a belief, i.e., no schizophrenogenesis, is raised by a reading of Mysticism and schizophrenia: A phenomenological exploration of the structure of consciousness in the schizophrenia spectrum disorders, Josef Parnas and Mads Gram Henriksen, Consciousness and Cognition, 43, July 2016, pp. 75-88, however much Hugh Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics may be regarded schizophreniform). Though our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, has been compared to The Magic Mountain (1924) and The Glass Bead Game (1943), we in no way, not even remotely, place ourselves in the same class as Thomas Mann and Hermann Hesse. Far from it. However, there is a certain commonality, as indicated by the following quotation concerning Mann and Hesse drawn from Theodore Ziolkowski's Forward to Das Glasperlenspiel (the 1990 Picador paperback edition, pp. vii-viii): Both authors were obsessed with what they regarded as the self-destructive course of modern civilization (relative to Mann, Ziolkowski is referring here primarily to Doctor Faustus, 1947: frankly, I don't see Mann as having had much insight as to deep-structure origins of WWII or the collective unconscious drivers of the German Nazification process -- though he did understand both as having had a run-up period of a century or more, which understanding is depth perception elaborated far beyond that of the maddening crowd and those academics whose work I've had the good fortune to access). As regards historiographic deep structure, I quote Christopher Lloyd's March 2009 Historiographic Schools:
In the history and sociology of ideas there is, then, a (usually implicit) meta-claim that a pattern of clustering is the consequence of some sort of deep structure within critical and creative intellectual thought. There seems to be reason to think that the deep structure is one that necessarily produces a non-linear pattern over long periods. The pattern seems to be the consequence, at the deeper level, of the forms of affinity or disaffinity
But the deep-structure pattern I am interested in is a collective unconscious event gradient, a gradient regressed-archetypally constellated. From the late-1970s, I've been arguing that by the mid-19th-century there had been a collective unconscious decision for human-species suicide due, not to identity politics cum gender politics and associated bodymods (that corpus of regressive activities collectively constitutes a ConveDD, a conversion-disorder displacement), but to hysterical back-reaction (by bleed-down from the creme de la creme of the intelli[gent}sia, a largely-subliminal amplification of unfocused existential anxiety in the masses) upon the metric of authenticity-cum-existentiality-cum-veracity-cum-corporeality-cum-substantiality challenges posed by higher mathematics and theoretical physics to the foundational notion of identity qua identity as a metaphysical category obsessed over ever since muscle-identified Hellenistic memetimes, particularly in the West: simple selfsame identity, the false claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, the insistence that I am me and only me. That is, boldly stated: Give me simple-identity or give me death! In Mann's Magic Mountain, one way in which this threat is evoked is with so-called multi-vocalism, whereby there is voice intermingling between characters; this constituting a stab at the relative-state identity-transparency depicted within the character pod narrated in The Moon of Hoa Binh, members of that pod conceivably having attended the same briefing for a descent into hell. Suicide of Homo sapiens sapiens is worse than institutionalization of Hollywood's planetarized global plum, worse than Spenglerian decline, worse than Unipolar Prison and a Digital Gulag (good offices of David Skripac, Off Guardian, 6 June 2023), but -- if one assumes failure, by the global leadership elite, the GLE, to achieve completion of the WEF agenda (a One Hundred Quadrillion Dollar Misunderstanding?), and WAGs a ten-percent human survival rate at cuspover, as I have done throughout the last four-plus decades -- not nearly so bad as several breeding pairs left at the poles, a Gaia lovelock if ever I've heard one. Clearly, the EU[dae}monistic goal to become the inn of six happinesses has not been achieved, and this failure Hesse foresaw as sure to be due to the actions of time, for ferocious Time devours everything, including [memetime-independent] eternity [as distinct from 'sempiternity', i.e., infinite extension of linear memetime]. Wolfgang Pauli originated the notion operator time (active time rigorously formalized -- and he quickly rejected his own idea, transmogrifying it, à la Bergsonian subjectivity [Time and Free Will, 1910], into Pauli-Jung synchronicity) at some point between appearance of Mann's The Magic Mountain and publication of Husserl's The Phenomenology of Internal Time Consciousness (1928): that was 15 years before Hesse's The Glass Bead Game came on the scene. The best the glutamate-etched binary-mind can do with temporality is introject memetimescapes such that the human time-step (individually, approximately a century; collectively, perhaps 160,000+ years) accurately places human being in nature as it is brushed into sumi-e paintings (Human figures and man-made things never avert your eyes from a painting's focal elements, such as a mountain, a waterfall, a tree, bamboo or an orchid , good offices of Giuseppe Signoritti, History of Sumi-e). Franz Brentano, writing for the most part before the 1905 advent of Special Relativity (though he did pen thoughts on time as late as 1915), can be largely forgiven for not considering the objective reality of time dilation in his explications concerning inner time consciousness; but not Husserl, writing a decade after the appearance of General Relativity. Indeed, Husserl's very notion absolute time-constituting flow could, in and of itself, be regarded an explicit and pointed rejection of Special Relativity. Well, I reject the [Husser}liana which rejects infinite regress in the temporal references of given-time (Husserl, the Absolute Flow, and Temporal Experience, Christoph Hoerl, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, LXXXVI:2, March 2013)
Every temporal appearance, after phenomenological reduction, dissolves into a flow. But I cannot perceive in turn the consciousness itself into which all of this is dissolved. For this new percept would again be something temporal that points back to a constituting consciousness of a similar sort, and so in infinitum. Hence the question: How do I come to know about the constituting flow? ((Hoerl quoting Husserl))
and the selfhoods of self-given self's (good offices of Kenneth Knies, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, June of 2006):
De Warren ((in explicating Husserl)) speaks of a double-consciousness that is contemporaneous without being simultaneous with itself (158). I who see the imagined X and I who imagine I am seeing are one and the same, but are given through the unity of consciousness as a distance within itself (158). The quasi-seeing that is contemporaneous with my (absolute) consciousness of imagining, is itself not present, or now, in immanent consciousness (165). ((Here we have Knies explicating Warren. Whereas my I/im say: positing a mere double is an escape from the infinite regress in the selfhood at concentration in self-observation; contemporaneous without being simultaneous is that old dog about self-observation being retroflexion, a position on the being advocated by those thinking about what self-observation must be, not a position taken by those long experienced at concentration in self-observation as it actually is. A transcendent ego can be qua be only if observing-'I' is singular, a monomorph, not I/in, the n regressing off to infinity, and certainly not I/in under µTm-logical-value order-types, a condition I, heh-heh-heh, signify with I/im. Not speaking here of Sartre's notions about transcendence of the ego [Sartre in this work particularly strongly embraces the Existentialist precept existence precedes essence], for my I/im [all Platonists embracing essence precedes existence, on those days they Platonically forget -- amnesis -- about the non-orientability of 3rd-order dynamics] regard intentional objects as nescience-to-the-most-deep-level-of-the-abject object [i.e., noema: uh, uh, terminus of an intention, no sacred-space ma involved, uh, which is to say no[e}ma even] -- that is, demerged all the way down to the 1T2-only level of predication -- such object abjection not being a matter of consciousness, not for consciousness and not of consciousness-in-itself [which is not arrogateable, simply-identifiable, localizable, non-cosmic, non-quantum. Given that egoic nescience, miscalled consciousness, is all ways intentional, there is always an object, be it direct, indirect, an 'ing'-ing direct-object gerund, not, indubitably not, consciousness-without-an-object.]))
escape from the reality of infinite regress is flight from the non-orientabilities inherent to 3rd-order dynamics (initialized at relative absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration, subjectively speaking under 1T2-only logic alone as to the rate of the rate of the baud-rate of consciousness: 3rd, 2nd, 1st twist and paste 1st, 2nd, 3rd, twist and paste ; moreover, all that under µTm-unto-CTC+). The nesting-foams of c-s, c-primes, and c-double-primes are the infinite regresses (plural) of the multiple temporal references of the so-called given time of inner time consciousness, that time type being what I refer to as memetime, memetime being distinct from 3-fold topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time (the act[u}all responsible agent for the subjective sense of temporal sequence in passive-passing memetime). Cognition in, not merely about, Lukasiewicz-Post m-valued logics involves collective occasions of experience inaccessible to separated [self}hoods, accessible only once and once again and once again and a given, heh-heh-heh, such selfhood has transited through voluntary dissociation and associated time-slowdown unto time-must-have-a-stop at each absolute limiting velocity of cognition of percepts/propriocepts in the nesting-foam of such relative absolutes. So, while I have nothing against analysis of the glutamatergic 1T2-only egological monadology of inner memetime-bound consciousness which supposes simple-self givenness of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfhood, my temporality focus has been directed to the question of how to get out of that particular form -- active ferocious devourer -- of self-imposed human bondage. Speaking bivalently: universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on the MVRS (these operators being Husserl's time-constituting phenomena, which he maintained are self-constituting; and this self-constituting we call hyparxis, i.e., ableness to be, a 3rd-order-dynamical functor, m-logically-valued over the prime, imaginary, hypercomplex factors of Gödel numbered, Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered, and Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbered propositions on the MVRS), that is, the m-logically-valued reference space; universal consciousness in its passive aspect is the reference space acted upon. Narratologically, it is by music trope, as distinct from musicological discourse, that time novel (Zeitroman) The Magic Mountain invokes the notion imaginary time (time slowdown, cyclic time, magic timelessness on the mountain [Mount Mahameru?]), an intimation of the complex and hypercomplex active time discoursed upon in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh -- but paradoxically, to Mann, this sort of subjective time is content-filled storyline time, whereas objective time is authorial-discourse time, the musical-real time (good offices of Klara Schubenz, Yale Campus Press, n.d.) metric of movement and presentation in the narrative (properties not readily apparent at simple-reading). Otherwise, the musicological reflections offered by Mann in Magic Mountain are pretty much restricted to tropes (good offices of George Coffin). Our novel, Moon, converges on generally subliminal "inner Musculpt" (topologically transforming, 3D, colored sounded-forms), conceived to be the manner in which the quantum brain µTmly processes (with a little help from the superconductant pi-electron gas of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA), and posits the necessity to holographically exteriorize this Musculpt processing as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS monetary currencies. A justification for exteriorizing inner-Musculpt is presented in the quote from Hesse's The Glass Bead Game given in Maths and music in the development of the Glass Bead Game, Abime, n.d. But note that Hesse's notion involves continued use of written symbols, whereas that is no part of Musculpt. And Musculpt is not at all like The Glass Bead Game (The Mathematical Intelligencer, 19:2, June 1997, pp. 23-5) as imagined by John Wilson.
Here, with an op/ed article and an interview, is an opportunity to say a few words about the difference between Earth's macroscopic atmosphere construed as functioning under the classical limit, hence abiding by the principles of Newtonian physics and its statistical upgrade -- that is being a Newtonian domain -- and that same atmosphere as conforming to principles of quantum-relativistic and even post-quantum-relativity physics. A disclaimer: none of this should be given the least credence, as I have no expertise in any of the involved areas. Never was inclined to so acquire (during my lifetime, what profession has been clean enough that I would choose to sacrifice my integrity, hence my inner-growth potential, so as to seek a position in it? dentistry, maybe?). Indeed, having arrived at that perspective by 1965, I am a college dropout -- but I did spend five years of total immersion as a full-time unofficial research assistant to a Cornell atmospheric scientist, Douglas A. Paine. I learned a little bit during that period, 1975-'80, so make of what I say what you will -- and whatever that may be, I will concur with the involved judgments, as I know what I know and that's the extent of my concern. End of story. I could say the same about the Viet Nam war, and much else besides. One thing wrong with 1T2-only money is that it allows stupid people to become agents of influence, with influence altogether incommensurate with their self-limited cognitive capabilities (cf. our prevailing GLE, global leadership elite; none of which whom, apparently, have had the introspective wherewithal required to successfully resist induction to the currently-building widespread fulmination of the collective psychosis that has consumed Homo sapiens sapiens since onset of the Two-Hundred-Years War of the World). The Phony Climate Change Catastrophe And Why Americans Will Foot The Bill, David Stockman, ZeroHedge, 10 June 2023, is to me interesting op/ed despite the fact that I do not believe that climate change is phony. IMHO: I will say that once, but please understand that it tacitly precedes each following statement. Greenhouse warming is certainly an inadequate term for designating what has been transpiring (the period of concern is open to considerable debate). Climate change is less inadequate, but still not quite right. Climate shift, better yet; but something of a misnomer, nonetheless. Ah, disruption is an interesting word. Silvia Terribili's interview of Claudia von Werlhof, entitled Climate Disruption: It's Not Due to CO2, Global Research, 10 June 2023, contextualizes Stockman's opinion. I don't agree with everything Werlhof has to say, but I strongly tend in that direction. It must be realized that, in all probability, research into the effects of radiation on atmospheric ozone metabolism has been suppressed cum classified for longer than has research on biological superconductivity (cf. DNA/RNA). There is nothing she has to say which I did not hear of, one way or another, by the late-1970s. As a grad student, Doug Paine participated in a project to study global migration of the radiation produced by atmospheric testing of atomic and nuclear weapons. He knew a lot about the subject. Later, he was not convinced that CFCs were the sole cause of ozone depletion. His quantum-relativistic cascade-theoretic forecast model of tornadogenesis (brought up jointly with Michael L. Kaplan) led him to believe that severe-storm-generated bursts of vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (filtered from models formulated under assumption of validity of the classical limit) punch holes in the tropopause allowing for drawdown of stratospheric ozone into the troposphere. He was opposed to phased-array electron-temperature-enhancement hot-aroura creation not least because he felt that that iatrogenic intervention could affect ozone metabolism. There was also venting and flaring from oil fields for about a century or so to consider. Though the radiation issue is not well covered in the unclassified literature, still there are suggestions. A big one is fairly recent, published in Geophysical Research Letters just before 9/11, summarized by Krishna Ramanujan under the title A Violent Sun Affects the Earth's Ozone, NASA Earth Observatory, 3 August 2001: the kneejerk reaction is that this augers against anthropogenicity of climate disruption. Maybe so in an atmosphere subscribing to the classical limit. Nonetheless, that those solar-wind-carried protons promote discorporation of ozone speaks to the general issue of how radiation (cf. radionuclides) affect ozone metabolism. Oops, maybe it was a mistake to publish this finding. Moreover, according to the quantum-relativistic cascade model (in my understanding of it as acquired from Paine, this caveat encouraging those involved to dissociate themselves from what I have to say), solar-wind-carried particles convey important quantal information from Sun to Earth in the form of complex and hypercomplex angular momentum (one way of talking about temporal CURL) which is cascaded through multiple scales of wave motion and ultimately injected into Earth's crustal and core dynamics. The problem being that anything that disrupts the normative (as established over geological memetime frame) properties of the atmosphere's response characteristics, modifies solar-terrestrial-signal reception and processing, and, to a lesser degree, integrity of the quantum-superintegrated solar-system relative-states. Anthropogenic: changes of atmospheric gas ratios; ionospheric electron-temperature enhancements; alterations of conductivity properties of the atmosphere; modifications of the radionuclide content of the atmosphere. Earth's atmosphere does contain a lot of water vapor and even some water droplets -- along with a bunch of radionuclides, recently from Chernobyl, more recently from Fukushima. So, in light of the above, consider content of A quantitative model of water radiolysis and chemical production rates near radionuclide-containing solids, Mary E. Dzaugis and Arthur J. Spivack and Steven D'Hondt, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 115, October 2015, pp. 127-34, relative the chemistry of dissolved-ozone stability. Look at the roles of OH and H and O2 as given in Ozone and Radionuclide Correlations in Air of Marine Trajectory At Quillayute, Washington, J. D. Ludwick and T. D. Fox and L. L. Wendell, Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 26:6, 13 March 2012, pp. 565-9, where the impression is given that renewed atmospheric nuclear testing could contribute to restoration of the ozone shield, to wit:
Northern Hemisphere values of O3 appear to have increased about 0.75%/year with Southern Hemispheric trends about one-third of this upward value. This may, however, be a transient effect on man's nuclear testing in the atmosphere prior to 1962.
Not simple physics and chemistry, however. In discussion of radionuclide promotion of ozone production, we find the following statement in the abstract to Radiolytic ozone yield G(O3) from 210Po alpha-particle radiation in air, A. A. Hecht, et al., Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 183, June 2021: Ozone yield, saturation, and decay time are dependent on creation and destruction processes which change with charge density, ozone density, radiation dose rate, and type of radiation . What about, not only charge density, but also electron temperatures? Please note: decay time is dependent upon creation and destruction processes, radiation dose rate, type of radiation. Oops, maybe it was a mistake to publish this finding.
Arthur Koestler -- in tracking origins of the Pauli-Jung notion of synchronicity, aka meaningful coincidence (IMHO, this idea was the booby prize which Pauli delivered to Jung upon Pauli's rejection of his own original concept, operator time; but I cannot recommend Koestler's discussion of Jung) -- offers a quote from Oppenheimer wherein Oppie codifies a neti-neti take on Madhyamaka's Catuskoti-tetralemma (good offices of Graham Priest, The Logic of Catuskoti, Comparative Philosophy, 1:2, 2010, pp. 24-54) 4-valued logic (Arthur Koestler, The Roots of Coincidence, Hutchinson of London, 1972, p. 51 as drawn from J. Robert Oppenheimer, Science and the Human Understanding, Simon & Schuster, 1966, p. 40):
If we ask whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say No; if we ask whether the electron's position changes with time, we must say No; if we ask whether the electron is at rest, we must say No; if we ask whether it is in motion, we must say No.
This is a 0T4 logic of the electron, so called (so called due to the fact that under this logic discrete and/or continuous are not well defined). As regards Madhyamaka, interpretation is up in the air: could be, as well, 1T4 (Fabien Schang, Eastern Proto-Logics, in J. Y. Beziau and M. Chakraborty and S. Dutta, eds., New Directions in Paraconsistent Logic: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 152, Springer, New Delhi, 2015; and by the same author, A One-Valued Logic For Non-One-Sidedness, International Journal of Jaina Studies, online, 9:4, 2013, pp. 1-25) or 4T4 (given that the 1T2-Law of Distributed Middle and the 1T2-Law of Non-Contradiction are both violated in each version of 4-valued logic; see, for edifying discussion, Adrian Kreutz, Recapture, Transparency, Negation and a Logic for the Catuskoti, Comparative Philosophy, 10:1, 2019, pp. 67-92: I note that transparency of the truth predicate is not the same as substituting, as I do, identity transparency for the very notion truth value). Nonetheless, neither Oppie nor Koestler, so far as I know, considered interpreting Schrödinger's m-valued statefunction with m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. That is, that interpretation iff the omnidirectional, all-possible-virtual-potentialities-qua-probability-amplitudes, the swarm, the cloud, the patterned-fuzzy-set, AdrianDobbs-precast transition (search Dobbs in this link) be considered an expression of topologically-active-operator-time-executed CTC+-unto-µTm-valued-logics decomposition-involute, an involute glutamatergically quenched to Heisenberg-1T2-only uncertainty-inequality. And if so, then it could be entertained that the eightfold way (cf. the four basic psychological functions -- thinking/feeling, intuition/sensation -- under introversion/extroversion) of the Jungian account of the psychological transference and the eightfold way of the M. Gell-Mann account of the elementary particle zoo may not be mere happenstance, 1T2-only projective-identification being [fund}a|mental to phenomenological intentionality qua John C. Eccles will influence (search this term in the Koestler link).
I've oft stated that I believe Husserl never practiced reductive phenomenology, only thought about what it must entail. So, I found it interesting to note that Karl Jaspers once speculated that Husserl did not know what phenomenology was (for this quote, see page 44 of the well-baked [lots of surprising personal-life-histories-type information] Rx of the Existentialists entitled At the Existentialist Cafe, Sarah Bakewell, Alfred A. Knopf, 2016). I read Soren Kierkegaard's 1T2-only Either/Or before going to the Viet Nam war where I found myself in several Grenzsituationen -- limit states, bound states, border conditions (p. 82, Bakewell, as well as the Jaspers piece linked above). And, as an intel analyst, found myself focusing upon the meaning of boundary changes relative to bureaucratic variables. Boundary/initial conditions required, not only to solve (i.e., find single-valued solutions) systems of 1T2-only-differential equations, but, if In-der-Welt-sein -- Being-in-the-world -- also required for bracketing out of speculative add-ons, which process Husserl called epoche (p. 41, Bakewell). Brentano-Husserl-Sartre intentionality (even in self-observation) requires absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2-only objects, because phenomenological description takes as a [pre}text denial of consciousness-without-an-object: for the Existentialists, it's all about aboutness, i.e., intentionality (pp. 44-5, Bakewell) via, according to lights of my I/im, projective-identification on the subject/object level, i.e., under 1T2-only ratiocination at Husserlian epoche. While I have long differentiated identification from empathy by agreeing with Edith Stein's notion of empathy as being a consciously intentional act, identification being a matter of unconscious drivers, I have also noted that Stein did not consider generative empathy qua participation mystique qua Buddhological compassion understood as being µTm-unto-CTC+-logical identity transparency (entrance upon which undoubtedly involving a neurological-spiritual cascade of electro-chemical events, the immediate ontic aspects of which described relative to one instance by Frank Hadley Murphy in his book entitled Tea Fried Brain, CreateSpace, 2004, to wit, pages 20 and 22: I was seized by states of ecstasy There was no other way to describe it than a seizure Years later, the effects of these fires were still affecting me how I thought, how I felt about things). Kierkegaard rejected the tripartite Hegelian dialectic because it nullified the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct individual's freedom to make binary-logical, Aristotelean, either/or-type decisions; whereas, my main problem with Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit has been, not so much his particular take on the Law of Threes, but his memetime-bound Rx of the dialectic; childhood experience, however limited, of primitive Shinto modes of cognition-comprehension having made me suspicious (of exactly what only memetime would tell: binary logic and objective, passive, passing, referential linear-time). Not to mention the general orientation taken to memetime as explicated by the exemplary Existentialists, all of whom believed in an objective linear-time -- well, so far as I know. The binary-logical meaning of the existence of simply-identifiable existents is, reductively speaking (think: there is, y'know, for instance, heh-heh-heh, ponderable space) as an Existentialist: time. Thus sprach the Existentialists, tacitly referring to memetime as if it were objective (not to the universal good offices performed by topologically-active operator-time in executing Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of cosmic propositions upon decomposing the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space qua common ground qua backcloth). Being (as differentiated from Existence identified with Becoming), now that's a different matter al[to}gather (consider with Philip Graves an econometric case, A Note on the Valuation of Collective Goods , Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, 9:1, February 2009, pp. 1-17: but can collective goods be single-valued and 1T2-only processed?), particularly as regards being-in-itself (insofar as in-itself is possible under µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-logical-value order-types). Be aware of long-since-lost gifting culture whereby identity incorporation was signified in ritual exchange, such identity incorporation being a deteriorated residual of pregiven identity transparency, particularly so as the deterioration regressed as far as to explicitly denote role stratification qua differential status. The realization (not simply the intellectual understanding) that I am nothing qua no-thing but the intersection of Purusha and Prakriti evokes a profoundly different sense of nothingness from that identified by Sartre: the very notion of human bondage versus human-as-freedom becomes a laughing matter/antimatter, a glutamatergically-anchored feature of the 1T2-only Lebenswelt. The there-isness of Being-in-itself being a distinctly -- heh-heh-heh! -- non-Aristotelean notion of Being, even the 1T2-aboutness of which requiring Platonic anamnesis via close approach to memetime-stop near the absolute limiting velocity of processing percepts-propriocepts for the 1T2-only order-type of ratiocination. Cogitate! Cogitate! Cogitate! So sayeth John C. Lilly in parodying the meaning of mantra. The multivalued as regards variables, functions-functionals-functors, and especially logics, is not to be conflated with the nonlinear; the linear-versus-nonlinear dichotomy is a binary-logic distinction, which, mathematically speaking, is a matter of exponentials: the linear being an absence thereof; the nonlinear being, still, single-valued no matter what order of exponentiation is involved. Which is not to say that m-valued variables and functions-functionals-functors, maybe even logics, cannot be exponentiated. Consider the most-densely-packed triangular-networked sheet (cf. base state of Tzog-chen) of MVRS as having once been signified by the pregiven Gilded Umbrella (cf. warm-golden dust of Supermind) carrying messages fashioned of beaten gold and the most rare of precious stones (see Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark, The Stone of Heaven: Unearthing the Secret History of Imperial Green Jade, Little, Brown & Co., 2001), actual knowledge of which appears to have been lost some thousands of memetime years ago. For a more recent case: if studied closely (as I did at Special Forces Training Group), the man[u}al of martial [ad}vice, Sun Tzu's Art of War, is a compendium of binary oppositions, however much those oppositions conform to the enantiodromias of Tai-Chi-rotational 1T2-only logic. As a youth I once attended a Methodist church, so I felt a bit guilty upon later, having set Sun Tzu aside, embracing much of what is essayed in Against Method (which I read while at Cornell). Today, IMHO, the human species -- I would not say just the West -- is acting analogous to the Chinese, circa early-19th century: that is, being clingers, i.e., China to the strictures of Confucianism, human species to limitations imposed by the binary-mind. Hisstory always rhymes. Ever more thoroughly conforming, we are, to The Peter Principle (Laurence F. Peter and Raymond Hull, William Morrow, 1969, p. 26): In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. That's why things always go wrong. But note that no non-hierarchical forms of order were proposed by Peter cum Hull, even though part-is-whole holography had been invented more than 20 years earlier -- and in Peter's period the Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure, VCI, was tacitly applying the yet-to-be discovered holographic principle to bureaucratic organizational dynamics: mapping internal bureaucratic variables upon changing boundaries. The VCI quite assuredly drew inspiration for this bureaucratic behavior, not from Marxist-Leninist sources, but from traditional precolonial practices, as documented, for instance, in the case of Cambodia, by David Chandler in a footnote, A History of Cambodia, fourth edition, Silkworm: Chiang Mai, 2008, p. 316, to wit: According to Adhémard Leclère, Recherches sur le droit publique des cambodgiens (Paris, 1894), p. 221, the boundaries of a sruk [administrative unit] in traditional Cambodia were 'those of the rice fields belonging to it.' These varied from year to year. And the residuals from continuing to ignore the sociopolitical implications of the holographic principle? Counterinsurgency techniques globalized (cf. Phoenix planetarized) and simultaneously brought home to the ZI; ack, aye, in consonance with Chinese of old, to wit: rescuing the world and pacifying the people (Karl E. Meyer and Shareen Blair Brysac, The China Collectors: America's Century-Long Hunt for Asian Art Treasures, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, p. 106). [Dy}nasty following [dy}nasty. Three-handkerchief politics in treacly America having become reminiscent of late-Manchu China (plus, not to be forgotten, the US opioid mass addiction), how surprising is it that Uncle Sam is in process of out-sourcing private execution of a Yankee version of the Chinese SCSS, social credit score system? The SCSS is a postmodern reincarnation of the pao-chia system, but also of the Manchu sumptuary laws minutely regulating ADLs. Quoting Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark, The Stone of Heaven, p. 177: The Forbidden City was a rudderless ship, but it carried on as if it were at the center of an eighteenth-century Confucian state bound by Imperial largesse. Now the presently prevailing echo: The City of God expounding the Washington Consensus was a rudderless ship, but it carried on as if it were the center of an eighteenth-century-rationalist Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean-AngloSaxon state unbound by endless e-printing of 1T2-only-logical money in an era of ever more elaborate constellation of dissimulated-quantum-based infratech. Current AI is just building another layer of the binary-mind, a layer that, in principle, will not be superseded by applications of finite-iteration, 2-state, qubitic, so-called-quantum computers. Quotidian: just another weevilly, yet O-so vainglorious, démodée circuit-board billionaire seeking his transhumanist jadeite. Member of the flitterati jet set swanning around, scuttling about, traipsing the planet in search of the sacred stone, transhumanist virtual immortality as mere e-flitter. Psychosomatically identified (glutamatergically etched) they are, aren't they, with the Myriad Olds. Being thus identified, the only response possible -- to the new physics having sundered the metaphysical principles underlying the more-obvious foundations of the Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization of the post-Renaissance Weltanschauung -- has been, and is, throwback to [mid}evil, transnational, monarchic-aristocratic-unto-oligarchic rule in a new guise. [Feud}al, what!
While (or is it memetime's whilst?) contrapossible, not contraplausible -- however infelicitous the case may be (cf. the belief horizon having collapsed, the trust horizon is crashing-in onto the purely local, onto the face-to-face immediately visible, given, for instance, the regulatory capture permitting pursuit of pandemic biodigital omnipotence via AI and nano-tech and synthetic biology). Whoopse! What corner of Bellnapped tetralemma is that? The fifth corner? It appears that the general take on Lukasiewiczian-Postian [1T4, 2T4, 3T4, 4T4]-logics cum FDE -- i.e., first-degree entailment logic (good offices of Hitoshi Omori and Heinrich Wansing, Studia Logica, 105, 2017, pp. 1021-49: this gets to be really on a reach when infinitely many-valued Gödel logic is mechanically transmogrified into equiveillance to normotic Aristotelean-Baconian logic) -- à la (Schrödinger's)cat[us}koti, while not ostensibly 2-valued (though that has been Done, uh, to interpret the 4 values, via yes/no-only-answerable questions, to [0,1]-Boolean semantics), is popularly formulated relative to TF-binary-logic pairwise oppositions (not some other form-referent, e.g., fiber-bundled n-tuples). And the major concern essayed in the literature seems to be how to reconcile 4-valued entailments with inference diktats established by 2-valued definitions of logical necessity. La-dee-da: therefore, it's not of much interest vis-à-vis the prospect of µTm-processed m-valued LETS currencies. As to whether our LETS is foundational to any possible, howsoever contraplausible, Buddhological [eco}nomics, query must be made as to Nagarjuna's right to the last word on properties of the Buddhological. Adrian Kreutz, in Recapture, Transparency, Negation and a Logic for the Catuskoti, Comparative Philosophy, 10:1, 2019, pp. 67-92, clearly doesn't so place Nagarjuna. Maybe by Nagarjuna's memetimes knowledge (cf. the levels of elaboration of inner-Musculpt which become conscious with entry upon the various levels of Samadhi) of the logical-value order-type of the base state of Tzog-chen had already been lost. But for the average joe, schooled in the post-Renaissance Western tradition, particularly that sub-ordinate known as Utilitarianism-Pragmatism, collective-unconscious gradients are unfalsifiable, hence not demonstrable, and, thus, the drivers of historical process are confined to conscious decisions of individual members of the GLE, global leadership elite. Since there are nonesuch as collective occasions of experience, there simply can't be collective behaviors. O, my! Well, that Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean-AngloSaxon principle individually occasioning the classical limit certainly rules out a quantum-vacuum-fifth-corner for 4-valued logic, eh what! The section of Kreutz's above-linked paper entitled Second Concern: Transparency, is the closest piece I've found to a discussion of issues related to my notion of substituting relative-state identity-transparency for truth-value as the foundational concept of logic. However, as I earlier pointed out, 'transparency of the truth predicate' is not the same as substituting, as I do, 'identity transparency' for the very notion 'truth-value'. Kreutz, by referencing everything to truth-value, must reject unrestricted T-Schema (i.e., transparency of the truth predicate), for the reasons he gives (quoting p. 80):
The unrestricted T-Schema has been problematized by paradoxes of self-reference since, together with classical logic, via the principle of explosion, it leads into trivialism -- the claim that everything is true. In other words: any arbitrary statement is equivalent to its own truth-predication.
