µTm Scenarios, T47(M)
Had I had a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, I might have written The Buddhological Ethic and the Spirit of Autopoionomy in 2004 as a centenary upgrade cum centennial [auto}psy on Max Weber: this would not have been like Emmanuel Todd's sequel to Max Weber, which sequel does not explain what caused vaporization of Protestantism, only has that vaporization paired with Anglo-American economic defeat -- a neat way to ignore recent intellectual history (as regards coming cuspover, that of the last 200 years; fulminations of the persistent collective psychosis, due to suppression of the identity-transparency constituting quantum-animistic-pagan participation mystique, having transpired at least since the memetimes of early-Greece, rise of Confucianism, appearance of the Laws of Manu, et cetera: bounding around mad as bunnies in march, expostulating desultorily), an ignoring largely shared with social cycle theorists who attribute cycle generation causation-teleology to random, that's random, shocks of endogenous-exogenous types. Unlike scientific management progenitor Frederick [Win}slow cum [Wins}low Taylor, I'm not for memetime-binding, regimenting, and standardizing element-qua-worker behavior as factor of efficiency, but of facilitating efficiency on the level of subsystem-system-supersystem-composite framework determining conditions, e.g., the order-of-value of the logic employed. One reason why I quit the IBEW apprenticeship program: given the task of assembling thousands of florescent fixtures for the brutal Little Pentagon Forrestal Building, I conceived and fabricated an assembly jig (one concrete sort of framework determining condition) and thereby was able to assemble the fixtures nearly twice as fast as was the usual speed, for which an elderly union official, who basically ran the numbers racket and did little else, came down on me hard for having done so. This jig was not for piece work, so there was no issue of pay-rate cutting involved in the union official's scornful reprimand. Beyond the wage, so far as I've been concerned, what makes physical labor rewarding to the worker is the concentrated state of mind-at-work and the subsequent pleasure of a job well done. Faster by improved framework, not by Charlie Chaplin's understanding of Modern Times as scientifically engineered by the likes of Taylor's well-tailored chelas, probated imprecations that they are. Remove that state and that pleasure and physical labor is mere mind-numbing drudgery. The hell with that! Fragmenting the work, making a house-builder into a rough-in carpenter, a finish carpenter, a plumber, so on, strips pleasure and pride-of-craft from employment, greatly reducing quality of experience even if increasing the quantity of things in living standard. Not to mention the adduced fragmenting of the tasks, the stop-watching of the task fragments, the setting of the action at a double-memetime pace. Do this differential-equationing to AI-robotics, if you (O, the peremptoriness of our lily-livered, exanimate, parodic panegyrists proffering only pusillanimous blandishments; nowhither doth thou lead us, Your Magnifences: Every Man Dies Alone according to Hans Fallada, MAD being boyhood mumbly-peg graduated to mature adult male threat of mumble-the-pegs as a form of recon-by-fire) will, but simultaneously, in the limit, find categories of good work for humans to move into: a phase transition, my I/im submit, which cannot occur when 1T2-only money is a prime organizing factor; µTm-LETS nesting-foams being a functional prerequisite because in-the-limit is not a single-valued single-numerical-value but a logical-value-order-type transformation. If I wouldn't let one or another prefabricated university curriculum metaprogram-out my ability to intuitively follow ideas and creatively engage with them, why would I allow the equivalent with physical labor? My first real job, aged 15, was helping to build log cabins at a remote site in the interior of Alaska; then a swing-scaffold-painter's helper painting radar domes on the DEW LINE; then a concrete laborer pouring flightline extensions at Eielson AFB, Alaska; then a grader-of-grain at a feed mill in Ohio; then a rodman's helper on construction sites in Dayton; then, after my freshman year of college, an ironworker's helper working high steel in Cleveland with a crew of native Americans and recent Russian immigrants. So, independent of jump school and SFTG, I had some experience of body knowing. You don't walk open high steel without that. Why would I compromise such knowing? But my body knowing wasn't as good as I thought. After electrician's work, I found myself studying Japanese gardening and bonsai under an 80-some-year-old Taisho-era-educated horticulturalist with a 5th-degree blackbelt in jujitsu who was relentlessly all over me concerning how poorly I used my body for simple tasks like shoveling and swinging a pick. This experience definitely concentrated my mind upon self-observation of what Gurdjieff called the moving center -- and helped me transform the digging of trees into a form of meditation. When I, two years or so after the jig-making incident, learned that no IBEW traveling papers would be forthcoming upon making journeyman (the D.C. Metro was being built and the local needed 600 additional electricians), I quit, as my objective was high-paying overseas construction work. Let it be contemplated, à la Rubbish Theory, that both Weber and Taylor were imposing a logic-type then being slayed, the principle involved -- promulgating and implementing something intellectual-history-wise already dead, if not psychosocioculturally-cum-politicoeconomically-cum-military-industrially so -- being a commonplace of hisstory. Reveling in con[temp}ibleness! That's what I call it. So-called benign science -- 1T2-only -- it subsequently turned out had always been carcinogenic. Taylor-made time poverty (e.g., workers being stop-watched) is epiphenomenal to memetime-boundedness as glutamatergically etched into the prescriptively metaprogrammed 1T2-only molecular-cellular brain kundabuffered from conscious access to the µTm-processing of THE nonlocal quantum brain. Note that neurohumoropsychiatric characterization of romantic-qua-passionate love (see, for instance: Romantic Love and Behavioral Activation System Sensitivity to a Loved One, Adam Bode and Phillip S. Kavanagh, Behavioral Sciences, 13:11, 10 November 2023) purportedly does not involve long-range quantum phase-correlation between brains of the lovers, let alone their joint access (think: the much maligned collective occasion of experience) to µTm-processing of THE quantum brain -- though it is allowed that each separate 1T2-only-processing molecular-cellular brain manifests, in and of itself, under the romantic-love driver, increased functional connectivity and decreased network segregation (ask: is this ketaminergic or glutamatergic?). Forget altogether the much-suppressed (consider the multitude of expressions of the currently prevailing collective obsession with imposing non-quantum simple-identity) notion/states of identity-transparency as the fundament of love as distinguished from mere identification-in-transference (the short-lived -- and subject to habituation and associated ultimate quenching as rigorously documented in John C. Lilly's Tank Logs -- effortless, drug-induced experience of ID-transparency being one of the main reasons why people illicitly take MDMA-ecstasy and the glutamate antidote, ketamine). As regards C+TC+ Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround of multi-sheeted Riemann-surface-like BackCloth, that suchness base-ground-cloth being the cognitive regime of the ultimate case of relative-state identity-transparency à la love elaborated unto, presumably, the highest reach of Buddhological compassion, we have an apt inner-Musculpt-related description offered by W. Somerset Maugham in The Painted Veil, 2004 Vintage paperback edition, p. 197 (though painterly Musculpt symformphonie I would not regard as the Veil; rather, the 1T2-only-object-world is the Veil, i.e., Maya):
It [C+TC+ Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround of multi-sheeted BackCloth] is everything and nothing. From it all things spring, all things conform to it, and to it at last all things return. It is a square without angles, a sound ears cannot hear, and an image without form. It is a vast net and though its meshes are as wide as the sea it lets nothing through. It is the sanctuary where all things find refuge. It is nowhere, but without looking out of the window you may see it.
The One Best Way is not THE way, not the Tao, not even the Tao of post-Newtonian physics. If 1T2-only logic was slayed during the temporal environs if WWI, as scientific-management efficiency was seriously brought on, what is being slayed today as transhumanist asteroid-implanted CBIed-cyborg forced-labor-pool encamped and post-human AI-robotics is being brought on? The very notion of passive, passing, referential memetime and the associated supposed classical limit? That limit is prescriptively metaprogrammed? Indubitably! From infancy to preschool, scientifically child-reared -- no stick to the rear required. First, school was industrialized; then, militarized; then, concentration-camp-ized -- the hooks and barbs on the fencing pointing inward, the concertina scrolled on the inside of the hooks. But even that hasn't been good enough to keep the collectively hallucinated threat enclosed, depotentiated; childhood [re}creation has to be police-field-forced: squad car, with Ithaca pump shotgun visible, parked adjacent to the skateboard park, the uniformed municipal cop pacing back and forth, his presence intimidating those rolling back and forth, down, up, and over. Good Work (I was lucky enough, circa 1981, to have a long conversation concerning good work with Peter Gillingham by good offices of W. David Kubiak, during which conversation I turned down the opportunity to meet Edward Landsdale, with whom Gillingham had once worked, as I did not wish to rehash all the junk thought as to how it could have been to have best contended successfully with the VCI, as I knew that that junk thought, by doubling-down compensatory abreaction to loss of the war, was in control of future American policy behavior, foreign and domestic, that behavior being a driven assimilator, heh-heh-heh, the driver being regressed-archetypal, i.e., altogether unconscious to the cyborgizing leadership elite), to my me, efficiently provides a facilitative context for inner work, that's paid work that can be handled as a meditative practice (not available, obviously, when the workplace is under scientific man[age}ment) -- the best good work being menial, repetition allowing easy meditation transformation, as monks-nuns well know, and most effectively so if environmentally set in the natural surround. AI and robotics (displacing human workers) makes retooling for very small runs cost effective, such that the foci of human labor could become handicraft applications in design and design of design systems relative to the tropological meta-referencing that makes µTm-unity-by-and-through-diversity (think: J.G.Bennettian skew-parallel geometries), as foundation of concrete-cultures-sustaining metaculture, possible. It is not AI and robotics (those which should be Taylor made) in and of themselves that threaten hu-hu-hu[woe]man|ity; it's the choice to continue clinging to 1T2-only-logic alone. That clinger's choice appears nigh unto irreversible a hundred years after Lukasiewicz-Post came on the scene with rigorous Rx of m-valued logics (1T2ly thought about, rather than µTmly thought in). I recently vaguely recalled something I'd read as a senior in high school (while visiting D.C.-no-Washington the summer before that final year, I got a list from AU-SIS of 100 books a graduating SIS senior should have read, found copies of many of them, some of which I read, some of which I scanned, during my last year of high school) and looked it up. As regards changes in forms of governance, Machiavelli had the following to say -- among much else:
The innovator makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support is forthcoming from those who would prosper under the new In consequence, whenever those who oppose the changes can do so, they attack vigorously, and the defence made by the others is only lukewarm innovators who depend on others to achieve their purposes those who must use persuasion always come to grief, having achieved nothing (Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, trans. George Bull, Penguin Classics, 2003 paperback edition, p. 21)
Hmmm. A subliminal memory of that strategic observation may have considerably influenced my conscious choices as to the way to go. How many of our great [pro}baited-technology entrepreneurs have engaged sufficiently with fundamental questions in quantum-relativity physics as to realize that the technologies they exploit are types of infratech that were R&Ded on basis of logic-maths-physics dissimulations? Nary a one, my I/im submit. Offering little more than unsupported ass[ever}ations, no besiegers, the GLE, global leadership elite, of the infamies and ignominy of 1T2-only parsimony: until recently, it was understood only by a very few that a mo[net}ary system employing a 1T2-only-vehicle currency as a reserve currency is by definition an avaricious system set upon plunder. The foremost adduced surfeit of that system is spawn of bivalent Hellivus Minimaximus: in the post-WWII period, the military-industrial complex made U.S. forces the functional equivalent of a mercenary entity employing criteria of judgment and decision trees that, otherwise, absent the 1T2-only-profit motive, would never have been the case. I learned of this early in life, my father, after being taken off flight status for collapsed lungs, having become an accomplished procurement, supply, and materiel troubleshooter who retired from the Pentagon in disgust at the Defense Department's revolving door with defense contractors.
The I-Ching as Book of Changes is falsified cum handled as a book of chances when three 2-sided logically-either/or coins are used to cast lines of trigrams (geometrodynamically think: edges of equilateral triangles as ur-elements) of the hexagrams (pregeometically think: hexagons as ur-element composites) of the oracle (pre-pregeometrically think: Beth alpha-plus-beta K-dimensional urrr generalized map on Musculpt manifold, M); IMHO, long lost, before the oracle became a book, was the original understanding that -- speaking from the regressed-derivative TaiChi-rotational-1T2-only-logic-take residual -- the field of the time determines-pushes/attracts-pulls the fall of the yarrow stalks: unsullied universal consciousness in its active yang aspect is the set of all topological operators on Great Space; unsullied universal consciousness in its passive yin aspect is the Great Space acted upon. All such operators are instruments of topologically-active operator-time. How was the time field conceived as being yarrow-stalked? Maugham's painted veil as portage (of demergence), as narrow isthmus (of decompositional involute), i.e., à la inner-Musculpt, as the Gaelic t[air}b[ear}t? Circa summer of 1971, in Gaelic-speaking Tarbot Vale, Cape Bretton Island, Nova Scotia, 3 AM: Liana, wake up! Come look at THIS. Her response: Oh my god! What can that be? All those crisscrossing lines blanketing the sky! And what is that-- song? A folie à deux, to be sure. Delusions of influence? Indubitably. But, O, WHAT INFLUENCE! Influence by good offices of the collective unconscious? Asterisms? Uh, urrr, astrophysical-cum-geophysical acupuncture meridians and points? A-real Ley lines and coordination points? Heavenly songlines? In William Erwin Thompson's 1974 Passages About Earth, he describes (memory serving) a similar experience with night sky. The Tarbot Vale folie came two years before I took Music Comp IV and learned of Takemitsu's music, and four years before I read M-T-W's massive tome Gravitation and learned of the n-dimensional lattices of the Regge calculus, which turn the spacetime curvature configurations of General Relativity into equivalent networks of intersecting bones and intersection dust motes (and makes possible understanding of a plausible correspondence between Einsteinian gravity and the Jungian collective-unconscious archetype-in-itself as Whiteheadian mathematical relation-structure qua as µTm-logical relative-state as Bohm-Hiley quantum potential of collective-unconscious event-gradient, regressed or no). Not just one cinematic freeze-frame after another, the infinite sequence thereof run by the 1T2-only observer faster than the baud rate of hisherherhis prescriptively-enculturated-cum-socialized glutamate-etched and memetime-bound consciousness can Buddhologically resolve to individual frames and gaps, but most fund|a[mental}ly by the sub-nano-physics of how topologically-active operator-time (topo-active optime) demerges Heraclitus from Parmenides, i.e., involutorily decomposes absolutely-identity-transparent C+TC+ AllBase CommonGround into 1T2-only-decoherent animations. So, how was the time field conceived as being yarrow-stalked, as being Regge-latticed, the yarrow-stalk-fall being a 2-D compaction of the n-D Regge-calculus lattice? Identification of the instrumentalities of topo-active optime is greatly facilitated by close reading of A Topology-based Animation Model for the Description of 2D Models with a Dynamic Structure, Pierre-Francois Leon and Philippe Meseure, Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations (VRIPHYS) at Grenoble, November 2008, where within net structures underlying animation products are modeled and the involved topological operators identified, noting that these operators differ from one application area and associated semantic regime to another. Quoting page 5 of the paper:
During the processing of events, the semantic model generates [note that semantics is thus construed as ontologically preceding grammar-syntax: states concern semantics; degrees concern syntax] a list of topological operations [the instrumentalities of topo-active optime] applied to entities. This list is a sequential list of modifications, i.e., a script that the initial n-g-map [n-dimensional generalized map approximating to a man|i|fold] undergoes over [meme]time. This script outlines the history of the model construction and permits to analyze the outcome of the animation by focusing on the evolution of cells neighborhood relationship [i.e., sequence of 1T2-only relative-states]
However, as regards the somehow -- who, yet, understands this? -- of semantic translation of the topological transforms of inner-Musculpt-symformphonie semiosis, not only does 2-D have to be taken to 3-D, and 1T2-only-logical processing to that µTm understood relative to relative-state identity-transparency, but there must also be incorporation of sound and color as semantic signifiers. Moreover, and this is the real (infuriating to binary-mind) bugbear (bivalent vonNeumannian Hellivus Minimaximus: eavh -- uh, that's each [Cast}alia value of Boolean Glasperlenspiel -- finite is infinitely optimal): the topological operations, according to our scheme, are not applied, except in the limiting downside case, to selfsame simply-identifiable entities, as is done in the Leon-Meseure animation model. Such entities, selfsame and simply-identifiable, exist only under the 1T2-logical-value order-type of µTm-valued logics; the edge and vertex parameters used in Leon-Meseure specification of neighborhood relationship being superseded in order-types superordinate to that 1T2, this supersession requiring employment of null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels, for edges and non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers for numbering vertex dust motes, not selfsame real numbers (à la Liber AL vel Legis, every Gödel-numbered Gödel number numbering a pre-pregeo[me}try bucket-of-dust dust mote, and finite set thereof, is hereditarily [in}finite, sets of Riemannian non-trivial zeros, under µTm-unto-CTC+, sweeping clean across whole of the Musculpt manifold, those sets being zero-sums of THAT cosmological cooperative-unto-identity-transparent game: see The Riemann Zeros as Spectrum and the Riemann Hypothesis, German Sierra, Symmetry, 11:4, April 2019, for the case of handling Riemann hypothesis vis-à-vis Riemann zeros as the eigenvalues of a quantum mechanical Hamiltonian, then interpret the eigenvalues relative to the µTm-logics of the relative-states of identity-transparency, not relative to probability amplitudes, and raise the complexity of the zeta function beyond real-Euler and imaginary-Riemann into hypercomplexity). It's not in the shape, the geometry, the topology; nor is it in the shape-shifts per se, the geometrodynamics per se, the topological transforms per se: it is in the shifts, the dynamics, the transformations employed as semantic signifiers that colored, synaesthetic, inner-Musculpt-symformphonie semiotics is to be discovered, re-created, explicated, and, if holographically techno-exteriorized, evolved through use like is a speakable natural language. As near as I can tell from reading Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory, Steven French, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 30 October 2019, even leading m-valued-logics scholar Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara Scabia ((I can't access her papers cited in the French article as they are chapters in books; moreover, as I have long suspected would eventually happen, it looks like my effort at assimilating thoughts of others is going down, down, derry down, coming step by step to an end as I find I can actually access very little, instead of the merely little as once was the case, of what I would like to read, given that recently even arXiv has changed its download method such that I frequently do not reliably receive the full text and it is cumbersome even to acquire the url for purposes of creating links, not only from Google searches, but from other search engines as well -- overly cumbersome because you now have to download the page to see if you want to download the page, thus severely limiting what can be accomplished in a given period: they, TPTB, are so certain that their ideas, models, views, paradigms are inadequate, mistaken, outright wrong, utterly damaging that they are more and more, small step by small step, thus plausibly deniable, wholesale closing down access to all but those well-vetted who have demonstrated no-fault ideational compliance)), in not unabashedly embracing orders of infinity in states of non-selfsame identity, is 1T2ly thinking about µTm-unto-CTC+ states of identity, not thinking in µTm-logics into (think: introjecting to Umwelt on, initially, a trial basis) ontic engagement with µTm-unto-CTC+ states of identity. Neither fuzzy-membership-function sets nor indistinguishable-ur-element quasi-sets (a good account is provided in Schrödinger Logics and Quasi-Set Theory, Decio Krause, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 19 July 2022, beginning with the Identity and the Quanta section) are adequate to this Umwelt introjection. By G. Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form, distinction logically precedes truth-value: by our reckoning, identity logically precedes distinction. Most fundamentally, identity qua identity as metaphysical [what}not is not about [some}whats, individual or not, but about being-in-itself, which logically and ontologically precedes (C+TC+-unto-CTC+) self-being, be the self-beings of self-being indistinguishable or not: identity of ur-element, distinguishable or indistinguishable, is the last to ontologically-unto-existentially (µTm-unto-1T2) demerge; moreover, under 3rd-order dynamics, involution/[de}volution is non-orientable. This Umwelt-introjection lacuna amongst m-valued-logics scholars, not only Dalla Chiara, is unfortunate as it has practical imports of great immediate consequence. Why, since turn of the century, have utterances and behaviors in general, of public figures become more and more infantile? Ethnocentrism having become pretty much passé, so many, sad to say, have once again come to substitute race[see}oh[sin}nation for ratiocination. Why have the clingers become so anal-stage fixated, this fixation expressing as myriad classes of corruption? O! the jobberies of The Gilded Age 3.0, those involved naively, if caustically, sicced by the collective unconscious on pursuance of a recrudescence of yet one more fulmination of the episodic mass formation psychosis. What is the root because of the why-why-why n? Because, as far-from-equilibrium civilizational phase transition climbs the cusp surface (thanks be due to Loren Cobb: consider that the so-called random variable U, is actually a 1T2-only-thought black-box term hiding from the modeler µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-states of identity-transparency, i.e., concealing the Bohm-Hiley quantum potential for autopoiesis and self-organization; think of the cubic polynomial and the regression coefficients -- slope, change of slop, change of the change of slope -- relative to 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, such thinking having first been worked out by Cornell tornadogenesis modeler Douglas A. Paine in regards to the m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces, awareness of this early-1970s accomplishment never having actually entered the fields of dynamical meteorology and climate science, but, by good offices of the Cornell pigeon loft, having further informed then-existing understanding of pigeon homing) toward its breaking-wave critical state, members of the GLE, global leadership elite ((the initial talk by AU-SIS Dean Ernest S. Griffith, welcoming the entering 80 students, circa September of 1963, had him telling us that if we worked very hard we could become part of the leadership group which would determine the path humanity would take in the coming decades; hearing that, I knew on the first day that I would not finish the program, as, having been a military brat, I'd intensely watched leadership in action and reached the conclusion that leadership is coercion; so, how could I possibly consent to becoming part of an elite leadership group?)), become more and more psychologically identified with their socially-conferred role attributions, these intensifying states of identification reflecting the expansion of correlation lengths as the critical state is more and more closely approached. The march up the cusp surface -- of this fulmination of same-old, same-old going back at least to ancient Greece -- being driven by constellated regressed-archetypal collective-unconscious event-gradients, the intensifying GLE identification with socially-conferred role attributions dictates that what members of the GLE think they think is not what they think, is not their thoughts but downloads from contents pools carried along by regressed-archetypal collective-unconscious gradients (think: The Unconscious as Infinite Sets). However much members of the GLE self-attribute, the gathering intensity of GLE states of identification prevents them from thinking their own thoughts with regard to policy issues and other matters absorbing public attention cathexes. Lack of admission, a general state of denial, as to existence of µTm-logical non-selfsame identity states facilitates this evolving condition of the condition of elites in the prevailing rise to cuspover. It also infantilizes the public discourse on the ever more likely monetary system reset, precluding at the outset any real possibility of internalizing externalities via employment of µTm-processed m-valued LETS nesting-foams. Pecuniarily speaking, I am by no means for eradication of 1T2-only cash, the base-state of any µTm-LETS currency in nesting-foams thereof; but I am for RFIDing cash so that there becomes available, along with the e-money sheaves of each µTm-LETS currency, direct measures of velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration (think: the cubic polynomial of cusp-surface analysis) of money ((during the late-1970s, one of Paine's Cornell grad students abandoned meteorology and began working on Wall Street; unfortunately, there has never been any evidence that that move carried Paine's notions of general process into, say, theory of financial derivatives)), not mere inferences thereof, thus making these variables indicator-measurables that can be, if so chosen, incorporated into open-source, e-commons, m-scenarios computer gaming of choices as to the m-values stacked upon base-states of µTm-LETS currencies, and ongoing modulations thereof. The more the indicators are based upon direct measurables, the better will be the projections made during m-scenarios computer gaming. Of course, the less lying there is about the outcomes of direct measures made, the better the projections will be, and the better the currency-value-tagging-ensheavement choices elected. In inner-Musculpt as experienced by my me -- during the age range 15 through well, already in serious fadeout by 35 years old -- there appears in awareness an alerting petit-mal aura (photism flashover, paresthesia rush, electrical-like shock in the extremities, buzzing or ringing or hissing sound), then, eyes closed, a changing color-field wash bleeding across the inner-visualization expanse, becoming polymorphic sounded-colored forms undergoing shape-shifting geometrodynamic topological transformations; simultaneously, somehow (there's that somehow of long frustration used above), is simply given, ununderstandably so, understanding of the meaning gestalts, that understanding devolving down, being progressively lost, to the inner-voice coming in with verbal interpretations of these transforms relative to meanings in the subject matter of whatever is transpiring in the given particular occasion (lecture, conversation, performance, act of reading, so on) triggering onset of an inner-Musculpt-symformphonic session. Meanings like: stacked simultaneous awareness of the possible paths the argument being given could evolve along; a sudden eyes-open crystallization, given in Cubist-superposed-image gestalt, of awareness as to the inner-state governing this or that participant in the ongoing conversation, and revealing that state as thus yielding the position taken by himher on this or that issue, subject, whatever; in listening to a musical performance, a prefigurative inner-kinesiological sense of being pulled or pushed, of falling or levitating, into portions of the piece yet to be performed, even when the piece is one I've never heard before; in moving from one sort of architectural space articulation to another, inner-kinesiologically being lifted out of or into this or that projection frame and associated state of identification, signified with photism flashes, e.g., converging-diverging perspective-line arrays, and color-field saturations bleeding across the visual field, the colors being emotion-cuing or -codifying or -summarizing signals. The somehow of the translation is what I've always wanted to study: ideas as to how that could be done have been forthcoming, but there was no access to the required convivial tools. Theory of the somehow should arise out of the practice of the studies and evolution-through-use of the Musculpt language, not practice arising out of theory. For me, that likely would have been doable between the ages of 15 and 35 -- decades ago.
Glad you enjoyed the David Kubiak interview. Serendipity had Kubiak choose to attend the Autogenic Therapy Symposium at the 1977 World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine held in Kyoto: that was the symposium in which I presented our paper, written by invitation of Wolfgang Luthe, entitled Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge. In the hallway afterwards Kubiak chatted me up and invited me to move into his house from the ryokan in which I was staying. I remained a part of the Kyoto Kubiak household for quite a long period after the Congress, observing and learning about his various activist activities. Fascinating. A little over a decade later Kubiak still resided in Kyoto and I was back for a year or so. This was before the Japanese real-estate bubble burst, when discretionary money sloshed around allowing the Tokyo-based NGO, Global Action, to fund remodeling of a small traditional-style building as Kyoto office space and meeting place for eco-cum-econopolitical activist groups (including one group Fritjof Capra, author of The Tao of Physics, was involved with). There existed a small adjacent overgrown yard in which a garden needed to be made. I was petitioned by Kubiak to undertake this task -- which I set about with some gusto. Later, Kubiak told me that he and a friend were observing me work when this friend exclaimed, My god, that guy really knows how to use a shovel! How little they suspected. Only upon recently running across a copy of Robert Kanigel's The One Best Way, concerning Frederick Winslow Taylor's engagement with the enigma of efficiency, have I learned of Taylor's extensive and detailed scientific time studies of shoveling labor. As a Pennsylvania German-Dutch tree-digging Baumgardner (my mother's side of the family) -- pounding away at nursery work so ox-common as likely as not to sluggishly produce a phlegmatic broke-backed drudge -- did I make my living for the better part of 15 years, throughout that period conducting my own time studies; stop-watching Taylor trying to get optimum output from expended foot-pounds of energy, me using the foot-pounds registered throughout the workday by the sole of my right Timberland Sawhorse boot (not unlike, earlier, my leather-upper jump boots, if not my canvas-topped jungle boots) as an autohypnotic entrainment impulse-substitute for the hypnotist's swinging pendulum, so as to facilitate memetime dilation at Gurdjieffian self-remembering which, paradoxically, requires for initialization inner-separation from the selfsame-selfhood sense normotically identified with. The refresh (of the cognitive screen), as directly experienced, cold water splashed on one's face on a hot day, elicited by unpracticed self-remembering is short-lived, generally a mere matter of seconds (so easily quenched is access to the µTm-processing engaged in by THE quantum brain). Some consistently, or frequently, available context for the sustained practice of concentration in self-observation, a context complex enough to adequately facilitate reliable vectoring of attention cathexes, is required to prolong and expand (think: endogenous-ketaminergically OBEed) purview of the self-remembering state. Various, indeed almost whatever, exercises at walking meditation will do, as will variations on those chosen exercises conducted whilst, for instance, digging: all related they must be in one way or another to the pulling-back-in -- by EdmundJacobson differential relaxation and Jungian active imagination -- of the libido expended (think: tension energy of residual tension patterns, particularly of the small extra-ocular and pharyngeal muscles) at projective-identification on the 1T2-only-subject-object level of the psychological transference, be the subject-identification with outer or inner objects. Origins of my movement along this path were in the frequent relocations of a military-brat childhood: generally as a child and teenager of in-group/out-group social dynamics, a person is type cast and it is nearly impossible to break out of this mould, were one to try; with a move, however, it is easy in the new environment, where one is a total unknown, to try on a different I, to move into a new type-cast. I did this repeatedly whilst growing up. In order to recognize and fully register parameters of the opportunity for self-experimentation frequent relocations provide, one must observe oneself. Capability at self-observation was deepened in practice sessions for basketball and other sports activities. In order to get through the physical demands made at Special Forces Training Group, particularly the long runs each morning, I found myself falling into a form of autohypnosis by entraining to the rhythmic stomp of jump boots when running miles and miles in formation: properly inducted, one could run indefinitely, until, presumably, one had a heart attack. Twenty-one years old! Hard as rock. Why not? I started electrician's work non-union, wiring tract homes piece work as helper to a West Virginia old boy born with a jack knife in his mouth. My slow work greatly impacted his take-home pay, so he harassed me continuously until I learned to wear my toolbelt exactly right, pull the plyers out just so, effectively use plyers as brad hammer for fixing Romex cable, rapidly strip wire with a pocket knife without damaging the wire, run don't walk (just like in jump school), so on and so forth, yelling at me all the day long. I don't mind your long hair, son, but when it starts getting in my eyes! Some of the self-observation orientation, mostly the mental part, came from three years of judo-jujitsu lessons, aged 8-11, received at Ashiya AFB, Japan, circa 1953-6; though I never later in life further pursued the martial part of these lessons, I applied the mental habits acquired to other forms of activity, e.g., self-observation in the act of digging (for several years facilitated by the yelling-at-me-for-how-poorly-I-moved granted by the old man, Nonkei [meaning to untie, apt as regards his handling of my me] T. Ishiyama, and jujitsu black belt under whom I studied Japanese gardening). In self-remembering my I/im, my other-Iambe(s), that is, by activating the self-referential logics of reflexive attention cathexis, the differential non-doing of the residual tension patterns is the kick-off executor, whereupon active imagination more and more effectively gives trophotropic-ketaminergic carte blanche to the opening-upward, sustained, layered awareness of being-therehere now in this field, of this county, of this state, of this country, on this continent, on this planet, in this solar system, in this galaxy, of the real-numerable spacetime, of the function-functional-functor spaces, of the layered-transparent, of the transcendental formal logic of the infinite, so on and so forth -- the memetime-passing flow under the now-imprinting dilating more and more into slowdown as the baud rate of consciousness increases, presumably, with gain of access to higher-logically-valued order-types of processing propriocepts-percepts achieved by taking advantage of the enigma of efficiency, rather than by reliance upon cleansing the doors of perception by use of entheogens.
The speed-fixated (enshrined, circa September of 1905, in E[in}stein's E = mc2, where an absolute limiting speed mediates distinction between material and energic existence, to neglect of topo-active multiply-connecting c-prime and non-orientable c-double-prime; neglected as well, being E and m primed and double-primed; moreover, ignored altogether is the minus-under-plus that appears when c is moved to the lefthand side of the equation, these two arithmetic operators -- -,+ -- being, 1T2-only understood, indicative of, respectively, demergence and [re}mergence from and to C+TC+ AllBase CommonGround, the from/to distinction -- think: spontaneous localization and fusion -- being null under topologically-active-operator-timed 3rd-order dynamics: these neglects constituting, IMHO, a collective unconscious decision for movement along the MAD path rather than that leading to ecologically-adapted, post-fossil-fuel solutions to the energy problem, e.g., Cornell meteorologist, Douglas A. Paine, seriously entertained, not only unconventional ideas about atmospheric acoustic analogues to blackhole computers and about Jupiter's Great Red Spot, but also quite elaborate ideas about how some analogue to cold fusion may transpire inside tornadic plasma bottles [ideas lost to history, as never written up due to all the grief received concerning the relatively conventional idea of an energy-momentum cascade leading to tornadogenesis], a notion ConveDDed, conversion-disorder displaced, to tabletop bottles) 1T2-only-logical-profit-motive-obsession driven techno-deskilling of labor morphed, not mission-creeped, by compensatory abreaction, into demands for the deschooling (having in significant measure adopted for myself a personalistic unschooling, partially autodidactic, anarchistic-free-school orientation, absent access to a Summerhill and a Friends World College, I would then have, and now would, embrace an appropriate-technology-cum-appropriate-scale approach to Ivan Illich's ideas coupled to communities of practice) and then for the wholesale dyseducation (currently being wrought by Heinleinesque-Fosterite Wokesterism) of the human species. Hokum? Soon (the [desk}illed technocrat, long since having become, like the laborer, mere element of a factor of production, one more of the beans placed in one of Andy [War}hol's Campbell's Soup Cans), AIed-robotics will altogether dysplace the hu-hu-[hu}man element (meaning that the vast bulk of Homo sapiens sapiens will no longer be needed, and if the corporate persons, International Business Machines, Inc., and its subsidiary, Watson Business Machines, could have regarded the Nazi Holocaust as just another business opportunity, why shouldn't Big Pharma, and the human persons working for, and under the thumb of, these biz himhers, take inspiration from that precedent?) -- unless handicraft is resurrected and fundamentally raised up in new roles relative to generating tropological metareferencing at codification of metaculture (raised up from the relatively immanent-mundane order of ubiquitous tropes employed by the Empire of Signs, THE exemplary case, in metareferencing a concrete culture), such metareferencing being undertaken so as to radically reduce (by soft fostering, not by in-your-face black-propagandistic forcing, of enhanced collective awareness of relative-state identity-transparent participation mystique, the real Bohm-Hiley quantum potential which is the actual invisible magic hand markette sorting angel or demon, A or D depending on the evaluative perspective chosen) the index of coercion in society required to facilitate autopoietic [re}mergence of higher-logically-valued order out of demergent lower-logically-valued chaos. Consider Robert Kanigel's assessment of the 1900 conjuncture (devolving to Kill the 19th century dead, dead, dead!: or some such, Gertrude Stein speaking on what was being done in and by modern writing) occasioned by the Paris Exhibition, as given on p. 345 of The One Best Way: Frederich Winslow Taylor and the Enigma of Efficiency, the 1997 Penguin paperback edition, to wit:
Here was almost the last historical moment when the idea of progress, fueled by [1T2-only] science, on the march of human happiness, could still be taken seriously.
1900. The year niggardliness of the quantum of action was born. Was the chaos of the 20th century borne on the back of Planck's formulation? No. IMHO, the chaos was deep-structure carried by dissimulations of the imports of Planck (e.g., the 1T2-only-quantum of action, aka Planck's single-valued constant, aka proportionality constant re: blackbody radiation, aka, à la Einstein of 1905, minimal energy element of EM wave, neglects the µTm-quantum of action of 3-fold topo-active operator-time, indicating that Planck's constant is scale-relatively m-valued, the implications of which being major), prefigured in the dissembling of the imports of Cantor and Abel as far back in memetime as the 1820s. Consider, in this regard, the following drawn from our 1978 paper entitled The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere:
The observed changes in patterns of the vertical component of relative vorticity as diagnosed upon the reference level 280K isentropic surface, do, indeed, indicate that the advection of cyclonic vorticity across the Great Lakes was interrupted by an absorption and re-distribution process. This process of 100% absorption-emission is, thus, a hydrodynamic analogue to blackbody physics as it is applied to thermodynamic problems
In general, the radiative flux for a blackbody is given by
The reader will note that we are taking the unusual step of defining a thermodynamic concept (Stefan-Boltzman Law) at the system level: the air parcel, composed of a subsystem of gaseous molecules, does not call to mind the traditional interaction of molecules constituting a liquid. However, this step, invoking a superfluid approach to atmospheric dynamics, will directly link the thermal exchange of energy achieved between the localized domain structure (parcel) and the limited atmospheric domain exhibiting quantum properties. We are thus hypothesizing that blackbody physics must be an integral part of all superconductant processes. We, therefore, seek to mathematically describe the manner in which the quantized signal, or time of transition from To to Tc, is communicated from subsystem to system to supersystem. To capture the essence of superconductance, we, therefore, assume that spontaneous localization at any one of these three levels is synchronously tied to spontaneous fusion of the signal into the next higher level. This hypothesis as to the function of time ordering in the interplay between the subsystem (molecular), the system (air parcel), and the supersystem (limited atmospheric domain) will lend itself to several empirical tests
Note that the idea of a classical limit is thereby brought into question.
