µTm Scenarios, T5(M)
Dmitri Tymoczko's orbifold ChordGeometries and generalized chord-space maps are very interesting and just the sort of thing Musculptors should try as Musculpt-as-mathematical-notion evolves as a natural language. Good work coming out of Princeton's music environment. Nonetheless, reservations are in order. Back when I was studying music composition, the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center in NYC was where it was at for electronic music comp studies -- and Milton Babbitt, of course, the Juilliard guru of the topological transform between total-control seriality and music from Mark II Synthesizer. To study any of this at Columbia-Princeton or with Babbitt at Juilliard would have required as prerequisites mastery of an enormous range of the totally irrelevant, and the fact that Tymoczko thirty years later is still interested in chords is a clear indication of how bad a decision it would have been for me to have attempted movement along such a path. Extrinsically-motivated fulfillment of programmatic prerequisites imposed has never been my strong suite. Way, way out of my league and aspirations and interests (I did, however, move directly to Trumansburg where Moog had developed his synthesizer during the early-'60s, but not for Moog studies). Tymoczko's work is a natural progression from that described in Yannis Xenakis' book Formalized Music (the French language original dating to 1962), given the technological and theoretical advances over the intervening near-half century. One wonders why it took so long to progress to orbifold chord geometries from the 1958 Phillips Pavilion of the Brussels World Fair (the main piece, Metastaseis, a study in both spatialized relativistic Minkowski time-elasticity [on the metric] and aural-percept elasticity in combat due to stress-induced changes in time-rate perception, i.e., during firefights, described in Formalized Music was originally derived as a composition for [primarily] strings [if not superstrings] from a set of m-valued functions over Schrödinger's quantum wave equation, the static-hyperbolic, geometric-wavicle, Barbour-Platonia, paraboloid form of the piece being physically constructed as the Phillips Pavilion in which Varese's Poeme Electronique premiered) -- particularly given the fact that stratified, multi-sheet, orbital manifolds have been around (at least in Japan, compliments of topologist Ichiro Satake, Japan being no surprise given the role multiple sheets of kami dust coupled by temporal operations -- musically speaking, Toru Takemitsu's orbital November Steps over the Noh dan mosaic-manifold -- played in traditional animistic Shinto cosmology and in laying the conceptual foundations for the whole of Japanese aesthetics) since before the Brussels World Fair, but after composition of Metastaseis. Incidentally, in 1971, I wrote a paper on the concept of time employed in Takemitsu's amazing work, entitled November Steps, for biwa and shakuhachi and full orchestra, a paper which got me invited into 20th century music comp tutorials. My answer to why it took so long is that the Phillips Pavilion was an unforgivable heresy -- musically, mathematically, in regards to both physics and metaphysics. I was studying music at George Mason University in 1971 when Xenakis' Formalized Music appeared in English, and I understood enough of quantum-relativity theory even then -- and had heard enough of firefights during '67-'68 -- to be totally wowed by the extent of the heresy. But I also knew this thumbed nose was not strange, given that Xenakis had been working with Le Corbusier when he did the Phillips Pavilion, and given that Le Corbusier was not only dean of the Modulor but also a graduate of Analytical Cubism's concretion of time (to use the term coined by Jean Gebser and employed in his great work The Ever-Present Origin). The Phillips Pavilion was a geometrical representation of the concretion of time which Metastaseis spontaneously fused by not spontaneously localizing the m-valued superposition described by the Schrödinger wave equation. Just as Tymoczko represents a chord as a point in a hyperspace, so Xenakis redefined the elements of music into point-particles and clouds of these sound particles and so on: music as quantum-relativistic weather; well-tempered music composition system as aural climate. Indeed, it was for this effort at redefinition that Xenakis was most criticized by the musicological community: reductionism, a reduction in the content of music, was the charge. I rather thought quite the opposite, and therefore abandoned music comp studies for the study of tornado genesis. The concretion of time studied in Analytical Cubism (1909-12) defied the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics fifteen years before it came to pass and fourteen years before Born's probability amplitude interpretation and thirteen years before Schrödinger wrote his time-independent wave equation: according to both Husserl's reductive phenomenology and Analytical Cubism, a superposition is required for the appearance of a discrete object, whereas according to the Copenhagen Interpretation that superposition must collapse if objective (reduction)-localization is to transpire. Even Roger Penrose has mistakenly committed his posterity to Objective Reduction! Xenakis enshrined, not only in his architectural Pavilion, but also in his title to the music composition generating it, his alignment with Schrödinger's time-independence and the m-valued superposition of Analytical Cubism. Heresy, great heresy. Heresy because, mathematically speaking, over and above Heisenberg epistemology, concretion of time cannot ontologically be, just cannot be, under 1T2 logic alone; it requires m-valued Lukasiewicz logics which were no part of Xenakis' formalization, and had they been, he could not possibly have settled in Paris, let alone Indiana. Metastaseis was the residue of Xenakis' untrammeled intuition -- uncooked, straight from the altered-states of combat, raw -- pulled together as he was being subjected to the unfortunate effects of higher enculturation: stochastic processes, gas statistics, Boolean algebras, non-Abelian groups, Markov chains, so on. Coverings of heresy. My reservations about Tymoczko's orbifold chord geometeries are my reservations about superstring theory's M Theory. Reservations or not, this work of Tymoczko is helping to belatedly create the medium required to rigorously explore such matters: Musculpt as mathematical notation.
Hearing that Xenakis' coverings of heresy are directly involved in the climate change debate should be no more surprising than encountering the assertion that they were relevant to the Viet Nam war enemy strength estimates controversy (given the contextualizing self-organizational phase transitions engaged in by the Viet Cong political infrastructure, still not understood by experts on terrorist networks). Al Gore was probably pulled off the stage at the Oscars because he was about to launch into a presentation on the Navier-Stokes equations! Well maybe not. But the unlikelihood is something of a measure of how little atmospheric science has progressed since Metastaseis was premiered. Consider the following from Ross McKitrick, a participant in the IPCC procedures employed to produce the U.N.'s recent assessment of greenhouse warming (What the U.N. Won't Tell You, Newsweek, 12 February 2007, p. 40):
The mathematics describing fluids in motion were derived by Claude-Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes more than a century ago, but no one has been able to put the equations in a form that would be useful for predicting many key climatic processes. The Clay Institute of Mathematics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, offers a $1 million prize for anyone who can solve the Navier-Stokes problem, or even just prove that a solution is possible.
Personally, I think Angelina Jolie must long have sat on the Clay committee choosing problems to solve, and that her success at this task was her primary qualification for being chosen to help formulate U.S. foreign policy. What McKitrick, the Clay Institute, Al Gore, and Angelina Jolie apparently are unaware of is that the Navier-Stokes problem hasn't been a problem in the atmospheric sciences since the Brussels World Fair: it was put to rest in 1959 by the atmospheric physicist and fluid dynamicist Victor P. Starr (see: The Hydrodynamical Analogy to E = mc2, Tellus, 9, pp. 135-38). This was only one year after Xenakis' Phillips Pavilion was brought to a metastable state -- and Starr's solution to the Navier-Stokes problem was developed on a similar basis of formalization as that employed by Xenakis! The analogy, of course, was no mere analogy (that word, given the prevailing mentality, was employed only so the paper could get published); it was an early formalization of m-valued universal physical constants which lifted the whole field of fluid dynamics fully into spatialized relativistic Minkowski time-elasticity of the breaking wave in exactly the way Phillips-Pavilion waves break in metastasis: at the crest of the breaking wave, the correlation length goes to infinity, any particle of the fluid wave at cusp of the break reaches infinite density relative to the particular spacetime scale set by the operative m's of the relevant constants as the mass-energy dynamic is driven by time elasticity over the metric. It is the relative to that is important, not the infinite density, for it is in the relative to that all the computing transpires. The Navier-Stokes equations are focused on issues of time rates of change of functions coupling variables (not the variables themselves or their couplings). Specialist in tornado genesis, Douglas A. Paine, during the 1960s and '70s, coupled Starr's insights (time differentiated at two levels of non-linearity beyond Starr's treatment) to Maxwell's equations in context of the full primitive equation set for dynamical meteorology, and along with Michael L. Kaplan, then working with NASA's biggest mainframes, developed a multiscale diagnostic model by analogy to the Xenakis-Starr formalization (a bit of a strange way to cast it, but accurate enough). The infrasound signatures and their one-to-one convoluted constant entropy surface curvature configurations are Earth-orb orbifold Musculpt! Paine coined the word Musculpt in 1975 in echo of the model's operational terminology because that is exactly what was being described in tornado genesis: Music-Sculpture. If ever there was a realworld orbifold, the tornado is it! Those constant entropy surfaces are called theta-e surfaces, surfaces of equivalent potential temperature -- which is the sort of temperature people into global warming should be looking at, because it is more directly related to the instrumental frequency response windows than is the type of temperature one sets with ones thermostat. Starr's account -- as expanded by Paine -- is of phenomena directly involved in the generation of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes by tornadoes, i.e., acoustic analogues of black hole computers (which are no more analogues than Starr's analogy is an analogy) -- the very modes Wheeler, Hawking, and Penrose during the 1970s would not acknowledge existence of when drawn to their attention. Those modes propagate the m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian information (the why of the existential denials by leading physicists) which pokes holes in the tropopause boundary allowing drawdown of ozone which modulates the global atmosphere's frequency-window-response characteristics to solar-wind-carried complex angular momentum, thus tuning Earth orb to conditions prevailing at the center of its Sun (which is similarly tuned to the black hole computer at the center of its galaxy -- notionally speaking, of course: Heh-heh-heh!). Anthropogenically-induced frequency-window dyscrasia is not indicated. This is worlds away from Navier-Stokes, but likely very close to us -- given the nature of solar-terrestrial complex angular momentum interactions mediated by solar wind, the frequency response window properties of Earth's atmosphere, and their greenhouse-gas-ratios dependencies. Before Starr wrote it, Xenakis had already begun to Musculpt it! As soon as there are m-valued universal physical constants, there is no classical limit and the Navier-Stokes problem is no problem: Xenakis and Starr solved it during the late-1950s, just as the climate-shift dynamic was moving onto a recognizable cusp surface of the Barbour-Platonia form of the piece.
Tymoczko's films are not what I experience as inner Musculpt, but they are closer than, say, the films of Jordon Belson, or the drawings by autogenic therapy patients of visual phenomena experienced during autogenic abreactions, or the drawings of schizophrenic children. A closed set of open sets? Is {boundary = the null set} a boundary, or not? To cross again is not to cross? Boundary-without-boundary compact-without-boundary, or not? If R is compact, change of R is included in R; if change of R is compact, change of change of R is not included in change of R: same for time rates of change of velocity and time rates of change of acceleration. What about the limiting acceleration and the limiting time rate of change of acceleration? By laws of form by G. Spencer Brown, to cross again is not to cross: a fundamental premise of the logics of 3-fold operator-time, and its limit. No limit on dimensions; limit on time-fold. First-order temporal curl regarded -- by faulty visualization, visualization unassisted by Musculpt -- as non-orientable, looped, Kaluza-Klein 5th dimension. Degree of freedom is not the only way to spatialize time, if temporal spatialization is what haptification of space demands of the 1T2-logical mind. Were Kaluza-Klein working in 1T2 logic, or not? Any relationship between the p-over-q tensor and the µTm of Lukasiewicz order-types? Violate an axiom, lose a type of symmetry. What if no-self is evident at axiomitization? The CTC order-type self = no-self. Vector defined from covector: manifold built down, not up. Forget bi-vectors Platonically. Musical chords as accumulation points. Filling in branch points as a way of hiding from the actual import of m-valued identity. What was the tritone to practitioners of polyphony? You little devil! Diabolus in Musica. Why? Why was the tritone regarded satanic? Square-root of two : 1 :: its own octave inversion. Self-inversion: self-reference; self-reflexivity. The foundation of Lukasiewicz logic order-types! The doppelganger used by Romantic-era composers as modulation interval. Abstract markers? Diagrammatic notation? Tensor of valence? Tensor of logical-value valence? Logics of tensor strain in co-Tangent bundles over a general Manifold for Musculpt by VirFut Q-Pro. Mu-its, not qubits! M-level entanglement. Much better to use polymorphic forms and associated colors and sounds, i.e., Mu-sculpt. Tymoczko presents animated images of 3-D geometrical figures representing 3+ n-dimensional chord-symmetry polytopes on Möbius strips (as opposed to, say, quark symmetries over p-branes): this is one kind of sound painting; another is Karlheinz Stockhausen's spiral-banded Ylem, which, along with Joe Goode's Tornado Series aquatint etchings (most sets of which are still held in a vault in Osaka, Japan, so far as I know), is pretty much as close to inner-Musculpt in animistic participation mystique with the tornado as the human mind has allowed itself (more so, obviously, than John C. Lilly's The Center of the Cyclone: with all his efforts, Lilly never managed to pull himself far enough out of the man-woman level of the transference to actually enter such hyperspheres). Time storm over R, boundary-without-boundary compact-without-boundary. This observation on Stockhausen and Goode is contextualized in discussions recorded in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh. Unfortunately, one cannot look up Ylem in the index to the novel, for there is no index (we ran out of money before indexing and before being able to graphically paginate 1700 pages in the nonlinear manner we wished). MOON does have a 100-page annotated bibliography self-referentially written by the novel's protagonist (protagonist writing himself observing himself as if he were someone else: a form of Benoit inner counter-work), and that is one reason why we never took it to an agent or a publisher. And we were obviously right: quote David Gates reviewing in Newsweek (22 January 2007) Norman Mailer's The Castle in the Forest, published 13 years after self-publication of MOON (avant-garde self-publication being another level of novel-self-reflexivity pioneered early in the 20th century):
Nobody said the obvious: that including a bibliography implicitly privileges what's really true in a novel over what's just made up. And without the addition of footnotes, the reader's forced to wonder which is which -- the sort of static that disables the willing suspension of disbelief.
This castigation of Mailer by Gates resulted from inclusion of a 6-page bibliography. Far be it from the writer to cause the reader to wonder! Moreover, the only reader who has to suspend disbelief is that reader who irrationally clings to the notion of an objective reality and the value of logical truth-value in face of all the evidence associated with the quantum measurement problem and existence of m-leveled self-referential Lukasiewicz logics, both foci of MOON (which, incidentally, in consideration of states of consciousness cultivated by the clingers, does contain notes in the acknowledgements and the bibliographic entries regarding truth-value of the events depicted in the novel). One reason why writers might choose to challenge the reader's commitment to truth-value and the notion of an objective reality is because the brain's neuronal plasticity is resident in the genome's plasticity, thus making habituated patterns of visualization, such as those associated with the reading of a novel, invasive somatic brain surgery: neurons and perineural tissue undergo functional and structural changes as a result of repeated patterns of visualization (see: How the Brain Rewires Itself by Sharon Begley, in the same issue of Time with the article on Tymoczko, The Geometry of Music by Michael D. Lemonick, 12 February 2007). This, I learned to be the case during figure drawing sessions carried out daily very soon after I returned from Viet Nam in late-'68: eye-movement reprogramming, it is now called, and associated autogenic brain discharges in self-therapy for PTSD (carried out by a person trained as an SF medic). Anyone who does walking meditation informed by Husserliana with religious regularity two hours a day for six years does not need invasive-upon-quantum-brain imaging technologies (fMRI, transcranial magnetic stimulation, NMR, and all the rest) to convince himself that Brain-Mind Bulletin could just as well have been Mind-Brain Bulletin: stimulating the brain by visualization to autogenic brain discharge. Neuroplasticity is resident in the genome's plasticity by the radiation exchange properties of p-electron gas core of intranuclear-neuronal and intramitochondrial-perineural DNA superconductivity. But such plasticity can lead to higher or lower levels of functional integration; hence, the heavy responsibilities upon shoulders of novelists and filmmakers. So, Tymoczko's films: animated images of 3-D geometrical figures representing 3+ n-dimensional chord-symmetry polytopes. In inner Musculpt, the additional degrees of freedom are, indeed, synaesthetically mapped by cross-modal correlations of sensory dimensions: the basic principle at foundations of non-linear perspective. One exercise at walking meditation: see green. Attend to green. Attend to nothing but green. Hue green. See as many hues of green as you are capable of, all other percepts, propriocepts, and kinesiocepts being placed on autopilot. Facilitate those neurons, those perineural cells. Turn the green rheostat of the mind, give it a twist -- and you will begin to hear green (and if you are a Toru Takemitsu, you may then compose a Green for Orchestra). Any such rheostatic turn yields time-slow-down, real Kungfu! without which one could never actually attend to nothing but green. I have not experienced full-blown synaesthesia sans modalities to cross-correlate, which is a level of Samadhi beyond Samadhi -- but even from hearing green, one knows that there is such a beyond. Of course, no one could be a one in that beyond. This is why Musculpt as mathematical notation needs the biofeedback-equipped Lilly tank if it is to grow like a natural language: neuroplasticity has to be systematically cultivated in EscherFormDance practice of a human pod engaged in learning DolphinSpeak sonic-visioning as a second language, the language of m-level long-range phase-correlation. Quantum computing over M Theory will get nowhere without it. During the past five years, I have made multiple attempts in Southeast Asia to interest Buddhists in the idea of The Buddhist School of Fine and Performing Arts Computing. Buddhological space set next to Kimon Nicoliades' contour drawing and gesture sketch next to traditional dance next to multimedia studies. Even with saffron-clad monks crowding Luang Prabang internet cafes at certain times of day, the very idea that Buddhological-space has anything to do with hyperfunction-space, that dependent origination has anything to do with Everett relative-state are notions as inaccessible as the idea of m-logically-valued Lukasiewicz monetary units. This needs to be done in Buddhist societies, not by New Age Buddhism.
When the parentheses are there, that's the least increment of challenge to the brain glue laid down! A bit harder when the parentheses are removed. Capacity to simultaneously deal with ideas nested one inside another is the bare minimum requirement for admittance to human survival, planet Earth, seven-billion brain-glued people. Separating those ideas out and placing them one after another in a sequence of simple sentences simply lays down more brain glue, binds the mind in linear-time. Can't read nested parentheses -- practice required: study the sentence; pull the cognitive nests out; identify their multiple connections; and do this over and over and over until the separating-out is no longer required -- then can't get the sticky wicket out of the brain. Not this brain; no rewiring itself for me! I can tell you that. How hue green, then? If, even when the parentheses are there, stacked meaning is simply too much, how is it one wishes to speak of Husserliana in walking meditation over heard hues of green? Hearing myriad green is vastly more challenging to the brain glue then double or triple parentheses actually provided as a crutch. Passive entertainment at reading (at comics, at TV, at the movies, at computer games, at the Super Bowl, at the World Cup, at Wimbledon, at the music hall, at karaoke, at pachinko, at anime, at adult manga, at the theater, at the lecture hall, at the art museum) lays down the brain glue. The academic program: follow the dotted lines; obey the arrows; step by step, now; note the accommodating schemata. We are not teaching you what to think; we are teaching you to think how we think! You learn to think how we think and the human species will survive. Heh-heh-heh! Done since pre-school. Done since read to sleep with linear-time-bound fairytale stories! More and more brain glue: the parenting gift; the teaching gift. The glued brain was one thing with 300-million people on the planet, and will be quite another with seven billion. The nature coming back on humanity is not glued; it is so far beyond three parentheses nested as to make hearing hues of green just the sort of thing any glued mind should be capable of. Plasticity nested inside plasticity nested inside plasticity. Anybody here? Anybody have any idea what is coming back upon seven-billion miscreants? Factors like this will determine the number of survivors. It doesn't look good.
The only response I can make to that is to invite a close reading of the contents of the present website and that devoted to our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, where it is argued in detail that all, repeat all, problems of our contemporary global civilization intersect a single area: extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics. Even if this proposition is an exaggeration, it surely is not altogether wrong, and if it is even correct to a partial degree, it is a powerful clue to possible solutions in numerous areas.
As far as I now know (just these early days of 2007 reading Robert Reid's 1978 biography of Marie Curie, entitled Marie Curie, a book I've heretofore always avoided), the first incarnation of the proposal for a radiating, light-encapsulating, biofeedback, holographic-empathic, dancewear, SmartDress was tendered to Marie Curie in 1904 by the illuminated Folies-Bergère dancer Loie Fuller (Reid, p. 118-9). This dress -- necessary to make the Gurdjieff Movements, and other forms of sacred dance, into light-pencil computer input for Musculpt as mathematical notation -- has always been treated as a crank proposal because it would contravene a premise common to the human rights advocate and the aficionado of moral war: the inviolability of discrete 1T2-logical identity and, hence, of individual responsibility. Exteriorizing internal states to public view via biofeedback SmartDresses would quickly dissipate the petty presumptions underlying claims to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. There are few greater threats to moral war, such war being an imaginary pretension which human rights advocates assist power elites to maintain as a legitimate policy option of nation-states.
If surveys widely reported in the press are correct, that large numbers of Japanese in the age range 20-40 use their cell phones as much as 10 hours/day, that society has an overwhelming need to explore the m-logically-valued properties of DNA radiation exchange so as to insure that their cell phones are redesigned such that the communications frequencies employed are with certainty kept out of biologically-active frequency-response windows. The implications over the coming decades of an aging Japanese population coupled to 10 hours/day of exposure of Japanese youth to possibly biologically-active frequencies are not pleasant to contemplate. The fact that there has long been commercial opportunities associated with the implied redesign, one would have thought, should have been sufficient to garner interest. Not so. And the absence of interest over a quarter century is one portrait of the times. The superconductant DNA paper was published in the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry during 1979, and was written in part due to the encouragement of Wolfgang Luthe, the world's then-leading authority on autogenic brain discharges, and Roland Fischer, a Swiss chemist early specialized in the quantum chemistry of brain-altering substances. I first argued this thesis about frequency response windows to Japanese specialists in the electrophysiology of Zazen during the summer of 1977.
Not that Roland Fischer. I assume, or at least hope, the Roland Fischer I am speaking of is still with us. Late in his career he edited the Journal of Altered States of Consciousness. His investigations of psychotropic drugs and his involvement with the psychiatric institute in Maryland well predated John C. Lilly's involvements (Lilly did not remember ever having met a Roland Fischer). Indeed, Fischer's orientation toward quantum chemistry predated Albert Szent-Györgyi's interest in sub-molecular biology. This is off the top of my head, and therefore not to be given too much credibility, but I believe that during the 1940s Fischer worked for Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Basel and was one of the very first chemists to systematically investigate A. Hoffman's discovery, LSD. His career transited out of employment by the pharmaceutical industry and into experimental psychiatry and academic pharmacology. He became a professor associated with the medical schools of Ohio State University, Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University. He did NIMH- and FDA-sponsored research on psychotomimetic drugs from very early into this area of research. He wrote prolifically, so far as my knowledge goes, at least through the end of the 1970s in German and English primarily for psychiatric, chemistry, pharmacology, and neurology journals. When he unexpectedly could not appear at a medical congress in Kyoto during 1977, I was asked to make his paper presentation for him. He wrote on such subjects as cartographies of states of consciousness; taste sensitivity and taste polymorphism; self-to-I ratios and the continuum between self and I and the involved sliding subject-object relativities (how much the subject is in the object; how much the object, in the subject); the activation-arousal continuum in relation to the electrophysiology of the autogenic state; porosities of consciousness-state boundaries; psychotropic time dilation and spatial elasticity with the involved displacements in visual angles and I-placements and consciousness-state baud-rates and arousals over the perception-hallucination continuum; state boundedness, such as LSD flashbacks and ketamine bonds; state-dependent learning; measurement of hallucinations; frequencies of micronystagmoid eye movement at various states of hyper-arousal and hypo-arousal (the saccadic movements I stumbled upon by self-observation at Viet Nam combat visual scanning and intensively, if naively, investigated immediately upon return from Viet Nam relative to breath-work by doing Kimon Nicloliades' contour drawings as slow as possible and during Edmund Jacobson's progressive relaxation relative to the extraocular muscles, involving connections still not made by those using eye-movement reprogramming to treat PTSD: if the American Psychological Association style guidelines are more important than the information I have on this, that's fine with me; they can keep their style guidelines and I will keep my information, so said I thirty years ago). As far as I know, Roland Fischer never related these areas of research to Lukasiewicz logics. During 1980 at Georgetown University Medical School, I tried to broach this topic of logical-value order-types with him in relation to architectonics of the cortex, but apparently it was too late in his career for such a major departure. This was probably mostly my fault, as I discussed cortical architecture relative to Musculpt -- optico-acoustico-molecular superpositioning -- and the conversation immediately went off on Jungian archetypes as I tried to explain how the Regge calculus maps between spacetime curvature configurations and n-dimensional lattice structures and how, when one adds Lukasiewicz logics to the picture, Janos Szentagothai's and Vernon Mountcastle's notion of architecture needs to move in the direction of frozen music if, for instance, superposition of multiple viewing-point displacements and I-placements under shifting baud-rates of consciousness are actually to be understood. Understandably, he sloughed it off -- by digressing into a discussion of C. S. Sherrington and how synaptic transmission of chlorpromazine and serotonin are blocked by LSD. Now, with the work of Dmitri Tymoczko, we can begin to actually see-hear why the normal-state-of-consciousness model of the brain must be left behind if m-level-entanglement, phase-mu-it, quantum computing over M Theory is ever to be pulled together -- which is almost certainly a prerequisite, if seven-billion people are to survive what is surely coming down upon them. Full-blown m-logically-valued monetary units are otherwise impossible!
Having always had an attitude, and being stone-winnich downright surly insolent, I'd have to say that my low-level wan-chi was devoid of the requisite gaiatsu (foreign pressure): that's why the Japanese couldn't have been actually interested in the superconductant DNA model -- requirement for the gaiatsu boot being a legacy from the Meiji era no amount of Taisho could overcome. And that's a problem the Japanese obviously still have: see it in the papers most every day. Their international psyops capabilities are so poor in part because their English-language press has no real press corps of its own; it picks up far too much from the Western press agencies to be producing good psyops for its own side. The Prime Minister, for instance, cannot effectively respond to gaiatsu over comfort women, because that would antagonize the suzerain and possibly disturb construction of the umbrella; only an effective English-language press could do it. Can the Prime Minister refer to the fact that the first draft of the unconditional surrender peace treaty tendered by Big Mac to the Imperial Japanese Government specified exactly how many Japanese comfort women each American Occupation military officer was to receive by rank? One must sincerely doubt it. Domestics Right! With what I seed growin' up on myriad military bases Ha! I was aware of this first-draft item by overhearing adult jokes as a kid in Japan. If you think this a misrepresentation or an exaggeration, then perhaps you haven't read The Fall of Japan (Dial Press, 1967) by William Craig, a member of Big Mac's staff at the time the first draft was tendered. Only after I read this book did I fully understood the joke heard as a kid was no joke. Of course, reading John Sack's 1953 From Here to Shimbashi (Permabooks) did help contextualize. Many years later, I asked Archimedes Patti, author of Why Vietnam? (UC-Berkeley, 1980) who had run OSS-Kunming, whether he had heard of this assertion by Craig. He laughed and said he had, that it was no mere assertion. The Japanese international psyops press, if it existed and was as effective as the Western psyops press, could also point out that there are degrees and then there are degrees in subbing-out application of force in recruitment of comfort women by armies throughout world history of mass warfare: when soldiers, in a place like Viet Nam, say, are prepared to pay the equivalent of one man-year of rural income for one girl-hour, this is only to put the gun at her head into the hands of her relatives, or the village chief, or whomever it is taking 90 per-cent of her cut. And when Special Forces MEDCAPS medics are officially detailed to regularly provide prophylactic antibiotics to the staffs of all the local houses of ill-repute, and decide which are on-limits, and which off, you think some of the involved medics don't see a business opportunity, a siteeeeation ripe for an LBO (leveraged buyout)? Of course, some jus' do it. There surely were lots of such cases: I know of several specific concrete instances, myself. Or check out in depth actual realities of relations between the R&R Officer and the R&R hotels at multiple R&R sites during the Vietnam-war era. How voluntary is involuntary indentureship? If everybody knows about it, is it sanctioned or not? Unofficially sanctioned, is it an Army activity, or not? Is activity by the Army that is not even unofficially sanctioned, activity by the Army, or not? Is activity by the Army that is officially unsanctioned, activity by the Army, or not? If it is off those books, does that mean it is off these books? Personally, I couldn't be promoted to E-6, no matter how often my superiors put me in for it, due to the fact that all the promotion allocations E-6 and above were monopolized by the on-the-books headquarters company of my administrating battalion because all the NCOs made under those allocations were needed to clandestinely run the off-the-books headquarters company's downtown houses of ill repute as well as its various and myriad black-market enterprises. Pineapple Hamlet. Big money, Milo Minderbinder! Nobody said nothin' about this because of the involved enormous risk to personal limb and life, there being abundant cover in the terrorist activities all around. One more bystander no longer standing: not me, bub; not over that. That's the nature of war, folks: don't like the downside, e.g., comfort women, then stop promoting the moral war that never was and never will be. And if you do stop so promoting, then maybe, just maybe, the gaiatsu boot will not be needed to get matters of importance accomplished in this world. With persistence of the fundamentalists in opposition to anthropogenic climate change -- those who can actually say anthropogenic -- and longevity of the insurance industry both being wholly dependent upon acts of God, great collective cathexes at this conjuncture need to be placed upon prospective incidence of survival, and similar concerns apropos of public health medicine.
But the Viet Nam war attitude is the correct stance! Don' mean nothin'. Whether you believe the U.S. was involved before or after the Soviet invasion, in imitation of forebears, Americans ran a sting in Afghanistan to redress the stab in the back and to get some back from the Bear, and the whole planet is going to pay an enormous price for success of that sting. Big B and his Bullets, on stage. Oh, boy! And this operation was undertaken just about the time The Sting was running in the theaters! An illustration of how participatory democracy really works. The collective unconscious is an amazing device. People haven't the slightest idea what is happening to them. The doomsayers are wrong! The people who left Viet Nam intent upon mounting this sting were those people who least understood self-organizational dynamics of underground political apparats. You come to understand such dynamics by running night operations to create ambush kill zones? How many years to such understanding by such methods? Once they had naively created the guerrilla-infrastructure platform for global insurgency, there was only, perhaps, a 20-percent chance the West could triumph over it -- on that platform's own terms, that is. Given all the mistakes that have been made by the West in the period after 1980, by no understanding of self-organizational dynamics, the percent chance is now probably below, say, five. But, in due course, the West will of necessity abandon all attempts to deal with it on the global insurgency's own terms: that is already prefigured in the drift of concrete affairs. Pretexts will be found to take out population centers by way of massing force against the inevitable. Doomsayers wrong, because they do not understand the depth of what they are not dealing with. I will not attempt to characterize what I actually believe is going to happen because I know I am incapable of imagining its enormity. Moral failures always harp on morality: look at Soros who underwrites the writing of A Problem From Hell only to clutch Halliburton stock to his breast. There are reasons, very good reasons, why a leading Japanese authority on fuzzy logic cannot comprehend displacement of grayscale truth-value to incommensurate order-types in identity-transparency over extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics. Any surprise that morally-failed moral upbraiders should prefer grayscale truth-value treated as market reflexivity? As for the Japanese, they are emotionally precluded from any authentic engagement with the substance of animistic Shinto. Under the barrels of rusty cannons, the Japanese lost direct access to the contents of their collective unconscious, font of all their creativity, and they have not made the collective unconscious of the West their own: what is left to them is mere techno-innovation informed by aesthetic eclecticism. Why does a Masahiro Kahata recoil from doing serious things with his innovations? What is SoftBank doing about energy-density of the Tokyo microwave frequency domain nesting the frequency domains Karl Pribram essayed? What is Masayoshi Son doing? Those sitting between subcultures in Japan are the Japanese least damaged by Japanese lower and higher enculturation. Are they doing anything worth doing? Read Milton Friedman's papers, essays, editorials. Look at the way he thought, the way he accommodated his schemata, the clean, crisp cognitive attitude, the utter mastery of the subject matter, the triumph of the human mind over the chaos of natural phenomena, if only by treating those phenomena as externalities. There was no possibility whatsoever Fried Man Mind could ever, in ten incarnations, have understood F. A. von Hayek's notion of the time-shapes of total capital stock -- particularly given that von Hayek, himself, did not actually understand time-shapes (which we can be certain of because he made no attempt to reinterpret or adopt Lukasiewicz logics, logics on the scene even before he had begun his career in economics). Friedman did not leave the stage without receiving an afterimage of what his efforts would wrought. Human mind is incapable of comprehending current circumstances, planet Earth. This is not going to change. It is in brain glue, and getting rid of that glue requires the kind of collective effort no indications of an inclination to are manifest. None. The last Ithaca Papers article written, The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, we submitted for publication to a German meteorology journal and it went to all the usual suspects on peer review. One reviewer recommended against publication because, he said, he couldn't understand the title. This failure to communicate was because over the previous decade paper after paper had been submitted and rejected. Keep on movin' and grovin'! Look what's comin' down the line! Reject into the file cabinet and write the next one just as if the last one had been published. Having gone on so long, no wonder the guy couldn't understand the title! Another reviewer similarly recommended against by the argument that Victor P. Starr's thesis (see: The Hydrodynamical Analogy to E = mc2, Tellus, 9, 1959, pp. 135-38) is nothing but an essay on a pure scalar coincidence. Coincidence, mind you, when Starr's argument is actually the foundational contribution to acoustic black hole computing, the primary means by which Earth's atmosphere interacts with the sun and transmits m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian, mu-it phase-twistor-ed, m-level-entanglement information to Earth's magnetic core. Phased-array-radar induced hot aurora is, just is, a core surgical intervention! Star Wars to ya! There are myriad ways to screw up frequency-response windows, planet Earth, and many of them have been employed by the human species for decades and decades. You think the woodpecker was benign? Autogenic discharges of the third kind! Greenhouse warming has only been one small step for mankind on the way to climate-shift dynamics -- and so very much more.
I just jumped right into reading Paul Levy's book and found that no matter how much I struggled with it I could not understand how a nonlocal disease of the collective unconscious, i.e., our collective psychosis, could appropriately be designated malignant egophrenia -- given that the ego complex is quintessentially the cathexes localizing individual mind. And given that I had quit college in 1965, having read C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul several times over the previous two years, specifically to gain direct experience of the phenomenology of the American psychosis, as I then understood it through the Jungian lens (see Derek's Journals from the early 1960s, incorporated into MOON), I now find myself incredulous contemplating the notion that Bush the Younger, and his neocon cohort, were the responsible agents more than 30 years after the fact. Deja vu all over again vis-à-vis the enemy strength estimates debacle: Sam Adams never believed Westmoreland was the responsible agent; Sam and every other knowledgeable person -- save one -- never ever entertained the notion LBJ was not the directly responsible agent: in the hands of CBS, Sam's thesis became modeling clay. Psychological displacement, and onto an appropriate substitute object. The save one was me, and given my Jungian perspective, I knew nonlocal culpability exonerates absolutely no one, there being no ones in collective psychosis (even if a given case of atrocity involves only a single perpetrator). No one to say, Been there, done that!: no there to been; no done to that. Under The Unconscious as Infinite Sets, binary logic does not prevail. So Levy's decades old, all too familiar, yet bizarrely focused thesis was utterly perplexing until I happened to read the first sentence of his Acknowledgements (p. xi, AuthorHouse, 2006):
In writing The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis, I feel like I was dreamed up by the universe to be the instrument through which this book materialized.
After catching my breath, I found I no longer had any difficulty understanding origins of the oxymoronic notion of nonlocal disease as malignant egophrenia. Psychological projection is a slimy eel of a process, you know; pretty hard to grasp, sometimes.
Oh, no. I spend very little memetime on things I agree with. If I agree with them, I pretty much know them, so why waste the memetime? I study what I disagree with -- and I entertain very little interest in fictionalized non-fiction. What interests me especially, as a one-time Psychological Operations Group Go-Team member, is non-fictionalized fiction, the impossible story written as fact sequence, e.g., The Madness of Mao Tse-tung: An Unknown Story of Personal Psychosis. I read every page, fascinated with this interpretation of collective behaviors -- ha-ha-ha! not aha-aha-aha! Were this non-fictionalized fiction actually non-fiction, someone would have killed Mao in every scene of the play. It doesn't take an actual weapon. A water glass, a pair of chop sticks, a fork; with a little knowledge of anatomy, a cigarette lighter, a spoon. In collective psychosis, no one is present -- and it just doesn't happen the way it would if there were.
Al Gore's residential LiveDoor is opened by The Bird of Paradise, just like George Soros is the God by his own account he once thought he was. Paying to volunteer, thus buying a prophylactic booster shot of meaning, just keeps these guys in business by underwriting the sustainable development of failed institutions in service to the greeds of failed persons, and by diverting attention cathexes of the young away from potentially effective actions. Privatize education and social services and divert the tax base to The Bird of Paradise? Why, why, sure, I'll pay to volunteer to help underwrite a poor facsimile of what the failed institutions should be providing; that way I can help those failed institutions continue to fail to provide. Ha! I knew I could find an effective way to help overcome the crisis! One more spoiling operation internetworked for profit and LifeStyle, maybe even P2Ped by 1T2-logical brain glue. How many of the few you know who actually credit likelihood of global catastrophe have shifted into substantial personal risk and sacrifice as opposed to more intensively scrambling to feather their nests? Voyeuristic self-servers, mostly. What is herein referred to as animistic identity transparency no longer authentically exists on this planet; there are only REGRESSED instances limited to some elite military units and terrorist groups: no augur for a bright future. Mapping your multiple scenarios over memetime necessitates 1T2-logical scenario logics, but the assumption that stakeholders act rationally as memetime histories unfold is entry upon fantasyland. Construct as many soft-phase-transition scenarios as you wish, but there is no plausibility any of them will transpire. Spend your memetime on that, Terminal Man! The walking dead who are not long for walking. Every kind of gas chamber on this planet, even greenhouse gas chambers. No longer a need to localize concentration camps. But memetime is just that, a meme, so the 1T2-logical scenario logics model no objectively-real real-number line. You gotta get with Tinker Bell's tympani if you want to see-hear the NeverNeverLand transcendental formal logic of the piece.