But, insofar as 1T2 (where truth-value reigns) is concerned, µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ (understood relative to relative-states of identity transparency) are not only in obvious conformance to the principle of explosion (unto the C+ logical-value order-type cases) but also are utterly trivial-to-1T2, there being no way for 1T2-only to register, let alone resolve, semantic imports of propositions in these higher-valued logics understood relative to relative states of identity transparency (that's states, not degrees-shades of, say, gray scale, as in fuzzy logic defined over the [0,1] real interval). Everything on C+TC+-logically-valued Tzog-chen AllBase is, indubitably IS -- which, 1T2-only speaking, is to say: true. One thing this means is that the portrait of reality which current consensus science has developed and promulgated is so conflated with prescriptive enculturation-socialization of glutamatergic anchoring to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains (to neglect of the µTm-quantum brain) -- be aware of this as exemplifying collective projective-identification -- that its, science that is, assessment of the rapidly approaching conjuncture, planet Earth, is most assuredly well out there into Lah-Lah-Land, despite the ever increasing ability to produce infratech based thereupon.
My takeaway from Gotama's denial and affirmation of every truth-assignment and every falsity-assignment with respect to the interlocutory questions concerning afterdeath existence of Tathagatas is not that the questions in sum amount to a 4T4 proposition, mechanically transmogrifiable to a B4 proposition -- that is, a valid proposition simultaneously meeting all 4 Boolean values, (1,1), (1,0), (0,1), (0,0) -- but that Gotama is rejecting the very notion truth-value as apropos the case. Adrian Kreutz, in the latter portion of his above-linked paper, embraces the B4 interpretation and treats (0,0) as an illocutionary negation: the speech act of 'denial' (p. 84). For a succinct discussion of speech act theory, see Wiki here. The only way I could assimilate Kreutz's speech-act notion (but not his embrace of B4) to my understanding of Tzog-chen AllBase and its cyclotomic involutory decomposition (universe deixis) and revolutory recomposition (universe anaphora, as in a carrying back) is by imagining 3-fold topo-active operator-time and 3-fold topo-active counter-operator-time to involve execution of cosmic metalocutionary speech acts (the C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-logically-valued and the µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-logically-valued propositions of which being numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers) -- the metalanguage involved being holographic Musculpt in its myriad natural expressions.
How does, or rather how would, Philip Graves (à la A Note on the Valuation of Collective Goods , Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, 9:1, February 2009, pp. 1-17) factor into his argument -- regarding vertical aggregation, marginal provision cost, and marginal willingness to pay with respect to optimal public goods provision -- econometrically-irrational people like Nha Trang and I, who, taken together, worked twenty-plus peak-earning years pro bono relative to public goods provision? The irrational motivation (no incentives involved) having been early-in-life insight as to gravity of the oncoming collective crisis, the foreseeable cuspover appearing so grave as to recalibrate the factors involved in major-life decisions. The question concerning Graves is rhetorical. What isn't a mere matter of words is that with internalization of extrasystemic externalities (endogenization to follow Graves' usage) -- via the m-value tagging and stacking upon currency unit base-state of µTm-processed multivalued LETS nesting-foams -- individuals would be able to purchase public goods as they would be able to purchase private goods: indeed, the binary-logic distinction between the two classes of goods would all but evaporate, both such being individually incrementable relative to quantum-composite unit-of-account mappings of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth (the degree of evaporation depending upon how many m-value tags chosen to be employed by a given µTm-valued-LETS currency). Of course, given such internalization of externalities to µTm-markette mechanisms, optimal provision of private goods would become subject to automorphically self-metaprogrammable modulations (initialized by open-source m-scenarios computer gaming-simulation on the e-commons, where no one is excludable from executing plays) not heretofore extant.
Given, as I do, that there are as many kinds of nothing as there are no-things under the spectrum of logical-value order-types, hunky-dory it ain't, not to my me noodling it out: there are so many things my I/im just doesn't-don't get as regards the currently accepted consensus take vis-à-vis quantum mechanics, which take I view as spalled, made friable -- for-the-most-part-subliminally orchestrated just so, so as to keep analogical institutionalization of Descartes and Newton alive, no matter how much quantum-based infratech is eaten by 5-star global monoculture. Thanks be due to the Trickster archetype for that! Ah, the opaque individual. Thou as object, as thingamajig. Know a [per}son all his life -- and, still, you don't really know him, not inside where it counts. The Existentialist's unbridgeable separatism as non-disposable element of the human condition. A[dam}ic atomism quantized. Zippity-do! No generative empathy allowed. Proscribed: collective occasions of experience. Hisstory as force, maybe; but no collective-unconscious forcing permitted, despite the nonideal, hence not merely heuristic, non-equilibrium collective-and-cooperative critical-state behaviors exemplifying QM (as regards [eco}nomics imports thereof, consider Salvador Pueyo, Ecological Econophysics for Degrowth, Sustainability, 6, 28 May 2014, pp. 3431-83: but change complexity theory's 2nk to Mnk). Well, the consensus maintains, of course there's no collective-unconscious forcing, there being no quantum brain, don'tyaknow. Oh, the questions my I/im raise about interpretation of QM, questions like: how entanglement can be viewed as a specific form of superposition where wavefunctions are intertwined, that is, that entanglement might be an intrinsic feature of quantum superposition, and yet this feature -- held to be of linear combination, of simple summation -- is understood as either on or off, superposed or not, entangled or not, even though the wavefunctions are m-valued, indeed, infinitely many-valued? Hmmm. Really? Not so, it is said, because those infinities of value are collapsed to two (or more: O, Lordy, the 3-body and the n-body problems) single values? Whosiewhasit in Zitterbewegung? Roistering about, where-all has that information-poor little electron gone? The 3-body problem is all but intractable under 2-valued logic, the 4-body problem is all but intractable under 3-valued logic, , the n-body problem is all but intractable under [n-1]-valued logic -- because the focus is placed upon motion. Insofar as motion requires for its existence 1T2-only-definable, passive, passing, referential, objective linear-time, it, motion that is, stops at any scale-relative absolute-limiting velocity of movement through 1T2-only-definable ponderable space. And every speed is an absolute-limiting velocity for some LSTD, limited spacetime domain. What are the implications of that every-some under 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logics? Wavefunctions collapsed or not collapsed, not spontaneously localized and spontaneously fused simultaneously because that condition, simultaneity, minimally (think relativistically), would violate mutually-defining linear-time and the Second Law of Thermodynamics? If collapsed, how intertwined? So, by contrast, and to our way of thinking (compare our treatment of radiation-exchange processes of DNA superconductant pi-electron gas with Xuanhua Wang and Jin Wang, "Full quantum theory of nonequilibrium phonon condensation and phase transition", arXiv, 12 December 2022, the Wang-Wang latter IMHO being hugely supportive of the our former which describes experimental tests not yet performed), local description is 1T2-only-logic-bound, and spontaneous localization, collapse of the wavefunctions qua quenching of pregiven entanglement is a decomposition involute C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2 executed by topologically-active operator-time (hence, independent of 1T2-only-definable linear-memetime; thus, while valuationally decomposed, remaining formalistically intact, as a pre-pregeometry Gödel-numbered-Gödel-numbered hole-qua-vacancy set, as a bucket of dust, as warm-golden dust of Supermind), C+TC+ and its involutes understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency. I believe the Schrödinger-memetime-independent involutory-decomposition process redounds upon molecular-cellular brains, the on-or-off action-potential of their neurons, specifically mediated by the radiation-exchange processes of the pi-electron-gas bottle enveloping intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA. Biophysicists, computer scientists, neuro[logic}ists, nanochemists, so on and so forth are nowadays finding an infratech ConveDD (conversion-disorder displacement) of the role played by DNA radiation-exchange processes in functioning of the nonlocal quantum brain (good offices of Christopher Michael Heck, Entanglement-Based Brain-Computer Interfacing , Activist Post, 15 August 2023). Why a ConveDD? Because the human organism has innate conscious access to quantum-brain processing, an access quenched to 1T2-only by coerced prescriptive enculturation-socialization at neuronal plasticity, an interdiction of access which begins in the womb and is anchored to molecular-cellular brains by glutamatergic neuronal etching and associated quantum quenching (this quenching severing electron-transport processes as does rapping a banana on the edge of a countertop, if we are to believe Albert Szent-Gyorgyi's Introduction to a Submolecular Biology). The technology presently being R&Ded is an inferior-regressed version of what was there to begin with, technology the predominant use of which surely will be oppression of the most elaborate and intimate sort. Although different positive regimes of use are theoretically possible -- think: e.g., holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams --, some already practically available, the prevailing doctrine of uses will most assuredly guarantee that oppressive uses are ascendent. Though it was demonstrated during the mid-1970s that the (quoting Wiki) NV [nitrogen-vacancy] center's electron spin, localized at atomic scales, can be manipulated at room temperature by external factors such as magnetic, or electric fields, radiation, or optical light, resulting in sharp resonances in the intensity of the photoluminescence, we were unaware of this. However, we were aware of the physics of the photoacoustic effect and internal structure of the instrumentation employed in photoacoustic spectroscopy (for a brief history and account of the involved principles, see here, good offices of Seung Hee Han, Neurospine, 15:4, 19 November 2018, pp. 306-22) as being directly analogous to properties of both the pi-electron parcel and the pi-electron gas bottle (each acting as plastic-bag analogues) associated by us to DNA's room-temperature-superconductant radiation exchange processes (we thought -- by analysis of the derivation of the canonical equation -- that the DNA-generated coherent quadripolar waves, carrying all the information signified by the nucleotide-pair sequences, likely are analogous, in some ultra way, to acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes). In that context consider Bailin Zhang, et al., Photoacoustic emission from fluorescent nanodiamonds enhanced with gold nanoparticles, Biomedical Optics Express, 3:7, 1 July 2012.
Well, it's not hard to understand why our DNA paper is never cited (for some years I checked the bound version of Science Citation Index, but I don't use the online version as I do not wish to give up my e-mail password because I already have enough trouble with my e-mail without courting more), as we interpreted active time (later -- upon writing Prigogine and receiving back from him one of his preprints mentioning Pauli operator time and its rejection due to the notion that it, optime, would involve negative values of total energy, i.e., unbound potential energy from below, values understood by Pauli and Prigogine as meaningless -- we adopted the term operator-time, which we did not reject because we interpreted the negative values relative to the reverse cascade of complex and hypercomplex angular momentum, understood in the DNA case as involving emitted coherent quadripolar waves) as altogether replacing the total energy operator, i.e., the Hamiltonian, and incorporated the rate equations (rate, rate of rate, and, in the fullest treatment, the rate of rate of rate) into a non-classical, and non-classical-quantum, topologically-active operator-time canonical equation for the exogenously-driven pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillations as nonlinear-quantum oscillator. In that respect, consider the following Wang-Wang statements (see: Xuanhua Wang and Jin Wang, Full quantum theory of nonequilibrium phonon condensation and phase transition, arXiv, 12 December 2022): (1) that The essential piece in Fröhlich's conjecture is the rate equations of the vibrational modes; and (2) that the critical behavior cannot be witnessed if external sources are treated classically; and (3) that The Hamiltonian has been criticized for the unbound potential energy from below [37]. This does not concern us here as the Hamiltonian is only used as an effective approximation in the interested energy domain rather than a fundamental description. Unquote Wang-Wang. As stated above, in our model we dispensed with the Hamiltonian -- and employed nonlinear Maxwellian form as being more apropos the double-helix of DNA than is nonlinear Schrödinger form. In our conception, the microscopic foundation of Fröhlich's theory is topologically-active operator-time/counter-operator-time decomposing-recomposing the base-state qua common ground qua backcloth conceived as containing information µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-valued, those values understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, not relative to truth-value. This is post-BornRule QM. In this context, I state that IMHO the only tech 1T2-only science can produce is infratech. Allowing one variable to change while holding all others constant is 1T2ly-heuristic, a fantasy, really, actually a delusion promulgated and perpetrated by prescriptive enculturation-socialization glutamatergically anchored. It can never be authentically accomplished, and only seems so to binary-minds. Why in this context? Our model purports to show how the DNA molecule emits coherent (acoustically-modified) quadripolar waves carrying all the information signified by the nucleotide-pair sequences (and very much more in their higher-temporal formants). How could we have reached this conclusion without simultaneously being aware of the strong possibility that exogenously introduced ultrasound, say, could modify the information content carried by those emitted coherent waves? We couldn't have -- and we didn't. But not until coming across Floris R. Freshman, It's a boy! It's a girl! It's ultrasound! The secrets of MK ultrasound on pregnant women and their fetuses, Activist Post, 23 August 2023, did I see a paper on this subject. More than four decades later.
Having been sent out, until wounded, as the token American on night missions from Vi Thanh deep in the Mekong delta, circa late-1967, I pricked up my ears during the coming March upon hearing word of the big U-Minh Forest burn. But I did not learn that this was no natural burn -- not until now, that is. Quoting the recently declassified document entitled Forest Fire as a Military Weapon, Craig C. Chandler and Jay R. Bentley, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, ARPA order number 818, June 1970, p. 4:
When considering forest fires as a potential weapon certain advantages and limitations must be kept clearly in mind. The greatest single superiority factor of fire as opposed to other damage-causing agents, is that under the proper circumstances fire is self-propagating. A relatively large area can be covered with a minimum expenditure of ordnance. The burning of the U Minh Forest in March and April 1968 resulted in a burned-over area of more than 1000 square miles from an expenditure of 20 aircraft sorties and 36 naval gunfire support missions (see Appendix A). The damage caused by this fire was equivalent to that of a 20 megaton nuclear device.
This document was acquired and posted on the internet by Geoengineering Watch.org and I found out about it by watching Greg Hunter's 08/19/2023 interview of Dane Wigington, founder of Geoengineering Watch.org. Also, another recent revelation -- at least to me: whilst in Viet Nam during 1967-8, I was aware that South Korean forces had a reputation for extreme brutality. I was, however, not aware of the severity and the magnitude of actual cases in point: see, for edification, The Biggest Vietnam War Story that Americans Don't Talk About, John Summers, the 16 August 2023 Global Research reposting of the 11 August 2023 Boston Globe article.
During the second half of the 1970s -- whilst at Cornell as unofficial research assistant to tornadogenesis-and-DNA-helix-coil-transition modeler Douglas A. Paine -- I attended many parties where graduate students were in abundance. When opportunities arose, I asked questions of appropriate individuals, questions directly and indirectly related to the research being conducted by Paine and I. Questions along the lines of: What is the difference between a superconductor and a Bose-Einstein condensate? The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory physicist Frank Oliphant -- whom I met through his medical doctor wife Beverly -- cued me in considerably as to exactly how our models look like descriptions of BECs (actually, in the DNA case, a fermionic condensate, as I later learned). To this particular question, the grad-student answers were quite similar to that given by Bill Reid, as posted here. Big difference between the two states, not to be conflated one with the other. Except for the last part of Reid's statement about the jury still being out: the Cornellians I talked with felt there was no need for a jury -- unless it was part of Carl Sagan's science court (an early precursor to the up-and-coming SCSS, social credit score system). Forty-some years later, the answer should be quite different. Consider, for instance: Bose-Einstein condensation superconductivity induced by disappearance of the nematic state, Takahiro Hashimoto, et al., Science Advances, 6:45, 6 November 2020. The nematic, smectic, and cholesteric phases of liquid crystals are cogently explained here; see Michel Mitov's Cholesteric liquid crystals in living matter, Soft Matter, 13, 2017, pp. 4176-4209, for history of research in this area. That DNA at sufficient concentrations in vivo sacrifices the nematic phase for a precholesteric phase, at higher concentrations for a fully cholesteric phase, and at highest concentrations for a smectic phase is discussed in Multiple liquid phases of DNA at high concentrations, Teresa E. Strzelecka and Michael W. Davidson and Randolph L. Rill, Nature, 331, 4 February 1988, pp. 457-60. Consider also: Superconductivity as a Bose-Einstein condensation?, S. K. Adhikari, et al., Physica C: Superconductivity, Volumes 341-348, Part 1, November 2000, pp. 233-6. Adhikari, et al., suggest BEC as a possible mechanism underlying superconductivity in general. But please note that they also observe that:
vital is the unique linear dispersion relation appropriate to weakly-coupled bosonic CPs [Cooper pairs of electrons, i.e., of fermions] moving in the Fermi sea -- rather than in vacuum where the dispersion would be quadratic but only for very strong coupling, and for which BEC is known to be impossible in 2D.
But what about -- à la our DNA-radiation-exchange model, the paper describing the model linked above -- strongly-coupled (quasi-quadratic, but relative to operator-time, not memetime) electron parcels of a Fermi-Dirac condensate moving in the 3D Fermi sea of a pi-electron-parcel gas driven by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time/counter-operator-time decomposing-recomposing backcloth qua common ground C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+? What, any hows, is quantum spin? Certainly not classical spin, i.e., turning about an axis. What, then, is the difference between classical spin and quantum spin? I did ask this question of appropriate Cornellian acquaintances, circa late-1970s. Here is ChatGPT's answer:
In classical physics, spin refers to the rotation of an object about an axis. In quantum mechanics, spin is a property of subatomic particles that cannot be explained by classical physics. It is an intrinsic property of the particle, meaning that it cannot be explained by the particle's motion or its environment. Quantum spin can take on only certain discrete values, and it is described by a mathematical object called a spinor. Additionally, quantum spin is affected by the phenomenon of spin-spin interaction, which is not present in classical physics.
We think quantum spin relates to temporal CURL (which is another way of talking about complex and hypercomplex angular momentum, the quantization of which we have long thought must involve Penrose twistors, but, in this case, with µTm-unto-CTC+ logics being on The Road to Reality). Does spin-1/2 act like spin-1 or spin-0 under the 1st- or 2nd-order temporal CURL effectuated by topo-active optime executing Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-unto-CTC+-cosmic propositions? The 2nd is my guess, the 3rd order being whenwhere nonlocality, nonorientability, and identity-transparency fully flourish. According to our model, DNA superconductivity is not of the sugar-phosphate backbone, but of the enveloping gas environment. Note that Wiki states that: In fact, a Nobel Prize will be awarded to one who succeeds in making a room temperature superconductor. This prize should go to Nature whatwho has long since created room temperature superconductors. As regards the assertion concerning the gas environment, consider: Superconductivity in a two-dimensional electron gas, Philip Phillips, et al., Nature, 395, 17 September 1998, pp. 253-7. And what is superconducted in the DNA case? Quadripolar-wave (alternatively, 4-component-Dirac-spinor) encoded information. The stereochemical information signified by nucleotide-pair sequences (focused on functional specificity) and the higher-levels of the genetic language enciphered in the higher-temporal/higher-logic formants of the quadripolar waves (focused on functional integration across the subsystem-system-supersystem organizational nesting-foam). Nowadays, in many places around the planet, more and more has room temperature become indistinguishable from physiological temperature. What is electron temperature? Having become aware -- upon hearing accounts of Paine's faculty-meeting arguments concerning ionospheric heaters -- of the notion electron-temperature enhancement, I did ask this question of appropriate Cornellian acquaintances, circa late-1970s. Certainly not classical temperature, i.e., the average kinetic energy of the random motion of the molecules of the given material substance, heat being transfer of energy between the molecules. But drawing upon J. Robert Oppenheimer, Science and the Human Understanding, Simon & Schuster, 1966, p. 40):
If we ask whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say No; if we ask whether the electron's position changes with time, we must say No; if we ask whether the electron is at rest, we must say No; if we ask whether it is in motion, we must say No.
This is a 0T4 logic of the electron, so called. So, it seems extremely problematic to extend the 1T2-only-classical definition of temperature to elementary particles like the electron, which, according to our view, subscribe to the CTC+-unto-µTm logics decomposed by topo-active optime, not to the 1T2-only-born BornRule. The smear out at energies below the Fermi energy of individual so-called-elementary particles qua wavicles and atoms in the Fermi sea, where they overlap one another (think: µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, not superluminal 1T2-information transfer through 1T2-only-definable and glutamate-anchored ponderablespacememetime) is allowed by the 1T2-only-Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities, which themselves may be the surface structure of J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism, the deep-structure geometric analogue of µTm-logical relative-state identity-transparency (not of the 1T2-logical-multiworlds interpretation of the Everettian relative-state interpretation). As to the Fermi sea and the Platonic regular polyhedral patterns existing therein, I quote an annotated bibliographic entry made to our 1994 novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 751:
Berggren, K. F., Quantum Phenomena in Small Semiconductor Structures and Devices, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XXXIII, 3 March 1988. (It is interesting to consider how pencils of skew-parallels might act as functional equivalents of quantum well wires embedded in the Fermi sea of an infinite 3D electron gas -- and what role such devices might play on the multivalued, quantum level of cortical function in the intact brain. Who said the Regge calculus is just a mathematical formalism? Who said that Jung's archetypes have nothing to do with Einstein's general theory of relativity? My God! there he goes again, hypostatizin' and reifyin'. Dere couldn't be no quantum analogue of the fiber optic scrambler for encrypt-decrypt of the m-valued neural code. Couldn'ta be no connection 'tween pencils of skew-parallels, Regge calculus, fiber bundles, strain tensors and the REAL thig: archetypal patterns [maze of nested Platonic regular polyhedra made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes] of Einstein's curvature, all twistor-ized and operator-timed, in sidereal AND cortical momentum space. Not ta speak of correspondences -- dat is, mathematical FUNCTIONS betwixt and baaatween da two. That be pseudoscientific astrological! Why, da Committee ta INvestigate Claims ta da Po-version a Good Upstandin' Hmmmm.)
What is being decomposed? Patterns on the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, the patterns being indicative, not of 1T2-supersymmetry, but of C+TC+-hypersymmetry and its cyclotomic decomposition involutes. Which means that the technical definition of classical spin, while pretty far removed, is not altogether removed from our topo-active-optime notion of temperature. Quoting Jess H. Brewer posting to Quora:
Formal answer: orbital angular momentum is described by the SO(3) symmetry group, whose simplest (nontrivial) representation is in 3x3 matrices; spin is described by the SU(2) symmetry group, whose simplest (nontrivial) representation is the 2x2 Pauli matrices.
We treat temperature (perhaps it should be called hypertemperature) as a map of differential spin (that's quantum spin related to temporal CURL, uh, inducing a chiral vortical effect, maybe): see The Relativistic-Quantum Definition of Temperature section of our 1978 paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere. Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit are different ways of indicating 1T2-only-classical temperature. Is this really the proper context within which to be looking at (or for) room temperature superconductivity? Group theoretical approaches to hypertemperature (levels of unconventional hypercomplex numbers, logics µTm-unto-CTC+) might be the more appropriate context within which to explore critical temperatures via-à-vis the super state. In that respect, I am trying -- insofar as I can understand the exposition -- to take inspiration from A Group-Theorist's Perspective on Symmetry Groups in Physics, Robert Arnott Wilson, arXiv, 20 December 2020.
Having at the last moment elided from my immediate direct ontic experience the Department of Offenses ill[lied}edly specialized in the absolutely-unnecessary morally-indefensible, it hasn't been much of a challenge scoping out other classes of the-most-culpable: governing governments, the bloviating, tentacular -- they are their own saturnine religion; O, the gloom that descends as issue from their one-track, logically-single-valued motivational cum action-based, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct-element-only [per}Son-definable framework -- corporations have taken over the collective 1T2-only-ego's inflation and expanded identification with the Turner Thesis beyond Asia to include a good portion of the solar system, beginning with the Moon, Mars, and asteroids to be mined -- their transhumanism, in process of globalizing Jonesville, being intent upon catching a virtual comet. Done to a fare-the-well: nano-particulate-smart-dust-immiserated toilet-heads shoved down into a post-postmodern privy equipped as an AI-operated diagnostic commode. No -- and consequently, per the above -- obsessiondoesn't seem to me a correct characterization of the behaviors associated with exercise of my persistent intellectual focus; behaviors (exemplary of other-ablenesses?) fully justified by the context, I'd say; though, admittedly, that assertion will be easier to embrace when 1T2-only ChatGPT controls the 1T2-only bots whowhat assist in the design and execution of GMO experimentation, related decision making governed by their 1T2-only-AI-mind-set most-hits-Google-logic, their minilabs powered by backyard-nuke mini-powerplants, each a potential miniFukushima-miniChernobyl (by intended state-terrorist cum non-state-terrorist ops or acts of nature). Quite obviously beyond contestation: they, the GLE, global leadership elite, have weaponized biology and the ionosphere. Possibly also the weather, volcanism, and plate tectonics. They continue to ever more e[labor}rate mass warfare promulgated upon the electromagnetic structure of the planet and ecological integrity of the biosphere. All under the mistaken assumption that there exists a classical limit (this mistake initialized, and persevered in, by identification with the probability-amplitude dissimulation of quantum mechanics internalized to myriad Umwelts and the prevailing Lebenswelt inculcated by 5-star global monoculture). The GLE: national socialists naming themselves neoconservatives. Since their transhumanist program -- to Nazify the planet, radically cull Homo sapiens sapiens, offplanet bulk of the remainder, synthesize a designer-human-clone slave-labor pool, AI-roboticize all those bought into be all you can be enhanced unto, immortalize membership of the GLE as virtual e-flitters -- is based upon extreme dissembling of natural processes, they certainly will lose control of the anthropogenic processes they have set in motion. Sooo, to continue with behaviors associated with my obsessive focus: actually, I think that the non-ordinary-qua-unconventional hypercomplex-number domains -- which don't meet, for instance, the bilinearity specification for being algebras, bi indicating 2, not n, and certainly not m -- require for explication µTm-unto-CTC+ logics understood independent of the notion truth-value cum fuzzied up degrees of truth. That is to say, allowance of identity-transparent, Bosonic, non-selfsame numbers, Gödelized or not (the comments offered here, legitimate as they are, it must be observed are all formulated by employment of 1T2-only-logic alone: e.g., all the variables and factors discussed are considered selfsame, therefore non-quantum qua simply-identifiable, not even given complex identity, let alone hypercomplex multi-identity, the doing of which, such giving that is, I have long supposed will involve holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as maths notation). IMHO, Charles Musès' notions concerning higher hypercomplex numbers and their utilities (see Appendix B of the linked paper), inspired as they were by engagement with Vajrayana, are right on the mark, but he was unable to thoroughly develop his initial intuitions there regarding largely because: (1) he had no access to holographically-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as maths notation (this linked paper good offices of William Orchard-Hays); and (2) those numbers do not authentically exist under 1T2-valued logic (however much they may be bivalently intimated and ostensibly tied to single-valued geometries [see the inspired work of John A. Shuster here and here], as distinct from those geometries non-selfsame à la J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels). These higher hypercomplex numbers I consider to actualize under topo-active-optime-executed (an active notion -- time operates on the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, which is ontologically prior to the existence of ponderablespacememetime -- as to what Musès referred to as chronotopology) cyclotomic decomposition (think: Eric Temple Bell) of C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value. In my view, real numbers are built-down, regressed, functionally truncated higher hypercomplex numbers; the higher hypercomplex numbers are not built-up extensions from the reals and their laws-conventions (see how Orchard-Hays arrives at the hypercomplex numbers m and w, then says: This observation seems to be the basis for speculation about hypernumbers). Most, if not all, of the higher hypercomplex numbers, under the higher orders of logical-value, will be found, IMHO, not to actually involve the operators and operations cum the laws-conventions of real-number arithmetic, as do the complex numbers and the conventional hypercomplex numbers, like the quaternion and octonion and sedenion algebras over the real numbers.
Contents of our 1994 novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, have been on occasion variously ridiculed. One such content is the following bibliographic entry (Vol. 2, pp. 751-2) written by the novel's protagonist:
Birkhoff, G. and J. von Neumann. The Logic of Quantum Mechanics, Ann. Of Mathematics, 37, 1936. (One truly must wonder at the extraordinary lengths the mind is willing to go in order to avoid looking the multivalue straight in the face. Here it is recognized that quantum logic has some relation to projective geometry, but where is the Riemann surface stack? Though some doubt is cast on the utility of Hilbert space, where is the recognition that every point in the referencing phase-space is multivalued, that translation across a single-valued sheet is projected as a static lattice to the multivalued referencing function space? How strange that they should invoke the concept of a logical lattice but not view it as a true point-set topology! Similarly, they use involutory relations and the concept of skew-fields, but the multivalue screaming in the background is completely ignored. Dropping distributive laws for two-valued propositions, indeed! Can laughter be suppressed? These missing recognitions are not ignorance speaking; they are expressions of psychological dread. And this paper, summarizing a decade (at least) of collective psychoneurotic posturing, was published just three years before the first actions were taken in the inevitable avalanche of consequences!)
So, what motivated John von Neumann; what was he looking for? The clearest answer is provided by Miklos Redei, Von Neumann's concept of quantum logic and quantum probability, in Miklos Redei and Michael Stoltzner, eds., John von Neumann and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Kluwer, 2001, as quoted in section 3.6 of Topological and Orthomodular Modeling of Context in Behavioral Science, Louis Narens, Frontiers in Physics, 5, 14 February 2017 [note once again that orthomodular precludes J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity and associated µTm logics]:
What von Neumann aimed at in his quest for quantum logic in the years 1935-1936 was establishing the quantum analog of the classical situation, where a Boolean algebra can be interpreted as being both the Tarski-Lindenbaum algebra of a classical propositional logic and the algebraic structure representing the random events of a classical probability theory, with probability being an additive normalized measure on the Boolean algebra satisfying [monotonicity], and where the probabilities can also be interpreted as relative frequencies. (The bracketed word is Narens' intercalation.)