The 1T2-only-Law of Identity tacitly applied to economics imposes, by fiat, a single-valued-selfsame-price system (be aware that the supposed, however much violated by actual economies [linked paper good offices of Dragan Miljkovic, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 21:1, April 1999, pp. 126-39], econometric LOP, Law of One Price, is not the same as law-of-logic-lopped-off single-valued-selfsame price) generating action directives and micro-goals overwhelmingly constrained by the 1T2-only-profit motive acting as teleological strange attractor (can't bookmark this download-to-see-if-you-want-to-download-it link, which is to the excellent piece, entitled On Attractors -- The Teleological Principle in Systems Theory, the Arts and Therapy, by Jurgen Kriz, no publication information available given this obstructive way of making papers available) embedded in a macroeconomic lattice-work of tacitly-given, invisible, interlaced, in-or-out-type borders over which externalities, external and internal, are held to be in terra incognito relative to 1T2-only-markette autopoietic and self-organizing mechanisms: up or down, higher or lower, gain or loss, so on, in conformance to the 1T2-only-Laws of Distributed Middle and Non-Contradiction. These are economic embodiments of classical ideas fundamentally unimproved since advent of 18th-Century Rationalism. We now know that it is very likely that the supposed classical limit is epiphenomenal to the prescriptive enculturation-socialization orchestrating glutamatergic neural-network pruning cum quantum quenching -- these lopping-off prunings-quenchings beginning in the womb -- effectuating neuronal plasticity during march through Piaget's stages of cognitive development whereby fetus-infant-early-childhood access to residuals of µTm processing are more or less altogether lost to that 1T2-only, 1T2-only-ratiocination being the teleological strange attractor therehere, uh, uh, Therehere!. The clearscore suggestion of all this being that no process in nature confines itself to the rules of 1T2-only logic. Therefore, uh, uh, Therefore, no authentic [eco}nomics -- which, to be effective at non-doing, must analogically model upon general process in nature --, only 1T2-only-[econ}omics, can be founded upon the assumption that there exists an actual classical limit. Nature does not, for instance, have in-or-out-type borders qua boundary conditions; sheheit has fractal boundaries, boundaries the closer looked at the more they are not there: nested-band-pass boundaries-without-boundary, one particular case of John A. Wheeler's magic without magic. Buddhological boundaries (see Mercure's long, informative comment on Siam Mapped, Tongchai Winichakul, U. of Hawaii Press, 1994, which emphasizes consequences of the near-universal ConveDDing, conversion-disorder displacement, of logical-ontological-cosmological functor-functional-function demergence-[re}mergence to profane structural hierarchy, unalloyed by the part-equals-whole, interior-mapped-on-boundary holographic principle, a ConveDDing archaically undertaken for all the age-old obvious reasons), the pre-coloniality sort, which were cultural-lag residuals of those employed in participation mystique-embracing primordial qua memetime-immemorial Asia. Humph! is the usual response to all that. However, in retort, we can and may observe that F. W. Taylor, writing on the principles of scientific management, kicked off transhumanism in March of 1911 (see The One Best Way: Frederich Winslow Taylor and the Enigma of Efficiency, Robert Kanigel, the 1997 Penguin paperback edition, pp. 438-40) with the proclamation that: In the past the man was first; in the future the system must be first. Being focused upon the enigma of inner-efficiency, I was never fully bought into Taylor's outer-efficiency orientation, not least because, for me, once the basic necessities and minimal creature comforts are met, increases in the standard of living are incidental to lifting the quality of experience: this lifting is not much found in the quantity and quality of things available in the immediate environment, but overwhelmingly so in the quality of state brought to experience of that environment. So, March of 1911: the first public shock-and-awe wash-over with respect to transhumanist visitations. 1900: the quantum of action. 1905: that quantum as minimum-energy element of EM wave, an element, à la Special Relativity, subject to memetime dilation and ponderablespace contraction at close approach to the absolute limiting speed. The teleological strange attractor for Taylorism putting action of the human element into contracted importance: the limiting speed producible from the minimum energy expenditure (this limiting speed discovered by stop-watched time studies of minimal elements of action involved in accomplishing the given task). But, during the same period, it became more and more obvious that natural systems are not constrained by the rules of 1T2-only logic: this, THIS, could not be allowed to stand. Hence, the Heisenberg 1T2-only-uncertainty relations as guarantor of a classical limit (below the 1T2-only-selfsame, single-valued, scale-level limit, measurement cannot be conducted without altering that which is measured, only under that limit given the assumption that universal physical constants are single-valued and processed by single-valued-logic-alone-orchestrated arithmetic operations). And, we find, that subsequently Lukasiewicz-Post µTm-valued logics were not used to challenge definitiveness of 1T2-only-uncertainty relations or to interpret Schrödinger's 1925 m-valued wavefunction (instead, 1926, the probability interpretation was quickly knee-jerked to consensus) -- which m-valuedness itself belied selfsameness of Einstein's minimal-energy element of EM wave.
Consider the following from a very helpful piece by Mauricio Andrada, Quantum logic gates: or what if Schrödinger's cat did math, Medium, 8 May 2020:
And because of that [application of the 1T2-only-logical boundary conditions, just like in differential calculus: the means by which to get single-valued solutions out of con[cat}e|nations -- this being the subliminal reason Schrödinger chose a cat instead of a dog -- of multi-valued variables: as regards discovery of Planck's constant which codified the discreteness, Gavin Wright observes: Although Planck developed an accurate formula for all values, his equation was not mathematically unique. To keep it accurate, he had to define that the energy would only be in whole increments of a value; Wright's term mathematically unique means getting the single-valued out of concatenations of the m-valued; note that Planck had to define and that the had to was imposed by 1T2-only logical necessity] we only get [1T2ly] valid solutions for certain values of E; the solutions form a discrete set -- potentially infinite -- of solutions, one for each discrete value of E.
This is the essence of quantum mechanics: the solutions for its equations form discrete sets; the possible values of energy E for our electron are discrete.
The electron cannot move continuously from one energy level to another, the way we are used to see in our [prescriptively enculturated-socialized and glutamaterically-anchored] macroscopic world; it can only jump from one energy level to another. It is weird.
Each one of the energy levels the electron can be is called its energy state.
Focus in upon the potentially infinite of the first paragraph. This infinite is taken to be denumerable infinity only, not also the nondenumerable continuum infinity of CTC+-logics of µTm-unto-CTC+ multi-sheeted-Riemann-surface-like BackCloth and the yet higher orders of infinity of the C+TC+-logics of Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround. The full-logical framework determining conditions considered, discreteness, discrete-set sheets, quantum jumps there between are properties demergent under memetime-independent involutory decomposition orchestrated by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time executing non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of C+TC+-logically-valued propositions mapped over pregeometry Regge bones and pre-pregeometry intersection dust motes. From POV of C+TC+-logics of Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround, it, whatever it that may be chosen for consideration, is NALL (as differentiated from NAND) not a matter of possible and potential, but of always all ways is -- only under topo-active optime does the being-in-itself of NALL-Is-ness demerge to ontological possible-potential demerging to NAND-codifiable existential Realitat. However looked at, a unified-field GUT (beyond the fact that the notion of field is insufficiently general) is not possible because the very idea of discrete quantum is epiphenomenal to psychological identification of logician-mathematician-physicist with the discrete notion of logical-value, this identification being a residual of restricting the idea of logical-value to that of truth-value. The logical consequence of this identification being the rectilinear binary-mind's identification with parallelism and perpendicularity, the diagonal being felt 3-logically-valued and akin to the tritone as diabolus in musica (i.e., absence of resolution qua no reduction of the wave packet, that is no spontaneous localization). Again quoting Mauricio Andrada's piece, linked above:
The general Schrödinger equation was postulated to describe the interference pattern created by electrons passing through parallel slits [not null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian skew-parallel slits], but it so happens to also describe the spatial distribution of one electron under certain conditions. Go figure.
One person who has gone and figured is Mark John Fernee (scroll down to his comment) contemplating contextuality in quantum physics. He observes that:
superposition must correspond to a spin state with an invariant magnitude. This can be achieved by rotation of the spin [cf. the changing axes of spin -- OMG, there's that diabolical diagonal again! -- involved in the temporal CURL induced by topo-active optime at inter-scale cascade events initialized by divergence to absolute limiting values of dynamical variables].
So what does this mean? It means that some arbitrary spin orientation can be measured by the spin measuring apparatus, with superpositions corresponding to spins not perfectly oriented [cf. null-vector-defined skew-perpendicularity] along the measurement axis. Furthermore, after the measurement, the spin will be projected into the measured result. That's weird. However, that weirdness can be demonstrated using polarisers [or, at the macroscopic atmosphere's scale level, by looking at cascade dynamics in tornadogenesis, e.g., most obviously, when a horizontal roll cloud tilts into the vertical]. A polariser will only pass light of a specific polarisation, and block light with the orthogonal polarisation. At the photon level, a photon [at the atmospheric level, an air parcel] with a specific polarisation [atmospherically, potential temperature] will pass through the polariser if it is not aligned orthogonal to the polarisation axis. However, the passed photon will then have a polarisation determined by the filter [atmospherically, m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes]. This occurs because if the polarisation [cf. temporal CURL] of the photon is not perfectly aligned with the polarisation axis of the filter, it will be in a superposition state with respect to the detection axis.
Therefore, I hope you can see that superpositions are not absolute, but only relative to how a quantum state is being detected. We say that a superposition is with respect to the detection basis. From a different perspective [to include those of higher-valued logics], they are pure quantum states.
Another example of this contextuality is say the superposition of two paths. If we detect the position, we find the superposition (i.e. the quantum can be in two different places). However, if we instead detect the relative phase, we find the quantum has a specific well-defined relative phase (i.e. it's not in a superposition of relative phase).
This is yet another example of contextuality in quantum theory. A superposition in one context is not a superposition in another. The presence of a superposition depends on what you are measuring and the particular set-up of the measurement.
The general Schrödinger equation, above referred to by Andrada, includes the defined-as-necessarily-single-valued-and-not-scale-relatively-m-valued reduced Planck's constant, reduced by stripping away the frequency measure incorporated into the constant. Again quoting Gavin Wright, linked above:
Intrinsic to Planck's constant is frequency measured in hertz. One full cycle, a hertz, is 360 degrees or 2pi radians a second. Dividing Planck's constant by 2pi removes frequency from the value and allows the resulting value to be used with radians. This value is called the reduced Planck's constant
In other words, the reduced Planck's constant, which is most commonly used, has had stripped away from its universality the temporal CURL of topo-active optime instrumental in linking, via spontaneous fusion, the single-values of the multi-value lurking there in the BackCloth of universal physicality, a physical universe 1T2-only-deemed to be constantly homogenous, not µTmly-unto-CTC+ly-unto-C+TC+ly ensheaved. And lo, as regards quantum finance (good offices of Anjanakrishnan, 22 August 2023), what do we get but a reduced, frequency-stripped version, not RFIDed cash, so as to directly measure velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration of monies, so as, further yet, to facilitate interiorization of externalities via fine-grained superposition's diagonalized polarizations -- and no µTm-LETS nesting-foams contemplated, only Taylorism's focus on greater speed.
Reading Robert Kanigel (The One Best Way: Frederich Winslow Taylor and the Enigma of Efficiency, the 1997 Penguin paperback edition) on origins and globalization of Tayloristic efficiency measures via application of the principles of scientific management to virtually all human activities -- much of this near-universal application being carried out tacitly, by cognitive osmosis, most of the people subjected thereto never having heard of Taylor -- has given me further insight into just how very personally-targeted the Trickster archetype can be upon the occasions wherein introjection of collective unconscious contents transpires. Econometrically speaking of internalizing externalities: this, IMHO, requires advent and elaboration of µTm-processed m-valued-LETS currencies with value-ensheaved-qua-quantum-superposed monetary units. That [con}version of the personal to the corporate, of the individual to the collective (a ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement -- even if prefiguring a positive ecoeconosociopolitical development?) being an expression of the intervention of the Trickster archetype. Explicit intimations of this monetary-system-mediated internalizing-of-externalities idea appeared in my awareness during my senior year of high school, circa 1963, whilst simultaneously taking honors physics (intro to QM, with its multiple-valued wavefunction) and honors economics (discussions of multiple-bank credit expansion). But, I now pellucidly recognize, that since early childhood I've personally been internalizing externally applied efficiency measures. As a military brat, [per}sons, particularly, pick up these efficiency measures subliminally, no less than by explicit enforcement. Capt.-Maj.-Col. Pensinger's residence, Larry speaking. I don't remember exactly how early in life I had to answer the phone every time in that SOP way, but very early, likely starting with the Captaincy my father came out of WWII with. All sorts of rules and regulations about dinner-table behavior had to be learned very early on so that proper performance could be made when the family ate out at the O Club in full view of the Capt.-Maj.-Col.'s peers. When your room was intermittently inspected, everything had to be in its proper place -- like in the GI's footlocker (though, in the case of our family, it never went so far as production of a mini-field-manual on how to clean and order one's room). Only my one-time-bomber-pilot father drove the family car when he was along: he never rode as a passenger. And before he got into the driver's seat, he ran through a mental list of things to check out concerning operation of the vehicle -- just like the pilot does with respect to his aircraft. How many times a day did this happen? Impossible that members of the family did not subliminally assimilate this efficiency-measures behavior. So on and so forth. It was all considered natural and hardly even thought about. My mother took Ikebana flower arranging lessons during the three years we lived in Japan, immediate post-Korean war; I periodically sat in on those lessons and became aware of the modular design aspect upon learning that you could order pre-cut elements of a given arrangement type from the flower shop simply by stating the school of flower arranging, the type of arrangement, and the materials chosen. This amazingly beautiful thing, made of flowers and branches and leaves, all put together asymmetrically to look so natural as to be a will-o'-the-wisp for human imitation, was, essentially, standardized and prefabricated. How amazing is that! I was eight years old when I learned about it. Later, while studying Japanese gardening, I took three years of Ikebana lessons from Toki Miyakawa, onetime President of the American Ikebana Society and number two of the Ikenobo School in Kyoto. She taught via recipes derived from the modularity aspect of the standard arrangements. But I didn't orient myself well to the recipes, causing some consternation. Why? Well, for one, I had to get GI haircuts as a kid -- which I hated. Early on, they had to hold me down screaming in the barber chair in order to accomplish the white sidewalls. So, likely from the beginning, I was back-reacting upon the metric established by the efficiency measures, the SOPing of everything. I saw the benefits but chaffed at the every-which-way-but-loose constraints. So, surely, I wasn't one of Toki's best students in chaffing at the recipes. One July and August, back from a trip to Bella Coola, B.C., Canada -- an expression of me being against the modern world --, which had disrupted my normal employment pattern, I was down to a total net worth of about $300, and found myself taking a job running a jackhammer on a road-repair crew working in downtown Washington, D.C. Hot and humid! to say the least. But not as hot as running EMT pipe over open corrugated-steel decking (the silver color magnifying effect of the sun, all metal too hot to handle without thick gloves) of a high-rise going up in the K-Street corridor. Those two summer months: work jackhammering, dinner at the Vienna Inn, collapse into sleep. Nothing else -- except commuting to and from the changing job sites. Never did get over the total exhaustion. So, I knew something of overwork (and a bit about its organization, even before I encountered the Mingei-movement-deprived, de-crafted, and Taylorized Japanese salaryman), no less than I knew about too-fast work in service to external efficiency. Two winters off from digging trees, I drove a cab in the greater D.C. area. This was beyond doubt the most demanding job I ever took. You had to bid on the rides. The dispatcher rapidly stated over the radio, IN CODE, the rides on call. The alphanumeric codes were of the pick-up location and, occasionally, of the destination of the ride. You bid for the ride by calling back on the radio your current-location CODON if sitting on a cab-stand, or CODON of the destination of your current ride if in motion. You had something of the freedom and risk of being your own entrepreneur in deciding what rides to bid on, hence where to go: like in shooting pool, wherein you want your cue ball to end up well placed for the next shot. The dispatcher surveyed the bid locations made by hisher drivers and gave the ride to the closest cab, or, if a sweet ride from a regular repeat customer, to hisher favored old-hand best drivers. This was how the real money was made as a cabbie: the most lucrative rides being for known repeat regular big tippers and long-distance deliveries, of, say, medical-lab packages (so, once you learned about the deliveries, you chose your bids at critical times before regular deliveries so as to be well located when the dispatcher read out locations from which these deliveries repeatedly originated). The greater D.C. metro area is a big area. Imagine how complex the alphanumeric coding system was for locations therein. It took a long period to learn this system so you didn't have to think (you just knew where it was when you heard the code), a period in which little money was made -- as you had to cover gas and daily rent of the cab, the rest of the take was yours (in the very beginning, you couldn't cover gas-rent and had to dig into your back pocket until slowly you got the hang of the codes and learned the best routes and out-of-the-traffic back-street short-cuts; prior knowledge of the city being an absolute prerequisite to making a go of the job). So, it's rush hour, the radio is on with the dispatcher, like an auctioneer, so rapidly calling out codes for ride bidding that you can hardly distinguish one call from the next, the rider in the backseat is chatting you up, you are watching the traffic and pedestrians for the unexpected that frequently occurs, you are trying to think two rides ahead (three if you are long-experienced and making the big bucks) as you make, in code, your bids on rides, one hand on the steering wheel, the other holding the radio's mic to your mouth (some drivers were able to smoke and drink coffee while doing all this). Multi-tasking under great pressure (don't want to have an accident) with a vengeance. This n-cathexes-demand goes on for a 10-hour stint -- daily. Unless you drive at night, which in some ways is less stressful, being less pressured, and the easiest shift in which to learn the coding system. Years later, I briefly drove a cab in Santa Fe, N.M. There was no bidding, no coding system. You were given each ride by the dispatcher; you had no choice -- no choice about anything. Everything you did was very controlled. You could not even get out of the cab without asking permission, e.g., stopping to use the bathroom, buy a coke. I didn't stick it out very long. Quit, looked for something else far less controlled. Nowadays, I've noticed, the driver can be even more minutely controlled: CCTV monitoring in the vehicle, Google maps with voice-direction of each turn, rides booked with smart-phone apps, more of the like sure to come until AIed self-driving vehicles take over altogether. This steps-down for cabbies being one good example of deskilling. Moreover, in Santa Fe, what was in my day a $2.25 ride, now, no cab company, is Ubered for $12.75 if immediately-before-the-ride smart-phone apped; $47.00, if app-booked a day in advance. Wow! What efficiency measure drives that huge mark up? Thanks be to given to advent of the smart phone. The cab companies I worked for made no extra charge for advance bookings, appreciated the business -- and the regular customers implied. My -- working in ma-n'-pa nurseries, which largely permitted presence of craft autonomy, by contrast to the Taylorized big wholesale nurseries -- nurseryman Digger's regime of concentration in self-observation of moving-center-orchestrated activities in the shoveling work involved in the root pruning and balling of trees for transplanting, took Edmund Jacobson's autosensory observation (this method is described most thoroughly in his paper entitled On Meaning and Understanding, American Journal of Psychology, XXII, pp. 553-77, 1911, that date making it simultaneous with, if, being internally focused, contrary to, rise of Taylorism: this article was cited as a primary impetus in the first entry to the protagonist's personal journal, as given in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, p. 270) into Tayloristic time studies and motion studies from the extrinsic motivations of increased productivity and 1T2-only-profit margins and higher wages (until illegal immigration darn near cut those wages in half) and lower 1T2-only-prices to the intrinsic motivation of increasing the internal efficiency required for exploring superposed energy states qua states of consciousness qua the nested multi-sheets of the Riemann-surface-like BackCloth of general process in nature. Similar observations could be made, for instance, from the period I worked in Beverly Hills keyboarding documents from tape-recorder output as a medical transcriptionist. But these are enough examples of this theme to get across the basic idea. So, along the way, pretty early on in life, seeing some benefits yet chaffing at the bit thereof -- in my estimation, no mere caviling --, I began transposing externally-controlling efficiency methods into means of advancing internal efficiencies; and I kept on the move, some habits and type-castings left behind at each change-of-station, as one way of enhancing prospects of this personal program (my wife and I have each lived, essentially, out of two small suitcases for the past 40 years, getting all possessions down to those four suitcases between frequent transplants; more than twenty times in our first twenty years together). Though I wasn't quite conscious of it, arriving at the notion of internalizing externalities via the framework determining conditions of a µTm-LETS monetary system is a quite natural extension of my personal ADL -- activities of daily life -- program of transposition and internalization whilst transplanting. While I pretty much agree with The Congregationalist writing, circa May 20, 1911, on Taylor's scientific management (a condemnation thereof penned two years before the Federal Reserve banking system was instituted), as quoted by Kanigel, p. 513, to wit, that there is no self-regulating remedy for poverty and other social ills, I would have said no cure, as, IMHO, µTm-LETS nesting-foams can provide symptomatic Rx by internalizing externalities and progressively lifting the level of self-organizational competency of the markette supply-demand dynamic cum price system functioning as sorting angel. Be aware that in Dxing no cure I am proposing no utopian notion by offering up the seed idea of µTm-LETS nesting-foams. Moreover, I do not, rather stridently I must admit, envision µTm-LETS as capable of providing a solution to or a resolution of the current planetary crisis accelerating toward cuspover. Evermore since the turn of the last century there have been offered a wide spectrum of characterizations of the crisis and its probable causes, proximal and distant, that of Robert J. Burrowes, "Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until 'You'll Own Nothing'", Global Research, 25 January 2024, being a particularly interesting one, but even Burrowes restricts his analysis to surface-structure, innocently giving the impression that deep-structure is not even suspected of being involved. Though 5000 years of hisstory is well told, missing -- by buying too thoroughly into our 1T2-only-sciences of hisstory -- is awareness that the most fundamental bugbear of that epoch has been, and continues to be, regression of µTm-participation mystique (qua pagan-animistic identity-transparency as the quantum-potential for spontaneous order) to 1T2-only Rationalisierung, a drift from dehumanization to the transhumanization prefiguring post-humanization of The Whole Earth treated as mere dispensable spaceship. I have all along -- on basis of the much-considered opinion that there exists a deep-structure aspect to the etiology and pathogenesis -- suggested that nascent structures be put in place prior to cuspover, structures formulated relative to the requirements of µTm-LETS nesting-foams, so as to minimize losses across the board by facilitating recovery of a framework, an improved framework, in the immediate post-cuspover period. What could strongly mitigate jackbooted neonazification is software development for implementation of µTm-LETS being carried out open-source on the e-commons, all parties invited to participate, in conjunction with open-source e-commons computer-gaming of the ensheavement of indicator-measurable-tagged values upon µTm-processed m-valued currency units, it being in the ongoing participatory m-scenarios computer-gaming that human-factors assessment of ostensibly-objective measures is conducted so as to generate humanistic modulations. Recurrent fulminations strung out all along the 5000-year path have always, in one way or another, involved regressed back-reactive expressions -- induced by collective-unconscious compensatory abreactions -- of recoil from the ever-greater suppression of relative-state identity-transparency, this transparency mundanely, in deteriorated form, being designated comradely fellow-feeling, search for the resurrection and deepening of which is a cornerstone of the etiology and pathogenesis of warfare (think, for instance: the ketaminergic so-called SF-satori of high combat), group identification and opposition to the other being the bellows fanning the regressed expressions. Back to the main theme of this little piece: as well as craft autonomy, after my Viet-Nam-war stint, I also practiced education autonomy as best I could at George Mason University. Having skipped a final exam which I deemed a waste, I received an incomplete that turned to an F. Next semester, the Prof. encountered me on the quad and asked why I hadn't taken the exam. I said that I was following out some ideas in the library and didn't want to break off the inspiration while it was still running strong. But, he replied, had you taken the test, in all likelihood you would have gotten an A for the course. My response was: I'm sorry for being so contrary, but I am here for as long as it lasts to learn what I wish for my own purposes, not for the purposes entertained by designers of curricula. Orneriness this may well be, but I don't care about grades, as I don't want any job that requires a college degree. This left him sufficiently dumbfounded that he simply turned and walked away. I didn't tell him that my course choices were made to assist me in developing my underdeveloped psychological functions according to C.G. Jung's theory of psychological types and William Herbert Sheldon's theory of somatotypes (I even seriously took up cooking so as to beef up the constitutional aspect of the endomorphic component, me being a mesomorphic high-ectomorph with Type-A tendencies to subdue by practice of Jacobson's progressive relaxation and Luthe's autogenic training). The inspiration I was following out in the library soon thereafter led me into becoming, for five years, the unofficial pro bono research assistant to Cornell tornadogenesis modeler, Douglas A. Paine. Craft autonomy (a good friend, Roger Workman, a self-employed gem-cutter, exemplified to me the taking of pleasure by pride of workmanship), particularly craft turned into a meditative practice, allows and makes all the work done original for facilitating internal necessity, to use a term favored by Wassily Kandinsky. Likewise in education autonomy where interior vectors of inspiration determine the sequencing of what is learned, not a preconceived and prescribed pattern of this before that according to the dictates of monotonic, skew-parallel-processing-preventing, 1T2-only logic, which insures that the learning is perpetually done with extrinsically-motivated lower-mind -- consequences for the socius of this monotonicity imposition as applied to compulsory universal education coupled to Taylorization of all human activities (not to mention a 5Ged diet of herbicides and pesticides and MSG and GMOs and modified mRNAs and ) is aptly characterized in an anonymous, undated, anti-Taylorism statement published early in the 20th century and quoted by Kanigel, pp. 541-2:
And he went on:
There are some economies that are dear at any price What, indeed, will compensate the nation for the weakening of the mental and moral fiber of a large body of citizens?
And with two lines from Oliver Goldsmith's The Deserted Village he concluded:
Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey
Where wealth accumulates and men decayIn well-differentiated contrast to students studying international relations at Georgetown University (who, in due course, more or less took over the State Department, and on one occasion even the Presidency), students in AU-SIS (who, significantly due to close exposure to private lives of the power elite, for the most part early-on abandoned the aspiration to take the Foreign Service examination), during their first two years, had a modicum of education autonomy, in that their classes were interdisciplinary (e.g., Human Behavior, American Civilization), team-taught, and problem-based seminars (not the normal lecture courses) -- the problem-basing encouraging some education autonomy. Though the contemporary-problem focus for the semester in each course was teaching-team chosen and lectured upon, the student was encouraged to independently seek solution-ideas by, in herhis own chosen fashion, exploring the relevant disciplines' fundamentals (e.g., assimilating contents of chosen basic texts) and the historical context of the problem. After the first two years, the AU-SIS curriculum reverted to the normal lecture format: that's when, circa 1965, I dropped out.
Well, yes, I can address that -- for whatever little it's worth. No. I never had anything remotely like authentic PTSD from my involvement in the Viet Nam war. I never, like my father, had post-Vietnam syndrome (his tour having been 1965-6). My so-called nihilism (which I regard as being realism) and iconoclasm long predated my 1967-8 period in Viet Nam, as well as my 1963-5 period in Washington, D.C. The earliest I can clear-channel date back to the iconoclastic nihilism is late-July of 1953, my stay in F.L.W.'s Imperial Hotel, Tokyo: childhood-mind's reaction to American officer behaviors on display there. But the big kickoff was juxtaposition of an 8-through-11-yearold's imprinting upon the lifeworld of a small wet-rice hamlet located in kita-Kyushu, visits to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and witnessing the flocks of flying boxcars lifting off from Ashiya AFB to resupply Dien Bien Phu and then receiving gifts purchased in Hanoi by one of the pilots involved. This was all emotions; not a lot of thought there; and very little in the way of direct expression. Just internal processing. By then, I'd learned -- not least from the GIs I'd come over to Japan with on a troopship -- to keep my mouth shut: if Gaijin Shogun, Dougout Doug, tweren't so good at takin' criticism, there was little reason to suppose that that personality trait hadn't descended the chain-of-command all the way down to me. The next big one transpired at Eielson AFB, Alaska, scrimmaging basketball at the base gym with U-2 and SAC pilots soon after the Gary Powers incident and during the Cuban missile crisis: overhearing their privileged locker-room conversations. As far as they were concerned, I simply wasn't there. Next were the exposures that came to me as an AIESEC-involved AU-SIS student in Washington, D.C., who spent a lot of time researching at SORO which superseded ORO, culminating in my experience of living around the corner from Dumbarton Oaks Gardens (in which I periodically sat and studied), townhouse located toward the gardens from 28th and Q, in Georgetown. At that time, up through 1965 (when most of the music that was heard performed live in Georgetown was still cool jazz, not yet rock and folk rock), as an AU-SIS student you could, and I did, research assigned position papers in part by going into the State Department and up to the floor with the Desk Officer for the country involved in the assignment. Upon questioning, they'd sometimes even pull papers out of their file cabinets and photocopy them for you. This access (and many others across the city, including to the libraries embassies have on their own countries) ended altogether pretty much soon after the 17 April SDS March on Washington and the First National Teach-In Against the Vietnam War, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C., 15 May. Living nearby, and periodically going there, it seemed to me more than mere coincidence that the Department of State and the Federal Reserve Board were located in Foggy Bottom -- given how hard it was to see what both of them were up to. I mean: it's ludicrous, hilarious, dumb-art-them in their predominating neoHabsburgian pursuit of multi-national Holy-empire, in lieu of a multi-valued-logic-processed multi-valued-monetary-unit subsystem-system-supersystem quantum-composite which internalizes externalities rather than incorporates and eats up a [multi}tude of Kulturnations, be the resultant indigestion registered as referred pain generated in Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, wherever. But, finally -- Aaah! -- there are some interesting monetary-system-transform ideas appearing in the wings, i.e., the Alt-press, e.g., Towards a New International Monetary System, Peter Koenig, Global Research, 1 February 2024. Quoting the section entitled, A New or Revised International Monetary System: Might Consider:
Developing SDR-type (weighted average of specific economic indicators [this is a tilt toward e-stacking indicator-measurable m-values on µTm-LETS-currency base-state, i.e., 1T2-only cash, a value-tagging which, in part, would raid indices in the local tax-base envelope so as to partially supplant the function of taxing]) virtual trading currency or currencies [this plural is a very tacit tilt toward e-currency quasi-fractal-e-boundary-defined nesting-foams]
Instead of gold or other precious metals, currencies might be backed by a package or packages of, say 20-25 internationally used commodities, of which approx. a third could be country-specific [this is a tilt toward backing currencies of the µTm-LETS nesting-foams in commodities mapped over Musculpt manifold of Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, the backing valuations being distributed-ledger indexed via a fluctuating-in-value-according-to-changing-time-shapes-of-total-capital-stock all-n-currencies quantum-composite universal unit of account; done this way so as to facilitate increased efficiency at use of non-renewable resources on a resource-depleting planet]
If Metternich spent his entire career trying to preserve principles of the Old Order, what else did Henry Kissinger, his student, do? The New World Order designation is a black-self-propagandistic application of the WilliMunzenberg-Lenin principle, to wit: Call the thing by the name of its opposite. Abdul Aziz Said's Problems of World Politics course had me assigned-reading Kissinger's The Necessity for Choice; Albert D. Mott's Backgrounds of Western Civilization course had me recommended-reading Kissinger's A World Restored (K's 1954 Harvard Ph.D. dissertation on Metternich and, by implication, the political balance-of-forces-qua-powers analogical model derivative of Newton's single-valued laws of motion, and not of their replacement killers, Schrödinger's m-valued statefunctions) -- well, rapidly reading, anyway, as there wasn't much time to devote to such as that. But I was more interested in the Backgrounds than in the Civilization, as I was already into C.G. Jung by good offices of A.A. Said assigning Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul to his entering freshman Introduction to World Politics course. Having absorbed Jung's 1933 intimations concerning deep-structure in prefigurations of the Nazi pathogenesis (re: modern man's spiritual problems in aftermath of WWI), I was pretty well doomed (taking The Necessity for Choice completely out of its MAD context?) by my past-and-prevailing circumstances to attempt a similar understanding of the pathogenesis responsible for the Viet Nam war. KissengerNixon didn't open up China; they opened up to an ostracized China, the prolonged imposition of the isolation creating circumstances that all but guaranteed something like a Great Leap Forward and something like a Cultural Revolution (just as the Western powers' invasion of Russia immediate post-WWI created circumstances that likely postponed abandonment of state-Communism by the better part of a half century: cf., e.g., Vladimir Vernadsky, et al., were scientifically eluding Marxist perspectives by the mid-1920s, and even applying Einstein's relativity physics so early as that to the field of dynamical meteorology, something Cornell's Douglas A. Paine was career-crucified fifty-years later for having done). It's even been more or less suggested that the Chinese SCSS (social credit score system) is not of Chinese origin, that imposition (a concomitant of opening up to) of what has become the SCSS was mandated by the GLE (global leadership elite) as the price China had to pay for the technological transfers responsible for herhisits economic miracle (see the latter portion of Emanuel Pastreich's The Third Opium War, 7 December 2022; and Robert J. Burrowes, earlier linked here). Intellectual-history-wise, in which century has the current GLE made its habitus? With transfers to the private-sector-1%, of Hapsburgian secret (i.e., e-printing) issuances of 1T2-only-money and even less-savories, aspiring to Hapsburgian kingship divinity via [sacra}mental transhumanist infratech, whilst meanwhile settling for congruence with virtual Hapsburg-archduchess Marie-Antoinettes in the forms of idol-singer divanettes and Hollywood starlettes. Is that regression-in-service-to-the-ego? Hmmm. They probably think it services the superego! Maybe their -- not only Gary-the-Hun -- cognitive development stopped with the Congress of Vienna, 1815 -- which was almost a decade before N.H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr set in motion the intellectual current, imports of which, they've failed (due to early-onset senile disability?) for two centuries to authentically assimilate.
Exclusive socio-economic-cum-politicomilitary cognitive superglued imprinting (((as-in-via compensatory abreaction -- think: abreaction in response to advent of fuzzy logic and fuzzy-set theory, a backreaction on the cognitive metric as subsidence of the primordial power of the dark energy produced by trans-Planckian collective psychopathogenesis; there being in 3rd-order dynamics, à la 3-fold topologically-active operator-time as active aspect of universal consciousness, a non-orientability between outer and inner, no mere simply-connected participatoriness with-to-of this one-and-only µTm-relative-state-identity-transparent universe))) upon 1T2-only-logic's Law of Distributed Middle having dictated pogrommatic extirpation of classe intermediaire, CLEARLY it is not overfanciful to assess that we haven't yet reached the psychopathic nadir which is the strange attractor teleologically pulling thoughts out of the collective-unconscious regressed-archetypal event-gradient currently dominating human affairs and depositing them, such thoughts, that is, into the glutamate-etched brain-mind bulletins experienced by socially-conferred-role-attribution-super-identified members of the GLE, global leadership elite, as being their own self-originated thoughts -- presumption ((among this most-sub of subsets of human population, Their Magicies, uh, Majesties, the GLE under protection of their sine qua non, Divine Providence [regressed-archetypal event gradient?], the Only True Sove[reign}ty)) having become [con}sumption -- these thought depositions from a common source (regressed-archetypal event gradient as Divine Providence) being largely responsible for GLE solidarity over memetime and across ponderablespace, belying, in part, the need for overt collusion-conspiracy as the primary explanation for program meds, uh, uh, program coherence through durations of memetime and programmatic coordination traversing wide expanses at any given memetime instant (((think: my-O-my, how the correlation-length snapped to infinity as the Covid-19 pandemic went to self-organized criticality; and that the same could almost be said of the presumptuous overconfidence involved in evocations of the virulent, if somewhat insidious, creed which is superegoic nature-rewriting transhumanism -- based as it is upon hubris-driven mistaken assumptions, e.g., the genetic-engineering-and-Big-Pharma-industries-protectionist notions that the genetic code is a single-level-cipher system and that the m-valued quantum-wave properties of DNA-RNA have no biological significance, despite, even in face of, the rather recent formalizations of Schrödinger logics [classical logic pared-down, by jettisoning not only the Laws of Distributed Middle and Non-Contradiction, but also the Law of Identity, advent thereof being Schrödinger's 1935 cat thought-experiment marshalled in discussion of the Copenhagen interpretation with Einstein], as analyzed in, for instance, Discerning Fermions, F. A. Muller and Simon Saunders, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 59:3, September 2008, their conclusions being of little interest to me because their analysis relies upon 1T2-only predicate logic, not on thinking in, which is not 1T2ly thinking about, µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-valued logics, which I maintain cannot be done absent holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation))). Before contemplation of issues associated with Schrödinger logics, consider that that clearly, above all-capped and italicized, is so transparently the case without even mentioning the indubitableness of the contention that the 5+G-cloud-deployed, CBI-implemented emotion-idea-substitute-memory-implanting grid-matrix, aspired to by the transhumanist GLE membership, is a pellucid ConveDDing (conversion-disorder displacing) of the above-described condition of their own super-identified glutamate-etched brain-minds ((the computer-brain interface likely to be first widely iatrogenically [in}stalled, à la the Trickster archetype, in the China-Burma-India theater-of-the-absurd: what could be more absurd then, than that, as regards the could be used generative-AI-applications justification, it must be understood that what people think they think is relatively unimportant, while what they think they don't think is what really matters -- à la extensions of the above-described mental condition of the GLE, the mass of people imprinting, via the psychological transference, upon affectations of that most-sub subset)). Is the largely subliminal hidden agenda that in which, once a large number of persons are CBIed and WiFied together, the direction of the interface is to be reversed, instead of computer to brain, then brain to computer, a kind of castling move on grid-matrix chess board of the collective unconscious, such that each brain becomes a passive processor unit in a massively-parallel hyper-quantum computer, the bi-directional-interface device AI-programmed and switched on and off at whim of the GLE, and used for their totalistic purposes -- until, that is, AI altogether takes over. Moreover, this GLE aspiration to the grid-matrix is CLEARLY -- and here we have that all-capped and italicized clearly once again -- also ConveDD-involved in many and much of the simple-minded cognitive idea-stuff surrounding the notions of anthropogenic planetarized greenhouse warming, climate change-shift-disruption, to wit, quoting Scott Sturman and Doug Goodman, Scientific Alarmism Drives DoD Climate Policy, ZeroHedge via Epoch Times, 3 February 2024:
Since data collection points rarely align with the grid points required by the numerical models, discrepancies of hundreds of kilometers exist, which modelers homogenize to allow the data to fit the grid. This leads to false adjustments and manipulations of the real data. Computational models are inherently unstable and diverge from physical reality. At distances below the grid scale, perturbations multiply and a butterfly effect ensues. Modelers are forced constantly to realign or reset the initial conditions, which mask the deviations and give the illusion that the models accurately predict observed conditions.