Is there a correct position on the Saudi Arabia oil peak debate? If so, one of these The Oil Drum guys likely has it. Just goes to show you how little effect on a brain-damaged species the passing of a paradigm actually has. Slap by technics in the face of society barely lifts the stupor, whatever Mumford may have thought. You think a brain-impaired species reacts well when reality draws attention to its impairment? Rage-state killing becomes ever more justified by rationalizations. Rat running the reel generally begins to race, then abruptly stops, tries to run the reel in the other direction, stops again, caught in shaking maze-state ambivalence has a heart attack. Might as well be Skinnered! Insight is not contagious; lack of insight is contagious. Having seen this in spades -- e.g., Targets Branch, Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam -- I have never addressed the involved issues from the perspective of prevention. There is no way to look at m-logically-valued monetary units as preventive medicine. You don't get a chance to anticipate the far-from-equilibrium phase shift; you, the survivor having regained consciousness, get a chance to register that it is over. At the critical state, the correlation length snaps to infinity; that's snaps, instantaneous phase shift. What instantaneous means is relative to the time-step setting the grid-length of the hyperspace laminates involved, i.e., which m-values of each of the Planck limits apropos. If you point out to me that Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) are not doing well, the fact that you point this out to me means you have not read this webpage. The basic idea for m-valued exchange units long predated origins of, say, Ithaca Hours: confluence of honors economics and PSSC physics, senior year of high school, 1962-3. Consider that m-logically-valued LETS are stacked against the very idea of memetime, and hence of memehours. Notice I have had nothing to say about counterculture LETS. Over and above your regular job, you have to work in counterculture to receive Ithaca Hours so as to buy granola at the coop. A moral hedge fund against globalization. The purely local scale level set against the purely global scale level; in a multiscale universe, what's to choose from? No wonder counterculture LETS are not doing so well! You too should get Gored. I'm not doing other people's homework, having enough of my own to attend to. May you obtain the karma you deserve.
I beg to differ on the role and status of Mao. There is every reason to entertain the notion that China was in collective hysteria throughout virtually the whole of the 20th century, no less than was holocausting Cambodia and rampaging Rwanda -- and in all three cases Western powers were the foremost instrumentalities of pathogenesis. To conceal this is the rhyme and reason of the authoritarian personality thesis, a thesis hailed by all the major Western publications. Were one to take Jung Chang's and Jon Halliday's Mao at face value, one could only conclude that the dozen atomic bombs Big Mac wished to use would have saved fifty-million Chinese lives. Just as I believe most of the creative ideas produced by humanity have been lost, so I believe the real stuff is never declassified; it is destroyed: e.g., the actual US-China deal all but certainly came a year before Kissinger's first trip to Peking, registered as: Abort! Abort! Historical grievances aside, what is of present importance is how non-fictionalizing the fictional authoritarian personality storyline generally predisposes to, and prefigures specific dynamics of, what may well become holocaust of The Whole Earth -- as Derek emotionally argues in MOON. At the center of contention here is animistic, m-logically-valued, relative-state, identity transparency, its stoking by experimental verification of quantum mechanics, and the pathological induction attendant upon its suppression once thus constellated in the collective unconscious. Each experimental verification coupled to dissimulation of the import of that verification brings Whole Earth holocaust closer to realization And, actually, in sympathy with Derek, I regard the ability to discuss such matters in a calm unemotional manner, not only as a mark of moral turpitude, but also of cognitive incompetence: crucifying humanity, the biosphere, and The Whole Earth on the cross of 1T2 logic alone. The opinions of such people, I white noise out. My countervailing thesis is: What has been constellated will not be integrated absent development of Musculpt as mathematical notation and processor of m-logically-valued monetary units. Given that I have been arguing this thesis in just so many words for 39 years to no positive effect whatsoever
Even under 1T2 logic alone, there is no contradiction between the proposition that an objectively-real, real-numbered linear-time does not exist and employment of the assertion made above, i.e., relative to the time-step setting the grid-length of the hyperspace laminates involved. Though Googlization strips the semantic domain, nonetheless, check out the meaning of the title to one of Derek's unpublished papers: Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement (circa September of 1980, a paper invited by Wolfgang Luthe and Roland Fischer for a special issue of The Journal of Altered States of Consciousness: the journal went bankrupt just before that issue went to press). Spontaneous localization is an intraneuronal-DNA-mediated function of the brain (µTm to 1T2); it is not a collapse of a time-independent wave-function which doesn't collapse, but a decomposition of the hyperspace laminates imputed to the psychetic-hyletic data; there is no outside to distinguish from an inside until 3-fold operator-time as logical and topological operator decomposes the laminate imputation, thus producing the memetime which is one meme among many memes. Wake Me When It's Over was a very funny book to have issued out of WWII, which I read on a bunk in a barracks as a kid. Problem is, there will be no wake-up calls when the planet actually goes into the far-from-equilibrium phase transition we are discussing. Not one-tenth of one-percent of the human species will make the worldview-construct transition demanded by the impact of events, not given the rising crescendo of disabling self-metaprogramming the species is subjecting itself to. This subjecting itself is how the species has chosen to prepare itself. Doesn't make much sense, frankly: that mantra, which I have heard so many times over the past forty years, will be the governing ululation. No actual cusp events have yet transpired, and yet the species is already fully in grips of collective hysteria. In developing your scenarios, start off with Cambodia, start off with Rwanda. Go from there.
I suspect Whole Earth forced-draft de-urbanization wouldn't be quite that imitative: Little Green Books of Permaculture sayings badged-up by the Green Guards kicking off The People's Participatory Great Global Green Transfusion. We are the world! We are Green! Green the world! Take your Green Transfusion! Going truly global for the first time, planetary libido drawdown will guarantee something far more sophisticated, don't you think?
But a transference figure is not a person. Insofar as your wife or your husband is a transference figure, she or he is not a person. Socially-conferred role attributions (collective projections) create slots. A transference figure fills a slot. Insofar as the figure identifies with the conferred attributes creating the slot, to the same degree is the figure not a person. To the degree you can name your figure-role-slot -- doctor, dentist, do-gooder -- to the same degree are you not a person. Take the case of your wife or your husband and multiply it millions and millions of times over: this is Hitler; this is Mao. No one about it; no person about it -- it, it is the right word. Contagion, invasion, possession: Mao-mind, Hitler-hysteria. Collective will in mass regression. Any and every claimed I of the population base is in the corpus which is Mao-mind, Hitler-hysteria. No ex-culpability for any I claiming separate self-identity. Harp of Burma understood this, and that is why he had to put them to rest. Every thought the figure has comes from elsewhere: the collective corpus of claimed I's. The figure has no choice; having identified with the slot's role attributions, all self-attributed personal thoughts are introjections over projective-identification. Sitting on the toilet, every thought coming in on the figure is a demon grabbing neurons, a brain globbler. A slot is a hole demanding to be filled, filled with the detritus of event gradients over the collective unconscious: complex rubbish, archetype garbage. Echolalia: transference-figure talk of Our Great Communicators. Echoing the corpus of claimed I's. Or take a Hitler, take a Mao and divide it millions and millions of times over: sitting on the toilet, every thought coming in on the ego complex is beat down from the given transfinitely-valued µTm-logical information content to its 1T2-logical shadow: that percept, that propriocept, even that kinesiocept is cosmic junk left in the psychological black hole computer which is intraneuronal DNA acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode frequency-response tunnel-funnel. The totality of this residual junk is the ego complex, residual-tension patterns of the extraocular and pharyngeal muscles corresponding to the fluxus which are conscious mental-association chains. Why no-mind = zero action-potential on the electromyograph for these two muscle groups. No-mind is 180-degrees different from no one and no person about it. Multiplication of the 1T2-logical shadow by millions and millions of times comes when correspondence between worldview-construct principles and institutional-analogical embodiments of the construct breaks down: no correspondence, no functionality; by the very definition provided by Euler. Absent integrity of correspondence, role attributions defining slots lose coherent relative-state (the numbered Gödel numbers numbering their relative-state, over the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain, decompose). Thus does multiplication by millions and millions of times transpire: archetypal constellation. That slot constellated archetypally will always find a transference figure -- if not this recruit, then that recruit: psychological gradients over the population corpus, the corpus of claimed I's, guarantees it -- it, it is the right word. So there is no difficulty seeing what the new institutional analogues will be as correspondence breaks down over a failed paradigm: dogged clinging to that which has failed insures a regression to shadow-form of the principles which killed the paradigm, a regression that comes to fill every slot. Today, all about us, we see this happening at an accelerating rate. Having completely globalized, at cuspover, it will be much more sophisticated than Green Guards and spirulina hemlock.
It's interesting to think about the form of Gödel's proof as compensatory abreaction to the form of Hitler-hysteria -- and the near hysteria Gödel's proof elicited from the intelligentsia. Jung's cross-over-time model of projective identification at transference as Alchemic Wedding is octonionic: self/anti-self duality in syzygy doubly exponentiated. Ernest Nagel and his Jungian analyst wife suspected this confluence of forms (as I suspected after being introduced to Nagel at the Sheraton Park's First National Teach-in Against the Viet Nam War). Regression in service to what? Ask that. Theorems like those of Gödel, like all theorems, issue out of human minds in emotional states. Wolfgang Pauli gave Jung a bum steer on synchronicity. Operator-time may be incompatible with the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, but No matter how sophisticated in appearance or reality, Gödel's theorems were suppression of Lukasiewicz logics by diversion (and the diversion was subsequently displaced to Leibniz's missing manuscript). It is easy to lose interest in Gödel for reasons similar to why one might lose interest in Sankara. In the end, Gödel just couldn't stomach it. The notion of a Gödel number, lifted out of Gödel's applications, is the contribution of real importance: no regression there.
In my judgment, Levy's book on Bush is a destructive piece which well illustrates why by the mid-1970s I had moved through and away from Jung's 1T2-logical, Manichean, good-evil, shadow-self dualism. Marie-Louise von Franz's Number and Time: Reflections Leading Toward a Unification of Depth Psychology and Physics (Northwestern U. Press, 1974), which Levy does not cite, likely because her thoughts on number and time are complex, beyond Jung, and hence unwelcome, was the last straw for my engagement with Jung. She went right up to the edge of real insight and did not take the leap. Wolfgang Pauli was deeply involved in the dissimulation of quantum theory. He brought his falsification of operator-time to Jung's notion of synchronicity, the two together providing an effective shield behind which to hide from the m-valued logics (logics of pagan animism) fully on the scene at the time of the Pauli-Jung collaboration. Jung's denigration of animism to participation mystique to participation inconsciente is no mere incidental part of his thought. The thought corpora of both Pauli and Jung were part of the preconditions for Nazification of Germany. Levy affirms the dissimulated physics as well as those aspects of Jung that are, in my view, particularly falsifying.
Jungian analysis is notoriously unending and ineffective -- and there are reasons why that is so. Levy very well illustrates one of them with the following two statements (Madness):
By recognizing the nature of this collective psychosis, we snap out of being part of it. [p. 34, emphasis added]
Realizing our complicity in the prevailing madness instantaneously snaps us out of the collective trance [p. 60, emphasis added]
This snapping is patently absurd (an inversion of the snap direction), as there are pathofunctional factors not only neurohumorally anchored to the cellular and molecular brain, but these factors are also structurally somaticized by processes like glutamatergic neuronal etching. Mere recognition, mere insight, mere acknowledgement, mere understanding does not change the anchoring or the somaticization, and certainly not instantaneously -- a long process of dehabituation is minimally required. In my view, what Jung called the transcendent function is not what he characterized it to be. His characterization of this function was part of the etiology of the disease he purported to diagnose. Levy repeats this characterization as part of his explanation of how a nonlocal disease can be spontaneously localized as malignant egophrenia (p. 45):
It [malignant egophrenia] is a true coincidentia oppositorum, a conjunction of opposites, an expression of divinity.
This notion of the symbolic conflated with the notion of godhood conflated with the notion that violation of the iron law of 1T2-logic non-contradiction as permitted only to the divine was Jung's way of escaping all that Abel's Impossibility Theorem set in motion. The transcendent function is not a quaternity. Even in Jung's own characterization of the transference, it is octonionic; but the fact of the matter is that it is m-valued under m-valued logics -- which is precisely what Jung stigmatized as participation inconsciente. Jung's coincidentia oppositorum is a sham covering-over of his 1T2-logic Manichean dualism, for the reconciliation promised is not possible mathematically, as demonstrated by Abel in 1826. If I am not mistaken, the physicists have no GUTS, no unified field -- because the notion of a field is not general enough. Clinging to 1T2 logic, and so very much more, they ate Born's probability amplitude and have yet to regurgitate it. There is no spontaneous localization by reduction of the wave packet; there is decomposition of the m-logically-valued hyperfunction space under nonlinear orders of operator-time, a very different matter. Pauli's contribution to Jung's dissimulative anti-animism was to dissemble operator-time. Thus was the notion of synchronicity -- as acausal connecting principle -- made to buffer (in the Gurdieffian sense) contents of conscious awareness against extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics, this buffering making a major contribution to pathogenesis by deposition of brain glue. I've written several thousand pages over the past forty years relevant to these issues, so I think that's all I have to say about it.
The best prelude I am aware of to our superconductant DNA model (p-electron gas core superconductivity, not sugar-phosphate backbone superconductivity) are the three appendices to J. Nigro Sansonese's The Body of Myth: Mythology, Shamanic Trance, and the Sacred Geometry of the Body (Inner Traditions, 1994). Do not be mislead: Sansonese teaches physics and mathematics and is a scholar of Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin texts. The appendices are entitled: [1] Newton's Three Laws; [2] Maxwell's Equations; and [3] Quantum Mechanics and Psychogeometry. The discourse in these appendices converges upon the solenoidal dynamics of DNA. If, after reading these appendices, you can still easily dismiss our DNA model, well more power to you! The mapping is truly a homomorphism once you transpose Sansonese's three worlds to our three-fold operator-time. The other synoptic adjustment required is to realize that the involved conformal mappings and Hilbert space transformations, indeed, all such functors, are carried out under extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics (interpreted relative to animistic-pagan identity-transparency, not truth-value and fuzzy reals between 0 and 1). Sansonese makes a close approach to Victor P. Starr's The Hydrodynamical Analogy to E = mc2 (Tellus, 9, 1959, pp. 135-38) and in so doing also provides a prelude to the quantum-relativistic cascade (by platonic approach) model of tornado genesis, such genesis being one morphism, one class of cyclogenesis, involved in the boundary-value-problem aspects of climate-shift dynamics. As Sansonese points out, it is the derivatives of the functors across the fractal boundaries which remain continuous over the shift dynamics. What he doesn't note is that it is the derivatives of such derivatives which are the controls on the complex angular momentum exchanges initiating the platonic approach cascades (including solar-terrestrial interactions). If you can read these appendices and our papers and still believe that the prevailing climate-shift dynamics reduce to greenhouse warming, well more power to you! And if you study the details provided in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, of Derek's account of the functors over the self-organized phase transitions of the Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure (VCI) which transpired as literal mappings at changing internal boundary partitions, you will not only see how astute were analyses by Strategic Research and Analysis (SRA), MACV-J2, of the involved Dirichlet-type boundary-value problems, but how natural was Derek's movement from dynamical studies of terrorist-network organizational transforms to Neumann-type, time rates of change, boundary-value-problem studies of DNA helix-coil transitions and tornado genesis -- and from there on to m-logically-valued e-monetary units mapped on Koch-curve-type e-boundaries. Imagine the hysterical laughter when, one month after the Tet-'68 offensive, a quantum physicist walked into SRA/MACV-J2 under a big-dollar contract to design a hamlet defense system. His physics training was not to be used to analyze the self-organizational dynamics of the VCI, but to design some mechanical silver bullet to win the already-lost war. Here we were -- non-physicists, non-academics, even a college dropout or two -- deep into study of parallels between dynamic transforms of the VCI and molecular-biology pathway and cascade theories, and fully aware of parallels to fundamentals of quantum physics, and in waltzes this guy making more money than all of us put together so as to bring his expertise to formulation of an impossible solution by all the rules of the field he is an expert in. We simply could not stop laughing -- and, hence, could not explain to him the joke.
The kind of person-people killed on the first night mission, the first time on point: no second sight, no sixth sense. Attuned? No, not to the coming kill radiating the space foreshortened, the rapture hidden in time dilation. Don't get through it, him-her, them-they -- individually and/or collectively. Contrary to standard interpretations prevalent in contemporary Buddhism, memetime, it seems to me, uh, me, at this time, is not likely a mere collective hallucination; it is inscribed in the brain by processes like glutamatergic neuronal etching. Being made time-bound is the essence of bad karma, so one could easily regard karma as glutamatergically etched and unetched. Also, DNA frequency anomalies are likely inheritable (not only affected by cell phone usage): another way bad karma is carried. The more the etching and the greater the number of frequency anomalies, the heavier the burden of bad karma transmitted and the less the capacity for m-valued modes of function, and, hence, the lower the order-type in merit carried. Looking over the ambient social environment, there is no mistaking the inverse correlation between socioeconomic caste and merit order-type -- regardless of the conclusions Bertrand Russell drew in On Logical Atomism. Given the motor component in forcing of neural network elaboration, hands-on manual engagement is a prerequisite to m-logically-valued modes of cognition. Ludwig Wittgenstein picked the wrong kind of nursery within which to overcome philosophical disease -- a misnomer, really. A large number of people have had significant exposure to such ideas and have gone unaffected: a measure of the karma carried, and to be carried. Right action involved in autogenic discharge of a burden of bad karma is not only other directed; it is also psychophysiological. One suggestion as to how Sri Aurobindo's practice of pranayama may be understood: prana is not to be regarded a breath of fresh air; and though prana may be held in the head or some other organ, that which is so held is not the air one breathes. Pranayama has little, optimally nothing, to do with breathing or breath control as understood by modern people: the more it has to do with the breath, the less it has to do with actual pranayama. What is breathed in pranayama, what is held in the head or other organ as prana, is the satin-flow essence -- the closest modern correspondent to which is superconductant plasma. As, by whatever practices employed, including breath meditation, prescriptively enculturated induction of neurohumoral quenching of charge transfer complexes is removed and superconductant transitions are made by intranuclear-neuronal and intramitochondrial-perineural DNA, marches of long-range phase correlation (i.e., entanglement) over the cortex transpire, these marches spreading as superconductant plasma flows -- one aspect of the sensation of this spreading being similar to breathing a thick, satiny, almost liquid substance, i.e., ichor. Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued processing is by multi-level entanglement over this superconductant plasma. Cosmologically speaking, in terms of self-similarity across scale levels, the Tenth Labor of Hercules at involutory decomposition is, as repeatedly emphasized by James Joyce, to capture Oxen of the Sun = quanta of complex angular momentum, aka temporal curl quantized as Penrose twistors, horns of the bulls heard (herd) by the Sun -- acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, the radiating m-valued aspects of the transformational functor.
The February 2007 issue of Harper's is, indeed, relevant to the present discussion. Thank you very much! The bandwidth and ambient energy density of downloading-uploading microwave pulse-code bursts required by the sort of robot warfare presently coming online -- as described by Steve Featherstone, The Coming Robot Army: Introducing America's Future Fighting Machines -- altogether precludes governmental permission to allow public awareness of the sorts of biological radiation exchange issues raised by our superconductant DNA paper. Look at history of the suppression of research into biological effects of low levels of electromagnetic radiation associated with the relatively paltry needs of radar and military communications systems -- excluding, of course, phased-array radar electron-temperature enhancement of Earth's upper atmosphere, itself a prepping for Wim Winders' The End of Violence by robo-nano transnational demo(crazy). The radiation exchange requirements of the robotic battlefield are so enormous no accuracy in scientific information could possibly be permitted: just as MSG is the only ingredient with a thousand AKAs, so The window for life-saving intervention on behave of that 10-hour/day Japanese cell-phone user has probably already snapped shut. And maybe even long since slammed closed, given the roles played in development of military robotics -- largely intel-psywar preparation of the battlefield of the public forum and popular cognition -- by Japanese manga, anime, robot toys, battle-station computer games, ninja turtles, and all the rest ridiculed in The Moon of Hoa Binh (as opposed to, say, the development over the past thirty years of the Musculpt solution to the action-nonaction, not inaction, koan unresolvable under 1T2 logic alone): jump start the kid with sendoff before the first post-partum glutamatergic neural network wipeout by having him/her work the battlestar game-stick such that post-wipeout brain branches conform to human factors facilitation requirements of the nano-robo warfare environment which surely will be his/her home and hearth. For what other purpose could neuronal plasticity have been incorporated into Design for a Brain at actual origins of actual cybernetics?
Not coincidentally, the film is set in 2014, when the first generation of FCS [future combat systems] vehicles are scheduled for full deployment. An American convoy approaches a bridge near a snowy mountain pass somewhere in Asia, perhaps North Korea. The enemy mobilizes to cut the Americans off, but they are detected and annihilated by armed ground vehicles and UAVs. [Featherstone, p. 51]
I've been arguing for quite some memetime that that snowy mountain pass somewhere in Asia will be somewhere in Tibet. And just so the subliminal programming doesn't miss hitting the mark in the collective unconscious, Edward N. Luttwak makes a brilliant argument -- Dead End: Counterinsurgency Warfare as Military Malpractice -- for autonomous non-human force multipliers to inflict collective punishment, given that culturally sensitive counterinsurgency, like culturally sensitive economic development, is not what the doctor should have ordered.
Hey, don't get me wrong: love to laugh just as much as the next guy. Been readin' Amerigan manga all the memetime: Time, Newsweek, Atlantic, Harper's, New Yorker Hilarious stuff! Angelina Jolie backpacks the planet for the CFR, saving souls with media-directed philanthropy, donoring up Hollywood's bad money in a feeble attempt to save her own soul under psywar cover, all the while inflicting the good life on adopted found objects, jus' like Cabala babe Manga Maddona. No aborigine tongue, except in theme parks; the only native soil movement displayed on underwear as outer ware. No umbrella-in-the-rain of a City of Sadness in folk-form back-in-the-throat lurid paddy song, block-on-block announcing-presence idiotypic self-marking grievance-chant mirror by Tachikawa-Zhang, funeral dirge gonging through the crowd conveying the phallic palanquin -- jerk, jerk, jerk -- to refrains of Taiwan opera motifs, postured out at ritual dance theater upon spring planting fertility rite. Bar Little Shanghai by Shansan Taiphoon: get your idol drama by love contract. Try to S.E.N.S. it, if you can get past production by ajinomoto. Ask Hou Hsiao-Hsien. Jus' goes to show why Aurobindo retired to a room for decades, no face-to-face except for The Mother: direct congress with cognitive turpitude is glutamatergically brain draining dissonance, the very defining characteristic of being a contemporary, such present-day whatnots needing irrevocably to be packed back to personal memetimes past, just like family, just like nation, if the somatic intensities of certain Samadhi order-types are to be tolerated by the sensorium. Identification with species precludes certain states of consciousness, states prerequisite to survival of the species disidentified with: Also Sprach Aurobindo. Where the indications of actual recovery? How many ever recover? Recovery rates? Pooh! What's the chief complaint in Blackwater fever? Why, why wrongful death of a mercenary, o'course! Six-hundred not-so-big ones these days per day for tier-one personnel. Pretty impressive, eh. Or maybe not, maybe BW underpays -- considering that USD1,000/day + business-class airfare + five stars + per diem has been for over a decade the short-term contract standard for multilateral consultants. Hardy-har-har! to all yous guys who don't get the last laugh. Notice the old-time special service operators didn't start security firms; that's new-generation Onward X'ian Mercs stuff. Check out the salaries Green Berets received in the days before U.S. Army Special Forces were put on Department of the Army payroll. Check out the mission-specific per diem sheep-dipped Green Berets received in the days before U.S. Army Special Forces were put on Department of the Army payroll. If you can. Hardy-har-har! WWII dudes, these were. Given the present climate, how long do you project the pretense will persist of there being lawmakers? Not only corruption, the corruption of corruption; not only graft, the grafting of graft. Is transaction rent a grafting of corruption or a corruption of the graft? Is USD1,000/day + + to helping professionals staked out in Third World climes (several USD100/year median income) a corruption of corruption or a grafting of graft? Like calls like into being. Who the mass murderer, who the saint? What you say? You predicting what survival rate?
The fact that John Travolta's opinion on how to solve global warming -- move to other planets; build Biosphere2-type spaceshield domes over megaurban regions -- gets global press echolalia, while one can hardly find capsulations of the opinions of dynamical meteorologists, i.e., those meteorologists who know theoretical foundations of the field better than any other class of meteorologists, is a profound prefiguration of how well the species is going to do at developing a response to the gathering storm over climate-shift dynamics. Who the heck is John Travolta, anyway? Realism in film is one of the more brain destroying lacerations the human organism has ever inflicted upon itself -- Stone, stoned, Stonered; it is within this class of self-immolations that Travolta has been a player; thereupon should his opinions be widely quoted into perseveration over the collective attention cathexis laid down as brain glue. One to eighty, 1-to-80. That's a ratio that certainly again -- again -- will enter human experience as the species relies on Travolta's global warming strategy or some facsimile thereof: the Nazis never had a garrison troop to occupied civil population ratio more dense than that (about half the ratio, all forces considered, reached during the 1950s insurgency war in Algeria, for one). Not only does Edward N. Luttwak make no mention -- Dead End: Counterinsurgency Warfare as Military Malpractice in the February 2007 issue of Harper's -- of this ratio (familiar to the Old Asia Hands, for instance, at Special Operations Research Office during 1963-5 while I was there) in arguing the efficacy of collective punishment in counterinsurgency, he also does not inform the reader that the Nazis were not confronted by insurgents, but by resistance forces. Nor does he discuss tooth-to-tail ratios, upon which garrison-to-population ratios in part depend. Resistance warfare is not insurgency warfare: in conflating the two -- the forces involved in each case are organized in incommensurately distinct fashions, with major operational consequences -- a practice begun by OSS graduates like Stuart Alsop, as well as ex-OSS-MO and ex-OSS-R&A types, Luttwak leads the reader away from insight, for the discourse engaged in does not take place on a sufficient level of detail as to reveal actual properties of the actual case. Travolta-Luttwak paraphasia, echolalia, perseveration: hallmarks of the globaloney forum, as Yossarian certainly would observe.
Acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes: m-valued factors in self-organizing atmospheric exchange processes across nested boundary layers (filtered from meteorological models ever since WWII). Coherent radiation produced by p-electron gas core of superconductant DNA: m-valued factors in biological exchange processes across nested Plasmahaut (banished along with the British Journal of Colloidal Chemistry during WWII). Underground apparat (ecclesiogenic, Marxist-Leninist, or otherwise) autopoietic operators in constant motion wearing many hats and carrying organizational know how: m-valued factors in insurgency warfare instigating in response to a changing combat environment self-organizational phase transitions across nested, Koch-curve-type, fractal boundaries upon which the corpora of bureaucratic variables are directly mapped (dissimulated by the OSS-mindset ever since WWII). Lukasiewicz e-monetary units: m-valued exchange-unit factors in quantum economies over Koch-curve-type, fractal e-boundaries undergoing self-organizational phase transitions in real-memetime response to a changing environment (e.g., climate-shift dynamic, measures of such changes being stacked on the currency base and market-processed by assistance of Lukasiewicz mu-it PUs radically decentralized). Earliest attempts at Lukasiewicz monetary units were made in German-speaking Switzerland, Austria, and Weimar Germany, post-WWI and in run up to WWII (journals like Zeitschrifts fur Kolloid Chemie, Kolloid Beihefts, and Protoplasma survived WWII) and this in all likelihood speaks to why the collective unconscious focused such violent retribution upon Poland throughout WWII. Common features shared by the various aspects of the present global crisis are remains nonviewable on the purely ponderable level. One has to take notes from underground in order to discover them (a task which cannot be undertaken along any career path). Synergistic action on the quite abstract common features -- not on the concrete various aspects -- is certainly the only basis for efficacious response to the coming global meltdown.
If, fifteen years ago, it was nearly impossible to get county public works departments in America to stop planting shade-loving shrubs in full sun, how imagine in the same timeframe getting the Government of Laos or, after that, UNESCO, to reach consensus on employment of m-valued monetary exchange units (MEUs) for Luang Prabang? One thing learned between Cesky Krumlov and Luang Prabang is that you can't wait on the local government, the national government, the transnational pretension to government. Another thing learned is that CEOs of hypercorporations and superNGOs couldn't be bothered -- and that is why they have an information firewall to complement their cognitive security fence and stable of bodyguards (none of these three, a Goggled internet helps circumvent: to the contrary, Googling an information space prevents identification of what is actually important, precisely what Hollywood and its superstars and LiveAid rockers do to sting the social structure of attention, the real reason they receive such egregious amounts of 1T2-logically-valued bad money). And now with AFP reporting that Luang Prabang is so overwhelmed by the tourist monocrop that the monks are leaving, the locals are leaving, that the world heritage site is becoming a conurbation of wealthy foreigners (Tourism threatens fragile beauty of former Lao royal capital by Frank Zeller, 31 March 2007) one can reach certainty that the window of opportunity for MEUs to work their ways at amenity migration sites is very narrow indeed, less than a decade in any given case, it seems. In 1993, the conglomerate M Group was building hotels in Luang Prabang, Lijiang, and Mandalay. Of greater importance, they had created an NGO to help develop a master plan for Luang Prabang (even if only a brown end-focused master plan). Unsuccessful attempts were made at that time -- long before Luang Prabang fell into its present straits -- to breach the firewall with the notion of MEUs and their applicability to what Luang Prabang was, even then, to the merely observant, surely eventually to fall prey to. Given that:
Common features shared by the various aspects of the present global crisis are remains nonviewable on the purely ponderable level. One has to take notes from underground in order to discover them (a task which cannot be undertaken along any career path). Synergistic action on the quite abstract common features -- not on the concrete various aspects -- is certainly the only basis for efficacious response to the coming global meltdown.
Globally speaking, my WAG is a one-in-ten chance of a ten-percent survival rate; anything more specific than that, I haven't the foggiest. Acting alone, or even primarily, on the concrete observables of the Luang Prabang dilemma would not have prevented, let alone now solve, Luang Prabang's problems -- and this principle applies to every Luang Prabang you can find. Of course, planetarization of the clear-cutting of cultures -- bodies of learned behavior, not mere monuments and other material objects frozen in memetimes past with preservatives like visa regimes that select short-time tourists over amenity migrants and naturalization laws that define potential participants as mortal enemies often with the financial resources to act effectively on the status conferred -- doesn't help much. MEUs are not a crisis management tool, an emergency response mechanism. Replacing the failed existing system with a better system takes a considerable block of memetime, not the least because new and better cognitive algorithms have to be learned by the corpus of users. The notion of MEUs in relation to, say, a Luang Prabang, is really quite simple. Creation of a local currency puts into existence a fuzzy boundary, a boundary-without-boundary, because the farther away from the locale in question the less will the currency be accepted at commodity exchange or paid in wages. The fuzzy boundary is transformed into a band-pass fractal boundary to the degree that color-coded m-values are stacked on the currency base used to set prices of both commodities and wages. Potential problems like tourism monocropping, local ecocide, vehicular street smog are addressed by weighting the color codes of the value stack in real memetime relative to measures established for local indicators of the relevant externalities to be brought under market processing by employment of MEUs. There is nothing mysterious about this; there is nothing mystical about this; there is nothing difficult about this: appropriately tag to the currency base what the market has heretofore not processed and the market will have no choice but to process what is tagged and apply appropriate incentives and sanctions. The involved principles apply self-similarly across the breadth of scale levels, local to global. The complexities of VirFut Q-Pro are late developments and all about obtaining increasingly appropriate fine-grained tagging. Begin locally and progress to nesting scale levels, so as to minimize disruptions and consequences of mistakes. Don't think globally, act locally; don't think locally, act globally. Think locally to globally; act locally to globally. Self-organizing systems are multi-scaled; they cannot be reduced to a single scale, be that scale local or global -- and being multi-scaled, they are m-valued, i.e., multi-valued.
Of course, I disagree with Paul Krugman's assessment of Milton Friedman (Who Was Milton Friedman?, The New York Review of Books, 15 February 2007), but I would have to start with some reservations concerning Krugman's take on John Maynard Keynes. If you look closely at the history of Keynesianism, you realize Keynes originated virtually none of it. So-called Keynesian theory came from places like Utah and late-Weimar Germany, and Keynesian fiscal policy hardly pulled the planet out of the Great Depression: late-Weimar theory and Nazi practice lifted Germany by its bootstraps and state-Shinto-and-Nazi-initiated global war forced abatement of planetary depression. So Friedman's corrections of Keynes were little more than counter-fascism after the fact and under a misnomer rubric -- just as falsely premised and dysinforming were the conservative attacks on a New Deal Roosevelt regarded as closet communist. Nothing within the professional purview of an economist's economist -- to use the term employed by Krugman to characterize an aspect of Friedman -- ended the Great Depression: global war is an externality and thus not a variable in any of the econometric behavior equations. It is no mere coincidence of his-story that Husserl's Ph.D. dissertation was attacked as having psychologized number theory (an attack which turned Husserl onto the path whereupon he dissimulated import of Georg Cantor) and that somewhat over half a century later Friedman attacked Keynes for having psychologized the theory of employment, interest, and money: the fundamental impetus involved was the same in both cases, i.e., the psychopathic need to protect the traditional Western notion of the rational increasingly challenged by mathematical and scientific discovery from the early-19th century. Milton Friedman's thought and mode of expression were so pristinely 1T2-logical as almost to be a caricature, and that is why Krugman says (p. 27):
Friedman's theoretical work is universally admired by professional economists
This statement is a condemnation of the economics profession. Any economist (including Keynes) wed to 1T2 logic in the period after World War One did not, has not, and does not deserve the title of his academic or governmental or corporate posting. Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics were very well launched by 1919, and are the monetaristic key to internalizing externalities to market processing, an internalization that, had it been accomplished to significant measure, very likely would have prevented or substantially ameliorated the Great Depression.
Some forty years after publication of Friedman's book on the consumption function, I asked him what he thought of the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units. Not only did it become apparent that Friedman had never heard of Lukasiewiczian-Postian logics, he got locked onto a language game. For instance, the term monetary base has a technical definition in the theory of money and banking. I used the term currency base in explaining how logical-value order-types could be stacked (not serialized by and and and, but by linear-time-independent superposition) upon the basis, the tonic as distinct from the dominant, of a currency, such that measures of externalities could be tagged to money as quantal relative-states. Friedman conflated conventional usage of monetary base to my usage of currency base and accused me of not understanding the meaning of the words I use. This is a typical stratagem of the cognitive clinger: the only changes permitted are those in conformance with the prevailing set of definitions. Learned a lot as a kid about the various kinds of guns and the myriad ways they can be held to your head! As Krugman notes in his discussion of the term monetary base in relation to Friedman's monetarism, the issues involved here are critical to the notion of the rational Friedman felt called upon to psychopathically protect. Quoting Krugman (p. 27):
You might ask, why not represent people the way they really are? The answer is that abstraction, strategic simplification, is the only way we can impose some intellectual order on the complexity of economic life. And the assumption of rational behavior has been a particularly fruitful simplification.
Not only did rational behavior mean -- for Friedman and those professional economists who admire his work -- behavior 1T2-logically, and only 1T2-logically, rational, but neither Friedman nor his admirers have allowed that the logical properties defined over the notion of money impose the idea of the rational permitted to market processing. No wonder that abstraction was particularly fruitful! What is sent around goes around and comes around. To impose some intellectual order -- again in Krugman's words -- upon the market is to filter what the market can accomplish by way of facilitating various levels of self-organizational competency. Under such market filtering, such renormalization of the market, the very idea of rational choice is an oxymoron: decisions are not decisions if they are rational, only if they are irrational; if they are rational, they are dictated by the constraints defined over the supply-demand dynamic. That which is dictated is not chosen. The only way actual choice can enter is if the constraints defined over are themselves subject to choice -- and that means there must be a fluidity in the very notion of money employed. If what money is is allowed to change according to expectations, then the market's ability to self-organize will become more competent. Not only will over-action by market reflexivities at summation of rational expectations be dampened, for instance, but externalities will be introjected and extrojected to and from the market according to the flux of expectations concerning environmental change. A given expectation set equals, corresponds to, is derivative of, may be understood as a given F. A. von Hayek time-shape of total capital stock, which is one Everett relative-state regime, one value order-type over the µTm values to a given economic proposition, i.e., a price, a price which is an address in econometric phase space signifying a store of value represented by a numbered Gödel number (which may be Musculpted à la Xenakis-Tymoczko for public posting). Allelotropic autopoionomies! Of each other. Tending to. Self-generated mode of operation. Value being a measure of the order-type in being of each other, i.e., how, not how much, a given store facilitates synergistic self-organization -- the raison d'être of the market -- with the properties of its prevailing relative-state, its quantal merit in dependent origination. By limiting the economic rational to 1T2 logic, Friedman and his admirers have reduced the functions of the market in a manner directly analogous to the reductionism of those physicists who have rejected and/or corrupted Everett's relative-state and insist upon reduction of the wave-packet. Higher orders of self-organization are thus precluded by abstraction, by simplification, by definition, by assumption, by filtering, by renormalization.
But, my dear sir, when the existing institutions, algorithms, dynamite prize money, and powers elite are the responsible agents of synoptic catastrophe, what possible utility provisioning them with ammunition fitting their flintlocks?
Involute and evolute are simply ontological and existential orientations imposed by cognitive limitation to 1T2 logic alone. Under extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics, there are no such directional constraints. Operator-time + µTm logics, to my understanding, utterly preclude validity/reality/utility of the notion of serial reincarnation (by karma and/or big bang). Under wave-function as expression of µTm-logic proposition represented by numbered Gödel number, all incarnations are expressed by the proposition represented by the number. But this number is nonselfsame, a multisheeted partitioning-functor over a general manifold (real, complex, hypercomplex) -- so there are incarnates (primes) of greater and lesser Karpenko functor affinity amongst the generalized identity signified by the nonselfsame number (numbered Gödel number). Each incarnate is in this sense every incarnate -- to greater or lesser affinity, for breaking down the logical-values of the given proposition to involutes-evolutes (directionality being a mere meme of prescriptive imposition) is simply arbitrary, little more than a game of rules that can be made infinitely complex once it is realized that the rules governing rule making can be formulated over any logical-value order-type: kakureta kata (archetype) nested by ru-ru no kata, to create a neologism in Japanese (this is one thing Pauli-Jung did not understand in formulating their notion, synchronicity). There is no such thing as an absolute fallacy; hence, truth-value has no absolute value. This notion is explicated in The Moon of Hoa Binh in perhaps a dozen different ways. One cannot reincarnate Rosa Luxemburg, though there may be an incarnational affinity between Rosa Luxemburg and Maria Sklodowska -- which would be a kind of nonselfsame The Double Life of Veronique. Doubling here, of course, could only be a mere heuristic attribution ascribed to the affinity functor, for the case is actually to be found in extensions of aleph-null-valued identity-transparency. Being John Malkovich is a state no one can actually assume -- even John Malkovich; only by omnium-gatherum may John Malkovich be assumed self-evident. Law, therefore, is criminal -- by Gödel's Proof. Just as single-valued property is theft of the multivalue responsible for self-organization.