Which clearly is to impute that that which is most wanted -- then and now -- is subjective experience of selfhood to be that of a selfsame self, union of subject and object to be not logical inclusive disjunction but logical exclusive disjunction, a Venn diagram hole in the middle, a barrier line under the delta-of-Venus, a vacuous truth due to the false antecedent which they, the wanters, regard animistic participation mystique to be, be the wanters from the Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion traditions or one of the Hindu-derived great-religion traditions which regard animism as a form of attachment. It is not nature which the wanters consequently describe, but the psychologically-projected imports of the prescriptive-enculturation-socialization which orchestrated the glutamatergic neuronal prunings to which plasticity of their preadolescent 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains were subjected, and to which they objected not in the least. There is nowadays, however, actually some somewhat work, uh, work somewhat being done more or less as regards application of m-valued logics -- imputably for the most part only the fuzzy-logic interpretation of the Lukasiewicz-Post orders of logical-value -- to hypernumbers, the conventional hypercomplex numbers, e.g., the quaternions and the octonions, that is the fuzzy quaternions and octonions, those being extensions of the fuzzy reals, i.e., numbers representing a fuzzy real-interval (the numbers composing the interval representing possible and/or probable discrete single-values indicative of degrees of whatsoever, truth, say). The fuzzy logic orchestrating the interval arithmetic involved in manipulation of these interval numbers would be, à la Post, those -- plural in Postian terms -- designated by 1Tinfinite, the infinite indicative of countable Cantorian aleph-null infinity, the 1 indicating a cut called the fuzzy spread, this term being somewhat of a misnomer as the cut slices out a single-valued non-fuzzy number (some researchers characterize this as artificial precision, this artificiality, IMHO, being a consequent of retaining identification with 1T2-only-logic alone, even when going to the fuzzy-logic dissimulation of the full import of Lukasiewicz-Post logics: see The problem of artificial precision in theories of vagueness , Vincenzo Marra, arXiv, 18 June 2013) denoting a given degree of whatever is being characterized, truth, gray scale, frequency spread, fractals of angular measure, so on. Given the right kind of numerical knife, I imagine, the single-valued cut could become an m-valued band-type cut with an authentic spread, the orchestrating logics being found among the µTinfinity-valued logics, mu taking on any finite integer value, though, conceivably, fractals could be involved in the m-valued logics of infinitesimals; but I don't see anything related to mu discussed in the papers I've run across (where, for instance, is 25T138 discussed?), nor do I see discussion of the implied m-valued non-selfsame numbers or what the involved arithmetic(s) thereof would entail. What is discussed is 1Twhatever. The whatever indicative of the number of values available to the given proposition, the 1 indicative of how many values the proposition simultaneously manifests, as permitted by the rules established for its logical-value order-type, i.e., the whatever. A fundamental issue here, among many others, is the problem raised in footnote 19, page 10 of Marra's paper. Quoting: the problem of justifying why degrees of truth are modelled by the real numbers rather than, say, the octonions [or the unconventional Musean higher hypercomplex numbers, for that matter, as is likely required for a full treatment of 3-fold topo-active optime as involutory decomposer of C+TC+ AllBase], may well be a problem . See, for a few instances of the somewhat work addressed to fundamentals: Fuzzy Quaternion Numbers, P. Ronildo, et al., 2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 7 July 2013; and Fuzzy Octonion Numbers: Some Analytical Properties, R. Watanabe and C. Watanabe and E. Esmi, Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting, 18 June 2019; and Fuzzy Octonion Numbers and Fuzzy Hypercomplex Numbers, R. Watanabe and E. E. Laureano and C. Watanabe, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 23 June 2019. As regards applications, consider, for instance: A Metacognitive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System [McFIS] for Sequential Classification Problems, Kartick Subramanian and Sundaram Suresh and Narasimhan Sundararajan, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 6, December 2013 (note that binary classifiers only are used, this being indicative of the fact that the fuzzy-set-inclusion-related interpretation of the m-valued logics is a bivalent dissimulation of the full import of m-valuedness in logic, in that the referential model is bipolar, psychopathologically no less than numerically, i.e., confined to the [0,1] real unit interval, even when quaternions and octonions are employed). Why psycho[patho}logically bipolar? Prevailing notions as to the causes of bipolarity neglect to mention the most [fund}a|mental level. Consider Psychological origin of quantum logic: An orthomodular lattice derived from natural-born intelligence without Hilbert space, Yukio Pegio Gunji and Kyoko Nakamura, Biosystems, Volumes 215-216, June 2022. Quoting from the abstract:
Here, we show the psychological origin of quantum logic (i.e., orthomodular lattice) by not using Hilbert space. After showing how Hilbert space plays a role in constructing an orthomodular lattice [once again note that orthomodularity precludes J.G.Bennettian µTm-logical-skew-perpendicularity cum skew-parallelism and the associated geometries which permit mathematical-object non-selfsameness], we show the idea of natural-born intelligence, in which a binary opposition pair can constitute not only positive but negative antinomy. In taking an object outside and an image inside a brain as that binary opposition pair, the structure entailing positive and negative antinomy is expressed as a specific binary relation consisting of multiple diagonal relations, which is called traumatic relation. [I contest this notion of natural born: raising the issue of these multiple diagonal relations indicates near-conscious awareness of the existence of J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity cum skew-parallelism and deeming them traumatic relation is a consequent of the non-natural-born prescriptive enculturation-socialization orchestrating glutamatergic anchoring via preadolescent neuronal prunings at plasticity of 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains, this pruning-anchoring quantum quenching conscious access to the µTm-logical processing engaged in by the nonlocal quantum brain.]
Concerning further applications, we offer three examples: avoiding hyperbole, we first cite CFN: A Complex-Valued Fuzzy Network for Sarcasm Detection in Conversations, Yazhou Zhang, et al., IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 29:12, 2021. Note that the target utterance is considered to be a quantum superposition, this being a backdoor way to stigmatize quantum composites and the animistic-Taoist, Secret of the Golden Flower participation mystique explicit therein but tacit to binary-mind as latent hysterical back-reaction. The involved quantum fuzzy measurement, yielding probabilistic outcomes of sarcasm recognition, most assuredly will become part of the apparatuses employed for marshalling the SCSS, social credit score system: this system won't let spoonerism and double entendre get by the censorious authorities, as happened in, for instance, colonial Viet Nam. More complexly, there is Metacognitive Octonion-Valued Neural Networks as they relate to time series analysis, L. Saad Saoud and R. Ghorbani, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 31:2, February 2020. This paper presents a self-regulating, learning-algorithm-based, hypercomplex-neural-network, time-series forecast model applied to prediction of oil prices and monetary currency exchange-rate fluctuations, among others -- not, however, I note, numerical forecast models of tornadogenesis. The Saoud-Ghorbani model generalizes to the octonions self-managing quaternion-fuzzy-neural-network forecast models. More complexly yet, we have Metacognitive Sedenion-Valued Neural Network and its Learning Algorithm, Lyes Saad Saoud and Hasan Al-Marzouqi, IEEE Access, 8, 2020. This paper extends the octonion-valued model and is notably applied to USD-to-euro currency exchange rate forecasting and daily temperature prediction in Abu Dhabi, among other applications. In this context of fuzzy-logic/fuzzy-set time-series forecasting, the paper entitled Fuzzy Time, from Paradox to Paradox, Farzad Didehvar, PhilPapers, 2019, which considers the instants of time as fuzzy numbers, that is, by my interpretation, cuts of the linear-timeline not as points numerable with crisply-demarcated, discrete, real numbers, but with fuzzy-set-theoretic real interval numbers. This is a very welcome move toward Lukasiewiczianization of time, but still a notion of passive, passing, referential linear-time, actually memetime, thus far and away from topologically-active operator-time decomposing the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space (parenthetically, in regards to the para-consistent logic interpretation of Lukasiewicz-Post, the C+TC+ Tzog-chen AllBase -- of CommonGround qua BackCloth as MVRS -- has C+ levels of 1T2-inconsistency, hence is explosive and thus consistent with the infinite-worlds interpretation of the Everettian relative-state interpretation of quantum mechanics, which means my I/im do not buy into Petr Hajek's characterization of the hierarchy of many-valued logics as summarized by Marra, particularly as, IMHO, C+TC+ is no mere extension of the axioms, connectives, deduction rules, variables of 1T2-only propositional logic; rather, 1T2 is a deteriorated, abject reduction of C+TC+, the FORMs of these two terminals being altogether incommensurate, the cut-and-paste of the shift of the hierarchy into non-orientability indicating the incommensurability, recognizing that, from the m-valued Parmenidean take, there is no single-valued Heraclitean shift, that the 1T2-only-hierarchy is always all ways C+TC+ly-non-orientable), -- therefore, the fuzzy-particle-instant-of-linear-time notion, while a welcome move, is not of much interest to cascade theory of tornadogenesis and reverse-cascade theory of emitted acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, µTm-LETS nesting-foams, the higher-temporal formants of DNA-emitted coherent waves (except, perhaps, as factored into a Fully Complex Valued Wavelet Network for Forecasting the Global Solar Radiation, L. Saad Saoud, et al., Neural Processing Letters, 45, 2017, pp. 475-505).
Having long been outside the mainstream of American life, indeed of global monoculture, it is etiolating, disheartening, depressing even, to see the uses to which m-valued logics are being put, and likely will be put-- but the fuzzy interpretation, like the probability interpretation of the Schrödinger wavefunction, is a dissimulation, and applications of dissimulations are properly classified as infratech. Nothing else could be expected to issue-forth therefrom. This disheartening, a little bit like loving the film Reds, WB's supreme contribution, despite having earlier learned from Jerry Hill of Hill's Nursery, N. Glebe Rd., Arlington, that, true or not, Shirley MacLaine always arrived home to visit the folks in a cab, while Warren always came by stretch limo. As I've said on occasion, the biggest lesson I took away from participation in the Viet Nam war is: don't even bother trying to influence the thought processes of people identified with regressed-archetypal contents of a fulminating collective psychosis; the effort, whatever it is, will be wasted. So, in rejoinder to the inevitable skepticism: if the regressed-archetypal contents are parts of the collective unconscious, how could they possibly be known to exist? Well, they are parcels (complexes are the parts) of collective behavioral gradients that are unconscious to members of the groups manifesting them; but these parcels spin off identifiable markers, a most prominent set of such markers being the ConveDDs, the conversion-disorder displacements. One concrete current example is the Wokester banning of binary pronouns. Non-binary logics have been in the cultural birth canal for well over 100 years, their imports overwhelmingly suppressed, with very few people other than specialists even being aware of their existence. That's supplyside's trickle-down for you! Over a hundred years: John Reed's memetimes when the Wilson prez carried the Pink err a tin-tin's surveillance state to a higher level of elaboration than that instituted by the Lincoln prez. Even then, John Reed's memetimes, it should have been pellucid to the well-informed that political action does not take place on the level upon which real, for all, substantive, qualitative improvement vis-à-vis the prevailing spectrum of human conditions can be achieved: not even on the level of system properties; only on the level of framework determining conditions, e.g., the order of logical-value employed. While the Russians, including those John Reed engaged with, may long have played on The Grand Chessboard (I first learned of Heartland Theory the summer of 1963 during a long visit to the Lexington household of family friends, one of whom taught military science at University of Kentucky), the Chinese never have and never will; their Great Game is played on the Grand Goboard. Which game most facilitates identificative anchoring to the binary-mind? If you're playing chess (1T2-either/or-oppositional) and they're playing go (1T2-TaiChi-rotational), how's that gunna work itself out, eh what? To the neomonarchy's Star Chamber, hencewith! Heh-heh-heh! Let the Chief Injustice of the Potentate's Bench, Sir Angry Fainhope, steer trail, uh trial, of the tri[tone}alist wretches, long horns that that Chief has. Uh, uh, to continue, following that outburst: that which is suppressed becomes regressed, and by compensatory abreaction is trophotropically expectorated in analogical form, a psychic-form analogous to that emitted in projectile vomiting, the ConveDD, e.g., making binary pronouns a no-no, being an exemplary case thereof. Trying to reason with a ConveDD -- the [per}sons laden therewith -- especially a ConveDD having to do with the rules of reason-- well, don't even bother, the involved collective-unconscious behavioral gradient has the momentum generated by antecedents going back, in the rules of reason case, at least to the ancient Greeks. One way or another, the gradient will play itself out: like water in a rock-filled stream, a way will be found, even if a dam is built -- if there be enough water, with enough built-up mass memetimes velocity.
Just look at the price tag on this piece of infratech! Around $2billion (see: First look at the incredible screen to be used by U2 during Las Vegas Sphere residency, Martha Brennan, Irish Star, 12 September 2023). I don't have the personal resources -- and even Michael Thompson's Rubbish theory is an inadequate aid -- to develop a believable estimate as to what percentage of planetary resources are essentially dissipated. Moreover, as counter-arguments would go, arriving at such a judgment would be a highly-value-laden process. But a little bit of a feel can be gotten by considering Hollywood's output: this has only been possible for the average person with advent of all the films posted to the internet, where one can scroll through page after page after page of films available for viewing and not find a single one an intelligent person might wish to watch. Wow! what an enormous dissipation of resources. My idea for a laser-projection (the intersecting laser beams x-angstroms above and below the visible spectrum, the intersection point being visible) DOME within which to view holographically techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt (the Las Vegas Sphere is primitive compared to this) had it's seed techno-idea origins when -- circa November of 1968, sitting on the sand of Manhattan Beach, CA -- Deirdre Campbell told me about Jack Dwosh's design for a lighting scheme for a Las Vegas casino involving free-floating blocks of laser-projected light sitting above each table. I immediately saw the relevance of this to making possible rigorous studies of inner-Musculpt such that that sonic-visioning could develop-through-use in a manner similar to a so-called natural language. Then, during an overland trip to Bella Coola, B.C., during February of 1970, this idea was brainstormed -- relative to the notion of a holographically-equipped home resource center -- with Kelly Robinson (during 1968, one of my superior officers at SRA/MACV-J2 in Saigon) who had just completed a course at University of Washington on technological forecasting. After that, whenever I ran across someone with technical expertise in any of the involved areas, I'd attempt to discuss with them the idea of a laser-projection dome for holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt. Soon, I learned to leave out the inner-Musculpt part, as the attempted conversation always got hung up there, never moving on to the techno part with which I hoped to learn something through which the idea could be advanced. Many such attempts were made with a wide range of different sorts of experts. One such occurred when Craig Inglis, a person close to John C. Lilly and an expert on isolation-flotation Lilly tanks, took me to meet a one-time academic quantum physicist who had moved away from the university and into the business world as a manufacturer of biofeedback equipment. He wanted to discuss my quantum ideas about autogenic brain discharges, rather than biofeedback in the tank with a dome-type display, and then announced that he had left academia and QM because he was tired of working with probabilities, which he characterized as extremely difficult to do anything practical with. How do you make things out of probable states? I agreed with him on that, but I wasn't there to discuss the whys and wherefores concerning dissimulation of the Schrödinger wavefunction. So, that's how that meeting ended. Similar missed opportunities happened on numerous other occasions over the years. People like their infratech, and that's just a fact of the matter. Many-valued LETS nesting-foams µTmly processed, that's just too hard. Don't even think of trying to discuss holographic Musculpt as the maths notation prerequisite to thinking in m-valued logics, rather than thinking 1T2ly about m-valued logics. Doctrine of Uses: it's a real bugbear!
Not normotic, no, but certainly very much influenced by the L-glutamate and microglia and Bdnf mRNA, uh, brain-derived neurotropic-factor messenger ribonucleic acid and RhoA and calcium-overload apoptosis and so-on-and-so-forth-neuronally-anchored normosis pandemic that has swept the world since advent of the 21st century when knowledge of the gravity of the collective-cum-planetary crisis finally trickled down sufficiently for ears of the herd to raise in the rising winds of gathering cuspover. No high indifference (quoting the linked discursus: But the High Indifference is a lofty state of Consciousness that can look upon these pairs of opposites unattached and aloof, i.e., this no-[1T2-]mind state is a port of entry into the ability to think in µTm-logics, rather than 1T2ly about what the binary-mind thinks those logics must entail); rather, feloniously-depraved indifference yielding reckless endangerment. What becomes of cowed people and a trashed planet -- trashed n-planets, if they, the GLE global leadership elite, get their ways -- when the levers of governance are turned over to brain-imp[air}ed mega[low}maniacal psychosociopaths the creeds of whichwhat, uh, whom, have been fashioned of infrasex, infrascience, and infratech? Own-world Umwelts massively over-populated by introjected memes accumulated during early childhood and by identifications with regressed-archetypal imagines (plural of imago, used here in the Jungian sense, which is more general than that of Freud) during late-teens and early-twenties when the last of the phasic glutamate storms qua floods transpire to accomplish their neural network wipeouts, more specifically neuronal etching, more specifically yet synaptic pruning, even more specifically yet dendritic spine pruning (could anthropogenic climate disruption and instigated population culling be ConveDDs, conversion-disorder displacements, of these neurochemical processes underlying Sturm-und-Drang over-pruning?). Not mimetic; rather, memetic qua [meme}etic, as in memetics. Dawkins self-reproducing (and maybe even autopoietic, that is self-producing) memes (origin of the notion first reported in Science News during the mid-1970s whilst I was at Cornell) are cultural genes (the term meme has recently been misappropriated and converted by a disordered popular mind into designator of a signifier of a mere fad element of a component-process which arrests the social structure of attention cathexes) transmitted from generation to generation by the prescriptive enculturation-socialization orchestrating the glutamatergic (I use this word because I embrace the position stated by Konstanze D. Romer and S. Bleich and J. Kornhuber, as given in Glutamate -- a transmitter in the tensionfield between toxin and trophine, Fortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie, 71, Supplement 1, pp. S3-9, to wit, quoting the abstract: The excitotoxicity of glutamate mediated by NMDA-receptors is the common ultimate mechanism of acute and chronic nerve cell death and plays an important role in many acute neurologic diseases: note that trophine means substance capable de stimuler le fonctionnement des glandes endocrines, definition good offices of LeDicoElix: before I found this, I received many messages from Google telling me that I don't know how to state a proper word search) pruning at neuronal plasticity (these two terms have distinct meanings) by which it, the given meme, is anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains stripped of the ability to consciously register µTm-processing of the nonlocal quantum brain. The ability to register memetime, an ability, according to the studies of Piaget, acquired during early childhood, being, perhaps, the most superlative case in point. In this context, over-populated is an interesting term, with its derogatory connotation. Consider the following opening sentences taken from the abstract to The information theory of developmental pruning: Optimizing global network architectures using local synaptic rules, Carolin Scholl and Michael E. Rule and Matthias H. Hennig, Plos Computational Biology, 11 October 2021:
During development, biological neural networks produce more synapses and neurons than needed. Many of these synapses and neurons are later removed in a process known as neural pruning. Why networks should initially be over-populated, and the processes that determine which synapses and neurons are ultimately pruned, remains unclear.
I have long contested the notion that existence of the pruning necessarily means that the chemically-excised neurons and synapses and dendritic spines were more than needed (I've also long rejected the notion that there exists junk DNA codons, codons not needed; not needed for what, to carry out a single-level 1T2-only encipherment? -- or needed to functionally specify the functionally-integrative µTm-logical information carried by the higher-temporal formants of the quantum-wave properties of DNA pi-electron gas?). My thesis is that the neurons-synapses-spines in question are needed to facilitate the electron-transport processes prerequisite to conscious access to the µTm-logical processing of the nonlocal quantum brain, an access excised by orchestration of glutamatergic etching, the orchestration implemented by prescriptive enculturation-socialization in service to highly detrimental memetic processes manipulated by the exclusively-self-interested GLE identified therewith. Now consider a point essayed by Samuel C. Woodburn and Justin L. Bollinger and Eric S. Wohleb in The semantics of microglia activation: neuroinflammation, homeostasis, and stress, Journal of Neuroinflammation, 6 November 2021:
These studies also demonstrated that microglia and peripheral immune cells have dual roles: driving neuroinflammation and subsequent pathology, as well as resolving neuroinflammation and repairing the nervous system Indeed, there is ample evidence that inflammation simultaneously drives tissue damage and repair There are limitations to these definitions because biological systems do not fit cleanly into well-defined [binary-logical] categories.
This general lack-of-well-definition theme is supported by the following statement drawn from the Introduction section to The Role of Excitatory Neurotransmitter Glutamate in Brain Physiology and Pathology, R. Shanmuga Sundaram and L. Gowtham and Bhabani S. Nayak, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 5:2, 2012, to wit:
It is a [1T2-logical] paradox that glutamate is indispensable as a major excitatory amino acid (EAA) neurotransmitter probably involved in most aspects of normal brain function including cognition, memory and learning and, highly toxic as an endogenous excitotoxin.
But since L-glutamate functions on both the prohomeostatic and antihomeostatic sides of the 1T2-only biological world picture, we also have New Insights Into Synaptic Pruning During Brain Development, Neuroscience News.com, 8 June 2023, where the obverse is stated. Quoting the technical paper cited in this news report, i.e., Activity-dependent local protection and lateral inhibition control synaptic competition in developing mitral cells in mice, Satoshi Fujimoto, et al., Developmental Cell, 58:14, 24 July 2023, pp. 1221-24, to wit:
Glutamatergic inputs via NMDARs [N-methyl-D-aspartate is a receptor of glutamate] locally suppress RhoA to protect winner dendrites [and] Glutamatergic inputs via NMDARs activate RhoA in remote loser dendrites for pruning [this 1T2-paradox is explained thusly:] We show that strong glutamatergic inputs to one dendrite trigger branch-specific changes in RhoA activity to facilitate the pruning of the remaining dendrites: NMDAR-dependent local signals suppress RhoA to protect it from pruning; however, the subsequent neuronal depolarization induces neuron-wide activation of RhoA to prune non-protected dendrites
Which is to offer subtle support for taking the L-glutamine supplement. It appears that the 1T2ly-paradoxical behavior of glutamate permits discovery of supportive experimental findings, depending upon predilection: leaning to antihomeostatic; leaning to prohomeostatic. Probably funding sources and all sorts of factors are involved determining a given lean and its degree of arc. Further quoting (at length, for value of the comprehensive summary account, which appears to mirror my experience) R. Shanmuga Sundaram and L. Gowtham and Bhabani S. Nayak, linked above:
Although glutamate-induced cell death is associated with both apoptic and necrotic changes, the mechanism of cell death remains to be established. Many studies have reported that acute form of glutamate neurotoxicity is cellular selective and different EAAs [excitatory amino acids] produce distinctive degenerative patterns in the presence of agonists; it is predominantly mediated by ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs). The two deleterious processes can be distinguished by differences in time-dependence and ionic characteristics. The acute form of neurotoxicity is characterized by excessive activation of iGluRs leading to massive influx of Na+ followed by passive entry of Cl- and efflux of K+ ions which are responsible for further influx of water causing neuronal swelling, osmotic lysis and neuronal necrosis followed by massive influx of Ca2+, leading to detrimental effects on the brain and can be prevented by eliminating from the culture medium, sodium or chloride, two ions responsible for the massive influx of water when glutamate-gated cation channels are open. Swelling occurs within minutes of glutamate exposure and is critically dependent on the extracellular concentrations of Na+ and Cl− ions. In contrast, delayed neuronal degeneration caused by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and in most cases, kainic acid (KA) agonists is Ca2+ ion-dependent and transpires over several hours after a brief exposure to a high concentration of agonist or prolonged exposure to a low concentration of agonist. The sustained elevation in intracellular Ca2+ (i[Ca2+]), subsequent to Na+, or both, is assumed to set various cascades of pathobiochemical processes in motion leading to neuronal degeneration involving a number of different pathways that cause oxidative stress and degeneration.
Given the way I react to MSG, my personal lean has long been decisively toward the antihomeostatic orientation to the question of exogenously amplifying beyond physiological titers of glutamate, i.e., I'm again' such a gain (of function).
It appears we are entering the [de}public stage of the reeepublic what irrevocably diverged from the public. What's that? Youse guys of the GLE, global leadership elite, jus' moider my backwater me -- one of the one-bloke-and-another purrtending ta draw inspiration from this or that cognitive billabong -- wit' youare sick hu-hu-[hu}more. That's what! So's, knowin' dat leadership is coercion what undermines the quantum potential -- i.e., the µTm-relative-state identity-transparency -- driving self-organization, I'se nebber been no baaliever in the executive brain, in synapses competing for venture capital correlations amidst the countervailing forces operative in the inter-neuron-competitive free-marketplace, with it's top-down and bottom-up biasing of competition amongst objects of its attention cathexes; no more than I've baalieved in gene competition driving cell competition upon the memetime-bound neo[social]Darwinian 2nk-fitness landscape of 1T2-only-SantaFeInstitute complexity theory, whereon exclusion of highest [n-1]-values of k -- the number of correlations between n-competing component-processes -- precludes hologrammic µTm-logical relative-states of identity-transparency, states indicative of the quantum potential driving autopoiesis cum self-organization and requiring for their representation a memetime-independent Mnk-articulation hyperspace and non-selfsame non-conventional higher hypernumbers employed as factors of quasi-Gödel-numbered quasi-Gödel numbers. As much as I've liked Heinz von Foerster's thoughts about 2nd-order-cybernetic systemic self-referentiality, I've never thought it was self-organization-by-noise -- unless that random-perturbational noise was 1T2-paradoxically as coherent as the acoustically-modified gravity-wave µTm-modes boomed out traditionally by Dong Son bronze drums sited under waterfalling energy-momentum cascades (cf. Jean Larteguy's Les Tambours de Bronze, circa 1965) so as to standing-wave-effect boundaries-without-boundary upon which bureaucratic variables were tacitly mapped à la the holographic principle -- through which autopoiesis and self-organization to higher and higher levels of fitness -- heh-heh-heh! -- of the VCI, Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure, transpired. Moreover, I've never been able to put much confidence in the Royal Random, the Scientism religion's Article of Faith that the statistics of aimless-purposeless heat motion is the Initial Cause-push and maybe even constitutive of the Final Cause-attractor -- and especially I've had no confidence in such like as regards the complexities of biological organization. AllThatIs may be a Book of Changes, but surely it's not a book-of-chances: for 1T2-Heraclitus, [Every}thing is [no}thing but changes; whereas, for µTm-Parmenides, [No}thing ever changes, that Parmenidean thing being a decomposition involute of nothing, 1T2ly speaking a void pattern involuting to a vacuum fluctuation numerable as Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of symmetry relations on the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, dusted with collections of singular points multiply connected with n-order-type-Riemann-surface sheets of Regge bones; hence, the Parmenidean thing is memetime-independently preordained, howsoever free-willed that classes thereof appear to memetime-bound Heraclitian-mind. The debate over free-will versus determinism is a subject of great cosmic laughter: we are 1T2ly-determined to be free and µTmly-free of determined 1T2-only selfsame selfhood to the level (cf. levels of Samadhi, steps of Jacob's Ladder) we abandon the intentionality-willfulness (cf. Brentano, Husserl, Sartre, so on) of such intense determination. Reticent, yet grimly scornful, be the standard [taci}turn response to that formulation, accompanied by a sardonic, Harrumph-harrumph! And not only from those of the neoCon persuasion. Apparently, once upon a memetime, owl-eyed native Americans lived in some such awareness of this sort of ecclesiogenic pre[ordain}ment, wherewhen cum throughwhich little willfulness before nature was cultivated. Nurturing willlessness (just as Taoist non-doing is not not-doing, willlessness is not spiritual obedience or secular obedience) as a lifeway in the pathological Lebenswelt we've been vouchsafed by a Weltanschauung the GLE has created in its own image by processes of projective-identification accompanied by introjections to Umwelts of the memes generated by those processes? Well-- hmmm, and harrumph.
I find the following statement taken from the end of A Group-Theorist's Perspective on Symmetry Groups in Physics, Robert Arnott Wilson, arXiv, 20 December 2020, to be of considerable interest relative to thematics of our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations Toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement. Quoting Section 8.7. Quantum Mechanics of Wilson's paper:
The wave-function and all the [single-valued] continuous variables [each of which can sequentially take on one and another and another of an uncountable set or infinite set of values, 1T2ly processed; which is not the same as m-valued continuous variables each of which do take on all those values simultaneously, CTC+ processed] that are used in the theory of quantum mechanics lie in the mixed form of the group algebra. In particular, in the group algebra model the wavefunction is not an intrinsic property of an elementary particle, but a description of the average behaviour of an elementary particle placed inside a particular macroscopic environment.
Collapse of the wave-function, therefore, can be viewed not as a physical process, but as a difference in point of view. [Emphasis added.] That is, do we consider the elementary particles interacting in isolation, or in a wider context? In other words, the group algebra model suggests a new way to look at the measurement problem.
Now, à la our 1980 paper, we take a difference in point of view quite literally in the sense of Heinz von Foerster's 2nd-order-cybernetic systemic self-referentiality -- whereas Wilson changes the macroscopic environment (an environment not being quite the same as a point of view) by adding a changing gravitational context. We, of course, don't rule out a changing gravitational context, but make the perceptually-derived insistence that there necessarily must be a collapse of the wavefunction (in order to account for normotic consensus reality) a matter of the subclinical autogenic brain discharges involved in initialization of a difference in point of view (CTC+-logical unto 1T2-logical as a collective occasion of experience [meme}orialized by processes of glutamatergic neuronal pruning at cognitive development, so called). That's, say, Section 5. From Infinite to Finite of Wilson's paper -- keeping in mind, from our point of view, Ignacio Matte Blanco's The Unconscious as Infinite Sets under CTC+-logic, not bi-logic as Blanco would have it.
During the second half of the 1970s Doug Paine, the Cornell specialist in tornadogenesis, and I episodically discussed the need to transmigrate the Maxwellian-form Rx of the physics underlying the cascade-theoretic forecast model to Schrödinger-form treatment (these three papers, here and here and here, indicate that we were actively laying the foundation for this -- and would have continued so to do into the 1980s had the wall of negativity not grown higher and higher, and had not the funding sources altogether dried up), especially the Dx equation set relative to energy-momentum imbalances-unto-divergences as indicators of initiation of 3-fold temporal CURL and ensuing cascade scale-level to scale-level of Wick-rotation dynamics in tightening spiral. Think of the implications that, quoting WiKi:
Wick rotation connects statistical mechanics to quantum mechanics by replacing inverse temperature (1/Boltzmann's constant x temperature) with imaginary time (it/reduced Planck's constant). Consider a large collection of harmonic oscillators at temperature T.
Well, as regards our canonical harmonic-oscillator equation, see here and here (an equation somewhat related to the memetime-independent Schrödinger equation for the harmonic oscillator, where we consider the minus and plus ladder [creation-annihilation] operators to be indicative of cascade and reverse-cascade of hyperhypercomplex and hypercomplex and complex angular momentum, handled as temporal CURL, quantization thereof likely involving application of Penrose twistors), we make imaginary time into 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, and the harmonic oscillators into temperature oscillators, not, in reference to, say, oscillation about a fixed position in space at temperature T, or oscillation in the energy of EM waves in a cavity; rather, the temperature itself of whatever -- e.g., air parcel, pi-electron parcel -- is the harmonic oscillator we consider (that oscillating temperature, à la Wiki, replaced by imaginary time qua 3-fold topo-active optime; such temperature being regarded as a map of differential spin, quantum spin that is, understood relative to temporal CURL: see The Relativistic-Quantum Definition of Temperature section of the paper posted here). As regards a large number of harmonic oscillators, we never entertained the notion of superluminal translation in entanglement, the word entanglement in our view being a misnomer imputing 1T2ly-discrete-selfsame identity to the wave packet, whereas the actual case is CTC+-unto-µTm-logical-relative-states of identity-transparency where no information translation across breadth, however short or long, of ponderablespacememetime is required. For Robert Arnott Wilson, à la A Group-Theorist's Perspective on Symmetry Groups in Physics, arXiv, 20 December 2020, in the group algebra model the wavefunction is not an intrinsic property of an elementary particle, but a description of the average behaviour of an elementary particle placed inside a particular macroscopic environment. For Paine and I, the macroscopic environment is an LSTD, limited spacetime (qua ponderablespacememetime) domain, or collection thereof, and what the wavefunction is a description of (1T2-logical average behavior, µTm-logical-relative-states of identity-transparency, CTC+-logical-relative-states of identity-transparency) depends upon the order-type of the collection of LSTDs involved in the given case (see here for an account of how we thought of this during the late-1970s). So, what happens to the limited ponderablespacememetime domain, and collections thereof, with topo-active optime initializing cascades of decompositional involutes by execution of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of higher-logical-valued propositions written on CommonGround BackCloth? Moreover, what happens to, say, conservation of energy when, relativistic time dilation aside, the uniformity qua homogeneity of memetime is superseded by the non-uniformities of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time? Check out our 1977 paper posted here for one answer. What happens to Noether's Theorem? What happens to symmetry groups? They have to be reconstituted logically in terms of m-valued logics understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency and geometrically in terms of J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism (think, as a start, à la Ron Maimon's comment: replace Feynman's parallel top and bottom horizontal lines with Bennett's pencils of skew-parallels) cum skew-perpendicularity (the deep-structure whatnots for which the 1T2-Heisenberg-uncertainty-inequalities somewhats are the surface-structure referents). I have not thought this possible absent holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as maths notation. And I have believed that that exteriorization is unlikely without sufficient concrete impetus. The concrete impetus I've imagined is holographic Musculpt as user-friendly interface to the processing of µTm-valued-LETS monetary-currency transactions.