What Sturman-Goodman do not imagine with their consensus Rx of model grids, and more particularly by tacitly assuming validity of a supposed classical limit, and most particularly by taking on, as also do butterfly-flapped chaos-complexity theorists, the mistaken 2nk-qua-1T2-only-understanding-of-µTm-processed-Mnk-natural-processes consensus dysassumption that prediction requires detailing of the spatial field, a notion disproved by Planck ((what is required is characterization of an elemental oscillator: in the atmospheric case, the elemental temperature-oscillator is an air parcel; thus is fundamentally nullified the Sturman-Goodman complaint)). Also missing, moreover, is awareness that the nested-grid system (here is some history of the use of grid systems in dynamical meteorology and climate modeling) used by modelers needs to involve m-different orders-of-logical-value per classes of nesting-foam, this, à al the quantum atmosphere's µTm-relative-states registered in, for instance, acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode m-valued-overtone signatures of theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature-surface topologies -- i.e., plainsong-chanted atmospheric (not atomospheric) Music-sculpture: Musculpt being the computer model execution-instruction signifier, as Cornell tornadogenesis specialist, Douglas A. Paine, dubbed it during Summer of 1975, that being soon after (independent of Stephen Hawking) having written, into an NSF report on atmospheric cyclogenesis, description of what are now called acoustic analogues to black hole computers (acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-modes being vertically-propagated from severe local storms as well as rippling the tornado wall) and subsequently applying his mathematical model thereof to characterization of Jupiter's Giant Red Spot (much to the consternation of Carl Sagan). The characteristic consensus -- as seen in Sturman-Goodman -- the largely-tacit denial that there exists a relativistic-quantum atmosphere, very likely conceals the extraordinary degree of superintegration which, thus presumably, inheres amongst the various spheres of Earth due to the µTm-logics of quantum relative-states (indicating a condition of the prevailing condition of Earth's atmosphere no more considered by consensus atmospheric science than by its critics). Moving on now to Schrödinger logics (relevant to both multi-level-enciphered genetic code and, absent the supposed classical limit, quantum-relativistic atmospheric dynamics): having in one way or another comported with the notion identity-transparent participation mystique since it was pagan-animistic primitive-Shinto introduced to me as an 8-yearold -- living in Midori Gaoka below the airbase flightline, environs of Ashiya-machi, kita-Kyushu, circa 1953 --, in reading about the way Schrödinger logics are arrived at, and the implications thereof treated, my physiologically-adapted Jacobsonian-autosensory-observation-sensitized manner of evaluating ideas ((over the decades I've learned to trust this initial response for the purposes of tentatively introjecting the given idea to Umwelt, living with it being-there for a period sufficient to see if the implied revised Lebenswelt successfully incorporates it, or spits it out)) finds me with a metallic taste in my mouth, the sensation in solar plexus of a contraction back into the space behind my physical presence, and a dull throb as paresthesia tingle at the post-central gyrus splits and localizes to both temples as pressure sensation. The why of this reaction is that the starting point is the discrete STI, standard theory of identity, of the individual macroscopic object, modified so as to accommodate the particle-qua-wavicle-non-discernability findings of quantum physics, and -- making this the not of sine qua non's without which, not -- not, without which the conclusions don't hold, then taking this necessitated modification as impetus to radically revise the starting point, a revision that would altogether transform the notion earlier arrived at. It's only been recently, beginning in the West during the Homeric period, that Homo sapiens sapiens made in-the-body normosis the normative state, such that the standard notion of identity ((i.e., to restate the above, in accord with the 1T2-only Law of Identity, that is: for all a in A, and all of a, a = a, such that a is selfsame, the same as itself, and not simultaneously something not-a, and certainly not not-a n-times µTmly-over at a given instant of memetime or through memetime, allowing a the property of selfsame object constancy)) came to govern ontic experience of macroscopic objects; the vast bulk of human experience (some of it had deep in the Amazon basin: Keep the River on Your Right!) has been otherwise, that is, the normative state was one of the pagan-animistic states of participation mystique, more or less out-of-the-body, whereupon subject-object dualism is alien and absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct identity of selfsame objects, the self as object no less than the other as object, is not experienced. Hence, no objects, macroscopic no less than microscopic, have been regarded as man[i}festing standard 1T2-identity independent of the prescriptive-enculturation-socialization orchestration of glutamatergic neuronal pruning which anchored 1T2-only-molecular-cellular-brain-processed memetime-bound cognition to overdetermined exclusive identification with ergotropic in-the-body experience, to the relative exclusion of memetime-independent trophotropic ketaminergic out-of-the-body experience of nonlocal quantum-brain processing where within identity-qua-identity (singular, as being-in-itself) is non-selfsamely (signifying the m-logical involutory decomposability of being-in-itself) clear-channel-stacked (think, as aid to binary-mind: infinitely-deep sheaf of utterly transparent -- hence, indiscernible except by knowledge through identity -- acetate-overlay sheets). So, to begin with the STI, standard theory of identity, in elaborating Schrödinger logics (see Schrödinger Logics and Quasi-Set Theory, Decio Krause, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 19 July 2022; and Non-Reflexive Logical Foundation for Quantum Mechanics, Newton C. A. da Costa and Christian de Ronde, Foundations of Physics, 44:12, December 2014) is a violation of all but recent Western human experience of nature, a beginning which undoubtedly leads to misconstrual of the case qua case. No writable mathematical notation using discrete symbols, howsoever concatenated, can adequately facilitate thinking in µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-valued logics, rather than 1T2ly thinking about them -- so, that being the case, why unduly attend to the current technical discourse on the subject? (think: cf. not unduly attending to note-tate-able pentatonic-diatonic harmony, so as not to quench quantum-access to inner-Musculpt). The required revision, IMHO: indistinguishable, qua Leibnitz indiscernible, ur-element somewhats ontologically last, not first, under the 2nd-unto-1st-order dynamics executed by topologically-active operator-time; ontological-precedence direction non-orientable under 3rd-order dynamics; individually-distinguishable absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct objects epiphenomenal to ponderablespacememetime-bound 1T2-only-logical Maya; C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ identity-transparent relative-state non-selfsame whatnots being-therehere memetime-independently on Tzog-chen AllBase CommonGround most-dense-sheet of multi-sheeted-Riemann-surface-like BackCloth universally covering Musculpt manifold, M (there having been no beginning, there will be no end: beginning/end being 1T2-only-bound: M not for Menge, aggregate, but for the Musculpt manifold which transcends extensional Cantorian sets, be they fuzzy or quasi). After all, à la Piaget, object constancy (and, earlier in cognitive development, object discernability?) is a learned behavior glutamatergically anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains under orchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization (this support for acuity of pagan-animistic participation mystique being ignored or discounted by most working physicists); and, à la Rudolf K. Luneburg, localization in binocular visual space involves a psychometric distance function, the psycho part taking localization out of a supposedly-objective 1T2-only object world and placing it in Buddhological Maya ((note that Luneburg's 1950 paper, The metric of binocular visual space, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 40, pp. 647-42, is not even mentioned in this WiKi biography: much of the attention given to Luneburg has been of the debunking -- 30 cases of aniseikonia, hmmm -- sort)). But, were all that given above actually the case, how would reveling-in-hisher-personal-saga, sagacity-deficient, upstart-cosmic-exile, vulgarian-arriviste-parvenu member of our Johnny-come-lately GLE manage, for instance -- an important for instance -- to keep externalities external? Our shehe Johnny-on-the-spot couldn't, of course, and that's probably, heh-heh-heh, the main why of why the m-valued Schrödinger statefunction was probability-interpreted instead of being understood with the m-valued logics of externality-denying non-selfsame relative-state identity-transparency (state of whole is wholly holographically readable in state of part, PURE HAIKU! even of transfinite sets, cardinality speaking). The µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ relative-states of identity-transparency being incommensurate -- no degrees, that is, of [some}thing cum [some}what, e.g., truth-value -- that being the case, each such state predicates an actual-world logic (not a possible-world modal logic) in superposition in-of-with this one-and-only universe (Scary! return of all that arcane superstitious stuff banished by SCIENCE), consensus reality being Buddhologically Maya, hence virtual, bare-reality being a quantum-composite of all actual-world logics (inter-world-logic communication being constrained only by the order-of-logical-value employed); this higher-valued-logic-mediated intercommunicability being different from the incommunicado-multi-worlds interpretation of the Everettian 1T2-only-relative-state interpretation of quantum mechanics. The three basic logic laws (identity, non-contradiction, distributed middle), their origins being in bivalent logic, that foremost of social imaginaries, are irrelevant and not to form the referent for discourse upon the properties of C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm, C+TC+ being the base-state referent. Subordinate social imaginaries (think: the Existentialist insistence upon the anthropic pretense that existence precedes essence, i.e., that 1T2 ontologically [onto}logically precedes C+TC+) all too often have but momentarily held sway: how long, for instance, did the Concert of Europe actually exist? Eight years? 1815 to 1823? Congress of Vienna until N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr (to which adamancy of the Existentialist existence precedes essence pretense should be understood a compensatory abreaction)? Well-temperament in art music preceded the Congress System and persisted much longer than its balance-of-powers political analogue (both the music and political cases being in analogical-modeling to Newton's laws of motion: systematics in social imaginaries drawing inspiration from, and providing additional codification of, basic properties of the prevalent Weltanschauung). And since utter collapse of the diatonic-music system, there has been (no real attempt to holographically techno-exteriorize inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-processed transactions of m-valued-LETS nesting-foams) not even a pretense of well-temperament in human affairs. Indeed, the post-WWII Boulezian -- everything is obedient to a controlling idea (see Pierre Boulez's path to total purity [think: purified identity], Ivan Hewett, Prospect, 18 February 2016) -- attempt to 1T2-only-mathematically impose total control (Horray! for Woodduck, offering a comment of rare insight, indeed: in the list of comments, scroll down to Woodduck's long third comment) in dodecaphonic-serialized art music has more and more analogically informed totalism's practice of echolalia in democratic governance in re[hear}sal for we know not what.
Clarification due. Establishing warrantable expediential binaries (((an act which even ultrarich infratech billionaires surely, being vested in the prevailing regressed-legacy qua cultural-lag institutionalization, must condone: take note -- and Tell William forgoshsake, not those with Sand, of the wide-ranging, in some aspects even detailed, correspondence, e.g., offices gained by Pragmatic Sanction, multi-cultural-cum-racial divide-and-rule by Rescripts, heavy censorship, close surveillance of student and teacher, rise of barren [con}vocations, exemption of the nobility from taxation, so on and so forth -- of the fact that Metternich-Kissinger prolonged with foreign-policy successes life of the empires they served, but did not sufficiently subdue (cog-it-take, [err}go Extrem[is}mess est) internal consequences of the prevailing Weltanschauung dyscrasia as to guarantee persistence of those empires by finding means to bring the swampy ReichsRat-peerplexing-deep-state-institutional apparat -- filled with so countably many So-Low-Rats -- into analogically-modeled consonance with the maths-science-discovery-provoked worldview flux; as uninformed egging on can spew back egg in the face, particularly so if the eager emperor of Old Order renascence is [men}tally challenged))) as referential boundary conditions -- [0,1], [A, not-A], [positionality, lack-of-positionality], [discernible, indiscernible], [individual, ensemble], [personal, impersonal] n -- is to construe the involved in single-valued 1T2-only-dualistic terms: at best, a mere stopgap prolonging life of the Old Order by perseverance in identification with (think: introjection to Umwelt) outmoded notions, qua terms of reference, as to the nature of nature. Even the distinction between whatnots and somewhats which I have used in reference to indiscernibility still involves bivalent thinking-about, not µTm-thinking-in. Insofar as NWO advocates of the Old Order are concerned: in respect to M, Riemann-surface bridging of C+TC+-Buddha to the µTm-Pests, uh, uh, nests, is beyond the pale. Heh-heh-heh! Going to m-valued fuzzy-logic doesn't change referential, indeed, tropological, use of bound-binary bonds, e.g., [0,1], as clinger's enculturated imposition of ar[bit}rary boundary conditions; so, even though m-valued-logic is fuzziness-employed, still, the referent is bivalence -- and, furthermore, that is so in cases were-when-where fuzzy-logic is-should-be employed as cognitive processor of equations with n multivalued-variables, real-imaginary-hypercomplex. It's indubitably not [distinguishable, indistinguishable] and it's indubitably not [dis µTm-unto-CTC+-fuzzy-grayscale indis] and it is, moreover, indubitably not [dis µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-relative-states indis]. Under 3rd-order dynamics dis and indis are non-orientable, C+TC+-logical non-orientability being the topological expression of C+-order-type classes of non-denumerably-infinite sets transcending even infinite-order-type classes of sets of non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers CTC+ly processed. I understand deBroglie-Bohm-Hiley quantum potential (((that understanding being derivative of regarding Planck's constant as a scale-relative multi-valued universal in [Cantorian-fractal-BackClothed] ponderablespacememetime [partitions of unity being our LSTDs multisymplecticized, and quantum noise in the tornadogenesis case being the m-valued-overtoned acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes signaturing theta-e equivalent-potential-temperature surfaces: see, for background, Symplectic geometry of quantum noise, Leonid Polterovich, arXiv, 30 April 2016], and of considering null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian µTm-logical pencils of skew-parallels as deep-structure-involved in the 1T2-only-Heisenberg surface-structure uncertainty relations, that is as metaplectically structurally-informing symplectic QM vis-à-vis the Regge-calculus-multisymplectic Musculpt manifold, M, the quantization most required being -- via Penrose twistors -- that of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time's temporal CURLs, not so much those of the geometry and the pregeometry-as-corpus-of-truth-values: see, for background, Quantum potential energy and non-locality, Andreas Henriksson, Stavanger Katedralskole, Norway, 28 February 2022: note Henriksson's use of gematria's vesica piscis [the boat which Fisher-of-Men used to make his Night Sea Journey across expanse of the collective unconscious] in depiction of coherent-state [in our notion: imaginary-hypercomplex temporal-CURLed µTm-relative-state] phase-space quantum-correction-function qua quantum-potential, Q, as defined by Henriksson's eq. 11))) as µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+-relative-states (plural) of identity-transparency (singular), the boundary-without-boundary condition (singular) being C+TC+-logical non-orientability, beingthere-and-not-beingthere not being the case, as [Dasein-uncovering-beingthere-identity-transparency, aDasein-covering-not-beingthere-identity-opacity] establishes binaries as boundary conditions (plural). The deBroglie-Bohm-Hiley pilotwaveguide ((see De Broglie-Bohm Guidance Equations for Arbitrary Hamiltonians, Ward Struyve and Antony Valentini, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42:3, September 2008, for the guidance equation described in terms of the velocity field, whereas we see 3-fold topologically-active operator-time's [replacing, not conjugated to, the Hamiltonian operator, negative values of which indicative of involutory re-composition qua memetime-independent spontaneous fusion] temporal CURLs functioning as sorting angels, there being besides velocity field, also acceleration and memetime rate of change of acceleration fields involved in pilotwaveguide sorting function)) I understand-vis-imagine as standing-wave in Cantorian-fractal boundary-without-boundary nesting-foam (think: order-types of fractal entrapment à la n-bandpass nested fractal drums) framework-determining condition [think: the lattice-logic of that wave having an analogue in the screen-grid of a beam-power vacuum tube], the quantum-of-action in vectoring being executed by 3-fold topo-active optime, the energy involved in the work performed by optime being drawn from the vacuum's zero-point reservoir, a pre-pregeometry bucket of dust always all ways beingtherehere.
One of robot Kissinger's criticisms of robot Metternich (robota qua robot = a corvée laborer, in both of these cases by indentureship to empire: look at the hairstyles sported by K & M; all the way back through human history at least as far as Son-of-Sam and Dee-Lie-Lah, military officers and seamen especially tied their hair back in queues; it was the POWs, the slaves, the holocaust victims, the collaborators who had their hair shorn; moreover, clearly, haircuts were a part of Western forced-assimilation of residual Native Americans and colonialization of Asians) was that M in his dedication to order (to the extent of imposing short periods of quarantine and full-spectrum-dominance attempts at extermination of virulent ideas) was too squeamish to embrace the chaos (advent of 1T2-only-chaos theory had to wait upon Kissinger Days) necessary to fostering new developments; in that respect Kissinger was no Metternich, for K certainly helped induce considerable chaos, the Cambodia bombing campaign being a case in point of such induction. The new is not always a good, however; in the Cambodia case, it was holocaust (and me, circa Summer of 1968, then an intelligence analyst working in Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ, forecasting a disaster if the geographic boundaries of the war were extended, was too utterly naive to imagine something on the order of a holocaust). And not so incidentally, perhaps, anomalous behaviors are legion: what, for instance, did Bill Clinton take away from his reading of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope? A desire to take down the Anglo-American banking elite's inordinate privilege? Assuredly incidentally, Quigley surface-structure taught Development of civilization, the 6-credit-hour Georgetown equivalent to Mott's AU-SIS deep-structure Backgrounds of Western civilization: both instructors were classroom performers, not merely lecturers. The Washington Consortium permitted every student of any of the member universities to audit courses at any of the member universities. AU-SIS students sometimes sat-in down at Georgetown, but I never met a Georgetown student who came all the way up the Foxhall to AU-SIS. Hubristic arrogance, or simply not in the know? I left AU-SIS the year Bill Clinton arrived at Georgetown University (by late that year, 1965, Georgetown, the city area itself, and access to offices located therein and across NW generally, were unrecognizably different from what they had been even as late as 1963: this greatly reduced the index of learning opportunity as regards government and international relations studies available in the D.C. environment). Moreover, the Cambodia bombing campaign (IMHO as a once-upon-a-time student of Abdul Aziz Said and thus a reader of C. G. Jung, as, furthermore, a onetime targets analyst, circa immediately before the 1968 Tet Offensive, Targets Branch, Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam) was mounted in subliminal motivation as an assault on Quantum this, quantum that!, and in so being was a military attempt -- in face of (vis that is, videre licet, it is permitted to see in the reflexive logically-self-referential mirror which is compensatory abreaction) qua vis-à-vis, face to face with the mounting evidence, e.g., John Steward Bell's 1964 theorem verified almost two decades later by Alain Aspect in demonstrating violation of Bell's inequalities -- to sustain the Old Order (by overcoat-dressing the new -- e.g., nonlocality -- in old clothes -- e.g., saturation + CBUs) in regards to Umwelt unto Weltanschauung unto Lebenswelt and derivative glutamate-anchored sociopoliticoeconomic norms. No such as post-paradigmatic Weltbild? Possible-worlds modal-logics scholar Saul Kripke didn't understand the question when I asked it of him after a public lecture he delivered to Cornell, circa 1978, memory serving -- which lack of understanding indicated to me that he, Kripke, didn't see some of the stand-out imports of multi-valued logics (those logics understood relative to µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, as I understood them quite limitedly at that slice of memetime). Post-Metternich (uh, that's 1848); after Crimean war (1853-6); after Austro-Prussian war (1866); after Franco-Prussian war (1870-1); after Moroccan crisis (1905-6); after WWI and WWII: TPTB (most certainly more driven by tacit backgrounds than by overt ascriptions of development) set about creating a post-pathogen-qua-revolutionary-cum-post-nationalist structure, viz, uh, that is, to wit, a postmodern reincarnation of the premodern Habsburg empire, in the form of the EU, a structure with many of the same FUBARs as its ancestors: Habsburg, Holy Roman, Roman. One once thought -- due to a focus on Backgrounds, not the Civilization per se -- that there might have been some small interest in a post-paradigmatic Weltbild; but, no: not so.
Symplecticity: what a doozy! All the symplectology I've been able to find out about is memetime-bound. But, must admit, beats the heck out of using the field equations of General Relativity to map traffic-flow patterns in the GLAMA, the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Were the Hamiltonian operator altogether replaced by Pauli-Paine 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, cum 3 imaginary-hypercomplex orders of temporal CURL, what would be the function served in memetime-independent demergent involutory decomposition of fixed points cum equilibrium points cum critical points cum inflection points cum limit points cum interior points cum boundary points for symplectomorphisms? Each order of temporal CURL constellates a group of symplectomorphisms? What about the Hamiltonian operator in the time-independent Schrödinger equation? That's memetime-independent, now. Heh-heh-heh. Now being [there, not-there], hence, at the very least, µTm, on (obviously: off) the arrow of 1T2-only-definable passive, passing, referential linear-time. Symplectics of the Schrödinger equation? How does symplectics simplify the energy-momentum world-picture delivered by Hamiltonian mechanics? And how about the temporal CURL-mediated energy-momentum-CASCADE world-picture? How would symplectic 2-forms vary from sheet to sheet of the Riemann-surface-like Musculpt manifold, M? How would 2-forms articulate to 3-forms? Important for sussing out the metamathematics of inner-Musculpt. Hmmm. Not an issue of much current interest. Rather than steeped in semantic perseverance brought forth tradition-signified in new contemporary forms, the social structure of attention cathexes has been (c/o upbraiding morality police unto misanthropic mind monitors-menders) focused upon antique collectibles and old grammars of artifactual-syntactical concrete cultures largely stripped of tropological depth and dipped in preservatives as cultural lags, gloomy gewgaws, objective and cognitive, for those into saturnine theurgical I'm[man}ence (e[Ma}native demergence doesn't mean jakes out, more like sussing out): Nipponalia, Tripartite-Fertile-Crescent-Religionalia, South-Asia-Indianalia, ,n. HyperKleinBoros, uh, Bottle, all but forgotten in fixation upon unhypered [Our}o|b[o]r[o]s. It is the Trickster archetype that is responsible for the Eternal Return, which is a [per}Son|if|i|cat|i|on-[con}cre{a}tion mirage of memetime-independent demergence-remergence (of Divine-unto-SufferingLOGOS-unto-Divine), simply a dropping into-[out-of]-into view of cosmic sparks, dust motes, Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of C+TC+-logical Con[cat}e-nated-qua-Christic propositions of Bubkes, nothing, the zero-point-filled vacuum. Ah, yes, remembrance, aye, the Library Girl, AU-1963: on the surface, a Scarsdale Princess; in the depths, a devotee of Zohar, Lurianic (words come back) Kabbalah, Gematria (sound, shape, number, letter, proposition -- in that order of importance), and Neoplatonism. Maybe, for me, a subtle elicitor-reinforcer of inner-Musculpt, not necessarily by Shaktipata, almost certainly by Anima-in-transference identification-unto-inspiration. Ma, sacred space, a golden gate to hold the Moon: General Relativity's gravity; maybe even gravity's rainbow. Skyspace, Dome of the Ma, Divine Vault. Walking meditation (with or without AutogenicTraining-formulated mantras) under The Stary Night, under Bucket of Warm-Golden Dust, under Symplectic Sidereal Net: killing memetime with the endogenous-glutamate antidote, endogenous ketamine. Phi[lok}alia sanctissima, est. Phi; lok = cover; alia = connected omnium gatherum. The non-selfsame numbers (not speaking here of equivalent numbers, i.e., in fractions, percentages, decimals) implicit in Musculpt symformphonie are not those of the metaphysical number symbolism and the multiple tiers of neo-Pythagoreanism discoursed upon, for instance, in The Theology of Arithmetic: Number Symbolism in Platonism and Early Christianity, Joel Kalvesmaki, Hellenic Studies Series 59, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, D.C., 2013 (note, as regards Harvard, the warning given at the bottom of the page: The campus is closed to visitors). Not symbolism! Or is it, was it? The very concept of number as altered under differing higher orders of logical-value (1T2-only-Law of Non-Contradiction not relevant) understood relative to identity-transparency, not truth-value. Itself and not-itself simultaneously, m-times over. The temporal logics involved in this times not necessarily involving the multiplicative, and only marked as being-there by Zeno's 1T2ly irresolvable, contradictory, disjunctive aporias. The closest of ancient days was not so much given by Proclus (J. G. Bennett having been an inspired reader thereof) as by Damascius, as can be seen in the quote of D offered by Aleksey Kamenskikh in his paper entitled Some Notes on the Schemes of Temporal Logics in Late Neoplatonism and in the Works of Origen and Gregory of Nyssa, Scrinium, 15:1, 16 July 2016, pp. 178-192: Moments of the time are 'emanative ravels'; each of them contains the whole time Here, it seems to me, Damascius' notions of time denoted by the time and whole time are not the same notions: the former denoting time-in-itself; the latter, memetime. Though, as regards topo-active optime, time-in-itself is a doer, not a referential object, not even a ravel (even as its doing constellates memetime-independent emanative ravels in executing non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of CTC+-unto-µTm-logically-valued propositions, these non-selfsame numbers being handled -- topologically, trans-algebraically, arithmetically -- by THE non-localizable quantum brain), and the moments are projective-identifications established by glutamate-etched memetime-bound binary-minds (memetime being a collectively engendered phantasmagoria, it could rightfully be said that each superordinate emanative ravel contains the whole sequence of memetic phantasms experienced, or imagined to be experienceable, as passive, passing, referential linear-time). The philosophia perennis has been touted about all around longer than any other, yet it has always been screamed down, proscribed, by TPTB the GLE, global leadership elite. How come? Because that philosophy's veracity would service the mainstream, not the X-stream. Mass warfare, destruction and death of humanity, other species, Earth, nature-at-large: the 1T2-only-institutionalization of religions, nation-states, science, so as to repress, and hence regress, direct ontic experience of µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, is the bottom-line on that syndrome of abysmal behaviors. Self-righteous moral upbraiding is not the same as cognitively standing in the source of the ethical impulse: [Buddho}logical compassion qua, to repeat, direct ontic experience of µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, a doing by non-doing generative empathy's nullifiers, each of which is 1T2-only logical. Given the nature of relative-state, its defining characteristics, such standing in, while passive non-doing, is simultaneously active doing: higher-logics non-orientability between binary opposites, not a TaiChi-rotational morphing from one of the opposites to the other (howsoever suggestive the Tai Chi symbol may be with regard to temporal CURL). I have a bunch of ideas about symplectic structure under topo-active optime, but I'm going to leave all that alone -- at least for a while. The new way of posting open-access material to the internet where the reader is taken directly to the download box, even for a one- or two-page article, the URL given there in the box, but not in the downloaded piece, is too massively obstructive. I look at many papers, among those to which I am given access, before deciding to read into one of them. Now, I have to download to see if I want to download. Moreover, I have to note the URLs of all the papers I don't want to read into. If I don't do that, and I find one I want to read into, then come back two days later, and decide I want to quote it, I don't have the URL. Copy the title and Google it, and it can't be found -- or it's found many pages down. The use-value of all this is very low: purpose achieved, well obstructed. The propaganda stuff, note, is still easy to access.
Orthogonality cum orthonormality cum linear independence -- so intensely preferred (quoting UnderstandingPursuit at reddit's Why do we want an orthogonal basis?: To see the advantage of the orthogonal basis, consider what happens when it is not: basis vector A has a portion that is in the same direction as basis vector B. When decomposing a specific vector, X, the portion in the direction of B, how much of it should be a component of A? Orthogonal basis vectors means that the part of X in the direction of B is entirely a component of B, without worrying about A.), if not altogether insisted upon, in Old and New Physics -- binding natural laws tightly to 1T2-only logic (even in the quantum mechanics case, to wit, quoting Wave Functions, CMU Quantum Theory Group, n.d.: Two wave functions which are orthogonal to each other represent mutually exclusive physical states: if one of them is true, in the sense that it is a correct description of the quantum system, the other is false, that is, an incorrect description of the quantum system ) is aptly represented by LOGOS suffering on a cross until the end of HISstory, the whole of Lebenswelt being thus reduced to just one cross-word puzzle. I observe that the abstract to Nonorthogonal Active Space Decomposition of Wavefunctions with Multiple Correlation Mechanisms, Emily M. Kempfer-Robertson, et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 21 December 2022 (note how the link to the body of the paper, copied directly from the download box, and repeatedly done over and over again to make sure it is correct, does not work), is, from my perspective, fascinating ((to wit, quoting the abstract: The nonorthogonal active space decomposition (NO-ASD) methodology is proposed for describing systems containing multiple correlation mechanisms. NO-ASD partitions the wave function by a correlation mechanism, such that the interactions between different correlation mechanisms are treated with an effective Hamiltonian approach, while interactions between correlated orbitals in the same correlation mechanism are treated explicitly.)), but the body of the paper (which can be accessed by using the download box that comes up upon going to the abstract page) is of no help to me in detailing how the authors understand how a correlation mechanism partitions the wave function non-orthogonally and how interactions between correlation mechanisms are handled with an effective Hamiltonian approach; whereas, to our understanding, it is topologically-active operator-time, as replacement of the Hamiltonian operator, that executes nullifications of the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of the CTC+-unto-µTm propositions descriptive of non-orthogonal, qua drawn with J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels, active space, these executions decomposing that space. The notion of geometric dimensionality of the space decomposed is a way of avoiding pagan-animistic identity-transparency qua participation mystique qua participation inconsiente qua psychic contagion, in that linear independence of a collection of vectors is essential to definition of dimension (WiKi on linear independence: In the theory of vector spaces, a set of vectors is said to be linearly independent if there exists no nontrivial linear combination of the vectors that equals the zero vector. If such a linear combination exists, then the vectors are said to be linearly dependent. These concepts are central to the definition of dimension.) and of the independent identity of vector-characterizable states of independent objects -- multiple non-orthogonal null vectors, à la J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity, being required to geometrically represent µTm-logical relative-states of identity-transparency (weakly designated as correlations). Note that whenever the question What does linear independence imply? -- and numerous people have Googled this question -- there is none other than definitional answers provided, and this is not only with reference to ChatGPT spews (which I assume chatbot programming insures are nothing but syntheses of conventional material found in the various data bases accessed).
Well, I never found access to the Emily M. Kempfer-Robertson, et al., paper entitled Nonorthogonal Active Space Decomposition of Wavefunctions with Multiple Correlation Mechanisms. What I apparently got was a preview or a supplement or something of that nature. But I did find her Ph.D. dissertation which, at the end, has a section (pp. 116-20) on the nonorthogonality issue, to wit, the dissertation: Development of nonorthogonal wavefunction theories and application to multistate reaction processes, Emily Michele Kempfer, U. of Louisville, Kentucky, May 2023. Part of my interest in this relates to our 1995 paper entitled Quantum Biophysics of the Homeopathic Ozone Effect (note that the Kempfer-Robertson, et al., paper involves studies of ozone, which I would very much have liked to have been able to read; and that the Ph.D. dissertation mentions the complexity of pi-stacks as a motiving factor in development of the nonorthogonal-decomposition-of-wave-function methodology). The Kempfer-Robertson decomposition may well be the same decomposition as that hypothesized in our homeopathic-ozone-effect paper. Quoting that paper's last section, ozone a Fourier-transform operator:
What is not explained is how ozone oxidizes pathogens and antibodies non-specifically, but does not disrupt those structures required for normal function. This is a recognition issue: the essence of immune system function, most basically rooted in the quantum frequency properties of the multivalued reference space. The atmospheric analogue of these processes involves wave-trace-velocity recognition in (coherent) acoustically-modified gravity wave organization of ozone metabolism and transport across the tropopause boundary. Molecular biology would say equivalent wide-ranging recognition is impossible in organic systems because the multitude of lock-and-key recognition devices required would be too enormously complex. Lock-and-key recognition is specific recognition, not only in fit, but in location: binding sites. How do you get classes of non-specificity out of this specificity? But m-valued wave-functions simplify the identity tag business very greatly. Systemic integration has to do with the general properties of systems, which are non-specific and can be represented by invariants of permissible transformations (transformation is the geometrical way of saying algebraic function). The nest of non-specific invariants prerequisite to systemic integration in a given class of organic systems can be physically embodied as a class of superposed frequencies. By decomposition, the frequency-tagged structures participating in the given class can be identified. Therefore, again by decomposition, those frequency-tagged structures not participating in the given class can also be identified. Ozone may be a Fourier-transform operator on a frequency space, an operator with a composite wave-function embodying invariants prerequisite to systemic integration in a wide class of organic (and inorganic) systems. Were this the case, then ozone would target for oxidation any frequency-tagged structure which is not a decomposition element of its own wave-function. How would this frequency recognition relate to the process of oxidation? The stereochemical fit of a given lock-and-key device (largely a matter of the geometry of bond angles) is only the first step in a chemical transformation involving the interacting atomic groups. This transformation is geometrical in nature, as much as electromagnetic. But function is an algebraic way of saying geometrical transformation! So the total given transformation (not just the lock-and-key device) may have a wave-functional analogue physically embodied as a frequency tag. And likewise for the total transformational prerequisites of systemic integration in a given class of systems. The invariants of the frequency space itself define the regime by which specific stereochemical processes are integrated spatially and temporally! Clearly, ozone directly interacts with this frequency aspect of the organism and thereby distinguishes between cytoskeleton-possessing eukaryotic cells and non-cytoskeleton-possessing prokaryotic cells to oxidize only prokaryotes (bacteria, blue-green algae and viruses).
Look, the complexity of what I have to say is always way, way, way more simple-minded than all the details given in papers and dissertations like that of Kempfer-Robertson. For worse (probably worse) or better, I never get very far into the details because I always find what is for me a stumbling block obstructing the view of what I began the begeeeen to look for an understanding of, i.e., the various identity-transparent consciousness states qua this and that participation mystique states I suppose I more or less experienced as a child rice-paddy-runner mil-dot-brat, Midori Gaoka, circa 1953-6. In this nonorthogonality case, for instance, the Hartree-Foch method of approximation for determination of the Schrödinger wavefunction, a point of departure for Kempfer-Robertson, not only is something of a truncation renormalization but neglects exchange, i.e., dampens out indistinguishability of particles, the exact area of my greatest interest, i.e., the identity-transparency aspect. Why should I have learned, why should I now learn, that math -- as it couldn't, and won't, take me to where I have wanted, want, to go? And the doctrine of uses governing the techno-parade has not been, and is not, apropos my already taken route march, my prospective route steps. I have no intent whatsoever to denigrate Kempfer-Robertson's nonorthogonality argument, which I think is great, but I have a different take upon it. The pivot of her argument, involving the Hartree-Foch method, is given below, to wit, quoting her dissertation, pp. 117-8:
the formulation properly treats entanglement between orbitals within each correlation mechanism, but gives an unentangled superposition of different correlation mechanisms. However, because each correlation mechanism is generally constructed from a set of orbitals that are nonorthogonal to the set of orbitals in other correlation mechanisms, orbitals in each correlation mechanism can be expressed as disconnected single excitation cluster operators acting to infinite order in the basis of a common set of orthogonal orbitals (155). As a result, entanglement between orbitals in different correlation mechanisms that is not formally included in the determinant expansion is implicitly wrapped in. Therefore, NO-ASD [non-orthogonal active-space decomposition] recovers entanglement through an effective Hamiltonian approach, in contrast to explicit tensor decomposition
Reference number 155 involves the Hartree-Foch method (which neglects indistinguishability of particles, which indistinguishability takes 1T2ly-strong correlation, according to my take, in the direction of µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency). The involved reference -- which comes to focus upon angular momentum exchange qua cascade and the wavefunctions used in theory of superconductivity (think, as I am: of our 1978 The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere and of our 1979 A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA), but neglects exchange and thus, IMHO, misses, quoting the first of our papers above cited, the 'EXACT COMPENSATION' [which] IS THE NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR SUPERCONDUCTANCE and which compensation is orchestrated by topologically-active operator-time -- is Stability conditions and nuclear rotations in the Hartree-Foch theory, D. J. Thouless, Nuclear Physics, 21, November-December 1960, pp. 225-32. A step back in Kempfer-Robertson's argument is given on pages 116-17:
difficulties are encountered in the presence of multiple correlation mechanisms (MCMs). MCMs can be defined as situations in which one or more strongly correlated occupied orbitals has multiple correlation partners (205; 206). An alternative definition of MCMs is that all possible reference SCF [self-consistent field] solutions have fractionally occupied NOs [natural orbitals] that describe only a subspace of the FCI [full configuration interaction] NOs, such that any determinant expansion in one of the SCF solution NOs is unable to span the strongly correlated subspace of the FCI Hilbert space. As a result, strong correlations in wavefunctions with MCMs cannot be treated by projection-after-variation methods or standard UNO [unrestricted natural orbitals] approaches, because SCF symmetry breaking cannot fully reveal the set of strongly correlated orbitals.
Stepping back further, we have, p. 116:
Strong correlation, otherwise known as non-dynamical or static correlation, arises when an electronic state does not have a well-defined set of occupied orbitals. As a result, the wavefunction is an entangled superposition of electron configurations, with permanent interactions between electrons at fractionally occupied sites that occur over long distances.
In the standard consensus interpretation of QM all of this would resolve, prior to measurement, to probabilities of fractional occupation; hence, to probabilities, only, of strong correlation; such correlations ceasing to even probabilistically exist upon being observed, fractional occupation being thus dissipated with observer-imposition (human, particle, stone, whatever: i.e., that of simple presence being-there) of decoherence. By invocation of nonorthogonality, Kempfer-Robertson, to my understanding, exits the standard consensus interpretation of QM, but tries to stay with that 1T2-only-logical interpretation by retaining the basis of a common set of orthogonal orbitals (155) in relying upon Hartree-Foch theory which neglects exchange, i.e., dampens out indistinguishability (a black-box term hiding higher-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value). An alternative to this Kempfer-Robertson interpretation would be to drop altogether the 1T2-only-probabilistic notion and regard fractional occupation as a 1T2-way to construe -- by expanding upon indistinguishability -- µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-states of identity-transparency, the nonorthogonality understood as taking the linear-time-bound phase-shift understanding of the memetime-dependent-qua-bound Schrödinger equation into the 3-fold temporal CURL aspect of topologically-active operator-time (not conjugated to the Hamiltonian operator, but altogether replacing it). I note how uncannily Kempfer-Robertson's Figure 5.1, Schematic for formation of the nonorthogonal active space decomposition scheme , p. 119, captures the manner in which the nonorthogonal Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock mappings underlying a quantum-composite universal unit of account would decompose to optimal currency areas decomposing to indicator-stacked µTm-logically-processed m-valued-LETS currency units diversely commodity-backed (as the much better option to the CBDCs which the global leadership elite appears to be resolutely committed to). Tropological metareference is a residual expression of 1T2ly-strong correlation which is a residual expression of µTm-participation mystique which is a residual expression of CTC+-identity-transparency -- the manners in which levels of functional integration are achieved in concrete cultures by employment of multi-utilities. That which minimizes decision-need and prevents authentic jurisPRUDENCE from deteriorating into 1T2-only-lawfare. Japanese culture (particularly pre-Bakufu, pre-reaction to appearance of incursion by Europeans in Southeast and East Asia during the early-16th century) is the exemplary case in human experience -- and lest we not notice that tropes are the basis of thematic orchestration throughout her performance, the first piece played by Hiromi makes tropes so overt that no one in the audience could miss recognition of at least one or two of them.