You must acknowledge -- I submit -- that the whole of quantum theory, from Planck's thesis of 1900 that energy, like matter, is not infinitely divisible, has been elaborated and experimentally evaluated under the, at times, more-or-less tacit assumption that 1T2 logic is the only logic physically relevant. During primarily the 1930s, 1T3 logic was somewhat so explored, and recently a fuzziness of the reals between zero and one has been considered a possibly physically-relevant quantum logic -- but neither of these has been entertained in challenge to quantum fundamentals, or, as I maintain, equivalently, in challenge to the notion of a classical limit. If m-valued universal physical constants under µTm-valued logics are allowed as removing the classical limit -- and this is what employment of operator-time clearly involves -- then they simultaneously by Cantorian divisibility sweep away the notion of mass-energy quanta -- and the picture of matter becomes indistinguishable from the picture of the world-picture. Atomism is utterly gone there from. Neither quantum mechanics nor relativity physics can survive integration of M Theory with Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics. That's why, for a Roger Penrose, Lukasiewicz logics are not on The Road to Reality. My thesis has been that this road to reality is not a road to survival.
Consider that in thermodynamic theory it is not only that temperature, time, motion, and entropy are mutually defining, but that they are mutually defining under 1T2 logic and only 1T2 logic; under any other logical-value order-type, this mutual definability breaks down. At order-types supraordinate to 1T2, what temperature is, what time is, what motion is, what entropy is ain't exactly clear! Why? Because under supraordinate order-types the basic properties of these variables cannot be defined within permissiveness of such logics. That is why Bertrand Russell insisted upon logical atomism; it was the only way to save material atomism: the more values to a given proposition the less meaning that proposition can carry -- or so Russell believed. What is motion in face of an inherent-to-Nature inability to unambiguously specify location and instant? Without a rigorous notion of motion, what is left of the idea of temperature? One of the implications of our superconductant DNA model is that what are currently treated as low temperatures can be regarded as high times, i.e., higher-order operator-time (as topological-ontological-existential expression of higher logical-value order-type) -- and that this inverse is the key to understanding the perfection in phase-relationship which is physiologic superconductivity. It is not that there is no such thing as time, but that internal time consciousness -- a transmitted meme -- has nothing to do with what time actually is: a topological, ontological, and existential expression of logical operation. The place to investigate this is non-ionizing radiation exchange by intranuclear-neuronal and intramitochondrial-perineural DNA. Modification of normative parameters related thereto are markers with derivative measurables, critical values of which very likely are etiologically related to various pathogenic processes.
Hah! These are by no means unrelated issues. Friedman's monetarism demonstrated an extraordinary lack of knowledge of boundary-value issues in general systems. A constant 3-percent growth in M1 is a feeble mimic of the principle that accelerations convey information between subsystems. Time rates of change of slopes, not a time rate of change of a slope. No mere growth or contraction of monetary base and/or money supply in origins of a depression: time rates of change and time rates of time rates of change. Quoting myself from earlier:
As Sansonese points out, it is the derivatives of the functors across the fractal boundaries which remain continuous over the shift dynamics. What he doesn't note is that it is the derivatives of such derivatives which are the controls on the complex angular momentum exchanges initiating the platonic approach cascades (including solar-terrestrial interactions). If you can read these appendices and our papers and still believe that the prevailing climate-shift dynamics reduce to greenhouse warming, well more power to you! And if you study the details provided in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, of Derek's account of the functors over the self-organized phase transitions of the Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure (VCI) which transpired as literal mappings at changing internal boundary partitions, you will not only see how astute were analyses by Strategic Research and Analysis (SRA), MACV-J2, of the involved Dirichlet-type boundary-value problems, but how natural was Derek's movement from dynamical studies of terrorist-network organizational transforms to Neumann-type, time rates of change, boundary-value-problem studies of DNA helix-coil transitions and tornado genesis -- and from there on to m-logically-valued e-monetary units mapped on Koch-curve-type e-boundaries.
And Friedman even believed his 3-percent solution was the way to suppress externalities like politics, power hunger, vested interest! Is this general systems naiveté or yet another case of inconscient res judicata? Velocities, accelerations, time rates of change of accelerations at DNA helix-coil transition. Why do you think the molecule responds with such flexible dynamism to ambient changes in its corpora of externalities? How else could it effectively mediate functional integration? Time rates of change of accelerations carry self-referential systemic reflexivities, the m-logically-valued functors capable of internalizing extra-systemic factors. F. A. von Hayek, by contrast with Friedman, entertained a significant degree of real insight: the time-shapes of total capital stock which decompose via three-fold operator-time to Neumann-type boundary-value mappings. Under µTm logics, it is necessary to identify the level of verisimilitude prevailing in the universe of discourse at hand, for every statement whatsoever is simultaneously fallacious and true relative to some logical-value order-types -- which is why, at high levels of verisimilitude, the notion of truth-value is of no value. It is the same with the market: at what level of self-organizational competence do you wish it to function?
It was hardly a coincidence that, while immersed with experts in informal studies of tornado genesis, some of whom were then concluding that an irreversible climate-shift dynamic was fully in motion -- quoting myself from earlier exchange:
Specialist in tornado genesis, Douglas A. Paine, during the 1960s and '70s, coupled Starr's insights (time differentiated at two levels of non-linearity beyond Starr's treatment) to Maxwell's equations in context of the full primitive equation set for dynamical meteorology, and along with Michael L. Kaplan, then working with NASA's biggest mainframes, developed a multiscale diagnostic model by analogy to the Xenakis-Starr formalization (a bit of a strange way to cast it, but accurate enough).
-- and, helping to generalize the mathematical description of double-helical motions of air parcels into the severe storm environment to a model of the electrodynamic double-helix, and on to the radiation-exchange properties of p-electron gas core of double-helical DNA, that, in 1977, while presenting to a Kyoto medical congress an invited paper on autogenic brain discharges in relation to our model of DNA radiation exchange, I argued that the level of immune competency (like the level of market self-organizational competence) could be severely compromised in absence of a discrete disease vector by alterations in DNA's critical frequency-response windows (m-valued markers for immunological self-identification) to ambient non-ionizing radiation. When, several years later, AIDS was first identified, I was not the least bit surprised, as I had foreseen a mechanism by which a virus such as HIV could get past antiviral immunity sufficiently to establish a foothold in the human organism (likely first in those sectors of the population base with critical inherited or induced DNA frequency anomalies). Moreover, since these exogenous factors affect all DNA- and RNA-based life-forms, I suspected that many deleterious phenomena appearing on the scene attributed solely to molecular-biology processes had unsuspected etiology in quantum chemistry and biophysics. Coherent phase relationship. Solar coherency + Earth coherency = resonant exchange and core attunement -- by Xenakis-Starr, Paine-Kaplan formalization. Solar coherency + Earth incoherency = planetary autoimmune dyscrasia read-out as, among other processes, a climate-shift dynamic. Biospheric electromagnetic synergy, i.e., functional integration, requires untrammeled integrity of solar-terrestrial exchanges in the critical response windows. Shift these windows by whatever means -- generalized electromagnetic pollution; large-scale changes in atmospheric gas ratios by venting and flaring of natural gas, by industrial and vehicular pollution, et cetera; microwave ovenization of Earth orb; hot-aurora electron-temperature enhancements of Earth's upper atmosphere by phased-array radar; so on and so on -- and something directly analogous to Friedman's 3-percent solution is imposed upon life on Earth, life of Earth.
I don't know that I actually disagree altogether with Wayne Andersen's psychoanalytic assessment of German avant-garde art in his recent German Artists and Hitler's Mind (Editions Fabriart), but my take is contextualized totally differently, as it begins with Abel's Impossibility Theorem of the 1820s and views the whole of Western civilization as moving, at progressive recognition of implications of Abel concerning pagan-animistic identity-transparency, into wave upon wave of reactionary collective hysteria and marked in large measure by regressive suppression at the various steps taken by the avant-garde in removing the signifying terms which had once codified (mathematically, scientifically, musically, in the plastic and performing arts) the post-Renaissance naturalism of the Cartesian-Newtonian world construct. The Lustmord (e.g., the snuff film genre so informing of Hollywood aesthetics) and Nacktkultur (more notoriously than mere bronze age nudity, the public fornication prevalent in Weimar Berlin, currently aped by U.S. strip bars and legalized in Canada) were regression-in-service-to-the-ego, but clearly not the egos of individuals; rather, the collective ego transferred to the then merely subliminal socialist Nationenstaat (the Kulturnation, for the Germans, having, against their will, and under Napoleon's sword, been removed to mountains of fantasy). Germania's barbarian gnome, cultivating his Einfuhlung and Faustian Erdgeist, early on with the Tristan-Akkord, prepared the cognitive and emotive infrastructure for synergistic integration of the import of Abel's Impossibility Theorem (in physics, Erdgeist wave-function of the time-independent Schrödinger equation) but, in wave after wave, the whole civilization back-reacted on the Gaussian metric of the collective mind pushing all expressions into regressive overdrive. And this process in Western civilization has not abated; it continues unto the present day, and has been globalized -- which is a prefiguration far more ominous than that present in run up to World War Two.
Oh, you think Madame Sklodowska, her husband, her eldest daughter and husband, with their immersion in Positivism, never heard of the Lvov-Warsaw School of logic, and, therefore, presumably of Reichenbach's logical ideas, including his 1T3 logic, and, on account of this inconscient condition, carried no negative karma for the atomic bomb. Maria, a native speaker of Polish, never mentioned the existence of Polish logic to, well, Einstein, for instance? Look at three-fold operator-time over c equals plus-or-minus E over m! Is it in the plus or the minus that the Platonism is resident? Look at complex angular momentum cascade in tornado genesis. Look at superconductant mitochondrial DNA. Look for feeder-bands in wake vortices of cometary tails. Look for an NSF grant report entitled: Atmospheric Comets and the Nature of Light. Look at double-helical nebulas as feeder-bands to black hole computers of spiral-banded galaxies. The metric elasticity of multi-sheeted m-logically-valued coherent gravity-wave modes in superconductant transduction to what? And I suppose you also believe that Bertrand Russell, in the period before Principia Mathematica, had no monitions of m-valued logics -- such monitories from the subliminal had to wait for On Logical Atomism -- and, therefore, he too carried no negative karma into his anti-nuclear-war activism. But it is not just The Bomb we are speaking of here; it's atomic energy as we have come to know it: dirty energy source. Nature's ability to cleanly use spontaneous fission and spontaneous fusion is wholly dependent upon the linear-time-independence of Lukasiewiczian µTm logics, very well on the scene, thank you, by the memetime Schrödinger produced his time-independent equation in a 1T3 Reichenbachian-Tantric shutter, a Lustmord of the egoic Nacktkultur singularity, individual and collective. The fact that these logics are still not employed to interpret the Schrödinger Erdgeist (Kusama kami-dust) operator-time-loom wave-function by Musculpt as mathematical notation is a clear indication of the magnitude of psychopathology in control of human destiny And I suppose that Marie Curie, in all her sociality with Marguerite, never heard of a Borel set, a bucket of Kusama kami-dust! All these people never heard of is simply staggering. That's why we write novels about intellectuals who never have intellectual conversations; the contents of the conversations they never have being placed in an epilogue!
Look at the history of this back to the early-1800s! Memetime being memetime, I do not entertain a perspective like that of Brooks Adams; nonetheless, thematically speaking, the pattern of responses has been invariant throughout. There has been no inkling of a turnaround. It's not primarily a matter of money. Even given unlimited financial resources -- billions and billions and billions of dollars -- the biggest headache would be finding people ready, willing, and able to think and act in the fashion demanded by the actual circumstance, the circumstance in its full dimensionality. The best and the brightest over the past 200 years have been the villains of the piece. That's not going to change. A brain-impaired species decades ago lost the opportunity for prevention; the catastrophe will run its course in the worst of fashions. I have never believed the contrary. Nowhere in my writings over the past 40 years will be found any indication otherwise. Public appeals are useless; public opinion, irrelevant. The 1T2-logic syllogistic marches of individuals will not influence collective behaviors in the maw of nascent human-species extinction. I did once believe in a real possibility to significantly influence the outcome (which is in no way prevention) by concerted prefigurative action at the cusp of deautomatization by identification of, and action upon, critical autopoietic operators of the phase transition. This optimism presupposed constellation of a small group of prescient actors. I have come to realize this naive belief was simply a bleed over from the psychological impress of immersion in a special service corps -- a psychic ambience the species can no longer cultivate for other than violent purposes. The requisite cognitive capacity is simply absent. The crisis will run its course. Dead species walking. Nothing, and so be it -- to quote a member of the species recently dead and no longer walking.
What I believe, especially in this area -- and given that I have no academic aspirations and place little or no value on what issues from the academic mode of production -- matters not a wit beyond its import for my own inner work. Wonky and weird! Quoting from a conversation between a German woman and an American male, The Moon of Hoa Binh (Vol. 1, p. 689):
She shifted uncomfortably in her chair. It's difficult for me to think about this thing psychologically, I realize. I was taught that the causes of the war were political, economic, due to contradictions, class conflict, the presence of the Prussian bureaucracy. Versailles treaty; reparations. There was the public perception of being chained. Hitler was perceived as breaking the chains. It couldn't happen any place else; it was a unique event. Never before had there been industrialized mass murder.
Mass killing is mass killing -- regardless of the method employed. Dead is dead. Whether by napalm or gas chamber, fire storm or atomic detonation, smart bombs or nerve agents, machine-gunned in a cacophonous crowd or before a formal firing squad, RPG in the chest or 30 cal. in the face, by the effects of torture or exposure, malnutrition or falciparum, dead is dead: the imposition of premature demise. The 20th century has not outdone past ages. Never before had so many been killed? You want to talk numbers, think about this: in the ten years that the Tibetans invaded China in the 8th century, the population of the country plunged from 52 million to 16 million. That's MILLION, now! During the 13th century Mongol invasion, the decrease in population was from 100 million to less than 60 million. A million people died in the siege of just one city. These were pretty fair attempts to wipe out a whole ethnic group (and a very large one at that): undoubtedly planned, surely motivated by irrational and unwarranted hatred. WWII was not unique; it can (and probably will) happen again It is interesting to ask oneself where this uniqueness idea came from and who it was designed to exonerate.
The figures come from Dennis BLOODworth's The Chinese Looking Glass, published during the mid-1960s. I read it in Viet Nam during 1968, picked up as a paperback in a Saigon bookstall. The item of present interest is the 8th century population decrease from 52 to 16 million (69-percent loss) during the DECADE of the Tibetan invasion of China (a term certainly not PC these days). This is the period when the Tibetan Bon document Authenticity of Open Awareness was written by Lishu Daring: an effort to publicize and justify Bon thought and practice during an expansionist period in Tibetan history. Also written during the same general period when these 36 million Chinese died -- written in Japan -- were the Nihon shoki and the Kojiki. My observation is: when the Taoists gave Taoism the name Taoism, it was, by authority of the texts of Taoism, no longer Taoism; when the Shintoists gave Shinto the name Shinto, it was, by authority of the oral tradition, no longer Shinto. Once fixed shrines and permanent priests appeared, authentic animistic Taoism and Shinto were on their way out and precursors of court culture were on their way in. This, of course, transpired long before the 8th century, which embodied a mid-range stage in the process of converting collective cosmogonic introjection into collective cosmogonic projection. Mass kills accompanied every stage in rise of what ultimately became the modern nation-state, right down to, say, the Cambodian holocaust. There may have been an actual man, Buddha, and an actual man, Christ, for instance, but Buddhism and Christianity long predated appearance of both men, about which, after their deaths, much thematic material accumulated by accretion from the collective unconscious. Buddhism and Christianity grew out of and turned against their common universal perennial source: tribal animism. This turning against was a collective psychological conversion hysteria between introjection (of the animistic forms of Nature to human sociality) and projection (of the hieratic forms self-imposed on human sociality to an as-if-Nature). Formalization of mudra is as good a marker of this conversion hysteria as any: stylizations of typical postures at trance seizure during sexual intercourse and/or possession states wherein priestesses- and priests-for-a-day took readings on collective needs to be instrumented by propitiation. Appearance of the stylizations marked suppression of the general capacity for trance seizure by any member of the population corpus, as a specialized priesthood emerged to officiate fixed shrines and propagate universal principles/rules/laws arrived at by process of psychological projection. Real insight into the cosmogony -- e.g., sheets of kami dust as µTm lattice logics over physical-region singularities -- of the perennial source was largely lost in the conversion hysteria. Recent scholarship on Shinto -- say, Shinto in History: Ways of the Kami, edited by John Breen and Mark Teeuwen, U. of Hawaii, 2000 -- seemingly concurs with the diagnosis of Yayoi Kusama, the course of her illness being coincidental with the course of this scholarship.
Absolutely right to the main point. Thank you for the essay, from which I quote at length (p. 26):
That worldview was articulated in its classical form by John Locke and his good friend Isaac Newton, and has served historically to underwrite democracy as scientifically suited to humankind and our place in Nature. Newton's lawful Nature, ordained and guaranteed by God -- where atoms gravitate to form molecules, and these lawfully assemble into the visible structure of our world -- was taken up by Locke in the Second Treatise of Government in 1688. Locke argued that humans are social atoms, and he represented the social contract as the gravitation of these sovereign atomic individuals to form associations governed by laws that all must obey. Science and democracy are here indissolubly joined in a single world system: Individuals, like physical atoms, are free, independent, and prior to the structures they build.
This complementarity of science and democracy is not lightly abandoned, and may explain why the scientific worldview of most educated people contains nothing of relativity, quantum mechanics, or theoretical population genetics. Yet these ideas have largely superseded those of Newton and even Darwin, and have guided physics and biology for the better part of a century. I suspect the newer views appear to undercut the alliance between science and democratic politics. The characteristic vocabulary of current science -- filled with words such as relative, uncertain, indeterminate, random, mutant -- does not seem to bode well for an ordered polity.
I don't agree
And I don't agree with Mott Greene's disagreement. Science and Democracy: Can This Marriage Be Saved? (World Watch, March/April 2006). My answer, contrary to the arguments provided by Greene in the remainder of his essay, is: No. And the actualities underlying this no are the reasons why both quantum mechanics and relativity theory were systematically falsified, why a classical limit was established and resolutely maintained, and why, earlier, so much of the 19th-century higher mathematics out of which 20th-century physics emerged was misinterpreted: precisely to retain the old confab promulgated by Newton, Locke, Smith, and Associates. Collective unconscious impetus to warfare since the 1850s has been deeply involved with these efforts at falsification. Most significantly, any attempt to apply aleph-null-valued extensions of Lukasiewicz logics to interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function in 1925, as should have been done, would have precluded the probability amplitude interpretation and made the old confab absolutely unsustainable. Aping the 1925 should have been but wasn't, dynamical models of the Earth's atmosphere were shorn of m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, thus facilitating, by maintaining illusory expectations, continued engagement in the anthropogenic components forcing the current climate-shift dynamic. This does not mean that new notions of social, political, and economic order could not emerge out of a non-dissembled post-quantum/relativity physics; they certainly could, but they would have little resemblance to the Newtonian-Lockean set of laws that all must obey, to use Greene's phrase. You can be sure that the principles involved would have a great deal to do with the time-independent, animistic-pagan, Everett relative-state of the polity, and processes of spontaneous social order catalyzed thereby. Of course, this is not at all likely to transpire, given the near-universal commitment to clinging behaviors and associated dissimulations. Brains inherently µTm-logical which are impaired to 1T2-logic-only are not about to change this state of affairs. Already, over the last 150 years, millions and millions and millions have chosen to die rather than make the necessary transit: this behavior is likely to continue and amplify.
If I am not mistaken, Lejeune Dirichlet's work on boundary-value problems (establishing values at the borders of regions over which differential or partial-differential equations are defined, so as to get unique single-valued solutions) involved harmonic functions, and the Paine-Kaplan cascade model of tornado genesis prominently involves harmonic oscillators, as does the Paine-Pensinger superconductant DNA model. Of course, the approach to boundary conditions in the Paine-Kaplan model decisively involves m-valued solutions (where the m-values are superposed, complex, and predictive of cascade dynamics) -- these solutions remaining unfiltered, i.e., acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes are left explicit in the model, unrenormalized. Complex angular momentum is treated by means of operator-time (i-cap, j-cap, k-cap + l-cap, m-cap, n-cap: in the full case, Grassmann algebras and hypercomplex numbers would be required to handle the involved space-time del operators, at least according to my understanding of the ideas as developed during the early-to-mid-'70s).
Surely, right along with the obesity gene and the obscenity gene there is an MO -- morale operations -- gene. I just love -- don't you? -- reading black propaganda tribuere paeans of praise -- written in prosodic paeons, or not -- to human species self-annihilation, such as Robert D. Kaplan's tony paedomorphic diminuendo on Thucydides and exsultare over Herodotus, A Historian for Our Time (The Atlantic, January/February 2007). And well it complements the comic book and film on Thermopylae's impaled head of Leonidas! Such impaling! These days, having made its way all the way to the Tex-Mex border. The undoubted, indeed undoubtable, superiority of Greek over Persian culture; the digs against identity-transparency of the tribus, derivative of tributum, tributus, and tribuere, with their evocation of m-valued ritual gift exchange in lieu of war; the depreciation of First World and Third World aspects of Greek myth and the primacy given to the Second World mythological readings provided by percept-dominated Herodotus the Wanderer (see J. Nigro Sansonese on The Body of Myth); the dysinformation provided concerning the undue influence of Thucydides upon the academics and financial speculators of our time. Assumptions The Atlantic clearly carries about the knowledge base of its readership may be correct! Karl Popper's historiography, derivative of his theory of the scientific method and emotive commitment to Enlightenment prescriptions concerning the necessary nature of open societies (Popper helped set George Soros' attitude to Lukasiewicz's m-valued Polish logics, thus conditioning his approach to the money markets), ruled out Thucydides-type historical laws as being inherently totalitarian. R. G. Collingwood, in The Idea of History, purported to decimate the Greek substantialism in-forming historiography of Thucydides. This set the tone of post-WWII historiography, and though, as R. D. Kaplan points out, this or that general may have loved The Peloponnesian War, academic historians in the postwar period have largely stuck to the what happened is why what happened happened school of historiography. There are many reasons why this school was necessary after Hitler. Kaplan gives a good account of one such why: quoting page 80: It is what people believe that is crucial, not what they actually know. By contrast, Derek in The Moon of Hoa Binh says: It's not what people think they think, but what they think they don't think, that matters. Herodotus-Kaplan vs. Thucydides-Derek. Thucydides' historiographic laws are the conventions of the collective unconscious, i.e., that which people think they don't think.
It seems to me there is no mere coincidence in the fact that Bill Gates and Microsoft are heralding the Blu-ray DVD as the last physical format to hook the next billion customers in the tech revolution without limit, while at the same time heavily funding as the final theory non-Abelian quantum-knot approaches to phase-digit computing as faster binary processing: this is a fundamentalist's anti-Darwinian, counter-evolutionary approach to human re-creation of quantum computers and simultaneously the imposition of a noninvertible chirality upon Arthur Schopenhauer's Weltknoten (world knot), given that, among fundamentalists, the human being in God's image is regarded the last physical format as the unknot = cosmic loop from trefoil. Superposition of composite knots as Weltknoten bifurcated to a length of superstring whipped at both ends and knotted to the Bow of Apollo over the temples of the cranium: maintenance of binary mind. Though Odysseus may have used this bow to slay suitors of his wife Penelope, Artemis, befriended of hamadryads, knew the proper use of her brother's well-strung bow. In Japan, those hamadryads born in bondage to a given goshinboku, sacred tree, are known as kodama, and their trees are marked, signified, Christo-wrapped by a concrete-world model of a given braid group generally known as an enclosing rope or shimenawa. But sacred-logic trees are only properly partitioned by knot decomposition into their various ma, sacred spaces of prime knots, if pendant-intercalations to the Mariyo Yagi DNA nawa-rice-straw rope are lasered Blu-ray shide zig-zag lightning-folds which establish barriers to the passage of charge-transfer-complex spirit nymphs like kodama-hamadryads (no superconductivity of sugar-phosphate backbone as prerequisite to superconductivity of p-electron gas core). Blu-ray lightning-folds only accompany involutes of vortex loops to their vortex-atom primes if the unknot, by topological operations of 3-fold temporal curl, becomes an open-ended braid: shimenawa sliced into a superstring orbifold, p-brane, nasty-knot unknot hung in adornment above the entrance to the Rock-Cave of Necessity, thus denying entry to the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu: her light must shine even unto the last physical format over the Plane of High Heaven. Electromagnetic exchange units, i.e., charge transfer complexes, by m-level-entangled superposed phase mu-its (not merely serial sequencing of 2-level-entangled phase digits) carry, literally, infinitely more relative-state information than do 1T2-logical monetary exchange units. How, thus, could a market employing single-logically-valued money adequately interface its allocations with those of Nature? The collective unconscious, as Schopenhauer well knew, is an n-tangled projection Plane of High Heaven composed of superposed zeros and infinities, zeros equal to infinity, zeros not equal to infinity, the more interesting tangles being non-algebraic, which is to say Abelian in the sense of his Impossibility Theorem. The central human-cognition-related problem with the 1T2 phase-digit circumcision of the whipped end of the cosmic rope, Shintologically and Taologically speaking -- that is, Shinto before Shinto named itself and thus stopped being Shinto; that is, Taoism before Taoism named itself and thus stopped being Taoism -- is that this whipping, this circumcision, forces the fudo-cult Lebenswelt to emerge by knot decomposition from a natural Nature modified by human intervention, when, by µTm phase mu-it superposition, there is no subject-object distinction permissible to the Weltknoten under extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics. The mu of mu-it is the same mu as the mu of the Zen koan. Zen no-mind is not the absence of mind, it is presence of the multivalue! Modern cognition has only 1T2-values in common with authentic animistic cognition (and meaning is incommensurate between logical-value order-types, as truth-value is without absolute value over a non-selfsame supreme ultimate and its corpora of decomposition involutes, Nature). Relative-state identity-transparency of animistic µTm modes of cognition does not permit orientability between self-other, subject-object: as percept is propriocept, and there is no recognition of the possibility of drawing an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct partition between the two. Try to distinguish a digit or even a whole extremity anesthetized under a local (kami) from the object it touches: this gives some impression of how the Umwelt-Lebenwelt cannot, under µTm logics, actually be distinguished from an as-if separated-off natural Nature. An animist, a corpus of animists, directly experience(s) in ontic immediacy Nature as own-body. There is no modification of Nature not a modification of my body, myself, the self of myself, the self of the self of myself unto Cantor dust, Kusama kami-dust, Novikov dust. The shimenawa is a braided pencil of skew-parallels, a fiber bundle of diversely-identical kodama bonded in kami-dust-sheet p-branes to sacred-tree logics µTm-valued. Fractal boundary-without-boundary over Musculpt manifold. Band-pass by identity-transparent supersolidity. Kami dust withdrawn from projective-identification: autopoietic fractal-entrapment partitionings of µTm-logically-valued self-referential universal consciousness, such cuts numbered with numbered Gödel numbers.
Shinto is placed before Taoism because no-name Shinto was and is more fundamental than Taoism, named or unnamed -- no-name Shinto (i.e., the Shinto of Shindai-no-Maki Kuketsu) in the Age of the Gods never having become systematically elaborated under a 1T2 logic, rotational or lineally-syllogistic (only named-Shinto, under influence of institutionalized-Buddhist, Imperial-Chinese, and militaristic-Western incursions, became elaborated to state-Shinto; but, even so, was never systematically 1T2-ized). Leibniz set the whole Western orientation to Chinese science and civilization on the wrong path by interpreting yin and yang to the binary numbers zero and one, when the correct understanding is decomposition products of the sets of zero and the sets of infinity (zero equal to infinity; zero not equal to infinity): both classes of singularities bridging logical-value order-types (arrayed as kami-Novikov-dust sheets over Musculpt manifold partitioned to Riemann-Sakharov universal covering surface). Collapse/anti-collapse sheets of non-selfsame numbered Gödel numbered naked singularities: graphically-exhibitionistic mudra dance of Ame-no-Uzume before the eight-hundred gods (i.e., in public) as enticement for Amaterasu to leave the Rock-Cave of Necessity, uh, I mean Heaven. One can be certain that, by the memetime two-sided, square-holed, I-Ching coins (1T2-logical money) were permitted to chronomantics as substitutes for yarrow-stalk superstrings, the process of naming in speakable language the unspeakable, the unnamable, the solely Musculptable, had run its course. There were probably by then even some Chinese who believed the I-Ching the book of chances and not the Book of Changes. Completion of this loss of insight into three-fold operator-time probably dates to the memetime at which the T'ai Chi symbol first appeared.
Johnson F. Yan, in his book DNA and the I Ching (North Atlantic, 1991), draws attention to these issues (pp. 25-6):
Here the Changes is the I. The Great Primal Beginning, also called the ridgepole, translates T'ai Chi Some suggested that T'ai Chi stands for Wu Chi which means no pole or great void. Some drew a circle with a T'ai Chi diagram -- the popular yin/yang symbol with white and black fish or dragons in head-biting-tail position. This symbol, originating in the Sung Dynasty, was probably invented by Taoists as a religious emblem. What is difficult to understand is that the symbol for the Great Originator should contain images of its own offspring -- the yin and yang dragons. According to Confucius' sequence of emerging principles, shouldn't the T'ai Chi be defined before the two poles? This difficulty has not prevented the T'ai Chi diagram from becoming a symbol for the original principle of the I Tao. It also demonstrates how difficult it is to represent a concept with geometrical figures and symbols.
Aside from the fact that it is eminently possible to question validity and utility of precedence relations -- logical, ontological, temporal -- it is interesting to note that the Sung Dynasty's appearance was synonymous with the rise of a landowning scholar-gentry class: years of memorization-as-education (i.e., prescriptively-enculturated glutamatergic neuronal etching) were required to complete the loss of insight prerequisite to implementation of single-logically-valued property (and hence a 1T2 unit of exchange) at the foundation of landlordism and its reverberations. The I which is the Changes, which is the ridgepole, is first-order temporal curl operating on the rigid-vibratory yarrow-stalk superstring: this is T'ai Chi. Under three-fold operator-time, the linear first-order operator is a decomposition product (demergent by involutes, not emergent by recursive-generative extension) of the second-order operator, and the second-order a decomposition product of the third-order operator (this demergence being linear-time independent in the sense of Schrödinger's original quantum wave equation). Operator-time always picks threes in its cosmic encoding activities. Chi is not so much akin to the modern notion energy as to the animistic relative-state identity-transparency responsible for the impetus to all energic manifestations. First-order temporal curl as the I which is the ridgepole is the spacetime double-helix rope which underlies the electrodynamic braiding algorithm which underlies the double-helix of DNA (and feeder-bands on other spacetime scale levels, e.g., tornado, comet, nebula, galaxy). We did not include third-order temporal curl (the order of reentry and self-reference responsible for µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics) in the canonical equation of our 1979 model of superconductant DNA p-electron gas core because we knew it would be difficult enough to get an equation descriptive of two orders of topologically-active operator-time into print in a peer-reviewed journal, let alone three (with the third's m-logically-active properties). It appears that historically the Chinese had a similar difficulty, and that is why Wu Chi was used as a generic term for the two nonlinear orders of operator-time, the second and third orders (both of which are no-poled).
Are changes actually chances? Were the (algebraic) transcendental ruled out as being an Abelian Impossibility and the focus placed exclusively on the non-Abelian, then there would be no alternative, were operator-time to be entertained, but to conjugate operator-time to the time-evolution group (of the total-energy operator of Schrödinger's time-dependent equation) which is bounded from below. And when it is discovered that this conjugation violates the bounding-from-below requirement, the only conclusion to reach would be that operator-time is incompatible with the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, i.e., that interpretation relying upon statistics, probability, and chance. This is precisely what Wolfgang Pauli did in the period before collaborating with C. G. Jung on the notion of synchronicity -- i.e., meaningful co-incidence as an acausal connecting principle. Pauli did not conceive operator-time to be an actual topological and/or logical operator, only a measurable, the quantum-parlance sense of operator. In rejecting operator-time due to its failure to meet the bounding-from-below requirement, Pauli brought disinformation to Jung's struggle to understand what he designated synchronicity. It is the bounded-from-below property that most directly relates to the Leib-Seele problem associated with Schopenhauer's Weltknoten. The bound in question keeps the psyche at bay! And the quantum measurement problem irresolvable (thus maintaining the classical limit which has underwritten perpetuation of the Cartesian-Newtonian institutions responsible for the current global crisis). But allowing topologically- and logically-active three-fold operator-time into Weltbilt as transcendental (to algebra) vehicle means abandoning as foremost connecting principles, not only causality as antecedent-consequent relations, but also statistics, probability, and chance (all of which are inextricably tied to the notion of an objective linear-time and the 1T2 logic required for its rigorous definition). Three-fold operator-time in the canonical equation for superconductant p-electron gas core of intranuclear-neuronal and intramitochondrial-perineural DNA makes, say, Mu Chi and Wu Chi and T'ai Chi (making Earlier and Later Heavens actually Upper and Lower Heavens, with Wu Chi being apropos of Middle Heaven -- which is not the same as a so-called Central Kingdom) integral to the µTm-logical quantum brain not contained by the localized molecular-cellular brain, and the only way to get rid of this integrality would be, for instance, to transform first-order operator-time into a memetime (Guan Chi) regarded an objective linear-time by engaging generation after generation in prescriptively-enculturated glutamatergic neuronal etching and/or quenching via electromagnetic pollution. I don't believe the I-Ching has anything to do which chance, or that there are random mutations. Ruling out the transcendental so as to get statistics and probability can be regarded equivalent to, as Nietzsche noted, proclaiming that God is dead! or it could be regarded as equivalent to attributing Godlikeness to egoic consciousness, thus proclaiming that anything not available to consciousness of the ego is disallowed as transcendental. Whichever the case may be seems to me irrelevant.
Well, obviously, three-fold operator-time, veritably by definition alone, cannot be conjugated to Schrödinger's time-dependent equation. Pauli contemplated only the linear order of operator-time, and treated it merely as a measurable. Clearly, there was subliminal subterfuge involved in this -- as equally pellucid is the case with John von Neumann's thought on lattice logics undertaken during the mid-1930s in run up to WWII. Spoiling operations, really -- developed over prevailing event gradients of a collective unconscious moving into regressive overdrive. Three-fold operator-time would have to be conjugated to Schrödinger's original time-independent equation (absent a linear-time-evolution group) which he wrote while engaged in a three-way sexual entanglement associated with his practice of long-range phase-correlation by Tantric yoga. I would not call this three-fold/three-way a synchronicity in the Jung-Pauli sense, so much as a template reaction to closest-packing of nearest-neighbor interactions -- which, under the metrical circumstances of snowbound isolation in the Austrian Alps, has a very high conditional probability, if only by percolation upon the articulation landscape. I sincerely doubt, however, that, over the metric prevailing, Schrödinger's correlation length actually went to infinity at self-organized criticality. We wrote operator-time into the Maxwellian form of the wave equation because that form has a more direct connection with helix-coil transition than does the Schrödinger form. Operator-time altogether replaces the wave-function, thus transforming quantum mechanics from a linear theory into a theory also involving two orders of nonlinearity. The 3-operator decomposes the pregeometry into geometrodynamics. The pregeometry, however, contrary to John A. Wheeler's original notion, is not a Boolean calculus of propositions, but a calculus developed over extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics. From perspective of the CTC case, there are absolutely no probabilities about it. Beyond reasonable doubt, by whatever order-type of reason, this pregeometry is as relevant to psychophysics and biopsychology as to biophysics and morphogenetic biology by acoustic treatment of coherent biochemistry. The field of the time: this was what the 50 vibrating yarrow-stalk superstrings ontologically fell into as an epistemological statement. Time storm by chronomancy! Indubitably. What square-holed, two-sided Sung coins fell into, I haven't the foggiest. The finger-sorting algorithm for yarrow stalks, I believe, was a late development -- just as ivory spur-extensions were a late development in traditional Asian cockfighting: compare, as the odds change with events and ongoing betting, the finger-sorting method of the bet-taker at, say, a village in the Mekong delta with the finger-sort algorithm for I-Ching yarrow stalks performed by the chronomantic in Cholon's An Dong Market (see: the Cockfight Scene and the Chronomantic Scene in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh). I give acute eye-witness testimony (acute for having almost been cut in half by a BAR while caught between poles of an argument over a bet) that they are virtually indistinguishable, and there are even introns (bets by eukaryotic stakeholders in the well-bred -- i.e., genetic properties -- contending T'ai Chi birds, bets over and above their initial stakes placed with the bet-taker in order to get the fight on the docket and to set the initial odds for bets placed before the action begins) and exons (bets placed continuously by externalities, the ambient acoustically-modified radiation of the prokaryotic crowd, as the contest unfolds). Contrary to Clifford Geertz's famous status-duel essay on Balinese cockfighting (The Interpretation of Cultures) which the Cockfight Scene in MOON takes apart argument by argument in capsulation of the whole war in a single engagement, the financial arrangements of the cockfight are a model of m-valued exchange units interpreted to indicators of the eternal verities as data-banked in folk poetry, folksong, and folk idioms, from which the bettors quote as they place their bets. Active time demerges the event gradient which is the field -- by logical, topological, and ontological operations on the µTm-logically-valued hyperfunctionspace. Involving Advanced M-Payment Systems, one could say (or the collective unconscious could say, parodying those clinging to 1T2-logical monetary exchange systems). Wu-saa! Wu-saa! DoCoMo! DoCoMo! Killing the birds and the bees -- and anything else associated with Schrödinger's shenanigans -- in order to maintain simply-ownable, selfsame, 1T2-logical properties. Traditional group public dancing (generally conducted after the shadow play) was outlawed in Indonesia largely to rid the society of the µTm modes of consciousness associated with the ritual gift-exchange of sacred cloths signifying the animistic identity transparency at the heart of self-organizing quantum processes. The pole is not actually a ridgepole holding up the cosmic house inside the Confucian extended-family compound: that's a late interpretation, surely. This pole -- a hypercomplex axis of temporal curl, quantized to Penrose twistor, devolved to Regge pole -- rode upright, a standing penetrator, on the back of a cosmic turtle (the chronomantic's early divination instrument) with the field of the time being in the closest-packing network scale-nested to Cantor dust inside the multi-sheeted equilateral-triangular quark-symmetry grids of the hexagonal array displayed on the turtle's shell as it swims the Sea of Milk. This imagery was omnipresent from Ha Noi to Phnom Penh to Can Tho. Why else did Dennis the Menace lapse into bombing hysteria? Long-range phase-correlation at radiation exchange by superconductant p-electron gas core of intranuclear-neuronal and intramitochondrial-perineural DNA is what Schrödinger and the two sisters undertook to explore, and which facilitated the sudden illumination-Satori prerequisite to the writing of the canonical linear-time-independent equation of quantum mechanics. Mnmmmmmmmmmmm. Superconductant DNA's coherent wave output -- if you can hear it.