Probably -- I don't rightly remember -- it was at the instigation of David Leblanc that three of us high school students, including Ben Ray Smith and myself, approached Mr. Moore, the physics and chemistry and math instructor in our little 200-or-so-students school, and asked him to midwife an independent study course in symbolic logic using a paperback textbook we'd found in the bookshop, Eielson AFB, Alaska, circa 1961. This was done. Both David and Ben Ray went on to study engineering at the college level. Not me. I had grave difficulty placing unalloyed belief in the rules of bivalent logic. At the time, I didn't understand why I had such a problem, or even what exactly the problem was, and this conundrum became somewhat traumatic, as my thought processes seemed all too frequently to be singled out for pointed criticism by authority figures, sometimes even publicly. In due course, upon arrival in Viet Nam, late-1967, when the smells of Asia caused an in-flooding of lost military-brat-childhood memories of early-1950s rural Japan, I resurrected contemplation of my logic conundrum and eventually came to the idea that my problem with logic was due to the unusual states of consciousness I'd experienced as an 8-through-11-yearold rice-field runner due to my exposure, however limited, to animistic modes of comprehension -- the rope-draped entry to the Shinto shrine on the hillside directly above the house wherein I lived, the incensed and gonfaloned Buddhist temple farther up near top of the hill, the instruction provided by Obaasan of the shophouse located at the end of the dirt road leading to the wet-rice-cultivating hamlet in which I resided -- among other exposures: judo-jujitsu lessons; bamboo sword; Ikebana flower arranging asymmetries; tea ritual as practiced at, for instance, weddings; garden layout and maintenance; the inner-qua-psychological effects of living in a traditional Japanese house surrounded by a naka-niwa inner-garden, even when that house is enhanced with modern facilities; elaborate traditional rice ritual of water-buffalo plowing and hand-planting and hand-sickle harvesting; the honey-bucket man; Japanese handicraft practices as observed in Kyoto and kita-Kyushu. Now, September of 2023, I learn that the problem with logic may be a lot more widespread than I have thought. Quoting Fuzzy Thinking in Non-Fuzzy Situations: Understanding Students' Perspective, Rina Zazkis, For the Learning of Mathematics, 15, 1995, pp. 39-41:
In true Piagetian fashion, excited by the resistance of my adult students to symbolic bivalent logic, I posed the following problem to my own children, 11 and 7 years old. I drew nine white circles and one black, and asked each child to determine the truth value of the statement: All the circles are white. Obviously, mom, claimed the 11 year old, this statement is false since the last circle isn't white. This is true but not quite true, claimed the seven year old, without the last one it would be right. Further research is needed to determine whether these two reactions are typical for the age and development level of the interviewees. It is also an interesting question whether the ratio of black circles to white ones was critical to the response.
In my case, this reservation concerning bivalence was taken further than awareness of fuzzy-logic-type lack of crisp distinctions. I'd been exposed to -- ontically experienced on numerous occasions -- what I eventually came to understand as being participation mystique qua animistic identity-transparency qua generative empathy, a more profound violation of the rules of bivalent logic than is Law-of-Distributed-Middle-denying fuzzy logic, which leaves the Law of Identity and the Law of Non-Contradiction intact. What I was partially inducted to, most directly by the rice ritual -- and by my immersive identification with, qua imprinting upon, qua empathic embrace of the wind-driven, torrentially-rained-upon rice fields of O-so-many-many green hues and little medaka paddy fish, the green frogs, and chirping cicada and those field's immediate natural surround, e.g., the sacred red pine on the blood-grass-covered mound out toward the middle of the expansive rice paddies filling the valley -- is best described in Nguyen Khac Kham's translation (Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam, Saigon: Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations, 1970) of a passage from Paul Giran's 1904 Psychologie du Peuple Annamite, to wit, as reproduced by the following:
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese.
That the terminology used here by Giran -- used a mere 4 years after publication of the paper explicating Planck's quantum; that is, well before such words became common in interpretive discourse upon quantum mechanics -- echoes that associated with currently prevailing physical theory, suggests that my problem with logic was-is not merely a Piaget-developmental throwback or a cross-cultural arrest of adequate enculturation; rather, it may very well reflect nature fundamentals which infants inherently know the import of, but comprehension of which is progressively removed by prescriptive enculturation-socialization glutamatergically anchored. I was dropped into what Giran describes, then abruptly pulled out and instantly dropped into (no explanations given or even seen to be necessary or appropriate): I am me and only me, A = A: the Law of Identity is absolutely inviolable, otherwise there could be no rational thought and reality would be incomprehensible. Self-observation is paradoxical and, moreover, involves temporal retroflexion: the self supposedly observed is already in the past when the supposed observing-self is supposedly separated from it;
For Heinz von Foerster, just as for Niklas Luhmann (and for Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Jacques Lacan) it was important to stress that the distinction that the observer applies in order to observe himself cannot as far as he is concerned be observed in the moment in which he applies it. The observer who observes himself is thereby his own blind spot. He cannot observe himself. He can only observe something with which he mistakes himself. (Dirk Baecker, Working the Form: George Spencer-Brown and the Mark of Distinction, published in: Mousse Magazine, The Future Is Here Supplement Settimana Basileia, eds., Chus Martínez and Philippe Bischof, June 2015, pp. 42–47)
furthermore, were it not a temporal retroflexion, self-observation would yield an absurd infinite regress of selfhoods which is logically insupportable, indeed, a fallacy (referring here of infinite regress qua infinite regress, that is infinite regress per se, not of infinite regress arguments). Speaking relative to ontological truth qua alethic truth, the truth of things, not merely of propositions, self-reference is subjective and an unresolvable paradox epiphenomenal to language use (or so I read into Lavinia Picollo's Alethic Reference, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 16 August 2019, an analysis of reference, self-reference, and well-foundedness); it cannot, therefore, be a valid aspect of objective physical theories, even if quantitatively discoverable in arithmetic of number systems demonstrated to be incomplete or inconsistent by Gödel, nor can m-valued logics be construed as elucidating order-types of self-referential propositions. Gödel numbers are for the making of mathematical proofs and computer algorithms; they are not parts of physical laws or of descriptors of physical reality. Parallels are parallel: skew-parallelism is a contradiction of terms, therefore nonsense, however well-defined with null-vectors, for what is a null-vector but null, nothing, void, unreal, nonexistent. The invariant (that which is left unchanged) of a symmetry transformation is what is observable
invariance usually means a symmetry of the system under certain transformations. This symmetry and it's accompanied conserved quantities mean that there is a set of observational objects, that do not change. Moving epistemologically on this, we may deduce that the only way we can write down laws for nature, meaning for example equations of motion, is by having something conserved, since otherwise we would not be able to observe them. (Constantine Black, Why invariance is important?, Physics Stack Exchange, 8 June 2018)
and logical, i.e., the Tarski-Sher thesis (Solomon Feferman, in Set-theoretical invariance criteria for logicality provides an exceptionally clear explication) maintaining that
Suppose D is a domain of some objects. We may construct a hierarchy of classes over this domain: subclasses of the domain, classes of ordered pairs from the domain, ,subclasses of the previous classes, and so on. As we saw last week, Tarski in his 1966 lecture (published as Tarski 1986) proposed the following criterion for what it is to be a logical class: C is a logical class iff C is permutation-invariant on D. A permutation on D, recall, is a function from D to itself that is one-one and onto (in other words, injective and surjective, i.e. a bijection) (A. C. Paseau, Precis of Gila Sher's 'The Foundational Problem of Logic' and miscellaneous remarks on the Tarski-Sher Thesis, Oxford University, 4 February 2019: incidentally, I take nomic to be normotic and do not seek the foundation of logic in logical necessity between antecedent and consequent; moreover, I hold identity transparency to be more foundational than distinction which is more foundational than truth, this last which is being one aspect of what G. Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form demonstrated; thus, I disagree with Gilles Deleuze when he maintains that difference precedes identity: identity is implicate, i.e., enfoldingly self-defining -- I am that I am --, as it does not need explicate multiplicity as a structural or functional prerequisite; but I agree with Deleuze when he maintains that continuity is primary)
(which, considering all of the above concerning invariants, is to say: invariance -- no myth, no chimera -- defines the logical and reveals the observable), symmetry itself being largely a spatial bi-matter, a matter of back and forth, over and under, clockwise and counterclockwise;
In its simplest form, invariance is a binary relation [and concatenations thereof]: X is invariant under Y. Intuitively, to say that X is invariant under Y is to say that X doesn't notice, doesn't pay attention to, is blind to, is immune to, or isn't affected by, changes in Y. (first paragraph of Section I, Gila Sher, Invariance as a basis for necessity and laws, Philosophical Studies, 178, 1 May 2021, pp. 3945-78)
though, time-reversal permitted (which even most physicists don't rightly well-ontically cotton to), the bi-matter could also be temporal in nature, if not readily available in historiography. And most especially that reality (as opposed to nihil) is built-up generative, cellular-automata-like, of given individual ultimates,
My starting point is a simple and common-sensical picture of the world, one that is independent of any specific philosophical or mathematical theory. According to this picture, there are objects of various levels in the world: individuals (level 0) and properties (levels 1,2,3, ). Individuals are definite and distinct. Individuals have properties (including relations), these properties themselves have properties, and so on, and it's determined for each property and each object in its range whether it holds of this object. This picture, which underlies much of our thinking in philosophy, mathematics, and science, is convenient for introducing invariance. (first paragraph of Section II, Gila Sher, cited and linked immediately above)
not, repeat NOT, all of the above dictating this NOT, decomposed-down in cyclotomic involutes from a given indiscrete plenum (therefore, under cyclotomic involution, use of the word relations and the term relative-states is to bow to cognitive needs of the nomic normotic and to use misnomers, for only once having had the Ray of Creation reduced all the way down to 1T2 do we have individuals with the property relations to other individuals), and that, WERE THERE Hegel-Schelling Abfall-Aufhebung (many thanks to Brigita Gelzinyte for her 2020 Vilnius University Ph.D. dissertation entitled Performing Reason in Schelling and Hegel, contextualizing, for me, Eric Temple Bell's number-theoretical 1912 dissertation on cyclotomic involution relative to N. H. Abel's 1823 breakaway Impossibility Theorem existence proof for [trans}al-jabr: The Cyclotomic Quinary Quintic), Abfall of ideal into monotonic (total energymatter can't be increased or decreased) real (praise those privileged to have received the lessing-is-mooring Briefing for a Descent into Hell!) conjugated to Aufhebung of monosemic real (reality is what it is, means what it means, not something else as well) into ideal, the two together being the bi-symmetry of Selbstpradikation/Selbstaufhebung, that is, separate-self-predication/separate-self-cancellation -- God forbid! -- this ultimate binary opposition WOULD BE a trigammadion-spinor-driven (no Thor's Hammer swastika! except, perhaps, in the case of DNA pi-electron-gas emitted coherent quadripolar waves carrying n-overtoned cum m-valued information) dynamical hierarchy, Stairway to and from Heaven, Jacob's Ladder, ziggurat-type of Mount Meru, growing-dying Cabalistic Tree of Life, NOT a static, multiply self-referential, multiply self-reentered, many-logically-valued, hyperKleinBottle (thanks be due to Diego Lucio Rapoport) nesting-foam with Riemann-surface-like multi-sheeted universal covering, tetractys-dusted with singularities, strung with pencil of skew-parallels Regge bones, this Lukasiewicz-Post logic-lattice Tzog-chen AllBase of Musculpted MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) CommonGround BackCloth numbered with quasi-Gödel-numbered quasi-Gödel numbers of C+TC+-valued propositions unpacked-repacked by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time/counter-operator-time, thus giving the appearance of dynamics to lesser relative-states, the most reduced of which being that of nomic binary-minds, minds not particularly gnomic. So long as the exclusionary sorts of perspectives referred to above continue to be tacitly and/or overtly consensuated, impossible will be an authentic upgrading of Noether's Theorem -- vis-à-vis m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and incorporating J. G. Bennett's null-vectored skew-parallel notion of non-selfsame identity (the impetus for which undoubtedly came with phenomena apparent from long engagement with Oriental positivism's practice of self-observation and associated reductive phenomenologies, i.e., relative to Lebenswelt, that transcendental, those quantum: see Is the life-world reduction sufficient to quantum physics?, Michel Bitbol, Continental Philosophy Review, 54[C2], December 2021) -- as to modeling of the objects (e.g., Bennett's skew-parallel figures), 1T2ly speaking, objective and subjective, upon which the notions symmetry and invariance are applied, this µTm-non-selfsame identity being deep-structure to 1T2-Heisenberg's surface-structure uncertainty relations: quoting Appendix III to Chapter 15 of Vol. 1 of Bennett's The Dramatic Universe, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, p. 506:
Notwithstanding all the developments of affine and non-Euclidian systems, classical geometry has remained tied to its primitive purpose of earth measurement in which the question whether or not an entity can be both same and other does not arise. If we are to set our ontology free from the limitation of single-valued existence [this sort of freedom, invoked by m-valued logics and Schrödinger's wavefunction, having been ConveDDed by the likes of Elon Musk to existence as a multi-planetary species: thus does cognitive trickle-down transpire] we require a geometry that will enable us to represent situations in which each entity can be more than one thing at once.
Since adding a null-vector to a finite vector leaves the latter unchanged and yet such that when projected it appears to be different, we can recognize
What? What, exactly, is it we can recognize? Ack, aye, that's what I say inner-Musculpt holographically techno-exteriorized as mathematical notation is a prerequisite to the discovery of.
The idea certainly could, and should, be more elaborately developed, but, nonetheless, still, on the mark it most certainly is: J.G.Bennettian µTm-skew-parallelism-perpendicularity deep-structure supratends the Heisenberg 1T2-uncertainty-relations surface-structure. I came to this realization from being caught up in (scarrrrry! for a long period I couldn't sleep unless one leg projected over edge of the bed and the foot rested flat on the floor, thus holding the floor down) the infinite regress of selfhoods attendant upon inner-separation and concentration in self-observation -- and the wealth of Musculptural sound-induced colored-fractal-photism flashes
This thesis is an autoethnographic exploration of how my music composition practice is influenced by my auditory-visual synaesthesia Firstly, I consider the impact timbre has on the shape and colour of my photisms. I discuss how various timbral transformation techniques can result in photism multiplication and emergence, and composite photisms (terms I have coined to define previously uninvestigated phenomena). Secondly, I explain how my photisms also appear to have texture and weight, and materialise as solid, liquid, gaseous, or plasma substances. The perceived weight and state of matter of musically-induced photisms is a formerly unexplored topic in academic literature. Thirdly, the spatiality and temporality of my synaesthetic visualisations of music are examined. I explain how the perceived location of my photisms can be defined using the Cartesian coordinate system, and how tempo and speed manipulation affect my synaesthetic experiences. Finally, I explain how, through a process of audiation, I can translate visual images into music by reverse-engineering my synaesthesia. (Drawn from the abstract to A Compositional Exploration of Auditory-Visual Synaesthesia, Corin Anderson, Ph.D. dissertation, Edinburgh Napier University, June 2023)
and JordonBelsonesque film loops and analytical-Cubist-type qua facets-of-the-Husserlian-horizon-type perceptual gestalts that came autogenic-discharge abreacting-flooding in during periods immediately following, even sometimes during, a given session of walking meditation. The notion that Bennett, an accomplished student of Gurdjieff, similarly arrived at the notion skew-parallelism is not at all problematic to entertain. In walking meditation, given the requisite concentration at pulling back in the libido captured by the object of perception (re: projective-identification on the subject-object level of the spiral form which the 8-fold way of the psychological transference takes on), the linear-perspective vanishing point succumbs to retroflection (think: the pulling back) and all the parallel lines of the affine mesh-work projection screen skew-in upon my me. Poof! My I/im is no-thing but the intersection of Purusha and Prakriti. So, in that sense, Heinz von Foerster was right in maintaining that the observer cannot observe himself, because the him of himself is not only politically incorrect, but, under infinite regress, nothing more than a vanishing point in a Wheelerian bucket of dust. That, relative to null-vectors, geometric projection is, at the very least, analogically related to psychological projection is, similarly once again, not at all problematic to entertain. In view of that assertion, consider the question posed in the first sentence to A strong no-go theorem on the Wigner's friend paradox, Kok-Wei Bong, et al., Nature Physics, 16, December 2020, pp. 1199-1205, to wit, quoting: Does quantum theory apply at all scales, including that of observers? That all scales would include Earth's atmosphere, I suppose, the atmosphere within which tornadogenesis transpires, about which the Paine-Kaplan quantum-relativistic cascade forecast model was written. New light has been shed on this [Bong, et al.,]-question by recent reconsiderations of Wigner's friend (whom I read about during the mid-1970s whilst at Cornell). A popular account of this Nature article is provided by Eric Cavalcanti, one of the authors of the Nature paper, at Space.com under the title New quantum paradox throws the foundations of observed reality into question, 7 September 2020 (see also: This Twist on Schrödinger's Cat Paradox Has Major Implications for Quantum Theory, Zeeya Merali, Scientific American, 17 August 2020). While it takes some study to get this out of the original Nature paper, it is boldly stated in the popular Space.com version: the equations of quantum mechanics tell us Charlie and Debbie should become entangled with their observed particles. But because those particles were already entangled with each other, Charlie and Debbie themselves should become entangled Note which comes first: I have long maintained that participation mystique qua social anthropology's contagion qua identity-transparency qua generative empathy is never one-to-one (if it appears so, it is, IMHO, identification), but is always mediated by µTmly-unto-CTC+ly-deep immersion in the natural surround. I read this statement about Charlie and Debbie to indicate that the observer-system entangled (by projective-identification as, that's as, measurement?) with the object-system becomes subject -- heh-heh-heh! -- to Heisenberg uncertainty, which is to invoke the observer observed, the observed observer observed, ,the nth-order-type, i.e., not just Heinz von Foerster's 2nd-order cybernetics, but nth-order cybernetics, logically µTm understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency, geometrically Regge bones as pencils of skew-parallels.
I note Beat Meier and Nicolas Rothen, in their editorial piece entitled Developing synaesthesia: a primer, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 1-2, 20 April 2015, state forthrightly that, Synaesthesia may even be acquired by training in adulthood. As a result of autoethnographic training (applying to different purpose, some principles I learned in SFTG, Ft. Bragg, circa 1966-7, ostensibly to overcome the limitations-imbalances imposed by my psychological [intuition-thinking] and temperamental [7-7-5] and physical [ecto-mesomorph] types) -- various meditative practices adapted to walking, to reading, to Nicolaides' gesture, blind contour, tone qua mass-shading drawing from the nude, to digging trees; trying to paint music on canvas; visualization exercises inspired by the Jungian notion of active imagination; Wolfgang Luthe's giving carte blanche to the brain as a form of Taoist non-doing; Autogenic Training standard exercises; Edmund Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation; applying Gurdjieffian indications as regards self-remembering and inner-separation and concentration in self-observation (all of these engaged in intensively on a daily basis over the 6-year period before going to Cornell as D. A. Paine's unofficial research assistant): carte blanche to which brain, the 1T2 molecular-cellular brain or the µTm-quantum brain? -- I, for the period of a decade or so, experienced frequent occasions of direct sound-induced synaesthesia. These experiences fell off (though rarely I still have a few) as my focus of attention was directed elsewhere. But I had, from some undetermined period in my childhood, unusually strong reactions to color and spatial displacements, as well as something related to synaesthesia: ideas (be they read, heard in conversation, thought in contemplation) triggering the appearance of inner-Musculpt -- photism-flash patterns becoming color fields becoming colored, polymorph, 3D sounded-forms (similar to those appearing during autogenic abreactions; see: Wolfgang Luthe, The Clinical Significance of Visual Phenomena During the Autogenic State, in W. Luthe, ed., Autogenic Training: Correlations Psychosomaticae, Grune & Stratton, 1965), the changing shapes thereof correlated with the ideas, indeed, the structure of the idea flow, more, the possible idea flows, including those contradictory, from the given collection of propositions presenting in a given circumstance; I hesitate to say correlated to logical structure as the changing sounded-forms did not seem to correlate to rules of deduction so much as represent intuitive leaps beyond the immediate context of the ideas presenting. I was having to force myself to break identification with the in-flow, to slow the in-flow down so as to remain in the immediate circumstance -- otherwise, I would veritably radiate tension energy and very often could be a conversation dominator and a terrible irritant. People would walk in, blanche, turn around, and leave the room -- not knowing quite why. It took a long block of memetime before I had an epiphany and thus fully consciously realized that there exists correlations between the changing inner-Musculpt sounded-forms and idea flows -- be the ideas stated verbally, in geometric figures, in mathematical notation, in art-music sound patterns, in plastic-art analogues, in dance kinesiologic choreographies. This epiphany did not come until during the period in which I was trying to paint music. What are the correlations? I didn't know then; I don't know now. Once the notion of correlation was fully realized, the meaning gestalts just came spontaneously simultaneously with presentation of the automorphic sounded-forms; no insight was forthcoming as to Musculpt phonemes-morphemes and other elements of what W. David Kubiak named laser Esperanto. To evolve that metalanguage, after the fashion in which natural languages evolve, required would be access by many to computerized isolation-flotation Lilly tanks equipped with biofeedback, underwater speakers, and holographic Musculpt display dome, the graphics program, music synthesizer, and other software required to write presenting Musculpt sounded-forms into that display and into computer memory, thus to facilitate sophisticated computerized analytics undertaken by an EscherFormDance pod appareled in smart-dress dancewear and learning sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak. Anyway, Corin Anderson, with his autoethnographic dissertation, has taken the biggest step in that direction I've become aware of. Given the drift of things, as largely hidden in the technical literature, it appears, 1T2ly speaking, that either (1) this will eventually get done in one or another fashion -- if Homo sapiens sapiens survives coming cuspover, or (2) human species will survive the prevailing conundrum largely because this got done. But what a deep-structure mess, eh. The Four Bigs: N. H. Abel dissimulated; Cantor dissimulated; Lukasiewicz-Post dissimulated; Schrödinger dissimulated. These dissimulations, beginning during the 1820s, had profound vectoring influence over technological developments and accompanying anthropogenic doctrines of uses. Sententiously, there was momentary peevish prevarication, perhaps, followed by-- no substantive dissenting susurration, only a plaintive bah-bah-bahing.
Speak truth -- heh-heh-heh -- to power? Aarg! As a smug, smart aleck, military brat, from age of 8 -- and even earlier -- a familiar of GIs and familiar with their language use, later a frequenter of barracks, of base-gym locker rooms, of base hobby-shop work spaces, of mass billets on troop ships, taker of summer jobs at remote Alaska sites with banished dipsomaniacal screw-up airmen, so on and so forth, I early-on -- very early-on -- learned the costs of having a big mouth, and the benefits of keeping my politically-incorrect, at-odds-with-the-command-position observations and opinions under a basket, even if that basket is made of straw and a bit leaky. Way too long and far too much subjected to the authority-figure per[son}a which every adult male qua officer around me exhibited for having presumed himself to be just that, as taught in the Academies, in OCS, in the CGSC, et cetera, me, a re[sent}ful would-be defier filled with suppressed rebelliousness. Though a firm believer in parr[he}sia, no pa[rrhes}i|astes is my me, not a one of my I/im says ever'thing 'e has in mind. For instance, to Prigogine. Prigogine, et al., rejected Pauli operator time complexed to the Hamiltonian operator because, so complexed, it, operator-time, would generate negative values of total energy, such values thought to be meaningless. Total energy, being a conserved quantity, does not change with time. Now, in the Paine-Pensinger conception, that time, that's memetime (memetime whatsoever take one may entertain vis-à-vis A-series/B-series theories of time and J. Ellis McTaggart), not topologically-active Pauli-Paine operator-time (topo-active optime), under which the conserved quantity, total energy, does not change-- uh, uh, or so it would seem, following the usual objective-linear-time-bound scheme of things. But we speak of nested sets of conservation laws, relative to closed, open, self-reentrant systems in one, in finite, in infinite nested-sets thereof -- topo-active-optime/counter-topo-active-optime decomposing/recomposing same. Positive values of total energy are viewed as apropos memetime-independent cascade-decomposition Abfall-involution; negative values of total energy are viewed as apropos memetime-independent reverse-cascade-[re}composition Aufhebung-[re}volution. The principle of stationary action underlying Lag[rang}ian dynamics (think: Heraclitus) we construe as being due to -- that's explanation as to the origin of 1T2-paradoxical action that is stationary -- Abfall and Aufhebung cancelling each other out (think: Parmenides), as ultimately comp[re}hended C+TC+ly (orders of logical-value understood, not vis-à-vis truth-value, but in terms of identity-transparency) on the base-state (i.e., most densely packed sheet) of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space: hence, we have C+TC+-relative-state identity-transparency as the ultimate in interference of amplitudes along all possible paths of the path integral formulation.
Having long since found myself unable to convince my other-Iambe(s) that there would be an unequivocable simple-temperature (that's thermometer-type temperature: no hypertemperature as a temporal-CURL map of differential quantum spin; not even theta-e equivalent potential temperature) signature (notice that, even when quantum dynamics are postulated to transpire at all scale levels -- that's a nixing of the supposed classical limit --, the probability interpretation is retained: no rethinking of fundamentals like temperature is undertaken as consequent of the postulation) of anthropogenic climate disruption, were fundamental etiology of such pathogenesis demonstrated to be iatrogenic modification (e.g., altered gas ratios, electron temperature enhancements, EM pollution) of the hypercomplex and complex angular momentum carried by the solar wind (yes, that's solar wind as carrying forth topologically-active operator-time, yes, that's, repeat, operator, executions of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-valued cosmic propositions), cascaded through Earth's exosphere, thermosphere, magnetosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere, stratosphere, troposphere and injected into crustal and core dynamics, my I/im took cognizance, circa late-1970s at Cornell, of the fact that, during snapover (whatever the relevant time-step: see A time-causal and time-recursive scale-covariant scale-space representation of temporal signals and past time, Tony Lindeberg, Biological Cybernetics, 117:1-2, 23 January 2023, pp. 21-59, for a fascinating discussion of temporal smoothing of coarser temporal scales, in the climatic case, re: geological-memetime steps, but note that such smoothing is construed as being independent of temporal Bell-inequalities violation and the very notion of temporal nonlocality as explicated, in Temporal Non-Locality, Foundations of Physics, 43:4, 2013, pp. 533-47, written by Thomas Filk vis-à-vis Basil Hiley's temporal non-locality operators, yes, that's, repeat, operators: sorry, link only to abstract; form of entrapment, I'd say, for I do not want to give out the password to my e-mail account so as to make it even more easy for all whomevers to read my back-channel commo, even though no one of my I/im is a parrhesiastes), subsystem-system-supersystem composites undergoing far-from-equilibrium phase transitions visit all extremes.
My God! we're entering a region awash in Gibbs oscillations. Will we ever find a way to escape false numerical dispersion? The magnitude of the diffusion operator is being affected by high frequency ripples. We're going to be systematically truncated! Can a positive-definite advection scheme -- in flux form -- coupled to split-explicit time integration possibly save us from the inevitable discontinuities associated with strong initialization shock? We've tried equation system architecture relaxation with the incremental Newtonian nudging approach, but, alas to no avail. Our only hope is to activate the self-configuring pre-processor software in an optimum interpolation objective analysis scheme and hope for the necessary data from the Army's IMET system, NEXRAD Doppler radars, uh, uh, just a second, here there's uh, and the Air Force's PRESSURS, Pre-Strike Surveillance/Reconnaissance System. But Oh, Jeeeeesus, Mary, and Joseph! the flux-corrected transport has failed us. We'll have to try the piecewise parabolic method or we'll never recover an adequate surface energy budget. And now, of all things! sub-grid heterogeneity parameterization [cf. sub-grid heterogeneity parameterization with respect to optimum µTm-LETS currency areas fractal-e-boundary flux correcting via self-modifying pre-processor software] is fragmenting, driving nonlinear variations in the grid-cell averaged evapotranspiration rate. God help us! we'll never get the forward-backward scheme for inertial gravity modes running in time to prevennnnnnnnnnnnnnn ahahahahahaahahjakjahajakj (our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Foundation Autopoy, 1994, Vol. 2, pp. 647-8)
Why such visiting should be so, is not well explained by Prigoginian statistical thermodynamics (because such thermodynamics is memetime-bound -- 2nd Law and linear-time mutually defining -- and understood by 1T2-only-logic alone: notice that, even when m-valued Lukasiewicz logics are proposed as interpreters of Schrödinger's m-valued wavefunction, the probability interpretation is retained along with the fuzzy-logic interpretation of Lukasiewicz-Post: no rethinking of fundamentals like temperature is undertaken as consequent of the proposal).
Ah, here we have quite an interesting assessment of the current (prior to the recent Hamas surprise attack on Israel) global situation, with emphasis on the U.S.A., by a global-macro-trends investor-manager, Harris Kupperman of Praetorian Capital, who puts a lot of binary-minded people's 1T2-only-logical money where his mouth is: As I Look Into The Future, I See Anarchy, Quoth the Raven's Fringe Finance as reposted to Zero Hedge, 6 October 2023. Lot of difference 'twizt 'n 'tween his him 'n my me. Quoting his him: I intend to take more than my fair share. I intend to be a pig at the trough. Quoting his him in regard to my me's global-mega-unto-macro focus: our [re: U.S.A.] institutions, long hailed globally, descend into corruption, nepotism and incompetence. America isn’t dead, but it needs to be totally reinvented. He elaborates, However, that's all in the future; as macro investors, we only deal in the present. Rather a short forecast horizon, wouldn't you say. Whereas I say that the needed reinvention, at present, should have been in the past -- as it may well be too late already. Responding to the global anthropogenic n-bodied polycrisis -- the five-fingered Political Warfare Department having automorphically planetarized-generalized itself into the sui generis six-fingered Cognitive Warfare Department -- we find ourselves saddled with the [n-1]-set, ventilators all, clogging The e-Commons with their effusive egocomplex-inflating puff-ups: Pile Doctrine, Wiff[O!}wizz Doctrine. How many countries was it the neoCons felt needed to be taken down in order to change the Middle East? Net-and-Yaaahoo! What kind of flag is that? A smote, uh, uh, smoke, signal? Frankly, in terms of the needed global-macro reinvention, I don't see, can't find evidence of, a single project anywhere authentically addressed to that need. Fiat Bitcoin and associated 1T2-only cryptos don't hack it -- especially so, given the enormous dissipation of energy cum computing power used to solve meaningless puzzles.