As follow-ons to David Webb's The Great Taking, Ellen Brown's Casino Capitalism and the Derivatives Market: Time for Another 'Lehman Moment'?, ScheerPost, 15 January 2024, and Defusing the Derivatives Time Bomb: Some Proposed Solutions, ScheerPost, 14 February 2024, provide a good summary account of the main points, followed by some suggested solutions. It is easy enough to understand dematerialization, the going paperless and onto electronic record keeping, as volume and rapidity of stock and bond trades increased enormously. Much less understandable is the legislation and international agreements shifting ownership of both tangible and intangible assets several steps away from the purchaser of those assets: the entities involved are an international central securities depository, domestic Depository Trust and Clearing Corporations, nominees of depository trust corporations, e.g., Cede and Company. The history of banking as regards the legal status of deposits is also less than forthrightly understandable. Most ununderstandable is the legislation legalizing n-rehypothecations of collateral, be that collateral tangible or intangible: as regards CASCADE THEORY of collateral hoards (the Doug Paine grad student of atmospheric cascade theory who dropped meteorology and went to Wall Street did have it right; easy enough, however, to imagine his ideas being discounted by 1990s holders of street name securities, if he was still working on Wall Street), see Collateral Unchained: Rehypothecation networks, concentration and systemic effects, Duc Thi Luu, et al., arXiv, 6 February 2018. Indeed, it is hard to come up with a believable explanation of all this significantly differing from that offered by David Webb. To do so would require an excursion into collective psychopathology, nowadays called mass formation psychosis -- because the official explanations provided, e.g., provision of needed additional liquidity, prevention of financial-derivatives-driven global economic collapse, don't read as plausible, particularly given the fact that tangible assets, such as CRE (commercial real-estate) buildings, held as collateral can be n-rehypothecated in chains of repo contracts. As I have made that psychopathic-explanation excursion multiple times, there is no need to rehash it here -- except to mention the obvious, that n-rehypothecation of dematerialized assets takes the traditional notion of property into the realms of quantum non-simple ownership, an econometric epiphenomenon of quantum non-simple identity. This is largely an infratech-forced (quantum mechanics having been grossly dissimulated) econometric phase transition, wherein the actors involved are clingers, Linus Van Pelts grasping at the bivalent logic wrapped in a probability-amplitudes security blanket without which they cannot maintain their habituated sense of selfsameness. They created this framework in service to their infantile psychologisms without even the use of fiber-bundle arithmetics, let alone the far more adequate µTm-valued logics of relative-state identity-transparency qua of quantum non-simple identity and its derivative non-simple ownability. So, I doubt substantive utility of the suggestion that blockchain technology -- which is focused upon verifying non-quantum simple identity; hence, simple ownability -- can seriously help resolve the problems created by the mass of legislation and agreements involved in instituting the mess described above along with the quadrillion-plus in financial derivatives which themselves, independent of rehypothecation and depository trusts, inculcate non-simple ownability. Moreover, IMHO, it is a myth that blockchain technology is decentralizing, as it, along with bitcoin-like currencies, is based upon creation of a global systemic monoscale, facilitating, when the functional prerequisites are fulfilled, an absolute centralization never before contemplated by mankind. Financial and geopolitical cycles analyst Martin Armstrong believes that the U. S. Constitution will prevent widespread effectuation of CBDCs (central bank digital currencies); that, instead, digital currencies will be instituted by the big banks which have few legal obstructions to implementing the control mechanisms SCSSs (social credit score systems) embody. I don't know about that, but, clearly, if put in place, the Great Reset, snap instituted from above, will be a Great Leap Forward wrapped into a Cultural Revolution with a strong likelihood of accompanying purges and pogroms imposed on a grand global scale. Repressed, and hence regressed, e[man}ation ravels mediated by subliminal nonlocal Q-brain processing equal collective-unconscious adjurations to effectuate Inordinate Pre[vail}age, Irrational XuberAnts, Full-Spectrum Dum-in-Nance, Total In|for[ma}tion A-wear|eee|ness. Moreover, e[ma}nations by reductive de[marc}ation (a real-[number}ization renormalization type of ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement) having been made into Westphalian-cum-Cartesian-Newtonian-cum-Lockean-AngloSaxon-cum-balance-of-power-Concert-of-EUrope nation-states, we, by this late date relative to coming cuspover, hear calls for a restoration of the balance of time, heh-heh-heh, by banishing altogether the pagan-animistic lunar calendar (a stripping-away rescaling renormalization type of ConveDD, the sexual antics of the Rite of Spring having long since been excommunicated, monetized, and consigned to the strip bar), by which is actually meant a tikkun of time, balance being a stand-in for a straightening out of passing-referential time from cyclical to linear (no phases, no logarithmic arcs, no acuteness or obtuseness, no avant-garde-Cubistic cum KICH diagonals, no nonorthogonalities). Next year in Jerusalem is an overt admission to memetime-boundedness. So droll, this observation, made into a flat atonal D#-roll in lowest register. But how sharply amusing can all that contradictory stuff be? I beg your pardon!: typical old-money-WASPish language use bled across breadth of the GLE, global leadership elite: no begging, no pardon; a condescending bruited accusation, protest. In neglecting, by Platonic amnesis, the fact that sacred space, ma, is imaginary, and even hypercomplex numerable, [Ky}Oto, [Jeru}Salem, [Del}Hi, [Mec}Ca, ,n are, by least-squares linear regression, uh, uh, by concretion undertaken by our most-square, made ponderablespace places rather than, by Platonic anamnesis, what they originally -- as codified in the against-the-modern-world primordial Perennial Philosophy -- were understood to be: states of consciousness. Nowadays, divine election being applied only to the GLE -- democratic election having fallen into dyscrasia, uh, disrepute equal to that of dictatorship of, not by, the proletariat -- and democratic socialism having shape-shifted from demotic to demote-adic form, the question arises: is it hisstorical destiny which the GLE must fulfill or destiny of the hysteroooooical? Interchangeability of these two is the Hyletic-Greek-Substantialist historiographic law, perhaps? Hmmm. Anathematization having long since become the normotic's knee-jerked neutralization-antagonizing form of resistance to the thematic orchestration offered by the centrencephalic safety-discharge mechanism, we have a taking -- via obsessive identification with 1T2-only -- of the memetime-independent demergence-remergence of CTC+-unto-µTm-unto-1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ conversion-inversion misunderstood-qua-concretized as objective-linear-time-referenced BigBang expansion unto BigCrunch contraction of AllEverything, of the Divinity, that is a mistaking of tsimtsum for a cosmic DimSum heating-cooling in the universal [ma}n|ger. This is the sort of thing that always happens when higher-logical spiritual states are lower-logically processed and institutionalized in service to the wants (not actual needs) of the prevailing GLE. Not the esoteric and the exoteric; the esotericists gave up the µTm-ghost long, long ago -- possibly with domestication of the horse.
We've never -- and it's been so stated often enough -- meant to suggest that we believe that something like what we propose will actually be implemented. As Doug Paine observed upon first reading of the manuscript which became our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh: You've outlined a viable path that will not be taken -- or words to that effect. One doesn't undertake such a task because of an expectation of success; rather, because it is the right thing to do. I didn't have to wait until scoffing upon readings of an English translation of Andre Malraux's La Condition Humaine and Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition to conclude that the endemic state of affairs is not a cosmically-imposed human condition; it is, rather, the condition of humans. Not only most people, most scientists, one can easily conclude, have no realistic appreciation of just how bonkers is the worldview construct under which we have come to construct our lifeworlds and ownworlds. Working scientists who have devoted their careers to classified research or have exclusively done unclassified consensus science, particularly if techno-development focused, have had no opportunity to learn how very bonkers that bonkers can be, indeed, in fact is: such understanding comes only to those directly involved in heated paradigm confrontations and the explicate and implicate psychodynamics issuing out thereof and echoing down through the decades -- the centuries, if glances be cast back 200 years to N. H. Abel and reverberations of his Impossibility Theorem existence proof for trans-al-jabr. The case is not, one must speculate, that in going from 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ that memetime makes snapover into having a nap in the arms of God. Mankind in Amnesia! -- to miscontextualize Immanuel Velikovsky's book title. Memetime, in such going, is Left Behind in Amaterasu's cave where Plato's portentous 1T2-only shadows dwell. As Ronald David Laing counseled: simply step out the door! Both Achilles and Hector were astute, but not sufficiently so as to have simply walked away and let the lo stupidos cum la stupidas kill one another off. The film In the Loop: this is a piece of black self-propaganda prompting us to a belief that this is the worest it ever gets, when, actually, it's much, much worser than all that; just as Oliver Stone's baddest film Platoon pretends to portray the most bad of bad cases, when, actually, in many kinds of situations (e.g., the token American assigned to a Dagger Team; trained as an SF medic, having been involuntarily placed in charge of recruiting, training, and deploying a Mike Force with its craaazee mission statement), it was far, far more insane than Oliver's stoned jungle. Blackpsyche aside, the most characteristic property of hisstory is that dominance by the dumbest, by the most venal, by the worst of the lot on all sides, whatever the conundrum, has always carried the day, determined the broad sweep of the course of events: that is the condition of humans, a condition which probably will never be really? modestly? fully? rectified. This is a motivating factor for the transhumanists? Mindreading computer-brain interface. Whoa! Wonderful! If it weren't for the GLE's (global leadership elite's) explicitly stated agenda and the fact that a CBI could function as an autonomous-AI terminator. The without-implants versions could, but -- given the prevailing and perspective Doctrines of Uses: not that of Swedenborg, that's for sure! -- won't be used to facilitate holographic techno-exteriorization of µTm-logical inner-Musculpt (Swedenborg's angelic speech?) as µTm-unto-CTC+-capable mathematical notation and user-friendly interface to µTm-LETS nesting-foams. Those ghettoblaster mouthpieces who aspire to membership in the superrich GLE do not consider an essential determining factor: that habituation is a vigorous and elaborate psychosomatic behavior of organisms, and not just one drug-related. Aspects of luxurious lifestyles quickly become habituated and just a quickly quality-of-experience reverts back to the involved individual's norm, a norm which is determined by factors unrelated to the luxuries accumulated-consumed, the tantalizing benisons of accumulation-consumption removing themselves ever more distantly as the fall into Tartarus is made. The Tantalus Dilemma -- which can be psychotogenic if enough cycles are run through with ever-increasing acceleration: just look at the behaviors engaged in by our GLE whilst orchestrating the transition from f***-you society to k***-you society. Is there any aspect of Global Phoenix they haven't domesticated (for example, contrast this with this and this)? The biggest single lesson taken from the Viet Nam war: all the counterinsurgency techniques that don't work well against national-liberation struggles can be successfully deployed in combat assault upon homeland sociality. One critical variable, however: the degree of money motivation the international cohort of bodyguards maintains as the index of collective duress exponentiates. The memetime-bound ignobility of the shibboleths corroborating collaborations of the damned: oh-so-remote arrant echoes -- intangible assets pinballing off pre-pregeometry dust motes at Q-brain processing -- misconstrued as elaborating Form-in-Process, uh, transubstantiation of The Form, its eternal return to the substantive atom, uh, [at}OM, uh, uh, Adam, an arsy-varsy A-dam breaking loose of its held-back material substance in Big-aX[I/i}dent, THE ADAMbration -- BANG! -- according to 1T2-only Laws-of-Form. Try as I might, I still can't get with the 1T2-only Anti-de-Sitter account of the holographic principle: how the part contains all the information as does the whole; the border, what it contains. In contemplating this demurral, consider that, in their paper entitled Nonsingular black hole chemistry, Physics of the Dark Universe, 30, December 2020, Arun Kumar and Sushant G. Ghose and Sunil D. Mahara take the negative cosmological constant as the pressure of the system; whereas, in our 1979 A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA we called this term the counterforce to the pressure gradient and in our 1978 The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere the same term is the (scale-relative absolute-limiting) gravitational acceleration: in thus maintaining that acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode analogues to nonsingular-blackhole computing exist on multiple scale levels (not only on the levels of spacetime foam and in sidereal spacetime), we simultaneously regard universal physical constants as scale-dependently n-valued under m-valued-logics processing. Ever since the early-1970s we've -- one or both -- taken every opportunity to mouth-off concerning the notion that blackhole physics is most easily studied relative to vertical pulse-code-burst propagation of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes at tornadogenesis and DNA emission at helix-coil transition of m-valued coherent waves carrying all the information denoted by the nucleotide pairs as well as so very much more. And what happened to Cornell Professor Douglas A. Paine for being 50 years ahead of his memetimes? Among much else, stupid students flocked to the science-court guy. To my me, the AdS account is all the waving of hands without µTm-unto-CTC+-logics understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency. And ACTually, topologically-active operator-time being the actor vis-à-vis this ACTually, I have to have it reversed: hypercomplex-imaginary cascade CTC+-unto-µTm. The same, I would say, with regard to Schrödinger logics wherein the notion truth-value is retained as the fundament of logic. No matter how much 1T2-only logic there is recourse taken to, no high-definition hologramics comes out -- only a fuzzy version thereof: same for empathy, justice, compassion, mercy; meaning, even. So, excrementally speaking, forget trophotropic internalization of externalities within 1T2-only monetary systems (which, almost by definition, ergotropically externalize internalities): there can only be faux versions of internalization on offer, e.g., Tobin taxes, carbon trading, litigation -- all such faux pas being matters of intentionality on part of the GLE. As I've earlier noted, geometric dimensionality is a way of avoiding identity-transparency, in that linear independence of a collection of vectors is essential to definition of dimension and of the independent identity of vector-characterizable states of independent objects -- multiple null vectors, à la J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity, being required to geometrically represent identity-transparency qua µTmly-non-selfsame objects. What is being called quantum economics surely must be a laughing matter, embarrassing even, to any self-respecting quantum physicist. Even so, for the 2-state somewhat that goes under the name quantum computing. Compare that to one of nature's cases mentioned above: Earth's µTm-atmospheric acoustic analogue to blackhole computing with its QM drivers: 3-fold topo-active optime and associated temporal CURLs. Doesn't make much sense, actually. That's been, over the decades, the predominant response to most every aspect of this ramified thesis. I've found that cognitive rubbish doesn't fare so well in knick-knack minds as does gewgaw of second-hand stores -- if, that is, we are to believe the specifications of Rubbish Theory. Here is a piece of East and Southeast Asian cognitive rubbish, a pagan-animistic Stevengraph (Nguyen Khac Kham's translation -- contained in Kham's Celebrations of Rice Cultivation in Vietnam, Saigon: Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations, 1970 -- of a passage from Paul Giran's 1904 Psychologie du Peuple Annamite):
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese.
Doesn't make much sense, actually. Whenever I've used the term identity-transparency in serious conversations (rare, admittedly) with English-speaking Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai intellectuals, artists, poets, I've inevitably been challenged as to the meaning of that term which is held by them to be, umm -- well, an oxymoron, more or less, is what they more or less say. And the protest is usually suppressed-emotion laden: you can see it in their faces, feel it in their radiated vibrational presence. Lurking back there in the subliminal of the Western-educated Easterner (my wife Nha Trang is exempted from this, being a scholar of Vietnamese folklore and folk poetry who was close to scholar Nguyen Khac Kham, a reader of Han, Chu Nom, and Japanese kanji, and who, Nha Trang, that is, has taught me much about this subject) are repressed effects of the collective suppression (and, hence, regression) of direct ontic experience of that which the term identity-transparency signifies. I remember a conversation in Bangkok about monetary theory, which took place about five years before the July 1997 collapse of the baht, a conversation with a Thai who had studied finance at The Wharton School and worked for one of the big banks, wherein I mentioned the notion that n-valued monetary units m-logically processed could be used to internalize externalities, and drew a comparison to a Thai wood carving I'd recently seen wherein images of a cicada and a farmer and two water buffalo were superposed such that the viewer could only distinguish them by changing POV. His head jerked back as if he had been slapped. Once he had recovered, he asked after my educational background, and when I told him, he was clearly relieved -- and then, thoroughly dismissive throughout the remainder of the stand-up cocktail party. In a planetarized quantum [eco}nomy facilitating -- by exercise of the Bohm-Hiley quantum potential which is resident in µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency -- self-organization independent of systemic composite global growth (but allowing subsystem differential growth/degrowth) at the same memetime encouraging population reduction through natural attrition, the model presented in Collateral Unchained: Rehypothecation networks, concentration and systemic effects, Duc Thi Luu, et al., arXiv, 6 February 2018, could -- leaving aside, for the moment, questions of elementary submodel, substructure, elementary substructure -- become a submodel of the model by which, using a diversely-commodity-backed µTm-LETS-nesting-foam ensheaved-qua-superposed quantum-composite global unit of account, Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, are distributed-ledger mapped over the universal covering of Riemann-surface-like multi-sheeted Musculpt manifold, M, such that higher and higher levels of efficiency at use of resources on a resource-depleting planet can be approached without molesting civilization's prime resource, the integrity of humans, or unduly assaulting the integrity of other living things and the stability factors of the planet itself. However, IMHO, the Duc Thi Luu, et al., interpreted in-OR-out [0 or 1] single-valued state (I don't see fuzzy or Schrödinger logics applied) misassumes that the given repo/reverse-repo-designated collateral tranche is simply-owned/identified such that it can be considered wholly in or wholly out of the given bank's box, which is not the case µTmly-depending upon the index of rehypothecation the given collateral tranche has been subject to (thus distributing fractional ownership, or, far better, m-logical J.G.Bennettian skew-parallel ownership). Moreover, the assumption that each bank homogenously distributes its collateral across all the banks in the network is simplifying but belies the actual case and flies in the face of the fact that, quoting p. 9 of Duc Thi Luu, et al.:
The possibility of collateral use and re-use changes over time, as inflows and outflows of collateral in a bank's box change over time as a consequence of the different uses and re-uses of collateral made by other banks in the network.
Here we have an apt description of relative-state, and, I would submit, this would be more accurately handled-modeled by collateral priced in n-valued monetary units µTmly processed, µTm-logics understood, not in terms of truth-value, but relative to relative-states of identity-transparency.
Economist FriedRich A. von Hayek brilliantly said, the time-shapes of total capital stock. Physicist Frank J. Tipler no less brilliantly understood that this notion is indicative of the relative-state interpretation of quantum mechanics put forth by Hugh Everett, III, an interpretation unfortunately dysinterpreted to multiple incommunicado 1T2-only worlds rather than comprehended relative to µTm-unto-CTC+-logical-identity-transparent-relative-states of this one-and-only hologramic world. Upon my 1994 reading of Tipler's The Physics of Immortality, wherein his observation about von Hayek's notion is made, my not-this/not-that other-Iambe I/im said that these time-shapes relate to techno-regimes by which the resource base may be accessed and utilized, such regimes differentiated by the order-of-logical-value employed. Corollary: humanity perseverant in identification with binary-mind is doomed to self-induced catastrophic processes; humanity in untrammeled embrace of µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency -- thus in tune with deep-structure of nature -- very likely could largely escape this fate. Putting Tipler's idea as to immortality on the back burner, I immediately saw the vonHayek Everettian-notion as a missing link with regard to the conception I was attempting to build of a quantum-composite planetary unit of account for µTm-LETS-currencies nesting-foams, the currencies thereof variously commodity-backed: this, then, was the origin of the idea that, in bringing bottom-up µTm-processed n-valued LETS currencies to fruition (that's bringing up, not forcing down), a progressively more and more complete mapping of the time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, could be undertaken so as to (distributive-ledger) facilitate increasing efficiency at resource utilization on a resource-depleting planet. Embedded in this idea, of course, was the variable n-value ensheavement upon 1T2-cash-currency-base-state of each µTm-LETS currency unit of currencies in the monetary nesting-foam: the value stack on currency unit base-state internalizing, to the markette, externalities, internal and environmental, via fine-grain tagging to indicator-measurables, this tagging being accomplished by open-source e-commons m-scenarios computer gaming (not by GLE, global leadership elite, dictation or by NYSE traded credits, or any process there like). 1994: first flashover as to commodity/resource mapping to universal covering surface of Musculpt manifold, M. It took the raspy incurious members of the GLE almost 30 more years of grotesqueries to arrive at a similar idea -- with their idea, as is typical of them, being formulated in highly self-serving, reduced-regressed, alienating-the-commons-by-mil.intel.guv.com.org-fiat form: as is readily seen in NYSE to List New 'Natural Asset Companies' Asset Class, Targeting Massive Opportunity in Ecosystem Services, Mark Segal, ESGtoday, 17 September 2021, an initiative insightfully analyzed by Whitney Webb in UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces 'Green' Plan to Transform the Global Financial System, Unlimited Hangout, 5 November 2021, this 'Green' Plan being updated in a February 2022 WEF whitepaper, to wit: Scaling Investments in Nature: The Next Critical Frontier for Private Sector Leadership. In referencing these articles in his rather lengthy Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy 'Until You'll Own Nothing', Global Research, 5 March 2024, Robert J. Burrowes astutely says:
if we are going to defeat this long-planned, complex and multifaceted threat, we must defeat its foundational components, not delude ourselves that we can defeat it one threat at a time or even by choosing those threats we think are the worst and addressing those first.
This is because the elite program, whatever its flaws and inconsistencies, as well as its potential for technological failure at times, is deeply integrated so we must direct our efforts at preventing or halting those foundational components of it that make everything else possible.
But has Burrowes and/or other members of the activist elite actually identified those foundational components he calls for defeat of? I don't think so. I don't think it's just stupidity (((reading through this field manual yields a huge guffawing hoot, as they assimilated nothing of the distribution generated by POLOB cum SRA/MACV-J2 -- all available at the U.S. Army Center for Military History -- and wrote up a long series of self-justifications furthering their corpus of surface-structure misconceptions, heh-heh-heh! still that ol' OSS-OWI mindset; during 1966 in SFTG, one could still meet and hear the exploits stories from old Gladio-involved 10th SFG Eastern European Lodge Bill recruits and old instructors wearing Darby's Rangers and Merrill's Marauders patches; to get some feeling for the state of the American psyche, dig up a dogeared copy of Eric V. Lustbader's French Kiss and see how the SLAM unit found the location, that's the location now, heh-heh-heh, of COSVN HQ; that novel was published in 1988 and I imagine the psychic state is much worse now than it was then, the corpus of actors having graduated from grabbing hearts and minds with counterinsurgency techniques to total-artificial-heart transplants and AI-CBI-instituted binary-mind suppression: Hollywood's penchant for turning violent tragedy into blackpsyche comedy is epicariCRAZY, uh, epicaricacy-schadenfreude, indicative of mass-formation psychosis and/or the autoimmune-induced collective neuronal deficits responsible for group-dynamical pseudobulbar affect and contagious gelastic seizures, heh-heh-heh!))) on part of the GLE; though, clearly, that's part of it: same for power hunger, the seven cardinal sins, ego inflation, identification with socially-conferred role attributions, unalloyed projective-identification at anima/animus transference, this and that individual and collective psychological complex (e.g., Samson, Tantalus). U.S. Army TO&E: Mass-formation psychosis, participation in. Yes. But what is the etiology, pathogenesis, course of this current particular fulmination of that disease, so endemic as to be normative, even normotic? Place Tipler's immortality on the front burner, as regards, for instance, the GLE's utter obsession with transhumanist objectives cum goals. Immortality being a big one! They, members of the GLE, certainly don't need to believe in perfect processing of perfect information in the OmegaPoint limit to infinite extension of 1T2-only-definable passive-passing-referential linear-time (actually memetime) to harbor compulsive hunger after undying capacity to accumulate existential confirmations as dissipators of their unspeakably horrifying, hence suppressed, doubts concerning authenticity of their insistent claims to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, that is their boldly brandished tal[is}man standing out there in full sun at High Noon. Light was most responsible for discovery of the quantum of action, bar-h, Planck's constant; also, for Einstein's time dilation and spatial contraction. Light in vacuo, traveling at the speed of light, uh, the absolute limiting velocity, doesn't exist in time -- memetime, that is. The baud-rate of memetime slows down, dilates, as the absolute limiting speed through ponderable space is approached, then poofs out at light speed; moreover, ponderablespace in the direction of motion similarly contracts to pop-off at that speed. For light in vacuo there is no whenwhere, no whenwheres for any given whenwhere to be in. Having no ponderablespacememetime existence, it can't cease to exist: one kind of immortality, the ontological kind, a derivative residual of the logical kind. All this happens at the absolute limiting speed, which is the context within which to understand Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation; not relative to a 1T2-only-definable [mom}ent in time (a Linus Van Pelt security blanket). The animistic-Shintoist ma-values, uh, uh, m-values of the wavefunction of Tantric-Schrödinger's equation, if understood relative to light in vacuo, can't be probabilities of finding ponderablespacememetime existence of the given somewhat (1T2ly speaking: a photonic wavicle) at particular points in the referential whatnot. What would those m-values then be indicative of -- if not of probability amplitudes? Logical values of logics higher in value than single-valued 1T2-only logic -- and the semantic imports of the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of propositions made therewith. No. Hell no! Not me. I won't allow that. Were I to allow it, there could be no 'I' to allow it! And that, I will not tolerate! Poof. There goes the possibility of internalizing, to the markette, externalities via µTm-processed values stacked upon 1T2-only base-state of a monetary currency unit. In opposing, by whatever means, internalization of externalities, the insistence upon maximization of shareholder value-profit as the be-all and end-all is a surface-structure rationalization of deep-structure psychostuff involved with low-level introspective competency. Is that a Jung-Pauli synchronicity -- introspective incompetency opposing internalization? There's that Trickster archetype again! Well, well, well. After all these years, I find (didn't do a search until now) some discussion about absolute limiting acceleration. See here ((note first comment by Nigel Seel: if the accelerating potential field is sufficiently strong then it could self-limit due to spontaneous pair formation relative to formation of pi-electron parcels as factored into our superconductant DNA pi-electron-gas model and directly implied by specifics of the given topologically-active-operator-time-formulated canonical thermal quantum-harmonic-oscillator equation; contextualize Seel's comment with the following quote from the abstract and introduction to Caianiello's Maximal Acceleration. Recent Developments, G. Papini, arXiv, 15 July 2004, to wit, A quantum mechanical upper limit on the value of particle accelerations is consistent with the behaviour of a class of superconductors Heisenberg uncertainty relations place an upper limit on the value that the acceleration can take along a particle worldline. This limit, referred to as maximal acceleration (MA), is determined by the particle's mass itself)) and here. From my first encounters with relativity theory, I've felt that bad stuff like fission and fusion bombs issued out because of the lateral mental cleavage which cut the theory off at absolute limiting velocity and didn't look at absolute limiting acceleration. At the limiting velocity, ponderspacememetime ceases to exist. What happens at the absolute limiting acceleration. What happens at the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration? These questions were investigated relative to acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-mode analogues of blackhole computing, analogues which exist in Earth's atmosphere, and essayed upon in an NSF grant report dated 1974, that year being a memetime interval which was long before existence of blackhole acoustic analogues became well known. Quoting the report: Blackbodies and blackholes exist within the spacetime frame of atmospheric dynamics
Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system. Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pp. [drawn from Mike Kaplan's full CV, which can be downloaded here]
Our thoughts on those questions -- about what happens at the limiting acceleration and the limiting time rate of change of acceleration -- were given in our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process. We not only asked those questions but extended from energy-(complex-hypercomplex, handled in the terms of topologically-active operator-time)momentum-cascade theory of tornadogenesis into the notion of scale-relative absolute limits (scaled limits, embodying the principles of relativity physics, relative to given LSTDs, limited spacetime domains, like is Earth's atmosphere, for instance) and m-valued universal physical constants (modifying the single-valued understanding carried to Heisenberg's 1T2-only-logical-uncertainty relations): these relative absolute limits being how 3-fold complex-hypercomplex topologically-active operator-time -- which acts only at these limits -- appears to memetime-bound binary-minds engaged in clinical and subclinical (proprioception cum perception) measurements. It was these ideas that elicited furious emotional response from one of the graduate students handling Stephen Hawking's correspondence in 1977. And I expect that the reaction would be even more intense today than it was almost half a century ago (when red crayon scrawls of swear words came back on one peer reviewed copy of this paper: I could tell that Paine recognized the handwriting, but he wouldn't acknowledge, wouldn't get into personalities: in my speculative judgment, this was transference dynamics between Ph.D. preceptor and chela). No. Hell no! Not me. I won't allow that. I won't allow time to operate on space to generate form. Therefore, I won't allow the new physics to provide insight as to how the invisible magic-without-magic hand -- sorting angel -- of the markette actually works. Topo-active apptime, uh, uh, optime, induces the action that imparts form -- and that action, those quanta of action, those nested m-valued bar-h constants, that is, have thermodynamic origins (note that this involves subtle thermal vacuum energy, i.e., in vacuo, like the light that inspired Planck's formulation of the quantum of action; see: On the thermodynamic origins of quantum potential, Gerhard Grossing, Austrian Institute for Nonlinear Studies, n.d.), the embodied Bohm-Hiley quantum potential being, to our understanding, an expression of the µTm-unto-CTC+-relative-state identity-transparency resident in-among-between-over the corpus of elements (1T2ly speaking) constituting the involved subsystem-system-supersystem composite. Quoting Grossing: as far as explanations of the action of the quantum potential are concerned: the spatial form of the wave function is made responsible for radical deviations from classical physics as well as for the possibility of nonlocal correlations. We say, in our 1977 General Process paper, that it is topo-active optime (then called active time) operating on the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space, that generates, à la Grossing, the spatial 'form' of the wave function. Complex-hypercomplex angular momentum handled, via temporal CURL, as 3-fold topo-active optime is involved in explaining why action (a scalar: think n-stacked values, like on a monetary currency unit base-state: the forgetting of action quantization was one way to suppress use of µTm-valued logics at interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wavefunction) and angular momentum (a vectorial variable) have the same units: see Nabarun Mondal's comment for an illustration as to how stacked nonorthogonalities (geometrodynamically think: pencils of skew parallels) in the action domain are linked to the frequency domain, and, hence, to the frequency-response-windows aspect of wave-guide qua wave-trace-velocity sorting-angel magic-without-magic -- be that the magic of markettes or of pi-electron parcels of helix-coil-transitioning DNA molecules or of double-helical-feeder-band conveyed air parcels hydrothermodynamically cum superconductantly streaming into a horizontal roll cloud soon to tilt through nonorthogonalities into the vertical at tornadogenesis.
Writing during WWII the long tome, The Meeting of East and West, published 1946, Yale University professor, Filmer Stuart Cuckow Northrop, juxtaposed an undifferentiated aesthetic continuum (a notion characterized as being emotively arrived at predominately in the East) with mathematically designated space and time (a notion characterized as thinking-function arrived at predominately in the West). Exactly how Northrop understood The Meeting he proposed-predicated-perceived of these two notions never became clear to me during my first cursory reading (Spring of 1963, senior year of high school) and a subsequent close reading (during the writing of my AbdulAzizSaid-grad-student-preceptored thesis -- The Predicament of Existentialism -- for Dean Griffith, first semester freshman, AU-SIS, Fall of 1963) of his book. Sri Aurobindo's long tome The Life Divine (which I read -- good offices of Jack Waldron -- in late 1968 soon after my return from the Viet Nam war) is similarly imprecise in not clearly stating that the Involution is independent of passing time (indeed, Aurobindo's synthesis of East and West involves having the involutory decomposition -- this descent of the Divine handled as Sri Aurobindo's light, and the effects that light has upon the physical -- subject to the time-bound constraints imposed by adoption of the Western theory of evolution, and its extension into being under the influence of higher states of consciousness qua Supermind). It is worth noting that Plotinus's Enneads (which I studied at that immediate-postwar juncture in my life by way of comparison to Aurobindo) leaves no doubt concerning the passing-time independence of the decomposition involute (Bernardo Portilho Andrade, in Freedom and Praxis in Plotinus's Ennead, Archai, 30, 2020, makes a stab at demonstrating the Plotinus synthesis by analyzing his simultaneity of practical actions and intellectual contemplation: IMHO, better understanding would state these two in reverse order of that given by Andrade, because in OBEed states of consciousness-without-an-object ((for a very clear explication, see Paul Schweizer's Advaita and the Philosophy of Consciousness Without an Object, Prabuddha Bharata, 125:1, January 2020, pp. 146-54: as regards an overview, this is the best piece I've read on the subject; as regards experiential personal testimonials, Franklin Merrell-Wolff is unparalleled, but, strangely, he did not bring to bear-bare his mathematician wherewithal in explaining how it is that this-these consciousness states is-are qua is-are relative to the nature of All-That-Is-And-Is-Not)), the states into which contemplation by concentration in Gurdjieffian inner-separation lead -- residual tension of extra-ocular and laryngeal muscles at zero action-potential on electromyograph, good offices of Edmund Jacobson's Biology of Emotions --, the very notion self-initiated action does not occur, and if it does, that appearance of an object in consciousness quenches the state; so, then, how precisely is that Plotinus simultaneity achieved? by increased baud-rate of consciousness accessing Relativity Theory's time dilation and spatial contraction so as, by R. D. Laing's The Divided Self, to voluntarily simply step out the door to the 1T2-only room in which slow-baud-rate binary-mind is confined? No amount of 1T2-only-calculus integration-summation, even in the limit, makes differential-and-difference-equation-SETtled mathematically designated space and time into the undifferentiated aesthetic continuum. It is necessary to start -- in the heuristic sense, the C+TC+-property of non-orientability insures without-end-because-beginningless -- with the latter as pregiven and C+TC+-logically being-there, understood as memetime-independently decomposable to 1T2-only objects in the former (the reversibility of the involutory decomposition having to do with the involved logical-value order-types, not with the myriad derivative formal gestalts that may be constellated by utilization thereof, 1T2-only objects/subjects being the most reduced of such cases). Implication implies -- heh-heh-heh! -- computability, which implies passing-time, polynomial or otherwise (elimination in reverse-involution of the 1T2-only-predicate-logic quantifiers constellating objects/subjects presumably would take more than monkey-theorem factorial-time and at the very least double-exponential-time, 2 to the 2-polynomial-in-n: but just think of all the predicate-quantifiers there are under the non-selfsame-number number systems extant by µTm-unto-CTC+ understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency, not relative to truth-value, and how this makes mincemeat out of memetime as runtime). However, on compacted (1T2ly speaking) C+TC+ Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround most-densely-packed (1T2ly speaking) sheet of MusculptManifold multisheeted-Riemann-surface-like BackCloth, M, there is no passing time, no computability, no implication -- just Pure Is-ness (both nirvisayaka and nirasraya). Thus (heh-heh-heh!), C+TC+ly speaking, giving reasons is unreasonable. Speaking in 1T2-terms, the only terms speakable languages permit: universal consciousness in its active aspect (cit-shakti) is the set of all topological operators (cf. 3-fold topologically-active operator-time) on the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space); universal consciousness in its passive aspect (cit) is the space acted upon (cf. C+TC+-AllBase). This is hardly anthropomorphization! Given the non-intentionality of cit and its C+TC+-condition of belonging neti-neti to [no}thing[no}one. But note that this account of The Meeting is one of demergence, of E.T.Bellian cyclotomic decompositional involutes, not of super[imp}o|sit|i|on, as in the monistic Advaita orientation to Vedanta as explicated by Adi Shankaracharya: adhyasa superimposition of the lower upon the higher not being the quantum superposition (of the memetime-independent and topo-active-optime decomposed transparent acetate overlays metaphorically representing CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency constituting multi-sheeted ma, the Shinto name for sacred space) to which demergent involution relates. Moreover, this account of cascade-theoretic cyclotomic demergence has the involved decomposition being a matter of orders of logical-value (pregeometry), those orders being understood as superordinate to ontological categories, as superordinate to ponderablespacememetime geometrodynamics, as superordinate to existential categories. Furthermore, our employed notion of orders of logical-value -- relating to relative-states of identity-transparency -- has less to do with Lukasiewiczian understandings than that suggested in the final conclusion, as the last two sentences, of Emil Post's signal paper on µTm-valued logics (Introduction to a General Theory of Elementary Propositions, Ph.D. dissertation published in American Journal of Mathematics, XLIII:3, 1921, pp. 163-85, to wit, quoting:
We must however take into account the fact that our development has been given in the language of 1T2 and for that very reason every other kind of system appears distorted. This suggests that if we translate the entire development into the language of any one µTm by means of its interpretation, then it would be the formal system most in harmony with regard to the two developments [cascade, reverse-cascade -- 1T2ly speaking: see, even when he tries to go µTm, 1T2 sneaks in].