Bar, bar, bar/ bar, barbra Ann! Bar, bar, bar/ bar, barbra Ann! Bomb, bomb, bomb/ bomb, bomb Iran! Bomb, bomb, bomb/ bomb, bomb Iran! Thus sprach the presidential hopeful at a VFW rally. Before McClain was a POW, he was a bombist, one who bombs. Quoting myself from an earlier communication, posted above:
Socially-conferred role attributions (collective projections) create slots. A transference figure fills a slot. Insofar as the figure identifies with the conferred attributes creating the slot, to the same degree is the figure not a person. To the degree you can name your figure-role-slot -- doctor, dentist, do-gooder -- to the same degree are you not a person. Take the case of your wife or your husband and multiply it millions and millions of times over: this is Hitler; this is Mao. No one about it; no person about it -- it, it is the right word. Contagion, invasion, possession: Mao-mind, Hitler-hysteria. Collective will in mass regression. Any and every claimed I of the population base is in the corpus which is Mao-mind, Hitler-hysteria. No ex-culpability for any I claiming separate self-identity.
Where did I concretely learn about this? Targets Branch, CICV, the Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam, the subsection of CICV which sited B-52 strikes. What comes into mind of the identified is not self-originated; it is regressed detritus of mass mind, self-attributed. The collective unconscious is an amazing and slippery device. Again quoting myself, as posted above; this time on the robotics promo film described in the February 2007 Harper's article entitled The Coming Robot Army:
jump start the kid with sendoff before the first post-partum glutamatergic neural network wipeout by having him/her work the battlestar game-stick such that post-wipeout brain branches conform to human factors facilitation requirements of the nano-robo warfare environment which surely will be his/her home and hearth. For what other purpose could neuronal plasticity have been incorporated into Design for a Brain at actual origins of actual cybernetics?
Not coincidentally, the film is set in 2014, when the first generation of FCS [future combat systems] vehicles are scheduled for full deployment. An American convoy approaches a bridge near a snowy mountain pass somewhere in Asia, perhaps North Korea. The enemy mobilizes to cut the Americans off, but they are detected and annihilated by armed ground vehicles and UAVs. [Featherstone, p. 51]
I've been arguing for quite some memetime that that snowy mountain pass somewhere in Asia will be somewhere in Tibet.
How consciously aware do you think the shootist Cho Seung-Hui was of the extraordinary contributions made at Virginia Tech to engineering robotics and AI? And was there any collective unconscious synchronicity between the mountain pass in perhaps North Korea and the mountain pass of the comic book and film version of Thermopylae's impaled head of Leonidas, also mentioned in the above postings? The collective unconscious is an amazing and slippery device, y'know, particularly when overtaken by existential rage. Do I know anything about such rage states? Nah! Not unless the very notion of brain discharge by intra-neuronal DNA superconductivity emerged on the back of such a surpassing rage elicited by events in the Mekong delta and the Third Field Hospital, circa 1967 (see: The Moon of Hoa Binh).
Let me say that I very greatly enjoyed J. Nigro Sansonese's book The Body of Myth (Inner Traditions, 1994), which is certainly the best discourse I've encountered on Greek modes of comprehension -- as well as so much more.
I was particularly struck by the following statement (pp. 342-3):
We conclude with a conjecture that is very definitely facile but that can at least be tested. The shape of the DNA molecule, as is well known, is a double helix. If it could be shown that the volume obtained by revolving the two helices around the molecular axis is of varying but elliptical cross section, we might then speculate as follows. The chemical evolution of life has been guided by the same dynamics that constrains the EM wave vector as it propagates through space. The length of the DNA molecule is not as important as the length between any two sequential nodes of the helices. Each such length defines a Three Worlds Template, with the nodes playing the part of the requisite vanishing points of the second world into the first and third.
It has been calculated that without a guiding template, the odds of a mere 100-nucleotide sequence randomly assembling itself is 1 in 1032!
Just prior to this, Sansonese refers to David Bohm's pilot-wave/quantum-potential hidden-variables interpretation. We began our 1979 paper, on radiation exchange by superconductant p-electron gas core (i.e., the volume obtained by revolving the two helices around the molecular axis) of DNA, in cylindrical coordinates and with reference to David Bohm's notion of quantum potential. The model is developed in Maxwellian form, rather than Schrödinger form, because the Maxwellian treatment relates more directly to the solenoidal dynamics of the molecule. Incorporated into the account (as prominent features of the canonical equation) is the notion of 3-fold operator-time (active time as topological operator, which involves orders of temporal curl and spacetime del operator and associated hypernumber arithmetics). The canonical equation describes the velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration in temperature oscillations of a p-electron parcel of the ensemble of such parcels of the free-electron gas. This variable rate and rate of rates -- varying with fluctuations of ambient radiation in the frequency response window of the molecule -- according to the model, sets the velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of DNA twisting at helix-coil transition (and, perhaps not incidentally, determines the lay of the knot pattern of the double-helical braid within the nucleus and mitochondrion). We understand the three orders of temporal curl as decomposition operators over the hyperfunctionspace and thus entertain the notion that the genetic code is not a single-level cipher system, that the two higher levels involve nonlinear wave properties of the molecule. The notion of three worlds which Sansonese explicates is definitely implied, as these time-ordering properties of the genetic molecule would necessarily be deeply involved in embryogenesis -- particularly if the frequency response widows are immunological markers for self-identity distinguishing, say, muscle cell DNA from collagen cell DNA.
Now that the Royal Astronomical Society is acknowledging (Space.com, 19 April 2007), through the good-offices of Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen, that the Sun's atmosphere sings magnetic infrasound, do you think they will finally stop filtering acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode infrasound from models of Earth's singing atmosphere, and start studying the m-valued solar-terrestrial polyphony's involvement in Earth's climate and weather events like tornadoes?
Every landform has an infrasound signature used by birds in local homing: this was indisputably demonstrated with microbarograph arrays by researchers at Cornell's Neurobiological Behavior Laboratory in informal collaboration with researchers in Cornell's Atmospheric Sciences Department during the mid-1970s, but was not so well advertised as the earlier demonstration that distance homing is informed by geomagnetic field monitoring. Why do you think the infrasound component went relatively unacknowledged? Because of the threat-value! Threat to the prevailing paradigm. But such human neurobiological behaviors are rarely fully conscious, and never free of brain glue. Walk in the natural environment from point A to point B to point C to point D Peripatetic ambulation sans the Aristotelianisms: no inner talking; no syllogistic refutations. Toru Takemitsu's November Steps are not elenchus! No path to Green for Orchestra! If, by differential relaxation, your extra-ocular and pharyngeal muscle groups are at near-zero action-potential such that your roof-brain chatter is next to naught, and you are one-pointedly focused upon aural percepts, what are you likely to experience? One songline among many songlines. Walking meditation of the ropedancer. Where do you think birdsong came from? Numbered Gödel numbers over Musculpt manifold! Chip-cheep-chur-ip! Chip-cheep-chur-ip! Numbered Gödel number. Dolphins, too, and whales -- in their own ways. Migrating geese even ride infrasound: michiyuki. Michigun. Michigan. Paradigm for the random-walk method of Japanese garden design. Feeling-into landspace articulation. And if your sense of identity is µTm logically-valued, not 1T2 logically-valued -- percept thus being propriocept; propriocept, percept: even with kinesiocept of the itinerant roam -- the sounded-forms of landspace articulations are own-body signatures: acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode marks of immunological self-identity. But these immunological marks, these numbered Gödel numbered propositions, are not selfsame, single-valued, or 1T2 logical -- being factors of linear-time-independent Schrödinger superposition (which, though clearly derivative of orbifolds, are not exactly chord geometries, even if unstacking is plausible by Platonic forgetting into the rhadamanthine lethe of 1T2 logos). Killing the birds and the bees by magnetic anomaly and/or infrasound anomaly is the best way to keep acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes out of atmospheric models -- and to maintain the biotechnology industry unscathed into Bill Gates' tech revolution without limit. Higher order-types of Lukasiewicz µTm logics, Alexander Karpenko has now demonstrated, map as functors over the primes. I've been arguing for decades that non-selfsame numbered Gödel numbers (the factors of the factors of which are primes; even, perhaps, prime knots of DNA braids) number Musculpt manifold by linear-time-independent Schrödinger superposition, and that coherent waves produced by superconductant DNA at helix-coil transition carry two non-linear levels of genetic encipherment beyond nucleotide-pair-triplet sequences. What does that mean to the birds and the bees winging the Musculpt manifold, chirping and buzzing numbered Gödel numbers, EscherFormDancing them, even? You answer that question. What would the multi-level entanglement, phase-mu-it information of the two non-linear levels of genetic encipherment relate to? Among other things, what is mistakenly designated the environment and the future. What is very likely is that the prime-number pseudo-model of exons and introns and synonymous codons and redundancies and non-coding codons -- so called -- is a pale reflection of the Lukasiewicz-Karpenko functors of the superposed higher order-type Musculpt model of the genetic language which degenerates to a single-level 1T2-logic encipherment in the minds of glued brains intent upon biotech 1T2-monetary-unit profits, whereupon the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain undergoes disconnect -- lateral mental cleavage -- by the enculturated quenching glutamatergically imposed upon intranuclear-neuronal and intramitochondrial-perineural DNA.
The war a generation fights is not their war; that war comes later. The war Hitler fought was WWI; his war came later. But-- Was Hitler Responsible? That was one title of that piece on deep structure of the origins of WWII which I pulled out of a dusty file, popped into a packet, and submitted to the Goethe Institute writing contest on EUish visions for a new Europe. But not only is the issue of responsibility in this or that specific case a matter of interest, so are more general questions like whether or not there is some historically constant relationship between those responsible and the perpetrators. Are these two always the same; are they ever the same? Or is there some kind of Venn-diagram, middle-way, fuzzy answer? Though I have met a very small number of those who fought the Viet Nam war who came to some real understanding of it -- American and Vietnamese, communist and non-communist -- I have never met a single member of the generation which fought WWII who, in my judgment, garnered any actual insight into that war. Not only not their war, but well, frankly, a generation with a surpassing case of lateral mental cleavage. If you don't believe this, read The Naked and the Dead as I did as a child -- in a barracks. Not only Norman Mailer, but Mailer's whole generation never progressed much beyond that level of comprehension. The young lions, indeed! Where, for instance, amongst that generation, are those who assimilated the structural theory sufficiently to apply it to an assessment of the causes of WWII, rather than standard Hollywood pop Freudianism? Not Erik Erikson, for instance. As far as I know, there are none. Jung came closest -- but that was Jung's war, i.e., the war he was too old to fight. The structural theory had phenomenological-gestalt Germanic origins during the 1920s and early-'30s, and was not so much about the building up of structures, as their breaking down: deautomatization. Heinz Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation came out during the mid-'30s. This is not Hollywood Boulevard dime-store Freud. Why else should Leningrad-Prague school, French semiotic-deconstructionism eclipse Germanic structuralism (the only real de-structuralism), other than that the structural theory had a better account of the breakdown of structures, and provided this account in the period when the structures were breaking down, not well after the fact? The next-best book on the structural theory is Merton Gill's and Margaret Brenman's Hypnosis and Related States. Fifteen years after publication of this book, when I finally had a one-on-one sit-down at Cornell with Brenman concerning Hypnosis and origins of WWII, she, being a member of the generation which fought that war, had of late embraced the Maharishi and Transcendental Meditation©. Serious discussions of Hypnosis were not, by then, in order. As far as I know, this elaborate and hugely insightful extension of Hartmann's theory of deautomatization was never applied to an analysis of Hartmann's context: functional and structural prerequisites to Nazification.
One such prerequisite is any kind of Kokutai-no-Hongi: nationalization of moral economies as the Three R's: readin', 'rightin', an' 'ritmetic.
All in all, the adventures of Adolf Hitler in the realm of ideas provide a cautionary tale against letting an impressionable young person loose to pursue his or her education in a state of total freedom Normally a society can tolerate, even look benignly upon, a layer of autodidacts and cranks on the fringes of its intellectual institutions. What is singular about the career of Hitler is that through a confluence of events in which luck played some part, he was able not only to spread his nonsensical philosophy among his German countrymen but to put it into practice across Europe, with consequences known to all. [J. M. Coetzee, Portrait of the Monster as a Young Artist, The New York Review of Books, 15 February 2007, p. 10]
Not only is this anti-Summerhill pro-Kokutai-no-Hongi a pop Freudianism, but it inflates the power of the personality well beyond Great Bad Man theories of history as force, and completely overlooks the role of prescriptive lower and higher enculturation in precipitating glutamatergic neuronal etching as etiological factor in pathogenesis of mass hysteria by collective deautomatization. And for those who think such factors were not directly implied by Hartmann, I recommend study of Oskar Vogt's contributions to the Weimar origins of Autogenic Training (with its understanding of autogenic brain discharges and neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance and autogenic abreactions) and a skim-through of Organization and Pathology of Thought (Columbia U. Press, 1951) edited by one dean of the structural theory, David Rapaport. Coetzee's subtle advocacy of a new Kokutai-no-Hongi is symptomatic of the present Zeitgeist and prefigurative of the coming incendiary collective fulmination. One can regard the Cho Seung-Hui's of this world as petit mal auras -- this world being correct, as it is happening all over the planet and driven by exactly the same expressed sentiments. Hugely prefigurative! Unless, of course, over-availability of guns, drugs, self-education, and erototoxicity explains it all. Don't mean nothing! would then be what it means. What sentiments? Why, why for thems what ain't too smart, it don't take much thought to develop an argument that the Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean world-construct and associated Westphalian nation-state system is the worst thing that has happened to humanity, the atmosphere, the biosphere, and the planet; therefore, they irrationally conclude, anyone vested therein, day in and day out commits crimes against humanity, the atmosphere, the biosphere, and the planet. Such is the pathology, presence of autodidacts amongst us, predisposes to. Unless, of course, over-availability of guns, drugs, self-education, and erototoxicity explains it all.
So, what was the real basis for the surpassing case of lateral mental cleavage suffered by the great generation that fought WWII?
As a secular liberal, says Mailer, Arendt [i.e., Hannah] is blind to the power of evil in the universe. To assume that evil itself is banal strikes me as exhibiting a prodigious poverty of imagination. If Hannah Arendt is correct and evil is banal, then that is vastly worse than the opposed possibility that evil is satanic -- worse in the sense that there is no struggle between good and evil and therefore no meaning to existence. [Coetzee, p. 11]
no struggle between good and evil and therefore no meaning to existence: this is Coetzee's subterfuge (in conformance to the black propaganda value of Bertrand Russell's On Logical Atomism), not a Mailer quote or an Arendt quote. An extraction, perhaps, but only perhaps. Struggle between the poles of the 1T2-logical proposition man{dated} as semantic basis of the educational moral economy for a new Kokutai-no-Hongi. Those poles that Abel's Impossibility Theorem led to the subversion of by Lukasiewicz-the-Pole. Those poles Cantor's continuum hypothesis fuzzed-out beyond all recognition. Those poles Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation infinitely fragmented to Cantor dust and placed in relative-state sandwich superposition during a 1925 snowy Austrian trigram tryst. Maybe we should regard Schrödinger's two sisterly friends as the autodidacts whose presence at creation of the canonical explains it all. The thematic evasion type of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance is one of the most prevalent and pathofunctional seen in clinical histories. Here the origins of a surpassing order of lateral mental cleavage. The banality referred to is regarded as in being not too smart: the discrete responsible agent, Hitler, and his dummy bureaucrat effector organelles, such as Adolf Eichmann, just weren't too smart -- not compared to the magnitude of what they wrought -- and hence, banal. Not to mention that the best mediums of the collective unconscious have always been housewives and street-sweepers, not the cultural cream. Mus' be that, says Mailer, the devil made him do it -- thus neatly contravening Cantor's continuum hypothesis mapped over Ignacio Matte Blanco's The Unconscious as Infinite Sets in onset of mass hysteria: no problem distinguishing the discrete from the continuous for a Norman Mailer! Needless to say, Matte Blanco shatters the whole notion that 1T2-logical struggles are the basis of meaning -- at least as understood by the unconscious, personal and collective. Heh-heh-heh!
Lots of luck to all yous guys -- Sir William Stewart, Professor Olle Johansson, Dr. Gerd Oberfeld, Mike Bell, Alasdair Philips, Labour MP Ian Gibson -- opposed to saturation bombing by Wi-Fi. If there is anything that will provoke all out war between Great Britain and the US of A, this is it! At issue is the next billion customers in the tech revolution without limit. Given that, independently and even unbeknownst, most every aspect of our 1979 model of DNA radiation exchange (there is DNA in the brain, y'know!) has been experimentally vindicated and reported over subsequent decades in this or that peer-reviewed paper by this and that research group, you'd think but then, if you were to so think, you'd really be behind the 8-ball as regards realities of so-called science, now wouldn't you?
Thanks for the latest N.Y. Times article on bee colony collapse disorder (Bees Vanish, and Scientists Race for Reasons by Alexei Barrionuevo, 23 April 2007). Very interesting. Parallels not only with AIDS but also Gulf War Syndrome. Both radiation and chemicals can modify DNA's frequency response window, and ever since the mid-'70s our argument has been that this window is a marker for immunological identity: its alteration could lead to deterioration in immune competency (including anti-viral immunity) and autoimmunity. According to our theory -- no part of contemporary consensus science -- this frequency window is established and maintained by temperature oscillations of free-electron parcels in the free-electron gas core around which the DNA helices coil themselves. Induced changes in these temperature oscillations (by radiation, chemicals) not only could eventually alter the frequency window, but even more easily change biological clocks which our theory maintains are referenced to the free-electron temperature oscillations.
One could, indeed, as you say, view Seanglim Bit’s Westernized, 1950’s power theory of the authoritarian personality, action-based Newtonian billiard-ball sociology, Catholic view of animism interpretation of Cambodian autogenocide (The Warrior Heritage, A Psychological Perspective of Cambodian Trauma, self-published in El Cerrito, CA, 1991) not only as a displacement of Western -- particularly American -- responsibility, those responsible rarely being the proximal causes or the immediate perpetrators, but also as a prefiguration of the ultimate rationalizations which will appear in explanation of the ongoing autoholocaust of the Whole Earth by ecocide, autoimmune dyscrasias, low-intensity warfare, climate shift, petrowar, pandemic inductions. The flavor of Bit's account is well stated in his Conclusion (p. 154):
Why is Cambodian society behaving in this suicidal fashion? The answer must necessarily be that Cambodian society has not permitted the imagination to bloom, that it does not yet hold a dream of a world which can heal its wounds and care for its people in peace. The creativity is still founded on the old tribalistic urges arising from greed, lust for power, and superiority.
Tribal animism caused the Cambodian holocaust! Not surprising that USIS officer, Douglas Pike, author of Viet Cong, should have said (quoting from Bit's dustcover):
Seanglim Bit has produced here a work of extraordinary originality, plumbing the depths of the Khmer psyche -- to its inner soul.
The question to address is not what caused the Cambodian trauma -- everyone knows that B-52 bombing triggered the collective psychotic break, the snapping -- but what caused the cause of the Cambodian autogenocide. Anti-animism, in the form of the American policy of forced-draft urbanization, i.e., free-fire zones to drive the people off the land so the communist fish would have no sea of people to swim in, was the cause of the cause which elicited the regressed Khmer Rouge compensatory abreaction of forced-draft deurbanization. No better way to end Redskin animism, Gook animism, Rug-merchant animism than to bomb the people off their ancestral lands: anti-communism as conversion disorder veiling anti-animism. If capitalism is to work, small-holder subsisters must driven into the cities: how else establish agro-industrial combines and adequately enlabor the factories? But this is all 40-year-old stuff for me, gleaned from self-reflexive target analysts choosing B-52 strike locations at Targets Branch of the Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam (see my article entitled Who Caused the Cambodian Holocaust, Anyway?).
Thirty-five years ago, I was full into a perspective that contrasts greatly with that explicated by Bit: Sat Prem's take on Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga. Sat Prem -- an assumed name -- was a French survivor of the Nazi death camps propelled toward Integral Yoga by his struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder. Integral Yoga is founded upon deeper and deeper concentration in self-observation so as to cultivate superordinate levels of voluntary dissociation as triggers to autogenic abreactions eliciting voluntary conversion of psychological states into somatic reactions generally regarded in Indic thought as Siddhis: inner powers. Even the slightest movement along such a path experientially blows away the Western academician's notions of Asiatic authoritarianism and of animism as a collection of spirit beliefs and propitiation behaviors: animism is a mode of ontic experience, not a corpus of beliefs and behaviors. The authentic identity-transparent animist does not experience green the way a modern individual experiences green; he does not, in immediacy, experience his body as distinct from his self or his self as distinct from his ancestral lands. Her bush is that bush; his foot, his hand, his face is that sacred tree, that rock, those mountains, directly, by given percepts/propriocepts in immediacy of the timeless moment: Buddhological sacred space with its borders-without-border.
If you wish to experience this, engage in a decade or two of physical labor in the field, transforming the ten-hour days of motion-work into a form of self-observation meditation. Traditionally, all forms of labor, of craft, were modes of meditation, exemplified in the planting of rice, a collective meditation rooted in group rhythm entrainment to motion pattern and folksong cycle. You cannot thus plant rice if you are not the rice thus planted; I directly experienced this as a child: Asahi Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, Japan, 1953-6. I experienced it as an adult digging trees piece-work year after year. So, no academic who has never picked up a shovel or a mattock
The final inch? -- facilitated by Joseph Chilton Pearce's fire-walking.
Why do you think the basic steps and mudras of Khmer classical dance have not changed since--well, the beginning of French colonial occupation? What do I think? Mudras are stylizations of trance seizures by autogenic brain discharges at transorgasm, whereupon ketamine flood is released as an endogenous antidote to the glutamatergic neuronal etching which blocks conscious access to m-logically-valued animistic modes of cognition (this blocking being currently regarded by the neuropsychiatric establishment as the normative means by which socialization of cognition is neurologically anchored). Under the present thesis, however, what is regarded by consensus neurology as physiological titers (amounts) of the endogenous neurotransmitter and excitotoxin, glutamate, are actually toxic titers, the neural-network wipeouts associated with glutamatergic socialization of cognition under prescriptive enculturation severely restricting the orders of logical-value inherently available to processing capabilities of the brain and its quantum substrate. The introduction of exogenous glutamate, i.e., MSG, of course, only magnifies the blocking, thus further debilitating logical processing capabilities. In Southeast Asia, the Khmer (along with the Balinese) once had the most elaborate access to m-logically-valued modes of cognition, the, ethologically speaking, agonistic social restraint of which, under the forced acculturation which was French colonial occupation, constituted a massive psychophysiologic chronic stressor (i.e., altered quantum-wave properties of superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA: see our papers on this as related to neurological compartmentalization, biological clocks, immune signification, and the somaticization of chronic stress -- posted on the website devoted to our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh). This agonistic restraint and resultant somaticized chronic stress was one factor predisposing to collective hysteria when the population corpus of Cambodia was subjected to rapid onset of massed violence.
Well, it's highly improbable, of course, but it certainly would be efficacious at this juncture if the human species could somehow reach the understanding that personification is the halfway house to holocaust. That's why religion -- and I include science in this category of experience -- is inherently so violent, across the full spectrum from varieties psychological to those physical. Prescriptive enculturation -- and associated socialization of cognition by glutamatergic neuronal etching -- proceeds largely by coerced personification. The gods of science are the laws of nature, and standing behind these laws are the universal physical constants. Of course, there are degrees of personification corresponding to baselines of tonic activation of the brain, and science falls on a different baseline than that of the so-called great religions. Personification drives the transference on its various interpersonal and subject-object levels, and the transference, acting on the collective psychophysiological level within a population corpus, is the engine of holocaust -- holocaust being a manifestation of communicable organic brain disease. One of the best essays ever written on this subject was Wilhelm Worringer's Abstraction and Empathy, assiduously studied by C. G. Jung, Wassily Kandinsky, and Arnold Schoenberg -- thus playing a major catalytic role in the origins of non-objective art, post-diatonic art music, and Jung's metapsychological analysis of the Nazification of Germany. But the most elaborate attack upon personification, transference, and holocaust came from Poland, and came about the same time as Worringer produced his essay -- the logician Jan Lukasiewicz's systematic destruction of the notion of logical necessity, the foundational concept underlying the gods of science. Without logical necessity, there can be no laws of nature and no selfsame universal physical constants. No Holy Tetrarkies. No God ever geometrizes. By successfully challenging the assumption of logical necessity, Lukasiewicz discovered non-binary logics -- which were dissimulated to shades of gray in similar fashion to how Schrödinger's m-valued wave function was later dissimulated to probability amplitudes. And for the same reason! Because both tacitly undermined the communicable (via socialization of cognition by glutamatergic neuronal etching) organic brain disease associated with personification, transference, holocaust -- and because diseased brains psychoneuroimmunologically reject that which is not pathogenic: John C. Lilly's suicidal self-metaprogrammed autoimmunity. The discovery of Lukasiewicz logics was the dawn of a post-paradigmatic Weltbilt wherein nature is transfinitely non-selfsame and has no correct description. The road not taken leads away from personification, transference, and holocaust; whereas the road taken leads inevitably to autoholocaust.
Look. Professionals of every sort were the first hunted down and killed. Literacy was made a capital crime. Money was outlawed. Private property and trade of any sort were punishable by death. If you think the French mission of forced acculturation played no role in establishing the preconditions to collective hysteria under the Khmer Rouge, then I suggest you read Charmaine Craig's portrait of the Albigensian crusade against the Cathars -- and peruse her references (The Good Men, N.Y.: Riverside, 2002). This novel was written by a woman half Burmese Karen educated at Harvard and UC-Irvine who seems to understand that the (her)esies all had their erotic origins in matrisystem animist back-reaction against the patriarchs' institutionalization as church: insofar as spiritual work fails, the pattern of that failure will be institutionalized as a church. American anti-animism as forced-draft urbanization -- in the phrase coined by Harvard's Samuel Huntington -- backed up by B-52 bombing, was historically stacked upon the effects of French colonialism: civilizing mission plus manifest destiny. Only follows that Huntington should later have proclaimed a clash of civilizations. One cannot begin to imagine the degree of extraordinary trauma this French and American crusade in Southeast Asia represented without direct immediate experience of animistic modes of perception, proprioception, and cognition. Sight, sound, touch, apperceived m-logically-valued sense of being-in-the-identity-transparent-world: each was brought under lethal Franco-American threat in the most direct manner on an instant by instant basis in course of everyday life. That this coercion of the central nervous system, this assault upon percepts, would not be reflected by a freeze-up in expressiveness of mudras is physiologically inconceivable! It is not at all surprising that collective hysteria should have issued out of such imposed psychophysiologic circumstances, yielding the Khmer Rouge compensatory abreaction of forced-draft deurbanization. Now contemplate this piece of (his)tory in relation to the presently evolving global crisis in all its many dimensions, and just try to rule out holocaust of the Whole Earth as one possible outcome.
Think about it. There were lots and lots of distinguishing factors involved in Why Cambodia?: the relative lack of urbanization in Laos, the fact that Lac Viet women were so early forced into Chinese pants and under strictures of The Three Obediences and The Four Virtues among them. But the biggest factor of all was the surpassing organizational elaboration of the Vietnamese communist party and its domination of the Pathet Lao -- by comparison to the personalized (read: personified) disorganization of the Khmer Rouge.
To repeat: clearly, WWII was not unprecedented and the Nazi holocaust, historically, was numerically small potatoes -- suggesting something similar easily could happen again, even much worse. In each case -- the Tibetan invasion of China and the Mongol invasion of China -- between half and two-thirds of the population of China died: somewhere around 40-50 million people in each case. Dead is dead. Pretty successful attempts to wipe out an ethnic group. If Dennis Bloodworth (apt name) is not sufficiently scholarly a source for you, then look to Volume 6, The Cambridge History of China (Franke & Twitchett, eds., Cambridge U. Press, 1994): F. W. Mote, Chinese Society Under Mongol Rule. Moreover, viewed in this light, Stalin and Mao fall well within historical precedent for human behavior -- even without mentioning British opium, Boxer Rebellion, North and South American holocaust and slave trade, and so on.
Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. Hah-hah-hah. As if institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm could self-discorporate without inducing genocide after genocide, holocaust after holocaust -- amalgamating to holocaust of the Whole Earth. Wherever British, French, Dutch, Belgian colonialism imposed Cartesian-Newtonian spatial measures on lands, temporal measures on peoples and behaviors, counted trees in feet as they were clear cut, relocated peoples, places and things, set peoples against peoples, arbitrarily proclaimed borders, used an imported minority as house niggers to subborn the natives, run the colony, filtch resources, there has subsequently been post-colonial genocide, holocaust ATTRIBUTED TO TRIBALISM. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. Hah-hah-hah. Though the paradigm is dead, dead, dead, its institutionalization is yet in early stages of its death throes -- there still being intervals, spatial and temporal, between genocides, holocausts.
The Divergence of Dik
A Convergence of the CurlsYes, yes, temporal curl, spatial curl. Just think about it. How could the transference figure be nude? This is simply impossible -- descending a futurist staircase, or no. What is it, really, to be stripped bare by your bachelors, even? Read Nizami's Quintet. Read Zeami's Fushikaden. Anything hidden becomes a flower. Naked singularity? Physical-region singularity? An empty center? A blackhole without hair? Ask Layla and Majnun. Ask Kierkegaard's THE seducer. Sitting in a doll's house contemplating Love in the Western World, ask Tristan and Esolde. But don't fall from Leander's tower! Ask Ame-no-Uzume dancing her lurid licentious exhibitions at the mouth of Amaterasu's dark cave and before the eight-hundred voyeuristic gods of ancient days. What is worse: extrojected inhibitions or introjected exhibitions? A topologist's nightmare, this is. Ask the love-triangle princess of Phadaeng Nang Ai whether lifting her skirt at the Rocket Festival doomed the Khmer empire, and if that was the reason her Tantric discourse was censored by transcribing monks. The transference figure has to be undercover, veiled, hidden behind dozens of doors, wrapped in nylon. If she is looked upon by other men, i.e., COMES into the light of consciousness, she suddenly suffers loss of beauty, mystery, beCOMES ugly, that is, can no longer veil the Anima in voyeuristic images, colorist tantavies regarded masks of God. The more cloaked the transference figure, the more unconscious the projectionist.
COME on! The love-triangle princess lifted her skirt at the wrong time: that's what the Rocket Festival signifies with its exploding rockets. But there has been an orally-transmitted corruption of words here, so as to protect the projectionist, he who shoots off the rockets productive of the colorist tantavies. The Rock-Long Princess, uh, the triangle princess, uh, the love-triangle princess is IMPUTED to have lifted her skirt at the wrong time. Those with a compulsion to control, unfulfilled, always make this imputation.
The wrong time: premature temporal curl, inadequate topological twist into imaginary time, that witch's brew of a tornadic vortex. Sustaining unconsciousness of the projectionist? Nah! Consider the prevailing early-21st-century pubic style of altogether removing the curls, her determined delta, triangle of yogic nails, The Earthen Drum. It is a blackhole with no hair the physicists yearn for? Is a bald singularity a naked singularity? What does the rocket's explosion accomplish? It blows away presentation of the opportunity to fully enter imaginary-complex operator-time, providing ephemeral colorist tantavies in recompense. Shaving away the curls with Occam's razor removes three-fold operator-time and the altogetherness of undifferentiated synaesthetic perception carried in the substratum of female memories. What color is Monday?--Wednesday?--Friday? Synaesthetically speaking, of course. And what happens to the collective unconscious gradients driving mass behaviors when there is a generalized loss of previously existent capacity for synaesthetic perception? Are the consciously unavailable psychological functions personified and transferred to a signifying personage, an ornately gowned and many-splendored and many-colored personage, a royal personage concretely embodying the collective transference-figure Animus not to be looked upon, touched. Does this royal personage signifying a naked singularity become clothed? Does the empty center of kinghood (tribal kings of fire and water), about which the processes of self-organization spontaneously congeal, become a prescriptive moral center, about which hierarchical processes of coercion are ordered? What moral economy of the peasantry! Pity the poor monks who had no recourse but to remove the Tantric discourse from the orally-transmitted versions of Padaeng Nang Ai.
In shock by witness to an atrocity event at war:
as he watched, the light began to thicken and it was as though the whole of human time was pouring through his body in a cascade of light, and all through history the scene he saw before his eyes was there, not repeated but the same moment, eternally there, before his eyes. As he watched, the light seemed to splinter into fine lines like fibres, he could almost touch them; he reached out with his hand to ward off the gathering brightness, to ease the fibres apart, and as he did so terror gripped him because there were gaps between the lines of light, he could see behind the light. (Roderick Beaton, Ariadne's Children, London: Orion Books, 1995, p. 110.)
Been there; done that. Same ol', same ol'. Thick light: satin-flow essence which I breathe. No mere cascade theory. Dopamine bath. Ketamine flood. Time dilation. Spatial contraction. Woomp! Woomp! Woomp! Seeing behind the light, between the instants, under the identifications, across time lines. Seeing hyle. Blip, blip, blip. Freeze it; freeze it. Seeing sight. Looking at closest packing of the cones of ones own eyes. Into the ninth parallax (i.e., nine-headed naga fibrin by 90-degree twist branching over imaginary-time cusp into pencils of skew-parallels) of hyletic data. Slipping down parallel-distance alleys. Seeing cytoskeletal fibrin bifurcate over the fractal boundaries of nested hypercomplex-imaginary-time types, bifurcate and branch into superstrung pencils of skew-parallels, Ariadne's children threading hyparxis. Archaicizing, just simply archaicizing, eh what. The WWI-era character in the novel Ariadne's Children blacks out, sustains a nervous breakdown attributed to battle fatigue. Described in the quoted excerpt (content of which arrived at by whatever means) is a traumatically-induced nascent bleed-through into conscious awareness of m-logically-valued processing brought on by endogenous ketamine flood, ketamine being the antidote to endogenous glutamate with general-anesthetic properties fully capable of orchestrating derealization, tunnel vision, blackout. A brain neuronally etched by glutamate flood, to neural network configurations dedicated to processing the binary order of logical-value alone, is not equipped to consciously register results of m-logically-valued processing: bleed-throughs are, therefore, associated with blackouts (as are fully-potent orgasms), unless and until neural nets have been reconfigured so as to no longer be dedicated to the binary order alone. Children -- Ariadne's children embodied -- resistant to, fighting against socialization of cognition by glutamatergic neuronal etching, facilitate endogenous ketamine flood, thereby bringing on derealizing Plexiglas walls, time-warping and spatially-collapsing tunnel vision, m-logically-valued bleed-throughs, blackouts, petit mal seizures, perhaps even idiopathic epilepsy if the constellated neural network reconfigurations are blocked in mid-transformation by redoubled efforts at coercive imposition of socialization sanctions by peers, parents, the larger community. And if this blocking is widespread in a population corpus, then the resultant collective seizure might take the form of a world war.
My body! Ha-ugh. What an abysmal state of identification. As long as one takes orgasm personally -- My orgasm! -- how could one possibly hope to get on through blackout, any blackout, to the other side. The wall of dopamine. Too, too, too sweet! On the battlefield, in the bed, how engage in electrochemical barrier penetration? How break through the Plexiglas wall? How free up mudra? Superconductant tunneling, mediated by free-electron gas core of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA? Deautomatizing the dopamine reaction -- across the battlefield-bed intersection -- has no silver bullet: exogenously introduced drug-induction initiates the habituation response. Study John C. Lilly’s tank logs. Long stress-oriented training in observer-state practice at not taking My body! personally: digging trees piece-work, for instance.
Frank Lloyd Wright's form follows function is another way of saying meaning precedes form -- which is the exact inverse of the conception entertained by generative grammarians, committed as they are to Church's Hypothesis: calculable if and only if recursive. This inversion was in full swing with the advent of post-Renaissance naturalism. Form in Gothic followed meaning, which was a functional schema, not one structural. Like Alexander Karpenko, in seeking the meaning of m-logically-valued propositions, look for correspondence, the Eulerian notion of function, the foundational concept of Chinese medicine. Once the functions themselves (archetypes) are thus identified, then find their form, their relative-state, their index of identity transparency -- which will be HEARD riding diaphanously over the cantus firmus of their meaning (m-logically-valued reference space). Joe Goode's looking through (gravity as spacetime curvature) comes after Toru Takemitsu's hearing through (acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes). Recursive calculability is dependent upon the tacit assumption of selfsame numbers, which can only be defined under the binary order of logical-value (the direct implication of Gödel's Theorem riding on the back of Cantor's diagonal proof). Dissonance devolves from consonance, decoherency from coherency, specificity from synergistic integration -- by operator-time decomposing derivatives, higher order to lower. There is no better embodiment to be found of the principle that meaning (logically) precedes form than the m-logically-valued information content of the higher-order derivatives of the quantum wave properties of superconductant free-electron gas core of the DNA of stem cells. Cell as acoustic analogue of blackhole computer! Quantum biology as Musculpt! Yet, the derivatives thus functionally decomposed remain intact on the cantus firmus, once regarded by personification in transference as the Word of God.
The Gods are later than this world's production
Who knows then whence it first came into being?
Rg Veda (10.129.6)
Evolution by devolution -- higher-order operator-time containing the lower order.
Cause and effect are one, though we see the two sides of the coin in the relative illusion of time.
Christmas Humphreys
I am not wholly disinterested in thought about m-valued logics by employment of 2-valued logic alone, but this is not my focus of attention to this subject. Similarly, expansions of the real numbers to the surreals, the superreals, the hyperreals do not rivet my attention, because in each such case the notion of numerical selfsameness is retained. Non-standard analysis -- no less than Weierstrauss' improvements upon Dedekind, along with Newton and Leibniz -- does not entertain the understanding that the numerical value approached, in the limit, is not the numerical value approached. This is partially because non-standard analysis continues to employ only 2-valued logic in development of its number theories. I do not believe Gödel's proof destroyed proveability; it simply destroyed proveability by employment of 2-valued logic alone. Moreover, what can be proved to exist under the Axiom of Choice, but cannot be constructed by employment of 2-valued logic alone, may be constructible by employment of m-valued logics, because exercise of these logics is inseparable from degeneration to the reals by the actions of operator-time, the lowest order of which expresses as real-numbered first-order time. I look to Musculpt as mathematical notation and to endogenous ketamine flood as means to resurrect authentic proveability in mathematics.
For them, I have, deep down, not a grain of goodwill.