As far as I can understand, other than our jettisoning of the classical limit, the only fundamental difference between our late-1970s formulations (see here and here) and those of Timur F. Kamalov in Quantum Correction for Newton's Law of Motion, Symmetry, 12:1, 2020 (quoting a summary statement from the text: A noninertial reference frame is needed in order to add one of the most important properties of micro-objects of quantum mechanics -- nonlocality. In this case, the role of nonlocal hidden variables is played by acceleration and it higher derivatives with respect to time.), is that we regard those higher-order time derivatives as being topologically active (re: Pauli-Paine topo-active operator-time), not passively referential, classes of [n+1]-th influences falling into 3-order-types (re: 3-fold topo-active optime executing 3-logical-value-order-types of Lukasiewiczian-Postian cosmic propositions, i.e., those C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to relative-state identity-transparency, superluminal interaction being a 1T2-only-logic-induced illusion), where Kamalov's dark metric would be strung with the deep-structure of 1T2-Heisenberg surface-structure uncertainty, i.e., J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels.
Does the little-i in I/im stand for imaginary? Hmmm. Normotically speaking, my I/im guess so, if by imaginary is meant fanciful. But from a higher perspective, that little-i indicates index (see Alex Eustis here), like in ei, ,en, because my me, when self-remembering, takes my other-Iambeeeees as likely beeeeeing more philosophically real, though numerically imaginary and hypercomplex, than is the inauthentic-qua-apocryphal-qua-virtual egocomplex-Iness simulacrum copy of a copy of a copy, ,n (cf. Fredric Jameson) of Gurdjieffian real-I. The little-m superscript indicates self-entanglement qua superpositioning of the ei, ,en under m-valued logics understood as order-types of self-referential hyperKleinBottle reentry, thus predicating That art Thou (cyclotomic decomposition) cum Thou art That (tat tvam asi, cyclotomic [re}composition), memetime-independent Abfall-Aufhebung as Allan Watts' God playing hide-and-seek with Himself, a non-orientable cosmogonical form of solipsism. There is only one real-I, which is hyper-imaginary. The binary-logical real-imaginary distinction is interesting from a universal wavefunction-of-self-entanglement perspective, as commented upon here -- assuming that Universal Participatory Observer Q has a composite wavefunction-of-wavefunctions, [function,functional,functor, ,n] (for a discussion of that issue, see here). Uh, please, note in this wavefunction-of-the-observer discussion that 1T2-Everettian relative-state is well-encapsulated by IGUS (who says, The relative state of the universe with respect to this classical configuration is what we want. A particular history.: the what we want signifying the prescriptive-enculturation-socialization vectoring of the interpretation glutamatergically anchored), but be aware that my I/im speak of µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ relative-states of identity-transparency which cannot possibly be based upon classical memory traces, particularly as Abfall of the eigenvalue decomposition chain is C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm (classical memory traces coming only with most-reduced demergence to the 1T2-logical-value order-type of µTm). Pure, unsullied universal consciousness (the Buddhological, sacred-space ma, Mnk Pure Land, not the sociobiological neoDarwinian 2nk fitness-landscape of SFI complexity theory) has [no}thing to do with messy localized thermal systems like 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains; such thermal systems are resultants of C+-powered [de}generalization of eigenvalue decomposition; the set of all cyclotomic decomposers constituting universal consciousness in its active aspect; whilst on the other hand drawing itself, the C+-powered [function,functional,functor, ,n-space] acted upon being universal consciousness in its passive aspect (to frame it according to the one-to-one-and-onto bijective TaiChi terms preferred by glutamate-etched binary-minds, linearly deductive or rotationally enantiodromic). IGUS does not identify himself in the above-given link, but I speculate that he may be Christoph Albert Lerner, author of the Ph.D. dissertation entitled Quantum Mechanics and Reality: An Interpretation of Everett's Theory, Stanford U., 1997. Quoting the abstract to that dissertation:
The central part of Everett's formulation of quantum mechanics is a quantum mechanical model of memory and of observation as the recording of information in a memory. To use this model as an answer to the measurement problem, Everett has to assume that a conscious observer can be in a superposition of such memory states and be unaware of it. This assumption has puzzled generations of readers.
My initial answer as to how the egofunction of the observer can be unaware of the Everettian superposition is contained in our peer-rejected and thus unpublished (Wolfgang Luthe requested that this paper be written for a special issue of the Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, an issue for which he was invited to be the guest editor by Roland L. Fischer [Fischer got hung up at a conference in Hawaii over debates on Soviet misuse of psychiatry, so I ended up presenting his paper on autogenic discharges to the 1977 psychosomatic medicine congress in Kyoto, as well as presenting my own] but the journal went bankrupt before that special issue could be produced; we later submitted our paper elsewhere and it was repeatedly rejected) 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, where it is observed that, It is, therefore, suggested that no localized brain mechanism would be required as a fundamental physical substrate for conscious awareness. Hugh Everett, III, very occasionally walked the grounds of Hills Nursery West, located not far from his house. Working in that nursery, I knew who he was and his address. I sent him a copy of our paper. He did not make a comment or send a reply. He probably never read it. Later, by good offices of Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, and David Spillane, I learned about glutamatergic neuronal pruning and it became evident to me that orchestration of that pruning by prescriptive enculturation-socialization, and associated quantum quenching of electron transport processes, explains how a conscious observer can be unaware of the array of animistic-pagan participation mystique eigenstates of the Everettian superposition: truncation of access (qua normalization qua normoticization) to the µTm-logical processing of THE nonlocal quantum brain. Lerner, in his dissertation summary abstract goes on to say:
quantum mechanical states describe ensembles of states of affairs coexisting in the same system [emphasis added]. I argue that the only plausible understanding of such ensembles is as ensembles of possibilities, and that all standard no-collapse interpretations agree in this reading of quantum mechanical states.
Well, most assuredly, I deeply appreciate and highly recommend Lerner's in the same system interpretation of the relative-state interpretation, an interpretation far more insightful than the multi-worlds interpretation of the interpretation, but my I/im think that these ensembles are not of 1T2-possibilities, but of µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ relative-states of identity-transparency (backdoor stigmatized as contagion, as participation inconsiente, as generative empathy: this sigmatization -- by ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement -- began as Cantorian Axiom of Choice was projectile vomited into dementia praecox dissociation being identified as a disease, schizophrenia, the very same disease the multi-worlds interpretation of Everett's relative-state interpretation became associated with). And, further, that preHomer-preLaoTzu-before prescriptive enculturation-socialization-orchestrated glutamatergic etching and quenching anchored in-the-body-experience to local 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains as normative, Homo sapiens sapiens had ready access to OBEed awareness of the m-logically-valued processing of THE nonlocal quantum brain. Tangential support for this thesis can be found in Shigehisa Kuriyama's The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine, Zone, 1999.
I've been trying to grok two related papers: firstly, Direct Measurement of the Quantum Wavefunction, Jeff F. Lundeeni, et al., arXiv, 15 December 2011. Quoting the abstract:
Central to quantum theory, the wavefunction is the complex distribution used to completely describe a quantum system. Despite its fundamental role, it is typically introduced as an abstract element of the theory with no explicit definition [1, 2]. Rather, physicists come to a working understanding of the wavefunction through its use to calculate measurement outcome probabilities via the Born Rule [3]. Presently, scientists determine the wavefunction through tomographic methods [4–8], which estimate the wavefunction that is most consistent with a diverse collection of measurements. The indirectness of these methods compounds the problem of defining the wavefunction. Here we show that the wavefunction can be measured directly by the sequential measurement of two complementary variables of the system. The crux of our method is that the first measurement is performed in a gentle way (i.e. weak measurement [9–18]) so as not to invalidate the second.
And secondly, Demonstration of the quantum principle of least action with single photons, Yong-Li Wen, et al., arXiv, 31 May 2023. Quoting the introductory section:
Feynman's path integral formulation creates a bridge between the classical Lagrangian description of the physical world and the quantum one, reintroducing to quantum mechanics the classical concept of trajectory. Technically, the PLA [[principle of least action, uh, that's aka stationary action, which, in my terms, I would, duh, dub as being the logical action of [topo}logically-active operator-time in executing the Gödel-numbered Gödel number of the cosmic proposition describing the given topo-transform]] in Feynman's path integrals is associated with a core quantity called propagator, which has never been experimentally observed. This propagator is a complex amplitude with both real and imaginary components, and thus cannot be measured by conventional projective measurement schemes. Recently, a method known as direct measurement was developed [4] to measure the quantum wave-functions [6–12, 29]. With this method, the real and imaginary components of the quantum wave-function can be directly read from the measuring equipment based on an interesting concept called weak value [13–15].
Grok, in particular, that is, what it means to directly measure the imaginary component of the m-valued Schrödinger wavefunction, direct measurement of the real component being more easily imagined than that imaginary (if still pretty difficult to imagine, be it [that it being the wavefunction] supposed, e.g., in some fashion by John A. Wheeler -- à la 'it' from bit and the participatory anthropic principle and leaving the observer out of the wavefunction --, that the wavefunction exists in the mind of the observer: which mind, that associated with the localized glutamate-etched 1T2-molecular-cellular brain or that associated with the nonlocal µTm-quantum brain?): grok (1) from the perspective created by the mindset of the authors, Lundeeni, et al. and Wen, et al.; and (2) from the framework-determining-conditions-takeaway that would be established were Noether's Theorem regarding 1T2-logical symmetry and 1T2-logical invariance and 1T2-logical conservation laws recast in terms of inhomogeneous-anisotropic m-logically-valued reference space (conviction as to the opposite being due to the observer being identified with 1T2-only logic and, thus, being memetime-bound) and asymmetrical 3-fold topologically-active operator-time and µTm-valued logics understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency and J. G. Bennett's null-vector-defined non-self-identical skew-parallel figures -- those figures to include the polytopes of Regge lattices framed of pencils of skew-parallels constructed on universal covering of hypercomplex Riemannian manifold embedding the multi-sheeted Riemann surface handling of m-valued functions (that handling being µTmly processed). Scrambling 1T2-only physics into a tangling of nots and a muddle of jumbled knots. Parenthetically, consider the following quote drawn from here: Riemann surfaces become handy for multivalued functions because they help you to 'transform' a multivalued function into a univalued function. This become handy, IMHO, is because the handling of the m-valued function is 1T2ly processed, a form of processing utterly inadequate to the very nature of multivaluedness: that transformation of multivalence into pseudo-univalence is accomplished by taking simultaneity into sequentiality, which is, construction-wise, to tacitly find recourse in 1T2-only-definable memetime (a violation of the time-independent simultaneity-nature of multivaluedness and of the time-independent Schrödinger equation, which is more fundamental than the time-dependent version). Parenthetically, regardless of the manner of publication, I believe Schrödinger arrived at the time-independent equation first, or, perhaps, only the insight which that equation offers. From reading biographical material, and looking between the lines, it is apparent to me, at least, that Schrödinger had his breakthrough ah-ha! whilst practicing Tantric sexual yoga with female graduate students at a snowed-in retreat in the Austrian Alps. As direct ontic experience of time-independent n-relative-state identity-transparency is the foremost initial objective of this form of yoga practice, we can take Schrödinger's origination of the time-independent equation as evidence that he had some considerable success in his yoga practice. Whether this was real and/or real-numerable or imaginary and/or imaginary-numerable is a question of considerable import, as we can see in the following carry through of the in-denial impulse, to wit from On the origins of the Schrödinger equation, Lisa Zyga, Phys.org, 8 April 2013:
The results here suggest that the imaginary unit is not a characteristic quantum feature but is just a useful tool for combining two real equations into a single complex equation.
The Riemann surface, again IMHO, was created specifically to suppress m-valuedness (that motivation likely being partially subliminal), which was to continue the repression of trans-al-jabr, which was existence-proofed by N. H. Abel's 1823 theorem on the general quintic equation, deemed, hysterically IMHO, the Impossibility Theorem via demonstration of non-algebraicality by invocation of the infinity Cantor later looked into. The Riemann surface came to us in 1851, which is a good date to keep in mind when thinking about deep-structure origins (à la C. G. Jung, initialization of collective unconscious gradients: at the very least freedom-vs.-determinism should be evaluated with fuzzy logic; but that issue is a mordant cosmic joke because µTmly-unto-CTC+ly-unto-C+TC+ly the real question is, Is there, pray tell, a simply-identifiable real-'I' to be free-or-determined?) of the bugger's muddle (think of the flapdoodle mindset of those most-proximally culpable) which is the Two-Hundred-Years War of the World, one way or another, to bring probity to the issue, likely to end Earth-endemism of Homo sapiens sapiens. One wag to another, my WAG is: expiation of existential guilt. IMHO, as regards (1)-above: assumes the measuring instrument has simple-identity; assumes the linear-time-bound reader of the measuring instrument has simple-identity; assumes linear-time has 1T2-logically-discrete temporally-local instants at one of which the reading took place; assumes the measuring instrument is not entangled with the object-system or the reader of the measuring instrument; assumes that the reader of the measuring instrument is not entangled with observers of the reader reading the measuring instrument; assumes that the rules of evidence, including admissibility, are established only under 1T2-only-logical deductive principles alone. I don't imagine myself at all capable of doing either (1)-or-(2)-above anything remotely related to rigorously, but, to the my-me of my I/im, that incapacity is of no great concern, as, from the first, and long-since having become the foremost, the abiding concern has been to make sense of the imports of the immersive experiences of my childhood, so as to delve more deeply into them by good offices of elicited-qua-demerged inner-Musculpt understood to be at play (one sort of analysis, that of value-sharing, which would be useful in detailing that play can be studied here [O, how dissipative is that URL!], were results of such analysis written into the software employed in a biofeedback-and-holographic-projection-dome-equipped isolation-flotation Lilly tank) over Riemannian Musculpt manifold. Moreover, except for negotiating the ADLs in the Lebenswelt imposed (just as I am not opposed to religion, only its institutionalization, so, I am not opposed governance, just the 1T2-formats heretofore institutionalized) by our median collective state of brain impairment, facts don't interest me much. Why? Because the order-of-value of the logic employed determines what is evidentially admissible, what can and cannot be allowed to be a fact. Just as there is a real-imaginary conundrum associated with the m-valued Schrödinger wavefunction, so there is a real-imaginary conundrum associated with the Riemann-surface (local complex structure: understood as one complex or two real dimensions) and Riemann-manifold nesting foam: see here and here and here for relevant definitions. In my adamance, I have carried this orientation into economic and monetary theory, however amateurishly, by use of the notion µTm-logically-processed m-valued LETS nesting-forms, which has been by some interpreted as an attempt to re-justify socialism-Marxism or just simply to re-create a justification for disparaged central planning. An interpretation which mystifies me. I don't know exactly when I began to lose my innocence-of-youth, but my first-remembered incidence thereof came aged 8, circa July of 1953, whilst wandering through F.L.W.'s Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, observing and reacting negatively to the demeanors of American officers therein on display where they tied on the pukka sahib persona. Having grown up bridled under socialism, as all military brats do, I can't see myself advocating any variety of socialism, national-totalitarian unto demotic-utopian. Indeed, as an observant and close-listening military brat, I early-on, on a non-articulated emotional level, reached a personal judgment: the military profession is a stain upon civilization; there is no greater shame, no greater dishonor, than the collective behavior which is the very existence itself of that profession. Autopoionomy (a term introduced in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh) requires an archy (therefore is no anarchy, and certainly is not anarcho-syndicalism) in the form of a µTm-LETS nesting-foam, but that hierarchy is superseded by holographic part-whole identity-transparency, the m-valued-function relative-stateness of which is best modeled by the additional complex-numbered structure of multi-sheeted Riemann surface embedded in Riemann manifold (my doctrine of uses: for a monetary system, having both real and imaginary components is optimizing: real, for the user-friendly interface; imaginary, for the quantum-composite universal unit of account).
Being focused upon holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt (in my personal case presenting in sounded-and-colored 3-D forms) as maths notation -- the atmospheric analogue of greatest interest (an interest cultivated at Cornell during the second half of the 1970s) being the infrasound (acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, that's modes in the plural) signatures of theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature (a conserved quantity) constant-entropy surfaces (see, for background: here and here and here and here) --, and in the context of 3-fold Pauli-Paine topologically-active operator-time, I am most strongly oriented to my initial interest, the differential 3-forms, rather than the differential k-forms required for fuller understanding. Three-fold topo-active optime (in this respect the 3rd-order-derivative component of differential 3-forms is foremost) operates (inducing temporal CURL) only at scale-relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables, e.g., the absolute limiting phase speed for those waves which accomplish the most efficient transfer of energy and momentum within the atmosphere's closed dynamic regime (this being the atmosphere's c, scaled analogue of light speed, with its Special Relativity properties-of-inducement, like memetime dilation, ponderablespace contraction), which relative-absolute is diagnosed by the appearance of divergence to an infinite value in the governing partial differential equation set (constraints of the given LSTD, limited spacetime domain, having been superseded, tunneled through, temporally CURLed out of). So far as I understand, this is not the same (given, most especially, that the transform involves temporal CURL) as the process described in Higher Order Conservation Laws and a Higher Order Noether's Theorem, Wing-Sum Cheung, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 8, 1987, pp. 446-85, as portrayed below, to wit, quoting:
To do this [[compute all the conservation laws]] we prolong these [[Euler-Lagrange]] equations to some infinite jet space [[see here for definition]] on which the spectral sequence is defined. By studying this spectral sequence we extend the classical notion of infinitesimal Noether symmetries to what we shall call the higher order Noether symmetries and get a higher order Noether's Theorem [[which I think would not be altogether unrelated to a higher-order hypercomplex form of the Riemann zeta function, were such extension to be written relative to the primes employed in Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-logical propositions with respect to J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels as edge vectors, LSTDs being back-clothed of Regge-lattice convex hulls, the edge vectors of these polytopes being pencils of skew-parallels]] giving the explicit formula in intrinsic terms for a bijection between the higher order conservation laws and the higher order Noether symmetries.
The context of this expansion on Noether is further explained by Wing-Sum Cheung as per:
the first obvious difficulty in studying such problems is the question of whether there exist even formally enough integral manifolds for the variation [[but think of this not only with regard to manifolds under 1T2-only logic, also with respect to manifolds under µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logics]]. For this, one should at least assume the somewhat subtle condition of involutivity [[aka cyclotomic decomposition, aka delamination]]. Moreover, even if it is involutive, since there is no general Cinfinity existence theorem, we must restrict ourselves to the real analytic case [[top marks for that, no doubt]] where the Cartan-Kahler theorem applies. However, since these are not our basic concern, we shall just ignore these [[jolly good, old soul]] as in [l0] and assume throughout the paper the existence of enough admissible variations to arrive at our Euler-Lagrange equations.
To my comprehension, the [dis}integration by [de}compositional involutes, as Abfall, cannot be the same as a sequence of nested differential forms because involutive Abfall unto utter decoherence is memetime-independent and differential equations involve linear-time-actually-memetime. The linear-time-bound Rx is the virtual 1T2-only-Maya-Platonic-probability-shadows take, whereas the topo-active optime take is that of the really-real-but-imaginary-and-hypercomplex µTm processing of Schrödinger's m-valued wavefunction, there being no such as act[u}al classical-object transforms and associated symmetries if principles of quantum-relativity physics, understood as being under µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logics as pregeometry, applies at all scale levels.
The notion temporal CURL is, indeed, beginning to appear in various contexts. An invocational use of the term temporal curl is employed in Futures-present at Stake , Santiago Carassale and Javier Contreras Alcantara and Liliana Martinez Perez, En-Claves del Pensamiento, 17:34, 28 July 2023, as per: a time for invention and creation that braids (temporal curl) and infinitely potentiates faculties and capacities, as well as risks and challenges, at scales and realities yet to be explored. And technically as well, as we can see from the below-given statement extracted from On the different types of global and local conservation laws for partial differential equations in three spatial dimensions , Stephen C. Anco and Alexei F. Cheviakov, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 126, 2020, to wit, quoting p. 13:
When a locally trivial surface-flux conservation law is globally non-trivial for an arbitrary non-closed regular surface [think, for instance: theta-e equivalent potential temperature surface and its acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signature], it corresponds to a purely temporal curl-type [emphasis added] conservation law that yields a non-trivial circulatory constant of motion on the boundary curve this result has a converse. Every curl-type temporal conservation law yields a circulatory constant of motion on any curve given by the boundary of a non-closed regular surface within the spatial domain of the PDE [partial differential equation] system.
Anco-Cheviakov distinguish dynamical-type (e.g., linear to nonlinear transformation) from topological-type (the spatial domain of the PDE system is deformed) conservation laws. In the above-cited paper they apply the term temporal curl only when discussing a dynamical-type transformation. Our notion of temporal curl is primarily with regard to the topological type of higher conservation laws. Time operates on space to generate form: hence, 3-fold topologically-active operator-time. As regards the 3-ness, we note that the term temporal curl is used -- with respect to the electromagnetic field understood relative to a temporal Euclidian space -- in Maxwell and Dirac Field with Three-Dimensional Time, Vu B Ho, September 2019 preprint. Our 3-foldness does not indicate a necessity for 3 dimensions of time (operator-time is not passive-referential, therefore not spatializable in the sense of parameters of extensiveness or compactness; it actively transforms topological properties of the reference space understood to be m-logically-valued and infinitely, C+ that is, dimensioned). The time that operates (by executing, as logical operator, Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of µTm-unto-CTC+-valued propositions, the higher logical-values of which are understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to relative-state identity-transparency) is not memetime, and the space acted upon is not ponderablespace, both of which are 1T2-only-definable. This difference between passive and active time distinguishes our notion of imaginary time from those of Hawking (Fishify's comment is recommended), Wick, and Minkowski-Einstein. Fishify says, Hawking introduced imaginary time into cosmology as a way to remove the singularity at the Big Bang, i.e., Hawking cosmogony attempted avoidance of Cantorian infinitudes. Similarly, as regards tornadogenesis, Cornell meteorologist, Douglas A. Paine, found evidence that Earth's atmosphere avoids Cantorian infinitudes vis-à-vis massenergy dynamics in its acoustic analogues to blackhole computers. Quoting our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper:
from the aforegiven description of the cascade process, we have found that an additional degree of freedom must be available to this system in order for it to escape an otherwise inevitable infinite concentration of vorticity, kinetic energy, and mass within its finite spatial volume. The traditional view has been that friction would literally dissipate such a problem. But we have seen empirical evidence, such as that offered in the previous section, which suggests that natural systems have a far more elegant solution to the problem: i.e., the generation of coherent (acoustic) waves, which originate from the cascade of kinetic energy through the hydrodynamic spectrum. To mathematically codify this point of view, we add a gradient in time to the traditional gradients in space to define a first order spacetime del operator
From there, the 3 temporal curls (are l,m,n passive, referential, space-like time-dimensions or "dimensions" of action of temporal-operators?) are distinguished from the 3 spatial curls and definition of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes is derived. These modes are m-valued, and we suppose that they are processed by the atmosphere in m-logically-valued (to include Cantorian infinitudes of logical-value as distinct from Cantorian infinitudes vis-à-vis massenergy dynamics) fashion (think: the logical properties of acoustic analogues to blackhole computing). Note that the coupling constant in Wick's equation for the bound state wavefunction -- as given in The Wick Rotation, D. M. O'Brien, Australian Journal of Physics, 28, 1975, pp. 7-13 -- is single-valued, the magnitude indicating strength of interaction. Our notion substitutes identity-transparency for coupling, and in so doing substitutes m-valued logicalities for single-valued numerical magnitudes (an alternative mode of thought about cosmogony-cosmology that may have wider application than merely with respect to transparency-coupling).
I found the theosophical esoteric section of The Logic of Imaginary Time and Space, Philip J. Carter, Esotec.org, 8 January 2018, to be very interesting, but must say that the wealth of details available, and the etymological insights provided as to meanings of specific Sanskrit words (in many cases profoundly different from the oft-repeated mainstream theosophical interpretations-translations), in Sir John Woodroffe's and Pramatha Natha Mukhyopadhyaya's Mahamaya: The World As Power: Power as Consciousness (Chit-Shakti), Ganesh, 1954, is much more enlightening (though most consensus scientists would inaptly malapropos expostulate the book as being possessed by [ill}luminating postulates: it's really rather depressing, the realization that the vast bulk of mathematician and physicist -- with exception of the enormous resource-cum-libido commitment devoted to the infratech development effort -- cognitive investment since the 1820s has been with regard to finding ways to shore-up and save defining properties of the Old Maths and the Old Physics in face of the challenges to them raised by errant discovery after errant discovery; maybe Homo sapiens sapiens won't survive this clinging remora-like sucker's behavior). Now, the physics section of Carter's paper is another thing altogether. Absolutely fascinating. By far, the best thing I've read on the subject identified in the paper's title. The general orientation we share with Carter; details, however, diverge. We certainly agree with his assessment of the multi-worlds interpretation of Everett's relative-state interpretation of quantum mechanics. Quoting Carter, p. 11:
our proposal is rather more modest: a multiverse of sorts, but with an important difference. The worlds are causally related, so in fact the system is not a multiverse at all but a single Universe consisting of superimposed discrete spaces.
For us, the superimposed discrete spaces are superimposed-qua-laminated, even interpenetrating depending upon how the partitioning functionals are deployed, LSTDs, limited spacetime domains -- as understood 1T2ly from a memetime-bound perspective. Absent, that is, as Carter says it on p. 6, time as a dynamical variable. Carter's conception of active time is not identical to our conception, i.e., topologically-active imaginary and hypercomplex operator-time -- topo-active optime -- executing µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logically-valued cosmic propositions understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to relative-state identity-transparency. Carter elaborates on his conception on p. 8: time is equivalent to spatial motion over a higher dimension. Further elaboration is provided on p. 11, to wit:
Time is understood as translation (motion) over the imaginary dimensions These spatial motions could perhaps be better understood in terms of Killing vectors or the propagation of energy. Whatever their underpinnings, the end result is that the present moment appears to move over these higher dimensions, providing the impression that these dimensions are in motion relative to the 3-space.
Their underpinnings, according to our understanding, are 3-fold topo-active optime and associated temporal CURLs actively inducing the spatial motions and resultant topological transforms of superspace foam, and vice versa, actively inducing transformations of the foam and resultant spatial motions (think: Abfall-Aufhebung: quoting Woodroffe-Mukhyopadhyaya, p. iv: a doctrine of Cosmic Power itself unmeasured and undefined, but which 'measures' out [the root meaning of Maya], or makes finite forms in the formless infinite which together [form and formless] constitute one alogical [[cf. C+TC+]] Whole [Purna].). However, we would stress use of the term 1T2ly-ponderable space: passing, passive, referential memetime is 1T2ly memed; homogenous and isotropic space is 1T2ly ponderable; much of the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, is, IMHO qua assertion, µTmly-unto-CTC+ly apperceivable; the Tzog-chen AllBase-state of MVRS is likely C+TC+ly apperceivable; the spatial transforms of MVRS executed by 3-fold topo-active optime may be µTmly apperceivable as Musculpt symformphonie (and become, once holographically techno-exteriorized, the laser Esperanto basis of a user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS-monetary-currency nesting-foams: strange, Freudian strange, don't you think, that the framework determining conditions of the international monetary system are never thought of relative to problematics of the cusping global crisis, only uninspired surface-structure ideas like Tobin-type taxes and carbon trading are entertained, with cryptos and CBDCs and the rest making no address whatsoever to the externality-problematics of the crisis). Since the Schrödinger wavefunction can be infinitely n-valued (and interpreted with m-valued logics, appropriately understood, thus be aware, in the context set by Woodroffe-Mukhyopadhyaya, that Schrödinger was practicing 3-bodied Tantric sexual yoga during the period in which he wrote his famous wave equation containing that wavefunction), the C+-body problem in a Cantorian-fractal universe requires (given that prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-etched 1T2-ponderable 3-space is glutamatergically anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains of those [per}sons in-the-body self-identified) a 3N (N = C+) dimensional reference space under C+TC+ logics wherein all each of all-everything is in C+ly relative-state identity-transparency. If there be 1T2ly-non-viewable imaginary dimensions, why should accounting for what is 1T2ly-viewable be sufficient when clearly only necessary? Quoting Carter, p. 16:
While the current framework [that of physics] has been derived from the bottom up, so to speak (from physical and mathematical principles alone), we shall derive the esoteric model from the top down -- that is, from first principles -- while showing that they remain fully compatible.
Carter, in presenting it, the physics that is, the way he has, reinforces the commonly held atomistic belief that the physics is generatively built-up from below cellular-automata-like, whereas we hold that it, the physics that is, is involutively decomposed from a continuous referential plenum (Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround of MVRS BackCloth), i.e., deconstructively built-down from above, and present our take cascade-wise as cosmogonically illustrated 1T2ly here (Table 1 of our brain-discharge paper's Appendix) and µTmly here (a napkin doodle drawn during a conversation between Paine and Pensinger, Cornell Dairy snack bar, circa late-Fall of 1975; incidentally, I ran across Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm logics during days spent in the Cornell math library whilst reading Woodroffe's The World As Power at night huddled near my Ashley stove in the tractor barn of Doug Paine's Trumansburg farmstead: juxtaposition of these two bodies of thought being of the essence of the provocateur most inflammatory -- reeking of pagan-animism -- relative to etiology of the above-mentioned clinging behavior). We link here this wave-statement and diagram, although, to our [comp}re|hension, under 3rd-order topologically-active operator-time, the down-up/up-down, no less than the thenceforward/thencebackward, dual is memetime-independently -- not becomes memetime-dependently -- non-orientable as hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam (this link being to an amplification as to use of a term, multiple twistings of the axes of spin -- twistings that transpire under 3-fold topologically-active operator-time -- employed in our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process). Again quoting Carter, p. 15:
Being locked up within real 3-space the imaginary dimensions [of Kaluza-Klein theory, including the compacted curled up and microscopic 5th dimension] remain unobservable, but their effects become apparent at the quantum [scale] level
It is interesting to note that J. G. Bennett's null-vector-defined notion, pencils of skew-parallels, arose in context of his 5-dimensional field theory explicated during the early-1950s, a period when 5D theories were of considerable influence particularly in Eastern Europe from where and whence several such emerged into the literature, as I noticed in the Cornell sciences library during my interregnum there. Well, we maintain that the effects of the imaginary dimensions -- be they dimensions of three orders of temporal action or spatialized temporal dimensions -- are apparent on all scale levels, and we provide evidence to that effect as regards atmospheric processes. No classical limit. The absence of direct viewability is due, according to our notion, to prescriptive-enculturation-socialization orchestration of glutamatergic neuronal etching and quantum quenching of direct conscious access to the µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ processing by the nonlocal quantum brain, access to thinking in, not 1T2ly about, higher-valued logics being prerequisite to direct-ontic Musculpt-awareness of imaginary and hypercomplex domains of AllThatIs.