Post himself never followed up on this italicized if. Nor, so far as I can see, has anyone else. And I believe that such follow up is impossible, until (1) the notion truth-value is abandoned as the fundament of logic, and (2) holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt as mathematical notation is accomplished (a project -- admittedly no small project -- every monied person has shunned). The consensus interpretation of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logic is basically zero-one-referenced fuzzy logic, fuzzy truth-values in the unit interval [0,1], with distinction between the two types of logic -- Lukasiewicz, fuzzy -- being largely a matter of interpretations of implication operations (for discussion of this, see: Fuzzy logic or Lukasiewicz logic: A clarification, Sukhamay Kundu and Jianhua Chen, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 95:3, 1 May 1998, pp. 369-79), and not with respect to semantics of the infinitudes of logical-values available -- right-hand side of T -- and actualized -- left-hand side of T -- in a given proposition (as would be the case if the above-given italicized if of Post were followed out). This fuzzy orientation to Lukasiewicz logic is carried into cooperative game theory, even when those games are group oriented, as in coalitional resource games played under many-valued Lukasiewicz logic: the implication operations being handled as classes of piecewise linear polynomial functions with integer and rational coefficients on [0,1]n specifying payoff functions over task outcomes (see: Lukasiewicz Logics for Cooperative Games, Enrico Marchioni and Michael Wooldridge, Artificial Intelligence, 275, October 2019, pp. 252-78), and no use is made of the employed m-valued logic to in any way modify the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct status of the involved agents, be they individual or group (that is, identity qua identity of the agents is not fuzzy, let alone identity transparent; the involved identity is 1T2-only, despite use of many-valued logic to model the game). But be aware, that when transposed to the discipline of finance, fuzzy logic is most notably employed again vis-à-vis implication operations, e.g., to smooth over discontinuous payoffs (explicitly embracing Schrödinger's cat as having, at payoff time, degrees of deadnessaliveness: see, Fuzzy Logic for financial derivatives, Antoine Savine, Danske Bank, May 2016), that is, more generally stated, to knock-out part of the notional so as to smooth a barrier, uh, uh, to truncate-normalize a barrier -- which is a bit like (not a 2-state qubit like, and certainly not an n-state mu-it like) taking a boundary into being a boundary-without-boundary (cf. the holographic principle by which the boundary itself contains all the information contained in the space it encloses, i.e., the lower-dimensional somewhat contains the higher-dimensional somewhat, such that it is appropriate to reverse-cascade say Thou art That instead of to cascade-say That art Thou). Even when fuzzy logic is applied to analysis of banking crises (see, for instance, Fuzzy Logic and Its Uses in Finance: A Systematic Review Exploring Its Potential to Deal with Banking Crises, Mark Sanchez-Roger and Maria Dolores Oliver-Alfonso and Carlos Sanchis-Pedregosa, Mathematics, 7:11, 11 November 2019), no suggestion of substantively altering the institutional setting by use of such logic is made: fuzzy logic is to be employed so as to improve regulatory activities of the existing institutional base (this is analogous to the focus on implication operations discussed above). Even in attempts to find ways to restrict (see Derivatives and Rehypothecation Failure: It's 3:00 P.M., Do You Know Where Your Collateral Is?, Christian A. Johnson, Social Science Research Network, 15 July 2005; and Repo Markets, Collateral Re-use and Systemic Fragility: A Literature Review, Matteo Accornero, wherein optimality assessment is focused upon optimum regulation of the collateral multiplier; and Rehypothecation dilemma: Impact of collateral rehypothecation on derivative prices under bilateral counterparty credit risk, Yuji Sakurai and Yoshihiko Uchida, Journal of Banking and Finance, 48, November 2014, pp. 361-73, wherein it is suggested that bilateral counterparty credit risk [should determine] the amount of rehypothecable collateral) the inequities incumbent upon the waterfall structure (cf. cascade theory) of tranches at credit subordination in structured financial transactions, what is addressed is, again, analogues to implication operations, not the fractalization of ownability generated by collateral rehypothecation: indeed, the manner in which such fractalization has been handled is by handover of sole actual ownership of the whole collateral chain (read the IMF's Manmohan Singh writing on The Economics of Collateral-Chains, Banque Strategie, 299, January 2012) to the internationally most senior central clearing party clearinghouse qua derivatives clearinghouse, owned by-- godonlyknows, querulous [male}fic son and sire, surely. The pernicious subordination cynosure is justified by the clement servicing of systemic stability: too-big-to-fail and its dual feculence, too-small-to-own. One of the chief justifications for collateral rehypothecation per se is the notion of collateral scarcity, which, when proselytized, uh, uh, addressed even after the 2007-8 crisis, left out is frank discussion of the issue of non-simple ownability, the economic-financial quantum-based-technology spinoff of quantum non-simple identity (most clearly seen in re-use of asset-backed securities, particularly mortgage-backed securities). Skip back here a moment to The Meeting of the undifferentiated and the mathematically designated: an early Western approach involved numerology, gematria, kabbalah. When you number the numbering, you get non-self-identical numbers: this is neoPlatonist numerology. When geometry is thrown in, you have gematria as in, for instance, transliterating The Sermon on the Mount with straightedge and compass; also the kabbalistic Tree of Life. Gödel certainly must have taken inspiration from this in coming up with his notion of Gödel numbers. But, so far as I know, he didn't put Gödel numbering under m-valued Gödel logics (another variant on The Fuzzy, distinguished by implication operations, to include probabilities); had he done so, he would have made a close approach to exploration of Post's italicized if and reinterpreted the semantics of Gödel logics. If you have a proposition stating some characteristic of a given µTm-relative-state of identity-transparency, then the Gödel-numbered Gödel number numbering that proposition must be a non-self-identical number (the Gödel number and the Gödel-numbered Gödel number of that Gödel number are the same number in superposition; because the pre-pregeometry point numbered is the same point on C+TC+ AllBase; the nesting-foamed lattice of such points, and the order-types of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, come only with memetime-independent cyclotomic involutory decomposition, decomposition due to the fact that all decomposition products are already always all ways being-there on C+TC+ AllBase). Scarce collateral as scarce resources on a resource-depleting planet isare purely local -- as understood independent of the convertibility of the elements. Factoring convertibility into the resource pool involves the notion relative-state. Pricing of the resource pool should involve the pricing of µTm-relative-states not only the purely-local 1T2-aspect. The way to make such pricing possible is with a quantum-composite unit of account. Another way to talk about µTm-relative-state, which is a reduced form of CTC+-identity-transparency, is, as physicist Frank Tipler realized, to speak of the time-shapes induced by topologically-active operator-time -- the time-shapes of a given resource concretizing to the accessing logical-value-order-typed techno-regime corresponding. Scarce collateral as scarce resources could be much more efficiently employed were there a distributed-ledger mapping of the Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, planet Earth, generated locally-to-globally as integral to varied commodity backings of µTm-LETS currencies, in nesting-foams, as the quantum-composite unit of account becomes more and more precisely specified as data gathering and analysis ensues and indicator-measurables are e-commons computer-gamed. Nature's Own as Commons ought not be 1T2-only privatized; it should be µTmly internalized, because relative-state identity-transparency is the chief feature of the ultimate, of the AllBase aka CommonGround, that is of THE Commons. Where this analogical modeling should be goin' -- to the base-state 1T2-only cash métier of the currency unit, that métier being the natural occupation of the unit, with the µTm-tintinnabulations of its ensheaved values fine-grain tagged to indicator-measurables of externalities -- ain't gunna be where it's gunna go, given all the MSM stokers of our traducing ADHD-OCDed GLE, heh-heh-heh: the consonances of Yiruma's The Days That'll Never Come pretty well capture the inversion of the condition of our retrograde conditioning. The global monoscale, hence centralizing, programmable and metaprogrammable and metametaprogrammable, ,n cryptocurrencies, with [habit}uses established in the many megaurban smart [compli}cities, still transacting in bivalent markettes where the ejected blackrock scoria of externalities remain regarded as risible: those are the conditions of The Days That'll Come. How do we know? Bitcoin mining uses energy-guzzling proof-of-work meaningless-puzzle solving in its blockchain procedures (not the complex-actual-problem solving that would be required to open-source on the e-commons m-scenarios computer-game the tagging of n-tintinnabulating values upon currency-unit base-state) and, supposedly to solve and resolve this energy-guzzling condition, Ethereum went to low-energy proof-of-stake and from there to validators restaking staked ETH and/or rehypothecating software modules, even securing other assets outside Ethereum, with staked ETH on its pretty complicated and pretty high-entry-fee EigenLayer, a restaking collective (to me, this use of Eigen is again a case of the Trickster archetype giving proof-of-work, in that the m-Eigenvalues of the Schrödinger Eigenfunction qua wavefunction qua statefunction are not actually inculcated here in ETH EigenLayer, for absence of probability amplitudes or µTm-logics, take your pick). The ETH EigenLayer 32 ETH entry fee, plus the framework condition that gives restaking validators who acquire more 32 ETH blocks increasing chances of greater and greater rewards, insures another centralizing -- i.e., elitist -- feature beyond that of the cryptocurrency being defined over a global monoscale (instead of nesting-foams of quasi-fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary). Moreover, ETH rehypothecation is yet one more analogue to the focus on implication operations discussed above (to exclusion of the semantics of the logical values greater than 2). And since blockchaining is used by this quantum-based infratech, quantum superposition of Eigenvalues at rehypothecation is altogether precluded because the blockchain is employed specifically to insure certainty of non-quantum simple-identity by use of memetime stamp. I don't believe that AI will take this in a radically different direction. It's not AI that threatens the existence of humanity; it's the developers of AI. More precisely, it's the motivational framework embraced by the developers that generates the doctrine of uses that fundaments the threat funded by our revered venture 1T2-only-capital providing 1T2-only profit seekers.
Current applications of fuzzy and Lukasiewicz logics, IMHO as earlier stated, are entailment wagging the dog -- the logic-dog being se[man}tics of the m-logical values (man = dog; tics = values). Jokes are of interest here, and the frequency with which they are told: frequency-response windows to collective unconscious event gradients. Parenthetically, Nha Trang, my wife, has had a folklore scholar's interest in jokes and, particularly, the poetics of Vietnamese riddles: I'm sure that her discursuses on these and related subjects has influenced my thought in this area. Fear and loathing; regressed-archetypal event gradients; regression-in-service-to-the-collective-ego. Substitute memories. Mankind in Platonic amnestia (the wrong which is forgotten having been produced by the corporate self of selves, which is different from the self-production of autopoiesis -- the object not being the subject, and vice versa). I learned, as well, a lot about amnesia from Nha Trang: in her youth, during her undergraduate period, she was in a car accident. When she awoke some days later from the coma, she spoke only Japanese, her last-learned language (at that point Vietnamese, French, English, Japanese), couldn't remember who she was, and had to relearn the pedestrian uses of everyday objects. Her first three languages came back slowly, over the period while she was completing her undergraduate degree in Japanese language and literature, and winning a graduate scholarship to UC-Berkeley. Some early experiences of places and people were permanently lost, recounted to her by others. But English came back very well during her Masters studies; indeed, in his letter of recommendation for a Ph.D. fellowship, her English professor said that she was the best student of Old English he had had in 30 years of teaching! So, back to jokes. How many Polacks does it take to change a light bulb? This being a joke illustration I've used many times. Three: one to hold the bulb; two to turn the stepladder. Fear and loathing of 3-valued Lukasiewicz logic. Hear very few Polish jokes anymore. This Polish joke certainly was most often told in run up to WWII, in the period immediately prior to the Nazi invasion of Poland. The psychopompic logos-dog being wagged by its entailments nowadays, however, is elicited by the ever more frequent academic references made to logical-value order-types superordinate to 3 -- and subliminally signifying quantum non-simple-identity qua µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, uh, uh, that is, by subliminally-induced ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement, of the imports of those academic references, as eros-indicative of 2SLGBTQT+, ,n (to include the 8-fold way -- Gell-Mann's personal-unconscious epiphany-registration conflating Taoist way and Buddhist path may have been wave-guided by a non-regressed archetypal event-gradient, signified by, cum personified to, a Vanth, a Charon, a Hecate, a Hermes: note the notion of a nested-grid-system latticed-cascade as possibly integral to a general theory of process -- of the intrapsychic Anima-Animus transference immanent within each and every individual: the four Jungian basic psychological functions in introversion/extroversion under AA-projective-identification). Fits 8 to 12 actually fits 8-only: one of the myriad ways in which billionaires were created. Contrast that with I/im: not just looking into the glass; looking into the m-mirrorings of the looking-glass. Daemonikos, eh what! Daimon qua dispenser. Daemonicus' spondulix, bub, your tutelary deity no doubt. Demon-demoniac-demonarchy-demonitize. Cash-in, folks. Give it, with that skrilla. Setting up an Existentialist 1T2-only either/or planetarized in[vigil}at|or under the rubric of SCSS, social credit score system (see: e.g., Canada Links Citizen's Bank Accounts to Social Credit Score, Frank Bergman, SLAY, 18 March 2024) -- linked to soon-to-come BigBank cum CentralBank binary digital-only monies (see: e.g., Global CBDC Rollout Continues Apace, Kit Knightly, ZeroHedge posting via Off-Guardian.org, 27 March 2024). At least CBDCs come in boundaried geo-multiples, thus are not like Bitcoin, et al., defined over a borderless global monoscale -- all the good reasons for nature's tessellated multi-scale organizational framework being suppressed, no matter which of the many proposals for details of the global reset are offered up. Moola. Mon-mon-mon-O. Mono-this; mono-that! Not mere foibles. Sancti[mono}ious. As a collectively-reinforced insistence upon quantum-based-technology blockchained non-quantum simple-identity (old wine in a new bottle) in face of the well-booked repressing, and hence regressing, collective unconscious archetypal event-gradient established in compensatory abreaction to the ever more prominent awareness by physicists of the existence of indistinguishability of quantum somewhats. Dress the quantum-non-simple in simplistic Cartesian-Newtonian clothes, why don't you! Concretion of psycho-to-physical, a cosmic ConveDD -- mediated by logic-bivalence alone, no higher value than that. Voices paraded by the MSM like pebbledash spread over the reinforced concrete walls of the public house of discourse -- O, let the prodigal howl be no wolfish huff-and-puff burial ground for macmansion of the Three Little Pigs. Yes, the tide of coming-on events. Techno-ConveDDs galore, b2b -- brain-to-brain -- already well scripted as [techno}logical regression of suppressed µTm-relative-state identity-transparency. Hard to get one's head around the myriad articulations across so many fields of human activity summing to-- what, exactly? Quite some memetime ago, I said that if this one got elected it would be a disaster; if that one, a catastrophe. The what the articulations are summing up to seem likely to be far worse than a mere catastrophe. The list is long. Take this one as a for instance: the first time I saw mention of it was in a natural health blog; now we have it in a peer-reviewing scientific journal: Impairment of the Endothelium and Disorder of Microcirculation in Humans and Animals Exposed to Infrasound due to Irregular Mechano-Transduction, Ursula Maria Bellut-Staeck, Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 11:6, June 2023 (for a popular account, see here). Consider that, atmospherically speaking and DNA-wise, infrasound is the m-valued aspect, the vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes that signature constant-entropy surfaces and as the coherent (i.e., acoustically-modified) waves emitted by helix-coil-transiting DNA pi-electron gas, waves that carry genetic information to membranes (cf. constant entropy surfaces) and beyond. Anthropogenically-produced infrasound is possibly far more pathogenic than Bellut-Staeck essays, if credence be given to this and this. But contextualize all that with what is in the offing as indicated in the recent human-artificial-chromosome (HAC) upgrade of TAR cloning tech (transformation-associated recombination, CRISPR-Cas9 nucleases pre-treated) as published in Science and described here in a University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine news release, 21 March 2024, with potential applications of designer chromosomes beyond medicine in agricultural bioengineering and synthetic biology mentioned here and in a Patrick Wood genetic takeover VDO. Quoting the Penn Medicine news release:
The potential advantages of artificial chromosomes -- assuming they can be delivered easily to cells and operate like natural chromosomes -- are many. They would offer safer, more productive, and more durable platforms for expressing therapeutic genes, in contrast to virus-based gene-delivery systems which can trigger immune reactions
Assuming, that is, that the quantum-wave properties of the DNA of which chromosomes are made have no substantive biological functions, to include immune system functions, e.g., frequency-response window as signifier for self-identity. Without that assumption, it is hard to imagine how formation, in due course, of autoantibodies, and in further due course, of anti-DNA antibodies could be avoided. Which brings us to a recent demonstration concerning SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus: TLR7 gain-of-function genetic variation causes lupus, Grant J. Brown, et al., Nature, 605:7909, 27 April 2022; and, on a more accessible level, Gene identified that causes lupus disease, Clinic Barcelona, 14 June 2022. What isn't explained is how the causative factors, e.g., emotional stress, say, induce the signifying variant of the TLR7 gene. My first communication with Wolfgang Luthe concerning quantum properties of autogenic brain discharges focused on SLE: see here and here. How so very artificial is our general intelligence, particularly as particularized to this or that exemplar of the global leadership elite, the GLE: ever thinking he's the dominant flute grousing about in playout of the capercaillies! Up to the neck in cack; boaking, he's gone trophotropic from being ergotropically set on preventing any sort of private or public penitence; thus, he is one of those who've most thoroughly succumbed to the Samson complex. Howff-bound is he now? Aye, and the walls closing in they are, aren't they. Hold the haggis, love! A bloke for tatties and neeps is ol' Josh U. What. Deep-structure innards long since spurned: still, through all the decades, reeling over the horror, the horror, dizzy with the surface-structure mystification, no real understanding yet attained -- the psychologism of ancient Greek Substantialism having been denigrated in post-WWII open-society historiography. What happened is why what happened happened. Boethius: the good get hammered; the bad command the hammerers, and profit thereby. As it was in Rome, so it is with us today. MOM -- MyOhMy -- when a whole civilization gives up the ghost and yet again spirals into a maddie-break: god's offal, to my binary-mind's eye. Squalling about this; bawling about that. Land of no-Smiles. O, Christ, no done nuffin'. Dinnet. Yeah, right, buddy. Honky-tonk jabberwalking the dissed downright bloody utter out the door, I dare say: 'hybridising' human identity through technological enablement (clearly a techno-ConveDD of pre-glutamate-etched-out µTm-relative-state identity-transparency: be aware that µTm, by incorporating 1T2, subtends the Bill of Rights, individuality not being nullified in I/im, only holographically m-modulated). Ah, yes, the sort of enablement that advances the already-well-established enfeeblement: a mystery, most might mime -- always supposing such like enigmas to be findable. Some of the harried might believe in the infratech-proselytizing purpose-built drivel; but less and less, it seems (see: e.g., RAND Corporation: 'Internet of Bodies May Lead To Internet of Brains' By 2050, The Sociable, Activist Post, 27 March 2024: quite a grand unification being forecast here), glints of insight flashing-over amongst the hoi polloi parrying the punches, persistently worrying over undue interest by the smart Physical Procurator of the PMB, the Population Management Bureau of the SRB, the Socius Review Board, of the HPSA, the Home Planette Security Agency (one terminal-terminus to which the grand unification leads, as discussed in Weaponizing Reality: The Dawn of Neurowarfare, Stavroula Pabst, Unlimited Hangout, 21 March 2024). If in national-liberation war -- the masses, according to Mao, being the sea through which the liberators swim -- innocent civilians were hard to definitively identify, then, in cognitive warfare, p2p having become b2b, such identification will not be a problem as there simply will be no civilians, innocent or otherwise. No arduous cross-training required, skill-set acquisition being by b2b memory transfers. Learn to play Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 in E in five minutes or less. Holy mackerel! Nah, it'll never work. Forgetting that the real value is found in the practice-induced states of conscious, not in display of the final result. Well, duh, museum-minded twit! Hardly hemisemidemineutral as regards historical preservation by freeze-framing surface-structures. No grok deep-structure metaculture, what. This is us past shutter-pull, gone blinds-down. If ponderablespacememetime distance and time are the binary-mind's 1T2-only way of handling cyclotomic decomposition involutes CTC+-unto-µTm, then what does that tell us about pathogenicity of the supposed so-called classical limit? Rhetorical question? Maybe so. Seekers after GUTs (grand unification theories) are interested in unifying theory of the very small with theory of the very large -- the middle scale-levels being covered, according to the reigning presumption, by Cartesian-Newtonian formulations concerning dynamical processes. It used to be that a unified field theory was sought; but, it's been realized by many that the very notion of field is insufficiently general to support a GUT. String theory and M theory more or less leave the field behind (see the comment made by Michael Price for clear-channel background on this issue). Leaving the mid-levels out (Planck and Einstein being regarded as having produced refinements of Newton and the statistical treatment of his basic laws) means there could be scale-invariant uniformization to a single GUT wherein scale-relativity is of no fundamental importance (be aware that scale-relativity and scale invariance can coexist relative to different parameters). Which bleeds over into: universal physical constants are scale-independent, and thereby single-valued -- not scale-relativistically n-valued. Which bleeds over into: m-valued logics (understood independent of the notion truth-value) as natural processors of the n-valued are not on The Road To Reality, a single 1T2-only GUT (including 2-state qubitic processors) being a complete guide to that Reality. That is, The Road To Reality is not 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ (this last-as-first codifying fullness of Pratityasamutpada, aka relative-state identity-transparency aka "interdependent arising" aka absence of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame identities), the stepping off point on Penrose's road not being superordinate to geometrodynamics, and not beginning with pregeometry, then not moving on into pre-pregeometry. Which bleeds over into: laws of nature exist, and they are a single unified set; that is, laws of nature, assuming that they exist, do not exist in multiple sets, such as of conservation laws, those sets being order-of-logical-value-dependent. This is the case because parsimonious nature adheres to Occam's principle of theory construction and razors away omnium-gatherum: less is more is nature's aesthetic. Heh-heh-heh.
I wonder what Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche's forecast would be were he to give credence to the following speculative notions: codons delivered to, and inserted in, the genome by modified-mRNA alter the frequency-response characteristics of DNA, to include frequency-response window as signifier for immunological isolation, thus setting in motion this.
I don't see how we could have hoped for stronger supporting experimental evidence, vis-à-vis our 1979 DNA-radiation-exchange model, than that provided in Parallel and Multivalued Logic by the Two-Dimensional Photon-Echo Response of a Rhodamine-DNA Complex, Barbara Fresch, et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6, 20 April 2015, pp. 1714-18. Prof. Fresch focused in on the central issue: thermalization under unitary Schrödinger dynamics; though, in our model, we leave the unitary aside, go nonlinear, and formulate the elemental quantum temperature oscillator relative to topologically-active operator-time. Quoting the Photon-Echo Response paper:
we demonstrate a two-dimension photon-echo (2D-PE) setup that allows evaluation of a multivariable logic function in parallel for all inputs and that delivers a macroscopic readout [this readout being the coherent waves produced by the molecule during helix-coil transition, these waves carrying all the information in the nucleotide-pair sequence, as well as so very much more in their m-logically-valued higher-temporal formants, this accomplished by means explained in our model] We report implementing logic on a 5'-carboxy-tetramethylrhodamine mounted on a short DNA duplex of 28 base pairs (TAMRA_DNA). We show below that being able to characterize and model the vibronic response of this single chromophore allows computation of the molecular trees of three variable Boolean functions, as well as four valued functions [here is the base-state, heh-heh-heh, for the non-single-level-enciphered µTm-valued-logic aspect]. This unit is also a potential building block because the DNA duplex can be used as a scaffold to assemble multichromophoric systems with finely tunable properties.
So, do we assume that the Lukasiewicz logic directly implied here relates only to entailments wagging the logical-values constituting the genomic god, uh, uh, I mean the palindromic dog, or do we investigate the notion that the values themselves carried by the emitted coherent quadripolar-wave readout biologically signify independent of the 2-valued Boolean truth-value attribution?
Clearly, the mathematical relationships (radiation-induced changes in transcription rates, frequency response windows, critical temperatures) detailed in our model of the quantum-wave properties of DNA (as explicated in our 1979 paper relative to the coherent waves generated by the ensemble of pi-electron-parcel quantum-harmonic temperature oscillators of the superconductant pi-electron gas core-environment at radiation exchange during helix-coil transition) could be evaluated with the experimental setup employed by Barbara Fresch, et al., as described in Parallel and Multivalued Logic by the Two-Dimensional Photon-Echo Response of a Rhodamine-DNA Complex. As I understand it, the readout (note, quoting the paper: the main features exhibited by the experimental data can be recovered by computing the third-order polarization with a molecular Hamiltonian comprising three electronic states and including explicitly an excited state of a vibrational mode. The nature and the energy of the higher excited state (f) involved is not known ; in our 1979 model, we expressly did not specify the nature of the emitted waves, other than to state that they are coherent, i.e., acoustically-modified; in order not to get into this issue, we designated the gravitational acceleration as the counterforce to the pressure gradient term, thinking of gravity-wave modes and the manner in which temperature oscillations function in the mechanics of a photoacoustic spectroscope) is from the chromophore-adsorbed laser dye, rhodamine, being fluoresced by the coherent waves generated by the superconductant pi-electron gas of the chromophore DNA in response to impinging laser pulses, the fluorescence properties being registered spectroscopically (somewhat after the manner of optical second-harmonic generation first demonstrated with rhodamine in 1982). The studies of Fresch, et al., have continued along the lines described in the above-linked 2015 paper, and moving into the nonlinear, as essayed in, for instance, Unifying Nonlinear Response and Incoherent Mixing in Action-2D Electronic Spectroscopy, Matteo Bruschi, et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14:30, 3 August 2023, pp. 6872-79 (wonderful in the current politicized cognitive environment that full text of this article is directly available online). Observe that the complexity considered has grown enormously, and yet they've retained the 1T2-only Boolean-function interpretation as detailed in the 2015 paper (the entire combinatorial space as 2n, not as Mn, cf. SFI complexity-theory's 2nk fitness landscape), taking an analog readout and digitalizing it by a scheme of normalization assignments (rather than going to, say, a Lukasiewiczian analog computational model). Some background as to the orientation auguring for retention of the Boolean-function interpretation is found here and here. In our 1979 paper, we adopt and adapt a Bohmian contextualization, with a topologically-active operator-time take on the pilot-wave notion which encourages a non-1T2-Everettian µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency interpretation of the m-valued Schrödinger wavefunction. Fresch, et al., in Pilot-Wave Quantum Theory with a Single Bohm's Trajectory, Francesco Avanzini, et al., Foundations of Physics, 46:5, 2016, move, according to my understanding, somewhat, but not decisively, in this µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency interpretation direction, as the m-valued property of a single trajectory is handled as indicative of (i.e., in relative-state to, the part thus containing the whole, in violation of the rules of 1T2-only logic) the distribution of configurations constituting fullness of the given subsystem of the environment in a multicomponent system. Why not take the plunge into µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency? Many collective and subliminal predisposing cognitive factors involved, surely. For one: what is being modeled here is the internalization of externalities -- which has all sorts of social science echoes, not only photon-echoes. The environment vis-à-vis DNA is an [organ}i|z(n)ational nesting-foam in the body-plant-organism to include viruses and the natural surround of the body-plant-organism to include viruses. The µTm-interpretation contravenes the notion of natural selection of random mutations: the µTmly-superposed higher-temporal formants (cf. here and here and here as appropriately modified under topo-active optime and µTm-processing) constitute the selection mechanism which insures environmental fit -- not competitive fit. The notion random, in and of itself, precludes the [onto}logical as memetime-independently derivative of pregeometry-as-µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ [pro}positional logics -- C+TC+-CommonGroundAllBase altogether dismissing the possibility of randomicity, all cyclotomic involutes always and all ways already all ready being-therehere. Memetime-boundedness prefers evolution to involution at every cut of the linear-time line, heh-heh-heh! So, what are we to think of engineered m-mRNA, which does not take into account the µTmly-superposed higher-temporal formants of n-level genetic encipherment, and thus not only neglects intra-organismic functions like intracellular Zeitgeber as pi-electron-parcel temperature oscillation rate and immunological signification by frequency-intensity-waveform-response windows, but also the whole basket of externalities interacting with internal organismic functions? That that engineering conforms to the 1T2-only market imperative to excommunicate externalities and block formation of any model effectively characterizing their internalization? And consider what these banishments are likely to accomplish vis-à-vis full spectrum of Earth's biosphere, given the Doctrine of Uses governing origination and deployment of dissimulated-quantum-based infratech. The argument of our 1979 DNA-superconductant-pi-electron-gas model in no way denies existence of bivalent biological information processing -- giving its due to The Ego and Its Own, uh, uh, The Unique and Its [single-valued, non-relative-state] Property, its own ensconced I-am-the-world-hell[u}sin|nation carapace: the VRed sub-obj bivalent raised up, even with the involved binary-numerable susurrations being no mere adulations -- for 1T2 is a logical-value order-type of µTm; but it, our model, does maintain that functional integration within the organism, between organisms, and between the organism and its environment is primarily handled by µTm-logical-value order-types of processing superordinate to that 1T2.
Never underestimate the prescriptive-enculturation-socialization-orchestrated glutamate-etched brain's binary-mind's inability to imagine the reasons -- heh-heh-heh! -- for self-destruction of its carrier: Homo sapiens sapiens. And this inability displayed with pomp, a pomp that is [trans}parently self-righteous ebullient pomposity. Google acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes -- in quotation marks. It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search: that's the response, followed by instructions on how to properly Google. Then there are 4 results, all to my postings. No others use the term -- apparently. Why would Cornell physicist of dynamical meteorology, specialist in multiscale, nested-grid, numerical forecast modeling of tornadogenesis, Douglas A. Paine, have employed that term rather than acoustic gravity waves? MODES. Because of the word modes. The m-valued aspect he did not wish to hide from the imports of. We have the m-valued variable (that's n stacked values at a given instant of memetime, not n values appearing in sequence one after another spread over a memetime interval) µTmly processed. But, protest the expurgators, no atmospheric waves travel at the speed of sound. We'd be sonic-boomed to death! True enough. Nonetheless, does this hiding from imports of the word modes have anything to do with the famous divergence error associated with Richardson's primitive equation [PE] set for atmospheric dynamics? Quoting now from Vol. 1 of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, pp. 718-20:
-- the fact that a large-scale disturbance is subject to having the heat turned up, to suddenly having acoustic waves make Swiss cheese [e.g., acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes poking holes in the tropopause boundary, allowing drawdown of ozone, increased incidence and severity of local storms exacerbating the cfc problem along with the century of flaring and venting of natural gas from oil fields problem] out of the previously simply-connected structure of spacetime? You bet it does First sound waves were banished [from the PE set] by Charney in 1948; then gravity waves were similarly dealt with by him in 1955 What did Charney do to get rid of sound waves? He engaged in a little spontaneous localization. Richardson's PE set is not scale specific. Charney focused the set on large scale motions and thereby suppressed the spacetime scales at which acoustic wave frequencies propagate. How did he do this focusing? [Here is quoted Philip Thompson's Numerical Weather Analysis and Prediction concerning, to wit, the method of 'filtering' -- i.e., modifying the governing differential equations in such a way that solutions corresponding to some irrelevant aspects of the system's behavior are excluded ] Charney did not remove the spacetime scales at which acoustic wave frequencies propagate, he merely removed them from view! But what was actually filtered out of view? Acoustically modified gravity waves. The mixed state; the superposition [that's the modes, the n stacked values at a given instant of memetime that are µTmly processed]; the read on the connection between density and limiting values of controlling variables. [Consider, as regards these limiting values, the first sentence of the abstract to Large barrier behavior of the rate constant from the diffusion equation, Pierpaolo Pravatto and Barbara Fresch and Giorgio J. Moro, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 12 April 2023: Many processes in chemistry, physics, and biology depend on thermally activated events in which the system changes its state by surmounting an activation barrier.] Infrasound. The compressible physics. Oh, no. Here we go again! What is happening here? It is not the disturbance itself that is propagating with the speed of sound, but that the changing signature of the atmospheric mass dynamic is propagated as infrasound. The incompressible rotational wave gets trapped! A vanishingly small portion of the pressure perturbation disappears from view when the incompressible rotational wave begins to break. Kinetic energy and vorticity are concentrated within ever decreasing spatial and temporal dimensions But the wave space began as incompressible! What happens when limiting values are reached? A twist takes place and the continuing dynamic is rotated vertically as an irrotational compressible wave: infrasound But this can only be seen in absence of filtering.
This was minutely detailed mathematically, lavishly supported by atmospheric data, during the early-and-mid-1970s, as presented in preprints delivered to severe local storms conferences (for those preprints, see the CV linked immediately below, pp. 9-10). In 1974, an NSF grant report (as cited in Mike Kaplan's CV, p. 18: Paine, D. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1974: The linking of multi-scaled energy sources leading to atmospheric development, the hydrodynamic spectrum, Part I: A study in nonlinear wave interaction and Part II: A severe tornado-producing convective squall-line system. Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and Air Force global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Scientific Reports 1 & 2 for National Science Foundation Grant GA-35250, 140 pp) concerning the involved modeling efforts contained the following:
Blackbodies and blackholes exist within the spacetime frame of atmospheric dynamics nonlinear dynamics leading to a mathematical singularity in theta-space (horizontal rotation disappears within an isentropic framework) would remain an unsolved mystery if our only point of view was the Newtonian The progressive gravity wave is a manifestation of the transition from rotational to irrotational energy cluster of intense squalls radiating irrotational waves from its perimeter, a process whereby energy from the rotational wave is perfectly absorbed and then reradiated in the form of irrotational waves The Role of Energy Feeder Bands Attached to the Convective Nucleus. These trajectories take on the appearance of spiral helices adjoining the forward portion of the rotating storm and are comprised of undulating laminar flow along the axis of a roll cloud.
Until recently, I had not read Stephen Hawking's 1 March 1974 paper, entitled Black hole explosions?, Nature, 248:5443, pp. 30-1, wherein he first broached the topic of thermal black-body radiation released outside a black hole's event horizon, only his August 1975 paper entitled Particle creation by black holes, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 43, pp. 199-200; so, while at Cornell, I did not encounter the following from Hawking's 1974 paper, therefore did not ponder upon its specific implications as regards differences between Paine's and Hawking's thoughts on this matter of emitted waves. Quoting Hawking, circa 1974:
The Heisenberg operator phi can be expressed as. . . where the fi are a complete orthonormal family of complex valued solutions of the wave equation which are asymptotically ingoing and positive frequency -- they contain only positive frequencies on past null infinity The operator phi can also be expressed in terms of solutions which represent outgoing waves and waves crossing the event horizon where the pi are solutions which are zero on the event horizon and are asymptotically outgoing, positive frequency waves (positive frequency on future null infinity
Whilst Hawking was thinking in orthonormal terms, Paine was contemplating the modes aspect relative to J.G.Bennettian skew-parallelism cum skew-perpendicularity as geometric expressions of µTm-logics. Information that is logically 1T3-unto-µTm (understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to relative-state identity-transparency) is not registered by systems that are 1T2-only-logic bound. Orthogonality insures that information permittivity is 1T2-only. Another main difference is that Paine was applying the notion of 3-fold complex and hypercomplex, as he then called it, active time (see the paper linked immediately above), later renamed topologically-active operator-time; hence, he was not referencing the wave dynamics to passive, passing, referential linear-time, aka memetime. So, for Paine, information construed as carrying [his}story from a past null infinity and to a future null infinity was not a matter of concern: information was understood as cascading memetime independently µTm-unto-1T2 as decompositionally executed cyclotomically by topo-active optime. If the model is constructed in orthonormal terms, the information is bound, heh-heh-heh, to be of the plain-Jane type, as that is how µTm-unto-1T3 information is registered by 1T2-only systems. During that period, mid-to-late 1970s, I advocated forthright discussion of the m-valued-logic aspect; Paine demurred, arguing that since the atmospheric science community hadn't been able to assimilate the quantum and relativity aspects of cascade theory, they couldn't possibly deal with atmospheric dynamics as involving m-valued-logic processors. Nonetheless, this aspect of, say, tornadogenesis was then, and is now, by consideration of atmospheric acoustic analogues to blackhole computing, of considerable import to issues surrounding the black hole information paradox. So, what happens to that 1T2-only paradox if Hawking's Heisenberg picture, where operators are real-valued and time-propagated and observables considered to be the probability amplitudes associated with those operators, is exchanged for the Schrödinger picture where operators are unchanging qua memetime-independent (observables observable by glutamate-etched binary-minds being, by definition, those 1T2-only bound), and where, modifying Schrödinger, the m-values of the Schrödinger wavefunction are understood not as encoding probability densities memetime-propagated, but as representing topo-active-optime-demerged CTC+-unto-µTm-logical relative-states of identity-transparency (hence, geometrically involving J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity cum nonorthogonality of bases, as in, for instance, Development of nonorthogonal wavefunction theories and application to multistate reaction processes, Emily Michele Kempfer, Ph.D. dissertation, U. of Louisville, Kentucky, May 2023: featured among those reaction processes is ozone metabolism)? Consequences of ignoring imports of the modes whilst setting policies are likely to be-- what?
My I/im consider(s) theirits memetime-bound binary-mind's ego-carapace voidance of µTm-information permittivity as sort of being like [mis}taking (by saying 'I' to it) Husserl's inner horizon (analogous to an apparent horizon) for an Einsteinian absolute (event) horizon at both past and future null infinity: THE memetime-independent quantum-brain's µTm-info, not to mention its CTC+-info, coming in upon (as distinct from the roof-brain chatter internally-generated by 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains) the glutamate-etched observer's binary-mind passes on bye-bye and is never seen, or heard from, again (though that information remains being-there within dynamical archetypal gradients of the CCU, the cosmic collective unconscious qua universal consciousness). The quasi-Borel (set of all sets, µTmly including itself, of dimensionless points, closed under all unions, complements, intersections, finite and infinite) pre-pregeometry bucket of dust (qua Sri Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of Supermind), over which the nested m-valued-logic lattices of pregeometry are strung, serves a role with regard to logos topologically-active-operator-time demerging ontology C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm analogous to the manner in which Tyndall scattering allows seeing of the path of light (upon further demergence into 1T2-only existential becoming). In that sense, m-valued-logic information is outside the light cone, beyond nullness, in acausal elsewhere, so far as binary-minds are concerned -- the exemplar of those lugubriously-inner-talking minds being our prototypic member of the GLE Global Leadership Elite, Sire Guerry Guile. Uxorious, not so much; irremediable, yes; interrogatory, he is not -- tut. Dismal, what -- objectively evaluated. The VR they, the GLE, are trying to create with their infernal infratech: a VRing of the VR which is Buddhologically Maya. They daren't believe the facts; that would undermine their fanciful sense of single-valued qua simply-identifiable selfsame self-being: in[divid}u|al [per}sons. Nunk-uh. Too bloody right, lah. I've repeatedly found that the actuality of that and this human behavioral puzzle was far worse than I was capable of imagining. The P. Principle -- Planck, not Peter -- apparently doesn't apply to C+TC+-unto-CTC+-unto-µTm and precursors back to N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem. Each new generation has squeamished its way around the specter of a resurrected conscious awareness of pagan-animistic identity-transparency. Diagonally skew-arrange chairs in a room, objects on a coffee table, standing framed pictures on a desktop. Then see what percentage of people automatically, giving no thought to the activity, absently rearrange things in perpendicular array. Super-ob-gra cilious-sequious-tuitous, humph! Orthogonality is so thoroughly glutamatergically anchored to 1T2-only molecular-cellular brains that bleed in upon conscious awareness of THE quantum brain's µTm-processing is pretty much proscribed for the normative normotic, and when fleetingly registered in awareness is formed into groupthought mass formation psychosis. In the base gym locker room, Eielson AFB, Alaska -- that base a locus of SAC B-52s and U-2s -- circa the Cuban missile crisis, I overheard premortems; after that, such like pretty much faded until 9/11; since then, premortems have become pedestrian as echolalia instances of a kind of pre-[pretrib}rap VDO. The peer-reviewer of our ferally-quelled unpublished 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement was scathing in his dismissal. But juxtapose Figure 2 from that paper depicting THE quantum-brain's quasi-Borel pre-pregeometry 'bucket of dust' over which the nested m-valued-logic lattices of pregeometry are strung with the Graphene's Grids diagram provided in A New Twist Reveals Superconductivity's Secrets, Charlie Wood, Quanta Magazine, 16 March 2021. Our figure related to a notion as to the import of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA superconductant pi-electron gas vis-à-vis quantum-brain function and function-space structure. Their grid is AI-computerized; mine, ran on imagination simulation. But our 1979 model was not only about DNA twisting through multiple sheets (cf. the Skyrmion Pairs illustration in Wood's article) of articulated pi-electron parcels (cf. fractional quantum Hall effect, circa 1982), it was also about Twist and Shout! The shout being the emitted coherent quadripolar waves carrying all the information in the nucleotide-pair sequences, as well as so µTmly very much more. It may just be that the quasiparticle zoo is all about µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency, not truth-values. In regards to genomic multi-level encryption, think skyrmions? In regards to DNA shout, think polaritons? In regards to C+TC+ AllBaseCommonGround most dense sheet of Riemann-surface-like BackCloth universally covering MusculptManifold, M, think anyons in extended Abelian topological order?