The little catastrophes at the extremes are as nothing compared to the humungous disaster engineered by the middle.
It does not matter how much insight they garner; no effect on the way they conduct their lives is in evidence.
The agent most responsible for the onrushing global crisis is the average person.
The U.S. is engaged in simultaneous acts of subversion in most countries of the world; even Time magazine admits to this by direct implication in its propagandistic discourse about GWOT. Production and dissemination of black propaganda targeting population groups resident in other nation-states is an act of subversion. Outsourcing to outsourcers who outsource! Declaration of GWOT was declaration of war on the world, not only on terrorists.
Overreaction is too small a word to characterize this. In ill-considered knee-jerk to a few small incidents, they are actually promulgating a largely clandestine counterinsurgency war spread out over the whole planet and projected over an indefinite period. Even with its access to technology and virtually unconstrained ability to print dollars, the U.S. does not possess even a tiny fraction of the resources that would be required for success of this venture. The resource-commitment curve not only grows exponentially over time, but becomes doubly exponentiated if the spatial variable is allowed to grow without bound. Having declared at the outset embrace of indefinite time spread over all of global space is to have committed oneself to defeat before even having begun. The Viet Nam war broke the back of the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange mechanism. What do you think global counterinsurgency war will break the back of? Moreover, terrorism is only a nuisance component of the larger global crisis, the major dimensions of which are being almost totally neglected. Declaration of victory after declaration of victory will precede incendiary collapse.
How do I account for this so-called overreaction? I predicted it repeatedly from the period sitting in Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ, forecasting, during 1968, a catastrophe if the geographic boundaries of the Viet Nam war were expanded. Sitting here almost forty years later in a onetime Khmer Rouge stronghold, I find a facilitative environment for contemplation of this overreaction. In my judgment, the overreaction is subliminally motivated by the fact that the whole Cartesian-Newtonian world construct has been irrevocably sundered -- and no real cognitive, let alone institutional, adaptation to this fact has transpired. What has developed instead is a subliminally-mediated collective consensus for global autoholocaust.
I'm optimistic. I think the odds are good the human species will make it. The only big question is what percentage of the species will be killed when cusp events come. It would be nice, of course, if people had a few real ideas as to how to minimize the percentage driven into megadeath. But issuing from the species which originated the notion of overkill? Most people I see interested in evolution of the crisis to its cusp events still cultivate their interest in a fashion designed to make money off crisis ebb and flow.
Always been skeptical that global economic meltdown would primarily be triggered by economic factors. The ability of the human mind to delude itself is very elaborate. I've long felt that some physical-world event, or collection thereof, would be involved in precipitation of global economic collapse: nuclear exchange, shutdown of the Gulf Stream saline pumps. Something like that. I am confident I will be out of here soon, if not soon enough. Never much liked the place or the people.
Thirty years into memetime past when I had a mind capable of making creative contribution to these ideas, the involved concepts were not contemporary and they were not timely. During the 1920s, for instance, Russians were already applying relativity theory to description of Earth's atmospheric processes. In terms of climate shift, it was then that these ideas were timely -- but they were suppressed by various currents in the West, and doubly so during the Cold War period. Amplification of the thematics of Western suppression is much more elaborate today than during the 1920s. In a process of suppression, a point comes after which nothing can be done to reverse its consequences; in my opinion, we passed that point a long time ago.
I am not against carbon trading, a Tobin tax, the hydrogen economy, renewable energy sources, permaculture, peer-to-peer production, mass voluntarism by youth and retirees; I just don't believe any combination of these will prevent evolution of the crisis to its cusp events -- or substantially reduce the overkill.
So. So. So. Suchness so, Thusness is. So.
That art thou. River are the you.
Let river keep the you on the left.
Lefthandside, as the Vietnamese say,
is to your right
-- Thusness allowing the animated object as subject
to regard your Suchness as object.
River and the time.
The time in river swallowed, just being there.
Being-there, river walks on the time.
And so, it can be seen,
such and so once thus was so,
in river at Kampot
-- not only over Walden Pond.
Have Gu, will travel.
Traveling, a fool's paradise?
If well traveled in Kampot,
then well traveled in Concord.
Gold rises upon river into cloud-mass roiled;
Scarlet sets behind mountains mist-shrouded
-- in Kampot, still.
Fishing boats putt-putt out and in, in between.
And river being-there, walking upon time
turns the tide
in and out, over and over.
As in many other systems, vortices can exist in Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs). These can be created, for example, by stirring the condensate with lasers, or rotating the confining trap. The vortex created will be a quantum vortex.
One of the most spectacular results of these properties is known as the thermomechanical or fountain effect. If a capillary tube is placed into a bath of superfluid helium and then heated, even by shining a light on it, the superfluid helium will flow up through the tube and out the top as a result of the Clausius-Clapeyron relation. A second unusual effect is that superfluid helium can form a layer, a single atom thick, up the sides of any container in which it is placed.
A more fundamental property than the disappearance of viscosity becomes visible if superfluid is placed in a rotating container. Instead of rotating uniformly with the container, the rotating state consists of quantized vortices. That is, when the container is rotated at speed below the first critical velocity (related to the quantum numbers for the element in question) the liquid remains perfectly stationary. Once the first critical velocity is reached, the superfluid will very quickly begin spinning at the critical speed. The speed is quantized -- i.e., it can only spin at certain speeds.
Quantum levels are fixed levels with a logarithmic, descending quantum pattern in the visible spectrum of light that can be observed through a spectrometer while looking at intense flows of electricity through the various halides on the periodic table in a vacuum tube. They also have some use in chemistry when dealing with the movement of electrons to different orbital levels around the atom and the energy levels involved in such action.
The irreversible nature of measurement operations in quantum physics is sometimes referred to as the measurement problem and is described mathematically by quantum operations. By the structure of quantum operations, this description is mathematically equivalent to that offered by relative state interpretation where the original system is regarded as a subsystem of a larger system and the state of the original system is given by the partial trace of the state of the larger system.
In linear algebra and functional analysis, the partial trace is a generalization of the trace. Whereas the trace is a scalar valued function on operators, the partial trace is an operator-valued function. The partial trace has applications in quantum information and decoherence which is relevant for quantum measurement and thereby to the decoherent approaches to interpretations of quantum mechanics, including consistent histories and the relative state interpretation.
Suppose V, W are finite-dimensional vector spaces over a field of dimension m, n respectively. The partial trace Tr(v) is a mapping ((let V and W be Hilbert spaces)).
The associated linear operator on V is independent of the choice of bases and is by definition the partial trace.
In quantum mechanics, quantum information is physical information that is held in the state of a quantum system. The most popular unit of quantum information is the qubit, a two-level quantum system. However, unlike classical digital states (which are discrete), a two-state quantum system can actually be in a superposition of the two states at any given time.
List of states of matter: The list is ordered roughly in terms of increasing energy density.
The gravitational singularity predicted by general relativity to exist at the centre of a black hole is not a phase of matter; it is not a material object at all (although the mass-energy of matter contributed to its creation), but rather a region where the known laws of physics have ceased to hold.
- Low-energy states:
- Quantum Hall state: A state that gives rise to quantized Hall voltage measured in the direction perpendicular to the current flow.
- Quantum spin Hall state: a theoretical phase that may pave the way for the development of electronic devices that dissipate less energy and generate less heat. This is a derivation of the Quantum Hall state of matter.
- Bose-Einstein condensate: a phase in which a large number of bosons all inhabit the same quantum state, in effect becoming one single wave/particle.
- Fermionic condensate: Similar to the Bose-Einstein condensate but composed of fermions. The Pauli exclusion principle prevents fermions from entering the same quantum state, but by pairing up two fermions can behave as a boson and the pairs can then enter the same quantum state without restrictions.
- Superfluid: A phase achieved by a few cryogenic liquids at extreme temperature where they become able to flow without friction. A superfluid can flow up the side of an open container and down the outside. Placing a superfluid in a spinning container will result in quantized vortices.
- Supersolid: similar to a superfluid, a supersolid is able to move without friction but retains a rigid shape.
- Solid: A solid holds a rigid shape without a container.
- Amorphous solid: A solid in which there is no long-range order of the positions of the atoms.
- Amorphous glassy solid
- Amorphous rubbery solid
- Crystalline solid: A solid in which the constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are packed in a regularly ordered, repeating pattern.
- Plastic crystal: A molecular solid with long-range positional order but with constituent molecules retaining rotational freedom.
- String-net liquid: Atoms in this state have apparently unstable arrangement, like a liquid, but are still consistent in overall pattern, like a solid.
- Liquid: A mostly non-compressible fluid. Able to conform to the shape of its container but retaining a (nearly) constant volume independent of pressure.
- Liquid crystal: Properties intermediate between liquids and crystals. Generally, able to flow like a liquid but exhibiting long-range order.
- Gas: A compressible fluid. Not only will a gas conform to the shape of its container but it will also expand to fill the container.
- Supercritical fluid: At sufficiently high temperatures and pressures the distinction between liquid and gas disappears.
- Plasma: free charged particles, usually in equal numbers, such as ions and electrons. Unlike gases, plasmas may self-generate magnetic fields and electric currents, and responds strongly and collectively to electromagnetic forces.
- Degenerate matter: matter under very high pressure, supported by the Pauli exclusion principle.
- Electron-degenerate matter: found in the crust of white dwarf stars. Electrons remain bound to atoms but are able to transfer to adjacent atoms.
- Neutron-degenerate matter: found in neutron stars. Vast gravitational pressure compresses atoms so hard the electrons are forced to combine with protons via inverse beta-decay, resulting in a superdense conglomeration of neutrons. (Normally free neutrons outside an atomic nucleus will decay with a half life of just under 15 minutes, but in a neutron star, as in the nucleus of an atom, other effects stabilize the neutrons.)
- Strange matter: Also known as quark matter, it may exist inside some particularly large neutron stars. May be stable at lower energy states once formed.
- Very high energy states:
- Quark-gluon plasma: A phase in which quarks become free and able to move independently (rather than being perpetually bound into particles) in a sea of gluons (subatomic particles that transmit the strong force that binds quarks together). May be briefly attainable in particle accelerators.
- Weakly symmetric matter: for up to 10-12 seconds after the Big Bang the strong, weak and electromagnetic forces were unified.
- Strongly symmetric matter: for up to 10-36 seconds after the Big Bang the energy density of the universe was so high that the four forces of nature -- strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational -- were unified into one single force. As the universe expanded, the temperature and density dropped and the strong force separated, a process called symmetry breaking.
The above-given is quoted out of various Wikipedia searches and placed in appropriate sequence as partial explication (just to illustrate how much is hidden in information commonly available). In our reformulation of Everett's relative-state interpretation, we have his linear operator, but also two orders of non-linear operator. Moreover, we believe not only are two-level q-bit quantum systems required, but mu-level quantum systems (therefore, incommensurate orders of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, not mere superposed concatenations of binary logic). So, addressing your question:
Question: Does this tell us something about not only the multiplicity of limiting speeds that give rise to quantum-relativity over a vast array of spacetime scales, but perhaps even more germane, the need for multivalent logics to represent the fullness of the uni-multi-verse we first envisioned in the late-1970s? Would a consciousness tuned to multivalent logics see or grok the self-similarity that I first wondered at, when it came to atom-spheric dynamics being duplicated at the q-r level of atmospheric dynamics?
Consider that the logarithmic distribution of quantum levels blows up to a hypercomplex-number form of the Riemann Hypothesis on prime number distribution {the Euler zeta function (real numbers); the Riemann zeta function (complex numbers); and (not yet done) the Muses zeta function (hypercomplex numbers)}. Alexander Karpenko has identified functions over the primes which correspond to orders of m-valued logics. I think the various states of matter, and polymorphic phases thereof, may relate to Karpenko functors, such that brains capable of processing in the associated orders of Lukasiewicz logics would perceive, i.e., see or grok, state and polymorphic phase accordingly. Temperature, density, stability, pressure, spin state, et cetera, all these variables are involved in state and phase, which I believe may be dependent upon the Karpenko functor of the mu-valued, multi-leveled Lukasiewicz quantum logic employed in setting up the quantum operator (measurable) establishing the quantum state gauged at quantum measurement. To our conception, however, all quantum operators are derivative of the fundamental topological operator, 3-fold operator-time. So, the variables determining state and phase are expressions of the topological operations accomplished by operator-time. In the case of temperature, for instance, we know that the classical definition relating to random molecular motion is incomplete because of the existence of electron TEMPERATURE enhancements -- and that a given category of constant-entropy hypertemperature may have to do with equipotentiality across a manifold of the spin-moment of operator-time. We also know that the quantum spin involved in distinguishing between bosons and fermions is not classical physical spin, but related to temporal curl. Since full-blown scale-relativity is an expression of time dilation and associated spatial contraction, and hypertemperature is derivative of temporal properties (i.e., of 3-fold operator-time), some absolute zero exists at every degree Kelvin (under some order of Lukasiewicz logics). Atmospheric wave phase velocities (much slower that the speed of light) determining location of absorption/deposit (i.e., decoherent localization) as absolute limiting velocities of atmospheric limited spacetime domains, are, in part, I think, partial traces, as described above: operator-valued functions. Biological wave phase velocities of DNA-generated coherent waves (much slower that the speed of light) determining phase-boundary location of absorption/deposit (i.e., decoherent localization) as absolute limiting velocities of intracellular, multi-sheeted, coacervate-phase limited spacetime domains, are, in part, I think, partial traces, as described above: operator-valued functions. Frequency-response windows (beaten down through the frequency funnel to the quantum-potential tank, analogue to the tank of a superheterodyne radio receiver) determining identity properties (atmospheric or biological or whatsoever), and hence reception capabilities, are, in part, I think, traces, as described above: scalar-valued functions. In tornado genesis, for instance, from a certain Karpenko functor order of Lukasiewicz logics, solar-wind-initiated complex angular momentum cascade (involving temporal curl) is coherent and analogous to stirring the condensate with a laser, thus yielding a quantum vortex analogue (acoustic-analogue to a black hole computer), the walls of the tornado being a plasma bottle containing a superfluid coating rippled by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, authentically in second-sound. But no experimental set up created under binary logic, or concatenations thereof, will ever see or grok in that fashion. Same with unidirectional stirring of biological intracellular-water coacervate phase by coherent waves generated by superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA: a system confined to binary logic by, for instance, glutamatergic etching, cannot read it. Bose-Einstein condensates and other exotic states of matter existing only very near this or that extremum, e.g., absolute zero, is a result of setting up the measurement situation only under binary logic, and disallowing full-blown scale-relativity and its consequences from models interpreting measurements made only under binary-logic-constructed object-systems.
In a few words, what I believe is that the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function -- which adroitly avoided employment of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics for that purpose and firmly established the classical limit justifying Western rejection of Soviet application during the 1920s of quantum-relativity theory to description of Earth's atmospheric processes; that re-scaling/renormalizing atmospheric models such that m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes are removed, being thus handled as noise not signal, so as to maintain the classical limit; that the probabilistic treatment of non-equilibrium and far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, thus avoiding full-blown classical-limit-violating scale-relativity; that the introduction of chaos theory and complexity theory, both of which treat m-logically-valued processes as binary, into dynamical meteorology -- when taken together -- have so falsified weather and climate models that there is no significant possibility the current read on the ongoing climate-shift dynamic is accurate. There will be many big surprises -- likely grossly underestimating severity, overestimating period of phase transition, underestimating coupling to geospheric dynamics, magnetospheric dynamics, solar-terrestrial/terrestrial-solar interactions, and so on. By protecting the psychological, social, political, and economic institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm with the fiction of a classical limit they have insured a maximization of the current anthropogenic planetary crisis.
No. No again. And no again. Less than one-tenth of one-percent is what I give it: the chance that consensus atmospheric physics will authentically incorporate quantum-relativity perspectives. The human species long ago decided it would rather die than do that. What we now see is endgame playout over the field of that decision (which, in various functionally-equivalent forms, goes back through self-similar precedents established over thousands of years). The likelihood of this pattern being broken is virtually nil. Continued PID (pandemic indurate dithering) and conversion-disorder displacements are what will transpire. We can change everything without changing anything! And we can do it in ten years! Just make me the Tsar! It's a done deal. That's the assessment informing my personal equation.
Music Hootches to capture SongLines in Dreamtime having nothing to do with nocturnal transmissions: LandForm Articulations in infrasound signatures. All of chemistry could be restated in WhaleSong, DolphinSpeak sonic-visioning, the local-homing infrasonics of pigeon reckoning. Quoting Keri Hulme (The Bone People, 1983, pp. 102 and 127):
Things Himi makes. Things he reckons make music.
O yes. The music hutches
They only make music when someone's listening. They are focusing points more than anything
The snark says, Maybe he's discovered how to use a new kind of soundwaves. You know what happens with subsonics
I invite you to do a Google search on acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes and then to do one on atmospheric infrasound while noting those pages mentioning gravity along with infrasound. See what they have to say about nonlinear terms descriptive of ocean waves, noise, prediction of tornado touch-down by infrasound, rippling of the walls of tornadoes, the hearable roar of tornadoes which is not the infrasound produced by tornadoes, its vertical propagation to planetary boundary layer and interaction with plasmas in the thermosphere, and so on. Get some feeling for how 30 years later (then cascade theory of tornado genesis, only a small fraction of the papers regarding which ever made it past the preprint stage) they still understand atmospheric infrasound. Then look at GCM climate models coupling ocean to atmosphere to chemical transport/metabolism, aerosol dispersal on battlefield, tactical infrasound, and so on. Now, try to find terms in the diagnostic equation sets and/or the primitive equation sets indicative of the dynamical roles played by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes slash atmospheric infrasound. Regard this an educational experience as to how truncated/renormalized contemporary atmospheric science is. Now tell me you don't think there is any real chance they are underestimating the degree of superintegration of the full spectrum of processes involved in anthropogenic climate-shift dynamics!
We never showed The Moon of Hoa Binh to any literary agent or publisher. Haven't you noticed? Bestsellers always reinforce the metaphysical-principles/values of the mainstream illness in one way or another -- not only because the mass of people don't indulge taxing the brain and are unable to read existential non-confirmations, but also because the whole structure of the publishing industry, right down to the corner bookstore, which doesn't actually exist anymore, has evolved from the earliest scribes and the first printing presses in just the fashion required to insure this reinforcement. If that imputation seems a conspiracy theory to you, then I suggest you talk with those pressmen who receive two salaries about how they inserted into the public mind the notion that conspiracy theories are inherently flawed. What is a conspiracy and what is not, not only depends on who prevails, but also on the political philosophy embraced. For some, a parliament has by definition been a conspiracy -- and in many cases, if not all, little more than a conspiracy theory. Mainstream illness? (If this were the word salad of a schi8zophene, this connective would not appear, I remind, as m-valued schi8zos don't require 1T2-logic connectives.) One cannot be surprised that people with lateral mental cleavage should have subdued those not suffering this disability; what is surprising is that those with this disability -- which denies them introspective competence, and object/other-directedly focuses their attention -- should be so destructive of the external world they so extrovertedly overvalue. Where does this disability come from? Certainly it has genetic markers -- if only by inherited DNA quantum-frequency anomalies. Certainly its behavioral acquisition, cellularly anchored, is initiated in the womb where learning begins: in-the-womb learning has, by now, been adequately demonstrated. Certainly it is parentally constellated in early childhood: Now Johnny, stop changing your voice like that! You are scaring me to death. Stop acting as if you are someone else! You know this Michael is just an imaginary friend. If you don't stop it, you won't get any ice cream and you will be sent straight to bed! Certainly state-mandated and forcefully-enforced education -- better designated as prescriptive enculturation -- finishes off the incubation period on this now-nearly-universal neuropsychological disability by half-a-dozen neural network wipeouts qua neuronal etchings by glutamate flood. Huxley's Brave New World soma has been around at least since the one-room school house. If law is criminal (suppressing all possibility of self-organization) and single-logically-valued property is theft (of the multi-valued quantum relative-state potentiating self-organizing processes), then Coetzee's non-autodidactic, anti-Summerhill, socialization-of-cognition-type education is chemical coercion (by glutamatergic neuronal etching). What a happenstance! What mere coincidence! Uh, uh, that presence of MSG in the food available in America (responsible for most of the obesity of Americans) increased by leaps and bounds during just the period neuropharma worked out details of glutamate metabolism in the brain. Edged tools, those secrets, those cognitive machetes. Just like being required by law -- building codes, covenants, et cetera -- to have a huge carbon footprint is something of a secret life which atomic energy and hydrogen fuel will not resolve. As if carbon neutral will solve anything except a small detail! But I suspect it will be the planet that has the last word on all this, not the human species. I, for one, am glad not to be among the fittest; let those cleaved survive into what is coming their way. The important ratio here being between what is experienced and the degree of identification with which it is experienced: function of neuronal etching. The greater the identification, the more they like it! Ordure tastes good, right? Chump-chump-chump! Baa-baa-baa! Early onset, sub-clinical Alzheimer's: thinking in grooves established by glutamatergic neuronal etching, by MSG obesity, by neurotropic formaldehyde put in redneck beer, by phytoestrogens, by the two-hundred-or-so different types of mimetic estrogens in drinking water, plastic bottles, can liners, on and on. What human cognitive capacity in face of the present global mega-crisis? Don't you think nature is some sort of a conspiracy? Well, I do.
Assuming no cusp events, as they do, human population, planet Earth, by mid-21st century is projected by the projectors as approximately ten-billion strong -- well over Earth's carrying capacity by any collection of criteria (not even to mention ecologically-balanced carrying capacity). So, quite frankly, I don't think colonization of Mars is going to solve this problem -- whatever Stephen Hawking and John Travolta might say. Not likely NASA, the Russian, the EU's, the Japanese, Chinese, Indian space agencies will successfully resettle between two- and eight-billion people to Mars by 2050 -- whatever the required minimum number might be. No new world order for two millennia has been able to provide sufficient potable drinking water and proper sewerage treatment for the bulk of the human population on Earth, so what are the odds they will be able to do it for billions of people traveling to Mars or once these settlers arrive at virgin land of the newest new frontier thesis? Excellent question to me sitting in oh-so-noisy rural Cambodia where a bottle of good water costs two-and-a-half times the average daily income, and, so far as I know, there is no adequate sewerage treatment anywhere in Asia outside of Japan. Just don't place any value on it, really. That must be so. Nothing so bad as parts of Africa/India, of course. What economic system is going to adequately organize implementation of solutions to these, these two small low-tech problems amongst myriad other problems of Mars transients? Market capitalism? Improved market capitalism? Some other form of economic system the human species has successfully tested prior to embarking upon interplanetary colonization? Maybe colonial mercantilism is the appropriate economic system to propagate throughout the galaxy, do you think? Even if by crash capitalism and concatenated nation-states they can hydrogen-fuel-cell planet Earth on a timely basis by snap-over transition, and build thousands and thousands of dirty-atomic-energy electrical-generating plants in just the nick of time, what economic system is going to organize implementation of solutions to the myriad natural resources management problems associated with maintenance of ten-billion people on a resource-depleting planet at a threshold of tolerance below that catalytic to global total warfare -- while so many queue up for their Mars transport? Shantaram! Blah! God-O, Shantaram! Ten billion, planet Earth. Might as well put India inside France! What system? Market capitalism? Improved market capitalism? Some other economic system the human species has experience of? It will happen all by itself, if you just Let It Be? And not only economic systems, political systems. The best we've ever had is force divided against itself. I remember my 7th Grade Civics class, even if I can't imagine what they teach nowadays. Force divided against itself doesn't seem, on first principles, capable, by any imaginary stretch, of facilitating organization of the implementation of solutions by any conceivable economic system, solutions to natural-resources-depleting ecologically-balanced standby awaiting Mars transit, billions of people, planet Earth. My answer for forty years has been: I don't think so. And I don't think so even more now than I didn't think so forty years ago. That's why, over that period, I have looked to de-dissimulated notions of the quantum theory of self-organizing processes for inspiration (and for precedents, known human history, to such de-dissimulated theory): superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA; acoustic analogues to blackhole computers, as they are now called; the psychoneuroimmunology of m-logically-valued Lukasiewicz processors; tornado fusion-bottles; Cantorian set-class-order-type and Platonic form-in-process as multi/scale-relativistic (as now called) nested-grid and time-step general system, codifiable as topological (orbifold, among such) dynamics of Musculpt manifold, numbered with numbered Gödel numbers the list could be made quite long. And all these in one way or another lend some insight to discovery of the implications of F. A. von Hayek's notion of the time-shapes of total capital stock. Total capital stock is a matter of deep concern on a resource-depleting planet several times over-populated with human beings. The idea that total capital stock has multiple time-shapes is a breakaway concept tightly focused upon the core issue driving the present planetary crisis: entropy generation in a world of want creation, disposables, built-in obsolescence, competitive unnecessaries and dystandardizations, label lunacy, logo loco, conspicuous consumption, keep up with the Joneses, omi yage yak-yak-yak, commercialization of X-mas and Holi Day and Hanukkah and Golden Week and Tet and Loi Kratong and Study the biography and make judgments. But maintain the cognizance capable of distinguishing between ideas and identifications! Whatever the identifications, the man immersed/immerged himself in/to this stuff for decades. Personally, I have zero-point interest in how von Hayek is to be classified in terms of old, outmoded, currently useless political, economic, and social categories, whether he helped bad guys consume Chile -- categories which have not only proved themselves inadequate to the case, but have been instrumental in producing the present mega-crisis. Up from what? Down to what? The road from/to what? So what! What politics-of-business, business-of-politics person has the requisite cognitive capacity? Name him/her. Perhaps peanut presidents from industries what apply a chemical to make the nuts grow good and BIG -- then don't advertise the fact to those allergic. Sounds like saviors ta me! If we don't need another hero, then we probably don't need another savior nother, pre- or post-trip, uh, trib, rapter. If we can solve these problems with the means used to create them, as Einstein almost said, then it is not the case, as Shantaram (Gregory David Roberts, 2003, p. 92) almost says, that in the beginning we animists feared everything except each other, while today, we anti-animists fear nothing but each other -- and that this conversion-disorder displacement was the origin of the One God and the numinous soul in an over-stressed collective bicameral mind undergoing climate-shift dynamics. Origins are far, far more complicated than that, and real solutions, if there are to be any, will come from an m-logically-valued universe of Musculpt discourse unspeakable in spoken languages.
Not first and last men, Olaf Stapledon's Last and First Men. The last of this mankind and the first of the next mankind -- yet again. That's what we are talking about here. For what other reason has there been a Briefing For A Descent Into Hell (the best of Doris)? Will there be a yet again? New first men? And what is required to insure that that is to be so. What metanoia, change of mind? Nothing on this website is about the undoable: prevention. It's not even about undoing. Though it may concern itself with certain aspects of non-doing, it mainly attempts to address what needs to be done just prior to and at cuspover, if there is to be another yet again. Dier straiths is not something to sing about.
I do not understand myself foremost a gadfly, and I will not knowingly drink hemlock (the knowingly was put in there because I have unknowingly drunk mega-doses of rohypnol liberally chased with rat poison: blood on the ceiling at projectile vomiting in coma; it was the mistaken mega what saved me; luck of the Irish, if I were Irish). What I am not saying is what I am saying most clearly -- and why I am saying it the way I am saying it. The list of reasons why I will not write ANY of this stuff up in the fashion you suggest is longer than I am willing to itemize. Moreover, I will not state what I really think, now or ever, nor have I ever, for an equally long list of reasons. Those reasons are not negative. They have nothing to do with tactics. They are no expression of the strategic defensive. Sullen insolence, perhaps -- as you seem to suggest. But this suggestion is simply to borrow from one of my self-portraits. When I was fifteen, sullen insolence was the perfectly appropriate rational reaction to the human predicament or human condition as the Existentialists would have it; anthropogenic human predicament/condition as I have had it. Well, I've come a long way, baby, since then; sullen insolence pales by comparison. I cannot even begin to think myself into what it must be like to be fifteen today. The few intelligent contemporary fifteen-year-olds are surely a long, long way beyond sullen insolence, expressed or not, and the consequences of this in regards to collective superordinate rage will in due course not be small. Staring at the approaching tidal bore, I recommend against all individual acts of defiance as superfluous. What isn't superfluous is the gathering of insight into autopoiesis of the bore.
Don't make much effort anymore to keep up with the latest on Afghanistan-Pakistan, GWOT, Iraq, Iran -- just as I am losing interest in the financial issues of the day, unless Occasionally note this and that. Find, mostly, it's a real hoot. On the one hand you've got SCIENCE coming to blue-coat rescue employing the very latest in on-or-off data-points-type complexity theory (treating m-logically-valued processes as single-valued) to establish a new law of war (no more interesting then the decades-old treatise The Statistics of Deadly Quarrels by the progenitor of numerical weather forecasting, Louis F. Richardson, who produced the primitive equation set for dynamical meteorology in his spare time between romps as a dust-off ambulance driver during WWI, sort of like how I came up with my contribution to our notion of DNA superconductivity while in Viet Nam) even if derivative of chaos-theory models of self-organized criticality over 2nk fitness landscapes like those of SFI's notion of DNA helix-coil-transition manifold and the lawless (i.e., the natural laws of Nature what went down the hairless vaginal-blackhole vortex-drain, Roman law, British common law, statutory law, Napoleonic this and that prescriptive hmmm) badlands of the tribal areas of the alpine Afghan-Paki border, through which some of NATO's leading lights would like to build a wall like the Israeli's have got and which most biologists and biometeorologists unfamiliar with Ling's plasmahaut believe their cells have, and Richardson's supercells have, and which most CI experts believe AQ&A's cells have. Of course the new law of war (see, for instance: Roger Highfield's Telegraph article of 27 June 2008, Scientists Find 'Law of War' that Predicts Attacks) offers a physics-based theory describing the dynamics of insurgent group formation and attacks, their incidence (i.e., the superscript n magnitude) and epoch (i.e., the superscript k articulation-connectivity-clustering-correlation), without concerning itself with any of the Lukasiewicz m-logically-valued, Everett relative-state prerequisites to insurgent cellular self-organizational dynamics, the bureaucratic-minutia political-infrastructure details of which are indicators of the Clausewitzian-military details of attacks-to-be: when, where, how, why, for what (as was lavishly discovered/documented/explored at Strategic Research and Analysis, J2/MACV-HQ, and just as lavishly suppressed by strength-estimate-controversy spin-drift). Not to mention the critical-state (i.e., self-organized criticality) dynamics so critically involved with wall changes, aka boundary changes (self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries), a misnomer unless the boundaries changed are understood to be fractal-boundary functional-analogue mappings, not 1T2-logical structural-boundary separators. A good bit of my interest evaporated on 27 December 2007. Several months earlier, Benazir Bhutto wrote an op/ed piece on how she believed poverty eradication is the only way to win GWOT, and included an e-mail address after her name. Well, I have always looked out for things like that, written to many, many of the luminates going back to high school in the early 1960s. You'd be surprised with whom and how many I have briefly intertweaked regarding m-logically-valued monetary units, among much else, and over how long a period this ineffectual intertweaking has transpired. Just the sort of thing schizophrenes do, y'know, write brilliant ineffectual letters -- like, for instance, John Nash. George Soros even did that for a while, I have read. Ineffectual in that sense, but not necessarily in this or the other or another or some other another sense. What is the chance that the what happened is why what happened happened theory of history is the correct theory of his story? And if not, is there any way archetypes of the human collective unconscious as laws of human-history gradients can be affected? Tidal bore theory of history? Well, Benazir sufficiently appreciated the notion that new economic ideas, like, for instance, new notions as to the very nature of money, might be required to successfully eradicate poverty sufficiently so as to successfully promulgate GWOT, that she responded to the e-mail. But, as I already knew before writing, she, being from Radcliffe/Oxford, couldn't possibly assimilate the degree to which each side of the current confabulation has misassessed the other's self-meta-preprogrammed capabilities/dysabilities/pathabilities, and how lose-lose/loose-loose any tactical offensive stepping in between surely, in principle and practice, must be. Appeals to grand strategy, re: efforts toward coherent global-synoptic readiness prior to any localizable decoherent attempt at implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units, were without the requisite cognitive reach. Into the breach, which turned out to be something of a breech-loaded situation. I was quite upset, of course, thinking back to what happened to R. Gandhi a year after I, just back from Colombo, made the prediction to Douglas Pike, which he poo-pooed in between discourses telling me how there will be no further surprises about the Viet Nam war because we already know everything about it (repeat of various discussions with certain famous war correspondents). The thing that is interesting about the blue-coat science-savior new law of war is that it is virtually parameterless, and thereby applies to most every situation anywhere, anywhen, WHILE, under application of implications of prognostications by utilization of this law of deterministic disorder, counterinsurgent action-directives continue to indicate discrete parameterful target acquisition: e.g., AQ&A leadership, and so on. Paradoxical, almost like quantum mechanics, eh? Non-something vs. somethingsomething postmodernist other-same duality. Decentered, you might say. A real hoot reading about all this (say, Mark Mazzetti's and David Rohde's Amid U.S. Policy Disputes, Qaeda Grows in Pakistan, NY Times, 30 June 2008) when interservice, interagency, intraservice, intraagency disputation is derivative of, and a covering of, the fact that Navy Seals, Delta Force, SAS-SBS don't have the training or experience to successfully take on AQ&A. Eh, what? You just plain crazy, bub! Don't know what you be speakin' of. This is the other hand I didn't forget about. None of these operator classes have any significant understanding of, or experience of, what is required to bring up and maintain a clandestine underground POLITICAL infrastructure, out of which disposable, repeat disposable, quasi-military action elements emerge as EMERGENT PROPERTIES. And the only operators in the intelligence services (CIA/FBI-MI5/MI6) with something like that (but not very close) are those with experience bringing up and running proprietaries (perhaps with the exception of some surviving onetime moles in the Irish PROVOs). Experience countering is not the same thing as experience creating and maintaining: one does not translate well into the other. And militaries that are committed as opposed to quasi-militaries that are EMERGENT are incommensurate and also largely untranslatable. When relative-state prerequisites to insurgent cellular self-organizational dynamics involve creation and maintenance of high degrees of phase-correlations laterally no less than vertically (driver of sociopolitical autopoiesis, no less than of superconductivity, the transparencies of supersolidity, Bose-Einstein condensates, and so on) then wall building, parameterful target acquisition, concentration on interdiction is very, very likely strategically counterproductive. Win every battle, why don't you!
Mad dogs and Englishmen there's reputedly a message in the medium which is not the medium itself. History as unconscious conspiracy. Orchestration of collective behaviors. Archetypal event gradients as form in process. That which is suppressed (individually and/or collectively) becomes regressed and is automatically, by compensatory abreaction, projected into/onto the external world in infantile, generally violent, form, where it is (individually-collectively) cathexed-besetzunged by compulsive identification (deposition of libido/quantum-potential) in order to simulate a symbiotic psychic pseudo-equilibrium. In collective expressions, the regressed infantile form can take many forms: hard technologies; internet-sweatshop software; contents of the zeitgeist of an era; bureaucratic types; management algorithms; shapes of style in this or that application area; holocaust fashions and hair conventions; pubic, piercing, and tattoo body-mod fads; sacrosanct programs in metamathematics, like that of a Hilbert or an N. Bourbaki; analogical models in architectural space articulation; unassailable principles, like the classical limit in science; and on and on. I use physics terminology in discussing aspects of insurgency/counterinsurgency because the terminology and underlying principles are apropos of both insurgent and counterinsurgent behaviors in large measure because the above-mentioned collective unconscious processes of projective-identification in transference are massively at work in this area of human praxis. Whenever I confuse science and politics, people experience strong negative emotions in response -- which is exactly what one would expect if processes of projective-identification were at work. The elicited negative emotion is presentation of an occasion for potential sudden insight. Absent systematic introspection, however, that outcome is not at all likely. Much of the fashion in which The Moon of Hoa Binh was written involved application of this principle.
So, I suppose, I must restate the fact that I am not interested in predicting details or timing, and have never been because I have never sought to make money off of the long-gathering global conundrum -- or even to protect what little bit of money I have had. Anyone seeking such geomantic chronomancy has no business being on this website. Nor have I ever been a policy nerd, another subset demanding details and timing. Or, to put it another way, I am not a member of Shantaram's one, ten, and a hundred million (Shantaram, Abacus paperback, 2004, pp. 349-50):
The world is run by one million evil men, ten million stupid men, and a hundred million cowards The evil men are the power -- the rich men, and the politicians, and the fanatics of religion -- whose decisions rule the world, and set it on its course of greed and destruction The stupid men are the soldiers and policemen who enforce the rule of the evil men And the hundred million cowards are the bureaucrats and paper shufflers and pen-pushers who permit the rule of the evil men, and look the other way The rest of us, all six billion of us, do pretty much what we are told!