The Quantum-this, quantum-that! 17th-and-18th-century-Weltanschauung (providing the metaphysical foundations upon which the currently failed institutional base was justified by Newton, Locke, Smith & Associates) slayer (instances of which received consciously and subliminally by not only the general population, but also by many physicists, particularly by physicists who have moved on, moved on to Wall Street and The City to become quant fabricators of financial derivatives informed by quasi-subconscious infraquant takes on QM, as existential denials cum threats that must, simply must, be removed, an extirpation generally carried out under this and that ConveDD veiling, conversion-disorder displacement) has -- God help us! -- done it again: lent strong support to yet another aspect of pagan animism, this time, heh-heh-heh, with regard to the ancestor cult, obeisance before images of the members thereof, claims as to authenticity of trance communications therewith. But what about descendent postcessors in the git repository, those unborn awaited, the posterity generations (this sort of generation predisposting to cellular-automata-like generative atomistic notions of cosmogony)? Well, in deriving our notion of active time qua topologically-active operator-time, Paine separated a dual: the two classes of curl. That is: to mathematically codify this point of view, he added a gradient in time to the traditional gradients in space so as to define a first order spacetime del operator. From there, the 3 temporal curls (are l,m,n passive, referential, space-like time-dimensions or dimensions of action of temporal-operators?) were distinguished from the 3 spatial curls. Now, in relation to the resultant notion, topo-active optime, contemplate the following drawn from Entanglement Between Photons that have Never Coexisted, E. Megidish, et al., arXiv, 19 September 2012, to wit, a summary paragraph:
The scenario of time and space separation we create should be compared to the standard two particle entangled state, where the particles are only spatially separated. In the standard entanglement case, the measurement of any one of the particles instantaneously changes the physical description of the other. This result was described by Einstein as spooky action at a distance. In the scenario we present here, measuring the last photon affects the physical description of the first photon in the past, before it has even been measured. Thus, the spooky action is steering the system's past. Another point of view that one can take is that the measurement of the first photon is immediately steering the future physical description of the last photon. In this case, the action is on the future of a part of the system that has not yet been created.
Not only nonlocality in space, but nonlocality in time (a type of time understood as objective, passive, passing, referential linear-time). We regard the steerer of the steering to be topo-active optime acting by executing Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of CTC+-unto-µTm-valued cosmic propositions, the involved logical-values understood independent of truth-values and relative to relative-states of identity-transparency, the identity-transparency being, according to our argument, what entanglement actually indicates: [[[]]] unto ##### unto <<<>>> unto ………… We regard subclinical autogenic brain discharges as quantum measurements, and say that universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on space, the space acted upon being the passive aspect of universal consciousness (this statement being adapted to requirements of the binary-mind).
Yes, in fact, we did -- vis-à-vis our 1979 superconductant-gas model of the DNA radiation exchange process -- think about how pi-electron parcels form. We weren't thinking primarily of the exchange of virtual phonons (see Electron-Electron Interaction by Exchange of Virtual Phonons: Superconductivity for a 1978 take on this notion) like in the theory of Cooper pairs (we chose to use the word parcels instead of pairs specifically to distinguish our notion from that of Cooper: we mostly thought of virtual phonon exchange relative to generation of the acoustically-modified coherent quadripolar waves carrying all the 1T2-information -- and more, the µTm higher temporal formants of the emitted waves -- contained in the nucleotide-pair sequences) -- that virtuality being allowed by the Heisenberg 1T2-only-uncertainty relations. A more up-to-date take, than that of 1978, is offered by Quantum Phase Transition Induced by a Preformed Pair in a Boson-Fermion Model of Fulleride Superconductivity, Richard H. Squire and Norman H. March, arXiv, 28 April 2008. Quoting from pp. 5-6, the Plausibility of a preformed pair section:
A preformed pair needs to be distinguished from a Cooper pair (CP) of BCS theory which almost immediately after formation, condenses into a superconductor. A CP is a weakly bound pair of electrons held together by an attraction due to exchange of virtual phonons; it does not obey boson commutation rules. It is quite large by molecular standards (which is why it is usually represented in momentum space), as it covers some 10-4 cm2 in area where it overlaps with a large number of other CP's. Nonetheless, the wave functions of all these CP's are orthogonal and correlated. A Bose-Einstein (BE) pair on the other hand is a strongly bound pair of electrons that is a true boson. It forms at a temperature, T* much above Tc, the superconducting temperature, has a small pair size (real space pairing) and can be thought of as an ideal gas. The parameters for a preformed pair are somewhere in between these two limiting cases.
Our notion (see the Multivaluedness, Self-reentry, Non-Orientability, and Hyparxis section of our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process) is based on the idea that the surface-structure Heisenberg 1T2-only-uncertainty relations are underlain by deep-structure J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism/perpendicularity such that the involved wavefunctions are not 1T2ly orthogonal and correlated but µTmly skew-perpendicular and in relative-states of identity-transparency, and that this skew-perpendicularity is involved in charge creation à la Riemann's notion of charge as lines of force trapped in the topology of space, that topology being manipulated by topologically-active operator-time (think: the radiational field beat down from higher-order derivatives to those lower as integral to formation of decompositional involutes; this not indicating collapse of the wavefunction but decomposition of the supersymmetry space -- cf. our multi-sheeted, Riemann-surface-like MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space -- and part of the explanation as to how fermions can act as bosons). In our conception, topo-active optime acts only as the scale-relative absolute limiting value of a dynamical variable is reached, e.g., the absolute limiting velocity for the given LSTD, limited spacetime domain, as classically understood: hence, we have the notion of µTmly processed m-valued universal physical constants and higher-order conservation laws nixing those lower under certain circumstances. Talk about all this can transpire on many levels -- thus, appearing, and actually being, 1T2ly contradictory, even 1T2ly nonsensical, when cross-level comparisons are naively made. Be aware that Noether's Theorem was proved by the application of the variational procedure to the integral of action. Consider that:
Hamilton's principle, or the principle of least action, states that the true motion of the system between two chosen times t1 and t2 is described by the fact that the trajectories of the particles provide an extremum of the action functional
These two quotations are taken from Symmetries and conservation laws, Raisa Khamitova, Ph.D. dissertation, Vaxjo University, 2009, p. 8 and p. 6. Now, quoting Wiki: Action has the dimensions of [energy] x [time], and its SI unit is joule-second, which is identical to the unit of angular momentum. Well, 3-fold topo-active optime, and associated temporal CURLs, are defined relative to complex and hypercomplex angular momentum (quantization thereof likely involving Penrose twistors); so, according to this scheme, there must be orders of quantum action, with these orders expressing the m-valuedness of Planck's constant as µTmly processed. Thence, in the energy-time-related Heisenberg inequality, the involved time would not be that classically understood, but, rather, topo-active optime, which implies that virtual-particle/phonon exchange be understood, not via Feynman 1T2-path-integral interference of amplitudes along all possible paths, but in terms of J.G.Bennettian µTm-pencils of skew-parallels (think: e.g., cf. n-slits, cf. n-laminated Casimir plates, cf. n-limited-domains in the nesting-foam constituting the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, in relation to the hierarchy problem and a hypercomplex version of the Riemann zeta function).
No less than ultrasound damage to the fetus, the shell-shock-cum-cannoneer-shock brain injury, beyond the nano-tears, may involve soundwave-shock-front disruption of the coherent (i.e., acoustically-modified) quantum-wave properties of the DNA molecule (quadripolar waves carrying all the information contained in the nucleotide-pair sequences), be the molecule located in the nucleus or mitochondrion of neuron or perineural cell.
As a sidelight, I once again observe that the doctrine-of-uses back-channeling venture capital investment decisions is currently quite bizarre and out of contact with the best science-maths-out-there. Self-similar to The Office of George Soros, if not Soros himself, The SoftBank Office of techno-wizard Masayoshi Son, if not Son himself, took no interest in µTm-processed m-valued LETS nesting-foams and associated techno-development functional-prerequisites, but did buy into WeWork (another example of how economies of global scale stealing local multiplier effects work so well, eh; whereas, here is a real, if imaginary and hyperimaginary, notion of synoptic quantum economies of n-scalespace multipliers [O, the µTmly extra-systemic externality-type temporal smoothings missed by all those gladhanding schmoozers on Wall Street, in Marunouchi and The City!]: Wheelerian dust mote on Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround decomposed by topo-active optime to a brane of superstrings, string to infinitude of particle fields, this involution involving a series of logical operations C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2, whereupon, already at CTC+, the dust mote contains the whole pencil of skew-parallels-path-integral linear-time history of a given string). The WeWork investment: such Vision! Such probity. Such systems-theoretical insight into multiscale interactivity and cascade dynamics. On a par with those who maintain that use of anthropogenic-climate-change claims as a ploy to facilitate effectuation of global Nazification precludes actual existence of anthropogenic climate disruption -- and make their arguments based on two very-likely-mistaken assumptions: (1) Earth's macroscopic atmosphere abides by the supposed classical limit, and (2) what is known about dynamical meteorology is archived in the public domain (like is the case with what is known about the biological effects of low-levels of EM radiation, what!). Heh-heh-heh. Instead of using the involved technologies to create a holographic display dome for a biofeedback-equipped isolation-flotation Lilly tank, to exteriorize inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS, to develop EscherFormDance, to learn sonic-visioning DolphinSpeak, to explore the spectrum of µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, we are given this: that's 1T2-only capitalism crossed into avarice for you. Put a strake on it, bub! Make it drone up, up and away. Convert spiritual obedience into ideational compliance. What is known about the quantum properties of DNA-RNA and the genetic code is archived in the public domain. Heh-heh-heh! Finance capitalism prefigured snakeholder capitalism expressing as the Schwabian Will To Concentrate Privilege via usurpation of nature's biopower. Given that the American interest (cf. the objectives-goals-interests logical accommodation) is no longer in the interest of Americans (with the exception of the ultrahyperrich .001-percent) -- and this circumstance probably applies to n-nation-states --, how surprised can we be that Phoenix-planetarized more latterly morphed into democidal, extra-judicial, wrongful-death pandemics of various sorts? Especially so, since the collective psychosis, occasioning fulminations of the Two-Hundred-Years War of the World, is intensifying as our global civilization is thoroughly transformed by warborn and warborne infratech -- the computer, the internet, the cell phone, GPS, so on and so forth. What they think they think are matters of small consequence; what they think they don't think-- now, that's a different matter altogether. And ineluctably oft 'ave they thought they've forsook this, that, and whatever. With mental celerity self-attributed. Bugger all. Third-order dynamical non-orientability: looking forward into the past; Looking Backward into the future. Flapdoodle, pray? Lah-dee-dah. No bunkum-bunkum, I'd say.
Given that scientific paradigm shifts are rarely consensuated until the old buzzards (clinger mindset thereof exemplary of normosis, a disease sliding-designation, what constitutes the normotic being relative to changing context) have died off, it hardly seems 1T2ly-rational to entertain better expectations when the failed paradigm (for a more extensive Dx cum Rx, see Global Polycrisis: The causal mechanisms of crisis entanglement, Michael Lawrence, et al., Cascade Institute, June 2023: note that, the authors, in abiding by the classical limit, use the word entanglement according to the conventional, non-quantum sense, i.e., no CTC+-superintegration, no C+TC+-quantum-composites, no µTm-overdetermination, simply feedback loops and that 1T2-sort of thing; just because the binary-mind doesn't register it doesn't mean it's not there! and doesn't mean that the sum-over-hisstories is constituted of [chance}lleries qua probabilities) is the metaphysical foundations, the framework determining conditions, the structural and functional requisites, the energy requirements of the defining techno-regime (qua the prevailing Everettian-vonHayekian time-shape of total capital stock) of the institutional base of a civilization, in the [pre}sent case, one planetarized. More and more obviously it seems definite that the piper will be paid, whatever has been the BPIA -- BioPolitical Intel Analytics -- assessment. I've, actually, never seriously doubted that that will be the case. Consequently, my research and thought since the mid-1970s has been directed toward what happens after the piper is paid, and I long ago concluded that all of the high-leverage intervention points, to use the Cascade Institute's terminology, for authentic substantive transformation reside in the realm of framework determining conditions, e.g., the order-of-value of the logic employed, employed, for instance, to define monetary units and their exchange processing. Mass autohypnosis is a functional prerequisite of collective psychosis, an early stage of the pathogenesis of which is pandemic normotic induction via prescriptive-enculturation-socialization orchestration of glutamatergic etching at neuronal plasticity, flux of attention cathexes under phasic activation being execution of sequential ergotropic subclinical measurements. More technically as regards etiology and pathogenesis of normosis: diagnostic is autogenic shift from active (topo-active optime as universal consciousness in its active aspect) execution of topo-transforms to the passive (cf. passive, passing, referential linear-time, actually memetime) differentials of Noether's Theorem and its generalizations. One of the main differences between higher states and those normotic is loss of agency with reduction to memetime-bound awareness, the agency associated with higher states being that attributable to µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, not to the 1T2-egofunction. What is/are the physical mechanism(s)-property(ies) by which CTC+-unto-µTm topo-active optime is transmogrified to 1T2-memetime by glutamatergic anchoring under orchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization? In other words, what is the mass neuropsychiatry and quantum biochemistry of statefunction collapse (really, decomposition of the supersymmetry m-logically-valued reference space, MVRS) from n-valued to 1-valued, processed µTmly-unto-1T2ly? The prescription could be regarded as a thematic evasion type of NAFR, neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance to conscious registration and processing of the quantum properties of autogenic discharge activity, thus inducing modification of the quantum properties of ongoing autogenic brain discharges understood to be subclinical neural execution-registration of the measurements responsible for proprioception-perception. The mass of Clingers and their fears; yes, their fears. Measures of contemptibility aside, FOMO -- fear of missing out -- on what? Aye, fusspots all, they are, aren't they. Those Mr. Aips, those Ms. Bibs: Ants-in-pants; Bees-in-bonnets. Persnicketies, no? Worry-warts plain and simple. Missing what? Consequences of the clinging behaviors of one generation of old buzzards after another? Hmm. As regards demergence of the new paradigm, more accurately, of the new Weltanschauung and Lebenswelt, at far-from-equilibrium phase transition, my foremost interest is the Noetherian obverse: the infinitesimal (re: quantization via Penrose twistors) [de}generation of the integral of nonlocal synoptic superaction (re: 3-fold topo-active optime qua hypercomplex/complex angular momentum), whereby higher-order conservation laws are related to the invariance of the scale-relative absolute-limiting extremal values of the demergent variational integrals.
My thought concerning non-simple identity qua identity-transparency notionally goes back to my 8th year, circa 1953, sitting under the red pine on the blood-grass covered mount in the middle of the rice paddies, Midori Gaoka, off-base housing, Ashiya AFB, kita-Kyushu, Japan, when and where I was exposed to animistic- (not state-) Shinto modes of cognition. I subliminally struggled with the 1T2-logic Law of Identity at Eielson AFB, Alaska during the same period I scrimmaged basketball at the base gym with SAC and U-2 pilots soon after the Gary Powers Incident and the Cuban Missile Crisis; it was then that I took an independent study course in symbolic logic from Mr. Moore at Eielson AFB High School. Spring semester of my senior year of high school found me taking PSSC honors physics at Fairborn H.S., off base of Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, where I first learned of Schrödinger's m-valued wavefunction, a perplexing notion which I felt was somehow related to my difficulties with symbolic logic. During the Fall of 1963, at Samuel Weiser's Occult Bookshop, 740 Broadway, NYC, I ran across the Appendix to J. G. Bennett's The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, which presents identity-in-diversity geometrically as structurally characterized by applications of null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels which I didn't quite understand but immediately intuited as providing the best explanation, I had so far come across, as to origins of the unusual states of awareness I'd experienced as a child in Midori Gaoka. Much later, during the Fall of 1975, in the Cornell Mathematics Library, explicit cogitation upon identity transparency (and it was then that I first started thinking with that term) as a property of logic began upon my initial reading of Emil Post's 1921 discursus on µTm-valued logics (this Ph.D. dissertation is contextualized in the larger body of Post's work by Liesbeth De Mol in On Absolutely Unsolvable Problems, Inference, 4:3, March 2019). It was during May of 1977 that I first wrote into a paper an idea which is tantamount to the notion that cardinalities differ as to the involved order-types of identity-transparency, this statement being formulated with regard to m-valuedness and higher-order conservation laws (see Sections 8 and 9 of our peer-rejected paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process). I now quote from Decio Krause essaying extensively upon the subject of Logical Aspects of Quantum (Non-)Individuality, arXiv, 7 December 2008, updated 27 October 2018:
you may say that identity in quantum physics is not logical identity. But, then, what is it? collections (quasi-sets) of really indiscernible objects, which (by the postulates of the theory) may have a cardinal number, but not an associated ordinal.
Well, we would suggest that Krause's idea appertains only to the reverse cascade (as detailed by µTm-unto-CTC+-unto the C+TC+ of Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround of MVRS -- m-logically-valued reference space -- BackCloth). Topo-active optime executed de-mergence involves a bucket of Aurobindo-warm-golden, decomposed, involutory Cantor dust as Wheelerian pre-pregeometry, the pregeometry CTC+-unto-µTm propositions, Gödel-numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, being well-superstrung polytopic Regge lattices formed of dust mote intersections of order-types of null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels bones; (Krausean) topo-active optime executed re-mergence involves set-theoretical cardinalities: both de- and re- are with respect to multi-sheeted Riemann-surface-like MVRS, the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers involving Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes that would be depicted by hypercomplex Riemann zeta functionals. Holographically techno-exteriorized inner-Musculpt as maths notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams will provide further evidence -- than that offered here and here -- that these notions, howsoever non-instrumental, if perhaps in[stru}mental, but certainly no instress of inscape, are not only apropos the realms of fantasy. And speaking thereof, it is easy to find the following hilarious no less than indicative of the empty-headedness guiding our collective response to coming polycrisis-critical-state cuspover: see here and here.
I am not particularly into the take argued by David Gornoski in his article entitled, Peter Thiel is Right About Atoms, LewRockwell, 16 November 2023, but I did strongly resonate with the following statement, made in his article:
Because people lack the courage or curiosity to question supposedly settled foundations of physics like relativity and quantum mechanics, our physical innovations are stagnating.
One indication of this [stag}nation, IMHO, is the nearly complete lack of interest in m-valued-LETS-currency nesting-foams -- transactions in the indicator-measurable-stacked units of which being µTmly processed -- and the associated prerequisite technologies needed to internalize externalities to markette sorting demons, actually angels. One way to overcome the persistent comic-book techno-stultification is by challenging an axiom on basis of observational data: the foremost one to so doubt being the supposed classical limit. Successfully challenge this baseless supposition, and a great deal of relativity and quantum mechanics will be amended, radically modified, altogether superseded. This is precisely what was done in creation of the Paine-Kaplan quantum-relativistic cascade model of tornadogenesis (see Michael L. Kaplan's CV, the four Kaplan-Paine papers cited under Refereed Publications, and primarily the 1973-'77 preprints to papers delivered at this and that Conference on Severe Local Storms cited under Conference Preprints), which applied scaled principles of quantum and relativity physics to dynamical description of macroscopic atmospheric processes. This was done during the early-1970s and the resultant was run, with historical data sets, on the USAF's and NASA's then largest mainframes. The model successfully and repeatedly forecasted 12-hours in advance, on the 1-km grid, onset of the tornado outbreaks studied, thus recapitulating in great detail the historical storms. The model was never tested by the NWS with real-time data. Questioning sacrosanct assumptions like the classical limit is not tolerated; indeed, it can become the impetus to scientistic crucifixion. This transpired during the 1970s when the manifest collective phobic-cum-obsessional behaviors were much less elaborated than they are today. So, I would suggest to Gerard D. McCarthy and Levke Caesar (see their Can we trust projections of AMOC weakening based on climate models that cannot reproduce the past?, Royal Society Philosophical Transactions A, 20 June 2023) that reproducing the past likely would have little effect upon consensus assessment of the climate models (all assuming the classical limit to be valid) in question.
During the months prior to onset of the June of 1967 Arab-Israeli Six Day War, and after I had quit SF medics training during the last week of Dog Lab, I was an intelligence analyst assigned to Psychological Operations Group and working in the HQ building of the JFKSWCS creating and keeping OB book on the developing situation in the ME. Daily studying the intel distribution, I was aware of the only-to-be-expected gathering Holocaust hysteria enveloping the Israelis as the situation evolved, and even had a number of acrimonious discussions of this with Larry Freedman, an SF medics training classmate and friend who subsequently was to become known as Super Jew and later yet became an NCOIC of Delta Force, our generation of SF trainees having, post-VN-war, played an important role in creation of Delta. Incidentally, Larry confidentially believed, despite findings of the operational review, that Eagle Claw was sabotaged from within on Desert One. In regards to run-up of the Six Day War, at that time I thought a lot about subliminal forcing of collective action. Given, à la C. G. Jung, that mass behaviors always have a collective unconscious archetypal dimension of impulse, not only conscious rationalizations, nowadays my WAG as to deep structure motivation concerning why so many young people currently support the Palestinians, when heretofore they had little or no such inclination, is that they subliminally see Palestinians, not only suffering the horrors of Shock & Awe, but as exemplifying the sustainment of conditions characteristic of their own most likely possible future (given the fears and inclinations, the phobias and obsessions governing the GLE, global leadership elite): government gang milieus, qua police field forces, at each level of the echelon hierarchy, local to transnational. Ack, aye, the significative personality: having yet to adequately manage thorough poisoning of Vs & G -- victuals and grub -- globally, still, the impregnability of existential guilt, P 'n P -- part and parcel -- of Odd B. Dud's aspiration to become Louis Le Gran Prix, remains intact whilst friable mind ever more becomes altogether spalled. And it is only with the spalling that becoming most revered is possible! No matter how many times binary-mind turns over, the impregnability remains invariant: this invariance being no mere myth, but the foremost conserved property.
The Lebenswelt, a concretion of the Weltanschauung, intermediates between fundaments of the worldview construct and elements of the Umwelt, the person's own world encapsulation of self-definitions, subliminal to fully conscious. The person selectively imprints upon cum introjects (an unconscious process) aspects of the Lebenswelt, and in so doing incorporates into the individual sense of identity Weltanschauung abstractions concretized to the life world. Property and per[son}hood (the hood hiding the bare subject under the cloak of an econometric per[son}a), thus, for instance, being, in 18th-century-rationalist terms, conflated, and jointly made a stand-in for Umwelt: Every man has a property in his own person, Thus Sprach John Locke. So, the individual's personal sense of self-existence is strongly, if one step removed, dependent upon integrity and coherence of the Weltanschauung informing the metaphysical principles embodied in the given society's institutional base. Weltanschauung-integrity-and-coherence-affirming events are received as existential confirmations; the contrary, as existential denials: the individual commonly seeks existential confirmations, concrete to abstract, in every aspect of the ambient society and culture he connects with. If a basic principle of the Weltanschauung is challenged, in whatever way, this challenge is experienced by the person as an existential threat; indeed, as a life-threatening event. A severe enough such challenge is experienced exactly as if one is being shot at on the battlefield of a hot war -- the two sets of psychosomatic reactions are indistinguishable (to one practiced at autosensory observation and fair-witnessing). Those who have not worked through all this as it plays out uniquely in their individual cases -- and few have done the necessary inner work, to use the Gurdjieffian term -- are at extreme risk when their Weltanschauungs go into dyscrasia due to overwhelming challenges, such as those challenges issuing from 19th-century higher mathematics and 20th-century physics and logistics, issuing forth, that is, to challenge the worldview construct of Descartes, Newton, Locke, Smith and Associates (Lebenswelt concretions thereof codified by every aspect of the civilization, even such as the well-tempered, diatonic, art music system of the classical period, as was so well understood by, for instance, Leonard Bernstein, a musicology subject upon which he brilliantly lectured at Harvard in his Norton Lectures). Those with introspective incompetence who have not done the necessary inner work always dismiss the idea that Weltanschauung challenges are in fact actually, uh, [deva}stating -- damn that Anima! -- on the personal level, to the degree of being life threatening. Not seeing the spectrum of etiological connections, other, superficial, causes are attributed to the by-compensatory-abreaction resultant will to power, the resultant will to kill-kill-kill, the resultant PTSD, the resultant loss of moral compass, the resultant bipolar syndrome, the resultant suicide attempts, the resultant alcohol-cum-opiate-cum-psychiatric-drug dependencies, the resultant infrasex obsessions, the-so-on-and-the-so-forth. Even those relatively aware of the etiological connectivity can suffer deeply. Consider in this regard the following description of an aspect of Emil Post's biography, Post being the mathematician who first rigorously codified m-valued logics (Lukasiewicz a bit earlier having done so for 3-valued logic) and anticipated by more than a decade the findings of Gödel, Church, and Turing. Quoting from Emil Post, Alasdair Urquhart, in Handbook of the History of Logic, Vol. 5: Logic from Russell to Church, Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods, eds., Elsevier BV, 2008, p. 430:
Post spent the academic year 1920-21 as a Procter Fellow at Princeton University, and it was during this postdoctoral year that he discovered results anticipating the later incompleteness theorems of Kurt Gödel and the undecidability results of Church and Turing. The excitement caused by these startling discoveries precipitated his first attack of manic-depressive illness, a condition that plagued him for the rest of his life. He recovered sufficiently from this first attack to take up an instructorship at Cornell University, but a second attack led to a withdrawal from university teaching, and during the 1920s, he supported himself by teaching at George Washington High School in New York.
Under the care of a general practitioner, Dr. Levy, Post developed a routine that was designed to avoid undue excitement leading to manic attacks. His regimen involved strictly restricting the time spent on his research to three hours a day, from 4 to 5 p.m. and then from 7 to 9 p.m.
In 1932, Post was appointed to the faculty of City College of New York. He left after only one month, but returned in 1935 for the rest of his career. In spite of restrictions on his research time due to his treatment regimen and a teaching load of sixteen hours a week, Post was able to publish some of his most remarkable and influential papers during this period.
There are many similar cases in 19th-and-20th-century higher maths, the hard and soft sciences, not to mention the fine and performing arts. And what applies to the individual applies in scaled fashion to the group and groups of groups: self-similar psychosomatic dynamics (for a relevant discussion, see our paper entitled Echo of the Mockingbird).
Arthur Koestler, (The Roots of Coincidence, Hutchinson of London, 1972, p. 51 as drawn from J. Robert Oppenheimer, Science and the Human Understanding, Simon & Schuster, 1966, p. 40) offers a quote from Oppenheimer wherein Oppie codifies a neti-neti take on Madhyamaka's Catuskoti-tetralemma (good offices of Graham Priest, The Logic of Catuskoti, Comparative Philosophy, 1:2, 2010, pp. 24-54) 4-valued logic, to wit, quoting Oppenheimer:
If we ask whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say No; if we ask whether the electron's position changes with time, we must say No; if we ask whether the electron is at rest, we must say No; if we ask whether it is in motion, we must say No.
This is a 0T4 logic of the electron, so called (so called due to the fact that under this logic discrete and/or continuous are not well defined). In a Spring of 2013 MIT lecture, Allan Adams, in explicating the double-slit experiment and quantum superposition, provides a tetralemma take in stating that the electron does not take the hard path, does not take the soft path, does not take both, and does not take neither (find the section of the lecture beginning at 1:11:22). Adams then laughingly observes that that pretty much exhausts the set of logical possibilities. And this 0T4-logical condition of superposition is notationally represented by the arithmetical operator, addition: plus. Two apples plus three apples equals five apples. This plus adequately represents this 0T4-logical condition of superposition? Come on! What is the psychopathology as to why physicists have believed that? Arithmetic operations, howsoever extended, howsoever reconceived, are altogether inadequate to the case; that's one reason why holographic exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation is required. Having been, and continuing to be, uninterested in weapons systems development or making money off the conceptual morass, I've invested little libido-chi-ki into penetrating the existing mathematical-notational accounts. Adams' laugh-off about the set of logical possibilities, 0T4: Wrong! Nor are all the possibilities covered by the µT4 logical-value order-type. By virtue of the m-valuedness of the Schrödinger statefunction (state-function as opposed to wave-function because under this logic discrete and/or continuous are not well defined), the 4 can be m; indeed, it can be C, even C+, that C+ indicating beyond continuum infinity. And the 0 can be (that's be, not become; that's actual under µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+, not possible or probable under 1T2-only) C; indeed, it can be C+. Additionally, heh-heh-heh, the measuring device Adams discusses is built to be logically-bivalent (the hard path, the soft path and only the hard path, the soft path), not, say, µTm-logically-valent, the instrument being read by binary-minds (minds that can, even may, think in 1T2 about µTm, but cannot think in µTm about µTm). So, just think, heh-heh-heh, of it: Emil Post in his 1921 paper understood that-- well, to quote myself as to what I was aware of at first reading of Post's paper, circa 1975, as recently stated in T41(M) on this website:
Look at the consensus interpretation of Post's logics, as given, for instance, by Wikipedia. This interpretation is taken from Emil Post's last-paragraph-given disclaimer: But in spite of this representation 1T2 still appears to be the fundamental system since its truth-values correspond entirely to the significance of true and completely false In my judgment, this disclaimer needed to be included or (1) his Ph.D. preceptor would not have been satisfied, and (2) the paper would not have been favorably peer reviewed. But Post didn't actually believe that 1T2 is the fundamental system because, in final conclusion as the last two sentences of the paper (Introduction to a General Theory of Elementary Propositions, Ph.D. dissertation published in American Journal of Mathematics, XLIII:3, 1921, pp. 163-85 [note how few times this was checked out of the U. of Illinois library between 1950 and 2014]), he said:
We must however take into account the fact that our development has been given in the language of 1T2 [think: the measuring device Adams discusses is built to be logically-bivalent with the instrument being read by binary-minds] and for that very reason every other kind of system appears distorted. This suggests that if we translate the entire development into the language of any one µTm by means of its interpretation, then it would be the formal system most in harmony with regard to the two developments.
Post himself never followed up on this italicized if. Nor, so far as I can see, has anyone else. As long as truth-value remains regarded the fundament of logic, indeed, of all logics, this follow-up cannot be made -- because truth-values are the language of 1T2 and only of 1T2.
Post then watched as the physicists, circa 1926, interpreted the m-valuedness of the canonical quantum equation relative to probability theory, not µTm logics. What were his private thoughts about that? Later yet, a little over a decade hence, he watched the onset of WWII and what was done to Poland. Did he sense a connection between phenomenology of the physics theories and phenomenology of the war? Did Marie Curie sense a connection between phenomenology of the physics theories and phenomenology of the WWI battle of the Two-Hundred-Years War of the World? No matter how often contemplated, I could not arrive at a convincing idea as to why Post never followed up on his italicized if. Not, that is, until I read the biographical material contained in Emil Post, Alasdair Urquhart, in Handbook of the History of Logic, Vol. 5: Logic from Russell to Church, Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods, eds., Elsevier BV, 2008. Post's generative way of arriving at m-valued logics, I immediately, circa 1975, catalogued as germane only to the reverse cascade, i.e., the up-arrowed re-mergence aspect of the memetime-independent, cyclotomic, involutory (down-arrow, up-arrow) decomposition/re-composition-qua-re-mergence. Under the third-order operator (that being 3rd-order topo-active counter-optime and associated temporal CURL) the up-arrow and the down-arrow cancel out from orientability into non-orientability, looked at from the Postian re-mergence take; whereas, under the third-order operator (that being 3rd-order topo-active optime and associated temporal CURL) the down-arrow and the up-arrow cancel out from non-orientability into orientability, looked at from the EricTempleBell cyclotomic-decomposition de-mergence take. Contemplate the world-picture from this 3rd-order hyperKleinBottle take. In his Google Tech Talk of 6 January 2011, entitled The Quantum Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don't Want You to Know (find the section of the lecture beginning at 42:30), Ron Garret says that measurement [the down-arrow] and entanglement [the up-arrow] are the same phenomenon. This is one succinct way to begin detailing the nature of the non-orientability associated with 3rd-order topo-active optime. Garret, like Post, doesn't think of it in this topo-active-optime way, however. Why we don't have cognizance of the 3rd-order operator's world, according to Garret, is because the quantum world is complex numbered and our brains process only in real-numbered fashion. Post apparently had a similar understanding and that's likely the conscious reason why he never followed up in respect to his italicized if. I have no bones to pick with Garret's takeaway, but I maintain that there is a nonlocal quantum brain the processing of which can be consciously accessed (think: inner-Musculpt at levels of elaboration far beyond what I've experienced) were the glutamatergic-neuronal-etching effects of prescriptive enculturation-socialization rolled back (which is what oriental positivism has been about for several thousands of memeyears).