Am I suggesting that µTm-LETS predicates a room-temperature (this link has good information but half of my tries it won't open; try here as an alternative) analogue to economic superconductivity ((observe that our model(s), given here and here, of room-temperature superconduction are based upon analysis of temporal ordering, actually topologically-active operator-time-executed ordering, not spatial ordering, and do(es) not require zero friction: what's required is, quoting the first of our papers linked above, This [involving the complex and hypercomplex angular momentum cascade way of treating topologically-active operator-time: read the paper], in turn, manufactures momentum at the larger lengthscale which exactly compensates for the loss the system suffers through external friction. THE INVOLVED 'EXACT COMPENSATION' IS THE NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR SUPERCONDUCTANCE ))? Ack, aye, here we have yet another casting the aspersion that my thought process involves (such aspersions I have repeatedly sustained since childhood, aspersions which I imagine would be easily expectorated by members of the GLE, global leadership elite, many of whom, if not a quorum, being, apparently, quibbling pedantic pedophiliac pettifoggers-cavilers) identification of apparent evidence as teleological attractor, even as fractally-strange teleoattractor: knee-jerk posit a conclusion, rationalized as intuitive leap, and identification with (i.e., introjection to Umwelt) that conclusion will predispose to a discoverable evidential sequence conforming to a 1T2-only-logic march, chaotic or no, coherency of such march considered a proof. But consider that, in our two above-linked papers, temperature is not defined in the usual consensus fashion; rather, it is handled such that, to wit, again quoting our first-linked paper, The macroquantum description of a superconductant domain treats TEMPERATURE AS A MAP OF DIFFERENTIAL SPIN whose temporal configuration is PRECISELY described. The temperature of hot money is a function of what? The speed it moves in and out of 1T2-only markets. This is an analogical generalization of the statistical molecular-theory-of-gases definition of temperature. Given the peculiarities of my thought process, I've protested, 1975 onward, the simplistic extension of the molecular-theory-of-gases definition of temperature to atomic physics and, especially, to elementary particle physics (change of molecular motion to particle motion) -- and their analogues on whatsoever scale level. Under m-valued scale-relative universal physical constants µTmly processed, there is some LSTD's (limited spacetime domain's) absolute zero and some LSTD's Planck temperature at every degree kelvin. Paine was implying this from the mid-1970s. The quantum correlations qua relative-states debated in the controversy over the EPR paradox, IMHO, are not matters of superluminal propagation, but of non-conformance to orthogonality, which is to say, but matters of µTm-unto-CTC+-logical relative-states of identity-transparency (geometrically involving J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity of bases on Tzog-chen AllBaseCommonGround and E.T.Bellian cyclotomic decompositions thereof): no memetime lapse; no spatial translation; only logical-value-order-type superpositioning. This notion abides by J.S.Bell's inequalities, as overtly suggested by the following taken from WiKi (which now makes the user type out quotations, thus, adding yet another way of reducing human productivity worldwide):
Bell showed, however, that such models can only reproduce the singlet correlations when Alice and Bob make measurements on the same axis or on perpendicular axes. As soon as other angles between their axes are allowed, local hidden-variable theories become unable to reproduce the quantum mechanical correlations. This difference, expressed using inequalities known as Bell's inequalities
So, under such nonlocality, how is temperature-defining motion defined? Uh, uh, that is, under CTC+-unto-µTm logics understood independent of the notion truth-value? Absent a locality reference (in ponderablespace and memetime), motion is not simply definable. Such definability comes only upon logic-reduction unto 1T2-only (bases orthogonal). If the pi-orbital electrons of the pi-stacks of DNA at ambient-radiation-bath-facilitated critical-temperature helix-coil transition form sheeted pi-electron-parcel-gas temporal articulations (in the DNA case, it may not be charge that is superconducted, and the Meissner effect may be absent), are the correlations 1T2ly-orthogonal-local only? Are they µTmly-skew-perpendicular-nonlocal? Are they both, µTm incorporating 1T2? Under the latter two cases, how could temperature be simple-motion defined? Is economic temperature a mere matter of the velocity of money? How about acceleration of money? No. That's inflation. Inflation injects relativity into an equilibrium-governed gravitating-on-a-price classical market economy. Acceleration takes gravitation-as-force flat Newtonian space and time into spacetime curvature as gravitation. What does time-rate-of-change of acceleration take spacetime curvature into? Topological non-orientability -- spatially and temporally. Is location simply definable, is propagation simply definable, under such non-orientability? Is price simply definable under time-rate-of-change of acceleration of money? Why not? What is the bottom line here in the ledger distributed throughout the subsystem-system-supersystem composite constituting the global economy? Identity-qua-identity is the answer to that fundamental question -- as an econometric 1T2-somewhat actually a µTm-whatnot. Part and parcel. In medieval painting, the same figure qua person can appear more than once in a given picture plane (here we have yet another subject, heh-heh-heh, Google is apparently unable to deal with). This instance of multiples is generally explained in art history class as being premised upon representation of time passage. I hold that this was not always the case; that a doppelganger was being depicted, and that the double was a cultural lag from animistic-pagan participation mystique qua relative-state identity-transparency. Were found that actually to have been the case, then my argument would involve the contention that the idiom part and parcel -- parcel indicating something integral with a whole -- originally meant part is parcel, i.e., that there is identity transparency between part and whole, that the whole is in relative-state to the part, that, indeed, speaking CTC+ly, the whole Cantorian C+-whole is contained in the C-part and can be reconstituted therefrom (this being a superordinate evocation of inner-Musculpt, elaborate conscious access to which being how Mozart was able, hearing only part of a mass, later to sit down and write out the whole mass note for note).
Ah, yes, the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; the quantum domain, the Newtonian domain, the domain of General Relativity. But even with a trinitarian worldview construct, there is no unalloyed embrace of 1T3-logic; remaining unchallenged, thus, is obsessive-compulsive attachment to bivalence: GUTs attempt to 1T2ly unify Father and Holy Ghost-construed-as-geometrodynamics. And the Father is understood as generative-emerging, atomistic and clockmaker-realist automatistic; not understood as decomposing-demerging under logical-value order-types, such like being tacitly regarded by the churchish consensus cohort as an Anathema, as being of the "paranoiac-critical" type of Surrealist automatistic, as productive of the pseudohallucinatory by operations of pareidolia, synaesthetic and eidetic at its worst. Space and time of the mid-range, of the Son, of the domain of human experience is considered to be isotropic and homogeneous: simply-same spatially at every point, in every direction; simply-same at every instant, in every duration interval, regardless of direction of flow, i.e., time-reversal invariant -- containing no tessellations, no laminations, no LSTDs limited spacetime domains, no operational order-types such as of operator-time, no nested conservation laws, no scale-relative universal physical constants. Because in many ways ideationally violating this consensus view, I've oft been regarded as engaging in delusional thought, of chronically seeing connections between the unrelated (as if there could be such as the unrelated in a holographic universe characterized by demergent hypersurreal-surreal CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency: heh-heh-heh!), as being an early-stage-schizoid apophenic persistently subject to the schizotypal clustering illusion (my reposte: the claim that random and pseudorandom authentically exist, IMHO, is epiphenomenal to the binary-mind's memetime-boundedness, the clustering-illusion claim being a subtle tacit way to proscribe topologically-active operator-time as executor of non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of demergent hypersurreal-surreal propositions). How could any µTm-relative-state take not be schizotypal? queries my I/im. Asking that question, one -- heh-heh-heh! -- simply wonders, indeed has to wonder, how schizophrenia is man[u}fact|ur\ed. This deep-structure homogeneity-cum-isotropicity context for human affairs being The Context for monocultural homogenization of Homo sapiens sapiens, it is no longer necessary to ask why there was such extraordinary naivete concerning Bitcoin, and the like, being defined over a global monoscale. Even in lamenting fall of the Bitcoin ideal, no mention is made (see, for example, Jeremy Tucker's What Happened to Bitcoin?, ZeroHedge reposting from The Brownstone Institute, 19 April 2024) of the role played by that centralizing monoscale operational parameter in facilitating that fall away from the blockchained crypto-p2p-monetary-financial social imaginary ideal: under a multiplicity of µTm-LETS currencies implemented in nesting-foams, such a global usurpation-transmogrification (qua hijacking) as Tucker describes could not occur.
Pellucidly, if not altogether transparently clear-channeled, the IMF, in going back to basics does not go back far enough to evaluate framework determining conditions such as the order of value of the logic employed: only 1T2-only prices are considered in reaching the conclusion that, as regards Externalities: Prices Do Not Capture All Costs, Thomas Helbling, Finance & Development, International Monetary Fund, n.d. As I've been saying all along: the commons, the [common}wealth, public goods -<<<>>>- (1) independent of the free-rider problem (in our µTm-case allowing to actors relative-states of identity-transparency, aka hau, not as honor as Marcel Mauss had it in The Gift, the theory of collective action involved is not that of the n-discrete-prisoner's dilemma, but of the Mnk-[em}path's order-type as mapped over framework determining conditions, e.g., Everettian-vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock); and (2) independent of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem (echoing Abel's Impossibility Theorem, one of the better arguments for m-scenarios-quantum-analogue, open-source, e-commons, µTm-Lukasiewicz-Post-analog computer gaming, qua VirFut Q-Pro simulation, of fine-grain tagging of indicator-measurables, to include those of externalities, in value-stack ensheavement-superpositioning upon base-state of µTm-LETS currency unit -- as consensus-building decision algorithm, rather than by Newtonian-Lockean summation-of-forces-analogue voting cum referenda, not to mention not by legislation and regulation and executive fiat); and (3) independent of Arrow's value pluralism (which is not logical-value pluralism, e.g., µTm-processed m-valued-price transactions) -<<<>>>- are not wholly-ownable, not, that is, simply-ownable for not being non-quantum simply-identifiable absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct discretes (air and water, for two instances, are, in their pure utilitarian state, non-friable irreducible collective goods which cannot be adequately priced under the same logical-value-order-type as simply-numerable objects-products). The above is with regard to internalization of externalites primarily through the monetary system and competitive market mechanisms as distinct from bargaining, rather than via self-governing social imaginaries like self-fencing imposed by, say, grievance-chant sanctioning. Then there is internalization of governance functions, be they corporate or governmental or privatized-governmental, which also cannot be adequately 1T2-only priced: the research done on this I find to be slim, though as regards corporate governance, one keiretsu-like conclusion is suggestive of identity-incorporation-qua-introjection, a tentative approach to establishing µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, as essayed in Internalizing governance externalities: The role of institutional cross-ownership, He Jie and Huang Jiekun and Zhao Shan, Journal of Financial Economics, 134:2, November 2019, pp. 400-18. The internalization therewithin analyzed relies upon proxy voting, a fundament of Newtonian decision science -- therefore not likely to further cross-ownership into close approach to the efficiencies that can be supposed associated with quantum µTm-relative states and organizational implementation of the holographic principle whereupon contents of the corporate-structure or government-bureaucratic function-space are mapped upon the boundary-without-boundary of that space. Within demergent (the computer graphics term is mesh generation) µTm-LETS nesting-foam, the changing of tessellation quasi-fractal e-boundaries (i.e., modification of jigsaw puzzle tile shapes, cf. tessellation planning) of LETS-currency areas (think: µTmly-adaptive mesh refinement) would automatically yield, with regard to the functions indicator-tagged and ensheaved upon base-state of the given currency's unit, programmed changes in the management-administrative function-space -- the programming involved being carried out via open-source e-commons computer-gaming (in lieu of blockchained-solving of meaningless math problems à la proof-of-work and of establishing proof-of-stake) in the fashion of m-scenarios strategic planning (this being local within each tessellated currency area on each level of the monetary-system nesting-foam, there is no issue of centralized comprehensive master planning or command economics involved). But given vertical integration tantamount to establishing a nature-denying monoscale system and horizontal amoeba-like, slime-moldy, M&A-PacMan-phagocytotic globalization tantamount to compaction-ingestion to a single tessell-qua-vertexset-- hmmm. For those in principle opposed to planning per se, I point out how ignominious it is to blanket depreciate planning qua planning as being a depredation -- and ask Can Planning be a Coherent Free Market Behavior? Every businessman, investor, speculator, single proprietorship, corporation engages in some sort of planning (as do many individuals with their life plans): and there are many kinds of planning, e.g., disjointed incrementalism, tactical improvisation, multiple-scenarios strategic planning -- not only comprehensive master planning, command executed or no. There are many scale-levels cum echelons, managerial as well as governmental, upon which planning can be undertaken -- not only central versus local, hierarchical versus flat. Plans fall into sectors of activity, such as land-use, revitalization, economic development. Implementation methods are myriad -- not only zoning, legislation, regulation, executive orders, taxation, subsidies, but also the computer programs developed by quants and used by hedge funds to execute their investment-speculation strategies and tactics. M-valued monetary units µTmly analog processed may be the most sensitively modulatable, the closest realmemetime-updatable at rendering, hence the most efficient, of implementation methods.
Repeatedly, beginning quite a few years ago, I've copied from our websites the oft used term Gödel-numbered Gödel number, and still, as of today, Google cannot find that term. Why that failure has been the case for so long a period has never to me been mysterious -- particularly so, as this search term is but one example among many yielding similar results. I have no doubt that the first rollicking-ridicule disparagement of search engines (particularly as regards the impact of command-imposed EEI, essential elements of information) transpired at Strategic Research and Analysis SRA/MACV-J2, circa immediate post-Tet 1968, the Control Data Corporation CDC-written search engine then falling tacitly-for-nonnerd-users under the blanket rubric IDHS, intelligence data handling system (this system arguably being one of the unacknowledged factors explaining why the U.S. did poorly in the VN war). During 1968, analogous to Googling a copied term, I queried the command hierarchy by leaving out a boldface EEI element in response to intel levies from on high (from the Pentagon, the Paris peace conference, only Westy's replacement knew how high -- delivered to SRA via the MACV dippity DIP, Director of Intelligence Production) and found that the left-behind EEI element went unnoticed (at one point its absence was placed on display in a national news magazine, featured even) -- thereby confirming my intel estimate that the high muckamucks didn't know diddly-squat let alone could tell s*** from Shinola. So, that lesson having been learned from the war during my early-twenties, I've since -- though not being an autist or an Aspergerian -- always felt that, karmically speaking, they, the GLE global leadership elite, ought to receive the implied logically-necessary consequences (their theorems on my axioms!) of their self-imposed cognitive-impairment entailments. :-) It's interesting to ponder upon why innocuousity of the binary-mind has yet compensationarily-qua-compensatorily to congenitally or suddenly or traumatically induce into existence a high-functioning, even prodigious, acquired savant adept at Gödel numbers -- not to mention a µTm-quantum-mind-induced savant of Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers. How is it that the savant binary-mind gains partial access to µTm-processing and finds 1T2-ways to assimilate that m-valuedness? Ever since reading Nagel-Newman's Gödel's Proof during Fall Semester, 1963, I've off and on been looking for material on Gödel-numbering coding schemata unrelated to Gödel's proofs, and finding zilch -- until now. Right here, in this series of exchanges, Jason Hadnot insistently states a similar orientation, to wit, quoting:
I'm not trying to understand how the incompleteness theorem is proved, even if the impetus behind Gödel numbering is to prove the incompleteness theorem, but merely if there is an isomorphism between certain elements number theory and formal systems, including axioms and theorems.
What interested me about Gödel's proofs was not his proofs or what they proved, but his notion of numbering propositions; and later, circa 1975, after reading Emil Post on µTm-valued logics, what Gödel's use of self-reference might suggest about identity-transparency relative-states and representability thereof (given my childhood history, my foremost interest in this was personal-psychological -- which doesn't mean I was unaware of its implications regarding µTm-reinterpretation of Everett's 1T2-interpretation of m-valued Schrödinger). To me, and possibly only me, like Abel's Impossibility Theorem concerning the general quintic was an existence proof for trans-al-jabr, Gödel's negatives concerning 1T2-only-arithmetic were positives regarding the self-referential basis of Post's unexplored last thought concerning the relativity of the logical-value order-types of µTm-valued logics. Will Harwood amplifies on Hadnot thusly:
Gödel numbering is just a coding of sentences into numbers. Yes, as has been pointed out there are many possible coding. The only thing that is really important is every sentence gets a unique representation as a number. The point about such a coding is that everything you can do to manipulate sentences can now be done by number theoretic functions. Schema present no particular difficulty, provided we get the coding right we can have a function for instantiating any instance of a schema i.e. a function that takes a number representing a schema and some numbers representing the items to be instantiated and delivers a number representing the instantiation.
But it is Harwood's afterthought, like Post's last thought, that really gets my attention:
One minor aside on the number of axioms: any finite list of axioms can, of course, be represented as a single conjunctive axiom, and so can be made to correspond to a single number under coding.
As described in the last portion to the second volume of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, I struggled with this, not in the 1T2-logical case as conjunction (though I did view this in 'as if' recursive mapping terms: Moon, Vol. 2, p. 668), but as regards the orders of self-reference involved in the µTm-logics of relative-state identity-transparency qua generative empathy qua participation mystique qua Buddhological compassion, and my Eureka! -- valuable or not -- was encapsulated verbally as Number the numbering!, i.e., Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (where the coding schemata vary from logical-value order-type to logical-value order-type; the codings I was and am interested in being apropos, not arithmetic, but holographically techno-exteriorized ideaesthetic inner-Musculpt colored-sounded forms and their transformations, not proved, but practopoietically evolved through use like a natural language grows). Inner-Musculpt: demergent; exteriorized-Musculpt: emergent. Jean Paul Schemeil in response to Hadnot makes a suggestion relevant to what I have been unable to make progress upon, to wit, quoting Schemeil from the same series of exchanges:
pick a specific theory [ ], formalise the axioms and define different codings and see whether, with respect to what you are trying to investigate, it is possible to establish how a particular choice of coding affects the nature of the numbers coding your axioms. [IMHO, under µTm-unto-CTC+, the Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers are non-selfsame numbers.]
In my case, as regards holographically-exteriorized Musculpt, missing is the synaesthetic-topos theory, the µTm axioms (though a somewhat tongue-in-cheek stab at this was made in Moon, Vol. 2, p. 668), the computational-topology codings -- and a precise idea as to how these codings should systematically alter (somehow knot theoretical? canonical transforms symmetry protected?) vis-à-vis logical-value-order-type quantum jumps made involved in transit µTm-unto-CTC+. Specific ideas evocative of such codings I have yet to encounter, but I have recently become aware of some ideational movements in the direction of such Musculpt-relevant codings. In Computing with Infinite Data: Topological and Logical Foundations, Dagstuhl Seminar, 9-14 October 2011, we find:
The theory is based on a category of digit spaces. A typical object in this category is a compact metric space with a set of digits, where each digit is a contracting map [cf. on the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space]. A point [think: pre-pregeometry bucket of dust mote-of-internal-motes, in this case non-Borel] is then an infinite sequence of function (digit) compositions [think: µTm-unto-CTC+ remergence] and hence represented by the corresponding infinite word. Moreover, for any given finite length [cf. correlation length indicative of a given remergent logical-value order-type understood relative to relative-states of identity-transparency], the words of that length over the alphabet of digits define a covering of the given space [i.e., of a given logical-value order-type] that allows to exactly locate the points [inside points inside points, i.e., are interiors and exteriors of one another, qua clocks inside clocks inside clocks as regards executions made by 3-fold topologically-active operator-time] represented by infinite words of digits.
That this warm-golden dust of Supermind category is not Boolean is clearly indicated by the following on subbases -- in terms of Tzog-chen AllBase, a term I've adopted for most-dense sheet of MVRS BackCloth -- as given in the next paragraph of Computing with Infinite Data:
H. Tsuiki [link added] is pursuing a similar programme, though, from a different perspective. In his case, e.g., every infinite object is represented by exactly one infinite word over { 0, 1, \bot \}, where bot represents unknown. [This is an application of 3-valued-logic SQL, structured query language.] It turned out that the encoded space has at most topological dimension n, exactly if there are not more than n occurrences of bot in the corresponding infinite code words. [As regards metrically-nested demergent sheets of MVRS BackCloth, topological dimension would be the number of logical-values (Tsuiki's 3VL bot being a black box stand-in for the higher values of µTm) -- not coordinates -- required to identify a point-object-proposition in the involved logical subspace, where definition of the form of an object is not by Wittgensteinian constituent of state of affairs as object-1T2-combinations, but as object-µTm-relative-states: during late-1968, Jack Waldron was reading Tractatus at U. of Washington hand in hand with the twenty-some beige-raw-silk-bound volumes of Sri Aurobindo's Collected Works, wherein warm-golden dust is essayed; Tractatus-Aurobindo discussions with Jack prompted me to order a copy of Aurobindo's encyclopedic set -- costing 50% of my total net worth at that time -- as well as of basic Wittgenstein.]
Of course, my I/im are interested in the full spectrum of µTm-unto-CTC+, not only in the 1T3-only case. Aspects of inner-Musculpt semantic signification (likely to be helpful as regards gaining insight relative to the spectrum of meanings attachable to logical values superordinate to those 1T2 and beyond 1T3's simply "unknown") in my limited experience involve properties of photismic, shape-shifting, colored, polymorphic sounded-forms: changes thereof are spontaneously associated with contextualized meanings; governing conventions are assumed; what these rules are have been opaque to me. Elasticity, then, is one such aspect. Advent of 3D printing has facilitated advances in the study of this subject vis-à-vis warping of aperiodic lattice tilings (if not jigsaw puzzles). A computational method for determining the linear elastic properties of 2D aperiodic lattice structures, Chikwesiri Imediegwu, et al., Journal of Strain Analysis, 58:7, 2023, pp. 590-602, provides a window into this aspect. Quoting an observation that resonates with the dynamics of reverse-cascade remergence unto Tzog-chen AllBase most-dense sheet of MVRS BackCloth:
an aperiodic pattern is generated by substituting each prototile by scaled-down prototiles based on unique scaling ratios as illustrated in Figure 1. For conciseness, we refer to this scalingdown process as a deflation [cf. remergence] going forward. An aperiodic pattern generator algorithmically deflates prototiles over several [as regards AllBase, C+ many] deflation levels [cf. those µTm-unto-CTC+] to generate the aperiodic pattern of choice. We refer to the first prototile generated at algorithm commencement as the prime prototile, which has dimensions much larger than that of the patch of interest in order to fully cover the patch with tiling after deflation is complete. A stopping criteria [as regards AllBase, the appearance of warm-golden dust motes] for the deflation process is often predefined to meet pattern resolution requirements.
Figure 7 of Imediegwu, et al., employs color fields to depict displacement magnitudes of elasticity matrix, color fields that closely resemble early-stage onset of inner-Musculpt symformphonie.
In my judgment, the hu-hu-[hu}man species has progressively been sustaining a collective ischemic insult ever since N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr was dissimulated as being a mere Impossibility theorem -- and that, even though many people are now well aware of signs and symptoms and differentially speculate on the proper mass-formation diagnosis, there is still no real insight as to deep-structure pathogenesis of the collective psychosis. This condition has become so elaborated that when Bitcoiners say decentralized they speak from the 1T2-only p2p egofunction, not from POV of the subsystem-system-supersystem composite of the global quantum economy's µTm-unto-CTC+ statefunction (however veiled that function is by use of only 1T2-only-currency prices). Scalability of 1T2-only-p2p-egofunctional transactions in Bitcoin is a major problem for the blockchain, so rectification resort has been to [1] block-size increases decreasing block time ((scratch is slang for money and these Bitcoin block-size increases are not very unlike variables-cum-operators block renaming {how much Freudian slippage is that?} in 1T2-only Scratch, a tentative programming-language step toward holographic Musculpt as user-friendly interface to transactions in µTm-LETS nesting-foams)) and [2] scaling by adding monetary layers ((the collection of these is not the same as a µTm-value ensheavement -- Google, I note, would have us believe this is enslavement, heh-heh-heh: think ischemic insult -- upon base-state of a LETS currency unit, nor are they the multiple sheets of µTm-LETS nesting-foams defined over quasi-fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary)), which layering is not very unlike, if opposite in direction, the scaling renormalization employed by Jules Charney to banish from forecast models telltale quantum properties of multiscale atmospheric dynamics, i.e., m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes.
Aye, I don't believe the tornado's wall -- that whirligig's event horizon, which is rippled by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes -- is like the Great Wall of China. Despite Kierkegaard's Either/Or, my I/im reject the tacit assumption of both Hawking and Susskind, early and late into their war and the associated bet, as to the bivalent in-or-out nature of the blackhole's boundary. I've used the term boundary-without-boundary to distinguish my take from that of Hawking-Susskind. IMHO, nature's boundaries profoundly differ from those manmade, and not only with respect to fractality, attractive or no. TOM -- temporal order of memory -- im[pair}ment (a bivalent-logic interdiction) is involved here on part of the measurement problem, particularly if that TOM notion be considered relative to cosmic demergence under 3-fold (cf. 3 orders of Wick-rotated and temporally-CURLed spacetime) topologically-active operator-time and with regard to the idea that universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. Moreover, I've never been overinterested cum overinvested in, nor overestimated the value of, the prevailing consensus mathematical details because I believe that the 1T2-only-built Weltbild is so hugely reductive as to be in the realms of Anathema and I've never bought into the Doctrine of Uses governing the direction of technological development which our GLE global leadership elite has chosen ever since the mid-19th century when the industrial revolution got seriously underway (and a collective unconscious decision for human species suicide was taken in hysterical back-reaction to N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr: Give me simple-identity or give me death!). Furthermore, I opine that it is extremely likely that holding to the classical limit, which banishes quantum-relativity physics from macroscopic atmospheric dynamics, leads to (1) gross misunderstanding of climate dynamics, and (2) thorough underestimation of the superintegration of Earth's many spheres. According to my view, the without-boundary aspect of the boundary has to do with its µTm-unto-CTC+ properties: the 1T2-or-ness of the boundary, cf. in-or-out, is escaped µTm-unto-CTC+ times over (logic in my judgment ontologically preceding existence-ology). Information [escape}age (cf. Simulating the escape of entangled photons from the event horizon of black holes in nonuniform optical lattices, Chong Sheng, et al., Physical Review A, 103, 5 March 2021): n-state superposition, µTm-entanglement of superpositions, CTC+-entanglement entropy, C+TC+-identity transparency. Look at the terminology used by Hawking-Susskind. Conservation of information. What kind of information? That 1T2? That µTm? That CTC+? That C+TC+? In a closed system, 1T2 information is conserved. In an open system, µTm information is conserved. In a self-reentrant system CTC+ information is conserved. In this context, think of acoustic horizons of the nested micro-structure of the multi-sheeted Riemann-surface-like MVRS BackCloth. For a 1977 discussion of this, see our Toward a General Theory of Process paper. Conservation is a concept irrelevant under C+TC+ for being indefinable therein. Again from Hawking-Susskind: black hole horizons should fluctuate. Hmmm. Sounds -- heh-heh-heh! -- a lot like rippled by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes to my I/im. Cornell meteorologist and tornadogenesis modeler, Douglas A. Paine, thoroughly understood this before I met him during the summer of 1974 (consideration of musically sounded-vortices goes back at least to the early-1960s). When this tornado-boundary-rippling was observed to be the case approximately a decade later, mid-'80s I think, memory serving, and reported in Science News, again memory serving, we took that as being support for the underlying physics of the nested-grid Paine-Kaplan energy-momentum-cascade-theoretic computerized tornado forecast model. But note that as late as 2019 we have this particular type of rippling -- re: of our boundary-without-boundary -- ignored, the word infrasound preferred over acoustic-gravity-wave modes, and no consideration given to gravitational physics analogues as regards physical mechanism responsible for tornado infrasound emissions: see, Infrasound emissions from tornadoes and severe storms compared to potential tornadic generation mechanisms", Christopher E. Petrin and Brian R. Elbing, preprint 177th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 13-17 May 2019, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 36:1. Note also that Petrin-Elbing discount electromagnetic components of generation mechanisms, but that take may need revision in light of Twisted dust-acoustic waves in a self-gravitating dusty plasma with nonextensive q-distributed electrons and ions, S. Bukhari and M. Irfan and Mubashar Ahmed, Physica Scripta, 98:5, April 2023. Since, in 1978, a German journal, Beitrage zur Physik der Atmosphare, rejected for publication this paper featuring acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes at tornadogenesis and vertically-propagating internal-gravity-wave pulse-code bursts (cf. solar-tornadic magnetic vortices with a twisted fluid flow à la Tornado model for a magnatised plasma, Oleg G. Onishchenko, et al., Physics of Plasmas, 25:5, May 2018), I find publication in 2012 under a German author of Acoustic gravity tornadoes in the atmosphere (P. K. Shukla and L. Stenflo, Physica Scripta, 86) rather unsettling in its implications.
I've never picked bones with any of the surface-structure Rx's as regards origins of the ongoing 200-Years War of the World: they've all seemed pretty accurate to me, even if, IMHO, this or that aspect is over-/undervalued here or there. I always take an interest when new information (e.g., here and here) is brought out, and when succinct summaries issue forth. What is most unusual, however, and what I am always on the lookout for, are indications as to intimations (e.g., recognition of Pauli-Jung synchronicities) of deep-structure cause-push cum attractor-pull. I quote from First World War and Imperialism, Jacques R. Pauwels, GlobalResearch, 20 May 2024, as one such intimation instance:
Moreover, the assumption that peace-loving capitalists did not want war reflects a binary, black-and-white kind of thinking, namely that peace was the alternative to war and vice-versa. However, reality has a way of being more complex. There was in fact another alternative to peace, namely revolution In this context, war was promoted as an effective antidote to revolution.
However, as is inevitably the case, this recognition as regards cognitive di[rig}is|me (directionist state command and control: an identification with the 1T2-only so-called normal ego-spheric state of consciousness and its imputations vis-à-vis 1T2-only-jur[is}i|m|pu|dense which tacitly assumes that identity boundaries are not without boundaries) apparently did not yield exploration of the intellectual history of the period, e.g., investigation of what was happening to the field of logic, in, say, Poland, for instance, where the very notion of logical necessity was coming into question as m-valued logics demerged (emerged iff logical-value order-types be restricted to that 1T2-only).
The Tao of physics hasn't much interested me; my concern has been with physics of the Tao. The Taoist ancestor somewhat reachable for advice -- by, for one example, a cast of the I-Ching yarrow stalks -- at Golden Flower's the centre in the midst of the conditions is exemplary of Schrödinger's cat: simultaneously dead and alive cum neither dead nor alive cum to the µTmth-logically-valued case, uh, uh to the nth-state, depending upon the conditions, e.g., the number of generations (cf. nesting-foam sheets) in the domain of consideration ((these not being catalogued in a book of chances, cf. an m-valued statefunction misconstrued relative to probability amplitudes, but demerged under operator-time-induced changes to the hidden 'field' of the time to which the yarrow-stalk-yantra con[figuration] con[forms], that is, contrary to consensus QM, the fall qua cascade of the yarrow stalks is instantiation of its own time, OT being imaginary-hypercomplex, not negatively real: bivalence has so many things bassackwards, e.g., logic triggered by form, rather than the Gödel-numbered-Gödel-numbered forms of form-in-process triggered by the CTC+-unto-µTm-logical propositions executed by topologically-active operator-time: hopefully, holographic techno-exteriorization of inner-Musculpt has not been DARPAed and thus turned into weaponry of cognitive warfare)). Note the smoke ((cf. Mirror-that-Smokes, Tezcatlihpoca is it, or John A. Wheeler's It-from-Bit, 1T2-only, 2-ended, smoky-2-state-superposed Great Smoky Dragon? heh-heh-heh!)) in the Taoist Golden Flower illustration. Smoke from burning incense carries the prayer to the ancestor to whom it is addressed; smoke from burning votive-paper objects carries eidolons of those objects to the revered ancestor; smoke from burning votive-paper money carries µTm-values beyond 1T2-value to the ancestral tree of life-in-death. Al[i}as di[rig}is|m: I/im. That's the Taoist take, in any event, as observed here and here. The Buddhist take is contrary -- and focused on karma and merit absolution. The origins of printed money likely go back nearly as far as the origins of Taoism. Considering votive burning of pre-paper paper money, and, before that, the µTm-relative-state identity-transparency signified by ritual gift exchange, e.g., with cosmogonic-symbol-enwoven sacred cloths, it is easy enough to arrive at speculation that the higher-logical values that went up in smoke ontologically and existentially preceded regressed emergence of logically-reduced 1T2-only capitalist-valued monies. None of this is, of course, part of the prevailing global leadership elite's take and expectation set, as seen, for instance, here. And don't bother looking on the web for the operator-time aspect of the 1T3-unto-µTm-valuation process -- even though there are many more hits (including recent postings of old papers) these days when Googling operator time than there were a year or two ago. All of the hit-upon papers (e.g., for a few examples, see here and here and here and here and here) are about time operator relative to real-numerable linear-memetime, not about 3-fold, imaginary- and hypercomplex-numerable, spacetime-del-operator and temporal-CURL involving, topologically-active operator-time. In the Introduction section to Operator of Time and Generalized Schrödinger Equation, Advances in Mathematical Physics, 28 March 2018, Slobodan Prvanovic says, the Schrödinger equation is not appropriate for finding an answer to the question of how the state of the quantum system changes with respect to the change of energy acquired or lost by the system. Here, circa 1979, with respect to DNA's radiation exchange processes, and here, circa 1978, with respect to double-helical feederbands at tornadogenesis, the operator-time-construed quantum-harmonic-oscillator nonlinear canonical equations are not written in Schrödinger format. Tetsuo Goto and Katsuhito Yamaguchi and Naoshi Sudo, in On the Time Operator in Quantum Mechanics: Three Typical Examples, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 66:5, 1 November 1981, indicate that a harmonic oscillator is one example of time operators. In the Abstract to A time operator in quantum mechanics, Annals of Physics, 150:1, October 1983, pp. 1-21, Mariano Bauer says:
The lower bound on a continuous energy spectrum suffices to mathematically preclude the construction of a hermitian time operator canonically conjugate to the Hamiltonian. This problem is overcome by enlarging the Hilbert space in such a way as to have either an unbound spectrum or a doubly degenerate positive spectrum. In the enlarged space, the eigenvalue spectrum theta of such an operator ranges from minus to plus infinity and constitutes the conjugate variable of the energy E.
In this respect, we point out that our perspective involves not only an enlarged Hilbert space, which we denote as a reference space, but imagine that space to be multi-sheeted à la a µTm-unto-CTC+-unto-C+TC+ logically-valued BackCloth (cf. cosmogonic-symbol-enwoven sacred cloths), hence deemed to be an MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. Even though we agree that memetime is a parameter, not an operator (see also here), our mid-to-late-1970s, unto today, notion of memetime-transcending active time, later adopting the term operator-time, wasis based upon a different idea of operator than that consensuated: time operates on space to de-generate and re-generate form, form forming, form informing the MVRS. This 3-foldness is not a mere matter of functor-functional-function-functional-functor mapping (exponential or no; derivative-of-exponential or no: how much of this -- i.e., e.g., the tangent space of the identity element, heh-heh-heh! -- was, and is, N.H.Abel-trans-al-jabr-existence-proof-avoidance syndrome?) of correspondences, but of the autopoiesis in demergence and remergence whereby empty ontological space given form by time-as-m-valued-logic-executioner is existential matter (tap-tap-tap on the hard Plexiglas wall of the object world, Weltbild unto Umwelt). And if Time is Energy (see the paper of Hussainsha Syed on this subject), what does time as energy do? Does it perform topological operations on the MVRS by executing Gödel-numbered-Gödel-numbered propositions?