Being one of the rest of us (hence always choosing an expensive sundried tomato over a cheap fresh one, despite the fact that sundrying is for saddlebag dinners and winter meals), I have no need for details and timing. And, having early on become acutely aware that the peculiarities of any given LifeTime over memetime embedded in the LifeWorld is an aesthetic koan requiring a karma-yoga answer in clean elegant non-action, I have increasingly become focused on the typologies of general cases from which all particular signifiers devolve. Human history is, to me, the WholeMan, not merely the great man, the evil man, the stupid man, the coward, the normotic. And the WholeMan is no man, no particular man, no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct individual, that artifact of neuronal etching. So, the decisions actually ruling the world of men, according to my lights, are not those of the no man, the particular man, the individual artifact man. Those decisions are concrete expressions of the psychic gradient, the curvature configuration of the collective unconscious established by constellated archetypes, kakureta kata, the typologies of general cases constituting the form of forms in general process: Musculpt symorphonie. Once the machine-language memetime card is lifted out of your dedicated-instruction-set subboard More simply, even if they were to completely eradicate AQ&A (pretty unlikely, as the important business today is surely not transpiring in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Pakistan -- but invisibly in far removed locales, and nonlocally) that would be a detail of little real strategic consequence, because the hierarchy of synoptic forcing functions, from the general case of general cases to the abysmal particular, continues to unfold unabated while the eradication process transpires: three-hundred years of self-lying about metamathematics and physics, down to planetarized nature rape, down to global forced-draft megaurbanization (aspects of which are described in Shantaram) on a resource-depleting planet, down to If AQ&A were to be completely eradicated, then there would be a BP&A to eradicate. But surely any current savvy AQ&A strategist has to be advocating a projection-of-weakness posture in Iraq to embolden the U.S./Israel re: Iran and to help the Republican presidential campaign, as well as be rooting for CR as VP candidate. If the Democrats come in, it is less likely that AQ&A will be handed on a platter their next synoptic organizational phase transition, and, consequently, that they will have to execute another sting in order to facilitate it. Moreover, in taking account of the full range of policy options available, one must unabashedly consider the fact that TimeOut! on market economics is called for the duration of warfare, such that the geographic extent chosen for war's TimeOut necessarily becomes an integral aspect of establishing control over strategic variables: what cannot be controlled discretely and locally often can be controlled macroscopically by extending the geographic extent of conflict -- or, that extension having failed, cedes control over strategic variables to the opposition. Appreciating the notion of scale-relativity involves learning a polymodal, multilevel, synvalent way of lateral thinking suggested by statements like: Iraq is not a war, only a battle, possibly even only an engagement and The Powell Doctrine is a squad leader's lesson from Viet Nam and Afghanistan was the truly big mistake, not Iraq and
Yeah? Well, my wergeld has never been but the puniest -- by whatever PPPU calculation employed. Someone's always pissing in your pocket. Weltschmerz to ya! Regarding the book of a man comfortably familiar with quantum-relativity by the 1920s, a cosmologist/scientist-generalist with surpassing experience of various altered states (see his Starmaker: every bit as inspired as Noel Winter, Plotinus, Aurobindo, Mayer Baba regarding the metaphysical implications of decompositional mathematical involutes in cyclotomic cascades), Olaf Stapledon's Last and First Men (which does contextualize consensus known human history and is initially thoroughly boggling-disorienting and can ultimately be massively mind expanding), predicting in detail three-quarters of a century in advance what is happening on Earth right now: E nga iwi o nga iwi = O the people of the bones (i.e., the beginning people, the people who make another people). A Maori pun (Keri Hulme, The Bone People, Hodder and Stoughton, 1983, p. 450). This pun could be a pun on Velikovsky's Mankind in Amnesia which, itself, could be a pun on Plato's All learning is remembering which could be a tropological metareference to the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) from which cyclotomic cascades decompose Lukasiewiczian logical-values by mathematical involutes numbered in numbered Gödel numbers over Karpenko functors (understood by Plato, et al., in the tropological terms of gematria, nested mazes of regular polyhedra, divine proportions, the modal scales, poke-holes in the sand, lines in the sand, the gods as functional prerequisites or Karpenko functors). More ends at the beginning than can be thatched into snatches, thicketed round thorn-traverns drunk unto gutbusting bushburners, Glamis ghostdaggers ripping tender over Wapping Wall. In the moment, at cuspover, it does pay to have a long view. SongLines, DreamTime: popular quaint; not to be mixed up with acoustic analogues to blackhole computers. In my lexicon, however, no-man DreamTime = complex-imaginary/hypercomplex operator-time, linear and nonlinear -- OK? Whereas a straggle of artifact men bristling along in memetime, claiming to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, lacks Mauri, i.e., thymos of humans and protector of mana (Hulme, p. 449) and indicates Ka Tata Te Po = Night is Near (Hulme, p. 448). Okay? Another glutamatergic passel of umbrageous wether. The quickest way to induce conformity and maintain a continuous stream of new recruits to a Weltanschauung is cultivation of exclusion while holding out the possibility of membership and granting it to a few. It's primarily by insecure, conformation-hungry new recruits (and FOM, F. . . . . . Old Men, of course) that a failed worldview and its institutional constructs survive long enough to produce anthropogenic climate shift. People always find some blublack way to validate hell, just so long as it's their black-blue hell, their Umwelt. Never had The Words To Say It, collectively; likely never will.
Hey, basically because from early childhood I never accepted that there could conceivably be any answer above my pay grade, not only have I read too many raucous, raunchy roach-coach travelogues, I've ODed on the roles I've ricocheted which could have mentored those books of transients/transits. Twenty-five years of two small suitcases puts Steppenwolf to shame. Answers are between me and the Cosmos; anyone else involved is holding a gun to my head. Real-life KeriHulme-style assemblage. Formally speaking, lifeshape aesthetics, the issue in karma yoga. But that's not necessarily not non-doing. What do I mean by non-doing? Doing is noise. Non-doing is quiet. There are degrees, eh. Not all of us can get OBE. We have to settle for in-the-body degrees of non-doing. No-sound inside of no-sound. Second silence so quiet it seems to sound as noise. Being caged in silence for four minutes and thirty-three seconds is not like having the door slammed on a Lilly tank, howsoever threatened people may have felt. The association is to electrochemistry of fear, fear fever raw. A temporal demitting: memetime stop by endogenous ketamine flood: atemporal demit. There and there and there -- at the same there. Hashi :: chopsticks :: Clifford parallels :: fiber bundles :: double-tonguing, double-talking doublethink transiting to silent Lukasiewiczian m-think :: double-dealt, double-binded, double-blind doppelganger become M-Theory daedal m-ganger. Phase-digit twiceover-presence leading to mu-over-presence. Denouement by spatial déjà vu, not temporal paramnesia by Dirac crossover time. Déjà vu space, déjà vu time, déjà vu spacetime: déjà vu all over again. Hah-ha! Get the joke? Get WHY everyone found the joke so funny? Daemon being-there-in-overlay, which is not mere dasein, just being-there. Da Sein? Quantum state of the hot hand and the Klutch Hitter. Quiet in-here, not out there. Subsidence. The quiet-in-here can subtend expression of a rage to live, possibly even rages to kill or a rage to die. Ever been in supraordinate rage? Death on the shoulder. Some other pencil of skew-parallels is the doing, the noise. Infrasound signatures gone to fingerprint smudge-over in acetate m-overlay. Spontaneous self-organization is not by noise, as deconstructionists would have it, but by the subtending infrasound inside of infrasound which is empty only as layered silence to layers of noise.
But origin of the very notion of private property, of the territorial imperative and the acquisitive instinct, is resident in the limit placed upon infinite regress, truncation of the framework law which is George Soros' self-referential market reflexivity. Following The Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen and Draw a distinction! in Laws of Form. My body. The self claiming distinction from body. My self. The self claiming distinction from the my of myself. And, in concentration upon self-observation, the my of the self claiming distinction from the my of myself -- and its self, itself. And so on and so on into the infinite regress of phase-digit superposition over quantum observer-state. Money signifying property value (my body) is inherently quantal in nature. Posit infinite regress as fallacy, and Poof! no real property not simply-privatized by lateral mental cleavage. No omni-interactive, fractally-decomposable, hence in possession of non-simple identity, software modules pandemically internetworked, thus purely nonlocal. Don't Let It Be. Patentable, copyrighted simple-identity, simply-connected and simply-ownable. Non-simple ownership? Non-simple privatization? What could they be? What KIND of money would be involved? Decoherently collapsing the quantal value stack, by projective-identification at transference, is the origin of paternalistic slavery. Quoting Keri Hulme (The Bone People, p. 197):
That curious impersonal property sense parents display over their young children's bodies check this, examine that, peer here, clean there, all as though it's an extension of their own body they're handling, not another person
Decoherent corruption of non-simple identity spawning, by extension, aspects of slavery's generative grammar.
Yes, the pathology is deep, so deep, into very foundations of the civilization, aspects regarded unrelated which actually are superintegrated. Childcare and renormalization of divergence in partial differential equation sets descriptive of growth processes involved in climate-shift dynamics. The appearance of infinity in a solution set must be suppressed because it indicates existence of infrasound-inside-infrasound twiceover-presence leading to mu-over-presence, that dread inducer of fear, fear fever raw. Now Johnny, stop changing your voice like that! You are scaring me to death! You know this Michael is just an imaginary friend. Temporal curl into imaginary time at divergence renormalized by spatial re-scaling of the primitive equation set so as to cast out baby and bathwater: primitive Lukasiewiczian, animistic-pagan, Everettian relative-state, identity-transparent, participation-mystique CONTAGION by self-referential Sorosian reflexivity. Numerical infinite regress has to be a logical fallacy to keep the horror, the horror under control: prescriptive enculturation begun in the womb where wild child responds to father's voice. This civilization will not make transit over the current global crisis. Were it to undergo the changes required to do so, it would no longer be this civilization.
I know that. This is a hard idea to get, and even harder to credit, because it is one of the most heavily prescriptively-enculturated and black-propagandized issues there is. And not only in tripartite-Fertile-Crescent-religion cultures, Confucian cultures also. Stated starkly, overbold, no mistaking it; worry about the caveats after getting the basic idea. Anti-animism is by now a nearly universal human disability/scourge/plague locked-on species exterminations and human-species suicide. It is not simply the case that economics and politics of contemporary global civilization are screwed up, as most people believe; science and mathematics are no less screwed, and economics and politics would not be so dysfunctional if it were not for the degree of dissimulation which has come to preoccupy science and mathematics. Nor would there be the anthropogenic climate shift we currently are visibly entering, had there not been two-hundred years of falsified consensus science and mathematics. The avant-garde arts and art music tried to buck this, but largely gave up the effort with advent of WWI. As it becomes more and more difficult to sustain dissembled quantum-relativity theory and maintain the fiction of a classical limit, unconsciously-mediated collective-hysteria fulminations become more and more elaborate. Little waves and big waves; low and high amplitude. There is no fixing the economics and politics and emerging natural-world dyscrasia, without fixing science and mathematics. You don't see the black propaganda? Think about conversion-disorder displacement. Delta/Seals/SF/Rangers don't leave one of their own behind: they will sacrifice not only the immediate mission but the country mission to this (e.g., Black Hawk Down). Suppression yields regression. The regressed is automatically projected. That projected is identified with in transference. No one left behind pre- or post-tribulation? Most money is made on this, that, or another pathology. In one displacement or another, this left-behind issue is in virtually every thriller bestseller -- not only in the movies, not only on the op/ed page, not only crooned as popular love songs. The supposed all-against-all tribal-animist (hidden as a specter in de-dissimulated m-logically-valued scale-relativistic quantum theory) is the constant boogeyman. Animistic identity-transparency (the generative-empathy component of love, i.e., directly experiencing the experience experienced by an other or object, which is defined in the legal system as a symptom of psychosis) suppressed (leading to projective-identification in transference) in a population corpus produces totalitarianism; animistic identity-transparency unrestrained (i.e., quantum relative-state as sociological analogue to Bose-Einstein condensate: the predominate normative state of consciousness experienced by the human species until, probably, onset of the last ice age) produces spontaneous social order by all the rules of an unmolested quantum theory of self-organizing processes. Whole civilizations have been built on denial of this in one its forms or another, and I think the human species is very likely to carry that denial right into extinction.
Though I am fading fast on all this, thank you for the referrals to recent articles. Below, I quote from two of the more interesting, and offer brief comments.
How the U.S. Financial Crisis Resembles Japan’s 'Lost Decade' -- And How to Play It, parts one and two, by William Patalon, III, 18 July 2008, and available from SeekingAlpha.
Just look at what happened in Japan. Success in the export markets -- coupled with a strong tariff policy that protected the home market from imports -- pumped up the yen and led to a massive buildup of cash in both Japan’s corporate coffers and among its consumers. That spawned an era of easy credit, and that fueled a frenzy of stock-and-real estate speculation unrivaled since the U.S. Great Depression
In the United States, for instance, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 381 on Sept. 3, 1929, a record pinnacle achieved in advance of both the Great Crash and the Great Depression that followed -- and a level that wouldn’t be eclipsed again until November 1954 -- more than 25 years later.
From the Great Crash, fast-forward 60 years, to 1989 Japan. On Dec. 29 of that year, the Nikkei 225 Index topped out at 38,957.44, before closing at 38,915.87. By the following September, it had nearly been halved -- and there was still much more bloodletting to go (despite several subsequent rallies up over the 20,000 threshold, the Nikkei ultimately bottomed at 7,830 in April 2003. It closed yesterday -- Wednesday -- at 12,760.80, still down 67% from its trading high 19 years ago).
The fallout from that meltdown was incredible. By early 2004, houses were selling at 1/10th their peak value, and commercial real estate was selling for less than 1/100th of its peak-market value. All told, an estimated $20 trillion in stock market and real-estate wealth had been vaporized (although one could easily argue that the peak values weren’t real to start with).
As horrific as the damage Japan suffered through that damage sounds, here’s the thing: The U.S. financial crisis is much, much bigger, and the resultant Lost Decade is arguably going to take much longer to work through {{{{I've recently seen predictions that the DOW will drop as low as 6000; a month ago the lowest such forecast I had seen was 8000.}}}}
You see, both were spawned by a massive overflow of liquidity. True, Japan’s was created naturally, with a mass of cash from savings that lead to a period of easy credit. And we all know that U.S consumers are lousy savers, meaning that couldn’t be the catalyst here. But that’s okay. Under Messrs. Alan Greenspan and Ben S. Bernanke, the Fed did that for us artificially -- holding rates at ridiculously low levels, even as it continued to stoke the money supply. Despite the different routes the two markets took, the result is essentially the same.
{{{{No mention here of the Plaza-Accords-forced revaluation of the yen relative to the dollar (sting on Japan, Inc., for prospering/profiteering too much on Korean and Viet Nam wars) in responsibility for Japanese liquidity bubble (and Japan's bubble-export to Southeast Asia prefiguring the baht collapse); here it is all put on supposed too great a savings rate and unfair trade practices, thus drawing attention away from the actual responsible agent: a dysfunctional monetary system inherently incapable of being or becoming functional, particularly so once Bretton-Woods was stripped of a gold-exchange mechanism by consequences of the Viet Nam war and bleeding of those consequences into an oil crisis, Third-World debt crisis, and so on.}}}}
Seven Questions: How Bad Will It Get?, Foreign Policy interviewing William Poole, former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 18 July 2008, and available from ForeignPolicy on the internet.
In 1932, the [U.S.] economy was spiraling down and there were large numbers of bank failures. Eventually, in early 1933, various states started to declare banking holidays. They closed the banks and allowed them to continue to exist, but the depositors were not permitted to take any money out. They shut the doors.
When Franklin Roosevelt took office, he declared a national banking holiday. All the banks were closed, including the Federal Reserve banks. There was a total and complete collapse of the banking system, and the economy that had functioned on credit and deposits was suddenly left to function on hand-to-hand currency. We aren’t anywhere close to that and we won’t get close to that because of ample Federal Reserve resources and also intellectual understanding that would not permit that to happen.
{{{{The real reason, I feel, we won't get close to that is because they -- whoever they happen to be at the time: Democrat, Republican, Independent -- will choose to skip this part, pass Go, and advance three places directly into high-intensity global war, wherein the market economy becomes a command economy (except for the black economy, of course) and all money is essentially MPC, military payment currency, printed as needed for duration of the war. Studying the SVN economy during the Viet Nam war, if only superficially, I found fairly edifying.}}}}
Ian Buruma's essay on "The death of Belgium?" (Los Angeles Times, 29 July 2008), and possibly of the EU, is a great argument for m-logically-valued monetary units mapped on fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary.
In response, quoting myself from two locations above:
As far as I know, Roland Fischer never related these areas of research to Lukasiewicz logics. During 1980 at Georgetown University Medical School, I tried to broach this topic of logical-value order-types with him in relation to architectonics of the cortex, but apparently it was too late in his career for such a major departure. This was probably mostly my fault, as I discussed cortical architecture relative to Musculpt -- optico-acoustico-molecular superpositioning -- and the conversation immediately went off on Jungian archetypes as I tried to explain how the Regge calculus maps between spacetime curvature configurations and n-dimensional lattice structures and how, when one adds Lukasiewicz logics to the picture, Janos Szentagothai's and Vernon Mountcastle's notion of architecture needs to move in the direction of frozen music if, for instance, superposition of multiple viewing-point displacements and I-placements under shifting baud-rates of consciousness are actually to be understood. Understandably, he sloughed it off -- by digressing into a discussion of C. S. Sherrington and how synaptic transmission of chlorpromazine and serotonin are blocked by LSD. Now, with the work of Dmitri Tymoczko, we can begin to actually see-hear why the normal-state-of-consciousness model of the brain must be left behind if m-level-entanglement, phase-mu-it, quantum computing over M Theory is ever to be pulled together -- which is almost certainly a prerequisite, if seven-billion people are to survive what is surely coming down upon them. Full-blown m-logically-valued monetary units are otherwise impossible!
Involute and evolute are simply ontological and existential orientations imposed by cognitive limitation to 1T2 logic alone. Under extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics, there are no such directional constraints. Operator-time + µTm logics, to my understanding, utterly preclude validity/reality/utility of the notion of serial reincarnation (by karma and/or big bang). Under wave-function as expression of µTm-logic proposition represented by numbered Gödel number, all incarnations are expressed by the proposition represented by the number. But this number is nonselfsame, a multisheeted partitioning-functor over a general manifold (real, complex, hypercomplex) -- so there are incarnates (primes) of greater and lesser Karpenko functor affinity amongst the generalized identity signified by the nonselfsame number (numbered Gödel number). Each incarnate is in this sense every incarnate -- to greater or lesser affinity, for breaking down the logical-values of the given proposition to involutes-evolutes (directionality being a mere meme of prescriptive imposition) is simply arbitrary, little more than a game of rules that can be made infinitely complex once it is realized that the rules governing rule making can be formulated over any logical-value order-type: kakureta kata (archetype) nested by ru-ru no kata, to create a neologism in Japanese (this is one thing Pauli-Jung did not understand in formulating their notion, synchronicity). There is no such thing as an absolute fallacy; hence, truth-value has no absolute value. This notion is explicated in The Moon of Hoa Binh in perhaps a dozen different ways. One cannot reincarnate Rosa Luxemburg, though there may be an incarnational affinity between Rosa Luxemburg and Maria Sklodowska -- which would be a kind of nonselfsame The Double Life of Veronique. Doubling here, of course, could only be a mere heuristic attribution ascribed to the affinity functor, for the case is actually to be found in extensions of aleph-null-valued identity-transparency. Being John Malkovich is a state no one can actually assume -- even John Malkovich; only by omnium-gatherum may John Malkovich be assumed self-evident. Law, therefore, is criminal -- by Gödel's Proof. Just as single-valued property is theft of the multivalue responsible for self-organization.
For the reasons given in these self-quotations, I am altogether opposed to competitive sports (to include the lonely sports, gymnastics, say, and the track-and-field events from which the Olympics evolved) -- which are nothing but sublimated murder, war by other means. The ethos of competitive sports is not the ethos of EscherFormDance, any type of sacred dance, particularly if practiced-to/performed-by group-produced musical accompaniment, and especially so if this musical accompaniment is a dancer-feedback-produced aural-environment sculpture (dancing inside of DancePod aura materialized as externalized holographic Musculpt) as specified to EscherFormDance. The ethos of sacred dance was not emergent from the I-placements of murder-as-suicide and suicide-as-murder or sublimated murder-as-suicide and sublimated suicide-as-murder. As recorded history of the human species clearly demonstrates sublimation of murder does not prevent murder, it facilitates mass murder perpetrated by this or that mass. I learned a lot about concentration in self-observation by practicing basketball skills, and a little bit about concentration in self-observation by actually playing basketball games, competitive team sport confrontations. I could have learned a whole lot more about concentration in self-observation than I learned from basketball had I had, during the critical learning window, access to a sacred dance training environment, another group practice, a group practice with corpus of available I-placements vastly more elaborate than those available to basketball players, gymnasts, long-distance runners, paddlers focused upon competitive outcomes. Some small residual of competition is required even in monopoly capitalism if perception of the likelihood of growth (without which self-organization does not sustain itself) is to be maintained over markets: so has the prevailing theory, self-organization by noise. Self-organization by sublimated murder (if not actual murder). Santa Fe Institute complexity theory derives self-organized criticality from murderous molecules: sociobiological killer DNA, suicide DNA, chaotically mappable over 2nk fitness landscapes. Indeed, Darwinian and Neo-Darwinian evolution of species and whole of the big-bang cosmos have been nothing more than exercises in the competitive sport called thermodynamics, bottom-line on sublimated murder. The thermodynamic closed-system trapped in a linear-time reference frame constitutes the 1T2-logic I-placement necessary and sufficient to murder and sublimated murder. Quoting Octave Mirbeau (The Torture Garden, 1931 translation of the 1899 edition):
Really -- I honestly believe that murder is the greatest human preoccupation, and that all our acts stem from it murder is the very bed-rock of our social institutions, and consequently the most imperious necessity of civilized life. If it no longer existed, there would be no governments of any kind, by virtue of the admirable fact that crime in general and murder in particular are not only their excuse, but their only reason for being
But this pan-sublimation of murder, which not only Freud and Adler, but also Jung, believed to be the origin of human civilization -- regression over sex, power, psychic identity-incorporation -- has by now, on a resource-depleting planet overpopulated by four-billion sublimators, produced a situation gravitating upon space-based global war, or war upon the globe, within context of a climate-shift dynamic due to 1T2-logic-I-placement-motivated anthropogenic disturbance of solar-terrestrial interactions (accomplished in part by imposed changes of atmospheric gas-composition-determined frequency-response characteristics). Whereas information handling by Earth's atmosphere and biosphere both actually involve m-valued information units processed by m-logically-valued, wave-effect, radically-de-Ced {C}PUs. Any authentically-effective human-species-suicide escape-valve strategy (solar-Mars interactions share properties of solar-terrestrial interactions) which does not adequately address the fundamental 1T2-logic-I-placement issue in all of its many dimensions -- physical theory, neurological, sociological, economic, to name just a few -- will not, like the Bluecoats arriving just in the nick of memetime, save the day. And it will be the last of first men all over again -- the moral to that same old story with the usual suspects being related to the chicken-and-egg measurement problem the hare and tortoise never resolved to the requisite tonic.
Talk about self-organization by noise! You think it's bad now, wait until MSG-child-indulgent, excelling-at-conformist-education Asian societies lay their hands to overseeing global terraforming.
Allan Greenspan has just given us an object lesson which I would characterize as brilliantly illustrating lack of brilliance: Repel the calls to contain competitive markets, Financial Times, 4 August 2008). I do not disagree with his thesis, but the way he argues it reveals how restricted is the extent of his knowledge base. Consider the following excerpt:
Capital gains, however, are just as important. This can best be observed in the context of the consolidated balance sheet of the world economy. All debt and derivative claims offset in global accounting, leaving real physical and intellectual assets and their market value reflected as net worth. Capital gains cannot finance new physical investment, but do add to global net worth. If, for whatever reason, discounting of prospective future earnings engendered by the world’s physical capital stock declines, the market value of that capital stock rises with no offsetting liability. There is accordingly a larger value of equity shoring up the capital of financial or nonfinancial businesses. Should that discount rate reverse, the value of world equity will fall. Consequently, lower global stock prices could impede the recapitalisation of banks and other financial institutions. Debt issuance would also be suppressed as it leverages off the level of equity.
The consolidated balance sheet of the world economy and global accounting of real physical and intellectual assets and global net worth and the world's physical capital stock and If, for whatever reason, discounting declines and Should that discount rate reverse. What is happening here with this paragraph? As it says at end of the op/ed piece, The writer is the former chairman of the US Federal Reserve and now, no longer in that former position, he is thinking on a different scale level, that of the globe, not a given nation-state -- but doing so without having assimilated the notion of scale-relativity which, likely, he has never encountered. Moreover, what he thinks he is giving us an object lesson upon is not what he is actually speaking of. What is he actually speaking of? F. A. von Hayek's notion of "the time-shapes of total capital stock". "If, for whatever reason. . ." and "Should that. . .". These are unknowing references to differing von Hayek "time-shapes". And the time-shapes Greenspan unknowingly refers to clearly have to do with "global accounting" of "the world's physical capital stock". Scale-relativity and relative-state obviously have something to do with each other! But nowhere has Greenspan ever seen a synoptic accounting of the world's capital stock given in terms of time-shapes, as that would require the introduction of physicist Hugh Everett's quantum relative-state into the econometric behavior equations used to establish and justify the employed accounting procedures. For myriad reasons, this has not been done, which is not to say that it couldn't be done. Again, quoting Greenspan's piece:
The cause of our economic despair, however, is human nature’s propensity to sway from fear to euphoria and back, a condition that no economic paradigm has proved capable of suppressing without severe hardship.
And why has no economic paradigm "proved capable" and thus there has been permitted the present financial system "angst and turmoil", to use Greenspan's term? Because no economic paradigm has attempted to institute (not institutionalize) an information (asset price) handling system "capable" of intermediating the Everett relative-state of "the world's physical capital stock" (even though there is presently a global energy crisis coupled to a planetary climate shift). And what mechanism is that? The Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued monetary units which, in their form, their very logical properties, that is, incorporate the Sorosian reflexivities responsible for the "propensity" (Greenspan here unknowingly borrowed the word used by Karl Popper to name the Popperian interpretation of quantum mechanics, an interpretation tending toward Everett's, but not quite making the grade, Popper not being the physicist Everett was) "to sway from fear to euphoria" (this "sway" being indubitably a quantum-wave property of market behaviors). Pure, if not too simple. Unfortunately, people like Soros and Greenspan, for all their pomp and bluster, are too busy, of course, to take sufficient interest in von Hayek to discover implications of what he thought, as opposed to what he is imputed to have thought. Consequently, we will certainly have more "angst and turmoil".
Human neuropsychiatric problem and only human neuropsychiatric problem, I'd submit. Mentality -- the mentality of, say, an Allan Greenspan. His sole preoccupation, and once his occupation, is maintenance of global growth -- on a planet overpopulated by four-billion people; in midst of global insurgency, post-peak petrowar, nuclear proliferation, forced-draft mega-urbanization, nascent pandemics; resource depleting across the spectrum of needs; in synoptic ecological crisis over many biospheric dimensions; undergoing climate shift and electromagnetic transform of a magnitude equivalent to a magnetic pole shift. Just think of it. Even ignoring these other-than-purely-economic problems, Greenspan cannot find a way to maintain uninterrupted growth, and he points out that no economic paradigm has ever been able to do so. If our economic paradigms have been so limited in competency at self-organization -- can self-organize the factors of production well enough, but not the factors of economic systematics sufficient to angst and turmoil-free growth -- as they apparently have, then how could they possibly handle the myriad factors involved in all these other-than-purely-economic aspects of the prevailing global crisis? Is anyone with the preoccupation of an Allan Greenspan even to be consulted on this question? Mentality -- the mentality of, say, a Leopold Kronecker. Kronecker was not only a mathematician, but also a business mogul who brought business mentality to the business of higher mathematics in such a fashion as to cognitively crucify both Georg Cantor and Edmund Husserl -- and in so doing insured, as Allan Greenspan points out, that no economic paradigm has had the self-organizational competency sufficient to angst and turmoil-free growth (let alone growth-free organizational integrity, as is the case with every mature organism). I don't know exactly how N. H. Abel's theorem on the quintic became known as the Impossibility Theorem -- never having seen a piece of historical narrative devoted specifically to that issue -- but I have no doubt as to the mentality involved in the dissimulation. There is a clear unbroken chain of evidence from falsification of Abel through falsification of Schrödinger -- all instances thereof involving the very same mentality -- such that F. A. von Hayek's econometric interpretation of Everett's relative-state interpretation remained incomprehensible to Milton Friedman. If the Libertarian mentality of a Milton Friedman could not understand what had issued out of the Chicago School by good offices of von Hayek, what mentality could? Certainly not that of Obama's legal eagle. Far to the right of anarcho-capitalism and simultaneously, on the politico-economic Möbius strip, far to the left of anarcho-syndicalism is a mentality which understands that scale-relativity is related to relative-state by stacked von Hayek time-shapes -- and that any economic paradigm capable of internalizing externalities to the market, such as those externalities responsible for angst and turmoil as well as other dimensions of global crisis, must make explicit, in action directives, stacked von Hayek time-shape information as m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian properties of monetary units, both vehicle and reserve. Answer me this: How could a mentality persistently suffering from lateral mental cleavage possibly understand stacked time-shapes (of total capital stock)? Or see that von Hayek's late excursion into time-shapes was prerequisite to modification of his cybernetic information theory of price, such that logically-single-valued price becomes m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian price in a quantum information theory of price?
What is a frequency? It is a time-shape. What is a beat frequency? It is a stacked time-shape. What is a frequency domain? It is stacks of stacked time-shapes, myriad beat frequencies. What is a frequency window? It is a subset of the stacked composites of time-shapes superposed as a frequency domain. What is a frequency-response window? It is a subset of stacked time-shapes which will change time-shape at superpositioning of an externality, a time-shape not a member of the subset in question. What is a natural frequency? It is the time-shape of a spatial referent. What does beating down to a natural frequency accomplish? It shape-shifts, by repeated decomposition, a composite time-shape not natural to the given spatial referent, until that non-member time-shape is in the form recognizable by the referent, and, hence, to which the referent can respond. Internalizing an externality to the market means beating down the time-shapes of the externality with fractal entrapment, fine-grain tagging, locally-specific indicators, such that the spatial referent -- i.e., in this case, the corpus of m-logically-valued monetary exchange units -- can recognize the stacked, time-shapes-type information content of the externality and put it in the form recognizable to economic micro-actors as market action directives. Such beating down cannot transpire without employment of something tantamount to VirFut Q-Pro.
The notion chronotopology generalizes the notion time-shape. The notion operator-time incorporates the notions time-shape and chronotopology, and is more complex, and even more hypercomplex, number-theoretically speaking, than both of the two notions incorporated. Each of these notions can be experienced in immediacy. They are the bases of traditional Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Tibetan, Aymaran notions of time. Whole cultures persisting, in reasonable ecological balance with their diverse biospheric contexts, over thousands of years have been rooted therein. Principles of irregular warfare -- meaning of irregular being dependent upon the notion of warfare at reference -- issued from these traditional bases. In this regard, consider that the question of force structures is not irrelevant to insurgency warfare -- local and global -- but the disposition of forces, however structured, of greatest concern is disposition in time, not disposition in space. Time as a factor of forces in Clausewitz's phrase. In order to understand these notions, it is necessary to contemplate that scientific understanding of velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration developed over mathematically-designated space and time, as formalized during the European Renaissance and immediately thereafter, involving a concept of time as linear reference not codified by the Greeks or embraced by them, as illustrated by the focus on paradoxes, the interventionist ways of the Gods, the Fates, the non-definitive notion of the nature of identity, and so on. Linear-time was also not codified or embraced by medieval European man, as quintessentially illustrated by the religious and metaphysical tropes about which the Gothic cathedral and plainsong polyphony were articulated. Present-day understanding of early-childhood development, neuropeptide and neurotransmitter metabolism, brain anchoring of the socialization of cognition by glutamatergic neuronal etching strongly suggest that the concept of referential linear-time is a meme. Arguments and evidence can also be brought together suggesting that time-shape, chronotopology, operator-time also are memes -- presently latent, once dominant. Arguments about this could, can, and will go round and round without resolution, as even logical rules employed in the arguments can be argued about. Nor does recourse to experience-in-immediacy -- replicable by anyone sufficiently intensive at following the prescriptions of a practice -- lead to resolution, for direct experience, by definition, does not rule out the presence of a neurologically-anchored meme. Is there, then, no possible resolution? Partial resolution is offered by considerations of incorporation/containment. If operator-time contains chronotopology as a special limiting case, and chronotopology contains time-shape, and time-shape contains linear-reference time as memetime, then this decompositional march of logical accommodation suggests that operator-time is less of a meme than is linear-reference time. Further partial resolution is offered by consideration of the meta-rules of logical accommodation vis-à-vis temporal-ordering concepts. The notion of linear-reference time, for instance, is dependent upon the calculation procedure recursive generation, not the calculation procedure decompositional involution. In recursion, de novo production: time rate of change of acceleration is recursively generated from acceleration, which is recursively generated from velocity, which is calculus-ated by derivatives of spatial increments arrayed over linear-reference time -- each generated nested order of recursion curving the time-shape of the linear referent. In Platonic decomposition, nothing new under the sun: first-order operator-time (linear, velocity) is decomposed from second-order operator-time (nonlinear, acceleration) which is decomposed from third-order operator-time (nonlinear, time rate of change of acceleration), three containing one and one not containing three, three-fold operator-time being ontological expression of logical operations numbered by Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers stacked on points in Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space. This being a case of infinitudes inside of infinitudes inside of orders of infinitudes, there is no possible argumentative, experimental, experiential final resolution, absolute truth; there is only a non-selfsame The Case superlatively explorable by argumentation, experimentation, and direct experience. Call The Case whatsoever you will.
I was able to find the Surfing the Universe article in The New Yorker (by Benjamin Wallace-Wells, 21 July 2008). An interesting article, to include what appears to be some misrepresentations, e.g., the discussion of Clifford bundles. Insofar as I know, Clifford bundles and fiber bundles are the same thing. Fiber bundles have been applied to both quantum theory and theory of gravitation from the 1950s, and before that in calculus over complex manifolds and with tensors. So, to suggest, as the article does, that Garrett Lisi had done something new by merely applying Clifford bundles to particles and forces cannot be correct. Maybe he had a new thought in that general area of already existing thought. I should also note that J. G. Bennett's 1950's notion of a pencil of skew-parallels is basically a Clifford bundle (or, in other words, a fiber bundle) and was developed upon a unified field theory written during the 1940s. The improvement that Bennett made on Clifford, however, is very important, and has yet to be made in string-theoretic approaches, despite attempts of string-theorists to handle universal physical constants as fields, a step in the direction of fully m-valued universal physical constants (a prerequisite to any authentic GUT): Bennett understood that fiber-bundle arithmetics (and their algebras) describe non-selfsame geometries (the case he illustrated with null vectors was what he called a skew cube) and he understood, but did not illustrate, that this had to do with temporal nestings and that the spatial null vectors are only metaphorical (compaction is a complexification of what Bennett illustrated with null vectors, as compaction is an algebraic way of handling certain types of vectorial transforms with null-like properties), that this is not merely a matter of structures and their spatial symmetries, as is the thrust of Lisi's E8 TOE or GUT. TOE as TO&E! If you leave out complex and hypercomplex orders of topologically-active operator-time, and treat this solely in terms of spatial structures and their symmetries, what you see is Kaluza-Klein curled-into, non-viewable, dimensions, which may be regarded in some senses a variety of compaction. Lie Groups, of course, like E8, are identified and ordered solely by spatial geometrical properties, they are resolutely non-Abelian, i.e., can be fully handled by algebraic means and thus require no math transcendental to algebra, and do not involve employment of orders of logical-value supraordinate to the binary order (i.e., don't need two-level superposed qubits, let alone multi-level superposed m-valued information units). To reduce all of physics to one or another Lie Group is the dream solution for anyone wishing to resurrect 18th century rationalism and its normal state of consciousness. E8: Like a tea-tray in the sky! Tipped your top-hat, did you? And those Tripartite Fertile-Crescent Religion co-religionists, for whom God has long been dead, naturally became obsessed with the search for The God Particle -- which they no doubt will find, as that's just the way collective projective-identification works, folks! The fragmented mind regards m-logically-valued superintegration as fragmentation, and its fractured world as a holism: what else could it possibly do? That malum in se which is the 2-logically-valued has no access to semantics accommodating CTC-relative-state. But aw, m' foes, and O m' friends, t'as a lovely light 'ud give, burnt 'ta both ends. The dead, the unborn: last and first men. How perfect! Distributed 'twas 'tween me and thee: und 't be tho' morals t' the middle 'bout caused ever'thin', y'know. Anthropogenic makes it generic: no actual people are responsible. One can live an upper-middleclass lifestyle and feel good screaming down deniers of greenhouse warming. Hah! No exceptions! Murder legalized, bedrock of this civilization serving its moral majority: mass warfare, nature rape, autoholocaust, species genocide. These remain malum in se only for losers in contests of arms, economics and politics and acculturation by other means. Millions of wrongful deaths perpetrated by winners in each small occasion. Just try to imagine the coming cuspover Try, ye of the lifelong little more than a neuropeptide-induced fugue imputed to be full light of consciousness: subtypes of glutamatergic receptor socializing recursive cognitive repertoire. Baud-rate of glutamatergically-etched consciousness so slow that the Koch-curve, nano-fugue holes between each otiose identification (registered as an instant of 1T2-valent full light of consciousness) are wholly unsuspected. The Nirvanic void, zero-point vacuum reachable through each such rabbit hole is CTC-valent. Who Stole the Tarts? That tea-tray ain't out-there; it's in-here! Thing is, one can't temporal curl without hypernumbers beyond quaternions, and once one has those hypernumbers, 8-tuple octonions and Grassmann algebras are required, which raise the issue of Clifford parallels and fiber-bundle arithmetics, and those, in turn, can yield Kaluza-Klein internal dimensions and/or the external dimensions of superstring theory. And once this is well-considered, then there is the issue of recursive versus cyclotomic involutory decomposition raised by Abel's Impossibility Theorem. Only with recognition that precedence relations are order-of-logical-value bound does some actual clarity begin to emerge in awareness -- but, and here is the only real problem, that clarity radically alters the nature of awareness. Physicist's wet OBE8, the Bride, even, stripped bare to All Is-ness, magic carpet to 7th Heaven, set of all sets including itself. All? umm ah! No wayless wiseacre-ing All-and-Everything possible when All-and-Everything is non-selfsame to Beelzebub's tritonic 3rd degree and the cyclotomic quintic and the half-diminished 7th and the O, what can we possibly do to save al-jabr from being transcended? Set limits, draw the wagons into a perimeter, outlaw all but Vieta's Opera Mathematica, of course! As if the transcendental reification of mathesis universalis was not explicit in Vedic involution long, long before the rise of Arabic numbers. But, look, we have some friends: quite simply, it's against the law to correctly interpret m-valued Lukasiewiczian logics. And lets keep it that way, for Christ's sake, if for no other reason. Such an interpretation would contextualize not only dissociative multiple personality disorder, all forms of dissociation, in ways utterly contrary to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, that compendium of legalisms underpinning psychiatry as a function of the state in many ways on a par with that of physics, but it would also alter fundamental notions about brain function, collective behavior, origins of warfare in general and WWII in particular the list is long. Moreover, the same body of law outlaws authentic quantum computing: start with public endangerment and the list of crimes the physicists would be committing could also become lengthy. This means a correct interpretation of quantum mechanics is against the law, and that solution to Einstein's grand project to unify physics was illegal and still is illegal. And if Earth's atmosphere subscribes to principles of quantum mechanics, then correctly assessing the prevailing climate-shift dynamic could get you thrown in prison. Having complied long enough to receive a Ph.D., are we authorities likely to take such risks? Beyond Good and Evil, like thriller writers disparage? Mebbeeso; mebbeeno. When old-logic is superseded, dark night of the (pre)valent civilization; when the child hath no intuitive grasp of new-logic (which is actually very old), dead species walking. Quoth Nietzsche: There are few pains so grievous as to have seen, divined, or experienced how an exceptional man has missed his way and deteriorated. Or an exceptional Staatsnation, Kulturnation, Machstaat, Rechtstaat, Anstalstaat. Why deteriorated? Primal Fear! Railed in youth, he did, at what he was to become: son fathering his father, one-wheeled car bound to memetime. So, if non-simple identity, i.e., non-selfsameness, scares the physicist to death, he does one of three things: (1) makes a theory that in every way banishes identity transparency; (2) transfers the schizophrenic non-selfsameness to internal dimensions; (3) transfers the schizophrenic non-selfsameness to other universes. What he most certainly does not do is embrace Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics and complex and hypercomplex orders of topologically-active operator-time as a way of understanding non-selfsameness and thus bringing into fundamental question reliability of the consensuated contents of the normal state of conscious, such contents being the basis of the scientific method (replication of experimental results). The conflict between advocates of loop-quantum gravity and superstring theory's M-theory to me has no actual substance as regards physics. The Perimeter Institute (aptly named) has a reactionary agenda (politico-cultural) -- how conscious or how subliminal I don't know -- which governs its cinematic, visual-dominance, Hollywood realism insistences. Fiber bundles are no less a part of string theory than of quantum gravity, and if you look at topological operations on superstrings without Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value, without complex and hypercomplex orders of topologically-active operator-time, while insisting upon only simple-identity and geometrical selfsameness, one thing you will see is loop-quantum gravity. As I see it: loop-quantum gravity is a limiting case of superstring theory, i.e., no real conflict between the two (except as mappable to political and cultural agendas -- economic, also, if one considers m-logically-valued monetary units, for instance). The other observation I would make is that when they finally get a GUT synthesizing quantum and relativity theory it will not be a TOE, more like a realization of how little they actually know (the pretension to TOE is a symptom of collective hysteria in face of probable human species extinction) -- and it is very unlikely that any presently well-trained physicist, dropout or no, will accomplish that GUT. Present-day physics training precludes acquisition of the psychological experience prerequisite to obtaining that sort of GUT. The knee-jerk impulse is to falsify to the normal state of consciousness or some reduction thereto: look at the psychological problems Heisenberg and Gödel had late in their careers when attempting to contemplate the larger issues. String theory is criticized because its equations often have nearly an infinite number of solutions. It would be hard to stop laughing if this criticism were not so sad. Any theory whose equations do not have orders of infinities of solutions, each solution of which has an infinite number of values, cannot be right. The issue of dimensions is equally laughable. To see that that must be so, all one has to do is briefly contemplate the unabridged implications of Lukasiewicz logics for number theory. At least Newton understood he had only found a few sea shells on a vast beach, the unfathomable ocean beyond. While today's physicists fiddle over their psycho-politico-cultural agendas in the guise of physics, planet Earth moves closer and closer to burning. Burning man: dead species walking.