Instead of interpreting higher dimensional logical spaces (see, for an interesting take, What is Logical Space?, Istvan Aranyosi, in God, Mind, and Logical Space, Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013; and Daniel Bonevac's concise review of the book, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 24 April 2014: it appears of me that Aranyosi's, like Wittgenstein's, notion of logical spaces employs bivalent formation rules) relative to vectors of 2-dimensional propositions as did Post, circa 1921 (for a recent such Rx, see Logic as a Vector System, Jonathan Westphal and Jim Hardy, Journal of Logic and Computation, 15:5, October 2005), I thought of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space: built of nested order-types of self-referential propositions, i.e., order-types of such like, uh, well, duh, hmmm, oh gosh, the liar's [1T2-only]paradox, this logic space thus having continuum-infinity-plus levels of 1T2-inconsistency, yet being parts-and-whole EmilPost-consistent relative to 1st-order predicate logic since there is always and all ways an infinity-beyond for formation of theorems not contained in the given language, this exploding logic [cf. C+TC+ Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround of MVRS BackCloth, where infinitely superposed meanings, logically ensheaved upon well-superstrung-together pre-pregeometry dust motes, precede formation of formal languages demergent therefrom: that is, under Abelian-E.T.Bellian cyclotomic involutory decompositional demergence therefrom, à la Liber AL vel Legis, every Gödel-numbered Gödel number numbering the pre-pregeo[me}try is hereditarily [in}finite, which is to say utterly non-selfsame, the linked hermetic commentary attempting a 1T2-only explanation as to the meanings of this assertion] being well beyond the inconsistencies of mere paraconsistency) relative to J.G.Bennettian null-vector-defined (quoting the appendix entitled The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, J. G. Bennett, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956: adding a null-vector to a finite vector leaves the latter unchanged and yet such that when projected it appears to be different : the different is not in the same space, i.e., not in the finite vector's ponderable subspace; it's in logical space) n-dimensional pencils of skew-parallels (understood as deploying the deep-structure of Heisenberg 1T2-uncertainty qua indeterminacy when the µTm-logics of these pencils are employed to interpret Schrodinger's m-valued statefunction sans probabilities and the Born Rule: see Sections 9 and 10 of our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process). All this may seem so e[the}real as to have no e[the}unreal practical consequences: that, however, is far from a 1T2-only truth. Getting metalogically behind or under the extraneous notion of truth (C. S. Lewis via Urquhart), which is an unknown known (no less than is the particular infinity of the Axiom of Infinity so bothering to Bertrand Russell because of the implicit neoPlatonic specter of non-self-identical numbers: quoting Russell's 1904 Axiom of Infinity, to wit, I presuppose, in setting forth this argument, the definition of number, and the proof that, with the suggested definition, every class has some perfectly well-defined number of terms, this presupposition being a prefigurative corollary to Russell's 1911 notion of logical atomism), such truth deployed in three volumes, circa 1910-13, i.e., just prior to onset of WWI, by Whitehead and Russell in Principia Mathematica so as, IMHO, to keep m-valued logics, anticipated from turn of the century, at bay, truth being unambiguously definable only under the 1T2-order-type-alone-of-logical-value, this subtextural keeping-at-bay motivation being veiled in the axiomatization of the their theory of types, types which are not logical-value order-types. So, here, IMHO, in this axiomatization, along with the then prevalent debunking of Zermelo's 1904 1 = 2 1T2-paradoxical Axiom of Choice vis-à-vis the Axiom of Infinity (to wit, quoting Ron Maimon, I just interpret all the theorems which are proved with choice as statements about Gödel's universe, and not as statements about the 'actual' universe, with all its real numbers), is the deep-structure straw that broke the camel's back in regard to etiology of WWI, the failure to apply Post's µTm-logics to interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued statefunction fulfilling the same role with regard WWII; indeed, Schrödinger requires supersession of µTm by CTC+, given that the state function can part-whole-hologramically take on infinitudes of value. Practical consequences, eh what!
If logical entailment does not transcend the 1T2-logistics of glutamate-anchored Maya, what reason could one have to-- uh, that is, why would one make arguments according to rules of inference in a system deduced from identified assumptions deemed axioms? And then there are the discounted known-to-be unknown unknows of unidentified assumptions. Would not to do so, to make such arguments, involve horse-snorting use of a pair of blinders and involve a kick-up variety of hubris? One alternative is to more and more empty one's cup and strive for greater and greater competence at being a fair witness, at bare-reporting of what comes down into that vacated receptacle. This is an oriental-positivism-type proposal that does not deny utility to the inductive method. The ego psychology of hubris-driven non-adaptivity is one thing; that of hubris inflation, quite another, i.e., the latter a matter of conservation clinging and invariance icing. Sociopathic cause-push impetuses; psychopathic teleological-pull attractors. Ack, aye, the small stuff small minds occupy themselves with, what. Those overtly most responsible as distinct from the visible proximal perpetrators: politicos adept at scheduled majlis, at opportune gladhanding, at backroom pork-barreling, at shmoozing anytime anywhere, at sound-bites and photo-ops -- and little else. That being the case, GWOT transmogrified into GWOP, global war on peace, WSO-weapons-systems-officer-mounted by our moronodox fund[amental}ist Wizzo wits: tribulation to the masses; rapture to the superfluous dispensables; portioning-out dispensation of munity to the One-Percent. Then there is the deep-structure. Old Greek Substantialism in historiography (overtly rejected post-WWII by R. G. Collingwood, Karl Popper, and those following on, this anti-psychologism being mighty suspicious in a generation conspicuous in its display of lateral mental cleavage): authentic substantive change requires modification of collective-unconscious event-gradients (interplay of the Gods, Zeus and all his kind), the archetypal correspondents of the individual's complexes. Memetime-independent topologically-active operator-time as the active aspect of universal consciousness (unconscious to 1T2-only egocomplexes) is the demerger-[de}generator of the hereditarily infinite from pregiven All-That-Is. Appropriately change the ponderablespace grid length and memetime step, and the given sheet of turbulence shifts into one of coherency, and vice versa. So, what is coherency if not a formation of goose-steppers marching over a rope bridge (think: fiber-bundle arithmetics connecting branches of m-valued functions, functionals, functors, ,n) on the multi-sheeted Riemann surface of surfaces universally covering a plenum of Uberdeterminierung. Nesting that plenum is another and another and another plenum, ad infinitum, for no Heraclitan densification of the atomistic dot-matrix transcends the gray-scale stack of ever-more-densely-Q-dot-packed sheets to obtain the C+TC+ MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) Tzog-chen AllBase plenum of Super Einbindung, i.e., the superintegrated unchanging Parmenidean pregiven All-That-Is. Finitary methods (transcended in 1823 by N. H. Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr qua his Impossibility Theorem in respect to the general quintic equation, a theorem, when extended, which applies to the logics of algebras no less than the algebras of logic) are obviously of no use-value in the CTC+-unto-C+TC+-valued logics of pre-pregeometry bucket of dust. Would programming one's ear by learning diatonic harmony facilitate or depress access to inner-Musculpt? Would metaprogramming one's cognitive wherewithal by learning much written-notation-conveyed 1T2-only maths-physics facilitate or depress ability to think in µTm-logics rather than think 1T2ly about what µTm-logics must, just must, entail? The 1T2 primitive connectives generate truth functions. Are there primitive connectives of µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+<<<|cut, twist, paste|>>>C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm, and if so are they the same primitive connectives as those under 1T2-only logic? Not at all likely that C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm reach all the way down the decompositional involute into 1T2-only arithmetic operations to find their primitive connectives. I have long thought that access to biofeedback in a computerized isolation-flotation Lilly tank equipped with a holographic display is required to discover these higher-logical-value-order-type primitive connectives -- if they exist as underpinnings of inner-Musculpt symformphonie. Generalization of logics by postulation (Latin) corresponds, inversely, to creation-discovery of a new area of mathematics by doubting an axiom (Greek)? See User 168152 for an interesting comment on the etymology; fmc, for a most useful distinction. Hmmm. No concatenation of the discrete yields the continuous; no extension of infinite sequence yields infinite set: that's the bottom line on necessity of limits in the calculus. What are these limits, really? I've thought, ever since reading Post's 1921 condensed-dissertation paper on µTm logics, that calculus limits are logical-value-order-type departures -- and not treating them as such suppresses com[pre}hension of system-composite overdetermination and superintegration. Post's dissertation critiqued Principia Mathematica (PM) as being insufficiently general; in generalizing, and thus extending, PM, Post rigorously developed the notion of µTm-valued logics. Post did this generatively, and in so doing embraced Russellian logical atomism, which takes no account of the fact that no concatenation of the discrete yields the continuum, thus implicitly ruling out non-denumerable infinity as logical-value component, i.e., suppresses CTC+-unto-(pregiven)C+TC+ as defining properties of full-blown overdetermination and superintegration.
Consider the following drawn from Designing Digital Circuits in Multi-Valued Logic, Alessandro Simonetta and Maria Cristina Paoletti, International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology, 8:4, July 2018, pp. 1166-72:
the strategy adopted by the chipmakers has been to improve the computing power by constructing CPUs with multiple cores within the same chip, enabling processing parallelism
In this article we will discuss a different approach based on the possibility of building a high performance computer architecture by making digital components that work intrinsically in multivalue logic (MVL).
Leaving aside 2-state (superpositioning) quantum computing designed to make 1T2-only digital computation faster, I would observe that Simonetta-Paoletti discuss an approach that is something of a retrograde-inversion of what I have been hoping will appear: analog computation directly wave-effect processing µTm-unto-CTC+-valued logics -- that is, not using m-valued logic to get faster 1T2-processing. However, as regards the prerequisites to employment of µTm-LETS nesting-foams, the Simonetta-Paoletti approach would certainly be a vast improvement upon trying to use 1T2-only computers, or 2-state-quantum-computer-quickened 1T2-only computers, to process monetary transactions involving m-valued exchange units constructed with ensheaved (superposed) indicator-measurables defined relative to externalities (intrasystemic and environmental) thus placed within the domain of markette sorting angels. Simonetta-Paoletti computer architecture likely would be adequate for the early stages in implementation of µTm-LETS nesting-foams defined over quasi-fractal e-boundaries, where value stacks on currency units would involve only a small number of values, probably one or two to begin with in any given µTm-LETS currency. There would certainly be quite a long lead-in acclimation, learning, testing, debugging period in bringing the system up from smallest to larger and larger spatial nesting scales, decreasing the memetime-step for processing transactions (during early stages of upbringing combinatorial logic circuits only would be required; later, sequential logic circuits could be added as use-histories and externality-measure changes evolve sufficiently to indicate modulation of currency-unit value stacks), improving the user-friendly interface as complexity in the programmable currency units is stepped up by tiny increments. The other issue cum concurrence I have with regard to this paper, vis-à-vis the observations on primitive connectives and arithmetic operations made in the entry posted immediately prior to this one, is found in the quotation given below:
with the present work we will demonstrate how it is possible to define a reduced set of mathematical operators that are able to perform any function in the chosen domain independently from the base, similar to what happens for universal operators (NAND and NOR) in the case of Boolean algebra. The proposed idea is based on the use of one-digit arithmetic operations (multiplication and sum) together with the functions reported in the binary domain (the selectors). Multivalue operators will be described from the external point of view, as if they were black boxes, without considering the internal functionality or the modes of transferring the signals. [[link added]]
So we can imagine a function like a black box that receives input values I0, I1, , Ip-2, Ip-1 and returns an output U that represents the value assumed by the function at the inputs (combinatorial circuit). [[this text followed by Fig. 1 Example of function as black box]]
Wellllll, all I can say is: the black box I've long imaged is the computerized, biofeedback-equipped isolation-flotation Lilly tank with holographic Musculpt display dome. This box, IMHO, could strongly facilitate the research required to get sufficiently inside Simonetta-Paoletti black box such that the non-arithmetic-derived (think, for instance: omni-interactive µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-state identity-transparency dictates existence of non-selfsame numbers) operators qua selectors of µTm-unto-CTC+ logics can be described Musculpturally from the point of view of the internal functionality by which topologically-active operator-time m-logically-valued transfer modes operate. The biggest current problem with all this, however, is that the prevailing GLE, global leadership elite, would apply the m-valued monetary unit technology to implement sanctions under SCSSs, social credit score systems; that is, as a way to more and more subtly implement SCSS targeting of larger and larger subsets of the population base so as to parse the coercive sanctions across the full spectrum. If totalitarian intent is the basic given, whatever system employed will be swayed to that end: the more capable the system is at solving actual problems, the more effectively can it be swayed to this or that negative purpose. What we are already getting are ConveDDs (conversion-disorder displacements: i.e., regressed infantile expressions) of various features of µTm-LETS nesting-foams. Instead of currencies defined on changing quasi-fractal e-boundaries, we have geofencing. Instead of pouring resources into the multiscale data gathering and analysis that would be required to fine-grain tag indicator-measurables and externalities to ensheaved µTm-LETS currency units, we have dragnet surveillance. Instead of implementing m-logically-processed m-valued monetary units so as to increase the level of market self-organizational competency, we have the effort to subject, in blanket fashion -- with none of the subtleties and locality-placedness-of-multiplier-effects that even low-level self-organizational competency requires -- absolutely everything to a hyper-corporate centrally-dictated 1T2-only capitalism (itself a ConveDD of participation mystique qua participation inconsciente -- more than of state communism), an effort currently, IMHO, at the level of pre-proto-absolutism -- judging from the stages by which de facto governments are brought up during revolutionary insurgencies.
Who doesn't know that globalization trending to a mono-scaled, BeyondBorders boundaryless world contravenes the self-organizational mechanisms (the Five Fingers of the Five Eyes are no parts of the Invisible Magic Hand) of market capitalism -- let alone enhancing the level of competency at market-mediated self-organization? No doubt those e[me}nance greases, i.e., our revered members of the GLE global leadership elite, with slimy splodges of glutamate-etched, now more than likely modmRNAed, soon saRNAed, neural networks for brains. The locality-placedness-of-multiplier-effects that even low-level self-organizational competency requires is dictated by Noether's Theorem at the lowest order of conservation laws (memetime and ponderablespace nonlocalities and non-simple-identity states coming in with higher-order conservation laws: THE markette sorting angel qua invisible magic hand being the cascading-down, derry-derry down, all the way down to the 1T2-only spontaneously localized, Schrödinger-wave-guided Bohmian quantum potential which is µTm-relative-state identity-transparency). Recently talking of Simonetta-Paoletti black box (see immediately above, re: design of µTm-circuits) as an appropriately enhanced Lilly tank, I quote from the abstract to Conservation Laws and the Philosophy of Mind: Opening the Black Box, Finding a Mirror, J. Brian Pitts, Philosophia, 48, 31 July 2019, pp. 673-707 (especially informative are sections 4 Overview of Conservation Laws and 9 Locality, II), to wit:
Conservation is local, holding first not for the universe, but for everywhere separately. The energy (or momentum, etc.) in any volume changes only due to what flows through the boundaries (no teleportation). Constant total energy holds if the global summing-up of local conservation laws converges; it probably doesn't in reality. Energy (momentum) conservation holds if there is symmetry, the sameness of the laws over time (space). Thus, if there are time-places where symmetries fail due to nonphysical influence [or topologically-active operator-time, m-valued universal physical constants, gravitation-as-curvature under µTm-unto-CTC+-logically-valued pencils of skew-parallels], conservation laws fail [think of John A. Wheeler's discounting of conservation laws, but, fail as the next higher order of conservation laws comes into its own play: see the latter section of our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper, which Wheeler read and replied to our covering query letter saying that he was unfamiliar with the equations of atmospheric physics but nonetheless felt that exotic physics has no place therein, i.e., thus enunciating his commitment to the notion of a classical limit] there and then, while holding elsewhere
As regards pouring resources into the multiscale data gathering and analysis that would be required to fine-grain tag indicator-measurables and externalities to ensheaved µTm-LETS currency units, I have nothing against the fuzzy-logic interpretation of Lukasiewicz-Post logics, as a starter at implementation of µTm-LETS nesting-foams. Simonetta-Paoletti black-box circuits used to process measurements codified and analyzed with fuzzy logic, A-okay, as per, in concrete cases relative to m-scenarios strategic planning, for instance. In that regard, we have an interesting application described by Dulce M. Ruíz-Lopez, et al., in Applying Fuzzy Logic to Assess Human Perception in Relation to Conservation Plan Efficiency Measures Within a Biosphere Reserve, Ambio, 41:5, July 2012, pp. 467-78. This paper and its references inform very adequately, I believe, as to how fine-grain tagging of indicator-measurables and externalities to ensheaved µTm-LETS currency units would require considerable local data-gathering efforts, assessment, analysis, as well as open-source e-commons computer-gaming vis-à-vis m-scenarios strategic planning not only to formulate -- Hadoop-Hadoop-Hadoop --, but also as a means of consensus building, in cognitively and precognitively constructing ensheaved m-valued currency units transactionally µTm-processed. A further stage in implementation of µTm-LETS nesting-foams is indicated by On the relation between modal and multi-modal logics over Lukasiewicz logic, Francesc Esteva and Lluıs Godo and Ricardo Oscar Rodrıguez, conference paper, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. This paper carries fuzzy logic into the multi-modal m-worlds interpretation relative to truth constants of the C order-type in logical-value, which carrying sets the stage for a relative-state identity-transparency, sans truth-value, understanding of µTm-unto-CTC+-logical-value order-types vis-à-vis overdetermination and superintegration. I do not pretend to follow details of Esteva-Godo-Rodrıguez's argument, but I can see how this interpretation of multi-modal infinite-valued Lukasiewicz logics would set the stage for processing full-blown m-valued LETS transactions by wave-effect analog-Lukasiewicz computers. Considering the above by comparison to THE DIP, uh, uh, the DPI of UNDP & Gated-- uh, Gates, Foundation, it is abundantly clear, if not altogether transparent, that those most thoroughly Left Behind are those who have received the greatest dyspensation -- not the general public regarded by the GLE as the hoi polloi helots among the haulage, though where these serfs are being taken: umm-umm-umm. A bi-polar Henry-the-Kissinger -- how could he not have been BP given how completely identified with 1T2-logic as he was, surpassed, perhaps, only by Milton Friedman (one of my commanding officers at SRA/MACV-J2, David Hope, took K's famous national security course while in Harvard Law School, and, whilst enjoying Kobe filets at Nguyen Cao Ky's VNAF Officer's Club down the street from MACV-HQ, made revealing comments about K's mental space) -- exemplifying the mindset of the GLE cohort.
Speaking of Kissinger, it occurs to me that the graphic animation provided at the beginning of Major Quantum Computing Strategy Suffers Serious Setbacks, Philip Ball, Quanta Magazine, 29 September 2021, perfectly characterizes why Kissinger's massive Cambodia bombing strategy, not only failed, but instigated major inducement to a holocaust: during pre-Tet 1968, and earlier, CICV-Targets analysts choosing B-52 strike locations were telling those making inquiries that COSVN, the communist headquarters, named the Central Office for South Viet Nam, quasi-located but, except for dug-in supply dumps and hospital facilities, nonlocalizable in Cambodia, was inherently unbombable for the exact reason that Ball's graphic animation illustrates (this bit of knowledge being a qubit of intelligence that never trickled up -- into actual registration, this information-transmission failure being due to the glaring lateral mental cleavage exhibited by those on the receiving end -- to COMUSMACVs, those in The Tank at the Pentagon, secretaries of defense, national security advisors, POTUSes). Moreover, the Dennis-the-Menace carpeting of the Cambodian Parrot's Beak, which -- whatever is the manipulated historical record -- had already begun pre-Tet and could be heard by those in the know and listening closely whilst sitting in rooftop bars peppered around Saigon, was argued by these Targets analysts as being a case of mass hysterical compensatory abreaction to the existential threat posed by the very idea of quantum nonlocality, this collective hysteria over the existence in nature of nonlocality being what most, deep-structure-wise, caused the Cambodian holocaust. Why an existential threat, nonlocality? In west-more-land Injun Cuntry where simple-identity don't exist because each of the peasant-cadres of the VC political infrastructure wears n-ensheaved hats: find'em, fix'em, and finish'em in lieu of the post-adolescent find'em, feel'em, fuck'em, and forget'em. I heard gook as a military brat in Japan at the end of the Korean war and then again I heard it in 9th grade history class when some Wisenheimer said: Advice and Consent? Checks and Balances? Humph! Newtonian countervailing-forces gobbledyGOOK. Phoenix gobbledygook: chickens with their heads cut off. [Psycho}logical consanguinity to point of this LRRP, VC animism, Kissinger's Jungian anima, the Ball animation constitute a Pauli-Jung synchronicity -- not in memetime; in the n-dimensional psychopathy space which regressed-archetypal (reduced, that is, to 1T2-only-logical vectors, orthogonality, unitarity, so on) event-gradients ply their cause-push/attractor-pull map-throughs. And speaking, along with Ball, of topological quantum computing, each occasion I struggle through A Short Introduction to Topological Quantum Computation, V. T. Lahtinen and J. K. Pachos, arXiv, 12 September 2017, I cannot escape the uncanny notion that I am reading about the micro-microphysics of our 1979 superconductant pi-electron-parcel-gas model of DNA radiation-exchange processes. The wave-effect codons carried by the DNA-emitted coherent -- that is acoustically-modified -- quadripolar waves wearing n-ensheaved hats m-logically processed (this is a 1970s idea of what is highly complexified by 2006 in, for instance, Complex Non-linear Biodynamics in Categories, Higher Dimensional Algebra and Lukasiewicz-Moisil Topos: Transformations of Neuronal, Genetic and Neoplastic Networks, I. C. Baianu, et al., Axiomathes, 16:1, 2006, pp. 65-122). Meaning, dun-dee-dunt-dun, and, uh, oh gosh: n-level overtone encipherment, not merely single-level simply-identifiable ciphers of a laddered lineally-sequential bars||||| -between-backbones====-code which eschews environmental externalities in imitation -- heh-heh-heh -- of 1T2-only-markette capitalism. Nature's genetic engineer ignores the issue of environmental fit? Hardly likely. And even more unlikely that sheheit would leave that issue to the Book of Chances. So-- levels. Ontological levels, even -- not only scale levels, levels of complexity, energy levels, the topological order of fractionalization deconfinement (think: pi-electron parcels of DNA free-electron gas, giving rise, under ConveDDing, conversion-disorder displacing, to the enclosing-the-commons compensatory abreaction?), nested logical-value order-types, so on and so forth. Attempting to read A Conceptual Construction of Complexity Levels Theory in Spacetime Categorical Ontology: Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology, Many-Valued Logics and Dynamic Systems, R. Brown and J. F. Glazebrook and I. C. Baianu, Axiomathes, 25 June 2007, involves quite a large effort, and surely one repeated a number of times, given the wide range of technical material broached. Category theory. I always get hung up on the local-to-global problems. Sort of like how I got discombobulated by the 1T2-Law of Identity. Going local to global means that the categories, even those most general, are referenced to, being generatively emergent from, 1T2-only truth-valued logic, no matter how many other sorts of logic actualize. Going local to global puts an egoic-glutamatergic-normotic gloss upon the architectonics, which, is best understood as being, ultimately, hyperKleinBottle nonorientable, topologically and chronotopologically. Going local to global entails fuzzy-probability, arithmetic-derived-operators, truth-valued [0,1]-interpretations of the semantics of Lukasiewicz-Post logics, the Brown-Glazebrook-Baianu preference being for Lukasiewicz-Moisil algebra. No relative-states of identity-transparency compacted upon super (e.g., C+ quantum relative-states stacked on a given pre-pregeometry dust mote of Wheeler's bucket of dust) degenerate (as distinct from generative, heh-heh-heh) Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround found here. I don't think nature is fundamentally referenced to Homo sapiens sapiens; so, given that that absence of reference qua absence of imprinting is the case, while the Anthropic Principle may apply to glutamatergically-etched ponderablespacememetime, it is highly unlikely that Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround most-densely-Q-dot-packed sheet (ConveDDed to smart dust?) of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, is accurately codified by emergence from 1T2-only truth-valued logic. Global-to-local then local-to-global, the two canceling out in nonorientability, is most likely, if not most certainly, the Tao of nature's way.
Techo-ConveDDed, conversion-disorder displaced, to smart dust-- yes. I defy anyone to find a single symptom given in DSM-5-TR that has not become diagnostic of the prevailing normative collective psychopathy. I purchased and read (used as flight-simulator heads-up-display Abstract-Expressionist action-painting white-noise projection screen at nightly practice of inner-separation during the act of reading: thus transforming my Wright-Patterson AFSC flight-simulator experience as an AF-brat highschooler into a form of inner work delving into the infinite regress of I's in the I/im-ness revealed by concentration in self-observation) the whole of C. G. Jung's Collected Works during the early-1970s (I read it, the black Princeton U. volumes, side-by-side with Sri Aurobindo's white-raw-silk-bound Collected Works: two encyclopedic sets sitting next to each other on my Wedderburn Station book shelves), so I couldn't possibly nowadays locate the quote, but I agree with his, Jung's, assessment of WHC, world-historical characters (some of the current GLE, global leadership elite, possibly making it into that lot): i.e., they, WHC, are always cognitively at least a hundred years behind the times. Moreover, in my judgment, they, WHC, couldn't possibly be intellectually contemporary to their own times because, in becoming WHCs, indeed, as a functional prerequisite to becoming a WHC, they ceased psychologically to be their own persons thinking their own thoughts for their own purposes due to the degree to which they have identified with regressed-collective-unconscious archetypal material. No matter what they think they think, they are being thought -- and this condition of their condition's condition, a cognitive functor that is, no mere egofunction inflation, by compensatory abreaction (function) via projective-identification (functional) wherein what they mistakenly take to be their Umwelt introjections (functor) are actually signs and symptoms of the underside of the contemporaneous Lebenswelt, is the real reason they are so controlling-obsessed as to seek to determine, indeed dominate, the thoughts of others (a ConveDD of their subtly felt, just below the threshold of consciousness, need to regain control over their own lost minds). But the people so revere their Great Men (and a few such woemen) of hisstory, and are so introspectively inept, that any and all of the above is anathema, if not altogether terra incognito. Issuing from the jolly parts of 5-star world monoculture, the wry wintriness of the wusses charily (self-doubt creeping in intimating the condition of their condition's condition) declaiming their allegiance to-- OMG! Just compare ideational content of A Conceptual Construction of Complexity Levels Theory in Spacetime Categorical Ontology: Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology, Many-Valued Logics and Dynamic Systems, R. Brown and J. F. Glazebrook and I. C. Baianu, Axiomathes, 25 June 2007, with that of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian-Lockean-Westphalian-Congress-of-Vienna physics-cum-metaphysical-analogue foundations of the 1T2-only-rationalist constitutional-democratic institutional base and associated notions of political economy spread all along the psychosexosociopoliticoeconomic Möbius strip, from anarcho-capitalism all the way to its superpositioning -- cut-twisted-pasted -- upon anarcho-syndicalism. Facilitated by MSM blackpsyche self-propaganda and alternative-press echolalia. Are the confined-to-the-box men/woemen of our GLE only a hundred years cognitively behind the times? As for those becoming reactive: shuddering and scrambling away, oozing off from urban sprawl with its numbing anodyne: acephalous jollity. Into Turner-Thesis boomtowns long ago become ghost towns suddenly become zoomtowns slowly becoming flyblown stopovers. Tourist havens built of mountain imaginaries found by filthy-rich quixotism to be no idealist's idyllic heavens. Blenching at the looser and looser mental strictures of those the GLE knouters (ack, aye, minds subliminally gone to floating-point ternary logic -- Nand, Nor, kNout -- Haysuz, Marcie, and Josepha! the growing GLE: always adding yet one more dogsbody to greedflating ultraegoblimps running mentally pell-mell in trans-to-post-humanist phantasmagoria, mind's 5-eyes exing out the unwanted 90-percent) regard as being losers, mere overpopulation farrago, garbage-bloc in the stream of 1T2-only memetime.
Look. According to our notion of general process (see here and here and here), 3-fold topologically-active operator-time (yielding classes of temporal CURL) as cyclotomic decomposer, operates only at scale-relative absolute-limiting values of dynamical variables (think: m-valued universal physical constants processed by m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-relative-states of identity-transparency): this makes topo-active optime, as distinguished from 1T2-only passive, passing, referential memetime, virtually equivalent to Earth-atmosphere-temperature and room-temperature, even body-temperature and DNA-temperature, liquid light, that is the subsystem-system-supersystem composite of quasi-lights which, cosmic topological-quantum-computer construed, are the scale-relative absolute-limiting velocities of given LSTDs, limited ponderablespacememetime domains, which are boundary-value-variable according to the ontological-levels-category-partitioning algorithm tacitly held embedded in the given quantum measurement occasion, all measurements, all perceptions-proprioceptions, being clinical-to-subclinical quantum measurements appropriately scaled. In this light, heh-heh-heh, the higher-temporal formants of DNA-emitted quadripolar waves (the micro-microphysics of which involving strongly interacting -- i.e., CTC+-logical-relative-states of identity-transparency -- double-helically-braided polariton quasiparticles? what we named in our superconductant-DNA-pi-electron-gas paper the counterforce to the pressure gradient term being the gravitational acceleration, the scale-relative absolute-limiting value of which is where the event horizon is demergent under CTC+-unto-µTm-logics-per[form}a[c]tive-executing topo-active optime) m-valued-logically encode information about permissible (think: memetime future) micro-macro mutations and environmental fit by virtue of being always all ways therehere on MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, Tzog-chen AllBase, i.e., that C+TC+-CommonGround cosmic [omni}science from which all particles-quasiparticles are topo-active-optime demerged by performative executions of the C+TC+-propositions numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers superposed upon pre-pregeometry dust motes. So, for one, yes, smart-dust infra-tech as ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of pre-pregeometry bucket of dust. And just try to imagine the impact upon DNA quantum-wave properties and radiation-exchange processes when there are trillions and quadrillions of smart-dust motes emitting EMP-code bursts swarming planet Earth, along with all the required satellites circling Earth, as planned by our brilliant GLE, global leadership elite. How likely is it that the GLE's psychosociopathic technocrats (don't like one qubit relative-states of identity-transparency qua pagan-animistic participation mystique) will see to it that these smart-dust EMP bursts stay out of the biosphere's biologically-active frequency-response windows with their nano-scale-wide overtone windows in m-valued nesting-foam [form}ants?