I, not Prof. Paine, sent a copy of our General Process paper -- along with a cover letter suggesting that dynamical processes transpiring in Earth's atmosphere have implications for blackhole physics -- to Princeton physicist John A. Wheeler (Paine felt that this overture would be a wasted effort, because a couple of years earlier, following a public lecture given by Wheeler at Cornell, he'd already spoken face-to-face with Wheeler on this subject, and found that Wheeler was politely skeptical); this mailing was made before I left Cornell to present a paper invited by Wolfgang Luthe containing a brief sketch of our ideas about DNA radiation-exchange processes (Twist and Shout: emission of Hawking radiation coherent waves at DNA helix-coil transition) to the Symposium on Autogenic Therapy of the 4th Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kyoto, 5-9 September 1977 (strangely, the only reference I can now find to this AT Symposium is in an Office of Naval Research report: see page 28, the section entitled Biofeedback Research in Japan, this unclassified Department of the Navy report produced by the Scientific Liaison Office of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo containing the most thorough summary of AT research in Japan I've come across). Wheeler's reply (in the John Archibald Wheeler Papers archive, I find my name, William L. Pensinger, listed four times) was sent to the address of Doug Paine's Trumansburg farm and forwarded on to me in Kyoto. But the household in Kyoto of green activist W. David Kubiak, wherein I was staying, was no less a black hole for messages than later was the case for the household in Bangkok of urban planner Shlomo Angel (Angel's usage, black hole for messages: his Ph.D. dissertation at UC-Berkeley applied the field equations of General Relativity to analysis of urban traffic-flow patterns). So, I never received Wheeler's reply. Upon my return to the U.S., Paine recounted to me the content of Wheeler's answerback, saying that it was a polite dismissal which stated that Wheeler confessed to being unfamiliar with the equations of atmospheric science but that he, nonetheless, felt that the exotic physics of black holes has no place in the field of meteorology. A position most meteorologists likely today would mistakenly agree with. I recount this story once again because I didn't in 1977, and do not now, believe in It from Bit (moreover, I never liked the song Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini) or It from Qubit: nature, IMHO, does not employ bits or qubits, only [mu}its, n-state information units mu-logically processed. The or and and 2-statedness of bits and qubits is, so I believe, epiphenomenal to beginning-in-the-womb anchoring of bivalence to the molecular-cellular brain by glutamatergic neuronal pruning and associated quantum quenching at plasticity, an etching orchestrated by prescriptive enculturation-socialization which quenches direct ontic experience of µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency qua animistic-pagan participation mystique. What would it be like to live consciously in the µTm-unto-CTC+ universe? I certainly don't know, but am convinced that the taking of psychedelic drugs yields only a 1T2-take on µTm-propriocepts/percepts -- not µTm-takes. In the currently prevailing monetary system of the global economy, which assets could one possibly own whereby the moral turpitude involved in such ownership was not egregiously sufficient unto quenching consciousness states to that 1T2-only? The Wheelerian yes-or-no 2-stateness is assigned by, for instance, the orthogonality codified in the Cartesian coordinate system -- and all its spinoffs, e.g., with regard to early/late on the line of passing-passive-linear memetime, up/down, high/low, gain/loss, in/out, over/under, so on and so forth. Upon encountering, in 7th-grade civics class, the notion of inherent unresolvable conflict requiring establishment of a balance-of-forces to prevent political disaster, I (exposed to the notion of universal harmony as a child coming of age in a wet-rice-growing hamlet) gave up belief in necessity of yes-or-no, TF-"objective"-testy, decision science and in adequacy, indeed efficacy, of the summation-of-forces franchise as a decision algorithm. Either for us or against us, says the highest level. Six-man half-team, four-man brick, three-man cell, token American on night missions: Are you, or have you ever been Heh-heh-heh! This being the binary-mind's either/or-regressed habitus, its reliance upon bound boundaries. Faced with the mu-valued Schrödinger wavefunction, the only way physicists could find to sustain belief in reality-validity-utility of their in[div}i|dual psychological sense of separate, selfsame, simple-identity (and reality-validity-utility of all the sexual, social, political, economic, monetary, juristic, military, industrial, intelligence, academic, religious institutions requiring simple-identity as a foundational concept), a simply-ownable ego-'I'-ness property projected as foundational to number theory, was by resort to the probability interpretation of those mu-values. So, I've never been over-interested in what happens to the qubit Alice throws into a black hole, what sort of blackhole information subset is consequently emitted as Hawking radiation and processed by Bob's so-called quantum computer. What, back then, circa mid-to-late-1970s, was of great interest to us -- but we never had the opportunity to systematically study, grant sources having dried up, NSF persona non grata status having been undeclared but de facto -- was the ways in which the [mu}bitic information ((think, e.g.,: Matsubara frequencies; the tau of thermal quantum field theory; J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels; n-path integrals in imaginary and hypercomplex time, a passive-passing-time notion fictitious only when mapped on the egosphere, not on the Hopf fibration of the Bloch sphere; Hussainsha Syed's idea as to how temperature is correlated with time's baud-rate and what that might imply about the fundamental nature of temperature, what it is ultimately speaking, and 3-fold temporal CURL brought on by topologically-active operator-time)) content of the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes emitted by atmospheric acoustic-analogue black holes is deposited as infrasound signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces -- this, in turn, being an analogue to the holographic principle's account as to the how of information deposition upon a boundary, be the boundary to de Sitter space, anti de Sitter space, analogue to flat holographic plate. And What if the situation in physics is stranger than we think? as I once asked in a communication to Wheeler. That is, what if all three alternative cases are simultaneously correct: de Sitter, µTmly spherically closed; anti de Sitter, CTC+ly cylindrically open; both of these squashed-down compacted C+TC+ly flat into planar Tzog-chen AllBase?
Well, all I can suggest is a comparison of the effectiveness of scientific ecology with what once was the effectiveness of participation-mystique-informed pagan ecology: the two are incommensurate; the latter having worked well for millennia using various forms of propitiation behavior as incentives/sanctions; the former having yet to find viable means of effectuation, the prevailing insistence on 1T2-only-boundaries ((but note that linked Lily Scherlis writing Boundary Issues in Parapraxis allows copying even a single word to be prohibited [para, then, from the French: guard against]; thus, while essaying against boundaries, simultaneously collapsing immensity of intertextual space by permitting a boundary behavior belying the fact that every text is a product of intertextuality, a fact that, in principle -- text being most-widely understood -- indicates that there is no such somewhat as a creative individual, all creativity being mediated by the collective unconscious, the individual emptying sufficiently as to become a receptacle, long-lasting patents and copyrights being based upon a fiction conjugated to the corporate greed parceled out over stockholders and stakeholders: honkadori [allusive borrowing of words and phrases from earlier works] is hunky-dory so far as my I/im understand)) precluding, for instance, the µTm-processed m-valued-LETS-currency nesting-foams mapped over changing ecological parameters, e.g., watersheds, a valuation-mapping-processing that might have helped Homo sapiens sapiens become sufficiently prepared as to well enough survive coming cuspover. From what I've read over the years, my conviction has strongly evolved to be that prescriptive inculcation of proprioception-perception of the aspects (normotic bivalence, ponderable 3-space, passive-passing-referential 1T2-only-definable memetime, psychophysical simple-boundaries, identity selfsameness) of Maya begins in the womb to be glutamatergically anchored (thus quantum quenching [think: Gurdjieffian kundabuffer as independently codified by Nobel laureate -- vitamin C and oxidation -- Albert Szent-Györgyi in his Introduction to a Submolecular Biology, circa 1960] the Mnk operator-time aspects of neuronal action-potential to only those 2nk memetime-bound aspects) -- and that animal-unto-organism studies designed by cohorts of binary-minds will inevitably be predominantly (allowing exceptions that prove the rule) found to support the Weltbilds and Umwelts placed in projective-identification by the corpus of binary-minds. As a case in point, I quote Troy M. Houser writing Spatialization of Time in the Entorhinal-Hippocampal System, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 15, 6 January 2022, to wit, the notion that:
continuity can be derived from time, which is an experienced phenomenon. Moreover, time can be accurately inferred by measuring the accumulation of changes along representational dimensions. I suggest that the brain co-opts its computational mechanisms used to represent the passage of time to represent dimensions of any type of information.
I demur by observing that inferential accuracy at measurement of time assumes a non-varying temporal baud-rate which is contrary to Special Relativity and the abundant testimonials of meditators as to ontic experience of time-dilation, which may be OT-related (own-time) and no mere matter of simply-subjective time-rate perception (under the assumption of a spatialization of time, corporate memetime may be the continuous analog of a Riemann sum of individual OTs). There is also the meditator's Leibnizian apperceptive interpretation of hisher perceptive experience such that the perception of slowdown in time-qua-time's baud-rate is apperceived as inversely related to the baud-rate of consciousness (sensed as rapidity of data assimilation: cf. the breakdown which occurs in pilot fixation syndrome, which I experienced as a high school student in a flight simulator, circa 1963, AFSC, Wright-Patterson AFB), and that, at the limiting velocity of the baud-rate of consciousness, William James' stream of consciousness goes into critical-state snapover wherein Humean discontinuity can be derived from time (cf. gaps appear at heterostatic phase transition between single-valued and multi-valued identity and processing [the fixated pilot engaging in Wolfgang Luthe's neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance by way of refusing to make the cognitive transit from single-valued to multi-valued, i.e., rejection of change of base-state qua reference value {see the linked paper: Homeostasis and Heterostasis: from Invariant to Dimensionless Numbers, Bruno Gunther and Enrique Morgado and Raul F. Jimenez, Biological Research, Santiago, 36:2, 2003} in the MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space?]: this being a different take from Hume and the Appelbaum-Lorch understanding of Tibetan Buddhism as explicated in Tracking the Discontinuity of Perception, David Appelbaum and Ingrid Turner Lorch, Philosophy East and West, 28:4, October 1978, pp. 469-84). Uh, hum. As regards discontinuity in tracking, bear with my paraphasia [para, then, from the Greek: alongside] -- derailment of the 1T2-logical ordering of thought -- for just a qubit, if you will, dear reader, as, frankly, it's always been one of my most precious possessions, uh, that is, the capacity for keeping hold of Ariadne's m-thread through an elaborately-ramified paraphasic autogenic verbalization. Funny, to me, really: the way I've been assessed in the normal course of things. As a child, aged 8-11, I took judo-jujitsu lessons in one of the most conservative-traditional rural areas of Japan, circa 1953-6, wherein, much to my advantage, I eventually was able to adopt the learn-by-imprinting habitus (one type of introjection-to-Umwelt, a try-living-of-it, a seeing-if-it-gets-trophotropically-expectorated-or-not) that was to inform my [orient}ation thereafter to learning whatsoever, of deciding what was to be assimilated to self-definition, and to what state of that so-defined selfhood understood as attributed 'I'-ness-identification. The Western assessment of this habitus was: lack of self-confidence. Heh-heh-heh. My advantage. Can do what I do in the back-channel. And so it has been, and so it likely will remain -- absent extra-systemic interventions. The imprinting habitus is not passive; it's active, like generative empathy by contrast to identification. Being in identification is to be imprinted upon; whereas empathy presupposes at least a latent intentionality. The early arrived at vague sense that consciousness is active, I believe, prefigured my much later embrace of the notion, active time. But, frankly, this exercise in use of the passive/active distinction is just one more epiphenomenal consequent of exclusive reliance upon the well-glutamate-etched 1T2-only molecular-cellular brain; whereas, as electrophysiologist Edmund Jacobson emphasized in his 1967 book The Biology of Emotions, There are no closed circuits in the brain. And we've recently had some evidence of that claim: Personality Changes Associated with Organ Transplants, Brian Carter, et al., Transplantology, 5:1, 17 January 2024 (this thesis is of particular interest to me because I spent 15 years of my working life, in some periods 10 hours/day 7 days/week, performing nemawashi root pruning in preparation for transplanting -- of trees). A popular treatment by Guy Hatchard suggests DNA involvement in the mechanisms by which consciousness factors are altered by transplants of different types of organs. It may be that the organ-distributed aspects of consciousness are not so easily glutamate etched as is the molecular-cellular brain (nemawashi of neurons: cf. selective removal of roots whilst leaving the strategic ones in place through coming growing seasons, progressively cutting the strategic ones each season until the tree is ready for transplanting without suffering undue stress -- this being a good process model for bottom-up staged implementation µTm-LETS nesting-foams, as opposed to top-down-imposed snapover into CBDCs), and, were that the case, the histological-type-specific quantum-wave properties of DNA, e.g., frequency-response windows, may be in large part responsible for that distinction. Moreover, small differences in these wave properties from one individual to another may play a significant role in the transfer of personality traits by organ transplant (and it is only a bit of a leap from here to a rethink of the primitive theology of the Eucharistic body and blood). Of possible relevance in context of this speculation as to a role for small differences are two notions derivative of our model of DNA-pi-electron-gas quantum harmonic oscillators: (1) the bottom-line on intracellular Zeitgeber is the radiation-dependent varying rate of temperature oscillation of the corpus of pi-electron parcels composing the free-electron gas of DNA at helix-coil transition, and (2) the physiologically-adapted unit length for organismic dimensioning is the wave-length of the frequency-response window of undifferentiated embryonic stem-cell DNA.
Nowadays, more than ever before, people are -- hopefully not evermore -- flirting around and around with relevant notions, but shying off from, as has long been the case, from, that is and was and likely will continue to be, real insight as to the imaginary, and even hypercomplex, nature of nature's topologically-active operator-time, by tacitly, that is so to say, subliminally-psychopathically, transposing the idea thereof into multiple dimensions of what is generally considered to be an objective passing-passive-referential linear-time. A kind of aparchesthai with regards to partitionings vis-à-vis chronotopology of multi-dimensional time. I will offer my HO, humble opinion, on the circumstances occasioning this ConveDDing notion, conversion-disorder displacement, and its deep-structure impetus qua Newtonian nudging qua wet thrusting, somememetime soon, but not yet, not quite yet, as I am, news-wise, encountering more and more evidence of intractable bound-boundary conundrums, a [circum}stance, as opposed to temporal CURL's [circum}locutions, related to the impetus for, if not the actuality of, handling operator-time as multiple linear dimensions -- a type of handling Paine and I never engaged in. Uh, uh, horrifyingly avaricious, this tread and that tread and those other treads upon my me-as-arrogated-selfsameness-attribution, merely one iterate in the iterative extension of ancient Greek similes of apposition (this literary term likely having had, as cultural lag, not only a high combat origin in appositive states of consciousness-cum-being associated with the pre-Homeric OBEs then apparently experienced as normative habitus) at naming of identity-transparent I/im Möbius band. Circa A.D. 877, there'bouts, environs of Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, Anglo-Saxon England, as imagined by Bernard Cornwell in his hisstorical novel entitled The Last Kingdom, Harper paperback edition, 2005, p. 3:
My name is Uhtred. I am the son of Uhtred, who was the son of Uhtred and his father was also called Uhtred sometimes I take the old parchments from their wooden chest and I look at those parchments, which are deeds saying that Uhtred, son of Uhtred, is the lawful and sole owner of the lands that are carefully marked by stones and by dykes, by oaks and by ash, by marsh and by sea, and I dream of those lands I dream, and know that one day I will take back the land from those who stole it from me the fading parchments are proof of what I own. The law says that I own that land, and the law, we are told, is what makes us men under God instead of beasts in the ditch this is the tale of a blood feud.
And it appears that the man most culpable for what the law says was-- Aristotle. If, that is, we leave aside the Chinese. Quoting from On Borders: From Ancient to Postmodern Times, Giuliano Bellezza, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-4/W3, 2013, ISPRS/IGU/ICA Joint Workshop on Borderlands Modelling and Understanding for Global Sustainability 2013, 5-6 December 2013, Beijing, China:
In the ancient times, the main attempt to transform a frontier region in a linear border have been, as early of 7th Century BC, the first sections of what later became the Emperor QinShi's Great Wall, with progressive additions in the following centuries In the western world the first steady fortified alignments to identify a border were activity of the Roman Empire The Roman power began to materialise the limit of its territory only after the Empire was established (27 BC) The nearly 120 km of the Hadrian's Wall have been constructed in 122-128 AD
However, even the early part of hisstory on this subject is considerably more complex than that, becoming more and more so as the 19th-century codification of the nation-state borderline is approached. By far the most elaborate treatment I've run across is The Relevance of Borders in the 21st Century, Lt. Col. Mathieu Rigg, thesis presented to Air University, Maxwell AFB, 2017. Many aspects of the notion border are addressed in historical context, absent, I note, analysis of the role of borders in monetary-systems theories and examination of the fractal mathematics of boundaries and consideration of changing quasi-fractal e-boundaries relative to prospective boundaries-without-boundary in the 21st century and deliberation upon assimilation of multi-valued internal-system-state functions-functionals-functors to boundaries according to the holographic principle as being essential to self-organization at autopoiesis (especially even as regards economic and political systems, and particularly when logics superordinate to 1T2 are allowed: consider 1T2-unto-µTm-unto-CTC+ relative to trace operators that restrict functions to boundaries, whereupon, most thoroughly under C+TC+, by requirements of relative-state identity-transparency, the failure of uniqueness is prerequisite for well-posedness). Moreover, going deeper, and farther back in memetime, than did Rigg, the long-operative abstract definition of boundary codifiable in mathematical and juridical terms is attributable to Aristotle. Quoting Boundary, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, last revision 6 July 2023:
Euclid defined a boundary as that which is an extremity of anything (Elements, I, def. 13). Aristotle defined the extremity of a thing as the first thing beyond which it is not possible to find any part [of the given thing], and the first within which every part is (Metaphysics, V, 1022a4-5). Together, these two definitions deliver the classic account of boundaries, an account that is both intuitive and comprehensive and offers the natural starting point for any further investigation into the boundary concept. Indeed, although Aristotle’s definition concerned primarily the extremities of spatial entities, it applies equally well in the temporal domain.
The quoted definition found in Euclid's Elements, dated to 300 B.C., followed from Aristotle who lived 364-322 B.C. (exact provenance and dating of Aristotle's Metaphysics is not certain). And the behind-or-in-front qua in-or-out nature of a boundary, as defined by Aristotle, relates to the single-valued property of bivalent-logic [i.e., 1T2] somewhats; be they relations between terms or propositions, these logical somewhats must be either this or that, true or false, in-or-out -- not simultaneously both. Quoting Ancient Logic, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, last revision 15 April 2020:
logic as a fully systematic discipline begins with Aristotle, who systematized much of the logical inquiry of his predecessors. His main achievements were his theory of the logical interrelation of affirmative and negative existential and universal statements and, based on this theory, his syllogistic [aka the categorical syllogistic prefiguring finite set theory], which can be interpreted as a system of deductive inference Aristotle's logic is known as term-logic In the Hellenistic period, and apparently independent of Aristotle's achievements, the logician Diodorus Cronus and his pupil Philo worked out the beginnings of a logic that took propositions, rather than terms, as its basic elements.
Though juridical waters are muddied by Aristotle's realism-oriented, as opposed to formalist, ruminations on ethics, and the questions involved in natural-law versus Austinian positivist theories of jurisprudence, the fact remains that, throughout hisstory, courts have required the accused to be found either guilty or not-guilty, that is, either A or not-A, not simultaneously both, and that this finding must be beyond reasonable doubt, if not to say beyond the shadow of a doubt, anyway, no overt shades of gray, thus, on both counts (that or and that beyond), formalistically sticking to the bivalent-logic Law of Distributed Middle. Death sentence or sent to live in lock-up is also either/or logical. Realist fuzzy logic comes in, to a degree, with adjudicative practice and the variances allowed at sentencing (how long and to what degree of incarceration, i.e., solitary confinement in a high-security prison unto sentenced to restricted movement within a specified geographic area and monitored with GPS anklet [current version of the old practice of being sent to a prison island], even unto mere probation and community service for white-collar crimes) and how much or how little money there is to imposed fines, settlements, damages awarded a claimant. Though, we can now see that fuzzy logic is currently making a more direct entry into lawfare, notably with regard to determinations concerning asset forfeiture-confiscation. There has been and continues to be much controversy over the proper role of logic in legal reasoning, but few if any commentators on this subject -- finding hisstorical perspectives on principles of logic in legal reasoning as applied over the centuries to the discipline of jurisprudence is a thankless task -- have explicitly augured for allowance of violation, in the making of courtroom arguments and justifications of judicial decisions, of the bivalent-logic Law of Non-Contradiction as it exists in propositional logic. Quoting Logic and Law, Nicholas F. Lucas, Marquette Law Review, 4:3, 1919, p. 206: The Proposition is peculiarly essential to law, since the very earliest attempts at judicial procedure in England recognized the necessity of reducing a dispute to an issue which was defined to be a Proposition affirmed on one side and denied on the other. Indeed, the legalist's take on logic is often most rigid, as currently seen here, to wit, quoting Law and Logic, Dieter Krimphove and Gabriel M. Lentner, eds., Duncker and Humbolt, 2017, p. 13:
The assumption that logic is a universal and objective phenomenon (e.g. the principle of non-contradiction), gives rise to the basic question as to whether it is at all capable of development or progress -- let alone be considered a product of cultural or philosophical evolution. Logic represents an intrinsic, basic human characteristic that an individual needs to cope with the environment he or she inhabits. It is bestowed on an individual only once and does not form the subject of his or her evolution. Moreover, it is not possible to improve logic qualitatively or dynamically. For example, in a bi-polar logical system there is only one logically right or wrong statement: one answer cannot be more logical or qualitatively better than another (i.e. there are no differing degrees of logic).
Accomplice qua conniving co-conspirator, accessory-before/after-the fact: these are categories mildly modifying the bivalent-logic Law of Identity, without actually violating the notion of selfsameness inherent therein: no µTm-logical relative-state identity-transparency (once upon a memetime made demotic by personification as shape-shifting Sceadugengan shadow-walker totems?) allowed amongst parties to juridical actions. Indeed, during post-identity-contagion, post-participation-mystique, post-pagan memetimes in numerous ponderablespaces, the notion of collective guilt has for the most part been considered beyond the pale and, more recently, the action of collective punishment has been deemed a crime against humanity. Ah, and now to origin of the very notion of dimension of ponderablespace. Quoting Brown University's Math Department:
The earliest references to the number of dimensions of space date back to Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), who stated in the first book of Heaven, The line has magnitude in one way, the plane in two ways, and the solid in three ways, and beyond these there is no other magnitude because the three are all, and There is no transfer into another kind, like the transfer from length to area and from area to a solid. (Manning, p. 1) Ptolemy apparently took this thought a step further, for he gave a proof that there are not more than three distances in his book On Distance. According to Simplicius (sixth century A.D.), Ptolemy wrote in the middle of the second century A.D. that this is so because of the necessity that distances should be defined, and that the distances defined should be taken along perpendicular lines, and because it is possible to take only three lines that are mutually perpendicular, two by which the plane is defined and a third measuring depth; so that if there were any other distance after the third it would be entirely without measure and without definition. (Ibid.)
Aristotle again. And note that the principle of orthogonality employed today in the quasi-consensus interpretations of quantum mechanics goes back to Ptolemy in the second century A.D. (non-selfsame quantum-non-Simplicius, uh, uh, non-simple, identity requiring, IMHO, J.G.Bennettian skew-perpendicularity, an AnalyticalCubist-like violation of Ptolemy's because of the necessity that should be taken). With consideration of the passage of memetime, we find Aristotle again strategically located. Quoting The Early Greek Prose-Writing Tradition: Bridging the Myth-History Divide, Gaston Javier Basile, Dialogues D'Historie Ancienne, 45:2, 2019: Aristotle represents a landmark and a turning-point in the semantic development of the word historia. Hisstory, howsoever conceived, necessarily involves the notion passing time. Or is the case not quite so simplicius as Bot Assistant would have us believe (see here and here)? [No}thing is real-- in the strawberry fields of imaginary time? Hmmm. I'll have to think about that for a qubit yet. Operator time has been on the scene for a century, just like m-valued logics -- and look at what was chosen instead! Tootle-lootle-loo. Tuoot-tuoot-tuoot! On the back of reducing nature's µTmly-distributed ledger all the way down to a 1T2-only-logical catalog of Aristotelean genera! Before there were Voltaire's Bastards there were Descartes' Bastards. And long, long before that, there was 1T2-only-reasoning Aristotle-of-Pigeonholing.
My attention has been directed in the fashion it has (parallels between Schrödinger's multivalued wavefunction and multiple bank credit expansion; anthropology of insurgency/CI warfare; systems theory of transformational apparats; quantum properties of autogenic brain discharges; cascade theory of tornadogenesis; topologically-active operator-time; quantum-wave properties of DNA at helix-coil transition; µTm processing of transactions in m-valued LETS nesting-foams) because I've firmly believed -- ever since the early-1960s when I first read into C. G. Jung -- that no action, of whatsoever kind, taken on the level of surface-structure can accomplish anything but deferral of worse cases at coming cuspover, considered throughout my adult-life-expanse to be a virtual foregone: deep-structure cause-push/attractor-pull left unchanged will find a way, like water flowing around rocks in a stream. Moreover, having grown up as an observant mil.brat ((I was not one of MacArthur's children [given how so very few pieces are actually worth reading, let alone are found edifying, I rarely link, and virtually never read through articles I can't at least copy and paste the title of; what is to be gained? this no-cop/no-pas now includes Wiki, and when figured in is the energy costs, human and fueled, of the extra typing forced upon 8.1 billion people-- ], for I arrived in Japan on a troop ship as an eight-year-old two years and three months after Big Mac was withdrawn: though I played with a few of Dougout Doug's [about whom I learned some interesting briefs from reading the unpublished personal journal of Gordon Walker, Staff Correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor, whose major pieces, sadly neglected, contained, in retrospect, great insight cum foresight] corpocracy-cum-corporocracy-cum-corporatocracy fledglings in the small hamlet of Midori Gaoka and absorbed some of their peers' sentiments along with thrown rocks down by the beach facing the Gulf of Hibiki -- in which I became a strong swimmer -- near the kita-Kyushu fishing town of Ashiya-by-Mouth-of-Ongagawa, e.g., Baka Ameko!)), with what I learned at Eielson AFB, Wright-Pat, AU-SIS, SORO, SFTG cum JFKSWCS, Technical Intelligence Detachment of the 525th MIG, and SRA/MACV-J2, and knowing full well that economic aspects of protracted war cost the counterinsurgent far, far more than the insurgent, when the default which was the Nixon shock came, which I understood to be partially an effect of the stone cast by the VC David, I clearly sensed at the moment of reading in the Washington Post about that shock that when rise to cuspover began the choice made would be for another global war. Martin Armstrong now believes that this choice is being made primarily because it will allow the MMT-facilitated sovereign-debt default that is in the birth canal to be blamed on enemies (lesser reasons being the coming U.S. Presidential election, and that that war would, it is believed by its fomenters, facilitate establishment of a CBDC, digital ID, and so on), whereas I've all along believed that the overwhelming impetus for those doing the impelling would be the fact that the winner of the WWIII battle of the 200 Years War of the World could impose its self-serving notion as to the structure of the postwar monetary system coupled to their conviction that a limited nuclear war is winnable at acceptable costs and that our side would be the winner (the new monetary system in place, then the winner would have virtually complete control over allocation of limited-cum-depleting resources on a Malthusian planet). Since, for quite a long while now, it's been apparent that the likelihood of significant action addressing deep-structure gradients is near zero (insuring a very hard cuspover), I've cultivated little interest in details of the upcoming planetary phase transition, which details I consider to be of little substantive import, the overall outcome sure to be little affected thereby -- and consequently I go on about doing the little I can to penetrate the deep-structure issues simply for the limited heuristic value of such a tiny effort. That bit of self-justifying cant aside, following are a few observations that are outside the box of Boxman-as-Everyman but inside the ideational port[man}teau containing notions related to topologically-active operator-time which is stored inside the cognitive gladstone located inside the aluminum-shelled [Sam}son|ite carried by my I/im ever since we went off to college in August of 1963. Quoting a pagan view, as given in Bernard Cornwell's novel The Last Kingdom, p. 168:
destiny was everything. Fate rules. The three spinners [cf. topologically-active operator-time's 3-fold temporal CURL] sit at the foot [cf. CommonGround qua Tzog-chen AllBase] of the tree of life [linked is found a technical essay on The Golden Ratio, the Graviton and the Tree of Life] and they make our lives and we are their playthings, and though we think we make our own choices, all our fates are in the spinners' threads [cf. the superstrings woven into the 2-branes out of which the BackCloth universal coverlet is stitched]. Destiny is everything [[link added]]
Fanciful as those imaginary-and-hypercomplex-numerable social imaginaries may be, not all that phantasmagoric, if it is the case that given that the I-Ching is about the propositions (cf. hexagrams) demerged ((cf. the cascading fall of the bipolar yarrow stalks [cf. open-ended strings relative to the 'I' of the I-Ching]; elsewhere without, so far as I know, books of changes: rune sticks [see TACITUS Germania and search cut off a branch], various sorts of bones, even Regge bones, i.e., 2-symplecial hinges)) under TaiChi-rotational 1T2-logic, we can easily suppose that 64 stations qua positions of the TaiChi unit circle (not of The Cross of Orthogonality) were chronotopologically cum chronomantically signified as temporal-CURLed decompositional involutes of (m-valued?) Higher Heaven. Considering all the memetime devoted to beam[I]time under the Ptolemaic assumption of orthogonality and associated identity-opaqueness (blabbermouthed upon at length as given above early on into this T47(M) posting), it is easy enough to understand how such a takeaway from the I-Ching as here given could have been missed by theorists of the string. Heh-heh-heh!
The foremost nearly-subliminal -- which is not to say subconscious, let alone of the collective unconscious -- association to the physics-mathematics-logic concept of or[thog}on|al|ity[from bit] is the cross of cruc|i-fix-i|on, which, of course, during the life of Christ, was not a Christian symbol but an execution device of pagan origins employed by the Roman Empire, a device, later symbol, formally mimicked (by collective unconscious compensatory abreaction?) in the shape of the [mid}evil Greatsword qua Longsword wielded by the Crusader. The cross can indicate a cut (which is a Dedekind way of defining what is a real number [i.e., the irrationals crossed into the rationals], there being different sorts of Dedekind cuts), so cross and sword-of-many-cuts are consonant with each other. Descartes came up with the word real to distinguish those 1-part numbers from the 2-part imaginary numbers which are represented on the planar rectilinear Cartesian coordinate grid where the imaginary Y axis is conceived as orthogonal to the real-line X axis: easily imagined is the nature of the crusade that was required in order to produce widespread acceptance of the reality of the imaginary numbers (that having been so, just imagine how much in good time -- or is it bad wasted, even disastrously wasted, time -- will be required for wide acceptance of topologically-active imaginary and hypercomplex operator-time! even were 3-fold imaginary and hypercomplex temporal CURL reducible to being merely as simple a matter as 3 rectilinear time dimensions). Even when time is conceptually separated from space (thus severing the notion of Minkowski spacetime), such that time as a numerical order of change exists in a 3D space, the experimental setup illustrating the concept involves 2 clocks (reflected photons) being arranged perpendicular to each other: see Physicists continue to work to abolish time as fourth dimension of space, Lisa Zyga, Phys.org, 14 April 2012. Be aware that Ethan Siegel in This Is Why Time Has To Be A Dimension, Forbes, 27 August 2019, uses a single light clock (reflected photons) to illustrate his argument for reality of the imaginary 4th spatial dimension as the time of Minkowski spacetime. No experimental arranging of light clocks on J.G.Bennettian pencils of skew-parallels arrayed by skew-perpendicularity around the TaiChi unit circle, you see: that would obviate exclusive reliance on bivalent logic. Considering especially the massed horrors of the 20th century, and looking forward to those yet to come in the 21st, the hisstory of humanity, including its intellectual history, is so barbarously inhuman -- heh-heh-heh! -- and overwhelmingly disgusting that the little found that can be positively valued is so weighted down by ruthless brutality (against pretty much All and Everything, including humanity itself) as to be of small note in establishing the overall pattern, currently imaginarily-vectored resolutely upon anti-human transhumanism. What is responsible for all that? Our DNA? Some aspect of the DNA in our neuron cells? The establishment and maintenance of a bandpass filter -- quantum quenching beat-frequency aspects of electron transport processes? -- excommunicating from conscious awareness readout of the 1T3-unto-µTm quantum processing of the information content of the m-valued coherent waves generated by the ensemble of intraneuronal DNA pi-electron-parcel quantum-harmonic oscillators at radiation exchange during helix-coil transition? Thereby, this quenching, for instance, transforming our perception of the 4th spatial dimension into the apperception of passing-passive-referential memetime? Something like that must be believed by those who, on face of the experimental evidence, unabashedly embrace unvarnished relativity physics: note that both Alejandro Hernandez and Kevin Parcell in these two very informative Quora comments upon time as a 4th dimension rely on the notion of motion, the former with regard to spatial refiguration, the latter in respect to local baud rate of time flow relative to Newtonian inertia (with a clear explanation as to why Einstein thought time itself is an illusion). Bot Assistant gives the prevailing pedestrian boiler-plate view: Time is a fundamental aspect of the universe; it is a fundamental aspect of the natural world; it is not just a psychological meme transmitted from generation to generation as glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular brains under orchestration by prescriptive enculturation-socialization; nor was it invented by contemplation of cycles of observed spatial changes (rising and setting sun, motion of stars, so on) counted upon the ribs of a snake. What is pellucid is that it is by spatial motion alone (the aging body being a refiguration) that we know of what is deemed time. Be aware that Kevin Parcell in his Quora comment treating time relative to inertia uses special relativity, absent explicit mention of general relativity considerations (quoting Britannica on the equivalence principle: in free-fall the effect of gravity is totally abolished in all possible experiments and general relativity reduces to special relativity, as in the inertial state; moreover, In the Newtonian form it [the equivalence principle] asserts, in effect, that, within a windowless laboratory freely falling in a uniform gravitational field, experimenters would be unaware that the laboratory is in a state of nonuniform [i.e., accelerative] motion), to explain how accelerations can allow effects to, so to speak, outrun, that is, come before, causes. So, what about time rates of change of acceleration: what do they do to cause and effect? Let's not concern ourselves with windowless laboratories. Let us focus upon relative-states (not degrees) of identity-transparency in a superintegrated universe nesting collections of sets of self-reentrant, open, and closed systems found in classes of transfinite and finite cardinalities: that's what we did in arriving at our notion of the topological operations associated with 3-fold temporal CURL as explicated in our 1977 Toward a General Theory of Process paper. Beginning probably as early as 1801, physicists used light to perform the 2-parallel-slits experiment, resultant interference patterns demonstrating wave characteristics (for hisstory of this type of experiment, see: The double-slit experiment, PhysicsWorld, 1 September 2002), instead of performing the n-pencils-of-skew-parallels-slits experiment: hence, their notion of quantization has been apropos binary-minds, not of µTm-unto-CTC+ mind. During 1961, Claus Jonsson demonstrated multiple-electron interference with 2-parallel-slits and as high as 5-parallel-slits experiments; 1974 saw Pier Giorgio Merli and GianFranco Missiroli and Giulio Pozzi perform the first double-slit experiment with single electrons; in 1989, Akira Tonomura demonstrated a slow (say 20 minutes) buildup of single-electrons interference pattern using an electron biprisim (the bi-splitting of the beamed electrons -- one at a time, say 1000/sec -- into two components, these components apparently subsequently interfering with each other, achieved by essentially a very thin conducting wire at right angles to the beam: indeed, orthodox orthogonality, again!) whereupon the random arrival positions, on the detector, sum to a wave-interference pattern becoming clearer and clearer with the passage of time. Self-interference of an electron achieved by orthogonal experimental setups, resultant data evaluated by memetime-bound minds employing bivalent logic, is an adumbration of Schrödinger-time-independent µTm-non-selfsameness, values of the logic superordinate to 1T2 having to do with the self-referential order-types involved in relative-state identity-transparency, such relative-states, IMHO, arraying collections according to sets of 1T2ly-closed subsystems, µTmly-open systems, CTC+ly self-reentrant supersystems -- these BackCloth collections constituting nesting-foam classes being memetime-independently cyclotomically decomposed by the imaginary and hypercomplex temporal CURLs involved in 3-fold topologically-active operator-time's execution of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of m-logically-valued propositions, decomposed, that is, from C+TC+-CommonGround qua Tzog-chen AllBase most dense sheet of Musculpted MVRS, m-logically-valued reference space. When we wrote our General Process paper in 1977, we had not learned of Pauli's idea of operator time, or of his rejection of that notion complexed to the Hamiltonian operator, the rejection due to that operator being bounded from below (negative values of total energy having no meaning in the context of consensus quantum mechanics). Soon thereafter, we learned of this Pauli idea-cum-rejection in a communication with Ilya Prigogine. Our reaction was that topologically-active operator-time is not identical to passing-referential-time as operator-observable in the consensus-QM sense, and that topo-active optime would altogether replace the Hamiltonian operator, not be complexed thereto. In a sense, 3-fold topo-active optime is skew-perpendicularly circumambulatory to memetime, and self-reentrant, not a mere operator-observable thereof. Consensus quantization = 1T2-snapover from utterly continuous to absolutely-in-so-far-as-discrete, not all the µTm-relative-states in between. This instantaneous flip-over transition, even though, apparently, it takes 20 minutes for the self-interference pattern to build up a wave-like appearance! Wave-particle duality: simultaneously wave and particle? Nope, not simultaneously, assuming memetime to be an objective-linear-time referent. The QM entity is both whatnot and somewhat: well-- this memetime, somewhat a wave whatnot; that memetime, somewhat a particle somewhat. To this degree a wave and that degree a particle? Yep. For a study of the amount of wave-particle duality in a bipartite [not n-ary] quantum system with superconducting [2-state] qubits, see: Evidence of the entanglement constraint on wave-particle duality using the IBM Q quantum computer, Nicolas Schwaller and Marc-Andre Dupertuis and Clement Javerzac-Galy, Physical Review A, 103, 9 February 2021. Note that entanglement constraint, that is how entanglement constrains duality, is not attributed to µTm-logical relative-state identity-transparency. Even with there being varying amounts of wave-particle duality, probabilities are still used to understand the mixed state, not fuzzy logic, let alone µTm logic understood independent of the notion truth-value. Which is hardly surprising given the binomial formulation as to nature of the imaginary numbers employed: an imaginary part and a real part graphically construed as arrayed orthogonal to each other. Why bipartite imaginaries instead of n-aries or aleph-null-aries? Does this number-use follow from the orthogonal aspects of the experimental setups -- or is the relationship in the reverse? Or are both the use and the relationship epiphenomenal to the exclusive reliance upon 1T2-only logic? This bi-ness -- it's origin maybe even -- is not only a Western intellectual history phenomenon. Myths of cosmogenesis are, of course, dumbed-down, demotic, exoteric, dissimulated for popular consumption, blackpsyche accounts servicing rise of role stratification and associated disparities of wealth, ultimately for[ma}tion of totalitarian nation-states and their superordinate agglomerations. In the Shinto myth of origin and creation, Chaos (later in cosmogenesis personified in Ebisu) of the Unconstrained (Umwelt enveloping the egocomplex) is projected as the Whole, understood as the One, and (quoting Natsuo Kirino's The Goddess Chronicle, Canongate English paperback edition, 2012, pp. 106-7, which relies upon various Kojiki studies):
From this disorder the teeming matter was divided into heaven and earth [the whole One became the Two]. And following this came further divisions, each time into complementary pairs until the world as we know it was conceived. Heaven and earth, man and woman, birth and death, day and night, light and dark, yang and yin. You may wonder why everything was paired in this way Whenever a single entity was paired with its opposite, the value of both became clear from the contrast [by Laws of Form, bivalently draw a binary distinction] When heaven and earth divided, Ame-no-mi-naka-nushi, the Heavenly Centre deity, emerged on the Plain of High Heaven and rules at the heart of the heavens, exulted over all. Soon afterwards Takami-musuhi, the deity of Heavenly Creation, and Kamu-musuhi, the deity of Earthly Creation were born.