What the human species is likely to do at coming cuspover? In comparison to WWI, WWII ? Consider that nature is much more complex than a Bach fugue. Why is that so? Because there is no well-ordered set of strict simple rules governing outcomes from initial conditions and within given boundary values -- there being no such conditions and values for the absent strictly definable rules to govern actions from and through. Even The Well-Tempered Clavier assumes an inability to hear fine-grained distinctions such that equal temperament can give the illusion (Maya) of complete absence of beat frequencies (those frequencies nature finds essential to beating down to a natural frequency). This concealed assumption of an inability is what sustains the dissimulation: counterpoint as a finite set of inviolable rules -- these rules, of course, being a music analogue for the laws of nature. Given criticality of the concealment to projection of this aural metaphor for Weltanschauung, fugue is a thoroughly well-chosen apt signifier for its quintessential expression. What do you mean no strictly definable rules, conditions, values? Humph! Ridiculous! All we need is a strong leader! Ah, in aftermath of the shock, lightning still zigzags the lightening anterior sky, as a susurration of cognitive current electrifies the mind with primal fear. Key signatures musically model natural partitions: electromagnetism, gravitation, strong force, hydrothermodynamics so on. Equal temperament -- by means of assumption of an inability: indeterminacy, uncertainty, undecidability, incompleteness -- metaphorically models isotropy and integration of partitions and their rules -- i.e., harmony -- by equal spacing at the expense of perfect tuning within any given partition, an absence, because of the classical limit, it is understood, hardly anyone will notice (Maya). But key signatures cannot stand-in for orders of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics: the degree of incommensurability is so great, nothing tantamount to equal temperament could suffice to an authentic reconciliation. Newtonian nudging, truncation, smoothing, renormalization, rescaling, probability amplitudes, internal dimensions, other universes, and the exemplary notion of a limit in the calculus: such concealments, such assumptions of inabilities, cannot analogically reproduce a well-ordered set of strict simple rules whereupon hardly anyone will notice the fudge-factors involved. That's why when the diatonic went to chromaticism, and chromaticism went to atonality, and the atonal went to the dodecaphonic, and none of them really worked because they each and all continued to employ 1T2-valued logic alone to generate aural Weltanschauung analogues, there were increasingly insistent hysterical calls for a strong leader. Force order, then! And today, more than three-quarters of a century later, with the same problems extraordinarily more acute, there is less willingness than ever before to look the difficulties straight in the face. Ohmygod! Best replace the face: total facial transplant.
Okay, here is my thought on climate-shift dynamics. Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis, and its computer model's abundantly demonstrated success at forecasting tornado outbreaks with historical data sets, twelve hours in advance, on a one-kilometer grid, convinced me that Earth's atmosphere is not, repeat not, a classical domain. If that is the case, and I obviously think it is, existing forecast models, both weather and climate, are wrong (how wrong? is an issue: I think fundamentally wrong, not a mere matter of refinements, because the quantum and relativity theories, and/or their prevailing interpretations, to be applied to atmospheric dynamics are themselves clearly fundamentally wrong, and this cannot be doubted given the long absence of a workable GUT). As regards climate shift, whether this wrongness means there is no significant climate change in the offing, whether current forecasts are substantially correct, whether the change is not going to be as bad as current forecasts, whether the change is going to be worse than current forecasts, I do not know (and I think no one, given the wrongness, can at this point know). But I think the odds are extremely heavily weighted to the likelihood that it is going to be worse, possibly far worse, than the current forecasts indicate. Why? Because the problems on the long list of current global problems, of which climate shift is only one, are inseparably interrelated, and the intellectual history back into the early-19th century of evolution of conceptual orientations to these problems and their origins is predominantly a history of dissimulation and suppression so as to maintain, prolong, unduly extend a failed Weltanschauung (suppression of Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis and its numerical-multiscale, nested-grid, variable time-step, computer-forecast model being a case in point) -- a Weltanschauung clearly failed, as illustrated by the long list of current global problems. This history does not bode well at all for current modeling efforts, clearly filled with wrongnesses, being substantially correct or overestimating extent of the increasingly glaring problems.
I don't see a need for the word memespace; the term ponderable space seems adequate. As for imponderable dimensions or degrees of freedom, any theory without at least a countably infinite number of them, it seems to me, is unlikely to have much to do with the Lukasiewiczian reality of The Case.
How likely is that? As long as they have petrowar to play with, there will be no decisive movement in physics away from psychological identification with the visual dominance mandating the Hollywood cinematic realism attributed to the ponderable-space meme, the 1T2-logic borders mapped within it, structures and their symmetries. And as long as a quorum of physicists remain so identified, there will be no real solution to the energy problem and the problems caused by energy expenditures made by soon-to-be ten-billion people on a too-small planet. Post-WWII U.S. Middle East policy, which, in principle, could only be sustained by greater and greater infusions of violence, in the post-Soviet era became U.S. global policy which, in principle, can only be sustained by greater and greater infusions of violence. And Obama-in-Kennedy-identification wants again to blast off to the moon, when the human species doesn't have a fraction of the resources required, or the memetime, to deal with the mess it has created here on a too-small home planet. One reason why there eventually will be a Germano-Russian Bloc is one of the main reasons why the Nazis invaded the USSR; one reason why there eventually will be a Greater China incorporating Japan is one of the main reasons why Imperial Japan invaded Manchuria: this time, however, the coalescences are likely to happen in completely different fashions. The Carter Doctrine was not simply a Monroe Doctrine for the Middle East; it was, anticipating post-peak oil, a Papal Bull dividing the planet into haves and have-nots: we have and you have not. And that means, after 1991, the Caspian, Central Asia, and anywhere else we say. Also Sprach UStra, so to spoke, thus speak. All and none: haves and have-nots. Not this a matter of or, one or more: the gay science of iff recursive into eternal recurrence, if it is all the same to you.
Trying. Yes I am. But I simply can't remember the last time I looked at a process in continuous linear progression. Can't remember. Early high school, junior high -- maybe. Highly non-linear, step functions, radical discontinuities, can't connect the dots, a series of holes one hopes to stand far enough back from to get them to snap-to as a line. Not only will there be changes in government, but changes in the forms of governments in process of such formations arising. Subtly, subtly. The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) in Thailand wants seventy percent of Parliament to be appointed, so as to minimize the corruption Western-style democracy has instigated in Thailand: return the former elite to its traditional role nestling under wing of the King. What was't Lenin done said 'bout t' efficacy in callin' a thing by the name of its opposite? Revolution of inordinately risin' EXpections neber done did git met! Not just a five-cent cigar, a BMW under every awning. Little actually to do with Thaksin or domestic Thai politics: rather, emotional reaction, uh, affect-charge, to the infamous Scenario C collectively rejected in run-up to formulation of NESDB's Sixth Plan for primate-citifying and failing authentically to make a provincial amenity platform, i.e., impact of the failure of globalization upon Thailand -- realized in July of Ninety-Seven -- and upon Thais, upon specific Thais. THEY don't need more. THEY being them others, them other Thais, The Other Thailand. Trickle-down takes awhile, y'know. Subtly, subtly: that's collective-projective-identification for you! Quintessential preFIGURATIVE case displayed here by one of them Thai girls, um, um uh, uh, TIGERS, that is (at just the time Putin is shootin' a tiger with ketamine to protect members of the Western media!). How you like them synchronicities? Boy, that ol' collective unconscious is something else, eh? PAD can't establish a pad in the rural areas, like was the case in The Days of Mekong and Youth, because the constituency ain't exurban: the guvment could more easily do that, and bring the primate cities under siege. They don't have enough prison space to hold all of us! Of course they do, Mr. Fritz Lang of Metropolis, enshoed of Bata flipflops. What do you imagine forced-draft urbanization is all about, anyway? Protect you from Vlad the Impaler? This is a prefigurative sketch of the situation, globally, which the Green Shirts eventually will find themselves in -- however the present situation in Thailand resolves itself. And speaking of the planet as a whole, utterly, abysmally failed worldview construct; strong resource stress; no small climate-shift dynamic; phase-shift in the planetary microwave oven affecting pathogenicity of myriad disease vectors one gets tired of writing out various forms of the list. Really sad reading world commentary on world prospects in flow of events. The Frankfurter Zeitung says during the latest war in Georgia, The chancellor will have traveled to Sochi with no illusions. But Germans who are still on the lookout for a new Kennedy -- wherever he might be found -- will have been disappointed by the young Medvedev's hard line against Merkel. Think Obama! Think Obama! Great forecast here about alternative German futures: Ask not what the state can do for you; ask what you can do for the state. A Brown Shirt slogan if I've ever heard one. Just love today's military-kit clad, guerrilla-chic, club-cammie leftwingers in Nazi hairdos! Rings in their noses like all the other oinks. Or maybe for a domestic peace corps Hitler youth. MSGchild fatstyle! Knock the brain out of its psychoneuroimmunologic loops, calorie hog! This time, though, it will be the Green Shirts. You can take that to your bankrupt bank, and bank on it. Rightly lefties. Leftist righters. Old wine in new bottles? New wine in old bottles? Deautomatization is deautomatization! Autogenic-shift dynamic, political-shift dynamic, climate-shift dynamic. Deautomatization is deautomatization! Far-from-equilibrium phase transition snap-over, cusp-it. In the inter-phase, all extremes abide, even the extremely normal, i.e., the normotic, which is a pathological condition of the majority and its rule.
In order to comprehend it, one has to study evolution of understanding during the Weimar period of the functions of autogenic brain discharges as Autogenic Training evolved out of the fractionated method in hypnotherapy and Oscar and Cecile Vogt's anatomical and psychophysiological studies of the brain and the huge, over-compensating, self-reflexive back-reaction against such spontaneous brain discharges which developed in Germany by discovery of electroconvulsive shock therapy and its widespread employment during the 1930s as Nazification proceeded in run up to WWII. This is another example of George Soros' non-equilibrium reflexivity phenomenon. ((My first thought upon learning that AT's Wolfgang Luthe had died of a silent heart attack was, My God! He suddenly understood this and its implications! And the shock was so great Of course, that was not my second thought.)) And the erotic panic in back-reaction upon the metric (a phenomenon studied in Einstein's General Relativity of the 1930s) of the Weimar-Berliner voluptuous was a part of the collective neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance yielding discovery of shock therapy. Nowadays, we have more subtle means to burn the CNS (paralleling the burning of CDs, DVDs, and so on). Glutamatergic neuronal etching, for instance, as so assiduously studied at UCLA Medical Center. So, I am really grateful to Mel Gordon, professor of theater arts, UC-Berkeley, for the recent biography of Anita Berber (one role model for Kurt Gödel's wife), even if I don't take seriously his interpretation, which seems to me to have more to do with current American political agendas than with Weimar Germany. Great to have pulled together all of that material (The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber: Weimar Berlin's Priestess of Depravity, Feral House, 2006; and the more general, earlier collection of evidence: Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin, Feral House, 2000; also of considerable value, from the Art Academy of Karlsruhe, is Rainer Metzger's Berlin: The Twenties, with photo editing by the Viennese, Christian Brandstatter, Abrams, 2007). During the period when I first discovered existence of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics at the Cornell Mathematics Library, 1975-6, Rosa von Praunheim came to Cornell from NYC to show an early version of the film Anita: Tanze des Lasters. Yes, the dances of evil, vice, depravity. But was the voluptuous the panic, or was the burn the panic? 1937 was too late for insight to have any effects: Ich-Psychologie und Anpassungsproblem. Theory of deautomatization (which I immediately knew was deeply involved with autogenic brain discharges) and automatization. Heinz Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation. Take people out of existential and cognitive prison and drop them into Summerhill free school and what do you get? Rosa and I chatted for twenty minutes or so after the question-and-answer period had finished. This chat propelled me into seeking out whatever I could find on the Weimar Bronze Age, an aspect of the 1920s I had not yet studied. And it was soon after that chat that the first sketch of Mockingbird was written. There is far less capability today to process the psychological, sexual, sociological, political, economic imports of Lukasiewicz logics, then there was in 1921 when those logics first came on the scene in rigorous form. All one has to do is look at autoimmune and anti-DNA-antibody components of psychoneuroimmunologic competency/deficiency to see that. Here is one measure of the magnitude of what is about to befall us. Viewing, today, the approaching storm over the dark valley, it has only been since yesterday that the outsider as insider could sit in hubris and before the deluge contemplating the nightmare years to come.
Most of us aren't too swift when it comes to this psychological gibberish, yaar. Immigration and customs officials, chancelleries, diplomatic corps, national academies, governments, armies make a big mistake when they mess with really intelligent people. The crime they have the gravest difficulty identifying, comprehending even, is that where the crime involves doing absolutely nothing. To even suspect it, they have to know what they know nothing about, and never will. What people can do is very little damaging; what people can not-do can be utterly Deva-stating (level of collective psychology). The cold war, for instance, was not a crime against Earth so much for what it did, as for its myriad crimes of omission: what it prevented from being done. Say the same about petrowar. Leviathan, in principle, cannot prevail in the present circumstance -- and it will not prevail because the nation-state system, and any possible-world-logic concatenation thereof, is a form of organization from a bygone era, an era devoted to fabrication of consequences we now see snapping into clear relief. What Leviathan can do is become ever more oppressive and lethal until the instant of its incendiary collapse. Make a three-sixty, just look around you! Wherever you are. Science was terminally hijacked by mass murder and ecocide about the time Nobel made his fortune. People-, place-, prize-names are signifying, yaar -- by irony or by verisimilitude. Any paradigm that could have produced this global crisis is unlikely to yield an accurate assessment of it, let alone an adequate response. And what is the distinguishing feature of that paradigm? Reliance upon the most regressed features of the transference on all the various levels from intrafamilial to subject-(physical)object. It's exceptionally authentic that people now model themselves on cartoon characters, rather than vise-vice versa, na? If not Bollywood, then look at the latest from Hollywood. Hey, don't you think? Also can, never mind, lah! Shantaram says (p. 837): I'm not a joiner. I never found a club or clan or idea that was more important to me than the men and women who believed in it. I arrived at a similar perspective which, early in Special Forces training, I verbalized as: The man of principle will sacrifice men to principles on every occasion. I could tell a dozen personal stories as to how I got there, to that inner position -- but they would just be variations on stories told thousands of times before: thematic recursion, calculable iff expressive of the human psychological treadmill; gerbil-wheel cognitive repertoire. And once I realized that my personal stories, constantly repeated to myself in roof-brain chatter, which formed the basis of my notion of me, myself, and mine were not actually personal, because they were thematically stereotypic, the shock value of the implications of that was so great that my sense of normotic selfhood became unrecoverable. Shantaram draws a distinction between virtue and honor (p. 831): Virtue is concerned with what we do, and honor is concerned with how we do it. No Exist here, Sartre assured us. For me, however, there was no assimilating the idea that there is a Jesus way to kill. War with honor made no more sense to me than peace with honor: the very notion of moral war, the very notion of honor amongst men at war seemed to me mere rationalization-justification of warfare as a legitimate conflict resolution algorithm -- a way of perpetuating utility of war. And the conventions of honor amongst the dukes of hazard, licit liege men all, engaged in acts of violence -- warfare: preeminently, principles of small-unit cohesion; intelligence-police agencies: global Phoenix Program, really, states having more in common with other states than with anything else on the planet; organized crime: the exemplars being the familial Triads, Mafia, Yakuza; business: organizational models analogically designed upon the extended patriarchal family -- I came to understand as deeply regressed forms of transference dynamics: interpersonal-level projective-identification being called love, for instance, and actually mistaken there for. So, the distinction between person as true believer, on the one hand, and club-clan-concept, on the other, could not be radically maintained: two sides of the same ontologos-episteme coin out of which normotic selfhood fabricates its Umwelt (one's own-world incorporating the corpora of introjections employed as self-definers), one Umwelt amongst the many composing-consensuating a given Lebenswelt (or Liebenswelt, i.e., lifeworld: the corpus of running-time projective-identifications collectively constituted and hence immediately present to consciousness as Existence preceding Essence). Umwelt is a habitus in Lebenswelt! But here we are talking the inability to maintain this Cartesianism, this Kantianism, this Husserliana, this Diltheyism, this Merleau-Pontyism, this Schutzism, this Habermasism. Chicken or egg; belief or true believer; membership or member; ideal or real: the initial emote to loss of either/or, before/after, this/that is Weltschmerz. Dark night of the soul. One can't think about it, no longer having a logic with which to think: no-mind, an efficacious exit to walking meditation. Just simply step out the door. The Divided Self, Gurdjieffian-Tibetan inner separation commonly regarded public endangerment, a dissociative anesthesia, but which is actually prerequisite to authenticity in employment of m-valued Lukasiewiczian logics as interior Musculpt.
You are pulling me into discourse on concrete cases, which I am not happy with. Having been around intelligence a bit, I am acutely aware of how little one in my current station could actually know about any concrete case. Moreover, concrete particulars, even in Newtonian summed integration, by comparison to what is wholly unconscious, are of so little importance as historical drivers that they warrant attention only as Jackson Pollock, visual-cognitive white noise, inducers of the deautomatization prerequisite to direct accessing of collective unconscious gradients: fuzz-out to diffuse awareness circumscribed by the class of concrete particulars chosen as inducer. What can one do but laugh at the massive media airing of the official accusations that Russia is reestablishing Cold War behaviors by its Guns of August, 2008 in Georgia? Who protests too much? I've never been a media fan or a pundit fan, whatever their orientation to the political puzzle, but I must say that the consistently most insightful media-pundit assessments of the deteriorating global situation have been provided by Pat Buchanan -- yet, even he has missed much of this. The Cold War had a pre-peak petrowar component, but post-peak petrowar has no Cold War component, only components hot. Everything the U.S. has done since 1989, from Crash Capitalism, to NATO Expansion, to post-9/11 knee-jerk U.S. invasion of Afghanistan (ultimately, perhaps, a greater strategic blunder than was Pearl Harbor), to PetroWar Pushing, to Pastel Revolutions, to Missile-Shield Cover Story has been creating an eventual Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan (Mahayana Buddhist Bloc, as some refer to it) with an Achilles' heel in Latin America (sure to be exploited by Islamic global insurgents, among others, say GC and/or GR Bloc) -- whereas, obviously, the bestseller thriller writers hardly envision a virtual stand-alone performance during the next Big One (not the Bear and the Dragon, but the Bear against the Dragon: hah!). Even The Financial Times agrees with this derogatory dig to a certain extent. Quoting US military trained Georgian commandos, Charles Clover and Demetri Sevastopulo, FT, 5 September 2008:
MPRI was hired by the Pentagon in 1995 to train the Croatian military prior to their invasion of the ethnically-Serbian Krajina region, which led to the displacement of 200,000 refugees and was one of the worst incidents of ethnic cleansing in the Balkan wars. MPRI denies any wrongdoing.
The US-India nuke deal of early-September 2008 also pushes decisively along the path to the next Big One, for India, of course, will be on the US-Commonwealth side. But all of this is mere concrete particulars; what assures emergence of The Bloc, Greater China, The Alignment, and so on, what made them visible even in the late-'60s when I first stated rudiments of the thesis, are the unconscious gradients going back to Abel's Impossibility Theorem of the 1820s.
Love it! I sure do. Thank you Ambassador Sir Christopher Meyer. A Return to 1815 is the Way Forward for Europe (The Times of London, 2 September 2008). That'll do it. Subtle thinking there from one of our great minds. And pat the good Dr. Kissinger on his back! The Congress of Vienna. Metternich. Spheres of influence. UNANIMITY. Don't forget unanimity, that principle touted by Metternich and embodied in the UN Security Council. Unanimity required for action. Unanimity required for agreed rules. Unanimity for agreement as to spheres to be influenced by whom (and who is to get the oil and its profits, don't forget). Can't even govern the local Boy Scout troop on unanimity. Don't matter, though. Not if you've got great diplomats and even greater Vienna waltzes. I read Kissinger's Harvard dissertation on Metternich at AU's SIS before I went to Vietnam, which was a fair piece before Kissinger negotiated in Paris during 1972 a unanimous agreement to abide by the de facto situation on the ground long enough for the U.S. to hightail it with honor. Tough negotiating job, that. Yes, Metternich. Spheres of Influence. Buffer zones. All those Newtonian vectorial verities. Yesiree. I bet we can go back there, even though all that fine Old World stuff was radically disassembled because it failed. And under the assumption that balance of power had been superseded by vision, vigor, virtuosity. Longing for the past. 1815. We fired our guns, and A very, very good year. That was before Abel's Impossibility Theorem wasn't it? Yep. Good choice. I think we should just forget about Abel and everything that came after. That way all our problems will be solved.
What is the biggest problem on this planet? People have no real idea. Global warming? Overpopulation? Post-peak oil? Global resource stress? Nuclear proliferation? International terrorism? Return of nationalism and ethnic chauvinism? Culture warfare? Global financial stress? Nascent pandemics? Electromagnetic pollution? Genetic manipulation? No. Not any of these. The biggest problem is that none of these can be adequately met so long as human social, political, and economic system fundamentals persist on a level of complexity incommensurably less sophisticated than the inordinate complexity that has enveloped global civilization in the post-WWI period due to ever increasing employment of technologies derivative of The New Physics. The more simple cannot adequately manage the more complex -- whatever the details, however long it takes for endgame to play itself out. I am confident that, if a significant percentage of the human species survives the current crisis in human affairs, survival will in large measure be due to some facsimile of m-logically-valued monetary units having been adopted on a timely basis. The prospects for this happening, however, are not good because the evolving complexity has been met by a generalized recoil into ever greater attachment to the tried-and-true simple Old Verities which appear once to have worked well enough -- and, where this attachment is absent, it is replaced by calls for further reliance on technologies derivative of The New Physics, which will only increase the spread between the level of complexity manifest in social, political, and economic systems and that imposed on global civilization by employment of the new technologies. The social, political, and economic systems managing prospective solutions have to be on the same level of complexity as that imposed by the technologies employed, which means those systems have to be derivative of the same principles as are the technologies imposing the inordinate complexity demanded by a human population, planet Earth, trending to ten billion in the not-so-distant future. Human systems have to become, in principle, more sophisticated, not less so. Take, for example, the current global financial stress due to mortgage-related derivatives with its links to a monetary system where a vehicle currency is the foremost international reserve currency (US dollars), where money moves globally by instantaneous electronic means, where dollar-denominated oil is peaking. The built environment and real estate are local, but made globally speculative, and hence inordinately leveraged, by employment of the technologies made available by The New Physics. Mortgage-backed derivatives have been both a cause of and a response to this circumstance. But, obviously, by nature of the current financial stress, these derivatives, likely any possible derivatives, do not possess the requisite sophistication to adequately manage the complexity imposed by the new technologies. No existing market mechanism or one yet fully conceived and no possible regulatory regime within the repertoire of prevailing economic system fundamentals are capable of anything but palliative care as the situation by stages becomes evermore unmanageable. Economic system foundational principles, by virtue of the rules of binary logic employed, do not, by definition, allow adequate reconciliation of local and global needs such that conflicts between the two can be reduced to a routinely manageable dimension absent angst and turmoil, to use Greenspan's term -- angst and turmoil which exacerbate all the other dimensions of the prevailing global crisis. The Old Economics was derived by analogy in significant measure from principles of The Old Physics wherein the principle of quantum nonlocality was not a factor. The inordinate complexity increasingly imposed by technologies derivative of The New Physics has delocalized, and is evermore delocalizing, every economic factor determining market action directives to which micro- and macro-actors must respond, and which no regulatory regime derivative of Old Economics and Old Politics can possibly more than palliate. But there is no New Economics (only new technologies interfaced with Old Economics) with which to adequately manage this delocalization process and the resultant uncertainties, magnified by Sorosian reflexivities, which have always been there, but the effects of which are magnified by presence of the new technologies. Evolution of quantum computing will eventually force adaptation of New Logic (Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics) by Old Economics, but this process is retarded, and therefore unlikely to be timely, because the initial and prevailing interpretations of the meaning of Schrödinger's wave-function were and are expressions of the recoil into attachment to the Old Verities: present orientations to quantum computing are designed to make faster binary processors, not full-blown Lukasiewiczian processors. Moreover, even interpretations of the meaning of Lukasiewicz logics have been and are expressions of the recoil into attachment to the Old Verities. As one example of the bleed-over of this into other dimensions of the prevailing global crisis, consider that the birds and the bees, the frogs and the fireflies, and likely bacteria and viruses of every sort are being severely impacted by the changed and ever changing electromagnetic environment induced by the complexity imposed by the new technologies poorly managed by the Old Systems -- social, political, and economic. Because consensually conceived imports of Schrödinger's wave-function were and are expressions of the generalized recoil into attachment to the Old Verities, adequate understanding of the radiation exchange processes of DNA has not emerged -- even though Schrödinger himself made an early attempt to properly direct this research by writing a book about the issues involved. In all probability, DNA's frequency response windows are narrow enough that the new quantum-based technologies could be designed to stay out of biologically-active windows, but, because of attachment to the Old Verities, this is not receiving the attention that is demanded by the rapidly evolving circumstance.
A footnote to the thesis that the VC cast the stone that brought down the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange mechanism: quoting Amity Shlaes (Fannie Mae's Demise Rooted in the Swinging '60s, Bloomberg, 10 September 2008):
Today's troubles began when President Lyndon Johnson was having a hard time delivering on his guns-and-butter promise. In January 1968, LBJ proposed to congress both a war surtax and a change in government's bookkeeping. The Federal National Mortgage Association would move off-budget, nominally reducing federal borrowing. The new mortgage company, the New York Times reported, would be wholly privately owned.
So the temple hit by the stone from the sling still has Goliath staggering all these years later. Think of what that implies as to the long-term effects of the way the U.S. responded to the sting which was 9/11.
Ailish O'hora (Europe on the road to recession, says Soros, The Independent, 11 September 2008) tells us George Soros tells us the subprime crisis has shown that central banks must control credit supply as well as money supply. But is it central banks that are capable of optimally controlling the multiple bank credit expansion process? The multiple shadow banking systems' multiple bank credit expansion process? The multiple extra-legal black economies, including barter economies, of the billions of disentitled, forced-draft-urbanized, squatter-ensettled of the global dollar system's multiple bank credit expansion process (which at current and projected levels of forced migration will in due course dwarf legal economies)? And what is the survivability expectation value of those persons with only legal economy connections? Can any top-down regulatory regime effectively govern bottom-up processes? Are the geographic boundaries of nation-states, established largely by extra-economic forcing, optimal credit areas? Are they even optimal currency areas? And what about the virtual money (zero-point quantal money) creation by transaction time-dilation (Special Relativity) float across all classes of overt, shadow, and black banking systems? What prevailing or prospective institution is capable of regulating all that virtual inflation? Providential hand of God transposed to the invisible hand, more like! Are optimal credit areas likely identical to optimal currency areas? How many kinds of credit are there? Are the optimal credit areas for each such kind, the same optimal areas? Especially as regards housing-related credit, many local factors are involved which are ignored, filtered, suppressed, rescaled, renormalized, rounded off, truncated by regulation imposed on the scale level of the nation-state (not to mention the effects of globalization and its financial instruments). And done inexplicitly! Certainly not by precisely defined p-adic reduction over a Riemann zeta function distribution, for instance. And this is done in such a way market micro-actors must speculate as to what has been done, even after the doing of the what has been announced. Not to mention whys, the decision process being intentionally opaque. Ever since advent of Abel's transalgebra, reNORMALization has been the preferred mode of suppression (of whatsoever class of anomalies) across full range of the sciences, hard and soft. This grid-length filter on scale-relative (in the full physics sense of the term) information (interest, wages, prices) makes micro- and meso-scale economic information tantamount to externalities involved in driving the business cycle, a cycle which involves much more than mere business (where the much, if not all of the much more, is externality-ized). And the point made here about grid-length-related factors leaves aside altogether how small variabilities in time-steps between lateral partitions and over a hierarchy of scale-levels affect cyclic processes of myriad types.
This is a good example, I think, and why I referred to it: tactical adjustment to the workings of this or that small part, true-belief in the prevailing fundamentals sustained, resolute pursuit of the implications of an ideological position; and, therefore, no real sense that things are likely to go that wrong. I have difficulties viewing George Soros as a strategist. He may be so in regards to his speculative activities, but in terms of larger global issues, this does not seem to be the case. I read somewhere that his son has said that the theory of Sorosian reflexivity less informs Soros' speculative decisions than does intuition: this statement casts some doubt on the degree to which strategy informs even speculation. Activities of the Soros foundations have been intimately, and perhaps even importantly, involved in amplifying circumstances sure to yield a Germano-Russian Bloc, Greater China incorporating Japan, their alignment, and enhancement of the Latin American Achilles' heel -- even down to details like fanning circumstances predisposing to Burma becoming a major battlefield of the next Big One and exacerbating the drift (left and AQ&A facilitation) in Central America and northern South America. Uh, uh, ma foi, if not me judice No manumission. The Sandinistas (with their party-organization incompetence vis-à-vis the VCI) may be gone, but Sandinista sentiment was simply driven more deeply into the marrow, if not of Managua's manana, then that of I cannot see this as strategically informed, only as tactical improvisation in service to resolute pursuit of the implications of an ideological position. I have no interest in the domestic politics of George Soros, as permissible policy variation allowed any official, wherever found on the left-right spectrum, is so small as to be all but inconsequential in face of the evolving global circumstance, in its myriad dimensions. Collective induction and systemic fundaments see to that. Still, Soros is the most sophisticated of the billionaire cohort. Bill Gates, for instance, with his greater discretionary resource base, isn't even tactical, preferring to specialize in Band-Aids -- and even when he does something potentially strategic, his instinct is with the herd: consider the approach he has taken to supporting research into quantum computing, for instance. Precious discretionary resources -- there being so little globally -- thrown to herd instinct where governments, multinationals, and multilaterals have no fear to tread: that, in itself, hardly speaks of strategy. Given that large-denomination private discretionary philanthropic funds gravitate so strongly to government, multinational, multilateral foci of attention, it is hard to nay say the notion that such funds represent intelligence and information agency proprietaries (directly, one or two steps removed) -- including left-Hollywood and its media-directed, celebrity philanthropist, band-aiding, we-are-the-world (coercive we) donors.
It's hard to imagine that perspective winning my allegiance, for how can a system dysfunctional on first principles be regulated into functionality? Moreover, the suggestion that the financial system is separate from the basic economy is ludicrous: the fundamental organizing principle of the basic economy is expectation of growth in capital; no such expectation due to financial-system breakdown, no allocation of resources within the basic economy. Unless, of course, there is switchover to a command economy, switchover for war or by revolution.
The nation-state and its supraordinate agglomerations have yet to become the cultural lags they deserve to be. Primate-city mega-urban-region urbanization patterns are inherently polarizing, even if manifest on relatively small scales. Once such a macro-structure is imposed by forced-draft urbanization and allied forms of coerced assimilation, that structure, in turn, imposes an array of functions which act as givens tantamount to initial conditions. Functional innovation equally macro is required if multi-level polarization and its nesting/nested consequences are to be escaped. Bolivia, for instance, could have avoided its current (September 2008) left-right, rural-urban, poor-middle/rich strife (with many parallels to the prevailing polarization in Thailand and even in U.S. domestic politics) had Evo Morales attended to the 3-logically-valued nature of his native Aymaran language and applied the implications of that logical property (as it was traditionally mapped into a superlative macro-integration of multi-level Andean mountain-valley-plain economies) to present-day economics by fostering the growth of multi-scale, nested LETS tracked upon employment of (functionally) m-valued local-nested indicators, eventually to be processed by m-valued logics employing continuously ongoing e-referenda over multiple-scenarios strategic planning algorithms which have been computer gamed by artificial neural network and virtual reality programming. Even the low-tech early stages of implementation of this would be significantly depolarizing. In 2003, Thailand rejected an opportunity to move in this direction when the Thailand Research Fund declined to finance a research project on m-logically-valued monetary units and their programming proposed and written up by a onetime Chairman of the Chulalongkorn University Department of Economics and half a dozen other internationally noted Thai experts in relevant disciplines. Thaksin Shinawatra was personally unaware of this proposal, but given that his discretionary resources have gravitated toward fostering football, rather than, say, artificial neural network programming applications in multimedia adaptations of traditional Thai Buddhist notions of sacred space and their onetime mappings into socioeconomic organization, analogical models in design, form in the fine and performing arts one can safely assume that whatever foundation he may have created would not have been interested, or interested in, say, adequately endowing The Buddhist School of Fine and Performing Arts Computing. Continued addiction to 2-valued-logic-alone perpetuates strife wherever one may look. Bill Gates could have devoted his foundation to creative innovations in his area of expertise, such as fostering development and deployment in so-called Third World settings of the biologically non-invasive hard and soft technologies (yet to be discovered) required to make possible such as: eventually to be processed by m-valued logics employing continuously ongoing e-referenda over multiple-scenarios strategic planning algorithms which have been computer gamed by artificial neural network and virtual reality programming. Admittedly, he does not have the financial resources to actually accomplish this, but he likely does have sufficient to get the task well started and self-sustaining. Instead, as earlier mentioned, his foundation largely places Band-Aids in areas not his area of expertise. George Soros could have looked more deeply into the monetary implications of logically self-referential propositions which, by Soros'own account, substructure and subfunction Sorosian market reflexivities, but, instead, the activities of his foundations largely move against imports of such implications. And so it goes. So it goes on the road to reality, the road to ecological adaptation, the road to Buddhist economics, as if Buddhist economics and/or ecology were somehow so simplistic as to be about mere subsistence agriculture (not Buddhological sacred space, superintegration over quantum reference space, and the like): seven billion people being returned from mega-urban-region globalization to communitas-localization (from an attempted one-scale-level organization to another attempted one-scale-level organization) and subsistence permaculture by Greenshirts waving their little green books and singing praises to some New Leader, i.e., one of the prerequisites to a Cambodian holocaust of the WholeEarth.