My problem with generatively going local-to-global as regards complexity levels theory in categorical ontology really does resolve to my difficulties with the 1T2-only-logic Law of Identity. Quoting from A Conceptual Construction of Complexity Levels Theory in Spacetime Categorical Ontology: Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology, Many-Valued Logics and Dynamic Systems, R. Brown and J. F. Glazebrook and I. C. Baianu, Axiomathes, 25 June 2007:
Loosely speaking, we may consider non-Abelian categories as the complement of Abelian categories in the category of all categories [including the selves of itself, à la Russell's Paradox, under reflexive C+TC+ly-non-orientable self-reentry? note that this paradox was resolved, according to David Joyce's comment, by limiting the Axiom of Comprehension -- heh-heh-heh! being my reaction] One main example of a category which figures extensively in our work is that of a groupoid G: a small [i.e., a set] category in which every morphism is invertible; we denote the set of objects by X = Ob(G) The standard mathematical notion of a group is that of simply a groupoid with a single object (the identity). In this respect groupoids may be loosely viewed as certain categorical structures admitting multiple identities
As here construed, each identity of the multiple identities of THE identity is a 1T2ly-simple-identity, meaning that THE identity does not have non-simple µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ identity-transparency. Now, the 1T2-logic Law of Identity can be understood to accommodate multiple simultaneous 1T2ly-simple identities (I/in) of THE identity, but not µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ relative-states (I/im) of identity-transparency. I reject this categorical rejection of generative-empathic Buddhological compassion qua pagan-animistic participation mystique because it, the category rejected, is of the essence kernel (constitution -- not set of elements -- of the CommonGround) of nature's most fundamental fundament, Tzog-chen AllBase most-densely-packed sheet of MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. How do we know this to be the case? Uh, n-dollars to a [do}nut, the kernel-versus-essence distinction don't much figure in the carcerality of your EUchred Weltanschauung, Horatio, devolved as it is to little more than the theoretical backdrop to predatory proprietary predictive policing. Heh-heh-heh! As, by ketaminergic oriental positivism, the East traditionally incorporated into its notions of sacred space, Akasa, Ma, Buddhological space, structural forms follow functional prerequisites (these prerequisites being signified by the Gods qua archetypes of ancient mythology, particularly as given in myths of origin), the corollary being syntax follows semantics, not only in FLW's organic architecture, but, more generally, in nature qua nature, most generally in regards to logical and ontological precedence relations (i.e., orders of necessity and being -- existence being, heh-heh-heh, much farther down the Rigvedic-karma chain-of-dependent-origination, that is the glutamatergic carceral collapse into 1T2-only-Existentialist-separatism from C+TC+-relative-state identity-transparency, from absence altogether of necessity and being, i.e., from Suchness). This, that stated immediately above, iff, uh, insofar as, internal/external source-sink-terms reentry-nonorientability-under-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ is unregistered, ignored, explicitly renormalized-out -- in-denial being the overwhelming determining-tendency in state space of glutamate-etched participant observers. The prototype of the Abelian category is the category of Abelian groups, which are commutative, i.e., the order of the operands does not affect the result. As regards the semantic aspect of cosmogonic (re: complexity levels of categorical ontology) cyclotomic decompositional involute cum recompositional devolute (aka downward and upward cascades), the commutative Abelian category abides; whereas, as regards the syntactic aspect, the non-commutative non-Abelian category abides: that is, going local-to-global as regards structural-syntactic ontological levels is not homomorphic to going global-to-local; while, as regards functional-semantic ontological levels, going global-to-local is homomorphic to going local-to-global (note the retrograde inversion). On multi-sheeted-Riemann-surface-like Musculpt-manifold universal covering of MVRS, the same can almost be said, only replacing homomorphic with homeomorphic. One of the properties of Abelian and non-Abelian categories is that every map has a kernel, the nullspace, the map mapped to the zero vector, and its dual, the cokernel. Now, imagine the kernel nullspace densely filled with laminated µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-complexity-level sheets of null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels and the cokernel nullspace densely filled with laminated C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-complexity-level sheets of null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-perpendiculars. The kernel constitutes the corpus of compositional permissions, integrals, multipliers; the cokernel constitutes the corpus of constraints, differentials, dividers. The Abelian incorporates propositions (1); the non-Abelian incorporates selfsame numbers (2); the bridge between the two is made of non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of (going global-to-local) C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-logically-valued propositions(3). In tacit support of this 3-fold notion, I quote the summary abstract from A geometric picture of quantum mechanics with noncommutative values for observables, Otto C. W. Kong, Results in Physics, 19, December 2020, which I interpret as expressing recognition that QM supersedes the 1T2-only simple-arithmetic quantitative, to wit:
What we have is a solid noncommutative geometrical picture of the physical space, or spacetime, beyond the Newtonian and Einsteinian framework that is sure to be relevant to Nature directly coupled with the idea that each physical quantity should better be seen as having a value beyond what can be represented by a number.
Since the late-1970s I've argued that m-logically-valued null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels are the deep-structure subtending surface-structure 1T2-only Heisenberg uncertainty (see Section 10 or our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper). In that regard, consider the following from Wiki on Noncommutative quantum field theory:
One commonly studied version of such theories [quantum field theory on noncommutative spacetime, noncommutative geometry, and index theory] has the canonical commutation relation which means that (with any given set of axes), it is impossible to accurately measure the position of a particle with respect to more than one axis [not to mention the cases wherein the axes involve null-vector-defined m-logically-valued pencils of skew-perpendiculars]. In fact, this leads to an uncertainty relation for the coordinates analogous to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Heisenberg was the first to suggest extending noncommutativity to the coordinates as a possible way of removing the infinite quantities [to our understanding, indicators of a shift in the operative logical-value order-type] appearing in field theories before the renormalization procedure was developed and had gained acceptance The success of the renormalization method resulted in little attention being paid to the subject for some time.
The 1T2-only-logic Law of Identity, which, due to my childhood exposure to animistic modes of comprehension, flummoxed me as a highschooler taking symbolic logic as an independent study course, I note, à la Otto C. W. Kong, prescriptively precludes having a value beyond what can be represented by a number.
The articulated, values referenced beyond what can be represented by selfsame numbers, beyond arithmetic operators and extensions thereof, Musculpt man[I/im}fold may involve -- on involutes of C+TC+-AllBase, i.e., on CTC+-unto-µTm-M-logically-Valued-Reference-Space-BackCloth -- free groupoids of directed graphs on simplicial Regge lattices demerged global-to-local and remerged local-to-global (neglecting CTC+ly self-reentrant, Heraclitean fluxus 3rd-order-dynamical nonorientability [think: Opposite things are identical, to quote Heraclitus] and also, stepping up to AllBase, neglecting the notion that demergence<<<>>>remergence Parmenidean self-cancels under the C+TC+-logical-value order-types [think: not Nothing comes from nothing, but E[very}thing is nothing -- shaped by memetime-independent topologically-active operator-time, i.e., to again quote Heraclitus, Everything is and is not at the same time]). Inner-Musculpt holographically techno-exteriorized as the category of categories notionally and notationally being the foundation of math[e}ma|tics or ma[the}mat|ics or ma[the}ma|tics? Hmmm. If so, the collection of categories so categorized is cardinality-wise in its rejection of selfsame ordinal numbers, and at least aleph-null where within skew-perpendicularity diagonally manifests-qua-existence-proves whole-part identity-transparency. In this Musculpt category of categories, C+TC+ly-unto-CTC+ly including itself, µTm-functorial adjointicity is the foundation for sequential syntactics, be it alphabetically left-to-right or ideographically top-to-bottom, not omni-directional qua adirectional semantics -- because see[man}ticks (the ketaminergic Platonic-anamnesis functor: points and pencils recovered to view) prefigures and motivates [sin}tacks (the glutamatergic forgetful functor: points and pencils dropping out of view -- that is, off the BackCloth -- on the simplicial Regge lattices, this statefunctorfunctionalfunction reduction being from CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2): appearance of a demergent meaning, coming in upon my me from Elsewhere, re[man}s, uh, uh, DEmands into linguistic existence, if this-I says I to it, a sounded-form of ex[press}i|on.
[Pro}state cancer threatens to [deva}state -- just think of the e-ffects of mimetic-estrogen herbicides in consumables -- globalization: so think the GLE, global leadership elite. Is this a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, or not? David Webb maintains that the century-long drift of The Great Taking (for the pdf version of his self-published book, 1.2 edition, 28 November 2023, see here, fascinating be the account provided as to changes of asset-ownership laws globally; for an informative brief review and an hour-long Webb documentary on the hundred-page book, see Matthew Smith as reposted from Doug Casey to ZeroHedge) has transpired largely on an unconscious basis, but he offers no thoughts as to the collective-unconscious psychodynamics involved (and how accurate can the long-term forecasts thus be?); whereas, I maintain that the obsession with security entitlement is a ConveDDed, hence unconscious, compensatory abreaction to advent of the ostensibly schizophrenogenic, quantum-non-simple-identity, inflated-egosphere-bubble-bursting, existential threat -- covered over, dissimulated, hidden from by the probability, in lieu of the m-valued-logic interpretation, of Schrödinger's m-valued wavefunction -- posed by BizarroWorld quantum this, quantum that craziness: Planck-Planck-Planck, humph! And that the asset-backed-security-pooling schemes (financialization ConveDDs of quantum-ensemble critical-state collective-and-cooperative phenomena), formulated absent fiber-bundle arithmetics, underlying the means of security entitlement, correspond to the reductive fuzzy-logic (financially ConveDDed to fuzzy ownership) interpretation of the µTm-logics of relative-state identity-transparency. Moreover, that the harmonization of security entitlement is a retrograde (µTm taken to 1T2-only) inversion (local-to-global complexity levels of financial categorical ontologies, rather than global-to-local) of the µTm-LETS nesting-foams by which non-simply-ownable externalities can be internalized, not to 1T2-only markets, but to µTm-logical market-self-organizational dynamics, wherein relative-state identity-transparency is the quantum potential, i.e., the actual Wheelerian magic-without-magic invisible hand -- not greed.
Fresh[wo]men entering AU-SIS in 1963 had to write a thesis (expected to be long) for Dean Ernest S. Griffith, a thesis preceptored by a grad student. No other papers were levied upon the frosh student during that first semester. My preceptor was a Masters candidate studying under Prof. Abdul Aziz Said. I devoted so much effort to that paper my class grades suffered. The paper was graded a B-minus; but, for me, it occasioned one of the foremost cognitive departures of my life and defined my personal agenda for decades to come. It was entitled The Predicament of Existentialism and focused upon the Existentialist notion of separatism as THE human predicament (the opposite of what years later I came to designate relative-state identity-transparency). The thesis addressed issues raised in F. S. C. Northrop's The Meeting of East and West (which, during my senior year of high school and first year of college I regarded as my Bible) concerning an indeterminate aesthetic continuum (as distinct from a differentiated aesthetic continuum and mathematically-designated space and time) by drawing upon Husserl, Jung, Schrödinger, Heisenberg and Gödel most particularly. Pointing out the root fundament of dualistic-bivalent-logic opposition between Platonism (essence precedes existence) and Existentialism (existence precedes essence), challenged were both postulations qua assumptions by arguing against the very idea precedes, understood logically, ontologically, and temporally: thus did I first arrive at an early approach to the notion of a C+TC+-logical Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround of MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) BackCloth (to use current Buddhological-cum-theoretical-physics terminology). From that frosh period onward, my referential frame has been thatthis there-pregiven base state (as distinguished from Heideggerian Dasein) which here-everything is demerged therehere from. So, any category theory I could fully embrace would have to begin therehere, not there or here. Therefore, heh-heh-heh, it couldn't possible-worlds begin (the pregiven being nonorientably before, heh-heh-heh, beginnings begin) with discrete objects and morphism arrows (rather with hyparxic Platonic eternal forms -- signified with J.G.Bennettian skew-parallel polytopes? -- and decomposition involutes, forms which change yet remain the same, in the sense that higher-valued-logic propositions contain all the meanings their lower-valued-logic propositions decompose to in complexity levels global-to-local), nor could topological transformations qua morphisms be (quoting from A Conceptual Construction of Complexity Levels Theory in Spacetime Categorical Ontology: Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology, Many-Valued Logics and Dynamic Systems, R. Brown and J. F. Glazebrook and I. C. Baianu, Axiomathes, 25 June 2007) induced by the inclusion mappings i : A --> A cross I and the communtativity or non-communtativity conditions, where I = [0,t] being defined as a finite segment of the real time axis. The inducer of topological [trans}forms qua morphisms qua Musculpt sounded-forms shape-shiftings would be memetime-independent 3-fold topologically-active imaginary-hypercomplex operator-time executing C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-logical propositions numbered on directed graphs over simplicial Regge lattices -- numbered, that is, with non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Yet, as Jacob Bernoulli's tombstone says: Eadem mutata resurgo.
For details the reader is directed by the authors to a number of references, and, as yet I do not see the necessity, I make no pretense to penetrating deeply into details of the equations provided in the discussion of quantizing deformations, in particular the Heisenberg deformation, discussed on page 22 (not so incidentally, this is the first time I've seen an account of any sort of quantization written relative to category theory) of A Conceptual Construction of Complexity Levels Theory in Spacetime Categorical Ontology: Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology, Many-Valued Logics and Dynamic Systems, R. Brown and J. F. Glazebrook and I. C. Baianu, Axiomathes, 25 June 2007. I quote for the general gist of what is being described, my motivation in so doing being to expose similarities and differences with respect to our 1977 General Process paper which argued, in context of topologically-active operator time (3-fold topo-active optime being a class of operator kernels?), that null-vector-defined (i.e., defined on nullspaces of kernels?) J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels (1T2-only strings taken into m-valued logics?) underlie the Heisenberg uncertainty principle:
a governing principle of quantization involves deforming [e.g., initialization of classes of temporal CURL?], in a certain way, an algebra of functions on a phase space to an algebra of operator kernels. The more general techniques revolve around using such kernels in representing asymptotic morphisms [e.g., orders of temporal CURL initialized at scale-relative absolute limiting values -- indicated by the appearance of infinity or zero, neither of which is to be renormalized -- of dynamical variables such as velocity, acceleration, time rate of chance of acceleration, thus postulating m-valued universal physical constants m-valued-logic processed, i.e., the 1T2-Heisenberg uncertainty relations are superseded under µTm-logics, thus no classical limit]
An elegant way of generalizing this construction entails introducing the tangent groupoid TX of a suitable space X and using asymptotic morphisms the tangent groupoid TX is defined as the normal [think: as distinct from J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicular] groupoid of a pair Lie groupoid X cross X double-arrow X obtained by blowing up [think: this occurs as the 1T2-logic of simple-identity critical-state snaps-over into the µTm-logic of relative-state identity-transparency as the correlation length goes to infinity at formation of pencils of skew-parallels] the diagonal [i.e., skew] diag(X) in X. More specifically, if X is a (smooth) [the Musculpt manifold of symformphonie?] manifold let G' = X cross X cross (0,1] [think: the numerical referent, under µTm, can't be the reals because identity-transparency does not permit numerical self-sameness, so What is the numerical referent? is it the corpus of non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers?] and G" = TX, from which it can be seen diag(G') = X cross (0,1] and diag(G") = X
The procedure [quantization relative to TX] entails characterizing a function on TX in terms of a pair of functions on G' and G'', respectively, the first of which will be a kernel [cf. CTC+-unto-µTm-logical null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels as decompositional involutes] and the second will be the inverse Fourier transform [cf. reverse-cascade recomposition of the frequency domain, e.g., cyclogenesis-and-tornadogenesis-emitted acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces ensheaved in formant stacks] of a function defined on T*X
Then the following family [cf. 3-fold topo-active optime] of operator kernels realize the Moyal quantization.
We've felt, ever since our mid-'70s reading of Gravitation by Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, that quantization of topo-active optime's temporal CURLs (i.e., Wick rotation, Wick rotation squared, Wick rotation cubed being induced by 3-fold topo-active optime executing Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of the m-valued propositions constellating null-vector-defined pencils of [non-selfsame: to quote J. G. Bennett's skew-parallelism appendix to volume one of The Dramatic Universe, adding a null-vector to a finite vector leaves the latter unchanged and yet such that when projected it appears to be different ] skew-parallels, carriers of, for instance, the set of all scale-relative absolute limiting velocities, each LSTD, limited spacetime domain, having its own light: 1T2ly, a null-ray projects to a point, as described by Rajratna Adsul in What does the twist in twistor theory refer to?) necessarily will involve Penrose twistors, and that the most fundamental reason twistors have not been successfully brought into QM is that Roger Penrose has not placed m-valued logics on The Road to Reality (by ditching the BornRule probabilities and interpreting the m-values of Schrödinger's wavefunction relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-logics, those m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to incommensurate relative-states, not gray-scale-fuzzy degrees, of identity-transparency, this one and only universe), which would be a very unAngloAmerican thing to do.
New terms for me: torsor and cobordism. Relative-state identity-transparency is asymptotic torsor? John Baez: A torsor is like a group that has forgotten its [single-valued, selfsame] identity. Uh, that is, identity element -- speaking of binary operations. But what of n-ary operations, when arity qua adicity is not a matter of degrees, but of states, like in the relative-states-of-identity-transparency understanding of µTm-valued logics? Instead of identity element, identity qua identity as metaphysical category? The next higher dimension in cobordism is the location of the changing boundary (think: self-organization by resource exchange across boundaries) upon which internal bureaucratic variables were tacitly (informed by subliminal residuals of once-elaborate collective experience of participation mystique?) mapped by the Viet Cong political infrastructure such that far-from-equilibrium, critical-state, autopoietic phase transitions were facilitated, even orchestrated, by fulfillment of the prerequisites of the holographic principle (contents of the space contained are mapped on its boundary: attend to the interface!)? The stack we are most interested in cannot be of groupoids because each of the simultaneous n-identities (in some cases putting to good use the Axiom of Choice) of a groupoid is 1T2ly selfsame, not an order-type of µTmly non-selfsame relative-states of identity-transparency (directly experienced in states of participation mystique). Categorical ontology of complexity levels: let me not rashly call in doubt/ Divine Predication , uh, uh, Prediction (John Milton, Samson Agonistes, lines 43-4). Listening, not to the Sounds of Silence, but to the different qualia of silences between different collections of simultaneously sounding tones -- these qualia signifying relative-states: sonic torsors? Zuckerkandl and Stockhausen: tonal space, not as the corpus of the tones themselves, but as the emptiness between the tones. Munari by Munari. Musical introception (as distinct from perception and proprioception): forget Harmony I, II, III, IV, and don't listen to the tones, just as in walking meditation one can, by repetition, operantly condition oneself to see, for a period, only this or that chosen quale in the ambient space (a way of fractionating percept gestalts so as to reduce them down into infinitesimality, as ingress upon close approach to the unbearably exquisite, if ultimately unobtainable, bare percept). Music of no-sound inside music of no-sound inside Introceptualism has its own inherent logic that is not reducible to our ordinary two-valued logic Currying is no semantic favor under µTm-logic understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, for it takes a function with multiple simultaneous arguments and transforms it into a sequence of functions -- actually, function families -- each such with a single argument (a translating technique -- where, unfortunately, the semantic import is violated -- similar to a Riemann surface that bridges the single-valued branches of a multivalued function such that all the branches can be broached in an unbroken march). A fiber bundle is not the same as a pencil of skew-parallels because ditto for fibered category because categorical descent data (objects + arrows) are not the same as the data of cyclotomic involutory decomposition because Clifford parallels are not the same as skew-parallels because For our purposes of holographically techno-exteriorizing inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation for thinking in m-valued logics, not 1T2ly about m-valued logics, groupoids defined in arithmetic terms are not useful; required is definition in topological terms: transformation groupoids, for a start? The elements of that notation are not alphabetic, cursive, ideographic, diagrammatic, musical notes, discrete marks: they are the transforms of the colored-sounded-forms themselves taken as signifiers (just as memetime is apprehended only by noting changes in space -- topologically-active operator-time, of space). An early step in that direction has been taken, as can be seen by grabbing onto A Topology-based Animation Model for the Description of 2D Models with a Dynamic Structure, Pierre-Francois Leon and Xavier Skapin and Philippe Meseure, Proceedings of the Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations, The Eurographics Association, 2008, and putting it into the exteriorizing-inner-Musculpt context (I don't yet know what has transpired in this regard since 2008). Can the self-metaprogrammed monotonic binary-mind hear the µTm-logical symformphonie of inner-Musculpt? How has it classified the subliminally-known unknown unknown?
The gravitational pull of the interior world; in certain states it became irresistible, distorting the geometry of conscious thought, its straight lines and perpendicular angles [cf. the diagonals of Analytical Cubism and Cubist poetry; J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism cum skew-perpendicularity]. Memories ran in circles [cf. Gödel's theorem and his hypercylindrical, closed-geodesic, circular notion of time], unable to reach a destinynation [uh, uh, destination]. Without the discipline of chronology [cf. memetime], they crossed over and doubled back, undoing the indispensable logic [1T2-only] of cause and effect. From a presence to a half-presence [cf. T. S. Eliot's notions of betweenness and half-objects vis-à-vis torsors] to no presence at all, that was his perception of it -- of insanity generally: a kind of leaving. [[The Einstein Girl, Philip Sington, Vintage paperback edition, 2010, p. 50: a novel set in polymorphous-perverse early-1930s Berlin]]
The melting, and falling away, of frozen liquid light? No longer able to see around conjunctures, uh, that is, corners? But paraphasia and echolalia of the MSM, for examples, are not generally considered symptomatic of mass psychosis, mass-formation psychosis in current parlance -- given that there couldn'tabe no such as collective occasions of experience. And if that mind, that binary-mind, is told of its incapability -- and the inexorable, massive, and possibly irreversible, however much to be despised psychosexosociopoliticoeconomic and environmental consequences of that incompetency -- told by mathematical and scientific discovery and glaring deteriorations socially, culturally, and of the natural surround? Going stone-winnick insolent in pulling the temple down upon itself? The 200-Years War of the World, with lead-ins to the Big Battle of the Third Kind? By now, several functional equivalents to the Spanish Civil War. A paradigm demonstration of iatrogenic induction of mass eu[then}asia. Yep, and a shock-and-awe, death-from-above, mini-holocaust brought down by missiles Eyeless in Gaza.
I was born before the end of WWII, 14 June 1945, so I was not part of the Baby Boomers; rather, I was among the last to pop out into the Silent Generation, though I had more cognitively in common with the Lost Generation than with the generation of my parents, the so-called Greatest Generation. Whilst coming of age, in questioning my one-time B-17-pilot father, and his fellow officers, it didn't take me long to realize that the generation that fights a war is not the generation that started it. So, it was the Lost Generation that was most responsible for WWII, and the generation of their parents that was most responsible for WWI. Thus, I wondered where that put me in feeling greatest resonance with the Lost Generation. In due course, I came to understand that that sense of resonance was not primarily due to experience of war (in my case the Viet Nam war) but decisively redounded from reactions to my readings in logic, mathematics, and physics -- and not from reading into writers-on-the-left writing of their banquet years during the interwar period. In mass-enveloping Minkowski spacetime [+++-] made manifold under 1T2-only-Einstein's general relativity theory of gravity, there is mass-energy-curved passive, passing, referential linear-time, not straight-line linear-time, the baud-rate of which, curved time that is, varies, according to special relativity, inversely with velocity of movement and associated contraction of space, those variations varying differently for observers in different circumstances (to include, according to Rudolf K. Luneburg, as seen by, different observers each with their own different psychometric distance functions of their unique non-Euclidian binocular visual spaces, however unnoticed by seers these visual-space differences might be, there being no localization in binocular visual space independent of the psychometric input). At absolute limiting values of those variations, e.g., the speed of light-in-vacuo, spacetime poofs off, simply ceases to exist -- strongly suggesting that light-in-vacuo, i.e., in empty spacetime, doesn't need to travel to get somewhere at sometime, because, for light-in-vacuo, there are no wheres and no times, no spacetime intervals, and no spacetime-located observers to observe its Parmenidean state of stasis or, equivalently, its condition of being[still]there allwheres alltimes. Under µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-logics, however, light might be a pervading liquid looking around corners, even an omniscient all-pervading solid, rather than a curved-time-tracking gaseous wavicle or a straight-line-time-tracking wave or particle. It depends upon the order-of-logical-value employed by the participant-observer and the nature of the collective occasion of experience heshe is identified with. But that's not where Einstein was in 1916 -- though Polish-French Maria Salomea Sklodowska-Curie qua physicist-chemist Marie Curie, for one, may well have been aware of what was then going on in Polish logic.
He completed the General Theory of Relativity in 1916, the year of the great offensives at the western front. While armies clashed at Verdun and the Somme, in a desperate attempt to redraw the notional frontiers on their notional European maps, Einstein remained at work, quietly stripping space and time of all objective reality [p. 102]
This was the work Einstein completed in Berlin, after years of working at the frontiers of scientific knowledge. He was making a new world just as the old one was marching off to war, killing off redundant metaphysical certainties just as the youth of Europe was being sacrificed to defend them [p. 103]
No one could explain the sudden paralysis on the western front any more than they could explain the war People wanted answers. Kirsch [the protagonist of the novel] wanted answers. He wanted to know what it had all been for. [p. 98] [[The Einstein Girl, Philip Sington, Vintage paperback edition, 2010]]
Was the paralysis (of mass cognition, no less than of the massed combat) a Polish joke (How many Poles does it take to change a light bulb? Three: one to hold the bulb and two to turn the ladder. This being a parody of Lukasiewiczian 3-valued-logic, and its implications concerning the nature of light. In evaluating jokes, we must not forget that the Trickster archetype is a devious character of the collective unconscious!) that froze liquid light into its Parmenidean state of stasis? Hmmm. The praxis of Gurdjieffian inner stop where upon self-remembering does not remember the 1T2-only self-of-egofunction. Freeze-frame. Stoppage. The present. The eternal now. Be here now!, fully understood, is rather a horrendous injunction: the trepidation of being continuously reborn; borne, however fumblingly, on the binary tick-tock's 1T2-only-definable instant; caught between retrograde and anterograde amnesias; duration of the present moment being determined by the binary-mind's rather slow baud-rate of consciousness; the biology of emotion being much faster for subliminally tapping into the µTm-unto-CTC+-logically-valued processing of THE nonlocal quantum brain.
Without a past, she [an amnesiac] struggled to believe in her own existence, that she was more than a flight of imagination, a ghost or a memory to be banished on waking. [p. 115] [[The Einstein Girl, Philip Sington, Vintage paperback edition, 2010]]
Here Sington begins to catch the real deep-structure cause of WWI, indeed, of the 200-Years War of the World: that is, the mathematics-and-logic-and-physics-provoked largely-subliminal conflict over the nature of identity qua identity as a metaphysical whatnot, more and more demonstrated to be no longer believable as a somewhat. All sides dogs tearing into one another in a state of collective hysteria, having lost their hold on what they held most dear; simple-identity being their bone. I've long believed, and stated that belief, that like Camille Claudel, Einstein's first wife, Mileva, was not given her proper due; that it was she, not Einstein, who was receptive enough to register from the collective unconscious the inner-Musculpt intuitive-breakthrough-moment(ous) -- shockwave freeze-frame -- epiphany that birthed Relativity physics, and that the Gedankenexperiments associated therewith were later arrived at. It is not plausible to me that the receiver of that epiphany, whatever its exact nature, could have clung to the spectrum of old ideas Einstein remained committed to. The epiphany shockwave, coursing down, slamming into the feet, is an internal cleanser. Einstein's He [God] does not play dice intent to restore 1T2-only-causality is consonant with the currently more and more explicit -- yet still largely subliminal, the Night Sea Journey out of the collective unconscious yet to reach completion -- intent to gene-therapy-engineer excision of the inherent capability to consciously register the µTm-logical processing of THE quantum brain, the motivation for this intent (carried on a regressed-archetypal event gradient) being to quantum quench the electron-transport chains (ConveDDed, conversion-disorder displaced, to blockchains?) mediating ontic awareness of relative-states of identity-transparency qua animistic-pagan participation mystique. There are as many different kinds of causality as there are logical-value order-types, the vast bulk entertaining no contradiction between cause-push and attractor-pull. The currently operative subliminal intentionality can easily be viewed as Nazi race hygiene exponentiated into human species hygiene; this exponentiation, because, nature being what it is, it has been impossible to staunch the drift of logic-maths-science discovery-creation increasingly belying the 1T2-only-logic-retaining probability dissimulation which keeps at bay the µTm interpretation relative to relative-state identity-transparency. All the papers I've had drawn to my attention, and run across on my own, since the mid-1970s, which instantiate the drift towards the µTm interpretation -- papers in whatsoever field -- don't make the transition into full [re}cognition of-under identity-transparency. Consequently, the premises of these papers preclude much real interest in their technical details vis-à-vis development of the µTm-LETS seed idea. This does not augur well for a good prognosis concerning the human condition post-cuspover. The fundamental deep-structure issues occasioning the first two world wars were never resolved, were driven farther into the collective unconscious, there to fester, there to generate even more regressed regressed-archetypal event gradients. Make infinity a functional prerequisite, as N. H. Abel did with his 1823 theorem on the general quintic equation, thus invoking and demonstrating existence of trans-al-jabr, realms beyond the mere reunion-of-broken-parts (this being a literal translation of al-jabr), uh, indeed, realms ontologically-before the notion union-predicating-parts has demerged, and all-everything radically changes from there, the nature of identity and time and space not the least. Processing the 1T2-only bugbear, now, µTmly-unto-CTC+ly (C+TC+ being the order-of-logical-value of the realm ontologically-before the notion union-predicating-parts has demerged) would yield, it must be supposed, not only a 1T2-only simple-identity metacrisis qua loss of the (dys)ability to be identified with a selfsame selfhood, but self-other, subject-object [super}sessions leading into direct ontic experience of m-logically-valued identity, which could not simply be identification with the n-simple-identities diagnosed in MPD, multiple personality disorder occasioned by dissociative amnesia's intermittent loss of [meme]time: rather, the generative-empathic introjection to Umwelt of otherhood to selfhood, of objecthood to subjecthood -- mu-unto-C times over, i.e., the relative-states spectrum constituting the conditions of the participation mystique condition of participant-observers in a participatory universe, the sort of universe analogically modeled by participatory democracy subtended by µTm-LETS nesting-foams. Not a matter of simply violating the 1T2-laws of identity and non-contradiction -- that is, being simultaneously both A and not-A, both wave and particle, both alive and dead -- but of complexly so violating, not least because simple simultaneity simply does not exist absent an absolute, passive, passing, referential, inflexible, undilatable time, let alone under 3-fold imaginary and hypercomplex topologically-active operator-time. Treating the conditions of the participation mystique condition (the C+-body problem, not simply the n-body problem: there being no radical Existentialist separatism between observer and observed in animistic participation mystique) as possibilities, probabilities, propensities is a clinger's clinging behavior, a dissimulation permitting retention of the 1T2-only logic of Maya in face of overwhelming experimental evidence belying that retention -- collectively, a memetime-century-long anal-stage cognitive sitzkrieg. Granted, were the probability interpretation given up, that would be the death nell of 1T2-only-lawfare; at the very least, fuzzy logic would enter the courtroom in cases such as that portrayed in the 1997 film entitled "The Defenders: Payback". And the institutional carry through of that entry would dry up a lot of swamps. The horror, the horror.
1T2 µTm I/im double-digit midget I/in CTC+ Tzog-chen 1 2nk
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