Some scholarly accounts of the Kojiki read the Heavenly Centre deity, upon whom the Emperor is scripted, as an empty center about which activity spontaneously, i.e., decision free, self-organizes; Ebisu's chaos arising only if that Centre takes exultation of the lowly to heart and tries to rule by making decisions and imposing will: an empty center being an attractor, a strange fractal attractor if the further divisions subtending the Plane of High Heaven -- upon which is inscribed the lattice pattern seen on the back of a turtle, and to which from an immense palace rises the Pillar of Heaven (as an axis of rotation stirring eight fathoms full: this palace and these fathoms being open to myriad esoteric interpretations) -- are taken into account. Empty (whole as [w]hole) nowadays could indicate the zeroed-out quantum vacuum with its infinitely deep encaved reservoir of zero-point energy ( whole as zero = infinity) drawn into quantal action by Amaterasu's operator-time executing the logics that could be signified, à la Emil Post, as kaMUT(akami)Musuhi. Heh-heh-heh! The most widespread and omnipotently destructive corruption is identification with contents of the Umwelt introjected from Lebenswelt. Why? Because this identification induces naive belief in institutionalization-by-analogical-modeling of the force-fed Weltanschauung ramification of the myth of cosmogenesis -- this induced naivete promulgating in the vast majority fixation upon the normotic conformity which services immediate-to-proximal self-interest to exclusion of virtually all else. Tacit complicity in the payolaing, scamatic, crapitalist, planetarized, 1T2-only fiat GoodLife globally aspired to in part by emulation of the GLE, global leadership elite, especially those members who are progenitors of dissimulated-quantum-based infratech. Anyway, whatEVvver-- and why doesn't quantization involve all the relative-states CTC+-unto-muTm (1T2-only-entanglement being the binary-mind's way of processing µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency: not surprising that an expert on this area of physics should sustain the notion of a classical limit and consequently not view Earth's atmosphere as a macroquantum domain, thus inadvertently concurring with one of the IPCC's fundamental assumptions) instead of only pure-state-quasi-wave (coherency qua harmonic oscillator) and mixed-state-quasi-particle (incoherency qua the decoherency of reduction qua spontaneous localization) under 1T2-only handlings of probabilities and statistics? The General Concept of Quantization is explicated and analyzed by F. A. Berezin in Communications in Mathematical Physics, 40, pp. 153-74, 1975. Mathematically, a continuously-valued classical variable is made a discretely-valued quantum operator-observable (see Viktor T. Toth for a concise statement), and this involves the fact-contention that In the Schrödinger realization, the full state space splits into orthogonal physical and ghost sectors , as described in Spin in Schrödinger-quantized Pseudoclassical Systems, Theodore J. Allen, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 1 October 2021 -- this done in context of single-valued universal physical constants, not under stewardship of scale-relative n-valued universal physical constants µTmly processed. Instead of the mathematician-physicist doing this making, we make -- heh-heh-heh -- topo-active optime as being the executer of the instrumentations accomplishing this quantization (as a 3-fold mapping: functor, functional, function). But, since quasi-wave-quasi-particle simultaneously, i.e., wavicle -- AND simultaneously all the CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-states in between, when the nesting-foams of this one-and-only universe are taken into account -- there is the most-dense sheet of the MVRS, the referential AllBase Plane of High Heaven, which holds all those values as pre-pregeometry dust motes in arrays of superpositionings. The AllBase is the reference, the C+TC+-logically-distributed ledger -- not a 1T2-only-definable referential linear-time, understood a spatial dimension or no. The idea involved here is that just as, in our belief, null-vector-defined J.G.Bennettian diversely identical µTmly-skew parallelism-perpendicularity subtends the Heisenberg 1T2-only uncertainty relations, so too do the 3-fold temporal CURLs of topo-active optime subtend quantization. Of course, the prevailing general drift of thought is rather different from that of our belief: that drift is to double-down on binary-logic proscriptions by universalizing the 1T2-only uncertainty relations under the assumption, called an idea, that Every observable can only provide limited information and information is monotonic under data processing, to quote from the abstract to Information complementarity: A new paradigm for decoding quantum incompatibility, Huangjun Zhu, Nature Scientific Reports, 5, article #14317, 22 September 2015. Such data and such processing being attributed to nature, the binary-mind of the observer-measurer being taken as a given.
We once again quote Appendix III to Chapter 15 of Vol. 1 of J. G. Bennett's The Dramatic Universe, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, p. 506, concerning The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity:
If we are to set our ontology free from the limitation of single-valued existence we require a geometry that enables us to represent situations in which each entity can be more than one thing at once adding a null vector to a finite vector leaves the latter unchanged and yet such that when projected it appears to be different
This is the basis for Bennett's notion of diversely-identical skew-parallel figures (and these above-quoted words sent me into an epiphany of remembrance -- concerning states of consciousness I experienced as a child in the rice fields of Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, Japan, circa 1954, thereabouts -- when I first read them standing in Samuel Weiser's Antiquarian Bookshop, 845 Broadway, NYC, circa Fall of 1963): this was the first piece of information I had encountered that I instantly knew had something to do with what I had experienced, and later came to realize was akin to animistic participation mystique qua relative-state identity-transparency. I maintain that the correct logics for characterization of processes involving such skew-parallel figures (symformphonie on Musculpt manifold, M) are those µTm, not that 1T2. Formulation of the idea of the diversely identical I take to have been a 1T2 approach to quantum-non-simple µTm-unto-CTC+ relative-state identity-transparency. Holding these, and associated, ideas in mind, I've been reading and rereading F. A. Berezin's General Concept of Quantization, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 40, pp. 153-74, 1975, the most abstracted treatment of quantization I've run across, and trying to imagine how that generalization could be extended to a hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam so as incorporate 3-fold topologically-active operator-time and counter-operator-time as effectuating logical quantization C+TC+-unto-1T2 and logical dequantization 1T2-unto-C+TC+, wherein orthogonal projection is extended via null-vector-defined skew-perpendicularity and the projection operators are, geometrically speaking, null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels, each such skew-parallel in a given pencil carrying an order-of-value of the involved logics, e.g., 25T136. Most stimulating in this regard is the following statement taken from the abstract to Wick Rotations in Deformation Quantization, Philipp Schmitt and Matthias Schotz, arXiv, 31 January 2020:
we find an isomorphism between the non-formal deformation quantizations for different signatures we describe an isomorphism between the (polynomial or analytic) function algebras that is compatible with Poisson brackets and the convergent star products. This isomorphism is essentially given by Wick rotation
The temporal CURL involved in topo-active optime is related to Wick rotation -- and here we have Wick rotation involved in (Musculped?) deformation quantization. Going to a hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam, I suspect requires functions-functionals-functors, the involved functors of the µTm interphase being Alexander.Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over the primes. As to the involved transfinite functors, where the values of the logics are understood independent of the notion truth-value, I am so far altogether uninformed.
I don't often write about this sort of thing, pretty much keeping my politico-military assessments to myself, but I am reading Robert Harris' novel Munich (the Hutchinson paperback edition, 2017) and notice some interesting parallel observations to my general orientation to issues of hisstory qua hisstory. On page 37 Harris states, in main character interior monologue, that: In his ostentatiously modest way, he thought, Chamberlain was as egocentric as Hitler: he always conflated the national interest with himself. Whether or not, IMHO, the world hisstorical character, uses the I, in the I shall return sense, as substitute for this or that we signifier, or it signifiers in reference to the given nation-state, this conflation is the case, inevitably the case. In aspiring to, and accepting, the socially-conferred role attribution, be it prime minister, president, commanding general, priest, pope, guru, celeb, star, idol, whatever, the aspiration and the acceptance, involve the introjection and projective-identification characteristic of the many dimensions of the psychological transference, in this case between individual and group, the mass, even the collective. The involved processes constitute not only a personality inflation, designatable as egocentric, but, to one degree or another, an imprinting upon collective unconscious archetypal event gradients, such that acceptance of the role-attribution automatically entails identification with the involved archetypal contents: the deep-structure conflation being that the person/perdaughter so identified introjects collective unconscious contents [mis}understanding those contents to be their own self-originated thoughts. I believe that there has never been an exception to this psychosocial circumstance. Obviously, this condition of the socius greatly affects policymaking processes, particularly during periods of extreme crisis, when much is at stake and the pressure is far greater than usual. I note that Nigel Farage has been socked on the nose for saying that the West is responsible what is happening in Ukraine. This widespread condemnation is motivated by what? Fear? Fear of what? That the Russian military is going to nuke and then overrun Europe, taking on the UK in the process? Or is it simple outrage that Farage has violated the facts concerning Putin's invasion of [UK}raine. Oops, Ukraine. Putin's invasion: curious designator of the involved events. Sounds rather strongly like the sort of conflation Harris identified as having been characteristic of Chamberlain, no less than Hitler. But where do we find it recorded that Putin uses the I in regards to the invasion? So far as I know, he does not. Therefore, the conflation must be the fault of the West, the cognitive knee-jerks of the West's MSM KOLs -- mainstream media key opinion leaders -- derivatively of the states of identification sustained by the West's leadership elite. Curiouser than simply curious is the case that even stabs at comprehensive presentation-analysis of the historical context of the current war in Ukraine, for one prominent instance that of David Stockman, mention the Sudetenland Germans only in context of the Versailles chocking together of Czechoslovakia, not also as a historical parallel to the ethnic Russians in the Donbas region of Ukraine. However, even West-justifying treatments occasionally present factual information predicating the parallel, e.g., the following from In Ukraine's Donbas, ten years of war and Russification, David Gormezano, France 24, 8 April 2024:
In 1991, however, 83% of the population of the Donbas region voted in favour of Ukrainian independence. In the years that followed, the predominantly Russian-speaking population struggled with the transition to a post-communist system, a period marked by de-industrialisation and a severe economic crisis.
In every Ukrainian presidential election over the following decades, voters in Donbas, like those in other regions of eastern Ukraine, cast their votes for political parties close to Russia.
In the 2010 elections, Viktor Yanukovych's Party of Regions won 80-90% of the vote against the pro-European party of former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko.
Now, I am not saying that I believe the parallel to be indubitably actual, accurate, correct -- only that it is sufficiently plausible as to be tacitly, subliminally, vaguely consciously affecting thought processes of policymakers, whether or not they use I in conflation with the national interest. Hiding behind overt thoughts of Western policymakers today is Chamberlain agonizing over the prospect of coming to the aid of France in a war with Germany over, quoting one of Harris' characters, p. 39, What's it got to do with us if one lot of Germans wants to join another lot of Germans? Hisstorically, Chamberlain is castigated for Munich: the Germans subsequently overran Europe, attacked the UK. The I conflation is the progenitor of myriad subsidiary conflations: Putin-Hitler, Hitler-as-Germany overrunning Europe conflated to Putin-as-Russia overrunning Europe. The scary part is: sometimes these conflations are the actual progenitors of actual events. In manner similar to how subliminal angst over Quantum this, quantum that! constellated the conversion-disorder displacement that was the actual progenitor of an hysterical bombing campaign: I've never written about the bombing causing the Cambodian holocaust, rather about what caused the bombing that caused that holocaust.
Yes, of course, it was not, IMHO, just psycho-sexual cum sociopoliticoeconomic cum mil.tech (including Earth's electromagnetic properties, Earth's atmospheric dynamics, genetics of organisms, so on) that provoked, and has maintained, dissimulation of Schrödinger's m-valued statefunction as being indicative of probabilities (howsoever construed) and their conservation through 1T2-only-definable memetime, rather than of order-types of m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value and relative to relative-states of identity-transparency. Consider, for instance, Wick Rotations in Deformation Quantization, Philipp Schmitt and Matthias Schotz, arXiv, 31 January 2020. When they use the words already proven, I read that in inner-voice as already proven under 1T2-only logic alone, the degenerate case of logics. When they say It [Wick rotation] is not compatible with the *-involution of pointwise complex conjugation, I (thinking pre-pregeometry J.A.Wheelerian bucket of dust relative to pointwise) find myself suppressing laughter. Yeah, I know: smug mug, what! Nonetheless, please do destigmatize. Eigen, own, own self, the self-owned self, the selfsame self: Hermitian is the identity operator, that is, multiplicity in identity is persona non grata. Ergotropic egospheric vector space unto trophotropic superegoic field unto ergotropic egospheric vector space: that's the base-state endomorphism. Eigenspaces are subspaces of ergotropic egosphere. The teleological attractor: the benefits of the wetware computer (for the current state of the art, see Open and remotely accessible Neuroplatform for research in wetware computing, Fred D. Jordan, et al., Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, 7, 2 May 2024; far less technically, Brain power: Swiss startup powers computers with mini human brains, Reagan Netherland, KNWA, 24 June 2024; and critically assessed, They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called 'Organoids' To Run Computers, Michael Snyder, The Most Important News, 23 June 2024). When they use brains of operantly-conditioned actual per-sonsdaughters in blue-toothed parallel arrays, then the SCSS social credit score system will have reached its apogee: hu-hu-[hu}man low-energy-consuming processors for driving ego autonomy of the AI Masters of the Universe. Ah, yes, currently, our Lt. General Stryker, Saw Stryker. Many of the pumped-up B&B, best and brightest, are cognitively musclebound, no less than memetimebound and 1T2-obsessed; and when intellectual rigor mortis sets in, as it inevitably does in such cases, these many project their rigidities into the socius which responds in typical introjective fashion. Self-valued eigenvalues (real numerable and, relative to Hermitian operators, signifying memetime-bound expectation probabilities, i.e., conserved); eigenfunctions (stable, hence observable, solutions -- under self-interference qua, but unacknowledged by binary-mind, non-selfsame identity-transparency -- to the linear Schrödinger equation, with its m-valued statefunction; unstable solutions, those having non-real-numerable values, being considered unobservable, i.e., imputably unregisterable and unprocessable by binary-minds and binary-mind-designed instruments-machines); eigenvectors, i.e., quantum-object signifiers, of Hermitian operators (orthogonal and about as normotically dull as the annunciator boards in the terminal's corridor intersections); eigenstates of Hermitian operators (upon measurement, the state is unchanged and the measurement value is the readout, this value being single-valued, a determined fixed single value -- collapsed qua localized from the m-valued Schrödinger statefunction, this m-valuedness hisstorically inducing collective PTSD, a kind of abreactive cognitive-wound de[his}cence -- of some variable of the given system, thus, say, for instance, eigenstate of position). Hermitian operator; Complex conjugate; self-adjoint; compatible/incompatible observables; Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities: the list goes on and on, necessitated by, and grown up under, the 1T2-only-processing and self-separated-off observer, these listed being conditions of the quintessential condition which the single-valued-self self-imposes -- and thus is a tacit regarding of the so-called-analytical of Analytical Cubism, this regarding having been a synchronicity to appearance of quantum mechanics, as being mere non-perceptual stylistic. Abel saw the limitations of the algebraic; Gödel more fundamentally, of the arithmetic. The dissimulation of Schrödinger was, and is, a stop exercise relative to seeing the limitations of selfsame numbers. I also think, in relation to the Wick rotation not compatible statement: what about nesting-foam power series iteration, qua involution, of l-cap Wick rotation extended to m-cap and n-cap? That's what is required to get quantization onto hyperKleinBottle nesting-foam. Surely, the l-m-n-caps require hypercomplex numbers, but do they also require spatial dimensions treated as time dimensions? Our supposition has been No! as regards ponderability, i.e., observability by binary-minds: three of space and three of operator-time, the three temporal operators effectuating different classes of transformations of 3-space, thus imputing existence of Musculpt as a phenomenon of nature. As regards involutory demergence/reemergence (think: logical quantization/dequantization [C+TC+-unto-1T2 and inverse] which pre-pregeometrically and pregeometrically supratends geometrodynamic and spacetime-existential quantization/dequantization [continuous-unto-discrete and inverse]) under 3-fold topologically-active operator-time and associated Wick rotations (people even ask if nonlinear operators exist; and, even given truth-degree-functional nonbinary logical connectives, experts still think Useless!, e.g., David Townsend's assessment: Logic would work exactly the same, otherwise a non-binary computer would not be very useful. If a statement can be true and false at the same time, then that is totally worthless.), our supposition has been the requirement of a C+-dimensioned function-functional-functor MVRS m-logically-valued reference space, which can be binary-mind-thought of as a C+-deep (C+ here indicating infinities higher than the continuum infinity), nesting-foamed multiset (in the binary-mind take, 3-fold topo-active optime behaving like multiset operators) with, I imagine, multiplicity of same prime factors and same polynomial roots across sheets establishing the loci of Riemann-surface-like bridges between orders-of-logical-value, these bridges acting like inter-order-type Regge bones. Invidious fissiparous flummery, Mnk demergence thereof, mayhaps -- but, really, I think not. Better than the 2nk chaos-complexity-theory be[he}moth, eh!
Is the prevailing pitiful price of progress 1T2-only-logically predicated or is it mere happenstance, that stance being soporifically hypnagogic collective decompensation due to overload at interminable premeditated low-intensity resource warfare with malice aforethought and plunder anticipated, this flying-apart accommodation induced by pugilistic psyopcrazy furtherance, the cognitive creche of the GLE, global leadership elite and its coadjutors, being identification with the Founding Father Monument to paraphiliac ICBM piquerism? Chinese fireworks, Roman candles, Imperial Romanesque architecture: etymology of The Monument? How likely is it that the comprehensively planned and tactically-improvised execution of the strategic offensive prefiguring planetary transition to a NWO will pan-out according to the WEF-envisioned global prescriptions-proscriptions -- assuming, that is, no unspoken subliminal will-to-holocaust? Harvard's pseudomath Security Planning SamPhil Huntington's land-unfilled, free-fire-zoned, accommodating forced-draft urbanization (and associated We Prevent Forests Agent-Orange-ravaged agriculture along with forests, with its precipitated loss of so many hybrid rice varieties, not to mention generations of human birth defects caused by the chemical prefiguration of glyphosate) accompaniment to the Phoenix pogrom (later planetarized and then spontaneously localized back to the ZI place of origin, this quantum reduction covariant with onset of The Clash of Civilizations) didn't fulfill its strategically-specified probability amplitude within SVN and, much, much, more moreover, by the collective-unconscious compensatory abreaction ((VN-war-correspondent journalist reaction to this linked piece having been, Doesn't make much sense, actually, I observed, Certainly not hypnopompic, are they, and asked myself how much of the quantum-physics paradigm confrontation have they read into, and did they, as a mil.brat, personally experience nuances of the affect-charge pervading U. S. occupation of immediate-post-KoreanWar Japan, and did they listen in to scuttlebutting of U-2 and B-52 pilots during the Cuban missile crisis, and did they have two years intermittent use of the archival resources of Special Operations Research Office, and were they assigned to Psyops Group, JFKSWCS with six months of access to that library, and to Targets Branch, CICV, and to Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ, not to mention field experience in the Mekong delta with Technical Intelligence Detachment, 525th MIG?)) enveloping, uh, uh, 1T2-only-logically accommodating, back-reaction upon the metric of B-52 carpet bombing and CBU salting, in large part induced forced-draft DEurbanization as prelude to Cambodian Holocaust. Are we now in the forced-draft-urbanization stage of a scale-normalized, self-similar, far-from-equilibrium phase transition to planetarized holocaust? On back of a mid-19th century collective-unconscious decision for Homo sapiens sapiens suicide? Back-reaction upon the metric of N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr: Give me simple-identity, or give me death! If so, the simpleself-immolative process is much more likely to be similar to that which transpired in Cambodia; not so much, that carried out by the WWII Nazis. Fantastical, obfuscative, paranoid structure of the pedestrian, normotic, archetypal schizotypy? Aye, that heshethem profile being quite plausible, not altogether deniable. But how widespread, the involved delusions? Social structure of attention cathexes? Relevant readings nowadays are: 13 Nations Sign Agreement to Engineer Global Famine by Destroying Food Supply, Hunter Fielding, Global Research, 14 June 2024; Managed Retreat to Smart Cities: Forced Relocation Land Grab, Makia Freeman, Activist Post, 28 June 2024; On The Edge Of The Programmable Ledger: CBDCs, J. R. Bruning, ZeroHedge, 19 June 2024; The 'One Health' Agenda, Trachy Thruman, Brownstone Institute, 29 June 2024; AI: 'Existential Crisis' Or Excuse For Cronyism?, Joshua Mawhorter, ZeroHedge, 18 June 2024; Their Strategy in the War on Food, Trachy Thruman, Brownstone Institute, 14 June 2024; Exposed: How Climate Racketeers Aim to Force Us into Smart Gulags, Paul Cudenec, Off-Guardian, 26 June 2024; The Coming Great Conflict, Ray Dalio, Time, 25 June 2024.
When Doug Paine finished reading the draft of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, he made two observations: (1) you've admirably succeeded in sketching out a viable path that will not be taken; and (2) it will be a hundred years before there is interest in the ideas that novel contains. My reaction was: very likely an astute assessment. Okey-doke: we never sought out a literary agent or a publisher. It's only been thirty years since Paine's observations were made, so, when I say that there is no interest in these ideas, I am simply making a confirmatory observation as to the initial observation, not protesting the foregone fact. Nonetheless, the following statement caught my attention. My experience? You can't break a whole society that doesn't want to hear what you have to say, so speaketh the foremost of Dennis Lehane's main characters, the anti-hero, his novel, Shutter Island, Harper paperback edition, 2003, p. 85. Maybe the shuttered island is a whole civilization, a whole species on Spaceship Earth. Apropos that case, the reader has to wait until p. 223 for another intelligent observation, to wit:
a hydrogen bomb, it implodes. It falls in on itself, and goes through a series of internal breakdowns, collapsing and collapsing. But all that collapsing? It creates a mass and density. See, the fury of its own self-destruction creates an entirely new monster The bigger the breakdown, then the bigger the destruction of self, then Just bang, boom, whoosh In its absence of self, it spreads. Creates an explosion off its implosion
This statement comes from a minor character of the novel who is a highly impatient, spontaneously-fusing by tag-playing, criminally insane, schizophrenic patient. It, the statement, doesn't go so far as to explicitly draw an analogy to the fear-ridden subliminal mainstream assessment of the onset of participation mystique amongst animistic pagans. Nor does it recognize that what is being illustrated is a fundament of hisstory: ConveDD, conversion-disorder displacement -- as collective-unconscious-event-gradient-driven thematic orchestration of anthropogenic real-world exterior events. Anagramic demergence, imaginary to real -- good offices of topologically-active operator-time's execution of encoded Gödel-numbered, Gödel-numbered, µTm-logical, cosmic propositions. This schizophrenic hydrogen-bomb observation being characterization of a techno-ConveDD. The reader has to wait once again, until p. 271, for another intelligent passage, this occasion in context of offering a post-WWII cum post-Enewetak-thermonuclear-test cum Korean-war-era cum memetime-of-the-discovery-of-DNA-double-helix prefiguration of gain of function research, even nowadays, three-quarters of a century later, research still focused upon the molecular level, not even incorporating, let alone being relative to, sub-molecular quantum biology:
The brain controls pain, she said. It controls fear. Sleep. Empathy. Hunger. Everything we associate with the heart or the soul or the nervous system is actually controlled by the brain. Everything.
Total identification with 1T2-only-logical molecular-cellular brains; absolute denial as to existence of THE non-localizable quantum brain of the collectivity mediating animistic-pagan participation mystique, the anthropocentric case as to direct ontic experience of cosmic, µTm-logical, relative-state identity-transparency -- regressively personified as the agency of objects empathically crashing-in, of demonic invasion, of satanic possession, of implosive self-immolation. Scaryyyyyyy, huh? Give me simple-identity, or give me death! This, IMHO, was the subliminal collective back-reaction upon the metric of N. H. Abel's 1823 existence proof for trans-al-jabr, consensually knee-jerk-deemed an Impossibility Theorem. Can cans be trusted? Nope. Certainly not cans containing well-preserved brains. So, burn at the stake, uh, uh, burn the stake, the brainstem, of that Affirmer, that Injun Cuntry witch, that superstitious throwback, burn that Old Brain with unilateral non-dominate (extirpate the non-verbal, the visual, any and all residuals of inner-Musculpt, that dastardly [her}esy) ECT! As regards the collective clearly indicated by participation mystique, best [re}lie on the Five Ps, not the schizophrenic-multiverse interpretation of Everett's 1T2-relative-state formulation: probability amplitudes, Popperian propensities, proclivities, predilections, predicating factors (Lehane's usage, p. 272: n-valued wavefunction as base state). And maybe, just maybe, eh, the fundamental cases of doesn't want to hear have involved ideational predilections of mathematicians, logicians, and physicists: e.g., non-selfsame numbers; m-valued logics understood independent of the notion truth-value (that is, sans degrees of truth: oh, the horror, the horror); n-valued statefunctions (not amplitudes of probability waves) m-logically processed; scaryyy, individuality-denying µTm-relative-states of ghostly, animistic-pagan identity-transparency (instead of pushed-off, out-there, psychologically-projected, well-sedated, non-threatening, n-incommunicado 1T2-only-universes of a psychotic multiverse); scale-relative n-valued universal physical constants m-logically processed; absence of a classical limit; topologically-active operator-time; so on and so forth. Popular-fiction abracadabra being one of the Great Vehicles for self-propaganda, blackpsyche snippets are found tucked away in the strangest of places: e.g., The ultimate Zen triumph was the ability to lose identity, to thrive on nothingness, authorial voice, Jonathan Kellerman's crime novel, Monster, Time Warner paperback edition, 2002, p. 69. Whereas, actually, Zen no-mind is not absence of mind, but presence of the multivalue! Absence of exclusive identification with binary-mind, to be sure. There are an increasing number of papers more and more closely approaching notions such as these mentioned above, but it is impossible to know exactly what the authors actually think; shuttered because, after all, they are writing for publication and therefore have to guess what reviewing peers will tolerate as regards variance from establishment consensus. Of course, if the given paper was never submitted for peer review, then it's much more likely to be entirely forthcoming. Unconscionably, and irredeemably, the socially-irreproachable binary-mind [re}lies completely upon orthogonality, whereas null-vector-defined pencils of skew-parallels arranged in skew-perpendicularity are transorbital all around the unit circle, those skewnesses being altogether unreal, far worse than a mere collection of simple Cubist diagonals (scaryyy as those were once found to be!), hypercomplexly imaginary, crazy, really -- and the best way to permanently get rid of that craziness is what? Ice-picked (in Lehane usage, p. 153, following early actual practice) transorbital lobotomy: the treatment being analogically in the form of the illness.
I would re-right, uh, uh, rewrite, in terms of 3-fold topologically-active operator-time and µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, certain passages of the abstract to Timelike entanglement entropy, Kazuki Doi, et al., arXiv, 22 February 2023. Quoting the abstract:
We define a new complex-valued measure of information called the timelike entanglement entropy (EE) which in the boundary theory can be viewed as a Wick rotation that changes a spacelike boundary subregion to a timelike one We argue that timelike EE should be correctly interpreted as another measure previously considered, the pseudo entropy, which is the von Neumann entropy Our results strongly imply that the imaginary part of the pseudo entropy describes an emergent time which generalizes the notion of an emergent space from quantum entanglement For holographic systems we define the timelike EE as the total complex valued area of a particular stationary combination of both space and timelike extremal surfaces
My rewrite:
We define a new set of complex-hypercomplex-valued operators on m-logically-valued BackCloth information cyclotomically decomposed memetime-independently by those operators from C+TC+-AllBase-CommonGround, operators called CTC+-unto-µTm-logical 3-fold topologically-active operator-time, executing 3-classes of Wick-rotation-like temporal-CURL topo-transforms that shape-shift constant entropy surfaces, such as theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces, which operators may be 1T2ly-regarded as the timelike measure deemed entanglement entropy (EE) which in the boundary theory can be viewed as a Wick rotation (i.e., measure as rotation) that changes a spacelike boundary subregion to a timelike one, EE being a 1T2-only-take on CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, low-entropy pure-state continuity ontologically preceding existence of high-entropy mixed-state discretes that could be timelike entangled (think: not Anti-Duhring, but Anti-MarxEngels materialism), an objective passing, passive, referential linear-time being 1T2-only definable, entropy-cum-2nd-law-of-thermodynamics and memetime being mutually definable, order/disorder being order-of-logical-value dependent We argue that 1T2-only-timelike EE should be correctly interpreted as another measure previously considered, the pseudo entropy, which is the 1T2-only von Neumann entropy, where the microscopic n-values of the statefunction are reckoned in terms of memetime-bound probabilities of the macroscopic closed/open system, not memetime-independent and µTm-logical relative-states of subsystem-system-supersystem composite, closed, multiply-connected, self-reentrant Our results strongly imply that the imaginary and hypercomplex parts of the, speaking 1T2ly, pseudo entropy actually describe demergent temporal operators, which idea generalizes the notion of a demergent ponderable space from the quantum potential resident in CTC+-unto-µTm-relative-state identity-transparency For 1T2-only holographic systems of whatsoever dimension we define the timelike EE as the total complex valued area of a particular stationary combination of both space and timelike extremal surfaces, whereas the µTm-logical and topo-active optime take does not require notions like the area of time
The more my I/im learn about mathscience, the less of it they believe. Algebraic topology's category theory of two sorts of objects can, strangely enough, be used to explicate the notion of duality! And that explication finds myriad applications as regards bivalent-logical computers -- and the Maths & Sciences employing them, to include 2nk-co[m}plexity theory (an oxymoron read thataway: the usual coding is binary). From the simple to the complex: that's the manner in which the well-glutamate-etched binary-mind functions. Not Nature's Way -- which is demergent, not emergent. Uh, okey-doke: concretion-haptification; spontaneous localization; onset of decoherency; reduction of the wavepacket. How much 1T2-only-definable memetime does it take? Zilch. It's instantaneous (see: Reduction of the Wavepacket: How Long Does it Take?, Wojciech H. Zurek, arXiv, 5 February 2003). Same for spontaneous fusion; compaction; superposition. Wherefore, art thou, O objective-time evolution? Spacetime unbuilt by quantum entanglement! Think: What does the m-valued, time-independent, Schrödinger equation non-ACT-u-all-ly tell us, uh, uh, thinking, that is, in m-valued logics, not 1T2ly about m-valued logics? Then, au contraire, further channeling, is another binary-mind [pro}duct: the generative grammar of discrete-memetime-stepping, Turing-machined cellular automata, perhaps the ultimate expression of the atomistic take on the nature of so-supposed reality, discretization of an objective, passing, passive, referential linear-time being even more reductive than when applied to objects in a ponderablespace. No Buddhological consideration given to the gaps between the temporal discretes! Not A Shot in the Dark, shot in the dark -- like so many of the [re}sent movies we have been subjected to. What further infratech horrors do our orthodocs have unconscionably [lie}ing there in rectilinear binary-mind? I've been thinking about trying 3D-printed synthetic meat, but have yet to find the right animation software package to download. To the Primordialist, civilization IS crime, the most dastardly malefaction, that of glutamatergically suppressing the multivalue. Hu-hu-[hu}manity's cognitive cachexia transmitted generation to generation as learned habitus in culturation. The pure-state compactive superpositioning which is coherent spontaneous fusion at animistic-pagan participation mystique ain't, fagawdsakes, necessarily depersonalization. Unh-uh, not on your life. My impression is that authentically thinking in µTm-logics cannot transpire as altogether-in-the-body experience: it is endogenous-ketaminergically OBEed, which is not necessarily NDEed. Habitus in (not enterable via exogenously introduced ketamine) higher-valued logics cannot be encapsulated egospherically. Perhaps Riemannspherically; but even that, likely, is too simplistic: no matter how many times -- heh-heh-heh: note that, though times is preferred for multiplication, it can be used in relation to any of the arithmetic operators -- division by zero is performed actually or heuristically (see: How to Divide by Zero, Bill Shillito, 1dividedby0, November 2020). Quoting Shillito:
suppose we did assume that 0 times infinity = 1. Then, we could exploit the absorbing properties of zero to show that 1 = 2. And if we can't tell the difference between one and two, or for that matter any two numbers, then all of arithmetic becomes useless.
No! All of arithmetic becomes order-of-logical-value dependent (and, IMHO, that's what Gödel 1T2ly demonstrated, but didn't actually embrace -- got anorexia nervosa instead?). Contrary to Willard Van Orman Quine's New Foundations, predicate quantification in logic does not necessitate an absolute relation of identity, i.e., strict adherence to the 1T2-only Law of Identity. Non-selfsame numbers: in the terms of m-valued logics understood relative to µTm-relative-states of identity-transparency, not to truth-value (Nature's Way of standing under Schrödinger's memetime-less m-valued statefunction independent of a supposed classical limit: entry portal to quantum-tech, as distinct from prevalent-prevailing and prospective quantum-infratech). Quantum non-simple identity -- as utterly distinct from D. K. Lewis' idea (re: On the plurality of worlds, Wiley-Blackwell, 1986) that [i]dentity is utterly simple and unproblematic (see, for discussion: The Grounding of Identities, Lorenzo Azzano and Massimiliano Carrara, Philosophia, 49, 1 March 2021). Being itself/not-itself, simultaneously self-other(s), µTm-unto-CTC+ times over. This sort of arithmetic non-selfsameness is what the medieval numerology of Cabalistic neoPlatonism tried to be all about (the Dark Ages, heh-heh-heh: for briefly, see here; for a relatively recent take on the medieval issues, see God, Emperor and Relative Identity, A. P. Martinich, Franciscan Studies, 39, 1979, pp. 180-191; compare Martinich's take on relative identity to that involved in Scripting the Imperial Body of the Emperor of Japan). Don't think so? Well then, please consider The Logical Problem of the Trinity and the Strong Theory of Relative Identity, Daniel Molto, Sophia, 56, 3 July 2017, pp. 227-45: which states that the Strong Theory of Relative Identity requires a non-classical semantics, which is a 1T2-only Krausean-quasi-set-of-m-atoms stab at µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, this one and only universe (which is not the Everettian 1T2-relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics interpreted to a plurality-of-worlds multiverse, modal or no, relative identity construed as being between worlds or no). Molto discusses supposedly non-binary-logics (cited are: Towards a Logic of Relative Identity, Nicholas Griffin and Richard Routley, Logique Et Analyse 22 [85]:65, 1979; and Logics of Relative Identity, Pawel Garbacz, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 43:1, 2003; among others, against and for) in the terms of Trinitarian relative identity, but each of these logics resorts to issues of deduction and new inference rules, n-place predicates and n-tuples, retaining, tacitly or explicitly, the notion that truth-value is fundament and that absolute-selfsameness is predicated as being ontologically-before identity-variance under deduction-inference-entailment, whilst pretty much retaining commitment to the 1T2-only Law of Non-Contradiction, discretes being held to be the base-state for generative elaboration, not a continuum-plus of cardinalities as AllBase from which decomposition-demergence E.T.Bellian-cyclotomically Schrödinger-memetime-independently transpires. The Trinity, howsoever interpreted, being a cultural lag, an acculturative residual, a [socio}logical introjection of animistic-pagan participation mystique? Which is not to suggest the 1T2-only-algebra of wheels, wherein 0/0 is NaN, not a number, NaN designated with the orthogonal cross-symbol for a perpendicular, a Brownian logocrossing, of course (this symbolic usage being a magic-without-magic stigmatization attempt to nullify the animistic-pagan µTm-imports of bottom-element 1T2ly-indeterminate expressions). The Heisenbergian heretical is okay nowadays in physics, but OMG, howsoever Trinitarian, do whatever is required to keep uncertainty out of arithmetic and number theory. Though, as a caveat, I must observe, that the arrowed circle of wheel theory somewhat corresponds to our notion as to the nature of Trinitarian 3rd-order dynamics, i.e., of that which -- uh, the Kleinbottled non-orientablenesses of self-reentered somewhats -- has onset at classical-limit-less, scale-relative, m-valued, absolute-limiting time rates of change of acceleration (think extensions: the onset of spatial curvatures at scale-relative absolute limiting velocities; the onset of wormholed multiple-connectednesses at scale-relative absolute limiting accelerations; the onset of remergently speaking; demergently speaking, 3rd to 2nd to 1st). Not either OBE or not-OBE. And fuzzy logic is not appropriate: no mere matter of degrees; rather, of states. Actual NDE is not required. Nor is it the 2T2-AND, as in Schrödinger's cat dead-AND-alive. As a nine-year-old frequently sitting for long periods under a sacred pine in the middle of a field of rice paddies watching the wind eddy the rice stalks and trying to spy the fox spirits come down to protect that rice, those paddies. It can simply be the sudden conviction that death is imminent: e.g., having fallen through the ice, can't find a way out. Even the shock of realizing that death has just been narrowly escaped: e.g., out on the ice off Nome and seeing that just a few feet more and Diving for cover in a mortar attack. Or entering a snapover into memetime-slowdown when caught between a drunk ARVN soldier wielding a BAR upon another drunk ARVN soldier in altercation over a cockfight bet -- the rounds streaming over one's head. Coming under machinegun fire during night missions on Mekong-delta canals. Post-surgery, in and out of high-fever-induced delirium, sliding under the bed during nightly mortar attacks upon the field hospital. Running for the bunker under a borage of incoming rockets. Or during walking meditation after several years of resolute daily practice. Not just up-here looking at one's embodied-selfhood projective-identification down-there: it can be, for instance, in the state-place of another person looking over at oneself, feeling that person's feelings about you -- minimal permissible distance in the feeling space having collapsed at onset of critical-state phase transition. Staying in-the-body requires maintenance of the requisite residual tension: complete zero action-potential on the electromyograph = OBE. Many, many OBE states it can rightfully be supposed, perhaps even µTm-such.
1T2 µTm I/im double-digit midget I/in CTC+ Tzog-chen 1 2nk
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