A factor to consider, which I've mentioned a lot in the past, but which seems to be especially showing concrete particulars at present (20 September 2008), is that under Bretton Woods 2, as some call BW without a gold-exchange mechanism, there is very little in the way of constraint on U.S. ability to create dollars. Question of inflation to hyperinflation vis deflation to hyperdeflation being largely a matter of how you define inflation/deflation, just as in Vietnam the enemy strength-estimates controversy was largely about how strength was to be defined. Depending on your preferred philosophy largely determining your preferred strategy, you chose this or that definition. Debt deflation/deleveraging simultaneous with cost of living inflation? Not exactly stagflation. And, of course, then there is the question of when the dollar-creation pump sputters due to a power failure, which may be an ex post facto event: the pump may still appear to be pumping but the situation has already changed. Or the pump may just increase the pressure on a still constipated interbank credit expansion mechanism until there is an overexplosive release. In choosing definitions, what categories are to be discounted? If multiple-bank credit expansion is stalled, do you discount that and call the money-creation pump alone inflation? Manipulate M1, M2 MX alone? Does interest-rate modulation really, I mean really, control, let alone regulate credit? In the shadow economy? In the black economies of the world? This circumstance of relatively constraintless BW2 dollar creation is the case only for the U.S. and its national currency; other nation-states have a much greater load of restraints on creation of their national currencies. This may make it possible, in the short- to mid-term, for the U.S. to pass the sub-prime and associated crises on to other national economies prevented by BW2 from as freely creating their own currencies so as to shore up to similar degree their failing institutions and companies (in some cases due to local shortage of dollars to handle dollar-denominated debt crises) and from dealing with dollar-creation-driven global inflation (as opposed to dollar-creation-driven domestic U.S. inflation: the vast bulk of dollar-creation being simply keyboarded into the global dollar system without being recorded by treasuries issues, national debt and current account imbalance additives, and the rubric liability financing being not only a black-propaganda term but actually a misnomer). A marker of this is non-U.S. central banks massively intervening into the money markets to support the dollar declining due to the unprecedented fiat-dollar creation being used to bailout failing U.S. companies, banks, institutions and to pay for wars, local and non-local. Tuesday's impact on the Russian stock market, aided and abetted by dollar-price decline in oil, may be an early prefiguration of such a passing on where each such case will have its own unique characteristics. Retaliation is an interesting question: how many autarkies are there? how many kinds of tariff reprisals? how many new blocs (Greater China? Germano-Russian Bloc?) to form? problems with GATT and free-trade in general? most-favored nation by whom? It may be that economic dominoes fall hardest at the periphery, before the implosion crashes back to its origins on Wall Street when the big overseas players (Japan, China, et cetera) lurch into disorderly unloading of dollars and dollar-denominated assets. Keep an eye on the swap and spot markets, but my bet is that a disorderly withdrawal will not be primarily motivated by economic factors (a thesis The Office of George Soros had no comment upon when presented to it some time ago), local wars becoming regional in their rush to catch up with a GWOT left behind pretribrapt by a globally self-organizing counter-nation-state dynamic (e.g., U.S. Afghan invasion having transited to a half-dozen-nation regional insurgency -- one current candidate for fulmination focus in early-onset Cambodian holocaust of the WholeEarth -- possibly to pull in another successful synoptic organizational-phase-transition-enhancing sting as Iraq attack becomes Iran kabaaaam! for any truly successful counterinsurgency is global-to-local as is any truly successful 3-pronged attack, a well-demonstrated fact which COSVN-level briefing documents tirelessly reiterated during the year prior to Tet-'68). What was the purpose of those international front organizations, eh? One would have thought that the basics would have by now been assimilated by the experts! This is fascinating to watch. The U.S. pumping created dollars into the system at unprecedented levels, central banks massively intervening into the effects of that on the money markets, a dollar glut simultaneous with an interbank dollar shortage and credit expansion doldrums, U.S. guaranteeing against crashing of money market mutual funds (just think of what would happen to Joe Blow's money market account upon an OPEC decision to stop denominating oil transactions in dollars! Off the grid are you? Which grid is that?), stock markets primarily at the periphery reacting with large hysterical down-up/down-up swings, talk of a new Reconstruction Finance Corporation or Resolution Trust Corporation. Falls right into the thesis of exporting this by dollar-creation allowed by BW2 to the periphery -- don't forgodsake mention the EU or financials-heavy GB -- from which it implodes back to the center. Rationale for a new RFC/RTC seems to be the hope that removal of illiquid and even devalued mortgage-linked/related assets from all balance sheets but that of a new RFC/RTC can altogether prevent or at least prevent disorderly deleveraging of credit default swaps triggering deleveraging of myriad other sorts of derivatives (talking of 1000+ trillion dollars worth, globally: compare that figure to the magnitude of the Versailles reparations imposed on Germany to get some feeling for the likely differential between WWII and an all-out WWIII). I guess this bailout -- independent of immediates -- at about an 80-percent chance (simply by illustration) of significant short-term impact, and maybe a 20-percent chance of significant mid-term impact, and if in the mid-term it works relatively well, then about a 95-percent chance that this mid-term success becomes a significant factor in setting up long-term consequences vastly worse than those visible at present. This, coarsely stated, is the choice between continued staged entry and one-stop shopping in the relentless rush yet again to total global war. The 1000+ trillion dollars worth of derivatives, regardless of how successfully the current crisis may be dealt with, will not go away unless [1] they are transformed into something else, something that actually accomplishes what they were supposed to accomplish, or [2] the prevailing global economic system altogether collapses (and if so, slowly and by many stages, hopefully). Moreover, by official public statement and the media op/ed piece, the leaders that be -- and Wow! how ignorance hides behind pretense to the partisan -- don't even realize that the current financial chaos is the inevitable result of the defining properties of BW2 (BW1 without a gold-exchange mechanism), all the ills they discuss as causes being mere symptoms of the disease which is BW2. Their Janus-headed economic healthcare delivery is homeopathic in terms of like treating like: unconstrained dollar creation of BW2 causing the symptoms taken to be etiology treated with dose after dose of unconstrained dollar creation. That same delivery is allopathic in that it does not treat the actual etiology, only provides symptomatic care -- actual pathogenic etiology being the defining properties of BW2. Derivatives were in small part a response to [1] the fact that neither White nor Keynes, no janissary, either of them, was able to get what he wanted at the Bretton Woods conference for formation of BW1, due mainly to U.S. blocking; and were in large measure drawn forth by [2] the free-floating currency regime which emerged with closure of the gold window at advent of BW2 (see Constructing a Chaotic Marketplace, Chiang Mai, 1994). The notion of m-logically-valued monetary units is a response to these derivatives, which agglomerate micro/mesoscale risk and transfer it up the devil's staircase to the macroscale -- rather than dissipating it on its scales of origin (see M-Valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket, Saigon, 1998). However much the charge is made, this is no Jacobin program. The gold standard, BW1, and BW2 -- each derivative of 17th and 18th century notions of self-organization -- having proved themselves grossly inadequate to complexity of a global economy servicing almost seven-billion people insistently creating myriad difficulties for planet Earth, it is time to move on to a global monetary system codified on the basis of contemporary understanding of self-organizing processes, an understanding which indubitably involves Lukasiewiczian-logic perspectives on the quantum mechanics of scale-relative critical and cooperative phenomena as mappable to de novo fundaments of the marketplace.
How could I know? I don't know. Win every battle to lose the war (and/or to help precipitate the next Big One: WWIII as PW1, Planetary War One, given that space-based assets will for the first time play a significant role in total war). Warren Buffett has recently said, This is sort of an economic Pearl Harbor we’re going through. I’m sure we didn’t want to go to war in 1941. There are times when events force a timetable on you and force action. If they think about it for three weeks, it will be very different and more difficult. But, surely, the present financial cum economic crisis is much more than merely an economic Pearl Harbor. I have no way to gauge how great a contribution the U.S. knee-jerk response to the 9/11 sting has made, and will continue to make, to Wall Street's present and coming travail, but it has undoubtedly been and certainly will be significant, if not to say substantial, just as AQ&A strategy considered, and as its leadership publicly stated years in advance. Not to mention actual significance of the target taken at 9/11: come, won't you please, and win every battle, you numbskulls! Simply a continuation of the very same synoptic strategy which so successfully informed Tet-'68 (the then strategic yield being: the end of BW1, devaluation of the dollar, and consequent facilitation of the dollar-denominated oil crisis soon thereafter as OPEC insisted upon compensation for its present and prospective loses due to the devaluation, impact on Israel being coincidental and welcomed as subsidiary). Experience at JFK Special Warfare Center as an intelligence analyst focused on the Middle East and as a member of a Smoke Bomb Hill Go Team spring loaded for insertion during the first days of what turned out to be The Six-Day War, as well as a political infrastructure (terrorist network) analyst during 1968 at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, assures me I could not know.
Ron Paul sort of has it right, I think. Quoting a U.S. News and World Report blog interview (Ron Paul: This Bailout Won't be the Last) he gave on 19 September 2008: if they destroy the dollar and the dollar system [with these bailouts], then they have a much bigger problem that they are going to have to deal with and it would be the collapse of the whole international monetary system -- which is conceivable. But Paul believes that allowing the marketplace -- as market fundamentals are constituted and currently operate -- to eliminate debt and push prices down would save the international monetary system from collapse. That belief indicates he does not understand etiology of the present crisis. Nothing conceivable they could do or not do could save the international monetary system which is BW2 from collapse in due course. Moreover, economic turmoil is not particularly well known for preventing wars, small or large. Those aware of the actual history know that one of the major sources of origin for Keynesian deficit spending, monetary and fiscal policy modulations, was Hiltleromics, an integral aspect of the Nazification process booted up over the economic travail and goose-stepping inflation of the Weimar Republic where it required a wheelbarrow to move the currency required to buy a loaf of bread. How many people are capable of voluntarily transforming their daily lives to the extent required to adjust to that, that shattered national currency? And how many capable of avoiding the conclusion that war is the only real answer? From the left or from the right, it doesn't matter, potential for Nazification under new names in the present circumstance is very great. The U.S. is taking Jolly Green Giant steps, Superman single-bounds, in its approach to its Weimar-cusp moment. I knew this future history likelihood watching Nixon close the gold window by consequence of Tet-'68, and said as much to Joe Alsop as I clipped his Georgetown azaleas and replanted his potted bamboo and stared dumbstruck at the dark 18th-century British-style portraits hanging on the walls of his subterranean dining room each time I encountered that well-used elite entertainment venue. But he couldn't see how his brother's OSS mindset had helped set up the whole affair.
It is impossible to overstate the degree to which the main players have not a clue. Peer Steinbrueck, Finance Minister for Germany, says of the September 2008 Wall Street crisis: The world will never be the same again (US 'will lose financial superpower status' by Bertrand Benoit, Financial Times, 25 September 2008). My, what an astute proclamation! The Sun Also Rises -- and the world will never be the same again. He also says: the world will become multipolar. Also astute. Hah! Notice he did not say multivalued. He expects the dollar to continue in its reserve currency status, but to become relative. Recourse to Einstein, here! Not enough regulation, the simpleton charges, saying this absence has been simplistic. Regulate the fundamentally flawed into functionality! He sees no connection between U.S. response to 9/11 and what has transpired on Wall Street. And he sees no connection between what is transpiring on Wall Street and what will transpire with regards to prospects of total-war-type WWIII as the U.S. hits its Weimar-cusp moment. How much does this guy not understand fundaments of BW2 and their necessary consequences? BW1 was a non-functional system, just as White and Keynes knew it would be; BW1 without its gold-exchange mechanism (i.e., BW2) is a dysfunctional non-functional system. Did he miss the fact that the Bretton Woods Agreement (in rejecting the foundational notions both White and Keynes tried to embody) had WWIII built into it no less than Versailles had WWII built into it? Mass hysteria in the fine print. He does not see any possibility of a fat-style ballooning EU and an overly-obese NATO being utterly bisected by cyclotomic consequences of what is transpiring at dozens and dozens of locations, not only on Wall Street, and Germany, not his Germany, some other Germany, being faced with a Christian-existentialist Kierkegaardian either/or -- given the 1T2-logic parameters of the existing monetary system, BW2. He does not see that the Dayton Accords were their own Versailles, in that they could, in prevailing circumstances, find no way to avail themselves of fractal boundaries upon the involved ethnic dyscrasias set in motion, in no small part, by economic factors and pyramidal meltdowns. Capped that off to a fare-the-well. What. Holography: as overthere, so backhere.
And if not a WWIII which is PW1, then we are to receive a new Global Monetary Authority (We Need a New Global Monetary Authority by Jeffrey Garten, Yale School of Management, Financial Times, 25 September 2008) -- National-Socialist/National-Communist in character, but under a new name, of course, people everywhere having lifted their cognitive functions into altogether new realms, e-mail storage no longer suffering limits, you see -- existing on a single scale level, that of the flatly planetarized economy, and overseeing a single, one-world, borderless, 1T2-logical currency, no doubt, out of which all local information carrying capacity has been stripped. That oughta do it, don'ya think? See we-are-the-world! systems like that in nature all the time, y'know. Got no choice about a borderless world, you dimwit; it has been technologically determined in a world of deterministic disorder. Heh-heh-heh! It was quantum-based technologies what precluded band-pass fractal e-boundaries, I'll bet. Not no 17th and 18th century notions of political economy and 1T2-Baconian-logic boundaries (inside absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct from outside) upon which to define legal tender. Yep. No doubt about it. And, according to Garten, It [a new Global Monetary Authority] would set the tone for capital markets in a way that would not be viscerally opposed to a strong public oversight function with rules for intervention, and would return to capital formation the goal of economic growth and development rather than trading for its own sake. Such growth overcoming the failure in organization, y'see, or is it order, that Nazi parlance for middle-iddle-diddle-through-type organization thru management -- of which some, by now, have had it up to their ears. That growth-in-order-simply-to-organize not being in conflict with meeting the challenges of global climate shift, and several dozen other such matters on the list of pressing matters of concern. It will take a Green Shirt rising to the top of the Green Shirts to bring this new Authorityabout, don't you think? World War Two wasn't able to provoke it, not in an actually functional fashion: look at all that wasn't done in Bretton Woods! The GreenGuards wearing their Green Shirts and monitoring every body's cognitively-dialed, GPS-linked, implanted, I-am-Me-and-only-Me phones with carbon-footprint displays and alarms -- all such monitoring with MoSoSo over the GreenGuard channel of the HomeLandSecurity VDOGrid conducted under the erroneous pre-miss that greenhouse warming equals climate-shift dynamic (gotta have a simple cause, because simple causes have simple solutions -- and simple solutions mean you don't have to look at fundamental principles!). The glutamatergically-etched human brain has a very small repertoire of behaviors, each of which is recycled over and over dressed in new clothes, these new clothes successfully convincing the glutamatergically-etched human brain of its unlimited capacity for creativity.
Well, not to try to rewrite the whole website into one paragraph, the fundamental problems are numerous, but the three most critical are: [1] the use of a vehicle currency for an international reserve currency; and [2] there are far too many scale-relativistic externalities uninternalizable to the market -- given presently defined properties of the market and of money -- which prevent the market from coherently self-organizing activities in a fashion adequate to adaptation to changing resource and natural environments; and [3] in an economy availing itself of the self-organizing capacities of markets, organization qua organization cannot transpire absent the expectation of growth in capital, which growth generates environmental entropy presently exceeding carrying capacity of planet Earth. This [3] is actually a consequence of this [2], but in order to see why that is the case one must understand F. A. von Hayek's notion of the time-shapes of total capital stock (involving post-quantum-relativity-physics notions of self-organizing systems which I will not address in this paragraph). In run up to the Bretton Woods conference for formation of BW1, both White and Keynes wanted an international reserve currency which was no vehicle currency: White called it unitas; and Keynes, bancor. Keynes wanted an International Clearing Union to process the interface between vehicle currency transactions and the non-vehicle international reserve currency. We did not get unitas or bancor or this Union, for such would have meant a level international economic playing field -- global purchasing power parities, among other parities. Even after a world war as warning, the human species could not bring itself to equality of opportunity; and it appears that even a 4-degree C. climate-shift dynamic will not bring this species to such an extreme position on equality. Neither White nor Keynes seriously attempted to address [2] above, without which [1] above could not actually have worked well (though much better than BW1 and much much better than BW2). During the early-1960s as BW1 got increasingly into difficulties, the French tendered the idea of a composite international reserve unit for central bank facilities, something like SDRs, Special Drawing Rights, but the notion of identity underlying the French use of the word composite precluded implementation of an actual composite such that [2] above could be seriously addressed along with [1] above. The non-simple identity of quantum composites was what the underlying meaning for composite needed to be, but wasn't, in this French usage. In relation to money, as is so in regards to other matters, the only way this can actually be accomplished is by employment of m-valued logics (which involve the self-referential propositions substructioning and subfunctioning Sorosian market reflexivities, the various scale-relativistic parameters of which have not been pulled out of the price-information space and overtly tagged such that market micro-actors can respond to them). When BW1 failed and the gold-exchange mechanism was removed such that constraints on dollar creation dropped strongly toward zero, and vehicle currencies and the international reserve/vehicle currency went floating, derivatives exploded onto the scene as a regressed, dysfunctional attempt, not only to agglomerate the massively increased micro/mesoscale risk and transfer it away from micro-actors to the macroscale, but also as a substitute for overt tagging of the parameters underlying Sorosian reflexivities. Nested (functionally) m-valued LETS (i.e., involving m-valued variables) tagged to scale-relativistic indicators marking externalities for internalization to the market will form the quantum composites required by [2] above to make the White-Keynes [1] above actually work well. Processing on authentic mu-bitic quantum computers (functionally) m-valued LETS with Musculpted Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics will make address to [3] above possible.
U2 Consuming Oxen of the Sun
Suneater dragging down
Solar oxen,
Girlgoose plucked, cooked,
Blonde on Blonde mistaken for White on White,
Windcandles whipped by
Doomed by
Systemic solstice mirrored in
Reflected by insight
Neutered in neurogenic shock.Convergence diverted,
Inversions of the converse heralded
In Atlas wearied,
Skyclouds separated dark, brown waterstill,
Light chimes' dazzle deadened,
Tides dampened, entreating ebbed,
Shortening in retreat, runs dry,
Take-outs, out-takes, swingdowns in walkabout,
Bowlfish cowering, returns unreturned,
Doings not done.One little piggy, a strike, a split, nine pins,
To go but one, two up and three down.
Pavane for a dead
Up and inching
Round the planet goes sheheit.
How much have Ghosts of a Flea been forgotten!Physical objects predominant, a sensory focus,
Tactilization of space, time webbing,
Expansions at credit encrunched to Bios2,
The one and only, now.
Ah, Upchucker ducks beneath the bridge
Into harbor.
And of what because,
Allsuch?I don't know details. I've never had the exposure required. But details are not necessary to what I've said. I used the words regressed and dysfunctional in characterizing derivatives. I stand by that assertion and add that -- as with virtually every controlling aspect of the prevailing global crisis -- unconscious processes of projective identification are at work on a mass psychology basis: subpriming the greenspanning of what had been nixoned (i.e., nixing the gold-exchange mechanism of BW1). If the FED and Treasury are to improve on the mess they've made, they must first understand what they've got: daisy-chains of bundles of loops, a regressed caricature of loop-quantum gravity concatenated to superstrings. Doubly regressed, actually: the loop-quantum account of gravity and the superstring theory of everything are themselves regressed in suppressing Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics. Moreover, superstring theory's M Theory, in suppressing m-valued logics, is an exercise in black self-propaganda: calling the thing by the name of its opposite, or, in this case, calling the opposite by the name of the thing. The superstring daisy-chains are the linked derivatives, e.g., credit default swaps. The bundles are the packaged collections of mortgages bundled into bundle-classes such that they can be daisy-chained by leverages leveraging leverage. Dorothy Parker's trap trapped in a trap. What a waltz! The loops are the asset-backed securities exponentiating the simple loans in unit circles back to the originating fiduciaries such that those loans can be packaged into bundles. Each party to the exponentiations of the loans is a skew-parallel operator (by effect of levering on the loan fulcrum) instrumental in twisting the credit expansion process around the unit circle and back to its originator. Loops bundled into daisy-chains, but the internal-dimension Kaluza-Klein loops, the Clifford skew-parallels, and the fiber-bundle arithmetics of the daisy-chained derivatives are not explicit, are suppressed and hence regressed, because it was all handled by unconscious processes of projective-identification whereby non-simple identity -- responsible for the quantum potential at root of processes driving self-organization by self-reference, self-reentry, and self-reflexivity -- was rejected as impermissible in application to the self-organizing properties of markets. Failed, regressed attempt at tagging Sorosian market reflexivities such that micro-actors can respond to them! The collective decision for impermissibility was largely subliminal, as is the case with all types of projective-identification and associated regression and dysfunction. I have written extensively on why I think non-simple identity has been dissimulated and rejected. There is no need to reiterate here. My further argument has been that the only way to transcend the morass of dissimulation, suppression, regression is by implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units. Been saying this ever since the mid-1970s. Had it by the throat in 1963! But the collective transference dynamics expressing as projective-identification have now become much more elaborate, and visible to the extent that contagion -- a regression of quantal non-simple identity analogically modeled by daisy-chaining, not by band-pass plasmahaut, fractal e-boundaries -- has all but become a policy objective. Contemplate, for instance, central banks contemplating acceptance of cross-currency collateralization of loans, i.e., asset-backed securities, themselves likely to become looped, bundled, and daisy-chained. Daisy-chaining derivatives instead of implementing fractal boundaries between m-logically-valued e-currencies! Even absent chained bundles of loops, cross-currency collateralization, touted as a partial solution to prospective contagion, could become one of its greatest global facilitators: there is no escaping the necessity to make the non-simple identity lying behind the quantum potential at the root of self-organization explicit in market processes with m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian monetary units. Given the prevailing inexplicit 1000+ trillion-dollar global daisy-chaining of bundles of loops, a transitional step to implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units may involve explicit fiberings of m-valued logics -- something already begun -- such that Karpenko functors could be employed to rationalize the global financial morass in a fashion permitting implementation of Lukasiewiczian monetary units and, hence, the eventual realization of full-blown non-simple identity in market properties. I believe that one prerequisite to this would be the writing of a hypernumber generalization to the Riemann zeta function. Another is Musculpt as mathematical notation, what Lancelot Law Whyte soon after WWII called The Next Development in Man.
Ollie! Mr. Toogood from the bank. Not bloody likely, Mr. John Le Carré. Not now, he's not, is he? Pure codswallop. Single & Single, eh what. More's the pity, certainly single-valued, that! And here is a very interesting statement from Dr. David Hill, World Innovation Foundation (WIFC), Bern, Switzerland (Comment attached to Deepening financial crisis engulfs banking industry, Telegraph, 27 September 2008, an excellent summarizing article and historical account):
During the next decade whilst we are all experiencing the human failings of the capitalist system, we have to create new political and economic systems. This is more important today than the 1930s as we are this time moving towards a brick wall, the depletion of the world's natural resources to preserve the human experience. But we must make sure that these new systems are devised by 'independent' thinkers and not either government or global corporate business. This is the most important thing that we must learn for without independent thought, we are left with vested interests one way or another. For otherwise, we shall not get another chance after this time to preserve human life itself.
I heartily agree with this, except for the assertion that the present travail is due primarily or exclusively to human failings. In the U.S., for instance, there are no greater true believers in the past than the virtually indistinguishable left-to-far-left and right-to-far-right Sixties hangovers, both subsets of the polity attributing the dysfunctionalities to human doings and not-doings. One way to continue along in 17th and 18th and 19th century cognitive spaces is to protect outmoded principles embodied in foundational structures and functions by attributing travail to human factors, not bankruptcy of informing principles (such bankruptcy strongly predisposing to human failings). This moral-failure -- reinforced by Chomskyan moral upbraiding, the fake spiritualities of the concerned super-affluent, the social structuring of attention and socializing of cognition exemplified by Hollywood old-and-new Realism -- and moral-hazard -- regulation, intervention, bailout -- assessment of the planetary crisis constructs a protective screen around the institutionalization of the long-dead and putrid Weltanschauung, insuring that no in-principle new systems are devised, let alone implemented. Notice how little prospects of widening war, climate shift, resource depletion, and the whole long list are discussed in the same article, let alone the same paragraph, god forbid the same breath, as the financial meltdown dynamics. As if they were not all deeply interrelated aspects of one synoptic meltdown the long-dead and putrid and protected Weltanschauung produced!
When the spatial domain of overt conflict of an insurgency is allowed to expand without bound over the surface of a sphere (e.g., by declaration of a GWOT), the total expenditures required of the counterinsurgent become exponentiated, calculus integral sum to the power of an integral sum. The series of expenditures from time-first to time-nth, for the smallest spatial domain of conflict, must be integrated. And such an integral must be calculated for each such larger spatial domain of conflict over the surface of the sphere. Then, the collection of these integral sums must themselves be integrated. You have an integral exponentiated to the power of an integral. And if, furthermore, the spherically-expansive (by facilitated self-organizational phase transitions) insurgency is proclaimed as being met by the counterinsurgent for howsoever long it takes to suppress it, thus explicitly denoting the insurgency as indefinitely protractible, another level of integration must be calculated to arrive at the total expenditures required of the counterinsurgent. Indefinitely protractible is not merely a time-series expansion, there being no limit to the indefinite, and the only way to approximate this condition of limitlessness in the calculus of limits is with an additional level of exponentiation. A calculus way to talk about operator-time, which is no part of calculus, no part of the Newtonian universe, but is part of the Cantorian universe. Speaking the calculus way, you have an integral exponentiated to the power of an integral exponentiated to the power of an integral: that's an equation with five sets of parentheses, by the bye. In your dreams! Imp of the perverse. Streamer steaming furious, seeming of a demon, bonged-out floater lifted into shadows, what. Onto overshadows. Ack! Nevermore with your ilk, nevermore. Take a hike, Ike! A doubly-exponentiated function is a strange critter -- not even to say with integrated powers of integrated sums! Mathematicians and physicists don't like double exponentiation one bit. By definition, in order to have total expenditures rise without bound -- line of march heading straight for the stars -- according to the path of an exponential curve, you need only a single level of exponentiation. So, how do you graph the second level of exponentiation (that of indefinite protraction) of a doubly-exponentiated function involving integrated powers of integrated sums? What does the total-expenditure price of an indefinitely-protracted GWOT look like? Doesn't matter whether you lean to the left, the right, or upside-down and cockeyed: there is an answer independent of shade of rose-colored glasses you prefer to use in separating fact from fiction, information from noise. This is where F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes enter the price picture. Time-shapes cannot be graphed, other than by reduction, renormalization, truncation, flattened-out space-time diagram. Oscilloscope or no. Even a single time-shape cannot be otherwise graphed. You might convince yourself that they can be, but then how much will you have missed! The plural in shapes of time-shapes is an expression of the integral sum of the integrated power of the second level of exponentiation representing the power of indefinite protraction as a temporal operator on space. This power of operator-time can only be looked at in Musculpt as mathematical notation. Or, in other words, the von Hayek time-shapes price of GWOT cannot be adequately comprehended absent Musculpt. So, presently, the actual risk-cost price of GWOT is non-viewable. In a box, a black bag, a body bag, if you will. But the current situation is much more opaque and ramified than that, because derivatives emerged in force over the black body of a dead BW1 as risk-transfer mechanisms (transfer risk-cost price from micro/mesoscale to macroscale) with structural (daisy-chained) properties mirroring the von Hayek time-shapes price of GWOT. Hence, the macroeconomic time-shapes price to the global economic system of derivatives is no less opaque than that of the risk-cost price of GWOT. Moreover, the deep strategy (optical photics in Musculpt) of global insurgency, with its mirroring double exponentiation, is to push the macroeconomic time-shapes price of derivatives (of risk) so high that the daisy-chains start to unchain in autocatalytic fashion. Exquisitely designed instrument, that in mirror mode to the object it targets! This is the equivalent for BW2 of the VCI having, with Tet-'68, broken the back of the gold-exchange mechanism of BW1.
What seems to have escaped mention is the fact that the deepening financial crisis is simply one crisis among many interlocked crises, attention to one diminishing attention to the others. If all of these crises continue to be addressed only on the level of secondary or tertiary or quaternary causes and, hence, approached only with adjunctive therapy, each will episodically continue deepening until cuspover. The only efficacious strategic engagement with an internally interlocked multicrisis is via the factors common to all the subcrises making up the multicrisis. These common factors are functional prerequisites to the multicrisis, and they exist on a greater level of generality -- are more abstract -- then any secondary, tertiary, quaternary cause. Operational thought, though necessary, is not sufficient to multicrisis resolution (though it, obviously, is sufficient to managing deepening until cuspover). Nowhere do you see public evidence of any expert, specialist, authority, CEO, president, minister, senator, chairperson, SmartMob manipulator thinking on the required level, let alone acting from it And the astute, long ago, could have forecast that there would be no such evidence forthcoming, and that could, itself, have been factored into the strategy formulation process.
Well, it seems that banks still have better survival odds than do mammals, with mammalian chances of extinction currently projected at one in four. Being a mammal myself Concrete particulars? Okay, I've been arguing primarily on the level of common factors of all subcrises of the megacrisis, one such being systemic inability to deal with superintegration and overdetermination, both substructioned by quantal non-simple identity or relative-state or identity-transparency or animistic participation mystique -- however designated. Way back in the early-'60s while at AU's SIS taking courses and/or sub-courses (some of which, most fortunately, from Abdul Aziz Said) on European Integration, the UN, Multilateral Institutions, the International System, Foreign Policies of the Great Powers, and so on, I noted that different cultures fall into different orientations in regards to this issue of the fundamental nature of identity qua identity (this noting being largely due to preadolescent experience of rural Japan), an issue deeply involved in the origins of WWII. By the late-'60s, at JFK Special Warfare Center and later at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, I began seriously thinking my way into what this divergence implied concerning subliminal forcing of national behaviors when the prevailing international system goes into deep crisis, as I felt sure it would do in due course. It was during this thinking into that I first developed the notions of the likely formation of a Greater China incorporating Japan and of a Germano-Russian Bloc (later written into our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, a piece of American literature surely too parochial for tastes of those on the Nobel Committee). To the accompaniment of considerable scorn, I first expressed these notions of prospective formations in private conversation to a few persons at Special Warfare Center and at MACV-J2. Holding the common factor of systemic inability to deal with superintegration at the back of my mind, as regards the concrete particular of the likely formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc by subliminal forcing, I made statements at that time similar to the following (quoting Echo of the Mockingbird: Why Postwar Historiography is Anti-Historiographic): In circumstances of a destabilized Europe, I do not believe Germany will find her interests to be those of France and Britain -- not because she will choose dictatorship over democracy, but because of matters much more fundamental. Parties with similar orientations to the common factors will find themselves, almost inexplicably, gravitating upon one another. Remember that both Germany and Russia were coerced into Westphalian nation-statehood against their wills and under Napoleon's sword. China and Japan were similarly coerced against their wills. Coerced-assimilation means never really assimilated. And now that institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm over which the coerced assimilation was orchestrated is going into terminal-phase disintegration by many subcrises of a megacrisis, those who were coerced can only be expected to seek their own natural expressions -- however subliminal the forcing functions of this seeking may be. So now, October of 2008, in face of the prevailing financial crisis deeply impacting the EU, we have Peer Steinbrueck, the German Finance Minister, snapping to the subliminally-forced, archtypally-overdetermined, expected position on superintegration with parties lacking a similar orientation to the common factors: Germany considers national financial 'shield', Torsten Holtz, Associated Press, 6 October 2008. Quoting:
Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck made clear that Germany does not envision making its move as part of a U.S.-style bailout plan for all of Europe. He said he and Chancellor Angela Merkel agree that the German government must remain the sole master of the process. Steinbrueck was unyielding in his opposition to a Europe-wide shield The chancellor and I reject a European shield because we as Germans do not want to pay into a big pot where we do not have control and do not know where German money might be used, he said
Is this the beginning of the beginning of a Germano-Russian Bloc? We will have to wait and see how the subliminal forcing functions play themselves out by collective projective-identification to concrete-discrete event-particulars. The deeper, much more important, question, is: How could an actually functional new global monetary-system replacement for BW2 be constellated absent fundamental address to the issue of systemic inability to mediate superintegration and overdetermination? There can be no resolution of this issue -- by market forces, by command economy, by regulatory activities, or by any concatenation of these -- without implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units, for no other existing notion of money is capable of embodying the quantal non-simple identity substructioning superintegration and overdetermination (of which Sorosian reflexivities are behavior-equation factors). Megadeath is the only alternative. After megadeath -- with a reasonable expectation of a ten-percent human survival rate -- it would be possible to revert back to a more primitive economics, many of the subcrises of the megacrisis having thus been resolved.
There is a huge grand canyon between what could be and what will be. I've always assumed that what will be will be. In all likelihood, what will be will be complete deleveraging of the full global corpus of derivatives. Current attempts by central banks, feds, treasury departments, finance ministries, international monetary funds, billionaire trendsetters, we-are-the-world philanthropists, and so on to save BW2 will insure, in due course, the complete deleveraging of the full global corpus of derivatives by treating like with like, a regressed economic parody of homeopathy. Anything else will be psychologically unacceptable because of an enormous range of extra-economic factors. Or am I wrong? Ineptitude could be, he knew, an effective mask for intentions of great subtlety (Alan Furst, Night Soldiers, Random House, 1988, p. 231). Such ineptitude in this case, do you think? It is not a liquidity problem. It is a confidence problem, a crisis of confidence the system well deserves, the system having been dysfunctionally non-functional for over forty years (when was the gold-exchange window closed as a consequence of Tet-'68?). The 1000+ trillion dollars in global derivatives may be considered one measure of the gathering lack of confidence in the system post-08/15/71. Those who doubt this observation are referred to the end of Strategic Assessment, Part 10, on the website devoted to our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, for a detailed account of the events, beginning in 1961, leading to the closing of the BW gold window, and how that closing caused the 1973 oil shock. The Best and the Brightest have had almost two score years to come up with a new idea! Disbelief in the system -- not just the economic system, but the whole global institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm -- has reached a threshold. The FED's intervention into the commercial paper market, for one very small instance, is tantamount to creation of superSIV bundling as a way of saving SIVs (structured investment vehicles over commercial paper: superSIVing is merely to create another step on The Devil's Staircase, which is a technical term in the percolation subtheory of chaos theory: are FED governors cognizant of the details of chaos theory?). Transferring transferred risk from the macrolevel to the metalevel when no such metalevel has been econometrically codifed (as an m-logically-valued reference space) by properties of the monetary system. Pac Man globblers, all: Treasury's bailout also so transfers, as do bank nationalizations, as does Fannie-Freddie mouth-stuffing. What does taking another step up The Devil's Staircase mean? Well, consider that percolation theory applies to, say, forest fires. What does all consuming mean with regards to conflagrations? Taking the next step up The Devil's Staircase means that treating like with like will insure engagement of the conflagration with types of derivatives presently wholly unaffected by the current crisis. Waves within waves within waves, clocks within clocks within clocks. Down and up, down and up. All in due time. The 1000+ trillion dollars is a lot to cover, especially as it keeps growing. When the central banks and their treasuries have finally taken over everything (Hitleromics applied supranationally, rather than merely to a given nation-state) in an attempt, by resort to command economics, to sustain a failed BW2, and then they themselves have collapsed, as inevitably they will, this will not merely be the end of economics as we have known it; altogether ended will be the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state system. And not by smooth transition to something better, by incendiary collapse. This outcome has been chosen in order to continue the suppression of new ideas. What IMF official, what World Bank official, what central bank governor, what treasury secretary, minister of finance, indeed, what economist, monetary theorist over the last three decades has publicly expressed a single truly new idea for a genuinely new global monetary system? This simply has not happened. And everybody knows it. So when circumstances indicating an absolutely undeniable need for a replacement for BW2 thrust themselves upon the scene, there is zilch confidence that the powers that be are capable of creating the necessary new ideas. And what candidate for any leadership position is thus capable? I certainly haven't seen evidence of the presence of a candidate with the requisite endowment. Old answers will be found no answers at all, and no candidate for anything is speaking new answers of any sort. Such a mess will be made of the existing mess, a collective will to just altogether cancel economics will become overwhelming. War is a way of canceling for a time, a way, in aftermath, to start over. This option will be high on the agenda. Total war yet again, this time authentically planetary: the familiar, easy-to-agree-on, well-practiced, tried-and-true solution to the prevailing problem set -- reducing the population by more than merely a couple of billion. No real smarts required. How 'bout that! And we can continue with our current leadership cohort. Moreover, nobody has to change. We can remain exactly as we are, using all that is sacred to us, pursuing exactly what we have always pursued in a world exactly as we always knew it was. How many Guernicas have there been in the last six months? Who the perpetrators? Drive with your horn, not your head! Executors executing, as do all executioners. First the Pendulum, Anna, then the Pit. Like water, the collective decision will be for the path most followed. And you ask why, when far, far too many terrible things have happened here on the WholeEarth? And the most richly endowed of a whole generation, planetwide, made their assessment, turned their backs, and walked away? But the economic subcrisis is not isolated from the other subcrises of the megacrisis in institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung: lots of externalities will impact the deleveraging process. To pretend that markets are not subject to externalities is to cultivate the fantasy that economic processes have no memory function codified over an m-logically-valued reference space: this pretension is simply a denial of information access. No truly new ideas? Well then, regulate the dysfunctionally non-functional into functionality! Even if that could work, it's too, too difficult: much easier to agree on war. Collective Selbstmord in lieu of authentic Selbstorganization: that old saw. However the concrete details of the present crisis play out, I suspect there will be no possibility at any point in the future to cleanly implement m-logically-valued monetary units because of the overhang of the mess currently being made of the prevailing mess. Mess squared, at least. Whatever cancellation, whatever starting over there is to be, will not be a clean-sweep new beginning. Residuals of the daisy-chaining of bundles of loops will persist into whatsoever aftermath. That means the implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units, with that implementation's involved internalization to the market of various externalities, will be greatly complicated by the necessity to rationalize the hangover of daisy-chained bundles of loops (rationalize with Musculpted fiberings of m-valued logics understood and interpreted by virtue of insight gained by actual practice of reductive phenomenology at ontic immediacy to relative-state identity-transparency). So, already, at meetings currently being held, the next Versailles for the end of the next Big One is in the making.
Not that it matters one iota, but I am obviously deeply opposed to the whole EU orientation (EU Pushes for Overhaul of Post-World War II Financial System, Bloomberg, 16 October 2008) to what is to replace BW2, before or after the next Big One. They have no new ideas. The only ideas they have are to try once more ideas which have already failed. Recreate BW1! Go back to a gold standard! Discipline! Regulation! Centralization! No tax havens! One can't even find mention of the original ideas of Keynes and White -- which the Bretton Woods conference rejected. Not only have the implemented ideas now being recalled for recycling already failed, they have been deeply involved in orgins of world wars issuing out of Europe. Who will be the regulators? Why, us, of course! Don't forget the role of rules in explication of the market's magic hand, heh-heh-heh: boo the national anthem and we'll take your ball and go to our home. Yes, daddy! Now that's what I call regulation! One more application of the transference by transference figures. So, once these same ol', same ol' ideas have failed yet again, yet again produced world war, then the surviors can create another old new system. One global government! One global currency! Same ol', same ol' principles applied to yet another level of hierarchy! Integration on the baisis of 17th- and 18th-century biology (For what is the heart but a spring ) applied to 21st-century economics. That oughta work, don't ya think? Sad to say, but it will take centuries yet before they catch up to, say, Albert Szent-Györgyi's 21st-century quantum biology (almost half a century old by now). But he was jus' some misguided ol' Magyar, right. It was Europeans what recoiled from Abelian transalgebras, the transfinite, m-valued logics, m-valued wave-functions, and Europeans come to America to become Americans who became the continued leaders of that recoil, and built the principles of that very same recoil into the principles of economics informing constellation of the post-WW-II monetary system (quintessentially Cartesian-Newtonian a half century on into the quantum-relativity world) -- which Europeans now wish to replace with those very same recycled principles of recoil (a quarter of a century on into the post-quantum-relativity world). Any sense of system displayed here? If I remember correctly discussions I overheard my father involved in, wasn't there a fellow back in those days strongly advocating a global approach to regulation -- well, some such: control, control, control, that 1T2-logic knee-jerk -- and now what was his name, that control freak? Uh, Hitler, wasn't it? Applying on the transnational scale level the post-Weimar solution set! Maybe it will be possible this time for everybody to agree on these principles, information contol being what it is today, and that way forced-draft assimilation will not be required. Lah-dee-dah!
The Iranian assessment of the current global financial crisis is wrong. This is not the end of capitalism. Just as the collapse of communism was not the end of communism but the beginning of the end of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian paradigm, the collapse of capitalism will not be the end of capitalism but the mid-point of the end of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian paradigm. The end of that institutionalization of that paradigm will come with the end of the next Big One. And that institutionalization will not be resurrected postwar because there will not be enough human survivors for that. So, really, it's a waste of time and resources worrying about climate-shift dynamics; save them for the next Big One.
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